HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI • . or IDS ~ .. Girls Bare Jl~soms . . • • • •• To Taunt ·Gua .. ds • ' ' At· UC Berkeley • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY .28, 1969 nL. 62, NO. w. 4 $1CTIOHS.. r~·n s11·---.......... ~ ;Rafferty , Scores· 'Hit' ·:.c- InOCCTalk -. ' ·1 • n,'""the disappointment _of a band of Students for a Democratic Soclety (SOS) aj.:brange Coast College, Max Rafferty was a hit when he spoke there Tuesday. ::J'he stale superintendent or public ~­el~ was warmly applauded and his .fliis.~ la&lghs•from th.e overfloW ~ <l 1)1111 sfudents. ;j'l few .•'~~lid beloro1ho ~by the~Y .=-•iwl<Orii-.• 1"oi'SDS.-includbl(, "Max ~ferty .:. Finest Mind of the Xll Century" and '!A ptg 11 a Pig II ·a Pig." '. But Rafl<rty WOS not heckled ancf· he ·tiaitly hanilled queslionero. The pu;me of the silver-tongued slate ichoolS 111.1perinteqdent was the same as •hen he Ont ran fOr the pbst seven years qb; -education Is following a \\']'Ong path of teaching ll!e adjustment instead or individualism. -He said the resultant loss of Identity ~ ~If res_pect is the root cause both for campus ana racial disorder. "This student feeling may be described as a kind of creeping facelessness," he said. "The complaint Is 'I came to college w· find myself, instead I beCame a @Jnbcr.'" ""'He said the campus disturbances now sweeping acroSll the nation like a prairie me are the result Of an Instinctive gut riflex by students who can't find their icl<ntity. :'':The sad thing about it is not the pro- terit bllt that it is now being Jed by cold-eyed, hard, cynlcal persons," he said. :Regarding another g r o u p of ~onstrators, the minority races, he said : S.he's G.U•y . ' DAILY •1LOT '--llY f9fll llMt" CAROL KNITS, JURY BURNS Danctr Reduted to TNrs Yorty Confounds Polls, Re-ele.cted As LA's Mayor . BERKELElY (UPI) .-IBare'bdoomed girls joined a crowd of 500 demonstrators Tuestiay.!.ln· the first tarae congregatioo near "peo~'s park'., since v.lolenc:e en,ipted 'the.re nearly two weeks ago. )Yhile N8tlonal Guardsmen stood by in- side a fence ICOMtrucled :around the site by University of Califotnia).offjcial.s. the demonstralors \lanced, ~ 30 squat< feet of &Od on the. adjoining street, and then sprinkled the area 'Wjth water !rm:n a hose. POlice warned·the crowd several times it waa in an illegal asserobly, but no az:. rests were made and there was no violen- ce. Tensions increased once when the Guardsmen donned gas maSks, but they removed them a few milftites later. Meanwhile; there were requests for ln- veslig8tions into the Berkeley tun_noll ln both Washington mt nearbY Oaklarid. Altprney General John ' 14!,tchell-was ask~ to ir1veStigate the shri(iu{I slaying of James Rector, a San Jose youth fatally wou~ei! ~uring a ~.Wh between • ---. Pam ·Found Gassed . u i 1 ,;x !.. ,. •. ., ! • ) -.. t ~8 -.Death' ··i:n· ;Boat . . . ... . At:. ·Sunset Marina . ~ . . . rock~uia d~ and dot· eq~IPi>ed piiike on 'Mil: 15. . . ' ' Tho 'req-..... ~ b)' Rep. Don Edward& (0-0an1~ .. : 811 'JWP. :Je11ery COhelan \Dtalif.) wlii> uUd, fir •a "ce..e fire '.' oo tbe .Berkt1'1.ca,m~ In Oakland, the ~ Cow)ty G~and Jury &Jked DI!!-Atty. J. Ftapt Coakley lo investtpte key UP.O<li \lf the.'CIJll- lroveray, wllh,partlcular'1ttention to the use ol weapc:q;,and the tactics and ·con- duct of .n publlc•offlcials durinii the in- cident. · In San Francisco,· U.S. Dist. Judge Robert Peckham ordered a. bwlng tor June I on a preUminary 1$ftction lo pr ... vent. law enforcement officials In Berke~y from Ulinl q:ceeai'(e fon.-e. And at Stanlord Ur¥v.,.i\y, UC Regent w. (\lenn c,mpbell Hid Ml'l•llen erred in occupying the controversial 'lpeopie'.s , parl<."·which bel\'•C••l"to the.~verslty. '"I'm not oppplfJ!I to,,.k1;". CampbeU said "(but) we cannot t ol e r a t.e unauthorized 'groups laking'Over land fQr • • '1 • • .wttieh,.,~ ~v1tt a ~bijitr, 'to .tfti stare or <call!Omla." ' After the iaession, about 50 students 1 burn>d ar .. efllgy o1 Campbell on tile ... J!I \ A Sl!ita Ana municipal coilrl furi of Hoover Tower. kicked the bottom out of carol CybullkJ'• The Berkeley City COUncil defeated, <n ~ Woild Tl!es&fy niglit with I a 4-2 vote with three abltentlolls, ""'°' verdicf-thal iiad the blonde belly danctt tion that the city arranae k> leue sobbing bitterly with bowed head at lhl ''people's park" fn>m 111'!· Ullive...ity, ·coomsel table. ,lnatead, the council unanimously •P-It look the ·six-.~man; six·rlllll pane Jl('OVed a resolutk>n calling on UC lo use jusf four and one-half hours to rule th• part ol the land u an experimental park the curvy Lag'.JDa Beach entertainf:r wat to be maintained by lts users. guilty of lewd condUct and l.odecerl 1be UC academic senate asked the ad· exposure when she danced in the nudl nUnist.raUoo Tue!day lo · remove a at 'the Apartment A-Go-Go. "sutta~le" ' portion of the fence · •ur· They convicted the Art colbny entl!1! roundipg the park before Friday'• Pl.an· tainer on all 10 counU. J\Jdge Paul Masi ned protest marCb. The faculty members ordered her to return to court June 11 voted 250-208 for partial removal, after for a sentence that could add up to 1 rejax:tlng• •• 1 motion asking th&;en-miximum of· six months in jail • ind/OI Ure f~ .be .tocn1 d~, : , ~· a $500 floe on each count. ' The sinse of ' the motlons was ·thll i( ·Moments before the jury filed back, In part of ~ht1 fence.!!" removed and O"lfU(lde Miss Cybulski sat in the courtrooqi wiU forces fe&°ve"Uie City, there will be riO"One a new&man~and expres$8d·her confidenc:t 'fwden\Onatr8lors lo confront. i · that the jury would rule in her·(avor :"No group of imnUgrants lo this coun- tcy ever had it tougher than my own Irish 'abceltors. But.they made it because they managed to sell "America on something - to thln"k of them as individuals." LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ma_vor Sam Yo,rty. an underdog in the PQ!b, .rode a record vorer , tUrnoUt to a 54,0000 -third tenn electionr victory joday ov:cr~Thoma.s Bradley, Negro councilman 'I\' ho had thumped him in Jhe primary. . *** ***"' Quietly knitting ("This Is a red sweatd f!X' my 12-fool pylhon;" she joked) '" Girls Assaulted Yorty .apparenU)' won strong supPQl'.f. Jn the closing day,s of what was called. the bitLerest I o c a 1 campaign o( modern times. ' No Significant Dropoff · How do the pollsters C;tplaln it? One. · Jlon,)\lu~ whose poll for th< Los -A pair of unemployed singers lokl Angeles Tune3 Mondsy placed· Bfadley CQsta Mesa pOHce a ta.1e of being run o£f ahead 53 ~ent to 38, said : ''l reel like ·on Mesa Street In Attendtince ·at lJff' ~ ~{ • ' • ~ I • tile road hf a motorist who jumped out of George GaJJup ditj Jn 194.1." That was the hli' own car and t.emrized them bticfiy )fir Harry Truman upset-Thomas Tue· UC Jrvine st.Oden\ ·l(ri~ continued· TueadQ night. Dewey, GaUup'1 pick. in Ill fourth day:today 'but 1ll ftiellable ~Lina J .. Allen, 23, and Jackl~n L. Muchmore said ·in a st.aternent there figures were available ·on the dropoU in Vls>.olay, 25, both or 16.\ 21st St .. "'ld v!J: might have been an emir In 111'! poll( ad-Class atleooan<e. • . •:n:allant forced them lo the curb on . -ding: "We were ·dealing wUh the race ton a~ at Meyer Place. J issue In thls "Carnpaign and Ulla is tradi· The campus administraUon • said a ThO:llld the man tried ~o get the.lock· , tioliaJly· -a· difrjcuJt area •to S1rvey." '~vey o( dearui of the variOU! &Choo Ls ln- ed ""-' doqr •II""• lh<n ran around•. "·~t Woilld ·af>ll¢ ·In 'thls ~ 111'!. dlcated "no signilicanl drop In al- to Ult drtvcr'S skl_e and grabbed'.'-¥1ss S81l\P.le of ~nts waS"bildver.ently tendance." AUt~ lf" tbe throat an<I hE7 b~ouse front. not .,!'representative ·croa:s .Mcuon otithe Spokesrnen did not ,define what they Oft1ctJI' RaJTy , carter said ibe two pcipulaUon "l Yid Mulilmore who •had meant by signifk:ant, and-obviOOBly there wOtntl'. 'reported the :ruesday inci'ttent: Ct'.lhducted ~B fnierffews;' (•E~n thou1t1 wert\ rnany students on llrike. .,,.~ lbie 1lten ln a series of harasameoL • this· ill oar first t1;1aj~ -error. ·a'.comptele The'camp\Js ·newspaper, New Univeral.· acUo01overthepaatfew.mo111lhs. • ·(~ysis Wtlljbe made Lo delcr.rnine the." ty, gave a lotally conflicting picture. It __,...,,:.... ____________ '"'·a.ctcauseofdtedilcrepancy.11 \ clalmed ' a SUrvey J abowed d11s at· ~if(LY DEADLINE "a~·ol ~~;ru,'"~·~'::fj ~·~=rbe®'nan-olS51o ,., -'· ~ .. t 1. • ::t" ... -. ,_:JiotDey 'c~>.;aBtce , o~<• .. ~10.,..... The llludent newspaper is pro.~~e. ·F'l'l D n·1· ~O;E A.DS : .. ~\is card ! wt<lttY'~t. ~ The 1lrike Is ... 1llow sym,..~.y ... -t:f.11. JJJ . '" Where 'the city's 1~ lo 20 ~'Negro · soUda{lty with students at Bern!Oy. The . h population-Lives.. . : __ UCLJ;triiim._=_ supporiirlc the aame • Dime-A·Line advertisers have to urry They claimed the card said Bradley three demands: thJs week to get their ads ~n~ :e = Y. votes should be made on hole No. 3 of the -Remove the police and NaUonal .PlLOT, Due to tht: Memoria Y ay pdiiebc1rd-comput6 bi Dot.I U voten did Gu111d from campus. on Fi:Kt•Y· deadline fOI' the popular so, they woukl have Toted ror Yorty. -LU'i the state of emetr.llCY0 classi.hed ad! has1 ~ ~ up t~ ~ Bradley, 51, a Conner Pollce lieutenant -Return the university property called P·"'· Thursday I nst u.sua who hoped (o.bocome 'the third Negro People's Park to the people. ·p.m. 'Frid~ deadUne).. mayor or a major U.S. city, relused to ·Many of the 31508 U01 studel'\l8 sym-· Ads must be placed 1n pe~ or sent. conc«le. ~ patheUc to t.he first two demands take .by mail with payment enclosed. Call any He won 42 percent or lhe vote to excepUoo to lhe lh1rd and have noL jQined !l'Jl-Y ~ILOT office for further In· Yorty's 2f percent In the April prlmary the 11t:rlke for Ufal reaaoo. • •lor:L The Ids will be publl,hed, A.'I bui was forced into a runo(f-When ht fall-The 5trilcers aay they will cont.lruae to1 ~~ "'trl'=-: edl~ ~the DAI· ed lo gain a majority. Pollstera right up pitkf!l and boycott cla511U however lon&lt ,. I on u ::iy. (Ste YOR!f, e.ge t• It lakn unUl all lhree dfmandl Ate met. . \ • • I' • ~' • .. • • . • .. . . " M811Y prolesson ...,.. holding classes bUI [oUowt"i iJie' campus Academtc Senate .recomm<nilatlon lo discuss the Berkeley 1ltuation hisle.ld of Usual sub- ject. matter. . .I • . The studen( _..,.per -· dol!ft its cJaJmed attend.nee~ drop this way: in humanities, 70 to IO percent; In fine 8118, 56 to eo percent; ln aoclel ·sclences, 50 percent; In physical Sclencn: 2 O!o 30 percom; In biotogli:al llClencts, 30 per- cent. • ·.S.UMMER IOBS.: 'SIGNUPS t SET . . . , . ,,. . . -~ f!l< the Youth Employ· . -~ of the -An.a · will bccin Monday and --tJWqb Fd· day at •the C.. .M ... ,BqJs Club"~ Center SI., from r p.m. to 5 p.1ft.-cloli11 Pia<.menl anti roilllr1tlo1nrm btght · JIDO t, lilo 1rvtn 3 p.m. to I p.m. dally. From June 1• lhrw&h AUfll'I II, """" will be f""" t a.m. tO t p.m. Wt<ilda)ls, F« infMttilflon ll'Tjoll .._,t. call IO- Ot/I. • Tho Youth Elnploolent flerv1ce I> --bl' the Jualor l!:bell a.It of Ntw· port Beach. • Two Found Dead In 'Surlset Bo~t; . . . Gils· rlii'.iiles" Cited ' . ' . ;rwo LlncUter. rtlldepts wtr-f!""'d : dRol! _, al-""·lhelr-.:t«ool clbin Cruller in 8. tmt· slip at. Sunset Mai'ina In H.untlnjtoa1 Beach, apparerit vlctilns of car'bon m<JftOXlde fuin6. . . . I>Orothy Philbrick, 54, and . James Swlndlf:. 45,. both of Lancas.tU, were found inside the, cabin. doon and , wlit dows closed,'tiy MU.. Talbott, 4 mechanic at the marina,. who was uked to check the boaL by '.~lrindle·1 em~l"':'r in Lan- calter. , • . A 1matl htbadttborbecue wu foond tn- •ld: with uhes f\'cwn coals.' ..Id Hun· dniton Beam' poll«. I ' ' • 4 cl!IXk. \riiiitature poodle .,... also fodnd dl!ld hi the cabin. Ora!iie ~ •Ctrooer'• ·office 1A- 1dicatid the~ ,cauae ol death WU cartlon lllOl10lide or car1>on ' dloJltl' pollpl)Jumes. . Poifce ln.-jptpn said the two Vlctjnu ,11r'Obobb' pullOd the Rll>achl hide 1d .. :/or -U.tll, and died ((om· the fUJlltl of the Cools -thef lhul all door. One! wllldowt, clntbt( out lny frail air. llotil bodies m at Smltlt 's Mortul!Y, ~ Beadt. pendinr an aut-bf ).be coroner·. olflct and funeral ar- ~· POiT WU laat -allout 7:31 p.m., So~. Pollco feel they died --Saturdq aJabt or Sunday morntna. • .. relitated her belief •that attorney 1Berrie1 Moore had done enough to convlns:e Ui jury that" she could be cleared of th! charges, ,all made ov,r a tw,(H!lOl1tl period at the popular wrest Santa Anl bar. Ten minutes later sbe was slwnpcl , , '!~ pANCEll, Page Z) . . . ' ·WUdier I' With afternoon 'temperatures In the 70's who n~s sunny morn- ings? At least that's· the weather- n1an's view .in prescribing more ol the same 1or Thur'sday, INSIDE )'OD.4'.Y The Laguna apd l'luntington Beacli ptaw1toU..e1 mount their l~' ptoduttioMS of the season thif week iohUe an infvrtd OCiOr n!tll"" to tht €01b Ml3a • · 1UJ.gt: See Bnttrlatnmnt,.. PoOn 26-%1 . " . f • f ' -" = """" 'tl: ................ ,. 0!"9llllll cw.tr ,,.,. ,,. . .. ... _ .. ... ..... ~ -,,... "'· ""== 11 -... -D -.... -. .......... ,, ............ . • \ • t· ' r I NILYPILOT $ Blunt, Ra:cist . campaign Pays ' . Ma yor S hrugs Off Criticism, Proud to be 'Po litician' .,u ............ . Sam Varty. blunt-.poken -or<>! Loi An,.1.., bu conlounded the erpetb once again. He •won electian lo a Wnl ttrm over la-City CouncUmao 'lboaW BradleJ, a Negro. . Yorty, ~. achieved his victory In ~a,y's tlection partly by appealtng to voters with charges. that Loa Angeles, mlndlul of tbe biaolly Walla rloll of tlll, could beconle .-batUqround ~ • Nqro were elected mayor. Hir wu a practical campaign, blunt In lt.s racist appeal. That's the way Yorty hu won eight out of 15 political cam- palcns since be fll'SI ran. for public office a1 a candidate for the state Allembly wben he •N 21 years old. He rana Harbor doorbellt then and -t b e ~ldti;s lo vote lot him. r Wilen 'i<r1y was In !ht nlnlh grade back in hJa bltlbplace of I IDOOln, N..,_, be -... of thole compoaltba .. Ell-. U$h class on Wit be wm.t to be when he grew up. Sam !aid he wanted to be a "lawyer and a politlclan." His ttacher crossed out "politician" Ind wrote 1n "statesman." To thLs day, 'Yorty 1autbl about that incident and sUU .. &QI be'• a pollllclJO of the iirecUCal vlrietf ad ta not ashamed of IL Yorty was subject to a lot or criUctsm durlng the ma:yoral campaign because he does a lot of globe trotting. He says he'• broucht a lot of bnaJneM to IM AligeJll Harbor with his vil1ta abroad. He fandel Teachers -.. expol'l In -........ "" ........... -be -be'• the oolJ '!':r": .. 1111 • ,.,..... policy·• • ul' =:~t~!I~ unooliclted .... ... rpoclllc problemt' IUCh aa tbe MlddJo £ut and Commw>ist Cbloa1 I Yarty II a r<g~ Democrat, but •borl Jal!n F. Kennecf1 ra for proslden~ lbe...,.. l>acUd lllpubllcan Richard M. Nlllln lllll !Olt with him. During a senate bearing on urban pro- blem&, Yorty clubed with another member ol the Kenoedy lalnlly, the late Sen. -F. Kemody, ad charged at tho time the ... ator ~ publicity W111• he was ~ ~ to nm Shelve • -..,inst hll ~· at eMar, tpilDa II. Jolmson. Yorty may be'° bis ,crtllco but be pta Ille •oles ...,. ..... tllia DOI and -a- ty Hallo~ -ol bhn : , "He's a naliooal figure -rough hew hbr. as you wDL Re thinks _modem. He was quick'tO &Mt Mvantage of radio and TV an<i tbt hellcoptar. Ho hal a ~ l!oltt llt.erally 00 tbe -" Ille CltJ Hall. The whole place roan eve.ry a.me be iakcs oU. "He has a broader vision ol the city's needs that either of bis two predecessor&. He really sees this as a big metropoUs. People joke about bta tripa but be bu developed foreign trade and. aood '!fill." PNM~ I YORTY .••. . DAILY PILOT•Sllft ..... -,. .· Walkout, Set .Pay Talks lo eleclioo day'had him malntailllng a margin. Sem.iofOcial returns from Ill but I.ix of 2,890 prtCinctl in Tuesday's runoff gave Yorty "7,000, or 5:t percent, to Bradley's 1'.f•klllfJ Selections ~ h·· Cbooslng children's ~ !pr !'Jsplay In Anna Beck Gallery during F~ • t!vll of Art! this summer 11 no simple task as theae ladies leame'd • while Viewing some of art work .Ubmitted-by cbunty school children. From left are Mrs. Sally Ann Hallock, Miss Mary Jane Haden, ·a COD( test judge, and Mrs.' Thomas Skelton, gallery chairman. ' ·~-' BJ THO~ FORTUNE Diet Watt•, head of tbe teadler ., .. - - -nqotlalln& team. said be wwld ~ Newport-Mesa school teachen have to lhe board tonight a proposed salary shelved plans for a walkout Thursday and scale ranging from $8, 750 for begtr.ning will bold a last ditch salary talk tonight teachers to a high o{ $14,000. with the school board. It is less than the ·f7,150 to $14,300 Teacher representatives at a meeting range the teachers have been seeking. ,..-,. night 'decided they stand • be!· but more l1IJO the 11,aJO lo 113,11111 ranae t.er chance of pen:uadlnc the 1CbooJ board wbJch WU Supt. Willlam Cnnniqblm't. with the tcheduled walkout called off. latest offer. They blamed the DAILY PILOT with Teachers Monday broke off negolla· creating 8dvene relldloo from the com· lions wllh Cunnlnghlm after decldinl munlly and the acbool board by calling l1ltY had reacliec( an Impasse. '!'bey no• Ud' planned .,minimum teaching day'' a will appeal directly to the board. waltout. .Some teachen weren't salia6ed ·•itl Tbe term "walkout" wu applied what t.be teacher negotiating team is nov. became t'eacben were planning to leave willlng to agree to. their claSses en masse during ngular Said Wayne Horowitz, social studie-: school houn without authorization of the teacher al Harbor High: "TO-accept that board or school administration. would be a humiliat'ion. It woulflplace us Teachers association President Ray behind Santa Ana." SQyder said of the walkout: Bryant Granite Estancia High driver "I aee nothing to gabi. Tbe board will educaUon te.ache'r said he doei not be alienated as Ione as the press preeent.s. believe in "this ~ytb we are not a th~ as It bu. We sre not aotn8 lo get any · wealllly. district. The boord. ru.. first belp from tbe presa. Tiley sre not oo our · aide and I don't know wby." . clau to Mlaml, J'la.1 for a ainvenUon. We do tinp tint cabin. 0 u r superintendent is paid one of the best salaries in the State of Caillomia. Why can't we pay our teachers one of the best salaries?" Many hiih school teachers, particularly lhe men. favored the walkout. MOit of the opposition came tronl elementary :icbool taacbers. Scolfy Evans, fifth grade teacher at l!'J'P'l'I El._tary, made the point ~ is a hie difference between a lf. ;e&M>ld and an ei&bt·year-old. "U one of ·thole kids puts his head hrouah a wb;>d(iw .whDe we are gooe , .. " .1e safd. Ken Koury, Corona de! Mar High in- ternaUona! relations teacher, aiuntered, "I w01,1ldn't dream of leaving children without supervision. Some teachers have written to tbe achoo! board saying they _ back 11'""1 lqatead of the teacher .-la· tion. But the good grace of the com· mUnity won't> pay the bill.6." 39'l,319, or f7 -~ • For tbe 5f..yeiNtld· Y arty, n.mnJna on his etgbt-year performance as mayor, the heavy vote turnout appeared the key to victory. Bradley's 100,000..vote edge in !he primary came as 66 percent of the 1,127,000 registered voters went to the polls. 1'hll time the figure ~ about IO percent, much of It from predomlnanUy while areas. ., Jubilant over~hll comeback, Yorty told cbeerinc 111pporters they had brought him "back from what appeared to be cer- tain.defeat." He prom.lied to make Los Angeles "a greater city in the ~g four yean." "I Wu jll!t a symbol of what we an trying to do," he added. At almost the same time, Bradley was telling hJs supporters that "it appears we'll still have to wait some time before we learn how thil thlnl turns out." Then he made a qulet appeal, asking his sup. porters to nmatn calm after a campaign in which.he wu accused by Yorty of sur- rounding hlmleH with bteck mllitants. I ·~"i BeachfrontBanMay Fa~ • In Time for Holiday Fun By JEROME F. COLLINS Of ffl8 0.lly Pllfl 51.n A four-month quarantine of eight milts of Orqe County beachlront may be lilted by Friday -In time for Ille lhree- day Memo~ Day weekend. Newport Beach CJty H a r b o r Coordinator George Dawts said plugring of lhe· Prado Dam, from which thousands of ga1lons of sewage have been pouring into the Santa Ana River daily, is er.· water contact in that area safe. · f: • County flood control crews all wi'ek have been working around·lhe--cloci: to trap completely the sewage-filled wa\.e.rs behind the dam. • < Once the dam's flow into the river-~is stopped, damaged percolating basins downstream will be rebuilt. Tthe water behind the dam will then be released slowly to allow it to soak underground before it reaches ocean waters. · He was applauded by many of the 100 teachers present. A p>l1 was taken on teacher sentiment. for tbe walkout alter Ille DAIL'( PILO'l'"1 ..representative was ejected from the meeting. On the basis of that poll the walkout was shelved. Murphy · Sees Favorable "'Keep the fa!lh ln whit we've been trying lo do." Bradley said. No Negro ever has been elected mayor of a city of this aize. 'nle largest cities oow with elected Negro mayors are Cleveland, Oh.lo, and Cary, Ind. peeled lo be completed by Thumtsy. J , 73 "The .. Is a possibility It may be pl111· oaqum -cent. ged sometime tonight," he said. orange County H..i111 Officer or. John Tax Override Philp said ii county workers flnish the Another problem with the proposed walkout, teachers Jearped, U: ~ J>y law, only thio school 1boanl bU l!>e authority to declare a minimwn teaching day -four hours of Instruction. 'Baja Barrier' Repori Yorty had banked on a conservative trend and this carried over in contesU for school ~ and junior college trustees, where candidates regarded as con- servatives ~erally won. job by 10 a.m. Thursday, the beaches will ht reopened for a certainty Friday. Okayed by 54% In anticipation, Newport G e n e r a I • , • Se~ ~r J* Mynderie today A 73-<:ent tax override, llrst'ever lri \he Sonora School Principal C h a r le s Ca-l!1ade lbat potat· -~clj'-:·1 thlnt lbat -• lot., Paul McGUlicuddy, eighth 'Ir ad e teacher at Lincoln · School, questioned whether the law is COO$ituilonal. .ti "In this couiJ1!Y· nobody just IP , aw8y your ~lrig, mdmtlalf°,''be ~. ''11 has to~ ~·in~... . By JOHN V ALTERZA Of ,... D811y ,.... ,..,, •Sl!H,'. George Murt>hJ'' lokl a -.l:fAwport ~ pre11 ~ Tlleaday be· ex· peels l favorable recommendation from the Justice ~partment on plans to clQSt the.llulcao border lo unesccirled minors. Murphy said he is awaiting a «report rroin the. departin<1it alter receivlni re- queata: from 25 CaUJoml& "cities ~ closf: • ' l'roaa Pqe J DANCER F6U ~D GUILTY. •• across the counsel table, angrily coo- dem.ning that wne jury through her te.1n "for making me the patsy for a kind of. dancing that~s accepted without quesUon anywhere outside this damn county. "I do the same lhinl in lteoo and ihe cops applaud.'" Miu Cybulski protested. .. I cuess it's the nam.e Cybulski they don't llke-tbey busted me three years tgo in Garden G~ for dancing top- less." Moore will ask June 12 for a new trial and be will uk before that dat.e-pos· slbly Monday in Superior Court-for a ruling of habeas corpus on the municipal court verdict. "If the Superior Court accepts that petition it will mean the dismissal of DAILY PILOT N..,.,t .._. H ............. ........... ,.......,....,. celte ..... CALlfOIMIA Olt.t.HG• COMt PV&Llt.HINO COMl'.t.N'f' ll:ff•t N. ""••4 ,.,....... .... P'ultllaa.t Tlii-•1 1(,,.,11 -.... Til•m•• A. Mu~,ki"• ~.,..;,... EtllM' -C:.O.le MW: »t Wftl sir .11...t "-' lllflKllr ttll ...,_, ...... tOlllWtr4 L-9MOI: m ,._, •-~ .. o : .. 111'1 &W'8I \ this unfair verdict." Moore s~d. "1 argue now as I argued during the trial Iha\ the jury ls attempting lo impose a _ set · of couµnuntty standards that have never betn defined and can never be applied. : NO EXPERTS ''No .one quallfled ln that trial as an expert witness," Moore said. "And that's because there Is no such thing when it comes to a ruling on whether Miss Cybul.Jkl 'S dance ill obscene or,not." On hand for the conclusion of the week. tong trial Wa.9 District Attorney Cecil Hick! aod he made no secret of hi.s delight at a verdict he expects to strengthen his· campaign against the C'OCltioveraial boUom1ess entertainment. Five· coonty bars, including the Apart· ment A-Go-Go ln which Miss Cybulski was booked, are cuJTenUy under a "oo bottomless" ban. And Hlcks ~ct.ed TueSday night that the Cybulski verdict will be a "shot in the arm" for law enforoement office.rs seeking to main- tain and extend that ban. It is believed that the verdict is the fint such ruling to be obtained In the State of Caltfur'nia. Moore said after the verdict that be will take hi111 appeal all lhe way to the California Supreme Court a move wbiCh, Judge ?tfast later com· mented, will pose the high court with a d1fflcult situation. COMMUNITY STANDARDS "It brinas to the forefront the question ot community standards, what they are. who can define them and who ls tl'pert enough to attest to them," Judge Mast said1 '"Ibat's what this trial wai all about and this jury expresRCI hi satJs.. faction that CMtmUnity standards, as known to lhem, had been violated." Ol>m'vtn during the trlal found ll difficult to ooocelve M any other verdict after Miu Cybulofil sieged a special Hbentfit show" for the Jury at the Apart. ment A-Oo-Go. The ab~ty bloode executl!d her lor- r\d, 35-'ininute routine on Ille mlrrortd ministage ai the Hr In what 1he miW'td Jurors would bt an authentic portraya! of the 1nake danco that b~patn>ns l1ockln& to the tar wa place. --lt wu iiU~ tnwlh mate womtn .turors tum any tn appa~nt diqult and refuse to w1lch much more U\an a few minutes or a dance that hid ·boon labeled b7 •ice orr"""' .. "plainlJ filthy." • prepared plans for the removal of bun-San Joaquin Element.afy School DlstrlCt, the border .to the age group. .a-.a-of . · A~,. .... · de was approved bv a 54 ,...,.,....nt victory WQM quarantine StgDS ,-.i+' ... mca s J r-~~ Tbe requests are •an effort lo cut down . margin Tuesday. . narcotics traffic !fom Mellco. ~ewport C:Ollege ' Officials from lbe West Newport bescb front. Al! !""'Ilg II precincts, eicepl _,,,, Beach was among the 25 cities making Huullngton State Beach, on the other Leisure World Laguna Hills -where the the requests. side of the Santa Ana River mouth, will t.&·x 11\easure failed miserably -gayt:;.t Q · t Po ts m· also be opened up tor swlmmers and strong suppart. ~ Sen. M.urplly prfised Ille .demand! for Ul S surfers, An estimated 2S percent of the border closure at.,.a press" coo!erence at The quarantine of coa'!tal waters from district's registered voters went to' jJte Jh.e Newporter J,rin pripr 19' a meeting Face of P rotest the Newport Pier north through Hun. polls tt. pass the override, which gees· tplo · wjfh about 90 .... toP ·Orange Coun\Y tington State Beach has been in effect effect July I for three years. " .. '· ,Ropublicans. The mietina was held to since Jan. 30 when the first of two record Rex Nerison, business director of.~ --o By \lalted Presi lateruUolal storms broke Riverside sewage lines and San Joaquin Elementary School Distrlct, map f1.1nd raising d r Ive s for the The dean of students at City College of caused fouling of the river. said board members hope to keep the:"ln· Republican Party;o · New York and a trustee of Seattle Earlier this week, the swimming ban ilia! ta1 increase down to 25 cents U:i.ill Murphy and fellow GOP ~nator Paul (Wash.) Commwtlty College have resign-was lilted between Newport Pier and 31st year -maybe only 20 cents. .·~· Fannin of Ariuma met report.era tn a ed in the face of student protest. Street. Dr. Philp said bacteriological Funds from the override will allowlbe half-hour intervJew which touched on the George Nicolas Paster, dean of Ctiunts had lowered suffidenUy to make district, now one of the fastest growiii&.Jn border closure, invesUgalions into Justice students at CCNY, said he was quitting the nation. to maintain its pre.sent Jevtl William o. Douglas' role in the Albert because pollUca! pressures forced college of educational service. Parvin.Foundation and impending federal officials to become '•repressive SF Sta te Faculty "We ire sticking pretty much to full' · crack'down on prOfessJonal agitators on disciplinarians." damentals," Nerlson said. I Paster's resignation came amid a w H k 0 He added that anr expansion of educa· ail ege campuses. storm of criticism over a new admissions a nts aya ~ awa Ut tional programs.wU have to be done very GOOD CHANCE policy negotiated by CCNY officials and carefully. but said some new reading CQn· Murphy said the idea of c'Ioslng the militant students. The policy, which SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A San Fran-cepts may be initiated. border to unescorted persons under 11 would have half the freshman clw enter cisco St.ate College facully di.sclplinary The increase approved '2,306 to 1,898 "has a good chance of becoming a reality witho11t consideration of h1gb school panel ls urging that S. I. Hayakawa be votes will raise the general purpose ~ax if the Justice Department givn a grades, has btcome an issue in New removed from his post as acting presi· rate for $1.35 to $2.08, i! the total 73 cents favorable recommendation. "\fe expect York's mayoral race. Mayor John V. dent and reprimanded. permitted is levied in the three year• it." Lind.say Tuesday said he opposes the set-After a three-month study, the com· period. ' ' Fannin added that In hls state, In the tlement. mittee decided Tuesday that Hayakawa This would set the tota1 t.a.x rate -with Interim, Mexican authorities h a v e CCNY President Buell G. Gallagher a~pted the job in violation of usual pro-bond repayment included -at f2 ,38 per led · h Ar'--,_ 1 "f resigned severaJ weeks ago alter black cedures, that he did so without resigning $100 of assessed valuation for yoong coopera wll uuna reque•~ or &u · and Puerto Rican student! occupied the from the presidenUal selection committee families and Leisure World residents in fer narcotics enforcement. hool' h ttl · Its be f his d l I the dr's•-r'cl. "They are doing an admirable job '-="'==';;';;ou;;t=ca;;rn;;p;;u;;s.=======o;;r;;oo=y;;m=g=rn;;e;;m=;;";;o==;;ec;;s;;o;;n;;. ===;;:"=========;;::... trying to stem the flow of narcotics into h Arizona, and our officials wbo visit these suspected offenden in jail say that more and more are being arrested," he said. Fannin, d~ing the Douglas foun- dation case, said he hoped that by Mon- day firm requests for a Congr,esslonal committee to probe the issue will be granted. "There is an investigation being made and it Is being carried forward. What 1 want to see is a special comn1ittee with subpoena powers to conduct a fair in· vesligatJon," he said. FANNIN LEADER Fannin. who was a leader In the. &Uc· cessful effort to oust J~ICi! Abe Fortal!I, said that reports from Justice Douglas and officials of the foundation with lies to !Als Vegas gambling lnterests "just don't seem to match." Douj]_a.s earlier this week quit the foun- dation. Fannin saki that some memben of the foundation blive said Douglas' fole w1s minimal, while others said It wu an •c- tlve one. Fannin and Murphy abo .announced an impending federal crackdown on p~ fe.ssiooal agitators who cross statelines 10 create disturbances on college cam.pUse.s. "What we want to do 11 flnc1 the pros. ldootl(y them &nd teke .them out of clreufatlon." Muryl>y aald. Faonln said lbat the Jultlce Depart. ment ''hu a complete plan4"f•d1 to lm· plement." Tiier boill concurred wt1h Gov. Ronald Rtagan'• calll.nc up tht Natklnll Oumi for duty at UC Bttkdey, and said ll!deral !Wida lhollkl be withbeld lrtlrn carnpaes where -they are spent, or )Jrocrama Craduadon time Is Ome1at1me Pay lainina: and loT:inc tribute to your c;radll&le with the sift of an. Omep ••• the watch t:o weu "With pride. From blueprint to final uaemlilr nery o-.a IDOYemeat anderr;oea moltiple qualitf<Olltrol impectiam \o &&sun mub:ilm:n dependability. Such attenlion to minute detail.a bu won count.IOM • boaon for Omep and apllins •h1 0mqa tin!cd the Olympio G&ln.C9 and WU chOMll by NASA U ataDd&rd iuue for Aatraoauti in the epoc:bcakiq mooHDd-bodr Apollo....,.... A-t 41---. 1..C ..... MIN ,.U -••..•••••••.....•. t t• :~~~~.~.~~.O:.~.~:.~~~ 0-~ 111 ... ""' Mii ~· allhcfw. 141(· ,.il9w eol IMC .......... 1 •••• , ............................. t UI • . 0 OMEGA CONVl:NllNT TUM$ BA_NKAMERICARD MASTER CHA~GE J.C. _JJumptrie~'Je1velr -f'l2l NEWPOR1 AVE, COST.I: MlSA 22 YEARS IN lHE SAME LOCATION rHONE S41-l~f ·~ ,. eliminated because of student asltetlon. . .._ _________ ;;-. _________________________ ..;.,..:..; ' ' • -127?3 == = £ 4 >:1 r ??'¥' ... 11 # ''c -C ... ..,-.... ... .,..,...,. • " ., .. 1 •••• •----'-.... --••\I--•• _ ... _ .. __ ··-·----··--------·---------- I' I • • I, I ' < I I' • . ·Bun-ingion ·Beaeh ' * VOL 62, NO. ·121, 4 SECTIONS, 51 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, ~y 28, 1969 ' • • • , ' • • 400 Hqntington Teachers Start SloWdowri Action F ollO'U)s Standoff on Salaries By RUDI NIEDZIELJ;KJ ot tM Dell)I ,.1611 Si.If More than •400 Huntington Beach l-ligh Sl'hool District teachers are expected to Ilex lhetr muscles this week and ne1l by calling a work slowdown and walkout in r protest of the administration's alleged unwillingness to negoUate salary scales. The teache1"1, nlembers of the Di.strict Educator's Association (DEA) were scheduled to begip their protest today by refusin~ .to perform any duties for which they receive no pay, lncludiq club duties and noonUme supervlsion. In addition, they will call ror minimum scltool days (four hours) Nay zt and.June 2 and personal leave for all ttacbers in the tour district high schools June 3 and J une 4, In an effort to throtUe all 'teach· ing activity. ' Tbe teacher furor was sparked by the diNict's alleged refusal to budge from its 4 percent salary increase offer, WhUe the negotiating council of. the DEA is holding out for 8.3 percent. ·Negotiators for the teachers asserted that Wt. Supt. Scolt Flanagan, who had been appointed by the board of truslees lo negotiate for the district, told them he was not empowered to move from his 4 per cent offer and lhat any further negotiation woul~ be '1a waste of time." Close to 300 teachers packed the Foun- tain Valley gymnasium Tuesday af. ternoon ~during a general membership !Se< TEACHERS, Page I) ' Yorty Wins in LA • ' . Mayor Upsets Bradley, Opinion Polls UPl•Tt ........ YORTY, SUPPORTJ!RS WHOOP IT UP. IN VICTORY A Bitter Defeat for Both Brad!•y, Political Pollster• OCC Students Welcome ' Speech by Max ·Rafferty To the disappointment of a band or Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) at Orange Coast College. Max Rafferty was a hit when he spoke there Tuesday. The st.ate superintendent of p~blic in- struction was warmly applauded and his jokes prompted laughs from the overflow audience of 1,200 students. A few sign s were unfurled before the talk by the officially unrecognized cam- pus SOS.group. lncluding1 "Max Rafferty -Fine!t Mind of the XIT Century" and "A Pig ls a Pig Is a Pig." But Rafferty was not heck.led and he easily handled questioners. The theme of the silver-tongued stale schools superintendent was the same as when he first ran for the post seven years ago -education 'is following a wrong path of teaching llfe. actJartment instead ot indlviduallsm. J1e said the resultant loss of identity and self respect is the root cause both for campus ·and racial disorder. "This student reeling may be described as a kind ol creeping facelessness," he uid. "11>e: complaint is_ 'I came lo college to find myselr, instead l became a number.'" · lie said the campus .'!lsturbances now sweeping acros1 the nation UR a PfAirte !ire llJ'I the result of an instinctive gut refle~ by students who can't find their ldenUty. "The sad lhlng about ii 11 nol Ibe pro Lest, but lha~ it la now being led by cokl· eyed, hard, cynical pereons," he saJ<L Rq:arding another g r o u p of demonstrators. lhe minority racts, he uid: • "No group of imm.igranls lo this coon try ever had it tougher than my own Irish AOctstors. But they made it becauae they ~1al)aged to Stll America on something - to think of them as individuals." He said that U the lrish had been con- ditioned lrom the time they were litOe children to lhiftk of themselves as a racial l)r religious group they Woukt still be hyphenated Americans like lhe bbc:k· Amtricans and Mexican-Americans. 11When you Identify with ~ group you l . I 0411.Y fi ll.OT ...... """' 'PROTES1 LED BY CYNICS' Mox Raffo~ty at OCC are aaldng to be treated according lo the Jo west common denominator," he laid. He said Negnies and M e i I c a n ... Americans have not achieved lntearatlon because they did not gtt to attend schools until nocenl }'em wben "l!Wl>-imn" tils been Ibo -Y of Oducallon. Whal Is nefde<l for thtm 11 ·all youngsters, he said, 1, a return lo bJ3ic eduoalion, an educallonll philclophy that u ... "the glittering, rllarp<!dged JJWord of subject matter, not in·1roupnes1." LOS ANGELES ·(AP) -Mayor Sam :Yorty, an underdog in the polls, rode a record voter tumoul to a 54,0000 'third tenn election victory today over Thomas Bradley, Negro councHman w h o had thumped him in the primary. Yorty apparentl)' won strong support in the closing days of what was called the bitterest I o c a 1 campaign of modern times. How do the pollsters explain it? One_,. Don Muchmore; whose poll for the Los Angeles Times Mondiiy placed Brad ley ahead 53 percent to 36, said: "I feel like George Gallup did in l!MI.'' That was the year Harry Trurrian '• UJ>fi_el 'Ibo~ IJ!!wey, Galhq>'I pick. < .I . ~uchmore '4.ld in I s!'ent ·_p.ere might have ""'1 an emir he ~··ad· .ding:· *'We were ~-" t'lti race f:>sue in tl}is campaign, An,d ,this is lra9J· tionany a difficuJt area to survey." "It would appea r in tftis instance the sample of respoqdanll wis ir.advertently not a representaUve cross section of the population," said Muchmore. who had conducted 675 int.e.rvips. "Even though Utis is our first major error, a complete analysis will be made to detennlne the exact cause of the discrepancy.'' Supporters of BradJey ·said they had lodged a complaint witb the state at. torney general's office over a "can• didates card" widely distributed in areas where the city's 15 to 20 percent Negro population lives. They claimed the card said Bradley votes should be made on holt"'No. 3 of the punchcard~mf>uter ballot. U voters did 110,.they would have voted for Yorty. Bradley. 51, a former police lieutenant who hoped to become the third Negro mayor of a major U.S. city, refused to concede. He won 42 percent or the vote le> Yorty's 26 percent in the April prbnary but was forced into a runoff when he fail- ed to gain a majority. Pollsters right up to election day had him · maintainlng a margin. Semiofficial returns from all but six of 2,890 precinct:s in Tue.iday's runoff gave Yorty 447,000, or 53 percent, to Bradley's 392,379, or 47 percent. For the MJ-year~ld Yorty, running on his eight-year performance as mayor, the heavy vote turnout appeared the key to . victory. -;...- Bradley's 100,000-vote edge in ~he primary came as 66 percent of the 1,127,000 registered voters wen t to the polls. This time the fi gure was about 80 percent, mu ch 0£ It from predominantly white areas. Jubilant over his comeback. Yorty told cheering supporters · they had brought him "back from what appeared to be cer- tain defeat." He promised to . make Los Angeles "a greater city-1ii-the coming four yean." · "l was just a symbol of what we are trying to do," he added. At almost the same time, Bradley was telling his supporters that "it appears we'll still have to wait IOme time before we learn how this thing turns out." Then he made a qulet appeal, asking his sup- porters to remain calm alter a campaign in whlch he was accused by .Yorty of sur· rounCling hhnseU with black militants. "Keep the faith in what we've been trying to do.'' Bradley said. No Negro ever hu been elect(!(! mayor of a city ol this size. 11le largest cities now with elected Negro mayors are Cleveland, Ohio,.and Gary, Ind. Yorty had banked on a conservaUve trend and lhls carried over in conlesl.s,for school board and junior college trust~ where cancUdates regarded as Con-· &ervatives generally won. Church Raps Fence BERKELEY (UPI) -T)1e Berkeley FeUowshlp ot UWtartans today issued a resolution calling' on the University of California to remove Ill fence around ''Peoples Park'' to ivold further blood~ •hod. ' "! . ' . . D.t.11.Y Pll.OT SWf ..... TIRED TEACHERS PONDE.R NEXT MOVE AS SALARY IMPASSE DEVELOPS AT BOARD MEET4NG . High SchOol District THchers · P,l•n Me•sures 1tO Dr•m•tln Piiy Demands . Gas funtes Blatlted Two Fo,und Dead in .Boat , . ' . ' . ; . . ~,~~~~··" ~··!,.j1111 ·dc.~d' 'iueid.f ~i,ff~'*" in ~~ i{IOO} ·cabin truiselr lh a boat slip •t;~t Marina in Hunting{on' BJ!aCh, a~nl victims of carbon monoxide fumea. Doroth'y PhUbri~, 54'; ,arid James Swindle, 45, both of Llhcastei', were found lnsi~ the cabl.n, ~rs anti win- dows closed, by Mlkfi Talbbtt, a mtcha\U.c at the marina. who was .isked 'to check the. 00.:t by Swindle's employer in Lan· Sunset Annexing Petitions Placed · Into Circulation Petitions caning for the annexaUoo of Sunset Beach to Hlllltington·Beach wpt go into circulation T]\ursday, according to Mrs. Virginia Strain, secretary to · U,ie Sunset Chamber of Commerce. More than 130 ·aignatures of registered voters \\'ill be needed to bring the pro.. ~ed annexation to an election. A simple majority ol. those voting could the n tie Sun.set Beach to Huntington Beach~ "We hoi)e to wrap up the signature signing within a month ," jaid Mrs. Strain. """ Deadline for turning in &he petitions , with the signatures ol. %5 percent of the registered voters is IBte April. PetiUooers have· six months from the time they receive the lifst Daple1 t.o1complete. the.Ir colltetlon. .• . Sunset Beach has 533 registered voters, according to county records. lhmtingten Beach •hopes to armex the entire strip· o! the indepenQent beac~ community from the border:of Surfskle (now a part of Seal Beach) south ,to Warner Avenue. "We expect some opposition. but . not too much I hope," Said Mrs. Strain. Sunset Beach resid~nts who back Um annexation movt!..feel they will be closer to the source of ·government than they are now. Opponents say it will only raise taxes. . Orange County ls contemplating 1 parklag lo< oo the old Southern Pocl{lc: rail righ~-way Jn.:'.Sunset Beech, .. wber& Uiere ha'\'e "been &ever al batUel .over Pf:O". posed UOtl ol the right-of.woy.•R,elkl'llll. had vigorously opposed a proposed aparl· ment complex· and some (ell annuaUoni would ,aid In the~parJdn& ~ ~. . Huntington Beach adminlsira~e ""'s t.ant-F'loyd 0 8ud" Bt!sito. sa:ld. iI the. clt11 annew,·lhere "'Ill proballly ,be a jola~ powora agraem"111 bet_. ,cl(f .aod c:ouniy Tor •JIOl'.kinl aulhorlly lo _, Beebe/to oo Irblaw .. vtil)'Tlt )t-f•!fY• Beeeh. lo• oolve the railwljl rilht-ol·"'1' 1 controversy. • ~ S-toek ltt•rket•· . NEW YORK (AP) -The lloc:~ market ' c-1 lowtt IQ!lay, aller ~oome ' ot Its earlier » losses.. (Set quotaUW, Pafea 24-U.) • •~r ' ''it l-• ~\· · ;1 P.~rr .. ,.·,.~ ~., ,, f·~~-"'t'\ • ,.1. iljl•ll,h.1f>a1d)! bar~• wu,.,louild ~ ,1a,. \oilth 8sl!U from coals, . ..i~ .l!iin; tingtOn Beach ' poUce. ~ · A bl~~k1. miniature poodle wu also f~nd ooaa In the cibln. - Orange Oou.nty Coroner'•. oUice '1{1-- dicated the·suspec:Wd cause of death wu carbon monoxide or carbon' dioxide poison fumes . Police invesligatOrs said the two victims • ' ' . ' . probably jodled~~.1'11111 ... .., for warmlh, an1f died llwli'tlle'-al i~ ~ ~"~i oliut.1111 doi!r' .Del wjl)dowt, cldsiq oot 4i1f freob air. ' Jolh bodies are a\ Smltb's MOrtuuy, Q'!l'llngt<iit Be~h,. penillng an auiopi; Iii' thi · coivnir'i ofllce lnd ~ at· fangementS. • · The pair waa last seen about'7:30 p.m.9 Sa\urday. PoUce feel .they died IOl,leum. Salurday night or Sunday mornlnc-' . Recall. Letter's Impact Disp.uted in. Valley · Fight . ' By TERBY COVILLE Of !flt DellJ flllltt lllff Con!Uctlng repoftl· have been lsl'JOd lri Foµntaln Valley Concerntng the effect of a letter mailed la.st' Week attacking tbc heated recall campaign against Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger and councilmen Donald'Fregeau and Joseph Courregea:. Mrs. Barbara Secour, one o{ the prllne backers !Jf the recall, saidTuesct.ey : 1'The letter 'has done us more good than harm. Many residents have read It and challengiid alleged facts In 't." - Basically; Ibe letter publllhed by Fii!'•: lain Valley Citizens for Good Govern- ment. claims the letter is a political power play 1• launched by Eugene Van ; . OMk-'\ . , H~ is presldent of the Founhlln Valley Civic Associa.lion and instigator of the ~ recall movemp,t rlgainst \he three city veteran olficialJ. , . · The letter' further 1tates lbe. ~ have helped achieve Fountain Vall~'• greatest accomplishm~nt.s during their ~ms In· ow~ .. such u : ' .... -B1Ian<1111rthe city· bud1et. -Developmeht o{ •' l°'YW budget. -Developing-a tmfque pm-ks 1}'Jlem, fhich will requlro no bonds lor paymeol. It wa1 sigoe4 by el,tltclvic leadersr irW cludingJormer Mayor,Joeeplt R. CalleM and chamber of commerce leader Mn .. 3hlrley· lll!Jlw;d. ,I • I ' · • Qn 1'1leodaf,Jet4erqner1Robeft MO&f> wlloae wife. 11 1 R•kl and RecreaUon: • 1:ommlsilon iiieaiberlbiid:thlli lo SI)'.' , . "More cilileal , tban · ~..for hid' '' ' I t f • ' 4 .. • ' • y.s.,~Rti~~~s ·'.~~rpl~ '· l1i1. o~e,~· Trade . :: ! ...... '"\'· .... __ ,' : WASll1nP:rQil•'(\JPI ·-11111 Ullled , Stal8 -· • allm, 1177 .• ·mlllioa ourplua ol uporb ovjr lmporli lo April,1 the ,.,.,,....t r-1e<1 iour. The Commerce [)epu1.menti£te1-1 po<11 of American Bolil ,_ f-Ur leu than 13,I•,ooo,OIO la lo u.-.,790.eoo q, April. l!ut ._w oi; (o,.1p aOOds rooe lrom 12.1111,IOll,GllO lo 13~11,l00,000 In Ap~I. ' relurl>ed ·enclosed poal· wds Mklq lo have ~Ir n8rnes' talc~· off the ,~· petjtfon.a." Mri. Se<our t1Qttb1' Ibe r<.a11ty cnl!O card, a small enclosute whidi as~ tn- dlviduals who .signed the J?dif.lon to: re· quest that their names be removed. "Even if lhey get a flock .of cards ~k,, I don1 know what Ibey can do witjl them," she sa'id, adding that the reCan movemeilt is ltlli gal~uig sign:ituieS ai.d momentum. ' "I think the is.manct of this 'four-page Jetter shaw.1 they ·are despterltt,'-' aid Mrs, Secour, "but we're nOt panicked- • little mad, but not panicked .... Van Dask~ leader of the Tecall staft.. ming rrom Ibe conirovenlal Larwln tracl 'mill-lot Ila~ Is Out of town. this weell: on bwiltleu qd ~ was una.veilaWe: for"~ . ment. . . . ' . . ' ' • · Weadler: · · . " With afternoon tem~atqrea In · the 70'1 who netds IUJ'IDY morn- ' ings h .\t lean Jhal'• the •Ihol> • man'1 view iq p(f.Stltlb;ing more of the aame.for Thursday. 1 • , iNSmE, "rOlfAY Tlie LagUM and Huntln~o,.. Beach plO:y.hoU..es mount their ta.I productlo111 of 1h• ,....,. tQfs wa•~. 10hfl• a11 fnJ.,.ad actor teiurm to the c~ ..,,,.. ' stage. Sl!c E•tiria1nmnt, 1Pott• ~-21. • I ' I• -' •U ct...,... 1* c.,..,. ""'*' • ,_ ...... I ._ D ·-" -----1~ -ll I llllWtlt ..... ' ·=··~ , ' twS ·=-· ~ ... ._ 'ii -. ~LllNF11R Ii -·-" -.. - ---.. .............. 4.: .. '"-....,. .... ... . --.. ---~ ..• ~ ---, ......... -... -. == :i: • • • • • J 0Alt.Y'1l0f ~each Ban . May Fa l l, By· Holiday By JEROME F. COU.INS Of .. o.Py P'Ult SI.ti A four.month quaranUne of eight miles or Orange County beachfront may be lilted by Fridol' -In time for the U.- d"1 Memol1al Day -.nd. Newport Beach City Ha r b o r Coordinator George Dawes said plugging cf the Prado Dam, (rom which thousands ol galloos ol sewage have been pourtnc into the Sant.I Ana River dally, II a· p«ted to be completed by 'lllunday. "There Is a poaibWI)' ll may be pill&· gee! some-toollb~"be aald. Orange c.wity HWth Offlctr Dr. John • Philp said U county workers llnlsh the jab by 10 a.m. 'lllursday, the beadw wUl be reopened for a certainty Frldly. ln anUcipallon, Newport G e n er 1 I Services Director Jake Myndtne today prepared plans for the romoval of hun- c!rec1s of quarantine alps Ind binicadel from the West Newpcn beoch &onl Huotington State B<acb, oa the -. side or the santa Ana River mouth, wUl also be opened •up for swimmen and surf en. 'Ibe quarantine of mutaJ waten frcm the Newport Pier north throup Hun- tington State ee.cb baa been In effect since Jim. 30 wben the llnt ol l'Ro reeord storms brob Riverside .,,age lines and cauoed loullng of the riloer. . Earlier this week, tho llWimmlni bin waa lilted bet,.... Newport Pier Ind Ital Streel Dr. Philp sald bocterlolOli<af COUll!s had lowmd IUlfldelllly to make water contact in that ll'tl safe. c.wity Dood coatn>I ...... all -have been wwldlll ...und-lb&docl: to trap completely the sewa1e-filled waters behind the dam. Once the dam'• now into the river is stopped, ctamqed pen:olatlng bulns dcnmatream wUl be rebuilt. Tthe water behind the dam will then he released slowly to allow It to soak underground before It reaches ocean waters. Compton Girl Dies After C1·ash A young Compton girl died Tuesday night . at HWllingtoo lntercommunity HorplW from Injuries suffered ln a two car collision Sunday afternoon on Pacific Coast HigbWay near Warner Avenue. Nancy McPhenon, 15, had been a pasaeoger In the car of Marilyn Wagner. <fl, of Compton, when it was struck by another car while attempting to make a ' U-tum on Pacific Coa&i•IH1&?"ay1 said police. " ' Ont other passenger ln the Wainer car,, Da'li5e Brink, 14, abo of Compton, re- mains in serious condition today at Hun- tilllfon lnten:qmmunl!y. llolh girls wire ejected from the card~ tbe lcddeDt-., police said. · · -i 1 Las Vegas Showgirls Picket Strip ·Hotels LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) ·-Dancers and showgirls In mlnl-skirts picketed Slrip hotels Tuesday In what one man called the "prettiest demonstration-I've ever seen." The 70b members of the Americnn Glllld of Variety Art.ists struck Tuef&y, claiming an agreement they signed' Jut March wasn't raWfed by employers. The walkout. sanctioned by the city's central Jabor~ncll could close shows at almost all hotils and night spo!s. Valley Library Open The Fountain Valley Library reopened at noon Wednesday. The library had been closed for the installation of new book llhe)Yef and carpe!lng. OAllV PllO I lelttirl N. Weed ~ .. lllrnol ..... l"ullll.rw J.eli I . Cwte:r Yltl ..,. __ -Gent!' ~ 1'-•• IC11.il ·-1~ ...... A. Mlll',tll11e IN"""°t lflilr A~rt W, l 1lt t Wlli1111 le"' Aot«lllt1o Hul\lllle!Oll '-.II Edi..,. Cl"1 Etllt.. .......... ... OM. . Jot II~ Stretl M.ill~t Ad;,.esu ,.O. h• 7'0, fJ'41 .-.-.. Ne..-t --..: nu w.1 .., .... ..,...,.,. <otll ""-tr :l:JO wtll ••I' S""I i.-1Mc111 m ,wut .. _ • N lf.Y PILOT IWf ...... WRITING Nl!W PAIJI! FOR CRIMISTOPPERS NOTEBOOK Founfaln Valley Offlcara Snyder (lOft), Lawrence • ~ t ' Prints Win Prize Valley Officers' Exhibit Honor ed Two Fountain Valley policemen have dev<ioped a new JX'OC"S far fiDng fingerprints pe:nnanently on normal materials such as wood, cloth and melal. The elfor!s ol Offk:en Roger Snyder and Carl LaWl'ellC<! earned them fourth place honors in technk:al exhlbi!s lalt Friday at the 53rd annual conference of the lntematiooal A.Yoclatlon of ldentill· cation held In Anaheim. 'Ibey were competing against police departments and other law enforcement agencies of all sizes throuahout the state. - Their exhibit showed a white board with various types ol material showing viStble, perminenlly fixed fingerprints. "OUr experiments will have a great significance in identifying-suspects in court cases," said Officer Snyder. Presently, police investigators must make coplei ol finger prlnls found at lbe scene ol a crime, becaUSe the finger printl on the original location will even- tually wear off, exp!alned Snyder. "With the process we've developed,'' he lald, ...... can now use the original finger prints in court whlcb makes a mucli st.n:m.ger cue." The proceoo i!n'C perfected yet, added Lawrence, but more e:zperiments should prove it out. A combination of heat and a special powdered ink are used in what they call an iodine fusion process to make the -prints pennanent. The only problem so far is knowing how much heat to apply to a particular material. "It will take experimenting to solve that,11 said Snyder, "but once perfected, we expect the process to be used nation- wide in criminal investigation." Frona Page 1 TEACHERS ' SLOWDOWN • • • meeting of the DEA during which it was decided to go ahead with the slowdown by a 257 to 11 vote if.the dl!trict should show further Wlwlllingness to negotiate. The associltlon represents '30 of the di.slrict's 497 te.cbers. ' ' Tht teachen, who are seeking a 17,000 to $14,000 saJary schedule, (the current Tange ls $6,460 to $12,980) presented their pay request to trustees Tuesday evening, but . were turned down. , ; Board Olalnnan John Bentley at fir.it told them that the board would consider the matter ·"at the first oppartunity becau.se we don't want this \)ling tO hang on any 'longer." Not Satisfied by his answer the DEA negotiating council then withdrew and decided that the board's response was not positive enough and thus justified the slowdown and walkoot. DEA President Carl MaMemiln con- fronted the trustees again, asking them if they were fully aware of the salary negotiatiOn proceediJ'lgs so far this year. Bentley replied that they were. Man-- neman then told him that teacher! were going to go ahead with a course of action decided upon by the general membership at the gymnasium that afternoon, without actually naming what it would be. Teacher reaction to the proposed slowdown was varied. One suggested that ''we couJd cripple all of the schools by having only one third of the teachers on the campuses at one time for an extended period of Ume." "We're not going to do all there nasty things ju.st to get the money, we just want to get the district negotiating again," said another. MaMeman, voicing his disappointment in gettlng no definite answer from 'the board'as to whether they would negotiate or not later told newsmen, "I felt the sweat on my neck corning out when I was up th.e~. I really wanted tq say more. I ~ . that our ~ase has' ,to be stated stronger and !trohgtr now Until a point ls made." A strike has not been.mentioned yet by tile DEA. The trustees and the administration d~lined to say .what action woUJd be taken il. the teachel'3 go ahead with their slowdown but-said they will issue a state- ment later today. Sena te Passes P ay · Rai'se for Governor SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Sena!e passed a bl11 today boosting the salarie!I of major state officials, including the go\l'\!.mor who would get f'W,100 a year. The chief executive's salary now is 1«.100. The bill boosts the salaries of the other slate constitutional ofHcers by $10,000 a year, from '25.000 to $35,CMX>. Memorial Day Programs Slated Along Orange Coa st Plans for Memorial Day pr"Oll'ams are under way throughout the Orange Coast area today . - ln Costa Mesa, the l'eteram of Forelgn Wars Post U3S and American t.eKlon Post 455 wiU hold a Joint service at 11 a.m. Friday at Harbor Rest Memorial Park, 1625 Gisler Ave . The two veterans organluUons will place "reaths at the Memorial Flag POie, wii.h the uslstance of an h6nor color guard from the Marine Cot~ Air Facility at El Toro. The public Is Invited , and a special we.lcome ts extended to actife duty serVlctmen and lhtlr lamiUes. HWltJngton Beach American Lellon Post 133 wUl bold 1 service at ll 1.m. Friday togt'\ber with the Golcl S!lfr Mothers a! the Good Shopherd Cemetery, Talbert Avenue and Beacb Bculevard. On Th1..11iday, preceding Memorial Day, Post l~ m<mbors wUl p!ac< !lowen on 50 graves of. formlr pGllt and auxiliary memben burie4 In the Good Shepl)erd abd Wfl1l'lllnattr cemetefles. a well u all veterua craves. Tbe pubUc ii lnvlted to both ceremooie1. • Memorlaj Day collllll<tl)Of.UOM In 1-ee.cb wlD illc:lude two dUloreat k1od1 ol ceremonla. ~1ion Post ·222 and will be held at the 11-femorlal Column on Heisler Point at 11 a.m. Friday. Jt will feature an invocation by El Toro Marine Corps' Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. ·warren Trumbo and an addre.n by Lloyd L. Linquist, state VFW com· mander, as well as a six-gun salute and the playing of laps. The other ceremony, also scheduled at Heisler Park, will last all ·day, as the names of the 39,000 American men killed sO far in Vietnam are read aloud in the park. The r<1dlng 1s being -ctnducted by the Oranp Coun!Y Frlendl (Quakers) In con- junctJon w1th I.he Women's IniemaUonal Leque for P"ce and Frffdom. The croup plant to withdraw for ll'le hour M two MOl!IMJ:y for lhe. veteraN GJ'OUPI lo -.ct tbe1r e0ttmony. Retd.lnt. d the namea, culled from the Congmsloaal Reconl, wtll take from IO to If boun, Ald'a Friends rpokt.sm111 . Wea-Memorial Puk wlll be the -ol combln!d Memorlal Day .-Vancea by the Amttl<an Lealon POllt 155 and Ill aUliliary, u well 11 U)tl Gold Stal Mothers. \· Ont la ll1>9n'Qred jolnUy by Vetuan1 of The ll 1.m. aervk:t. at· 1'801 B6ach Blvd., wW lnc!Ude 1 wtlet'!!'.!a by Furl B. Lihdry, commander of Post $&&.. the pllcln1 ot mtmotfal wreaths, a plute: to the dead by a !~Ing 1quad, and tapa played IJ7 th• Royal Lancer e.,1 .... • \ . ' - .F...,.&n War1 Post 1111, and A.mtrl<ao ' • ' • c ·arol's Rear Slapped ' No _ Significant Dropoff In Attendance at VCI The UC Irvine student striko cootlnued in its fourth day today but no reliable figures were available oo the dropo!f in class attendance. The campus1 1c!nlihlstraUon said ' a survey of deans of the various schools in· dlcated "no slgn~lc&Dt ~ in at- tendance." Spokesmen did not defirie what they meant by significant, and obviously there were many students on strike. The campus newspaper, New Universi- ty, gave a totally conllicting picture. Jt claimed a survey showed class at- tendance to be do'Nn an average or SS to 60 percent. The student newspaper is pro strike. The strike Is to show sympathy or solidarity with students at Berkeley. The UCl strikers are supporting the same ,¥irte demands: -Remove the police and NaUoll&l Guard from campus. -Lift the state of emerg<>ncy. -Return the unJversity property called People's Park to the people. Many of the S,500 UCI students sym· palheUc to the first two demands take exception to the third and have not joined the strike for that reason. The strikers -say they will C<lnUnue to picket and boycott claSses 'however long it takes until all three demands are met. Many professors were holdJng classes but following the campus Academic Senate recommendation to discuss the Berkeley situation instead of \llillal sub- ject matt.eJ:. The student newspaper broke down ita clalmcd ~attendance drop this way: .in humanlUes, 70 to 80 percent; in fine arts, SS to 60 percent; in aocial sclenct!, 50 percent; ·in physical sciences, 2 Oto 30 percent; iD biological sciences, 20 per- cent, Balboa Pavilion To Be T erminal The Balboa Pavilion wil1 soon be con- verted Into a passenger terminal for boat trips to Catalina Island. Phil Tozer, pre~ident of Davey'!! Locker, Nl "port Beach sportfishing finn, made the announcement Tuesday. Davey's Locker has purehased the Sf. year-old cupola-topee<f landmark struc- ture for $500,000. T~r said remodeling of the Pavilion, purchased from Alan N. Duconunon, will include enlarging ita seafood restaurant. A IfO.passenger vessel will· transport passengers to Catalina from the Pavilion this summer, Tozer Indicated. A larger vessel will supplement that possibly nett year, he added. ... Zogg Takes Ove~ As New Tustin Superintendent ·-· William Zogg, business adm.lniAtntQr of the Garden Grove Unified ScMol District, will become the new supettp. tendent of the 8,000.Student Tustin Union High School District July !. Zogg's new pog!Uon will email a'd- ministration of a 16.t million budget at three existing schools: Mission Viejo, Tustin and Foothill blgh achools, and. a fourth facility now under construction near UC Ii:vine. He was appointed to the $2&,200 a ye,ar post Monday night by unanimous decilion of the school board. He was cboeen frOm a field of 38 appUcanta to replace Robert Dahlberg who resigned lut December.· Zou will receive an annual salary Of 125,000, plu. a 1100 per month expense allowance. !Dahlberg's December~ !olfowi<l • . clw'ges by achoo! board membera that he was Ineffective ln ~· munlcaling the district's fln.ancial net!d's to the public. He Ifill had one year to go on hil five- year contract and wlll n!C81\le $1J,5011'1R severance pay, or one-half of bis sality for the year. ' Zogg, '42, has been with the 70-School Garden Grove district for nine years, beginning as principal of Rancho Alamitos High School. For nine yelra before that, he held various leaching and coaching positions. · In his new job, he will receive a salary of. $25,000 a year. William Buckl ey Set For Advisory Group WASlflNGTON (AP) -President NII· on \odiy named William F. Buckley Jr., editor of a conservative magazine, to the five-member U.S. Advisory Cosmnlsaion on Infonnatlon. The commission advises the dl.reetor of the U. S. Information Agency on the distrlbution or infonnallon abroad. Graduadon time ls Omegadme 0 OMEGA . Pqlutiqudl..U.,tn'bateto your craduate with the tilt of in Ol'llep. ••• die watch to war "ith pride. from blueprint to fina1 u.mbly neiy Omega movem1nt uudmpesmultiple qaallty-«11trol iinper:tiou 'to aa.urt ma~wn d.,,.dabllitr. Stach •wmticm to aint1.te detaih hu W9ll. cowuleu honon fOl' Omep •lld aplt.in1 •by Omep timed \he Olympic Cme1 and wa1 ohoea by NASA u •tand.vd iune for Aatronlnt1 ln tb.epocb.makia1 moonad-btrl: Apollo propam. ' ·-· fl--. 141C tlt!ht IOl!f -'6 I "''""'"' _... -•···••••••••••··"'110 ~iZ=-\!:":.lk.~.~~~~.~~:.~~~l~.~ ..;...i ............... 91'lfl •tlf1filntlll1 Qltlld•. 14" ,.16ew • • ........................................... 11 l CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHAR<iE J. {;. .J/umpM11~ (}11~r till NEWPORT AVi., C0$TA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAMS LOCATION PHONE 541-l401 , " I, 11 " I I , I ~ . I PEANUTS • ·. I I •1U1 <~1 ll"• ''' ,....,t<l. I • WfONESDAl ... , .. ..... "" Iii ... ltl (101 ""' lliiopr.,, • ·-·......, (<) (301 ·---(<) {IOI ~ I Lltlttt. Gtl'J4 Ctlflltt, MicMy ftouiy, Sid &o4114 •11d °""1 .. s.. ••. a sm O'a.d: llltiM: . ..,,...-1. t11 ...,.. (dr11111J ~-V111 Joh• '"' fll!tlci• Nell. DI "' (C) (IO) 11 Pq c..e. (Cl 13Dt ·-· (Cl ("11 @CJ) Mt~ Crtlfit (Q 4'. fll WW'1 New! (30) "'Sdtnct ~ f11l" f'nt of thrM PIOtmU with ~ Q..,11 filhbtd;, Who l1tctles Jl'Clncsters lcitnUlic pri11tip1es lh1t thlJ c1n h11n Into bomt projects. ., 01 c:.i.-... ,. lib 1'111 ....... -1'1 ':Jt 0 MIC NftlllYict (Cl 1601 Qt I LM l ll(J (30) ID VIJl&t to tl'I• latto111 el tk ht (C) (60) ID (I) Hunll"·l riMlty (t) f1' llt'1 T1lk ~ ltll'lt (JO} "C•n It Re1Uy Hippen?" L.A. Clly Schools s1111k•m111 klok II how partnts e1n dul with teen11ers •ho 1r11 1ncounterin1 1 problem iriUI dru1s. Students use rolt· pllyln1 technlquu to il1ustr1le Wfl· iou1 attitudes p1nints c111 1ssume. '(:JOI "Ir.TIO, ~) opent • fl'HllfCll jlOtplUni lllllitllL ·--(Cj (IOI • ... "'.,fw .Lit (C) CICI) m ... .-. IQ <301 Host ltoblrt ~ Wa wit11 .t.M. Hunt. Hliof ot ... WoiW rt111 et Wmao.'" '••111:' t :JO IJ a Ci) Crtu i\crt1 (C) (30) CountJ 11tnt Hink Klmblll IMlfls tll1t 1ft 1arltl.lltur1l 1tlldcnt it btint 1~111 to Hooltr1ill1 to obMNt bis woB. (R) • II ""' (Cl (30) Ted Meyer1. OJ 12·0'CIMll Mith (60) ' JUDGE PARK~R By Harold Le Doux 10:00 IJ t1j CiJ Hlwali f'"-0 (C) (60) 1, .. -.... "" ______ ""' rT:C:::".:-"'."'.".'.:::::-".::::C:::::'."::V"'. .. WllY'.':':'.C:'°":='T::-::>0:':UC-<AL""L"' •-,.-,,-,-,-,-',-.,,,--,0-,--, •• -,-,.-,-,-,-wo-,-., ... Mc:Gmrtt lnfill.r1te1 I hi1h1J so-W,t,S THERE TWE ;!'OP<.E FOt ME " Pli:IVE, O.lll°ERINE PA.~IC. A.T NOT Ft Ni:>· a oo ., m -1c1 7:to IJ CIS (WMln& MIWI (C) (30) W1tltr C.onklte. pllisticlttd lntem1tio111I syndicate AMP TELL MIM WE •.• eur MA.PM'r VOfJ IM6 ME MERE.SAM! led by cuut Antoinette Bawer by CA!rt'r ...... ICE IT •• TMAT &ETTER lE"VE ,. ,. •• 11,, Wl-IO Kt.iOW5 •• assumifll ttlt ldtnlity of I hoodlum rP ~llGOTTElrrl A· MESS.t.GE FOR ME M.A.V MOT EVEN 0 WW'1 Mr Lille? (Cl (301 ID l'....m (C} (30l nitro eyert-sptcializln1 in b!o•· &oUT " Pll:EV!OUS THE J'llPGE? ' COME HOME! lnl ulft. (R) EMGAGEl(la.IT •• , /l!'1 Q) (I) TH .\aid for It n ID oo m"" °"""'' (Cl "'' (60) "A Time To Run." While fJ:I Tiii '""'4iff hrtm (30) "In· t1lllcW1I Growth." Betty Smith ton- skltn a tltild's intalltctual 1mitlt from thl '•rent's sbndpoint-tltal llf JIO'l'klin1 u.perienca tti.I foster dwelopmenl Ind a aatilfyin1 life. 8 (J) '"'"' HillbHlits (Cl 1!D W•lldlrllllt (Cl a> Dr11111 Htu• (C) trtckilll down 1 mlssin1 wltnm in 1 murde1 trill, Rou is th1 un- 111ittin1 1ccomp1iol to 1nolhlf homi· cid1. B11nd1 Saitt and Don Stroud 1uest. (Rl e m """ (t> <601 0 Merit: "Tiit f111ntllnll11d"' (dr1m1) '49--(iuy Cooper, Pat1ki1 Neat 7:>0 II Ciltll C.•Jbtll (Cl (60) Jim Jilabors, Bobble Genii)' and Prt l'1uben 1uut. (R) Gl F11t.1'1 (30) "[dl!Cltioilal Tur- moil." Cov&r1t1 of a SJmposium on innowations in univlWSily 1.111der· uidu1t1 edl.ltltion htld rtcenl!'y 11 Occidental Colte1e. PuticiPtnts discuss. stu.dlnt motivation and com· puters In aducllion. D @OO @nlllt Yirsjni11 (Cl (90) "'Bit Tinr." Julie Samrnars 111d Ro111 Torrey 1uest in slol)' 1bout • )'Oun1 t irl who schemes to tlow down 1 persistent 1dmiF1r. Sltorttr •!ler Trarnpas and David 10·)(1 (8 Mlie SIMcl/Nn1 (C) SllttOn 1rrrtt In Duran10 on t bull· · bvyin& miuion, David lttidtnl1Hy E1I.I Tiit C.NttN LH1 (30) "Sdiweil· b~mps Into Marlha, who asks tlill zer i nd tr1e Stardl fo1 Humanity." ht pretend to bt en111ed to 1111 In Three ,uests )oin Or. Rent Btllt ordtr to w1rd off TIRJ Mora1n'1 ind Or. Frederick lil111r !Of a dis· woolnt. (R) cusslon ol Or. Albut Schn itzer'• g Lost ill s,.. ctJ (55) role as • h~m1nJtari111 In con· flmpar11y IOCltlJ. D @Cll mHwt Ce•• lkt llilitii (Cf (60) '1he Man of the F1111i/y." Cl•raJ's ship brints in el Jalltll• C.111911 • 1fl11nt bor w11o is disturbed 1111t 11·00110DE11ma>Nm 1c1 hia mothtr, Polly Bjake. ii pl1nl)ln1 · fti llllfTY t/11 Rev. G"addinrs. Wilnam D AlfrH MlkMiKti Sdt1llert and lo1t111 LMnte m Li1f1 Chtb (C) tuut. (R) 6) lllwlt: -rtlt W1rwwd Cllrr' (cl11m1) '57 -M1rcl1 Hender10n, D 1111111111 $ Moillt: "If lwtl)' Cwy .Iii 6t W.W" (1dventu11) '55 - ·Geoua .l'!iurnou)J. Ju11·lo11is . T!1• •, • ~@•@8.(1)""" (C) ti~~ . -· •. GI Trlltll .,, Ctn.eq:iiant:u (Cl (30 ll:lO D C@lerltions """ (C) '?ralil• r • , '' of ~" A ~•lion ef lie ID PlnJ M~tlll <Mil • . surver Ot'ittitud~ with 1n ••· SI llfTUltN Jtru Cltell ~ (.JOI .,. sis on dii.Wminh'I, M!y tbfs -Zen· .loyu Chen ltkes the mysterr odl er1tion fil" is diff'""' lrO;IJ those of ChiMM cook!n: by prepa;ini · of th• Ptst. Tl}J." broadcatl I'm rut11111nt dilhn in htr TV kitchen. fe1tu11 'the opiniOils or studenb In Ille rirst Ptotrtm, sh• prepares and v:ptrts, lncludin1 Or. S. I. •u foo runt wittl etas. celtl)'. Haflkfw1, Sidnl}' Hook. M1raa"' .musllrooms ind be1n sprouts. M.1ad. litfblrl M11tus1 ind Of :l!l(tJ I .. ·- llEI"""' Btn'Jfmi11 Spock. 1:00 81 Hanl (CJ (301 0 f3 (j) f£I THjpt Sllow (C) Q Mtvir. "TRI I l1tt.r, D1rlin(' (comedy) '42 -Rosa lind Russell. 8 @ CIJ &J Htr l idop (C) GJ Donlld O'Conno1 (C) llt$Jtetru111 (C) (30) "A Talk With H1rnld Urey." David Prewitt sits In Oii 1 lec:turt about tilt ori1in of th• SC111r systtm 1iv1n br Nobtl Prill winntt llf. fttrtll d Urry 11 lJ :45 0 WISltr11 St.1 Tllntu th t Un1¥trsitt of C.iiforni• at Sin """· fl) Mltfml11 Mulkll 12;15 0 Mffit: "'I Wis I ftr t!M fll" (dram•\ Lovejoy, Dorothy Htrl. 1:25 IJ Wtrt41rful Wtrhf If S,.rt (C) U!!O II '"'it: Nlr1n1" .(eom1d~l '40-- / Rty Milland. Anni N11sl1. 1:30 11 T~ Cill'fl ctl (30) Ruh.11 . . 11td Btr1 part comptnJ iwtien llufui m A~ T\t1trt: "Esc1pt ~ r111s In l?wfl ~h a Pf•ttJ waitrus H111tt. (Mlrllyfl O.rt!n) 1nd Bflt trits kr bmk up tht-rom1nct. IRI l:DO Q 0 Mlwa (C) 9 Will Witll ltlt Sbrs (C) (30) 81ttJ Wllllt 1nd fom.st Tutli.11 ..... THURSDAY -DAYTIME MOVIES g c...• l 1llttln loard (C) m ,,.. at l111W1 Out (C) 12:00 8 "11111' h ll'llll" tcomtdJJ '35 _.,,·win. U:JO • '"M*tiwt• (mui.it1I) '4J - Solljl MMIL .,..... et 1ttllbllll" (advlntutt) '.51-Rich•rd Denntns. 1:00 • "Tlil R1Pt H..i II lflt ~ (rfra1111) ''3 -N111 Klt<:ll1r, list 1:00 8 (C) ..,... Dnft• (dflmt) 'SC Nc:Donit4. -Atthur tl:t11ndy, ktta st. .lohll. • ........ , ...... frlPt" (mysltry) 'SO- t:IO (ia~]~ndo-:h Scott. lrtn1 Jt1tt ..,_,., M1rltn1 Didlkh, Ml- Dan11t. 1 cbtll Wldins. • m "l111 lw If St. M1!\" (drtml) / 4:SO 8 "Ill ..,,.. (Wflltdy) '60 - 'iJ.-MldlHI O:Sh••· An111 ltlltt. Jne,F_., Anthcrnr l'lf\lft1. ' • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS ' ' ~ NEWSP "PERS Qu1llty 'rh1H119 t nd 01p1n41bi• Sttwli:• fef m•r• ,th111 1 Q1r1•rt ... •f a C•nh1ry. '· 2211 WIST IA A ILYD. _ NJW!OIT -llA? M90N MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS WllAT'llE-,,:)\) OOIN' • .,--· ' ·. -· • HATING WAY our HERE IN EVERY ~E DESERT, HQO.G\'? MINUTE OFiT! MUTI AND JEFF ' JUST ;AKE \Ol.IRTIME, '>'XJ BUNCH OF FlrrSOSI GORDO MISS PEACH By Ferd Johnson \.lfflE W~ ,A.RE:·· /-IEY.' ·· You FORGITT ;o BRiil<> :n-11 sANDWICMes !! . ... ·~~11-,- .. • By Tom K. Rycrn By Gus Arriola I FtNO HU Alff tit Slf!N.ALJ. V DISTRJ!SSIN~t .DOOO'{f • By Meft , ... , .. -·· • , TROUllLED MARRIAGE-James Mason and Anne .,.. ,. Bancroft, above, are two of the stars.of tonight's, ~~ motion picture, "The Pumpkin Eat~r." on Channel •• ~> 7 at 9 p.m. A woman's fourth marr1~g~ fall.s apart :; when she discovers her husband's 1ndifdel1ty. eo. .... , stars are Peter Fii}ch and Sir Cedric. Hardwicke. ·~ ., .. ,., ~ • TELEVISION VIEWS " ' of TV ~-Some .,, ,, ,.,, . " Memorable . -.. , . .. -a -· By RICK DU BROW .,. ' l HOLLYWOOD (UPI} -Vi.eWers are mote likely, ,.. to recall the past television year for the reality '· seen on the home screen than for the entertainment. Among the documentaries, for instance, there. • . .,. were such hours as CBS-TV's "Hunger iu Am:e-rica," . 1~• and the same network's prime time convenatio~s . ~~: with Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black and Enc ~~ Hoffer, the ex-longshoreman and philosopher. THERE WAS NBC-TV's • memorable pictorial essay entiUed "Confrontation." focusing on the many sides of campus unrest. There was' ABC-TV's "Hemingway's Spain: A LoYe Affair." And ABC-TV also came up \vith "Three Young Americans· in Search of Survival," an upbeat two-hour study of · ~1· conservationists whose salvaging projects ranged ~· from land to waterways to people. .., All three of the major commercial networks ,. covered themselves with honor in their reporting J -under difficult conditions -of the controversial .,. Democratic National Convention in Chi cago. Charles -; Kuralt1s bit of Americana· in 'his "On the_ Road" features for CBS-TV's evening news \Vere a con-., slant delight. And the ne\V antt-cigarette commer-~..,. cials. appearing in a sudden splurge. were not ~nly effective. but brillianUy done. " rHE ASSASSINATIONS of Dr. Martin Luther ,,. King Jr. and Robe_rt F. Kennedy had a great eUect ., on television in tfle past yea'r. King's murder, caus. ,,, ing an ominous Sense of unrest in the nation, help- ed prompt the networks to deal -for the first time· -with Negro history and culture in (ii major way in special video programs. · Series stemming from these efforts included CBS-TV's "Of Black America." ABC-TV's 11Time · t. for Americans" and Na tional -E duCational "Televi&-~ :a io n's "Black Journal." But these were quite a ·whiJe ·' 1 " back -and not a single similar series appeared regularly on a comnrercial network in prime time / during ti1c past season. •• rHE SLAYING of Kennedy, coming shortly aft. 11 er the King killing, prompted a crackdown on much ,_ · unnecessary violence in television's entertainment / programs. Only three days before borMfied viewers -~ \Vitnessed the aftermath of the Kennedy assassins· l tioo in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, lh.ty :; had seen him in a widely-publicized national video ... discussion with Sen. Eugene McCarthy, one of his •· competitors for the Democratic presidential nomi· nation. ' As revulsion gretv against pointless mayhem in television entertainment. a national commission in-vesti~ating violence in American life wps .told by President Johnson to explore. among other ques-~ lions. this one : ~ ''Are the seeds of violence nurtured through the pubUc airwaves, the screens of neighborhood· theaters. and news media and other forms of com- munications that reach the young?" _r REALITY DOMINATED the home screen,ti.me and again durin~ the year. There was the ever-pres- ent Vietnam war, and there was President Jo~ ·~ son's bombihg halt. Th e national political conven-- tions , of course, niade history, and these were fol· lowed by the Richard Nixon-Hubert Humphrey· · ;- George Wallace campaign competition, and th.e.elecr ,lion night cliffhanger that caused many televiewers • lo go without sleep awaiting the outcome . Dennis the Menace · . . - 1X>'•· , r.lf -... ··- • " ., • , .. •· • • • • " • ,., . ' • " • ;1 H -.v I'll.OT .. ' - \ H LOCAL M• •~tr t twt,.t lltlf ftll• ye1 e .... ..,,,., 4ey, •~I ...Jtt l'1 9iti119 ea Ito ';;., ~ ... , ..h'"'' Ct•1f 111•11 tf.t 0All.Y 'ILOT . • ' Your !ffoaev'• Wqrth Qt1otas Inevitable By SYLVIA PORTER 11 the tes:tlle industry and the NI.ion Admlnlstration ean swing il -and almost sure1y they can -curbs will 6000 be slapped on the volume of lex· Wt1 and related apparel which ..., be shlwe' Into Ibis country. 1be quotas on lextile importl may be lht result ol "voluntary" agreements by the forelrn producers I n Europe and the Far East. Or jf necessary. we will forct the Jimlls via restrictive, con.. gmaiooal laws. Whatever the method, tbou&b. · lhe time is ap- proaching whfn Jmpom of terllles Into lhe u .s. will he curbed. To you, an American consumer, thla will mean.: -YOU'U FIND a limited SUpPlY and variety of ihe,most desirable imported , textlles and many types of 1pparel at retail stores. Allhough the plan Is to restrict imports only to the 1evel of 1968 and to allow some allowance for growth in our market. the con· tin ued strong upsurge in your buying power t e I e g r aphs relative shortages of the goods which you want most. -You 'll find a floor under prices of lhe imports and the odds · will soar on price In- creases. -You 'U be hit by a similar trend in prices of domestic textiles and related products. Reduced competition from im· ports will inevitably help put a floo r under domestic prices . lN SJJORT, import quotas will be bad news. Whatever their name tag. trade restric- tions always a11? bad news for consumers. This story is getting hot. But although developments are breaking every day, you well may be unaware of them because you've been repelled by the defiantly uull trade-lar- riff-<iuota bafflegab . . That the domestic textile in· dustry has a case is in- disputable. Labor costs are an enormous factor in this in- dustry: we are the only free markets in the world for lex- tiles: imports here in 1968 were at least 27 percent higher than in 1967; domestic te:rtlle manufacturers claim grave in- jury. OVER THE COUNTER THEJNVOLVEMENTruthe Nixon .. Administration i s equally indise_utable. Nix.on made a camJfaign pledge lo negotiate relief for the in· dustry: after his return from Europe this past winter , he rePorted that he had urged the European governments I o restrain industries which were flooding our markets with cer- tain products; a forlnighl ago, Commerce Secretary Stans visited Japan, Taiwan. South Korea and Hong Kong to plead for voluntary curbs on textile Auto Men on Coast LEGAL NOTICE • -A- I I, I I • fi•JIPrt 1.All9 1 .. lhbwl I.OS He!'ll'W•I ,lit ilEm P1p 1 mmnd .HI '"'""'" ... H1rldH1r .611 HllltSCP .90 Hann1M I.XI HMCQUl'I I HMflS Int I H.,.oQI Ct> l 11art5Mr• ·'° ":r Al 1,20 H1 Corp .40 Hlf#H El 1.32 Hwn Alb 1 H1z1n1nt Cp Hri;i.Mntl ,10 1-Wfnz HJ .U He!eoe Curl H911 Coll . .a ....il!fWE .llO Hf.lmt Pih 1 ~~~ c1:. H«nll"' .339 Hffe In<: 1 l-len!IFd 1.10 Hes• ~c .:io HtUbleln ,15 HPP~ .20 H!IHI Vol11S~ HU!onHo191 1 "ltco .15 1-il!co pf A .'2 Hob3r1 Ml 11 ""I Eii lectrn Hol OVlnn . .in Ho\ldY 1111' WI 1-loUdA t ,1Qb l-!ol~"'9 1.20 Homtitkt . .i HOMv'<!I 1.2& HoovBI 1.201 Ht sl 11111 .30 Hotel (1> Am Htlld Incl .IO Hou dpf 1.2$ H111g M!tl .«I "'*'sf'l'IF I.IQ H ... sF P14.«I HousF "'1.l7 H«lstLP I.I I Hovs!NGs ,1111 HouGs Pll.50 HOW JdUI .24 Ho..m~ .10 HCIChnB 3 . .01 Hl)th Hit . ..cl ldahoPw 1-'0 •~1t ll111c 1 1 111~ 11r4.1s 11 •C..,t \,IO "I ten llfJ.50 II P-1111 1! Pw 11i2.Js Ill Pw pl2.10 ITIP (p Am N.'i• (p 1.40 IN:tlmeCaplt lnCCum .C<o lnlflon Hd .60 i-4-Genl .80 lftdllbPL 1.50 ~Mt• .5?9 Orw:tl .IO rR1nd 7 lmtlld Pn.JJ ln1•J'ld SU 7 'i)ICP .16 l koCP .0 I lcq l>IA.~5 I l•IMCOll 3 lntt r(o 1 lrrt.r!lcS! 1 80 IBM 3.70 lnlflAFr .IOtl Int H~rv 1,IQ ln!Hl)lcl !,IJOt 1"1 lfldousl '"" lnd llfl.10 lnl .Ml11tr .50 ,,,M!ftt<' of ' n1 MM .:IOll lntNrdl 1,~• nl P9p .50 nl P111 llf ' lnrl 11...:;llt lnl . Silt I .~ Int Tl. T .ts 'WT& T pl!)' I Tl.T ofH4 pll •.50 n!T&T plJ4 ln\!lT pflU /"W ofK wl ,'~ uri:1.,l..f \' "I" • n UH !>11.Jl '" l!t.atl ' , l!f!Kf ,, s n B~~er .90 o ... os1r M In O!riPW 1.24 _, 114111 l"l'LP 1.30 t 1! GE 1,!ll ·-·1· 1.60 IOWllf' v 1 l'l l!'<o Hosp .30 ITI!' lmll .55 lt!k "Cor11 ITT Sv 11U.$D I Wednesday's Prices -Closing • ! fltdntsdor, Mq 29, 1'169 H • Complete New York Stock Exchange List American Stock Exchange List .. • " ' ' I ' ----.... .-...... -..... ..--... , ........... -., IWLV P.ILOT ----·----· ' -.~- TJ&ecter Notes "' Laguna, Huntington Open Finales . ~ 81 TOM TITUS OI ,.._ Dotllr f'll• Iliff While community theater groups In Laguna Beach and lluntington Beach lift lhe cut· lain on their final productions of the season this week, O'lBta Mesa playgoers will welcome back the sidell(led star of their closing show. Opening tonJght as the last regular season production in the old Laguna Playhouse's 40 years ls the a1.1tobiographlcal 1 ,.,_ .... ...,_., drama "Qylao/t under the direcUon ot Doug Rowe. Johri Fenacca, who will become the first artistic direct.or of the new Laguna -Moulto.n Playhouse in the fall, is cast in the title role. At \II< Huntington Beach PlayhOl..lse, "1Breath or Spring" inounts the Barn's horaeshqe siage Friday .night. Ruth Dorward directs the EnglLsh- navored eomedy. And al the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, David Paul returns to the cut o! "Middle of the Night" after being 'forced out of i h e show's opening tWo ~orQl*'1ces when he was 1. ~Ousty JnjlJ!ed iD a n ... aiJtomobile aCcident. . ~ 'w' Jolniii,g Ftncicca i.n the cast larcenous pastin1e. It oPens Friday fol'.'_ five weekends at the Huntington Beach f layhouse. ~ Theater with 'ticket reserva- tions beJng taken at m-Al7. "Sight Un.seen" goea out of sight with final performances Friday arid SaJuniay at the Muckenthaler Center. Wall As&enheimer directs the com- edy · mystery and-ticket.a are available by calling 871-4710. * *: * Originally scheduled to close this weekend, but being held over for another week -by popular demand, is South Coast Repertory 's ' ' Room Service." The depression-era comedy is directed by David Errunes. · of · the t.a~a drama, which d_epicts tlie 3$lh .and last year of the 'Welsh poet LDylan · 1tbomes, are Pat Brown as his wife, Caitlin and • Geoffrey Riker 'as Thomas' friend and biographer. John Ma 1 co Im Playing t h e elderly fur- heisting gals are Nancy· l'/ells and Diddy Lanu:nerS, with Ralph Quick' .. cast as "the brig8dier general. who aids their, plot. Pat Mullins, Lana Campbel.I, Ann Walk,t!r, Marty Fuchs and Geofge Ralph com- plete the Huntington Beach Don Tuche, Martin Benson, Ronald Doussom and Michael Douglass head the cast at the Third Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Performances are g i v e n Thursday through Sunday, with tickets available at ~ 1363. * * * SMOTHERED IN MINK -Nancy Wells (left) and Ralph Quick cover a be- mused Lana Campbell with stolen furs in a scene from "Breath of Spring," opening Friday at the Huntington Beacb Playhouse. Brinn.in. · Completing the "Dylan" • cast are Elaine Barnard, Betsy Hewett, Red Stoddart, at>b D'Isidoro , Jim Cooley, 1 Bess rupley, Glad K e e r , • Pamela Brown, Les Ingleduc , STAR RETURNS -David Paul, shown in a scene John Morari, Jill Carter, i>oyle OAlLY ,ILOT Ifft',,_,. from "Middle of tbe Night" with Pat Neederman ~:~{ ~~d P~~v~c~~~ (left) and Jeanne Correll, returns to bis role at the ,.-head uP the backstage crew. Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse this weekend after ''Dylan" will play for three being sidelined by injury. weeks , W~nesdays through ;======================.! _saturdays, at the playhouse , "VALLEY OF THE DOLlS" ... lortter. Parilla. Petty D•• PLUS .E~<;LUSl\IE SOUTHERN O~"!GE. COUNTY RUN . Ii.,.._ JA•~··IJU· .... UIOCI'. 1;111.1 p11 'O" · "1111!7P IQllDll'll -~ MAGD·ftPLlllG BA!DEI -· -... -.. ClAUDE DAUPHIN ·-SCHWMIZ·Ll.U ~-,,,,.m~11~-_.., ____ ., .•. !!!! a. Lii '°8Dl'Tm •MD NOITM • M"PS 111 W · CllLOll.;, cw... !!!Ir... .. -.,. • 319 Ocean Ave ., Laguna Beach. Reser~ations may be made by calling the box office at 494-8061. * * * Peter Coke's ''Breath or Spring" is a t.Ongue-in-cheek coritedy about a pair of semi- retired ladies and t h e i r Tryouts Set -~ For U.medy I ·in Laguna The' Laguna Playhouse will hold readings · Sunday for its first s u m m er production, Peter Shaffer's "White Liars" and ;'Black Comedy." The British tandem playlets will be directedrbY Ian .Brown, a Jeacher, actor and singer with credits both on and off Broadway. Parts ai-e o~n for five men and three women or all ages. Readings will be held at the playhouse. 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach, beginning at I cast. , Ron Lambert is producing the comedy, which plays Fridays and Saturdays 1 through June 28 at · the playhouse, 2110 Main St., Hun· tington Beach. Reservations are available at 897-4i38 or s.36-8861.' * * *' "Middle of lb~ Nlg~t'" will be staged f o r its last two performances at the c.esta Mesa Civic Playhouse Friday and Saturday, with David Paul back in the leading role filled las t weekend by Hap Graham. Theresa ·Smith portrays the y0UJ1g girl attracted to the middle-aged widower. Also in' the· cast are Joanne Wolcott, P a t Needennan, Jeanne Correll, Barb a r a Garlich, Tom Titus, Kevin Conroy, Patty Chavez, Jan ·Murray and Shitley · Dillon. Pali Tambell in.i directs the Paddy Cbeyefsky drama at the Community C e n t e r auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds, w i t h tickets available at 8344103. * * * Two other shows lowering their curtains after t h i s weekend's performances are ,;The Madwoman of Chaillot',. at UC Irvine and the Fullerton FooUlghters' "Sight:Unseen'." "Madwoman,". directed by Robert Cohen, is the final pro- (h..lction of the 1969 Irvine Repertory Theater season. ,The Jean Giradoux play will be ::;taged tonight through Saturday in the UCJ Studio Moving Into its second of three weekends is • ' T h e Tender Trap," the ~ason's finale for Ute San Clemente Community Theater. Tony Brandt directs the M a x Shulman comedy which plays Thursday through saturday. Joe Del Rosso, Toni Hachez, Chuck Schleker and Gloria Newton head the cast at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 2 O 2 Avenida Cab r il lo, ,San Clemente, Reservations, are being _taken at 492-0465: Tickets Sef For Revue Docume·ntary Awards NEW YORK (UPI) -The reports and special braodcasts CBS Television Network has April .f-9, 1968. won 10 of 14 news and 0µ.tstanding news documen- documentary awards granted tary program achievement for the 196U9 season by the programs --CBS Reports: National Academy of "Hunger in America; Law and Television Arts and Sciences. Order, Public Broadcast The academy announcement Labor.atory; (individuals) Per- Monday said that NB captured ry . Wollf and Andrew . A. three awards while the re-Rooney, writers, for Black main.ing one went to the History: Lost, Stolen or Public Broadcast Laboratory Strayed, Of Black Americaj on National Education a I CBS News Hour. --,_ Televisiop.. Ou t s t a n d i n g -.-(:ultiir"\i Seats are\,Dow on sale for Awards in other categories documentary and "magazine- the premi~·-subsequent will be made during the. an-type'' program or series performances of "Jacques nual Emmy awards telecast achievement -(programs) Brei" is ~iv~ 1and Well and June 8. Don't Count the Candles, CBS Living . in Pa~is," which the The documentary "Hunger News .Hour; ~ustice Black and Hollywood W~ or the Gref:k in America,'' Criticized by the Bill of Rights, CBS News Theater· .\IS~iation w-i I J some congressmen wbs> called • Hour ; Man. Who Dances; present on W.e:Qnesday even· it distorted, was one of the Edward V I l I e I 1 a , Bell ing, June 18." winners for CBS. NBC·receiv· Telephone Hour, . NBC: and "Jacques Bre'l," now in its ed a citation for its coverage The Great American Novel, second year 00 -~roaday, is ·of the hunger cootroverSy in CBS ~e~s Hour. still l)faying tO capacity--•u· ill? regular evening Hllf'!tley-(Ind1v1duals) Waller Dom· dienCes, While otber pro-Brinkley news programs. b!Ow and Jerry S l _m s , . . cmematographers, The Great ductions ate playing in Lon· ~e categories and Winners American Novel. CBS News don, qticago, Toronto and announced Monday: Hour· Tom Pettit producer Philadelphia. .o ~ tst.aJldi_ng achie~ement CBS:' The Secrets ~f Secrecy: The musical revue depicts within re~arly. sctieduled segment of "First Tuesday," the mbst PoPuHfar t-com-news programs -C9Verage of NBC· and Lord Snowdon poser living in · " today . hunger in ~ United States, cinei!iatographer Don't Count Twenty·five . of. h choice NBC Huntley-BMnklef Report; the Candles CBS• News Hour songs have been translated "On the Road!' series with ' ' · and Americanized by Eric Charles Kuralt, on CBS E"n-GI s:;: T II 'j Blau and Mort Shuman. ing News Walter Cronkite: OOmy --UUS 8 S I Opening night curtain is and "Police After CtW;ago" by As You See '11 scheduled for 7:30. Other John Laurence, also on the e v e n i n g perfonnances in-Cronkite progr-am. ;;:==========.. 3rd & LAST EEK POSiTIVILY -INDS TUESDAY P·?,'Wrute Liars" and "Black Nelson Back eluding a pre-ppen.ing on Tues· Outstanding aChievement in day, June 17, will be given at coverage· of special events - 8:30. Mitinees are seheduled coverage of Martin Luther WIEl 8•15 Fri.•Sot.·S." NITU • co.tt ..... ,.._ 1 p.111. lalltll'iillttllspl<n<lor .• Tlitmosluuipllittalpjdultcm-! . Ol'llDOsruNICl<'S ..,,,.,. .. ~ (CIAA..,., ~ ~Jll)l .. --·------!WI; ~· T•-r ROllldol'-'-et Leith ~!1111·11• hckn & lodily McD.w•ll HOllDAY FUN FOi ALi.! "A .... rihl Fii. T• E.., .. AINI s.tbfy AMI htiftit A'""'9Nl'I Of AK Ates." • HOLLYWOOD (UPI) for Wednesday and Saturday KiDJ: assassination ' and af· Comedy" will open July 10 at the playhouse and will run Thursdays through Sundays for three weeks. Scripts are avaUable for reading at the Barry Nelson returns tor ~t 2:30: · termath, CBS Ne\rts special movies for a supporting role in ll; ~~=::::;:;:~;:;:~~~~=:=:"."~"='111 "Ai rport," starring Dean;! Martin and Burt Lancas~er. j '" Sh•w Stem 6:45 (Olltlft""" Fri., $11., su,.....1:10 p.111. JlfrY L""!I '" playhouse. {Q:S Co11t. Su. FroM 2 p.111. l!MIOMll. Fo~wsouT,..coasT -._....l 0 ~]IUI~ ~ PLAZA THEATRE CORPORATION S.n Diqo'FrffWly at arll~ • 546-271 l TWO BIG FEATURES TOGETHER ACRES OF FREE PARKING ~e ) Killing MEMORIAL DAY KIDDIE SHOW FRIDAY, MAY 30th SUNDAY, JUNE 1st It's The Silliest Party of.the Year ••. and ~'Ou're all ' invited! ·C:"ll~ NIWJ'Ofl WClt -...... --I• l•MI"° ll~• hi. -OI. S-PH • ~MCOUf:t:N AS · ~oowrr• OO&RJ VM.J{;tlN llCQUlllME BISS£1 -.,. SECOND FUTU•I ' • "Hook, LIM 011111 SIMier" ' 100 <RIFLES IALIOA 673-4048 -6:45 ,.. .. ._ ...... ,. ...... n.. All Tllllt Gl'Mtll Sieve MtOUftfl COLOlt "SAND 1111LES" Cnilrl:on Het!Clll COLOR "Pl~ Of n. A,_" -· --111·1271 '°tnon• under 1' wlH not M ff. J mlttld 11ni..1 1cto1111Mnlld 11r .-r.nt or IHlvlt 9v1nll1R! "HARD CONTRACT" COLOll-SIMWll 11 •:U a U1• P.i1y Ouli;e COLOR "YALLn' OF Tffl DOLU• . ----- Anyltl1"g 1' pl>Ulllltl Ill: .,,,. l111poulltl• ,...., .. COLOR Elvis Pre~rey COLOll "CHAllO" Sl-15 • Cir LNf ...................... NOW SHOWING at Re9ul1r Prices Nightly at 7:00 ond 9:3S "'"""""""""'""""' • ROllERT 8. RADNIT! _, tMYSide (Jfthe ~iSter """I eorge" DEAN MARTIN-JAMES STEWART RAQUEL WELCH "BANDOLERO" Winner of 3Academy Awards! \. ! t/t{ountain A boy who dreams of leiving civmzation ... of n · a a11 m in~ ... of ming M.lhing ... ~';, .. . I ' Beryl Reid ® Susannah York Coral Browne .t.LSO MAILON lltA•O IUCHAltD IOONI llTA MOll:NO IN "THE NIGH T OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" IN COLOll •AND l CARTOONS AT 12 :10 & 2:l0' ON IOTH DAT$ All SEATS SOc Duo T• '"'9 P.T.A. Slt•w 011 Sm"'.,, Moy 311t Ti.er. 11 No MAD MOMSTll PAITY' OUR 7th P.T.A. SHOW SATl/llOAY, MAY 31st. 10:15 FESS PARKER • IN "SMOKY" IN COLOR .. 12:45 r ., I CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 2 PM FRI., SAT., SUN. • NOW SHOWING ANOUI AIMii GARY L.OCKWOOD ,, ....... o..,·. "MODEL· SHOP" JOMll CASSAmES' FACES with Joh~ Morl•y Gin• Rowllndt • I .1 _I • • • • FonQtain • • • Valley • I N. y. Stftett•~ I •• EDIYION VOL. 62, NO. 127, 4 SECTIONS, U PAGES ORANG,!: COUNTY, CALIFORI&\' 40 '0 , ~-Huntington Teaclier·s Action Folloivs Sta-,uloff on Salaries · By RUDI NIEDZIEU!Kl 01 11141 D•llY ~ts.I Stiff Mor.e than 400 Huntington Beach High Sl:t.ool District teachers are expected to flex their muscles this week and next by calling a work· slowdow:n and walkout in protest of the adrniniatraUon's alleged unwillingness to negotiate salary xales: The teadlers, members of the District Educatorfs Association (DEA) were 1c;hedul«f to begin their .Protest today by rtlualn& to perform any duUes for which they recel!e oo pay, lnCludJl>i club duties and _..., supervislan. IQ !'fld!Uoo. they will rail for mtnlmum schoOJ days (foor bou") May 29 and June Z and penonal leave for all teachers in lhe ·four district high sd>oola June 3 and .Tune ~ In ID el!ort lo'throl&le-111 teach· ing activity. · The lelid>er:Iuror -I~ by the d!strlct'1 llleged -lo budge from its I -t lll)ary -qlfet, while the Ge&Oliatlni couadL of the ·DEA is . . Yorty Wins holding oUt for 1.3 percent. ·Negotiators for the teachers assert!d that Aul Supt. Scott Flanqan. who ha~ been appointed by the board of trustees to negotiate for the dlstr.ict. told them he was not -empowered to move r:rur. his 4 per cent ofJer and th•t any further negoUaUon would be "a waste of tlme." Close lo 300 teadien pack~ the Foun- tain Valley gymna'sium Tuesday af. ternoon during a general metnbership (See TEACHERS, Pqe I) • Ill LA • WEDNESDAY, I-AA Y 21, 1969 TEN CEJljTS ... . SloWdown • ... ' l ' .. •...J Mayor Upsets~-Bradley, Opinion Polls . . . ' I , U'4f.._.. . " . ·YORTY, SUPPORTERS WHOOI> IT'-UP IN VICTORY· A Bilt•f DefHI for Both BrMll;y, Polltlcel Pollsters OCC Students ·.Welco .me -.. Speech by Ma~ Rafferty To the disappoinbnent or a band or Student.I ror a DemocraUc Society (SOS) al Orange Coast College, Max Rafferty was a hit when he spoke there Tuesday. The state superintendent or public in- struction was warmly applauded and his jokes prompted laughs from the overflo\v audience or 1.200 students. A rew signs were unfurled before the talk by the officially unrecognized cam· pus SOS group, including, "Max Rafferty -Finest Mind of the XII Century" and "A Pig Is a Pig Is a Pig." But Rafferty was not heckled and he ea!lly handled questioners. , The theme of the silver.tongued State · schools .superintendent was the same as when he Ont rnn (or the post seven·years ago -education ii following a wrong -- path of -'iing life acijualment Instead or individualism. Jle aid the resultant loss of ldenUty and self respect is the root caUJe both for campus and racial disorder. _ "Thia llludent feeling IJl•Y be d..rnbed as a kind of creeplng'facelessness," be l'itld. "The complaint' is 'I came tocolltge lo find myselt, instead I became a number.'" He aald .=e~ampus disturbances now gweepiq-the nation Uke 1 prairie !ire are the rautt of an Instinctive~ pt reflex by -· who can't find their Identity. "The Ad lllinc about 11 ii not the pro- test -but lhlt tt II -being led by cold- eyed. bani, cynical_., .. he uid. Regarding another g r o u p o( dtmoostraton:, the minority races, he taid: "No groop of immigrants to th1s coun· try ever had it tougbet than my own Irish ancestors. But they madt IL because they 1.lanaged to sell America on 10methln& - to think of tbem u individuals." He said !hit ~ the Irish had been con- d!Uoned fnm tbe Ume they were little chlldren t.o lbink of thetMelVel U I r..i11 or religious group they wouid 11111 be byphenaled Americans like lhe-bilck- Americau w Meilc.n-Amorlcllll. _~Wilen )'00 identify with the group you DI. .. 't .....,. .... ,.... 'PROTEST LED IY, CYNICS' Max Rafferty et occ .. are asking to be trealed acwrdiDI to the lowest common denominator,'' be said. Tie said Nearoea and M e 1; I c a n • Americam have not achfeVld integratkwl .,....,. !hey did not aet • attend schooll unlll recent ydl-a wli<ll r.irool>iiiii" 1iU be<n lbe oMooool1Y of edu<elioo. • What Is needed for tfltm u all yoangsten, he saftj, I> I return lo bMic edo<.aUoa, .an echlcatlonal philosopliy that u ... , "!he glllteriog. -th•~pd awonl ·of 1Ub)e<I matter, not ln-aroupnw." • • LOS ANGELES (AP)· -Mayor Sam Yorty, an underdog in the polls, rode a record voter turnout to a 54,0000 third tenn" elecUon victory today over Thomas Bradley, Negro councilman who had thumped him in the primary. Yorty llpp8.rentfy won strong support in the closing days of what was called the bitterest I o c a I campaign of modem times. How do the pollsters e%ptain It? One, Don Muchmore, wi-poll foe the Los Angeles Times Monday placed Bradley ahead 53 pereent'to 38, said: "I feel like George. Gallup did in lHlt'' That was the year Harry IJ'rwiiari upaet • Tbomas llewe1, GJ(lup's l!lclt. ' . · . !(uchmore ~ In a it.\emeqt ~ m1cht: have been an error ht the poll, ad· ·dinf: "~t -were deallnc ·with the •race • flluo-!!i· lbll. -*'.1114. lhis is tradl· 'tfonlQy I dtffkulfFea 'tdaurvey." "II wou!lf appear In this Instance the sample of reapQPdanta-was lr.advtrtently not a re~live·~ lection ot the population," si;.d Muchmore, . who had conducted 115 lbterviews.-"Even though this is qur firlt major" error, a complete analysis will be made to determine the exact ~a use of tbe discrepancy." DAM.t,Pn.oT Sllfl,..... ' . . TIRED TEACHERS PONDER NEXT MOVIO-·AS SALARY IMPASSE DEVELO~S AT BOARD· MEETING High Sch~I District Taacher1 Plan Measures to Dremati1e Pay Demands I Gu Fumes· Blamed • • Two Found Dead .. in Boat ~ • "~ f L .,,.,..,~,, f'' ,,,. 'fWJ ~~ ;.a\.i.nts. ~ l~d 11u4 ~ ·~~ Iii \their '.-io0t cabin '·CiulJet' In 1 6i>!it ~ .Ii, Sip)9et M>rlna in ~n«n;toa lleach, apparent vlCUms ol carbon tDODOISde fumes. · Dorothy Pbilbrld!. M, and Jllries Swindle,, 45, botb of Ll.Qcaster, were found llllllde the cabin, doors and win-dow* closed, try MlU Talbott, a mechanic at the· marin•. whO wU asked to check the bpat by Swin<f!e's employer in Lan- ! v ~·. . ~·{· 1· ')j .,,, ••• ' , • rt • ll l :~1~.~baril.cu · 'i.l~m. fid,'·wfUi '°""'! from ~ ..ifli.P. lfnaton -l!Olice. • • A black. mJnlat~ .......! w• ~"' found diod In the cati~ ' Orange Cwnty Coroner'• ttll\i::e i.. ·di"'itd'tbe IUSpected Cl ... o/.,jeath Wl$ car1J9(1 mo~ or ~bon di-Opde po.Ison fumes. frolice.invealiealors scUd the two victims ,.,, ., ., '' 't~~-. . ,,. ... 1;·'.·•. 1pl'Gbal!ly:pulled tlfe•lltbol!hl ~ to.111e for waimlh,.and died fmln ilhe -of ' !he ~ when they lbut• all dooi. and ~ cloatng out l!!l' frelfl air, Bolh l:iodiel are at Smith's ·~. HuaUngton Beach, penclln.-Jn. aulo(lllJ lly '¥' -r'•. olflce .nil ........ Ir· rangements. ' ' ·, The pair wu last see.. about· 7:301p.m ., Saturday. Police feel they died ioiuellme Saturilay night or 'SW!dOy mornltli. Supporters of Birtdley said they had lodged a complaint with the state at· torney gtneraJ's office over a "c(\n-S . l ,+. __ • • R' ·11 L' · ' I . ~::::~~:5lylo~~:.~~::: unse ~eX)llg _ .. ec.a . :· .etter· s ~poot • ~~uc:iai~· the can! said Bradley petitions Placed . votes should be made on hole No. 3 of the · D • d • · v ll F • h :'.~r:~:.=~:;:~~~did Into CircUiaiion ... · ispute JU . a : ev ig· .· l Bradley, 51, a former police lieutenant .,,,l J v.·ho hoped t.o become the third Negro · • · ' • ~ ' .(. .~-· ' • ' ' · · meiyor of '81 major 11.S. city, refused. t.o Petitions ·callln,f for the innexhatlonll Of . Bf ,TERRY COVILt.E relurped ene.loae11 JMN!t carPs~ WJnl. 10 concede. . SunsetBeachtoHuotlJ'!llonBeac •wi go .Of...,. Dal ... ,.1 ... stlf• he •-• off the . __ ,, · · , · ' · ·~ have t ir names wu.,en • ~ He won U percj!nt of the vote to into circulation Thursday, ·aceording t.o ' Yorty 's 26 percent in the April primary M yi .. lni Slral ,....., to th ConOiCUng1reportsbave-bten lssued4n rs. · Pg !1 _ n, taecre .... J e "'oun"'-Valley ---~ming the e!lect of but was forced into a runoff when be fail· s Ch ber of Comm r ......,, CUIJ\.'1: v ed to gain a majority. Pollstm right up unset !!OJ · tree:• a letter mailed li!i-wef~ attacking the to election day bad him maintaining a Mr,re than 130 signatures of registered heated recall campa.Jgn q:ain!l Ma)'Qr . margin. voters will be needed to brin'g the pro-.Jlobert SchwerdUeger Ind councilmen Semiofficial returns from all but six o( poSed annexation to an electlon. A zjmpl!:! Donald Freguu anCi Joseph COUrreges. 2,890 precincts in Tuesday's runoff gave mtjQrity of. tpoae ·voting could thin ·tie Mrs. Barbara secour .. One of ~e' prlthe Yorty ~7,000, or 53 percent, to Bradley'! Sunl!ICt Bea~ '-° Huntington Beach. backers of the reca,11, said Tuesday: '1Th,e "We hoi>e t.o wrap l up tbe signature 302,379, or 47 percent, letter has done us more good than hann . For the 59--year~I~ Yorty, running on signing within 8 month," said Mrs. Many resldenls have read it and his eight-year performance as mayor, the Strain. challringed alleged facts in it." · heavy vote turnout appeared the kPV to De-"llne 1-turn'·• In the · pel1'Uo•• -i au "'' u•e '"' BaslcaUy, the letter published by Foun-v~~iey's 100,000.votc edge Jn Jie with\ the signattirel o( 25 percent of the tain Valley Cilliens for Good Govern. prlmary came as 66 percent of the registered voters Is late April. Petitioners ment, claims the letter is a political < ~if.'.~!'tt'~ = !~n~~tt~ =v:~e":~na!i:~ '!:m:: :~ power play launched by Eugedl V.n ~h'lt!"!~e':ch of it from Predominantly collecUoo. ~0:·11 president' or the Fountain vattJy Sunset Beach has SS3 registtred voters, c1V1c Aasoclation and Jnstlgator oJ the Jubjlant over his comeback, Yorty told according to county records. cheering supporters they had b.ought HunlinP,ln Beaclt hopes to annex the recall movemeotrag~t tbe three city him "back from what appeared to be cer· entltt sfdp of the Independent beach veteran otflcJaI+i : taln defeat." He prorfiiud to make Los community from the border of Surfside .fhe..letter-further states the. three mei:i Angeles "a greater city in the coming I rt of o--• Be ch) ·-·th to four years." bow· a pa ~ a ~ · ,have btlped achieve Fountain Valley's Warner A venue. Lo... their "I was just a sy'mbol of what we·a."'e "We expect some opposition. but oot. greatest accootpllabments dur ... trying to do,'' he added. too mucbJ.hope,'' said Mrs.. Stra!fl. terms in offlc.e,l1S1Jch as : At abnost the same time, Bradley wa! Sunset Beach residents who back the -Balancing: the city budget. . tellinf his supporters th~ "It appears .annexation move reei they will be cktser -Development ~f a 10..year budg~t. we'll still have to wait some Ume before to the !OUrce of 'government than they -Develoj>ing a unlqllfi parks system, we leam how this lhlng turns out." Then are nqw, Opponents· say n will only raise ,whi~h will require·no boodJ for payment. he made a quiet appeal, asking his sup-, ft igned b · hi !vi I de 1~ In Imai I ta~ea.. 1 1 • ,wu.s ye.ig c c.ea rs,.,. porters to rema ca ter a cam"' gn Orange County Is cont.emplatlpg a. .cludin( former Mayor Joeeph R. CaJlena in which he was accused by Yorty o! 1ur· parking lot"., on the old Soothern ,Pa~lflc and cha,mber o{ commerce leaiter Mn, rounding himself with black mllitanta. _, Bea"" here Shll-le 'Pu!for;d "Keep the faith in whal we've be<n rail ag/il.of·w1y, In s-t ..,, w • Y . • try!nf to do," Bra<lley laid. ' !her< have be<n ~ol ~ ~ ·w:. ~~-1:~ ... ~ No N-ever baa been elected mayor • po8od ~ of tbe; ~.of-2:...., ...,._ Conunilfl<ln !Dllllbeol had this lo aa of a _city ol Ibis a1ae. Tbe largest ciUes ~Ip":!\! ~ ~~ ' • ""-i -"'-'-" than ii>ofMldl« r hod now with elected Nqro mayora 1are m11m• com,.... f ,,1 · • • ...,.. ... ~ Cleveland Oblo and Gary Ind. -would. aid ln.lll, W"'!.:'!,~.~~!I< " • I > • ' • rl > , • Yorty .;.,i l!in~ed "' ~ 00111m1111ve 1 ,_~.~~a::.~W.1:".;i.a.v4i...ur -.. 1:~'70~~8"'.'s·01'r'p' Ju·~ lrendandthlscarrledoverlncontestUor . " .. "~"" ' ""•tf.'liO' Jo'"' u. ,.n ... .,. " , " od>ool boanl and junior coliqe trust.es aJU)ezll, there will ·"""'°~" L 1\ii. ,• • " " • I I w11ete conc1idate. ... ,anted con'. :' ~=1·:-:r.y. ~lll's.J..i lll'<>r~r~i:ii Tra~e' ·~ eervalives 1ener1lly won. Beebe Ip "° Jrhlawae.etcYri• b-f-oawy : • . __ L ,, • ,1 , , • ' ·" . r Chutch _Rapa F~nc~ ) BERKELEY (UP I) -ll'he Berkeley Fellowsblp of Unitarlaa loillo' !IMd a moilltlon calling on 11111 \lnlm'lllT of C.Hforn.11 to remove ftl, flllCI ..... "Peoples Park" to avotd-!liTtlilf lill>oil- shed. \ Beach tlo 10lv .. lhe· railwey dCf11'41·'!')' W-ASlllN~T6N'.1 tUPJ) -Tbe unlttd cootn>veny ' Stala m:erded , a "1m, ll'l1l mfllioa · wrpl., of ~ over tinporll '8 Apill, · s·-·-111 ... 1em Jhe ~ ~· ~,. 'Ille l}-•ce ~ •- _; N!!rYWti\Pl-T11e-,....te\ ~:._~ ... -11~ ~'~~(=-== ~i:. ~~ '=1~i:.::o ~ Pfaea ZHJ-1 13,17'1 ,Jllfl,OllO In Apr1L -• - • ' I • petilions~" · Mis. Secour-doubts the tepllty oflthe . ' card, a small enclOsure which •aata Jn. dlvUfi.iab who sigDed the petition to re- quest that their naRles be removed. "E~en if they get a~«! of cards~_, I don't know ,what the)> can do •Jri!h them," she said, adding that the recall ·movement is sUll ·gatnllif!ilnaturea Ind morrientum. · ' · "I thirik ·lhe issuance of this four-~g:e letter shows they· are de9perate, .. , Aid Pt1rs. Secour. "bul.we're..not J>&Oick*l- a little mad, but not panicked." Van Duk, leader ol'lbe recall atem- ming from the <:tilllVTinial L&nrin tract 'wall-lot flap~ia out of town1this week on busjnesa. 'I'! "¥ .. ~allable 19' pm. ment. . .. . W~adler'' ·. . With anernoon temperatures tn the 70's' who neecl• SWUJY IDOl'Qo ilJgs? Atrleut lhal'I lhe•,Weltbl!ir- man'1' vi!w,, 111 • pr:eacribint more 6t ttie. same for Tbuilday, , . . INSIDI/ TODAY . - • • I • • I DAILY Jll.OT Beach Ban M~y ·Fall By Holi,dqy By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 11111 .... ,., """ 11•11 A four-month quarantine of e.igbt miles of Orange County beacbfront may be lifted by Friday -In time for the OU.. di)' Memorial Day weekend. Newport Buch City H ar b o r Coonllnal<>r George Daw., said pluulnt! ol tho Prado Dam, from which-thousands of galloos of sewage have been pouring Into the Santa Ana River dilly, la ... peeled to be completed by 'lllundoy. "'lbere la • poalbillty tt may be' plui· ged oxneum•toolll>L" be aald. Orange CouDlf llultb Ofllcer Dr. John Pbilp &aid II coun" worl<ers l1nlsl> the Job by 10 a.m. Thu...tay, the beachea will be reopened for a certainty Friday. In anticlpaUoo, Newport G e n e f a 1 Servie<s OUoclor Jake Myndme today prepared plua for the removal of huo- dreds of quarantine alsna llld banicadel from the West Newport beach lronL Hlllllin(ton Stale Buch, on Ibo other side of the Santa Ana River mouth, wUl al.Jo be apened up for swtmmen and IU!fen. 1be quaraollne of coastal watera from the Newport Pier oorlh lhmigb Hun· l1ngtoo Slate Beach bas beeo In effe<t since Jm. Ill when the flral of two ..-d storms broke Ri•enlde ....... lines llld cauaecl fouling of the river. Elrller thls, week. the awlmmlng boo WU 1llled -Newport Pier llld lltt s-1. 'Or. Pbilp aald blderloloclal couiili had lowered alfllclellliy to make water comact in that area ufe. CCIUllly flood <Dllln!I c:rewa an -have beeo wortlD( U'CllJllll.lbe. to trap _,-a1y the aewq..nlled watera beldDd Ille dim. once the dam's flow into the river is ~. damaged percolatlng bu~ doWnstrffm will be rebullL Tlhe water behind the dam will then be releued slowly to allow It to soak underground before tt reaches ocean waten. C.Ompto1.1 Girl Dies After Crash Ir :row>i Compton glrl dJ.cl 'l\Je6clay Jll&bl al lluDlln""1 inter<ommmtlty IMlj!lll '-liljuries IUl!ered In a two -oollln Sunday jfternoon on Paclllc Coat lti&fnray near Warner Avenue. - N-r Mcl'beraoo, 15, had been a po_ In the cw of Marilyn w.,_, 41, ol Comptoii;-Wben It WU alruck by -car wblle atlemplint to' --• U-tum on PaciOc eout ~ay,1'111d poUcii. One other pultl'llflr in the W qner car .. Deobe Brink, 14, allo of Compton, re- mainl in terious condiUon today at Hun-llnaton lnletc;ommWlity. Both sJrll were ejectod r-thecear durlni the.aa:lilent, poUCe aaJd. • · '· · .. Las V tgas Showgirls • Picket Strip Hotels LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -·Dancers and lhowglrla In mlni .. klrla pkketed Strip hotels Tuesday ln what one man called the "prettiest demonstraUon I've ever aeJI." The 7'00 members of the Americnn Guild of Variety Artists struck Tuesday, clallning an agreement they signed 18.llt March wasn't ratilled by employera. 1be walkaul, aanctloned by the city's centr4l labor coundl could close shows at almost all hotela and night spot!. Valley Library Open The Fountain Valley Library reopened at qoon Wednetday. The library had been clo!ied for the in61.allation oC new book 6helves and carpetlng. \ OAILY 'PllOT ~OS C:°"311 l"UILl~INO COM.,AN1' ll•Mrt N. W"4 .. _ ..... """' l"vblltMt J•~ II., C11rl•y Viet l'rtUdlnl _, CO-el "'-"" "-•• K••••il ••11w n-.. A. Mllf!'flh•• ~Ntlfltl E.i1or Alb.rt W, l•t•1 Wlli•111 111.I A1MdM1 H\Olll"""""' ..,. ec,,. Clf)' E.-1• .............. OMc. Jot Stlo Str11t M•ti111 A4"•M: P.O. a.1 7tO, tJMI 0... °"'"'· ~ kfdlt 2)11 W1t! hl!IN aoi..,.,,_ <Mii Met: *» Wtil •tf Strwl UWnt lftdl1 ?:IJ ,._., ... _ MLY ,.,LOT ......... WRITING NIW PAOI l'OR CIUMISTOl'PIRS NOTEBOOK F-oln Volloy Offl .. ra Snyder (left), Lowronco . ' Prints Win Prize ·v alky Officers' Exhibit Honored Two Fountain Valley1 policemen have developed a new proceos !or fi•lni fingerprints permanently oo normal materials such u wood, cloth and metal. 1be efforts ol OOicen ROlt[ Snyder and Cari La ....... earned diei!r!ourth ~ honors In technical uhlblla lul ~Y at the 53rd annual conference of the 1-1 Auociatloo ol ldeotlfi. . cation held In Anabdm. · • 'Ibey were competing agalnsl Police departments and other law enforcement qencies of· all sizes lhrougbout the st.ate. Their exhibit showed a white board with various types of material showing visible, permanently flied fingerprints. "Our experiments will have a great significance in identifying suspects in court cases," said Officer Snyder. Presently, police investigators mus~ make copies ol finger prlnla found at the ocene of • crime becauae the finger prints "' the oniiMI 1ocat1oo wilt even-WaJty ..W off, uplalned Snyder. "With the procea we've deve1oped," he said, "we can now u.se the""orlp;al finger prints In court which mates a much ttnmcer cue." 1be """*' lm'I perfected ,.i, added La""'"""· but ...... uperimenla should pro'Ve tt out. A cmnblnotion of beat and a special powdered int are used in what they call an iodine fusion process to make the prints permanent. The only problem so far is knowing how much heat to apply to a particular material. 'jlt will take experimenting to ·solve that," said Snyder, "but once perfected, we expect the process to be used nation- wide in criminal ,investigation." From Pagel TEACHERS' SWWDOWN ••• meeting ol the·DEA during which li was per)od of lime." decided to go ahead with the slowdown by "We're not going to do all these nasty a 257 to 11 vote if the district ahouJd show things just to get the money, we just ~ UQt"Jfllngness to negotiate. The want to get the district negoUallng fSSOOWlon represents 430 of the district's again," said another. ' m ._,, . I . Manneman, voicing bll dlaappolnlment The teOchers, who are see~lng a 17,000 In g«tlng no delinitl answer from the to fl4 ooa I hedul (the board as to whether they would negoUate , sa ary SC e, current or not later told newsmen, "I felt the range Is $1,460 to $12,980) presented .their sweat on my neck comiftg out when I w11.s par request .to tru!tees Tuesday evening, up there. I reallY. wanted to say more. 1 ~ were tui'ned down. thin~ that our case has to be_ st8.ted ~ Board Cbainnao John Bentley at first ·stronger and stronger nOw Until a·point !11 told them.that the board Would consider · made." the matter "at . the. first opportunity A strike has not been mentioned yet by becaU!e we don't want tilli thing ~hang tbe DEA. · On any '·nger." . ' -tru •--d ro · 'ue si.a:s an the adminJstration Not satisfied by his ansWer the DEA declined' to say what action would be negotiating councll then withdrew and UtJctn if .tbe teachers go ahead with their decided~~ the board's response was l)Ot slowdown but said they will Issue a state- postttve i!nougb and thus ju.stifled the ment later today. sloWdown and walkout DEA President Carl MaMeman con- fronted the trustees again, asking them lf ~ were fully aware of the .saJ1ey negot!atlon proceedinga so far lhis ye1r. Bentley ·replied that they were. Man- , neman then told him that teachera were · going to .go, ahead with a course of action . decided upon by the general membership at the gyn;mas1um that afternoon, without actually_naming what it wauJd be. Teacher 'reaction to the proposed slowdown was varied. One suggested that "we could cripple all of lhe schools by having only one third or the teachers on the campuses at one time for an extended .Sen~te J»asses Pay :Raise for Governor SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Senate passed a bill today boosting the Silaries of major state officials, including the governor who would get $49,100 a year. The chief executive's salary now is "4,100. The bill boosts the salaries of the other state constitutional orncers by $10,000 a year, from $25,000 to $35,000. Memorial Day Programs Slated Along Orange Coast Plans for Memorial Day prograrru are undetay throughout the Orange Coast area oday. ln ta Meaa. the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post ; 3536 and American Legion Post 455 will hold a joint service at 11 a.m. Friday at 'Harbor• Rest Memorial Park, 11125 Giller Ave. The two veterans organizations will place Meaths at the Memorial Flag Pole, wiLh the aaslstance of an honor color guard rrorn the Marine Cor;.J Alr Facility at El Toro. The public is Invited, and a special welcome is e.xtended to acUve duty aervicemen and their famllles. HunUngton Beach American Legion Pott 111 will hold a service at 11 1.m. Friday togfther with the Gold Star Mothen at the Good Sh<?pheql Cemetery, Talbert Avenue and Buell Boulevard. On Tlua'lday. p<e<edlni Memorial Dty, Post 1sa membm will place Oowtn on SO grava ol former poo< and au>tllary rnemberl tiurJed, In the, Good Shopberd and Wotminlter cemeteritl, u wtll al 111 vel<rana gra,vea. The public 11 lnvtted tobothcemnonles. ~temorial DtY q:>mmtmoraUona tn Laguna 'Beach w!U .tncJude two difl~t llndlo!cmmool ... One t& 1ponaored jointly by Veterans ol FortJcll Wan Post 11111 and Amll'kao i.glon Post 222 and will be held at the Memorial Cohmm on Heisler Poinl 1t 11 a.m. Friday. It will feature an lnvoCatlon by El Toro Marine Corps Chlplain LL Cmdr. Warren Trumbo and an address by lJoyd L. Linquist, state VFW com- mander, a,, well as a six.gun salute and the playing of taps. The other ceremony, also schedu led at Heisler Park, will last all day, as the names or the 39.000 Americ1n men killed so far in Vietnam are read aloud in the park. The reading la being conducted by the Or!-nge County Friends (Quakers) In con- ju~on with the Women's JntunaUonal Leaaue for Peace ind Freedom. The group plans to withdraw for the hour or two necessary for the veterans groups to condUct lhelr ceremony. ReadJ"G of the namet, cullecl from the ConcmsJonal Re<oc<I, wtll talle from IO to 24 boura, llkl a Fnends spokesman. WDIJmin>ler Memorial Park will be the scene or combined Memorial Day observanc<t by the American Legion POii 516 iJ1d It& audllary, .., wtD u the Gold Star Mothers. The 11 a.m. ae:rvice, at lts)I Beach Blvd., wlU Include a welcome by F'url B. Llnd•y, commander of POil W , the Plactni of memorltl' wreatbl, a oalute tO Ille detcl by a flrin1 aqu~d. llld tel\t pla,yed by the Royal r-ncer Buglers. I I -. - Carol's }leat Slappe Jury Convi'cis :Sllake Dancer on All 10 Count~ Allonla "-~ -)"1 ldcUd Ille """"' Gui of carol CybulUl'I bottom! ... world 'l\ietday night -,.lib • verillct that h8d Iba blonde belly dancer aobblng bitterly w!Jb bowed head at the counstl table. It took the &LI-woman, eix-m.an. panel Jua• four and .... ball hours to ru1o that the curvy Laauna lt<ach entertainer .., pllty of lewd !'004uct and im-.t e1posure when she danced in the nude at the Apartment A-Go-Go. They convicted the Art Colony ente,... talner on all IO counts. Judge P1ul Mut ordertd her to -.a to coi>tt Juoe 1Z ror a sentence that could add up to a m1x.lmum of six months in jail and/or a SSOO fine on each counl Mornenll berore the Jury fijed back In, Mi• Cybulski sat In the courtroom with· a rlelnmtn and expressed her confidence mat the jury. would rule in her favor. Quietly knitting ('"I'tlls is a red sweater for my IJ.foo< python," sbe joked) she restated ber belie! that attorney Berrien Moore had done enough to convince the Jury Iba• she could be cleared of the charier. all m8de over a two-month period at the popular west Santa Ana bar. Ten minuter later she was slumped across the counael table, angrily con- demning that same jury through her tears "for making me the patsy for 1 kind cl dancing that's accepted without que.stion anywhere outside this damn coonty. ~ "I do the same thing in Reno and the cops applaud," Miss Cybulski protested. "l guess It's the name Cybulski they don't lik~y busted me three years •10 in Garden Grove for dancing top-JeM." itoore will ask Junt.12 for a new Oial and he will ask before that date-pos- slbly Monday in Superior Court-for a ruling of hlbeas corpus on the municipal court verdict. "If the Superior Court accepts that petition it will mean the dismlssal <lf this unfair verdict," Moore said. "I argue now as I argued during the trial that the jury is attempting to impose a set of ~nµnunlty standards that have CAROL KNITS, JURY BURNS Dancer Reduced to Turi never been dined and can never be applied. "No one qualified in that trial as an expert witness," Moore Wd. "And that's because there ill no such thing when it e<1mes to a ruling on whether Miss Cybulski's dance is obscene <lr not.'' On hand for the conclusion of the week- long trial was Dlstric( Attorney Cecil Hicks and he made no secret ot his delight at a verdict be expects to No Significant Dropoff In Attendance at UCI The UC Irvine student strike coutinutd In Ill fourth day today but no r<lfable figures were availabfe on the dropoff in cl883 attendance. ...__, The campus administration said a survey of deans of the various schools in- dicated "no signillcant drop in at· lendance." Spokesme n did not define what they meant by significant, and obviously there were many students on strike. The campus newapaper, New Universi- ty, gave a totally conflicting picture. It claimed a survey showed class at- tendance to be down an average of 55 to 60 percent. · The student newspaper is pro strike. The strike is to show sympathy or solidarity with students at Berkeley. The UCI strikers are supporting the same three demands: -ReftlO\•e the police and National Guard from campus. -Lift the state of emergpncy. -Return the university property called People's Park to the people . Many of the J,500 UCI students sym- pathetic to the first two demands take exception to the third and have not joined the Wike for that reason . The strikers say they will continue to picket and boycott classes however long It takes until all three demands are met. Many professors were holding classes but following the campus Academic Senate recxnnmendatiori to, d.ISCllll! the Berkele'y situation ln!te.ad of USUJ1 .w; ject m1tter. · The student newspaper broke 'oown its claimed attendance drop this way: in hwnanities, 70 to 80 percen\; in fine arts, M to 60 percent; in social &clences, 50 percent; In physical sciences, 1 Oto 30 percent; in biological sciences, 20 per- cent. Balboa Pavilion To Be Terminal The Balboa Pavilion will soon be con- verted into a passencer terminal for boat trips to Catalina Island. Phil Tozer, president of Davey's Locker. Newport Beach sportfishing finn, made the announcement Tuesday. Davey's Locker has purchased the 64- year-old cupola-topped landmark struc- ture for $500,000. To~r said, remodeling or the Pavilion, purchued from Alan N. Ducommon, will loclude enlarging its seafood restaurant. A 140-passenger vessel will transport passengers to catalina from the Pavilion this summer, Tozer Indicated. A larger vessel will supplement that possibly next year, he added. strengthen bis campalp >Cains! ~ conlrQvers~l blUoml~ss ~tel'\,I~ Five .,...iy ban, lncludJng tbe ;\put. ment A-Go-Go ln which Miss Cybulski wu booked, are currently under a "no bottomless" ban. And lllclls predJc~ Tuesday nighl that the Cybulski v~ wUl be. a "shot ln the arm" for Wr, enforceQient officers seeking to m~ Wn and enencl that blll. , , · It Is believed that the verdJct Is flie first such ruling to be obtaJned in the Stile ot California. Moore said after U. verdict that he will take hi~ 1ppeal ill !he way to the Calilomia Supreme Coo'I a move which, J udg! Mast latu cont· merited, wlU pose the high court wltli 1. difficult situation. 1 , 1 "It brings to the forelront the question of e<1mmunity st:a.ndar<h, what they an; who can define them and who Is ezpu't enough to attest to them," Judge Mdt said. ''111at'S what this trial was all about and this jury expressed Its satis- faction that community standards, Ml known to them, had been violated." ·• Observers during the trial found , It difficult to conceive of any other v~ after Miss Cybul!kl staged a apeciail "benefit show" for the jury at the A~ ment A-Oo.Go. The shapely blonde executed her to{· rid . 35-minute r.JUti.ne on the mirronid minlstag~ at the bar in what she assured jurors would be an autheoUc portra7al of the snake dance that brought palrpA& flocking to the popular watering place. It was authentic enough to make women jurors turn away in apparent disgust and refuse to watch much m~ than a few minutes oI a dance that ltad been labeled by vice officer.i as 1'plain1Y filthy." - Zogg Takes Ove~ As New Tustin . .·.• Superintendent · , WiUiam Zogg, business administratqr of the Garden Grove Unified Sc~l District, will become the new super1n- tendent of the 6,~student Tustin Unloh High School District July I. . 7.ogg's new position will entail ad; ministration of a $6.4 million budget 11 three et.lsting schools: Mission Vie)q, Tustin and Foolhlll high schools, and 8. fourth facility now under construcUon near UC Irvine. -.· · He was appointed to the $26,200 a ytal' post Monday night by unanimous declalon of the &Chool board. He wa.s chdile.n f"'"1 a neld of 36'applicants to replace Robeft Dahlberg who resigned last December.·~ 1.ogg will receive ao annual ailary ·lir . $2$,000, plus a $100 per monlh eipeme allowance. Dahl~g'& )> e c ember r~ti-21 followed charges by school board members that he was ineffective ln CCIJ1\' rnunicating the district's financial ·neeas , to the public. He still had <lne year to go on hla flVe- year contract and will receive Sl2,501t" JD severance pay, or one-half or his sallrY for the year. • ~; Zogg, 42, has been with the 70.,ch&I Garden Grove district for nine years~ beginning as Principal of ltandio Alamitos High School. For nine yeas before that, he held various teaching mtd coaching posjtions. ' In his new job, be will receive a 5alaa")' <lf $25,000 a year. William Buckley Set For Advisory Group WASHINGTON CAP) -President Nil'· on today--named William F. Buckley Jr., editor of a conservative magaiine, to the five-member U.S. Advisory Commission on Information. The commission advises the director of the U. S. Information Agency on the distribution or information abroad. Craduadon time • .. Omeaad•e 0 OMEGA ~" i..,;., ud lorinatriLo>a .. )'Olli' paduaie witb \he lift ol an Omep, •• lbewatch to~ ll'ith pride. From bluepriJit to final utezablr f1fUJ Omq-a rnoTCment miderlOOI za.ultiple qualitr-eontrol impocUom "to auure maxit:nun depead.ehUity • Such attention to minute ·lb> detail• hu won co1111tlw I/ b11no11 for Ome&a and explain1 ll'hJ Ome11 timed the Olympic G1.111t1 and wa1 cboaeo. by NASA as •tan.dud U.Ue for Astronauu tn the~ 11\00D..nd·back A polio ptOpUi. :-1 fl......_ 141C 'llMli Mild ..,.. .................... tu.a .~~=·-~.~.: ... :~:~.~.~~Mi ~oil-=:= .......... llll ................ 1CIC,........ ............................... "7 .......... 111 CO~ENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR&E s .'. • J. C. .J/umpMu (}11.welr Jill NEWPORT AYL. COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE 5-41-340 I • I I ' I " 1 . Saddlehaek N.Y. St•• .. EOIT10N .~OL 62, NO. ·121, 4 SECTIONS, 51 PAGES " . ' Niguel Wins Salt Creek -Stiit; Appeal · Dlle? By TOM BARLEY °'"" Clellf ......... La&W1a Niguel Corporation today won a nlaJor victory in the biller baUle of Salt c;.ek Roo<t. The company-ca:rue out on top for the second Ume in its series of Superior Court battles with Laguna Beach a~ tqrney William Wlloox.,, in the re!We of a .ruling by Jud'e Claulie Owens. Wilcoxen, the Judge states in a sixi>age llflJysts, failed to prove that there was 'I ait ·~vi' fraud fn ~.which led to oounty abandonmeot of UI!> ID-loot wide, I, ftiO.foot Ion(, public rlahkl·•I)' anli lb BUbsequent tab over ·by J.uuna Niguel as part vi a )Oken ~eot in tbe Salt, Creek .,.._ Ii Is not eooueh, the jll(lae '1'1ed, to slate that "certaio partite •• various matters." He ruled that' WUC<!IOll had not alleged fa& ''whldi show paitlolly or by reasonable Inference, tW!t ll!Ose ,J!OllOlll poaeaaed oerlain lmowlec!p.• . ' '. wu...e.·, ear11tt ~ -Ille...,. P801 before Judie Owe. Ooded wllll the rejectloo ,of his peUtlun on Ille .,....is that be bod failed to allqe fraud In Ille takeover "' Salt Creek Road. That piool would have to be fortbcomlng if he boped to overturn C<1Unty abandonment, Judge OWens ruled at that tlrne. wu~·· attitude, today .was that he had lost a batUe but not the war in his long, alinoot lone campaign to nulllfy COWi\!' abandoomeol which be claims , . . "'> .. ' • ' I ' . • ' . ' ose oro. Ir ... ~ Down the Mission 10 L"ewd Dan~es Jury · Finds Laguri.an Guilty ·Trail Niguel Fami1ies Seek Slide Funds LAGUNA NIGUEL -Identical claims rot-. landslide damage totaling $289,500 wet\ ·filed Tuesday with the Board of shpervtsors by two neighboring.Monarch B:!.Y. property owners. Mr. and Mn. Francis G. Fabian or 3*1 Crown ·Coast Drive a'nd ~r. and Mrs. John M. Glass ot: 32925 Crown Cout lll'ive filed the claims for da~ whli:h tbe1 aUege began -last Feb. 11 II n d is ~tlnuing today. The claims wn denied bf the Board of Supervisors and f'eferred to the County Counsel's office. ' e IOWGns Plan DIMer LAGUNA WLLS -The lowa Club or Leisure World will hold a catered chicken dinner Tuesday, JIJ!.l' 10, at 8:30 p.m. ln the main lounge of Clubhouse No. 1. Tickets are $Z·.so. Reservation deadline ls Friday, June 6, and they may be made with Mrs. Mervyn Lorenz.. •·Opera Star Visits LAGUNA HllJ.S -Bass-baritone Mchie Drake will be guest of Opera 100 during the concert tea June 7 at 2:30 p.m. in:ij!e main lounge of Clubhouse 2. CAROL KNITS, J.URY BURNS D•ncer Reducecf·W ·T..,.. . . • A Santa Ana municipal court. jury kicked the bol'tom out ii Carol Cybulski'• bottomless world Tuesday night 'with a verdict that had the blonde belly ._ sobbing bitterly with bowed head at the counsel lable. It took the shi:·woman, six-man panel j~ four and one-half hbUI'! to rule that lhe curvy Laguna Buch entertainer was guilty of lewd conduct and indecent ,,_re when ·llhe .danced iD Ille oode al the Apartment, A-O<Hlo. n.,y. l.'Ollvictod the Art 'Colony -r-tainer on all 10 coon(I. Judge PaµUlaat -· her to return lo· court JllllJ 11 f~ a ...._,. that ailld· Md 1up· tD &1 nlaldmtlm of •iz -ia JaU mdldt a !MIO One on ¥<b ~. 11 I• ' --lbo'»1'1!lod•bock In,. Miss Cybul!ki sat la tht. courtroom with. a newsman and MPIPB dJ.er confklence that the jury ,..Wd rule in her la..,.. «juletly knitting ('"lbil Is a red sweater for mY. 12-foot python," she joted) she restated her bellel that attorney Berrien Moore had dme -to cmrrioce the jury thai obe could l>o cleared of the charges, all made over a two-month period at the popular .... t Sanla Ana bar. Ten mlnu&es later she was 11wnped acroa the cowwel table. angrily con- demning that sap1e jury through ber tears "for making me the patsy for a kind of dancing tba1~s accepted without question anywhett outside this darno county. "I <lo the same thing in Reno and the cops applaud," Miss Cybulski prot.,Jed. "I guess It's the name Cybulski' they doo't like-4bey busted me three '""' (lloo .DANCER, Pap I) He bas toured as a featured soloist with the Roger Wagner Chorakl and has ap- pQlred With opera companiea of San FranciSco, Seattle, Portland a n d Honolulu. No Signi~µnt Dropoff ' ' e Resurfacing Set EL TORO -The Grll!ith Co. of Costa Mfsa was the low bidder on a projecl to In Attendance at VCI resurface El Toro Road between Trabuco The UC ·Jrvine student strike conti'nued and .Live Oak Canyon roads, a distance Gt' in its fourth day tooay but no reliable about four miles. figures were available on the dropo(f in The county Road Oeparlment received lhrte bids ranging from the Griffith Co. class atWndance: I un -t ten JIUI The campus administration said a 0 ~ .. -. 0 -.~. h .. Jn. department will study the bids and survey of deans of the various sc OOl:I submit the acceptable low bid soon to the dicated "no significant drop in atr BOard of Supervisors for awarding of the tendance." cq,tract. Spokesmen did )xit define what thty meant by slgnlDcant, and obviously there e KU41e Sla0t0 Slated were many stadents on strike. Mi~lGN VIEJO - A cartoon show for The campus inewspaper, New UnJverSl~ thO you,..ten wUJ he shown Friday at ~ed .. a tolaUy con:;:naed r p~~ .. ~ 10:30 1.rn. at the Mis:slon Viejo ~ a IW'VtY s ~ a Utm Center, 25800 Mootuoeo Drive, tendance to be down ,an averap of 5i lo Million Vlojo • -L . I . Admiallon ~ 25 cents for the cartooM. • Tho -t ...,._, ti pnfllrllte. Popcorn trill be 10 ceob. · Tho -" to aho!r .IJlllllOll\7 w solidarity wllb gtodents at Berkeley. The UCI strikers are supporting the 11ame three demands: -Remove t~ police and Nallon&J Guant from campus. -;Lift the Ible of .emerrncY. -Re-the university property called People's Part to the people. . Mall)' of the 3,lell UCI students sym. pathetic to tbe first two deri-ands take exception to the"thitd And have not jollied the strike for that ......,., 'l1te llriken 11y they trill continue to picket and ~ clauea however Joor ~ lt takes unW Ill three demllllda are met. . ' .,,_ . . ,vo11rv:; SUPPORTERS WHOOP· IT UP IN VICTOllY A Bltttr Defeat for Both Br..t!;y,, Polltlul Pollatera Uitderdog"·Yorty Scores . . . . . ' . . Ill Record .·Vote Turn~ut . . •' . . L6s 'ANctLl!s '""> ,!,.1i.t~)..· sam Yorty, ari UMefdog ln the~ poJla1 .r~e a t:eeord voter tumGUt to 1 64,M> cthird tenn elecUon VictoJ'l today Ov.tt ~is Brad~y. Nigro couhcilman w b o had· thumped hipl in ·the primary. • Yorty apparent)) won strona ·aupport in the closing doya. u '!hat wu called the bittere&t 1 0:c a I campaign of modem, limes. How• do the poll:St~ explain it? .one, Don Muchmpre, -poll1 for ,the .Los An&!les Tim~ MPQ<iay .placed1 Brlldley ahead 53 percent to ·~· said : "[, fe_el like Geora:e Gallup did in llMI." That wu the year Harry Truman ~pset ~ \Dewey, Gallup~• pjck. Muebmon. aaJd in a 1latpnent there '1)igbl haye lioen ID)"l"' in the poll, ad· ding: :;we w.. clealijlg wltli ·the -race Juue tn tii1i cainpaJJn ·'n!I this ts tradl· tlonally • dlmeult arel. to IUl'Vey t'. "IL weWd a.....,. ¥J thilyinltance ~ aample of,rupoodlnta·wu loadVertentiy not a representaUve Cl'Oll~n of the . -1atJon," lald M-, who had conducled 175 lntervlow1. .. ~ tbouah this ii our !Int major emr, a compiel< aJ>lllyalo will be made Lo de:teTmine the euct eauae ot the~-·· . .. . s;;~J!OTlei't of Bradley SJld'tbe); hod lodged a complaint· with • tho slate at- torney general's oftit"e over a "ca. did~~ ~·: wld~ly ~bii~: 111,"l'! ~h~ 1the city's, Ii tO lO PFr~.qt;Nearo poptilauon· lives. . '. . ' · Tbof clalriied the · canJ 181i! Bradley vote! ihoukfbe made on h'Ole No. 3 of the , . ., ' r . • punchcard-cOmpute:r ballot. If voters did 6o1 they would baYi,v~ ·for Yoriy. Bradiey, 51, 8,1.,_"poUce lleulal'!ll who ~ to become the third ·Negro mayoi' Of a major U.S. cl~y. refwied to conCede. He ,,... fl· por<ent. of· the vote to Yorty's 26 percent in the April primary but wu forced Into a nmoff when be fail· ed to pl~ a majority. Pollsters right up to •lectlon daj had• hJlli mainlaining a margin. • _ . 5emlofficial returns from '11 but ala vi 2,890 precificti Iii TuftdaY•( runoff ve Y~y ~7,000, ~ ,63, per~~' ,to Bra1~·a 392,tll, or 47' percent. · For the st-year-old Yoriy, nmning on liJ. ellflt-yelr pertonn8nce u ,moyor, the be•'Y .... turnout ·~ the key to victory. . . • • T•l'lln" Tep Speller E.ARLY DEADLINE Nbon'• .June l'l•lt I , • • LAGUNA'HILLS -Rlcharo T. Turner, l!l'C A-Majorca. once apin ii F' o· R DIME .4lJS '. kijig of' Ille. -1n in Le!Mn.'World .t& •Jidlllll• dlnpetitloo. name -Pslttacosls, charlvarl, Dbno-A·Lloo lldft<llaero· have-Lo Im'! .....-i and >ebec while downlng !,! 11111 -1! to lat !IRir ads into the DAIL f oU>er comJ)elltora. Turner wUJ ftoi-PllD)". Dloe II k-Day ~.ollday ,. etent u. retltement «mmuNty Cll YrkLIJ', .... ,, for. the popular June 7 in Loo Anples County spell!ftg bee -Ida• lml been, mn""1 up -,to .$ Jlnals. P·llL Thundl)' (lnatead of ~ 111111al I pJil. Friday deadline). :.. e Airport Pl•11 N~tl 1"" muat be placed in -er·-. br mall with P111meut enclooed. Call.any SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -N.,.Ua· DAIL y Pnm -,... f,.;Ji;r in- tiool between the coonty and San Juan l0<maUon. n.. ads wUJ be pabllal>ecf u I ctpf,atrano for the purchaae of • 1.1-acre usual in the weekeod edllloo of 111e.DAi- ' county owned streich of the Capistrano -LY ii\iDr distributed ,,.. Salut'dl1 1 Atrport runway will cooUnue rolknring a " • i.. <lly tumdown of the county'1 latest oUer. Sc.elc ' /11 ... au ,Cl~ Councilmen llixed the coun\)' plan for a price Of 18'1,QOll to be.paid throogb an l'nltreSt-free ti-year leaee pur<haae ...... 'l1te clly lald Ille price WU too high aod uked 1he county to hitt an fn. dejjoiodent appratsar to Ml tbe prJce. • '• .•· NEWYORK (AP) -'!be stock tnarl<ot c--today, -.-.ping-of Ila earlier looaeo. (8« quotations, p-.2(..11;) . ' " '1' L-' .Laguna Pre,ss Cotps Base • ' • an Ml~od<d peUuoft 0o the une.· 1'JC• RUied U IOClit U poooible." I Tho doai-is still opea;lhe optionJallc at· tomey dec\llld. • He,polBled to Judie Owens' r.fulll of 4'11!!"! N°'8Uel'! argument that WI~ not lie graqled lojunc;Uve ttile!. a -·of 'law tbat could llill briig 111e:w ·Creek Road bittle before a trilL - judge. . . , Wilcoxen confirmed, that be will fllerai1 (See SALT CREEK, Piie I) .. ' er. ' . Saddlehacli Gor Group Gets Action · By· JACK CHAPP.ELL or • DlllY ""' ,... A bit of polltical muacle llaing•b)o the ·Saddleback Republican Allembly in their flpt·qa1n1t ~ co~erdal .. of the El Toro Milrine Corps Air SlaJIQn ~ P«!doced oome results .. It was riported today. ~ from four~· slate .and 1..i;..a1 lelfilAton' lrlillcatlni, ienerar .:. id'" . anled ;_ Cilulllll'Oval of jolJil ..... .!"~;ii,.~ of )lie alri>!irt """ ~~b,'; pol' l!l'llP- Tbo atatemenlo br wlUlarn,.lllntoill. ~., ..... -.. Co,mtY ~of s, lllail Sen. John G. fldlmlll (&,,_II U.S. Sen. George Mllr1lllY C& Cal.I and u.s. Bop. Jamea B. (Ju ca.. juatln) came in res"°""' to a l)!IO!utlan pamd . .-oUy· by the --!l<Publleu -,. t, That reaoluUon noted thll .... • polilicall:i active or1aniulioa, we: would Certainly coneider. our teJected olficlall' iitand on the airport durtpg the nm elec- tjons," Michael T. Cob, ~l, 1sald today. ·"' Coples of the resolution w,ere sent to an the county supervlsors, to all the elected state and federal oUlcials of1tbe area, and to the Federal Avlatlon Commllsloo. Generally, the letters received rrom the thfee federal and 11tate offlciall aII pointed to cOntinWng Marine Corps' opo position to the plan and dodged personal ~enb ol pinposaL , Howe.Jer, supervuor ·rorsteln, wHose fourth' disiilct Includes parl 'of tbe Silcl. dleback area,.expres&ed a direct concern-i ''MY personal reaction to this JoJnl USO ls rather oegati~e as I cannot visualize El Toro as a permanent metropolitan airport. I beli,.e that a thorougti U.. vesUgation of this joint use w~ prpve It unacceptable, and would vertly the v~ limited probability of a commercial airport In the vicinity of the El Toro Marine base," Hirstein wrote. · Hirstein said also that the super:vison bad given no consideration "wba~" to a suigestlorl of aligning a coo\meretal runway paratlel with the 5anta Anl Freeway. · · The letter from Schmitz said in part that becauoe· the propa:ty involved ii federally owned, hia 1lalf l'Ollla<Jed Col\- gressman Vtt'1 w~ offict. "Hii staff adviJell ·ul that there' ls oo·JikeJlllood (See ,uJIPOllT, Pqe II . . .. . We11doer With aftenioon temperatures in the 70'1 , who needa IWU11 ~ Ill@? At lwt lbal's the weather· m&il'l>Vi<,;oin preocribinl '-OI the same for 'J'bur.aay. , INSOJIE TGDAY ' The Laguna. and Huntington Beach plefVhOV1t1 mount thcfr lost productlmu of tht s....,. this week -wldie °" iKjurtd <Kic>r rsc:..rm to tM Cotta. Jfno sl•O•· Set tnten.miiMnt, ~· 26·27. .. I ~~· ~i =-,.:;: ..;? c........ ...: ::,:.. ....... ,. c.1a U ............... l)i.M ~ 11 na • _. ... ,, :=:r.: == ,_ ': ...,_ ' INt •• 1111 l6fr 11r.1rs • " , ........... _... .... •.t ~ " ,........ Ill 5.T'· ~~, ...,.....L ........ 11 _,.._ 4.tt Miii "' ........ -·· ) " • r ,San Joaquin OKs 73-cent O.verride A ?ktnl tu override, finl ev.r In tha Saa Joaquin £1ementary School DL!trlcl, WM 1-ved by a SI ptl't<lll viot«y ....... ~y. All ._ 11 pr<elncls • .,.,.pt thr<o lo Leburt World Lqunl IUU. -where the lal measure failed miserably -gave it s!rol\g support. An estlml1ed 2S percent of the ~rlct'a regtstered voters went to the poill 11. p111 the OV10rtlde, wbJch .... bilo ef!ect July 1 for thrff years. • C»JLY PILOT IMfl ....... Tlaree Proted E"flle• I Slaort 1,000 Spc:es. I I '. -. --· JJ9wnff)WD Still Nee ds ;parking .. • Wiii\ 7llll downlo\m porkln( spocts. Laguna Beach b sby about t ,000 placa to . .,.n in Us ceatral b.isiJMl!StlNSln. 'J'bSa WIS t,:~ rnent ol merehlnt Bob Benner 11 be uplolDed lo Clwnber of c.mm-dirtelon die pal· din( Downtown lldltness "-!ltioo plan to Jure au;lomers wllb free-parking tokens. Benuer &aid a survey showed that downio.ll !!JllP)oyes .,. uslni 1bolit 400 of· Iha 7111l lp.cea ind that ............. Jeet to qo,porllo( aviiillbillty ud hiving lo PIY for J)ltkliil.' ' customers. _ Benner said 57 have signed up thus fa.! andlOOa~needed.. • The fee will include a newspapet advertlsing program in sever a.l newspapers, he said. , • * * * Chamber Eyes • ·l!.U Neriaon. bu11nm dl-..r ol tha San Jlllqllln Elemeotory Scbool Dllttlet0 Nld ~ memlJen ~ lo keep tha ln- iUal tu lncrwe clown to 2S cenls lhll year -m».Ybe only 20 centa. Funds from the override will lllow Iha district, now one of the fastest arowlng ln the nation, to maintain its present level • ol educational service. Laguna'• nowttt Eagle Scouts are (from left) Barry Scbinn, Robert Haverty and Dirk Van Deu1en. Trio of Boy Scout1 received scouting'• Wghest honor dur· Ing court of honor ceremonies Tuesday night at CO!ll!llunity Presbyterian <;hurch 's Fellowship Hall. Refemog to plans lo apln crld<down on meter feecllnl. Benner llld, "It will be a great bsrdshlp on employes dawntowo but they're jull (clng to hive to suf(er lhrouah 1Ui1lli1er. We blve to have placa for our customeni: to park." A free partfDa token given by a merchant will be worth SO minutes park· Ing plm a five minute grace period, said Benner. A nickel will buy like parking time. The meters being purchased by the city will also take dimes and quarters but no pennies, he lllid. Taking More Acti ve Role Will Laguna Beach Chamber of c.;;.~ merce take a more activist role io the future ? • "We are sticking pretty much to fun· damentala." Ne.rison said. He lidded that aoy apaJllioo ol educ. tiooll p:acram1 will blve lo be -_, ca.re:fullf, but said some new readln& ooo- c.pll 1111y be Initialed. 1be increase approved 2,308 to 1.• votes will raise the general purpoge tu rate for 11.3'.lo $2.0I, il the total 73 cent& permlllod I! levied ID the lhr« y ..... ~agu.TJ.ll Chamber Studws Funds , Budget Problems Zogg Takes Over As New Tustin Superintendent C11atkm will be giveh cars that park more than the twMiour time period. "We anticipate problems with employe park!ng,'' said Benner. ''They're rather spoiled. If they can't park within a half block of work. they feel they're being c!lscrilninaled against." Comments of chamber directors Tue&- d.l.y point toward a craving for a ~ identity, a shedding of the lamb skin. Acllvllfes by the dty -whidl bf• sometrunc of a )ever on the cbarnbe:r .\)y supplyin& It 135,000 annually -seemed~ have focused the board introspection. • Tom Johnston, fonner chamber pres!· dent, said he had a subconscious feeling that the chamber did not want to ma&e waves, that Its posture had been one of peri~ woold set the total tu --with bond ,.poyment ln<:luded -at $2.311 per ttOO of assessed valuation for young families ind Leisure World residents in the district. Jlrom Pqe l M a new fiscal year approaches, Laguna Beach Chamber of Commet'Ct!: thouahts tum , to fonns of revenue and budgetin(. Oilmber directors ~ -In lhe midst ol their own budget preporallons ind wilb 111 eye 1111 munlctpaf budgeting -heud a report 'showing a beallby growth · In both f.eyenue . from the SALT CREEK , transient oceupancy tu and salu taL • • . The figum are impoitanl to the ChaJn.. ber since they relate to 135,ooti the Cham· ber bu been ro«iving from clly 111-amended complaint along the lines aug· gested by Judge Ownes and that he will soon be back in court again. The essence of hli injunctive argument Is the "illepl wullng or lniurlnl of coomty proPdty" 11 • ...wt of the 11>1n- donmenl of the 3'-yeoN>ld rlgbl of w11. NO DOUBT Judge Owens' ruling indlcales thal Laguna Niguel bu failed to aaUafy him that there WU not soml element of doubt tn HI arsuinent tblt the link between the South Cout beaches and the Paclnc Oout Hll!nnY II DOI ,the lnvlqlate public rilbkl·WIY il I! claimed to be by Wllconl!. nullly for handling the city ad rllslDg and promotion pfOCJ'lm. Wamn Morgan, Oilmber said bod tu for 1967-18 -~~ an iDcreue over the previous y Co ndition Trell To Capo Purcluu~ ' ' . Wllcoxeft .,.,... that !lie road ... cleedecJ lo the county by tlli 11111< u ouch • publlc thoroU&bfart. And ht lnliltl 11181 ' fl cannill·be abancloneil ind lal<en over by ll1Y prlvlte 111-. He hu al9o bitterly attacked county a~ilon for abandoning Siii C?eok Of ,{f irport , Lan4 I ! i '\ N!fOlll!lom for purojlue of 5.14 ama of ciiunty Flood C:Ontrol lllltilcl ~ now uaed u hllf the nmway-o1 · the CtpillrlOO Airport by the clly ol S.n Juan cipl.ltrano. are eontlnuing, Real Property services Director Stanley Krause said lo<ll,y. -R.;j 'wlihcut pmuc burlnp and· lltinl •ucb'actloll ln'teltlmony "cover.a by~ mere ba1f dozen lints of transc:rtpt." ! I . t RALL y TO cAUSE Angry South Coast surlen att rallyln( to Wilcolen't cauae and condemnln& county abandonment of the right-al-way that,.. 1 • v e theril 1ceess to ~ldelands ·between Dana l'Olnt ind Three Arch Bly. · It ls understood that they have con· tributed heavily to a fund which will pro- vide fananclal support for WUcoxen's campaian. Lquna Niguel attorney M i k e McCormick today hailed Judge °"9111• J'Ulinc as "a bN>ld vindication of our poailk>n." "We are particularly deligbled thal Judp Owens hu '° thoroughly dtspooed of tbe v~ fraud allegations made by WUcoien,' McCormick said. "And we are very happy that this ruling so ef- fect.lvely clears the county officials In- volved by Wllcoxen's wild allegations." McConnlck said that "certain upects" of Judge Owens• ruling are not clear and that he will attempt to discuss the matter wltb lbe judie in the near future. "But we .,. deUghled with this ruling ind fefl that. under law, he could reach no other vtrd.lct.. .. 0•'11 PILOT GAAf!IGI" C<M.ll "lnL llHIMO CCIMPNrt Jl•Mrt N, W1t4 """""" .... ~ · J•c.• It. c.,1.., ¥1C:t ,,....,.,.. -Otfttr.W ........ n. •• , w., .. n .... Tlt.11111 A. M1r,hr~• ~'"' lffOw Jliclrt1r4 P. N1tl L-1•~ C,,,. IE ... ---' 211: ,..,.,. ,.,,,._ M•llt_, 1u1~11 ... 1 r.o. l•r U6. tl611 --• ca:.:-: -'"" • .,. $"'9lf ""'"" : nu 'Nttt ..... ......_. 1.-.041M e.ctlr • 1111 ....... -I • ! '10ur on1y reservatlon in the sale lo the city at what amounts to a reduced. price is a cooditlon that if the land does not continue lo be used for an airport a stipulation be made lo reimburse the county for the difference between the amountpald and lhe true value," Kr.a11$e "said. I Krause's department has valu~ the acre.age at $87,000. The city on May 21 through City Admini.strator E r n e s t 'I'hompiOll proposed that an lndepend,nt appraisal of· ·its val~ be made and that the city puq:hase at the agreed price over a 1$-yj!lt period without intereSt •. "Some provisiOn to protect the cdunty when tile land is no longer used for ari airport . is neCesiary," Krause em- phuized. "Otherwise the supervisors will be In the position of selling county, pro- perty to a couple of developers at a reduced price." Operators of the airport Bruce, Winton and Julian Willcox previously turned do~ a county proposa l to lease the flood control district land at a minimum an- nual ~ of $1.000 or 17 percent of tne groa airport business, whichever iii larger. Winton and Wlllco1 have deeded four acres, the half of the airport runway they own, to the city pending outcome of the negotiallOM. l'rom P •e I DANCER .•. " ago in Carden Grove for dancing top. Jess." Moore wlli' uk June 12 for a new trial and he will , aR before Qlat date-pos· sibly Monday in Superior Court-for a ruling of habeas corpus on the munic!J)al court verdict. "If the Superior Court a<Upts that pet:IUon It will mean the dismissal of this unfair verdict," ~1oore said. "l argue now as I ariued during the trial that the jury ls attempting to iniPoSe a set ol community sllndp'ds that hive never been defined and cu nevtr be applted. "No one qualified in that l'rtal as an expert witness," J.1oore uld. 0 .And' lhlt'• becaute there ls no such lhlng whtn ti \ comes lo • i\lling Oft whether Mia .cybullki's dlilC\.!!..Qblc.fte or not." • On lwld for the COkl"uslon Of the n<k; IOlll trill WU Dl!tr!C( Attomoy <lectl ' Inoa olid be • !node no oe<rtt · ol his dell(fit 1l 1 verdict he expeetl to stren(the• his compolflll >Clinsl the ·Cllfttrom>lal bollomless Olll~t. Fl,. C!illJll_• ban, IDcllld!U the AJl!l:l'. nleot A~ ID whicl> .jlfaa Cybullkl WU. booRd, are curreDtly under a '100 bOt1omJ.a" bu. And J!lcks pttdlcied ~I·~~~ ~~f;~~ en!OlttniOi!I olficor1 SOO:klll& ID moln- llift ind uJtod tllll bin. nearly Hts percent. The. bed tax recelpb in 1968-Q will a~ proach $110,000 which by volume is up 13 ~ Tbe·clty COlllf>"lea the -at Ii.I percent '1noe the amoonl of tu cOl.Jected wu iocreued fi'om four to five pe....i during the 1117-11 flscal year. Morgan told the board that sales tax returned to the clty-(one percent) In lN'T-87 reached '371,585 and In the cur- r<nt fiJcll period Is expected to r<ach $400.JOO to flll,000, In 1ncru9e· ol 10 lo 11 _..1. Tbe'bed tu for 1-. Morgan said, ttp-.tl IUIKl,000 gross hoi.l business, 11normally 20 to 25 percent of the f.otf1 the averqe tourist spends." Pu Ulll basJS, he estimated, t o u r 1 s m will amount to another $24,840,000 spent in the city for the period endlftl Juno lO. Sales tax revenue showed that gt'Olls business on which it Is collected will be ahoul .. I million. "Not only do the visitor doll.an' relieve the dly ol tu -· -lls capodty to Pl1 fol' lmprovemeqb, parks and recreation," said MO(pll. ''Bq:t sup- 'Port a considerable ~ local '""I":;~ flcenll!_ "!(,~ "real e tu lncome." .. ~ Harry Ln1--, ......... ,.......,, ..... the ._i .......... 11111 ~ challelipl ·tiy ..... shoiJplng centeri bid been able to hold Its own and incre~ hn1tneu William 7.ogg, business administrator of the Carden Grove Unlfied School District, will become the new superin· tendent of the 6,000.studenl Tustin Union High School Diiitrict July I. Zogg'• new position will entail ad· minlstraUon of a $8.4 million budget at three emting schools: Missioil Viejo, Tustin and Fuothill lrigb schools, ind a fourth facility now under construction near UC Irvine. He was appointed to the $26,200 a year post Monday night by unanimous decision ol lhe school board. He wu chosen from a field of 36 applicants to replace Robert. Dahlberg who migned last Dec.mber. Zogg will receive an annua1 salary of '25,000, plus a $100 per month e~ allowance. Dahlberg's De c e m be r resi.gnalion followed charges. by school board members that he was ineffective In com· municatlng the district's financial needs to the public. He still had one year to go on his five. year contract and will reef.Ive $12,500 ln severance pay, or one-half of hia salary for the year. Zogg, 42, has been with the 70-school Garden Gtove diJtrk:t for nine yea!'I, ·beginning ' u prfnclpof of Rucho Alamitos lllgb Schoof. Por nine years before that;· be beJd various teaclllng and ~ poettiOlll. ' In his new job, be will receive a salary of 12S,OOO a wear. He explained that when be worked in Loo Angeles he had lo pay 12 daily lo park had io walk five blockll to work. Increased parking rates will double-the revenue-to the city, Benner atlmated. Parkin& la now about a breU:.-ven pro. position, according to city officials. The additional revenue will be w:ed over the long range, Benner said, to acquire ad~ dlttonal Jand for parking and build struc- tures. He llld the possibility of a second level a\ the bi( Glenneyre lot bu boen - ed. He mentloDed the old playbouse Ille and a new library site IS additional part. ~ Nld most downtown emplaye9 would be willing to Pl1 110 monthly for an mlined porklng sp..e il It b within three ~ of their work. He urp:I Chamber members to support the procram wij.h $25 which wlll include 100 tobas, window decals advertbing f r e e pldln( tokens ind card> lo mall .,, - .,.,._. P .. e l AIRFO RrJ',· •• ·• .,.._ .. ,ol lramfonnhlg ~ o<!dlng lo ll!o!~operallons 11 El Toro. '11;1 ~·Is the llrgeol llr ~Uoo on the Weijt Qioll lllCI I! badly needed In Its pl.....t copodty without overerowdtng it's facilW.," Schmitz said. diplomacy and caution. :, "Perhaps we should not have been M diplomatic and careful and should have taken a strong stand for what we ually believe in," he said. "Perhaps it's time JD take a stand." - Johnston said it is the chamber role lo work for g~ater liaison with the city o{l new policy and law upcoming. t- GIVE NOTICE • But he also said the city should give adequate public notice of upcoming issliis and said he felt the city sometimes wdnt through the form of giving public notice while in actuality it tried to keep matters quJet to avoid controversy. -·' Johnston said the chamber is in Ute public eye because it receives city &Up- port "We have been Sucei!ssful in lwKIJ.. ing the city's advertising program a.NI have to be aware of our independent pcii{;_r tlon as a chamber of commece," he said. Director Lloyd Sellset spoke of · the chamber role in bolstering tourism .sales lax and bed tu revenue ror the city. . He challenged as a "bad ordinance:" i section of new law which. whittled dO'fP the density allowed R-3 (mulUple resldeJ\.. tial) zones charging that oulting denifty has devalued R.-3 properties. • CHANGES MIND Memorial Day Progr~s SlatedAlong Orange Coast U.S. Sen. Murphy wrote: "I have made an µ.qWry of. the· Marine Corps In this matter and have learned that they slroo(ly oppose any such expanoloi) and that the Department of Defense bu no plens to pennlt the El Toro Marine Air Station to be used for commercial opera· tions eithu now or in the future. "The Marine Corps has indicated iU opposition. to. this plan on the ~ls that there ls no evldeooe thal mWij,ry, Navy or Marine Corps requirementS for the sites or national defeme interests were considered In the plan. Generally mild-maMered Lo u I 11 e Turner ll81d that city hall says one thiiik one day and something else the nett. Mrs. Tu.mer, a realtor, said she wot.ild like to see good zoning laws that ·.rt understandable and that wlll turn LagUna into a prosperous, progressive com· munity. " Mrs. June Englund, president of th\? Laguna Beach Board of Realtors, Uld the ordinance amendment forced the owner of an R-3 lot to provide l.200 square feet for each unit as opposed to 800 square feet formerly required. , ' She· said Willlam Lambourne, fontlf!r vice mayor, U trying to get the ordinaDt' section reversed. Plan1 £or Memorial Day programs are under way throughout the Orange Coast area today. In Costa Mesa, the Veteranll of Foreign Wars Post 3536 and American Legion rost "'55 wlll bold a jo.int service at 11 a.m. Frklay at Ha,rbor Re$t Memorial Park, 1625 Gisler Ave. The two veterans · ora:anizatJorui will place meaths at the Memorial Flag Pole, with the as.slstance of an honor color guard fron1 the Marine Cor,..; Air Facility at El Toro. The public ls invited, and a spe<:lal welcome Is extendeci to active duty servicemen and their families. Huntlngton Beach American Legion Post 133 will hold a service at 11 a.m. Friday together wilh lhc Gold Star Mothers at the Good Shepherd Cemetery, ·Talbert Avenue and Beach Boulevard. On Thi:rsday, preceding Memorial Day, Post 133 members will place flowers on 50 graves of former post and aUJillary memben bw1etl in the Good Shepherd and Westminster cemeteries, u well 11 all veterans graves. The public is invited to both ceremonies. Memorial Day commemoratlorui ln Laguna Beach will Include two different klnds of ctrtm00let. One Is sponsored jointly by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5168 and American Legion Poat 222-and will be held at the Memorial Column on Hei sler Point at 11 a.m. Friday. It will feature an invocation b)• El Toro Marine Corps Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. \Varren Trumbo and an addres.s Jy U0yd L. Linquist; state VFW com- mander, as well as a sls:-gun salute and the playing of laJ>ll. -The other ceremony, also 6Cheduled 1t Heisler Park, will !all all day, as the names ol the 39,000 American men killed so far ln Vietnam are 'read aloud in the park. The reatttng is being conducted by the Oran,e County Friends (Quakers) in e<m- Senate Passes Pay Raise· for Governor SA~llAMENTO (,\P) -The Se/late puoed • bill toc111 -., the sallrie1 of major sl&lt offldals, Including the fO\.'trnot who would get $40,100,a yur. 'lbe chief ueculive'a u.la.ry now )• $14,IOll-. Tllo bDI booota the lllllrl11 ol lhe other lisle constllUlloJW ofl1cen by 410,000 a 7w, frcm 115.ooo lo 11$,000. junction with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The group plans to withdraw for the hour or two necessary for the veteran:; groops to conduct their ceremony. Readin1, of the namu, culled from the Congreuional Record , will tai:e from 20 to 2.f hours, said a Friends spokt!man. Westminster Memorial Park will be the scene of combined Memorial Day observances by the American Legion Post 555 Uld Its auxiliary, as well as the Gold Star Mothers. The 11 a.m. service, at 14801 Beach Blvd., will Include a welcome by Furl B. Linds0 y, commander of Priist 555, the placing of memorial wreaths, a salute to the dead by a firing squad, and taps played by the Royal Lancer Buglers. ''Additionally, the Department of Defense has suqested that no further . consideration be given lo the uiie of Marine aviation and ground installations as a part of the Orange County air transportation plan ••. " Murphy said. Rep. Utt stated: "Recotnizing that there is a problem with the Orange Coun- ty Airport, I do not believe that a solution can be achieved by transferring it from one area to another, and I will opp»e such a project. "The Marine Corps considers this ba~ to be one of itg most Important, and is strongly opposed to any joint use," he said. David Phillips, automobile dealer, Said as a new bus.lnessman in the community he had felt resistance to matters necessary for business. He pointed out that automobile sales contribute solidJy to the sales tax revenue. Said Phillips, "I sometimes question whether the city as such wants automobile business in the cl'y. If I'm not wanted, J don't want to stay." He said it should be pointed out to residents how property taxes would aoar without business revenue. "I think it would be interesting to find out what the people of Laguna really want," he said, referring to the city council and planning commission as "basica lly po I i t i c a I animal!." . Graduation time ii ~qadme n OMEGA Pori..tmc•••li•ri"l-·to your iraduate with the sift of an Omep ••• dll w1tch to weu with prida. From blmpria:t 10 JIMl •"""11lr """ °'""" mo•ement undtraoet multiple qu1li1y-control inspeetiom "to ...nmmuiaum.depend•bNiey. Such altction to minnte detalls hu won countleu honors for Omep ud upW.- whr <>mesa tiakd Ui. Olympie ' C1m"m-oi.-brNASA .. aw.dard a.. for A llron&Utl ill. tbefPOCh·mU.itc tnOOD•llld-back Apo& pnllrlZL A-t .._,Ml( .... .., ..... ~ ........... , •••••• 11&0 ·-~~-... 1'' ...... r.o..-. ·~.... -...... \ .. , ..... : .... ,. ............. ,; . c .. ~flt • ,.., • ••4 Wel!dw, 1.&k ,.....,_ IOI04il -•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ot••.1111 <:pNVtNIENT TtRMS IANICAMERICARD MASTU CHARGE • J. C. .J.lum,,M#6 'J111ut1f.r 1 IJJ NEWl'OAT. ~Vl.. COSfA j,j(SA 22 YEARS fl(. THE $AME lOCATION PHONE 54'1,J~OI -· • - • • ' I • Lagonit De.-eh .. \'.OL ~2, NO. 127, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES ORANGE COUNT!, CAUFORN~ ' r ~Y,, MAY 21, 19'9 . ' . . • N.Y. Steek• TEN CENTS • Nigue] Wins Salt Creek Suit; Appeal '· Due? By TOM BARLEY Of * n.IW "'" Steff Laguna Niguel Corpotalion today won a major victory in,U, bitter battle or Sah Cree~Road. The company came out on top for the second Ume in its series of Superiqr Court batUe1 with Lagl.9la Beach at- toftM!y William Wilcoxen in the release of a ruling by Judge Claude Owens. • • Wilcoun. the judge states in a six-page anllysia.-failed to prove that there was ' ' an ~lemeot o('fraud ln nqotlaUons :.hlch led to coouty abandonment of Ibo 11).foot wide, 1,'IQIHoot long, pllblic rliht-ol-way and its subsequent take over by Lacuna· -Niguel as pp.rt of a loo«rt! devekpnent in the Salt. 'Creek area. It is not 'enough. the judge niled. lo slate that "certain ,P,811les know various matters." He ruled that Wilcoxen had not alleged facts .,which shoW partially or by reasonable ln!erence that these persoos posse5Sed c:erlaiD knowi..ige." Wilcoxen's earller tanale with the o:im. PM1 before Jildge Oweos ended wltb tbe ,.jectton of his peUtico on .the grounds tbll he bad failed to allege fra\ld In the ta-of Satt Creek !toad. rrhat proof would have to be forihaiming K he hoped to overturn county abandonment, Jud&e Owens ruled at that time. Wilcoxen!s attitude today ·Was that he'i had lost a battle but not the war tn his long, almqst lolle campaign to nullify count, abandonment which be claims WN ' Cltried oul unllwlully lo Mild> ol ••11111 u lppayers in a, ..,....lntauve 11111. -·· And be -to tilow 'ibe' Art OolOl1)' aUorney -that Wilc'Gan to Include Ille Caplatnno Bay Judge Owe!s' ruling ended bis bid to Part ud llecrMtico Diltrid u parties chaliqe Loguu NigUel lhrouch man-to the 1110 .. bandonma action. damus - a process ol law tha~ is tradi: The obviously disaePointed Wilcoxen tlonally u...i in tbe pursuit of tµpoyen eiq>'lainea tbal ho· perfectly undentoOd suits agalnsttilegedly unlaw!UI SeizUrt. · tbe Jil'oc<a tbat led Ill the ruling.but felt .Jqe Owtru: closed .that av~ ,with 1 that tbe.Su~me c:ourt might have taken the comment' that WUcoxen and felfow al· a iqon Uberal view of hill airgi.fmenta. tomey MIChaet• S.ar~ h.av•f .i.tabf#hed . ••J hive ~ery respect for JQdae Owens, •.'neither a ~pecia.1 Interes(a9( are tbey ol_Coutse,11 he .said. "And I )'ant to file . ' ' • . • .• ~ .. ~ 1 .. . an amended peUllon on the Uba IUI• gated as 8000 u poesible.1' .. The ®or is still open, the optim1ltJc at.- lomey declared. , , He poinled lo Jlldge Ow'°'' refulal of Laguna ~iguel's argument that WU<men not be cranted injunctive relief, • prOreM of law tbat could stlD bring Ille San Creek !toad battle be(... a trial court judge. • Wilcoxen confirmed. that .he will fUe an (See SALT CREEK, Pap I) ose O·r .o Ir-or. •"'; Down the Mission Trail Niguel Families 5eek Slide Funds J,AGUNA NIGUEL -Identical clalrnS tOi: landslide damage totaling $289,500 wt.fe filed Tuesday with the Board of Supe!'ViSOl'I by two neighboring MQJ'lafch ~ property•owners. Mr. and Mrs. Francls G. Fab,ian of :-t 3%921 Crowri Coast Drive and Mr. aod ~ .. ,Jtrs. Jolm M. Glass of 3;925 Crown Coast J)rive filed the claims tor damage which they allege began last Feb. 11 and is cOOtinulng today. The claims were denied by the Board of Supervisors and referred to lbe CQunty Counsd 's office. e Iowan• Plan Dinner LAGUNA HlU.S -The Iowa Club of J.,eisure World will hold a catered chicken dJriner Tuesday, June 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the main lounge of Clubhouse No. 1. Tickets are ti.SO. ~ryation deadline IS'Friday, June 6, and they may be made .With Mrs. Mervyn Lorenz. • Ofll!r• St•r Visits LAGUNA HILLS -Bass-baritone Archie Drake will be guest or Opera 100 dW'ing the concert tea June 7 at 2:30 p.m. hi the main lounge ol Clubhouse 2. -He has f,oured as a featured soloist with the Roser Wagner Chorale and has ap. Reared wilh opera companies of San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and llonolu1u. e Resnrfaclng Set EL TORO -The Griffith Co. or Costa ~1ese was the low bidder on a project lo relW'faoe El Toro Road between Trabuco apd Llve Oak Canyon roads, a distance of about four miles. TQe county Road Depnrtmenl received three bfds ranging from the Griffith Co. figure of $40,700 to IS0,404. ~The department wiU study the bids and aubmll the acceptable low bid soon to the Board of Supervisors for awarding of. the conlract. e Klthlle Show Slated flfJSSl()Pf VIEJO -A cartoon show for U1e younpten will be shown Friday at 10:30 a.m. al the Mission Viejo Recre~~ tion Center, 25800 Montanoeo Drive., Mission v~. , Admisskln 18 25.cents for the cartoons. Popcorn wtn be 10 cenls. " !I '.ll_,..,,. Top Sfll!lhir . ' LAGUN.i\ HILLS ..1. Rlchar4 T. Ttlnter, 15'-C A.venidi Majorca, once again is kinl of the mountain in Lcls...e World opelllna mpeUUon. - Haviac mutered P!lttacosis, charivarl, ia:cordolll and ubec whUo downing IS other competitors, 1\irner will now teprneri~ lhe mtrernent communn1 J'une 7 ln Loe An&<le• Coonly apelling bee nnaJa. ~ ..;llrport Pl•N /\'I.red ' SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -f'(egotia lfoas between the county and San Juan ~litrano for the purchue of a $.4-acre doUnty owned streleh of the Capistrano Airport runway will contlnue following a cll.,y turndown of the erounty'1 lalest offer, IO Lewd -Dan~es Jury Finds Lagunan Guilty CAROL KNITS; JURY BURNS Donnr Reduced to',,_.. A Santa Ana municipal court jury ~ kicked the bot'tom out of Carol Cybulski's bottomless world Tuesday night with a verdict that had the blonde belly dancer sobbing bitterly with bo.wed head at the counsel table. It took the six-wo~n, six-man panel just four and ore-half hours to rule that the curvy Laguna Beach entertainer was guilty of lewd conduct and indecent exposure when she danced in the nude at the ·Apartmenl A-G6Go. They :convicted the Art Col<lny enter- tainer on all 10 counu. Judge Paul Ma6t Ordered her 'to return to' court June ·u fO< .,_ tliat ,Cl!lkl add up 'ta i mulmum of six mointbs Jn Jail and/or a $500· fine on each cci&ht. • , Momeals belcri thejuiy filed baclt in, Mlss Cybulski sat in tie Courtroom with a newsman ·and~ her confidence that the jury woUld rule ln her favor. Quietly knitting ("This b a red sweater for my 12-foot python," she joked) she restated her belief that attorney Berrien Moore l}.ad done ~ to COf!vince tlie jury that she could be cleared of the charges, all made over a two-month period at the popular west Santa Ana bar. Ten minutes later ·s!J.e was slumped across the counsel table, angrily con· denming that same jury through her tears "for making me the patsy for a kind of. dancing thafs accepted without question anywhere outside this damn county. · "I do the same thing in Reno and the cops applaud," Miss Cybulski prolested. "I guess it's the name Cybiilskl they don't like-they busted me three years (See DANCER, Pap I) . . , ,.. . . . ,· ' ' ' -' .. J'' ' ' •..• ,1,..... ' I ) • . YORT¥, SUPl'OR:flRS1WHOOP, !'I' UP .fN V!CjTO!lY'' . A lltlar Doffft for Both a ;.itUay, Po4H!<al Pol ~i.rs •. , ' ! l ~J ' . ,. .. . I . Uriderdog· Yorty Scor~s · -' . . . ' In Record Vot,~ Turn.oat . ' ~) l I No Signi·lwant Dropoff LOS. ANGELES (AP) :..:~IJ.;._t 'Sam Yorty, an Und!rdog lb u,e .• ,~ 1 record votet turnout to a 'M;OOGO ·third term: ~lection victory· today over TbomU Bradley, Negro councilman---Wh o .bad thumiied him in tbe primacy. Yorty apparently won strong support in the closing• days·ot·what 'WIS caJled the bitterest I q c a I campaign, of modem times. . ·~ri of' B~adley aald c'ii,.\, · had lodged a complaint with1 the :,ttate at tome.y · general's office 6Ver· •· •1can;. . . r ' ' • ' '.di~ card" wld~ly .dlstribut$<1 ~· ~ where tbe c~y:s IS lo 20 ll'~ _'.Negro populatfun lives. 1 ' . In Attendance at VCI How do tl)e pollster• eJµla.in it? One, Don Mu~tµnore, whose poll for ~tQe Los Angel~s Tlrqea· M~Y placed Bradlex ahead~ percent I\) 36, said; "! feel like Gc?r1e, Gallup did In •IN;I." Thal was lhc y~r Harry Truman upset Thomas 'They oe-ed the card •a\d ·Bradley vote, should be made on hole'NO. S·of the punchcard-computer ballot. lf voters did so1 they would have voted for Yorty'. · ' ' The UC Irvine student strike continued in its fourth day today but no reliable figures were available oo the dropoff in class attendance. Tho campus administration said a survey of deans of the \'.llrious schools in- dicated "no signiflcant1 drop in at· tendance." Spokesmen did not define what they meant by significant, and obviously there were many ,lludents on strike. The campus newspaper, New Universl· ty, gave a totally conflicting picture. It· clalmed a survey showed ~ at. tmdance to bo. dqwn an avvqt of: 55 to '11 percellL 1be lludent newapoper la pni -., Tbe strike it to show Qm;zDr-or EA RLY-PEAfM.lNE • FOR DIME ADS Dim<'A-Llne advertisers have lo hurry lhla -r Ill &el their ads Into the DAILY P!LOI'. Due lo Ille Memorial Day t.c;llday on J°l'lda)I, dHdlbie for lbe popular ·-ads-boa been moved up Ill 6 p.111. Thursday (l .. lead of Ille ...,., 3 p.m. Friday deodllne). Adi must be placed Jn penon·,,. - by mail wilh paymont enclooed. Call any DAILY P!LOI' office for further I& fonnatico. Tbe Ilda wiD be Plbtl-. u u!!Ual, Jn the week"'1d -of'the DAI· LY PILOT dlitrlbuled on Salurdly. . ' SCeelc Merlcecs solidarity with students at Berkeley. The UCI strikers are supporting lhe same three demands: -Remove the police and National Guard from campus. -Lil! ihe llale of emer,...,y, -Return the university property caUed People's Fark \o the people. Many of the S,500 . UO! atudenl! sym- pathttlc to the nrst two demand• take exception to the third and have nol joined the lltrike for that reason. The lltriken say they will conUnue to picket and boycott claasea however Iona: it takes unW all three demaodl are met. Dewey, .Gallup's pie~. . Muchmore Aid in .• l\a\ement there might I>ove.boeotn·tmr In tbe,poU, ad- ding: !"We were' dullng with the; race blue In this <¥1MiP ud tbia ill tradi" lionallY a dimcUlt·erea to uvey.11 ·"It~ appear ,In tbla iD1tan!:< the sample o( r~ts .. was ifiadvert.et'IUJ not a reprdentaUve crou· section ol. the populatton, 11 llld ·Mucbmort, who had conducilJd m. intarviewl. "Even. thoogJ> this 'ii our f1rit "major error t a cop1plete analyals will' be !Ude to delermille tbe uact cause-of the~·" Bradley, 51, a former .police lieutenant who hoped to become lhe third Negro mayOr 'o( a major U.S. clfy, reflllfld to concede. lie. won • a j percent of the vote to Yorty's 11 percent in the Asrll primary but was forced Into a runoff wheri he falf.. ed to ga)jl a majority. Po~ right up lo election dliy bad h1in hlalntabiing a ~~ficlal retuma from .lll·bui m Or 2,890 preclhctli m Tueoday'• tuMlf pve Yorty 4j7,000, or SI P'!'S!'nl "'-ll~a4Je1'• 192,319. oi 4'I !>ttctnl ' For the •year-old Yorty, .running on hii eight-year pirfonnanee as maydr, the ileavy vote 'turnout appeared Ille key lo viclory. · Laguna Pr~ss Cor.ps Base ' . . By RICHARD P. NUL Owner Merrill J.W-conflnned the or .. o.., ,..... flllft • li Laguna's surf and Sand Ho&el'will dl.ir· forthcom1n1 three-day use of his faci 'ty Ing l'nlldenl Nlion'1 f...u-.ing visit by lhe press. U waa _underltood from be headquarters f..-the nallolial prm other-... tbat the Lquna.pim,lial& corps assigned to dog the presldenltal ; ml)' -- -talla. "-_,, """ ~ ..,.. hll' l'raldent Nixon and llb entouragt arc • mw ate.mo lo """'oOI et lie fadllt1: expected to be in San Clemente June 1. 5 ' GentraI Telepho!\o ~· crewa.llCVa - and I at bla new ~· fmmerty tbe Col'-at work 1lilfalU9J ,. ~ """°" ton ~le. , manlcallonl teclllllU for flli "1ftia and Following the Pm-wlll be tn fMl'!f'.• people. ' • • ' City Councilmen nb:ed the county plaq . firf a price of 137,000 to be paid lhrouah ----------- ad interest.free 15-year lease purchase Jllan. The city said the !!rice wu too high ari:I 11ked the co1mty to hlre an in· llependwll appra!oer lo ,.t tbe price. plane loads of .. ,......, who will !Uy al. 1 ·Roll '\I,~ •poll...,.n for ,Geottnt and -k out of the Slit! and Sand. 1 T!lepl\llhe, iald -Include ID toll NEW YORlt C Al'h The llotk marl<et cl-row.r todaf,' alter '""""Pini ....., of Ila urUer f.,..... <See quotatlons, p-™'·l On< of Lquna•a top ftclllllea, the 17+ I ~art (/b!>rlll wtll\ajlt ~ii unit complex has meeUni -uf la>· ' ._ JDN<lllltanqo ~. about • hop, 11dp and l.-llWI Ibo l be • ilP .., .,,... ~·bl.. IUl'f'I edp. '>; ~ • I -. 0 ....... 1ltfllly; • • • I f ' . . t.,,,, ... ' ' Saddlehac~ GOP Group Gets Action B~JACR CHAPeELL· Of ""' ~" .... *'" , A btt ol political muacle flexing. by tbt ·Saddleback Republlcan•Asaembly !'\ lbelr light aga!nat proposed coinm«clal me ol the El Toro Marine Corps Air St.atlon bal pcPCl.utm some results, it was rePorted today. . LeUera lrom four C0!,.11\tf , state and federal legl!lators lndicaUng general - but 1uan1e<1 ,... disapproval ,of joint .driliaJ>mllllary "'"'of tlle alrPri ba" been received by' tbe' GOP group. · 'The otatemenl! by William Iiinteln, chalnnM of the Oran&< Counl1 -of Sapervilon, Stale Sen. John G. Scl>mlO (11..'lll!llin);-U.S. ~George MU1PllY (~ Go!.) llld U.S. Rep, Jamet B. Ou (fl. TUstiri) came in ~poose lo a relOlutlOI poued recently· · by the Saddlebacl Republican AsaeJDbly., That resolution noted that ''u 1 poJ.itically active or1anbaUon, we 1fOUld .... certai.illy consld4µ! our· elected o(ficlalS stand on tbe airport during. U>e next eleco lions," Michael T. Collins, preall:Sent,.iaW today. Copies of the fesolutJ.on ~ere sent to al the county supervisors, to all the ·eleclej :state and federal o(ftclals of the •relli ·and to the Federal AviaUon Commilsion, Generally, the tetter1 received from th4 three rideral and state oHiC.lals at pointed to continuing Marine Corps' op position to the plan and dodged penoU assessmenta of proppsal. HoweVer, Su'pervlsor Hirstein, whost · 1o0rth district inciud .. part· o1 the Sad dleback are.a, expre~ a direct'~ "My persoriaf reacUon to ·thls·joint uM l:s ralher negative as l cannot visualize E Toro ai a permanent metropolita1 airport. l believe that a thorough ino vesligatlon of this 'joint use would 'provt it unaccepta'ble, and would vf!:rlfY tht .very limited probabl~ty of a c0mmorcllf aiJ:port in the viciruly of the El Tor• Marine base," Hirstein wrote. Hirstein said also that the supe~vi~ had given no COnJlderatlon "whtUsoever to a suggestion of aligning a commercial runWay parallel with tht Santa AIU Freeway. The letter from Scltmitz said in part that be<:aUJe the properly .Involved ii fedetally owned, his staff contacted CM gressman UU's Wlllhinltm office. "Hit staH advised ,us that lhere is no ~ . (See AIRPORT, Pqe 1) Weatller With afternoon temperatures Jn the 70's who needs fUJU\Y morn.. Jng1? Af least thJt's the weather- tnan'1 view ln preacrlbiq min •fi. the ..me for Tbllnday • · INSIB~ ~D-'li . T1te Laguna and llunUnoion B1ach pJayh.oue• mo1i1nt their last. productions of Ute sta10t1 thl1 10tet 10hfle. ran tn;urcd <i£"tor rtturm to tilt Ca1ra Mao ttoge. Ste E11tmomnvnt:o l'Ylot• :16oa7. • =..; + ~n !!!!!",~ _j! I .,.,_._ °"""'"" • ;;;ii I ..... a...Mllll ..... ..... ... ,, ,. a.a • ~_,,.,. c....... • "" .. ........... ,, ,....,......., ,. ........ 11 ..,........,. ... -... ...... ..,. ..... ~··= "·-=:..: ... .....,"=..: .. :-=... ~ :-.... --: l :,.._,, ___ ,: .......... ,. . . r , • • . ..;. , - • .. I ' L • San Joaquin OKs 73-cent Override A TS«nl tu override, nm. ever In the San Joaquin Elementary School Olstrlct, ,..., al>P'OVed by a 54 pm:eol victory marstn Tuetday. AD -ll precincts. ue<pt three ll1 Ltllun World Laguna Hills -where the taa: measure failed mi.strably -g•ve It strong SUP!>otl. An esUmailed 2$ percent of the district's registered vote.rs went to the polil 1< pass the override, which -Into effect July 1 for three years. Rex Nerilon. business director of the San Joaquin ElemenWy School District. said board members hope to keep the ln- IUal tax lnerusi! down to 15 cents this year -maybe only 20 cents. P'uDds from the ovmide will allow tho district., now one of the fastest growing in the nation, to maintain its present level of educational service. "We are sticking pretty much to fun· damentals," Nerison laid. He added that "!'!.Y upanaion of edllca· Uooal programs "1ll have to be done VtrJ cardWly, but said """" new ...-g con- cepb may be initiated. 1be Increase approved 2,306 to t,891 votes will raise the general purpose tu rate ror $1.35 to ~.oa, if the total 7S cents pennltt.ed ls levied in the three year· period. nu. would 1et the total tax rate -"1th bond repayment included -at S2.38 per $100 of assessed valuation for young famllieJ and Leisure World residents in the district. From Page l SALT CREEK • • amended complaint along the Jines sug- gested by Judge Ownes and that he will soon be back in court again. The essence ot his Injunctive argument Is the "Wegal wuting or injuring of county property" as a ruuJt of the abaft. donment of the 36-year.old right of way. NO DOUBT Judge Owens' rulina indicates that Laguna Niguel bas failed to satisfy him that there was not some element of doubt lo its argument that the link between the &,!uth tout beache.s "1d the Pacmc C<iul rupway ii not th! Inviolate public riah!M-way It Is claimed to be by Wiko1:en. i ' Wllcoien argues that the road was d<ec1<i<1 to the county by the llate 11 such a J1Ubilq thoroolbfare, And be _, that 'fl cminOi be ~ and tam ooer by any private lnlerell He hu also bitterly attacked C'OWlly supeeyiaon for abandoning Slk Creek RDod 0witholll. poblk: bearing• and laklng-sucb iitloQ In tesli!nonY .. _ by I( mere hal(doien nae. Of transcript.'' '? -~ . . RAJ,LY 'ID.Cl~IJSE i Angry South r.out surfers are rallyln1 to Wilcol:ert'I CIUle and c+ndemnlnf county abandomneat of the right-of-way that 1 1 v e them access to tldeland.s betw .. n Dana Point and Th(et! Arch Bay. It is understood thlt they have con- tributed heavily to a fund which will pro- vide financJal support for Wilcoxen 's campaign. Laguna Niguel attorney M i k e , McCormick today hailed Judge Owens' \Nllng as "a broad vindication of our position." "We are particularly <Jellghted that Judge Owens bas so thorooghly dt!pooed ol the v~ friud allegaUons made by WUcozeni ' J.{cCorm.ick said. "And we are very happy that this ruling so er- fecUvely clears the county ofllclals in- volved by WUcoien's wild allegations." McCormick said that "certain aspects" ol Judee Owens' ruling are not clear and that he wfll attempt to dlscuss the matter with the judge tn the near future. "But we are delighted with this ruling and felt that, under law, be could reach no olh!r verdict." UAllY PllOT OlllAHO• CC».ST l'UM. l&fflHG «IMl"AN't R•Mtf ti. W•t4 Ptf'lillft! .....i ""'Ill"'*' . Jack R. C11tltf YIU l"reslollnl -Gentrt1 ll'.l11tMf' n.... ic.";;;1 ·-Tli•lflfl• A. M11rphi~• ~~Edlfw Jllcht,,, '· Nell ....... _ CllY E .... --· --\ • DAH.'t l'ILOT $tiff,. ..... Three Pr.U Eagles S•Of't J,ON SJN!Ce• · I • I • t Downtown Still Needs_ Parking With 100 -.rtowo parting spaces, Laguna Beach ii sl>y about 1,000 pilces to parlt In U. central bus1nou ba91n, 'Ibis wu the ...........i of 'mudumt Bob Benner Tueoday , .. bi uplajiled to Clamber ol Commer<t directors the pen- ding Downtown Busine:ts ASsoclaUon plan to lure customen with ftffi>8.rklng tokens. Bf'nQPJ: aaid a survey showed that d.owntown eo,ptoyes are using about 400 or the 700 spa~,and that ~ers ob- ject to no )lllfktn' BYailabiltty and bavmg to pay for parking. customers. Benner said S7 have signed up thus tllt and 10& are needed. The fee will include a newapapt?· advertlsing program in s e v er ,J newspapers, be said. * -tt * Chamber Eyes .. Laguna's newest Eagle Scouts are (from left) Barry Schirm, Robert Haverty and Dirk Van Deusen. Trio of Boy Scouts received scouting's highest honor du~ ing court of bonOr ceremonies Tuesday night at Community Presbytei'ian Church's Fellowship Hall. Referring to plans to again crackdown on rotter feeding, Benner said, "It will be a great hald!hlp on employes downtown but they're just going to have to suffer through summer. We have to have places for our customen to park." A free parking token given by 3 merchant will be worth 30 minutes park~ ing plus a five minute grace period, said Benner. A nickel will buy like parking tlme. The meters being purchased by the city will also take dimes and quarters but DO ~s, he said. Taking More ., Active Role Will Laguna Beach Chamber of Colit· merce take a more activist role in tDe future? Lagunu Chamber Studies . Funds, Budget · Problem,s As a new fiscal year approaches, Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce thoughts turn to forms or revenue and bud1eting. . Chamber dlrectors Tuesday -in lhe midst of their own budj:et preparations and with an eYJ on municipal budgeting -heard a report showing a bealthy growth ln both revenue from the transie.nl occupancy tu: _and sales taz. 'lbe figures are important to the Cham- ber since they relate to $35,000 the Cham· ber has been receiving from the city an- nually for handlln1 the city adverilslng and promotion program. Warren Morgan, Chamber manager, said bed tax for 1967-68 reached $19,108, an tncreue over the previous year of Condition Tied To Capo Purchase Of Airport Land · 'll• I nearly 16.S percent. The bed tax receipts In 1968-69 will a~ proach $110,000 which by volume Is up 23 percent. The city computes the increase at 15.8 percent since the amDWlt of tex collected was increased from four to nve percent during the 1967.U fiscal year. Mor1an told the bo a rd that sales tax returned to the city (one percent)j n 1987-(7 reached $378,sas and in the cur- rent f1acal period is expected to reach $400,200 to $414,000, an· increase of 10 to 11 percent. 'lbe bed tu for 198M9, Morgan said, rep111sents $8,Jat,000 grogs hotel bullnels, "normally 20.to 2S percent of the total the an rage tourist spends." On fhis basts, he estimated, tour ls m will amount to another $24,840,000 spent In the city for the.period ending June 30. Sales tu revenue showed that gross business on which it is collected will be about $41 million. "Not only do the vWtor ck!llars relieve the city of taz burdens, increase its capacity to pay for lrnprov.ents, parks and ~reation," said Morcpn. "But sup- port • considerable ~. local bu~ -licenilo ud ~ ?eat estate tu income." .l -• · Harry 1.a •• ..,.,., chamber pmldent, saw ·the ~.,=that Lqima chaJlqed !If new Ing centers had been· able to hold Its owo and Increase buaJneu. Zogg Takes Over As New Tustin ~~Le~!~b~:~~!,.tor of the Garden Grove Unified · School District, will become the new superin- tendent of the 6,000.student Tustin Union High School District July l . Zogg's new poaiUon wUI entail ad- ministration of a SS.4 million budget at three existing schools : Mission Viejo, Tustin and Foothill high school!, and a fourth facility oow under construction near UC Irvine. He was appointed to the $26,200 a year post Monday night by unanimous decision ol the school board. He was chosen from a field of 38 applicants to replace Robert Dahlberg who resigned last December. Zogg will receive an annual salary of $25,000, plus a $100 per month expense allowance. Dah1berg's De c e m be r resignation followed charges by school board members that he was lneffect!ve In com- municating the district's fl.nancW netds to the public. He still had one year to go on his five-.v year contract and will receive $12,!iOQ in severance pay, or one·half of his salary for the year. Zogg, 42, has been. with the 70-school Garden Grove district for nine years, beginning as principal of Rancho Alamitos High School. For nine years before that. be bebl various teachin1 and coach!ng positions': • In his new )ob. be will receive 1 salary of $25,000 a year, Cltatldns will be given cars that park rnore than tlie two-hour time period. "We anticipate problems with employe parking," said Benner. 14111ey're rather spoiled. U they can't park within a half block of work, they feel they're being dlscriminated against." He explained that when he worked in Los Angeles he had to pay $2 dally to park had to walk five blocks to work. Increased l'&rking rates will double the revenue to the city, Benner nUmated. Parking la now about a break-even p~ position, according to city o!flclals. The addiUonal revenue will be used over the long range, Benner said, to acquire ad- ditional land for parking and bu.ild struc- tures. He said the pos&bility or a seCond level at the big Gle!111eyl< lot has beeo - ed. He mentioned the old playhouse alte and a new library site as additional park~ ing area. Benner Aid most downtown employes would be willing to pay fJO monthly for an uslined parking space if it is within three bfocks of their work. He uraed Chamber members to support the P"'l'llD with RS which will Include 100 tobna, window decals advertising fr e e par~ tokens and cards to mall f'"* Pqe l AlRBOltT-.... whatsoever 9f transfonnlng. or a~g to the tBndlng i>Peraikins at Et'Tclnl." "El Toro ·is the Jargon air ~Uon on the Welt Coist and ls ll>dly r-ieci In \ts present capecity without overcrowding ia racillties " Schmitz said. Comments of ~hamber direc.tors Tu.~ day point toward a craving for a °'" identity, a shedding of the lamb skin. AcUvities 'by the city -which ha.'I something of a lever on the cbambe.r 'l?Y supplying lt $35,000 annually -seemed lo have focused the board introspection. · Tom Johnston, former chamber presl· denl, said he had a subconscious feelh)S that the chamber did not want to ma~.~ waves, that its posture had been one Of diplomacy and caution. . "Perhaps we should not have been .. as diplomatic and careful and should have taken a strong stand for what we reall1 believe in," he said,. "Perhaps it's time~ take a stand." ~. · Johnston said if is the chamber role io work for greater liaison with the city.!>" new policy and law upcoming. .. • GIVE NOTICE • But he also said the city shoullf give adequate public notice of upcoming isst$ts and said he felt the city sometimes w4nt through the form of giving public notice while in actuality it tried to keep matfers quiet to avoid contrcversy. Johnston said the chamber is in U>c public eye because It recetVei city ~p.. port. ''We have been successful in haiidl· ing th e city's advertising program abd have to be aware of our independent poii: lion as a chamber of commece," he said. Director Lloyd Seilset spoke of .Ul.e chamber role in bolstering tourism Sf:lel tax and bed tax revenue for the city. ·: . He challenged as a "bad ordinanc~• i section of new law which whittled dowia the density allowed ~ (multiple resideii- tial) zones charging th at cutting deolfly has devalued R-3 properties. · CHANGES MIND N1COiia!I0111·foi pun:hue of 5.44 .Q.. of -ty Flood Control Dlllr1cl property -URd aa ball the runway ol the Caplllrlbl Atrporl by the dty ol San Juan caplltrano are cootlnulng, Real Property Services Director ~~ey ~U8e said. today. -• "Our onJ)' reeervation ln Jhe sale to the· city at what amountl to a 'feduced price is a ccolitlon that· If the land doe1 not continue to be used for an airport a stipulaUon be made to reimburse the county for the diHererrl iletween the amount Qlid and the true value," Krause Wd. .MemopiaJ Day Programs . ' . ~ U.S. Sen. Murphy wrote: "J have made an inquiry of the Marine Corps In this matter and have learned that they strongly opJ)ose any such ezpanslon and that the Department of Defense has no plens to permit the El Toro Marine Air Station to be used for commercial opera- Uons either now or in tbe future. Generally mild-maMered Lo u 1 a·e Turner said that city.hall says one thing one day and something else the nest. ltfrs. Turner, a realtor, said she wruld like to see good zoning liws that ·irt understandable and that will tum Laguli into a prosperous, progressive com· munlly. .•· Mrs. June Englund, president of .tfk Laguna Beach Board or Realtors, 8'id the ordinance amendment forced the owner of an R.J lot to provide 1200 squ.!ri feet for each unit as opposed to fOO square feet formerly required. Krause's department has valued the acreage at $87 ,000. ~ city on May 21 through City Administrator E r n e st Thompson proposed that an independent al>l?".aisal ~r its valt.te be made and that the City purchase at the agreed price pver a lS-yw period without interest. "Some provision to protect the county when the llnd is no longer used for an .aitpart is necessary," Krause em- phaslzed. "Otherwise the SU . will be in the ))OllUon or selling~ty pro-perty to a couple or develo at 1 reduced price." Operators of the airport ce Winton and Julian Willcox previously turned down a county proposal to lease the flood control dl!trlct land at a minimum an· nual rental ol $1,000 or 17 percent of lhe gross airport business, whichever is larger. Winton and Wiiicox have deeded four acres, the half or the airport runway they own, to the city pending outcom< ol the negotiatiom. From p .. ., l DANCER ••. ago in Garden Grove for dancing top- less.'' 1 ' Moore will ask June 12 for a new trial and he will uk bdore that date-pas· sibly Monday in Superior Court-for a ruling of habeas corpus on.the municipal court verdict. "If the Superior Court accepts thal petition it will mean the dismissal of this unfair verdict," Moore said. "I argue nor .. as I ara:ued during the trial that the jury is 1ttempting to impose a set of. communltJ standards that have never been defined and can ntftl' ~ •pplled. "No one qualified in that !rial as an upert Wi~" Moore said. "And that's bocaule t1iore ii no such thinJ wheo it comes to • ruling on whelher Miss c,bulskl'1 dance is oblcene ,or not." On hand for the concl111lon of the wtek· 1"11 trial WU Dlllrlcr ~Horney Ceoll llicb ad be 'rftade no • ...,,.t ol ~b <ltltght at a wtdld he uPoctl to •trengthen his cam_palgn :igalfltl.. tbe cootrovenlal bottOOl!ea en!~ , F),. count~ ban. lneludlnl the Apart. mini A-O<Mlo to whl<b Mlis Cybubltl WU booRd. art currtnUy under I "no botlamlen" bao. And ll1CQ prodlcted ~1 nl•bt th1t Ille C)1>u111d verdict will be a "lbol In the ,,.. .. for tow inl-1 ollfcera ... l;loi to maJD. lalo and utend that b..:. Slated Along Orange Coast "j'he Marine Corps has indicated ~ts opposition to this plan on the basis that there ls no evidence that military, Navy or Marine Corps requirements for the sites or national defense interests were considered in the plari. She said William Lambourne, former vice mayor , is trying to get the orilinante seCtion reversed. Plans for ~femorial Day programs are under way throughout the Orange Cout area today. In Costll Mesa, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post .3536 and American Legion Poat 4~ will ·hokt a joint service at 11 a.m. Friday at Har~r Rest .Memorial Park, l62S Gisler Ave. The two veterans organizations will piece "realhs at the Memorial Fl11 Pole, with the assistance of an honor color guard from the Marine Cor ,..:. Air Facility at El Toro. The public is invited, and a special welcome is extend~ to active duty servicemen and their families. Huntington Beach American Legion Post 133 will hold a service at 11 a.m. Friday together wlth the Gokl Stlir Mothers at the Good Sh>?pherd Cemetery, Talbert Avenue and Beach Boulevard. On Thl:J."sday, precedtn1 Memorial Day, Post 133 members ·will place flowers on so 1raves or former pest and auxiliary members buried in the Good Shepherd and Westminster cemeteries, as well as all veterans graves. Th~ public ls invited to both ceremonlu. Memorial Day commemorations In Laguna Beach will include two different kinds of ceremonies. Ont 13 sponsored jointly by Veterans of Foreign Wirs Post 5188 and American ~glon Poat 222 and will be held at the P.1emorla1 Column on Heisler Pofnt at 11 a.m. Friday. It will feature an Invocation by El Toro ~farine Corps Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Warren Trumbo and an address Jy Llllyd L. Linquist, stete VFW com· mander, as well as a slx-gun salute and the playing of taps. The other ceremony, also scheduled al K~sler Park, will last all day, as the names of the at.000 American men killed so far In Vietnam are read aloud in the park. The reading is being c:onctucted by the Oran1e Counry Friends (Quake.rs) In con· Senate ~asses Pay_ n ·nise for Governor SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Sen1te puRd a bill today boootlna the &alarlea ol major atate olflclals, lnctudlng the govmior who woold pt 141,ttlO 1 year. The chief ezecutJvt '• wary now Js '44,tao. 1be bill boo<ts the aaladOI of the other rttte constltuUonal o!Iktra hy $10,000 1 year, from $25,000 to $35;000• junction with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The group plans to wilhdraw for the hour or two necessary for the veterans groups to conduct their ceremony. Readin" of the names , culled from the Congr:es~onal Record, will take from 2{) lo 24 hoi1rs. said a Friends spokesman. Westminster Memorial Park will be the scene of combined ~temorial . Day observances by the American Legion Post~ E.nd Its al11lllary, as well as the Gold Star Mothers. The It a.m. service, at. 14801 Beach Blvd., will include a welcome by Furl B. Linds<>y, commander of Post 555, the placing of memorial wreaths, a salute to the dead by a firing squad, and ta ps played by the Royal Lancer Buglers. "Additionally, the Department cf Defense has suggested that no further consideration be gjven to the use of Marine aviaUon and ground installations as a part of the Orange County air transportation plan .•. " Murphy said . Rep. Utt tstated: "RecognizinB: that .there is a problem with the Orange Cowl· t.y Airport. J do not believe that a solution can be achieved by transferring it from one area to ano:.her, and I will oppose such a project. "The Marine Corps considers this ba.o;e to be one of its most important, and Is strongly oppose£ltlo any joint use," he said. David Phillips. automobile dealer, said as a new businessman in the community he had felt resistance to matters necessary for business. He pointed out that automobile sales contribute solidly to the sales tax re~nue. Said Ph.illips, "I somettmes question Y.'hether the city as such wants automobile business in thetclty. U i'm:not wanted, I don't want to stay;" He said it should be pointed out to residents how property taxes would 898f without business revenue. "t think it would be interesting to find out what the people of Laguna really want,'' he said, referring to the city council and .Planning commission as "besically p o I I t i c a I animals." Graduation time la Om11at1me 0 OMEGA Pay laltitic andlonq tribate to your rraduate with tbe Flt of &A Omq:a ••• the watch to wear 'With prida. From bJaepriDt to fuW uoembly ....,.°""' momncnt undtr)Ol!I multiple qua,lit7«111lnll i111pecti0lll\O .assure muimum depaub.bili.ty. Suell •ltntioc to minllte details ha& won cotmtleu honMI for Omep and UJ!l&iu why Ome&a timed tbe OlJJnpic Cane.and ,,..choten ~NASA at ll&adud illae for Aruo11aut.io tltet~ moo11·1.1ul·bick Apollo procraa. A-l dl-.141t -.i. ..... 11W ..................... 11111 •-ln~in9 lalrrM!lt""' .. 1baa~t ~· Ytlltw •· .._ ............. 1···•·• ..... , ...................... 1'0 c,.-=""i,.. ........ ._ .. • ;I c .,,.._.,• 1.C '91149 .................................. ~ ........... 1111 •P•. 0 ••-• ·---·• > • "~• ••• • • • • ' CONVENIENT TERMS 8ANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR&E J. C. .J./umpMu 'J11w11/.r till NlWfOl\1 ·"'Vl, COSTA ljiESA 22 YtARS Jli TH& .SAM~ LOCATION •• PHONE S41-l40 I • - ' l I I I ( GOP Backs Campuses 'Hard Line' SACRAMENTO (AP) -S e o a t e jj.epubllcans formally backed today Gov. Reta~·· atrong stand in lhe crisls at the University ol California at Berkeley and pOt the blame for most troubles on ad· minlstrators and faculty members. The Seoate GOP caucus statement was revealed at a news conference by Sen. George Deukmejian of Long Stach, GOP floor leader, and President ~pro tern Howard Way ol Exeter. --l DAll.V '11.0T I -µpper Bay . Land • Off Tax Rolls • ~·y.,JACI BROllAClt 0. IM Dlllr ,lltl Jttff Jtvl.ne company ranchlands ln Upper Newpol:t Bly Involved In the la~ swap with Or'lltge County were rei:noved frt>m the tu rolls 'I'llesf.ly by the BQatd · of Superviaor1. This actk>n had been delayed one week becauae ot vl1orous objections by County AuellOr Andrew J. JUmhlw. lflnllr .. called the •va1, of the '57 acra horn the tax Usb .. objectioMble "becluse ot errors In mapping lhe pro- e~ment of lit.le to the properties" and "be(1use of errors in mapping the P{'O" perty." Ue, wbkb la -.ry , to permllj cancellaUoa of tans. 11 Ficed with the 1Upervll0tl , lflnaba• refuoed lo bud&• i1~ lonber pooition lodoy, II< lllld proceed as pN!vloualy ouUlned matter : "1 -Ownership of all the l>l'OllOfly rights In and lo all the lands inVollllil In the Uppei Newport Bay Land E-"" have become so clouded th.tt lt isrtlie.dii- lentioo of lhla office lo aisas alh- iands t• the Irvine Coo>pany A nl!> Orange ·Uounty u CCHWeSSeeS. fut o "2 -This imessment will bq same buls ol vaJuaUon and same justifications relaUve to posed land exchange as are Deukmejlan, a candidate for attorney general, said he and colleagues are part.icularly concerned about student plans to march on the "People's Park" in Berkeley "Friday. Occupation of the park by students and Berkeley "street people" triggered violence over the past week and a hall. D ... ILY l'ILOT l'twtft lw 111.kMrt IUotllltl' STUDENTS UNFURL BANNER IN EFFORT TO RUFFLE FEATHERS OF STATE SCHOOL CHIEF But Htckltrt .. t OCC Spt.dl F1il to Get Rafftrty'a lri1h Up Tuesday County Coonse! Adrian Kuyper said he had atudied the aWSIOl''I ob- jections and fOund lhem "without merit.,. '"Ibese lands are now owned by Orange County," Kuyper emphasized and the California constituUon specifies that they are therefore tax exempt." all the pertinent documents deve the company, the Harbor District, the county and the State Landa ihOxn· ' "We're very concerned that there L'Ollid be further violence and bldodshed and we don 't want to see that happ!!n, •• Rafferty Big Hit at OCC ''I believe It Is proper at this lime for the board to proceed to order the can- cellaUon and direct the asse890r to wtdertake the necessary clerical segreea· Uon and proration," KuyJ)er concluded. missioa." i:l , 1 . Hinstiaw says he wants a couq to order him to remcwe the from the tax lists or ~ will .''°t R 1JJ~. In refertnee to one of Hinah!I!. tentions that the deeds front Deukmejlan said. · Company to the county "descrl ' . Both men said legislators are in· t.erested in finding solutiom to what they ·ljOnsider to be legitimate student grievan· ·ces. 'But the caucus statement noted that •·reform cannot be born in chaos." School Chief Applauded Despite SDS Protests The county counsel rtferred to legal precedents lo back his stand, and saJd, "This (can~alion of taxes) Is not a di~etlonary act and failure to act wi\J not make valid a lax lien on the pro- perly." which cuts previous ' assessor Pi ~" Kuyper said, with emphasis: >tr.> i d "For the portion remaining in~~ ownership it is the assessor's a!itxi~ assess the property. Unless he liiONi sufficient descriptions of the new purell on the roll, the a~ent of tt10ae new • 1be statement said, "We affirm our ;k]ief that the most basic responsibility rar maintaining order and resolving pro- tilems within a college community lies .with the administrators and the facuhy of tht college." ... ·Solon Still Asks Court in County Despite Rebuff State Sen. James Whetmore (R·La Habra) said Tuesday he will continue to push for passage or his bill creating • ~'ranch o( the Fourth District Court of · Aj>peal in Orange County despite a set· b.ick in an Assembly committee. · ·The chances of the county getting the 9PPftlate division court faded substan-· Hally Tuesday when the Assembly Judiciary Committee approved a bill to 1ncrease the number of judges in the San Diego and S'an Bernardino branches o{ the court. This measure which is backed by the Stale Judicial Council now goes to the Assembly floor and if passed, on to the Smale where Whetmore's bill is in sub-· e:cmmittee. ,\Vhetmore said he hoped·a campromise might be reached with the Wilson bill !dJen both come before the Senate. .He said he 10Ugbt the Orqe County branch because more than one third of the cases before the appellate court originate in the county. . "It Is unfair,'' the senator said, "to re- l JIU!re local attorneys and clients to drive ~ miles to San §!rnardlno or 90 miles to San Diego to hab<TI.e their appeals." .. ,The Fourth District Court covers OJange, Riverside, San Bernardim, Inyo, San Diego· and Imperial coonties. "\ To the disappointment of a band of Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) at Orange Coasl College, Max Rafferty was a hit when he spoke there Tuesday. The sta~ superintendent of public in- struction was warmly applauded and his jokes prompted laughs from the overflow audience of t,200 students. A few signs were unfurled before the talk by the officially unrecognized cam- pus ~ group, including, "A1ax Rafferty -Finest Mind of the XII Century" and "A Pig ls a Pig Is a Pig." But Rafferty was not heckled and he- easily handled questioners. 'The theme of the silver-toogued stale schools superintendent was the same as when he firsl ran for the post seven years ago -education is following a wrong path of teaching life adjustment instead of individualism. He said the resultant loss of identity and self respect is the root cause both for campus and: racial disorder. "This student feeling may be described Compton Gh·l Dies After Crash A )"Oung Compkla. elrl died Tuesday night at Huntington lntercommunity Hospital from injuries suffered ln a two car collision Sunday afternoon on Pacific Coast Highway near Warner Avenue. Nancy McPherson, 15, had been a passenger in the car ol Marilyn Wagner, 41, of Compton, when it was struck by another car while attempting to make a U-turn on Pacllic Coast Highway, said police . One other passenger in the Wagner car, Denise Brink, 14, also of Compton. re- maim in serious condition today at Hun- tington Intercommunlty. Both girls were ejected from tbe car during the accident, police said. . 3$. a kind of creeping factlessness," he said. "The complaint is 'I came to college to find myself, instead I became a nun1ber.'" He said thC campus disturbances now s.weeping across the nation like a prairie fire are the result of an instinctive gut reflex by students who can't find their identity. "The sad th_in~ about it is not the pro- test, but that 1t 1s now being led by aild· eyed, bard, cynical persons," be said. Regarding another g r o u p of demonstrators, the minority races, he said : "No group of immigrants to this coun- try ever had it tougher than my own Iri sh ancestors. But they m'ade it because they 1.1an~g&i lO'st:ll America on .something- to think of them as individuals." He said that if the Irish had been con- ditioned from the time they were little children to think of themselves as a racial or religious group they would stiH be hyphenated Americans like the blJck- Americiins and Mexican-Americans. "Whe~ you identify with the group you are asking to be treated according to the lo~·est common denominator," he said. He said Negroes and M e x i c a n • Americans have not achieved integration be<:ause they did not get to attend schools uptil recent years when "group-ism" has been the philosophy of education. \\'hat is needed for them as all youngsters, he said, Is a return to basic education. an educational philosophy that uses "the glittering, sharp.edged sword of subject matter, not in-groupness." David, Julie to Join Nixons in Florida WASHJNGTON (UPI) -David and Julie Eisenhower will join President and Mrs. Nixon al a family gathering in Key Biscayne, Fla., over the Memorial Day weekend. The President and Mrs. Nixon and their elder daughter, Tricia, 23, will fly to Florida this evening. LOST OUR . LEASE MEXcrcm0~~ • On Junt SJ, 1969 Uit ltase on our MGXican &lort, locaLw a\, lBOJ Newport BoUlevard G>Cpires, And can nol. b<o renewed. we. muat c.liminaLe '\()/, ot our • 1.s6p:o 1nve.nl.oi:,y aL once . rr' AT CONSOLID.NJ..ION SALE ol¥6h~ • "' Ovor 15jXX) "!'1""" fu.l. of showrooms ~. lho finr.oL in Mt.dil.c.rr4nt4n, Soanioh I Mocican will bG cut. in half. Ralph3 bisg<.st. .salo in our 15 :yc.ar Hist.or.}'. ' ': II • • 'MERCHANDISE Open Sunday 12 to ·5 8ALE M POrn LOCATloNS !! Taxes of about $l30,000 for the 11169·70 fiscal year are lnvol\'ed in the deb;lte. Hinshaw assessed lhe 457 acres at'$1.S! million last year and IBYS they are worth more now. · The supervisors gave Unal approval to lhe land swap agreement Nov. 12, 19&8 after the Irvine Company threatened to cancel the land trade unless lhe 457 acres were n:moved from the tax rolls. Hinshaw contends "the county has not adua1ly taken possession of the land and it hu not received fee simple absolute ti· parcels will be void. ''If lbe usesaor insists on lands not ~ble with the. asseuab!e, the entire aswssruent void,'' the-county counsel concluded.; ·SUpervoor Robert w. 11o1Un ,...:.i Hinshaw. "The assessor is cornet, tues should not be canceled," he leJlded. Supervisor David L. Baker replied, t la mandatory. Tbe land la owned In I• the county and there is no dlscretioa. 1• Operation Too 'Fishy';. Chips Shop Sues Rival 'PROTEST LED BY CYNICS' Mu R•fferty at OCC A sizzling fish and chip dlspute ts on the Superior Court plaUer today. Targets for the legal harpooo being hurled by }.1 ob y Dick's Fish and Chips are Robert J . and Gen~ll n. Cox, 19381 Brookhurst St., tlunUngt.on Beach, who operate a fish frylna: 'e!tabllshment at 31727 Coast Highway, South Laguna. And the controlling partoert of Moby Dick's, Charles H. Hayden Sr ,Qftd Jr, seek lo net 'J00,000 In damages from the Soulh Coast fish fryers. They clltm Im-- proper ll80 of their trade ...., and·trode s~ts and they allege that the defen- daltb bavi ignored demands to halt their optrations. Mr. and Mrs. Cox have violated lbeir a&reement &inct January, 19111, the adt states. It alleges that Moby Dick's batter, aile slaw dressing, menus, match boob. guest .nceipU and other paper producta have. not been used in the ~ Hl&bwa~ f~b fry and that the Col' fish .... have not been preparod acconlll1g to "aecret. wUque and novel" Moby ........... HARMAN·KARDON · 5ZO GAltRARD . SL 75's 65's .... 1 . . • j,, I •• lt9tM FM, with NW MOSfn clrc1i1lrs, .. ; IC's. I 0.111e111trcttor J Reg. $299..50 SALE ~1976 DUAL 1009F fllfll•IK •11teof•ra .. bl• te Mtch the fillftt ..,.mMI Reg. Price $119.50 I htHMtH1tor) FISHER 160-T FM STEREO Lotnt 1f6t •II 1olid•1t.,. 40 watt fM.s..,.. 11:.c.1 ...... T•- O·M11tlc. t1111f1tt MIMfl. yoor fnNlto FM 1tatlo11 et th: pllllfi ., . ""'•· Reg. $199.50 Reg. $79.50 SL 65-$4~ NEW! ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR s,.cw , .... , ,,... ..... ._. .. .... .....,. .. ............... ---.,...., ...... Reg. Price $59.Q SALE $3 SONY 530 RECORDER c..,.... ...... , .,......,.._ _.,.. , .............. Rog. $399.S ' 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STEREO, TAPE RECORD~~RS, TAPES & RECORDS Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of-a-K"llld! \ I ( ;\· • • • ~ "' .... DI* Pilllt lfttn "!::.e ·P~ceman Du.ne W1n-~· .i KaJi.sa• City, Mado.,;dsaid lie !lmew there '.would be b ays s:bit new job, but be didn't expect lln*1:1o 'liOOO. His lint assignment l ull duty after completin' bis !faining was to utveirugate !er can.. Arriving at the ~· was bitten by · a dog and be bospitaliZed. ,.u "11 • m-d°itli•JSumner, 64, of Saliord, Eng- , d lt>utbt off robbers at ber 1bop seconi:I time in a month. "'I Diie of them by the lapels, y knoi::ked me under the m" she said, telling how the ed to take a seven-pound ollar) watch. "I got hold of ttls Coat again. 'J;'ben the other man _Mt~·" "I'll have a bash no mat-µ;-;1iitbat happens," she said. A j!ldM praised her for batUL1g with twe.men a month ago. ... ...... , .., • ' Beatle John Ltnnon and hi! wife Yo- ko ref.al: in t~r hotel suite in Toron- to before proceeding to Montreal t.o hold a wte~long "Ue-i'ft." In the name of promotiwg world peace Bea.at mtd spowe spend each. day from 10 a.m. to JO p. 'l. in bed. • Two brothers sailed their 14-foot dinghy into a Royal Navy bomb practice aree to stop exercises they said hurt resort business in t Nolton Haven, England. "We have ! beeii informed that a small craft ~fouled the bombing range and held dlP the exercise," the navy said. I • In a routine tt'lttype report . the SC. LouU wather burt® •OJ """"'d tllol ti!< brighl obj«t ~ ...,, th< ""'°" ..., th< plaMI sudi Mara, "which ii approachfno it'J neare1t diatance to t'arth." The vrta.u too.m't off by much - 11. ob.Out. 342,300,000 milts. or ~b late the t.Nathrr reau wire ftOUd: "We haw "' adviled btl th< pnlld<lll the Astronomical Socictu in ft ' . Lo!W that . th< bright •tar tributl'ar the moon is Jupiter, and vide pt Mari." c•;::J *"''e McConn E. Marvel's car went out of ruling 'Ol on a California 30 curve ~i~tunged 200 feet down a near- Ju We cf:!caJ slope near San Bernar- ol ~ v It DQSed to a rest in the soft WllCOHI The. 49-year-old Torrance are vefJ staggered oU dazed and !ecUvelyµed 100 feet down an equally volvod b)slope into a four-!oot-<leep , McCon "I guess it just proves I'm of Juda:e" remarked Marvel. who suf. ~~ t;. W'i>nly a few head cuts in the we are ~~t Saturday that, unde No Jtfajor Vftlu M.ost U.S •. Troops • ' Quit Hamburger SAIGON (UPI) -The United States puUed 1he bulk of 11> ltoopo oil Ham· burger Hill toclly. raru.kinj: tbe peak near Laos whose capture cost 53 Gls kill- ed aocf ~ wounded and triggered con- Thieii, Park To Oppose U.S. Pullout SEOUL (AP} -: President Nguyen Vah Thieu of South Vietnam and President Chung Hee Park of South Korea agreed 1 lOday to ·oppose any u nl I ate r a 11 withdrawal of a1Ued troops -meaning Americans -rrom Vietnam. Thieu; on a state visit to South Kore!, n1et rcir 21Ai boun wHh Park. ·; A spokesman ror Park said tbe tblefs of state disamed strategy for 'f!ll>u's meeting with Preaident Nb:oa on Midway hland next month and reviewed U.S. alld Viel Cong peace proposals. ' The spol<<Gnaa said Park ~ Thi<u's major peace demands, tnWcling' ' rejection of a coalition with the Viet Cone or neutralillltion Ol &.ltb Vietnam and recognition of the Saigon government as the: legitimate government of South Viet- nam. It waa also learned that 'lbieu shared Seoul's position that the Uaited Stat.es should keep its military bues off Oki- nawa. The presidenlial spokesman said the two leaden agreed to sign pacts which would provide for a Korean mili- tary adyisory group in South Vietnam af- ter the war, the sending of agricultural and reconstruct.Ion experts to participate in South Vietnam's Pofltwar rebabilllation and promotion of cooperation in commer· cial trade and other economic matters. troversy ln Washinaton. "RJght now we have no major unita on the hill. We 1UU bave troops Jn the area on searching and,..clearing operaUonl and possibly there are still OPs (observations posts) on lhe hill," said a U.S. com- mander in the far nott>-o.rn battle zone. "But the miin units moved out during Ille nilb<" A force of 100 Communists with suicidal satchel charges strapped to their ches~ today attacked South Vletnamtse regirhental command post Bradley ln the northern part of the A Shau Valley above Hamburger HUI, killing 13 government defenden including the comman~lng of· ficer and wounding 13 U.S. advisers. The Communists penetrated the outer derenses as they attacked und er a heavy barrage of mortar fire but lost Z2 dead beJore they were hurled back. They had carried out a similar attack on another base Monday when they also lost 22 kill· ed. U.S. military sources in Da Nang sa id that the Americans would be sent back to the hill if the guerrillas try to n1ove back onto it -considered a likelihood. Gen, Creigh.ton W. Abrams' military command in Saigon denied a major evacuation fro'in the peak. A command WQkesman said "There are sUU combat forces on ~ hill" but declined to say bolt( n\any. J (In WUhington, a Defense Department spokesman said, "U.S. forces are still in posJ.Uon Jn substanUal numbers on Hill 131 (Hamburger Hill) and the hellpad (ror helicopters) there ls still in use .") 1be reluctance of the command to acknowledge a large.scale abandonment underscored its concern with criUcs in Wubington questioning its combat tac· tics in light of peace talks in Paris. U.S. paratroopers or the tOl st Airborne Division succeeded on their 11th .try in . seizing the 3,000-fool peak , having killed 539 North VietnJmese soldiers who defen- ded a regimental headquarters at the summit. 2 LA School ,Incumhents .. Lose to Conservatives LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two City Boa.rd of Educalion incumbents were defeated. in Tuesdl}''s election but their runnin1 mate on a self-proclaimed liberal slate was victorious. ::i. All th.rte faced conscrYatives who caui- pa.igned on lbtmes of cracking down on campus an&rchy. and cutting the waste from lhe school dia:tricl's budget. Tbe Riv. James Ed\tard Jones, the boanl'• tint H ..... member, and UCLA speech .profewK' Ralph Richardson - bXb former presldenta of the City School Bo.re -were delealed by Dr. Donald ·Newman. a physician, and Richard Fer· raro, a ~gh school iovernment lucber. Or. Robert Doder, an education prcr 1-.Ill Sin FeMlllldo Vlltey Slate CoJlege,• was the only member of the liberal slate to survive. edting Mrs. Laurt1 Martin, a form er radio · com- mentator. Brown's Sou Sweeps College Board Race LOS ANGELES iAPl -Edmund G. Brvn. Jr., son of lhe former Califonlia ·goven:aor. won the greatest number of votes tn his maiden vote-getting effort for one ot seven seats on the new junior col· lege pvernlna: board of trustees. The 30-year-old Brown, w h o s e nickname is "Jerry," rather than "Pat," a.s bis father Is called, cornered 4H.073 votes in-the nee among 14 c&ndidates. with 11 preclncta or 3,500 uncounted. Prior to the election, liberals controlled the board 5-2. Now they control It 4·3. The lo5Se.'.l suffered by the two liberal in· cwnbents were offset by Docter's victory for the board seat vacated by Dr. Hugh C. Willett, a conpervative. Newman, Ferraro and Mrs. ~1artin began speaking opt as a team last fali when a number of predominlntly Negro high schools in LOs-Angeles were beset wiU. student boycotts;flag burnlna:s and other demonstrations. · Ex-broadca.s tc r, Mortician Win LOS ANGELES (APl -Forn1er radio broadcaster Robert J . Stevenson and moi'tlclan Don Lorerucn have won seats to the Los Angeles City Council, in final, but unofOdal returns. Stevenson, 53. will succeed his Conner boss, Councilman Paul ff. Lamport, in the district which includes part of I downtown Los Angeles and most of the Hollywood are<'!. Stevenson was Lam· port's administra live assistant before becoming a deputy field director for Councilman James B. Potter. During his campaign. Lamport strongly endorsed Mayor Sam Yorty's bid for a third term. Stevenson said he would not be drawn into the fight between Yorty and Councilman Thomas Bradley. erdit" ~ • -c r arm Weather Across U.S. Eastern Temperatures Climb Into 1nid-90's v.;;c.i11 ..... 1. "~ c.i ......... (lllf It~ •nd •• ,""" "-·· 1...,.. ,,.,. .... -t '°"'" • TlllMY"I 11111\, " .. "' ,,..,,.,.. ..... ""111 ... Jt .. ~. It 16 •t llflOli. "·~ ..,._.,.,,.. . "''' ..._ ............. ., ... ,,... ...... ~,..-... ,"""'· Tiii Rtw .,_.hlt'I -· 11 .• ... ~ ...... .. ,... "'"' •. J _ _. J~,.. 1; J~ n --V .S. SumM•l"ll Su_., -"'-' D ..... f lllO f t,.ll """ fll ""' ;..,"" i.d.1¥ •It'll ........ hi.., elftWl"t anlMI tenle,.. crll JIW Ml•1ll1 AtlMllt: CO..! ..,,..,,.. WI"" _..... !t\llftW t ff' lfltrlt h "llllM. Mid• _, "" Mlultail>lll V1111,. ...,,..,. •ti ., .,. 1111tl"fl "'" er ""' (~,,. -"" _,,, (Jl!M In~ "" .. or.lllit !'Md! .... ""'" 11119 "" fOt ~ .. .., ,,.,... .. Wl-lft.M ........ "M~ • ,.. ......... Giii ............... .... ... -°""'•• .,,. •• ..., .. ..,,._ ......,.. 11tllf ,_ Tw*n llltfl• f/1911! ...... , •• '""M ...... J.. .,......,.,.. ""' ..... ............ ~"" """"""' " ""' ...,...... lw!llt11t ............ ~ '"'· °""°"' IMtol. .... _ ~ 1.n ~ ~ , ,..._,, ....... "" . .., """"' -_..., '"' "'""'' flit llf"°'1'1 .hl'lfl T_..¥ Wit lOI ti lwttM. ••Ft, fflll _,..ltfll .... .,., ao ,, 1tffllflllfld, o ... ' Tempel"atul"e• .. ·-" " AN:tior ... " " Al11n'• " " 111(,,,llt!d " " 111...,..m ., " , ... • " flotlc~ • " CMc"'t " " Clncl11n1•! "' " Cleveland " .. ,,,,,_ ,. " ...... ~ " .. Delre II n ~ l"ur.:-• " " FDl1 WMth " .. ·~~ " ~ ··~ " • Hco'>c!du " " -~~ ~ " K•"W' Cltv • " l•• ... .,.., • " LCllt ........ ,., " ., Ml•l'l'll " ,, ... Mllwwl<.too " .. Mifll'll!1"11!1~ .. " "'"""°''"'-"' " .. .,...., Yott " " N~ l"llti. " u o.k.lend " " "" ... .. .. ,..,. "otlltt • " 1"1111 .... !ltf!Mo ' • • '"°'"""'" -'" " "llttW"'" " " ......... .. • ·-"" • • ""' l llM • .. ·-" • ·-· • n $1. lAIM • " s..11 ... , " .. $tit Lfll;1 (1,., .. n ....... n ff """ 1"r111dtt1 .. -.. W.11 ....... ,. • .. ..... .. " ,n ........ " .. Tl'l'll""I' ••• " 'tr'••"'"'t""' " ff ,• Cigarette Advertising' Ba11 Nixed -. w ASIIlNGTON (UPI) -The House commerce Committee voted today to, re- quire a stronger health warnlng on cigarette packages but to forbid . for , six Yeat'J any restricUons on cigarette advertising. By a vote of 22 to 3, .the committee gave final approval to a bill that shut-out proposals of anti!moking advoca~ '!ho wanted to go much further m (Im· plementing the U.S. surgeon general's finding that smoking cigarettes has a relation to lung cancer and other diseases. The warning adopted by the COf!lnU!-f.ee to· replace tbe present one on cigarette ~ckages would read: ''Warning: 'tbe surgeon general has determined lhat cigarette smoking Is dangerous to your healtb and may cause lung cancer or other diseases." i The pre.ent warning reads: "Caution: cigarette smoking may be hazardous tu your health." Roo1ae11 Weds Seventh Rep. Brock Adams (0.Wash.), ~~ak· 1116 for anti.smoking forces, pronused a floor fight to at least prov!de stiles authority to regulate advertising that might reach young people. • Actor Mickey Rooney, 48, married his seventh bride, ZS...year·old Carolyn Hockette of Columbus, Ohio, in Las Vegas Tuesday. The en· tertainer said the couple had previously been married in Mexico on April 12, 1969. Chairman Harley 0 . Slaggers (0-\V. Va .), described the bill as one method to get the cigarette advertising debate1ibe· fore the public. AlliedPressurePostpones "I felt this should gel to the floor so a debate would be before the American people instead of in a closed room here,'' Staggers said. • . Canadian NA TO Pullout He added he expected the bill would be amended on the floor . Antismoklng forces sou~t a stronger \varning than the comnuttee·apprdved version for cigarette packages, and also want to let federal agencies regulate BR.USSELS (UPI) -Canada, under allied pressure, agreed today to postpone until the end of the year its plan lo begin withdrawing its forces (rom NATO. Canadian Defense Minister L e o Cadieux, here for a meeting of the NATO defense ministers, met at lunch with U.S. Defense Secretary l\1elvin Laird and the def P.nse ministers of Britain, West Police Chief Resigns In Tense Cairo, Ill. CAIRO, Ill. (UPI) -Carl J. Clutts has resigned as police chief of t b.i s tense southern Illinois city. He will be replaced by former Alton Police Chief William Peterson. Cairo Mayor Lee J. Stenzel announced the change Tuesday at a special city council meeting following two nights of firebombing and sniping. Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Conference sources said he agreed that lhi"Canadian government would take no final decision on how to carry out the p~d withdrawal before the NATO foreigri mini.sters meeting in December. Befo re the lunch meeting Laird lold the conference that President Nixon con· siders the NATO forces in Europe esscn- lial for American security. The pointed statement followed a warn- ing to Canada by the NATO defense ministen. that a Canadian withdrawal of the bulk of its troops from NATO could \\'eaken the alliance by leading other na- tions to do the same to save money. They asked no pullout until other ar· rangements can be made. Under a plan approved by the Canadian goVernmen~ last month and ~utlined to- day to the! de.feme ministers, Canada wouki withdraw it.s 10,(loo..man ground and air roice, including nuclear strike units, befo~ ~ end of the year. smoking ads. -; Some smoking foes wanted the w o-r d "death" included in the warning. • The bill approved by the committee ~l an executive session would extend for ·.s1x years the present ~an on regulation' o~ cigan!tte advertising and labeling by any federal , state or local government. 1'1at ban is due to expire July I. Shah, Etupress of lr.;n To V isi l W ashiugtoµ ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Wkite flou se announced today lhe Shah and En1press of Iran will make an official visit to Washington lhis fall . No dates have been set yet for the trip by ~ah MMammed Reia Pahlavi and , the Emp,..ss Farah. .. , . President Nixon and lhe ::n.11 wet Apr~ 1 when the Iranian leader was ~e for the funeral of Dwight D. Eisen~!U. , Calorie's new , · ~ self-cleaning oveq I makes gr.ease and gnme ~ oisappear! i , • r@ ~ ~ Sel~Clean Oven ... 1 ~[;'1f!::!) and Broiler! ~ Costs less than 3' a cleaning! il ·-· o •• ~ ..... broil•· ••• 1potl111ly ''''" i11 two houn • Fun, m11s 111.l .u.,1 ••• 1lil'l'lin1t1d e Plv• 111 th1 othtr 9r11I C1loris f11 lur11 , .. Ullr1-ll.1y@ infrt•r•d broll•r , , . Tli1rmo·S•t® burn1r·wilh·1-Dr1i11 • , , 1ulom1tlc M11t "probe ... rotinlfi1 ... ''oli: trt4 li:etp·••rm 0•111 , , , 1nof mt!\Y m,Clfl ! Modetnize your kitchen now! No Down Payment -as low 11 ·l ., ; " 3 f .. CALORIC SELF-CLEANING GAS OVENS ••• PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS ••• .... $26995 NO SCOUR1HG NO SCRUBBING 411 E. 17th St. DAILY '9·9, SAT. 9 ·6 • Costa Mesa T1l1p:ion. 646 • 1684 \ I ,I • -------------:;,.,.---,.,..---=---~-----------~- Healih Compt1lerized . • • · Machinet May RelUmeShqrtageofHurrums . ' - II)' C .. G. ~ II' 1111&1>1 '-Ille c1octGr ~ "'"pila' !ac!IMW C· a:: ":d ":d:n''·are wb •will ti pciuible btart ~aw =-Ille """" ~ wilb llP' -••-• ....,_. p8'1111--to·....,.n a , Or U a docloi; told --. A •couple ol ,_ lo lienl'• maru.1,, tW .\: .. ,~ wh: ,..!!. ~ Iba , •1Mtlo tlie • Z:,,., medlell blotory aod >let•' '1'..1""'. .,-rs· -,-. .......... l!IKQ --dla-fus~. •. ::: ~!t:~== ....... j' .. ·= Genilap ITbe medical )>l'aleutoa lli)'S lhefap1.. ,..,,.,, .. doll to _..,.lier lleorjln _._,_ "-· '"~ ..Ull>elp ..U...·Jlie treal tbll -· Bui th -••rt ' ........ lhortqe of docton, .'a11o • • lrmJ!nllted·'liy telepbOnt apd :• nurseJ and ·other medical ~ • II= :: ....,...1catm ,.tell!le 'lo a , pe-...1 and reduce moun· sopbiatiealod':t.u ol niocil-U.S. Publl< 8"allh 5mdee ... ting,cOsts. cine. · compder:,la.W~1 They save a docto r's IL&ADINGI T.&.rn.i The ~ 1.rl;p waa ~ '•valuable time•by Aduchii his Al ,·-u-n.:;·8 1 milea,"!!'l ·"!"'·thiee-fentho ,of "psperwork and, doctort' •Y· wi~ .. ~ , 1 n t 1 · a llCODil. , •· 1ppe111 .1o·potieo11·,wbo prefer.~ ln .Sill -1.Ue Clly, · Within a ....._. of Ille • the IJT1POf90Dlll ftl\tllre of a ~I e .. tr 0 • a-t '"'*"8n!s time the llpal "" IO!!t. I.be t ·-eomputer. • TeHlnp tlf heart aCtl~y ~ young w.o m • n '1 .)beart • Tlie pollents 11y they ..,.. are belni jal<on In P81i<»b ·measuremem 'and dla.-1!< :.••«iv.e better annvtr1 to a com-rooms apd Jransmit~ to 1 interpretalioin were ~-it Poter ·0 because ·there, 1·1 ~~..:.~~!I: .an Tours on paper. ~ · ' . •00001 Billinfl ........... table ., __ , ....,......, . . • . , , iooldOI ·impatient,'' saJa Dr. ·The ~I al!" IS: using GO TO COMPIJTEll. • G. Octo Bainett dlredot of • compolera,lo»ponllor pa~ta Thb methild ol_beart·tatini ,.lhe.i.aboraw Cir Compiler arterour(!i'l,.~fartutsor. !>,_being~ Ii>~. • Science a, t-MUBl<hUBltts tl"imOOlfY ·~ b I ~·· d1 ._wber> 1\1 <)liOli · .sammtan ... G<noral Hospital m BoSloo. I'!"""" -ao!l bloiil·CbOmlStry. li<i!pl(al· In ·~ EKG c-... .& .... a~ . Just as ,the COIDP.Uter can readings ire, tranlmttted· bY ~-m 11111«! in seciJildg eompo1111ons t.iepliope 1o a: C0111iUier 'l75 ;~~.Women are ~etimes em. thatwould~~!ora ·'mllea1a!'Y at"-tliil•U~ty ·· harruied when . Wed .queo-mathematfclai>, it 1 ls o ol •·Nellnda C::Ollqe • ·• f t1ans by a male doctor and , perfonru tbeae rriiedlcal tasks Medicine. - !1t f.ind it easier to "talk" to the ht~ making it possible In Nebi'aslta also EKG!: are ~ ~pu~r. noted D!'· Warner to lie!"{' more patients with being-'tnnlinitted' by radio '\rV. Slack 01~~ Umversltr of fewer Jbedical ,pe1 IO:DDtl from a 'mb ul a-n,ce1 a11d ,,.,Wi_,.tn ""'?"! of Medlcme. • The ohortqe, of s!WJed· c;om-hellcopteri t,ranoPorllni ac- The most !!despread use of puter programtners 11.Jimithlg cident ·and disaster .victims !f1 com~ters _at ~nt. is for more rapid expansion ol this ffom remote tocaUons to • . obtaining information from comP.Ulef use. Higb equipment . ~ltals . • ,.,patients. tn the past, Dr. costs abo are a proltkm ; At ·-,-~ ~ er · t Barnett said, tl),is could take alt.hough ·computer sharing b '0e-·1ro·t-thay~e t u:i1c ..... n up. zo. to 40 percent cf the doc· he! . to. lower them 1 ' e compu er is ~llll -''l9r's.time .and 50 percent of • ~P~· , • · u s ed to take .elec· "jlle_ lll:lfSe's time. SHARE FACILITIES . troencepbalogr~ms EEG s , The patient sits at a At HarUord, Conn., hospJtais which are readings of the elec- keyboard, similar to that of a that c~re for . 8,000 patients in t~ical activit~ of the brain, to ·,, typewriter, and answers ques-a 25-rrule radius plan to.share diagnose brain disorders. tions appearing before him on .. , small screen by punching ·. 'the· appropriate keys. With . some systems he merely has ·~to touch his finger to the ap- propriate answer to a , .multiple--choice question on tbe screen. " This information then ap- . pears on a printed sheet, later . expanded with lhe doctor's . ,9baervations and laboratory .-.,test "'tesults, and is stored by the computer for recall at any time. ' MOST IMPORTANT •'. • Dr. Slack said that "many ~ Physicians consider t h e _,_medical history the most im· • portant as{M!Ct of . t h e diagnosis/' He said lack of ·'s t and a'rdi z a t i on of the FOR FALL SEMESTER Summer School July 7 • August 1 t t. 12 llelly -...... 1. r1Mdl1t Witt. ,-.Hu -: re-Medlel .,. .. _tk . Doy Camp June 23 • August 29 t t. J ffJtr -.., •llHlfJM "'"'" 1 ~.. tr1,.. ,1c. •'"· -'* ...,~ llltfe ... ,..., 1whn1il ... W.,. -4 ....... IChfft c•e 6 :)0 ...... h 6:30 , ..... • · handwritten record by doctors :"'Is notorious, adding that most ·'®ct.ors' handwriting · is iJ. ':1"~!·~mput•r al so aids th• , Hawthorne Christian Schools doctor in diagnosing a "'Clisorder. Fed infoimation ):~bout a pat.lent's chest pains, s11van1a's co1,or1u1 ao-go ·s-1. . . . m;;li~ • LOWEST PRICE MR FOR SYLVANIA-COLOR TY CUJ(H ... fht Min~Max tOl'l'lbines ·iTiinimum-sized porta-$2 bility with ~m11xi~um performance. Full 102 sq. in, • 9 5 ·picture. Walnur finish on non-wood cabinet with con· 79 · t~aled terry h11ndle. (Similar ro illustratiori) , ' Syl••ni•'• cotor bright asi1 pictur• tuhe h•s the sh•rfMst c~or in the indu1tryl The-Pre-Set Fine Tuning l•nd Chroma AG;CI 'r1in1m ber the perfect color setting for 11ch ch•nnel, seving you the trcM.1ble .of tire1ome·retunin9. It can be carried anywhere in ihe home with'oui the n11d1 for color r•b•lencin9 Dy .. a serv iceman. And if future 11rvicln9 is eVer required, th1 ch111i1 with· plug-i n trensistors me•es it • c,inch. I Model CllSW as shown 1bov1 wi th AFC, in· clucliii9"stand, 1v.il91>1i tt l Jl.f.951 , · 411 E. 17 .. ST., COSTA MESA ~!.':.. 646-1614 tAllT ,.,, IAT, M MTllllrT a .... ....,,., 19tC1 IH7 • • •• ·~ ... b. •• ~AHEIM 444 North Eu cHd •.• 5)5.1121 Moodty thru Stfurdey 10 1.m. lo t tlO p.m. • DAll y '1LOT I • ' • • l ' l ., .. '. PRE -MEMO RIAL D.AY PLEATED SKIMMERS SWING l.N DOUBLE KNIT ACETATE 12.99 You'll love these smashing striped go-onywliere - torso skimmers. In free flow ing double kn it · ' acetate. All ea sy Gn ,. back . zip st.spins. a. Flip l ie, navy/red/white, brown/block/whito, grey/pur ple/white, 10,18. b. Framed V neck .. rodf. white/ block, purple/block/wh ile, brown/blacl/. white, 8-16. c. V neck, navy, brown or blue with white,. 8-16. Moa and te lephone orders invited. Budget Dre sses, 27. ! • r NEWPORT 41 Fa1hion lsla'nd ••. 44-4-1212 Mondey thru Ftidty, I 0 t .m. to 9:30 p.m. Seturdty 10 t.m. to 6 p.m. HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Ed lnt•• A••nu• .•. t92-Jll 1 Monday ithru S.turdey I 0 1.m. to 9tl0 p.m. , l ' • I· • J I DAD.l;' PILOTEDJTOB.fAL . PA.GE I A Drop in the Bucket l,eguoa Beach councilmen have made a beginning a\ placing underground uUiities that mar picturesque Laguna Beach. The council last week approved a small project that will place underground high voltage electrical distribu- tion lines in a segment or the downtown business dis· trict. The means to this end was set up by the Public UUllties Commission which ruled some tin1e ago that Southrm C'llfornla Ediaop ·Co. establish a !und !or each c!ty to begin the.underground!ng p.•ojects. Cert.a.inly the coWJcil action will be wclcoi:ned by aesUtetic-mindcd Lagunary;. But while it is a beginning, it reminds us how much ~ yet to be done. The lunds that will be bu4g~ed to accomplish th e project are really a drop.Jn the ,bucket compared to the magnitude tif the task. Using only these !unds. the work Will 'proceed at a snail's pace and surely not be accotn· pUshed !n this century. Laguna needs to rid itsell of the utility wires and poles that tic4.ac-toe across the skyline. The ugly poles marching up Thalia Street are a cue in point. More heroic measures are apparently ~f!O' be needed to induce private capital to venture lortii and get on with the JOb. · · Uninformed Criticism Criticism 'of the teaching or social studies and, in particular, American history, has been leveled at the schools of the Laguna Beach Unified School District. It is on its face condemnation as naive as it is in· correct, as simple as it is unfounded, as disagreeable as it is uninfonned. It is potentially damaging to a fine school program and district . , In particular, the opposition finds objectionable li1ft fact that historical subjects are being taught within a CQDCePtual historical framework . That is, the relation o! like and unlike events and the way they may have influenced each other wit.bout special regard to chrono- logical order -what happened is more lmfOrtant than precisely \vhen it happened. ' . In th e expressed viewpoint of.those foes or the pr~ sent teaching system, history should be tau~ht to to! day's ch ildren the same way it was taught to their parents 20 or 30 years ago. · , + • · The view is narrow. Modern teaching methods and concepts should continue to be used. In fact, even more advanced methods will be needed as th• sheer volume of information to be taught ieeps increa~ing. The space-age job of teaching' our Ch,ildren is too important a duty to, be le!t to horse al>d butgy methods a nd philosophies. Include Signs~ Too Lagunan s might have gulped recenUy \\'hen they learned that a gasoline service station had won, the s\veepstakes award in the third annual Mermaids Beau· tification Awards. Service stations in the past have taken their lumps· in aesthet-ic·minded Laguna. Sill(~ they ~ist and are n~cessary as long as U1e internal combustion ~ngine is \v1th us, however, we can understand the jltdg,'s .ratio~. ale. · • Know Crow Mobil Station lOQks a great deal bettC'r today after extensive improvefnents than it once did. Perhaps the award and civic recognition will be an in· ducement to other service stations to follow suit The Mennaids next year might enlarge the scope of thei r highly ~·orth,vhile beautification program to help the city solve a bigger problem. The time is coming when the existing non-conlorm· ing signs rn~st come down. There are a gi:eat man y of them,. oversized and ugly. How about a beautification category for the most beautiful sign program? l Product of Midwestern GOP Pro9ressivis1ti UC Alumnus ' Judge Burger's Attitudes WASHINGTON All the knowledgeable people are saying, watch out for Judge Burger because when he izets to be Chief Justice of the United Stales he'U change and won't be the old conservative we once knew. Well, that just does not wash in Judge Burger's case. In the first place, he is not a conservative. In the seeond place, those who talk so glibly about him know little of the origins and way of life from which he springs. If, at 61 , he were to reject these concepts and attitudes it would be very surprising. Such changes are more likely to develop at much more advanced and uncertain ages. Anyone whet has known Judge Burger for any length of tim e recoghjzes in him • I.he stable and conventional qualities of bis midwestern background, plus a cer· lain amount or inteUectual daring in g1>- ing against current fads among the in- tellectual classes, Judge.Burger is indeed. hopelessly and gloriously square. He is a product of midwestem Republican pro· gressivism like Wendell Willk.ie · and Harold Stassen and quite unlike Hubert Humphrey and Adlai Stevenson, both also mid-westerners. THE DIFFERENCE lies in orientation. The Humphreys and Stevensons became oriented .to lhe kind cf socially preferred liberalism prevalent in the highly populated areas of the east and west coasts, drawing its strength from a diversity of race, religion .and economic and social classes. \Vendell Willkie remained until his death, and Judge BW'ger is likely to re· ·~-. --· Richard Wilson main, orie~ted to more 'conventional ideas about the nature of social organize· lion. the genius of economic, well -being for the largest number, <ind the place of the Constitution itseU in m3intaining the established order. Judge Burger has amply illustrated on the federal bench in Washington that he does not consider the Constitution so nex· ible as some of the present members of the Supreme Court, But what he has demonstrated even more is a respect for precedent and precise evaluations of legislative intent. llE HA:J RESPECTED Congress' right to make law and he has respected the precedents set by other judges in ln· terpreUng law. The rule of law is thus made less v~iable fro:rn year to year. Then U Congress finds that4ts intent was wr~ or the interpretations of la'w were wroiig, it can change the law. But it is not U.P to the courts to chante the law. A Utue ~nown case illustrates the point. Judge Burger upheld the conviction of an 18-year-old boy for proclaiming to a Com· mu nlst rally on the Washington Monu· ment grounds that if he were drafted and they put a rifle in his hands he would aim it directly at LBJ. The Supreme Court vacated Judge Burger's ruling on the ground lhat the boy was carried away and Just shootlng cff his mouth with no real Intention of :shooting the gun. The law says you can't threaten the life of the President of the United States. lf Congress did net mean that literally it should change the Jaw. The collrls have no right to tell Congress what it intended to do. TllERE IS VERY LITTLE doubt that Burger as Chief Justice will be... able to im bue a majority of the court With his at· titudes. One vacancy Is yet to be filled by President Nixon and he bas made it quite clear he will try to find another man like Burger. How Jong Justice Douglas will be ab le to hold out against the rising pressure for his retirement is pr1>- blemallcal. If he doelf. nOt retire within a (ew months the paUenCe of his opposition in Congress is likely to come to an abrupt end and he may be faced by a Forta:s.-like condition. Burger is a persuaalve ind persistent man not easily dissuaded from bis con· victions. He will he.ve allies on the court as presently constituted and be ii long accustomed on the Circuit Court here to having arguments the same as he will have in the conference room of the Supreme Court. THE LEGAL COMMtJNrry is not unaware that a new wind will blow in the hallowed precincts on Capitol Hill. It will be a poor tribute to th e resotlrcefulness _()f prosecutors and defenders if they fail 10 find ways to bring the criminal pro- ~ures rulb)gs of the Miranda and Escobedo cues again before the court. Hershey Will Be Replaced WASHINGTON -President Nixon's aides are quietly hunting for a new draft director to replace Ll. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey and brighten the tarnished im- age of lhe~elective Service l!Yitem. Ideally, a new direct.or would fevamp the muc.b-crltfci.zed draft mach!ntf'Y US· inl the reform proposals which the Presi· dent sent to Congress las:t week. Even if Congress drags its feet on those re_torm.s, however. a new director would serve as a sign of chanie. In that connecticn,, lhere are hints that Hershey's replacement may not be another mill\afY man. So m e ad· ministration aides are said to feel that a civilian dfrector would make the draft set.m less of a military procurement of· fice for the 'Pentagon. So far there is no widely advertised search (or a new man. Feelers are out, however. and it is significant that some of Hershey's long-ti1ne supporters in the ltouse and Senate are passi ng the word that it is time for the general to bow out gracefully. .. , --~--- • Wedn esday. May 27, 1969 Tilt _edltoria! f'OD• of the Dail11 Pil4t 1Hkl to inform and stim- vlotf ·t"ta~rt btt pre1cm.ting 1hit u:w.spapcr'l'Wini01t1 and com- mentof'JI on tQpfa. of intcrc1i ood d gnifkanu;-.by providing • forum /Ot' tM: · C:~t•rion of ow nodln' opinlolll. and by ,,,....,utng tht dloerae vftU>o pobtt:I of fn/Ornkd obstn.itt'I m1d ipokc.nne:ri -cm topics of· tht d4y. Robett N. Weed, Publisber AUen·Goldsntith UKE J. EDGAR llOOVER in the FBI, Hershey has been the ver y personllication of the Selective Service sys,tem. A former country school teacher and army officer in \\'orld War I, he was assigned to the early studies of a draft system which began in 1936. He has been draft director since 1951. Uke Hoover, Hershey would like to continue on the job. He is 75. however. his eyesight is poor, and his official retirement from active duty back in 1946 was on grounds or physical disability. J\.loreover, unlike Hoover and U:ie FBt, Hershey and the drart have come under heavy critica: fire in the turmoil which ha!! a.risen fr om the war in Vietnam. Part of the criticism is natural and to be ex· pected under the circumstance.a:, but the coorts have been dealing harshly with Hershey's attempt! to use the draft's in· duction machinery to punish the fomen~ ters or that turmoil. A BOLO EDUCATO R ! Administroi.tion aides v.·ho want to put a civ ilian in the selective Service command post lalk about naming an' educator to succeed Hershey, though they concede thst the job may cffer frying·pan-te>-fire disadvantages for administrators on beleaguered C(lllege cari'lpuse~. The Idea is thal an educator could make administration Qf the drall law more responsive to the concern~ of the young mtn who may be tappt'd for milltar.Y sttvlce. Hershey, In t.hls view. lw helped to make the draft setm wholly subsen·ient to the Pentagon pnd its wishes. At lea st one military man Is being mentioned. however, as a possiblo lte:rstu~y rephtccment. He IJ. Gtn. Harold K. Jolm:t0n, Cormu Arm,)'. cblef ol all.Ii. who was replaced last year by Gen. \Vllliam C. \Veshnoreland . when \Vestmorclnnd returned from the Viet· narh command. IT IS ARGUED that Johnson would also give a new look to Selective Service, sin ce it Is no sec ret that he was no en· thusiast for escalation cf the Vietnam war. Many Pentagon authorities think he was dropped by President Johnson for that reason. Administration aides have been lob. bying intensively tor President Nixon 's plan to select by lot for military service among 19-year-olds, who would ex- perience one year of vul nerability unless there was a real national crisis. Congressional champions of draft reform hailed the Nixon proposals (which were scarcely dislingulshable from the Johnson prtippsals 9f 1967). Nevertheless. lhe reforms have been put aside in the House and Senate, at least for now . By Robert S. A.lltt1 and John A. Goklsm.ltb Dear Gl(lomy Gus: I pald $1.66 for a bat my boy broke at school. How about the rest or the parents of college studtnt.I doing the same for windows, 1aW'll$, etc., on campus? -G. R. c. Tiil• IQ111rt twf!Ktl rff••"' 11lnrl. Ml flK•\WrllJ tM,. ff ""9 ~•..,...tPllf, lf!llC ....-r Ht _,,, It Oloemy Gu .. O.!IY 1"1111. Horrified by Reagan's Acts t} """"' • , .•. To the Editor: As an old alumnus or the University of Calif. at Berkeley ·(BA, MA, and Ph. D. from there ), I watched last y.·eek's events with .horror, Berkeley is obviously the next ~ampus scheduled to be "subdued a~ any cost" in Gov. Reagan's campaign again.st California higher education. Jt is a typical trick of the demagogue to ascribe to the opposit!On precisely the plans he is carrying out. So, Reagan ac· cused the demons~ators cf preparing, arming themselves and provoking a showdown. Y e t it was the politi! w h o mo ved into "people's park" wilhout warning a day after Chanei!llor Heyns had given assurance that the park would not be disma.nt!ed without warning so that benches and play equipment could be moved. · n \\'AS ALA!\IEOA County Sheriff deputies who fired bullets into the crov.'d killing onC person, per1nanently blinding a second and putting out an eye of a third. (Hospitals have refused to give the total number wounded by bullets). This unprecedented use of firearm s could not have occurred without prior consent of the goveraor. It was Reagan who planned, armed aod provoked. He must' also be held responsible for the in- cident in which peaceful student and fac- ulty vigilers were teargassed from bell· copters on th e campus. (The teargaS was used so indiscrimi nately that it in-. filtrated the campus hospital Where pa· tients had lo be kept alive in respira· tors). THE LOGIC BEITTND Reagan's cam· paign is the same as at San Francisco State: provoke a massive reaction by outrageous policies and then hold out un· til the radical students are in jail or ex· peUed·, the. radical professors fired, the liberal professors leaving in disgust, and the campus thoroughly demoralized. These policies will inevitably ruin the quality of higher education in California. This doesn't happen all at once: pro- fessors lake a few years to make quiet exit.a to greener pastures. Thereafter the word get.s. tn>Und. the best gradu ate student.a stop coming and the re.search grants disappear. · RE.AGAN WILL probably be safely out of office by the time Californians wake up .lo the reali_zaUon that UC·Berkeley has dropped from lhlrd place nationally to 30th, and that the state colleges have deteriorated to the status of fourth-rate schools. The ven geful, po I It I ca 11 y. motivated refusal to raise faculty -ularics to the level of comparable in· stitutions elsewhere \Vill hasten the total process, Reagan will claim he has brought the faculties to heel. but Cali fOT· nians will find he has simply driven them to competing iMtitutions. TllERE ARE NO rsdic8ts at Central Arkansas Sta te Teacher's College, and liltle student unrest. But to lho."ie whO ap- plaud Reagan's atte1npt to remake the universi ty on this happy model, thct warn- ing n1ust be issued: Graduates ol lhird- rale colleges don't get the: good Jobs not admission to the good graduate schools. Neigher do third-rate colleges lay many golden eggs of research, community serviti!, cuJtural enrichment or prettltt. • DR. INGE P. BELL Soci•l'I)' Department Pitier Conege, Tho Clu.mort Collqu Re sidi ng in Laguna Beach • 'Bomb' Fuses, Are Lit and Burnin·g When we talk about "revolution," most of ua are still thinking in old-fashioned political terms. But there ~e revolutions in the air today that make Man: or Mao seem as Placid and conventional as a Sunday school outing. In a recent Jssue of that perceptive journal, "The Critic," Robert T. Fran· coeur, author of "Man and Revolution,'' points out that the latest adv~ of biological and medical technology ''are about to create revoluticns far more radical for man than anything thus far in our two million year history." ' ' r --£4fft~MJ" . '8i<fu~'·~. I .~ ' + ' . ' .;.,s.i' ·~... ' ' .... l~~ and induced con1as, to pr olong 'the vigor of youth and induce the regeneration of organs," \Ve are now literally on the threshold of being in control of our destiny as a species. We are becoming like unto gods, but with diabolic possibilities C o r manlpulating the human mind and body so that we . can witness "disembodied brains linked to computers and joined with artificial senses in the first hybrids between man and machines.'' · THE WltOLE NEW field of "genetic engineering" will make it possible to tum out whatever kind of "human beings" we want to. And this Promethean power in the hands cl pe:Qple still ruled by avarice, by hate, by envy, by national and racial and economic rivalries, is like an atomic THE FUSES ON these "time bombs" are lit and burn merrily away, Francoeur warns us. They comprise: "extensive transglaritation of limbs and organs; the ability to'fertllize human eggs in the test· tube, ~o choose the sex of ou r offspring, or to change it . . . to store human sperm ln benks; the ability to regulate moods, emotions and desires by mind· m<Klifylng drugs; and an extensive power to pos!pone cllnlcal death." And by the tin1e our children pass their 30th birthday, this biologist predicts, ''man will hold in his frail, unguided hands even more revolutionary -~-t potentially de vastating powers," whicl:t he then er.umera les: • plant with a willful infant controlling the "Destruct" button. "THE ABlLITY TO modify men's minds ~ reconstruct our personalities, to enhanct our intetµgence, to inject and edit out memories, lo reconstruct living organisms, to prolong life by hibernation . Our biological technology is carrying uii, willy·nilly, to a stage in human evolu· lion where Hell or Paradise are realistic cptions; where we can immensely amplify the human personality, or shrink and distort. it for purposes or conquest, slavery and all the perversions(){ power, If we cannot rapidly bring our po~ical processes up to a maturity 1hat Us tom· men~ate with, our technical genius, only catastrophe waits us. Most Popular Narcotic Jumping lo conclusions: Work, not alctihol. or drup, has alway1 been the most popular narc;ot.lc in -~erica. We are a Work..addlcted,people, as witness tbe number of men who fear compulsory retirement a1 85 because they feel they'll be lost. with0\11 the _ stimulation provided by going to 1 daily job. 1; It seems like years since we've seen an old.fashioned halrpin1 bOn!l women tver wear them antmof'e? Slrawberries and modem children have one thing in common: the bigger they grow the more tasteless some of them become: The h!!ight of . boredom comes wh~ a fellow suddenly diW>vcrs he has been talking to himself-but not botherin1 to listen. 4 THRIFTY GUY Is one who Mill has ~ clrawerful of old spats he saved on· the thetiry that some day they'll make a comeback . The more scienWic we become the more stubbornly we stick .to ' our timewom superstitions. tfyou put·a '8rge ladder across a sidewalk, eight out of 10 passers-by will walk around rather than under it. The two •bo do walk under it aren't any less superstitious than the others-they're just probably 'dhowoffs . It is usually the man with the largeirt number of kids at borne who steals the most pencils from tilt office. Either that or he has a wlfe who lllel: to -.aft crosswonl pimles. • • PEOPLE WHO eme the Umt!JPI .. thrOl)gb end1esa maeuvera , to biccnit_ the center of at:ttntlon at a cocttall ~ ty, but the llmpleot cif ail Wayt to do It b to gtt an attack al 'blccupo. • The suspicion •riffs that many folks who attend churth ~ do IO beeuse II i1 the one pUbllc p~ left •htre. tbCy run a minimal danger of being mugged : nm an two aOCid reaaons1 wby housewives live · longer lhan 'the ir husbands: r. they can flop down .on a couch any time during the day when they art tired, and 2. they avoid the physical wear and tear of the two-and t.Hree· Martini Junrb, "1hlch ages executives quicker Ulan anything. THE BIGGEST profilem f a e 1 n g educators today is how to find a way to convince the students that-there is a real difference between going to college and going to kindergarten. The perfect politician-if we ever get one-will lurn out to be a fellow who can get something done about anyJbing without having to raise taxes to do iL • Th e loneliest people ·I know a~ those wealth)' enough lo attend pubUc banquets frequently , but S9 pQverty·stricken in real companionship that they can 't think of anything better to do wilb their tinll"_ I always think they'd be happier if they learned to hook rugs and stayed at b.ome with lhe cal. •' 1---..--By Georse -.....;.~ Dear George: Your column alwllys s3}rwrit; In !or tile ae<:r:et al Sk!eways ~ lng~ l'Ve written in • Umu a you haven't ttnt me the aecrtt Sidewllfl ThinkinJ. What kind columnist are you, ·anyhow? FURIO Dear F'\lrhiusf One who'• pri.Uy good at kt'Cpi a secret. • (\\1rlto to George and learn t IOCl'e!B ol Sideways Thinking.} I l: I I 1 r I I ,. NeWPft"t Bar hor ' · EDITION .V,O(. 62, NO. 127, 5 SECTIONS, 6li PAGES OllAN6E COtlNTY, CAIJlfORNIA ' ' ' . ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 21,;1969 • • T«Hlay's F lwal N.V . Steeb TEN CENTS. Newport-Mesa Teachers Shelve Sti-ike Plans· ' . By THOMAS FORTUNE I Of .. DallY "I"" li.tf 1 Newpcrt-Mes& school teachers have &he1ved plans for &•walkout Thursday and will hold a last dlloh salary talk tonight •llfl the -I board. Taacher representatives at a meet.ing -~Y nigjit decided Ibey stand a bet- U!f chance o1 persuadlog the school boaid with the schei:luled walkout called orr. They blamed the DAILY PILOT with ctd.tlng adverae reaction lrom the com- munity Ind the school -.s by callillg their planned "minim.urn tuching dly" • walkOut. The term "walkout" WU applied because teachers were. plannlng to leave their ~clw:et en masae duf'in&' resuJar school nours without authorization of the board or ,ochool administration. Teachera usociatlon Pr<lident Ray Snyder ·sa.id of the walkout : "I see nothing to gain. The board will be alienated aa IOOI oa the press present. ljlll' u It baa. We are not Kolnc IA> 1<t any help !nm the Jftl'. Tiley are not on our &de Md J di>n1t koow why." lie wu lll'Plauded by many of the 100 teachera ...,..1. A poll wu taken on teacher senUment tor lhe'walkoot after the DAJtJY PlLOT's 1 epre.ent8tive was ejected from the meetin(. On the basis of that poll the w1lkout was shelved. Another . problem with the propoeed waltout, teacben learned, b thit, by law. only ibe school board boa the amjloril}' to cleclan .a ,minimum teaclllng day -lour hours or lnitnlctton. Sonora Scll9oJ Prlncti>al Ch a'r'I es Ca1oneae road• that point and said, "I think that ~. lot." ' Paul McGtWCuddy, eighth grade teacber at Lincoln Scilool. q,_oned whet!ler the law ls consUtutional. , ".Jn · thb cotintry nobody just takes away yow teachlnl credenUal," he said. '.'It boa IA> be leltec! lo CO\lrt." Dick . wa1u; head of the t-ii.r nell\llattng team, said be would ~n" to the hoard torigttr a proposed salary scale rongtng 1rom jl,?IO ICM' bellru\inr teacb<!rs to a blgh of 114,000. . . I\ Is less than the 17,150 to 1/1,300 r~e the teachers have been aeeklna:. but more than the $6,800 to $13,608 range Which was Supt. William Cunningham's latest offer. ~achers Monday broke of! negotla· tlons with Cunningham alter deciding they: had f'acbed an Jmpwe. They now wW appeal directly to the board. So_me teachers wtrto't satisfied with what t.he teacher negoUatU,g team is DOW' willing to agree to. , Said Wayne . llorowllz:, social studies teacher at Harbor Hlgh : #tfo accept that would be a humiliatlon. It would place us behind Santa Ana." Bryant Granite, Estancia Hi&h driver educaUon teacher, sa.Jd he does oot (See TEACHERS, P ... I) Yorty Wins ~A Upset Mayor Defeats Bradl,ey, Confounds Opinion Polls LOS ANGELES '(AP) ~ Mayor Sam Yorty, an underdog in the polls, rode a record voter turnout to a 54,0000 third term election victory today over Thomas Bradley, Negro cooncilman who had thumped him In the Primary. Yerty appm-enU) won strong support In the closing days o! wbat was called the bitterest 1 o c a I camRWgn of modern tiJnes. I HOw do the Pollsters explain iJ.? One, Don Muchmore, whooe poll for the Loi Angeles Times Monday placed Bradley. ahead 53 perceht to 36, said: "I feel like George Gallup did In 19M. '1 11tat was the year Harry: Truman upset Thomas I,lewey, Gallup'• pick. . -Muct-e. !1i<1 ID a, Ila-. there might have ..... error In tbe"•oll;·ac1- . ding: .. We wtre dealinl wttb lhe race issue ·in tlUa campaign aod UU!: ls trad}.. t.ionaUy I dHf1cult lr't8 to IUl'Vey.'' 0 Jt ·wau1d appear in thb: instance the sample of. reapoodants was. ir.advertentfy not a representative crqss secUon of the population," said Muchmore, who had conducted 675 interview!. "Even though thii 1! our fli'st majbr ctror, a cotnplete analysla will be made to detennlne the <xac\ cause QI Ille dilcrepancy." Su-of Bradley said they had lodgii! a complaint with the ll(ate at. torney general's office over a "call!- dldat.es card" widely distributed tn areas w"her. the city's 15 lo 20 percent Negro popu)itlon lives. _.,lrst Smee .Fr~ze Irvine Gives . $5110,00() They claimed the card said Bradley votes should be made on hole No. S of the punchcard-eomputer ballot. If voter& did so, they would have voted !or Yorty. Bradley, ~l, a former police llet._nt who boped to beco11te the third Negro mayor of a major U.S. city, refUBed to concede. He won U percent of the vote to Yorty's 26 percent in the Aprp primary but was forced into a runoff when be fail.. ed to gain a majority. UCI Attendance Remajn s High ' I" . ---~ . ~!.\'":-r1LOT ............ sli.ATORS FANNIN, MURPHY TALK TO N l~llf"l)tii~Rr Ban on · Beach May Be Lifted For Holid~y Br ~EROME I'. c:oµ.JNS . • Of· "" 0.1" ..... ~lff ~q-,,-~liJili>n ·E1L~-a ~--~.;mi~4.. :l:'~'t:=f' I~ '4 ~ r·-·~~' 'i~~~p.r D~spite Strike- . • 1-, t •' • The UC Irvine student ~lrlU: cOnltnued in its· four;th 'day today' but no reliable . figurei werj! .. avp118ble on the dropcin in class ittendfince. .i -:_ Drug Traff ic, th• Supreme Cou rt i nd Campus Agitation -- Murphy _Sees Favorable • ~Baja Barrier' Report • • ' By JOHN VALTERZA 0t ... Diiiy ,.!lot Stitt sen. George Murphy told a Newport &~h press conference Tuesday he ex· ~ a favorable recommeodation from th& Justice Department on plans to close t.hC Mexican border to unescorted minorS. Murphy said he is awaiting a report from the department after receiving re- ~ from 25 California cities to close ik"·b<rder to the age group. l'~ requests ate an effort to cut down ~cs traffic from Mexico. Newport ~.was among the 25 cities making the:ftqoesU. ;..~. Murphy praised the· demands for lxi'der cl06Ure at · a press conference at t~· Newporter Inn prior to a meeting With about 90 top Orange County Republicans. The meeting was held 10 '!_11.P~ fund raising d r i y_e_s for lhe ~blican Party. Murphy and fellow GOP Senator Paul fannin of Arizona met reporters in a b81f-hour interview which touched on the l)O(der closure, investigations into Justice William 0. Douglas' role in the Albert P1£Vin Foundation and impending federal ci:.ckdown on professional agitators oa cOnege campuses. 1'1.urphy said the idea of closing the botcler to unescorted persons under 21 "ha.s a good chance ol becoming a reality if the Justice Department gives a favorable recommendation. We e.xgect it." Fannin added that in his state, in the interim, Mexican authorities h a v e cooperated with Arizona requests l?r stif· fer narcotics enforcement. "They are doing an admirable job trying to stem the now of narcotics into Arizona, and our officials who visit these (See MURPHv, Page I) ' SU1llMER JOB S Sll;NUPS SET . . ' Pre-reglltration for the Youth Employ- ment Serv~ of the Harbor Atta will begio Monday and continue lilroulh Fri- day al the Costa Mesa Boys Club, 591 Center St., from S p.m •. to 5 p.m. dally. Placement and regiltraUon will begin June 9, alao from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. From June 16 through August 15, hours will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weckdaya. Fo.r lnfonoaticri or a job request, call IG- ·Pf1~ . The-Youth Emploment Service is spon- sored by the lJunior Ebel! Club of New- port Beach. A four-month quaranUne of eight mllH ' ' ol· Orange Cotmlf biochlrool m11 be tilted by FrlclaJ '-In Ume !or the tJiree. clay Memorial pay weeftnd. Newport Beach, City H a r b or Coordinator George Dawes said plugging ol the Prado Dam, from which thousands of gallons of sewage have been pouring into the Santa Ana RJver dally, is u:- pected to be compleled by Thursday. "There is a po!Wbllity It may be plug· ged.sorneUme toniibt." be said. Oraqge County Health Officer Dr. John Philp said if county workers finish the jt'b by 10 a.m. Thursday, the beaches will be reopened for a certainly Friday. In anlicipaUon, Newport G e n e r a I Services Director Jake Mynderse today prepared plans for the rtmoval or hun- dreds of quarantine signs and banicadts from the West Newport beach front. Huntington State Beach, on the other side of the Santa Ana River ·mouth, will also be opened up for swimmers and surfers. The quarantine of coastal waten from the Newport Pier north through Kuo- tlngton State Beach has been in erfect since Jan. 30 when the first of two record · storms broke Riverside sewage lines and caused fouling of the river. Earlier this week, the S)"imming ban was lifted between Newporl Pier and 3lst Street. Dr. Philp said bacteriological cwnts had lowered sufficiently to make water contact in that aru safe. County flood control crew1 all week have been working around-~lock to trap completely the sew8gi-fllled waters behind the dam. Once lhe dam's flow into the river ii stopped, damaged percolaUng baslns downstrum will be rebuilt. The water behind the dam will then be released slowly to allow it to soak underground belore It reaches ocean waters. " •,.,. A $1Gfl,ll08 ~ (0 ~bllslJ I fund booortic Newpolll lleodl 1111'-A. J. McFadden WU ..... l!J ti!' 111m- Collqei today bl' tbe ~ iiiplatlon. The -crut ... tbe llral for ·Ille foun- dation ilbce a suit aplnll Jt,b,. Irvtne heiress Joan Irvine Smith was dismi&8ed by the State Supl'fJTle Court lqt mopth. · The A. J. McFadden-Endowment for the colleges' Honold Library·was made In honor of one of the two remaining founders of. the·foundatlon. McFadden recel\led an hononry,doctor o! laws degree during the 11 a.m. ceremonies on the Pomona College cam· pus. ' ' The endowment will be U!ed '· !or salaries, equipment•and research in the - llbrary, colJese .apokesrJle!l said. NEW YORI( (AP),-The l!ock malket clo.sed lower k>d,y, after recouping some of itf earlier losses. <Set! quotations, Pies ruZ::~~. anal~sts said a returrlni attitude 811Jong sqme investors was that credit mlgjit be .tlgjitened tiJrougji another increase In the lending rate to banks' most creditworthy customers. DAll.Y NI.OT 1111111"""' liONOJ!ED 11'.1 Ct AR EMONT PIDnHr McFadd.., Saddleback Republican s Get Backing in Toro Fight By JACK CHAPPELL Of -D911r .......... .- aaseuments of proposal. Fair Court ·site Legal? A bit of (loUtical mUICle Oeling by the Sacldleback R<piJbiicap ""'"'1iblf In their fight against propooed commercial use of the El Toro Marine Corpe Air Slation boa produced ...,. ...Wu; It "" "Ported today. ~rs from four county, state and federal legl.slaton indlcaUng general - hut guarded -dlaapprovat of joint civ!Uan·mllitary use of the alrport have been received by the GOP group. However,. Supervilor Hirstein, whose fourth dislrl"1 tnctudes part or the &do dleb&ck area, espreased a direct concern •. "llY personil reaction to lhU joint uoe ls rather negaUve as l cannot visualln El Toro u a permanent metropolitan airport. I believe that a thorough, in- vesUgatlon ,of this joint use would prove It unacceptable, and would verify .the very limited .probability of a cotumercial airport . In the vicinity or the El Toro Marine base," Hinlein wrote. · ' Special Meeti1ig Called to Reiolve Questwn • Quest.•1 on the legality o( a contracl be\Ween :Orani' County and the .l:nd Dljtrict ACricW!W'al A.mciaUon r... a municipal <OGrt oite at the Or-Coun- ty if'a1rgroond8 wlD be amw~ect 'I'hurt- dat. tair Board President Cecil J. Marks hU called a special I p.m. nieellng in ad- m1"i1Walive offices ror discussion of the court site reaolutlon and several other mlt.ton. · Unc1er original wording of a propoS«t teile agr<emen~ legal questlo!u arose as to ,,.-hether it could be done and fair diNcton bad to ask the ltate Attorney General's opil)ion. ~am not al Uberty to aay. I'd prefer t.,. the .answer come from the board ," Falrgroundl General Manager AJtred Lul,jtons said of the legal opinion today. Director Robert Humphreys h a a dh1cuaed tbe matter ill Sacramento since It cU.. up at t'1o -·· May 15 meeUng and la r<pOl'laidly -rldent about pnr -. wlUI Iba lllrlrounds coorl lite oiler. The Orange County Board, o I SUpervh1on dil<usaed ollen by the Fair Board and allO by Newport Beach ellf o!t'.iclall at their meeting a week a.go, but look no acUon. Most oblerven are leaning itzongly toward W:leclion of I ea.ta Mesa 5Ke for t a new Harbor Jadiclal ~ Court complex, atnco tt .._ts (0 • ft mJ1Hon savJna: oVrr a Newport Bea oler. Newport Beacb ollklala want lo l>nd the !ulure court site at their own pnr posed civic center. . All a~. howeYer, agree that the answer must come 11 IOOft as poulble. • leading to Humphreys' quick Sacramenth The stat'eraents by WIUlam ·mntein, trip to con(er on lhe lease or sale ques-chairman of the Orange County Board of Uon. • Supervisors, State Sen. John G. Schmlt1 Discussion Is also on the agenda for a (R-Tulttn): U.S. Seo. George Murphy (11- blg pop mualc IJld youth festival pnr Cal.) and, U.S. Rep. James B. Ult (R- Tustln) came ln raponee to ' raolutlon posed lot the lair~ the weekend of pasaed recently by the 6addtebeck . Aua. t, but director1I wani Costa Mesa ol-Republican AMmblf. ficlala to..ad.!int.. • That reeolution noted lhat "u a Newport Beach music p r o m o t e r politicaUY actlve orpniJ.atlon, we· would William Tappan presented 1 reviled pro. ce.rlainlf coosider our elected offklall' gram oC one day instead oC two to the ~ on the afroort. during the pm e.~; · tloN," Mlchiei 'r. Oolltnl, pr<sldtiit, ..., , Costa Mesa City Council Monday, but today. • final cooncil --~ he taken unUI Copla o1 the iuolbliMI """' -to an -MondlJ>. the -lllJ>l<Vilon, to all tbe elocted Lutjean! said a aomewhat contnwmtal state and led«al oflldals ol the am. r<quest by the Co&ta M~ Junior and (0 the Federal Avlntlon ~· Chamber of Commtttt r.r an educe-a-aJly, Ille tetten ncelved'lm Uie Uonat booth on the da•fttl ol ....,..1 , -r-.i and ate olfl<Uill an dileue cluri'!I u.\ lair wtlt 'lllo be "' fol' • pOlntoi to -1nuint Marini , C!irPI' OJI' ditculaloo. poaltlon (0 Ille plan and dodpd 'poraooal \ HJntein said also that th.e supervisors , (See AIBPOR!, Page ZI . ' ' EA RLY DEADLIN~ FOR DI ME ADS . DJme.A·Ltno advertioen bava to hu"1 th11 -lo tie! their adl1nto Iha DAILY · PILOT. Due to the Memorial Day ~.otlday • oo Fl1daJ, -.!0< the · popular cjeullied ado blt8 beeo moved •P to l p,m, Tburoday (Instead of tbe usual I p,m. Friday cleadltnt). Adi mus! be place_d tn JIOl'IOll or IOOI by mall witb payment enclooed. CaD any DAILY l>ILOT olltce fot further tn- 1~. Tiie "!II wW be pubji3bed, u uiU11. In the ~ ~· ol lhl DAI· L \' PIL<7I' dlilrlbutad °" Salilrda)'. • ' Th• C!"!'F admlnis1rltion said I survey ol d¥N ol the vaflooa ICbooll tn- die1ted "no ~lgnlncant drop ii\ at. tendance." Spokejmen did not define '1bat theJ meant byi significant, and obviously there were many lf.udent.s on strike. ., ' The campu! news!)lper, New Unlvenl· ty, gave a totally confllctlng· picture. lt claimed a survey showed class' 1t .. tendance to be down an average of 16 to 80 percent. The student newspaper is pro strike. The strike ill to show sympaU,7 " solidarity with aludents at Bet~· The UCI strikers an supporting the ume three demands: -R.e~ove the polict and National Guard from campus. -Lift the state of f:'Il~g-ncy. -Re~urn the university property called Peopk.'1 Fark to the people: Many of the 3,500 UCI students ~ pathetic to the !irst two demands Lake ek~tion to the third and have not joined the 11trike for that reason. The· strikers say they will continue to picket and boycott clissea b::iwever lone it takes until all three demaqds 1n1 met. Many professOrs were hokfini dUle:I · but following the camJ!OI , A~ Senate recommendation to diacua the Berkeley situatioo In.stud of UJU&l auJ>.. j~ matter. · ~ The student newspaper broke down Its claimed attendance drop um way : in humanilles, 19 to !O pen:ent; Iii fine arts, 55 to liO percent; In IOCial 10lence1, SO . per~nt; in phvslcal sciences, 2 Oto 30 percent; in biO!ogical sciences. I) per .. cent. Or uge Weatiaer t With afternoon leDUMft~ In the 7U's who needJ IUMY morn- ings? At least that'il ~ ~eather, man's view In prescribmg more of the same ror Thursday. INSm E TODAY The Laguna and Hunti-ngto1' Beach pla11hoWN1 mount their last productimu o} t.Jit seaio. thia wek 10hfle an ifi~red a<ior nrturN to iM C01t4 Jleio st.age . Se• Entertamme11t, PoQn 26-27. " • • l ' San Joaquin OKs 73-cent , Override - A 11-etnt tn·oVt.rrlde, first ever In the Siii J-1n ElemenlvY School Dlltrlc~ WI~ •Ppl'OVed-by a ~.percent victory margln Tuesday. A!l 11110111.11 proclncls, except !ht« In Leilw'o World i..,pna IUlls -where tho i.x muauno lalled mlltrably -pve It strong suppart. An estimated 25 percent of the diWlct 's rteiJtered voters went to the poll5 tL. p .. the override, wbic:b coes lnto dfect July I for lhHe yws. Ru Nerllon. bullneu dlreclor ol the San Joaquin Elementvy School Dlltrlct, Did board members hope lo keep the In- itial tu increase down to ~ cents this year -maybe only !O cents. Funds · from the override will a11qw the district, now one of the futut. crowtn11 In tht! nation, to maintain its present level of educational service. "We are sticking pretty much to fun· damentals," Nerison •said. He added tbat any expansion of educa- tional progam& will have to be done very carerully, bu! Did 10111e new rudlnc con- cepts may bt inlUated. The lncreae approved l ,30I lo 1,1118 votes will rai.K the general purpoee tu rate for $1.35 to $2.0l, if the total 7S cents permitted is levied in the Qtree year· period. Thia YOUld 1et the total tu rate -with bond repayment tocludf:.1 -at $2.38 per $100 or assessed valuatk>n for young families and Leisure World residents in the diltrict. Te1.evision Lure Doubles Entri.es In Mesa Parade Television coverage Tournament cf Roses-style has almost. doubled entries in the 24th Annual Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry Parade, co- chairman CliffWesdorf announced today. The Satun!ay parade will be a highlight of the June I to 8 event, proceeds from which benefit a variety of youth service organizations in the Harbor Area, as well .. aiding lbe blind. Veteran cowboy-clulracter aclor Andy Devine of Newport Beach will be grand marshal of tbe June 7 parade through the downtown COsta Mesa area. The Judles' and reviewers' stand will be aet up at Costa Mesa Park, with 26 bandl and 24 floalt lnclud!td In the pu•de tllll ·fur. wmm annauncad. Durlni WI yaar'1 giant 'Flall Fry spec- tacular, only H bandl and 12 floats participated, so the 1969 production IO Le.wd Danee• ."Jury Finds La~ Guilty A 8in14 N.a munldpol court jtuy klck.f lhe bodGm OUI "Carol CJbu!MI'• boll-_... Tueldt1 nllbt -• v~ UW had the blonila ~ ..... IObblnc bltt.ril' with bo<!eci bold •I lhe COWIUl 14ble. It took the llx-woman, six-mu pantl Just four and one-hal1 hours to rule thlt the curvy Lair.ma Beach e.ntutainer wu guilty or lewd condu ct and Indecent exposurt when she danced in the nude at the Apartment A.Go-Go. They convicted the Art Colony eDter- tai[\U on aU 10 counis. Judge Paul Mast ordered her to return to court June 12 for a sentence that could add up to a maximum ol six months in jail and/or a $500 fine on each count. Moments before the jury riled bock In, Miu Cybulsll sat In the courtroom with a newsmin and upresaed her confldence that the jury would rule in her favor. Quietly knitOng ("This Ls a rtd iweater for my 12-foot python,'' she joted) she restated her belief that attorney Berrien Moore had done enouP. to convince tbe jury that she could bt. cleared of the charges, a11 made over a two-moni.q period at the popular ~st Santa Arti bar. Ten minutes later she was slumped across the counsel table, angrily <X>n- demnlng that same jury through her tears "for making me the patay for a kind of dancing that's accepted without question anywhere outside this damn county. "I do the same thing ln Re.no and the cops applaud," Miss Cybulski protested. "I guess it's the name Cybulski they .don't lik&--they busted me three years ~ .• ~n Garden Grove for dancing top- Moore will ask June 12 for a new trial and he will ask before that date-pos- sibly ltfonday in Superior Court-for a ruling or habeas corpus on the munlclpal court verdict. ''If ti. llperlor C.rt, OCC<pla that ptlllloa li wtll ... the ..... , ... , " 11111 -........ • ..... "")d-"! ..... -.. , ....... -Ifill lrlal lhll Ulo ·Jm7 II ,_., .. 11'1111 to lmpw • Iii of commuhlly ofandard! Iha! have never been defirled and can never' be' ·~'~· No one qualified Jn that t'rla! as an expett witness," Moore said. "And that's because thtre is no such thing when it comes to a ruUni on whether 14iss CybullkJ1t dlPce is oblcene or not." On bond for the canduslon of the Melt-long ·1r111 was District Attorney Cecil ' Hicks and he made no secret of his delight at a verdict he expects to . slrenJlhtn 1his campaign 1.gainsi the controversial bottomless enten:alnmtht. Five coont)' ban, Including the Apart. ment A-Go-Go In which Mlss Cybu!RI was booked, are currently under a "ilo bottomless" ban. And Hieb prtdlcted Tuesday night that the Cybulski verdict will be a "shot in the arm'' fQr i.w enforcement officers seeking to main-- ta.in and exte"nd that ban. It Is believed tha t the verdict Is the first such l)Jling to be obtained in the State of California. Moore Bald after 'the \•erdict that he will take hi.c; appeal all the way to the Californla Supreme Court a move wllich, Judge Mut later com· mented, will ~ the high court with a difficult situation. "Jt brlnp to the. forefront the question of com.nwnity sandards, what they are, who can define them and who ts upert enough to att.esf lo them," Judge Mast said. "That's what this trial was all about and this jury expressed its satis- faction that conununlty standard!, a.s known to them, had been violated." Observers during the trlaJ found 1t difficult to conceive of any other verdict after M~ Cybulski staged a specia l "ben«;:fit show" for the jury at the Apart. ment A-Go-Go. should be far ~ impressive. ~ • T --wlU ba set up at Ulh~ 'o01n NEWPORTER POST ;AN. INVALUA11Lii ASS~T' Street and Pomona Avenue, whtn KTLA.'!' • .t.Rich•nl R _flhwt • Inn Owner :J"1N.beon televltlon CfeWll,lC!n will fUm th• colorful : __ ....;.· -----· --'------'-~-:.:c.,...:.::.::::.:,..;..:.;;;;:.:..:.::.__~- 6petitade for l'H>roadcaat. 1 ) . W.torf said they will use the 11-atory . Betbe1 Towers retiren\ent aparqntnt pro- ject u a, backdrop for the parade and thus a1ao avoid shooUng into direct tunllJl>I. Announcer for the 24th Annual Fish >'r; Parade will be Dick Lane, of Newport Beach, oneUme motion picture ec:tor and ~essional sportacaater. Senate Passes Pay Raise for Governor SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe Senale pwed a bill today boo.sting the salaries of major state olflclal5, Including the govmlOI' wbo would get $t9, 100 a year. The ctU!f executive's salary now Is $44,100. The bill booN the salariea of the. other &late constltuUooal orftcers by $10,000 a year, rrom 125,000 to 135,000. D~llY PllOT OliANGll C0.U1 fl'IJl lllHINO COM~AH'I' ~.ia.,1 "'1. w .... Prnldlftl aNI l"llltlllllrr J•ck It Cvrl1y Ylcit ~lftnit •1'141 GtMr.i ,.__,.. 111 .... , ic ..... n llfillf' lh•111•t A. Mvrphl~• ~l!dlfot J1r1Mt F, C1ll!11 N--1 a.8Cll (llY EdllW' ---!Jll w •• , •• ,~ ...... , ... ,,, M1111"' "''"'''" r.o. !•• 1111. ,,,,J ............ ' ("oo!t INMI alt W•I ltt S ..... I L._ 9Hdll ft! l'"-1 ...._, ......,....,,, ......... Memorial Day. Programs Sl~ted Along Or~nge Coast PIJlll [or Memorial Day programs' are • under way throughout the Orange Cout area today. In Com Mesa, the Veterans of Forei&n Wars Post 3536 and American Legion Post (55 will hold a joint service at 11 a.m. Friday at Harbor Rest Memorial Park, 162S Gisler Ave. The two veterans organizalions will place Nreaths at the MemoriaJ Flag Pole, with the assistance of an honor color guard frort1 the ~tarine Corr-.; Air Facility at El Toro. The public ls-invited, and a special welcome is extend~ to active duty servicemen and their families. Huntington Beach American Legion Post IS3 will hold a service at 11 a.m. Friday together wlth the Gold Slar Mathen at the Good Shepherd Cemetery, Talbert Avenue and Beach Boulevard. On Th~rsday, precedL,g Memorial Day, Post 133 members will place Cowers on 50 graves ol former pOst and auxiliary m<mbtn buried in the Good Shepherd and Weslminlter cemeteries, as well u 1111 veterans craves. The public is invMd to both ceremonies. Memorial Day commemorations in Lquna Beach will include two diUerent kinds of ceremonies. One ls sponsored jolnUy by Veterans of F ottlp Wars Post 5168 and American Legion Pott ~ and will be held at the Memorial Column on ii:eisler Point at 11 a.m. Friday. It will feature an invocalion by El Toro Marine Corps Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Warren Trumbo and an address by Llll)'d L. Linquist, state VFW co1n- mander, as well as a six-gun salute and the playina of taps. The other ceremony. also scheduled at Heisler Park, will last all day, as the names of the 39,000 Am erican men killed so far In Vietnam are read aloud in the park. The reading is being conducted by the Orange County Friends (Quakers) in con- junction with the Women's Intematlonal League for Peace and Freedom. The group plans to withdraw for the hoU.r or two neeessary for the veterans groups to conduct their ceremony. Read.inf, of the names, culled from the Congress:onal Record, will take from 20 to 24 h011rs, said a Friends spokesman. Westminster Memorial Park will be the scene <Jf combined Memorial Day obse"l.IK.'e3 by the American Legion Post 555 wd its auxiliary, 1s...,,ell as the Gold Star Mothers. The 11 a.m. service, at 14«11 Beach Blvd., will Include a welcome by Furl B. Llnds<>y, commander of Post 55$. the placing of memorial wreaths, a salute to the dead by a firing squad, and taps played by the Royal Lancer Buglers. Fro11a P .. e l MURPHY ... suspected offenders in jail say tllat more and more are being arrelted," be uid. Fannin, dlscu.sa:ing the Douglas roun- daUon cue, said he hoped that by Mon- doY firm requ..U (or a Congraslooal commlltea 10 probe lbe 1-wW ba aranttd. '"11\ere 11 1n lnvesUgaUon btinJ inade and It 11 betns carTled forward. Whit I want 10 ... II t -Iii committee with subpoena powm to c:oaclucl • flllr tn- vesttcattoo." he A.Id. 'FlftNn, who WU a lu<\lt l1r the IUC- cuolul dlort lo OUJt Juotlc< Aba.Fortu, tald Iha! reportl from Juatl<o llou&IH and otllclalt of Iba r..mauoo wllh u .. 1o • Lu Vegu a:ambllng Interests ••just don't seem to mJtch." Doualas earlier. this w~k qWt the Jow>- daUon. Fannin laid that aome member11 of the foundatldn have 11Jd Doughl!' rOle waa mJnlmal, whilo othm said it was an ac- tive ont. Fannin and MUl'llllY al.I<> announced •n l!'l\POl>dllll faderal erackdown .., pro- fCssfonal agitators who cross Blatellnes lo create dilturbancea: on colleee cam~uats. "What wt want 10 ao IJ find Iha proo.- Jdentl/y them and laltt them out ol circul1l1911." MU!l'h1 aald. ' I I $8.9 Mlll&o,a ~ H·arhor School~ Sell Their Bonds CAROL KNITS, JURY BURNS Dancer RMuc:td to Te•rs 'Ibe shapely blonde executed her tor. rid, 35-n'linute rJUtine on tbe mirrored ministage at the bar in what she assured jurors would be an authentic portrayal of the snake dance that brought patrons Oocking to the popular watering place. lt was authentic enough to make women jurors turn away 1n apparen( disgust and refuse to watch much more than a few minutes of a dance that had been labeled by vice officers as "plainly flllhy." Newporter Inn's President Quits; Called 'Asset' .. Richard R. Flinn has resigned as presi- dent of the Newporter Hotel Corp., owner L.C. Jacabson announced Tuesday. The resignalion is effective im· mediately. · . Newport-l!aa school allldill· COllld --· tlP ol nliel.loday that they had bellen the tlaht -Y markd and manaced to aeu a $1.9 mDJtno ICbool bond issue. t Tile bond 'Ille 'fuetday ol 0. --hnum 1'0ll1 --nw pe...,t 1n. 1etott rile ....... • bcMld.r.. paaaed In February doesn't have to be resubmitted to the voters. ' And it means the school diatrict can· go ahead · wllh · plam in add IJ por!able ciwroomt next fall and eod double sessions ' , The bonds weft! purtha!eci· by Ballk of America at the five perunt lnt.erest charge with a redemption period of 25 years. ·· • "We're delighted they saw tu to sup- ,port this community," aid Board Pres I· dent James W. "8111" Peyton. "There waa concern ri&ht up to the last ·ml'nute- whether ,we w~re gol.ng to get a bid." BQard members Tuesday also an- nounced lnteotioo to award a contract lo supply 41 portable claurooms to Aurora Mobil Homes Inc. Aurora with an ofter of $8'8,574, waa low of nve bidden. Electrical contracl on the portable clUllOOl'nl WN awarded to Booth Elec- tric, a Watmlnlter firm, with a low bid o/ 181,111. 'lbla II how the bond sale worb: The IU mllllon II loaned lo the bank and Its undarwrtten te the school district. Taxpayer. through their lax paymenlt provide the money te pay back the long-tenn Joan little by litUe over 25 years, plus an interest charge of five per· cent per year on the unpaid balsnce. · It works the same as an Individual bor· rowing money from a finance company, e1.cept thlt the interest charge ii much Jess because hameownen ob\rloualy alw•ya will be an>W!d lo pay aad thenl II virtually no chance of default. The Bani: o/ America bid ol i Oat five percent IJ aomewhat belciw the na- tioowlde going rate on ldlool and municipal bonds, but It It the maximum interest rate California lllte law allows. 'This year, since lhe lnterett rates have gone ue, Bank of America has ~n virtually alone In bidding on California school dlltrlet bond lltues. However. there wu doubt In the mlnds of Newport-Mesa school officials the bank would continue to hold the line. Had there bttn no bidder, the school distrtct_~d have bad to wait for new Jq!Jlotloo te ra!Je the mulmlDD lnlmsl ralA. And ll:en Iha bond i.ue would hove had to be resubmitted to voters bec""8 no-more-than-flwilercenl lntecest wu written into the bond proposal. .,1 • Passed ln February was a bood iAUe ~ $15.9 mUUon lo lake care o/ ICboal building need! for the next four ye.ari. The first sale of $6.t million is to cOver projects to be started dll1ing the ne1.t school year. First exjiendlture It for lhe IJ portabla classrooms. 'lbe total contracts to Auf'Ora and Booth Electric o/ $11,IJI II wltllu lbe an:liltect'1 fl,ll50,000 esllmate. Twelve of the portables will be localed at TeWlnkle Intermediate, 10 at lJnoQ1a Intermediate, IO at Davis Intermedii~ rour at McNally Continuation High, tolir at Bear Street • School and two 'a,t Lindbergh Sdlool. • · ., City Council (• Boundaries ·' . -.... ·' Reshuffled ·~I It is now officiaJ. Ne~rt Beach~ l'las new councllmanic district bQUb. daries. • -• Final action on the reshuffling, wbfch' keeps every incumbent cauncilman in his home district, took place routinely tbls week. Councilmen unanimously appl'Ol'td the secood and final reading of ordi?WlCe bringing about the realignments. Amoog major changes is incluaion ifll Ba1boa lsland in one diltrlct, Ed Hlrth.,1 District 5. The o!d map had the ill.and spUI by dlstrl& 8 (Robert Shelton) ant1 (Howard ltogers). ,, Also, the Lido Shops area, r:epresented before by Donald MdM~ of District I It now represented by •Mayor Doreep Marshall of District 3. Hlrth's District s, in the new map,,iji shoved back to the east side of the Upper Bay •. It had eDC()mpassed both sides. · In addition, Mcinnis' District 2: now hai 32nd Street as its most easterly border. It .had been 19th Street. The area lost ·by Mcinnis IJ absorbed by Rogers' Dbtrl<;I I. In making lhe announcement , Jacobson said, "The young' man was an invaluable asset to me in reorganizing the affairs of the Newporter and accomplishing the r~ cent $1.8 million expansion of the hotel's facilities." • From Pqe· 1 Both men agreed that the resignation was on an amicable baais. Flinn, who live&1at t'lOIS Port Margate Place, Newport BU.ch, said his usigna· tion was prompted by a desire to enter business for himseU. Jacobson sa!d that Fllnn and himself would ''probably joint·ventUre n e w business projects in the very near ·future." From Pcge 1 TEACHERS • • • belleve In "this myth we are not a wealthy district. The boar.d Oles • first class lo Miami, Fla., ror a convention. We do things first cabin. O u r superintendent is paid one of the best salaries in the State o( California. Why can't we pay our teachers one of the best salarie1'!" ~1any high school teacher!, particularly the men, favored the walkout~ Most or the opposition came from elementary school teachers. Scotty Evans, fifth grade teacher at Newport Elementary, made the point there is a big dilfertnce between a 16- year-old and an eight.year-old. "lf one of those kids puts his head through a window while we are gone .•• " he said. AIRPORT. • • had given no consideration ·~whatsoever" to a suggestipn of aligning a commercla I runway parallel with the Santa Ana Freeway. The letter~ from SchmJtz said in part that because the property involved is federally owned, his staff contacted Con- gresSman Utt's Washington office. "His staff advised us that there ls no likelihood whatsoever of tran:;f:>rmlng or adding to the landing operaUons at El Toro. "El Toro is the largest air s~lion on the·West Coast and is badly needed In Its present capacity without overcrowding its facilities," Schmitz said. U.S. Sen. 1.furphy wrote: "l have made an inquiry of the Marine Corps in this matter and have learned that they strongly oppose any such expansion and that the Department (If Defense has no plens to pennlt the El Toro Marine Air Station to be used for commerclal opera- tions either now or In lhe future. · "The Marine Corps has Indicated Its opposition to this plan on the basis that there ls no evidence that mllltary, Navy o~ 1.farine Corps requltements for the sites or national defensi interests were considered in the plan. ~ "Additionally, the Department of Defense has suggested that no further consideration be given to the use .qt Marine aviution and ground insiallatlanl as a part of the Orange County "air transportation plan .•. " Murphy said."· Rep: Utt stated: "Recognizlne: Qiat there is a problem with the Orange CoWJ.. ty Airport, I do net believe that a soluiloii can be achieved by transferring it fr'Qlli one area to ano!her •. and l will opp:OH such a prOject. • "The fl.farine Corps considers this bbe to be one of ils most important, and is strongly opposed to any joint use," 6e said. Zogg Takes Over Tustin Schools William Zogg, business adminlstratar of the Garden Grove Unified School District, will became the new 1Uperino tendent of the 6,000-Sludent Tustln Unioo High School Dis:trict July I. Zogg's new position will , entail ad· ministration of a $6.4 million budget at three existing schools: Mi&Slon Viejo, Tustin and Foothill high schoolJ, and a fourth facility now under construction near UC Irvine. Craduadon time ii Omesadme 0 OMEGA P1y lutiq u.d lmin1 tribirtt to your 1r1duate l'Fith the aift of an 0111ep ••• the witch 10 wear 'Wilh pride. From blucprinl to Jin al awmbly crmyOmqa rnoff.ment udqoet maltipl• qu1li1y-eontrol i11tpecciou lo 1Uur~ maximum dependability. Such llttnUon to minute dtt1ib has 'WDll CDunllcat ho non for On:u1p and apWna 'Why OJ11eg1 limed the Olympic Games and wu cbOKD. by NASA u 1tandud. i11ue for A&tronaull in th1 epodi-mlling moon-1nd·b1ck Apollo proarU1.. A-2 fl•-U. t•K Mlllt ~Id~ MM .................. ttlO :i;:~;::~·-~.~~-~1~':.~~r-~~ C:"j~lfll him.., wtfl .......... U!Wu. ttJI: ,.n... '° c-. .......................................... 111& I CONVtNJINT \ TERMS BANl<AMERICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C. J./umpMu (}'"'11?r ll2l NlWPORf A.,._, COSTA MESA ll YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONI 141·1401 • • • ~. Deal~h Compot~rized Machine. May Relieve Sho rtage of Humans I . ~.!:,. c,;_ ~ II micb( -"!" doctor -.... computer ltcll~ .......... lld ~-.... wWI • seriea al -ihl• hwl operlled = """ Ibo ~....,.. --.. cUlordet.. 1-.&1.d......_t mine owe•• wllih IP" Or U • doctor told the com-. -.u•-· · --to-a-,. -•-~·-• A couple al,..,. -to Uenl'1 -~ ta11e hll "'.""'. "b:' u.:i. ~ tho -Ille ~·a .._. hlltory and -=the~,,,:; pollotial, UG -...,. ~bis diaordon. then list the dnlp and -·-to • -~ ,,,. medical pral-U)'!I therapies ...... -to aecretary ID Toun ......... "~'COIDPll&inwlllbelprellnetbe ' '11 Her bem1 1llb0· were · cbrcidc' lhortaje ol doctort, • ~ J::':"· Bui..!: Ir>-by telop!loal and ' nlll'MI and otl\er medical for more ~ and communk:atiane utelltte to • .;.Plftaane1 and reduce niouft. IQpblsticaled upee11 ·a1 medi-U.S. Public He~th .Service ' llnj -· cine , compqta-bl Wllhinlton. 'Ibey aave a d o c t o r ' s 'n••' fift!GS ,.._. .,_, The one-way tlip was 41,000 ;"voluable Umo by reducing his -~ ~ mUOI aad·tool< --ol ·-•oct . ...i, dodon ..,, At Lal1er Doy . Saints a-· ' appeal-to pallenla who prder Hqopltal ID. 8ali Lab City, Wlthbl 10 ·-al the ·,the impea•ial aature ·al a ele~tr o cardlop'uns -time the tipal.was teat, the --uadiDp of tioart activity -• ·--~ --...H....Y are bei-tuea. in ..... L...ts• young w-0 m a.n 1 -· ·-,.,..__.,..u uy they can ~ . ~-" measunments and ~ · tlve better .....,.. to a com-:1 ~tied to 1 interpretaUon were back al puter "bee-there 1 s .... .,,,_ 1e1e""";...... .. ~er •n Tours 0t1 paper. · ·"·nabotl71iU1ncacn111tllelable ___ , ... -~ •. · lootlng impatient,.. 1114 Dr 'Ibo ho&pilil aloo is using GO TO COMPU'l'EB • ·• G. Oe1o Bamo11, director oi compulel1'1"' -1tor _Patients '!'hi> metl1od al hwt tatlng 1• tho Labon1ory <f eom,..w alter aurgery, 8nd flll"l8U<>f Is being l,.ed ID . N-kl, . Science a I -pulmooary .~no, blood where at Good Samaritan , General llolpllal ID Booton. preuure and blood chemlalry. Hoepital In· Keamer EKG EM8AJUtASsm • Just as ~-computer -.can readings 8re transmitted by . mate ID ~ computations telephone tn a computer 175 •' '·1 Women are IODletlmes em-<that wooJd require hours ror'a mllu away at 'the Uptven:ity · ~ ":::. uUd quea-""tbcm.all&ri, It i I s o of Netlruta College o f f "'~ • doctor and ~rforms these medical tasks Medicine. • ind lt,euier to "lalt" to the m~Hconds. mating It poalble, Jn Nebraska also EKGs are .~· noted J'.:!· W.arner to serve JDOJ"e paUenlB with being transmitted 'by ndio .• ,v. . of· the Un1ver~1ty 1of fewer medical personnel. from am bu lances and ' W!!-tlln School ol M!dicme. . 'Ibo abiJrtqe <f ·etilled com· helicoplenl lr>naporlln~ ac- 'Ibe most widespread use of puter ~ers 11 limiting cldent and diaaster vtclims ;. computers """•t pr~nt is . for more rapid es:pamlon of-this from remote IocaUons to : ol!taining -lllfonnalion 1rOm COlllP!Jler use. High eqµlpment ho&pitals. , patients, In the. put, Dr. C<>OU abo are a problem, · llamett aald; this could ta11e .although computer'sbaring is At .Lafayette Clinic .1 n up 20 to 40 percent of the doc-hel · to 1 ·the Detroit, the computer is being 1 tc:ir.'s time and 50 percent of pmg ower m. u s e d t o t a k e e 1 e c· ., the DUlle's Ume. • SHARE FACD..J'.l'ID . lr~ncephalograms EEG 1·, · 'Ibe patJent sits at ·a At flarUord, ·COnn., hospitals wtucb are readings of the elec- keyboard, similar to that of 8 that care for 1,000 patients in trlcal activity or the brain. to · ~.and answers ques-a ~mile radius plan to, share diagnose brain disorders. tiollJ!I appearing before him on•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil · ·> small screen by punching · ·the appropriate keys. With ~.systems be merely has · i. touch hia finger to the ap- propriate answer to a . multlple-<:hojce question on the ..,,... •. ,. • Thl.S information then ap- . pears on a printed sheet, 1ater · ezpanded with the doctor's . pbservations and laboratory fat ..results, and is Mored by the computer for recall at any time. MOST IMPORTANT . : , Dr. Slack said that "'1many physicians consider t h e medica I history the most im· 1p0rt.ant aspect of the diagnosis." He said lack of stand a rd iz a r ion of the • handwritten record by doctors •· Is notorious, adding that most · ·ifoctors' handwriting is il· 1 "'legible. • · The computer also aids the doctor 'in diagnosing a · Clisorder. Fed informatton -ibout a patient's chest pairis, REGISTER · NOW , FOR FALL SEMESTER Summer School July 7 • August 1 t to 11 Hlly -,_..j(ol ,..,....fttll~-re­ ..dl .. •itltmtk Day Camp June 23 • August 29 t t. J Hlly -'"' cl1U4rn .. ,..... 12--Mlll "'"· ... •kt. _,. ..,, l lbl• •t.rtes. .w1 •• 1 ... ..,.,. -'"' effft .ch..t c-. 6 ~Jt •·•· ho 6:JO , ..... Cell t"'-r l•r ll'hr!Httff Hawthatne Christian Schools r. ,.. .... v.n.y: 16115 hMll•nt St.'/ f6Z·lJIZ SYIV8018'S c.01or1u1 ao-10 · se.1. LOWUT PRICE EYER FOR SYLVANIA COLOI Tv -CUKH-The Mini-Mix combines .minimum.sized port• b;l;ty witk maximum perform1oce. Full 102 sq. In. s2 79'5 picture. Waln ut fihish on nt>n-wood cabinet wit h con- cealed e1rry handle. (Similar to ill ustration) Sylveni•s c:olor bright 8511 picJure tube hes the sh•rpesf color in the industry! Th• Pre-Set Fine luning l•nd Chrome AGCI remember the p.rfect color teftin9 for each ch1nn1I, seving you the trouble of tiresom~ retunin9. It can be ca rried anywhere in th, home without th• Mid for c.olor r1balencin9 by e servicemen. And if future servicing is av« requirN, the chassis with plug.in tr1n1i1tON maku it ,a, c:Ht_c:Jt. I Model C8l5W II shown e bov• with AFC, in· clud1n9 stenJ, eveileb:le et $129.951 , 411 L 11• n., conA MUA 1o':=. 646-1684 ·Nll.T M , M T.,.. MIM"' & ....... ..,,., 1MC1 fM7 DAILY rtLDT /J I I I ~I · >A..-1 _>W~Y •• ANAHEIM 444 Norlh Euclid .•• Sl S-t 121 Mond1y thru S•turdty I 0 e.m. to t:30 p.m. -. • .. r , NEWPORT , -" . • • ... PRE -MEMORIAL DAY PLEATED SKIMMERS SWING IN _DOUBLE KN IT ACETATE 12.99' • You'll love t~ese smashing strlpei:l 90-<1nywliere torso sk immers. In free flowing double knit acetate. All easy on, back zip stepins. e. Flip lie, navy/red/white, brown/block/white, grey/purple/white, 10-18. b. Fremed V neck, red/, white/ block, purple/bleck/white:brown/black/, white, 8-16. c. V neck, navy, brown or blue with wh ite, 8-16 . Me il end telephone orders invite<!. Budget Drosses, 27. . ' .. .. 'd • ,. 4J.F11Mon hl1nd ••• 6'44.1212 Mond•y thru Friday, I 0 •.m. to 9:30 p.rn. Setiirclty 10 1.m. to 6 p.m. HU NTINGTON BEACH 1111 Ed in9., A .. nu• .•. n2-Ul I Mondey thru Seturday 10 a.m. to t :lO p.m. ·. • \ I • Closed Bay 'Windows' How many windows to the bay doos Ne~port Beach hove left! A case ln point is city approval on~ week, ago of a new residential development off Bayside Drive. . City councilmen agreed to rezone some unoccupied commercial land for single family housing. The prop- erty fronts a marina area being dredged. ~t between the Bahia Corinthian and Balboa yacht clubs. "The-land is owned by the lrvlne Company.. . . • CouncilmeQ overruJ~ an earl1er Planning Comm1s. slon recommendation that the 12-lot property In ques· tiOn remaJn commercially zoned. Planners contended that the public view of the bay would be greater with commercial developments. Councilmen 1aw litUe difference. City zoning laws on hell!ht limits and setbacks appeared to back them up. ' The view would be just as bloc~ed by businesses its by hQmes. So the council opted for the homes. Six of one and a half dozen of the other. in other words. Thus, another window to the bay was closed. Only one small voice of protest was raised over the action. It \vas that of Dale Wullner. a young West New· part resident. • '· Wu11ner came up with a suggestion that was almost openly ridiculed by cQuncilmen. He ijls\st<td that the city should allow neither .residential nor .commercial development on the property. The city should , instead, buy it -and leave at least this one view of the bay open . "How are we going to get the mon~y?" asked Councilman Howard Rogers. "It's no problem to get the money in this town ." replied citizen Wullner. "The people would vote for it." "If you 'vrite out a check," said Councilman Rob- ert Shelton. "we'll be happy to buy it." 111 might take you~'up on that," said \Vullner, re- turning to his seat. closing very swi!Uy, all around u&. ls that what the c!U.ens o! Newport Beach. want! Are they willing, •• he suuosted, to pay to keep some of tbe.m op~n? The "Newport Tomorrow" survey nsponse lndlc.Ues they may be. In this instance, the city didn't • bother trying to find out. The clear assumption was that a view park on that piece of bay access lanll· would not be ·consld· ered worth buying by the people• of ·Newport. '\Ve wonder. A Bit of Flimflam Teachers in the Newport·Mesa Unified School Di s- trict have some subslanUal arguments on their side in the current heated dlscwsions over next year's sal· aries. But even those inclined to vtew teachers' de- mands favorably are \\'Ondering if their 'threatened walkout is really called for, \Vhen the teachers paraded before the school board last week, they offered :;ome Strong ar8:uments for a $7,150 a year starting salary apd for more rapid in· creases in pay. One teacher argued be couli! show the school board a ne,vspaper ad for an unskilled Jaborer who would start ouf "making ex.actly what I get after nine years' experience." · The on-again, off-again walkout is, however, hardly the spirit one would seek on the part of the teachers. Tt is not called a walkout, but a meeting 11to find out the progress of negotiations-not for the purpose of penal- izinr. students or shut tin.I! down the schools." This statement Is obviously a bit of flimflam. Teachers can't walk off their jobs and maintain with a straight face that the action does not penalize stu- dents or effectively shut off the instructional program. ...... ,..,"' . ""'~ \Vullne.r, of course, wrQte out no check. And he lost his little battle. But be made his wint. \Vindows to the bay are The teachers demean their credibility and insuJt the intelligence of the communiiy by such tactics and by "telling it like it ain't." (N) 'WOOPY l))OODl'KJ<IR,'llWIS YJJ.ZY KAr. !.Er'~ SYllQll(JllZE oi.« /.llC!<&Y M.Jc.t.. ' Reagan's Actions Horrify IJC Alumnus 'Trick of the Demagogue'· To lhe Editor: As an old alumnus of th6 University of Calif. at Berkeley (BA. MA. and Ph. D. from the.re), I watched last week's events ~·llh horror. Berkeley is obviously the next campus scheduled to be "subdued at any cost" in Gov. Reagan's campaign against Ca1ifomia higher educalion. It is a typical trick of the demagogue to ascribe to the opposition precisely the plans he is carrying out. So, Reagan ac- cused the demonstrators of preparing, arming themselves and provoking a showdown. Y e l it ''as the police w h o moved into "people's park" without warning a day after Chancellor ·Heyns had given assurance that the park would not be dismantled without warning so that beDChes and play equipment could be moved. IT WAS ALA~tEDA County Sheriff deputies who fired bullets into the ~ro~d ~ killing one person, permanently hhndtng a second and putting out an eye of a third. (Hospitals have refused lo give the .. total nwnber wounded by bullets). This unprecedented use of firearm~ could not have occurred without prior consent of the governor. It wa,s Reagan who planned, armed and provc:iked. ~e must also be held responsible for the tn· cident in which peacelul student and fac: ulty vigilers were teargassed from heli- copters on the campus. (The teargas was used so lndlscriminale.ly that it i9- riltrated the campus hospital where pa· tients had to be kfpl alive in respir:i· tors). TllE .LOGIC BEHIND Reagan's cam- paign is the same as at San Francisco State: provoke a massive reaction by outrageous policies and then hold out un- til th~ radical students are in jail or ex· pelled, the radical professors fired, the liberal professors leaving in disgust, and the campus thoroughly demofalir.ed. These policies will inevitably ruin the quality of1tlgher education in callfornia. Th.iii: doesn't happen all at once: pro- fessors lake a few years to make.quiet exits to greener, pastures. Thereafter the ·.vord geu arOund , the best graduate students It.of> coming aOO the resµrch grants disappear. · REAGAN WILL probably be salely out of office by the lime Cali£ornlana wake up tD t.he realiza.tion that UC-Berkeley has dropped from third place nationally to 30th, and that the state colleges have ., deterioratett to ·tbe status of fourth-rate schools. Th"e venieful. p o 1 J l i c a l·l y ~ motivated rdfusal to raise faculty salaries to the level of comp11rable in· sUtutions el:;e~·here will baslen the total process. Reagan will claim he has brought the faculties lo heel, but Caliror- nians will find he has simply driven them to competing institulions. TJIERE ARE NO radl~als at Central Arka nsas Slate Te acher's College. Hnd little student unrest But to those who ap- plaud Reagan's attempt to remake tho university on this hit ppy model, th, warn· Jng mu!'li be issued : Graduates or U1ird· ----- Wednesday. Mav Tl, 1969 TM tdliorial page of th• DoUy PiLot seeks to Inform and stim- ulate readus brt prtsrntina thi1 mlDl'J)QPfr't opinion& and com.- JMntart/ on topici ol 1ntt1rts& mid lf9nl,_, by Jl'Ollidl.ftg a for\l.m for tJw crzpreJ:nmt of our rtatUrs' opinions. and b11 prtunting CM diwt1t vil'to- ' pointJ of Informed ob1erver1 and ,rpol(.t!.rmtn on 'topic:s of the day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • • l.ettwl trom AAIM" ••• -. Mon'Yl•tl'f wrlhlrt lhOulf OOllW'Y their ~ Ill JOO --.li or leA. TM rlthl '-CONltftM lftle" to ftl lllMQ ... •tlmlo rtlNI Ubll b ~. All ~ mutt ~""9 iilrl'lltu!'ll lfld m1tllnll tddrlll.!., but IM<MS ,...,. be wllhhllf ., .-a II t.Uttlclt!lll .-.uon II -r.ii1. rate colleges don't get the good jobs nor admission to lhe good graduate schools. Neigher do third·rate colleges Jay many golden eggs of research, community service, cultural enrichment or prestige. DR. INGE P. BELL Sociology Department Pitzer College, The: Claremont CoDea:es Resiting· in Laguns Beach 'Gh•e Them the Best' To lhe :Editor: It aeema ludicrous that teachers in an arnuent area like this hive to threiten to strike in order to earn a living wage. How short•igbted can we be when we defeat school bonds and pay our teachers in· adequa~! Giving our children a good education should be our prime concern. WE SHOUW GIVE !hem the best teachers and pay them well, olherwlse v;e !hall lose lhem fo industr)'. My niece has a contract to teach firtt . grade in Chicago next year at a beginning salary of $7 ,300. Our teachers are getting $6,500 and only asking for $7,150. I ttiink lhey deserve our support. JANE ROHE llpper Ba11 Issue To the Ed itcr: . The writer was somewhat amused at the reports of a survey made at the lo- stance of the Newpart Beach City Coun- cil, particularly with regard to the mixed aUltude toward the development of the Upper Bay. There has been considerable shouUng as to the fact that this is a wildUfe sanctuary and therefore should not be dredged or used for boat facilitie s. As a person who has lived in The Bluffs up abqve the Upper Bay area, I am mo.o;t familiar with It because of the fact that t walk around this area some two miles each day. Factually, the Upper Bay as it now exists ls a mud flat at low tide and the smell from these nats is easily notic· ed even up On top of the hluCfli; furthermore. the storms of last winter and this spring ~·ashed so much dirt down rrom the surrounding b.ll1s that one can walk across llV! area which wu oocc covered wilh water. Tl!& DIRT ANO water which came down was of such volume that the dikes formerly used to produce salt \Vere almost completely washed away anlt lhls area of vest extent ls now dr"y land. Next is the mailer of wildlHc sanctuary. the onl)' wildWe that I ever observed on my counUess trips around this area were a few mod rlCM. which have sillCt completely disappeared. Factually, the Harbor . Area t!t desperately In ntfld or addltioOal water for accommodaUon of the ever-increasing demand for slip and mooring space. I was Informed by Mr. Dow. coordinator for the city maritime actlvllles, that hh1 recently completed records show ap. proxlmlltely 9,000 boats in the harbor at the present Ume. t1nd this figure does not anywhtre nearly accommodate the peo· pie who wish to ke<!p their boat& in lhb area. . THE WRITER 18 counsel for one ot U1e largest marinas In thl1 area wfth ac· commodallons fOr slightly under 300 boat.I. We ha ve had a backlog of peoplf': dttirlng to renl slips at the facUity and thls backlog L'tlri'!lsts of 5CIO appUCDllons which cannot be met.. I wouJd also like to cite Long · Beach t-.1arina as an sample of the tremendous need for boat moorings. The director of that facility recenUy announced that when the Long Beach Marini. was opened seven years ago, 1,832 slips were available and rented, and a similar number was placed on a waiting list. During the intervening years the number of applicants has increased to the number of 7,000. BOA TS AND YACHTS constitute good business for this community and also af- ford pleasure to the owners thereof. In closing, I would recommend to the City Council that they themselves personally explore the Upper Bay tv see if tbe statement,, made f>erel.n. are not corrtct. M. A. STURGES D•M911n'• U.tfng To the Editor: There is little to justify a non-elective municipal judge. advertising in a paid cluslfied telephone directory. Yet one wonden when onlY. one of pur several Harbor Dlltrict solon1 Is listed urxter "Civic Leader," on the page with "Cleaners & Dyen'' and "Collection Agencies.'' Perhaps the Co!ta Mesa Chamber of Commerce offered the listing gratuitously to but one of .our judges. In any case. we can Presume that no in- sertion order will be found. ¥tT · JF TJIE Honorable Donald Dungan must be ,advertised. perhaps a 1nore suJtable caption could be found. In broad defi.nltlons,·"Public Figure'' would suffice. Perhaps. some might agree with the present caption in the chamber's yellow book. But reahlruth-in·advertising offers other alternatives. Next year, some might prefer "t a x collector in drag." JAY MURLEY Coastal Atmosphere To the Editor: · This is too much~ Your front page story , ''Mesa OK's Oil Drilling," in- dicates the Costa Mesa City Council ls in- terested only in laying to rest any rumors that oil might be beneath this city. Who df' they think they are kidding? Do they actually believe that the citizen ry can fall for that when in the same article it is stated that experts believe that com· 1ncrclally ugable petroleum products are <lo\vn there? WAKE UP, Cost.a Mesa! "If there Is nothing tt.ere the company will fold up its tent and Seal away," says Newport Beacll attorney Dennis Carpenter. What do they steal away if oil is down there? Our envlronment? I lhinlt it is high lime for people who enjoy this coastal atmosphere. the beaches· and the sea. to protest in no uncertain terms that !hey do nu! want It ruined to satisfy an oil stockholder 's pocketbook. Remember Santa Barbara! E. C. VAN llOOK Dca1· Gloo.my Gus: Cun yo11 tell me when lhc city of Newport Beach plans to harvest the oat• ln, IM median on Jam- bo~e~ CouJd we ar•ie our horst"s there if the city ha:5 no uk: for lht: oat~" -M.A. T. Hemingway Biography . -Part II Hemingway ''as larger than life, the archetypal activist (and to a degree the archetypal romantic) who was always the h~ro of his own prose. His ex- periences "'ere the basis of his writing, from the woods of upper Michigan to the Milan hospital of 1918, then Paris, Spain, Wyoming, Kenya, the Gulf Stream, Cuba, the fiestas and the drinking. the women, the wars of h~-.e"en and other countrie!. Carlos Baktr makes this point in "Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story." \\'e have spoken of this before, but in spite of its almost "laundry list" absorption .with detail it remains a spellbinding analysis of the man and artist. the most stirring biography I have read in years. Of course, one mu st be a Hemingway fan to savor such an in-<lepth literary autopsy. That 1 have been since I chanced upon a collection of short stories called "Winner Take Nothing" more than a generation ago, which to me became more than a graduate course in English. BAKER, THE Princeton English pro- fessor. worked seven years on this prD- ject. The research seems incredulous - thert are a hundred pages of notes a!}d credits. And because Hemingway wa1 a great one for exag11eration and self· dramatization, even a little lying now and then, one of Baker's major chores was· to hack through the legend to reach what he could of the absolute truth. Much of it isn't pretty. • • ...... K""'lntwav: A Lift '""'· Ir Ctr ... 1...-. lcrt!!fttr'll •72 ••·• 11•. This ls an objective biography by • great ICtmlrer of most of Hemingw1y'9 prOlle who does not .hold back on his· evaluation of the man as an arrogant, boastful pain·in·the-n~k with some manic-depressive, some para:noic and pathologieal tendencies. HEMINGWAY TURNED on his friends as he did on lhrtt ol hJs four: wives (before "Miss P.tary," as he called her, took over and helped calm this agiog racehorsi!), on Sherwood Anderson and on other old friends and colleagues, Gertrude Stein, Dos Passos, Fitzgerald, some or his pala from the Paris and Pamplons days. 1 He was jeaJous of his reput.aUon as 11 sexual athlete, ol his reputation as a box- er, of hi s abWty to.. slaughter animals (ducks, lion, marlin). He was highly com· petitive in everything. perhaps especially in writing, and was forever making cracks about his competitors. if that they were -Thom8s \Volfe, Snroyan, Sinclair Lewis, Dreiser, Fitzgerald. A reader fee ls a certain irritation if not sheer bat- tle faligue as he follows Hemingway 's moods. dlsappolntments and triumphs over U1e years, his exhilarallon and almost suicidal depression at many points before the final gun.shot In Idaho in 1961 . FOR ALL ITS BULK, for all Its hones- ty. one does not come away from this boolr: reeling Hemingway was merely an cffenslve fellow. He. was a vastly complex man who could be a generous, loyll fri end, a human being with deep feelings on everything from Goya to the bu.llrlng to the bombing of Madrid who wrote some of the mOll marvelous Enallsh pf'ostof this e<nlury. • The Baker book i.111 ool a critical study of llemlngway 's wor k (he did that some years ego In "Hemingway the Wrlttr as a Arti1t"t This Is a ';life story," 111 lhe u- tle suggest1. It was an Amazing life, and Carlos &ker has reflected it wonderfully well. ' Wlillata 110111 , . I 'Bomb' Fuses Are Lit and Burning 1 When we talk about "revolution," most of us are still thinking in old-fashioned political terms. But there are revolutions in the air today that make Mari or Mao seem AS placid and conventional as a Sunday school outing. Jn a recent issue of that perceptive journal, "The Critic," Robert T. Fran- coeur, author of "Man and Revolution,"· points out that the latest advances or biological and medical technology "are about to create revolutions far more radical for man than anything thus far in our two milDon year history." THE FUSES ON these "time bombs" are lit and bum merrily away, Francoeur warns· us. They comprise: "extensive transplantation of limbs and organs; the ability to fertilize hwnan eggs in the test- tube, 1(1 cboose the sez of our offspring, or to change it • . . to store human sperm in banks ; the ability to rtaulate moods, emotions and desire! by mind- 1nod.ifylng drugs~ and an extensive power to postpone clinical death." And by the time our children pass their 30th birthday, this biologist predicts, "1nan will hold in his frail, unguided hands even more revolutionary and potentially devastating powers," which he then enumerates: 1'TllE ABIIJTY TO modify men's minds and reconstruct our personalities, to enhance our intelligence, to ln)ect and edit our memories, to reCOnat.ruct Uvtng , organisms, to prolong life by hibtmation and induced COll\as, to prolong the vigor of youth and induce the regeneration of organs." ' \Ve are now literally on the lhreshold of being in control · of our destiny • as a species. We are becoming like unto gods, tut with diabolic possibilities f o r manipulating the human mind and body so that we can witness "disemtniied brains linked to computers aod joined with artiflciil sensts in the first hybridi between man and machines." · THE WHOLE NEW field of "genetic engineering" will make it possible to turn out whatever kind of "human beln&s" we wal)t to. And this Promethean j>ower in the hands of people st!U ruled bf'avarlce, by hate, by envy, by national and racial and economic rivalries, is like an atomic plant with a wiUful infant controllinl \he "Destruct" button. our biological technology Is Cln')'in1 us, willy-nilly, to a stage in hunym evolu- tion where Hell or Paradise are realistic opti9ns; where we can immensely amplify the h!:lmin personality, or'!hrinll and distort it for purposes of ~uest, slavery and all the perversions ofiKiwer. If we cannot rapidly bring our ~Jitica1 procenes up to a maturity that ii com· menaurate with our technical aeni\IJI, onlJ catastrophe waits UJ, Most Popular Narcotic Jumping to conclusions: Work, not, alcohol or drugs, has alwa:Ys been the most popular narcotic in America. We are a work-addicted people, as witness the number of men who fear compulsory retirement at 65 because they feel they'll be lost without the stimulation provided Liy aoinl to a daily job. It seems like years sinct we've seen an old;fashioned hairpin. Don 't women eve r wear the1n anymore? Slrawberrie.~ and modern children have one thing in comn1on: Ul6 bigger they grow the more tasteless some of them become. The height of boredom comes when a fellow ruddenJY. discovers he b.u been talking to himself-but not bothering to limn. A THRIFJ'Y GUY is one who slill has a drawe:rful of old spats he saved on the theory that some day they'll make a comeback. The more scientific we become the more stubbornly we stick to our timeworn superSliUons. U ~ put a large ladder across a sidewalk, eljt out ot.10 passers-by will wall around ather than under it. The two who do w k under It aren't any less superstltioul than the others-they're just probably Bhowoffs. It Is usually the man wilh\tj; largest number of kids at home wbo It.tall \he most pencils from tbe office. Either U\lt or he hu a wife who llkea t.o work cros.o;word puzzles. PEOPLE WHO crave the Umellgbt gG through end.lea maneuvers to become the tenter of 1Uention at a coclt:lall par- ty, but the 1lmple.sl of all ways to do It i1 to get an attack ol hiccups. The su.apk.lcn ari.ws that many folks. who atlend church today do to becaUSt it l!I !he o~blic pla.&c lert where 1h·ey run a minima.I danger of belnA mu&gft<L There an lwo good r~ason! Why ···~ housewives live longer than thei husbands: t. they can flop dowjl on 1 couch any time during the day when the: are 'tired, and 2. they avoid the pbyslca wear and tear of the two-and thre1 Martini lunch, which ases executive quicker than anything. THE BIGGEST problem f a,,c I n t educators today ls how to find a way t convince the students that there is a ru difference between going to college an goinc tc kindergarten. The perfect politician-if we ever gt one--wW turn out lo be a fellow wfio u get something done about anythin without having to raise taxes to do it. The loneliest people I know are lho~ wealthy enough to ottend poblic bMquet frequently, but So poverty-stric~en tn ret companionship that they can 't think f anything better to do with their timt. always think they'd be happier ,if tht lumed to !),ook rugs and stayed at horn wtth the cat. 0 ,---B11 Georre -..,,,..... Dear aeora~: . Your column alway& says wftte in for the secret ot Sldewl)'I Thll'lk· Ing. l"ve written In 21 !Imel and you haveo'L ""t me Ille ~of Sideways 'l'hlnklna. Who! ttnd'ol columnist are you, anyhow ? FURIOOS Dear Furious: . One. whri's pretty &ood al keeptna a secret. 1 \\'rile lo George and learn the secrelti or Sideways Thinking. J • • I l I •• ·: , . • .. •• Costa Mesa Today's Flna l EDITION N.Y. 8Wek• ' YOt:. 62, NO. 127, 6 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES oaAN&E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' , WEDNES,DAY, MAY 2J, 1969 • TEN C~NTS .. ; Newport~Mesa TeacherS ShelVe Strike Plans . , 8y THOMAS FORTUNE ~ 1t1t Dally f'llM Matt {llewport-Mesa school teachers have shelved p1aM for a waJkout Thursday and ""1, hold ·a last ditch salary talk tonight wit~ the ocbool board. ·Teacher representalives at a meeting 'Neaday night decided Ibey stand a bet· ta chance of persuading t.he school board with the !JCheduled walkout called off. 1 blamed tile DAILY PILOT with cr 'advene reactlon from the com-' . . . mU1Jlty and lhe schooL 1board by, calling their planned "mlnlmWn leacblng day" a walkout. ' The term "walkout'1 wu applied because teachen,were planning to leave ' their claAeS en masse durlne l'!gular school hours without authorlzat.ion • ot the board or echool administr:itlon. Teachers association President Ray •Snyder said of the walkout : "I see nothing to pih. 'The board will be allenai.d u ·long u the press preaenta th1' u .lt bu. We ·are not going to get any help from the press. They are not on our side and I don't know why." "" .... applallded by many or the 100 leachen Jl"'IOlll. A poll wu taken on teacher tentlrnent for the walkout after the DAILY PILOT'S representaUve was ejected from the meeting. On the basla of lhat poll \he w1lkout w~ shelved. Mother problem with the proposed walkout. teacben learned, is that, by low, only the sebool board haa the authority to declare a mlnlmuin'teachlDc • day-:-four hours·ol instruction. Sonora 1Scbool Principal 1 Ch a r I ea Catanese mHe th.It point aDd said, "I think tbal means a lot." · Paul McGllllcuddy; eighth grade teacher af Llnc:oln SChool, questioned whetller the law ts ~Ut~llonal~ "In tills cofintry l'ObodY just takes away your t.eaehlhg creden'tial," be s&Jd. "lt has to be le!ted In ,court." Dlck Watts, . head of the teach2r necouaung team, said ho would pmeot to1 Ule board tonight a• ptOpOBed salary Beale rangllm from $1,'mO for beginning teachers to I high of $14,000. lt la 1e>a than the 17,150 to ,114,!0ll range the teachers hive been ~\Ing, but more thin the '8,800 to 413,IOO range which "~ Supt. Wllll~m Cunnlniham's latest offer. Teachers Monday broke oU negotla~ tlons . wllh CUnnlngbanr ofter deciding they bad rHched .., lmpaue:Tbey DOW will appeal directly to tbe board. Som& teachera weren't utisfled with wbal the teacher negotiating team la -Willing to agree to. Said Wayne Horowlll, soclal studla teacller at Harbor High: ''To IC'Cept tbat wotdd be a humiliation. It wOuld place Iii behind Santa Ana. '1 hry&Jlt. Granite, Estancia lOgh driver education t'acher, said he does not (See TEACHERS, P• I) Yorty Wins LA Upset Mayor Def ea~ Brqdley, Confounds Opinion-Polls ..,.,......,,...,- slNATORS FANNIN, MU~l'HY TAL K,TO"NI WsM!N'IN NEW..0RT ,. Drva Traffic, th• Supreme Court ·~ ,Campu~•t-. ' · h urphy Sees F avo~able . 'Baja Barrier' Report ' By JOHN VALTERZA RepubllCan Party. ot 111e tteuy P1111 SI.if Aturpby and fellow GOP •tor Paul ~· George Murphy told a Newport Farufin of Arizona met reportera In a Beach press conference Tuesday he ex-hall-hour ipterview which touched on the ped.s' a favora ble recommendation from border Closure, investigations into Justlce LOS ANGELES (AP) -Mayor Sam Yorty, an underdog in the polls, rode a record voter turnout to a 54,0000 third tenn election victory today over Thomas Bradley, Negro councilman w h o had thumped hlm in the primary. Yorty apparently won strong support in the closi"f days of what waa called tht!: bitterest o c a I campaign of modern times. How do the pollsterB explain it? One, Don Muchmore, wbose poll for the Los Pop Festival May Hit ~oad -Out of Mesa By AllTHUR R. VIJl!SEL Of .. Delfr .......... A tidal wave ci pub~ fttUng today 1p. pears about to rw~ the _pop m115ic festlvil. plans OI a· l!ldrpc>rt Beach show promoter from the Orange Coupty Angeles Times Monday pl,ced Bradl'Y ahead 53 pen:ent to S6, satd: •11 feel like George GalJuPl:Jid in 1941." That was the y"ar Harry Truman upset Thomas Dewey, Gallup's pick. . Muchmore said in a statemmt there might ban: been an error in 'tbe poll, ad· ding : "We were deaJ.lnC wkh lbe race issue ln this campalgn and this is tradi· tionally a difficult area to survey." .;It would a~r in this lnstanct the sample of respondant! was madvertently . Fairgrounds in Costa ~Mesa to, say, .. Barstow. The Costa Mesa City Council will con. sider an application by William Tappan, 3471 Via Lido, for the early August sbow at.its meeting next Monday. · City Councilman WUllam L. St. Clair originated the idea after reading of' suc-- -~ful productions by Tappan's Com- munlty Concerts Inc., ~ elsewhere in . California and In Hawaii. not a representative cnm section of the populaUon," said Muchmore, 'who had conducted 675 l'nterviews. "Even though th.is ill our first major error, a complete analysis will be made to determine the exact cause<of the· dlscr,pancy.'' _SUpporters (If Bradley said they had lodged a -plaint with the state at- torney general's ofilce over a "can- didates card'' widely distributed in areas where the city's 15 to 20 percent Negro popuJation lives. the Justice Department on plans. to close William 0. Douglas'. role la the Albert the Mexican border tO unescorted minors. Parvin Foundation ahd impeodiog federal Tappan originally suggested a two-day youth festival concept which could have brought 90,000 visitors to the Harbor Area, but has revised his plan to one day at councilmen's suggestion. . • • ~ ' ''' , 1 ~ ' Ul"IT,....... YORTY, S!JPP01tt 1i, WHOoP "11 UP 0 IN VICTORY A-Blttor·Defe•I for1-. Bradley, Political Polloten M·,....),., said be is awaiting 1 report crackdown on pro(esSiooal agitators on ~ ,.., college cainpu>es. from the department after receiving re-Murpb"y said the idea of cl&sing tile • quests from 25 California cities to close this evidently sWI seems an erripty compromise to some Jess adventurous souls. . thi~~er to lbe a_ge group. border to unescorted persons ~ 2l '~ requests are an effort tO cut down "has a K09d cllance,cf· becomioc a ~y ~ traffic from Mexico. 'Newport u. the Jus.Uce Department l,ivea. a ~.~. Yf&s among_ the 2S cities making r~~.orable reco--Uon. We upect ~uests. . I _ -li'annin added that in his sWe., io the · Sen. Murphy pr&Jsed the demands or interim, ' MUican authorities h av e bdtder closure. 1t a pr~ conferene'. at C90pera•M Ith Arizona HnUesil -for &tif-th{ ·N~wporter Inn prior tq a mf!eUng ~ w • ~, ~ ~ 'about 90 top Orange County .f~. narcotics enl'!fctmlent. . Republicans. The meeting was held to '.fht::Y are doJng an admlrai~e ·)Ob f nd raising ·d rive 5 fOr tlte try.mg to stem the flow of nar~cs into CAUS FROM CITIZENS . "Counting so far today, I guess t've had maybe 25 or 30 calls from .citizens," -saJd Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, one of the most bitter critics of last year's giant Newport Pop Festival at the fairgrounds. Asked about the pro and con. ratio among the callS, Mayor Pinkley said out or the 25 to 30, 25 to 30 were against pennittlng Tappan's show. · Saddlehack Repuhiicruis Get Backing in Toro Fight m.p u ArlZOfla, and qur o({j$ls who viatt theie .: suspected of{enders·ln jail say that more "Maybe we should tell anyone in· terested -either for or against -lhat it will be the "first item discu.ssed on our agenda at 7:30 next Monday," he said. 8y JACK CHAPPELL 01 IM Dtllr """ lleff Sp ng of Praise fiiils to Get Any . :•· Ii'1i fine to praise the Lord -If you dOQ'.t do It While your s::hoolmales are tr)'Jng to learn. That was 'the decision handed down at C~ Mesa·High SCbool today where two students, pualng through lhe hall while clanes were meeting, began singing a aong of heavenl1 praise. VM:e-princ!J><) Wllllam Vaughn heard aboat the joy{Ul noise, as oflen happens in ~ls, and called the girls lnto his of. nee: . "l didn't reaJly reprimand lhem, .. 'V~1 .5f!iid. "I told them that pralstng t~. t Lord ~"as tine, but n~ when It dlltUrbs classes that are in sesaion." SU.WMER JOBS SI GNUPS SET f!rt.reg!Jtra~oo for the Youth Emplo1- -Service of the Harbor Ate.a wilt l)qln Mondaf.W·C!Ol!tiau< lhroogh Fri· d11. at the COIJ1.a Mesa Boys Club, 5M Ctiittr St., from 3 p.m. to i p.m. iailJ'. ~ment and registration will begin Junt 9, aJ8o Jrom 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. f'r<lln June 16 through August IG, houri wUl be rrom t a.m. to·t p.m. weekdays. Fmi inCormaUon or a job request, call 141- 0471. The Youth Emploment Service Is spon· M>rtd by the Junior Ebell Club of New• po'1 Beach. • I and more are being anuted,'' ·be-uld. Fannin, discussing the Douglas foun- daUon case, said he hoped that by Mon- day finn requests for 8 congressional committee to probe the issue will be cranted. 1 "There is an investigation being .. rnade ' '(See JliUllPHY; Pap I) . "I'm not asking for people to appear,'' he continued, "but we'll listen." The mayor said almost all the callers have been rea54it11able tn tbelr op~sition to the proposed Cominunltt Concma lnc. (See WAVE, Piie J) A bit (If politital mUJCle flexing by the Saddleback ft.eP.ubllcan Assembly In their fight igainst pr®ose<i commercial use of the El Toro Mlrfne Corps Air SlaUon has produced 1c>me rtB\lll!, Jt wa1, reported today. Letters from four county, state and .. Harbor Schools Sell Bonds .N~:-~~M!l.~!. 'f:. ~~:~:';:~~~-y Bo ~:, ::~~~e_::cent breathe a 1111' of n!Uel loda1 that Electrlcal contrad on th' portable llowever, lhere was doubt In the mind,; had .beaten the tJaht, money mark.et classrooms \w~s awarded to Booth Elec-or Newport:Mesa school officials the bank managed lo 'aell 1' ... t ·mllllon sc:hool bood tric, a Westminster finn, with a low bid would continue to hold the line. issue. or $69,851. \ Had there been no bidder, the school The bond sale 'l'ue:$day at the max· Thia Is how the bond sale works : di.strict would have had to wait fOr new imwn ~ allUWlble five percent in-The $6.t million hi loaned to the bank legtslapon to.raise lhe maximum interest tmtl rate .....,. a bmld bsue passed In and lU undennitm to the school rate. And lhn the bond mu. wwld have F-., -·t hon to be reaubmlti.d dislrtct. Tupayen through their tax bad to be mubmltled lo volmi beca.,. to die ~ . payments provide the JllOney to pay back no-mori-than-{i~cent interest waa Aud tt.-lhe ocbool dlatrlcl can go Ille long-term loan Utile by lltlle over 15 written lrilD ~ bind pro~!. . ahead 1 with plans lo add 42 portable y~n. ptus an interest charit of five per-P8.sled In February waa a bor)d issue o( dr 1 llOWI out.-lall -8Dd end _daQble cent per year on the unpaid bllanct. $15.t million . to like can of school 11pdms Ji works the same·u an lndtvtdual bor-bcll~ ~ for ~ next four .YW:S· • • 'l'be Jonds were putt:baed by Bank of rowing money from a finance company, 'l1'le Ont Sale ·of $Iii.I million ls: to o:wer America at the live percent lnterm except that tile Inter.st charge I• much proj«lo to be started durtng tbe nut charge With a redemption period of JS less because homeowners obvtoualy school year. years. always will be around lo pay and there ls First expendlture It for the 42 poftable "We're delighted they saw fit to 1up-virtually no chance of default. claqroom1. The total contracts to Aurora po'1 till! community," aaJd Board Prell-The Bank (If Amert"' bid (If a Oat live and BoQth E?eclric or 1911.415 ii 'Within dent J1me1• W. "Bill" Peytoil. ''There pereent Is llOITitwhat below the na· U:e t~lted's ft,860,000 aUmate. was coiK:t'rn rfcht up to the la•t mimrte Uonwklt going rate on school and Twtlve or ~ portable3 wUI ~ located whc!tbtt we Wert IOlng to get 1 bid." municipal bonds, but it la the maxlmwn 1l TeWlnkle Jotennedlat.e, 10 at ttocoln Board mtmbers Tlleldly aleo an· interest rate Ctll!onlla state laY" allows. Intermedllle, 16 al Davls lntermedlak, nounced intention to award a contract \o This year, since the lntertlt rites have four at McNally ConUnualion llif,ta. fdlr 111pply 42 portable cwsrooms lo Auror1 gooe up, Bank ol America haa been 1l Bear Su.et School and twe at • MobO Homes Inc. Aurora with an (If fer (If virtually al.,,.. In bidding on calllomia Lindbergh School, • ' ( • federal' legislators .lndk:atlng eeneral - but guarded -diaapproval of joint civilian-military uae of the• airport have been received by lhe GOP IJ'OUP· The statements by William Hirstein, chairman of &he Orange COUnty Board of Supervisors, Stale Sq!. John G. Schmitz (11-Tualinl; U.S . Sen,Gtorge Murphy (11- Cal.) and U.S. RfP· J._. B. Utt (R· Tustin) came in response to a resolution passed r<eently by the Saddleback RA!publican Aslembly. That resolution noted that , "as a politically atUve orgarih.aUon, we would ·certainly consider our elected. olliclals' ~ on the airport during the ne:r:t elec- tions," Michael '!'.. COl.lins, Rresident, Aid IO<lay. Copiei ol th!!: resoluUon were sent to all the county supervlaors, to au Jhe elect~ state and federal oUldals of the area, and to the ·Federal Aviation Commlsalon. Genei;:ally, the \ell.era received from the three federal and state olficial1 all pointed to ConUriWhg Marine COrps' op- , (llM AIRPORT, Pap l) . EA.ta¥ DEA:DUNE · . ' £OR DlME .. ADS . __ ... Ollllt.A·Llne adver\iAn hoYe to hurry tills -k'to pt their Ilda Into the DAIL y PlLOT. Due to tho Memorial Doy t.ollday on Friday, deadline !or ibr•popuiar classified ado .Ms been, mov'!l 1111 to ' p.m.' ll'lmraday (lnllDad of lllO _, I ·p.m. Frldoy deadline). Ado -be placod In person or sent by mall with paymtnt ·-· call any DAILY: PILOT olliao for further Jn. formation. Tiie ldll will be publl-. u ....al, In lhit --edltlOn of Ille DAI· LY PILOT dllllrlbuted on Salllnlay. , They claimed .the card ukl Brld1ty votes 5hbuld be made on bole No. a of ibe puncbcankomputer bollot. U vaten did so, they. would have voted for Yorty. , Bradley, 51, a fonner pollce,Ueutenant who · boP.fd to become the th ird Negro mayor of.a major U.S. city, n:fuaed to concede •. He WOii 42 percent of the vote to Yorty'a 26 percent In the April primary but was forced into a nmoU when be fail. ed to gain a majority. . UCI Attendance Stays Clo~ded ~uring Sfi.Ui~ The'.uc Irvine student strike ,contlnued in its fourth day today but no reUablt figures wer, avallal:ile on the dropOU to class atfendance. -.. Thi? clmpus adfnlnistfat.ton u1d a survey ol 'dOans ol tile various lcboola Jn. dtcated "no slpificant drop in at.- tenda{IOe." Spokesmen-did not define whit they meant by significant, aod,obvlously tbete were many students on strike. The campus ne'jfspaptt, New Unlversf.. ty, gave a totally conDlctlng pictur.._ 11 ·claimed a sUrvey showed c1au at- tendance to be down an averag' of 55 to 60 percent. . The stuClent newspaper Is pro strike. The strike' is to· show sympathy or soli<\arily with swdent, at Berlutley. Tho UCI strikers are supporting the aame three demands: -Remove the police . and National Guard from campus. '-Lift the state of ernerrney. -Return the univertily property called People's Park to the peopte. , Many of the 3,500 UCI' ll'ltdenta. IYrftoo pathetic to the first two demands taka es:ceptioo to the third and have not joined the lltrike for that renon. The 1tr1kers say they will contlnue to picket and boycott classes however ionC it takes until all three demands are met. Many, profea~s were hokllng clalles but tollowlng the campus Academia Senatj! recommendation to dllCUIS the Berkeley situation instead of'u!ult sub- Ject ·matt«;r. ~ The student newspaper brok' down its claimed attendance drop this W'IY: in humanlUes, 70 to ~ percent; in fine arts, ~ to 60 percent; In IOClal 1elences, 50 percent; In physlci1 ICieftca, 20 to 30, percent; in biological sciences, 20 per• cent. · · c .... Weatllea! · With ~flemoon temperatures in tbe ?O's who ne«i.s sunny morn- ln«s? At least that's. the wuther4 man's view in prescribing more of • the same for Thursday. INSID~ TOO-A 'V The Lagun4 and Huntington Beach playhoUlf.Y moiuat therr fast productlOM of the 1taion thi1 wtek while °" injured actor T8turn1 to the Costa M,,a .. ·atii:gt; ·Sn l.i"teriofnnimt~ Poot• ... , 26-27. • J • ...... tt ._... 11 ~~ lt....... ...., ~c-............. .. , ................................ ,. c-~ ''. °"*"' """" '*''~ ,,.....,,. t'r ..... • Otlttl Mlittcw 1' Srl'rill ...... M Of'(Wftt Tl ltttil ..... .... . .... ,_ .. ..... . '"' 1 .... 111 II I M41 Dr. fl I Ci-II .. ~ ................. • ...,......, " T........ • - 1e.r11,""• , ,tt ~ IWt . -. ...... . .......... , ~" ....... '' --,. ,.,... ......... ft • r _...._. .. -- I I '· --· -. .. -. c BetrehBan. May Fall By Holiday 117 JEllOME F. COUJNS or "" ..., ,.. """ A four...fl'lMth quaranline of e1cht mDes or Ora.nae County beacbtrom ruy be lilted by Friday -la ~ fO< the - day Menorlil lloj' nekmt. Newport Beach City H • r b o r O>ordinator George Dawes aald pl"'"1nl ol the Prado Dam, from wblcb thousands of gallons of aewege have been pourinc Into the Santa Ana River dallJ. ls el· ptcted to be completed by Thundoy. ''Theno II a possibility It may be phi(· god sometime tonighV' be said. Orall(e County Health Officer Dr. Jolin Pbllp said ll county "°rkers fulisb the jr':t by &o a..m. Thursday, tbe beaches will be reopened for a certainty Friday. In anticipation, Newport G e n e r a I Servlc<s ou.ctor Jab Myodene loday prepami pt.ans for the removal of hun· dreds oI quaranUne signs and barricades from ·the West Newport beach front. Huntington State Beach, oo the other 1ide of the Santa Ana River mouth, will also be opened up for swimmers aod surfers. The quaraatkle of coutil waters from the Newport Pier oor1ll through 1Hu0> tlngton State Beaclvlias been In i!llect s.lnce Jan. 30 when the first of two record stonns broke Riverside sewage lines and caused fouling of the river. Earlier this week. the swimming ban v.·as lifted between Newport Pier and Jl11t Slrttt. Dr. Philp said bacteriological counts had lowered sufficiently to make water COOlld 1n that area safe. County flood CCllllrol . .,.,.... all -k ha>'e. been workiJI( -lo trap completely the aewqHllled waters behind the dam. Oilce the. dam's Dow tnlo the river Is stowed. dama&<d percolating bulm dowmtrum will be rebuilt. 'Ibe water behind the dam will tbea be noleaaed olowly lo iltow It to soak. tmducround before It reacbes ocean waten. Braniff Opposes Air Cal Flights · -· t lO_ ~ d D&pte Jury Finda Lagu.nan Guihy ' . . A -Ana• m~ court lUIJ , "U 1111 ~ Court oocepta th.at lllcllldtlie-GUtollllnl~ ,.._ •• w111 -Illa -'lee• II .... ._ -,....., -.._' i .., ""* ~ ... ~. !fl4. .. , vWltl u..& llod Ille -bollJ dllW --•I._. ... U.. lriol $0bblnl bltlertJ -bowld bood al Ille thot Illa J!a7 11 Iii .. ,.... to Im-a counseJ table. set of communtty atelardl that hive It took the 1tx·worn.an. l1a-m1n panel never beto defined and c1n never be Jlia< lour and ~ bourw to !'Ille lbat a~lod. the curvy Laguna Beach entutaloer wu hNo one qualified In that t'rlal u an guilty of lewd oondue\ and b>decent expert )Vlln<IS," Moore said. "And tha1'1 •xposuno when she -Oi the nude because there la ne such thing whtn It at tbe Aparimm A-Oo<lo. comoa lo a ruliag on wbethe< Ilia They oonv!cttd the Ari Coloay enter-Cy1iuls!d'1 -ji ~ 0< not." talner on all 10 COll!!ta. Judge Raul MUt Qn Mnd lor the"Cancluslon it the -i.. onter.d her to noltu'!t lo court June U long trial was Dlltrlct Attorney Ctell for a sentence that could add up to a Hieb and he made no secret of his mulmum of all months ln jail and/or delleht at 1 verdlct be erpecta: to a ~ line Oil oecb count. str.ngthen bis campalp qalnll tbe Momenta belon the Ju'1 filed back In, con-enlal bottcxnleu en-. Mias Cybu1sl<i ut la the -with Five eouilty bars. IDcludlq tbe Apart. a newsman and~ her cool-ment A-Go-Oo In which Mill C)'btdakJ that the ju~ would rule In bet favor. wu· booked. are currently under 1 "no Qulttly lmiltini (''Tltls II a nod sweater bottom!'"" ban. And HleU pnodJcted I~ my IJ.foot p)'(J\on," she joked) sbe Tuesday night th.at the Cybulski verdlct lfttlled her belief, that attomey Be.men will be a 0 1hot in the arm" for llw Moore bad done enough to convince the enforcement olOcera aeekin1 to maln- jury th1( she cwld b4I cleared of the taln and e1:teod that ban. charges. all made over a two-month It Is believed that ,tbe verdict is the period at the f'Oli'llar ,...t Santa Ana first such ruling lo be obtained ID tbe bar. Slate of CalUomla. Moore said atler the Ten minuteJ later she was slumped verdict that he will take hl'I appeal all aCl'OM the counM I table, angrily con-the way to the California Supreme Court demning that same jury through her a move wh~ Ju• Mast liter com· tears "£9r makinl me the patsy for a mented, will pose the blgb court with a kind or danclnJ that's accepted without dUficult lltuatlbn. \ q~tlon anywhere out.aide Ulls damn "It b/1IJp to the forefn:tat the question county. , ol _...mtty ~. -• they '"'• "I do the same thing in Reno and the whO can defini them and who ls upert cops applaud," Miss Cybulski protesttd, enough to attest to them," Judge Mast "I guess it's the name CybulskJ they said. "That's what this trial was all don't like-they busted me Wee years about and this jury exPresaed its satis- ago In Garden Gro~ for danclni top-factM>n that community standards, as Jess." ' known to thein, hid been violated." · Moore will ask June 12 for a new Uial Observers during the trial found it and he will ask before that date-pos-difOcull to conceive of any other verdict sib)y Monday in Superior Court-for a alter Miss Cybulski staged a special ruling of habeas corpus on the llllllllclpaJ "benefit ahow" for the Jury at the Apart. court vefdicl. melll A-Oo-Oo. Memorial Day Progra~s Slated Along Orange Coast J Pl8111 for Memorial Day programs are lt1emor11l Day commem«•Uons -hi under way throughout the Orange Coalt .Laguna Beach Will include two different lod tJnd1 of ctremOales. · . ;... area ay; • Ont Is aponaored ,JolntJy by V-of Coples of a Bruifl Alrtines.brlel !lled In Coallt Mesa, the Veterans ol Foreign Forelp Wara Poof ,-apd ~ wJth the Civil Aeronautics Board, claim· Wars Post 3531 and American Legion Lesion Post m and ,,ut bi held et the ing Air California and Air West cannot Post 455 wW hold a joint aervice at 11 Memorial Column oft Rflller)!'lllit Iii 11 provide Padllc Northwest anoa fiiCht a.m. Friday al Harbor Rat Memorial · a.m. Friday. It will feal!ft an lnvocallon aervlce -been malled lo coneemed by El To-M-~-r~ ,,.. .... ,. IA. Park, lllli Giiier Ave. •• uu~ -.. • ........... · ~es. document pnopared ·by a The two vet.rans or1anllatl0111 •Ill ~~i!;:i~.:!' t"rrt: Wultlqton D.C. oonsultlnl IJrm says place •noatha at the Memortal Flag Pole, mancler, u well 11 a 111_ salute ll!d at..J. ,,__,_ ............ • Portland with the usistance of an honor color -.-· ·-~-~)' airport 19 go.rd frorr\"tbe Marine Cor;.; Air Facility the playing of tape. and Sesttle flights could 1'< ~· bY at )!I Tom. ,r-'. The other cenomon)', also acheduled at ~.~11 a~U fhe P · """ 'l'be _;.i .... ' Is Invited, •anc1 a ....i.•at Hetsler Park, will la!\, all day, u the -·~ ..,.. •• -......,... ""!::'. 111mt1 ol the 3t,OOO Ali!erlcan mtn'ldlled f= J:..esa1oui:.= ~ = ~ ..:,x::i,~~le~ve outy so far In Vietnam ara read aloud In the ago for a CAB bearing OI! the tisue but Huntlnpm Beach Amerlean lAlloa park. . . • no dtdslOo 11a1·-...,.._. . .,;the •Pool !JI 'fill bOld a aervlce·at ·lf •·llll Tbe ~Is belnl oonducled ~the federal agency " •• .! Friday tn1otber with the tJOra Stai 9n!lto County~ ~f.ld e<r1-eoollo Mesa· leaden -om~tr favor ; MOtherl '.111 the Good Shopberd Cemf\lry, · Jundt••. with the Wom~ 1 1¢on!allnnll gnmll!I( o! the lq-<llstance :lllghta ... ! Talbert.lvenue u11rBeach BouJevad. ,League f<t Peace ind Fraedom. orlljnate localJ1, wltlle Newpoo\)!<adt Is 'e On '!1iili'lday, pncedlng MemOrt.i Da,y, • The group P1'ni lo 'liltbdraw for. the stroaab' qainlt the applicaUom. ; Post US!" memben will plact flown on hour or ~o ~sar.Y 1or tbt vderanl · • ' 50 grava o! former poll and aUxlllary -~ ~·thalr.~ny. · l'ro• P.,e J .: membi!n,Jouried In the Good Sllal!hm! · ~ ill the namai culled !rOm the and weliailmter cemeteries, as well 11 · ~ lteconl, will tale lrom IO all veteram gr1ves. Tbe publlc U Invited to 24 bonn , ~ a Friendl spokuman. to both c:ereatOilles. • WIOllQllnller Memorial Park will be the TEACHERS ••• believe in "this myth we are not a ' walthJ dlttrlct. The board Oles lint class to Miami, Fla., for a convenlion. We do things first cabin. 0 u r superintendent Is paid one of the best From Page J WAVE ... Alaries in the Stat.fl of. California. Why production which y;ould occur one year =·~ our teachers one ol the best "' and one week after the l~ debacle. . . "People wbo remembe_r the last one Many high school teachen, J>Wltcululy just aren't exactly out hunting for the men, f~vored the walkout. Most of another " he said the opposition came from elementary ' · scboof teachers Ourinc the two-day event at the Scotty Evans' Wlh grade teacher at fairgrounds last year, a vast crowd of scene of combined Memorial Day observances by the American Legion P~ 5SS r,IMl;Jts aqzplary, aa well as the Gold Star~ ·The 11 'a.61.. mviee, at 14801 Beach Blvd.; wUl 1riClUdi i Welcome by Furl B. Ltnds"y, commander of Post SSS, the placing of memorial wreaths, a salute to the dead by a firing aquad . and taps played b)' the lto)'al Lan«r Buglers. Newport EiebnLary made the point' visitors closged the entire area, lawmen ---there is a bl.a differe'nce between a 1... had to be called in from 'swroundlng year-old and an eigbt·year~ld. ciUes and'chaos prevailed. No Church Mice At Melodyland;. Shows to Go On \ \ • 0 il one of tlx»e kids puts biJ bead Mayor Pinkley said no doubt exiata &hat through a wlodow. while we are l'IDe •• ," Tappan's sogested music and art.a pro- he said. ductlon woold doubtless be belter-manag- ed and the Newport Beach enlrepreneur DAl lY PILOT Aob.rl t4. WoM P""hil'"I ...:I Pllbllllllf J1c• It. c •• 1.,. Vke .. , ........... Omtt• ~ n ... , k • ..,11 .... ..... __ JJO Woat t.y Stt..t M1ik11t' ~u: P.O. I• I IM, t16?6 --H•-t ltD: nn ...,., .. -.. .......,.,. L-o..t11i m F-1 A"""* HVRI ...... .._,., -WI~ offen several guaranteed bn~. Pinkley noted that a band ol )'Ollll( 1Aa Angele! proinoters who hasttly-orpnlied the Newport Pop Feallval of tut Aug. s and 4 were am1teurs who opened a Pan- dora's Box. Tappin'!! carefully drawn festival format includes" contract guarantees agalnit obricenit1 tn the vlwaJ or verbal arts, adequate law enrorcement ind strict measures for crowd control. He elllmatod his original tW<>day plan could bring In a '400,000 soles gross, wtth a tsf,200 net profit. He promieed generous donations to the United F\md and the Calilomla Peace Offk:era' A .. octatlon. Directors of lhe 32nd D I s t r I c t Agricultural AMoclallon wlll meet In spedar .... 1on Thursday, with Tappan 's f..Uval lllnong the agenda ISems. • However, the topic It not Ultely to ~t much dlscuslfon, since d1recton voted May U to dda)' any action at all W>!ll the Coota M-Cily Cooncll granta or rtfu.tes a permit for the show. Tappan'• company bas booted Barln Streliand, Glen Campbell and blind IOl!I •irller J°"' Fallclano for Hawaii ...,, this ........, and haa a tradition ol "'°' caa!UI _~ Church Raps Fence BEllltELEY fUPll -The Berkeley f'tllowtbi; ol Unllarians today Issued a reeolulloo calltn1 on tho University ol caJll...... to rtmove lta Im around ''{'eoploi Patk" to avoid furthu blood- oh<d. Silent u church mJce since word that Anaheim's Me1odylancr 'Theater was about to be sold for a place of worship, !how promoters today announced they conaidtr it will be Wsiness as usual nut year. Sammy Lewis and Danny Dare Issued a joint statement saying they an already schedulin& '°IH'ltne entertainment into next fall and Winter. Beverly Hills eiltreprtneur Leo Freed· man , owner of the 11i1-year-old property • was recently reported on the veree of selling out to the Chri!U1n Center Church ol Anaheim. "At this point. thee has been no iiale ol any kind and while tt ls -of count - possible that any piece of real estate may be sold at any Ume for any purpose, nothlng has ocr:tll'TI!d •• or this date , .. the management said. Lewls and Dart hold a 30-}'llar lease on Molodyland, with 21 years yet to ge. Freedmln hu been negotiating with lhe church, whJch ba1 he.Id youth r1lllt!'! 1t the thealtr-in-the-round1nd rtcent reports said a 6611 would be 1dt f« a takeoV"er u early as July. "No·toncJble resulla "'"' -bmltlit to our aUentJon and witU ~such ume 11 that fniiht occur, we will OfJttale Me}ody1and In the 11me maMtt. theater. goer1 have come to tlped in the put.." the promoters deelanod lod!l· Juli' tne•femeota ha~ady been boohd ror cnm~lp Wilson, C'Clm- poscr John Htrtrord, 'Ille Aasoclatlon ~k mualc ll"'1ij! and the Kini Family folk and country IOf\l IJ"OUP• Ubtrace -who needs no upl&nalion of his IO<te -and tbe pop mu&lc group 'll!e Cowall(f are also scheduled. • TV Bait Doubles • Parade Entries ' •• ~ . i Televialon...coverap Tllurnamlnt of -.,.iyte haa abnost doubled entrlta In , the 24th Annual CoU M-Newport . llsrbot Llol)I Club Flab Fry Pf'"'<. co- cbairman Cllfl W_, -today. The Saturday porade. wW be a hllhJlght of the June I to a event. proceedJ from Which beneflt a •adely of youth aenlce organbatiolll ~ the Harbor Area, as well aa tiding thf blli!ll. ' Veteran oowboy-d!an!cter aclor Andy Devine of Newport 11ea<b wUI be grand marshal of tbe June T pari4e through the downtown Costa Mesa area. The judges' and reviewers' stand wiU be aet up at Costa Meaa Park, with 26 bands and 24 floats included in the parade this year, Wesdorf annouoced. During last year's giant Fish Fry s~ t.acular, only 14 bands and 12 OOlll participated, '° the t969 producd$1 should be Jar more impressive. .. A.aolber 1tand will be Set up at 19~ Str~ and Pomona Avenue, whe.rt KTLA television cre.wmen will film the colorful spectacle for re-broadcast. · Wesdorf said they will use the IS-story Bethel Towers retirement apartment pri> ject as a backdrop for the parade aJld Uws al!o avoid shooting into dirfict sunlight. Announcer for the Mth Annual Ff.Pl Fry Parade will be Dick Laoe, of Newpart Beach, onetime motion pictu~e actor and professional sportscaster. Sex Class Feud May Go CAROL KNITS, JURY IURNS D1nc~r Reduced to T••r1 The shapely blonde execiited her tor· rid, 35-minute l\)Utine on the mirrored mini!tage at the bar in what iihe assured jurors would be an authenlic portrayal of the snake dance that brought patrons flocklng ·to the papular watering place. To Meeting of Trustees It was authentic enough to make women jurors tum away in apparent disgust and refuse to watch much more than a few minutes of a dance lhat had been labeled by vice officers as "plainly 'filthy." From P~ge J MURPHY •.• and jt Is bdng carried forward. What I want lo see is a special committee with subpoena powers to conduct a fair in- vestigation," he said. Fannin, wbo wu a leader in the sue. cessful effort to oust Justice Abe Fortas, said that reports !tom Justice Douglas and officiala of the fO\lhdation with ilea to Las Vegas Cambllng interests "just don't seem to match." Dou&W: earlier this week quit ~ foun-- dation. Fannin said that some members of the foondation have aaid Douglas' role was minimal, while others aaid Jt was an a~ tive oue. J· Funln and MtlrllbJ. also announced sn impending federal Crackdown on pro- fesaional agltaton who crou statelinea to create disturbances on college ca~pultl. "What we want to do is find the pros, idenUfy them and take them out of circulation," Murphy said. FaMln said that the JusUce Depart~ menl "has a complete. plan ready to lm· planent.'' Cultm·al Growth \ Talk Thursday Dr. Robert W. C9rrlgan, president of California Institute of the Arts, will s~k on cultural growth at 10 :45 a.m. Thurs. day al the Newport.er Inn in Newport Beach. Sponsored by the Newport Harbor service league., the speech is open to thepublic. The institute, which will combine in- struction in all phases of the art8 together with general studies, Is now under construction in Valencia and will open In Octobtt of. lt70. By TOM BARLEY Of .. _.,, ... ...., It la possibie that the simmering feud over sex educallon between Dr. DaJe E. Rallison and the Anahtlm Union High School District board may be carried to a future meeting ol the district's trustees. The suggesUon that Dr. Ralllton _.,. pear before that board was made tod&y by a district olfidal who Pttfen to be UO> named, and the challenge wu quickly taken "I' by the Santo Ana dentist on behalf of the Orange County Board ol Education. .. "I would be glad to meet them pro. vldecl the time aJ!!l date suited my CIXl- venlence," Ra1llsod said. 11It mlsht.be a good )dea, ID fact, lo Uiruh this mattar oot at a personal level." Dr. Rallison stressed th.at the• county board's quarrel over the sei: educaUon controversy was with "several local school boerds." ~ut he made no secrd of the fact that bll crlUclsm was parUcular- ly directed at the Anaheim group. Dr. Ralllaoo, a member of the John Birch Sodety, followed up the press releue bt issued Monday with a 1Cathing indictment of ~·1oca1 school boardl who reaent cm oounly board's holding ol heartnp lnlo coo-.Onlaf "'bjecta but who· He?n to eqjoy telling us how we should run our businesa." Thal stAt.ment lollowod a molutlon by the Anaheim board In which the county school board was lndlrectly told ~ con- centrate on its own affairs iaod not become invo .. ed in sex education at the local school board level. "Just becaUM Anaheim bas a program tha' ia ashamed.of, does not take· away the right of . the couilty board to have hearings on whatever type of educational matters it wishes to know about." Rallison said. Anaheim trustees were apparently angered at the tone of a statement issued by the county board. That statement denied tha t recent he.arings on sex educatton were an at. tempt to interfere with the Anaheim pro- gram but It did Point out that ~x edu-. cation courses in that. city had been strongly critlci2ed by 1nany Anaheim parents and re!!ldents. Ralliaon't board also came under fire from angry Yorba Linda Elementary School District trustees. That boa'rd at. tacked county trustees for their "decision to assume respoosiblllty for the evalua. lion of a local cun'icular offering." Both Anabtlm and Yorba Linda boards told county trustees to "refrain from ac- tion that may infringe on the rights and responsibilltle! of local boanls of trustees.'1 Rallison today said that the Anaheim board resents "having their program of sex Instruction brought out Into the light." He reprimanded Anaheim trustees for "failure to listen to parents" and offeied theri. the wisdom contained in a provez:b. "There i! a proverb which says Uilit you should not spank or reprimand_',. child who Is afraid of the dark ; you sym- pathize wtih him and underst'and his fear. "But.'' Rallison added, "we cannot sympathize with men who are afraid of the ught." · -· From Page I AIRPORT ... position lo the plan and dodged ~I assessments o( proposal. ;. · However, Supervisor Hirstein. whose fourth dl!trict includes part ol the Ssd· dleback area, expressed a direct concerp.. "My personal reaction to lhls joint Use ls rather negative as I cannot visualize Et Toro as a permanent metropolitan airport: I believe that a thorough in- vestigation of th.ls joint use would prQ-ve it unacceptable, and wollld verify the very limited probability of a commercial airport I.I\ the vicinity of the El TorO Marine base," Hirstein wrote. Hirstein said al9o that the supervisors had give.n i:io consideration "whatsoever'.' to a sugge!!l.lon of aligning a commercial run-Way parallel with the Santa Ana FJtt~ay. The letter from Schmitz said in part that because lhe property involved is ftderally olflltd, his staff contacted Con- gressrTian UU's Washington office. ''lji! staff advised us that there i! no likelil>ood whatsoever of tran.d:>rmi.IJ& or addina: '° the landing operations ·at El TorO. · , "El Toro is the largest air ·station .-0n the West Coast and is badly needed in its present capacity without overcrnwdiii:e ic's facilities," Schmitz said. . .. · • U.S. Sen. Murphy wrote: 1'J have maae an inquiry or the Marine Corps in tflis matter and have leamed that they strongly oppose any .such expansion a11d that \he Department of Defense has no plcru. to permit the El Toro Marine Air Station to be used for commercial opera· lions either now or in the future. " "The Marine Corps has indicated its opposi' on to this plan on the basis that there !5 no evidence that military, Navy O" Marine Corps requirements for the sites or national defense interests were considered in the plan. "Additionally, the Department of Defense has suggested that no further coiuideralioo be ,given to the use · of Marine aviation and ground installations as a part of the Orange County air traiupor:tation plan ... " Murphy said, Rep. Utt stated: "Recognizinft that there is a problem wilh the Orange CoW>- ty Airport , I do not believe that• solution can be achieved by transferring it from one area to aoo1ler, and 1 wW oppose such a project. Craduadon d•e is . Omesattme 0 OMEGA p,, lastiD( aadloriq tdbatt to your cradllltl wUli tbs alft of an Omer• ••• the lfatlh to wear witli prid .. From bhaeprint to lulo.-w,....,.,-..' blOftlluml: ndtirpe1 multiple quality-cantrol intp«lticu 'to .usure ••zi"""D depmd.dtilicr. Soeh auention 10 nee. dctallt hu won coantlMI hoaonfor Omepuduplaias why Omcc• limed the Olympic Cunta and wucbotca by NASA u UUl.dard iuoe for A•trountiia the~ m-...1-llod!Apollo,ncria. •-1-....... ,. wlilllll .... ,... _ .................. lllO :~.~~.~.~.~.~.~~=.~~ ·C-.... ¥ P 1l1ealor .... 7 1'41 ...... 1 .. ,..... . ' ~ -........ , ................................. 1111 CONViNIENl TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE c}. C. .J./umpLriu 'J11wtfer I Ill NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA 21 Yu.AS IN THE SA!.AE lOCATION I PHONE 50.)401 • i • I ' Health Compu1er~~d ~achina May ReUneShortageof Huma:m . I • { ir c. 0. -• mlCb1 'pi II life --.a1 -Nd-facllllle• ................. A I /lit wlt1t -fl-.&li11. ... t._. ........,.._ ............... -... : .. .._..!_ ,_.......... -IOd _, !nm the ,_;;::>"_ --~ hidMdilaJ "*"lal1. -....,..... wllh .,. . Or u • 'doctor told,tllo -........ ""9 -to -a pa-pulor whiCn one ol Uio A couple .ol ,_. .,.._to llonf• ~ talre hll -he............. --Ibo ............. -.i biltory' and 'e,.. • rs ._.. pa-poleoUal, EKG -. _.. ..._ hi• discwden ttont hJld, the _.....,. mllld •U"""" lo. • -ci.man · then list lhe c1n1p·..i other ,_ t-ot 'l'bl mecHcll prol..tan 11)'1 .lhefapies recmpnr.mdfid to wretal'1 in Taun. Fraac:r. ~1 comf!UW!s Will help nUeve the treat tblt 6order. Bul the Her heart ........,. • e i e '' cllr!illc lhorlqe of doclo!t. compuler aloe II belnil used ttansmitted by ........., ud ~J .ftUnll and other medical for more ~ ·and conununlcaUonl 54leWt.e to I ,,r~ and reduce mom> IClllhiJticaled ...,..a ol JDOdi. U.S. Public Heallh Service colCJ, cine. computer le Wuhingtea. • save a do ctor's · ' Tbeooe-waytrlp._u._ "' +.Juabie lime by reduci bis READING&. TAKEN' mllel and look ~ of ; "popel'.Warll and, doCt.n"' 11y, Ht,~ltai;auerln .~ Sa In II a ......i . . appeOI IO .. -who pttfer --.. · _, LUe Clly, Within 30 -ol the · ' PM bnperlOllal nab.ire o( 'a e I e .c tr 0 c 1 r cfiocr.a~ -time the signal w11 tent, the ,. ~JXIW. . readmgs o( heart activity -youn1 woman ' I heart " ne pU1eats uv {hey can art being . tabit In patients' 1a d di ti '"'g' Ive ~ • ., ·-rs' ·to a--..._ rooms and ·transmitted to • measuremen ... an ignos c --....... .......... I interpretalion were bact 1t ~ ~"becluae there i·I ctntra computer . OY'tf an Tours ~ paper. ' nobody sitting acroa the table ordinary leiephooe lines. l'I toOkblg impatient" saict Dr ' The hospital f.lao IS using GO TO COMPUTEll •" G. Octo Barnett,' director oi computers ·\'J. ·i:nd'tltor patients This ntetbod of heart testina '"the LlbOr.tory of Computer after ~surierf;.and ·rOr'.tests of is being u&ed in riebra.aka1 : 'Sck!nce at Massaehusetts pulmonary ',fuoetlon. b 1 _o ~ d Where at Good Samaritan General lloopltal in Boston pressure &llil·blOod chemi!try. Hospital llr Keamey ,EKG · Just as the eoinputer can readings are transmlttid by lfMBA&RASSl:D . mate ln seccmcb 'computallorm telephooe to , .. com.-er 1175 . ·Women are sometimes em-that would ~ire hours for a mile& away at thf: University ~ whtn asked ques-mathematic1an, it a I s o of Nebraska Collete o f , lHJlll by ~ male .. ~ and • perfonns these medical tasks P.1~cillt'. find It taster to talk to the in seconds, making it possible Jn Nebraska also EKGs are ,. Computer, noted Dr. War:ner .to eerve more patients with being transmitted by radio : .i Slack of the Universitr di fewer medical personnel. from a m bu I an c es ;ind *'-in School of Medicme. The shona.~ of skilled com-helicopters transporting ac- •. , 'Jbe most widelprtad U&e of wtet pro'1'.lmmers is limillng cident and disaster victims =c:s .•t ~ is for more rapid expansion of this from remote locations to '" 1~tion from. computer use. High equipment hospitals. "patients •• ~n ~ past. Dr: ~ also are a problem. Barnett said, this could tab althduib computer sharing is At Lafayette Clinic I n :. up ,11J ~ 40 percent of the doo-• helping to lower them. Detroit, the computer is being • tori time and so percent ·of used to take elec· the nurse's time. SHARE FACILITIES . . troencephalograms E E G s • The patient &its at 1 .At Hartford, Conn., h~spita.ls which are readings of the elec· keyboard, similar to that of 8 tha t c~re for . 8,<m patients 1n lrical acUvity of the brain, to "typrwriter, and answers ques-a 25-m1le radius plan to share diagnose brain disorders . . lions appearing before him on'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . ~ small screen by punching · the appropriate keys. Wilh some. systems he merely bu to touch bis finger to th& ap. propriate. · answer to a · multiple-<:hoice question on the screen. · . :.. 1bls information then ap- pears on a printed sheet, later • expanded with Ute doctor's ,.: observations and laboratory ' test results, and is stored by the computer for recall at any time. MOST IMPORTANT ~·· t Dr. Slack said that "many physjcians consider t h e .medlcaLhistory the most im· port.ant aspect of t h e , d,iagnos.is." He said lack of "'atandardi zationofthe · handwritten record by doctors .~lS notorious, adding'thaf most ; dOctors' handwriting is ii· ,")iigible. · The computer also aids the .~ in dia'gnosing a .41.iaorder. F e d information ~t>otrt a patient's chest pains. REGISTER NOW . FOR FALL SEMESTER Summer School July 7 • Au9ust 1 t t•. 12 Hlty -teflte4iel ,...., ... wftli ,...kl -,... ...iliel .ntti..tk Day Camp June 23 • August 29 , .. ,"'.,._,.....,.... ........ 11 1 J--fiekt tri,.. ... 11ia, -" ...,, ..... ....,., twllltftli... . w--...., tckel c .. 6:JI L& ,. 6:JI ,.-. Hawthdrne Christian Schools 111 PenNii• ,....,: l&IJI ............ St. I t&J·JJIJ . . SJIV8Dll'S · COIOrlul ao-ao ·sat. · LOWEST PRICE Em FOR SYLVANIA COLOR TY picture. Walnut fini5h on non-"!<JOCI c1~intt with 'tOn· · CU1CK-The Mini-Mix cCrnbints minimum.siztd por11-$2 95 bility Wifh maximun performanct. Full 102 sq. in. 7 9 f c•ltd carry htndle. (Similar to illustretif) _ • I ! Sylv•nie's co~ bright 15'* pictur• tub•. h•s th• sharp•st color i" th• i"dustryl I The "•·S•t Fin• Tuning l•nd Chrom• A6CI r*tn•mber th• perfect color . : ••ttinf f« Heit ch•nnel, sr1int you th. trouWe-of-tir•some r•tunint. It c•n lit• ceniff anywh•r• in +ti• hom• withovt the need for color rebalancing by ! • 1ervicemat1. A11d If future 1ervicin9 is •••required, the ch•ssts with plug.in ' tr•Mi.+ers tMkes it 1 citrdt. IMod•I CIJSW •• sh•Wft abov• with AFC, In· clHint .+and, aveilebl• iit 1129.951 ' ' . 411 L 17ffl n., COSTA MDI .:;::.::::, 646-1614 .rt Sit• NSS'Mrn 91C11M1 • • -• ......... ft:ov ~~. 1969 OAI\ v "1.0T I • I . tc_>A ...... 1 . .-.o!>W.A-Y \ ANAHEIM «4 Norih EucHd ••• ,535-1121 MoMoy lht• Sotvtdoy 10 o.m. to t :lO p.m. t ' I NEWPORT PRE-MEMORIAL DAY PLEATED SKIMMERS SWING IN DOUBLE KNIT ACETATE 12.99 • You'n love tliese smeshin9 .striped 9o·onyw~ere torso skimmers. In free flowing double knit acetate. All ea sy on, beck zip stepins. o. Flip, tie, navy/red/white-, brown/block/white, grey/purple/wh ile, I 0.1 8. b. Framed V neck, reel/. white/ block , purple/black/white, brown/blecJV,: while, 8-16. c. V~nevy, brQvm·or blue with white, 8-16. · · · Mail and telephone 'orders i11viteCJ. Budget Dresses, 27. • c. 47 F11hloo lol.M ••. 644·1212 Mo•doy thno ftld•Y.• I 0 o.m. lo t :lO p.m. Saturtlay I 0 a.m. to 6 p.rn . HUNTINGTON BEACH 1111 Ecl•oi., A-• ... ffJ.Jll 1 M.Moy tl,no Sotutdoy 10 o.m. to t :lO p.m. ' .. ' I I ' fDAIL'Y PROT EDITORIAL PAGEj • • An End to the Feuding --. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach officials have one more month in which to settle an anne1atlon contro- versy that for years has made both citi~s look pretty foolish. The Hatfield-and-McCoy feuding , of course, ts over the so-called "Gaza Strip" area, an irregular patch or county territory that separates Newport and Costa J\fes11 , west of the Upper Bay. ' Th~ county's Local Agency Fonnation Commission (LAFCl la•t week declined to rule on the two cities' latest overlapping annexation proposals. LAFC Chainnan James T. Workman 8'ked that both cities "work with our executive oUleer In the hope · that a sejUement agreeable to both may ~ reached by June 25." U some such agreement can be reached by then , tllce Is litUe ~ou~t !bat a lot o! "orphans" will ap-plaud~ 'rlie·se are the owners of property in the area in· volved, \Vhich is very roughly encompassed by Orange County AirPort on the north, Santa Ana and Tustin ave· nues on the west and east, and by University Drive on .the south.~ 1 ~ Both cities, as per custom, are laylng ·claim to por- tions o! the same t~rritqry. , , 1 1 · It is, after all, highly unlikely that the IJAfC would approve Costa Mesa's proposed "Back Bay Annexation No. 1" as !Ong as Newport is making a claim for a por- tion of it. The LAFC rejected comparable overlapping an- nexations a year ago. C<;>mmissioners, in vo{ci ng the de- sire last \Veek for a settlement of the two cities' differ- ences. made it clear that their views hadn't changed. cilmen Robert Wllson aod Willard Jordan and Newport councilmen Lindsley Parsons atid Robert Shelton -all reasonable men -have such. a 1ttrunca11t task before Utem as IJ:iey attempt .between now and June 2S to iron out Ute tiring'-ieud. ' • , We wish tbe"ihnembers of the inter-city committee Assigned the job ·all the luck In the world. A,,.i lervently hope that Ibey don't need it. Good aense should work just as \Veil. A Bit of Flimflam Teachers in the Newport~Mesa Unified School Dis- trict have some substantial arguments on th eir side in the current healed discussions over next year's sal- aries. But even those inclined to view teachers' de- mands favorably are wondering if their threatened walkout is really called for. \Vhen the teachers paraded before the school board last week. they offer~d .some strong arguments for a S7.150 a year starting salary and for more rapid in- creases in pay. One teacher arguttd be could show the school board a newspaper ad for an un1killed Jaborer who would start out "making exactly what I get after nine years' experience." f The on-again, off-again walkout is, however. hardl.Y I the spirit one would seek on the part of the teachers. Tt is not called a walkout. but a meeting "to find out the progress of negotiations-not for the purpose of penal-. izin~ students or shuttinl! down the schoqls." This statement is obviously a bit of flimflam. More important than \vbich city gets \Vhat portion of the disputed area. is the inter-city animosity gener- ated by the decade-old controversy. These bad feeling~ are carried over into other issues of mutual concern to the two HBrbor Area communities. That, without elabgration, ls why Costa Mesa coun- Teachers can't \Valk off their jobs and maintain with a straight face that the action does not penalize stu- dents or effectively shut off the instructional program. The teachers demean their credibUity and insult the Intelligence of the community by such tactics and by "teJling it like it ain't." IC> I 'WOODt l.liOODfl'<J<IR, THl5' 15 KR>.U KAf. Ur'$ 5YHD!klJJU O~ M';~y:~: l -· Reagan'• Action• Borrifff VC Alumnus 'Trick of the Demagogue'· To the Editor: As an old alurr\nus o( lhe University-of Calif. at Berkeley" tBA. MA, and Ph. D. from there), I watched 1'-s t w~k'• events with horror. Berkeley 1s obviously the next campus scheduled to be "subd~ at any cost" In Gov. Reagan's ~ampa1gn against. catifomla higher education. , lt is a typical trick of the demagogue la ascribe to the opposition precisely the plans he is carrying out. So, Reagan . ac· cused the demonstralon; of prtparmg, arming themselves and provoking a showdown. Yet it was the police who moved into "people's park" \\'ilhout warning a day after Chan~llor Heyns ihad given assurance that the park would not be djSmantled \\'ithout warning so Vial benches and play equipment could be moved. ' IT WAS AWtEOA County Sheriff · deputies who fired bullets into the ?"~d killing one person. pe'rmanently blinding a second and piitting out a"n eye of a third. (Hospitals have refused to give the total number wouid by bullets). This unprecedent · Ulle of firearms could not have curred without prior consent or the governor. It V.'aJ Reagan who planned, armed and provoked. ~e must also be held resporisible for the in- cident in which peaceful student and fa~ ulty vigilers were teargassed from helt· copter~ on the ~ampus. (The t~g.as "·as used 60 indtscrlminalely that 1t m- liltrated the campus ,hospital where pa- lienls had to hr: kept alive in respira· tors). THE LOGIC BEHIND Reagan's cam- paign is the same as at San Francisco Slate: provoke a massive rtaction by outrageous policies and then hold out un- til the radi cal studenls are in jail or ex- pelled. the radical professors fired, the liberal professors leaving in diiigust, and the campul thoroughly demoralized . These policies will Inevitably ruin the quality of higher education in California. This doesn 't happen all at once : pro- fessors take a few yea rs to make quiet E'xils to greener pastures. Thereafter the word gets aroupd. the best graduate students stop coming and. the research grants disappear. REAGAN WW.. probably be safely out of office by the Ume Callfomlanl wake up to the realiiatlon that ~ketey h" dropped from Jhir<I pfa<e latlonally to 30th, and lhal the state colleges have dcteriora(ed tO the status or fourth-rate schook. The vengeful, po 1i t Ica11 Y • motival.ed refunl to ralse (acuity salaries to lbe level of comparable ln- r;tiluUcms eh1ewhere will hastEn the tota l process. Reagan will claim he has brought the facu lties ln heel. but Califor· nlans \Yill rind he has simply driven U>tm to e-0mpcting in~titulions. 1'1l ERE A.RE NO radicals it\ Centro! Arkansas Sl ate Teacher·s CoUege. and lilUe student unrest But. to those \\'ho ap- plaud Reagan's attempt to remake the university on this happy model. th.: warn· tng must be issu'ed: Grad uates of third· ----- Wednesday May 27, 1969 Tht tdfr.orfa l page of tht Doll~ Pilot 1eeks to inform atld stim- 11latt rtodtr1 bu pre1nitirtg tlli.t nnispaptr'• ~nion.s and eom- mtntorr' on topict of inltrcst and riQ1tfjfamN!. by ~cwiding o fonim /0< <ht «J>T•..W.. •I ovr f"tOdtn' opfniont, and bl/ pre111ntinp Utt dfver1e t:il~w­ poln&.a o/ '1t/ormtd ob1arw.r1 and 1pokum.n on topb ol Ute dov. Robert N. Weed, Publisher · ·Mailbox ~ ' Letters trvn> ....:1e<1 .,.. ...,_.,._ rtorm111v wr11et• ohoulcl con'ITI' !!Mir ITIHI-In 30G wonl1 1r kM. fht-right 11 ~ ltotlt!n. "' flt IPIO IPI' 1llm l-- n1'9 Ubfl 111 ~ AH i.t1•r• mu11 lnduiih l l!IMlllr• l l'ld m1Ulnl lddrns. but MIMS '""" tll wllhh91d 00) r9<1uesl It Mlffklenl rHllGrl II ._,_. rate colleges don't get the good jobs nor admission to the good graduate scbool1. Neigher do third·rale roOeges lay many golden eggs of research, community service, cultural enrichment or presUge. DR. INGE P. BELL Sociology Department Pitzer 'College, T~ Claremont Colleges Residing in Laguna ~~ch 'Gille Tlaetn the Be1t' Ta the Editor: lt aeem1 ludicrous that teachen lh an afOuenl area like thi1 have t.o Lhrtaten to strlte in order to earn a Uvini wap:. llow short-sighted can we be. when we defeat ·school Bonds and pay our teachera Jn- JldeqUately ' Giving our children a good education should be our prime concern. WE SHOULD GIVE them the best teachers and pay them well, otherwJM we aball Jose them to Industry. My niece hu a cootract lo teach fir1t grade in Chicago next year at a bq:lnnlna: salary of $1,300. Our teachers are getlln& $6,500..arid only asking for $7,150. I think they deserve our support. JANE ROHE l/pper Ba11 I ssue To the Editor: The writer was somewhat amused at the reportll of a survey made at lhe In· stance of the Newport Beach City Coun· cil, particularly with rega rd lo the mixed aUitude toward the deYelopmcnl ol the Upper Bay. There has been considerable sbouling as to the fact that this is a wildlife sa nctuary and therefore should not be dredged or used (or boat facilities. As a person who has lived in The Blurrs op above the Upper Bay area, I am most famlll.lr with It because of the fact lhal I walk around this area some two miles each dl_y. Factually, the Upper Bay as it now exists ls a mud Oat at low tide and the smell from these nats is easily nolic· ed e\·en up on top of the bluffs; furtbennore, the storms of last \'Inter and this spring washed so m'uc.h dirt down from lhe surrounding hl\ls that one can walk across the art:!a which was once covered with \\'aler. THE OlR1 AND waler which C~lll1.' down was of such volume that the dl\.\es fom1erl y used , lo produce salt \\'Cre almost completely washed away and this area of vast extent is no\v dry land. Next is the matter o[ wildlire sanctuary, the only \\·lldli(e that I e\·er C)bserved on my counlless trips around this area were a few mud hens. which have since completely disappeared. Factually, the Harbor Area i s desperately in need of additional water for accommodation of the evtr·lncrelling demand lor sllp and mooring spa~. I waa informed by fl.tr. Dow. coordinator far the dty maril!me activities. that his recently complelii" lecorJi: show ap- proxmtate.ly 9,000 boats in lhc ttarbor 11l the present time, aod this figure does not anywhere nearly accommodate lhe pet)- plc \\'M wl~h lo kttp the.ir bo11t1 in th is &rt'A. Tilt WRJTSfl IS counsel for one o( the largest marlnu In this area with ac· corTVnodalions for slightly under 300 boats. \\'e have had a backlog of pteplc dqiring to rent slips al tht facility 11nd this backlog «in!IN of 500 applications which cannot bt met. • 1 •·ould alao like to cite Lona Beacll Aiarlna as an example of the tremendous need for boat moorings. Ttle director of that facility reccnUy announced that \\'he n the Long Beach Marin& was opened seven years ago, 1,832 slips were available and rented, and a similar number was placed on a wa iting list. During the intervening years the number of applicants has increase<j to the number of 7 ,OIXl. BOATS ANO •YACHTS constitute 1ood business for lhis commuruty and also af· lord pleasure to the owners thereof. In closi ng, I woultl recommend to the City Council that they themselves, personally explore the Upper Bay l" see if the sla(ements made herein are not c.orrect. M. A. STURGES Dungan'• LbtlillJ To the Editor: There is little to justify a non-tlective municipal judge· advertising in 'a i>aid classified telephone directory. ¥tt one wonders when only one o( ou r several Harbor Diatrlct solons is listed , under °Civic Lader," ,on • tl)e page with "Cleaners &: PYm" and "!=ollectlon Agencies." 1Perhapa: the C:Osta Mesa Chamber of Commerce offered the listing gratuitously to but one of our judges. In any case, we can presume that no in- 11ertion order will be found. YET IF JHE Honorable Donald Dun&an must be advertiaed. perhaps a more suitable captiofl could be found. In broad definitions, "Public Figure" would_ suffice. Perhaps l!IOme mlght agree with the present caption in the chamhfr's yellow book. But real truth-in·advertlsing offers other alternatives. Next year, some mii;ht prefer •·t a "l e-0llector in drag.'' JAY MURLEY Consl.al Ahnosphl!r e To !he Editor : Th is i;ii loo much! Your front page !ilory, "t>.1esa OK 's Oil Drilling," in· riicates the Costa t-.1esa City Council 1s in· terested only in laying lo rest any rumors thllt oil might be beneath lhis city. \\'ho d" they think they are kidding ? Da they actually believe that the citiienry can fall for that when in the same article it is stated that experts believe that com- ITI<'rcially usable petroleum products are down th('re? WAKE UP, C:O.,,ta A1esa ! "If there is nothing tt;ere the company will fold up its tent af1rl steal H\\"8Y," says Newport Beach atlonieY Dennis Carpenter. \\'h'1t cio they steal away if oil Is down there.·~ Our environment"? I think it i.s high time for people. \\'ho rnjo;.r this coastal atmosphere, the beaches and the sea. to protest in na unce rtain terms that they do 11ot \Vant it ruined to satisfy an oi l stockholder 's pocketbook. Remember Santa Barbara'. , E. C. VAN HOOK Dear Gloomy G"us: Drh crs \VIII gtl a bang out of those center "saltly.. lanes wh!n two comil\I rast from opposllfl di- rections want lo use the same spact at the same 1in1c. -1>. t;, Tilll , .. ,.,,.. ,....tit tfftltrl' Wltwl. ~ llKtlff'llY lloltf ... ''" ~ ......... !tltf \'tlUr Hf ••"-le OMfll, 0.us,. Dtll'J ~I .. Hemingway Biography -Part II .,,. .... . .. .. ... .. t .. ·If~~ Boolun y ·~.do. 4-........ ~ ..,.; Hemingway was larger tha n life, the ·archetypa l activist (and to a degree the archetypal romanlic) who \Vas always the hero of his own prose. His e1- periences were the basis of his writing, from the woods of upper Michigan to the Milan hospital of 1918, then Paris, Spain, Wyoming. Kenya , the Gulf Stream, Cuba, the fie stas and the drinking, the womeh, the wars of his own and other cwntries. Carlos Baker makes this point in "Ernest ffemingway: A Life Story." \\.'e have spoken of lhis before. but in spite of its almos t "laundry list" absorption with deta il it remains a spellbinding analysis of the man and artist, the most stirring biography I h;:ive read in years. Of course, one mu st be a Hemingway· fan to savor such an in-depth literary autopsy. That I have been since I chanced upon a colleclion of short stories called "Winner Take Nolhing" more than a generation ago, \\'hich to me became F ore than a graduate course In English. BAKER, THE Princeton Engli$h pro- fe510r, worked seven years on this pro- ject. The research seems incredulous - thert art a hundred pages of notes and credits. And because Hemingway was a great cine for exaggeration and self· dr1malizatlon. even a little lying now and then, on.e of Baker's major chores·was to hack through the legend to reach what he could of the absolute truth. Much Of It isn't pretty. 1<1"1191 "'"'1nirw1v: A Llr. Story. •r C•rles lllw. Sui llrlff'SJ •n "'·I 11•. ThiS Is an objective biogr~ptty by 3 great admirer of most of l{emingv.·ay's prose who does not hold back on his evaluation of the man as an arrogant. boastful pain·in·lhe-neck \\·ilh some manic-depressive. some paranole anci pathological tendencies. HE~1JNGWAY TURNED on his friends as he did on three of his four wives ~before "Mi ss Mary,"' as he called her. look over and helped calm this aging racehorse). on Sherwood Anderson and on other old frieoda and colleagues, Gertrude Slein, 00s Passos. Fitzgerald. some of bis pals from the Paris and Pamplona da,ys. He \Yas jealous of his reputation as a sexual athlete, of his reputa tion as a box· er. of hi s abllily to slaughtrr animals (ducks. lion. marllnl. 11e v.'as highly com- pctith·r in everythi ng, perhaps cspec.ially In "'riling. and v.·as fore,•er making cracks abou t his compcli!ors. if that they \l'Cre -Ttio1na s \Volfr. Saroyan. Sinclair l.C\\'is. Dreiser. Fil7.gcrnlrl , A reader !eel.~ a certain irritation ii not sheet bat- 1\e fatigue as he follows He1ningway's moods , disappointmenL<i and triu1nph.'I over lM years, his exhilaration and almo.c;t suicidal depression at many points before the final gunshot In Idaho in 1961. f''OR ALL ITS BULK, for all 113 hones- l)•, one does not come away from this book feeling llemingway was merely an o(f ensh·e fellow. He was a v3stly complex man who cookf be a generous. loyal fr iend, a human be.ing _with deep fttll.ngs on evrrythlng from Goya to U1e bullr lng tn the bombing of f\tadrld who wrote ~e o( Ille most marvelous English prote or lhi• «ntury. • • The B"ker book is not ~ critical ltudy of Hcminp•ay 's work (he did that aome yfMI ago in "ltemingway th<! \\1riter as'a Artist"), This ls a "Ufc story." as the ti· Ue sugge!tl. It was an 1mating IUe:. and Car~ Biker has rcnceted It wonderfully well, William lloaan 'Bomb' Fuses Are Lit and Burning When \\'e talk about "re Volution ,'' most or us are still thinking Jn old-fashioned political terms. Out there are revolutions in the a.ir today that make Mal""l or Mao seem 11,s placid and conventional as a Sunday school outing. In a recent Issue or that pm:eptive journal, "The Critic," Robert. T. Fran· coeur, author of "Man and Revolution." ' points out that the latest advancta of biological and medical tecllnology •·are about to create revolutions far more radical for man than anything t.hu& far in our lwo mimc>n year history.'' THt: FUSES ON these "time bombs'' are lit and burn nten·lly away, Francoeur warns us. They comprise: "extensive transplantation of limbs and organs; the ab ility lo fertilize human eggs in the test- tube, 1o0 choose lhe au of our offspring, or to change it . • . to store human spenn in banks: the abili ty to regulate 1noods, emotions and desires by mind· modifying tlrugs; an.i an extensive power to postpone clinical death." And by the lime our child ren pass their Joth birthday, thi s biologist predicts, "tnan \\'iii hold in hl:s frail. unguided hands even more re volutionacy and potentially deva~tating powers," which he then .er.umerates: "niE ABIUTY TO modify men's mind& and reconstruct our ,ermalities, to enh"anct our inttlligence, to inject and ~It our· memories, to reconstruct living organl3ms, to prolong life by hibernation and induced com as, to prolong the vigor or youth and induce the regeneration of organs." We are now literally on the tl\reshold of being .in control of our destiny as a species. We are becoming like unto gods, bu t wilh diabolic ~ibililies f o r manipulating the human mind and body 60. that we can witness "disembodied brains linked to computers and joined \vith artificial senses in the firll hybrids between man and machin es." THE WHOLE NEW field o( "gene.Uc engineering" will make it possible to turn out w)\atever kind of "human being11' we want to. And this Promethean pC>Wer in .the hands of people still ruled by avarice, ·by hate, by envy, by national and racial and economic rivalries, is like an alomlc plant with a willful infant controUlng the "Destruct" button. Our biological technology 1& carryina: us, willy-nilly, to a stage in human evolu- tion where Hell or Paradise are realistic options: \Yhere y,·e can immensely lmplify the human personality, or shrink and distort it for purpose, of conqueat, slavery and all the perversions of power. lf we cannot rapidly bring our politic.al processes up to a malW'ity that ls com- mensurate with our technical geniui, only Catutropbe walls us. Most Popular Narcotic Jumping to cooclu:sions: Work, not alcohol or drugs, has always been the most P.OPular narcotic in America. We are a work-addicted people, as witness the number of men who fear com pul59ry retirement at 65 becauae they feel they'll be lost without the :stimulation provided Ly going to a daily job. · It seems like yeus stnce we've seeo an old·fashioned h"llrpln. Don't women ever wear them anymore? Strawberries and modern children l~ve one thing in common: the bigaer they grow the more lasteleSJ same of them become. The height of boredom come., when a fellow suddenly ditcovers he has been Lalldng to himaelr-but not bothering to listen. A TllRIFTY GUY Is one who sll11 has a dra"'·erful of old &pals he sa\•cd on the theory that sorne day they'll make a comeback. The more sclcntUic we become the more. stubbornly , we slick to our timeworn superstitions. If you put a large ladder across a tldewalk, eight out of 10 passers-by will walk around 1'tlher than under it. The two 111ho do wait under it aren't any lcS3 supentltious than the others-lhey'rt Just probably showofrs. It is usually the "1an , .. Ith the largest , number ol k.lds at home wbo at.eats the moot pencl~ from lhe olllco. Ellbtt tlJet or he has a wife who llktl' to work ~ crAASvrord puule&. PEOPLE WHO crJJvt U.. limtlljht ao lhrot1&b.. endltM manf\lve:rs lo become the Ctiller of attenUon at a cocktail par- ty, but the slmpltst of 111! wa)'s to do It Is to gel an attack of -hiccups. The. su.spiclon art.sis that many (olks who attend church tod11y do so becauie It i11 I.he ont public place left where they run a mlnimAl danger of being muggf'rf 1'hcre are l"''o good reasons °!I'll)' housewives live longer· thar1 their huabands: I. they can Oop down on a cwch ahy time during the day when they are Ur«I, and 2. they avokf the pliysical wear and tear of the. two-and thre-e- Martini. lunch, which qes exl'tllti ves quicker than anything.' . · THE BIGG&n problem l a c I n g educalora: today ls how to find a w11y to convioce the students that there i~ a real difference between going lo collece and going to kindergarten. The perfect paliliclan-if 11•e ever get one-will !urn out to be a fcllo\v who can gel something done aboul anythlnc without having to raise taxes to doJl. 111e lone lit!st people I know are those wealtny e.nougb to aUeod public babqutta frequently, but so poverty-ilricken \n real companionship that they can't thtnk of anything belt.er to do with their Ume. J always think they'd be hsppier it they learned to hook rug s and stayed al\l'lome with the cat. 1---By Gl!orge --~ Dear Gtorse: Your column a1w1)'11 says write In for tht MCret of Sk!twaya Think- ing. l'\1e written 1n U times IDd you haven '\ sent me the MCn:t of Siilew1ys 'lltlnkl•C· What ki nd vi cohunnl3t 11"1 yoo, anyhow·: Dcnr Jturiou!: FURIOU!i One •'ho's pretty good at kttpu~g a secret ,• 1\Vrltf' tn Georg<' ~nrl lr;1rn thr. seer<>!, bl Sidewal'S Tlunklng 1 .....:.~----~~_) ~ .ants Court -:for County ~ · !.r State Sen. James Wbetmore (-R·La ·~a) said Tue&<l>y he will continue I<> -•· for passage of his biU creating a . ~ of the Fourth District Court of ; ·1 in Orange County despite a set .. ~, ' t' in. an Assembly comn1ittee. : l ',l'he clymces or the p)Unty getting the ;~Uate division court faQed substan· 'Jelllly Tuesday when tbe Assembly :~ary Committee approved a bill to :Jt(:rease the number of judges in the San :•go and San Bernarc{ino branches of ·t court. :1.frus measure which is backed by the .,, Jlld.ltjal Council now goes to the : · mbly floor and if pbsed, on to the .. . $.le where Whetmorc's bill is in sut>. ·~ittee. .. :.Jlhetmore said he hoped a compromise ~ht be reached \li'lth the \Vilson bill when<both come before the Senate. He said he sought the Orange County branch because more than one third of the cases before the appellate court originate in the county. ~·It is unfair," the senator said ,;to re- quire local attorneys and clients 'to drive 60 miles to San Bernardino or 90 miles to San Diego to handle their appeals." The Fourth District Court covers Orange, Wverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, · 'fi~ Diego and Imperial counties. , .. New Huntington School Planning For-Planetarium ··• · Students at HunUng\.on Beach's soon lo be· completed Edison High School will be able to have a daily look at the planets, if 14.5,000 can be raised fqr the construction of a new planetarium. - · ~.Private, business and industry dona - '..tions are now being sought by the Hun- ~.tington Beach High School District to make thyproject a rea.Jity. · The,;!irst contribution wa s presented to the board of tru s tee s by architect Joseph Thomas in the form of a scile model designid by the firm o{ Nep- tune and Thomas free of charge. Next step will be the formalion of a committee to actively solicit · financial contributions to th~ space center. Qnee completed,, the planetarium will OQntain seating space for 60 people and will feature a suspended dome onto which , a)ides of heavenly bodies \\'iii be pro- jeC'ted from a ground le~ projector. Sails 011 Last Voyage llins•aw Rektf ed Upper Bay L~nd • Off Tax Rolls By JACK BROBACK OI IM 0.ltr l"I ... Sl"9 Irvine Company ranchlands ln Upper Newport &y involved in the land swap with Orange County were removed from the tax rolls Tuesday by the Board ol Supervisors. · This1action had been delllj'ed -... t "becJuse of errors in mapping the pro.. Assessor Andrew J_ Hinshaw. Hinshaw called lhe removal of the 457 acres from the lax lists "objectionable because the Irvine Company retains an clement of tiUe to the properties" and "because ol errgi:s in mapping the pro- perty." Tuesday County Counse l Adrian Kuyper said be had studied the assessor's ob- jections and found them "without merit." "These lands are now owned by Orange County," Kuyper emphasized and the California constitution specifies that lhey are therefore tax exempt." Hinshaw a.ys he want.a a CCIUf't of Jaw to order him to remove tbe .ptopatie1 Crom the tax Usu or he w!D_DOL do eo • . In reference to one ol Hlnshliw's con- tentions that the deeds front the Irvine Company I<> the couniy "d-a line which cuts previous aasessor parcell, .. Kuyper said, with emphasis: "Fot the portion re"mairilng in private ownership it is the assessor's duty to assess the property .• Unless be 'makes s'ufficient description' of the new pa:rctls on the roll, the assessment of thoae new. parcels will be void. "If the assessor insists on mingling I a n d s not asseMahle w i t h the lands assesaable, the entire assessment may be V<lid," ttie count.Y·,counseJ coricluded. Supervisor Robert W. Battin sided with Hinshaw. "The as.iiessor is correct, the taxes should not be canceled," he con- tended. USS Tunny, the oldest U.S. submarine in service. left Yokosuka, Japan today for Mare Island, Calif,, where it \ViJI be decommissioned after 26 years of service. She was most recently used in training of special forces and deinolition teams off Vietnam ~or which a special compartment \vas attached to its superstructure. "I believe it Is proper •l this time for the board t= ~!'~~ to order the can- cellation and direct the assessor to undertake the neressary clerical segrega· lion and proratlon," Kuyper concluded. ~ Supervisor David L. Baker replied, "lt is mandatory. Tl)e land is owrned in fee by: the County and there is no discretim." · William H. Hirstein, Chainnan of the board, concluded the discussion with,. "It is nol a philosophical or judgment mat- ter. \\'e must follow the law." Operation Too 'Fishy'; ~ . Chips Shop Sues Rival A sizzling fish an<l chip dispute is nn the Superior Court platter today. Targets for the legal harpoon being hurled by fi.1 o h y Dick's Fish and Chips are Robert J. and Gen~ll E. Cox. 19361 Brookhurst St., Huntington Beach, v.•ho operate a fish frying establishment al 31727 Coast Highway, South Laguna . And the controlling partners of Moby Dick's, Charles H. Jiayden Sr .and .Jr ~eek to net $100,000 in damages froni th'~ • Pay for Valley Parks Committee? South Coast lish fryers. They clai1n im- proper use of their trade nan1e and trade secrets and they allege that the defen- dants have ignored demands to halt lhcir operations. fl.tr. and t<.·lrs. Cox have violated their agreement since January, 11168, the suit stales. It alleges tha t Moby Dick's batter, cole sla\\I dressing, menus, match books, gu est receipts and other paper Products have not been used in the Goast Hi gh111ay fi sh fry antl that th e Cox' fish and chips hal'c not been prepared according to the "secret, unique and novel'' Moby Dick's processes. The llaydens also claim that the Coxes :ire involved in another bit of rishy business -the 01>ening of another Moby Dick's in Laguna Beach . They ask that the court hall this action and order the defendants to compl y v.·ilh the language (lf the J.uly , 1967 agreement. Beacl1's First MD Hospitalized Dr. Bert Hardy, 85, a former Hun· tington Beach resident and at one time the only doctor serving the community, entered a Chula Vista hospital Tuesday ror a gall bladder operation. Dr. Hardy practit.'ed in Hunlington Beach from 1922 unlit hi s retirement in 1954. He moved lo Chµla Vista in 19511. The doctor received his diploma in 1908 froin the Sl. Louis University med1cal 5 c h o o I. lie \viii be in Community Hospital. Chu la Yista, for several days. :1 Valley lllh Graders Get Bicycle Presents The county counsel referred to legal precedents to back his stand, and said, "This (cancellation or taxes) is not a discretionary act find failure to act will not make 11alid a tax lien on the pro- perty." Taxes of about $130,000 for the 1969·70 fiscal year are involved in the debate. Jilnshaw assessed the 457 acres at $1.53 million last year and says they are worth J)'lore now. The Supervisors gave final approval to the land swap agreement Nov. 12, 1961 after the Irvine Company threatened to cancel the land Lrade unless the 457 acres ·were removed from the tax rolls. Hinshaw contends "the county has not actually taken possession or the land end it has not received fee simple aMolirte li· tie, wtUch 'is necessary to pennit the cancellation or taxes." Faced with the supervisors' action, Hinshaw refused to budge from his former t>05ition today. He said he will proceed as pre11iously outlined on the matter: The vote was 4 \o 1 with Battin diaen- ting. David, Julie lo Join - Nixous in· Florida . . -, .WASlllNGTON (UPI) -David ud Julie Eisenb'OWer wiU join President mKI Mrs. Nixon at a fa'Wly gathering in Key, Biscayne, Fla., oVer the Memorial Dari weekend. The President and Mrs. Nixpp and their rider daughter, Trictl, 23, w1n· fly to FIQJ'ida this evening. Julie and David will fiy in from Northampton, Mass., after oomplttion of their final aJl· lege examinations. Mavor Candidates Set . . For Louis:ville Race "l -Ownersip of all the property· rights in and to all the lands Involved in the Upper Newport Bay 'Land Exchange have become so clouded that it Is the in-LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) -Former tcntion of this. office to assess all these U.S .. Rtp. Frank W. U'urke appart!lUy Christmas came early to three eighth lands to the Irvine Company and to won the Democratic nomination fer grade Fountain Valley stdUents who were Orange County 88 co-assess~; _ mayor of Louisville Tuesday by a natrow -"2 -This assessment will be on the eacJ1 presented ll•ith a bicycle to be able same basis of valua lion and with lhe margin· over two othu rivals. lo pedal to their sun1mcr jobs. same justilicalions relative to the pro-Political newcomer John P. Saw)rer, •· The bikes were donated by the Newport posed land exchana:e as are conlaloed in easily defeat" attorney WiIDam T. California Allocated A change in me~tiilif dates and poss iblf' pay for comn1issioners will be cons idered by the Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation Com1nission at 7:30 o'clock. tonight in 1 city hall. Presently the commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of every mOnth anr\ W!=!it•npt• _Bi· id Pl-'· llarbor Elks Lodge, w~ich -regularly all the pertinent documents developed by Warner in lhe Republican contest for ~ ,.....,. a , reconditio~$ old bicycles ana giv~ Ulem the c:;omeany, ~the ~.bor DlJlrict, th.e mayor of the stite'1 1artut city. Sawrtr ·-. $5 Million Flood Relief commWioners receive no pay. • Several members have expressed a desire to move the meeting to an earliE-r dale in order lo take part with the plan· ning commission in discussion on plan. Cop.ti·actor SeJectecl ~~~~.children who riced them. free of =~~n.'~nd the ·State Lands Com· OOP :,~ar!::u:~orsement of the IOcal The Lomar Corporatlon of lluntington,ll•ii;i;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . '\VASHJNGTON (UPJ) -Ca lifornia has been allocated $5 million in federal disaster relief funds to help repair ,4amage done by \Yinter floods. Sen. ,George Murphy (R-Calif. l, was advised .f!>day . . :The funds from the office of emergency preparedness \\lert authorized under a An. 26 disaster declaration by President "fii:Jon. · ning items (planned developments) which also have park considerations. Some members also f e e I com· missionc"rs should be paid ($10-$20 per month) to stimulate more interest in L h e i r work. Olhers, however, feel in· clusioo on the city's health insurance would be enough incentive or reward . Beach \11as the low bidder for the widen- ing and improvetnenl of the \Varner. Aven ue bridge over the Santa Ana Rivet bel\11een Santa Ana and'f'Quntain Valley. Lomar bid $151 ,864 to widen the bridge to lour lanes and improve the ap- proaches. There were four bids received by the county. Road Department ranging up to $197,m. LOST OUR LEASE ME~ANO~~ -.· . . .. .. ·' .. .. . .. .. .. " •• .. .. O n J unG CO, !969 l.h e lease on our Mexican &Lo re, local.al aL 18().) Newport Boulevard 0<pires, -'.nd can noL be ren(;wed . We.. must. diminak 40/. or our • J56p::::o invGntory aL once... CONSOLIDA'tION SALE om~ \" t' • Over 15px> ~· f<ef, of s ho-wrooms ~hawing l he fin esl in M<.di\.c.rranun, Spanish { Mr.xican will be cul in half. Ralphs biAA<.St sale in our 15 ;yGar ~~r:s tor_y. • :filiA ...... .. ·-............ ···'\ ····~ .. ·.::-··. ...................... ··,··· ·.:·.· .. .. .. . ..... .. . ., .. . . :,·.· .·......... :.··.'·''••' ....... · .. :_. . ..... ' ': II ,•:.:·:·:::...······ ..... ..... : ".:-.:· ···... (;"': .... . .. _ .. • • REMAINING. MERCHANDIS E Open Sunday 12 to 5 8ALE AT rorH LOCl<TlONS !! HARMAN-KARDON 520 '· •. , .... . , I l I I ~ ~ , ·-. Stern FM, with 11ew MOSFlT cltcultt , '"" IC't. Reg. $299.50 SALE ,197& DUAL 1009F • Fo...oin •uro0t11rt1t~• ,. ••• flt• flllflr 1y1t11111! Reg. Pr ice $119.50 SALE I Oemo111tretorl FISHER 160-T FM STEREO • Let11t 1 t6f oll solid~ 40 w«tt FM·SttrH II~"'' Ti,.._ O·Motlc ttrutl"f Ml.ch .,.w, SALE fOforhe FM ltetiM et tN ,aJi ., • bttt••· R'1J. $199.50 • GARRARD : SL 75's 65's R'1J. $79.50 SL 65-$4t)40 NEW! Rtg. $109.50 SL 75-$6436 ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-4X S,.W 1.-Y,prile ...... f•ll'l9U "S.t-hy" w•l1111f~ spHller ,.,..... Reg. Price $59.00 SALE ' 1~-otlf ... _nHl SONY 530 RECORDER C1•pl111 .-.. ,,..... ........ -,,,...,. ........ w.I. Reg. $399.50 SALE $237. -30% to 50% '._ DISCOUNTS on STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS ! Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One 0 of-a-Klnd! • , • , • • I• I I ' ' I . -., ...... , 11· TOIAn NEWS IC-Ii..! ~ -O.ltr ~IM 11.tO Rookie Policeman Duane Win- kleman oi Kansas City, Mo., said be kneW there would be bad days in his qeW job but be didn't expect one sO soon. Bis first assignment on f\IJl duty after-comple.ling his recruiJ training was to investigate a ~-prowler call. Arriving at the scene, he was bitten by a dog and had to be hospitalized. • Julia Sumner, 64, of Salford, Eng- land, fought of1 robbers at her shop for the second time in a month. ··t grabbed one of them by the lapels, but they knocked me under the counter,". she said, telling how the 1nen tried to take a seven-pound ( 16.80-dollar) watch. "I got hold of his coat again. Then the other rr.an hit me." "I'll have a bash no mat- ter what happens,'' she said . A judge praised her for battling with two men a mo nth ago. • 8eatle John Lenrnm and his Wife Yo- ko relax in their hotel suite in Toron~ to before proceeding to Montreat to hold a week.long "lie·i11." 111 tlie name of promoting world peace Beatle and spouse spend each day jro1n 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. in bed. • Two brothers sailed their 14-ttx>t dinghY. into a Royal Navy bon1b practice area to stop exerci ses · they said hurt resort business in Nolton Haven, England. "We have been informed that a small craft fouled the bombing range-and ;held vp the exercise." the navy .said. • . In a, routine telet ype report 't the St. Louis weather bureau ~ reported that the bright object near the moon was the planet Mars. "which is approaching its ! nearest distance to earth." The : ,bureau WQln't ·ojf by much - only about 342.300 .000 miles. ~ Fot· moments la te the weat her burea1" wire noted: "\Ve have been advised by the presiden t of the ;Astronomicat Society in St. Louis that the bright star near the mo on ii Jupiter. o.1d J not Ma rS'." liflWOO · 2¢. ,;.;._"'"""":.JI"'""= • · Don E. Marvel'$ car \Ve lJl. out of control on a California 3tf curve and plunged 200 feet down a near~ lJ""'verticaJ slope near San Bernar- dino. It nosed to a rest in the soft dirt. The 49-year-old Torrance man staggered off dazed and stumbled' 100 feet down an equally steep slope into a four-foot~eep creek. 11! guess it just proves I'm tough ." remarked Marve], who suf· fered only a few head cuts in the accident Saturday. No Hof or Vnits • Most; U.S. Troops Quit Hamburger: SAIGON (UP!) -The United Slates pulled lhe bulk of ill troops off lla1n· burger HUI Loday 1 forS1.1king tbe peak near La04 whose capture cost" Gls kill· ed and 300 wounded and triggered con· Thieii, Park To Oppose U.S. Pullout SEOUL (AP) -President Nguye n Van Thieu of Souih · Vietn8m and President Chung Hee Park of South Korea agreed today to oppose any uni l a t e r a l withdrawal of allied troops -meaning Americans -from Vietnam . Thieu, on a state visit to South Korea, n1et for 2.,, hours with Park. A spokesman for Park said the chiefs of state discussed strategy for Thieu's meeting with President Nixon on Midway Island next month and reviewed U.S. and Viet Cong peace proposals. The spokesman said Park endorsed Thieu's major peace demands, iilcluding rejection of a coalition with the Vie t Cong or neutralization of Sooth Vietnam and recognition of the Saigon government as the legitimate government of South Viet· nam. It was also learned that Thieu shared Seoul's position that lhe United States shoul d keep ils military bases off Oki· nawa. The presidenlial spoke8man said the two leaders .agreed lo sign pacts which would provide for a Korean niili· tary advisory group in South Vietnam at-' 'ter the war, the sending of agricultura l and recoruitructio n experts to participate in South Vietaam's postwar rehabilitation and promotion of cooperation in commer· cial trade and other economic matters. -troversy tn Washlngton. "Right now we have no major unU1 on the hill. We still have troops in the area on searching and clearing opeiatlons and possibly there are still OPs (observaUons posts) on the bill , .. said a U.S. com· mander in the far notMrn battle iooe. "But the ma in units movcc; out dtJrin& the night." A force of 100 Communists with suicidal satchel charges strapped to their chests today attacked South Vietnamese regimental command PoSt Bradley Jn .the northern part of the A Shau Valley above Hamburger Hill, killing 13 government d.efenders inclu~ing the eommarupng Of • fleer and wounding 13 U.S. advisers. The Communists penetrated the outer defenses as they attacked ugder a heavy barrage of mortar fire but lost 2Z dead before they were hurled back. They had ca rried out a similar attack on another base Monday when they also lost 22 kill· ed. U.S. mili tary sources in Da Nang said lhat the Americans would be sent back to the hill ii the guerrillas lry to move back onto it -considered a likelihood. Gen. Creighton \V. Abrams' military co mmand in Saigon denied a major evacuation from the peak. A command spokesman said "There are slill combat forces 011 the hill'' bu t declined to say how many. (In \!/ashinglon, a Defense Department spokesman said, "U.S. forces are still in position in substantial num bers iiri' Hill ·937 <Hamburger Hill) and the helipad (for helicopters) there is still in use.") The reluctance of the command to acknowledge a large-scale abandonment under~ored Its concern with critics in \Vashin gton questioning its combat tac- tics in light of peace talks in Paris. U.S. paratroopers of the 10lst Airborne Division succeeded on their 11th try in seizing the 3,000-foot peak, having !tilled 539 North Vietnamese soldiers who defen- ded a regimental headquarters at the summit. 2 LA Scl1ool I11cumbe11ts Lose to Conse1·vatives 'LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two City Board of Education incumbents ,.,,ere defea ted in Tuesday·~ election but their rur.ning mate on a self-proclaimed liberal slate was vlctorioils. All three faced conservativ es who cam· paigned on themes of cracking doWn on campus anarchy and cuttin g the waste from the school distric l's budget. -The Rev.1 James Edwatd Jones, th.e board't . fitst fft:)po IRember, and UCLA speech professor Ralph Rich ardson - both foriiier presidents of the City School I Board -were defeated by I Dr. Donald New~. a physician, and Rlchard Fer· raro, a high school gover.nmeri,t teacher. Dr. Robert Docter, an edu?:aUon· pro- f~ at San Fernando Valley State Collegt. was the only member of the liberal sla te to survive. edging t.-lrs. Laurel f.1artin, a forn1er radio com- mentator. Brown's Son Sweeps College Board Race LOS ANGELES (AP) -Edmund .G. Brown Jr., son of the. former Calllornia governor, won the greatest number or votes itt his maiden vote-gelli ng effort for one of~even seats on the new junior t ol· lege governing board or trustees. The 30-year-0ld Brown. who s c nickname is "Jerry," rather than ··Pat." as h.is father is called , cornered· 466,073 v~tes In the race among 14 candidates. with 16 precincts of 3,503 uncounted. Prior to the eleclion, libeials conJrolled \he board 5·2. No1v they co nt rol It 4·3. The losse-: suffered by !he two ll beral in· cumbents were offset byLDoctcr's victory · for the board ~bvacated by Dr. Hugh C. \\lillelt, a 'l)onsei4.oative. Newman,. FeiTato and ~rs. Martin began speaking out as a tenm last fa li 1vhen a number o( predon1inantly N'gro high schools in Los Angeles .. were beset wlll. student boycotts, flag ~urnings and other demonstrations. . Ex-broadcaster, Mortician Win LOS ANGELES (AP l - Former rad io broadcaster Robert J . Stevenson and mortician Don Lorenzen have ,1·on seal!. to the Los .Angeles City Council. in fi nal , but unofficial returns, Stevenson, 53, will succee d his former boss, Councilman Paul H. Lamport, in thP. district which includes part of dov.•ntown Los Angeles and most or the J-Iollywoocl area. Stevenson was Lam· port's admi nistrative assistant before beco111ing a depu ty field dlrector !or Councilman J ames B. Potter. During his campaign. Lam port strongly endorsed f.1ayor Sain Yorty's bid for a tliird term. Stevenson said he would not be drav.·n into the figh t between Yortv and Councilman Thom as Bradley . · Warm Weather. Across U.S. t' Eastern, Temperatures Climb Into niid-90's CaHfor1da 1t'e1t11•e ,:at 11res --~ ------------------- Ul'IT•""""' Roo1aey Weds Seventh Actor Mickey Rooney, 48, married his seventh bride, 25-year-old Caro~yn Hockette of Columbus, Ohio, in Las Vegas Tue5day. The en- tertainer said the couple had previously been married in Mexico on April 12, 1969. AlliedPressurePostpones ' Canadian NA TO Pullout BRUSSELS (U PI) -Canada , under allied pressure. agreed today to postpone until the end of the year its plan to begin \Vithdraw ing its forces from NATO. Canadian Defense !\finister L e o Cadieux, here for a meeting of the NATO defense ministers, met al lunch with U.S. Defense Secretary ?.1elvin Laird and the def~nse ministers of Britain, West Police Chief Resigns In Tense Cairo, Ill. Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Confe_rence sources said he agreed that the Canadian government would take no final decision oo bow to carry out the phased with.drawal befoi-e the NATO foreign ministers meeting in December. Before the lunch meeting Laird told the conference that President Nixon con- siders the NATO-forces in Europe essen- tial for American security . Th.e pointed statement followed a warn- ing to Canada by the NATO defense mi nister~ that a Canadian v•ithdrawal of the bulk of ils Lroops from NATO could CAIRO, Ill . (UPI) -Carl J. Clutts has V.'eaken the alliance by leading other na- res!gne d as police chief of t h·i s tense lions to do the same to save money. They . . . • asked no pullout until o th er ar· southern Jlhno1s city. He wJH be, replaced rangemenls can be made. by forn1er Allon Police Chiet Willian1 Under a plan approved by the Canadian Peterson. government last ,mouth art<I. ~utliqed 50- C;iJro Mayor Lee J. Stenzel announced 1 'fday to {lhe defense m1niSIMi, Canalfa the change Tuesday at a special city would withdraw iL'I 10,000-man ground council meeting following two nights of and air force, including nuclear strike 1 fi rebon1bing and sniping. unlts. before the end of the year. · ·cigarette Advertising) Ba11 Nixed ' WASHING TON (UPI) -The Houso Commerce Committee voted todaf to re· quire a stronger health wa!n1ng OB cigarette packages bu t to forbid for ,six years any restrictions on cigaretto advertising. By a vote of 22 to S, .~he committee gave final approval to a bill that shut .out r1·oposa1s of antismoking advoeat~s ~ho wanted to go much lUrtber an 1m· plementing the U.S. surgeon general'• finding that smokillg cigatettes has a relation to lung cancer and o~el dlse11.ses. The warning adopted by lhe committff to replace the present one on ~igarette packages would read: "Warning: the surgeon general has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health and may cause lung cancer ot other diseases.'' . The present warning reads: "CauLioo: cigarette smoking ma y be hazardous Lu your health ." Rep. Brock Adams {D-Wash.), ~peak· Int; for antismoking forces, prorruscd a floor fight to at least. prov~d_e state' auth.ority to regulate ad vert.iS1ng lhul might reach young people. Chairman Harley O. Staggers (O·W. Va.), described the blll as one method lo get the cigarette advert ising debate. !Jc· fore the public. ··1 felt this shou ld get to the [Joor SQ 11 debate would be befo re the Ame~an people ins tead of in a closed roo1n here," Staggers said. ', , He added he expected the bill woul~.bc amended on the floo r. Antismoking forces sought a strona:er warning tha n the committee-approved version for cigarette packages, and alsG want to let federal -agencies regulate smoking ads. r Some smoking roes wanted the wor d "de ath" included in the v"arning. The bill approved by the committee ln an executive session would extend for six years the pr~ent ban on regulation .. ol cigarette·advertising and labeling by 'BflY federal , state or loca l government. Thal ban is due to expire July I. I( Shah, E1npress of Iriin ,. To Vi~·1 Wa shingto,~ \VASHIN TON (AP I -The White House anno ed today the Shah _and En1press of Jran will make an offici al visit to Wash.ington this fall. No dates have been set yet for the trip by Sliah Moha'imed Reza Pahlavi and the Emprt1s Farah. .• PreQjent Nixon and the S)lah met April l when the Iranian leader was Di;:re tor the funeral of. Dwight 0 . Eisenhower. C\='J[1,u~£o©[1,~~ . Calorics new _ , self-cleani~g oven. . • · makes gr.ease and grime ' aisappear! . @{f:J@ Self·Clean. Ov~n ... ~ . and Broiler. ~ Costs less than 3c a cleaning! ~ e Ow1n ind broi!•r 1r1 1poll1ulv d11~ i~ two l>.our1 e R1quir•1 only two 1imp l1 •lips to optrt l• e Plus 1lt 1~1 otl'l1• 9••~1 C1loric '••lur1s , • • j Ulfr•·A•v® 1nfr1-r1d broil 1r ..• Th1 r,.,o·S•I® burn,,.wilh·t ·brt i" • , , 1utom1tic rn11t prob• .•• rolin•ri 1 ... coo~ 1...:I •••p•w1rm ov•n , •• 1nd m1nv mort l Modernize your kilcben now! No Down Po1yment - CALORIC SELF-CLEANING GAS OVENS ••• as low 11 B ; ~. ~ ., Mtst al SOVTll""" C.llfornl1 •at l1lr •nd C(lnflnuei:f w1rm ,~,. 1fter llltl ni9M Ind e.•IV mcm l1111 • IOw tlOlll:ls or fov •ion.t '~ t a.11. • ,l.lb\IO~ftQ\lf lnc~t9f Afltn!I g··~~'·ld IU•m~rt~ Bel~~ ., " " " ., " •l .•J I PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS • L,. An~i.s 1nd vlc1njtr ll•d c'~,!11 low clauch '" Ill~ nlqll! end · •t•iY meml!Mt '*tr1. cle1•11'<> lo !o!r '~'•' wJll! lltlle ~"""''''u >e ell~,.~· t..,. 11\1111 foller ,_...,~ IO 1"11 !II~ ~·~· dlt1td lorroor. w1' ,!. TuMd1r'• Mt•lmum ....... 77. T1le u.~1. We•'""' 8u•~•••'• Fly ... n•~ ,or.i;1.t c1!1' fM no ""'tlolt1t1on .,....,,, IP"'"1'tlV"fl r•D41fl.t 1 dttr~• """"e ,,.,,,.,., In '"'-'""" ""'-11111 1 '" 5 •be"'" norm1I r~ co-tlt l 1rld ro'lfV11!1ln ,,,..., Tho Air P>oll••'I"" c~ ...... 1 Otttr"1 ""'°'~ !leM lo m-.l•r•lt •mot I~ fN! L~ A.llOft~ 81t1", &tlld\M -•P 11irltv <........ W!'I\ ... ft' ~hlfle ati-"'"'d••· n..e 111-~ ,_Ill~ We• H wllll w•lfl' ,1 "· Meu11Jf!floo -· ,...,,.,. '"" w•mt ""''" • 111~11 ··~~ ....... "' 7• t.os ANCELE~ ..... o VICIHITV- St.1'111¥ Ind Wfl,_,. ll!NIUtoll Tlllll'Wt• 111;1 wtlll tcrmrc ••riv ,,.,.,,.Inc 1 .. """ lcrll' "t1~ lOU!h•rn lltf"tioll of ti!,. i.-""''°'"" 'J 11;.,.., Tllo•,.~•w 1'-•," ~Tl>fF.lllN CALIFf'IJUt! .. cnl STAL V.t.u:Jl;VS -tu,..,.., but ll•rr !ti""1"fl """"°''" totllll ,_ ••r!~ mo"l!N ,. ,,, ... (lo\ldJ tw:.•• ..... , .... , .tfiri.I IAf ....... vtfl $0>'.,.,Wtrd. W•r-; • ..,.. 1..-toojkil\f 31 It '1. 111"1 ~···· JCllUTMlfH CAL1,b1t1o1u, IN'l'EI'· Mt"OfATI YAt.l.rfl .. Ng MOl.jM· f,\fff ~·"' -~ •Old """ "',..,...~. ,O!JTM« .. fll C4l.Ql0•11!1A tHTl lt• '°" ~fllD Of.111IT NOIOHJ;- 1!MI ..,,...-~ ~·~· l .... ~·~Y•llmf• JI lfl H W*tl' .,,,, • ,. ,, ..,. ••lit"'-"~ . ..,.,.,,....., ... " .. , ...,, '!' " I If """" "''""" Coa•tal Clt>lr l-'" tlld "'lnr.t• lf-•1· IUlft t lOflO !flt (-! IDC11y. Tlld1r 'l h!tl't. 14 IO ~. WlrMti w11l•r>0rtllwt11• ,,,,., 11 , .... •notL ""'""'V'l "'"'Pe•1t1.rres r ' n t' 6 l<om •• lliefl of •t i. I low ot 1111. In. t•nd ltft\Nt•h>ni rulfll "''' 1S 10 n . ,... WllW tffftltff'lhlnl ..... ".J dot• ·-S1t11, Mnot1. Tld~• WSOH•IOAY 5'co!!d fO'lr ,. •. • lt :M 11·11'1· 1.• ~ llltll .,,11,.,111, •.• THURSOAY Fl"! IO'I' .... ,, ... , .• , l:M 1,..,, 0.7 l"irtl llflll ......... , l1•t •.m. :t.1 lli(:Olld ..... ..... •• • • ' l:lt •. ,..., 1,, lttlrld 1111'!1 ......... ,,. 1:01 •·"'· '·' """' ..... S'\'1 •• ,,., , .... J~ts ··""· Sell •n. ,5!'4 1.m, h h 1tM •.M. il'vll lAl•I 0, fiitW Pl"f 0. M1, ll JW/'f t J11rc J4 J1111t 2l • V.S . S111nmar11 !.ummfrt wt•!"'• "''f"•il«I 1cro11 "10ll (>I 11\t .... liOfl IOGIY WI!~ I lJrGft h'9h P••uu•e iv'""' centoerl'd off 1111 m!delle A.!lanllt C°"lt wm.lr1t w1rm 1"'9 flvl!'lill 1lr lirto i._ Pl•lns, Mfd. "lat Mii MlU IHiltPI V•lltY. Nntlr 111 rJI ~ t1111r~ 1>111 til lltt tot,M)fl ..... lftt l!Wf'tUfY cllfl'ttl !Mc I"' IOs Wlllle re1dlfl9f ...,11 !nta '~t 'h t:lttndH n !t'r n.,111 11 Whcont!rt, Ml-Oii tnd MIChlf•n, f l l"9 """ I ilele """' WN -· lftf ffl'OU ftll Oflt-,. Mid ltodllft 'O llth!t i M 1tOl!lt ,.llfl' '""' T~y"I Iii.tit d tllt -11'1\1 '*· Pt1<Jltflt lioll l!lrOlll!hotn fflt Milon "'ft r1t111 •"" ""'''!"' con1tlltd to ,... lll'lr1'..,.. ktJll'Mt \1 '"" ,.... I!..,. .. NI, 0.yloM l lldl. ,, • ., r.u!Wof 1,11 1fw:~ llllrlft9 I ti,.........., H rJed, tM; 11t W.tt __ , ~u,,,,,. •"' ""'"'· Tiit l\fllotl'I "'"" Tund•r .. , 10f 11 tudlnt, l\rb , Tia 0'19f1119ttl 1oW ..... Jf •• llt .. tnOllCI, °"'·. • • 8c1•on Cl!lc1go C•~<TnnA!I C""""!~T>d Orl!V"r °"' Moln•·I Del roll !Ou.,~n "~'' wort!\ ''~'"0 M~'~nt Mon~J11•11 "'°"''O'I K1111t' C!I~ • l Al V~IJ l oo A-le1 f<llt m! MllWf~@o" M;n~tfl(!llt Nn1 Orle1111 Ntw VMk Nor!!\ Plt lll Otltlll'd """"' PtW 111~1•1 !'tilll(ll!IMlll ~nl• Pltttllv•flll Ptr11•oid 'l••ld C!W "" llllff ··~ S1tr1~nl9 St. Looits s111,..s Sall l.t~• C!IV S•11 01Ht 1 "'" I' r•"d•c• S•M• I J!Wr1 9""!1 -·M T11trmt! Wl,llifltlOfl ' '" " " '" " .. " " .. " " " " '" • .. " " " ., .. " ., .. • • • '" " .. • • .. • .. " .. " •• " ~ " '" " " .. " " " " " " " .. M " " ~ • " " " " " •• • " " " ,, JI .. " » ., fl • " " .. .. " .. .. " " " ~ " " " • • • • • " 411 E. · 17th St • ., DAILY 9 • 9, SAT. 9. 6 NO S@JJRING NO SclUBBlNG s1 ... IN7 Costa Mesa Tlleplion• 646 • 1684 ' -• 'L'_._ • ' ' ' • t ' " • • r e e • ,1 ,. a ' ,, r, 0 ,. a JI " . " " d ' c d n ' ,, ' ,, I • d 11 ' h e >I • • i " "".' P~·tt 7~. 1C)b9 • H~a11h, C.omputeriz~d .. .. . . • • ~ .,. ! Machines Ma;r R~~eShortage of Humam .. ,., c. G. lldMNIEL tt •t Jl"!llD( Ille doctGr C111n1 ~ -'' u...., ~-. " 11 with a will el possible belrt ~ Hospilals .... -.,. -..;, '=1 = -·":' using C<llDPUterl with •J>, Or U a doaor told the .i..n-•, _...._ J <---<--~to _.i ·1 pa-~ lifh 'Ill 1111 A....,..w,_. .. ·I . tc~>A.-....1 -> Vv I' V tlent1 1 neartbe.at~ tab his ~de;: ~ OW::W the ,.. ---Cbe .....,_.. medlcal hlsto1)' and ••-lient had, the ......... tidpt llCllOOllol. EltG _, - dia-h~ disorders.. ' then liSt the clnCi'*'!ll -alladled ID a J'llllC a.-, , ' . The iqedleal pro(81SIOf1 says therap\es ,_lllliuded to -.laf1 1D nun, -1-• . , ";Con!p\&~_will belp relleve the trea\ that cijosdot; But the Her . hurt alp:I& ••re I , .~lo sbor1age ol .cloc;t<!rs, .compu•-~-·ta·...._ uS..d tr"""'"lled bf lelll>!•ie.aid • and othe ·•1ca1 .. ----·-le lo. ; .• nunes r m.,.. for' mare ~lolled 'and V~S. Heallb ·Service · " perl""""'I and reduce moun. sophisticated ~·at l!led(, In W•""'""'- 1 ·'Ung costs. · --!"""t cine, , .• 1·· -._ lri ~ ..i. They save a doc Lor' s 1111C...,,.,. p·--~ "'~aluable time by reducing bls READJNGlJ .TilllN .mn,.'llld)Oo11'-<il \ I ;paperwork" and, docto" aay, Al l.atler • ~ S·a l·n ts a lllCODd. " , appeal 10 patients Who jfir.,. Hospital In .s,11 Lolle City, Within • ie!)i>ndO ii ii;e '"the impersonal nature )>! a • 1 ~c "~~ rJ-~"": -lime tbe si(Dal wli ~;Ille 1 'eomputer _ ' rea ngs ur "'• activi Y -young w o m an • 1 bMtt ' ' The patients say they can are belng. {aken i~ patiente' meaiurel'llentl and, dlagoosUC give better answer's.. to a coin-rooms and .k~ted to ~ interpretaUon Weft back at pute_r "because there is -cendltl al '?'.lle~J!~ 11~~-er ~an Tours on )>9tr.,. -~ ~ ..nobody sitlin,g across the table ar nary t~ . .., ... 19 w~. . ~ •·'looking impalient,'' sajd pr. The h~tLal a~ is ~sing GO T()·,COMfUTER .. L ... ~ ·,. G. Octo Bar.nett director of ~mwters .to morntor patienla . Th~ nielhod of heart ~DI ·• I.he Laboratory ~f Computer after surgezy,· and ,for tes'5 of JS ,-being used .ia~:N~ab, .. •Science at Massachusetts, ·-pulmonary haoCdoa,. -b 1;o ·o d where at·. Gooa · Samaritan 1 General Hospitil 'in Boston. · pressure 'l_nd'~ chemist.!°}'. Hospital In · ,~\ u.g ' Just as ~ WlftRUlet C3" readings ·are ~ ~ EMBARRASSED . make In~ computlli<l!1s , tele~· fo a ~ 175 ·I 'Womeo are sometunes em· that would ~e ~Ours f011~• ·miles ~·~1~ 1J~~t~ , berrass:e<f when· asked ques-mathematician, 1t .aJ-so . of NebrlSU ..... ContP:'· o f lions by a male doctor and Jl'e!'fonns tbese medical tasks Medicine. . ~ £ind it easier to 11lalk" to the ift secofuki~ making It P.;Ossible In Nebraska "&180\l!::KGs ar,. oomputer, noted D~. Warner to serve· more patients wilh being transmitted by radio !II.-. Sise~ of the Un1ver~lty of fewer medicaJ personnel, rrPm . am bu I a rice's and WISCOn&m Sch~l of Med1c1ne. Tile shortage·ol skil1e~i' com., . helicopters • traMportlng ac· , The most widespread ~se of ..._ pulef pro~ammers'.is.l~ting ciik!nt !Ind disaster yictims c;omp~ters at pr~nt JS for more raptd e1paos1on of this from .remote loc!aUons to • O:b~nmg lnCormabod from cOmputer use"Hlgh equipment hospitals., _ patients. ~n th~ past, Dr. costs ,also are. a f)rohten:i. At Lafayette Clinic t n Barnett s_rud, this could take although computer sharing 1s Detroit the con1puter is being • up ,20 t_o 40 percent of )he doc-helping to lower them. u 5 e d' t 0 t a·k e e 1 e c- lor s bm~ a_nd 50 percent of SHARE FAClLITIF..8 . troencephalograms EEG s' theThnurse ~bbmte. 'ts t At Hartford,'Conn., hospitals which are readings of the elec: e pa en s1 a a · 1 · t · I r ·t f the hr · t keyboard similar to that of a that care for . 8,000 patien s 1n ~1ca ac 1v1 ~ o . am, o t:vpewrite~. and answers ques-a 25·mile radius plan to share diagnose brain disorders . tions appearing before him on,ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiilloi .... small screen by punching Rf G'l'S' TER' NO' w ' the appropriate keys. With · Some systems he merely has to touch his finger to the ap- propriatj!; answer to a multiple-choice question on the. screen. , This information then ai> , pears on a printed sheet, later I expa nded with lhe doctor's -0bservations and laboratory , test results, and is stored by the computer for recall at any time. MOST IMPORTANT . .. , Dr. Slack said that "many physicians consider t h e medical history the most. im- ·Portant aspect ~ qf the , diagnosis." He said_· lack o( "stand a rd i za ti on Of the : bandwritten record by doctors " is notorious, adding that most · doctors' handwriting is il- FOR FALL SEMESTER Summer School July 7 • August 1 · ' to 12 dolty -l'elnHlol rectdl•t with ,i.o11la -,.. Mtdlc.I .rlthllletfc -.D_ay Camp June·23 • August 29 ' h -J dally -hr chlllfrft ''""'" 1 z.....IWd tn,., ... ' 11iu, ~ Jltep, llltte ... Ml. 1wl111MI ... lefore ad '...., .clteel c.,. 1:30 •. 111 ... 1:31 ,.111. .' ,1.0glble. ff th Ch . t" S h I " · The cnmputer a1so aids the • a W . orne, rlS I ah ~· 00 S doctor in diagnosing a ' disorder: Fed information ·~bout a patienl's chest pains, ht Folflltai1 Yol1rr: 16135 lr1:1old11n1 St. I ''2·3311 sr1van1a·s co1or1u1 DO·DO ,881. ·-. I -·' ' LOWEST PRICE fvER FOR S~LYANIA COLOR TY Cl31CH-Tht. Mini-Max combine& millimum·sized porta- bility with maximum performance. Full 102 scj. in. picture. w afnur finish on nOn-wood cabinet with con- cealtd carry handle. (Similar to illustr11tion) s279 95 : Syl1tenie's color bright 86'1l picture tub• hes th1 sh•rp11t color in th• il)dustryl Y Thi 'Pre·S.t Fine luning l•nd Chrom1 AGCI rwn•mb1r 'th• p1rf1ct color f setting for eech chennel, seving you th1 tro~bl1 of tir•som• retuning. It c1n ~ b• c•rried enywh1r• in th1 hom• without th1 n1•d for color r•belencing by • s1rvic•m1n. And if futuN servicing is •ver r1quir1 d, th• ch1sil1 -With pll19-in ~ tr•nsist-ot;S'·mekes it 411 cinch. ,LMoclel C8l6W I S shown ebove with AFC, in- 1 cludin9-tf1nd, .iv1i11ble et-Sl29.95 I f ' . . 411 L 17 .. ST., COSTA MESA i.'i:.:::::.. 646-1684 •Aft.Y f .f , IAT, f·I INTIOllfT A ....... .,.,. Mia l"7 • ' ' ' ' ., " ' f --e-... " _, • • ' " • ANAHEIM , 44<4 Nort~ Euclid ••. 515-1121 Mondey thru..Stiturdey IO 1.rn. to 9:10 p.m . • • • :) r NEWPORT PRE -MEMORIAL DAY PLEATED SKIMMERS SWING IN DOUBLE KNIT ACETATE 12:99 l You'll love these smoshing striped go-onywfi&ro torso skimmers. In free flowing double knit aceta te. Atl easY on, back .~ip stepins. o. Flip tie , novy/red/white, brown/block/white, grey/purple/wh ite, 10-18. b. Fromed V neck, red/. ~hilo/ black, purple/black/white, brown/block/. wl),i+,e, 8-16. c. V neck, novy, brown or blue with, white, 8-16. Ma il an d telephone orders invited. Budget Dresses, 27. ' c . • .HUNTINGTON BEACH 7771 EdTnq•r Av1nu._, •. J92.)JJ I • '47 Feshion lslend ••. 64•-12 12 Mondey thru Frid1y1 I O....m.-t-o-94-JO P""r- Stturdey I 0 t .m. to I> p.'m. --.... -Mo•d•rfhru-S•tuiiloy ---~ 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.rn. • I> _, ! j I I DAIL y PILOT EDl'fOBiAL PAGE I ; --• For 2 Ce rits • Da y • Southern Calllomla's suburban blob doesn't have to include Huntington Beach. Dreary tracUands of stucco and filling station pennants aren't necessarily inevitable. lluntington Beach doesn't have to become another Compton, anoth· er Hawthorne, another Bellflower. There is time to alt.er a course in lhal direction. Ooe big opportunity to escape suburban blob comes up June 3, when Huntington Beach voters have an op- portunity to create for themselves, their children and generations to come a system of green areas and play- frouods whicb will make the city the envy of the new communities of Southern California. Tile opportunity is a vital ooe. Either the $6 million Park bond issue receives the needed two-thirds major-ltr.•·· or residents will have to• accept the concept of a b and city or tracts; shopping center. parking lots and few parks b~fie.r than the school site down the street. The $6 · ion could. bring a system of parks which would include a playground ln most every neighbor· hood .aad a· large central .city park -lD addition to several community parks large eoougb for family ac- tivities .and group ~lcnlcking. Few cities coul<t ·ever have such park Sites as Hunt· lngton Beach's twin Jake complex complete with areas for picnics, natural wildlife preserves, boating, fishing, camping and other recreational activities which only a large park can offer .. Part of the $6 million would buy the Huntington Central Park. community centers and the green areas which make living in a city of parks and open spaces worthwhile and above the ordinary. · Parks are not a luxury which can be foregone M\V and added at some time in the future. Tomorrow the land will be~ gone and Huntington Beach will have all the charm of DO'Wney or Norwalk. • Co~! Is about 2 cents per day fot the average home- owner. HavlDg the exteoslve park •:Y•tem will makf the city a desirable place to live and :tO work, thua In- creasing home val,ues and addinL air 1Dducemen-for industry to settle here. . .. . Failure~to back the park bond iuue 'WW mean ihat , what parks are added to the system aa )ht )'90U'S co by ' will ha ve to be p!lid for by building· I~• and tautlon o! the property owners. (,.and price~ cbntlDue to sky- rocket and there ls no end_tn aigbt. Don't let yourselves, your children Ina your com· mu~ity down on June 3. Polls are open' {rain 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Vote for the bonas whlcb can make Huntington Beach an unusually pleasant place to live. , FV's High Achievement \Vhen something n~ is don~· -in edttcatlon there always is a good chance Fountain Valley Elenlentary will be the school district to do it. Attesting to this, Fountain Valley lcbool1 have been awareoo for the second year in a row tl\e cteatlve achievement award of the National Education Asso- ciation. • · Last year 19 a\vards were given nationwide, this year 14. That's not very many when you corisider the almost countless school districts in 50 states. The honor was bestowed last year for the school district's learning center program. This ye8r it was for a project to involve teachers in decision making. Next year, 'vho knows? But it's a good bet tbal a resourceful stall and an innovative school board will be in the thick of competition with another worthwhile entry. s ·.-~~ 'WOOPY l)IOODPKJl.IR, nuns K~ZY i<,Af. un 5Y~JU ovR J.liC~fY MJt:f,• Product of Midwestena GOP Progressivisna UC Alumnus Horrified by Reagan's Acts-;- 'Bomnj Fuses Are Judge ,Burger's Attitudes WASHINGTON All the knowledgeable people are saying, watch out ror Judge Burger because when he R.els to be Chief Justice of the United States he'll change and won't be the old conservative we once knew .. Well, that just does not wash in Judge Burger's case. In the first place, he is not a conserviitive. In the second place, those who talk so glibly about him know little of the origins and way of Ufe from which he springs. lf, at 81, he were to reject these concepts and attitudes it would be very surprising. Such changes are more likely to develop at much more advanced and uncertain ages. Anyone who has..known Judge Burger tor any Jtngth of time recognizes in him the .stable and conventional qualities of his midwestern background, plus a cer- tain amount of intellectual daring in go- ing against current fads among the in· te:Ueetual classes. Judge Burger is indeed hopelessly and gloriously square. He is a product of midwestern Republican pro· gressivism 'like Wendell WiUlde and Harold Stassen and quite unlike Hubert Humphrey and Adlai Stevenson, both also mid-westerners. THE DJFP'EftENcE lies in oriefltation. The Hum.phreys and SreveMOlll became oriented to the kind of socially preferred liberalism prevalent in the highly populaled areas of the east and west coasts. drawing it.s .strength from a diversity of raoe, religion and economic and social classes. Wtndell Willkie remained unlit his death, and Judae Burger is likely to re· v lUchard ·wuson . ' -~ ' ~ main , oriented to more conventional ideas about the nature of social organi:z.a~ tion , the genius or e<X>nomlc well·be.ing for the largest number, and tbe place of the Constitution itseli in maintaining the established order. Judge Burger has amply illustrated on the federal bench in Washington that he does riot consider the Constitution so flex. ible as some of the present members of the Supreme Court. But what he has demonstrated even more ls a respect for precedent and precise evaluations of legislative intent. HE llAS RESPECTED Congress' right to m~e law and he has respecled the precedents set by other judges In in· terpreting law. The rule of law is thus made \ess variable from year to year. Then if Congress finds that JU intent was wrong or the interpretations of law were wronc, it can change the law. But It is not up to the court! to change the law. A lltUe known case illustrates the point. Judge Burger upheld the conviction of an 18-year.Old boy for proclaiming to a Com- munist rally on the Washington Mo.nu. ment grounds that if he were drafted and they put a rifle in his hands he would aim it directly at LBJ. The Supreme Court vacated Judge Burger's ruling on the ground that the boy was carried away and just shooUng off his moulh with no real intention of shooting the gun. The Jaw says you can't threaten the life .of lhe llresident of the United States. If Congress did not mean that literally it should change the l~w. The courts have no right to tell Congress what It intended to do. THERE IS VERY UTILE doubt that Burger as Chief JusUce will be able to imbue a majority of the court with hll at- tiludes. One vacancy ls yet to be' filled by President Ni1on and he baa made tt quite clear he will try to find another man like £urger. How long JusUce Douglas will be able to hold out against the riling pressure for his reUrement ls pro-blema~cal. If be d0es not reUre withln a few months die p,.Uerice of hil oppo'1Uo~ in Congreu l1likely10 come to 1n abrupt end and be may be !iced by a Fortu-Uke condition. Burger Js a persuasive and perslatent man not easily dissuaded_ from his con- vicUons. He will have allies on the court aa presently constituted and hi ia long aCCUJtomed on the Circuit Court hire to bavtna -argumenta the aame as he wtll have ln the conference room ol the Supreme COurt. THE LEGAL COMMUNITY ls not unaware that a new wind will blow In the hallowed precincts on Capitol Hill. It will be a poor tribute to the reso~fulneu of prosecutors and defenders if they fall .to find wayJ to bring the criminal pro- cedures rulings of the Miranda and Eacobedo cues again before the court. Hershey Will Be Replaced WASHINGTON -President NlJ:on·s aides are qulelly hunting for a ne1fV draft director to replace LL Gen. Lewis B. Jtenhey and brighten the tarnished imo age of the Selective Service system. Ideally, a ne-.. director would revamp the ntUCh-<!riUclted draft machinery us- In.a the reform proposals which the Presi- deht sent to Congress ,last week. Even Jf Congress drags its feet on those reforms, however, a new direct.or would serve as a sigh ~ change. In -that connectlon, there are hint's that J1l'r'Shey'S replacement may not be anolhcr tnilltary man. S o m e ad: minlstralion aldes are said to fecl that a civilian directOr ~·ould make the draft seem less of a milltary procurement of· fice for the Pentagon. So far there Is no widely adverUscd search for a new man. ·Feelers ai-e out, however, and It is significant th et some ot Hershey's long·Ume supporters in the flouse and Senate ere passing the word that lt is lime for the general to bow out vacdully. ----·lliiUliiillal-. Wednesday. May 77. 1969 Th• tdltorlal page of lhe Daflu Pilot 11111k1 to inform and 1rlm- ulatc Tt1adt r1 b11 pr••mtlng this uwq>apcr1 opinimu and com- 11W11tory on topics of fnttr1n ond Jignljlalnce, bu providing a f.,._ for U.. "'"""""' of °"' _,. OJ>l•lom. end bu prt11nting the divfT'se vfeto- polnlJ of jnfqrmtd obtetwrJ and ipo.lunnn on Copic1 of the dcu. · Robert N. Weed, Publisher · Allen-Golclsmith • ;,;;....: .... _;!" ' , ' ' & ' I .. . ·• ,. LIKE J. EDGAR HOOVER in the FBI, liershey bas been the ver y personification of the Selective Service system. A former country school teacher and army officer in World \\rar I, he was nMigncd to the early studies of a draft system which began in 1936. He hos been draft tlireclol' since 1951. Like Hoover, Hershey would like to continue on the job. lie Is 76, however, his eye1ight Is poor, and his offJcial retirement from active duly back in ,1946 was oo grounds of physica:l disability. li1oroover, unlike lloover and I.he FBI, 11crshey and the draft have come under heavy critical fire in the turmoil which has ari~n from U1e war in Vietnam. Part of the criticism is notural and to be e1· pected under the circun1stances, but the coorls have been dealing harshly with liershey's attempts to use the draft 's in- duction machinery to punish the fomen· tcr1 ol that turmoil. A BOLD EDUCATOR ? Adrnlnl str&llon aJdes who want to put a clvWan In the Selective Service comn1and post talk about nam ing an educator to 5UCCetd Hershey, though they concede that the job max offer frying·par>-to-fire disadvantages fhr · admlnlstrators on bele11.guered college campuses. ·The. idea is th al an tducator could make admlnistraUon of the draft law mort responsive to the concfrnS of the young men who may be tapped for milllary service. Hershey, ln this view. ha1 helped to make the draft seem wholly miblcrvlcnt to the Pentagon and it.s wl3hcs. At least one mJllt1ry man 1$ being mentioned, however, as a possible. ftcrshcy replaetrncnt. Ile i1 Gen. llarold K. Johnson, formtr Arn11 chief of £laff, \Vho was replaced last year by Gen. William C. \Vestmoreland w h e n \llcstmorcland returned from the Viel· nam command. IT IS ARGUED that Johnson would also give a new look to Selective Service, since Jt ~ no secret that he was no en· thusiast for escalation of the Vietnam war. 1'.1any Pentagon aulboriUes think he \vas dropped by President Johnson for U1al reason. Adm ini straUon aides have been lo~ IJyl ng intensively for President Nixon's plan to seled by lot for military service among J~year-clds, who would e1- pcrience one year of vulnerability W\less there was a real natiooal crisis. Congressional champions of draft reform hailed the Nixon proposals (which were scarcely dist!ngu~hable from the Johnson proposals d 1967). Nevertheless. lhe reforms have been put aside In the House and Senate, at least for now. By Robert S. Allen and John A. Gold1mltl:i Dear Gloomy Gus: I paid 11.66 lor •bat my boy broke al ICbool. How about 1he rt:st of .the parents cl college atudents doing the same ror windows, l1wns. etc., on campus? -G. R. c. n i. ,.•tw• rwt11<tt rMftn' vttwt. • """*'""' .... .. .... flt"•··-· , ..... '"" '9f ,._.,. ft OIM""J k .. Dtib' •11tt. I Lit and Burning To the Editor : Aa an old alumnus of the University of Calif. at Q_erkeley (BA, MA, and Ph. D. from there), I watched last week's events with horror. Berkeley is obviously the ne1t campus scheduled to be "subdued at any cost" in Gov. Reagan's campaign qalnSt California higher educaUon. It Is a typical trick of the demagogue to ucrJbe to the opposition prec16ely tht plans he is ccµTying out. So, Reagan ac· CUled the de'rnonstralors of preparing, arming themselves and provoking a showdown. Y e t it was the police w h o moved into "people's park" without warning a day after Chancellor Heyns had given assurance that the park would not be dismantled without \Varnln1 so that benches and play equipment could be moved. · IT WAS ALAMEDA County Sheriff deputies who fired bullets into the crowd killing one person, permanenUy blinding a second and pulling out an eye of a third. (Hospitals have refused to give the total number wounded by bullets). When we talk about "revolution," most oC us are still thinking in old·lashloned political terms. But there are revolutions in the air toc1aY that make Marx or Mao seem as placid and conventional as a Sunday school outing. ln a recent issue of that perceptive journal, "The Critic," --Robert T. Fran- coeur, auth.or of "Man and Revolution,'' points out that the latest advances or biological and medical technology "are about to creale revolutions far more radical for man than anything thus far in our two millioo year blatory." . THE FUSES ON these "time bombs" are lit and burn merrily away, Francoeur warns us. They comprise: "erterulve lranspJanLation or limbs and orgalllil; the ability to fertilize human eggs In the test- tube, to choose the sex of our offspring, or to change it . . . to store human spe rmt4n banks; the ability to regulate moodst emoUons and desires by mind· ~ modifying drugs: and an extensive power to postpone clinical death." And by the time our..children pass their 30th birthday, this biologist predicts, "man will hold in his frail, unguided hands even more revolutionary and potentially devastating powers," which he then enumerates: "THI ABlLITY TO modify men's minds and reconstJuct our peraonaliUes, to ~ our intelll1ence, to Inject and edit our memories, to reconstruct living organiams, to prolq life by hibernation .and induced comas, to prolong the vigor of youth and induce the regeneration of organs." \Ve are now literally on the threshold of being in control ot our destiny as a species. We are beconiing like unto gods, but with diabolic possibilities f o r manipulating the human mil1d and body so that we can witness "disembodied brains• linked to computers and ·joined with artificial senses In the first hybrid! between man and machines." TllE WHOLE NEW field ol "genetic engineering" will make It possible to turr: out whatever kind of "human beings" we want to. And this Promethean power ill the hands of people still ruled by avarice by hate, by envy, by national and racla1 and economic rivalries, ls like an atomiG pl~t with a willful infant controlling th• "Destruct" button. Our biological technology is earryina us, willy-nilly, to a st.age in human evolu· lion where Hell or Paradise are realisliG oeuons; where we can immenaelj amplify the human personality, or shrin• and distort it for purposes of conquest. slavery and all the perversions of Power. If we cannot rapidly bi'ing our "11ticat processes up to a maturity Uiat la com- mensurate with our technical genius, onl) catastrophe waits us. ., This Wlprecedented use of rl(earms could nol have occurred wi(hou( prior consent of the governor: It was Reaa:an who planned, armed and provoked. He muat also be held responsible for the in• cldeot In which peaceful student Ind fac-- ulty vlgilers were teargassed from heli· copters on the campus. (The teargas waa used so lhdiscriminalely that it In- filtrated the campus hospital where pa· tlenl.8 had to be kept alive in respira· . tors). Most Popular Narcotic THE LOGIC BEHIND Reagan's cam-. pata:n is the same as at San Franciaco St.ate: provoke a massive reaction by ootrapow: policies and then hold out Ur>- W the radJcal students are in jail or ex· pelled, the radical professors firtd, the liberal professors leaving in disgust, and the campus thoroughly demoralized. 'nlese policies will Inevitably ru in lhe quality ot h1gher education in California . This doesn't happen all at once : ~ feSIOl"I take a few years to make quiet exill to grfft>el' pastures. Thereafter the word getl arouod, tbe best gri.duate studtnta •lop coming aod the research granto disappear. REAGAN WILL probably be &afely out or office by the lime C3lifomians wake up to the realizlltion that UC-Berkeley has dropped from third place nationally lo 30th, and that the state college!! have deleriorated lo lhe status of fourth.rate schools. The vengeful, po 1 it I ca 11 y • moUvatcd refusal to raise faculty salaries la the level of compArablc in- stitutions elsewhere will hasten the tolal proctM. Reagan will claim he has brought the faculties to hetl, but Califor· nlans will find he has slmflY driven them to competing lristiluUon&. THERE ARE NO ro.dlcals at Cenlr'nl Arkansas State Teacher's Colle1e.. and litlle student unrest. But to those who ap. plaud Reagan's attempt to remake the university on this happy fllodtl, th., warn· ing must be issued: Gratk:tates ol third· rate colleges don'I get the good jobs nor admission to the good graduate IChooll. Neigher do thlnl·r1te colleges llJ mant golden eggs of researcll, community service, cultural enrichment or prellJce. DR. INGE P. BELL Soclolcgy Deportmat Plllor College. The Cllrtmont Col1- Residlng In Laguna Beach ldtln "-........ -~ ~~ Wtlttfl; ll'llMlll ......., lhlr -.... Ill JCID _.,, ., 1'a '"" '""" It °""""" llttn's IO flt -c. .,. 1umi. llllfl '""' .. """'"· "" """" 11'1110 ... 1111111-..,. end m11!1t.1 l!Clf..U, e.vt -• !Nil' be •1ttilltlll tll ,........ It 141ffk.., ,.._ It ...,...,., Jumplng to conclusions: Work, not alcoboJ or druJs, has always been the most popular narcotle In • America. We are a work.addicted people, as witness the number of men who fear compulsory retirement at 65 because they reet they'll be lost without the sUmulation provided by going to a daily job. It eetms like years since we've seen an old.fashioned hairpin. Don't women ever wear them anymore? Strawberries and modern children have one thlng in common : the bigger they g~w the more tasteless some of them become. The height of boredOM · comes when a felknv suddenly discovers he baa been t.alkJng to himself-but not bothering to listen. A TJIRIFTV GUY Is one "A'ho still has a drnwerful of old spats he saved on the theory that some day they 'll make a comeback. The more scienUfic we become the more. stUbbornly we stlck to our timeworn supersU tlons. U you put a large ladder acrosa a skiewalk, eight out of 10 passers-by will walk around rather than under it. The two who do walk under It aren't any less supersUU01.t1 thin the others-they're just probably showoffs. · It is usually the man with the largest number of kids at home. who steals the moat pencila !tom the olllct. Eitl1eT tbtt or he bas a wtfe who Ubl to wort ~'"1 punles. PEoPLE WHO crave the Umtllpl i• tllrolqh endltol ..........., to become U.. centtr ol attention at 1 cocktail par- ty, but the llmplllt ol all •ll'• to de It It to get an attack ol hiccups. ni. 1111Pid<>1 aritea tllat mqy rc1u who attend church tod.11 do IO becaute it !!-tile one PifillC ~lace lelt"..tt<re they run a mlntmaJ dangtr of btJng muu.d. There •re two good ffi180fl! why .. housewives live longer than thet husbands: 1. lh~y can flop dow,a on 1 couch any Ume during the day wtien the: are tJred, and 2. they a~d the pllysica wear and tear o( the two-and three Martini lunch., which a~es executive quicker than anything. • THE BIGGF.ST· problem f a c I n 1 eQucators today is how to find a way ~ convioce the stuiJents that there is ·a rea difference between going to college 111 going to kindergarten. • The perfect politician-if we ever gt one-will tum O}lt to be a fellow wpo ca1 get something done about aoylb.l!l without having to raise taxes to do-II . The loneliest people I know art lho9 wealthy enough to attend public bat1quel frequently, but so poverty-slricken ln ru eompanionship that they ~·t Wnk - anything better to do with their Ume. alway!' thJnk they'd be happier If the leamed to hook rugs and staytd Whom with lhe cat · 11 '· .---811 Geor9e -- Dear George: Your column alwayt 11)1 wflte ln for the stcrtt of Sldcways Tbtl.k· Ina:. I've written In 28 °::Jnd you haven't sent me the of SldeWlfl 'Mlinldni. Wha\ ~GI columnltt.,. Yo\I, 111\Yhowf_ ~'-- FUR!Ul!S Dear Furious : , One who'• prelly good al keeping I secttl. (Wrile-IO~George ond !ear Ult ~'()( Skl~Wl\fl Thfnktng.) I • r ' ·igor n of Id of ts a tOOs. for body died 1ined lrids netlc '"" "Wf ~r in .rice acial OmiCI i the 'Yin! volu· lisUf uelJ lrink ues~ 1wer. itlcal com· Olli) • , thet on 1 I the• fsica 1hrte Jtive : In I ay ' 1 rea ~ IB • ~r gt o ca1 1thiq t. thos queo 11 rea nk • me. ' the ·hOm , .. 1k· hd ol al us ., ' ' \ .,. · .. :cHECKING ····UP• ·What I~. the L~st I Romantic Phrase? By L M. BOYD "' TRUE 'LOVE -Whal is the ' . most, UnromanUe thing a .. young tilta can ..say to a ~irl • on their firs.l date? Looks lik.e ! our Love and War man will ~ have to start a file on that, ~too. Writ~ a Louisiana lady! t "First words my husbaqd ever .. said to me when we.met on a' f blind date six yeart a~o were: ! 'I think I'fu getting a 4 nosebleed.' " EXACl1.Y It YEARS AGO ! a Russian wife could cUvorce ~her husband by mailing him a .. ;•DeaJ~ .John" postcard .••• A ; LINGERIE SALESMAN says 1 the customer l)lost apt to want ,:. a black lace nightgown is that t girl who is overweight ••• STATISTICALLY, a widower of 40 is just as apt lo find a vi'ife as a bachelor of 30 ..•. ''THE BATTLE OF FLOWERS" was th.e original name of Pasadena's Touma· ment of Roses. , . . THE CRAFTSMAN WHO wears out the most trousers is said lo be the carpeUayer, FROM THE SANSCRIT' ''He took the lightness of the leaf and the glance of the fawn, the gayety of the sun's rays and the tears of th.e mist, the inconsistency of the wind ~and the tiqlldity 'of the hare, • the vanlty of the peacock and · the softness of the down on the swallow's throat. He included the hardness of the diamond and the 'flavor of honey, the cruelty of the tiger, the warmth of fire and the chill of snow. And He added the chat· ter of the jay and the Cooing of the turtle dove. He melted all this and formed a woman. Then He made a present of her to man." " • as welt·u for tbe•deal, Thal y ou l!UIY. '!mow: IBul dO Y"'1 k.QQw what Edmo~ Hoyle, that old master of gamesmanship, had to say about lucky seats7 Here"s what: ''lt is, useless for an unlucky inan to change the seat. . wfor no mater which he ~ tbe·good or bad luck ~adhering to him for the time being cannot be shaken off." I'm sorry'. 1.11•1 Ttlfftltl9 "TO MAKE AN EGG stand on its end without breaking i1.s shell, simply shake the egg very bard. This will force. the yolk to the large end, thus allowing the egg lo stand upright." So certified a master of parlor tricks. I tried u. The egg fen over .Ja::1~ in Nun's Clothing ; .•. KEEP YOUR £YE on the wife who publicly proclaims T-he· uni!otips are unusual for jazz musicians, but these six nuns play solid her husband to be "the most jazz.. AU frbm•the Kan sas City, Kansas area, the nuns play for clubs or org an- wonderful man on earth.''. izations and recently played for Leavenworth Prison inmates. Shown rehear· Someday she is apt to shoot ·sing are._(from left) Sister Mary Vincentia, bass violin ; Sister Rita McGrath him . Such is the contention of drums; Sister Madeleva, trumpet ; Sister Dominic piano; Sister David Marie' a Los Angeles psychiatrist. marimba and Sister Mary Roselle, voc3Iist. ' ' Our L<ive and War man con-----------'---'------------------11 curs with this expert's theory. OPEN QUESTIONS' 1. Why is it almost nobody enjoys smoking in the dark? 2. Can you think of any Words that rhyme with chimney? Your questions and com· ments are welcomed and wilt be used wherever ppssible in "Checking Up." Address mall to L. M. Boyd, tn care of DAILY PILOT Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. I sec Locals To Graduate Lit,tle Viet Combat Fatigue \VASHINGTON (AP) previous wars. and a soldier's authorities' say is .not new. Army researchers who spent awareness that if wounded he "Once the pressure is really two years studying American can ~ on the operating table on, you don't have time to soidiers in more than 2,alll in only 30 minutes, with a good V i e t n a m b a t t J e s a n d chance to survive. think about yoursell," said one skirmishes have found very About 65 Army and Marine medical colonel who ex- liltle evidence of combat specialists have been in th~-perienced battle in Korea and faUgue. field compiling daLa which, World War II. Officials say the main hopefully, will lead lo im· The two-year study by what reason for the absence of Vie~ proved methods of preventing the Anny calls a "wound nam "battle rattle" compared and treating wounds. ballistic team" ends next to past wars is the certainty in Among other things, they month. Authorities are work- each U.S. soldier's mind that reported the stimulus of com-ing to reduce the infonnalion he will serve but one year in bat often sefms strong enough their field researchers have the w8.r zone and then go to overcome a woun_ded man's gathered on some 7,800 wound· Two Costa Mesa students at hOme. pain, so -that he keeps goln~ ed men to me a n I n g· f u I South.em California College. "He knows he's not going to and sometimes accomplishes statistics. This may take six Costa Mesa, will be graduated stay out there forever," a remarkable battle feats. months. with Bachelor of Arts ~egrees senior Army research officer Researchers also n·o t e d "What we are really stu· - LEARN TO SWIM AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA 64 2°9990 &.l!.~lfl DAILY ':IUIT 7 I HONOR THY GRADUATES! ' WITH A FINE JEWELRY GIFT FROM PENNEYS Jewelry is a great'gift for any occasioa, but ifs almost a tradition wheft it comes to graduatipn tine! It's lasting, good looks and usefulness make It a treasured item long after the graduation men:h 11,s been .,forgotten. A. Ladies' 17 J Car.ivelle Wat1cn.. ______ 19,95 8. Men's Caiendar Caravelle Watch 15.95 C. Men's or lad ies' Speidel Iden ~.95 D. Men's Diamond and Onyx Initial Ring, lOK 19.95 E. ladies' Synthetic Birthstone Ring, 14 10.95 F, ladies' ·cultured Pearl Ring, 14K -9.95 . . CHAAOr IT AT YOUR Pr,,HIY'S FINf JrW(l.RT DrPAflTMINI' CUSTOMERSERV I CE, "That dance the kids are doing now called the Bop, how did it come to be named that?"· A. Just don't know. sorry to report. Do know the Fox. Trot was named after an old vaudeville performer call- ed Harry Fox. Will you accept that? ... Q. 0 00 CAMELS WEAR metal shoes I i k e horses?" A. No. sir, but sometimes they wear leather patches on their feet. Sewn with thongs right onto their soles, too, i n c i d e n t a 11 y • Imagine that smarts some. It's done if th.e camel cuts a foot on a rock. at commencement exercises said. ' soldiers in combat frequently dying Is how men are wounded May 31 at 3 p.ni. Other factors, officials said, care more for their comrads and how it can be prevented,"li--------'-"""---------------=-----l Michael James McGuire, are the brevity of firefights in and their objectives than for a leader of the A r m Y FULLERTON HUNTIN,TON IEACH NIWPORT IEACH • son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J . the Vietnam war, contrasted themselves, , something Research OfCJCe said. Or11ngi C enter HuntiAgton Cetner Faihion '\Jilancl McGuire,.will receive a degree with prolonged combat in veteran Army medic a I "\Ve're finding things we Harbor. 11t Edingfir at . MacArthur at in history. He re«ntly com-l-;::=:::===============::::;-1 didn't previously know aboot Or11n9•thorpe -·• San Diego Fwy. Pacific C oast Hwy. pleted student teaching to h :lh:•_:se::n:::·"':::'l:_Y_:W:::ou::nd::::ed:·_" __ · ~===========================,;,,,,:::::! receive his teaching creden· ft Fat 1r'1 Day is .Jvne 16 - lials. Mr s. Jennifer S. Larsen, daughter of Mrs. E. Gressett of San Carlos, will receive her enne• IJ Eiiglisb degree. She is a resi-~ dent of Costa Mesa. AL.WAYS FIRST GUA.LITY Southern California College is an accredited llberal arts · ON LUCK -Bridge players draw cards for the lucky seat College sponsored by the Assemblies of God. ORDER: THIS WEEK! RELAX THIS WEEKEND WITH ••.• ' ' ' -1/tGllEST 1NTERE~T ON /N!URE'f · gAVf NfJ$" INTEREST DAY-IN to DAY-OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAYINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! • ASSETS OVER $4215,000,000.00 • . MUTUALSAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIAT I ON CORONA DE L MAR 2867 East COlal H-y, Corona Del Mir, Calif. 92625 telep!iono: 675'5010 HLll\omcc l l5 f , CokftdoBlwr, F'aMdlM, C.llf. ti I 09 _ ......... ., -OTHO IRANCK omw Corin•, GIM!dlle WtltM.adil . let Dod see your love ••• GIVE HIM A FINE PORTRAIT of you and the children A95 ONLY ... ltlt t J.r l.t potttoJt'Ol·one, two 01 '"'"people My viii will toH Dad you lovo him, but only a family por1Talt lots Dad -you r lowl And, ht1f -it an l\llher's Day and ..,,ry doy of the year. Hurry In now ••• give Dod th. OM gift he'U treasur• forever ••• a portrait of his fomilyl (Small odclltionol ch01"9t for mort than thrM f*)ple) Remember, you ton 'hors• Hat Ptnney'Jf •''ANDY WILLIAMS'' featuring HAPPY HEART WITCHITA LINEMAN MY WAY ·''ENGLEBERT HUMPERDINCK'' featuring THE WAY IT USED TO BE . LES BICYCLETTES DE BELSJZE FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE . ·''5th DIMENSION;''· featuring AQUARIUS THOSE WERE THE DAYS LET tT'BE ME YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND THE RIGHT SOUND IN OUR .COMPLETE RECORD DEPARTMENTS ••• FOR DOING YOUR OWN THIN Gll ea. • CANOGA PARK• DOWNEY • GRANAOA HIL,LS • HUNTINGTON SCH. • l.AKEWOOD •LONG l~===============.I BEACH • LOS ALTOS• NEWPORT SCH.• NO. HOLLYWOOD• NORWALK• RESEDA • S,AN flULLIJITOl'I Or•ll9ff•lr ''"ttf' ind llDor, 171-4).AJ NUHTINOTON ee..CK HvnllllffOtl C'•l'IW Ind floor, lf'·Tl11 .. NEWP'OltT 11.l!CM F-"ilofl l"lfld N 11oor.uw:ria FERNANDO• TORRANCE• VAN NUYS •VENTURA• WHITTIER• WHITTIER DOWNS -~~-'---~-- • • I I • ' ... •. 11111.Y l'ILIT / ' ) ..... , .. .,~ • ., .. 1• " • ' ~ Shorts in all sizes, all styles, all fabrics ... ~ ·a whole summer's worth ... all at reduced prices! Our own fine Towncraft Penn Prest® walk shorts for your sporting life Univwsity Grad styling in our great c:Ollection of men's ~lking shorts that all stay neat with· out ironing. Just machine wash and tumble dry. Tab yaur pick of polyester/cotton plaids in olive, blue, yellow ... solids in olive, light blue, light olive, gold, yellow ..• boby cord polyester/ c~ in blue, lime, gold! They're all g;,,c,11 Mllln's sizes. .. Reg. 4.98 NOW 3.99' . ' • • • i • • -' ' . .l .. Jamaica shorts ... all sizes, fabrics for summer fun Talk about assortment! Wait until you ... what's happening-and it's now, when you need a summer-full for all the sporty things you'll· be in on! Milano stretch nylons in black, medium blue, pink, navy ••• never iran Penn Prest9 cotton/nylon stretch denims in navy, turquoise, faded bl11tt, white,_ mint-both in misses sizes 8-18. Cotton stretch gabardi- for juniors In 10fids, tattersals cmd plaids, sizes 5-15. Reg. $3, NOW 2/$5 Reg.-$4, NOW 2/$7 Llko It,,, ch-Ill AL~S~~e~J . • Enioy the great out.d .oors itbJhese great items reduced thru · Sa'turday! Round barbecue table set Rog. ~ -----NOW $35 Cozy tet..a-tete for two Rog. $65-----NOV($57 FULLERTON CANOGA PARK • SAVE $11 on our . 7 pc. patio set Reg. $99 NOW '88 Pay 11 little n $5 per"*'"' lncludOSI 3 pc. sawbuck set, 73" long chaise, club chair and·2 end tables. Tradl~onolly styled and cut from 8/4 genuine Callfamla Redwood. Cushions in Santa PaUla print. Pair af Redwood end bench• R,..$1 NOW $6 3 piec. bmHcue set Rog. $33 ·--·---·---··· .. ·-··-NOW $29 Redwood club choir Re;: $24 ·-----........... -NOW $22 hdwood choiM lounge .... $35 ---··~·----NOW $31 SAVE $5 on our Foremost 6Y2' rod and Mitchell® ·*306 reel combo Reg •. 29.99 NOW 24.99 . P0y • lltlle • $1 .......... Rodllrnatdied_.•l'-Wte corrOllcin....i-...i.llMlhcra 1lmidard rolTlew, ,..,_lo _. for mllent ......... and """'wind _. . _. . . . •' Save 1.5.94.~on a Su~t;r ~ movie camera ·outfit! ; .. Reg~ 12.s.93 · NOW 109.99 Pay 11 little n$6 per....nth Easy to bp9rate projector'feature1 automatic rHl-1 ........ 1 !~reading. Has sharp 1.3 lens and I 5<NI OJA T~ lamp. Our Penncrest glass beaded scrHn surface .reflects just enough light for pleasant viewing. The super 8 movie<:amera features a CDS elec· Irie eye !hot Mis correct .exposure automatical!yl . Save l8e40 on a Dual 8 zoom outfit! Reg. 140.89 NOW · 122.49 Pay a1 little 11 6.50 per month Dual· 8 projector has selector switch th?t lets you show both, Standard 8MM and Super SMM movies. Our Penncrest glass beaded scrMn surface reflects just enough light Jar pleaaant viewing. The Super 8 zoom movie camera features a CDS electric eye. LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT! A. .... $S •' POluott 6W rod D. Sa¥11 $2 on for•mOlt 6' rod and· Savt 1.:W Ol'I our grMt fot9mOlt ... -.... #7SI ............ , _ .. #324 "''"""" ... 1. ~ ..... rod. ""-17.,, ..-Jalf 14." R19. 12.'9 .. NOW 10." -.$7 NOWS ... .. ""$3 ... , ••• ···"red and ,._, ........ -. , .. ,,. NOW "·" C. .... ., -.... Dlf &pin rod ... Qoldr ............. . .. -NOW!"" L Sav'e $3 on Foremolt $¥..1 tpin _ .. CS rM and Zelxo #d06 "*' ant Sow 1.34 ~ on _. Foll•• II .... ..... 10.99 ... __JICW 7.,, .. 111., rod. ... $1...J«lW .... f. Sow 1.3' on ow foremost 6'1" and 6' trolhnt ·rods. FOr.nost 3 lb. Docron9 pOty..l.r bg. '7 -NOW S... l!Hpl"f bog. U.,, HUNT INGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA .. -~· --·· I • I t DAll.Y ~II.OT w.......,, ..., 21, lM \ ' Rogers Cutting Asian Ties One Killed in Train T error NORTH BERGEN, N. J. Tuesday accident trJggertd by Central rush bouJI commuter TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Secretary of Stat. William P. Hogen Is spmdin& the word acrou A9sia that lbe U.S. government Is cutting Jts in- volvement abroad and lntends to have oo more: Vietniuns. \\'h.ile be has also given aiSW"aoces that truty com, mltments Will be k§(; Rogers has begun det.adilng the United States from the ~ fUcts of Asia and promotlnc a substitute policy of regional self-reliance. It is a big swing away rrom the policies which led the Eisenhower, Kennedy a n d Johnson admlnl.!tratlons step by step into the Vietnam war. Ro(i:ers, winding up hll first farel&n venture in personaJ diplomacy, will report to P-t Nixon thl»w~keod lbat Ille inlllal Jdep1 In dbln- \IOlvement have1 on the 1'bole, been met with enthualutlc ap- pr<>Yll by the ludm be h•• tolked to. Aaaociales .. ••fil ....... of his success to Rogers' style of personal diplomacy -easy, relaxed, and low-l:eyed.1 y. manner of Uie highly """ cesaful corporation lawyer $2 .6 B illio n A id. Bill Heads for Con g ress · WASHINGTON (AP) President Nixon, after taking steps to seek bipartisan sup- port, had a $2.6 billion foreign aid request to present to Congress today. . Nixon's ~,calls for a partial revamping of the U.S. overseas aslllt.lnoe effort, but a more far-t"elchlng overhaul of foreign aid will await a study by .a blue-ribbon review group the President plans to a p po 1 n 't , administration sources said. Technical assistance and private investment ill develO~ ing countries abroad were items marked for special emphasis in the NM ~d· mtrustralion's first message on the controversial foreign aid issue The $2."8 billion \n economic and $37S million in military aid in Nixon's • budget is $62 SHARP !~ ya11'r• • Ji•rp tr•d1r, U• Dime.A.Lin• cl111ifi•d .tds S•f11rd•y.. M••• • bttt•r de•I ••• wh•tht r yo11'r1 b11yin1 of '<ii• DAILY PI LOTS f•mD111 Mllln9. I I I million below former Pres!· dent Lyndon 8. Johnson's aid proposal for the coming fiscal year. But it also totals some $900 million more than what the legislators voted last year - and some ectmomy minded congressmen, I n c I u d i n g Republlcaps, have s e r v e d notice they intend to slice into the new President's program. Nixon called in b o t h Democratic and' Republican congressional le'aders Tuesday for a White House meeting On his program. Last year the lawmakers diSmayed the ei:- ecuUve branch by slasbina nearly $1.2 billion from Pre!Ji: dent Johnson's request. Administration officials said Nixon has decided on only · moderate changes in the Agency f o r Jnternatlonal Development -AID -the organii.alion set up by the Kennedy administration at the start of the decade to nm the aid program. 1be administration sources look for more changes in Nix· on'a next Sid program next year after the special com- mittee has completed its study. DON'T • BUY A POOL UNTIL ••• . ' confidently wortiog ovc.r pro- blenu with hiB clients. The clUe! danger Is that with his fr~ deakside manntr, the secntary may have given ·the lm~re&$1oo of more sup- port Oftl.n be intended to !oteilll, leaders seekina aym. pathy for their special causes. President Yahya Khan of Pakistan sa1d Rogera WU sympall\Otk: to hif· 'l"luell llwt ~Vnlled Stat.! resume the sale cl tanka, artillery, planes aod other amu to his country, Ro(ers thougbl be wu beinc dipkvnatically non· committal. (UPI) -Tr.apped underneath an electrical fire in a PeM-train. the Hudson River In a smoke. Rogers did try to get some of Asia's quarreling countries to&ether. Heb trying to~ •P talks between Pakistan and India on Kashmir. He urged Pakistan and Afghanistan to try to ..,.iv their lo"i dispute over the P a t h a n lrjbesmen along. their border. He told Forolp Mlnbter Thanat Kqhmao that· b e understood Thailand's talk · about getting on better terms fllt.d train, hundred! of panl<>1 "1ll~ stricken passengers ripped out 1• with Red China. 'nle Unlt.d 6\) ~IGell- Slateo would like to do the , t GaT·'!IUCM A H Ll.tr•S doon and windows then grq:t- lng each others' ganrumtl groped their way to the New Jersey end or the Penn-Cen- lnil Tuonel. Dozens of shoes were lefl sluck in railroad ties. ~e.n •the vlctlmi,. covere4 l" I rb grime and aoot, reached safe- ty they were "staggering like n1:es, II according to a service station attendant at the New Jersey tunnel exit. ' Police sa)d an off-duty con-,. ... thlnJ, be . sald, but Ille Ml~K A CON I • Chinese are not 1ntert:Sted. ductor WQ crusl)td to death ..,_ and 140 persons injured ln the Capitol Hill Exodus To Paris Show Told WASHINGTON (UPI) -In what could be record num· bers, House members today begin a migration to Paria where they'll spend about a week -and at least $50 a day -attending an international air show. Most of them will embark Saturday ·morning from An· drews Air Force Base, Md ., in a military Boeing 707 airliner. gresaman than to read ~t he· has gone off on a "junket" when in fact be'a-at home). The Science 8nd Astronautics Committee gave no explanation. A stall aJde said about midday Tuesday ~ that before releasing names ~ he would have to g e t ~ • pmnission from Chairman ~ George P. Miller (0.Calil.), ~~­ Two phone calls later lbe ~ permission -and the names -still was not forthcoming. Four staff members of the "'--------- • • ALLAN WOOD ORIGINALS IN THE "ZINC" BAR RISQUE-BAWDY-DELIGHTFUL SOON IN CORONA DEL MAR ••••• • • • What when you. cross a chicken with a honey bee • ? . • . ., .... • • • • • • • • • ,, Air Pioneer Dead at 80 But l!dvance, groups were scheduled •o leave toolght and Thursday v I a commercial ' alrilners.- E x ac t l i bow · many lawmaken, wives and staff aides will inake up Ille party, the~ ,lilentittes and their mlsslons were not known. Tbe Pentagon, p r o v i d i n g the tr.._ullon, and the State lleportmen~ handling other ~nt11 declined to pro- vide details, dlrtctlng ques- tiontrs to Congress. ~~enth: c:;~i~~.~:~rm:~~ HONEY IP FRIED CHICKEN staff for every two or three • congressmen is a~ut par on __ _:. ____ ""l!~----~-------"'~~-------such "offlcial" trips. TU~N, Ariz. (1,JPI) - Memorial services wQI ·be held ~ June 7 for Allan Raines Lockheed, a self-taught pilot wl» founded tbe bug e aeroSpa~ company. He· had not been associated with it for 40 years. Wblle In Paris, members of • The BO-year.old Lockheed died Monday night in a Tucson hospital. Born in Niles, Calif., the farm OOy never finished high school but helped design and manufacture some of the most famous aircraft of the 1920s and 30s. Body Recovery OSLO, Norway (UPI) -The Norwegian government said today ·u win-start an attempt June 2 to recover bodies of more than 4,000 pe.rsons who drowned when Brit I 1 h bombers sank a Nazi prison ship Iii World War II. Information on Capitol Hill was something less than •bun- dant. At leeat three House com- mittees -Science a n d AStronautlCs, Armed Services and Commerce -are sending ''official represen\aUves." The committees invorved seemed unable to come up with a full roster of those attending. "Several'' was the term most frequently employed . There an;_ 101 members on the three committees. Staff workers on Anned Services and Commerce cited the same reason: Last minute cancellations were a J w a y s possible. (There are few things more galling to a Con- the U.S. delegaUon w i 11 receive up to $50 a day for liv- ing upenses. The total of government· funds will ~o beyond the per d i e m payments .. The U.S. embassy will spend an unknown amount f-or receptions and o t h e r events. $750,000 Fire Sweep s Manila MANILA (UPI) -A n estimated 10,000 persons lost their homes when a fire swept through 10 residential blocks in Manila Tuesday nighf and today. A 78-year.old man died in lhe fire, which police said ap- parenUy started from an untended gas stove. Police estimated the damage at $750,000. If you're tired of the tame and the ordinary, it's·time to !lip. into a BWingiDg Cutlaat S. Quick. This one's got excitement, even standing still. Makes you glad it's also got an anti·theft steering column lock, too-to disco~e the envioua. st.ant escape-with an action, a ride, and a certain clus ordi· nary cars can't duplicate. It's all part of the Olds extra value that goes far beyond • its price. on the key and you turn o a Rocket 350 V .a to in- About that price: It's lower than many "low-price" modefs on the road today. Check one out and see. Here5 how you slip into ~exciti.without tripping on the pnce tag, - • ---e·-......... c..u.· -_ ... y-""""' ~1119 ... '""'-" ,., --l -ONio ...... - how sweet it isl four pieces covered with crispy batter, honey flavored. Served With roll and butter, vcgclable of the day and choice of French fries, baked or whipped potatoes with gravy. OPEN EVERY DAY 11 A.M . TO 9 P.M. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAllABl.E FOOD TO GO 2267 Fairview At Wilson " ... I ) 642-0732 -·- Spring fashion plate: r · -·- 1 I -, • I .. PILOT·ADVERTISER JI Y~1terf Suicide Talk NQt I ' Pleasant By Peter llel'IO .... , MD Dilcuulng -Ual aul<:ide Jn younr,tera ls DOI a pleasant task. I d rathtr be talkinl about how to enjoy llfe. However, I believe early wlrnlng ts essential, a s suicide ranks as one or the leading causes or d e a t h' between 15 and 19. RECENT STUDIES by Dr. A. Mattson and 'assoclateS of Cleveland on 75 children between the q:es of 7 and 18 (who had de mo ns tr ate d suicidal behavior) indicated that they had s bow n characteristic signs f o r several weeks, or m u c h DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE lona:er, of unnatural behavior -before a suicide attempt or threat occurred. But none of the parents or children's leachers took any action. Most of these children had shown one or more of the following : drop in school performance, lack of in· ltiallve, wllhdr«wal f r om ') others in school and al home, ~ sadqe~s. crying spens; lou or ·appetite ind sleiep disturbances, arN:I a c t u a I suicide threats. OTHERS RAD such borderline symptoms a.s restlessnen:, defiance o f authority, and boredom . Allhou&h In.any . n o,r ma I children have some of these symptoms at times, prqlonged evidence of change in a child's personality should a I e r t pareot5 to the possible danger. Parents s h o u I d seek psych ia t r I c help for lhe youngster. Such advice is needed by parents as well as by the child involved. Contact n1 u s t be re-established between them. \Vhat causes youngsters to become potential s u i c j d e threats? 'J'here is no single usually a history of a "com· cause. However, there is bination of external stresses and internal conflicts." The point I want to make Is ~ flll'"!llLtb9Wd .., alert to ),,Adlnlt• .cJ\ili'P ~ •• dllld'• ~·~al tlriaci .ot.wci.lt: •• "MllliCALt'Mi:S'~ 'rd """ to Readers) ' I Dear Dr. Steincrohn: suf · fer from dust and pollen and other allergies. We are plan- ning to Install air conditioning. ls 'l 11.kely that this will ag- lf'avate or help? -Mrs. J. COMM.ENT: By removing poll!ns and by clearing out any molds In the house,· air conditioning usually h e I p s ......-'~aller1lc patients. Dear Dr. Steincrohn ; My hairline is 'rec~ng at a rapid pace. I am a very nervous person and this hair loss Is causing me to be extremely sensitive when I am among other people. 1 am losing ln· terest lq everything else. Will \lltamim or hormones help? -Mr. F. COMMENT: Many people feel like yoo do until a philosophy of acceptance (not easy) takes over. Instead of buylng vitamins or hormones, whJch are usually without value in "receding hairline," I suggest you consult with a good dermatologist. He will tell you if any special medica- tion or treatment will help·-. - For Mrs. W.: lf there Is specific indlcaUon for the operation, 39 is not too old to have your tonsils and adenoids out. Post-operaUVe sort throat may last klnger than when done on a YOWllster, but otherwise there's no con- tralndicaUon from the age standpoint. FOR MR. L.: t sugest that you do not try lo make lbe diagnosis between ulbma and emphysema yourself. In feet, you may have them bcith at the same time. lf you are Ming .• anY.. symptoms Hke c o u 1 h , shortness of breltht etc.\, it'I advisable to ,.. your doelor. If he's in doubt, be wUI nllr you to a chtlt speclalill ( abd -1bly an all ... gill) f<r more complete study. Red Cross Get& New Officers The Orange County Chapler of the Amerl<:an lied Cross hu elected new oftk:tn for the coming year. They are: Joseph L. Peteraon, Chairman; Dpnald J. Sauser. um. vlc«halrman; Dale W. Holk er, second vk:e- c h a 1 rm an ; Dorothea MacMUlan, t b Ir d viet- chairman; Vor~ E w Ing 1 • secretary ; Harry Fen 1 I er , l.reesurer ·and ~fary Ellen Pickrell, asstmnt scerel.ar)'. Wl<lntsdaY, May 28, 1969 I DAil V PILOT J ~ _, 1 , llAVI o, ttSnlD 011 ... noa AT: .... .HARBOR BLVD. -at EDINGER • '*......,. 1jiriji.-HMlr ....... c.....,. c... MtM • nu1 htdl •• .i ..._,. us llletf ... • P1 .. '"" ti .. c.!1 M.-.......... c-. -· .... ~ • , ......... ""' ....................... ~ c.ifer, ....... '"""' .. e um1,.......s1,1t•• lsll• ........... , .. ..,, • ....,..._ • Hfol ~ ...... '' .......... "'°' ..... c...., ......... ,... ..... ..... '" ................. 1 111 • liWf W •• ,.. ......... ll'tlll>t St.-• ... c.ter, ..... ._ • • ,,_ ~ M, llT~ ...... ~ • ..._.... 'f..., •k«llla•111-..1 .... Mtt'st .... ~_....,.. ltJI ........ SAYE OYER 50% Reg. $1.'' STRETCH Panty , Mose e UNI Vlllef V .... lit O•••tl ...... ,. f'ttu. G•""-........ ' . ' . Reg. $1 1' to $1 3' lt:CH Non-Glare DI ' ITI 'egular $3 99 ' SPOSIJ .... ADJ!llTA.~E $12'' Chaise 74c Photo Frames Dinnerware Barbecue lounge Noo • tarnish with $299 ·=$11 44 ' Flrs.t quality pant)' hose tit snuglf. at ankles II knees: Sewn lOCf for com· plele root com r..irL Choice of shades. 45PIM:es Service for 8. Guaraot.eed' for 2 years. Choice or patterns & colors. $894 metal frames in 3 frame atylei;, 5x7" and 8xl0'' si1ei;. Same non· elare &!ass used in gallerleL 63' . .,. . ' . Llght'ol-·eight and portable Spa<'ious and comfort· ... features heavy duty able. lfe avy dut.Y ·vinyl nre bowl. Adju~table. pad is thick and cushiony. $6'' Value! each 32 Gallon Plastic Trash Cans With Hd •nd 2 :' $7 handles. . F o r·r e s t green. Buy 2, Sjl.\'C $6.98. $3.57 M . $7'5 Value! 17 Piece * Cutlery Sets ~ .-.iii~~; All ko;vo, ha'° r;pple $3 99 ~., edge, ne\'crneed sharp· ening. Stainless steel · with hand fi nished rosewood h1ndles. TYPE IOI Polaroid Color Film $388 Stock up with plentr or film for the hoh· da}'S . FREE I $1 VALUE I POL.UOID PttOTI At•• with,.... ... J ... 11.1u •• .v . .01. DnlTAL CHAM 69c Pric1 i11cl k off •11 L•MI MAii • ~~ .. 74c '100 8RICK .•.. , . .DRISTAN ::cm• Of 11.r sac , .. mfl". ' •111 aADR . ....u .... $11• ,.._,.....n;s 4t•POND TALC .e-011••• 36c $1 00 Value! Ayers lipstick 3 .. 8' .... i .!:' dlty .,: cl\1111rii buy! Wide Selec- tion or latest fashion colors plus lip gloss. Mt11' s . Faihlin · Dress Shirts ~ Sp~d cOllar ~ e m b ro;dered $3fl · pocftt Cbolt!e Ofecoltn. Tiffany .. udolrlamp 17" tall In •mber, avo-$3 cado, 1roeu 94 or ruby • Brais base. j Whamo's ,,. Value! WATER FUN Dutch Oven * Slip 'n Slide $J" Terry 25 foot :1 -ta NOVILTY PRtflJ- Roasfer * !!W~" •:~'.$688 'leach Towe•• \.. dreds of wa· )"T" Qual.iiy m•de by 66G-ter jet.a run· Over !5 feet 157 Columbian. Con1· * irl n 11 tu 11 long. Grcll.t plete \\'ilh l'O\'Cr. length. ,colors. ~--~~~~~'""~~~~~-$ 219 Value! ea. * $5" Tether 6'xl5" Floxwall Satin Pillowcases Ball & Pole Sit Swim Pools lZ"hi&hx·lil" Exlraheavy300den·$164 * . 1..-Setsup.ln20· ~ .,? s~o•re In 69( icr: .satin. rrotects )>01Ij~1a ~fh'$4' 66 stcond1, et· 9,8 hair-du while you . ..,.,i ,.• 1 w 1 11 lo empty. w Id colors. sleep. • .:M s c po e. a 0 11 1 t 0 r , $1 95 Colored Waste Basket VlnJJ. , $2.91 V•I. LM,.1'111 Prl•t$1.tl' ..,.. ~n for all! · ltora~e. . · ~~ .... ~~--.... ~~~~.:...-1-..:;;;;;.;.;;;;.;~;.;.;.;;.;;;.;,;;;;.. ·-~~~~~..&;~;::;;;...~~~ J Pie~e Camp Outl11g lit •0111n's P,ltal Hats 3" britn, 12fS , nylon petal~ $247 Cholce Ot white or colors. La.tiles' Yl11yl · Patlllt Sandals 4 smi.rt' stYlea with l;\.lck s(np Choice of fash·· 98C Jon colors. Sizes 5-9 llrl's Stretch KnH-HISocks Priuted- tate ankle. length cu· lotte touna-er with bqt- ton f~ont, selrbelL ·No-Iron Play ~els SoHd color 84 ".McrryC1p~ ( sho rlt with rnatchirw color tops, $J" 4-Cell · · Flashlight Waterproor4 $ way owUcb, 138 Un breia k· able, floats. _ , Plastic Tumltlen I!· 9·12·1·29 ounce tlzea. C Choice of colors. . Rose · C1nt1rplec1 Col0rful1 mstal·hke aac gla11ln choicc of2 11tyle1. ''·"-· Su•_, Sleepers B•Y21n~2 OF$3 ll"9"96c Sizes 1-4. Ill: '2" Val. 2. P.c. Titltller's P''s Seve D2c: a . ral( r!'!n c:o: $198 wetcJl,t ale'p wear. • • 10YEARiul Waterflll . & Fnialer .. -QllllCllY ·~··It•• ·-..... .$388 RolflollM 6YUIDl9 Weterflll & fnl .. ·-lry $9'' _ ... Decorative "Put-ons" Stamp out dr a bne s s wllh "b ues," "pet1," etc. 99c $J" Yl11yl Shawe Klis Leather li~e · vinyl wit h . 13c Ca!IY to v.·ork: zi pper. $2'" Rewlon Aquamarine lotion 12-ounce bottle of fam ou 1 $125 Aqua marine· , lotion at a spe- cial price. MONTH END -Tbrifbt't speel•l )lonlh End Sale ta now in f'\IU swing! Loolr fbrspeci.alli ... idenlilled by the 1el· low and bleck Mon\h End . sirn•. * Tonka *' B·B·Q Wagon ~ Adjustable ... rt re pon.$,99 Legs rcmoYo 'for fireplace. · · lfo: •1 37 V:z Gallon ~ Picnic Jugs L i.s:htwei~ht, 59, L:niic: "9.oith O~· ' tt, f ork and spcon in 1. a.v '1" Spallllng t ennls lalls TIN of3 Famous Pol· , -"' oronJuawllh 99c "Pancho Gon·144 ..,. i easy • pour 1.alcs quality f top. Save 38c balls. •·'.$J 49 Value 30 Qt, llrl's Asst'd. •. Ice Chests I Swl1111•lls " LiGhtwcight • , .c.u7 to tlf!'f sJzes 4 to ~ uplodtd po_l r 94c 6J. One.and J 98 con}ltuctlon w11h t"o p1eco moulded handlts. s~les. *'.'-~~~~.....-~~~-i $2" • 50 In. .;. u.s. W•let'tlh • Swl111 Board Swl• Caps ·Ex ploded $ poly. ldeol J 6 7 for pool fUll " 1 & lake use. fr $17.'5 Vol"I ., Coleman '.ft . Lallfffll =~$1295 ·'i6tS va111e1 ' '-'lTWA'lll .RMl&IHI $1287 • ~epa hair57 di')', choice oll' styles I colon. ' $23.45 Vol"! , C1l11111an Camp Stowe ••11 t• pack. 2~ plo~ 1695 fuel tank. I 5500 Value! (hl!!'le-A-Colo San Glasses ' E~s 2•1. Set or 5 ltnses or set of 4 in carry case. lletal era.mes. 33• ... t BUOY'S. ' .. .fltltlle Flakis Fudte, P<•· 4 F s1 · nut or minl ' ·o ~ tn ~ug1r wa· R (er.~ -I 2tcH.- Piels Beer 6:79' 12 .. l.CAllS c... of 24"$2. 91 Memorial D•Y Specl•I · ·American Flag Kits · '" rool ou• $27 7 door lrlt. Reg .29' 9VOLT Transistor Batteries . L.~ 11' ' ' • • • , " DAIL~ l'lllT Wtdnedly, M11 23, IM ' Sirhan Ret~ial 1au_•-;;1 ~~,.iily"";;';:"'11:-.... -,-'· GI s l'Mom 1 • Asks Clemen.cy • ;petitwn Ready ;, LOB ANGELES (UPI) - I I , SAN FRANCISCO (VP!) -"I klftod some guya," he Prlvit. 'Richard G. o.~n., orice •aid, "tt made me feel ·~ terrible.'! 111" hu ~ hll 'liilM!i tO ~·• trouble with the I IA""""'7 Grllll. <=-bu flinPand • peUllon lo the l'Call(onlll Court ill ."-Is Cooper will -lo have Sirban's lrlal overturoed on two ....,nds. He --JudC• HtrlM!rt )lWldlo_ • oppaoenla u ... Arnrt *Plhortliel ....... lall amateur heavyweipt bner, Qcl. IS -be defied rep1a. operate machloe gum Jn Viel· lloas li1d tool: Pll'IJ•,1 Gh nam ,and a:IQI his .,;'8ia "11 a.. peace mardl. fW w11 Uuwa •ulclde atlempl 11 the Sail 'In lbe.;'"""kade 10< thll and Francisco Preoldt11,. . ::tin~~ the alleged ! ~·-tlil(·-11. Sldwt. I I ,,,. dllll ill Sil'bln'• c1e1- -salil Tuisdll! llo wJll me V. Walker tllould haYe fl1eed to an arranproent under wbld> the stole llreed lo I Ult -H Sil11an pleaded cuJlly. WI.Iker refuled' lo .... cept that a.mpromlae, and ~he jury !hat louod Sirhan guilty -the deolb pe .. 117. ~ mother, .MrJ. Natalie I ,nae P,riloner and a friend Gentlle, told U... thlnco Wo!bd away from • wwk Tlleoday lo Secrelfry of the gilng "'" ... i, bul were Army stanley ReSor as the cauglit four days later. ~ Pl~ 1for 1clemency (or her ti'e'• second allewl de:lertlon eoo-lhe ooly com);ot veteran tool: pl1Ce Dec. lo. wheji he llDIOlll 21 GI pn.oneno ilc-Jell the ))IYdlll!tic W!'fd_al lUI """" ol mllliO.f for hoklin& a Army boepilal and '!al _. slilging sit-down olrilte at ·the h<ncled •20 days IF In Flori' I !lbe peUtloo with the court IA> l.i.y cir Thur.lday, depenclin& on lllJS wort schedUle. • ... The 2>year-old Arab was ~ to death May II for Cooper also will argue that -In -$111Wl l\'folo ill bis iptmll lo iii! Keo-~-ol Sen. . F. Kenned)'. Sima. b .,.., Oii del!!h ~ ... s.. Jie<IJ sbliuld have been borrod· 'f.rom the trial. Piesiclio Stockade 11111 Ocl. H. da. , Mrs .. Gentile: who lives in ".If he had really "'.anted , to ~Prison. -Japan with her retired Air desert," Mrs. Gentile Aid, Force hu.sb3nd .ind three other "he weuld have JOQe to -seal! ... Ti!'I HA•l oa AREA SIHCI lt:U - 0 8MER CARPET CLEANING for HllEtt CARPm" REWHITENING • OR!NT~~TER DAMAGE Phone SH-VAL 847-1678- ''I'd like t.o see him. get out oi thill one. I've already taktn a coiiple or upirins and §'One to bed and l 1till !eel lousy! Reagan:s Tax Program Remains in Coinmittee children was accompanied by Canada." · ))er son'~ laWYer' Army Cap-"He was terribly upset when taln Emm'ttt Ye.ry, for the 15-he returned fi'oiu Vielnam," minute session wttb Resor at she recalled, ·-d wl(en be the same inilit,ary base where got to .San Francisco he was Richartl and renow inmates taken 1n by t~ pe~ move- produced_ their· protest· in ·a ment. He just coul~'t si..nd pr~ ·courtyard. the Army any mort1 1 ,She said the ::nain purpq.se of . Yeary, ~-attorney delen- seek;ing the metltng· witJ;i the ding Gentile and 13 others bt Arrr.yp Secretary, who was in 4 the mutinY trial at Fort Ord, San' Franciset> for a meeting charged the • Army "" J t h was to protest the ajfditionai· "dereliction ot duty"· artd "in- charges of desertion agairist her burly son who enlisted in the ,•service in 1965 to learn Volcano Action --·rr,~· ......... ""' .. ·~"'"" Ill ........ ' '-1 1;;;~1t1PTioKPUftMACY 1114 NIWPOIT 0 1LYD. e COST~ ti!UA ,AIUUNG IN (HE ll:IA• eJ Old World Mediterranean SJXlnish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY :.. · DIRECT FROM COASTAL ORANGE SACRAMENTO (AP) - Gov. ReagaP•s· tax program remained stalled in committee toda y while an inf.ormal legislaliYe group worked on il.5 own tax reform package. diesel and turbine engineering. to pry Reagan's tax bill! oUi Instead .the Anny tried to of ·Bagley's ~venue and Tax-teach him to cook and when ation Committee during a that failed, sent him to Viet- meetiiig Tuesd~y afternoon -nam as a machine gunner in HILO, Hawaii -(UPI) - Scientists said there appeared to be some eruptive activity at Kilauee Volcano T u es d ay nigh!. TO CHOOSE FROM DECORATORS' CANCELLATION And RETURNS FROM MODEL HOMES ALL BRAND NEW DECORATORS DR.EAM HOUSE ON DISPLAY Items as follo,vs: Gorgeous .a ~t._ cust~m quilted sofa with separate loose p~lows w~tb heavy-oak trim decor and matchmg chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hangin~ chai!l sw.ag lamps in wroughtJron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled ¥editerranean style with top quality l? yr. 'varranty kiflg size mattress & box spr1ngs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. ' . COUNTY TO LA. AIRPORT ' Assemblyman William T. Bagley· (R-San A:nselmo), said the bipartisan group probably would agree by next week on the basic contents of the package. But he could not estirn;tte when t h '! com·. pUcated program would be tlrafted into legal language and brought out for action. Meanwhile, Democrats tried jll!t a few hours a f t er 1967. Democrats had b I o c k e n· passage of Reagan 's $6.23 biltion'•budgel. One of their conditions on passing a budget -the governor needs some Democratic support -is a hand in writing whatever tax revision program is approved Republicans Elect Senate Caucus Leader . . ' by the legislature this year -SACRAMENi:'O -(AP) _ if any. Sen. H. i.. Richardson of eier mustered a coalition of Whole Hou5-'Ull was r~ul•r S1521.0!I ~:~b~~~usta:1 Sen~~~a~~ ~J':To~~~~·~·'·~·~·········· $69ft~C!O Fly all the way,_start with L.A.A. Noguch i Ca se Delays Blasted LOS ANGELES I UPI) - During the budget debate, Assembly DemocraUc Lead~ Jesse M. Unruh challenged Republicans lo put t h e governor 's tax. plan on the floor for run debate and a Areadii it! the new Senate Republican caucus cha~mar:, winning-Ute clOied election by Burns (D-Fresno), as Seoate Any Piece Cu h Pnrc..hastcf lndividu?llY president pro tem. -Ttnns· Avallable _ Newcomers to Cal;f. Gnmsky had .been·-a can-Credit Approved lmm'edlately · ' I FOl CONNECTIONS TO ALL AllLINES 22 FLIGHTS DAILY vote. "'='•1 cha,IJenge them now and I intend to challenge thetn every day from now until the end of the session," Unruh said. °"" 2.000.000 ,_ ... c.n..i Over 60,000,000 Miies B.._ NEWPORT BEACH/Co.1! Or1ng1 Covnty "'" Ind L.A. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. "' UM I.AA l!IQllt lllkts ot11V 20 minutes, lt!i1 1ervlce It more men -llOUr clOfer fo VQUt C011nectlns Pltntt 11 me L.A. AlrPOrt Thin •nv o~ meena or 1/r or tround tn111port111on. The NEWPORT BEACH HELIPORT Is loellleo! °" TM 11rouni:11 of !tit' N•wpVlt< Inn, °" J1mboreoe Roed Juit norm of 'tie Cot1t-Hlgt!w1y. Atr•nte far C011-11edlnt lllgt>ts b'f c1ll1nt your f1vorll1 tr1v11 111.,. cy, 'fOllt COl!fltcllflt llf"llM or LAA •I 11141 W.1711 or Ctll ) W.3737. Supervisor Kenneth H a h n charged 'l\lesday that "every time-consuming item" was 'being brought up to delay the County Civil Service Com· mission 'bearing into the firing of countr coroner Dr .. Thomas ''T.'!;ogui:hi. "™ Dr.·Noguchbhearing is gettinf I~~ the~.S~~ Bi.$ara Sirhan tr.~r. ,1r~ mar,ked by delay, pOStpOnements, with ... _ every time-c:onsuming item brought up," Hahn said. In the afternoon committee session, , Democ.rat Kenneth Cory of Gardeti Grove moved that the bills De sent to the full Assembly. ·Tbe,·moUon Jost 'on t voice vote. ' • 1 · ' What happens to t h e measures .depends in. part on the author. ~ssemblYQ.>au W; Craig Biddle of Rive rside, the lower house GOP floor -leader, Bagley said. OUTDOOR L 1 VIN G as A WAY °' Lin ••• IN 01tAN01 c~uNTYI , •• ind S1nt1 Ana Tent llMI Awnlnt hi s tM N•w l.Ook ·for '69 •.. tverythint tt tnRt tatlloor rtlt•t-· lion 1 h1mjl11 u_1 time. -·..-.:;.;~ .... ~:,.. .. ...:. I r Y -.,,.. ,,..~,..~:::=-:.:: ., M:inlertJ w;11dow s1,i. oua WINDOW AND SMART amawa • TOP QUALITY DOOR AWl'tlNGS UMINUM IEATIU II STl•IW DICGIATOI AL aR:~~11:!:r.':1:i::-wuL SCREEN PAllOS ••• 11 ,..., 1tyles r.r .. many ....i.. Planned for ei ther large or small homes .•• c-.. ;1;1....,. ~"'("!ff'f ...._ lff·'5 YM" ... ~·· bRltl mobile homes too! Du rable, long lasti ng all ~n~f.r.turlnt rtyt" ff ~-I lllf lltflil tf •tt;l!Utd~N. d c-P'•'• _,_, iwoitctiltl .. ,....., "'1"" 4u,.r1 .. • aluminum construction, large oors ••• com-t11r111iti1• hfl .t 11n •• , ~ *" Allfl Tt11I 9114 AWll)nt ,.. ,1w9y1 f'lit.tw ...... ~., .. ,,... • • • ..,.., '· ~" ect-, ... pletely bug proof. """""" .....-iity , • , ... -'f'Mf 1111r..,!n THI NIW LOOK· FOR '69 CANVAS AWNINGS• YALANCIS • CURTAINS Nothing Decorates like Conva·s. Beoutiful New-Colors & New fabrics. fC?f homes ••• for bulineul MANUFACTUUD SANTA ANA TENT PAcTOl.Y SHOWROOM 2202 S. MAIN IT • . SANTA ANA ....... , • IUNCH ""om-ICI• OUHE conn IWlllG CO. ----Phone; 179-6732 After 61 633-6714 S.. ... GDMpl• JMoot .... dilf _D.....,. • ' . ' What one caucus source tern1· ed.a comfortable margin. • Ricl\ardson defeated Sen. Clair Btltgener of San Di~o Tuesday to ·take over t)Je post which Sen. Donald Grunsky 0£ \l.1atsonvllle resigned, saying he had completed the job he lftld expcl:ted to do. · Grunsk'y quit shortly after GOP ~n; How~rd_ ~( Ex: didale for Burns' polt but was unable to gather enpugh sup-' , , I~ po;i;;:a~~~:n~~s~1::t~e. to F u.1•·11.i tt cre the Senate in 1966. The author, - - --· former a_dvertising man, le<:· At /'J bo Blvd lurer and film producer, was ·1 ar r .• a!so a staff member of the 1844 N Bl d C t M I conservative John Birch Socie-ewport Y • OS a esa Oft Y ty but says he has severed all .Every night 'til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'til 6. ties with· the~br~g~a~n~ba~.tion~' ~-:..::~==~=~====;~:;;:::~~~~~~~ lhll-otter Wiid On"" incl..,....._. JMt.,...... eiit1, ' Huntington 8"ch Costa M .. a Lee While Chrysler Plymoul~ I 666 I S. Beach Blvd. Atlas Chrysler Plymouth, Inc. 2n9 Ha rbor Blvd . Your Plymouth Dealer is a .dealing man· -----------,--~-------------------------,~ Buildin Sideburns Director Shocked For Tlie Record Ba11 Br.irns Viejo Bids Far Over County Estimates ':rl+:. Divorces DEATll NOTICES SUTION s. F.. S.Utton. Long Be1ch AG~ JI O~T• of dll!h. Mty 1S. Survived ev wile, Glenda Sll!fonr dtuOl>lers. Su11n Lvnn Sul!on end Vlc~I 1...,er1on; mo1h· "" Leah s. tlerri1>11, G«t1 Me ... ; slo- •ers, Jutnita S. YDU"9. tos An~lt•, tnd The• Herrong. Cos11 Mesa: t>ro!I'>- , t•, W, L. Sutton, (1»!1 Mtu . Sertlr.O'lo .. 111 Doe hlio fhurid11v. M1y 2' •! 11 naooi Forc11 L•-Ch11111r. Cvoreu . Fa.,,\i~ w g;r•ll friends WflO wbh lo m1~f rnemorl11! conttltlullons, •It••~ ~onlrltlu!e to Bovs To'"" In ,.,. .,,..., PARKER ,ARBUCKLE & WELSH We!ilCHlf fftorklary 427 E. 17tb SL. Costa A1~a 641Hlll BALT'l MORTUARIES C.rona dt l !\tar OR ~ cftta l\)f'!IA !\fl F-%4%4 BELL BROADWAY I ~IORTUARV fll Broadway, 'Costa ~teu r~ · • Lf 1-3433 / ' ' ' DILDA y UR0111ERS 11unlinc1on Valfcy l\lottu:iry 17111 Bead Blvd. ltunUn,ion Oeacb 84!-1771 PACW!C VIEW M.EMORIAL PAR K n,.metcry • l\1ortuary , Cbape! ~ I 3588 PacHlc Vlt• DriYe N~ Bea$ C.lilornJa G4t:;t100 , , ' J!E K FAMJL~ COLONlAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 6ilA Ave. \f 0 rstm tn•ler ~9S..l5!.5 SllEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Beach 4'4·1$3$ San Clemente 4Ml00 S~ll"l'H'M l'iKIRTUAKY i!'7 ~t1ID St. llunlln~lftn Btacb LE g.1531 Divorces Par ents SANTA AN A -Low bids far GARDEN GROVE -Gar· above estimated costs have den Grove Unlfled School Dis-been received oy the county lrict lJ'Uatees are iiretty burn· Building Services Department td up about 17-year~d Mi· for the coruitructlon of the new t:hael Picker's exaggerated Ptflsslon VJejo and Modjeska ildebums. . Ore staUons, Building Services So are Michael's parents. OirE!'Ctor Joseph J. Smisek And they have flied a petllion said today. which wtll bring the school board into Superior Court The low bid for the Mod· June to explain dress reguta jeska station was $125,S.10. It 1 h I' came form the KR W lions which . led to M c ae 5 Construction co. of La Habra. suspension last April 7 from The same firll) bid $125,000 for Sa ntiago mgh School. construct.ion of the ~tisslon The Garden Grove boy cur-Viejo StaLion. That. too , was rently attends the district's lhe low bid. ,.tendenhall ContlnuaUon Hi~h Smisek's englneers h ad School. But the Picken, wi ll esthnated the ~ost of each of argue before JudJe c.aude 00 Owens that the boy has not vi-the facilities at $83.4 . 1uvo•c111 FILfD olated dress codes and that the The somewhat s t u n n e d 11!~04, Vkwi. Dian ¥• sieni.v district's barring of him from building services direc tor said e~ Jr~ L•,.,. Meri."'~·' e. regular classes is unconstitu he has not yet decided 0 =In~~ i.~~..:_'. nivn whether to recommend re· SANTA ANA range ltOGen , 0..tlft F .... O.rl-lional. . r t"-•. d t lhe coun Couotu Supervisors have en· "'j;e,'-'· N•ncv C•- 11 " 1 J•nv.• Their complaint filed MOil Jection °d 1'~s 1 11 •0 . dorsed state legislallon fS B New Judge Bill Backed Hlltdei:i, e1uy J•11n .. , Cti.r1t1 w11na... da• notes that school official~ Iv Boar o uperv1sors. d dd A1frier."'~~t:'~~·w:"J~"°:'.'°° L.,. · 1 • Smisek also was shocked by 14201 thal woul a one more v1111 , H•rrlei L. "" Theodofe J-roncede that Michael's. a~<1-1 l 1 . judge to the county's Superior v1111 M1r1t. Robtrt "• J•ne1 Ru"' demic. service and behav1or1al !.lids this week or cons rue ion h Gro-1. V!rQl1111 fA "' o.ni. o. I d 'A.-of" two Orange County-City of Court benc . ~~/?oR,t,~""'-,:,":_~,.~~~. records are exemplary. ''":v The increase to 22 fulltime Crow1rwr. Gltnn su. "" Ml~li.1 e. contend that his unusual hair Santa Ana Civic Center plazas. Billingsley's GOLDEN BULL RESTAURANT STEAKS -PRIME RIB -SEAFOOD -COCKTAILS INCIDENT4LS ~~;~·J~~neJ.-.;:·~.~~1~ Mi o style does not justify hls.,.su s-These bids ran from $1,291 ,000 ~dges has the support of ~II';.,.;. ~1:·G~ .. ~~~M. pension from regular classes. to $1,487.000. Only $1,150,000 o',',.,•,ldenlngandJudthgee I~ a, mG~ enc: I h I a, rd. An11 M. v• Jl>M o;. · •H riie has bee n budgeted for the pro-"" ~ shows n I I Y --~·,,1"','."11.~. YI Cllnl f ,' ' . ·~ Jury. w-· s I I 1·30 .... M111ur1no, 811tv Ju11"" er,,..1 ,.,,.,. Smisek said he would have approv 1 Feeturlnt WENDY MOORE DANCING in the Garden Room ' ,, ... ,, , iec..... .... • • · • . Y REID H1roeman P1trlt!I A. fl nl ·· FAIR ]f ' ed bv t 11 e LARR 11111Qtr1111v... T1un!1 M1r1nu1 Y • · d Le · J t the new i'udicial A WIUHnk• .. o11tm• F1il, f1ir, f1c.tue l. Tho•.• to refer the four bids receive g1s a Ure, TERRY THOM S Gray, J< .. $•••" R. "' w nuem L. f Co -M Id he open Jan I e~rloues J,.n J. "" L1WTtN;t 1 thr11 worth 1u"' up •clors •n to the Civi c Center m· ,,.,... wou · • d pL-l30-0440 Kll,.covn1.' 0oro 1 "" Jt•n YI Pi!rldl !-~·~·~·,~·;"~·~··~·;"~·;D~A~f;L Y~P~l:tO:T~Jm~l~ss~i~o~n~r~o~r~s:t~u;dy~,~b~u~t.~un~l~e~s~~~l9~7~0~. ~l~t~w~o~u~ld~~he~~ri~ll~c~d~b:y~~~~~J~u~1~t~o~f~f~t~h~o~S~1~n;t;•~A;;n~1~F~r;:;";;;w•~Y~•~IE;l~T;o~r;o~R;·~~~~~n~·~~~~~~~~~1 M•~P•ul o. " 1 s1.oe1<,111[_:/: 1dileri1I P•t• '"'''' ~.,. · d t ,... to gubernatorial appointment. :•ili:'1~~=1~1nd~isir.f'1o11 rio1111 the city an coon Y ag ~mAklJt, II EUen YI RIV Mel""" HIU.,.,,..n, .t.tki-M, Y1 HMrY \ Avllo Diane tiiTkO YI Re ... ldO • Hor1it.Y. Fr •M Hfrole VS Lino. AM Jol>nwn,. Wlimll . VS C•rl l.. E•lon. P1ul E. ¥1 L•• ....... O..vt1. Loi• AM .... Jlmtt w,, Walesl1k 8otln1t E. "' R.,.. EOQebrec'ht, P•Uv Sut YI An1fton¥ Mtnuel VP•r•lt mtlntMIMt Howe:, Eii!)I· P1ullne YI Ernlt WtYF'C WIMtf', T.ifh AM VS Gerl lc! Euoent 8ro'"n L. "' Rontld e. R1mse'Y " let L"' VI Ptul Arie" Fl.Cher.' Uln"tint Aoo "' R•vmend Llmbft"I Geoff Rlda 11¥ "'"'"" Lou Ann ~J ... e1r::.. w f~':n":::tM.,R~ Rlcl1•rd Dun ¥• JDiln Mltl• ' Barrett. Glori• Ann v1 WIUl1m ••mn Sh!Yens, M•rllla T. YI Hlrold R. euiierl Jeanne ¥1 O.vld M. Grill•,.;, June A. V• M11rlvn L. McLef'Ol', Cvnthla Anne "' 61rn1rd LI~~ ... ., C. v1 Rllnlld II. °'iJa:'Jr Vlro1n11 L. v1 lllou D, Wlc 01he.Ji.._ Jr,~J1ne1 e11 "' ¥:.,""" O. Mac n t:YI ~.YI Wll .... .,, " ' 81inchet1f, Arltllf M••• "' Cul t R~~nnJ~ .• f'hvlll1 Lorr1ine YI Fred M1rshllll ..__ 11 M•rle Gill, ll!lcMr(I Allen YJ ,-''•obiwt P1ul Stimson, et~ Je....i • • ....,11r11e m1lnffl'll,,C:~ 1 Thomal Gt•it, MNV Mlr<N•.-II " .. rl M~ V VI W11!er G. ~!ok'l'. L~~ .L, ~l, f r¥ Wr!olll ~=-~ ~. "'p.f,lcic --.,.. P:rb•r• lllulfl -''"' m.MnMfM.1-..• Mtl1tr.'M1r<Nrll H. YS Frt nlt ll rown ~~e;;.;_ J~1:·v~ ,,.DPj;,.'~-~d w. Ntlls leonird (, VI f'rj.,ke S~. Judith M. v1 Glrv All~n Colon. 1rm• vs S1mutl v1rd.' a •rN r• J .. n "'•-"1.,.W,>c Gili..rt, emie M. "" ee1de.,.l!~Mll11 ,H. ¥s ~·&roinv Odell• l,,,,,, ........ ~oseoh •• INTl!!lllLOCUTOltY D•C1t• R-. M1rv Kelln "" C"U .... Lee l'oonot. Cltol Y1 ~-enllll ir1 WMl!tnl Murr•Y. YOl'f"" . • , F~~•lv .. l lt!rGi:i. -'.·y;, tr •· ""'nc11Ci"· jW ·~~ R ' '"i ' R!Mll · nlli •"' lln L. . . Hlnrt.' Shit 'i. "li no c . 'Z!lf>\rt, Ht le j"' J ,;. P•IT"ld: ~;:~-',t: ~n!•~ ~ Gi.r~•J· . ~~~v·E~~ MY:·,~~·~C::~t'L .. • ,.11.iAL oec111•J} Dew. RJI• l!!$tner v1 J1ck iJ 1 Nelwi Under""Ol>d, Mirth• f\nfl Yl IU Mlniill, GrtlCMn 0. VI Fr G. C1t!aMO, Lvnda 1'·•"' .i°"'J,j;;. L. s1oone, Marge~ 1 ,•• Me~l(,lvtv-Ann Ml~M~YJ ~ln A·. LH llY, \Ind• ¥1 Robert 0.tnh , Knorr •. h.ador• tt"Y1~••,';,,":,,..,1 Bent, BarlN•t AM .. Slits\ $ylvla , ·v1~ttar '~1~· H ~ Fll'll ew, Bro<erlv • ~t, ¥' t+i!ll'Y G l>hl!ilo. •. Oor!1 L. Wlp 11.~· R~rl ' S!ooOv. $1""" VI .,,. l(ftn10. Glendor1 N,,.,, RQ'f M. Lill ~1-Robeft Div,...,. Slllren CrowsOn. Rgynn B. "'v:•c=~ 't:ou1, ~~.erM~ ~Olf:~ M.....-111 81i11, RSollltl c:erm: VI~ E ..... lrd ~~~er~I, Mlrt !lrtlOk& *" Ectw1rd eulson.·V\fillnt• lril . ..l'.!.!~ M.. Wltev Jullln"' '1 '.;i~ w .Me;ctr. "U:. ·J::_ .,. aeni1m1n AiWrit·... d $1nnl, S.lldt• G11t~ L~r Nlllofl, J«n 0. "!', lk1r l, Donlll Jten "i.':.~ Olftl .. I .-1. RJ11.L. T1rGI"·-..,. Pttrlc: i 1)-\noi,' W1!111m M. ......., ~ J111iil LH VI ~ P•IT"ldl: r~~.tl·~~;.,.;'"e~':i;n v": Rlc:h1rd Ll~J~., 8~~-"r•N'C';T11 A~~ Ml<hl&I Mljiln!o1h, ......, • ~~'f:n."T~""e~i~ ~11/i· Allefld ~oi.-~·~'lf~ ~ ;~vmour"'· PnKIOt DCroth/ 9 . "I HIJQ~ B· 5(11111. 'L111r1 · "'1,!1dw,.tr "'. CltlH!e McC•mmon, Lorri ·-· Allen , C•rv e MeGeouoh, ~''" ... "' d J 'Mike' Nl1t1,en YI Htlfn M. Ml ¥f'tl't119l A!~rl Hirlllr "!trl~M Sul Vt "" 't F ~:;:-.,)1~~ •Je:~l~s, "'tJ.,/f: v'1 Joht1 M!ch1tl Do b\' HerloW, J~te A. VSR v n' OOllMY, JuFliN~LVIO'l!r.:iE I . Fldltr Otlwn v• FIOYd W. Hur>0.'Rlcf\trd 4. "' LYnlW! Mlrlt V!lu Eltanor Paunne "" AIM J11n Be1<d LOUl<l' E "~ AlolQn Ml ,..tefson, Genrft.e o. ¥1 1'111T" tit ,L .... n ~nlnot•. Ann Ell111bell'! "I ·Jt s11.:."~. 1rtnt ¥!1i Cor ... Hut Mol~lo 1>t 1tltl1 J"ntllt w1 Fllmart t<1rold ' C I ' rhlrtdlo. l(rnnt•h D. VI ••I ne 1. ltftOI!. ~Clyde "'V•r• Leu.l!__ld M...-, Ootl Nedlnt ¥!1i ......,_ i:iJii.•.:i...urn. Maroar~t L. vs ECIW'!n A: S<vut, 01vld R. vs 5h1ron :":11 ed Rm-. Jr , Btlfl< M""' vs r Gtrv GPtf"t'. Cllrl•llne TMrHI YI He1'1JV " Mlll'l, l!••bl•• kertn "" R1th1rd J. Mlci'l!'llt, ~ftnl M, "' Rlehlrd I., • '- \ -'• " • I • .f " .. ' 1968 " "' I ' " • .. .. The .trend is to Me.iallton Electric Homes.. In 1958 only 5.9% of all new homes and apartments built in the area we serve were Medallion Electric Homes, But last y~ar over half.:_50.3%..:.werc . Medallion Electric Homes with al!-electnc kitchens. Every week the trend to electric living grows stronger. Take electrlc clothes dryers. They outsell g'as dryers across the nation. So do electrie ranges. • And electric self-cleaning ovens. And electric ai r conC!itioners. The Electric Age is here: If you're planning to move, wouldn't a Medallion Electric Home be your best invesanent? It isn!t out-of-date today. It won't be obsolete tomorrow in the all-electric future. And with tlameles~ livinii, you'll be gettin a clean start. \ -. Southern C•llfom/11 Edison , • • - ' I ' -- I I 11111. y "Lt!' . a .. rd fte htfs Capo ---' • • Tax R eb~te Bill Opposed , Hl·'•F I -.MUM SANT A ANA -Despite a pllia for support from the "'Capistrano Unified S c h o o I lliolrict, county supervi"""' 'l'lleoday voted unanimously lo op1pole: Senate Bill 1214 now before the Legislature. • The Bill would authorize a ftur<tnt countywide property tax lo "reimburs'e school districts hard hit by the establishment of agrtcultural preserve land." Supervisor Alton Allen read a letter from the school diltricl asking supervi.!lon to .iiwort the bill. Allen noted .. that four ctnl! on lhi i'coun- lywlde t • 1 r a t e e(iuals 11 .3111,000. Supervisor David L. Baker strongly opposed the measure. "Agricultural preserves are a good move. Landowners have long pa.Id much more than homeowners lo s u p p o r t schools," he said. "For example." B:aker said, "iln orange grower or strawberey farmer with two. children on the.average p~ys about $4,000 each to schools while a homeowner wtth two children pays aboot S3(IO I See by Today's Want Ads • Summer Rental ? An exec. utlve family oI four would like to rent a oornpletely furnisbed home in this area lrom June 1S to Aug- ust 31. In nice area, with linens and dishe5 provkl- '4· e Fun "Sale: Trash & Treas- ures ~ offered from • proximately «Kl homes in !his Rummage Sale spon- sored by a local Woman'1 Oub. • Si.Iver J~awk: Sounds ex. otic, but it'1 actually a good transportation caz:. , . a 1957 Studebaktt, \l'ith 11u1Dmatic trans. • The' Ultiihate! Firsl pre- cooked foods, then pre-fab houses, naw pre-wrecked cars~ Here's a '65 VW, fully wrecked. with 30,000 miles, offered fOl' $400. SUMllERFU• • ' • each.•• No one challtn,ged Bak,r's figw-es . Board Chairman Willlam Hintein said, "I am certainly opposed lO a countywlde taz. 'erhaps tlley could allow ~ool districts to raise their tax t rate over the p~n statutory limit." Baker, qualifying bis remarks with, "Maybe I am getting Into a 111bject not pro- perly bef0<e this bOOnl, but In many achool districts or. fending students are not auspeoded or eipelled so that the 'average llaily attendance can be kept up and thereby gain lalea from 'tbe state. "ActlOnl of thll kind, in my opinion, tend 1b lead to the sort of riobl and disturbances we have been having on school campuses." Supervisors two roontbs ago put more than 100,000 acros of ------------------ county land in agricultural preserves. principaUy Irvine Ranch and Mission Viejo Com· pany properties in t h e southeastern part of the coun· ty. Club to Meet SANTA ANA -The Orange County group of the Sierra Club will hold its final meeting of the season at I p.m. June 3 in the Spurgeon Room of the Santa Ana Library, 8th and R~ Streets. Bob Sanders cl Costa Mesa will show slides of his hike along the John ·Mulr Trail. • . , Los Alamitos Nam.es • KrauseCity Manager LOO ALAMITOS -WiJliam H. Krause. cuiren'Uy city manager of ae!Umont, Calif .• is the new city mana&er of Los Alantitos. • Bids Du e On County Proj ec ts SANTA ANA -Skis will be opened June 16 on si:J: Orange County improvement projecb wilh an estimated cost totaling more than $223,000. Included are: . . LOOK NO FARTHER for HI-HEELS WE HAVE THEM IN: Bone and Black Pateol- Blaek • Booe • Gold • White • Brown WE SPECIALIZE IN NARROW .WI DTHS Brand Names At Dis count Pri ces SAV-ON SHOES HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 • . ' \ ,• ., 1 • • I • • ,, • • == DAILY i'ILOT l/J Orange Coast Area ~en • ID Service -Around the World -. 4 Jack CorW of COiia M-hlo been ualaned lo lbe lnl Brlaode wllh Jfead. quarlert at llie Ith Military Pollet, Vi.tnom. 'lbe P,Cillceman Is atlacbed to the mut whtch clears roads of blocbda and booby-traps lor the 'hflhw1y between Ben C-and T""4 whlcb links Soi&on and polnU liOOlh. !jpec, f. Dould E. Bl1elow Jr., II, whose parents live at 2027 Orqe Ave., Costa Mesa, h .. been ... 1gnec1 to Ille 545th Personnel Service Co., Ft. CampbeU, Ky. It, son of Mr. and ·Mra. lmtnlclloo In acrobolict, Vernon Schmidt ol Ml Costa baalc Jnotrum..1.1 and rodlo Mm st., co.ta M.... .... 1nstrumen11, talion Jei llJ&bl completed a fixed atatlon !raining. technical controller course at · Ille Army Slpai Scbool, f't.' Eql-u J.C. Gtrald A. Monmoulh N.J leord, USCG, oon of Mr. and The pri;Me b I grocJuale of J.ln: Jltl C. Beord of 2137 Newport Harbor High School, OCean Blvd., Balboa, is serv~ 19;5. in& aboard !he CNal Guerd CUiier Dependable. · 0pen11q ln the Gua of MexJco, the Dependable, newest of the Coast Guard Cullen Is bocneported In Mobile, All. Fruokforl, Germany. Ht W a clerk in Compeny A, Ill Battalion ol ibe Dlvblon'• 4'111 bllanlrJ. Illa lliber, Sefa McCinty, lives in Saudi Arabia. Lt. -., B. Aluucltr, 211, of Newport Bead!, led his Jn. fantry pl~ in a 1uccei!lful raJd Cll an enemy itrongbold nw Tay Ninh, Vietnam . During the ml!slon which deolroyed a fully equipped bkycle factory and enemy bunien, tbe "Blues", Troop A, l~ Squadron, Ith Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Divilion, met iecftilry· General of NATO Commlllloned Offic<r dei Mar Hilh School and at· Uncfa, at• U-lo Hi&h and other high miklllc of· LeidenJ,Jp Sdlool at Elma>-tended Or!nle COUt COiiege School gradullO, 1'llo WIS "" llclab 'ailed throup columno dorl, AFB. AIMU. be!°"' .-1ng the oervlct. honor graduate at Keesltr of _,.bled ablpo aboord tbe Sgt. Frasier WIS lrlined In AFB, Miss. TecMical Tralnlni ro1li yac!C HMS BrttamU. mlJif8ry ..._.,. a n d Linda IUICI Robert Burg.,., Center, hu now been 81lped Prior to Ille d'!>ioymelll le 111pervllion. Hf Is 1 maJn. daughler IUICI ""' ol Mr. and lo Laciland AFB, TeL 11 an Ellliond, the Dewey waa -and cootrol speclalbt Mn. Edwin C. Bw'ieaa ol 1710 Air Foree penonnal -l•ll•t. ena:aced in bMnlive arWMub-at Elmendorf tn a unit of Uie Mlasouri St .• Costa Mesa , have Robert. a jet a i r c r a f t marine warfare t r a I n I n g AJ.,un, A.Ir Command. received Air Force assign-mechanic, has been alllped operel!Olll in Ille eutern He Is a ~le of Corona meob hall a world apart. to Clark AB, Phlllppinel. AUant~. ' .~..:::-=..::...!::..::::::..:....::...:.;:....:::c_:....::::;:_::::c.;:..c....c.....:c.:..::...~~~~-'-~..:..:.~~~ staff Sit. J.-D. Fradu, aon ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fruler of 253 Cecil Plaee, Oolta M•j hall graduated Crom the U.S. Air Force Non- 450 Sq. ft. Swfmtnln1 ArN INSIDE WATER LINE MEASUREMENT 15'x30' The aoJdier Is 1 iraduate o( Newport Harbor High School, • l!M6. -. Em. Mlcbaoel T. Gultod, USN, son of Mr. IDd Mn. \Villiam T. Garland or 1805 Haven Place, N~ Beach, made hls first sofo flight in a T·tA "Buckeye" jet trainer wllile undergoing b a 1 J c tralnllg for jet flilht at Training Squadron S e v e n , Naval Air Statioo, "Meridian, Mi!!i. Spec. S. J-L McGlaly, son of Mn. Lou* E. McGinty of 4641 CUil Road, Newport Bead!, hu been assigned to the 3rd Armored Division near heavy enemy res18tance. "i=~;jjj~~iifiiiiiiiiiiiiiil PRE-SEASON -t ' , ' ' I NOW! NEW!~ ,· PILOT PENNY • . 1>1NCHER ·c~A'SSIFIED ~DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES • 2 TIMES $2.00 -· ANY ITEM ' . $ .. OR LESS e EACtf· "ITEM MUST IE PRICID e e No Item Over $50 e No Comm•rci tl Finni • e No Copy Ch•"ll" e No Abb....,11ttom e START MAKING M.ONEY NOW! ' · CALL 642~·5678 ASK FOR YOUR. OAILY PILOT ~D-YISOR ~ND ' YOU · MAY . CHARGE IT! Pvt. Pt11c.Uel R. Nowllllt USMC, son of A-1r. and Mrs. Bob Nowlin of 5881 ChiOOol; Dri~, Hootington Beecb, is servln( wilh Ille Secood Bat,. talion, Seventti Marine Reti- med., First Marine Division ln Vi<ll>am. Flrrman Donald L Packer; USN, S1lll of Mr. and Mn. John R. Packer of 716 Center St., Costa Mesa, js serving 1 abo a rd the ocean minesweeper, USS Pivct in Pnrl Harbor, Hawail. 'nle ship is returning to Long Beach after an el&hl· morth deployment in the Western Pacific. Seaman Apprta. James (c. Federico, USN, 900 of Mr. and Mrs. Allred Federico of 8131 ,.1alloy Dr i v e , Hwtington Beech, was aboard the USS De¥ley, ooe of 64 ships review· ed by her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England , in Portsmouth, to celebrate the 20th anniversary ol the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Eleven ships of We U.S. Navy Task Force Group 87 joined units of 11 other NATO nations as the queen, the Polle<! ....... Newport Beach Police Det. Willtam. Speirs is a recent graduate of University of Southern California's Delinquen- cy Control Institute. which trains officers iri latest methods of han- dling juvenile oUend- ers. Speirs is nine-year veteran of local force. Nixon Reforms Draft But Not Problems WASIJJNGTON (AP) - President Nixon's plan to reform the draft is intended, ih part, to make the Selective Service system more pred.ic. table 4od equitable. But it won:t make it les! com- . plicated. • Q -What's Ni.JOI to'iac lo accompllih? A -He wants to reduce. ~ uncertainty anq pennit dtaft- age men to plan their rutur'es soooer and more confidently. Q·-Why can't they plu tblt way now? A -They are subject to the draft at any time during a 7- ~ri~ year between the ages of 19 and !6.,lf they ever have a ~erment,' their liability ii enended to age 35. QI How wtald Nlzo1'1 plail daqe tJaat? A -Jt would assign each man a specilic year, at age 19 to 20, when he is most likely to be drafted and tell him in ad- vance how far down the list he stands. His chances of in- duction would decrease eadt year after that. Q -C.n the Presldeat do lhat now? A -Yes and no. He has legal authority now to reduce the draftable age group from the present 19-to-26 range, down to a one-year' range at age 19 or 20. But the law re- quires that within t h e designated draft-age group. the oldest must be drafted first. Nil'.q,n is asking Congress for an amendment to the drift law so he can change that system. Q -Wh1t'1 wronc with tak- 1#1 die oldest fin&? A -Jn a one-:year draft pool II would mean lhat U.O.. wllh the eai:liest birthdays would always bt the first drafted, and thole with late birthdays 1r0Uid be the last to go. Q -Row wOlld Nllon IQln tut pro1'1em? A -He would have draftees In eacli year selected by a type of lottery. First the days of the year would be scrarnbJ· ed into a random order ~ the draft-eUgJ_ble men would be arranged In the same order by matching thtir birthdays with the scrambled calendar. Those sharlng the same birthday would be further dislrlbuted by saambUn.!J lhc alphabet and matchlng It to , Ille lnllilil of their lut names. The result -acrambled lint by blrthdaya, lhen by alpbabel -would ..Ublllh a clear sequebce of who goea first, second, third, and 10 on. Q -Wooll illl1 IOI!,,_. lie ..,. _.an -11oo --,1 A -Yes, but it would bt applied by .. ch local dral\ board wlthln Ila own draft pool Q -w .. i.1 ., _ .... alWIJ'l ltaJ U.. same! A -. Tbtre would be • ntW &Crambled sequence f()f' tach group enlering Its "moat wlnerable" yw. But once the 1equence 11 aet, each member of that group would keep Ille same position In HIS group's sequence as the group grows older. Q -How weuld Ute chaace ol illdadloo -.. la later yean? A -The President didn't say spetjllcally. But a White H""" aide said II probably would mean that those paat their "prime year'' would JIOt be drafted unless and· until those sWI in a "prime year" had all been inducted. Q -Could a mu sun oblatn a ddrerment or 111 es:emptlon? A -Yes. But when It ex- pired, would re-enter the draft pool at the same poaltion he ortsinally held in his a1e- group'1 sequence of call. Qt-How e11 .,.. tell wbfeh is fOlll' '1)N'lme year"? A -A "telecUve service year'' would be eatabllsbed, depmdlq when Congre s1 authorizes the plan. Those men wbcr"9Pe 11 years old when each "lelective service year'' begins woukt be the "prime" draft lf'OUP· nn,,, their period o I vulnerability would ertend froin eome Ume after their 19th birthdays to uacUy a year later. M their "Prime year" ends, these men would e n t e r a leas-vulnerable category and 1 new group of If.year-olds would become "prime" for I year. Q -When wou)d the Plan lake efftci? A. -Nixon said the ftr&t "aelecUve ser\iice year" would beali1 three months after COngt11s glvea hirlt t h e n~ary· authorizallon for the lottery-type aelection. Q -How • woald men 1lre1dy df'llHIWlble between llandU .. MYWedap7 A-n,y wouldn't be. They would beeome -•II of them .:... ~ flr1t "prime" group In the first aelecUve service year, end would move as a group. into less-prl.me cateprle• in succeeding )eratl. ~ Q -C..14 ...... 1111deal.I '!lill lie dolmed1 A -Ya, for undergraduate 1tudy, at lhe encl ol which they would again become draft· vulnerable. Q -lltw a ... t gradate atldentt? A -.Del..-, -ano permj«ed for srldute llucly only le medical and -·-·Nixon ~ llml ft thl1 way , but "'1id. .. •ntee' that a .. -. aludent who • 1 • draltad J>0 pannlU<d to Jtnl!h • blli asrret acldiemk: )'ear. Q -b illo Niuo reform .... 1 J'rt1? A -No. Nixon cilt«ted the "-llcuri!J ODunclJ and Ille Director of Salecllve Service to revn preilent J!l'IC?tJcel concemln1 draft dtl.,,._ and eiemptlons and to rtpOrt to him by nut Dec. 1. He Indicated aome new lbldelJnOI !or ldmlnialtauon of the draft mlgtit be necessary. · • • . - ;:~SALE NO MONEY DOWN! We Measure Your Yard And Halp S.V. You M_., On Whera To Loarte Your Pool Beat The Summer Rush! POOL HllATll ONLY $19CJOO • With Pool 12'x24' KIT ONLY S84CJOO OTHll SIZIS 01 SHAPES AYAILAIU L ·Sh•p-Wollf..-Lqy L 'DON'T IUY A l'OOL UNTIL YOU CAL\ SECARD'S SAVI MONIYI IUY NOW! SECARD POOL 323 So. Main St. OIANGI I l loc:k1 a._•., C:h••m•1t 81All!~~!o~LA':'!°! 'tn ..• -' '136·9 DEEP-COMPL!TILY INSTAUED .p 100y, ,.fNANCINQ 532-1992 INCLUDES.' . P .. 1. Fl!ttr •. at.illt-1" ~"'''lklmmor ... ttont Or11". atolntth llffl L.altNr. All lnot1HH. CARPET· I 4 DAYS ONLY! I ·WAREHO.USE · CLEARANCE .I ' 06' S jAAIN 2• • s"NtA AN" NIAi .,,,_-. MUST SELL s100,000 WORTH QF CARPET! THIS MONTH ••• SEE us BEFORE YOU B.UYI I WE WILL SAVE YOU FROM 40o/o TO 70%- 0UR PRICES START AT 1.49 SQ. YARD ' NO REASONABLE OFFE.R REFUSED! • IOI.LS IN STOCK •SATISFACTION GUAIANTBD • NOWAITINC • IN THE CENTll OF n&WAYS • NO DOWN PAYMINt • IANK TUMS • 24 HI. INSTALLATION • MASTIR CHAIGI GREATEST VALUES EVER! • YOU MUST BE EARLY FOR THESEI 100% hPONT NYLON • Heavy fufe bock • 3 beautiful c.olOf', fort11t green, gold, awococto. R ... 5.95 SAU CAll'IT '/ ACRILAN SHAG • 2" long gor,.M thog • Yo.t '""''Mt to btlleve ttill'f'Dlue .... 10.95 4 95 ~, .. • SAU Special eo .. erclal Type TWllD Good Value at$2." SALi CAal'rr ONl y NYLON SHA. 1 Inch lonst-fHCI• for.,_.,... with Mfe It.oft OvttO~ ....... I ... 7,95' 4 95 SAU ~, .. CAal'ITONLY TO SHOP AT HOMI JUST llHONE J 549-33'9 • i" '· ~ t 2 ~ • ' '• i ' ~ • " (. ' ' • ~ ' ~ s ' c ~ • ( . ... • 4 l I ! ' I I t •• ,. !Aft.I' --..or. llq. 1969 • 'I I ' .... -AY • 9 'TIL I • OFFICIAL COLEMAN . REPAtR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY *· ' i'ltlCES ' . ~FFECTIVE MAY 21 . TO ~ JUHi i ' . .. , .. CLOSED. MiMORIAL ·DAYI E9Un' YOUR SCOUT at GRANTS Complete lino of .,. ............. fOl IMITOOOllSIWt ........ SAU DAY'SI CATALYTIC HIATIRS ftl lllil~! "Mllul U...CI tot llf<ll~ll N1! f., Nf ""',..M. W. llflHI RICH-MOOR . FREEZE:.DRIE_D FOODS! PACK FRAME complete tt.ck Of • , G"nY• ,..,,,. • $495 _all. b.P!S of Pac kt anl"""Jiarftnl In· cludl"I HifNllayan-,.,k frames and ~....,.._ GROUND COVER .. Ii; . . Ill GIANT'S 19;1(fALI' . f9f' all tJ your 1 t ' Scouti"I nMd._ Tl' you'll lte iw· . '' · prlMd ot' ttt. tr.._. · ... ndOUt MV•· .' , l"fll . • ... tk MHtl :zoo.A hr ttoo ,.HI .... Mk.al ... tKM!llt "-t- 1 .... s;.,i. -11-. .• $9•• COLIMAN iTOVIS Mltn ,,.,, """'" i1Jt lll1 11-. .U aldi -'-'·'"' ·~ t9u 'UGS t .... ,1 .... l•l·fl9• ttlrt1!itt , .. ,,rl It• '""' '-'•l•fl4J ·~ $445 ' ' TOP QUALITY * lMGEST SfllUIQN * LOWEST ,..icES!' GIS GRIW @IJ,tll8 FAMILY TENT 1. NEWI I fOV'l.l SPOll fOUIStll wit• ttll;a •t• tN fflll wit• I .... ••::t 111t1 itoll· •ltt ..... , ... , ... llllf ... !ti. •"f,.. .................... , .... .............................. _ .. ...,.., -.., ... .., '--!'T'•r •"'" '''"" ..n: ....... , • ..i.i.1t. SArf NOW AT GRMF'SI • Lclrge 10'x8' ' $s9aa $90;00 VALUE! NEW WHIJl )op bounces off heat - proridH more: light. lig pictvre window, Du tch 4oer prowldt super ventilation. Do_uble-c01ted vinyJ nylO!I floor. l1Vx8'. • * 6.C.NT'S SPECIAL VALUE *.: Ivy y.ur tefit with confiience.•t Gr1nt'1 ••• wt kin 111 •f the C.l1m1n !Mdels 111 ttodt ... ne w1lli1'11 ••• """" •• ,. .. 11¥try • • , . .,. • .,. ttt h-whtn }'ell °"' itl G.i. STYU FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL • llG. $1.9_1 See GRANT'S Flrstl WE RENT Everything In CM,t\P GIEAlt 3·11. DACRON "88" EXCRLENT QUALITY thr~hout. full site big with warm flann el lining. full zipper, tip two together for double bag. ~ s1oss Reg. 117;00 Value! ' PORT ABU TOILIT '""'"' -40 .,._, '"'· ........... ,, ..... s2•• CAMP TOASTER ftHlt 4 llkft 91 -L s,. ... llffl ... ". 49' J'CHIR8E IT" 11 &R&IT'S SURPLUS ... • ,,.,, ,,,,,, • ""' ,.,.,, •s.98 NUYO® FLUES "fU.11.ct" .. f&ICll 1~11 ... ,, .. ....... G•ll, ,..... llH, W.it1 .. , -...,. All olttt H•il1~I~ •9.00 ' - LEVI'S® iuvoss llfW llllHU'.•t ~t •-dyto ti.- Pm!-& JIM:U. U.... ,,._ ....,.... ..i1• -.-.u. .u .... •8.oo WftlJE LEVI'S® '. ••It.I. ,."''" <.lllut, •••r.. 111 ... 1111 _,_ & •~II••~"--Ill• 2' " 41 .... $4.98 llll-&OTIOMS? Yo11 bttl Granrs has tht lartnt selection of the lat1rt styles and colors foi men and w-.n. luy smral pair and uwe mortl FA MOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! SAVE MORE ., GRANT'S! r •WIMCMllTtl • SMM'M & WlUO" • elMINGlOft • UAMA • SlllO •lt lmA •HOWMINO • WfATMlll'I" • Ql&ll.IS DA\ T •colt -· • • u:a .• ·Ill.IOI• • .tau1n• • WAllll!I. I • SAYAOl • lnt.ACA RUGGED. WARM, wi .. rMI, lui:ury i•tktt b1 f1mou1 Pldfic Trail. The "• w • s I "outdoor.look'" II' loien Green, Tin, T~.r q u 1It1, YeUow, Pi•mpkln, Oytter, NIVJ 1nct many 01h1r1. Si111 34 to SO. $10 ' I FAMOUS BUND HANG-TEN 100°/0 NYLON SPORT SHIRTS ''T" SHIRH JACKETS THE LATEST 1tyf11 ~ult 1rri'tf<lll 100% LUXURIOUS combed col· In col1rful Pl1ct1, Solids, ton in lll'llrf MW aon• Worl CMck1 Md Stripei. PitmUMnt lflld wfd1 1ml n1rrow 1tripo1. "'" .... ••lors Ill , .... 100% -Pr111 f1bric1, Short 5'1eY11 i11 S·M·l·Xll ' No wrln.li:llnt-no 1hrinkint-nt • 11.,i.. t•ll la••1111 .•••. $5., .. ironing! S·M·l·Xl. . ~4.95 •3.98 '6.00 S7·S~ LARGE GUN DEALER SELLS ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMQUS MAKER GUNS TO GRA,NT;S SURPLUS! GR4NT'S HAS PURCHASED the tl)tire Inventory of gVM fi'om • larie Califomit I"" •tore! Thnt aU-new guns and dailf models arl being offend at TREMENDOUS SAYINGS! • , ,.m1ny at below dealer cost! Some may be slightfy scretched •.• all c1rry FACTORY GUARANTEE! PRICES SLASHED ON 1 OOs OF ALL TYPES OF GUNS! i SALi 911MINGTON, MIHI 711 S:59ts 1010 .......... , LIST ,.IC'f $1't.ts .••.•••• , • , ., , • • • , llMtN,GtON, MMel 760 sa9ts """"' l lfl• Ult nlCI &IJt.tS •.•....• ,, •• ,... · IEMINGTON, ,_., 600 s79ts JSO•l.--l.S .... UJl ,.ICI 1144,95., •.•••..•• ,. ·•• ltfMINGTON. ,_.I 170 $79ts , • ....,..,,_tr USt 'lllC'I Slot.ts .••••..•.• , .... . ~r.;~c::.~'. .1•1.~ ..... $119'5 :~~~~~'.~.~ ......... :·sa9•s • ..,NGtOM, -..1 100 599,5 SOL-41• .. i.•• ' · ust H:1c1 s1s"'''· .....•...•••••. :~N:'C:~~~~~.~~: ....... s99ts .... ·~~~::~~ .. ~~.'.~~ ..... 511495 :~'::~'.~i~~~.~~.: ..... s.1t24•s :~.~.'.~~~ .... :.~ .. sa4's r,tt.::c~,j~~ ............... s94•s WINCHUTll s99so ...,,.,.1111 LISJ ,.IC'f $129.tt •.•.••••• , .• , , , , WfHCNISTU s9· 4ts ........ ,_.el UST ,.!Cf Slit.ts .••••••• ,,. , , .. , . =£.~~~ ............... s59ts RANCHI, Dll11•• 22 s99ts ,_,.,, USJ NICI Sl,4.tt, •• , • , , ••• , • , , , • GUN DIPARTMINT *SPICIAL* Famous RIFLE * f••r I• row/ *i .. , .. , ... , 4-Powtr 7 SCOPES $1495 * 1..,.1. s ••• ,, *•r1eo..1 UST $37.50 ..• NOW!· 111 IU Of m RIW ifft llOliU Of (OUUll CAMPHlf TUllDS IT HAllT'S OUTD- ClllPllll ~•ow.war • 3•9 KOPIS s24ts-UST $49.9S .•.•• 11-• .22 SllGITS •HOLLOW l'OIHT 49' PRICED fROM ~~~~.~~•·•N•• .. • ' ~ \ • J .. i 1 • ' ' • .t ....................................................... ll"!' .............. ll"!' ...... ..;'~ ...................... .;·;•~·......,;;~·~!lqi;;~;.·1~'6';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DA1l;;Y;P'lt.01';;~J~fi·~ -' • Players" . -, II)' JOEL llCllW ARZ Of • ~IY '"" It.ti The batting ciq:e at Anaheim Stadium wasn't a ~ppy place' to be ail!ul\ll before Tu•'4~.plgbt'~ J\llgel- (."levelend game. • . · .lUras swarming wtlh ·a,portswritus, all ~ Ille same -question - ·'wh.al's your reac:Uon ,to t.he firing of BUI Bianey·T" / • ~ .. y ol lbe ~ ~·t beAr;-lbe news ·until they arrived .at the plrk and were sUU a little stunned after the lint ol two clooeckloor ll!eoll'!P held by lJe;" manager, Letty PhilliPs. ' ' ~ . , • ?--•• f Fadiiig HOpes ·.ori ·Lefty :.:ehiHips , Angels :Pfu '· '' , • • I j -r •I • ,. • • • • •¥. ' " . ·' Loss 8tring~All:er Rigney Firing ~· "Bak>s Snap ' , BILL RIGNEY 'Fi red-by MAMgament By GLENN WRITE Of ltl9 o.n, n.t!INH In a j[eapei'al!on move to· -•P. ~· Calillll'DJT A:ogeii oul !( tliifr doldliiin& and ljlyaDOo 11'1!! 1.-, ce[lar status, club general manager Dick Walsh fired marioier Bill Rigney Tuesday ~ repl111. ed him with fonner Coach Harold 1•J..ef. ty" Phillips. And Pb!lliPs got lbe Angels oul ol' their slump. af 1 east temporarily. as they downed the CleVeland Indians; 1-1, Tues day night before 1,508 at Anaheim Stadium: • In two term. of 1brief management un~er emergenc)r _situations, Phillips was 1·5 with the Dodgers and 0.-2 with the Angels. Walsh insisted that the change was 1nore of a device tO thakt up the team. rather than a renection on Rigriey's abiliUes. Rig had served with 'the~ clu6' since its 1961 Inception. And twice be worked miracles by plac- D~ers lnfiltra~ Halos Ing, third with tbe lllD Anpla and flftb with the 'rt cl~ alter 1t wu mired 1D. the ctllal' ,lbe lll'lt two 111G11ths ol the, com p.ign. --. l:lo"ever. be .W,as · unable to perform any such Wo6den with thJs yeir's ac· gregallon so Walah decided that a cbanae or faces was in 'OC"der. •• Phillips say• be lan't going lo man many changes for the time1being. . "I may Ir)' Rick Roicbardi at f~·baae so I can get Bubba ~orton and Lou Johnson together in lhe ouUfeld;"Jie,taJd, the press at ~ay's announcement ri' the managerial switch. . Phillips a1so said be was going to stress. fuiidamenta ls for his newly inherited club. . . . ·The 5Cbyearold former Oodget ·fir.st JieuteAant got the Interim post (through this season) because as Walsh sB:id, "it WOuld take a new man 30 days to familialrze himself with the players and we don't have 30 days to Jose." Phillips says that fauJty • rupnin& !a his lJrsl objecUve to straighten oyt • . "Llllle ~· Uke m&idng•&,bciok llio!t when you don't need one. then· missing the ·pl,l\te a!ld being lagged oul!s -of the things 1 want to correct. "l think we have only two (UYS (Jim Fregosi1 lind San4y Alomar). '!ho know the pme <baseball)," he odds .. "A player has to know the .....,. bis. oppooeat'1 strength and weakne.ws aad bii own ltftngth 'and wt.akneases. Too, I don't think our pliyers set a big enougli leadoff at lira! base. • • " "Pitd>ers have· lo know wt><>. cap beat you, with One ~ In. a c~ ·pm. .and they h,ave to know enough not to t>eat themselves in a three-run game.~ ;'We have to gtt our .fellows to tilt ac- cording to 'their ability. We're not a hard hitting eluh so "'11 have to steal runs .. getting the bunt, 'hit-and·run. We'll have to"pitch well ·and.can't make mistakes.'' Walab called Rigney a competent man IDd a penonal friend . .. ~·He. toot the, news like a aent&tman and I pnilwicml. Hit atUludt made ii a lol ...,. l for Ill!'· He ' knew ·that .....-ir bad tAi be done •.• it'• all part of the ame," Walsh said. • · "I :J:·with Lefty we'.ll all aee a dif. ferent .approach. He'll ba~ l:t)e.,.club for the ~. ol the seuon. After that a --'Will> be lllljde as to wbat course ot . .cuon will follow." Owner>Geae Am1y tal<f he ·felt' lbe team had IObie ol.' the finest playera in the ~-anif·thal II tWI wisri~'too·llte to o~ the losses. Rigney~ 'laier told a n e W s man, "Naturally I'm disappointed ••• 1 kn9w something had· to l!ie dorie.11l's a -Dtif of thilli:~· , ,· f • I He said .~ wouldn'tconsider any offers now. "I'm going bome'tc>r.fish and play aolf,'' he si.id. , · . ~~ .. ' . ' .. ' J ~ I • • .~. "'1 .. • ~ f LEFTY PHILLln • r "!•" AfitOI ·~-·' • • , I • Parker?s: ·Bai~j; · . ·-: .~· ~ .-t . l '\. ·earries .LA .'. ~· q1 E~'· WT~' .r't>' ~nn ~.w til'. r·~ , . ... , ... ·~ ·J!!., Rig G~ts Best o.f Deal, Eseapes Sinking _Scow Dick\Walsh is a man apparently gifted with the abtJJty to ,see ar sense .thi11gs other human beings· are not orivileied to"take OYtr for ~ney' -•!ff!Uaw who answers to the name or Harold "Lef " Phillips.1 ~, t) MONTREAL (AP) -The nlpProrand ~.: ,.,.,.~ Wfpenecl the er.el< C,. bat . '"·cii~f~.grut threeltid. to Y(• Pamr ~tli,;J:.oo Ang<lel~ ..... _;..,' • ..;.11..:.~eat ol laat "'-""'-' to ~now. - For example, the current Angels general manager saw professional soccer in the United States as the coming thing. Lord have mercy . . , Having Lefty Phillfps follow'' guy Uke Rigney is for all the world llk.9,.havlng Phyllis Diller named 1u~to Raquel ~ .~·a"~ ' billfor~ = ~KJ'uta\l&Y )n le~' h Therefore he directed his talents to that sport and eventually becanJ.e presi- dent Qf the North 'American SoCcer Leagu e. Unfortunately for Walsh, only a few .................... t; , WHITE WASH · Welch. Or perhaps it's all part o4 (8 great Dodger plot to submerge 'the Mgels w'iih their ex-emp1oyes. Like Walsh, Phillips ia an ex-Bum -Dodger style~ tba'1is. r It is rumored that LeftY-P!dlllps ii I great lactltian -a man _., knows baseball. Yet at Tuel!Jay's 6ews con- £ttef$! he told the gropp on hand that he agreed with 95 percent of the decisions Rigney made In the d~ and-that the other five percent were things that could have gone either way. Further, Lefty Phillips api)ears ·to be about as articulate as a:n artichoke -at 1 oc.:,.,. ""1T• • least in my dealings with hlnl1he's given thousand oJ Ameflca 's 200 million that impressiori. So. how's ~l.IOtni to get residents believeQ pro soccer was worth his immense field of knowledge across lo paying adrt\iS&ion toµe. those alleged players? The league folded and Walsh found Lefty is supposed to ignite new spark himself without employment. a1nong his charges. • But then eame another kOiden light . , . If 'he is to do that he better come· up that of lhe California Angels organiza with a new act, rlifferienl than the one be tion. ' displayed in New York when he replaced Being ~ former ~xecuti\'e with the Rig for a day. In a couple of key silu• Dodgers and an ardent fan of baseball~ lions Lefty showed all the fire of a wet \Valsh was pleased to become general match. manager o{ the Halos when Fred Haney It was said by Walsh that· more lhan step~ dowµ from tJlat post.last year. anythin·g else, the Sunday night decision Ag4in Walsh showed his fabulous in-to make a managerial s-wltcb. w.as sight ,ffe promptl)\.Pl'Ojectett that t be predicated on the belief that tblngS hRd Angel&. WIM.lltfOe penncpit contenders. g.olten to the point where ~·s •words · Hoftver, his charges didn't pan out went through one ear and out the' other as and after they stumbled and fell, drojj-far as his play~rs -were co~. ping all 101>f thei r recent road games, ''There was apathy ori their,.~ and I ' . Slaot Down at t~ P.ass AUanta's Hank Aaron sent St. Louis catcher Tim McCarver bead over heela Tuesday night in this play at home plate in AUanta. Altti>n scorecf frnm third on a Dy ball and sent 111,.carct catcher sprawl· ing in the process. The .Brave• beat lhe Caidinais, . 5-3. -'!•fon scored oq : •. fly off· the ba~ ~cSonny Jackson. . " Phi~l.ips· Starfs Q11:ickly; Smith Rallies \Valst\.decided something must be done. thought they wer! a team·jusi waiting,-for Soho°'-.drilanagerBiH•Rigney. lightning to strike them," Walih Cilm-' .For v1·cthry Whal he really shou!L have done. was mented of bis Halo3 dlUing the late road J h ' s l D I . \I ~ -::,;:,:lbe ,,:;~":!,!a::t :~:; di~s"i~ .. this c:Olumn Is concerned, 0 .· ns, o~ s in, g . e. ' .. o, e. ~ t ;;,,~c0u1dii·1 hit, field. run the bases or t~~:. has hit the Angelo .... between r r ~,,. ·Over · y ugos_lav But ht , continued \q stick by his But Rigney is the guy wbo gets the be!l , Loo Johnson 'tooped a iJe.breaking beatinC out a bouncer and Bubba Morton • ridiculous· Stand that the Angels should be of the deal. He escapes a si~~~· eeventh-inning sln'"i... ,and California nln. Walked Wen Johnlon dropped his hit In-PARIS (AP) _ Stan Sm1th of permant contenders so he canned Rigney . and as Walsh puts it "ls on..,. l.l'C'"een ~ " -· p---• Calif urned "· However. \Valsti apparentl y h as had }obs . ., Rig get! paid off on the remaining ped ~veland 2-1 Tuesday night, ending to Center fleld·o(f Sam McDowell, 3-$. -.uena, ,; t on a ~ ... r another of his gifted hot fl ashes from the I\.% years of a twi>year conlract. the Angels' JG-game loe.tng streak In their 1 Hoyt Wilhelm sbut. out the l'ndians the petformat;>ee Tueaday. to defU~ BOro supernatural. or whatever it is that hap-And what do.the Angels get? first game under new Manager Lefty : ... ~ Jovanqvlc of )"uplavta U. M i M, f.3, · pens on these rare occasiom. Harold "Lefty" Phillips. PbIWps. • 1' ~ •..!-.a .,._,,_ Min the .first roand tt the French Open He has Come up with a field manager Better they should be hit by ligbtnio&. Ri k Reichardt ~ the seventh by ' ~~ ,,...., TeruUs. championships. c · · tf't' a -Mlttl w o.....iw. 1:11 .. 111. KM,e Smith trailed t-4 In the third aet. after ,. (1 m'f a -~ ft """"'"" J.f!<S ,,m. KMIJC; 'ios1hg tJie_ flt'lt two, . . 'I . N Y k P h B • .::~' it -Mlell .. hlllmor'9. 7:: ,.tn. KM,c; Two mor:e U.S. Davis Cuppen, Arthur ew. or . . . ,ro es o, x1ng lal\.lwo lllllop f<r l1I'\ ejghlh save, ~~!!~.:~~-:'11o~ praeninc')loo game for lJlm McGlothllo. Bui CbarUe Puirell .,, S.nturce. • ~-"': ~· . .. l ~ by.Mon·on and Johnson put lhe Puerto Rico, 'rn ,up ._,alnlt NJ!trllian NEW. ORK !AP) -~ BenveouU, • ·DePlllll, .• lilllUIU'fYweip~ wu to Acconlln( lo· '~ New York Dolly A!J8ell, obead HI In the second lnnl!'I bul pnilealoiial Jdhll N~ In ihe 11111 boxi"i'.•. mlddleweiaht ~pion, and hove """"'"°' ilie -card u Till'<· Nen, a ...... llid ...m.t ~con-linglei by lmlowell, Larry Bron·iod """"' IDd ·wu Olimlruot.d. • • severii ether Q111fligura find out todoy ........-. ..,. •-Mpenid ofter be l)OCted wllh•·Mond&Y'lllClrt llahl .have Leo Maye pulled Cleveland even m ~ , A,DoCMi u~. Qavla .cup •tar. Clark why they 1Hft subpobi'tled lo apPear-· aM "-tr s ?Ff«f ~ ... cl'IAd on been UDlllr Mrz1tlpdon tor tome lime. l fifth. t. " Grtf~ °' },'lfw>f,Yqrk. ii 1&iv .. , tbla before New York District Attorney Frank chaqfsl. .. .._.Ille tllift ·fll •·• In ''Tbty .Uva been watched ealing. ' ,;LtY~Jo u..,1,.-o•NlAr'" event• ald:p tM. plans lo come to~ Hog111. copper frona I. 1'iw 18'1e1 ,..... • drinklnr a n 4 assoclatlng with l op un-, · c,;,..,_1, ~~' ... ":' : ~ ':' Ai.m.r, a , ': ; 11e~. for WJmbledbn next=rnOntll 1 _ , • . "l don't 'know~what it's all about, but Hogaa's tnvestlg1Uoa ~ ~ an«fd Jllariiia,ia '-" tbe'Newa quoted one 1 . ~~ ~· : : 1;: 1.~=~· ::: It: d N1ucy ~~'twf-: CJl!l'11a .!5Mtt;·~= we will cooperat~" Benvenuti said Tue~ not apec:ificarty involve thi <Mlto:ine Qi aoum; as r.... ...._...., "' , • 1 0 tttk:1wr9t, 1111 , 1, ,1, e ~ "" lllT 1 \IC' • • day after l:loJan's ' Jn'v~~gation ftrst the Tiltr·SenveouU d&bl but ,rathfr 11aoee peclOOI who wrre ordered to ap-1111N. c , •_, o ' • =.--1~ : '·l : Ktm kf•1tleb; AUlb'IJ&a, 1 . ~ came to(Jtlbl. '-'•' / possible Mlfia involvement In the Ogt:lt pear at Hopn:S office today alto were 11g:c':;".., :1: I ... : L.~. w , t' 1 Todl,y11 ~am matchesot .~~pro- Also subJ)Oen1cd wel't• c~ Tiger. whJ game. • eq>eced to be called to testify befQr, a 1M~ •1 i f ; : =~ c1 : : : : ' ftlaladal'I, lltitY Rlellt!n &vialton, upset Benvenuti in Ure'·~tflle bout Mon-The New York Post sajd ~sub-NeW York Coonty grand jury. c.~..k .. 1 • • • Mee11111111"' • • t 1 11 ·111.. and fred Stolle of A\lltralla ht•• day nigh!! .Bhlno An1adiluf. Nino'.11 poenas a1so hJve ~ eenecf pn a Benvenuti, meanwhile, also wa11 con· • :r'riJ:...~ l I :~: · eond feuntt club. manager: f(gbtcr Frank:je De.Paula 2nd number o( tey Mafia figufte: known to be CflMd about hit: ri_ahl hind in wllich be T•i. a ' ti ' Tot~• ,. • ' 1 A* .,., acheduled LO eo Into ad.kin his manager; Gary Garafola. prominent in gambUng opecatiool. suffered a !raclured bone against Tiget. ~ :·: 9: :,~ aaalnlt Jenof'lm'CwfcOtot ~ · " • ' • • il.. a ~ 'iictory over the ·.IJam. P\l!llo M~l.)!;spos. , I lri>O llodJer ilrsi baseman sluqod 1111 fourth home nin ol'U\'e 'ieU!Jn &l'd•aliled Bill Singer to his sixth vlctory"'la 10 dlclaloos. '. . · ' Th• three !\ill Wt<d Parker in&. the .W...s~ I Mn " -Dodttr. 11 Mon""•· s '·"" kiil ( ... , Mrt 2' -' Dod9ett.• .,.. Mllrltrwl, °t ,..... Kirt '!!I =:: ll = =:::i ~ll:ml:: :J ~.m;I team balUng ·lead ·wltb a .311 avtrale- At mkl•~ ~ 1ea-, wtait.'.. • Dodgert' were fl!dlnl into u;e · - dlvlaioo.ol the Nlllooal .Leogu~ P.irker wa ·batllng the• ball wltb giotOI and buUdina:'up his average. · ·" 'Dorinf! •lltetth In late May ancta.Iy Jwae~lui ·year,,be .was lt;for)'47.t t ·AOI -,averagt.,He feU Into 11 ilianp·at thi' tail ~·.i·.111e, ..... :and his ....... ,plani- mete(I. \o I .• _,..nding .239.; 1'1!1a .year .he has 351 bits in·:M ·..- and IJu1&9Dt hitlesa lo only llllftllll..1 Slnier Yl!olded just four hill to ·lhl ~ f!ll,·Wbo have now lost 11·m a·nnr• Dm Sutton, ~. will Ir)' to give.-ill t:lth llr<lighl defeat tooigllt wbeo ba - Jerry Robertson, 0-0. LOS AAGl&.1.S MOMTR8M.. ., .. ,.. ......... ,~It, rf J t I I Wlllt. .u 2 I I w.o.vis. ·cf ' o o • ~1111..~ •' • t 1 f'trller,111 41SISl .... l'f 411 Knco, II ''0 1 e M.J .... tf JI I I Ftlrl'(, rf 0 t 0 0 lallt't', 1111 ; J •t e sw.kll. • ~, • o o. c~ w • ' 1 Gr•Wl••lli Jll 0 0 t I L•boy,lllb J t O ~r.. .2'1 ' I I 0 lfltt!Mn. C 4 t I PIM'llcfl.!':111'. o o o o J111fi, p-' ' t . t Hlllll', c • 2 2 2 C/Jfte, pl! I I 1 I Sit..,., ... 11 , J I I I MCGIM, II! 1 I t ' I Sitlftt, "' ' 0 I •• Wldl;tr, 1111 I "I e ·-"""' . •' .. &olcll. IWI I I e T~IJ 12 S 1 ~• To'-lt • J 4 LOI Antt•, ' 'IOI tit D '-S MclnlrMI -at'', M ~ J E -Jlt!v, ~•b. 0, -U. ~ t. Mlnlr .. I 1. I.OB -LOI Alltel" 5, ~I '-21 -l'tlllw, Hll -P•Nlitr I•!, H•fltr '(~!. II -W1H:t)"$' -Stf!Dll', SF -R•Mll, Wl!W.. • . 1, ........ . $11111tf tw-t-t> ' ' J • ~ • J ...... -. SJJ.lt• McGll'llt .• (l,"4 ' t t • I t f A- SIMoW • • f 'O•ttJ TWN t tlt. Al-.l'ICt -tl,fft, . • ' • .r; : I RElCHA.8.Dt JYQW A FIRST BASEMAN ',. Harold "Le!ly'I PhilU~;dor .......... 11111 RllJI')' u ......... ol tlMI·-~: -that ouUlelder llli:ll Rolcbinlt wUI aio>e.to !frst bue,!rooa loll flojd, · OUlllr c11a.,.. In lbe """' "'"""" llnoaf · bail Olevelarid tnc~ , • . ~ Rodrtps -_.. lr</IO lll'Ch 1n the batr . ~ to 11e,1111. Jim l'rqool, wllo wu"'fr. the No . .J·•..,.. ecltoNo.l -Jay Johnstone. ..00 ..., billinC thil)I. inoved bock to Mv.nlit' In tho order. -~-. •bo -.-. plndi hitter for the An&tit 14 dt=: 3..,.. le ~ An(jOll, -• • ' • • J. lo\ll.Y PUT . . Lancers 11 End CdM ... ~Magi~ 8-3 liJ l\OGER CARLSON • Of .. .... l'Mlt , .... • LA PUENTE -Corona del Mir .Rish School's varsity bU!ball team found out ..-tbe hard way that coatly erron and the " rilbl bounces oil enemy ba1' don't ml< . . Into happy •esull>. .-. That's the formula used by Bishop Amal High School lo 11' 3-3 C!F AAA _ temifinal victory Tuesday afternoon at the winner's rock-bard dlamc.nd. The Lancen, by virtue ol their - ,. quest, move Into the ClF AAA finals . Tueaday wilh the team Iha! knocked ·, them oil twice in Angelus League play, • ·-SL Paw, circuit champion. "' Time finally ri.n out on the Corona del Mar nine aft.tr it had come lbrougb with • u .. e Waight • stunning upoe1' in ClF " e.llmlnatioos. . Nothing went rl&hl for ll1e Sea ~­ with a slnalt turning into a lrlple wilh the buel loaded oo a spectacular bop aa Ille • second boonCe in the oouteld, a hitter lourin( ll1e four hags on a ball carom1nc o!f a fielder's glove, two double plays, and ab: errors added op to a decisive • defeat. . Corona del Mar has seen better days - ofleoliYOly and ddlllllvely. Coach Tom Trager, who bad led his ~ IMDe League ooUll Into the semis, gave the winntr1 crl!dlt for their bl( win, hut adcled his commenll to ll1e condillaa ol the field. "Super-bard," noted Trqer. Rn s.,der ltar1ed Ille game wilh Cbrla Thompooo al !Int aod ,.., bll up tor the io.. "lie pllched goad emugh to 'fin, hut three or four had hopo oo lhat n>ek-ltard dlmmf dldn' help," Did Trqor. The Sea K1np had lied Ille ,.._ al 3-3 In I"° top ol tbe fifth Inning when !hey came uP wilh a pair ol lalllet. stan .crippa>'• pinch ling)• to tight (ieJd scored Bill Ward with the lir&t run and 'Ibompsoo eventually tallied on a Lancer mor. "Thompoo111 -pitching 26 Innings in the llnt·-CIF games, ployed Ille eo- tire -alllnt --. Amal clinched the win in the sixth all<r picking up the p.abead run in the last al tbe flllh. After ~ytng one mamr in 1111 the -to ~; the ·Lancers ·put ~ ,,.,., with the three-run, bouncing triple. Bllbop Amaf ncelved sl$dy pildlin& from barter Frank O'Connor, who llmJtld the Sea'1tlnp to lour hill. Corona touched him up with it:i first itm:bi the leCOlld. frame on Steve Leech's ~single. * * '_ · coa~ou 111 ,,,... AMA\ m . . .. '... . , ... .. a!mw.,lf ,l,11 I E&tr .... n 'J 2 1 Wlanc:llt, r;f I I I I C:O..-.IM. ff 2 I 1 I D.~.~!1 lllCtollch,d l "tll tt • ...,..r, ..a 2 1 I 0 McMMlils. Ill I t 1 I w-. ti •I I I I £-.:Ill I I t 'I WM.JI! 11 ,IMMlllN .. N 2111 l.edl, rt-. l 0 I t Mvnltrl. :tb J I O 0 ~ 111 J 1 I t ·O'c-. 11 2 1 1 1 Keilty, t. 1 a 0 o 81rthllll'M!, i: t I 0 I Cr.,_, 11P1 1 0 1 1 Enell. 'lb-ff 1 0 • • ...... .,. 1000 T1!11' 2J J • J 111111 " . ' ' SC..., 1•11191 '-..... ......... 'H £ tit 020 t-l • ' Ill 114 ...... I I • Hughes, Eadie Win Top Honors S!'fmmer Paul HIJl)lel aod field event -i>erfofm"er Dave Edie won top honors Monday night at the second in a aeries or lhreo Sj>ring sports banquell al Orange Coast College. Hqhes was named Pirate of the Year In swimming while Eadie' was awarded &lmllar honors In track and field. Captain awards went to Kurt Jobnaton in swimming while Eadie shared the tracl' leadership honors with hurdler Mitt Pomeroy. - • _ _. ___ ..,, .. H&AbED .FOR PAYDIRT -Corona dei Mar High's Bill Ward (14) approaches home plate ahead of the throw to score the Sea Kings' sec- ·ond run in Tuesday's CIF .. milinal baseball game with Bishop Amat. • . . DAILY PILOT Plllof9 h •klllnl ~ Ward's run sliced the gap to 3-2. However. Bishop Amat went on to poet an 8-3 triumph, parading four tallies across the plate in the last of. the sixth .. • • Fuel-gobbling Fords ·Faced Ruby Will Be Dis-missed • • • SIMPSON DROPS DEMAND FOR LOAN ' .... • w With Disaster IND!ANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Carbure- tion teets today at the lndianapolls Motor Spee(lway will be more important than in pall years. . Some.can have fUeJ CCllllWllptloo pr .. b~_lhal border on the dJsutrouJ pos- siblf!b' ol DOI having. eiiou"1 g a 1 to flnilb the lndlonapolil 500 . :Die turboc:barged Ford engines are the greediest.fuel eattn. For instance, tifarlo ...... IU admllled lha1 a Lotus-Ford be was driving tmtll a wreck last week was gellin( about 1.5 mlleJ per galloo. But AndretU and his crew aald a new fuel mix, and ~oth?r dianges would put them up to two milts per iallon-Wlth 325 ' gallom the mulmmn -1 ol fuel for a car, the 1.5 rat.! wouldn't take a car the --The IOU1'<)'Under Offed>auser engin" UJe lea fuel lhae the eight~lind<r Ford, but Ford baa a hoi'lepowr edie. The" are 11 turbo Offys and 11 turbo For<b in Ille field ol :IS can. Bruce Walkup of Downey, Calli., driver ol one &Uy car said, "I wouJdn't bank my chances on ll1e u-y lhal the Fords areni going to have enough fuel to Onish. Ford's spent loo many millions of dolllll"S to let that hlppen." The Oftys could get 1 slight advantage in Friday's race if fuel consumption forces the Ford-powered cars to make a fourth pit stop instead of the required rrtinin:ium or three. But Andretti, for ooe, saya three will be enougb ·for his new car, also using a Ford engine. . . . If He Wins lndy Race IND!ANAPOL!S, Ind. (AP} -If ve1eran driver Lloyd Rub)' wins the Jn- dlanapolil 500 Friday he'll be fired im· mediately, hut DOI for the osual ......... "WINilng the 500 would put him OD eesy street for life,• said John LIJ?, 1 manqs of tbt Gene White racing tum al the Spfll!dlray. "Lloyd baa bad tbrOo •too.om yein in 1 row now, and wiMlD& the 500 Is the only lhJn( lei\ for blm." Laux, a loog·Ume lrlend and -1ate ol the Wldllla Falls, Tex.1 ·driver, said Tuesday It would be up in Ruby to decide whether he wanted to continue racing should he win the world's richest auto race. "But to far as our ·team is concerned, lltis would be II ·-win Indy and be will no longer be our drJver,u Laux aaUL "We'd hope to go in business With him, either ln racing « scme other area." Ruby,.at 411veteren.ol2S years cm the tracks, wlll at.art his Winn'• Spttftre turbocharged Olly In the Memorial Doy classi< In IOlh pos!llaa in the ~ lleld. It was ooc <i the worst qual.iy{ln& ef. fo111inhil10 years at the Speedway. Laux and the other members of the le<llD had expeded Ille car Io do better than lhe 1116.428 n>iles per hour·-tt pooled for four laps, "" 10 IDIIeL Ruby hid hit 1118-plus ln practice, Lam: lakf. "We're still in good shape, bul we'll be half a lap behind alm06t from the start. our hope is that the Offy will prove more reliable than the Fords,'' Law: com- mented. Laux and the team had the No. 4 racer completelY. disassembled ln the garace ,,. ..... Tllesd8'. "We.,. going through It, checking evecy ·mimlle part," he said. "Maybe we'll c:iomt up with something new by race day... . I • l ~ • l:i l § ' 3 ~ '" .~ i i •' I a BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -0.J. Simpson has dropped a $500,000 Joan demand for signing with. the Buffalo Bills or the American FootbaD League in the face of a strong defense by Bills' owner Ralph Wilson Jr. But, Wilson and Simpson. ii was reported Tuesday, remained a u1££icult $400,000 apart af.ter a negotiating session Monday in. Detroit • Rolling Hills ' Beats Tars For· Crown . By BAllL GUITUY • Of .. NHr "" '""- Over the put lhree -Newport • Harbor High'& 1emd& ~hu rolled up a ttarlllng re<Ord ol '10-3. You wauld l1IP' pose 1J>en. lhat the Tara have dominated CIF championship coonpetilioo. Not true. For Ille lhlrd Ume In lour tries, ltolling llills toppled Newport Tlleaday afteniooo, 15-IS, and lhus nolcbed Ill secood ...,. ceasive CIF championship. The Titans ol coach Gary Hardesty have l.ndeed been a burr under Newport's saddle. The Sailors WOG the ClF cham- pionship in 1117 II)' !of>PllDi RoUint Hllil. But the Titans turned the labln last year, 16-1%, did it again In a pre«UOn match this season, 15'1a·l2'1a, and it waa the same story Tue&day at . the Los Angel" Tennis Club. It was Rollins Hllil' 411h llraJcht vie· lo.-y and such a streak is DOI uprlaing when surveying Hardestx'• lineup ·of talent. Two of his players -Jeff AUIUn and ruch Ley -have never loat a blch ICbool match. AusUn is the No. I-ranked junlor,pllyer In Southern California but Newport'• Bob Ogle, a promlling sophomore, nearly shumed Austin Tuesday. Austin's game went to pot midway through Ille JJUlldt and the sc:r1mb~ . Ogle suddenly had a M lead Ir. ~ one· set struggle. But Austin put hlmatlf back In the groove as quickly as he had left It and pulled it out, 7-5. !'That might have been the diHerm::e," said a disappointed Newport comcb, P1l Wilson. •'If Ogle bad been able to beat him, who Dows what woold hive hap- pened?" The NeWport ·Rolling Hllil laJis rivalry is developing into one of the moll ferocious in the CIF -tn any sport. Eidt of the past four matches bu gone down to the ~·ire but the Tars will be favored when the two meet again next March. \Vilson will see six of bit eight performers returning next season and Rolling Hills loses Austin. The Titans cinched the title Tlleaday when -Jim Annstrong defeated OsJe in lhe third-to-the-last match, 6-J. .. _ Glenn Cr1Dt 000 lol;l 19 J, A1111\!\, 2.f1 Arm.trent • H 1 Otl'. 8Kk1lt, .... o.,Ainlln. '1. 8111 P11v (NH} IOI! J, A11Jtln, 1 .. 1 A.-fnlnt, M ; 8tcktlt. -64. TIM D. A1111in, 1·1. SlM BrOCI< (NH) lolt fl) J, A111ttn_._1 .. I Arm1tTOng, 1'6: 8Kk•ll ,U; IXI. D. Allllil>. ...,,_ Sob Oclle !Nk) loll fl) J. A"'lln, S.11 ArmllrOfll, I-•; dtf. 8«.ktll, 6-2, D. A1.11Un ... 2. 11:-'t! CUnn.....,.m ~ .. :fu Hart (NHl"'i""' lw ~<..:I Vodfik, .. ._ Nill U ; HI. Micn.11 •nill • , 'J, M . ti - ' Kim P•rlno 11'111 B~ _Cl\l•l-....J!ltll 1111 '8 l_, •1'111 Vodak. M. 1-4; *"· Mll:Mll .... ~ M.14 You did. You did. The Puuycat is a delightful new orange-sweet aour that mixes up about as quick as a cat. This national ' prize winning drink is made with Major League Standings ~ a packet Of uln1tant Pussycat Mix;' water and Early Tim ... Have some fun with The Pussycat. It's playful. NATIONAL LEAGUE ENI DM1klo w L P<t. CllICAGO 29 15 .644 P~URGH • :12 20 .'21 ST. UIS 20 Z3 .465 ~~ 18 23 .~ 17 22 .436 MONTREAL II 28 .282 Weat Division ATLANTA 28 13 .G83 LOS ANGELES 21 17 .SSS SAN FRANCISCO 21 f9 .5S8 CINCINNATI • 20 19 .SIS HOUSTON sAN DIEGO _l :t lcl(ILlt I 11 I I ; I I I I ! \' 2% 21 .478 J8 29 .383 • GB SI\ R 8 9 IS I s 7 8 \~ 13 AMERICAN LEAGUE Eut IMvl.dOD w L Pd. GB BALTIMORE 32 14 .696 BOSTOJi 26 IS .634 i ii .. DETROIT 21 11 .538 71\ NEW YORK 21 24 ,.., 101\ WASHINGTON 21 211 .417 Jl 1h CLEVELAND 10 27 .270 171.) West Divialoa MINNESOrA 21 17 .515 OAKLAND 2Z 17 .:;&4 I KANSAS CITY 21 21 .500 SI\ SEAITLE 20 21 .<&! 4 CHICAGO -;... 17 Ii .472 .f \i CALIFORNIA y12 a .300 III\ -· -· - r . ' -· ' ' 1969 AllRlll A11 Hlca -51885 GOUI SIAL USID eAlS l'llllST SILICTIOM OI' USD Sl'OIT CAU IM SOUTMBM CALl'OllllA • ' .. Aalt lor /rutanl Pu..vcat Mix al your favorite Food or Liquor Store. To.a••• set ol 4-IOJ!.oz. Puuycat 1las&e1and4 packet.a of Instant Punycat MiX: send $2.95 to: EARLY TIMES PUSSYCAT CL.UU.5 -,.o. BOX 377, MAPLE PU.JN, MINNESOTA IUft Pumr.AT~ ~GALLON ~llil SAVE•l.50 AP.RIL·MAYONIJ "Oflet "'" ...,, wtttrt i.t9J.1., • ll•lrt4 -. .Jr • • . t..-. ' . . ' ·' .it .. Pro Grid Realignment Thrills Charger Boss At ' that UCl·Charger press conference the i>&ber day, a writer asked Charger coach Sid Gilhnan what · he thought of pro football's new realignment "It could not have been better!' -be replied. 11l'm absolutely thrilled over it." · Then he was asked if he thought pro football's other coaches felt the same way he did. • l<I would guess they do' but it re~y doesn't make any difference what they think about it, became T-HAT'S IT." And when asked to discuss his clUb's draft selec- tions, be started talking about Gene ·F~rguson, a S-71>. ~pound offensive tackle out of NorfOlk state. ''\Vb.en we found out that gu)' was-.afso a tennis champion, we figured he was fast enou~ to-play foot- ball. And even if he can't he can be mY.t~iinls partner.'' * * * SURFING DEPT. -Phoenix enti-PllIIIIp Du- fer 11 completlnt a $2 million surfing complex M« the campus of Ari1on11 State. It's 11 two-acN keyhole-shaped IAfDO'I ..,1p; • wMh 11 machine that genar11te1 w11va1 up to five fMt hllh. * * * CASINO DEPT. -Huntington Beach and SUlaly Hills High School basketball coaches Elmer Combl and Russ Hawk have a wager going, the Joser or which picks up the tab for a steak dinner. Hawk maintains Compton High, winner of 62 straight basketball games, will lose 15 'ames next year. Combs took him up on it and ordered bis medium~ran. * * * OLYMPIC DEpT. -Don't bot !hot tho rowlnt events would be held in Long Beach should LA eat the '76 Olympic G•m••· Newport Ba11ch'1 Jim Kiiroy, the man spaarhellding the drive to br.ing the Olympics to LA, has another idea. • ''We've calcul11ted it would be a nomin11l-co1t opera· tion to Install rubber dams in the LA River and hold the crew .racini there.'' * * * TENNIS DEPT. -When the Eastern Conference ls lowered into its grave next month, its passing will al's:o bring to an end the longest continuous coaching string of any EC coach. He 's Maurice Gerard of Orange Coast, who has coached EC tennis for ttie past 22 years, the last 12 at OCC. He had notched 10 straight years at Santa Ana before switching to Coast. 1-Ie'll begin another streak when OCC picks up the action in the new South Coast Conference next fall. ln 12 OCC seasons, he is 75--16-3, including four conference titles. * * * ANGEL DEPT. -Thot "Grool11! Angels of All Tim•" poll the club Is conducting h111 eot to be the most ridiculous promotional progr~m going. The old clubs -Yankees, Tigers, Cardinals -OK. But the Angels? Pl••••· * * * GOLF DEPT. -Newport Beach goll course archilect Bob Baldock writes from Tahiti that wet weather is slo,ving down piogress on his new course there -Tahiti's first. "It's rained 200 inches in the paft 20 days," h~ pens. " 'The world's most beautiful golf course' is com- ing along, but slower than expected." . * * * ARCH! E MOORE DEPT. -Bill Bums, thi1 newspaper's.sports-TV columnist; nys his friend Archie Moore is still thumping the drums for h1s he11vyweight prospect. Burns ••Y• Moore ha• told him his tiger, Reuben Ke'i;'y11tta, Is ready now for Joe Frazier or Jimmy Elli1. Moor• claims the 6-4, 220-pounder knock.t out a r11nked heavyweight in the gym recently who w•s offered $100 by Moore to knock out' his m11n. WEIGH-IN TIME -Kaner Lanes generat m'anager Dick Stoeffler adjusu the scales as three~ Orange Coast area entrants prepare lo cut otJ In Monday's opening night o! the West Coast Match Game Eliminations. From lelt: Joe Mintzer, Foontain Valley; R<>y Sub Helps Pomonan Grab Lead When the 120 bowlers In lhe West Coast Match Game Eliminations field g a t h e r again at Kona Lanes next Monday night, 119 of them will be obaslng the firat.rtJund leader I ,Ed Phillips or Pomona. In opening night action of the Costa Mesa 14-week event last Monday nigh~ Phillips shot to the the early lead without even throwing a ball. E I i m i naUon regulations permit players to use substitu· lions during the first sis weeks of the tournament. Phil- lips came up with a lat-min- ute business committment and scilt Lon MarshalL also of Pilmona, to fill !JI. Matlblll responded with a 2d-zza.m.221-:aa evening to put Pbilttps alop the heap. The highest standing Orange Coast area bowler after opening nigh! i. Glen Nevins of Costa Mesa, who st.ands filth at 844. Another Me11n, Larry Schoenfelder, is lotb at 819. 'I1>e field conUooes bowling each Monday night at 9 p.m. for the next 28 games, after which the field will be pared !JI half. Eliminations will con· tinue until only four are left Sept. l. Orange Coast area stan- dings: 5. Gltll H=-~~ ~ "' lf. Larry , COIN Miu llt ... JIAil ltlcdlll. Weltwlhlltw Ill u.. CMtli; ll'Hldl, l'Mf•ln .... ,,,., ll. lMTY IC.tlltr1.~IMIW IOI n. o..i.· Funl, -mw111i.r · tDI 1<1.. CIYdl Udrltr, Df111t Point 7'1 H. Wall)< ~ """""91oft 1-.cll m U: I:: ·~"""1~"' l!! JM ,It r.i_ "1!'!titt111 ~OIW lll • .kiiS "'""-· Cl)lnl9111 Y I.., ~!. Ken O.lil'ldln, "-'-"' •lln' II: S,;:'.tl;:'·J.'rl'J::l' m •. ~' ""'~" sl'::: "rr: 11~L;;;;;.;~·· "~1·1 m O. l'f, r-..n,.. ,. Im "" w 11, S llMl!O. U11 M-, FMrlllCI, l'4111119 8"tfl 1 Wilson, Costa Mesa ; stoeffler, ·and' Larry Schoenfelder, Costa Mesa. Wilson was the event's, 1967 champion. Action continues Monday night at 9. DAILY "I.GT J• Italians, Clippers Vie in LA When the CUppen meet llaly11 rtmatly aowaed pro soccer champion Jl'lcniotina al Loo Angeles Collleum Friday, % p.m., it will drk Ibo CaJifomlans' 13th g 1 me against prominent American and foreign oppoeitioo .•Ince Jonuary. The Clippers' DlOlt decisive victories were ahutou1s over Atlas of Mexico (S-0), Ruaslan champion Dynamo Kiev (1~) and the U.S. World CUp lam (4-0). but their gr 111te1 t performance to date was un- doubtedly against We at Bromwich Albion la!t Friday. In that one, the Clippers dominated from tlle start; and appeared certain wtnners as 'they led 2-0 with just. three minutes remaining, .when the English 1963 Cup champion scored two remarkable goals for a sensational tie. "ln spite oC Lb e game's brutal pace, our lack of con- trol and concenlration .i.J\ the final seconds of play cannot be excused", said team manager Dr. A1exander Obradovic. "The Italian champions wllJ prove our greatest cbailenge to date," he continued. AUli m CENTER "The guy .;a, out for 30 minutes and had to be t•ken to the hospital for observ11tion," Archie maint11in1. ''I . have the next he11vywelght ch•mpion under contract.'' 18 Horses, Trainer Die In Blaze ,!111f.4. tu..i .id K,. lhkk tvHless SIM Oriti. r.-. tn 650-11 •••••• 17.95 •••••• 1.79 700.11 •••••• 17.95 •••••• 1.94 pl111.IM.tn-'...Wfir• llodc tubeless Sb• on.. ......... 735-14 •••••• 21.95 •••••• 2.07 nS-14 • , , ••• 23.95 •••••• 2.20 775-JS ., ., .. 23.95 .. ., •• 2.21 ,. .. , .... ,.. •!'Id old ..... lloclc tubeless JiUI Orlt· """ ... 12~14 •••••• 25.95 •••••• 2.36 155-14 •••••• 27..95 •••.••• 2.J7 115-15 •••••• 25.95 •••••• 2.31 14$-15 ,• • " " 27. 9S " " " 2.57 SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers ' " U. ·::· ... :.''' = "' ' " -~-\\ lllllf9-....... ~t'Rt ut ARE', TAX, ... BAG AND PlK:UAGt/' --- d -- .. - 'r -- VANCOUVER, B.C. (AP) - A trainer died cl I heorl al· tack and 1t Iwt 11 race horses died In a Damlni barn early today afler fire broke out In the stablina .,... cl E<- hlbllion Pork, on the Pllclllc National Exhibition Grounds ln th18 western Canadian city. Anon is Ollpoct<d. Jack 'Ruleell, 41, ol Vin· couver. a public trainer, was dead on arrival , at hospital after .collapsing aoon after Ibo fire started. <~ senior Fire Deportmenl owclal said be OOIJlllod 11 carca..es cl horreo penmoDy in the cent.er barn of a row of II. That barn WU deStrvyed end hro llC(jolnlng baml ...,. domoged. -lhoroulhlred .... J r-'"'1 to have -tilled wlton hll i,, a ear on • neu"7 stnet. after a number of -turned -fn)lll the ~ stampeded .In -· 0oe WU lighted men than hro mil<o ..... Ibo pm. ---...... tab~ ed In the pm, where rocinl is held each Moodly, Wed· naday, Friday and S.lurdoy. ' . • 695·14 •••••• 19.95 •••••• 1.96 WHITEWAW ONLY 12 MOllEI Cwt.i1...i11 NOW ,_1s .... , , is.ts •2' 2.a FOREMOST TIRE ·GUARANTEE -Ciuar1ntn 11ainst tread w11111wt. If your tire welfl out dttrin1 lh• fim half of the auarantee period. return it with your auairanl1!,_ ~ifieate and Ptnneys wlU rep/ace ye:ur tire with • new tire, chargina ycu 50% less than the current sellin,· pnce lncludin1 reaeral Excise Tax; if ye:ur tire weers out durina: tht second hltf. )'OU pay 25% less thin the cunwtt sallinc: pl1c:e lncludll'll Federal E.xcise Tax. CIUlf'llntN IPIMt fltJure. If we repMc:e the tire duri111 lhe free.replacement period, there 1s no chirp) If we 'ftPl•c1 tilt ti,. 1tt1r the fret.rtptacement Ptriod. YQU pay 50" or 25% less thin tht current .stllin& price of tht ti,.. includine federal Excise Ta. Connwcl1I ...._ This print• fl woid where pesseneer tirn ,,. used on trucks. used for busrness. .or driven tNtl 30i000 mil• in one year • FULLERTON "-''• i..w ,. .. , 1-ti· ...., , .. .,, ...,.. a... •-•• ,.,w , .. ao -""' ,,.. - P't•wt perlotl , , , l0IJ -!lths. '°".ti ,.,W,,, 1"'2:1 -it... "" el ,.riM ••• U30 ~ CANOGA PARK NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA BUENA PARK ( :,::;•"') CHULA VISTA ,HUNJINGTON BEACH \ • ' ·• ' t -......... 1 ... • lloUl y PILOT' Start -Your Engines! • by Deke Hou/gate . There were snickers heard from coast to coa st when Mark Donohue was announced as wlnne{ of the 1969 •1>river of the Year" a ward. ~ Donohue was cited for winning the U.S. Road Rac-- ing Circuit title for the second year in a row , winning tb·e Trans-American man ufacturer championshi p for Can\aro and placing third (behind Bruce McLaren and Denis Hulme but ahead ot all U.S. drivers) in the Ca· ziadian·American Challenge Cup standings. Donohue's record was impressive. but the award was said to be undeserved becau&e be had ducked Bob- by Unse r, Ma rio Andrettl and A. J . Foyt most of the year by not racing on the championship trail. ln two championship appearances Donohue placed third to Dan Gurney at Mosport and provided Gurney \vith his only serious challenge at Riverside. Mark was too busy winning races elsewhere to bother with other USAC championship events. Well . last Saturday Donohue wiped the smll'ka oU •.feryJ>ody's faces when he qualified for the lndil\!lapo- 1~ 500 at an average speed of 1J8.903 'rn.p.h •. He was. faster th an everybody at Indy except Foyt and Andret- t('lwhen he made his ru n. • • ~ The baby-faced form er engineer, who was -graduat. 8' from Brown University into a button-down. collar •rid he has since forsaken . seems de stined to become al world championship class auto racing figure. ~ He's considered a rookie at the speedway, but vet- ' n drivers have a great deal of re spect for Donohue's Uity, because he achieves his speed without sacri· ng safety, a mi stake of man y rookies at Indianapolis the past. .. The best ~ookie starting position for the 500 in ·re- ctnt years was fourth by Andretti in 11165, and other top ~kie quallfying performances have been turned in ti' driven like Parnelli Jones, Jimmy Clark, Jim Mc· .lllreatb and Gurney. j It's interesting that the speedw8y has apparenll y (ailed to overawe Do nohue, as it has other roo kies to ~e point of psyching out some or them : After his first feW practice TUD.s and several days hard work setting up the SullOC()oi;imOniz Lola. D.ono- , e remarked. that he was surprised to note the poor I vel of prepa'ration most cars were in. Facing the tou ghest driving test of bis career, Don o- lile was mosUy worried abou.t nuts and bolts. Typically, Donohue operates like a walking com· ter. His mind, filled with the technical knowhow of practicing enginee r and tempered by his devotion to g machinery: Is constantly scheming to develop met.bods to build better function into his cars. Driving some of the most exotic machines in the World , coping with speeds in excess of 200 miles an , being a driver is not sufficienlly taxing to require his attention. Donohue fills in as boss of the Roger ke racing o~rat.ion ill Philadelphia. ~ It consists of the Indy car, two Camaros for the ~rlean series and a Can-Am Group 7 sports ey are about as · much alike as a tractor, a nd a limousine, to giv.e you some idea about cal pr0b1ems they represent. , Wlngh1g Alon!J at · lnd11 ,. ~ Our Item about wings on race cars the other day ••• timely. The International Racing Federation is re· lfprted ready to lwln them from competition on th• b4sis t •t they are unufe both to c;frlvers and to spec:tafors. '· Winli"""ire considered to be unsafe because of a fiiah iMIMnc• of wln9 failures that tt.ve led to acci· 4tntt. Quite likely, wint• will be outlawed for fo rmula cfte trand prix cars. ' Alrfoll devices are the big deaf at lndlanapeils this r. WI• theni11lvu are not ellowecl on Indy cers, nttirly enryone hes atteched small devices to front ~ rear sactioftl ·o1 their cars that do nearty the' t ame 'fo'k 11 wings. ' f The wedge-shapecl car is nothing more or less than Wt whtg on four wheels. Air pressure on the exposed upper aurf•c• Is supposed to force the t ires to make r cont•ct with the pa'Hment. Better tr•ctlon gives driver more control and allows him to go faster. Ruh11 Dbco1nll.• 175 Speed t~ A coupJe of weeks ago, Ma rio Andretti was predi c1· a r.:Iei-winning qualification speed of 174-175 m.p.h. Ind anapoli s. His "rords \vere widely quoted, becausf' ario is auto racing's most popular interview subjecL e fellow visited veteran Lloyd Ruby and came a\va~· "tb a different story: . '"It'll take between 170 and 171 miles an bour," Ru said. "I really beUeve ·nobody· will· run any quicker that. The turbines were he re last year and ran .8 m.p.b. Th ey're not here this year." * * * f Some of th e na tion's best racing talent will sk ip ~y on Memorial Day for a road race in the hill y re- E, country of n6rthwest Conriecticut. It's a Trans- erican at Li me Rock . Conn., \vbere teams from rd, Chevrolet. American ~lotors, Pon tiac and Jtonche will·m eet. --- ~ 'J'n,nl--Am roa d racing is getting tougher for driv· Sa and better for spectators. ,.,lore than 20.000 watched the opener at Atich..iga n Speed way, and maybe 10,000 jilt agueeze inl11 the little club course a day's drive ft:om New York City to see the Memorial Day race. A couple of years ago 1 was there. Arising early to void ttalftc on the narrow two-lane highways leading a New Hampshire motel to the track 25 mil es way. it took me three hours to get to the race course. 'Ibe reat0n ls that every town and hamlet in Con- ectlcut nas a Memorial Day pa rade tbat blocks traf- c, and tiler•'• no way to drive In Conrectlcut without olng throush towns and hamlets. You don't really mi nd e delays, however. Yankee patriotism is quite in- ir!ng. Visiting Lime Rock is worth lhe trouble. It's beau· !uJ, exactlf, like a Wt.sterner accustomed to rocks nd dust m ght expect an Eastern road course to be. ere are trees to sit under, and the hillocks are mat· with the gr.elnesl graJs you ever saw. The spectators'set out bla nkets and tablecloths, lean ck on their elbows and lully watch the cars roar by. ere will be more champacne bottles per capita at tune Rock on Friday than 11x·packs at Indy. I \ -Rams~k Elder Favored in Stock Car Race· ' Very Solid Ray Elder m0eo llll Uvlnc on l lnck. pounds, has alleady proved his Eld<r bu -runner-up to dlaalp Bobby Hollie, Jim B k ~tllnc down, blll be doolft't 'lbo ti.Illa ror Eldtt are potentW in two blc ,..., the Padlle ·Coast "ASCAR Coofl. Dick Bown, Don Noel, At ac ers-work al anylblnj£ .--bllns 1 hlaMt then potnll or !be qa1nst !be bet! drlver1 ond lat< model cha mp. Jack McCoy and Johnny desk Job. Wbea ht lllt't lffted p,ut pune PQltld by pro-factory . baked c •r s t n Tbe San G11be event is far Steele. One of Ram -Gtors• All<a'I favor!to -_, ... tbe line, HBrilbteft tbe corntr where )'(It.I aft<," IOd tt'1 dedicated tti Jp Pltdee and MW. ea.pa.. a pair _or ..,.. ner Une~n Al!en clahua IU'e the , two bell 1n Ute Na· tJonal Footl>all LOIJUe. •top a tracitW' plowln& up bll mot.et Art Alkloloa.. He't NA.SCAR. In February he from a twCHnan show, as all They will perform Saturday family's eoUon fields a t iOfnc afler bll lint Paclfic fmiahrld &ev9nth in the Motor the top Pacific Coast NASCAR night at san Gabriel Valley Caruthen l'IW' Freloo, M's Cout ctwnpionsbtp as a attp.. Trtnd Riverside MIO won by slln Dguni to make it a Speedway. localed at 4900 bthind the wheel ol a ·• plng.ftone to bluer thinp in Richard Petly, 8nd a few days multi-car raet in 1967-69 Rivergrade Rd., Irwindale, lhe Dodge <lw'ger·race car. ltock car raclne. / later be placed toth blbind i:nodd Fords, Dodges, Cbevys, extension of 605 Freeway two Elder la one'ot the favcrltes Elder, a U.year-old ex.foot. Lee Roy YIJ'kOuah In the Pontiacs • n d Otdsmobiles. miles north of the San Friday ntgbt in tbe inaugural ....:b•::l:.I ..:":.:a::r_:w:.;ho::_.:W.::•ilhs:.::;:.....:214=.....=.0.:oytc:ona=_,SOO::::.·.:F.:ar:...:thr<e=:.Yc:"'=''-°'=iv:.:et::•:...:l:::ncl::ude=-=-'Pc:'.:in::.l __::c•:::•_:Bc='"='::rd::i•:::o:.F:.r:::ee::w..ca,_y_. __ lift NASCAR lat< model atock car race tbit will open San ' p••••••••••••'!I"""'•••••••••••••••••••• "I aald ti.al In• 1111 and dur- Inc lta there WU DO rebOO to chan,se that statement," Allen ""'1!nlled. Gabriel Valley Speedway lo a p s • · s Pool ~~t:ijfi~ -re-eason wimming 8:.J°!':'~.U:~thsw~ ·OVAL POOL 24ft.x 16ft, ,. TOI' DICI SAVB NOW! "Bo I h playm combine leadership with perfomwice. Maxie ii our defensive aeneral and Jodi II the rlll.kln( col· ooel. Jack bad his best year in 'II. Mule tailed off a bll oesr the J•nd, but he was playing with a bad lmee that would have hospitalized moe;t people. He's hid an operaUon and is lookiJll -lo ..... ty Caln or Fmno. 'l1itlr duel st San Gabe will be one of the higllligbta of tbe 100.lap main event on Southffn Cllifomia't only paved bigll bank half-mile Gra y, Perez Win Honors Mimon Viejo High School's IW•ahoDjby the WI)', played sprtog sports award> banqutl f~r the Wen ln the poet.season was held Tuesday night at the Pro Bowl, hla eighth 1Uch ap-school cafeteria and Mike 'peara:nct in nine seasons. Gray (baseball ) and Ray ' "Myron PotUos had his best Perez: (track) picked off in· ~lvidual honors. Ra.ti) year at m i d d I e ........ 11 linebacker," .George COD· v1"11r -MVP: 'Miii• Gr1r1 C1P. Unued. "In '67 he and Doug '&..%1 r:r.,.,:~~" M•t lm1>rovM: J= v1rsllr -MV"; ~II Woodllef shared the duty. Last ~t:1 .... 11r; Mot lmorowci: Ktv " Year Mvron played 9" percent Frtshll\111 -M°"' lt1111roveo: 1t1v 1 llulr; M\tP: Joe J-5. of the time. Jle kept his weight V•rittv _ Hiohr•;:1~,: ll•v "-'''· down and that helped give him ~ = ~l:l: ~~~:i lflt"cir°:~~· 20 MIU L*8 Wiii! I YIAll GUAIANlll Y, H.,. PUMP • u.mt fl.111 wmc UOCWA81 YAlW • 10 ft. OUAIAH'f8 DI lUX TUT m . Ol(Me ..... IOftOM ..... amACI ~ SAVE NGW! ONLY .. $589• SAVE NOW! 36" x 12 FT. POOi '29'8 111 FT. x 41". POOl -Only DOUGH BOY AND OTiiEI: BRANDS LINER REPIACEMENJ' CENJ'EIC SECARD POOL 323 S. MAIN, otANGE 2 llodit S. M C1taptM1n e Ph. 532°1992 llDmSi; 6 Mn 11 TO 71 SUND.AT lt TO 6 HEATERS SUDES CHE/lffCAJ.S LA DDERS Pool Taltle9 Toe! "-~ zln He made 71 Most tMOJr111oN1: c..rc11no. urc r.· Oullllndfnci FlelO: 8lltN 41WOOO. ~ third highest on the .-~-""""-'-'-""'-'""'-"""''-----------------------------------------clUb behind Merlin Olsen and ' David Jones, who had 91 and 11, respectively:• After the top three come \Voodlier, punt-blocker Tony Guillory and Gene Bree n. ' Tony Guillory aad Breen are returning after knee opei:a- tions. All are experienced. It's Woodliel's fifth year, Breen's sixth and Gulllory's fourth. GuUlory, Incidentally, is Ute captaln.9f the special teams. There's additional talent in a third echelon of R a m linebackersJ namely D I c k Absher, 1-4, 235, who wu ob. tained in a deal with Allanta in the off.season. The third- year vet will get a shot at the middle job. Trying for ct1rner posts are Dean Halverson, who replaced the lnju<ed Guillo<Y on--the squad for the final game . .lasl year as a rookie, and John Perglne, the ex·Notre Damer who !bowed promlle as a reserve squad member last season. Spike Test 1 Set Back On,e Week The ioaucural S o u t h er n Calllornia InvttaUonal track and field meet, originally scheduled for CerrltOI College June 14, has been switched to June 21 at the same site. FotJt coache~ have been named for the meet featuring graduating track stars from the ClF southern section and the Los Angeles city schools. Named to coac h th e Southern Section outfit are Leon Forman or Lon g Beach Poly and \Villle Will iams of Compton high schools. Heading the LA schools are Dick Kampmann of University HJgh and Ed Bravo o( Los .\ngeles High. Proceeds (roni the event will benefit the Sunair Home for ;u;thmatlc children iii Tijunga. Each team will have four entries in each event and places will be scored on a 5-3-1 basis. Coa~t Ar ea An glers Get Bi g Marlin Four Orange Coast area residenta rectnUy hooked onto and landed tome bi& marlin, flshlna: out Rancho Buena Visla In Baja California , Mex· ico. • The blu est rN.l'lin landed was a 171-poundtr which 'll'U brought to prr by Gtora• Fortener of a111oa b land. He also ca ii&hl a JIG-pounder. Fishing with him was M. E. Fortener of Newport Beach who reel~ In a pair of 151· pound beauties. Robert Marsh all of Newport Bfach caught 11 ))l lr of 132- pound marlin in ilddition to half a doren ytllowtall and one dolphin. William Demming o( Stal Beach caught another Ila· pound m.llrlin alon& wllb a p1lr of dolphin. -· ;..us 1111. ,i.MCK••·~ IL 1.U .. ..,. """"1•! 1111un• 11c• ""' ... '" ft,50·13 Sill 7 00.13 11i1.1-o '·''* . s-141$\7 .... .. , T -- ' VALVOUNE MOTOI OIL JO.JO WT. 2 7 ' QT. .... ... ~· ..~-.... •'·' .... ""' .. 1~······ .... . "" 1.01 7.35-14 ... .... .... 7_35.15 usUD ,_,. _7.75-14 $\ 9 7.75-15 '·'' - A111 2..16 •a.as-14 sizl · w &s-lS usUD .~.00-1~ $25 113 -- ' c ::::1•1 ,• ... .1••*• • c::~~ ............ ca-.-- .,COMP.A.CT CA&S Falcons, Comeu, Oit'vy 2'1 le Corvai.r.< 1,... 21.n 22" ..,. ... , • STAHOARD CAU Dodges, Fords. Chevys. & Plymoutil~ ... ,..,, 27" flSK Oil FILTtR J.86 THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONL\' WESTMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PARK COSTA MESA 15440 IEACH ILVD. 5885 LINC!OLH AVE. 5301 KACH ILVD. 2200-HARIOR ILVD. • At Yahy View 826-5800 • At Laltwf.._ 52].]040 • At Witt. 5-48-2082 • SANTA ANA 1400 EDINGE R "' Iris ... 546 °7832 •• • •• -----~------·-~-----------------------------------------~-------.,---·---------·--~~-- Metzge~, Summers Win SACC Tourney Lee Mttzatr of Sanll Ana Country Club od suat Tom Sum.men of Los Posu CC • Second ~t to G e 11 e Meacher and Dan TaMlhlll at II and Willlam HlllN WU third with 10. won the 11th annual m~· I Tile blJnd bony Wll WO)\ by l""I ournam<nt at &anla Ceoc;e CheUua' 51 followtd by Ant Sunday afternoon, p»Un1 John Sonllc and Joe ClftCOUa a, net Ui.. at SI and John Broomlltld at Second place went to Or. R. 61. O. Peterson and 1r11esl Dick Yvla ToUeUson won Lhe ·-bUDil ho lille in 'lllladJy's Mitchell of Mm Verde CC women's~ play with a ii. with a 128 followed by Dick Second ....t to Kay llurlla A~brey and Dr. Ed Newahutz . at 7f followed by Urda Moor~ Wlth the same 1-lly. and Sbiriey CUmmaro 1t 76. Scotch ball titlists were Paul Lenk ol Sanla Ana· and Ed Riddle of Irvine Coa>t CC followed hy Larry Ridgeway and guest Les Granger., Third went to Ed Crane CSACC) and George Holstein of !CCC at 59~. Low gross winners over the tw<Hiay event was Jack Beau- mont and Augie Sllveyra with 137 rollowed by Bill Stiman and Boh Clark. Ken Manie):' and Clyde Sarver won the derby Utle. The women's club v•ill have Its annual installation oC of· flcers Tuesday along w1th the Tijuana pro-am event. .Il's a shotgun evenl begin· run1 at 8:30 a.m. Meatlotolark Harriet Glanville won the Meadowlark Country C I u b women's club championship recently with a grosi-230 over three days ot action. Second place went to Be tty Briley's 245. Low net \\'as taken by Helen Moulton's 221. In the first flight It was Kathy Bransford taking low gr06S with a 275 followed by Bonnie Nuccio's 276. Low net was Florence Baker at 333. Second flight honors in low gross compelition went to Kil· ty Mullen at l83 followed by BarblU'• Mallck 's 296. Jean Hight won low ne t with • 227. Rosemary Erickson's 305 "-'35 good for first low gross in the third flight followed by Bea Anderson 's 319. Low net went to Ma ry Gregory at 2.17. I ~lesn Verde Paul Buckles aod Russ George won a best ball partners event in men's action at Mesa Verde Country Club Saturday with a score or 60. Second place went to Lowell S t ark and Charle s Frledersdorf with a 62 along with lhe team of Doc Newton and Joe Bank.1. In SIUlday.'s mixed best ball • foursome It was Richard and Btrnice Johnston and Paul and Louise Robinson winning with • ts. One stroke back \\'as the quartet of Doc and Betty Newton and Joe and Billie Sparago. Huntington Be ar /a The quartet of B i 11 y Creswell, Tracy Kelly, John Gardner and Ralph Finley ·combined for a 185 to take the title at Huntington Beach Country Culb's field day tourney Sunday. It was a best ball of threesome among the foursome event. Second with 192 wu Jay Thomas, Lee Casey, Ken Page and Tom Pisano. A tie for trurd resulted at 195 among Larry Jacobs, lferb Day, E. P. Corntassel and John Henric kson along with the team of Jim Lewis. Ed Ruoff, Tom Quinlcven and John Ballad. Searllff Les Rosenlhal took low gross honors in a men 's cl ub event at Seacliff over the weekend with a 76. Low net was tied with Jcsst. M. Foltz and Richard McC1m· mon at 116. Hmy Hilke spread himself aJJ over El Niguel acorecards and came up a wlnner in four placea over 1,!!.. events. Hilke, Mlal\ln Viejo Hl&h School's baseball coach, team. ed u'p with Ron Miller on one side and Hmla 'JbOD\IOlll on the' other for as to take \be ti- tle in a partners but4>all toorney recently. He followed that act with a first place in a like event with Thomson and Ron Miller sup- plying the othtr half for another round of 62. Second place in the lwo events w e n t to the teams or Hilke-Rick Gouin, Al Shandie· Bob Christiansen. Colvin Whit· tington· Warren King and Whit. tlngton-Harry Emerson with 63s. Hilke-Gouin added a second with a 63 in the latter tourney. Irwin Kee was a partner on the winning team in another partners best ball eyent with Maurice Thompson with a 60. Second wenl to Thompson and Whittington with a net score of 63. The winning foursome in the Silver Fizz tourney at El Niguel was comprised of Art Au.sness, John Morrow, Clint Carter and Lloyd Carleton. Their s:;· was one stroke bet- ter than the quartet of Harry Godwin, MUI Gray, J t f f Townsend and Leroy Hansen . Joe Del Beato and Phil Cramer were the winners in the twosome team p I a y , ~ilng a net 63. \Villis and Edith Carpenter won the mixed best ball tourney with a low net of 15 rollo\ved by four tandems. Three strokes back were the teams of Lloyd and Susan Foely, Rick and Agnes Gooin. Phil and Lucille Flabtrty and Frank and Alberta Leensvaart. Other ml.led best b a 11 tourneys, rectntly, were won by Bob and Isabelle Ellio'.tt and Willis and E d t t h Carpenter. Lag•n• Beae/a Laguna Beach Country Club, which has been closed since Jan. 25 because of flood damage, will be open Thurs· day morning to the J)\lblic. All trees and greem were saved. but reseeding was re- quired on most of t h e fairwa ys. 1tlbsion Viejo Lew Evans, an 11-han· dicapper from Irvine Coast Country Club, captured two honors in the second annual ..Anteater Tournament a t htission Viejo Golf Club, Fri- day, taking the low net tnlphy with a 64 and the second low gross at 75. He aJso won a special trophy for beating former U.S. Open champion Jack Fleck's score FJI WOMEN STAND 1-2 Two Fountain Valley women are standing one-two in the ladies' handicap division of the ninth annual Palm Springs Singles Bowling Claulc. Beverly Ladd leads with a· 1.082 pin count and Mlrjun Bertani Is nexr'at 1,079. A Westminster bowler, Bill Arndt, leads in the high pme diviakm of the toumameat with 1 289. Robert Lopez took the men's club championahlp Saturday at Rancho San Joaquin Country Club with a 305 over 72 holes. Runnerup to Lopez WIS Paul Runge at 317. First flight titlisl-.w as Jim Roy at 289 with Dick Boucher second at 294. Hank Duffie copped the se- Cbnd flight with a 281 with George Bridman second with 28.1. Other flight winners were Bill Ritter (211). John CbaUin (292) and Hann Schreur (199) with second place finishers Les Hill (298), Earl Hard1way (293) and Herb Martin (304). Costn Mesa The Hope in Ont 1olf cvenl will be held at Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club Satur- da y through Monday. The unique contest benefits the City of Hope in its quest to combat cancer, lukemia and other diseases. McKinnev Sparkles For 49ers Jlm St.anseland's f I r s t spring of footblll 1t Cal State (Long Beach) can easily be termed a success. • Th e 49ers close<f20 days of drills with the traditional Spring Game and Stan1eland's first unit, th& White team, scored an easy 35--0 victory over the Browns. composed ol Long Beach reserves and local all-stars. "It was a very producUVe spring," said . Stangeland. "l think we accomplished what we had in mind and that was lo fiRd out what kind of talent we had. . "Needleas to ilay. for the: most part we were pleased." PerbaPI the most pleasing siaht to Stangeland and hia st.aft was the play o f quarterblck Shawn McKinney, former Gokten West Colle1e and We1tmin11ter High a~e who completed 23 of 31 passes for 3S additional yards durin1 the Spring Game. ''Shawn had a very good spring for w." s 1 I d Stangeland. "Rls pas!ling ac- curacy has been excenent and his running has been en- couragtna." McKh!.ney got plenty of receiving help, despite All· American Billy Paki being sidelined for the spring. Among the top receivers In the apring finale were Kelll) Huber, seven catches for 142 yards,. Darrell Mt'Cullough. thrtt for 86 yards. Tony McNul, five for 11 yard1 and John Turner. fi ve for 32 yarc:h. Baseball's T_?p Ten AMIJUCA" llAIUW l"l•l'tl' C"-' o Al • M ,cl, (•,.w Mh\ U 1Jal 21 !t .JH 11.llllllolntOtl ••• <M 17• JI '' .l3f '•tr'll«IH l tn " 12' H .U .11' (•"" 0.k '9 1'6 t2 ... ]If Mllmrr HY ff 1n fl U .lll C.>M• (Ill l' IU 1f 3' .JO] ...,...,_ .... • l!lt " •• In Motorcycle Races Set r,1 t Fairgrounds ~t Mlfl 11 HJ 1J <M .JOI l*-SM :M 170 It Jt Jllll Olln M1<1 "° ,,. ,. '' .m -·-... How•nl. W•tll.,,.lon,. 1S1 ,,,,... etlll, l a -1l1 Jlt. JK t..... 0.t-...... Il l ,-_ Jt~IOll, 1!1•11'-•, ltl 1$'.llf!ft, W1tM,,,tw1, 111 1'•11-. ,... v.... u. . NATIO~L LIAO\JW ,i.1'91" Civil $ Al It M l"r:I. (. ,_. NY •I 151 n " .Jn 14. A•r$11 All •I ,.. !1 JI .JM ......_. ,1111 l1 11t ,. " -~ "· AIW AH JJ 1'9 M M -U11 .\, Jol'Wl.IOll (ift lt !ti JI st .lotF M • .\11111 "fll 11 Ito '4 41 .JJt llMnll• Ht11 • '" n n m M, J-MN )t IM " M .UI MtCM!" $1" 1' IM n tt .:DI ,..._1 CM Jt '" JI n .nr -·-Mf('-f, ''" l"rtfl<llQe, U1 W't!lfl. 1 n t ernatlonal motorcycle raclna: "]>rO«rama TilLbe bekl this aummer at Ofanle Coonty Fairgrounds in Costa Mna beainning Friday night. Jun e 6. Pasadena brothers Jack and Cordy Milne. f o r m e r in- ternational motorcycle raeera in lhe ll.S.. Auatr1tia and En,t,nd, have signed a 1e- to promote weekly races at the Fa1rground'.1 trtck. the 1930's," said lack Mitne. He added that he hopt> lo develop lnter-<:lty team racing. Other tracks are.aheduled to operate thi1 aimmer a t Pacoima, Oardena. S o u t h Gitt, Oak.land, San Francisco, Fremo and Sao DI .... The honor1ry starter for the June I openln1 will be Ed K..U, an Amerlcon~ pionshlp bike ractr for 25 years. • DAll.Y "10T 21 • UCI Crew QoQ!t"g wttl1 Schools of Y ellowtail · • In Regatta Arn Id Palmer Spotted Near Catalina - BUY NOW ,,:I0.:13 ....... ~ PUI f'ed. [I',, lU: ~ •f'WI old lire "Al-W11111sllr'T,. ~ Cle•n 1!d...U d.ip. radi•l dub oo HiotUOer • Tripl•tenpe1wd •f'- cord CCMl:Ndioe. • 'Bvy Daw .. UwiN· low pricn on our easy pay plan I .. LARGER SIZ-ES ~ One Low Price 7.75rl5 7.75 xl4 L25x:l4 . -----... -_ ...... -i SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO • YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. THEODORE ROBINS FORD ISH NiwPolT "'""• 541-H IJ 412 OCU.N AVI. ,.,_ 4'4-6666 Z060 HAHOR llVD. ...... '42.0010 COSTA MISA LAGUNA COSTA MISA "·' . " ' • . \ . I ./ Htu!MI\. UI L. M••· Clrick¥t !I. "J "''"I; C~tl. 101 s.n1 .. CJ'llCIM. •1 It. An... l'lll!Mtlllfllt, t• Ct ...... AlltMto •1 H. M!"llft. Atltll ... I, "We're bringln1 hack lhc brolldslding. short track type of racing that WU IO popular ' oo the Pacllic Coaal durtnc About 25 r lde r 1 aboard English. Swedish and Cuch I macbin .. burnlni menthol are alatedlobt•baod.· ._ _______ ...; ____ .;.. ___ .. _____________________ -!I L • • • ' • , .... JiOii:a LEGAL NQTICll •? caat•f'KA" °' •utu11.u ) (SEAL) \ • • • •• \ ____ ..__ Weekend 'Kicks Off Yachting Memorial Day tradlUonally kkka off the yadiUng seuon 1\1 Southern California. This year l$ no exception as major regatLU are planned • from San Diego to Santa Barbara while the non-com- peUUve yacbUng types are planning to cruise to Catalina lsland and other ll e a r b y · p.leasure pOrts, ' ' .. One of the roremost Memorial Day Regatta.:s 111 staged by Balboa Yacht Club and is expe.cted to tum Out nearly 200 entries for the Saturday and S.00.y racing. A1amitos Bay Yacht <(_lub at Long Beacb is spon30ri9g • ¥emorial Day event Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On the power boat front the primary Interest ls ln the Long Beacb Yacbl Club's predicted Jog race !or the famed~ Cr.aig Trophy. The race gets under way Friday and the first leg terminates in San Diego. The return leg will end a·t Newport. 1be Craig Trophy, daUng back to 1907 is one of the most expeniiive kudos in y a c h t racing. It is so valuable that it is kept in a bank vault. Speed Boat Crash Kills Bobby Hill GALVESTON, Tex. (AP)- Bobby Lee Hill. 35, a Knox· \'ille. Tenn., power boat driver, died Monday of in· juries received in t h e Galveston 250 Speed Classic Sunday. · A spokesqian at John Sealy Hospital said Hi!! suffered massive brain ·damage· when his craft, 'Ambusher II,' disintegrated in rough water on the 55lh lap of the l!Map race of Offats Bayou . Two other drivers, Mik e Reagan, son of California GQv. Ronald Reagan. and Marvin Friedman of Coral Gables, Fla., were injured slightly in separate accidents. Reagan recei~ a c;ut on his arm when his bo_at, 'Mike Reagan Special' ffippecl. Both Reaga n and Fri~an were treated arid rele...0. The race for inboard power boats was won oy Dick Freek of Oklahoma, who drove 'How About That' to $3,500 in flr!t prize money, Only r ll Of the 33 boats entered finished the race. WEEKEND Shellnaaker Celebrates 30 Years i1a Newport Balboa Yacht Club's Opening Day Saturday turned into double celebration when William ·P. Boland Jr., proprietor of SheJJmaker, Inc. invited BYC mem· bers and guests aboard the big-dredge, Headway, for a cocktail party. The dredge-was.moored off lhe BYC premises where il is engaged in dredging op- eratio.ns for the club's expansion. The marine con-- tractipg firm was founded in ~ewport 30 years !_go and now is t:.ngaged in dredging .and oth.e.r manne construction work along the entire Pacific Coast. Boland, a member of BYC, is an ardent yachtsman and former Star sailor. Fiberglass \ Rules? ' Wood Lo~ing in Scandin:avia Boats ' . ~ . By JACK WOLISTON Baess. a Dane. who• switOhcd almost wholly on the home ( several years ·ago from· w~ market, although some expert NEW YORK UPI) to fiberglass in his busipess\, as much as !JO percenl of theh Fiberglass has-almost e<1m· I I h "I used to have a good product. Among the al er, t e pletely conquered wood in the business buying up \vooden European market has become building of pleasure boats in Scandinavia . boats and selling them in ge~rally more important than America," Baess says. "I sold the American, except for' those 'rhis report comes from the ed about 40 a uear. Then, about firms which are ti in closely current issue of the magazine .1 Scandinavian Times which 10 years ago, business dropped "'.llh American sales organi2:a- a9ds, almost regretfully: "The off suddenly, and I sold only lions. pleasant odor of wood shav· about four boats in ooe year. r \Vest Germany. Sweden arid ings has been replaced ·by the wenl off to the Slates to find England are the main Euro- heavy stench or p.l_a s t i c out what had happened It "'as pc.an boat markets. materials." fiberglass." Scandinavian Times reports "In the Scandinavian boat The advent of fiberglass has that by American slandards building· industry, practically been almost coincident with a production runs are not large. all the big yardS, have gone boom in Scandinavia's Few builders make as many over to fiberglass, and most o( pleasure boat mlrket and it is. a! a boat a day. Oeiunart·s the smaller ones, using tradi· estimated there are now close biggest boat builder has an an- tional materials and methods, to two million privately owned · nual tumov"er of ab6irt 15 are painlully taking stock of boats in the area. Sweden million annually. whose -firm the situation," the magazine Alone bas an e s t i m a t e d builds nothing but . £iberglass says. 700,000. represented in sales of about It Cites the case o( Klaus A number of builders exist 600 power craft.· H ydros S()t To Race in 11 Oasses Elev e n c la ss es cf hydroplanes (from 43 to 280 cubic inches) and runabouts ! Super Stocks, Cracker Box~. E's and SK's) will race Friday in 21 st arinual ~temorlal Day regatta at Long Beach Marine Stadium. Faovrite in the 280 hydro ac- tion is Jerry Ballard of Long Beach who has been at the head of the fleet for the past ) five years. Highlight of the day should e<1me with the running of the Crackerbox heats. Voted thi, most pOpulat .clasi Jn small powerboal r a c i n I , the Crackers are cxtremet'y lightweight, squirrel!';, out ~f shape, rwo-man runabouts that are completely unpredictable. Hardly a heat is 'finlshed without one or more flips. ...: MEMORIAL DAY SALE ST ARTS MAY 28 to/ JU~E 4th · SE"CARD , --~ JUMiBO DOUGHBOY 18 FT. e 1/l ·HP EARtH FILTER DELUXE TEST KIT ~ e MAINTENANCE KI T 18 fT o JUMBO POOL KIT 20 MILL LI NER -5 YEAR GUARANTEE b" TOP DECK 24'X16' POOL 4 Vt HP IAITH FILTI• WfTH IACI WASH YAlYI GlOUHD PAD IUIFACI S•IMMll to 7' e GROUND SHIELD SURFACE SKIMMER CHEMICAL DISP ENSER ONLY OVAL POOL 20'112'148" SAME AS KIT Only EXPERT INSTALLATION A.YAILAILE! 100°/o LINER REPLACEMENT CENTER All SIZES ( HEATER a.t•I• S2tt.ID 32 S9UARE FEET DECKING ONLY $55 00 DN IN51'ALLATION JOBS ONLYI POOL TABLES SLATE TOP from $29500 MINI BIKES . ON SPECIAL $10988 only SECARD POOLS FINANCING 323 so. MAIN . OR:4NGE I ·Phone 532-1992 · 10 A.M. To t P..M. 7 DAYS A Wm< l I ' • t I ! I l ' • r • ·--~--------------------------------------------------------~ ·-' ' • • • • • • .. .. . • ' ··=· ~ ..... t&l (IO) ,.,, •• , ... .,., .... , {q ()0) =. .... ~ (1:1 (tOJ I U11et1. Gml °""'"· -....,.' si.. $1111W ••• --........ Diii raid .. :. "WnM"l-w 9lft" (dl'illll). '52-Yt• Jtll!l> -: Nridl i!MI. G! ... (1:1 (IOI ··"' -'(CJ (30) ·-1Cl (30) !Ill Cll--(Cl •. IWt ll!Nf \30) "Shina ~ rtft.• nnt ol thlff J(Oll'lml wiJll liforlt -fisldlld.. ,,.. IMCha JOU"'*'1 ltllnlillc •rlnclplU that 11117 en tu111 Into hon!• projtds. • It C. Plf1 bU 1'1111 m""' -cci l:ll D IMC "'-Ma (C) (60) • I LM llkY 1301 ........... ··-· ,, .. Iii (C) ~IO) ff'l (I) tlwt111 llriillli.r (C) 9:30 fJ QI()) CtMO Acres (C) (30) County •a•nt KIH Klmb•ll !elms lh1t an 11rltuttur1t ~udtnt la btlnt Mnt to Hoolmillt 19 obser.ot hb work'. (JI) IJ flfm (C) (30) Ted Mtytr1. .. t.ra Tll ai.111 t ... {30) ~· 11 hally Kt•ptnf' LA. City StllOoll 1poll1$111111 look II llow Jtrtllll Cl• Mii wltll tt1t111trs wM trt 1neount11ln1 1 probl1m tritll drvp. Students use rol•· jUylna tech..., to mu1trttt v1f· }Out tltitvl* ptnllb u• mumt. 1111' r""' "'" 1601 JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux I0:0083Ci)Hnelir.ft.o1C)(60l\, .. -.... ,.------"'111 rr,c-,-c.,-,--w-,..,,-=c,.c-:""-,"''"'•"•"'""•"'"'-.. w>«=:-:'°'::c,:-,:voo=-w=,.,,•~--'----~~,.-.-.,-,-.-,-,-wo-•-.,.-a CIJ 111 m-(C) MtG1nett irrfiltr1tu • lllitllr to· I P~EP ~MAL Tlr.AES: ro HA.VE: PtMMER WITH ME TME l'U96E FOR ME PMllC. A.T MOT ftHO'· phiStklttd intern1tlonal syndleltt IT'S FlVE o'CJ..OCK! SHA.LL HEtf IM TOWM! '11066 A.MP ""'" -:-E;U MIM wr:: IMC:, ME HERE.~! J:OO 8 CIS Enllilll NM IC) (lO) Walttr Cftlnkilt. ltd by ruest Alltoinetlt Bowtr by I TRY OMCE MORE IE· Mll:'it. WA.llCER WANTt:CI 115 (o\tfT ""ICE IT •• fMAT ,I.WO, WHO KNOWS .• 1J WMt'1 Illy Lh11? (Cl (lOJ m ,..,_.~ (Cl (lOJ fD@ fM WM ltr It 1ssumin1 tlll idllllity of I hoodlum llE YOU LE.t.VE? TO JOJN TWEM: r e> ~l:GOTTEf.I A· HE W.V HOT IOVEM nit10 upe/1-specillizinr ill bloW· ~T " PREVIOUS C.OlftE: HOME ! ini Sifts, {R) ; • EMGACX:M!.NT •• fa TM P.,ai,tM P..i (30) "In·' ttlltctlull GIO'llth.~ 8'tCJ Smith t0n· lld111 1 chlkf's intt{kctu11 1rowth from the ,.,.1rt'1 sttllClpoint-lh11 ff PIO'l'ldin1 .,.n.nc. thll toste1 d1YeloP111lllt ind 1 S11tidyin1 lite. 9 (f) IMrtJ HHIW!tln (C) $ Wtndtrhllt (C) OJ Dr•• lfotrH ft) 1;l0 IJ QltR C.111pb1ll (C) !&OJ Jim N1bc11s, Bobbie Gen\fY and P11 · Paulsen 1u1st. (R) Ct Q) (tJ m Tll• Vi1&inia• (C) (90) "Bi1 Tiny." Juli• Sommtrs 111d Ro1er lOfTtY 1uest In start abaut 1 )'GUiii 1irl who schemes to 11o# down 1 persistent 1dmlrtr. n @oo mn. ......., cci (bO) "A Timt To Run:"' Whill lr1tkit11 Hw11 • missina wit11t• In a mUTcllr trill, Roes ii the un· wittin1 10C10m1tllt1 ~ lflOllter hOmi· cidt. 81flld1 Scott 11111 DoR Stroud auut (R) · em-.c<r 1601 0 ,...,it: "1\1 f11111tliltltud"' {clr11111) '49-Gary Cooper, Piitfic!I Ne.I. fD FNllfft (JO) "£duulion1I Tur· moil." Co>/1111111 of 1 sympuium on innovations in u11iverslty undtr· ar1d111t1 tduCl!ion held rectntly 11 Occldtntal Collett. P1rtltipJ1nls diKUSS stllOtnt motintion 11'1d com· Piittn In educttion. Sllortly •!ter Tr1mp11 and OIYlcl lD:lO m ~tic s.y· IN (CJ Sutton ''"" ift Durtnro on 1 bu!~ tet "' buyin1 mission, Olvid 1teldtnt1tly m TIMI Cft.a#t Utt (lO) "Schweit- bumps Jnlo M1rth1. wllo 1Sl!s 11111 nr and lht Starch lot Humanifr." ht pietencl lo b1 1na1aed lo her in Thrtt 1utsls Join Or. Rent ltllt order to ward off Tiny Mo111n's and 01. FreOeria Mayt1 for 1 lli1- MOON MULLINS wooi111. (R) ttrWon tlf Or. Albtll Scllwtitztt'1 ~ • Lnt ii s,aa (C) (55) 1of1 IS I h~m111i11ri111 in &Oii· s ltlllpoi'ftJ IOtltty. lldllm m••• ""' "' lifdel (Cf (00) '1h1 Jfan of tht II Fill.Ci IMUtR r11ni!y." Cl1nce)"1 .tlip brint:s )Cl • ,oun1 boJ wllo i1 dist_urbed thll 11:001J C'I 8 • C El) Nm (C) hi• motlltr. Polly Bla~e. 11 p\annlnt . to marry !tit Rev. G1ddln1t. William IJ Alfnf Hikkitck Scltallert ind lo1ttt1 Lwtf1M m lJtD Cllli (C) 1119st. (RI m Mmt: "Tiit w.,,..~ 511f' 8 Millltn $ MMit: "11 (¥"1 llW (drtmt) 'S7 -M1rci1 Htnd1rao11, ift till W.nd" (1dven1ure) '55 - Gtofln. Pouri'ltuly, )•n·C11111t TTIA· . @f.})@00-B Cil ..... ,(C) ti.nan!. · ~· -\' ·• QI Trlllt ., C.nlli!•'"" (Cl (30) 11:31 fJ hplrltien1 .,. (C) '.'1rofilt 1n fWfJ ,. ... (60)' · of Diuent'." . A continu1tion If lti• -• . , aurv1y of.llftitudn.'wlth tn •JllPfl•· Ill EUM )lyai ctlM .Wt (lO) Jis on cleterminlnt~Y this "1en· Joya _Cllfn 11~11 I~ ·m)'ltll)' out •fflfon 11p" Is diffrtltlt trom lhoM crf Chlr1tt1 c:ookin: ,,, .,-ep1r9lt ·of the ,..st The ltroack:asl win restaurant dl5hts in her n kltcflen. fc1ture the olriniOrTJ of stwl111l1 In th• lif1t pro1nm, 1111 ptepall!s ind uperb. includin1 Or. S. I 111 loo ~11111 with ew.. ClllfJ'. Hiy1Uw1. Sidney HGOk. M1r1•re1 muS!rooms 1nd bean spf'Ollli. t.tead , Htfbtll Mtn:llMI ind OJ QI(() hit tf Kii.,.._ Btnitrnin Spock. .,_, l:DO m MUii (C) (30) Q@IIJIDT-"" !Cl D lhrir. "TIU a Lentr, Dt1W (comedJ) '42-Rostlind llustll, a !lll oo m"" -cci .,__..,. (C) (30) "A T11t With H1roW UrtJ." Lbwld hawitt Jill In OR 1 11ctu11 1bout tile orlrin of llM IO!tr iritem Pen by Nobel Prllt Wllllllf Dr. H1rold Ur., 11 1J :45 0 Welttfl Stll n .. 1,.. thj Univtrlity al CllUfornla It Sin Di•to· 12:15 G MllWtt: "I Was 1 C1111n11i!t II) MllfCllH lih11iul 191' nt n1• (drarn1) '51-Ftan~. LrilioJ, Dorothy Hiit. l :Z5 0 WtHtrful W11I' II s,.rt ft) '12:30 8 N•ifl: "lr1111" (comed1J '40- R•1 Mllltnd, Anna H111le. l :Jg . l!lt CMd C1111 (C) (30) Ru!us and ••rt part comp•nJ when llulus QI A~ Tlltltrt: "Eseapt 111 l1H1 in lovt wilb 1 pretty waitrua f'l ifhf. ' (Marilyn Derwin) ind l trl lrits to brNk up !tit romanct. llt) 8 Wiit Witt IM Stln (C) (30) Bitty Wllil• end Forr1st Tutk tr 111111. DAYTIME MOVIES 8 C..-iCJ l 1llttin lur4 (C) It r,.. ttt~lnillt Dul CC> 11:•. '"lfil' II f1W11" (tOll'ltdy} '35 -Mti Whl 12:H. 'Wlletrti111• .. (lllUSiul) '4] - Soni• lltllit. "Fii• ff ,......... (tftentur•) '51-ltichard Otnnln1 2:00 • "'n. lialll M ... ff tff Df'IW' (dmftt) ''3 -Aram ~1tclle1, LISI t:OO • (C) "N9'1111 Din" (dra1111J '56 . McDontld, -Artllur kennedy, Stitt St Johll, , l:OD D ...... fril:kt" (mystery) '50-- l :IO. "Hitt. Wldt 111• ff...._" JMt .,_... M1rltnt Difllich Ml· (1f.1111) 'l7-Rlndolph Scttt, lrn cM t .:.,..,. ' ' • •• # ~ ~-I ·-~ m "Tllt I.ft If st. llllft" (drt1111)/ 4!38 8 ait1 .,,.. (Cll!ll(y) '60 - 'ii-Mkhnl O'Shta. Alt11t .. rttr. .S.• FoMI, MlhtnJ P"*1na. • JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEW$PAPERS Q111llty ,rintint 1114 01,.n41!.I• 5•1'ri~ f..-111•r• t11111 • O••'*-' .4 • Ci,,-..,. TUMBLEWEEDS . M~\oo DOIN' WAV OOT HERE IN THE DESERT, HOWi? . ' . MUTT AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH ® AU. l<IGITT'f. .. By Ferd Johnson HER5 VJ~ AR~·· f/EY.' ·· YQU FORGOT"TO B1'1N<i ~1 ~~!! ·~ • .. By Tom K. Ryan By ·Al Smith By Gus Arriola ... , J l U11 WIST UUOA ILYI-MIWPOlt, 11.l~K-" ' ... 1.,., , ' TROUBLED MARRIAGE~ames Mason and Anne -• t -.. . ~ -· ·-· ,,.. • ..... ... ' .. ••• .- ·~ ... Bancroft, above, are two of the Stars of tonight'& motion p,icture, "The Pumpkin Eater," on Channel 7 at 9 p:m. A woman's fourth marriage falls apart • \vhen she discovers· ·her husband's indi.fdeUty. Co-"'" stars are Peter Finch and Sir Ced.Mc Hard'!"fcke. ·~ TELEVISION VIEWS Some of TV Memorable •• -" ., .. By RICK OU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Viewers are mo<e likely ~ to recall the past television year for the reality' 'r1 seen on the home screen than for the entertainment. Among the documentaries, for instance, there were such hours as CBS-TV's "Hunger in America," .. ;: and tht? same network's ·prime time conversatio~s .:-: with Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black and Enc ':l ~loffer, the ex·longshoteman and philosopher. , . ' -'fHERE WAS . NBC-TV's memorable pictorial essay entitled "Confrgntation." focusing on t.Ji.e many sides or campus unrest. There was ABC.TV's ''Hemingway's Spain: A_ Love Affair." And ABC-TV also came up With "Three Young Americans in· Search of Survival," an upbeat tw~hour study of 1·00 conservationists whose salvaging projects ranged 1th from land to \Vater\vays to people. ~ . All three of the major commercial networks r1~ covered themselves with honor in their reporting '• -under diffic ult conditions -of the controversial !a rl " Democratic National Convention in phicago. Cb~ es· ~? Kuralt's bit of Americana in his "On the Road" featurCs for CBS-TV's ·evening news were a con- stant delight. And ·the ne\v anti-cigarette COtnfl\el"- cials. appearing in a sudden splurge, were not ohJy effective, b\lt brilliantly done. •r.i rHE ASSASSINATIONS o! Dr. Martin Luther ''' ' King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy had a great effect ci on televisiQn in lhe past year. King'i murder, caus.. " ing an ominous sense of unrest in the nation, help- ed prompt the networks to dµl -for the first time- -with Negro history and culture in a major way in special video programs. Series stemming from these efforts included CBS-TV 's 0 0f Black America." ABC-TV's "Time .. 4H for Americans" and National Educational Televl$-o t. ion's "Black Journal." But tbese were quite a whU~ ir-: back -and not a single similar series appeared regularly on a commercial network in prime time ~ during the' past season. · ·:, THE SLAYING of Kennedy, coming shorUy all· ·,9 er the King killing, prompted a crackdown on much • \rt unnecessary violence in television's et\tertalnment I. program~. Only three days before horrified view'er1 ·~ \\•itnessed the aftermath of the Kennedy assassin• i' tion in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, they. ,,, had seen ·him.in a widely-publicized national video ·.~ discussion with Sen. Eugene McCarthy, one of his competitors for the Democratic presidential nomi- nation. As revb.lsion gre\v against poinUess mayhem in television entertainment, a national commission in-vesti~aUng violence in American life was told by President J ohnson to explore. among other qµes. . 1 lions, this one : r~ "ArC .the seeds of violence nurtured through the. public airwaves, the screens of neighborhood theaters, and ne\Vs media and other forms of com~ munications that reach· the young?" REALITY DOMINATED the home screen tim~ •"' a nd again during the year." There was tbe ever-pres.. ~·; cnt Vietnam war, and there was President Joh,,. ·.:; soq's bombing halt. The national poliUcaJ conven- tions. of course·, made history, and thes~ ·were fol· lowed by the Richard Nixon-Hubert Hump~rey­ George \Va)lace campaign competition, and th.e elte-·• tion night cliffhanger that caus~ many teleVJewers to go without sleep awaiting the outcome. Dennis the Jtletaace • ---- I •' ... " " •• •• .. ,. •• .. •• •• • •• •• " •• • " • .. i • .. • ' ,._.. ____________ ......_ ________________ , \ .. ~~-=-=~,=-~~======·~=i~--~ .. :*'··~·;·;-~;-~l=·~·~ ... lfd ---1•1 Miii '°'" CM QI, LEGAL NOTICE Your MoKeff'' Worth -e- uoAL NOnCB ;gu " ' . I.. ' • GVER THE COUNTER . -A· .. l~+.'t•' ~ tt~ I.·-~~ +.i:.~·J . ~= Quotas Illevitable 1---N·A-SD-ll"' .... , .. -.·,.·r ·Tuetd-·.·y .·M·.·y·2"'1,"'1·,.·,--'l-.-.-W-Y .. -,-... -.,-.-,,.-... -... ---.... -. ~~;;~~: f.;1 tt; !fil u ! ~ . Cl lf':t . . ...... IMo Kffl Ytrt; 5~ ~ _.lctl: C~f1 ,l ~ f. --1 UNDf•t 0 -""'* ' -11.-.1w.-. ...,... ........... 1t .....W~ I .t..M. W-HA~ C'9 C !t ,.... ...... .-.rw MlfO U,.:::...... .~ st ~ Pttc.I • _, .... Nt1'8 w ......... __,....,.. W "'"mltrtM S.• MM -.,1 ,, I~ I °" 1 =l~ =--~·~-::.~~~ ~.,..&i:.111 . ~ 0 Fah . Im rt ... :'?: ~-~ , ... ,~( ..... Ck hNI , i!t . ~ . ' :.:::;:::.-.... ·.:=. """" n r1c po s -·t.:..r.ra~.:..~:l1!1£SJ~!Sr. i~.: ~ _,,,_ ... ~.~;... * ·=s~~~1.~ --- -"""" • ;;"ti ... • f.'!. r.:-"•S>l ll~ r.li "!!\P: qn~ n· ·= 'i.: • • -... .... • » »" -·· !~ , . .... 1 !Ill & fi-~ ..... II ,....._.. !. M ...... ~I M _,. r;e. flit _ l')llf iJtfwl ·::r-~ r.. :,.'"V /J14 11 ::f..dl:Y 51111 :.., l1t1• l!)t Allllll. .. 1,\e JI 14 tl\ro 14 + '' \ 1/10 IM ll~ "' -1 ....,... J. ICIW'ld.,llt~i.i:.."'i'::"'~ •l.HlfD.. O.•len. ~ Wtllr UlOZ<l \.\Mtl'llllllM \o'o l"'ll~f.i!! ijliAC"l""tA 1• #~Sitt il\lo + .. ITF".i1Jt 11zili1 \'\ t: ••• ~-:·::: i:.._·~--~~ 01 • ' •M ~· ~-~ B• SYLVIA PORTER shipments here: a week aao ::,, ~.!ti-"'::: in: n~ ==a " ~"'.:re:, ... ~ AUMCI ,,.. 1t H\t ti u i...-141 ~·1~1~~ l... 1:: m. ~ ~ 111 -I~ ........ ~ .. • .. " B k hai • fWtll."iT"9 kt!... " M .. .. , ~. m· '"' ,"lo~,,.., 20 _ s ........• v. _. tyt ... J7J tlJ w.· SI~ .u _ ,.,.ft --~'·,.~·'t~ "!: r:, .... ,~,,.,."-~·.:'J:".w _ ., ~.!.!!! It the lexUte Industry and Export-Im)>Ort an c rman :;,•1e ~:~~ • '! ~ tt~~ ~1'\IY:f fc 'm ••~'11 \. ~ All.,,.,e 1.s11 11 1tl.l 1t.i, 1~ -,_ 11y sin "° n jj:• lttt • t .. •-'" ~--i/fflW' "" ., .. i.iw "' ~,. .;':' wit-•e-:...j ~----the Nixon AdmlnlstraUon can Henry Kearn& fo rttut that """ tt .wtild. ._ JI!' , i , ,...,, ri' 1•1t " •• M11K• "' u 11 ''~ ''~ t 1• WkE'-1J.• U w~ ~ .. ~ --,. ct<oll ~-· 11o1,,.. .._!P.' • . '-i ·-• I t -···' w•·n '"'· r~11m aovemmenls Mew,lllt, _,Id Yi. 3ol c 1t ,. _nm ~ ~"' ~¥1 .....,.,.. I• '7t .._ " lt -ti\ l:'~u~11 1.'# t '1\li •• It + .. '1 WltM S• .,"'9' fl .... WI 1flfl In OI It S. fll ~ .. , • _ _. I!!_ tflOl Ill I Wwll t ...:, _,IU I ffiOI IMll1:1Y uc u~ -"' e" II ~::.a ~ .. , ""; ':.W•r~ g· ft"" §1flrenc: 3J-. • •leW ' ''Ai Aall'llrtl ' l, 11\/i II~ lf\11 + h !«EUl\ l.IM SS i:; n h•, l,. 1 ,,.. &: r~ i>t'"n ,_.,,... ... 1N \hey can -curbs wlll soon bt realize what Congre55 might ".., ,11/di '"""' 1" o t•• 1At 1 1111 "" 1oy, M111it.1t 1.• 1w "~ ai,r, nl4 + ~ =: :1 •• ~!\ :r 1 31"' "' l'I =1 ,._I. 111=..t.lu~ttn. tJ:':ic1~1.f:...wl..'l:,.t~ri;r~:. slapped Of1 lhe Volume Qf leX • Vote, there Will be VOJUDlafY~.!:. ·;ji;:J! ar~".f' m ~ M t4T!:~tmt:r: ~ 1~ ~ AN!tno Co Id 2'1111 ti f1 -2 ltvil• 2'10 13 ;f\li "'t\ ~+''It #:.' :-'-.... ,,. ""· ~~ ... 'm'..:: :,-: ~ ir.,. ":{ :: u1es and te.l1ted apparel lmport quotas "within 60 :1 llW,J••· ,file;:~ ••1 t',; ,Ji; ~~ ii', ~-:; 1fg l!. r .t JF ii':::O 'I'; ' : ~':: :,: ;:• : : ~ ... iz: II ~~ 11~ ::' ~ •:::::-~-= .. Caltl 01nY !.\':4 -a=-"'"~" ':::f"' ""''· lttt. which can be sl)lppec. into this days.'' St.ans now U)'S he'll~~~--:--~ .~;1 tt ft'i .= .. "~() ~ ,~ ~Ill• Hiii ,,. AJ IN~1r•i.. " 141-t u" l4V.. -\Ii ~~ ~\~1 "'ii u lil'I u~ ~=I ... 'J,14.u.-.1... .. ",!!. .,'-.,.. counlry.ThequoLa1<1ntextUe presentaplantoNit.onon tex Mfta~ •JOE 1m1J1AoM011...,.1t n"' 111 A!! •• ~ 1 s 11i,c, ti~ 1•~-"' NA ..,..,1. 1 , 36 ~ ~ ~-'IF .... "'rt -.. be llh h M1 • \' f ::,\ ~ 1m Morll!I ~ ,,11o 11 ,.. u, "'jG •br.n. 1a ,n •1l1 ;r""' ....... -1 eflis1 s1 IM iu ~ •.. , LEGAL NOTICE t{;fSS#J· A '""'ll. lmportl may tht.. re1ult bol liielwe dlmaypos.rts w In l e next = (, •'"' e.-, ~Vt Jl4 =:;:, '1 l!~ ll!! s ,.:,:•" 1l1ia ~ :I'" c~ .1-: n ili; In-. ~ ::-1~ "~~ 'l'n\ ill "'-::111 v. + " " "v0lunt1ry'' asreemenl.& 'I Af' ..... • Cat ·m -• 'I~ 1r.i ~Mt 10 °" ... '"'"'"' t.4111 22 f,.( \lo $11~ -16 oaBlt~ i '10 20 mil 3'111 -11• t •• Tl' KAfl. o' '"''""''' • ' -••· lo-I• producers-In -. ju•· t that .1.. A\~,.. "' v. 111 Mlltor ciuo 1 ffl '"•• P. " Ai 1.21 M 21~ Ett n"" -· 11o ~01a !,.• \.'!. ~ ~~tt ~ ~~ .. _, • trltTITtOVI MAM• l"\o1111....., OrMM c.o.u 0t11io ~ u"" '"en i uUS, my Yfimen u~ ~= "'' l~ l~ ?.!!.!., ~~ ~f'l~ 311~ tts; .r :!: lZ:t l~: I -1-! ,n i = + it !lll:.i..t to ;i ~ ~ ii;'_,: ~ .. ~-=~ .... ~~MIY21,!l,LE,_G,AL·"·N'"'OTJCE ~un~.~~~ilif':!·t~! quotatare~. ::.b-J; ft ~~vr L g:tJ~~i,. ~"J!! "-~1'1:111 ... A:n 11 t'l=~~=~c!ll°'~::l!J: mtr·u~~~+ti Mullfllltt.I IMdl. ~1~&:··= "'' ----":.:,i-.::;;;,.:.;::..:.::.. __ I 11·m1·u v'-. restrictive con· But lhl.s does not change th~:~:: 1::: ll :rlty. "': h: ~ ~=: ~ ~a Im w !~'(, r-1. ~! ~1lt!!fr Jt', m ' •lVt '1'11' -zon In :::::: ! N\.'I Jll't v, -.:-1111 fktllltlll ........ """"'.. .. IM tol•I M•·lnl ... fac.1 that any quotas -volu ... A Id A-j l\IJI <wl on ~ 1"" Mtl kclllle 1, 11v. • I \lo II A H:cl.su, ·'° m ll'jo IN , ..... :.. ol! 1~.... * ml ,, -IW ..... -•"fl:.!.~ 1u11 ,,.. """ HOTtet TO CRIOITOllS greuional laws. tary or foreed _ would be 1,. f.c 12 1 \\ ri. di ll"' '' N•t.Sllw SY ~ , "1u Eli !ll'i Am• 't1m 14 ~1-. 31 ~, --. l:J ,. r 20 i.11o ~ --·----••. L·-· IUl"l!.101 COU"T 0, TMI Wbate ··-l h 0 d • .. • ll II"' n "' "! ~ T ~ rn !! -~"f .... II ll 24\lll l•V. -\lo olUG•• 1." .. 2' ,.,. . • .. 7:'ii.m ::m irwk1turtl, HV"-ITATI 0, CALIPCHllO,\ l"OI Ver Ul'C! me ' Step backward for our COUn• Z::'&ft1 t .. 'la -~'?t11 u'll 1"'1 =J11t f. it ~~ ~:~ I SS 'iJ ~"'... ~ i?l't g g -:'YI :.lu~Plet f"j/ 1 !\ ~Yt lJU~ w _; ~ ' ........ -·.c.nton'olt. TNICOUNTY OPOllllAN•I though, the time is Ip--try a-treatlor-rld-m-. .. ,.1110 l'i gtrtldT II.II Nld'l lsn " l6 2'\.\ tit( • "'-AMBAC~ 2tl1 2' ff -l~c-• ' 16'1\ll ~ .. ~•-'tt o"M M.41114 I.... .... ...... f • .... ..... .... "'" "fl!Po" .. ~. F n Mr -5µ, Hit!$ A lit 1'\t "ICll " I'" u4\l ....,, ... t:s ,. } 211\ U>.i 21u -';I ~"Om!Sol'I' .a •? 11lllo ' 11'4 ~ • ·-£wtr1 E1t11e o. WJL.Ll.t.M SHE .. MAN llAH· proachlng when Imports 0 me.rce """ F~rn 12 l!V, Fiotcl tell" " H Hieb I 36\li ll FCI l tl't A~l'\Yl!i . ,',,' .50~~ .~ .~,1 • .;, .. !'!_ISo .... 1•,•.·!! ,', I.!~' •• ,~~ 1•" +_' .... c nt DAl.L. .... WILLIAM$. .. ANOAL.L. •• -·1 .. Into the U.S. will be • ""'Grett ,.,.,, CVi f¥rlll0 " ~ Nol"Atfl R .. 11 n-. ~HI I,, ' .... u.. .. '~ ....... wE ,,,. ..... .. Vi '""fl C•!ltorn1 .. °''"" °"' ¥:Not•,., ·, • "-· · H• •1.1 TlliS DOES NOT change the""' tffrll 1• 111-.. FMN .i,1i. 1is 221· HC•• HG '"' n°" 1-t. ,, AAlr "" • ,. D'.IF :1:2 1211o -+ ~~ .,..... e o1i~ ,. "" 711'1 H'' • °" wr 1c, 1..+ btfW• ,..., • w. 5 · AHOALL.. ........ -. "urbed To you an American ""' '"'10 » :11 "1n ~ a11r-11"" ~0E11• 0,1 sv. • -,,,,., H"' 11.rro 111 .., 'is )I l:J'tl " "" comw ou .61) soi t4-14 t•V. i.i"' + .. tllC llrl trMll Mr. •If u ............ 1... NOTICE IS HEAEIY OIVfN Ill "" .. . • fact that quotas would be Al'l'I ~ h ,. F•l&OI .. u • P11111 () lf\11141/t ...... ~"' ' \lo ""' .~,. 1 109 '° 1'~ Ith -~ Comp$CI O'l9 ... ~. ""' 10\.i -Uii - u .. A.,., Ew1rt ,_,., to "" 10 ti.a c•111r1w1 or ''"' ,...,.. _... 1ec.-n1 consumer, this will mean: puabl.... A ,.,_ r. n FuG.,. E 1im •\Ill W.N• c f."t!n1or w Vi Am No11 1 ' ,.., tt 2t -.,. coniu1 • d '• ttVi "I• -'4 • ,_ wholt """"' II tl/llllef"llMd ,. !l'ltol •• --Mvl,,. CIAll'llt _1,,.1 . -YOU'lL FIND • limited another factor "'6 up our""' r't= .... ~ "" ~ • ...."""''¥ tt Tn AinSUI n "" ' !... " " ... ~ -B~ Con Mlll1 1 ' lt'.• lt If s '~ ~ ... 1, ......... .,...,, ..., .ell_...,... ~ Mid 11~1 '" rt'lllll•l'd to tilt -I" •w• A Co $IW ,. I '"" • " j '"° uelr Alitt :u . ~ '" !!"' I'll Am CtR .:111 Cl M"° Yt Sii'> -"" cCW:-cc• ·'° 11 47!0 'm 47\'J -..... :..::-.,,.-::,·· 1.me. fllMI. w1"' '""' ""'"'',., _,..,1, 111 ,111 supply ••• variety of the moat 1v1ng c.,.,... I nsumen "' 11 1 F•t ' ettF .,... Qile W11 !!" ·~ ~ YI AC•n tt 1.1$ s talA 21\ .. "'·• -"'Cotl Ec111 1.ao ,. ll\~ !m ~· + ...... '" ·-· • • ~~ u . points t the---' c, ,, . 1 \II Filth! .., ''"" 2'\li ~~ fl !Ill , ...,,. Ctm _.. Con lE!d!1 pf 4 J I~ I 10Gl4o -'°''"IClllL. $fAI..) otl,..... tflt (Je<'k fM •lll:W• fllllf'-1 ., __ ,_ bl • ported I -u moo OU • ,. • .._..._ "'m ~· j ~-F '"' ·m ... r • ~ !r•M Cit ' •UlO 1~ U'-'I l!" -" !onEdl• ... i • 15 I ,., 7•\~ -~ °""""' v. uH °"'''· or lfl 1><ewn1 111t-rn. wn11 1111 ~a e 1m e ... ~ es U S firm would bave no ln-...,..,., p J" °'' G••11t 4 »'-' 11w , '"' ft\li r-tn• Gt• 11 A cflfhl 1..e ,.1, :Mb :Ji\• \'a + * on Foocts 1 ,, '4'9 ~ ~ -~ '"""" ~lc..C•O!Ofnl• nt'(fSUry vwdlef1. lo""' Ulldersklnt<:I ,, d man t of PP rel at . ' s A~I• It olO(Nll •Ill .... ,. l'IA >!"" ~ rii"' r, 'U" AmCrllCIU .fO " tn• 22'1 ~ -'4 OllFd P•4.50 I ll!l:' llDl• ll0 \1 ". l'rl<ICIHI Offlt• lft '"-llfflc1 .,. 111, •ttor,.,....._ ICHU"" arw:1 an Y ypes a a centive to Jower lhelr prlces ~-lfllll '""' ''•lldld 11"-11~ .,. c._1 11 1 1 1 ''' ACrys.,. 1'.•• 1 ~"" J11t l1Vt + \\ onl'r•r.11H 1 JI » » , ... 0'.'1: c.utolY ICHUPI", •11-41'. ,..,. ., Anler\Q retail 8tores Allhnuab· the oul A · M 11 Fr·~'*' c1 JJ l• P•t er !OU I"'!' ' l11Ji l5 AmCy•n l.2J no 22,,• .. 31\li 311'1 -'' onN•lc; 11• u ~ ll1\ .. ' r ""' 1-E • •-e and it asks, "W d [)u Pont A •lpi' ~ t"k EIK 2•14 fS'ill P1< Alllll'llJ'-~ r1 •Ir 1•l~ 111,1, ~Ol1tlll 1 11 ~· 16 -~ •Pwr 1:'° JO '1~ •2Vt Vi -'-Mr 0 .. 11 .. lnlorl ... '"' II "'· • Phlle4elllfll• Slrltl, plan ls to restrict lm--"• only ced h . A• MoP I 11~ Fr I 111, u-3l'o PK .... e 11 Ur\lltc: ,,Vt ",,, A •IV• "'" :n 10\~ 11 ll -\~ c:iPw pfi 12 10 10h 1ll\1 11)'1 ~ " Mlrdl t7. i•12 1 1 Wfllttltf". C•llloml• f0601 , w111<11 1, 111t ,......., for example. have redu t e Arrr,: H i.. _. Fu11v1.... ti.. 1014 Pll<co 111.0 131f. u11.t.r1 Th :ttv. :»\lo A 11 1>t 1-1e 2 u\, u 1t 1 11 + ~ CC111Pw ,.,4: 50 l50 '9h •• ••1•,+,~~ ,.ubl11flitd Otlnt' Co.11 Dillv :.:.. Pl'tt of llvtlMll el lt>t Und•rtlOl!MI In 111 lo the level Of 1968 and lo prr'ce Of t'ts Corfam feather Arv d'° 14 ll~ G•rflfllll 11 11\:o P11n1c.ol 16~ 11\IJo Un Dolltr 1 1' A IPw I.JI •s 31YI 31'\ lit.-.-· ~ ConPw Pit 1' 110 •fl-• •O H -~"~'~'~'~"~'~'~~:,:"'.,.'.:"~·~'":.;'~"':;;;;;;;;---·J ll'lt"'" .Nrl•lnl11t 10 ~ •1ttte or ••ltl ailo•• aome allowa••e for A1 cc 101 31\.'i JtV. <l•s S¥c l•\'O 16111 PlWY 011 11 n tln 111um :u 3! Am Enll.• 1 161 lll\ llV. ~ -~ con•AfrL .1'0 1~ 11~. 1,'.~·, u, -dllteCleflt, within IOl/r ll'IOl'llllf 11'1er 111t .. '"" S b l'l I b 20 ~rcenl t'n Av10 Fir• 31\1 lJ"" G Alrc11 ID'lll 11\'r P11JitV P u•., 15 n McOU 11 ll"" Am£•~ lr>a 17 ~ tO\~ 'If + Iii Con! ci n 2 :ro 261 10 • •• + 11> Al N~ICE ft t bll lion oi ( h U S I U e y l''" Au~ ScJ I V. ti~~ ~vlon ~ SV. Pav"lt lJ l.W. 11 Reio llYt lf ... E•lnd 11 .... J.l20 71"' 1$ 1~'-' + \lo Conl COP• '.30 11 14'i ui, '"' -:!' LEG vi ~.,,•.,• .!.', ''· ,.•,.1 110•1a, growlh in our markcl, t e con-l967 ii the Japanese h•d not Avtmc ,,.. 1ov. n Gl111tr1 '"• '~ P or.rL1• ,., ""' us-8kH01t v 11~ AGenlns .iO ,•, 2n• 2sv. 2;11 -~ c1 COii pit 21 oo 11~ 11~1 11:11, ~· "' d · AVM ~" 161/o 17 1(!111lics lV. !~1 P1 Enoln ' 911) U! Crow11 IV. t AGnln 1111 IO 3''1io 351\ 36'~ + ~l Cont CP 1.°lo SS S! it>~ 41'~ -' -------,,..,1.,. R~rt s. R•n<1-11 tinue strong upsurge in your been marketing a similar pro-Alr~ 0 11 11~ 11"' R• E•t 10~. 11 •., P& G&w 11.,, 1! u Env•I 2l ?•v. Am~ot11 jo s1 11...., !!~.· 11•> + ~ c1c1> pfA2,.. u 56'4 .U \iJ ! ·~ -CATI! o" •us11tass Ex~utor or !he Wllt buying power t e I e g ca p h s I I 8M1111tt Ul'I 13\~ 0..01e1 1 '~ PEC is''"' 13\'.i uv. us Svv•• ss·~ !1 A Homt 1 . .a '' '°'•" ...,.,... .,,,~ -\'l c1 CD 111e1:'° 1 11·~ llV. 5 \\ ,, 1 c1•1 1•.!.,,,0 ,, "'"E ol 111t 1'-e fYmtO deceoe"t duct?" Hu rt parLicu a r y ;•l•d Al 11 11 Gino'• 36\, 311,<; Pee•less T it 19v, us TrkL ''': .. i.:. A Hoiri. pf i 1 4t 19•l " 1 ctMt~ 1 111 20 l 1 ~5 ~ .. ,1... r• ICNIJ,, •1111 ICNUfJ.. r elative shortaaes of the goods tk M nv. 17!• Gl1tletl "6!1< 41\4 PMn AEI H'lli l•Yt u,. Pfll, M\t 2th Am ~ n IOI 3111"1 JJ~ U n + Vo COii! I .iOP :u 21'111 '"' ,,,, +'ll 'Tllt Wldef"tltnlll 11t t••llf'f lh•v • Allw11ttl 11 u o would be IOW·i.ncome con-111 e~,1~1 •'Iii '"" t'li.asn IA-441.':i •S Pe11 W1"" •'~ tV. 01.ii ShLd •111 ID Aml""11 1.10 )5 19'h 1'Vf !''·• , , . c~I u 1.JO uu ll\t 3'"-i.i , -" ctllllud~ • bullMH •• UJO E. Eol~~'..: •114H •-"~mlfltt ,.,,., which you want most. ki ba · · BPu~• w1 10 I' Globe ll~b 71'> t V. Per)11I 12-. lJ u111 Ind 31 tO AmMFn to 315 2•,,. 2~ 1 . 1 con OH pf 1 l ~ s1 s. -.. ~fl ....... C•lilOo'",",·."""u• '••''", '".".~ ,,.. E. ""'"*'·Jiit Sir•••· y 'II I' d fl d sumers see ng rga1ns In ll•rwldl 14 1 Gr•l'h Con " n'!o:o Pt/tit SI "61.'J '111> IJ•I LO.v ll~·. '"' AM•t Cl i.'° 11 J,O~ SDI• ~v, -\, CM! Sit I , il\l 11'/t .. -t 'Ji ... .... .,.. -ou 1n a oor un er t'mports r 8 n • 1· n g lrom &t1Jn P uv, 141'1 Gr'llll 51;1 ro 11 P1!1ro11 • UYt .ny, v111e1 I.fl\ 21 ttv.....,, Mo1or1 u1 11\• ia'-.. 11 .. co..1 T11 " 160 1 *' 75~ is·~ 1 . lltm f\lml "' i:i f1 .... b WlllttMr, C.lhnlll "'" I th · d .__ • tl•~lt3s 1J lj 41Wnfl IR 201, 21Yt Pt! Rdt l>I 1 11 V W90Clwl:I 21'4 21U AmH1tG•~ 1 60 all.II 3' <IOOOS GO Conlrol Oitt 14' 1 1 .. Yt 141~• -N,A1111os1 cOM,.ANV •t\d ,..., M ~llow T .. : (tlJl '""21H prices o e imports a n tuc sweaters to synthetic fiber 8Mdl..., J11-i 31 Greet1 Mr 1no 1111o P'll/ISW 11t 2' wMkM11 11 1• n AmPho1 ~ u• H ljS_ 1~t .. ," c~oat '".30 i110 '41\l " .. -~fl lllt 1011twlfl'll _ _._. ,,, A--. IW E•~i.r odds wt'll soar on pro'ce 1·n 1111e hie 12>,t 1JV. GMl~kl Al 21Yt 11\lt Ph 1>1 Gr ltl!i 20 MIW!h I' ti '11 All.etl'Ctl ·io. '•'• "', .. • ",," -,., ~ con .. ·od 1.to1 s lS'l l5t~ ll'· -... ,,,.. lft run .... ,IKU of rn ' l"vbHIMcl o •• ,.,.., CNsl o.o,, Plktl, . coa~ 8'1m tlld 14 1• ~lllMH lG 117 Pll4 ~ lllC 23 24 w .... n 111.'J ...,.. kit ·1 ~-'1 ,,. ,, .. -1:':' CllOk Unit ·" 31 d•. •1'· '1~·~ ftlllrn• ,.,..., 21 J 4 11 1a. 1"' c-ases. . ll•lsc;or ll 12v. 11,. ,..... P" 3' """ Pkt PCls ' •-Wtrlh H 13111 1•1" Am Siila .., ... ... ... c_.1n i."1 21 .nu. ' llo .n t • •s ,..,.n L. ,,.,._,, "'• 1 kltfli, •l'MI ' """ ' ' 1 "1 149 '" The protectionist trend 1s ,~. , ... ~. 31 ~1 1n11 2•\li 25111 '''*'''" !IV. 60 w,111 HG '0\11 m o A Smtl! "i,. 11 3 •• 311• 37\~ -"c-Tit 1 3 1£10 211.1o ~41"', '(i - Mlrwtl. ~,,,,.,, 1• Klnts LEGAL -You'll be hlt by a similar .1 .... """ ll '" ffl t tVt Port.r HIC 30 lll'I w.1 Trm• 24\4 tSIA AmSoAtr io ~ ~v. ~' $5<'• -"' COPt"rar>c1 1.711 1 1ro; 41'" 1p\ ~ ••-, •··--' ''""' c1111ernl•. NOTICE the stronaesl since the 111111>1 W lOllo 1 "" kit d'I 3¥ 4"' p,.. Golt ~ 2f~ w.cie llt• Ill' 11 AmSAlr rii 1t 2 JI 50\lo 10v. C0111>Roe ,JOO l!G 1110 .&It• 411.; -'llf ,.... .......,., trend in prices Of domestic •40 &lrd Soll '4 1111 lnl 10\ro 11\lil l"YllS NH <'f 7911) ;rekllrll IJ\'i 14\lt Atro Sid I. lot '2 l)U •111 -~ CapwlS11 1.711 10 23'~ »V. 2"> .+ .... o.• ""'' t, 1 "'· te-'les and -lated products. discredited depression Smoot· Blrld!• I'll N G'frod\'M u11o 1• P~11 s NM 27411 21 ,111,,. M l2 l-1 .t.mSkl 111• n 50 1ui.. 11•" llJYI _._ '4 corin1111 .1Sii 1 11111 11\lo 11•\ -1~ IC.r,_ St1U 1Ua·l"4 Al.I '"' Hawley lar"I doys OI th $i.dl Hit :)1\0 3i'\I Htm Cose It'•''!!:·~ PS tlCt•o ,1~ 161<', tilt .·~ ·.~'•'•"I Am Si.rfl :.. 11 32"" 321'1 32 + '1 CorGW 2..SO. 'I 2n\O 2~ 2nll. + ~ DElQUA INC. NOTIC.l TO (11.IOITOIS Red d tit' ( . II e "" El ~"" ' Hind l/'09 • •Tl l"vbl!.l!rs 1 .. 21~ WS!n A .... A Suo•r ''° u ~ 1'1111 """ -v. Cor~l" .n {.] 30 tf" nli -I"'""""' L, Mtrotl, Pre•kl•nl SUPl:llO• COll•T CW THi UCe COOlpe IOn rom Im· l930s (l' d l nd lot ltrN u 1-'"'ll H•l'IO'f'tf S JI ll Purep111; IV. 1~ W;11n Mt" 15\'J !tit ASu~lllAi 's J ti 46 •1 +I Cowles .SO 2S !~~ 1~ 1~1 -~Mtf9tl,hcrtl1r• tTATIOl'CAllFO•HtAt"Olt rtsw'tilt' v'tiabi helppoia • s a angerous re aoltlt ( 11\.'i"\.'i~Yfl\I ... "'5 PflitnMll SI,.,,,. l'utl11Jfl1l u An'I Pl .•• i ltt. 10\lt 10\'r Co18dc••.J.ll JI Ith IJ~. U•!-1"11 '""., C.'""1!1e, Orlnlt C-1\': THlf COUNTY 0, 01111.ANO~ po ne y all around. Be on guard. Bot Ctf>ff 31 Jt tlfl -1•~ \ll;o PU•llY Sir 1• ,,~ Jiii 5•1ti n r: ""'T T 2:..0 l?J Si~ ~ 5'-lf + ,. CPC Inf/ 1.10 104 Jtl'I Jt ,.,.. _,,.. ---,, 1,.., wi.r• .,, •• • N•lt,., Ht. A.uni floor under domestic prices. aow.1... • •111 rMI! F .nn :MV. "°"° c.1 I'' ' Wn1 Whll 17\li '~• ""' ob-c 1 41$ lf' .. 31<• 111, -'' Cr•"' 1.60b 1 s1 s1 i1 -* ..., ..,., II !•kWtY G 11 >I 1llllv11_ IT'o II" P.Yln1ms lt\lo H iNlnrm..o .OV. I An'IW'Nl<s ,Sf, n ll\.i !lift 13•,, + 1~ CtOmPICR .IO n 11\~ 11\lo llllo ., .. wnc .,., •nd tor Mid Sl•I•, ""°111 ' Elllle ., Mll(E G. \llL.L.AFANA, lN .SHORT, import quot.as !'"'" Ar Jl\lo Im 11olm IEP ... 61 It.ct °"'""" ,, ..... ,,y, Whw i )"Ii '"' AW /'ti , 2S 11!1 17"0 111. llllo -lo C•OU1etil11 '' I JO'• JO JO -\Ii .......... ~ Mtt•I •nd ltdhefl L MC•1Mc1. •1111> ltf ~ \ Hoo\'.,. ~ 7'1'k lt1n5111! Er 111'. :U~ ~I"!: fll :n"' 22\6 AW !ti 1'.4:J J.UO ~ 2S WO •. / CnMCol l JU Si 311\ ll'll 311\ '+ ~ ~ ~ " "'' " be "" ,.,_ NOTICE IS HEAE•'I GIVEN lo ~ will be bad news. Whatever ill udlrrt ,,Vi Hwtl Flt ~ Jh lttYd'lnl 251 JSI :wrw 11!11 ·~ 7 Am i:1nc: n 26111 2• 26 -1· Crown C..t t UV. 11•1 I'll\ + ~ """"'~· ...... •r• tllbtU!bfoll II"" wl!lllft Cn'Clllor1 ., Ille •ll0¥t ........, ~tn1 ... • I d . N F . 't l vrfl!J• $ 14'h 1•111 Hl/IJI IH• 1si.... ft•rmcl c. JO ll'h v.'·-'1'11 27\11 """'"" Ml '' 311 .., ..... ~~ !rwlll•n 2.40 1J U1Ji .7 ..... ''h -~ fl\CI 1d!_ ....... """ ti• 11111 11! Pll,_ flfvl"9 CMilfru; HllllSI !he u1eJr name ta.e, ra e rettflC• ew ac y I Ulll!tlt F 2.o\lo i~ nlld 11¥ 20 n llecoso E• 64 U •rd Elle '"' W. Aml•clr.: IO tJ 61 60'1 60'-. -•• fft z l>lt.10 Il2f 1ti.., ff\li ""' + --,. --.. ttkl ouMen1 ••• r*'Wlrld 1e 11 .. ~m. 1·1ons always •re bad news lor ~·1 w11s ... 30 li!.,., 1111Pa A '1 _.., AMk c, .3o 211 n11t Jl\'t 31"'< -1'' Ts cor1 .IO JO 21'0 11 11 v. + l't -. _,. 1111 1111 -Jl l3 HI/IOI Gu u~ I '4 AMP 1nc .. 20 46 '511 "' -'·' Clllla~,--co ll 20(0 1'"" lt'• -"ti !OFFICIAL SEA.I.I w '*"""' llOUdlet"s. In ""' offke """nsumers. '"""" M ... H M11r11 p t~ 21Y, AmP!I~ coi-P ,.. "'"' ..,,~ 41\t -l t~ Cvclflv pll.2j j 7~ Jlll 23llo -.. ,,._ I". Flow•• OI' 1t>t clerk., IM •bovt flltllled """· o• .. u Co 1 d ~1nnon • 11 14 H'f•fl 321'> 33\li Aintted 2 .o 21 ~ .(!'~ 13t~ -:i.i. Culll••n .11 t Jt•1 74 14~ + ltr. Nltlrr ,ubll¢'CPll!Ornl• Ill '"""'t llltm. wllll 1111 -..,., This Story is aettin,g hot Dul mp ete .. lnlA 1S tW. lclt•I TD'f 3'i't JI MUTUAL ""''" :xz" •• ,. 13"'1 """+I,\ Cumm!n .IOI> 5 3Ht lf'lio lf-1, -li . flMIKIHI Dtflc:• 111 vt1UCl\ff1, "'tlM ur.Mril1Md •I !!If el!ltf ID •1111 Sow H'A 2J I'" •., .. w ~ i1!! AniCOl'llil 2.1'0 ll01 '3'/t .nlJ. IH~ -11"' CunnD•U9 .10 s 3, U•• 3411-~ °"'"" c_.., fl r11e1r •tlw?oev, FAAHK M, M0011e. although developments are '" Ttc:11 1v. ' llfr•r .. I"' Andi Hod! ,3 46 u ll -1 cur11u wri 1 ~J1 n 11111_ 2 1• _Iii ~yt,111111111 Ort.,.. C0.91 D•lhl Piiot, EM., d.J LOl'IO .. ICh 11\'0., LOlll h•ch. k d II Ctrl• &! •Vr 101.4 IKtl 5v1 JI~ /,y, A11C11r1>HS• 1 1 lS''< 31·~ :.f''< -"• Cvrr wr A 1 •1 lJ'l J~ 3~ _ llJ M.' I•· 51, •· llld J-'· Ifft nt~ C1lllonil•, ..,,ldl 11 !he a11ct o1 bul!ne&, brea Ing every ay, you we Aise bi -0 I d ",! ,•,•,•,• ',',"i'>• ,",l'm,•w., "" ~~· And c11¥ 1.10 • ll'!to 3 v, l~'? -',• Culler H 1.:111 50 3t'IJ :llHO 3' .., Ii. ::::.::::.::.::.:,:.":~:;::;:---·1• ''" -r " r be 1 th The m " v er an c.. 1 UNDS A1>1<h1CP :io 11 lO.\'O 2 Yi "~' :r • cvcro1>s 1.10 • 101, 1011 .a1't -~ "''"'""'n 11 .. 11 m•lftri .,.,. may unaware o em / 1"'"' Lttm 1;14 ,,_.. 1n1 Min Ja'h • F Al'ee!Oli 1 421 11 '2" " .t11t v, c~,,~lM 1 • .io 51 5 ,\;l ,s.i 5' + 111 LEGAL NOTICE 1•1~•n1 10 t111 "''" "' Mkl ""*Mnt. because you've been re~lted Division of the Ruc,ker Co. hetnOld ''• •'4 Int Heir 30 31 A1:1u• c11.;,, 31 3"i l1'"' l1'h _ ., ... -D-_--.::.=:::.::::,.~;;,-----·\w1111111 four "'°""" elltr IP!t flrtt lh,!bllct· r-~(' '!' O!lt U It l~t 5vs '8 7\l'h ARA Svc St i lOJ\lt ll»Y, 1051~ + 'h -.. >'-• "-•• -n • b th d II ti ii t d •-des'•gners and producer o Ch er&.1 &.< 1a 1n1 S1s "' /1'-" 1tv. 0 1· ,, "• ,,,,. 5-"' g ,,, , ,, ,, ,,,., '''' ,,,, •a•·1'U "' "' '"''· y e e an yuu ra e· .... r -Ch•lsrs 13 IJI n1T1,,. 5111•'" Arch •n ·'° 11 fs11t 23·• 2;~-·~ :~•CP · 21 ,,.. 26 i,.:.:t\t; lfOTICI TO c1t101To1111s 011111,~!. '· ,'"', 1 • rt'lf~uota balllegab. e I e c t .r o • mecharu.·cal and 1hr111 ... 1o.i 1111 1n1tx1 2H• '111'(, A,",,','ru"o'svc J 202 31 37 111~ + •\ oar• llld 1;J~ lt lr' .!O''' 50\ll _ "" su,lllO•COVITOl'TMI. "'"" 1 ' 1111 "' "' I bl d llitd•I 1•1tV.lonlcs lnc:"Qllo l5\lo 1 105ft'll! t• 1; ·•• '''\Ml~ l\Dl 1r>c1 °pf7 25Jtl 551'1 +1\\ STATI 0, Ct.L.1110•~1A 110• M111111tl V'lllaf• 11 • That the domestic textile in-hydrau IC assem les a n 1111 UtA 761'1 nv. I• So~tn i;v. J}:~ NEW M~~:K (APJ Mur 1l:¥, 1t1 ~;::1;11 3"!1: 41 Y~ :n~ lt'" :-',,.. o!~coca 1. 60 1 ,J~ o~• ~~ _ ~ TMI COUINTY 0, OIAMal crl.~~1 ol !!lo. Wiii dustrv has a Ca.!le fs in· components, has completed ~\~:i._ ui,e ;; ~:"'° j~...,lllLC 11'1111~ -Tht tollow!r!f .._ 5 • 0 rll';I .J· 05 s,. 0 o, Armour 1.60 3 Jtl\~ ~Vo .!.6'~ -'~ 8''°' Pf4.7S -110 la.I\ 1!M 11Mt1 .+ ,.. MP"ll 0 ""' I ve "'m"' d-e~t . J d be I I ·~ J\~ J.,,, W•I 11'11 lSV. ,,,;..,,s, WPOlltd 11'1' r.: ... . Amir pf ~-'' ' ri·~ Ul.6 .. " -Vi •vlnPL 1.60 11 30\li :JO lO~ .:I-' Vr'c~ ... ,.",•'•'"• o.,,.",. ',· ,,",",'""••'",, •-':!.':.,.,' .. ':;,_~· ... ,,..•.. disputable. Labor costs are an • o;ccup~ncy an gan opera-,rz, ~ 11 11 J-~ 13..., ui,c, ,,,e ,..11on•r A11oc1-e-ec•, :·n ;·n Armstck 1.•o '1 110 ::! '?"' -11' 8:.~."~! Ji11 '·m llt• ~:: ~S:: = . '" " • enormous !actor t'n tht's ,·n· !tons tn a new 100,000-square lln•on o !?'" ;1v. Je"''"' ,. 11 ... •"on of Se<:ur111n r ·~--~·~ ,.ll J:Je A•m11 ar; w1 ,','• ,4: " . :, + ·~ D•IPwl1 1.• ' ''•" '' ,,,., 1· ttld • -•1 25 JI/Iv Fds JV. 7l4 Oeai.ors. 1nc .. •~ n¥ ""'' '» !'!'.,,,,Ck "'3.JS Mnle 1.10 311"" "~C:~ic~Kj1 Hi:"EIV GIVEN '°-''", ,'-,,, ,•,,•,•, •,,· , .. ..,. .... "'1• ,...1 dustry·, we ere the only free foot fa.cility in the Irvine ot\WTIRll e ·1.. 11'1 11.1111• s1 "6h •11-'t 1t1t 1>rice1 •1 wtildl le~1, ?1·70 fl·~ Arm~ub 1.~ ~ 1:"" ~._,. j!'·~ .!: !t &:~•Al "" '~ 36 ,., ll~ ~ - . tlle .,..,. flttMCI Clk I I CoHllS FIM '!"' l~ K•IW pf MIV. ll l~eso-sea.irltlet 'l lD·n 11"n A!'"DI orp · ,, 351~ JSV. lS'lo + -, Dell« Int ~ 19"' 11'9 i'li1':: · crMllorl °" ~ ,.1..,. ., • .,.,., 111t .... ,...,....., .., w-1-.u"'" · markelS In lhe world for te:s:-Jndustria comp e. ,c~,,,s1r ~"' ~"" K•,',•,•,•,, 1~1,..,.nJ.k ~ubd"i•: ~7 J ncock ,:,. 10'.21 :~~ ci\"'1.:0 121 ,. 41\\ "'"' -·~ 08in Mtf .61) 1ai sol'I •11'1 ''\\ _3 ''"•'~~~'''M,,M.,,'1,,.-n•-· Pllbllt.heCIOrMi,f Cte110,11,..-uo1M•• I ·i· I d -·· ... .n K . " '"" • """"' -11122111 •• hor•"'• '"" 91 '' 2 O....llM ... •• ''' '' -"wr-'" ~--~ ·-·-...... -."•,... 1>111ot "· 11. 211 Mid J-._ 110 ...., tiles : imports here in 1968 The ac1 1ty, ocate on an 111•1 Acd 111'1 n11o IC•ll•" co iv. "" !astl!dl u '""' lceYilone F~1 · · -,:.i · ,1 1s~ u ,. • .., ~ ;\ bellnvA;1 .o.i 6 1 36 :Ml"IP ~;.:.:,,, "' ·-·-·· ........,,.,. · h · ,~SR d ""'ci.11· lt C'il KellwooO ltVt ~\'o tic A•k C111 It 20»'11s"' &rw20 SJ IP\" •I'• +1 on11,rv 1.20• s Slh s1111 521.1,_1 ·4 01 tM clerk ot IN! 111ovt -1t1ec1 nuri . .,. LEGAL N~ICE were at least 27 percent big er eight-acre site at ''"""' . e om inn '™ 1111 icw1 .. IE! ,,..., , Y> Alltr6eetl 1.12 2.•1 cvi 11 21·a n ·:1o1 ~~ ,'~ , ~·~· 36" ·;at~ ... ..,, D•oRG• 1.1D , :it' .. :1t11o .... ,, _ ., -1111 Ille nM;Htt,., Vl s A \ Con\ Gtl IS,,., 16V. !Cowes Fib 21 .... 22V. Advl~ 1,6' '·" ~ • ·······-~s.. ..... ""' " .. '• •·~ • • o111 than in 1967; domestic texl.ile tlill Ave., anta na, con-~w 1" ,.,,; "''"" !'""" cu1 " .i A11111.rec1 t.u '·" ~: Kt 1,-02 tiS A.....-Tr•n .40 " "~ iµi, 15\\ -~ Otreco pf A J •Por. •si.t 61'16 . • ~ 11 IP!t """''";.ntd If "" sE'i:'I-------;,=::------de 0 f p A , .... ~I'll en! I"( ,~ 11\lt Afutre l?.70 11.70 I 1(2 in '" AUOCll'IY 1 . .0 J ~ 30'~ ~" ... ~f'ftO pf. IJ 1131~ 63 ., -1'4' ., 11tt .....,lllY .. 1111oaE1T,soN, HOW0, .. _ ,,,',"•"" , manufacturers claim grave in-. solidates un . r one r o "''" ino 20 ~1 1"' El 1R 11 A~"""' 1.i. 1.n c~i si ,,.n"2f·11 At1ClyE1 1.311 Jl, 'll"-. ,l!n ,,',~ .•. •.:.. ~• .,",."",•,•,~, .• ·'° .,: lt,,~.· ~,,~ "'•r" -. -. & GAALAHD. 49 ·-....... , lfl"ICAT • ,. ( \he •'vt'sion ••at "'' Miii 1 ' ICl1!9WI Pr ff JD AIPhl 13.20 U,4J ' ,· ' ,· •• All llkh l .llO ~· ...... .. "'._. .. Kii C•llforftl• ..... ldl Is "" IT IS Ml•l!•T CllTlllllO Al Jury. opera !OM 0 w . .... ptr Td'I n v, 16 Kn•P V091 DYt ll Amcap •Al 7,0J ~· 52 '•' I ·"" Al Ado llfl.7J tlt "' ~ !Wo + Vo o" E~ l>IS..SO ' ''"' 'Hl'o ' . • " .,.,..,.,..:. "' tM UFMM-.!tMll Ill • 11 'OLL.OWS: THE INVOLVEMENT of the was c reated by a comb1nallon ...,, ''·' 1 IC or• 1~ 11u; ...,.. ev• 1.57 1.M ~:' i:i ,·~ 1J·~ All Rich a1 1 u 111 1uv. 211 -1 O!! stet1 ·'° 11 111, ,,...., ""' -.,. =•-.,.,...11111111,. Ille"""., 111d Tllt;_..,..,.i.ntc1, 1 (1llforill• cor-Co ..,, ltodl ll lJ L.MC 011 ' '""""' Dlv11111 .nn.Ol ~II' 1 s'u 6tl A!IRdl pfl.111 161• .. ~ ~\.\ S>.fo :·:'. ~te• .lD l2 ~~ ll'.4 4l~ -"' - ..__ -1111 ffi..-'"' _." • 1 -. '-dolnt butlneu 111 """ 3t•i. of Nixon Administration Is of two former Rucker , Oii com• u 1-PI> L•nc:t ll" JJVi ..,.., Gr111 '·'' I.JI Klllrtb • 1,. ,311 All•s Chim 1 ---"'" ',fT w1 1 ,,:.•, n,1,' "',,.,1 :':: :•, • ,_.,. 1!111'~•1 I"*' rllt flcllf!0\11 nimt ConttllO 'I.I 10..., l-• 1~ t V. 6l0 Am In¥ 10,«llD.• ICndl G• 12·51 lllO Aiits Co-1> I06 11.~ 7''0 1\0 ••. 111 ln•11 .SCI I il ""'!"Wiiie.rt.ft ., lfll• ""Ha. NPACIFIC IJNEAAL se1tvrcEJ" TM equally indispulabl!:. Nixon divisions. assembly engineers ll'lt••n • •v. LaN" wo U \'I n,,;, Am ~"' 10.1111 _,1 Leaitiai 11 :,. 1l:ll. A11«:, 1>1.SOI! r100 111., ~•'") 21•1 • Yi 01.~1n11 1.111 1s 11v. ~._ 571• + ·~ . ...,Mt,,,,,... 111"lncl,.111r.c.of~ttlll t11s 'p1-c;, ~ d h' d c-•L 20 21 l¥1lnd '"111'4An'IHGw 3.ill.'7t~~li:!odlllff11 Avro•• P1a$ 10 1111 ,,,, llU Ol•Mi•ml.«1 121 '' 771'1 "~-"' ,. Jltl'lll l"lotl ., rr11cttt1C1 at Mid co._.,~ 11 Joc.ttM made a cam~1gn pledge to and overlan mac 1ne pro-~T•wtoril ll 2~ Leh coa• ' 1v. AMP•' un1v111 lberl\' 7·11 fas A1r1sP111r .•• T.I 1tlo\ iii~ '""' + ~ 011Mi l'fO s !~ ll 0 _ ~.~ .:.._ .... ,.;,.,.,lfllllNtot" of IM "fllfN. al 111 E•t •fotd'Wfl, C•ll MeM. rou Co 10 J6 L~lsure c; 6} U Ancl\OI" GrOtJP: lite Srk t"s-4 (06 A\llom Ind n 117 ll'lt I \\ 11'> ., .. ~IS rMO l.10 1"l •v ... ....-. ·• ., Ille •llrtt h•mM dfcNent 0•0•f!l• ... 0i:wnl¥, C.tltorn •. negotiate relief for the in· ducts. . . . rutc/O Rt' In\ i1,,-. Levin Tn 12•1 uv, Cap 10.0'l 11.06 lll• In¥ 717 l.J: AYco CP 1.10 11' l2''i 31~ ll''i -""' 1ci11111ott ... 33 n'~ 2n. ''~' ~ 'l tlOWllll & SAAL.AHO A Ti: ....... ,, lJ. lt6t dUStry•, after ht's r"!Urn lrom , The $1 .5 mtifton plant IS e_x. I Riel IR 71 21\4 Lew ts BF ltl.!, ?11\lo GTWlh U,25 U.62 ,,_ i"• · Avco Pt.1.20 1 •• ,V. 61'~ •flO -1 tf>olcl Ab l J stl~ St! 54\'o -( "O.llTMM. l'ACl,CF'UNERALSEll:VICES " OtnlvMclllJ\IJ\,\lo LlbE.ull 11 22 Inv t.1110,1~ .,.! S. ~f'. Ayery l>d .!1 1 SJ UV. 52'~-l'>OIGlortlo .IO d,,... 3'\"IP :tr\IF-~ A....,.ttuw CSEAL I Euro-this past ~·inter, he pandable to 150,000 squareg•t•D1111211'1?1\!oL111v 19''•'°'~ Fdln¥ 11.1112.13L~'o v1r,,:~Avne11ric . .io '" 11li '•V. 1*'1. •.•. ou11n1hm .:it 1110 l0'1 21 2fll-1'• :r.!,.~1('~ ... 11 niu ST.A.Tit~~ ~1L 1~'81Z"rA 'r"~i' ... ~ 4v1s Fd 141, n Lowt111w ,.,.. 1~; ~t~i!i~ 1.ti c,.,f1 13:11 13:1, Avon 'O '·'° 10 U3~ u111& 1»'-• -V. or~::',cil'l~A ? 31 J ,p.,. ,:1~ ,.n :,:~ "Nii ......, COUH y 0 ,-ORANGE .. reported that he had urged the feet. Fund A 1,;1 114 MM~11 1:·&~ IJ!.J. -B-8line~. 11 .,,,. ,.~, m1 _1 ,~ A__,. ,., Mllll•lslr""" Ori Mu 1~, '"'· "'°'' me, ti. ~n· E uropean governments t o Fund 1 10.1• n :IM M!u 'Fnc1 n "ot, ·21 I'!\]" w 1.-u •ff ~·• H:.•. jM~~ =-'~ 00151S••• ·'° '5 5f"" ''\It 51 •• l '"'~ C>n111• C..11 01llv Pllo!, c1 ... 111ne11. I Nof•ry Public Ill •lld for tlld • h' h Slodl ··r: 1.7• M•lll i111 12"11 11·c • •OUT ft "' .. ""111 rf'tooef" .IO ,. 5 \~ ~ '°~ -1 · ,. -, • Ifft .,..., '"'-· --..11y a""''"' Nt11 At>rtms restrain industries w IC were sci c~ '· o 1.11 M••• , ,,· .. 1 · 'I E j· o i;, ,. _,,. OomeMl11 .IO " n..., t4\i; '''f,Z + • Mh 14. 1. • .... uM ' · kriown lo me lo llt IM PreJICl•nr of tht A M c l\Ab1on '· • t .H M 1 ...... · 1 G '' ,JO 1UO 1D .,.. OomFd 1.01, 11 l)lto lllll 1 + 1 =-.:,';"' •. ~"-=~::: :1':' ,:: flooding our markets wHh cer-uto en on oust ft:~·~~ 1t/J,f:1Sr. M:1~:" 11:~ n:fi :::~u~,;61) ',1 111~ n~ 3'\\ -a Oo~l~1Tw;t° ~ r.~ ~f~ ~.v. + ;: ---~L:E:.::GAL.::,,.:Ncrtr'--1-CE ___ •1""""' wi. r~etll!W 1111 wi1t11n In· tain products': a (ortnight ago, 806,Cl'l ,_01 '· t McDGn 11 .JJ n.g •llQI" Dll.2' 35~ :Mli ff\.=1y, R:v,r c 0.1~ .,, 11 11 •I ••. ' ''.... '''"'fl'MIM CHI 1>et11lf or "" <arpor111on Commerce Sec,elary Stans Br0&a s1 15 61 ii,. MlaA Mui ," I· •nk Tr 1.a.. u 11 "" 1'4 . , u 0owc11m 1.IO ,j 11\~ IJ!'a m~ _ ·~ • -therel~ f\lmed •nd •cknowltdted lo ,.,. 8utklck u "-&S 1t02 MOOd~ CP I .73 1 ··i •rllOI! l.lSf 135 11•, ·~ 87V. +1.,. 0f8,,.,CP 1.IO ' 4Jllo "°"" 45\IJo + '• CllTll'ICAT• orr au1u•••t tt.111uch «1rHr1tron e•ecv!M !M wu11r~ · ·1 d I T · So th CG fd io·a•11 "soMooav•i u.0'1'·' ·~-c" .25 22 Slit'<~,,. so .. ., oretsl nd 1, 111 55 " :U'lt :is _ ,, ''CT ITIOUS HAMl lnstov'n.!!'t ryrw•nt 1o It &-/'·Jews G• • VISJ e • apan. a lwan. U H .. Cinldlin 11·1121·_., Mortons Funds: •:rc Ir.: .,o n 1'\'I u _,.,. g•e11r 1112 • 10 s 41 ,,, 11 ""+•fr Tiit .......,.Md dou ("11l'f ""' lft r-:l'f~·:s"s " be.rd ol dlrtdors. Korea and Hong Kong to plead Wi" n Company onors EIPit In• Un.viii! ?n7'~ 1~::: 'ltl =~ 'IJ.i!·'° l~ :i ;J ;sl -1 rr~;H P,",'• l ltll:i ~ 3fllt -·~. ~.-,. • M m .. 1 11 11:111 k1ch ISE•'I my llsnd '"" afllcl11 ietl. I b .1 C'Pll Shr 7.IJO 1... lnoi" I.IS 9.l'O i tfl Ind 1tt, 6' 61\' llll --··;\4 gr~ .... c1 :U "n 41~;. "'• -r• .....--...... c 111 1 nc1" .. for vo untary cur s on text1 e cen1 S1>r u 13 n .JJ MjF Fc1 20 ,, ">at av«hlb 111 ~·: ~ !JlleP"w 1.111 1, »,. 36\1 111.1i -·~ •IM., Hlmtlllllln ... d'I. ' o•ll '' u Mtbet A CllTIPOS -C~ennlno funclt : MF Gth (i? '(t• i•lrl•b "1~ + "'o OllPI•~ Ca :JI lt1'!1 "lt1' ?Pit -'II ~ ffctltltw "Ml Mmt ... AUTO-MAGIC Hot1ry Flv~llc Jn •lld ,., LEGAL NOTICE 8•1•n n .11 1 .... ,,.,., OmG111 s'IO .:30 •'fl.lkCI• 0!0 ll 131,l + 1~ duPon! 1,SO.. 6S 141111 1:19•/t l]po,j, -·~ S!ltVtC::I •ncll 1t11t n il 111m I~ rom-N Mid s111r Ind COtJrrly I'( . , Corn Stk 2.a1 t.1t Mu Omrn l!°ll u:V eir11J1 1 1 •} 4? -•• ClvPont '"·'° ? n~ n.-JN -•1 el' !!If "''"Int .. ...,.,.. wiloff n•n>es •~ M~ cr.immru1on Eul••1 By CARL CARSTENSEN of Subaru of Ca l orrua s new Grwlh 1.11 1.31 Mui Sil" 21;31121.30 ''I •• 1 :M ll :11 -~ duPon1 pD.JO l n 57 51 . full ..... ,i.u1 of ml-•re IS Oc!. :ll..1. lt10 CEllTIFICo\TI OF austNISI • OI , ... O•llr ,It,, Sl•fl ·~:1 di ' • t 1000 w Coast lnoom 1.11 ··~ Mui Tn'11 111 117 I tit. of j 1i 1n 'g:~ 1~. +'\'t og:::" ;1 l... .. 711.4 2ru 7ll't ~·..,"':'~ ~ .... 'w-.~'",..!.."'o,"r,,",'~! :.r-:~· ~:t?;~,!..'AOST The un0t~:~~1:! ::!i': 11111 hi l• er ~ei;hwa;,as~oen:port Bea~h. ~~1"ff.~" 1::,, =~·,'.,'w,~~ 1, 1 1'.Il 1,1fl!~1 Et~~ fs ~ ti~t ;;~t f~~ = }l 0<i""\'.:~:/: ;~ ~. ~" ~:: '• ''-•-,·---. ,,,.::'.'.,·,,-... IMte Aae. c111ftnl, .•,,..nl'll eo11duc11,.. • 11v11.,.., •• uo v111. fl•v•. John HauiseCr.hpartsl mt anr'!1 , -·s 1·01·., Subaru w'tth ~~ ic1t.1n·u.u ,, ,,.,,,, ·~ ,·· !f!h en. 7 110 F,4 1''4 '-' + ,.. ovmo in .set ":f ~~i? 211l4" ~f"" = ;; 1 _ Olte!I w-:U. 1..9'."' P11bl~ ... ~ .. eo.tt O•llY l"llol, ~:=:1.:'n'.~O~l':c':~N~ko"':c~~ ~liesca.· Mwaesi 1'nstae""'11ed'.; p~si~ ov;3i4years or wholesale and ci:;;i:1._1 li:U!::r. .Hi•,~ s.n:: 12:51) t:~r.;.• :1: lJ ~ .. mt H't =' ... OVn• Am . .a -E.F':. t\. "'~ -I •-e. aovrl•nd "'"'· , '•-11. 1,.. "' ., ''''' <-• c--, ,-,.,, ··• " t h Colon!ftt ...,. , '' • " I'll How .M 'I:~ n,., m,,.1 -1~,1 Et"' II E.. 9-"lllld • ·~ ... firm 11-~~ af"';;;;'f.otio:.;'i"'" .,,-;.,, denl of Chevrolet's L o s retail experience in e Eau I IV S st 6.0I Olvld ,-01 Ji ' I tnierco.. l"I I ... ,-., -E'91ePtn .IO J ?9 111'~ ~ , . 1111~ 'lif o uior 111 •• °''"'' Covntr; · LEGAL NOTlCE WlloM n•me In 1u11 '"" 1>11c• .,. r•sldenct automobile field. R e g i o n a I ~~ 11:~ 'ti; '..'.!!' ,':~ ,.:H :'",<'!'rs• 1~, .. ,' ': ~..,, f4~ ~"" +-~ ~=~~0 A~~ ./: 1~ g:: ~~ mi ~,;~1 °"' Mlw 11. 111ttn ,,,., • No11•¥ l"ufll;i:l------c~~--'--·---1, ,, ............ Angeles zone parts managers . k . . ,,., '·'' •.•• s''=· ,·-,, 1 ·" I ""~ D 1 ,,,. 11 11 ~ ,, ,,,-, '·''' •• , ... ,, ,.., , tn 11'111 fllr Miii '""· "'"""''*" '""reo •·m• Frtd -w;1h!r, 150 Vitti 1111. N~-·1 cord Manager Die Preiss said c ..... ;;.erc 11 o.. 14 ii -~ · 0-•1 •~1FIR 1.•o 200 '71'• 4t •7 -~~ .,i't11u '·'o "j 1m ,&Jt. 201 = ·~ """" E. 9o1rr11ni •nd Ett~n E. ,,,.,.., B••tfl, C•l!to•"ia .,MO honor society "The Re 1 H ' c ..... si 150 1·s1 1·n G"'"' 10.t111.n tn •F ot•.:oo r n·~ 71'.l ,,,.. ... 1·~r Kod•• 1 ™ 11 r, '"' ."·-•~"'be"" 1>1rtons Club" at a r•cent banquet The store wil serve un-, __ ,,,,,_. !f.11 Wett '·" en lol2.30 1?0 :it~~ ~\.., .lf,'~ •• ,, •• ,, '·" ., • .,. !.~ _-•.!,• I OU" ........... "" "' ClllTlfl"ICA.TE l'Olt 01tfd Ml~ n. l9it. " ' . ·c:· 11)I1;, ·~_evwrlfl 77..sl 17.st l!nel\Jtl UI '~ 1··~ '5 -1 -· . ... • ... """'*' Mmtl •r• •ubS<rlt..11 111 ""with TAANSACTIOtf OI" auui.1:11 Fred W•Ner Sr'xly·lt've of the 83 Chevrolet tlngton Beach, F OU n ta In 1~11 11:03 n:!'I ~.". •,~ r,10.!! "11.'•" 1 -,,,,,.' '",,, J~ n,,_ "••'• !"',," •. ,. e~~~""'.J ~ tt!: ff, .. 111 ,.. = ',) 1-11rumf11t '"° 1ctMW1NoM ''"'' vr· ,.0 ,, ,,,,,,,0 ,, •••• ,,,,, ,, '''"'"''· •••-, •. ,,,.. , • B h d th !' ,, ·· ,, " ~ •• " '• ' • ·-··· e-• o •• " ., " "'" •v • h Valley • .,..auna eac an e ~"' -· N1w w111 s:021•:a: •rmoc COl"o ,.~ 1••~ 1•141 '"" ~"" .... 1•11 • .11 1-1 •11• .ci"' ..,.. -J .o;tH 1M 'mt 1 THE 0Hoe11110NEO """"' Mrtbr °"' M•v n . '"'· 1>e10" in•, • Ho1.,., dealers' parts managers in t e o• rod! ia.1' 11.n N•w'"" 16 1, 1 :io ~h sn ' '° 219 lj'\ "'' lf''• _ •\ Ec11wn1ro. t Si 3'~ .lt\\ "3'\'i + ·~ 10,1'1c1,AL , Joblt cer111v "''' 11e 11 conovc11,_. 1 llaar "ubllc In 1nd tor 111c1 s111e, per.o,...11t< Los Angeles-Orange County Newport-Balboa area. cw1111 A .. 1 1.1• 1 .... on,st .,·Jl 1720 11 M ind w1 1t 1 '• ,~,.. , • ., -"" EG"G .10 n JI"'~ .,. ... Jll4 _ '' ·••n ... ,,, r ' , •• ,, •• , .. "' ... 10 ... 1.-ed l'rfll Wt!~r know~ tu ,... to "' , .... "' c .. o l,tS l .11 r;. __ ,. ' •• 'l·., I Th••• M " ,,,. ~· ., _, EIM\tf!c ... "' -. ,,, -, • ••• -, .... l'··Ct llfe<ni• cov "' ns I ... "" ~ n t •I h' '' -'' ... "'-••v • •· ,..., .. -.. .,_, '" "· ,,,, .• , u.r-, , '· 0,,-., 111e _,.,...""'"'"'me 11 1v111(•1-l<l -a are mem•·rs of t 1s omp"' ....... ~· ;1, ·n kOlf L"M l!' ""! "'"' ''" + "• E1ec1 Assoc ai 11•, 20~ 201'• _,, "tlld111l ""n "' '" '""' a, .. · ut: BUl~KSALES ComHI 1G.1211.CM 0-0 ''··:i···· 1•L•u•1 1 7P 'Tl C -''Eiect s~ tr l"• 11'-'-'"'t"• ...'.,,., ,._..... Or•fl'lle Co1mr,, cit~oro. '""' ,,_ n-""' wllllln lflll•ume111 •"" 1cknow!ldtlld l 00 '' ~ '' '' -, 1 , • , ,_ '' o< E , N ._ ,_ ,. ....-......,,,,. ·-M 1 1ec1 '""' ume organization. omP · · 111 F~"' \O 11 ts • 1 . 1 ..... -• 111 n •r '"" 20 !'I~ 1!% '"~ 1,, • C '.-•••I•-llllws fl"" Mmt of HILTON CA RPET • tcu · HIT NEW HIGH ""'" FCI H. 12.20 _ ms ,·.~ ,,,·,, 1 .. 1111 0111J ' '"'"' '" 12'•4 + ·~ EfPt•ANG 1 •1 -1k " .... ,, _ ,, ... ~-~'"!"",,.·· .. ,,,,,,. ·-· -·· ••.• ll•m ·---... !OFFICI AL Sl!AL) . ' -"-n '" .•. ·-· ,, I ... ,, ., ~ .. '""'' ... '" '"'"' ,......,,_ ontorO ••·~•v. 'Htll II ltlll'lobble 8r~1 •I 11"1 •,. -E!•1Cp 1.10 1f ll~, 33~ J31i -\o ,.ulll lll'lllCI Or•nt• Co11r O•Hv "11o1. 01 n-.. tonowll\p ..,._,, Wl!Ole "•,..,. '" z.,.,. Gtl<er•R FOR-PICKS \Vlth Buick retail deliveries oni 1n¥ lJ.JO n .1 11>ennm 1:11 t l'loflnq 1."' ?!I '''' ••·~ 4.1\'r -•i f!!.'.:._•, Pf2:.io, i10 311 :JO 311 +-·~ M.' ''· ''· '' '"" Ju~f ,, lttlt 'J!Ht run •net oltce °' ret1Clenu 11 1, Notary Pullllc;.Ct111o•nlt u -Inv !.n 'A4 Ptnll s. t 31 t" loltC"I .1'" 1i1 "'• 1·~ 7,tio -\'I E .... e..... 37 Sl9' !I St\lt _ "i !'Ill/ow•. to-w11: ar1nc1"1 0tnce In TOP SALESMEN establishing an all·time record Co•• La 11.0t 11.n Pt MY• 1o:u lfftJ 1101sec 111 <111 1 1 •,• .... •,•,,, '"•"• ~s,. e!"'e1 DI 1.t0 , 38'~ 3,.1 3IVi + 1, ' '--.,, Lo• An;tles Coun1y . Cnlry C•1> lS1!0 1•.1! '0"' '' n '(" l'loolo;Mtt. 1 21 •• ...-·• .,,,,,...,1, .10 ?O s11,., !3'< .!'4 .,,., H ''""' $llYtrdille, "' 0''*"· . ror lhe first IO-day period or Crown w 1 . .--. ,.011 p •rim 10'111 .,1 llO!"den 1.10 lM ~··' ,., ,., -... mh••I 1.10b l'OI 15 ov. 4:31.6 :....,« C•lltorn11 M, Commlnlo.. E•Pl•ti Ten local Ford dealership I crn w In 13.66 u ,t4 Pllol 1· .. ,, • llor;We• 1.·~ J• 31•, 11•• 31.L1 -\• Emp0111 1 . .0 10 lOI\ >GI• 301 ... w1tNEss' ••11 ~and 11111 21111 o•v .. M4v Od. 2 • 1 ' 11 salesmen wet• honored (or May, calendar year sa es are cieVevh M H.06 "·°' •Int 51 1iil 1t11 eor ... 1nF .~ " ,..,~ , .. ,, ,,11t -" EmporC .tob 3 J 2 r. ,,.,.. ~!~ _+ : .. • •All•UU , .. , ' Pulll!shtd Or•nve COISI 01llv Plkll, ... . l ti d h' h I Decal l['O( 13.16 15.U Pion.er 1its 1'.ll AM EOls 'QI ~ I~ lft .f(I E...c!JOF\n ,111> ' 3' .. :Ult ...... ... s~:l~~:11T:o~:;o~;oT11~, s111e °'L·~~i1~\!": ! M1v 21. June •· 11, , •. "" io1''4' • outslanding sales performance ~~rui~gB~ick~: 6~~~~r h~~o~ '6i1~:¥: ii~ 11:~ ~~~~ i~-~{~~;* =~~i'i';..1:nc,o :.i t::: ~i,., ~:~ + ;~ 1~J~~J: ::! ,3\ Y~ li~ ~~ ~ ~ STAT• o' u"''~:~N:~• co;;ni..~ O.•not i 11 LEGAL NOTICE in 1968 a t n recent Ford 300-0 Franklin Frost generai ~~si;~ ,:ft j:j~ ~~~ion1 1to,1111:12 ~;J::~v 111~ 3l' i1:~ li;; u 1' =-:'.; Sk'G,~ l.~ ~~ ~i.: ~ll: ll:: _: '• '"' cou::,1,~,, .ier:1,.,.../ • 2No:~ .. :rk'111~~ ::i ~~ ,..»tn SOO Club banquet. s~les manager, rePorted to-g~~1 ltB ls:.ri ~~:; F~~'~' ·'' =~MH.i:' ~ : :I,, :~:! ~~: -'-• 1e='~~~1 ·f.10 ~ ill\ ~"' ID:_:·,;: Etlllt of CLAllOE ~. 1t1C1CAllOS, s"1e, "'lkll"' 1....-.1n, duly terM1111i....t0 CEllTl,.ICAT• o, aus1M1.ss The average 300·SOO Club E1tonSi-+ow1rd. Eqult n 19 u.., j,..,"• or..,, s •~ u1~ I'\~ -~ ,,,.,1 CP .12 4J j3 3J•i :121., _ '• OKllMd Incl ·-· 11 · Der-It-, ·-· .. L•rry •ICTITIOUS N•Mli be Id nea ly $500000 day tr.:""' •.tO I.ft Gt.!ro 1S:io itn ,..,H a••w! 1 ·~ ·~ ·~ lh¥1 ~"·"° 11 1\11 Joo.. S0"4 -I ,.OTICf IS HElll!8Y G1VEN 19 """HUt.n '-10 -lo llt the P•rMfl Thi llftekr•I....., oo.r. «•Ill\'"" Is con· mem r SO r ' Re' tail sales totaled 25.0&4 Jn ~r:.:•I ~:·Ya.t Grl,_. ",',,''t'o"SI A~~UGC0112 r; ~::~ r'~". ?',,~ -+ ~~. E~~~ln·,'°',,, ~. n,, .. '••"•' lll'I -t lt ertiflltln " .,,. •"°"1 n1rnec1 1Ktc1tn1 Wl'IOw n1"" i. f..tiloo:rlt..11 111 tM wttnln c1ue11ne • 11ut1ne,. 11 u 11 A11>en1 Drive. worth of automotive merthan· 1 t 7 1 , ll • Of ,, ·• 1ty, . 11\tl •II,.,._ ... vine d t l .... 11•IMI,... IMl•Ul'Mnl, ... d •ck.nowltCltH lo ..... !hit Hunllnoto!l lle1ch. C•lilornl•. wnde• "" dise In Hl68 to qualify for the early f.iay. a 2l.1 percent in. i:~t 1$:ot 1•.3t ~'\~r:1 ,~·~}11l~ i~e:"Shi~a ·: ': ~.\ ~~ ;~~ ~::~l..;,'°" tU ~; t::: W' r :~ •till ftcl'Cltnl lrt '"u!rllCI foo flit tl\tm, Ill f•f'(!Jted fht lllTlf. flclfllovl firm "'"" el GAYLORD $Al l!S ,.cease O'er the 2 0 S 2 4 E<ntro Sc: t 5' 10 15 Vovt' 10 6 11 14 AwnShnt! ! <o •! 1• 1i>. •"• -'"• E•CtllO 1 1S ti 301 1 ,..._ JOV. _ , , wtl!l l ... MC ••• ,.,~ .... 1" ""oll'll:t Wl!MU "'' "'"" •nd offiClll ... 1. COMl"AN'I .... 11111 M1d flrm II cgrn. 1honor. ~ • EM<"VY u.u lS.44 It• TKfl ·ri •H •roMW' O•t ,.6 "'' ,.,., '~ -Vo Flllfrtt WI J 11•• l'ttt n .. + ... °' "" c""' of ""' allo¥• en11111o11 '°"'"' ..-tOFFICIAL SEAL! "°'... of 111, 1011ew1"' pe....,,, who!.• The ten sal••men quallfyt'ng deliveries in the same penod Enr.,..11e lO 2t l1 1! lltve•e u 5 14 Si AuCYE• 1 "' 1111 '1 ,.,~ ,.,~ -1 FICfO•A .11 12 J7u _,, 111 57'11 +i,.. 11> .,. ...... 1 ll'ltm WI"' "'' llllCnM,., Mvrlrl J. MIHenoet' n• .... Ill full •"" PIKt of ••1kltnl:e i. t i '=-" E*tllY 10 T.110 n """""'I ''l lt'u ~udCI ro ,'Ill u ,, .. ,, •• ''"" -I.I l'•lrdlC .SO! 103 M ...... ~ -11-_ wud!er .. ._"" uf,o.,,19_ 11,..,. o«icfo N011r• P!Jbl~ltfornl4 !elklM· lor memberships are Charles las t year and 13 percent i""n G111 1;,~'•i1.,2s SU1u11... 11.12 1t 12 •ur111 Co"' s 1'0 ,, ,, ,.., -v, F,•,!~<11 ••• ~","' .12 H\li llllo u .. ~. 'I l'flelr •llrl........,, HAllllMOH ANO 1'11FM:!HI Dflq In Givklnl Ite l"' 0-llefelcl. 6411 A""'°" h f if nu • · 4 ScvClcler Fv""I' A~•I '" M '5 ?fl'• 1"~ 'fl>~ F ... .,,., l l ?1 2J\'a 11'~ -1, '' ........ __ ~!ft Slrttl, kllt O••nt• CtunlY 0r1 ..... Monll,,.1on , .. ,~. Ctlllornle. D. Buie, J . Fitiaerald. Leo higher than l e ormer a ..... ,,1 In 1•'51 .n Int 1,,... 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E" ·""'' _ ·~ Fa•lhMt .IOb 1J " 14"' ,. + Iii ---.1t11111 """' mtr11t11 ilftllf' "" ' · ... • ... _....,. an ~v s. Ifft, ri.i.-• ..... • Net•,., S' ·vens. Jame• S. Summons. said Fld ea~ 1 .112 u .2l s.c e...,11 4 u • 11ur-nc1¥ 1 o 11 1s " 10'11 _ 1~ Fed<ltr1 ·'° 4S Sf ll jf\fl _ ,_ ~ • ' ,, • -· • St I ,.., l.C " ' Fie! Fur>a it.nit.St Src .,.,... .. ,,, ,. llUt'"rol\t. VI lJI I"!• I ... 1'PO -1• F .. " wt j 2tloljp tf\11 7'\\ ·.-'\. t1r<11 M liutlon °' llllt l'Mlll<•. LEGAL NOTICE .,,, c .,... "" M 1 ., .. ,_. It brought retail sales since Fkl Trnt1 "·'' JCl.-M s.1ec Am 11 '.0t 12:00 111~vnvi .211 ' 'J'~ 'J 7J'-\ -·~ FldMol 1.111 JS » !:I :n -""" °''" Mir ,, 1...,. •-••M G•vttr.i Ktlth Oo!•lt'tld ,_ Donald CreviU, t-1 . A, Hedayat . Flnt<>e111 P~: ~' '-"! l' '°" 1~11.,151'1 ,0 1 .,.., ,.._ ?t~ + ~ FtC1P1e £1ec iot !"' n ~ _., 1J1111tO c1111on111 .... ~ kl "" "' • "'-""10!\ wl>ot• M'"' Js and Dellt's 'lonlell. all or January I to 246,401 units, a 0...,.1~, '·~ i·!! Ide 1 : 11f~ · c F •,IK-11!1.2' " lS u i ~ i. A c111tor"1' c..--•1'911 P4JS11 oubl.c:r!bitd lo !ht w11111n 1"''""""'' '"° " I th . ....,•r ,..., ·-,.,,,, 11 t 413 01 --os•• + .. ,F• ... if 1 la n _ \'f Eleartor c11111r1,tta.TI 0, austJtlJI •ctn1owltd91111 l'le t•te~ttO "'' u..,.. Theodore Robins Inc Costa 9 2 percent ncrtase over e 1ncorn 1.01 .u ·, tnv i3"011in i•bo• c1 .a 1• JI'• J'"" .. ... M$l'"s ~~ ' ~ •"' ol tT>t Wiii o• ,,,_ PICtlTIO\ll NA.Ml !DFl'ICIAl SEAL! ' .. ais.744 deliveries over the ~!: r11"0111 li::: :t~ ~ 1T...,~.1 :::~ 1f'.~ ::11:~~~·lf :~; ; :: ;J~ ;t~ ~ ~ ~::O~le '~v 'l 1~1-~;~ f": t-:: •llOVt ntmed Mc.,.M TM "'*"llnM do Ctrll!v 111,..,. .,, J~•n ~. "'°"'1 f.1eiia . I I eat• ti.A Fii •~S~ •.•t l0.•2 "ft" t"v 1100ll"1.Jj """P•l 4Ja Jt i.•, 13,. :1411 + ~ ''r"'C' 1.41 l 5~ J' S? -·, HAAM<IH AMO JaNS•N Ct>Nlucllnt • bullnt111 ,, 1tm T•en""' Nor•r• l"ullll(•C•Marn.. El> LOYNES HEADS sa1ne span as y ' Oft; Ft! Mu"I 1'.tf lj'.ii 1Fmi Gth ·u~av.1 •m•S.1 .10 JI 3'"i '.11'\ ,,,~ fltlfebrCI 10 !G lllo ,.,... ll'I + '• :.""::."'.,;: :.~:~''"' 4;j!"'·'l~fi~~,!'":n,~•1~n~•E:~~.f ;~~:·t~:~• 1n IMPORT DEALERSHIP division's previous second best ~f;, ~~o :.n ·'° ::::,~~" r.t1~ u.io g~ 9f::" l<Q tit ~~ 10•1 ti1f;z ~-~ ~!;~"? l.111 r, ~ ~:_: ~= _.,. ~.:. 1 .: .. (IMtt.-•1• \Hiii ~=~N:f.eS i:i':w1~·1..;,:,..:1:;..~ • ,,, = ... :~ .. -;:.2!~"",.~.·."·,·.·,,, Laguna Beach '!! Ed Loynr.:o; r:.ile. in hist.or,y. ·1 I ~~' ¢;, ';:~ i.51 ~fd~"" 1~·~ 1: ~! rn.r~~ :~1l ! JO'• I~~: ,:: ~r~~,:e;~is u R~ l:~ u~:.:.:: ' ' .' ',., .., • ,,... ~ Ptto1. llas been nam•.d ·the-manager Buick's al -tirne rt:hu sa es "OtJnd"s tJ) 10.0I Stt~n a.21 .:11 •o c lhtu • 11 1i•t 1r.,~l ~"'• -_ "• FitChrl h111 111 u"' ~" ;-., • I • ft.,,... In lufl ....., • 1 1«1 of •••ldf.r>e• ,,, ' u 21 • IN-I 17319 •. h J M F~•1 IJ.30 10.U s1g1n llot F11nd5• •rb•un t "° J 51'~ .. l"•IMCr.Y 110. st ,n. ~ • .... 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I 6U1m1 r~. •~val Grovt t ..-111 4 I ll!Cll • 1 M 61 M !t1o f U\1 n1ro n'.I LEGAL NrtriCE .. •• ... 1 i. '! l ' , .. ,., '• ,,. ~ ~. ,, "' "' ::: ~! " ,, " .. ,, .. ,, ... .. .. "• '· ... ·" . " ,., .. " .,, ~ " ... "· " '• t~ , .... -~ ·~ '• "• '• " •• -l. ... ' "' s .. •• • • ,, ~ ~ • ' Tuesday's Qosi'ng Priees-Complete New .. York • ....... .. ,, . . . .. Stock Exchan ge List .,.... .. .. \11&1 Ml•~·• CINI ca. . OAILY PILllT • ' l ,,,.,-------------:-------------------·- I I • IAll.Y PU.OT • • • • .Laguna, Hunt ington Open~ Finales . . . ~ Br TOM TITIJS ot ,._ Dlfb" l'I ... Slaff While eotnmunity theater groups in Laguna Beach and Huntin.gtOn Beach Ult the cur- tain on ~it final prod_uctioru1 oI the season this week, C.osta t.1esa playgoers will welcome back the sidelined star o! their closing abOw. Opening tonight as the last tegular staaon production in lhe old Laguna Play~s 40 STAR RETURNS -David Paul, .shown in a scene Irom "Middle of the' Night" with Pat Neederman (l eft) and Jeanne Correll, returns to his role at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse this weekend after · being sidelined by injury. ••• "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" ., .. • CoOASf • AT lllollC"1MU~ ....0. : ...... """' .... ..,... lllil'tMfo r min. r.ny D1d1• PLUS EXCLUS IVE SOIJTHERH ~RANGE COUNTY RUN . A ....... Scl, .... tz-. JAMllCllUU·Uil!"D WJJfAf.ala ·*-lilUDmr NrlJCK Mim·ll'D!IF llilDIN ':'1 6 .. --IMRViJ ----~~-~DAUPHIN· ICHWM'l?•S.l& POGOll'li - ----.. -.. ' l!!!l!!!!I I.LIE POlfSnfil·-.U NOlfTM· ..... •W ·COIM 111¥0mi.-R- 3rd & LAST W~~-.,.-:51:~~~' WUl 8•15 fri .......... . NnD • CMtl•-froa 1 p.111. 1a.r.......,.\il'l .. Jor...Tue-wpiti•ta1pi<luttertt! ~ Dol'llOQSEllNta(S 'IAl9tll •-, CO$fA Ml'lA, PHOM S. .. ll03 .. --··------- -~Mlltlfllll.' • Toay lt..cklt-J-.t L.Jtlll JI"' hda l ltolldy Mc i>.n l HOLIDAY FUN FOlt ALLI ' "A .._.,,... FR• To bl),.. AH Sethfy AMI .,...,.. ., ..... en Of An.,....., .. P.w.NOl.l!l'T '1Cl\IW l'WiENTS A ROOERT a RAD Nm PllO!lOC"nO~ t.M.rSide (Jfthe • cf}'rf ountam A boy .00 dreams of leavinQ civilization ... of ( all alone ~ ~ wihlerress .. . of doing his lhirl,i .. . ·•"' ,.,,, ,,,, ill -- • . years ls \ht! autobiographical . ..,....,.,... drama "Dyla'.n~· under the directiO{' oI Doug Rowe. John Fe.rtacca, who will become the first artistic director of the new Lacuna -Moulton Playhouse in the fall , is cast in the title role. At the Huntington Be.acb Playhouse, "Breath o( Sprl~" mowits the Barn's horsesbOe stage Friday night. Ruth Dorward directs the English· flavored comedy. Anit at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, David Paul returns to the cast of ."Middle or the Night'' alter being forced out of t h e show's opening two performances when he was seriously injured in a n automobile accident. Joining Feaacca in the cast or the ,i;aguOa drama, !V~ich depicts the' 39th and last year of the Welsh Poet Dylon 'thomes, are Pat Browh1as his Wile, Caitlin and Geoffrey Rjker as Thomas' friend a.nd biographer, John M a J c o I m ,Brinnin. Comp leting t be "Dylan" cast are Elaine Barnard, Betsy HE;wett, Red Stoddart, ~b D'lsidoro, Jim Cooley, . Bess Ripley, Glad Keer, Pamela Brown, Les lngledue, John Moran, Jill Carter, Doyle McKinney and Steve Scott. Paul Toft and J?ete McNulty head up the backstage crew. · "Dy.Ian" will play for three weeks, Wednesdays through Saturdays, at the playhO!Jse, 319 Oceal) Ave., Laguna Beach. Reser:_vations may be made by calling the box oUicc at 494-8061. * * * Peter Coke's "Breath of Spring" is a tongue-in.cheek comedy about a pair of. semi· retired ladies and t h e i r Tryouts Set For Comedy In La gun a The Laguna Playhouse will hold readings Sunday for its first 's u m m e r production, Peter Shaffer's "White Liars" and "Black Comedy." The British tandem playlets will be directed by Ian Brown, a teacher, actor and singer with credits both on and on Broadway. Parts are open for live men and three womep of all ages. Readings will be held at the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach, beginning at t larcenous pastime. It opens Friday for five weekends at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. PlayiM ·t b e elderly fur. heisting gals are Nancy Wells and Did.dy Lammen, with Ralph ·Quick casf u the brigadier' general who aids their plot. Pat Mullin!, Lana Campbell, Ann Walker, Marty Fuchs and George Ralph com- plete the Huntington Beach ca.!l: Ron Lambert is producing lhe comedy, which plays Fridays al)d S a tu r~d a y s thrpugh June 28 at the playhouse, 2110 Main St., Hun- tington Beach. Reservations are available at 897-4:638 or 53H861. * * * "Mjddle <l( the Night" will be staged l o r its last two performances at the Costa Mesa CiviC Playhouse Friday and Saturday, with David Paul back in the leading role filled last weekend by Hap Graham . Theresa Smith portrays the young girl attracted to the middle-agaj widower. Also in the cast are Joanne Wolcott, P a t Needennan, Jeanne· Correll, Barb a r a Garlich, Tom Titus, Kevin Conroy. Patty Chavez, Jan Murray and Shirley Dillon. Pali Tambellini directs the Paddy Cheyefsky drama at the Community C e n t e r auditorium on the Oralige County Fairgrot.a\dS, w, i t h tickets available at 834-5303, * * * Two other shows towering their curtains after t h i s weekend's perfonn~s are "The Madwoman of Chaillot" at UC Irvine and the Fullerton FooUigbters' "Sigtit U9~n." "Madwoman," directed by- Robert Cohen, is We-final pro-• duction of · thei • ].919 Irvine· Repertory Theltt~ season. The Jean Giradoux play will be st.aged tonig"ht through Saturday in the UCl Studio p.m. , , "White wars" and "Black Nelson Back 11IMltr with ticket ,...,.., .. 'Uonl bein( taken at-17. 11Sight Unseen" goea-out o< slgbl with flnaJ performancti FriQy and Solunlay at tbe Muckenthaler C.Ote<. Walt -dir<da the ..,.. edy m)'llery and tlckeia an available by calling 171-4710. * * * Ol'iglnally oChedllled to clooe this weekend, but ~ beld over for another weet by popular demand. Is Soudi Coast Repertory's ••Room Servi~"' The d~a comedy, Is dJttcled by David Emmes, Don Tucbe, Martin -· Rooald l!oossom and ~el Douglass head the caat at the 'lbird s~ Theater:, 1azl7 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Performances are g I v e n Thursday through Sunday, with tickets available at 646-SMOTHERED IN MINK -Nancy Wei.ts (left) and Ralph Quick cover a be- 1363. mused Lan.a Campbell with stolen furs in a scene from "Breath of Spring," * * * opening Ftiday at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Moving into its second. o( _ _:___..::_ _ _;:_ ____ __:: _____ .:._ ___________ _ three weekends is • • T b e Tender Tra~." the seuon's fffiale for tlie San Clemente Community Theater. Tony Brandt directs the M a x Shuhnan comedy which plays Thursday through Saturday. Joe Del Rosso, Toni Hachez, Chuck Schicker and Gloria Newton head the cast at the Cabrillo Playboose, 2 O 2 Avenida Cabrlllo , San Clemente, Reservations are being taken at 492-0465. Documentary Awards Tickets Set For Revue NEW YORK (UPI) -The CBS Television Netw«k bas won 10 of 14 news and documentary awards granted for the 1968---69 .season by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The academy announcement Monday said that NB captured three awards while the re- maining one went to the Public 'Broadcast Laboratory on National E du cational Seats are now on sale for Awards .in other c tegories Television. . ~ the. premiere and subsequent will b e made during h e an- performances of "Jacques nual Emmy awards elecast Brel is Alive and Well and June 8. · Living in Paris," which Uie The docuoientary "HuTiier Hollywood W.mg of the Greek· in America," critiched by Theater Association w rt I some congressmen w~ called presenl on Wednesday· even--it distorted;. was one of the ing, Jube-18. winners for CBS. NBC receiv· "Jacques.Brei," now in i~ e<I a citation for its coverage second year on Broaday, is of the hunger controversy in still playing to capacltY au-its regular evening HunUey· di"tnces, While other' pro-Brinkley hews programs. ductions are · playing in Lon. The~ categories and winners don, Chicago, Toronto and announced MdndJy : Philadelphia. O u tstandiTii achievement reports and special braodc April 4-9, 1961. Outstanding news· documen- tary program achievement programs -CBS Reports: "Hunger in America ; Law and Order, Public Broadcast Laboratory ; (individuals) Per· ry WoUf and Andrew A. Rooney, writers,. for Black History : Lost, Stolen o r Strayt.d, Of Black America, CBS Hews Hour. Ou tstanding cultural documentary and "magazine. type" program or series achievement -(programs) Don't Count the Candles, CBS News Hour ; Justice Black and the Bill of_ Rights, CBS News Hour ; Man Who Dances; Edward Villella , Bell Telephone Hour, NBC ; and The Great American Novel, CBS News Hour. (Individuals) Walter Dom· , brow and Jerry S i in 1 , cinematographers, The t;reat American Novel, CBS News Hour; Tom Pettit, producer, CBS: The Secrets or Secrecy, segrilent of "First Tuesday," NBC; and Lord Soowdon, ci;nematographer, Don't Collnt the Candles, CBS News Hour. The musical revue depicts within regularly scheduled the m~ PoPU13.r· p!;let.emn· news progrmm•-coVer.age of ~ tivin&.·til .Europe today . hunger In .the ·Unitedl Sta~s, 1'went7..five of,. his choice · NBC Huntley-:BdDkleXiReport; songs ;havt. liM!;en translated "On the ~ ·· s4ila with and Americanized by Eric Charles Kurilt, on ~ Eveii· GI G T II 'f Blou and Mort Shuman. ing News Wolter 'Cronkite : oo.mv us e s I Opening night curtain is and "Police After Chicago" by As YOU See i'f scheduled -for 7:30. Other John Laurence, alSo 100 the e .v en i n g performances in-Cronkite program. ;;============.I day, June 17, will be given at coverage of special events - Twe An Time GrNhl St-ve McQ..,.en COLOlt "SAND r111w· Cllarl!on H .. ton COLOR "l'luot Of n. .,_ .. PACIFIC -. --111·1271 ,,_ ........, ti wm 111e1 • '°" I '"'"" llrllen M:H n!JOIM ~ ,..,..., .. *" tMMllll111 "HAltD CONTU.C'r COLOR-$"'-11 1:15 & llz• P•tlV Ouke COLOR "YALLIT Of THI DOW• . .--.re. .. -....... Comedy'' will open July 10 at the playhouse and will run Thursdays through Sundays {or three weeks. Scripts are aVailablc ror reading at the playhouse. cludiilg a,pre-opening on Tues· Outstanding achievement in ... • 8:30. Matinees are scheduled coverage of Marlin Luther HOLLYWOOD (UPI) for Wednesday and Saturday King assassination and af. Barry Nelson returns to at 2:30. termath, CBS Nen special ~ \ ruovies for a supporting role ln,\;=~~~~:;~~~~~==:=:::::".:::=:=:~=11 ct!i11,....., Frt., s-1., ,_,,. ,.,,.. "Airport," starring De a nll Jer.., Lewti Martin and Burt Lancas•~·. -lw ,....., sr.m 6:45 •11 OCJ "lioolt, LIM ..i Sh.et"" Fux-sou:r..:COAST .. LAZA TH~ s.n o;,., r ..... , o1 11r11to1 • s.u..2111 ACRES OF FREE PARK ING ~~e ) MEMORIAL DAY KIDDIE SHOW FRIDAY, MAY 30th SUNDA Y, JUNE 1st 118 The Si ll iest Party of the Year .•. and CMt. S.. fro111 2 p•. plus NIWl'Otl' IU.llt -et "°" -.. w..i-ll._ lo!. -,OI ..... uo TWO .BIG FEATURES TOGETtlER SICOND RAT111tl "Afrlcoo Sofari .. ..... ,:45 "''·--- P~I VIW•r I' will net "9 ... 111Jt19ll Wl.U .""'",.."... .., ,..,...., •• """ 9'111'111~! ' "Tllo llln trotod M•" E l~e Sommer COLOR "They C•-To l ob Los ,.,.. .. i"---... -.... 4 "~ ~.11 1 ~8t~i:~ -· w .-a WARNER I A11ylllln1 11 pOHIDlt <flu ''Tiie lmpouill .. YMn .. COLOR Elvis Prll'S!ty COLOlt "CHAltlO" S1 J5 1 C-1r LNd NOW SHOWING 1t ~egul1r Prices • Nightly at 7,00 •nd 9,35 Killing 0!..~iSter ueorge" DEAN MARTIN-JAMES STEWART RAQUEL WE~CH "BANDOLERO" Winner of 3Academy Awards!· Beryl Reid Su sannah York Coral Browne ALSO MAltLOH IRAN DO RICHAllD IOONI ltllA MORINO IN ® "THE NIGHT OF THE FO.LLOWING DAY" IN COLOlt AND J CARTOONS AT 12:JO & 2:JO ON IOlH DAYS ALL SEATS SOc DH To 1" P.T.A. Sllow 011 ktlrd.,, M_,, JI .. 11Mtf,. ll No MAD MONSTllt PAITY OUR 7th P.T.A. SHOW SATURDAY, MAY 31st. 10:15 FESS PARKER IN "SMOKY" IN COLOR 12:45 CONTINUOUS • SHOW FROM 2 PM FRI .. SAT., SUN. NOW SHOWING ANOUK AIMii GA•Y LOCKWOOl;t ,, .loc~-O..,'a "MODEL SHOP" •CASSAmtt FACES with John -ley Gen• Rowlandt I I I I • .! ~op· a~-: ' Star:w1it. · ,. Jrt'" Festival. ., , J -. . -.... •. Crossword · Puzzle .&CROSS 55 Tosspot SI Faelal l F11h ftatllrt :i 5 Trodclen war 6l'"Hoof 50und " ' lttwttn: 63 l'lant uttd :s Cool>."''" ""'" · J 14 Jtobtrt --: 65 Fool J 2. words 61 Govt~ \ 15 l htrt 70 Montreal's ~ Tlbtt Is subway ·~ 16 Lasso 71 Quadruped's r-ftature gait ~ .. 17 Kind of 72 Afrlt.all • ~ •PollSOr naUvt1 4 19 Cruel •tft vlll a111 .. · 20 Supemlbal 73 F&ltlet, In 1 splrlt England J 21 R1pel1Uon 74 Leath~r •1 23 Color mater s • 24 Litter purchase ~~ 25 Part of a 75 .Stylish · colon 21 Trench •round a casll• 30 Fruit JZ F1111lly rn t mbtr: Informal JO Parade ground ordtr 40 B ~omt dt· prtsstd 41 Bird 4 2 Wort: 2 W'Ofd s 44 Library llt• CS Eat grttdllr 47 ll.011 49 Hls'°'ltal rtcol'ds 51 l l111a•t In --Rd ·S.•r• 52 Jack Sprat's pr1ftrt1tct 54 Stt"tM ·'"' fl DOWN 1 Sirtd: Ar,haie 2 Wllhoul anything tlst ) Rush litt pl•nt 4 Flower strewn: Her. 5 Boy's or 9lr1's nickname ' Teu'gh 1l11tic .... 7 L.,t r of ·1 ~rJ~~·J~'- wo11.e11's hOllSI 1111 ' kind of 'II it Int lllOlo'r • 10 Or not 41 l'trt. ti 11 Travel some watet agent's movemtnts pltlillt ,50 Girl In a • 12 This: s,. ' 'SOf11 l J Fi brous co11 SJ Can1d£s 1 of rattan rt1 atlonshlp . 11 Anclt nl to USA· 22 Pfllll or pug 55 -··VOCI 211 Vttllcal: 56 City In Comb. form Nt w York 21 Letti af fair 57 --··bay: 2' Fabric Yoi&ng Brit. dtslgn hoadlum 30 Kind of 51 Walt with liJlff dlfflculty )l Srng, In a 59 Notion way fiO Eas tern 33 Dt batabl t US college: 34 Appl t -llkt lnfennal fruit •2 l'trslan 35 lent .,1ckly hllry l• SttHtd •c Ship's 11 Australllft spar tr et "' Mounta in: JI Ltttratff.__ ··-Co-'lb •. fornt 3' Ne• . 01 Suptrh111111n .0 lfUllbH person ~'''Reglsttttd '' A•trlca11 ' foter lnd l an ,, ' " . DAii. Y I'll.OT , 17' .Osear , ' Overhaul Ove'rdne I •• • - . --tlley hive 1Nlde lo nrrant Academy vOIJn&. Tbty are utute obRrvm: of the Olm •llultlon, but !hey .,. alio , employed lo prumote tlbna and performers for Academy awards.· A conflict or lnl.erelt! Many other questions arise from a pel'Wlal 9f t h e membenbip list. Why ara there to , ;nany noncri!ative vdlera -e.ucuUves, agents, union oWdals, administrators and oth6s who havt1 no part in the actual Olm-making pro- cea t How could there be so many short subject members when oo few iliorts lift being pllde! -many .......... , loog retlnd ,,..., tho plc1ur& buslnesl! Amoog the acton a r e Shirley Temple Bloct and Claude Jarman Jr. These are tome ol tbe mat. ten Peck's committee ~d eumlne and ..... lo Improve tr the award!nc of Olean ii to become more me&nln&ful. Recital Se t Pianist Robert A n d r e w CwnminO will aive a recital of mojor oraan works by J. S. Bach; Boyce and Cummlnp •t the Holy Family Olurd> In Gihoeti, Orange, SUndq at 3;30 p.m. .-' He'll put you in the pidure. Frank Cormier. White House correspondent for The Associated Pres.1, . ' "saves a place" for you at every presidential press conference. He is there to ask questions and . ' . gel the answers you want, right from where it's ·happening. An~ he Is only one of hundreds of *jlled newsmen -and women-who put you info this picture af!d _into the JictUte. too, al city co~ncil meetings, school board sessions and wherever else news ls happening of ·i rile ! es t to Orange Coast residents. You can rely on the DAILY PILOT lo represent you. You: re "everywhere': . ' . . every day throqgh the eyes and ears of dedicated journalists who i:over the world for DAILY PILOT readers. • ' I I • • I \ , I ... ,_ s .Wld....tlJ, M., 21, 1'169 ' There's ~~ U.S. acr-. batb IOvemment and,......anod,DIOltly In the ... mi lautlient This vut-1......,..lsthe r;;t ol lhe ran1e ti .~.andls"9<> vah161e for wildlife, w•ia-.....i.......im. A8 ONS MJ'l'BOlllTY told me: -n.re·i mudt, more to !>einl • ....,eiilaaq"' ....... callod-~cr ranfll --thm just man.,.·llv:esiock Qfl grazing land. We're more uecutive or scientllt than cowboy, and the Y<Mml maa wt.e lole interest is riding a hone full tilt ~ ICIDe nnmtng caWe tlUr'e bas the wrong idea.'' Yup! And here's the right idea ••• GRASS ROOTS EDUCA· TlON; 2.1 colleges and univenlties offer a bachelor's dep"M IDd a master's degree in nnp management.. range science, or the equivalent: 15 • insti\ullom award the doc- torate. Essential courses in- clude botany, pJaot ecology, plaot pbysiolOgy I z 0 0 I 0 g y • animal busbapdry I S 0 i 1 5 , -math ...i tpeci•u...t .-1nranae~ .11'•. ~le carelf, may """" )lilJslcal lobcr(lmltod~ r... "'I"""'· and.-Is often 16 at ·OCC In NationJil Honor -Unit InMjatim ceremonles for 76 .......... of the juaior eollep ---y.Alpba G.lllllD8 Sigma. were held receiilly at Oranp Gout Col- lege. -gold pins were awarded to U members. To -·---· a *lea& IDUlt have-com-pleted tbree wrerten with a • ....,. point -of 3.1 or . &tier. Ii. U ...,.. .. Is I B plua. Eleven conthadng memoers were honored at t h e .,.,..,.,,,. Permanelt members named to AGS' were: COSTA MESA -Peggy Lym Maim, Tbomal A. Bolalld, Mlc:hael D. ~lo, JamM I>wflht M:arocco . Robert D. Seymoure, Sul Ellen Stroma~ J e a n n I e sturdevanl. CORONA DEL MAR - Barttara Am .Mawdsley. NEWPORT BEAOH - James F. Haggerty, Pamela Sherr7 'lbompoon. Qmtlnriag 1nembers o f AGS:· COSTA MESA -Stanley F. COllnll, Lucinda Lee Huntley, -Stepbea 1: Simon, Alan Vander PuUm. FOUNTAIN VALLEY - Elleeo Hoerst, Carol Lee Lundaren. Dianne Ruth Mills. HUNTINGTON BEACH - Jo M. Forster, Janis T. He~ N BT BEACH -Ray- mond Gendrin Jr. AJpbl Gamma Sigma new members: BALBOA ..... Vjctor Adams, David Dean Smith. cm?A MESA -1'targattl C. Aleuoder, Richard E. Bm1hokmew. G a·r-y C. Becbtokt, Penny AM Carter, DenYft' Doug Darling. Barbin B. Davies. VaJerie C. Farris, Steven Wayne ·ponwca, Paul A. Centosi, Sulan Mary Groetsch. Lynn E. Harris, Stephen C. ~' Karen Jean Hersh. 'I'bom8I C. Hersh, Eloise Ldlue Knoy, Wayne P. Mari- cle, Paul E. Massey. Dtborab Susan Miller, Susan Jan Painter, RooaJd L. Poteet, Frank W. Reed,. Jr., Terrence M. Ryan. Michael G. Sarason, Spencer H. Sarlat, Jinx L. 'l1lomas. JoAnn wotrr. CORONA DEL MAR - Dmi1e1 G. Slldler, Bob H. Sleeper, Kristine M. TUverson. FOUNTAIN VALLEY - J ... A. LGQzao. • HUNTINGTON BEACH - ~Bender, Richard JRVIN! -Joanna P. Rask: l!flBSIO~ VIEJO -Jan M. KloU. NEWPORT BEACH -Doris M.. Cl"ouen, Thoma~ L , Schumlcher, Msrglr J I 11 Tl)'lor, Kalhleen ft. WPlf!. . ' a ' . . COUNT VASYA Waffle Weave Dish Cloths "°"" OLD IAISTOW Gin NaeKltrfNOH'S ILENIEJ Scotch FOSl£l CIE£l Bo.non PLUS WE GIVE OLD STll.LWELL With key GRENADA UY Rum JIRIO CDllU T•ila • L:C·n.~ ·......,. ,.,..,...., J tl . use. sac $1111BUU CfJOlEI "'"-Dtii. 5tz. . aerutlW ·=-1.59 lllUI ·S11brl ... Ct•ltr =--l 1r. Lltitl "---='-79" UitMPOIT lbc~llMll'S COUMT VASTA LONDON HY ILDllO Gin Scotth Vodka ~ top 11 GS ·ll, $30,%11, but I ll10H proctical top Is i.;aoo. Send your IAIUeatioos for future column topics to Joyce Lain, Career Comr, c-o DAILY PILOT. Sorry, ne mall ;lnswefs can 'be: given. My reacWr whose letltt· ll the blolfl Ii a lu-co-wW rec<lve a-free jlDyll llor<ury porlablO ~her. · Shoulder Bags . "'liDllllllE" ·~· . . aeleditt ti tie • ''''"" lllOSI · "'1e. AA fi1ll ~ 1iW ~-oot. ""'""ialeot and segrwne e&n, in bright 2 88 gay ailors. YOUl CHGltE • Clutch Wallets "COLBMIMr' ••. As Seefl in "Serentteil" -Seid frOll basics. "eo-tD" n.is. mini·styles: Ml expambt !Wiii: llld se-giane an, SWlSlliAe colors.1 99 !DUI CIOICE • & Face Towelettes lllllSI lllll1TllS •. :-os 'l'ci.af Mall slil lo!ioo ••• """ ..... 1le u, at tile tleack, ~ics ••• ciealses • .. -.... 5nc. BOXDF25 iJ- IOI Of 1! PACUIT!S Lacquered Serving Trays ALCOHOL PlOOF •. , paptt.flllldle decorated ollloog trays. Pla.stic eilges wit11 itlsel llaQdles. Choice af llestgris .. d """· 59c 14Y." 111~" "Sun-In" by TONI . . ldra Irr Ertr1 liPI &·r••r...i• II•••• "SJAIID" , .• SllQllRY don 100% Q PIOGf 91 PIDDF II PIOOf II HOOF 1Dt PROOF tllirstJ ail.ill. Merim iilalle, 15x13*", 5tb 51-51-5~ 5~ l l1ktarhrk IM!lrta• lltn Urtlt (lltl ., A PIDOf 11 PHOf ti PROOF II mGf _ 11 PROOF MAIR UCHTtNEl • , . "Sim-In"~ 1111 the :;aa to fi~ea J'Olll' bair. ~ fl'.* that fa$m61e Sllll-tilooded look. eo.. :~ns &nd l!elps protecl, 1 49 b:W stitclled, twet mistarrt. tint tree, Wn 3.1! Was J.H Wis U! Was 1.$5 Wis 4.11 ~';\iii~ sac 2.89 3.09 3.79 3.35 ·3.98 . 5tl $1~ }; 111. 'II pl. '11 111. Wn lM Was •.13 Was 1.4! Was l.U Was 7.49 OGILVIE Home Permanent (j OOJLTJE ...,. Professitul Styli Fir All T1JI• at "~' 2.50 INilLYIE ... wiUJ pre.per111 corolilionel, lo br;,g back body, help .... bleached DI damagel hair ID 1a1Je I bealllf.t soft-loolinJ waYL KILYIE ••• Is saln-lttln-1111.,.n hir wi .. I Crll., intli'I ""'Ill 4.Ju.HtUt • ... ~_., ........ ._ • ......,.,....r."'9 ... .._,...,s..,.. 2.9Ll98 _ 6,99 8.99 6.99 t?E~k!ART f"ONcl'~~,;., l!!e .Pnodest ~-"h""'' Play Coordi nah~d -~--' ,; ·Tried & True 1W Flc!Dl-F ... s o•-1! 111;,. -lilat ....,.,,... ~ l'.olr for ~eeflS. 5p!cial COllditiOll!f'> ((!'/e!'S M I "H•rns••r" 141.11 1.79 , · -~1 NEW Fosn11 6t1ANT . """'·-SUNGLASSES .. with ff11 filler fa ctor Lens " -.. ' betltt, 100! 2 00 Clllict ti Stft C.ltt SQHs • "'Pi1t Dress" •• ,.?.ti 2.69 "Slill" "Sillrts• lq. t.91 ••t· 1.Jl 1.79 1.29 SPECIAL Alli.II BBC ' Stylts . YOUR CllOICE OPISltAM .. 11N-7N\'SAWIR' LDTIUM II Ill .. ,,... ..... SltAllE LGTIOll , ............ IH'fTAll tlltc. ........ MOSl8Tt , .. ~ .. "U11'th 1 Pal1!1u " 3.98 2.69 1.79 1.19 DRUG STORES •. 1020 lllYl"I UI WllTCUllf PLAZA LOTION lty Slemless K1it S'ir1s 'NEWPORT l&ACH am !'.aonli""' ;, "lid "'""-wil <411h'5ti'I b!m "· HUNTINGTON BEACH 14!11!11!1 • u .. ' w.;i,. rn.g. I Wille. w.. .. ~the ... ~ ·1· . COPPERTONE• wt 1M ~-19 -1.i t~ ..... :... ADAMI I llOOIHUUT ' ' -·-·•• -·-·• •~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 25 3 09 -~ius J ll • 1 49 ' SPIUN•O•LI ' IDIN••• 211. Ill. le11l1r1JI , ,._ ______________ I l..liiiiiili.1'•llt--• -·· -ll•tt•I'-•' _ ... .. - • • • I -~----~-~--~~,.-,.~ --~-----. -. -· -- • ' . PILOT .AD\l(llT1$l'!.,, • • :f~ey Will , . I I ......... , . .., ... ,., . . ..... . ... --.... The cookinc pot bu becomt Amerk:a'a modtrn·d&y "~ p>t, • .. we mil' lnll hl<mc! the cutslnts ol the'world 'at our tablel. · Wh., the workfiic wile has Ume to try -thloc Ull!llUal she-'s u likely as not to make I dlsh ol Italian, Mexican or S"'"'8h orl(ln, accordlug to a survey ot spice uae made tecMtl)'. The meat, wheat Qr .rice us.. ed kt these1dishes 1woukl giv• 1)0 clue to the nationality w.ere it not for &picing. A cblckeo mig)lt he sell30lled w I I h rosemary for an Italian aer C<!ll!. with cumin and peppers for Mexican ~ or saffron. to give It Spanish flavor. Most homemakers become familiar wUh the les9er ~ spices as they try foreign coOltlng. Black ipepper ls used so -reculariY in American cooking that, we flnd ).t ia taken· Jor granlecl"oo ijiJc. list!. We Im- port more pepper, per capita, than any other 1111tlon. Next to peppet we. have garlic and oolon product. u essential "'~rs. , After 1 that such basic must- have spices as cinnamon. nut. meg, cloves, chili powder and paprika. Herb senoning, cur- ry . powder and paraley flakes have a high rating in the · Am4µ'ican kitchen, too. At thls..time of year nothing could .be more PoPular in this country tlian '· good, snappy barbecuf! sauce and picnic baked beans. Here are the reci!><8 frOm the test kitchenl- ol the American Spice Trade A!soclatlon. ALL-AMERICAN BARBECUE SAUCE FOR CHICKEN 1 can ~10~ ounces) chicken broth . t can (6 ounces) tomato . paste 3 tablespoons lemon juice · i;, cup b\rtter or margarine 1 tablespoon c:hilt powder 1 teaspaon brown sugar t teaopooo nlt i> teaspoon ilSant aarllc powder l/16 1easJ!0011 &round r • d pepper 2 (21k pounds. each) broiler- fiyer chlckens, cut int.o serving pieces . -·- Cr¢npercy R9cl<s All ' the Way , Combine an_ ·inp'edients e1· <"l'I · dlickm , In , ·a small · rrs ALL-AMERICAN PICNIC TIME , Whal. ts your ,fancy in the ":'J'Y of tall, cool drinks? Could It be•"tefresliing, no- . caloi;ie ~ceil. lea? -Or, 1penlil\g'"glnger ·a1e • & • 'sweet ·p'lneaj>pl~ juice ..... 14e. · l•ml/181"• !a•!Y cola ·· .• , tat! g'taJ?Ofruit.juice?'(ilo miltter:They'~·ta.-te'better witli 'lb• exciting addition ·of Cranbe\'J:y Rocks:. Just pour cranb""1,-ji11Ce' cock- tail In 1be-compartments of your ice tray and freeze. 'serve inite&d' of lee. It : will add bright rod color to.your drinb..J1nd will flavor iostead ·of diluting your ,-~vorite libatlons. Here's to an rcon the rocks" drink. =~U~~ ~t!l' PICNIC BAKED BEANS musl"!'f. cool ~ all2htiV ~ P\::MJf 0 v .11 ~ 1 pound dry whR beans ~~·teaspoon ground ginger chickeft'ixl-~marinate 4 ·hours .... ~ y, cup' mild. f f(a v 'o r e d 1,~ poond salt J?Ol:k .-· ~ ... Belnqve chicken-.-. -mOaa.e, · .. , • ~. SQak ~kl cold ·water-.. to firool~. Pl8ce cbicten ~.3.tab~ brown supr cover · .ror 12 houra. or ' on gtill •. ~. w• a hot 2 tab'·-. tan' 1 1R __ .1 overnight. Drain. Place in a charco8I firJ 1401441 milutei H::ipooDS 1118 mu~ large saucepan. Add water to turning and br'UJt)lng with mioo. cover (about 6 cups). Bring to marinade often. Yield: 2 cups 2'/' te8'~ salt boil .and boil until tender and • barbecue aauce or I portions. 1 teaspoon po w d e r e d skins ~' about 30 minutes. Does the Alarm Wake Up Appetites? First Fuel Stop Rarely G.lamo,rous By JEAN COX Of ,,,_ DIHf ,lltl Slllf In most women's magazines there seems to be at least one picture of a man seated at a delightfully laid glass-top table while his wife, attired in a fetching negligee, is poised behind him with a gleaming silver coffee pot. While this picture is hardly true to life, a survey of prominent Orange Coa st men indicate that a surprising number of hearty wives do manage to drag themselves out of bed to make some sort of morning gesture . . Of course these meals are rarely the romantic and leisurely affairs so idealized by the food editors of these same women 's magazines. NO TIME First o! all, the harried minutes between B\Vakening and blast-off time are hardly enough to allow for glamorous fueling operations. Take Walter-R. Gayner of Mesa Verde, president or Republic Hornes. "I generaUy don't have time ,for anything but a glass o{ juice," he insisted. When it was pointed out he could rise earlier, he re. plied,-.'.'W.@11, i!..! got 1!J> e~rfier, th_en I could go to the office earlier." egg, or dried cereal and toast before collapsing back into bed as he leaves for the <>ffice. HEARTY EATER Other healthy men who wouldn't dre~m of skipping their morning nutrition include Ed Burke of·Newport Jnach, a history teacher .at Orange Coast Collegefand the Ameri· can record holder for the hammer-throwing event in the Olympics in 1964 and 1968. "I always get a mixture of carbohydrates and~protein," he said. Usually his. wife presents him with cereal, bacon, at least two eggs, toast, coffee and juice each morning. Don Houseman, vice president and manager <>f Secur· lty Pacific National Bank, Laguna Beach Branch,. also is well provided for. 111 always eat well," he boasted. "Sometimes it's eggs and bacon, sometimes poached eggs and jam and other tlines cold cereal and toast." • Houseman was quick lo add that occasionally (about once a week) he does have to fix his own breakfut.~ln these emergencies, be relies on a box of Cold cere81. Marcus Porter. Of Huntington Beach; production, fore. man at California. Computer Produc~t. gets "eggs, baco~ and. the whole shot:i but not in bed, of ·cow'le." · LeWis Fannon of Newport Beach, principal. of Victoria Elementary School, ~osta Mesa, not onlr e~ whiltever he asks for, but also receives "a litt)e surprise" ,on the side· DNlin beans, this time reserving liquid. Place beans in bear) pot.Of 2:qH&rt,casser- ole. , ~bjne .t. c tt'o of the reser..ved liquid with the molasses, brown sµJar."minc-- ed onion, salt, mliitiard and ginger; stir into beans. Scott salt pork makil1g cuts lf.t -inch apart, I·inch deep. Bury ik center of beans, teav. Ing rind exposed. Add •'!OO&ll of the remaining li~id 1 to CQver beans. Cover rcasserOle. Bake Jn prehe,atM. slow oven (300.F.) 6 to 8 boors. Sdr beans ooce or twice durinf - cooking peti<>d, adding boiling water if "necessary. Yiel~: I to 8 portions. ' . . Don Williamson, direct<>r of Laguna Beach's Pageant ol the Masters, claims to be in the same bQat, at least as the date of. the pageant's opening nears. He reports that be and his~ wife Jo, wardrobe mistress .for the spectacle, ·usually 'pick something up at-the bakery on Ute way to w0;tk . such a& 11a dish of. f,i'Uit." · Those WhO would like to convince th'r huaban!ls !hat , fixing breakfast momlng alter morning Is not a wifely ... -· du!)': $iuld not put down this newspaper. in •dlJgusl;,.MBd TAKE TURNOVERS TO THE OUTl)()ORS f~ ,/ > ' .. • Secondly, there are a number of men who really would talher have nothing to do With breakfast. . ·A' case in point is James Glavll. Newport Beach chief of police, who has coffee and juice oiUy, seven days a week' CALORIE COUNTER? u1 don't eat breakfast because I can't afiord:it,'' he· re- marked, adding after a moment's reflection, "14on't mean. financially. I -mean its because 1 get invited lo loo many luncheons. You see, I have a problem." t Perl)aps a preference for meager montibg' noµrlsh- ment: runs among law enfqrcers. Harry Labrow, Laguna Beach's P.Olice chief, requires only a bit of toast and coffee for bis morning fortification. 1 • .Tohn Semple a Corona de! Mar .realtor, ls 01ttbe.same wave Jepgth. Asked what his wile .rixes for brtialtfast, he readily replied, "She would be delighted If I would have about a 19 course meal. However, my own personal tastes go to a piece of toast anci a cup <>I juice." Life is not so easy for all wives. Don Mcinnis, city councilman for NewP.<>rt Beach and manager of Northrop Corp. reports his wile gets out of bed every moml))g--to m'!ke him a breakfast of fruit juice, coffee and,..itfter an , - '.J on, tl!ere Is a glimmtr of hope. . One man was located in Huntington Beacb Jl'.llO said, '<I would rather do it myself." , .. .., •' . . DO-IT-YOUllSILFER' ,,, .._ _l{e is the Rev. James De Lante1,Pasto~aith tutheran Cbu~, Huntington Beach. "Sbe puts r too little .or · toomuich milk~~ cereal,,. he compJlined. _ However, th41il Jet even lietter. There'll oae man who not oiily doesn't demand breakf'!ft fl'O{ll , bk wile, but in-stead; pripar~s a· moniing 1"11!<JGet for lier-· · TIJli 'p~a1pn,.W.)'!ttue il·~ol,her than lhe-8l\lcullte anil'li\>e!y'authot and UCI tnstrnctor Arnolll'Hano o(I.quna Beacb . • ~ ~ ''l~make breakfast just about every,~.\YOtL1ee;'J1m a big breakfast eater, and Bonnie doesn't UA,'IO I llx It. She dots eal IC thotigh," he· reflect4d. · ~ent on to say he u19ally ls r¢ng to go. when the · ~~It wblle his wile 11 "not a .. mornlng person." "l'herefore• he cbeertully coots up eggs, toast and coif~ and on weekends "goes lnto bl!ger i!nd betterJllings, sometimes even the puoate rou~. · ' -~·- • • ' Tvrnover Ne;.V .Leaf , , ·' '· -Dess~rf' s the S~rrie.s For a barbec\ie -beach, ba~anl or wha~er: ,try, th•• e c r' o·b C:r ryd'illed -.... -~rs. ' J:JIANHRBY MINCEMEAT ' roJINOVIlRS , . !cups alfledall- llour 1 tea&poon grated orange rind in teaspoon salt 113 cup veaetable shortening u~ cup orang• Juice , l cilp 'prepared mincemeat v~ cup chopped nuls 11'< cups • jellied cranberry ' ' ' sauce Mix flour, orange rhld and salt logether. Cul In shorten- ing until crumbs arc the sile of amall peas. Sprinkle-orange Jttk:e 1r1dually over mixture and taos with a fork 1111Ul all floor particles are moistened, lhen knead ddUgh a lew times on lig~lly Ooured board unUI smoOth. Roll DUt into a 16-lnch square.' CUI dough Into ti •· inch lqUffCS; Comli!rie mincemeat and nut!. Spread minctmeat mix· lure over half of each square ol doll&~. cut Jellied cranberry ' sauce Into $ slices, then' cjll each slice into a hall tWQit. Place hall round on "'fl· •oemeat covered teCtioa • ~ dougll. Moisten edges ol=a b -with wator. l'old over cranberry aauce, a triangle. Prm e di fl together with tines of ~ Prick tops with fork: bnJ111 with water and sp~e wl;h. sugar. Bike on ttt&Md -theot in hot oven (400 .,..,.. F.) u to 11 minutes or ...U golden brown. Coql on a roGi<- Makes 11. • I I A : DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am a I,_ .-lirl .... -..... le .., .. a.. wUl be~ die A1r .. (Rt ... ,. ..... 11111 ill mioOo!!I hMllh. ' I -telllaC a lrleod lbll I -4epr• ed tNnttle abaut Roll'• beilC ' ........... _____ JI -...-.... ...,. ........ Air F ... fltlilllM ..... . • .... , -me. said .... bad reod IDllMWbere tbat a eoupJe can liln up for Ibo Air Fon:o under tho Buddy Systecn and do a full hil<h wilboat beq -alod. 11 lbil tiue! lf'lt 11,J;d l1lo to do I~ PINM let me .,_ llllmedW•ly, ,.. --U>VE RIM ' ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: uo you know ' DEAR LOVB: l'Yt t~e r -~:....... bow mlllJ Uttle li'ftl JCIU mi&ht save if ..._. W IM 41r-wtl "try" '1111 Y'"' ~ :v-mllllona of ...-. tloeJ .... oa -Jlli • lllal i..-. lbll they 1IOltCI nola..d by helpl'"' wbll< wllO --1rhh1 .... -wUI .. • aoJcbbon and ttlatlvea beat and nqJect - tor or a doctor wbo ls a relative or a penonallrtaod. (2) u, aller •umlnatloe, the do<IA>r u11. ~ cblld bu been. abueed or crtmloally llO(lected, call a police otmer and hove Ille -to olp a COlllPIOinl # ~ 1 ii you are uked to do ao. and .-lholr ...,......_,. --· (I) U Ibo'~ II of ochool age, tak• ~~-•-Ila 'f!:T""' ~ -· ~ Nill Ludera advice. A t.adler can be ---Ye ~~ ..., •i 1 an elCdlent ;wltneu. olproleet ~.!.!'!!""of ~~r"' ..,_ daya ., many people are afraid · coune, t.na ~.. ..... or to become involved. They say il is God'• IUe, help ta.. kids. \... danguous to pOke your no1e Jnlo other Here are tbe proper li&epl :. people'• h!11ia'r. Plea1e tell them a (l)•Tlle U. dild lm-11 lo oa helpleas cblld ls.everybody's ~ fmpullll do<t<r er to a bolpjlll IGr •· '-L. A. aminallGa. 0.. mt .. ~ t-lamllJ doc· !\EAR L.~: Bl<u yao for yoar lett.r. .• OOea ....... ~ .... --.... ~ lew lll<lr -~:v ...... Cl'" 1-. ' ' ' DEAR Aloi DEHi!: 'you for oot sayU,. oayllUncs tl1e YoWIC ·wblwc:nalllL prtwas .. ;:r and lw -IAinJ"':r lheY ,..... l(plwul -le who dlda't know ~ aboal the kill'• groal tradition or manhood and courage. Thoee of u1 who Hve ln Racine, Wisc. are proud of Olll''llnzm and B'ct.. Carpi. The? won the Nallonal VFW . plolllhlp ijl 1111<. aod again. In 199. It's, a gkJriou.s aJght to see those handsome !ads marchlag along with their . ' e .._ ftllDMltlc .... tum to warm amllrldoo 11 H Ion orlcbemlJley! Send ..for the bOoklet ''Love or Sel and How to Tell the Dlffermot/' by ~ Landers. Enclose a loa&, self-addressed tnvelope 8liil 35 cents tn coin with your request. • . Am Landers will be glad to help you With your problems. Send them to her In care of the DAJLY Pll.OT, enclosln1 a stamped, seU.addreaed envelope. . I j f I •, ~1 • " ' • ' ,,. .. :s-_. ::"°.DROPPING THE MASK -'-After women are thoroughly !rained in Toastmistress Club pJ'O!'ed-· ures they are able to drop the mask Of fear, explains Mrs. Anne Cook (left), supervisor of Golden Desert Region a• 'she and keynoter.:N.ewport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall '4atlre decorations to be used at the region 's Mardi Gras festi val. T oast~isf~e,ses · Speak.i.ng;~Out 0 . . Toastmistresses of ,the Golden Desert Region In preparation for the three-day session , Mrs. will gather in the Newpoher Inn Friday-Sunday,. Apne Cook, regional supervisor, came to Newport June 6-8, for a conference anq series of work!hops: aeach to confi!r with Mayor Marshall. Overcoming fear of speaking b.efore groups, productive· lis~ninS", quick thinking, lbought organ-Explaining workings ·of the organization, sqe ization, basieipar.liamentary law and ~w to disa-said it is one of the largest "llon-profit educational gree without;bein~·disagreeable will be topics of the institutions for women in the world and programs workshqi&. ·' concentrate on preparing women to take a more Newport· Beach Mayor Oor~n Mar&hall will active and productive role in their own communi- ke~ ll>e1 gathering which will be comprised of ties. membeil. .frli!l'n SoUthern Calilomia, Arizona and. Clubs are located in every state and numerous soutbw..t'-Nenda. .. . :.. · , foreign countries. Alitil.qo,tlie~enda will be ~ .. ,egiooal <Speech Diversified participanb\ in society as the Heart c«--111 ~-i Gras f~ ·11 which mem· Association and the CitI ol. Long Beach have ap- bers will · .m French cost;¥mes and name a pointed the organizatiQD Ss the official speaker. Mrs. queen. -~: Cook concluded. • • " :Appropiiate Hat Worn by New ~ Leader • 'i'Wmlnf activities for lhe new year ol Costa Mesa iJOIMll1&.kers are new officers under the guidance of '-''"· Donald Pendergast (center), who is h~lped i~ jlomiinf the approprillle chef's hat by Mrs. Donalq Ba.mes, first vice president (left ) and Mrs. Paul l I Frieberllhau&er, reUrtnir president. Also on the l><Ntrtl ere· the Afdi.e OonaJd Pacot, second '~ce presld.ent; Cleve _Schultz, recording secretary, and, Nellie Russell, treasurer. - ' ' • CAUGHT IN THE ACT -Looking for treas- ures for the Thieves' Market are {top to bot- lomJ Mrs. Brent Ogden, Mrs. Seth rii. Oberg 'It's a Steal' Jr. and Mrs. Albert Auer, members of New- port Beach Assistance League's Junior Auxili- ary, sponsor of the June 4 event. Market Open to 'T~1ieves' "It's a steal," no doubt "''ill be overheard constantly Wednesday, June 4, when Junior Auxiliary members of the Newport Beach As- sistance League present a Thieves' Market. The event, which actua11y is a coffee and silent auction, is expected to dra\v 500 mem- bers and friends to the league chapter house, Newport Beach. Admission ls one very special treasure that will be "stolen" at high noon . Unsold articles will be offered during the Juniors'Red Carpet Saturdays fn tht league Thrift Shop. Also included. "Oll' the agenda will be in- formal tours ·of the Children's Dental Health Center, the primftr:)t n?cipient of proceeds, the ' . •. . .._ ' . ._ ' '. ' August Dale· ' ' Miss white A1pha Delta Pi sorority sitters of J{athryn Elllltbelh 'Vhite first learned ·of her engagement 'to Jerri'" Wolfe Alward of Lo! Angeles, and friends and relaUves were latµ" apprlsed of lhe ncw1 dipiN a party in the lutur.e b~poom's home. · The brl(l&tc>be ls I h • d ......... o(·"lt, and Mn. H . Warren White or Balboa !eland, and the ben<dict .. l«I is lhe ton of Mr~ and Mn. Georp. Alward of Grand Haven, Mich. Miss White is a graduate Of !!urban k High School and the University ol S o u the r .J\ Colllornla. She now ls stUCIYlnC for her m11lera-.dqree in • to Marry odUcaJl<!n .at USC wb<tt she ,. · __ - also ~ '~lier ol Spun, +' -lier '/Janee allend«I U10 .., KATHRYN WH I Unlverslt.t of towa and ,\rt Bttrothed ... .. Center School, Los Angeles. An Aug. 23 wedding In Newport lie:ach, ls ph1nned by Christ Church byt.. the Sea, !he couple. • thrift shop and social service office so guests may be familiarized with the league's com- munity endeavors. Chairmen of the fund-raiser are the Mmes. Seth M. Oberg Jr., coffee; Thomas Rousselot, refreshments; Schuyler C. Joyner, invib\tlons and publicity ; Jay D. Buchanan, decorations, and Brenton Ogden, auction. • Committee members are the Mmes.· Wilr liam DuBoi s, Charles Col~sworthy, Ca.s\e'n· dyke Fay, Robert Bein , Jerry Parker, Vin- cent l\1cGuiness. Allen Goody, Albert Auer, John Fletcher, Donald l\1cGiUis, Victor West- over. Water Lord. Ernest Schag Jr., Cheirles · Cook III, Clinton Hoose and· Robert \V. Howard. · Holiday on Islands Receiving the lradllional AJoha welcome in Hawaii '''ill be fl lr. and 1\lr-1,....Allen-Hathcock-Jr.-of Costa Mes~. The couple sailed for !heir Island va<:allon ~hoard 1.he SS Lurline.' i .. , ' ... • ·--------~----·--~ ..... --. ... --""" -~-"""-------... -----..--·¥4-• ....... , ........ ,,,, __________ "'."~-~-----------~-·~--~r-:---~---------,--·~...,..~--.. ' " "' • • • ,· ' 1 • • • -""' ~· 'BERRY' TEMPTING -Preparill 'the piece· lie reslcjanee fill the1 . YWCA strawberry Brunch are (l~ lo right) Mrs . .Ralph B. Conn, Mr11 ii· liam Power and Mrs: Allen Browne. Tbe evenl will be pnsented W<llhesday, June f, at Bowers Museum. ·' · , ,, Y's Fashion Gala Be.ckons Viewers For the tlth consecutive Setting,fpr, lbe ~vent will be year, Santa Ana-Soulh Oranl1!; the courtyard of ··Bowers County YWCA wllJop.....t 1· · M~.. Santa Ano, ac- Strawberry Brunch lo raiSe cording to the chairman. Mrs. funds for the Y. Neil Nelson of ~guna Beach. This year a highlight will be It will take plice frOm 10 a.m. a fuhion show featuring to noon Wednesday, June 4, ensembles made during Y with an afternoon.of cards or sewing classes. conversation. Engagement Disclosed ,, During Family Party DurinB .a family dinner par· ty and a candle passing ceremony at school, • t b e .,gagsnent of K a t h 1'J e n Tornow ud' Ronald BUt.er . .,, ~ ' ~· . . Wl~,.allDOUDC:ed. 1be ~~er of the . Rtv .. and Mrs.· LOUw TOmow of Collta Mesa-and~ aon· of Mr. dd Mri.·Carl Buter of South· o,.te .en «m&ratulated by Mn. &nrJ Duwe, the brlde:- elect's gnmdmolher f r o m .Or1111e, and l\lr. and Mrs. Roy . . E. Spirgnr Jr. and family fr~ · Whiitier. Mias Tornow, 1 freshman at ihe. •Cllifomli. :Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing in Los Ang~es, is a graduate of Etlancia lllgb School. Her fiane:e was graduated Crealors of the fashion.s will model their Own outfits, and commenting on the garments as well as what is new ' io fashion and . what the correct line for different figures are will be Miss Marie Swenson, instructor. Entertaining will be the :V's Kids, a singing group com· prised of five teenagers. Models from the Orailge Coast area are the Mmes. GleM Jones, Nick Alet.ander, Dennis Louis, Nancy Durant, Willltm Power, Al Be i r , Edward Hall, Ralph B. Conn. John Davis, Allen Browne, George Pinckney ..!nd Tobert CoWls. ReaervaUons may be made by ~iog .the tY •I :i42-3577 by tomcwrow" I ' Home Sewing Reaches Peak Home sewing reached•'a new peak in >968 with about .JXI million garmenc.s being made. A bout 40 million women and t.eenagen did tihe 1ewing. from Lynwood lllg)l School Mesa Leegue and will attend the Los Angeles County Sheriff's La Leche League meets the Academy. He was awarded see:ood Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. the purple heart after serving Mrs. H. W. Moore, 54$-4359, three years with the U.S. will answer q u e 1 ti on s Mar i nes . The future: regarding location and bridegroom was stationed in member&hip. Vietnam. J -;jjiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' • WtdlWSUJ, Ma)' 28, l96t * ·OAJLY PILOlt fl ' I . ' L ok• Tahoe Honey'!'oon ' ·Wedding•, Troths Pilot's Deadlines Judith Bigelow Marries ~ : .'':."._ "'"• · To avoid disappointment, prospective brl<!es are reminde<I to have their weddini stories with bilck 'and white glouy 'photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT So<:ittY Depart. men! prior to or within one weeli after the wedding. For enga@ement announcements it is >Uggesled that the story, also accompanied by a black and while glossy picture, be submitted oarly. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date artl six wee ts or less aput, only tbe wedding photo will be ac- repted. To help fill requirement. on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail.: able in ·all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be ......-by Soda! Notes stiff membera aLMJ.4121. or tM--. Horoscope L I m e chlyaanlhemum.s !ldornod Lquna Beach NeiP. b o r h o o d ConsregatlOllll Cburch and the aisle WU lined with fems ud wl\lle candles when Judith Lynne Bigelow became Ihe bride of Arthur Neville Joon. The Rev. E. L. Richardson performed t h e doublvlng ceremony 1Jnklq the stop. ~ and daughter ol lo!r. and Mrs. Rudy Burton or . La&una Beach and lhe oon of Mr. and Mrs. Ne•.ille Jones ot Rivlera, Aris. For the evening marri.lge the bride wore a floor l<ngth wtlite or11m1 over taffeta \'i~ .... -Willi • fJtted r: bodice wttb • cblnUJly lace yob and a boulfanl skirt trimmed -cluaters ol lace now.n and pearls. Her pn, bigbllgbted wttb aequlno and pearls, bad a 11brioa neckline, ~ tong lleevea ud a detacbable train trimmed with lace. 1 Compietlng her b r I d a I .&. '• ensemb}e wu an Engliah allk Scorpio: Be Patient . ::.:"~~== and aeed ~. The former THURSDAY does no1 oeem to want lo ad· Miaa Blplow 'carried a 'just. Be 'lllli<nl. Evenla are cascadlq bouquet of • ...., MAY 29 d In 1 colcind .mystery gardeniu. ue to occur your a,-or. By SYDNEY ilMARR ~ br'•"''" IM•• •· Mrs. Gary Jolmsqn of Whit· u•~ ...,.., __,, ~seen. tier and Miaa Elaine Lenla ol ARIES (March 21·April 19): SAGl'ITAIUllS (Nov. ZI-, ·-··· Beach t b Hold tight to money. No day Qec:. 21): You get ideal. w.e-were e H frank ~• lbem •• bride'& bCJoor at.tendantl. Tbey I for ertravagance. ave ..-1--.i• "' o a e WQtf: mint green emptr, crea- discussion with mate, partner auociated wttb you in club, tiOlll trimmed with white lace about budget, savings pro-pwp, orp!llution. Mlltual and fashioned ·with elbow gram. Keynote is tuinnony eftorts tend to 1UCCeeCi today.. leqth •Jeeves trinimed in· through domestic adjustment. Welcome e:hanc:e for ereater wide lace and ptl»ered tratm TAURUS (April 20-May 20): aelf-apnsslon. t_.i by bows., Their beod· . MRS. ARTHUR N. JONES 1"91ewood New Home What appears to be terrific CAPRICORN (Dec. nJan. Pieces wert of matching ,mint opportunity may have some lt): Diaagreanent could occur ireen tulle and they carried hidden deficits. Know this. Be llDClhl friendi.. Don't get Orchid.I and drae:aeaa folfaae mature in your respooses. e:aucht In middle. Be mature. w,ves. -I • Rabben, all of Inglewood, were from We&lmlnster, provided Means don't g Ive '.!P Shake off tendency to be en-· Brideamaids, dressed iden--. uaher'I. · background·muslc. something £of' a .. -.ere pr~ viOUI. Family member t1cally, were tbt Millea Linda Follo'wiai the ceremony the Special guests lnclude the mise. deserves prallt. Give it. 'Davis of Camatljlo, Julie . Tops,:TriO played danct music 'bride's ll'Mdmother, Mn. GEMINI (M&y 21 ·June 20): AQUARIUS (Jan.' 20-Feb. Johnson from Houston ud 'at 1 ~for 200 people io Albert Davis of' Camarillo. Be considerate toward one 18): Accent on how to hurdle MaryKiodleolEmtraldBay .. tbel.qunl",CountryClub.'-The new Mrs. Jones, t who may be ill. Good day for obstacle. You do '° by deman· Debby Barton, the bride'a AUUng at the ree:ep_Uon graduaie of LaiUna Beach visiting shut~ins. Quiet e.fforts ,ding that prom i 1e1 , C:OUlin from Van Nu)'!, wu were Mn. George PJetta and Hlgta Schoo! attended Oranp gel best results. Display .... ,. .,,...... .. be pul in writing. flower girl. Carrying a biwt 1o1n .. Beatrice Crist. MUa Kil-Coaat·College and participated of responsibility. Sur Pris e: Otherwile, you invite decep-of white bouvardla and baby's 1y Davia, the bride's Cousin In Chaai'man Cotleae'•, World those who say you can't con-tlon. breath, she wore a•flqor lenlth from Norqu1dge, clre:ulited • Campw: AflOat Pf'Ol!'lm. centrale. .J'llCE8 (Feb. lf.Marcll IO): mini veen embrOldend dOI· the ~booL .. Iler' husband la a lfldualo CANCER (June 21.July 22): You laln nolhin( by nmning ted-twial c1rus trilnmed ·wttb Fo · the formal recep-of Wuhfngton lllah School, You may have to draw line at away. Not 80 good for Jong-ale:ne:on laet:. Uon, a bu e:t supper was serv-Inglewood. special favor to children, loved range travel plans. Best to Richard w 0 0 d h u 11 or ed tb member! of the bridal Arter a honeymoon trip to ones. This is a day to finish, wait. Settle business ·details. Hawthorne was best man party, 1amily and out~f-town Lake Tahoe, the newlyweds complete and to throw off. a Accept responsibility, assign-· while George Anguli, John guest,, in the Burton's ~"!e· are making their home in burden not righUy your own. menL Kuensller , Mike Fox and Carl Ke:n Letson, an acairdiorust lngle:wood. LEO (July23-Aug.22):Some 1~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;:;;:;:;=:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;:::;;:;:;;;:::::::;;::::;:;;:::;;::;;::;;::;;;- reslrie:tlom: are bul tem- porary. Realize this an~ ~'t panic. Aceeni on v1e:win1 persona, llituUons in new light. WelComt ctulllenge ol different cmcepta. M t e: t people. . VIRGO· fAug. 23-Sept. 22): Think over travel pc;tSSibiUUe:s. Don't jump at first offer. Whal you have may be worth more than what you could 1et. Realize thJs -re:1pond IC· cordingly. LIBRA (S.pt. 23·0ct. 22): Shake off gloom. You may not get everything you wanl, but you do receive what is needed. Be ve:rsaUle. Don't insist on understanding all d e: t 1 i I 1. Answers will be fcrthe:oming. SCORPIO ''ki. 23-Nov. 21): Cycle high, but there is minor opposiUooo Ofder individual ' 0 , tgurt n .. CONTOURING I KA-THLEEN TORNOW Trotfl Told The couple will be manied durin& the summer of 1970 in Chriat Lutheran Church. Colt.a Mesa. Large Sizes . . 0P£1o.1\NG · AND "· Gil R SALON FOR late Summer Rites Planned A wedding Sept. 6 Is being planned by Joyce Zanotti of Costa Mesa and Wllllam Urone, lrvine. - Miss Zanotti, daughter of Joe Zanotti of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Grice Zanotti of New York C'ity, Is a graduate of com M.,. lllgh School and Orange Coast College. Her fiane:e, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Urone of Irvine, also ill a CMHS alUmnus. He will graduate ln June from JOY,CE ZANOTII UC! where be Is maJorln( in J9'11 the fun •rt4 swlrft Mt. Evtf'YIM111 y.v MM 1n 1un, swim •'"' fun f..tMom 11 ..... 111 th ... : hanf.i.,llnd 1-..:u ..... Of ANOTMl R" coNtROl ()US f\GU < I I! GIAMoa vettY sn~r .. 5 O'Ull MltHOD \SJ llO llCltllllS . J llO £1£RetSE J llO p\\,l.S ·J "° •Ill• ' J.-i Future BrWo physics. ,..,.,,___,,._ 1 f·..-~---~~~· ~==--;1 I , VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE \ I· Jll-4 E••t Coa1t Hwy. e Corona clel Mer Ph,no oJ.1050 Wt '••th• ... • •t• tti!I ltt ui111J1ith ch•rt• •f th. 1l•r .. •I• .. wlftl "''' fr•llfl Meflltt't f•ifh· f1i1I 1114 ttlc• 1al11 1 .. ,u ... 5ht \,~ N-Y•rk kr Fltti4a, Dt4 will l•i11 h•t f•t a ••J1h.•t wttl• , ~u11,. sh.·, 11•t co11tt ri •• !11tt •••• w..14iflt anJ Ctlllt h•ll'lt, 10 ttl4 Jl.trtllh wi! lf"tll4il t wffl fturl•t ffi.t r11ort tawa1, Sh-a tho wkl arri•t h•m• hll tf f.r"h 14••• ftt 111 •' •• ",,.,,. .. t• ••JIY kl•u 1ht'1 J1h.:kt4 •JI f,...,,. Cam 1I. S111 F.111ci1c•. Nt w v ... • 1114 ~.,w •. . s.. f'I• ••••• '•t •"' , ... kl. \lirtilli1'1 D1111ht1n ~~~1sHALF-SIZE SHOP Codi Mm II 1IOS •1porl llYd. " ·v .......... .,, ... ..._. .. Hovn: 9:30 to 5:30, ~ f rldoy to 9.00 -- " .. PHONE ·53'4-7950 -DMY f A.M. TO f P.M. MOii. IMRUIAT. )3732 S. EUCLID, GARDEN GROVE (1 Ilk. So. of G.G .. Frwy.l .. 1 ' '· ' IWl.Y mar • r .. • . unteera are m to make' ltOld durin(ttnats week June -~ ~if''loo: 10,,11 ...i U. 'Yol¥Dteers are the ~· te Tel.' .netdtd. For further in-. E .. • > . ..,;,.. ' f~ call Mrs. Roy s!•~~·1•1 1 t"I'"' ~ 11 · mQnd~at54$-1&n f,jq .. ~~ ~· 1 ·f1EP0111~: l(n. CJl!!oro , -., , 1,r.esidall , I ~ ! ~ 8\l{i.rda i::bainnan. COf!!!lfG 'ljff. ~ ~ . " -Jal· r<cognl tor Dew iDd otd' ~ ~t .dM_ 1 aw~ 1 at .. the ~t 1 p.ro. ~y, Jwie 3, in banquet lo Marlene Crume.- ~ laqiJ!t, JowlWt . , ·i!l~ .Kris c~., Ed $wiss, K~-; rou. ~ . , . , Co DD l"e! . ,ffoh;n, JerrJ ~. Jnyl~. ~ . l!W'fldd, ~ crook , Ter and' lfmtoe.,to O>f ~ 1 fl~,TOVI<, Bfil Spurlock, c•l~te ~ lollq11· ~.... Zlmineniwi, !lomooa inl( .mlces 'une I, in the Woodl I n d outstanding sctiool 'commons • . . Cup. senior ~ylvla Martinez. c>kes. and donl!lf will<,J?e H .A.. " V.·, P""' , 1,, \ t ,J,~"-~ ~ •1 11J:'DGf : .w,~ ... ,-V <'1¢~\~:n:t~;I~· 1 ~"'J~ ... ';;-,;1p,p ~ j . • • 'ljO ".;RTS;;·Olfi0orf )i>slalled l : th~~~d;~~::. ·~ K ~ ea!Y ... F '"'°.:t ¥1'l!'e ' -.,. ;; (I!~ ; .A. ,,_ ~ . } .. s·~ff -Gr:•ae;r,, .: • .~ -"< ' ~1iiiimaD..' re s u et"; Wi111am Fleetwood. room represen--· tau ••• and ruecblJ'd 1e1. paflllmen~ lliltl to &miilittae· .• ~. 'Y•I~ ,F ~r t.• r, __ b~; Eugeoe Kovach, historian Ul d'. publici!)I; Keith Lauer, sChoOI board 'ri]irisentattve; Carl Mi~ chell, newsette; ful, Coo- l!«>, l~gialatioo; ,q 'if~ I d Peckham, awanfs.., .·1"1) d acti olar s hip;, William Wright, deco r.t;~£~n s ; S.teph~ Fryer, ·::'.:::':~~"Jnd Jalety, and FranJr,lil1J,Joyne, ~lbrary. Herper PTA .. Mn.Bob~'· • .• ;i"Prestd¥f . ·~ M" ·'·roMING UP: BOafa mu;etlng ., 1 ,.. at 7:38 p.m. J-«WeaMiday, Tak~ !p~: 'Ou (•.tis f~$ Ball G~me _ .. Throwing a curve ball to. Bear Street School's~rincipal Herbert W. Ward >S David Hagmeyer, fourth grader. Keeping Scor•·iS Keith Whiting, fifth grader. The school's PFO is sponsoring theii; annual ~ftball gam~ between fathers and faculty on ~tlturday, June 7, at.1.!fi(.'(n. HQ! dogs, salad. ice cre>m, coffee and pop will be sold' after the· garn·e. ,F'.flf!Her i~ormation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Richard Hagrheye'r,:.540;~. « Andrew Lakatosh, Goodsell and Morris. · 1; Jones' and ~SS Wl-ouise McNeiJ1s -"I sixth l <T ad e at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 3. in the teachers' lounge. , June 4, in the h0ri\e1 of Mrs. Larey r-1 ... {les!ert table ·fcir'-t.adreis willil>Oprotioed ' "1 bolid·inemberi "dn Tues. cluseS., · ::: .. REPORTS: Officers to serve "d' a'· ....... 10• .. " '· Newport Ele .. pf.A •:r "" in the year 1969-70 are the REP'ORTSj· AW~:'-rete'iVed Mn. Jobn Scapple Mmes. William Out I aw, St. John Aux. · froin council were Program President Mn. Robei1; ~;d president; Jerry Sturgeon, ~k, .a;ood; ~. ex· COMING UP: Sllth grade • ·, ....,_Prt&ide;nt. Ve rn Mollan and Arlene 'cellent: "'publicitJ--lf e c·o'I' d g(aduating · class will 'be· ~141Ni:k .UP~ ')nnal , ading L 0 ugh b 0 r 0 u gh , vice -t:boot, outstan~~~· Mr'$. treated to a harbor cruise 1 starqp ~nd food COUWJl col-presidents; Gary Clarke and .(. ·ff,arry Kohout feb"eived a, and picnic Friday01 June 6. Jectlon day~ilJ·be Friday, w·illiamStevensen, _, · prr1 course ~te : . . Menu will comist of ham-June 6. MriS: !van .¥}Vry. secretaries; Gene Sneed, ' PTA . members and sllUt burgers, fries, pop and ice chairman, will pic.lt~i.D.all treasurer: E. J: Cbelllvin, grade girla play~ .baseball cream. Activities tW.ill .in-class'room:i;.~°'f DOQK;is re--auditor ; William Weatherill, lait Frldiy, gli'b·~ori. lft to elude baseball and kite rnak-quested, 'fr9m each ' family historian, health, welfare · f .1 • • • • ! jng cont.est. M o t h e r s during the school yem and publicity . and record ''-' . Talent ."Tiptoes Th:;6ug'K 'fhe~ Tuli~s · .. ".. . ' • . i .. ulie · M~Allister leads' the w~x'' tli!o\ien 'tqe, (ulips s Craig Burshem, accordiorf ·player ·and Kirk alfeirneister, magician, foilow . Mrs. Gfe!ln Gra-· 3!f1, director ,of College Park School:s annual i.ai,en~ s4ow announce~·thal the producti on will take Plate in the mUltiP.u~se room on Friday, June 6, ... ( 1-· ' -~-. ~ . . . ' a :o)ll p.m. · •• ·• • • ·1 I assisting are tlte Mmes. I ~, · ' book; Robert' Sant e y, :r·~i~dberg h 'Pf.A Ralph Linhnff. Jack Root. Victoria '.Pf.A : ! parliamentarian, honorary r--.·.. Mn.•-•· e~· John Carlton. Robert Mn. ~d w-~~• 1·f and •--•· .,_ ~·r r n; _.,._... 1 e . co-memu.;:.i:i.a11p; President Rossen, Frank Spa:igler, ~ -_r~:resiMnt ~. R beet,' 1DUn1tfr ~Milt . , _,, 1 ·. ·'i. ,1 ~ COMING UP tf'lpaf.d meeting Barton ~ and Worrie· 'ooMIN~. ,_,/~~party ~sq~l, aoil'al '"-an~ Du t.j'es,:.R.ql.iri.lh:u i sl\:~'d .. ~at-~·L u-~ch. ~::+:~~:~;;~· ~~!~~~;~~~~~1:: · ;1~~:i~!~ i;:l~' ~~~~h~~ ~ Mn. Mark MOrris home of Mrs .. John "ttf. Fran· Board meeting Friday, June wellare ; Malian, child cart: • ~. ~ Presideni co, new president. • 6.. . ... . :J. •:; ..;: Aime Bourg'et, magazine . the ca!elori~ Exe,;utive board will hoal. clilldren. and board at 7:30 · p.m. REPORTS: '!ls' Jllrents and N · · rt i 't ·PTA. · '.REffQRn: ~ainilY fund night and safety;. William Arndt. t tomorrow, in the -students attended the spell-ewpo n s. grossed $165. Mrs4· Fred telephone and room Marina High PTA multipurpose room. Mr!\. ing bff and gymnastic ex-Mn. Ef&ie Armour-1 • ..JOQeS~~:Dou&~owler representative ; ArtCollisoo, FV H' L PTA Bob · Riese and her ~ cofu· ~ bibiUon. Jim Shinks rectiv· 1-"tesident awa_rdeg..147: ribbons 1fp win-newcome r greeter; Gary · Mr.'.~''-'l•ii:i. Mason l\trs .. George \Valtou, mittee, the Mmes. ChiiS ed a trophy" fOr winning the COMING UP·: Board luncheon ners in the aUiletic events. Clarlc, room representative; 'President Schneider. \Viii Romine, spelling bee. MrS. Mark will take place at noon Tues-Stanley Slrurzynsld, ways 0 NC J;esidcntJ k K 11 REPORTS: Officers recently Lowell Brink, James RayY ~ ·Morrill received the gavel day~ Jilfie 3, in '.ttie. Ancient WilS·on, ,PT A" 1 , and means ; Miss Jean , FV CQu9GjJ . C MI . ; ~trs. ~c . ru . r lnsJa:Dett by Mrt.f~Dona!d mond, J a m es Buddingh; ~· .and pre.idiot's ·pin from Mariner r;itaurant, New-Airs. Williain OutlaW Williams, teachers' repre- ltirs. ~alil Marpby a9 n dk M r.s.: ~~ 1. 111 a "1 1 · 'Neugebauer were lhli Mm~s. • Cresencio "tt1artinez, Richa rd M". David Gooasell. Past port Beach. President ·,,. sentative, and Donald Erick· Presfcfent roe maM .are C4••u:.men ° G~rge_ Walton, p~eside~t: Gillum and Elias Alcarai president! Pin was presented REPORTS : Attendan ce cdMING UP: Board ~eeting son, spiritual and character. · M_lNG ~lJP.: .s'~perintendcnt ~a;~m:,,f ~f,f:"* on J:rtk{i ~.ill _Witherspoon, first vice , wjU host . ,. . Speech and to, Mrs . Goods e ,I I . awards for last PT Al~,....-,~-c,:-. r.-. -:.-:1:-, .-~------------ ent -eouncq an.nu al Basket, parking lot acros~ pre~ident afM;1 .17 r-ogra·m 'heari'ng 1-e-'sts for' Refrishmenls we'rt servtd meiUng 'Were wOn by Mrs. ksbon ~ lnmUaUon chairma_n; ~¥.rt Wpllman. • p~ , at ti a.m. _by _the Mmes. ~~am es WUliam Fer~n's. ~ .... ~~' ~~ •·· from ~rwton Centef. I ,f~-V,JC&~d~t, ~ud,ct ... "'f0rii0~i~'"l1!........... : M .. :; ., "" Settrso•· JOho ··t ,u r..a.e?., _ atJ!d.•. class · 'Mnf · Darien ,..,'ow""v<f''~!· llf ~~~:. iaE~IJ1l~ Mrs: K•en·Jl e·t.t1 · and flnanc. ~t .:J"ulio~Rivwa. Buddimgh,-!1!..tzl-lth.,...' •'n d · · ..,, -· ---·-_P .• nesday, .:rune• 1,· JllUllOnl. • i,f~'.i.nd her "coinmittee di t p J ·-Sc~oo~ with lu~. at "~pla~~tbe ,,otluck dinner ~~~ d ~gs .sec~~r~~~ndl;g weUare chairman. 11.45 in ~he S~~:B!i·cti at the Jut bOlird meeting. secretary·, Arlis :Arndt, Inn. Unity ·""'"""""~· '( Wer..llow PTO munication lo .,.~-n ;> I"'·~ . PTA ' treasu.rer, .Conway N\elsQll, . ,.,. by Mrs. G'eflld~'"~· \::JO "'i.enw.est • 1histqri.an, , 4nd. Sy·! v av , ·· M~· George Meehan coming ~eftlt.'. Tll ~-·.-Mn. Paul Renfro ~JleSsef/ ·par.1ia.6:)~ian. . President purpose of the. Wir,bhop i•"-~\ . ;_ Presltleri.t Chatles Weav~r was in· REPORTS: Commun It y to acquaint ~ varjous COMING W:.~ Miss Fay sQtlled as •third vice ~.. Service • awards were chairmen from U8i school FiJber&el')_prjnCfpal, will be · ~, aod,!11:cUltr reprW!ri•. P1esent!d · to Mrs. Lyman with the jobs to wtUch tb~9, m~ ol c~onies at ,. tati!e ant ~°'~-·Yo\lll&.a!\ .. CtQwer., inusic teacher, by . have beep .eJeCletl· or ap-, lu.,. for. 0_uqoing and .a~d~tor. . ~ . •, •· Manowe ..... Earle, director of pointed. -· inCO(ftllig\ eJ:ecuUve boards · tn'usic i tOr the Fountain Coo~ PTA . ~ at3t. ii' ..2~.~;~;il,rlFrhosid•t.y, June Niebhu PTO •\ ":' Valley School District and to r 111..,...lY.. .~~'.' , •• 1 ~.~ •• 'J,., .. Mr. and Jd.rs. Warren Hall . ...~, Rl~baid Wlilael":' •. ~ .. "' by Edward Flynn, yice WUUam· GllHoa ' 1 ./> • •"' >. · fi'esldent ... '~ : '1' ,!president of the United ~ Rr;.ia..1 _ "aij>er Pl A CO/ll!I;i,~ UP.: Te a'c-b·e r s ''·California ·Bank •.. J~ OMING Up: Sch6ol's Out-Mn: Charles Upot luncntQt114t\·tJ·:30 a.m,.'~S· Macon, principal, installed Tum on SUmmU la theme of President day, June 10, hosted by the officers, the Mmes. George annual telcber•s luncheon at -COMING UP : Board meeting executiVe ~ant ... Eighth Meehan, president; Edward ; 1 p.m.JMday. June 13, ·in at 9 a.m., Monday, June 2, grade soc1al,at 7:30 p.m. Spang and ~'sa _C~ttanza, · • ·. in the teactieri' lounge. Wedne~ay, ~Une 11 . . . vice presidents; Ha r o I d Air Moms REPORTS : lee' cream sales Gra~uation It 5:30 p.m. Schnackenberg, secretary; for one dif"Wtre donated to Thuriday, June ,12. James Dugin, treasurer, Dollars for:, ~Jars, for the REP ORTS : Woman-of-th e-and Richard Eisenzimmer, Huntington Beach Union year ballots are b e i n g c 0 r re........u1.·1.. ... secret,ary1· ' At Service High School Qistrict tabulated and will be an-Mrs. Al~~R o b i n son 1 nounced later pub J 1 el t y ch airman, • Lr mb PJQ A inemorlal service al 10' · l ~ Mrs. Elden 'Bay .m. In the Court of J1ol)Or. President ~ l>!einorltil "Park'. REPORTS: Mrs. J a m c ! 1l ~y wJU bet Attendt<i .,. Gllmai\in l1't ~ bnnald y memben ~f . l"llJ!lrt 12. H•berdon cJuilre4 the J>lm& nlted Slates Air F o r c t' a-dip dinner laie niieht. Cap. others. l-·., .-; 1aln Magic entertained the )In . Walt.er HUrtad·o Tamura PTO Mrs. Lowe)! Brink President COMING UP :; 'Than!< You social honoring voiuntetr mothers. library a i d e s , pareni aides, room mothers TH E COOL CE NTER OF FASHION THE STAIDUST • Black Calf • Black P1t1nt httt®I " SMI tte\11 lot!R · I fa ....w$ &<1,rt~lltionAI saliitt~s on. .. +11e 16.~t--~toc.11.o · -fo rmd.I' j11; -Hi,e, b t'e-0.. )!i'"!'lly inttaJled as president the ,,.Up: ·conducted her buline.-meetinC of the Counseling ·. F~·cility presented the president's scrapbook •.. Scholarships to Arrowbelr Music Camp were presented 'tp Darryl Robbins, Lori ~¥cock, ' Garinger and T!ti'ffftllyard . , . The Mmes. Wllliani Casey, Robert Wyman and Meehan ' hosted the~ tifl dergatten orientation. • . . •e Brown Coif " SIRo to 1'0 Y9'· . Board memberi present in- the Mmes. FIOJ1d Wilbur Furrow, Al\i.in muner and Forrest O'Halr.1 activities being plan· if pertic;i"'lion in the Fish porldt. nufadurer •• )" l • ·~ Open,ng:, Announce9 ' bocated adjacenl to other A full time counselor Wiii community agehcles will bt J?"')Vj~tnnriage and family 11M new Huntington Beach coUnsellng" as "ell aa assisting COW>sellng facility ol !he Family Service Association of community organizations In Onnce County. planning the net'dt. of the Tbe ottq. ~ to open growing city. lill«lct-· fjngernai hi . · aboUt MOl)dty,· June I, will be Now fonpil)I Js an auxillary ....._ i. 11 1 ~ plus '"" In the Town and' C-OUntry lbOf>' to support rsA won In the cj· 5.,.,_ • ', µIng center .. lU Beath ~lrd. ty ' by provldlng funchrlislng 'Ibey att sf.cl°u.ted ~1 ii~... COmmunity Cflc;st, which Is : tqd educa\IOlllll programs. 10 make it easier to "aclect fl nandnJ the FSA Office1s C o u riselloc appoiutrn~nts ..,.. tluoi moot c.Josely •t. utablillimen~ is localed In ' -be mode through the FSA pnsrima&e your own niU the center, as Is the Chamber control offlct.ll in Tustin prior ·-Of Commtrct. to !he opening. I I 1 , ' Dance Clu'b The £int, thif"d and fifth Fridays of each m o n t h members of Laci 'n Lea\ber Square Dance Cfub m~ at 8 p.m. in the Reereation Ctnttr, HunUnl&On Beach. Further in- lormatioh may be obtained by calling rs, Juan Dillon at 536-IOll I T oestmistresses Surfside Clubhouse in Hun· Ungton~Ms-the-meetin(I place for members o' LM OJ., Toastm~tr .. s Cl6b i>I Huntington Beach on the se- cond 1nd fourth Wednesday 11 7:30 p.m: H•rbot Chttr,. 2100 1'4. 1"11r\tor, C•1t1 Mtt• Se. C•••* Pl11•, )))) l ri1lel, Co1 t1 M111 .. • .., f ,, ··~ --, . • -Cheese~ A s ear~g~s .1i;da·· ' •) . ._ I > t 'Dim ensio n ·.to · Chicken . . . '1' fl.\ ',·~'•T L R 0 m • m be r the ·.old 1; ~an (10~ OUllces,l con-• ''?.""' \'l •Z sldllels (•!>out 10 stereoocoP'? You Io o k e d .densed Cbfdda}' cheese • J nchi1 et,~h) bJ divld)~f ln- tl\roUgn it and two Identical · ~u·p ' · ,..; .. 1 f' ... ' gcedie.ots ;~ually. .Brow n Pictures beeline one three· 1 ·can {)O~., ~ce3)~ con-chicken iii S'hortenlng; pour olf &nsed ... eream or l(:hicken fpl. StirJn!soups, mushroorps, dLmens1unal lmage. 'Seu'p • pi.m.lerito. afid thy1ne : add The aame thlDI happens 1\' can . (4' ounces)' sll~ a.sparag!J.s. Qiver ; cook over when ·you take two different mushrooms, draineQ•. j ·~·heat 35 minutes or ~til aoups and blend them to sauce ~ ~1. 'filbl:espoons Cfloppedl pi, l~nder:, .SU, now and Uten . a.company chicken dish. The . 'nilento . • ·MRkes 8 servtp. • result .• ,one beautiful skillet •1.:1,easpoon tpy~,,CruShed ~ · Note : St!.bStltute 4 pounds 2 pckase~·(IO ou~nces ea~l1), c;hickeq pprts for w b o I e dinner· . l.~ozen cut asp9rpgtl.s' ~ chiCkeo breasts. J 'n c r ~ a & e • • • Chicken. -.even 1r ydu serve ~ 1 •' lirge,'' sltll!el, -,or cCll)killg un)e to 45 minutes. •• CHICKEN E-VERY ·SUNDAY NEEDN'T BE MONOTONOUS it every Sunday. ' • can be lll-~~,~~~·~i~~~~-·~~~~iiiii~· 'iiiiiiiiii~iiiii~iiliiliililiiiliiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~ilii~~~-111~ ... ~iliiiiliiiijijiijillii~iil,iji.~iil,!iiiiii; comPtete surprise and present 1 \vhole new taste sensation. 'I'o achieve this happy result, sauce chicken wH.h a new combination 'of two flavored SQups; condensed Cheddar cheese and cream or chicken. Spark the dlsh wlth bits of mushroOms and pimiento, Add a green vegetable, c u t asparagus, right along with the sauce for effortlesS cook· ing ... t.h_e main meal pi°epared in orie big skillet. We ca11 It Cheesed Chicken and Aspara· gus. To round out your meal of Cheesed C h i c k e n al\d Asparagus, add a rainbow ar· ray of crisp relishes; carrct aDd celery sticks, rosy tomato slices, Wlpteled c u c u m b e r fingers and tart pickles. For de ssert, serve nutted coffee gelalin with vanilla sauce. Not jusl any vqnlna sauce. but one you make the clever convenience way by thinning a can of Fre.nch vanilla pudding with ii little milk . If you prefer. make in· dividual coffee n)o\ds. then float them in a sea of vanilla pudding sauce. CHEESED CffiCKEN AISD ASPARAGUS 4 whole~ cbicken breasts (about 3 pounds), split \~ cup shortening Berries Combine Sweetly Berry days are here again, and the queen of berries -the plump rosy strawberry -is at her prime. And that's a "go-ahead" signal for homemakers to think about (\eW and unusual jams using strawberries. In this rich.tasting jam, they're combined .:with blueberries. 5TllAWBERRV AN D BLUEBERRY JAM 4 cups prepared fruit (about I pt. fully ripe blueLerries or huckleberries , and I quart fuJly ripe strawbcr· ries) . ; 7 cups (3 pou,lds) sugar I tiottle (6 oUnccs) liquid ~ fn1it pectl:n ! First prepare ~he fruit. ; 'Jborougbly crush, one !_ayer al · a time, about I pint )j!ue~r· riea or huckleberries·. and 1 ; q\('!'Ji. stra.WberrieS. COmbine ; rrUlts and measure 4 c'ups iiito ~ a very large saucepan. . tit Then make the J a m . , Thoroughly n\b;: sugar into J fruit in saucepan. Place over high heat, bring to a full roll · ·: ing boll and boil harrl I •1~ minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and at once ; stir in fruit pectin. Skim off ., foam with meta.I spoo1 •. ·'. Then stir and skim for a minutes to cool slightly and 1 1 prevent floating fruit. Ladle 1 quickly into glasses. Cover al 1 once with ~ ioCli hot paraffin. Makes 'abOut 10 mediwn ClaMes. No Bones In This Barbecue 1 Why not enjoy a barbecued shark steak one of these days ? suggests Dr. Qilbert Bane Jr .• assl.rtant professor of Popula· tion and envitonmtntal bio- logy al UC!. "Bonito and Thresher Shar'k are especially deliciow1" Banc says. He recommends selecting 4 the steak or fillet from the hind ihird or the body, just In front of the caudal .On. Soak them In sailed water for a couple ol boors. then blot out exceas water and dl.arinat~ them in barbecue uuce, for an hour or So. 1be. meat ' should be grilled over very hot ! coab, a few minutes on each ' sldt and basted frequently rith-the----11suet. Good eating, s11ys Bane - and there's no bones! r ... • . ' ;i'CANRED PO:P . ..... "" " MA YFRESH REG . r LOW CALO"IE '12-0Z. CAN·S · ;SORTED FLAVORS $ for FULL C4SE OF 24 .................................... .' S 1.6, , . JUMBO· SCOTT TOWELS . ;$ SCOT f JU/J,80 ltQl~ .................... .. ~:111:5c~1PS llEGl.il.AR S9r SIZE Pl{6 ....... v ........................................................ . HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS MAYH~ESH 8 l'ACK .. : ............ : ................................... . ·;~ . "" LIBBY'S FRUIT . (0.CKTAIL ' ' ":19, 3,03 GAN ..... ~ ....... R ............ ¥"··~ ALUM INUM FOIL MAYfAIR ..................................... ~-........... ..12"x25' ROLL PORK :$MOULDER f'l(Nif. !:>l'l'l~ • for s for $ • . -• .• • ,·c .r EA. d •• -- • . ,t » i < ,!!!~~~~L -·19' ;':fl!~.~~.~c 39' '·.~~-1 -· ·Dtal!tY '$,,ttWs-r ' :·. ARDEN 'ICE"(REAM .. 6· 9' 59' ..... 29' ·FULL SH.&:NK f+ALF LB. • < /; ..... :f. 'J; .,. :.lilllf~ ,. Van .de Kamp's · S,ECIALS l~ufs,.Sun .. Mar 29·Jllfte I Melaises, 01tma11, .iurar. Chttelatc, Pc1~111 1u11er 25 c Cookies . __ ...... , -~•· Chocolate sge Fudge Cak1.. ... -11 •'. or1n1e 111~ 35c Coffee Cakes ... ,• 1 '.Y!OO rfj \OOi IJJ\11111' . ' . ' . ' flA\IOl fltESH CATERING QUALITY HALF GAllON ........ _._......... ............. . ; _ ' ' ' BUTT PORTION 59' u ... .99 • " ' .. ·. ' ,, • •• " ~,.... ____ illq'il_~-_.~_..,,....-...... ..__..,,,.,.......,....,.,._,_ ...... _,..,...~_ .......... "~'91UIS$ JSS¢Sj$$p WCPJ$'-4$4 UC_,._,.~ ,_,....__.._, •·-----··--- ' ~1 • . w....,, ..., .. 19'9 • v.a ~.-... ~lie Trlmll'liai.r-, lbdll. ~: • ,..,.... ..,... ................. Tl .. ~ 1WJW! ... ., ,...,..... ... --" .Mr· "' Nell'"'..,. -.~ ......... ...., " Tllrtmmart. - . , LI .. ,. . YOUR VERY FAVORITE . ~ . . . ' P_OnED. PLANTS CiC~..!-~ ~~ U.S. NO. I -WHITE ROSE LARGE -FANCY ,,.POIATGES TOMATOES· liLUI CHIP -ITAMPS PILOT·A DVUTIS[Jt ;. BLUE CHIP . sTAMPS "Witll C...,.. <& Y-PN'ChlU 41 • 4-l'IKE smlN& ~ IWl'OlfiD CHINA , ··~~'!~..-L@e ""!inf! Quality ~~~LL~·· . ·co~l<••· • c LB. . IUTT . 57' PORTIONS ........ • ·"''"" ' $ I °' ILICIS................ ·•· WHOli •. 59·· _ , 1 HAMS .............. • MEAT DEPT, :FROZl;N FOODS :-. 'I. ·o · ~~~-~ -.-.9 -c .· SL~?i~G:. 19c,.b. . .... fdol .,,.... • .... 69' ~ .•.•. ; •. ,.. , .... 19· " • HAUIUf ,.,_.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, • .,,,, Pkg. 1.9.P. SHlh41' .,,,', ...•• , ........... :~ Pl:g. kupcrt 16-01. s~ lc•le11dic ' Ptr 98' .,.....--------,.---------------,.----'ISH 'M CHIPS ····~·······•••••······ Pkt. · HALllUT •ILLnS ,,,,·········•·······'·'lb. , • 1 ·E-z DTE -I 0-LB •. ·IAG · '· · . 4 9 &'"" "·~ 59' "~•• '"'' "·"· 69' · '"c"a .aR·c·' O' . ·a'L BRl"'UE-TS c ~:~··.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.·. ;:~-.,. ~r~;;;~:~~~:::.·:.:·.·:.·:::.:.:·~·· • ~ .. , ·, , r 1 .• ' .. • o O o o ~:;,;•;HllMP . , ...... ·••••• ...... :1;:· 79• =m:·:..-. :~~::: ................ J~~ 49' , • • .. ' • • • • ---· U.S.D.A. INSPECTED GRADE "A" •. .FU~L'.! 'C90KED : 'SEAFOOD SPECIALS · ,· :U.S.D.A. IN~fi(CTED ,N ~ZEALAND "'Th TUR. KEYS BONIUSS : NEW SEASON-FRESH FRESH FROZIN-GENOINE SPRING )_--FRllH • HIN ~ . ·_; . HHiiFHAMiEl. ·HA1811u91·s!1·EAK LEG O' LAM·B :· OVEN c $119 : • READY · : • 11 -14 LBS. l LI. : FRESH OREGON -DUNGENESS HORMEL "CURE II" '• COOKED 9c $129 CUI ...... ." .. : 7 · LI. ' · ~ • , . FRESH CHINOOK . . ' SHORT SHAN~ WHOLE LEGS 5-6 LBS. . . POPPY IRAND !rRE-SEASONEDI WILSON 'S CRISPRITE SALMON BONELESS -4.5 LIS. 7 9 LARGE LO IN IL 89~ TU.Rl(ri'-ROAST · . ~·SLICED 59~ ""'" '1 '' "'~" 98' LAMB CHOPS . BACON . .. . TO ••OIL LI. TO .... . .. --~-"":"""--·--:-.~~.--~.-~.~ . .. -----~---------~ MOTHER'S -QUART' JAR ·· • •'<', ~ EVERFRESH ~FROZEN -GRANNY GOOSE-"-TWIN PACK :.fJ~!~ 89c VE§!!A.~.~ES ~=-~'~ \\: · •9c OL'"V~&INIA·~ALI. MEAT WIENIRS ' 12.oz. 3ftc PK&. OF I 0 "JI . . WILSON CORN' KING . SEA CA~DIH-<·OZ. JA" 3 $ , ShrllllP Cocktall lw JANE ANDERSON • CHEESE SPREAD INDIVIDUALLY 69C • WRA,,ED SLICES lb • $ 00 HUNT'S -LAR~~ 21;, TIN 19c PORK ·:& 20.oz. FAMILY SIZE PKGS. WESTERN -I-LB. PKGS. CANDY GUM DROPS or ORANGE SLICES .3: •100 IAklARA ANN "VEll IEST" . SL.CED BREAD 2sc 1-ll. WHITt o• WHEAT LOAF ' AUNT JANE'S . PICKLES • • • ' • • • • • ,. ' • • • • ' •• BEANS................ · . Jerseynlaid-Catering ICE ·CREA ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS HALF .GAL CTNS. " -'l u ... KOSHER Olli.: l'OLISH • · • •• HAMIUR•ER DILL SUNSHINE STATE . I· t.t,C.P: ILEND , • • ~m 69~:! 1.3M~N:ts~ Oil,l:E l;N" I I ' • PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., thru SUN., MAY 29, 30, 31, JUNE I ' 2781 HARIOR ILYD., COS.TA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST. GAllDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER. SANTA l\NA _ 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ 23811 EL roRO, EL TORO . • ' . ' ' ' • -- -·-L----~~..........:. _ _,_ __________________________________ __ -- ---·-~~-......... -----~--~-------........... -~~-..... --..... --,. ..... ,+ ... -·--···-------------·---------:-·-~--~---~-~------~---------- I • • SPA·RE: JtlBSi · USnRNPORK • 59· c GRAIN·FED 1 ™-4LlSIZE .. 'LEAN& j• ME,.TY .t LI. CANNED HAM PATllQI CWAHY IEADYTOUT S0 LB.CAN 3•a, OR ' '~ CHUCK RQl$T · U.S.ti.A.CHOKr' 4rc STAnR BROS,. l · • LB CSITIRID ' • BEEF • , . LB • .S.D.A.OtOK;IOISTA ... lillOS.lllf ·79·c U.S.D,A.!!ft'-ClllTA_t11tios..•t1'. , 1 ,~~ ;" •• 3 I •• , STEW 80NELE$S.-L1. T-BVM STUJl ... _ ................. LI. . U.S.D.A.CHOtCIOISTA'TllllOS.•ff • 5 7c U.S.D.A.CMOKlOISTATRPOS ... f St 09 ~!!'~!!!!.!10A5T ..... , .. LI. c !!~!.~:!•:O..·~·:·;~·· .. ·:· .... ·LI~~ .J 7 80t0GNA SUCID ........... n.oz.45 P~TIRllOU$1 \TEAK .... _ • .,.,. 1 SJ ATER BRO$~ · ··•·•ns .. ,10HOUILY 49 U.S.O.A.CHOtCIOISTATlllllOS.-' 97c G UND BEEF ........... : .... LB.. c RUMP 'ROAST ................ L•.; .. '-Wlill• OPIN '.THE USUAL HOURS MEMORIAL DAY for your COTJvehience u:S.D.A: c:itota Ol·STATll llOS. tUf 5 7 U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR ST A TH llOS, IUf 8 9 C .BEEF ·ROAST ·~i~~ ............. LB. . c ROAST ~g\~~~~~JER .................... LI. ,. ' I .._ ~ ' • MORRlll'S-· . 45c iiicii~iic6N .......... ~.s7c iouiii1iiiK ~~ ... Ll.87:c SAlllAGI ;::;:;:ri~:";., ........... 59' ~'>'1• '<. \: ·-~). j _ · IOUID ~TEAlacmu~ss ............. , ... , ..... LI. 97' ALL MUI WIENERS ............... 12·0Z,PKG. A~!S!!PS C" JOR • . I Lm!'& IMAL\ f APP ·~ , ... ,, WASHINGTON RED DEUCIOUS ~ . LBS. Del Monte Values! ,FRUIT 3 ,. f I COCKTAIL ... "~ . FRENCH 3 303 69• SL. lll:ANS ~ .. TOMAT010 ,,,fl SAUCE .... cans .. SPINACHS 1~~.•1 SI.ICED SWISS CHEESE =·!.. .. ~ i'J'-sUllSHINE VANILLI wmRl __ : ... .,39' ... 23' ... "°' 33' ~ SUCEDJACK·CHEESE'::f:'i:_ .... ff' GEBHARDT TAMALES -•• "' ... 43' HUNT'S CHILI BEANS·--2300 37' SANDWICH CHEESE ::::'l~.u 1" CHIU WITH BEANS"'"'"--"., 15' · HEINZ HONEY ., , , _. ___ -'.. 2 79' ' ORANGE JUICE :::,;·" "~ 7'J' CHILI HOT DOG SAUCE ""'"'' .... """ 2~ Cft{A l SYL~ LI l ·POU"DCAN •.• S1 .7S PU~~s::·_w'~"2'·-----4~3.,.co·· FFEE t-LB. 5 · SPREAD , ~;0,i, 7 · · · · STATER BROS ........ CAN · •· .... ' ::~~~::E•:rc"ENwix =~=:::::M~"·As YQNNAISE OT. 49 , SPRAY JUBILEE.-----· "·"°'II' VllllSHBOWLCLEANER >•m.53' • JAR WIND EX WINDOW CLEANER ---· ""'-49' • SODAPOP :"::~;...... IO'~i 'l BCHRIS'l..PIBTTS Q -SAUCE 314-0Z ., ~l~~L:F:r . .~=~~:. • . :• . , ·. ...... SIZE . . PORK-&BEANS ~~~.-,. 25"CIBTUBKT""11D •• . 39 MARGARINE~-· __ ,:,. 49' RI PE 0 LIVE 5 . TALL c MIXED NUTS ~:::::~"" ,,., 79' ......... CAN 1 :~~::c~i~~-·:;~~ oup••1s••c1<1IDK· LES . . i2-0Z. 39c I M.IBR~.~.!~.',~.~~ ""·-'--... 3~ . . SWEET , ............... J AR TH!A .i':1~~~~:~,,-. -·-i·--~·~·11 .:0ICAl'MAYll • • -~) ~~\;;)~);.;\ ·LUNCH MEAT -12·0z.49c ·' ~ . .. .... CAN 'MR. CLEAN ..... :.~· .. : .. : ... G~~z~'49' iiA"ii . FOOD .... I 0 :::s'I . C&H SUGAR GIANUU.TlO ...... sac • •• tO.ll.IAG S1.11 Miili NUTS .......... -·12-0Z·CA~69' ,. JAIMR90TU.GIUIG 59' POT A TO CHIPS .......... -... -- c.;......,OR. 'NctEAMSftLE~-. • 5 :.•I . , . • WHOLE KERNEL --.. --'"'··~ • VA LUABLE COUPON FREE! ' -~'!'!!.~ , 'J:!..~ I · ' .~ U..lOl llADE~ TOOM.Un -"-G.OFi 1 NCi.OFlS " .; •• JsOUMia 73' . ' .. $1.79 68< .. ·.' COPPERfONE~~~~ •o.:•-¥ •t.11 MUllNE EYE PREP~~ITION .. ~ ik BAYER ISPIRll!S • 1Ws -'It' COPEilEADacHETllS ,.,19',;.'lt' mlfHAlitSPRAY.-1.~ ljot l9' OLDSPICEAFTERSHIVE ~O:: ""~ '1.51 , , "l' I DEL MONTE POTATOES __ \.,ht'" ll' PITIED OLIVES UNOSAY 11.\AllG[ -lQl)•r TOAST 'EMS-ASSORTED . ,,.., 6' CIRCUS REG. MIXED NUTS _ ·-",, 1' ·W1SH•IOllE CAESAR DRESSING __ , . .,,31' . FIEICH DRESSING ~~k'~ 1-0z.3' MIWll ME.ITTEND~RIZER '"' 4t' PURRCITTUNA -.... , 2011<. ... ,ll' ALIX SALAD . ' . 00TA"'·MACA'°"' 3 .... otcousu.W 15.oz. --· ~G.11~ WHISTLE SPRAY CLEl.NER ,. . ., A' WINDEl.AEROSOL ---,---.... , 51' ROAST BEEF HASH ..,, ... ~YlllfCttEH __ _:_ 11.oz.57' KOTEl fl'S .. "" .. "'"'·31',.,.,,.-43' ,KOTEX PLUS NAPKINS -.. , ... ~"--~-m 79' . . .... 11!111 AJAX ~' * 1-r 1-" 'B_,il '* CLEAN$Elr ·, • OtVfl ICING AS':(1111D s . ~~,,s•"c DIAL PACKAGI EGG ROLL .... -·· ........ o ~9c · 2 · · ·2ftc ..,.,..,.,_ .. ,.-, ,,,,. RE.Ci.. 17' DlllNIRS M.EXIC~ -·-...,., ...... s 1 ..... · _c_AJ_NS ____ _ :a"eii·PIES ·---···-· s . .oi . 5•cAs11 llFM ~ . ~~ 4 11 U"' SlUUllLSOIUHl -CA-RR'o''"""rs"""" .. ~33' CHILI &BEANS .. ... • .... ...... ~, o.11\D~f s •• "·•m""l1. ~·~"""'" ~" . 39' BAClllED STEIK .. "" 1111 ..,_ BABY LIMAS~ .. ,_,... -~"'"41 ''" s1* 7• ~··-w"'="~"' 33' GOURMET SHRIMP ... '" •.•'Oz. '7. GREER no.--"~ ~-·~ 59' •••m• 39' COD or PERCH -·-.. '" · rita11J1 BEEF l GRAVY · .~ Iii ,. .DftWll iiiwi11All PUMCH .... '. .. 6 t:'J5•$1 ~ .. nlf .5' --l\'.1.... ... DI I 0 '°' LIMOllA . -····-· ': ""~ · . t..i."'''111 Atf e·~~-•m .,,.. 59c FllEDllCE Oll(",<1.....---"'~"t' ti SH STICKS ".. ~,,, •. 111.•.. • 29' -·~·-"' MERS ~67'0MIONllMGS ---•-'• ' 3-CQUllSE Dllln -1 ·-· --11 " 49' -~,,,~ · •• 4 1 ME.IT BlLlS ORAllGE~UICE •• -".,. .... KVO_.cf 11 ~ ~ ... UIA~D 59'C010tt£T~ -··ll RING'!'ES "k•t•;.TO....S -........ ~3 .. 9'.,; ... . faitl1l~••-~.. . S•L£ "'~EFFECTIVE 7'.fULL D•Y~. T~URS. lhti WEDS:MAY tt-JUNE 4. • . HiLLS I s. 1 ••. ·-69 c ~OLD POWER .... w. u. ... :~...... ..n w ............... w .......... COFFEE .. '............ ·~r s·11 ·a 111:.",.!;!:~:.,•C::.::,. '~';'~ ~!°;.;:-o:-' 2=LI. CAI '1.37 3-LI. CU sl.99 DIAL PKG. .,. 111 W. lM II .. C..-..._ Jilt ......, St .. ._.. AM ~· u11a.,.. ... ,....._....,... 1171 W.W..-Sr,. C•tti *'9 ' • \ • • --------~ ' I I I I I ' • I ' ' DAILY 'll.bT l:iome News and Views ' . ' ' • . . - . cil 'l·ar , .she~ ·'G9od pld Day.s' Nq ~ Th~t ~,ood -f oo.oTllY W£NCK wbo>aomeness, aod It ~r· unknown. You stood In llQe un-QUE s T 1 ON S WE ARE rish on our o_utdoor barbea ie about • incbel f~ mpdereie-t~ 1~ hinilnJ. rerrJgerator lo a pJ adl.. bag Comp~~rsons1 :-r-~ ..._.......,. t&lnb' wasn't graded fOJ Ul the clerk could wait on )'OU ASUD ~ . but have never bec.n succt¥-Jy hOt coa1J ll abollt right -, Q. 1lftW ~ can you keep and <ltY the; llPJ to Uie,V_::-tiju be 1 "'?bole were tht aood old ~· Sanitatloo WAI 'a .,d help you J;(lect )!pur Q.1 What'1 tht dlff~ l\tl. The fish aht'ay' slltk 'to 1'1 to Wm them bffont thtJ frllb uparicua! Wben It's leas likely to g.t IOft. . !" How often have )'OU aom.tlme * &hiq and 90 wq L-m1. ~ b~ ~ h b2t'ol!:ee 1 , Klnl!' sr:ln1 on And th~ grlll a•1d IJrc·k :i:phrt I'/~ 1l:::ome o~erdllne -. about I tealure{I on 1peclal1,, rd like to Loqk for uparqu1 with nneone of the ovtr-50 rerrig'traUon. Chickens, g~ There s no doubt t al Cblnook or Spring salmon! '4'e turn lhem. \Vlwl are we minutes. For no-sUck cooking, stock up for MVtrll ~. ,._cloeed, ~ U,. ... and tioo IA)' lhol., bartilll and IUrbys huog by thelr feet mDdor1I ,~_.m l r ~ ~ 1-l oJ. A., Therp'.J oo dUference. doLI\i wrong ? have the &Till well greased. A. F-_....,for belt ,i1moolh, "'511 _,...Items to 1he preoupermarket 'Ill !he l>utchtr shop -oo methOds ~ .,.._ lllWI-Chinciol< """ Sprlq µo jual A. Fish are very tender aocl One ""' lo slmPlllY bar!Je. quality llhould be ....i wllbln a~ buUI thaf ore ool dried ·mes wbeD foods were cheap ·~rigeration. They were ty food at f.,w'r prj~. ,Whlc~ . other names for King salmQn. will fall apart when overcook cuing is to .uae a lrtlI Creased two days after Y1IU buy it. Jt out. Avoid t"9 lhat are open h84jl r r a I honest.\~ available only "In season." do· you prefer-h>day or "the• • ed. You might try cooking fht' hinged wlrt grill wtddl you wlll keep Ion g er Ulan thil aad spreed. out. deel,yed or ~~vor -~lieasl so ;·-~Alld~-'-•_l_f·_•_•_r_v_l _c_•_w_a•~~good~-old~da-y~1:1"';;;;;·;:r-'~~""-2Q~. ~W~e~~=·~••:._::''='"'::._:t=o~coo::::;::k__;f=ish:._::c=l.,.::.::.r_to=._=the::._:coa::::~:_-~=can::..:aun=·~p~ly~fl=lp:_::OY=Ol':....:wlllll::::=lhe=-~how::.::.•=•=«=,=~~you::..:"""':=..:="=l=•~You=-'_..::"=bbed::.:.~~~-;::.::·__;~~~ w... the doy1 realb that oocl! "ns lni<, food pri«s ere low -but so were in- mes; The average workin& an today gets far more food r an hour's work. than he Id ~ven 20 years ago. B~ tq l968 the average work:iilg ., hour of labor l>ooPI' ll4_ quarto of milk. com- pared to 1.5 Jn J¥: --'i.S dozens ot e.gp. com· pared to 1.8 in 1948; i -::r:t~~.2°'1n~~; com~ ' -2.! .pounds o! beef, COlll· f pan! lo LI In !Ml: , -10.0 ea. of tomatoes com· pared to 9.S In IMI; J -1.0 loave11 el ~,com. , pared to U In lf!I. ' What these Oiures meaD ls bial wages ba".e gone up far E than food costs (eicept read). In 1911 the average y·spent just over IT per· Cent of its income for food -a ~" low. • Old lime grt>cery . stores f..eren't so great either. The lgbting was only fair al best, thich probably was just as , ell -what you cou1do't see tlidn't l?othtr )'OU. Flies and ~r insects abounded - ('!member the hanging fly tpe.r? Pest conlro~ was a cat a trap. Feod store fia:Wres consisted fl. a few show·cuea, eounters itd wan shetves for display. tresh fruits and vegetables ere unrefrigerated a n d llR!Jy not ke# moist. Food trlety was limit~ (Over, , -'! the ptbdiicts iii oUr pennarkets weren't ~i:e.·10 ~ago.) f Most homemakeis "put up'' ~ owo home-grown fruits W ·vegetables, jellies and · ·. . Would you like to go • &o that. -canning all the lb and vegetables your · uses Jn a year'? dried be.ans, peas. dried t. cookies, crackers and • w. were ~.w mm bulk sp119t:. In the reltly .modem they ~ were pnti~ the euitomlr by'"~ Hdows." Nothing protected ,,... peopl• behind the ........ ti~ carrle in large wheels drunD iUxl was sliced off to custwier's order. You got "nerl ple'.ce" -dry or not. . 'tbe frk:ndly bulcher might Clll your meal to of1i:er. But ~ meat may or may not T~e been inspected l o r ' . urpr1se • . ut Inside ' Randwi~~. c• aw....c...r • aa..-t u 1•\ '• ........ "'"'9 .......... ,_ Cell, ....... w .. . RED-RIPE SUGAR· SWEET Coot,, Refreahing Whole Me/on ••• . 'PAPER NAPKINS , COLOITlX 60 CT • ti.TEX .... -.. . "'· .,.... c ..... . i"' ... 1-· """".... 5911 .. llOllf ,..a; 100 :.. untsPORK .& BEANS Flavorful, in ~ Torty Tomolo Sauce ~ l 'tim·S large ribs celery. Cul ·~ tnto 3-lnch leogths .. _, j if • small 'saucepan brq. ,.id. broth or water to the 1 h• tl>eng p o i n t. Add celery: clc*et and simmer 12 to 15 l ~ ~ or untl just crisP"~ri-~it atain. · "· :'\frap· •· sti'" o! bologna .,..... each celery length: set life. Spread I slices oi white If bte breed wilh mu.tard . or lllllter. Sprinkle 4 IHcel lightly 1'11 cr*d Qljlddar cheese. 'M.J.B. • COFFEE · ,.-.,. ~}.U.. ,... . 2 "''1" 3 "· 'I" ... ,,. t~ MTlftle l CM" 3 bologna rolls t• ""-· Top with sliced V.' ad remainiic brtad. ~ aiDdWlches on a butter id ~ abeet. Toal ln a ' _ ·~m:~~·= ~': ty/o/M/s+pe.+11• ~~·i lllde ~ ~ 5 imnutes . B' BAllD-AID f:'i\ FRENCH 1!1fc ~.Yield .• 11ndwidles. 1 ·.r ,.,. ...... 3 • P @I'll Slllll ITlllPI (;'.\ • •-• , -C tw bl , ;o.PI :~~ 66< ,,"·~ ~=~ .... · egeta es · · · .. --·---35' [jii Rll OlllllMml ::::::::: 19'1 · · •-.,,.,_ .............. ... 'I D d •n TOITI Pim ~--= '" Vm Oooc.ltrt1 Lays c.1<1 981 ~ n eman ...... ~T.111!~·-·liiTn ., ... w ---,--............ . } An ucellent way lo couple l!'O V"ielalJles that ar< just debt for dlet-w1tcbers. P1GUR&RIGHT I ClELERY AND PEPPERS i I cup water • .. 1 chicken boulllon cube • 3 CUJ>I thinly sliced celery f I m all green peppers, ,...,. :P eel and cul lnlo lhin strips (I cupo packed down) Into a medium saucepan Uie wattr and bouJllon ' '*' .. bollinl: stir to ....... Won cube. boO, cover, unUI , .. ' Ham C-enter Slices : -·1~ BoMlts• llllMs :.:::'':.~ 11 1.~ -· Gov,...,••• S:r::. 11'! Por~ s., ... , ~-:::.. 3i11 .Hen Turkeys ..:s:s.:..s~;.. 39~ Beltsville . Turkeys -...... --49~ Comish Game Hens ::_·~. 69:. Choice Chuck Steaks = 591 Family Steaks -=--~ 981 Fresh Ground Chuck .::::. 69: A\f.\1(..1, DIG I ,_m a.A• ...... 79' ...... . •.. 98' ..... ......U lott. -··~"°""" lMA. ..... ,_,.,,,.,,,_ .. ,,,.7" -··""' -.-. -.............. ,, __ , ... -. ..... --.-.._ ................. _ ... o...\ ...... C.-.. .... ,..,, ........... ,_,,,,n. -~ """ """' I«. ........................... Mt b. lineless Chuck =: 9r.. SltMWer Cled -=:::.. .. ~ htfnl Beefsteaks .=. ·1~ Beef Savsoge~~.-,;11 59! Fresh Potato Chips .:... 59' Salad Mustard = 24 ~ 29' Fancy Pickle Chips ~\f1;:' 25' Hein1 Pickle Relish ,~ 25c Pitted Ripe Olives ""5° 35' Barbecue Sauce ~<['~ 3:'1 SWIFT'S 511. PIUllUll cu Vons Fresh s.11141 Sllcetl SwluCllMH ~:,... 55c , =~ '3' .. "'n ::::... 43--_.,_··_-___ _, ::;;" : · 1 I u w .. I c OOUBLE IBLUE CHIP /// STAMPS / .... ""'-' """8 ·-....... ._ ....... " ... .....-.. ~r ... 1 °"1t" COl..tOH I'll Cl4T~a . TREMEND01Js SAVINGS! • Jlit& liante~ . . . '.._ ,, . c1iow1r-120::a::-•• r 'tf.tlr~i.i. ... --..a-....w. w.,.,,.._ ... .., .... ..,.. ..._._ .. _,._ •Vol"ll'Olll ' ...... ·-. rnrr •.• ;,.-;:..,;;-~ Tll~~ ,.,... ,.._,. ... , ·-- • ~- SHASTA ;BEVERAGE ;._,,./ ,,_, k ~ ........ ..,,,.. VEGETULES 00 "' .~ . "- ·-~~-~--·· ·--:==--...:.:-:::.:::.: .. ::::=:::::::: ~---........ ·--···---·-----. ......... -.. •---·· ·-"·--.... .., ...... _.. __ .... ---................ ,_ .... _ ... --.. --........ _, ____ .... _ .. .. --.... ----................... _ .. __ ..,.'"'._ .......... " ................... .. ~~~--............ '19' ~ ~'.!!' ......... -·----· r l !!'!~~~ ...... __ .. sr , ............... 10!19' _._ .._ IMC. UOI .............. ,,, ,,-.~1 Wllmtr's Dkll11aJ liflf .lk'llGMI J.IJ OM.T .......... ,.. tr.,, m~t tender -•••••~~~~·:r.: ...... ~~~-~~~~,...~------~~ .... ~~~~~....,....,~~....,~,,~....,~~....,~~....,....,~ ...... ....,....,.,.. .. ~~~....,....,~...,.,......, .. ....,....,....,~~ ~· -p·-,. continue MW C•O<-"'..._ •c:. ..................... 71< °"'"Dl.w.I"""" 1ta.-.................. IMl'•Y-s.... _..._...,._ ...... ""' IEVlV.OU_ lnatont ~~,,__, ...... _1t•37• Mo orin• I ~,,. 11 n-ltle!D,......, · 1&.w 11,,,ww.,..._ •u1t ................ )W: s...d.,.... .. , __ ............................ 1........,_.c-_,_.,oo.C9' .... 2't" ...... 10195' ~,._. .... -................ ... ¥tbtcr co,.red. just until ~w,.. ---•-............ M ... »c-l........,,.... .a.-........................... '°'""Dlo.-0..,0......,,, ........ --. .. ,:ie :•.. ,. _. 'I '' s.or..i .. _......._.._,.,...,_,.. 111. 42' w.v1 l'.IW111 99' Aw:tl.' In -....·1Cr1tioWi Hl.~ .............. )toc ~,11,_,,..wm I ~, .... -•c... ................ l[l"f I SH.UT• MIUSHOI. t.f#ffol'..cli,,..... ........ -............ )1& C:t:30f'T I $1\JMfil.fMI ~it l.tllder<risp -about G.tihMu..hft ---. ....... :::;:n ,,,..,.,, "' -. ................................... .u,i ...._a-.-...................... JJc. ... :::.~ .. -' ,.._.,. ......,.~,_ .. _, • .,, .. , ... 6.Jc c... '''""-"" 1 :~ ... ~~In,, <The u. 1011 Adams Ave ., al Brookhursl, Hunlington Beach 5922 ~dinger Ave. 11 Springdale, Huntington BeJ(b · 179SO Magnolia, Founlain Valley %'!':. ':~.ri~~;.. c::: .. ~!~ 340801 Doheny Park Drive, Capislrano Bea ch 21082 Beach Blwd., Huntington Beath for 80Dteooc !) .• ~1 •• ------"--~----------------"""'"""'"""'"""' _________________________________ ....,...., ___ _ •. ~--... -----------------""•w ...... x.,.., ___ ........ ;>C~"'' "'"1'""'°"•"=!. .. 1'1\'.lr;t1'1S:Cm""''"'"'""~ ¥ f"*f%f Cf -;o .... P •' w * ..,. .,,~-- I •t>OT ·ADV!RTISU l w.-.,, M11 28, 1'69 Wtd""6rt, Moy 21, 1'69 -DAil Y ....., ~ See Through ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-'=' .' • 7-136 Pop this airy, see-through Uresa over different color slips --little &irll 16ve it! Quick ·Crochet -~ identical pieces plus ruffle 1n easy-to- 1nemorize pattern stitch for party-pretty dress. Pattern 7136 : slzes 2, 4, 6 Included. FlFl'Y Cl;NTS (coins) fOr each paUern1 -add IS cents for each pattern for first~Jass mailing and speclat handling: other¥lise lhird-clas:, delivery ... will take thrtt wetkl or more. · - Send to Allee Brooks the D~l· LY PILOT, !()(; Needlecraft Dept., Bnz 163, Old Ch<!sea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Address, Zip, l'allern Numbtr. Giant, new IHt Needlecraft Ca1alo1 over 200 designs to choose. 3 free patterns printed inside. Send 50 cents now. NEW! "SO INSTANT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys. de(Orat.Qr acctssorles. ~t1ke it today, live It tomor· row! Ideal ror all occasions. 50 ce nts. "II JUfy Ra11" to knit, crochet, weave, sew. hook. 50 cents. Book of U Prize Af1llu1. SO cents. Baraain! Qailt Botk 1 has 16 beautiful pQtel'Jtl._50 cen'"'· Mu...,. Qalk Bot1> I - patterns for 12 superb ·quilts . 50cents. .,.' >• Book 3. "QdLI lor Teday·1 Ltflq''. u patte"". so "°!'\!· . ' No Simple Guideline To 'Wines "Please write a simf,le guide to every type of w ne from everywhere in the world, complete on a handy waJle~ sized card," a reader asks. Or y,•Of'da tO that effect. 'lbe ~ as you can well imqinf,, Is imp o s s.l b.I e . However, help can be provided in a,nswen: to quesliona other readua.hlte aakect. Q. What wlnea 10 with what · foodl1 A. Whatever you enjoy . MO!t people like dry red v.'ines wiU1 red. me1l9, dry y,·hite y,•ine1 with lilhlt.r ..meats and fish. aweet .wft\te Wines with deqerts, champagne and rose , wlli• with everythll1j[. Q. How ein t keep lcnover y,·in• ·~ • A. Replace cork or cap and start bottle in refrigerator. Let red wines y;ann up in the room iit ·1wt an hour before servlug, ud try to use them up m I or 2 dlya. Q. Wb~ wines do you chill? Whyf A. Chill white and rose wine11 and champagne. Tile rtaM.1 Is that they seem live1ilu'. rrtahtr and fuller ill tastt when chilled. But you can u.rtalnly drtnk them at any temperature that suits you •est. ' . Q. How much wine do you use 'n cooklh1? Isn't it ti· peiul/e? A. Mo.51. cookin1 with wine useJ nna11 amounts -a COO· pie ~ spoonfuls in • sauce or sour-. Some stews use it by the cupful, u does Swiss cheese rondue . But lhe dtliciou• result is worth the extra 25 cents or so per servlnc. Tl)' this recipe and set for yoorself : &brod 1 pound Swtu c:htese 1nd stir It iradua11y Into I ~k cup1 dry whlte wine brought cl• to bcWUna In a cuKtole or dlal~n dial> rubbad with 1ar11c. mellld, add s lablel corna ,tarch dlqolvld In S tablapoOnl ldn,dl .,. brand)o anc! l"'PPI' to tlste. Brtna to a IMlblilt and ter \lt: with crwty brnd cubtt for dlpplJti. l\lakes 4 1ervinis . • F"RMER JOHN , HOFFMAN OR LUER'S COOKED HAMS FULL 49c SHANK ', HALF I lb. b'y Enoch Wedg•wood (l llfl\IO ~)/_ltd, Savells•~ •f ept11 1teck prlc11 Cltoitt el 4 er.1111ilitt p•tt1t111 ••• 21.plect ttorl•r ••I •• 9 pi•<• 'Cef!l"lt!•• , •• YDU" for enly 1 :J loyowor certi!M;o1 ... 9,c ., •. ,., $2.00 Q11Kt')' pu•<ho1t . HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS STOPSSUNI UIN P.&IN -J.QZ., $1.t l SI ZI $J17 tac 99c a4c 84( 69( NEWUN-IURN aontf Of 1'-si.1s sizt ALLUEST TA.LETS TW1H-l'AIC -IEG. Oil EXTRA H0lo-Sl.2' ~IZl CLAIROL KINDNESS REGUlAIOI flNf -CllfME -a.oz .• " 1 0, $12 ( llECK llNSE NOllMl Oil '1, OJt OILY-I OZ., SI.Of SIZl llECK SHAMPOO 1.ARGf SIZl TUlE-It< SIZf (lf'ICf.,. l'lllCE Of') WILDROOT HAllDRESS U.$.D.A. INS,,ECTfD CHICl(tN FRYER PARTS WHOLf lfGS 59,~ 'THIGHS l UE• IOWAfAlMS .SLICED IACON 1 LI. ,l(G, 59c lUfl'S QUA.UTY lJl'o'(S 3 •o•. s1 PORK SAUSAGE 'KGS. LEG.Of'LAMi'·GENUIN! SPRING 89~ Of COIA TOI COlOIS, ,A,fl ORCHID NAPKINS CH••s·' "n's IARIECUE SAUCE ""'GI( CHff PAPEl•PLA TES f000G1ANT 1.LI . J.ll . COFFEE 1.17 1.75 GOLDEN CIEllif H.4.MIU•GEI 0 1 HOT DOG BUNS "0 · 29c OflSO 3 ,..oz.$1 ITLS. 99c 59c ~,0i 33c . PKG. Of ISO 1 11. CAN ASSOJ:tEO l'ICl(lf 4 $1 HEINZ IELISHES ";;~' TOMS.t.WYE R . POTATO CHIPS 12.oz. 49c PKG. ' DELICATESSEN OL' VIRGINI" TENDER 'N JUICY FRANKS fOOO GIANT , "l,.,M 0"''0"< DIPS : ~~~ · c;~"1" NAlllY'S XlNT • ,ou ro , Clv.ti u SAL ADS . "''"0"' Ill •COUlL~W LIQUOR SPECIALS sfiAl'iii.iouiioN $3~.~. •EGfNCT •OOM-{0.st: Of 12 ffnHS Sit l l) $1 •• CHAMP A&NE ~;:~·;~;: •••• MAlTAI MIX :.~:~ 99c CUSlOM HOUSE\ IMf'OlTEO LAUDlil'S · RAINOf P VODKA RUM SCOTCH OR FINLEY'S GIN , WHISK~ ORIGINAL FORMULA ' UGHT $339 · . f\JLl $369 oa $5~1\ QU,.RT GOlO f Ull EACH flfTH ou.t.•r conn -All GRI" OPEN leg. Hours MEMOtlAt DAY. " ' .. ...... fROZ~N NOR8EST:12.14 LBS. HEN · TURKEYS ; ·39~ 1iMl"slioui'.iii'ioasT 49,f. f."RMER JbHN, TAVERN OR B"R·S fRESH tllOZfN, U.S.O.A. ,INS,. OfNUINf Sl'llNO ··~ ao•ELESS HAMS Jcll LAMI CHOPS flESH fllOZIN~ U.S.0.A. IN$,, GfNU!Nf URINO s 119 $1~~ LOIN LAMI CHOPS "'-'ll "· FULLY ilHAii'lAMi'CiiOPS~Wo<tlofl9~ COOKED KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP I I I { QUART JAR , WITN COUPON and $2.00· Minimum Purchase I ·c LIMIT ONE JAR ONt COU~ON ,fl cus rOMfl-VA.LID THURS'. THIU SUN., 14AY ,,.JUN( I, 1969 . flfSH KIST FRUIT DRINKf - flf SH ICIST PORK&IEANS l fUGlAHT PITllO llPEOLIYES ... - «OSHEI, POUSH a. HAMllUIGfR AUNT JANE DILLS •l·OZ. 69C "' WONDERFOAM CUPS ,;;':; 59.c AMflllCANllSCUJ1-CHOC~-p..(t~ 69C SANDWIUf.(UUKIES I<~ IMITATION ICE MILK GOLDEN CREME 3 3 c All FLAVORS V2 G"llON ltLNT MEXICAN FOODS DINNERS • I••'•• C"-•'* [nchilo"-• c .... 111"01i•11 1'101• • ""-">c.11 l'I••• ltEG. PKG. 45c ENTREES • lttl btthitoda1 • Chtti.. hKhU., .. o . ,, LONG GREE N SLICING CUCUMBERS 2i29c ' 2!29c SWEET ITAUAN RED ONIONS lAlllGE, IROWN STEAK MUSHROOMS v.-L•. 39c Cal Fame lo)si!Mfrr, er t~e11t ,t..,it 0i1 .. 1 •• 46-ol. cans 3 for SI HILLS BROS . MAllGARINE SI RAINlO OR JUICE C~UNK LIGHT MEAi !UNA MARGARINE Hunt's Chili Beans ... ~ ... ,,,, .. no. 300 can 2 lor Ji:· I lb. can ·69c CHIFFON SOFT STICK 2 lb. can Sl.37 J-lb. can $1.99 " 33c ,, l\! p+.. -• 0 Ol. jar 11.19 Favor Furniture Polish ............ ,., .... 1101. s~ay $1.IS Gloty Spray foam Rur Cl!ancr .. , ..... : ....... 24 GT. $1le SI. 79 Royal Gtl•~n. •Ii flavors ............ , •.•... 3~1. pk1. 3 lo< 29' Royal Puddin1 Mi111 (in<!, 2c 0111 •.•••.. S·OI. l•mliplze 2 lor 27c ~ ScOtt flci•l lissut, ..• , .... , •. T •. , .• ph1. ol 100 29c Diamond lun<11"" Pl•tes .••.. , ..•. , .... 1 .. , ... pkg. ol 40 89c GERBER BABY FOOD • "•· 1oc '" ., OUlRGlNf IVORY SNOW rm 33 c · J ,1,. ,. CHICKEN OF THE SEA M 11 t •1 '111 1; I fl 31 c· 49c DEllRGlNI TIDE XK '' ~ tll BLUE BONNET I '· 27C it• ~·&· . z: 51f ~flf-AU CMJl~S BUTIER-NUT ~69 c Hunt's New Potatoes ........... no. 300 can 2 for 35c Hunt's Tomato CatslJ p . , , .. , • , • , , , 20-oz. btl. 33c Mar Kes fro zen Beel Tacquitos , , • , , , 14-oz. pkg. 59c "THESE "JCIS IFFECllYE THURS. tllr1 SUH. Mil ll·JUHE T, llH =--:-:"'~ .. ·'.\ ' ' " .. FOOD I~ GI J\. NT .,-'( ii:::::-::_=-:-,-· -::. ::;;.~ .:,J, ' I 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wiison St., Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa • ' ,. ' ' ,. 1. • ~~ ~ILOT Cling, Swing . ---,.-.--;;--:-~ -------· ---~-M --...=--.. ., .. ----· . -·-~ ·--._,,,-~· ~· ----~-­---- 9335 SIZES '·" CUnJinc above, swinainl below waist! 'Ibis iJ the look Ulat's catching on ror sum- mer. Dell&lll in tbt subtle rise .ol ~ neck, fiulliru! pleats. Printed Pattern 9335: NEW 1tfuses' Sizes I, Ill, 11, 14, II. Size 12 (bust 34) require• 2li yards 4$-inc:h fabrk:. SIXTY-FIVB CENTS i a -fO< -pattern-odd 15 cents for each pattern for f'!'l-<laos malling and special handling; otherwise third~ delivery will take three weeks or more. Seod to Marian Mortin, 't!ie DAILY PILOT, «J Pattern Dept., m Wost lllb St., New York, N.Y. IOIU. Print NAME, Al). DRESS witb ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUllllEB. Spring Send41! Ma<e !rah, youne, easy-sew styles in ~pring-Summer P a t t e r n Calllog. rr.. pattern coupon . H eents. New INSTANT SEWING Book -shows you how to stw u-today, wear it tomorrow . o...c 500 pic:tureo. Only II. >50th-State .Lends Air • ,Of Aloha • · If you're planning an afler- tbe-prom brtakfast for the CfO'luotes, why nol do tt Aloha at)ilt? All th~ way. . • ,Sliced halabhikl ( r r e s h )iionpple) ud ......,, ber- ries and melon balls in a tioHowed watenneJon boat. Let it double as your centerpiece, tOo. ~ Then scrambled eggs, done to the cap and gown crowd's tastes; lhicl< 3'lees ol ham on the aide. Tall CDol 1W-ol milt. And -o1·t1o1 fnlit Alolla Mu!llD&. TINY ALOHA • MUFFINS 2 CQPI blscuit mil' ~If. cup sucar '3 tablespoom soft butter I Oig '~cup milk •J. cup flaked cocoaut or ~ !'IP well-crush<d Plneapple 'Canlectloaers' 5111ar lciD& Flaked COCODUI 0< ooanely cbopped outs Heat oven to 400 degrees. <rreue W\J muffm cups. Mil -mis and sugor: cul in -· Add egg and mllk: _.........,yhaH-- Fold in cocooul F ii l pnflftll mollln cups 113 run. Bab U lo II _..._ Wblle ...rm, fl"Olt w i t h a. fed.loners• sugar i c i n I . Sprinkle each lli tb coconut. _, .......... Serve at least two tiny mu(. fins per plote. Tuclc the others into a straw basket. lined with a opWby florlll nopllin. Pass them apin ud apin. He.re are a few variations. for )'Ollr 9CJ'Mlbted egs. Make ,...-favorite recipe ex· cept -frizzle small lhln .pieces ol a>oked ham In Iha melled huller bela<e addiDI ew. Or make scrambled eggs wilh -by llnl coot- IDC aod ldirrir!C allced rr..h "' cannod mushrooma (I to I t.t' poo11 for eadl ·eg) 'kl Ille melted butter .. Ganlilb wltll panley, A lei ol panky ~I« eadl Mn'inl "-"it;. Wanl to 10 all out, -paper leis for every """' -llll loble wtlli ...,, -· ,,,.. .. the ... l'!'elb lo the Ea&1, -..... Cihom al "Aloha.• Just berore they thonk you for a Jovel)' Alm• Mtter pan,. / ' • • ' ·~ . ' , ALPHA BETA ·· ·~ea ~~eu ./ · · • GARDEN FRl:SH CRISP 5a.IO HEADS ' ,. LOCAL GROWM • CRISP CUCUMBERS ' - A SALAD FAVORITE 10! YOU~ AND.TENDER ' ,., CAIRO TS J.[8, ' CELLO BAG 10c A SALAD FAVORITE FUERTE AVOCADOS ) '[!]4 r!1°0 !HISE .. ooocr PRlt[S ITTmM Tl\tllilJ.IY throoll> WIDN[SO.IY MAY 29 ~.,Ill JUNE ' .. ~ '"' . ' ' , ·. ' I ~' r , , h , ~ T SOMt_ AL~CT• • •10ll'ls r CMICt ·Pl I .. 'llOl,UTE 'Ill' , ' . . I Y.Dlil()l1f • 11).0lJNC& CAM .llLLY CAR wax t::M-\. 72 OUNCE • PUST!C ~DECAITER$ @ j'UICE' GLASSES • O"JNC!: aonu: • ffAlfl co:101110:-:r.~· $·I~ lllECl BASIC 211 . . I& owct a~u: • wmt BOOT IRECl CREIE RIISE ' I \ Jll $127· !~Ill "'SC~' !jl S f l'[~ I l<~ I sax or l'Z FAMILY SJZE !ACS µCH O G_MAJ:[S t CUPS).lfk UPTOK ~' W $ 49c ..,., &OX ·Of' 4a , ' ' E% ¥s • CHOCOU.TJ!'!'l"VARtrtT·pJ.c!: @ PACX:or~~ • CHOCOLATt fl[QGJ . 55j SEGO INSTAJIT'Ol(T 19c e.i OUAR'i'CA.'-1 ..... ~:fil.c~ uahti '39c 3~ ' i MAXWb.l. HOUst ., m:CUUR o: Uf.CTRA PElllC 68' COFfll ! ·LI. CAN . &le I" 2·1B. CAN 1.37 ti..» 3·1.8. CAii 2.GZ 11.- ~A'i\lii'il 'i\Buu.INSTANT l.51 1111 • .. .1-1.1. CAN. OR!P, iu:o:.:u!!: O!': ntc. PEF:r. 68' HiHs Bros. Coff11 69c '" '1-Ul. CAN RtG • .,, ttr::. rr1u;: 1 J1 11.u ·10 ou~Ce TAR .ll&t111'1orru >.19 1111 l OilllCT. !A'R rJ'l~.Dl\lED COfFrt $ 111 _., 1.79 I~ OONCt CAll • OJ!...\1;ot • O!':APt H~"o'Ri~Cll uc 111 t.lJ!. BOX • ~'OWD or SRO'•V1l 17' . Cl K St!GAR 1k ' S:t.5. IAG Gl\At1UUi'ED ~II~ Sic ' U . PACO.Gt • ll:T PUJTtt) 27' KWT IWSllMlllOWS 2k ' , II<: GU.SS JARS GERBER STRAINED BABY FOOO, 10' TOTAl OISC UUNl S E~EllY [I A'f ' - .. .... -· i,u,,....~ai :na~···. , ~f~·1.,. '· ~~~·~~--"J.1 "Jud (foe Flo~ist Quality at fantastic total discounts·· ... . ' ' BUNCH ASSORTED COLOR~ " 7'if41e~ STOCKS .:.::• ,, .. , FRESH CUT s1••' r G~QIOLUS .. ~ ,, fREsH Clll 9. 8. . !¢· M'~RGUERITE C DAISIES 'auMt" ' ' fJlfSH CUT MAJESTIC DAISIES IUMt" rRESH CUT RAINBOW ASTERS IUMtK BABY 88 BREATH ~,, FllESH cur' CALENDULAS l lllCM 78c~ ----m91'CUT ·CARNATIONS ASSO!Ttl) COlORS IUKCM Sl48 POTTED '' MUMS FREEi .ltmon L .. 1 Ind floral p1p1r with .,fltt purcllose of 111 cul flowt11 IWw Pricu OnlJ lin 1hi• odl lfll<1lw 1hrcutll SUHD,\Y, IUllE Isl 'f_, I~ -~. 1J·~ ( !J ' 1 "!I,!; < ~l 1:JJi i' i'~.> TO' --:::}_ (~ . ..s · 6" - • --~---------------------------- ··~ .. ... ... ,, ·' ,, -. ' •' ... 1 • Y~IJ.PHA•BETA'Nei&hlJOrhOod But<:het (the Man In lhe Red·Apron) Prou~y Offers -B·UTCH!f! !IIDE MEATS ' • i '! ' ' ,. .,,,, .• MJATS ··YO!!'LL ·ll• PitoUD TO ·SIRvi J \. . -. • l'~ &-' • ' ' • ' . .. • • •DISCOUNT ,,_ICED• QUAllTY & SAllSfACTIQN GUAAOOEEO ••U.S. GOYERNMEHT lNSPECTEO COLORA.DO·BW ' ' ~ . --., . ' ' -~·- ' ALPHA BETA IVICHC!'S PaJDI ~,EEF BONO.ESS I ·~ELESS I FUll CUT STEWING FlM.ILY ROUN D BEEF STEAK STEAK a9 ;. s1 ~· 98 :0 ~'c'liiSPiITT[~ ricoii StlCEO (i.s1£R1' QUAUTY lllOM lHE LUER BACO N ,g3:~ .. I Helltf•y Week Stera Hour11 Mon. throuah Thur1. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. • friday 10 A.M. ta 7 P.M.·•·htwrllay & 1••4., 1t. \.M. ta 7 P.M. r A !J ' .1J1~ ' ... l•A, [) ~CO'JN!S • W[R~ 0.li~ fil.ICfD • i9c V ALW: Ali MEAT BDlDGNA OSCAJ\ MAYER !.!;.\l· P.&C'tAGt 811W All Ill.IT WIUlplS 79< It' GALILEO • l OUN'i~.P.":_\'t!'Aqf._ 41' SllC!ll ITAllAN -·~ I o¥E CHUB. 1 '. .lie 1 ~ ·. ' i QIJ>lce PA CU.Gt WI> WFT SllCfD • &'ti 1:1T11' NATUlllJ. SWISS CHE£$E lie "" ~I'~.... Al.PHR IETII • 15 OU~"Ct CIJITOI: TO' ~T~%"hlAD. WITH tH 3ll 2·L!, CM TON • &9r; .VALU& lk • < ·;;~ !(>.ROEN$ • \.J.! CA8TOll 31' '-·: ~ DAftlSH MA~G.l~E ~~ • \ ' 1QTA: DISCOUNTS l'itRY DAY • "• • TOTA\ fllSC!H ... T: (~llH [)Af 'SOM£ AltllA IETA STORES DISCOOlfl CHM« PltlCl tO OUNCE PACKAGE "6if; @ GRUM G!AHT • T11ozt/; NIBLET CDRN 35c " •• 10 OUUCL PACltAGE 'ta. @ GREEN GIANT • f ROU:N M'EDIUM PEAS 37c " •• ~ GRl:1:11 QlART" f'!loztN ~.SHOE'Pf~ cowm· 39c ·- @ GRl:tN GIANT • •ntO'ltN l~OZ. PACKAG£ 3&' BAIT lll!AS 39c • ... • cA!MY • Ol\ANGt • !WNllOW ..... i ~l'lpfclt1 2tc 26' TROZEtf • • OUHCE CM' REGUtAR °"!'!N<~t!oVALW: 11' RlPltll lll1f1 UllD!WIE 12 oz. C°AN • 2Sc VlWt 21c l,'1 GAL .• rAMlt:l'PAf . Mc VALVr RAif Atl!IA BETA Jct CflE.lM -' ' . TROT.tiH • 1•11.ACK IWNA NUii£!$ . r"ozttl•• 1s o~ lilaMDEACI a.. CllUE PIUA . lie UV' It-OUNCE . ~ U US AOt OJI .PEPf!El\OHI t k ~ ASOOftTSliCOLOM 6 WH!Tt Sf!IWlll i111hl< -TOILET Tlllll 27• 1"' • 11.l.NQUl:T '"PRO!Etf • r.u1. PACl'.AG!l IUSTl!t Al' I. lAf OR tNJOY COLD 0 DELICIOUS PIECES '* \7f FR IED CHICllEI ~ JU•, r PRICES EF~ECTIVE IN ALL ALPH A BET A MARKETS • . WtdrieJd•u MiJ 28, t'J611' • . . ' . '~ ~,. . . l • .~ . " " GIVE .JUNE B . ' ....... ~ . '°"' """ In>." iTOlllS' ·plJCOUH"I' CllAllGt PlllCI· It,.. KTI • SllCCD • 4St VAUI( .ti PU lt. '41 ¢ . HOT DOI BUNS Jr· I' , ·-·· @ . '1• OZ. Ci.J.l•o'8IE'P''iWml EGO •MPO W!Cll~ • 131 KAL·ON Dn JJiO.D ·Uf , ) . ··~ \ . ~·OUNCE C · • ~-~ JOOO 13c 1 11~ . ' .-'\ '"~'>l/!l" 10. orr .,.. @ GIANT SIZE PACKACJt :• 111$TANT fElS .. II c VIII' tNCt.UDES ~ orr &Ali @ OlANT SIZt PACK'-0 £ NlWS DthJPDI lie-· ~~ .. ~.imc~~ ~~Wifttf'· Ito . ,,;,.~~~~~~---.• ?Clt111cu""""" I l'IEOU i.AA.. PlA){VT . M.lh"T ...... -.,_, ~tJUW I ilc 211 ' ' " .. • • ' . ~ OAJLY ;ILOf • Fixing Beans .. .A $nap • n...e exlt1·1\lflg snen llD'P beans which ·wt aee· tn 'mot'2 and more Prt\duce m1rke~ are called "Pole bean1." ~. Pole bean; can be cookec/, ta • crlap-tendef lntlhe &a!l\e tline required rcr·u.e smaller blllh beans, but'ltlOoger cookJ.n&,11 preferred , thq may be cooted ' an hour or longer without IOI- ing thtJr lhai>e and ·16tuno. • • POLE BEANS OIUl!f\lr All Remove Ups from 1 .Pa&alcf fresh pole , beans; , 11 f c • diagonally tnto l·inch piece5. ;\ Melt Z tabltspoons buUer or ·- margarine in a large sklUet. Add bean! along with 1 mediwn onion , finely cbopP.td t ~ and t clove aarlrc:. finely minced. Saut.e over medium heat. stinina: occaaionally, a l.o 10 minutes. Season with \ii teaspoon salt and dash ground black pepper. Serve with meat, fish or pouttry. Yjeld: 4 servings, POLE BEANS·PISTACHIO' Remove Ups Crom 1 pound fresh pole beans: cut into I· inch pieces. 1n a.. large skillet bring 1-lnch salted water lo boiling point. Add pole beans and cook WlCQVered for 5 minutes. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 10 minutes or un.. til just crisp tender ; drain. Add I tablespoon butter or margarine and 2 lablespoohs shelled chopped pistachio nuts. Season to taste wi(h aalt. and black pepper, Yield : 4 ae.rv• ings. MARlNATED POLE BEANS Rerliove tips from 1 ~d fresh pole beans: cut into ·2. inch lengths. lQ a medium saucepan bring 1-inch salted water to boiling point. A~ beans and cook uncovered for 5 minutes. J;teduce heat, covU and simmer 10 minutes or un- til just ~r'is~tender. Drain, transferring _beana to a bowl. Add 1 can (3 to ,4 ounces) sliced mushrnms, drained : ¥• cup bottled French or Italian dressing and • 2 tabl .. poons chopped pimiento: toss geally. Cover a n d refrigerate 5 to I hours. Serve as an hors d'oeuvre or as a salad on a .lettuce leaf. Y>eld : 6lol.-. .. ' • Pine·apple Glorifi es Chicken Chici<en breasll!I and pinu~ pie make a delectable skillet team . CHICKEN BREASTS WITH 'PINEAPPLE 1 tablespoon flour ~{! teaspoon salt v, teaspoon nutmeg . 2 chicken breasts,. halved and skinned I tableSpoon butter · · 1 can (81A ounces) pineapple slices 1,z to I teaspoon ini.nced fresh ginger, if avi11Uable On waz paper st.ir together lhe flour, salt and nutmeg; dip chieken in mixture, lightly coating both sides. In a. lO·inch skillet heat th~ butier: add chicken a.nd C®k gently, turning as n~. until pale golden color and white through -about 20 minutes. • Rempve chicken and keep, wann in a low oven. To skillet add pineappCe fi ncluding syrup )and, U Uled, the ginger; ·over hlgb heat boil, turning plneapple ~· unttl syrup is 1'duced bY about one-half -about 5 minutes. Spoon the glaze over the chicken ~ and 1amiab with pineapple slices. Makes 2 pineapple .1llcet. Maka 2 large serving>. F irst'Course A d•lllhUul (Im coune [rom the pantrytheK . 1 can' <iO camcet) froun condensed lobot.r ooup Milk I can (711 OWICU) ld~g crabmeat, drained and allced • , · 2 tableslJOOM mi~ filth dlU, If available. f>r<fare the 90Up llCCO~IJJ8 lo dirtdlona on lhe -uain& lhe amo1int GI milk ca!lt<I !or. Add crabmeat and, ~ ...i. the dill: -t potly. If ... p la thicker th11 JOU Uke, thin with milk. ljalill I ..,. ..... -Family Weekly • Now in Our family: • I I " .. ' I • • llolll.V mar W""""'1, M17 2'. 1'69 • New Cheesecake Frees Dieter's Conscience Budget Blues Beaten How're your New Year's resoluilOns holding up~ -Y~'ihose funny little promises you made mooths ago. • dike reading more or ,.,,q,q less: speading mo.. time with lhe kids and oh yes, budgelijlg more diligently . Too· often, resolutions are just passing fancies -to be &aid then forgbHen . Here's a suggesUon to make your pen- oy-wise, time-saving resolu· tions come lrue. Stock your pantry she]( with convenience foods. ' Intelligent ·menu plann1ng with convenience foods rtaps exciting yet budget beating results. Skillet S u r p r i s e Sauerbrat.en, f o r irutance. teams economical condensed onio n &o up . crushed gingersnaps and canned diced carrots with another thrifty favorite, ground beef. The re5ult. .• FANT ASTJ C. The meal's com'plete with a disp green salad and apple crunch made with canned pie apples. com flakes and im- agination. See, resolutions can be fun to resolve. SKRLET SURPIUSE SAUERBRATEN 1 poond ground beef I cup diagonally sliced celery J can (IO~i Oun«s) COil· denaed onion soup "'-~~ cup water "'2 tablespoons \\'inc \"lnegar I cal\ (8 ounces) diced car- rols. drained 1,4 cup ..:r umbled gingei-.Mllps Price1 011 ~ btefit o~ Folr Traded oftd GoYotrrt- ment COf1tr11lled H1m1. AU LUCKY STORES WRLllEMAIN OPEN MIMOllAL DAY FRIDAY, MAY 30th ... tllt t.. 111-lhtM .. "'' .... ~1 .. , .... ., .................. .t ., ............ ~ ......... • _ hry.. .. i..cky. • ....,, .......... -··-37' -"""""" ·~ --1..w. ........ _. IANQUIT MEAT PllS ...... _ 18' ... t;yfktt-- B AND M BAKED BEANS 33° llUlfS=r=r. _____ 59c L111011-1••TMS ~~---····$1" • l'llAISC.":...~ _65' D lllCllAllOff ::::::. _______ 49• ...... ICIU.--66' ... ur."""--·-------fROO COCKTAIL::::""' -21• MOITON MAWONl:="-.40' · UllY'S FllllTS ::lt" ... 24' MRS. SMITWS P11 :=."1:.~~!--19' PEAR HALYES:~r=--47• . COFFEE •NGS:t~'m:=::, ... 65< DOll"PINEAPPLI := ... __ 25• HAWAIIAN PUNCH:::.::::. ..... : ... 35' HUNT'S PlAOIS :,.. 29' CRANIEllRY JUICE :~'.--55' GRAPE JUICE :l~~-···············37' APPLE JUICE :::~······-····-·-···-39' rr.' .... K.yfkt! V;T HARVEST DAY . VEGETABLE JUICE -'6·0UNCE CAN 33° cur GRUN BEANS ::'..."'l'I:.-.. ·-··· 24' .... HUNT'S POTATOES:."1:..12' GREIN GIANT PEAS ..... , ... ___ 22• DEL MONTI CORN r.:l" ...... : .•...•. 23' . ,.~ IHI . ·---• ' .,... • •ll. ·.1 .. w. -:..t.. ' DINNER ROUS~'.~.;..~33' COLLIER'S BRIQUnns,_,...._,,. JE~LO DESSERT ~~":'.. ....• . .11' DREAM WHIP:':"-~-•...•..... 87' scoonR P1tS ::O::.':.m-:::::~ .. 43' DR. ROSS DOG FOOD C'.~.15' Our LOW Ever)<layPrice! PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT HARVEST DAY DRINK "46-0UNCf CAN 2 ·&0 ' "LOT ·ADvtitTfSER lUCKr.S TOP QUALITY "IONOfD" MEATS .,,OUAIANflfO ,Oa flAVOlt & JfNDfltNISS COMP Alt I ANO SAVll TURKEY HINDQUARTERS ..... ~-~~~-~?~~.·.·.~ .... 291~. GROUND CHUCK ••• ~·~:-: ••• 771~. CHUCK snAK .••••• !~~i. .... 63.t SIRLOIN TIP STWl ......... 11:~ CHUCK ROAST ...... ~~::• ..... 59 ,:. -1.J.ISN TASTr IYl•YDAY OISCOUHT PRJCID DfLICATfSSfN ITfMSt-~ ~~~~~~~~•-.,-M,.,.J-U. ·~· 59c ·~'!~i~f. .. ~.~~•••••••••••••••·,.••••••J '1·lM. $1 17 ·~~....!..~~..!'!T!o-.1-.._, ... 33c ~~~~ ~AJ!~ !~.~-~-~-~-~11.0.. ,~ 73 c 2'2~~!~~t .. ~ ......... 69' ~ ' .... ~fktt·--- ~~!\~!.~.r:~~~~~i.~s.~ ... 66' SALA~~~~\s1NG ??Jl5_0~?~~~-~.~-~.~.~~-~1-1~. ,.,. 73c ~~ ~s~~s~' ~o~~o~~E~:R ;;~~, .. ~~"-~~c ::~~~: ae CJ Our LOW Evcritlay Pr ice! HAMBURGER & HOT DOG HARVEST DAY BUNS 8-COUNT PACKAGE '-~f-~ .. ;.. ~ +~. ;,';;i ~U-l.CMnl11 · .AN FOOD :l\";".::."'. ...... _. ___ 36• Aut r-...~.~.'.~~-~ .......... 11 ( LEMONADE :~ ........................... 21' ORANGE JUICE :::t"~·············-·····53 ' SUNKIST JUJU ::~:. ......................... 26' llOUIEllOlD ITEMS . SCOTT TISSUE =:...:.;:.'.'.~ ..... 38' LUCKY FOIL :l.\':'T'."l ............................. 24' IONDWARE PAPER :::l\' .••....•...... 11" ORCHID NAPKINS :::'.~: ••................ 53' GALA TOWELS ::.::~;:L .............. 32' Our LOW Everyday Price ! CHRIS & PITTS BARBECUE SAUCE l 4·0UNCE IOTILE 33° LUCKY IONDI D OILICIOUS IAlllCUID · ROASTiNG CHICKENS .. : • ..:.•.,49 ,\ GROUND ROUND .... 7\\:."': ••• 89 .t. RUMP ROAST .............. 91~ . PORTERHOUSE STEAK $139 lb. JAILS 0,, BACON ' ·\ \' ' 1\ ~----. . . l .,·~ '""·' "" .• LUCKY IUND 1·,0UND PACUG( 65C SllCED L,, _____ , I ~~!!i~~~.~!1e! I~ ~ ................ MOM0.69' ~.V,~~~~~~kt-···············-····M· .. -79' ~~.~~s~.~~!~~.~.~~.~-~ ................... 79' ~~~~.~~~1~.~~~~ ..... ~ ................ 79c Our LOW E><r)day Price! BEVERAGES CANADA DRY 12 -0UNCE CAN ea SfHOLD ITElll''. IVORY SOAP :::~:~~.:.~.·-·-···-·-... -21• IVORY FLAKES ::-:,u ...................... 79' OXYDOL DnERGENT -· -····· 83' SALVO DETERGENT ~:·:. •......... 75' IOlD DETERGENT .... _ ••... 83' IVORY LIQUID :;~:.':~~ ......................... 58< ... BRAVO FLOOR WAX ....... 99• ,Generous dash g r o u n d cloves ·Salt and pepper PIWIURY POTATOES :=-.... _55• / ~ ·. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY AIDS wn~Van de Komp's111• AN OUTSTANDING VlRIITT OF FRESH BAKERY TREATS! SAFEGUARO SOAP :::::... . .. -.. 20• SPIC 'N SPAN CLEANER"""'·····93• GOODWINS AMMONIA • .,~ .... 45' Jn skillet, brown meat , stir· ring to separate and cook celery until almost tender. Pour off fat Add remaining irwredienU:. Cover; cook over IQJV heat 20 minutes. SUr now and then . fl1akes 4 servings. Celery Bake Place 1 quart sliced celery, ctft t n to 1-tnch pieces, in a 1nedium saucepan. Add 2 Lablespoons water. Caver and 1.:ook ovfr low heal IS lo 20 1nJnutes .or unlll just crisp-ten- der. adding additional water ir needed. Transfer celery to a 9f09erole. Combine ~ cup mayonn1ise with Vt cup milk, ·.i· teaspoon salt end dash ground white pe-. Pour o~-e r celtry. Sprink1e with 2 la~s grated Panneun L-llld J tablespoons OOn>-flallt crumbs. lake uncovered In a pr'lheae.i moderate oven (350 f .) 10 m'trtutet or until heated thoroughly. hr!e<t •• • fish er seafood KaMJ'.ll)lnimenL Yi<Jd: 4 lo I 1trv!n1s. • DEL MONTI SPINACH ... "~······ 20' CLAMATO JUICE :m· ... ···--····25' DU MONTI TOMATOES = ...... 26' swm REUSH :r.~-.... -.34< ~· .... ~fktt-­w MACARONI KRAFT DINNERS 7V4-0UNCE IOX • COLGA n DENTAL CREME CJiWelltf ....... I....._. ............. rMM.Hlt -"'"*'-'-"' 111• :;.l-.L 71 c MENNEN SKIN BRACER .,.-BOWL CLEANER :::·~ .............. 75' (ll MOit UKIY STOIU) • Pl I \II WW i.11111*1\I/ 111111\lilll\I/ IDOK FORKEY BUYS ?.~~~.~,~~~-.. ~~~-$2'' RARE SCOT WHISKY $3,, k.+tll.nfttihlllt ................... . ~~.;~~""' . .. . $355 LUCKY'S MOINING.fllSH PIODUCI IS SILICJID FROM THI flNIST QU '°"'°"'-lQM ITY THAT PllLDS AND OICHAliDS YIELD ... 'AMPllllD ~~ "1 • KllP THE PllSHNISS AND FLAVOR POI YOUI IATINO INJOYMINT ••• AND DISCOUNT PllCID IVllYDAY. . ,!!~~NAS POTATOES (utnl •-n ee'• n.tt 10' u .1. NO. I GIA.DI •Ultltl =~~ .. ==·~~ 1 0 .......... ·: 5 5 c ............. "· •-.. .......... . ........... , .. • • •. " ' ' ·-------~-----~----------------..J I ' ' ' • . , ' r . ' ' ' Survival Available-.in • Wilds F9od· ·for .Feastirtg., .Fun . and . I NEW "YORK (IJPI) -Tbe llllo Wllh ult, and U JOO wllh, world 11 Win II a a~ 11 ·l>llQ .pepper. wbuo Ille_.,..,.,...., -.,.. "II liley are at aU cootrecl U., same way. And Ille ,,... ilcroA the tonlii;ni -.-elPI .._ tall, &lys , elaatlc, bowtver, the at Inn ...a..i pods """ Im• .Md -ID lhO rich, mollt IOll .Anllor. Tbli ,_ laaves wings 'of ·the -have "'!the aide with lqasl ~ljeak. of f!eldo, yanls, roa4'1des,and malre -llld Ille cocked developed loo far ID nial!O or you may_llke whit..., can ' -tblcbtl. It someUmes s.Ja<i. . .Aod ~ ID<portJcular brtnp out iii taste. ~•Senobiil. · And .....,.. ....,_ s hould ' .. ii • ~ llJe '"""'8od• u -. ........... ~ • • • f'l'OI, -lo -and lo Wll, _ -~•line -¥cW. il ean be 1he rival of and aiso survi•'~Ct in case. uparagui in taste. But you Bui JOO ~· DoOJ,-lo f study have lo <OOit the milkweed tholOlllhlY ,.,,.., ,e )I I b le , Dower buU ""' deUcac)'. ~ eldq." · do for a stew." grows· u tall as a baatetball "Rilnninl t"8 opnillla a close ,AaiJer ""'lkl tbe YOUlll and ' At!lfer devotes 1111·>d>a~r player'• -11, ii bollow .. tem· -aail """' aurpusJng tender 6ip leaves miled with to wUd lettuce. ''I delectable med and leafy. He mlilel In Into a aaiad by tearing &be leav~ lnlo bite size pi.. ai>d fllliq -bowls. To 1erve f, start wttb 1 Cf/Id frying pan and liow)J cook 4 diced slices of ~ until crbp, tilting the fat ID wbat'• not. And ia ·our In- creasingly urllon1zecl -Id, simply flodln( the foods often takes a' Jot of doi.Dg; But the looking ~ fun as well as rewarding to the palate, we'n assured by one expert on wUd foods II the North • American •continent. Ho la Bradford Angler, who has 'been garnering knowledge of wild edibles Md drinlaibles sin<10 his Y"'l'I' , • in ·New Eng"°"" lllf ~if<oceg Jaler in the ru,6!inouittal ... ' Of New Me.dco ...,.t the Paclllc C9a1t. Angler .~ supported himself.Jiy writing jJr A._. Higbw.,; e<lmtry ai>d'.said tlult ' often · ~ Dlain . nourisbment was ftGia planb" alqog' with wild mf8t' an4 fish. ~ •which resut\ed from thi.9 often.wilderness llvirli in- clude l.\!~demess Gookuy" and "i,i::oe for the: Eating." Now, he11 ~ented tbeSe with ' • M o r e Free-for-th&- eating WUd Fiiods,.(8taclipole Books). He's gone into detailed recipes for tbe familiar wild plum jelly to the more com- plicated preparaUon of JUch as acorn pancakes to French lried salsify,' the latter a plant whose roots taste to some palates like shellfish. Salsify, which grows from coast to coast also is known a s goatsbread and oy~r plant. And its tops can be cooked as greens. Angier holds that wild plants aren't as ,scarce as one might think -some of them grow "free for the ta~ in yards, vacant Jots, fields, along roadsides and seashores, on mesas, strea.JQ banks, lake edges, and within marshes and ~'.lquestered woodlands." The author does~t suggest trying t.o learn all the commao wild edibles in one season. I l\$lead add recognition of a few each seasbn. And" liis book has illustrations ta help in the recognition. There is the pinon -"the common tree you can eat." One of the pine family, Angier says that nuts of the pibon not only are pleasantly sweet by themselves, but also add flavor ta salads of the edible greens often found flourishing nearl>y'\ ' ' If you'rt in pinon country (western" United States and sooth to MexiCo), here is one of Angler's suggestions for us- ing the · nuts in dandelion greens. · To serve 4, you'll need 3 tablespoons of salad oil sizzl- ing in a frying pan. Then stir in 1h cup or pinons, ~ cup of diced black olives. 1/4 cup of seedlesa raisins and a small ma.shed clove of garlic. Arter 3 minutes, put in the greens that have been tom to bite size, including a reasonable number of buds if P<'&'ible. -the heat, cover, and cook on1y until warm and tender. Season to B.eef Big Business ·The cattle and calves ralsed in California in the last 4 year1 contributed $430 mllllon more than all the gold ever dug out of the Sierra . California is the number one agricultural state in the nation and beef is her number one agricultural commodity, One out of three jobs in the state is connected with agriculture, so California Beef is big business. California ranks third na~ · lionally in the production of quality grain-fed beef. California's cattle herd bas grown from 2 million head in 1920 lo 5 million bead In 198!. AveralJt: week1y earnings have increased more than 80 per cent ai.ooe 19$0, while beef prices have increased about 20 per m~urtliitsame perJOd.-- CaWc:irii.lans consume ap- prolimately 1311 pounds of beef per penon, per year -or 30 pounds tb6vt. the national aver1p.1 The Clute industry , ranks with aerosPace and electronlcl as example• of Calliornla's s op h lttl c;: ate d economlc: dev~ cattremen t o d a y ~ are graduates of agricultur~I col· legea with beckgrouDds in marRdna, riwce ai>d 10- c ount l n 1 u well as •fricultulO. them ih some estimates, are young dande.llon greens, the and vitamin-teeming relative Whtn juat a few Inches tall, the flnn, young Pods," Ao&ier buds themselves prepared and ol d~1 vari•ie1." It wild let~ makes a tasty •'-A .. •i ' . ' ' \ . FRES,_H TURKEYS'~'"'"' 48< ROUN" STEAK "11 '''" 0 '" 10 • 95< A lo 8 po1.1nds • •• ••.,.lb. Ii!" C¥ice lfff • ••••••••••••• Lb: ' BEEF· t lVER ,, .. h. S>1~n.' ........ : ....... 1,.5.9<' ,;PORTERHOUSE STEAK choiu ..,, ,,159 : r I ' -' ' ' ' . BONELESS;HAMS ""molCY<oll Holl ·" 139 -T 'B"'NE STEAK· • 149 ' wt!ole, Fully Cooked lb. • ' !!', "fl' .. .. 'Choke llte! ••'•!i•;••.L•i•••••• lb. Bun' PORTION HAM ~:':i~J:"r.59 ' :yop SIRLO.IN. ST.EAK t~,; .... , .... lb ·l 79 GROUND BEEF ;·;:~:,~;::~~~ ..... .' lb.49( ~JRLOIN TIP STEAXc,;," •• 1 ...... .1, 13' RlJMlf ROASTchoiullooolo ................ tb.93C FRESH. 'FR.YER·s· """''"'~" 4· 1 c ; _ adtA, •••• ,,00,,,,,,,,,, lb,· SLICED BACON ~~;:::.~:: ............ ;,67c FILLET;;HALIBUT ,,.,, ..... , ............. ,,.49c 1flL1·ET 'PERCH ,,,,.,, ....... •·~•·• -69 c ·~ H.it ond Eot • , , ••••• ,, , • ,,,,,lb, • ..I ... , ~ ' ' • ~ ' ' ' ,. • · .... ,, -~~,~· ·· · : Swift's P.remjum · 'ully Cooked-Bone ·1n .··~,GAME HE·NS p~~~~N HAMS ~ .......... · ,., BIG ~· ., 22 OZ. SIZE "~ EACH lb. ·WIENERS .• .;.. •• ,,,..,.. . · . '4·9( . Sliii11es.s ••• ,,,,...,:,,,, ••·•• •••,,,,,,,,,,lb. WiENERS i;::;:;.~: .... ~ .................... ,,. 79 ( CANNED HAMS "·"·""' 4 49 , • Ovol Ti~ •• •••••• •••••• ,.;,, , LUNCH 'MEATs•-•··,;..,,.11M ••• , ..... 59c Cotto Salomi, "Slictd 14 oz. CHEESE Alb~h"'""dom . 79( .Wtight longhorn ••••. •••••••• ,,, •••,, ,, ,,, lb. COOKIES ""''"'c'~'''" 48e • • Chip Sok• & Eot 1.S or. toll ••••,. ,, , ,, ,,. BOLOGNA °'<o,MoyMSlkod , • 47~ ,,.,ltM•ot •••• 0,.,, ........ , •• ,.,101.1 , SALADS Alnfo>o>o,Mo<o<ooi., 37C' A~somd G.icrtin •••••·•• •••••• •••••••• 1 S oz. ,• Po. LISH JOHNSON'Sf4VOR 98* hf fUINITURI • 12'0?. · ' I -• 1 ( ' , ' COCKTAIL LlllT'IDJCID ·204 . FRUIT.•••••·····• lOl ' ' . ,. LE AN ER JOHNSON'S GiORT "' SPUT-RUG ,.24 0%. 156 C Of FEE ALllRISON'S . 5 9~ DI'' 01 llG •••••• ,.ll, TIN ... ' ' c H Ip s .:~.~~~";~G .................... s 9~ . ~. ~ ' SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT -70AYS A WEEK ' Sh d C . lllPIRM.IOQI op !Jn ompare • • . • • • . ""' DETERGENT ••..-"••• ................. .. CORN FLAKES,~ ... ,, ... ,. ............... . CHARCOAL LIGHTER ~-•Ci· ......... . \. -..RGE U!'•l\Ct D oo '" I '-~N~£\.f0 I-1 • -CAK£S............. - \-1.A.MIURGERJo.NO l"-·4~ l\Ol ooG BUMS ......... ••"'•"'"'Otl.D"lf.~IJl 3I1 • \,OAV£S ......... 55c 31 ( 49c "!1'°~1f0 10Y.EO 4 I 1 . cooK1£S .... oi .. ' ' AtllUSON'I' 'Sh d c' . "'" op an ompare .• ; .•• S"'l••A•ltJ ALiUITSON'S Shop and Compare .•• : • · •. We Wi\\ 1 ttove (\rt f\owers .tor Memorio\ Ooy cb&i<e Se\edion. rltC( rRICE . Radishfs/Green OnioM ... 7c FRESH • ( Sweet. Corn ............. 6f.39 • SWEET ~ Red Onions ITAllAN,.,,. 21as2S<. . I SU,flMAltllT PltlCl AlllllSOl'S r11a ·3'' To us&st thent in careful decision making. todaJ'1 cat· tie~ utilize data processing aid Other technical equip-np. The result Is uniform hB.quallty beef. 'the Calffoml• Bed Collncil Huntl•-. llHch -15511 So. EdWards ~ tho three phuu of »•.~• ' .H•rllltt•·· .. --,Q11 Alla: I Co,.. .. Meir--' 3049 ·Cont Hwj • ... in:?'~~tuamen, L111Mll'111ch-700 SO, Coast Hwy. ........ • I I • •· I I • • I I . •, • ft 11111.Y PD.Of . • t I • ........... .......... ...,,. ' .,..,. fronlt . ' 0 ........... '~ 39' ~ -'t~ 1..-.... -.. ............. 2.lc _ .... .._...... '•• .... r ••••• -..... ,.,IM;l,2.7c ................. tOl , ............. , .. ,!'$ 21& I • . . . -· N'1 28. lM • ~~ J?OI re .... 1tlk ...... , , • , , itl. 7•c fw-ilt"-01 Spnir •eflll ........ &J~~7Sr -*'""........ •Ch Ike Ml•,,,,,,,,,,.,,.._ JSc . .......... ' e NEWPORT BEACH4\::.t°A~-.~:·,,_, e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-:'~!:':;"'' • I --· I ' ! " • e HUNTINGTON BEACH-"""'"" w ... , ........ ··e SANTA ANA_.~' • .':.~ ... , ' ' t I I I l ·-·------------~~-------------------------" ' I I I . ~ • . ~ =-..._....,~~-~ "' ""' 00 "'*'""~"~ -• ""'* -~tll\)<i,. *:C¥':W<•~•1>,,.,...P '•""'F p: q;: s F f :.; "1; i I ¥ p ¥ f' f ¥ f' .' , : l~lAIO '"' ~· • ' .. t 'i ,u~ ., ' ' ' • .J ! ..... . . ' ' . .-· ' ' Ea ~: . 11 Grain Fed · . · Fresh Meaty PORK SPARERIBS • KRAfT ' KPN'S ' MUSTARD CATSUP • . . Bar .. M Western Style Boneless · Hickor.y Sm,o.ked . 'TAVERN ,. . . ···H4MS . / .. $ 29 . whole lb. or half • Order Only -Any .l,,,..,.,t You c-. T• luy' , COUP~~·;~;;·~F~;;;~;~~ ... 1 ! GOJ:)D,ONLY AT IAlGAiN IASKET ~ 1" '"-.. A~ ........... ,,...., ,.,_ .. ,......._ "TW.CC. ,.,.._ .. FRESH PRODUC ..... . . Eirtra fdncy· Bing •· . ' CHERRIES US No. 1 • White Rose Potatoes TO L • ., CELLO BAG Fresh Sweet ! .. CORN · . ~ IN THI HUSK . . ... . . •' c I~ ' ~eUD.l ONIONS · 3 L~ 19' ... ~CUCUMBERS 3.FO(·tt . . ~ ,·BULK .WEINERS, Bar~M Westem "Style._ : ~1,~ Th~~~·~i~ ;~~~~~.~~·:· FRYING CHICKEN . BREASTS ~ • . • • 65~ . , May 29 •· .lune· .. 1· · · · . WIENERS, ~ar M~yer All Meat . • • 69~ ·-... ,~. ---1 . . U.S.D..l. GRAbE ".l" 3 LEGGED . • ; Ff{YE'S " . EASTl•N G.,_IN FED BONEL!SS . PORK ROAST U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" fRYING CHICKEN LEGS & THIGHS 39~ 89~ - 5·9~ PORK LINKS~ Bar-M Western Style ::~~-3~'1 BEEF LIVER, Young 'n~ Tender • . . . • 59~ · · . . . . 79~ WE GIVE o o ILUI CH" ' STAMl'S SLICED BACON; Oscar Mayer . • -. SLICED BOLOGNA, Bar·M • • • • . . .. 59• COSTA MESA •. • · . " PlACEll'IA ' I ' -. -• I • I I, • . . ' . . WI GIVI ILUI CHIP STAMPS 19111 ..... Pl.mll,. 710 W. B1pm11 ' -- iM".!!•!!•!:!''.!JJ.l!'!:!l'.._, =::. _ _:'~2"''.!!!•~,1•!-..:-.!'P.!: '"" Lemon l~rns .O n . . ·:r as te Del ig,hts Wbetber you cook i n Germm, Spullh. Japanese or Ebltiab -~her y o u -Gr .. k food todayc "'d French cuisine tomoriow - cblDCtS are yoo rely upon lemon juice to turn on taste. Lemon Juice Is a truly in· tunational lngl'edleOl. used geoerously by t~ cooks of evtry nation. Italians may sauce I.heir veal with tomatoes, garlic and wine -but they marinate it first In lemon J~ and herbs. The lemoo adds no navor of iU own. It tenderizes the veal -and brings out its natu ral goodness. In the same way , Greek food calls for lotl of dl11. oregano aod mint -but avaolemooo. a sauce or lemoo juice and eggs. runs like a golden thread tbroogb Greek c o o k e r y . Aveolt.mooo Chicken Soup: Lamb and Artichokes Avgolemono are a few tradi· tional dishes •·turned on" by lemon juice. ~~cup brown suaar, packed I tablespoons P,illk 2 eggs I ~ cups all·purpo&e flour • 2 teupoons bakinl powder 1,:: leaspoon salt l/3 cup bottled lemon Juice l \oi cups imported diced datu Z tablespoocis sugar 2 tablespoons broWn sugar t teaspoon clnnamOn Cream butter or margarine. 1.~ cup sugar and l/t cup brown sugar until light and nuUy. Add milk and beat In eggs, one at a time. Combine flour. bak- ing powder and salt: stir into egg mixture. Add lemon juice and beat well ror about Z 1ainutes. Fold in dates. Spoon batter jnt.o well-greased muffin pans ' 2/3 full. Sprinkle with mixture made of sugar, brown sugar and cin- namon. Bake at 375 degrees for I~ minutes or unUl ijone. Makes I& medium-1iied muf- fins. LEMON BUBBLE BUNS I package bot roll mix 'h cup butter Pet Peeves Ai,.0 . . . . \ .• Housewiyes Sound Off ....... 'j 1 N~w YORK (UPI) -E"r ao oft.In, &1'11 column raru bock """ i'etl u.. """' <!I ll1< conswner bt heard. We caU it lhe "why don't they?': department and It always brings a deluge of ltl· ten. Obvtously, somebody out ther e isn't doing sonleth ing right: Now the pollsters are bird- dogging the subjt.iet as a ~ice to manufac1urer1 - ·•0oes• Mrs. Housewife "''1:ar by your products . , . or at them?" A New York Advertising Ageoey. sampled by "'ritten questionnaire the views of 5,000 bcusewives selected at random from telephont: books in 50 cities. Respondents \\-·ere asked to indicate from a list of 31 common peeyes~~. up from r• pl.lot surve'J~.~ of 2IOO women) tbe moat ·annb~.lng, slightly, or not anooylng. They were aslted, too. to write in any peeves. not among the 31 listed. ~An independent research organization, tillied , t h e re~I~. They were presented ~l the\ annual meeting of the sales & marketing executives iqletnalional in Cleveland. the "iabuloul acbievema:U of P<ocasort, pockacers """ ...wlen." Bui onlr by Oocllng CU1. conswnel' "dissatlsfac:Uon.s can· ••e Jioprove our products, or serv~ and her salilfac- lion," he aald. And lben lie Ulted lhe top i2 peeves (not necessat!Jl in order of titnes mentlo*): -Spray cans . that don't spray. -PreV1rapped meat, vegetables and fru it that hide the bad tide or soti spots. -Packages lbat say "tear here" and then don't tear. -Cookle boxes containing crushed cookies. -Bathroom tissue that can·t be unrolled wi~t ripping several feet of &sue. -Cellophane or plast~ wrap that won't tear straight alid gets wrinkled. -Drippy meat packages. -lnabUlty to t~I freshness or products IUCb as bread or cakes beeiUse of lack or coding. -Easy twist-off caps that don't twist oft Foods which require lemon juice as either an ingredient or an additive may be served Sor breakfast, lunch or dinner. Pies, cakes, frosting, sauces. meat, fish, marinades . vegetables and salads to say nothing of breads a n d beverages may call for this most versatile of seasonings. I/: cup lemon juice I cup sugar Prepare bot-roll mlx as. directed on package. When time to shape. divide and form dough into 1-incb balls. Com- bine butter and lemon juict; heat until butter melts, Dip each pie.ct: of dough in Jemon- butter mixture and' roll in sugar. Amn1e 3 or 4 each in well-greased muffin p a n s . Brush \vilh any remainin& lunon butter and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 375 degree! for about 20 to 25 minutes. QUICK BREADS PLUS TRICKS The agency president, John P. Warwick. observed that 'today's housewives no doubt enjoy a finer life aa a result of -P~kages f1!at say ·~push here" aod which won't push and often break fingernails. -Cans with "tear off tabs" that cut fingers. -Cartons that leak. Quick brtads become uni· quely your own creation when you use a rew of the tricks suggested. Lemon Bubble Buns and Lemony Dite Muffim are two ol the, recipes or Mexican origin. LEMONY DATE MUFFINS 1Ai cup butter or margarine 1'1 cup sugar Sleek, ·slin:i 7031 Weight Table Fihds Best Buy 1n Market By SYLVIA "i>oitrER .Q. Which is the bigger blrJain: $1.59 for a box of powder to ~make 20 quarts of nonfat dry milk or $1.09 for a box to make 12 quarts of the aame brand of dry milk~ A. The JG.quart package works oot to I cents a quart ed is thertfore ii bigger bargain than lhe 12-quart JllC.kage which work:. out to 9 Cll"1ls a quart. Q. Which is cbe.aper : a I pound-Z ounce jar of peanut butter costing 53 cents or a l2 ounce jar of the same brand costing 35 cents? . A. Neither. In both cases, the per pound cost is 47 cents. Q. Which Js more • economjcal : a I pound-14 ~ can of ,sliced pineapple Cl'.ISt.ing 47 cents or an 8 ~= ounce can costing 21 cents? A. The llJ,rger can -by far. Here, the pineapple costs 25 cents a pound in the larger can, , but 40 cents a pound in the small can. These: illustrations, collected by Dr. Heinz B. Biesdorf of Cornell Universit~·'s Cotlege of Home F..cooomics, underline the extent to which you. the qianager of the family pocket- book, are expected to be mathematically hep in today 's marketplace. Al the same time, the co1n- parisons Indicate the eoonnous savings which you can achieve by buying large vs mall packages. You don 't have to be a mathematical genius to figure out, just from these few ex- amples, that If you could buy oa a price per pound or per ounce or per pint or per quart basis, you could sa\·e hundreds of dollars per year -without necessarily sacrificing fny qaallty in the items. According to ooe survey, savings on U • pack.ace And tlte 'wtlPa (ill cost Pfr .ae..): pac~e 11 : 1 ........ Then the .... . 2 ........ cost per .... . "3 •....... pound is : - 4 ···························· s ···························· ••.......................... 7 .......................... . ............................. •............................ 1'I ......................... .. u ············ .............. -· 12 ..... -...............•........ " .......................... .. 14 .......................... .. II ..... , ... , ........ , . , . ·•·· .. IC ······················•••··· large sizes of package good11 over small sizc.s average 17 percent . But there are infuriating ex· ceptions. In another recent study of one major dry detergent, the per ounce cost of llie largest available 11iie (over 16 pounds) w a 1 significantly GREATER thin the cost ol either of the next tl\'O smaller sizes. Pr~e is mounting for new amendmenta le t h e Federal "Truth in Packag'ing" law to require retailers to stamp every package with 1 price per unit as 'well as with the total price for th c You'll stand out in any group package. But of course, no amend· in this graceful dress. mcnt so sweeping as this is Vertical leaf panels m a k e likely t.o move quickly through yoU fook slim, sleek. Knit Congress.' Sc in the meantime. skimmer of 3-ply fingering or here's a condensed version of synthetic yam ~vlth. withput a new "Cost \Veight Table" sleeves to wear all year, Pat. drawn up by Biesdorfs group tern 7031 : siies 32-38 incl. at Cornell. FIFl'Y CENTS {coins) for With the cost or living run-each pattern -add I~ cents ning 5.1 percent ahead of thi!I for each paltern for first-class lime a yW ago and the cost • malling and special handling ; of food alone up 3.1 percent, a otherwise. third-class delivery table such as this can •be will take three "·eeks or more. translated into ·extraordinary Send to Alice Brooks. the DAI- savings on your marketbaskcL LY PILOT, Needlecraft Depl. Clip it and: refer to it when Box 163. Old Chelsea Station, you shop from now on. New York , N.Y. 10011. Print To calculate the unit cost of Name. Address, Zip, Pattern a product irrespective of the Number. Giant, ne\Y 1961 particular package it comes · ~eedlecrafl Catalog -over in, first locate the weight of 200 designs to choose. 3 free the package in the left.hand rpalterns printed inside. Send column. Then loc8te the price 50 cents now. of one package at the upper NEW! ''50 JN ST ANT right side of -the tab I e Gln'S" -fabulous fashions lbecause of space limitations, toys . decorator accessories'. only 10 cents, 20 cents. :lO Make It today, gtvc it tomor· cents and 40 cents are give n in ro .... ·! ·ideal for all occasions. this san;iple table). The. unit 50 cents. "II Jiffy Rap" to cost (prtct per pound) will be knit. crochet. weave. sew. found in the appropriate right hook. 50 cenls. 'Book of II hand ~lumn. By comparing Pr1ie Af1;hao1. 50 cents. Bar- ~e un!l cost of one package gain! Quill Book I has 16 beau- SIU w1tp another, ycu select tifut pa t terns. 50 cents. tht' actual bargain. Maseum Qa.ni Book 2: -pat· tic !J.60 .80 .5.l .40 .32 .17 .23 .20 .18 .16 .i6 . ll .11 .11 .11 .iO 13.20 1.60 1.01 .80 .64 .5.l .46 .40 .3'! .;'!! .29 .:rr .IS .23 .21 .20 7 100 Z.40 1.60 1.20 .96 .80 .69 .60 .5.l .46 ... .40 .37 .34 .32 .:JO $6.40 3.20 2.13 i.60 I.II l.Oi .9i .!O .71 .64 "' .5.l ··~ .4' .4.1 .40 terns (or II superb quilts. 50 cents. Book 3. "Qallts for To- day's Uvtn1f '. 15 patterns. 50 cents. Solod Supreme Combine 2 cupg cooked corn cut from 4 ears of fresh corn with I cup diced cooked chicken and I cup diced green pepper. Season with a mixl~e ol 2 tablespoons mayonnaise. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. t 1!! teaspoons salt. 1'1 teaspoon ct.ill powder and 'ii teaspoon ground black ptpper. Serve on -tcil.fece "llnd famish \i.'tUl stuf· £cd OliYl'S and tomato wedges. Yield : I portions. Fast Dessert: Prune Whip BOAT BUFFS A/Mell leckab.., It th• •11ly f•ll -tf111t htf1111 •llllt.,. ...... ,..., -'"' "_,,,,,., 111 Ort11t• C111111ty, HI• ••• cle1I,,. c••.,•t • ef bet t- '"9 t l'l4 yeelttl119 "'"' It t 4t ify k1hir1 ef th e OAILY 'll6T. ,.., • q1lk:lt dea<rt lry _whip .• But J 'II •hlles unUI llilir'lo lllff bat not dry. GI " ~ bat In II cup ol -· -mf>tll1'1 Is llil( ... .,...,. l /, Fold In 'h cup ol plumped, chopped prwies, Juice ol \\ lemon and I --ol aro· matlc bitters. - Spoon into serving ''""" 11nd chill until ready to serve, Ma~es I oervlngs. • ~peci il 'Prices Thurs .-Sun ., May 29-June 1 It's• Family Time with Van de Kamp's . Fre nch V•nilla ice· Cream The perfect dessert:.Yb n de Komp's delicious French Va nilla Ice Cream in plastic reusable contain er. It's the finest, smoothest ice crea m anywhere, loaded with creamy "home freezer" flavor. Y2 5al. $119 IRo1. 11.lll 'i•t 11•1· 31<1 Cookie1; Mela11e1, Oatmeal, Sugar, Chocolate oi-Peanut &utter ' Von de Kemp's mokes cookie clouics, home-mod .. style; lively ~classes, chewy Oatmeal, cri!p SugOr, rich Chocolate, cr.unchy Peonut Butter. All mode with pure butter or shortenin g ond pure Von de ·Komp's core. All 'musts' wilh any family! Pl •ftt C•k• h u1h•ut1 Pkg. al ~ lR99. l5c) 29c l uttersc•fch c •• 111 .. ••rk 10.0:.. (Voh.• 98c) 89< C•k• 00 'Me11tth-fr••<h ••tterc r••• 2.-,_. •1.29 Half Coke . , , , •• , 69c Chocolate Fudge Ccike Memorial Day tokes !he cake so ma ke It every· body's favorite/ A chocolate fudge coke so deep, dork and delicious it's irresi stible! Full of moist chocolate fudge cake inside and covered. with deep fudge frosting. Cornes in o g"o-a ;'lywhere foil pon. 1-llJtf 59c Orange Roll Coffee Cakes Memorial Doy gets off lo on extra i;peciol Siar!! They're filled with golden flakes of freshly ground oranges to baste rich, fresh egg coffee ca ke dough fro rn the inside out. Creamy orange icing, loo. Enough for the whole family! , Engl is h Tciffee Cake A special coke to match o festive mood! Two si~r white layers of moisl n' tender goodneu lavished wit+. old.foi;h ioned English Toffee icing. Real buner buttercream a nd crunchy pecan crunches give it the Toffee Touch. Your family will go for seconds! .,...., ............ -... I -·~.°':'Ar:' • • " .. "?l'.1" t .,,,.-. -. . .. • Llllk I• Ille Blee Wimill at selectn s1111ermanets. 111 .lH1i"J ll1ll 65< (ffc '•ltl) Van de Kamp's . ~ A DIVISION Of CXNRAl. l<>!feot". 'Ne blh II< w1y Y"' woo Id. " you had tile Ii ... ) WITll SAW!: NVMfttlt;S JAZZY-DO THAT'S NEAT Today'• brides an 1. Jo able crop . , , 1. little breat~ Jen. mostl,y In 1. huny cause of draltl and 2 \•lee furloughs .•. The in look (lo'ol.'e.ra:. in 1. bwlch, that Hke they'v~ been picked of 1. garden· or erabbed out of a vase and carried the altar. All this ii sounds like an et.Q' way ... but you know theae are i<'il'I& to come to a flow_1' shop and order them to lui ~:l:ay~ lhlng to make ~ an unarra~ boUquct • ·~ ~ g,!.:ik' thet;-,.n: 1 . the st!U tot1u1'e'd a.rrang n1ent of 3. 5 or 17 som things. They want thenl ca ual, to look like they' , growina:, e'Ven with a fc - weeds throY.'TI in for co~ plete unarrangenlenl. Exa pie: Used to be one perfe carnation. no1v the s1vi~ i to a stock or carnat10n some b&oomlnr;:. few le:iv · too. Our Oark Kennedy ~ he ·s dobia: lots of Vlctori3f. thinl;s, round and com~c sheer simplicity to &o y,•ilh curls, crochet, Empl looks, hoods and quaker ha~· Loose t10$e.gays, little bunc es of CI01vera: . . F'rc bouquets or EnihJh Garde arrangements ... 1vilh c cry flower and cveiy color tl go with anything, even i'Cdl IT BLOO:\IED OVERNIGlfl' Wedding in t~ home or · a garden , . aark sez . ' plecz • . . give him 1 and hc'U conic out lo yo · home and help you choo y,•hcre the wedding acti should ~ ... There arc ca opie11 or even 1vhole tents rol the garden ..• minutes ' fore the guests atTivc bloo ' ing 1]1)\1,·ers can be stuck i' the bare ground. poll plant& can be brought i , tlo'ol.·er islands can be put · swimming pools ... The are hWTicant> chimneys fkr.\'ersy-do around the 1\i lh be.auUfut burning c1 dies to be stuck in the &rou Thro fiorist's bigges t p uct is advice, and he 's lhri ty too. You have so m money to spend. He tells yo 1vhere lo put It "'here it 1\·I sho1v oH the most. He kno11 the areas where you shou go up in 11\e air and the area you should lay low. no11-. wise. lle'!l hep lo be ro weddl?!= flu1Ties. Everylhln comes in separate boxes labeled •.. "Bride'li booque. mother -Jn -Ja11· corsag grandmother's orchkf. bride maidli' pony tail arrang menls. ·• Everythinir else placed perfe<:Uy. t"UN'S'X t'.\.l'iCY 81\'t.:t;T TALK There 11·a!I. the flo1vc r rangemcnt . one or our I li~ry n1rn Jr (! on a pa table. The back door to house \\·as 1vidc open, nobody anf!\\'Cred his ri He did no1icc a big sha dOi slee ping in lhe co1i who didn'I even raiSe eycbrO\\'. About i n hour I er can1e a phone call, see you've been here a left something. All I co find ll"aS your fiOll'Cr Sh(jf card. ~1y dog eats flowers.It But natch, Oark rcpla !he no1vcn, and a.long 1 them 111cnt one or J Pa.yne"s most souper bo all cello 1vrapped and bedecked. w I t h a no "\Vt(rc !IOIT)' about the tJ <'l's. but "·e're glad dog·s got good taste." Clark'!'. son. Scott, is qui an artist . . . He start painting boats when he 11. At tllfo age of 14 he jo !he Artists de la Rut star1ed sho"·lng with them · our patio 1vken they appe here. No1o,• al the aae or 1 he's full Oeda't'd and h quil4! a. time keepina: up wt his 1s.slpn1ent1 as most se lors In hi.sh .chool "WI People with boa.ls sec boats and want him to pal tldr boa)s. And his etch! have caught on too. They' caught l'n IO y,·eu, he eve sells copies or hls orial Someonr said, "y,·hy don )"OU put these ctchlnp notes... sc he did. \Ve 1 \."l':I')' p·roud to have thein cur Gill Shop . . . All t Nf:\\l)Orl Beach ~ne• y,·e al l learned lo tO\'e so m~ aho 80me famil iar places llawall and thto East coa3 1. Ht!~ al Richard's. t People Slort, \1-C wUJ be o en Friday lUemorill1 oa and we 11•\sh you aU 1 wo derf\11 holldll_v 11r~krM. --· . ·.!·~·~ ·---~------.:...:"-'------"'-'----------'----------------------... ----------------~~ I [ ! I I I ' ' t • t . I • I I •• I I I \ , . ~ ,. . .. -..'I' I'll.GT i. :McilE...673..UO FOR HOMEJ)EUVERY ' PRICES EFFECTIV~ MAY 29, 30, J , ' ONN MIMORIAL DAY 9·6 , ' ' ' WHOLE 1.39~· -'UST tl&HT FOR A PA fl9 BUFFET OR l'ICNIC . ' ' ' r;. ' . ~· O.li~~ "s le49LI. Orgt11 s. .. ~ For Your 4 . ~, ... it'. ·~ ' .~ . l ~-.·, ZACKY FA~~ .,r . ' HER. •EVS :"~oft...,.,,.1,..11ncur,Ys.-55¢LI. ~ '~.E.IN 1 . J ' PIN111ro ~ by_ LIDO MARKET CENTER ... ;: ... · · .~RUMP ' SJ : .w~ .. rful_ for :.n ~Int 1.09LI. GFRESR~O' ~ ,-. BIF ; '.. I ' ,. s..,:~w;l~lory 550 L~ NEWPORT BLVD.ATTHE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ' ... < .. ,. . " .... ' ~ .. Bernic:o F•y ., ~FT'S PREMIUM BROWN N' SERVE -1 oz. $AUSAGE 5 Dl1tl~1 .. kl~ 59¢..._· • • . ep~E IN ANO TRY THEM ALii. FRI. & SAT, :;_~~ ',, ' ' . cAteaU • BEEF ROULADES ::..,-1.39 u. M"RIN" TED JOE'S SPECl"L DRESSING ' • PRODUCE . Sv,'EET, JULCY, COACHELLA VALLEY ; RUBY RED • Grapefruit 10 FDll s1 , FANCY, LARGE-SIZE, • q ~--CHICKEN \YINGS . ~ 49cu. .· .CHICKEN A LA . KIEV 1.49_ COMPACT · . Artichokts 5 FOR $1 . TRY A REESE SAl'.AD DRESSING 1 GARDEN FRESH, CRISP, NORTHERN ROMAINE 2 FOR 29¢ FOR PICNIC GERMAN POTATO SALAD • U.S. NO. I B, NEW, WHITE ROSE POTATOES 5 LBS. 19¢ ' ' DEUCATIESSIEN I JUST THE JHING FOR A PICNIC, SWIFT, ALI;. MEAT FRANKS LB. 55¢ FOR SANllWICHES, ZW AN H<J-LAND COOKED Sliced HAM 4v. OL ' RAFFETO &o LoNIAL CHUTNEY CHUI, NUT . ' ' 10 01. , , Got ~way from it •I ·with tho family. Rol11, oscape_tho prtssurts. · Enjoy good fun and good food, Richard's has more or the ~·st for • great family picnic, boat porty or patio buffet. HAVE FUN! MEMORABLE MDIUS 'I-,)_~ • . :, ·: , : , C.harrii>s Jubilee -,. ., . ~ ~ " ) ARDEN, F.ttvoRED1 LOW FAT JOGuRT .· • •L 5 ,pR s1 Melon Balls Baked Ham ' · ;. • Shiimp in d i.amoulade Sauc~ . " RICH"RO'S MONTER f JACK CH EESE . · .Br~ilod Small T uney . • . 'J. • ~ • B'ai.d Rico · with Pino Nuts Gree~ Noodles with Parmes•n · " 1 ' r • REESE 7 V"~IETIES ·_ ·Zucchini Seute 79t -~! , _ . Green Beans end · · . · ·" · ' , ... ----.lor:tichoke Heorts, French Dressing ' SALAD '.DRESSING • ; " .:-~1 ~· , , French Breed .......... ,,.. .... IFROZEINI FOODS MINUTE MAID , LEMONADE ' •·· 10 FOR s1 ..... Sk SHANGH"I ' CHICKEN CHOW MEIN SHANGHAI ·: WON TON 'SOUP 1 • " .... 4k .. ;. Sl.t"NGH"I " FRIED RICE with PORK ~' I• 11 .. "'' ' • SH"NGHAI ' Sweet and Sour Beef .. ... 7k ' SH"NGHAI , , ~~~~F~;,,C:'.:~~. • ~ 79c ,). " r GREAT FOR PICNlCS, KIDS LOVE 'EM . DLD FASHIONED SALTWATER TAFFY ' .. • p REG. 79c lb: 69¢ LI. Double Buddies Bars , ~· 39c ' ,. • ; LARRY'S BEEF DIP SANDWICH 49c ,Fl OWIER SHOP· ·~ ' ... ~ LIBBY'S " BEAUTIFUL, FRESH ' CUT GREEN BEANS ..... 3 ... •1 • RED ROSES ' LIUY'S ,~ ' CUT CORN 14 ... 3 ... fl ' Sll•wberry Shortc<1ko ' . I· ., FEATURE OF .. -c-·--· .,y ·~ ·-::"":1•· . ' ~ BREAD &'· BUTTER ·PLATE. ' Stuffed· Pork Tenderloin 1.79 u. . ' LONDON BROIL STEAK 1.39...: ' EXOTIC SEAFOOD, TOO .. , . ' GROCERY ' . ' ' RICHARD'S I . I : ltarge AA"·EGGS .k 390 · ARDiN . ,. AA BVtTER u. 83c N"BISCO OREO COOKIES , u. 47c , ;•BUTTERNUT .. : · r:: ''(OFFEE 1 Lb.' • • .• BUTTERNUT. COFFEE I LI. 1.29 POMPEl"N OLIVE · OIL • I-. 3k . H~INZ 111/4 OL-HAMBUR&ER· ·RELISH · 19~ . . HEINZ -. . HOT DOG RELISH · 11 v .... lk LINDS" Y PITTED , .• LARGE RIPE OLIVES ... * 39c . . . -·- IUMILE IEE TINY PACIFIC SHRIMP ••. v. 49c 8&M BROWN BREAD 16 ... 4 ... •1 8 & M-28 oz. Baked' BEANS 3 '011 $1 SCHILLING, SALAD SUPREME GULDEN SplCY ' Brown Mustard ' KRAFT JET-PUFFED . ~RSHMALLOWS ROY ,t.L CHl:NET lte . ... 2 ... 29c ..... LUNCHEON PLATESn ... lk 29c REYNOLDS 12"x25; , AL~MINUM FOIL 2 ... 4k BAKERY· .. ' POTATO ROLLS 6 ... 31c ..... II-D"NISH DOUGH, LEMON FILLED ~ TROLLEY BUNS 6 ... 41c LlllY'S • ' •. ~IXED VEG ~T ABLES ..... 3 ... •1 MAKES A LOVELY CENTERPIEC~·-. 2 DOZEN ' , · sj;.ci1I ~·i"9' !"' lovely m1tching "C.uutltone" ,' . completer .pie-. • . • NO SUG"R OR SHORTENINS BUCKWHEAT BREAD 41c LIHY'S ' PEAS 14 ... 3 ... •1 ' . IUTTERMILK, IROWN S\!j,i;~·~ !iW'S •z· DANISH JEA . CAKES 8tc . --• • .. 7 U ?Qt 11 ~·-12 -z--7 RP EJIJRU 5 A 7 U ?;?Mt 7 ·7 E l ££ s t a , . . . £ • ma•• JU&&? QialJJJ'* s aas12r (! & Q asu qnus ilUWYSh mas?? 'ANTHONY'S SHOE · REPAI~ FLOWER SH9P CLEANERS ' '. b"ILY 9-5:10,' S"T. 9.s " O'EN D"ILY 9.6 D"ILY 11!0·6, SAT.' 8110.1 , "£~....t:-MARKET HOME'& GIFTSHOP I LIDO,YACHlSHOP OPEN O"IL Y 9. 7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN O"IL Y 9-6 OPEN' DAILY 9-6 • ' . . ' • ' • ·-· .... ___ ...... _ .. _ . -------------·..!.·-------~- ' I .-......,.-.... -.... ~~-.-,---~ .... ,... ................................... -........ ----------------------------- . Do_,.·-1111 ... to ,...... ...... )le ""' lo -~ill1il """"Plf . !ti -·-11 .. ~ tndb u.o tDlioll'--uoed Sunda71 lo t.ell be< newest recipel. 1*mts were in eftatelt dtm.,.t for no mat· ter .,. wal eerved for dbJ.. ner, plain c:r faocy, tt never c:ould usurp Ille eoteem of -rt.9. Here's a favorite Suoday- clan aUracDon 1, t a r r J n I .~---.. .-.. baugllt -l lood cak• and reedy.-... milt - puddng. '.l1>e -·· -••• and the pudding taRs the cslce u...all,y and flguratively speaking. . Pwt "h p!l}dq Is folded lnto'preparod whipped !Ol>Pilli forming .. airy frolll tii """"' ~ olicel Ill catt. A ~ol~oddedlotbe remtfnd<r " the ... " pud' W.. ct<ales a· ll>lct iljoclous sauce 11tarated with cbocololq'f!OOCI 11o .... To !dvo a dnilnoilc Olfect,lo a in:tber eMJ ~ ar.ve the fl<llled Ollie slliei ...,. ding uprials In ........ Remtmberto..,·•array o( CIUled .....,_ pud; dingl .bn bml to l\olp oot wlltn time's "1ort. <limed puddinp will alwaY> give you a quick 1r..i. d ..... rt --Choooe fNm fSYorite flavors. . .nilk er Dutdl d1oco1Me, lemoo. rice with cimmnoo an d Frencb vanilla. l!UDDING CAKE . 1 "'" (16 <MDCtll) milk • dlo9oW< pudding, clWliil '4 cup •milk ' ~ t . pooo. c:n.mm II cup p~ whijlped lopp1Jli . l qel food coke (7-lndi diameltr) FOR DESSERT, PUDDING 'TAl<ES THE CAKE • Reserve V. cup ol Ille pud- dlng. Bleod r<maimng puddlqi with niflk lild cimanoa; - iJto IMnch wide atrJin1 -~ Fold whipped topping W. ......m pudding; 1.-lop o( cake. Cut coke Into I pieces and ..,. lop -up .. pud-ding sauce. Spriotlt. ~th ctn. namon. Serve inunedil.tely, Mates a servings. Personalities Revealed by Preferences Author _Clues Characte.rs With . Food , By JOHNA BLINN NEW YORK -"What a per&0n drinks, the restaurants where he likes to dine, the kind ol. cuff links he wears tells a lot about a person," novelist Jacqueline Susann said between ~ nf water from an outsize c r y s t a I tumbler. Her 1atest novel, "The.Love Machine," has just been published by Simon & Schust..-. "Jn· the book, food rev~ls Robin Stone (the J o v e machine) is a steak-and-salad man. Amanda is always cook· ing f« Robin, whereas Maggie throws something oo the. stove at the last minute. Maggie's very much her own woman. And, while Amanda knocks herself out to win Robin, the cooking doesn't make him want to marry her." • Lo one spot the enlire time. says, 'Youn is so much bet· "Then there's alway.s-~ ter.' " least important peraon who at-• "l '"'"' 'the greatest recipe lache! himself to the biggtlt' for · you," she said, and gave celebrity present. People in-her version of isteak tartare. variably ask, 'Who is he,' and The Danish meat classic and consistently get the 1NWer the baked bean f i x -u p , ' back, 'lt.'11 a relative· of the streamlined to suit the hostess.' schedule of the busiest cook, "Making the drinks strong folloW : ' h,~ps~ 1.M,ibitions," she BAKED BEAN FIX·UP said. '1,'he 1 Mansflelds often 4 links k n o c kw u r s t , entertaih at cocktails before separated the theater\ "We've often had I pound can veget.vian-style parties here. for a hundred baked beans peopt,," )•~.., said. The !iv-'"teaspoon Dijon mustard ing room ia carpetless (I n 2 tablespoons sauce diable deference to her p o o d I e I tablespoon catsup friend), livened ¥iilh accents Salt, freshly ground black of red pillow• and chain and pepper to taste painUngs, including a portrait Garlic salt to taste (op- of her done by her father, tional) Robert Susann. . Place knockwurst on rack in PLENTY TO EAT rosim, pan. Bake in preheated "Always have enough food 400 degree F. oven unUl skin 50 people are not stii'ving," pops (about IS minutes) she advised. She cle'ars the releasing excess fat. long marble coffee table and Mix together the beans, serves caviar and vegetable mustard, sauce Oiable, catsup nibbles; raw cauliflowemtes, and seasonings. Place in a carrot strips, s t u f f e d UgbAY greased casserole or .. mushrooms and raW' and/or bakhiz: -dish. A r r a n g e knochurst on top. She could easily have been talking about herself for Jackie ls, in per!lll>n, very much like Maggie: a stunning brunette and very much her own girl. Like Maggie, she's more a voyeur in the kitchen. Nooelheless, J a c k i e is sensitive. to the guruitory pleasures in Ille, even those of a small dog. GREEN THUMB COOK smoked oysters. Redbce oven temperature to Admittedly her efforts In the 375 degrees F. Bake beans un- kitcben are only occasional. covered ZS minutes ~or until Her kitchen Is the size ol a beans ,are bubbling hot). Author Jacqueline Sus•nn PAMPERS POODLE "Meet J05ie," s h e said, a slight figure problem but a ~ding up a cuddly poodle gorgeous -lace. When I said who blended into ttie ebony lhis in "Every Night background of the couch on w h I ch Jackie was seated. Josephine!" (f..liss Susann's ·Jackie is married to television fln:t novel), I got a cute leUc.r producer Irving Mansfield and from Lil saying she wasn't the lives in a four-room hotel least bit upset being compared apartment suite on Central to Josie." Park South. Dogs are not unlike people Josie has a social life an her Jn.their uUng habits, she said. own which has ~added l.o "Ph)'lk:ally, Josie 's e i ght her canine girth, her mistress ~ overweight and, like said. Josie's hi-neighbor policy mt, 1oves fattening things 1ike often netted her e x t r a cavlar, bloody Marys, peanuts breakfast.5, for she h a t.I and tangerinf;s. l 'm on the . l\lelu and meat diet " she become the special pet of the oald, nplainlng htr e<icttall. Irish maid who look her "I've got a trick. 1 find · ~ from apartment to lloldlnc the glau is 1 pecifier apatt:rm:.nt when &be cleaned. -it gJves me anething to do Jackie found out about with my bands now that I've Josie's encore meals when • glwn up emokin&·" En-l!Jh actreu M 1 r g a r e t .,Jo&le'1 a reaf1ounnet. I've Lel&hton greeted the1poodl~ In give her !iiJme of those im-the ,elevator with, Dahhng, pon.t, Bef&lan c a r r o ts W.t mJased you at breakfast -camu are 9o good W•.m!lntini-" Miss, Lelghtoo, ffr 111r .,..!'wal I gave htr theo parried to Latll't!ICt -ordinary cam>ll, sn. Harvey, lived ocross the ball i.n.,i 19 )!or ,_, Slit jwl from the)lansfid<lj. -·-tram a \>ltfl to "Wiien I told the maid that Jt1r11m and abe.'1 &01nc to dogs aren't su~ to eat mlal aD that pd aou1 food. bacon, she Aid that the Sile had -~ peaa mix· Harveys had Canadian bacon ed with hB' KO (a pretertp-in the refrigerator. 'Doesn't ti.. dofl food for e11councll>& Canadian bacon asrtt with the lortpflfr tn ctmnes). Ukle dahrlln'T' 1he asked." 'jh'• rt.aUy the EUubelh Jac)dc ir famed for part!& Ttylor of the do( aet;.sh< has that are well atlcnded by the \ large closet with a sink and Serves 4. U f 11tove. ·~What I ~1. is m-ut," e te rom the world ol en--Ullla &" Afterthou&hts : For varta. tertainment and Ule arts. she said, "but why should 1 tions, top with grated sharp cook? I have a great st'eak cheddar or garnish with sniJr FORMULA 'FOR SUCCESS restaurant downstairs, and ped f h I Her advice for successfuJ we're within two blocks· of ~~~A~rsTA'RTARE party-eiving goes somelhlng every kind of restaurant from ~ t eh like this ; "lf you 're a doctor, Chinese to Italian. Besides, I on~ ~~k~: n d ydraled there's . notlllng more fatal think room service is the •. I pound trimmed top sirloin, than giving a party for a greatest Invention in the , ground twlct groop or doctors who talk world." v. teaspoon Dijon mustard about nothing but kidney To be a really great cook, 2 egg yolks transplanls, where lo vacation you have to work at it, she 2 tableapoons sauce diible and their nurses." The surest said. "It's lmpracLical for me 1 teaspoon salt pre5C1'.:iption for party success to bang around a kitchen after Freshly ground pepper to is mbdng people from dlf-I've just put in a JO-hour taste ferent backgrounds who might working day ... .Jackie does her Dash of garlic salt not . otherwise have an OJ> writing in lhe ••t orture 2 tablespoons caper (or portunity to know each other. chamber" -the second caviar), opU~I ''SomeUmes it'a diUicult lo bedroom. Combine onion flakes with get your guests to mingle. I "I really have a green thumb. sirloin, one eq yolt,, sauce can remember a party given when it"comes·to baked beans. diable, salt, pepper, prlit by Ethel Merman which was The recipe's as simple as sail dull only because people opening up a can of vegetarian Shape into mound scoring stayed planted in the same beans and doctoring them with · wttb knUe. Make lndenlaUon spot. When Ethel said, 'What the righ t condiments." ·She in center place other egg yoUu should r do.' I flnally said named sauce dlable as on.-of'-ln tenter. Garnish with capers to Anita Loos, "we're going to the.best for the baked bean (or caviar), Serve with hol play musical chairs. Grab my fix-up. "If I could make buttered toast. Serves 1. chair and get rid of :t! desserts: with diab)e sauce, I Afterthoughts : For exotic Encourage st~ecs, never would," she sakt, laughing.~ tooobes, mix both r..aw egg have enqugh chairs or people "lrvlnl S&)'I I make thl yolU wtth -gnllllld wlUptha'lntolltUegroupsat ,'greatest spaghetti sauce In raw meal ; form Into mound: the bar. I this world. Combine \ha con· cornlsh with mfpo of smottd "Invariably lhe~'l always tenls'of one ~•n al whhe cl1m a.Iman (or ttny·canned shrimp one parker .at every party,' sauce with .some canned nd or amoked oyster) and slktid ottH a· stout woman, a non· marinara sauce, add IOmt n:-hard-cooked egg. Top wilt/ drlnkinc early arri\111 who SUt-tra garlic and black pepper. minced white on1on (or tloM herself In the couch Irving say1 he doesn'I like !ihredded fresh horseradls~). where the bowl of dip is within 1tarlic. but when he tastes Serve with mustard plc~h~s or euy reach. She'U stay glued other clam aauets he aJways pickled beets. • I •• -•• .... •• -·--= ... •• W ....... lllr 21( IM " • ~ ' ' • t . ... ' • Buttermilk :Donuts 6._49c · = Fresh Baked Cookies :J· S May 29 thrU June I Prices Ef1ective In uetnsed Sateways fnur'5. tnru un., !.!! Gi! 5299 OOProof . !~~k~"h s2•• 00 Proof 1000 Bayside Dr.~ewport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna ' I i! Ii ~: I• . l, • •' • I • ~ Dttltt lloer Dates ..... .t· .... 59c "' a ,,, -----~---- ALL STORES OPEN · -MEMORIAL DAY . 3boZ. . • Dult•11• • luer's • Swift's • Dvltuque 9 .... $6" lrlnd Cl l , .... ,,.,. ... •'Manor Hou• , . • Callfomlan • Horbelt ' . . u. MN.~ Drmilil '"iioft'81~ii''Ha1n " ••ne•••• H•ni ·,~.,re .. rur1s.,..h tu· ,~·· -s .. .::~•.-:-_ ~ , •. _, •• '" •1~ . =='="' ... .•.• ~-"~ 1117.· ·.-o ... n __ e_l_e_s .. s""'Roasi~~tik..::.:· : it . Gan1e .Hen .. 1 1:t.¥.E't~S .. ,~, 79i · · -·' k """'' .... "~n · s 1 m1 ,.... •,...\ ...::... · S k , · ... _ ·$"9 , 1 ... Stea """1'""' '" !'I w o a a . ~~ ,.. II". Spencer tea '~.~:1~.... 1•· •. 11, ;. · . ·veal chops ~ ,. 71' ,,'.Turkeys l:':...-..;. ~ .. ' . ' .,, lOW PRICES-OF COURSE.' ~ht Beer ~.~·.~:1'" 6'!~~a7cw:..r;i Ozark Briquets .10 .i:c 69''.\7' ' ' ' . . Lighter ·Fluid ~:~ka~:~. u1hl1" -=~39''ll.'," . 1-dozen carton Ther1'1 An Envtlope That You Can Get frn Al Softway Whkh l!Kludes Coupons Of Special Morttt·Soving Offers On film l'ronoiling. We Wont To Introduce You To Our fast, Top OYollty, Ne w Safeway !Jhoto Service. Come Get Your Envt:lope Todoyl / ~ ·ftitiiM JiOD Bl! Croa1n Pies I · Lo1nonailo W.llr ..... , .... 29' W.llr ··~1. -. . lotlo nc Ano.1ed-I« A Quick ,..· Perfttt For OlrtifttS-M«S tu Md Dtlldout DHISl1t ' "Plr!Ch" to Bmr11rs Party Ice Cubes ~~., 3 ~~ 27• Cool Wh• ~rds [re-Cramt-Smo>lh l·oL 63• Ip For ToPPinr Desserts &111111 •. 'I . T D • k Assorted 9 1·11· 99' p op r1n s Flavor> .... ' . ' . ' gallon carlH .~V•lvety Lucerne --Ice Milk ¥""':' ~II~ llllf Cltm!lf. Tops fotYflX o..tf Party Pride Potato ·chips l \. • t• r·---I : • • ' • ,_ '" ;_ • · ur Meinonal· . ' - IN HONOR . OF 11t MANY TO 1WllOM THE DAY IS DEDICATED, WE Wlll'a.osE MEMCllAl DAY, MAY~ · \ \. \ ' \ \ ' ' . --. ~ P/ilBBpp/B ~~'~ 1 (,1"' Field fresh ••. picked at peak of perfection flav6r and rushed to us by air freight I Romaine Lettuce Fl~ FIDHk 10c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Crisp i reen leaves ••• so Co~orful .•• ~o tender .•• and ·so economical! Red!Rlellshes .............. .-............... 5' Gree,11 .0nions ......... : .. :: ................ 5' . ' ' . Saapp'in&' Crisp, with snappy flavor I Young, sweet, tender .... yet zeaty ·flavorec;l I ' · ·, . ' \. .. ' Super Shopper Memorial Day Va)ue$! . '\ • l'!~f.~gge~~~r. 6 = 7'Je ~!~~!.!,~~¥.~ .. ~!~~l~:.~222' • ' Gilbev's Gin ....... ~~~.~ ...... s995 Save ou :l half gallon size ! • , • 90 proof ~.!!~!t~!. !~Jp~~~s6·~~:t~~- Blended ·Whiskey ......... s39~ El Rancho's own ••• 86 proof •.• quart ••• ~.99 DrJ YennQuth ....... F~ ..... s259 J."BOilliere ••• ifa euy to' be a good mixer! ' ' . Kamchatka ~ ......... ~~ ......... s31! T ~uila .................... : ....... s4a9 lTH El Raiicho'a , •• l\Iargaritas will be asked for! It apella 'V,oc!ka I Quart ••• 4.85 ••• 80 proof •• More Memf}rial Day Super Values! Charc1111/ .. !~ .~~·. ~~~ .. Kingsford ••• hardwood, for even heat, hiifier temperalure I 20 Iba. 1.39 • Heavv DuN fQil ,~ .... : ............. ' ... , ................... '. .... 49• Reyno)~ .. ~:if"x25'·roJI,.. •• line your B-B-Q with foil. ., Paper Towels., ... : ............ ·~· ....................... 4 FOi '1 Chiffon ' •• Sun Fmh colon in bir ~ ! . \ '· ' s.:,tt ~ ... : ....................................... ~ ....... 1l .. ...... 'Auo~ colon ••• ..oft, aboorbent•and'Practical 16-0..t, pkJ, p . apel' Plates ........................................... ·.: ........ 59'· Bondwlft ••• stro,,. and nim-aboorbent ! .•. pkg. of 80 ' -' . ' / ' I Bi2 24 oz. jar ... 2oes so far ••. and 10 much flavor. . • ~rade Whip ............................ 4 · Quart • •• for salads ••• or a sandwich spread Pen & Quill Dips . .. .. . . . . ..... '. 3 FOii '1 Reg. 39c ••. choose va1ieties sure to please! , Del Monte Catsup ................. _.1r Fourteen ounce bottle , •• belongs on the table! · Potato Chips "\ ... : ..................... 59¢ Bell •• ~reg. 73c .•• ~~. Dip, or regular! Nalley' s Salads .................... 3 '.11111 ' Ready to se r ve .•.. choice of reg. 39c. deli varietiea: • • Ripe Olives ...... :.\ .................... :.39¢ Lindsay ••• large, pitted, ripe ! No. 300 can. S & W Pickles ....................... 39' Ice Cream .................. ~ .......... :.:~7" llamburger dill slice11: or cuke ch ips ••. :!2 oz. Royal Host ..• premium pack ••• half~ianmi! Mandarin Oranges .. : ........... 4ro.''1 ·'Orange Juice .................... : .. :iitai~ S&W •.• 11 oz .••• rreat add1t1on to fruit salads! Cal Fame .•. All American blend · •• frozeia,.6 ' Fruit D~nks ................ : .... : .... 4 f;..•1 .·· folger's Coffee ...................... "~67~ Cal Fame ••• big 46 oz. c.ans .•. cbq1ce of flavors! Tlvo pound can •• 1.33 Threte ~ e&Jf;,.,t•• Langendorf Buns ............ ':>.,:·.,.~ Oreo Cookies ............... :~.~~ ... .., . '." Hambunrer or }fot Dog •.. packl,e of 8\_. -Nabisco'i famous Und,,ich cook~• , ;~ .... ,.. -> '· ' ~ ~ -~~~~{~!~~~~.&~~IE~~ MEMORIAL .DAY I I \ . Ma.1119, 31 & Ju.,.,e 1. No Saltl to Dealer•_ -. ' ~ .. ., " ~~ Ask the manager about our convenient-Charge Ai 61/lit Service · ~1111\\\\''. • • amer Ave. & Algonquin St , ~ \ ' KraW .S Bartme -SIUCe ................. : .............. Jr Replu or hot ••• add the touch o! ~ llldter chef I , • , 18 ounu botU. . • NEWPORT ~EACH: 2rJ.7 ~port Blvd. • 255 5 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also convihiently ]Qcat9<1 stores in Arcadia, P_asadena and South Pasadena -"' . . r . • \ , .• r : . . '. ' ... . "' ...... _.. .... _ 41 ............................... ..... ALl,l-r:NT• - - --. ROAD RUNNER ' Doorsrl1~.,.$J. 5'>Md ' Dow m-:· llldlo. llttlltr, ' , Ooot, llldle. ....... ' ..... -6. u,. .... lGU 121. , 5377 Full 5877 FuMJ, ', $677 full Price Piico · .. , Prict . ,. .• · $13 * $13 • $29 * $29 • $23 * $23 · , . liN. '. .. MO.' DN. MO. . '"ON. MO. , .. . . . -88 Y.W. '63 Y,JI, 2·Dr. '84 Y.W. ' _,., ,.e;. • ,,,.., .. ' """"· Ill.It OJI' 112. V1rlMt ,1• W-lllZk Vtl .. 4 ..-, lllil!W. ;OSU nS. ' s577 '"11 $777 full $77'7 Full Price Price Pri ce ,.$26 * .$2~ ... $19 * $19 $26 * $26 Dll.: MO.' . DN. MO. DN. MO. ' . . ·&&·camOLET .'63 CHRYSLER 1 '63 llPALA $19 * $19 DN. MO. '84 FORD ~U5T 2 OR !D"M ' j lll~IO. i,::jff'L ~llt ltdln' IQ\lln· R8i:i '1L Fun .. 377 Mee . $13 * $13 DN. MO. -- ' S.0811 VI, lollr., Air. HON-m. r 5477 ;;! . $16. * $16 DN. MO. ·'83 llPW ,Cll',H,T.n;-... ,w .• , ,_., •!•. $ FuR . . 47 "''" . $16 * $16 DN. MO. '2 = ~JlDTOP' Avta. 'vlo -""uf."'· .r.1r. $577 $19-* $19 DN. MO. '68 PlYll; YaL I ... SOdM. '""'-,_,, full l«tf.Wv ~. TSS-IOI . 5677 ~II , Pn~ $23 * $23 -DN. MO. . I : -. . The~rice .. ..., ":· , I Is ~~~ys_ ' · , Rl.:.lit · · ... ~J ''. At Lee \Vlut~ ,. ' . .• I • • r I I r I I HOUSES FOR SAi.ii HOUSES FOR SAL E a-r•I IOIOa-rol IOIO HOUSllS l'Oll SALi HOUSIS 'PR SALE HOUS&S POR SAi.i I HOURS POil SALi HOUllS l'Olt SALi . HOUllS POil SALE HOUSU POR SALi -.,.1 1000 -.1 • 1000 Go.10 .. 1 1• -...1 1• 0 .,,.; 1• o...,.i • · 1• Hf\,,.., -1• ' laycrelt Pool Home-$45,500 Fout bedrooms plus famUy room. Dramatic rock fireplace, large side ·yards. PoteillJal show place. for• llmito<J time... Poe! .. ~ -Lltttllf • DiftlY Flxor-U-A 3 ._.. m LAST CHANCE t 1 FHA/VA &-Ratrib'"" • -"'111 H ..... roo a • Newport leach ~ ~1,;;;.;;; --.. ·-· -'-'*' ----............ ...,..n, larp ...a. --• fllll .... YOR ONLY RANCHO LA CUESTA bas only 3 ho.... u~ -for fut. .~·-~--. ~ -...... Mui .. ~: =:.::1:= :;,.:';.: CIHfhaven • Prestige Newport Beach address. 3 bedroom, beam ceiling paneled family room with rock fireplace and separate dining room. Beauti- fully landscape<!, double detached garage. Transferred owner asking $34.000. $10,495 I c 'Uod·'· ~-~ -J ·----& ·-• t_ ~ ... are open for yOll lo lour · · ~~ -~ .., linr Ir .........., poo1. 141·-,. BBQ, ...,... b...utut . Y~'il:'o :!.,~h~~P~J~;;J<>~u!."111t.~0~ ~=";".;'"!: =~~= 1•Gt;~ ~...!'01:""-VU: FEATURING: tile or shake roo' fireplaces, concrete SlSOO. Home ls loC:ated in 'W\lll wood ~ ~place. ...,.,. pi for income. • 1080 t• ..._, MESA VERDE l rellecll H I Plnchln & • • aq. • driveways heavy rough cut beams built • ll*kNI bedrooml and S m c --m: __ -~ zu 1 .usoc. •Double PJ'1lle ' ' • prlde.of'i>wnenhip by its baths. For appointment call 4 IEDRM • 2 BATH 3900 E. Coast Hwy 675-43112 Parents Retreat e All J.alh and pluter ins, family & dining roomi neat eondtlon. FHA/VA $22,JOOI -..E e Hardwood "'bi"'b be . "°"" i. """' moo. Will ·-~ b"-' •-wtlh NEWPORT 'l'.vn R$ Such a autilul pnce range ..• $24,995 R.11 fut 50 call now. A•u-.-:uve '""" pl1N Landmark ot the Newport The silence is golden in.Ibis 24xi9 Cl ma*.< suite. 3 additional bedrooms plus 3 ba~ Large sunken living roqm with dranta ·e mirrored firepla ce wall. BOat port and doulj delached garage. $29,750 "ilh a low interest FHA loan to be· assumed. •Pullman bath to •'l.1,200 with VA or Conventional t...,...,... "~"-· 1u fired 86Q. Secluded ~.11 .... , a •tone• at hrulb. • t<.. .. -<-·· __ _,_..__ .,...... ..--......... or ~ U·" .,_.,,,._ -v-...._ .._.....,... ..... """""'• financing as low as 10% down. 80% or rear v•ne room, ... ..,_.... taking ~ l ocean vk!wins CALl 537~ 00~ I t 7 2% Each ..-.M1..... 't Famlly room. Built·ln Jdtcb-from luxurious 2 BR.,.2 BA, •tn most Orange County am 7V oans 1 • • su. ...... -6 um 645.0303 en. Prime area. 54().1720 all -•-•~ 2 tn ... h.....t 0,.., ..,,......, .,..._ coats more, so take advantage of these .1 TARBELL ms H•rbor .iew';;.,"';;;.~ STANCO priceS. WISIDE·-top deck-· 111e..._ FOR A WISE BUY lllilders-Inc. HURRY' ! -Ul91~ Cooto Mon 1100 tic pool • bo&t docb, Opeo • BDRM & DBI daily, s.1e "' 1 ..... = w. • OPEN 1 08.)'I 1 [J . FOUR modrm 3 BR homes n.ree/F•m' /Pool CoutHJihway, nt: 60-2202 Colesworthy & Co. 642-7777 10066 Westmlns<" Ave. on lute...,,... Jot. Eacb 3 In • T Bl ff Ganie• G"""' RAIKHO 11 r111nA u1Wrr IMMED. POSSWIOll BR umt 1s-1ew1lhi.,.. he U S Balanced Pw>er Homes UI '-n.11 DVl'JU patio A brffzrway to· pr-WhJch meMI 'l\'e are ottering MESA VERDE· $950 DOWN Ft.. aw t..w., et Luckless ka-1 Hel'e ii a repouesslon with ,._ t .a••-*'P Clwl e1'Cel1ent terms for the 'Aise Isl• IM ill A leal liltwl9 ~7 ~r. 4 bedrooms, 2 l:~~::====,,;"""~d'"'~1~11~·~,w.~·,d.1=== I baths. separate fa m 11 y i:Got::;::."::'°':.:-•:;I_· ___ _;.10IO= Generel 1000 :n .. -:·sa~ boilr:;: , 4 + Family + Paol piice. 1d .. 11y 1ocato<1 1n * * lEWllllf IUILDING FOR SAlE OR LEASE 1100 Newport Blvd. CALL BILL SC0'1T OR KERMIT RIGGS -Fa rr~W- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 64M4M AllUME YA LOAll $109 P.l.T.I. That'• l'Vl 5%~ lr>- terest, 3 bdnnl. w/w carpetilJ&. good area, close to all achoo1s. churches " shopping. l!Wutt --"Nilh tan, tall trees " big lot. Full p r i c e $20,750. walking disl&ncle to scboo1a $25,300 -""" ..... ping, 1'ha ..., Wo•>'l 51/4°/o LOAN w~ESELLAHOME FMwtic valuo. DelightlW EVERY 31 MINUTES ::.:-.~~ ~ ;::;_ Walker & Lee ily rtlOm-<fl'!~ beain.s, .. tam· • Uy bedrooms.. Grat muter 20U Westcllfl Dr. bt'droom ha& closets with 6'1& Tnl Open Eves. mirrored doors. Sparkling heated pool, ~ patio, ACHTUNG Take over SIJ. % loan. HurTy Svchen si" eln haus in Mesa ca.ll 645-03m. Verde? Ha~ J i;chlatzlm. mer Pacesetter, mlt · en- tzuckendie.m gartcn uDd en- -~l' lqieche. Call Elke 1 llHI 'I I Iii 'ii\ ' 645..0303 Fixer Upper CAPE COD 546>ll3 -0 Tl!C Rf:AL """'-ESTATERS 546-2313 • 64&-nn 4 BEDRM + 51G SQ. FT. NEWPORT HEIGHTS FAMILY RM· $31,5001 La~ livire room with fire. Heavy beamed ctllinp, ex· place, separate dining area. quisif.e planters, built-in bar. 4 BR 2 bath, h.ard"'"OOO Expansive brick patio + floors. c.overec1 brick patio, another patio for BBQ'1, "'!· lath house for planting dhle erk:oka a huge beeted Ir fiJ. garazl' oa Jlley. ~-for tered pool. Waterfall + fiab. boat & camper. Near Har-pond. Assume 5-%% loan. bor Hi. 54()..1720 1860 N""""" Blvd .. CM TARBELL 2955 Horbor Rltr . ....,,,., Eve. •644-1655 SUPER VIEW • COATS L h Strper 3 Bdrm., 21Ai hath with .. ac enmyer ..... r appo;otmeo'3, '" .... WAL.t..ACI! pcrb Bllills area. Shown by . REALTORS ==~=~"=--..~-! app't. UGLY DUCKLING, let us $47,500 546 4141-help change this? [or comp!. DeL•ncy Real Estate (Open lwni"I') clean op &: repl'ir Call us. 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 548-0995. . t 67J..3T10 Fer Daily Pilot Want Ada TirE Ql11CKER YOU CAU.., On lrqokhunt at Atl.nt• ... ~ 96&-2929 Corner home near South age. Block wan fern. ,a io.t}y 3 BR, 1%. bath Huntln"°" BHch Cout rwa. Low. low down $62 000 F/P· -wllh lam nn. and • $33,000 pa)'ment. OWner roa,y con. • awlm.mhw poot at a price Newl,y palnltd. sider lease optioo aubmjt 10~ DOWN )'OU will hi.idly believe. Carpets, drapes. ' ---=--...._.-----· ------- oiler, """'-Newport I Call U1 To Seo' 3 llodrmo. 1Y,t l•th• 1000 Gonorol 1000 $27,950 ol URR WHITE, Rltr. Split Uvtl MOdol "FH· 1--------290l 'Newport Bh"1., N.B. Coll Ownof67Ul46 General .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I WTSIDE. SPAfllSll Vlc!ort' 67s.4630 Evto. 6n.os59 For Appointment 646-1111 SPACIOUS 4 BDRM 2 BA. 2 BRIGHT & CHEERFUL 1-1-5-..1.n cl' N!Ce Duplex · c1oae to oct&.n, shop- ~ ---- REALTY INSTANT SUMMER FUN Beautiful waterfront with pier a1'd sllp; 2-story with view, and look what the owner will do -Trade for Palm Springs Income, San Diea;o trailer park • Season- ed trust detds • even CUTY the llt T.D. with $10,000 down • At $64,50'.> it's a smuh! On R-2 lot, haa huge patio. enclosed lanai with barbeaae and bar • And aiuch more • A can • Gets JJL *' '· 21115 W. l•lboo, N.B. 67~ Eve&. 642-1692 ExdullnlyOuro New Baycrtlt liltirg. Spark- ll.rv adult OCCUJ1itd 4 bdrm J balh borne 1ltuated on a quiet atreet with park-like setttrv. Fonnal 4lnlng room. unusual mother-ifl.law bdrm & bath. Fee aimple. Call for appointment to att. 16m \Veslclill Dr, NB GQ..5200 A bit ol Spa1n,,1FORMAL DINING ROOM with P.tJ\S. SIVE ARCHWAYS; a clu- sic kitchen with WROUGHT IRON breakfast nook. IN· TERJOR DEO'.JRATORS FOR.MER HOME with hand titttd wan shutterw and ex· citing hanging lampe;! h'O bedrooms pl111 detached den for teenager or lnlaws v.ith private bath. ASSUME ex. cellent $21.1~ • SIX % FIN· ANCING and pay $156.00 total payment! EXCEL- LENT EASTSIDE NEIGll· BORHOOD lor $25,960! PERRON .. ,, . . . ...., .. ,~. * 642-1m Anytime* G.I. Loan -<:oronodolMor LovtJy executive pool home. With J hldn>oma, 3 baths.. Elteant muter bedraom l.S.'<30. lfuge heated & filter- ed pool. with Jots of d~king. Brand new kitchen v.·itb all new electric buill·im, dislr waa:her, and large pantry. Anyone with S600J cash can assume th1a low interest GI loan. 646-8681. Principal$ ooly. HOME FOR HORSES Hall acre: with corral and a J Bedroom 2 bath home, clean and neat, • A rare. LOVELY CAMEO SHORES "'*"' -iacwor ,,,.. .. beaches pl111 canyoo ' ocean view from this immaculate 3 Bdrm. home, priced _,,, low at $62.500. Call for app'l Walter Haue . ...... Caldwen, w. & c.. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach,, Calif. 833-0100 644-2430 -------"'~·· SACRIFICE ... ,_.. ....,. .... ng 1!&11. ping· 2 Bdnru each. Xlnt lncbcp'e. Walk lo schls. ' . • $28,!lm. Take over 5\4 % cond., patlo, sundeclc. 0~ I Im _.. site gar. $40,0XI Furn. oan. m...... occupancy. R. C. GREER. Realty ca.u. owner 51G-&3!1. Open . • Sat A: Sun l..S. 1731 Iowa St. 3.155 Via Udo 173-9300 , Mea Verde BLUFFS · 8a,y View, on in. ' B YOWNER: Leavl111 state. jor green belt. 3 Br, 3 Ba. . Home Ir income £2) 2 BR m&DY cust features. Low hses in xlnt cond. on lg lot, lse. $48,500 value, Sa.crHlct fncd separately. Block wall, $46,500. 6fM285 lhrub Ir fruit trees. Quiet 5 BR 4 BA Ivan Wella home rftld'l, close to stores & wth lg Iandac. yd. 1am rm. sch!. See IO apprec. 186-8 patio. Job trans. req1 tm-,, Vifilnia Pl., C?t1. med sale by owner. $67,500; ' $21,000 833-6415 wkdays tll 5 pm. POn..ESS hou,e + guest HAWA.11 BOUND. M~ ~-Immed ... oceupaney. sell my delwie Condo. 2 BR ' Ll'a park.like Jt..3 lot, fnllt 2 ha. pool. $28.500 ~ ; treea. 2308 Santa Ana Ave. 646--0732 ~--------t &side Owner. 642-2983 CLIFF HAVEN HOME Evenin&• Call 67.Wll6 find at $36,950, Owner movtna: East will tab $62,500 for lovely 5 bdrm llaycrHt home with beam· ed celling in Uvlng room. Hurry JM this Ollt. BEAtmFUL 4-5 Bedroom, 2 2 BR. 114 Ba, covered patkl. story, loved family home. Clean. 411 Snug Harbor Rd. Many extru. Priced righl Owner • ~ 3<C E. 22nd St., CM. Open-HOUSE • GARAGE • OF· ' •. ,._!. HOUSE With EVERYTHING I THE R'C::AI. 1Z E:S'I'ATERS eves &: Wkrxls. 548-5003 nCE, 25'x93' lot M·l zone. BY OWNER J BR HDJnu. 2-$26,500. 508 31st Sl HB. * ! E. aide. 2-W. ll<le. v..,, U. c613-<020:,;:======ol trans:fttable Joanii 5'A.-61;S% • .., 1111 388 E. ""' st.. CM _N,,,...i=-cuh."""= .... =-'"""=......, Newrrt Holghh 1210 I Arnakl & Freud • 4 bdnns pliis J hlths. pl111 large tam. nn., plus formal dining, plus impressive livinJ: room. plus unigue hillside lo- cation. O f ft;;!ed al S ... 950. :ms Canflnal. 51/4 •/o LOAN Rea!Jon ,....""' * BY OWNER-POOL. " A RARE FIND REI'IREEs special. 2 Bed-I """""'!!'!!!!!"ll!!!!!!!!!!~"""' I BR; crpta, drps. x.1.rg IA 1 room doll home. Hardwood $20,'50; WOWt Low ma1nt yrd. $30,500. The cleane1t home in Ne. fln, delightful b&ck yard "Apple Pie" order. Kina &fs. * ~ * port Hta. You could eat o11 I «1 bedroomo, ......, ldtcho ========I the 1too• ot uu. channirW w th shade or sun for re--en. built •. tn app:ilanees, Mesa Del Mar 1105 3 bedroom l" bath borne. bxlng. FORTIN CO. Handmme s n a c k bu. Rustle brick and detp aha& 11M·A w.,tclUJ Drive SPrlnkl<n, bo&t rate, • BR 2 BA/LOW DN, °""'' Uuourhout and • Newport Beach 642-5000 5*-1120 tenific covered patio 1 TARBELL 2955 Harbor to existing hua:e &% GI loan. with a gas bar-b-cue.. Rear Newport HeicJhts 96' ON OCEAN BLVD. $202/mo Incl""" tax ... :".:., ~-:;' ,,,:=. ~ ":: I-;:~~~~~~~~ 13 BR 2 bath, hardwood, floor, C.Orona del Mat, Fantutic iN. Frplc, cpts, drps etc. perfect home for camper "oh b I• fireplace, dble garage, EX. view oI ocean l harbor aean. $28,500. Owner/agt. and boat owners. $33.500 • I n macna PENINSULA PT. ISTING 5%% UJAN. 129.500. 1'fbt.; ,.,..,,,,, Nonn. be&uty "*""' 10% down. lll&I.....,,, THE QUICKER YOU SEU. BAYFRONT Al'T. l'Gone==,.",===="1"'000"-G" ... =,=.=1 ====°'1000=0 lvis1a Del ~~;_:._~r ii: allp L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.1 available . ..,..~ ca.rage. $28.500. - Best value! J Br. home on Wells-McCardle, Rltrt. w/tree !haded, walled ear-EXTRA large comer lo!. 3 DOVER SHORES 50X100' lot. Enjoy beach liv. 1810 Newport mw .. C.M. d.,.en. Loan at 6~% int. ~ BDRM'• W/ enclosed patio, I BA YF RONT ing! $42,500 51g. 7t29 aeytime assumed. Call for app't boat gale. 54&-2459 Owming s bedroom home Balboo Roal Esl•le Co. l """"""~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!I WALKER Riiy 675-5200 = d= 1::. ~~: 700 E. Bal~:·· BalOOa ·1wo INVESTORS ::::~·Ulan. u~11~ ............................ 11 'O THI: RE/\L '"""'-ESTAT C!-<:O "'' THE FAMOUS BUILDING AND SITE OF THE George Wiiiiamson Realtor ~:.~;ast ~m~it~ u ~~~ THE-BLUFF_S__ e Terrtnc buy! s BR .. m ,950 $19,950 spacious lDI iq. rt. 3 BR. 2 COIY HOME 1 "~"""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~I handsome extuior. Asking 3 BR & 2 Ba with corner lot • 4 BR 2 baths, tor .. $22.500 4 BR ii: fam mo. Owner pr.-BA. Family rm, Ranch Nice Heights am. 2 BA, E\'es. 673-1564 BLACK KNIGHT RESTAURANT ond COCKTAIL LOUNGE NOW BEING OFFERED FOR SALE CALL II view & specious feel ing. Rltr. 642-9730 E\~. Soe0720 fe!'I to kaae bad: at '115 home. Near roll coune. H\V fiool'I, cpta. l dJpl., Easlside 2 BR 1 !1 BA 1125 ·""· Call to ""· cw.tom '""'"· d.,,.. ott•" e KEllNmY tor period o1 ""'· $33,tXXJ. °"""· * ......... ">k. dbl. '"'· 00 alley. (714 ) 642-1235 extra.. Handy to pool, Own. Rand Roalty 645-2340 3 BR. 2 BA, PACESEITER, Pool..U. back yaro_ $25,IXX>. s~~:~~t:a1:~ I !!9011!!1!Dm«!!N!!'i!!!!::'!!!"!!vl~I· !i~!iit!!l•!!l20~ er ~~~1:': S•vo $22,580 v!:'~ !!a~'!. ;;. ~~"ins:: 9!"--- sa.tm eves, 64&-0927 Own. I' Don!t W•ste Your VA-Big family home· Iarre Co-newly painted Lnterior 1: a I! ALT T er/Agt. lonlal 5 BR with Anthony Newport Heights exterior, built-in.kitchen, dbl Coll.,. Par~ 1115 Near NB POlt Ole. 5*UJ.4 Get A Dupltx pool, family room &: dlntne Cute 2 BR on I lot •-Jc. ~ ,,,. ---w/w ---NEA.R \VESTCLlFF 2-two bedroom units com· room. Nearly 2900 sq fl. · 9 • ... ., .. -.. .. ., 3 BR & den, hwd fin, cov 3 Large Bedrooms. 2 Bath!. pletely furnished v.1th in. walking distance to ?i.tesa 546-~AVIDSO~al~l q,.'ffdrpa, $3l,OOO EZ terma. patio, hlk wall, dose to WHtcllff lUO Living rm &: family rm both come of $3,800.00 every year, Verde C.Ountry Oub. Owner P .".C. 546-5440 schools/shops. ;26,900. By '-"'=""'''----'= \\'/ fr))lcs. Palio, new Full price is only $32,450, relocating: out of area-mus! NO DOWN TO VET! 3 BR 2 bath home, comer Ownr 545-3945 HOME ... R-2 lot. Eacel draperies, bltns. Cul-de-«ac. 1vlth no rlov.•n payment. sell~ Charming 2BR home, com-lot l30ll80 • add 5 m~ ========'I Wt'atskk. 3 BR 2~ t.. room Immnculalc! $33,750. By pletcly renovated on large units. Drive by 1545 Santa Newnort Be•ch 1200 for 4 or 5 unit.I. 56-lm 1111 Scott or Kermit Rl9gs owt'lt'r. 642-1679 aft 12 noon ~ 54,·S.IO EIS corner lot. \Vorkshop, Ana Ave, then call ~ eves. -n -.J fnNreinemlthlltnl dblc st en._ for boat, trlr NO WAITING I "'"""=======I $19.200 -4 -•m. I UEGE REALTY .. , llanla ... ,.1 ... $137 a Month . ~AdllnsatKlrbof,tM. storage. Only $21.000 Rltr 11\ ..., For the bath Saturday nigh! Univertity Park 1237 &16-a226 642-6560 or any morning with a bath i Payments includes e v e r Y· -~=~===.,.-t ~~~~ . ===~ for each bdnn. The.rt are 4! BRANO NEW HOME I Ba ·1 lhing, 2 baiho. BWJt.;o klto"' 645 O 180 DEGREE VIEWI THE ATRIUM $23,950 ·MESA VIRDI Plus a view fn>m Abalone un;,, Pk. G"'obll Spanioll chen, Attracti1o1e v.·ood shut· • 303 Sweeping view of ocr-an. bay, By Ivan \Velll'. Unique 4 Completely repainted. Mut-pt to C.talina. 3 Fireplaces tile rt i..eaae $375 mth. Sell 1 k'rs. F'rTshly painted • Fenc-BUSIEST marketplace In city light.i l a:entJe rollln&' bdnns, 3 batl'll I: family er s1z.ed btdrooms, 2 st~ blend with fresh paint for $38,000. 879-2348 ed patio. Assume S~"P 1on.9n. titwn, The DAILY PILOT hill-;, 4 Bdnn. All e~ic room. Superb view, tn',450 ate bath&'. DrMm kitchen extra charm. Widow will IT'S Beach~ time, Bil· TARBELL 142-66 1 Cass~ section. Save kitchen. Fanna.1 dinlnt room. Roy J . Werd Co. TwA;lhRboBElll·ins, Patio. S44).l7'lQ tnuie down. moo handle&. aest selection ever! See tbe 1 OAD..Y Pnm WANT ADS! money, time &: el!ort. Look !4 acre of para~iM-. St0-1720 IBaycrest Oll1ce) LL 2'55 He,._ Hal Pinchln & Assoc. DAILY Pll.OT <lullfled j 293 E. 17th·S1 ., COSTA MESA BRING RESULTS! !i....,ii!!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiTiAiRiBiEiLiLii29i5SiiiHii:•rilboii'illlliOJiiGiialaxy .,..l,SiiO ·While Elephant.! 39JiO E. Cout Hwy, 615-4392 section NOW! I COSTA MESA OFFICE•-545-9491 1790 HAuoa ... • .. L-.YD_. _______ ..;o;i:,..;;:...;;Eno=• ... 'Ill''·"'· OCIAN YllW -$17,500 ·· BEACH OFFICE 842-4455 Ol'f'OSI,.. 0 ~· ____ ..;";;";;,"';;,'•;;•;;,' .. ;;;..;';;';;."';;';;,"----,.. ·-· Hert'a the bu,y ot the year. Elegant family house "'ith panoramic view of the NO DOWN ms 01 $2000 DOWN PHA OR ocean and Catalina. NI) -It's NOT Jegse land!!! You OWN it!! Speclou" r oorn STOP Auume thla 5% FHA io.n at only Sl5l per month! A model oondlUon ~ 1 .ua, big all el~trlc kitchen, 2 elegant bath5. Npthlng can be built to obstruct · bedroom, ~ bath, BEAMED CATHEDRAL CEILING •-mo oomplet.• .. ....:,1 -. tbbi fan1u Uc view. Submit )'Our smaller home on our guarantee &ale plan. .n .. __,, uv ., .,.... ...., -v •o;uecor&ted ins1de and surrounded by park·llke groundli and apadous paUo IAYClEST -$46.000 UNlll.llYAILI 11 ln Jovely, 10\.~b' quiet aru. VERY PRIVATE MASTER BEDROOM wtth outside .lust placie.d on the market, this exceptional pride_ of OYt'netShip home should bt $850 Dou·n f1tA. No Closing Colts ~ a 3 bedroom, l 'il ti.tit-home. Look at a.oct>sa. All dtctric kitchen and dlshwa.'lher! Water softener! Trade in )'flW' small· M'l'n immed1ately, Private court yard entry. beautiful y1U'ds with room for a th~ extras! \Vasher, ~r, Refrigerator. Built ln bar for cntfl'talning. Q)ni. er homo on thb VERY SPECIAL BEAUTY! ..... Laree ~~ andp•--aCft!U for boat or iraller._ Submit YoW' 5lTlllller home on our lu&r-1ilete lletta and speakers. Custom drapes throulhoul Plus.:tMck-llke new CU· TAU o-$l IS "R MONTH _,.,. ...... pcUng. AU. nus FOR ONLY $18,900 FULL PRU G.t $600 Down. Finl come, t'Ul MYCllST-$7,,SOO first serw. HURRY! · Lovely ~e 4 bedroom, 2 bftth ~r roof beauty thtt Is a rttl Chtrry'1 .,,. Spaailh haclrnda 1.$ 1 IO¥tlY family home with • gora~s llvinl room, high .. 8.P&clous 1Jvfng room .,,ith CUSTOM brick flrtplllce, lovely pluah Cll'J)tta Ud llmmed ctWnts and beautUUI Spanish style nrepb.ct. Separate DINlNG room A: $19,000 FUU PllCI drapes. Ranch atttd Id~ with bullt·lna and apaclous family l'C'IOIT\! S\\-.eeplng ldllll s:be f.anul)r room. Sfdudcd muter bedroom aulte with ~a room •nd Nf'W~"41! Planning )'our future 11 &lrnple In thta cute 4 )'Hr old Ranchett;. 3 lrnmaculate ta.-n with load:I of ithadfo tfftl and plenty of privacy ror.famib' en-~ :!' 4 1pedow bc!drooma and 3 cJ~gant baths in our moat rxchulw &rel bcdtooma often room foe famlb' a:rowth plus 2 baths. Brtck Jl'\replatt. &ltttrlc ~n~~~~·! As little u S2,800 down! Trade in your imaller home -•·-bullt·lnl. I>Wtwuher! ~b and Dnpea. NO CUb Down Cl at $165 l:ncludn ,..,., POOL HOUSI all.1'HA$90fllloM>.NoOO&lntCmt.. I WAn• HONT-NIWl'ORT RACH hcdwtlt bome"wttb EOl'l'toUI pool and paUo area tor 1ummertlme parUn. AB· Probably~ again v.111 you find such a FANTASI1C VA.LUE with ..U that aoun'fLI' lmmaicul.:~ In every detail. Hupo ~-a Oftr'.looldna ~tll'rtaln-AXll•UPPll thJ1 otfen!! PIER and BOAT SUP!! Buy this dupl~ l'llrnlahed or not with 81 .... .,._ Klnc...u:t> mu1er 1Wt.e ,lncllKkil dreasing f'OOOl and bath with a A Utile pa.Int and p1asttt ll aJl this cute ~ nHdl to be: a DoU ROUH. llttk! aa 109' DOWN. Low T~ ~nclnR' avaDabJe. SUPER SHARP!! 0.:rpeb a: .._. tllla. ... uuru1 locaUm. Room for bolt or trilltt in owr..1n )'&I'd. A Rave 4 nice size bedrooms, 1" balhL Brick' n~lace.. Double eu.p. GI'• no drapes! Double Pfl.af'! W&Jk to an shol'll. but J\llt alip out of bed and tan tn ...a 1ttll IMJl50 Submit YOW sm&lJet borM on our auart.nlN ..i. plan. cash down. J'HA Tt'f'l'IU. $22,990 rou. PRJCE. Calli the 'WI.tu er cllmb ln )'OW' boat! An UNBELIEVABLE VALUE at onlJ' "8,9SO. : ~~-~=-!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!1_. .... 1111!!!!~Wl::~s:1~LL~A~H=O:M:E:.:IY:E:R~Y~3!!.1~M=l:N:U1:1:S~!l!!!!!!!!l_.!!l!!!llm!I!!!!!!!!!!!~..:..;.:~ \ ' , ' _:__ --·----------------·---------------------------------~ • I I I ·1 i ·I : I I ~1 -· -,,, . . ' ; --"' ---- 2 Bd.1ms., den, 2 baths, cor· Mr Joe:. Tip-Top cond. Plu11 1-Br. sep. house on 2, R-2 kMs. $69.9t"<J. Oi:1n9e Coi11t Property 332 i\1arwue1itc 61:-:..sa5Cl NEW LISTING Corona Hiehlands; 0 c ea n view: 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own th! land. Full price $44,000. CO.RBIN·MART IN Realtors :l036 E. Coast l·:hYy., Cdi\I 675-1662 SHORECLIFF' 3 BR, 2 BA. Quiet tree lined area by the ~a. Fee simple. AcceS! to 2 beaches. Under $50,000. By owner. 673-3681 Lido Isle REAL CHARMER! Professionally decorated Lido ~. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Lar&e family rm .. lovely patio. Im- maculate~ S'aj,OOI) LIDO REALTY, INC. 3400 Via Lidt1 673·8830 TERRIFIC-LISTING! I Smart l·story 3 Bel. + smaU room. sr kit.. refrig .. range. Gttat occupancy order. So. palio -45' lot. $69.500 R.C. GREER, Really 3S35 Via Lido 673·9300 CLAS 1•00 .... 4 BR CORNER $.."650 du11•11, S26,500 lull price, Fireplace. FA heat. built-in range & oven, carpets, drap. es, 11'alk lo shopping & schools. Single story, b I g livtng room. PRESTIGE H0~1E on corner lot. Great for boa.I? C41.mper owner. Grear for any fan1i· ly. Ne1Y carpc111 & paint. i\lany l:rt'c11. Loadrd 11·ith extras. $29,000. l·IuJTY • tMl!I! do not last a 11·eek. Rex L. I-lodges R I I y . 847-252;; Real Est•t• Silttmtn NMded Be6! comml!lfiion & bonus. Conlldenllal intel'\'iel\', Ask I~ tlfr. Brashear. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847.sJll Evea. 96S-lli8 ASSUME 5~1 'k LOAN OPEN DAILY 6ll2 Summerdale Nr Meadow Lark roH COlftie, Corner 2 story, 4 BR It Pool w/ many extras. °'1.1w laving 1tatc. Jicxlb&e line. 1 Blcr 1213) GE 1~268 Transferred • Leavlna area lrnmediatcl.)' Fiorida bouDd. i\fust vell. O.lt1 Reil E tt1te 6-16-4414 BY OWNER OM;ne:r lot, tri-Jevel 2 yrs ~d. J BR. 3 BA, Separate family room. Top quality! "3.900. ' • 962-0230 • O~PERATE! P.1ust RU. ! 1tJ 3 BR, tam rm Walk to ldlll A beach. Pleuaat netchborhood. $29.930. 96Urn OWNER'Sl BR 2 bath. Nice clftln home. At~ume 5'1. % FllA loon. "2.lOO. Pmlt. Jlillmo. L98al ftllvl'IUI IA.. H8 GLEN?lfAR hOint. 2 gtory, 3 BR; f1 m rm. 2 bllf\ POOL. 1-)'plc. patk\ new p.alnl ln- •idL m~. 11162-2l08 an s PM ~-·-·-r~ ~-... ._,,...._._,__...._ ____ =tP'**Yif ep4qU4i,lOpwUWJ •l""'i>f*•W!$J::WP4J"I +4 +i f »fi 1*1 5 1 ¢ ;o •0• • • :s ·~----- Luxury single. 1 & 2 bedroo1n apartn1cnts, furnished and un[ur· nished. \vith complete privacy a·nd landscap- ed country club at- mosphere including $750,000 w or th of recreational facilities designed and operat- ed just for s ingle people. GARD EN GROVE 13100 Ola"n1an Ave. I (4 Blk.s. \V . Santa Ana 1'"\1')'.) 3237 17141 636-3030 YE.ARLY Lease-3 Bd1·n1. !o Oe.n or 4 Bdn11.. 3 bat.h. Covered patio, fenced yard, all electric kitchen. double oven, table top stove. near UCI, shopping centt'r, S:i.n Diego F"'Y·· parks & pools. \Veekcnds or 11·eckdays after 5 p.m. By 011·Tl(>r !m-2027 NEW PORT BEACH I;vlne and 16th St. l n41 645-00:iO Furnished 1\Todc.ls Open Daily Im1nedlatc Occupancy South Bay Club ~CRAM·LITS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 1100 RENTALS Aph. fumblMd 5000 e RENT e 3 Rooms Furnitur e $20 ·$25 & UP l\lonth·To-h-Iontb Rentals \\'IDE SELECTION Applia~ &: TV's avail. RINTAL~ llAL fSrATt .._ Unfuml.._, Gener1I OAILY l'llOT /II REAL ES'fA'B Gentrll Newport a..ch . 5200 ....... ,,., ..... S9'5 C""""'rdal SPARKUNG 2 BR. 2 ha .. t=!!!!!! ground fir. apt. Cheerf11I 1 d • den.din. m1. All elec. hlln~ ntro uc1ng '""· d1'1twsb•. Patio-d"'k + gar. 2 Mort blks to ocean. lo the \\'iSt", Sf'ven new de. Yearly \se. S26:i P.lo. Avail luxe 2 bedl'oom units on July ll(f. Costa Mesa Eulside. Spee- Bay & Beach Really lal owner's unit, Over SlOOO 615-3000 nlonth lnco1ne. Priced at $95.000 !<'or home & ineome, Huntington 8 t1ch 5400 loo. Call Herilage Real Es· --·----· ----lale 51~11:-11 jpcn CV<'SI tVU. lniluotriol llentll - NE'\VL Y deoonted S rm of· lice In N.8. $$. Yard I p, avail. "'6-l'l24. fOR leas;:. 9c n, new lndllll- trlat bldg •• 2500 Ml. fl, 163."> Monrovia, Ct.1, 613-9017 6100 VIEW LOT £xcdlenl buildlnl' 1lt& tor custom ho~, Loci.SH in de· alrable area or La&:una- $10,000. SUbmit t ~ rm 1. 67"-4010 Stuart l Robbins Reall<i;n R..s cot 150 x. 55 net, 5 ft .: I back, S\V cor Ga.rfidd It Huntington Ave., l:IB sale or trade for units. Ownr/Bkr -R-2 LOT Lacuna Beach. 4IOO sq. II. Nt beach • shops UJ.000. Owner (, T 1 4 ) 365-ZQ4 or write Da,ily Pilot Box !.1·321. 3 ADJ. loll: room for 11 uruts. 333 E. 21st st., Collta Mesa. Owner 4B4-rl012 e:vt. 1\1-1 kit, good ~· M. location st x 300. Bargaln su,soo, Sullivan 54&-6761 6200 ExcitinCJ LivinCJ 1" ""w .,1 •. •1 ""'"""" 2 INCOME • 3 Units SOUTHERN CAL. ""''"""' · ' "''"· CATTLE RANCH $140 to $195 A :.!Bdrm ·IBR&Bachelor. Approxlin•!ely 360 a=1 ol S1vintrning pool, gym, sauna, R.ede-coraled le clean. Good level to rolling land in Rivet. 'lo Nowport He=~'-ts a re a. rec.l't'a n room. '6.'' sklc C.ounty near Redlands. S12J. 1 BR. R/O, refrig. General Electric Appliances. S33.J950E.AN SMITH JI.as home, bun, corral, \\'/\\'. drapes, A\'ail 6/15. Adulb only. pressure system It plenty No Security Oe.posil HFRC Jo"urnlture Rental~ 517 \V. 19th, CM 548-3481 1568 \V. Lncln, Anhm 174-2800 ·°"B~ro_ke""'·~,,.__~---~-I Lampli9hter Apts. Realtor or '""" nu. 1, wooo•rluJ SU5. 2 BR. garage, stove. 16102 Springdale St. 646-3155 country Y.'ith easy acceu i1·/w. Children 0 .K. Broker Phone 592·7'4:?1 llas 2600' of rronl.agc on pav. "'._...,· ed road. \Yill sell or trade 2 BR, 2 BA. New Carpel, SUXX>, per acre. For further SIOO draprs. Built ln. S 1 2 0. Busi nass R•ntt l 6060 infoimation c a 11 Glenn ="='=-'=&;="'=•='=·"='-<=""=·===IR.ENT or lease. center C.L\I. Tllon\pson. 5 A 5620 13000 to r.ooo sq II. FA heat. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. HARBOR _i_n_l_• __ n _i _____ wood floors, lm pr ovca 1818 \V, Chapman Ave. * 2 BR, 2 BA Garden apts. parking, 2 dbl ca.i· garages. Orange, Calif.. Very clean. Adults p~f. All a t :!065 O\a.rle St.· 541·2621, Eves-w~ 5381127 GREENS .... ,520 OwnoT, 646-4401, ~. R"I \"=~===I a11 "ooo L19un1 Beoch Co11t•I FOR LEASE 3100 94 tt prqe Bid&. OD Harbor BJvd. 4 doublie doora. $600 Pf.r A1onlh. Bro«ier 67MM1 fit.'ll61 11\16, FOR $a I e -Cho Ice-cont· ""'rc:lll lot• """' l'l0.000. Dan.11 R,.aJty Co. 64,,._ • ' 7 ACRES W/PERMIT TO.KEEP HORSES Adjacent subdivision o~ mile E. ol hwy, ulil avail. $42.000. \Ii Cub, bal 1st trust deed. Write Box 914 La&una Bch, Pllone 491-4726 OWt)cr. FOR Sale or 1vill trade Jor Orange Co. Income. 2a> A. !I() of licn1e1 near Rancho California TI~7306 Mount. & Deurt 621 0 HUNTINGTON Beach Only! 3 or 4 BR home. Owners or principles only. 968-361 BUS INESS i nd FINANCIAL Bus. Opportuniti11 '300 Al"l<~l.l.JATE CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE iNo Sellin& lnvolwd) E."\cellcnt income lor few hours \Vel!kly "'prk (Days or evenings), JU(illlng It col· le.:ting money from coin op- C"rated di1pensen; In C011ta l\1esa It. surrounding area. \\le e11r. route. (Handle• name b r a n d candy & snack.~). $1450 Cash requir- ed. For personal Interview In< Costa Me11a area, tend nrune, address & phone num· bcr to Multi-State lnc., 9015 E. Imperial llwy., Downey, calir. 90242 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE !Part or Full Time) E>i:ccUenl IncomP for le:wi hn.. weekly work (day1 or eves) relllling & collecting money from coin operated dispen- sers in Costa Mesa &: 1ur- rounding areu. No Mlling. (Handles name brand. candy " snacks). Sl650 1ottJ caah required. for pe:rlOllaJ Ir· - view In your area, and name, addl"!M Ir: phone .am- ber to~ "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" ... P.O. Box 2938. Anaheim, CaJlromla !m04 FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION \; ,. Frlgidt.itt 11 min. cycle ii l'. the fastest ln the tnduttry. 30 Fricidaltt1 do 1ht wwk 1 .. ol 40, 30 min, walhen.. f'1?d out bow iea.ry It ls to own a ora)'inc laundry. Garden Grvvc, Santi. Ana, I T\taUn. Oronr<.' Anabtlm 1· Col•O·Matlc Equipment, Inc. flJ.41,4 W. Valencia Ful.lt:t1on • n-t: 525-7133 ' •, UFACT* l NC«! man lg haidle man• tactu:rlnc tk!pt for nddtd • products. Stat'! lmrnedlatt. i ly. Exp nol ttt, wUI train. National IOOpe. Sl.5,000 \fto Vttl i'Cq. fUl\)' KC.\U'td b)> lnVt'ntory, USO Per -wk + equal tha~ ~ prot\ll whlCb 8hould rel'U'l'n ~-or monr prr Yfff'· ~ appl phnnt W: 43J.44IS Ert. 111 ---------------------------------~....._--~-----... ---..-.. • - - -....__.~...__..____~4 ,.. --• - r • w......,, ... 21. 1169 w.-· 11'1 ~. lWI r:LOT·ID'li.n I .. : .. :r'~HTI Hll\llCI llllllCTOll'I' JQIS t. IM~LO.'l'~l!IT JQIS & E/ULOYMltiT . • Mos Cl!or~oril~ AIO Htl, WiinlW, Mion 7'200 Holp W•nied.-"'9ft 7200 ... ,. ..... ,. -_____ _,;;;;;;;;:=:=.;:.==-'===~--'"""··"" --. ---' ' AdvertlHrt rfll 'I' ol1ct t hell' ''" bt l.-lt~,.,......_ Phones Are Open 8:00 cz.m. --~:: ) 9 to Noon S1turd•y-Closod Suad•y • ' . '.l8 CJ-11.'VROLE:T v.8 WOR:rli ~ ... TRADE' FOR Moron. CT,CLEOF EQUAL V.AW~ -• '6S-4614 · 11~\'E' ·n lnb"' <;abl n Crill&er, "trrr,' 200 )lfJ v.a. IM!ad; p.µey, slpe. 2;:4. illP:. \VANT: Eq.' In hse, lot, in: comr-prop. 54:6-2()11 12 M-1 shops in 2 tUt-up bldgs on Placentia, C.l\l. Value $laCl,000. T1·11.de -part ror prope'rt,V. Balance!,. Call owner 548-1542 Ii.love paUe:nts froni bed to chair to Lath easily \v\th Hoyer HydroHc Lift ($575 nc1v), Trade for chairs, an- tiques, rugs, >16-93a8 Duplex, top Joe. Newport Stach; 2 BR. & 1 BR. Val. $41.500. Take tale model car & T.D ,'1 for equily. Newport Boach Rlty 675·16~2 Duples, Costa hfe$<\: ro1 more unU1, Coastal area as far u ?.fanhattan Bel'.<'h, FORTIN CO. 61~5000 1T01-A \Veslcllff Dr., NB TRADE equity .in ·w Ford Country Squire \Vag:on far cub It. econon1y t·ar 1voi1h $300-$400. Cull ~GG!I or 63.3-7541. Laguna Beach, 3 ocean vie1v Jot" for future devt!I opment. T ota.I $3500, Take late model car, diamonds, etc, Broker 49-1-1330 What do you have to trade ? Lilt. Jt here -in Oranae CoW1ty'1 largest read trM· Ina post -ar 1 maJi:e 1 deal. FREE! .•••k a..11"' ci ..... Offered lo Ibo pub)le by the BalbOa Pow- er Squadron slarUne 7 P.M. Monday June ~,Newport Ha r bor Ylicllt Club, 720 West Bay Ave.. Newport Beach. En ro.11 a I class. For additional information p ho o e 675-0467 or 673-1855. COUPLES. single!; lonely? New In a.rca'? Join tbe "\\'Ing to tun & pleAJtltt • '3>9291 • AUX>l-IOUa Annny mOUi!o Ptiono 542-1217 o. \vrile to 100 ACRES, cleat. $35,000 P.O. BaK 1223 ~ t.1e!>ll. 1 £911.ilY. \\-'ant.. l.ncome NC!P" . Crty. Pteae tutimtt tt11..r.. Anneuncemtnt1 6410 . ~G~~ • THE COIN CHEST • 1 i~1~ 1 _ Ra1·e coins, sets., m•ll aoo. AL'S c..nttnJnc S e r v I ci e l..tl\'n malnten.anc.. i;:uden· lnr • dean ups. etG-.S629. JAPANESE prdener Cornvl serv. EJ;pe1-. deptndab~. tre~ut.~ CLEAN-UP ~~aliit! !ofov- ln;, edl:'ln(, odd j 0 b I . Rt:aaon.Mle. SCS-6955 Hl•ll•i HAULING, Geflel'&I, Top, lrlm, remove. trees Ii: hedges. Big Johr 642-4030 YARD/pr, clnup. Remove trees, Ivy, dirt, tractor back hoe, gradin:. 96U74j C .. •n Up anti H1ulln1 $10 per load, 646-232$ Hou1tc:le1nin• CAR.PETS, 'vindows, nra. etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt \\'Or k RuJi! Refs. 5ts-t1Jl 6790 ll Pr\Q.ie.,•i.ncotne: ':Uiiil l.n lion, elc. 741 S. Coul • •. ~ _ . ~ \VAU.S. Windows, noon, t•lioioe 19ct; x.12,l .l'Cl)te.I~ :una Bch. -:,94.Zir515, cCLrpcll!I. Commercial &:. O"rd; ,sn.tlOO ~~ty. Trade SIJtVICE---DIRECTORY n sittential. Daily, ,voekly up lo~ Un\ ta oE ? ; 1-----· ----'---and/or Mo. 891-1350 eoyo l\EALTN 61"""'930 Appllane• li.,..1,. I'"'~~===== Duplex, Balboa Pl'nlnsul:i. Pam 6510 P1p1rh•ntinp l Bdrm. It 2 Bdrm., value P1inting ~7.500. Trade ~uity lor e AUTO~fATIC \VASHER .. 50 T.0.'1 It ? '!' RE'PAIRM~ PAINTL.~G Int & Ext Lo\\'Clilt Ne1vport Beach R.lty 675-1642 ==--,...-""-----contracted ptioea. Fully i11s. 4 Unlts Yucca Valley,~ SU~REJ.IE Appliance Re. Satisfaction i\lar. Free e11t. yeer--round income. \Vlll pair, Rtfrl&', "'-.;._.-lu!rs, dry. I =J7hn='=" .. ="'~"~O-_ll~G6-=-· I lrade for house: 01· t railt!r + ers. Torn. 546-1363, 547-6691 PAINTING, Pape1·lng 16 :i-Ts ? for $18,000 eq. Bal i.n Harbor area. Lie ~ bond- 01\•ing Sl0.000. 675-6937 . ll_._bv~•-ltt_ln_,1,_ __ ..;•;.:5.;.;50 ed. Refs furn. 00-2356 e INT · EXT, ANY SJZI:: JOB. Xlnt \vo1•k, rels, fr~ el!1, JIJ\f 642-4669. •·ausaovs • 111&y• & Nl;htsl e DISHWASHERS e I D•Y• & Nlthhl APPLY IN PERSON RalBBI E. I.ff 151 E. C.east Highway Newport le1c:h * DISHW ASHEll (full time) """Prcri;r cleah cut YoW.1& n1an wllh experience Apply in person REUBEN'S COCO'S lSSfW. /od1m1 Cost• Met• MACHINISTS General 1nachinists for HLV ayc!/or-chuck"er, 3 yn; min e,;p, overtime. MESA MFG. CO. 901 \V, 16th SL. NB ---· DOORMAN PARKING ATTND'T llave 9 r caldrn tlaJ k com-\VILL babysit in your home n1erclal units, Playa de! by !he \\'l!tk. You lorn Rey. $52,000 eqf;y, Wants transp. 642-1-'07 to exchange up. Si Slavin, L1 11.LD Care in my hOme ; Rllr. {714J 642-6222. Beach Blvd A Warner, ·I ~~ Trade l\f-1 Proptl1y Duarte Xlnt care. S47-3431 •GOOD PaJ n tint reasonsUle prices. 10 yr area. 642.om 8.· Full or part tin1e, day or eve. in lie. Calif. driver, Neat ap- ff'lvy, Frontage for &ach CllJLD care, fend )'llrd. Area i\1-1. lunches. Vic \V~r " Spr-* 543-60'14 * lngdale, HB 846-0rn !lave cash and 196.~ Chev \vn.L watch cliUdren in my lnipala. \V an t incon1e home days. Fountain Valley p1·opcrty. Costa hlesa area. 962.-8956. PAINTING A:: maintcn1tnce, interior &. e xt e rior . Reasonable rto.tes. 646-31&5 NEAT, exp. Painter, no drinking. College student. Low ptices! Steve 548-4549 pea1'11.1lCt'. rer.~. Call 644·1700, ext 555. 4 to 6 p.1n. Projtct Eneinffr $700 2 years college. l\Icc:h:i.nlt!ll.1 ability. No drafting. Call Dan. l\terchants ~rronncl Agency, 2043 West'!liff Dr, NB. &~2770 a1"{'a, Call 516-0288 TO\VNHOUSJ<: 3 Br. 2\1 ba, Bcnul. app!'d. Prh· patio, Irick, M1senry, etc. . 6560 Pla1toring. Repair 6110 LAi\flNATORS & ASSEM.BJ... •PATCH· PLASTERING. All ERS for Bott Bldg. Co. Exp'd. men. good selary & types .. Free estimate. caIJ \vo1·king con's. l\IERIOAN =""""'==='=======I LTD, 10920 Ha1vlhol'ne Blvd-. Jngle\\'OOd, Calif. I 21 3) 614-5200 pool; nr. b11.y. Val. $3:i,;,oo, BU~LD, Rt:mode l, Repair fo1· T.D., ur, camper or ? ? Br;ck, block, c <. n c re t e , Ch\•ner 646-6654 erpntry, no job loo amall. 'lum•o'nt 6190' Lie Contr. 962-6tM5 1:..:.;:;;.:":.:;;::_ ___ ..:;::.; Lake Arrowhead \Vaterrront • l &: I $50 000 al P Repajn ~ Remodeling 1'°!"!! • ct, • v · a. C1rpe"'trlnt 6lf0 Ele... ,,,,.,. •I• a ",. n ° . c:1r1c Palisades ocean vu lot, -~---"-----... • '" .. ,.. ftte & cir. $27,500 val. CARPENTRY Residen1ial -' mob I 1 e Want; Income. Bier. 54S-7TI1 r.n NOR REPAIRS. No J ob hontes. fi.U..G5SJ SERVTCE STATION lfELP: 1\1.'0 men full · time. cxfM'".1enccd. One man fcl' gravl'yard ahiit. NO phone calls. RICHFIELD. 19th I.: .,.. T<X" Small Cabinet in gar-PLUMBING REPAIR· .. * * * * * ages & o th tr cabinets. DRA IN CLEANING iii!~~~~ ... l!ll!!!!iJil!!!!!!!!!!!l!_!!!!!!!!!!!!lli!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!il s.i5-8175, if no answer leave 546-2387 or 540-7217 Ne1vporf Blvd., C.l\1. BOYS 10 · 14-- C11.rrie1· Routes Open BUSINESS 1NI llUSINE:55 1n• n1sg 'al 64&-2372. ll O. FINANCIAL FINANCIAL Anderson But. Op-rtuniti .. •300 Mo. noy W1nttd 6350IREPAJR, Pru1ilions, Small ,..-rtemodcl, elc. N1tl' or day, BUSINESS Servict!s In cen- ln.I Orange Co. SC-Crclllrial. telephone answering, direct mall, mim~graph. e t c , Well established. Consider mf'rger. Would be good b11sc for lnlurance, mutual funds or boOkkecplng. B 'r o k e r (714) &46-4144 RESTAURAl\T • in NewJ)Ol·t Beach. Lovely, intimate at- mosphere: rapi d I y C.'<- panding businel!!. Current 1nonthly gross $10,000 -Uin. ners (Inly. Chvncr needs more time for v a r t-e d buline'i interests, Phone: 67>-IDJl a ll. :, Pi\1 ---aEAUTY. SALON- For Sale Co~l;t 111>:-qn ATTRACTIVE 4 STATIONS 6·12-83111, 5tS...5989 DE.!IGNER·BUILDElt Buslnes1 O~rntlon &. equip. E~tab. 10 yrs, B a I b o 11 Island. 673-.XiOO, t v <' s 673-1551 BEAtn'Y Shop. Lca!it \\'lth option to buy. Fully equip. ped. 4 bedroom house. 2 baths, like new. Bk r , 642-6115 WOOD \Vorkln g lilhop, 3000 Sf? ft. Good location, small in· vesUnrnt required. \Vritt P.O. Bos P 487 Dally Pilot CHJNCHIL~S Are you interested! Visit our ranch 642-046~ ---------'tr.as! Cull Kl!."N 540-4679 i\ID and partner nerd ~horl MASTER carpenter, $4 per rcnn .$37,0(IO _hi Tnult Deed hOu.r. Remodeli11¥-Repain. do1vnto\vn B111 Benr \\"orlh 612--MOO ar 536--3900 over $80,000. Call J\.t r . &i11!lt Dayt Gt:.!-=1515 Evl'. REPAIRS, ALTER~TIONS 548-1439 • CABINETS, Ally tile job ==~=~-----L yrs. cxper. 54&-ti713 RESPONSIBLE party '\.'lUlt~ - SJ.f:'OO 2nd :r.1ortgage for-own Cement Concrete 6600 rei;1dcnce, Lagu na Beach 1----''----'-"-0...:.;;.;c· 4!M-8456 after 6 P.hf. e Concrrle nrs, palio~ etc. ANNOUNCtMEWTS Concrete It hlk top i;a\Vi\li. and NOTICES Reas. Don. 6~2-1514 * CONCRETE work. bonded F•uMI lFrH iAclsJ 6400 & Lie. Concrete sa\\'ln&. LITTLE I I . l Philli ps Cen1ent. 548-GJ80 ma e. w•:·~·lall'Clll-~-"----~-­ puppy, 23" Inches long: &: e CUSTOM P AT IOS • 13" tall. Vlt·. t\lth &. concrclr sawing tr removal Pomona, Cl\1. 548--0308 a f1. Stale Lic.•M2--10l0 4:30 F'OUND; KEYS vie parking Centr1cter1 6620 lot of \Vet Seal, 17th St., ADDITIONS-REPAIRS Costa t.te1a. Identify I.: ROIODELT NG claim Deslgninc It. Planninc FOUND Ladies pre!i<Tiplion • ~ltchens-Baths. eic. I SjJI glasses. tJear beach in Lie d &: Bonded. Free est. Laguna. 4!M -3908 A k B CONSl'RUCTION 1122 Paularino. O t • sr.tALL bro\vn male dog •54.5-400 • \Vcaring collar, vie. Estt>.t1·1 ~=~-~-----cia & Adanl!;. s.4~3911~, ADDITIONS, r l' mo d e I , FOUND Sunday vie. 42nd SI rca_sonabll': get o ther • estin'lales, Then C 11. 11 N.8. Black, fl!maJ{', puppy 847_2476 675-3.374 I~="=-'----~~ PURE \Vhlte Peraian lype ltOBERT ~"orbcs Bui\flc1· k"ttl'.l v·c El RA ·I fllcdalhon Homes 1 1. 1 nc 10, * 646-1.252 * Eastblulf. 67a-3882 Sh1ALL fen1lle black clog. Draftln9 Strvice 6437 Vi:: Ne\vpor1 &: Bristol. ---'.._ _____ _ 838-lOM DESIGN DniJOng, electro GRAY It white euier bunny. !"ech P!C ~ut l detaU- l\tcAA Verde are11.. at~U4~ 1na. Ken Sr. 67.,..1191 Poof S1rvic• 6910 e !ST t.10. Free! Expt>r, lie. l'cliitble: Tony Taylor Pool Servi<.'C. 968-4818 5twln1 "'° TREES l'Jruned, topped l removed. 26 yrs e x p , Paulson Tree Se r vice 638-1234 eDi·c!!sn\aki.D& • Alterations Custom Designs •64&-&146• Alttrotlons-442-5'45 Neat, accuratl'. 20 Yrs. exp. tor Laauna Beaeh, So. Lacuna DAJL 'i PILOT 642-4321 PIPE-SHOP CLERK 25 lo Ja hrs. per "'k. Kno"·· lcdgeeble man, 40 to 60 )'l"I. old. Set Harold: 495 E. 17th St., C.r..f. >18-9314 Receivl .. CiL2:5a PH Must he able to d rive truck, call Dan, t.lerehanll Penon· nel Agency, l043 '1.'eatcliff D1ive. N .B, 64>2770 SERVlCF; atatiOn attendant. expcr., full time, days. -. U •-1 Union Sta.Lion. Santa Ana l ;;;,;P:c~=•.::11:.:ry.!----'6:.:990;.:..: Pall.sade11 Rd, Santa Ana CZY KOSKJ 's Cusl, Uhol. HI~. Europe.an ·Cralsmanship O~N~E~. A!~,-rt-.-,~h-0-1-,-,-,-,-,-, 1ooi:t. fin! 642-1454 trainee. Apply In person*to 1881 Nt\vport Bl., C.l\I. Johan11t-n & Christensen JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 898 IV. 161h St. N,B. (corner 16th i: Monrovia ) .J•b W•nted, Lady 7020 , Contract Admln. lJK "ilOTitER'S AID, SUMi'1ER lfeavy exp. and' CO, lVill pay EXP. H.S. SENIOR . $125 fee, call Dan Merchanti; Per- l\IONTI-l, 1213) 3 4 6. 4 i 2 o sonnet Agency, 204.l \Yest· EVES. clU( Drive, N.B. 645-2770 l'RACTICAL NURSE. Avail. day or nlte. Local f'(!(. 836-8028 O.mtstic H•lp . 7035 \VORKING \Vile needs rlean- ing \VOman Thurg. or Fri., 4 or 8 llrs .. ocean apt. Hunl . B~h. References required. 5.':&-1026 after 6 p.m. Geori:e Allen Byland Agency Empoyer Paya Fee l OG·B E. 16th. SA 547~ Chlntst Uve-ihs. ChcM'ful Permanent. Ellperienced OLDER man night · security clerk, s m all hotel. Police or Comnilssion~ 0 t I i c e r background. l mpeccable character. 673-MJO SERV. STA. SALl:SfltftN. F'or t"ve. & \Yeck end \\'()t•k, r.fust be neat in appe<1rancc and handwritin g. 2 5 !) O New'port Blvd. Costa l\lesa SERVICE $lalion attendants, all shilts open. Cal} or apply In person. l\terrlck'1 Shell Statioll, 2800 W. Coast Hwy, NB. 548.3252 Money to Loan 6320 Lnt "401 G•r:;d;.:•:;;•;.:i""''----'':.:':::.:10 1-~~~~~-~:;:.:_~~~_;:.;:;:.: Far East Aa:ency 642·8703 EXPERIENCED full time man to maintain automatic h1.wn sprinkler a y s I e m • . ls: l: 2nd loans (or quick ca.sh. Bcmnv on your pro- pt.t1y eq 'vt.tbout dl1turbln& your low inte~st 11: TD" Alto ~rt terr 2nd T OI. &ltUet Atortpge Co. Inc. Servfnc Harbor Area 20 yn. 336 E. lTU. St. 64t-2In 5Cs-.o6lt "NEW 2nd LOANS AR· RANGED" Top cash for sea!OnOO 2nds. S4J.ISl1 lkr. }'OSTER.'$ Frttr.e •Io re, hiah traflie 1oc nr hi schol. park & lakt. Relirint. ~ a..r 81r-S1nt1 An• f'uU price $3000. * 675-3131 • \YA.NTED; oH<Ale liquor license, Orange Co\lftly. Call: 642-8139 $}.1ALL Black & bro\\'n ml'<· ed breed, m a lt>, <tcrmau Shepherd \V/whlte spnl <1n CllCs l. Childn::n's p e I , 645-2469. C.t.I. h'1'. BERNARD -~V Huek~'. Blk &: wh. 7 \\'k!I. Vic, Vic- tor-la & Jfamillon. 301 r.1ew Dr .C.M. LI g...1814 ANTHONY'S 646-1948 The Beat, cOat.s no mort ~ Experienced M._lntenanee Budget Landscapin,: Gr.duate llorticultut1st LOS'f' 6 mo old !emale ----------- Slame~. \\'e1'rlng nea col· ln1· Vlr Honllllf,!:1011 ,i;, In· 11\anapol\11, llB. ~316.1 ST. BERNARD pup, 1'1'V'lc, re\\'ard. Nel'd.s ur:t. med. .altn. Vic Bt>rnard ~· Harbor, ..,,.,.-,g 3 t.1o. femR.le puppy smtll black Ir. tan. ~; Gtt»WI 1bephcrd. 6't2-1292 LOS't: fllay 9 • Thai dtts!!. arn/hlue/\vhl. Cdl\I. 673-234l '"' Vic ALLEN lllOS. Gardener• Stvtlent1 \\'01·kirtll: \\·ay 1hru college. Exp, Lie, Re11s~ Tern11 PllONE 6'8-4200 Cut It Ed&t Lawn l\lsintenance, Licensed 54MSOS/M~2t,10 ift 4 Dick's Gardcnlng-Ri<I. Arc11 7 yrs. C.Omn1'\, resi. denlial. clean-ups. 64.2-0fT.'l • f.xPER J >pt nese "'Oney Wanttcl 6350 P•'1"'•1• ..OS Gardcntt; C.0.nplete service. 1~-~-----LICE:NSID }o'ree·estimall'. Call ~1932 EXCELLENT $12.000. note: • o-ENDABLE-Splrllual RcadlfllS, advice c.,.-• , Hafp Wanted, Men 7200 5-19-168& or s«-2937 AUTO SALES EXPER. liquor slorl' aales cl•··k. n .. lbl• '"'"'" "'"" E~pcril!nee prc!ctttd. Small open, bondable. 1043 N. ne1v car dealers hip in beach Coast Hwy, Laguna Bae area. E.xcell~nt oppo1111nltf A P P R E N T I C E a n d for rl$cht man. Jim Bo!hen St!-6023 phttrmaceullcal plant learn-ing trafle . 6.f6-.'\!)31 for ap- DELJCATESSEN K i tche n point clean-up. l\lust. ho :U or -Su~visor •so.oo-ovtt. Penn. pos. 30·W hni. r-rwr ivk, ~tust join ltetnil Plant exp. and lee !.'! negoti· Ckrk'i Union. Rlehurl't 11.ble, l'all Dan, Merchants Lido ?.lllrk<'t, 343.i Vi11. Lirlo, Pl'rsonnel A I enc y, 2043 N ll ,1 \VcstcliU Drive, N.B. 645-2770 • . S-6361} -*S ALliSM&N *-RESP. GARDENER. Steady ll'll't 'flmel 1\·ork 3-4 hrs \\lk. C'ut ifaStl \\'l lh car. Leath1 furnished. ~i~~~k·, 1,vatcr, feed plants. \Vork any row hou.n and "'=~===~..,..-~ R\'Cl'agc $100. per \Vetk & COOK \V ANTED. A p p I y up, Call alt. S PM for int. between 2-S Od ie's 5'14-0594 Restaurant 212 E. 17th St., C~I L\l!llEDIATB OP<'nin;s Wt "'"'"-o"'==;o---7'""°'"' production \lo"Orker.~. "''" DRY CLEANING eJ<POf''d. atdft. Good ,vorklng rond;a Operaton. presseri. ~l!k. I. en Mn'1. fnduatt'ial Oi1t1 \\'001 &: comb In a t Ion . Producl.'I, W G.; Fi))et c1aSa Mt-!UlO ltd. l l'unlington He a e1i, Kennel man. over 35. App))> Calif. in pcl'son, sPCA, 20612 LI· guna Cl\yn Rd, Lac Brh -. A1nmt.l•r• on )ocaJ mortuary. lnil'te~I on Ill mtll<'1. IQB s. El F inf'"sl y:tl'rl ~"N! at i\lodcnl~ payable month,111 i ';;, \\'lll Cami~ R ... 1, San Oflme.ntt Rale&. 64:)-1931 nlte• PAllTS MAN 9dl note a t 20'~ di$00Unl and -"'I ~·y lmck •l ,.,11 4!tU:JS6. JO AM-10 Pb.I ).JQ\\' &: \VEED • .l.lbor by R w" •N " s-~., •• R£AD'"''G bl Col" 50...-> &nlbltt tXpfll'letl<.'C prett-1"· vaJue In ti mo·•. This 'viii ,.,.~""' "~ cRµa e If' urutntt. 1'td, ofloo advancement for ~1d 30.S~ ln1. ln IJ n10'.t. -Atf(1ctfYe lxpert -57;-,.ns.s, 9"' PM \\•kdas only! rlght min. Small betch area l'lna.ndal 1 t • t ll m c n t r YO.UNC WOMAN JAPANESE Gal Iler.er. com· tl C1tlt'r.11:hip. Jin1 Bothcn 61:!· 1vailable. Writl 10 no~ 1*'4. c!anecr '!\"Ill teach )'Oil all plett yA.rd servtce. h'tt 6023 NtWJl(lrt BNdi. Cali1. J1te11t •tep11. C.11 Ar'ilell e11:ttmatc1. 54'>-1S32 jl,,=""==~~--~-~ t ~ --JU 1M1 6t.ti t JO Pi\I "liLL Tlf.fl~~. d Ry mii.n , E::ir-Y'-u. ,.fl,tDI AT 10'/o _ ! ,,,.,,._.. -1 PLACE your want ad ;whtite rir. p1-cf'd. Apply: StltJttudoJ .d.lf.nl will 1i1.1ar· THE QUICKER YOU CALL. the)' an IOoldfll'. -Dt\ILY ?.tA'M'HE\VS UNION SEJ\V. 1ntM, Call Attarney ~i-93il TH£ QUtoa:J\ YOU SEU. PILOT claulfied! ~um '.\921 E. C~t "w· c d j\I, I, • • Night Shift Fer•r•n -Hfo..:t.PT·:n for eabl~t (iho9. }'ult or J>lft Umt. ~ Sat or Sun hf:ti\• 9 l !'J. DR.Al"I'Si\1EN, vtmi tflll't'd, ror pt thltt drab.In; 111 ~o. Huntincton S..W.. 141- HU CtH ES NEWPORT IEACH DIAL DIRECT 642-56 78 h11s cstabli!Jhcd a new Plu- llcl ?ololdlnl Department. Immediate OP1-'niita11 are available !or expetienced personnel \\•Ith thern1oeel \rll.ns(er mold experlcntt. WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 Huntin1t•n lt1ch 540-1220 L1gun1 Beech Hours-Regulations-"-Deaciiin•s \Ve noed : CftftOftS: Adv•rt.IMl'I .., .... ,. Chee11; t h••r •d• Mlly •nd report lmmodiat•I)' .,.,.,.. •r mlacl111lfloatlon1. THE DAILY P ILO T 111umt1 ll111Mllty far arr9ra a11!)' to e SUPERVISOR5 e SETUP MEN e MAINTENANCE MEN 1 e OPERATOR> t n1 ••tt"t of publl1hing t h• advertlMmcnt eorr9Ctly ono time. Dl:ADLI NIE. FDR CO,Y ANO KIL.LS: 5:30 lt.M. tho day bcfor• pubUoatlon. oxccpt fap weekend (dltlor1 tnd Monday aeetlona ~hen elo1l11v tlrt'!t II 1:30 p.M. Frl4•1'· 'l'OU MUIT HAVE KILL N UMBER! When kltllng •n ad bto•u•• Of quick NtUlta. ltt 1u ,. t• make o rcoord of tri1 k tll nurrtltcr g'lv1n yoU by yaur od btkor .. vel'lflc1tMr1 of )''UJI' ctll. ,,..,,.., offort 11 m1d1 to klll or correct a new •d' that ri11 beat1 •Nerad, ltut wo .. ,. .. Openings are on all shifts. Apply in pei>san or serxt 1-e-ntt 1111,rantoo to do H until th• ad ha• appea,.ad In the plptr. sume to: OIMl·A•LINI Adi are ttrlctly ca1h In advance DY rn.1111 or at any tn• at' auP •triee..' HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH NO pl\1na ard1,.., fh• DAILY ltlLOT '"''""the r ight t o cla•alfy, edit . c;enlOr or rtf'1M lny •41var•.' tlscment. and to cha na• ltt rate1.,a1111 reg11lat1on1 without prier netloa. Ma ll Addren: lo• 1175, Newport leach, Calif. 500 Superior Avenue Ne\\'PQrt Beach, Cali!. 92663 CL4SSIFIED COUNTERI ar• 1ocat~d at totiowt: Equal opportunity employer ~ r.t ' r DaHy Pilot Classified CLASSIFIED INDEX MOTOR HOME e BUllDERS • ASSEMBLERS HOU5ES FOR 5ALE OINllU.L te• COf'fA MllA llM MESA DIEL MAit ..,II• M•SA VllOf 1111 COLLIOt "ARIC 1111 Hl:Wl"Oat lfM:M Int N•WPDRT HllGHtS Ult fn1.n1e dia!e ~pening.s for n1en =~~°o'.~D1';.'o'111111 nu 1v1th expe.nence 1n plumb-IAYClllST :;: ing, elec trical walls cabin-IAVSHORlll 1n1 . , ' ' DOVllll IM0Rf1 It'll els and f1n1sh -or we wUJ WISlCl"' nJt train you. r.tust have aome MAaaoR MIOMLAHOt nn hand tools. See Rick, 2lli ~."~~NeERStTY 1".t.11 11J1 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa IACK 1,1' /:: 642-9758 IASTtLU~I' IMJ ----------llVINI nau.ca ltU CAREER OPPORTUNITY! COltONA Ol!l MAI IU41 IALIOA PllNINIUL.& 1• l l ACON IAV UIS ... T 111.J.HDI lut LIDO Ill.I IUI J oin todays fastest srvwtna l.&\.&O.l 1su.•o 1u1 t I al -• I HUNflNaTOtl llACM UM pro ess.On·MUtu FUmi s• ts MUNTINetOM MMIOUI l•U No vrperie~ neceiisary-l'OVNTAIN VAL.Lev U11 \Ve train · full or p111 tlma :~.~·:~:CM :;: Mutual Fund Alllvl..,. G ... 01• .. ov1 1111 l.c ' LON• taAC:N U• • LAICIWOOO IPI Npt B. 1803 \Vestcliff 642+tl2 ORaN•• COllNTT lat S.A. '1212 N. Broa d \\'&)' :~ :: ~~f::" :: 547·8331 ITANlOlt 1,11 -WISTM INStla 1'1t SHOE SALES m a n ag e I' MIDW.t.V CfTT 1'11 trainee. Americe'.'s la rgest SANTA ANA 1'2t ., • S.&HTA ANA MaTs. 11)1 retai ers o l 1von1en s &hoes. OJtANOI HU Col.EEDSn1 Shoe CStore, So. ~~w: TUITllf-;~~~ ast .-. aza. ontact Mr . .,NAHllM 1'Jt Phelps ;lLVl•AOO C•.HYON UJJ HAVASU U.ICE 1'1S SEP.V.ST.SA L EShf EN: LAGUNA MI LLI 110t Full time """avcyaro ,1,111 LAGUNA 11.t.CM llH •· ' ,... . ' LAGUNA NIOUIL lit~ Ag(' 2.1 or older . Neat 10 ap-SAN CLIMINTI 1111 pcarance and hanchvriting. s,1M JUAN C.i.ftll""RAHO ,,,, Apply 2:l90 Ne" .. v.rt BJvd CAPtSTR,INO llACM 171J '. .~ ., DANA "01NT n u C.i\f. <..-JlLSl .. D lUI OCIAN$1DI Uff Experienced part lime SAN 01e:oo 117! T·V Technician. RIVlllSIDf COUNTY Int C.11 531•1,.~, HDUllS TO II MOVIO lttO i jiiiiliiiiiii"iiiiiiiidCONOOMIHIUM ltJI ouPt•x•s ro. SALi ""' Alt.t.R'l'MINTS POI SALi I• RENTALS NIWl"OIT "llOMTS NIWl'MT llfl'llllS WllSTCLlfll" UIOVlllSITT l"Alll IACIC l.l.Y 11.t.IT aLUPfl COIONA OIL MAR aA1.aOA aA'I' ISLAMOI 1.100 ISi.i IAL~ ISUNO HUHTINaf'ON aEAC" l'OUNTAIN VALLIY S~AL al.ACM LONa •I ACH OIANGl COUNTY OAl:OEN ••ov1 W'ISTMlNSTll: MIDW,IY cnv S.t.HT.t ANA SANTA AHA MllOHTS TUSTIN COAST.N. LAGUNA aPAC!l u.auHA NIOUIL SAii CLEMINTI OANA POINT TllPLIX. -'t. COtlDOMINIUM ReNTALS Apts. Unfurnished m• ... ... '"' nu 4142 ... ... ••• ••• 4351 ... ••lt •• •no ... Olt ... ~Ii •• ... •• ... ... Utl .,,. ... ... ... •INllAL HM COIT.t.· MffA 11M MIU. VlllDf 51 11 MIWPOIT 11-.CH l 'lM NIW',.OJtT HllOHTS 1111 NIWPOllT SMOllS IHI WISTCLll'I' SUI UNIVl'RSITT l"Al:IC SW IACIC IAY S!• IAST ILU"" 520 COltOMA Oil MAI ltH IALMIA 5»1 IAV ISL.ANOS IMt LIO<> ISLI! S!.Sl MUMTINGTON llACH 54H FOUNTAIN VALLIY 1411 l,ILIOA ISLAND Slit SI AL IEACH l•SI LONa IEAC!t UM ORANGE COUNTI' UH GARD!N GIOVI 5611 W1!$TMIHSTl!ll Sll1 MIDWAY CITY J'16 l"HT.t. AHA UH SANTA ANA HllGHT~ 5'lt TUSTIN ' J«I COASTAL J1H LACUNA l!:ACH '7U L.AeUNA NIGUEL JJll S•"I CLIMINTI 5711 SAN JUAN CArllTllANO JllJ DAN" l"OIHT J7tt REAL ESTATE , SAYE t~ASH! Houses ' Furnished OENl!RAL ll!NT.f.1$ fO IMARI COSTA Ml.SA HM ' G•ner1I Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 • 5 = TlllPLfX, lk. 1IH CONDOMINll.IM . .. .... ... MIS.t. DIL Mia lo\11.t. VIRDE CDLLlal "AJtll NIWf'OIT at.ACM MIWrORT HGTI. NIW .. OllT IMOlal tAYSHOlllES 111, ll!:NTALS WANTl!!D nu ROOMS f'OR Rl!Nt IOOM & 16ARD ~: MOTILS, TIAILlll •• ... CDUlllTS 5ft1 OUIST HOMl!!S 21'1 MISC. ltlNTALS 1111 INCDMI ,.JtOl'llTY ~~ IUllNISS l'llOl"IRTT '"' . .. .... OOVl!R Sl'DRIS Wll TCLl'F UtrllVl!llSIT'I' l"AllC llVINE IACIC IAY tJt,1,ILlll rAl:ICS :: IUSINISI lllNT.t.L Oftf'ICI lllNTAL :::; IHDUSTllllAL l"Jt61"1ltTT COMMIRCIAL ••• •tJJ ••• "" .... !,I.ST tLU"P IRVIMI TIARACI CORONA Oil Alt.Al IALIOA m: INOUSTllAL ltlNTAL ,.,. l-lllAN~Hl!S ••• ••• ... IAT ISLANDS LIOO .ISLI :iri CITJtUI GllOVIS ACllAGI 6UI '175 ... ... tALaOA 11\.UIO HUNTINOTON llACH l'OUNTAIN VALLIV 11.t.L llACM ?JH lNCI lUtNOll HM Jtl,OllT PIOl"lll'Y ~: OJtANOI CO, PJtOl'l!RTY OllT O• STATI Pll61", ~= MOUNTAIN & Dlll!llT '"' ••• 6111 LDN• tlACN OR.t.Naa CDUNTT S.utT.t. ANA Wl!STMINSTllt. MIDWAT CIT\' SUIDJVISION LAND ~:: lllAL llTATI SIRVICI l'1I 1,1 . l!XCHAHll UJf 11. I. W.t.NTfD '"' •1U 1115 "" '24' U.NT.l AN> HllOHTI COAITAL LAaUNA 11.t.CH LA•UM.t. NIOUIL »• BUSINESS snd "" FINANCIAL :~~ IJISIN!SS oPil'OllTUNITlfS UH 171$ aUIJNISI WAWTID •lH TIM INVllTMaNT 0,.1,.,1111lllt1 •Jll SAM CLIMIN"T• !NI JU.AN CAltllTJIAMf CAl"lSTIANO llACH OANA ltOIMT 174' IHVllTMINT WANTID •llS tMt MOJ41V TO LO.Ill 1:11 RIVllSID& COtlNTT VACATION llllNTALI "" l"l!ltSONAL LO.AHi n u 2'!t JIWILllY LCIANS •lM Ce»tOOMlNltlM DUl"llXIS Jl:UIM. 1'71 CDLL.ATIRAL LOANS •Jlt lllAL IST.t.TI LOANS 61'1 RENTALS Hou"' Unfurnished 11NIRAL tlOf COSTA Ml!SA JI• MISA DEL MAI JllS Mll.t. VllDI! 1111 COLI.IOI l"ARIC JHS NIWl"OltT llACH JI .. NI W•ORT HOTS, Dll NIWl'ORl SHORIS mt IAYSMOltl' mt OOVl!I SllORll n:t7 NI STCLll'ft »:tt UNIVtltSfT'I' PARK JU1 IRVINI -lit.CIC IA'I' )141 1.lST •'-U'f' • Jtu: llVINI TIRIACI HG COttONA DIL MA• Jnt IALIOA tM IAT llL,lflDI ttM LIOO llli l~l IALtOA l&UMD J1H NIWPORT WIST nn "'llTINOTON llACH .... llVNTINaTOlll MAllOlllt S..S 1.0."t "llLIV Jilt fl.t.L tlACH J4'1 OAIDIM •1tov• 14'1* 1-0Na tlACM HM oR,1.HOI COUHTT H• IANtA AMA UM WllTMINSTll Ult \UOWA'I' (ITT M\6 M.NTA INA MlllHTS Uff '°"T'~ Dll 1.A•UNA llACM HIS LAG"""' •noun '"' SAN <LaMfOITI #U :APISTIANO #11 !ArlSTJt>HO lll'H S7H DANA HINT P 'I t OllOOMINIUM •JI 1\1,LIXll UllPV•M. HIS 1ENTALS Aph. furf'lished eaNattAt con• MIU • ,,_U .. VllllDI ~IWPOll llACll .... ••• U lt ... MOllTll ... 11, Trillf o.M1 t'4J MDNl!Y W'ANTl:O fJ;tt ANNOUNCEMENTS ••d NOTICES l"OUNO tl''N A•O IMI LOIT ,.., l'IJtSONALS 1411 AHNOUNCIMINT1 11411 l!JtTHS IMlT f'UNlllALS flll l'AIO OlltUAltY IMU l'UNl llAL OlllCfDJt' 6111 PL6R1STS 641J Catto OP TH.t.Hkl ..... IN MIMOlllAM Ml7 C:IMITlilY LOTS 11411 CIMITllY Clt YPf\ •nt ClllMATORllS 1171 MIMOIUAl l"Alltl '421 AIKTIONS ... ,. AVIATION SlllVICI f'U Tl.t.VIL fUJ All TltANll'OIT .. ftoN ..... AUTO TlllANl,.OITATIOlil .W LIOAl HOTK:ll ... HRMAN I TUTOllNa ~ SERVICE DIRECTORY ACCOUNT IHI at1 ANSWllllHe SllVICI UU Al"l'L l•Hf ,. Rll'Alll , l'f"9 1•11 Al'PIAlllNe 011 11.S,.HALT . 0111 ftl• AUTO llll"AllS •Dt AUTO. S•ll l1lb . tw1. II~ IHt ._Al 'l'tlTTIMO IU• IOAT M&INTI N• .. CI llB5 alltcl(, Mit.SONIT. "'· &SH aUIUtl!S SllVICIS 1Ut IUILOI RS UH C.t.t1a11rta "" C.t.alNITMAICINa ,,. C.t.ltltl NtaRIMO dff CIMINT, ~n. '"' CHILO CAltl. llc•Hf 'Ill CDNTaACTOltS Mtt CA.Jll"at CLIAMIN• un r A•l ,T t ._Y IPoa &. lll'AIJI ••'• OllAl"llllf S fUI OIMOLIT•ON 1'1S DIAl'TtNa llllVICI ...,, ELIC:Tatc:AL llOUl,MINT lllNT.t.LI FINCIN• FLOOlll -.... :::I FUllN ... CI! lllP.tillll· It<. 6111 FUllOTUll lllllT61t1Me 6 11!'.l'INIJNINI "11 OM.DINING 6'U GINl!llAL llllV!C:IS UU Oll:AOINCl. OltclN9 U11 GUSS ''" GIEEH fHUMt ,,., QUN SHOP t11• H(.-,LTH C:LUIJ '"" HAULING tnt HOUSE(LEANIHe •7SS INTllll611 OfCOllATltle 67# INtOMI! TAX '1 ... lllON, Oruo1M91•1, 116. 67• IJIONIN$ 47U INSVLATIN• ., .. INSURANCE 61'1 INYISTIOATlflfe, Ottentft ·~· JANITOllJAL 6'9t JIWS.LaY ltlPAI .. tr. .... 1.ANOSC:Al'IN• ... u LOCK5MITN 6Ht MASONJIY, llllCK ... . MOYINS a rro•••• ... 4 .. 'AINTING, "••H'llllltlnf 6Mt' PAINTING, lit• ... l'ATIOS '861, l'KOTOGll ... l'HT 6A1t l"LASTl!l lNG. "•1<11. lttJ•lt '*It l'LUM.ING '"' P'ET GJIOOMIN• ftM: l'OOL SEllVICE t•I~ P'OWl!ll SWlfPIMe •n, l"UMP' SIRY.lCll tttt JlOOFING trM 116010, 11 ......... lie.. '"' Jtl!MOOILINO & lll"Alll ft<M •EMOOILINe. •nTCHIN1 ''6 5ebswl Mi•'"" 'm SliWING '''° IEWINe MAC"!NI lt.P.t.111 "11· Sl!l"TIC T.tMllS, Stwtu·•, 11~ 'H! t.t.ILOllNO ,,,. fl!RMIYf. CONTIOl "n , TILE, Cwlfnlt ,_,, TILE, Lh .. !Mft 6 Mll'MI "'~ TJtt.I! SERVICI. IHI TELEVISION, Jt111ln. If&. ltU UPMOLSTEl'I' lttt WEUllNO lttJ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOI WANTl!O. Mfoll JOI WANTEO, Wtn1t1t JDa W.t.HTIO, "" ,.,. MliN &. WOMl!N fm DOMISTIC HILi" 1tH AOl!NCllS. M•• 7111 HELP W.ANTIO, Mt1t IJM A0£NCtES, w-11 net. MELI" WANTED, WMMI 74H JOll-Mfll a W'-Uto AGINCllEI, Mfll • W1tn111 1'1t KHOOU & INSTIUCTION ''" JOS l"Rl!PAl.t.TION 7MI , TlllATIUC:AL nit MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE flUltNITUJtl ... OFl'ICI! FUINITURI Mll OFFICE l!OUll"Ml!NT Mll STDllll IEOU!l'MfNT Ml~' CAftf, lllST.t.Ul>llT n\t •AR IQUl!'MlNT HlS MDUSl!MOLD GOCIDI lttt OAJtMU5 SALi lff'i flURNrTUllE AUCTION 112' Al'l"LtANCll llM ,1.HT IOUES 1111 Sl!WINO MACNINIS 1111 MUSICAL INSTIUMINT 112$ PIANOS & ORCiANS llH RADIO 1111 TILl!Vll!Ott nu Mt·FI & STEiio n1e t API RICOllDEIS ant CAMl!IAI a. EOUll"MINT h U HOllY SUl"PLllS 14~ SPORTING 06001 UM alNDCULAIS, ICOPll fSH MIKll.U.NIOlll Nit MISC:. W.ltlTID NII MACMlllllJIV', lie. lllt LUMllll 11U St OllAGf 111J IUILDIN8 M.t.TIRl.t.LI I'll SWAPS 11ff PETS and LIVESTOCK l'ET~ OINERAL IMO CATI Hit DOGI ftU MORSll IUI LIVllTJICIC ... CALIFORNI~ LIVING NUlllltllS tnt SWIMMING PDOU "" PATIOS -~ tfll A.WNINal mt V,l.CATIONI 1'21 TRANSPORTATION 10.t.TS & 'l'ACHTI .... SAILtOATS tlll POWlll CIUlllRI ,.,. Sl'El!D-SIC1 tDATI ..,. IOAT TllAILllS M)t IOIT MAIHTWNANCI ff» IOAT U.UNCMINa tn4 M>JUNI IOUI". tn1 IOAT !LIP, MO<ll.INa .. ,. IO•.T SlaYl(U -IOAT Ra NTALI ,._ SOAT CHAllTllll t1tt 1'11fflff IDAT\ ""' IDAT MOVINa .... SOA T STOtt.t.t• , ... ao.tn WANTID ,... AIJtCU•t 91• FLYttrle LIUONS flM MOllLI MO"'l'S ,_ MOTOI HOMIS ftlt aKYCLES "'9 fLRCTRIC CAAt ftA MINI a !ltll tm MOTOltC'l'CLIS tHt MOTOltSCOOTlltl nit AUTO 111tVICIS & f'.t.Jtn , ... AUTO TOOU t IOUll". Hll TJtAILll. TRAVll. ffU fl.t.ILllU. llttlllY t411 flt!JCICS 9111 , .... , .... CAMl"lltt -CAM,fl!; llNTALS tm OUNB aU0.111 UU l"'l'ORllO ,l'tTOI ,_ Sl'OIT CAii 'flt ANTIOUIS. CU.SI.CS tl1i llACI CARI, llODI tHt 4UTO I VI HTI ..,. 4UTOS W"NTID tnt NIW CAlllS ,_ A.UYO LEASINt ts1• us•o U.•s t111 I F I E D HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HrDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LAT-ELY? --~---~---'---------+• -- ----+ ----- -·----·--·-+ --------- --__ ..... __ .._.__ ----------·. ------------·----------"------- VE.,.,,. :J.!.CC!!4 ~1•s<9.u e 4 UC y~ IPSf Pi l$f' ff¥. ij,ijNii f f fi'Yt$f& FOi • if ifUI ii I f i ¥f I, •+e; i-•=• ,,.., • .,. 1-' -&¥ s""' -10 ' . . ·~ fJ 1'11.0T-ADYUTISU W-.,, 1111·2'. lM , • , , W'dlltlda!', -~ ~"' , -,, .--, . ONLY 1!11.0T Ju u .. ,, ' ~L ,, .. IMPLOYMIN'll JOU a~ .IOU a IMPl.OYMINT JO!U a it.\PLOYMINTJOIS a. ~o~ _ _.._ MP Help w ....... "'°" 7200 Holp,W..,.... _ 7200 Holp Wlftltil Help w...lec1 '' Help W1nted . Jibe """· w-750o,,_, Mon, We,7SOO p;;;5;;A' :~ !~· SALi ANO TUlll w-7400 w.,,_ " 7411 w-7411 •--\ IOGO~ IOGO * * •t.ntpmmt ~ • ~ -==::' $ULL OR PART TIMI * MAIL ORDD ~ J. ~ ~Co. * °S~ING OU;! . • •. :: savt 1Ji'1' l,af sslis J . C, .,......,, Co. Fuhkln Illlnd Newport Beach NEEDS Sportlnt Goooh Dtpt. HHd FUJ..L TJME ~·~5RnH~~~R CURKS == :=..:?.:s:~~ SHARE AN INTER~STING ~ ~°3=~~~! , ' men and five Ml ti.me Exptrimetd, In aale-I order NEEDS P.AJtT TIME men lmmedlatel)o,Jloex-_1,., mtfnte.ln Older SALESLADIES WE NEIDI AND PROFITABLE CAREER . .._for .,, NEW STORE " Oulltandlng benellls and a cha.nee .to participate in the a:rowth Qf this new, v:pand. ill& linr. .Manager TELONIC '"'CA°LLW-1711 :.U ":: ,=.-1'YPo io : ~,~!,~. • ~;A= w:r ~'D~1=~~ Mon. • S.L Mr. Cold C•ll Per....,.1 Dept. J:'::."!;: ~ ~..,';! e looldulp., ,$75,0QO CLEARANCE Assisllnf •0 141 494-MOl each d>Y ""\ ldd ~ u. e 'Ki~,Opn with some of t he nicest guys •Game Seta •·Dining rm aels •Bedroom t.mt1y 1""°""' ••the~ • L .. •I Secy'1. you'll ever meet • • • • , • sets • Living room aets • Comer units :::;'°~~"";!~~ IHrERVIEW HOURS • Tables • Lam11<· •&<liner chairs • IJec. APPLY IN PERSON JO AM to 9:30 PM ?.tonday thru Saturday J. C. PElllY CO. Ret.a.il arooery experience, day or n!Ot sh!tt. Paid vac, ln$ur etc. Xlnt Oppty. cau for appt. 64U52(l SALESMEN Calftl' opportunity w l t h growing Co. Preftr exp'd men. Fast Door, guaranteed 24 F•shlon ltl•nd An equaJ• opportunity employer * • + commission + P.M. 'a. I "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APPLY 333 E. 17th St, Costa Mea. NOW HIRING S3MEN ALL WORK BACKGROUNDS ACCEPTED LARGE COMPANY EXPANDING JN ORANG E COUNTY TOP l'AY 464 S. Main St, Santa Ana A\Tl'O Upbolaterer for *'P "' ...... Bcll. Do Guello •• Sona Glau. ~ Help W1ntod w-n 7400 noons, e:venbWI or conabW.. 1:3> w TO 2:30 PM 8 ec 1 u 8 8 of our Continued orative St>anish chairs .• Buffet w/china lions o1 tlL wortc "' • run tops, Mediterranean • Piclures • Wrought ''°"' Wider the tineot o1 COME 1N TODAY growth and future expansion plans Iron _ _ ~ _ conditlonl and top IUPm'b-we are in need of young men and No down _ terms to mMt your bvclglt _ aicm. I • women to enlarge our executive IMnk fine ; Master Char .. ,. 8enk of Ame rica. -Lit-. _ln_I!. management staff. Two years of col· or Store Cherp. ' APPLY IN PERSON lege pref.erred. • This S.le For Stock on Hone! 0.ly • Ell6llEERIMG CO. Equal -unity employu PENNEY'S • ASSEMBLERS • FASHiON ISLAND Jnlemationa.I Temporary Help Service That's our need. Now, what's yourt? Perhaps it's security, i good salaty, a su~tantial medical-surgi- cal family program, life insunnce, paid vacations, promotional oppor. tunity AND an unusually generom sharing of profits. . . .. Good finger dexterUy and IOOd eynla:ht. All perm, openlnp. Only those with eood attend- a.nce and wUUnaness to work need apply. MASTIR SPfOALTIES CO. 1640 Monrovle.Av.,' Cott• MeN· 642°2427 10 AM:. to 5 J("M -"'"' Friday Watch for 09l' lllllbe&rds Anaheim 1754 W: lloooln Santa Ana Ph. 540-0325 AU student PQSiUons tilled. Cotta Mtali. rn:tl Harbor Eq~ opportunity employtr An · Equl' (>pporluntty -. Eplployer * * ADVERTISING MISS EXEC AGBtCY Secretary/ s.«y!Penonnei .... 10 s;:L Front o:tc/Steno • •• • 10 $500 Boo. kkeeper Seoretary .............. ssoo Olciap"°"' Seocy ...... $500 R l•I I I Girl Fri/no shd .... to $500 We'll gl1dly swap these for your abilities and call it a deal. You've probably read PQOlty like Ulls before, BUT ••• we just don't know how else to say it, ex- cept; ·come in and convince your- self. You'll be glad you did. " JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOllS & EMPLOYMENT HeJp W1nted Women ... 7400 ••SECRETARY Jobe Min, Wom. 7500 *DRIVERS* No Experlet1c• Necessary! ?ifu.sl be able to start lmmed· iately, CALL PERSONNEL OFFICE FOR INTERVIEW MONDAY &: TUESDAY, ASSEMBLER TRAINEES FOR SUBMINIA TURE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS eapont ~ e, top,• eve F/C Bookkttper ••.••• S475 potltkN'I hr 1h•r p, tak• Accts Payable Qk •• $450up cha1'19 glrl. Must h•ve Recptllite &bd ...... to St'.iO excellent 1kill1 incl. Receptionist -•••••.• to $442 thortllond; h•ndle lite Sedy/ Arohlte<lural .... 1433 call in person 8:30 a.m. to 5 P:m· Far West Services, Inc. 1672 Reynolds, Santa Ana, Calif, I 714 I 540-9892 To The Chief Engineer SIU)rthand and dicta-phone experience required. \Vill train "for var:ltyping and preporation ol U.S. Navy provlsionin& and certifica- tion a.beets for U.S. iovern- ment. Must ha.ve clean Callfornla drivillg record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa M.,. SEEKING ambitious couple ages 45 to 55, as assistant rngrs in lge complex. Man must have in&lde pa.lrltinc exp, Salary $500, Mo. + Submit resume " refs. Box P 860 Dally Pilot. n4-7251 PLASTICS MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS Jl.'fust have good eyesight and finger dexterity, popess a valid California ·driver'• lic- ense, and be able to pass a ri&id physical e.xam, Please apply in person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH * WAITRESSES Apply In Pinon REUBEN'S bkicpg; bllllnt. Under s.o1y1,..,.. ........ to l<OO )II, C•ll .. rbor•. (7141 Jr S.0..taty .......... $380 '42.JflO • E"""" Trainee ....... S3SO • ' Oerk Typist • .. • • .. • • • $325 BOOKKEEPER Asst Bookkeeper , , • , •••••••• FUD Chargt. ExperieDCed Front olc/Medlca! •••••••••• only' ~bllity to assist Secretary /Lql) ........... . mrporate controller in all pbaaes ol aceountinf. Top 410 \V, Coast Hi&}1way S3lary. Newport Buch 6t6-3.939 SAMPO:> -Santa Ana Metal l'rod\l<la Co 54l).3JB3 EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e An equal opportunity employer. (Snack Shops, Coco's, Reubens, Reuben E. Lee and Wu Ben's Restaurants) r Perm. posltioD. X 1 n f. woridnl: cond's. Overtime & all frl11ge benefits. Im· mediate openings on all shifts. Experienced pre- fenoed. No phone calls alter 5 PM. COCO'S 500 Supepor Awnue: Set Belt)' Bruot at Newport Bffcb, Calif. 1555 W. Adams m £1 SECRETARY H1lp W1ntod Hilp W•nled UNITED CALIFORNIA _W.;.,ot..;.m.;.;1t.;.;n ___ 7c.400.;.. Women CALIFORNIA Equal opportunily employ'" I -,,==C=ot=t•=Me=". ='·== id6 (..xec Injection Moldlnt1 · M &. F INSTRUCTRESSES Arm:> !or c...., Cid• BANK Temporary Employment 200 Briggs Ave. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Young, mature rtrts able to UO W Cout H N B Costa Mesa 546-4'60 meet the public. Must be at-81 •~L wy .. ~ 3141 E. Coett Hwy URGOOL Y llHDBt •• An equal opportunity EXPERIENCED tractive with a iood filure. Coron• del Mar emp10,.., • TELLER • Apply "'penon MAKE YOUR CHRIS'l'MAS '7:J.n40 • Clerlls *Busboy (Daysi Apply In Porton REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Ad•mt .Cost• M.sa EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e Holid1y He.Ith Spo MERRY with a °""'""" e Typl Collta Mesa e Huntinaf:on Bch time job. Easy, fUn. no ex-Equ-l cPJIGl'funlt;y empl~ ltS .... ..... no in..... or I • Repro Typists ~~?~';." -::;1•e~~.,.,~~,; llLUR TRAINEE • Secretaries Attractt~. experienced. Re-for appt. 54~7122 o r e Keypun•h-spons:lbillty var)es. Short· 547~ , Will train capable pt for .. •• • UNITED CALIFORNIA band & typ"" -· GENERAL OITICE, part Teller/New Al""""b work. • PBX Opers. BANK ~~~ ~ time. Girl 21.JS. Kmwtqe !°oome ~m:n e;::t,;;: • Assem&len 3029 H•rbor lllvd. Cost• Me•• 546-2033 540-311!3 ot accounts reOOvable and Good Workinc conditional lite ahorthand helpful. 20 ~fits. Radio-Telephone Hour....._ M ... Frt. App!y' Dispatch "'irt WOOD LIG11TTNG ro. mi WORLD SAVINGS " UlAN V" Campua Dr.. Ne w p o rt 292 So. Cout Hwy Equal opportunity employer 25 or over. AfUlt know locaJ Beach. Mrr2901 Laguna Beach Work-&where yov w,nll INTERIM 74GO SECRETARY ·1· $510-4820 pe1' month ($536-$651 Remmmended for July l, 19691 ~ CITY OF NEWPORT llEACH ClA·YAL CO. 17th & Plecentl• Cost• Mes• 541-2201 An equal opportunity rmpklyer • HOSlESSES e APPLY IN PERSON RBIBEN E. UE 151 ·E. Peclflc'Ctt'Hwy ' Newport le•ch Typist FM Pd. $476.67 A top Co. la looki.'1g for a )'OUfii &al with itood lypitv aldlls who can also handle phones and cuatomen. can Loraine, Merchants Penon- nel Agency, :IK.1 Westclift Dr., N.8. 645-2770 (also fee jobs) F1m•le Socty. 500.00 TECHNICAL Illustrator-ex- ploded viewz, schemaHca. ortho, mil-spec and com- me.rcial. Full Ume or part time. 673-2711 MANAGER; dbt. apt. Ollta Mesa Complete~ tenance &: painting. California Management 82&--9!MO (213) 11f..6180 SMALL Restaurant needl mature man or woman, d~. age over 21. 56--9863 Sc!iool,.lntfruclion 7600 Educational \lacation •tb graders, , • Sr Otizens ChiL coat-10 1leaa0n tn*lil• lclll. Trial Leuon_ 173 Del Mar C.M. S48-2S59 vd1CE preparation tor P,Pular or classical sineina:. Bea:inner t h r u ad\l'anced -·~­MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Fumlture 8000 UOUIDATORS CUSTOMER SALES SERVICE STATION Service ears at pumps, be alert to customer's needs. SeU & service; motor oil, t:ln!s, batteries, access. Musi be friendly, neat, have good work record. Good income • good chance ror advance- ..ment. Apply btwn 9-11 am. FAIR ENCO SERVICE, 2490 Fairview Rd., CM . PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United C•lllornl• B•nk •:i25 MacArthur Blvd. - area. Apply in pel'IOn, G I Off T $400 YELLOW CAB. CO. ,,,:""~~ · ~ '=iophoM 1.16 E. l6lh St. vol.,., Work in beach aroa. cibilifieS Costa Mesa Call Lorain<. Merch"'!ls Ul'llimffe(} L VN Per»0nnel Apncy, 2 O 4 3 Chirve Nurse W•stcllll Or., N.B. ~2TIO agel'lC,Y 3 to 11 PM shift. Apply , (al.lo tee job#) -. · Quality Positions Jor New position In the Ma· rine Safety Department requirts 100 wpm short· hand, 50 wpm typlna, 3 years recent full time ex· perience in advanced derical and atenograpblc work. Apply before S p.m., Frid~, Ju.nc 6, 1969 to the Personnel O,fflce, ~ Ne"'•port Bl\fd., Newport Beach' • 613-$33 PERSONNEL SERYKE 1---- 445 E. 17th St. Cost• Mes•1 Cal ff. 642·7523 •WAITRESS • ApJ)ly In peraon NEWPORT OFFICE MANAGER. for Qualified Applicants - CONVALESCENT small business in Harliot '88 E. 17th St., SUlte 224 fntervitwlne HOSPITAL area. General 1ecretarial & Colt.a Mea 642-1470 Mon. thru Fri. 39J H03pital Rd., N.B. r bookkeeping exper. req"d. p I c-I •.m. to 5 p.m. lSl E p lfl SECRETARIES Salary open. Send ......,, ertonno -·r Equal opportunlcy •mPloYU • .. c Cit Hwy REUBEN E. LIE H ·•-1 to: P.O. Box 537 Balboa, Bustling, exclW. firm New-Poillion•---"•-• .. 1.. ~port It~ A top beach area co. Is look- ing for an·ath'Jctive gal with eood sec. skills,, great p;i- tenUal ·and· the ·eo MD tt- hnburae the lee, 'call Lo- raine, Mei;phai;its Personnel Aiency, JJl3 ,...,dtclllr tir ., N.B, 645-2770, RN. Part Ume aitemoons for General Practitioner's of- fice. 548-4643 * WAITRESS * Over 21. Graveyard shift. Cont11.ct FOR BANKS-FINANCE CO's ,ESJ'ATES-MODEL HOMES Quality Furniture· B•nk1 C1n't Depotit Furn. They Demand C•lhl Regardless Of Los1J Sp•nish-M.diterr•nHn Maple-Mahogany-Modem Brand name bedrooms &; king or any &ize box: spriJWI I: matt.reu, custom made llO!as le love seats. p:quialle dining rooms le hutches. Guaranteed frostfree mri&· erators, color TV's, la~ mo. dcl washers ii: dryers are all on sale at sacrifiec pri~ **COOKS ave ope .... ,." now or ex· port Bea h. Frttndly 1:mOI-... u~"""' perienced aall with good Calif he 'f,c .,..,,, .... n 8FA available for a Typist GLORIA MARSHALL Mr. Zimmer 613-0077 ' Part time & full time, eYen· inp, Experienced only, Ap. ply after 3 p.m. Position available for ne\v Laguna Hills Lei- .11UL'e World office of New· port National Bank, skills to $450 mo to start. Ceshi1r/Ho1t1ss ~0 ° ..,,.., ~ et, Clerk to work in oor Es-FIGURESA1~NTROL Rush' rah Dorl• ,... -J • -crow De ... ·-ent. Ex-r· &All'> ' ......,, • o-• o-. •son ~•t ience ~~-.,.. PART TIME HELP. At· ARGUS AGENCIES Etpe:rienced Appzy Employment Apncy tractive woman, 30 to 40 1869 C Newport Blvd, C.M. MANNINGS,. INC. 2l2a So. Main, Santa Ana PleR.Se apply at our New. Will tniln. Hrs. 9-1 PM. Call Jobt--Men, Wom. 7500 P•rt Time Work FIVE CROWNS * COi\tPANlON. for elderly El Toro Rd. tLeiiilre World) * WAITRESS * port Center Branch, 5.50 or come in for intervie1v. lady. Lite duties, aood pay. Laguna Hill! 837·11l14 18 to .,., l11:&t ap--~-. Ne......-Center Or., New· 642-3630. 430 Paclfie Cout AVON es . BUY ANY PIECE OR HOUSEFUL RESTAURANTS * atNVAL~-" ~ ~-·• "~" H Ne u EXPERIENC ED ~.c.<•1 a ... e • COUNTER. gtrl, no ex-Full time. No operlence port &a.ch. wy, · · o ers an excellent e;:imlng 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. to assist lady durina' home perience necesaary. Good tJeCeJS&ry, Apply ln penon. H"'OS"°"P"'1r"'AL""l'l'Y;:;;--;cH'-'OSTESs==-;-1s oppqrtunlty ln an e11&blish-Warehouse Sale O:lrona del Mar .-TELLERS· recowry .. __ ..... , _, .. di -~ SECURITY PACIFIC looki t edtemto .... neu~··~m•. No Phone Calls Please '" call '""''"•.1~er .j,.,.. c "'41""• ng or mature women • ., ,,y_ ,.., . For appointment HOMEMAKERS ~,7 ,,,,ot Orange Julius, L :i I u n a BOB'S BIG BOY NATIONAL BANK to welcome newcomers to Free training I: beauly AOK DISH MACHINE r..tr Haaa or Mr Stogsdill '"-vuol Beach. Call after 5 PM. 154 E 171h c 111 the community. Mu~t have cou?R. Call 7122 Garden Grove Bl. OPERATOR 64.2.Jlll ........ 1N TIO 4"" 1153 ' • ' . .._..... W••tm'"'"' , .. B'-·k w.· ,, --------· 1 ... vMB A N, Sharp Bar ,..;:;~:...:c::c...--===-·IVERY sharp drl w/exper. Equal opporunity employer ._,"" ter, car, and be bon-~·"~~Al •. ~ ~ Union scale. Hospital, surgi-Maids &: Go Go Dancers. MEDICAL Offf(E dable. Apply :iss E. Jl.11\ln, 540-T!Hl 01· ......,....,... from corner of Beach Wvd, cal. medical, dental plan, SEAMS.TRESSES Top wages $3.00--$3.50 to In fitting cugt. Bik:lnls, for * SALESLADIES * Suite 7, Tustin, Ca 11 1. near G.G. Freeway) Open pald , _.. starL Ph. for int. MS-9983 sales; must be able to work 544-6925 ---------1 10-9, Sund .... , 10-6, vacation, OYel"ume pay. SASSY LASSY """' H bo Ex . ced in receptionist weekends & 10me nights. . . ~ ewport =o'--,...,.~~-'-~~ Apply in person. Exp'd power machine oper-• _,.1. ar r, per)f~ .cal in. 642-6316· fi73.2413 eves Positions available for ex-EXPERIENCED n . MPL. bed, aprn,p $20 . • lo-to "w .... -•. ~, ~,c ··=·'~'·=~=~~~~ duties including medi , . perlenced--saltt pel"llOnnel. *COUNTER GIRL * personn-' l\fahog. dining tbl $25. GE H rd • R t t "' ..,.....,,... .....,. == surance. Call 646-3903 EXEL op-port. for RE Broker In LANZ NEW 11 ' owa I es aur•n cushions & canvass pro-GENERAL OOice Clerk 2 wi h ff U:llb for drycleaninc shop. comb washer dryer Xlnt 1 _,;,<00"-1:,.W~. Coa,o:,:.,;._",,c",:,"'~Y .. c.NccBc... I ducts. Top v.·ageg, pd boli· girl otfice, answer telephone BABYSI'ITER Wanted: ! tome o ice &: NEWPORT CENTER Costa Meta. CA1.J. agency $60. Studio bed frame, INSTRUCTORS days, vacatlol14. ins Xlnt & radio, typing, tllini:. Walking distanc:t from John ~~to worlc with people. STORE EAIRWAY CLEANERS sprngs, other odds le ends. working conditionl. ·Apply posting. lntvw bet 10 &:: I R. Peterson Sehl. ~· 3 eve. F'ul1 time only. Student quota J40.07U P r ofes1 Jon•I Service ~7370 - Mature. young adult, looking Jack Cole O>., 1763 Placen. Pl\1. ID3 C&nyon Dr., CJsta boys for summer .nsion, 4 EXPERIENCED Single Nee-t!Ued Call 644-441l or (713) PAR for the employ9r C>ak Dinette Set for good future, a ble to meet ti A CM ~""',Gl P.tesa wks. noon to approx 2 pm. die operaton only. 4:JJ' to mA ...;..,. -"--<. T T,mU:, Offtce v."Ol'lt.. •nd the •ppllc•nt N---~--top. 4 ••• ~ISO. 'the public. Apply in person. -•-"-·:,.• -'''-'~'"'-'"---I GIRL FRIDAY 96l-Ql23 8:10 PM-slllft. Apply 325 \V <OUT•~ un.u:.,; R:JO.l dalJY, Alert girl who 133 D D N B " ... ,.-.. .., ul&ll~ H l•J H "h S -:--..-,-,..-""'...-..-1 1.lth St Cos HOS"'eS ...,... with,, __ , •• ~ie over r., . . oam.h ......,, """ $25. . 0 laay •• ,, po 'Purch•t'n Ck. to 476.67 . . .. M... I..., ·-· w wn "2 •Ho 54•27•• Ob! ~ ·-· \VO~!A."'f-EXPERIENCED ror Brokerqe office. Must be orden ou IBM a~nlln& -.._, r -u=, .._...board, wtdtc Costa Mep e Huntington Bcb for GIFl' SALES. good typist. Type 60+ with 2 to 3 years PLATFORM STF.NO ~need.· must be over macltint. We wtn tral.n. Adftl'tistng Agency never-mar top f7. Aft 4 ~UNG MAN, 21 ---Apply Contact P.lr. Hodges. 3-S pm purchuin& ex., call Loraine, Experit:noed 21. Apply in penon to Mrs. &&nOl PRO O p.m. 546-1452 .. v v• v.... 644-Z26I) Mercb&nts Penonnd Aaeney Security Pactnc National Baker aft 1 pm. DUCTI N Good po.rt lime or full tlr.1c South Coast Dr"I u ..... i. H B. ,...., _., """-FISHERMEN Bun.DER needs ....t time * ARTIST • KG u fO&m mattreu, 1-pmp ~ployment. Xlnt ....... ....., "33.13 Bristol DRAPERY-Work room ex-2043 Weitdlfr Drive, N.B. --. · -•£ £ue ..--, Elcp'd. prOOuction artist fDr le frame $75. Le 9fCt. dvnpt. ··-..-· • M.>2110. MOTHER'S He!-•·· 13 Restaurant llol!Ct'etary o n permanent nd d and meals. Apply ln pen.on. Co.9la Mesa perlence. Vuioua openlnp. .... ~ -317 Oce 81 d balls. Mutt be a~te Newport Beach a g e a c y . rt. turn e . Sol pmL Xlnt No ~xp. nee. THE Full time + p/tlme evn HOUSEKEEPER A cbild mo old I. t.by expect~ In an Y " typist Ir: do simple book ft.1uat have ~ t'X· oond. $115. 494-G963 ·OORYMAN 7100 \V. Oceau RECEPTIONIST Beach Drapery Service, 900 care, live in. 5\l dt.ys. June. Wanted for •1wrnner Huntqioo Beach work. Call ~12'1' perience and be well vened 2 "-MAP~~LE~-rocld--.. --.,,,.;,.-· -,1 Front: N.B. y w. 17th St., CM, 540M64 Private room Ii bath. Rm. mo'•· 5'0-l701 EXECUTIVE SECTY in all pha!le!i of ad pro-$25, each. General Electri~ oung, good phone voice, $50 wk wf ·periodic railea. UCENSED Shampoo Girl Ex-per 1vlth top skills. Front DENTAL OrFIOEr buslflcsi duction Send resume to Box TV black &; wbltc •"'=. lJ * OISH\VASl{ER Morning Mitt JO an1-6 pn1. Experience preleITed. Call ,chefforap~.KI ~ type 40 . 50, 1-4 p.m. Beach EXP'D Waitresses for cottee .,..,. M• .-NI-S art •IWI secret•rv betwn 3()..40 yn ol ' 88 · u Pilo -...,,,.........,.2 and PART Time RectP' '1Ull,;e appearance. I .-., -., M-4 Da y t. 8-0018 a rea, $.150. C a 11 Doris. shop & dlnlni: room. Apply 1 pll Al re Call age. Exp'd only Ca11 P.M.'s ===-::=;--:===< 548-7796 in pereon all 6 pm.see Jim, HSKPR & babystr needed. tioni5L Top pay. Newport ee 1 t. so e Jobs. Mon-Wed·Fri.!'°841.:oo26 UNFURN Apt, telephone & ~MA8SIVE==~, ... -ed~w-.,-.-.. -d-h> ARGUS AGENCIES Bayside Inn Re11taurant, 3.'i3 Resp. maturt' lady, llw-ln, Bettch area. Call)&O-Q57 Doris. S48-7791i. cleanlll&' fees for couple to Ing table, 6 upholstert!d •~• c N d c M E Coast Hwy NB off v.·kend11. ~ ... tain Valley o• ·~RY ~·~ooM ARGUS AGENCll!:S WANTED: Dcnlal a• 1 t • • manage 18 deluxe 3 Br Apb "•-,_ Burnt ....,..,. ewport Blv .. . • · , • !'.....,.' nn.r-L nnn. l'"" C N Bi C.>I front of"-l •h•ir Id ,.... ... _...,_ onrc&e area. 963--Utt · ""'--1; ... nced t: tralnet:L 01>J tWJ)Ort Vt.I., • 11'""' 1 e · In the Eut Bluff Area at •'C....---~~~-· I SARAH ........ ~.-....ny .. __ DREAJ.f Job · Kff:p ,.or h'n· ...,.t"-"'""' Exp'd Two atrl o"'-.l.:,•"'c;.,;,..:.:;:;:',.:S3S;;:;.' ;c.ft<2..(;lt<::...:.::; __ 1 '"AN de v.mp Coll-~. w•~"n -w•"""""""" • ~rienced, Apply in penon. StG.85113 Clerk Tr•fnee JU.00 ..,..,, ,.1'41 lll\.~. Newport Beach, LI t e -v ™" .. ,., "'""" opcninp for full or part portant job as wile l 1U1~ -II"' ...,.,...,,. __ , cl ,_ W Qual.11;)' kine btd, qull&ed, 1 openina soon in Co!lta Mesa, ume S&les. Min. age JS. mothe.r &: earn • wti:ly cocktails. Sm. dinner home, 11352 Annltrong Ave, Imne H. S. grad with t;yplnc akWs ORY """"ING nuunte1 "'!",1l_ eanCom·~· •• ,e complete, ~~: - -hlri•• FRY COOKS·-·---~k ... HU ~ ·-CdM. Al•rt, .... PlelllUl. p·~··-· . OP~·TORS or 45 to 50WPM <!all Loraine ~ preuen rent 0 "" w--c-n. pie e -..... Mt. or ·--.,..,~ • .., 'I"' Pleasant v.w k. no lllv@st, no ......,.._....,._ · ~. ,,_.....,.,,,,, .. ~n.3 • L•,,... exper'd Uk, -• • to Bo M -Da"" -~· "'l ht!'· Apply ail d•• ~ -SPEC. 'IA-', GOOD ~·. Merch11.n11 .,_ ___ , •--• ..,...,. • oom· resume x oal 'Y ' ...,, -dellwries. For Interview BARJl.tAID. y 0 un 1 , at. u•;t"""l •u " o...n ,,_ ~ "",......~ ..._., • ..., blna•i-. • ... _ •-• ·•-Pilot SOFA A -....1. ThUJ"I & Fl't. 2991 Jlartxlr cAll ~41 Ui-4749/ tracUV!. Apply after 6 PM, HOUSEKEEPER .. Good Cr'mt Mflr. 642-2666 20t3 WestclW Dr., NB. &G. su-9500" -... ,,.,.p ....... --;=,,...,===-.... ..,.., new, new:r :Bl .. 'd. Anaheim. 847~ ltfaverick, • 1'728 Nl'\lfpOt'f mok. All adults. bENTAL SEC f REC p T , 2710. FOOD WAITERS :..-:~ r!.Ut~y~ iAJiTENDER. run Umt, BEAlf1'1ctAN Blvd., C.M. * 536-3555 * ASn. SineJe, 25 to Ci. Exp. SALES help fftded.. mutt ~ ~~Whlt. t.!~ MAPLE lovi! 1eaL $30. leather '~ .... sh, ~f~~":':..~':ra= ~-~~ ~klllme eosta,. P.lesatc DENTAL Of,IC E S~~ ~"" Sho0P =""'=·-*~--~·~~--! = ~nceln tn = nee. App. a to u noon,~ .A~ nner chAlr an:t oitonwi $4ll &';;: Cluh, ... °4iiJ. Warner -·· r• V&la tans. e . Receytionlat Ml-5580 ~ attr ..... __,. GEN. Hou.at'WOl'lt. 2 di.YI • Jacltie·a •'ashk>tl Center 1i W 13th. C.M. FELICIANO'$ m.-6n6 No cUentcle ~ \VAITRESS&S WANTED time. Mra. Jdltn 675-#10 ..tc.. CdM area. Own trang, Huntin(ton Ctnte.r ltB. WAITRESS noted. AIN' ln U17 'NmrllU Or,. WINDSOR c:IWr $16, st\ldMtt :A::"::":.;H:::·:::B.:...,. __ ~~-1 grads \\'elt'Dm«L Cal I Sea Slw'lf1 Jtataurut MATURE Wom&n tor 11 to 7 Aft I PM call 673-6104 BABYsrrTER ''l"\aiet. Ir penon Mna I.Anet 1703 Newport Beach lamp $3). ~ m1~ ~=~/~nc:lf~ ~:"'=,,::,1"'CAL"'548-89,....,A"'.:.i"9 :sr"ANT=,..,..• &.lJ Lido Pk Dr, NB 6'rr>-OUXl ahUt in SAWYER HOKE. EXP. Uoral arranpr1fuD ar nwr., 10 AM-5 PM, 2 srn. &rpem Ave, CM. ProfessN.nel sprinp µ5. 673-86 tJme e"'erline dcliwr)' work. MahJ:re.. p e d I a 1 r I c ex. SHAMPCK> GDU. Call~ pm ttme,~qn, dilld. Bal. hi. rt.L ~. EXP. crW and ..counttr tilrl _Employment ANTIQUE drop Ital: cottl!le SCIO W. Coast Hwy. NB. peritnce prefmtd. Front a with IJcot.noe 87Ml00 GENERAL Ottkt &iti owr 613-0'l78 -fur <lt1w-in. 11 or owr. , At.slit•nce table $15, ant~lle lamp $50. CABINET MAKER. kw' boat .... olfke. S"'d ,.....,, .Allt tor JoAnn 21.plyto.~l~J:'-• ..... ORAP~YT~~RS SALES LADY tun time lo< ~ COASTA~ AGENCY ~ m&.nu.facturlng planL 8601 a,ce, exp. etc to Oat;y Pilot • nJLLERETl'E.5. Part '.,.,,.._,~. •"u ~·" Orlldren'• store. Soutll Cuhitr, ~p'd. A mem~ oe NJ\C. IDde-a·btd, ant)que Edison, HunU,.ton U,..ch. Box P-325~ ' / Time.,•vs. $2-'0 prr hoUr to llOUSE a..EANING s.8-l43t \ O:ut Plua. Apply GSO t.. 0 Xmn IUma Rmhnrt Si:wWna:. SbtWnc. Inc.' l&l»e• .. lampa. BR •t. Days or E\.'tt., 536--Bl E XPDUDfCED chalnide ltarL Ovtr 21. Call 5411-5745 <4 HRS SAT.-ONLY GIRL nuDAY, I en afc. SL 1\lltln e S.-7080 e 2790 llarbor Bl, CM. ~ leather clWr. fD.:6826 i ..:::e"o"ELIV::...::.:E;::R;::Y;;;;OO~Y:.,e~· I ~It.I asalglant for ,enaoal MAtD, ovtr !O. perm/part DENT*A111L7~IS*T'NT 'MR: Locaris.f.css ston. e HOTEL l<LUD, fllll tlmf, Girl Friday Ii Ute bki'. Reply PART tlmo' help -Clllt'I' MUsr 11tll ,hardrock uaapl! ~Auto~ practke ot.floe. La1una fun~. f du/wit, ~ 8ch AD "" pleuant aurroundlnp. , ht pe1'1Dn ol,ll)r ~!no tot qe. Zuble'1;pma, 2920 &. loveteat "''()Ill tlatiy be- Ml Bl'Olldwwy, U.guna Sch Beach., I dl$/wk. C9f.l'm• motet. $1.75 hr• .-...mt Newport BlaCh Mo54Jl DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADSJ '* 49+1198 * Men. m Habtw 81. CM. Cout Hwy, OIM • tot"& 2 pm, &4T.9M2 • • ' ~·:•:T'~"~· -~!a;~1"';~~:ji!!~l'UT~~·-~~;R~U~ 'FREE' TO .Ybu I FREE TO YOU ~TATION TllAHllOllTATIO! twllfOITITIOH ritNiiiiOllTlTIOH 'lfi~"MllR:iiiiiW~'l11i·~·lllrji!-~'*-~lij"9il1 I 1 M CMANDll& l'OA SAU AND TUDI SALi AND TRADa IOOO ... ----...... --. S.lllioots fOIOMolwcyci. '300 111111,IN ,._ -lmportM -Ml! I lll'!Alll'IP\JL i.-ll<e4 WE; ,,. tbe -Ii Cl • , PARTY GOODS l<jtty,AUUJeWl)o•a-~"'!::S"~ ~ , SUllFl'ld<rTBrlao-,1 . FIRRAIU1... OPIL old, bladt wil> w hll ~ lalber wblob -,. • cl ~ ~ad: ....... 11 t'O • --1-=:Q::ii:r.Altt.":!j:"-t:""-,.,11----...-...::..-=-1..:•a:: &~ "1' ~ ":'!r1 '°''("' lll' rto Al1X !+ , 4, Ndlot ...... t.i: a.-'66 .~L •Rllrdd. MRMI, ' ~ Sl30' ~ S:.,... lo.,;: u· \S ~··•·•·!•··=·· wbtre 11 Mttor1•11•• 9350 .... CamtY• onlJ tuthor-KADIT COUPE 1111 em c11a11•111111 Of 11 WXUIY jpAlllWS Bi!At;ITIJ'lll,. .~ 1 YR. old U 'lfO'G .maJe eP~~~=s::s. FOR Sale or trade, Vapa1 ~VJC£.PARTS Sbi9pbtrill~ mi.16, g dda-hid 11b.m 'kdal like s+tS V-ia Oporto Newport mob' 9000ter, .. at 113Zl 3lOOW.CcutlhrJ'. "°'1'olru' "t'heds.'' Uc. No. S,.i.11 & M1ll11T••• hnllMt no w. ltf~ ea: M~ ~x ~ .. ,:~ fab!! m1~~01~ c 0 0 i 21&. JIT.dl, tlt: C13-l57I OwomdD L& u.a.. M'1·JG4 6'2-~ewpon ~t7U =~:5' ~ M( 67 or ~Ill SAIZ e ~°'::/. ,f" ·~· ;II . • ~30 311' OIRIS Cnlt, ......... , AIM Strri... Au-MG Dtaler $799 aopro~.~...= FOUR ~.,BANDITS PITS,,...,1.MJTatk :•:i.c""~ _! Perh . 9400 ~G~AR · ~, tir-WJe • ,~6-r t 1kltmll W/wti1te taC't, Cht8f P!".t 01....t · 1100 .Croat Matlin., filbklg boat. ANSEH $ilciQI ~ JS" '62-XKEiRtd Ms. Btst oUtt ~.--NEW , ................ .... . . ............. ""'i.i""" ... ·--ait ... "'"' ..... ,_ ...• ..... -t.if!i ...... ~. ,. ............ \'"""" .. . ............. _ ~ ' .............. _ w..t ... ., ........... . A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish fumi)li~ (was ·~: $1295.00 SI...-Women'• .Soc.,_J .4 ~ ;l ~ 2.·ta.bb)r A · .... tt 1 Soutawtnd1Marlna Tmniml Oorvetb! or OtevY. New , Comiulttee: Clu'b6owle !ii b\Jff. Alto 1 male &U~ .... L s iland. No. G 32. 213: HU condition. ~1 . ovtr StllO. .~ • Canal, AJ&,y 30th 9 am 5 P1'· st&-896.5 5/311 .U 3-3'.14 ' •.;;11;.. 5f8.0S.1!!', 1415-1190 1969 f'ORSCH.E 9ll E ~pe. pm, Maj 31.at 9 &m-3 pm. ' TO Good home. Mixed ANSWUS KITE. new mut. 2 sails, Tr1Uir, i ,'425 '&l JA?UAR XKE, beautifu1 comfort lf(IUP, tinted l).ul, PO RSC HI ol PJre!; Slinprland drum c:ocur-water SIJl,Nel. 2 yrs. blatiWl,y tnller, wry l'OOll l8' FIREBALL Trailer Lilce blade Roadster, xblt cond. AM/FM ndio. $ l·IJ 5. set complete 'With atandl male, all black. WW 1\1.Ud · cond., nne ncmr-~. ntw ~oondldiif "7Jilb:r ~-StlSO. '**2 53f..22M or 89:l-5551 and H1 hat {No CymbQ.ls) )'Oil al'ld }'Udr h 0 m e • Begone -flood -Colon -•• Call: 6'B-4l31 ttu! can after 4 ~ 'M='""XKE.==-...,,.,,.....,,.,,.., -.,.-. "'Good=-01 ·61 ~. immaculate. S27S. •feath amp SSO, 12 Sta-«i80. Pumke "-CONFJI?ENCE SfAR No. C288, three' suttl flC.2137 comitiob $2100. 67S-12l3 Sid rack, riml. .Uf/PM~tc. s•CllFICE . . . . . . $398 ffO ao.v ... llleout!llD -WE CAllllV OUlll 0Mt ACCT$, 11~ elect p _llar flS. 6 AJi'Jl"ECnON.\TE 5 yr. old 'fyplcal J!f'""dt•: , ~· sa.lla. cover, trailer., Good 16, ~ '?+ieed' trlr: after 6:30 $2300 * sn-m 1lrinl el~t KWtal' $60 (6 female doe to awd home es )'O'll' lalDd bd:lre ~ ncing reoord. Fully eqp'd, a~, jacks, dips. nooo'. '54. XK 12> Jag. 'Vette q ., 4 1959 Pontbe 1600 N. mm AJRNITURE ~ng: ~·used) Call with oJder person, Xlnt. and your OOHFIDENCE lat· ready to all. $1'4!. 6'1'5-7563 548-K5t. apd turt)o trans, xlnt cond., $1495. After 6 pm fTlmef'. I:~. i 191111($ watcbdce. 5'8-8583 5129 er. RA~G 8a1J:!>t: Jilce "ntW No. 23' ~· A-1 ·ecmdl Not extra parts, Sbl. 675-2227 * 675-3673 * IUHW r-2 SMAIL ~· 1 '•· Cats 8820 ' .,,, WUb alum dOl!Y. )lit ... leU....n&.m.d. 1 bdr, .. W/ ..... CEDES IE... * '60 Porsche S..por 1 male toy .DaChund A I male -sling • prqe hoist $325. ahwr $900. S4Mi3J2 "951\ "6 $1800. 675.lQIS 615-2813 11144 .. ,.rt11¥~.11o:. ..... ,, .Codi Mell oily 1..., ..... '11 t-.... Sit. & s.,.. '116 -. ----------~-~ 1000 Pl•-& Orto.no 1130 ..... FOR SALE Chihuahua. Free to aood Sll.VER blue Pft'alan kit• 846-1544 30, Tr..:m Tl'allP.I' Remnants, amp&ea 6 Mill homes. 962~ 5128 tent. Black ~ with Ailver 15' SAILBOAT. $250 or besl X1nt" iochd. ' • ends Sat. Only I a.m. to 2 KITTENS. 7 .,..tr:s. old. TnJn.. unde t Striped faces, M otter. Call 675-4llO atttt 6; 11 ~ t · p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. led • weaned, f I u ff y , r ma! ~~ !::! PM. FULL u----tte ... .._.... DkJ&J')I and white female. e . r ll">ll L~!DO=~,~.~."m"'1,.... .. -w-~~·~ ~inc r rucb _......... ......~ 5t&-Jl.1) 5130 ~ bas1a 546-3634 ll&9 • • ·-. --------"-' equip 6 mo'a old $U.UI, . Don;e Ln. C.M. .._.,,,,.nd ~Call ~ I-'66 CHLVY PU. Take over Snap--on alr chlslo &: impact AB AND 0 NE 0 Puppy, v•~ wrench $235, Com.pl. Jet female, bk>nde, Cocker or Siamese. 2 yr. old, · · payments. Neecli body u-lnz. 1••---, .;....,. ,., ~. very rentle $20. OOLUMBIA 29, 1J3rd in-wortt. can alter 6 PM air-cond'l11& tq\lip le stock ~.., ..,...,.,"' r-vAff"' t t T ......... utraa &-$150. Other mlscell can aft. green car) 54&-7466 5/30 64&-1688 ere• • op ......... · •..-2614 • SUIAR.U· Subaru of Calif. lnc.-letall Div. $12'7 POE SPAN!SH Returned from Model Homa o.o ale at ku thU wholesale! Group tnCladel bea.utitW 9 Ii • ' quilted M)f.a & }Dl\'t .eat. GULBRANSEN ORGANS 5 PM 897-4837 HAVE a Ttrer in YoUt hoUS('! Bur~ ... kitten• $50. $lOOO dD. ~ 613-121.1 '63 t atEVY Panel I Truck. Sobaka Kittena; tree to good hi1ae. 546-0010 or 962-263.1 * KITE No. 735, H w Y auto . trans. $7pq. Days 1 MG1 1 t.. .. ~ hair, -, 2 ti.,.r trailer' nearly lltf'. Many 67J...QS6, eve• • wlmds F Opt equip $30. Freight $14.SO HandllO&: $~9. Del $1390.SO + Ta."< and LlceMe 1000 W. Coast Hlway, N.B. 660050 *" 540-2133 WURLITZER PIANOS & ORGANS Pianos 1-; Organs Rented EVERYTHING 1N MUSIC My name 11 as unusual as I ""'6 •·-1 ,,.-0,. U2 v<lra• 1995 J:T"t..5527 ......, ....,.,., 61 MGB striped, ~49 5/29 5 • ' Y\.....-UI-• am. German Shepherd/Sarp-1-36~.-Y~A~WI.~~Dacron~--u-il~•.I========= Rdit. ~Ub cover le, wire SUNBEAM s -... ...... ... ~ awar: or table lamps, ... _ ............ or f'lzll me bedrocm suite oyed, 6 mos., male. Very BEAUTIFUL ~Icy black kit-Soblk• grey aux. $695(1. See on Campers 9520 wheelai Excellent cand.ition. aHectionate, will be a great tens, white lace, chest and l\ty name is unw;ual, and IO ;""""~g'~""~"";;·,,!-~~~-J;;;;;;;:;;;;~~~~;;:;;;;;;;;~ J Only 33,0Qt,m.Hea, Lie. GHS- SELJ.. Or trade for VW; '66 Sunbeam, low milcq"e. Call 613-346; watcbdog. Free to good boota. Trained and \\'eaned, I G Shephe I ;;_ all. ···ch Mus1'c ,,.nter home with lo~ of ... m. 'w ... ........, ""' ' •nnan "' 26' ENDEAVOR, ""''' -·· CAMPER $1795 -Ind ""' ......... mattrea linens • boudoir __ ...... d~ se.t priced eJRwbero at ,qiprax. $ll!li.OO ALL FOR ONLY -$20 clown, St• per v.eek , out of lla19 credit OK. WJll 8eplftte for qUick sate. m Ceatul7 FurnltlllT. 911 2 Gardeit Grove BI v d ., Gardm Grove Daily lo.9, Sat ~ Sun ,.. eom. m •call m4> SJ>-5240 Office Equiprnont IO 11 ADDRESSOGRAPH w/1uppllc1. 774-5200 °"='!f!=S..= .. '---.C..I022 DISHES, stows. c b a i rs, paints, mining tools, plum- bifw, • misc. , 212 Costa M'f' St. C.M. ANTIQUES Plus Much Misc. Daily U-2 2315 Pacific Dr. {End of Acacia) C.dM GARAGE SALE 3)5.; Paloma Dr, N.B. WID. May ~lb GARAGE SALE JUNK TO AtmQUE 336 A. Vletoria, C?tf in rear Appll•-1100 UR \II: St8-S993 Samo~ed, 6 mos:· male. Very good cond. Shock built: w/ I '°'""=~~"'att=·-•;__ KflTENS, male & female, afiect1onate, will be greal moorln&" $4 000 M6-U10 Seit• -Rent•ls Factory Sales & Service Daily 12 noon 'ill 9, Sat 9-5 174Gt Beach Blvd .. CHwy 39) 11"-ml. So. San Diego Fwy, Hunttn&:tob Beach 847-8536 .., I RENT NEW SPlNET PIANOS 1rom $10 per month Purchase OptionaJ ****'* ./SALE USED lfAMMOND ORGANS • New euarantee e Liberal ~mui B-3'&, C2, A-lOO's, M-lOO's, L-100'1 from •••.•••••• $6$ HAMMOND In CORONA DEL MAR 2854 E. Cout Hwy 613-8930 e SPECIAL PUROIASE e WURLITZER PIANOS While they last! S945 Walnut conioles DIAMOND dome cocktail k>nk I short hair, 2 v.•ht, watchdog. Needs rood home ' · Au.tborU:ied Dealer riue. N~teen luie blue w .i l h 1 b I u e e Y f' • with a lot of room. FREE S---1-Ski Boats 9030 Eldor8.do • Four \Vinds white diamonds. 4 ell T.W. 54?-0351 5/30 543-5993 after 6. ~ Scotsman • Barracuda Appralsed $3000. Sa.criUi:e 4 Kl'M'ENS 6 \\'e<!k!-i old. AT STUD, beautiful male 14' SKI boat, SK. design, 100 I' CatJOl'el"ilA'N AJ S950-: 673-3600 S po t I e d &' r a y I \V h I . Chihuahua, laws' hair hp Mercury outboard, lra: M' ~!"', # •- DIAMOND wed d I 11 r A: blk.Jwht. 531-8137 alter 6 with Ruby eyes , Stud wheel trailer. Sell or ·trade """' wu enga,ement rlnp. 1 rt, pm. 5/29 fee $35 or hoice 0 t far Dune btJm', Ca I I Theodore perfocl, Ofter. Diamond y, SIAMESE ma~ black IOI-Po<l;g,.,. lltt•" llS9 6o&Oll4 ROlfNS FORD pierct'li earrings $ 5 O . en 8 wks. old. devilishly Donel Ln, C.M. MOVING must sell 14' Ski 20&0 HlrAsr Bm:I. 675-4111. playful. bax Ir a i n !" d, AKC I)obennaus ruat It boat; mtr. Ii trailer. $500 or Cbsta Mt9a '42-Q)lO 9'8" JEFFERY D a I e 548--0397 5/31J black· maln &: femakl! ex-best otter. 642--21169 Hurfboud, $15. Oflice desk TO GOOD home, 3 orange a!llent dispositions. 494-8320 w _"':::.. 9033 --R911t A e-r- $$. ~ striped kittens, wean-eves. • DOn Mllnten1nce • CORY CRUIStlls * 673--6783 ed Ii: hllbrlcn. ~ aft. 5 PART Retriever Puppies. JACK'S Electro*' Service Rent by the day, week, or BARGAIN! Mem~ in PM 5130 Have had distemper l!bot~. Electrical re~ remod, month, Reuonahle rates. Newport Beach Tennl!. Oub. OUTSTANDlNG Cock-a·poo 495--f1B3 • • ' · new inst.alladoit. 5'3--8329 54iddleNck Dodge ·$700 you pay tra.nster fee. P\uJpfn 6%i \\<eeks. 540-3828 e German Shepherd pups, -1401 N. Tustin .Ave. 642--3411aft3 pm. · 5/30 A_Kc, g v.-eeks, large boned. Merine e,uip. 9035 Phone 547-9311 * POOL TABLES * 2~ADO=RAB""'"'LE""'7JO"'lties'"· -,-,,...._,.-I S50 up, 49&-2184 NEW PERKINS D~ f. lllGH Lite campin&" trailer, ~=-~ a.n=Rfs ~~ old, long hair \Vith bnby TREEING -WalRr Coon 1DT. 2-l WamtT gear. tent top, xlnt cond. $275. Aft faces. 548-0130 5129 hounds. UCK ~· Call 1tft 5 Crated.' fl.700 . 114: 879-0044 5 pm. 646-86S3 <n41 63$.7'130 12-8 pm 4 04.RLING fiuUy ·kittens to pm. (l l 493-4000 '67 DODGE Camper Van lovinr home, 3 blk, 1 'solid GERM •horthalt pnfl' P'UPI· Boat Siio Mooring 9036 .w/Expando top xlnt. Cond. gray. ~ ·•5100 AKC Natl clwnpi Bojack L • -Must sell $3500. 548-1477 CHlLDRENS pla)o boU8e, 6 ft now · :. •••• .. ••••• .. ·• · $699 aquare approx. 7 ft blgto ... $20 plus be~ and YoU lake down. Phone sys:; Spinets, all ~ 9fi2...109'l after ;5 pm finilbts •' ~ from $54I lb $5?9 'BE LL Y B 0 A-RD (u·•· plus bench . ni"""' Terna Like Rent Machlnl!) Like new. Cost Gould Music ComJl"ny 170/S.ll $30. 212 Cypttu 204& N. Main, ,s..\ 5fi-0681 Apt 1% Bal aft. 5:30 ARTISAN CONCERT 4c=. Th'!::00:t~F4~ ORG~.. tires, In fair cond. All for !deal for church, achoo! or $80. 842-3210 home. 2 manuals, 32 pedals, TERN TING WOODEN cues .at Model .sired. 6 M, 2 J<~f968-.3597 . WANTED:' ~t slip .':'r 42' VW 6 Pa11. Pick-Up camper Glau Co, l644 SuP,erior; I======="'== boat w/ 14 beam. 325·8539 shell. Would you belil!ve CM. 64lh1231 5130 Horffl 8830 or S29-3449 $50? 613-2678 ~~='"""~~+-'"I-~-~-~~~ 5 BEAUTIFUL grey tiger--PASTURE For hones. Boat·°YKht 1963 ~ T CHEVY truck & !itripcd kittens. Ve r,y C1) ~alt 5. Ct..rtera 9039 camper Sips 4. Moving- playful. 64l-0896~ 5/30 mu.st sell $800. 613-42'11 1'"'REE to respo111lble adults, TRANSPORTATION NEW-PORT llARBOR BEAUTIFtiL '6.l V\V 4. klrw hatr ktitens: Pa!rt I011t1 & Y •Chta · 900o . CRUISE Camper .xint. cond,. big Pl!:nian. 642.-6401 5/?.I} In your own yacht, 6 pass mofor $ltsll. Call &12-3003. FREE' L.ic'd/lnl'd, rn 646-800) TAKE home a kitten, ~~ • 1969 VW Camper, pop.u9, Siame~. 5 wkl, old. \\tt-an· BLUEWATER CHARTERS 6,000 ml., Florida reg. $33;1Q. "'· 54>-3261 Sill a.11c _..,. ci-:rr Trojan, Power """ pr1y. "'' 831-<rm 401tops, Com]>iete w/presels AL A pressure WESTINGHOUSE Fu l I Y •-·--"-tom. Thi• •-on-mattre11 Pad. Cno more bed auto mat I c portable ......,.., "'" U'Cln l N Coii:t $165. ll 26' Thunderbird. Sail SM""" ..,.. Booton Tarlor Offered ~·the public Skf n 646-9000 D 11 dor. l yr old, had shots to by the. Balboa Power pper ava · une Uftln diahwasher. Hold 16 .. 1._ 1tnttion ~ price _ S3.7SO sores ew. se ......... terms. f01· $75. 548-1975 952S aettlnp. 3 cycle, 2 speed. 112 Top lid opening, White, NEWPORT ORGANS STUDIO couch ,!i>. 2 good home. 531Hil4l 5/30 Sq'uadroQ. starting 7 Mobil• Homff 92001965 WRECKED VW, lormlca top. Very excelle.nt 645-153U lonnale like new $10 e.ch. condition. S1'5 Finn. 646..(gJ6 SAciiiijbi, ne,o, Gulbran-5teh'.l'187 1 '• : FREE Bamboo roots. P:M. Monday June '---------1 mi,, $420. ll,000 KENMORE Auto mat 1 c sen Militer Col!iole Piaoo. ELECTRONIC ContOle rack WuheT, late model, xlnt 1 =-=·=A="='='"'='=S<Q.=·="="== tran1e1. 19" &: 24" wide, 5' cond. 1• height. 548-7705 or ft48-1881 oltt•dy •••· WUI orow ll' 2. Newport H a r b o r MOBILE HOMf * 54&-0081 * tau. Call 543-4305 5/30 Yacht Club, 720 \Vest 1 sµCK male ~tt~ J>arl Bay Ave., Newport $10 ooo' Persian, I wks. old. Ask for Beach. E n r o 11 a t r lmpof'lod A.... 9600 ALPINE S60. • M1.all5 Teltwlslon l205 Qu.alibt k.iJw bed, qullied, Billy, 642--0239 5/31 class. For additional 3 ?ttOrn'ff old black kitten 'ii information p b o n e 1967 KENMORE ~ Eltttr.c complete, unllM'd $98; worth °""'· a;. RENT OR IUY l250. Aft s or -. MT-0!06 ·-OR- Siamese. female . 675-0467 or 673--1855 645--l6S8 5129 .DISCOUNT Marine catalog * 615-7308 * COLOR TV HOUSEHOLD • w ..... ' MAYTAg ~ &: ~1-, ?.fonthly rates low as marble tabln. dibette, BR $35,000 '66 ALPINE MALE and female 'kittens 1 save up lo 60% on finest HOUSfl wks. old. Eastblutf Newport koown brands in. marine • · Bch. 644-1096 5/29 1 lro · 1.~_, ach Removable Ha.ztltop. Lie No, deluxe model, 'piik. Both fell' $7 fur~. Misc It.ems. 642-4614 $125.. 9D-31"2 SAVE $Ss on Sile 2 yr men1· ROADSTER Rent w/pureha5" option benhip Holiday HeRlth Spa. FREE WIGS Pri pty. 67>8507-'·=~~ ==-------1 e ec ~ic~, M:U1.1wtlt't!, Y. t Come In today and see l11X· SLD 134. KITTENS, variety to pick gear, .h1h1ng gear. all ac· ury Uving at down to eatth $1199 ·1110 ANTIQUE Coll item, 1350 Victorian couch & chair, comp l etely restored. 536-3339 \V~ al~ rent & sell • 'TIS Troplcal Fish • Ste'r~W•shers-Refri91 Opening 'bout June ht from, will be s in a 11 . cesaones lor. power or sail prices, Eapecially now dllf'.. 5J6..6715 5/30 F?r yttur copy send $1.00 to ing our clearance sale on 772.0730 Founlaln Valloy 842-4530 FLUFFY kitt"ns \\"e wtll Discount Marine SUpply C.0. all diaplay ~y're Dlr. 549-3031 Ext. 67 or 68 deliver to your ho me. 2.00 W. Co&s . H w Y · priced to sen lmmediat.e1y, 23" ADMlRAL Coior TV, '69 mod. cost $600. Sacrifice S.Wlop --1120 $295. Also 23" B&W TV, stereo f'l'C player, AMIFM 1969 SINGER with zlg-zaa: & rad combo, a beaulilul set! walnut console. Makes but-$135. 1301 S. Bristol, S.A. ton holes, designs etc., $5.25 549-4390 mo. or $36.IXI cash. ~6 1 ~===~~-=~ USED-RCA Color 'IV-Stcro Mutlcol lnot. 1125 com binat i on . Alof-F~f \\'llinut cabinet, S200. Cost DRUMS, Sparkle Blue, SI.in&:· l=S=IOOO=="'=w=·=.,.._===== etla.nd. Complete. * 548-1334 * Hi°FI & Stereo 8210 ·-~--~-~~--] Yamaha Bass Guitar 4 String $1 2:;. .... .,.,. *** FISHER Zll receiver, Garrod 80 lab turntable, SGny SOO.D tape reco:rder, 2 . 11.30 Fi.!theTXP-68 1 pe11ker:s . 1P ,_l•_--'_1_,!?']_..•_M ___ , 1 Rick, 494-2731 WE'RE baCk in our new store. Bi.c Celebration -Bl& Sole. a..osmut o1 console Plan-. m at aavhip to ...... $400 C.OSEOIJI' of Baldwin over· ~ piano. at aviro to Uf9 a.osEOtJT ot 1968 Organs at ·MVin&• h) ......... , $236 No down oac, 5 yn to f>AY, w.uuts BALDWIN SIUDIO 1119 Newport, CM, 6'U4M HAMMOND • Steinway •• 1- m.aha • he\7 • u-.1 planoa ., .. _ .... ..,. .. So. Ctllll. .... , ..... . SCID!IDT llUSIC CD .. 1901 N. ...... ... ,._ e PlANO RENTALS e SUMMER sPEC!Al.S * Low u $7.9ol per mo. Rftltt.I applies to Purdue Gould Muoi~ c...,,.oy 20Ci N. At.in, SA 541.QIBJ. 1110MAS Electric or a an wilh all .... _ ....... -Xlm mnd.-L , Call 51)..ftI 7 nes • .tctnda WANT~piuo .,/""11, I ....i..,.. ............ .... tJ. MU!JS: m-2413 ...._ '1'PlAN""=o-. "Cu1=......,==n,--17tudlo""'. I llcht ... flnllh. s.m. • 4,...TUIS * SJl!rlinl Goods 1500 \VINCHEST£R I mod 1 D .f'ealherwei.&:ht rifle. 270 cal, new cond. $90. 642-9.13.1 uoo •• MIXED BAG • • Houtehold and p e r s o n a I itel"M, lncludln& Honeywell }Ueland Strobe \\'ilh ballcry cur, 4 x 5 film holders, convertible bar and tv.-o atools, polaroid &winaer cam. era, maple chetl and mirror, cue and bowlq-ball, lull wle and ase, maple bed frame. dilhel, bed spread, nia. bfrd c-.ae, utensils. and other ittms. ~ Patil: Avt., Lftguna ~ach, 4*9822 *AUCTION* If )'OU will aell or bU)' alve Wlnd,y a tr:· Auetiona Frida¥ 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auctioo S.m Bfbfnd Toriy'a Bktc. Mat'L ""5ll No-. CM - mt.t elec l;)'pewriter SJTJiO_ Rc:mU.:ton 10 key aact 'a mach. $3 9.50. l&G RIWl"Slde NB. o p p o 1 I t e Cmyhound Bui lita I, • SPODE china, sterling flatware. \Vat"rfron l crystal, misc. 4*-3354 SlNGLE Membership in NB TeMls Oub $100. includes trans.fer Jee 675-3222 att 6 ROTO Tiller $15. Boat trailer $50. Wood stove $%>. & miscl, 646-5481. 1610 WANTED . 846--0768 5129 Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 Parks avai19.ble In all areas DATSUN ~rn=n,o=·"'s~J"UN=c"LE~~,IM"'°-116' BOAT. glaupar hull, ·a.y H•rbor · 1--------- 642--4334 glassed plyv.Uld cabin w, Mobile Home S•les '69 DATSUN 5;30 2:5 ~P Evtnrude. Ideal for 1425 Baker St. Big l!tdan, 96 hp, overhead ==-~=---,.-1 b1h1ng. Homemade lrlr w/ ;; block East of Harbor mvd. cam ena .• dlr, 4. spd, radio, FOUR cute kittenB in a bag. Jrg whls $325. 830 Darrell, on Baker heater, wsw tires, loaded! Please hurry. Help Help CM. 642-1398 Costa itesa <n-4) 540-9.:JTO 2200 Miles, under factory Help. LI 8-5636 5/30 ty Bal to tine $1775 16' CHRYSLER Charg1!r 18.l SlJMMER HOME 2 yr, old 1 ;~7S .ca.Rh dels. ~old~ 26 hrs old. Volvo Tenla BR comp furn Awnings CLOTHES Une poles: dug, you haul. 3.118 E. 20th St. CM. 642--3184 5/:?l.l 2 KJTTENS. 1 Wttb, 1 female calico. 1 black Ii: white male. 54>-2653 sr.;o Engine. Beaut c o n d , landscaped: pooJ, 8 a u n ~ ~ ;r'~ Call Bill emergency sale. D • Y ~ bath, re&!., walk to ocean ln ---~-==--' 642-<009, <ve• 548-70Z7 n.-•twd. lkh. Cub. Adulb. '66 DATSUN IT -8'.EVENS keith black, ~ S.'i,000 cash. 536-2731. 4 DR. SEDAN We net4 quality (no junk S AOORABLE little kittens pleue), Furniture, c olor as9011ed. to -go00 homes. TV's, stereos, appliances, 548-1009 $/30 tools and office equipment. 3 LONG haired kitlens. TOP CASH JN 30 Minutes! hsbrkn, ~ yello"', 1 black, ~~"'~·',,212=-*-=-=·~....,, I 546-6312 5129 $WE BUY$ hem1 ~!er 398 cu. In_. .4.'i.'.1 BUDGER Expando "lli.'37'. 4 speed tranamiu.ion, ltadlo. hp. 85-~ mph. Sacrifice 21ii BR. FumiHhed including "At \Vholesale", 5,1~ ext $2,0l'tO. SJ>.5466. Eves a1ter 6 "·asher & dryer, air-cond, & 67 or 68 Dir. 613-1258 23" '°'"'TV. Call att 6 pm. $599 22' Mercury Cl"lser 112 H.P. 847-5394 Gray m":l'Ule! ·Sleep& f\\'o · VER=~y~c~,,-,-,~,~,-,~50~Sky~li'"·ne-l--.,.,=-=,..-,---- head. bait tank. etc. Jn slip \Vlth larre cabana. Compl '67 Datsun at Newport, Sl4!0 firm. wllb skirting l carport le $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES C.l•r TV't-'1•11•'-St•r••'• I ''tt• er H-.iM F11ll CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-451.1 • KmENS. 8 wits. old. Tmin· ed. "'-eaned. .Multi-colored . 546--0l&l 51~ Da.YH 642-1002 Eve. 673-3828 patio awnings. Call ~208l Station Wap 25' BERTRA}.1 '64 Jiard top F S.I 4.5' T 'I All original, 4 1pd, dlr, raclio. twin Mere lXI IO. Oean or •: rai er. heater. like new! $15 Cash FREE cute & lovable kll-bilg<', costly extras. 1't.ake new furn. 2191 Harbor deh. pymnts $39.00 mo. ~:~. 7~~is old to ~ Of.fer, 714: 548.5919 Blvd Sp61, CM646-7016 VHG 014, can Ken, 494-m3 l LONELY Jong hair kittens, 16' SKJ Boat, 40 hp Evinrude, Mini Ilk" 9275 l!Q DATSUN Pick Up vtJ g "'ks. to good 'homes. el~ stMter, trlr, Extra'I, Deluxe cam~. $195. \\!ANTED: Rear door for ·sg 673-6434 S/29 gOOd cond. $000. U ' SalUish, GREEN Mini-Bike. 3\~ hp, * 962·8779 * Hlllm111n Hmky Sta. W~. HEALrnY, 6 We!'k Old kit-dacron 11&il, $100. 613--4396 30 n1ph, Hats 2. $65. '66 DATSUN PJCh.'1JP 642-4689 terui, J ust d 1 r I i n g ! '63 TROJAN 30' T-S. Xlnl. 548-6239 alter 4:30. Sl075 Xlnt condition. DESPERATE! Need ~ 54S-t69.l 5129 cond. A)I xlras. $7900. 545-4487 u!led refrigerator It: •low 4 BLKtwJn' k!Uens, 6 wks. 615-0!42 or (2L'U 4Jf..1227 ~torcycle1 9100 '68 DATSUN Sport car Call: ~ old and we~. ca 11 LAUNCH U' tnbotrd. ldttl '67 SUZUKI _ $UO Private pty. Must Sell! w"A"NT=m=,~,"""';.;..,=,..,.,._~. ~-I 673-Sl.34 Sunday bay '-"1• nicl.. c o'! d · X-6 Scrarnblt.r -250 cc· • 645-1l6:5 • 2 or 3 keys. Prefer Swtda. SIB" PINE board&, 864 \V, Bargain at $1195. IS7343l5 EXCEU..ENT CONDITION """""' . l8lh St .. C.M. 5128 911' WOOD .... ~ """' .... 6U ";.,., Pl N • w p.' t INGUSH FORD WANTED: \VilMfow, 42"Xl6", de(! seat, rbr. round gunntl Heights. 11lkllne: alumfium or b.Jvf't', lld~~~r old cat~~ ne\'IY palntied S15. 646-..'.523 ' E\'f!I & \Vet>kl'ndA OllANOI COUNTY'S Stl-3526 Aft. 5 or "'~kendl'i ==-o-,.--,-=--CARTOP Boat, aluM'd· >..'lnl 'fiG SUZUKI t"t!built· lugpge VOLUME ENGLISH FREE slud ae.rv~;, Gennan condition. $95. MU9:t Mlc! rack, good'tb'es: 600 nll. 011 FORD DIA(ER Machlno'X< ti<. • 1700 "°11 "' R .... 962-458? !ill ,,..._ new "'"· $340. -SALIS -SERVICE TWO Bridgeport Mill& in real =1 ~~Ult ':1':9 Sallbollts 9010 i10VINC, must 9t'.11 '64 'at MODtLS aood eoncUtion $3500. 'fabt I ~'-="~""';;;..,;;--_,,'i. ---------1 Ttlumph 350 cc. $550. CaD lmmed.late dtllvtr7 both ol them. 54.S-nst 3 BRINDLE kUtel'lll. QUI lfOVRLY RENTALS aft 5, (11 "9'1'-lGI LARGE SELECTION FREE TO YOU FIVE beaut. kittens, h a I I lUn\Wyasi, put_ ~ian. ho u a e tnined, ftft to fam illell. 497-1!83 3/30 642-4424 &fttt S PM 51211 * ~ 19'1 • lll6S HONDA 250 CC TheedoN SMALL ·-···!let .. l'lOd Fun ..... Boat Co. Belboa Smunbl ... sm. ROBINS FORD Jii:lnw. 6t">4JT 5/30 2$' CAT. 0.,,. des & n, "* 646-336! "* 2080 HaJ'i>or Blvd - 4 FRISKY Outty "-lintl 1 £Mt.Dilda vet. Dttru. $lm:l 191i7 YAMAHA 305. 5 lpCe(I. COt!ll P.ftsa &42..allO ..~kl. 1 male. ~ !1/30 va .. n.c $3995. 714/893-1019 $323. or make otter. DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS KJTE No. 105 f'Ull cowr and ~ THE QUICKER YOU CAU.. DI.al 642$11 hflnd dolly. $&'.iO. 67"">-11;38 OOCK TT TO 'EM! THE QUICXER YOU SELL -~~-~---1---'-----'--'----"---l ( Holklay 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mua 64U023 1960 MGA New Engine, Bat. siarter. Needs eome work. $250. 613-mf aft 6 PM. MGI _l ~i'lllPLll I _j\ 11 1 Pll It:; ~ W. Cout Hwy., N.B. 60.M:ls 5-41).1764 Authorized MG Dealer MGB 196.1. HrdJsott top. New _tires &: ·radio. Fa.-.. ta.stlc cond. $1350. 494-~ Lag 8ch. '61 TIGER 289, 4 spd convt. Disc brks. lmmac. Best of. fer. 646-2812 ask far Daw TOYOTA TOYOTA $ SAVE $ Exec:utiw C•r S•I• Hurry While They Lull " tullmu IMPORTS TDTOTA·YOl.YO 1966 Harbor, CM, 646-9303 BILL MAXEY !TIOIYIO)TIAJ lllfl BEACH BLVD. Hunt. llOKh -.C7 .. 555 3 mJ N. of Coast Hwy. on Bct- '68 TOYOTA. 2 dr hardtop, ========~I AM/FM radio, 4 spd. $1750. 615-5'112 dys, 541--04'14 aft 5. MB '68 2ro, air, auto, J<'M, like new, private party. 714: 642-667T .MORRIS MORRIS MINOR Convt. 40 TRIUMPH miler; per gal. New lnt. ext. 1-..,.,---,.---- Reblt eng. Like n e w '68 TRIUMPll MK-3 Spitfire mechanical?", Xlnf buy. Convert. Like new $18'.XI. 644-(674 eves. 644-7168 OPEi. '65 OPEL Kadell. mileage, very ioocl ~. * 6'2--0169 J ow ''""'· '61 OPEL WAGON' F..xccllent condition, low m I I e a g c , 642-9187 NOW"S THE TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD VOLKSWAGEN '67 vW Sedan, blaek ~'/black-brown In le r I or , · AM/Ff.I, . vent windows, coco mal!!. Many extras. $1550. 673-4373 '61 VW Pickup, excell run- ning cond. Needs minor paint. $1000 or best oiler. 646-1773 '6:i VW-X.lnt. Must &ee to &P- P~-te. Extras. SUOO or best Her. call after 5 pm. ' ' l!l68 V.W. wh ite excellent condition. we out grew, $1.650. 84Z..'l895 '60 VW CONVERTIBLE good appearance, fair condiUon. $295. 54s.J297 Imported Autoo 9600 lmpertad Autos 9600 ELMORE Largest Exduslve Toyota Dealer Anywhere!!!! Largesf Service Faclntles Largest Selection •ucm "''' CAU ,,. Ohlf•I COUlfTT . -. ... IS311 ll&ACH iouLEVARD WESTMINSTER Tei...i-: nwm \ ~. ·~,,,,,,..,=::=:. . .:c.c::.1:.L .. ...,,,, . ...l ~-_j ~ ---..: -------_ _1\.! __ .. _ _,;."--;._ _ _c.•_-,_._, __ -'.-"-' ---~--~ __ 1..l. -· ---------------- _, ' DAllY~ H TRANSPORTATION TRAH.ll'OllTATION TIANIPOllTATfoN Wodntsdly, Mor ii, 1969 "flANSPORf ATIOH , li:JiJS spectacular Spt•itifl S~ 111 · OP , EMOR\AL DA' ALL DA 1 M G coMV£NIENCE ! sHOrPIN . The Honest Corn pact '67 PLYMOUTH' FURY Ill Y(A.GON ' ' ti, •ufolft•fic:, roclio, httter, P•-r- dttrh19, wliilt wt ll1, ftriory' t it c.011• ditionilMJ. lYCY6171 ~·2195 '67 DATSUN ~ SEDAN 4 1p~ff, Full ftc.lorf equipped. TUP f41. $1 -295" '68 COUGAR "· •uklm•tic, roCi•, "••tor, ,owor lloorin' l br1k11, f•ctory •ir condi· tiot11in9, low, low mil••· (WfL0261 $2795 '68 'CHEVROLET MALIBU 2 DR. HARDTOP VI, •ul •mtflc:, rtlllio, hootor, power • te1ri119, whitt Jidt Wtill, c.l11n • I 136371AI 16569) $2195 '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE "· IUIOl'l'ltlic, ttdio, httltr, , .... ,, 1lttrin9 , wh.llt 1ld1 woll1. ktul!f~I c.o.111Utio". IN'l'MOl 1 l $1095 '66 DODGE CORONET YI, 1ulom1lic, r1dio ind lit1t1r, pow• 11 1l1odn •. (RIG llSI $1395 .... '65 DODGE '65 PONTIAC DART SEDAN CATALINA 2 DR. H.T. "· tulomttlc., r_1dio, httltr, pow1r ledio ond httltr. IVTP 4$1 I 1t1~riru;i, IX'""'' br1krt. ITll:J 4201 $995 $1395 '68 VOLKSWAGEN '65 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Utllo oMI ~;, wllh '~"' hoo+.,. "· oulom1tlc., rocllo , h11tor, pow tr IVGZ lltl 1'1orin9, powor brtkts, t ir c.ond itio11• J111J. IPKA 6141 . $1695 $1195 '65 CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER SEDAN NEWPORT 2 DR. H.T. A1d•lft•tic, rodio, 11,.tor, pow•r 1to1r• "· outomotic, r1dio, hot ft r, powtr lt119, paw1r lir••••· 1ir co"d itioning. IPKA 6141 lt.orit119 l br1k11, f1clo ry oir condi- $1195 $2395 The examples ebove ere but a sm1ll pert of our hug1 selection of top quality-trouble free used cors- All advertised cars c1rry • fre1 5 day free trial exchange privilege. "ALL PRICES PLUS TAX & LICENSE PRICES 6000 TIL 10,00 P.M., SUNDAY, MAY 25th OPEN DAILY &suNDAy tit IOp .m. lmpo•ted Auto< -Autos Wanted:_ __ 97..c00..:1Ustd Ciro -9900 U~ed Cars 9900 I Used c ... 9900 UMd C1rs 9900 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Aut .. 9600rm,,.,rted Auto. VOLKSWAGEN \VE PAY ... "62 SIGNET 2 d,. !IT, $36. CASH mo .. Stock No. 131. '62 rn, CADILLAC '69 vW·· 1Nli1EDIATE DELIVERY Bank Financing $213 DOWN $44.03 * 36 mo:s . for used cars & IJ'Ucks just cnll us for ft'£'e estimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT 2 <lr., S32.50 mo., stock No. ---~---- 151. '61 T-Bird S37. mo.,, '6G ELDORAOO Conv, blue Stock No. 142. 1v/wht top. Blue lthr in!. G-MAC MOTORS AJ1,l/F¥ sletJ?OL air, full 3630 \V. lsl SL pwr, pwr di l110cks, crus Santa Ana 5.11-9183 cont., TYi, cent. $3090. 54 ....... CONTINENTAL '64 Continental 4 Dr. Full power, tact. air, pebble beige w/malch.lng in- terior. ·Very luxurious. IEZ· 37"l FORD 'li6 FORD WAGON 9 pass Ctry. Squir@, Auto., Power 1tecr &: Brakes. f1795. RJ>L 237 Pllli 1 (lnal pymnl for titlt. Full 2 yr, 24,000 ml warranty. Aven only at Ask for Sales ~1anager T & M MOTORS 18211 Beach Blvd. BUICK $1395.00 CHEVROLET JOHNSON & SON 8081 Ganlen Grove Blvd. 11untingtnn Beach 5.lf.4284 at Beach 892·5.'iil ___ K~CT~9-33.1~-'.,..---full {IO\rer, air. "Almost '67 RIVIERA I NfED A CAR! Llncoln-Marcury 1941 H•rbor Blvd. OPEN SUNDAY w1·11 Buy· Who!"''''-"" Lie. No. ll'X'M '65 YW 232. 549-SO:'l l Ext. 67 or 68 dlr. WE CA.IV HELP YOU . 642-7050 '63 Ford Wa9on 6 pau Covntry Sedan. V-8, auto, P.S., •RIH, has aJr cond. &: roof rack. OKG368 Your VOTkswagm or Pors<!hf $2999 • If others have turned you Owned hy Hille 'oil' pain1cr dO\\'Tl ·e If you have no down from Laguna Beach, xlnt 11 pay top doUars. Paid for payment e U y6u are em· CORVAIR ccnd! $i;) Cash dt"ls. rllr, or nol. Call Ralph '~62~s=u~1c=,7,-s=ky-,~.~,.-. -,-.,-nyl ployed. take py1nnl $36.86. \Vill finr 673• 1190 1011. ;\lust ~"t!l" lo 1tpprec! 8 * * MA.1'/Y r-.tODELS '62. NE\'! clutch. MW brakes • """ good. 1175, 5795.00 JOHNSON & SON prvtparty. Cull Ken, 491·9773 L~IPORTS \\"AivrED cyl, 4 sp stick, R I H. fac TO CHOOSE FRO~I ** '68 VW 0,..,,, ""'"''" oi•. w/s/w. "'1: '"""'· .... Coll M'. Ulm" * Sl&.lQ * '61 CORVAlR m . Good tran:sportaUon. 6 7 5 -6 6 3 4 Llncoln-M.rcury INI Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 Excellent 1.'llndition insidl" & TOP $ BUYER 893-741.5 * 89]· 5038 * oul. honey crcan1 exl., plush BILL t,L\XEY TOYO'I A SACRIFICE '66 R u i c k • '""· '62 Corvo1lr Monz• black inlerior. s12:1 Cash 18881 Beach Blvd. Riviera, full lo1.1dcd, new ··""°"==;-::-,_=~ delf, dlr, or trade · take lo1v H. Beach. Ph.. 841~ tires. 63 CH.EVY !Jnpala, radkl & f sPCI $300. * 67f>.2758 '67 Ford Wa9on pymnts. LB VHA IS.I, Call * 638-7!184 * fac all'. b@ige W/hl.ack Int. Bill 54°~•1 At L · 9810 S6:i0. Before 4:30 P m CORYETTE 4 seat Country Squire. Load· ed and ha s fact. air, roof rack, etr. svxno ' -.,.,.,.,,,. _u_• __ ••_s_m_,9:._ ___ '63 ELECTRA. Loaded IV/ 642-1981! after MG-6820 '65 VOL.KS • Ivory, good cxtrA.S! ~lust sell $8 i;;. ' · '67 COR cond."-Allo '67 VW, blue, Jt'IRs-1: TIAlE ! 644-1732 Milke oller. '59 CHEVY Sta \\'.'&e· Lri1 VE'ITE, F/8, 327 4 Lease a New 69for6l\fonths , eng. New battrry. gen. r~ spd, make olfer l Ex· $1995.00 JOHNSON & SON sunroof, AM·FM. xln'l cond. &: return v.·ith no obligation. * 62 LE S~BRE * mu!flers. $.100. 6 4 2 _ 9 l 7 g c:.eptlonal condltkln. 540-6247 ~-c:..c=.,..-.,..--~~-ICall ?ilr. P.Ialuolm Reid for 6!1,IXXI Mi. Beautiful Car. blwn 6-8 pm. CORVE'ITE 'li6, 4771425. 4 Llncoln-M.rcury 196.1 V\V Varinnt Square F ull Details Now G42-85M '68 EL CAMINO 396-350 turb spd. 2 !Ops S2T::i0 or trade. lMI Harbor Blvd. Back, BlpnkURadio. xlnt 612-0010 CADILLAC hyd, fct air, p/it., rinsi t, 54S-1489 642·7050 cond. ?ilovfn .. ! SJ6..S96.-i Fon! A"'"-'-' • .., ua.i•u<.v a m/fm xlnt cond. $29'JJ. '58 Corvcne, 283 1tick. ·VOLVO VOLVO NEW 164 " NEW llOO N9W ON DISPLAY eu LIWia IMPORTS TOYOTA·~OLYO 1966 Harbor, CM. 64&-9303 '57 yotvo, a-ood engitle, JX'ar- n~w I.ires, good brakes, $200. 49'-0198 alter 4 pm, bee Cort. lod• 9620 1940 FORD Pickup Chevy Y· 8. 3 eP"d •lick good body .I: Urn. S450 firm. 64&-8111 9700 Wf PAY Wit FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 212& H1fbor BlvtL cm1" ~fesa M$-121Xl Leasing System 839--6369 aft 6 PM 2 tops, excellent cond. '61 Ford Cortina Theodore Beach City Cadillacs . . 2 Dr ROBIN. S FORD ·• BIG DISCOUNTS • "&I STATION Wgn B<laott, 1-==Bcs=;=t =off=c='·=~=3S23== ., 0.1"'" < ,,,..,.. ndlo. '65--'6:9 CADILLACS R I II, w. I w. orig . m\'ner l Very low mileag,. WFVl96 2060 ll.,.bor. Bl,d. AD '"" Powe,....Fael. Ai• "6.000 mo. trk h +le h • DODGE $1295.00 O>ota M"" 642-00JO "69"' Ville • •· •••• ..... $6100 ,.,6<6-J523=~=,..,.--..,.c== • 1969 <<O DODGE 0 .,, JOHNSON & SON "' LE.ASE ""· '68 Scd ............... S,1695 ~rusrsell1965JmpalaSuflfT L• I Me '68 Cad CJ>e deVille,fullp"-"T, '61 Sed., •............. $3195 Sport.2drhdtp. 3Gfi, autom, ~i11.gnum 375 h.p Po1iltrac· •neon-rcu~ air, 17,(Xl) mi., Sl.39 mo. '.~ Sed.~ .............. S2895 Xl nl cond j\fake oiler. ~100. ~31-49ll nr 1941 Harbor II , '69 Couger 2 dl' JI-top Ga Sc<l. . • . • . • . . • . . • . . $2495 546-0288 642.7050 S86.fu mo: ' SQM}; EXA~tPLES •-."11~B~E~L~A-fr~Chev>~-_.-,~o-r. 1963 FORD noo. v..s, atlck, 'Qi Contl ncntal sed., air & ?.tANY MORE TO CHOOSE Good condition. Sl.95. FALCON · lU.:11, new 6 ply tires, new leaUicr. $99.75 mo • SlOO DELIVERS * 543-7147 • big radiator, E-Z lltth hitch, SOUTH COAST e EASY CREDIT '69 EL CA?.1INO, very low CLASSY '64 Futura Convert J em top lhelJ camper. Sl095. CAR LEASING e 411 MO. FINANCING mil· .. •• < ,~d, 39G. Xlnt cond-every th Ing 54().6468 or 6'12·0709. o" •pproved JU .. "' .. ~~ works! 548-<1335 or 547~7511 300 \V. Cit llwy, Na 645-l1B2 Cl'el. 832-3668 bet 10 & 3 ""-L 263 ONE Owner '57 "Ford V-$, 2 -===='====;I Check with us before you b11y 1 "°'~~~-~~,......., ~ .. Cadillacs S.17-1221 '66 EL Clmlno 396, 4 apd. I-;======== dr In', pa, t • h, .auto. A·l Used Ciro 9900 17281 B ch Bf B"'kc+ ""' 38,000 ml. Tnp PORl:l ~"''", '';~'.'~: .•• ~~ ' ea • cood. llllOO. 675-75.12 ---~---~~w·~ . 1961 WHITE Ford Galaxlt! 1,,,wee_,k,,eod=•·,-.,;;--.-= ,-",.._ · JIUNTINGl'ON BEACl l COMET good cond. New ae-nerator 6-'65 FbRD. Fae air, P/1, ;g e OPEN SUNDAYS e --------2 new llrn. Good 1ran1. P/b, auto tn.na. like ·new ~~ ' • '53 CAO. Great lnnsporta. '&C COMET Caliente Conv. 642-6401 cond. ~I 645-0010 dayz, Uoo ; xlnt mtr ... lS MPG. 45,(0) ml. Make otter ... o63~0~ALAXY~=~,-Dr~. ~ .. -.,,~top 982-lll3& aft 6, ask Jor Ted $1!0.Firm. ~ ~zru or ~1098 390 VII f spd. Oean. Must 542·9433 "61 CAD. All orlg: Ak. radio. CO .... NENTAL -",-".,,!500.,.,..w;;;"""'-;;;' ;-;;;=-l---U_N-'~-O_L..;..N __ COSTA MESA <'tc. Law ml l.-txt.~l'onal · n11 '63 GALAXY 000 waaon. 'G7CONT!~AL·'an.l··•. MOTORS car $700. ~97 xtnt a>nd. $550. '~"'0 ' w w TrtANSPORTATION '66 SEDAN De Ville, all ex-'63 Continental * 56-0ZIJ • 1>' loaded. xlnt cond. Must R tell bnmedlatd,)-. W\11 ar-CENTE tru $3,IXXI. '&3. Coupe $700. 4 Or. Sed, F'll1l po.ter. lac!. * '62 Ford Wq, 9 pus. Air nJlft! financing, a190 take '66 V.\V. · •• •• ....... " Sl.399 SJ&-2721 after 5 pm. air, full leather interior. pl~ p/b, )ow mi. Xlnl cond, trade. ~ '64 StMCA 4 Dr • •• ••• $699 OONVERTIBLE Ml!I ilftl1 GKZ7U M1S. Mib . I========: :64, OPEL w •• ,, ...... $299 .... Good cond. 11600. Prv $1195."" MERCURY 62 MAT .............. $99 prty f!M-2908 "" • 'SS FORD~ cond. Grtal "61 v.w. · ·· ·· ·· ....... 1699 • · • . JOHNSON & SON 2nd"\"., ""' upholoteJy. ------'fit COMET 2 Or • ,.. s.\49 64 CAD ~rt1ble El LI I Ma S»:I . .u--2395. '8S COLON'Y' Parle wept; 9 '60TRl ··•·•·······••· $399 Dorado. Xlnt cond. Pr¥ pr-1t4r;cH"°'b r~~~ BUSIEST marketplace In Pau .. Joaded, AM/PM, ·~ OP!~L , ... , ..... ". S19"i ty. 646-4961 eve1 5: 30-7: 30 Ar or • town . The OATLY PILOT new brake1. Sl6)J S4Q.(l665 FRI AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE PURCHASE O~· ... The Family Room. · ' Every -ty 11\outd hlllf: 1 ltl'Tlily earl Comfortal»e u 11ln1 for the whole family, , , ptacl ictl, &ood looks that WOll't co out of ~$tyte ,., •dv1nc1d e111tneerln1,. • •II vinyl Interior, rl!Cllnin& bucket uatst 4.1pe1d &tick shill. Be a n~w ctr two.car fll'Tlily! 1 Flat124 Femlly Sedan · The whole family will) enjoy the zip of Flat 124's high·output·ensine ... the smoothness of a 4-speed synchro- mesh gearboK •.. tlie security of 4-whaef disc brakes ... tile comfort of rectinins front bucket seats. Flat is fun!, Fiat124 Waaon How aoes Fiat do it for the price? SEE TRESE AID O~HER FIAT MO.._ C~CAIJFORNIA ~ .\ _ · SPORTS CARS y • CJ.BAN, ~. •<'Ol1Dln~1'1 IT'1'nllp. ca?. $4 00 ·S50 0, lflaher 1r v w. 54&-0019 's:i f'ORD \'ictorl1 . . . • StU OJAI .. di red &fl.5673, Charge 642-7050 Oaa:tlfied aecllon. Save '66 MERC Coloey Pt.rk Sta. With rnun,y n101oe your all, then all bAck l.1lCI For Dall)' PUot Want Adi money, timt 'eUor1. Look' Wen. 9 pua, fully equlpd, 901 E. _,St ST., SANTA ANA lo cl'loolt fto1n U11en to lllft Phonti r1,_1 Dlal ~78 for RESULTS nawlll Xlnt conit. S2IOO. &fS..3493 ·--------·--~----~~~..,---~-··~~~ ... ----t-~~----~-'-~~~~---+J........JJ 542.aiOl ' ii ...... ~· ··--·······-··-·-··--• ' ·I I t - 9800-Ci,. ' CADILLAC • l'ILOT·ADVEllllSU 2f T NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE 1968 CHRYSLER 9 passenger Town & Country wagon. itaize yellO\V with saddle vinyl trim. Full power, a ir conditioning, Jugpge rack, tilt steering wheel, low mileage. (\fl'P971) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. Phantom blue with blue leather interior. F'ull pov.·er equipment plus factory air condltlonlni:. One owner. (UJA357) 1967 OLDSMOBILE Custom Delta 4 Door Hardtop. Spanish silver "'ith matching interior. Automatic, P.S .. P.B., factory air conditioning, v.·hlte side walls. (UER4791 1966 CADILLAC . ' Coupe DeVille. Autumn gold with black vinyl top an'd gold cloth and leather interior. Full ~·er, factory air conditioning, till steering wheel, power door locks, etc. (J6296459) 1964 RIVIERA Po'>l:der blue '''Ith matching vinyl buck(!t seats. Full P<>"'·er and factory air condition- ing, many extras. (HGT856) 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. ROya1 blue exterior with mat· ching cloth and leatheT interior. Full pov.'er , factory air, tilt and telescopic steering, shows exceptional low mileage. jPGN663) ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE s4444 PRICE SALE , s3999 PRICE SALE $2444 ' PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $1555 PRICE . SALE $2111 PRICE rOVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • NABERS CADILLAC, Where Used Cars Are More Than Transportation ... THEY'RE A GOOD INVESTMENT! 1968 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Roya.I blue with white padded roor and bJuC Jealb'iir Interior. Full po\•;er, factory air, AM-FM, tilt-telesoopic steering \Vbeel, etc. (XSS788) 1966 TOROHADO ' CU.tom. Forest green with dark green cloth and vinyl interior, ful power, factory air con· ditiontn,, tilt steering wheel. (SVX120) 1966 CONTINENTAL Goddess gold \vlth gold top and gold leather interior. Full po1ver and factory air, stereo tape, local, one owner. (SVY710) 1967 RIVIERA Forest ireen exterlcr with black vinyl in- terior. Hu full power equipment plus factory air condltlonin&, tilt steerlng wheel. CTS0498) 1968 CAPRICE Coupe. 12,000 miles. Antique gold with black and gold bucket seats. 327 VB, automatic, wer 1leering. power disc brakes, factory Ir conditioning, radial tires, plus exceptional care. CXEU0281 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus 2 COUJX!, Automatic, air <:ondilioning, _wire "'heels, AM-FM radio, heater, Seafoam green wilh natural leather Interior. 23,000 miles, one O\YTier. (VCL361) • SALE $2222 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE ~ALE $3222 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE ~-... -- PRICE ----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN------------- • s ... Le PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JUNE f 1969 . t' ••• S:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area DOMESTIC CREAM PUFFS '67 CAMAlO l /l -211 $25n ............... Uc. Ne. ¥A• Jll ' '67 '66 '66 MUSTAN•. YI. hi pwo, ,tn $2577 ............ C>mteNl111tl U. • ..._ 1UIJM • MAUIU SS H• J Dr, H.T, left ........ ..,.. Lk.N .. SIL717 OLH 442 Spt. c,._. ........ PS, ............. Uc.N .. nzm $l977 '66 IUICI Le..-.. H ........ n.-..~IAH,.ica. \.k.. .... "" lt• $1777 $1577 '66 FOU-e,T.l.C-. $1577 YI, .. .._,....,.,..,...,/ w.• tep. Uc. M•. STN J7t DEAN LEWIS • T0=0~930J .~ 1966 HARBOR, C.M. ~ YOUR AD REACHES , 68,972 HOMES E,ACH WEEK NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 --::o-:c::c:=:-=-:::-9900--1-U-sed __ c~·~"..,,.,~,....--1~-...,,,..,,'""'=--~ Used Cars RAMBLER T·BIRD T·BIRD _ _ -T--B-IR_D __ 9900 Used Cars 9900 9900 Used Con 9900 MERCURY OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTl:I '6..1 1.fERC Comet Stat1onl--------- \Vagon. Auto. !rans. lui::gagc • • '68 SPORT Snrb. \Va.gun. !l rack, new hres. S149S. paS!l , A/C, PS PB P\V. lnl· 837--4263 ORAND NEW _/ ~~;nd. S36Sd ptv µ1y . MUSTANG '69 CUTWS ' '67 MUSTANG HT F-15 SPTS. CPE . Goddess gold ext., plush Deluxe belts ll'ont & rear . 'S:J VALIANT. slant 6, stlt:k. mags, runs i;ootl, in1crior xlnt, $650. 962-1981 , black int., pwr steering, dlr, padded dash, f'Ully factory PONTIAC , auto, excelcnt cond. $90 tciulpped. cash dels, or lake foreign $199 ON. $65 Mo. '67 LEMANS PRE-OWNED '65 T 1· d '66 T-B1"rd BIG SELECTION " If '61 TllRU '68's Full po~·er, fact. air, silver Full pm\·cr, fac t air. A nice ALL ~IODELS gray. A beaulifuJ car at a one at a IO\V, low ptiC1!. FROl\I $'.?9.i. substantial saving, NNT433 RRZ717 $1895.00 $2295.00 JOHNSON & SON JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-Mercury Lincoln-Mercury 1941 Harbor Blvd. 1941 H•rbor Blvd. 642-64123 642-7050 642-7050 STUDEBAKER car. Fine prvt prty. lB $2399 Bucket scats. fae\ory air, ~o~.~~A Call. Ken 494-9773 P"'r steering, nu tire!!, xlnt "' """"""" rondllion insi<k' & oul, dlr, 19.i7 Silvrr lla'1'·k '68 ~IUSTANG 2 pl 2, 4 sp. . ! S175 Cash or foreign rar. Stu<iebaker, au10 1nuu;. ~. 16.000 mi. Call between 8-5. Plush Tn &: Lie. Take low pynints. l.B TKR -==••=5=~=-332=1=*== 64~7720 Paymen\s include tax and 595, Call Ken, 494.9773 or ~ =~==~---.,.c I lice Me and finance charges 5~5-0634 '65 MUSTANG oonv., full on 48 months. App~ ==~=~­ pov.1!:r, R/H, white Wlllls. credit. Serial No. 3Jl779ZU. '67 1'"JREBIRD 400 Convt. I $1150. 4~ after 5 SJSt Pis, P/b, R/U. Low ml./ University .:!~~IN::: , :: OLDSMOBILE •64 Olds Cutlass Pis. P/b, good Tires. nc~· Old b I brks. Bc~t offer. 962-0797 Cpe. smo 1' e ·59 SA>"ARI SJ""" \Vogoo, VB, auto. P.S., R/H, air. needs n1ech. v.-ork. Bcsl of. White w/~ bucket 11Cat in. !er. ~lartha. 4!J.J..2737 tcrior. Veey nice. RAS260 :?:8;jO Harbor COsta P.lesa I •,~64~T=E~M=P=EST=-w-,.-.• -""~'" $1295.00 ~-Hre•, V-8 oulo., P/S, P/B: JOHNSON & SON '63 OLDS 88 HT. AUlo, V·•. >lol "'""· $950 . ..._ .. ,, LI I u_ PS, P/B, R/H, w/r;w, nco ,,..JTI9rcury Fibra !!Onie unit. 4',<150 ml. 1941 Harbor Blvd. Entering Army must sclL 642·7050 C.all Sieve, !162-66.19 art 4 pm. '65 OLDS 442, 2 dr, hdtp, ''1 OLDS. 98; k1oka ~· autom. X1nt cond! Belt of. n&ru1 good, A OOy al - fer over SU50. 644--1003 543-7441 DAILY Ptt.Or WANT ,AJ?SI White elephanl1t Ounw.-ttne RAMBLER '68 JAVELIN, V-3 29:1, 4 spttd, $2400. 642-8641 T0 BIRD '60 T·Bird Runs and looks l'lletptional· ly good. Ma., l'l(.'W "''Ide oval tires on rnaa:~tcr ~tags, lac!, a ir. 1PL68G $595.00 JOHNSON & SON • Lincolr.-~rcury 1941 H•rbor Blvd • 642-7050 1967 LANDAU, air, -slel"!!O, new Un?s, full l)O'A'tt. Evefll extra! $2996.. 833--0919 ~ T-Birr$. Full poo.t.'tt, ori& paint Very IOOl'I cond. $250. ~9--2604 • 1963 T·BIRD. Full po~r. air. new tires, landau lop $875 cash. 968-2249 '67 T·BlRD 2 door Landau. fac. air, FIP, disc brakes. Priced to sell. 67"">-0141 e '62 11-IUNDERBlRD, full power. looks It runs good. S650. OHer, 49J...1252 .__~ .. -..... --·--''------- • I "" W~q, Mq 28, 1969 ---· -. . ' MONftGO \ · Holds more +h•n 92 cubic feet of cargol Jh• du•J..action tailgate is st1ndard •• is the big 2~0 "6" and .•II syncro tr1n1mi11ion, Options? Monte90 has them all like • lu9· g19e. rack, yacht declc: paneli1'19 end Select-Shift trans· mission. f ' ' ' • I~. z -~ -- ~ •. llq 29, 1969, Colony Park WAGON ; ',/ $3488 .. r .. . ' Montego MX . ~· ' . . I If Lincoln Contlnt11t1I ,;{ORDER YOUR lrN , Mt~t A $289, /. t· • • • · St1tlo11 W11on, WAGON '· " , .. .VACATION WAGON · Thli Woulll -lt ·It! There N~-r·W11 A • TODAY ••• JlR, BETIER W 1190_11 With Such ' -Styling, So -R1911I In .·YET. SELECT FROM ' Its Rlclt Ancl So " .'THE GREATEST . Luxurloui In Its ;'sTocK AND SElECTION App•lntments. • •r 'IN ORANGE COUNTY -s ••. lt Today At t' AT JOHNSON & SONI JOHNSON'S! Buy It Today At ... JOHNSON'S! .. ., . --;.. ' And Not Just Safe ••• • • • And These Fine Resale 'Carli Are Beautifully Gtred For Locii'I l'frade.Ine! 'Buy Now And Save Now At Johnson's, e Large Selection e Popular Terms e Best Buys • Volume Prices ' -' 1967 CORVETTE STING RAY A btautiful oti9in1I Bri ti1h r1etn9 9re1n 1T11t1lli c fini1h wifh wh ite 1ppliq ue-bl1d( interior, 427 1119in1, 4 1p11d fr1111., power 1t1erin9, AM-FM r1clio, h11t1r, f1ctory A.C. Driv111 only 24,000 mi. by I owntr. lmm1i;11l1!1 col'Ml ition. UXV 959. S1l1 pric e. $3795 -- -1 1968 COUGAR XR7 COUPE ... ttr1cti•1 11efo•m turqwoi11 m1tellic finhh with Perch- mint l•elh1r buck•t •••h end bleck l1 nd•u roof. 6.5 litre V-t 1n9in1 with euto. tren1., r•dio I h1et1r, power 1t•1rin9, pow•r ditc brek•l, F1clory Air Cond. This b1•u• tiful c•r dri¥1n o"ly 12,000 ll'li. •nd buyer r1c:•i .. 11 the ltel1"c1 of the new c•r F1ctory W•rr•nty. WOWl<4J, $3295 . · 1968 CONTINENTALS 1966 MERCURY STATION WAGON 2 to choo•• fr.,m, All compl•f11y luxury eqwlpped. Auto • Colo11y P1rlt, f p1111n11r be1utlful l1r1'111rd• tnterlOf'. tr1n1~~r1dio, heeler, F•ctory Air Cond., power 1t11r• luxury •quip,..,, Auto. tre111., RlH, PS, PB, PW, lnchHf. in;, p wer b71l11, power wlndow1, 6·w1y 11•1, L1ndeu !n9 6-wey •••I. F•ctery •Ir c:ond, Dw•I 1clion t1il 91t1. roof1, etc. Very low mll11 I b1•ulifully 1111inl•in•d. Buyer Top lu99•9• reek, etc. 0111 of the unu111el on1 owner low r•c1i¥11 the belenc.1 of the new cir F•c:tory W•rr•nfy. 111111191 ctr•. ITEY116). Attr•ctJ.,. colon. LINCOLN-' MERCURY, Yovr choice. $2895 No. 6301, No. 8681, - $5295 1966 CONTINENTALS f4 to choo1t froml. Attreclivt h1rdtop cou p11 l 4door 11d1n1. l111utiful 11l1clion of colon; I interiors. All It• lu-urv •quipped indud,in9 f•ctory elr. Cer•fully m•ln• l•in•d. S•r. No. <429212. Pric:•1 1t•rt •t $2595 1966 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Strlkin9 Arctic wh it• with bleck lnl•rior & }ilec:k le11de11 roof. Fully lullury eqwipped, 1uto, tr•lll, l&H, PS, PW, 6·w1y 11et, f1ctory elr coM., etc:. ISMDt5l) $3395 · • • 1966 TORONADO DELUXE 1966 THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP COUPE le•utiful Roy•I m1roon flnl1h with 1111tching Interior. Thl1 ,up•r cl1•1t c:1r i1 equip19'ed with the llnelf. A.T •• RIH, l•1r.1tlful told ltr•ftM elt. woeontr. ~•It• r11t., l1n1, equlpt. PS, Pl, 6-w-P011af, P-wi111fow1, f•dory 1lr c1M.. tilt thl'Vout. Full po-r Incl. 1, tra111., RlH, elr, I own., Cll'I• 1f•1rll'lf whe•I. ShoWI ••ctll•nl one owner cer1. l•,OOO fully dri¥en. lie, SIN529. . mil11, wYW&:ll. $239.5 $2595 1967 COUGAR GT ....... ,,, ~ro111• fini1h ·w,p•rcht119!1t Mtftfprf -t•• 111ft • W•clt Jtnd•u top. Aato. tr•nf., r1dio & 1t.r~ t•pt, h•tter, f1c:t.ry •ir. <4 n1w E-1txl<4 tir11, PS, pow•r dhc: brelt11, co11110!1. A la•ulifwl 25,000 ll'lllt c:1r. ITRH 7351., $2595 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. CONVERTIBLE . t.1utiful coral ll11i1h wlth'White Hc:ltet Mlh • whit• lop. <4 •P••d tr1n1., pow•r 1k•ri 11g, r1dio l h•el1r, •lc. Unu1welfv cl.in. (JRJ561 I. 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE Convertible. Beautiful Je1111ic1 Yellow fl11llh with ill•clt h1!1rior end black top. Mio. tr1111., t•dlo 1M h11ter, f•efory Air Co"d., pow•r 1!11rin;, power br1k11, power wlndow1, etc. Dri...n only 10,000 mil11. 1"11 ouhle11d!ng ctf could IJ·, 111llv mht1k1n for brend new. l uvtr r•· c1lv11 th1.b•lenc1 of the new cir Fectory Wtrr1nty. WPCJ66. $3595 1965 VOLKSWAGEN BUG One owner. Look• end ,dri~•• lik• n•w. l ie. PEP 126. 1965 MUSTANG COUPE 1964 PL YMOUltt SPORT FURY h•wtifuf Arcli• Whit• ffn l1h wHh •ttrec:tf¥1 Red hucket 2 d~r haNlt.p. ·Arc:"ffc while flnl1h with hl•ck hclat 111h, Equipped with e11to1111+i• tr1n1111i11lon, r1dio, h1et-1e1fl. leeullful en1 ow111r cir equipped with •llh111etlc er, powe, 1t11ring, low mi111. Ori9ln1I throu9houl end tren1ml11lon; radio, h11t1r, pow1r 1t11ri1111, po-r ln1k11, b11utlfully 1111tnt1ln1d. OTM 40•. 1how1 ••Hll11'1t cera. lie. IES 126 •. $169'5 ' "$1295 . ' - -' -1965 CH~ROLF.T M,t.LIBU surER SPORT 1961 TOYOTA CO~ONA HARDTOP COUPE Co1W1rt!bl1. leeutlf•I ~leclc ch.tiy flt1!1h with wll iti top Cerdin1I Red flnl1lt wltfl bl•cl 1'uck1f 111'1, 1uto. tr1n1., I while bucket l•et1, •whfflatlc: trt111ml11ion, r•dlo, h1ef. rtdio I hitter. 01'1a owner dri¥1" only 9,000 mil11. A •r, power 1f•trln9, ett Show• c•rl!ful ~ll'l1lnt11i•nce and reel baewty. (WIC l57l, . dri .. 11 like new. Lie, PAK 869. $1395 $1 ·195 $18,5 -$1595 - ' -ALL PRICES PLUS LIC l TAX -$- ' ~l£·[ffi ~ m 'c' ~ ~-[ffi © OJ) [ffi w D © ® ruJ@J !Ki 00 ' ' ' i f. ' • · 2626 iiARIOR •OULEVA"-D, CO~TA MESA • . ' " . ' - \ \ ' l • •' ' ~ ' \ "l .. \ '· .. ' . '{ ' ~ l ' I _J • . l , ' i. .,, " ' ' ' ' " • I , - \ I l ' ' -· . ' . . -~ . . ., '· . • . AND_ HO~. 4iC,ur ~· fP~ .~ .S.TARJIR . . ' ••• A 111.ND'fttW 1'" .~!AC ·. $S077 # ..... i ... -' . . FIRE BIRD HARDTOP COUPE. REDLINE TIRES, DECOR ~CUP, SPRING PACKAGE, ··••Bl. QHC ENGINE, Fl9QR SHIFT, DELUXE SEAT IELTS,. CONSOLE, FRONT FLOOR MATS. l223379l6016221 · SIA~E oePAkTMENT' • ' OPeN·' MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.Iii. to 6:00 P.M • • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 1,oq A.M. to 9:30 P.M • .EVERY DAY. PRICES' ARE, OF COURSt PLUS LICENSE. AND TAX . I , . • • . • PJ!l"(lllmlllllllll ID ------ ,