HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa\ "' • . ,. , • ea ·urv1ves • • . .., ,. Jury_. See, NUile Dancer I ~ .._._ . . - TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 7, ·1969 On TV •1nstan·t BeplaY·r> ' VOL tt. NO. U1. 2 llCTIOlll, • l'AOU • . ... • I .. ti "ti. ~ * * ":ti ti ":ti ti LA " Voter Turnout ' Polls Show ~paee B~~~pJt"my? Tom-ll~dley~ NASA ...... vi. U'I ABOARD USS PRINCETON, APOLLO 10 CAPSULE SHOWS SCARS OF RE·ENTRY But Astronauts Young, Stafford, C..rnan (from left) in Fine ShaP. Aldrich Says He.'ll Cal.l Police if Ne'eded at UCI 'Instant Replay' Of Nude Dancer Played_._for Jury • By THOMAS FORTUNE Of .... E»Mr ,lllt ll•tf Chenccl.Jor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. says he. will calf' police in on the UC Irvine campus if he fetls they are needed. And activists among UCl students and f-iculty members Cannot get him to ~k", away from that position. Debate on police hKervenUoo at Bu Alelrle• t• S'rte•k 'UC lrvfl~'s Chanctllor Danitl c: Ald>ich Jr. will _'fie•~ bi fare the Pa..ulDrillO School PTA., 1060 Pnularit10 Road, Costa Mesa. at 7:30 'O'clbck to-. night. 11ii topic wi:U be "Campus Diior<l· ers.• Tht public ii fntrittd to attend. kdey, which bas all oo carT\llUS ..,ic1er- ing if It could hap~n at UCI, went an for elghl hours Monday at UCI. A four-hour conclave for '#blcb claaet were dimlis>ed melded Joto .a mtetlna of 150 student 1triker1 and 1n. turn wa follow«! by· an ....,.g<ney ,_.,, of the facull)"a A~ Senate. Under Proddinc..by actlvilts, Aldtleh --- took bis stand, saying he was planting "La la la la la la la, la la la la, Hey Jude ••. " both feet for law and order. That refrain {rom the bouncy BeaUes But a large majority of the '15 profes· ballad has become known in Sanla Ana sors attendlng the Academic Senate Municlpal1 Court as the Cybulski serenade session voted to resolve "No oulside and 11 ra111 oulr Monday before a l!llJ:· poUoe ahaU be called in except when woman, siz-man jury for the second time lhe entire campus agrees there i.s ex· in a week. tle'lne dMc9' to human life." · But this ti.me curvaceous Carol of The c:hanceflor then !old pro1..,.., Laguna Beach was a member,of the all• they 9bould be aware he does not have dtence vtewing a controvenial Apartment sole authority to decide li police ·'1ou!d. Ml<>-Oo rooUne thal'j>ut her where she l,s come onto the lrVine campu1.1.. !l1'e • loday -awaiting· that jury.'s ruling on campus police, he said, are under his whether She ls.Ionocent or guil1y of lewd command, but the Orange Coun!Y Sher· conducl and -Y· urs Office bu concwTent' Jurisdiction. • The 3Z-year--old nude dancer watched Aldrich aakl the workini arrangement PYnressionless as the court viewed the ls that be ahould make the decllloo. -·· ''But if they (lheriff aulhorities) decide movie that wu filmed at the west Santa I don't know <l10Uih lo c:aJI them they AM bar Im week. can come In," he sa~ _ But she PYO-LtwiidL.or two· of the The lssu< Is impor1anl to ~ amoos Cybubki~ u ~. Bealle and aludeoll becauae, lawmen ... re • ballad -the o( "'' all ...... called in tt Berkeley not by Chance.Uor caper •on the mi ministage -Roter Heym but by dvll authorities, filtered through the attenUve audience. whO allo decided oo tactics. Final arguments cmntered '"' what <!c mluc>rltr ol studenll -P<Oblhly,. Judge Paul Mui.bas said ii the key ID tllaol Jlti 1>f . the 1.100 -remiJned. on -· •the 'trial ; d Id Carol Cybulski vlolote 1a1ke toct.y. Pk:ttt.s were out* · ••community standards" w h e n she Aldri<h -41be!Y q--Mooclay _..,._ In her blrthcll1 suit helm (i!eo..Al.IJIUCll, P ... &l ' llleo DANCER, P110 &l .. . . Bibl.e ·Prof <;IJ.ides A:p01Io Crew Leads · Yol'ty MIAMI (UPI) -The Apollo 10 make public apologies," said I he >trtinauts lhooldo't haft said all those telell'am• to Nlzoo and the chief of the .augbly· won11 out by the IDOOll, ac· M s Fllgb. -~rdlnl 1o Dr. Larey w. Poland of the anned pace t Center In Houston. M'tamt BU>Je Qollege. Poland became incensed upon reading "Bluphenw;Jus!" aclalmed Poland, newspaper accounts of transmissions who fired off telegrams lo Presldeot Nb-from .Apqllo 10. on and the Space Agency. "A disgrace to Newspapers over the weekend quoted the nation." one astronaut as shouting over the radio : .1be 29-year.old eeminary graduate, "You know Ulls gocklamned .(camera) who also bolds a doctorate in college ad-filler bas failed OD me." ministration, wants the President to do At another point, lhe reports said, a something about cussing in t h ·e space exclaimed "Son, of a bitch." spacecraft. Poland says profanity should be "left "All military and civil decorations of on the rest room walls" and not used by these men ahouJd be withheld until they the naUon's heroes. * * * * * * Apollo 10 Crew Return To Families, Reports SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Apollo !O's astronauts, the men who unlocked lhe door to the moon, returned home today lo the arms of lheW loved· ones and 11 days of reports expected to clear the way for a lunar landing in July. 'Ibomu P. St.afford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman landed at nearby Ellington Air Force Base alter a i~hour, non-st.op flight from the Sou~ Pacific Island paradise o{ Pago Pago. While an Air Force band played "Deep in lhe Heart of Teras," the three beam· ing spacemen ste pped out of their giant air force jetliner, embraced their wiVes and hung Polynesian leis around the necks of their children. Stafford's first word to the crowd of BOO assembled along the flight line was "Howdy !" "Like I said on the carrier, it's really great and fantastic to be back from the moon," said the commander of the eight· (See APOILO, Pa,. !) Hun~ington Teen Survives 3 Story Leap; LSD Hinted A world-weary Huntington Beach youth allegedly high on LSD and ctad only ln Oowered underwear aurvived a tbree.- slory leap out of a Long Beach hotel win. dow Monday nig)Jt, then kicked wildly •J wouJd..be helpen with his two wobbly broken legs. Jeffrey C. Blalr, 19, of 11942 Canterbury Drive, 11 Ualed'ln good condition todaycat St. Macy's Holpltal, followlng the gro tesque plunge from the Lafayette Hotel. Police ·of[tcen who arrived at Ute downtown Long Beach llC<he about't':JO p.m. found Blair sitting on the Broadway llldewallt• r>ea<; Llndeo Aveou•• bis legs !lopped, '"'I at.llckenln( Rag Doll angiea ontheconcrtle. 11'be. wciirld'a just I bummer,'' ·they, qooled the victim .. 11yln( after be 'ttick· ed and fought patrolmen and ambulance atlendonb attempting lo rd him to the <inerpncy hoopltal. ln•OlllC•tloo !hen led lo the third lloor apmment of Bla!r'a &~lirlend, Ellubelh 08\lp, JI, a music student ·at Cll Stlte, Loni ftoach. Olflcer Jack Parker said be and his . . partner found Blair's pant.a -the pockets containing ~ alleged m11rijuana cigarettes -in MW Blatr's apartment, · where some aecona1 capiules were abo L'Ollfbcaled. • MW Blair waa arreSted and booked m. to Long Beach City, Jail on ""lllclon ol J)OO>eSS,lol> pl,~ drugs, according. lo' L0ng B<acb police'. • ~:!i'°!!:~: :a·=I~ J.! appaient Slliclde allempt. bill It will be aome Ume before. be ,is in an)' shape to 'ppear in court. . 1 Patrolman Jim Furman .atd'the young ~ Beach man landed on bis feet on Iba -aldewalk below bis gJt1'1 aparUJ\en~ olhtnrisebe might ha•• -more critically hurl. "The Work1'1 been gettinl me upUght," Blair !Did police alter bis sltUHliog WU •topped. The .... b bein( t>tObed t<>doY by Long Beach police nmOtlcs 1n ... uratora, who said .everal other penona were prt.ttnt besid" Mias Davia when Qlair made bis wild leap. · LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Volers•lumed out lo almosl twice the volume ol the lut mayoralty electioo in early hour. today as Los Angeles chose a chief eKeCUtlve with the odds It would be the first NelfO in the city's hlatory. City Councilman 'Ibonfu Bradley wu shown by public opinion '"""'l'B .-ol incumbent mayor Sam Yorty. Yorty pooh-poohed the polls. With skleS sUMf and temperatures er· petted lo go up lo 71 degrees, the early surge to the polls was wiprecedented. Clerk !lex E. Layton said a spot chedt showed that .:S pm:ent of the cllyOI 11127,224 registered voters bad cut their ballots by 9 a.m. In the last mayoralty coot.est ln 1965 the vote in that period.· wu 5.2 percent "We've never seen anything like ft," Layton said. Bradley~ who voted shortly before I a.m., expressed his disappointment at Yorty's "tacUcs." He said lht mayor had attempted to win votes with "an appeal to fear." Voting places opened at 7 a.m. and were to close at 7 p.m. Layton had predicted lhat aa many 11 75 percent of the registered electorate ·In the naUon's third largest clty'woold -· The morning turnoufWhim to deciare It might "'"""" that record figure. Bradley, 51, who served 21 years on the Los Angeles police force . before retlrlna. to launch a pollllcal career, must get voteo from the white populallon lo win. Negroes comprile only 17 percent of Los Angeles' registered voters, a con- sider~bly lower figlµ'e ~ Cleveland and GarY,, Ind,. other major urban centers with black mayors. Both Bradley and Yorty c:on<enlDled oo the white areas of lhe~Sap Fernando vauey m llie campa1gn1S·clollng-dayi.. ' . or-ire ' Weatller The. weatherman'• u bored u yeu are, but here'•• how !t'U be Wedntaday :. cloud7 .,.,.,.,,, - followed by hazy sumltlne In the aflernoon wllh temperatures In the 71>-7$ ranee. msml! TOD.t. Y ' l • ' OranQt' Cod.tt 1Ml'i and _,.... nre 1erving·l·df' 'cmmtrvf]I 'f'l'dll.. lo'lf poll~ arQ!'n<I th• toorld. Stt: Men fn Serok:tJ Page. IO. i . ' . -'. ,..,... • 14 =~~-~ --. ..... ~ ,.,.,. -· .... ..... ,........ 1t.iJ -.. -.. =--. .: --.. • rl ' • • L ' .. . ·--·-s T-.;..,27,lM ALDRICH •.• • Nixon Asks .Po st Office Operated by Corporation r-wn- 11'.ISlllNGTON -Pr-Nmln W• ell ~ lada7 .. -the -·· postal .,.... boll> oat of the red and out of palllics .., puUing tt in the !Wida of • pe.rnmml-owned but ~dent cor· p:aatiuu. Tbe "'"'·--"""' optlkd oat deWll In • spocial ........... the plan. 1llddr be delcribed to wwsrueu al the W1dte HoOle as "aoe of the moQ dplficanf propou1a made ctmmc this ICbninistratim. .. p.smMl<I' Gemnl W,_ IL B- told ..... brlelillg Iha! the cupara- -w11ic1r ....id be called the U.S. Pootal -and •aWd ..place, the -cabinet dt..,i bDa:t 1'bicb DOW bandies the mail at a cbroalc de!lcit and 1rith ad- mitted inef&•o;cy -could be alf-tuSo- taioir!C -Im , ..... -· Tbe Poot omc. Depoz1m"'1 bas -naming aboat ti. biilicn a year bl the red the post f ... ,...._°""'the post -ll bu emawd an SI biJlicn de6ciL • .. DAILY PllOT ............ II ll Uf .... ------CA'....,. _ ..... ·-. n.-. A. .. ..,.... --- • . • /u N"mm envisioned It, the postal «r· p:ratioo would be admfni'*""td by a nino<nember boanf of dir<don seloded without regard to political alfilia-A separal> panel wcxrld be ..i op lo establish a acbedWe of postal rates, '"1icb wcxrld be subject lo~ vdowilhizJIOdlyL SUdt a move would do away with the most wKlesprud and long established soorce m political patronage, rangini all the way from locaJ pastmasteflbips to the po6I of ---·gonora1. whldr in years past has often gooe to the naUooaJ chairman of the party which won &be White House. Nl1on said his reform. besides remov. Ing I' e pool -from the Cablne~ calls foe several SWtOping clw!ps.induclin&o --O'ealian of an indepeodont pootaf ""''""' •holly """"" by .the federal government ati1 admioictrred by a nine- member board of diredars. -NN-and atensi.Ye co11ectlve bargalnlng righlS for postal -loyes. -Bom:I financing ror major capita] im- provemerts, similar .. the funding .,. ranganeot ..,,. beld "1 the Te..,..,.. Valley Autborily. -Establishment ~ a anmlqim of U· ports • to propooe changes in mail cw.slltcations aDd postage rates. subject to review by the aeven lft$i<lenlially ap- poilltad ..... -of the nlnHnaD board. ' I',... P,,.e l APOLW •.• cer canoe .... -·-· , . ·-• Clt!J •I B epe Miss City ol Hope, l!aralyn Fagaly, 19, Newport Beach, will repnosent Harbor of Hope Chapter beaded by Mrs. Wil- liam Savage (left) in annual Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor lions Club Fish Fry Parade June 7. Alamitos Captain Skippers Apollo Recovery Ship Fmn Witt Senitts A \"es!ie.l carrying a cargo mort preciouJ than anything hisb:ric voyagers brought ~ from a New WarM! once limited to our own planet ls steaming home today with a Los Alamitos skipper at her helm. Tbe belicopter aircraft cmier USS Princdon is beaded ror Pearl Harbor to unload the Apollo 10 space capsule pluci· ed from the South Pacific seas with her three utronauts llonday. "We have been dedicated to m:eDence and I'm extl-ly pleased," said capt Carl )L Que, 45, of Los A1amttos in I sbipboant lnlervi"' today. Capt. Cruse had ,....., lo be pl'Olld. Astronaut John W. Young said MoodaJ ln an address to the Princeton's officers that the recovery operation which put the heat-scamd c:ommand module safely ... deci was by far the best ye\. ""'Way superior to.anything ft've seea be!°"-" Yoong said. Telegrams ol ""1gnltulation frilin around the 1''0rld flooded the 24-year~ld 'War'Wp's communicalioos center as $be -towll'd Apollo dn>polf at Pearl -Satunlay thee home. 1b1e Princet9D is cruising along at S bots and will continoe on to her home port of Lc:.rlg Beach after NASA dficials talre dwJe of the Apollo crall No orden have been an"OUDCftl yd for the ship whk:h will pick llp the Apollo 11 ..... after -. lnllll their plallllOd mDClll landing in July. Damages Sought In 'Seduction' • lllmogu. of """ than SIG.ODO are beln( oq!ll .., the flllher of • 11~· old Newport Be>dl girl In 1 Superior Coar! complahrt that char&et the defen- dant with udng "ar:ts, prunl9u Ind ~"loaedtlctb<I'. • The -Is -of-lnclucinl the gir~ d<scrlbed as "umnartkd and of . Today Moon" Tol••orrow •• ? Entire Solar System Goal of U.S. ,Space Program BJ lllU. ClllDBll MM«' 1m Pn:u Wrlllr SPACE CENTER, ~ (AP) - After the moon, the whole solar - 11111, UyS the -of America's "'*'" -.1s the~ goal. And Dr. 'Mromas 0. Paine,. ad- -of the National A.nlaautics and Space A.tminlstraUon. bellew:s the conquest ol earth's fellow planets will prove to be ''reasonably straightl~. ''While the mooo baJ beeri the focus of our efforts," Paine told a news coo- l°"""' Moaday, ''Ule true goal Is far mere tbaa being the fint k land men on the moon. u thoQgb it were a cel!Stial ML Emal. to be cJjmtwwt. "'!be real goal is .. develop and d..-rate the capobllilJ foe io- terplmetary travel• . Pline -the lpace ....,... .... "providing the .-ucillng pmible answer to the age.old quesljoo of 1'hetbe• life as we koow it on earth can exist on the moon aod the planets.," and be de<lared ' ''The answer is y!S. Men working ....... P .. el DANCER •.• delighted Apartmmt A-Oo-Oo patrons! l'nl<eallo£ Orella Sears claims she bas proved "beyond a shado .. ol a doubt'' that the Art Colooy entertainer was performing ae obscene routine """' she was an-ested OD 10 separate occasions by Santa Arla -_....... Deleme allomeJ Benien Mcnre told the jury tbat-lliss ~·· argumonl Iha! bet -enial dance Is • form of art must be """"'81. Jt ii ... ap '°the jury. ' loflelber with modern -... and t.......,. m .....,.. the damafn of w.. feltrial life Uuuupoul the 1 o I a r .,..,,,.. Albd -be beU...S lnlerplaneWy i....r will be possible-and wlrlcb - be the fint planets aplored -Pallle replied: "It'• too early to rally mate mucb of a 1prct1lation on tbat at the ire:eent time. There art many, many different pro- blems that would have to be faced before we'd be ready to make a commitment - mate an estimate as to the timing. "I Lbink, however, that the demmltra- lian of the capability to ttadr the moon, to land men on tbe moon, bavfi them walk on the·IW'face and do useful WMk, 1,re certainJy tbe clear first stepl -after which the olhu 1tep1, I thiak, will be reumably ltraigbilorward.." Tbe oen llep is Apollo IL !IS '-ing rocket ai.-ly silS OD a pad a1 Cape itez>- nedy. Preoont scbeduling ..na fer B to b1ut oil July 18, canytng -Nell A. Annstroog, M1cl1ael Collfns and -E. Aldrin Jr. /u in the Apollo 10 shot, the spaceship will carry a little lunar landing craft. Armstrong and Aldrin •ill make the lan- ding while Collim mans tbe ammancf spaceslUp, which will remain in tbe moan orbil * * * * * * Cer nnn's Slnv ak Cousin . Toas ts A pollo 10 Crew VYSOKA NAO KYSUCO~ Cucboslovakia (AP) -''They have returned to our planet. Let's drink to our cosmooauts. • .a.Jt cosmonauts," the lmty Slovak said, nising a gla>S of lnody. lmrich Ceman, cousin of American astronaut Eugene Ceman, iroposed the toast in a darkened room full of Slovaks. They were crowded around a t.devisioo .tereen so small it needed a m:wtifying glaa lo enJMxe the llictering image ol Apollo 10 t.oogbt from the Pacific by satpDtte, F.urovision and Czic:hoJ5lonk TV. BJ "our cosmonaut&" lmricb meant El.,.... A. Cernlo, 'Mromas p. StaflGrd -- : . and John W. Young. Especially Cernan. 'lbe Navy com- mander is a hero lo this town of his f~bea.rs ;uJ:d its ciUi.ent are hoping be will visit them. Waiting fir the as1r<llauls lo be fished oot of the ocean, 1mricb said: "'Tbey"re sure to be drinking to each other's health right now. They've got a tape rec::ordtt and recordings and spaghetti in there, surely they must ba•e a bottle ol ~ething to drink... ' The three astrooaut.s appeared clur\Y on the Stteen aboard the recovery abip PriDcelm a few miDutes late. OiiJdJm in the aowded room--:-uid, ~·a Ceman on the left. Tbere'• Stafford. 'l'bere's You:nc." "· .... • • . Tomonow's seU-m-de maQ. needs a break today. I< c .A)ld local businessmen can • help. Now. This summer. While there's still time. Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better citizen.. , The corporate giants are already hiring. -T--he · Government is already helping. But we need to reach every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of eviry local businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. Hire one young man or woman. Hire more if you can. But, at least, hire one. · No business is too s111all to help. Think about an extra " pair of hands for the summer. Think about a bright ;_ • youngster filling in vacation gaps. Think about next suinmer-and the one after that-when you'll have an "experienced beginner" to call on for extra help. Do yourself a favor. Give a - kid a break this summer. Do it now. Call Thomas F. ~ Morrissey, the Philco-Ford volunteer to the National Allia'llce of Businessmen. For ttie Harbor Area call 644-090 tt " John B. Lawson Chairman, Di strict Orange County Meblt' National Alliance of Businessmen -1r1 -.1011 · • '"'I llOW Nolionol Allionct of Businauman cbute cbanlda''" to hl\'e mual tn- Urcol.ne with him. 'l1lt tmUlll d.U complaint tndi~ates I.bit the incidents oc- curnd bet ..... Sept. II, and Oct. I, 1987, •---------------------------------="'" • • • • I,/ • " ' . -----.,----· , B . . '. . ' iJDgton ·Beaeh • VOL:. 62, NO. 124, 2'SE€TIONS, 28 PAGES I . • Ast.rOnaUts, R~turn , ~ . . ,. ies ·Greet Ap·olln Crew in Texw SPACE ~ Houston (U.PI) - Apollo 10'1· ~ tlfl'luuts,. the men whO unlocked the doot to the moon, returned horn.it today &o 'tbe arim of their loved ones,1811-U 'cfOYs of reports expected lo cleor't!lt.-,tor a lunar landing In July. · -1P1 Stafford, John W. Young and ~ A: Ceman landed at neart>Y EIJJalton .Air Force Base after a U-hour, · nOo«op flight from the South PaclfiC Island pe'1!dbe of Pago Pago. · While _an 'Alr'Force band p!ayed ""Deep LSD Trip Blamed In tbe He;ir! at.Tau," the tine - Ing ~ llepped oat of -Pol air furce jetliiler, -lhelr wlvis ud 'boac 'POJ1nelllllleU ·-tlie nee.kl of. their' ehlldren., • · Staiforj!'a fint-tolbe·mift !If• ,__ .eJooit •the 'OJcl!' line· .... ' .. ~,,., ; . . • l ' - ····r.tte I said' oQ the · .... ...r.. .. it's·reany ·1· and f~ 1o"i:'.1'b;cl, fram the gr<& ,..., . moon," sald1tbe comminder oi the e'igbt· day lunar·orblllni mi!aion. I ... "lloy, tbat -..... ..-111 • poeullar, ·vf!rY atraote, very dlller..t · kind d aatellite -1-... -. ireot deal about what's ·ping OB up there," siid Young., . ."But that moon doesn't bPe•• alt,• and it's·not Teu.s, 'and we-ue -are. iJac1 to be bere. .. Ceman said, ••1•1Q. convinced. now more than ever. µiere•s no p1aCe -~ we (See APOl:LO, Pail .J) * * * Los A1 Skipper Huntington , Teen . Lives .titer Three-story Leap Carries Apollo ·Capsule Home From Wire Servlea A world·weary ·HunUngton Beach youth allegedly bJgh on LSD 11nd clad only in flowered underwear survived a three.- story leap out of a Long Beach hotel win- dow Monday night, ttien kicked wildly at would-be helpers with 'bis two wobbly, broken legs. St .. ¥arts' Horpital, fqJ1owing the gro-. A yessel carrying a cargo niore tesque plunge from the. Lafayette Hotel. pret:ious . than ~ biatoric voyacers Police officers who arrived at the brought back from a New World on'!t downtown Long Beach scene about 9:30 limited to our own planet is steaming p.m. found Blair 'Sitting on .the Broadway home today. with a Los Alamitos atipper' sidewalk near Linden Avenue, his .legs at her helm. flopped out at sickening Rag Doll angles "Ille beUcopt.r aircraR carrier USS " . , . . . . '"""'.. . . ..--. + • -.1 ·• •• . . . . "Al4,,...Vll "'I • ABOARD USS 'PRINCETON, APOLLO 10 CAPSULE SHOWS SCARS OF RE·ENTRY ________ 1_u1_As=t="""'="" You119, St•lloril, C1m1n (from ltftl In Fine Shipe · Jeffrey C. Blair, 19, of 6942 Canterbury Drive, is listed in good condition today at on the concrete. Princeton ii headed for Pearl Harbor~to . "The world's just a bummer," they unload the ApoUo 10 space capsule pluck.. Aldrich Supports S Bl h ft quoted the victim as saying after he kick· eel from the South Pacific seas with lier p ·aAe . . a 111>:!.p em· Y~ ~-. ' ed and fought pattolmen and ambulance three astronauts Monday. ....., '-"' ~ .· Co' uncil to Adopt aUendants att<mptlng in get biin "' the "We have been dedicated to exce~ence Police on 1~ ... e emergency hospital. and I'm extremely pleased," said capt. .a. .,. .a.u. I Investigation then led to the third Door Carl M. Cruse, 45~ of Los .Alamitos in a B:ble Prof Ch id -A · '11 -C · I H J.l!'..... Zone apartmentofBlair'sgirlfriend,.Elizabeth ihipboard•lntervlew ·today. "-mpusif.N-·-.led .. . . ~s pouu rew. Long Beach. Astronaut John W. Young said Monday MIAMI (UP!) -The Apollo 10 make pub1li: 'apokips," said •the ... · I ' .. L · O Ulllg ovts, 21, a l!llllic student at Cal .State, Capt. Cruse had reason in be proud. '-At ~ , , , Ce Officer Jack Parker said he and his in an addre8a .to the •Princet.oo's ,o(fiem, B1.,.moMAs FO'TUNE utronluta lhould1ti have said all Ulose t~iegrSm. to mua.~&bi dmf tf'.tbe For Civic nter plirtnetfoundBlair'sJ>Oills-thepockets ~ttl)erecovei:yoperatiorr.,tilcbJlll!:Uw . ' .......... - -ii wqrda ,au\ bY the moon. ... ~5-·""-eeDter-""~- " -. --contatningr-t11ree---&leg<d~mmJUU10-~~ ~ """IJ.-.111""~~Aiai:iflf''1h-. .'to °'ai1'7 'w. PO!ud of. ilie ~~......,,,,~-. .;,;.. ..... •·v -i 1. 1 / QI¥~ ,wiil "!lopt a modine<l ~f:r':U:~e ..1!.,,.~ ~;~.'="!J'! ~-.:~:ii:......;:. llil! @Al(;e~on llil .Vo~~ '! ~l""~c~lmed -~k.i. newspaper aMmln · . transml~ hOldlng ioite I<> protecl the pro_posed Hun-· coofiscated." ·-·~. ,.._ before~' y-,aid. • > ! campoo'lf..be' fe.Jj ·illey are i>lodtd. -·' wllO flijid off telegrams to P-!6x• from Apollo 10.~ · 1 • tlngW!t Beach Civic Center .&lie 8' 8QOO MJ&, ·Blalr -amsted nd booked ;,,. "l'elegr11111 OI _.tulation fn>m And· edlvistl .._ UCL atu(lenll oo ~-f!ie·~-Agency. "A ~ lo Newspapers over the ~ • Q1I04ed as City Attorn~ Donakl Bonfa dl:afts the to Long Beach City Jail on suspicion of around the world flooded the 24-year-old and faculty memberi cannOt get him to the nlitim." · 1 ' one astronaut as lhoUting over the· J'ld&O: neceswy t~nrunok>C: . PoSsession of dangerous drugs, according warship's communications center as she back away from that' position. • The zt..year-old seminal! graduate, ''You know this goddamned (camera) Monday rugbt councilmen ~lined the to Loni Beach police. steamed toward Ape>Do dropoff at Pearl · · . . . who· also bold! a doctorate m college ad-filter has failed on me.'" proposed boundary of the CJVIC center · Harbor Saturd<ey" then home Debate on police intervention at Bet-ministrailoo, wants the President to do . At another point, the repxta sa1d, ' area. aft.er selecting a civic center The Princeton ls cru:isini along at.28 something about cussing iD the space exclaimed "Son of a bitch." · archilecl, Kurt Meyer. M nh S kin knots and will continue on lo her home Aldrich to. S~ak spaoecralt ·Poland says profanity should be •iefl The modification came . a1>9ut when 8 UDt · ee g port of Long Beach after NASA officlala "All mllJtary and civU decorations of on the rest roon Walls" and not med by councilmen decided not to include Hun-ta.ke charge ot the Apollo crafl UC Irvtne's ChonceLtor Danitl G. these men should be withheld witil they the naUon's heroe:i. tington Beach lUgb School in the holding p , Esca No orders have been annOOnced. yet for Aldrich Jr. wiU speak before the ZOfl< aa had been dooe In pre~ pro-rlSOn pee the ship which will pick up the<Apollo 11 Paularino School PTA, 1060 Paularino posals. ' crew after returning from their planned Road, Costa Mesa, at 1:30 o'clock to- lJoundaries stretch from the proposed A manhunt spread throughout Southern moon 1andlne in July. nia~t. Pacific Coast Freeway right-of·way on callfcrmia today for a convict-killer and His topic will be "Campus Disord- the north, up Main Street to Garfield an Orange County bandit who escaped ers." The public is invited to attend. Avepue, west of the centerline of prison at Cblno Monday nigbt bY scaling Da~er Guilty Gol(\enwest Street and down to Mansion a fence in a heavy fog. - A\'.enue, at the edge of the high school. They were "Identified as Harry K. )Vhen adopted, the holding zone win Campbell, ,23, sening five years to life On Lesser Count eliminate any new construction in that for a holdup in Orange County and area for about six months, while city Richard A. Vetter, 38, of Sacramento. planners study the area,for zone changes. Authorities: at the correctional Institute · "No building permits will be issued for said Vetter was convicted o f new coMtruction in that arei," explained manslaughter as a result of the 1954 Mike Brotemarkle, assistant planner. slaying of a fellow inmate at Folsom *'but lndMtiuals may still make minor Prison. repairs Qr additions on homes already in ·Both Campbell and Vetter were in- tbe area." mates at the Chino institution's Southern Largest sil1ite land owner in the area is Conservatioo Center when they tffade the Huntington Beach Company. their escape in the mist. A Fountain Valley dancer arrested on charges of indecent exposure bas pleaded guilty in Huntington· Beach municipal court to reduced . charges of disturbing the peace. Fined $125 and placed on one year or Informal probation was Carol Jrine (Mis- ty) TermohJen, 41, of 17552 Santa Rosalia. Judge Kenneth Smith accepted her plea to Ute minor court. Miss Tennohlen was arrested last Jan. 22 at the Pussy Tat bar, 14421 Beach Blvd., Westminster, after a performance in whJch, officers said, she displayed her totally naked body at various phases of her strip tease routine. Officers complained in their report that PUSIY Tat patrons collabQraled with the ?.!legedly bottoniless da~r by locking li e tavern's back door sbort]y before ber _ ::!rformance began. kel~. which has all on campus wpndei'· ing ~-it could happen at UCJ, went on for eight hours Monday at UCI. A four·ho4r conclave for which classes were dismissed melded into a meeting of ,150 student alrikers and in turn was followed by an emergency meeting of the" faculty's Academic Senate. Under pr~ding by aCll.Vlst.s, .Aldrl.ch took his stand, say\ng he wa.s planting both feet fat.law aild order. But a large majority of the 7S prof& sors attending the Academic Senate session voted t'o resolve "No outside police shall be called In except when the entire campus agrees there is ex· treme danger to human life." The chancellor then told professors they should be aware he does not have sole authority to decide if police should come onto the Irvine campus. The campus police, he said, ,are under his . command, but the Orange.:County Sher .. if/'s Office 1has concurrent jurisdicl'.lon. Aldrich said \he working arranltllleDt (See ALDRICH. Pqe I) Meyer Architectural Firnlt' Tapped for Beach Center A Sw1ss·born architect will design Hlµl- tington Beach's $6 million civic center complex. The architectural firm of Kurt Meyer Associates In associaUon with 1Honnold and Rex,· ArchiteCts, was tmanimou~ly selected for the job Monday night by city councilmen. Negotiations will start Immediately between the city and Meyer. City officials predict they will have a 11igned contract in about two weeks. Councilmen interviewed Meyer, who said he would personally work on the pro- ject1 and the atthitectural firm of John B. Parkin Associates. Both Dnns were recommended 't>Y uie Huntington Beach Design Revl!OW Boan/ which narrowed the choice to two firms from more than 30. Meyer received the council Dod beclule' it was felt his designs represented: greater "flexibility" and tie cOuJa be5t. work with the city4 "Workin°g wiih the sanle materlala (concrete and steel)." ""~ Councl)m&n George McCracken, '''9fey,er) demonstrated a wider variety of d~. than Parkin." · Meyer wilf ·develop plans for-the city:' h a 11 and Police facilities oo the site a c r o s s from Huntington Beach High School. ... He said he expects to have working drawings and preliminary details ready· for bidding within a year. City Administrator Doyle M.11 le r estimated' that HU:ntington Beach's ClVfc center might beci>me a reality ~sometime around 1971. Mile . Square. Just ·Starting. " NZW· YORK (AP) -'Ille -market with investor concern over tight money reported weJihlni i( · dowQ Closed with a oharp IOIS today., (See quotaUom, Pagea . t:t-13).. . • ,. • ' WAITINO FOR MILE SQUARE PARK DEVELOPMENT Sl11et1 i..u....., 11 (IOfll • .Monlca MMafteW. t , ., Other Recreational _Areus Set for Valley Park " ' ... When the first goJrer drives a shot A clubhouse complex including pro down the fairway Juoe 28 at Mile Square shop, storage equipment room, locker Golf Course in Fountain Valley he will rooms and banquet•fadJltles will be com· l1ave launched more than just a tiny. pleted sometime sttet Dec. 1. 11)'1 Rain- nard-core apbere. ville. ' Included lo future plans for mile Head pro at the coone will be .Sldp Square Part are IUCh projects as a Whittet, currently bead pro at Western chlldreb's ioo, a bistottcal center, model Hills Golf•Coune. boat poods, food coocessions and many of Nm step planned by the Or'an(e Colll>- .lhe pleasures found In olber parks. . ty Department of Hatbon, Beodla ud Such Ideas ar. all conlained In the Para for Mile Square II elev....,._ ol muter plJID tor Mile Square. Orange 100 aerea ocijaceot in the goH _,._on County's propoaed reg~,111rk. J._coun. : the ...,,.. d ,Warner Avtt111e Ond l!Udld ty ideas don't slice or hook'~ to one side street. • ' for .the lack of funda, Mlle(Sqam' oould Kannetlt Sompson, dlreclor'olllerbon, make a large rtcrta~ tinpaet~ln wat beacbel and parts. expects work to beatn Orange County. , r.. / i1 _., as the Onal plans art dnwn. 1"e Not including the golf-_,.,-tbe park county-bu-sllgblly•,.... tbao Ailt area will eventually COl'eri S4$ acrts ready to \lM on the project. developed Into varicUI ....-plus County luads• are matched bY fedenl open. turfed land. t' , · fllnda from the Land and Woter 'lbe golf courte, 11 holli' W 140 acm. ConaervaUon Fllod. Total coot ol MUe npresenta the firsl otep)ll the .i..ei.... I Squoro,. I( a~ Ille clreanll cmie· true, will , ment of Mlle Square. It ,.. 1tarttd a lft-1 be lboul. 15.1 mllllon. Tartet for com· Ue l1l01'e than 1 year 8Jll,. ad-:II pt<tlOn 11 .Ooli\elline In 1'74; 'blil:couuiJ morb the olllclal openlDC d·the -. dlldlta worn 'that a tlffie sdie<lille lot llCCmdln« lo David Rainville, cleveloper lllch I bqe prol_ect coD'I be fullJ IC> o{ Ibo bdlll1. -curalo. • • Plans lnclude such pc:>&<ibiliUes as a pond where youngsters can noat model boats, an airstrip where older ex· ~ perimenters can try out tlie 1atest·mode.I planes Ind a bicycle reatal concession that mlgbt even include a blcycle-built- fot-two. Abo oil the drawing boards are a aoo for children, a hlsinl1cal cieftlel' deplcl\ftl! COtll1ty history, • amall fishing pood and a ftJcuting arena. · Normal 'hlll fle1ds and bird· couris for 1teanll llld bUketbalf ... --In !Utun~. 1 Sampson Points out thaf early !lalU of development wtu • tncloidt p1cn1q areas, bulc faclliUea and oeen turf, Mlle-Square ft. under the "°"lnll ol the. H arl>ofs and· Beaches depertinont ind • ties within the City d Fountain Vollef. T h e c.ant;' Oepat1n><!lf oj • Butidls( Setvk:eo handles cocill'ICll and Jabor !cir ~··t the ,,..1;., ..• , .. , orup'countJ ,.,._,t,.ooo.,.. ro!"' the, U.S. Natt, fo1"1<M.O!,:.ll\O,• -.' bWnded by Brootd>Urlt °""'• Wamer A-, Edlngtr A.,.... ud Euclid r ' Weadtel' ·The 'we8thennan's u bored u Y"I are, but here's liow It'll lie Wed1>esilay: Cloudy monlinJ' ,atdel followed bY hazy Slllllhlne In the afternoon with temperatures m the 70-75 range. I . llAll.Y "11.0T " UCI Students .·c1a·sh . Over · Berkeley Discord ~ A n11o1J <L Gplnloos '""' upmsed MondQ dlll'in& a four-hour conclave on t!Mk" I -1-bJMUC ' lMMrtidl. .... Comments oHer<d Included : ~ Spur, freshman of Unlverslty paft.,Jelllnl •• the top of her hmp -"Thi park is not the issue, $et that clear. Jt-·lr.iconfrontation. Don't J:Ust sit there an<.1.t tlllo lnstltuUon take care of itselr. Y aa take care of It. understand. Have guts, be houd. ea.. enoogb to be hod." --· fmhman of Huntington * * • --"If Ille troops "',,.., on ,.. ....... coallol'lbe ,_ ,_ 111111 .. upltm'I?.. • j ---·-·· PIO -"I <ID1 lllPD ~ ... ,.U,. ,,.. J>eop were ... ..a. °""'J>ll.\lllmd Biid the~ scatteA!ld liie·~." ·" Stoey Wlddlcomb, fre.hibin <ii Corma dei Illar ~ '"l'bursda7 there nre llOO of U!_~~~ at bayonet point. We were a~itb a couple of~·" w~F~~ r;~·:1M or tlllo II rldicaloua. We don't hove people's I • * * * I l't'Olll P .. e l ALDRICH BACKS POLICE • • • Is that be S!JoUld make the decisioQ. "Bot U Ibey (sbeiiu authorities) decide I doo1 know enough to call them they can come in," he said. 1111 Issue la lmporl.tnt to profeseon and students because lawmen were c:aJied In at Berkeley not by Chancellor. ~ lleyns but by dvll aulhorlllel, wbo alao decided .. tactics. A mlnorily of studenls -probably abolll 150 of the 1,500 -remained oo strib today. Pickets were out. Aldricll was closely questjoned Monday by black students. . Leader of the Blae.lc: Student Union Jim Winder challenged: "Putting up bail fll!lds (Aldricb loaned !900 of hi• awn money) and calling cff classes is a commendable t bing, but that's not enoogh. lt would be more effectJve to tell people where you stand." Said Aldricll, "The rlgbt of studenls to strike ts self evident. But I do mt feel the rtrike ii the way to bring about change. Clasaea have to be made avail· able ta all lhose who want to attend. "I deplore the violence at Berkeley. I hove all<mpU!d to deal wllh prob!tms on this campus lnlmlally Biid not bring the police In. l """"""' that also bop. pened at Berkeley. "When you don't agree, don 't say you are going to prevent others from doing something," Aldrich warned. "When enough people challenge in that way it federal Inquiry of poUC1! tactics,· Biid meetings be held to aet.Ue the use of Uie ~ People's Park. ~Jtedlrect 'their educaUonal efforta to locus· oo the Issues rai!ed by Iha Berkeley coallict. A ."'""1utloo to ISUSJ>'l1d claaaes through 'Ibinday -in eUect go oa 1lrlke along with the atud"'ts -failed by a 2 to t marl!n. Pro andr COD aenUment -,vu 1ununed up J>y lla!ementa o! two pro!euon. j)anlel c. Dennet~ assistant prof ..... ol philosophy, Said, '1Govemor Reagan earlitr promised to keep the university open at the point of a bi.oyonet if n~. I think we should demonstrate. that is prec~e1y the condition under wbi~ we will not' keep the university o~ and operating as usual." Countered Howard S. Babb. professor of English: "I don't feel I have Ronald Reagan's bayonet Jn my back. I suppose I have as much contempt for him as anyone else in this room, but I feel I have a respomibility to educate." .From Page 1 APOLLO •.• is civil war. I'm not proposing to set can't eventually go." students and faculty against each other The astronauts climaxed their 750,000- in a civil war. mile voyage with a Pacific Ocean "Calling for pdlice ls the mechanism sJjlashdown Monday 443 miles east cf our society provides t"o hand.le law-Pago Pago in American Samoa. l:lreaken." Student Body President Roo Ridgle The astronauts wore blue space agency said. "l am disturbed by the chancel· coveralls sporting bright Apollo 10 lcr's comments. J don't see any justifica. emblems. They brought back large tion fOf' defending these fascist tactics.•• plastic bags ccntaining le.is and other Said a black student whc calls him· presents for their family, One of the ·self Anduka: "I don't want t«.. bear hlm presents resembled a model of an outrig- tell us •what be'a willing to do. I want ger canoe. to hear him say where his two feet are Stafford, Ceman and Young we.re p~ .. lhe l1lllled •Slates. The uni-to .0 apeda! poUIJ<ol asylwn. I --··---""' "'' ""-' "" 11&1 '!WI -to ba C.....nla.aanu-bolleft." BID Wblgfleld, phllooophy teochlllg &IS\slant -"All 10 of the students ar- rested are my friends. I declare new I will n;ot bold c~ I don.'t ca.re what are the reprisals. You ca.noot treat my friends Uie that." Stepbeo Shapin, assistant professor of Eq:llah -"The people of Germany ra· IJonall .... tbe Nazis' crime3 by saying Record Turnout ·Seen for LA Mayor's Race LOS ANGE!& (UPI) -Voters turned out in almost twice the vclume of the last maywally election In eer!y hours today 1 as ~ Anl:ele.a: chose a chief, erecuUve . with the odds ti would be the first Negro lo the cll)>'shi!lory. City «o\mcilman Thomas Bracpey woa shown by public opinion sunreys ahead of incumbent mayor Sam Yorty. Yorty ' pooh.poohed the po)ls. With skies sunny and temperatures 9.: pected to go up to 78 degfees, .the early surge to the polla Was unpreeedented.' Clerk Ru E. Layton said a spot check showed that 9.5 percent cf the clty'1 1,127,224: registered voters bad cast their bailoll by 9 a.m. In the last mayoroll)> contest in 1965 the vote In that period was 5.2 percent "We've never !etil anything like ll," Layton said. Bradley, who voted shortly before 8 a.m., expressed his disappointment at Yorty's "tacUcs." He said the mayor had attempted to win votes with "an appeal to fear." Voting places opened at 7 a.m. and were to close at 7 p.m. Layton had predicted that as many as 75 percent of the registered electorate in the nation's third largest city would vote. The morning turnout le<fhim to declare it might exceed that record figure . Bradley, 51, who served 21 years on the Los Angeles police force before retiring to launch a political career, must get votes from lbe white population to win. . tNy dli!n't i._. wbol WU loin& oD. OllJy 30 ol oW" 240 faeulty hive chostn to come hon ond llnd out wbol'I ""-bia· I llnd tlllo lr,_tblo." • 8IMnt Dlnel -'"Ille police may be men frilbtened tbln those in lhe streets. Have you ever seen an unruly mob ?" Black stu~ent who goes by tbe Glllle Anduka -"You are starting to get a taste. ol v.1lat being a nlgger ls. No longer is brutality a covert thing. You can do it oot in the open and nobody ..:ares. People say just go out and do tour thing, pigs." Coed Jaekle Roll -"Calling people a Pl& -that ~·t do any good. •: doeon't get throtllh 1o them. Cops are people too. Unfortunately, many have a sadistic llllllltt. !fa Clf'I cbup" In I "-f, bat ll , ft tUI tbl time, 1't CID fb 11." Art StinclMmbe, Berkeley professor of. IOdology -"l haven't heard anyone at aU on our faculty dif'end the police. There is no doobt whatever we have lost COlllrol oi the process aupposed to guarantee law and order in the community." Donovaa Dcne:y, junior of Newport Buch -"l went to Berkeley and 1 was beaten In Sant.j Rita prison. Tile city of Berkeley Is ID occupied area. I .., oon- ditlonJ no dWtrenl lrom whit I lmailne Prague to be.•• an. Blttlltoll, fltihman who lives oo --.. ,,,. ---9"J• boltlal., _ -.. tlit --to sing 'God Bleu America' while !'e was btoaten to the grouod by club$." NtD lllabnberg, student actlvll\'• ad- viser ...J "Those of us "ho ·were 1here know_lhey could have kllled.Jan:>ea Rec· tor ond""if they dldn~ they told "" they wanted to." -, Dave Heskett. grf te atudent of' C0!911& del Mar -:-. " .t',1 pt ' a , lltrfke:, g0111g. Lers go ov ucl tel jiaopl• tDgethlir to shut the -~" •• •• ~ Sex Class Showdown Due~ Rallison May Appear Before Anaheim Tr1J.St;ees By TOM BARLEY or ,... DMir •1111t ,,.., It is pos1ible that the simmering feud over xi: education between Dr. Dale E. Rallison and the Anaheim Union High School District' board may be carried to a future meeting oC the district's t.M.lstees. • The suggesticn that Dr. Rallison appear before that board was made today by a dislrict official who prefers to be unnamed, and the challenge was quickly taken up by the Santa Ana dent- ist oo behali of the Orange Ccunty Board ol Education. "1 would be glad to meet them pro-- vided the time and date suited my convenience," Ralli&on said. "lt m.igh( be a good Idea, ln fact, to thrash ,Utis matter out at a personal level." Dr. Rallboo str~ that the county board's quarrel ever the sex education ·controversy was whb i1several local school boards." But ,he made oo secret of the fact that his criticism was par- ticularly directed at the Anaheim group. Dr. Rallison, a member of the John Birch Society, followed up the press release he iss.l,Jed Monday with a scath· ing indictment of "local school' boards who resent our county board's holding of hearings into controversial subjects but who seem to enjoy telling us bow we sbou..ld run our buslness." Three Arrested in Mob Attack on Two Deputies An assault on two sheriff's deputies Monday night by a mob of about 60 adults and juveniles in the Garden Grove area resulted in slight injuries to the deputies and the arrest of three persons. Deputies Thomas Kline and Andy Romero had stopped in county island ter- ritory between Garden Grove and Stanton to check a car parked en the wrong side of the street, they reported. They were immediately sull'OUDded by about 15 juveniles while attempting to question Jack: A. Smith, 45, of 11792 Moen St., about parking bis car in front of his residence and that Jan T. Van Amers!ort, 18, of 245 B l7lh St., Seal Beach, attacked deputy Romero with a club. He was ar- rested for assault and for being drunk when he failed lo pass a field sobriety tes!. While attempting to subdue Amersfort, Romero said, another youth kicked him in the ann. Kline pursued and captured the youth. Smith then pushed Kline away from the suspect, Romero reported. Smith was arrested on suspicion of assault on a peace cfflcer. That statement followed a resolution by the Anaheim board in 1 which the coonty school board was !ndlrect!y iold to coocentrate on Its own affairs and not become involved in sex education at the local school. hoe.rd level. "Just because Anaheim has a program that it is ashamed of, does not take awpy the right ol the county boerd to' have hearings on whatever type of educatlonal maters it wishes to know about," Halli· son said. Anaheim trustees were apparently angered at the tone of a statement lssued by the county board. That statement denied that recent hearings on sex educaticn were an attempt to interfere wlthr the Anaheim program but i( did point out that sex educaticn courses in that city had been strongly criticized by many Anaheim parents and resi~ents. Rallison's board also came under fire from angry Yorba Linda Elementary School District trustees. That board attacked county trustees for their "deci· sion to assume responsibilitY for the evaluation of a local curricular offering." . Both. Anaheim and Yorba Linda boards told coonty trustees to "refrain from action that may infringe on the rights and responsibilities of local boards of trustees." Rallison today said that the Anaheim board resents "having their program ol sex instruction brought out Into the light. ... He reprimanded Anaheim trustees fOI" "failure to listen to parents'• and cffered them the wisdom contained in a proverb. "There is a proverb which says that ~ou should not spank er reprimand ·a Child who is afraid of the dark; you sympathize with him and understand bis fear. · · apd what he 's going to do." whisked from the carrier USS Princeton Answered the chancellor: "I'm dolng Monday by helicopter to Pago Pago for.. s· li .. .. Rir-. . .., ' everything r can to bring about reso!u· tumuituoua greeUng from s,ooo Samoans, .C 001S ecel'V ~· home. The 17-year-old youth who kicked Romero was also arnsted before deputies finally left the area with members of the mob poundina on the patrol cars. "But," Rallison added, "we cannot sympathize with men who are afraid of the light." tioo «,,coolllct on this campus wi-l. and.~ loll a_l!nosl imn>edialelY !Or Ibo• • , use" police. BUI r ny .. Eldlldge long !llghf'lo the UnitedlStat.S In an "Alt' p .M. . • . Cluver told w, 'Don't beat 'me beciiuse Force CIU transport. ' rivate Oney ·I 'm going to beat r~ back..' After lunch .with mooa program of·· LAW AND ORDER ficials and~tbeir families, the pilots plan- ·- "Now you wan~ me to plant, bolh feet and I'm planting them. I stand for law and order, whatever you call it." . Another black student, John King, responded: "You said I'm going to beat • down. I'll give you an altemaUve. -tirst thing you do is take these pigs on this campus and disarm them. "I want you to listen and listen real good. For 23 years I've been taking this law and crder crap. If you want to put your foot out and get funky with us, I'm ready. l{ yoll bring the pigs on this cam- pus I'm net going to turn my cheek. "You do what you think is right:'' PASSED RESOLUTIONS Besides wanting to keep poliCt off cam- pus, the 75 of ?.80 faculty members at· tending lhe Academic Senate . meeting also passed resoluUons to: -InvesUgate the appearance of the County Sherill Tactical Squad on campus at a rettnt overOow rock and roll con- cert. -Pay from their salaries bail and legal ttpenses of 10 students and the student activities adviser arrested at Berkeley for failure to disperse and unlawful assembly. -Support Berkeley professors In their demands that lawmen and the National .Guard withdraw; there be a state and DAllY PllOT 1 ORANOI COAl1 P\/lllSltlHQ COMrAN'I' ll:Nert N. WH4 ,,..lftnf W ..w1i.ri.r. .t.c.k II. C11rl•'I' Viet ..,..,..,., -~ .. Me!llttr n. ..... , kttPil f.Ollor ltio'"• A. Mw•p~l110 ~£•• ... i'&.rt 'W. l•toi WiMi•'" 11,,4 ~-· Hullll ... IOll '""' •oii. c11y R.itw ---,,, Stlri Sh'oot Mtill'i11t AUr•w: r.o. ••• no, •Z••• --"""""" .._, ttlt ......... ...,.....,. c.. M991 -.. , ..... ltrtitl ........ 1Mc111 m ,_, ,....,_,. ned to begin 11.ft ll-clay series of technical repo'tt.s on all aspects of their missJon. These reports are expected to affirm a decision fer a July 16 takeoff date for the historic Apollo 11 moon landing misslon. "It's ·still hard for us to believe what we saw up there, but at least we brought back the data and we think we've really increased maq's knowledge," Stafford said. UC Chancellor Backs University-wide Strike SM'TA CRUZ (UPI) -All classes at the University of California, Santa Cruz, were canceled today for "discussiorui" on the problems of higher education and the violence at Berkeley. Chancellor Dean McHenry ordered classes dismissed ror two days Monday after some 200 students set up picket lines al various campus buildings. Looking Ahead The financial ccf(ers of the Fountain Valley School District were bolstered by ' more than $330,000 this year as a resuJt of donations from private companies, foundations, professional associations and federal grants. AcC"CrdJng to Asst. Supt. Mike Brick, the additional funds would be equal to an additional $.55 tax rate. Tht largest chunk, representing $74,500 was kicked in under Tille Vl of the Elementary and Secondary Education Acl and has been used fo~ the training of teach !rs, educational materials and video equiprnent for handicapped. children. The elementary school district also received $69,000 under Title lil of the same act for ·teacher training fer han· dlcapped and retarded children and $61,&44 under Title II for a library and multi-media center at Fulton School. Other funds donated to the district are used for a language development center at Tamura School, teacher aides, a con-- sultant s e r v 1 c e for pupil diagnosis, musical instruments and books and audiovisual materials. Platlnlng !or dedication of new, $1 milllOIJ Fountain Valley Civic Center are (from rtiJ>t) Mayor Robert SChwerdlfeger: Roy Zuker· man. cllalnuan of Founlaln Valley Improvement Authorily, and SlaJ>o Jey Stafford, director of Parks and ~reation. r;:eremonies are ~clled· uled loi 2 p.m. June 14. • The two deputies claim Smith tried to shove Kline off the driveway of the Tomonow's s-elf -made man~ ne eds a break· today. ,. .. • And local businessmen can help. Now. This summer. While there's still time. Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better ~itizen. , The corporate giants are already hiring. The Government is already helping . But we need to reach· every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of every local businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. Hire one young man or woman. Hire more if you can. But, at least, hire one. • No business is too small to help. Think about an extra " .t" pair of hands for the summer. •• ,, . . Think about a bright I> youngster filling in vacation ·r ~ gaps. Think about next f ' summer-and the one after J ~ that-when you'll have an .... t "experienced beginner" to ~ call on for extra help. .. •• ' , Do yourself a favor. Give a re tic • kid a break this summer. Do ·~ it now. Call Thomas F. .~ ••• Morrissey, the Philco-Ford ~ ' volunteer to the National Alliance of Businessmen. For 1t· the Harbor Area call 644-0900. •' ·. John B. Lawson Chainnan, District 6 · Orange County Metro National Alliance o! Businessmen -,10 11 llOW ' Notionol Alliance of Businessmen ' • ¥ • ¥ RIDUCID LIMl11D TIMI SONTIQUE9 . BED PILLOWS ' . son MIDIUM OR FllM 1- IEliULAll SIZE 0Rl5. 7.H 20126 NOW 6.98 · ORIG 12.H KING SIZI 20x36 NOW 104.98 TERRY TOWEL ·ENSEMBLE e IA.TH TOWEL. Orft. 1.71 e HAND TOWEL. Oflt. ,,5 e WA.SH CLOTH. Orif, ~45 SHAG RUGS . • • ·~-~---·----- • DAILY PILOT J l NEWPORt BEACH .Fashion Island END-OP-MONTH '' ·-' Open Every Night ml 9:30 For Your Siopplng Convenience '. c • 1, IY MA TJll, LIGHT FIXTURES . . THING MAKERS GIOUP 1. Ol'ft. t;tt.1J.tl PICAllOS MINI DRAGONS CUIPY CIA WLIRS MAID PAKS ORIG. 6.88 HOUP 2 ....... ll.tf.lt.lt ~ow '688•1()88 NOW 1388 NOW . 2388 WOMEN'S DRESS HEELS ITALl,\N IMPORTS LEATHER UPPERS LEA THIR SOLi NOW WOMIN'S 'ORIG. 6.H • l.H FULL AND HALF SLIPS DISCONTINUED CAMERAS JJO POU.IOID Orlf. 17.95 I 220 POU.IOID. Otft, If.ti 111 POU.1010. Orit. Jt.fl NOW NOW NOW 54aa 4888 2988 PRO POOL TABLE 8 j;T, : \ '· MEN'S SUITS YEAR·AROUND WllGHT . , .... ,.. '{,.,... 941 1'9tfrtfM 6RIG. 49.tS • 80.00 Ulllfttd sa.. 11.0lfy NOW MEN'S llTTIR SPORT SHIRTS ORIG. S.H to 7.H NOW 388 to 588 SUNDAY GOLF BAGS OVALS AND ROUNDS ORIG. 24.88 NYLON TllCOT OR POLTUm ORIG. 3.00 • 6.00 -· T'I\ ORlli. 469.00 ORIG 14.98 NOW 18.88 ~Mp~}= NOW 99'-1.88 ~Type&.IW=. Lftt NOW 366. NOW 1088 ~I ~~U_P_PE_R_L_EV_E_L~---'' ~ ~~M_A_IN~Fl_O_O_R~__,l 1 ~I ~~M_A_IN~FL_O_O_R_~_-_'_,j,___-_L_O_W_E_R._LE_V_E_L _ ___. NEHRU SPORT SHIRTS FOR IOYS lt•yon/Nylon, Short SIMW Sips 6-11 Orlf. 1.50 NOW SPORT SHIRTS FOil IOTS Aaorttd Pia .. and Solhb All •N Euy Care Wuh Orl9, S.tl NOW BRIEFS AND T-SHIRTS FOR IOYS .99 2.44 100% Combed Cotton Slzff 6 to 11 3/1.00 GIRLS' IETTER DRESSES All Wa1haible. Prlnh •n4 Sollli_s. Sl:r.u 3-611: Orig. 4.~00 NOW 2.88 to 5.88 GIRLS' BETTER DRESSES A1l 1W•1hHla: auutlful Styt-. Sins 7·14 Orfg. S.00-f.OO NOW 3~88 •• 7.88 GIRLS' FASH_ION ILOUSIS Short ond Sl_I_ Wuho•lo. 1 99 .Orig. 2.51-t.OO NOW • SUMMER PIECE GOODS "Penn-Prat'' Solids ond Prlnh U" wide Ori• 1.tl yd. -NOW SALEM CANVAS PIEc;:E GOODS E1:eltlng Summer Prlnh 45" wide ~ Orig. 1.2t yd. NOW IONDED ACRYLIC PllCE GOODS Wear-Doted S~id1 and F1ncl• 54" wide Ori• 3.tl yd. TIER AND CAFE CURTAINS Solid Cohwt and Nrfflty Print NOW 24" to J6H Lnvth. Ori• 2.lt-3..41 NOW READY ·MADE DRAPERIU • Single Widths. 54" ond 14" Lengths J.c111u•rd Solids Ortf. 6.fl.10.tl NO~ PRINnD DRAPERY PIECE GOODS Cotton lltnd -MHhlne Wuhllltl• 45" wkl• Orl9. 2At yd. NOW LOUVERED WINDOW SHUTm KITS p,.Aanmltltd -Fast Installation St•ln or P•int Finish. 2.99 s.oo 1.50yd. 12.00 VINYL TAILE CLOTHS Solid Color or Floral Prints 54" to to'' Orlt · 2.504.00 NOW 2.00-s.oo FANCY SA TIN PILLOW CASIS SIMp without Rulnlnt ywr Colffll,. 12 Only Orlf. UO NOW 3.00 QUILRD IETTEI IEDSPREADS Sel~ Color .and Floral Prints QuMn oltd King. Ori• 16.11-11.11 NOW IATHROOM SCALIS H .. rt StMip,d -Trw Wal1ht. ' Only °''• 1.00 NOW VINYL CLOTHES HAMPER Hour Gius Dnltn by 'PNrtwlek .Block Only. Orig. 10.tl NOW FANCY ORGANDY APRONS Orl1ln•I O.ltM by - 52 Qnly Orif. IJt NOW IMPORRIJ CERAMIC ASH 'TRA TS Orltlnal DellfM from Italy. 16.00 s.oo 7.00 1.22 '° Only • Or .. 1.DO NOW 1SOc MiN'S SPORT COATS SPRING MILLINERY NRRIOl LARX ASSORRD PASTELS !·GALLON C.ltfDf"l'll• L911Ul'9 Cut Ori• 30.00 NOW 24.88 Vol~. S"owo, l•lm• Orig. 100.5.00 NOW .99 Drlpl .. s, Ordorleu. Fart Drying Orig. 7.41 NOW 4.99 MEN'S PINN.PREST JEANS Bronn and Ollv• Sl:r.n21-U · MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Charaett1' Prints Sl:r.. S·M·L·XL MEN'.S IRIEFS AND T-SHIRTS T -Shirts, Sl:r.• H-46 lrleh, Sl:r.• 21-40 MIN'S SWEA nas 100% hruvlan AllNCoe· · • Orfg. 11.11 MEN'S DRUS SHIRTS Whit• Only 100% Cotton or PolyHt.,/Cotton NOW 2/5.00 99C 2/1.22 13.88 2/5.00 WOMEN'S ASSORTED SLlll'WEAR ........... ,.Dolls ........ 1 44 2 88 °''" 4.oo-6.oo NOW • to • FASHION HOSllRT - Diamond Lace. C>,Mtue Style Orig, 1.00-2.50 WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES White and Putel1 SIDI 1-M·L WOMIN'S ACHAR lllEFS White ond Polhf1 Sl:r.n S·M·L WOMEN'S COTTON IRAS White On~y A..-.C Cu,. Sln1 )4-40 NOW . .44 ••• 99 2/.99 3/1.00 .88 WALL MURALS Iambi, 0c .. n Seen•• Ort1o J.tt NOW 1.99 HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS GLADI MIST SPIC & SPAN MR. CLIAN !REPLACE SCREENS OROUP I Orl9 .• tt Or19 .. H or11 .• w, ii.ROUP 2 I Orlf .. 17.15°20.tl Orlf . 21.tS-26.11 FIREPLACE LOGS NO~ .33 ~ow .66 ~ow · .66 Now NOW 16.88 18.88 8 88 Oakwood Plnlsh . L __ L_O_W_E_R_L_EY_E_L __ , '""" .... WOMEN'S llT1'IR HULS Shon f'°"' the current MUOft, Vinyl• 1nd Plutlu. Orig. 12.ff NOW 16.88 · IOY'S DURAILI OXFORDS -. '!REPLACE IASKET ,........... .... 6 88 7 88 7.88 Ortg. Ltt.f.tt . NQ.W • te • CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOIS for Girl• Lftht and Fl11lbl• INFANTS' HIGH SHOES L .. tfMr Upper. LMther Sele Orlt.S.SO NOW MIN'S DRUS SHOES Leether u,,.,.. Good191r Welt ConstructlOft Ori• 22.tS HOW 4.88 2.88 16.88 WOMEN'S CULOTTIS AND IURNOOSIS Faahlon LoungewNr, lrlght Prints 4 88 °"• t.00 NOW • WOMIN'S ASSORRD SWEATERS AND SHELLS Shon SI-°'.,_.,.. 2 99 Turtleneck Orig. 4.oD-6.00 NOW 8 ASSORRD JR. AND MISSU SKIRTS SolW• and Ploldo 3 99 5 99 Orl9. 5.00-10.DO NOW • to • WOMEN'S ANKLE PANTS Cotten o.nhn •ncl NylOfl knlh 3 99 ·· • O•I• 5.00 to 1.00 NOW • WOMEN'S STRHCH KNIE KNOCKERS Cotton N' Nylon CMnlm 2 44 SI"' 11-14 ·0•11. :1.00 NOW • WOMEN'S POLYESm KNIT JAMAICAS 11uy eo .. '""''' 3 99 Slits 6-12 Or .... f.ot . NOW • ASSORRD MATERNITY TOPS AND IOTIOMS , .... ,.,, ..... ....... ·2 99 5 99 , Orlt• 4.00-l.OD NOW • te • WOMEN'S ILOllSIS White ... ,. ..... Lont ...... ' 2 44 Siu. 41-tJ.44 Orlt• 4.IO to J.OI NOW • WOMEN'S UNIFORMS GIOUP I GIOUP 2 Or~. 5.00 _ NOW Orig. 7.00 NOW MISSU' AND HALF SID DlU$ES 3.88 4.88 wonn1 ond KnltL Sins 1•1t\111/i•22 Yt 7 88 0.lt-11.00 to I0.00 NOW • 21 CU. FT. 23S·LI. FRUZIR Whlt.-Coppertone or11. 47t.IS 21 CU. n. 23S0LI. FRllZIR le1 Maker. White and C•ppert .. M NOW Orig. 53f.ff NOW 7S WATT·6 SPEAKIRS Slld• llul• AM·FM Tuner Orlf. 3tt.ot COLOR T.V. MAPLI CONSOLI 2ff ... In. 25,0IO Veltt NOW ~ ,,..,..,....,.., °"I• Stt.00 NOW HARMONICA Orlt, 1.tt Zl .. ZAG SIWING MACHINE 2 Only Ori• 241.f5 TAii# AND CHAil SIT llw Ch1ln, Whit. Talll• NOW . ,. Orlt. 21.tt NOW GOLi' CLUI SIT 3 WOODS, I IRONS ~-.I Gl.....,llte Clultl Ori• 121.tt NOW PITCHING WIDH AND PUTTIRS , ...... w ...... ...,, 388.00 499.00 299.00 469.00 NOW .99 ~II Ir ... RAIDID RUGS 61t 11,..,. •nd Goli' Orl9. 24.11 ,!RAIDID RUGS bl 0 Ki,.... lrown GoW ·.Orig. J4.tl liRMSflONG VINYL C.ntllt, 22 ,.. .. , , 11 ytle. Or~ LM HAU. lll!NNIRS 27"· WIDTH , ..... u...... . NOW ~ow Orlt~ l.Jt ft, NOW 14-PC. CO~liED IOWL sn Air TJtht LW• hll PrMf. UnbrMkaltle Orit-I.ft NOW 18.88 28.88 I .66 "· . 1.66 PoOT STOOLS 1 59.00 k> .......... "'"" ori,. S.11 IUCTRIC CASSlllOLE • tTetlen CutM. NOW 3.66 15.88 89.99 lt.NDllONS lal1ctc O.ly; Orl9. 1f.tf 0r1,. 11.fl.14.tl NNµAn DQOR CHIMU Kltchlft Hiii. Livi .. RMM. "fW 15.88 NOW 9.18 °"'' IO.H NOW 9 •• 8 •' °"• n.• NOW 27.98 FOUMOST WHl11 SPINNING ROD D11fln9ill ~ TNll I ....... hf r.rtnep to· °"" I J.Dt NOW . NSHIN• LINIS 9.88 NNNCRAn DOOR CHIMU luy to lnltoll. -11.tl NOW l'INNCUn CHORA\. DOOll CHIMIS - -11.88 r,..,.w ...... nt10., ... Or11. :n . .a.a llVolt(~I... . 13 88 NOW ., ...... Orlt. 1Ltl NOW ~ • 7'ia" CIRCULAR SAW . 2ltp M9tw, Cut.Stetl OMn, Pull 1111 •ltd NMllla ... rlftll, Orlt. ff.H NOW HRA VY DUTY SAlll SAW Pluth Cuttl .. Ptl9tvre Orig, )4.tl NOW ',f'.INNCRAn CHIMI AND CLOCK 39 88 IW•lftUt C.fllnot 64 88 o 0 •19. lt.H NOW • MIN'S JH.PAK SAMSONITE 24.88 ......... , NOW 24.88 ' I GARDEN SHOP I ~=·o!.~.:,.a::.... . .99 L---------------~ ..... "s-7+.11·11 · Ortf. 7.ot NOW 3/1 HEAVY DUTT DRILL Vorlftle Speei'. Trl ... r Switch .......... NOW 17.88 Orlt· 2'.tl WOMEN'S SAMSONIR 1" w---c... OrJw. 41.SO NOW 34.88 RANCH STYLI IAllECUE Motor ond Spit s .. n,....h Window TAll·A-LON5 1t.•.a.QUI ~ ....... -. Com ....... -'" 5-GAU.ON ISPALIDS Mafty Vorfetlel *UG-GmA PIWTS ..... GRASS SDD 1 t• 5-lb. .... 0tJt. 1.Jt to IM NOW 19.99- 1.99 8.99 2/2.96 I Ille .. 4.88 WOMEN'S HANDIAGS _,_........ 1 88 2 88 Orlt. UM.to NOW • to • WOMIN'S CLUTCHES AND WALi.iTS Pot.nt •• Ylnyl. Chlln ., ltr•p 99 -:1.H NOW • COSTUME JIWILlT · ............. ,.1. •Ml ...... COSTUMI ~RT ,........ .... Md Poml1 0•'9· ,....,... NOW Of'lf. I.It NOW SUN GLASSIS-IMPORRD • -~ NOW . .66 • .25 .22 1/4" DRILi. Kn , --................ ""''"II<"" 12.88 Orlf. II.II .NOW t " TAILI SAW MOTORIZID 2 hp -......... ··~ , ......... 22al6 . 1 19 98 , Ortf. lat." NOW • . 4" JOINTll ' . Dllvn MalW. All loll a..nnp. DIMI ContNI HMMll... Orff. IS.ff NOW 59.88 10" TAii.i SAW MOTORIDD °""'"·" .NOW 134.98. SIMI 51.0SS Oft. IASI PASTILS 14UART -Coot,-·-""'' .... Lo .. a 1 .a.a -:I.~ -- ARGUS SUPIR I MOVIE CAMERA WM C.rtrlil .. LMd Ort• 166.00 NOW AUTOMATIC POLAROID 240 ....... Caplltr• NOW 14'.4.oo 99.00 -1~-" ::.ATA 1000 DT1. • 0tt1:nt.ff . .NOW • 209""- ODAK CAROUSIL 710 . ....... ._ ',. . °""'"·" ~UI DOT SYLVANIA . ........ . . 82.t8 NOW .66 - ·"-PENNEY'S NEWPORT BEACH ONLY • • • LIKE IT CHARGE IT! •• . . I . I t • ---·-------~--·----~--- , l ' JI DAll.V PllOT H Twscl11. M1y 27, 1969 Southland Pace Slows l.ocll buslneal a t; t l v I l )' dedloed f-ly I 1 1 t mon111, -~ to O. C. t Adamt, Jnanlrler ot Securtt)' Padllc Nlllooal Bartie's eo.ta Mesa b<tndl. Southern C.li!omla economy, Adami Mid. April economic perfonnlnce Is es,Jimated at JSS.5 on the Soot.hem California business index (11157-59-100) compiled by the bank 's economic rt.search department, T be April measurement b •down sll8hU1 from 119.2 in March and rrom a record hi&h 191.7 In February. \. • • ' ~ • '· • • . t- • A conslderablfi dOwntum In department st.ore sales and -..faknesaes ln construction and rul estate atUvlty were partially offset by caw in ~ compooents of the 1e ··\1ar mmg you? To fill out, get the facls ... hn." ~'m...~ le1sln1 isn't !or everyone ••• butJt Is provina: 1dv1nlqeous lo ino11 people 111d more businesses ePch year. How about YCKI? To help }'Gu decide. MacHowa1d has prepared I comprehensive foldtr of qll!stions and lllSwetS, It's yours fgr Uie 1skina:. Jusl c•ll or visit M11:How1rd leaslna: Jn Santa Ant. l.ttrn how lenln1 the M1cHow1rd ¥11J can 1lmplify bookkeepinf, t!ahten bud&et control, incre•se fleet eflltiency, improve !he depretitlion p1clure, etc. tnd etc. Get the IKIS ••• he.re ••• 11 Macf!ow11d. Open Mon. lhtu Sit. ----- MacHowar<b AUTO AND TRUCK LEASING 124 No. Harbor at Balsa• Santa Ana Telephone (714) 531-0607 - Bay Area oceag11g~~ic fund llC. . - A mutull fund fnvestin1 In tht development and use of the ocean and its reMMJrteS ----------Ml~ Dhtrlbmns, IK. ... ,... llrMI N-YIM'tL N.Y. 1 .... ....... ...... -• Pf'OS~• '" ttlo ~~aphh; l1o1nd. l1tC. Stai• i1p QGuess who just got a seat on the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange? • .. . " .. • • • ' • • M. P. KRUSE & COMPANY. INC. I Member PO<illc Coast Stock Exchange _ 2100N.MainSlltd•SarUMa.Oillbnla92706•1714l 547-S941 ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 WORLD TRENDS FINANCIAL, INC. is plened to announce the appointment of JOHN TATTAM IS President of World Trends lnsur· iince Agency, Inc. Mr. Tattam will head the new insurance 11ency from the main olfite in the Wor1d Trends financial, Inc. buildinf, leisure World, Laguna Hills. World Trends now has offices in Seal Beach, Lonf Beach, and Tustin. • 23521 Paseo dt V11tnd1 lJ1u111 Hills, C.llfomla 92653 JtllpiloM (714) 837·2970 per annum oil minimum tef'lll occounh in multlple1 of , 1,000: HEAD OF?'ICE ~-«~·; ~~ 31 S EHt Cotorltdo 90!.li.ve·~· ::r-:l!;!!'l PaudeN,.C.tlfoml• 91109 ' • Sunlite Gains Ne,v Hospitals New Director - INGS OTHER BRANCH ()111qCES -e--w..t Al"C8Cff8 ·Cavin• .~· G_,. -.. ~-~- I ' \ I , llTtlUT IAl-1 la Ill• , ••caa11am n SI-m llllt ISSICtAJil CU IUTID ' ,. ' ------------............ -...... --..--.. , ,_,. I I,._•----·~~-•·...---~~--~ Tuesday's C1osing Prices- '1 I I l Complete New York • ' H DAILY PILOT Jl,_ • Stock Exchang~ List I~ist ! I I l .. t I_ J' OAll.Y I'll.OT 1 .Mighty • ' .. StUdio Y eared for 'S hane.,' 'Graduate' • • • F • By VEllNON SCOT!' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Bohlncl the ·bravado o r Hollywood lilin makers lies a IOll ol ~lorlili<d only lif~·PlJ. The stUdio-ls 'Paramount. The pi~ wm "Coing My Way, .. ' •1~aqe~ a ri ti "fte Gl'ldWiie. •• , ' In all ; three cases studio bipigs w~ terrified they bad p~ cataotr:aohes illd·•tlempt.ed 1o unlood'them oa tbeit brethren lo Ole movie· rnaJdng lxJsiness. When director Leo> McCarey compleled "Going 1,1.y Way" with Bing Crosby and Barry FiUgeraJd as Jfrlests, the late Frank Freeman blew his stack. He told McCarey that folks down south didn't cotton STARTS WEDNESDAY ONI OF THI TEilS " 11 llST J• C-111H& "FACES" .... ''M(!)l)EL SHOP" to priests and that he would Jose his shirt. Freeman refused to pay McCarey his director's salary, insisting instead, that the director accept a percentage or the profits, u any. rosnrvti:r No oNr UNDE• 11 ADMmD TMIS ENG.I.GI• MINT. ALL SUTS THIS PRO. GUM $2.DO <;Freeman forced m,e Into becoming a millionaire,'' McCarey said af:ter the Ulm went on to win the Oscar, along with awards for Crosby and Fiagerald. McCarey won the Oscar in addlUon to millions. 'rhep. tlle.re wu the case of (\eorge Stevena and "Shane." When Stevens, turned in hia print of tlie westerp the eor- porate structure at Paramount was struck with a m~ve ease' of St. Vitus dance. nley" believed. collectively, that Ste vens had lost his mind . The studio negotiated with United Artists to buy the pic- ture at cost. Paramount just wanted to unload the atrocity and get its money back. But United Artists wasn't ·having any. Clearly;tbe brainl at UA knew a turkey when they saw one, too. With a tear in its corporate eye, Paramount re I eased "Shane" and waited for the bomb to explode. It did. With shattering er. feet. "Shane" became a classic western and earned as much money as any horse opera that ever thundered out or a sound stage. Finally, and recently, dlrec· tor Mike Nichols turned cut an unpretentious little picture titled ''The Graduate" star· ring a couple of unknown kids, Dustin Hoffman and Katharine Ross. Once again the bosses bad a stroke. "What ls this?" they critd, or something like that. All they couJd aee was ruin and disgrace. "'Ibe Graduate" caught on with young people and cuf.. rently is chasing "Gone With the Wind" and "The Sound of Music" as the most successful . bo.}' office picture ever made. ·1t they graduate, .they deserve a Sylvania for summer fun ••• there'sll.Sylnnia Entertainment lnatrument to thrill any graduate. Chooee a stereo, tele'fision. radio or tape recorder. 'l'bey'll enJOT aiidrememher itt.or,...... • ·- 9Jln:nia'110!equan inch sct'ffn ~portabW!ieokrrTV. Has cc:imenient canyi11g handle and bttilt-ia VHP Del UHP ant.ennu.AFC (~finebmin~) imnm.sa J)l'rfaS. picture~ the pOllh of a buUon. ~eolorteleTi.moQstarLa mus ....... 1<1r....WCB36,;..t SylvanS.'1 mini-mod. The cbotce o! the ~·oung and young at; heart everywher-t. This ~peed stereo record player comes rom~witb ~pairof detached l!t>e•. . . _.Ast for model MMt 10. Coinplriewitb daa&: CO't'er,Jtllt ' $99.95 I $329.95 Your headquarters for Superb Sylvania home entertain ment instruments • Y-headquarters for Superb S)otvania hom9 entertainment lnstrume nfs •t f f. 171h SI COSTA MESA D•tly 9· 9, S.t. 9 • 6 6'6·f6U '• ---------------------~~- ... + + '+ .. • • " • .. ...... -... ~-~~-..... ~~~~~. 1' 1 .. .. Lohman, Barkley Ca~eled . l'amily l'racas witti Georte ht»ftord I• "PENDULUM'" Starts Wednesday Ja11t1t Cobura, Lff •-kk la e·-·=.~=J••; P1111 ....._, 9-IM .. "THE· MAGUS" Je>hn Ferzacca and Pat Brown, playing Dylan Thomas and his wife in the Laguna Playhouse pro- duction of "Dylan," mix it up in the frenetic scene from the biographical drama, opening Wednesday. Starts Wednud1y Hippies Not Funny To Carol's Korman HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Harvey Korman, re :si de n t comedian on "The Carol Burnett-Show,'' has an off· camera sense of humor, but not when it comes to hfppjes and other weird types who in· fest his neighborhood. He's moving out. The husky comic and his wife of nine years, Donna , live above the Sunset Strip. And inasmuch as they ha ve two youngsters; Maria, 4, and Christopher, 2, they don't want them exposed .to the freaks in beards, tattoos, long stringy hair and love beads. The Kormans would prefer to remain in their 1930 com· posite of Med i t errean· California stuca> because it has a view ol the city, a swim· ming pool and is furnished with a mixture of ?nliques an.1 contemporary pieces t h e y selected especially for the home. It's sunny and bright, but th e shadow of today's Sunset Boulevard casts a pall on the Konnan home life. In addition to their two children, the three-bedroom home is occupied by a full· time maid and a Siamese cat nanied Kelly who recently gave birth lo a Jitter of three kittens. ! Aho -~~:K~:!~.:im:~ -vswnn;41 · to Beverly Hills. It's a matter OmarSharl ~l>efaM of one mile in distance, light I!!!.,· ~ ·q "°" years in substance. · Eve Show Startt"6:45 Konnan works five days a C t S F 2 p M week on the Burnett show,I on · un. rom · • reading through the script on , Monday, bl0<king out lhe,skel·,. BALBOA ches and musical numbers on . • . . 673-4048 I Tuesday and Wednesday, • camera rehearsal Thursday • OPEtl • 6:45 and taping Friday. 70t I. a.1Ma Weekends the K o r ma n s a.it.. l'nln•I• devote to their offspring. They IL.;....;.;.; ____ := poke a r o a n d playgrounds, pony rides, amusement parks, the zoo, picnics and short trips to San Diego and Santa Barbara. TECHNICOLOll.,_,.,,;... -•. ,i SECOND FU.TUii "HELLO DOWN THERE" ........_ ____ . ..._ WEEK NIGHTS AT 1:15 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOWS ON SAT. I SUN. In nrw smtn s11ltndor .• The most maguifitml pi<Dlro mrl . MVIOQ~JCK'S -<FMNl(Wl(l MllCIE.tS WRKGABLE VMENLllGll I,ESUEUOWARD OLMAdeHA\111IRID When the children lire out llarvey sneaks off to play golf at Bel·Air countr.y club with a few cronies. He also plays ten- nis at lhe courts o f 1 neighborhood fr iends. I The comedian haJ> I h e curious habit of starting several books at on ce and rarely finishing any of them. He explains this by saying he hates to see the end of ' IEST s urPCRTING ACTCI 111~=~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;,~========;;1 JACK ALIERTSON I! 1~.1~~ : """"' FiixsouTH coAsT "" ClNlRAl PLAZA THEATIUE "'t/ta. #16,jecf CtlRPflRATION San Die&o Freeway 1t Bristol • .546--2711 o-""*~',,,,..._ ' ACRES OF FREE PARKING anything. e Sta.ts Wednesday e WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT NIGHTLY 7:00 & 9:15 THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Crossword Puzzle AT REGULAR PllCU BEST FOREIGN FILM 3Wlllllerof Academy Awards! AC ROSS 1 Position o authority b Narr ow optning 10 Thin tapered pit'CP 14 Actor Green! 15 New MtX I· Cilln Indian lb "Gone with the Wind" homr 17 Surrounded by 18 Spasmodic movemt nt 19 Vital statistics item 20 Sourc e of inllut11ce: 2 words 22 Crushed malt 23 Utilized a book 2~ lnhalt •nd exhale 2b Bern's rive r Z'J Endeavor 30 Symbol of qu letntss )l School 9rtl.IP 33 Boards , ~ supporting 'i bedsprings: 2 words _ 37 F•brlc ol a net 38 Garden lo o! 40 H lstorit pm name '41 Madt urgent appeal 43 Kind of son g 44 Horst y color '4 5 Away's companion 47 Minuit 48 Twist out of stiape 51 Wl!Jte -·-·-53 Stiore recess 54 Paolc-button puslll'tS .5'J Man's name bO Onc e more: Dl•1. bl Accustom 1>2 Part of• church bl Musical composllion b4 Lon g plumtd bird 6 5 T trrifi!d 6b Hum an join t &7 Gives off fumrs DO WN l Crash of lhllnder 2 --·· l1be1: Man Uit creator J Lin ed up 4 --sanctum 5 Note declln- • iJl.9 an 'invltatron 6 Kind of boy or girl friend 7 Chap s 8 Under ~n oblfgatiort 'J Dally amorously 10 Th ings which can he put in stock 11 Custom lZ C@t!ain Celts 13 Being with· ot1\ gloss 21 81'vtrage coun ter 22 Op~ls, pearls, etc. 25 Badge1ed 211 Utmost degrte 27 Form of Alexander 28 Skin dis· order 32 Cut down in ex te nt )3 Worthle ss 34 Bt ··-to oneself: 2 words 5/27/119 JS Hollow build· lng uni\. JI> Resemblln g In 111 ways 38 One whose nam e !~ in lights 39 Washington, D.C., landmark 4Z Plant part 43 Can. provin· cial lead!r 45 Pipe rltting 46 Ventila!t 48 Gfrl's nam t 49Klndof relative 50 Bondm an 52 Burn sligtit!y 55 -·of duly 511 AJfirmatlve reply 57 Migration 58 Fixes in pt 1Cl!S bO lnq,Jire of STEVE Mc.9UEEN In "BULL IT" ., .. CLINT WI.LIER "SAM WHISKEY'" STARTS WEDNESDAY Ab• THE 11.ATLES IN 'YELLOW SUBMARINE ' Bargain Matinee Wed ., 1 p.m. FREI REFllSHMIENTS ADULTS Sl.00 BEST Th• DAILY PllOT oH•n 1011te of the be1t f•tlltr•t, by t c.tll•I '""''" of t•tdttt, t Yt ltablt 111 •11y llew1ptpel' 111 the 11ttlo11. • The Two Part Producticn <:1f Leo Tolstoy's ~~~srovsWAR/ ana , PEACE ~-----• -uc •&1tl1'0 AllMY" Of llAPOl(Ofl lffmt.TA«llC' CIAlttOI Of THE """NOON(D IY lfS 'twlRCa . P.u.AC( IAU Al THOUSMOS Mil.1' THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION OF "WAR AND PEACE" WILL IE SHOWN IN TWO PARTS. EACH P.-'RT WILL IE SHOWN FOR. ONE WEEI(! PART 11·;:":::~·::.:. STARTS MAY 21st S$=HEDULES OF PfnFORMAHCES W.0'"'96-J, M.., J I ••••• , •• , •••• , , •••••••.••• 1:00 ,_,... T•11"4..,, M.., 22 ••• •" •••• •· •••.••••••••••••• 1M p.a. Fridey, M.,, JJ • , •••• , •••• ••. ·..:_ ••• ,, 61Jf & lt!OI flA s.twnky, M.., 14 •••••••••••··~· J :004:J .. IO:tt p.-, ~. M.., JS ••• , •• , • , • • •• • • • • • • • 1 l :JM:IM:ot p~ ...... ..,. ,...., 16 ·········'···················· 1:00 , ... ,...,,, .. .., 27 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·: •• l :Of , .... ( . ---~---~-~ ,f I 1 I I 11 I , ' II! I I I II 'I I I 1 I * ' .-• . - • • • -.. Foon1abl Valley EDITIO N N.Y •. ' voe. 62, NO. ·126, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES .TEN CEHl'S Astronauts fa:milies G:reet. 4p-0llo Crew in 'TexaiJ SPACE CENTER, Houaton (UPI) - Apollo 10'1 astronauts, the men who unlocked the door to the moon, returned home today to the arms of their loved ones·and 11 days of reports expected to clear the way fqr a lunar landing in July. Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman landed at nearby Ellington Air Foree Qase after a lJ..bo.ur, non.atop. f)iilbt from the Sooth Pocllic Island paradise of Pago Pago. While an Air Force band played "Deep· in the Reart of'"Tua." tbe three beam.. lnl! spacemen stepped;o.rt of their giant air force jetliner, emlnced U1elr wives and h1111g Poiyn.,Jab· leis around the netj(si ol their children. Stafford'a first word to the crowd of 800 assembledi aloDg the fii&bl line was tHQWdyl" · • ' "Like l said 'On the carrier, it's really great and flllllaotic. to be' back fl<llJl the moon," .,.id the.i:ommand<r ct ·the eight· day' lunar orblting ·missJoo. LSD Trip Blamed Huntington Teen Lives After Three-story .Leap A World:Weary Hnntington Beach youth allegedly high on LSD and clad or\ly in f10wered un®rwear ·survived a three- story leap out.of a J,ong Beach bote1'win- dow Mood11y night, then kicked wildly at would-be helpers with his two wobbly, broken legs. . Jeffrey C. Blair, 19, of 6942 Canterbury Drive, lJi listed in good condition today at C:Ouncil to Adopt Holding Zone For Civic <::enter ~:eouneuriien wm~ 1 P,oc1mi!d holifinl 1011e lo projoct·tbe (Jnll!llOd Hwt tingtgn ~ach Civic Center si(e as soon &! City Attorney Donald Bonfa drafts. the necessary terminology. Monday flight councibnen outlined the proposed boundary of the civic center area after selecting a civic center architect, Kurt Meyer. The modification eame about when councilmen decided nOt to include Hun- tington Beach High Schooll in the holding zone as had been done in previous pro- posals. . Boundaries stretch from the proposed Pacific Coast Freeway right-Of-way on the north,, up Main Street to Garfield Avenue, west of the centerline o[ Goldenwest Street and down to Mansion Avenue, at the edge of tbe high school. When adopted, the holding zone will eliminate any new construction in that area for about six months, while city planners study the area fOr zone changes. "No building permits will be issued for new construction In that area," explained Mike Brotemarkle, assistant planner, "but indlvdiuals may still make mlnOr repairs or additions on homes already In the area." Largest single land owner in the area is the Huntington 8¢ach Company. • • ~ t. I· St. Mary's Hosp!ta.11 following· the gro- tesque plunge froin. the Lafayette Hotel. Police ofllceir who arrived· at the downtown Long Beach scene about 9:30 p.m. found Blair sitting on Q>e Broadway sidewalk hear · Unden Avenue, his legs flopped out at sickeolnl! Rag Doll anglts on the concrete. '"Ibe world's just a bummer," they quoted the victim as saying after he kick· ed and fought patrolmen and ambulance attendants attemptblg to get him to the emergency hospital InvesUgaUon then led to the third floor apartment of Blair's girlfrk!nd, Eliz:abet.h Davis, 21, a music student at Cal State, Long Beach. · · Officer Jack Parker said he and his partner (ouod Blair!& panla -the pockets containing · U.... · ~ed marijuana cigarettes -in Miu Blair's 1partmen~ l"mJ~I ~ '!"~· W'I'°. conf!ICili!d. . • ' • Mia BlairWIS arre&ied •. bool<ed lb- to Loog Beach City.Jail •Ob ouapicion of possession of dangel'OUl'drup, according to Looi Beach polite. Manhunt Seeltjng P~ison ~pee A manhunt spread throu&l>out Southern Cslifornja toda; for a convict-Vlller and an Orange COunty bandit -who eScaped pmon at Chino Monday night by ocallni a rence in a heavy foe. They were identified as Harry K. campbell, 23, serving five years to Hfe for a holdup in Orange COunty and Richard A. Vetter, 38, of Sacramento. Atithoritles at the COITectional institute said Vetter was convicted of manslaughter as a result of the 1954 slaying of a fellow inmate at Folsom Prison. Both Campbell and Vetter were In- mates at the Chino institution's Southern ConservaUon Center when they made their escape in the mist. j ' .... . "Boy, that moon la rtaUy a peculiar. very strqe, very diltere:nt kind of satellite and I think ~ learned a great deal about what's going on up there,'~ ~id Yowig. • . "But that ~n doesn'l have any air, and it's not Texas, and we sure are glad to be here." ' Ceman said, "I'm convlnc«l now, more than ever, ·there's no place wbere we (See APOLLO, Pqe I) .. * * * Los .Al Skipper Carries Apollo Capsule Home From Win Services A , vessel carrying a cargo more precioua than anything historiC voyq;era brought back from a New World once llmlli!d lo our own planet ls stearnJn& home today with a Los AlamJioa skipper at her belm. The helicopler aircraft carrier USS Princeton is headed for Pearl Harbor to unload the Apollo 10 space capsu1e pluck~ ed fro m the South PacUic seis with her three astronauts Monday. "We have been dedicated to exctllence and I'm e.tremely p(eued," .aid Capt. Carl M. Cruse, 46, ol Los Alamitos in a shipboard htterview today. Capt. Cruse had reason to be proud. Astronaut John W. Young said Monday in an address to the Princeton's officers that the recovery operaUon which put the heal~rred CQDUnand module safely .. deck was by fat the 6est yet· · ~•Y,"'fl1"'i9!°·te,WlhiDl,'f~'ve tetn .· ".3:'om1t·~,~1~-_, t, ,t~, · .. .. Telei'Bll)I ", of' ~latlaL from around t)le warld flooded the 2f.year-old warship'• commun:ieations center as she steamed toward Apollo dropolf at Pearl Harbor Saturday then homt. The Princeton is cruising along at 26 knob and will conUnue on to her home port of l.A>ng Beach after NASA officials take charge of the Apollo craft. No orders have beeD IMOUDCed yet for the ablp whlch :will plct up the Apollo II crew after retumJng from their planned ffiOOb landing Jn July. Daneer Guilty On Lesser C:Ount A Fountatri Valley dancer arttsted On charges or indecent exposure has pleaded guilty in Huntington Beach munlCipal court to reduced charges of disturblng the peace. Fined •tzs and placed on one year of informal probation was Carol Irine (Mis· ty) Termohl~,. 41, of 17552 Santa Rosalia, Judge Kenneth Snllth accepted her plea to the minor court- Miss Termotilen was arrested last Jan. 22 at the Pussy Tat bar, 14421 Beach Blvd., Westminster, after a perfornlance in which, officer& said, she.displayed her totally naked body at varlou11 phases of her strip tease routine. Officers complained in their report that Pussy Tat patrons collaborated with the allegedly bottomless dancer by tocking the tavern's back door shortly before her performance began. . . . . . ' ' ' " 1 ·~,..·'tllUf'l ABOARD USS· PRINCETON, APOLLO IO CAPSUlE SHOWS SCARS OF RE-ENTRY . ~ut ~l"""'uts YllUntl, Stefford, Com.n (from loll) In Fine $/i•po Aldrich Supports Police on Irvine . ' Campus if Needed By•THOMAS FORTUNE Of .. ~ PQlt • ..,, Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. says he will call police ·In on lhe UC ·Irvine ..,.~,.J.!lf~ p'Oltf "" j.,,iK 1c:Qyjfll "jmoq UC! -ls 111d r..;Uity ,memiien -let~ to back a~y fmn 'tlial po1ltlon. Deba&e OD pollpe intervention at Ber-- AUriela to Spe•k UC lroin~'s ChanUUor Donftl G. Aldrich Jr. will sptak before the Paularirio Sc:Mol ~A, 1060 Paula'rino Rood, Coita Me.uJ, at 7:80 o'clock to- night. . RI.! loplc U>lll bt "Compus Diaord· ers.•'The public is invited to attend. keley, which has all on campus wofldeT.. ing If It coul,d happen at UCJ, went on for eight hot.lrs Monday at UCT: A four-hoU r conclave for which classes Were dismissed inelded Into a meeting of' t50 student !trlkm and in· turn war folloWed by ' an emergency ·meeting al the faculty 's Academic Senate. Under prodding by activists, Aldrlch toOk his stand, saying he was planting both fed for law and order. But a large majority of the 75 profes- sors atten(Ung the Academic Senate session voted to reeolve "No outside police shall be called In except when the entire campus agrees there ls ex· lreme danger to human life." The chancellor the11 told prof~sors they should be aware he doet!i not have sole authority lo decide U police should come onto the Irvine • Cl~pus. The campus police, he said, are tmder bis commllld, but the Orll!P COuoty Sher· Uf's Office has concurrent jurisdiction. Aldrich said the working arrangemeot (See ALDRICH, Pip I) ' J Spaee Blasph·emy? flible Prof Chides Apollo Crew ' MIAMI (I/Pl) -The' Apollo IO meke public apologies,'' .aid I b 0 utrona.ta shou{dn't-·have said 'all those tel · · naughty words Out by the moon, ac· egrams to Nixon and the :chlef of the eotUlbg• to Dr. Larry' W. Polabd ol the Manned Space F~l ceoler lo /kJUl!on. ldiami Bible &liege. Poland beclµne incemed. upoo l'Oldlng , '!BJaspbemoui!'' aclaimed Poland; newapaptr ' a(lt'QUDts of tranan..._ """-*~"J:&'=:" ~Alllf: . .,N ~ 1°' · " i,; " ool''illilllie" • A ewspapen -the _...,.. """""' the. aatliHi: r _, , one astronaut as shouttnc over tfie radio: 'Die 11-)'m'<>ld . ~ 1114ua1e, "Yau lmow lhll ll"lld-(-f who ,_ holds • doctorate ,In collep 1d-fllter bu· faDi!d on mt." · minlltnlUon, wanls the Pr..ident lo do At lllOther potn~ the reperjl Mid, • somhhl:na about cussing in t h e space exclabped "Son of a bttch.,. apooecnft. Poland aaya Pnlfanlty llhould be "IOft · "AD military and civil deall'lllons of on the rest """" w.U." llld not -by these IMO should be withheld until they the nation's heroes. , Meyer Architectural Firm Tapped for Beach Center. ' A Swiss-born 1tthltect will design Hun- tington 'B<ach•1 M mJilloii· civic ctoter ·complex. The architectural firm or K~ Meyer Associates in auociaUon with Honnold 'and Rex, Architects, waa unanimouaIY selected·for the job Monday nlllhl by city ceuncllmen. . . Negotiations will start Immediately between the city and Meyer. City offlclals predict they will have a signed contract in about two weeks. Councilmen interviewed Meyer, who eaid he woUld penooally work on the pro. Jee~ and the ll'Cbltectural firm ol John B. Parkin Asaodates. Both firms were recommended by the Huntingtoi\ Beach Design Review Board whidi narrowed the cbolce to two Hnnl from more lhan 30, '. • Meyer received the council nod tiemne it wp felt his designs repreeented ·greater· "Dexibillty" and he cOuJd best work wilh the city. : "Wort trig with· the same materllls (concr:ete and steel),'' said Qxlnc!bitan George McCracke n, ••,Meyer demonstrated a wider variety Of ·~ thai1 Parkin." . 1 Meyer will develop plans for the: city h a 11 and police facilities on the-alte' a c r o s .s from Htmting(on Beach ffllh School. • He said he expects to have worti'ng drawifl&s and preliminary de,talll ~reedy Jor bidding within a year. · City Administrator Doyle M J 11 e r estimated that Huntington Beach's ctvic Center might become a reality IOlllMime around 1972. Mile Square Just Starting NEW YORK (AP.) -~ &took D>afklt with. invt5lor .concern · o'ver tight money repQrted weighing it down ckwed with a sharp loos todly, (See~. P-12-t!). . Oth er Recreational.' Areas Set 1or -Viilley Park. ... When the first goller drlY<S 1 shot A clubhoose complex btcludinf .,.. Pl1os Include IUCb poalhillUea 11 a down the fairway Jufle 28 at Mile Square 1hop, storage equtpment room, locket pond where ywnpten can Ooat model Golf Coqrse in Fountain Valley he will rooms and banquet facilities will be com· btatl, .an airstrip where older ex- have launched more than just a tiny, pleted tcmetime after Dec. I, 11)'1 Rain-J)4l!rirnenterl can try out the latest mo;del hard-core sphere. rllle~ • planet and ,a bleye&e rental concession Included-in future plaiu ror mile Head pro at the Course will WSktp that mlibt evr:n loclude a bicycle-bullt~ Square .eark art suCh projectl as • Whittet, cumatly head pry at wesae,n foN.lfO. children'• zoo. a hlstortcal center, model Billi Golt C.OW.. .. AllO en the dNwlac boards are a zoo boat ponds, food coocesslona and mill)' of Next atep plllmed bf the ar..,.. Cam-far dllldrm, 1 blotorbl -deptcting the plwuttt found In other padls. · IJ lleportmeet ol u.rbon. 1leicboo ad counl1 hillory, I ....0 flabinl pOlld .llld Such ldeu are Ill Cbbtallied in the P1rb for Mlle SqUll'e II ~ of I fb>-.ir 1ra1. master plan for Mlle Square, Orll!P IOI oms ldll<tnt to the fNI!.._. • llannaf bail fleldl llld ~ courll for Or ... e ' w-t11er ·· The weatherman's as bond as you are, but here'• how It'll be \todnelday: Cloudy ~ stfls followed by hasy -·lb· the alJernoon with temperatuno la the 70-75 rang& • ' .. • C.Unty'a propolO!d rtglonll putt. L """'" the -o1. w.,_ Av..,. ad l!udl4 -and bullllbofl m 11ae included in ty Jdeis don't slk:e or book off to ooe '1dO 1 SIMI. . ,_ ,plam for the lade of -.-l!fl!O-Sq\llrl ·fl'!(dd j "...,.·~ iii"*'°' ~ , · ._._'Pomll out:lhll iodY -.. of mikealaraereQ'<llloiiaflplpact,ldwett _,_llitlpoi'fll;~·..,.t!lo~ doo!l¥Ji!U! wlll '..t/ lndlde plallc '~,c..oty. > • • • • • .. -· --~ .. 4iiw11,' •. ~ !'i'1"' ~ Ola ""' blrf. • • !lot lncludlng\the aoif ogorse,'tht'pfl1< _, ... ,"°IMll' -..... .. ............... -.i of the QSmE TGD-'Y • : Oranoe,Cooit m.cn·ond '°°"""' i, ore mvifto tf&tir cowntrv i" mi4" ..,,.~·-IM>­S•tl!ftil:«r ~~ r..i• 1p; : ' . . .... "'"'""""""' WAITING-FOR MllE SQUARE PARK DEVELOPMENT Sisters ~ •• ,...,, 11 !left), Mont .. Mon1ftold, t • r ar.ea will eventually cover M5 ~t JWd1 lo. ui oo the pro~ . U.-. IDll 111 eta 4'pwbad and dev<loped Into vlfidilt ,1ttrldl«ll ptUI ,~ b1l!i> ~ m11Cbed by•f-.t lieo wlthln the 01)' of J'oantain VaUey. open, turfed land.· , . • fW\ds ,!/om the Land ahd· Waler T h·e , CounlJ ~"! fl 8\llldlng The pM -~JI liOIOI Ob ~IO '-. O,JoiaeM!fon P\nl. Total ~ ,al Mlle Sol •ioeo 1-Jeo ........ ad l6pr for ' represents the firoi stop in the CleftlOo-..... ~ W Ill ti" drooml '!!""!~ will, ~ II the port. men1ofMUeSqu1n.nwu1t1rledalit. W·-''11·• m1nion. T,q.F dlnl, ·~·oM!cY~•l,1111tiiof,_., tie more thon •'JW '8"1 IDll1-••. ,....,~~z•-lll ll!Nt• .. ,_,I ihoV Nti0Pw-o1111<•-.. maru the olfldll .,... of Ille -... e' t6 -.· 1111 1 llmit , tt s tis !tr ' :Tc-:~·-• mn.. w ...... llCCOC'dl!IJ lo Dini ........... ;. '..ooilt;• ......... ....., loo.MIJ ....... ~ ...... ""1 ·klld ·"'the fJdll4', -<llli\ite; -. , • ~, . ., •); c......... • ...... • c......... a.a .... .. ....... " --. c~ 14 ......., ..... ., .,... ................... . .............. =-.. .. IMll111•• n ' ., 14 .... ...... 1•11 ......... , .. ... ....,n,....... 11 ....... 11 .......... 14 1 ... w.... ,, --(I -. =-" ........... " -.. • .J ., • I l I IWl.V Pii.DT H • UC.I Student I Cla·s h Over ~erkeley Discof,d • J. A """'1 ~ op1n!Oos wer. aprwed Moo4q 4ft:ll a tu-bout conclave on llil ·~ 11' .._. lllM40ll b1 D UC Jm..rt '.. • ~ olfmd Included: ~ llpeu, frelbmaD of \hd,.rsily Plltr, .,.illn( II the IOp ol htr lunp - ''11ie plit 11 llOI tbe Issue, get lhlt cltor. It Ir cwlrtlllaUan. !loo' Just sit Uleft an<. lot U1ls ~ talle care ol ltleU. Y• IUe care ol I~ -Have cuto. be boFd-Care e110UCb lo be heri" I .. -· freobmaD ol HllllilllCt<>O * * * I ,. ~ -•11:e..111opa n. ...... ,.. ....... Uliloo! lbe Yiolml factl9D lbll 11 ...... ,. . . ' '*Dlloll'll ···-I(· I ,..,,.,•r .. , ..... 5·""' """""· .... ~ Obe • -llld the people ~ lite . ~ ~· · ,. Stacy Wlddlcemb, freshman Corona del Mar -~ursday there trere 500 of us herded at bayonet po1nt. We were-""'*' with I oo\il>lo of CIDlll'.U·" IUeMrd P~ freshman ot W-1 -"'The People'i Park T ll>ia II ridleulom We doo't bne pqle'! ,, ......... 1 · • . AJ.DRICH BACKS POUCE • • • ls tbat he -1d make the declllon. ''Bui II tbe1 Clherill au-) declde l dlll't -e.o..gb to call tbem they cu ccDe lb," he , Said. Tiit -II Important lo prol<uon ·w ,-... becauae· _Ii....., ..,. collod Ill at Berll<ley not b1 O>ani!ollor ~ lleyDI but by cIYll authorltloo, -aJao decided .. ~-A ~' o1 studenb -probably about ue .o1 the 3,iOO -remained on &irfke ...,, Pickets """! DUL --dooely queollooed ~ bylllad<llladents.' J~.:..tho ~~~~ru: bail om· cAldrlob -llOO ol bb on ..-y) and calling off clur<s iJ a C(f!V!M!>Cllb\e th 1 D g, but 'that's not OJ10U&h, II WOUid be more effective tO tell people where you stlod.'' Salcl Aldridl, ''The rlgbt of studel)ll lo lllrll<e 11 ..U evident. But I do not !eel tbe lllrll<e ts tbe way' lo bring about change. C!aaea have to be made avaUs able lo all lhooe wbo want lo ·altend. "I deplore the .-at Berkeley. l bave attempted lo deal with piOOlemS oa thb eampuo ~ and not bring Ibo polJce In. I _..,. lhlt Ibo hap- penO\l at ~keley. "When yw don't agree, don't say you are going to pnvenl others from doing something," Aldrich warned. 0 When enough people challenge in that way it federal Inquiry, of police tactics, and meetlnp be held to settle the use of tbe IO-Cllled People's Part. \ -Redirect their educational efforts to fOOIJ§ on the l.!auea rllled by the Berteley conlllct. A'"901alion to suspend cla88es through Thuraday -In ellect go on atrlke aloog With the !tudtnts -failed by a Z to I margin. . Pro a.,I con IOllllmeit wu amluned up by llatemenls oti,,. ~ Daniel .c. Dennett, uall\al pr0f-r of pbilotopby, Aid, "Gatet nor Rea1an earlier promlJed to teep the university open at tbe point Of a baoyooet if necessary. I think we lbould demonstrate that ls precisely · the condition under which we will not keep the university . open and operating as usual." Countered Howard S. Babb, professor of English: "I don't feel I bave Ronald Reagan's bayonet in my back. I suppose 1 have as much contempt for him aa anyone else in th.ls r06ID, but I feel I have a reswnsibility to educ1~.", From POfle I APOLLO ••• is civil war. I'm not proposing to set can't eventually go." · students and faculty against each other The astronauts climaxed their 7$0,000: i.a a civil war. . mile -voyage with a Pacific Ocean "Ca!llng for police ls the mechanism splashdown Monday 443 miles east or our society provides to handle laws Pago Pago in American Samoa. breakers."' Student Body Pr~ident Ron Ridgle The astronauts wore blue space agency said, ''1 am disturbed' by the chancel· coveralb sportigg bright Apollo IO lor's comments. I don't see any jUltifica-emblems. They brought back large lion for defending these fasclst tactics." plastic bags containing leis and other , Saki I black atudeDt who Cills him·· presents for their family, One Of the aelf Andukl: "I don't want ti. bear him presents resembled a model of an outrig- teU us what be'a willlna to do, I want ger canoe. to hear him say whe:re his two feet are Stafford, Cernan aM Young were and what he's going to do.'' whisked from the carrier USS Princeton • • P'"l*'f ID the tJallod -· 'l'l>e ~ 11 IO apodal pojltlcll uylwn. I llllmltbn~ME 'a' .... ..................... "' ... c _...i .....,u-~" 11m Wlllftdd. ~ toad!htl assl.atant -"All 10 of the students 'ar· rested are my friends. I declare now [ v.rlll not hold classes. l don't care what are the reprisals. Yob cannot treat ll\Y friend.I like that." St.pboa Sliapln, 11m-1 prof....,.. ol ~~ :-''The peoplo ol Germany ra·, ~ tho Nazis' crlmt.s by aaylng Record Turnout Seen for LA Mayor's Race LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Volen lumed out In almolt tWic< the volume ol the Wt mayoralty election 1n early bouts today u Loi Angeles chose 1 chief eucutlve with tho oddl It would be tbe lint Negro lo the city'• hlJtory. ,.ctty Coundlman 'lbomal Bradley was ahown by 'public oplnlon llUfYeyl ahead of Incumbent -or Sam Yorty, Yorty pooh-PQObed the polls. With skies IUMY and temperatures O:· pected lo g0 up lo 71 degr<es, the early surge to the polls was unpreced~ted. Clerk Re:i E. Layton aaid 1 spot check showed that 9.5 percent of the city'• 1,127,224 registered voters bad cut their ba1lob by 9 Lm. In lbe laot mayoralty cootest lo 1965 the vote In lhlt period wu 5.2 percent 11We've never seen anything lite ll, .. Layton said. Bradley, who \loted shortly before S a.m., expressed his disappointment at Yorty's "tactics.'' He said the mayor had attempted to win votes with "an appeal to fear.'' Voting places opened at 7 a.m. and were to close at 7 p.m. Layton had predicted that as many as 75 percellt or the registered electorate in the naUon'a Utlrd largest city wollld vote. The morning turnout led him to declare it might exceed that record figure. Bradley, 51, who served 21 years on the Los Angeles police force before retiring to launch a political career, must get votes from I.be white. populatioo to win. : Answered the chancellor: "I'm doing Monday by helicopter to Pago Pago for a Sch J _ D • everyth1ng 1 can to bring about""""•· tumultuous greeUng from 5,000 Sam...._., 001!! 111.ece.1ve Uon at. eonfllct on thil e&mP'J3 without and then left almost immediately for the ..,. cf police. Bui I aay 11 ~· • long jlight to tho Unlled Stales In an Air pj • M "' ~1eav~.,to1_d,~ 'Don1.l/ell ,~ . •, .J'.orC(.a4!'traillport. . • •. , nvate oney I m li>liic to beld ynu tiAek. All!" lunch with 1t10011 progrllll\ of· CA w· AND ORDEll ficials and their families, the pilots plan- ned to begin ·an llsday 8erles of technical reports on all aspects of. their i:nissiQn: "Now yoa wan~,me to plant both feet and I'm planting·~· I •tand for law and order, whatever you call It." Another black student, John King, responded: "You said I'm toing to beat you down. J'JI give you an allemativc. Finl thing r nu· do II !Ue the>e pigs on. this campwi and disarm them. "I want you to listen and listen real good. For 2.1 years I've been taking this law and or~ crap. If you want to put your foot out and get funky with UJ, I'm re.adj. U you bring the pigs on this cam- pus I'm not going to turn my cheek. .. You do what you think is right.'' PABllED ~LUTIONS Besides wanUng to1teep polloe off cam- pus, the 75 of 280 faculty me.mbera at- tending ·the Academic Senate. meeting alao pused moluUODJ lo: -lnvestllate the appearance of the County Sbe.rlff Tactical Squad on campus at a re.cent overflow rock and roll con- cerl. -Pay from their salaries ball and legal expenses of JO ~enta and the student actlvlties adviser arrested at Berkeley for failure to disperse and unlawful UHrDbly. • --Sppport Berkeley professors in their demands that lawmen and lbe NaUonal .Guard withdraw; there be a state and ['.\11'1 PllOT OIV<NOI '°'41 l"UILISHINI) COMl'ANV ••~•rt N. W••4 "*""'! 911111 '~~Uhl' .t.• l. C"'t:r . Vk:il 'ralOMI fM ~ f,._.., "'-•• IC•e-.il ..... n_. A. M11r"'i~• ......,Ill E"lw A"'9rt W. l •tM Wiltl•~ R•e4 ......... Mulll"""'" ~ .... City l•IW .............. OMM lot lflri Str•.t M9iti11t ~w.: P.O. lo1 1'0, t244B --......... 9'90!: t211 W.1 ............... ... .... ~! • W.1..., lttwl ~ IMOll U2 ,_. """"" • These reports llf'fl expected to affinn a deelslon for a July 18 takeoff date for the historic Apollo 11 moon landing mission. "It's still hard for us to believe what we !llW up there, but at least we .brought back the data and we think we've re.ally increased man's knowledge," Stafford said. UC Chancellor Backs University-wide Strike SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -All claJStS at the University of California, Sant.a Crut, were canceled today for "discussions" on th~ probl~ms of higher education and the violence at Berkeley. Chancellor Dean McHenry ordertd classes dismissed for two days Monday after some 200 students set up picket lines at various campus buildings. . Looking Alaead The financial coffers of the Fountain Valley School District were bolstered by more than $3301000 thiS year as a result of donations from private. companies. foundations, professional associations and federal grants. According to Asst. Supt. Mike Brick, the additional funds would be equal to an addltional S.55 tax rate. Tht largest chun!C, representing $74,500 waa kicked in under Title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Jnd has been used for the training of teach tt'S, educational materials and video equiprnent for handicapped. children. The elementary school dlstflct also recelvod 169,000 under TiUe III of the same act for teacher training for han- dicapped and retarded chlldren and $61,644 under Title II for a llbrary and mulU-medla center at FuJton School. Other funds donated. to the district a~ used for a language de"elopment center at Tamura School, teacher aides, 1 con- au.ltant a er v 1 c e for pupil diagnosis:, musical instruments and books and audiovisual materials. DAILY l'ILOT lletr ..... C M f M:s:llt; 6Q.M71 ........ "9. ---ClMlt ~ c...... --ll•ll•• ........... ......., ....., • Gf:m"M:..,.111 ...... ....., ...... s 7 ............. .-. .... ., ...,., .... --· -~ -.. . ....,..., .... "' --~ .. "-' .... ~ "·" ' .,...,. .. _.,.., "'"'..,, .....,., .... •.n "'*"""'· Planning for dedlcaUon of new, $1 million FOUl\taµ\ Valley Civic C...l<!r are (fn>m rlglll) Mayor Robert Scl!werdtfeger·\ Roy Zulter- 11Wl. chalrmm of Fountain Valley Improvement Author ty, and Stan- ley Stalford, director of Parlu and Recreation. Ceremoales are sclled· uled !or 2 p.m. June 14. ' • • ' tboy <fidn'l --wu 1olng an. Only get lh..och lo them. Cops art people too, 30 of our 2to ~·bave cho9en to come Unfortunately, many have a aacHsUc 11ert and flDd 1111 -·· ._loC I J11111r1. Wt-~ dltolt k ID a dl,J, llul II 81:11 tbll b1_,_..,,.. ntlibdl:l11zDt,wecu.azu." ---'"l'lie police -be Art StlocMmM, Berbley profeuor ol -trip--U-ln the slttdl. sociology -"I bMel't beard anyono at JU~ )'OU evtr teen ao \UlNly mob?" all on our faculty defend the poUce. 'lblre Blick student who p. by the 111me ls no doubt whltever we have lost control Anduta -''You are Jtart1ni to get 1 oi the p:oceu.-auppoeed to .guarantee Jaw taste. of what being a nigger is. No longer and order 1n the community." is brutality a covert thing. You can do it ~ Donovan Doney, jun!Or of Newport out In the open and nobody ..;ares. People Buch -"I went 4o Berkeley and l was \ say juJt 10 out aod dQ /our thing, pigs." beaten In Santa Rit& ~ 'lb~ ell)' of ~ J~ Ra& -"Calllnc people a Berkeley is an oceup'ted area. I aee ~ Pli \ that doan'I do any &ood. ~ cloem1 clitlocs no dlllerenl lzom wbaU Imagine ' . Prague to be.'' Brue BaWIMtU,~shman who liva on _,.. -"!lie ......... tiiill-bolllod"' --la tho -aiadi to sing 'God Bleaa Ai'Derlca' while he wu b<aten to the lll'OUl)d by clubs." Nell -.... rtudent ae!Mllea od· viler -'-rhoae ol us who ~ there know ile)' could have ktlled J~Rec­tor aD41 if they didn't they tol us they wanled to." 1 Dave He1kelt, graduate slu t of ~ona-deL Mar,._ ''Let'•· get a strike 1101*, La's' go ovtir 'and' get :JleOl>I• to&ilher lo '1lul llje place clown.• ••• Se x Class Showdown Due? Halli-son May Appear Before Anaheim Trustees By TOM BARLEY Of llM Olff'r l"lllt ll1H It Ls possible that the simmering feud over ee:z education between Dr. DIJe E. Rallison and the Anahetm Union High School llistrlct board may be canied lo a future meeting ol the district'• trustees , Tbe ooggestlon that Dr. Rallison appear before that board was made today by a dislriot official who prefers to be unnamed, and the dlalJenge was qWcldy takeo up by tile Santa Ana dent· !st on behalf of the Orange County Board of Education. . "I would ~ glad to meet theni pro- vided the time and date suited m:r convenience," Rallison said. "It might be a good idea, in fact, to thrash this matter out at a personal level." Dr. Ralllsoo stressed that the county board's quanel over the sex education ocRroveny wu wbh "several local ldlool boards.'' But he made no secret of the fact that his critJcWn was pars tlcularly direCled at the Anaheim group. Dr. Rallison, a member of the John Birch Society, followed up the prw release he issued Monday with a scath- ing lndiclinent of "local school boards who resent our county board's holding of hearings into controversial subjects but who seem to enjoy telling us how we should run oor business.'' Three A rrested in Mob ~~:tn.?:_w::._~~~~~ Monday night by a mob of about 60 aduJts 18, of 245 B 17th St., Seal Beach, attacked and juveniles In the Garden Grove area deputy Romero with a club. He was ar. resulted in slight injuries to the deputies rested for assault and for being drunk and the arresl oI three persons. when he faUed to pass a field sobriety Deputies Thomas Kline and Andy test. Romero had stopped in county island ter-While attempting to subdue Amersfort, Romero said, another youth kicked him ritory between Garden Grove and Stanton in the arm. Kline pursued and captured to check a car parked on the wrong side the youth. Smith then pushed Kline away of the street, they reported. from the suspect, Romero reported. They were immediately surrounded by Smith was arrested on BU!picion of about IS juveniles while 1ttempting to assault on a peace officer. question Jack A. Smtth, 45, of 11791 Moen The 17-year-old youth who kicked St., about parkiog his car fn front of his Romero was also arrested before home. deputies finally left the area with The twtl deputies claim Smith tried ~ members of the mob pounding on the shove Kline off the driveway of the patrol cars. That statement followed a resolution by the Anaheim board in which the county school board was indirectly told to concentrate on its own· affain and not become involved in sex education at the local school. board level. "Just because Anaheim has a program that it is ashamed of, does not take away the right of the county board to have hearings on whatever type of educational mate.rs it wishes to know about," Ralli· son said. Anaheim trustees were apparently angered at the tone cl. a statement issued by the county board. That statement denied that recent hearings on sex education were an attempt to interfere with the Anaheim program but ii did point out that sex education courses in that city had been strongly criticized by many Anaheim parents and residents. Rallison's board also came und'e'.r fire from angry Yorba Linda Elementary School District trustees. 'That board altacked count·y trustees for their "deci· sion to as.sume responsibility for the evaluation of a local .curricular offering." Both Anaheim and Yorba Linda boards told county trustees to "refrain from action that may infringe on the rights and responsibilities or local boards of frustees.'' · Rallison today said that the Anaheim board resents "having their program of' sex instruction brought oot into the - light." He reprimanded Anaheim trustees for "failure to liSt'en to parents'' and offered them the wisdom contained in a proverb. "There is a proverb which says that you should not spank or reprimand a child who is afraid of the dark; you sympalhUe ,.;th h\l>' and undenland his fear. "But,'' Rallison added, "we cannot sympathize with men who are afraid al the light" Tomonow's s~lf -made man t. . . ' needs a break .today. . • •. ' . .. An d lo cal businessmen can help. Now. This summer. While there's still time. Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better citizen . The corporate giants are already hiring. The . Government is already helping • But we need to reach every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of every local businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. ·Hire one young man or ·woman. Jiire more if you can. But, at least, hire one. No business is too small to help. Think about an extra pair of hands for the summer. Think about a bright youngster filling in vacation gaps. Think about next -summer-and the one after that-when you'll have an "experienced beginner" to call on for extra help. Do yourself a favor. Give a kid a break this summer. Do ,, • • ' • t ' ' • • it now. Call Thomas F. Morrissey,. the Philco-Ford volunteer to the National Alliance of Businessmen. For the HarborAreacall 644-0900. : . • . • ' ' • ._ : ·• . . • ' John B. Lawson '. ehailman, District 5 · Orange County Metro -. National Alliance of Businessmen • • • k_ .~ ·"011 llOW Notional Allionct of Buslousmtn .. •t : • • . • ~"--------~~----~-"-~~~~~~~----~-------------------------------- 1· ' ~- -• • • Saddleha~k Teday'irFI-' 8i&ee11q EDITION * YOC. 62, NO. 126, 2 SECTIONS, 21 PAGES. Down the Mission Trail • Nixon Avenue? It's Not Spanish SAN CLEMENTE -The problem with the suggested renaming or a street here for President Nixon is that Nixon Drive Ptst hli summer white house would be the only street here without a Spanish name. Councilmen are considering the r;ug- ge:;Uon of Mr&. ~targery Foster, 42<1 Monterey Lane, (o change the name of Via de Frente. She sugg~ Nixon Drive. Councilman 'Ibomas O'Keefe aug- gikted Calle Casa Blanoca (White House Street) or Avenida el Presidente (PresidenUal Avenue). :e Darst Takes Offftt CAPISTRANO BEACH -Bob D. Hurst, a Laguna Niguel aerospace engineer, wu sworn in as a Capistrano Unified School District trustee at the board meeting Monday nlghl Hurst took the seat vacated by Marvin Bandoll's resigoatjon tendered. at the meeting. H~ who dereated Bandoll in the Apiil election would have taken the poolt.ion July I oth~l"Wise. e Nf!ID Teuhtt• Biretl i..,_ ..• :-. ... 1 • "'MISSION VIEJO -Three new tn- structcn have been employed at Sad- dleba<k College for 1919-70 brinJinl the total or addltloos lo 211. Lagunan Norman H. Cote, science in- struct.or at Fullerton Junior College, will teach biological science. Robert W. Doty, nbW teaching at Costa Mesa High School, joins the business division. BeUy J. Sherrer, teaching at Anaheim Hlih School, will be a physical educaUon lnllructor. ·e' Dismissals Euell . MISSION VIEJO -Trustees of the Saddleback Junior College I>Lmicl ~ve locise:ned the coUege's academic dismislal Polley. Now students may be dismi5led if IWY [ail lo meet the l.72 grade point average in three consecutive quarters. Formerly, students were di.smissed if they missed the grade average for two consecutive quarters. Trustees also leSJrened the time a dismissed. student must wait to re.enter the school from two quarters to one quarter. e Stadents Soa9ht MISSION VIEJO -Saddleback Junior College will accept Z5 high school honor students from each of the five high schools within the district next year for earollrnent into first year prerequisite college classes. Stoek llf•rkets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market wtth investor concern over tight money ~ed weighing it dOWn closed with a sharp loss today. (See q'!l'tatlons, Pages IJ-IS). -Trading was moderate near the cloee.' The Dow Jones induatrial average at 1:30 p.m. was oU 1.41 at 133.53. Weather The weatherman's as bored as you are, but here's how It'll be Wednesday: cloudy morning skies followed by hazy sunshine in the afternoon with temperatures in the 70-75 range. INSmE TODAY Orange Cocut mt'n. and women. nre serving their cotmt?l in mili· ln'fl JXUition~""1 the world. See Men in Service, P(19e 10. -. Mrrln ,. ~ ,..,. ti ................... ----. hclrl ...... ,,.1. -, ... lttclt ~ t).tl ,.........,. 11 -" -. ........... ,, --.. Schools Eye Counter to Wage Plans Laguna Beach Uillfled School District trustees meet In seem ..,., .. tonllht· to formulate counler-;PfOP088la to teachers seeking hefty wage increases and other benefits. Dr. WJlliam Ullom , di.strict auperin- tendeot, aaid the boli-d In Hs clOled sessions baa not yet formulated wqe and benefit counter offers but will attempt to tonlgbL He 11id the oiler would be publio after it is given teacher·representatives. In their lnltlal propoAJ, ...ei..;.. asked for $960 inQre ·at. the bottom of the.salary schedule and 12. 720 m«e at the top. The propoaal would move the baJe salary from $6,IOO to fl,260. The maximum salary for 13 years ex· _ perience, 64 college units end a master's degree would climb !rorn IU.UO lo $15,140. Trustees at an April Z9 meeting main- tained that the package of teacher pro- pogals would cos\ 1217,!00 lnltlally. Tbey said it waa not feaaible and asked for teachers to attach priorities tO the re· Questa. Since then, negotiations have been at private rneellngL , Dr. UDom aatd the board will-hav. to do some boidget cull1q .Pri<ir to 1<1QJ>ljon of,a ~~Illa 1111-of Jtme. lie iald ulO dlslrlct •ill not know tile m.t of itl Dllllld valulUon l•ln Wrtil ml<hluly. Single Survivor Of 4-car Fatal W reek Critical 'l'be sole uvtvor of the -fatal cruh·U. deadly EI Morro c:urve outside Lquna Beech Is still in criUcal condiUon at Soutb Coul Community lloopllll. ac s • • • •• --, MAIA Pllllrl ·Yll U,I ABOARD USS PRINCETON, APOLLO 10, CAPSULE SHOWS SCARS OF RE·ENTRY But A1l""'•.ul1 Young, Sl•fford,, Cornon•<from loft) In Fino Shope Sp~~fr;Dlas,--~J.,ly? Bible Prof Chides ApollO Crew MIAMI (UPI) -The Apollo 10 astronauts shouldn 't have said all those naughty words out by the moon, ac· cording to Dr. Larry W. Poland of the Miami Bible College. "Blasphemous!" exclaimed Poland, who fired off telegrams to President Nix· on and 'the SP4¢e J.&enq. ~·A disgrace to the nation." • The 29-year-o\d ltmlnary· graduate, who also holds a doctorale in college ad· ministratioo, wants the President to do sorgetNac about cussing in t h e spa"!eCl'8ft., . make· public apologles," said t he • J • telegrams to Nlxon and the chief of the Manned Spa<e Flight <:;enter In Houston. Poll[i:t btcame incensed upon ·reading new~per ICCQWlt.s of transmissions from Apollo 10. ', · Newspapers •o•er'the weekend quoted one astronaut as shouting over the radio : "You know this goddamned (camera) filter has fa.lled'oit mt." · At another point, the ·reports said, a .space exclaimed' "Son ·Of a bitch." . -~· ••• n . A,s~onau•Ba._. ' . \. In Hpuston for·· Family Reunio~ SPACE CENTER, HOUJton (UPll :- ApoJlo 10'1 astronauta, the . men "ho unlocJied the d!>or lo the .-. returned home today to the arms of their-loved ones and U days of reporta espected~to ~lea~ the way for .a lunar landing in July. Thomu P. Stafford, John w. Younc and E~~ A.· Ceman .landed at _nearby Ellington A,ir For.ce Baae after·a '12-hour, OOl)·slop flight , !rom the Soutb Paclllc Island paradise of Pago P3go. · · ~l'Oolo. :II, of Loo Ancelea, lbus far has llUl"Vlved the May U crub tblt killed four other men. ·-' A hospital spokesman today described his conditioo .. guarded. SemH:onscious with .heaJ injuriea, Prieto is sWI in in- tensive care. ... ..All inilltary and cl.vii decorations o( these pien should be withheld unUI they Poland says profanity sholild be "le.ft on the rest room wi.lla" and not used by the nation's heroes. . While an Air Force band played "Deep in the Heart of Texas," lhe lhree beam· ing spacemen stepped out of their giant aJr force jetliner, embraced lhe1r wtvea and bung Polynesian Jeia around tbe neck.a of their children. The crasb killed Ronald E. Diehm, 39, of 365 Locust St., IAguna Beach. He was driving aouth on Coast Highwa,y when his car went out of control on the curve north al LaguoL It bounced off a IU8J'(lrail and became airborne like a giant mace hurtling over traffic lanes to shear the top of a north- bound car. Tbe occupants, wllh Prielc, were driver Richard C. Clark, 22, CJty of Industry; Alan Heischuber, 19, Van N11y1; and Mart Prettyman, I 8, Hollywood. They died almost Im· medJately of head injuries. State figure,, &bow that from January. 1965 to AuRUSt 19117, there wert three fatal era.shes on the curve ttltlltlng in four dealhl. There were four more fatalities in 1168. Heated Exchange LagunaDemsDehateSex Though Speaker Ahsen~ By JEAN COX Of Ille 0.11)' Plfllt Stiff topic onto the floor where It was tossed around ln a healed debate tidween those for and aplngt sex edqcstion. · ' "My glrlrrlend's •chJJdron go lo ochool in OceanSide, and you should hear the things· thit 10 ·On 'there,'' rtpGrted one young redheaded mother, opening the Stafford's first word to lhe crowd of llOO assembled along the flight line was "Howdy!" "Like I said on the ·carrier, it's·reallY great and lantaatlc to be back !nm the moon," said•the commander of .the-elght. day lunar orbiting mluion. • · "Doy, that moon J1 really a peculiar, very strange, very · diffu'ent , kind~ of satellite and I ~ink we 1 leanJect a great ·c\f'~l . aboqt what11 10Ing •. on up there," said Young. , "But that moon doesn't have any air, e,nd It~ not Teu.s, and we BUre are 1Iad to be here."· , Cernan .said, "l'm c<>nVinced now, lnore Ulan ever, there's ·no place ·where we can't eventuaUy 10." Chancellor.· .. Supports Law,Ordet By THOMAS r oaTVNS Of ... 0-lly '"" ..... - Chancellor Dan1'I G. Aldrich· Jt,. 11yo he will call police In en the UC. lnlno campus If he feeb they are -ied. And activists among UCI students and faculty memhen cannot Jld'blm'W baclt •w1y !rorn llJOt pooltlon. - Debate on police intervention at Bero keley, which has all en cam~.WODdero lng if' It could happen at UCI, went GD for eight hours Monday at UCI. A loou·hout cooc1a.e for wblcb .-.. were diamis.sed mel4ed into a meetJna of liO· student atrlken and In turn wat followed by 111 eD>etJ10DCY meetlq ·cl the faculty's Acodemlc Senate. · Under proddli>g by acllvlN, 'Aldrldi took his stand, saying he was "Pfontmc both feet for law and ordu. But a large majority of the 7$ prof_• son attendiDg the Academic Senita Altlrleh to Spealc UC lrvine'1 ChonetUor Dmdcl C, Aldrich Jr. will apeak before the Paularino School PT A, 1060 Paularino Rood, Costa Mesa, at 7:30.o'cloclc tc> night. Hi! topic will be !'Campui ~ .,. .• , · 11\c pubjic " """"" In oUl1MI. eeukia voted to re.ol.Ve .. No 'OUtside pol1oe ihill be coJ1ed ta: ~ -. \he entire campus agreer there II a~ ln!me dwer to bumln Ille." The clwicellor then told pn>llllCrl they sb911ld be awat;e he does not have sole aulhorlty to clecide If pol1oe 'oboWd come Onto the imne campu. • 'l'hl campus pallce, he said, are .under hla command, liut ·the Or .... Collnly--- lU's Office has concurrent Jurla,llellon. Aldrich said the working ~ ls thet he shoUld ·make the dOdalOn. "But If Ibey (9hetil! 1u1horltlell dfclde I .don'.t koow enough to call tbtm they can come in," he said. • The Issue ls ltnporlan( to prot..O.. Ind 1tudenta becall.se lawmen 1 were called In at Berkeley oot by. Chancollc.: Roger Heyns but by civil authoriller, who also decided oo tactics. A minority of .atudenta -probably about 150 of the S..500 -mnatnecl oa strike today. Pli:kitil were out. Aldrich WU clooely qll8lllon0cl ·Mcllday by. black students. · Leader of the Black Stuclent • Vnlcxl Jim Winder challeoged: "Putlln& up bail funds "(Aldrich· -$900-cl 1!is own money) and calling oU c:)ales...,ia a· commendable t h l n f, bUt that'• uot enough. It would be more eflecllve to i'ell, peopJe where you stand." • Said Aldrich, "11)e right of - to strike is self evident But I dd not feel the.strike Is the way to brlnc .lbout change. Classes have to be made 1van .. , able to all lll09e who want to at&ebd. · "I deplore the violence at Berr.Jey. I have .attempted to deal with pn>blems on Ibis campus lnternall~ not bring (See ALDRICH, I) *' -. The tolJ of 1J dead oo the curve since 1955 rat.es It one of. the most deadly spots to negotiate alon1 the Oruige County coaata1 area. Sex education in public schools was debaled emoU~lly at a Laguna Beach pemocratle. Club meeting Mooday nli)ll despita the -al 'IChed<led gutSI speaker Sally Williams, a 'consultant ·on family life and Su education. After waUUng in vain for one hour in hopes Mrs. WUJlams, a member .of. Anabdm Uillfled Scbool District, would appear, club leaden .threw the volatile di.scullion. ... Students at UCI Differ ' . . . . ' • Jury Gets Instant Replay Of Nude Dancer Routine ·~ flnt day In kindergarten the teacher,brought· a male and fmlBle form and told the kids to memorize all the ,sex. ual organs. I don't see why they have to learn these kindl,ol .llllllp.ln school," s)\e contbJuedI . Another wo"1an, !Upporttng the young mother's Viewpoint, asked "Are there; parents here whO are nOt 1ble to teach the.Ir children about .ses?" Over Discord at Berkeley·· ''La la la la la la la, ta la ta ta. Hey Jude • , ." That TCfraln from the bouoey Beatles ballad hu become known In Santa Ana Municipal c:ourt 'u the Cybu1ski aerenade and tt rang out Monday before a ail:· Wtlman, si.1.-m.an jury ror tlie aecond time 1n a week. But this lime curvaceous Clrol of Laguna Beach was a member of the au· dlence vtewlnl 1 cootmerlial Aparlmeol A-Go-Oo routine that put her where Ille la \oday -awaiting thet lllll''• ruling on whether lhe-ls Innocent or iuilty ot lewd condu<tandobactnlty, 'l1lo 11-,...-.cld nude dancer watched ..,-u the court viewed the m<Jvie that wu filmed at the west Saall AM bar lut._t. But lbe_ P"e _a twitch or two of lhe lamoul C7t>u!*1 peM1 u the Beatlo ballad - 0 the highlight or her all nud .. caper on the mimnd mini.stage - filtered lhrough the atitnUfe audlellce. Final ·arguments cent~ on what Judie Paul Mast has said Is the key to' the trial: d Id Carol Cybulski violate· "community standards" w hen she cav"!'fl In her blrthdli .opll. ;llefore· de~·Aportment A-Oo-OO'patronlt . ~ Seil's c1l1ms ihe llU. p~• ' •~-lot a doUbt" thet the Art Colony entertainer ..... perfonnlag an obocoae ftlUllao when idle wu an'tlted on JO fttPllr&te occas1ona by Santa Ano vtco lnveollga!Qh. • Def""" 1ttomey Berrien Moore lold the Ju•r that Miss Cfl>Ul<!d'• araum<Dt that bor ~1 -·II t form-.! art must be a<cepled. It la -up to the IW1· .. .. . . ~ . . When eevel'll rafsed ibel'r , haod8, she asked, "Well, don 't you have doctors who can'!" A .woman who aald she w1s a readirig speclaibl lot "Mtaalon Viejo High ScllOol" said she was bothered because "homes ,are net ·lncu)calll!g w)lol-a111l~ althoo;h. llloy lt'O"-perlla)>I oup'pl)'ln( tile> lnformaUon." . -Oqe · m111 read aloud ahd • ll1tlt cir<uJaled I piper' prepared b=tiuol · ,for Pareni.11 Llfe;t1bleh dupll<oled Hllh , S<hool Sex KllQWleciCe '.res! , aup-1 ~·~i11 rerw•111...,.._ for· UM by,. :~111 ' -Mlteo Coomty. l"lmll)< 1Uf,!,~1:ead>et'•--' ·:· I ~--·offhe~,1 "WhiCh bello with how )Ofll ..... 11111-. te:coune <llhoukUu~ the man "aibd,b). .dlpantly,.''Sbo)lldn'< ... be wal~ llllW • 1we're.mll'rild to· team U..e thlnpT." One )'llUOI, 111111 -· ~ he, .... JclaJmed be had vlllled l<X -.uo. •-:~•I J"'"'." lligl> 8cbool ~-~'I !Ud1 "" 'l'hO)''rc ..Wly (See 8EX CLASIES, Pap I) • j .. ~. . . . \ .. A yariety or oPlnlons were expressed' this ls ridiculous. We don't have people's Monday during a four-hour conclave on property in the United Stites., The the ller~el,y ~rd ~t!.n.t.d by. IOQ" uc · u~verslty Is oo special polltlcot \lll'kun. I Irv~ .tudeota. -,--, aubmlt Oieft -mullve ~ &nd Commenta offered Included: Gov. Reagan wai not•jual lrytnc to be Q..,. ~. 'ftoeallliiaii,,al' Vnlvenlt'y ( ..• ral_lleagan ·"some believe;" · ' Park,~yetlllil lllthe ftop Ql•her illlli' -Bill Wlllfleld, pbllooophy· tocblng '"llli pork ls.ncie'llle baUe, iet thal"CIMr. usl3tant.--"All It of the students or· I~ ls coofi'ontatlOn. Don't jlJSI Ill" 9-~ are 11\Y frltocls. I doalare now I aix. lei Ibis IMttuUon tau care olJtlJOll. • will not lloldlcr-I don't can what Yw ~care of I~ unclenUnd. Have •('the ttprlsala. You cannot treat my gut~ be hcard. Care, eoougb lo ~ • !~ends like that." · •. h•ard.'' . • SlfllWI ....... 1 ••stint prifllllll? of '11111 -·. £1'e&hman of lfunllng1on . Eilslflli -"The ~of Gtl'"'l'll'- Bead> -,''If J1-troCJPa,10, how ·art ,OU · G~boed t1le NiQll• ""-'by ll!1lnl tloflll.fb.'CllMll U...-vloiaelioctleo tbit'il . cldn't _ _.._......_~ up ;tien:1'1• ~ • 1 • ... • ot;°"1'r~ faculty hive c&o.D •-· J•·Klq,fre,!unanwholl•ei«> ..... hire Ind find nu\ what'I i!l-11&. J pus -"t CID't help !lut laugh mllf. Tbl I fiod Jh)I n•-Jblo." • peclplO ...... -· Orte~ -lllld ---"'!be p!)llce -·Ila the peop1o altered 'like ." . ' more !riibtaned thaa tbollli ID tbl -se.ey WiMe111b; rrdimM ·ot ·eorona Hive 10" ever 1een u uDrab' mobt '" dei Mir -"'lbund1y Ibero ...,.. • of · Bladt -who -ilJ 1111 -utl bOtded It ...,...i polat. WO "wetO -~ "Y• .... llullaf ID Ill a umed with o couple ol<camma." · ·, talle.of wi)ol being I ...... IL 'No 1-r -!".-, f·r uh m 1 n of ls·brutalltJ·• -thing. y,. ... dt It W~r -''The People's" Park. -(loo OPINIONS, hp ll • ' I ... I I .- I . • t OAllY l'llOT L -Solons _De~y Spend Cut For Colleges I SACllAllEN'l'O CUP!) -T h e ~bly ~ njeded an alt.mp! to tul ..,.unr fOr the slrlle-lom Unl•erslty ol c.lllomJa and llalo "911eg .. -Gov. -Roagan's IU b!Won stale budget . BJ a 2745 vote lbe low• house -ID etror\ tiJ Asaemblyman Ray E. -Ciiclco), to use thO i;pen dlni' """""" to force reform or the higher education lnstiMlons. ''I want aome answers," Johnson told the AsaemblJ. "!want to know who Is in chirp ct the camW1H·" · Assenblyman Jobn L. E. CoWer (R· Los Angeles), supported J o h n s o n ' s measure as an attempt to tell university and college· profeaaors that they muat ••either shape ue. or ship out. n The state eoueges and university - already the subject ol 83 bills designed to control unrest -became the first major ISSt.1& ralled in noi.-debate over the budget. On the roll can, 20 RepublJcans and 1 Democrat.Ii favored the Johnson amend· me.at but 14 Republicans and 21 Democrlls VOied aplnsl It. Shortly befwi debate opened, the lower hooae'• cbiel budget writer called Democratic demands for a lwle cut •1hurriedJ7 coococted and inaccurate. 11 Jeffrey Hunter Di.es After Fall, Brain Surgery HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Actor Jeffrey Hunter, best known for his role of Jesus Cbriat In the llMIO production ol "King of Kmp," died today after brain turgery. Police said they understoocf he was J.n.. jured In a fall at his Van Nqya homt. Hunter, 42, a handsome and youthful looting leading man, had been active in recent years in roles on teievblon and 1n movies made in Europe. Officers lold be ,... found uncoosclous Monday at bis home with a swollen right eye and underwent the surgery at Valley Hospital Monday nlghl Pollce said they beard about the case fmn the coroner, Wl<krstood the injury atemmed from a fall, and were ln- ~tlng. The coroner listed Hunter ,under hJJ legal name, Henry McKinnles. Hunter starred for a time in the early lllOI In a televi!:loo mies about a fron· t1er attarD&y, "Temple Houston." F,.... P .. e J SEX CL~SSES ••• concemed about social lnvo1vement. '.I'h1nP ],iie why doesn't Johnny Ukt me,,. •· be uplalned. "MOit daues are voluntary, and out or the entire acbool onJy lS different children were not allowed to parUclpate," be a4ded . One woman, against sei: education, got up and demanded, "I want to know how much this Ylllllll guy wbo is talking so much lmowt about aex." "I haven't had one saua1 uperience, ma'm," he replied quieUy. NO OONFIDENCE Another man said he didn't want teacben to conduct these courses. ''I have no confidence in our educators. I don't think they're qualified. Most of them are very young and very unex- perienced. I doubt U they know mucb about IL" Later, spaklng of Top of the World School, he said, "They can't teach my kids reading or mathematics, how can Ibey leach ... 1 .. Taking the opposite point of view, another man u-tzed that Jobn Bird!· en are trfin1 to take over the schools and an usmg 9eX education as a vehicle to do 50. • DAILY PILO T OllA>IGIE CO.UT l'UIM. l'"IHG CQ\ll'AN't R•b.rt N. Weel .........,_,..."'* • Jee:li II.. C•rlr, . Vlq-.......... -~ .. Melllltll' T~-11 K••.,lt .... n..... A. M•r.lil•• MMlll ... 1111(.. l lt.her4 P. Nill L-letdl City l!tl,!"' ---2:tl ,..., •• ,,.., •• Mtnt.f "°"''-' P.O. l•a 6", t2UZ --Clttit -., -""""'..,. ...... .....,... liMdli m1*"'1tiw. ... .....,.. ...... lllflMc:tl:•• .... I 1111111111••·· Salary tf alks ;Stormy l;apo ~r-.,istees Dr.op 'Meet With J:.eachers, Jy, JACK CHAPPEu. Of '• Mltf PllM ltelf A stormy confrootalloa' b,"e t • e en Capistrano Unllle<I I School D l.1 tr I c I teachers and trustees resulted Monday night when the school board refused to talk further about salary inetea.ses for the district's 300 teachers. Trustees, ove~~rotests of about lSO teachers wbo ' Into the board room , approved their last salary offer to the teacben, ID oiler whleb the teachen had previously ,.jected. The action g\ves leachen a $250 per year across-the-board salary increase and provides employes medical insurance payment. Teachers asked for a $200 in- crease at the boUom of of their salary schedule lllld ~ at the top lllld medical tosurance benefits !or their lamlllea. rtad a legal -..1 from theJOnop County Couosel'I GIJtce Stalin( that .q.r both parties have met, eUber aldt cu. end negotiations. Moe n!plled that the oplnlon of the counsel was ju.st an opinion, not a state. men& of,fact. 1 Aa a lsst att.mpt te l'I the board to chqe Its mind, Moe 51 that con- u-odl be left -end should ad' dittonal fund.I became avell e, aegoUa- Uoos could be roopenec!. Trust-ret... ed. ' Action apen to the teachers had previ!>UllY been ooiUlne4 by Moe ., wtthbolding Of extracurricular services, lndMJluai and •oluntary taklna o! slclc leave and a letter writing campaign to ln· fiuenlial persons. ~Yt w~ of comparilon, salary rtqu,sls by Capistrano teacbm Jre ~t llSO below wbat teacbel'I of the Newport- Meoa Dialrict an as!dD8 !or the low eod of lbelr aalary IChedule and lbout $900 below what the NeWpil>rt-Meu teachers are IAinC at the top. ' . Laguna Officer's ~ ork On Fingerprints. Laudea "II Wo Hod to Llvo Nm Door to on Artist, Why Couldn't It Hove . 8-• LondlCOpe Artlatt" · "By ari>llrlril7 lllld capricklully adop. ting the inadequate salary ldledule 111d ,.lated benefit., the board has eshlblted an atUtude whlch ls ln direct confi1ct with the Intent and aplrit of the Winton Act," Robert Moe, teacben spokesman char&· ed. A rare 1et of flnl:erprlnts and the ei:- perienee of a poUce identlfloatfon officer added up to a trophy fO£ Laguna Beach Police Department at a recent statewide meeting of fingerprint experts. ·calil'ornia Divilion. The award was won by a technical ex .. hibit prepared by George Pletts, 26 years an identification officer . sm GUIDEIJNEB From Pflfe 1-The Winton Act "" up guidelines for teachers' aalary negotllUons. Laguna police took third 11 the recent Disneyland conference of the lntema· lional Association for Identification, Pletts' elhibit was the 10 fingerprints of a Laguna.Be~ch police officer's wife, rare because none of lhe 10 fingers con- tain "fricUoo rldges". ALDRICH BACKS POLICE • •• "Tho board, In rejecting our proposals, will have to lace the reapooslblllty of ac- Uons which may follow," Moe said. The prints, said Pletts, look like a pal· tern of dots and dashes rather than tbs nonnal whorls of a fingerprint. If taken from a crime scene, the officer said, the prints could be mistaken for the prints tlJe police in. I prt0U1D0 that also ha~ pened at Berkeley. "When you doo'c ·aerte. don't 111,y you. are going to prevent others from doln1 something," . Aldrich warned. "When enough people dWlenge l!t. that way It is cfvil war. I'm not prOpoUq to 1et students and faculty qalnlt eldl other in a civil war. "Calling for police ls the mecbanlun our eoclety provides to handle liw-- breaken:." S!Udent Body Presldetll Ron Rlqte said, '1 .., clilturbed by the cbancll· lor'a commenta. ]~don't see any juatiftca. tinn for defending -ludst toctlcs." Said • black atuclent wbo calll him- self Anduka: "I don't wain: k bear him t~ ua what he's willing .to do. I want * * *' From P .. e J OPINIONS .•• out 1n the open and nobody cam. People say just go out and do your thing, pip." Coed J ackle Raat -"Calling people a pig -that doesn't do any good. I: doesn't get through to them. Cops are people too. Unfortunately, many have a sadistic nature. We can 't change It in a day, but U we take the Ume. we can fix Jt." Art Stbtcbombe, Berkeley professor of sociology -1.•1 haven't heard . .aQYone at all on our bcully dafeod the pelb'. 'Dl«e is no doubt whatever wel!ave lost control ot the process supposed to auarant.ee law and order in Ult commullity." lloonaB Doney, junior of Newport Beach -"I Went to Berkeley and I was bes ten Iii Santa Riis· prison. The city of Berkeley ls an occupied area. I see con- ditions no different from what I imagine Prague to be," Bruno Battlslol~ freshman who llve1 on campus -''Tbe whole thing was sym- bolized by one man in the streets made to sing iGod Bless America' whlle he was btaten to the ground by clubs." Nell Malmber1, stude.nt actlviUes ad· viser -11Those of w who were there know they could have killed James Rec· tor and U they didn 't they told us they wanted to." Dave Heskett, graduate student of Corona del Mar -"Let's get a strike gotng. Let's go over and get people together to abut the place down." to bear him aay where llis two feet are "Is that a threat!" Dr. Robe'ft P. and what he's ping to do." Busley, board vi'"'l'resident, asked. Annered ~ chancellor: "I'm doing "Not U the teac:hen lllld rep....,,. everyth1nc I can to bring about resolu· tatives don't feel that way," Moe repl.ied. •tlon ol coollll:t On this camp111 wllhout Following the ICtloa, the teachers left UNI « police. But I say u Eldrkfce ~_:_1~ room to hold a diso~ioo Clea¥er told us, 'Doa't beat me becauae -"' I'm Boin& to beat you haclc.' ' Moe, praldenl ol the C.plslrano ••Now You wan~ me to plant both feet Unified Educataon Allod•tkln, said tbe Thomas Hughes Funeral Rites Set Wednesday and I'm pillllln( them. I 1tand for law teachers will be boldtq_ lndMdual and order, whatever yoo call It." meeUnp um week and that they will be Funeral services for Thonw R. . Another black student, John Kina,. polled aa to "what they lael will be ap. H11ibe• will oe betel Wednesday at. 10 responded: "You sajd I'm going to beat proprlate action." , a.m. in the Community Presbyterian you OOwn. I'll give you an alternative. The teachers'· lll"dltkln ·bu called a Church of Laguna Bea<;h. Mr. Hughes Finl thing you do Is take tbeae pigs 011 general mernbetlbtp .-Ing for dled Monday. He was M. this campus and di!ann them. Wednesday at· 4 p.m. •to ·decide oa a Mr. Hughes, a three year resident of 111 want you to listen and listen real course of acUon. .. Laguna Beach, was an elder of the Com· 1ood. For U years I've been taking Ulla •· munlty Presbylertan Church and was law and order crap. If you want to Put ASK FOR MEET chairman of the Church's Outreach Com- your foot out and get funky with us, I'm ~"!e toarem=~to~r~~tel~ m~lon~as a retired electrical and ~:1{.fn1~~:~ ~~~:=-cam-with the intelll Of adoptblg ·an open-eod mechanical engineer with the State of "YOu do what you think 11 right." contract. . California and belonged to the local Besides wanting to keep police off cam-"We're allo going to uk the board U chapter of. the lntemational AssOciation th -r -r -·•t ber they will meet and confer to set up a fact <i Electrical Inspectora: pus, e ·~ 0 MN a1;w Y mem s at· finding committee to dettnnlne the ac-Mr. Hughes Is survlv~ by his wife, tending .the-Academic Senate meeting tual financial status of the di!trict," Moe Marjorie, of the family home at 455 also passed resolutions to: -Investigate the appearance of the said. Dartmoor Ave.; one daughter, Mrs. left by a leather glove. ' The rarity of a person having 10 fingers without friction ridges, Pletts estimated, might be a one-in-a-million occurrence. He said it is believed caused before birth by the fetus having a skin disease. Pletts said lwice during job •P- plications the Qfflcer's wile had been fingerprinted unsuccessfully. Th I 1 stimulated Plett&' Imagination and he . took the prize-winning prints. , : ' The four-day identuication conference was a triple triumph for PletU. He was elected v1ce president of the organizaUon and managed to have Laguna Beach chosen as the site of the 1971 conference. Other winners in the statewide com- petition were Orange County Sherill's Of. fice, first; Downey, second; and Fountain Valley, fourth. Biafra Downs Planes County Sheriff Tactical Squad on campus During Monday's disals!ion before the Hughes Brondum of Tustin; and a sister, at a recent overflow rock and roll coo-board, Moe maintained that both the Mra.H. V.D'AgostlnaofConnecllcut. GENEVA{AP)-Blafra'sfiedglingalr board and the teachers were in a state of The Rev .dallas Turner wU1 officiate et force today claimed to have destroyed cert. negotiations and that neither side could Church Rrvices. Entombment will be at five tederal Nigerian aircraft at Enugu -Pay from their salaries bail and legal unilaterally qutt the ta1U under provis-Forest Lawn, Glendale at 1 p.m. Sheffer airport, including two Brttish-bullt apenses or 10 students and tbe atudent Jons ol the Winton Act. Laguna Beach Mortuary ts directing ar· Canberra bombers, a Heron tran..spoit actlvlHea acMaer amated at Berkeley -·~-Board ~ ... ~ T w•·· I •• nd tw Sovt t bulH MIG figh•·-f~ failure to disperse ,a.qdo imlawful i--"~~~~~~-'~~~~~"-""~~ .... _e~·~'ang~em~en~~·~~~~~~~~~-·~~o~_e_·~~~-·~~~0·~~ assembly. -Support BerlkeJey professors In their demands that lawmen and the National Guard withdraw; there be a state and ~ederal inquiry of police tactics, and .meetings be held to settle the use of the so-called People's Park. -Redirect their educational efforts to focus on the issues raised by the Berkeley conruct. A resolution to suspend classes through ThW'aday -in eUect go on strike along with the students -failed by a 2 to 1 margin. Pro and con sentiment was summed up by statements of two professors. Daniel C. DeMett, a!!istant professor of philosophy, aaid, "Governor Reagan earlier promised to keep the university open at the poll.~ of a baoyonet if necessary. I think we should demonstrate that is precisely the condition under which we will not keep the university open and operating as usual." •.. ... ~ ~ "'1-.. ~ Tomonow's seU-ibade mas . . . ... needs a breali t(lday. ~ • L .. pair of hands for the summer. ~ ~ Playhouse Ends Season And local businessmen can help. Now. This summer. While there's still time. Think about a bright "" youngster filling in vacation " • . gaps. Think about next t: -With 'Dylan' W eanesday "Dylan ," the story of the unpredlctible Welsh poet Dylsn Thomas and his well publiciz.ed American actlvit.ies during the l!l50s,wm Oj>el1Wedn<lday1t the Laguna Playboose. The play will be the last offering of the Playhouse during lhe regular season, the lut season at the okl Playhouse on Ocean Avenue. Written by Sidney Michael, tbe-play is based on Dylan Thomas' 39th and last year. Doug Rowe directs the play which features John Fenacca in the UUe role. South Coast Y Plans Carnival Step right up, ladles and gentkmen, the South Oranae County YMCA will be holding a camtnl with rldal, shows lllld re1rtsbment1 W-y throulh Sunday on a vacant kit at lhe JuncUon of the san Diego -ay and El Toro Road in Laguna Hilla. Under the direction ol Bob Johnoon and lllnns Baumann, YMCA lndlsn ~ dads !run Emertlcl Qly, the camtval will help raiae money lot the YMCA. More than 5,000 penons. are ex:pected to au.net, said ftoe<r carter, YMCA dlre<- lot. C&rnlval bo1J41 '"' (rom J p.m. to 10 p.m. Wedneadsy and Tbunday; from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday h Saturd1y and from noon to 10 p.m. SUndly. "Tbe eamJval wlU tnclude maJor-clzed rklu. Dilcount Ucktta lft available from 1lllJIY local mercblnts and from YMCA members,'' carter said. • Pat Brown will portray the poet's wil'e, Caitlin. Geoffrey Riker p I a y s the Welahman's friend and biographer, John Malcolm Brl.nnin. Included in lhe cut are veteranl Elaine Barnard, Betsy Hewett, Red Stoddard, Bob D'b idoro, Jlm Cooley, Fanny Sparks and Glad Keer. Also appearing are Pamela Brown, Les lnlledue, John Moran, Jill Cart.er, Doyle McKinney and Sleve Scott. Paul Toft is the technical dlnctor lllld Peter McNulty Ls the atage manager. Ticket reservaUons for the season finale are now available at the Laguna Playhouse box office at 319 OCean Avenue from 1 '° 5 p.m. "Dylan" runs lrom May 2! through June II -Wedneoday through SatW"day evenings, 8:30 p.m. 3 Youths to Get Scouting Awards Three Laguna Beach youths will nctlve Boy Scoutin1's highest award, the Eagle. durtng court of honor ceremonies torUght at 7:30 o'clOC'k at c.ommun!ty Prubyterlan Churcll lellowshlp hall. Dirt VIII lleustrt, Robert Haverty, lllld Barry Schirm, will be pmented with their ,..its by lloOert Reem, principal or Laguna Beach Hlgb School. To rtceive an E:q le, a sCout must earn 21 merit badges, complete -a conservation project ind live up to the 8eOUt oath, Hayden Ringer, 'l'n>op IS scootmaater said. Rlnaer said that about 25 other 5COUling awards will be given Olll during the court of H-to U of the lroop 35 &e&Jts. -·-~ Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better citizen. The corporate giant.s are already hiring. The Government is already helping . But we need to reach every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of every local businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. Hire one young man or woman. Hire more if y·ou can. But, at least, hire one. No business is too small to help'. Think about an extra ' . summer-and the one after that-when you'll haye an "experienced beginner" to call on for extra help. Do yourself.a favor. Give a kid a break this summer. Do 'it now. Call Thomas F . Morrissey, the Philco-Ford I<' "" ,. " ;. "' "t •. "' ' -· 1 l .., i;· ... '· ~· volunteer to the National ,. Alliance of Businessmen. For ~· the Harbor Area call 644-0900. ~, l. John B. Lawson Chairman, District 5: Orange County Metr . National Alliance of :: Businessmen i • ' c .tOil' ' ' ' < , • 1IOW Notional Alliance of Bu$inassman- \ I of •• . . ' • • • • • t • I ----~-:-----~-~....,., ... -·--·----. ~~----------- • • • • Laguna .Oeh -.N.V. 9'•+• . ,voi:. 62, NO. '126, 2 SECTIONS, 28 ?AG.~ ..;. . , . O~N6E GOUtfN, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, MAY 27, '1969 ~ Dewt1 Dae Mission Trail Nixon Avenue? It's Not Spanish SAN CLEMENTE -'l1le. problem with the suggested renaming of a street· here Cot President Nixon iJ that Ni100 Drive past his summer white house would be the only .u.et here without a Spanbb name. Councilmen are coo.side.ring the sug .. gesllon of Mrs. Margery Foster, 420 Monterey Lane, to change \he name of Via de Frente. She sugge:st.ed Nixon :ortve. Councilman Thomas O'Keefe sug. gtsted Calle Casa Blaooca (White House Street) or Aven.ida el P re s ident e (Prfsidential Avenue). .• Hurst Talus Offlee CAPISTRANO BEACH -Bob D. Hurst, a Laguna N'lguel aerospace engineer, was sworn ill as a Capistrano Unified School Distrkt trustee 'at the board meeting Monday night. . Hurst took the seal vacated by Marvin Baodoll's .resignation ltndered at the Jfiteting. Hurst, "•ho defeated. Band_oli in -.tlit April el<ction. would I>ave ~ lhe poeiUon July I ~ .• Nn> TeR ..... Blretl MISSION VIEJO -Three -111- structors have been employed lt Std- dleback <;ollege for 1969-70 bringing the total of addlUom to 20. Lagunan Norman H. Cole, science in- otructor al Fullerton Junior College, will teach bio1ogica1 science_. Robert W. Doty, now teaching at Co6ta Mqa High School, joins tile business dtvisloll. Betty J. Sherrer, teaching ·at-Anaheim l!lih School, will be a physical efu<allon inatrUctor: e Dlsml11als Eased "MISSION VIEJO -Trullees ol tile stlddleback Junior College Diltrlct have )9osened the college's academJc dismlslal fJolicy. Now students may be dism.iaed if they fail to meet the 1. 72 grade · point average in three consecutive quarters. Formerly, students were dismissed if they missed the grade average for two consecutive quarters. · Trustees also lessened the Ume a dismissed student must wai( to ~ the school from two quarters to one quarter. ·• St11dents Sought MISSION VIEJO -'Saddleback Junior College will accept 2S high school honor students from each of the five high schools within Lhe district nell:t year for enrollment into first year prerequisite college classe!. Stoek ltlarkets NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe llock market with investor concem over tight money reported weigb.Jng it down cloled with a lharp loss today. (See quotatkm, Pages 12-13). Trading was moderate near the clo!e. The Dow Jones lndustria1 averqe at 1 :30 p.m. was off 1.41 at 831.53. Oraa1e Wea Iller The weatherman's as bored as you are, but here'1 how it'll be Wednesday: cloudy momlng &kies followed by hazy sunahine in the • aftemoqn with (.(':mperatures in the 70-75 range. INSWE TODA 'l' Orange Coo.st men and women ore serving thefr cotmtry In mili· fary positiom around the world. See Alen in Service, Page IO. ' • J T Schools Eye Counter to Wage .Plans Laguna B .. ch Unllied School District lruBtees meet in secret 1e11lon tonight to formulate counter-proposals to teachers !<eeking hefty waae lncreaaes and other benefits. Dr. William Ullom, district superin- ten<len~ said ·the boon! in ila ciooed sessions has not yet formulated wage and beneCit counter offers but .will attempt to loni&bl lie aaid the oiler woUld'be publlc after it is given teacher 'representaUves. In thetr initial prQpOS&~ teachers asked for $868 more at the bottom ol the sabry schedule and tz,120 mare at~ top. The proposal would move the base salary from $8,400 lo 17,260. The maximum salary for 13 yeara ell:· perience, 64 college units and a master's degree would climb frcm $12,520 lo $15J40. Trustees at an April 29 meeting mairr tained that the package ol teacher pro- posa!Ji woold cost $267 ,SOD initially. They said it was not feuible and uked for teachers to attach prioritiu to the re· quests. Since then, negoUatioruJ ha.Ye been at private meetinp. Dr. )JIIoiD ..;.i .the "9o1ll wm=-: do IOll!t. 'iadpt.catllol prjlr Iii' o(. preiiminar1' Jmdiet, lhe lul week .. J-. ilj aaill lhe dillrlct Will --the exle!!l of Its alie1aed Hlullloa 11ain ulilll. 8!1W"'1' Single Survivor Of 4-car Fatal Wreck Critical ' 'Ibe sole survivor or the latest fatal crash on deadly El Morro curve out.side Laguna Beach jB sUll in crlUcal coodiUon at South ~ Conlmunlty Hoepltal. Sen Priolo, 14, ol Loi Anc<les, lhus far has survived the M111 18 cr .. h that killed four other men. A hosplW spokeoman today deacribed his condition as guarded. Semkx>nscioua with hea.i injuries, Prieto is still in m. ten!i.ve care. Tbe crash .Jdlled Ronald E. Diehm, 39, of 365 Locust st., Laguna Beach. He was driving south an Coast Highway when his car went out of control an the curve north ol Laguna. ~ bouncec:I off a guardran and became airbcme Jilte a giant maoe hurtling over traffic lanes to ahear the top of a ,north- bound car. The occupants, with Prieto, were driver Rlchard C. Clark, 22, City of Indus.try ; Alan Heischuber, 19, Van Nuys; and Mark Prettyman, 1 8, Hollywood. They died almost Im· mediately or head injuries. State figures show that from January, 1965 lo AUJUSI 1967, there ...,.. three fatal crashes on the curve resulting In four deaths. There we.re four more fatalities In 19'8. The toll ol 12 dead on the curve since 1965 rates it one of the m08l deldly apots: lo negotiate aklag !be Orange Coun1f coaotal area . . . I ac ••I r .. I NAU.' ...... Vie "''' ABOARD ·uss ·PRiNCETON, APOLLO 10 CAPSU,E. SHQWS SCARS OF RE-ENTRY .1· lut ~ut1. Y"'1"9. S!afford, C.rnon 11....,, !oftl In .l'!.,O 'ape , :J • ·' , r .. •• · ~ \! . .• . . ~-. ~ • • • ·sit•~·B1asplle1n7? :~if~iihu~·~~· Bible Prof ChUks Apolln Creif{ MIAMI CUP!) -The Apollo 10 aslrOnauts shouldn't have said all those naughty words· out by the moon, ac-- cordJng to Dr. I.any W. Poland of the Miani1 Bible C.Ollege. "Blasphemous!" exclaimed Poland, . who filed o(t telegram.! to President Nb:· on and llie Space Agency. "A disgrace lo the nation•" . The 29-year.old seminary graduate, . who also holds a doctorate in college ad- ministration, wants the President to do something about cu"1ng In I h e spacecrall 0 All military .S:nd civil decorations af lbese men should be withheld unUl they Heated ~xchange make publlo apologies," saJd t b e telegrams . to Nixon and the chief of the M.inned Space Flilbt CenteJ In llpuston. Poland became ·Incensed' Upon reading newspaper a·ccounts of transmlaions from Apollo IQ. · Jl{ewspapers over the weekend quoted one astronaut as sllouUng over the radio: "You know thls .goddanmed '(camera) filter h~ failed on me." . At another point., ·the repqrts said, a space excialmed '"Sqo of 4 bitch." Poland says profanity should be "left oo the rest TOOfl1 walla" and·not used by the oaUon'• heroes. LagunaDemsDehateSex Though Spea_ker Absent By JEAN COX Of 1111 D•ll't' l'lltt lltff topic onto the floor where It was tossed around In a heated debate between those for and against' sa edi.ication. Iii' Houston ·for ' :Family Rewrio~ SPACE CENTER. Houston (UPI) '..... AJ>9po ; lO's astronauts, the men who unlocked·tM'door ·to the moon, returned home today to tbe arms of their lovea onea 1~ tt 'days of reports expecie.f _to ·clear u,e~,w~ for a luna'r landlrig in July. Thomas P . Stafford, John W. Young and Eiliene A. Ceman landed 'at nw'fW E\llllglon.Alr Force ~se aner a Ii-hour, non-~ flight from Ute &iuth Pacific Islai'id' p8radise ol Pago Pago. · · While an Air Force, band played "Deep in the Hbrt of Texas ," the three b"eam· ii:ig spaceqlen. stepped oot of the.fr giarit air force jetliner, embraced ~ wiv,es and hung Polynesian leis around the neck!: ot their chlldreh. ' Stafford's first word to the crowd of 800 assembled along the flight line was "Howdy!" "Llke I said on the carrier, it's really great apd lantollic to be back from Iii< mOOn ," said the commandetof'tbe elgJit. day lunar orbiting mission. "8oy, Uiat moon js really a peculiar, Vff..Y strange, very differenr. kind of . sateUite ~nd I think we learned a veat dear abobt what'• ·going on up thai," said Young. ' "But that "TnQOn doesn't ha11e any ~ir, and it's not Texas, and We sure are glad to be here." Ceman 18.id, "I'm COl'JVinced now, more than ever, there's na place where we can't eventlillly ao." · ' .. 1 ' Chancellor. SuppQrts Law, Ord~r:. By THOMAS PORTUMll Of .. DlflY .......... Chancellor Daniel G. A\drldl Jr, poya he will . call PQll<e In on Ille UC lmno campus If be !eels they are needed. And activists among UCI - and llCully momben -&et lllm_"' back away rrom that p01iUon. Debate on pollce lnierveniion II Boro keley, wblcb baa all oa campus ~ ing If It-could happen at UC!, not CNI for eii!ht hours Mondal' at UC!. , :. A four-hour conclAve. lor wblcb - weno dillniMed 'melded inlQ a -~ ol ISO Student striRrs and In .turn . wu followed by an eDJOfle!ICY meetlnl ol the faculty's .\Cademic Senate. • Uoder· prodd1nc by acllvllll, /JdricH look hil otand, saying he wu Plantlol both feet for law and order. · But a large majority ol the 'I! 11"1.., son attending the A.,._ic - AWriela to Speu UC lrvtne'1 Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. Will 'l>Ook be/or• U.. Poul4nno School PTA, !OM P.•~ Rood, <;o.sto Meso, 'ot 7:!0 o•cloCk to- ,UOhl . . " . ijis ·topic will-be' ~1Coai>u lHlordo .e..._ • ,.., pu6lic 11 litO!wd .to ~ ' ~· Y<llod to noolve "No autsido pbllOe -be ealMid In ..... -the -eallre campus -lbere II u · tnme dabJ81' .to bmnan life." 'Ille cl>ancellor tiien told pn11_.. they should be aware he· --DOI baYe IOlO auihority to decide II )lolfco lllouid come onto the Irvine campu&. 1bil campus police, he-said, are 'undet blo command, but the Orange l:ounty ·Sher, i!rs Office has concurre·nt Jurildlctlc& ~ said the wor-1nc arr- " '!hot he •hoU!d ..... the dodolonl · •Bur If they (sllerlfl aulboritles) • decklo !' c1ooi know enough to call them theJ. CAii come in," he aaid. · rTbe .~ue ii importam to R">feooora and Students becauae la~~ called ln' at Berkeley noi by · loc Roger Heyns but by civil iuUio,.itlea, 'who also decided OD tactics. A minority . ol oUlclenll-proilal,11 about 158 ol the · 3,500 -remalnod oo aUite today •. Pickets were oul Aldrich W8' clooely queatiopecl lloaclal by black studenta. Leader ol the Black Student Union Jim Winder challenged, "Pulllnil ball funds (Aldrich loaned l90e rl /% own money) and calling off classes ii a commendable th l n g, but Uiat'1· not enough. It would be More effective to iell peoJlle where you stand." Said Aldrich, "The rlaflt of students to strike is self evident. But, 1. do not feel the slrl~e Is the way ,lo bring 'oboUI change. Classes have €o be made avilJ.. able tO all those wh'o w.ant to atiend.r "I deplore the violence at :&erl:eleJ. J have attempted to deal with problems on this campus -1·aod not bring (See ALDlllCll, l'le! I) *'* * Sex tducatian in puhuc schools was debated emotionally at a Laguna Beach Democratic Club meeting Monday night delpitO the a"'-riee' of lclleduled gu..t speaket "SaJly WUliaml, a .coosultant' an famlly Ule and 1e1 education. After" waiting in vain for one hout in hopes Mrs. W1111ams, a member ol Anaheim Unified Scl)ool District, ·would appear, club _leaden threw the volaUle "My girlfriend's children go lo school in Oceanside, and' you shoold bear the things t!Jat. go on there,". reported ·one young redheaded mother, opening the disCuaslon. "Tbe lint day in kindergarten the teacher brought • male anil female form and told the -lo memoriu all the .... ual orgarui. I don't see wby tbeJ' have to learn thete kinda of thinp in school," she Cllllllooed • Sttulent,s at UCI Differ .. - Jury Gets Instant Rep'lay Another woman. supporting the yoong mother'• viewpoint, ask.ed "Are there parents here who are not ,able to-teach their chnaren about sex?" · Over Discord at Berk.eley When several ralsed their hands, 5he A variety of 'opinions were expl'tSSed ihta ls ridiculOus. We don't have peOpte~a Of Nude Dancer Routl•ne asked, "Well, don't you have doctors w(lo Monday during a lour-hour conclave on P.l'OJ>'lrly in the Unlted Stalef. Tlio . can?" · the Berkeley discord attended by IOO UC unJvenity,la no special poUUcal uyluin. I ~ woman who, said she was a r:eadlng lrvloe students. submit there waa massive dlaorder and speclalilt for Mission Viejo High School , Commenl4 olf<l!d included : · · Gov. Reacaa wu not jusl ~ to be .oaid abe was bothered because "homes C~ s,ear, •lrahman'.ol Univmlly C -lral Reapn u some beU.V-." "La· la la' Ia la la la , la la 11 la, Jley b11lad -the hlghligbt ol her iu oode ar. not' -lcllll"!l lrilole!0111e alUtudes Par~, yelllng at .the top ol her ,ltmp -BW WJqtleW, pllllosopl>y 1elchlrli Jllde ••• " caper 00 Ibo mirrored .. mint.Iago _ although they are pel'bapl "'pplylng the "'.!'he park ta not the Luut, get tbal cloar. wtstant -"All 10 ol the 11-11 ar- Thlt nolraln fn>m the bouacy Beatlea llltered ,._,.., the attenUve audlenc;.. iolormalloo. '.' . . , It II. C>llllJon!OUon. Don't jll!t Ill there. rested ano my frtendll. l declare -I ballad bas become known in Sarita Ana .... ..,, One man read aloud and then anc. tet this lmtltuflon take cara ol Itself. · will nat bold c-l don't c.,.. - MunJclpal Court u the Cybulski oemiade Final arguments centered on wbat circulated a.paJIOr prepared by Cilluns fiu' take cara ol iL Undentaocl. U.ve .,. lbe roprluls; You -•treat my and tt ranc out Monday be!,,.. a •i>-JtJdee Paul Mui has oald is the key lo l<r'P"""'1 Lile wblch duplkated a HJgh gu~ be "'8fd. Car• enOuali lo l>e ltleodl W.. that." woman. stx ... 1111 jury for the IOCOftd Ume I he trial : d Id Carol Cybuls~ violate School kl, l(nowledfe" ;-..w!ilch ..P. bUtd," · •Sleflieo Dapln, assistant pc-df in a week. . "communlty standa{ds" -u ...... •lie ~ ~ 'i-meoded for ""' by BW • .a.u ... lreohman ol 'H ... u~ Witb -''The people ol qen...,,,... But this W.e """,,_.. Carol ol cavor1ed )n her birthday ...U bel«e ' •&"Su ,11aieii ~~in\l!Y· Be~-! "U the tzwpl (o, ·'-• ara l'PU· t\o04Jiaed the Kazls' crimol by "'l~ Laguna Beach was 1 member ol the au-delighted Apartment A~ pa~l Uf1 loo.T.io&er'1 ~. , golnil ti. caotn>l tbe violent fadkla that ii l!leYCdkln't bow wll>l wa &Gil!I & "'1'1· dience viewing 1 coolruverslal ApartJMnt ~r O..tla s..n clalDlo Ille Jiu ' · 'at!oid sOlne, at Jiit queilklas .P Ilion!" ; ~ our 140 lacully hive dlootirto _, A~ routine that Pill her where the II proved "beyond a shadow, ol 1 doobl'' 1fhlcll, bepn w!tll bojW kmg ~· tn. JeMi X1a1, fr<slunan who liVta on cmn-. 1nd find ..,1 wbat'1 ~ I todoJ·-aw11Unr that jury'• rulinl on that the Art ColOllY tnler1llner wu te'<Mle lhould last, the man 'Jo. pus -"I ... 'l.i1elp :.it IE". 'Ille 1111' lmlponllblt.'' -she ts Innocent or guilty ol Im! performing an ob$cede roollne When the di1Ji1nl!Y, "Shouldn't'!• bt, wal uOd!· l'<lOPle w.ft ocar<d. One moved and ~ --''Tiie police ..._,le C<llldul-t and -..tty. wu arrested on 10 oeparale o<Ulii>M by 1 we'ro married lo team the.elhin8!t" · ·tllt peop1' 1taltered likO ' ." -ltllJMoed tbao "-'"1111- The Jl.year'Old nude dancer watched Santa Ana vlco 1.-fgai.rs. . One YOUlli man whO laid he w11 a · Slocf ~ lmhmlli ol .CQrilla Haft yoa em -In Wll'lll) lllObl" ..,pms1on1,.. H the court viewed ~ • Delenae attorney Berrien .M=tqld clala\Ocl he ,hid vioited ,.. educalloo dei Mar -"Thunday·~..,. • ol =-wllo -llf lllo ...... movie lhll WD filmed II the wtit 9tota the jury lhal MlSs Cybc\Jit<l!i cOUtiol It :I!~ Junldt ll4tf SCb\lil, • .. herded• Iii baJOOet P!illi~ W•1-. -"Y• an ~ lo pl o AM bor laot "reek. that t><r controversial dance ls a ' '"Ii j f!' ~.. ,, . . ~ ffb 1 couple.GI .0-u." · · col wllal betJw•o aiaw II. m '-' But ""'""a lo•ll<:h or two ol lhe art must be accepted. I ~dalll''ieo<h .... :They're'!UOY' 1Udlll'f ~. lr:Otti ·tn<ll·~ -df 'll •brutalllya-!hlnl. Yoama•I famout CylloMI ]IOlvls a tho Btallo 1111-uplotheJ1117. A -·,, .. ....,,lf'·a.utl~ II'~ I)'"· w ... nrtrtir-''111e-Pi(!pli'11Park;-' • .. (S.Ol'INIONl, .. Q •• " •• ' "r • • • . L Solons .Deny Spend Cut For Colleges SACRAMENTO (UJ'l) - T J e Alltmbly ~ ,.)<¢ed. an attempt to cul llp0Ddln1 !or the .lrue-1orn Unlversily GI Colttoiala and llate collt1ea-. 'Gov. -Reagan's IU bllllin state llud1et. By a Z7-.l5 -tile loww house deluled an effort bf Aaseilibl)'lll&n Ray E. 'J-(M;bko), to ... tile !J>"ll· dilll Jl"08TODl to force relann of the highu education lnstilutionJ. "I want some answers," Johnson told the Assembly. "I want to know wbo ls in charge ot the cam~.'' AsMmblymaa Jcilm L. E. Colller (R· Los Angeles), supported J o h n s o n ' s measure as an attempt to tell wUveraity and college pNlessors that they most *'either shape up_ Ol abip eut." The state COIJegea and ~ant'"•~•""llty - already the subject ot a bllb deslsned to control unrest -becaule the first inajor issue rai-1 In floor debate over the bud&el On tho n>ll call, 20 &publlcana and 1 Democrats favored the Johnson amend· meot but 14 Republicans and 21 ll<mocra\! voled autoll iL Shortly before de-opened, lbe lower house'• chief btJd&et writer called Democratic demands for a huge cut "bunildly cmcocted and Inaccurate."' Jef frey H unter Dies After Fall, Brain 'Surgery HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Actor Jellr<y aum.r, belt knoWn for blJ role of J...,. Cllrilt ln the 1119D production GI "King of Kjngs," died today after brain surgery. Police aald they undentood be wu in- JU"'d ln a fall al blJ Van Nuys home. Hunler, II, a hanMome and· youthful looking leadln1 man, bad been act1 .. In ......i years· In roles oo televlllon and In -made In Europe. Officers said he was found unconaclous Minday al blJ home with a no!Jen right eye and tmderwent the SW"gery at Valley 'llaopllal Mooday nl8hL Police aald they beard abooit the case 'from Ille"""'°""· undentood the Injury ·stemmed from a fall, and were ln- Y<lllpting. The corooer llsted Htinter 'Jlllder blJ legal name, Henry McKlnnles. · HtJDte:r IWTf.d for a time in the early lllOI 1n a television aerie.a about a fron· .uw~-..1'~:H~" ~.,, .. F-Pfl/le I • SEX CLASSES., •• concerned •bout socta1 lnvolvement. :Tblnp Ute wby doesn't Johnny like me," -he aplaloed. . "Molt cluses Ile voluntary, and !JUl·af the -tilllri·· sdlool ooly 15 different clllllhD ...,. DOI allowed to participate," be added. One woman, against sei: educaUon, got 'up and demanded, "I want to know how much tblJ :young guy wbo ls talking so much knows about su." ••1 hlvm't bad me saual experience, ma'm," l:w!:"replied quietly. 'NO CONFIDENCE Another man said he didn't want teac:ben to conduct these coorses. "l )ave no eoaflde:nce in our educators. I doo't lhlnk they're quallfled. Most ol them are very yaung and very unex- )e.rienced. I doubt if they know much about it." Later, spaklng~ of Top of the World School, be said, "They can't teach my kl.ds reading or mathematics, how can ~y teach aa!'" Tatlna: the opposite gotnt of view, another man theori>ed that John Birch· en ·are trying to take over the schoo1a ~ are using sex educatkJIJ u a vehicle to .do'°" • OAll V PILOT CllAHGIE CO.UT .. UkilHINO ()l)Mf'ANY RelMrl N. w •• ,. PrwMlftt .... "'*~ ' • ,,.,, •• C.Pley ~ ,.,........_. .,,. Gefit•tl .,._, Tll•1111t ICttttll ·-n.-A.. u.,,,.i-i •• -·-.-Rlc htN P. N1rl ·--Cl,., ltl!flk ---'" ..... ,. ... M•"-1 JiM,...,, P.O. a.. -t2Ut Qlllll~:-......... -...,.''iioi'mi0o1m1"""' IMM........,. ... __ ; __ _ ' I.IC IOll•• • """" .... 11.1 Salary Talks Stormy Capo Trus~ Drop M~t With Teachers 11J JACI[ CHAPPELL OI .. ...,. ,_ • ..., ' A stormy corifrontaUon between ~plslrano Unllled iichool D Is Ir l c l teach"" and -reaWted Moadly night when the schooJ board refu.sed to talk further about salary increases tor the district's 800 teachen. Trustees, over lMJrotests of about 151 teachers wbo Clowded into tbe board room, approved their last oal~ ol!er to the teachers, an offer wbicb tlit teacbera had previously rejected. read a legal Ntanenl from the Orqe County CoW!lel'I olllce statlnJ! that alter both patties nave met, either side c;an end negotiations. Moe ttplted that the opinion of the counsel was j~ ao opinion, not a llla,te- ment of fact. All a last altempl ·to set the board to ~ ll> mind, Moe l""Po'ed thal ...,. 1radl be left open and lbal, should ad· dllloiw funds ~ avallable, aegotia-u ... could be .._oac1 'l'rullea .- ed. • AcUon open &o the teachers had prevtously been outlined by Moe at withholding of extr11curricular servicest lndlvUlual and vol~ary laldng ol siclc leave and a letter wtftln& cam~ to liP- f1uential persons. By way of comparison, salary reque,ls by Capistrano teachers are about $4iO below what teachers of lbe Newport• Mesa Dialrtct .,. asking for the law end of 'their salary schedule and al>oul $SOO below what the Newport,..Mes1 teaichers are asking al the lop, -, The actioti gives teachers a $250 per year across-the-board salary increase and provides employes medical Insurance ~ent. Teachers asked for a $200 -in- crease ,at the bottom of of their salary schedule and $400 at the top and medical insurance benefl&a for their famlllea. "By arbllrarlly and caprlclomly edop. tinJ! the Inadequate 'aaJary llCbedule aod ...tated benefits, the board bas ezhiblted an aWtude which ii in direct conflict with lhe lntent ·and aplrtt ol'th• Winton Act," Robert Moe, teacben apokesmu c:bat&· ed. Laguna Office r's Work On Fingerprints. Lauded "II Wo Had to Llvo Nol!! Door 19 •~ Artlat, Why Couldn't It Ha .. -........ _ Aifl1tt" . A rite set of fing~t:i and the u:-perie~ of a·police ~lcatioo off1cer added up to a trophy for Laguna Beach Police Department at a ~nt statewide meeUng ol fingerprint e'.peru. BE'!ll GUIDE!JNES Frvlll p_,. I The Winton Act aels up guidelines !or teacbera' aaluy negollailcm.s. • Laguna police took third at the recent DilneyJ:and conference of the Interna- tional A.ssoclation' for JdenUficaUon, ·ALDR ICH BACKS POLICE • • • "The board,~ rejecting our proposals, will have to face the reaponalbility of a .. Uoos which may follow," Moe said. the police In. l p""ume that also hap- pened at Berkeley. "When you don't agree., don't aay you are going to prevent others from doinc 101Dething," Aldrich warned. 0 Wben eoougb pOople challenge In that way ll is civil war. I'm not proposinj: ·to aet students and facully &1alnsl eacb other In a civil war. .. "Calllnl !or pallce b the mecbanlsm our IOCiety provider to handle law· breakers." student Body Prosldent Rea Rldile said, 0 1 am diltur&ed by the chancel· lor'1 CODUDftrtl. I don't aee Ill)' jultifica. lloo !or delendln& lbeae luclat tactiCI." Said a black .Wclent who calla him- self Andub: "I don't wan( t. bur him tell us what be'1 wlllJng to do. I want to bear hbn aay where his two feet are ""?ls that a threat?'' Dr. Robert P. and wllal he's (Olng to do." Beasley, board vtc.c>resldenl, Wed. Annered the chancellor: "I'm doln& "Not if the teachers and represen- eYlr)'thlna I can to bring about retoJ.u-tatives don't feel that way," Moe replied. Uoa ol. confllct on this campus wllbout Following the action. the teachers )eft ue ol. police. But I :say u Eldridge &., board room to hold a discussion Cleaver told ua, 'Don't beat me because session. · I'm going to beat you bacl::' · Moe, _prealdenl ol the Caplslrano "NoW you wan~ me to plant both feet UnWed Education AuoclaUon, aald. the Thomas Hughes Funeral Rites Set Wednesday and I'm planllng them. l lland for raw teachers will be boldlng IDdlvldual and order, whatever you call it... meetfnp tb1I week and that they wilLbe Funeral services for Thomu R. Another black -.. ~ John King, pclled .. to "wbat they !eel wlli be IJ>-Hughes wlfl .. beld Wednoaday al 10 reapoaded: "You said I'm going to beal proprtate action.• a.m. In the Community Presbyterian you -._ I'll give you ao alternative. nie teacben' .--bas callad a Church of Laguna Beach. Mr. Hughes Finl lblng you do ls lab lbeae pip .00 geoeral membenhlp meeting Io r died Mooday. He was 64. . • th1a campus and d1slrm them. Wedbesday 'at 4 p.m. to decide on. a Mr. Hughes, a three year resident of "J want you to Uaten and listen rtal course of actton. -Laguna Beac!h, was an elder of the Com- pod. For 2.1 years I've been taking tbls munity Presbyterian Church and was law and order crap. If you want to put ASK FOR MEET chainnan of the Church's Outreach Com- your foot out and get funky wlth us, I'm "We are going to uk the board to mission. ready. If.you bring the pigs on this cam-agree to meet and confer. Immediately He was a retired ' electrical and Front Pane · l pus I'm not going tO tum my cheek. with lbe intent Qf adopting an open-end mechanical engineer with the State of ? "You do what you thint ii right." contract. Calif om.la and belonged to the local OPINIO NS Besldes wanting to teep police off cam-"We're also going -to ·uk the board if chapter of the International Association • • • pus, -the 7S or 280 faculty members at-they will meet and confer to let up a fact of Electrical lnspedol'3. ' · -lend'·• the-Academic Senate meeting !lndlng _,.ittee to determine the a.. Mr. Hulhes is ourvlved by his wife, out In the open and nobody ems. ~l• a13o ~ resolutions lo: lUal financial status ol the district," Moe Marjorie, of the family borne al 155 say just go out and do 1our tlung, pip. -Investigate the appear f th said. Dartmoor Ave .; one daughter, Mrs. 'California Division. l · The award was won by a teclmlcal el'• hibit prepared by Georae Plett.s, 26 year1 JUI identificaUon officer. Pletts' exhibit was the 10 fingerprints of a Lagun\ Beach police officer's wife. rare because none of the IO fingers con- tain "friction ridges". The prints, said Ptetts, look like a pat• tern or dob and dashes rather than' the norma l whorls of a fingerprint. If La.ken from a crime scene, the officer said, the prints could be mistaken for the prints left by a leather glove. The rarity oC a person having 10 fingera without friction ridges, Pletts estimated, might be a one-in-a-million OCCUlTMry<:e• He said it ill believed caused before birth by the fetus having a skin disease. Pletts said twice during job apt ]>lie.at.ions the officer's wife had been fingerprinted unsuccessfully. Tb I a stimulated Pletta' imagination and be took lhe prize-winning prlnl>. ; The four-day identification confere&e was a biple triumph for Pletts. He waa elected vice president of the organization and managed to have Laguna Beach chosen as the site of the 1971 conference. Other winners In the statewide coi::n-- petilion were Orange County Sheriff's Of. fice, first; Downey, second; and Fountain Valley, fourth. Biafra Downs Planes Coed Jackie Rut -"Calling people a ance 0 e During Monday's discuslion before the Hughes Brondum of Tustin; and a sister, pig -that doesn't do any good. I; doesn't County Sheriff TacUcal Squad on campus. board, Moe maintained that both the Mrs. H. V. D'Agostina otConnecticut. GENEVA (AP) -Blafra's fledgling air get through to them. Cops are people too. at 8 recent overflow rock am ·roll COO· board and the teachers were in a state of The Rev.dallas Turner will officiate at force today claimed to have de~~ •• • ·- Unfortunately, many have a sadistic cert. . . . negotiaUons ~ tlult !Jdther side could Church services. Entombment will be at five fede,ral Nigerian alrcralt ~t EhUgu nature. We can't change it in a day, but if -Pay from their salariu baJI and legal unilaterally qtrlt the t.alb under pl'O'Vis-. ForeR LIWn, Glendale at 2 p.m. Sheffer airport, including ·1 w o British-buib we take the time, we can ni: It." ~peru:ea of 10 students and thE>!fudent> ions d the Wmton Act. LaguDa Beach Mortuary ls directtng ar-Canberra bombers, a Heron transport Art Sllllchembe, Berkeley profeaaor of •di~ adv• ~ al ll*kaley · Trustee Board l'n!IJdenl Tom Winget, rangemenls. end two Soviet-built MIG fighters. sociology -"I haven't heard w.one at ... ~for faU~ to . dis~ ud ua1awful 1-..:.;c::..;,;_;.,.;;,,,;_;.,-"....,;....,;.;.__..::..,,;__..::.., ______________ _._, ___ .....;:.,---- all OQ ~faculty dMend tht~'Diti :@llRmbl;. ' "" ' ... , J.snodclibfwlatever,..~1oot~ -Support Berkeley prof.,..n In their oi the process supposed to guarantee law demands that lawmen and the NaUonal a'bd order in the community .. Guard withdraw; there be a state and »-a lllne1 Junior· ol Newport lederal Inquiry of police tactics, and 1'9.ch .:... ••i went ~ Berkeley and I waS meeUnp be held to setUe the uae of the ~In ~-Rita prlaod. .. "nle-city. o1 80-<:alled People'• Park •. Berkeley Is' an occupied area. I see con--Redirect their educational tf'forta: to dlUons no dilferent from what I imagine focus on the -tssues raised by the Tomonow's ·s~~illde ma ni Prague to be." Berkeley conf1ict. Bnme BattlatoU, freshman who lives on A resol\IUon to :suspend classea through campus -"The whole thing was sym. Thursday -in effect go on strike along bollzed by one man ln Uie streets made to wltb the students -failed by a 2 to 1 sing 'God Bless America' while be wu margin. bt'aten to the &round by clubs." Pro and con sentlment was summed up NeU Malmberi, student acUviUes ad-by statements of two professors. viser -''Those of us Who were there Daniel C. Dennett, assistant professor know they could have kllled James Rec· of philosophy, said, "Governor Reagal'i. tor and if they didn't they told us they earlier promised to keep the university wanted to." open at the Point of a baoyonet If Dave Heskett, graduate student ol necessary. I think we should demonstrate , Cqrona del Mar -"Let's get a 1trlke that is precisely the_ condlUon under "going. Let's go over and get people which we will not keep the university together to shut the place down." open and operating as usual." Playhouse Ends Sep,s on With 'Dylan' We d nesday "Dylan," lhe story ol the unpredlctlble Welsh poel Dylan Thomas and bis well publicized American ectlvtt!ea during the llllOs, will open Wednesday at the Laguna Playhouse. The play will be the last offering of the Playhouse during the regular season, the last season at the old Playhouse on Ocean Avenue. Written by Sidney Michael, the play ls based on Dylan Thomas' 39th and last year. Doug Rowe directs the play which features John P'enacca in the title role. South Coast Y Plans Carnival Step rllhl up. ladles and l'nU......, the South Orange County YMCA wOl be holding a caint•al with rides, shows and r-....ls Wednesday lhroqh Sunday on a vacant lot at the Junction of the San DitlO f'r<eway and El Toro Road In Lquna Hllll. · Under the dlrocUon or Bob Johnson and Hanna Baumann, YMCA lndlln Gulde dads from emerald Qty, the carruval will help rA19fl money for the YMCA. More than 5,000 perBOns m expected to attend. sald Rog,r carter, YMCA direc- tor. Cornlval houn .,. from I p.m. to JO , p.m. Wednetday and Thunday; from lO a.m. to JO p.m. l'rlday an Saturday and from noon to 10 p.m. SUnday. Pat Brown will Portray the poet's wife, Caitlin. Geoffrey Rlker p I a y s the Welshman's friend and biographer, John Malcolm Brinnin. lncluded Jn the cast are veteran,, Elaine Barnard, BeLsy Hewett, Red Stoddard, Bob D'lsldoro, Jim Cooley, Fanny Sparks and Glad Keer. Also appearing are Pamela Brown, Les lngledue, John Moran, Jill Carter, Doyle McKinney and Steve Scott. Paul Toft is I.he t.echnlcal director and Peter McNuJty ii the stage manager. Ticket reservaUons for the season finale are now available al the Laguna • Playhouse bo:i office at 319 Ocean Avenue rrom I to 5 p.m. "Dylan" rum from May II lhrollgh June II -Wednesday through Saturday evenlngs, 8:30 p.m. 3 Youths to Get Scouting Awards ~ Laguna Beacb youths wm nceive Boy Scouttna'• highest award, the Eqle, durbig court of honor terernonln tonlght at 7:30 o'cloc~ 'It Community Presbyterian Clurch fellowahlp hall . Dlrk Van Dtusen, Robert Haverty, and BalTJ Schirm, will be pre,.nled with their e-qles by Robert Reevtt, prlnclpal of t.aauna Beach High School. To recttve an Eagle, a scout must earn 21 merit bldgtc, complete a COMtl'\laUon project end Uve up to lhe acoot oath .. Hayden Ringtt, Troop 35 scoutmaster Aid. Ringer oald thal •bout 15 other scouting awards wlll be given out during . needs a· breal ratlay. ~ ,,,,,,.. • . 1 And local businessmen can help. Now. This summer. While there's still time. Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better citizen. The corporate giants are already hiring. The Government is already helping. But we need to reach every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of every local ·businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. ..-- ~ Hire one young man or woman. Hire more if you can. But, at least, hire one. No business is too small to help. Think about an extra pair of hands for the summer. Think about a bright youngster filling in vacation gaps. Think about next summer-and the one after that-whert you'll have an "experienced beginner" to call on for extra help. Do yourself a favor. Give a kid a break this summer .. Do I ! ' • I ' . • . t . -. it now. Call Thomas F. Morrissey, the Philco-Ford volunteer to the National Alliance of Businessmen . For _ the Harbor Area call 644-0900. • IUMMEll . ' .; :: John B. Lawson •. Chairman, District 5 :: Orange Cou nty Metni· National Alliance of ! Businessmen ,1011 llOW National ,l,ll ionce of Businessmen :.; .. • "11>e carnival wOl Include malot'«l2ed rides. Dlacount Ucke!s att availabli !nm many local mmhlnta ond lrom YMCA members, 0 Cartt.r &aid. the coort of Honor Jo U GI the troop 15 • : ; ICOUls. I-~~~~~~~~~~..,-~~~~--:_:--~~~~~~~~~~~~_....,~ . .. - d • ;, k ' • 0 ~ d 0 ' 1 I ' '• I ' ' ' • I, • ' I I I • ' ' ' I r j ' II t • ---------------~-~ ----------- . . ' .LA Vote Highest Dou6ws Ldst Ewction_Morning Poll Turn<iu~ L I LOS ANGELES ,(UPI) -Votero ""1!"'l oot In almost twice the volume of the lut mayoralty elecUon ln early hOtars today u Loo Angelea chose a o~ ~ve with the odds tt would: be the flfst Near• Jn the city~ history, "'City Cotmcuman Thomas 'Bradley •as ~ by public OJ?iniQn surveys ahead of tiiownh<!nt mayor Sam Yorty. Yorty poob-poobeCI the polls. With skies sunny and temperatures ex- pected to go up to 78 degrees, the early ' IW'IO to the Pona1 WU unprectdected-.. , Clerk Jiu E. Layton ul4I a apc>t ~~ sl>Owed that U .pemni 'of the clty'a 1,121,114 ~· volers"'8d coot tbelr ballots by t a.m. In the lut mayoratty cooteat in 1960 the v~ in that pefiod"Was UpelCflllt. "We've never seen anythfns like It," Layron said, .Brac8ey, who voted shortly before 8 a..m., expresaed his disappointment at Yort1'1 "tactics." He aakl the mayor had atlempted to win votes with "an appeal to fear." Votlrig places opened at '1 a.m. and we.re to cfose at 7 p.m. • Laytoo had predloted that u many as 75 percent ol the registered etectorato In th.e nation's third largest city would vote. The mornln&.turnout led him to declare It might exceed that. re<:Onl figure, Bradley, 51, whO served Zl years on the Los Angeles police. force before retiring to launch a po1iUcal career. must get votes from the white population to win. Resistance Vewed Teen Jumps 3 Stories, Said Sout~· Vietnam 'Rejects Coalition With Hanoi \ High on · LSD \: PARIS (UPI) -South Vietnam's. chief negoU&tor at the Vietnam· peace con· ference today ruled out any coalition government in Saigon as demanded by the Communists. Ambassador Pham. Dang Lam told a newsmen's luncheon that Saigon would reai.st any attempt to change the nature of the present Saigon goverpment even by "democratic procedure without, e1ec· tions!' "We da not consider as a democratic government any government which does not issue from free elections," be laid, adding Saigon does not en vi a ag e presidential or legislative electians befare County Plµgs V p SA River Floiv Orange County Water and Flood Con· trol district crews placed plywood cofier dams at Prado Dam Monday to hold back the Santa Ana River flow while a steel lid is being placed on the 66-inch diameter opening. · The job should be completed by Thurs· day, officials reported. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of· 'fi~ in Los Angeles issued a permit last Week for the lo"ng-sought closure which w:Ul enable engineers to regulate the flow so that it can be conserved in the water district's percolation beds down river. The Board o( Supervisors first re· quested the opening be closed in 1963, but the Corps of Engineers held up permission until a five-year lawsuit over Santa Ana River water rights was settled earlier this year. 1971. Lam spOke against a background of Communist j.Qdicatlons lhe main thrust o( North Vietnam and the National Libera· tion Front (NLF) at the conference now is to drive a wedge between Washington and Saigon and overthrow the present Saigon government. The NFL is the political ar lmor the Viet Coog, Replying to a question on what South Vietnamese PreSident Nguyen Van Th!eu will seek during his June 8 summit meeting with Presidept. Nixon at Midway, Lam said the two leaders "will not only discuss the problems of today but also the problems of the future" in Southeast Asla. School to Seek Damages From Youth V aridals Garden Grove Unified School District officials said today they will ,attempt to collect an esUmated $5,000 for damages caused by seven boys ranging in age from 9 to '3 years, at Rancho Alamitos Higb School Sunday. , State law porvides that parents arc responsible for:damages inllicted by their. ' children, school authorities said and ad· ded, "we have never had to go to court to collecl" · There has been $4-0,000 dan1age to schools in the district since last July 1 ac- cording to Alton. Morse, associate superinttlndent for business of the school district. A world -weary Huntington Beach youth allegedly high on LSD and clad only in flowered underwear survived a three· story leap out of a Long Beach hotel win- dow Monday night , then kicked wildly at would-be helpers with his two Wobbly, broken legs. Jeffrey C. Blair, 19, of 6942 Canterbury Drive, is Listed in good condition today at St. Mary 's Hospital, following the gr(,. tesque plunge from the Lafayette Hotel. PoUce officers who arrived at the downtown Long Beach scene about 9:30 p.m. found Blair sitting on the Broadway sidewalk near Linden Avenue, his legs flopped out at sickening Rag Doll angles on the concrete. · "The world's just a bummer," they quoted the victim as saying after he kick· cd and fought patrolmen and ambulance attendants attempting to get him to tlie emergency hospi~I. Jnvestigatton then led lo the third noor 11partment of Blair's girlfriend, Elizabeth Davis, 21. a music student at Cal State, Long Beach. ' Officer Jack Parker said he and ~is partner found Blair's pants -the pockets containing three alleged marijuana cigarettes -in Miss Blair's apartment, where some secon81 capsules were also confiscated. Miss Blair was arrested and booked ~· to Long Beach City Jail on suspicion ,of possession of dangerous drugs, according LO Long Beach police. · ' '. UCLA Hunger Strike LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Twenty UCLA sympathy strikers are going hungry for a second day today . The students, who are.camped on the Royce Hall ~awn, vowed not to eat "until the National Guard is removed from Berkeley," a university spokesman said. h,utli C•?taza 3 DAYS ONLY Brfttol ~.t ·s.n Dlqo Fr'ffway Costa Mesa TUES., WED .. THURS., ~ MAY 27th, 28th· & 29th CLOSED FRIDAY, May 30 MEMORIAL DAY • BANKAMERICARD • MASTER CHARGE • GENTIY CHMGE Opon 6 Nit•• • WHk 'Tit 9:30 Phona 540-1502 ' 200 SPORT COATS IN THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS by famous makers NOW ONLY (FOR 3 DAY$) $ VALUES SUITS :• .... ' ~ .. 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..• -17 :!"t1 II , , , , .. , . , .......... , , , .. , . , , , , sn ~.4~· ·~·-············1··············'" Si.ACKS ~. . . ;.·521 ••...•......••.....••••••••••• .... ,. Ill ••••••••••••• •••_!.••••••••••••• ... .. m .........•......•............. • ) UPI T1_..,. Nixon Asks 'Private' 1'0 System ' Ftom ·111n•-' . WASHINGTON -l'Nldent m-... ed Congreaa tQda)' to take the -·· pootal eyatom bot!> out of the red ml eut olJ>Ollilot by Jl"tting It In the hands ol • government-owned but Independent cor• poraUon. Tbe Prealdent apelled out dellils In a special ......,e on the plan, wblcll he described to .. ......,.at the Whit. B- as ''one ol tbe most significant propouls made during this adminlltraUon. •· Postmaster O.neral Winton ·M. Blount told 1 news briefing that the corporaUon -which would be called the U.S. PooUI Service and would "Place the preoent oablnel depanm.nt which oow • .,.... the 'miljl at a cllrOlllo deficit aiid '!lilll Id· milled tneU~y -ooold. tie ael!...., la.lning within five years. T!ie ~oot Office Pepariment haa been running aboot 11 billloo a yw: in the ~ the past few y~ars. (>Yer the' past Ciecade, it has amassed an $8 billion deficit JAMES EARL RAY GOES BACK TO PRISON IN CHAINS Rubbing Elbowt With Highway P•trol's Greg O'Rear A.s NU::on envtaioned it, Che po&tal ccr- poration would be administered bJ a nlne-mernper board oC direct.on select.ed without regard to political aflillation. A separate panel would be set up to establish a schedule of postal ~ which would be subject to-·congrellianal veto within 60 days. Ray Returns to Prison Such a move would do away with the most widespread and long est.abtilhed source of political patronage, ranging .U the way frQm local postmasterabipl to the J>03l of J>.OStmaster general, which. Jn years past haa olton gooe to the o-.i chairman of the party which woo U. White House • shooting of King. NAS HVIµ.E, TeM. (AP) -James Earl Ray was returned to his maximum security prison cell after losing a bid for a new trial in the assassination of Dr. ·Martin Luther King Jr. "It ls the opinion of this court that the guilty plea entered was properly ••• knowingly,. intel~genUy and voluntarily entered,'' Faquln said In a written order. "Judge Battle had ample evide~ in fin- ding that the defendant was fully advised and has waived; lnteltigently and un- derstandingly, his rights to a motion for a new trial.'' N~on said hil refonn, besides remov- ing r e post olllce limn the Cabinet, calla for several sweeping changes including: •·This hearing was only the beginning," said Richard J . Ryan of Memphis, one of Ray's three new lawyers. Ryan said he will take lhe case to the Tennessee Court of Crin)inal Appeals. , -creaUon of an independent J)OltaJ service wholly owned by I.be federal government mi administered by a ~ member board of directors. -New and eltensive co I lectl v e bargaining rigbll !or postal •1111'io,ea. Judge Arthur C. Faquin Jr. of Criminal Court in Memphis held Monday that Ray w·aived any right of appeal when he entered a guilty pie!" March 10 in the Judge W. Preston Batlle died three weeks alter accepting Ray's plea of guilty In exchange for a !It-year prtJon sentence. · ' -Bond financing for major capital im- provemeoll, similar to the lundln& ar- rangement now held by the Tameaee Valley Authority. BUY NOW FOR BIG SAVINGS SMALL APPLIANCE CLEARANCE . MULTI SPEED BLENDER, od9, 26.99 Now lt.18 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER, od9, 12.99 Now 7.18 ELECTRIC KNIFE , ·crig. 19.88 Now 13.11 COFFEE MAKER crig . 9.99 Now 6,18 HAIR-DRYER crig. 29.99 Now 22.11 !"SLICE . TOASTER cri9. 16.99 Now 7.18 ' FAMILY SHOE CLEARANCE Bis selection for all Women'1 ' Girts' J.81 members of th• family. 8oy1' ~ .88 to 6.88 REDUCED TO CLEA~ Mtn'1 -······ 11.18 MENS' KNIT SPORT SHIRTS Short Sl•eve, Turtle N1clc Orig. J.H St~lt. 60 '/. Collon, 50 '/. Po yester. P•nn-Pr•st for NOW .......... 1.22 •esy cere. Geld only. BOYS' ·KNIT ·SPORT SHIRT$-. I 00 ·;. Nylon Benion end so r. Pcly•ster, 50 % cotton OrU,. J.SO to J,fl Pe nn.Prest, Short Sleewes, NOW ......... ! J.9' Good Selection. IOYS' 5'0RT AND DRESS SHIRT C~EAltANCE S..ld ...i pS.-. l'lalt., 1NittM deWlt Orlf.2.tt ·150 c.e1..., r ... Prett hf _., c..-. NOW WILD PRINTID POLO SHIRTS ............. ef Het w ... ....., '"""· ,_ let M•'• .._ s.M.&,..XL MEN'S TAPIRED DlllSS SHIRTS ........ , ,,_ ...,. w ~ Utic:'tM 41H9ffflft ...... ., ... ,. ...... WOYIN JAQUARD llDSPUADS RIDUCID ........ " ... _ ~ ... -°"'""' ft twt.., hH lhill "ow Fi'rTID KINb-SID SHllTS RIDUCED Jllcce C..W C..... ,_.. ......._ on,. 7.At C.,..,.. ....... 9"". MOW WOMIN'S SLllYILISS SHILLS .. ..,. ,....,...., ..... ..... ~ Of'it. '·" Tw1t1mac• • ...,., -'*' NOW nc 411 411 COSTA MESA STORE ONLY 2300 HARBOR ILYD. .. STOCK UP NOW ' . SPRING DR~ CLEARANCE LOWDTPllCU 388 .. a• o• TMI TIA.I 8i9 Selection of Jr., Mrs. er H1lf Siz•s, V1ri•ty of febires, some P•nn°Pr11t. Meny styles end colors. 81 eerly foe b•st choice. SPRING JEWELRY CLEA.RANCE Your Choice cf Pins, Orig. 1.00 & Z.00 Eerringt or Necklects in Bright, F1sh ion Colors. NOW 44c & 1.44 ' GIRLS' ANKLE PANts ·Fl ere 119 prints of I 00 •;. cotton, with white w1ist °"'· 4.00 sesh. Si:r:es 7-1 4 NOW .......... Z.77 . Woven Jaquard TOWEL ENSEMIU Thirsty cotton terry elcth in fashion eolcr of Gold, Moss, Tangerine encl Pink. .., -. 88c ... 2/88c w ... 4/88c , ..... r.,,... Clerll FASHION 5'0RTSWEAR CLIAltANCI .l'Mlls•, IWll,"Alila ,_,. -4 ....... 1" hlJ C.. hllw1c• I WOMEN'S NYLON SUMMIR SHIW' llO,. """ .... ..,...:a,,. ..... ,..... 1" M.O -4 T'""-NeU ...,._ IPICIAL FASHlpN COLOR HOSIUY Cw,l.ANCI CeMf9Ct .. l1, ..... N .. tc.1 r. Orlt-6f.1& 11 ltL lput.f~ef..-,,..9"1W... NOW' ~ 100'/e NVLON FULL SLIPS ......... ., ......... 11 ...... -°"" .......... , .... ., Str-... ,..,.,.,, ........... .., N:OW ~-- WOMIN'S UNIPORMS RIDUCID TO CWJI ........ , .......... -311 1-........ """--..... ., ,...... .. v-- ALUMINUM l'RAMI LUHAM ltlDUCID ~M-::!•:•.:..=.•ll .. la" 11" _.15• Ol'lll IYDT N19HT TILL t '·"'· usi -Youa """" CMA"' CAaD I '• I -· ' • Someone stole the $1!0 that brid&-to-be Chrl1tlne McNemy bad saved for her honeymoon-but iht will 1et her trip alter all and free. MW: McNem~bo will wed Pehr HIU, 26, in on, aaid _a hotel owner bad read of her plight and had offered a w .. k'• holiday., free of Charge. "I can bard.1y believe it'& true,'' she said. • T\velve girls of }lartlepool; Eng· land will sell their kisses for a shllllng (12 cents) apiece 'to raise money ror·tWo Prisoners. ''It's the best way we could think of to raise moDey for the prisoners/' said Honey o.w-, 60, secretazy of the Lone]l Hearts Club the g1rli belong to.) '1~l~· aeem, to be cfeceot boys who1have 'been a.bit unlucky," Miss DawSQD said.. "We thought a shill· ing fllr.Lktss was a fair price. But if the meri want to kiss for a little longer, they will have to pay more." -. SACIWll!NTO' (AP) -Gov. ·~ .... --·-"~ tlGa --other lodaJ -tho<••'"" -.. lbe CaPIAll demwl... wtllldnwal of Illa N.-t =-=-·lbe-" u.. In durin& ~·· 111111 ~ -hut bolb -...-af. t.rwan! tha~no meolllolM adwW• of ·-bid tUen place, ' After a 1.., private ........ wttb 11&1· deol Jeoclen of. lbe m..,ii, Jloqao pve OU. reactJon to newsmen: "I thinl<.lt'I a sbanle. 11 lla"t IOinl to solve anything. "They made It veiy clMr - they did oot want D'lt tO oome out. 'They ·w,.t a IOOI way to bear :f."'Ple they could h ... heard -home. ' Studenta who attended the meetinl us- ed the same word Requ did In deacrll;t. ing it -11frwtratioo." • Ronya Aluander of the .Unlvenity ol CalifQrgla ~ Davis -plolned, "An unreasonable amolmt « time wu spent Oil poUtleal rbetortc ... Tw<> leaden who ldd,_ lbe nlly, Jim HaWl!'Y ud Wendy Sdlleoolnaer ol Berkeley wllbd out of lbe meetlnl, lft<or giving Jloqao 1 tel at demandl. Hawley explilnecl: - "We are DOI ~led In 1 dlaloCue with ·a murderer. We didn't wait for a rea~." , Wbj meet with hlin? "U~tely, thit ittipld Hollywood actor's ·nangtnc the. state." 11mp1, .., --. "I'·" 11-tba MClllll nwslve marcb of ....-.. Iba C'lfitol .... 11aaa·1 , ... ad • ball years In O!&e. Tbe lolel c1"d fnlm vlrloua atate unlve.ntt)' ad collep cam""'°'.wu eslimate<l It more lbln f,IGO . by a city police lleut...lnt -·-.... -llld they lboaaht It came dole to the 10.000 they hoped for. Slate police 1111rdecl Requ'1 olllce and tba Cipllill. Hlghway pattohneo wtre held r9ldJ ta • l•ra&• • blocl< ... ., ud throe pfttooar of N1ttoaal GUard mlllliry police were mobililed in a IW't>Urban ......,.. nie mard> lived up to Ill 1tudenl .,..-.. plan that II he a nonviolent, orderl)" ~ ol the Guard"• occupaUon .« BerRley In a clisls which hegu wl>en a Unlventty of C&lifomla vacant Jot was tumect Into a part by Berkeley "llieet peopk." • 1be bluest cheer from the crowd on the sm-batbed west Capitol steps came wheo Jan Eakes, former student body Wttident at Sacramento State Collq:e, half.jOklngly saJd he wante<I ~ make ~-an honorary member of the ridical Studenta for 1 Democratlc Society "Iii< i:adlcalizlng the atate ol California" . by '""'1lng ln>Opt lo Berkeley. Tbt -~ts sang "Ain't 1onna let ~ ~an tum us 'round," a nd canted tlPe such u "The people are far right. RJl ll far wronJ" u they marched, tllht '. abrus~ the six blocka to the C1pllol. Capitol 'Ul'IT ........ • Reagan Sltd he bl lriistrated at not be- ing 11ible to open up communication with the majority of students even though he is willing ''to inetl on any campus anywhere ." But right now, he acknowledged, "1 could precipitate a riot ·UC Prof. Linus Pauling, twice a Nobel Prize winner, told the crowd: "It is the milltar)"-lnduatrial complex that i s responsible for the evil incident in Berkeley. It is the military.industrial complex that supports Gov. Reagan." ·~ CALIFORNIA STUOENTS MARCH ON CAPITOL TO PROTEST-TROOPS AT BERKELEY Crowd Estimated at 4,500 Miiis Oot1ide Governor Rea9i1n's Office In Peaceful DemDn_1tratlon • When the Ude comes In along the Bristol Channel, tele\t:ision gOes out in 'Minehead, England. Hundreds of Viewers have complained to the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) th.et tb.elr screens periodically go haYWlre. Tbe J>Oliods turned out to cofnclde with tlie · ineoming tides; The tide acts as a· giant~ zbirior; enc1DHn decided. A BBC opakt&- man promised that "The Minebead area will be aetting an alternative transmitter." · . ,. . Summer's here and eonvthing'1 dudcy -at lea.!t until 2 · year· old JvUe Herndon gets her hands on this happy· go lucky quacktr at Dt'1oi t Children's Zoo. • * * * 3 Officers Shot Shooting, Violence Hits Texas, Seattle Schoo'Ls VniMMI Pre11 lntemUonal · Thlrleen l!""'"'· allegedlf "1'!ed. with fire bombs, were arrested ~~t Teus Women!• Univeraity, where sunftre and a shcqun blast Injured IS:Moiiday, 'nlree policemen were shot, a dozen persons injured and 36 arrested in a Rockefeller Says . cuhiicontinuing • To Urge Disorder !wAslllNGTON (UPI) -Gov. Neloon At Rocktleller said today hi• fir•! trip to ta.tin America on behalf of the Nixon ad· mlnistration convinced him that the regime of Fidel Castro In Cuba is c~n· tinuiog its eirorts to export Communist revolution. Before setting out on the second leg of his Latin American mWion, the New Y~k governor met with Plesident Nixon at the While Houst and spoke briefly to violent student protest al Seatlle Com· munlty Colleae Monday. · Fout. Of-CbiOse arrested in Texas were t:.arrimi fltt, bombS, police said. Another had a plstol~ CY. those arrested , nine were said to be students. About ;.ooo students were camped on the lawn of Southern Illinois University president Delyte Morris today In protest of women'.s hours. The school has about 20,000 students. • • Vlo1enCe ht.gin In Seattle when police turned back members of the talaclt Students Union and Students for a Democrallc Society (SOS) at the main entrance of the college. Fifty to 60 youths hurled bottles and rocks at the police and Sgt. David Devine suffered a broken leg. Police fired tear gas and the demonstration spread to the surrounding streets. Three policemen were wounded by gunfire. two in the buttocks and one in the hip. All were h06pilalized in good con- dlUon. The students demanded one of the acbool 's all-white board of trustees resign 'to allow appolntment of a black trustee. Some 120 members' of the Southern Uliools Student Senate began the sil·ln on Morris' lawn at Carbondale Monday afternoon. By early today their numbers newsmen. · had grown to 1,000 as 'students joined the Asked whether Cuba was continuing its protest, Univenity police stood by. efforts to spread reVolutk>n In · the ' Local and state poll ct were put !ft alert hemisphere, Rockefeller replied:, "Yes, it in Denton. Tex., after 16 persons, in· still is a fact." ·eluding Students {rom the women's school H said there was evidence. that reVolu· • and North Texas State University, were wounded in two separate incidents. One tionaries are "going to Havana for ·was reported in critical condition. training and coming back" to fomeht disorders at the urging of the· Ha\'ana Offi,::ials said the first incident started GM Coerced Into Warning . Of Faulty Truck Wheels WASHINGTON (AP) ::. VnHI pressed by the federal gov~rJunent, ·G.eneral Motors Corp. d.ld not warn the owners of some 100,000..light trucki that the wheels rnigbt break Lijl..w;x:ler heavy loads, it was learned todll' ·i": .. . . GM is notifyu,i ~ owpers of 1960-65 model GMO:apd>QleVJ"!)let lhree.quarter- ton tru,ck.s thet..:over.loading could cause the wheels to fall and' "break up" - particularly on those trdicks ouUitted with campers. And, for the first Ume, the company warned the owners of ltit potential defect without offering to pay the cost of repairs. The GM letter urged Ul:e. Jiwners .to have the wheels replaced~at a :COSt estimated by the company at $100 -if their loads e:icceed rated capacities. Or. Robert Brenner, acting director of the Federal Highway Safety Bureau, con· ceded that GM had Issued the warning statement after the Department · o(.. Transportation had ln!ormed the CO:m· pany tlµlt it would oh~rwise _publicly de· mand such noUflcaUon under the federal highway safety law. But Brenner said the department 11 still testing the vehicle arid wheel and bas ' British Pop Singer Gets Plastic Surgery EAST GRINSTEAD. England (AP) - Pop singer O.Ua ·BJack undeN•ent facial plastic surgery at Queen Victoria Hospital here today, her 26th birthday. A hospital spokesman said she would be in the hospital for about a week. He declined to say what part of the singer's face the surgery involved. not yet decided whethe r it Is basica lly defective. And there's nothing in the law, he said, to 1compel the manufacturer to pick up !hi tab. Company offlclals In Detroit insisted the wheels -manufactured by the Kelsey·Hayes Co. -art not de!ectlve. '"l'here has never been a case where a wheel f'ailed which was not o\'ertoaded." a spokesman said. · But the spokesman acknowledged that the truck "is capable of carrying a camper, is advert.l.sed for such purpose and la our largest seller for thlJ use." Although GM.,.dOes not concede the truck y)leelnd be dele<U,., It "'~ an out.«~tjJt.;lttlemenl In Claitmont, CalU., lut)ilr~fter a front w~I gave · way on a bakery. truck loaded with brqd. The drlyer wat seriously injured when lhe truck roned~er. GM replaced ~at its O'A'n expensl! lhe wheels of JO )other bakery company trucks:• ~ .. ·If . Cle~ ~rs WASHINGTON (UPI ) -The $Ito Department says it is unable \o conftrm . ~ tb1t Eldrlitge Cleover, leader ol ,lbt. Black Panthers, is llvln& in Cuba; Asked for comment on a report Uin Cleaver, who js wanted ~or,·parole viola- tion and b:::il jumping lo California in .November, was working on a book in Havana, State Department spokesman Carl Bartch said : "I can't even confirm ht Is there." The Bradford, England t o w n council offered to sell 1,400 surplus police whiailes before July 9. Some of. ttie whistles are 40 years old and local police consider them ••surplus regime. when a policeman accidentally shot two Rockefeller also was asked whether he students while scuffling with an assailant. !"" t had found any support for .movtni toward In the second shooting, aeveral men in a ( to requirements. 11 . a resumption or dlplomaUc relaUcm!I pickup truck reportedly fired • shotgun betweeo the United States and Cuba. ai a groop of atudent.s assembled at the 1 . • "No," be said. "Not discussed at all ." site of the first incident. High System Covers North ! Cold Weather From Great Lakes to New England C•IJfo,.,.la ~ Ctll'-la wts matll"I' fltr """' "'"' liltllel nl9M •Jld ..,., "'°'"' 1"9 • °"'* _. "" -r lht c.11. Coutal °""°' -"' • .,,., "'* ettsl !Pt!• ""'"''"' IMol'l!IM l'Mltlr ..,,_.. k •"""-' "'*"' Wiidt ~ •• I'll 1S 11;,_tt, Tldll"l llltfi. " II 11. YKiWlllln ,..._..IW'tt flflttd ~1 1tltl!OI M .. alOW 9fM.I,,. i.... .......... lflli't wn 1S I'll R. Tloe '"'"" h-.lufol -•.t .....,_ S••· 111.... !'Wes •\IUO.T ...... '' .......... lti•-·'' hcOftll 1119'1 1:11 J.111. S.t "WIOfllatOAY ,Int "°"' ............... I i .. 1.111, 1.1 "'"' ,.. .: ............ 7!J6 '""' '·' ...... ltW .. ,.1,.,., ... I!• .. fl'. 1,4 llQIJlll """ ............. 7?20 ··'"· J.t ...... • .... J1" J.tn ..... t :IN 1,11'1. '\1111 •IMf It .. 1.lft, iftt 11M •·"'· ''II Liit O, Hnr rnt e. """' II Jurtt I .lllflt U .1\lflt tl I U.S. S11mmar11 u--bl'I' tol<ll ""l!11t1tr 1hrt1I• tlfltd .... ntordl ,,.,,., Hit _,.,~ O•NI Yllll It ~ Ertelelld loQw wtillt "" '"' " "" ftl tllll llllktd "' ''""'"' -"""· lw COJ1lr1tl. Dtll'Oll ,... lflt IDwdl i-1lvN -IN lljltllfl'I bit clli.t 11 J 1..rt1, EDT ,..., wtfll 4'. T'tfnlltl'Whl'" .. ,.. Ill "'9 IO"lf ,,,_ 11 ~"' '\'orll; .... 1"111 ... 1 ... le, .... ., •• '"""( wllllt MIMllPfllll, MINI., ... _,.. I ""*tl'ff l'ffdll'ot. Tht ,.,. 11111'• ....... , ,., ""rMI t i Mafll-""lef". VI. TM 1111~ 111¥111111 •• dlNI to • toOI h'91t ~,.. ''" bl.ll'lli:ttlfll "" N011'11Mll, Mlllftl If l•otft !toe Miit .. -11'1 -Illar ........ ,"" "" '"' -~ l'llitaft. ,rt(IJl!lllcwl •• , "111\llfllt, CO!lfl"ld "' """1cllrt.'\...,.lf\ Ill lilt JIOrthftm i1ol1!"'· llOl1!'>trft MldWH!, II-. Stu'llro tHI 11'1!1 Ill Ille ,ttfllc Hlll'll!-1. Temperatures l•~•rtl~ld BIJ .... rtl!. loite 811110" Ctil~tllO Cl~tl""'ll Cltft .. f\d -~· OM Mo!"" °"'~" ,,_ ... "'". ,_,. _ ... 1ean.,... cnv L• v ... 1 Lot A-itl M-Mltw.llkn 1111.-..11 _ ...... _y ... HOf11\ l"lt flt o.kllflf ..... 'ua 11•"• 1"111...,....,.1• ·-· ,_.., :r~~"" 11:1'1 •kin ·--· It. Lwll ...... $Ill -\Alli Cl"' sa" Oltta 5111 'r'Mt*-5atllt •• ,.,. ..... -·~ °TM•tnal W1tlllllffll Hllll Ltw l'rte. • u u •l .. u .. ~ .. .. Q .. ~ ~ .II M JS Tr n 11 . " .. ~ tl .. .01 ,, .. " ~ " ~ u " •• 1J " u " n n " U 1J .IS 5' .. .11 " . . .. " .. . " ... " ., 11 IJ ... 1n u .. . H .M .IJ .... fl II 11 ., " . ., '' ,, ,, " .. I> M " N " " '' M .t:I H ~ .Ill 10) ,. " .. ·Kidaaper Gets Life A smilinl Gary Steven Krist Is escorted by .DeKalb CoUnty Sheriff Lamar Martin after Krt.!t bad been-found guilty In Decatur, Ga;i_,of tho kidnaplng and burial of Miami heiress Barbara Jane Maci«•· The jucy recommended. mci:cy m·ean1n& an automAUc lire ·seateace, ~-. . I I 9 852 Waves : Hit Massed Red Troops • l SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. military command sent nine waves of B52 bomb- ers against Communist troop concentra- tions In thre sections of South Vietnam durin& the night, it \\'as announced today. The strikes fallowed a series of 30 mortar and rocket attacks on U.S. bases. Military spokesmen also reported 5,0QO Communist violations of the demilltarized zone (DMZ) since the American bombing halt began last Nov. I. They reported a major violation SUnday when Communitt shellings blew up an ammuaiUon dump, killing elgbl Marines and wounding 24. The BS2s were sent agaimt Communllt f<tte:s threatenlbg Saigon a n d agaln.!t troop conctntrations in the ceiilrll highlands and on the northern coasf_~f South Vietnam. Allied for~ in those area's killed 194 Communist troops ip scattered fighting Monday. .. .~· 'J'w.o of the strikes came In support 9f · ·troops -. one hltUa1 Communllt ~ proacli routes to a highlands camp undt!r attack and another 1Uef>Orting the. U.S... 1-1' pll!n olleNive prote<llng Tam'K¥ 3ilG' ~north ol 8alcoo. · ·~l " '1'bii b[uJot of the rtaas hit Viii~ ID<f'l!O<tli Vleinam ... pOs111ons.~to 91 ~~ulfad northwest .t goo, ..,.....,._""'"' ol allied bases ecll II!< Cljittol:s.."'"', jlel-rinf: (' '°11<1 ·/-• total ol nhie;J>ltu .. lilfaiiday Iii. which U.S. and Soull\ Viet.- .-,. siilillers reporte<M<illl"ll a totaJ · oMN tueirllas lioUi the, Mekong' Delta to .. n the-demllltiir!Ject sone (.DMz). Communist--sbolled One South Vletname.e town and 29 a!Hid military . ~~oveml&i>I, the U.S. ~and sald, 1nlllcµug.dama&e or casualties at eight of the siles. none ierious. ' . Committee Says Pentagon Wa stes U.S. Billions WASHINGTON (UPI) -A joint con- gressional subcommittee today accU!ed the Pentagon of wut.ing billions in tbt purchaae o( weapons, and called ~ Concrea to take a new and harder look at nillltary apendlng. 1'1bere' iJ a pressing need to r~•· emme our naUoul priorities by takinc 1 hard loot al the allocallon ol lederal revenues between the military and civilian budgets," the Senate-House Sub- committee on Economy in Gov.eminent al.kl in a rtporL Se:n. William Proimlre (l).Wls.), sub- • committee chairman, said the report "delivers a ringln1 indictment of a set ol , well eatablilbed practices in the Depa.rt. mtnt of Defense that have over the yean brought about enormous waste of the tas. payer"• dollars and great economic ~ efflcleocy.'" • The panel cr!Uciied the Pentagon few bu)lnc pnctich which fall to provide ir> cebdves to the contractor to hold C9Stf down. The repon said only 11.S percent d totaJ military procurement fn the luf fiscal yeer waa handted on a "true cam peiJUve bid" basis. It added lhal 6T Jle1' ceDt of all Pentagon buytng w11 distributed among 100 contradon. Prounire said Incentive contracts. Ule4 _)y the Pentagon sin(e 1962, "have beSi • -f811ure.." "The evklence suquts," he said, "that instead of Increased efficiency or reduc:W: cost& IUCh contrects may actually havt contributed. to a 1eneral upward ahifl h ta1"(et C<ltlll. "The repricing rormula built Into sud contracta, auch u &hat found In the C5J 1carao plane) conlrac~ Is one o1 the"'°" blal•nt reverse Incentives ever en counterotl bl' the subcommittee." ~1 . . . ' ·' . ·' ... -....... . • .. ' JEAN' COX, ·494-9466\ ,.....,, M9 17, lt9' L P• '1 \ New Regime Leads Coupl ·es Head ' F.or· c ·al -iente With Mr.. Watson E. Jarrett of Th.ree.Arch,Bay at the helm, Riviere Club members are· ready to be steered through several June activities be- ginning .with a day in Caliente Tlirf Club next Sunday. ' The charter bus trip for a Day at the Races is planned for the Guys and DoUs, a couples' section within the club, by Mrs. John Williams of La- guna Beach, new section chairinan. Festivities, beginning· with departure from Soutb·Laguna at 9:45 a.m .. will continue through a buffet luncheon prior to afternoon track programs. Further information about the outing may be obtained by calling Mrs. Williams at 494-3107. Mrs. Jarrett took over. the leadership reins of the club from Mrs. Rem! ·Chabot of ,San Clemente during a recent installa!ion, luncheon. Other new board members Include vice presidents, the Mmes. Carl W. Adams, program; James R. Eckman, member.hip; BQb N.-1\liller, spe- cial events; Ritchie H. Wilson, history; E:M. Johnston, publicity; Richard K. de Ford, yearbook; Vasco Batscbwaroff, reservations; Peter T. Salti .. maehio, Shorelines; Peter H. Ostrander, hospitality;, Jim G. Allen,coor· dination, and Marshall CJark, corruriunity services, all 'of Laguna Beach, and Donald T. Beddoe of Dana Point, luncheons, and Betty Rowan of· New• port Beach, decorations. Addi'lioool board members include the Mmes. A. Harry 'Pisegna and Harold A. Deviney, both of Laguna ~ch, reconling and corresponding secretaries;Mae Brotman of Three Arch Bay, treesurer; Chabot, tech· nlcaJ advisor, and Harvey L. Tedford II of Emenild Bay,.partiamentarian. In addition to Mrs. Williams, section chairmen for the coming year'· wJil be the Mm ... Orville L. Harper of Emerald Bay, book;· Harry Pell of .South·Laguna, brjdge; J'l"'es N. Mortill of Laguna Beach, creative living; Wally L. Taft of Laguna Bead!, gad-abouts, and Robert c. Christiansen of SoUU! Laguna. golf. -...... HOW CLUB GROWS -Mrs. David Rukstalls water. Dowers 'to . mali:e the!Il grow and also nurtures i>ig hopes fur Ra.!fdlo'Vlejo Woman's Club which she will lead in 1.9611-70 iinaer Ille t!leJ:ne,.Give and Gro\v. Jilimng her are· (left to 'r!Chi'> ·th• '-"1!!;.· John Black • and'·I?ooaJd North, •vice :ereStdeqto-e!OC'\; -Frillik . CTewor11t, lunch-, . eon ,decoratiohs1cbainnan.-ancl Barrett Brown; treasurer-elect.- ' 1 DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have never seen my protilem In .,..,, column yel I C.n't believe I'm the on1,y one in the W«'ld who bu it. • I have a neighbor who can't bear to waste anythlnc. At lwt 00\'0 a week she runs ovet here with her leftover rout, leftover plddings and almool always II is ha« bumod and lbree days old. Y-1 she pnoen1ed me with alx Bklnny crabl in a filteen gallon crock. l threw the crabs out the minute she Jcill Wblte I w11 scouring the crock II sud- denly dawned on me that abe brings flu leftovers so I wW clean her pols and pons. •• 1Thil woman ts Jovely in olhci ways but J ·11n slcll !if slaving over her contalntts • ANN LANDERS I • . ,, I . in exchahge fur larblp· our dog won't 11rbage bome two or Ulrte Umes slte'U eaL Any "'"-' ~ -qt die m11sage. -sKULLERY MAID. · · _. DEAR SKtiLLt Tiie am I I,. e DEAR ANN LANDERS: It's obvious Gel1rade Good.but arrtws wfili i.u of. that you are on the first marriage .and So fethop 1e11 lier >""' .. --lef, Is YoUt husband. otbenrbe you would not to.en of J'OUI' °"" ad to pltue &Ive ha ve given that stupid answer to the Mn to someoae ei.e. Under 80 woman who asked, u~ow ,r;iuch ttme does circamlllacet g-u ..... '""".l,'-.1• ~• man ~e. bis tx·Wile'T (Your reply: -' ._, . "'Al mud! tune as he want& to give her" te Jave uytltlng. Alter site ca ber wu terrible.) I 1 • • . f' • • ' , •• ' • ' ' . .... ~ ~, ~· ' ·' . ' ., .. ' '' '' , : :.R?rc6o:"«ie;o Woman's: Club ' ' .. ' ; , . Oive, Grow . . . ' ... F6r'-. ·Exec:utive Theme Board' Give and Grow, Ute iheme chosen for new officers le8ding R8ncho Viejo' WopW>'• Club in i'1s •OC'l'\d·yeiir :of •xi""""•· also will be the theme for an installation : 1.-i Mooday,;Jun•"9: • ' . " For t!le;occasion in' Ml58ioncViejo Golf Club.'?.IJ's. · · Frank Clowortll, · decOraubns· chairman, is plenn\Jli a .• 1n8S11 ·of !lowers to center lwicheoo tables. . . . ., Mrs. Da~id.llukltal~ .rii1 become th~ ;~ prei!.' . dent .of the grou1>fonned last year under· the' leadership of,Mn.' Theodore'Cooper. · . · , . . · .. Vice presidents· helping her ·tead .activitie, fur the ·1i;o;member club· will be the-Mmes.-Jobn_Bljock, .Henry ·:. ·,: Qirua~ TboiJ>a1 :c911i;oy(a1>4 ~t>o'1aJd North. ' . ' . . ' . '. ' · ~4diti~) Oil!i"f'l'S . to;be: inslalled , are th~ ·.Mmes. . 1 , • ~am.es ~~tt atp 1Ja;m~~er'. ~ordi~g. and .Cf>!_·. 1 . responding ·~ec;i;et,anes; Ala)l McM~lan, parll,am~nta.n-. • 1 : -~ ~BarrettiBrown,.tteaalirer, ·anc1 ·David.+Wetlein,, dean, ~ ' 'of •cba.ihiien.. ' ' • I > ' t • \ • ' •• ' ) ' J ' • • ,' ' ~ ' ! , , . Mrs .. JOJ\\ea, }6c€alla, .president of CaJ!lornia Fed·, eratten 1 of: W<llnat', • Clubt,. 0range District, .wm be : •. apeeial'guMI;,. ' " ' . • ' . -' ' '• ' ~!.I t ~ .' I , • I l • 1 .-bin<e ~of ·ll\O -~ew .b9<1rd's primary •f1181• is to ·• 1 , ; Dl!!!<e•new' members tee\ 1'•~ and part ot ·the ar-· · g.,UzaUon\.,a :'!'-W .._i,en• ac:tlonJ called · •NDIVOO' • ' ' ""/upl(Oll ~=---ed. : .. . ~·~ ' ' ' •, I I 'J : I j \ • I ,l ! ' . . ' , 'I' . ' .. ! ' . ' ' • --~-~ -~-~-- ' ' ' I ·- .... -,, .... ..,.-... -........... --................ -.................. ""~~ .... ---------------,----,--,----.,.-,---.,--:-:===--:c:-:-::-;;-:;-_----~.---~--~ ----.r::-:: ~ ,-•••I' • • •' •••''"'""' ,., '•'' , .. , "'" .. ,, .,,., "'"•"--• •-""'t _..• •••••-• • '-•-. . . . ...... ...... . . . . . . . .. . . ' ~ ..... Tlloldor, M11 %7, lw.t ,Smiling Vo]Je M~rks 40 Years 87GAYPAIUY NEW YORK (UPI) -Sile WU a llJp of I bloode trllb lullo wbea oho ~ for wwt u a ltlepbone """'ator In a newsroom Jn World bulld-hl!I Jn -. New York. c..,.i ..... 'Ibo Joi> WU "rellel'' Oii the nrlldil>oanllntheollkaof Ibo World News J.iuq, Ulllted Press. The rquJar operator wa.s takiDI two weeD vacation and llOlllefiow never came Wi for keeps am the "relief" becsme pennmllll. wldowof:Dwltha- moo~ld SOii, Robert. lo rear. She recalled as we au reminiscing the o&ber ~ that she needed the Jab 10 badly that although In mourn- ing, she did put a big white collar oo her black elms when she app_Ued. ' ' t Weddings, Trot hs . P i{ot' s / Dead/ i hes To avoid disappolntmen~ V'''"'"""'* id01 are mninded to have -... wedding tloriOI with blad: 'IDd wblte glooiy photo- ,...phll to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment jlrlor to or wlthlD one wiek after the 'wedding. For engagement tnnouncements It ill suggested that the story, also accompanied by a bladl: and white glossy picture, be , submitted eam. u .the. lletrothal announce- ment and wedding date are siJ:: weeks or lell apart, only the wedding photo, will be ao- cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able In all of the DAILY PILOT office1. ~J:estlons will be answered by Soclal Notee members at ~l or 4JK.tM86. '!bat wu 4CI years aao this -and Mlldr"1 (llllllie) Li~ Ue bu be<ll "the wp with the mnlle" an theoi years &Ince then -what .... Is l1nUed Press lnlerna&na1. She has lived -Ouoogb, and ~ the vital COOUDWllcaUons lih1c for, too many major events to permit a complete list. She went to work befort the stock market Crash ~ 1929. She worted through lbe depression, the ohdicaUon of Britain's King Edward VJll/lo m&n1 ' Wallis 61mpl!in , through Pearl Uarl>or, World .. ________________ ii War U, and V-E azid V.J To uy tbal an of "'· oldUmera and ntwt1meri a1lR, Jove Mlllle Llllle may ICllDd a blt maudlili. But we do. More, we respect her i..ne.ty, her -and helpfulness, her ~ of bmnor, her modesty (she dJdn't want me to wrtte about her}, her awareneu of when lo keep silent <-said days. ' She rem<mbero the drama of the ~ Iddoaaow and electrocullm 'Iii liiunO Richard Uauptm... for the crime, the national political conventions and.. elections. the death& of Fr-Jn D • Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D a .v I d Eisenhower. There was Korea, and DOW Vietnam. Sma ll. World Theme New Leaders Step Up Gathering for an Installation luncheon next Thursday in Berbhire's restaurant, Newpor1 Beach, will b e Mrs. ~)'lllood Wood wlU lit coordinator and Mrs. Clayton Thompson will serve as a.ssb- tant coordinal«. ·Patriots Indexed in DAR Contribution · lbe probably knows more COlllpany secrets -the ... fartive suite), the way she lleepe her cool In crisis, and her occas!ooal -of ~If ........ fcqell bis She was the cltief operator members of the Junior Ebell on lbe switchboard in UPI's Club of Newport Beach. general headquarters in New • Mrs. Warrtn Fii::, who will York oo that blact day In be taldng the top office, bas Dallu, Nov. 22, 1963, when aelected e her theme It's a HBWomen Elected I • Coplee ot the Daughten of the American Rewlu- lion'1 Patriot Index have been ccatrihuled to the Newpo.t lleadl Llhnlry, Balboa and the Center Street facility, Costa Mesa by the Col. WUllam Ca- -·-MRS. JAMES LEE SERRANO Newport Buch Bride Las Vegas Honeymoon Chosen by Newlyweds Wendy Joyce Howell ~nd James Lee Serrano e1.changed wedding pledges and rings in the Lutheran Church or the Master before the R e v , William Elder. The bride was escorted down the aisle on the arm of her father. Pareot.s of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mn. Jack Howen of Newport Beach and Mrs. William Haynes of Arizona and Jack Se rrano of Bakenfield. For the afternoon services the new Mrs. Sernno selected a white gown with a scoop ¥-Une and a full' cathedral length nylon illusion manUlla edged In lace. She c:anied a bouquet or. wbite dUdes, stepbanotis and baby's breath, Misl Debbie ~II was maid of honor wbile the Misses Kim Kimol, Janet Ser· rano and c:i..y1 ltef1i> eerved as bridesmaids. They wore yellow empire gowns wiUl velvet ribbons and held bouquets cl yellow dairies and baby 's breath. W81TeD Clltablano was best man and ushering gueru to their pews were Joo Serrano, Keo Elli> and Ralph lloy>tA>o. Pollowing t.lie nuptlals ISO frien*' and relatives COll'-gnlulo'«I the couple during a , ... pticlo In the home of the bride'• pomis. Miss SUsan Brach elrculaled the suest boot. 'l1lo ,.,.,,,.,. Mm HOW<Il II a ~.of Corona de! Mar Nuts 'n Nibbles ~& medings every Jl'rfdq at 10 •.m. 1 re ....mien of Fountain Valley N ... to Nibbles TOPS a ub. N wwnea Mve telected the --Ocnl<r Jn Hun-~ Bead! for th ei r ~ piece. Mrs. Tom Sploo Ill llMISI wlU llllWer q1-alloul Ibo..._ High School and Orange Coast CQllege. Her husband aUended Bakersfield High School ~ore making lbeir home in Tu!tin, the Serranos will honeymoon iD Las Vegas. St. Nick Asks Help Santa Claus is beginning his Yuletide operations early this year with the help of the American Red cross and in- terested Orange Countians. The Orange County Cha pter has a quota of 2,toe sllavlng Dis lo m.W., fill and &hlp to servicemen In Vietnam by the end ot 'September. Eadt .,..... or red bag Is filled 'with new articles_. ac-· cording to Mn. Russell llil1 of Laguna Hills and Mrt. Gus Koehler of San Clemente, area chairmen, and C05t.s $3 to nu: Donations from'. organiza- Uona are needed to complete the project, the chainnen say. and funds may be sent to the Red Cross headquarters, 2215 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, marked for the shaving kit pnij<Ct. Cards Tossed With Salads A "fint" for ~ Newport Harber Emblem Club will lake p 1 a c e tomorrow Jn the Newport El.ts Club at .-. The club officers wtll host 1 salad luncheon and card.party for club members and fl!li!Sls and/!':::"' will be given lo the ral Pally """1 Arzyme WlahJng lo purcl>ue tlckell, at fUS, may ca ll Mn. Eu...,. Ber-. $1$-73D, for Hltn'&l.iooa. or her manoers. 1 She came to United Presa a John F. Kennedy w as Small World After All. msa..ulnated. Assisting the new president bell Chapter. Mrs. R. C. Peruce, a librarian in Cos- ta Mela accepts the edltloa trom (left to right) Mrs. Clilford M. Estee, cbapter·llbrarian and Mrs. Carol lllll!l Drama Tour -Receives "rm not superatltm about In carrying out her theme will eveols,'' Miilie .....nec1, ''but be Ille Mmea. Roger Sbermao, Mrs. Richard Cllflfon of Ille that morning l said to Kay fint vice president; Eugene Orange Coast Mothers of." (another operatOJ'lj 'boy, &hi.a Kovach, second vice president, Twins Club wa.s e 1 e ct e d board is dead today'." and Harlow Richardson, third treasurer of lhe s t a t • ~~·===!"said vt~~nen~nsi"ble for organization during the second Mrs. Little, who was to iet on-coordinaUng the club's "small annual Southern Calilornil Jy two houn oC sleep In the worlds" will be the Mmes. Mothers of Twim: convention long, unbearable four days Frank Hu&hes, membership; in Escondido last Saturday, ahead. "All of us on the board Rondell Hanson, press; Patsy Twenty Mothers of Twinl were crying as we took tbe MiU:hell, fine arts; James Clubs belonging to th e calls. Murar, youth·; Lionel DaSilva, statewide organization cQn. " . . ' Town -_an q Gown Help . ' = Coliep'• Town . ' Mrs. Samuel Gendel of .nd ~belp """'write · FuDertoo, a vice pmideal of a dra'!ll.-ilf EnPml - "Smitty (Merriman SmJth, health and Steve Preston, vened to hear H. BaileJ senior White House cor-hours. · Gallison, luncheoa speaker . ........ Ii Ill made ii.i:; Town Ind Gown, .... prqtam stndenll .i Phi-~ Ind arranged for KemJ>B!ll(, bead of Ille Ueri Mory, author of drama ---t. -"'llllk .. belle'• Run to Glory" resPondent in Dallas with the <>then will be the Mmes. Workshops on th e lm- Kennedy party) got me on the Helen Brannen, newsletter; portance of clubs being 1no phone and said, 'Don't you Allen Goody, parliamenlariaD; corporated were conducted. take me off of here whatever Michael Helin, program; Jay Mrs. John Hoffman. Santa you do.'" Moseley, historian; J a c b Anita, and Mrs. Henry Maag1 AmiUidi:tineaf '....of the gift to.address the group. was made by · the college Orange Coast r e s i d e n.t s president, Dr. Jolm L. Davis attending Included Mr. and during a Town and Gown d.io-Mrs. John IL Scudder of ner Jn the Balboa Bay Club. Qalboa Island; Mr. and Mrs. She didn't and "Smitty" die> Grundhoger, luncheon; Donald Westside, are co-founders or lated into New York the Peckham , reservations; the state organltallon. Three assasfilnation story that won James Casey, social, and county clubs include Orqe him a Pulitzer Prize. Edward Whitehouse, ways and Coast, Central Orange CoudJ Mrs. Robert Hitt o I Victor C. Andmn of Laguna OFFICIAL VISIT Mrs. Wil ll1m V.alen1.Uela As 8be always does w:ben a means co-cbairman. and Northern Orange. big story b..aks il she Is atrr=================::; Washington, D.C., president, Beach ; Judge and Mrs. Thur- presided at the dinner and mond Clarke and Mr. and received a scroll of ap. ~1.rs. John Hamilton of Corona preciaUoo from Dr. Kemp. del Mar. Blair. . Newport Beach residents at- Tbe drama group will spend tending were the Messrs. and the month of July performing Mmes. Lyman H. Farwell, one-act plays and acerpts iD John MacLeod. John Macnab. ~ and fur community William H. Mead, Kenoeth and college theater groups lo ~er. Edward E. Sharp England. and William H. Wr1gbt. Horoscope Libra : Follow Hunch Area Lodge Greeting President M-o!M-llebebh home, sbe immediately checks the office to see whether more switchboard help is needed. It almost always is and Millle hurries in. 'Unsightly'. Fashions Lodgo 40I '""1 guests from TOKYO (AP) -Ja- other lodge< will honor tl>e couturiers say the see-through new lillembly J>"'ldeot. Mrs. fa.sblons In Europe may be William Vakmuela, who is navina .,, official visit to the eye-catching, but they doubt U Q,;i~ the style will become popular WEDN ESDAY MAY 28 streetwear iD Japan. formation is.available. Money Dimer will begin at 6:30 "A woman.may want to at. comes your way if receptive. p.m. Tue!Jd!ly, J1me 3, in the tract attention "but ce.rtaln!y By SYDNEY OMARll SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 11): Vildog Swedidi restaurllt., not THAT kind of attentloo," Costa Mesa. Follow"'• will be t d ~ Cycle moves up; cir· a businmsand~~meet:ing comm en e one w.QN CASUAL LOOK Is !1vored ~ favor your ef. w. Odd F-'~ T<mple. designer. loris. T-• ~· nona1 .... cuuw., "Besides, it's too drafty and in groom.l.ng. Avoid tt.e prtall. .... e care "'llY pe 'Ibe new disUiCt dep.rtJ too cold." or 01ahy. Uaderplay aaeta. appearance. Be cuual, but presxtent of cli!trict 50, Mn. Many are temltive an d well groomed. Accept social Benba Hylton will be preaent, Nanae Mort, a popular con- arpmentative. Doa't com-. lnvitaUan. You are due for akq with Jft8elt and past turiere, said young JC pound error. Hffd till• •dvlce pleasant mrprise. m women like the see-gb -and voa wiU be m .. l.j ... ht-SAGITl'ARIUS , (Nov. 21-o ~athw must be: ,made look. But she said they have ' --. ~-) ~ sUll to work up enough lelll1eat use ol astroloo. U'ICll;, U : uuu.'t try to overturn by nel.t 1bursday. -.... courage to wear such· styles ru1es, regulations. Your best publicly. ARIES (March 2t-April IJ): coune Is to i.ma.ln In Miss Mori noted that some Mys I erious circumstances liackground. Keep promise to Sa ints Paged women tbinl nothing or wear- p r e v a l I. Key is .to be one conilned to home, bo.!pital. ing miniskirts that are eight analytical. Leave nothing to Patience is your great ally Members of the class of inches above their knees. chance.· You may be acaned today. 19t5 ct Santa Ana l:Ugh. School, "But a see-through bkme: ts o! something ridlcuJous. You CAPRiCORN (Dec. %Wan. are anUcipaUng a May, 1970, another matter," she added. win, but time and some money 111: Some of your fondest i>year reunion dinner and "'Ibey still are very self~ may be Involved. ~ ~ cl1oser to reality. dance. scious about ,~ physique TAllllllS (April 20-M&J :JO): ~·-~d eature roman-Clas! members are Invited and il they dare to wear such Home, marriage, domestic tic l:ntertode. Accent on to c:onlact Mn. William Neth clothes publicly they will 1111- picture are brightly fcxmed. frlmdsbipe which have lasting (Cece.lla Flanagan), ftMS63, doubtedly abJeld. tbemaelves Be receptive to requesta from vahle. for information. with aome anderprmml n loved qM!:S. Steer clear ol. lepl AQUWVS (Jan. 20-Feb.•-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; entanglements. C j c I e lb--11): Ycu gain reward for II dicates you should ubiel te special abUitles. Accent on rather than act. prestige, standing, c a r e e r . GliMINI (May 21.June :JO): Definite gain Indicated il you Some asaoclates are not lltlf'e stand tall. Meam: adhere to of tbem.telves. To coVer up, beliefs, principles. they may appear bombastic. PISC&$ (Feb. I!)..March Key b to see persons, situa-20): Favorable for writing, tioos in realistic Ught. Avoid publishing. Spread views. Ex· tendency to imagine the wont. press yourself. Advertise your CANCER (June 11-July 22 ): wares. Your imagination can Have faith in your creative be put to constructive use. One abilities. You are called upon bchiod the scenes backs you , to make decision. Base it on IF T O D A Y JS Y 0 U R what yoO know -not what BlRTIIDAY you are bright, milht be. 'll>ell you will be original, !liJUtlous and b> Proceedinl along constructive dependent. ~re for new lines. adventure -it's upcoming. LEO (July ZJ-Aug. 22): At·l--,-,,--,--,-,--,-.,,.,--,---11 =:....-~ .. ":!YOU KNOW r:ei:.;..i:ie,;;.. r:: ~YOUR CHILD loose ends. Meaoa ·avoid tak· Ink~!;.=-221: WILL LEARN New ldeu give you new leue TO SW~M AT oo hfe. There Is the ..ex· rl cltement of diJlcovery - 'Ol~Uve coold be Involved. BLUE 'BUOY Vall.a aod visltlng 1 re featured. WeJcome different AM s. wn. y .. a>nceptl. ...... ---LIBRA (Sepe. 23-0ct. :D): -:... ,_ Accent Cit Income potential. 546 1• ProC.c1 -· Follow through • on huncb. Valuable Jn. BILL WILLIAM'S . HOUSE of HAIR COLORING ----. and COIFFURES o----INTRODUCES ASSOC IATES----, CHUCK HOWARD former H•ir Stylist of EAST BLUFF AREA end MAR IE BETSI NGER MANICURIST Ir PEDICURIST Formerly Beverly Hills •nd ~est Bluff Area 2333 E. COAST HWY • Corono del Mer -.111.1'46 IR-.er 6lend1I• ftdtr1ll • I Fl\THER'S DAY IS JUNE 15 five him a tift fit for a linK ... Say "Happy Father's Day" with a loving portrait of you and your children It'• the sift that keeps on ri'rini all year lo.Q2. Our very IP«ial offer includa mouch portraits for malinc Grandfathers happy, too. Hurry inf twoJu&<8xl0and 995 U handy wal~-Ge all for on y (n•U UJiti•"-' r,..,,.,, /u .,,, t.ln t,l,11 1,.1111 HUntin9ton leach 192-llll, bl. 21l • \ • Ne"]lort· U a rhor EDITION • ~c: 62, NO. '126, 2 SECTIONS, 28 rAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAi.oRNIA . -TEN~' • .. I.- City Okays$-21 Million Apartment ' ·Complex .. BJ JE&oME F. COLLINS Of ... Delfr ....... ..., Within one month, lfOWld will be broken near the Newl)Ol'ler Inn on a #1 million apartment complex, the largest'' ever in Orange County. Newport Beach city 'councilmen Mon- rlay night unanimously approved the massive l,.IH-unil development It will sprud over 50 acres on the northwest corner of Jamboree Road and an es- temion cl San Joaquin Road. 1be Newparter Inn Ila just IOlllb ol the lite. Municipal aldes .-..COred t h e mqnitude of the project by.noting 11\at, by comparison, there are oow a total 915 dwelling units on Peninsula Point ~ of the Balboa Ocean Pier -389 units: fewer than pn>pOled for the Park Newport ~ti development Developer ls Genon Dakar apd Allsodat.&, ol Sin Froncbco. MiJliooalre president ol the Orm, Genao Batar, • r1c Eqansion Sought Newport to Back Harbor Newport ~h. 10111 neutral on the q...UOO ol Oraoi• County Harbor llUtrict dissol¢ioo, will abandon lbat etance June 4. On that date, at a ipecial &ellkJD. city counct.Jmea will formalb' a<> on record not ~ in oppooiUon lo any bruting up of tho H-year-<>ld -·but ID !IVOI' ol its _.;ion lo emOmJ>llllll Nlponiil>llily for It. · deYelopmeol of inland p a r k • • 4 • •• ... ...... Newp()rt Buys $1.8 Million Center Land Newport Beach IDday owns lU acm of Irvine Company land oear Newport tonier. . City councilmen Monday n 1 Ch t uaanimously approved the. acquisition for $1.1 million. The cily got lbe land under .. - ment that calls tor notbiDC down and four ,.... to pay. Councilman Robert Shell.on said the ac- tion Is in line wit!i a ciUzens' committee ftCOmmendation a dozen years ago, when he was city manager. What the city has done, in effect. be explained, is to place a freeze on the market value d. the ~ perty. "\Ye now have the opportunity to lie up the ~age at no ~ to the city until we det.ennine just how much of the land is needed for civic center purposes and how its purdlase can be financed." Shelton said the arrangement with the Irvine Company "ts -aordlnary." Jf. for whatever reason, the city cannot meet the $1.& million promissory note due in four yM, the tmne Company will ;et the land back. The agreements ..pilled by a couocil aimmittee also give the company a first right to purdwe back .., acreage not r<qulred by the city or other qmcles. , While the city moves ahead with its civic center plam, '!htdt will pn!'11111ablJ include a vote by the people.on the means of financing lbe deveklpmelt, lbe Irvine CompanJ will -back lbe land from the cily. The -or the -will be the !See CENTER SITE,, Page I) , OrlulC• Weadter The wutherri'lan's u bored as you are. but bert'a bow It'll be Wednesday: cloudy morning sides followed by balJ IUlllhine in lb• afternoon with temperatures in tbe l0-75 rang<. INSIDE "TODAY Onntge CM.!t ?Mn and WMIW!n ore ae-roing thfir coimtrv in mlU· tarv posilioru around the world. Sec ·Men i" Scn»ce, Page 10. ~ . ,........ . ' c.....,... u-n ..,,_ '' c..-. 11 ........ ,,___ 11 c--1 M .......... .. ... ....._ ' or.,. c.-r ' ......... ,... ............ ,,.,. ••t•t ,4 1 1• '""' 1t.n ,__.. 1 .. IJ a.« ...... Dlt 111'1......, t1 T......... If ......... ,.,....... '' -....... ,, ........ 4 ........ • ... Wllll9 '' _. ................ .,. ...... .. ,. District· lhroughout lbe. county. Councibnan Ed Hirth bn>ugbt up lbe issue Monday. He said it is time that Newport toot a more positive role on b<mall ol lbe district. He nokd that the county's Local Agen- cy Formation Commlalon (LAFC) will act Juqe II on a League of Cities requeat for abandoomenl ol lbe dlstricl. · ·~tiine ap,'" uid fJir:lb, '''hleting~ Wfft JUb And \lblddltiftdln& WU .low on tho Hoiliar llbtrlct. I thinlt I>«••'* of 111111, lt -wtae tliit Newport al lbe lhiie look a postOon ol oeutrality. clmlisrANDING ' "BUf understanding on the district's purpoees hu DOW int':reased. So I think it is time that wt abandon our weak pogi-.., tlon." He said many inland cities, once strongly opposed to the diatrict, during the past eeveral months have learned that•the dlltitct· bu ., .. ~VeQ 1bUit)'" to do lbe job In Its field, 'ftlch la lo devtlop lbe coastline for recreational ..... • Hirth said If lbe district were dissolved, and Its functions abs«bell by an enlarged CIJ!llll>' 1'"'t< cleportmeot .. prupo&ed by ..-dllea, lbe counly's eoutal recrea- tional -wwld miler. '"ll!er'e wwJd just be a C<llltinUOUS fight fer funds from the county's general fund," he said, poinUng out that the district bas adUeved what it hu in past years thraugb its slatus as a special tai:· ing agency. ADOPT RESOWTION He then propoeed that the courv:il at its June 4 session adopt a resolution directed to the LAFC declaring the city's op- pooitioo to d!Jtricl dtssohrtlon. IIlrth further propoeed that the resolution sug- gest lbat: . -"The geographica I territory coveud by lbe dtstrtct be apanded lo include lhe entire county." -"The jurladlclioo ol lhe dislricl be in - creased to include all county parks, as (Sea BAllBOR, Page I) Jefftey Hunter , Mo vie's Chris t.., Dies i11 Surgery HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Actor je11rey · Hunter, best known for his role of Jesus Christ In lbe 191111 production ol "Kini( ol Kinp," died -y alter bralD -..rl'· Police said Ibey underslood he WU h>- jured ~a tall at hia Van Nuys bom.e. J Hunter, 41, I handlome and youthful loOttng leading man, had been active in rt<le!'ll years In roles on televisioo and in movies mack In Europe. Officen: aald he ... found uncoNclaus Munday al his home with a awoDen right eye and under went the IU11f:l'1 at Valley HospiW Mooday night Police said 1beJ heard about lbe case from the coroner, understood lbe lnjUry stemmed from a ran. and Were ·u.. v<Sllgatlng. The coroner lilted Hunter under his legaJ l1llM, Henr)' MclGMies. Hunter stamd for a Ume In .,.Vie tar 1y 1980s in a t.elevislcrt leries about a hoo- tler a11on1ey, "Temple Qoualon." NEW YOllK fl.Pl -The alocl< market will! 1.-"""""' ..... ti&bl -roported ftlghinf ·11 door• cloaed wilb a aharp lou lodaJ. (See quolatlooa, P•ges U·ll), J appared penoaa!Jy before ""'111Cllmen at their afternoon study session to de1'.ail propect plans, which were prepared in cooperaUon witb the city Plaanlni Department and lbe Irvine Compaey. owner ol the land. Ho dHcribed lbe apartmej,ts u design. ed for -Iii lbe "llrq· middle claas" income bracket. "They won't be luiury aparlmalts, like the Balboo Bay Club," be said. "A one-bedroom apart.- ac s mtnt will rent for about •: two- bed!<om, =: and lbe b .. r for allailt $350 I month." Bakar, who four years ap dev~ lbe -Woodlake apartment plojeet lo s.n· Mateo, fm4:ibt•lzed : ••w._a, build aponnts for -cilbenl OI' swinging 'llingles." Ho said lbe .......... ol-tlmiib In San MMeo, for example. ls algal •· Children llDlltt ~ llchool ..., la.aid, will not be ·allowed ID the Pill< Newport >.partmeqts. .The devefopment, whlcb Dakar said wouki late about year to •complete, will have these fealtu'es : -Seven main buildings, thr'M .tor• high, loppinc at about IO feel ~ ground level. -Seven terutil • courts contained in . a central park arta that includes a Iar1e r<llectin(•pool. ...lieveu nrimmin& poob, . ocatlered -.. ....... ,.., ...... ' . ABCARD...USS PRINCET~ APOLLO lOoCAl'SUl.E Sl:IOWS SCARS .GF. RE·ENlilY o a..t Ast.....uta v-.; St1fford,.C."'°""""" i.ttl .. ~Iii-5h"r ; . : I As tronauts Back • ·In: ·Houston-for Family 'Reunions SPACE CENTER, Houston· (UPI) - Apollo lO's astronauts, the men who unlocked the door to the moon, returned home today to the arms of their loved ones and 11 days of reports expected to clear lhe way for a lunar landing in July. Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman landed at nearby Ellington Air Foree Base after a 12-hour, non-stop flight from lbe South Pacific Island pandise of Pago Pago. , Bible .Prof Chides Apollo Creui _· MWdl (UPI) -The Apollo 10 astronauts shoukln't ha.e: ·said all tfKllt naughty words out by the moon, ac· conftng lo Dr. I.any W. Polahd ol the Miami Blble Colleae. "Blasphemous!" exclaimed Poland,, wbo fired oil telelrams to ~lderrt Nix· on and lbe Space Atieocy. "A disgrace lo lhe nation." The 29-y.....Jd aemlnary graduate, wbo alao bolds a doctonle ID college ad- minirnatlon, ...... lbe rr..ldent lo do .....ethlDg -tuUiDfl •In lbe ~. ·. .. All mlll!arJ and· civtl' decoratlool of lbae mtn -be wllbbeld until Ibey mate public apoloPs," said t b e tell!grams lo N~orr and :tbe ·chief of the Manned Space Fllght Cenl<r in lloultoo. Poland became lncenaeCI UPoa iudi'nc newtt>apev accounta of ~ from Apollo 10. Newspapers over the weekend ·quote:d one utrooaut u shouting over lbe radio: "You know Ibis goddamnerf (camera) filler' bu failed oo me." Al anotber poinl," lbe repcW lllid, I IPICll aclajn)ed "Son « a bitch.", • Poland -profaallJ _,_"left OG.llle rest n>m1 walll'"aod !1111111&11 by the natJon's beroes. lbrouCbo<>I lbe INcn site. ---bundred and OllJ J.ttory ~ houaes. -A "convenience center" for ID1Al1 shops and bilsi-. -A c:erilral clubbooae. -Undergroond porking for 1,117 C1t1. Actiod by councilmai involved -al ol a tract map for lbe developmont. whlcb Will mend la: lbe Inland" 's*:ol (Sea. AP ARTMENTI, l'.,.·I ) • Chaneellor. :- Won~tMove For Activists By 1110MAS l"OllTUNE Of .. Dl41y ........... CllanOO.lor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. says he will.call police ID on lbe UC lnlDa campus il /ie feela Ibey are needed. And activists .-g UC! - and faculty members ClmlO( lel bfin,11 bed< away !nm lbat ~ . , , Debate on police lnt'ervmtloo at S... ke~y, wl\ICI> bas all on campUs wc<ider-· ing U it coulil happen at Uc;I, went cm for eight· boun•Monday it UC!. >. ~ coneJa••for whldl',~ Wfl'9 dlllplsae<j malMil Into a mititlic o1 !JO atudent llllfun and ID tan!'_ -. by .. _,.,...,~ ol 111ou!tf~.1:~ ·-. ' hi' 11.'d•ll!I. Aldrlcli took bis lland, ...... he .... plllldoc llOtb> feet f« Jaw ind' order; ' . But·a Jarge majority ol jbe ·'IS...,,.. -all<ndlnf the .Academic Senate AWrielt to Spe•lc UC !Mllu't ChtmctUor Danld G, Aldrich Jr. wm >P<ak b•for• tlMr -Paii.iorino -School-P-T-A, 1060 FG1illamo l!oOd, Cosl4 Meia, at 7:30 o'cloCA:'lo> night..· HU topic 1DiU be ,.Camput Dftordo "" .. The public is fnoil<d lo attn4, aessklo voted to reaolve "No eatsidl' poU.ce 1 sl,WI be called ln ezoept, what ibe entire campus qrees there ls· er· treo,ie danger to human life." . , The chaiiceUor lben lold prof- ~ =t~ i:~ldebelf ~ '"".=: come onto the Irvine campus. The campus police, he sakl, are under hil command, but lbe Orange Cowrty Sher- iff's .Office bu COOCWTent ~. Aldrich said lbe working arr._.i ls that he ahoUld make the cfedsic;e. "But If Ibey (sherlfl a~lboritld) ~ I don'I know enough , to ciD tb<m theJ • c.an come· in;" he saii:t 1be issuo is lmpof'tfot to prafemcn and students became lawmen wera called In at Betlcell!y not bJ ChaiocODc Roger Heyns bul by civil au1bor1t1a1, wbo alao decided .. tacllcs. .... mlnorlly ol. ·--probobl)' • (Sea >.LIJRICll, hi& II * *" * While an Air Force band ptayed..:'Deep In lbe Heart <( Texas," lbe three beam- ing spacemen stepped out of their giant air force jetllner, embraced their wiveJ and hung Polynesian le.ls around the necks of their .chi)dren. Stafford's firlt word LO the crowd o! P uwnb1ed along the Oight line was ''Howdy!" "Uke I said on the carrier. it'• really great and fantastic to be back from the moon," said the commander of the eight.- day lunar orbiting mission. "&Jr, that moon is really a peculiar, very strange, very different kind of satellite aocf I think we learned a great deal about what's going on up there," Old Fillings l&~t From Dental Lah Employes ol a Newport Beacb dental laboratory opened !!hop Monday to discover their stock or Cold and an adding machine stolen sometime over the weekend. Stu<J,ents 'at VCI Differ .Over Discord at Berkeley aaid Young. ' "But Ui.at moon doesn't have· any air, and it'• not Tu.as, and we l!D'e are glad t.o be here." Angel Manager Police said lbe burglar chiseled hll way inlo lbe ,..., of lbe building at 1711 E. Pacific Coal lf>Chway. The Ibid lben wentlnto tbe',lab and stole '410 worth of gold aJld lbe adding machine. Moot of· lbe gOld, off""" said wu either ttjmminp 'rOl'Q dent.al wcrk or old fillinp r_.od lnlm laelh. .. Rig~ei_ F&ed . ,· JFK~s B~place . Set- AIWIEIM (AP)-Manager Dill Rig-r • ._8 Histor. i''c• s,·,;,.i ,,.y bu 'been fired by the Catilornla a .., , Angt11 andtJlanld "1'tft'y" ·jj],J111pa, one _, ol his COljlblir,J>u been nal)led to taf<e ·BROOKLINE, M..._ (UPI) -, n• .,.... the sli!>l,q club inuDidtllefJi tbe !ilrtf!plKeu be dedol~.1,~ !:. x= .wocla!<d Piosa learned today. . -·--.. ., Earllo!',.lbo cdlar.pddan ~-.,.. · ,~ltfollerJ.Hldel •• ~ apededii c:alll!if I ~ pnlS I lllotortc Jllfa. • • con1..ma~Slldfmn. , I llrs.J ... P.~.-ollloe RJcne7 the AllC<b' pilot 11nce· lbe .w. ~ wfjj pml!nl a -of Iba elm m organlud.Jn..11!1, wu uked twlMk[ry fr-bouaa It II BOiia Sl lo not lo a<lencf lbe conlerepc<. whlcb .... lbe recltral government on !lie doy lier to be pralded over by Generil l!anager aon ~ hive calebnled his And bltlb- Dicl< ·-day. r ) -----w-.-..,......,. .. === 0 -• --------·--.. -.... ' ·-.. -----* .... • T....,, 1111 27, lM Life Nat ~o ·Dry In 'D-runk Tank'. .IJarhor .Teachers To Map Walkout Tr-111 It baa -called the --. ud UJUally itll occupanla viii! It lo dry olll, bul one vlollor lo = Beadl'• -did lbe ......... Dale Ropr ~. II, wound up there MCllldaJ "'*-al1er hi5 orral oo _.,..,.al C<lnina del Mar's mJJD'beadt. . ~ Iller bll arrival ollklon beard lhe 90W1jls of nulilng wale< Crom the lank and lov...i;,atect. • ' Plllaley, Ibey allege, kicked a bole In lhe wall, rJwed oill a metal plalo and brolie lbe piomblll&, lloodlng the room. Domqe lo Ibo lank wa1 llllO, bul by 4or'•oad lbe tat!.~-·­of ~ COllly ICll al. van!fai ... lo jJollct property. ' ' ' .. llaaller In lbe clay ... -· lllllil.al dlaappeared Crom patrol ar palted In lloq Memorial lloopllal's emirioncy parlilng lot. The olllcer was~ t,Utng a report. . • ' • During lbe We -lioun Ule ,.., .lea! of another pa1n1-• .. 11-by a youth whose car was being searched. The yoong man, slopped al Mac:Arlbllt )/oulevard and San J\>8Qllln Hills Road, admilled lo olllcm be alubed Ibo· ... 1 ~.... be .... Irritated al being "baiassed by police/' Ju.st bow N:ewporl·Mesa schoo1 teachen will go about their walkout of a couple of hoots on Thunday wu lo be decided al a meellni ol leacber repr...,.. {atives tonight. Salary negotiations with the scbo91 board and adminlstration continued today and Monday "ithout ....iuuon. Teachen will i..cb a IOlll'bour minlmwn day on 1bunday and dismiss classes the rest of the school day to hold a mass meeting similar to those held the last two weeks. 'Ibis meeting they say will be on the1T own Ume. not after school Uke the one two weeks ago or at night like the one list week. ~ walkout to attend the mus meollog may be al the stall of Ille school day or In the afternoon. That was lo lie decided lonJchL Also to be dlacussed are arrangements lo. lake care of atudenls, .,l>Ocilllly lhooe ol working parents who can't come $o pick then up. Lut report ws that negotiating teams for lbe teachers and school acJ.. ministration were far apart en basic salary and various fringe benefits. From P«ge.l Topic again will be progress of salary negotiaUons. The school board was said to be 0£- f ering a begiMing salary of $6,750 per year and teachers asking $7,150; the board offering the increase pay by steps: over 12 years of experlenCe and the teachers wanUng tr to go up to an even higher level in IO years. AIDRICH BACKS POLICE • • • From Pagel aboal uo cf Ibo S,lllO -mnaloed on strike lodq. PlcbQ .... OCll. Aldrich was closely questioned Monday by black atudenla. Leader 'cf lhe Blac~ Student Uruon Jim Wil*< challengedo "Pllltlllg up ball -(Aldrich loaned $900 ol his I ... -own money) and ca1llng off c1-es Is a COIDD'MIDdable t bing, but that'• not enoqb. Jt would be more effective to t'ell jleople where you stand." Said Aldric.b, "The right of students to strike ls self evident. Bul I do not feel the strike is the way to bring 'about change. Claaaes have to be made avail· able tD all lbOle who want to attend. "I deplore lhe violence al Berteley. I ha,. a!Wnpted lo deal with problems oo·thls camplis inlmlally and not bring the . police In. I _..,. that allo ha!>' peaed Ill Beneley. "When Joa doa't agree, drn't 111 you are gulog lo prevent others from doing aometbing," Aldrich warned. "When -ti> peQple cballenge .In that ""1 ii b .d.iJ ""'· I'm not pr<poolng lo IOI sl\IC!l!I.. and !acuity against eaCb other in a civil war. ucaIUng for police is the mechanism our society provides io handle law· breakers." Student Body Pr,.idenl Ron Ridgle said, "I am cllsturbed by Ille chancel- lor's comments. I don't see any ju!tuica· tion fer defendlng these fascist tacllcs!' Said a blacl< studeDt who 'calls ·him· adf Anftta: "I don't "8nt t'-bear him teit us what be11 willing to do. I want to beat him 111 where hil two feet are and whit be'• going to do." 1 Amnred the chancellor: "I'm doing e-ylhing I can lo bring about reoolir tlm cf ooo111ct oo this camJllll wilhoul ,.. cf poil<e. Bui I uy aa Eldridge Cleaver told us, 'Don~ beat me becall!t I'm gulog lo beat you back.' "N°" you wan~ me ~ant boljl~ and !'Iii,.._. _...... stand. (Iii' ... r .~~~· ud or$i, wbltever you c!all lt." .. _ A/Jolber. black'. ~ Jobn Kliig. tttpooded: "You aidi.1m going to ,beat you don.· I'll g1,. YOli an alteniallve.. Finl' thing-you do Ill lakf lbeoe pigs on this campu1 and dilarm them. "I want you to listen and listen real good. Far 23 years I've been laking ijljs law and order crap. If you want to Put your foot out and get funky with us, l 'm itady. U you bring the pigs on thls cam· pus I'm not going to tum my c.beek. "You do what you think is right." Besides wanUng to keep police oU cam- pus, the 75 of 280 faculty members at- tending the Academic Senate meeting allo passed reoolullo!ls lo' -Investigate the appearance of the County Sberiff Tactical Squad on campus at a recent overflow rock and roll con-cert. . -Pay from their salarie1 bail and legal apenses of 10 ttudents and the student activities adviser arrested at Berkeley fer failure to disperse and unlawful ..-bly. ~pport Berkeley professors in their demands that lawmen and the N1Uonal Guard withdraw; there be a stale and !!Miera! Inquiry ol pollce lactiC!, and meeUngs be held to settle the use of the eo-alled People's· Park. -Redirect their educationa.I efforts to foeul on the issues rahed by the Berkeley coolllcl. ' • .. DAllY PllOT OMHOI COASl f'V•ll~IHG COM,.AHY A,Wf H. Wt .. f'mllllnl .... Pulllllflw Jtc~ l. C11•lrt Vb '"'ldfnt pl Getwrll .... ~." lhM•• l••vil .... U."'"'9 A. Mlfr,hf11e -·-J., ..... F. C•lli11• . ._. ..... (llY E~llltor .....,.. ...... ~ 1111 w ..... n.., •••• 1 .... n1 M•lllltf M••••• P.O.••• 1171, t266J --<:.-. -.1 ........ ,....., l ....... IMCfl~!bl'-IA-. HWidlll .... ...,.I -9'I $"'91 A reoolution to suspend cl.-tbroqb Tbureday -la ellecl .... -along with the students -failed by a i to 1 margin. pro and con sentiment was summed up by ltatements of two professors. DAIL.Y PK.OT lttff,..... Take a Note APARTMENTS, •• Back Bay Drive. At Paul J. Gruber's insistence, coun- cilmen bad sought to make improvement of Back Bay Drive bordering the site a condition of approval. willing to negotiate with the city for Bayside Drive improvements. City Attorney Tully Seymow-. added that the company would have no choice, tn view of the clty's many legal means of compelling cooperation from developers. • ,l)anieJ Ci Dennett, allaiftant profeeaor ofJpbiloJOphy, Mid, ••Qovernoi; Reagan earlier promi8ed to keep the tmlve.nlty open at the lJ(lint of a baoyonet if necessary. I think we should demonatrate that is precisely the coodition under which we will not keep the university open and operating as usual." Fr-P«ge l Dave Dunlap (left), baritone soloist; Marcus Brewer, and Pat Halli- gan, soprano soloist, turie up ·as Harry Corea (at piano.), chairman of Corona del Mar High School Music Department, sounds note for concert at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Orange Coast College by 71).voice hig'b sdJool choir. But Irvine Company planning chief Ray Watson argued ~y that the road would not serve the development and its improvement, in any case, should await the outcome of litigation on the county- ' Irvine Upper Bay tidelands exchange. U the land swap is finally endorsed by the courts in a year or so, the road - now hardly passable In some places - might be relocated closer to a new bulkhead line .. Councilmen finally decided to make .a transcript of Watson's views part of the record on the tract map approval. Coun~ cilman Robert Shelton made it clear he did not want future city councils to infer from the Park Newport Apartments ac· tion that the city had waived its rights to compel the Irvine Company to improve any or all portions ol Bayside Drive. Dakar, lo discussing the buge projoct, pointed out that it would generate bull· dreds of thousands of dollars· in city tax revenue yearly. l'fe noted that the development would maintain its own streets and its own security force. OPINIONS ••• Berms Won't Die Wataon did say that when the time cornei for bayfront development, wtieµler or not the tidelands exchange ii ap. proved, the Irvine Company ·would be out In the opeu alid !IObod:y cares. People ~ ~ .. out and do ywr lhlng, pip.. Coed Jadlt --"Calll11i~ a pig -that -·t do any gifod. I: doeln'I get th""'lh lo lbem. C<ips ""'people loo. Unfortunately, many hav' 1 aadlltic nature. We can't change tt in a day, btit U we tab the time, we can flr'1t' .... · Arts-. Berkeley~ ol soc:lology -"I haven't he&ra dj4mll at all oo our faculty defend lhe ·"""" .. There is no doubt whatever we have Jolt coatrol . City Won't . Take Stand ·on Sin, Devil .&:-Bumps Frein Page l HARBOR .•• • well as all county beaches and county harbors." -"The present Harbor Commission (five members)· be expanded to include representatJves of county clUea." panded he would not want It to have "un· bridled" taxing powers. Robert Shelton added that since leglslaUve action for the changes would be required at the state level, it is important that '1a united front" of county -and municipal officials oi the process suppoeed to guarantee ·law Because Newport Beach ' city coun· aM.trder in the C<11DD1unity.~ ... ~ -ctiin"en bav!n.,t adopted any policies ~·ii::'~ :ie;' m:e.~ "igainst sin and the devil," they've beaten In Sanla Rita pp.on. The dty of decided not lo adopt any pollcy against Berkeley Is an occup1ed area. I tee ~ bumps in 1he road, as "ell. • dillona no different !rom what l lmag!M . Munidpal lawmakers look that stand in Prague to be." • -~ frosbman who ~vea on a 4 lo 3 vote·Mooday nigh~ ,; • campus -"Tbe whole lhlng wu .,,,.. Tbe maJor!IY lial\11'bl¢ a ~ bt bollJed by one man lo the llreela made to c;'#mc1¥ Jaul r. Gruber lo;<!Jrecl the sing 'God Bl• Al;er1ca: ,~· WU llalt to'kive n8 colisldM!ir'to 111!; ~·::.:.r ~.!tiles :... lnlllllatton ol Uphall berms In pubJIC viler ,~ .. ,,_... lf us .,oo were tbeN streets as an auto speed deterrent. tqow ,111ey ct*dd bave killed James Ree-It was the second time in a month the tor aid If tbey·~'dkla't they told~m: tbq council declined to adopt a formal policy w~ to." " • '·. · oppoeing the berms. And It was the fift.11 Dll9 ii..tet\i· cradua~ atUdent el •:-e in the put three months that th'e Corona de} Mar -"Let'! set a strike WUI going. Let's go over and get "people council had talr:en up the controversial together to abut the place down." · luue. From Page l CENTER SITE •• four percent interest on the ptomissory note. Councilman PM.II J . Gruber, before be voted with the rht of the COUDCll, asked : "ls there any particular reason why we should get this land prior ti> a bond issue vote?" Mayor Doreen Marshall, who be!aded the negotiating committee, replied: "Land ls going up ln value all the time. If we waited a year or lwo, we undoubtedly would have to pay more." City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt ad- ded that acquisition of the property-:--on- ly six acres of which would be needed for a new city hall, council chambers and library -enables the city to "gain con- trol and regulate" permanent uses of the entire parce:I. other government agen· cies, including a possible municipal courthouse, and semi-public Oflanh.ations would use about 13 acres, acoorcllng to current tentative plans. G..-Indicated he was sallalled with the explanation. Gruber, determined to lay the matter tO rest once and for all, came close to doing just that. He appeared to have a majority on his side to adopt the anti- bump policy, even though it bad been protested by John Kille fer, representing the Shoreclifts Property Owners Associa· Uon. Killefer said his community needed the bumps to slow down traffic. Too many youngsters, he said, were playing in Shorecliffs' streets. The 140-home sul>.- division has no sidewalks. Gruber, however, insisted the benns would be a hazard to motorists-and thus to pedestrians and parked cars, a point emphasized a num~ of times in past discussiorui by the city staff. Gruber then moved for a vote on the anti-bump policy. But Balboa Councilman Howard Rogers prompUy objected to it, on strong philosophical grounds. He put it this way: "I'm against the city having policies against things. If we're going to have a policy against asphalt berms, we should have policies e.galnst &in, the devil and right oo down the line. I see no need for this ." Rogers then shot from the ~ip with another motion to table the matter. Tbal 60 Har)) r, CdM Students The Conunodorea' Club ol the Newport Harbor Ownbec of Commerce will honor 60 1tudenls Crom Newport Harbor and Corona de! Illar .high acboob at lbe In· nual .Scbolarthip luncheon Wedneldiy at 1be Blllboe Bay Club. Chairman for the program 11 Dr. Norman Loala. The 1peaker will be O.W. "Dick" .Richard. Each year ona girl Is selectecl !or the Acne& Blomqulsl aw&r)I and this yoar !or the first time lhe Commodores will honor Vandals Sink Boat After Ride an outnandlng bay student who wui.... -"'Tll1thth: over aie wffk:end took a receivt t.be Skipper'• award. Corona del Mar man's boat from its slip, Thete are the 1tud,ntl to be honored : drank beer aboard it returned It then CO«ONA OIL. MAit al . • I d k • II ~m. ... .,~ff,t;C\'fl1t1l• L. /-E' """" J. Sink the sm J cruiser at ts oc , po ce ' -. l'I• fl:oMrt. 11. rn ..-.. ,.,,.,....,,.. 1e1-~J Monday I , otlt F•I trn, OMll S. w , 11reu • L.MJ:" • ~i"c~c:T.· J= CllflOtd Springrneler of 2609 Blue.water v1rf£:t. Htl..,, ....,.,., ,.. or11W.111. 01111,~ " Drive, Corona del Mar, told police he ·~· found his sunkM craft ·Monday momtng. g::· 'A."'="~· I·~.~ Its water lntake hoses had been cut and a 1t ... ~ 'l1!:\e'Ltw:';:__,., LOffllt °'""' hole had been punched th.rough the buU. =:: ~ ... ~=. Jmte11. <.rl ...,.,..!.. Girt olfk'fn said. Damage to the ve.ssel was JtT MAltlOJt set at $1.000. r~= ~ 't1~~~·t The bo&t Is docked at JOO E. PacUlc k~~ .. ,..... =.-f•lfl,&19fi, · ey,ir111t Coast Highway_ f gunned down Gruber's motion by taking precedence over it. ' "Why did )'OU-119. I thing like that?" asked Gruber. It WU too late. Councllmen Donald Mcinnis, Ed Hirth, Lindsley Paraoos and ~ ravot,.i,flle, ~~motion. -"The Harbor District Improvement Act (state legislation creating the district) be amended to elimlnate jurisdlctiooal conflicts between t h e district and cities that have harbors ~ within their city Umlt!." be established. ' HThe LAFC would just be a place to start," he la.id. Councilmen directed City Attorney Tully Seymour lo work with ll1rth In the preporation of the IOl'JD•I reooluti<ln, copies cf wbicll are expected lo be sent to all cities within Ille ro.mly end oomty supervisors, u well as the LAFC. The city stall Ill now where M waa the Ian i;me !he Issue came up -mr.c. Uonless on bumps Jn the~~· Hirth'• colleagues responded lo his pro- posal with aome enUn11ium. However, a few cautionary notes "ere IOUDded. Paul J . Gruber said if the diatrict were u- • •• -. ---, 11 Tomonow's $Jlf_,e •• needs a break: today. 1 ARd local businessmen can help. Now. This summer. ·While there's still time. Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. ·Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better.citizen. • The corporate giants are already hiring. The Government is already helping. But we need to reach every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of every local businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. Hire one young man or _ woman. ·Hire more if you can. But, at least, hire one. No business is tqo small to help. Think about an extra t pair of hands for the summer. > ' Think about a bright youngster filling in vacation gaps. Think about next summer-and the one after that-when you'll have an "experienced beginner" to call on for extra help. Do yourself a favor. Give a kid a break this summer. Do it now. Gall Thomas F .. Morrissey,:the Philco-Ford volunteer to the National Alliance of BusineS.smen. For . the Harbor Area call 644-0900. i IR1MMEll ' . John B. Lawson . Chainnan, District 5 . Orange County Metro: National Alliance of -,~ Businessmen · ' .1.0111 • lfOW • National All iance of Businessmen • • • • • • I • • ·- • --- FLIGHT OF '""~·CHARTERED --·Roedy to.fly into the neW club,l"f81' wl1h bright plana,for fund..raising•is Mrs. Ralph.Berke, "1lo will ·take the rein& -Of-Cinderella'• carria(•• Weclnesclq, June Charity League . De/!utontes Ball _ Proprieti·es Orientation Topic Proprieties of a debutante presentation will be explained to .others and their debutante daughters during.an orientation supper .Jmorrow in the Lido Isle home of Mrs. E. Terrance Moran. Mrs. Moran, wbo is debutante chairman and Mrs. Robert S. Rosenast will dis<:u&s the excitjpg details oa events which build up to the eagerly anticipated ball in November. At the s1lpper, each ot the young women will pick a favorite sonc which-will be played ·u she mat .. her formal debut. 'Ibey also will learn tbat-<Jn!y debutantes wear white gowns to the ball, and that the gowns are fashioned without trsins but feature full eoougb skirts so they may execute the formal St. James bow gracefully. At this time they also will order their IS.button long white kid glovee. Overseeing the affair will be Mrs. Jack Linden Caldwell, bell director and Mn. Edward L. Corlett, president of the Newport Chap- ter, National Cbarlty League which sponsors the ball. Proceeds ol the event support the John Tracy Clinic. Debutantes for 1969, who have participated in community serv• Ice for six years as members of Ticktocters, are the Misses Susan Bameaon, Jam. Caldwell, Stephanie Undm Cutler, Emrriylou Duyan, Diane FriJzelle, ltristine Laun, Robynn Alberta Newton, Carol Jean Rolenast, Ronda Dianne Vogel and Barbara Louise Woolsey. Their molhers are the Mmes. Jobn Max Rau, Caldwell, Malcolm · Cutle<, Peter Duyan Jr., Nolan Frizzelle, Jobn Leon Laun Jr., George E.,N-. Rolenast, Hans W. Vogel and Roy B. Woolsey. Debutante molhers again will be. entertained during a coffee 'In Ooti>ber in the Newport Beach home ol Mf!. Melvin DBJ)iel Kilmer Ill, and the parents' pariy is planned in Nov.mber in the Costa M-home of Mrs . Richard Walter Smith. . ~ . . . ' . 'WILL YOU JOIN Ust-Askihg rnemlien and guests of Las Reina~ Auxillary of the Assistance League of. Newport Beach to join them !or a surprise-filled fasllion lunCheon and aflemoon of" brid&e are (len .· • • , 1 •' " .. llA ANDI RION, Edi ... • ,....,......... . ,_., New Hands · Hold Reins Triple honors will be bestowed when members of Newport Beach Cinderella Guild of Orange County Children's Hospital meet Wednesday, June 4, for a noon Juncbeon in the Dover Shores home of Mrs. Sam Gur· ley Jr. J Fiist, new offic~rs will accept their responsibilities: then provisional members will be welcomed and have their new duties outlined, aDd associate melribers will be honored. Speakers at the affair will be Wiiliam H. Spurgeon III, executive vice president and director of develop- ment for· the hospital, and Mrs. Joreph Stawicki, guild coordinator ,for the hospital. In 'the driver's seat of Cinderella's carriage will be Mrs. Ralph Berke, while working as her team will be . the Mmes. Joseph Ryan, first vice president; Gurley, second vice president'; Howard Cunningham, treasurer; Robert Lucas, recording secretary; Loring Dyer, cor· responding secretary, and Norman Dahl, parllamen-. tartan. In order to become more active in its ~eavors of fund-raising, the guild bas increased membership. Welcomed to the ranks ol provisionals will be the Mmes. Wiiliam Dootsol1, James C. Bridges, Hugh Bowe, Donald Gustafson, Lee Schenk Rose, Dudley Hoien, Dean M. McCanil, Carl Neisser, Richard H. Robinson •· · and John Sigrist; . , To raise funds for the bolpital, the guild again will sponsor its major benefit, a Western Barbecue for the' 1eventh yoar,,lt will take place in October in San Juan C_apiatnno. ' • • ! . r to right) the Mmes. P. D: Endsley; cbilirman, 1!1oyd Buell and Philip Frerich. '!be •event Will take place Friday, ·J'une ·8, in the Ne~r Inn at 1:30 a.m. . . ' • ' Fund-gap 'Bric/ged' A llllhlon parade, a festive luncheon and bridge -all lhe9o will be takilJi pllCO almost aimukaneously Friday, June 61 in the Newport.er IM. Hostln1 the flurry ol activily will be members of Lai Reinu AUiiliary ol I h e Alslstance Leasue of Newport Beach, experienced p a r t y • given who have planned fivti such .... ts previously. ReceMng fundl garnered from, the lunc1-will be the Children'• Dental H e·a ·l lb Center, a completely equipped ..,.., which has' car.d for 31!1 children from Z08 familiel this past year. · Fashions selected by Jean Da@ from her shop wt.II be !llown with ensemble& from Vela's lnlimale A~l ·and commentary will be ollei:ed by Nick Dahl. Coordinating plans for the event is fdrs. P.. D: Endlley, ·and usiltln1 are the Mmes. Paul Smith, Warren Wilaoo, · Clorence · · Rubbei't,' ¥ e 11 Y Wallace; Graham Edelblute, ~ Short ·~ Wllllam Oillmette. . . Hostipc !Ible&. will be the Mi;nea. Jolin P. Coodop, Vino cent . Anna,. S. ,P. 1.BartJeU. . Jerry 8 e 11, Guslaf .Brelln, . Floyd 13~ J. i;; .. Cll411inol'. James D u r k ee L Edethlute, Philip French, A.e a n e•t b Klncsley .and J ... Robetl I.anon. . ' Is .Neighbor's Show :of ·:~enerosit·y. a· ~over7up"':for · '.[a~~-.n·~~s? ' ' -On1ya-.t•wil•C111tnoi~~ .. ir~.;u;,..,·!t ~ llOlllJ..i lmrnedla~y'o( ~··"°!1 ;..,;.ii rm••'• t • In nthan(e r.r gsr~ our doil won't .. l Any IUI(-! >- --SKULLERY MAID. • ' Pfbl1e beme two or three tlme1 1be'll 'pt&Hmeu..:e. . . DEAR ANN LANDERS: ll'a obvlooa that you are on the Un l marriage and ao b )'OUr hWlbend. otherwile you would not have given that stupid answer to the woman who asked, ''How much'Umedoes 1 man owe his e.l'·W'lfi?" (Your reply: "Aa much tJme u he want& W &ive htr'1 'WU terrible.) n1vtnc a ftnt rie UUJ..be. MJi Jrulbl.nd!1 l/rt'~i.n ~b .. (Fl.IUn& olf a !>Ike hr pert die ISi& llJl&teil 11 J1tl1mJ1 nlsfO,•~-ilc~atk~:tiJin ,Is~~). . . ,.· . ,'°'••!M&lf-..C••-· lnvoM•f"in ber llfel -ni. c!ldldrSI '!'; ti.O • ,I wllider wl.at·theae women would do·H · -A•mu -""di& lo --- perfect foill ud lhe Ull!l.tblm mail el·· tbtlr former husbands were dead, or Jlv· from 1 wife W ---ctuet .mn:. lecllwly by pllyiq oo hi& ,pllt. Ing tii "a f<ftign countryt They'd ·.,... _....., rnm, tlldr --. H Hst'o how tt work.I: Wife One tubUy 111•, wouldn't they! l'1<a3e chlnse your tlley'rt ._,l M II. •u111..U lnat It would be "nice" H Daddy advice. Ufe ts rough enough for 1 llOCOlld oaw Lucy In the lchool paplift. And, Ill wife wllhoul a aock In the jaw 11'11111 Ann Drlntlns mey be "In" to.the ldda Yllll coune, Johnny.....,ld just love It ll Dad-l.Jnden. run with -bul It can put you "out" ,. dy watchecf hhn ploy !JUie •Leosue --S.T.A. keeps. You can cool tt and llay -lar. ba,.baD. Naturally Mary would be lhr!ll-DEAR S.T.A.: Y• -tloa ..._ RHd "Boou and You -Jl'or Teenaprt ed U Daddy came .lo htr plsJ10 lecittl. dearte-.u did -ti--Only." 5"nd 3$ cents In toln and• loo& The ex·•U• g~ to every one Ill th<se ,.1.., "" -1o eom,lltt. 1 111111 111 .. u>&ddreued, otamped envelope wtil evenll, you can be sure. • k'• ., te &IN _.., k ~ lttw' JOUl' requat. My husband ~ expicted to be iw-tt --lot -lo -lo Illa tint • AM Landen will be llad lo help "' at birthday p a 1' 11t1 , c:anllnnationa, r..n,. n N-Two ·-It Wloo """ with your problem&. Sefld them to lllr 11 graduaUona , lontllectdmle-1 ,l ap-__,. 1111 MM hee&IM In dllrt ft•I cere of the, DAILY PILOT, enctolllc 1 pendectOmlOI, ..,,_lUnp and tooth ex-l&ll7lil ."''• ..... It • wllat lot wests, ..U-addrmed, llamped eevtlope. ' I I ' DAll.Y I'll.OT """""· • .,. 71, 1'6t S.miling .Vojce Marks -40 Yea rs Weddings, Troths Pilo t's Deadlines By GAY PAIJLEY NEW YORK (UPI) -Sbe WU 0 a1Jp of & bJoade irllh lulte when Ibo roporied for · -k OI I ~ operalor In a oewsrooin ta World bulld-lnc la downtown New Ycrk. Cout area. ;'!be J~ WU "'Telief" OD the owltchboard In the offices of the World Newt Aaeocy, United Presa. Tbe ..,War operllor WU takfDI: two weeb vacaUoo and IOlllebow never came bac:k for teeps and the "nllef" became permanent. 11W was 40 years ago this -k and lllldrod (Millie) IJt- tle baa been "the voice with the smile" all these yean alnce then with wbot ""' i. United Pnllll lnterna&nal widoW' of 22 wlth a ~ months-old .. aon, Robert. to rear. Sbe recalled u we sat rtmlnlsclng the other ev~ that Ille .-d the Job IO badly that although In .....,.. Ing, Ille did put a to, white collar on her black dress wbeo .... opplied. To avoid clluppolntment, prOlpOC!lve brides are remlnded to 11 .. , tllelr wed<llng llorles wit.I! bll<k and wlilte cJoeay photo- graphs to t.be DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or wlthlll one weet after the wedding. For engagement IDJlouncements It ts suggested t.bat the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submllted early. II the betrothal IDllOUDCO- ment and wedding date are Biz weeks or less apart, only t.be wedding photo will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirements on bot.I! wed- ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able In all of the DAILY PILOT ofllcel. Further qaestiol\• will be answered by Social Note5 stall members al 642-1321 or 494-9'66. She has lived througb, and been the vital communlcatlons link for, too many major events to permit a complete list. She went to work before the lloclt market crub of 1929. She worked tb...,P lhe depresoloo, the abdlcatlon of Brlta!D'1 King Edward Vlll te many Wallis Slmp1 o n 1 through Pearl Harbor, World .. _______________ _,.~ War D, and V-E and V.J days. She remembers the dl'lma of the Undbergb llldnapplng and electrocutioa ol Bnmo Small World Theme Richard Hauptmann for the crime, the national political conventions ,aDd eJectlons,· the deaths of Franklln D • New Leaders Step Up R o o 1 e v e I t , D o u If I a s Gathering for an lnstallation MacArthur, Dwight D a v 1 d luncheon next Thursday in Eiaenbowe.r. There was Korea, Berlcshire's r e st a u r a n t. and now Vietnam. Newport Beach, will b e Mrs. Raymond Wood will be coordlnalOr and lllrs. Clayton ThomJ).W1 will serve as assJs. tant coordinator. Patriots Indexed in DAR Contribution To U1 that all of us, o1dt1mers and new t lmer• alike, love M1IUe IJttle may IOWld a blt maudlin. But we do. More, we respect b er -.1y, her cheerlulaels and helpfulness, her sense of humor, her 'modesty (she didn't want me to write about her), her awareness of when te keep silent (someone said !be probably knows more company aecrets than the ex- ecu:Uve suite), the W'"'J Ille keeps her cool ln crisis, and her ncculooal fWbel of temper u 110111eone forgell bis or her manners. She wu the chlef operator memben of the Junior Ebell on the switchboard ln UPl's Club of Newport Beach. general headquarters in New Mrs. Warren Fil, who will York on that black day ln be taking the .top office, bas Dallas, Nov. Z2, 1963, when aelected as her theme It's a John F. Kennedy w a 1 Small World After All. HS Women Elected Copies of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion's Patriot Index have been cootrlhuled to the Newport Beach i,ibrary; Balboa and t.be Center Street facility, Costa Mesa by t.be Col. 'Winiam Ca- bell Chapter. Mrs. R. c. Pearce, a librarian in Cos- ta Mesa accepts the -on from (left to right) Mrs, Clllford M. Estee, cbapter Hbnuian and Mn. Carol HunL She came to United Presa a -Slfnalfd Aulstln( the new president "I'm_ not oupent!Uoua about In canytng out ber theme will event.s," Mlllle rocalled, "but be the Mmes. R<>ger Sbennan, Mrs. Richard Cllf!loo of the that morning I oald te Koy f1nt vice prealdent; Eugene Orange Coast Mothen of (another operator), 'boy, 'this Kovach, second vice president, Twins Club was e 1 e ct e d -·- Drama T·our Receives . . . T.q~n and. Gown . Help Cha~ College's ;..,.. and GoWli'"'1! help underwrite a Ctram& led of England neit . summer kt " made by five stu~.Pnilessor Henry . Kemp-,.., ·. bead of the drama deportment. Annow;icement of the gift was made by the college president, Dr. John L. Davis during I Ton and Gown dJn. ner in the Balboa Bay Club. Mrs. Robert Hitt o f Washington, D.C., president, presided at the dinner and received a ICfOll of ap- preclaUoa from Dr. Kem!>' Blair" ' -Mrt. Samuel Gendel of Fullerton, a vice pmldent ol Town and Gown, was program chairman anlj arranged for Robert Manry, author of "Tinkerbelle's Run to Glory" to addres.! the group. Orange Coast residents attending · included Mr. ~ lllrs. John H. Scudder of E@lboa Island; Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Andrews ol Laguna Beach; Judge and Mrs. Thur- mond Clarke aod Mr. and l\lrs. John llamlltoo of Corona del Mar. OFFICIAL VISIT Mrs. W1111am Valenxuela •-~ •· dead ·~y'." and Harlow Richardson, third .-uu wo """"' treasurer of ·the s ta t • And then it happened! vice president. '"!be board went nuts," said Cbalrmen responsible for organization during the second Mrs. Little, who was to get on-coordlnatlng the club's "small annual Southern California Jy two hours of sleep in t h e worlds" will be the Mmes.' Mothen of Twins convention Jong, unbearable four days Frank Hughes, membership; in Escondido last Saturday. ahead. ''All ol us on the board'_ Rondell Hanson, press; Patsy Twenty Mothers of Twins were crying as we took the Mltcbell, fine arts; James Clubs belonging to th e calla. Mwar; youth; IJonel DaSilva, statewide organization con- "Sm.ltty (Merriman Smith, ~Ith and Steve Preston, vened to hear H. Bailey senior White House cor· fiourl!. Gallison, luncheoa speaker. fespondent in Dallas with the Others will be the Mmes. Workshops on t h e im- • Kennedy party) got me on the Helen Brannen •. newsle~ter; portance of clubs being ino pbone and aaid, 'Don't you >J!en Goody,, parliamentarian; rorporated were aJnducted. take me oU of here whatever Michael Helin, program; Jay Mrs. John Hoffman, Santa you do.' " Mo.seley, historian; Jach Anita, and Mrs. Henry Maagl She didn't and "Smitty" dic· Gruodhoger, luncheon; Donald Westside, are co-founders o lated into New York the Peck b am , reservations; the st.ate organization. Three assassination .story that woo James Casey, social, and county clubs lncllide Orange hlm a Pullt,:rer Prize. F.dward Whitehouse, ways and Coast, Central Orange County As she always does when a means co-chairman. and Northern Orange. big story breaks il she i. strr===================; home, she immediately checks the office to see whether more switchboard help 18 needed. II almost always is and Millie hWTies in. FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE IS MRS. JAMES LEE SERRANO Newport BHch Brldo · The dl'lma lfl'DUP will spend the moa1h of Julj1 perlarmlag ooe;act plays and -iu la -and for Mn!!!unlty and collep lbeat.r croup1 la Engl~ Newport Beach residents at. lendlng were lhe M ..... and Mmes. L'11W1 IL Farwell, John Ma~ John Macnab, William IL Mead, Kenneth Realsnyder, Edward E. Sharp and Wllllam.jl. Wrlghl · Area Lodge Greeting President Memben of Ilea Rebekah 'Unsightly' Fashions Las Vegas Honeymoon Chosen by Newlyweds Horoscope_ Lodge 402 aM guests lnlm TOKYO (AP) -Japanese cCther lodges will hooor the couturiers say the see-through Libra: Follow Hunch · new assembly president, Mrs. fashions in Europe may be Wllllam Valenzuela, who ii ...., • .i..u. 811 offidal visit to the eye-catching, but they doubt il ~':res. the style will become popular stttttwear in Japan. WEDNE~DAY MAY 28 formation ls available. Money Dimer will begin at 6:30 "A woman may want to at. comes your way U receptive. p.m. Tueeday, Jtme !, in 1be tract attention but certainly SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 211' Viking Sweditm restaund, not THAT kind of attention," Cy c I e moves up•, cir· Costa Mesa. FoUowinC will be commente d one dreu Wendy Joyce Howell and James Lee Serrano exchanged _,,, pled&es and rinp In tho Iaheran Church ol the Master before the R e v • Wllliam Elder. The bride was escorted down the aisle on the ~ o( her father. Parents of the newlyweds an Mr. and Mn. Jack Howell of Newport Beach and Mrs. William Haynes of Arizona and Jack Serrano of Bakersfield. For the afternoon services the new Mrs. Serrano select.ed a white gown with a scoop neckline and a full cathedral leogtb nylon illusion mantilla edged la lace. She cani«I a bouquel _or white· daisies, 81epbanotls andbaby'1 bn!ath. Miss Debbie Bowell was maid of honor whUe the Mis9es lftm ~,Janet Ser· rano and Cherjl Jtenb 1e"ed .. bridesmaids. They wore yellow empire gowns with velvet ribbons and he.Id bouquets ol yellow daisies and baby's breath. Warren Ca1lablano was best man and ushering guests to their pews were Joo Serrano, Ken Ellil and Ralph lloylton. Followio( the llll(lllall liO rriendl and relaUves coo- ptv' ' e d the ccuple dUrlng a recepllm In the borne ol the bride'• pore!U. Miii Susan -drcuw.d the .,... -. The fom« Mlol """'1J It I ... -of ear-del Mar . Nuts 'n Nibbles .\lleodlnc meetlnp every Fridl1 at 10 a.r:n. • r e ~ ol FOWl!aln Valley ~ ,!!~~e ~cw~ ll<iiftoljCOI Cent<t In Hlln- tlnlfl>o Stach lor t h e t r .,.,clne pl1<t. Mrs. Tom ~ ot lrMIStl will ......, q-aboullhe-.. By SYDNEY OMAllR High School and Cruet Cout College. Her husband otleoded Bakersfield High Sd>ool. CASUAL LOOK 11 favored la .....,.rq, A-the prllll or flullJ. Ullderplay -II. Man7 are -W.ve an d arpm.entatlve. Doa't com- pound error. Beed tbh advice -Ind yoa will be moklng In- telllgeat me of u troloc'. • -and oocial me<ting d . cumatances fav o r your ef. _,.__ pie esigner. forts. Tate care with peraonal in Odd Fa..llnHI Ten • "Besides, it's loo drafty and Before mllin( their home In l\Jlllin, the SerrlDDtl wUI hone)'DIOOll la Las Vegas. appearance. Be casual, but The new diltrk.i deputy" too cold." well groomed. Accept social preaidmt of district 50• Mn. Nanae Mori, a popular con- lnvitation. You are due for Bertha Hyltm will be prese11t, turiere, said young Japanese ple&saJJt surprise, alor.i with preeent amd past women like tbe eee-throogh SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-off~auons must be made look. But sbe said they have Dec. 21): Don't try to overturn by next 'I1tursday. still to work up enough St. Nick rules, regulations. Yoor best coura~e to wear such styles ARIES (March 21·Aprtl 19): course is to remain in public Y· M y 1 t erious circumstances background. Keep promise to S . p d Miss Mori noted that some Asks Help prevail Key ts to be oneconflnedtehome,hospltal. a1nts age wornenthinlnothlngof wear- analytlcal. Leave notbt'ng to Patience is your JJN,111t ally ing miniskirts that are eight "' -Members of the class of inches above their knees. S chance. You may be aco.ised today. JMS of Santa Ana Hlgb School, "But a see-through blouse is anta Claus Is begitmfnc his of some"'"" rldlculou.!. You CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Yuletld. "'."6 . are anUdpiUng a May, 1970, another matter," she added. e operaUooa early this win, but Ume and some money 19): Some of your fondest 25-year remlon dinner .and "They sWI are very self-con-~~-'~ ,,~ belp of the may be involved. ~ ... ~~dclfoser to reality. dance. scious about their physique ~~ -·Qoou and In-· TAURUS (Apr!l 20-May 20): -·-.. ·~ eaturo roman-Clas members ore Invited and il they dare te wear IUCb terested Oranp Countians. Home, marriaa:e, ckmestJc tic interlude. Accent oo to ciootact Mrs. WUl1am Neth clothes publicly ~ The Onoge County Chopter picture are brightly fOCll!ed. frlalendshipo which hive lasting (Cecelia Fl>nogan), llMll3, doubtedly shield bu a qOota of t,eoo abavln& Be nceptlte to requests fnm v ue. fer information. with some underprment." 1lltlt IA> mab, Ill and lhlp IA> 1oVed-. Steer clear of legal AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Ftb.f;p;;;i;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; llOrvicemen.laVlelltambythe entutglemeoll. Cyc l e In-11), Yoo gain reward for end <i Septtmber. · die.ates you lbould observe special abilities. Accent on Each green ~ red bag ts • rather tbu act. prestige, standing, c a r e e r . filled with new arucles, ac-GEMJNJ (May 21.June 20): Definite gain Indicated If you cording to Mrs. Russell Hill of Scxne ISIOCiltes are not sure stand tall. Me!lM adhere to Laguna Hills and Mrs. Gus of lhemselves. To C1Jver up, beliefs, principles. Koeh1e.r of San Clemente, area they may appear bombastic. P~ (Feb. 19-Mareh chainnen, and coots $3 to fill . Key Is to see persons, situa· 20): Favorable for wriUng, Donations from organiza· tions in realistic light. Avoid publishing. Spread vit:ws, Ex· lions are needed to complete tendency to lmaglne the worst. press yourself. Advertise your the project, the chairmen say, CANC~R (June 2l·July 22): wares. Your imagination can and funds may be sent to the Have. faith in your creative be put to constructlve use. One Red Cross be-adquarten 2215 abilities. You are called upon behind the scenes backs you. N. Broadway, Santa 'Ana, to make decision. Base It on IF Ton A y JS you R mark'ed for the shaving tit what you know -not . what 8lRTHDA Y you are brlght, project. mlgl>t be. Tlt<m you wUI be origlnal, flirlaUous and In- proceeding aloog constructive depei'ldenl Prepare for new Ca rds Tossed With Salads A "first" for the Newport Harbor Emblem Club will la).e p I 1 c e tomon'ow In the Newport Elks Club at nooo. The club officers wUJ host a salad luncheon and card party for club mem.btta and gueitt and proceedJ will be given IO the Cettbral Pllsy fund. Anyone whhinl te purchase llcUts, at fl.JS, may call Mrs. E....,. s.r-. ~7l&Z. for reee:rvatkm. Unes. adventure -It's upcoming. LEO (Julj1 23-Aug. 22): AI-r---------11 ·=.~~~~:YOU KNOW plete. proJtct. Future llOC.'llr!-YOUR CHILD Zs.~=.. ho:.;; tat "'b~1i'.;. =· 22): WILL LEARN New Ideas give yoo new lease 0 SW ·=--II o~ llfe. 'lllere is the ex-IM AT c1tement of discovery - "'laUve C11>1ld be Involved. BL u E BU OJ VlsJll and visiting a r e featured. Welcome d.llrettnt AM h Wnt , .. concept!:. ...... ..._ ......, LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22)' -. .:';._ , ... A<cent on Income poteotlll. Protect aSset.s. Follow lbroogl> 546-1• OD hW1ch. Yaluable in-• ....__ Bill WI LLIAM'S HOUSE of HAIR COLORING and COIFFURES .---INTRODUCES ASSOCIATES-'-----. CHUCK HOWARD former H1ir StyUtt of EAST BLUFF AREA and MARIE BETSINGER MANICU RIST & PEDICURIST Formerly 81v1rly Hills end E1st Bluff Arte 2333 E. COAST HWY Pltooo 'n·TM' Clo1M Mondeys • Corona del Mar IR1er G/1nd•I• F1dtr1ll give him a gift fit for a king •.• Say "Happy Father's Day" with a loving portrait of you and your children Jt'1 the rift that beps on eivinc all 'ft.U· lonc. Our vcty tpcdal olfu incl1klcs enough portraia for mWnc Grandf-atben ham, too. Huny in I twol•<i<S.IOmd 995 ax bandy wallrt-siu all for only (1••ll •llilitlfitl tlt•r11 f•r ••rt IA•• iAr11 ;''"'' Huntington 81ech 892-3311, bt. 211 Phot09r1ph Sh11fle I rt Floor • ( -------------------·------~~~~~ .................................. ~~--..II r I I I • ' ~oSia Mesa ' EDl-TION . :.-oi:. 62, NO. 126, 2 SECTIONS; 21 PA665 • r1c· • Answer Tlaursd•lf. Fair Court S.ite -Is De~l Legal? Questions on the legality 0£ a contract between Orange Couitty and the 32nd I>i.striet Agricultural Association for a mUnicipal court site at the-Orange Coon- ty Fairgrounds will be answered Thurs- day. Fair Boan! President Cecil J. Marks has called a special a p.m. meeting in ad- mlnistrattve offices for dlscussk>n of the coUrt site resolution and several other matters. Under ortginil wordliii of a proposed · 1ease agreement, legal questions arose as to 'whether Jt cou1d be done and faJr directors bad to ast the state Attorney ~ral's opinion. "I am not at liberty to say. I'd prefer that the amwer come from the board," Fairgrounds General Manager Alfred Lutjeans said of the legal opinion today. Director Robert Humphreys h a s discussed the matter In Sacramento since It came up at the board's May 15 meeting and is reportedly confident about pro- ceeding with the fairgrounds court· site offer. The Orange County Board o f Supervl90n dlScus.1ed offers by the Fair 8oard and also by Newport Bead! dty officials at their iileeting a wed ap, but took no action. . Most observers are leaDiD)J: ~J!!'. toward oel~ ol • Colla ~_..Iii! . a ·new Ha-Judldal DJ>m<> COllit -pltt, atnoe lt,~ll 1<1'1i '1 mlUlGn Uviog over 1 Newport Blach Ofter. Newport Beacb ollldall wut to land Fore! Council . Hikes Mesa ·Green :_Fe.es I the future· court site at their own pT'O-' ~ clVic.center. All agencies, however, agree that the answer must come as soon as possible, leading' to Humphreys' quick Sacramento trip to c:Ohl'er on the. lease Or sale ques- tion. Dtscuuion is also on the agenda for a big .P.OP music and youth festival pro-, ~ ~ the fairgrounds the waeltend of Ani. I, llOt directors want Costa Mesa of. ftcialt to' act first. Newport Beach music prom o t e r , William TappaQ. ~nied a rty~ pr~ gram. Of ·one day I nstead of two to lhe c..ta Meaa City Council: Monday, but final C09Dcil .actkm woo't be taken until next Monday. Lutjeam said a somewhat cootroversial request by the COsta Mesa Junior Chamber of Commtrce for· an educa· Uooal booth on the dangers of venereal di.se:aJe during the fair will also be up for discuuion. ' "I Mlly &n't underitaDd .all'. the p~ blem," he said. Jaycees' Dlsttlct Eight ClOVernor-Elect( Joel< ft/Busler reconUy wrote .the'.boonl to -deep disap-~val 1of .theif Ml)' '1$'rejectioo of the VD educatiOn.dliplay. ; 'Yl'ie -~ CWnlj 1'al< sbould e"' ti!f; type ol ~I . jed ==--.... .-Ja;<Miiil'OllOlt.·~. Boooler ........ " W a ...... -'ta~ 1.r:ib. ~Hilember boord'a V<M aplnst lbe'VD dllplay was only to deny Ille IJ10UP tree space to set up their public ser1,vlce project. ' "ll they Ilk 1<1 .buy space, thal would probably be fine,"' he explaloed. The: fairgroundll pianager continued on to say 1 ... dllpl,y· space Is· sharply llmll<ld by the Fair's operating budget and direct.on limply felt other agencies ~ be coosi4ered finl, A reruect _.ilng system ol f,.. and • procedures designed to iocreue ~Cmlli _ Mesa Golf and Counlry Chd> m<oue by $1,000 per week w>s approved Monday , by the Co51JI Mesa City Council. The move was taken to streogtben and improve the municipal facility, fol- lowing a ctty Ukeover ol Jll'<)UMs operation some time ago. -AWstant City Manage< Fred Sonabo1 """"1lllleOd Iha! the lncruaed iooome ol up to 15l,OOO amwally be plow<d back into the golf counre to improve it further. Policies approved during the special adjourned meeting eliminate any future free golf play on rare occasiOns ap- proved by City Manager Artbur R. .McKenzie. Specif'lcally, these would be purely governmental confertneeS or conven- tiONI hostecf by the city. Only caah will be acctpted for daily greens fees, while the am of play will (O up-beginning Aug. I, ~ on wek- days and • btt hlghet" 00 --and holidays. • . No tournllll<IM will be allond to Atrt before noon on weetendl and holidays and by toumey ...... 11on must include a commitment for a ban- (!loe <lOUNCIL, Paie ·il Weadler , The weatherman '• 11 bond u · 1 J'OU att, but here'• bow it'll be: Wedneoday; cloudy momin( &Ida followed by haey sunshine In the· afternoon wHb temperatures in the • 70-75 range. INSmE TODAY • • Oronge Coast rn.tn atfd women nre 1erving thtir coamt'l tn mU i- tar11 poJitiom around tht wortd. See Mtn in Service, Page 10. _... . "'"'" . '' --It ....._..._ ... --. ........ ,,.,. ::::,..... ~ T.......... II -" -.. --.. --.. • Cit• •1 Bepe I I Min Ci!T of Hope, Maralyn F11oly, It, Newport Beach. w1JJ 1'J)resent Harbor of ffoPe Chapter headed by Mn. W\I: llam Savaae (left) In 11111uill C<!ft1 Mfta.Newporl !larbor Lions Club l&h Fry Parade June 7. • ·'-' • . ORAN6E COUNTY,·CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, MAY 27, '1"9 '. ' -. J "' I • .. r I ac s. a .. ~·.l . ' • TEN CINl'S - Chancellor._ I Won't Move For Activists ·• • ,1 I By TB0M;u roln'IJ)IS -·or .. """' ,.,... ...,.. Cbancellor Daniel G. Alarldl: Jtt IO)'ll he 'wut call pi>lice ta .. tl!o uc'll'VIDe campus ll be le.ti they. are' oeeded: And activists amoog UC1 ~ .n.i 'faculty mOmlJen ·cinnt>\ 'pt blnl"to -· ..... , """ that pelltloo. . DebalO ... pelioe lmiMallon at ..... toley, wtdch b&s-au on -..-. Ing lf'k ~ •11appeo af UCT, -Ga , ... elaht ·boun p.londly. ~,1JCI. .. A lour'bour coocleV. fo< wblcb ciu. were diamlslecl. me.ldod Into • ..,.. ol 150 1tudi!nt ltriken and •ln lum ·- followed by .. ..,....eney ·~ " Ille faculty's Acacltmlo Seoato. · Under proddiq by ocdYiltl, Aldrich took hil -11ying 'he .... plUltmC both feet foi' law Ind order. · Bill a lirge majority of.the.,, . .,...,... son atteoding the A-- Aldrlr• to S..,U, . UC '"'""'' clwinuUor DiJlllcl •G. , " • · 1WA ... ~ VJt ' Atd~ Jr.. toiU aprd bf/oft tM • faularino School PT A' 1090 l'aidari!lo ABOARD USS PRINGETON, APO~LO .JD CAPSULE' SHOWS SCARS OF'RE·ENTRY · Rood CMl<I Meaa, al ~1:80 o'dotk 'IO< . But Alt...,,.uta Yount, Stafford, ~tm1n .C~rom loft) 1,n Fln•,Sftel'" . , . . . nigh~ . : • . . . .'. · • • • • 1 • • • Hi> /optc, tDlll I>< °""""" .~ . l . }. ~ ,. 'v ~ ' ..-.f._-' • ~: ·._,.. • .. 'vt ,~.:_, ~ .... N: pKblk ii lailite4 " tdtricf.. ~pniul,i$JBacK ... ::5"'p."aee Bl•sp· · ·he .... 7;._?~··~;~1o.=r.:.~ . ,,_ ' . . '. ·~ ..... _ aa10io~ In: Houston for . -" · · · ' ~ • ..;"":'!iumaii life.~ .a· Family Reunions ·Bible Prof Chides Apol'lo Crew.. ~~.!'~.~be~~ aole auUiorlty tO doc:lde lf'pOllc:O - -Cllllo the lrYlne -Tbo campus police, he said, are ~ hll MIAMl · (UPI) -The Apollo ID SPACE CENTER, llouston (UPI) _ astronauts shouldn't have said all those ·Apollo lO's astronauts, the men who naughty ·words oot by the moon, ac~ unlocked the .door to th' mOOT'I, returned ·CO~lng to ~r. Larry W. Poland of the home today to the arms of their krved Miami BJl;Je ·College. ones and 11-.daya of reports especied to · "BlasPflemoua!" e1clalmed . Poland, clear the way for a lunar 1'ndin& in July. who fired o£f telegr~ to .~!dent Nlx· Tbom 'p S'~u~ J•• W y on and ,the Space Agency. A disgrace to~ as . i.-""'"'• l.lllD • oung th e nation." an~ Eug~ A. Ceman landed at nearby The 29-year-old semlnary graduate, Ellingtcn Air Force Base after a 12-ho~, whO al.so holds a doctorate in college ad· non4top flllht from the South Pacific ministraUoQ, wants the President to do [stand, paradlae of Pago Pago. something about i;u.ssing' tn t h e Whilj! an 41r ForC!! ~ played "Deep ; spa~. _ .. · ,. >:. , ~ In lhe t;teart of Texa1, the three beam· . "All"mllltary lbd tlvU• decorations of i~g spaceme~ stepped out of thf:lr g!ant these men should be withheld uaW they arr force jeUmer, embraced their wives mike public apologies," ~·-the and hung ·poJyn_esian leis around the telegrarnf to Nixon and the Chief of the necks of t~e~ children. Manned Spece Flight Center in Houston. Staffard s finl word to ~ crowd of 800 Poland 'became incemed upon reading assembled along the flight line was newspaper accouuU of transmiasions "Howdy !" . · r · Apollo 10 "Like 1 sai~ on the carrier, it'11 really ~wapapen ~er the weekend quoted great and fantutlc to be back from. the one astronaut u shouUng over the radio:. moon," said t!>&commander o( lhe eight· "You know this goddamned. (camera) day lunar orbiUng mlslllon. "Boy, that moon Is really a peculiar, very st.ranie. very dilferent k.ind of satellite and I lhlnk we learned a great deal about · what's going on up there," said Young. ''But lhat moon doesn 't' have any air, and it's not' Tell!, and we sure are glad to be here." ' Former Bircher Elected to GOP Senate Posiiion Ceman 'said, Hf•m convinctd now, more than eVer. there's no place where we SACR.UlgNTO (UPI) -•Senate can1 .vtotualiy'10." • · Ropubllcons -~,Ol<i:tOd Seti., ff. L. The astronauts climaJed t.'leir 750,000-JUChardlon, I fomier> coOrdfnitor.for the mile .voyage 'With a Pm:ific Ocean John Birch Society u their caucus splashdown ,Monday . 443 miles east of chainnan. ' Pago Ptg~ J~ ·American Samoa. ' · 1 The· Arcadia Reptlbllcan defeated Sen. The utronauta wore blue space agency Ch1lr w. BUrgener otSan Diego dUring a cov~a~l• .sporttnc •. bri&hl . Apollo 10 ' clos...J caucus. . , , emblerils. · ·They· brought back large . Last week Sen Donald L Gnill§.ky of plastic bags coritainlng leis and -other · WatsOftvllle '5teJ>Ped down from a duBI pre.tents for their family . One of t!'e role as caucus chairlnan and 'GOP floor presenll resembled a model of an oulrig· leader, poets he had held· stnee tM7. Sen. ger c·anoe. George Deukmejian 0£ Long Be'aCh filter haa failed on me." At .uother polnl, Ille reporis aatd. a space exclairped "Son ol a bitch:', · Pols!>it llllY• prolanjty should be "left en the rest rot"fJl w11J.1"11Dd not wed by the--··~·-· ' Friends Appeal ' • t ' For Assistance · '·. '. " _ ' 1 '. ' I I For Fire Family · Friends of a COit.a Mesa famJly bwiied oul of their home in a $9,000 blaie 'whlCh· left them litUe more to• be thankful fbr lhan their lives toda)r appeiled fof &elp to get them re-settled. ' ' Mrs. Arlene Davis; 'of. 11t7~'1"FlWert.on Ave., and her four boys are llaylng at 218 Knox Place, according M> a frlena, Mia Janice Brown. · f "They are on a very small fixed Jn. come," ex plained Miss Browo, "and now they have no house, furniture, kitcl}en utensils or clothes." She said the Oavises have only one change of clothtng e&cb. ' Costa · -Mesa Fire. DeP,rtment in· vestllators are still Probinc the cauae of. tl\e 1UiJden:bW•"'blch'enlptect bra bullt- on sleeping area St!nday fti&bt iM.clabn. · ed.the lift of•atputkeet. ' T command,. but the Orange County Sher· W's Office haa concumnt jurlldlciJoft., Aldrich said !he -king ~ ls that he lllOOld make the decJalOn. "But u 'theY (iherllf author-) -I don't know enough to call lhem,ll!ol t;tn corQe in," he said'. • • The iPue is important to prof~ ~ 1tudents becaUM1 laWmeii were called In at Berteley, not by CU-IH>< · Roger Heyns but by ci-.:il au~ Who' atfo,declded on~. .~ A.Dllriority of studetlts·-• ..-IJ abaUI 110' ol tbe ·3,IGO -r.maJiled 'm ltrike today. Pickell were out. · 1 • .Aldrich was closely queatiooocl'MondOI' by ~lack students. . · . · :Leader ol the Black 8tud«ll Union :run. Winder challeapd: •'J>Ut11n1: ap bill funds !Aldrich. loinod _., Glihll own mooef) and calling off c1Ulil .:.11 a commendable t h I n g. but that'• Dal enough. It would be more efficttve •to tell people where you stand." Said Aldric.h, "The right of ltudenb to strike Js self evldeni. But l di> not feel the strike ts !he way l<I brlq - change. Clas.ses have. to be m~ a'f'lil;. able to all lhose 'f'bo want to attnd. 1'1 deplore the v~ at Bentle,. r have . attempt.ed to deal with pn:iblerqa on this campus inlmlally and. not briDI the police In. I -11111 also. bap- (Soe ALlllllCll,.hto I) * *· * Studenis ,at UCI Dif.fei . Over D,iscQrd at Berkeley Stafford, Cerrian ancf Young were prevloualy was appOinted by new Senate whlllked from the carrier USS Princeton President Pro Tern Howard Way (R-E1· ..A variety or optnlons ftrl apresaed lhls 11 ridiculous. We·dt.n'fhaft ""'1e'• Monday by helicopter to Pago Pago for a eter), as the floor leader. Monday durtn& a four-hwr Conclave on ~· tn tbti unHed Sta.-.:.:ne tumultuous gree_Ung from 5;000 Samoans, Rtchard.!on, Burgener and Oeukplejlan the Berkeley dlacord a~nded-by IOO UC uril ly 1''.no apecli1 paUUcaJ llJ'lum.1 and then left almo.rt' Immediately for tlie were jop Ueutenanls1lor ·way In his dtivt Irvine 1hl6ents. • aubmtt there wu mlllfw .._ ad long fllpt l<I the Unll<ld Stalell in on Air to1...ind up the votes to uns<at vel<raa i;ommenta of\en>d Included :; . GOY. a.-wu not jollt ~ It be Force CHI transport. ' Senate teader Hugh M. Burns. Catlly' ~. fmhnian .G( Unlvtrsil1 C _,raJ Reapn 11...., belle¥e.' After hmch ·-.-program of· Park. yelling at !he top· ol, hot' hlop -• ' am lllqllef4, pllllOIO)lllJ .. _ .......... !lclsls and their famllles,.the pilola plan' • • • • • "The park 1111111 the 1...., ~et.~t clear. UIUlant -"All 10 ol. the -ti It'> necl·l<I be&ln an II-day series G( technical Angel ".ana·ge~ It ls oonlnmtatlon. Doo't juol oll therw reated ... my ,_ I ~ -I ,_.. on an aipects i>f thetr mission. Jr/._ '"' le~ Oils lqltttut1on'ta1ce con ol llotH. will not ~ c1-1. doO't care wbat Theae report.I are expected to alflnn a YI"' l<lke care ol 14. uodematld. Htvo • aie the ,.Pmals. Yoa cannot tiut mt1 • dedalOll for. July II takeolf dale for !he Ri· gn .nv. Fi'r.· ed ~... be bea(d. care ' eooqh ta be I~ lib !hat.'' • bi!tork: Apollo 11 moon landing mlt.51on. l'!!'J '"" .J y • bt:ard,", . • • .,._ 8lllpfn. uslltant profetlot'ef. ''ll'• still hard for us to believe· what AN/Jli;k (~P)'-MfMger Biil Rig.-~ID hUer, freshman . ol· UunlinpJo • Ealbh -"The p<Op(e GI <lermanJ ~ we saw up there, but at le.ast we brouj:hl ney has. beee flrtd by the CAiifornia 1 Be.ach ..!.. "U'lhe lroep1 10, htw an. you , U.N~ the Nasb• crimt1 by MYfni back the aata and we think we've really Angels and Hi'rold "LeJt)'" Phillips, orie , golDJ to ~ the violtat flCUan &hit it they dkll't know what was plnc a Oal1 tl)Created man's knowled1e," Stl.Uord of his ,coaches, has becn ·named ,&o take up \bere,t ' • 30 o(our 240 raallty bave, ~to eollMI u id. over the' slurbpin& club Immediately, the> J• llq, freshman who llvN on ma. here and find .nut wbll 1 blPP'ftini, l A.uoclated P-teornod !Odai. pus-."1 c:ao't help :.ut ~· ...U,. Tho find this ltrtlpilolltile" . Earlier • Ille cellaMldden Angelo ""' people.. pen 11Cand. Ooe -111111.-----no pilloo ~ ~ expectodl°y called a mld-afto~ pma the people 1e1tlerecl lib • min~ --·11111o • ----------:---con!.,.... ,1 Anaheim Stldlum. S..., W!Mo •••· -II C.... HAw 1"11 mi:-•......,_.,.., NEW YORK {AP) ~Tbe-rnar~et R)pey. the ~· pUot -.1 .... the • dei Mir -,'"l1lurldal,tllon Wft IOO ol tlli:l -""!> ... ., ...... with h"---·UF! mooq cl!Jli wu orpniJW 1<11111, wu llk<d ua .....,.at "'11!1ot~ w. .... • Atiiluloo -"You IA...._ It llll a · roporl<ld wdlhJnl·k clOwn cl••••fwlth a not o'lllald the conft1aM, wllldl wu armed wltb'a ..,,.ie11-.~ , taitaol-betnl •9'.11. No ..... lharp 1ou lodi,J. (SH q-Uons, P.,.. to'bo Ptdlded aver 1ry C-al Maoai<t -.i r-. l~qo11 ,,,_ lllntaHly 1·-tNil..'(•-•• tJ.IJ). · · Dlcll tlallh. · w\ -"'lbe' '• Pll'k -Cleo ol'lrillONI, PIP 11 - .. , . /)_ I / ' I t • L Harbor Teachers • -. To M·ap ·w alkoui Just i-N~Mioa s c Ito o I .......... will'° •bout -walkout of. CO<Oplo of houn on Tburlday "" to be decided 111 ~ of leacber ,.presen. llU-t.alCbl .• ~ lllFllollonf •with tile ICbool boOra end iidminlllr1Uoo continued todly end~ wilhaut l'llOllltioa. • ~ will tea& a fGur.bour ..-dly on 'l'!IWtdlY end dllmlso -tile mt of tbe l!Cbool dl1 to .bold ...... ....unc -to -beld tile Jiii two 11eou. 'l'l!ls inoe!lng tlleJ 11y will bl on their on !!In<, not an.r ochool Hte tile one two weeks l&o or at nJgbt like the one last ...... 1'lpi¢ qaio wW be progr.,. of aallry ne10Ultic:m. ...!?:-.-=: : .. ":& .!: <W "' In tile .-. '1'1111 Wll .. be ~~· -·. Abo to be dlacuMM"" ..,.....,...,.._m11111 to take cm of lludents, fiJiOdlDt thole of worklng Pl"'Ob wllo CID'I come to pi<t !beJn up. 1,1111 ... port .... Iha! nqollllbtc !tams for the Wcben end ICbool ld-m!nlllr-.,.... fer ~. <11 liotlc lllary llld vutous frio8' beae!tU. ' • • Tiie -board .... add to be of· r..tng 1 bqlnnlng 111ary of 11,'llO Per yw end teichen astiJia '7,110; thei board ollerlng the lncroaae PoY by oleps over 12 years of experience and the \e~ wanUn1 .it to Co up to an even higher level In 10 yun. Fro• P ... 1 ' AIDRICH BACKS P OLICE. •• pened at Berutey. "Wben you don't agm, don't 11y you are _golDi to p'evqt others llVID dolni tomethtng," Aldrich warned. "When onoug)I people challenge In thal way II is civil war. I'm not propQSin& to set 1tudents and llCU!ty egllmt elCh other in a civil war. : "Calling foe police ii the mochlniam our society provides to handle law· breaker.I." • Student Body President Roa Rldgle said, .. 1 am dl&turbed by the cbancel· lor'I comments. I don't "" lnY jultlflcl· lion for defeodiaC -fucist tidies." Said 1 black student Who Cills hJm. self Anduka: "I don't "'"' i.. )Jear him tt:l:l us what he'1 wWl.zur: to do .. I.want to bear him say where bis two feet ire Uct: what be'• go':nf to do." Answer'ed the chinceDor: 0 I'm doing everylbing I con to brine about ,raolu- tioo of COl1flict on thil CIDll'UI whbout use of pollce. But I 11Y u Eldridge cleaYer told UI, 'Don't belt me becauae I'm gohig to. bfft yoo back.' • 11Now you wmi'.ed me to plant both feet and I'm planting them. I stand for law and order, whatever YOU call it. N Aliother black lluden~ John King, r.sponded: "Yoo said I'm going to belt you down. 111 live yoa an aJ&ernaUve. Finl thing yoo do b take these pip on this campus and dlaarm them. . "I want. you tO listen and listen real good. Fer 2S ywa I've been taking thil )ow and order cr1p • .Jf ·)'OU wllll to put )'Om' foot out·and get funky with UI, ]'m !Jad)t. If you bring the pip on thil cem- plis I'm not Soing to tum my cbeek. "V'c!O)lo what ynu think la right." I Besidel wentlng to" pol!ce.off Cimo, pm, the• 'II of llO . filCUlty 111emben 11- temdlq .!bi ~ ·-me.tint llaO Pl""' ..... lutlooi to: -llmstipte the a~C. cl the County Sberi!f Tadlal 8qued on campus From P .. e J COUNCIL •.• quet before being approved. Full playing fees must be paid by Ill golf course users, alLhough city officials are considul.Dg a study to establish lower costs for student!. During the Mondly meeting, 1 reques( by Jim Rose, 900 W. 19th St., for a fiv~­ Saturday Boy Scout bicycle marathon on a milNQUui city ~ route was ·~· The June 2S opening will be lollmored by eighi·boor sessions each Saturday in July, with liability insurance covered by the -Boy Sco<rts • ol America and (raf!ic safely training stressed. • Newport Beach musical extravaganza promoter William Tappan presented a revised plan for a one-day instead of two-day pap music fe!tival 1t the Orange Coonty Fairgrounds. Tappan's request for a pennit to con- dud the show wUI be comtdend by councl1men June l, prior to any steps by Orange Coum'y Fairgrounds man· agement to proceed with the pla~ \ DAllV PILOT o.ANGE COASl PU9lllM1lrlG COW'Alf? lett.rl N. w.M .. ,..illlflt ... """""" J•ck It. Cllf'I.., VJu f"ral*nf ft Gtfttrll Mlnlttt Th-11 K11,,il ..... Ttt.••t A. M1t,,lllH r -.nt11ii. , ••• c..t. M ... OMce llO W•i+ lty SlrMt M•i"•1Alil11111 P.O. t .. 1560, n•?& --........... 9udl• ,,,, ,,, ....... ......,.,.. u-Dmoeri:m"-'t•....,.. ...,..,.._...._, ....... it •· NCtDt overflow roct and roll con- cert. - -Pf7 flllll lbllr lllarlel blll llld lepl _ ... c1 ta-· 11111 the lludent adf'111a advller lll'?elled al Blrlieley for failure to dllpene and nlawlul uambq. . -Support ~ pn>I-. In their d...-that la~ llld the N1tlcml Goard withdrew; tb<re bl °'·1111e and federol Inquiry of pollco tactlcl, and moetings be beld to eettle the use of the ...,.iJed People'• Put. -lledlrect their edllClllooll ollocb to IOCUI Oii the Issues nlaed 111 the Berkeley coalllct. A ..-lutlGn to IUlpend clules thn!ug)I 'l'lmrldlj' -In offed IO oo llrlke eJoag wltli the -II -filled by 1 J to 1 ~-· .. Pi'p and con semtment was 11nnmtllf up by -ol two pn>I-.. ~ C. °"""'"' ._._ pn>leaor of pl>iloloplly, said, "Go•a nor Relpn eeru.r prunlaed to teee the llllfvenlty open 11 the point of a . ~ 11 ""'!JliltY. I think .. abould demcatr•lo that 11 precllely the condition under wblch we will JJOt keep the llllf.....ity open and ope:ratlnj u usual." * * * ,Fna P ... 1 OPINIONS ••• . out in the apen and nobody cares. Peopfe say just go out and do your thing, pip." ceed Jlckle Rut -"caJllng people a pig -that doesn't do any 'ood. J; doesn't get tbniugb to them. Cope uo people too. Unfortunately, many have ·•-:-~ nature. We Can't chanle .It in a day, but If we takt the time, we can fl.I: It." Art $."ri-bo. Berlr<iey proleaaor ol SocioloiJ -11 haven't beard anyone at all nn our faculty pe!enc! the po!lce. Th.,. 1s .o dPtibt wtiot.;yer .. -foot c:oo1ro1 oi t1ie procem 1Uppoeed lo gOuanloe law and order 1D the community." Danovu Doney, junior of Newport Bcac.b -"I went to Berkeley and l WU beaten in Santa Rlll prtaon. The dty ol Berkeley 1l an -occupied area. ) set cori· ditions no different from what I imqine Prague to be." Bruo Balllltoll, freshman wllo lives on campus -''The whole thing was tym· bolized by one man in the streets made to sing 'God Bleu America~ while he wu beaten to the ground by clubs." Nell Mllmber&..~~ activlll<s ~ viser -'"lbole of us Who were there know they could have killed James Rec- tor and il they didn't they told UI Ibey wanted to.'' Dave H~ graduate 1\udeot of Corona deJ Mar -"Let's set a ttrike going. Let's 10 over and 1et people together to sbul the place down." 'Instant Replay' Of Nude Dancer Played for Jury ""La Ja la 11 la la la, la la la la, Hq Jude .•. " That refrain from the bouncy Beatles ballad has become known 1D San!a AM Munidpll Court as the Cybulltl ....nade and It rang out Moodly belcn a m· 'Noman, sil-man jury for the leeond time in a week. But this time curvaceous Carol of Laguna Beach wu a member of the au- dience vlewln& a controveralal Apattment A-Go-OD routine that put ber whero she ii today -awaiting that jury's ruling on whether she is Innocent or guilty of lewd conduct and obsctnlty. The JS.ye&.NJld nude dahcer watched upresslooless 11 the court. viewed the movie that WU filmed at the west. Santa AMbarlMt~ But she pve a twitch or two of the famous Cybulltl ~Jvls u the Bealle ballad -the btibll&ht of her Ill nude caper on the mlm>r..t mlnlltege - filter<d throug)I the 1ttenttv. .-. Final 1rgwneoll center<d Oil what Judge Paul Mut bas said la the by to , t be trial ; d I d Carol Cybulltl vlolalo "'community standarda" w h e n she cavorted in ber blrthda1 lllllt bef.,. dellpled Aputm<lll A-Go-OD peln>nl! Pr-.lor Orett. Sean elllw Ille hH proved "beyood a shadow of 1 doubt" that the ·Art C.Otony entertainer was perfonnlq .. -!Ulline when 1he WU Uftlted on 10 _.-.lo ncculons by S.nll AJ\l Ylco tnvat1g1ton. °"""" 1t1ome7 Benito M..,. 191d the jury that -Cyllulat'• .,...,..t that her COl'lt:ro'Vlnia1 dance b a form of art must be ,accepted_. 1l ii now up to the jUJ7. -- • Rolling Out t lte Sack Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lowe aren't having much trouble convincing their son, Robby, 2, that It's bedtime slnce dad, a Costa Mesa fireman, built this bed for the tot, The ·elder Lowe fasbiolied the bed in bis spare lime. Ladder acts as side rail to keep young OAIL Y P'ILOr Stiff l'llttts R<>bby from rolling out of·bed. lmilation axes s~e as handles for drawers. Gauges and microphone came from obsolete fire end police equipment and headlights actually work-when they are plugged in. Costa Mesa Buys $3,500 FM Moniwr Attorney's Son Arrested On Drng Rap After Cr ash Apartments In Triangle ., Rejected • ' ' Homeowners ecbolnc city staff se,.. tlments about 17 .5 acm: of apartment developmeni in an a.ref planned for oni- famlly -woo tbelr first iound with the Colla M"' Pluning C«nmbsioo Mallday. ' The ~ petition, IUbmltted by Peoples' lnveetment Corp. of Beverly Hllts for Jarid a:t 630 Paularin6 Ave., was unanimously recommended for city coun- cil denial. Delay of a decision was suggested by the city Planning Department unUI a c:omprehensive land use tludy Jn the critlcaUy-lnvolved Golden Trtana:le Area is completed. Representatives of the investment com- pany wanted a fut uswer however, and the one they were elven pleued ·• con· tingent of property owners in the predominantly R·l zoned area. In other action Monday, planning com- missioners: -Recommended denial of a rezone petition by ?\1ax Hurwitz, 1673 Irvine Ave., to rezone his lot from R·l to Cl-CP commercial use, despite staff recom · mendation for approval. ' -Approved changing the name :of Talbert .Avenue from Harbor Boulevard to the Santa Ana River to MacArthur Boulevard, to coolorm to a change in- itiated by Orange County officials. -Approved a precise plan for con. struction or a tw~story Grant'.s SUrpbal commercial building on N e w po r t Boulevard between Rochester a n d Cabrillo streets. A Newport Beach attorney's am was Avenue at Senate Street when It smashed -Recommended approval of a zone a· A 13,500 mulU<hannel FM radio jailed Mondly on IUlpldon of _.ton the parkway tree and knoclred it down. ceptioo permit for Ward Inveslmenls monitor is being purchased. by C.Osta of dangerous drop and dnmker.-drtving, Investigators claim they found four red Inc., to convert two utility rooms in.a Mesa's communlcaUons department It ~:. ~ ca=i:: ~~in Costa capsules wr.apped in tinfoil inside the car "!.~~t ~~10 Newport Blvd., to bachelor reportedly will pay for itself 1n three after Smedegaard had been placed under a.,.... .. wen..,. Ertc G. Smedegaard, 19, of 1718 Port £ -Recommended approval of a permit years by cuttJng current mobile unit Abbey Plaee, wu reJeued on hi.! own arrest on suspicion ° driving while in-for Hacienda Harbor Inc., 1617 Westcllff toxicated. radio repair costs of $1,300 per yi:ar. ~oe by Judge Dona.Id Dungan Drive, Newport Beach, to build a 32-unti City Communications Director Orville shortly after 9 1.m., police said. apartment project at 239 and 241 Avocado AmburieY said the Item will complete He was oroered to appear June & In OAS Man Named St., Costa M .... Harbor Judicial District Court for ar--Recommended for approval a permtt equipment needed f o r setting up a ralgnment. . for La Costa Ioc., 1617 Westclilf Drive, municipal repair facilily. Police said Smedegaard and a 17-year-WASHINGTON (UPI) -Preaident Newport Beach, to build a 24-unit apart· Under questioning by city councilmen old companion who was released to his Nixon bas nominated Jolm Jova, ~. a ment complex al 345 Avocado St., near earlier Otis week, Amburgey explained parents pending action by juvenile foreign aervice officer &nee 1947 and am-the Hacienda Harbor project. authoriUes were arrested at the scene of bassador to Honduras since 1965, ·u U.S. n---ended app-·' ol a ~~•t that pollce and fire truck radios are now -~v1wu • .,.&1 ..-·-the %:35 a.m. traffic accident. repre&entative to the Organization of for construction of a twHtory, 1,.5»- serviced by county workers. It tles up Patrolman Gene Norden -and Bob Amerlcm Stat.es. square-foot office addition and warebouK two men and two vehicles for two hours Arnold said the Orange Coast College Jova will succeed Sol M. Linowitz, facility for Newport Supply Co., I~ or~ day an out~«der tmit ~taken· 1_stu_den_t_'s_ca_r_w_as_ . .;.south_..;._bou_..;.•d.:..· on_li.;.a.:Unn=.11_.;.lorm=._er_ch.;.amn.:·=an::.:o:.f the:.:.X.;."°'=..:::.Corp:.::;::· __ .;.S::u~pen=·°':.A::•:.:e::.·•.::ID:.:'l!:::;:inWstrlal==:..::"""'=·-- tO Orange for malilienance, h9 said. 1 Councilmen William L. St. Clair voled against the purchase, saying he wants more cost flgures as evidence that the FM monitor really does amount 1o a cost- cutUng bargain for the city. Amburgey said his tl69-70 budget listed the monitor and accessories at $4,300, but some of this eqillpment has since been obtain«!, dropping the expected cost to $3,500 or less. CAILY PILOT Stlttf ...... Wbu 'Wings' Costa Mesa High School stu· dent Fred' Bushey, 18, of 834 Sonora Road, is area's newest Eagle Scout, following Explor· er Post 189 Court of Honor in which scouting's highest youth rank was bestowed upon him . Know Krakatoat Mesa Mayor Does Java-bom Carl A. Nelwan read with in· tens\ a recent story about Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley being honored May 14 1t a gala Hollywood moUon pic- ture premiere. ·• "Krakatoa. East of Java," ls the Ulm title. .NelwJlll, of 2199 Pomona Ave,, Costa Mesa. aaJd he Is concerned about where American Broadcasting Co. a n d Clnerama Inc. olfldals did t h e I r research. • Kraklloa - a volcano whose 1883 blast ' wu the most vlolcnt cat.clysm l n n!t'Ordtd history is west or Java, not , tast, the Indonesia native told the mayor In 1 polite no~. • ~I Tomorrow's ·self -~ade mm1 needs a break :today. r: " " " And local businessmen can help. Now. This summer. While there's still time. Thousands of disadvantaged school youngsters will soon be out of school and looking for jobs. Waiting for a chance to work at becoming a better citizen. The corporate giants are already hiring. The Government is already helping. ' But we need to reach every employer. We need to reach you. Because without the support of every local businessman, we cannot succeed. What can you do? Each one hire one. Hire one young man or won1an. Hire more if you can. But, at least, hire one. No business is too small to help. Think about an extra I pair of hands for the summer ... f Think about a bright '; youngster filling in vacation : gaps . Think about next summer-and the one after that-when you'll have an "experienced beginner" to •• ' . i ~ .. • • call on for extra help. " ll Do yourself~ favor .. G~ve a '!· kid a break ijtls ~umme;r. Do : it now. Call Thomas F . Morrissey, the Philco-Ford volunteer to the National Alliance of Businessmen. For : the Harbor Area call 644-0900'.~ ~ •• ·' ·John B. Lawson Chairman, District 5 ' Orange Count;v Metro< National Alliance of7" Businessmen ..;. ,1011 ' • •• BOW National Al liance of Businessmen \ • ' •• • .. I ; t r • , : • . t •. . I ' • New Report Card· System Weighed GIRL OF THE MONTH Fount1in V1lley's Khun llOY OF TH ii MONTH F.Untaln Valley'' Dorbond A new report card, which would eliminate thi familiar· A through F griding' sys'.em, wUl be submitted lo the Oce~ V 1 e w School Distr kl governing board for approval June i . The eipanded report card provides grad!ng oI pupils on achievement and ef- fort in fifteen different areas of study. Unlike the district's current report cet"' 1vhich uses "A" to indicate excellent ,Valley High Honors Go School to Seek Damages From Youth Vandals ' Garden Grove Unified School District To Dorband, Miss J(hun ofricials said today they will attempt to collect an estimated $5,000 for damages caused by seven boys ranging in age from 9 to 13 years, at Rancho Alamitos Hiih School Sunday. Vera Ann Khun, 17 and Wayne Robert Dorband, 16, have been selected out- standing girl and boy of the month tor h-1ay by their fellow students at Foun- tain Valley High Scbool. Vera Ano is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miroslav Kh\ln, 18327 San JOle St.. Fountain Valley. She is an active artist and scholar who maintains a 3.7 grade Double Sessions 'Unavoidable' in Some OV Schools _. Double sessions in at least some schools of the Ocean View School District will be unavoidable this fall, Supt. Clarence Hall told parents Monday. He said that until Park View. and Mesa View schools are completed there would be "no way" to avoid scheduling double aessions for at least four to six weeks. Both of these schools were originally scheduled to open on the first school day but are lagging behind in construction for about 50 days because of heavy rains this winter. Until they arc ready for occupancy, said Dr. Hall. there will be double sessions at some of the district's 13 schools. He said he could not indicate precisely -which ·schools would be af- fected, since all the details of scheduling have not been worked out. point average. She plans to altcnd Cen- tral College of Pilla, Iowa, with a major in French. Wayne Dortand is the son of ti.fr. and Mrs. Robert Oorband, 17917 Boxwood Circle, Fountain Va 11 e y. He is vice president of the senior class and car- ries a 3.97 grade point average with a major in math and science. He plans to continue his science studies at Beth· any Lutheran College in Mankato, Minn. Co'unty Plugs Vp SA Riv er Floiv Orange County Water and Flood Con- trol district crews placed plywood coffer dams at Prado Dam Monday to hold back the Santa Ana River flow while a steel lid is being placed on the 66-lnch diameter opening. The job should be completed by Thurs· day, officials reported. The U.S. Army Corps or Engineers of- fice in Los Angeles issued a permit la st week for the long-sought clos'ure which will enable engineers to regulate the fl o\V so that it can be conserved in th e water district's percolation beds down river. The Board of Supervisors first re- quested the opening be closed in 196.1, but the Corps • of Engineers held up permission until a five-year lawsuit over Santa Ana River water rights was settled earlier this year. State law porvides that parents are responsible for damages inflicted by their children, school authorities said and ad- ded, "we have never had to go to court to collect." There has been $40,000 damage to schools in the district since last July 1 ac. cording to Alton Morse, associa te superintendent for ,business of the school distric t "Only about 1 percent of tbe vandalism costs," be said, "is collected from parents because in most cases the culprits are not caught.'' Sunday 's vandalism took place between 12 :30 p.m. and 2 p.m. The seven boys smashed a window to gel into the school cafeteria, police said. The boys hurled several dozen eggs around the room, emptied all food in U1e refrige rator and storage areas onto the floor and opened canned food s and scat- tt~red the contents. Catalina Cruises Resume in J u11e LOS ANGELES (UPI) -After being idled for more than a year because of labor troubles, the SS Catalina will resume its cruises bet1veen \Vilmi ngton and Catalina Island June 14. The California Public Utllilies Com· mission authoriaed resumption of the service Wednesday alter the ship's owners and the unions settled their dif- ferences. 3 DAYS ONLY Bristol at ~n Diego Freeway Cost• Mesa CfP.n 6 Niles a WHk 'Til 9:30 Phone 540.1502 TUES., WED., THURS., MAY 27th, 28th & 29th CLOSED FRIDAY, May 30 MEMORIAL DAY -..... -. • BANKAM~RICARD • MASTER CHARGE • GENTRY CHARGE \ 200 SPORT COATS IN THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS by famous makers NOW ONLY s VALUES TO SUITS :'i111 ..•••.•••• .' •••••.•••••••..•.•• s79 :.i,,, .............................. s99 · !:"i,., ............ : ................. s99 SLACKS .... tt SH ·········•·•••·•·••·····•••••• . ... .. 121 •••••••••••••••.••..•••••••••• .... ,.. m ..................... ····· .... . •, .. progress and °F" for failure, the new report card would use the letters "E" for eiceptional progress,"$" for satisfactory and ''N" for needs to im1lrove. _ Joe Diamond, chairman ol. the dist rict's report card revision committee, saJd the new errort grade would provide parents with an indication of the student's in- erest, atUlude and willingness to appJy himself to school tasks. Supt. Clarence Hall commended Dia- mond on the revision and ellmlnation or lelter grades, saying that the ls!uance of an "F" C" .. do more harm than good. "It you gh:e a first grader and 'F' and tell him~ he's a failure and repeat it several times, pretty soon you'll be right," he said. "It is much more meaningful to show on a report card tha t a ·student getting a 'B' is putting out greater effort than a student who is getting an 'A' without any effort at cl!." The revised report card, if approved by the trustees, would be used in grades 1 to 3 during the coming school year, with a similar grade report to be developed for grades i to a during the following year. The no-letter grade report card system has been used in several neighboring elemenlary school districts, inclllding Orang,?, Tustin and Fountain Valley. . U"9T ...... JAMES EARL RAY GOES BACK TO PRISON IN CHAINS Rubbl119 Elbows With Highway Patrol's Gr°' O'Rur Ray Returns to Prison Mid·heacl1 Area Topic for LWV NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) James !ihootlng of King. Development of Huntington Beach's mid-beach area will be scanned by the League oC Women Voters at 9:45 a.m., ·Thursday, in the city recreation center, J7lh and Orange streets. Earl Ray wa~tumed to his maximum security prison cell after losing a bid for a new trial in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "lt. is the opinion or this court that tbe guilty plea entered was properiy..> •• • knowingly, intelligently and voluntariJJ entered," Faquln said in a written mter4 "Judge Batlle had ample evidence in f}n. ding lhat the defeodant was fully adviaecl and has waived, Intelligently and uno derstandlngly, hls rights to a motion far 11 Ted B. Adsit, general consultant for the U r b a n Land lnslitute Committee, will speak on current plans for the mid- beach area. ''This hearing was only the beginning,'' sa..id Richard J. Ryan of Memphis, One of Ray's three new lawyers. Ryan !aid he will take the case to the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals. new trial." ~ The publl c is in'vited to Thursday'• n1eeting. Babysitters will be available. The charge is 50 cents per child. Judge Arthur C. Faquln Jr. ol CrJrninal Court ln Memphis held Monday that Ray waived any right of appeal when be entered a guilty plea March 10 in the Judge W. Preston Battle died tbtell Weeks after accepting Ray'• plea ol guilty in exchange for a 99-year prial sentence, • • BUY NOW FOR BIG SAVINGS . SMALL APPLIANCE CLEARANCE MULTI SPEED BLENDER, orig. 26.99 Now lt.11 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER, ori9. 12.99 Now 7.11 ELECTRIC KNIFE, • orig. 19.88 Now 13.88 COFFEE MA KER orig. 9.99 Now '·" HAIR DRYER orig. 29.99 Now 22.11 2 SLICE TOASTER orig. 16.99 Now 7.11 . FAMILY SHOE CLEARANCE Biq selection for all Womn'1 & Glrk' 3.88 members of the f•mily. loys' ?.II to 6.U REDUCED TO CLEAR Meo '• ........ 11.88 MENS' KNIT SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeve, Turtle Ne ck Orig. 3.H St~le. 50 -;. Cotton, 50 •;. Po yester. P1nn°Preit for NOW -·-··-1.22 ••JN .~•re, Gold on ly. BOYS' !<NIT SPORT SHIR~ I 00 "· Nylon B•nlon and Orig. 3.50 le 3." 50 -;. Polyest1r, 50 1. cotton Penn.Prest, Short SleeYes. HOW --·--2.H Good Selection. IOYS' SPORT AND DRESS SHIRT C:LIAllANC:I s.I~ 94 pWM. rt .. • ., '*"'-lleww Orlt. J.tl 150 can ... ,_ rn.t fM .., c.,. NOW WILD PRINRD PbLO SHIRTS s.-.1 ..,.... .. " .. w .; ,.,.., rr111t1. 77c P .... let M"'' .W. S-M·L-XL MIN'S TAPHID DRISS SHIRTS ,_ ••••• ,,_ .... w ...... 144 u ................. *" ... *"' ...... WOVIN JA9UARD RDSPREADS RIDUC:ID •• ..., ..... ..-.._ ... --o.te.n• 4" 11 ,..._ ,... ftdl .,_ NOW ' FlmD KIHt.i·SID SHEITS RIDUC:ID -c.-. C..000 -· ·--1... 4" c ....... ..-..-,. MOW WOMIN'S SUIVILISS SHILU h•y Phba"""'t Wt, lllMll 1'.nt11acti.....,......, °"""'' .... MOW .... .. COSTA MESA STORE ONLY 2300 HARBOR BLVD. STOCK UP NOW SPRING DRESS CLEARANCE ' .. LOWDTPllCU 388 .. 888 0' THI YU.R . . Big Selection of Jr., Mrs. or H•lf Size•, V•riety of f•bircs, some Pen,...Prest. M•ny styles •nd color1. Se eerly for best choice. SPRING JEWELRY CLEARANCE Your Choice of Pini, Orig. 1.00 • 2.00 Earring• or Necklaces in Bright Feshion Colon. NOW 44c A 1.44 GIRLS' ANKLE PANTS' Fl•re leg prints of I 00 ~. 0.19. 4.00 cotton, with white waist NOW ·······-· 2.77 sash. Sizes 7-14 Woven Jaquard TOWEL ENSEMBLE Thirsty cotton terry cl~th in feshion color· of Gold, Moss,. Tengerine end Pink. .... Bk ;:.. . 2/88c ~.::! 4/88c ...... ' FASHION SPORTSWEAR C:llAllANCI ................... ,..,. -•e-. 1" .. .,c..~ .)YOMIN'S NYLON SUMMER SHEU.S 1ot .. N,.._ .... .,,..r1_........... 1~ Meet -.ii ,.,... Nedi StyW SNCIAL FASHION COLOR HOSllRY C:LIAllAHC:I Ca•,_111111, ...... N• H.-M Orif, 6t; & 11 58c """' u1ian .t ..... ,.. ... W... • NOW · 100'/o NYLON FULL SI.JPS .......... "' s-te. .,. .... Orif.. " .,. 2" ...... 1trept, ,.a,1rtl1111• .._ ~.... MOW WOMIH'S UNIFORMS HDUClll TO C:LIAR '-le 11111 .... "'..., c.. w 1-........ u ...... ~ ..... ,.... .i--.. u-- ALUMIHUM RA"" LUHAGI UDUCID ____ ....... 11 11 1511 ,, .... -.1.1-..... ~ Ol'IH llYHY N .. HT TILL t P.M. USI YOUl PINNIY CHAUI CAD IMOPJllll C.Ja • ') • • • I • • ' DRY '11.IJT Someone stole the $180 that bride-11>-be Chrl1tlno McNomy bad saved for her honeymoon-but she will gel her trip after all and free. Mia McNemy, who will wed Pmr HHI, ~. in London, said a hotel owner bad read of her plight and bad ollered a week's holiday, free of charge. "I can hardly believe it's true," she said. • • Twelve girls of Hartlepool, Eng- land will sell \heir kisses for a shilling (12 cents) apiece to raise money for two prisoners. "It's the beJt wey we cquld think of to raise money for the prisoners," said N•ncy Dewt0n, 60, secretary of the Lonely Hearts Club the girls belong to. "'Ibey seem to be decent boys wbo have been a bit unlucky,'' Miss Dawson said. "We thought a shill- ing for a kiss was a fair price. But ii the men want to kiss for a 1ittle longer, they will have to pay more.'' • In Ellglond-passeri·by were a little puuled to set dogs walk- i11g down Weymouth's aireets- then sudcUnly leaping several feet in front of a church.. Elec· tricity Board men found tM problem: A short circuit that 1lad made a manhole · covtr .~·uve." The trouble 1Da.! fUed. • When the tide comes in along the Bristol Channel, television goes out in Minehead, England. Hundreds of viewers have complained to the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) that their screens periodically go ba,fWll:e. The periods turned out to coincide with. the incoming tides. The Ude acts as a giant mirror, engineers decided. A BBC spokes- man promised that "The Minehead area will be getting an alternative transmitter.'' • Summer's he-rt and everything's ducky -at least until 2-year ·old Julie Herndon Qtts htT hands on this happy go lucky quacktr at Detroit Children's Zoo. • The Bradford, England to w n council offered ti> sell l,400 surplus: police wbiatles before July 9. Some of the ·whisUes are 40 years old and local po1icl! consider them "surplus to requirements." SACRAlllENTO (AP) -Gov. llelpn and Ill-lbond a -ol fnllira- tloli • wllla eacb other lodaJ llUr tboo•andl -.. tbe C.pllol _..,,.,., . withdrawal <II tbe Nalfooal Guard tram BerltolO)I. The gov.-wu tbe 1'tPI ol tho _ ....... Ire durinl _, ....... pro\elt ~ bul both -q,...i ,,_ ....Want 'lltlit no meaningful <xctW,p of view~ had labo place. After • loal privtte meel.lnc with atu· deot leadera ol the march, Reagan cave thb: .reaction to newsmen: .. I think tt'1 a shame. It 1s1t•t loin& to aolve anytblnc. 'Ibey made it very clear they did not want me to come oul 'Ibey went a . loog way to hear people they could have beard back home." Student& who attended the meeUng us- ed tbe same word ReagM did in describo 1ng it -11frwtration." Ronya Alexander of lhe Uolveraity ot Ct!Uorfila al Oavls complained. "An unreasonable amount ol Ume wu spent OD Political rhe~c." Two leaders wbo addressed the rally, Jim Hawley and--Wendy Schlesalnger of Berkeley walked oUt of the meeting, after glving Reaaan a set of demands. Hawley explaioed : , .. We m not Interested In a dialQlue with a m~rer. We' didn't wait for a response." WhJ meet. wilh him? ~ .. Unfortunately, that stupid Hollywood actor'• ntMht1 ·tbe ala!<."'· • Reagan said.he ls frustrated at not be- ing able to open up cpmmunlc•lion with lhe majority of students even though be is willing "to meet on any campus anywhere." But rigb't. now, h e acknowledged, "I could prtdpit.ate a riot * * * 3 Officers Shot 1lmptyby showing up." it wu the second massive march of IWde!tll oo tbe Capitol dllrin& 1teapi•1 two and-a half yean in oan. The toLal crowd from various state Wllvehtt)' IDd college'umpuses wu estbnated•at more than 7,IOO by a city police lieutenant while march organizers said they lhouaht It came cl ... to the 10.000 Ibey hoped for. State police guarded Reagan's office and the Capitol. Highway patrolmen were· held reaczy ln a garage a block aw1y Md three platoons of National Guard military }:IO!lce were mobilized in a surburban armory. The inarch lived up to its student organizers' plan that it be a nonviolent, orderly protest of the Guard's occupaUon of Berkeley ln a crisis which began when a University of California vacant lot was turned ' into a park by Berkeley "street people." The bigest cheer from the crowd on the sun-bathed west Capitol steps came when 4an Eakes, fonner student body president at Sacramento State College, hal!-jotihgly said he wanted to make Reagan · an honorary memlSer of lhe radical Students for a Democratic Society "for radicalizing the state of California " by se.nding troops to BerkeJey. The students sang i'Ain't gonna let ·Ron11ld,..Reag an tum us 'round," and ~arrled signs such as "The people are far right. RR is far wrong" as they marched, eight abreast, the six blocks tO ·lhe 'C.pltol. UC Prof. Linus Paulina, twice a Nobel Prize winner, told the crowd: .. It is the mllitary-lndustrial complex that I s responsible for the evil incident In Berkeley. It is the military-industrial complex lhat supports Gov. Reagan." ·slwoti~g, Violence Hits Texas, Seattle Schools United Pren Jntematlonal 'nlirteen persons, allegedly armed witr. fire bombs, "ere arre9ted today at Texas Women's.University, where gunfire and a shotgun blast injured 16 Monday. Three policemen were shot. a dozen persons injured and 36 arrested in a Rockefeller Says Cuba Continuing To Urge Disorder WASlilNGTON (UP!) -Gov. Nei&on A. Rockefeller said today his first trip lo Latin America on behalf of the Nixon ad· ministration convinced him that the regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba ls con· linuing its efforts to export Communist revolution. Be.fore setting out on the second leg of his Latin American mission, the New York governor met with President Nixon at the White House anCI spoke brleny to newsmen. Asked whether Cuba was continuing its efforts to spread revoluUon in the hemisphere, Rockefeller repliect : "Yes, it still is a fact." H said there was evidence that revolu· tionaries are "going to Havana for training and coming back" to foment disorders at the urging of the Havana regime. Rockefeller also was asked whether he had found any support for moving toward a resumption of diplomatic relations between lhe United States and Cuba. "No," be said. "Not discussed at all.'" ''iolent student protest at Seattle Com- munity College Monday. Four of those arrested In Texas were ·carrying fire bombs, police said. Another had a pistol. ~f those arrested, nine were said to be students. About 2,000 students were camped on the lawn of Southern Illinois University president Delyte Morris today in protest of women's hours. The school has about 20,000 students-. Violence began In Seattle when police turned back members of the · 'Black Students Union and Students fof a Democratic Society (SOS\ at the main entrance of the college. Fifty to 60 youths hurled bottles and rocks at the police and Sgt. ·David Devine suffered a broke n leg. Police fired tear gas and the demonstration spread to the surrotnling i;treets. Three policen1en were wounded by gunfire, two in the buttocks and one in the hip. All were hospitalized in good con· dlllon. The students demanded one of the school's all-white board of trustees resign to allow appointment of a black trustee. Some 120 members of the Southern 1\Unois Student Senate began the sit-ln on Morris' lawn at Carbondale Monday afternoon. By early today their numbers had grown to 2,000 as students joined the protest , University police stood by. Local and state police were put on alert in Denton, Tex., after 16 persons, in· eluding students from the women's school and North Texas State University, were wounded in two separate incidents. One was reported In critical condition. Ofricials said the first Incident started when a policeman accidenlally shot two sWdents while scuffling with an assailant. In the second shooting, several men in a pickup truck reportedly fired a shotgun al a group of student.9 assembled at the _site ol the !irst incident. High System Covers ·North Cold Weather From Great Lakes to New England Calll-'- s.utNm c.fftomLI .,., "*"" 11lr 1oa1r "'" llt4l1I r11tM tN ..m - 1.,. liDW deulh •11111 to. ,,.., .... f.1>111!, Tilfft Wll 111tl9 ,_,,.,,.. f,. __ la ....,...... end .. lcl"lty Wil mo'lli'I" l•lr wtf!I all .. rty ll'IDn'llnt dwe of , 1aw ~ lllt h'9h ,.tched 11 .m. ttw ~ low dl•ll'll ti:t 5'. Nl- l!n"I Meil -· 7L Tiii Air Plllklllon COlll~I 011!<\cl .. Id ....... Wff 119'\1 lo m~r1lt -In !tie ( .... ,.., 111111 lnltFHll ••HI ol Mii L• """"'' 8ttl". 8"<flel Mre <laudr Ill! l'nldd•r 1hen dHr«I ti:t • 1111111¥ hlth of fJ Wlllf'" lflnoef-1tu._ ...,...!Nd 11 U. LOS ANGELES ANO VICIHITY~ Man sum~Jne tw lite ,.,.._ 10d4lr. L--eo1t !tit tollftilil 11'1f Wll!'rf' W ,_. .......... ,. HIM mud\ ,_ ft'rlll.lrl dlt-will! 1'11fht !Diii•., 111111 WHMtdl., n. L.oor ftlllllll "· CO.UT.AL VAU.IYI -foltoolfy IUn. ..,. """" ....... w.d!lllll"' llvl ... - "" ... 1ot.i ..., "~ """' ""'-*' ...i.i ft'IOl'fllttl '--· ""' .-ti -.,....1v,.. ~-wlltl hlttll 1001r 1N w...,._., JI 11e1r tMtt lo t1 lnltntl -l ..... ...,., ,...,. ... INTflUlll!'OIATI! 'VAl.LIY!i -,,.,_ .. l'r -""'' en. WHMIPlliY -.i1 "'"' ..... , _,,,, "'°"""' ..... '"· Llttlt ,..,..,1111rr dM"" wllfl hlthl ...... Ml .,....,..., It lo 17. LOWI .......... a.I. .. MOUMfAIN Altl.A5-J'lr11'1' ,._,., ~ ~ ""' """'1nl '"*" wi. ""!"!"' etllf _,,,. *'-' •11111 w .. ........ """ .. rfr -Ille ..... ""' ................ tffT .. ft~ ANO OIESlllT llEOIOHS _,.,,,,,,,, dJU n11q WIMtfl dttMI ............. MIM¥ 111111 C9ntf!IU'lld ...... """"' "*" MJ4 W.IMM1r. ........ .,.. " " ,. w.., ..... " .......... """"" LIWI lwtr.t'll .'f o.r,it1f Ylfll\', A I• .. Ullltr ll'ld .... ,.... .....,.. CIOUd1 ""''" lla!lti 11'11 t .. 11 1~11 moml1111 kcemlnl mmtlY ,..,....., tt., ,,,_ to.Mp. Wl,,.1 -"''"'• I to IS kMb. Toclll.,-1 lilltfl,, .. lo n. .,.....,.n """"''twft r 1 "1 • d ,,. ...... Ol .. fll 1 •1115'..•~ llftf ,.,._.""9 Wit 7J " st. T"9 wtltf' fwn1111"1lv"' "' U.t *tr'ftl.. s-.... _rues TUltOAY .1«oM.... ... . .. . ,,,_ l .f!I. 1.1 ~ ""9fl •1JJ ...... J.~ WIOffUOAY ''"' .................. 11iM •·""· ••• ,,,_ Mt1t , ............. 7:U 1.fll. I.' IHOl'llt ................ 1:• .. If!. ,,. t«W llltoll ............. 11• l.M. J,t • M.. lln..t l :tt 1.t!I. lel'I l:W I.I!'. '"• 11i.. J:Af 1.111. s.11 r:u •.11<1. '•II l,.111 0, H1W l'Jrtl Cl • M1ri1 .1-• .1-H .1-a - fl.S. S111nm•rv U"'11-btr lOlllll ""'"'"" ,..,, • ._ ened ,,.. recDtd1 trW'I lht ••"r11 Cirttl LlkH 19 l'ISW 'l:llllHIN lldt't Mlllt lht ml 14 IM l\elloll N 1ktd In 1¥ cllfl!r111, Ot!r.lt "" 11'11 "-'ti IT-l lU,. 1~ fie 111t1t11•1 bit t !l'ltt 11 I 1.11'1. EOT ""'" wl11'1 "- T-niMft ...,. "' Ille lf'll' .. 1t N-Y...tl lf'lll ""lllldtl1lllt, 11111 d 11 l i>Slool wll11t M ...... 1Plll.. Ml!ln., rt- H<'"ITll I ,..,..,fl l'eft!,,., Tiit - lllfl'• law ... " .. , ... ,, 111 .. t- ... ..,., VI • T1-llWtl'I lfl¥11..., WM d!ff 11 I cWI 111911 l""IUff '"" bltnll.ltMt .. """"""' -U!lt " ,,_ "" ll'llld le WIFl'!I Mllfllr llemlfllllllf "" rt11 cl 1119 111rlon. Prt:eJ1lt1"°" """ "''"1,.,,..1, ltt'lflnH 11 thvlllll,..,._,.. In j'ne rt«ff'lt(ll P .. I., !'IOflhtHi Mldo!tnl, lht So.iltto ... , M ~ Jiit ,Kiiie H.,11'1_., A!Mvtr•11e An<;1Htr11t ATl1nt1 ··~f'11lo:ld lbim.rc~ l oi1c l ptton C1'11tlfto• Clnclnntu Cl!.,....ncl OtnY•r De. Mt!°'llJ 011rolt "'"'no Hlltne H•ttoh;!u ,_.., Klf\ial', C!tJP .... V1•11 L• Anttltt M!ffT!I Mliw..in., M-· Htw Or1ttllt ... y .. Notlfl Pi.ttt O.kl;fflll ........ Paa• llllblci N'lli.dNl'ILI -" .......... Pwti.11111 11111111 Cttv llM IM'f ·-.......... SI, L•lt S1l"*- $11! L.._t (lty ... 11 O!ew hfl l"r1nc!K11 s..ollt ...... ..... ..... ~ llwrim.l w- l'llt~ \.f'll' PrK, n u ., "' .17 u u . " " . " . ~ .. 60 SJ Tr n " . " .. " •> '6 .II ff •• " ~ u " II 1' II 7! " " . " 11 " A 7) .11 JI .. Al " . " u ,. ., ~ " . " ., ., 11 JS " . •n u u • •• ,. ,lJ n • U Sf IS ti " . " " ,, J) " ,, " . ... " " ,, ,. .» .... '" ,, " .. ' Capit.ol Uf'IT ...... CALIFORNIA STUDENTS MARCH ON CAPITOL TO PROTEST TROOPS AT BERKELEY Crowd Estimated at 4,500 Miiis Outside Governor Reagan's Office in Peaceful Demonstration GM Coerce9 Into Warning Of Faulty Truck Wheels WASHINGTON (AP) -Until pressed by the federal government, General Motors Corp. dld not warn the o\vners of some 150,000 light trucks that the wheels might break up under heavy loads, it \Vas learned today. GM is notifying the owners of 1960-65 model GMC and Chevrolet three.quarter· ton trucks that overloading could cause the wheels to fail and "break up·• - partlcularly on those trucks outfitted with campers. And. for the first time, the company warned the owners of the potential defect "'ilhout offering to pay the cost of rep:iirs. • The G~1 letter urged ll)t owners to have the wheels rep/aced 4 .:... at a cost estimated by the company at SIOO -if their loads exceed rated capacities. Dr . Robert Brenner, acting director of the F'ederal Highway Safety Bureau, con- ceded that GM had issued the warning statement afte r the Department of Transportation had informed the com- pany thlit it would oherwise publicly de· mand such notification under the federal highway safety law. · But Brenner •said the dep'artment is still testing the vehicle and wheel and has British Pop Singer Gets Plastic Surgery EAST GRINSTEAD. England (AP ) - Pop singer Cilia Black undern•ent facial plastic surgery at Queen Victoria Hospital here today , her 26th birthday. A hospital spokesman said she \Yould be in the hos pital for about a week. He declined to say what part of the singer's face the surgery involved. not yet decided whether it Is basically defective. And there's nothing in the law, he said, to compel the manufacturer to pick up the lab. Company officials In Detroit insisted the wheels -manufactured by the Kelsey-Hayes Co. -are not defect ive. "There has never been a case where a wheel failed which was not overloaded," a spokesman said. But the spokesman acknowledged that the truck "is capable of carrying a camper, is advertised for such purpose and is our largest seller for this use." Although GM does not concede the truck wheels to be defective, it reached an out-of~ settlement in Claremont, Calif., last•ye:ar after a front wheel gave way on a bakery truck loaded with bread. The driver was seriously injured when the truck rolled over. GM replaced. at its own expense the wheels of 10 other bakery company trucks. U.S. ·can't Confirm · If Cleave1·s in Cuba \\'ASHINGTON !UPl l -The State Department says it is unabl e to t'Onfirrn that Eldridge Cleaver, leader of (he Black Panthers, is living in Cuta. Asked for comment on a report that Cleaver. who is wanted for parole viola- tion and b.::il jumping in California in November, was working on a book in Havana. State Department spokesman Carl Bartch said : "l can't even confirm ht is there." Kidnaper Gets Life A smiling Gary Steven Krist is escorted by D~Kalb GountY. Sherill Lamar Martin after Krist had been found guilty ln Decatur; Ga., or the kidnaping and burial of Miami heiress Barbara Jane Mackle. -The juiy recommended m., meaning aji automaUc life sentence. I • ··--- 9 B52 Waves Hit Massed Red Troops SAIGON (U PI) -The U.S. millla~y command sent nine waves of B52 bomb· ers against Communist troop concentra· lions in lhre sections of South Vietnam du ring the night, it was announced today. The strikes followed a series of 30 mortar and rocket attacks on U.S. bases. Military spokesmen also reported 5,000 Communist violations of the demilitarized zone (DMZ ) since the American bombing halt began la st Nov. I. They reported a major violation Sunday when Communist shellings blew up an ammunition dump, killing eight Marines and wounding 24. The B52s were sent against Communist forces threatening Saigon a n d against · troop concentrations in the· ceatraJ highlands and ·on the northern coast or South Vietnam. Allied forces in those areas killed 194 Communist troops in scattered fighting Monday. Two or the strikes came In support Qf. troops -one hitting Communist a~ proach routes to a highlands camp Linder attack and another supporling the U'.S_. 'Lamar plain offensive protecting Tam Ky 340 miles north of Saigon. f The brunt of the riaas hit Viet C<ihc and North Vietnamese positions 29· tot 91 miles oo'rtheast and northwest of SaigOn, where a series of allied bases pibteCts the capital's outer defense ring. 1 Tbey followed a total of nine bat~ Monday in which U.S. and South V~t· namese soldiers reported killing a total of 194. iuerrillas from the Mekong Delta lo near the demilitiarlzed zone (DMZ$! Comntunisl gunners shelled one sOilth Vietnamese town and .21 allied mllitlry bases overnight. the U.S. command slid. inOicting damage or casualties at elghtlof Lhe sites, none serious. I• :• • Committee Says: t Pent.agon W ast~s I U.S. Billions ' \VASHINGTON (UPI) -A joint citin· irressional subcommittee today accused the Pentagon of wasting billions in ih11 purchase of weaPQns, and called ~.on Congress lo lake a new and harder k at military spending. "There is a pressing need to re-tx· amffie OW' national priorities by taki~ a hard look at the allocation of fedt"al revenues between the military Ind Clvillan budgets," the Senate-House SLt>- committee Of! F.conomy in Governrtg:nl said in a report Sen. William Pro1mire (0.Wis.). ~I> committee chaihnan, said 1he rc~rl ·"delivers a ringing indictment of a qm well estabUshed pract ices in the De~rt. . ment of Defense that have over the y"rl brought about enormous ~·aste of the ~x· payer's dollars and great economic lr> efiicieney ." f The })Anel criticized the Pentagon llOll buyifff"practices which fail to provlde::ln- centlves to tile con tractor lo hold c.U down. tot1:ie ~~~ ~~~:;!~~~l5 i~:-~ fiscal year was handled on a "ll'U&oc9Do petJtlve bid" basis. ll added that &? lier' cent of all Pentagon buying fu distributed among 100 contractors. t Proxmire said incentlve contracts, ~ by the Pentagon since 1962, "have be4'! 1 failure.., • '"f'he evldenct suggests." he sal~, .. Instead of increased efficiency or cosll such contracts may actuslly 9t contribuled to a general upward · II target costs. • 1'The repricltlj form ula built Into ~ contracts, such as that found In ·lhe fsJ fcargo plane) contract, Is one o( the fl°' blatant reverse inctntlves ever en countered by the subcomqtiltee." -• I : I t t t 1 ( ' l r , r ! l • s s ;- ] ' ' y I. ' \• " • TI k I• a •I d > ,, > rt ~ " 1 • > • • u ~ • > • u ~ u • m • . Kennedy 4:zz Alone Among .D(Wes, Roasted in Senate ~ r;. WASllOOmlH !UPI) - i.-!:chranl M. lt.....i, ta .,standln( vlriually alone In the , 'Senate U. his crlUcilln ol Vltt- !llam mllltary tacllcs. PrMl- 1.dent Nil.on'• defenders aceme 1iim al belnc a naive - ~· .. The M~~11cbusett1 ..-. Mn.-.--- rlncln 11.....i;, i,, ...... llld such criticism a lie llld Diido "aerv. no Ull8fUl purpoee." tbemocrat escatatfJd hJI own · ar crtUclsJl\ last ~·eek when 'be llnglod oot Ibo bloody bat- tle for Hamburger • Hlll and •other U.S. oUeMives a a "senseless and irresponsible." SIM! aald lhe -to d-le benoll f r em crltlcl.an cf "our b r a Ye IO!dJen" at Hambllrpr HID lild .... qu---ti about war llr~ at a time whoa NI.-ta 1'trylnc to end---==='-.;...- No other lawmaker has joirl-- ed him on the Senate noor to 1 back up ot defend t b e somewhat unusual attack on ~1tratec. Other S e n a t e i 'doves" llaV1!: fallen silent, 1 tome of them saying they have found hope in Nixon's eight..pogrt peace proposal. As i result, no one came to 1\ermedy'1 defense Monday when three other senalQrs . . opened up on him. Sens. Marjaret Chase SmiU1, (R·Maine}J Jahn G. Tower (R- Tex.), •nd Harry Byrd Jr .. (0- Va,), ,all scolded the Democratic whip ,in speeches on the floor. K,ennedy was not tho ftPllol "' -· P"' Uence •• ," Tower aakl Jtf!llDldy WU ad- vocating a policy that "lf pursued, would result in the loss of thousands more Uves of our people than are lost by of. fensive action." 1be Senator, be s.akl, "seems to accept the somewhat naive and dana:erOus assumption that by giving up the Military in· ltlative we can h8stea a negotiated settlement." Reed Ve ssel Well Awa y · On Big Trip All-volunteer Army Unamerican-Hershey SAFI. Morocco (UPI) - The expedition reed boat Ra moved "like a duck" well out at sea today, propelled by a strong wind that pushed it away from land and some critics. The Ra, manned b y N o r w e g l a n anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl and six other crewmen. caught "a good cur· rent and (followed) exactly .the course we had planned," Heyerdahl radioed. He said the wind was so strong his men lowered the yapyrus boat's crude mainsail. Heyerdahl said the main .steering rudder hil.d snapped, but the crew was making do with a long oar. Norman Baker , the American navigator on board, radioed the od<I craft's stabili· ,ty·was "simply extraordinary. ,We see fishermen's boats dan· cine on top of the 10-Coot waves aDd we si~ Jili.e a duck on the sea." Baker reported that two Other Crewmen, an Italian cameraman and a Mexican scientist has suffered sea~ick­ ,ness on the secvond day on the AUantic. lnma tes Seize I tali an P rison PERUGIA, llaly (UPI) - Two hundred prisoners seiied control of Perugia's jail mon- day n i g h t. Authorities at- tributed the action to anger at overcrowding of the prison wi t h prisoners from jails destroyed in riots last month. If your back screams. after a half-hour meeting ... you' re a likely customer for the new SlimU· by Munsingwear" "'Executive ~ck.," rt'• often caJled. Aches when you M•rcile ••• 1tlff1n1 up wh,n you don't M_uniJngwear detlgned the SllmU to deal with backs Ilk,. that. tt's a modlflod brio!. Nothing COBel·Y 1bou1 .H.•Juot·euy· going. firm tupport front and back. 611mU oupporlS atomach 1nu1clea that 111g when you're tired .•• makes yau look flet end trim and eland• llttle taller. Re· lkMll pl'et!lsure on your back muscles, loo'-sit• flnO or 1tand\ng. SlimU's the kJnd of thing you have to WNr )ult one• to apo I preciat• . ~r lllOIT COMl'ORTUl.2 GAMllffT YOU'VE IYl!ll WOftN ' SlimU' Support Brief by Munsingwaer" • • ~--.. , ...... ~ l.(3MO!, l<lj-~-~4Mll .--a..•-,.....-• ••·Yow~--. Syrian Men Enter Fight .. With Israel New Union T~rSpark · Labor War WANT DITBU8T . 10N YOUR ILUIK. CHECKING ACCOUNT! ' YOU CAJPI' on n . BUT WITB PACD'IC'll swrrc:a 'N IAVB ACCOUJtt Y11 -•• .i•nt • WIO llJ ...... 1 lot 1111 ••llY In . ,_ d111-111111t• 11ot-1n.,. Pulli!I &" P1 1111Nk Am•lll •d 1111111111111 ••• ., ... •• lartll ...... ,,.. Ill: ....... ffeJT dollar eua1 nerr daf It 11 la 7oar Paalllo .Aoeo-t- •Tea lor lut •• daJ'. Ill •rilllr 11 P I lllA112 •a rs 1 ad1• ll&l1r ... 114" ..._ •11&1 11 lllw "'' .. n 11121• ... -• !1111. _ lnllP 11 Jiii ICClllll It '91111(1 ... 1111 frl• D& 1zt &f Hf •••Ill .. " n111R• llrtlie 1tltll. · Lt'~•l l~~mL ~ .. I . , ... _..... --~1.1,L I .DOeS he kDowllls. phone number? He could be lost without 1·1; , _..__ _______ j. I C'IJ -Zip I l l!Jnot-• I _.,., ~ •!.9 ______ ci.io __ ., ____ o_J • ... I ., ' .. • • Sure, be can tell llOllleOlle that hill 1181118 is Jimmy. And that -• hill daddy's nameia Dadd,y. And maybe that be lives on Jim Street. But if be can tell aomeone P.. T~ la\ bis phone number, he's found. --e ' -w•re here to help. I • I DAILY PILOT ~I'l'GBIAL PAGE I No Additional Jet ;Flights Pacific Southwest Alrlines ha• ~ed. the Public UUlitios Commission for the right lo launch a PSA op- eration with 22 dally lllghts -11 eacll way -betw- the Orange County Airport and San Joae, San Francl .. co, Oakland, San Diego and Sacramento. The County Airport· ts already in deep trouble. The terminal was outgrown before it waf lully built. The parklng lot needs an additional 700 speces. Loedlng ramps are jampacked at peak hours. But even if facillUes were adequate and noise abate.- men! and air pollution problems "!'ere not already ser- iow, there's another aspect to the matter. Air California is a fi~g airline, trying bard to tum a profit and continue as Orange County's own air- line. Its service lo the Bay Area bas been good. If Air Ca.Worn.la's service left much to be desired, there would be a point In considering the PSA aJ!Pllca- tion. But this is not the case. PSA, a comparative giant. could run Air California out of business - a fate it does not deserve. And in the doln' would multiply congesUon, safety, noise and air polllrtioo problems. PUC 1hould deny the application. How Not to Be Influential Orange CoWlly's in11uence In the state Senate has reached a new low.Jevel. Senators John G. Schmitz (JI.Tustin) and James E. Wbetmore (R-LaHabra) first voted against opening the .issue of a new election for a president pro tem. They acknowledged that this was a vote for Sen. Hugh Burns (D-Fresno) to continue as Se11ate leader. They lost that one. · Then in the election, Schmitz and Whetmore voted !or Sen. John F. McCarthy (R-San Rafael), who loot to Sen. Howard Way (R-Exeter). Both Schmitz and Whet· more confirmed that a vote !or McCarthy was, In effec~ a vote for the tradlttons of Burns. Schmitz, the Senate's only John Bl.rcb i;ociety mem- ber, had been cozying up lo llul'lll, aJlOlher arc"""°"' servaUve, right along and ha1 a lOllg record of opposing many of Gov. Ronald Reagan's programa, So bis turn- ing against bis party is an old alory. Schmitz makes a great-show of standing for 11mor- ality." But be apparenUy had no trouble with bis con-· science ln championing Bums, deaplte the fact Bumi' legislative ethics have come under a 1evere .cloud as the result of revelation of his relaUoMhlp with an In-surance agency. Schmitz bas since goae further to make bimsell as unpopular as possible with the Republican majority and the new Senate president, Way, by· issuing a blast predicting dire reoult.s from b~. party'• Senate leader-ship. Schmi~ is grateful to Bums for favors received . Whetmore IS grateful to McCarthy because be cam- paigned for him in Orange County. , But all this adds up to, when all the 11gratefulness" b ~one, .is that Or~ge Co\lnty once more will have minimal lnfiuence with Senate leadership. And for that our senators , deserve something less than gratitude from Q>e people of Orange County. Peterson's Farce Poor George Gallup I After giving more than 30 yean of hi_s life to developing scientific opinion polling, he could find in Orange County that all bis work was for naught -we're back to the dark ages ot the disas. trou.s Ute~ Digest mail presidential poll of 1936. Dr. Robert Peterson, county superintendent of •<hool•, un~basbed by the county school board's vote cnUcal o_f bis polling on public issues in barber shops says be intends to c~ on with that silly business. ' If Dr. Peterson squanders any more public money on bis farcical foray into opinion research, there should be anotller poll -of voters lo see whether Petel'l!on should continue in office. _ Dartmoutla'• Bandage-wearers He Claims No Provision For 'Justices' Taught Revisionist History HANOVER, N.H. -John Beck, the stu- dent ltrl);e leader here, Is a tall, rather oainUy lool<lng boy, quick in !""""1<1 and of great lntelli&eoce. He wem, at this wrltlng, a bandage around his head, ll'lfto bol ol his l)'lbpllthy for ... , 45 Dartmootll lludenll who ~ In jail !or defyln( a court order. Whether one does or does not wear a bandage around his head is ot irut Im· porW>ce here In Hanover. Unllh the days when student! argued o v er nonldeolo&lcal . headgear, such a 1 !rahman belnlea, whllt a boy Is wearing un his bead at Dartmouth today sym· bollJel what he has inside it. It's whit'• lnskle that the rfJlt of us want to know about and that one of these repcrters, returning to evocative acenery, came to learn. WHAT BE LEARNED, It Lo Important to stresa, was not learned from John Beck alone, but from a great many of Beck.'1 felln bandage-wearers 81 he listened to them ln argument and con- veraaUon. Whllt be learned Is this: Flrat, a banda1e-weartr does not believe in violence or unlawfulness. (Beet and h1s followers did not occupy a building or defy a court order, so they are not in jail.) Possibly they fetl a litUe guilty about this because, in common wilh tl'IOlt who did occupy the building and did go lo jail, they believe: (a) Thal the dra!t ls ·wrong; (b) that the war In Vietnam ts wrona ; (c) tbal the , United Stata ol America Is -nol lolally, but In maoY respec11--also"'°"'' HATRED OF THE bandage-wearers !or the dralt has to be tesltd to be believed. The)' bale lt with a pasalon, such al ancient .prophets reterved for Sodom, and. they lpeak ol. lt In equally de-iatory tenna. At f1nt blush, this hotrod ol the draft see1111 illop.al. After all, very few ol the bandqe-weorers will ever be drafted and, ol tbotle who are, only a band!ul will ever bt shot at. Bui the hatred Is illogical ooly at llrlt blush. Bandage-wearers have a guilt complex about the draft which la perfectly tog!cal. They know that lt is the uneducated and the poor wbo mull fight the war in Vietnam. The knowledge ll.unta their ideals and maddens them with tmpotenl fury. HaUng the war as they·do, they caonot bring lhem1tlves lo cun their gulll with the almple word& "Take. me, too." THE HATRED or the. --wearers !or (a) the draft ii ooly exceeded by their hlltred for (b) the war. And this hlltred In tuin Is clotdy r<lal4d lo l1'<lt belief .that "(c) the United States of America. is wrong. It 1s fascinating to observe in the con· venaUona of the bandage-wearen ·the reault of aomt five years of revlaloniat hlslory at work. Revlslonl!t hlslory, taught here u elsewhere by a minority of Iha younger !oCulty, 'boldo that .inc. the end o! World War II U.S. foreign poticy bas been a tragic series·of mlstakea, dur- ing which a righteous cause (tbe war against Hitler) was perverted. · TBUS TRI!.: bandage-wearers-or a great many of tbe:m-believe we dropped atpm bombl on Japan in an effort to frlght.en the Soviet Union out of East EID'ope and Manchuria, that Greek- Turk!Jb aid, Korea, the Berlin airlift and the secret war against communism ln France and Jtaly wen vastly ex· aggerated response! to vastly ex- aggerated Sov~t a1gresslveness and that, as a result of all this, we have built a nation bent not upon the realizailoo of lta ideals but upon the reallzauOn of military power. _ From parUal error, great misun- derstanding sprlnp. Bandage-wearen are worthy antagonists. They are not - Uke *"tne SDS-leaden -trying to destroy their country. They are trying to talk lo ll Honest dla1oc demands that when we accuse them of error we be wlll· Ing to admit error In .. turn. ByFrul<Maklewln ad Tomllndta Peculiar 'Moral Guidelines' In a brazen attempt to destroy our American heritage, the Calitornla State Board of Education is advocatinc ln- doctrlnatin.8 our nation's children w Ith a peculiar set of "Moral Guidellries," which are patenUy subversive. There is no question that, if these guldelloes are adopted, they would aap our mllilary might, wnck our economy, acr1p much of our artLst.ic and patriotic herita&e and doom our free enterprise system. The board enthusiastically accepted -" 8l·page repon whlch said, in essence, that we are not competent to form our own moral codes and they should be Jm. posed from on high. Thal Is, by the board lllelf. 'l'llla ooncept ii vigorously backed by Dr. -Mu Rallerty, the otato ouperln- tendenl of public l.n!tructlon. He, of course, would be in charge of the tm- poolng. UNDER THE PLAN, lht Indoctrination of our cbildren would be bued on ten suJde:llnu. We need only examine brieOy a rew or the ten to envllion their destruc- tive lnllueDC$ on our American way of -~-- Tuesday, May 'J:I, 19611 TM cdllorlal -of llt4 ~; Pilot .111kt to fn/onn and itfm. 1"ato rtod<n bl( .1""11nling· tit# 11CtD1pcplt"1 optnlON' and eof'lto. mnloty "" lopla of lntonrl and llgial/i<tlnce, bv p!'oWJlng o forum for the upreulon o/ ovr .rndft1' OJ)fnfon.t, and bW priuntitta lhe d'vtrs• trifio. pofnll of Informed ®"""" one! "'°"""""' on loplcr of llt4 dar. · · Robert N. Weed, Publlsher Ille. • '"l'bou shalt not kiJl"-here we have the very eaeoce of a wlsby·wuhy paclf1lt philosophy. Whal sinister ,.._,. do Dr. Rallerty and the board have for wantlng to t<ach our children they should not kill 1 This ii a stab tn the back for our • American bo)'I who are even now flg1ttlng and klUlng In Vlebwn lo Item the Ude of communism. It ll clear that if we ralae a gener1Uon of youths who will not kill, our n1Uon wJll lie clefeaselea lo the creeplll( octopu1 ol world Comm~m. WHY, LET US ASK ourselves,. do Dr. Rafferty and the board wllh to render America defenseless lo the creeping oc- '°P.us of world communism? · 'Thou sha1t .not covet thy neighbor's graven tmige ••• " -This Injunction against aculpture would, at first glance, &eem only a patbeUc attempt to make our Quotes Nonrllo L J-. ta cuau, .. ampn revof'ltleQt -1'Thtn ~r wU a nvolullon that IUCtted«I against the delennined oppooltloq GI• lllnl!i -t " ' men . (In, ......... .,,. .... lo 1111 ~ em,..,_ _.m by no.nu L. l'tUa, .--· ol -.AJL.CIO -"I cloubl il Mr. Pills would approve a Molher'1 ilaj' resolution U I Introduced II." A. llofd Hhidl, ull. .ir. Beys Clabo of A..tea, al S.F. ---"A boy's Die inust bC tilled wllh 1cdvlty; whon he can't !Ind remotion and colnJ»11!onshlp oft the strtti., be l1lB)' easily tum to ways ll:hJch Jtad to criminal tendencies." • • • naUon 1 UtUe less beautiful place In which to live. But take into consideration that many of our statues are tributes to great Americans of the past - Washington, Jefferson, Llncoln. Why, let us ask ourselves, do Dr. Raf. ferty and the board wish to tear down the 1tatues of our great leaders? "Thou sbaJt. not covet. thy neighbor's house • • • nor any thing that ii thy neighbor's." There goes the free en- terpriJe system. We work bard and strive in order to do beUer than our neighbon. '11\at's what made this country great-Not covet? Thal'a the philosophy of a lazy, poWnlllklng, ambiUonless hippie. WHY, LET US ASK ounelves, do Dr. Rafferty and the board wiah to tufn our children into lazy, p>t~klng, am· blUonJess hippies? Fortunately, there ls some hope that Dr. Rafferty and the board will fall tn their llOa1 lo transrorm flllr children Into anarchist, paclfist. u n p a t r 1 o t l c , lconoctaatic hippies. ~ aicllon·of lbe "'port speaks highly of the1J .S. Navy'a "series of booklets on "Moral Educ1Uon." With luck, these may be adopted for use in our schools. Then we'll raise a generation ot children with thl! morals of llllors. Dear Gloomy Gm: UCl'1 Dr. Aldrich should ha\'e lowtrtd the black nag of anarchy to half alal!. I didn't even know they had an American fla g at UCI I -R.H. M. llll• ... .,,,. ""*" ,._", ''""' .... -•-rlty ....... .. ,.. Ml-·-. hlltl ,..., HI -l't N O"""' Ova, D1+11 "1111'. I To the Editor: On June 20, I, a member of the State Bar of. California, mailed a detailed letter to President Nis:on. All references to the "'ConsUtuUon" are to the U.S. Const.itu· lion.. My contentions may be summarized thus: l. The Constitution providea that it ls a part ol "the supreme law of the land/' It abo states that It can be amended only in accordance with the provisions Of Article V, and It cannot be amended or altered by any action of Congress. 2. The ConsUtulion Specifies that the ti· tie of all the judicial personnel of all Unlted States courts shall be "judges:" 3. THERE IS NO language in the Conllitutlon which provides that the Supreme Court of the United Slates shall consllt of a "Chief Justice" or "Associate Justices," and the only parts thereof which particularly meoUon the judicial personnel of the Supreme Court are those in Artlcles 11 and m, and said personnel art designated therein as "Judges of the Supreme Court." 4. The actions of Congress in providing by atatute lhat the judicial personnel of the Supreme Court shall consist of a "Chief JusUce of lhe Supreme Court," or a "Chief Justice of lbe United States,•• and a designated number of "Associate Justices" were null and void. 1 oopled the deflniUon of "Constitution'' In Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edi· lion, thusly : ' 1'1N AMERICAN LAW. The written in· strument agreed upon by the people of the union or of a particular state, as the absolute rule of ·action and decision for all department.! and officers of the government in respect to all the points covered by It, and which must control un· Ul It shall be changed by the authority whlch eslabli!hed it. and in opposition to which any act or ordinance of any such department or officer is null and void." S. The Constitution was ratified and therefore "established" by the con- ventions of nine of the orlg1tW 13 st.ates, pursuant to Lhe provisioos of Article VII ; and the people or said stat<a, scling thft'.>Ulh their duly elected convention represent.lives, were "the authority wtuch ettablished" the Col)IUtution: and II cannot be lawfully chlnged except by the authority which establ!Jhed il f. 11IE AcrIONS of all past presidents In nominating any persons u a "Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme.Court,'' or as a "Ch.lef Justice of the U.S.," or as an "Al9oclate Justice" of said Court; the acUoni of put Senat<a in consenUng lo the appointments of such persons to such non-a1aUnt ofOca, and lbe 1ct1 of each Presldeol then In power, u chief ex· t!CUllve, In appolntlng aucb nominees to non-atstlng offkes, wre null and void, becau11 the CoMlltulion does not men· Uon anJ auch ol!lces. 7. My letter lo the Pmldent quotes languaae actually • set forth in the ConsUlutloo Jn support of my oontentiOM. LASHER B. GALLAGHER L1tter1 from riradcra art tDelC01'11t. Ndrmallu 1Dritn1 1hovld conw11 their m.tssao• in !00 word• or less. Th• right to condeN I lttter1 to flt rpact or <lhnmatt Ube! Is resm>;a, All Letter1 mtl.$f fncludt S'iQMturt and malling address, but ttamu maJI b~ withheld on requ.st Cf 1uHld«nt rec> •on fl opportn~ ·• I • Rat-in-a-Cage Psychologists A wry friend of mine, who ls an in. veterate smoker, once scornfully dismiss· eel all those tests whereby laboratory mice and rats are made to puff on cigaret5 to "prove'' the carcinogenic qualities in nicotine. "Sure, maybe those tame mice get can- cer ," he sneered, "but go out and show me a field-mouse who smokes and then maybe I'll believe the evidence." He was. being sardonic, but he had a point -and the point is larger than tests of clgaret-smoting. I was pleased to read in Time magazine . not long ago that a University of Washington psycbologlst has finally broken with his smug col· leagues on the human significance of laboratory lessons from the rat. 1 HAVE NEVER understood what rats prove about people, especially the degenerate albino rat that is used in so much of this testing. It's about the same as taking a Roman galley-slave and testing him on radio navigation. ·on the physiological level, there may be some v a g u e association between rodents and human!, but a great deal of rat-w o r k is done on the PIYCbological level, where the results, conclusions and generalizations are even more dubious. THE PSYCHOLOGY departments in most colleges aod unlversilie! are b-... fested (and controlled) by these rat-men, who believe in little but Stimulus-amt. Response, and who reduce the complexity of the human mind to a sbnplistic formula that would insult the intelligence of a hamster. There are some two billion neurons In one adult brain, and It has been estimated that a computer constructed on the same degree of complexity would have to be as large as the whole earth. Yet these rat·in·a~age psychologists ar- rogantly imagine they can extrapolate human behavior and response Crom the way a pathetically retarded rat teacts. IT IS LARGELY this absurd notion that has soured college studen~ on psychology courses -for even untrained kids are smart enough to know that the analogy between a rat and a human being is as vague and tenuous as an analogy between Dr. Freud and some miserable hack of a psychologist at. Jerkwater: A&M. In lhe field of physics, researchers are humble enough to allow that their ex· periments on particles often change the mass' or the position or the velocity of the particles they are ·testing. This is even truer when you deal with living objects, and it is fair to say that tests on laboratory rats nol only tell us little about people, but even less about those rats smart enough to stay out of the clutches of heavy-banded psychologists. Revoly,tion in Espionage l'resldent.5 Washington and Lincoln rlidn:t give undue thought to spying on their overseas enemies, who were numerous. It is possible espionage as known in their time was considerably overrated, lending itself more to fiction than to practical realistn. But they lacked air reconnaissance and radar, which are the primary tools of espionage today. So espionage as an lntemaUonal \n· stituUon, including· cypher and evaJua. lion, ha! undergone a revolution in a mere two or three decades. It abares in all technological ~dvance. \Vhen the U-2 was downed in the Soviet Union, the Eisenhower people were al no great pa.Ins to explain what had hap- pened. The late President was thus em- barrassed and made to appear foolish by the fault of his own experts. PRESIDENT KENNEDY tared belier In the Cuban missile crisis. The aerial photographs of the Russian installations were there. Yet no effective roundup of tiplorlage by picblre and electronic detective ever issued from Washingf.an. 'the experti merely mumbled about Soviet trawlers prowling our coasts. For live ~ occasional tspkmage in- cidents came to llght, largely because they were bungled. Thi! wu finally tbe case ol the Pueblo operation bungled by the higher naval ranks, begetUng more public criticism on that 1round, than on the ground lt occurred. VlolaUon or naUonal 11\r space, or-. coa5tal limits, by an espionage plane or ~urface vessel is a caleufated risk. Pueblo's poallion seems dl!putable, but the EC·l2l, shot do"" by tho North Koreans ofl their coesl, 1ttmed lnnoctnl of air space violation. WASHINGTON , however, only cxptllnl llnd justifies an espionage cxpogure when It 0ttt1rs. usu&lty Involving iragtdy and dubious clrcumsto.nccs • • \Vti,at the American people could' use Is a presidential exposition, technically bas- ed, telling them what modem esplooage 1s all about. It is fairl y obvious, for example, that Soviet trawlers and an occasional sub- marine engage in around-the-clock radar listening on both coasts of North Amerlca. Their harvest may be short or ours, because in a free society so much military iuformation, such as missile sites, is publicly known. THE AMERICAN vehicles c1.re packed with elaborale de vices to intercept messages perpetually passlng about Ullo friendly territory. The intercepts ire rlecoded and flashed to Washington for cocirdlnation with political intelligence. This technique can do what the 1rounded spy of the CJA.Jamts Bond bJ:and could rarely if ever do, acquire koowledge vital to the national M!Curlty. ODe would hate to bet Lbe Russians aren't over-Oying neighborly Alaska. and they art certainly rariglng the-Asiatic to1$l and all our fleet mo\lfl'Mflts, with special alt,.ltion to the Mideast region In Its current e1ploslve stale. 1---By George -~ CONFIDENTIAL TO T H E MAFIA : Fire that 1gency and set some decent public ttlaUORI Uilenl "The Family That Slays Together Stays Together" 11 the worat slogan 1 ever heard -I don'l care lf It ll Brolhorbood Weck. (Send your probltms to ~ and face each day w!U1 a smile. Puiiled, yes, but a smile ) • • I s in >een l on lU!d rlh. ar· late the .. t i on on ined the eing logy able ater. are ex- the the !Vea ~ts. on ittle lOSe the :s. e ID ;e Is ba .. 18ge thal sub- ldar orth 1 of 1uch ;sile :ked oepl un· are !or nee. Hied ould vital Wis and l1t10 with .. in ~ t " In ii I' •• .....I Why Women Move All the Farniture By L. M. BOYD THE MEAT MEN market their hOtdogs in packages of _, be duckyi .•. Q. "DO ANY OF THE TV WRITERs make as much as $50,000 a year!" A. About 30 do SO, I'm told. The rest are said to average about $6,000 a year. ·Biggest Cities Richest LEGAL NOTICE UJGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Nftl>O•T.fdU. UfOPlll O N Y• 1f Wvtlil eMwfltt.. fol .... : SCHOOL OllT•ICT 'l'M ,,. _..., llttlflel ~IM .... "'°" WOl-VE•tNI! WI!' S T E • N CO•· MOTKI INVl11NQ ••os .. Ill• • wrlltt!! ,__iw ......... N ici POtlATION, .,, W"I 1111'1 $ltfft NOTICli 1$ MUEBY GIVEN tti.1 ttlt •lflnllft -.!M \fk l"°'""*'I tw -,;_ H..-t kacJ\, Ctllfor11I•. ' ._,. ot f.M.ltiof> !If 1'141 NfWPOl1.Mev OI' ..,,,_ ~ In 1M flf"-1 -"'" WITNJ U lh Mnd lhl1 Hiii NY tt Ulllti.o $cNol Olth"lef ti Ot"•"* (Wll!w, NI v.tll!M -illfll .. _,..., ,,.... -A..-11. "lfilJ. CllltoffH, wlll ,..iwe ~1111 ..... Ill> ttl trHt, or 'IWJM ~ lit 11W ~ tor 1MW ICOrNtt .. SMl1 Iii .. A.M. Oii the lllfl f fy et J-. lfft Ollhlr" ,.,.., ~ llt'IM fl,_t lol'lllftl< 1 WOlVll.INt WllTl.JIN 11 ttMi tofflcit flt Nici SCfloOI Ofltrle1. i... 9111 wto'ffi.. ~ifir: COltPOltATION cli..I ~ lW Pllollt\f A-, C.11 y., fl\U ... _,. -.Mel ot Oii ~ JONI L T ........ nd. Pl~tlll ~. Calihw!lll, 1l 1!11Ncil 1iml wld !Jlo1 Oii efl)' Nttw Cltlll*ttcl wlll> h (!Ml-STATI! Of c.Alll'ORHLA I will DI Mikh> ..,.. 111\11 ~ tw: ot•I"' er tM. ...-. Suell .,..,_, COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 SS. COIH VEHOING MACHIHl!t .,..,,,.. lie *""tt911 wlthk'I tM !lmt 0... llllt Ulll .,_., elf ....,II, A.Cl, IHI. An b~ ••• lo be WI ~~ wllh 11Mit 1t1:.ct lo\ 1Hf -fiiir fblnl • ~ mt Mlllln M.. C.t.i • Hol11'y WASHING TON (tJPl) -con1111111n ... lnitn.octloolt ..-"""111u11on1 wrltlen lllMdi.. to lilt oWn.i.ir.1. Pulllk '9 Md tor .... c_..,. -..i Sit .. , Wllkll •r• now °" tllll lol m. OlllC• ol the Otlocl "'-"" ft. lMt ,..1w1111· tMl'fln, dllW tonll'l'llU'°'*! tlld The bta-st U.S. cltles con-Pllf'<Msl"' Aotnl " .. id k Mol Oldrkl. w. I , $1 Johll llWMI· ..,.....I.,. .... lfW JOllll I.. -~ IW Pi.c:onll• A_, Costt 11\tw, CIHtl Tllo\INlnd known to "11 le h 11"11 P•ftl• Unu~ to be the places where c.111«n11. e, Eu.i. •· soi.11'1 "'"' qt "" corw111on 11111 t l!IC""4 ,... . hdl blcl6or 1T1u1t 111bmlt t ~d ~!t Df1111lr Ci.f'lr; wltt!ltl lt'lllr-t °" W"Molf ot 1111 c1r-peopl8 !'am the most money, in ,.,.. '°''" °' • un111ed or ''"'1er'1 (OF~1c1AL snL1 "''""' tMr111t "'mod/tM ~1 .... ••n• t tb Co ~ or I blcl ~ ICl!HI to fl,. Hr cent 1.IPPOLO, K8NO•RSON AMO td tro .... lfltt well s-r-1tfon U ttUlld accor-. o e mmerce ,,,.,1 ., 1tic '"""'"' cf "'' bid. IMGtl otNSMOOR """""· " n 6 ,..... Ill 1111 ordtr Of IM NtwllOl"l·Me.-JM •· 111• 11., tYlll 111 In WllMtt F ' I l"wl••..Mr-'9 NI '""'partment. vnlllld kllool Ollfl'kl. A Plrfw mlll(I ~" ,,...... C•Mttr.11 "1'1' II.Incl tlld •ff tel 1"'I' ofl(cJtl ,,,, 1111 -· d-•"--I M d 8ond mlY bt r1<1utf'ld ti tilt llll'rot.!o<\ Of T......,., Ml-11 111¥ tnd ., .. , 1111 cirllllQ,. ilnl tbo>lt llKJ ' "t->MU~U on ay IM Olstrlct. In "" 1v1nt of l41Uur1 lo An.nt"t ........ lntlft wrl"'". re I ea·• e d f Jg u re s 0 n ""'-• •~to 1111t11 conh'tct, "'' .. ~ "' PoA111tM11 Ortnoe ,.,..11 0111y Pllnt, lOFl'ICIAL ll!ALI the dlitdc Will Ill fort•Hlld,.or ltt U I• of I Ma~ 20, 11 J-l. \0 Ifft t1J-6t Ml!.91'1 M. 0.t•I ,_..,:,,. __ I f 1~7 bo!lcl, Ille lull wm tMirtiaf will bt ' HOllN Pub!lc-C1lllornl1 me ... V)IYlUGU ncome or ilU • lettolltll le 111d W-1 Olsltltl cf Ortnee LEGAL NCYJ'ICE PrlnclNI Oflk• I~ the latest year for which sucb "=""til!Htr '"~"' wlthd••w 11i. bid tor , ~:Too!,,o;!"J:i. E•,1r11 data is available The five -1111 ol forN.flft j.j,$) lltn •!tor 1111 SUl'EltlOR COURT 011 THE / "'"11 t7. 1170 • 6t11 Cit for fhl -in. tlllfw!. SfAfE 01' C:ALll'OltHIA FOR Ml ... M. DMlll. Al!Vne' lardest CllJes wtre also the Thi bf'lf of EdUC:ttlan ol ""' Newport-THI" COUNTY Of' OllAHe• A"'"'9'1' Al UW ti W.. Unlfllll ~ Olstrlct r..W. ITI• A~ u-.. ..... ..._, 111111 Of flve biggest income producen. rltfll ID rtllCf ..,., oc .u bid ... Ind no• NOTICI! OF HEAltlHG "' "9tltlol> tor -*'"c.~"::.. N y k: bad .,.. bUllo -•lh< •cl'tlll 1111 ro-1 *"'· 11111 lo P<OIMt• et Hololr-"k wm .,.., tor Or...,. • ew or -n; w11,,. ""' lollorm1ll1Y ., lrr1t11i1trfl\I "' 1111e.,. ot tc1m1n111•1liclrl w1111 will •~ T~~~1r~•c!':4,.. coe1r o111r 1111o1, DAll.V 'MT Old World Mediterranean Spani.1h Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICottATOR& CANCILLATION a"4 AITUINI ,IOM MODIL HOMll IO. 'fhe bakers market their buns in packages al eight. It neTer comes out right, never. ne~ ••• CONTENTION of 11ieodor Reik was that some women constantly change aJI the furniture around because they're not satisfied whh their own looks ••• THOSE PROO· NOSTICATORS who base the,ir predictions on sunspot:; cla!m a new Ice age can be ex- pected to re-foi;m the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska. If this occurs, please telephone me. REEl.S -Was under the impression skyjackers were the most dangerous rtetnt threat to commercial aviation. But that's wrong, evidenUy. \Vhat worries the air line peo- ple are not gunmen, but heavy women wearing those stiletto type hlgh heels or recent years. Such hetls are said to concentr~t~ an_ extraru;dlnary punch per square inch. So makers of aircraft must add weighty annor plate to plane floors. Where it not Car .such high heels, the planes could carry heavier payl.pads. Loe Angtte.s-Long Beach $21.I -.;,: =~· ,,... 111~tc1. MIY ,, ti. ,., "· "" .. ...., billloo ; ctucago $28.1 Wlllon : NEWPOll.T·ME$A UNIFIED E1ttlt of CO(tA LEE MILLE11..1---,,.,,,,.,..,--o-===----11 ~"·•·]phi I '. bllll d SCHOOL 01$Tll.1CT ., Dec:NMll. LEGAL NOTICE ALL llAND NIW DICOltATOll DREAM HOUSI ON DISPLAY Items as follows : Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and malcbing chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps. haiiglng chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. \Varranty king size mattress &: box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. CLOTHES -Fashi-on designers like to give their gowns eiotic names. As the models stroll down the runway at the style show, the voice on the microphone identifies each creaUon as "Phoenix Sunrise" or "Yachter's Lady" or "The Deep Blue Fox'' or whatever. f\.fost imaginative. Am th ink· ing of starting a file on such tricky nomenclature. Listed first therein will be a couple or Oleg Cassini's costumes. I refer to the one he labeled "What Do You Mean, You \Von 't Go to the Afotel with Me?" and to the other he call- ed "Look, I Bought You Din- ner, Didn't I?" FATHERLESS CIIlLDREN Are the children i n fatherless homes as bright as the youngsters in homes where the fathers are present? Apparently not. Or such are lhe indications of research by Daniel P. Moynihan . that stu- dent of social situations. When a lather lights out to get lost, tests show the I. Q.s or his children left behind seem to drop by an average of seven points, Mr. Moynihan avers. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. ''How much do the plasti c surgeons charge for one of those face-lilting operations?" A. Anywhere from $1,000 to 12.soo, it's reported •.. Q. "DID YOU EVER SEE a fiea circus?" A. Never did. All I know about neas is that if you bought an ounce or them, you would 1et 80,000. Wouldn't that " • " ' l""UIUIUI;" a I . on ; an Or-County C•lltornla NOTICE IS HEllEIY (;1VEN Tl\tl ~-·· 11• 8 bllll ' Grotdltn MllW •lld Llftllt '111'91nll Mlllffl-------------~VI • OD. ll' Oorotllv Ht.WY llal 111111 lltrtln I Ntlllnn tor Prob1lt ot •A•·IW The report also showed that ... ·~"",,.:""" ......,, Holollrtlllllc Wiit tnd "' Mlltrl of 9<1• NOTICE TO CRIDITOllS -It!! ' ttlDn Ith Ill SUll•RICNI: COUllT OP TKI" 134 million persons who live in Pllbflllled Or-COid Dallv Piiot. ~m.'.:.C. Ill .:i1cl'I ~"' ~ tor·~i:::~ $TAT• OP c .. £.lf'ORtOA f'OR inetropoUtan areas urned an W..v 11• Julle l. '"' lOlUJ Jltrtlcullrt, -""'' the time 11111 Pllct TH• COUNTY OP ORANGI f " S d • h of 116trlllll 1119 ""'° IWl5 btM HI for Fri-NI, M1m average o ..,, 11 ur1ng t e LEGAL NOTICE 11,.,.. J11n1 u. ,,.., 11 t :JO A.M.. in 111t Es1111 Of NICK <HIKOLAll SIMOVtCH, Year while their "country {ollur1r011111 of o .... mn ..... 1 No J of .. 1. 0-5t11. ' <9Urt tt 100 W Sl9hm SI In. Ill.I Cltv o1 NOTICE IS HlllEIY GIV Eff lo lilt COUJins " 60 million of them T~1• s•~•~ Atlt. c11i1orn11. ·• cre111tws of 1111 1t1ov•. 11amoc1 llocMlent 1 1 IUlllRIOR COUllT OP TH• Oi!ld ~y M IMf 11111 tll--J l\tvl.,. Clt!!N "llnll !ht averaged $2,429. STATE. 01' (l.llFOllNIA f'Oll w E sT JOHN 5lld dletdent ... r.ulrod to '"' '"""· The expert said the follow-THll COUNTY OP OR.ANGE ci'r-t i:ier~ wll!I !Tie MCHJ.IN vouch~rt. In ,.,. ollk• . . (IM fhomlttr O.lDM FllANICLIN ANO l'llANIC\.tN Of Tiie cl~-Of llWI t!JtVt entitled (Ollrl, 1ng Cities had the largest suMM.ON5 on tlril • .,,Midi-II com11111nt 111 ~. 111~ 51, or io "'""'nt ti..tni. wnn tn1 ntcnurv percentage Increase o( m· come JEAH MARIE COWAN. Pl•ln1111 v1. C•I• Mnt, c1N1., tun vo!Kheri. !fl !ht ull(!Or11tntd '' '"' oftk• JOHH Wl\.L1AM COWAN, 01lt!f\111nl Ttlt $ ... Wl of htr •llvrMV. GEllA\.0 No., Hl\.IY, 1'11 over 1966 : FayeltevUle, N.C., PEOPLE OF THI! lTATE OF A"'""'' fir P.t111e ... r So. PK!llc Cot1! Hl1hw••· SUlll 103, 28 7 t• Law\ Okla ,.., CALIFORNIA to lh1 •bo~ ,....,... Dtl1~ Publlilled In lilt Or11191 Coeil Oallv A:tdondo Bue.II, C11tlornl1 tMn, which Is • pereen , on, , w dint: PHoi. Mir 11, 71, •nG J~ l. 1,.9 101M9 the 111a1;1 o1 bl#llMU o+ tht ~nc11,.11nec1 In percent · Sioux Falls S.D. 18.8 YOll ,,.. llt••llY dlroctld !fl 11i. , wrn-111 .,,.111ri NN•lnl111 111 111e 1111 .. Of 111• ' ' '· 1'Jft P~tdl1111 In rtsl>OllH to the 11'11 LEGAL NOTICE dlc@llefll, within hlur rnontlll 11t1r !ht percent: Colorado Spnngs, •IOltftClell ~llltd COll'IP111nt a1 "" 1t1o·1~ 11n1 DUbtkt11on 01 1h11 """''· Coto 18 per-nt· Texarkana ntmtd 111a1n1111 wllh tt.. ci.rt o+ 111e 01ttd Mt~ 16, IMt . . , ..... • ' •bove .nlltltd caurt In IM •bcwt •~ll!led P-Pln . Gtl!nt OllM Sl"'°"kh THEY SAY : Mrs. J . E. Gib- bons reports she went to school with a California lad whose true name was Rocky Mountain •••. A North Caroli- nian claims the world 's big- gest bed of quicksand is at the Diamond Shoals elf Cape Hat- teras • • • A retired medico in Logansport , lnd., writes, "I have never known a man who sniffs snuff to catch a cold." Tex.-Ark., 17.5 percent : Aus-tetton bl'llll!rllt •••lnd YOU 1n Mid court. Cl"RTll'ICATE 01' COllPORATION FOR Ad"1lnlllr1tr1J< ot"" E11tlt 1. Tex 16 9 pe-t· Ft wllhlft TEH di¥•..,,, llll ....... 1« Oii vou TRANSACTION 01' •UittotEIS UNOlR fll 1111 1bov1 ILlmtd ctKldtnl In, ., . ....... • . cf "11a Sumrnonl. If Hrv.d within !ht PLCTITIOUS NAME Ol!ltA\.O M. KILIY ...... Lauderdale Fla lfi percent .11o .... nlllllld counly, or wltt.!n THlll f'I' TNE UNOEll.SIGNEO CORPORATION AtllrMY II Ltw • .• doll hereb¥ Cl<lll'I' ""'" II II ~UCllf\I I Hll s.. PKllk c..11 HllftW.¥ and Durham, N.C., 15.5 per· GI G T II .1 111111nK1 1ou1e11 11 11J wnt u111 s1r1e1. Su4Ho ns, e t Oomy Us e S I NIWl'Ol1 l11ell. C1!ttoml1 undtr lht lleo R ..... tetc•. C•llor11i1 Ml11 c n • lltloul llr"1 n1n11 of !'. M p I II. E Tth Ull) JJl.nll As Y S ., ENGI NEER.ING Ind 11111 111<1 firm It A!MfllY ... Allml11l1tr11ri.1: LEGAL NOTICE OU ee I ci;>n'lflOltd cf lht k>llawlnv {olllllD•tllDn, Putlll~ ar..... Coll! Otllr Piia!, wlloH prlMINI lllKI ol bulilneu II •• Mty 10. 27 tnd ~Ulll ,, 10. 1"9 '""' '"'"tt CERT ll'ICAT• OP CORPORATION OOIJolO •USIHl!.SS UHOIR FICTITIOUS NAME THE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION dolt herH>r cert!lv 11t11 11 11 arridue!lttt • . IV•U ~<lt1nlttt 1:1u.1 ... u II .o6 Wnt VACATION -What time of 11111 strttt, s.n11 An•. c.11111rn11, u- year do You take Your vaca 1111 tkt1t1ou1 11rm ne""' ot uTH & ROSS • OHE MOUit CLl!AHEll5 Ind lhtl fhl lion? Suppose that depends 011 "'""of 11111 corPOl'•tlDn 1n11 111 prlnclp•I . ha s llltce of b\lslnlll !1 11 follnWI: where you live, w t? um-o. H. M. Int .• 1C'J w111co11 ortve. mer is when 51 percent go. '"'--* e11cto. c1111orn11. I , D111d: Aptll 2J, INf. Only 10 percent pre er winter. !CORP. sEAL 1 Just 22 percent choo.5e. autumn ~~ii't. 1~i~. Pr•ild1n1 While 17 percent like the wnnam c. lllckburn, SetrtT•N · S b · th port f STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) sprmg. UC IS e re rom COUNTY o~ ORANGE ) 5$. the pollsters. On 11111 23rd ll•Y C2'I A .... 11. lfff, belore mt, • Noltrv Publlc ln •~d for 111d Cou,,,. Y · nd IV '"" Sl1lll. D1non1tlv •-•red E.rl'll!tl OUT QUeShOns Q Cont.-L. Pr l.n 1nll Wllll1m C. 81.tckburn known ments are welcomed and to .,,, 11 111 the PrHllltnt •nd Secret•"' • ol' Ille torPO<•llon lhtt tltctuled Ille will be used wherever pos· within lnllrumlnl .. btlllll Of !hi c..r-"'ble 1·n ""C"·ckinn Up., PC1r1t1on lllertln .,......,, •nd a<knowlMI,. "' IOC'. V • tel 10 m. 1 ... 1 Midi CO<llO<lllon tltKUllld Address mail to L. M. ttw .,,,,,. Boyd . I th D '!LY WITHE'S ,,,., htllll lfld llll. ' m care 0 e n. (OFFICIAL SEAL) PrLOT, Bo~ 1875. Newport :0'i'~~ ~b~t~inorn;• Beach, Calif., 92660. o·-Count., My Comtnlnlon E~plrcs oec. '· 1n1 JOHN C. SAL YER, AITJ'. IMJ Wettdlff Ortvt, l•lle ,.-, ..,,_., hKll. Ctlflnllt Stay Ordered Publll/Md Ortnee C.0.1! 0.11'1' Piia!, Mav 29. '11, J-l. It, lfff "2.ft WASHINGTON (UPI) LOCA~ The U.S. Supreme Court Mon- day granted a stay of ex- ecution to Edgar L. Robinson, 29, vrho was scheduled to die in San Quentin's gas chamber June 4 for killing a Los Angeles policeman. No ether ri-•p•p•r t1ll1 f"Y mort, o•try tl•y, ebout wh1t'1 9oln9 en l" tho 9re1tor Or•n'o Co11t th•.n tho DAILY PILOT, Now!Buy Seagram's 7 Crown half -gallons and save $1.10. From May 1 through June 30, 1969 you pay only $11.39 for each ~gallon of 7 Crown instead of $12.49. Don't mi11 thlt big aaving on America'• favorite whiaJcey. ........,....,i.c-1 Say Seagram '• and Be Sure. • -- • , I IN THESE SELECTED POPULAR SIZES Buy first 3 tires SIZE at this prtce· each 6.50113 $30.00 (: 7.75/14 $33.00 10 8.25114 $38 .00 10. 8.15115 $38.00 IC •Prlce1 u lhowp 11 St1ndard St1tlons, plu1 t1x. Compe lllhrely prlc1d at p1rtlC1lpatlng Chm'on t>Mlers. 1 f Whol• HouMfull wat r91ul1r $1521.00 ~:To~~~~'.'.~~ ....... $698.00 A•y Pltco Cao le Purcr....d locllYf-, Temtt Available -Newcomen to Cellf. Credit Approwed Immediately r / j /] Furniture ' At Harbor Blvd. ' 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mfta only Every nfght :111 9 -Wtd., S•t. & Sun. 'NI 6. The Daily Pilot Coyers Boating 1sland Buy3Atlas -wbite Stripe Plycron tires ... get the 4th ' for . C Our flntst tlrt1-ramou1 Al111 Plycron Wl'lll• Stripe-now et tremendous .. vlngsl See boic It left for selected popular 1lzes that flt mo•'· Fords, CheYrOlltl. PljmoUUfl. Bulcks, Dodges. Pontlaca, R1mbltr1. Mtrcury•. Oldamobllta. Chry1len. Buy 3-get the fth lor 1,_ Mk 1bout th• uvlngs on au other Plycron alzts. .. -.. .... <. I • I t • I N&Y .....,, ~udget Faces Demos Blocking Strategy Set· for Assembly SACIL\)lgNT() (AP ) -Gow. ......., IUI billion • buo11'4.w111up for-le In the-~~ and Democrata: vowed to defeat it. Democrat.. demanded trlm. rn1D( of more than S80 mHlion l")llf some part, of the b\ldg•t arid more spendini ror school aid and property tax relief. the lat.est Fin~ Department revenue and spendlnc esUmat.es. Those were releas· ed to the presa Mondey by State Finance Di{ector Caspar· W. Weinberger. • "Our 1tra&tgy ~II be to vote .. the ~et if it i5 _,led the 'f/11 we Utink It wt1I be prue.nted," s a Id Aaemb!yman Robert W . Crown (0-AlamedJ). Paasqe of the budget now Is p ..... ture. Crown 68id. Stranded Isle Tourists • Back 'Home • HONOLULU (AP) -Being stranded on a Pacific island was a ni&htmare instead of a dream. Uy 20I tourists who have finally ~e it home. Members of the group s a i d they paid a Los Angeles travel agency in advance for a 17-day trip to Hawaii. They wound up without hotel rooms and sit- ting on sultcasel wiihout plane The Republican chairman of the Assembly W aya a n d Means Committee, Frank Lanlennan of La Canad.a. called a news conference to knock down the Democratic budget cul demand as a "paper cut." Lanterman was prepared to defend the budget, which is basically the same as when it .-as lolroduced by t he Republlca'n governor in .February. A budget must ·be passed and sign«! by midnight June 30, the end~or·Ule current fiscal year. Crown, Ways and Means vice chairman. sald t b e legislature hasn't even gott.eu .. There's no way we can pass a budget until we have that lnformaUo:n," said Crown, who was Ways and Means chairman t'nd the budget's technical a u t h o r when Democrats controlled t h e Assembly. \Veinberger said the state would have a surplus of ~.4 mlllion ·in June which will car· ry over lnto lhe 1969-70 budget year. Reagan wants to use $100 million of this for a one-time-· only income tax rebate of 10 percent next year -an elec- tion year -and $105 million for new state aid to schools. Royal Op~nion Actress Wins on Memoirs SANTA MONICA (UPI) -Miss Caulfield said the let· tickets to get baci: home. United Air Lines, which was Back in his bachelor days, ter, and others rtom sucti pat.d .by InternaUonal Tours Prioce Philip of England con-notables as former Presiderit o fided to a friend t h a t only for a one-way ight, fle\v · American actress J 0 an Dwight Eisenhower, Bob Hope ANIMAi. ~iw~·. "CA>tf T~~K-·· 60T A ff!l6N.AN IN MY'"IHRO.t.TI " . Registration On Pot Off? SACRAMENTO (AP) Persons convicted of misde- meanor marijuana posseuion would no longer be haunted for 11 f e by1 a police record, ac- cording to a bill before the Assembly today. The measure . by Assemblyman Alan Sieroty (0-Beverly .Hills), WOl,lld ex- empt such personit from registering as narcotics of- fenders. • No.guchi RFK Jutqpsy .Sa~d Superior • -· .. 1-~· ,1...•4 re.Uu Lui W..k lilac lor<ed of psychiatric cm. LOS ANGELES (UP!) -··~·-••• -The fin\ wl._ coiled by When Loo Anl<les County of· !tom JUCh a charge. Couilly Adininlllr•tor Lindln Isaac to back J!ecudll'• de- fictals fired the coroner who l!uc usuted thls-w111oat llOJIJngertoadmlttbatbehad mane! thJt be II< reolored lo p¢orm~ the. autopsy on tbe 8 , maneuver on Weekes'• p1rt offered NOfUChi anotha: job at his $31,0t:lo post wu medical body or sen. Robert Kennedy, to get oul of bavlng to prove • county lnsUtutlon. though photographer Richard K. Kot- lhey formally accuaed. him of .L accusing him ot being ln need tke, who attended lhe 1utopsy. bungling the job, ~=------~-..:;:::::::!.:::::.:::..::=::~..::::::_=.:......:..... ___ ;-.:....:.. Monday, Deputy County \ii "": •· I , Counsel Marvi11i Weekes , who wn>te the charge, withdrew II . He to Id the Civil Service Commission I.hat Dr. Thomas Noeuch~ performed th e ,, autoP15y In a "superior" man- ner. It was a victory for Noguchi, whose appeal of his discharge ls being heard by the co~ mission. 1be former coroner, who received bis b a s I c medical training In Japan before toming to the United Slates, also Is accused of mak- ing unseemly sattements and being mentally unbalanced. Weekes withdrew the charge -that other surgeons had to salvage the autopsy because Nofuchi was behaving er- ratically -when Noguchi's at- torriey, Godfrey Isaac, began questioning the m e d I c a I The place is . photographer who worked on lhe Kennedy case. • anywhere! Q' Id Crow makes Weekes asked for a closed • ' door meeting wlih the com· it a little more special. missioners. He emerged from Old' . c It with the announcement he ~ was dropping the charge. 1 -· rlQ"-"1 T Isaac insisted that he be lc.\Y J. ~ ' \'\' allowed to preseot witnesses '..;,. · to disprove it. Weekes then ~ for home for travel the group back without charg-Caulfield had a "slappable and Bing Crosby, were ;"" -.ooo in rares. I ked b h .. -e. -bottom." over oo y movers w en ••we have no proepect of.I. It l'ea!:ived voice vote ap· proval ~1onday from the Criminal Procedure Com· mittee after spokesmen for the American Civil Liberties Union and the ittorn ey general's office expressed sur- port of the biU . said he would stipulate the •UUllCl'f sru.11;111 IOUtSOll M!~fl 116 PiOOf. D1$l1LUO Allll BQJJUD IYTllE CUCi!NI OISTll.WY l;O..fWilJOll.11. Kennedy autopsy wasL------------------------------"superior." gelling this money back," said There was no evidence the she sold her Beverly Rills a Untied spokesman. "But· we': prince had first-hand in-home two years ago. The accusation drawn up by Weekes April 30 read: didn't feel we should bill th~ formation. Horace Brown, a banker people who were stranded." The phrase appearK. in a who bought the house, ad- Pollce in Los Angeles, are letler Philip wrote British ac-milted he carted a filing Sieroty explained that the present law requiring all p e r s o n s lo register as drug offenders means thousands of youngsters face the prospect of a lifetime record after being convicted once o f possessing marijuana. "During the K e n n e d y autopsy your (Noguchi's) eyes were glazed, your behavior er. retie, and your dictation of the events surrounding the autopsy was so dissociated that it was all but unin- investigating the complaints. tor James Robinson Justice cabinet of fi.1iu Caulfield's .;There are victims from all when he was an officer in the souvenirs off to the city dump, over lhe country,n iaid Police Royal Navy and had not yet unaware of its worth. Sgt. D. J. Noland. become the husband of Queen Appar,ently appreciative of telligible.'' Several HonoluJu hotels of· Elizabeth. In the letter Philip the prince's opinion, Miss fe red free rooms to th~ asked Justice to think Miss Caulfield had sued for $131,000 stranded. Cau lfield for sending her pin · in damages, including $100,000 'lbe lnternaUonal Airlines up photo to his ship. punlUve damages. Transport Aaoclation and the The Jetter came into the Her $2,500 victory was Ships Collicle Weekes al so wrote at that time that if two other autopsy surgeons present "had not preserved not es on t h e autopsy it is doubtful that any autopsy report of scientific value could have been pro· duced regarding the autopsy of Senator Kennedy." Air Traffic Conference revok· hands of Miss Caulfield, who mitigated w h en the judge ed ihe International Tours Monday won a $2,500 judg-ordered her to pay Brown agency's permit to s e 11 menl against a man who in· ,1,500 for breach of contract. transport&tiOfl and receive adve.rtenlly lost it. along with Brown clalmeCI the house conunlsslons from carriers other souvenirs of her acting Heeded repaln 1'flss Cau.lfietd and hotelJ. career. v failed to tell him about when SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Two merchant ships Cilllided in dense fog 40 miles south or the Golden Gate late Monday, but there were no casualties and both veasela entered San Francisco Bay under thCir Isaac quoted Weekes as saying In the closed door session tpat "international INST A.NT!' KGNICA Demonstration • Wednesday May 28 • Thu"day May 29 -- See yorir KONICA films Developed before yorir eyes KONICA AUTO-REFLEX from$15495 INC. 1780 Newp1rt ....... Costa Mesa .... .,. 646-9385 • ' he bought it. own power. ) .. with ,new Bonus Balance checking BONUS BAlANCE checking means just what It says. Whenever you need extra money, you've got It. Right In the old checking account. Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use it. You're not forced to· borrow one penny more than you need. And you don't pay finance charges one day longer than you have to. It's like writing your own terms on your personal credit card. ll's not only cheap, It's convenient. More convenient than credit cards or·other simlll•r bank systems. Instead of writing even more checks, you P•Y back your loan the sensible way. You simply make a dePoslt in your checking ac~ount. And you get only one mon1hly st~tement to cope with. It Includes your checldng •nd Bonus Balance transacllona-111 on one piece of paper so you know exactly where you stand. There's a bu ilt in se- curity to Bonus Balance. In the event of the borrower's death, the money used from Bonus Balance Is Insured. The out· standing balance is paid off In full with no obllgatlon to· the •urv~vors. Bonus Balance offers a bonus too. A United States National Bank Courtesy Card. Use it to cash checks at any of our 52 Full Service offices. Use It like c;ash. If you need extra money for two or three days before payday-or two or three months or mo're-don't !Ive off your credit cards. Don't spend time fumbllng through a wallet full of plastic. Just use Bonus Balance with low United States National Bank finance charges. It's cheaper and more convenient. UNITED· ---· .. ·--ST.ATES NATIONAL --~--~IS@ ~ • \ I · . LOSE POUNDS Ill 60 TO tO DAYSI. SHED PoUllDS JASTI JllM UP JAR! . INCOMPARAlll FACILITIES • He1ttd Rom•n Swimming Pool • Ultra Modorn Conditionint facnitfes • Ffnnlsh Rock S1un1 loorn1 • Rom•n St1tm looms • Utctr111ic M1s111• • Florid1 Sun Tin Rooms • Whirl1100I l1th1 • Conditloni,., f1dlitl•• • Swis1 F1d1I MlchlMt HOLIDAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 'Tll 10 t.it ...... ~ _ ... _ "---.. ,. .. _ .... __ -·-I HEALTH SPAS I HUNTINGTON BEACH 11 1 CO STA MESA 1 I\ I' "'A 'I • ~ • Ar" i Y ••O~'O O(>L ' 9 4 7.145 ~ S4Q .JJ08 II ANO.Hf !_.,\ I \ or ANGE ' •' \ "I A '< ~ ' ' , I • '•I l A < • 8 10.0'lA I OJQ 2441 • - t • ,_ -11 t-,, For The Record ,,... _____ _ Meetings -TUllDAV Toe1tm1111t .. Cklll, 171tf', IUlll't T•bll Re1t1\11'1111, Wtltm1{111twr, 6 e.m. Rol•r' Club of N-t-llttbM. lrvl.,. Cotd Coun1r1 Club. l.00 £, C0.'7 Hh!llwey, CorOl'I dtl t.\tf, •:1[11 l>•lll• Cosll Mes.l·N.WPMI Her114r LloM Club, MeH Vtrff' C-llV Club, Cool• MeM, 6:6 p,fft. 8'1bOI ll•Y Lions Ct11•• V!tlt /Nt- 10.0 ll•Y•lclt ()flvt, Ntw,.rf .. Mft,, 1 p,m. S.<tl Bttch Tu1"9\Mtwn Cllitl. HI Rtl\dl ~. , .... , l".ci.c: CO.ti Hlllh'fty, SH! ......,_, 1 t .m. H1111tll'lll'°" 9fl1Ch Ella l.odft, E'llll Club, .. Ckwn I,~. H\ellnglooi Beach. 7:M '·'"' Socltlv fw Jhi Pl'IMn'lllon ..., 'fMOVF"-1 !It l.rtltr SflOD ou ... 1e1 11"1111'11' , Iii Amllrlu , Col!• -· °'"''""' Ce! .... ••rtt !khaol. ?:.e Nolrt 0.tM, C:O.lt ~. I' p,m. L.0.0.M., ~ No. 11511, W £. 111tl St,, Colle Meta. l :lJ "·"'· Ort"" Cotti 11' ... I ll'rlWt M<!111 Lodff, T-11 SM""'• 61' W. Hfll'llllon. Codt ~-1:15 P.m. Soutll ,.,.,, Active 20-:111 Club, vu1 .... ~ IN1, 12' Mar11111 ll1lbo1 l1l•M1, 7·30 "·"'· W•DNESOAY w.,.1mlll!.Mf' To,11tme11..-1 Club, J. 00!''1 PtncH.e Kouse. Wtllmlnsw.r, 6:15 1.m. cc1l1 MeH..Oflnf• cout Lkln• c1u11. OCllt'a. 112 E. 17111 $t. Cotti ~. 1 ...... ·11ue Flame Ta1slm111er1 Club, Mew Vertie Countrv Cl\lb, Coal• Me:.•, 1 '·"'· , 1unlln1~n Bea.:11 Eiitivn11 Club, Kl1111'1 Tebll R11t111r 1nl, w111tr"f'l1M141r, noon. (Mii Mesi Rott,.,. Club, CMll Me~a Goll Ind Counlrv Club, '°''' MHI, N;:::'~inuer Excl\111111 Clutl, H1'P1nnv Inn, 140ol! lhlltli 81 .. d., West"'ln1ler. -· Cosll ww Os>llmld Club, Ca.II Mes• Goll Ind C0<m!rY Club, l'l'e1 Goll course Ori~, COiia Meo•. 17 ,_ Jie•1111rl Harbor 81r Group, Vlt11 Merlftl, 106 9•vsld1 Drive, Newparf e.ICfl, 11:15 •·"'· Faunt1ln V1!ltY E~clla119e Ch.ob, Fra,.. cols', 11151 eeedl Blvd, H11nllf'llllOn Bt1dl, IJ;U p,m'. Births Death N<1tlres FAUST V1n Zandl F1u1t. 1011? Cutty Sa.- Ori~, Huntl"91on ~acll. S11,.,,lved by .wile, Htiel Ltt F1111t; 1l1ttr. Jo1nne Jec-\Ofl; rnoltoe<, Mn. Eunice k un ~ .. .,1cn. today, TutMMY, 1 PM, P"'~ ~.-nllY (lllOll1-I Funt<r1I Hornto. HOLZGRAFE Els~ Holi1rafll. Doi~ o1 dull!. M1v 16. Survived by Hl/IMtl', E!liabelll H. !lcdll9t11 11111, Waller F. HolHl,..lel s111<1r, IOI 91111\b, -or1ncl4-'llff and tnree or11t·orlfldclllldft'll. F11ner1I eorvlCft, Tllursd1v, 1 PM, ll.1/nbow (~1..el, ll-Hllll Mirmorl1I P1rlt, W!tltllf!°. R-Hiiis Mcrluerv. Olrt<· !Ori. LAUB Dorolt!v F. Laub. 615 Poln!el!lf, CoNlfl• dtl Mir. O.~ ol d11!11, MIV JJ. Sur· •!ved by son, Kennt?ttl, ol Ohlll; lllut!'>. ier, DerO!hy Luca,, WI" Germ'""; ~nd four tr1ndelllldrtn. Se,...,lt1!1,' Tl>uridl'f, ID AM, (1111 BroedwlY Cl>lftl, lllterl'l'llfll, Ft. Role<rllll N• !ional (~!.....,, Sen DilooG. Olrtcl~d by Be!t el'Old-'f Morru1rv. 110 Br0o1i1 ... .,, Co111 Me". AREBALO 1109~• A~lo. 1110 ti· £11! St .. .,.,.helm. Sefv!Clh l>l'ft')!nt 11 S'1'11t!!• .v.ortu1rv, Hvn!lnvton 8e1dl. HUGHES fl\Omal II:. HlllMI. iJJ 01r1rnoor .twe •• La9una eHd'I. 8orn Octobtt 10, noo difll Mir 2'. !Mt. S.Urrlftel Irr wile, Metlorlli dl111111ef, M". Hutll erondurn, of T111lln: 1il!t•'. Mrs. H. V. D'"9mtt111, Connectkvt. St-rvloe1, WednlM!ev, If /VA, Cornm11<1ttv Pr•~ b~~...., etiurcti, L1111n1 lleltCl1. GrtYe~ _...,left, F0!'61 LI-G~ .till. weonesclly, 2 PM. Sllefler L1· t UM &e1cll M1>rl\01rv. Olrec:tors. WHICHER C11r1 J1ne Whk:t>tr. l'lfl G1t1no W1v, San J~•n C111l,ir1fl0. Silrv!ved by two de110111er11. Mr.. M.ry H\111, of S.n Juan C11f11r11M11 Mrs. f!OrenQ Hotfmln, Horii! O.kot1; 10 1111M- cl'lllllrM and 25 t rMl•or1nck:lllldren. ~,.,,ltfl w!ll bee held Tlluradey, I PM, Pacific View Clllt>el. lnlffmenl, P• clfk Vltw Memarlel Parll. Olrecttd Irr Paclllc Vlf!'w Mortuano. ARBUCKLE & WELSH ' Wtskllff Mortuary U7 E. 17tb SL, Coslll J\tesa MMlr BALTZ MORTUARIES Coron1 dtl Mar OR J.NSO Costa 1\-IUI MJ 1-UU BELL BROADWAY J\IORTUARY u• Broadway, Costa J\te1a . LI l-S43.I DILDAY BROTHERS HuntinJiao V lllq Morluty 11111 Beocb Blvd. HuntJngtoo Beacb IU-7171 PACIFIC VI.El\' MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Moftury Chapel 350t PaclfJe Vlew~Drive · Ntwport Be8dl, ~Of'Jia '44-l7tl PEEK FAMILY COCONIAL nJNEtw. HOME '71tl Boin Ave. West.mlllllrr 113.JW SHEFFER MORnJAl\V 1.aguna 8etcll 4"'1AS Saft Clemet1&e ftUllt S~llTIJ'S MORnJAJIY U1 M•l1 k llu.ntltt•to. Bel<'~ LEMPt • MISSION VIEJO Sheila Lynch SANTA ANA -Six Orange County journalism shldents, includi ng two from Fountain Valley and· Mm:ion Viejo high schools, tiave been chosen by the Orange Cou nty Press Club lo receive a total of $700 in scholarship grants. Included were Terry Sheeley of Fountain Valley, $75. and Sheila Lynch of ~1ission Viejo. $25. Awards were made in col- lege, junior college and hlgh school categories with win- ners chosen on the basis of talent and desire to become professional journalists upon graduation. The college winners are Curtis Deatrick, torona, $150, • FOUNTAIN VALLEY Terry ShHley nnd Allison Stiles. Fullerton, $150. Both are students at Cal State Fullerton. Junior College awards went to Charles HaUoran, Fullerton, $200, Fullerton Junior College, and Craig Turner, $ 1 0 O~ cypr.ess Junior College. Press C I u b Scholarship Chairmar. Vi Smith said the runds will be presented upon proof or enrollment in school next ran or the following spring semester, The awards marked ttJe 12th consecutive year the club has given sci!,olarships in the field of journalisD\ Total arqount awarded to date Is $7 ,500, Mrs. Smith said. · FLATS this fabulous • • • ARE THE EASIEST SHOIS TO WEAR, A NATURAL WITH YOUR SHORTS, SKIRTS OR SHIRT DRESSES. A NEW DIMENSION IN COMl'ORT •• by KEDS. • HYANNIS 6.98 C~AU GESTI 4.98 OUTRIGtHR 6.98.· ii ... 4 ,. ,. WE WILL IE CLOSED FRIDAY FOR MEMORIAL DAY. • IN COST A MESA IT'S DE~AftTll•NT aTO __ .. ltU NIWl'OlT toULIVARD PARK C-ONVENIENTLY JUST A STlP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE .•. Opt• O.lly. 9:30-6, Fri. IH 9 , OC Center Bids Over Estimates I • Toro Sets · 'Boot Camp' For Youths . ) ' • • ' • • Color TV to . Link Med Center, UCI ORANGE -Tbe Installation compulen It both the hoopltal ol •• color televlsloo system and the campus ID order to Un~ the Orange County v&Udnt their oblervallou, or Medlcal Center bore wllh lhe to ob1111 addltliloal data. College ol Medl<lne at UC 'Boltld< uJd be eipects lhe Irvine will begln next Sep-syatem U, be used Jn the •tember.. lutute by clodora wishing to • Or. Warren Bostick, dean or upda_t:e their med t ca I tbt-college, said the system is knowledae~ belna financed by a federal ~He uid the system may lfl'S IE RmlY , U )"OU btvt MW nefstlbon • know of anyont ino.\n1 to our, area. pu.... \eU • M> that w. may ext.nd • fNndly .we!OOIM aiid help them to beoomt acquatmed ln thtlt ntw 1\1~ So. ·cHsl v1Jlt9i 494.0579 \ llirbor .Ylslfor · grant aucmented by a Sl.1.500 eventually be linked to other 4'4-tMI cont rib u t lo n from the . ;;hos~p~l~tal~s~ln~Or~ang~e~·Counl~~Y~· ~======~===~ American t.fedical Assocla-li tloo's Education and Research Foundatiloo. The new televlslon system, designed by members or the UCI medical faculty, will car- ry live or taped programs COY<ring surgiCll procedures and .... arch projects being CODducUld at the c o u n t y medical center dlredly to UCI laboratories and lecture halls. A special audio system wil enable medical students lo talk with physicians con- ducting ·1the pr'Ol{.antS, ac- cording te 11r. Bostick . ln addition. a special chan- nel within the system will enable medi cal students and staff ~embers to activate \. • COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE .. • lutlnm forms • lnvlt1tlon1 • Potters • House Or91n1 e Lotterhoodl e luol-Cini• •Menu• e Tldcot& PILOT PRINTING 642-4321 2211 Wftt Balboa Boulevard, Newport l~Kh ' . " ., :<-. · . ~ ' ' t 1 • '-... ' ~.""':. ' . ' Costa Mesa Atlas Chrys~r Plymouth, Inc. 2929 Harbor Blvd. • Your Plymouth ~ler is a deOling lllCl!l . .. \ • • J ' f • .. ... ...... • • • • .. • \ Je DAILY PILOT r...,.i.y, M11 27, 1'69 , Area Men in Service Around World ~~~~~~~~ t • • ' • I t A • j • • • • ~ ~ .. ~ • .. ~ ~ ~ ; • ~ • ~ • ~ • • ~ " .. ~ , ~ g • , i , , • • • • ~ , ~ • ~ • • • r .. • , ~ • '• ,. -" ~ • • .. . . .. • • • ' • •• • •' ~ t , • • • • • • • • .. , • • •• • • .. " • -• , • • •- • • ' • • > ~ . . , • •. ' ' ' • • " ' • • ' • ,. • . . • • , • • • • • t • .. • • ' • , ... , • • • < ' • • • , ~ • • • • • • • • r. • • ~ • • ~ • • • - ScL Robert A. Mtlloalld Jr • 20. whose parenls liYe at !511 Westminster Ave., Cost a Mesa, has betn assigned to the America! Division In Vtet. mom. The sergeant 19 a radio leletype team chief. Commissarymau Z.C. Cbt1&c.r A. lbvea Jr., USN, whose parents live at Tl31 Fir Drive, Huntington Beach, has been assigned to the U.S. Na- val Station. Adak, Alaska. S&t. Robert a.' Saac.bez, son of ,.tr, and Mn. Robert Sanchez of 16581 Robert Lane, Huntington Beach, has been ass.igned to Udorn Royal Thai AFB, Thailand. A SJ>act tracking specialist , the sergeant is a graduate of Lakewood High School and at- tended Orange Coast College and Oregon State University before entering the service. Sgt. nomas R. Harrowby. son of Mr. and Mrs. TbOmns E. •larrowby of 1500 Carib- bean Way, Laguna Beach, has been assigned to a unit of the f\Ulitary Airlift Command at North Charleston, S.C. A computer operator, the sergeant is a graduale or Newport Harbor H1gh School, 1966 and attended Orange Coast College before entering the service. --. LI. Dale P. Towmtnd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Townsend of 1215 Esse1 Lane, Newport Beach, has been awarded the U.S. Air Foi-ce silver wings upon graduation at Moody AFB, Ga . A gradual! of Newport Harbor High School, he receiv • ed his A.A. degree from Orange Coast College and B.A.' • Receives Medal A Costa Mesa man , Sgt. J•ck R. Gibbs, 21, received the Bronze Star Medal for heroism in action against enemy forces in Vietnam. The sergeant, a radio- teletyf,e operator, also holds the Purple Heart. Bolh med.as were presented during ceremOnjes in Viet- nam. He attended Costa Mesa 1-ligh School before entering the service. degree from California State College, Long Beach. Airmu l.C. Dale S. Coad, son of retired Lt. Col. and ?ifrs. Paul C. Coad of 19042 Hamden L a n e , Huntington Beach, has been assigned to a unit of the: Air Force Com· munications Services at Altus AFB, Okla . The airman is a graduate of Huntington Beach High School and attended Orange Coast College before entering the service. · Staff Sgt. Dwane W. Evans, son of Mrs. Dale M. Coun- tryman .of 5004 Seashore Drive, Newport Beach, is a c o mmunications supervisor with the 1956tb Com· municalions Group, Fuchu Air Station, Japan . 'The sergeant js a graduate of Huntington Park High School. Sgt. James E. Rltlnard. son of Charles Rhinard of 31528 R e g I o n a l Communications Groop. "n\e specialisl, 23, graduated from Thurston High School, 1964, and attended Orange Coast College before entering the service. Sa:t. RICbard S . Ham. menchlag, son of r.1r. and Mrs. Harvey Hammerschlag of 3132 Samoa Place, Costa Mesa, received the Air Force Commendation Medal a t Udorn Royal Air Force Base, Thailand. He was decorated f o r meritorious service as an air traffic controller. A 1965 graduate of Costa Mesa High ~11 he attendid Orange Coast. uillege before en!A!ring tile service . Fireman Ric h a r d T. McGnule.r, USN , son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McGruder of 3060 Killy~rooke Laoe, Costa A1esa, is serving aboilrd the destroyer escort USS Sample. t Crystal Sands Dri ve , South Laguna Beach, has been assigned to a unit of the Strategic Air Command, Lcm- poc, Calif . Primarily used in anli·SU~ marfue warfare, the Sample has beell operating offensively q:ainst surfa'ce ships and pro- viding gunfirt! support for amphibious assaults. Outstanding Searn an Apprtn. Martin T. A y o u n g Huntington Beach soldier has been named outstanding sol· dier for 1.he m!)llUt in his command in Thai· land. Mrs. Clarence A; Howard , Jr., 6151> !()th St., received word that her husband received the honor from the U.S. A r m y 9th Logistical Command. The sergeant is a graduate of Tustin Union High School and attended Orange Coast College before entering tile service . Spec. S Robert 0 . Davey, - son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Davey of 169 High Drive, Laguna Beach, received the Bronze Star Medal f o r heroism while serving as a non-commissioned officer..-in charge of personnel actions. Headquarters, U.S. A r my Maas, USCG, of 8531 Donald Circle, Huntington Beach, has graduated from Electronics Technician School at the U.S. Coast Guard Training Center, Governor's Island, N.Y. Lt. Will iam S. DavU>, USMC, son o[ Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Davis of 3423 Seabreeze Lane, Corona del Mar, completed his first solo flight at Helicopter Training Squadron Eight at Ellyson Field, Pensacola, Fla . ' Moms Plan's S5.0DO Invest· ment Certificates earn 5.5% interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required . • Certifi cates purchased by the Sth of the month earn at the lull rate from lhe 1st, with Interest paid by check at the end of each cal- endar quaner • • Since iJa found ing in 1916, Morris Plan haa p romptly met every request for withdrawal. Aueta e•ceed $100 million. 011: EARN 5.25'!1. INTEREST PER YEAR ON PAIAOOIC TltlllfT ACCOUNTI of ""I -~ with.Into-comP<rt,.S monthly and e"1Cfttld and compounded qu1rter1V. Morris Plan Newpo•I Beac~ -3700 Newpol'l Boulev"d -in.J700 " lie b a graduate of Loyola Naval Training center in University, Loa An&eles. Memphis, Ttnn. A young Foonlaln Valley-A1nua JoU J. Lyo11 Jr., Marine achieved Ille dlsllnc-""" ol l'ln: Ruth L. Deegan, Uoo in April ot ''Malnteoaoce 2t26 Santa Ana Ave, Costa Battalioc Marine ol t b e ' I Month,., ln . the First Force Mesa, completed b as c Servlce Rtgiment F 0 r c e tralllhe at Lackland AFB, Logistic Command, Vie~. TeL and has been ass.igned to Eaming the honor was Rober1 Sheppard AFB, Tei. Flyk , Son of Mn. Rachel He is a 1968 graduale oC Flyte, ~7224 Santa Lucia St., ccma Mesa High School Founlain Valley . He was commended ror his perfonnance in competition against 1,000 other ?.1arines in t h e maintenance battallon while exhibiting good conduct., skilled performance of duties and a knowledge of military and world subjects . Signalman Z.C. ~1ike A. Newell, USN, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Robe.rt G. Newell of 5112 Robinwood Drive, Huntington Beach, is serving aboard tbe ocean minesweeper, U S S Constant, in the Western Pacific. The ship Is en route to Long Beech after operating olf the coast of Vietnam In Operation "Market Time." Airman Appren. Bruce D. (farrison, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Garrison of 7911 Newman, Huntlngton Beach, has completed the Aviation St ru ct ur a IM e ch an ie Hydraulics &cbool at the Airman ~.c. Robert Sanchez, son ol Mr. and Y.rs. Raul Sanchez o( 7111 Talbert Ave., H~ Beach, bas been •""8ne<i to Vandenberg AFB as a member of the Strategic Air Command. He b a securi· ty policeman. AJri:gan l.C. ~11cbael P. Noak, son oC Mr. and lr1rs. Edward W. Noak of 19Tl Rosemary Place, Costa Mesa, baa been assigned to Udorn Royal Thai AFB, Thailand . The airman, a graduate ol Newport Harbor High School, attended Orange Coast College and Rollins College, Winter Have n, Fla. before entering the service. Spec. 4. Louil A. Gendron, 21, who lives at 2243 Miner St., Cost.a Mesa, has been assign· ed to Vietnam, The army specialist is a finance clerk. • STEREO-SENSATION I • The' colorful sounc= of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .. -htm From Fas hi on Island, Newport Beach NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND PENN EYS' A UTOMOTIVE CENTER ., END-OF-MONTH ' 4 PLY FIRST LINE TIRES ILACK AND WHIR WAW 14 00 775114; 650113 Oll!O. 22.11 NOW e BmER SEAT COVERS TAILOR MADE WOVEN PLASTIC AND FAlilCS OllG. 25.DO NOW 8.00 ; PAISLEY FLOOR MATS TWIN SIZE FRONT OR UAR COLOl: TAN. ILUE, RED, ILACK ORIG. 7.95 NOW 3.88 SHORTY BELL CYCLE HELMm HIGH IMPACT SHELL LEATHER TRIM 16 88 SNAP.QM CHIN STRAP Oll!O. 37.00 NOW e EMERGENCY TUBE REPAIR KITS PATCHES. SCRAPER, CEMENT ' ORIG •• 39 NOW HIGH PERFORMANCE RACING OIL GU THE IEST FOR LESS ORIG •. 88 NOW JET-X CAR WASH SPRAYER SET SUDS INJECTOR OllG. 5.'9 PAISLEY CAR MATS FRONT OR REAR -ONE PllCE ORIG. 9.11 PEDAL PADS & COVERS RUllER CHROME TRIMMED • NOW NOW V.W. EXTRACTOR EXHAUST SYSTEM .25 .66 s.oo 4.88 1.88 MADE IT EMPI FOR MODIL llD AND 132 35 00 ORIG. 49.95 NOW • DELUXE CHROME TOP CARRIERS STAINLESS STEEL CUSTOM FIT STRAPS ORI•. 16.11 NOW PADDED EMPI V.W. DASH ONE ONLY ILACK LEATHElEm ORIG. 16.95 NOW CHROME V.W. EASY SHIFT KIT EMPI MADE MAKES SHIFTING EASY, POSITIVE AND QUICK. ORIG. S.95 NOW SWITCHES AND GAD<im DIMMUS, RESISTORS, CONNICOlS, TOGGLES, UGHRl ELEMENTS ORIG •• H·l.19 NOW CUSTOM AUTO AIR -CONDITIONER ONI ONLY. COMPLITI, IUT OUT Of IOX • 9.88 8.88 4.88 .so YORK COMPRESSOR AND CONDINSOl 1 50.00 ORIG. lH.00 NOW • • CAR STEREO SPEAKERS OVAL SHAl'I DICK MOUNTS FULL RANGE SOUND ORIG. 7.95 NOW KEYSTONE CHROME REVERSE RIMS 3.88 14" °' 16"d" FOR FORDS AND CHEYTS 14.88 ORi G. 16.88 NOW OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9:00 P.M. " HURST AND CRAGAR MAG WHEELS IEmR SPEED AND CUSTOM WHEELS ORIG. 49.95 NOW 25.00 DELU.XE BEAUTY CAR HEAD RESTS DEEP LUSTER SPARKLE. 3 44 'LASTIC OR PLAIN COLORS. CHROME SUPPORTS. ORIG. 6.95 NOW . e MIKI BIKE DEMONSTRATORS ORIG. 169.00 NOW 139 00 3 ONLY SLIGHTLY llSED 3 HORSEPOWER IRIGGS ENGINE e SMOG CONTROL P.C.V. VALVES 1.50 107 ONLY DOES YOUR CAR RUN GOOD, MAY BE IT NEEDS THE SMOG VAL YE CHANGED. BRIDGESTONE SPORT MOTORCYCLE ' lnclvllfl norm1tt 1ml•llltlon ONE ONLY. 100 CC DEMONSTRATOR CLASSIC SMALL BIKE ORIG, 299.00 NOW 200.00 ' BASE STATION C.B. TRANCIEVERS 23 ALL CHANNEL METROTECK RANGER 188 00 TUNE AND TRANSMIT ORIG. 235.00 NOW • lQ FT. ANTENNA MAST EXTENSIONS f'oR C.I. °' T.V. • 2.00 ORIG. 2.98 NOW AM LIFT .OUT RADIO DEMO 1 ONLY LOCKS INTO CASE OR PLAYS AS A PORTAB~E ORIG. 29.88 NOW DASH MOUNT AM CAR RADIO 3 ONLY DEMO MODELS 12 & 6 VOLT ORIG. 34.81 NOW SUPREME VINYL CONVERTIBLE TOP 1, ONLY LARGE WINDOW 5 YEAl WARRANTY ORIG. 59.95 NOW PREMIUM VINYL CONVl:RTIBLE TOPS 10 ONLY LARGE WINDOW 4 YEAR GUARANTEE ORIG. 49.95 NOW EMPI V.W. MAG WHEELS 2 PC. TRUE MAGS 3 SETS ONLY ORICO. 39.95 NOW CHROME COVERED AIR CLEANERS DRESS UP YOUR ENGINE ORIG. 4.95 to 6.95 NOW 15.00 15.00 47.00 45.00 33.95 4.88 CHROME SPEED & CUSTOM AIR SCOOPS DECORATIVE AND EFl'ICIENT. 6 88 INCLUDES FILTH ORIG. 9.9S NOW e • EMPI CHROME V.W. FENDER GUARDS PROTECT YOUR lllAl RNDIU OllG. 4.95 WOVEN STRAP BACK REST CONTOUR SHAPID STAINUSS snn WOYIN SARAN STUPS ORIG. 1:95 V.W. FRONT TORTION BARS NOW NOW ~~~= ~~:~~N~"':l:yrs Sl~ll~~~ ~.95 NOW 3.00 3.44 12.88 USE YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD -• . ' . ' ,. ' ' ·' .. • -----.--~--- . . """'1, M1y 27, 196, DAILY PILOT J J NEWPORT BEACH .Fashion Island ) END~OF-MONT .. . Open Every Niqht •n 9:30 For Your Shopping Convenience r , llDUCID LIMITID TIMI SONTIQUE9 BED PILLOWS son MIDIUM 01 FIRM UCJULAl SIZE OllCJ. 7.H NOW 6.98 ORl4" 12.tl 20126 KINCJ SIZE 20136 NOW 10.98 TERRY TOWEL ENSEMBLE e IATH TOWIL. 0Jlt. 1.71 NOW • HAND TOWEL Orlf •• ts NOW e WASH CLOTH. Orlt •• 41 NOW SHAG RUGS 77' 37' 17' - llY MATIU LIGHT FIXTURES THING MAKERS ' MOW 688-1088 •IOUP I . Orif. t .... 12.tl PICA DOS MINI DllA4"0NS ClDPY CllA WLllS MAKll PAKS OllG. 6.11 ••our J. on,. ''·"·''·'' NOW 1388 NOW 2388 Now ·4~88 WOMEN'S DRESS HEELS ITALIAN IMPORTS LEATHER UPPW LEA THEI SOLE NOW WO MIN'S OllCJ. 6.tt • l.tt FULL AND HALF SLIPS •tour 1. ortt. n .ta.J4.tt DISCONTINUED CAMERAS JJI POLAIOID Orlt. 17.tl JJI POLAROID. Cklt. St.ti 210 POLAIOID. Orft. Jt.tS NOW NOW NOW 54aa 4888 2988 PRO POOL TABLE 8 F>T. OVALS AND ROUNDS ORICJ. 24.11 NnON TllCOT 01 POLYISTll 0114". 3.00 • 6.00 -.. ,., OllCJ. 46'.00 Go.Id, lrOWI, "'""· 100% H.,te. NOW 18 88 ~=-"'r.':':.t nn.r.1 ss w~-.......... 366.· -; MMMe4 .._. ,_ ,,...®. NOW . 77-e ,...... yt L.ecb NOW IL._ __ u_PP_~R_LE_vE_l _ ___.I ._I __ M_A_IN_FL.....,.o_o_R __ l l.___ __ M_Al_N_F_Lo_o_R _ _.I NEHRU SPORT SHIRTS FOR IOYS R•yon/Nylon, Short Sleeve Sizo1 6-11 Orig. 1.50 NOW SPORT SHIRTS FOR IOYS Auortecl Plold1 ond Solld1 All ore E11y Core Walh Orig. 3.tl NOW .99 2.44 IRIEFS AND T-SHIRTS FOR IOYS 100% ComHd Cotton Slzn 6 to 11 3/1.00 CJIRLS' lllTTIR DRESSES All W•11Mltle. Prints encl Solids. Slz .. :14.1: Orl9. 4.004.00 NOW GIRLS' lllTTIR DRESSES All Washliblo. IMutlful Styln. Sizes 7-}4 Orl9. 5.00-,,00 NOW GIRLS' FASHION ILOUSES 2.88 to 5.88 3.8 ••• 7.88 Short and SJtev1leu. Washable. 1 99 Orig. l.Sf-C.00 NOW • 2.99 MIN'S SPORT COATS C.llfornlo Ul11i1ro Coat Orig. 30.00 MEN'S PINN°PIEST JEANS INftZO ond Ollw• Sir• 2t.J6 MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Ch•r•tter Print& Sisti S-M·L-XL MEN'S lllEFS AND T0SHllTS T-Shlrts, Sl.1e1 H-41 lriefa, Slz" 2MI MEN'S SWEA TllS 100% Peruvian Al1Mc• , Orlt• 11.tl MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Whit. Only _ 100~. Cotton or Poly•ter/Cotton NOW 24.88 2/5.00 99C 2/1.22 NOW 13.88 2/5.00 SPllNCJ MILLINERY Valla, Straws, lrlm1 Orig. 3.00·5.00 .99 NOW WOMEN'S ASSORTED SLEEPWEAR PaJ1m11, .. by Dolls Gownt 1 44 2 88 O•I• 4.0W.00 NOW • to • FASHION HOSIERY Diamond Lac1. 0,..,. Styl• Ori .. 1.00-2.50 WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES White anti P11t1l1 51111 S-M·L WOMEN'S ACnATI IRIEFS Whltl Ind Pa1t1l1 Sis" S..M-L WOMEN'S COTTON lllAS Whlt1 Only A·l-C Cup. 111" J4M NOW .44 ••• 99 2/.99 3/1.00 .88 MEN'S .SUITS YEAl·AIOUND WllCJHT T ...... ~---4 p..,.,_ U1111ltM SO.: 11 Ooly OllCJ. 49.95 • 10.00 NOW MEN'S lllTTll SPORT SHIRTS SMrt Mee.• hlttell .... w.,. .. s.11• _.,....,.. NOW ORICJ. 5.tl to 7.tl SUNDAY GOLF BAGS ·--hi•••,., .... ............. 0114" 14.91 NOW 1088 LOWER LEVEL NTEllOR U.TIX ASSORTID PASTILS 1-~ALLON Drlpl•1, Ontorltu. Fait Drying Orig. 7.4t NOW 4.99 WALL MUllALS llomtll, Ocun Seen•• Orl9. 2.ff NOW 1.99 HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS GLADI MIST Orlt• .ft Sl'IC & SPAN MR. CLIAN Orlf. ·" ...... ·" llEPLACE SCREENS 11ou'p 1 IROUP 2 Orig. 17.tS-20.M Orig. 21.tS.26.tl FIREPLACE LOGS NOW NOW NOW .33 .66 .66 NOW NOW 16.88 18.88 SUMMER PIECE 4"00DS "Penn°Pre1t" Solld1 and Pr,lntl 45" wide Orig. 1.H yd. . 1.22, •. WOMEN'S IETTO HEELS Shot• from the current ... Mn. Vlnyl• and Pl11tlc1. Orl9. 12.H NOW 8 88 O•kwood Flnl1h • I LOWER LEVEL I 11 "" 1 ' .... 16.88 7.88 NOW IOY'S DUllAILE OXFORDS ~. ----~· ----· ------~. IREPLACE BASKET Compooltlon Sol.. 6 88 7 88 SALEM CANVAS PIECE GOODS Exciting Summer Prints 45" wkfe Orig. 1.lt yd. NOW BONDED ACRYLIC ·PIECE CJOODS W••r-Dated Solld1 encl FarKIH 54" wide Orlf. S.fl yd. TIER AND CAR CURTAINS Solid ·Colon and Novelty Print NOW 24" tG 3'" Ltntth. Ori• 2. lt~.4t NOW READY-MADE DllAPHIES 61Cvd. 1.44,d. Single WldttlL 54" and 14" Ltn9th1 Jac11~rd Sollcl1 Or._ 6.tl-10.tl NOW 5.00 PRINTID DllAPERT PIECE CJOODS Cotton Blend -Machine Wa1hablo 45!' wkl• or11: 2.4t yd. NOW LOUVERED 'WINDOW SHUTTll KITS Pn-Auembltd -Foat lnlt•ll•tlon Stein or Paint Flnllh. 1.50,... 12.00 VINYL TAILE CLOTHS Solld Color or Fletal Print• 54" to 90'' Ori• 2.50-6.00 NOW 2.00-5.oo FANCY SATIN PILLOW CASES Sle.p without Rulnlnt yeur Colffvro :12 Only Or19. U0 NOW 3.00 QUILTED IETTEI IEDSPREADS 5olkl Color and Flor1I Prlntt G\tHft and King. · OrJt. l~tUI NOW IATHROOM SCAW' HNrt SM,.. -Trut Weight t Only Ori• I.DI NOW VINYL CLOTHES HAMPEi Hour Gia• Design by PNrlwlck llack Only. Ori• 10.fl NOW FANCY OICJANDY APRONS Origin•! 0-.,n• by 52 Only Orlt· I .7t NOW 16.00 s.oo. 7.00 1.22 IMPOIRD CEllAMIC ASH TllA YS Orl1ln•I Design• from Italy. to Only ,. or1ti. t.00 NOW soc Orig. 1.ft..f.ft NOW • t-• CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES Fet Glrl1 Light ancl Pl11:lbl1 INFANTS' HICJH SHOES L11thlr U"9f'· LMth1r 5911 • Orl1.5.SO NOW MEN'S DiESS SHcilS Luthlr u,,..... Ooody11r Wett Con1trvctl• Ori• 22.95 NOW 4.88 2.11 16.88 WOMEN'S CULOTTES AND IUINOOSES Palhlon L9Unt11WMr. lrltht Prlntt 4 88 On• t .00 NOW • WOMEN'S ASSOITID SWIARIS AND SHELLS Short SI-°' """1"' 2 99 Turtlert1Ck Ori• UIM.00 NOW ~ ASSOITID JI. AND MISSES SKIRTS S•lldo •"" Plold• 3 99 5.99 Orig. 5.00-.10.00 . NOW • to WOMEN'S ANKLI PANTS Cotton Denim artd Nylon Knits 3 99 Ori .. 5.00 .. I.OD NOW • WOMEN'S snncH KNEI KNOCKERS Cotton N' Nyl111 Denim 2 44 SI•• 1-14 Ori• 2.00 NOW • WOMEN'S POLYESTll KNIT JAMAICAS • ..., , ...... rl< 3 99 Slsff 6-12 Or ... &.00 NOW • ASSOITID· MA TllNITY TOPS AND IOTTOMS ,.,,. T.,, .. 114 ...,..., 2 99 5 99 Otli. 4 ....... 11 NOW • t1 • WOMEN'S ILOUSES · Whlto .-Paml. Lent s1.... 2 44 Sis• 4"-42'"'4 Orlf. 4.00 to S.00 NOW • WOMEN'S UNIFORMS GROUP 1 · Or ... 5.11 NOW GROUP 2 Ori• 7.tO NOW MISSES' AND HALF SIZE DRESSES 3.88 4.88 W.nn1 111111 KnftL SI,-• l .. 1t-16~·22Yt 7 88 0.11. 11.00 to UM NOW • I GARDEN SH.OP I JI. SID DIESSIS . 12 Oftly. Ra,_.· ~te L---------------~ 11..-11-7.._ll·U ..... 7.00 NOW .99 RANCH STYLE IAllECUE M•tof' and Spit 5" Throvvft WIMlow TAlli.A-LONCJ IAl·l-QUE C"""9Ctfwtht._., c.....,.wrtcnk• S.CJALLON ISPALIDS M•y Vart.tiM IUli-lHTTA PELUTS ..... CJllASS UID 1 t ..... ~ ... °''• ,.,, t• ut HOW 19.99 1.99 8.99 2/2.96 88c .. 4.81 WOMIN'S HANDIACJS -............. ,1" 1 88 2 88 Orff. ~IO NOW • t• • WOMEN'S CLUTCHES AND WALLITS ,.._, MCI Vltlyl. 0.ln er Itta' 99 O:r .. 2." NOW • COSTUME JIWll.RY lhullll-. a.nwl• Miii llMl1 ............... COSTUMI JEWELRY """""' L--" .... Paattl• ""'· .... SUN GWSIS IMPOIRD • NOW HOW ......... NOW .66 .• 25 .22 21 CU. FT. 235-LI. FIRZl!R Whlto-CoppartoM Orl9. 47'.t5 21 CU. FT. 235-LI. FUIZIR ' lea M1k1r. Whit• anil Coppertone NOW Orig. 5Jt.t5 NOW 7S WATT· 6 SPEAKERS 6lld1 Rulo AM·;M TuMr Otl9. ,,, ... COLOR T.Y. MAPLE CONSOLE 2tS S.. I". 25,000 V.ih NOW P.ww Transhlnnar Ortg. Sn.DO NOW HARMONICA Tin H• Marina lllMI Orig. I.ff Zlli-ZA6 SEWINCJ MACHINE 2 Only Orl9. 2"9.t5 NOW TAILI AND CHAii sn llve ,,..,,., White T111tl1 Oriti. 21." NOW CJOLI' CLUI m 3 WOODS, I llOHS ,,.,_..,.., Gl .... rnto Clubs ~If. 12'.H NOW PITCHINCJ WIDGI AND PUTTllS Pl ... IUI W_., Shaft / 388.00 499.00 299.00 469.00 NOW .99 159.00 15.88 89.99 Orfl. 10.tl NOW 9.88 \ FOUMOST WHITI SPINNIN4" lOD °""Miii Illy Tr"9 T"""' far Pannap Orff. 11.00 NOW .. 9.88 FISHING LINES Pr_,. W..., and 0.., SM Orlf • .79 71/1". CIRCULAR SAW 2h" IMtw, Cut ltMI O..rt. Full 1111 M4 ....... ......... Orlt. 5t.n NOW HIAYY DllTY SAllE SAW flvdl Cuttfnt PMtu,. Orig. 34.tl NOW 3 /I HEAVY DUTT DRILL v'1rlabl1 S,...r. Trlt11r Switch • Or ... 16.H NOW 1/(" DRILL klT ~ Dtac IMClar 1M1 Rlttlt Anti• Drl'H ' Ori• 11.U NOW 9" TAlll SAW MOTOllDD 2 h111 Mr.er, 6,• RPM. T1W. Ii. 2h.16 ""'· "'·" NOW 4" JOtNTD Dotv1:1 MeMt. All aan ... ,..._ ~I C."'91 HaMI... Orlf. '5.H 10" TAii.i SAW-MOTORIZED NOW NO!" .44 _39.8• 24.88 17.88 12.11 119.98 59.88 • 0.lt• IH." NOW 134.98 SIMI GLOSS OIL IASI PASTILS 1-QUAIT -c .......... -_,., .... ,.. I 44 1'-Orlt-1.ff NOW • ' II Ir•• llAIDID IUCJS 6xt lrown and Oohl llAIDID IUCJS lxl 0 0Nln IP"DWll O.W . Orl9. 24.11 Orlg.~M NOW 18.88 NOW 28.88 •lMSTIONCJ VINYL Carnlfl, 22 yt1.,; h\MtlM, I) .,.,., Orlt-1.M Now3.88vd. >IALL IUNNW 27" WIDTH p....., luW. a.ck Orl9. 1.3t ff. 4-PC. COYUID IOWL SET NOW "' Tltht LW. loU Pr..t. Unbt'Mk1bl1 Orig. 1.f! NOW :OOT STOOLS )r•nt• lrown GrHn ILICTllC ~SSEIOLE lflan CMtad. Orig. 5.11 Orig. It.ft •NDllONS ,,,. O•dy. ............... " 'INNCllAFT DOOi CHIMES kitchen H•ll· LIYlnt loom. . Or11. n.tt 'INNCllAn DOOi CHIMES · luy .. lnttalL NOW NOW NOW NOW Drfl-13.tl NOW 'INNCllAn CHOllAL DOOi C!llMIS 11 V.rt Chima Orlf. 11.tl NOW 'lflNCllAn CHIME AND CLOCK Wetnvt cawnat Orig. 7t.tl ~EN'S Jn.PAK SAMSONITE ltMt Gny • . Orig. 2'.11 NOMEN'S SAMSONITE 21" WIM1ntl Ca11 NOW NOW Orie. 41.50 NOW .66 (t. 1.66 3.66 15.88 9.88 27.98 11.88 13.88 64.88 24.88 34.88 •••us SUPER I MOYIE CA"'EllA ll«trlc L1n1 C1rtrh111 LMd Orlf.1.6'.00 NOW 144.00 'UTOMA nc POLAROID 240 LIM' Camw• ' Orlf. '"·" NOW ~'"A YA 1000 Dl). . ' Orlf. m .ts NOW KODAK CAIOUSR 750 .1 ............. Orlf. 1M.ts 11.UI DOT snVANIA . .......... NOW 99.00 209.00 82.88 NOW .66 1 PENNEY'S NEWPORT BEACH ONLY . . . LIKE IT CHARGE 11'! , . ... • \ , .. • , • I ' 1 • • • • ASSETS OVER $425.000,000.00 . ' • .. HEAD OFFICE <;!°'~~l'lfl 315 Ent Color.do Bouleva~.;· P• .. den•. C•llf~la 11109 r ( I • INGS • O™l!R BRANCH Ol'l'ICU .,.. -.. ..-. °"""" .I Gl9nd9t. .. • llTEIEST IAY-1111,~Y-1 . \' ... I Monday's Closing Prices-Coniplete • ' I 1 ,. . , New · York -St~k Exchange List • -.. .... , .. uw ClllM De I American '• ' Stock Exchange ! • DAllY PILOT l.iist • I I • .Jf DAILY PILOT T......,, M11 17, 1969 ~Mighty .Niee Flops Lohman, 8arkley Canceled r · Studi.O F car~d for 'Shane,' 'G raduate' • By VERNON' SC01'I HOU.YWOOD (UPI) Behlod the bravado o f Hollywood lihn maken Ues a Jon. ol timidity fort!fled only lly .Wpeodous gall. The s,IMdio is Para.mount . The pictures were ''Gol.ng My Wa,y," usharie ii. n d "The Graduate:"'• • Jn aJI three cues studio bigwigs were terrified they had pniduced catastrophes .Jnc1 •atlomplod lo uolood !hem on their brethren ln the movie.. making lalsiness. • When director Leo McCarty completid "Going My Way" ..;th Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald as priests. the late Frank Freeman blew his stack. He told McCarey that folks down south didn't cotton to priests and that ne would lose his shirt. Freeman refused to pay McCarey his director":; salary, insisting instead, that lhe direct.or accept a percentage of the profits, if any. ;:=:=========:;I~ ~-f.Cllltf. ~ m. ilUrl ' ENDS TONIGHT ''THERESE And ISABELLE" M~M•1Di•11I "KISS The OTHER SHEIK" STARTS WEDNESDAY ON J OF THI YUIS 10 llST . JolM Cw,etlh "FACES" .... "MODEL SHOP" TONITE At 6:00 & 10:1 0 An'd At 8:10 Onl1 ~@--_,­·(~----·-~ -'Therese 1S:C:11e -· --· - "'°smYEll NO ONf UNDO 1 I ADMITTID THIS ENS.A.GI• MINT. ALL sun THIS PIO· GU.M S2.00 ''Frffman forced 1ne. into becoming a mllliooa.lre," McCarty sald alter the film went on to win the , Oscar, along wUh awarda for crosby 'f.nd Fltzge\ald. McCarey won the Oscar in addition to mllUona. Then there was the case of George steveas antf"Shane." When .Stevens turned 1n his print of the western the cor- porate structure at Paramount was struck with a massive case·of St. Vitus dance. 'l'bey believed, collecjively, t bat Stevens had lost his mind. The studio nqotlated with United Artist8 to buy the pie- ture at cost. Paramount jllst wanted to unload the atrocity and get its money back. But United Artists wasn't having any. Clearly, the bralM at UA knew a turkey when they saw one, too. With a tear In its corporate "'an•:I•• Fr-Ao .. eye, Paramowit released .. •• u ...._. a "Shane" and waited for the bomb to explode. John Ferzacca and Pat Brown, playing Dylan tt did . With shattering ef· Thomas and his wife in the Laguna Playhouse pro-. feet. "Shane" became a duction of "Dylan," mix it up in the frenetic scene classic western and earned as from the biographical drama, opening Wednesday. much money as any horse --------'-------'---=-----:...-II opera that ever thundered out of a sound stage. Finally, and recenUy, dttec· tor Mike Nichols turned out an unpretentious little picture titled 0 The Graduate" star· ring a couple of unknown kids, Dustin Hollman and Katharine Ross. Once again the bosses had a stroke. •'What is this?'' they cried, or something like that. All they could see was ruin and disgrace . "The Graduate" caught oo with yoong people and cur· rently is chasing "Gone With the Wind" and "The Sound of Music" as the most successful Hippies Not Funny To Carol's Korman HOLLYWOOD (UPI) gave birth lo a litter of three Harvey Korman, r e s i d e n t kittens. j comedian on "The Carol From the land or pot and Burnett.Show," has an ofi. posies, Konnan hopes to move camera sense of humor, but to Beverly Hills. It's a matter not lJhen it comes to hippies of one mile in distance, light and other weird types who in-years in substance. fest his neighborhood.' H , . 1 Konnan works five clays a e s moving ou . FIRST IUN ...... , .... Ac..., ..... , ....... e Not N be .....,_ "---C••pl .. , L.A. Tl-9 -Aho - 1&6V'§ift1$1 0.-Shrll Clllhemelleno.M r!!!• =-~ G """"' Eve Show Starts 6:45 Cont. Sun. From 2 P.M. , I I box office picture ever made. The husky comic and his wee~ on the Burnell .show, wife of nine years, Donna, live , \lpl.dmg throu~h l,he script on l~::;::;::;::;~~~~~~ll above the Sunset Strip. And Monday, bl~kmg out thesket· • BALBOA inasmuch as they have two ches and musical numbers on 67l-4048 . youngsters; Maria, 4, and Tuesday a n d Wednesday, Christopher, 2, they don't want camera rehearsal Thursday OPEt~ • them exposed to the freaks in 6:45 beards, tattoos, Jong stringy and taping Friday. 7M I . a.Situ hair and love beads. \Veekends the K o·r ma n s:1._a._,_ ... _,.,. __ ••_•_•I_•_.;; The Kormans would prefer devote to their offspring. They to remain in their l!m com-poke a r o u n d playgrounds, posite of M e d i t e r r e a n · pony ride s, amusement parks, CaWomia stucco because it the zoo, picnics and short trips has a view of the city, a swim-to San Diego and Santa ming ·pool and is furnished Barbara. with a mixture of antiques and \Vhen the ch.ildre'n tire out contemporary pieces l he Y Harvey sneaks' off to play goll selected especially lf?r the at Bel-Air country c:lub with a home. few cronies. He also plays ten. It's 51).nny and bright, but nis at the courts o I wltll Geott-hpp•d I• "PENDULUM" Start• Wednefday J -en.,., Lee 1 .. 1ct 11 June schedule mnains 1D11<t: Wayne Newton June 7-1. Al Hll'I JWle JO.It and Don Rktles June 2'1·29. ~~=1:111~ v-a:;;;. • r see 1 aal!I ,. ... ......, ,.,..... .. "THE MAGUS" Starts Wtdnud1y SECOND FEATUa E "HELLO DOWN THERE# -----------WEEK NIGHTS AT 1:15 l'.M. CONTINUOUS SHOWS ON SAT. a. SUN. .... ........... spltndor_'lllt_.,.gailia:atpidllret!ftl! DAVIDQSEUNIOO If they graduate, .they deserve a Sylvania lhe shadow of today's Sunset neighborhood friends . Boulevard c:asts a pall on the The comedian has t h e Korman home life. cur-ious ·habit of starting Jn addition to th eir two several books at orice and children, the three-bedroom rarely finishing any of them. home is occupied by a full-I-le explains thi s .by saying he time maid and a Siamese cal hates to see the end o/ rm.J{!1l e ''"°"" FiixsouTH coan !1if1P C!HlRIL PLAZA TH-1 IM "t&.'"6;:ied{' ,,.....--~ CORPORATION San Dieco Freeway at Brlstol • 546--2711 ' ' > " .,., for summer fun -there's a,S1lvania Ent.ertainment Instrument to thrill any graduate. Cbooaeast.ereo, television, radio or tape recorder. They'll enjey and remember it for J'Cnr& • Syl\·&nia'• mini-mod. Tbeehoiceof \JJe young and ~oung at heart. everywhere. This :HJpeeO m-roo record player corMll comp let.a with a pairot: "!1tvbed. s.pca.ken. ~Ask f~r modei Mll.110. Coinplet.e-1t.h dial cover, just.' $99.95 Your headquarters for Superb Sylvania home en tertainmen t ins truments Yo.headquarters for Superb Sylvania home entertainment Instruments ©DAVIS -BROWN A11 E. 17111 SI \ I COSTA MESA D•lly f · f, S•t. f ·'6 .. 646-1684 na1ned Kelly who recently anything. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Posilion o i!Ulhority b N<trrow op,nin g 10 Thin taptrrd pfecr I• Attor Grrenr 15 New Meti· can Indian lb "Gone with !hr 'I/Ind" homt 17 Surrounde~ by 18 Spasmod ic movement 19 Vital stati1lits item 20 Sourc e of influe-ncr: 2 words 22 Crushed mall 23 UUl iz rd a book 2• lrihile and elCha!e 2b Brrn's river 211 Endeavor 30 Symbol of qillelness 31 School llf'OtJP 33 Boa.ids supporting bedsprings: 2 words 37 Fabric .of 1 nrt 38 Gardrn too l •O Histo1fc prn nam e 41 llade urge11t appri!I ~3 Kind of song 44 Horsry color 45 Away's · companion 47Mlnutr 48 Twist out of shape 51 White-·- 53 Shore 1ecrss !i4 Panic-button pushrrs ~'Man's nam! bO Onc e mort: Dial. bl Accustom b2 Part of a chur ch bl Mus ical composltion ti • long plumed blrtl bS Trrrllled bb Human joint b1 Givrs orr lumPs OOWN I Cras.h of thunder 2 ·---· labrr: Man lhe ueator ) lined,up 4 ·--s1nctu111 !i Note decl ln- ln 9 ari ln'll\allon b Kind of boy or 9irl ' Iii end 7 Chap1 •· Vrsterday's Puzz lr Solved: SS f DO llC• HAll Y ~ll A l A R 8 Under an ob11gal!on 9 Dally amorously 10 Things lllilich can bf put In staclc 11 Custo 111 lZ Certain Celts 13 Being wilh- oul gloss 21 Beverage counttr 22 Opals, prads, r te. ZS Badgered 2b Ullliosl dr11ree 27 Fo1111 of Ale11nder 28 Skin dis· order JZ Cul Clown In ritenl 33 Worthless 34 Br ·--to onrsrtl:' 2 words A II a C II I II 35 Hollow bu ild· ing un it 36 Resembling . In all w1ys 3a Onr whost name Is ln llghts 39 Washington , O.C., landmark 4Z Plant part 4) Can. provln· cial leader 45 Pipe fitting 4(, Ventllillr 48 Gkl's namr 49 kind q_I rrlalive 50 Bond111an 52 Burn .~ sllghlty 55 -·-of duty 56' Afflr1t1at ive reply 57 Migration 58 F!xrs h1 places 6'0 lnq.i lre or o·-"104-JIM<I''.,,. ""~-ACRES OF FREE PARKING e Starts Wednesday e ,NIG-HTLT 7:00 & f:lS AT aEG-ULAR !'RICES 3W1IU>e rof Academy A,wards! I STEVE McQUlEN 111 "BULL IT" AIM CLINT WALICElt "SAM WHISKEY" STARTS WEDNESDAY .... THI 1unn IN 'YELLOW SUBMARINE' Bargain J~~~~ Wed., 1 p.m. FRll Rll'llSHMIHTS ADULTS S1.ot BEST Tht DAILY l'ILOT off•.-. ''"'' of tht btrl ft•l'lrt1, t.•d\ttl 111r .. .., of r•tdtr1, Utbl• In """ 11•wt11tpw ffl• 11ttio11. WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN FILM The Two Part Production Of Leo Toktoy's LEO :"t•TA D TOLSTOY"S y y -a-nJ. PEACE -..{ M'.""° .t.tvr .or "Al'OLCOll . ..UTM.JMllC CRMOEUI or -ner: ,,_,.oor.co • ., ITS OftlGI! PlliUC[ MU AS TMOUSMOS THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION OF "'WAl AND l'EACI" WILL IE SHOWN 'IN TWO P.AltTS. EACH r.AlT WILL IE SHOWN FOR ONE WEEKI PART 11:"::::: .. ·:;.:. STARTS MAY 21st SCHEDULES OF PERFORMANCES Wet!~. Mrr J1 , •,.,,,,, •• ,., •• , •• ,., .•.•• l :M ,_-. n.ntA.y, .. ., 2:2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t:tt ,..., Frld.,, M-r Jl ..•• , •• , ••• , , , , , , , , , •• 6:JD Ii 1 l :M ,,.., S...rQy, Moy 24 .••••••••••.• ,, ., • J~M:30.1 1:1t p.111. '-4..,, Mlfy 2S , , ,,, ,. ,_.. •••••• ••••• 1J:J0"4 :10.l:OI PA ...... ._,, M•y 26' •• , ••••• , ••• • • • • ·, • • • • • • •• , •• , l tOO p.-. r .. ;.,.. 1111.., 21 •••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• : 1:00 , ... • ' ' \ ' . . \ • • • ' •. . \ TUESDAY 1:30 D INIC •••Mee (C) (60) II I 1-1 LICJ (30) .. ,., ... " ... iloUD• ..... Soi (C) (60) '9CIJ•·-(C) fD.DEIUT foca • --. (t) (30) "frM Handt-o(n Art School ol T omarrow .. • Alt lkplor1tlon of 1 uniqlll scttDOI of 1rt kl SWedtft wtier•· duil111b are 111ond eotn- plete frttdont.· T11clltrs ltt only as advisors; 1116' dlrlCtor Per Foss his built till, film an:Hlfld c:o11t.51AA'ldlnt: rtl)'lhms of lfudeftb and WOI\ and popular rock mUsic. 7:0CI II cu (VMln& """ (C) (30) Wtlttf Cn>nkitt. KNXT praenb early etldioa rit11t111 btllnn1111 .t 1:00 10:00 II on Declll Spedail (C) (60') PM Yi• el.:tronlc "crnl" (th• !Int Coontlnuetl CO'o'll'IP of u.. tot -. of 'Ml('di ICl'OIS th1 bottom af JOU! 11lts Cit)' Etcllon. fllchMllnt 1ii1 TV IUMll). battle for Ma,or, ' W ~ 0 WW'• MJ U.l <') {30) M1n1 Frinds, Al•n Aidt, Patti Deutsch and GeM RIJl>um 1rt panelist.I. Wally Bruner Is host·moder•tor. m-<CJ PO) ID CIJ -iCI with m lltblt ulldl41ttt. Jerry Dunphy II .1nchcltml11. om•-!Cl<"> 0 DICK CAVETT SHOW * Jane fondl. Tom • Jones, Joe Namath fDN-0PM tlo• (30) .. Amtt:1t1n Prlmh Marurpll!Dls." Holl Russell t.M!nor tours 1n ah!-. bltlo!I of /.mericln prirnM1 paint· Ina lrom tht c:ollec:tlon of Et1111 W~A1m and B•nk.9 Chrys.ler Gt,. D tl7l CD !ll Dkl ,_ iC1 <"> ·Jot fiimath, Jan• Fonda. To• """ -o•"""-<30) '""' <B <II ....... ,.,. (C) m 1111• .. "' S&lll (C) m ~· t111Dt (C) o tHJ mm•• ""' m <"> urtnd" Tlr1 Chlp1111"!" 'Ywonnt Cnlt: pll)'I 1 &lr1 o" She run who 11 iinaw1re thlt &he has men!n1ll!s. Tht JOIJlll folU1n1tr flees • hospl· Ill wt1H1 lllf trl'lllln1 comP1nion b bell!I 11vtn emerp!IC! trutment tor till drHd disease.. Dell• Reese pllJI • nl1htdub proprlttms. (R) ED use "'* Fllllnl (SO, Jolttl Crow1I bOtts I PfOltllll l•blrilll pilni;. J1mes Coot of Ille USC Sch90f cf Musie. Wtdlont 11t ·~. Op1.11 1,• br Schum111n; erid "ludus Toaalil'" bf Hltldlmb. 9 ([) a....... Aplrt (Q (lq "Thi Yf3!'lh lntnltloML'" ........ m....,.,.,. .. ,......,. (drama) '5s-fr1nk ~. Klllti 8r1ssellt. 1!11 CD ID <II 9 <II -iCI m1te1p••-~ o••"' "''"" ·..,,. ,,_ u,,.OID <Il lll'""'" --!Cl (dr1m1) '61-Yolki!t' BohlHll. fritl ft Ma.It: "'S.n, O'....-(d~ Wepper. ma) '49-Al•n ltdd, Gilt RlllMIL mTrwD • C:asc••• (C) (30) O @CilGD_, ...... (C) £D"" flldldl Qel (30) (R)' m-• "" m Km< <CJ ,,., fI) World ,.._ (t) (60) l?i) fflpptlllflt I ~ m ..... ~c-ICI U:OO l)Mtllt: ., .... 9-bb111' (ldnnlurt) '58--kwin Mathlwl. 1~ 0 ...... "Tiii F1AW" (dtlrn&) '50-MlcUJ Rootllr. Marllyui MM-.,. 1~" m""" .,_ ·G,J. n ... trs.'" l:IOIJ(B<IJ ... ,._ (tl (60) Slte1ton presents &1n1l!I' stir \.1111 1:00 DD NM (C') Clntrtl~ poltl IS to!\ man San 1J C.. .... hlldt 1Mri (C) Fllflllndo Rid In I crooked rN .. estate dn1, Pantomimes • dumtJ m1l1 nu1M and pl1y1 th• letd •Ina· • in 1 qu111d C.llld Th• Glplos Jn I nude'lllll routinl. (R) i o ID m m ''"' !Cl ,,., """ Sh1r,t1 l1i1n I 81bJ't Tooth." lull• 1,,.._......,....,_, '49--GIM nemer. Jail Ftrt1t. mn-• ii blff1td ·~lolls wtllfl ml'I Corey OYtrp1n1" It hnin& • tooth 2.:.111 m......,.. .. ..,._.. .,,. pulled, (R) ·~feulofl." \ WEDNlSDbY • JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Quaflty 'rl11ti119 ''"' D,,.,.4.w, Se"'l~• for "''"' tti111 1 Q111rt1r 1f • C111tury • PILOT PRIN'!ING Ul I wm IAUOA II.YD. • NIWPOl't llACH • , . • A I STEVE ROPER AREN'T 'n41wGS PRETlY DULL. FOR A CMICK 1.ll<E -,OU, HONEYDEW? ·- ARO'Jt.10 A w.6.UJNE OFFICE t PERKINS ~------l f---.J..•C JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS H\ISIAWP ,FAUS IN LOVE WITH ~El ~IMtil ANP nlE WIFE tS Tll! LJ:ST PERSON TO KNOW! OF C.OURSE, WHEN SHE FJMALL'I' POfS LEARN ABOUT If, IT~ TOO LA.TIE! . BY GOU.Y! HOGARTH HEMP, THE AANGMAN! •• JHANKS FOR RESCUIN' ' . ME, HOGARTH!' MY FRIENDS CALL ME 'HOAGY~ MUTT AND JEFF • ,. -. -.. • '"·•1 1l' nf:!. -. .. µ By John Miles By Harold Le DoUll ,,..--.,----~ THI.T's VO\Jlt PHOM ! JtlNGIM6! SMAU. I 6ET Ml6KT TT flfRMi\PS! SAM, PO NOT IE 'tME VOi MJNP TAK\NGI 111P6E ME FOi A. PllVf~ I CAlUll6l' HAVE TO 6Ef OUT OF IT ,FOlt YOU, kAT"'!ERINE i' ·- THIS MOll5E FOi: A FEW HOU~! By Tom K. Ran ro.tr~ WANTlU BE FRIENDS? - By Al Smltti !1 h JI ' By Gus A.rrlola ----- '• ,, \ a ( 'DAil y l'ltAIT BEATLES ·-11A Hard Day's Night," the motion picture starring Ute BeaUes, may be seen tonight at 9 on Channel 4. It is a musical-comedy-fantasy ot 36 hours hi tlle lives ol the Beatles. All 11 songs in the motion picture were written by John Lennon anil Pai¥ McCartney. . • -· TELEVISION VIEWS Dick Cavett ' . Truly Fine . By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The most consistently amusing and urbane prime time entry since Jack ~ Paar had his weekly outings turned up on ABC.TV ~ Monday night when ·Dick Cavett introduced his new series. I don't know what the ratings will say, and I • • don't patUculariy care. After all, Paar's weekly ! ratings weren't that bot either -even though he bad far and aWay the best series on television. The point is that ABC-TV's decision to present Cavett with three weekly prime time hours this spring arid -; summer is an excellent one. · ; His second hour arrives tonight, and his third "! one on Friday. And be will be on band regularly on ' Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays -at 10 to 11 p.m. : PDT -Until fall, according to present plans. S TO GET THE iechn1oal nlatters out of the ~ay, : Cavett's show is almost identical in format to the Johnny Clirson and Joey Bishop series. For that i ma~r. ll_is also almooUdentical to cavett"s 00. : minute 1boming aeries that failed because of rat-' ings -not because of quality -a while back. : I do. not think it i_s altogether whlplSical to sug- gest -slier wat.ching Monday night's premiere - that cavett Is fut too good for daytime television. l You can't~· y ; apP.teciaU. his cumu!ative per-, fonnanCe -e 1ett1n11 of tone and attitude, the ' ama2ingiy y wit and taste -by cat.ching him ~ f<>r a f~ minutoo here and there betweea doing : dishes or while stlaving. , ' . CAVETT IS L!KE Paar in so many ways .. They • are both intelligent and sensitive, and sbarpJ,y ~ aware of the world beyond the narrow confines ot ~ show bwiness. They are both highly sophisticated 1 monologists, with a charming sense of self-depre-~ cation -the quality that John F. Kennedy used to " such great advantage. They both have journalistic ~ tendencies. ~ • And they both have the remarkable gift of COD• ~ stantty· being able to top even their wittiest guest , . [ -yet at the same time doing it with winning good : I nature. Paar, of. course, bad more ef the killer in-~ stinct -the sort of suggested undertone that said: ~ 0 Don't tread on me." Somehow, I have the· feeling ' ' that this quality is also lurking inside Cavett-and, , When bis public posiP,oit is mor& secure~1 will assert • it.elf. • ' . CAVETT'S GUESTS for the Monday night pre-, miere were Candice Bergen, Tnµnan capote, Liza ~ Minnelli and J ames Coburn -yet even in such / high-style celebrity company, the humorist h.ost was ~ the best of all. His opening monologue was razor • Sharp. And DO one could improve Oll his ,introdUC• , Uon of. Miss Bergen, whom he noted was not only : an actress but a writer and photographer -0 A Reneiseance broad." .. . -• The guests were a very good lot indeed, and : very l006e, thanks to Cavett. Miss Minnelll sang well. Miss Bergen, daughU.r of Edgar Bergen, made lhe oocta1 o.bservation that in the wealthy Bel Air (Los Angeles) coofines in which she was brought up, child- hood eggfights were conducted with grade-double-' A·large eggs. And Cavett noted that, as a youth, • he lived "in the Beverly Hllls·llke part of ! Nebraska." Dennis the Menace . ~4i4•· ' s-i, • • • ~ ' • L • '· ill IAll:Y I'll.OT • • ' ' J F ~0·C l<·E·ld, · • • • ' CARPE.TIN6 wliat'll they think of next? • • Monarch lntermedia fays it right at your feet - not t~fted, not woven. not felted -flocked. This is the hot new technological breakthrou gh that has decorators agog with n~ ideas. You can see it only at the Mav. Co, and only at May Co ca n you get the one-week introductory price of 8.99, per yard, installed. After that -9.99. You've seen flocked wallpaper and furniture. Now -flocked carpetin~. that fo r all its plushy looks is so pra c- tical you clean it as easily as hard-finish floor. In case you're ·detail-minded -Monarch lntermedia is made· from nylon fibers electrostatically charged through epoxy-coated foam backing. Th ere are approximately two million fibers per yard and nothing but nothing can get them loose. Stays put, needs no urtderpadding, springs back forever; The colors! Smashing ••• you can even get it in fashio n-trendy black. Feat!l red· here, Casual Brick pattern, in red, green or ru st. 8 ~9 9 sq. yd . m.iy co floor coverings 32 "" ·call for our C.trpetmobile, , • if you can't get in1to see this exceotional carpetin g, have our decorator trained salesmen bring samples to your home. Telephone your nearest May Co. casual Pmian sold, green, peacock: Casu.11 Span ish red. rust peacock c.iwal C:arden bla.ck.n1u sold • .. ' ( 1111y'CO soutli coHI plau, •an piego fwy at bristol, co.ta mesa; 5.fb-9321; 5hop mond•Y. througli Hluri!ey_ l 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m.. • ' ' • I MAVCO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL N011CE ...... 1... ...iJm lltOTtU TO Cltl!DITMt _ C••Tll'ICATS DI' DIKOMTtJllU.t.tKI! su•••• COUllT Ofl TN• DI' us• AND/DA AM.MDDWll•Nt DI' ITA.T• OP CALll'<MINIA l'Dlt l'ICTITIOUI NAM• TN• (OUJllTY 01'" CMIANOI THE t.LHOEllSIGNED 4Dtt ....._. N&. A.am (fftlt>/' !NII, ttt.dl~ ""'11 lt; ,_ ti. E~lllis of l'ltEDEJtJCI( H LOV!Ll wtted lo do '-"-' \H'ldllr ""' llcr-eb FltEDEIUCK HEN1tv' LCIVEL~ nnow. flrm -el JOttN L. THOUIAHO O.C.Wd. dllill EMPUIE ENGINl!llltlNO 11 17' NOT•CE II HEltE8V Gt\IEN to tM '11911 ltlfl Slrt1I, ~ IMdl. Cf't41fot• of """ .-... ""'*' CllUdtnl Cll"-lt. wllltll Ml-... "°"'* ... 11111 •If ""°"" ........... dl•rni "' ... ' b cow....i ..... ~ ...,_,. .,_ M.litl ~ '"' ~ltd to nw "'.,., -Ill 1\111 llld Piia ot r"~ II •• •1111 the ~l"I' ~ .. 111 1M ottKt lollows. io.11: ot tile C'"1l fJI It. 1bo<l1 ~111114 court. Johll L 'fl'IOIAand, 11S w .. t 1Mll DI' to ........ "*"" Witll .... ~"' 511••· NIWINll1 eeoKti. Ctt!lornlt.. ~ to It. ~ el h L Cettllluo• for tr•l\lolCflofl Ill IM.IMu Oflk• ot JOHN E PE'{Ell$0N JR llflCler rtit liltlOY• lldltlol.ll -· ...0 _.. 11!111: Of C"•llfomlt 'eulldlfll '-U, wtft ~vii ot P\lbllatloll rl!tl'l!lf, ,,. Oii lH• ocu11 ll!Yd., L011f ktm; Oilltarnt• In 1M af11c:a of Ill~ C,OUrt!Y ~ltrll ot tCllOt. 'Mllkh Is flit •Ila ot Ml-ot Of"tll91 Counh' • under 1111 Pl'O'lliloM ol "-11nct.uton..t Ill •II m.flt.rs -'•lnlr>V SK1lon 1~ of Ille Clvll coci. • to INI n11i. ot wld o.c~t, w!fhln lour WITNESS mY lltnd 11111 lflll d•V or ::"i!' llltl' ttw llnl llllb!lc.tllon 01 1111$ APrll.. 1~HN L. THOUSAND dlbfl Dlled MW''• 1"9 EMPIRE 6-NGIHEERING FUtsi WEST(RN SANIC JOll!o L. T"-nd ANCI TA.Un COMPANY, Miii• M. 0.11J • A can1on111 8ankh$ AHodatloti A.ttwrllr 9t l.IW Mmlnl1trnor. CTA of ,,.. E1l•I• Ul'lotl ... 1411111'1, ot 1M ...,_ """" c!Kedfnl S111M N-lilel' 01 'OMN I', .. llTl'ltSON, JR. $OI Slvlll Mtln SI,_.!, Al.......,, 11 L1W Or1nt1, C1llf9fllll nu1 .. 9111111 Ii' Clllflnll1 s~Udlq T•I: 1110 IU-tft.t ... W•I W•I 0c9M SIW. Pub"'11H Or~I Co.111 D•lll' Piie!, ~ hldl. c.ui.r.i. ,..a ~., " 1:1. 20. n. 1'69 .,.... T1l1 ltlU UJ.1JJll ArttnleY ..., Mmlllllfr.,..., CTA LEGAL NOTICE p~ °'"'" CMtl 0.111" !!.loJ.:1------~~------IMr 20, n, ,,,_ i. 10. 1"' ...,...,. SAR·lffl 1-------------...... J NOTICI! TO CltllDITORS SUl"ERIOlt COURT Of' TNS STATE 01' CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY 01' OltANOli ' LEGAL NOTICE JMJI NI. A-4211f' NDTICI! 01' SALi! 01' ltPA.L & Elllte ol ELLA. L. COLEMAN, DKHSo l"l!RSONAL l'ROPERTY AT PRIVATE ed. '.. .. SALR TO SE IOLD AS A UNIT NOTICE IS HER.EBY GIVEN to ~ ,.._ J4ttn (redl!CITT al the lllo\ll lllrntid Otadfllt IN SUl"liRIOR COURT OF THE 11111 all pe,_. h1vlno;I Cl&IA'I$ 11191MI 1"9 STATE O" CALIFOIUILA FOR Uid doudenl arr rf<llllrK lo Ille tt>em, THI! COUfl'TY 01' I.OS ANGELES wllh tne _..,,.., \'Olldltlri, In Ille ollkl In flll ~ti., of the Estate of M•,.., s11e ot Iii. clrrtc ot tho atiow 111!1ltld MeG1rv. O.C.alled. court, or lo prHl'nl ll!tm, wl"' Notkl 11 he<~ 11v.... ttlat Ille un· the ~uarv llOl,IC!leri, to t h • <kril11nK Wiil Mii 11 Prlv1t1 ~•le, hi the undt!l"ll11ned 11 Ille ol!lce ol hll 1llOl'...W, hlohtst 1nd bHI bidder. sublKI lo (01\-HURWITZ, HURWITZ & 11.EMEll., Qll • flrmatlon of Silk! S'(Ptlrior Covrt, on or :t'llld Sir.el, Nt!wi>orl Buch, C1tltornl1, 1f11r 1119 em day ol Jun!!, JM, 11 Ille of· wf'l!ch ;~ !111 1>lec1 ot b<J1lneu ot t~ lice of SKll•ltr PKltic Nat1ooal B&llk 11ni1tralai>ed In 111 malltra pertalnlnD IQ Tnnt ll!HI 1!1t1re Olvl1lon, w Sc~t~ Ille esrara of 1•1d d~tclllnl, wllhln 1o11r Mollft, 5th Floor, LM A"8tlH All: J, montht after tr.. llril Pub1!1;9tlon ot this A.-.i, Count'/ of Loi AnDelcs, Stale ol nollte. C1lllomlt, •II 1h1 ri~hr, title Ind ln!eresr Oi!td May 16. 1%9. of ,.Id d"'ealled al the time of dr&lh and Ar!1>11r 11!, Cc.lemln all !hi rlllht, 11111 tnd lnlM"Hf that Ille Adm!nlslr&h>r ot the Esl1!e ~hit. af Slid orc-.1111 )'•• 1<:C111lrrd bY ot the above neml'd oec..itnt -fllon of Llw or oO..rrwlse, other lhan HUA.WITL HURWITZ a. Rl!MElll or In lddlfl(l'I lo flllt al Slld dee.ti~. al AttOl'M'll 11 L1w Ille H1n1 of IM'llll, In Ind lo all Ille (!!<lain UI • 111111 5lrtel, r11I Ind --1 ~-rty slh.o11ed In the N-rt Blfdl, C1llllM'nl1 Counlw of Cira"", St1!1 ot C11Jfornla Tai' 6n-t02t Hrl~lll1rtw dHcrlbtd u loll_,,, 1o.w11: A"-Ys for l.drnlnlll•1'9r Lot 5 ot Tr1ct 112 In !hr Citv of Publlsl....t CH1nve co.ost 0111, l"llc•, Ntw-1 BtKh, Countr ot OrlnDI. State Mz>y 20, 11, J~ne J, 10, 196f t 11'4t of C1trtornl1, 11 .,.... mao rKOnled inJ-------------- aook :n P-4 of Ml\ull111••••1S M~. LEGAL NOTICE mort common!¥ kl'IOWl'l •s lOIJ Grand c1rwrl, Biibo• b l.Ind, N~ Beach 1-------------- C.llfof'nla 92667 ' l"·J:wl Fumflllre Ind Fumllhlno'S localed el )O!I CEll!TIFICA.TE OF CDll,OltATION 1'0111 Grar>d Canal. Balbol h l1nd, N~r1 TRANS.A.CT ION OF BUSINESS UNDl!lll Bt •ch, Calllornl• nu1 FICTIT IOUS NAME Slld rtll and IH'riot!ll properly 1o be THE UNOt:A.SIGNEO COll!f'Olll.TIOM sold &1 • unit. don htreb\' cerrih thal 11 11 torol~llne a Tlf'ml ot Miit c.iuh In lawful ll'IOtlf"f q1 b<Jslt'lftS localed 11 603 G E11t AllOfl, S.11-ll!e United SlalK on con11rm1!1oft of salt, ta Ana, CallfornJa, nms 11~ the tic· lM' earl c1sll and .,.lance evlllenced bv till0U1 firm nime al CRESTLINE ncrlt MltUrtd bv --"'''' or Trl!SI o~ MANUFACTURING COMPANY Ind tlltl "" lh• ProH•IY IC) sold. Ten per c«rl ol said firm ti. coml>Mr<I ot tltl to-11111 1rno11nl bid lo be dtPO$lled Wllh bld. co....oralk>n, wllol' 1>rlnclpit pl.la ot Bldl or ol~r• lo be In wrll!"" Ind wlll buslnrsl la II foClowl· be r"'eJWd 11 Ille 1loresald office al tnY c G • tlme tltfl!"""" llnl Pllbl!cllion hereof Ind . restUne armrs, Inc .. '°3 G e-111 belcre d•k ol wit Allon, Santa An1, C1tllornla, '27GS. Oiled th!s 2Jrd day of MaY, 1~69, l:ITNESS lls hind lhl1 hi dlY al MIY, Stcur!TY Paclllc Natlontl Bent !Ca;l>Or 1 •eal) Exec11l11< of Ille E1l1lt 8 t ~ , ot Sllld Ooadt! 1 Crttlllne G•rn11, lllC, W11!1 IC. Wallhnnd n · Wllli1m E. 11!1nltr, President JohnlCln, Bln1l0n, BllCM & Willl'#tnd $Tl.TE OF CALIFOA.Nll., 11111 AVlflUI ol Ille Sl1n COUNTV OF 011!1.NGE, "· 5\lllt 13S On !Mli h i ~y ot May, A.D: 1,6', '"" ..... ,'"· C1Mf. befO<t rmr John B. Slundt<'°'1 I Nol•<V A.ll•r11•1 for EXKulor Publ!c In Ind /Qr Sf]d, CDUnlv Ind Sl1N11 P11blltlled Or1111e cHst Dti!Y Pilot rnl!llllll lf'lertln, duty (gmmls'loned Ind MIY 11, ?I, June 3, 196' \Ql•..S9 ~worn, 1>1rson1lfy •-•red WIHllm E. Ranier, ~/IO\lln lo IN 1o bt 1111 Prnlchnt ---.,..,----------:01 the cori>o•tllon !1111 ••ta1led In• LEGAL NOTICE wltllln ln5lt'll""'1! "" ber..11 of ""' COi'• PO'°alloft lf\e .. ln Mmed, Ind ldlnowlrOI• NOTICE IHVITIMG BIDS ed lo me flMll well cor1>11rlllon UIKUttd Nollet II hPl't!tl\I ulve.1 fhlt tht Board of !ht wm•. Trv1!et1 ot the Orantt coa5t Jlllllor In Wltnn.s Wtirreol, I lltw hrrtlln1o wt• Collr91 Olslrkl ot Oranvr COIJlll'I ~!land and altlxed rny otlklal Mll.1119 c1n1on111. wltt rt«IWI! $Hird bids uo ..; ""¥ and u.• In lh!s Clf'llllt91t fin! above n,oo 1.m., Wed~av. June II, 1969, at W~71't1AL SEALl l"'8 P11rdlltl1111 Deel ol sald school dl1l•kl lotlltd II 2101 F•!rvli.w RDMI John a. Sl11ni1trwn. Ill Colla Mesa, C.Ulornla. I f Whkh ,1~ Nor1ry Publl(·C1lltornla 11tt! bld1 wm bl Pllb!lclY _..~ and ,~.,!J Prlht11>1! otnce In 10• One (11 Elrctroslatl( Oltlel Master Oranoe C<11tnlv Make•. Mv Commlnlon E~Pfrts AH bloh •r• Ji be In •cccrdtnce wl!ll Oclobfr 31. 1970 the ln1tr11cttonS ind Conditions Ind Pllbl!Sl!ed Or11111 COllSI D•llJ P Hol, 5peclllc1tlonl whlch ire ,_ on 1111 ind Mav 1l. 20~?1 •nd Jvnt l. lf6t f1s..s9 ITllV bl w.aired Ill ft'lt' office ot lhll~--.,-=c,.--------- P u•ch•1!nv 1.~nt o1 111d Klloot d111r1c1. LEGAL NOTICE __ ,. EKll blddtr ""'51 lllbmll Wffll his bid • 1-------·----'=:_!:.._ c11hter'1 chodr:. cerllllrd dlKlc, or bid· llAll:·161f der"t bond midi PBYlblf! to !ht! ~r of NOTICE TD CRl!DITOltS 1111 °''""' CNSI J u .. Colllrlle Ol~trlcl SUPERIOR COltll:T 01' THW 8o.ord ot Tru1ters tn tn emount ncl !~" 1TATE OF Cl.LIFOllNlll. FOR lhln fl~e 11trtt!!I (5%) of"'" wm bit! •s THE COUNTY 01' ORI.NOi!. a owranfff 11111 fhe bid~• will tntrr Into No A-6!1'4 · !hi PfW'Oltcl Contr"cl II the um& 11 Estatl! of THCIMA.s C HAltDY "'kl 1wart!ed !o him, 1n Ille ttYln! of f1lrure to THOMA.5 CLIFFOll!D HARDY D 'lld ent1r Info 1U(h cootracl, !hr proceeds of NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEN~ t~tt 1he check wit! be llM'falled, or In !hi! u .. c:rt<lJtor1 .,\ Ille aboYI name(! dK• t ol • bond, !tit tun sum therl'ol "'Ill be that It h n forftllt<t ro said Khoo! d!slrlct • """""' 1"1"" delms av.Cnst tM •• ''"d '' ,· · Miid de<:edrot ere r.ol>lrK to 1111 .. v "' "" mav w Mr1w II 1 bld for 1 lhl-m .... 1111 tha ntel1$$n' voudiers In the P9•1od ol lorlY·llve (45\ dl\r!I entr thr otnu' ot Ille ••erk of Ille '1bove ~..,,,,. .. d1le set for 1111 -n!no tller.ot .., ~ The Bo.ore! of Trustees r~·.,,.. .. Ille cou<I, or le prnenl lhtrn, wlll'I lh• P•lvllr9• ot re!Ktlng ..,., and 111 bids or necef.Sol'IY Yl!Uthllf" to th1 11nden11Md &I to w1lv1 1nr lrrevular!lln er 1,,_ lier art:"'ne¥, THOMAS J. JEFFEll!S, 1511 torrn11ill4'1 In lllY bid or In ll'M! bldctflllf, ~nolu u A.v-e, MontrcW:, C1lltlM'nl1 Price, fUneu and o!Hlflv beln!I Mua1 t1G20, whkh Is 1111': Pll<:t ol b<Jllntss of lN'tterance will be ,1ven tc Ille Produd; lhl Undtl"lllntd In ~u millers Plrt&ln!"" 9tt1wt1, rnaalJflClur<•d . or prcxll>ttd In !ht lo Ille "'""' ol Mit! GK~I. within lour Sia~ of C1Hfomf1 . .t.n matef"lils provided ""'!'"" alter 1119 tlr1I plrbHatJon o1 tlrls threw~ thl1 blct sll•ll <;On''lv wllll llO~IC:f. Govtrn1n1nt Cqdt SKllons ~ In· .,a~ Mey 16, lH,, (lv1lw. • Marv Hardy Ree• Signed; NOA.MAl\I E. WATSON Admlnl1tra!rlx, CTA of lf'le E1!1l1 $1t:ty,, Bo>1rd ot Tr11Sllts of Ille lbov' """"" decedtnl PubllllM!d Or1111111 COasl DfltY Pflgl THOMAS J. JEFFElllS, 1!1•. IWIY ?1. June J, IH9 1011.ff Ane .... y ., llW tlD Honellllu 1.ven111, 1----:LcEcG=cAL.,--N~OTI-cC·E---I Mon"-• c1Utlmll flint TRI: /Jill 74,.2"• Jc-;:::77-:::::::=-,,::-,.,.,..,,~---·l"-"o""' lar AotmlnhlratrlK. CTA LEGAL NOT ICE IQls.M MAY 71 vi Publihct Or1nge Coast DlltY T-11116 Mav ?ll, 21 and Juoe J, 10, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CltEOITORS SU,l!ltlOlll COUltT OF THE ST.AT!! OF Cl.LIFClll.NIA FOR THE COUNTY OF 0111.NGE Nt. A-42111 BAR·1•U ' l'llot. -· Et!1te of CECIL F, MAll!TIN, Oeceas-NOTICE TO CREOITOll S ft!. SUPERIOR COUltT OF THS NOTICE IS HERl!6Y GIVEN to tl>e ~TATE OF CA.LIFOll!NIA. FOi\ crf'dlto•s ot 11\t tbove n~mtct d!!<:edenl THE COUtilTY OF ORl.l>IOE 11111 111 parson• ha¥1"9 cla!m• avalnsl Ille No, 1.-4217S IBld dectd,nl are rf<111l<!'d 1o Ille !/\em. Esla1!! ol CLIFTON C. HOXWOilTH, wl!h Iha necnsary vouchers. In ~ftl oftlct O!!<:,&led . Ill l~I cltrk ol the tbo..., enlllled C011r1. or NOTICE 15 Mli:REBV GIVl:N Id Ille to 1><1ttftl lhtm. with lflr nt!(eu&ry c•edl!ors of rne 1bovt namtd ~1;:9drnl voO<:lleri, lo !ht underslgr>e<I 81 LIPPOid. l~lt all 11tr110n1 haying ctelms 11911,,., !h1 Hend&rlOll Ind Din•""""· AlforM¥S al Wiid c!Kftlen! ire reaulrtct to fill ,111em, Law, 150 E&JI 17th S1•ttl, Suitl HI. Cosla with !tit nec.11•••rY V011Chtr1, ln the flffl(I Mesa, Ca!llornl• n6?1. which 11 !lie 1>l8<:a o1 tlle clerk ot Ille abov• entitled court, or ol bu!ill'l!'H cl the ~rll!lnrcl Jn 1u rn•I· lo ,.,.,.,""' them, with 1..e neetuarv 1...a P9<'-l"irttr to Ille r'1alt ot UICI elect· ~'"' lo IM undenlonrd 11 llttl' Law Ol'nf't. Within lour monlhs allff the first Ollo<;H ot ALFRED D, WILLIAMS. 11.SI 1>11bllct11lon Ill !his no!kt E. Jan l.nlonio Dr!w, LOlllll flld'• Dattd /!MY 73, ltt.f. • C1lifornl1 9090/, whi(h ls Ille plli:.I al ll1mon1 Beellv bl!S!nf51 ol the undt'rslg""" In 111 f'tl'tler• Exec11trlx Ill ""' E\/tlf pert1inlrttl lo Ille estele of Slid dKil&enf, ot 1111 atoow named c!Kedenl. wllllln four rnonllls allt r the llrsl Pllbl!tl· LllHMI, """"'""" a. Di.._ lion of !his nollct. Atl-YS 11 LIW • 01tl!CI Mil¥ 16. )"'· "' e. 11111 St •• SlllM 111 Allrtd 0 . Wlll<1m~ C11t1 Miii, C1llhnll1 9U21 Adml"ltlrtor ot th' fi.•1811 Allof'Mn fir E~K\llTb ot Ille lbc>Ye n11med decadMf Publ!lhed Clr•noe COltl oar.., P\tol. ALl'llEO 0 . WILLIAMS, I.ft. MIY 71. JllM l, 10. 11, \t6f \Dls.69 Alllrnr¥ II L•w 1--------------1 1151 E. 5111 A11hlloil Drlvt, LEGAL NOTICE L..-, 8tl(ll, C11!ttnll1 tM11 • Tl'h OUl 41Hl74 I c-;:::::--::::=c::-'7C7'_:_~.c,._. __ I A1t1r111y tor a.11mlnistr1!1r LEGAL NOTICE 1~1t-6f Mtw 21 YI P11bllillfod Oranoe Ca.Ml Daltr Nl!Wl"OltT·MEll. UN IFIEO MIY ?Q, 11, June J, lll. 1969 SCMOCIL DISTllllCT • • lli'llol. ftl-49 NOTICE INVITING 110$ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN lf'llll ""1 ---------'"---B~rd ot EOUcatloll ol th! ~t:WPO•l·Me$1 Unl!llCI Sd!OOI Dlltrld ol Clr111tt Countr, 1"·»46t C1lllornlt, wilt ..-IYt >Nll!CI b1ft 111 IP CEll:Tlil=ICATE Or' CORl'OlllAT/Ol\I 11 :00 AiM. en !ht 11th dtY of JllM, 11169 11 FOR. Tlll.NSACTtON 0" BUSINESS the off!« of Wiid Sc:hool Dlt!rlci, Iott~ UNDER FICTITIOU~ NAM E ,, 1151 Plec.nll• A¥enut. Costa Meu. ll>t Uncleorilgllld COl'POl'IHon t!\l('I c 1111orn11. al wllldl tlrne salt! bids '1¥1!1 be hertby ct•tllY that II 11 CClll(lucllna a p;ibllt.., -ned and re•d lor: butlntt\ loc.tto.! 111 :106 We11 Ad11mt OELIVEll!Y 0~ FCIOO CAll!TS 6auln<tlll. Los l.nol!IH. C1!1!ornl1, Ind tf All bld1 ,,.,. lo bl In 1ccord11na with 1'31 $0u!ll Mlliw:"-1ltr AY&nut, AMl>elrn, Coro!!llon•, lf\lfrudlonl 1nd Sl>Klflcetlonii C1lllor1111, undf,r !hi! flctllM 11rm Mm4 whk" •r• net °" llfe 111 the offke of Ille ol WESTEll.N lOt:AS, INC., •nd lhtt .. ld Purdllllrttl Aff!lf of M!fd Sd'lool Dls!rtcl, firm " com~ o• ~ loltawl'" r<0r-115r PllUIJllll A....,.,., Co:i.11 Mesa, oorltlon, whole orlnclioat Plilcl of C1lllornLr. llllllnt11 Is •• 1o11cw1: Eldl blcldtf' must slltlmlf a bid d-11 Wnttno B'°91 a. TrGPl'lv C-.nv, '" !hr form ot • art!flld M us1ri.r·1 206 Wftl l.dlfnl S0011tv1n:I, L°' cl'ltdt II" 1 bfd band -l lo nw llff cent Anoeln. C1111om11. !S"I o1 1M •-I ot lhr blt!, m.ldol WITNE~S lb "and 11'111 tttr 111, Ill Mav, NYlbll Ill !ht otllef ol tho! M-.1·Mt!.ll lftt, UnlnlCI kl>oOI Ola!rld. A ,ertonnanc:t WESTEltN &I.OGE a. &ol!d ''""bl: ..wlrM 11 lht dlscntto11 o1 TRCIPHV COMPANY , !ht Cllstrlct. 111 ftW! l"ltnl ct la\M t to lw liHll'• 0 Croolltlarl. r.ecnt.,... tntv lllla WCl'I CClfllrKl, lt'lt lfOtNlh ot STATE OF CALIFORNIA l Ille cNd wltl be !C>rleltect, or In c-e ot 1 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) U,, !lord, ,,.,. 11111 llllfl llWftof w!ll bt 0tr lhl' Ith day of Ml'f, 19'\f, bafotl JM, torltft.ci to Slkl 5cllDol Olsl•kf ot Of.-t11t l,l!'ldtnltrfwd, • Molarr Pllblk In Ind (aufttv. "' for w!4 c...,,tv 1nd Stale, r111cll'" l+o b~ ,,..., withdr1w Ills blcl for 1 lhlrfill.1 """' commls•ion.d and ,...,,,. lll'r1od Ill lort•·lfft 1'5) lllYI .ntr ,.._ ~.l'I' _,rid H""" Cl. C"*''"°"' .. ~ "' for "" -lnl """""'· .........., -Ill be !ht ~-<If Ille T"' &."' ol EClllClllOll o1 11>1 ~· _._.1tlon llwl UteUleCI ""' wlltllll ,,_ Meil Unlrltd ~ Dlltrkt ,..,.,..., !ht •ltvmenl 00 ~all of, 1111 tofllel'll!M rllll'I to rtlKI .,,., Of •II bids. 111d ""' ll'lel'tln Nlmtd, •nd ltdi-lldlrl<I "' IN llCISH<lf'I' f(Ct'ltl 1111' lowni bid. Ind to t't>ll ll#dl COf'OOflllon fxecttt.d IM -· -1ve lllV trntormtll!y Of ll'f'r9Ur•rl IN WITN ESS W"IEAEClf , I I'll ... 111' Illa ~!Wt! Nl'tll1\lo 1t l I'll¥ hll'lll tncl 1!1J,td my afo NEWPOtiT.MESA. UNIFI (I l'kl•I _, tilt ,,., IW'ICI •ttr Ill "''.II KHOOL 015TRICT of artlllml9 first 1bott wrllltll. Or...,. Covntr, C1liforflla IOfFIClll.L SEALI 1\1 DlnlhY "'"""' ... _ .,_ Pu~ct'l•1ffle Allfll M!tl CounlY end ll•ff 16$-1100 Nllferv P11!1!k It( 111d ftll' flublf\heel or-. Golt! D1.l1T Piiot, M.1 ~~Ion 6.u!rn MIY l1 J\I ... i. IKt lDll-4>t -~n f<etwuirv 1, lt11 • ...,..,.llf<I or-,.,., Otll'r ,.,1&4 MtY n. xr, JJ "'d '""' ;a. '"' f2HI I ' ' " ~·---~----..--·-....,..-------------------,,....----------er---·---·-·--~ ---. . -. . -··--.,.-..,. • ----------------- JODEAN HASTINGS, -1 ,.....,,.Mir 11, 1Ht • I , ... 11 Enthusiasm Sets Scene Enthusiasm and excitement are increasing as the date Mars for the seventh annual festival ot Art in the Park sponsored by the Huntinliton Beach Art 1'eague. · · There .will be two "firsts" inaugurated this year. For the first time, there will be a two-<lay display in Laite Park . on Friday and Saturday, May 30 and 31. There also will be a silent auction. Artists put a miniJnum price on paintings Qjey submit, and the public sutimlts written bids, with the painting going to the highest bidder at the closing of the ·e...,t. Serving as chairman is Miss Marge Zander. - Displays will be arranged on easels along Main and 12th Streets' park frontage, with a juried ~how taking place in tbe clubhouse. Only league members are eligible for the juried show and there is $1 entry fee, wjth a limit of two paintings each. . · Judges will be VU.Cent Farrell and Frank. Taurielle, Laguna Beach artists, and works will be judged in tll'.o categories, All Sub- jects and H1111tington Beach 'Scenes. Juding will begin at 11 a.m. Friday, and cash prizes andtro- phies will be awarded at 1 p.m. in front of the clubhouse. Always a popular feature Is the clothesline sale wbicl) features works from 50 cents up to $5, unframed. Proceeds from these sales are donated to the American Field Service scholarship fund, and Miss • F).orence Boosey is in charge of this year's event. ' · • Jpnior artists up to 14 years also will display their works, and there will be ribbon awards foi' winners according to age. Many artists will be offering demonstrations throughout the two days. A catering truck will be located hear Laite street, and there are pjcnic tables and cooking facilities available. . ' ... FEST,IVE PROG!jAM SLATED -. D.el!1"'1Stratlons by area artists will comprise one of many activities j.aking place during the seventh annual Art. in the Park .Friday:and Saturday,. May 30 and 31;·in-~ . ... . ?ark. Exhibiting· h.,. talent is (right) Mrs. Francis B. (Noni~) Higgins, and posing is Mrs. Earl (Gene) Axxe. The festival is spoosored by the Huntington Beach .Art League. ' ' I • ~rs. Eugene Wifliams . Seate·d · • Seleeting as her year'•: them<, Take Time !or All , Thlnl!s, Mrs. EU8'1"' Williams will be seated as president of ' the HuWngton Beach JIKlior '.Voma:n'c Club. InstalJatioo ceremonies will 1ke place at 6:30 tontght in '>e Meos Verde Q>untry CluQ, ~oota Mesa. Gr ... and gold -iOi<f ..,. ique fbwers Jn green gta. ases -wtll Cad.er the tabkls vhen Mrs. Norman Warner, a . laSt membs', Dt&Us the new · .fficers. Aloo lak!ng «<""'will betbe Ames; St:mley H e t t I ·n g a , c-.&e' K-am Ted ·Red·. dtclt. vice pnisiderib; Karl ·1 a mm e r , co11esponding :ecretary; ErWi Z u e h ls , ·ecording secretary; J a c k lall, treasurer, am. James tahan. audit«. Mn. Williams -eieCted .ta ..-i meNig'r.DJwlng · 0. ~ o! Mrs. Dm Vlnlerl>aller, who~ he PoSition due wi. change-in 1 er. husband's employment ·cation. ' · Initiating new provislooals uing die dimer ,,_.,. will e Mrs. Terry Thomas,, reskferrt,eied ~ Orang e , FOR All THINGS -Cultural, philantbropk and social activltiee are pursued by members· of the Hunttngton Beach Junior Woman's Club. New officers are (le!t to right) Mrs. Eugene Wllliams, pre61dent, and Mn. George Xemj> .and Mrs. S1Bnley Hettinga, vice presidents. ' ·ec!ng deooralions and Golden Key Strikes· Time to Change . ' . , ' . ·;e program is ~· Pet«· Tenco'dock-wili'be the magic hoUr when members . dents:The inst~uauon and 1uncbeiitrwill lake plac'e :'°~~~~ ~ , of'Go!den Key,. support group for the Child Guidance In ·lbe Tre .. ur•r.. Ch~· restaurant· ~ay, Ju,ne H~ Larry Rliod.., Center of Orange Count~. meet to install n.ew 'of-, 12 .. Mrs.;Paul'Phillips, past presider¢, Will serve as MJdiael Pharris Paul s.v-fieers. Taking on reponsibU1ties of ·leaderslnp will . installing officer. ·Mr.!. Hughes bu se!Oc1#'<10lden cllmko K"1' h.ienon and be ·Mrs.·James Hughes , president, and'Mrs.•William .Key.-:Tree of .Service, 8$ her ,tbeme., · .. · llovid St.ckt..uer. B. Hanna and Mrs. Frederic Forster, vi~· presi-• · ..; J• Is Neighbor's Show · of ·Gene ~~s.ity ! Cover~up · for La.zin~~s? a DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have never aeen my problem in your column yet 1 can't believe 1'01 the only one in the W«ld who bu it. .. +a. ...... lghbor •!lo ... , boor to waste llll)'llliq. Al least once • -Ibo runs over hero with her leftover roast, leftover puddlnp and almost slw&y11 it la ~ burned and three daJI• old. yalerday she JftS'!ll!Od me with silt 11ciMy crabs in a fifteen gellon crock. t threw the crabs out the minute she lefL. While I was scouring the •croc.k It sud- denly dawned on me that &he brings her ~toven ao I wlU clean btt pots and pans. . ' Thia woman ts lovely in other ways but J am 'Itek Ol alaving over her cootalners In exchange !or garbl&le oor do( wonl eat. Any 1uggesUoos? • .. • . -sKULLEJIY MAID.· DEAR .SKULL: 'Ille aext'-t I m t O.rlr>Mlt Goodbm arrives wltb lltt of, fetlnp tell ll<r Y"" ore loaded wltk i.r. toveis f)f your owa and to pleue gtve hen lo someone. elte. UMer ff clrcum1tances thoaJd yoa anow Ute laclJ t.o leave 111ytltlng, After 11tf cirr1et ler • prllop -two w -times •'D '"'*-.. · DEAi\ ANN LANPERS: It's obvlqus that you 1re on the flist marriage and so Is your hulb.nd. Otberwlle )'OU "'"1ld not have given that ltllpht anrwer to the woman who asked, ;•How much Ume does a man oWe bis u..wife?" (Your 'reply : •• AJ, much time u he want. to give her" wss terrible.) Only a .~ wife can koow how e-0h. niving aJJ.l'ltt~J~e,can be. My hu~~~'i ex j1 an 1utbenUc ge)'llus al 'keepmg him invo!Ved in her me. 'Ille children sre 'th< perfect tolls and She uses them most el· fecllveJy by playing on bis glilll. Here'" how it work!: Wlie One aubUy auqesta that ii woold be "nice" u Daddy ssw Lucy in the ocbool pageant. And, of coone. Joluuly would JJisl love tt tf Dad- dy watchell him pley JJttle League ba .. ba\l. Natllrally Mary wootd be lhril~ ed ll Daddy eame to her piano recital. The ex-wile got.s to every·one of these events, you can be sure. My husband Is expecled to. be pr ... nt at btrthday p a r t le s • confirmaUOns, graduaUons;tonsllectomie1, ap. pendectomi<o, bonwetUnp'tild-toeth ex- t ' ' . • I . ' ; lracUons. He ls ·nolified Immediately pt .reclidltu. My· 1ltoW ot:reenbMU • any and all accidents. (FaWni oU a bike her· pert wUI be ln...,,.....i •• jeololuj la an accident.) : . . • and Ille wJndj ... loHlOillllo • -· . i wonder what these wom~n w001d do'if1 • i\'m•n'may ,\tiaM1'11)i••N"•Btet their former husbands were dead, or liv· from 1 wlfe but mOlt .mu ~JIMI: dtvwG ing in a toretgn country? They'd •an-themselves from dtelr ~ -I ago. wouldn't 1bey! Please cl\lnge your tlierre decea~ dial II. advloe. Life is rough enough !Of a oecood wife witi.>ut 1 aock In the jaw from Ann Drinking'may be lf\n'' lo·the kids yo Landera. run with -but It can put yoa .. Out" II . "{i.T.A. keeps. You can cool It and ilay -lai DEAi\ S.T.A., You ml11<d tbe potnl, Road "iloOie and Yeo -For Teenagtt dt1rtl -11 dtd band.red• of 'oi.ber tecond 'Only." Send 35 cents tn coin and a Iona wives wbt wtOt6 to complala. 1 1tm 117 selt.-addre~, stamped envelopi wit tt11 1p ,to ihe hu1band ~tt dtttde Mlw your request.· • m~ Umt .. wnll to devote to ~ flnl Ann tandtrt "Ill be gled lo help Yt family. U NambeT Two Wlfe 11 whe lbe11 .wlthyour problems. Seiid than to lier I aecepl ~ dtdtloe beca-In tho flnel caN> ol the DAILY PILOT, enc:IGelnc analy1l1 be'• 1olag l.o do wbat be wanll, aclt-addressed, stamped envelope. ------~"''--~-----~---------------''------- -- - .. ' ',I . • ·· 1 ' • I f ..... 11., 71, IM Smiling Voice Marks 40 Years Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines 81 GAY PAIJLEY NEW YORK (UPI) -She •• a 1Up of a blonde Irish -when she reported !or wmt as a telephone operator ID a newsroom in World build- ing In downlown New York. Cout area. 'lbe job. was .. relief'1 on the fttlcbboard ln the offices of U. World News Agency, Ualkd Press. The regular operator was ~two wee.ks vacation and IGIDtbow never came back for ~ and the "relief" became ptnlWIOlll. That was 40 years ago this -and Mildred (Milli•) Lil· Ue bas betn "lhe voice with the smile" all these years since then with what now is Uillted Press International. To say that all or us, oldtimen and newt Im e.r s alike, love Millie Little may ICllDd a bit maudlin. But we ' widow of IZ with a U.... monlbHld "°"• Robert, to rear. Sbe recalled u we aat remlntldng the ot.ber nealng tbat obe ne<!led the job " bldly tbat although In moum- lng, abe did put a big wblto collar on her black dres$ when she applied. . To avoid diaappotntmen~ l>lOIPOdlff brld.. are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glOlly photo- graphs to Ibo DAILY PILOT Soclety Depart. men\ prior to or within one week after tho wedding. For engagement announcements It ls suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. If the betrothal announce- ment and wedd1ng date are six weeJta or less apart, only the wedding photo . will be &<> cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed- dlhg and engagement stories, forms are ayau .. able in all of tbe DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Soda! Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. She has lived through, and been the vital communications link for, too many major evenh to permit a complete list. Sbe went to wort befon the llock manet mob of 1929. She workod thruiah tbe depression, the abdication of Britain's King Edward vm to marry Wallis Simpson, through Pearl Harbor, World. _________ ..,.,,.,.._,...., ___ ., War II, and V-E and V..J days. She ..._hors the drama ol the Lindbergh kidnapping and electrocution of Bruno Small World Theme Richard Hauptmano for the crime, the paticmal political conventions and elections, the deaths of Franklin D • New Leaders Step Up Roose vet t , Doug 1 as Gathering for an--installaUon MacArthur. Dwight D a v i d luncheon. next Thursday in Eisenhower. Th~re was Korea, Berkshire's re 1 tau rant, and now Vietnam. ' Newport Beach, will b e ~1rs. Raymond Wood will bl coordinalor and Mn. Claytoo Thompson will serve as .-- tant coordinator. Patriots Indexed in DAR Contribution • do. More, we respect h er honesty, her cheerfulness and .,helpfulness, her sense of humor, her modesty {she dktn~ want me to write about her), her awareness of when to keep silent (someone said tbe probably knows more company secrets than the ex~ ecutive suite), the way she keeps ber cool in crisis, and' her occasional Dashes of temper U someone forgets his or .her manners. She wu the chief operator members of the Junior Ebell on the switchboard in UPI's Club ol Newport Beach. general headquarters in New Mra. Warren FiI, who will York on that black day in be taking the lop Office, has Dallas. Nov. 21, 19631 when selected as her theme It's a HBWomen Elected Coples ol the Daughters of the Ametjcan Revolu- tion's Patriot Index have been contributed to the Nowport Beadt Library, Balboa and the Center street facility, C<>Sla Mesa by the Col; William Ca· --MRS. JAMES LEE SERRANO Newport lle•ch Brid• Las Vegas H_oneymoon Chosen by Newlyweds Wendy Joyce Howell and J amea Lee Serraoo exchanged wedding pledges and rlnp In tbe Lutberan Church ol the Mal[tet before the R e v . :wnnazn Elder. 'lbe. bride was escorted down the aisle on the arm ol her lather. Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howell ol Newport Beach and Mrs. William Haynes of Arizona and Jack Serrano of Bakersfield. For the afternoon services tbe new Mrs. Serrano i;elected a white gown with a scoop neckline and a full cathedral Jengtb nylon illusion mantilla edged In lM:e. She carr1ed a bouquet or white daisies, st<pbanotis and baby's breath. Miss Debbie Howell was maid of honor while the -Kim Kimes, J ... l Su-..... and Cheryl Kersll aerved as bridesmaids. Tbey WOl'e: yellow emplre gowns witb velvet ribbom and held bouquets·of yellow daisies and baby'• breath. Warren Caltabiano was beSt man and ushering guests to their peW1 were Jon Senano, Keo Ellil and Ralph Roy-. Following the nuptfa~ 150 frieJXll and . relatives con- grDdMed the couple ,during a reception tn the home or the bride's paretU. Miss Susan Brodi cin:vlated tbe guest boot. n. farmer.Jiia Bowell ls a If-ol eoroo. de! Mar Nuts 'n Nibbles A"~ meetings every Fr1f4lti lO a.m. a r e "'t"'ftrl ol.' Fountain Valley Hllll lo Nll>blal. TOPS Club. '1111 ,,_ bave aelected the Recreldon c:en&.er' Jn llun· tfnctGo Baell 10< I h o t r ........., ploce. Mn. Tom SpiM 11 lt'Mllt wtU answer queollonl oboul Chi -· • • High School and Orange Coast College. Her husband attended Bakei-sfield High School. Before making their home in Tustin. the Serranos will honeymoon in Lu Vegas. St. Nick Asks Help Santa Claus is beginning his Yuletide operaUoos early th.ls year With the help or lhe ·American Red Crea and in- terened Or~e Countians. The Orange Coonty <;bapt.r has a quota ol·l,IOO abav!ng tits to make, f!.ll and ship to servicemen in Vietnam by the end of September. Each green er red bag is nlled with new articles, ac-- cording to Mrs. Russell Hill of Laguna Hills and Mrs.· Gus Koehler of San Clemente, area t:halnnon, and coots $3 to fill Donations from organiz.a. tions are needed to C1lmplele the project, the chairmen say, and funds may be sent to the Red Cross headquarters, 2215 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, marked for the shaving kit projecL Cards Tossed With Sci lads • A "firsl" for the -Newport ·Harbor Emblem Cl~ will lake p I 1 c e tomorrow in lhe Newport E1ts Club at noon. 'nle club olDcers will host a aalad luncheon and card parly for club members and guests and proceeds .will be given to the C.rebral Palsy fund. M)>one-wishing to purchase Uckets1 at $1.25. may call Mra:. Eugene Bergen:m, W5-7382, tor tescrvaUcN. She came to United Press a John F. Kennedy w as Small Work! After AU. assassinated. AsslsUng the new president bell Chapter. Mrs. R. C. Pearce, a librarian in Cos- ta Mesa accepta the edition from (left to right) Mrs. Cl.itlord M. Estee, chapter librarian and Mrs. Carol Hunt. "I'm not superstitious about lo carryl.ng out her theme will ~"-"-. ru~-~ Cl:-.--..z ... _ events," Millie recalled,. ''but be the Mmes. Roger Sherman, 1Yu;, ......... " llllA.IU Vl - that morning l said to Kay first vice president ; Eugene Orange Coast Mothers ol (another operator), 'boy, this Kovach, second vice president, Twins C1ub was elec ted board is dead today'." and Harlow Richardson, third treasurer or the s t • t. Drama Tour Receives Town and G6wn Help And then it happened! vice president. nd "The board went nuts," said Chairmen responsible for organization during the seco Chapman College'• Town and Gown wW help underwrite a drama tow: of England next summer to be made by five students and Professor Henry Kemp-Blatr, bead or the drama department. Mrs. Samuel Gendel of Fullerton, a_ -vice president of Town and GOwn, was program chairman and arranged for ;r Robert Manry, author of "TlnkerbeUe's Run to Glory" Mrs. Little, who was to get on-coordinating the club's "small annual Southern California Jy two houn: of sleep in t be worlds" will be the Mmes. Mothers of Twins CQnverrtion long, unbearable four days Frank Hughes, membership; in Escondido last Saturday. ahead. "AD of us on, the board Rondell Hanson, press; Patsy Twenty Mothers or Twlnl were crying as we took the Mitcbell, fine arts; James Clubs belonging to t b • calls. Murar, youth; Lionel DaSUva, statewide organization CO& "Smitty (Merriman Smith, health and Steve Preston, vened to hear H. Balley senior White House cor-hours. Callison, luncheoil speaker. respondent in Dallas with the Others will be the Mmes. Workshops on t b e lm- Announcement of the gift was made by the college presjdent, Dr. John L. Davis during a Town and Gown din· ner in the Balboa Bay Club. to address the group. Orange Coaslresid en ts attending included Mr. and i1rs. John H. Scudder of Balboa Island; Mr. and Mrs. ' 1 Kennedy party) got me on the Helen Brannen, newsletter; portance of clubs being b phone and said, 'Don't you Allen Goody, parliamentarian; C1>rporated were conducted. take me off of here whatever Michael Helin, program; Jay Mrs. John Hoffman, Santa you do.' " Moseley, historian; Jach Anita, and Mrs. Henry Maagj She didn't an6".Smitty" die-Grundhoger, luncheon: Donald Westside, are ~founders o tated into Nfw' York the Pe ct b am, reservations; the state orpnliation 'l'hrH assassination story that won James Casey, social, and county clubs include Oran,ge him a Pulitzer Prize. F..dward Whitehouse, ways and Coast. Central Orange County • Mrs. Robert Hitt 0 f Washington, D.C., president, pres.lded at the dinner and received a ICl"OU of ap. pr.elation 1n1m Dr. Kemp- Btair. Victor C. Andrews of Laguna OFFICIAL VISIT Beach; Judge and Mrs. ThlD'-Mrs. William Valenzuela mond Clarke and Mr. and As she always does when a means co-chairman. and Northern Orange. big story breaks il sbe ia at11r=================== home, sbe tmmediatol~ checks the office tQ..see whether more switchboard belp 1' -It almost always Is and Millie hurries in. The drama group Will spend the month ol Jul,y performing one-act plays and excerpts in chlD'Ches and for community and college theater groups in England. Horoscope Mrs. John Hamilton of COrona del Mar. Newport Beach ·resldeels al- tending were the MeSsrt. and Mmes. Lyman IL F.,,.eu, John MacLeod, Joho Macnab, WUltam H. Mead, Kenneth Reaf.snyder, F..dward E. Sharp and William H. Wright. Libra: Follow Hunch Area Lodge Greeting President Members of Mesa Rebekah 'Unsightly' Fashions Lodge 402 and guests !rom 0 (AP) J other lodges will honor the TOKY • -Japanese couturters say the seo-tbrough new assembly president. Mrs. fashions In . Europe may be WiWam Vakmuela, who is b pa.Wno an official visit to the ey~atcbing, but they dou t U '~ the style Will become popular WED NESD>.Y MAY 28 Cost area. streetwear in Japan. (ormation ts available. Money Dinner will begin at 6:30 "A woman may want to at.- comes your way if receptive. p.m. Tue9day, Juoe 3, in the tract attention but certainJy By SYDNEY OMARR SCORPIO (Oct. 2J.Nov. 21 ): Viking Swedii!ih restaurant, not mAT kind ol attention.'' Cy c I e moves up; cir· Ca!la Mesa. Following will be comme nted one dress a bwiness and social meeting desi CASUAL LOOK Is favortd in cn>oming. AYold the garish or flashy. Underplay usets. Many are sensitive a n d arpnwitative. Doa't com· pound error. Reed W. advice -ud yoa wlU be mating in· telllgent use of astrology. cumstances favor your ef. in Odd FeUows Temple. gner. forts. Take care with personal The _ d'~~ deputy "Besides, lt's too drafty and B ••.••• b ·~· ~~' too C1>ld." appearance. e Cl23WU, ut president of district 50, Mrs. well groomed. Accept social will be Nanae Mori, a popular con-invitatioo. You are due for Bertha Hylton P.resent, turiere, said young Japanese Pleasant surprise. along with present and pas! women like the aee-through officers. sh "d tbe h SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-Reservations must be made look. But e sat y ave still to work up enough Dec. 21): Don't try to overturn by oext Thursday. courage to wear such ..tvJes rules, regulations. Your best :l .,.~ ARIES (March 21-April 19): course is to remain Jn pu:iJ~YMort noted that some M y st erlous circumstances background. Keep promise lo 5 · t p d P.revalL Key Is to be oneconfinedlnhome,bospital. a1n S age women lhinl nothing ol woar- al p · · 11 Ing miniskirts that are eight an yUca l. Leave nothing to \ atience IS your great a Y Members of the class of inclles abo\'e their knees. chance. You may be accused today. 1945 of Santa Ana High School, "But a see-through blouse of something ridiculous. You CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. are anticipating a May, 1970, another matter," she Added. win, but time and some money 19): Some of your fondest 25-year reunlon dinner and "They still are very self-coo- ml}' be involved. desires come closer to reality. dance. scious about their physique TAURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): Evening coula feature roman-Class members are invited and if they dare to wear such Home, maniage, domestic tic interlude. Accent on to contact Mrs. William Neth clothes publicly they will un- pidure ~ brightly focused. friendships which have Iasfing (Cecelia Flanagan), 648-4.56.1, doubtedJy shield themselves Be receptive to requests from value . for lnformaUon. with some ~garment." loved ones. Steer clear of legal AQUARIUS (Jan. 2G-Feh.1;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio=iiiiiiiiiiiio;;;;ll e~tanglemenls. Cy c I e in· 18): You gain reward lorll d1cates you should observe special abilities. Accent on rather than act. prestige, standing, c a r e e r , GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Definite gain .indicated if you Some associates are not sure stand taU. Means adhere to of themselves. To cover 1.lp, beliefs. principles. they mliy appear bombastic. PISCES (Feb. JS.March Key ls to see persons, situa-.. 20): Favorable for writing, lions in realistic light. Avoid publishing. Spread views. Ex· tendency to Imagine the worst. press yoursell. Advertise YOW' CANCER (June 21.July 22): wares. Your imagination can l!a.ve faith in your creative be put to constructive use. One abilities. You 3rf called upon behind the scenes backs you. to make decision. Base it on IF T o DA Y IS Y O U R what )'OU know -not what BlRTHDA Y you are bright, might be. Then you will be origlnal flirtatious and ·in· ~roceeding along C1lnsf.ructlve depend~nt. Prepare for new lnles. adventure -it's upcoming. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): Al·J-~~....,.:-=-,-,,.=,----11 tend to basic bsues. famUy YOU KNOW oblljraUons. Important to com· r~-:.~::1~":.~~y:ua; YOUR CHILD loose mds. Meam avoid tak-• 1n~m~'.~~-=>= WILL LEARN ~:"J~as~~~ ne;e'': TO .·SWIM AT dtement of discovery -· _. .. 1aliv• could .bo Involved BLUE BUOY Visits and v1s.itlng a r e reatured. Wel<Xll'l'le different AMI s. wn1 Tel conctpb. AIMlllel ... bM 111-4. LIBRA (Stpt. 23-0d. 22): ._. .:';., '""• A«ent on lncom• potential. 546 18111 Protect auets. FoUow throuRh • on banch. ValuabJe fu. • • BILL WILLIAM'S HOUSE of HAIR COLORING . and COIFFURES .----INTRODUCES ASSOCIATES----, CHUCK HOWARD former H•ir Stylist of EAST BLUFF AREA and MARIE BETSINGER MANICURIST & PEDICURIST Formerly P•verly Hills and ~ast Bluff Area 2333 E. COAST HWY ,_ UJ-1646 Clo1ed Mondays • Corona el Mar (Rear Glendalt Federell Ptrking-In Rtar FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE U ;ive him a lift fit for a king ... , Say "Happy Father's Day" with a loving portrait of you and your children It'• the eift that k-eep1 on aivln1 all year long. Our very 1ptrial offer include!i enough portraits for makin£ Grandfathen happy, too, Hurry in I hoo lorg< 8xl0 and 995 ~· h..,.Jy mllct.-siu all for only (•••ll _,;,;, •• , , •• ,.,, ,.,. "'''' ...... , .. ,,, '""'' .. - H11ntington Beech 892-lll I, .Ext. 28l Phototr•ph ShHflo 1st floor ---------- " • I ' I 1 I r ---.... ----... -------~·-----~------~~~~~--,... ................... ____ ._...,._ __ . __ ___,...~.,. ....... ,.. .... ~-.,. -·---------·-------.. --...... ---.. U.S.~Soviet. Spikefes~ Set for LA LOS ANGELES (AP) -The dual tracJ· meet series between the United State: an;! the Soviet Uolon, dlsconUnued in l96t: when \he Russians protested U.S. in volvement in Vietnam, is on again -th day before America Is to land a man 01 the moon. The president .of the Southern Pacili A.saociation of the Amateur AUtleU1 Union A1 Schoenfield, in a letter lo th1 Los ~eles Coliseum Commission, sait tdooday the meet would be held July 18· 19 in the Coliseum. He also said a team made up or Britis'. Commonwealth athletes would compel\. in the mee~. Starting l t m e s for the meet w e r r listed as 7 p.m. Friday and t p.m. Satur day with a national television networh broadcasting the meet nationally. It will be blacked out in the Lo Angeles area. The Apollo program has the dale Ju\3 20 marke<: on its schedule to land a man on the moon and the meet was arrangerl so it wooldn't clash with that plannet! event. The Russlan-A~rican track mee' series began in 1958 in Moscow. Thi following year the meet was held i1 Philadelphia but in 1960, an Olympie year, the meet was cancelled. In 1961 the meet was held in Moscow. in Palo Alto in 1962. Moscow ag<Lin in 1963, Los Angeles in 1964 prior to th1 Tokyo Olympics, and in Kiev, Russia, ii 1965. American men won the first six mce1 handily, taking tbe '64 clash by th, largest score in the series, 139-97. I TutsdJJ, MilJ 27, 1969 Benvenuti Runs Into a Tiger NEW YORK CAP) -Diet Tiger's upset vlct.ory ovtr mlddlewei&ht tham- pion Nino Benvenuti turned allghtl)' sour when it was learned the Italian had sut- fe.red a broken right ~-But there were lucraUve fights ahead for both win- ner and loser today. "I broke the hand in the first round wbe.n 1 hit him high on Uie head. Tbe pain was terrible,'' said BenvenuU after dro~ ping a unanimous decision in 1 10..i'ouod •1ontitie bout with the •year-old Biafran t Madison Square Garden Monday night. "I wa s a one • handed lighter after 1tal,'' said Benveoitti,.grimacing in_p_ain, sked why he didn't qult, Nino replied Jickly and firmly, "Never. I am a pro- feasional ll&hter." Dr. Ech!lo Campbell or the llew York Athletic Com1nlsslone r s a' I d handsome Nino had suffered a com plete break of the second metacarpal bone (behind the Index finger} of tbe right band. "He won'l° be able to traln until a minimum of eight wee.ks." said Dr. Campbell Th.at means a delay in Benvenuti's next defense of .bis middleweight (160 pound ) til!e. He whipped Don Fullmer in a title defense on Dec. 14 and his si.1 months period of grace npires·oo June 14. The World Boxing >.Moeiation's cham- pionship committee insists that the 31- year~ld champion must de.fend next . ' 11alnst Lub Rodriguel, the WBA '• No. I cont.ender from Miami. . Rodriguet, a one-Ume welterweight king, and his manager ,._.An,geJo Dundee, sa w Tiger, who will be 40 on 'Aug. 14, completely dominate BenvenuU , who had used h~ Injured right ooly !parlngly. ·~We'll wait for him/' said Dundee. ''We've been waiting a long time. I'm posting a S2.00!l forfeit check with the New York Commission. "Right now we've gM olfers for Benvenuti of $100,000 iJl Puerto Rico, i1so,ooo in Miami Beach, and aoo.ooo in Sao Diego wblcb Is celebrating ita 3001h YJe'· • / My guy will take a lot less, we want the llUe shot." Tiger had said before the tight that ho planned to go right after Nino and attack his body. He-did j'uat lhat ln careylng the fight to his three-nch taller foe. Nino was wild and ahort with his ~t most of I.be evening and his rljbt bad no tip w~n be 8WUng it. 1bc eiplanalion came later. He allO was nicked over lhe left e:ye in tbe seventh round. There were n1 o knockdowns. The olficials had Tiger the winner by the following round scores: rtferee Tony Peru, 7-2--l ;.judge Joe Armstrong f.4-1, and judge Al Berl &-.!-!. Associated Press had Tiger in front, 7-3. DAILY PILOT J 9 Fist fight· • Ends Tennis' Tranquility BERLIN (AP) -The immediate ~ plans of England's Roger Taylor JJld South Afrlel's Bob Kewltt were up ln'.tbe air Monday after a rare rtst fight follow· ing a match in the ~White Ter:m.11 Tournament. 8otll are entered In the French Open, bul neither had arrived. Taylor. suffering an injured racket band, asked that his opening match be postponed until Wednesday. Also th e r e. wu no Indication a n y disciplinary measures would be taken by te.nnl! officials. Tempers flared In the Taylor-Hewitt match Saturday, won by Taylor H , S.6, a.&, 2-6, 6-3. Hewitt, an Awtralian who Lranderred citizenship to South Alric1t, once tossed his racket in the direction of the umpire's chair. In the dressing room afterward, Hewitt reportedly charged Tayk>r, a fonner ama teur boxing champion. Witnesses said Taylor struck Hewitt over the eye with bis left band, hia racket hand , and the Sooth African tell. Hewitt was treated at a hospital, where ·stitches were taken qver his eyebrow, but he returned to the club to continue plaJ before being eliminated in another match. Tay lor suffered a burst blood vessel ln his hand and withdrew. Two 'South Africans, Ray Moore and Cliff Orysadale, gained the men's singles final. while a pair of Australians, Lesle:y Turner BoWTty a n d Karen Krantde, gained the last round in the women 'I division. Moore eliminated Arthur Ashe Jr., America's top player, 6-2, M , 8-6, 1-4, i-1. That crushing defeat forced coachin: changes on the Russian team but thL Americans, spurred by the victory. performed better than expected at thi Olympic games, includ ing Billy Mills· thrilling S,000-meter victory. ~ The Russians came back lo win thC' 1965 meet at Kiev, 118-112 but on the e\'e of the 1966 meet, track experts said the Americans had their best-ever team. Chargers Set To Use UCI The cancellation by the Russians forced promote.rs of the meet to schedule the Jn- ternaliona1 Games and invited teams from free world nations. The follow ing year a team from British Commonwealth nations was invited bu! las t year OlympiC "train ing schedule~ forced cancellation of the meet. American women never beat lhl'i' Russian counterparts but came close i %4. losing only 59-48. Aside from victories by youngster Gerry Lindgren and Jim Ryun again: the Russians, probably lhe best singl· performance by an athlete in the USA USs.5R~eries was Valery Brumel's 7-SJ.1 high jump. a world record, in 1963. That mark has never seriously been threaten- ed. In the meet with the British Com- monwealth, Oash y Kipchoge Keino or Kenya was a highlight. But this year Kenya is no longer in U1e British Commonwealth and Keino a n d his long distance countrymen may not be in the meet. Bills to Trade 0. J. Rights? BUFFALO (AP) -The Burfalo Bills once again have failed to sign. All· American O.J. Simpson,·and owner Ralph C. \Vilson Jr. said Tuesday he would con- sider trading Simpson. Wil son, In a statement released by the American Football League team's office here. said he met Monday in Detroit with Simpson, his agent, Chuck Barnes. and his lawyer, David Lockton. Simpson, the 1968 Heisman Trophy V.'it1- ne r from SouJhern Ca lifornia, reportedly has been asking Wilson for a $600,000 salary and a $500,000 loan. Wilson said Simpson and h i s negotiators agreed to drop the loan de- mand. "As their concession for doing this," \Vilson said, "they asked for ~n increase of $50,000 in the bonus and salary previously requested." \\'ilson said he had been prepared to in· crease his original offer. never made public, to Simpson. .,..._ __ "But in view of this new demand . \vhich I felt to be unreasonable. I stood pat except to offer inducements on the basis of performance." The Bills' owner said t~ Simpson group rejected the idea and asked if he \vould trade O.J". "l .said I would consider ii,·• \Vilson ~aid. "I don't know how seriously but I wi ll give it some thought." \Vilson said bis terms were not in- 'cxiblc. STALKING TIGER -Former _middleweight and light-heavyweight champion Dick Tiger lands a left on the lower jaw of middleweight king Nino Benvenuti in Monday night's non-title fight. 'fig~r scored JU,IT.....,. a un·animous decision in the bout and Benvenuti suffered a broken right hand in the first round . Both were fighting as tight heavies in the New York boul. For Training By EARL GUSTKEY Of "" Ollly ,.l ... SI.it The San Diego Charge rs and UCJ con- firmed Monday what has been an open secret for several weeks -the American Football League team will conduct sum· mer training operations at UCJ this sum· mer. _\ngels Risk Rigney Explains Why Dodgers Sen'.d Singe!!-Against At a joint press conference at UCT, Charger head coach and g e n e r a I manager Sid Gillman declared: "U we don 't wind up in the Super Bowl it won't be because or the facilities here -- 1 O-g~!11e String Against Tribe Baseball's two worst major league learns (at' least by v.·on-los.s percentage ) lock horns tonight at Anaheim Stadium as the California Angels duel Cleve- land's Indians. A few seats are expected lo be un- Ar1gel Slale Mt Y ;1 -Anciel• vs Cll!'Vel•nd. 7:" p,m, l<MPC (1~!v :it -Anqd• v• Cleve+end. 7:55 D.m. l(MPC (1~!v JI) -... ._1 .... a..111,,,....,, 7;H D.m. KMPC 11J!!v JI -Anuel1 v• Balrlmo<e. 7:15 p,m, KMPC PIOI filled by time for the first pitch, wh ich will 1>e throwo by Fou.otain Valley's Jim fl.IcGlothlin (3-2) at 8 o'clock. Opposing MCGiothlin is Sad Sam Mc- Dov.--ell (3-S) of the Tribe . Coach Bill Rigney's Angels have just returned from their worst-ever road trip -an all-losing 10-game disaster that left Rig"s already troubled stomach in a state of high turbulence. \Vhen the pitchers were throwing \\'ell the hitters were not getting on base. On the few occasions that the bats did come to life, the mound staff collapsed. Thus. the Angels were able to match the longest loss string in club history. The Halos are playing winning base- ball 28.2 percent of the time while the Tribe is only slightly worse at 27.8. Rigney has shaken up his balling order, bas tried eight different men a1 first base. And most rece ntly tht Angels sent pitcher Rick Clark to Hawaii and called up Ken Tatum from the Lslapders. T~tum has a 3-0 ~d. Rigney had planned to have a work· out P..fonday, following the team's re1urn from Detroit. But afte r giving the sit- uation further thought he said, "I'll give them the day off in.stead • , , lhey·re too beat down." Losing Away Games ls Old Habit for Angels Winning away from home has been somewhat of a rare treat for the California Angels -this year in particular but over the other seasons too, since their inception in 1961. Th.is campaign has been the worst of an :i lrcady poor lot. So far in 1969 the Cherubs have played WHITE WASH ' ..................... 16 av.•ay games -and they've dropped 13. That's a less-than-spectacular v.·inning percentage of .187. Since the Angels were created. they have been able to produce only 274 tri· umphs out or 662 starts away from home: That's a .413 percentage. Of the American League park s now in use. tne Halos have played .SOO ball in on· ly three. . .Oakl and, Kansas City and Minnesota. They are 37-36 with Oakland (that combines the A's' old Kansas City park with Oakland's new facilltyl, 2--0 with the new Kansas City Royals and 38- 36 al Minnesota. Other stadiums have been torture chambers for the Angels. Here's how they've fared : New York l23·53), Boston l!MSJ, Detroit (24·51), Washington (29- 43), Baltimore (28-41 ). Chicago (28-44.J. · Halo manager Bill Rigney tries to shed a little light on why winning away lrom the home park can be tough for some teams. ··u takes some of the soul out of you just to be on the road," he says. "Eating out all the time, packing up and moving to a new hotcl every few days. It can bl! a tough adjustment for a lot of guys. "Too. eve ry park is different. In some you have lo learn how lo play the boun~s ofl the walls or the strange hops you en- counter at different parts of the infield. "Pitchers gel in places whe re they have short fences Lo keep them preoc- cupied . They get behind kl a batter by a couple or balls, theh try too hard, always worrying about those short fences. Then they start walking gu ys and when you do that you get yourself in trouble. "But I like all the different parks -the ~laces like Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park and Tiger Stadium . I'd hate to see I hem tom down." Arigel. U'i11g Tip• A few observations from Angel person- nel : BUBBA ~tORTON, oulfield'r -'f'bere are ' more cameras In lb' stands at Yankee Stadium tban anywhere else. They have more binoculars at Anaheim Stadium and the Detroit fans are the most vicious -although Yank« fans are rough.'' Asked bpw he accum ulated thal wealth of Information, MGrton answered, "I don't play very mu ch. So I aot time - loU11a lime -to watch what's going on. LEFTY PHILLIPS, coach _. "! see a big difference in the National and American • Lague -especially in the •(Soe WHITEWASll, Page~) ' Expos Tonight ~tONTREAL f AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers, who have scored only eight runs in their last six games and have been shut oul'four times, send Bill Sin ger, fH. Dodger Slal.e to the mound tonight to race Mon treal rookie Jerry Robe rtson . Los An~eles has been in a hitting slump lately, accounti ng tqr the low run pro-- duction . During the slump. rookie sensation Ted Sizemore has collected only two hits in 22 at bats, Tom Haller is 2-for-1 3 and Willie , Davis an<.I Bill Sudakis 3-for-18 each. Montreal, however , is worse Off, work- ing on a 10-game losing streak. The Ex- pos are 11·27 CDmpared to Los Angeles' 23-17. , they're by far the finest we've ever had for a training camp. "It's a beautiful, beautiful school and we're· delighted to be here." The Chargers signed a one-year con- tract to use UCJ's athletic lacllities and three, possibly four dormitory buildings for their.training period, which runs from July 6 to Aug. 30. "We hope that everybody likes us so Riuch at UCJ that we can turn right around nest year and sign a JG-year con- tract to train here." Gillman sakl. Gillman's team has vacated the city- operated facility at Escondido it had used for five years. He told the press Mooclay that UCI was his "first choice all along'' in a search of a new sight but indicated that university red tape slowed negotia- tions to a snail's pace. Tucked away·somewhere in University of California regulations is a stipulation that private organizations can't use UC facilities unless they make some sort of academic offering to the university. So. the Charger coaching staff will don mortarboards and pointers and offer a series of 17 lectures as part of UCJ's summer school extension program. The course iJ entitled : ''Analysis and Theory of Coaching Football." Ave1•age Age Is 31 Indy Rookies Not New , To Auto Racing. Game INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. (AP) -Mark Donohue. America'! premier road racing driver, top1 the field of rookies In cars for F'riday's Indianapolis 500. engine, In the fourth starting spot. IL's the best starting position for • rookie sinct Marlo AodretU won the same spot in 1915. France Laver, Ashe~ l(ing Win • Ill The rook~tag here, of course. refers only to the lack of previous 500 e1· pericnce. Grand Prix veteran Graham HHI of Britain was a rookie when he won the 1966 race. The average age of this year's live rookie:. is 3t. All bot Bruce Wa lkup. 2-4, are veterans In other racing circles. Donohue. a Brown University graduate., • left an engineering job in New Jersey two years ago to be11in driving full time. He Jives in ~ledia, Pa . He'll be seeing his first Indy race and its crowd of 300,000 from the cockpit ot car No. 66. Peter Revson of: New York City givea the Ivy U:ague ~r representative In this year's rook.le. class. , PARIS (AP) -Rod Laver. Arthu1 Ashe and Billie Je.aJl King stormed into the second round of the French Open TenrUs Cbampion.sh.ips. Laver, of Corona del Mar, seeking the third leg of a ~eMls open a:r:and slam. easily crushed Koji Watanabe of Japan 6- 1. 6-1, 6-1 and anolher Australian contract pro, John Newcombe, upelled U.S. Davis Cup ate, Charlie Pasare:U. In the featurtd flrat roond mat.ch.. P1sarcl1 was one of (our American nicn eliminated. Tiie olhert were Tom &flefm of Berktley; Tom Estep of Dallas .and A I e: J Olmedo. the former Peruvian who almost aingle-llandedly won the Oa\'is Cup for tht United States In 1958. • The lone American casualty In the "'omen's division was the veteran Dorothy Head Knode or New York. who bowed to France's Francoise Durr, a pro- fessional. 6-4 , u . Ashe, holder of t:be U.S •• Open crown. showed none ol the effttta or a chrorue elbow ailment a.s be swept Canada's Htr· ry f'l'auquler off tht court 6-0, 6·2. &-3, Mrs. King, three-time Wimbledon vic- tor and "°"'a proressional, dropped a ul • • befort wlnnlng a tou10 match from Mr.!1. Vhtsi.. Voplckova of Ciechoslovaltia 6-)l, ~-6. 7'5. ' ' The Long BeaC'h housewife became' upset over the ~ind. · .. You're playing the witld really "•ell." she yelled aMtfseW a&. one s\Q{!,. Anolher time, she netted a volley and blurted, "This ball is no good." · After ltadlng S.l lniae. third tel, she let the Czech matron Ue it &-S, then sht he.Id $etvlce. and broke ber (oe's delivery at love for the. m&lch. Newcombe. on< of the loorl)lg Jltoo, whipped Pasarell in a center eourt mafch 6-1 , 6-~ 7 ... The Australia• po...., th • .,Puerto Rican rfPt&ledly with powtrtul backhand shota. • . ---l~---~------------- • Do they feel like rookies here! "You bet I'm a rookie," says George Follmer, 3$, of Arcadia, who ls driving his own car. "I don't Imagine you can hear tha t big crowd race day. but I'm Stire yoo feel extra pressure ." Donohue, who received the Pt1artinl and Rout Driver of the .Year award last year. said he was :1appy about the rain that washed out the 11C.heduled first wtekend of 500 qualifying May 17·11. "l woke up that first morning and look· ed out the motel window. The standl were fu ll and ii was only I o"clocll:. It kind of shook me up." A, weel: lat.er, mart t!laxod . he put hi9 Lola, with a turbo-4:harged Offcnhauser • ' ,, Rev.aon. 30, ·attended Cornell for two ye11r1. He's driving a car for Jack Brabhair. of Australia and startlna lut in the fie kt of S3 ... Wallrup, Crom Downey. Cal~ .• and Soo- ny Ates. 14, S.llenburg. Ind., completa the rookie a.kt. Walkup came here looking for a rJdt, after ql!alifyin1 lut year but gettlnc bumped rrom the .tarting field. .Ates. a veteran or the mki1et car ranks, ls driving a c.ar owned by M.tt Keno nyon of l...tbJnOn, lnd., and grabbed U. No. 14 startin& slot compared to bb boll" No. ZS s.t>Ol • ' ' . I DAILY PU.OT Mom Says Injured Son Will Run TU~N (AP) -University of Arimna half..rn.Her Frank Tepper is still partly paralyztd in both legs after being hit on the head by a fiylng discus, but h1! mother la convinced he will run in the next Olympic games. Nol much hope was given for the llfe of the 21-yeer~ld senior from Los Angeles when hi! skull was lractured and bis brain damaged on April 15. When he tt~ned unconscious and on the crllical list ror two weeks, teammates reared that even if tie lived he would never be the san:ie. Now he has regained his speech and the use of his arms. There is no movement in his ankle! but he mov6 his hips and one knee. "Frank's doctors say his recovery Is a miracle," said Mrs. Evelyn Tepper, his mother. "1 won't call it a miracle until he can walk and run," she said. "And he wlll, I am sure. My son Is going to run In the next Olympic games. "Frank has always been determined. \Vhen he was a senior in high school he broke his back in an automobile accidenL They told us then he would never run again. But he~id."· Not only did he run but he set record! for Grant High School in Los Angeles. At Arizona his time of I: flJ.2 was fourth in the school's rerord book -and be wa9 steadily improving. Frank was almost certain to be selected for the U.S. team that ·will compete this summer in the World Maccabia Games in Israel. When Mrs. Tepper came to Tucson. and her son was unconscious, she asked to see the boy who had thrown the dis- cus. Tepper was training and inadvertently trotted into a restricted zone. "No one would tell me his name,'' Mrs. Tepper says. "H.is teanunates shielded him. I e~lained that I had to talk to him, that I didnlt blame him for the accident. "Finally I, met him. I know he needed comfort as much as my boy. Why should he live the rt!st of his life with a sense of guilt? I don 't know why this accident happened and I can't ask. All I know is that this young man will be a better man for it. "I am religious," says the Jewish mother. "Frank is even more religious. He is orthodox in ·his belief. He is a sensitive, idealistic boy and had planned to go to Kenya to serve in the Peace Corps for two years." Frank is going to a rehabilitation , center on the west coast soon. "And he will run again-of that I am certain," &aid his mother. Frank answers most questions with a brief "yes" or "no." But ask him, "How do you feel today, Frank?" 'and he in· variably answers "fine." LA May Land Liston-Ellis Title Showdown LOS ANGELES (AP ) -A possible lieavywelght tltle fight involving J immy Ellis, the World Boxing Association champion. and ex.Utleholder Sonny Liston was In the talking stage. Angelo Dundee, Ellis" manager, fl ew in from Miami Beach, Fla ., and huddled with matchmaker Mickey Da vies of the Olympic Bol.lng Club. "Sure. we 're talldng it over," said Dun· dee. "Ellis will fight any heavyweight in the world -and that includes Liston, Joe Frazier or any othi:r legitimate heavyweight." Dundee said he did not see Lis ton's im· uressive seventh round knockout Monday night over George "Scrap Iron" Johnson in Las Vegas because he ~·as at home and the fight was not telecast into Florida. "Ellis will fight anyone," Dundee repeated. "He wants lo fight Frazier and get this title mixup cleared up. Jimmy, contrary, to what Frazier has said, wanted to meet Frazier in the elimination series.'' OAILl' PILOT Sl•ff l'MM HERE'S HOW, DAD -Huntington Beach High fre shman Brian Bay- less shows his dad, Bill Bayless, how modem types put the shot. Us· ing the old "pre-Parry O'Brien" style. the elder Bayless missed mak- ing the 1948 Olympic team by one-quarter of an inch. Y?ung ·Bay~ess has .put the eight-pound Cee shot 52-81h -better than hls father in a comparative stage. Get Along With Horses ., Gal Grooms Calm Down Hollywood Park Barns INGLEWOOD (AP) -The ad 11ent of women jockeys was a blow to horse ra'tr ing diehards, but now the last bastion ~ tha t of the grooms·-is being performed WHITEW ASll .. \ConUnued from Page lt\ pitching. The Nationat League clubs seem to have much more pitch.Ing depth than the American League teams." Phillips came to the Angels this year from the Dodgers. AURELIO RODRIGUEZ. t b Ir d baseman -l•J don'l 1peak hardly uy English, but 1 under1tand it very well. There Isn't too much problem com· munlcatlnf with the other players. But socially most of the Latins (Vic Davllllo, Rube a Amaro and Sandy Alo mar I 111 stick to1eWer.'' he related In· bis native Spanis h. · Rodriguez, a fine glo,•e man and a pro. mising biller -lives In Cananea, Mexico during the off season. He missed the Olympic Games last year because he was playing winter ball . by pretty, petite ladies. Now nearly SO young women are employed at Hollywood Park as grooms. In the view of some owners and trainers, it's a good thing for all concerned, a calming influence on man and horse alike. · "They get along well with the horses.'' said one observer. "They make for a calmer atmosphere around the barn. In stables where there are only men, there is a tendency toward · a )ot of shouting and rough play. Put a few women in there and everything calms down." Many of the girls don 't consider il a job, just a nice way to make money. Rosemary Williams. a S-foot-6 blue· eyed groom from Sioux City, Iowa, ~·orks al Hollywood Park full-time. "It's a great life if you make it," she sayt. "I love it or I wouldn't be here ." The day starts for the gels al about I a.m. and goes all day, until the thoroughbreds' bedtime. Pam Walker of Missoula, Mont .. want!! to become a trainer. She has been offered small jobs but says "I feel I can learn more here." Returns from Scrap Pile Podres Keeps Rolling Along SAN Dl'ECO (AP) -Johnny Podre~ ,;pent t918'on the baseball scrip pile , and f(I' I man whose tile revolves around the sport. it was an agonizing summer. The SW' of the I~ World Series and winner of 143 big ltague games In 14 BeUON couldn 't find a major league team in ~ of an experienced Jcft·hand- ocf pltditt. Hit career wtnt on the rock!t when he was released by the [)('troit Tigers after the 1967 aeaion. " "I trMW afttr we ,lost the pennan t ttult year. tn my own mind . th1t Dttrolt had no plans f« me Jut ytar." said Podrts, now "5. ••Detroit ls a fiM organl&allon but bad to p wtth youncer pitchers. "I calk!d a couple. of ball elubs but, they M1d lhe)' hid to protect IOme of their youqer pitch<n. and ~ h8'e only so maor •poll oo the romr .' Pcietret WAI ''dcMhg a Jillie trout llshln' I) ba ck in upstate New York" ~·hen his former Dodger employer, Bu:r.zie &vasi, became 1-resident of the new San Diego Padres and gave him his first glimmer or ho!l". "\Vhen BuuJt got ttie eiq~ansion team he told me to atay in shape and do some pllchiJ\i," Podrl!s said. •·1 pitched some semi-pro baU in Wllhcrsbee. N.Y., !hen went to the Arizona Instruction.al Ltagut.'' Besides W-Orking hlmseU into condition, lht S.foot·l1 , 11$-pound veteran gave Bavasi tips on some. of the. younger pro- spect.I in Arliona. Podrts eamtd • contract In spring training, then started the second game of the season aga.lnst JIO\lston, blanking the Aatros for seven innin.p lo gain the vie· tory. "Th wt was one Of my biggest thrills," he recalled, thouah at the tJme he put it ahead or hls two victories O\·er the New York Yankees ln the '55 s'eries. "~fy g'reate.st thrill was putting on a Dodger uniform for the first time," he said. "\Vhen I made lhe big club, the Dodgers, I was 20 years old ." Since the early season win, he ha.s been used mainly in relief, picking up three more victories. He has lo.it three times. "I'm doing tbt job any way they want n1e to pitch," he said . ''I'm just ha:ppy to be on the ball club. t just hope I can keep on doing the job.•• How )Mg will Johnny Podru be a big· league pllchtr'!' "I really don't knOw ," he said. "I play it by ear, rrom day to da y. Whtn you att to be :-ii year• old and ao out and pitch, 80meUmcs you don't have ~ ttuU. \Vhen you're 2', they just -.y,1'e doean 't have It today.' But whto you're X, \My ,wonder I: you've lost it for food." - Bayless · Follows Footsteps ' Of Dad's Shot Put Career In his first seasoo ol compellUve lho4,.- putting, HunUngton Beach l!ib !mbman Brian Bayless hu registered a remarkable improvement re.cord. A Cee, 15-year-okt Blij'leu began~ the season with tosaes 1n the U.foot' ranae. He gave no evidence. at that time that by lut weenoo he would be lhe only Huo- tington trackman Jn the CIF finall--or the aemiflnals, for that matter. B!Jt at the semis two weekends ago he plattd third and qualified for tbe linals by heavin& the eleJ>t-pound sphere IHI\. tn Friday's finals , he (}niahed fifth at SI· IO'A. Thal lmrirovement range of nearly 10 reet 11 dou~y alpllicant because of the recoM hl1 father, Bill Bayless, logged at USC ID y._.,a "'°' After aetUna a Riverside Poly High recorQ of.51.a ln 1941, Bayless turned out for track at use after Oying supply plane& !rom lndJa lo North China during World War II. In 1141, ltepping Crom tbe high scbool ' . No Previous Experience Sizemore Defies Odds By Switching to Short LOS ANGELES (AP) -In this year of the Los .&iaeles Dodgers' Mod Squad, a young fellow tabbed as 1 catcher and then as a second baseman makes the lf'ade as a sbortatop. So whoever heard of converting a catcher to sbortatop! Or or a major league abo<lstop who had played the posi- tion befort in only a half dozen games in a collegiate summer league! Ted SLtemore did play the infield as a 'kid in Detroit's sand lotl, but whell the University of Michigan needed a catcher, he became the man behind the plate. The Dodgefa al~ him as a .ffi:'elver. In 1918 with Spokane, the 24-year-old e1~Degian batted .314. He was the catcher until be suffered 1 fractured harid ' and went to the outfield while the injury finW1ed healing. But Los Angeles neede:d infielders. So in the Winter Instructional League. Dodger Scout Monty Buaall worked Ted on the rudimenta of second base. When the Dod1er1 opened spring training., that'• where the stocky fellow from Michigan found hlm9f:lf. He was there for five gamea:. '.'Then Manq:er Wi.lter Alston came to Brumel's Mark Within Reach Of LA Juniper LOS ANGELES (AP) -Valery Brumel's world high jump record of 7 feet s~• inches isn't untouchable and Otis Burrell said Monday he may have the key to breaking it. The former high school star high jumper from Los Angeles, who last week set a California Relays record of 7-l~, said he's taking a new approach to the high jump. "Brumel used lots of speed and maybe that's the answer," he told the Southern California traok and field writers. "I used to rely on strength to get over the bar. "But last week at Modesto, I felt as strong as 1 have in a long time and 1 cleared my best height of the year by nearly four inches. I did it with a faster approach.•• Burrell said he-did 7·2Y• indoors in 1966 and had three good attempts at 7·5'h. "'Maybe I wasn't fast enough," he said. Burrell recently i:etumed from a State Department lour of Southeast Asia . where he conduMed a series ol coactµng and training clinics. He '.?as selected by the writers ~tonday ;:is field athlete of Lhc week in Southern California . me and uked if I could play shorta~p." SiWnore says. "I told him that I'd try and he said, •you'll be at shortstop lomor· row'. ''That wu the luctiut thing that ever happened to me. I coukl.n't beat out Tom Haller at catcher and Jell Torborg is pro- bably the best back-up man in basebaU. I wool4 have been catching .again in Spokane." Sizemore hit well In the spring and has been over .300 so far in his first major league campaJgn. In the field, his play is average, but improving. The l'Olter lists him at 5-foot-10. lie isn"t that tall, but declares, "I'm not going to let anybody nieasure me." The Dodgers prefer to measure his hitJ. Until Alaton dec ided to try-Sizemore at shortstop, his only game experience there had been with the Pierre team in the South Dakota Basin League, a collegia.le loop. "Thal was in 1965 and when the shortstop was hurt for a few days, I filled in. But I still was a catcher," Sizemore e.zplained. Alston said, "When I decided to try him over there, I didn't have too much con· . fidence . 1 thought we were asking too much. But the over.all club needed a sho rtstop. "The more he played there. the more convinced I became that he could do the job. Jim Lefeb11re was al second base and Bil Sudakis at third so shortstop was the spot we had to fill." The Dodgers let Zoilo Versalles go in the expansion dnift figuring one of the youngsters would come through. How- ever. Paul Popo11ich and Billy Grabar- ke"'ilz "'ere those prominently men- tioned . SiezrMre's advantage came with his hilting. So far he's included two doubles, two triples and a homer in his production. Only Wes Parker has bit for a higher average. JJ' ARREN NABS CIF • GOLF TEAM TITLE Favore.:i Huntington Beach High School staggered in a poor 10th, 24 strokes off the pace, Monday. in the CIF team golf championshi ps at El Nigue l Country Club in Laguna Niguel. Warren High of Downey won the tille with a total score of 394, 12 strokes ahead of second-place Cllll'tmonl. Defending champion Estancia ~·as the highest prange Coast area team taking third with a 408. San Clemente tied Hart for s~11enth with 415 while Corona del Mar was ninth at 417. Huntington followed with its 418. Dave Harris of Hart High was the medalist with a 74. over the par 72 El Niguel course. Maj.or Leag'ue Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Ea1t Dlvlsloa W L Pct 29 15 .6$9 'GB CIOCAGO Pl'M'SBURGH ST. LOUIS 22 20 .121 • NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA MONTREAL 20 22 .171 • 18 22 . .450-9 17 21 .447 9 11 27 .289 15 We5l Dlvl5IO• ATLANTA LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO CINC!NNAT! HOUSTON SAN DIEGO 27 13 .675 23 17 .$75 4 23 19 .:>48 s 20 19 .523 61 ~ 21 24 .467 ,8\l 11. 29 .370 113 M-IJ'I ltttvll ""'"" l, St, \,111111 o OnlJ ,__ Klfdwlea. THIJ't Ot - S..11 OitVO fS..11!0!'1111 I.JI •t N"" 'YOl'll IM<· A ... 1'11W .. JI. ftiolll LOS IJl!lf:Mll ISlr-4\ltr t.fll t1 -!•ttf (Jt1!tr 1·11, 1119h1 • SI. Lwf• fWts'*""' :l-ll •• 11 Ali.1111 fJI""" J.11, ftlfll'>I PflflMtlltl'llt cFrvlMn "'' ••·. H-IOll tWHi.on ).I ), "lgllt Cl'l)u.oo fJenlllrll ).'1 1! S.11 Fr1nc1K1 ftolifl J.J), ""'"' OfllJ 11-K"-OW1 .. . ' ........ .,.. .. _ S111 Olfto •1 N-Voni, nlgflt Loa "'*'" t l Mtn ..... t, lllOM SI l.Oull •I A!tlftlt, ftlthl f'IU1"""0h •I C111c""'911. lllOM ""119"11111!1 •I Hw!.1911. ftlgflt t~ic. I t J .. ,.~lfll:IK9 AlllERICAN LEAGUE Ea1t Divl1loa W L Pct. GU BALTIMORE 32 13 .711 BOSTON 26 14 .650 31 j DETROIT 21 17 .$53 7 ~2 NEW YORK 20 14 .. 4.SS ll""- WASHfNGTON ~ 26 .422 12'1 CLEVELAND IO 26 .278 J7 ~l West 01,·lsion ~fINNESOTA 24. 16 .600 OAKLAND 21 17 .~1 2 KANSAS CITY 20 21 .438 I'; CHICAGO 17 18 .486 4 :i SEA.TILE 19 21 .475 5 CALIFORNIA 11 28 .282 121.1 Ml<HllJ'' Jteqll Ml""e>01• 1, W•slllllO~ I 011\J g&rM Kllltl!Ultd. TfftJ'' 0111\el l)tt .. 11 (L•lliefi ~11 ti Oe•ltnd !~ J.I), "'"' Clwll•l'lll !MCDoMH J.j\ t• Ctl~rlllt IMe- GllOlt.1111 WI, ""9tlt at111...,,, ~Pl\Oetlul HI u S•tllle (8••-er 1·1!. lllflj'll llo:I""' !Sletloe'1 •l) u 1(•11111 Chy 1Dt$ l•IJ, """' -YM11 !Sltl~rt 1·l) ti CMct90 INl'PNll , .. ,, 111t111 • M.._lt!t !Ht!! J•)) ti 11111•1111>9Mn (MOll•f J ... """' . .,,,..,. . .,., .. .,,., Ottr.11 •• Otlll.wld, """' CltVtlO~ •! Ctlllornl•. "Ith! t1111!oio ... '' SMnr. • .,iitfit 9M\tifi •t IC•nM• C1tr. 111tllt Ntw Vtrt n . Chkl .. •t Mllw., ...... tt, 111tf\I MIM-lt •I Wttlllf'l91111, llfOM . AUTHORIZED 12-pound varsity shot to the college. 16- pounder he reached 46-9 with hls first eftort. 10 the 1948 Olympic Trlals at EY· anston, DI., be missed maklng Che team by one-quarter of an Inch with a pitch measuring ~v •. Third spot on the team went to Jim Fuchs at 54-3¥.i . ln his senior season, 1949, when he co. captained the Trojans with Mel Patton, Bayless notched his all-lime best ol 55-9. Wttile Brian's progrC5S has been parallel to hi! father's, his method hasn't. Since the tlder Bayless competed tn the pre-Parry O'Brien era. he and evtry other shotputter used the old-fashioned one-quarter turn style. \Vhen O'Brien arrived at USC In 1950 he began to develop his revolutionary 18(}. degree turn method and with it he became the first man to surpass 60 feet, in 1954. Eleven years later, Randy t.1atson used it to crack the ~foot bar- rier. O'Brien's technique has dominated the event to the extent that today you can't find a quality shotputter anywhere in the world who uses the pre-O'Brien style. "It never occurred to us in those day& that there was a better way to put the shot," reealls Bayless, who is lhe course superintendent at Huntington Seacliff Country Club. "No one ever really analyzed the event until O'Brien took It apart. You have to give him all the credit. Another factor. too, is that kids today weight-train like crazy -we never did any ol that stuff.'" Bayless' son is already ahead of his father's schedule. His best of 52"81h bet· ters his dad 's best eight-pound throw of 52,4 as a Riverside Poly sophomore. He enjoys tossing th e s1iot with his son and together they work out on their Exer- Genie weight machine al home. He hai · just one fear, however. "I hope I don 't become kn9wn as 'the Harvey Knox of Huntington Beach.' " Seven Prep, College Stars Win Honors Ce rtific ates of honor from the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce's Redcoats Awards Committee are on the walls and home trophy shelves of seven Harbor Area athletes today. AthlP.te of the Month awards were distributed lo the high school and college sportsmen during a r e c e n t luncheon meeting featuring Saddleback College football coach George Hartman. Ralph Dean, Costa Mesa High School senior, was picke4 for his track and field exploits, holding several records and qualifying for CIF meet. Steve Schoeltler, Newport Harbor Higf\ School senior, took May honors for his seasonal llJ.2 record as an AU.Sunset League pitcher. Paul Hughes, Orange Coast College sophomore, \\'as picked as high-point roan on the OCC swim team, holder of Eastera Conference records and starting member on the 1968 state championship water polo team . ~ George Barnell, Estancia senior, was honored as track team captain and most valuable member of the 1969 squad, com~ peting ,jn the sprint. long jump and higb. jump. Ste11e Schwer. Corona de\ Mar senior was picked as a three-year swim team Jettennan whQ finished fourth in CIF ccimpetition. Southern California College's Jody Murray, a junior. was selected as a track and baseball letterman. He is the second- highest track scorer in sec hlstory . Craig Neslage, UC Irvine student, was picked as top man on the campus tennis team, wilh an IS.2 re~rd in doubles play and an 18-4 SCQre in singles. 1969 AultinAnmicf AvAilabJt ~·/AutomaUe Trammlsslon GOLD SEAL USED CAR\ l FINEST SELICTIO" or USID SPORT CARS • ' IN SOU~RN CALll'OlNIA 'I FULL SEllVICE ANO PARTS FOR ALL IMl'ORTED AUTOMOBILES J1rtuport 31111p ort s _l \'i ll [l1I! I Ii 111 [I 11 I ; , 3100 WUT COAST Hl ... WAT-NEWPORT llACH ' '41·'405 540.17'4 A""'°"'" Me e AUSTIN·HEALIY D--'-tu.I ......... -· Wet ' s ....... - ---~- c ti b }, • • 11 v v 0 b • c 0 g r a h li • c • k h • ( c ( ~ F f " J I ( h I I i t t h ' t d • ' • I • • ' • • • • • • • , • ~ • • • ' • • ' ' • • -------~·-----~---~---~----~,.,~.,.,,~W"'"',1¢45'"'"-"'""*-=•"<'"-'0l"'~-=-=~•-••••~•,.•~.s>-«••••-o-~•~•~••on•~•~·....--•-r1--=--·--~~.,,.,,,,_.""""".,.,,,..,...../'--.. ,-~,_ • Dundee Remembers His Days With Clay You don't have to be Nat Fleischer to find the fight crowd in LA on a Thursday night. Like clockwork, they've assembled for years at the Gala, just a fe,v block> from the Olympic Auditorium. They were there last Thursday, chowing down with Angelo Dundee and Wlening to him relive his years with Cassius Clay. DAJLV PILOr :JJ Lombardo Sets Sights, 170 mph Drag ricing followers who 1tt in on the acUon at Orance County International Raceway Saturday' night may a e • .another or the sport's .. .,.,... rlers" tosaed ln the trash can. The hottest name in drag racing these days is John Lombardo of Sherman Oaks. l!e may become the fint driver Saturday to drive an AA gas dragster 171) mph. What's his life like without Clay? "The same," he responded, between mouthfuls of a WHOA, HORSE I -Skip Hess of Arcadia can't keep bis front -d •teak sandwich. -"' one. He'll be in the field Saturday ni ght at OCJR's big AA-gas "I've still ~ot about 30 fighters working for me in on the ground a~ he blasts away from the starti'lg line at Orange supercharged field . He's broken records in bis last four outlnp and in bl! last appearance, at Long Beach, he broke the natioD1l record for speed by over six mph and elapsed time by a quarter of a seocnd. Miami-that's JUSt about as many when I had Clay. _eou __ n_ty_ln_t_em_a_ti_o_na_l_R_ac_e_w_ac_y_._H_e_cl:__ock:__ed_:::ca:__l63"-'m=-"P:::hc:ru.::::nccoc:n'-th:::::is'-------------''-~~------------­ That's the way I like it, lots of fighters." Included in Dundee's stable at his Fifth Street Gym fn Miami are Jimmy Ellis, the heavyweight champ; wel terweight champ Jose Napoles and ~ank.ing welterweight Luis Rodrigue:z. He drives ·a potent Corvette. OCIR is next on the 22-year· old Lombardo's list. And ac- cording to OC:IR general manager Mike Jones, the en- tire Southland AA supercharg· ed fraternity will be on band to provide stern competition. But this is the man who took Clay to the heavyweight championship of the world and he's asked to resuri'ect the glory years everywhere he goes. "l bear from him all the time. He calls me about once a week. He disguises his voice and tries to make himself sound like some promising young fighter and asks me to train him. 0 But he's never fooled me yet. I say : 'OK, quit clownin' around, I know who this is.' We talk about the old days, not much about the trouble he's in with the government. I don't think he worries about that too much. "Gee, the great times \Ve had togetheF, traveling around • • , He was a fantastic guy. \.Vhen they made him, they broke the mold. There'll never be another like him, iJ;1. or out of the ring." H• was asked )Yhat w•• really going on at the famous 1'64 weigh.in befOre the first Clay-Liston title bout in Mleml. It was a scene unparalleled in sports an- {n1l1. Cl•y 1Hmln9ly flipped his lid with one hysterical ou tburst •ft•r 11noth•r. 1'Th1t w111 1111,.i•nned," Dundee said. 1We wanted to s" Sonny shook up and we did. The commlulon doctor wanted to c11ll off the fight at the welgh--in Hc1uH Cley'1 blood pr•11ur• was sky-high but I hH my own doctor eta.ck him for th• press a half hour lo1ter •nd it was completely. normal.'1 There •r• those who should know who tell you that weigh-In was the beginning of the end for Liston. Complaining of a sore shoulder, he refused to leave his corMr for the eighth round and forf•ited the title. But Dundee won't dwell on the life -and times of Cassius Clay and he switched subjects. He turned to two Newport Beach stockbrokers, Stu Fine and George Roth-Seiden, who are m@naging a pair of Dominican Republic fighters for him. "Say," he said, pointing his fork at Roth-Seiden, "I'm going to send you guys another fi ghter. Hi s name's Julio Verra, a lightweight from Caracas. He's a good~ look.in' kid and J want you to get him some fights at the Olympic." Roth-Seiden and Dundee go way back. At the fights. be told this 'vriter about an amateur card he and Dundee were watching 15 years ago. "It seemed like an ordinary fight but all of a sudden Angelo jumps out of his seat and runs like a bird dog down to the riii~ and makes them stop the fight. One of the fighters had a dislocated shoulder and Angelo was the only guy in the place who sa\v it." Dundee was in LA to see one of his light- heavyweight prospects in a 10-rounder. It seems the guy won't fight unless Dundee is in his corner ... Dundee's fighter was battered from ringpost to rin~st and came out on the short end of a unanimous decision. For that, Dundee had to fly all the way from Miami. 1'\Vhat could 1 do? What could I say? The kid plead~ ed. for me to come. And when he said he'd pay my \vay. what else could I do'" South Nine Co~ch Job To Smith Andy Smi th, who has guided Ne wport Harbor High School baseball fortunes for the pa st 10 years, has betn named to coach the South aggregation in the second annual Orange County North-South All.Star baseball game June 19 at La Palma Stadium in Anaheim. Smith led his Newport nine to second place in t b e powerful AAAA Sunset League behil\d champion Western and went on to the CIF playoffs before being elimii1ated in the . first round a'gain.st a very strong Santa Fe High outfit. That same Santa Fe team went on to crush second-seed- ed Kennedy in a second-round game, 5--0. Smith and the assistant coaches he selects will be choosing players from those seniors nominated b y t h e ~ches oI all county high schools located be low Chap- man Avenue. No school will have more than two pla yers on the 18- man roslcr. Smith's outfit is the (~ide<l underdog even before selection of players. Lakers Set Rookie Tilts LOS ANGELES -The Lakers wiU open their 1969 rookie . camp at The Forum June 14 and will run through June 20 with workout s scheduled daily. Rooki~ Camp workouts will conclude on June 19 when the Laker rookie s mee t the San Diego Rockets' rooki es in a game in San Diego. The two fledgling squads will battle aga in on Friday ullf C d S night, June 20 at The Forum B I' ght1' ng ar et at 8 p.m. Admission lor th at game will be $3 for adults and $1 for youngsters 16 years of Sunday at Tijuana Ring1-.·g~··n~d·,_.•derjf;_ ~-1 Alfredo Leal, Mexico's regal •jPrince of BulUlghtln1," will return from Spain Sunday to headline the Memorial Day Tijuana bullring. ll will start al 4 p.m ... Leal, one of the few Mexican • matadors to appear In Spanish plazas this seuon, will share billing wUh popular Chucho 1Solorzano and young Guillermo Montes Sortibran. 1 In the most widely ac- claimed performance <lf the ; current Spanish season, Leal 1 wu awarded the ean and tail t.or both his'blll5 in Valencia. He compel<d with El Coo-dobes and Palolll() Linares in a hJstoric pertormance that saw all th1'ff matadors win the , mutmwn trophies. I The le.an, handsome. LEGAL NOTJCE matador from Mexico City who spends the o(f season in movie. roles, was one or the most active performe'rs from his country, appearing in various South A m e r i c a n arenas as well ~1exico aod- Spairi. Solorzano. with 20 fights to his credit the past year, and is currenUy' riding a big wave or popularity. He continued a string of triumphs along ' the border May 18 when he won the only two ears awarded in - the Tijuana season opener. Son or one of Mexico's greatest mata~rs1 Solonan;o Showed he has oecome a com- plete bullfighter. He earned ap. plause for his artistry with the banderillas as well as the way he handled the big cape and mule.ta. SorUbran, a 21-year~ld who was promoted to matador here a· year ago, will be making his second local appearance. . On Memo rial Day San Gabriel V.alky Track Reo pens for Stock Cars SCHOETTLER NA MED MVP Keeping Lombardo honest Slcve Schoettler was named wil be OCIR track record most valuable player on holder (164.23 mphj Ron Blzlo New-port Harbor High School 's of Bellnower. It was Bh:lo's varsity baseball team Monday record that Lombardo rrac- night at the annual awards tured at Long Beach. dinner ill the school cafeteria. Ini·ected funny cars will pro-.. ....,. .. •,r.ltv -cao11111: H-••d s1rubi.1 vlde the second half of Mv : $1~1 s.c.r.oenl•n Mo ' I I Southern CaWornia's only high banked hall-mile paved oval track, San Gabriel Valley Speedway, will reopen for business on racing's big1est day -Friday - for a season featuring NASCAR stock car racing. lmor~..i: J~ 111.-1rnot1. Saturday's drag show. Qua l-ty Caln of Fresno, runner -up Serv iei!men pay $1.50 each Pi.fins: U~',.~ Jiff 8~~~~~; ~,:;t rying starts at 8:15 p.m. Quali- Ray Elder of Carrothers, vet-night, and children under 12 17[=.~~ ~i111: M••k Keller: fying for the 'assers start.I at er an Jim Coo.It of Norwa lk and 1 __ .,_•_f_r_ee_._Al_l _:_p_ar_k_in_:gc_1_·,_1_re_e_. --'~"'Yi'-'"~"'~"';::'".'--w-•-__ ' "_'_"_'_·_·-__ '_2:.!:p.::m:::_'-w"i:::thc.•:::li:::m:::•c.•:::tcclc.. __ Jack McCoy or Modesto. The opening weekend shows "'ill feature a Pacific Coast NASCAR late model stock car race on Friday night, followed by a daredevil thrill show Saturday night. Both events, as, well as the weekly Friday night NASCAR sportsman races to follow the rest or lhe season, will be pro- moted by veteran racing figure Art Atkinson. Atkinson is also impressario of the highly successful weekly NASCAR stock car racts at Orange Show Speedway in San Rernardino. The fea ture will be a 100. lapper around the saucer-like oval that accommodates as many ~s three abreast in Ole steep high speed corners. Stock car straighaway speeds are expected to be over 100 m.p.h. and cornering speed! about 75 m.p.h. The oval track built In 1967 has been operated Sporadlca1ly under the names Irwindale Speedway, San Ga b r I e I Speedway a n d Rivergrade Speedway. It has been dark since the middle of the 1968 season. Renamed for the auto racing oriented San Gabriel Valley, it I I For his grand opening the night of the Indiana.polls 500 classic Atkinson will present .the highly popular late model stock car drivers who have thrilled" fanS"'from Canadian" to Me"lican borders. ~ is at 4900 Rivergrade Rd., the[H-~ notliem extension of the 605 Freeway, two miles north of the San Bernardino Freeway in Irwindale. A 31kar field is e1pected, and it will lnclude Pacific Coa- st NASCAR point champ Scot- Friday night tickets are prtced at $3, and Saturday ad- mission Is $2 .50. Friday ticket stubs wil be honored for a $1 discount Saturday night. at Big Savings with your local Mobil Dealer H ...... tho Mobil M-3 workaday tire, feeturlng long.life nylon cord- plua 1ure-grfp tread - that's Mobil M-3, the 1mooth riding tire at a great bargain prl~e. 775' 101oc1$1310 NylDft Cord , Tubtlns IMll M-1 MOllt WIDt-Offws M'Dlll CllllOl- 25% mor• trtttion, ottn tiir fllllllrt, 25% QuicMf stops, • «IYlll( comfort -I better aas mnnp. a rt"'7 .,.. *'· Mllll PDLTISTEll PU:Mlll-i\ nllltd, touth tlrt thlt ftup tht rOl4 scnoattlty. All MobU De•,_,• ,...,... lhe right ro •t•bll&ll IM/r own prla.. See your favorite local Mobil Dealar today and have him "Tire-Up" your auto. with freah new •Mobil Tires-all at big saving• to you. FREE INSTALLATION; OF COURSE. ' NO MON EY DOWN 12 MONTHS TO PAY ,.. 11111111 Cltl'llflt ...,... Charge your new Mollll Tires to your Mobil Credit Card. Pay nothing doWn •nd take up to a year to pay, en !or 1 1111111 carrying Clll(ge. -· J . ·~ ' ' The Belted GTW is a safety belt on wheels l U. l RO. ... "" ··-"' •• , .. , .. '"' ""' U. Tlt "" "'' '"" \IAtl ., .. '"" 1•11 .. , •• •• , ... ET•·14 7.3S J 14 . .... 2J.4S 111.11 141.71 ,,, n1.1• 7.75114 41.?S ~4 .11 111.11 14t.24 ,_.. t l l·14 1.151 14 ,..71 11.J1 11 1.M 114.24 "" 1111·14 1.551 14 11.45 :Ml.22 241.11 111.14 2.11 111·11 7.751 lS 41.lS 24.17 , ..... 141.M ... C11·15 1.J1 •IS Sot.ft 21.JJ 21t.IO ,...,,,, '" "11-IS 1.111 11 il.45 ""' 241.11 111.M 2.11 J11·l5 1,15115 11.M M.45 215.11 2ot.11 J ,l:t lJl·IS" •. 11 I II ;)1.11 l1.J1 2M.2t 214.lt "" -l.OC1115 It.IS :M.11 2Jt.lt 201.11 2.IJ PIUJ stile •nd/or lor:1I t1xes Ptlc•d •s shown at General Til'fl store1. COm'19tltivelr priced 1 t Gen.,al T"e de11ers di1pl1yu'!a the General 1!111. JATO SUPER-100 GOLF BALLS • Our1lon cov1r for long, cu1-tre1 1111 • Energized ··pi" center glve1 gre1t dlst•nc• • Ultr1·hlgh-ten1ion wil\dlng ALL WEATHER SPORTS JACKET • l<te1 l IOr 111 ouldOOf' actlvlllea • High-vlelblllly yellow vJnyl 11 ralnprool, wll1dproot • One 1l:te Ills 111 eoAST· GENERAL TIRE Ill Wftt 1ftti c .. ,. M ... 140·1710-446-IOJ'J .fl HAL WEEK GUARANTEED ADJUSTMENT . ' •A1ai1t1I l lNfftl •Afa1_. CIMI •AfalMt l rviat ll'Nks • A11ifltt ,.. • .;,.., •.l.f•i"lt ........ 11ttti11 •Acallllt ·~ Ott.ell Oaflonl .... Y Mil 111 •ifl. .... u.~ ....... Gener1l't Petfonnance 01&111.wttee I• bated on your original con. II anr flaw G•natal tir1 fall• ltt 1101111al p.._ ••ni•r car u1e, we win allher ,.,_,, It ft91 .r c111,1• 0# ••Plaee It wah • 11e1111 a.n.r-1 tire _, Ukt ou1litr 1t a price 1>...0 °" tM P<lfefMll«"ll , COit OI ihe 1u1ra11taed tire (altar dad11Ctlt11 1r1aa.J11 a11ow1nc" flif d l1C111.111t 9t'ld Sllil• 9'M!I Jor.al l••t J) equl¥1lent 10 Ille parc1nt11• ol trt1ad dtipth u-.ci, plu1 si.tt 1nd Joe-' w .... C111m1 lftUJI be Sllb"'itttd lo 011 111U1orl1t>d Gam.tal Tlre thNI ... Of stor. 1'ith !he orill'* purcn1wr'1•m'l'Olce, GOOD ANYWH!A E IH THI U.a.A. H-•d br Ge111r11 Tira Oaa1ar1 N lw. K•ot• !tie natioft. AVERY GENERAL GENERAL i'IRE TIRE SERYlC:E SERVICE , ,, .. 1 .... ""'· fUZ l•t 4tll HHffllf'H ... Ill ..... _ 147-5810 MJ .. JU '------llllMllJll AUTO tNDUl111111 HIOh#A~ l»ITY COMMmU-----..i . ' • ---------'--------------- ·• l ----------------------------.---------~------:--------.... ------------~-..------·-~· .. ·Duster Htre's one that is fig. ured very cl'ose. 3 bed· room. 2 baths on a quiet street $21,500 - -$1,300 liw'D FHA in· eludes new carpe\8. Walk To shopping and aJJ s c h oo l s (rom this sparkling clean east- side beauty. 3 Bdrms. or 2 & den. Only S24.· 500 -~tove in u'ith 10% down. Strike Here's one r ight dou·n the midd1e. Custom de- signed with brick fron t 3 bedrooms, 2 delu.xe baths. Covered outside entertainment area - Choice N~~rl Hgt.'\. locatio~.500. 10% move; you in. Curve You can't miss on U1is one! 3 Bedroom on tt• .tra large lot. Tree-lined atrtel -$1995 dav.TI, $159.62 pays all.-&>t- ter call OO\V. Swing ::·'.\tt ti.rlf'~\ ·. / ' .· ,, __ _ ..... Single In lovely Newpo rt S ho res. Community with tennis, pool and rec. area near your door. 3 Bedrooms. 2 baths, 5 years young-' $26,900 -Can be seen loday. Double 2 Hou.sea on large east- side lot near new park. A home A-income too. Completely remodeled new kitchen, new ~th. new carpets &. drapes. DelighUul Newport Heights area $29,500-- 10% down. Triple Just a step home to this dandy Mesa Verde 5 Bedroom, 2'ni bath, 2 Story. br ight s hin y kitchen so ideal for large family. Priced under market at $33,. 950. laHI loaded? Then try this 6ig, big Mesa del :ri.ta.r 5 bed - room on for size - Sparkling c lean, low tratnc street Great area for kids and pets. Giant sized yard for boat. trailer or pool.- $37.950. Home Run Score a four • bagg<"r on this Coll<>ge Park beauty. 3 Bedroom + family room and an added r oom with balh for mother or teen- ager, Beautiful so)ar heated pool. Always spollel!S, can be seen anytime. $33,500. Grand Slam . Touch every base and ·you'll appreciate this 4 Bedroom, 3 bath in glOJ'.ious Harbor High- lands. Owner is leaving for New York and will give June' 15 posses- alon -It's outstand- ing and only $55,500. l ·(attb \ t : • • OfflCES 27'0 HAHOR 546-23l3 1700 NIWPOIT 646-7171 w.-•aa.....J. ·:·!If R! :.n.L 0 f' '"·''!'<"Re; ""'-,:--, I '. ', • . .•r r. • • I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSl!5 FOR SALE 1000 0.-01 1000 Gonorol 1000 0..-al IOQO Gonerol -,-a-r.-n-ts~R.-lt-eat~~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I 1ooa1""-=.;:.r;:;o1====:.1ooa-:..:O..;:.ne.;:.c;_r;:;ol'-----1ooa""'.' Gonerol 1100 The .sue~ b lt'ldCn in this 2Ax19 ft muter suite. 3 ad- ditlonai bed't'OOO\$ plJJ$ 3 bath!. Large ~n li.\llng roon1 wllb dramatic mirror- o<I ""'-wall. Boat l>9'i and double detached gar- a~. $29.750 wilh a low ~ !crest FlM loan lo be as- sumed. "For A \Vise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. BAYCREST· $76,500 This Spanish hacielJda is a lovely family home with a gorgeous Jiving room, high beamed ceilings and beauti- _J1,1l Spanish style fireplace, Separate DINING room, plus king.size family rocnn, Secluded master bedroom 1vith dressing room and sunk- en tub. 4 Spacious bedrooms and 3 elegant baths in oui' n1ost exclusive area for $76.500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 21).13 Westc!iif Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. Ptfanicured grounds sur- rOunding this 4 bdrm golt course single story. Dramatic view of the course from formal din- ing roon1, kitchen &. pa- tio. Top ~.C!ondl'tion ttlroughout. $66,900 wilh assumable 6~ loan. 3006 Java Rd. ''!'·· .., .. ' T ·· · · i ,,,:.,1 \1r,,. · ... .!.' 546-59 90 ' llDDIRPEI REALTY ME AND MY- Pe! listing, One ot our sales ladies can'! understand why her pct IU!ting -A sharp 2 Bd, Rm. \\'l'll appointed and quite modestly priced . doesn 't sell. Zont>d R2, \1'ith ·garage stressed to build ad- ditional iflC'ome: a corner loc::at.ion adds value $36.500. Maybe it's for you? 202S W. Balboa, NB 67S-6000 Evs. 642-4692 .Paal in Exclusive Newpart Beach Located near upper Ne\\'J)(lrt Bay. This lu.xurious execu. five home features a spark- ling 38' swimn1ing pool, large patio, huge living room, panelled family roon1 with wood burning fireplace. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. For appaintment call lllH l\I 1111\11\ ' ' _.. ' "645-0303 New Listing Extra, extra sharp l bdrm Condominiwn Brand new on the market, unusually large bedroom. Adullti only, S4i·S880 (ne1rcinemt tll!ltrt) OLLEGE REALTY JSOO Adal'llS 1tHa!btl',CM. -$19,200 -4-Bedr--;n.- • $137 • Month Payments includes c v c r y. thing, 2 baths, BuiH -in kitch- cben. Allractive 'vood M UI· . lcrs. Freshly painted • Fenf'- f!d patio. Assume 5~ ';"'" loan. TARBELL 842-6691 NEWPORT H~GHTS 3 BR 2 balh, den, 2 frpl~. cptr;/drps, bli-lnS, ·alley ac- ees.s for boll.I & trailer. DAVIDSON Rulty 5o'6-5460 Eves. ~~ NO DOWN. TO VET! Chllrmircg 2BR home. L'Om- pletely rt'.novaltd on luge EIS corner lot. Workshop, dble st. entry lor boat, lrlr «1orage. Onl)' S21.t00 RJtr &1&-822ll DAILY Pit.OT OIME-A- LLNES. You can UM! lhrm tor ju.st pennies a day, Dial 6't.s61! ' I • Or.1nte County'• L1r19st 293 E. 17th St. 646-+IM NEWPORT HEIGHTS GI LOAN 182.00 mo. No qualifying, assume· 6•f0 loan, do you want op e.n beam ceilings, b r I ck nreplace hard·• wood floors, art studio, or gues t room, boat or trailer access, ivy cover- ed palio located in New- port Heights! Then call today. I 4 BEDROOMS PLUS! This one is better than new, all elec. kitchen, 15x23 covered patio, big room addition a b o v e garage, Swedish fire- place, looks like a model home. 100% financing available to vets or small down FHA. Hurry, 11 won't last. HERE'S YOUR. DOLL HOUSE It's got to be the cutest house on the market with 2 big bedrooms and a den, built in kitchen, fireplace, 1vall to \\•all carpet, 2 patios, double garage. Immaculate - Ready to be lived in. WOW! WHAT A VIEW Built ri9ht on top or a mountain with a Viey,,· you won't believe. 4 bed· rooms, high beam ceil· lngs, deluxe kitchen, sun deck, a beautiful home only 4 years old. Asking $37,500 DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS! THIS SPACE AVAILABLE • • • FREE DON'T WASTE YOUR VA GET A DUPLEX 2-tu·o b e d room units ·completely f u r n i s h ed 1 h income of SJ,800.00 every year. Full price !I only $32,450, with no payment. SHARP 4 BEDROOM NEW AREA With a ll built·in kilChC'n designed expressly for the lady ot the house. Pink appliances, pf n k tile. His and her baths, 2 patios, one otl living room. the other off lhr kitC"hen. Seller anxious -Na.me your tcr1ns. LAST CHANCE at 7.2% RANCHO LA CUESTA bas only S homes • left Models. are open for yoo to tour 10 AM to 7 PM. I & 2' story, 3 & 4 bed- room homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mls&ion tile or shake roof, firepJaces, concrete driveways, heavY rough cut beams, built· Ins, family & dining rooms. Such a beautilul price range •.. $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or Conventional financing as Jow as 10% down. 80% or 90% loans at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit costs more, so take advantage of these prices. HURRY! RAHCHO LA CWTA HOMES On Brookhurst •t Atlant• , • , 968-2929 Huntington Be•ch % ACRE CUSTOM BUILT Over 1600 sq tt, excel· lenl NORTH COStA ,MES.A area, ,11 big _btl, rma, Roman aunken tub, completely buUt-ln kit· chen with PANTRY. 20 year guarantee stainle1s steel dishwasher, paUo- kitchen, choice of car- pels & tile colon etc. Now under conslnlction. VA NO DOWN FHA or financing available. IQa... co:rs ~WALLACE REALTORS 546-4141- (0pen Eveningsl 4 BEDROOM· HEIGHTS AREA Genlr•I 1000 TWO STORY- UPPER BAY General Here is the least expensive 1000 4 bedroom h o m e in the ---------1 whole' Eastslde -Newport POOL TABLE Heights area. Huge master bedroom, family room, 2 Been looking for a place to balhs, large yard for child. put o~ ? Here it is · Beau-. f .1 · 1 ren and pets, and ac~ss Thr-ee bedroom, l\vo balh hlul ami.y ho.me in e e-for boat or trailer. Out ot gant IO!'!allon with separale ,,.., ow-, ""Y• "-will pay lo\vnhouse with h~o bed· ..... .... uc rooms aiid balh do1l'h, end 18 " 20 rooi rumpus _room:to ·paints, so you can buy 1vith large bedroom and bath up. accomodatc regulation size GI NO DOWN, or FHA small No yard \\-'Ork, No main!en-pool table, plu.'\ p!e~ty . of down. Full price only S24 500. room Jert over for en)O)'Jtlg S todnv ' ance, Your O\\•n putting 1!' and the mamn1oth stone We SE. LL A HOME green, swimming pool and flreplace. Large bedrooms, activity house too! Boys •2 Queen size baths, dining EVERY 31 MINUTES C'!Ub and park 1ti b1ock; 2 room and separate room for Walker & Lee minute drive to Y.M.C.A. officC" or hobby. Assume low _ Sound great -lt Is!! CALL · ~~ g.: FHA 1 US. We have the key! ONLY interest " ~ " oan. 21H3 Westclill Dr. S2S 950 Payments of $183 per month, G4S.ml Open Eves. "II, •. 1!111!11111!~!!1!!1!!', include everything, Submil1 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii p · yoor smaller home on our 1• guarantee sales plan. No Down Vets or "$2000 Down FHA or Assume this 5~~ FHA loan al only $151 per month~ A mod- el condition, largC' 3 bed- room, 2 bath BEAMED CATlfi:DRAL CEILING ho1ne completely profession.- ally redecorated inside and SUITOUnded by park-like grounds and spac)ous palio in lovely, lovely quiet area. VERY PRIVATE MASTER BEDROOM '\!.'ith outside ac. ccss. ALL ELECTRJC kitch· en and dishwasher! Water softeflCr! Trade in your smaller home on this VERY SPECIAL BEAlITY! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2190 Jlarbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open 'til 9 Pfll WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2().13 Westclill Dr. 64&.-7711 Open Eves. moDIRPEf REALTY WHY TAKE LESS? U bayfron1 with boats and watt•r front living is your choict", then by all means see this lour year.. young, 3,<XX> sq rt custom built ex- ecutive home': Has dock for 60 ft, boat a'nd in the .area of up to half million dollar estates. • Yet priced al $139.500, • The exciting de- tails lose value in print. • \Ve welcome your inspection. 2025 W. B•lbo•, NB 675-6000 Eves. 642..4692 john macnab CORONA HIGHLANDS High on a hill, spet·tacular 180' ocean view fro1n all ma- jor rooms of spacious 4 bed- room, 3~ bath, family room, rustom built home; modern kitchen. S~.000. Call for app'I, (7141 642-8235 901 Dover Drive, Suile 120 Newport Beach FHA/VA Baycrest Pool Home -$45,500 Fopr bedrooms plus family room. Dramatic rock fireplace, large side yards. Potential show place. Cliffhaven Prestige Newport Beach address. 3 bedroo1n, beam ceiling pa.neled family room with rock fireplace and separate dining room . Beauti- fully landscaped, double detached garage. Transferred owner asking $34,000. - Parents Retreat The silence is golden in this 24x 19 !t master suite. 3 ~dditional bedrooms plus 3 baths. Large sunken living room with dra·matic mirrored fireplace wall. Boat port a!l d double detached garage. $29,750.with a lo\v interest FHA loan to be assum ed. FOR A WISE BUY Colesworthy & Co. 642-n11 WATER FRONT . NEWPORT BEACH Probably never 81$ will you. find .such a t'ANTAs. TlC VALVE with all that thi11 olfeni! ! PlER and BOAT SLIP?! Bey, thlJ du· ple..'< tum.i&hed or not with as litUe as 10% DOWN. Low 7% financing available. SU. PER SHARP!! Carpel.I anct drapes~ DQuble garage ~ \Valk to aU sbo~ but just slip oµt of bed and fall in the waler or climb in Your boat! An UNBEUEV ABLE VALUE al only SSS.950. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker g Lee Z190 Harbor Blvd. at Adam$ Sti-9491 Open 'Ul 9 PM -DELUXE DUPLEX T;\\'O BEDROOMS EACH I UNIT. Dining roon1, Forced air heat and built-in electric free llcMM tNl•l11t mt L1111blM111 ~•ool ko'tch•n. All new ca-ts. 1 ' F"" S.ln•__.1, t lassn • .,.. lntott'ntH 111. A a..i lbt1te C1rfft'7 completely redecorated ln C1ll flf l~lew. and out. Divided single gar-=========~========:= I ages, "'•ell Ja11dscaped front l General 1000 General 1000 yard, separate rear yards. --------TOP VALUE AT $27,500. Take Over $185 per mo. Lovely Cherrycla.le 4 bedroom, 2 bath cedar root beauty that is a real Cheny~! Spa- cious living roon1 1vith CUS- TOM brick fire plar:e, lovely plush carpets and drapes. RanCh sized kitchen with built-ins and spacious family room! Sweeping immaculate lawn with loarls of shade trees and plenty or privacy for family enjoyment and entertaiillng. As little as 2.800 down! Trade in your smaller home on our guarantee' pr!>- grnm! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Jfarbor Blvd. al AdaJns 5'15-9491 Open 'Iii 9 Pl\I llili'ftmg rcLEANEST, \\IC' have listed 2 of the cleanest 4 bdnn, ranch 8t.YIC' Pacesetters C-"er on thl" market. Both have sunny all elC'Ctric kitchC'ns, immacula1c floors & carpets, brau- tifuJ landscaping. Both arc pri<--es belo\v $38,000. Drive by one or then1 at 2Sru Chios Rood. ')l~~.sa\ ?r~\· '="c :1! ti' 546-5990 . LOVELY CAMEO SHORES 4 BDRM & DEN IMMED. POSSESSl-ON Corner home near South Coad Plaza. Lo\v, low down payment. Owner n1ay con- sider lease option submi l oiler. Asking $27,950 WTSIDE UNITS FOUR niodern 3 BR homes on large corner lot. Each 3 BR unit is private 1vith large patio &. breezeway 10 gar- age. Block wail fcnCl'. $62,000 F/P 10'12 DOWN Hew port •I Vic~oria . ' \Vit h financing available. I Ev~nings cau 56-8713 . DELUX DUPLEX IOHl \I L Ol\O\ R l A " ' . 645-0303 BarreH Really ~ ~ presenf5 ~~ lnve1t in Family . h b Happiness fO n macna T"'1elully docurato<I Baycre•t home. 4 bdrm & den • with CUSTOM HOME \vet bar (could be 5 bctrmsl. Beautilul Baycrest 4 bed-FormaJ dining roum, POOL, room hoine \\•ith Iarhily large C'hildren's play area.. rooni & fonnal dining rooni, I1nmaculate. Owner has large niasler suite \Vith ced-bought another home out of ar lined closets:. open beain area & is anxious to sell. l'eilings; landscaped for easy Sho1vn by appointment only. maintenance. Swimming 1605 W l lill Dr NB &45-5200 pool. Separate yard for child-cs c ·• ren, away from pool area. ------ $98,500. Call for app'\, 2 HOMES f LOT BarreH Really . . i P'esents ~~ IOHl.\I 1.111\11\ Enjoy spectacular private beadies plus canyon & ocean vie\Y lrom this immacula!e 3 Bdm1. hon1e, priced very low at $62,500. cau for app't. Walter }laa!;e Big family home . large C()-(714) 642-8235 Ionia) 5 BR l\'ith An!hony ~ 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 EASTSIDE. Excellent condl- Exclusiv'ely Our s New BaycJ"csl listing. Spark- ling adult occupied 4 bclrm 3 l>ath hon1e situated on a quiet street v.·ith park-like selling. Formal dining room, unusual n1othcr-in-law bdnn & bath. Fee sin1ple, Call for appointment to set". 16ffi \Vestclifl Dr. NB 6~J.5200 ASSUME VA LOAN • $109 P.l.T.I. pool, !amity room & dining Newport Beach lion. 3 Bdrms, harth\•ood room. Nearly 2900 sq rt, • -~ . l!!!!!ll!!!!!il!!!i!!!!iii!i!i!!ll!!!!!!!I floors. fire place, slla.ke roof, \Valking dislancc to Mesa dining room, large kitchen 645·0303 Verile Country aub. Oivner Coldwell, Banker & Co. 4 BEDROOM with eating area PLUS sep-o ---,~-o-----1 relocating out of area-must 550-Newport Center Dr. aratc l bedrom furnished G.I. Lo•n .,11, New port Beach, Calif. MESA DEL MAR ,..,., .. ALL FOR o NL Y Corona del Mar ~ 833-0700 644-2430 $28,9;;.(I. 1 Lovely executive pool hon1e. 5.tfi-5880 Enjoy living on a qulel • COATS (n@ar cintma thealrtl \Vi!h 3 bcd1'00ms, 3 baths. LLE . Four Bedrooms . sll'CCI. BeautiluJ ash panel· Elegant master bedroom ISOO~:~a~il.~J. ling in living·~ family t'OOnJ. WAL&LACE .I J:ix30. Huge heated & filter-$19 ,500 built • ins. lirt'place, ni cc eel """' \\'i!h Joi.!; of deckjnw.1'!!~!"!"~!"!"~~~~ •1 I la""e back yard. Asking o"IY REAL TORS1 ~ ·~ t' LEASE/OPTION "ove nto Ibis lllfge family •e. Brand IJE'\Y kitchen 1\•ith all home today! Close 10 shop. $2i,9:JO · good financing, -54M141- rK'\\I t'lectric built-ins. dish-OR ping, Schools and churches. 1::16<1 NC1\•pot'l Blvd., Cl\T (Open Eveninpl) 11·asher, and largr 11nn!ry. This \\'Oll'l last! $153 per Rltr. 6~6-39~ EvC". 6'1-l-JSJJ l~~~"!'!"!:~~~~I Anyone with $6000 ca~h can SELL mo nth includes ta.'<es and L h " assume this low int('_rc.~! GI L!ovety <I bdnn home in ex-iiisW'ance! ONLY $700 TolaJ ac enmyer 96' ON OCEAN BLVD. !Otl.n. 646-8681. Principals elusive Back Bay area. New cash required. Corona de! Mar. Fantastic l?E A L~C,, only. C"....,ts, dra......, &. shutters, WE SELL A HOME , view of octan &. harbor That's right 51·'"" o·n••-·· t. -~ ... ...,..,..,..,..,..,..,.., .. I light•· ~nch No-•-auty .. -"' .. -., Custom built antd ..... edalliOif EVERY 31 MINUTES . El1': '""..., 3 bdrn1s, 1\•/1v carpeting, L'be I f' • .. ~ ,... 0 M t S II w/trce shaded walled gar- good ...... ""'' to all I ra mancmg home. !"1 •"" Ille '"'''" 2 Walk~r & Lee wn~r U$ e ·'"·Loan •I.;,,,. ;nt. "'" 3 HOUSES.. schools, ch~ & shop-covered patios. $&2.500. AssWTie ;i~ % loan, takC' over be assumed. Call for app't. POOL ping, ~1aturc neighborhood Uncle Sam owns this bi~ near JEAN SMITH, 200 Westclilf Dr. small equ11.y on big 4 bd".1' WALKER R~ty 67>5200 with tall, 'tall trees & big nc11• 2 story holl'lf! in Costa 646-3255 2 bath family room home 1nl-c====~~~~-I EASTSIDE lot. Full prit•e $20,750. lltcsa & \\•ill sell ttfst conic 400 E. lilh, Costa ll'lesa s.w-m1 Open Eves. ~-:::. l~!.~: .. te:'us~~ n1>;0~: INVESTORS COSTA ~ COATS 10 aeyone lo' $12.i() down. OWNER'S LOSS -• ~ MESA & FuU pri,,. 128.900. Low In· . SA. CRI ICE lh pay• '"'"'.°;og. 11.,;tage . $19,950 Located on one huge lot WALLACE tC'reSt & EZ monthly pay--f YOUR CAIN. Near new fully Real Estate 540-1151 !open 4 BR & f Ow -three separate housM! REALTORS ments. Fully reconditioned 011•ncr moving Easl \vUl take RECONPITIONED Govern-eves). fe .. r.s 10 ~e~mbac,·':':' = with pool, call it a tM--546-4l'4l-&. ready for occupancy, Call $6~.500 for lovely 5 bdnn ment repossessk>n in Costa ---fOf period or year. pl<hx It · you \1-ant. but IO E H~ritage Real Estat" ~G-ll51 Baycrcst home 1vith beam· llfesa, Big 2 story, full price SACRIFICE Rand RPI..., 645-2340 \\' atevC'r you call it, pen , venings) ("""n eves). ed celling 1n livtno-room. •'»,9>J. Only "~ tuU dn '• yod'd bctl'er sec it. I I '""'!~~.., ......... ..,~ yr-.,. ~ ....-N H H -=========:1 Hurry for this one. pymnt, with low int VA loan 01vner moving East \1•ill la.ke ear arbor i LIVE· RENT·· BUILD All on lb(' sam" pro~ erly. U vt· in the house, Tt'nl the Sl"J)ara1e bRcl'ie· Jor apt. ""ith kilchen & bath, build on the ad- joining vacant lot. Total priCC' $30,900 everJthinA (."Ompletf'ly redecorated, exctpt lhlt vacant lot. Or1n9e County'1 Lar911t 293 E. 17th St. 646-+IM ,, THE ATRIUM-• Arnold & Freud Jor no,..vets or vets. CALL S62.SOO for lovely. 5 bdnn Vacant 3 BR & ram nn. By 1,·a n \\'"ells". Ullkfue <I Newport Heights ::s.s E. \Tth SI .. CM 540-1151/ for full del3.ils. Ba,y~t ho.m~ 'v.1lh bean1-JIC\\'\y pallikd interior & hdm1.s, 3 baths & family 3 BR 2 tfath, hardwOOd lloor, Rt'altors fi4&.Ti5.a Heritage Real Estate Copen ed Ct'illng in llv1ng _ roOm. C!xterior built·ln kilchen dhJ roo111. SUperb vie\\'. S77,ta(I fireplace, dble garage, E..'X. eves). . Huny for this one. lJ1\IC;. ~tra lg bdrm, ~Y/\\' Roy J . Wa rd Co. tSTING 5~% LOAN. S29.500. --------'"""'!'"'"!!'-'!!!-•"-"'-"""--"'--"'~I Arnold & Freud epts/drps. Slt.950 EZ terms. 1Ba,ycrest Office I W 810 efls.McCardle, Rltrs. PENINSULA PT. "A 1$20p;~9~ ·rdWOWl 388 E. l7th st .. 01 PWC 54&-54!0 1430 Galaxy 64&-l.$0 l Newport Blvd., C.M. Best value! l Br. home on ppe e o er. IGng sti. RcaltOrs 6.J6.7ia5 4 BE ORM. 2 BATH We•-Exd•-..1 ~18-7729 anytime 5QXIOO' lot. Enjoy beach liv. -ed. bedrooms. dread! kitch-$22,5001 • • JWV -::::=:=:=:=:=:::;~:=:I Ing! $42.!'iOO en. bull1 • ·In appliances. TWO Oveor this 3,BR, ram nn \\'/ •IAYFRONT APT. Balboe Real Est•tt Co. Jlandsome snack bar. ~:c:~ b~~. pai:c1~: 32' heated pool. Onty $32,SQ), 700 E. Bal boa Blvd., Balbo3 ~rt1n!!Jrs, boat gate. ' linn1ac. oond, Like Ofw w/w Visla ~ Lido. Pier & alip &73-1 ,,_. 1'-'11 • TerTWC bey! 3 BR .• $18,950 rear llVi11& room, fireplace. shag cpts, blt·ins, d.ishu"!WI. available. Encloaed prage.' 140 TARBELL 2955 Harbor •·I BR 2 baths, cor •. m.~ Family room. BuUt-ln kllch· er. ~tesa Del Mar. $28.500. J BDRM $? 950 -----Rllr. 642-9730 Evts. $48.0'720 Ctn, Plimc em"t. MQ..1720 PWC ~5440 Goo(go Wi iliomson , • 0, 6% FHA RESALE • KEllMEDY TARBELL 2955 Horf!or UGLY DUCKLlNG. let us Realtor -3 BR ~ bath hon1e, ~ help chtl,.e lhla! For comp!. 673...aso Evt>.s. 673-15&1 Can usume $15,000, 514 % Tl)tal pymnl! Jusi S13Vmo. Jot 130:<l80 • add 5 f'IWM.~ cif!an up & ~tr Call us. FllA Joan. ~r wlll carry 3 BR Mmt "on lllJ'Jt lot. TOP EXECUTIVE unlts. Drive by 15'15 sat. 548-009-5. r ...... de 2 BR fll •A 2nd TD-$ubn'nl 1lown. Near DAVIQSON Rulty Ba.>""-~ \1$e\V f:ro1n llv. Ana ,\vt, lh!!:n call tr --~ ---· --w.n.>I 7l U sbopp~ Costa ~tesa·Npt RllT. 2r;i() Harbor 18. Ci\t m)., fam. rm. Ii ruod. kltch. il • It (f • $23,950 ·MESA VERDE Rulty "6-966G 642-2221 . ""'6l60 ,,_ . .,. 546-8169 < e, .. 3 ba •• "'~'· nn. &z llttlll fll !J• Complctcl.>' rtt\int~. Mut· ¥Condominium $11,500 · care 1valled )'rl., pool, Nr &12-6500 ii t'r aizcd bedrooms, 2 IE'-~ $14.250 loon, 6%% •vt.ilabl'e DON'T JUST WISH for aomc. TIIE HUB of acdvlt.y for country club. SU5,000 IT'S Beacfi house lhne. ate> baths. Drtai:n ktlcben S2000 down. CaD Q!ll'u lhinc to tunilsh yoor home ~ businet1ts ..• !he O.l1ncy Re•I E1t1t1 .. u s<l-t'·· ··-·t •·· \\Ith bUlll·lns. Pi.tio. 540-1720 &G.lm tws. ~ c)Wri ••.• nrKt great bll;)'S tn lo-Ousified Ads. Di&l &Q.fi67S 2828 £. eorui1 Hwv. ot~1 ~ ·~ ....,, .... """" TARBELL 2955 H1rbw tr/AJ.t. day's Ousificd Alts. kl oUci' )'mlr Kn>la> NOW. ____ rn_._:m_o .. _' __ ,_~-~-IL_Y_N_~-~-· __ a ___ , • -_ ............... _________________________ _ --------------~----- r -... -~----,,.·~-~--------~:!:,....~-~---~--~-~·'""''~seoo"=-•~.o••-•""o."'"•'==-•••=<•••coft>"0"0"*'"''"'""''"'*"''<'1¥1 *'W ... •+ •ti" ...... ,-.--~.,............-.·n--.-1 -~ .~. ~..--,-.... -;,,....·••Y• -~ . . . .. . . . . . .,, . r HOUllS l'Oll SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSEtFOR SAL! ~c;-;;;;;M;;;;;11;';;;;;;;;1;1;00, fMff!\, Doi Mor_ 110.S Irvine 1231 Hunn,....., hldt 1400 L19,.... ... ,~ 1705 ft.--/fllll/Pool ( Ill Z 84/LoW ~ MAGNil'ICEN'I' v~ 0 " ~ ae, ~ a A POl>L I ;;;;;;;;;;;3\lit:;;;A:;;;C;;lt:;;;ES:;;;' = uN~AY ~ ••• l~iiii!iii1iiiiiiijii~iiiiim l COLLEGE """.r. ..U. wut llfll 1 piln/UCI. 4 Br, fam rm . .Exqul.Ue t:.oUy tro:rtt,. li\l· u-.1a...t-...1 ,,~ O•• ol ~ , ~ _!..':; -~ b,y OWDl' lll-2'ill · ·-·"'~ ..... v D!:LtJXE, ,..doi.m l·Bdtm. 1 ar 2 Br tum 1pt doM lrD to e<U11.lna bu&e 6~ Cl Joan. • lrw room with firePJa,ce, for-t.aauna. 9 Blltt. to btllch. SBYICE HARBOR Whk:h mc:ana -. .. an oUerlng a Jovtb 3 BR, l" bath home with f.t.m nn, and • •wlmmllW pool •t a prlce you ""' banlly ........ C&l1 u. To Soe: BURR WHITE, RMr. 2001 Newport Blvd., N.~ 67s.430 Evn. 6J3.4159 MONTICELLO TOWNliOUSE, Choolre from 7 reaale home• tron1 $1400 down. 2-3 &: <I BRa, adul1 or tamllyse ctlo na.OPEN tlOUSE DAILY 1-5 PM at 141 Y ork1own • acto11 1rom Oub Ho\l.Sl" • or cab M<J.ll51 for l&le or rental lnfonna.- tion. .Heritage Real Estate. EMERGENCY SALE VACANT 4 BR, 2 ha th. Corner lot. Colt $30,000. Sacrifice ll'r $26,500. 3157 Ken')' Lane, nr Fairview & ~r. 546-1890 BEAUTIFUL 4.s Bedroom, 2 stOI)', loved .lamily hon1e. f\tany extru. Priced r ight. JOC E. 22nd St., mt Open. eves & Wknds. 54~ BY O\VNER 3 bR Homes. 2- E. side, 2-W. aide. Very lrg tramfcrable loans 5\4-6~i%. Need cash. 548-1059 * BY OWNER-POOL. 3 BR, crpts, d111s, x.Lrg LR. 1£1w ma.int yrd. S30.500. •646-2895 • CUTE. 2 BR HOUSE. fpl. Sale by oWne.r. Nr 20th &: Orange. Days6 42 -780 0 : Eves 642-mt. SAYE ~Ill! Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I E D IBST l•YS! ~~=- SlCl/mo includes taxtS t E cl ff 1242 ruaJ din;~ ...,,. IM'rlookr ~--v'-w~ ,~ .. ,, d""~ film. apL $llt Phoa ulU. OCC, JW1' 26-"°"' L Prwf int. Frplc, ""'ts. drw etc. lttv " bw" pool,~mplete equlpptd ...... ~ .. , "" ... ~"""'"' h·-for ,._,...,. J becbooam 2 2 St A den JJ,90. P\UI utU pool ' alt eo.rw;L Call • _. . lqto ll lott. ~ ffl?,COI; bl.tbl ms.oo per mo. can Hea.ted pool. Ample ~ GREENS wrltt! n. s. 8ldlana .. Clean. $28,500. Owner/azt. e NEW BLUFFS e kUchen center, upgraded a~ 29t;~ On, A rt!bl &leepc:r. No chlktten. No pet.a Laney Ointae, 10001 3rd 546-5580 2 Br, 2 Ba spilt levd. Mahv pllancet, tamlly room witb MIS.SION RI.TY, 49,1.a731 ... -. a...-...... C. A ~-"'-~ ~'" ("") -· t '--'!di lass •--··~·-·· "· "'· ~Q. ~· -custom feat\lttf, all elec, .,...c _,, ,.. "I & """"" BACllELOR UNFURN. ~~ ' ( Meta V•nh 1110 etc Lowest malnt ~lease. to pool ate&. ~I~ study IMMArut.ATE CUSTQ.'\l 3 M . 1 Br front dupk.x, fro ,,110 ---·------hold MUST sEi.i. BY or 1>4nelled den larp etlCMlih bdrm .t den, Yret haJ', ORANGa COUNTY'S pra~. Avail l'Klw. Broker -nt RETlftED Air Force otnect' AS.SUME !i\4 Loan. Uve in owNER can Dick • Dy for POQI table. 4 eood sized b r cat ht a k I n r v I e w • LARGIST 534--6980 ALSO AVA LASu; family. ! adull6. 3 to 3 BR •pacioua UllO sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 5334456 . 401 6T.l.57'ner bdrms wlth C;"cepUonally Deeoraror·s patio. s !'i 0 0 0 m E . 17th St. ......... $130. l Br. nicely rum. util 1 • 2 le s BOft¥. boUM!: IW'D, mi.II 1 yr i... SA, Family nn, Ranch ext or · large master with too much down • ~·ner "'"ill Onance 2 Bd ,_ j-pd. Cloee to ~ach. Broker lleated Pooli:, OlDd Care.' Preli NA •/ CdM. alt July .hoine. Near goU _course. THE BLUFtS • Fashiollable ~·ardrobe apace, 3 bath.I 3 bala,nce itl 7~''/o . Onl.Y rm. Ctll'pe~.'" w-·~ '5M-698Qi Center, Adj. to Sbopplnc ~ lit. l2SO io $3tl0. 707: 133.000. Owner. * 54s..otl94 condo. 2 story, 4 BDR.?rt. 2 car a:ani.a:e. $"5,000 full price $·t3,50CI. Perron It e a l t Y newly ®eonte<I. n ea r\"ir.''"'i'5f"====: No peta ~ " ~437::;.;4:.;'IJ.5;:.::_· -~---~ 3 BR. 2 BA. PACESETTER, bath; fully carpeted I: -has $10,IQJ in <extra$ sucb MZ..1771 school$, chun:H • shopping Cotta Mei. . 4100 2700 Petermn WQ", at Hf.II-bOCiOR'S '1~ need a newly deoonted inside. By draped. Frplc. Pool. patio, as upgraded c;&rpets & drai> l.oent('r. $.UO mo •• reliable, ---------i bot &-Adams. Costa Mea home N.B. pr CdM, JuJy )It, O'A'L....i., Pf"ll1C"'~... bltns. $32,500. Call alt 6 pm t!!f, fixlurei, la~a,ging. **MONARCH BAY ** permanent tenants pleue, $30 OO wk l!!!!!!'!!!'!!~!!!!j~!!!!!!!!'!!i!~l 3 or bdr t: den-·"' ... !250 s.12,950 * --.. ~\681 & wknad. * 644-0816 2 BR, convl den, 2 beaut 543-SaJl • • up to '-'tM &~._,-..., ' bo's, din rm, lge Uv rm. -..========/ e n .. u week month VERY lea 3 ,._ ..,... "1~~-" IJM·P' . ~. . . < " BR 2 t>o-. .. I Corona chi M.r 1250 ,. , _ Lookina' out to covered Mes• Verde 3110 e Studio&: Bach. Apts. WANTED 3 Br. borne Col ... P•~ • 1115 --garden patio, fenced yd. ---------1 •Incl Utils & Phone serv. newly pa ln I e d' w/w Nwpl vie, about June Udt, -" ho carpets, drapes, 2~!t car ••ct1 Xlnt -•-~• 3 BR ' den, hwd On, cov GRAND PREVIEW .,..,. n1e tw exquisite 3 BR, llllly & 2 &. elec bit· e Maid. Service. TV avail. to ..-. mo. O!Q., .. .,..: HAPPY HEART charm In decor. By owner. · · •-N Cal n~-garage. Mesa Verde .area.. 249-:n:i& aft M•v 27th patkJ, blk wall. close to DellghLful. executive home, · ins &: d•shwuher. Best ""'a· • "' e & o.u: $3))/mo. J\gt. M6-4.l<ll -• schoob/sOOps, $26.900. By too beautiful lo leave, but wU:. love this cute 3 bdrm , -::165>==":--,.,.."',_'----lion. Will make some family 2.'f1S N~vport Blvd. 548--975?1 GARAGE or atorap apam: cnm 54~ ...._.,. owner ha.I been tram. & "ilENTALS ve-•·•py L&e -..:: or 1ae I 2 BR • 2 BA Studio. Drapes, ,_ •• 11•• A 1-•-~ l~ balh with buUt.ins. l...atge '."' ·-• ' -. • *VII• Pomona Apts. patio, Adults. (213) 592.szn .., UI n y_ ..... mwit sell. Tbooghfully plan-lot ln prime area. Practical Ho F nlsL -.. opUOo. Come & diacusa Costa ti.! · est ti; 1 &ls.6t66 or 673-85Tl Nowport B .. ch 1200 NO WAITING . For the bath Saturday night or any morning 1vilb a bath for each bdrm. There a.re 4! Plus a view !rom Abalone Pt. lo Catalina. 3 Fireplaces blend with fresh paint for extra. chann. \Vidow will trade down . S5500 handles. ned &: immaculate in eve'"" UNI ur f19U \l!muL M6-56l2 alt 6;4S PM , esa I new mos or ~l ONE BDRM u~-•·•. ~ • ., head "'ill like the existing Jwturlous · rum. 1 "-2 BR ... ...-.. "'t" ....-detail. 4 BR., family rm. w/ low Interest GI loan. Any· Rent1l1 to Sh.Ire 2005 only • ' SPLIT Level 3 Br, 2',S Ba. err.plo·~ •-~· up ,to t bar tr &Inn . l5x . apts. AdWta o.ol.Y. No pell. O'pl' dtps, blt-ins.. No ,..... _..,. ~7e w/~sirPJc. u;.:s oJ ~:'fl~an assume ~'ith low GENT or lady to shan! our I ·N;;o;;w;.;,;po;;rt;;;;S..;;;;;;';;h;;;;;;;;3;;200;,J ~~~na Ave., just south pets. 288S Mendoza 54.>542'1 =SU='O=/mo=·="=,_=====I cupboards, closet space ga. TRADEWINDS RL TY lovely 3 Br Mme. Kit prlv & I' =c-;o;=;:--;-;;,---:;:-:::-LARGE Bachelor, c r Pt s' Rooms for RMtt 5n5 lore &: n1od. kltch. pJua lgt', 847..85ll washing. $100 mo. Nice Joe, BIB $125; LARGE l·Br .. clean, drpe, blt-iM, no pets. 2885 ---~-----formaJ dining rm. C.P.t. 6@..3167 QUk't: adWta. Beaut. furn, Mendoza. 545-5421 $67 900 EVERYTHING Is B 1 G1 ~==~~----4 Bedrooms, 3 baths u.nlurn. Nr. mktJ. \Vuher/d'"""'r. l=========o • -YOUNG busineM man from ished y J 1375/ lh • .,~ Delancy Rea l Est•te HERE! BIG finished bonus N•w Yo•k, ......... ~ ...... , 1,.,,,. • eary • mon · garage. 1920-D Wallace, CM. ...... ..,. .....,,. .,. Shown.by appointment.I~=-~-~-~-~ewport Buch 5200 ROOl\1 for rent, nice quit! ho1ne. Worklni per 1 on . Kitchen privs. 642-4794, 2828 E. Cdast Ihvy, Celt.I room, 4 BIG bdmis, covered apt in CM. Eves. 772-Tm Plea..se call P.fr Arthur 1 BR, new, beaut tum. Mo. to 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: 673.3TIO patio & a GIGANTIC ir· ext 7314 la & ;,, __ h. Mo. Sl50. Adults only, 2220.. Guest Homes 5991 Hal Pinchin & As~oc. NEW LISTING reg\llar shaped lot. Not the l UC"UC Elden. 645-1251 eves. $225 ANNUAL Lease; 21 ________ _ 3900 E ~ .. ,, Hwy 67" •392 pr•·-& not '"-,.,,,..,1 \VORKING girl lo 1hare It I Bdrm i Ba"·· ....,......,19 •. ·......... · ....... ,._ H' ""·-• O "" ·~ "' I ea y, nc. 2 BDRM furn apts {also Ull· • u,.., -..-.,. HAVE A \'ACANCY will .......rona 1g ...... uus: c ea n rate. .,~,ooo ge ts th i 1 u111. Univen>lty Park home drapes built ins· covered FOR sale or lease: Near v•·ew· 3 BR 2 Ba · You _,,, ~ Ith '4 6 0 9 2 8 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 furn). pool. Nassau Palms · • ·' give loving care 1o lady or • · .. ~ beautilul Premier Honlt! w same. -; 645.-2000 Eves. 642-3281 117 E. -· SI. "'2-'."'" r. parking. Near N e w po r t liome \\'aler·bac~ bay in Bayside the land. F~ price $44,000. with 51' 7., loan. Rex L. 833-15.11 ew '"'IQ .,.. •lO'W Blvd. Vacant. Adults, no mllll in my licensed ' Village.Privat~ beach._ pool, CORBIN.MARTIN •lodges Rlty 847-2525 GIRL 2G wants roonunate pets C.M. area. 646-'1206 clubhouse, shfi available, Re ltor G Newport B••ch 4200 1000 11 Ba"· 2 BR • I $21 ,000 \l•lth good morals and nice MANA ING iooome p1'0perty RED CARPET REALTY I p ..,. 6000 . sq. ·• :.! ""'• • 3036 E. coa.,\ Hwy., CdP.t ncomti roe;-.., , Urepla.ce, patio. carport, 67.1662 3 BR l~ bath, 60xll0' fenced ,'o;P,.l-;w;;/pool'7._._642-;'-;·3694.-._-,.-Is a headache al belt SINGLE Young Adulls Lux· iA~R~'~"~lal~Oe~p~L:._!67'-3663~~-;,l~~~iiii~~~ .. ~~1 forced air, WW carpets, a-lot, covered pati<>, carpets, $15 National Room•te Give us a call. · · ury garden apll .,.,.ith cowr WATERFRONT, upper, 3 draperies, built-ins. $14.500: drapes, built·in tinge & ov· Iii Rent? Share! 673-1166 We'll manage, you rest. try club atmosphere Jr..I BR 1%: BA married couple APARTMENT ground lease $115 per mo: DUPLEX en, dishwasher, double gar· PROPERTIES WEST complete privacy. SO I{ onl~. 'No Pet5, lsc, $27S. -HOUSE or rent yearly $200 per mo. 3 &Inns, 2~S baths eaeh age, beautifUI yard, N rt n-h 7200 1028 Bayside Drive BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at 6Ta--2751 Available now. 525-8539 or 1600 Sq. Ft. 31A. ·yrs. old. .!wpo -•c Newport Beach 16th Ne\l·port Beach. ========= Prime Westside location, 529-3449 • ~·eekends try S&l.500 IYmJ 1 j-l@@M FOR LEASE : Beautiful 675--4130 (7141 645-0550 East Bluff 5242 12 Unit.a, 2 Bedrooms each 6ll-M54 Orange CODst Property '\ftl• T!F"TmnT' Bayfn>nt 4 Br. house I ,;==~~=====;l'Y~EARL~~:lY~re~"§1o~1.30cc~"""'"~~t. Enclosed praaet NEWPORT TOWERS 332 ldargucrite 613-8500 \\'/dock. Summer rental or! ti.1ANAG ING income property nev.·ly furnished 2 Br . e NEW DELUXE e N\cely ~ Landmark oI the Newportl ~~~!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!""~ DIVORCE ~111 coosidu year lease. Is a headache at best w/sundeck, manied couple 3 Br. 2~ ba apt. for lease l00% Occupied Skyline, 8 stories of breath. INV EST NEAR THE Best location. 60-t062. Give us a call only. No children, no pets, Inc.I. spac. matr, suite, din can : Jim ~000 taking bay & ocean viewing OCEAN 3 BR, 3~1 ba, de~, 2 P.farine Hi School, 70' rorner DOVER Shores b a,.. tr on t We'll manage: Yo.u rt'SI. $225. mo 6'5-1824, ~l-0234. rm. & dbl. garage, auto. from luxurious 2 BR 2 BA. !rplcs, 3 garages, brick, lot w~block fence, 3 !ge BJ'.lS home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large PROPERTIES WEST STEPS to bch, mod 2 Br; oil door opener avail. Pool k all eleC' apts, 2 Hiihspeed b e am/ceilings, charming 12xl5 fam nn, FHA apprais-patio, '70' private dock. 1028 Baysidf! Drive oblt·ins, trplc, bewn ce lg. rec. area. Nr. catholic elevators subterranean & home or use as Duplex. or al. Seil GI or FHA $74,900. Sl~ n1o on yriy lse Newport Beach $2l5. yrly, no pe~ Cpls on· ChW'Ch & school &-Corona top deck 'parlcing, Therapeu. build 2nd home on big lot. Take over GI 5\~'ll pymnts, 21J178o.soiJ or 213/~. 67>4J30 ly, 642-3490 del ~far.•ligh. tic pool & boat docks. Open Bkr 671-2010 SI~ Iola! monlhly. ========= e ONLY $16o e daily. Sale or lease, 3121 \V.1'SH=o°"REC=L'°'rF~.,~.~3~B=R=.-,~ .. ~. BRASHEAR REALTY Summer Rent•ls 2910 ~P~ARK~!!!L!!!Wo""',!!!3!!!!!!!B~R". ~,",,."' .. E•st Bluff 4242 837-871 Amigos Way, N.B. Coast High\vay, 714: 642·2202 Quiet tree lined area by the 847·8531 · Eves. 431-3769 1---------· IM~tAC. 2 BDRM. l Ba., ;JOO M1"'Aoc1· OEbi.DgA•v'·1·sPool ... 5.~7000 Sublet 2 BR, 2 BA, apt lrcnn CorOna dal Mir 5250 WANDERLUST? sea. Fee sln1ple. Attess to 2 TRANSFERRED U'U" l;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii.!!•I ~~~~;'~"'l.~~~I beaches Under ~ct1 ooo By ft. to pcean; TV, ulil. pd.-· 6/15 to 9/15. PaUo, Pool, You can travel without fca.r · ....,, · Must sell 4 bdrm home, car. Special rate for June, SlOO OCEANFRONT-L<>vely 3 BR. Linens, dishes, Util pd. Adults DUPLEX $56,000 6%% In- or fret on a moment's n~ owner. 673-368l pets, drapes, large lol·room Wk.; July $150 Wk. 2 BA + Family Room, $375. no pets. $400 mo. 644-1352 ~· -.; terest. 514 Femlellf, CdM. lice from 1967 San Bruno . for boat or trailer. GI or 642-6316; 67l-24.73 evt's. m:nrr eves. s 1 n ~ ~· B k Comp, maintenance provid· Balbo• Pen1n1ula 1300 FHA 1 0 123 '========= tJ,. , "rt• . o wy. u,.......,,,. ro er. erms. nly .000 · O.EAN Balboa Beach Units. -Huntington Beach 4400 cd, just pack, lock & go. 3 · better check this one. Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer University P•rk 3237•1 ---~~·-----8u1inn1 R•nt•I 6060 BR. 2 Ba. End unit pri"acy CHOICE DUPLEX ~UTUAL R~AL TY reservations call 673-99<15 FURN 2 bdrm apt . ON TEN ACRF.S for $29.000 with $5.000 down. For Investment, income or 842·1418 anytime !l5' E Balboa Bl Balboa YEARLY Lease-3 Blinn. & Oownlown Htg Beach. Avail 1 k 2 BR. Fl.an &: Unfurn STREET FRONTAGE Hal Pinchin & Assoc. live in. 3 Br .. 2 ba ., & 2 --==~~=--· v.. Den or 4 Bdrm., 3 bath. June 1st. Call 536-2877 Frplcs I pr1·1. patios'!Pooll. 3900 E. Coast ~hvy b15-4.192 br .. l ba. One block to V OPEN HOUSE 3 RR. 2 BA. lbe fenced yd. Covem! patkJ, fenced yard,,/:======== Tennis. Contn1'1 Bids!. put. ~\~~a~~!v~~~r~~~·. Be h ~a 000 cry attrac. 6 yr old, 2 stry. 4 Gardener & util included. all electric k.itehe" double Gordon Grove ••10 ac · ~ ' I,.,,. BR on cul-de-sac. N• Avail 6/15 n= Mo '" -ting ~n. Rllr., etc. !Bel. Kate.Ila and The Bluffs $33,000 Newly painted. Carpets., drapes. 3 Bedrms. 21/i "Baths Split Level Model "F " Call Owner 675-6146 For Appointment . ., · ~ · oven, table lop stove, near 9 E) ideal bch. Nu crpts, drps & *642--0207• UCJ, shopping center. S:ln SINGLE Young Adulbl l.UX· 900 Stoa Lane, CdM M4-26ll Cerritos) Sir; n s. lndscpd., ••' ~,,. paint Will transf. m~m.1-,-.-,.-,-,."'L">,-----Diego Fwy:, parks & pools. ury garden apls with ooun-11\facArthur nr. Coast Hwyl $250 mo. 1Dlat Beach Blvd. 'II •AIC. bership in swim & racket Houau Unfurnished \\'eekends or ""-eekdays after try club atmosphere a.nd ==C'.•.c.__636-4~~""-'--~·~-" E A l T Y -club. O\vner moving ou t of 5 p.m. By Owner 833-2027 complete privacy. SOUTH SPARKLING 2 BR. 2 ba.. WISH to renl 20 x 60' space Nciir NB POj>I Of~. 616-2414 area -gi-eat buy at $26,500. Gener•I 3000 BAY CLUB APJ'S. 13100 groulJlil. fir. apt Cheerful Jor catering bwliness. 213: S.1965. 8031 Ebbtlde, HB. --------~I Irv" 3238 CHAPMAN Ave .. Garden den-din. nn. All elec. hltns ~ or R. •Hohm. 907 NEAR BAY 3 BRs 2~; baths, 2 stories, l LOOKING FOR ine Grove Cl14) 636-3030 ll'\CI. d~wsl)r. Patki-deck + Foothill, L.aCanada 3 BR. Beach house, partly mile lo the ocean. Great A CHANGE ;J NEW, 3 Bedrrn 2 Bath, nen,I'========= gar. 2 short blk& 10 ocean. 'e""P"Rl~>~tE~Re~la~il~Loc-a~l~lon._,,e furn. A steal at $32,500. Shorecresl home has great \Ve have a 3 Bedroon1 anct ·a Elec. Kit. Fencd Yd. Crpt., la~un.a Be•ch 4705 Yearly lse. us.; Mo-. Avail. 17X40, Xlnt fool & auto traf-JuJy 1st. landscaping outside & inside 4 .Bcd~n1 . for h::ase at Sl80 Drapes. Pool ~tembership. 2 BR, near , beach, view, Bay & Beach Realty lie. Im Harqor; CM C I d S 3 BR 2 ba., furn. Near Yacht llK'l'C iii bronze carpeting \1·11h built-ins, carpels and AvaJI . linmed. Lease $300. .1 J J 1 A V 675-3000 646-6654 U • e• ac club. S39,500 lhruout & an owner anxious drapes, Dou b 1 e Garag(', !\-lo. Call l213) 377-110'2 alal $,;'sn, u~~t ery · Evcrell J·I. M·ichacl, Rllr lo leave lov;n, $3..5,T:JCJ is a Fenced. Call: n ce. .mo. Olli R I 607 2 2 Huntin•ton Buch 5400 ce ent• 507 E.Balbort,Balboa673-6880 real ''r ight'' price. Rex L. WE SELL A HOME Coron• del Mar 325Q NICELY 1''um:· BR. BA. • L<>t +Back Bay vieiv. Newl====='=====o / llodgcs fUty. 847-2525 EVERY ll MINUTES S175 yrly, gas/water pcl. Afl LAGUNA BEACH 4 bedroom 3 bath, 75xl25' Joi, L'd 1 1 1351 2 BR. 2 Ba + convt den + 5. 53&-'.lmS Exciting Uving C d 1 room for boat" tra!ler. ••1 _ 0 '. ASS~~~N ~:iL!f>AN Walker & Lee lam rm, dbl gar., gardener========= In new apls. 1 bedroom, 2 C:~o~t~~=-= Delta Real Estate' 646-44.14 REAL CHARMER! 6ll2 SUmmerdalc furn. $325 mo yrly lse. Days Dana Point 4740 bedroom.. 2 hath. Desk spaces avallablt In NEW VIEW. Professlonallydecorated Lido NrMeadow l.arkgulfcoursc. 1682 Edlnge~ 642-358'2, e ve s. 613·2~7. ---------$140 to "'$195 .oewfllt dfiee bW\dinc a: home. 2 Br. 2 Ba . Large Co1'0Cr-2 story, 4 BR&: Pool 8424455 or 54().5140 673-0635 SPACIOUS 2 BR's. l..rg prime kleaUon ta downtown 8 . . d . ""h family rm., lovely patio. ln1. 1vJ n1any extras. 0\\'11er Open Ev('s. 2 k 3 BDRM houses. $25(). pa:io·, ~~losed gar.I ~dulls S~~~~~~ ':;.,~m, sauna, Lagun. BeadL Air ecnb- cauti,lul vie"'. uring .1 e maculatc! leaving state. Flexible !inc. 3"'•"1"'1._,f_ro_m-'7-bc7h-, "'bc~,-,,~,.,,,,-.~S 1 u P. Mc Le od-Oevldence ~~O iv 8 n Y me' General Electric Appliances, Uoned. carpeted. belutlfDJ day, breathtaking at night sa.J.000 Bkr 1213) GE 1-5268 clrs. 4 BR. 2 BA, nfcd, yd , Broker fi75...ro44 Adults only. paneled partftionlna. T • + ne\\' 4 bedroom & 3 baTh. LIDO REALTY, INC, l<ENTALS Delta Real Esta!€' &164414 ,,NO y;. Udo ....., ,,,1,,, OWNER'S 3 BR 2 bath. Nice "'lw cptg, fpl. Glcnm.:i.r. Lampli1Jhter Apts. entrucea: Frontq9 ........., -u .. .........., cll'an home. Assume 5~ % $250 mo. Lease. Aft 6 Plit B•lboa 3300 Apts. Unfurnlahed Forest Ave., rear leadl to BRIGHT & CHEERFUL A REAL HOME FHA loo". $2'l,500. Pm". 96S4>fl --------5000 16102 Springdal• St. M-pal -Iota. D I I t ocean shop-E. .. YFRONT W/ boat allp. Gener•I Phone 582-5421 onth kr D.ll ~pe.~.c oseo ' Solidly bilt. spacious 50' S120/mo.19802 1sthmus Ln., $90.lBr,fencedyardallutil Largc4BDRM,2BA,lncdl---------2 R 2 BA N C perm - pi'!; 2 Bd1. rms._,~ckh. Xlne 1 cor. 6 Bd., 5 Ba. Xtras: din. HB pd. Avail by agreement.' ·--' "" • RENT • B • · ew arpet, and chairs ••a.liable for 96. co,..,., pa 10, suuuL>.-' ov r· AND f 2 F' 1 Boat ===~~-~c----, Broker. ~ .J .... " & pal19. $41:1 mo. drapes. Bvilt in. $12 0, BllliM• boon amwertni size gar. $40,000 Furn. am. rm. Pf S. GLENli-tAR home. 2 story. 3 5~100 l Rooma Furniture . 847-78.52 or 8(1-4583 aervioe avalli.bl. for $10. R. C. GREER, Realty or 3rd car space. $105,<XXI BR. lam nn. 2 bath POOL. $155. 3 er, garage, stove. $20. $2S & UP All atllltiel: pa111 aciepl 31--Vi Lid 67:!-9300 R. C. GREER, Rl!alty Frplc, patici, new pnint in· w/w. Sm'all-pet O . K . Laroun1 Ninuel 3707 5620 · 1e1~--e. ;)a ia 0 335 Via lido· 673-9.?,00 ,;ide. $33,950. 962-2008 aft 6 Broker 534-6980 . -· • Month-To-Month Renl&U s_._n_t_._A_n_•_____ DAILY PILOT OPEN DNlLY P?l1 Near new Autoncucs· VI E SE ECT ON -·~-t04,M to 2Pt.f $185. 4 Br, fenced yarcl. lrplc. \ D L I * 2 BR, 2 BA Garden apbl. 22:2 FORUI' .Avu-4UllO 3 bedroom, dining room Balbo• lsl•nd -1355 RJO. Avail no1v. Broker New 2 BR. 2 BA $2'25 Appliances &. TV's avail. Very clean. Adults pref. LAGUNA BEAQI Built-ins, l"'-1"<>e lot ~IQUR• Be.ach 1705 534-6980 Beach, golf, pool privileges No Security Deposit ~1525 -$l-9t88~=---., Avail June 15. No pets. •rrnc Furniture Rt-n tals ---- $28,900. 629 St. James Rd, 316 Ruby LOVELY 11.'i-BR. fully turn. $80. 2 Br, garage, rclrlg. 644-4700 517 \V, l9th, CM 5-48-J.iSI Offllt SPA(E. .Arnold &·Fl'end, Realtors ti So. Laguna-Ocean VU . .Avail 6115. Broker 534-6980 °'E"XE=c-re""si"d"'"""',.-_-,,.3 -;8;:,~. 21568 W. Lncln, Aohm TI:J-2800 Co.Ital 5700 " BLiJFFS. Bay View, on ma· Chan.ni'!lg l~~e !iv rm 1vl l Frplc, secluded pa l i' o, jor green belt. 3 Br. 3 Ba, bea1ned ceiling, ~aut !epic, sundeck. Walk to bch & Coit• Me••· 3100 Ba., bltns, d 1 h w hr· $122.50 1 Br. good localion. Ocean honl AplS n1any cusl featurt>S. Low pan den + family rm, SC'· shops. Wood paneling·bea.m ---------crpl/drp. Beaut view l300. All utll pd. AvaU 6/5. lse. $48,500 "alue, Sacri!ice eluded patio. Excellent cond. ceilings. $23.900. Ca11 collect 2 BR. $145-3 br. $175 -New 836-ST'~. S42.-12.l5 Broker 534-6980 e 12Pr-130 Olbrlllo, near 1711' & Newpo11. . . $80 Ecich Agt.646-1111 S46.500. 644-4265 Just steps to bay and sandy 213: ~2394 cpts, drps, gar. lst It. la.st LU>.'URJOUS. 4 BR home for Sl45. 2 lge Br, 1 u, Ba. RIO N~w Deluxe 5 BR 4 BA Ivan \Veils home beach. ORNE BY SUPERB vie\I·, newer cust. 3 ·plus deposit. J udy SUsak, lease. 1 mi above ocean. refrig, llt'lv cpta & drps. (714)"536--4616 · Sal h Agent. 646-. nn Re.fs. ,.~ Bk•.",. -J714)5"'1••7 \\•th. lg lapdsc. yd, fam ~m, TREN CALL: Br. e or ex c an g e . ;-=='-:=,....=-= ...,......,,.,. -.- patio. Job trans. reqs im· s $15,000 equity. 6 15-6 5 9 l ; 3 BDRM. 2622 Sanla Ana S•n Clemente 3710 For Daily Pilot Want Ada DAILY PILOT WANT ADS PRIYA TE OFFICE med sale by owner. $67,;JOO. ALISBURY 494-7161 Res. Ave, CO!!le ~1csa. \Vater pd. ---------Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS BRING RE'ruLTS! Secretarial servb, air con- 833-64.15 wkdays lil 5 pm. REALTY LAGUNA Canyon. 90'x400'; $142.50 ti.to. !l6Z-5050 CUSTOM 3 BR 2 bathi"'========:.L=======o=== dltionlng, & ~. • hou ~-·blAR ~"'-=-""1c,,--=1=--;;-2-;:e"R1 l I d s I Cost u SlOO c t -5100 0...,,.. County -Bldr. HA\VAil BOUND. Must . 67U900 rustic .-sty. se: ,........,,, e ,...,, un um c P s rps. ea v e wli;;;;;;;';;;;m;;";;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;°';;;•;;· ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 230 E. 17th SI.feet . sell my deluxe Condo. 2 BR 315 >'-"-A•-., Bal~-I•. C·l or ?11·1 zone: $4.000 dn. duplx, encl pe.Uo, nr stores. $260/mo. 40.1 E. San Juan ~~~~:::_:~~:".'.:\~~;==··~=~·~-~~~~;;;;: 1 ~-=·=615-659===1'=',._=ru;=1=Res=·=N=O=pe=1='·=$=150=. =615-20!2===·=n"-•-'="="='=54=•-1294======ll C.O.ta Mtsa ~14&5 2 ha, pool. s I Agt. ~ 0'6-lml ~ OFFICE SPACE W , CLlFF HAVEN HOME Huntington le•ch 1400 General 2000 Gener•I 2000 General 2000 sales rep. buDdlna proda CONSTRUCTION JUST C PLETING co·'-" 2SO to 300,. 11.'m 2 BR. l~ Ba, cover@d patio. LIST your property 0ranp Co. At rpor l =;·~~Harbor .Rd. with confidonco $©\l~}A Q,f.,frS• . ~ wtphonc '"' ... """ • " sectttarlal 1'1!rvice avallabll?. SELL with P'°fos· -Callo. Mottat 213; ""'31'2. Newport Height. 1210 sion•I 11illl HARBOR HEIGHTS • THROUGH Solve. Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for. Chuckle our MODERN, Specl<>tu, .,... UNUSUAL· VIEW See this unusual, run-down hon'll' lhllt could be a rnan- ~ion. 4 BR., 3 ba .. 2 kitchc.111, 3 garages .l guest hoUSc, on 2 loU v.·lth hay & ocean view Crom veranda. Askini; 137,500 . '>.e "'-"" f"8k>naJ otticc!s I« re:nt on REALTOYRDU!E"BE 0 ''"'"'' ~"'" 01 1"-~?~I""'~:"-./-,.._ LUXURIOUS 2 a J BEDROOM APTS. Mo. bulL Avail 311/89. •n m R four terombled words b. ' Contact lilr. La.PP, Qowney Huntlngfon Buch/ low to form four llmple worda. S A L AMoo, Mlssiott' V~jo. Fountain V•lley IL U PAR L • Fimplaces •Spacious cabincu 831-®U elisting S.rvlc.1 I I I' 1, I : ~=~rmistcr • ~!f~ut4:tuen 0::. N:"t.~~T t.!1"~ DALBEY • · • · • • • 2 Bathrooms •Balanced (>O\\~r Jivina mei&1 Medical Dent&! REAL TY I •Central fonril •Enclosed ~kin& ~ .. crpll, tin.tor · I w y. AL . air be•lln• • Carptla • ~·... 3Se PER SQ .rr. • 19341 Beech Blvd. 1· I I' I .C:i:".!R .z': ,.. Hunting,_, S..ch :;. -""'Ion 1or - Near NB ro.t Ok, 64!-W•,_-;;;ii5J6.'i-:253l"'==--I I H'RBOR HBGHTS ,,..., _, -1iB. • • 01voRcErisu.E " • our wri .. ll&i1' Pilot ... M- westc:nff 1230 Mllrlne HI SC'bool, 70' cotMr . J I I I' I . . Comment about 0 ploygfrl: n~ntal t.t•nall'f"-~frs. OuiatienRll N~ ST\[DIO. ~ p. c I 0 a •• HOME Jt..2 loL E:xceJ krt wltiock le~, 3 tge BR.s, , .. Sh• kteps her hair llghl ond .. --'-' "-1': • 12x1S' fam 'im VA/rnA IK ID y EC I her--,. turn. _ __,..,,. w/ " k Wf'lltaide. 3 BR 2'.4 ba. room tenna or calh 1o'51,4 '*' Joen ' 11 3117-A Ctnnamon Atte., CMtl Mn• Will Mtblet mo to mo. '°' ' " 5 untu. ,,.._,.,, BRASHEAR REAL TY. h1.-..,-.,-,n1-r,--.-t 0 CompWoe !ho "°""~ ·-6'M6>7 . • ·-'-•'l'ng ..... .L--"'"""' __ _._ (l block •-• ol Hu--Bl\•d. .,... 84'7~1 Eve1. 541-2.Si2 VJ" n 1 f '" "• ,.,,_,,. .__ · .,.. ._ DFJ..OXE~ "0th 18 Cost~ you-~ rom •No. 3 below. 2 blockl aoulh ot the San Dle;:o nttv.-ay) tit 15(0 tll It (33e) Ai Unlver•lho Park 1237 ••• , Est•te S•letmen A PlllNT N\JMBE~fO 11 r r r r r I' .,. I esa, • r "'' Nooclod "" lETTOSIN SQU.\RIS : ' """'· er.ta • d ..... 54M7ll BRAND. NEW HOME l BR Best commiakln It born.is. •·Sa. Ft. Offift Univ. Pk. Gteenbll .. Spa.nlsl_t Confidential Interview, Ais.k _0-"u"'N"'SCl=AM&l'--'-'o_• .. 1_ ... I __.l_l_.. I I I I Phone ~·* com Mt:s.A Ml-l'l30 Ule. rL ~·i;e $37S mth. Sell fnr 11tr. ·Bruhellr. .ANSWCR: • . . . ' ' . . . . DIAL direct iif.iii Ow.Ill $31.000. B-2348 BRASHEAR REAL TY },... u 1, lltelo alt loodt ... White elepl\anbl D•mM·linc 84'-35Jl Eve .. fl63.ll'l8 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 1i.1 .... "" - - ' • •' I -------~-• , .. ' • • -~ • • . • • ... -~ ------.. • · ~·· • ~ • ,........... ............. ~ •· •-' ..,........ ,....... .............. • ___....~~· ~•~•T• rF•n>T•-• ni ·~•~•·-·~•>>'•n•-•1,....••-•T•T• •-•~· •••--• ••~~· • 0 •i 0• • "' • • • " • ""' _, • TUtsday, Ma, 27, 1969 DAli;Yi'ILOT JOIS A EMPLOYMl1'4T JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS A EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMINTJOIS & llMP.LOYMENTJOIS &.IMl!LOYMINfJOiS i IMPLOY/iU!NT JOiS & IMP~OVMlNT H.., W•nlod Mon 7200 School .. ln1truc1lon 7400School .. hlitructlon 7600 School .. ln•!!~n 7600 Schools0lnstructlon 7400Schoola..l'!~~~lon 7400 Schooll-lnstrvctlon 7400 School,.IMtrvetlon 760cischool .. ln~ t • * J, C. Penney Co. F.uhion Island Newport Buch NEEDS ' Sporll"I Goods Dept. HHd r·uIJ... TIME S.chools and , lA&UNA BUCH SCHOOi OF ART & DESIGN SUMMER PROGRAM Call now for • • • Summer Program e Gr•dt• '·12 ·Medical or Dentel Assiste11t ' CALIFORNIA, PROFfSSIONAL SCHOOL 00:~::..=~:.::.; lnstru cti 0 ns growth of tb.iai new, expand. • Small Cla1111 ; ' ' e Immediate Attention e Close Personal Supervision e AC'ademlcs r911ulred fo r IJ}l: line. APPLY IN PERSON 10 AM to 9:30 P?.-1 Monday thru Saturday J; c. POllY co. 24 F•shlon Island An equal opportunity employer • * .... .... . a...tt .... ~"' DcwhlSc••• .. JM St.l.-.ry l09l'An1M1 ... lie..,. H•IJlft R1Mrt "'- 0....SHrll•y ...... °""' , •• 11 Ttletyk TWO-WEEK WORKSHOPS College Entrance • Roodl"I Cllrtlc, S.R.A. (all agu) • Special Summtr l•ntu•1e Program (3 wk1. in MeJClco) Superviatcl by Coll19e Prof111or NOW HIRING This variety of fine schools could introduce SIX AND NINE-WEEK COURSES :=i ainting, Printmaking, Ceramics, life :rawing, Sea & Landscape, Renderins, Children's Art • Approved and Accredited • Student Loans • Day and Evening Classes • Lifetime Placement Service e For Women of All Ages 53 MEN you to a uew tomorrow. BRICKER-WARD /JI?~ • Professionally Staffed Dental Clinic Open To The Public ALL WORK BACKGROUNDS For further informetion re9erding the D•ily Pilot Sc;hools and Instruction Oirec;tory •.• \Vrite or call for free Brochure · ~O Laguna Canyon Road 18 Fair Drive, Cost• Mesa Phone 54()..0420 or 548-3515 eves. 1895 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ( 7 I 4) 645-2922 ACCEPTED CALL 642-5678, EXT. 225 494-1520 LARGE COMPAN' EXPANDING IN ORANGE COUNTY TOP PAY Mu~t be able to start immed- iately, CALL PERSONNEL OFFICE FOR INTERVIEW MONDAY &: TUESDAY, 774-7251 PLASTICS MOL1>1NG MACHINE OPERATORS COP RE' be.ide the blue waters of the Pacific MEN WANTED NOW TO T-RAIN AS CLAIMS ADJUSTERS @ e tt~ 1%~~©~ Anna's Pre-Schoal - 1 st Grade ANNOUNCES - Faci lities for Enlarged Enrollment Joan Woodward 912 Tenth Street Huntington Beach, California. April 14, 1969 Chilcoat Typing School 173 Del Mar A venue Costa Mesa, California ! .I Perm. .position. X I n t. working cond's. Overtime & a.II fringe benefits. Im· mediate openings on all shifts. Experienced pre. ferred. No phone calls ,iter 5 PM. Don't Gamble with Your Child's Future Insurance investigators are b a d I y needed due to the tremendous increase in claims re· sulting from auto accidents, fires , floods,. riots, storms and industrial accidents tbat occur daily. Insurance Adjusters Schools of 1901 N.W. 7 Street, Miami , Fla., can train you to earn top money in this fa st moving, excil· ing. action-packed field. full time or part time. Work at your present job and study at home, then attend resident training for two weeks at MIAMI BEACH, Florida. or LAS VEGAS, Nevada. Excellent emj)loyment a s· sistance. For details fill out coupon and mall today. No 'Obligation! Register your little ones for: Dear Miss Chilcoat e A Full (fun) Lea rning Progr1m COPRE' SCHOOL I am a grandmother and typing was som• I thing l always wanted to learn and h ~ v • (ound your method so easy I shall reccomend ~, it to everyone. . ' Loca ted on the Balboa Peninsula beside the • ~uiit e Art CALIFORNIA Injection Molding 200 Briggs Ave. blue waters of the Pacific Ocean. Coeduca- tional college preparaotry. • Dancing Now I shall be able to get a better job In a I doctors office to go along with my experience f as a nurse. I Balanced program of cultural and academic excellence. Approved for Veterans under New G.L Billi .1 • Creative Activities ~ Hot Lunches & Snacks ... Limited number of openings available fo r Costa Mesa 546-4460 ' Thank you very much. I. An equal opportunity employer 1969-70 sc hool year in grades 7-12 for both resident and day students. For prompt reply ,vrit.e to: Name ..................... Age ..... , ... . • Ages 2 through 1st grade Gratefully yours . U *.Busboy The fu ture of our country is dependent upon the merit of the education of our youth. INSURANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS Address ..................... : ............ . ~ 2110 Thurin Ave., Cosfa M'911 Ph: 646-14<14 JOAN WOODWARD I ---Dept. 1203 City .................... State ........... . '· P.O. Box 476" El Toro, Calif. 92630 Zip .............. Phonf' ................. . 710 East Ocean Front Balboa, Calif., 92661 !Days) MC:jw Enc. 7. I, I. Apply in Person ph. 673-8610 Accredited Member National Home Study Council JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted, Help Wanted Women I Help Wanted 7400 Women " 7400 He~p Wanted Women 7400 Help W•nlod Women 7400 Help Wented Help Wented Women 7400 Help Wonted 7 4efd REUBEN'S COCO'S . Women 7400 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ------~ ASSEMBLERS TemPorary Employment Women 7400 -------- LE:GAL Women -1 ilnawpon., pemMal agency 1555 W. Adams Costa Mesa THE NEWPORTER INN Two good men needed as doormen. Good starting sal- ary, fringe benefits. Telephone EXPERIENCED e TELLER e F.:xPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e • Mr. Ingle or Mr. Ross 644-1700 11 AM to 5 PM UNITEO CALIFORNIA BANK **COOKS Part time & full time. even- ings. Experienced only. Ap· ply after 3 p.m. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E. Pacific Coast l-hvy. Corona del. Mar 3029 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-2033 Equal opportunity einployer SEAMSTRESSES No F::hone Calls Please Exp'd po11-·er machine opcr---"B"'O'°Y.OS~l~0 -.~1~4--1 ators to sew nau,gahyde boat cushions & canvass pro-Canier Routes Open ducts, Top 1vagcs, pd holi· for days~ vacations, ins. Xlnt Laguna Beach, So. Laguna \\•orking conditions. Apply DA.ILY PILOT Jack Cole Co., 1763 Placen. 642-4321 tia Ave., CM. 646-2451 SERV. ST. SAL ES ~1 EN : Full time, graveyard shift. Age 25 or older. Neat in ap. peara11ce and handwriting. Apply 2590 Newport BJvd., •C.M. FULL TIME 0 R AP- PRENTICE. Will train right WOMAN-EXPERIENCED for GIFI SALES. Apply South Coast Drug 3333 Bristol Costa Mesa man. Must bf--!-'()Ung and 1----. ------ 'clean cul. App: AJ 's 66, 510 * C~I-.. * PM shUI: for E. Balboa Blvd. Nrwporl nursing home. E."per1ence ·Beach preferred. Apply, Laguna Beach Nursing l-1 o ni e .PIPE SHOP CLERK 494-8075 ;5 to 35 hrs. per wk. Know-EXP ==-.0-w-a1-,,.-,..-, -10-,-00-u-,. ,tedgeable man. 40 to GO YI"$. shop & dining room. Apply pld, See H;9-rold: 495 E. 17th in person all 6 pm.sec Jim. St., C.M. 548-9314 Baymde Inn Restaurant, 1~ RKjllvlng Ck. 2.50 PH E. Coa>t Hwy, NB. Must be able to drive truck, DRAPERY~Work room cx- "taJI Dan, Merchants Perso_n· pcrience. Various openlne:s. neJ Agency, 204.1 Wes1chlf Full .time + p/time eves. Orive, N.B. 645-2770 Beach Drapery Service, 900 bvICE station attendant, W. 17th St., -CM. 540-6464 •xper., full rime, days DRE.MT Job . Keep ;your im· .Union Station. Sant11 Ann & portant job a.!l wife. & >:a.iisades Rd, Sanla AM mother & earn a 'vkly ~ts. paycheck. 54•i--3854, 636-3497 qNE,Alcrtupho l s let e r BARMAID, yo un g, at· J.raince. Apply in person to tractive. Apply alter 6 PM, Johansen & Olristensen Maverick. 1728 Nc,vport \ 898 W. 16th SI. N.8. Blvd., C.M. t <corner lGlh t.c Monrovial DENTAL OFFICE tilelp Wanted Receptionist. Mi-5580 1 Wom.n 7400 WAITRE$ES WANTED &!a Shanly Restaurant HOUSEKEEPER -Good 630 •Lldo Pk Dr, NB 675-0100 cook. All adults. SHAMPOO GIRL I ~-~*.;..:"3t>-3555:::..=-*-~-1wllh Ucense fiTh..4100 $.t.IAR.T Sportawear ShoJ) Ask for JoAnn nceda attr Ale&lady, fl • FULL.ERE1"TES. part Uni~. ~In.. JeUers 67>2870 Time. avg. $2.:i(! per hour to l\fA1'URE \Vomlln tor U to 7 •tart. Over 2J. C3JJ MiJ.5745 11h1n in SAWYER HOME. MAID, oYCr XI, perm/part Ca:U 646-Gn& ) Ume. & dM/\11k, l..aJ( Sch CHARGE your want ad now. motr:?l, $1.75 hr. 491-8521 - ,1 * J. C, Prnncy Co. Fashion Island Newport Beach NEEDS PART TI!iIB SALESLADIES * Housewives & Mothers Can you spare a few hours each day and add to the fan1ily income at the same time? S"hedules convenient for you, mornings, arter- noons, evenings or combina. tions of all. Wor k in a fun store under the finest of conditions and top supe1vis. sion. APPLY lN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND IOAMto5PM Monday thru Friday All studen1 positions titled. Equal opporrnnity employer • PROOF OPERA TOI: * URGENTl Y NEEDED •• \Ve have immediate need e fol' {'!cctronic assemblers 1vi!h a maximun1 of one e year exp. • You must ~ 11•i1ling to work e on the first shift from 7:30 Ai\f to 4:90 PM, or second • shift 4: 15 PM to 12: 45 AM'. ·• Knowledge oI color code, component parts, and sold· e cring is niandafory. Clerks Typists Repro Typists Secretaries Keypunchers PBX Opers. Assemblers Good starting rate plus ex- cellent benefits including twclvr. days vacation dur· ing first yea r ol en1ploy- n1t>nt. Work· when & where you want! INTERIM SECRETARY ·I· $510-$620 per month ($536-$651 Recommended for July 1, 19691 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH New position in the Ma. rine Safety Department requirea 100 wpm short- hand, 50 wpm typing, 3 years recent lull time ex·, perience in advanced clerica.l and stenographic work, Apply before S p.m., Friday, June 6, 1969 to the Personnel Off Ice, 3300 Newport l~lvd., Newport Beach - 67J...6633 ,I varian data machines PERSONNEL SERVICE 1---- A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michelson Drive (Adj . Orange Co. Airport) Irvine, Calif. 92664 445 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. 642-7523 Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opportunity cm·ployer * SALESLADIES * GENERAL '>PRODUCTION , APply in person SECRETARY PACIFIC SA\rINGS has an opening for a legal secre· tary. Should 1YPe minimum 70 WPM & take shorthand at a minimum of 80. For'an apoplntment call 523-~ Mr. RockoU. PACIFIC SAVINGS and LOAN Equal opportunity employer ., •WAITRESS • Apply In person . REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Pacific Cit Hwy Newport Beech GLORIA MARSHALL FIGURE CONTROL SALON PART TIME HELP. At· tractive woman, 30 fo 40 Will train, Hrs. 9-1 P.o.t. CnU or come in for intervle\v. 642-3630. 430 Pacific Coast Hwy. N.B. * CONVALESCENT AIDE. (No phone caUs please) THE HARTLEY co. ""''"''' d"'lng rocup<ra· Positions available for ex· llon. Li'i.'e in 5 daya. ·To S300 An rquaJ opportunity employer M-F ' pcrienced sales personnel 1987. Placentia Ave. *m~OUSEKEEPER _ COM- In LANZ NEW Costa Mesa PANION for older co\iple - NEWPORT CENTER Live in, long or short term. STORE EXPERIENCED Apply F"ulJ tin1f" only. Student quota 1f COUNTER GIRL* HOMEMAKERS 547..f.681 flllrd. Call &1444ll or (213) for dryC!eaning shop. HOSPITALITY HOSTESS ls MISS E~EC AGENCY ~­ Seely/Legal or Exec to $600 Sccty/Nt'§oMel ..•. to $575 Seely/Administration .• $575 Sccty!Boat Mlg •••• to $550 Secretary • • . .. • • • . • . .. • $500 Ace ts Payable •••• •. to $500 Secyt/~farlna • •• • • •• . $'500 Girl Friday . . .. . • • • lo $500 Girl Fre/Recpt •..• to S450 Equip Control Clk .. to $415 Receptionist • • • • . • . . • . $425 Fning/Errands ••. , •. to $400 Jr Secty/Research .... $380 Recpt/Stock Brkr • • . • $350 Escrow Trainee . . • • . • $350 Clerk Typiat . •. .• . • • • • $325 Sccty/Legal ............ ·. · · 1 410 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach 646-3939 • ASSEMBLERS • Good finger dexterity and good eyesight. All perm. openings. Only those with good attend: ance and willingness to work need apply, MASTER SPECIALTIES CO. lC ""') Monrovia Av•~ Co1ta Me11 642°2427 An equal opportunil,y 833· DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEAOI 642--3870 Secyt/Glrl Fri.to $550 CRF' Newport Beach~ Secretary • -to $600, % EP Sol Santa Ana. Sect)' /1'rnee • . . • • . $400 EP Orange Acctg Oerk •.•••• $400 AP Long Beach Order Desk • • • • • • $500 EP L.aguna General office •• to $415 AP Santa Ana Genl Office , ••• to S42S EP Newport Beach Secretary • • • • to $475 EP Soulh Santa Ana Constr Bkkpr. to $550 "' EP Newport Beach 1IJ& Girl Fri •• to $.530 Huntington Beach Girl Friday .•. , $375 (hf-s 8-4 l Costa Melll Seely.to $450, 'hEPF, lh Mature Woman, No. Newpo · Recpt ........ ·to S500 C8J1 Laguna Area t Seely •• $500 1$EPF, ~ Laguna Area • EPF, emplayer pays tee • APF, applicant ..,.Jee • CRF, company re.im.bUnes fee EXPERIENCED Un ited California Bank ASSEMBLER TRAINEES FOR SUBMl~ATURE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS 934-7325 collect. C:OSta Mesa. CALL looking for mature women EXECUTIVE SECTY FAIRWAY CLEANERS to welcome newcomers 10 --------- employer * 4~ MacArthur Blvd. 540-4(24 Equal opportunity employer Position available for new Laguna Hilis Lei· sure World ofrice o( New- port National Bank. Expc-r with top skills. Front ==~=54fl.0=-'-7~34=--~ 1 tile community, Mu!t have office appearance. Start $500, PART TIME OUlce "1.-orlt. typewriter, car. and be bon. fee split. Also ft1! jobs, C&ll 8:30-1 daily. Alert girl who dable. Apply 285 E. 1.-IA.ln. DorLo;, 548-7796. ivories with figures to write Suite 7, Tustin, Ca 11 f . ARGUS AGENCIES orders on lBM accounting -"'~-6925~-~~~=--1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. machine. We will b1lln. Receptionist $425 Must have good eyesight and Clerk Triinee 325." _54~5-~7}~°'~-~--o-=cc l Refined, top lev~l Newport ringer d£>xtetity, possess a ~a LO R " Be o Pl trn 11. S. ""ad wilO typlog n'·'"· UI E nttds part 1Jflle ac co. eaMnt a os. valid California driver's lie· co· """Iii or 45 to 50 WPM call Uirai"" sec;~tary o n ..permanent pherc. Call Edc,e, 546-5410 ense, and be able to pass a '"' J •-Merchants Pe.rsonnel Agency basis. Musi be accuralP eson U91t EXPERIENCED rig1d physlcaJ exam. 2043 westclifl Dr., N.B. 645-rypist & do i;lmple book Employment Atlency TELLERS mo. . \1urk. Call 642-8177 2120 So. !\1aln. Sanla Al\ll. Please apply In pc.1'SOn tn: -~==~-~-~~ f"or appointnlent call WAJTRESs _ Days. Exp'd 01'..""NTAL OFFICE business SEC~EfAifE S-Mr Hans or P.tr Stogsdill ,.,_, ""twn .,,. .,. .,... of 642.3111 H u G H E s eo<.:klails. Sm. dinner house, secre ....... ..., ~ 3~;> Have openlllgs now for ex-CdM. Alert, neat, pleasant. age, Exp'd only Call P.M.'1 perlenced aalJ wilh iood RECEPTIONIST · 6~7722 J\fon-Wed·Fri. 847-002G 1kUb to $450 mo to 1tart, * WAITRESSES Apply In Person REUBEN'S 'S Y ood ·•-· NEWPORT BEACH ... t oung, g 11uvne voice. BABYStrrER _ Tuel\. I: WANTED: Denuu a~• ·• Ruah! CAll Doris, &18-7796. Tel ho type. 40 • 50, 7-4 p.n1. Beach Thurs. 10 AM -s PM. 2 sm. front otf1re/.c.balr s Ide · ARC)US AGENCIES ep rte area. ~. Ca 11 D.:lris, ~ SUpeMor Avenue child. BaJ, Jsl. ref. req. U p'd. Two girl office. 1869 C Newport Blvd. C.M. Girl &48·7796 Newpo11 Beach, CitUr. ...,.. ,..,.,6 830--0141 ARGUS AGENCIES ··~· -------~ * COMPANfON . for elderly 25 or over, Mu1t know local S 'LES LADY lull timo ,..., TRAINEES. to aue.mble I d Lit d · ood A I I n 1"9 c Ne l Bl d ,. M EquaJ opportunity employer n -a y. e uties. g pay. an?n. pp Y n pel'$0 . wpor v ·· ·· · . M &-r Cb.ildren'1 storo, So 11th rubber wet suits. No exl) * CONVAL£SCENT •Ide • YELLOW CAB. CO. J. C, ·Penney Co. Fashion Island Newport Beach Hu openin&a lot WAITRESS Full Time Experience necessary, J' Competitive wages, oUt- standlng btne.fil!I: inch~· din&' profit abarirlg. APPLY 1N PERSON lOAMto9PM Mondi,)' thrU Frlc!A)' J. C. PEllllEY CO.: 24 F•shlon ltl•nd An equal opportunity emplo)"tr * • SARAH o;>VENTRY has: I "~~~ ..... !!!l::~~~!! I Coast Plaui. Apply 650 E. D nee. App. 8 to 12 ~· 8Z to &Mitt lady durina: home 18$ £: 16th St openings for tull or part * MEDICAL ASSISTANT * St. Tu'Un W 18th, C.?.f. teeovttt)' COsta Meta ( tlme saJeii, Min. age 18. lifature-Ped I at r I c ex-DRY CLEANING "-·sers WAITRESS wanted. Apply ln tbs LVN HOSTISS Pll!ftsant 'N'Orit, fu lnvest, no .,....., 1~• HOME. M ••! ""..., . __...........,. .._ 1 dellverieA. For Jnfervtow perience preferred, Fwint &. ci:xpcr'd !!Uk, wool It com· person Men Lanct •w A .,. -.. Ch•rge Nuru --~""'"...,, muat .,. M t back office. Send resume: binatlon. Lau.ndcy htlp aJao. Superior Ave, CM. GENERAL~ Oflioe Cle.tk 2 l 21. Apply ln P9rtOft to ~·i :~~ 540--0614/ 837""7491 age. ~. etc to Dally Pilf.11 54:1...SSSO -EXP. grill and counter elrl Cfrl o(flct", answer ttlcphnoe. 3 to UN~~~~ ,_N>p Y 81.kcr a.ft 1 pm. • BEAUTJClAN Box P·32S WANTED C.ieaning Woman. for drtvc-i~-18 or over. A rad}S>, ~in(, Cill ng, CONVALESCENT The ~=EN to "-rk ruu ,,.,., , __ 10 ~1 .. a.. l.: XPERIENCEO chalrskle r o r small apt, l hour, $2. -"-'---------e!~li'!~.1~ ... -.""0r' 1.,0,. ~ •• ~ HOSPrrAL &IT ~--0,.~ " \AR> ""-... dental. aulst.ant for genenl a-•~-"' 675" ~3 .s:-m... "i.l.W ..... .,,.. "'""".. ....., H 1•-• Rd Na " u..~ .,.vu .• salon. Paid Vll(;Ations. CIC. .... ........ a.i. ........... DIA'' ... ,, ... -. ~--Mo.. l =-":'=:-':'0:''""-=-:::="=-c'-:·=c '---ll\l="="!!.l:.:loll;;;:..=-=·-·-~ practice o!tlce, Laguna ... ~10 ......... ~ 1 , No clientele rellulJ'ed-ne'" Beach, S da,Y/wk.-~9737 e HOTEL MAID,· full tlmt, your ad, th~ elt bllCk and DENTAL ASSISTANT DAILY PJ.LOT WANT ADSI Fof Dalt)< PDot Wut ...... gradt welcomed. Ca 11 pleasani surrcurn.!lncs. listen 10 "the PbODe ii:na! BMNG RE.SuLTSt ' "'A' • .., ·--i. ... fl.1A.nlqfl:r a18-99t<~ \Vhite elephants! Olme-a-llne * 4:M·U!l6 '* :_ __ _:_.::__:__:;,..~1'N:;:!"Ptlrt~~_.:Be~ac~O'.'....~~i>46'~>!~l~I.!::=:=::::::.=;~~,:'._ u--•• lo l . . I -------. ~ -.. '~--------~---- ' • I ' ' I EXPERIENCED •ESCROW•· SECRETARY NITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Coast Hwy Cor"OM dtl Mir 61S-'240 r.qu•I opportunity employ<r !n=Lu==-R--=T1A="'"'1=N=Ee' 11 ' ' •Nin train capabl~ girl ror fteUC'/NN Aro:lunfa work. Some ,,,.'Ork.ing exptritnce ,.m typing ""'11 prel•md. Good v.wldn& conditions/I )>.ndlb. -'- tb•t •,...,t•1 ,, 1 a 1 1 1es unlimiteo agenc,y qualifi<d 1Jeraonntl pla.eemetlt II 111 MEN ircRLD SAVINGS &-WAN 292 So. Coast Hwy Laguna Boach l,J;;;;;;;oiiiiiiiiii;iiiOiiiiiiiiiii ll Dr•ftsm•n/Designtr Archltec:tur•I Corona del ?.lar area. abilities anlimiteo agenc,y Quality Positions tor Qualified Applicants 488 E. 17th St., SUite 224 ¢oata MHa 642-1470 ~ Betty Bruce at mi66l:xec Acericy for career Gir11 ' C10 W. Coast Hwy,. N, B. By appoint 646-3939 MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS ~1ER.RY with a semi-part time job. Easy, fun, no cx- per. nee., no inwst or deliveries. Must be over 18. Ph. SARAH COVENTRY for appt. 546-7122 or 5'7-4627 Administrative Tr•inff to $IOO ' hlusl have degree. L. F i•ld Service Rep. to $600 2 yean Insurance experl- ence. Car furnished. Salesman $600 Plus Commission Potential $12 to $20,000. Store Manager Trainee $600 P.lust be manied. some retail experience prefer· red Xlnl oppty! Auto Mechanic To $180 week Cns la 1.lesa area. Auto Rental Manager Trainee 1'.1usl be bondable. DisjMtcher $560 No experience necessary, Mu.!lt be stable. Branch Manager ~ Trainee $450 SHARE AN INTERESTING AND PROFITABLE CAREER with some of the nicest 9uy1 you'll ever meet • • • • • • Because of our continued growth and future expansion plans we are in need of young men and women to enlarge our executive management stall. Two years of col· lege preferred. That's our need. Now, what's yours? Perhaps it's security, a good salary, a substantial medica1..surgi· cal fami1Jtprogram, life insurance, paid vacations, promotional oppor· tunity ANO an unusually generous sharing of profits. We'll gladly & w a p lhese for your abilities and call it a deal. You've probably r~ ~try like this before, BU~. we1USt don't know how else to aay it, ex- cept; come in and convince your· sel f. You'll be glad you dld. call in person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Far West Services, Inc. 16 72 Reynolds, Santa Ano, Colif. (7141 540·9892 An equal opportunity en1ployer. (Snack Shops, Coco's, Reubens, Reuben E. Lee and Wu Bea~s Restaurants) PUBLIC NOTICE DlCOIATill. GEIS CAIKIUATION Of 11 WXUlY APAITMSCTS SP111ish & MIGllllT-oa Fumltun ALL 8IAND NEW; ,._, MtdlMr•t<lt~---...... ,.. 111"· -'"'!: ·c,....·.aw ·!!Oh·Wi111~·1.=.r-.... ~' !L_bH .ft1irQ.tR ... Mlt.ftl .......... NOW, l:ili''B.1'111:? ~ .... ...,.. .. ~····::::::::::::::= .. ···· f;jj"D41c«:h,; T~lil .~ (I. ... Id ............. ,. SN"ltll H-1119 $-~ IRH. .m ... ,,,. .... . A decorator dream house on display -3• rooms of gorgeous Spanish fumilure (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 ltO MO!fET Ofl. 1.l:QUtl.Et» -WI!: CAl.lt't °""' OWM ACc;n. mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd. H•~:., 11vd.> Costa Mesa only Ewery Night 'TU 9 -Wed., Sit. & Sun. 'Ta 6 Ml!RCHANDISI FOii MlllCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SAl.E. AND TRADE Mleceltln1•U1 l600 MllCltlJlneou. 8600 FU RN l·TU RE AUCTIO.N TUESDAY NIGHT 7 P .M. SHARP!! Inspect EARLY As We Sell 9UICKLY ! AOK Commis.sion Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD 1 Block Wesl ol Beach Blvd ., off G.G. Frwy. ·---- Pi1no1 & Or911n1 8130 Miscellaneous 8600 MERCHAllDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE Mite. Wanled '610 WANTED: 2 cash rep;te.rw, 2 or 3 keys. Prc.ter Sweda. 5'8-915.S WANTED: Window, 42"x36", sliding alurnlnum or louvre. ~ Aft 5 or v.wkends Mlchinery, •fc. 1700 TY.'O Bridgeport Mills: in rtal good condlllon $3500. Takes both of them. 54:>.n.a4 FREE TO YOU BEAUT l 1',UL German Shepherd/Samoyed, male. 6 ntOli. E x tr c 1n e ly af- fcctionat1·. To happy hon1c wilh roon1 for ron1ping. 54g...sgsa afl. 6 TO Good horne, P.t i x e ti Cocker-\Vater Spaniel. 2 m . male, all black. Will euard you and your h o m e . 548--0580. Kl'ITENS · born & raised in houst'. To good hon1es only! 2 grey & while, 2 tiger. 1 white w/black &: re y . 546-1833 5/'17 AFFE.rTIONATE 5 yr. olJ femalt" dog to good ho~ \Vith older person, X1nl . "'alchdog. 548-~. 5/:ltl \VE.RE Dack in our new I iiifiiuiim~l~tu~r~o~!!iiiii!i!i~~Q~>tQiiiC)iiFiiu!riin~it~uiir~e~iiiijiiiiiiiia~ooo~j I .store. Bi&' CekbraUoo • Bia: Sal•. SAVE 100' OF $$$$$$$ CLOSEOUT of console Pian- PARTY GOODS 2 SMALL "°""'"""'· I ... • Silver Oatware e CoUee male toy Dachund & 1 male urns • Chanipagne loun-Chihuahua. Fl'ee' to good tains e Dishes e Tables & homes, 962·2653. 5/28 $ "at'"''""' to ...... $400 CWSEOlIT of Baldwin over. Tearing Dqwn Bulldlngl I Everything Must G~EVEN THE BUILDING -to mi&ke room for our NEW STORE 11 {Contractor Wants to Build Immediately) SPANISH ** MEDITERRANEAN $75,000 CLEARANCE • Game Sets • Dining rm sets • Bedroom sets • Living room sets • Corner units • Tables • Lamps • Recliner chairs • Dec- orative Spanish chairs • Buffet w/china tops, Mediterranean • Pictures • \Vrougbt Iron No down -terms to meet your budget - bank fine; Master Charge, Bank of Americ•. or Store Ch1rge. I age pianos at saviilgli to $349 CLOSEOUT of 1968 Organs at savings to ~· ........ $236 No down oac, 5 yrs to pay, WARD'S BALDWIN SI'UDIO 1819 Newport, C.?11. 642-MM T elevislon 1205 RENT OR BUY COLOR TV ~lonthly ratl'S low as $7 Rent \V/purcha~ option FREE WIGS \Ve also rent & sell Stereo-Washers·Refrigs ·chairs. United Rent All 710 \V. 19th St. . .,Costa Mesa 645-0760 HAVE a Tiger in your hou.<K"! Kittens; {rec lo ~ood hoine. l long huir, grt'y, 2 tiger striped. 545-3749 5/29 ===~-...,...~-~ IBEAUTlFUL silky bl&ck kit· DIAMOND w e. d d i n g & tens. ,,,'bile face. chest and engagement rmgs .. 1 ct. boots. Trained and v.-eaned , perfect. OUer. Diamond 7 "'ks. 962-5985 pierced carringi!I $ 5 O • I.,-°""===-=--,-_,., 6/Hlll. .-4 KITTENS 6 wt-eks old. DIAP.IOND dome cocktail ring. Ni neteen large blue white diamonds. 4 cts T.W. Appraised SJOO(). Sacriflce $950. 673-3600 9'8" J EFl''"ERY D a I e surfboard, $75. Office desk $25. 673-6783 GENERAL OFFICE, part lilll[e. Girl 21-35. Knowledge of acCounts receivable and 111te shorthand -helpful. 20 \Hour week. Mon-Fri. Apply: Excellent opportunity !or II~========~-========~ young man! Help Wanted Jofts-Men, Wom. 7500 * This Sale For Stock on Hand Only * 772-0730 BARGAIN! Membership in Newport Beach Tennis Club. $700 you pay transfer lee. 642-3417 alt 3 pm. Spo tted g r ay/wh t. blk./whL 531-81.37 after 6 pn1. 5/29 PUPPIES. Cute, healthy,\ mixed breed, med. size,' gen Uc. obedient p a r e n t . 545-·1632 after 2 p.m. 5/'!T TO GOOD home. 3 orange tiger striped kiltens. wean- ed & hsbrkn. 536-6610 aft. 5 P1.l 5/30 S ADORABLE litUe kittens assorted, to good home!. WOOD LIGHTING CO. 4020 Campw Dr .. Newport 'Beach. 546-2901 Chemlcal Tr.1inee Women 7400 *DRIVERS*· No Experience Necessary! · 1'.fust have clean Calilomia driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. USED-RCA Color TV...Stcro com bi na tio n . AM-FM walnut cabinet. $200. Cost $1000 new. 615-6860 548-1009 5/30 General Off. Trn. $400 type 50. Good telcphorm voice. \\'ork in beach area. Call Loraine. l\!crchants Pef'!Ollnel Agency, 2 O 4 3 Westcliff Dr., N.B. 645-2770 {alllO fee jobsJ $2.55 hour Orange County Airport Office ·~;pllance installer Secretaries * POOL TABLES* Custom -antique .,. modern 3 LONG haired kittens, hsbrkn. 2 yello\v, 1 black. 546-6312 5129 3 MO?l.'TH old black kitten 111 ======== -used. SPORTS "100". Hi-Fl & Stereo 8210 (714) 636-2730 12-8 pm $2. hour J • I Santa An• ""· Y PIS S * * * FISHER 220 receiver, Garrod 80 lab turntable, Sony 500-D tape recorder, 2 FisherXP-6B 5 pea ke r s . FOR Sale: Balboa Bay Club Membership. $500. Buyei' pays transfer fee. Zll9 Fortuna. NB. &14-1557 Siamese . l e mal e . Truck Driver $2. hr E.'Cperienced, responsible ' OmCE MANAGER. for small bu.!liness in Harbor area. General secretarial & bookkeeping expel'. fuq·u. FEMALE Salary open. &nd rcsu!nc Legal Secretary !lo: P.O. Box 537 Balboa, to $600 Calif • 1.fust have exce llen1 1--,-~-----·11 s.kill1, good background Cashier/Hostess Party Plan Mgr S600+Car p:perjenced Apply For natiol\8llY advertised MANNINGS, INC. wlgline.Expe ri e nce 1J Taro Rd. (Leisure World) preferred. Laguna Hills 837-laJA S.cty/Purch C'OUNTER girl, no ex-$475 perience necessary. Good Orange Counly Airport hours, pefer middle agct:I, ll'Ca. Beautiful ollices & Orange Julius, L :i. g u n a excellent opportunity? Beach. Ce.JI after S PM. 4~1153 Legal Secretary 3;"1 hour "-eek K•ypunch Oper MEDICAL OF.fKE to $433 Experienced in reeeptioni.!lt Requires 6 nlOs. expcr. duties including medical in. Retail Clerk sum.nee. Call 646-3903 Girl Fri BABYSI'ITER Wanted : from $400 Walking distance from John Ne"'JX>r! e ea c h area. R. Peterson Sehl, HB. J Tremendous po\C!nlial! boys for summer session, 4 \Yks. noon to approx 2 pm. Secretary $400 96Z..fi023 JS hour \\'Cek. Beautiful 1 ~P~u-r~ch~.-s~.-n~C~k-.~.-0~4=76~.~67oll offiocs in Newport Beach. Type 60+ with 2 to 3 years Escrow Secty pUrChuing ex., call Loraine, $400" ~Icrchants Personnel Agency No shorthand 2043 Weslclill Drive, N.B. Girl F ri to 66-2TIO. $400 Opportunity 1ur lady wilh ex. Laguna Beach area. perlcnce in sales and know. Policy Writing ledge of generai office \\•ork. Typist to $400 Refereru:es. Please call 49-L 7 holll' day lor congenial 1440 for appointment. ,_ ===""=,...--0--0~11 ~" HOUSEKEEPER & child Customer Accounting care. live in, 5~~ days. Assistant $347 Private room & bath. Refs. No typing required S50 \vk w I periodic raises. 540-9212 FiMnce Typist $347 VERY sharp girl w/ex.per. ~:; \\'Pm in fitting CWIL Bikinis, for Clerk Typist $332 aa.le&: must be able to "urk 45 \\'J)n1, good op- Wffkends & some nights, porlunity! 642-&16; &73-2473 eve'. Typist from $325 EXPERIENCED Sintlc Net'-60 wp1n, 8-4: 30 die opuaton only. 4:30 10 Addressogr1ph 8:40 PM lihift Apply 825 \V. Oper. $303 1 _lB_lh..,.,.St.=C:0.="1•,.,>_l=""'=~-ll J.j wpm. f100 flrrn PLATFORM STENO Dental Assistant Experienced Tralnffs $300 Security Pacilic National Willing to train, Hun- )::-:llank.==H"'."'B-; • .,,53S-OOTI=--,.-,~ II tington Bech area. No ~x­ MontER'S llelper for 13 perient.-e necessary. Ex· mo oJd le baby eitpeeted In cellcnl op1iortunity! June.-Wanted for summer File Clerk $300 mo's. 540--8701 LICENSED Shampoo Girl Stamst,..ss and PART Time Recep-to $S.15 hr tionltt. Top pay, Ne~ Trimmer/Helper Beach areL Ca.JI 6il-ts57 to $3.25 hr DRAPERY WORKROO~l _._.,_,_ AJl'b< in pe:rson. ~ .· ALL OFFICE SKILLS EARN MORE' WITII US Champagne Temporary Help ANAHEIM 11S W. La Palma NEWPORT BEACH 3849 Birch StrHt SANTA ANA 1616-F, E. Fourth 540-7345 An Equal Opportunity Employer Po 1 l t Io n immediately available for a Typisl Clerk to work In our Es- crow Dcpartmcnt. Exper- ience preferred. Please apply at Ollf New. port Center Branch, 550 Newport C.enter Dr., New· port Beach. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL. BANK Equal opporunity employer • HOSTESSES e APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E . Pacific Cst Hwy Newport Beach 6-1~1688 5/29 186 E. 16th St F _u_m_lt_u_re"----8-000_ Sewing M1chinn 8120 Co!lta Mesa ===~~~~--SPANISH Returned from UNFURN Apt, telephone & Modcl Homes on sale at cleaning leeio lor couple to less than wholesale! Group manage 18 deluxe J Br Apts includes beautiful 9 6 , , MALE and female kittens 7 wk s. old. EastbluU Newpor! Bch. 6#-1096 5129 DARLING PUPPIES, 4 wks old, Cocker Poodle Terrier. i16-0310 5/27 Jn the East Bluf! Area of 1969 SINGER with zig-zag & \\'Dlnut console, Makes but- ton holC!s, designs etc .. $5.25 mo. or S.'\6.00 cash. 526-6616 Ri,ck. 494-7737 4 PEN Crest Mags by -='========I Crager. In xlnt oond on F-70 Seorting Goods 8SOO lires. in fair cond. All for $80. &12-8210 WINCHESTER niod 7 0 STUDIO couch $12.50. 2 Newport Beach. Li 1 e quilted sola & love seat, maintenance & cleaning. we 3 Spanish oak decorator Musical Inst. 8125 renl to children. Complete t.11.bles, swag or table lamps. Featherweight rifle, Z70 cal, formals like new $10 each. 1';LUFFY killens 1ve will =~=w=oo=IKI=·="°=· ="='-=9=333==· \ °'"3787 . ~ deliver to your ho m e.., --" pla~•, ••-q•-n. DRUMS, Sparkle Blue. Sling. resume to Box M 861 Daily ...... ~ ... ~ • .... '5• -~ Pilot · or full .size ~room suite erland. Complete. l.'Ompl•te 1ncl box springs, * 548--1334 * FOOD WAITERS mattress. linens & boudoir I-======'==== Miscellaneous 8600 ELECTRONIC Console rack 846--0768 5/29 ~-----~--1 frame.!!. 19" &. 24" wide, 5' LF~RE=E~ki~.~ .. -,.,,-, ~,~. ~bl~,-,-'k,=2I • • MIXED BAG • ¥ height. 548-7705 or 543-1881 ~ico. llouse b r 0 ken & WAITRESSES lamps. Spanish oak 6 pc Pi1nos & .Qrgtns 1130 Lunch & Dinna dining .!let priced elsewhere Household and p e r s o n a I items, including Honeywell Hieland Strobe with battery case, 4 x 5 film holders, convertible bar and hvo stools, polaroid s\vinger cam. erd, maple chesl and mirror, caBe" and bowling ball, full wig and case, mapl e bed frame, dishes, bed sp1-ead, rug. bird cage, utensils, and other items. 9C5 Park Ave., Laguna Beach, 494-9822 Apply at approx. $1195.00 AIL GULBRANSEN FELICIANO'S FOR ONLY $399. 120 down, ORGANS 1617 Westclilf Dr., $4.99 per · ... eek / out of WURLITZER Newport Beach state credlt OK. W 111 PIANOS & ORGANS --.-=P-r..:ol;ce.:.s:..si::.o=n:.:a;.I --1 separate for quick sale. 20th Pial'\Qfl & Orgalls Rented Employment Century Furnlture. 9 7 7 2 EVERYTHING ,IN MUSIC Assistance Garden Grove B I v d . , COAST•L AGENCY G""'en Grove Dal\Y 1~9' "" Sat lo-6. Sun 12-5 Come A member of tn or call ITI4) S30-S240 Snelling & Snelling, Inc. Oak Dinette Set 2790 Harbor Bl, CM ~ Nevcr-t.lor top. 4 chairs $JO. SEEKING ambitiow couple Danish modem dc~k S25. ages 45 lo 55. as assistant Dbl bed, hl'adboard, 1vhitc mgrs in l~c complex. Man never-mar top $7. AH 4 must have in.!llde painting p.m. 54&-1'152 exp. Salary S500. J\.1o. + Submlt resume & re.Is. Box KG sz foam mattrct>E. sprngs P 860 Daily Pilot. & frame $75, Lg sect. dvnpt. rt. tum end, gold pmL Xlnl TECHNICAL Illustrator-ex-cond. $175. 494-6963 plocled vie1v1. scheinatics, ortho, mil-spec and com-Office Furniture 8010 mercial. Full time or part time. 673-2777 STEEL company tTlt>ascs MANAGER; dlx. apt., Costa surplull orlice furniture. ?tlcsa Co m p J e 1 e mam. • Files • Desks • Chairs. tenance & painting. <'It'. California Management McMAHAN'S 772-8450 Beach Music Center Fac!Dry Sales & Service Daily 12 noon 'Iii 9, Sat 9-5 1740.J Beach Blvd., 1irwy 39) 111 mi. So. San Diego f 'wy, Huntington Beach 8·17·85.36 J RENT NE\V SPINET PIANOS from $10 per month Purchase Optional ***** I..A\V Library for loan. Retir· ing attorney ,,,.ill Io an library consi.!ltlng of. lull Pacific and Cal. Reporter, Cal DiReS1, U.S. C.ode and misc. Cnlif. codes, etc. to qualified couns..>1. 1'1. A. Sturges, 2219 lo'ortuna. NB. 64-1-1557 " SALE USED * AUCT ON * ""'L\IOND ORG,\NS I • Nev• guaranlec lf you \\till sel\ or buy • Liberal •t"m1:1 give Windy a b°!' B-l's, C-2, J\-lOO's, i\1-lCXr~. Auction.!! Frida,y 7:30 p.m. L-lOO's from .......... S6!0 Windy's Auction Barn l.fAMl\.tONO in CORONA DEL MAR Behind Tony'.!i Bldg. Mal'l :!Sjl E. Coast Hwy 673-8930 20751h: Ne1vpoprl. 0.f 646-8686 Quality king bed, quilted, 548.fill!I 5/27 complete, unusffl $98: worth KI'ITENS, 8 \vks. old. Train· SZ-.xJ. Aft 5 or wknds 847-0406 ed, weaned. l\.lull i-coklred HOUSEHOLD • \V a s h e r , 546--0164 5/29 marble tables, dinette, BR 3 ASST'D Kittens. Calico, rurn. j'.lisc items. 642-461·1 blk, gr/white 8 wks old, lo • 'TIS Tropical Fish • good hon1es. 646-0338 5/'n Opening 'bout J une 1st FREE cute &. JoVablc kit· Fountain Valley 8424530 tens. 7 1vk.!1. old to good POOL Table 4x8, xnlt cond. home. ~115 5/29 wltable tennis top. $75. 644-J LONELY long hair lciUens, 0-147, 540-1397 8 wk.<;, to good homes. SINGLE ?t1emben.hip in NB 673-&134 5/29 Tennis Club $700. includes HEALTIIY, 6 week old kit- transler fee 67"r3222 aft 6 Jens. Just d a r Ii n g ! ROTO Tiller $75. Boat trailer 54&-4691 S/ $50. Wood stove $25. & AOORABLE kittens, twin;;, mi.sci. 646-5481. 1.·J/F', 7 11."ks. Easlblu!f, Misc. Wanted 86 lO WANTED \Ve need quality (no junk please). Furniture, co I o r TV's. stereos, appliances, tools and office equipment. TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! 531-1212 * 893-03.55 N.B. 644-1096 5/27! 1 Kl'ITENS. 2 black lwins, housebroken, Calico mother. 616--0623 5/'11< 4 BLK/\VliT kittens, 6 1vks. 1 ' old and weaned, cal I 67:>-5134 Sunday 2 S~1ALL female bN'cd dogs, shorl S.12-4986 mixed. haired. 5/27 3 YR old n1aJe Collie, '69 Ile e SPECIAL PURCl-lASE e Sobaka $ WE BUY $ & shots, loves p e op \ e .I WURLITZER PIANOS r.1y naint> 1s as unusual a~ ·I 8'11-\94.1 j/'17 826-9940 (213) 77Hl80 1&10 $. Anaheim Blvd., in Anaheint (alongiolde S.A. Schocl .. lnstrudion 7600 Freeway at Katella) ' Educational Vacation 4th grader.!! ... Sr Cilizem Cbil. roal 10 lesson typing Sehl Trial LeSS011. 173 Del Mar C.M. ~2839 Office Equipment •011 ADDRESSOGRAPH w/supplies, 77·1-5200 \Vhilc they last: ant Gennan ~pherd /Sam-$ FURNITURE $ :; PUPPIES, y.•eartro and $9~j \l/alnul consoles oyed, 6 n1os., n1all.'. Very APPLIANCES ready for rK'w home.!I. Cocl;J . DO\V ................... $699 affectionate, will ·be 11 greal C•lor TV's-l'i1no'•-St•M1o'r ll·poo mother. 54;;...5441 5/'!1 plus bench watchdog. Free to good I l'it c• or How1• Full S795 Spinct.!1, all home with IOl.!I or room. CASH IN JO MINUTES I YR. old bro1•.'n Dutch rabbit VOJCE preparation f o r popular or cl&Mical singing, Beginner t h r u advanced trainlng, 642-55U, 494-9340 finishes .. , !ron1 S549 to tj79 5-18-5993 itf1, 6 • 541 ~453 I • a.!8-2!138 5/27 Garage Sale 8022 plus ·bench FULL J\1arquenc lune-up 6 l\10NTH old black Cock-a· Terms Like Rent equip 6 mo's old $1100, \VANTED : Rear door for '59 poo puppy. 548-4032 j/2:'! MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Fumlture 1000 4 PC ,;~honal, f 0 a nl 1··11 II k SI \" Gould Music Company SJldn..r.n air chlslc & lmn"'cl ~1 man us Y a. •&gon. 5/R" PtNE ~-~,. ooo w. CU.'!hions $;,(), 2 end & 1 <..'Of· "" o-642-4689 .....,.,_.,,. °""' f<..'C hible S:MJ, 2 tal>le lamps 20-!5 N, l.laln, SA !'1•17-0681 \\T('nch $235, Con1pl. Jct ====~~--~ 181 h st .. C.M. 5123 $15. Can del . "93-4708 ARTISAN CONCERT alr..<0nd 'lng equip & .!ltock DESPERATE! Ne<'d cyk)(), \VHITE & hood~ ••I.". S.l!lll. Other mlscell. c;an aft used rel'.ri~ra lor &· stove ....... • '' DJSHF.S, t;loves, c h a irs , ORGAN 5 Pl\I 897-48.17 \. Call: 646-4063 837-0231 Laguna Hill.!I 5/29 palnts, mining tools, plum· Ideal lor church, school or --;=====ic--· I :,..,.-===-.,.....~==~ bing, &. misc. m Costa honie. 2 manuals, 32 pedal!, SOCK IT TO 'Eflt! Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS \Vhite Elephants? Typist FH Pd. $476.67 A iop Co. 111 looking for a young gal with good typing BkiD.!1 '"ho can also handle phones and customers. can Loraine, Merchant.!! Person- nel A~ncy, 2043 Wcstcliff Dr., N.B. 645-2770 (also fee jo .. I ll -===.-~-==-1 2 MAPLE rocking chairs, Fem•I• S.cty, 500.00 $25. each. General Electric Mesa St. C.M. 40 slops, Complete w/presets 1 •===:;::~==:~~=========:i===~~===oo -_-_°"G°'AP=':;,'"'.G"'mE"",..,~"AL"". "~~ .• -.-I ~~~: s~te;~~hi~ d~: £m@ TAR G A'Z ER'1t ~ A top beach area co. Is look-TV black & white $35. U Ing for an attractive gal with 8-9518 1.fASSIVE carv«I walnut din- ing lable, 6 upholstered chrs. $400. Burnt oran&e love Keat $35. M2-5084 Quality king bed, quilted, good sec. skills, great p> tentlal and the co. will re- lmbut'9C the rtt. cb..11 J..o. r1line. l\l~hants PefflOnneJ Agency, :!(HJ Westclill Dr., NB. 662770. eomplete. unused S98: tvorth \VOfltAN for • n 1 wt: r 1 n g $250. Aft 5 or wknds. 84l'6I06 aC?n1ia! opem.tor, fuU or =""°~=...,.----­Pftrl Ume. afternoon & eves. SOFA I Chair, new. never 847..anti u9Cd. lafake oner. 548-6025 or 96l-3ffi9 eve11 onl.y. \VED. May 281h . lenn.!I, 1-~~~~--"*'ll:ly CU. Y IL POLLANI---...---~ GARAGE SALE NEWPORT ORGANS 1l .AA!n M ... o.·i • . . ,.. __ .. ._ N u1u IM•. 2! y • cwr 1 1 ,.(f;nt1 uutow 'y'° • !>1:'1 2l ffi JUNK TO ANT IQUE 64!>-1!'>30 .a.Pli 19 A(tord/119 10 II•• St1>r~.; OCJ' n ~~ 336 A. Victoria. Cl\f in rear HAMAtOND • Slcinway • ,, To dt!v~lop ~for Wednesday, 1s.1'a.2t1-<L<i<:"I niaha • ne\1 A used pianos •cod WOl'ds corresponding IOt'IUl'flbers 49..6L65 of all makes. Best blzyl in ot yovr Zodioc: birth s;gtl. So. Calif. rta;ht here. • ' ~ ~t 5~ ~ :; ~ SCHMIDT MUSIC CX>.., J Oro~ Jl "'"-i\ r.J R..., 190'1 N. Main. "sc..nt 3' "'' ~ nv,11, &nta Ana !i .'.l<tk" JS Of 6~ LA.iy 6 °'"'*" 36 ~lrf 66 High e PIANO RENTALS e 7)t'i J1v.... ,1,,.,. 8 A la Thtough 68 F!o<t~ Appliances 8100 \vtm'lNGHO US E F u 11 y automaf l(' portabl(' 1Tm Annstrons Ave, Jniif'IC! P.fAPLE love seat SlO, IC!alher HOUSEKEEPER & COOK Join-Men. Wom. 7500 chair and ottom3Jl $40. di~hwasher, Hold 16 place M?tting~. 3 cyclt', 2 8JX'('d, Top lid opening, white, formica top. Very cxcell<'nl condition. $75 Firm, 646.(836 SUMl\.tER SPECIALS 9 YOll l'l a-a r.9 R-.i1 * •-· S795 lOGood •!)5f,_, )Ol•1u,,, • ......, .. &.!I · per mo, 11l,.ool., 41Vitolol'y 71 0.. \ Takie full resp. All adulb. t 11..,..,1 ,11 ·---------l~-m-'926==~------ Hoflman Home 53&-3555 •il" • awnnrt • \VINDSOR chair SlO, 11tutk>nl PRESSERS .t. OPERATORS Ov"r'"nna1"1•• lamp $20, single mattress. SPEC, MA!lf. GOOD po.y. pBBD •~ring> 115. m-6926 Gr'mt Mtar. &12-26GS ency ANTIQu>: "'°' ''"' "'""' cli:NtAL S EC/RECPT . ab1·l1't1·es ag !!!";.!.."··n~quelampl50. J\Ss'r. Slngl<. z lo 4S. &.p, P""-nloftal Sornce oo~w 1 =....,~·-·~---·---·llrJlllimitei) for tho employer NAG. H~ ......... '""""' GEN. ~ 2 da,yt 1 •nd the •pplicant tablc.!I t; lamps, BR set, wt. CdM am. Own tnwp. age~,Cc)', 133 Dover Dr., H.B. l~lhl'r chaJr. 67).(;926 Atl S PM call~ 4U E. 17th StrHt 642·3170 S4f..2743 l\tUST M!ll hardrock 1naplc D RA p E R y Opualot'I It: Suite 114 J:IOUSE a..EANING lovt8CJl $20.. Call dail)' be- --4 HRS • 'T ONLY f<ft 2 pm. srr.mi2 r.:ENfl10RE Automali c \Vasher, lair Tll()dcl, xlnt ""'"'· $60. * M7-81l:t 1967 KENl\tORE Electric """'· 195. • ~7308 * Antiques 1110 ANTIQUE CoU. \lrm, UGO Vlctodan <'OU<'h .t-cha.Ir, c omplet e l y rtalored. 536-.1339 •• • Cotta Mei• "2-1470 ~ · 541-1431 ~---* MT-1125 * \Vhlte tlcpha.nta! Dlmc.a:line DAILY PILOT WANT ADSl • ' I Rl'ntal applies to Purchase 11 A •2 f.., 11 ..._ Gould Music Comn..ny 110nrlt ~c~ f. 1Jr..-J<iy r-l•W••h ••Sam. .... 7411c :zo.is N. Main, SA :>47-0681 15F•ieo'ld'r •SR-1sc,,,.,run, 16P~t "<S OI' 16 ~ I 1110MAS Electric orga n l7Cornplei.i •7'1"au',.. 1,,,. with all inatrucHon ~-16 A~ •1 1t,_i1\ 110itcfft!t 19 y...,. 49'*9 190ldl-S.'50. Xlnt rond. throughout. LIO ':':O p._n• ~Nm ao """fCt Cail MO-G7J7 eveA Ir: wi(tndt, ~ 71 O!hes ~I Co,.., 11 ltiQhl .u~:za llCM 52 Mlf¥ t2 ~ \VANT Pl.aytr pilno w/roU.s. AU0.2' 23 Bnr Sl Food ll rtlwodlhlp '24T..,.. ~And 8~t .. llOO(I i:Qnc:l., tmm priv. p&r· ~~JI0..2• zs H..ilth 55 Autt• 15 '""'° ly, ~6; 673-2473 e\lt'll, '6Mow %CIGW1. 16M!olo_,..,, 11~. ~1i:--.,,...,.,,..., --SACRlt-~ICE, new Gulbran-la'~ ·.e 1~. N !it·-..• ··-..., atn ~ta.,ll'r Con!IOIC! Plano. 2" Wo•tl-~' ~ 119 ~.. '"' 1• ~ XI "-"' llO r """'"41 90 er-1_..ty ~ '° $585,-Aft S: lS. ~l).71R9 .® ® !i/111 ... G«iJ Ad¥~nc ()Nc•v-..d 1. 3-1,,21 11-IE QUICJraR YOU au: H 'J'HE QUICKER Y9U SEU. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' _\ __ :_ __ _I! ______ _ [ ' [ I I . l 2 ' [ 2 " I ,_ I~ c s • I N ' I 2: I ' ~ I I ii 1 i h • MGI J1rtup urt 31inpo n~; SUBARU-:- Subaru of CaOf. lnc:.-Retafl Div. $1297 POE . Opt equip $30 ..... i&hl ~tSO HandllDg 149. Del. W90.SO + Tax and License 1000 W. Coast Hlwa.y, N.S. 645-<KM * 540-2133 SUNBEAM TOYOTA ,. ''6 VW llua !'us, REW S51 $1"5 '59 vw Bug Uc. PNI/ 116 $ol9S • ''1 VW Bua NI'S 111 $5'5 '63 VW. Bug llAV 569 $795 '64 VW Bug IIDR 312 $895 '65 vw llQU 3Cf $10'5 HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN, INC, Authorlu!d .., and Se"""' 11111 -Blvd. 84Um $ SAVE $ Executive Car Seit 'M VW•s tiurry While Th•y Wifl IHHP"411• DEUVERY ii, ... L•...:. Tie ':Ow~ wn Ul/WI · MY1 11 36 mos IHPORTS .... , ..... pymnl for tlllo, N I yr, 24.ooo fOYOt ... YOLYO ml ~ty. Avail only at "66 Harbor, CM. 64&83111 T • M MOTORS B ILL MAXEY ""~~·~~""~· !TIOIY!OIT !AJ °':~ sw;y I 8811 BEACH BL VD, Owned by little 'ole pa1ni.r Hu"'. BNch ~7-1555 from L1iuna Be,ocl>. x1n1 a rnt N. ot 6-tt Hwy. an Rel\-cobdl S'ls-Cub dell:, dlr, take pymnt $38.at, Will 1lnc . ..... party, Call K<!>. 49(-9'1'13 '59 VW Bug, rebtt" «ig., 'xlnt <ODd. 1495. '59 Slmlo, .... runner, pert tor ~l $95. 6'l3-8ll 7 or 642-8T1S VOLVO VOLVO · ~I . . •) • ----------------·------- ....,;..; T...ia,, ..., fl, 1... DAILY -H,I. -TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION'·: N=ew::::t::1::'"===...,'"-vv llMd Caro 9900 Usod _C._ra ____ 9'1_a0"'11 ;. 'a, SIGllrf 2 ... UT, 1311. -I -·· ........ ~ ._,. FORD ~ '4'·· .a.eo mo,. -""' .,, J'OIU) WAGON 151. "1 T·Blrd PT. mo., f -~ -·"-Alto. -No 142 -·· -·· 4>MAc MOTORS ~~·~-· 'moW.lltlt. . -.w .,.., IUICI 'SS ELrel'RA. I.Aided wt/ ONE Owner '57 Ford v.a_ 2 extnu! Must lleD $8'7'5. dr HT, Jll, 1' ' h. auto. A·l ; 6ff..1733 MalDe offer. cond. hwlde/out. 9D.a8 • CHU CK CARTER * '62 LE SABRE * aft T PM. -"" , t 29 'f'•W auto axp.rlanc t. 69,ID) Mi. &autttu.I ear. wce.kenda. , 1 . "'"•••· !I,==~;:=~~=-LINCOLN i 15 yl.ir Harbor "'-'•• 642-858C M •• Th CADILLAC 1-,fll-CONTINE--NT-AL ___ M.""'''l • ay S e il.och City Cedlllac1 11 looded. xlOt ...._ MIDI j : Month For * BIG nJSCOuNTs * !!"-"':;~.?'. · :,:-.:;. I b ~'61 CADILLACS ·--... ..._ ,......... .:de~~~~~,,--~=-======= • -ohfot = •• ...,_. ... ........ .. . $4695 MERCURY •a··-... . ·a t:id. ,., ••••••••••• $3195 tnlde · ........... ,.. ' ""· ,,,,, ••••••••• $2895 --~ ' ... $2<l6 "" , 'ro CHOOSE Bl ... 11 YOU ~· . ""ilicAiiPLi:s IUY l CtiMlc Our ANCIN« MUST~~ lftlntt credit • ••Mmt'ANtHT YOU CAN'T = .. -. ~JI '.:':-:....':. .e.:=:: j •EAT THEM 17211 11111 I. = .. °"':".:"°...0: l ANYWHDE lltilmllGT6ll ft.u:'f1 ·-... = .......... !JI • nSt ·1lRM THE • IHllN $UNO.Wt, :~ - 'lit ~f RltiO &;;Y;"llti 'll"FASI'·BACK. Hi-Perl. GT MINI • BRUTE w/wn lop. m.. 1.,. ""-Mod. Pwr. Strg. Slk. Dlac AM/J'N .._., _., IWJ Brim. Mutt 9e11 m-M31 ••• JUST .!'IRRIVID pwr, pwr dr 1oc1q, c:iUI . · ANOTH!~ l lG ~. TW, ...t. -. OLDSMOllLI •l IHIPMINT OP -...,.. I 1969 ~!iliiir= • •. ! OPELS •if®f.jl.,.. A». """' BR,\ND NEW I ~ /1:. IUir_.._ '69 CUTWS !' '"tfl' UTOMAOTNIC '.66 -AN Do Ville, all ... l"-15 SPTS. CPE. I llUIC Inf J:t•· ., °""" $1lll. Del..,. beli. -A nor, OUI PRICES ._. ilia gm. podded dub, IDl4' ,._,, i t\'Aaf AT ~ 't'sk"i: $i'tt4>:i. $65 Mo.': •1 m .p·£P&mr11,.. Ii $2399 :i tllllDlllTI _r DIUYllY POc •11 •, 1 ltH u ·.1 ,, , f\1 1·. ''5 IUICK Dorado. Xlnt cocxl. "" ~ ; f1 ....... IWll 5::t>-T:3:> Gt:fEVROLET SI DAILY PILOT WANT AD PllJ!h Tax It LIC. II .PQmenbl tndOOe tax and: : lio!nM and ftnance ch.uges I ~~:=: 635L • • Univer~ity f Oldsmobile · -· • lap . • '82 fd I ................ pijd. S&:50. Oflllr • ....,.,.,. ~ LAND.<U, olr, iiiiiiO: ~ iltts, lull power. !lw!rJ' exlral $2995. 833-(1919 t • t· I I I ·---.-------:-~·----·-_ __..,... __ ~-----~-----------..,-....,..,..,-..,..-------~-_,...,,,--. --~--- .. • \ ' ' 10 STAIPSi . ._..,,. :01 •ms olUST . -EmYDIY LOW . D1SC01n1r· . ' P•ES. PLUS 4 STIR sPECIALs S. yN.e. 'HOU. 15 .. ~AILYI ........... roll"° P.111. Wftlii , 1 :.UT ... MIN.I t1• AM. t O 7:00 ,..,M. , • • I I , , . •' ' , J,, f '1 ' ' • I T. • I ' ' . . SAVE ON YOUR ME.MORIAL DAY .. · '\ PICN:C NEEDS AT FAD! '. 'PllCIS LOZCTM MAY 21 THIU JUNI I WI W111 II Of'IN MIMORIAL DAY -PIU04V. MAY ... 10 A:liill •• )' p: ... . seen e JUM!O • I to CDJNT ... PAPER · SAVE ·29· NAPKINS lOc • ' IPllNGflnD e .. ICID e H ·OUNCI! JAi· . ·- CUCUMBER SAVE 29c PICKl.ES 14c ' "'"°'"""' )At FRJE""CH'S SAVE 29c MUSTARD 12c BEU...e. fe«:HIES e 7.0UNCI 'SKOESTRING SAVE 35c POTATOES 4c sM.AD ~ • QUAl'J JAi: MIRACLE SAVE 49c WHIP lOc 1A.OL e S VAllETIES e FROZ!N - MORTON'S SAVE 4:100 CREAM PIES .24< aLACK 1A9a e 1 ·ll. PACIU\Gf LARGE SIZE HORMEL aumRv RICH •" ·SALAD FAVORITE · F QO S_LICED BACC k~ SMOKED e AU. 3.()UINQ VAllflll5 . . . GARDEN. FRESH e LARGE : .. . . SLICED MEATS Q GA.a.te. flfNCH Q\llON, GtttN CHIU • • • • • • . . .~. U.S:D.A. CHOIC[ OR F,oW "TENDERRJl" 4 .. FIRST CUT • .GREAT FO(! BAR-B-QUE CHUCK STEAK ~ ~ I LEAN • DEPENDABLE QUALITY • FRESH 4 9 c GROUND FRESH ' DAILY · , . GROUND BEEF . -· ,. . Vlfrin'\. e 14 INCH X 54 INOl e I GAUai :50-COUNT &AG e ·GllfiAT POI PICNKS e ~ 60c POtY :FOO CUPS 47c. -.SSORTI:D COLORS AND ,AmltNI ·148 TABLE CLOTHS _ .... '" . ..._ . . DEU.1X1 .e a4 1NCM X 62·1NCH e ASSOITl:O C!OC.OIS AND f'AnnNS • lfQ, !.If 141 . BUCH TOWELS . . . I . ; .... 20·;.10')•~" ~ wn11 ADJ:llSTAllf Gl!U i"ETai. w aFooE · 2'8 .,·CUKES 3 ···2 ·5c ... ANOQUIU e QAM,lll\J°""" 37· f • . PICNIC DIPS B-OUNa -. - • ' , . . .. . ' .. , I f . ' • - • . •• ' ·. 1 I • • l ! • l I ' ] S• ~ I! . o1 ~ ~ -~ . . "' Iii • al p QI ~ "' a • " '! ,, ft ri k I< •. d • ~ • TI L I ' I ( I I 1 1 I I ' I I • ' • ~ -1 I I • c p I I I I ' 1 ..