HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-29 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • --. unne ·er's e • -ems \ ) • .. ' Terrori•e Mesa Motel • THURSDAY :AFTERNOON, MAY 29, lll6t """ ... , ...... '""""" ....... • • • Surf uarantine Lifted at Newport . G~t~Stay ~~i:kel!Y .. _,,_... . ·~ For Huge March BERKELEY (i\l') -A City Council meeting tonight will be telecast live statewide as officials move to prevent violeaCe during. a massive "people's part" protest march Friday. Gov'. Ron:ald Reagan s&f' the 200 Na· tiaoa1 Guard troops camped on the three controversial acres -along with about 2,000 Guardsmen on alert at nearby armories -will stay at-least through Friday. Militants' plan to mobilize 50,000 p;enona from around the state in a Memorial Day convergence to protest fencing of the land after young peQpic Canada Pullout May Cause NATO To Go 'Nuclear' LONOON (UPii ~NATO may have lo rely more heavily on nuclear rather thao cooventionll We<!pona in event of a Soviet attack because of Caolda's decision to withdraw the bulk fl. its forces from Europe, diplomatic aourcee uld today. Defense secretaries of the United atates and si.J of its European allies new 1o London from Brussell where they had lieet di!cuasing NA TO problems with Olher members of Ute alli~. The seven fonn NAro's nuclear planning group. \ 'lbe London meeting was devoted to a diacassioo of the nani.OcaUom of Canada's propooed withdrawal and 113 ef. fed on nuclelr polley. and ·were stuctymg an Angli>-Oernwl. plan to coordinate nuclear weapons strategy within NATO. • The diplomatic !Qllrces sal~ the del~se plamers were debiting whether-to p~ce more emphasis on the use ol nuclear weapom: .iNtead of conventional weapomy in tbe wake fl. the Canadlaq ilecioion. . VIME DEADLINE /fr · 5 TODAY planted it wlUt grass and fiowers and put in playground facilities. Reagan promised Wedneaday t~ ·use ·'whatever force is necessary" to protect the chain-link fence that the University of Galifornia, the property's owner. erected during a riot May 15 which left one person dead and 130 injured. Meanwhile, the march or'ganizers vow- ed""'the fence will ·corne down," but did not say when. There were indlcaUoos today that, to avoid a possible repetltion of bloodshed, aulhorities were considering a plan under which the university could lease the ground to the City of Berkeley, which could retain it as a people's park. In an unusual development, Berkeley Mayor Wallace John.son a n n o u n c e d Wednesday that pl1>Ceedings of the City Council will be broadcast live tonlgHt on educational TV stations in San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeies. Sources close to his office said lhe lease question is expected to be part of the agenda. lil addition, Berkeley campus Chan cellor Roger W. Heyns told a delegation of parents from Southern California Wed· nesday he "would make some statement" to eue·aome of the pressure stU1"00nding the Manorial Day march on the park. 'Marx' Bandits . Te1·roriie _Pair, Rob ' Mesa Motel A ~odit team Wtaring apparently fake Groucho Man mouftaches '9hbed a Cos- ta Mesa motel of $55 late Wednesday night and fled alter ordering lhe manager and his wile to stay puL · The swarthy Latin pair told Howard C. Shoup, ~ that they wanted a room al lhe Bel Congo Mole!, 1115 -Blvd., lot . !WO niibll and Wed the price, the Vic• tim .told police. One tJien turned .. thoqb to lelvt, Shoup said, but hls partner uld why not take tt, •l'l'hich time the 11n1...., lum- ed arouiid one! pulled an autom1tlc pl&toi from his trousers. Shoup "as forced to hand over $50 !rom Duo to the Memorial Day hcliday, the wh boz as the ll<COl1d SU-1 kept a ~ for Dime-A·Llne ads to appear hand in bis coat u lbouP be 1"o carried in s.tUrd.y11 edlUon of the DAll.Y a weapon, aald Patrolman Randy Nutl PILOT,.., moved up to 5 p.m. t\ldoy. 'Ille baildit pair a110 toe~ 15 from a All DAILY PlLOT o[fkes will be cloled ~ )ll~I to Mra. Eipma Shcapfn • 411 on l)iday and\a.-.J holiday edllloq ol-1 wno • ,.. -to slay the the nonpaper wiJJ be ptlblbhed Friday -·· •Plrlmenl •hlle her hulband ........,_ Service c:omplainl3 will be Loy on the floor behind the def!<. llandled by tel<phonc (642-4123) by the Det«live Jim Strlcldand said the Marz dmdation department until 1 pm. on brothers stickup men were quite careful Memorial Jloy. • to leave no !ingctprlnb during the 10 p.m. robbery. • • l \ ' ·' He.re"s Mud • ID ~our-Eye . Dirt11 ·work at Est.ancla Collta Mesa's Estancia High School facu!ty and senior class went at it in tbe annual mud tug-o-war Wednesday ,end from . all appearances everybody got in the mud pie. Pupil Personnel Director Rober! Francy got tossed in. He was awarded the trophy. ' V.S. Troops Attack Red • Straoogy Mee·t, Kl:ll 59 · , Tunnel 'Thieves . Ge~ $7,ooo Haul SAIGON (UPI) -· U.S. troops sup-"They started running every whlcfl ported by tanks, ainraft and artillery way," one 24th Division offlCer aald. "'!Olll*I "°"" on a Gonununist strategy The CommwtJsts fled lhrnugh bamboo. meel1DI ln the junpes northwest ol aild olpa palm he<lge .... 1 and were back· SOliJon todaf and killed If of the ed up apinot a river when> they '""" -·.. ln Bette fICl>llng, mllitaf}' ~by alr otrtir.a, lpokeamen uld. apo-1'1p011ed. • AmerCan casualties In the flil>ling Tbe. tPoffsinan..aald 'irOC)Ji. of the U.S. were listed u one· killed and four wound·' 15 Divlilon acted on Intelligence report. ed. • Comnmallt offlcen would lake ~d· 'Ille batOe staried one hour befm the vantap ol their~ Buddhl birthday beglnolna ol the Communlstl' ~r- .in-to--t qaor.'l'rlltg Bang :11 mll'•· •· 1...e-....ro1>1g niiddha, 2,111ih lJiilhdoy OOrthwat ol Saigon, to plan a summer at 7 1.m,, , • • oUenolve. Amoriean bea\klua~rs ·IO<!aYI rele.,..S . } Alter.aft new ovd the sprawling bunk..-i CAJUalty~res ·allawlng lbO U.S. dioth 'complex' and called on · the Conlmunlst toll bu ...,._ .$,000 lhia ""' but ii leadera to surrender but Instead the running to pm:em:-thJn Jut year. delmdm opOoed up with automatic The report said :ta Gii died last week wea?.M'I lire. at the broadcasting planes, and t,113 suffered wounds--a Jbarp Tlie A;qierican force of !Oii men thee •I· dn>pp from the 4311 ldllel\ and 2.1111 tacked with tanks, arUilery, helicopter wounded the previous ...U iD lhlrp gunshlpo and llJhttr-bomben. flJhllng across Soylh Vlelnam. • b 24hour Crew Finally Plugs ' o···d 'D .· C"...1'3 .o · am Onmp County Heal!ll Olftcel-•Dr, John J>h!!p. today off!d•llJ tlOcllit!d an ead to a t'oiir-month qaonml!DO of five m1lto ol Onmp Co!mtl' -· '!he liflllll of the inrtmmlng and llir!Jng bin a1Qng Weal Newport and HunttQjtoo · · State Bed ii effective Fiidar ~rntog, in ·Um< !or the threc<lay ¥emoiiai Day weekend. , or. Philp made the announcement after an 'on-site inspection of the Prado Dam near Corona. Orange County ....,.,, working U<llllld, the-dock a& week long, thi8 morning llUC• ceslfully completed pluggjng of the dam, which has been d~ing .tons of sewage · Into the Santa Ana !Uvtr aince -rabis ot January. Dr. Philp ezplained that coast.I waters will remain polluted for at least another 12 hours. It takes that.Jone, be saidir:fot water to reach the sea from the d.!m: The area affected by the quar~;. which was imposed Jan. 20, encompassed beaches between the Newport Pier in West. Newport aU the way oortb throu&h Huntlngtoh State Beach. . Newport Beacfl city crews overnllht ' wW remove banicades and IOm.e let ' signs warning agalmt swimmhii-Bun-. tlngton Stale lifeguards will be dolnc the ', same in their juriadiction. Dr. P.hilp said periodic bacteriolQsll:al • checks of the offshore waters will con- tinue. T1ie dam will remain pluqed lllllil , storm-damaged percolating bulna, wlllch nonnaQy a-b the ellluenl upelram, are restored. ' 1\.rge_ntina Mobilizes BUENOS·AiRES (UPI):.... ~·s mliitary gov.,..-mob11lzedJll - strength todly for a ·-... - rebellious students and ,wUl'kera wbo can. ed a ljlltionwlde,geoeral,atril;e for Fridjly after two weeks o( disoi'ders. Oruce /. .. ' • s l PILOT • f Earthy W ~~s· in Space ~·· • • • Draw ile;:ivenlyTJlqJl de~ . ' • By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of -Oeltr· ........ .. Moon is just a four-letter word, but ·an earthy terin for a heavenly er- perience knocked stars Crom the eyes of a Jew young NASA secr«ar!es copy- ing radio messages from tbe lhree Apollo 10 spacemen. So did some milder lines as the Navy lieutenant commanders and Air Force colonel hurtled t" the moon and larthward again in their combination barracks, latrine, mess haU and space laboratory. "Blasphemous," declared Dr. Lany W. Poland , Miami Bible College administrator who leQ_t telegrams to President Nixon and NASA executives demanding public apologlee from the Apollo crew. ' They have not been fortlxx>mlng yet. . * . "I didn't really request a· response," Aid lbe 29· Y.ear-old Dr. PoJIDd when telepbc:m:I al hll MJ.amj home 1011.cbect national response lo bis widely quoted t:rlUcism of gutter talk in the heavens. "I lhlnk the thing that upset me most was µieir slang word for sexual intercourse, usually found on rest roam walls," he explained. "Some of the NASA girls in their teens and early twenties were so of- fended they refus~ to t~ j t out while transcribing tapes," be added, refer- ring to weekend Miami newapapel'i i~. ·~· -* .... AU space exploratJ~ crisel however..-'!.J'lu.sl be a!ced by NASA chieftainl, and more liberal atenograjlhers "I""' sumJllOned. Taking the Lord's name \Ji. vain at criUcal moments during the tense moon·girdling mission was another specific complaint by tbe'Purdue UQ.lver: sity graduate, while a pup's parentage was more borderline. "Whether it is ·in the 10 Com"8Qdment.s, laws , of Jewish religion or whatever, we are not to take the Lord's name in vain," Dr. Poland hid. "It see.ms incredible that they would curse God when they needed Him most. It seems the same as a RusSan cosmonaut cursing Marx or Lenin. * ' • "I've had people caU and say their young boys idolize the astronuals afid then they are shocked to hear these leaders in the eyes of the entire world say: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB'," Dr. Poland continued. "The strongest reaction, l think, CJl.Qle . fI'OJTI people who thought I was trying to ' take away from the glory of the acbieveinent, which l was not," he continued. "l rejoice in our space program, but J think such language spoils the show... . The young educator is· not a minister, although he has seminary train· ing, said he is not a prude, nor blind to contemporary slang patterns and the fantasUc pressure ~ moon pioneers. ~ "With me, it's a matter of right or wrong and a Jot of people agree the language they used was certainly indiscr~, if not downright lhe wrong thing to do." "Especially, since this Is by NASA admission the first' crew with which they've had any problem," he explained, praising ·prior earth orbiting and mooo-vlslling astronauts for talklnc like genUemen. "I've had reactions of all sorts sinceH .send.int the telegrams Monday,'' he 'Sfid during lhe trancontinental chit-chat Tuesday night, "and if you're in- terested, my own litUe Gallup Polll, lbows 7*<percftst in' favor of my stand." ' * ); . n .... , ~ r.·· •' 141 had one comment l':rom a professiomf. lilrllliel pilot who said he hasn't heariJ "!ch profa¢1)1 on the airwaves in 2t y..,.. of f)ying," said Dr. Poland, bringing up !\le ~ question of certain jurlacllclk>nal limits. · The Federal COmmunications Commisllon roles U.S. airwaves, but radio pentirates th'e atmosphere and literally conUnues'"on into eternal reaches of the universe. . . J But if any extraterrestrial beings -·~t beings or of subhuman mental capacity -~were listening in, we eah tie relatively certain of two things. '. One culture will dismiss our reliance on four-letter. terms as underde- veloped vocabulary;, while the other species langoqe will be spicily enriched. . I Patman· Urges President 1To Block Interest Hike WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rep. Wright Patman (0-TeL). said today a new in· ciease in interest rates by major bank$ appears imminent and urged the Nixon administration to block it. In a telegram to Treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy, Patman, chairmaa of the House Banking Committee, urged that the administration issue an im mediate statement opposirig any increase ln the prime lendlng rate that banks tharge favored customers. The rate is DAILY PILOT OAAHOe COAST ,Ulll!HING CONll'AH't R•b•rt N, w.,.i Pm !_,I allll Pw•H111tr J~li: R. C111 .. y Yil;t Prnlcltnt •NI "'"''" hl•t>t"' Th""" Kt t•il ·-Th.11111 A. M111ph i111 Mtn"in. lflW currently at 7.S percent. Patman said an increase in the current prime rate "will send a shock wave through the entire economy, raising in- terest rates on every item." "Another increase in the iprime rate will all but halt an already badly depress- ed h0using market and will raise the ptice of goods to millions of American families," Patman charged. "Another increase is unnecessary and it is nothing more than an attempt by the banks to ·gouge the American public dur· ing a critical economic period." Juliet Prowse To Wed Dancer HOLLYWOOD (AP) -South African \ singeroda ncer Juliet. Prows~ said today she plans to marry Eddie James, a dancer.choreographer, nert Sunday. The loog·limbed beauty said she met James seven months ago when he acted as' her dancing partner on a Bob ·Hope television special filmed at the University of Southern California. Jt will be Miss Prowse's first marriage and James' second. He Is 26 and she ls 32. For the last six months he has been touring W'lth her ad, as her ehoreogn1pher. Huddles ton Ne,v Member of J ury A-Newport Beach man has been named to fill a recently created vacancy on the Orange County Grand Jury. Sworn 1n as a member of the panel Wednesdoy was Donald I, Huddl.,lon, 1211 Klngs Road. He tak .. ov.r the pos1. Uon loll by Charles Warrtn of Yorba Lin- da who rdl;igned from the Grand Jury due to pttuura of bustness last week. Superior Court Judge James F. Judgo administered the oath of office to lhc ln· coming Huddleston. ..; . ------- ---·--,---.,--.,--,-..,.--------------------..,.-;----------- Jus t Testing liuntington Beach O ff i c e r George Abbond checks one of 100 bikes to be auctioned Sat· urday at 10 a.m. at Police De- partment's . parking lot down· town near Civic Center. Legislatot · Says He Couli:l Teach Sex in -1 How· BATON ROUGE, La. (UPI) -Ser education is like alcohol and tobacco, a Louisiana legislator said. It ought to be restri cted to persons 18 and over. Most of the legislature agreed Wed· nesday. Jn a 94-4 vote it passed a bill pro- hibiting any fonn of sex: instruction below the ninth grade under the threaC.of lhe complete loss of all public funds; and above the ninth grade unless approved by the state Board of Education, the Parish (County) School Board and the parent of· each individual student. "We keep alcohol and tobacco away from children until they're over 17 and we ought to keep ttlls mess away from them too.," sajd Rep. Fredrick Hayes of Lafayette. • <uw~.don'l t\eed no sex education in.bur schools," said Rep. Norman Ordoneaux or Lake Arthur. .., don't have any c~ildren, but if I had iny children I could teach them ·everything they needed to know in one hour." Paris When ·· It Sizzles . ' I • . Both SUl:e s Denounce Other's Peace-Plans PARIS .(UPI) -The Vietnam peace lalD dqenerated today lnlo the lhorpeot verbal ballle w date. Each olde . de. nounced the other's peace proposals In the strongest terms they have used since the talks began. A!llbassador Henry Cabot Lodge said the unilateral American troop wilhdrawal demlllded by the Cammunisll was "In· correct, ...,._bit and Illogical." He said Hanoi's efforts to exclude the South Vielnatne1e government was prolongln& the war. ~ • DeJlOIY ' North · Vl.m..;,.,. neiotlator · Ha Van Lau "te50lule.ly rejected" Lodge's suggestion they discuss mutual • troop wlthdtawals and attacked Presi· dent Nixon's ~ght.-point peace plan as "prOpoeala whlcb·~cally seet to carry .•. on t.hc war of. aggrt'Siioa -·and neocoionlllilm In South yWqm_" · ,~ ·lalD 1t today'• .lttla -i..,. got nowhere and ~ oboervera doubled If they·would .Ulltll chief Hanol·negotlator XuaWThuy returns from North Vietnam whert he has gone for consultaUons. Lodge COl,llploJned after the l)IOetlng that the cnun.-elde .. u tirJoclol nothing new 1o tho confer.nee to matcb. President Nfion•s peaC~ plan. · "The othj!t side slmply repeated the old positions," Lodge said. "The first· one was that the Ulilted States should 'Jtave uollaterally and leave SOuth Vietnam open to conquest, and the secood was we should overthrow tbe government of South ,Vielnam st that lhe lrooi \lOUld take K over. .. 1• • " Too ,Mu~h W a'.ter > Bungles Bla fue d f or Sub Sinking VALLEJO, Calif. (UPI) -The 1!0 million nuclear submarine Guittaro sank al a Navy pier in a comedy of erron, during which one work crew pumped water into the bow .'.to level the vessel while another poured .water into the stem for an experiment, acCording to con- gres.!ional investigators. . The submarine aettled in 3f feet of Water while undetgoing final prepara· tions for commlssiocllng at Mare island Naval S~lpyard on May 15 -as Navy brass was attending an Armed Forces Day dinner in Vallejo addressed by Assi.$. tant Navy Secretary James D. Hittle. The Guitarro was refloated by shipyard workers in three days. Restoration work is under way. A special lhree·member team of the House Armed Servicei Subcommittee ended three days · of elosed hearings Wednesday and concluded the submarine sank as a result of "the ccibc~ of several wholly avoidable fictora." Rep'a. Samuel Stratton (D-N.Y.)t John E. Hunt !R-N.J.J, and William J, Randall (0. Mo.), se rved as investigators. Th e committee report said t h e "ultimate responsibility" for the accident must be borne by the Mare Island shipyard commander, Reer Adm. Norbert Frankenberger -but the "proximate" cause of the catastrophe was "the deli· cient performance of tbe c i v i 1 i a n supervisory personnel." Tiny Yorba Linda Beats Big Anaheim on Annex Yorba Linda, one of Orange County's smallest and newest communities and mighty Anaheim, the county's greatest and oldest "laid it on the line" Wed· nesday bet:ore the Local Agency Forma· lion Commission. And liWe Yorba Linda came away with the spoils of t)attle. At Issue ·was a IS-square-mile area of undevelopM land north of the Santa Ana River, coveted by both communities. continuance of the county's jigsaw puzzle of cities and complies with the law. It Is the kind of solution tills agency was designetl to make." The disputed area is expected lo sup- port a population of about 100,000 even- tually. Assessed valuation of the land in· volved ls $7.97 lnillion. There are 84 owners. The commission 'staff has spent ,three months studying the area at tbe request of the· two cities. I "I can't help but thlnk-tliat thl& Is ~ , sir~ r......,endallOn. 'liiil latt lhat 11 =..=iu;=..arr,::;~ ~·~~l al Ute Parla meetings is a sli!) that tht1, themselves recog:nlze the govtmment f Vietnam is a going Concern.'' •, Lodge's .warning apiost. qc>inmunis ; ~ttem~ to oclude $ilgan from lbft ! • ~Uan:s r1pparently was .in response l to • statement last week by Thuy that : siouth Viebl&m '1tad no right lo discuss tbo : U.S. troop withdrawal demanded by the : Communists. 0 1'o trr to ~e that government 0.-: ly delays peace and prolongs war," Lodge said. He reminded them, "Your side agreed that the government of the Republi c ol (South) Vietnam .should participate in tbi Plris meeting.I.'" ~ • Senate Okays Tax Break For Schooling SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Senate today approved a bill 'by Sen. John G. Schmitz (R·Tustin), to give Pjti-ents who, send 'their children to ipriv'ate schools a $5.9 million annual tax brtak. ~ • The measure was passed 22·9 and sent to Uie Assembly. It would grant a .dedu_C- tion from the state income tax of the ' amount paid for tuition by parents whose • cbU.dren attend kindergarten through 12th grade private schools. Sen. Ralph C. Dills (0-Gardena). ob- jected to the deduction as a loss in state revenue and possible violation of the • separation of church and state . "It's an indirect method of subsidizing parochial and private schools," Dills said. : However, Sen. George C. Danielson CO. Los Angeles) said the measure would en- courage parents to send their children to . private schools to relieve the public schools' growing enrollments. He said the state was presenUv "pour· Ing money down ratholes like Cal Expo," but was not attending to the money crises faced by schools. "We should quit buying circuses and .Jitarl buying schools," Danielson said. · Youth Stripped To Impress Girl? Sheriff's deputies think that the naked 1 young man on the South Laguna beach took off bis clothes to impress his girl friend. The LAFC, by previous agreement of both cities, was asked to draw a line to Nixon Inherits guide th• commission and the com· munities in future annexations. SD Freeway Project Done Both were spread out on the sand, the only difference being that she was in her beach suit and he was clad only in his birthday suit. · The truce line was drawn with Yorba $34,6 71 From Linda gaining .. c1usive rights .1o future land mergers In the entire stlldy area. The $12.3 million San Diego Freeway h ' E Included in the IS-square-mile area is widening project covering more lhan 16 Ot er S State the 2,600-acre Bryant Rancb which Yorba miles betwetn the junction of the Santa • Linda officials said they do not plan to Ana Freeway and Laguna Canyon Road The young lady's reactions are unknown. But sheriff's depUties were tremendously impressed a n d im- mediately booked the juvenile for in· decent exposure and contributing to tbc delinqency of a minor. LOS ANGELES (UPI} -President annex. in Irvine to the junction of the San Diego Nixon will inherit $34,671.91 irom the After a two-hour discussion, the com· Freeway and Pacific Coast Highway in Onassis' Son Plans "' estate or his mother, Mrs. Hannah M. mission ruled that Anaheim shall not be Capistrano Beach has been completed allowed to annex north of the Santa Ana and will be open for traffic for the T o Mar ry Ba r oness Nlxon5. Co . d Wed-A~.. River and Yorba Linda shall not extend l\-1emoriat-Day weekend. A uperior urt JU ge u.;~ay slgned 8 decree for distribution of the its boundari~ south of EsperanZQ Road. The long stretch of freeway, scene of NEW YORK (UPI) -Aristotle estate to Nixon and his two surviving The study area is bounded roughly by countless weekend traffic jams in the Onassis, a bridegroom of less than a brothers, Edward Kalvert Nixon and the r'iver on the south, a high ridge line past year bas been widened in a job year, may soon become a father·in-law, it Francis Donald Nixon. south of Telegraph Canyon on the north , which took almost two years. was learned ·today. Mrs. Nixon died Sept. 30, 1967• at the the Orange-Riverside County line on the A lf>..mile section from the San Diego-. Sources.close to the Greek shipping ty· age-of tJT. Her will, written four years east and the two communities on tbe Santa Ana Freeway interckange to coon's family said Onassis' 21·year.old earlier, directed her estate be divided west. , Capistrano Beach has been widened to -son, Alexander, is planning.to marry one ' among h<?r surviving sons. County Supervisor Oavld L. Baker, a eight lanes, and a one-mile stretch from of international society's most glamorous Court records showed Mrs. Nixon's member of the colnmission, made the Laguna Canyon Road to the intersection beauties, Baroness Fiona Von . Thyssen· estate totaled $110,021. Taxes and ad· motion that gave Yorba Linda the vie. of the two freeways is now six lanes Bornemlsza de Kaszon, 15 years his ministraUve expenses reduced it to '-::to::;r::;y::;. ::;H::;e::;s::;at::;.d::;,::;,'This==· ::;d::;ec::;l::;sl::;o::;n::;climin::;'="=a=te::;s==w=i=d=e,::;co=m=pa=r=ed=to::;the==p=re=v=io::;u::;s::;fo::;ur::;.==='=e=ni=or::;.===========., $104,015. Edward Nixon's share was Ir reduced by $4,500 to retlre a promis.sory note to his mother. Nixon's former law partner. Earl C. i,. Adams, served as executor. Under a preliminary distribution decree. the President already has receiv· ed $2o,266 of his share. The President's father, Ft an els Nixon, was at various times a fanner, streetcar nlolormah and operator of a neighborhood grocery in Whittler. He .died in 1960. Tv•o of the President's brothers, Arthur and'-Harold, died before their mother. •· - LAIJ,Y GODI VA WITHOUT HORSE? LONDON (UPl} - A young woman strolled along London's busy Euston Road today completely nude. "I ~uldn't believe my e;rts," said a \\'Oman passer&y. "She wasn't wearing a stitch. The crowds parted like the' Red Sea as she walked along. Motorists ground to· a halt bul she went walklni on.'' Police detained lhe woman, wrapped 1 blanket around her and drove her off to a hospital. DAD WILL BE THE YEAR 'ROUND . He'll feel lile • lin9 on his throne when he relaxes in one of these comfy chairs! FROM .JI. J. Qarrelf GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS • • A 61fT TO TRWllE All> BtlOY rel YEARS • cu.t<>m quali!y tllrougb-out • Lu.turiOWI cushionillf • Your choice o' colon tfbm. an ei:t.emive 1tlecUon of flneot leolher tertur•. from $199 • Beach Trash Pickups Cancelled for Friday H.J. Gf 1\1\ETT f URN rfU.RE j • There will be no trash collecUons Fri· day In 1tUnUngton Beach. Jo~riday ls a acbedultd hotraay and those nonnall)' receiving trash 1'ick-up service that day will instead recel ve it Tuesday, city ofllclals explained. PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS -·-J lllS "HARIOR ILVO. COSTA MESA, Cl\Uf. 64~27' M~l76 ' --~-------~----- I ' I I I I II I . I' \ ( I i 1 I I I • 1 I . . . . . -- • • ' • • VOL 62, NO. 128, J SECTIONS, 30· PA6ES ORAN6E cou~. GAUFORNIA THURSDAY, MAY 29, '1969 . . .. c . . • ' ow .. Red Camp Shelled Troops · Raid Meeting , Wipe Out 59 SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. troops "'I>' ported by tanks, aircraft and artillery swooped down on a Ccmmunl.st strategy rneeUng in Ote jung~ northwest of Saig°'1 today and killed 59. of · the defenders in fierce fighting, military spokesmen reported. 'I1le spokesman sai~ tt:oops of the U.S. 25 Division acted on intelligence reports Communist oUlcers would take ad- vantage of their two-day Buddha birthday · truce to meet oear Trang Bang, 28 miles northwest of Saigon, to plan a swnmer offeuive. · Aln:raft Oew over the .sprawling bunker Estimate Off $1 Million: . ' GWC Bids Out An architect's estimate that was more than $1 -nilion off has caused Orange Coast Junior College Di.strict tnmees to throw out all bids for new cor.struction on the (lold"1 West campo!I. The archilectura1 firm of William I;. Pereira and Aaoclafa bad estima!Ed the Cool of a planed project ·at •ligblly _. than ft ml1Uon1 but three eoobacb:tis' bids came in at about.$5.t.mlllion each. The bids were found to be beyond the reach of the junior college district's financial ability and were rejected .Wednesday rught. Trustees decided to reduce tbe scope of the project and solicit new bids next mO!lth. Planned are a new technology building, • telecommunications-forum building, a mathematics«ience addiUon, and east and west wing fOI' the gymnasium and a men's and women's locker building. Aslo scheduled is remodeling of oflicts fnto a counseJing center and development ot parking and recreational areis. The Pereira firm was instructed to ex- clude the east wing of the gym and to cut back on parking facilities and on special equipment for several buildings. Construction time far the project also Is to be lengthened from a year to a year and a half to encourage ktwer bids. James Sink, representing the Pereira firm, cited several rusons why the e!Umate might have been so much lower tMn the bjd& received. Construction and labor cost8 have gone up rapidly, be said. pther factors he mentioned : Area con· tractors and subcontractors currently are bmy with od'w' jobs, the relatively short 12-month coostrucUon period, and the presumption on the part or prospective bidders that the Robert E. McKee firm , currently working at Golden WeBt, would underbid them. Merco ~ COmpany wu low bfdder at $5,100,.:JO. Steed Brothers COnstructlon Company bid '4,117,000, bul d!ICovend ti bad left out a $2'74,000 plast<rlng -act which """1d have raised Us total bid lo 16,!0t,000. The McKee bid was '5,110,000. 'rrustees also authorized Uie Golden west· staff lo go lhead oo Its own and hire construc:tlon worun lo remod<I the tUture coanseling center -a $23,000 pro- ject. . Golden West Business Manager Lloyd Hamillon. is to act as contractor on lhe job. Beach Voting Hours For P ark Vote Slated I Tbe polls wW be open from I a.in. to 7 p.m . ., next 'I'Ue9day, for" vatmg On Him. tqton B<lch'• " million part -t-. They were incorrectly reported as beiN OP.ltft until 8 p.m., in a DAICY Plinr '1!ltorial Thunday. The comet d9olnl time Is 7 p.m. Argentfua Mobilizes IUENOS AIRES (IJPI) -Argenllna'1 llllltary govemma>t mobllllel( ill lll'Dled !!Ith today for a lbowdown wllh -~--· .. -IJICI-who call· "4•-,.,,....i-lot Frldiy ... two -ol dtlonlera. • comple1 and called on Qie Communist leaders to surrender but instead the defenders opened up with automatic weapons fire at the broadcasting planes. The Ameriean £oree of SX> men then at- tack~ with tanks, artillery, helicopter gunships and fighter-bombers. "They started running .every which way," one 24th Division officer 11ald. The Commwtlsts fled through bamboo and nJpa palm hedgerows and were back· ed up against a river where they were pounded by air strikes, spol<esmeo said. Amerean . casualties lo the flgbting were listed as one killed and four wound- ed. The battle started ooe hour before the beginning of the Communisb' ti-hour tru.x observing Buddl\a'!l 2,513th blrthday at 7 a.m. Americar, headquarte~ today released casualty figures showing the U.S. death loll has surpassed 5,000 this year but is running 40 percen( lower than last year. . The report said 265 Gls died lut week and 1,863 suffered wounds -a sharp dropp from the 430 kil led and 2,185 wounded the prevlolu week In sharp flcbting ..,._ South Vietnam. County Ends, • Quarantine On Beaches Orange Coonty Hea!Ui Officer Dr. John Philp today officially declared on tad to a four.month quarantine of five miles of Orange Coonty beachfront, The llltlng of.the swimming and aurflne ban along West Newport and · llimlittllOn SYle Bach Is efledlve ;~' . m ttme lor·tt.e thfee.GY M ~ · .. weetend. -~ Dr~ PIUl.p made the announcem~ after ......... taspectlon of the Pr8'lo Dain .... eorma. ' . Orana:e County crews, workinl aroundo tbe-clock al; week lor13, this m~rning SUC· cesalully comple!Ed plugging of lhe dam, which bu been dmnptng tons of 18Wage into the Santa Ana River .since record rains of J anuary. · .-•• • Iv * . . •• ~ • • t~tr.te.I Eltflrt . . ' The 8?8 affected by Uie quaronUne, wtiJch wil lmpoaed Jan. ID, en<ompaaaed beacM between the Newport Pier in West Newport all the way north tbrough Huntington state Beach. Young Nonnan Slaley of·WeotniontSehool .:hews his tongue as he concentrates on task at hand ...; pamting bis idea of. what a park should ~· NOfll)ll<.' painllnJ, along with hundreds of others by Hunt· ington Beach school child.ten is on llis'Play at'Huntlngton Center as part of-city drive lo publicize '6·milllon park, bond i1Sue which.~ -befOre 'voters Tuesday. · · Huntington ,Beach 0 11 i c e r Geor~e Abbond checks one o! 100 bikes to· be auctioned Sat- urday at 10 a.m. at Police De- partment's ~arking lot down· town near Civic Center. DIME [)EA DLINE AT 5 TODAY Due to Qie-~!emorial Day holiday, deadline for Dime-A-Line ads to appear in Saturday's edition of the DAILY PILOT was moted up to 5 p.m. today. All DAILY PILOT offices will be closed on Friday and a special holklay ediUon of the newspaper will be pubUshed Friday morning. Service comptainll .will be handled by ~hone (1142-1123) bf the cirtulation department until 2 p.m. on Memm:tal 0.y. Newport Beach city crews this after- noon beun removing barricades a n d some ui' aigns warning against . swim- ming. Huntington State lifeguards will be doing the -same in their jurisdiction. Dr. Phllp said periodic bacteriological checks of tbe offshore waters will con- tinue. . The dam will remain plugged until stomHiamaged pen:ollUng buint, which normally absorb the etfluent up;tream, are restored. r Dr. Philip empbaslud Uiat shellfish galherlng will continue lo be banned, (JDIJSibly lbrough the awnmer. Valley Slates Rabies Clinic Dog owners Jn Fountain Valley can bring their pets to tbe Wardlow Fire St.a- tiop on Bushard Stra?t, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 .p.m., Tuelday, for 1 $2 r~bles shot. The special, low~ rabies clinic Is sponsored by the Fountain Valley Woman's Club. Shots provide two years'. protection, re- quired by law for all 'clop foor "'1'1ha of age and older. Or. Eldon Bainbridge will give the shots Tuelday. No Oae Reallfl Knows 'Don't Need No S.ex Oass' Louisiana Solon . Be~l'!J"eS I ' • • ' -•I•' I. 1' ' . • . , . ' BATON'1\9UGE, 1.f-. (UPI): -Sex.. eciucaUon ls like:. alcoOOI ·and tObacco, a Loulslau: legl1lalor' said. It ought lo be restrlcted-to .pef'IOns 18 and over. Most 'of the legislature agteed Wed· nesday. In a 94-4 vote it passed. a bill~ hibiUng.any form of aei: instruction below the ninth gr'ade under the threat of the complete -Jou of •all public funds; and above the ninth grade unlesa a.,roved by the State BOard of Education, ~ Parish (Coonty) School Board and the parent al each individual student. "We keep alcohol and tobacco away from children until they're over 17 and we ought lo keep this mess 1way from NEW .YORK (/J')-Tbe atocl: market pol O!I •·dlsplay.ol ourprblqc .linnneas in active trading today in adVance of the tltree<lay Memorial Day weekend. (See quotations, Pages 10.11). ~ • theM too," 11ild Rep. Fi-edrick Hayes cf Lafayette. ".We dqn't,need no sex education in.our schools," said Rep. Nonnan Ordoneaux of Lake Arthur. '"l don't have any children, bill U·J had any children I could teach them everytbloa ~ needed lo know lo one hour." Goldberg Pleads For Sirhan Mercy BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) -"The tak· Ing of a life does not and will not ac- COlJlptbh anythlJli," aays Arthur J. _Goldberg, former United S late.• Ambwador lo IM UDJ!Ed Na.lions. ,WIUl.lh)s ata~en~ Gold\Jttg revealed W-y1llcbl.b( bu ul<ed i:,alifom!a Gov. ,ROnald' Rupn ·to commu1e .the dea1h aenjence of glrlwl B. S!rban, the convlcted'slayer ol Sen. Robert F.. Kan- nedy, 0-N.Y. . L • UCI Stude~Js Out, But How M;any? By THOMAS FOllnJNE Of .. &MRf',.... ..... Student. were alrlklng ·again today at UC Irvine. But llow lllUJT ' That no one knows f« 1Utt. lfo ooe has ---... lo syDmllllcally poll the student body. About all that anyone can say wlUt cer- tainty Is that most students are not strik· Ing and l'fio5l students are attending classes being taught by molt profUIOrs. Qt.her lhan that· it.can be noted lhere has been mucli tnitrucllon llme' lool lhis week, and nclt only becaUlt of the strikt. TaJte 1 · clau that meet.I Moodaf, Wedneod<y and Frida)'. On llond1y clasaea were .dlsmllM dutlnc tho mlddla of clay fl'Om 10 ~.m. unW 2 p.m. for a conclave on the ~ dllciaer. Fzi. day Is 'Memortal Doy, it uni..nttJ boU- day • " " -• - • TEN CENTS .own Two Dismiss. Early Over Confusion By RVDI NIEDZIELSKI Of "" 0.111 """ htfl Two among four schools ln the Htm· 1init<>O Beach Union High School District dillnls6ed ttudtots at 10::.t 1.m. today. becaUse of confmlon caused by a mJiumum teaching day 1 called bY, teachers ln 1 dispute over salaries. Hunllnllton Beacb and Fountain Valley high ichoola allowed the studenla lo leave •• mld·mornlng lnltead of the orll(lnaUY. ocheduled 12:30 p,m. disml.saal time. Dr. Mu Forney, di5trict SUperin• tendent, aald tho admlnlstnlion bad not t1ven approval for a minimum da1 achedule whlch it and it alone ls emo powered to call. He said classes nre dismissed because of the confusion create9 by the schedule set up arbitrarily; by teachers. "Students were coming and going in confusion. They tried, but couldn't adjust to the lboNned acbedule," explained Dr. Paul Bergae, princlpol at the Founlaill Valley,cui!pus. w~ m.ii School reportedly, planned to continue the m!nlnv.1m dly . , ,.Jbedule, but com.._ ·~ rqqr\ed lbti'e 11111 ahortly belon D0<11. The Ame altuation Wll reported a\ -HlCb School. -llw> 4IO .....,.,. al the fOUl' Hllllllapon Beacb hl&lt llchoola -pro. testing the admhi~on's alleged W..Wln_. to ...,uat. for aalary in- creases. A tWo.a.nd-•balf PIP memorandum releaaed Wednesday by trusteea staled that the district ls prepared lo oiler a 4 't lncttiie to the t ••••-• -presen _, ICbedule' In addition lo the regular ad- vance of step increments. It added that the' board'• ~­ tlve would 1'meet arid coofer ln good faith" with the teachers on tbe matter. The DEA is asking for U pen:ent il>- creue In tbe sa1ary acbedule. According lo lhe ,memor,aodum the ..,, tual teacher aalary increase plus ad:. vancemenl increments would amount $0 an actual salary increaae of 11 percent. "'lllla la worse than • milrepr-0. talion ol the factual data," charpd Cart Manemann, DEA president. "Increment increases have never been a CQDoo alderation in teacher wqe nep01Uoas before. They are simply incrtues paid fa< the experience and time put11n on the.' job by the teacher." The teacher-called m1n1n1m> day will be repea!Ed ~onday and will be follilwed Tuesday and Wedneoday by a teacber waU;out, when ·tbe DEA members · will. ask for personal leave. 'Ibey will continue their activities until •they are convinced the admlnislrailon is willing lo neptlate, according to teachers' reprtselltatlvu. Beach Trash Pickups Cancelled for Friday There wW be no lraah coUectJons Fri- day In Huntlng111n Beach. Friday is • ocheduled boUday IJICI - nonnally n>celvlng ,tr~-up aorvl!:o' Uiat day will lnsteld k Tueaday, city officlaJs nplamed. ' The m«111nc foe mor nu the air, but otllerwlae k'll be • -orabl• M._ial Day, w!Ui temp- eratura In the 70'• and RtDDY skies prev~. msmB TeDA"Y Dl//<rtfll lhinQ• PrOlllJll dil· /emit i><OJ>I• to _,, IJlcl. 1141114'. Toda(" "Chtcld!lg Up" eoll<nm "' Page r ...,.i.., -makes 11ou (10 to tJ\c waah bona.. -. =="' "': -" ........... 11 ...... hit '• ..... 7 T I ,. ,_. ..... -" _,_, n -. -" --1t --o: ~ ::r .... 1M4 ..... , ... ............ " -. -" -. --.. , • H • . Pli.01' -' ( LOGBOOK . ' Earthy Words in Space Draw HeavenlyThunder . By ARTHUR ft. VINSEL Of .. °"" ...... lt•ff Moon is just a four·letter word, but· an earthy term for a hUvenJy exv perience knocked stars from the eyes of a few young NASA secretarJes copy- ing radio messages from the three Apollo 10' spacemeri.. So did some milder lines as the Navy lieutenant commanders and Air Force colonel hurtled to the moon and earthward again in their combination barrack!, latrine, mess hall and space laboratory. "Blasphemous," declared Dr. LaJTy W. Poland. Miami Bible College administrator who sent t.eJegrams to President Nixon and · NASA executives deaiandlng public apologies from the Apollo crew. They have nol been forthcornlQi yet. * "I didn't really request a respc;insej't ~aakl the 29-·' year-old Dr. Poland when telephoned at h1a Miami home to check national response lo his widely QUQtld criticiam of gutter talk in the heavens. "I think the thlnl that •Poet me most wu their ar.ng wont !or ....W Intercourse, usua1ly found on rest room walls,,. be_ explained. "Some of the NASA girls in their teens and early twenties Were so of· fended they refused to type· it out while transcrlblna'tapes," lie added, refer· ring to weekend Miami neWspaper accounts. * AU space exploratidn crisea however, must be faced by NASA chieftians, and more liberal sl.eflographers were summoned. Taking the Lord'• na,me in vain at crlUcal moments during' the tense moon..girdling mission was another specific complaint by the Purdue Univer. sity graduate, while a pup's parentage was more borderUne. "Whether Jt is . in the 10 Commandments, laws of J~ilh religion or whatever, we are not to take the Lord's name in valn,n Dr. Poland said. "It oee1111 inerfdible that they would curse God when they needed Rini most. II seems the same as a Russian cosmonaut curs!ng Man or Lenin. * "I've bad people can and say tbeir young boys )dolize the astronauts and then they are shocked to hear these leaders in the eyes of the entire world say: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB'," Dr. Poland continued'. "The strongest reaction, 1 think, came fr,om people who thought 1 was trying to take away from the glory of the achlevement, whi'ch I was not," he continued. "I rejoice in our space program, but I think such language spoils the show." The young educator is not a minister, although he has seminary train· ing, and said he Is not a prude, nor blind to contemporary slang patterns and the fanlastic pressure on moon pioneers. . ' "With me, it's a matter of right or wrong and a lot or people a~ the language they used was certainly indiscreet, if not downright the wroiig ~ ~~ . '.'Especially, since this is by NASA admission the first crew with which they've had any problem," he explained, praising prior earth orbiting and moon-visiting astronauts ~or talking: like genUemen. "I've had reactions of all sorts since sending the telegrams Monday,'' he said during the transcontinentiaJ chit-chat Tuesday night, "and if you're in- lerelted, my own little Gallup Polls shows \ perc t in favor of my stand." . ·4tb;·~f ~. ... • • ·~ had one commenl from a profesaiooa11 •~ pilot who said he hasn't ~'such profanity on the airwaves in 24 yeara ~Ing," said Dr. Poland, brinling up t.Ja• ·In~ question of certain jurisdiCtional limits. The Federal Communications Commission rules U.S. airwaves, but rad io penetrates tbe atlnOlpb_ere and literally continues on into eternal reaches of the universe. , But if any e'1ratettestrial beings -intelligent befuri ·or of subhuman mental-capacity.:.. were .listening in, we ~.be relp.f:ively certain of two · things., ; ,. . r , One culture ,will dismila our relianc~· on four-letter 1etms as underde- veloped ~~abu1'1}', ·wblle tbf: Other s(>Eici~s· language. wlll be spicily enriched. ' 2,000Guardsmen on Alert For Berkeley Park March BERKELEY (AP) -A City Council meeting tonight will be telecast live statewide as officials move to prevent violence during a massive "people's park" protest march Friday. Gov. Ronald Reagan says the 200 Na- tional Guard lroops camped on the three controversial acres -along with about 2,000 Guardsmen on alert at nearby armories -will stay at I.east through Friday. DAii V PllOT llobiitt• N, Woed "-'*"' Mii 'llllll.,.., ' . Jock Ill. Cwl;r vie. ''•""" -o-~­n.,.,, 1Coe9il """ ThontM A. M11•~i~t Me""I"' IE<llfof All.oft W. l•lt1 Wiltitnt llted Ailkl... +lU,,ilftt10fl l9't/I ell!tor Cit~ Ellltor ............... Offlee lOt 5th Streol Melfillf Adili-ot11 ,.0 . lo1 7t O, t2~41 --~ ..... : f111 W.I .. ltlno hlltn•N CllfD -: a w.t l•'I' Sl••I LllUN ~1· 221 F-.ai A- < I Militants plan to mobilize 50,000 persons from around the state in a Memorial Day convergence to protest fencing of the land alter young people planted it with grass and nowers and put in playground facilities. Reagan promised Wednesday to use "v.·hatevcr force is necessary" to protect the chain-link fence that the University of Califorrlia, the property's owner, erected Guring a riot May IS which left one person dead and 130 injured. Meanwhile, the march organizers vow- ed "the fence will come down," but did not say when. 1bere were indications today that, lo ivold a possible repetition or bloodshed, $Uthortlie.s were considering a plan uilder which the university could lease the grbund to the City or Berkeley, which could r'etain it as a people's park. In an unusual development-, Berkeley Mayor Wallace Johnson an nounced Wednesday that proceedings of the Cit'y Council wilt be broadcast live tonight on educational TV stations in San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles. Sources close to his of[ice said the lea se question is expected to be part of lhe agenda. Jn addition, Berkeley campus Chan· cellor Roger W. Heyns told a delegation of J ar.ents from Southern California Wed- nesday he "would make some statement" to ease some of the pressure surrounding the Memorial Day marth on the park. OV District Backs School Aid Measure Trustees of Huntington Beach's Ocean View School District are urging the slate Legl.!la)ure ~ pass AMembly Bill 409, Whlch calls for $311 million in additional state aid for local ~l districts. The. bill ls aulhond by Assemblymen cari.. Bee CO.Hayward) and James Den< (ft..Cdncord). Jo endoning lhe meuure, Octan View lrustffs aald It could mean ®'o te II million in acld!Uonal funding next year !or their dJslrlct. ' ' . ' I PariS T,alks _ lf PARIS (~) -The Vietnam pea . talks degener led today lnte lhe aharpe.:. <verb<tl battl . w· dllte. Each side' )>ounced the W,.r's peace prq>osals , • ~=,I.~ they have"'"'! , 0 Am~ Henry Cabot Lodge sai 'lhO ' Arilttl<an u.Op wjlhd raw Olllal\jled ~ Oom!i!tmis'8 was ... .. ~orr . , asonable and illogical." H }aid Hanoi's efforts to exclude the Sout~ Vietnamese government was prolonginl\i\ \he war. ; Deputy 'North Vietnamese negotiate Ha Van , Lau "resolutely rejected lodge's saigges_tion they discuss mutua , . troop withdrawals and attacked. Prezi'! dent Nixon 's .eight--point ,peace p~ ~ "proposaJs which .baSkaUy seek to,.cari)Jr on the ' war Of aggression a n d neocolonialism tn South Vietnam." The talks at today's 19th session got nowhere and political observers doubted if they would until chief Hanoi negotiator ' Xuan Thuy returns fr&pl North VieJnam where he ha.s gone !or coftsultations. Dirty W .,.-k at Estancia Lodgi! complained ~ after the meeting-i, that the Communist side was lJTinging~ nothing new to the cOnference to ·match • • President Nixon's peace plan. Costa Mesa's EstanCia High School faculty and senior class went at it in the annual mud tug.o-war Wednesday and from all appearances everybody got in the mud pie. Pupil Personnel Director Robert Francy got tossed in . He was awarded the trophy. "The olhe1 side simply repeated the old ·positions," Lodge sfild. "The first one was (Jiat the United States sttould leave unilaterally and leave South Vietnam open to conqu est, and the second was we should overthrow the government of South Vietnam so that the front could take it over. Senate Okays Tax Break For Schooling SACRAMENTO (UP[) -The Senate today approved a bill by Sen. John G. Schmitz (R-Tustin), to give parents who send their children to ipriviite schools a $5.9 million annual tax break. The me8.sure was passed 22-9 and sent t.o the Assembly. It would grant a deduc· lion from the state income tax of tf\e amoun t paid for tuition by parents whose children attend kindergarten through 12th graqe private Schools. Sen. Ralph C. Dills (0-Gardena), ob- jected to the deduction as a loss 1n state .. revenue and possible violation. of the separation of church and state. "It's an indirect method Qf"subsidiz.ing parochial and private schools," Dills said. However, Sen. George C. Danielson ([). Los Angeles) said lhe measurewould;en- coorage parents to send their children to private schools to relieve the public schools' growing enrt>llh'lent(:~ lie said U1e state was presently "Pour- ing money down ratholes like Cal EX'J)O," but was not attending to the money crises faced by schools. "We should quit buying circuses and start buying schools,'' Danielson said. Patman Appeals For Nixon Action 'On Interest Hike WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rep. Wright Patman .{D-Tex.), said today a new in- crease in interest ratElS by major banks appears imminent and urged the Nixon administration to block it. In J telegram to Treasury Secretary David }.f. Kennedy, Patman, chairman of th'! Hotise ~anking Committee, urged that the admJnistratlon issue an im· mediate Statement opposing any increase in the prime lending rate that banks charge favored customers. The rate is currently at 7 .S percent. Patman said an inc rease in the current prime rate "will send a shock wave through the entire economy. raising in· tcrest rates on every item." "Another inciease In the prime rate will all but halt an already badly depress. ed housing market and will raise the price of goods to millions of American fam ilies," Patman charged. "Another increase ls unnecessary and it is nolhing more than an attempt by the banks to gouge the American public dur- ing a critical l!COnomic period." Dystrophy Group Sponsors Rodeo The OrangC County Chapter ()f the A1uscular Dystrophy Association o f America, is holding a junior rodeo Friday and Saturday at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa ~1esa. MOC"e than 100 boys and girls will com· pete for awards in various events. Performances will be at 4 p.m. and a p.m .. ~ach day, )"ith eight events at each performance. Events Include bareback riding, bub riding, steer riding, IU'ts bar~ rel racing, girls goat tying, team roping and ribbon roping. Proceeds from the rodeo will further patient service programs for the more than 100 muscuJar dystrophy victims in Orange county. For more information, call H2-l296. Dorn1 Search Halted LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pl1ns to search 1tudent dormitory rooms .. t the University Of Ca!Uornta at Riverside for weapons were ordered balled by a federal judge. )' Tiny Yorba Linda Beats Big Anaheim on Annex Yorba Linda, one of Orange County's smallest and newest communities and mighty Anaheim, the county's greatest and oldest "laid it on the line" Wed· nesday before the Local Agency ·Forma- ti~n Commission. And little Yorba Linda came away with· the spoils of battle: Nixon Inherits $34,671 From Mother's Estate ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -l're;iitent' Nixon wilf ' inherit· $34,671.91 from the estate of hls mother, Mrs. Hannah M. Nixon. " . A Superior'" Court judge Wednesday signed a decree for distribution of the estate to ·Nixon and his two surviving brothers, Edward Kalvert Nixon and Francis DOnald 'NixoD. Mrs. Nixon died Septr 30, 1967, at the age of 87. Her will, written four years earlier, directed her estate be divided among h ~r surviving sons. Court records showed Mrs. Nixon's estate totaled $110,021. Taxes 'and ad· ministrative · expenses redu·ced it to $104,015. Edward Nixon 's share was reduced by $4,500 to retire a promissory note to his mother. ' Nixon's former law partner, Earl C. Adams , served as executor. Under a preliminary distribution decree, the President already has receiv- ed $20,266 of his share. The President's fathe r. Francis Nixon. was at various times a fanner, streetcar motorman and operaklr o f a neighborhood grocery . in Whittier. He died in 1960. Two of the President's brothers, Arthur and Harold, died before their mother. I At issue was a 15-square-rnile area of undeveloped land north of the Santa Ana Riv.er, coveted by both e<>mmunitles. The LAFC, by previous· agreement of both cities, was asked to draw a line to guide the commission and the com· munities in future annexations. The truce line was drawn with Yorba Linda gaining exclusive rights to future land mercers in the entire study area. Included in the lS-square-mile area Is the 2,600-acre Bryant Ranch which Yorba Linda ~fficials said they do not plan· to annex. After a two-hour discussion, the e<>m· 1nission ruled that Anaheim shall not be allowed to annex north of the Santa Ana River and Yorba Linda shaU not extend its boundaries south of Esperanz.q RQad. T~~ stt,!dY area ~· bound.ed roughly )Y, the riVer'on'the-'sotith; a1'hiih'ridge Hne south of Teli grai)h CiinyOji oh the nQ!t~. the Orange.Riverside County· line on 'the east and the two communities oo the west. Tnnriel Thieve$ " Get $7,000 Hilul ' ' Burglars tunneled lhelr· way into a Westminster jewelry store between 9:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. Tuesday n~~ht and removed an estimated $7 ,000 yorth of rings, lighters and watches. According to Westminster poliCe the thieves first broke into the back door of an adjoining fish and chips restaurant an d then dug through the wall of Carver's J ew e Ir y Store, 7791 Westminster Ave. and removed the items. An alarm device which iprotects the sto re against burglars was not triggered since entry was gained through the wall. Police are still looking·fo1 the suspects. "I can't help but think that this is a·1~ strange recommeodation. The fact that Hanoi and the Front agreed to seat the government of Vietnam here at the table al the Paris meetings is a sign that they '· themselves recognize the governmenf of t Vi etnam is a going concern ." Lodge's w8rnlng against Communist a attempts· to exclude Saigon from the ~ negotiations apparently was in response to a statement last week by Thuy that.,- South Vietnairi had no right, to discuss the 1,, U.S. troop withdrawal demanded by the Communists. Huntington Gl's Last Rites Held ,, Funeral services were held tod ay for ., Spec. 4 J:immy Lee McLellan, 21, who, was killed in Vietnam May 14 when ~s ~ platoon was overrun by Communist fortes. . ' The Marina High Schop! gra,duate ati.r " tended Orange Coast College and studied ' auto technology with the hope of becom-~ ing a teacher, until he was drafted. Death came to yOUng McLellan after seen month! of lighting in Vietnam. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elden McLellan, 8122 Brush Drive, Huntington Beach; his mater n a I grandparehts, Mr. and Mrs. Georg~· Blankenship of Westminster, and his · paternal grandmother, Mrs. Min a McLellan of Huntington Beach. Onassis' Son Plans To Marry Baroness • i . , NEW YORK (UPI) -Aristotle·· Onassis, a bridegroom of less than a year, may soon berome a father~in·law, It " , was learned today. Sources close lo the Greek shipping ty .. · · coon's family said Onassis' 21-year-old son, Alexander, is planning to marry one of international society's most glamorou11 beauties, Baroness Fiona Von Thysse~, Bornemisza de Kaszon, 1~ years his,. senior. DAD WILL BE THE YEAR 'ROUND He'll lee! like • king on his throne when he relaxes in one of these comfy chairs! FROM GENUINE . LEATHER ):HAIRS A Giff TO TIWURE Alll BUOY FOR YEARS {' Cuatom quality through-oot • tururious cushioning • Your ~oleo OI COlnrs !Jom In exlAmlH election ol ru. .. 1 !either -· . $199 L from H.J.GAI\RETT fURNrflJRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS ( 0,.0 -,... • I'll. - t UIS HARIO/t ILVO. COSTA MESA, CllLIF. '4'-0271 '46~276 ' ' - •• ' ' ---------_..__ -- -. ' ,, 'I I I • 1 • ' , • r J i , I • I ~ I I' l • • • • I • ' • • ' . • I I• LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LIGALNOTICE ftMt tAt •l7M NOTICI! TO CltlOITOt S SUl'EltlOlt COURT 01" THE STAT& 01" CALll'OllNIA l"Oll TH& COUNTY OF OllANGI. N•. A•U711 E1!11t of EOWARO FREEMAN, Oo:c:tl•td. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the LEGAL NOTICE crtdltor1 ol lhi! 1bove nlmed d«edenl ti'\11 11! 1>1!1'10111 MV!/19 dalm• 19111111 the l-----'----------1 11ld dl!c:eclenl are r1<1ulrtd la Ille llltm. l"·Wlt Wiii! "" MCtn•rv VlllKl'lt1'1. ln lhe olfl(t CEltTll'ICATE 01' IUStNl.IS cf Ille cler-of the 1bcM! tfl11tlf!CI couri. or FiC.TIT!OUI MAME to P•Hent lllem, with ti... nt<:tu1ry TN! \lftClll'118Md dQrs nrtltv ht 11 COii• voucher•, to the undtl'11tntd 1t the office dudlM 1 bu11 ... n fl .ao P1clfk Co.1! of lier attornev, MYOLAND, DUGAN, Hl1llw1y, Hunllnt'lon 1Se1cll, C.llfWllllo, GltANT AND PtC'L, lS.U W!lllllrt IS hld., un6er lht tktlllo\ls firm Nomi DI Los A11t1le1, C1 IHornl1, wllldl 11 1!11 SERENE SCENE CLOTH1tf0 1.-.d flMt PS.QI of busil!f'h of the ul!CH'rsil'led ln 111 11kl flrm 11 com~ of tl>e fa.Jlowlr.1 ,...ners pert1ln!r1v l'O "" n 11111 ol 11kl pen.on, ""'1ot4! .,.""" In fl.Ill •NI l'IKll of ~I. within ltl\lr ,,_!111 .iter Ille rqkltnu 11 11 fol~: fir'\! publlc.ttlon of lhll nGllce. J.,. cm1-Avl11, l30I W. ••llOI Oiled Mir 20, 1.... &!Yd .. Newi><>tf ISeW!, C1l1fornla. ArJlne Fnoemtn Oiled MIV 1:1. lHf. Adomlnl:Jlratrlx Joe Avlllo of the E1!1NI of Sl1t1 of Ct lltornlt, Or11"11 Countr: ti.. tbow net'Md do:c:eden! On M•'I 13, lfft, bflort in., • Noltrv MYOU.NO, DUGAN, PubMC In 111d for 111d Sttte, Hl'Mll'llllY O«AlllT ANO l"IC'L •-•red Joe Ctrdl Avlll ll:nown to mt la AttPmrl• • LI• IN: ,,,. ""°" -111me II wti.crltlld llU W1111111'11 •l'rd. t.. Ille wttllln Instr-I Ind •clulowledl· L+& A11M ... , t.•lltornll tel lie eK.Wled lh1 wme. Tth ftlll'°'°""" (OFFtCIAI. SUL) lollll'Mvt fir Allmlnlslr1tr1~ JHn I.. Jobst Publlt~!ld 0r1ni>e (01•! O•ll'I Piiot, Not1rv Pub11c-t1n1orn11 '-11'1 l'J, :it 1nd J11ne 5, 12, 196t ,,.,_., Prlnclnl Office In Or1nG1 C-IY LEGAL NOTICE - \ • M'I Comml11!on Eiu>l1u Mlrtl'I 2, 1t1l l'ublhhed Or1..,i COlsf D1llv Ml'I lS, 22, 29 and JUne S. lHt LEGAL NOTICE ----------------- DAILY "LOT I 24 Mor e Joi n World's S mallest Army VATICAN CITY (UPI) - Twtnty-rour recrull! w e re sworn in this week for two. year hltch6 ln tht. world's smallest, most old·fashioned and most photographed army -the Pope's 7$.man-strong Swlsa guards. The m:ruill took their oath of duty In a lleady rainfall In the Bel•edere Courtyard of the Vatican, dressed in the blllowy yellow, orange and blue uniform.a the a rt t s t Michelangelo desJgned ( o r them four centuries q:1>. 'Ille only weapons In sight were ancient halberds, the same loog staffed weapons with whlch the S..tu Guards fou1ht their last bi Ule 4U yNrs ai@. In accordance with lon1· standing rules, the a e w recrulb are all fro m German- s peaking ca n tons of Swttt.erland, are bachelol'3 under t5 and art at least 5· loot.a. ln an age or lnttrcontinental ballistics, lhe Pope's anny looks like somelhing on Its way to a costume ball. But tradition outweighs 11ny ot.be.r considerations with t h e guards. Usually, the Por>e watches the swearing In ceremony from a window overlookine St. 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA • WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 • ' <--~­J • ... : .. . . ,,. ·. .... • PORTABLE BAR·B·Q 0 11°1 1itt1a but giv11 mighty good cookin q. 0 l1q1 fold for in1 t111t port•bility, 4s9 TIKI TO RCH • 0 l•r11 wip1 you oul. t nd you can't q1t to lh1 i1l1n d1 7 0 Bdn9 1 lit1!1 +ouch of +he tropic1l p1r1dii1 h1r1, 0 Fa1cin 1tin9 p1lio i nd pool d1cor•fion l1nd1 1hno1phere and rom1nc1, PLASTIC PLACE MATS 0 If yo11 b1li1•1 thi1 pl1c1 mi l c1n fltlly !al•, Ill 1 do(for. 0 H vou b1li1v1 a·1 t h1rp, pr1clic1f, w11h1bl1, colorful, 1e1 our I c11hi1r1. ~4i59' GIANT SIZE CHAMIOS 0 A good inve1tm111t in car car1. 0 Supfr 1b1orb1nl cloth dri11 a huq1 1111. 0 A 1parUin9 fi11l1h m1~11 th• •ntlr • iob •orlhwhil1. a· Alt•thet In 1 jiffy, fl11e for "'c.alloft ot liu1in111 trl111. D ~'~'~,'' '•• "'''''9~••• 1 ... tho '''""' Damucus courtyanL B u l Pope Paul VJ wu con!erring wllh U.N. Secntary Geoeral U Thant and mlsaed it. SO ceremonies were moved to the Belvedere Courtyard where Col. Robert Nuenllst, commander of the guards, ad- mlnlatered U\e oath while each recruit held up a white-gloved hand and touched the yellow and while VaUcan Oq. "I soleml\ly swear to uphold, loyally and with good filth, the responsl.bUIUes which have been read t.o me, to be!p me God ·&nd all bls salnU:," each recruit aald. The last Ume lhe guards were forced lo uphold their respooslblllU'9 WU In 112? wben swords clashed 1ln St. Peter's and Pope Clement VI nanowly ~ thnJulb a pusagew•y to ne•rby Santa Angelo castle. The attackers were merctnary troopa of Emperor Olarlt.S V. 'Ibey lli!led 147 of the guards, 10me at the main altar of St. Peter'•· Anc.tber 42 eoc:oped lrith the Pope. ResponllbU!Ues of t h • guards are to atand watch outside the papal apartment• 1od Vaticln 1ate:s day and night, to accompany the Pope wherever he goes and to lend their colorful prestnce to various ceremonies. LET'S DRINK CANADA DRY! BIG BOY MOTORIZED BAR·B·Q C Gi•t th i1 boy I home, h1'U wo rk for .p1nni11. --·· 0 Mcilori1.d spit do11 the ro11t end 1h1ff. 1dju1!1bl1 9rlll hend l11 th• r11t, ••• METAL PATIO TABLE 0 Sntppy little tebl1 11 19 inch11 i11 tl i1m1l1r. D l ig 1nou9h to hold 1 f11tl me1I or a fit cam1r1 if your kid1 n1M a tripod, 0 Bri ghi 1umm1r color1 with 11011-m•r lit tip1 . 119 GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT 0 Eli min1!11 1rm-lirin9 bru1h pull with Ht tmooth flow ind Illy tpr11d. 0 ld11I fo~ wood, brlclr, 1tucco, drl11 quick lo •1lv1I be1uty, 679GAL 9" STUCCO ROLLER sn 0 Fluffy ro ll er c111 b1 u1•d fot l1v1I p1 inl!n9 . 0 Or 1H1ch four foof h1nd l1 for Ille c1ili n,t 1nd ouhilf• tt11ff. With h1"dl1, H1111el. 129 AUTO DRIP PAN 0 O il •"4 tree1e 1pet1 are net e11ly .... 1,htly \11t pote11tl1lly lf111t1ro111. 0 Put thi1 •"'•r yeur ci r whee d1l11t e11tltte Werk '"' ,i1vi 11t e lfll ll hi ,., •••• , ,,1 ......... . 2'9 -youR -CHOICE LO·CAL or REGULAR CANADA DRY 0 So, the whole cl1n !1 comln9 for Me mori1I Dey, ind they'll prob•bly b1 tl.irity tff1r lr1v11in9 i ll the wty from An1heim. 0 Buy 'ome of flli1, ic1 It up, ind 1v1rvbody c•n '"joy their f1vorile f!1vor; w1'tl h1•1 lht m 111 . OPEN MEMORIAL DAY 9TO CASE 24· 12 oz. Cans 10 LBS. CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 0 lnt11li9111t ch1rco1h ii c1tche1 011 quick. 0 l o"IJ burninig wit!. perfect h11I r1l111e for e'dra ll•Ory cookin9, 0 Gr11l 1ro'"a too, 59' CHARCOAL LITER FLUID 0 Jui! 1!01h 011 th1 briq111 ... 0 F11! 1!1rt 9u1r1nt11J •••rvtim1, 0 Odorfree lth1I 1m11l 11 your 1laak burninig .), CHAR· BASE PNEUMATIC DIAMOND GRILL SCREEN DOOR WITH HARDWARE 711 0 Sprin•l1 In th1 bottom of the B•r-1-0 . 0 Proleclt the m111 I 1h1!1 fro'" hot coal1, 0 So 1k1 up the 9r•111' and make1 for 111i1r cl11nin9. 59c O Our hl,hlv ~u1lifi1d tl1ff of ••peri1nc•1' ce"'111 rl10111 1hopp1t1 II" reported thlt It the b11I d11I •tound 011 I pneumatic 1cr1111 tloor. I Mv w1f• It tfte 1!1ff, 1ho 1111IMl1 mor e mo11ey 1hoppin9 ttl1n 1ny tll11e.I 0 D•tl lflclud11 •h,minum J oor •ltll p11e11l'l'ltlle 1lt 1101"1 1dj111tl11t chan111f\fer P•rf•CI flt, hl11ige1, tvlip 11~ wit• IK•l11' utl•11, p•1hbar, kickpl1l11 1n4 d!1mel'Mf t rille. 'o 111 JO, J2, i nd 16 inch wiil th1. .... ~.-.. <."-;.." ....... ~_,.,,.~., ... ..,, ......... ,.,,. ..... -·--~~·-• ~.,. , • \ I ~ J f DAii. V ~llOT ' LEGAL NOTIC& ' ' LECAL NOTICE t ·-,~~~~.~~~~~~••o;••·••"'"' ........ , ....... "''""'"'""'"'"'""'"''""'"''"'""'"'"'"''" ........... ,, ....... """'"''""' ............... ,,..,,,"'~~"""'"'"'"'"'"'""'"''··c;; ............ . '" " -1\~ :1·· ± ~ 1nf Al" " 1e10 ,.. 1''11 + (, ~ ~" ~ 3~·~ + ,, "'' n:t n .. + ... I "'' ,. .. "" :lllli -... Ii '~·· ~! .... ~ -.,. ' "" ... '• '" '"• '"'l .. '~ 11 ,,. Jl'' 1}\~ + \\ " it;: '''II -a ' ll•'o 11'4. -" "~ ,... ~~-t'I ,l! ,. , .. 1s·~ .. ~ ~·· • 10'~ ••• .... .,., '"• ., \I " ''"" ""' ,, + ., ,, ~~ F." ~:z ... ·\ , .. , .. . 'll'J'•-t;, "' 1f.! ,;, • .. _, .. J 1,.. -'• I '• foll • t.l\t -•1 ·~ J(\\ ,, Jt + •1 'tt 1 )J'I .. -·~ ,,.., ~·1 '1\t f l'4 • DAILY I'll.OT J J Thursday's Closing Priees-,~~p1ete New York ~tock Exchange List . • I' t J. I I • .. • •, I.I DAll.V Ill.OT T"""4ay, 1111 2', lM • fragmented_ t~adership,. Cash PI8gue Demo Reh~ildin ~ WASlllllGTON (AP) -Tbe -seaate tum in 11'19. an upb1U liahl in the Sma1e -ln1lled. 'Ille nloran oC porty.macblnery, J-0 -0'llara. (l>lllcb.), -~-able Ar SI.,... A. Mlicllel, DllDoeradc puty ts IWI Tbe party's n at to a 11 Wbere they Uve a $1-U rm-cooddel-him an orpn'••U1111 Jn llOCM ltltel, NCU1an 1r1 is eumtotnc cooventlon rula debate onr tbe llpUficaDce GI McClrt!IY• c en v ea t~o .. •plapld by the llralal and c:balnaan, Sen. Fr.cl R. Hanis jorlty but muat defend 15 ION man. -tee in the fae ol Jhe OX· and -.r.. lul ~· Cb I ca go «a> mrspr, a r.._ na _._ lflal -It &port lul Cl( {lldal!omo, bu &I= while aeekiD( IO capture ooly Leaders oC the NDC are tpllt -cballqo to ...ttalJle Their lnltlal ._.,... ha.. venUoo( wbldl bas -a -lllil •· -d year and -beavilJ beodquarten Ila font nine 1!eld by llepubllcus. on ilbetber tt ahwld be a lboir orgMh-..i mUe "'fleeted boib !» iDl<mal symbol IO nfonnen ol what ~ ..,... ·-an the to Ila i. oC the prealdeney. ob••w ._ Jtllll On the -aide, where pndom...,.ly oaUonal arouP tbem more rttpOCll!ve to rank· strol(ll in the~Partr 111111 the 11,..... ~ the pollUcal ,... <>'*" _..¥-laid lall -Rems! .... from wltblil and '"st-• .,; Huoipbrey DemOcrall have a 144-llO ma--boldiDg 1 naUooal coo-and-Ille "'1lllmeal. At :1et,st ·IO dllflculUel relwmon ll>AY c:eu in _.a1 and the ...,., ' • · ~ I, • -1ou1 ftnandal preb~ -~; ~ Harris, a, ii buDding Ills jor'Jty now, ~J:~eaders have venlioo thls year -or states have tht1r own reform face. ·m puab1ng tlnulb ,'Urrtlr D e m-o ~rat l c party 1n "We've sot only one way to • ~ oaUonal and jlald~ !!'!I poOtical "'1b·tllrougb mo'ved jo revt · their cam-whether elforts'aholikl1"'..,.. commlaions. . ideaa.. partl<aW. ' go -and that la up. 11 can~ -IO n!lnecl)' atruClllril ..,..., oC tbe 'ii a 11 on a I palgn committee. , centratlid on the .tat. and Nationally, the relonn drive TbuJ, tbe openin1 pabllc Yet, bun 1*11 winp of the get any worae akor 11111. It •delocta. rnai:blnery. He hopes to name But a l50kplate fund·rals-local level ' Is being puDcl by two partyliiibeartow;i;ii;~"ii;iithe~llcGovern~;i;ii;i;;' -~";;;;;iparlfi;i;;ii;i';;;tbereiiiiiillio';ioptinµamii';;;·iiiiii. iiiiiiiibuiiii,toiigioet!iiibelter~;;;·"iiiiiiii.,.• In a ocattering oe spoci.t the policy COW>Cll within a few Ing dinner IO help Democrat& More thaa. lO states have COllUllisalqnl ellabllshod by and munlcljaI electiobs this •days; . funnina 'for the HOUie and ~ unltr, ud manJ are ac-last IUDU'Del':1·convention ~· year, llemocrata have • com-. The )Qding Dem-tie DA· Senote in 11179 was delayed si1 t1Ye in local -.Osts. . . the reslata,.,. ol Ila managers, · LEA~N TO SWIM piled a miJ:ed ....... d. t1ona1 '"""" '"' m general weeu until June 21 becaiue of ca:.1•~•year' ~ ·One, -by Mrc0o .... o,J1 AT YOUR · ORANGE· COAST YM~.A .,.._. L.at.a "' agreemeat on issues such as dllr1CU1ty in seJH .... Uckets. 'Well ... are .........--to ls examlni!ll party Mructure -~ ,.!1 =§ the anliballisllc m I s s 11 e The New De;;;:.atlc Coa1i-c~ many_ regulan IOI' and the way in which .,.... ' up in a longllme syst.m and the need for more !Ion a loose ~ of the ...,.-I· nommatlons, in ventlon delegatea '"'aelecteo!, 6 4 2 • 9 9 9 0 ,ii diltrlct In Wlscalllla. A emphasis on domes ti c p a rty's McCarthy.f<elmedy·,...'.local~~--~~~and~[~or:_:contr.l~~_:Tbe~_!'°'~•~'!'~od~, bea~ded~~by!:·~ReP!!::· ~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~·!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!if!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!'!!! Demacrat wm .the priorities. But McGovern and McGovern elements, htld its , •~•--in ,__i..a Kennedy have been more fund-ra•·1 .... dinner, a $lo&-a· ml10l' s e11C\.'UIU ~. outspoken in CfiH .. 1 .. ;.... the ..... '& Neb.. N' ...i.-:-••-1-.. Vi plate arrair, last week. But the Bui ·~---I li tJ:oa _....... ... ton on itt· NOC too bas its · imema:I . ""° 1.. sp ts con-oam. strains, which reflect those, of I tribuled heavily IO the party's The naUona1 ~!tee "1s the l lar km of the M In n e a po I t s making active pl:anl f« l'10 party a 11e. mayoralJty and are threaten-and · bas beeo ·h 'e I p' t n g' Kennedy al"'ed lo addttss : ma its' cbance to 0 as t. ....... __ .-:_ ___ ...... _, __ m' tbe lhe dinner, his first political 0 __. ~~-~~ speech in Wasblngton this ·~,....llcan M~ Jolm U.. congreoglonal races. year, ooly alter be "'PCJliedly sq of New York. But the party ls still cri~ made sure McCarthy wasn't Party leJclen are optimistic pied by the deficit of clole 1o coming. about boldiDg eovernorsblps m IS millloa lt inherited 11<!m. While Kennedy, McGovern N.,. J~y 8"" Virgina, tbe Humphrey's 1161 campalp. A· and Sen. Harold E. Huabes cl · only two belng ·cpntest.ed this Sl,000-a-platc dinner t b e Iowa addressed the gatherlni year. . Democratic Sponsors Club of McCarthy declined an m: But on the national level, New York plans for June U is vitation and Mlllkle wasn't leadership is fragmented. the first. major eltort to whit----------1 Hubert H. Humphrey, the tie the deficit and a drive is ~ leader, is pointing under way to build a roster of blmlell towards a Se"!'1' race paying patidpating party Pilot Vf1itor1 in 1970 and will.regain a na-members. tional forum shortly a s Democrats hope to maintain chairman of . the 1.1 e w control of Congress next y~r Democratic Pohcy Council. . and to make inroads on the 30- fou,. .,. COllCluctecl ~"" •1111 Frldtn for .Choo! c:l1Aft GI fff1ll 11r.,.. ·i.-..1 Md Mo¥11 w on.r ... 11Mllul1-of •' ie.sr ltlf;t -iev. el. l~Jed ·-""' <Ill Ml. Dudle'I' Rich. 6'1Mlll, Ext. 2n. Lyndon B. Johnson. the most 20 Republican majori.ty in powerful single Democrat just govetnorsrups. But they face months ago, has withdrawn !;==================•' from party affairs. 1be Democratic con- greaslonal leailersblp, Jiouse Speaker Jolm W. McConnact, 77, and Senatl! 'boniocntlc Leader Mike M.ansflOld. ' 91, have qhibited little iniUative to dat., although -Id bas moved to convert the Democrailc Polley Committee of the Senate int.o a group that will issue party policy posi- tlons. A trio of senators, Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, Edmund S. Muskie or Maine and George S. McGo.vem of South Dakota, maneuver wari- 1y towarM the rar-off 197% Presidential election with polls showing the 31-year-old Ken· nedy a.heavy favorite of rank· andflle Democrats. : But mme party leaders _.. Jolted by a Gallup Poll last week ohowing Kennedy tralllng President NW>n 33 percent to 52 pereent if an election were held then. It was a shift of some 10 points to the Republicans since last Novem- ber's election. Supporters or Sen. Eugene J. McCarlby eipoct the Min- nesota Democrat to make another bid for the presidency in ·1m. But he has stayed aloof from most political acUvlUes and ta sticking so far to his announced decfsion not to seek his puty11 nomlnation for IT'S A PICNIC AT .A&W- AN ISIMD ·10F REFRESHMENT,. A & W DRIVE-IN 1855 HARBOR BOULEVARD WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! i rou CAN'T on IT BUT WITB PAW'IC'S swnca 'N SA.VE ACCOUNT Y11 • d1 •nt a wtR lly .. pi111 lat Im m•lllY in ,_ 1l1 " 11111at • 1lat11011 ill Jllll' l'lcific &" P1nhlak Amiot •d wildll" •lllY back and fortfl • Dflln • 'tGll lib. Beeaase ff'U'J' dollaa; eana1 neg dal It 11 la 70lll' Paclllo Aneaat-n• lor lat one dQ. i 8 't • P '11-A11 • 11 I 1.., .. 1/41• ...... l@i.,.. ._ 1111 ........ _ ..... 1111111 Iii .,....11111 111.-1111'1 ~ n11fn•tllt1tl If Hf Mllllwlillnc~llf~-- ; .I I FRUIT . ORCHARD! APPLES • FIGS APRICOTS •'NECTARINES WELL ESTABLISHED TREES -UP TO 7' TALL PLUMS • PEACHES ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF THE $649 LANDSCAPE, WHILE REAPING, BOUNTIFUL CROPS OF DELI· CIOUS FRUIT. ALL HAVE AT· TRACTIVE SPRING BLOSSOMS. ~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!oo ' REMEMBRANCES FROM OUR FLOWER S·HOP FRESH FLOWER BOUQUETS ARTIRCIAL BOUQUETS WREATHS PRICED FROM We Will Be Open Memorial DAY FR·I. MAY 30 9 AM lo 6 PM NIGHT BLOOMING JASMINE F.11t Growing SumrTMr Bloomer ••• 0.lightful Night .. Time Fragrance ••• H.1rdy Plants • • • Ready to BJooml REG. $1.75 3 119 R19ul1r DOZ • 79c dn. NEW ,SHIPMENT OF YOUR FAVORITE ' " For N.1tur1I Garden Paths .. Frelhly Cut From the Forestl Summer Closeouil REG. UP TO $2.00 98' ROSES e TROPICANA e WHITE KNIGHT e PUCE e MR. LINCOlH , . , and 1nany olher choice varieties PLAllT NOW FOR EXTENDED SUMMER BLOOMS Large Plants in 5 Gal. Containers 1 GAL 4.95 rou,,..,..,. M ftllflttH. HOURS: MON. 'THRU SAT. 9 A.M. To 6 P.M., SUNDAYS 10 A.M TO 5 PM ~pecial Pric•1 Good Throu9h Sundty, June ltt. • · • •• • 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 '---~ \ • { • • • ~l. 62, NO. 128, j SECTIONS, 30 PJ,6ES ' " • Valley ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA • . Teday'• n..i • THURSoA Y, W. Y 2'1 '1969 • TEN CINTS · I .. ow ·own • Red Camp She ed Troops Raw Mee'ti ug, Wipe Out 59 SAIGON (UPI ) -U.S. troopo sup- ported by tanks. aircraft and artillery swooped down on a Communist strategy meeting In the jungles northwest of Saigon today and killed 59 ot the defenders in fierce fighting, military spokesmen reported. The $J>Okesman said troops of the·U.S. ts Division acted on intelligence reports Communist officers would take ad· vantage of their tw<><lay Buddha birthday !nice to meet near Trang Bang, 28 miles oortbwest or Saigon, to plan a summer lffensive. Aircraft Dew ovtr the sprawling bunker Estimate Off $1 Million; \ GW C Bids Out An architect's estimate that was more lhan $1 million olf bas caused Orange Coast Junioi College District trustees to throw out aJJ bids for new CQ!".struct1on on the Golden· West campu!. The ,architectural firm or William L. Pereira and "-ialel bid eaUmated the \ eost of a planned projed at sliihUy more ~· $4 mllli4'0, ~tlir.e c:wtxid1u' ' bias came In at abnut 15.1 ml1llon each. The bids were found to be beyond tbe reach of the junior college district's ;oancial ability and were rejected Wedne!day nlgbt. Trustees decided to re;duce the scope of the project and solicit new bids next montb. Planned are a new technology building, 1 telecommunicaUons-forum building, a mathematics-science addition, and east and west wing for the gymnasium and a men's and women's locker building. • Aslo scheduled is remodeling of ornces Into a counseling center and development of park:i.'lg and recreational areas. The Pereira firm was instructed to ex- clude lht: east wing of the gym and to cut back on parking facilities and on special equipment for several buildings. - Construction time for the project also Is to be lengthened from a year to a year and a hal: to encourage lower bids. James Sink, representing the P.ereira firm, cited several reasons why the estimate might have been so much lower than the bids received. Construction and labor costs have gone op rapid1y, be said. Other factors he mentioned: Area con· tractors arid subcontractors currenOy are btisy with other jobs, the relatively short 12-monlh constructlon period, and the presumption on the part of prospective bidders that the Robert E. McKee firm, currently working at Gokleri West, would underbid them. Merco ·Construction CQmpany was low bidder at 15,100.000. Steed Brothers CoDstruclion Company bid $4,SZ7 ,000, but discovered it had left out a '274,000 plastering ~tract which would have raised its total bid to $5,101,000. The McKee bid was $5,110,000. Trustees also authoriz.ed the Golden West staff to go ahead on its owii and hif.e construction workers to remodel the future counseling center -a '23,000 pro- jc<l\. Golden West Business Manager Lloyd Hlmilton is to ad as conlractor on the job. Beach Voting Hours For Park Vote Slated Tile polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.ai., next Tuesday, for votlna: on Hun. Wigton Beacb'• 16 ml1llon park boodt issue. ~Y were incon'ectly reported as betni open until 8 p.m., In a DAILY PILOT edilnrial Thursday. Th< correct clclolng time Is 7 p.m. Argentina Mobilizes 1111ENOS AIRES (UPI) -ArgenUn1 '1 f!ovemment mobilised tts ainifd today !or a sbo.idown_ wllh students llDd wtri:tl"I who call· lloowlde general atrih lor Frld.ly tltef-two weeks of disordua. \ " complex and called on the Communist leaders to surrender but instead the defenders ·opened up with automatic weapons fire at the broadcasting planes. The American force 0£ 800 men then at- tacked with tanks, artillery, bellcopter gumhips and fighter-bombers. "They started running ev,_ery which way," one 24th -Division officer said. '!be Commtmlats fled through bamboo and nipa palm hedgerows and were back- ed up against a river where they were pounded by air slrilces, spokesmen oald. Amercan .,.,.,.itles ID the opting Huntington Beach 0 I fl c e r .George Abbond checks qne of 100 bikes to l>e-auctioned Sat- urday at 10 a.m. at Police De- partment's parking lot down- town near Civic Center. DIME lJEADLI NE AT 5 TODAY Dut to the Memorial Day holiday, defClllne for Dime-A·Llne ads to appear iQ Saturday's edtUon of the DAILY Pl:Lo'l' was moved up to$ p.m. today. ' All DAILY PILOT olllcu wlll be clooed on Friday and a special holiday edition of ,, the newspaper will be published Friday morning. Sei'Vlce complaint! will be' handled by telepbono (M!-4.123) by tbe cltculation department until 2 p.m. oo f.femorial Day. were listed as ooe killed and four wound- ed. The batUe $tarted ooe hour before lbe beginning of lhe Communists' 13-hour ITU<>: ollservlng Buddha's 2,513th birthday at 7 a.m. American headquarters today releued casualty figures showing the U.S. dealh toll ~--5,008 tbts year but Is running 40 percarl lowtt tban IMI· year. '!be report aald 215 Gls died Jut net and 1,183 suller<d wounds -a alwp dropp !l'Olll · tbe 430 killed and 2,111 wounded • the pievlws week In 1baq> llghilog ldW SGuth Vlelnlm. County Ends Quarantine On Beaches -Orange Cwnty Hea1th Oflm Dr. Jolin Philp ~y oll1clally declan!d ID end to 'B four-montli quArantlne of five' miles of · Oranie Cwnty beacblroot. '!be illlllll ol the nlnulW,ig and im,'llill • ban along West Newport and Bl~' .... ' stale Beacb is effec:tlve imniiMlllteb', __ ..,,,,_ lliw411.,_.,.. •. ·. --· . Dr. P!U1P .... the...........-Iller • ... 111 , etll a,., tbl PndD DllD -_,o..a. .or-°"11111'--lllnl -Ulooclait a& -.... tbts lllOnllng ..... . c ,..,,..,,.., ..... tftbedam, ....... -.•z1'icklllloleewace .... -Ml -llDce ncard ....... ;, ,. ftp -l1:1oil "'tbe --· .... _,_...._ .. el .. lijlll d ~~ • ·-.. lloirpmt Pier In -· :-:1r1 .. ..,_llnall> ~ ·.Jlllo- -dl.y .....,. this 111<r- -I W& •rioMlei and -.... ri I ilPlmt nrim-lt 11' .. • ... Ufepards will tM -lo -jurisdlctlao. aid periodic bectmolollcal c:hecltl cl tbe .._.. ..-. wtll -tinue. 1be dim will remain plugged until stomHlamqed peo:colailog basins, which normally absorb lht effluent upstream, are restored. Dr. Pbillp empllasiud that shelllilll gathering will continue to be banned, possibly Wough the summer. Valley Slates Rabies Oinic Dog owners In Fountain Valley can bring tbelr pets to the Wardlow Fire Sta- tion on Bushard Street, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Tuelday, for a $Z rabies shot. The special, low-coli rabies clinic ii sponaored by the Fountain Valley Woman's Club. Shots provide two years' protection, re- quired by law !or aD clop lour 1D011tho ol age and older. Dr. Eldon Bainbridge will give the shots Tuesday. e...ee~~iffoH • l ' I I" • • ' ' ' • " T ; '· ' ' Young Nom Staley of. Weetmont School cheM,s blJ •t<irigue aa tie concentrates.on task at hand -painting· his idea of what a park should be. Norman's painting, along·with hundreils of•otheri .bY Him~ lngton Beach achoo) ciilldren is on display at Himtlngton Cehter as part of city drive tO publicize '6 million park bond issue which goes before voters Tuesday. 'Don't N.eed No Sex Class' BATON ROUGE,. La: ((WI) --· .Sex education is uk~ al@hol and tobacco, a I.ooiilana legislator said.· It ought to be restricted to persons 18 and over. Mos( of the legtSiature . agrted Wed· nt$day. In a 94-4 vote it passed a bill pro- hibiting anf form of sex ~below tbe nlntb grade wxJer the threat ol the complete loss of au public funds; and above the ninth grade unless approved by lhe ,State Board of Education, the Parllh (County) School Beard and the parent ol each Individual student ''We keep aJcohol and tobacco away from children unUl they're over 17 and we ought to teep this mel8 away from . NliW YORK (l.P}-'lbe stock market JN! on a diaplay ol llltJ>rl>lng linnneal in acUve t"radi,ng today in advance or the three-day Meinorlal Day weekend. (See quotations, Pa&es 10-11). them 'too,'; said ;Rep. Fredrick liayes of Lafayette. "We don't need no sex education in our sCbools,'" aAid Rep., Norinan Ordone8ux of· I.ake Artlfur. ••t don't hive any cltlldren, but if 1 had any-children I could teach them everytblng they needed to know in one hour." Goldberg Pleads For Sirhan Mercy BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) -"The tak- ing of a life doet not and will not ac- complisb anythinc," AYI Arthur J. Goldberg, former United S t at e s Ambalaador to the United Natlonl •• With tills stat,ement, Goldber1 revealed Wedneodajr night be hu a!ted Calllornla Gov. Rooald ReaP.D to cnmmute the death tenience of'Sirban B. Sirhan, the convicted o)ayer of Sen. Roberi F •. Ken· nedy, D-N.Y. N.o One Reall11 Kw• " , UCI Students Out, But How M.any? By THOMAS FOlmlNE Of .... .,...,, ...... StuM!lls were striking qaJn lodl}' at UC Irvine. But bow maJ117 , 'lba1 no one·tnows for..,,. No one bu -.... Jll"!"*' -to ~tlcliq poll the student body. About all that anyone can say with cer- tainty 18 that most studonts are not strtk· tng:· and most students are 1ttepc1;ing classe1 being taught by mooi proleuon. Otber tban that tt can be noted, there hu been much Instruction tbne !OR Ibis week, llld not ooly ..... _.., tbe - Talco I clals that mee1a -.,, Wedndday and t'rlctay. On Monday classe1·were dismlaled durinc the middle of day rrom 10 1.m. until 2 p.ro. for • conel>ve on the Berkeley -· Fri-day Is Memorial DIJ, 1 tmlverstty, hoU- day. • 'I'lllt Ioli Ille WO\lneodOy claa meeting. A areal number of Wodnelday clueos ---1-tbeatudeot= -•·open! Ille period -the BakeleJ -with· the tnstructor. .other ~t of course, COY~ uiuol 111b)ect mall«. , Take the cue <i Carol U...berts, a aenior from Newport Beacb. Sbe reported to a clall to llnd the prolea.w not there: be hail clllCeled the claa out ol 11)'111· patby wltb the iilrllce. -she ....... to know Is she counted among student ltriken because the class did not nlfft!. • • Another of her pro!-. had not prepared a leclllre.Jrben the clau ul<ed hhn to gJvt IL • Dean al Fine Ario Clayton GarrllOll 111d be w11 In • clw Wedneotl1y when -Two Dismiss , r Early Oyer. Confusion ByRVDJN~ ot .. Dlll'f ,_ ,..., Two among four schools in the Hun~ tlngton Beach Union High School Dillrid dJamiufd students at 10:30 a.m. today .. because ol coofusion caused bf.. a mhill'>um teaClling day called bf. tHcbers In 1 dilpute over salaries. lltmtlngtoo Beach and FOOJ!lain V~ high scbools allowed the studelita to Juve at -monung Instead ol the orilb>allr. acbeduled U:~ p.m. dlsmlssal time. Dr. Mu Forney, district superin• tendent, aaJd the administration bad not given approval f~ ' a minimum day schedule whicb It and tt alone Is ..,; powmd to call. lie aald clasaes were dismissed because of the confusion created by the schedule set up arbltrlrilY, by teocbOn. "Students were coming and going In confusion. They tried, but couldn't adjust to the shortened schedule," explained Dr. Paul Berger, prtoclpal al the Fountain Valley campus~ ' - Westmfuster HJgJf SChool reportedlr. planned to cootlnue tbe tniilimiun ~ scbeduJe, but coofullon WU ~ ihore • lllllfllr befare -. ' I The Atoe situation was reported at Mariu. lllah• Sc:booL --•1'oebonlltbe-~-Jlich--.... taliig 11ie admlnlstrotion's alleged unwtlllngnea to negotiate !or aalitey in- creaaea. A · tw...00....Jtalf page memorandum re1eued Wednesday by lnllleea ototed that the district is prepared In oiler I { per<ent -to tbe prel<llt aaiary ocbedule In addltton to the regular ad- vance Qf step increments. It added that the board's re~­ ttve would "Jheet and confer in 10ocf faith" wtth the teachers on the matter. '!be DEA is asking !or U perceot :U.. crease In the salary acbedule.. Acc:Qn!lng_ to, llie memoronctum the ,,,. tual teacber salary Increase plus ad· vancement increments would amount to an actual salary increase of ll percent. '"Ibil ii worse than a miatpr~ taUon of the !actual dlta," charpd cart Manemann, DEA president. "Incremeiit inCJltases have never been a con~ s1deration in teacher wage negotlatioM before. They are simply increases paid for the experience and time put in on the jOb by the teacher." The teacher-called mJnimum day will be repeated Monday and will be followed Tuesday and Wednesday by a teacher walkout, when the DEA memben· will ask for personal leave. They will continue their activities until they are <.Uitluc«l tbe adminlltraUon Is willing to negotiate, according to teachers' repreaentaUYU. . ' Beach Trash Pickups ' . Cancelled for Friday There will be no tralh cellectionl Fri- day In Huntington Beacb. Friday b a oc)leduled holiday and those normally receiving truh pick-up aervice that day will instead receive ft Tuelday, ' city olllcJab explained. Weatlrv l'be morniol roe -!Ill Ibo air, but otberwtae tt'll be • mem- orable Memorial Day, wttb temp. eratura In the 70's and SUDr'1 alciea prevailing. INSIDE TODA.l' -.. c....... ft·• ...... " -" ........... _,~ ........ , ... ....... F1 ,, ~ )1.11 -M --~ IJ -. -" --" --.. ...... c..... -~· --.. .. -.. .. .... __ .. ,, -N -" -. --.. ' •' PILOT LoGBOOK Earthy Words in ·space ' ""J Draw HeavenlyThunaer By AllTlllJll R. VINSD. Of .. Dlltr ......... Moon Is just a four-letter word , but an earthy term for a heavenly ex- perience knocked stars from the eyes of a few young NASA secretaries copy· ing radio messages from the three Apollo 10 spacemen. So did some milder lines as the Navy lieutenant commanders and Air Force colonel hurt.led to the moon and earthward again in tbe1r comblnaUon barracks, latrine, meSI hall and apace laboratory. "Blaspbemoua," declared Dr. Larry W. Poland, Miami Bible College administrator who sent teaecrama to President Nb:on and NASA executives •demlndia& public apologies from the Apollo crew. They have not heal fortbcomln& yet. * . "I didn't really request a.. response," ,..&cl Q>e a.. year-old Dr. Poland when telephoned at hiJ MWnl home to check nail(ll)al response to hit widtlY. quoted criticiltD • of gutkr talk in the heavens. '. OAllY PILOT Pllet. h' Rk~•N KMIW Raris Talks ·1 , j .. Sizzl ·188 • , I • ' Blas, Fly . :-' , . ,,.. ~ . ''.J ' --. ~-PIJUS (UPI! -The Vietnam pelC• tall<s de(eneral!d loday Into the aharpeSI \! verl>ol bottle /Ii> doto. ~ fide Jo;; nowiced the ..,..., peace pn!f!!ISllo bl I ... sirong<ot ...,. they have Uled ~ the talt,s bega. . .. . ~ Amb•-<JC,Jlenry Cabot Lodge said lhelmlWeralM!erican troop wllhdrawal -· demanded b1'tbli C-Ommunbt. .... "in! correct, unretsonable and illogical." Ht J said Hp.noi's ~forts to nclude the Soulh" iii) Vietnamese aovemment was prolonging: the wa;r. ! .. Deputy North Vietnopiese nego!U.loo; !ii Ha Van Lau "resolutely tejecte(i'" ~ Lodge'a sugge.ation they discuu ~ troop Witbdrawali and at.tacked Pre§. dent Nbori's eigh>poi\\t ~ p1ap u )/c "propoa4 wbioh bislcally ~ to <t0l1'1• on the· 'War ot aggressicn a n d • neocolonialism In South Vietnam." ~ The talks at today's 19th session got nowhere and poUtical observers doubted if they woukl until chief Hanoi negotiator • Xuan Thuy returns fro m North Vietnam where he has gone for consultations. "I think the thlDc that Uf>Ml me most was their llip1 ,.an1 lor .U.W intercourse, usually found on rest room walls." be uplatned. "Some of the NASA girls in their teens and early twenties were so of. fended they refused ·to type it out .while trlDICribtng tapes/' he 1dded, refer· ring to weekend .Miami newspaper account.. Dfrt9 Work at Estancia . Lodge ~complained ·after the meeting ~ that the •Commwilst side was bringing t nothina: new to the conference to match • ' President NiJ:on's peace plan. * Costa Mesa•s Ejtancia High School faculty and senior class wen t at it in the annual mud tug-o-war Wednesday and from all appearances everybody got in the mud pie. Pupil Personnel Director Robert Francy got tossed in. He was awarded the trophy. "The othe1 side simply repeated the old poSitions," Lodge said. "The first one, was that the-United ·states should leav~ ... unilaterally and leave' South Vietnam· • open to Cilnquest, and the second was we should overthrow the government of .1 South Vietnam so that lht: front could . • lake il over. · • All space exploration ~.however, must bit faced by NASA cbieftians, and more liberal stenographers were summoned. Taking the Lord's name in vain at critical moment.I during the tel'lle moon-ainfling minion wu another specific complaint by the Purdue Univer- sity graduate, while a pup's parentage we mare 'borderline. "Whether it II In ll>e 10 Cominandmen!J, laWI of Jewbh reUglon or what.ever, we are not to take the Lord's name In vain,'' Dr. Poland Aid. "lt aeema lncndlble that they would tune God when they -Him moot. It letlDI the same as a Russian coanonaut CUl'liaB Man: « Lenin. * "I've bad people call and aay their ,_ boya Idolize the ..u.n&ub ind then they are shocked to hear these leaden ht the e)'• of the entire world Senat~ Okays Tu Break For Schooling say: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB'," Dr. Poland continued. · SACilAMENTO (UPI) -The Senato 0 'lbe strongest reaction, I think, came from people who thought I was today approved a bill by· Sen. John G. tryln& to take away from the glory oC the achievement. which I wu not.'' he Schmllz (ft..niaUn), ·t.o 'glye parents who continued. "I rejoice in our space program, but l think IUCh language spoils send their chila"ren tO ....;vate --i.-•1-·1 the sbow .n ·y•i l)UIUUIO '5.9 million annUal tax break. The young educator ls not a minister, although he hu seminary train· The measure was ~·22-9 and sent Ing, and said he is not a prude, nor blind to C'OOtemporary slang pattema and io the As9embly. It would grant• deduc- the fantutic. pressure on mooo pioneers. tion from the state income tu Gt the "With me, it's a matter of right or. wrona; and a lot of people agree the amount paid for tuiUon by parents whose luiuage ll>ey u....r wu certalnly Indiscreet, U not downright the 'll'l'Ol1I thing children attend kindergarten through l1th to do." grade private schools "Especially, since ll>is !J by NASA adm)utoo the flrsi .,,..... will> which Sen Ralph C Dill; (D.Gardeoa) ob- they've. had a"L~problem," he expl&ned, prall!ng prior earth orbiting and jected to the deduction 11 a loss In date moon-vialtlng amtnauts for talking like genUemen. revenue and pcmlble vlo1aUon of the "l've had reactions of all sorta since sendinc the telegrams Monday," seDar11Uon.of church and state he said during Ute transconUnenUal chit-chat TuesdV night, "and if you're in-·• · I''• !'''It'• an indinct method of ~bsi.dhJng termed, my own 1ittle G~llup Potla ~w1 70 ~t in favor of my atand." · pirochlal and private acbools," Dills said. ~~ •·• ~ ~ Ho11evtr, Sen. Geor1e ~· l>aplflooo (0. "I had one comment from a profession~ pilot. who aaJd he hasn't liwd 'llt:h profanity M the ainrav .. In 21 ~ ~g," said Dr. PolaM, ........... the bl~·-· -~'-of certain 'urtsdiot!onal limit.. --up .-....... ·--· l 1be Federal·CGmmunicatiOOI Commission rules U.S. airwaves, but radio penetrates the aUMlpbere: and literally continues oo into eternal reaches of the universe. , •· \ But if any e1tralerrestrial beings -inteµigent belnp.qr, ol subhuman mental, capacity -were ~nlng in, we cl@t. ~-relatively ftlja!n of two thinpOne culture will diamiU. our reliance . four-Jett.er t!r~sr·as underde· veloped vocabulai'y1 'While the other species' .JIDIWllf: will be spicily enriched. 2,000'GuardsmenonAlert -. ' For Berkeley Park March BERKELEY (AP) -A City Councll meetln& tonight will be telecast live &lat.ewide as officials move to prevent violence during a masslve "people's park" protest march Friday. Gov. Ronald Reagan says the 200 Na- tional Guard troops camped on lhe three controversial acres -along with about 2,00> Guardsmen on alert at nearby armories -will stay at lea.st through Friday. DAILY PllO f a.i..·rt H. wm l"ml!lllnt ...,. l"ulillWr Jack ll. C11t1 • ., vu "'"'""" iatld 0.-11 ~ n-•• K••"'' ·-'"-.. A. M11tpl.i11• M1Mt111, fcli1'< .A"-r• w .. ••••• w;,.;, ... ~ .... "~ f4111111ft•l9fl ._,_ f.._ CHr 1!'11w ............. OM&e Jot stll sm.t Maltint A4"*"1 P.O.•• n o, •1•41 --,...i-;, "9dl: ttu • ,..,.. ...,....,,. c.te ~ .. .,,., ..., • ....., ~ • 111 ,tmf ·- Militants plan to mobilize 50,000 persoM from around ~ state in a Memorial Day convergence to protest fencing of the land after young people planted it with grass and flowers and put in playground facilities. Reagan promised Wednesday to use "whatever force is necessary" to protect the chain-link fence that lhe University of California, the property's owner, erected during a riot May 15 which left one person d~ad and 130 injured. Meanwhile, the march oreanizers vow· ed "the fence will come down," but did not say wben. There were indications today that, to avoid a possible repeUUon of bloodshed, a_ulhoritles were conslderlng a plan unOer whlch lhe university could lease the ground to the City or Berkeley, which couJd retain it as~ people's park. In an unusual development, Berkeley ~1ayor Wallace Johnson announced \Yednesday that proceedings of the City Cooocil will be broadcast Uve tonight on educaUonal TV stations In San Ftancisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles. Sources close to his office said the lease question ls ex pected to be part of the agenda. In addiUon, Berkeley campu~ Chan· cellar Roger W. Heyns told a delegallon of )&l'enb from Soul.hem California Wed- nesday be ••would make some statement'' lo ease some of I.he pressure surrounding lbe Memorial Day march on the park. OV District Backs School Aid Measure 'l'nll1eel •of HWlllQllon Beach's Ocean View Schoof Dlalrlct .,. urlln.I tbe state Lelillalure .lo -Auembli. BW tot, wbkh calls for $372 million In addlUonil mte aid for local ochool dl8trlcta. The bill It lllu.ir.d by Aastmblymen Carloc Bee (f).jjayword) and James Otnt (R..COacord). Jn endoribfJ lhe measure. Ocean View trustees uld It could mean clote to II million In 1dd!Uo .. 1 !undlng next ·year for their dbl{lcl (. ' Los Angeles) aald the measure ·woold en- courage parents to send their children (o private _,chools to relieve the public schools' IMWin& enrilllmtni.~ He said tht state was' presently "pour· 111& monl!y down· ratholis like Cal ~." but waa oot attending to the money crises fRctd by schools. • "We should quit buying circuses and start buying schools," Danielson said. Patman Appeals For Nixon Action On Interest Hike WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rep. Wright Patman (0.Tex.), said today a new In- crease in interest rates by mejor banks appeats imminent and urged the Nixon administration to block it. ln a telegram . to Treasury Secretary David M .. Kennedy , Patman, chairman of th'!: HOU$e BaQking Comn;Llttee, urged that the administration issue an Im· mediate statement opposing any Increase in lhe. prime lending ·rate that banks charge favored customers. The rate is ~urrenlly at 7 .5 percent. • ·Patman said an increase in the current prfme rate "will send a shock wave through the entire et'Onomy. raising in- terest rates on eve ry it.em." "Another Increase in the prime rate will all ~ut halt an already badly depress- ed housing market and will raise the price of goods to millions of American families.'' Patman charged. "Another Increase Is unnecessary and it Is nothing more than an attempt by the banks to gouge the American' r,ubllc dur· ing a critical ~onomic period. ' Dys trophy Group Sp onsors Rodeo The Orange County Chapter of the P.1uscular Dystrophy Association · o f America, ts' holdin g a jwrlor ,rodeo Frlday and Saturday at the Orange County -Fairgrounds In Coota Mesa. More than 100 boys and gills will com· pete for awards In various events. Performances will be at 4 p.m. mt I p.m. each day, with elgbt ~vtnll a\ each performance. Events Include bareback riding, &un riding, steer riding, 1~Is bu- rel n clng, &iris goat tying, team ropinJ and ribbon roping. Proceed• Imm the rodeo will further patient servtet programs for the more than 100 muscular dystrophy victims ln Oranae County. For more lnlormatJon, call 54J.1296. Dorm Search Halted LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Plans to search student dormitory. rooms at the Un1ver,lty of Callfomia at Riverside for weapons ~re ordered halted by a federal judge. f, Tiny r orba Linda Beq,ts Big Anaheim on Annex Yorba Unda, one of Orange County's smallest and newest communities and mighty Anaheim. the county's greatest and oldest "laid it on, the line " \\'ed· nesday before the Local Agency Forma· tion Commission. And little Yorba Linda came aw ay with the spoils of battle. Nixon Inherits $34,671 From Mother's Estate UlS ANtEi.ES-11.!Mr -President Ni1.on. will fnhe.rit '34,871.91 frmf the estate of hli mother, Mn. Hannah M. Nixon. "· A Superior Court judge Wedn<sday signed a detree. for dimibutlon of lhe estate to Nixon and his two surviving brothers, Edward Kalvert Nixon and Francis Donald Nllon. Mn. N-died Sepl 30, tli67 , at lhe 11e ol '1. Her will, written four years earlier, directed her estate be divided amoae b~r survivinl IOl'l.S. Court records showed Mrs. Nixon's estate totaled •ttO,Cll. Taxes and ad- mlnlslrative •erpeMeS reduced it to $104,015. Edward Nixon's shere was r~uced by $4...500 to retire a prornissory note to hia molher. Nixon's former law partner; Earl C. Adams, served as executor. Under a prellm!nary distribution decree. the President already has receiv· ed $20,266 of his share. The President's father. Francis Nixon, was at various limes a farmer, stret!tcar motorman and oper11tor -o f a neighborhood grocery in Whittier. He died in 1960. Two of the Presidenrs brothers. Arthur and Harold, died before their mother. At issue was a 1~1qUare-mlle area of undeveloped land north of the Santa Ana River, coveted by both pomm.1D1ities. The l.AFC, by prevJous agreement of bot~ ciUes, w11s asked to draw a line to guide the commission and the com· munllies in future ,annei:ailons.· The truct line was drawn with Yorba Linda gaining exclusive rights lo. future land mergers in the entire study area. Included in the 1:>-square-mile area ls the 2,@.acre Bryant Ranch which Yorba Linda officials said they do not plan to annex. After a two-hour discussion , the com· mission ruled that Anaheim shall not be allowed to annex north Qf thC Santa Ana River· and Yorba Linda shall not extend its boundaries soulll or Esperanro Road . The study area ls'bouril!ed roughly by the rive; on the south, a higti ridge Une south o't Tilegfaflh~Canyon1'W the nofth, the Orange-Riverside cOuniy line on the east an~ the 1two communities on the west. Tunnel Thieves Get $7,000 Haul Burglars tunneled their way lnlo a Westminster jewelry stott: between 1:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. Tuesday night and rcmo<1ed an esllmated $7 ,000 \\'Orth of r•~1s. llgh tert and watches. AcCQrding to Westminster police the 1hicvcs first broke into the back door of an adjoining fish and chips restaurant :lnd then dug through the wall of Garver's Jew e Ir y Store, 7791 \Vestminsl!!r Ave. and removed the il<'tTIS. An alann device which protects the store against burglari,: was not triggered since entry "'as gained through the wall. Police are still looking ~01 the suspects. DAD WILL BE "I Can't help but think that this Is a' "Cl strange recommendation. The fact that ~1• Hanoi and the Front agreed to seat the government of Vietnam here at the ~ble at the Paris meetings is a sign that lhey ( themselves recognize the government of Vietnam ls a going concern." Lodge's warning against Communist· ,. attempt:; to exclude Saigon from the 1 negotiations apparently was in response to a statement last week by Thuy tha' j South Vietnam had no right.ta 'disc uss th& U.S. troop withdrawal demanded by the Communist.s. Huntington Gl's Last Rites Held " " ' ' Funeral services were held today for , ' . Spec. 4 Jimmy Lee McLellan, 21, l{ho was kllle4 In Vietnam May 14 when filS:io platoon · wa s overrun by Communist •111 forces. The Marina Hiih SChool gril'duate at· . 1 tended Orange Coast College and studied :' ' • auto technology with the hope of becom· I ing a teacher, until he was drafted. Dealh carDe to young McLellan after ~ seen montrui of flghUng in Vietnam. I He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elden McLe1lan, 1122 Brush Drive, HuoUngton Beach; his m a t e r n a I , .. grandparents, Mr. and Mn!. Georg~· Blankenship of Westminster, and his .. paternal grandmother, Mrs. Min a McLellan of Huntington Beach. Onassis' Son Plans To Mar ry Bar oness • ·~. 11' NEW YORK (UPI) -Aristotle · Onassis, a bridegroom of less than a ·,,.. year, may soon become a father-in-law, it "! was learned today. Sources close t'o the Greek shipping ty. ~ ... · coon's family said Onassis' 21-year-old son, Alexander, is planning to marry one • of international society's most glamorOU1 • _ beauties, Baroness Fiona Von Thysse~ .'~ , Bornernisza de Kas:ron, 15 years hi.9 ,.: senior. He'll feel like • lin9 on hi• throne when he relaxes in one of these comfy ch.irsl FROM J.J. J. 9arrell GRNUINE LEA THER1 CHAIRS I L A &lfT TO 111EAU£ Al) BUOY fOI YWS • CUJtom quality through-out • LmurtOUJ Mhioning • Your rhoire of toloni from an eJtensi•• selection o( [inest leather textures. from $199 • H.J.GAl\l\EfT fURN\"fURE . 2211 ~ARBOR ILVO. COSTA MESA, CALIF, «6-0271 "46.0276 PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES IGNERS • ' .. 0,.. -nan. • ""· ...... l I ' • 'l • "' • • • • Laguna Beaeh :Yol. 42, NO. ·121, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY,.MAY 29, ·1949 TEN CENTS L8:gllna's All Year School Plan Out Next Year . . Couideralion o! an aJl-year, or trimester, school plan for El Morro El!'neiiWY llChool lot the upcoming ochool year baa been dropped. . Dr. William Ullom, Laguna Beach Unill<d Sdlool Dis1ri<t suj)Orinlendent, will recommend to the' tnJ!lees Tuelday that tbe ~ not bt instituted for the 1-~ ·but that further m.ly of the ~1111'1"' The· controv.,.W plaJi would have staggered the lr~llonal lhrae month summer vacaUon ...over the entire achool year. loslead ~ IOinc nine moolhs to echoot will> tine monlhs oil in a ""'· m.lf!lts would bave -three -to achoo!, have a montb off, then another three mootha to ICbool·and. hive a month off, all 'Yeir. lone· . • The concepl proposed by El Morro School Principal Bill Allen would. have been a first for the Laguna Beach District. Allen said be believed that more time was needed to wort out the pro- gram. ''Time is needed to see that the com- munity is adequately Informed about the r'estructured ~I year," be said. During a series of coUee klatchios held ' by Allen and some El Morro teachers, only about 75 persons received the true facts, he said. "The l>m<I Is seriously Interested Jn lhe program,'1 Dr. Ullom aa.ld. He-in· dicated that the year·around attendance might be inltltuted aller the slu<ly. WU complete. •• • ' The school board would hive to enact the measure, It cannot be done by u ad· mlnlatrative detennlnalion, he said. Dr. Ullom's r~Uon to fhe board praises Allen'• efforts. "It ii recommended that Mr. Allen's ~ .,....-am not be ln91ituted for • lbO lllt-7118Chool year and lhst Mr. Allen be ccmmeoded for his lniUaUve in developing the propooal and bis Initiative In omrimllnlcatlng with the people aerved by El M01To School. ~'It ia further recommeoded that Allen be .._,aged to continue bis sludy at the proposal, so that the board may Jive consideration at a later datt when ld- dftional data is acqµlred," the superinten4 dent's recommendations states • eac ers ress s Down the Mission Trail San Clemente Set To Greet Nixon SAN CLEMENTE -President Ricnard M. Ni%on will get a big welc«ne in San Clemente. The Soroptimist Club is direc- ting a ''.Welcome Nixon" project as a community effort. Red, white and blue "Welcome Nixon" banners will be made available lo all local mercbantl ud· Puaj'WM' by the service club. ~anners were designed and produc~ by Rua Davee. e Big Batt!f at lllejo MISSION VIEJO -Chinese New Ye.ar a litt1e late or J~ly 4 a little early? • Sheriff's deputies aren't sure but they did issue a warning Tuesday to "two Oriental types" after a ''homemade ex· plo&ive deVice" eruP'ed in an open field near the Soulb Coast G~ Club. Deputies· reported tbt banger as being ''.9001ething larger than a _9Pnese firecracker ." •• Street Work Set DANA POINT -A contract will be let soon to resurface about two miles or streets in the Dana Point area, county supervisors voted Wednesday. Included in the program are the Street of the Green Lantern between Dana Point Cove and Pacific Coast Highway ; Street of the Blue Lantern between the highway and 600 feet south ; Santa Clara Avenue between the streets of the Blue and Green Lanterns1 and Doheny Park Road between the highway and Camino Capistrano. Tbe improvemenls are estimated to cost $14,895 for installing a new asphalt cap on the roadwl)'s. e Bea"" Traffic D•e LAGUNA NIGUEL -The fu ture in- tersecaon o{ Alicia Parkway and Aliso Creelt &ad Jn the Laguna Niguel area •of southeastern Orange County will eventually h a v e the irea,tert traffic count of any intersection in the county, Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. Allen has revealed. 1be ~ :will be near the huge North American Rockwell plant now un- der coostruction and sooth of the Laguna Hills and Mission' Viejo· developments. Weatller The morning foe may fill U1e ( 1ir, but otberwiae it 111 be a mem- orabJe Memorial Day. with temp- eratures in the 70's and sunny skies prtvaillng. INSmE TOD"Y . , Different things prompt dif- /ertnt people to W<Ull their hand.I. 11'odat1'1 "Ch1ckittg Up'' column on Paae 1 wondlrs what makes ~ou ao to the wa.sh ba.sin, .__ ........ ._ ·-IMIMll Nlltkel -·-·--·--.. .__ - •• l [agunans To Decide On Details Laguna Beach teachers have been given what amounts to a "do it yourself" salary increase proposal. Trustees of the Laguna Beach Unified School District decided Wednesday to in- crease 'the money alloted for leaching personnel by five percent next year and let the \fachers decide where and how the increase should be applied. Present allotment for teacher's salaries and benefits is $1,UKl,000 and the five per- cent increase would amount to about $60,000.' In a proposal by the teachers to the school board earlier, all tbe items asked for py the teacl>en •,oWd bave cost $267,111111. ln ef!ect, the 9':h0ol1>oonl lw cut the -· proposal by llO'l,000. If the -llve gerc<nt lncreale !'!<>- posed by the board were applleCI ltrlchy to an ticroas-tbe-board salary hike, salaries wGUld be. raised !torn $11,400 now to $6,720 at the low end of the acbedule and at tbe top from 112,5211 preaenUy to $13,591. Dr. William Ullom, superintendent of district schools said be doubted that the whole amount would be applkld to an acro.v-~ increase. A poll of teacher preferences in the salary hegotlaUons listed 14 areas Where the teachers would like to have additional money distributed. Highest on the teachers' list was the request t b a t increment steps between salary levels determined by training and experience, receive inci'eases. A statement to the teach~ from the board ol educatlon said the area increase would "create a $100;000 d e f I c i t preliminary budget based on the expected $5 million assessment increase in the district" and a kent tax increase. The $100,000 deficit would be met by cuts in the summer school program !or a savings in the area of $7,000 to $11,000, the board decided. Other areas that could be pruned are under coosideration, Ullom said. The board emphasized lhat because of the deficit, any additional d u t y assignments -coaching, band concerts, drama producUons -beyond those a1ready set woold not be possible. The board also sakl. that a differential salary schedule, whereby considerations qther than training and experience are made in ,~ determination, appeared ''worthy °llf <orelvl cooaideraUon." It asked that the teacbera and trustees comider a joint study of the m1tter in the upcoming year. Woman Reports Clothes Stolen A Mission V\ejo woman's claim that valuables and clothing worth $1,~ were taken from her home Is under fn. vest.igation today by ,Prange County sherllf's oflcen. Mrs . .Jo Ann Braun, Witt Chr1aanta, told j,nvesUaaiors that die ~ was talten from her home .....ilme between Saturday and Monday. Mrs. Braun listed her baa as jewelry, a television set, tape recarder, hand guns, two motion picture cameru and a Marine Corps dress uniform. CORNER REPORTS COACHING CHANGE All Indications ~ay suggest a coachlnJ allakeup II Jn the making at Laguns Beach High School. For 1 youths. eye .1lew of c1mpua situation, rtad LBHS Senior Tom Gorman's column wllh an ex· elusive report on Page J o{ tod1y'1 DAI· LY PILOI'. DAILT PfLOT stiff,..._ Capo Hints Walkout On Tuesday By JACK CHAPPELL °' "" Drilfr ... lft ..... Teachers of the Capistrano Unified. School District have voted to suseenct all extra curricular services aOO today threatened to remain away from classes Tuesday unless the school b o a r d reconslden teachers salary proposals. Trustees of t,be district enacted a 3.1 percent salary incrWe &t Monday night's board meeting after unllaterall1 ending salary negotiations over the toUd ~of teacbtti. Jn a dlstr~wide meeting Wedpesday. teacher-members col the Capistrano Untiled lducation Aasociitlon demanded lbll the salary-for llllt-711 ldloof Yic be plaeed on tfle baard a~ next MOnday. . FLAMES DESTROYED APARTMENT HOME COMPLEX IN LEI.SURE WORLD Survivor Mrs. ·Mary· Currler-~i'ispi!Pflzed Pfllffllon Aftt;r Her E.c.pe Teacliera voted to take advantqe ot emergimcy leave and sick leave to re. main away from achool Tuesday if the demand Is nol complied with. · Today Truman Benedick, assl!tant superintendent of lmtructlon and perlOfl-o nel, laid be believed that the ftedl is 1ebeduled for the meeting. Pair Escape Laguna Hills Home Blaze Two eklerly persons were treated for smoke JnhalaUon following a fire early this niorning which destroyed a Laguna Hills Leisure World apartment house. Treated and released were Mr. alid, Mrs. Samuel Williams of 94 A Calle Aragon. The blaze caused an estimated $88,000 damage to the three-apartment structure. Fire officials sald the blaze probably was caused by a cigarette ln the Wil- liams' apartment. They believe it crig· inaled Jn 1he Jiving room couch. State Forestry officials marshalled nine units and about 50 men to right the fire wtti.cb broke out about 12:30 a.m. Occupants of.the\other two apartments were listed as Mary CUrrle and M. Al~:'~;w::· Jl~:!~J!,~pany and t'to salvag~·rescue unit.& were called from lhrooihout ,southeastern Orange County to fight the blaze which was brought under control at 3:02 a.m. after a battle of mort than two hours. • Youth Stripped To Impress Girl? Sheriff's deputies think .that the naked young man on , the. Sculh' Laguna beach toot off tu clothes to tmpreas his girl friend. Both were igiread out on the sand, the only dlflmnce being that &be WaJ Jn her beach suit and he was clad only In bis birthday IUlt The )'OUllg lady's reactions are untnOwn. But sheriff's deputies were tremendously impressed 1 n d Im- mediately booked the juvenile for in· decent exposure and coolrlbutlng to the delinquency o( a minor. Stock Markets NEW YORK (l.P)-The stock market put on 1 display of ourprlslng IJrmneta in active O'ading today 1n advance of ~ three-day Memorial Doy -nod. (See quotalions, p-111-11). -.J. U.S. ,Troops Attack Red Strategy Meet, Kill 59 Teacben will present two provllUiis for board comideriUon. -They will ask the board to pus a resolution that would allow the board to 1djust teacher aalariel durinc the ntxt Oscal year. Th1I open end contract would allow salary h!kes in the advent Uiat ad~ ditional monies are obtained by the district by some as yet unforeseen source. SAfGON (UPI) -U.S. troops sup- ported by "tanks, -alr<ralt and artlllery swooped down ·on a Communist strl!ltegy 1~eet1ng io the~ jungles northwest of ~aigon today .and , Jtilled 59 of the defenders in. fierce fighting, military spokesmen reparted. The spokesman said troops of the U.S. 25 Division acted on· intelligence reports Communist officers would take ad- vantage of their two-day Buddha birthday truce to meet near Trang Bang, 28 miles northwest of Saigon, to plan a summer offensive. Aircraft De~ over the sprawling bunker complex and called on the Commwllst leaders to surrender but instead the defenders opened . up .'with automatic weapons fire at il'c brOa4casUng planes •. ~ Amerlcr11 forcefol aOO men thtD at.. . . ' . tacked with links, artllleey,. bellcopter gunships and fighter-bombers. "They started running every which way,'' one '24th Division ofrlceuald..:.. The Communists fled through bamboo and nipa palm hedgerows ind were back· ed up against a river where they were JXlunded by air striku, spokesmen sald. Amercan casualties in the fiibting were. listed as one killed and lour wound· ed. The batUe staned one hour before the tiegtnnJng ot the Communists' 41-hoor ~~~~~~ ..... ~~~~~· DIME DEADLINE . AT 5 TODAY I ' ' Due to tht Memorial Da.Y holld•y, deadline !or Qime.A-Line ads to .wear In S.turday's ed!Uon of (liO, DAILY P!LOT was moved up to 5 p.m. today .. All DAILY PILOT offiw wlll be cl- on Friday ar.; a special hollday edition of the newspaper will be publbhed Friday morning. Service complaints will be handled Jr,• telephoM (MMlll) by 1IJo drcula~on dtportment mdll I p.m. oo Memorial Doy. \ .- truce observing Buddha's l ,5131b birthday at 7 a:m. American headquarters today released casualty figures showing the U.S. death toll has surpsasec1 5,000 this yesr but 1s running 40 perctn( lower than Jut year. The report.said le5 Gia-died last week and 1,183 'suUered 1'0llllds -a sharp dropp lrom the 430 kllled and . 2,18S w.ounded the previous week in sharp fighting across South Vietnam .. -They wllt .. k that the school board establish with the teachers a jolnt "fact· finding" committee to detennine the true assets of the district and to study lbe proposed 1969-711 scbdol budget. In the stormy salary session last Mon· day, the board refWJed to consider the open end contract proposal of the teachers. It ls understood that prior to tl'Je next meeting, the ~rd will meet In (See TEACHERS, Page I) Huntington Sclwols Hit . . ·Wit·h Ter«:her Slowdown . ' . By RUDI NIEDZlEUKI ' unwillininesa to negotiate for ialary in- , • Of '._, ....; .... hlllf • . Two amona f9W' schools ln tbe , Hun· creases. un~on Beach Union HJgh School I>latrlct A two-and·•·hllf page memoraadum d1srritssed Students at 10:00 a.m. today. released Wednesday by trustees atated b(:.cause of ~ confUston caU!ed by a that the district ii prepared to offer a 4 minimum teacb.U day called by percent lncreue to the present salary teachers in a di!sSe over salaries. schedule in addition to the regular ad· HunUnglon Beach and Fountain Valley vance -of step lncrenienta. , hlgh llChools allowed the studenta to leave It added that the board's represem:a. at mkt-momin1 instead of the originally tlve wuuJd "meet 111d coaler ln tood scheduled 12:00 p.m. dismissal Ume. faith " with the tMcbers: on the matter. Dr. Max Forney,, district. superln-,.. The DEA is asking for 1.3 percent in- tenden~ said the admlnlltratloll had not . ueose in. the salal')' acbedule. Jinn appri>val 1.,, a minimum day A~rdlng to tbe -tbe ... IChfduJe which If 'and tt aJorie I.I' tm· • tual teacher ullry tncre•e plus lfd.. powered to call. He aa\d claatel were vancement L)ue1ntntl would amaant·to dlsmlued lw;anM of the confulloa an -.it salaty -al 11 pen:ent. created by the schedule set up arbitrarily ''1111! Is ,,_ -• mlarepr_,_ by teachers. · tation of the factuafdala," charged Carl ."Stud-. were coming.and gofna in , Man-.,p!A praldent. "Ina-it conf•'181on/Tbey tried, bUI couldn1 adJain bjcr<ueS 111+. c never been a c:on- to the lhdrtotied schedllle,• •'l'lall>e1fDr. oidel;!tlon In tOiober wqe "'Fti- Paul Beraer. prlnclpal 11t the .F~ ~ore. They are 1imp1f lncr11111 paid Valley campu1 • for tjte ~ and lime pot In en tM w.._ High SClioot ..reporladly job by the _ _.. planned to 'continue tbe 'mlolmum day The teadier-catted mlnlnmm day will ochtdulo,, JIUI conllJalon Wal tepill1ed • be rfpealtd \lood!Y and wtll be lollowed tbere alto sbOrt!y belore noon. Tueltlay and *edneoday by a - Tho unie llluotlon· wu ~ at walllool, wbeo the DEA ._ will 11ar1i1a Hip· Scbool ult for 1""1111'1 loove. Tbey will-• 11<n than 400 teacben .at "the f°"' . lhelr edl-111111 thoy ore """'"""' llwtlnpoo ·s.a:.=.:::-.... ,.,.. Ille admioiolrallGo lo wllllal lo 1110"·11, teattns the ••. aJlapd --to -· ··-t- 1 ' • • . .. • f Dolll.Y-l , PILOT . Ber.ke~Yi s I \ • ' Earthy Wor s in Space Draw Heave nly Thunder By ARTllllll R. VINSEL Of .. o.llF ,lllt staff rNooa 1ia jU&t a fout·letttr word, but an earthy term for a heavenly er· perlence knocked llars from the eyes of & few Y1>Unl N.UA 1ecretariea: copy· lng radio me!sages from the thrte Apcllo 10 spacemen. SO did some milder llne.s as the Navy lieutenant commanders and Air Force colonel hurUed to the moon and earthward a.gain In their combination barracks, latrlne, mess hall and space laboratory. "Blaspbemoui," declared Dr. Larey W. Poland. Miami Bible college administrator who sent telegrams to President Nixon and NASA exec:uUves demanding public apolocles from lhe Apollo crew. 'Ibey have not been forthcoming yet. * "I didn't really request a re&ponst," said the 29· year-old Dr. Poland whtn telephoned at bi! Miami home to check nauonll·response to his widely quoted criticism of gul\ef taljt in the helven1. · "I flliok the w.,' that upset me moot was their slang word for coxual lnteroGune, usllllJy rQ,a on rest room iraJls,'• .he aplai.ned. 11Some of the NASA girls in tbeir teeos and early twenties were so of· fended they "refuaed to typ(e Jt out wtille transcribing tapes," he added, refer· ring to weekend ttfiami newspaper accounts. * All space e:xplOration crises however; must be faced by NASA chieftians, 1 and mdn liberal atenocraphets were summoned. T1klng the Lord 's name In vain at critical momenta 'during the tense moon-girdling mJssion was another specific complaint by the Purdue Unlver- slty graduate, while a pup's parentage was more borderline. "Whether it is in the 10 CommaJ)dmenta:, laws of Jewish religion or whatever, we are JtOt to take the Lord's name in vain," Dr. Poland said. "It seems lncndible that they would. curse God when they needed Him moot. It seems the game as a Russian cosmonaut CW'Jing ~ at Lenin. * "l1ve had people call and II.)' their young boys Idolize the utronauta Ind then they are ·ahocked to hear these leaden in the eyes of the enUte world say: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB'," Dr. Poland coat1aued. · "The strongest reaction, I think, came from people who thought I was trying to take away from the glory of the achievement, which I was not," he continued. "I rejoice in our space program, !)pt I 1hink 14Ch language spoila the ahow." The young educator is not a minister. althouih he bu seminary train- ing, and said be is not a prude, nor blind to contemporary sl!Df pall~ and the fantut.lc pressure on moon pioneers. , "With me. it's a matter of right or wrong and a lot of people agree the language they used ~aa ctrtainly indiscreet, if not downright the wrong thing to do." "Especially, since this is by NASA admiasion the first crew wiih which they've had ady problem," he explained, praisini pfior earth orb!Ung and moon-vls!Ung astronauts for talking like genUemen. oil've had reactions of all sorts since send!ng the telegrams Monday," he said during the transcontlnenUal chlt-chal Tuesday night, "and if you're in· terested, my own litUe Gallup Polls shows 10 percint in favor of my stand.'' '· ~·'if·' t ' ••t had one comment from a professional airlines pUot who said he hasn't =r.b profanity on the U.,,av., In 2\-mla " !ll'Jna," oald Dr. Poland, ' •up Jb1! in~ question of c.it>J!i'. j~onal limits. · Feideral ~unlcatlons Commissi<il rules U.S. airwaves, but radio peqetr~ pw ~ ~ lilerally continues on into eternal reaches of tbe JJDlvetSe. · 1' . , . · But if ~y el;r~lerreitrial beings -intelligent l]eiµp or ~r .subhuman mental capacity -w,,-e llatenlng in, we qn be relatfv'eJy certain of two ·tbin&I·· ' . ( . .One' culture win P,lsmiu 9Uf relian~orrfour·letter-terms as underde- veloped. vocabulary1 wblle .the•otbeJ: apecie!i' language wlll be spicily enriched. Coµnty OKs Zoning Maps For Planned Community Zoning maps for the macre Mission PlaMed Community Development of lhe Macco Corp. located east of Rossmoor l.Aisure World w e re approved Wed· nesday by the Board of Supervisors. The big development is bounded on the . north by the Santa Ana Freeway, on the cast by Cabot Road and the Santa Fe Railway tracks. and on the south by a developed single-family home area. When completed the development will Include 29::1 acres or single-family homes, 16 acres of apartments and 31 acrts of DMIY PILOT OltAJ!lt•·<Oton 'f>ul l1$HINCJ COMl'ANY ••\1trl N. W••" · ~rMifWll .... "WIJWr · Jeck l . Cvrl.., VO l'f'ftkllrll Mf ~ .. M1ne11r Tlie11111 K•••il .... Th•-• A. Murph!,., ~I'll IE•ller Rich11"11 P. N•tl L-1-.cfl CltJ> l•n., ---222 F.t•1t A••· M•lllttt A''r•t1: P.O. I•• 666, tl652 --c... -...1 -'MIN .... ll'rllt ,......,, -..00! 11'11 """' ................. ,... l•k•• ...,., .. 1111 &hit .. .. commercial buildings. Plans also Include three school sites (lwo alttady existing), two park sites and several greenbelt areas. Eventually 1,800 units are expected to house 5,600 people. • El :Toro Road Funds Approved The Orange County Board o r Supervisors have approved payment of a $76,214 bill to the R. J. Noble Co. of Orange for emergency repairs to a storm-damaged, four-mile stretch or El Toro Road. Repairs included, according to county Road Commissioner A. S. Koch , repla ce- ment of a washed out bridge over Aliso Creek and construction of a temparary detour around lhe damaged bridge. Other damages were repaired by the contractor between Trecuco and Live. Oak Canyon roads. . A low bid of $40,700 ror a complete. resurfacing of thls strelt:h of El Toro Road has been received by the road department from the Griffith Co. of Costa Mesa and awarded by the supervison Wednesday. Tickets Taken From Raceway Orail.ge County International Raceway officials will be keeplng a careful e-yt on 4.1 grandlland seats dllrtng an upcomin& track event. That numbeT of Uckets wu tsken from lbt offices al the Irvine track during the .,rly hours ol Wednesday. ADd petty ·cub taken by Ille burslar biked ltiJ haul tO a totol of 1117. sh<rilf'I depuUe.s said . "Pau.ns sh<uld be ursed not to buy tickets 111 reduc~ prlt:es," an officer warned today , Counc il on TV T onig ht BERKELEY CAP) -A City Counctl meeUna: tonight will be teleeut live statewide as offlclals move to prev'ent violence dt.tring a mualve "people'• park" proltat march Frida,y. Gov. Ronald Reagan says lhe 200 Na- tional<iuard troops camped on the three controvenial acres -along with 1bout 2,000 Guardlmen on alert at nearby armories -will stay at least through Friday. Mllitanb plan to mobiUz.e , 50,000 persons from around the state in , 3 Memorial Day convergeoce to protest f"!!Clnt of tile land ·after young people planted it with grass and Dowers and put in playground facilities. Reagan promised Wednesday to use "whatever force is necessary" to protect the chalo-llnk fence that the University of California, the property's owner~ erected durlng a riot May 15 which left one person dead and 130 injured. MeanwhUe, the march Ol"lanlzerl VOW· ed "the fence wi1~ come down,'' but did not say when. There were indications today that, to avoid a possible repeli tion or bloodshed, authorities were considering a plan under which the university coukl leue the ground to the City of Berkeley, whlch could retain it as a people's park. In an unusual development, Berkeley Mayor Wallace Jobnsbn announced Wednelday that proceedings of the City COuncll will be broadcast Uve tonight on educational TV ltatloos in San FrllllcilCo, Sal:ramemo and Loi Angelu. 8oun:ea clooe to lits ofllce said the leue quut1on " expected to be part of the qenda. In addition, Berkeley campua Cha .. cellqr Roger W. Heyn. told a dek&atlon of :>mots from Southern California Wed- nesday he "would make 10tne statement'' to ease ..... of the ,,....... ourroundlng the Memorial Day march on the ptrk. Runoff Votin g Fills Laguna Oass Officers Laguna Beach High School &enior, Junior and aophomore clua runoff elec4 tiona'held lut Wef:k have resulted In the electJon Qf. an even doieP studentl to atu4 dent body offices. David Hustwick ls \he new senior class presl4en.t. llu!twlclt will be Joined by Tony 'Fryer, Mee-president. Senior class secr$ry is Lou AtcheSon and treasurer is John Mortimer. Junior class will be headed by Greg Ke!sler. Mark Klosterman Is vlce-presl· . dent. Chris Randall is lhe junior class secretary and Lynda Peden Is the treasu rer. Sophomore cla ss president is Linda Kawaratani and vice president is Glenda Acord. Christine Syfan ls the class secretary and Nancy Parish is the treasurer. Freshman class eleelions will be held In the fall . From Page l TEACHERS ... secret executive session to cUscuss the proposa,ls. The salary offer rejecled by the teachers, bUt passed by the board, gave a $250 across-the·board increase to all teachers. regardless of experience or education. It also pays all the personal n1edical Insurance for the tmployes. Teachers had asked that they be given a $200 Increase at lhe low end or e 12 step salary schedule and a $400 Increase at lhe top or the schedule. They asked that family medical insurance payment\ br. picked up by the district. Teachers now earn from $6.500 to $13,000, and receive partial medical in- suranct payment from the dislrlct. Teachers voted W~nesday-to show-up in rorce at the Monday night meeting or the school board at 8 p.m. In the district headquarters. 1 Onassi~' Son P lans To Marry Baroness NEW YORK (UPI) -Aristotle Onassts, a bridegroom of less than a year, may soon become a father-in-law , it was learned today. Sou rct?s close t'o the Greek shipping ty· coon 's family · said Onassis' 21-year-old son, Alexander, is planning to marry one of inWnational society's most 1lamorous beauties, Baroness Fiona Von Thynen- Borneminl de Ku:zon, 15 years b.1J senior. Planners Turn Down Apa1·tment Request Lapna Beach plaMin& commissioners have turned down a use varl1nce SOlllht by c. E. Slel!IOll$8. 174 Cliff o~ ... to .cons&roct a six-unit ...,partment bulldl111. Planners objected to a varianee from. slde)'ard requirements and ,ail tllrl unit on lhe property. 'ttte variance appl\catlon was the tlrst sought under new 11t1odards for R·3 (multlplc residential) living. ' I 'LAGUNA TEEN CORNER Sy TOM GORMAN • 1 FAMUJAR REFJ\AIN: The ucuUng dlr9:'lor" changm thlfs year, but Laguna Beach High School's annual year-e® p~ duction of "Reslgnalio[l5, Anyone?" seems to have as thick a plot aa ever - parttcula:ly in lhe coaching rol,.. Teen Corner bu learned exclusively of the resjgnalioos of coaches Jerry Neumann and Warren Walkins. Now that makes three. * * * It all started last week when track coach Jack Lythloe dramaUcally an4 nounced that he had been dismissed from his post In a talk before 500 Laguna athletes and fr.lendJ at the Spring Sports Banquet. Lylhgoe's replacement, it bas been asserted in Wormed clrcles, was selected as the result of only one interview several monlhs ago, but the word was kept quiet. Lythj;oe was informed only two weeks ago. * * * So now three coaches have stepped from their roles: Lylhgoe, Neufuann and Watkins. And there are quesUon marks sur~ La gunans Make Europe Campus For Summer When Laguna Beach IC!lool bells ring their Jul in June, a dooen .Wdents and teacher Emanuel Calamaro won't be toalng away their pencils and books for 1wnmer. _ The Lagunana plan lo make the woe kl their campua. For 1i1 week1 in July and August, they will lr81vel to Eurq)fe to at- tend claues In London, Parl9, and Rome through the American Institute for Fore.lgn Study. The students are Laura Bird, Sture Edvardsson, Salli Shattuck, Katherin e Tatum, Charles Wainwright, S u s a n Wataon. Alexis Sedoff, Stephen Kawaratani, Eileen Payson, SUsan Ch. m- berlain, Willa.Cather, and Thomu Adam. Calarnaro, who teaches French and hwnanlties at Laguna Beach High School will be the group's chaperone on the trip. The students' curriculum will be aupervil!ed by Westfield College of Lon- don, EnrJand. . • Calamaro and the students wlll begin their trip July 2 when they leave John F. Kennedy Jntemational-Airport in• New York for J;endon. oUring tbeir ICklay academic sission in England, the cuniculum will focus on contemporary Europe from the British standpoint. From London, the students will cross the .Englbh Channel 10 France where they will take a bus to Paris. There they will study Europe from the French point of view. From their tCklay stay at Paris, lhe students will travel through France. S\vitzerland and then to Italy and Rome \Yhere tho students will study modem Europe from the Italian viewpoint . The E(roup will leave Europ~ for the United States on Aµg . 12. Playhouse Vandals Cau se Loss of 8100 Vandalism caused about $100 damage to the new Laguna·to.1oulton Pla yhoust! nearing completion in Laguna Beach at 606 Broadway. Police said vanda ls during the weekend knocked out about a slx·foot: square sec· lion of plaster in the shop area. • ' roondlng Ille future roles of -·Ed Bowen and Norman Borucki. T'Mtt'a even some talk abOut the Cuture rde of head varsity football" coach Ila! Akins, considered ln Otange Collllty athieUc • clraes u one of the moot ouccealill prep grid coaches In the busineu.. 4 • * * * Agalnsl the bacltdrop of all thtse repoi:ts op the Artist -f"S, oome of th, coaches had a bit to say: \ Sa.Id coach NeumaM, "l' asked for a leave of absence for •n4!:xt year wl\b: lhe possibility that r might want to return lhe roll01¥ing year." He made clear that salary had no bearlng on hia decilion. Coach Watki(UI' acript 'I'll a b!t Jnore meaty. Hia rqaon tor ralgniftl? 0 1 di!agree "ith the diltrlct'I pbllooopby towards coaching." He also stated tflat salary hadn't entered the picture. Offered Coach Borucki : "I've been told J will be the head baseball cOach and assistant football coach •.. und er certain provisions. But.,'1 he emphasized, "I'm sUJI in th;e process of evaluating those provisions." Those provisions don't involve either ' • salal'y l>r 11ts• alilllty u a eoOcti, Ii. ·.ar.i.!; "I'll htve In .,,,,,er '\Pr Moad.,-. ..,; /u for COll<JI Bo\oen, "My coacblnt position rests, on the outcome ot~P meetiog I've ~~~w1a111:: UDOlll, -. , tlilH achoo! bolrd, ;PrmcJDlJ • .Bdien JletvCJ and bi,..U. sllary bu oolldnr to ~1 with my coacl\lnl1" Boweo ooncllided. ·I ·~ *. *' * :} 'I'hroush i all, C08cb • 1 l'1 t,o:. lie' silting t"": "''' =Jy 't!'l~ right -in .,,...,. footlOiU tralnlnr. It l ii>olai Ote neit yeir he'U !'! wwking •lilt l a new coacbkllrstaff'-for Bee tobt.ball ~1 the result of. Neumann and WiWns leav.,..j iog. 'Anil It's Ubly a· n1tW Cee footbadt! coaCh will ~ l.Jlthloe. . · • ;. JI Bowe& and Bonlokl lade from u..>:j scene, AklDI will ~ new uslitanC varsity coacbes. . · ~ ! Akins would say only that he111 have to' wait and "see what events take place berore ei:amining my own future." * * * You can draw your own conclualons, ~t it's the guess Jn this corner that dfi- ficult days are brewinJ: on the Artist camp~. " • l • Too Mu~h Water Bungles Blamed for Sub Sink ing VALLEJO, Calif. (UP!) -The ISO million nuclear submarine Guittaro sank at a Navy pier in a comedy of errors, during which one work crew pumped water into the bow to level the vessel while another poured water lnto-&be.stern for an experiment, according to con· gressional investigators. The submarine settled in 36 feet of watet w1'Jle undergoing final prepara. tlons for commissioning at Mare Island Naval Shipyard on May 15 -as Navy brass was attending an Armed Forces Day dinner in Vallejo addressed by Assis· tant Navy Secretary James O. Hittle. The Guitarro was refioated by shipyard workers in three days. Restoration work is under way . .u A special three-member team of the ·:" House Anned ServJCf;s Subcommittee. .. ended three days of closed hearings . ~ Wednesday and concluded the,aubmarine ' sank as a result of "the coocurrel1C1!: of several wholly avoidable factors." Reps. •1' Samuel Stratton (D-N.Y.). Jolrn E. HWlt " CR·N.J,), and William J. Randall •(~ Mo.), served as investigators. Tbe committee report said the "' "ullimate responsibility" io1 the acciden t· must be borne by thg Mare Island . shi pyard CQmn1ander. Rear Adm. Norbert Frankenberger -but the ''proximate" cause or the catastrophe was "the defi· , cient performance or the c i v i I i a n , supervisory personnel." . :'i L Laguna Ma y Be Location ' For Tll Wor ld Festival ,, The possibility that Laguna Beach might become the site this fall of an in· temalional conference of television top brass was ~r~che4 this w~k 1n the ~:::r~:fu;. Chamber of Commerce Chamber Manager W a r r e n Morgan told directors that the Hollywood Festival or World Tele vision might be sbJfled from the UCLA campus to La.tuna. ;If so, the four-day sesSions wolild'begin about Oct. 16, he said. "They're tired of the smog belt and parking problems of UCLA. They feel this is an ideal spot for it," Morgan said. He estimated such a gathering might in· chide 200 or 300 executives from lhe U.S. n<'fv.•orks and other countries to exchange inforn1ation on television treilds. 7'1organ said the new Laguna-Moulton Argentina Mobilizes BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -ArgenUna's military coven1ment mobilized its armed st rength today ror 4l showdown with rebellious students and workers who call- ed a nationwide gen<'ral strike for Friday ~rtrr two 1vccks of disorders. ~ Playhouse and Fcs:i\'11! of Arla P'tram Theater m i g h t b~ used for television screenings that could include., a, showing~ for Lagunans.. ·1 'Sawdust' Booth Space Offered Laguna area artists and craftsmen In· terested in enterin~ the thlrd annual Sawdust Fe · I Ws summer may lie. • down space with a ns deposit. ' The wdust Festival will be staged In · Laguna Canyon from July 11 through Aug. 24 "\Ve are processing space selection on a first come basis at a lively pace," reported Ed Knapp, m e m b er s h i p chalnnan of Laguna Artists and Gallery ~ Owners As3ociatton, parent organizaUon of the exhibit. Total fee, which includes membership in the Association, is $60. Deposits may be sent to th Sawdust Festival, P. 0. Bor · 1251, Laguna Beach 92652. Information is available by calling 494-8758. DAD WILL BE THE YEAR 'ROUND He'll foal like a king on hi• throne when he r•laxes in one of these comfy chairs! FROM .JJ. J. (Jarrell ' GRNUINE LEATHER CHAffiS A Giff TO 1IW1lf All BIJOY rot YWS • Custom qual ity lh .. rough·out • Luxurious t\llhlonlllg • Your choice of coloq from an eJLemive stlection ol finest leathe:r teJtur•. from $199 H.J.GARl\ETT f URNlTURE . . -· PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 2115 HAUOl IL'ID. COSTA MESA, CALIF. .... 011& •••·0176 "· • . ' .. , ' ... .. ~ . I• " .. \ •• L UCI Strik_e Strength 'Mystery' Most S tudents A tte nding Classes T au g ht by Most Profs --' JFK BI RTHPLACE BECOMES NATIONAL SHRINE Late President's Mother Dedicates Brookline,_ ~11. 2.1tory Hou se JFK's Birthplace Slated As National HiStoric Site ' BROOKLINE:. Mass. (UPI) -The birthplace of J ohn F. Kennedy was dedicated as a national historic site to- day, the 52nd anniversary or the slain president's birth. Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy, who gave birth to "Jack" on this dale in 1917 in the master bedroom of the modest three- story house at 83 Beals St .• persented the deed to the hou~e to Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel in simple ceremonies. The National Park Service will main· lain the home il.nd assist visitors at the shrine seven days a week. The Kennedys, who sold the house in 19'20 for a larger home nearby for their fast-growing family, repurchased it in 1966 and restored it to its CQndition when John was born. Besides John Kennedy. his sisters, Rosemary and Kathleen were born in the gray-shingled, green-shuttered nine-room home. The home, where the Kennedy chilcfen romped between 1914 and 1920, is distinguished now only ,by the . cily~s historic plaque on the small front lawn and the 1917 vintage gas light in front. In other respects, it resembles most other dwellings oo Beals Street near Coolidge Corner. Inside, U1e rooms are small, con- servatively but smartly deeoratf4, and rencclive of Kennedy efficiency. Rose Kennedy's voice by tape recording echoes in each room as she recalls the childhood of her sons and daughters. The comments range from homespun homilies to sensitive reminiscences. In the children's bedroom on the second floor, where John spent his earliest years, Mrs. Kennedy said, ''\Ve spent a lot of tlme reading and playing with the children in this room.'' Later she said. "The books were a favorite pa s tim e. Probably John's favorite was Billy Whisker.i, a story about a goat." In the master bedroom where John was born, she said, "Some people say that all babies look alike, but I could tell the dif- ference even at that age. "When you hold your baby in your arms for the first time, and think of all the things you can say and do tO influence him, it's a great responsibility." (n a second floor room she used as an office, Mrs. 'Kennedy said, "I kept a card -file on the children's heal th . 1t helpS so · much to check back on all the important facts. I would reconunend this to any mother today.'' College's Building Bids $1 Million Over Estimate An architect's estimate that was more than $1 million off has caused Orange Coast Junior College District trustees to throw out all bids for new co~struc1ion on. the Golden West campus. The architectural firm of \Yilliam L. Pereira and Associates had estimated the cost of a planned project at slightl y more than $4 million, but three contractors' bids came in at about $5.1 million each. The bids were found to be beyond the reach of the junior college district's financial ability and were rejected Wednesday night. Trustecll: decided to reduce the scope of the project and solicit new bids next month. Plll!1ned are a new t.echnology building, a telecommunications·forum building, a matMmatics-science addition, and east and west wing for the gymnasium and a men's and women's.locker building. ASlo scbedu led Is remodeling of offices into a counseling cenfer and development of parking and recreational areas. The Pereira finn was Wtructed to ex- clude th.. east wing of the gym and lo cut back on parking facilities and on gpecial equipment for &everal buildings. Construction time for the project also is to be lengthened from a year to a year and a ha!! to encourage lower bids. James Sink, representing the Pereira firm, cited several reasons why the estimate might have been so much lower than the bids received. Construction and labor costs have gone up rapidly, he said. Other factors he mentioned : Area con- tractors and subcontractors currently are busy with otMr jobs, the relatively short 12-month construction period, and the presumption on the part of prospective bidders that the Robert E. McKee firm, currently working at Golden West, would underbid them. Merco Construction Company was1 low bidder at $5,100,000. Steed Brothers .• Construction Company bid $4,821,000, but .. discovered it had left out a $274,000 plastering subcont ract which would have raised its total bid to $5,101,000. The McKee bid was ~.uo.ooo. Trustees also authorized the Golden West staff to go ~ad on Its· own and hire construction workers to rt:model the futurt: counseling center -a $23,000 pri> ject. Golden West Business: Manager Lloyd HamiltDn is to act as contractor on the job. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of .. £Noll)' ...... "'" Students were strlld.q again today at \JC Irvine. But how miny? That no one knows for sure. No one has -nor proposes -tO systemaUcaUy poll the student body. About all that anyone can say with cer- tainly is that JTl06t students are not strik- ing and most students are attending classes being taught by most profeuors. other than that it can be noted there has been much instrucUon Ume lost Utls week, and not only because of the strike. Take a class thal meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Monday classes were dismissed during the middle of day from 10 a.m. until 2. p.m. ror a conclave on the Berkeley disorder. Fri· day is Memorial Day, a university holi- day. ·- That left the Wednesday class meeting. A great number of ·Wednesday classes heard speakers from the student strike committee or spent the period discussing the Berkeley crisis with the Instructor. Other instructors. of course, covered usual subject matter. Take the case of Carol Hreberts, a senior from Newport Beach. She reported to a class to find the professor not there; be had canceled the class out of sym- pathy with the strike. Now she wants to'know is she counted among student strikers because the class did not meet? Another of her professors bad not prepared a lecture when the class asked him to give it. Dean of Fine Arts Clayton Garrison PUC Asks State Put Utilities Underground SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A California Public Utilities Oommission study panel recommended Wednesday that 1.U new utility lines in California be placed underground. The recomJllendation, which still must be acted upon by the five-member com- mission, said that undergrounding of the lines snould be "statewide in scope" with the "additional cost of these Installations . .. absorbed by the utilities.'·' The proposal deals with extension of utility distribution lines to all new con- struction -residential, commercial and industrial. The recommended order was made by Commissioner A. \V. Gatov and com· mission examiner John R. Glllanders. It was prepared after an investipUon in· 11tituted by the PUC in June 1966. The lengthy recommendation does not apply to transmission lines or the steel towers supporting them, but does state ''all extensiorui: should be underground and tbe process of converting overhead to underground should be encouraged." Before the commission makes the pro- posal ofllcial, it will hold formal bearings and receive reports !rpm all affected utilities. Six days of hearings were con- ducted during March 1968. Under the proposal, s u bd iv Is Ion dt-velopers would perfonn all the needed trenching and backfilling for the un- derground Unes and (umi.sh, install and deed to the uUUUes all Wlderground duds that are required. The utilities' responsibility would be in- stallation of underground utility cable in- .side Lbe subdivisions and also installation of up to 200 feet of underground line from tht: development to existing power sources. Senate Approves Stiff er Bail Bill SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Senate reversed itseU today and approved a 6111 levying bail of up lo $3,500 for a pirsoo charg<d with disturbing the peace or trespassing and denying a defendant feedom on his own recognizance. Sen. Clark Bradley (R-San Jose), told the Senate his blll was designed to get at repeated "troublemakers" 'bn college campuses who post. bail and return and participate in more tunncil. Paris When It Sizzles Allies, Reds Each Denounce Other's Peace Plan PARIS (UPJ) -The Vietnam peace talks degenerated today into the sharpest verbal battle to date. Each side de· nounced the other's peace proposals in ?~e strongest tcnns they have used since the talks began. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge said the unilateral American troop withdrawal demanded by the Commun ists was "In- correct, unreasonable and illogical." He said Hanoi's efforts to esclude the South Vietnamese government wu prolonging the Wtr. Deputy North Vietnamese negotiator Ha Van Lau "resolutely rejected" Lodge's suggesUon they discuss mutu'a1 troop withdrawals and alt.eked Presi- dent Nixon's eight·(>Oint peace plan as "proposals "hlch bl!lctllY S«k to carry .., the war fl" agresslon a n d tteocolonlallsm ln SOuth Vietnam." The talks at today's 19th acssion g!)t ( nowhere and political observen doubted if they would until chief Hanoi negotiator Xuan Thuy return! from North Vietnam where he ha! gone for consultatkmt. Lodge complained after the meeting that the Communist side wu bringing nolhing new to the coofermce to match President Nixon'! peace plan. !\fan Freed on Murder Rap Gu'iJ ty Aga in LOS ANGELES (AP) -A man set free by the California Supreme C-' after hla 1962 murder conviction stands convicted of another kilJing. Monroe Smith llall, 52, was found gullly Wednesday o I l!«<lnd-dcgrtt murder in the gtihninc down or 1 landlord who ref..00 to tell where Hlll's sfrlfrlend '\\'8S. "The other lidt: simply repeated the old pusiUons," Lodgr. said. "The first one wu that the United States shouJd leave unilaterally and leave South Vietnam open to conquest, and the second wu we thould overthrow the government of South Vietnam so that the front could take It om. "I can't help but thJnt lhat thl 11 ls a straoae recommend.aUon. The fact that llanol and the Front agreed to seat the government of Vietnam here at the Ulble at the Paris meetings Is a sign that they themse.lves recognize the government of Vietnam Is a going concern ." Lodge's warning against Conununlst attempts to exclude Saigon from the negotiations apparently was in response to a statement last · week by Thuy thal SOulh Vttt.nam had no tlgbtlOaitcuu the U.S. troop withdrawal demanded by the Communists. sal~ ¥ !'•.•Jn a clw W011nesday wheo !he 11odtnfs·l!"t told qi. .ltrlkero '!<> iel out, lMy ha1t heard enough. lie said attendance in art, music, dance and drama ls about 10 percent below normal lbsenteelsm for lecturea and has dropped oH 36 or 40 percent in studio classes. Seymour Menton, chairman ol Span~h and Portuguese, said that of the 15 pro- fesson In bis department be thinks about one-lhlrd have held classes as normal, aboul two-lhlrds spent class lime talking about Berkeley, with maybe one or two aciualiy cancelJlng ciao>. Patrlck. Healey, aMOclate dean of biollJilcal !ll!lences, 11fd Ihm v. 31 pro- feuon In the department and tl la bis bnprusjon about two-thirds hive gone ahead wllb lecturea as planned, wJlh the other on&-thJ.rd devou.n, at lea~ part o(. the Ume to discussing Berkeley. -• "To my knowledge," be said, "none have. canceled." _ Huard Adams, chairman o( English and comparative literature, eakt he frankly hasn't had a chance to consult with the 25 faculty members and JO Pretty yards and patios start here! 7" hanging baskets with your choice of plants • • • 1.77 Hi ng b1skets pl1nted with your choice of cool gre1n ferns, colorful begoni11 , fuschies ind lotus pl•nts. At t his price you c•n h•v• sever•I for p1 tios, porches Plant colorful bedding plants now by the tray 2/79' H1 rdy, colorful merigolds ind petunies 1lreedy growing in. tr1ys .•. buy sever· al tr1ys .•. re•dy to pl1nt, 2 H.P. front throw power p..-opelled reel type mower 159.95 Pay os flttle os 7 .50 per month Melen•~ mow1 r his '4 cycle engin1, 20" cut- tin g width, clutch, bl ede i nd t hrottle controls on h1ndle, 5 bl1de reel, recoil st1rter, 1f1nd1rd muffl1r ind c•rbur1tor, heevy ste•I construe. ti on. ! 3 H. r. Mc:lonf"~ mower ........................ 179.95 Mc:Lcmeiai edtet" ...................................... 69.9St teachinl uallllnla la bla depl11molll. 1.lia own nperloil\j'I, be said, wu lliot he lel thole lludentl,,-. ·-to lbton 10 1 lllrill• commllloe speabr Ind he tool< the -to another clusnlom to pe his lecture. 1 . ' ,, The student str1te' CommJttee ts plan· niri& to meet . ft('J'l .,a1n over the weekend. Said Menton, "Something may be resolved over the Memorial Q a y weekend. I exJ*t nut Monday things • Wlll be more back to normal." Nert week is the week before finals . Our 'best' Foremost hooded brazier with an oven! Penncraft reel power propelled mower • • • ! ~.., .. lfttl• en $5 per month 19.98 F1afur11 n1w 19" hiqh ri9i" hood, 9ltss door on oven. UL listed motor. spit, ind icttor. Ow 1b'"tr' •ooded braler ............................ 15. ti ' Ow ........ braltr ........................... ___ ........... '·" Feld -' lock trlR .................................... _..... S.H Talll1 top t rlll .................................................. I,,, r.., "' Riii• a $1 por-h 84.95 Fe1tur11 11'' cutting width ••• S blff••• 2 ~ cycle engine, r1m ot1 throttle control, r . . . ......_ ' ' 1Cu1tom' rfff ,. • ., mew• .. ---·-····-····-.···-· lot.ti 'Pr••' rHI pewet MOW«-----... -1H.t l 17" -.... -· .................. --·-·-29.tl 16" -,.... ...... ................................... l't.tl '• USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN COSl'A MESA HUNTI NGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACl'f !Harbor Sl!oppin9 Cantor) 1(Huntington Center) (Fashion Island) \ ' 1 ' I •• • DAll.Y rll.OT -· ..., 2', 1969 Colleges Cr·ack ·· D~wn ' Long Beach Pubi~her: NewStateBoardHead ............ --......... . ''Ari yoa ler•I It. Tanayt'' tbe ~ clerk Wed th• man. "Yes, l am.•• • • Nld the customer, who had pven ·I a credit canl to tile clerk at \!'• ! Robert ~ clolblng otore for '73 worih of merchandise. "Tbe:n you • ' must be my brother," the clerk re- plied, ailling for police. Police ar· ~ rested RolMrt N. Andef.son, 25, and • charged him with illegl! use of a ' otnlen ~t coro. Clerk Allooft F. ; T..,.; 38, -made plaDJ to got tile • crtdlt can! '"'ck to his broC!ler, • L-Ora1 ., .. . . ~. • • I I I ' I· ' ' • • • • ' • No, t1lil lm't th< lattrt fa1hloll at ! Indianapolis' Speedwo11. It im't '°"" ., new •tvle of ractT that Jlickq KC. ! tongfan ii crawUng out of, but litnplf a fut.l storage tank tn the pit 4Tta. , He'• cleaning them in preparatibn /or ' tM 500-mUt Memorial Doi/ TGCt. • • • For D•v• Trumayne, of Rains· t gate, England, life is just one Jong spin these days-<m a ferris wheel, • 24 hours a day. Trumayne, 23, is • riding the big wheel around the • . dock to try to beat what be said is J the American-held endurance rec-~: ord of 14 days. He was in bis fourth ~~ .. • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Colllomla St ate Collqe irua-emergecl l<>day with a new cbalrman wbo .condemns .-1ou1 ...... oplllll''oftrreacllon and 1e1M.alte retall1tlon'' by aulhorlllos. ,,_ _ w_,, few"""••· -dltclpllDo -.... ~ Daolel It-· Loae-pa-; ... !heir ~~ ' ' -~~· CODta6 ollldalj aoid the_,,.... &IV· inc campu1 pnsideott authority to ..,. pend ar ei:pel ltDclentl cbietJy were a col· iecu6I ol •zilllaC -~ --But --ti iald tho l'Uleo may be lntapioled-u· ~harsh on campmes. Tbe new codes men.Uon such ads u obelnlcllon 11< di5ruption of the educatiooaJ. 1Jl'OCHS -on or off the cam- pus. Earlier in Wednesday's m e et J n g , tnistte 1l>eodont Merriam o/ Cblco, ,.. tJring board cbalrman, llOid lrllllees "should be made up aclustvely of ap. pointed memben" without the 1~, lieutenant governor or elected olftce holders. · .. Gov. Reopn, wbo attond«l lhe ....ion, w.r told .......... be ,._ lleeplo& lllCb n-o!llclo office boldori oo lhe board to retain a voice dJrecll1 npr-.Una the public. l!errlam ll&ld ol .. -lrullees, "Ibo poblle lnltTJ!ttlallon that there fa poUllcal parllclpatlon fa a baDdlcap to the neceaary ••• _..1111co1 reoponafblllty ol the ~ of Trustees." Merriam !n-.:.cl David Warren, a 1-Bead! state COilege student who salcf: '"l'be a-.erage ltUdent baa tbt tm- .,...ion that -to repnf JOU-.. puppeb .. the end "' • atrin(, the llrlng ~~ed by the .......... of Warren also asked trustees to listen lo sl.udeot.s in a statement that Merriam said wu intended to be \XIDlltnJetive. Merriam did not aay be approved of everything Warren said. Ju 11111% -Ill-~ Meniam .,;. ed whetber Ute coll• l)'l&em'• cen· ttallsed powtl' b I I .. \Uir»i,....,.uly weakened the punuit of qceJ'mce at each college by developing whit IOme . N ixon o f F BI? WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presldenl NW.. oaya he once Wonted to be- came an FBI a1ent. Nlx111 told the graduaUng cla" of the FBI Nalional Acodemy Weclne,s. day that when he wa.s graduated from the Duke University Law Scbool'tn i.937, be.applied 'to the Federal Bureau of lnvestigaUon. He said be 0 nevtr beard anythini." So bl returned to his home in Whittier, Cali!., and pnct.iced law. Y,. lat.er' when he became vice pres.ident, Ni.Joo uked P'Bl Director .J. Edllr·-wbot ba_..i to hi! appllcotioo. ·llbon iald Uoover oearcbecl the flla and reported back lllat,· lndeecl, be had been approved for aceeptance as an FBI lll"'l Bui Congr,.. that year failed to a~ enouP lands for additlooal agents. N-said he would promise that will never happen again. Jus tice Douglas . Blmted On Article for Ginz burg. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Supreme Court Justice William 0. DoUiJas is under fire from a new front today, for writing an article on folk singers in a magazine publlsbtd by a man the high court once said traded in "the sordid -of pandering." appearance of impropriety -in his writing for a publication put out by a man convicted of violating federal obscenity laws,'' Fannin saJd in a Phoenix news conference and in a state.. ment released by hi! Wasblngtoo office. When the eourt .upheld Glnzburg's con· vlctlon,,lhe .majority, qpinlon aaid "there mlaht classlfy .., a braocb bank 1yiiem?" Reqao did nol enllt.IDJ debai.s dur· Ing the formal ft!IOlbic ol the penilog board of !he 19-danpui oyatem. 15 Schools Subpoenaed On Disorder WASHINGTON (AP) -'!'be 5"'ate pennanent inv..tlillioos subcommittee has aubpoonaed II IDl!verslties Including several of tho naUon's most pnst.i.glolJs for Jnformation on groop1-1nvolved in campll·dilorden. Subcommittee general counsel Jerome S. Aldmnen said today the subpoenas were -to the un1_,1ty of Colifornla at 8""'eley and Stlllfonl, Harvard, Cornell and COiumbia Unlvenitles and to others be declined \o name • Alderman said the records were being 111bpoenaed to ... whether any students involved tn tbe disorders are receiving federal ald. "Most o( them have been cooperative," Aldennan aald, adding that th e universities ln general prefer to supply the data under subpoena rather than voluntarily "to protect themselves." Donalcl F. O'Doonell, chief counsel, said the rubpoenas were part of the sub- committee's "investigative proces11. We don't know iI we'll call any individuals yet" Both said delalls would have to come from the universities involved . Alderman said the subcommittee hopes to have public bearings in June or:i the material involved In the subpoenas. The subcommittee voted May 1 to bold hearings on groups and individuals' in· volved ln dJ:90rders In dtles and on cam· puses "to determine whether· there are groups or organiiaUons or Jncµviduals who are fostering, or whose purpoees, alms and objecUves include the foottring ol such riots and civil and criminal disorders." !: day today. "It's the easiest job I ever had," said Trumayne, who Itri worb 11t the amusement park. : . ' ! 1'he blMl was-fnm Sen. Paul J . Fannin (J\.Arll.), who said "! thinlc the AmeriC8ll public ,,ill ask for bis raigna- ~on H be·..,~laln this article ." , 'Ille article •Pl><Bred In the Mardi issue ol AYIOle Garde, a &lossy free- swinging mipzlne published by Ralph Gimburg. In 1968, Glmliurg's obocenity coovictiaG for other publlcaUom was upbeld by the Sqpmne Court, with WU aiv,ctant ~ to sbo:w" tblt ~ , 9( the accused publications . w as ~ ' orlgliiai,d ii oold u stock lit trade of the on&Ilioiollleisol~ .. 5 Ia. New Yofk, SS.id Douglas i , • (' •• • • ' . • • • • • • . ' • • . ' • • • • " Just the blooming ••• er, un· , bloomin~ luck! The mountain lau- " rel didn t bloom on time in Ken- • tucky this year and a mountain ~ laurel festival just isn't the same ~ without it. So, Irene AUm1, chair· f man of the festival, asked the gov· • ernors of Pennsylvania,. Virginia, ,., West Virginia, Tennessee, South • Carolina and North Carolina to • ship all available blooming moun· .i t.ain taurel to Pineville for the fe s-• ti val. • ' • Dou&lu -Ill· 'Avante ~ wu ltarled by Gtozburg witllln tbe • two years and was oot ln- volftd In !hi 1968 convtclioo . "I find Jt utmnelf difficult to un- derstand why Justice Douglas CBMOl di.seem the impropriety -or at last the Nazi Stormtrooper's Son Called 'Objector' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Hans Olto Keller, D-year.cld llOl'l of a former Nazi stormtrooper, was fined $1,200 Wed -ne3dlf and sentenced lo do two years' work of national importance for his refusal to submit to draft induction. U£'Disl Judge Alfonso J . Zirpoli said Keller was a conscientious objector but did not file exemption as such because of a mistaken belief be did not qualify since he Is not a member of an <irganltcd religion. wu paid '350 for the a:n'icle on folk s:, singers the Justice bad known . Cleveland Riots Blamed on Small Army of Blacks · W ASJllNGTON (AP) -A •mall and well-equipped army of block eitremlsts wai:: respomible for the bloodsbed during the Cleveland riots last July, the National Commission oo ~ Causes and Preven- tion ol Vlolence ._ied l<>day. Entitled "Shoot-out in Cleveland," the report was relieued without comment. · The. cammilslon'I r<pott said the vio- lence In Cleveiand may baft markecl the begilming of a new pattern on civil disorders. "1bough IL-fell into the establlshecl patWn of Negroes distroylng property in the petto, lt began ea violence aimed at personal I n j u r y • Black-dominated throughout, i t ended in more while C8'Ua1Ues than black," the report stated. • , • • • , ' Storm Douses Quillayute 1 ' • , • • • ~ • < • • ... • • • Cold Front Extends From Great Lakes to Mi.dwest THUllf.OA,-, • ~ ... ··•·• ., .. ,-:.11!11 II.Ill. I,, ~ 11"911 • • it! (WI'!. '·' PatDA.Y !lint ..... • .............. J:14 ·-'·' ,.h'tf' ...... .. ............ f :ll ....... ~1 ..cw """' ............. t ilt·-·'" --Mtfl ............ •t43 ,,f'll,. •·' .... • ... 4;• '·'"· llft ,,. 1.111. S. ai. l:M .. ,.., .... hll """"' ......... \.. ... , ...... 1MYlt JllM .t J ...... w J-n • Alllv•111.,..,ve Andl«•H A.tl1n11 l.lkersli<!l4 e1sm,,u 8oi!t lotlOll CM<-Clnc:!n""tt c1-i.l'Mll .. _ Ott Mo!~ °''""' ·-.... _. ·~~ ,. ... M-lul\I """"" k•nns Cl!v l t • """ , __ Mlltfl'IJ lftdil Mllw1\lbt ' ' M ....... llt _.._ ._ ... Hortt. , .. ". .,..., .. ...... p~, ... '" '1'11 ... 111111---"llhlltlf'tll PW!!&"' .... Ill (I"' ... '"" .... .s.c .. -~ $1, l•ll StllNe kll lAlle Cit, ltl' OifM, "" ,,.l'dlo $alllt ..... ,.. ... ~. -... T-w.,._ " " " " " " " n .. .. ON n N " .. .. " .. n .. " " .. .. " .. .. " .. " .. " '" .. " " .. .. ~ ~ .. " " .. " .. .. "' .. .. " " .. .. .. .. " " .. " .. .. " .. ... .. ,. " " .. .. " .. .. .. " u • .. " " .. ,. .. .. , .. u .. D 4 • .. " " " .. ., A""la, Call!. 1•u ..,'C'.t :::-...... c.wtl' Moonscape This lunar picture taken from command and·service module of Apollo 10 show_, northwestward oblique view of Trl,es.neck.er crater. The crater is approximately 17 miles in diameter, Tbe,'·lnlersectlng lines to right of crater are Triesnecker Rills. Berkeley Moh Dangerous, Police Association Reports BERKELEY (AP) -The Berkeley Police Assodatioo says the Alameda County lher!ff's clepartm"'t re>cued police fnm a "viclow: mob, a mob whose intentions were to injure and kill." highway patrolmen." "The mob ,... beyond cootrol and the decisioo was made by your department to fire upon those engagecl In rioting," the letter coottouecl. '"there is no question in the mind of our officers that your decision was not only tOtally justified . • • but was di·· rect1y responsible for the eventual diapersal of the rloten and the evacua· tlon of injured police personnel without more serious injury or.death." In a letter to Sherill Frank Madipn on Wednesday the asaoclaOon's execu- tive board Aid that Berkeley police reached the ;•people's park" riot scene on Telegraph Avenue oo May 25 by "stepping over the bodies of falle11 Coote "'"8, C.111. '" •• ml! .,.., _._. --~ ~E ~>kippV•dtl Beauty Sa.lona 1. it's verve I it's instant color with 75c PLUS SHAMPOO<M"diey tlln1 Tlturtd•rl $225 AND SET (.Aftw I , .... SJ.IOI Fri. • li.•t. • Sun. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . $3.00 ( Lo119 h•ir ••h• 1 When Spring puts verve in your life,i we put it into your hair! With our new comb-able, brush-able dos. And wi th our color that just rinses in and ''takes'' while we set your hair. It's marvelous Roux Fanci·full that • co»r.i instantly -then abalnl>OOS oat when 1" wiah ! • uaes DO peroxide, needs no afltt·rime I • C09WI Sr.Q, refrahm dall hair, \olDel blelCbed bair! Ceola -. C.111. "" --...... -----Ceola Mesa, Cati! • &:..:· :.JJH"""' Fountain Valley, C111f. ,,.,. ...... fountain Valley, Canl. -!"-' ~ 1Utll4 Y111tf C...-.r == _,,,_ • I I I ' I ' \ I I ' . ( I \ ,, l I .. I I I • ' . • -· . . JIAN COX, tff.9466 ~.Me9.1Hf .. , .... 1. ·,Go lGl ~ft ~~r.:rge!s . · . . -.. . l y ,. Star;t ·Ascent " . . ' . I ' . . . ; .. ... . .,. ,. , '" .... ' ; . ' .. ~ . ..... ., ' I • ' ,• >1 ,. ' • ~""' t ./. .. Uqeerth_lng"a pot of gold .seems lo be tradltion with 'Angelitos de Oro, au11Wary to _Oiange County Big· Brothers. . ~· I' . And ~~tting off 9n, another trek to find the end of the rainbow are 1nelnbers under' the ne~ guidance of Mrs.· Wllliam S: Holstein who received the symbolic halo and wings during installation ceremonies last Monday in Irvine Coast Country Club. "Potaei;i ang~ls" "fill start their ascent to, a reaJ down -t1>earth. goal , t.h~t of' raising fQnds.:for Big Brothers, which has functioned since .1953 bringiDg together fatherless <!Dd troubled boys with volunteers on a one boy·, one big brother basis. Tie moito gtliding Big Brothers is "A man never slahdS so tall -as-When he Stoops to help a Doy." · The Jlajor • fatiding-proj~ct ·is the put>licatlon. of the Gold Boo_k, a souvenir calendar which is distributed at the annual spring ball .. This past year, under the presidency of Mrs . John F. Port~r.:,a total of '25,000 wa s realized . ,.r ' Assisting Mrs .. Holsteiil in at'taining an6tbe; rtiajor achievement for the au."<iliary will be the Mmes. Marsha!J Niedecker, vice_,president : Bew- ley Allen, secretary; Walter He'snault, treasurer, and William Moseley ' ' Jones, corresponding secretary .. • New members introduced \ ere Mrs. Joseph Carver, Mrs. Richard Stoddard ~p;nd Mrs. }Q_}\n Cond9n, .and associa'.t~ ,me,mbers pr~sent \Vere Mrs. George Holstein Sr. and Mr s. Claude Patterson .. .. Command • Changing ! -' '/n 'Group I New olf)c:ft for -:t.•70 of Three 4tcl, tlla~ -W~s As.sdclatiQR • will ·take--their . poaLs dupng an installa!lon and salad-~n at 11 a.m. Thursday, Jwie .5. The, affair In Three Arch Bay Community CIUbho~ will cloSe a·Year of speakers, kaffee klatches and evening programs under the leader;;hip al Mrs. Gordon Dahlquist. , Speeial eyents included the group 's annual fashion show ,which raised funds for im- provements in the clubhouse. Mrs. George Cunningham will take over presidential duties followfllg t h e in - stallation. Assisting her will be, the Mmes. \Villlam WeCd, Charles Coghlan and -Frank Btnham, vice presidents ; c ·e or I e Rawlins , re,:oriifng GeCTetary : Harry Pell, lre~r ; Daniel Tarbell. publi~ity; Theod91J E. B f i n e , "corf"espoliaiilg' secretary and D ah I q u I s.t, parliamen~rlan. , . • . THEY D!G GOLD -Turrung over the responsibilities of finding another pot of gold during the fiew club year i.s Ntrs. John·F. Por- ter (right), retiring _presi dent of Angelitos de Or:o .• Accepting the challenge is Mrs. \Villiam S. Holstein (center) who was installed president last Monday, and Offering her assistance in the search is Mrs. Cecil H. Shirar . The . Laguna Line I , " . Adolph Krochs Mark Sixtieth Anniversary . .. MR. AND MRS. Adolph Krocb, a popular Laguna Beach twoaome, will celebrate 60 years of. m8)Tied life together with about 80 friends dliriq a cocktail party and buffet supper in thei'r home next Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles l{elsch, wife of ,dapt. Kelsch of the'¥:erchant Marin"s• has flown to Laguna trOm her Hong !tong home to celebrate the occa~idn • with her parents. • •. Also present will be .the Krochs' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ; Mrs. Carl Adolph Kroch df Chicago. , . According to Mrs. Kroch,'.she and Adolph's courtship was somethingi. _of a whirlwind afialr. ' .. : "We met al a press club dinner in Chicagq_ on Feb. 9, 11 she recalled, ".: "~e were engaged March 15 and married June 1." • ~· Until 17 years ago, 'when the Krochs moved to Laguna Beach, theY .· lived in Chicago where Adolph"t'an >bis chain of 10 book stores, Kroch's and Brentanos. After moving to the Art Colony, Kroch became the first president of .. Sou th Coas t Community Hospital which his wife supported as an auxiliary · member. Currently he is president emeritus of the hospital and Mrs . Kfoch · is active in the auxillary's Silver and Gold Chapter. Kroch also keeps busy as a board member of UCI's Frlends ... of the 1 Library. Mrs. Kroch is ·a member of the Garden Club , Woman's Club and Monday Morning Club o! Laguna Beach. Guests at the celebration will include Mr. and Mrs. lrving Stone cif Beverly Hill s. Stone, author of "Afony and the Ecstacy," also wtote, among other books, HLust for Life ' which Kroch introduced through his book stores. Also present will be Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Van Dellen, friends of Uieir son from Chicago, along wil h Mr. and Mrs. John Weld of Emerald Bay. The Welds, said Mrs. Kroch, were the first two Lagunans they knew and. wer~Jnstrumeµtal in their decision to move to the Art Colony. Other good friends attending lYiU be Victor Andrew~._ c\ifrent hospf •. tal president, and h.is wile of Emerald Bay and Mr. and }MTS. Sam Garst Outgoing board members will host the luncheon. ~y Include lhe.-Mmes. Dahlquist. Cunnloghlm, Fr.Jt i Austermueh\e, Ralph Daven· port, Charles Francis, Robert Dwyer 1nc;t Gary Johflson along with Miss Faith Grten and Or. Floride Frost. TAKING NOTE ~ Jl4t:1 . .Ge9rge.Cumlingbam (cenf ship .ol1M rs .. -Oordon~DahlRUist, Joining her are ter), who will become the uew ·preaicleat..ol ..Three. .. (l'ijhL) . .-Mr5. <.W411iam-~eed'9nd" Mrs. Theodore E. Arch Bay Women's Association. looks over ~ scrap-Beane. .. of Irvine Cove, to name just.a .few. . , THE VICTOR Edwards of Laguna Beach have returned recently from an l~llY·Cartqbean cntis4',aboard the Ptincess Carla. The Jaunt in· book o{ activities accomplished under the leader-eluded -a two-day slop in Acapulco. • ·-Texas Call·s, Leaves Bache·lor Brother ·· ·in · .tooe Star · State DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whal do you think of a sbter aod brother-in-law who announce+ between lbe soup and U'le salad. '_1We are moving to Tex~s so you'd bt.1.1.er. find another place to live." I'm a blcbelor, (middle~) and I lived with 11111 widowed mother unUI she remarried -JO years ago . Ever since then l've m• iiy home with sla and her hu&band. T've been very ha.ppy htre and ~il'Jl'td tt woold always be my home. I don't lhfnt I 'd hive moved to Texas even U they invited me. but ' do feel that they should have at least asked. Ml}be J'm not seeing this objecUvely. What do ~ llllol<! --~116',l ~Ef\ . ' DEAR Bftll'rff, I ddioi.J'"< 11'lo4"1o0 • b~ •NI neyw 1 honle f91' tlle real of yotr llfe. nae r•ct lhal lbe-y • ANN LANDERS 5l ·-""'f\l~~llty ffii~gttter says I owe him an apo logy. I to ld her l'd freeze in hell Urst. The way l Me-ll) he Is lhe'·one whQ should aJ>blog¥.·r~ ' We haive agreed to put Ole q~Uon to you. How about It! -VANCOUVER didn't Invite you lt IM\'e &t Tu11 wldl tlo<DI ..... ,., lil<y'd P.Rftt le llve .-. Accept It 1r11~kMas1y aDd look 11 Ute paptta tor • small .,.nmt9& tr a rotm! DEAR ANN LANDERS: On Chrl!bnas bum. He handed me a Christma.! card which t refused to accept. In a ver"y civilized tone of voice I said. "If you had washed your hair and worn a clean Jhirt·it would DEAR VA"N: You should kave a~ied lhe card 11d, made no eommett OI lllit appearance. ffewever the boy thoulcf Ht ha~e .,..,. to you 11 be dkf. Tiie way I see II, It's I dra;,. have meant a lol more to me than this DEAR ANN LANDERS~ I hate to use Day my 11·year-old daughter's 22-year· card. Thank you anyway.·· ell~ but I have had "· O\d..,,ftlildC1111e.lel"ehclu&tlo.crn-.• f1•C10U<d ~ 1 "rolltn~"-•nd "a, I > 1'llJMQl.1"<\>er bi I 11111U lown. looklilt )ntblll<r lhM usu~L His halr·•at. ~ P<Kl< ,,:.o•Clialr' lot\ • "1im11/1 •!.b¢.!og,'• · lll*t~ to dilclplln< • Olu, in nffd of a 1'hempoo, his clothes were Although he has bCen to l~e hnu!IC several dent or lower hh1 gra de, the mother cal!! unpressed and dirty and he looked like a limes since Lhat da y r have: not spoken to me on the telephone a.l my home, right in t the middle ol·dlnoer, or on a Saturday or. DEAll d > Twlien -.i 1111 lio Sunday. t am not crilicidng paHllll. _,..,,! iMID• ud I ilopl ._of,. because they want to talk ·~ ~ir ... '"'·• l....o.o. dNla llldes& ...... _ _. chlldraD: Cl wllh mora'o!'1hem were' In-•~ -• -• 1 • ._. teiest.ed.) But ' why don't they write a wW tde lM-Mlt. ~ note and aet up an appobdmeDt? • Give in or"-him .•. ...-a p.y llfes ter'ep~ol homelhil -duri-l :::...~, yw, lhls line, look ou,11 For '"' bow lo .• .., handle lhe 1111per ... salesman, -Ana husband i.s-lurtou~ and·,1 don't blame him. Landers. Read her boOklei., "Necklng M I Lhoughl I was the>only one whO got such Petting -What Are Ult:-Umlls?" Semi calls. but after·talldng to the prtndpal .your request to Ann Landers In cir. of and Olhtr teachers t find they ALL ael lbJt newspaper, enclosing 50 tt!nts ln coin the:U~ .ri:e like lo leave their and 1 long, stamped, self-addresled · envelope. business pr li ll't at the. offlce. Plene, Ann. explain to your readers· th et Ann Landt.rs wlll be glad to htlP 1Qll te3chers would like ' to le.ave their pro-with your problem1. Send them to her bl blcms at the school. -MRS. 7:30 lo 4 lP care. of the DAlLY PILOT, tnc.108\1'11 a YOU DON'T MlND • selr·addressed, stamped envelope. -..~--··-.. • • •,•:« + -· ........ . • • \ ·' Horoscope .. .. . ( /. Capri~orn: Time fqr Pleasure FRIDAY MAY 30 . ' By SYDNEY OMAIUl ARIES (Marclj ll·Aprll ll): Look f1r afield. Permit 'im- ai(nation to have .free rein. Avoid the petty and, In-- consequential You can go places, meet people. Stop belna concerned about the past. 'I1\e future Is ahead -. ao4 Is bright, · . . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You can gaJn in financial area. The Tee But you need cooperaUon of ~ one closely associated with ef- forts -could be mate, partner. Added assignment . due -so ls nward. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Spotlight on public relations. Let P.OOPle know of1 Y0!:11 ideas, abi\IUes. Spread illfluence. You are appreciated. Tonight you could be recipient ol s~lal recognition. honor.._ CANCER (June 21-luly 22): Stress on basic Issues, chores . Opportuni~y for advancement Tattler ii pre&e11t &t detalls require: generous wttbout betnc fooU~b. personal 11lttntlon. ,Qon't try SA'GITl'ARWS (Nov.'\ 21- to delegpte duties. Dec. 21)t Spotlf&bt-JIG' " LEO (July 13-Aug.• 22): family condll!'!')I" Cycle Good lunar aspect todiy coi'n-+ hi@ -and ~ cao -'°t\le cldes wit.b pleasure, romance, 4iltmma. T a k & ';bliUaUvt. chance for c r e a t i v e ex· Mee.t people. S h a r e , ex· pression .. Meaningful r ~ l a • periences with loved ones. tlonship is accented. Give of CAPRICORN Dec,r DJ& yourself and you will also 19 ): Excellent eve11ln1 ,for receive. theater, dining out. Key ls to VIBGO (Aug, 23·Sepl. 22): be with one who relaxea you; Spotlight on home, property, Avoid crowds. SlreU is oo ob- measures to reinforce securi4 taining answers from within, i ty. You have a choice of AQUARIUS (Jan. »Feb. decision, Select course which 18): Good for social activity. permits you much freedOm of Accent on friends'~ de3il'es. expression . Element of timing jn "f04J1 LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22): favor. Solid results indJcat Concentrat# on finishing • one for special efforts. Accept in- task at a (ime. Trying to do vitations: be outgo!ng. too much results in scatteriJ1g PISCES (Feb. l~March 20): tEcr1•r1 Note: A (Olurnn ot '"""'"''' ••IPl\.Jol'lns. 3'1111 Fiith! c . tt>t Mrnr,. of forces. Accent on relatives, Obtain hint from Aquarius • foll llO!f .cl>f'h will •-•r •Kii wtell: Ht•11rt_ GW.11-.;il\er, 31'h; K•ll'f' Crt 1. h J Ci •··-· turn 111 tt>e DAILY PILOT. To ... , scorn :UV,1 -Edw•rd Ellis, 3Si Verle Ohlwn, S ort ourneys. ! , mes.sage. rc1Jm5ocu"'~ _, I • TIST AT WORK-A glimpse.into the life qi ~ artist will be offered mem· rs of the Nightingale Chapter of ih~ Auxlllafy of Hoag Memorial Hospital. sbyterian by are;a artist·jj>hn Burgesa. Th .. «easion will be the chapter's ual luncheon Tuesdl!J', June 3. • . . · tor !tie week. plffff ""It"""" Ill P.O. 36\'rl FU9'11 D. th• Mmn. O•vld Hoff· SCORPIO (Oct "N 21) m· your fayer·, ~asp O,P ISoK l.fdO'bYC1>1l1 ~· Tht'f' 11'11<$1 M min, 351;1 CMrlts B11h, 31J W•lltr -• W-OV. : o· rK•lv.du"c~i;. JoAOU•N 8•~m. 31~.:...ouN.t. auci. Be perceptive. Someorw:.may portunity. Those In authority ooo Oil •Y•N -Fo11111 " 11ie-11t0Ns -"" c1 ... 1ne Mn-K1r11 be trying to tell you Something · grant you recognition. Be 't=:~:~i l!j'~=·,J:;':b~~u~~ Alll!11. ~11J:*'i" Poor, Jh Miu GrKI• -involves money opportunity. gracious -you can mix =\&,;P..-_w~ M~~r1b.,~:S1'2in~tfr.1: ,,oii;°""~,u,,,.~,';'~,~\:-~"~·,~:t,~. ~~~·c~:~• ";~·~~';;""';;""';;';;· '•~-~.--.iP~rot~ee~t -~P~•~s~s~ei;;i;';';l;•~P;;';;.· ,;;Be;;o;;;b,;;usii;;ine~1>;;;;-.~ith;;;;p~l;;easu;;;;;;'e;;;;.tod;;;;a~y'I. • • . :::. . :Business .Put Aside Day : Taking time out from their .che<IW.S of ..,.;sting at 'Hoeg l\fi!moriaJ Hospital, Presbyter- , 13n, will be members of the Nightingale Chapter of the hospital auxiliary, • • The occasJon will be the an· 1Aµal luncheon meeting, p}an- ~ed for Tuesday, June 3, in ·' lr.ine CoS Country Club. .' ·.High point of the event will ·,..be a presentation by noted area artist John W. Burgess, ,who will ~ak on the Artist as an Observer. Burgess. equally :.·Jq>own for his marine and , <iesert 'scenes, has done ii· · .-iUstrations for many books , aocl magazines. ; . Honored guests, to be ., ~e!comed by Mrs. William J. . : Schworer, chairman of the NightingaJe Oiapter, will be Mrs. William E. Langstoii , · auxiliary president: William Hudsoo , hosp i tal ad- .t .ininistrator, and Mrs. William _ .. ,JI. Browning, chairman of f!hapters. Mrs. Mel Morrisoo , program Chp.itman, will in fro d u c e :Silrgess and Mrs. F. T. Eddy will take dlarge of table ··~ .qecorations. ,. ' ·• ·~·· • r ... ..: " ~ . .. ·-~ "' . ·~ • • . . I Dr. McCartney Receives Post Elected to lead UCJ Town and Gown for 1911).70 was Dr. Hilda M~y. coordinator o! Instructional me4ia for the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dislrlct. Officers elected to serve with Dr. McCartney at the an- nual membership m e e ti ag w ere the Mmes. ·Patrick Healey, first vice president; Charles Gf'lffith, secohd vice president; Neil Berehad, third vice president; John Connolly, recording secretary: Lyman Porter, co rr es ponding secretary, and R i ch a rd Kredel, treasurer, New members of the ad· visory board are the Mmes. Hugh Plumb, Mark Soden, Roy June. Samuel Oderman, Robert Combs and Richard Juberg. C-Hovw PllfM TOWN, GOWN CHOICE Dr. Hilda McCartney.:. 3l Wll01m $Utoti, :U\IJ,J Wiii!"" ar1 , U; Filth! ·c, Jl\fl: Mmes. w11111m McCord, ll'hi A:1IJ>ll, Troul· ll'fn, 231 John Sdlwelll, :&11 Frerik Alttfllto11, .i..111, Tr1vll JCGl'tM'f', 3'; Fl\olrt -0~ ltll Mt!>*I. Erv!fl Ht11d, :U; f , W Plllr!IOfl, 31\IJ,/ LOW HIT -Tl'le """""· $cllwelll, C1ll1M~. V1rl111, 161 Orrlfl Wrltfll, Woodr-L1c1tner, n. M•SA YEllOI . A '.U -1-1: AW•, "J, Gf\':n..ww"f"'f' Will Give Your Shoes • • • GET ACQUAINTIO PAltTNlflS -TM Mmes. R"9'11111d D1rb~. C1rl llowdefl, 1$1 llobefl MIM!ll •nd J~ ~o::;,..1,Joll.'.i1 v: ~~~.°"•\/ml fllrflev Ml/fT>IN, NlcilolflS loiO!t Ind MJc.ftatl ltlPPOrt. WlllllJI>> Colltn Ind Rtd'l1rd Sw"', 671 Wllll1m Adlm1 tnd Wlltl•m Wllt!tm•. P1~r Bueklf'S Ind E,_t Gill,"' ~u.....at G'*'f', Doo11d :llie nw elookl , , °11~1·.7J:·LL OP POUltSOME -Pl••l Lqw G-.11, !lie Mmes. A:oberl Klll<k•, 0111,'H•rold Pettrtoll, J1mn-.Smith, •t1 • t1=1rst Low Nt1. !ht Mme.. V«tu,rlh~ ., .. ,, Billie~ .P•\11 StlCllrm1n, F....,.., > l"'ortw, S71 MCOna LOW NII. thl M"'°", Wlllon EYIN, H1r11d klklrftOll, '01rb'f', Robotrf ~lrll'f'.i...511 Tllli'd Low Net, IM ·~· Jolin U'9rltl'I, W1ll1c1 Bl\/1111, f SmllhbJ""" ll'Wln, st. Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise ... ' O llT AY -Fii'$! Flloht. 1119 ~ Mia Hldll!r, flfll low 9l'llUI lloblrl G1rGMI°, lotClll>d1 Cliff Shinn, first low 1'1111 Wiiiiam Gr11telll\l!r, Arthur NII.son, lh.lrd r Ind Miu ~"""' Muuer, ~I Stcol!d ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY Corona del Mar 1"1111111, t1'll MrMs Corn,,.· Fr1nklln, flrtt low_trllhl w1in•,.. &•ktr, Jo\~j lltOlfll!d, W1dt, nrtt low l\l!fl A.,.,.,,, ~'f'POtt. MCOllCl i 1tk:IMrd Eisei .... n, 5 CONVENIENT SHOPS lh~lsT· DAY, MIM•r•s -Flnt e i•oi. E. COAST HWY. FIJ9'1!, ~ Ml'nll, 00...111,• fl!'11 low ., '""'" Mlcll.ltl W•f<:O, MC'Ol'ldi Blflll!¥ d I.; b73 4'40 ltoblntofl, A:1iPh Tl"""~ fin! tow n1tr Corone • rvi•1· , • , • 0 J""'" · c'11''111"· MCOlld: .. ~..!"]~ e 3•33 ·VIA LIDO Clllmbtrl1l11, Stlderm1n,' lhlrd1 _..,,,.., ., FJIF!f; tilt Mm91. G«l"f' Mcft!'O'lt !lrs! low Qreul ll!efllrd Murt1111ri, Glh, w. Newport Beach .•. 673-8620 (QIW:h Kerin~!" L111ur•. "''' JGW "''' ·Forrest Dookill, J1"""'S1Jrt~~. Fctw11•c1 e 74 FASHIO'' ISLA"O Clcouret. i«Mcl; Thlrc! Fl!;~t. !hr · 1'1 l'I Mmtt. P1~1 Bucli:.IH. first low 1mu1 t.•owport Beo<h · 644 7551 Tllom111 Liken, PCOlldl Firs! Lew Nt!, "' • ' • • Mrs: John trve-n. se.::or.t. Mrs. ai1>1e. • 1 '108 ·(RYINE AVE. 'third', Mrs. llur~t Wlk<o<l. 1RYINE COAST w t l'ff Pl MATCH YS PAil -Cl~51 ,,, llte • es c I at.a ' Mmn J. R. L°""lev, Plus ~; G. M. Nowport B o h 548 4053 Hol1t1in. ph11 1; Mls1 Dee Dee Wlll!e. • C • • • " evtn· c1111 a. ""' """'"· D<ln•111 e ROBINSON'S Martin. How~l'fl Cnl'S{)fl, _,,, Sl)e11'1lan . ,, srnn~. WU1!1m Lestu. tnlnvs l ; Foshicn Island c f1si c, ll>t Mmes. GOrdon L, \ CHOOSE FROM ALL THE LATEST STYLES Restyl• your old shoes to th• new round look. Bring us your problem •nd we'll giv• your sho•s •new look . l!<f dicLL I ~emon·s Mrs. Edward Steinhaus was appointed first historian of the group and will assemble an archive of records of the first four years of Town and Gown activities. Health Center, and typewriters and te1eV1sion sets were made available for students confined in the 11e8lth Pe!erm1n. Sam H~w1rd, Plu• 1; Jahn Newp'ort Be•c~ L. Pav11. even: Cl•u 0 , lhe Mmes:ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8111 Hauwln~el, 0. G, SfvH, tvfo; Jtck Fl~m, ,..1nv1 1. 11nr1t NINI! -CW.JS "· "'' Mmes. L-1.Av. W1!1.oce Fleer, 3:1,,.,; • A:alHort W 5"-1111, 15~; MlchMI P. O'Brltft. j,j•/n Cllss 9, the MIMl!. P1u! Riie, ~'!>• 81rt McMUl>ll, :Mll't1 Carson. 37, N.,..11 F•lt. ~. Ji ~ arv.I c11 .. c. tM Mmn. '~ .. ni., :asy, Jeck Sulllv1"' 311 A:O'f' LvlTlln. 31: wtm1m Events oC . the past relating campus to community were reviewed. Mrs. B. N . Desenberg, ho s pitalit y chairman, arranged a series of art exhibits jn the Student center. I Also, donations were made , to st udent scholarships from the annual art fair, and dona- tions were made to the student loan fund, the Educational Op- portunities Program and tn student sponsored tutorial pro- grams. $42$ Special inte rest groups and a public lecture series al so were planned by Town and Gown and a new brochure was prepafed. The outgoing president, Mrs. Eloise Kloke, will entertain old and new board members at a tea Monday. June 2 at 2:30 p.m. in the UCI Faculty Club. Membership In 1'.own and Gown is open at any time dur· ing the year and information may be obtained by writing to the membership chairman, Mrs. Neil Bershad, 20251 Craimer Lane, Huntington Beach. is apPal'ent ill every Koven Diamond, for Quality is never sacrificed at any price. :Most.important, yo11 • • Ctul •trwlt your cllolce at 1 !(OVENS ~ llll 8d1tol Stroot, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA llurllnph~m. 3llft1 Clfou 0 , '"" Mm~. Rot>ert Wftd, 34 r 11..i.trl.Y•rrl•..,, 111 H. L. ~~· ru1NwHrLTI· 3""· ODD HOllll -Fllehl A. tllOI Mmq, ll!dl1~cl Berk, U V.: llobfrl llvt~911<'n, l5'4; Erl Kef"I. lo''h: llll!ollt fl. 1119 Mn'llP$. A:tmi C1!1bat, lll Br1u9M, 331 Gathering Scheduled San C 1 em e n t e Municipal Golt Club will be the setting for a meeting of San Clemente Toastotistress Club at 9 a.m. Monday, June 2, led by Mrs. Barbara Whitmore. Members participating will include the Mmes. Edward H'Ard, Jexiculogy; ldaMay Schomaker, a procedure in education; Harry Sh a r it s, toastmistress, and B e t t y Chapin and Jessica Sheriff, . s~akers. Others taking part will be the Mmes. Gordon Fleener, timer; Li 111 a p Kutkowski , evaluation : Olive Barnes, clos- ing thought; Harold Markham and Raymond Lou s ta I et , hostesses, and Charles S~ain, grace and pledge to the nag. Upcoming activities Include a Golden Desert Regional Con· ference in the Newporler Inn Friday to Sunday, June &-8. Luncheon 'Tossed' Story tellers (If movie fame, the G<rdons, will be welcomed to the annual salad luncheon "tossed" by Newport Beach Friends or the Library. The Balboa home of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock Banning Ill will be the scene of entertainment Tuesday, June 3. Receiving tributes for jobs well done will be the Mmes. James Dowty, retiring presi· dent: Stanley LeLievre. vice prooident: Richard Bertea, secretary; Peter Dobbs , treasurer: R. A. P a n g , hospitality chairman, a n d Fred Ellis, projects chairman . Mrs. Garth Bergeson, in- stalling officer. will seat M LeLievre as president. Other new officers are the Mmes. H. B. Benjamin. vice president : Pang, sec'"'"'1, and Alan Andrews. treasurer. .•. A BEAUTIFUL BEGINNING Havo ful figure flattery with a llth1wel9h1 loll s-Flah bnrl Begin with th• very fin•st •. '. ·B•li's Sno-Fla~a bra, f.ul.1 fi9uras need its slip•rb support 9 1v•n by th• ribbon '."'1r1n9, ind shirred nylon and pendex und•r·1rm s•ctions. s;,., l2-l8 B: 32-40 C, 6.00: 32-42 D, 7.00: 32~2 OD whit• •nd bl•ck 7.50 Veta's IRTlllATE APPAIEL ................ ,.,_, .......... , .... Telepll111 '42·119~ Ph on• 546-451 o South Co•st Plata Op1n 01ily 10 •.m. to f :)O p.m.; Sit, 10 •.m. to 6 p.m • • I I I 1 · I 1 · -----·~ __ ., ·--· ·-···---~-~·~· ~.~----~-----~----~----,,_ ____ ..., _____ .... __ ...,.,. ___ .., ..................... ___ .., ...... ~,,.. ... ~,.,,,,.. .... ...,,,,,, ....... _.,,,.., " ., • L .. ,Mecky Mouse' )Vins Pl8:udits 'of County's Ne ~sme ~' 'I ' ' MIC ~·EY MOUSE MAK ES F IRST-TIME EVER VISIT TO NEWPORT BAY Skipper K'ffvil Brings a F rltnd ta 'EddlJ M9ck Day' •t VIII• Mt r iM • 44 Straight A's 365 at CdM High Honored Corona del Mar High School placed 365 students on its honor roll for the third quarter. To achieve honor roll stan· ding:' a _total o( eight po in~ is required, with three points given for each "A" and one point given for. each "B"?'ex· elusive of physical education. Straight "A'.' records were achieved by 44 students. They are: Seniors: Elizabeth Carver, Susan Deaver, Debor ah Fields, Cindy Gadarian! Toni Hewett, Gary March, R1cha~d Neisser, Robin Rahe, Uas Selbst and Cynthia Spyers. Juniors: Elaine Barnard, Donna Harris Leslie S. Kitlle, Kenneth Lindahl. B o n n i e Shanks and Su.san E . Thompson .. $ophomores': Marilee A.llan, Lucinda Bottorf. A rt h u r Bro"1!, Kathleen F r ye • Chafles Grimshaw, Lynn Miller Ken Neisser, Pamela Osmu~, Eleanor A. Smith, Joan 4 Smith, JJlnel E. Stan· ton and KeMelh TiUey. Freshmen: Elizabeth ~rim­ mer, Valerie D. Cardeiro, Karen Feldman, S c o l t Hombea~ Valecie K~iz, Kate Jayne, James tuse. Paula SclmeiderJ Cher Schoellerman, Kathryn J . Smith, Gloria ·Somers, Laura Thornburgh, Stan Verrnund. W i 11 i am Viergener and Richard Yorba. In addition to the students with straight "A" records, the following studen ts are on the honor roll: Laguna Playhouse !lddlt Meck, a tiny bundlt of <Mrl)' .... ··-by .. ~ un\nist Herb clen u "Mecby Mouse,•• WU gut It of honor It an afternoon ncepllan held last -y at tlle VWa Marina In Newport Boach. S.vmil thlnp made it an unUSU1l oeculon. Not the least of these was that Mkkey MOlllO, In perton, hltcbed a ride down Newport Bay oo a boat lklppered by 'M1omas K-0. . D A l L Y PILOT editor, to 1ttend the party. . '(Eddie Meet bu been bud ol the public:ity dcparlment at Disoeylllhd since before, there even wu a Disneyland. Ht toot the Utle whlle the MqJc K1ncdom was ltlll on the drawing boards ind the real estate on which it was lo be built was a large Anaheim citrus orchard. So, In a sense, Mickey was visiting a party for his boss.) Unusual Item No. 2 - Among gufltl at lhe Meck reception were Roy Disney , brother d the tale Walter Disney, and Aule Underwood, retired and virtually legendary onetime woman city editor of the Loi ~ Herald·El· -tbO.. ...,...ed llnea; ambler. (Nalther are -to "EDDIE ME<;K., One ol • .00.. Up for just 11111 old J!Jnd • • ., This award t..tlmonlal.) pc'tMOtecl with allectlon aod No. s -The whole party mpOct ol Ille news media ol WU cooked Up by I hlndM of Onoie C«io\y ·tn ......,.uloa Orlngt county ......... who Of .ftltodly and cooperotlv• a r lfl prlclically cut.throat uaoc:latJon with Disneyland's compeUton in the day-to-day inimitlhl f' publicity manager operations ot the v1riou11 •.. May ll&l" newspapen and radio staUons It wu 11utprlse party. for whlcb they work. Meck'• iuctic::m: No. 4 -tt wu not a retire-"lf you wlllted me to say' men& party: all the newsmen IOmetbln&' about Disneyland, J and women (botb active and could do It. But this leaves me retired) and other pesta Crom speechlea. God love you all." Or'1n1e County, Los Anaeles Jama Dean, news editor of and Ho°"'90d jut wanted to Tbe santa Ana Register, and tell Eddie be is "one ol a Thomas McCann, D A l L Y1 klod." PILOT pr'omollon manager: And that's what it said on· wen In charge of ar-· the plaque preoenled by Bob ~lot the ~· Ziebell, city edl!Dr of tlle · Dean, among otlltr things, FuUerton Dally News Tribune. collect.ed p b 0 to g r a p ~ s ii- He pruentecl the pillque on luslrallng hJPJlgbts of.Meck'• behalf of. everyone present and JJUrlY 40 years in publiclty in the absence· oi his boss. with RKO, Columbia Pictures , LeU Johnson, managing editor and other Hollywood enter· of the Fullerton newspaper, prises -including Disney who wu credited with starting Product.Ions -and, most re- the "EddJe Meck Day" pro-cenlly, Disneyland. ject. . The pictures, along with a The plaque, presented in cartoon of Meck as "Meckey brief ceremonies emceed by Mouse," decorated the Villa Ed NlJ of Radio KEZY, con-Marina for the reception. _DAILY ,IL.01' ........... EDDIE MECK 11\IGHT) ACCEPTS HIS PLAQUE Editor Zi1bell Makes Pr11ent•tion Before 70 Gueits Davis Sclwol Lists Fire Safety, Lifes aving Show Slated Quarter Honor Roll Child Games Reflect U.S. Character Fire· safety and lire saving Reduced Plane Fares Plan Draws Reaction aminer Arthur S. Presen,t .... 14 of lhe airlines supporte~)he fares, and five . took no ~i- tion. · .: ' UNPROFITABLE techniques . wl!l be WASHI NGTON (AP) -A demana:trated at tbe Orange Civil Aeronautics Board ex- COWlty" Fairgrounds June 14 as aminerls nillng that reduced the HunUngf.on Beach Fire air fares for young people are Department bolb lht 8th An· discrimlnalory and sh®ld be nuaJ CalJforfta Fire Show. canctled has drawn the wrath Three airlines said they TM event, &pOnSOted by the of the under-2l set. adopled the fares reluctantly ., ... Orange Co unty Firemen's "If you get rid of the youth and contended the ,pt(tal A.ssociaUon will feature fare program, I will throw f r displafs from 35 different rocksateveryairplane l see," a re s were unju1.1y fire departments in the coun· an Ohio girl wrote to the CAB. discriminatory and .:un· ty: . . "Talk about student disorder profitable. .r. . A~ to Captain Jim -just you wait," warned a The CAB's Bureau 1 ''of Vtneent of the Huntiqton Massachusetts student. Economics con te n d-e·d, Beach FJre IMputment, the "Without youth fares many however. that promoacftat booth will include •· pictorial girls wotdd be unable to see fares of this type Were display illustr1Ung all aspects the ir' boy friends," pleaded a reasonable, contributed'' 'to of a flrem1n's responsibilities student at a girls' schoOI. "I highway siifety by lnduCtng and actlvltie. am serious when I say t)\at accident-prone young perllOn's In addition the men will pro-discontinuance will put me lo Dy rather than .drive, -ind vide a "fire game" in which and many, many other lirl:s in reduced the number "''of women and chiklren use fire . a very difficult position." highway hitchhikers. e.xllngulJhers to knock down CAB member W h i t n e y The bureau said the fires cardboard names from the Gillilland called lbe thousands-were working out well, tti..C.;in- wlndowa of a limulated house. upon·thousand of letters an stances of ''bumping" standby Several of the department's event of unprcCl'dcrited pro-passengers off flights ·bad ~ exotic pieces o f port.ions. been rare, and that not One LOS ANGELES _The stile machinery will be on display, airlioe had found the ".d.is- Wludin& the mammoth 2.500 NO DECISION counted rates unprofitable, of 1 nation could bince on plloo tanker,:one of two of A majority or the y'outh!ul Present n.iled last Jan:: 21 Ring Arouna the Ro s Y , this llize in the world. writers are directln~ their that there was no justiflc(,ilon "cowboys and Jndlan.1" or Lil· Children wUI also be able to wra~ milf.akenly against the for discriminating a g a l..D st tle League, c;tec1area a UCLA take rldes on the department's board,. whicb• ·has ·not yet · older passengers. .lfe .)aid educator following 1 study of old Eftfine 3, which was reached a· decision. ln 'fact, a. 'older-1 passenger~ ere-harmed retired from service four pf89ious CAB refusal 'to · en· ·by having tO . pay~~.r~r chlldren's play patterns in the years ago. tlr\aln ,complalnts.agltinst ~· i fate whne·}loungflte ~~· U.S. and five foreign C1>Un· yooth far ea 1ent the. ma~e( 1n-. ried at half or two. ''ftfe. tries. 19" Ute caut"q, which ~rdered , h . · • · ~ ·1 "A child's ploy ts shaped by Bork, Mayer the board to make an .in· ENEm P~IJ~ •1• his culture, but It is also a vesUgation. · · The exall)iner sald~lhe mli'ror of the .. -ulture and an w· c , Tran Icon ti9eatal Bus 1 airlines should deVeloi) , Important factor in cultural lll Ontest System. Jnc.; and others In the bcne!iU11g the pµblid '"n transmission," accordin& to 'trailways system conlpla1ned general, rather lhap .a 's Dr. May v. Seagoe, UCLA Carol &rk, grade II, and that }.t; iirline ..Y9Uth 'fares, age group of1 p~oa:ers~ I ' professor ol educatJoo. Lauren Mayer, grade 5, were Which' provides reduced ticket Two types ot reduced t. 'Dylan' Play of Magnitude She baatd. her study on the named winner and tuMer-up prices to passengers under 21, available only to person/ pttmJaes that adult aUilUda respectively in the final P.}lase were illegal. The C A B the a·ges of 12 throUlh It:. e of inttrpogooal ,..,1at1ons .,. of the University Park dWnlssed t ~ e complaints. introduced Jan.111, 11 formed in childhood, that Elementary School Civic Ora-Hqwever, on pe!;.itiqn· o(~ the · Oneprogramnoy1off . y children )earn these atUtudes Uon Contest. bµs compa.i;iles, the U.S. 5th 11 airlines allows a · n from idulta and through play. Each received engraved pla-Cirtuit Coul1 or Appeals ruled between the ages of 12 21 Sile studied the play pal-quea fol' their talks on "Fami· the CAB must consider the to travel at half·fAre .., t terns of nearly 1,250 children l"y Unity In our Chan&lng complaints. without. a' reserved 'tea .sind By TOM TITUS ot "" o.nr '"" SI.., The dis s olution and degeneration of a r t i s l i c greatness is among the truest tragedies. As a subject for biographical drama, il carries the inherent peril of oversym· pathizing, of presenting ils ~ero in a mo r e lordly light than he.enjoyed in actual life. Such is, howeve r, not the case with the most engrOMing production of "Dylan" which opened Wednesday night at "DYLAN" A dr•me bl' lkif'lfl' NllmHt" 111- n<ted bot Ool.t9 11.-. !tdl11lul d~ reC"for" P•ul Toft, oound bl' l vdd'f 8-tr, co11t1~ bl' SMrrle (I'"'", 11ruent1.cf Wfllf'lf.O•Y• tllrouell Situ•• d•n vnlll JUllt 14 II 11'19 LHUnl Pl11'111111St. ll• Dctl /I Avt., LlllUM """ THI' CAST 0-.ltn Tl'loMl1 • . •. Jolln ~90,KCI C•lltln T"-1 . ., . . P1f l rttWn Jol'ln ~kolm l rllwll11. ,GH!frer II.Iker Ant111................. , Jot!ll Morin ~ , .............. , Ett lne l trMrll AnMbelle .• " ......... " P1mel1 .,"""' M.-ttock .................. ,lft lnglt<lue El(,,. ... ,.,., • ., •....• l!!!!rt Hewtll Jll' Htnrv ........... eoo.i. McKtl!llllY C...._...n .................. OIM 1(- &.rltflder ............... 1teO Stoddlrl SI-.....__r . . . Ste"" Scott K•ltltrh A-~r .... 981 11.lllleY s1.-.M.. ..• ..1tat1M D'hllkn MlfllltW...... . . . . . .. )•Met CooMl' $1"-t' ...... a··· .......... Jm C.t'tf" lhe Llguna Playhouse. Here we tee the gilled poet Dylan 'lbom.as, a man who cwld not shake off his basic simplicity, dtsltQ1ed by hJs avaricious appeUtes. ·This dramatltatioo of the poet's last two years of nre - be drank hlmseU to death at ""' age of 39 -depicts the edes of this complex r, concentrating on an wea.tnesses whk:h hJJ 1rtistlc slr"'l\h. Jl is a ph1y of immeRle mqnilude, and its procluctloa rN.Uzes lls fullest potential m the t;qllJlll sto1e. SUPERB 'DYLAN' J ohn F1rucc1 Laguna's slaglftg of '-the Sidney Michaels s c r·l p t represents a labor of love in the fullest sense. Jt l.s ·an e n t h u siasUc co1laboratioa between 1wo Younc men, both so enamored ol, the Wel,sh. ~ that each named his dolt ,«er him -director lloYg .Rowe ana star JOM f'enacca. For Rowe't part, It is the linen productkln he has stag~ cd at the playhouse In this writer's experience, ex· ceplionaOy strong In I t s casting and most lmagl.nattve In Its craftsmamhlp. It Is plnytd on a darkened atage, augmented ooly by 1 moVable ptatrotm on wblch unfolds the '"'"'"' tnnumenible ........ At ror Feruca't portrayal of Dylant no fin er performance nu gractd an Orlllljle COURIJ tt'&• Ults season. The role ls an actor's dream aod Fe~cca revels in the challenge of bringing out the guts of this whisky·soaked, w o m a niting, irr~nslble figure and di.splaying: him In all his facets undet' the lights. ~fore compelling than the recklessness of the character is Feriacca's depicting of the creative mind struggling to brush away the cob!'fbS of alcoholism. ·, In a relaUvely sober moment, he cmveys the Dylan which cowers beneath the brightly colored trappings during a moving and com- passionate scene in t h e bedroom of his friend's 3-year- old Child. BeauU!uJly sketching the picture of his jealousty ag· grwlve wife, Caitlin, Is Pat Brown in a stl rrin1 J)'rformance. It is an ex· ceptional view ot· a woman who understands all loo well her husband 's needs but still fights desperately to hold him. GfJOIIrey Riker enacts the American poet who befriends Dylan with miped set1SIUvl· ty, whUe John Moran ploys Ille .Wiiier Anl1!I .wllh elhdlve distaste. Al .t1!e Amer1Clll ma\nJll )'ho sµcceedl In cap- turing tlle Dylan beneath the surface, ETi.ioe Barnard ls mtn "empathetic, Ii an Ing heavily on the nuance and reacUon to convey h e r character. Comic relier is moat deftly supplied by Beu.y Hewell and Doyle Mcl<inney as a pair 'Of latter-day Soµthtm arlatocr"' from whom Dylan -n .... clal aalvaUon. His eventutil putdown ol tht~ modi of lif• provides the m oat ·hlfarloui momtnt ot the evtntnc. ' Othttl dotng fine, work• In 1caer aupport.inc roles 1rt Pamela Brown u a Candylsb nymphet and Les tngledue 1s an injury-prone friend. 1'le play's abundant cameo roles are assigned lo Glad Keer, Red Stoddart, Steven Scott, Bess Ripley, JUI Carter, Robert O'lsidoro and James Cooley. "Dylan" in iLt opening performance faltered only for a moment, before 1 line was spoken, when the length of time taken to set the mood of the play Irritated an Impatient audienC<. From that point tt was an uphill, and its eeafinl cllmu drew that audience almost to lta feet In praise. It is a fitUng season's. finale for a 45-year-old playhouse soon to draw Its final curtain and ranka as ooe ot the coun- try's ·finest offerings of t b e year. "Dylan~· continue 1 Wednesday thniugh Saturday until June 14 at the playhouse, Slt "Octan Ave., Laguna Beach. ·Three OCC Men Lauded n.r.e °' .... Coul Collep A r c h I t.ectural Technotoo students hive won flOO uv- lnp bondt Ind a chlnct to compete ror $2,000 I n acholanhip1 aponsored by the Southern Counties Gas Co. The winners were Dave BUChanan of Hunt l n1to,n Beach, Chr1t llam<s 0 f Or-and Boll Muwdl of Cosio II .... who "'"' judged by llartlor Atta ardllt.Ctt ao to •""" wtll tlley de>lped 1 peothouJe atllirtmenl , lo DI a l pecillc bulldJq. . from five to eleven In areas Tlmes." At 1 bearing before Ex-only if s~ce is avallablie ...... ~ around Los An I e I es, In------------------'--------------- dianapolis and Boston. She then compared these nndln1s with data on 2,455 children from five foreign countries. In the U.S. she found that play patterns change with age. •tartin& with independent play and coing toward a d u I t - oriented p I a y., competitive play and finally , lo cooperative team play. American children in general formalize their play at a more cooperative level than children Jn other counbies. Dr. S.qoe feels tliat this "reflects the value pi.ced on s o c i a I interaction charac· terisUC: of.• democratic tocie- ty." She noted that play ls universal ind providtt many CtflllnOO factors ror com· partnc cultu"'" After comparing the two 1eb of data, Dr. Seagoe bellievel her assumption is correct. SbO reporls a hlgli desre< of competlUve ploy predominates In 111thorltarion countries, wbUe cooper1Uve team pity is pr~l1 tn ta. three · democratic coun- triet. The by to tbeae dllfmnc.. ts found ln the nature •nd ex- tent of ad.uh. involvtmtnt, Dr. !!tap 11ld. "In the Wee c1e-.t1c cullum, )'Olllll cblldm play In tho home inctepeoclenUJ ol other cltlld1'tt and their pla1 Is often lmlta~Y!.. of adulls. There ii also '1-11'."t deal ol adult involvement in c~Udren'1 acti•IU• In~ cou1$ "11 the iirihor)tartan lrlel,-.n "lll!tlt ucb.«hlr II... ~ .. 'll>ot IP oulllde ttle home I« PlaTL 11\'9 _t)iere It •lllllt '*It lnvormnem in t ti e 11' ac- UylUu." , Zoo €rew This Is just part of Ute crowd that went along when Ute DAILY PILOT Clr- culallop Department sponsored trip lo San Diego Zoo for one of the larallt crowdJ o( contest winners ever lO be awarded an outing on basts of. aubacrlp. lion 1aJes .and service to customers. A total of 143 carriers and their lldlilt supervl1ar1 -more than two lnin cars full -made the all-<lay trip via nQ. road a.nd bu" II' was one or the largest events of its kind stued by a.DJ Souti.. em Calllornia newspaper, according to Milan Lcavlt~ DAIL'i' PILOT tln:W. tlon tnAD.l&er. \ I I I • .. ' PIANUTS · .. ILOT • PRIEST -The lai;, Humphrey Bocart. _ . above, slal's torugbt in the motion piclure, "'l:he : Loll Hand of God," on Channel 9 at 10:30 p.m. The PERKINS su;,y conce= a pilot who poses as a priest to ...;.po a Chine6e wilrlord -than falls in love with • a mlsion nurse. Gene "nemey and Lee J . Cobb ~· ' TELEVISION HEWS .. , Roles Good, Script Bad By CYNTHIA LOWRY . NEW YORK (AP) -"The Skirts of Happy Cltance" on NBC Wednesday night was an origtnal clmedy-romance presented es a dramatic special. It alJoundecl in excellent performers bUt the script was pretty dreadful. · FOR PLOT, we bad an Idealistic author, played by William Shatner, involved ..W.tb a commwllty ac- tJOn program designed to help the poor. Another Dl<!lllber of the committee was a raging, howlil1g W<JIDan, Ellzabelh Ashley reminiscent of the early bloomer girls . .: Tbe angry young woman was so concerned about male domination that she proposed to picket the local marriage burea~ and became very upset because the waiter asked her date to sample the wine b<IMe pouring a glass. NATURALLY the idealistic young author fell far the fieey feminist, and it must be said that Sbalner made a valiant effort to band.le the leeden lb>eo as if they were light, gay. and funny. Miss ' Ash'ley came on stroog, hysterical' and shrill, and Sbatner came off looking like a dope. Since it was presumed to be comedy, boy everitually got girl, and together they confounded the venal politicians who wanted to take advantage of the downtrodden. It w~s not a ve,ry funny idea to start with: THE HOUR, written by Albert Ruben, was the Mb and illlal/rognm in the "On Stage" series this season an was, far and away, it's weakest ettort.' NBC hes a 'COO!/ of sorts with an Interview with Sirhan Sirllan, convicted ossassin of Sen. Robert F. Kmnedy. Portions of the taped interview with cor- respondent Jack Perkins will be broodcast next i(eelt on the network's two-hour "First Tuesday" program. Perkins' interview, held the day after Sirhan was sentenced to death, lasted two hours, Qut only the highlights will be shown. AFTER NINE YEARS as a widower with some narrow squeaks, Stephen Douglas of "My Three Sons"' will marry next season. During the past seaw soo, to brighten, up the long-playing situation comedy, one of-the sons abd spouse produced tri~ lets. FOR SEVERAL MONTHS -perhaps even years -Washington bureaucrats have been study .. ing TV commercials for dog and cat foods, listen- ing to the barb and purr< of the animal actors a~ they race for the sponsor's chow, end presumably tasting a litUe here and there for themselves. As a result of Uieir finding, the Federal Trade Commission has advised the Nation's broadcasters that the following rules are effective September 1. Deg and cat food Ctlmmerciais should NOT: * Misrepresent the quality or amount of meat in the product. f:i Place undue emphasis on the presence of. a preferred ingredient. -ti: Imply that a product is a complete food if, in fact, it is only a suJ>'Plemental food. * Use the terms "me8f," "chicken," and "fish" to describe a product that contains animal bywproducts such as liver, kidneys, lungs, brains and intestines. ;.:( Use bum.an food terms such as "stew" or "bash" unless the product conform& to the federal standards for &UCh tenns. Dennis the ltfetUICe •• .. JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEQS MUTI AND JEFF ---. -~--------- ly Cli!nlts M. Schull ' . ll 'I '• MEYER ll\S5 UP' A CHAMCE1'.EET 4 UTitf FREE MEOIC/ll. AP/ICE Q ly John MUes /YOG"-\ By Harold Le Doux By Tom k. Ryan ~ ·-~ By "Gus Arriola ly Mell i. I I I ..... rD WW• Ntw? (30) "Sclenot FIFI." Seoond ol ltlr• "° lllustntin1 ICltntlfk _,.. llid princlpl• lot "*"' ,.... 8!1 lh c.M' hn Mi PW l!ll IOI.II -~ 1:30 BINK •-*' (C) _,, m I 1-"" (30) mvtfll' • a. htll• 11 tu "' (C) (60) Q} (I) N1ntl.,·lr1MllJ (C) fE Mm "' Yllf ....., (30) "Clcthlnt th• Fami!1.'" Loui:se Bodi· man lllb about ways ol slfttc.hln1 tlM f1mily cm:thhll 4oll1r. GI ()) 1111 1111-<t> 7:00 6 C1S Ev•in1 Ntwt (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. D WW'1 MJ 1..11117 <t> (30) m ,._,. IC) (30) @Ci) .......... It> m Trtt11 ... c.n.q1...,01:1 <t> <30> U)hny M,.. {60) fD llldl "'nptd:iv1 {30) .lournal· lst Oon Wh1eldin t~plons nclal lenslons In Pasadtnt arid ltllfOlll'ld· in1 t11mmuniliu. g)Nonl1 D IHl CJ) 111 llMI I~ (ti !30l ''Jilst Do111ld 111d Mt tnd .ltrTJ Mika Thret." When Ann'• 111!1h· bor, Ruth llumen, ps horn• to motbtf. htr hustiand Jtny l1tdln onto Mn and Doit--e0nltlntly. (R) m .. ., 1ri1fi. <C> <90> tlll lltt -· (ti (00) .. ...,. 1111n." ,_ modtrn _production of mMiMI ll'IOl1llity "''· In • ..,,.. of ..im111t ..,.., bmtd ~ • JtlZ ICOlt, thl plQ '9111 ttll tlOfY of lllP'S )oul'M1 thftllllll ... ·- ... ,,!,j,ll!l=~ ... Wl DUrillC n illtlfll ... rtmlnt conf"" tnct .. CIOmfllllrtlty ftltllons, • Ne1ro pallet officer llld 111$ will!• t0ltugue d~ tt.,.,. trt bGth rvltty of prejud~ (R) a-It> P<t m PREPARE FOR A SHOCK * 9:30 TONIGHT KTIV HIGHWAYS OF AGONY ID Hi(ltwlyt of APl'J' (Q (30) Produced by th• Ohio State HIJbwlJ P1trnl ttiit rum ts • sllocldfll IDN: 11 murdM 01 the hlfhwly. ma ....... ..., <6"1 €aWMJ11.-.. a.-tQC111J 0 Mwlt: •Art H ...... Rtca- Ml'Jr' (comedy) '42-Rly Milland. 0 1!1HIJ!ll"" •-<tl ' m Don1ld O'CobAOr (C) 8 CoM11nltJ lullttiR lolfl (C) m ,,... t11• 11aidt 0ut <t> 1:1511 Motlt: "111• Wtb'" (sus11tnse) '4'°-Vi1101nt Price, Edmond O'Brien. 1:.JO m n s...t str111 2::1» O Coloni1111 (C) "On th1 Thruh- old of SDtee." "Siem BtfOll," 1nlf "f1ntom1s." 2:IO G) i\ll-fli&M Shor. "Winter MN!:· Int'' 11~ "H1!1'1 Kitdttn. • m -w1w1 i.ta!" <•relM) 'S:r - Marlon B11ndo, Anthony Qulnn. t:U 8 (C) "f1ncr P11'1h" (OCNllldy) '50-8ob Hi»t, lucllle 8111. 11~ O (C) "Tlmblr Jaaw (1ctventur1) '54-St1rlin1 Hl)'dtn. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:30 m '1111 SMdinr Min Pi!Jrl111• (muSlul) 't7-8ttty Gr1blt. '1\lt fM'm (C) "ftft w.rr ("mtn) 'St H.rtn Clrl" (drtme) 't7-ShlrltJ .::itilldo!Ph Scott. O.Vlll 8rl1n. Templt. 2:00 m "llclft II Ille S." (d11111) 7:a • (C) .,.....,.. (....,..) '46-•Sf-Jolin llnlllJ, Ytrl flllek. IQ St•lt. 1:00 D (C) ......_ OJ'" (IMl!Me) l:lS l!I cq "Tt Tl W...-(4rw) '42 '~Yan Ktftlll. Al4t lllJ, -=tti• TltnMy, Pnlto1 Fost•r.' D (C) "'Sflll fif hr.-.r (....._ ,_a..._.. M ._. (4rl.1Ml 'II tt111) 'S4-t11111tt1 Go6dR. 8-&t =ii rt __ Doll Ntdtr • • _,... .•• _ . 4:G081t>_,, ...... _ ..... CC) .... ...,.. (dn1111) '4~ (ldvtnllll'I) '57~11' f111Cl, Jtht ~ lllb:llvM., 11'"'8 loJ. Crtrplft. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q11ft"ty Ptl11*1119 tl'lll D1p111cf1t,l1 s;,...1c1 fllf etttrt tfr1111 1 Ou1rf1r 1f 1 C.11tvry. 1211 WIST IALIOA ILft. NIWP'OIT II.ACK • Saddlehaek T ... y's FllUll N.Y • ...ltadl•, VOL 62, NO. 128,'3 SEaTIONS, 30 PAGES O~NGE ·COUNTY, CAIJFORNIA • TEN CENTS Laguna's All Year School Plan Out Next Year Consi®ralion of an all-year, or trimester. school plan tor El Morro Elementary school for the upcoming school year baa boerl dropped. Dr. William Ullom, Laguna Beach Uoi(ied School District superintendent, will recommm:i to the trustees Tuesday that Ille program not be 11\!llltuted for the 1989-70 year liot that flu1ber study of the coocel!I be made. The cont.roverslal plan would hive stagg<red the traditlooal lllree month summer vacation over the entire school year. Instead ol aoli>i ·nine mooths •to achool with three mOn£bS off in a row, students would have -thiee months to achool, have a month off, then another three months to ICboOI and have a month of.f, ill year long. The concept ·propOeed by El' M0m> School Principal Bill Allee woWd have been • first fl)f Ille Lqmli Beach Diltrict. Allen said he beu.ved that more time wu needed to work out the pro- gram. "Time ii needed to fee that. the c;om- munlty Is olfecp•ately inform<d alloul tbe restructured ICiool year," he saiCL llllrin& a aeries ol colJee ~lalcbes ,held by Allen and .... El Morro•leoclim, only about 15 persons received the true facts, be said. "The board Is seriously intereslod·ln the prosram," Dr. Ullom said. He In- dicated tbat the year-around attendance mi8l>t be lnstilUlad after Ille study WU complete. The school board would have tO enact ' ' the measure, It cannot be done by an ado Jilini.straUve determinaUoa, be'Aid. Dr. Ullom's recommendaUon to the l>oinf praises Allen) efforts. "It la recommended that Mr. Allen'• Gime.ter pnicram not be iostittited for fhe 1181-70 achool year and thal Mr. Alltn. Ito _......ied for his inlliaUve in developing the f)n>Pllsal and his iniliallve Jn communicating with the peop&e served by El M0m> School. . "It Is further recommended that AUen. be encouraged lo ""1Unue hla study of the prvpoaal, '° that the board may giv1 consideraUon at a later date when ad-' ditlooal da,. la acquired," the auperlnteo- dent's .recommendations states, eac ers ·res··s ·em an s Down tlae Mission Trail San Clemente Set To Greet Nixon SAN CLEMENTE -President Richard M. Nixon will get a big welcome in San Clemente. The Soroptimist Club is direc- ting a "Welcome Nixon" project as a community effort. Red, white and blue "\Velcome Nixon'' banners will be made available to all local mercban\f and tKJaio-e•• by the __ aervk!e club. ~"' deJiancd and produced by Russ Davee. e· Big Bang at Viejo MIS.SION VIEJO -Chinese New Year a liUle late or July 4 a little early? Sheriff's deputies aren't sure but they did issue a warning Tuesday to "twe> Oriental types" after a "homemade ex- plosive 'device" erupted in an open field pear the South Coast Gun Club. DepuUes reported the banger as being ••something larger than a Chinese firecracker." e Street Work Set DANA POINT -A contract will be let :soon to resurface about two miles or streets in the Dana Point area, county supervisors voted Wednesday. Included in the program are the Street or the Green Lantern between Dana Point Cove and Pacific Coast Highway; Street of the Blue Lantern between the highway and eoo feet south; Santa Clara Avenue between the streets or the Blue and Green Lanterns, and OGbeny Park Road between the highway and Camino Capistrano. . The improvements are estimated to cost $14,895 for installing a new asphalt cap on the roadways. e Bea"ll Trflftte Due LAGUNA NIGUEL -The future in· _iersed.ion of Alicia Parkway and .\Ii.so Creek Road in the Laguna Niguel area of southeastern Orange Coonty will eventually h ave the greatest traffic count or any intersection in the county. Fifth District supervisor Alton E. Allen has revealed. The crossing will be near the lluge NGrth American Rockwell plant now un- der COO!irUction and south of the Laguna Hills and Mission Viejo de.velopmenlS. Oraage Coast Weatller The morning fog may fill lhe m, but otherwise it'll ~ a mem- orable Memorial Day, With tern~ eratures in the ?O's and sunny skies prevailing. INSmE TODAY Differmi things prompt di/· ferent people to wash tht'lr hands. Today's "Cht'ckfng Up" •oel»m·n on l'age 7 MOndcrt w1&at makes uou go to the 'IQ(llh basin. -. ; ' ' • .... .. " " • .. ,.,, .. " • -" MlltNI ...... 11 ,,. ...... ,.... .. °"....,. c-rr '' l•d.. ...... 1a.1• ._.. , .. ,, .... ~ , .. 11 T"""* '' -" -. .,.,. """"' •.JI . Lagunans To Decide On Details Laguna Beacll teachers have be.en bi~en what amounts to a "do it yourself•• :hiary increase proposal. Trustees o( the Laguna Beach Unified School District decided Wednesday to in· crease the money alloted for teaching persoonel by five percent next year and let the teachers decide where and how the increase should be applied. Present allotment for teacher's salaries and benefits is $1,lll0,000 and the five per- cent increase would amount to about $60,000. In a proposal by the teachers to the school board earlier, all the items asked fQC by , IM lelcbor!< J'1IUl\I )lave COii $267,000'. In eUed. the ilcholll board has the teachers' P"'flOlll by $211'7,000. t.ht entire five percent lncrta.M pri> posed by the board were appUed strlctlf to an across-the-board salary bike, salaries would be raised from_$8,"30 now to $6,720 at the low end of the schedule and al the lop from IJ.2,520 presenUy lo lt3,5M. . Dr. William Ullom, superintendent of district schools said he doubted that the whole amount would be aP(llled to an aCl'ODthe-board iocreaae. A poll of teacher preferences In the salary negotiations listed 14 areas where the teachers would like to have additional money distributed. Highest on the teachers' list was the request t h a t increment steps between ~lary~velsdeterminedbyUainingaOO experience, receive increases. A statement to· tbe teachers from the board of education said the area increase would "create a $100,000 d e l i c i t preJiminary budget based on the expected $5 million assessment increase in the district'' and a 9-«nt tu increase. The $100,000 deficit would be met by cuts in the summer :school program for a savings in the area cf fT,000 to $8,000, the board decided. Other areas that could be pruned are under consideration, Ullom said. The board emphasized that because of the deDclt, any additional du t y assignments -coachlng, band concerts, drama productions -beyond those already set would not be possible. The beard also said that a d.i1!erentia1 salary schedule, wtlereby considerations oUW than training and experience are made Jn aalary detennination. appeared ''worthy of carefW consideraUon." It asked that the teachers Ind trustees consider a joint study of the matter in the upcoming year. ·1 Woman Reports Clothes Stolen A Mission Viejo woman's claim that valuables and clothlng worth $1,665 were taken from her heme is under in- vestigaUon today by Orange County sherill's olicen. Mn. Jo Ano Braun, 24511 Cbriaallta, told' investfpton that the property WU taken from her home aomeUme between Saturday and Mondoy. Mra. Braun listed her Jamel a jewelry, a television set. tape recmder, hand guns, too molion plctura coamu lllaf a Marine Corps elms unif0<m. CORNER REPORTS COACHING CHANGE 1 AU lndlcatiOOJ today qgest a coaching aNikeup Ill In the mUlnl II Laguna llUch !Dgh School. For a youths. eye view of campus altuaUOn. read LBHS Senior Tom Gorman'I cohmm with In O• elusive report on Page I ol today'1 DAI- LY PILOr. OAILT Pn.oT stlll ..... Capo Hints Walkout On Tuesday Teachers ol lhe Capistrano Unified School Dlslrlct have voled lo suapend all extra curr1cu1ar services and today threatened to remain any from claaset ~y unless the school b o a r d reconatders teachers salary proposals. TruStees of the district enacted a 3.f perceol salary increase al Monday night's board meeting ·after unilaterally endin& salary negoliaUons over the loud ~ ol teachera. • In a district-wide meetin& Wedneaday. --cil( Ille' CapiallOM Uollled F.ducallon -lloa ilemaJ!ded !tilt !lie ulaiy -let for 1-.11 ldloc>I year be placed on Ille board agenda next Monday. I • ' ' • FLAMES DESTROYED A1'ARTMENT HOM& COMPLEX IN LEISURE WORLD Survivor Ml'I. Miry. Curr.ler Gr11p1· er1ud POIN1l ion After Her Escape Teacben voted lo lake advan .... ol emergency leave and aict leaTe to re. main away f-school Tueoday il lhe demand Is not cmnplled with. Today Truman Benedick, assistant :superintendent of lnstructioo and penon.. nel, uid be believed that the item is acheduled for lhe meeUng. Pair Escape Laguna Hills Home Blaze Two ~ekle.rly, p.ersons wen! ,treated. for. smoke tnh&laUon {ollowlng a fire early this morning which.destroyed a Laguna Hills Leisure World apartment house. Treated arx1· released wenr Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams of 94 A ·Calle • Aragon. 1be blar:e caused an estimated $88,000 damage lo the LJ:iree.apartment Fucture. Fire officials said the blaze probably was caused by a cigarette in the Wil· Iiams' apartment. They believe it orig· .inated in \be living room couch. state Forestry officials marshalled nine units aod about 50 men to fight the fire which broke out about 11:30 a.m. OcxupanlJ ol the other too aparlm<nlJ were tilted as M.wy CUrrie and M. AIUield. They'were·nol irlJured. Six ' enginu,! IMe,"tnack •company arE twG saJvage·resciie· units' were call'1 from · throughOut mtfieastem Orange County lo fight the blaae whkb was brought under control at 3:02 a.m. after a battle of more than two hours. · Youth Stripped To Impress Girl? -· depllles think that the wed -llllll "' Ille South Laguna beach tool: olf bis -lo Impress his girl fri<lod; 8ollt ._ lpmid oul on the sand, \be only dlllonnce belna thal al1e waa In her -IUlt and he WU Clad only in hfJ blrCbday -Tbe ,_ lacty'a react!om are ...-.. But ~a deputies were tnmendously lmpreS!ted a n d im- mediately booked the ju-le for in· decent upooure and conlribuUng to lhe delinquency ol a minor. ' ' NEW YORK (/.P)-Tbe lloct marRI put Oii I dlaplay o/ llllJJNillC -In active tradlni today In advance ol the three.dlf Memorial DOy weeftod, (See quolaUom, Ptiea 10.U). I "' , ' V.S. Troops Attack Red Strategy Meet, Kill 59 Teachers will present two provlali:ln9 for board considerauon. -They will aski the board to pass a resolution that would allow the board to adjust teacher salaries during Ille next fiscal year. This open end contract would allow salary hikes in the advent that ado dltional monies are obtained by the di.strict by some as yet unforeseen SAIGON (JJPI) -. U.S, lroo!lf 5UJ>' ported by , tanks, aircraft and arlillery swooped down on a Communist strategy rhfftftlg in• Ute· jungles . nortbweit of . Saigon today and killed 59 ' of the,. deftndefs 'in fierce' flghtlng, military spol<esmen reported. The spokesman sild troops al the U.S. 2S Division acted on intelligence reports Communist Orncen would ta~e ad- vantage ot'thelr two-day Bµddha birthday truce,to meet near Trang Bang, 23 miles northwest of Saigon, to plan a summer offensive. Aircraft flew over the sprawling buliker complex and called on lhe COmmunbt leoders lo surreDc!er . bul inslead the del~r> opened ·~ wllh au~. weapons fire al the liroadcutlng planes. 1be American forCe of t»· meh• thtn at: tacked Witb1 tanks, arf:illery, helicopter gunships and fighter-bombers. "They atarted running every which . way," one 24th Division ofO<:er said. The Commwlists fled through bamboo and nlpa palm hedgerows and were back- 1 -~ up against a river wher'e they were pounded by air slr!W, spokesmen said. Amercan casualties in the fighting were listed as one kllted and four wQJnd. ed.. The battle started oae hollr before the beglzmlna ol lhe c.mniunlala' 4f.l>our DIME DEADLINE AT 5 TODA·Y Due to the Memorial Dt¥ bolldt¥, deadline for Dlme-A·Llne adl to appeari In Salurdt¥'• edllloa ol the DAILY P!LOf Wll moyed up lo I p.m. today. All DAILY PILOr olflc<a will ba d9aed Oii Fr!dajt and • llPOCial bollUay edlllcio ol the nenpaper, will be publllhed Friday morning: S..VI« complalnt.9 ,.Ul ba • -by telopbone (-)-..,. Ille --~ llllllL.1-p.m. .. ~D0!1. . • " truce obiirvlng ·Buddha's 2;513\h blrlhday at 7 a.m. Amerlcar. headquarters today released casualty figures sbowtng ~ U,S. death toll has surpassed '.s:ooo this-year but ls rluming 40 ,~n( lOWer tJtall last year. . The report said 0265 Gii died last week and 1,863, sullered wounds -a sharp dropp 'from the 4311 kilied' and 2,185 wounded the prevt01.1S1 week in sharp fighting acro.ss South Vietnam. ""'"'"· -They will ask that the school board establish wilh the teachera a joint "fact• finding" committee to determine the true asset,, cf the district and to study the proposed 191&-7'1 school budget. In the stonny salary session last M()Do 'day, the board refuaed lo conatder Ille open end contract pnipooaJ of Ibo teachers. It is understood that prier to the nut meetlng1 the board will meet in (See TEACHERS, P•ge I) * * Huntington SclwolS Hit . . Witl,i Teacher Slowdown By RUDI NIEDZIEL8KI unwilllngness lo neglltlate for salary In· Of .. Dllltr ,.. SM creases. I Two amona: .four .schools In the Hun-nd --~·-Ungtim Beach Union !Dgh School Dbtrict A to<>a -a-liaU page memor~wu d.lsmlssed 'sfudenta at 10:30 a.m. today, released Wednesday by trustees stated because of confullon· caused by a that the dlstrlct is prepared to offer a f minimwn teaching day called by percent increase to the present salary, teachers in a dispute over salaries. schedule in addilloo to the regular ad- Hunllngton Beaclt and Founlaln Valley vance of step lncremenlJ. high achoola allowed the students lo leave ll added that the board's rep<esen~ al1mld-monllni Instead of the originally live would "meet and confer in good s;:hOduled J.2:30 p.m.'dlamisaaf'Ume. faith" with the teecbera on the matter. Dr. Mu' Forney, dillrlct supetln-The DEA IS a9kfug for I.I percent in- leli4ent, said the adminlstralioo had not crease in Ille salary schedule. g!n'n appmal f0< a min1mUm day According to the memorandum tbe ao- !JChedule which ll and II alone la ..,. lual teacher ulary -plus ad- powered to calJ. He 11kl clasaea were vancement incremeots would amount 1o dlamlaaed becawle of the conlullon ae actual salary Increase ol U pon:ent. mated bl' the o<bedule set up ari>llrlrilJ "Thia Is wone than a mlarepr_. by teacben. ,.lion ol the factual data," charged Carl "-Students were comin& and gotng lnu Manemann, D&A presktenl "lnatment confUlion. Tbey tried, bat cooldn~l.acljult · Iner-have never been a -to Ille _,led schedul<;" uplalned Dr. 8'1ertiion In teacher wage neptlallonl Paul lla"&er. prlndf>lll II the FOW!lain • before. They are simply lncreaM,pold Van.y compus. · · · fqr tbe·eaperience ud Umt pul11n oa 1111 W-!Dgh School "flCl'tedly ' jOb ii)', IM teacber." planned to CIXillnue the minim.., day The leacher-calted minimum day wlO llChedWe, but conllllioa was rtpOrted 1!e repeated Mon¥.Y ud will be followed there also shortly before noon. 'l'Utajlt¥ and We<lneodaf by • -The same altuadon wu repoited at walkout, wh<n the DEA membera wt11 Marina lllgh Sctiool. ut for penoul leave. 'Ibey wm-.. More lbml 400 teacben at Ille, four lllelr acllvltleo uol!l tl!oY .,. -·-~illnatoo ileacb 11111> leboola-on. pro. Ille ldmlnlatrllloa Is willlnC to 141 "Ml, t$f/oc ' lhe ·adJiilnllllaUon'1° aQectd , OC<On(lne lo teacben' ...--, . ' . "'. 'I • ' . • I DAil Y PILOT L , t ' • PILOT • Earthy Words in Space Draw Heavenl y Thunder By ARTIWR JI. VINSEL Of tlM ~llY P'IMil SU1ff Moon ls just a four-letter word, but an earthy term for a heavenly e:it· 1"f"'!t"ltltncnco:e knocked 9llrl from _the eyes of a few )'00.nl NASA secretaries copy- lnl rad1o menages from the three Apollo 10 598cemen. . So dld some m.ildtt lines as the Navy lieutenant commanders and Air Pett& colonel hurUed to the moon and earthward again In their combinatlon barncka, latrine, meas hall and apace laboratory. "Blaspbemoua, 11 declared Dr. Larry w. Poland. Miami Bible Collqe administrator who sent telegrams to President Nixon and NASA execuUves demand!ne public apoloate.s from the Apollo crew. They have not ·bee.n forthcoming yet. * "[ dldn't reilly request a re.sponse," said the 29- year-old Dr. Poland when .teleph<lned at bis Miami home to check national response to his wklely quoted criUclsm of gutter talk In the helvens. "I think the thin& that upset me most was their slang word for sexual intercoune, usuUy found on rest room walls/' he aplabied. 0 Some of the NASA girla in the.Ir teens and early twenties were so of. fended they refused to type it out while transcribing tapes," he added, refer- ring to weekend Miami newspaper accounts. * All spafe explOration ttistJ hoWever, must be faced by NASA chieftians, and more liberal 1tenocrapben were sununoned. Taltlng the Lord'a name In vain at cr1Ucal moments during the tense moon-girdling mission was another specific complaint by the Purdue Univer· sity graduate, whUe a pup's parent.age was more borderline. "Whether jt is la the 10 Commandments, laws of Jewish religion or whatever, we are not to take the Lord 's name in vain,• Dr. Poland said. "Jt seems incredible that they wouJd curse God when they needed Him most. It seems the same as a Russian cosmonaut cunine Man or Lenin. . * "I've had people call and. say thei r young boys Idolize the astronauts anc1 then they are shocked to hear these leaden tn the eyes of the entire world ·aay: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB'," Dr. Poland continued. "The strongest reaction, I ttUnk, came.frOm people who thought I was trying to take away from the glory of the achievement, which 1 wu not," he continued . "I rejolce ln our space program, but I tblnk such language apolls the show." The young educator ls not a minister, although he has seminary train- ing, and said he ls not a prude, nor blind to contemporary slang patterns and the fantasUc pressure on moon pioneers. ' 11Wlth me, it's a matter of right or wrong and a lot of people agree the language they used was certainly indiscreet, if not downright tbe wrong thing to do." "Eapeclally, since this is by NASA admission the first crew with which they've had any problem," he explained, praising prior earth orbiUng and moon-vtstting astronauta (or talking lite gentlerben. • "I've had reactions of all sorts since sending the telegrams Monday,'' he said during the transconUnential chit-chat Tuesday night, "and if you're in- te,tstecf, my own Utile Gallup PollJ shows ne~nt in favor of my lland." ,-,., ' * ~ ,.'~.~done comment from a priiell!~.aid\oll pilot who said he hasn'I , .Mlnri~ profanJty on the airwaves in 24 yee,.•O(fiying," aald Dr. Poland:• tdDalni up the interesting question of certain jurildictional limits. ~ The Federal Communications Commission rules U.S. airwaves, but radio penetrates tM atmosphere and literally continues on into eternal reaches of the unlvene. • But if ·any Utnterrestrla1 beings -intelligent beings or of subhuman mental capacity -were listening in, we can be relativel7 certain of two thinasOne culture Will 1diamlss our reliance on folir-letter terms as underde- veloped vOcabulary, wblle· the other species' language will be spicily enriched. Coµttty OKs Zoning Map s ' For Planned Community Zoning maps for the 300-acre Mission Planned Community .Developmenl of the Macco Corp. located east of Rossmoor Leisure World we re approved Wed· neaday by the Board of Supervisors. The big developtnent Is bounded on the 11orth by the Santa Ana Freeway, on lhe east by Cabot Road and the Santa Fe Railway tracks, and on the south by a developed single-family home area. When completed the development will include 292 acres of .singie-family homes, l6 acres of apartments and 31 acres of OAllY PllOI OlllAHGI! OM'AH'f Jl•\•rt N. We1<il f'rnl*fll -l"vWlltlu • J•ck Jt. c.,1 • .,. YQ ,.,.ldmt .... """"" """""' Tito"'•• "''"ii ..... Thot11111 A.. M•,.hlft1 ..... ""'* .""" Jtlc:l.11'111 P. Nill , __ Cl,., ll'lllOr commercial buildings. Plans also include three school sites (two already existing), two park sites and several greenbelt areas. Eventually 1,800 units are expected to house 5,600 people. El To1·0 Road Funds Approved The Orange County Board o f Supervisors have approved payment of a $76J.J4 bill to the R. J. Noble Co. of Orange for emergency repairs to a stonn-<iamaged, four·mile stretch of El Toro Road. Repairs included, accc:inting to county Road Commissioner A. S. Koch, replaro- ment or a washed out bridge over Aliso Creek and construction of a temporary detour around the damaged bridge . Other damages were repaired by the contractor between Tracuco and Live Oak Canyon roads. A low bid of $40,700 for a complete resurfacing of this stretch of El Toro Road has been received by the road department from the Griffith Co. of Costa Mesa and awarded by lhe superviws Wednesday. Tickets Taken From Raceway Or1:nge County lnternational Raceway otftciala will be keeplna a careful eye on 41 gralldsloncl s<al< during an upcoming track event. That number ol Uckell wq taken (rom the officel at lhe. Irvine track durln& \ht: early hours of Wtd .. aday. And pelty cuh taken by the burKJar hiked his haul , lo a total of 1,1471 sherill's d<putl<s said. • "Patrons lllOUld he \ll'fltd not to bll)' tickets at reduced prices." an, ofrlce:r warned today. , I • Berkeky's . ' • J Couiicil ·on LAGUNA TEEN CORNER ' By TOM GORMAN TV Tonight BERKELEY (AP) -A City Council meeting tonight will be telecut live statewide u ofnctall move to preve11t violence during a muslve "people'• park" protest march Friday. Gov. Ronald Reagan says the 200 Na- tional Guard troo~ camped on the three conb'Overslat acres -along wllh aboul 2,000 Guardsmen on alert al nearby armories -will stay at least through Friday. Militants plan to mobilize ,. 50,000 persona from around the atate in a Memorial Day convergence tO protest fencing of the land after young people planted it with grass and flowers and put in playground facilities. Reagan promised Wednesday to use "Whatever force is necessary" to protect lhe chain·llnk fence that the University of Callf.omia, the property's owner, erected during a riot May 15 which left ODI person dead and 130 injured. Meanwhile, the march org~zers vow- ed "lhe fence will come down," but did not say when. · There were indications today that. to avoid a possible repetition ol bloodshed, authorities were considering a plan under which the university could lease the ground to the City of Berkeley, which could reta!Jl It as a people's park. In an unusual development, Berkeley Mayor Wallace \Johnson ann o unced Wednesclay that proceedinp of the City Council will be broadcast llve r tonight on educaUollll TV 111au..,.1n $aD Franc:lsco, Sacramento and Loo Ani'leL Sources clooe lo his olllce said the leaR que&lion ts erpected-lo be part of the ,..em.. In acldiUon, Berkeley tampus Chan- cellor Roger W. Reyna told a delegation of :menu from Southern Catiloml~ Wed- nesday he "would make some statement" to eaae some ·o1 the pressure ~ the Memorial Day mardl on the park. · Runoff Voting Fills Laguna Class Officers FAMIIJAR REFRAIN : The "casting director" chAnged this year, but Laguna Beach H1ah Sc.hooJ'1 annual year-end pro- ducUon of "Res:Ianations, Anyone?" see1n1 to have u thtck a plot -as ever - partloulorly In 1he cOacbJng rolee. Teen Comer baa learned exclusively ol the resignations of coaches Jerry Neumann and Warren Watkins. Now that makes three. * * * lt all at.arted last week when track coach Jack Lyth&~ dramatically an- nounced that he had been dl81nl!Sed from his poit In • talk before 500 Laguna athlete! and triends at the Spring Sports Banquet. 1 Lythgoe's replacement, it has been asserted ln)nronned circles, was selected as the reaull of only one Interview several months ago, but the word was kept quiet. Lylh&oe was informed only two weeks ago. * * * So now lhree coaches have stepped from their roles : Lythgoe, Neumann and Watkins. And there are question marks sur- Lagunans Make Europe Campus For Summer When Lagun8 J!eoeb IC!lool bells ring thelr last tn June. a dor.est siudeDts and tea<ber Emanuel Calamaro won't he loliing away tbelr penclls and books ror summer. The La~a plan to make the world their campus. For sll' wee.ks in July and AU£1111, lhey wUI travel to Europe lo at- tend claues in London, Paris, and Rome throiigh the American InsUtute for Foreign Study. · 11ie flodenta are Laura Bird, Sture Edvarduon, Salli Shaltuck, Katherine Tattnn, Charles Wainwright, Sus an Wat.son, Aluis Sedofl, Stephen Kanratam, Eileen Paysoo, Susan Cham· berlain, Willa Cather, and 1bomas Adam. Calamaro, who teaches French and humanltte.s at Laguna Beach High School will be the group's chaperone on the trip. Laguna Beach High School senior, The students' curriculum will be junior and ....w..,,ore clus n.tDOfi: d~· , w---i-t by Westfield College of Lon· !loris held IiK',rJ;k lla~tod'ln llie ,_ ,....., don, Eogl>ncl. . election of an even dor,en studenta to stu· Calamaro and the students will begin dent ~y .~fl~. .. ... t! _ their trip Jul)' t When they leave John F. " 'ilifl,ld'lldJhl!ck II t!IO'new'lellllit!ibis•n Kennedy Intemallonal Airport b;<New pre5ident. Hustwick will be joined by York for ll.ondon. · Tony Fryer, vice-president. Senior clus During their lo.day academic session in secretary 1s Lou AtCheson and lrtasurer England, the curriculum will focus on is John Mortimer .. -· contemporary Europe from the British Junior class will be headed by Greg standpoint. Kessler. Mark Klosterman Is vice-.presi· From London, the students will cross dent, Chris Randall Is the junior class the English Channe l to France where secretary and Lynda Peden ls the they will take a bus to Paris. There they treasurer. will study Europe from the French point Sophomore class president is Linda of view. Kawaratani and vice president ls Glenda From their lo.day stay at Paris, the Acord. Christine Syfan Is the class students will lravel through France, secretary and Nancy Parish is the Switzerland and then to Italy and Rome treasurer. where the students will study modem Freshman class elections will be held Europe from the Italian viewpoint. 1n the faU. The group will leave Europe for the From Page 1 TEACHERS ... secret executive session to discuss the proposals. The salary offer rejected by the teachers, but passed by the board, gave a $250 across-the-board increase lo all teachers. regardless .ot experience or education. Jt also pays all the personal medical insurance for the employes. United Slates on Aug. 12. P layhouse Vandals Cause Loss of $100 Vandalism caused about SlCIO damage to the new Laguna·MouJton Playhouse nearing completion in Laguna Beach al &06 Broadway. Police said vandals during the weekend knocked out about a six-foo( square sec- Uon of plaster in the shop area. I l ' • r~ the future roles of .coacbea Ed , Bowen and Norman Borucki. There's eve.n llOIDe talk about the future· ro1e of head varsity football coach llal ,Akins, considered in °'1'11• Cowicy alblellc circles as one of the moat aucce!sfuJ prep grid coaches In the business. * * * Against the backdrop of all these reparts on the Artist cunpua, tome fl the coacl\es hid a bit to 111y: Said coach Neumann, "I uted fer a leave of absence for next year with UM; Possibility that I migbl wanl to relurn lhe following: yea r." He made clear that salary had no bearing on hia declsion. .. COF'Ch Walkins' script wu a b!t more meaty. Bia realOll for ~? "I disagree wl\h the district'• plillolopjly towards coaching." He al.!o stated that salary hadn't entered the picture. · Offered Coach Borucki: "I've been told I will be the head baseball ~ and assistant football coach ••• under certain provisions. But," he em~asized, "I'm sUJI in the process of evaluating those provisions." Those provisions don't Involve either .. lary or:his Jl>IUIY u a coadl,-he .. ld .• "I'll have an answer tiy Monday.··· ~ ~· As for coach .Bowen, "My coa~ .I poilUon rests on the outcome or a :t m"!'lnl .I've ":'.'i....a.d with Dr; Wllllllll Ullom, !iChooLs superintencl<nt, the: J school boanl,'. Princlpol RolJert Reevu l and my .. 11. Salary has nothing to do 1 with my COjlching," Bowen concluded. : "I ' * * * :, Through tt all; Coach Akins appears to ~ he alltillg Ug)il He's deeply. lnvolv«b right DOW ib lprlng foothill tfainlng. It ~ looks like rat yw he'll be working wltb :. a new coacbinf stall for Bee football •113· the reault ol Newnann and W1tkln11 leav.1 ~ Ing. And it's likely a new.Cee footbaJt.1' coach ,will rep~ L_ythgoe. . • If BOwen •nil Borueki lade lJ'om lho • scerie, Ak.iiiS wjll Deed n~w aa&1atant' :. va~ity coaches. · Akins would say only that he'll have to ' wait and "see what events take place before examining my own future.'' * * * You can draw )'tlur own conclusions, but it'a the guess in this comer that dif- ficult days are brewillg on the Artist campus. Too Mu~l1 Water Bungles Blamed for Sub Sinking VALLEJO, Cal~. (UPI) -The 100 million nuclear submarine Guitlaro sank at a Navy pier in a comedy of errors, during wpich one work crew pumped water into lhe bow to level the vessel while another poured water Into the stem for an experlment, according to con- gressional Investigators. The submarine settled in 36 feet of water while undergoing final prepara- tions for commisslonlrig at Mare Island Naval Shipyard on May 15 -as Navy brass was attending an Armed Forces Day dinner in Vallejo addreSttd by Assis- tant Navy Secretary James D. Hittle. The Guitarro was refioated by shipyard worken In three days. Restoration work is under way. A special three-member team of the ~ House Armed Services Subc.ommittee ended three days of closed hearings \\'ednesday and concluded the submarine sank as a result or "'the coocurrence of several wholly avoidable factors .• , Reps. Samuel S!ratton (D-N.Y.), John E. Hunt (R·N.J.), and William J. Randall (0-' Mo.), served as investigators. The committee report said t h e, "ultimate responsibility" ior the accident " must be borne by th~ Mare Island· shipyard commander, Rear Adm. Norbert Frankenberger -but the "proximate'' cause of the catastrophe was "the defl· cient performance of the c i v i I i a n supervisory personn~l." Laguna May Be Location For TV World Festival The possibility that Laguna Beach might become the site this fall of an in- ternational conference of television top brass was broached this week at tjle. Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce board metting. ' Chambef Manager W a rl'e n Morgan told directors that lhe HollywOod Festival of World Television might be shifted from the UCLA ((ampus to Laguna. lf so, the four-day sessions would beglri lbout Oct. 16. he said. · "·They're tired of the smog belt and parking problems of UCLA. They feel thi s is an Ideal spot for It," Morgan said. He estimated such a gathering might in- clude 200 or 300 executives rrom the U.S. netWtlrks and other counfries to exchange infonnalion on television trends. Morgan said the new Laguna-Moulton Argentina Mobilizes BUENOS AIBF.S (UPI) -Argentina's military government mobilized Us armed strength today ror a showdown with rebellious students and workers who call- ed a nationwide general strike for Friday , after two weeks of disorders. Playhouse and Festival of Arts Forum Theater m I g h t bz used for television screenings that· could include a showing for Lagunans. • 'Sawdu st' Booth ) Space Offered Laguna area arlists and craftsmen In- terested in entering the third annual Sawdust Festival this summer may tie down booth space with a $25 deposit. The Sawdust Festival will be staged In Laguna Canyon from July 11 through Aug. 24. ';\Ve art processing space selection on a first come basis at a lively pace," reported Ed Knapp, membership chalnnan of Laguna Artists and Callery Owners A.ssoclaUon, parenl organization of the exhibit. Total fee, which includes membership in the Association, Is $60. Deposits may be sent to th Sawdust Festival, P. 0 . Box 1251. Laguna Beach 92652. Information is available by calling 4H-t!758. Teachers had asked th.at they be given a $200 lncreaSe at the low end of a 12 step salary schedule and a $400 increase at the top or the schedule. They asked that family medical insurance payments be picked up by the disUicL Teachers now earn from $6,SOO to $13,000, and receive partial medical In- surance payment from the district. DAD WILL BE THE YEAR 'ROUND Teachers voted Wednesday to show-up In forte at the Monday night meeting of the school board at a p.m. in the dislricl headquarters. Onassis' Son Plans To Marry Baroness NEW YORK (UPl) -Aristotle Onassis, a bridegroom of Jess than a year, may soon become a fathet·ln-law, il was learned today. Sources close {o the Creek shlpplJl~ lY· coon's family said Onassis' 21-yeaN>ld son. Alexander, is planning lo marry one of lnttrnat.ional eociety's most glamorous bcauties1 Baroness Fiona Von Thyssen- Bomemlua de Ka.non. 15 years hi! senior. P lanners Turn Down Aparllnent Request U:lguna Beach planning commlssloners hava tumtd down a use vari1nce 50Ught by C. E. Slemonu, 174 Cliff Drive, to construct. a six-unit apartment building. - Planners objected to a variance from slde_y1rd requirements and tin' extra unit on the properly. The variance appllcatlon was the first 80Ulht undtr new 1tandard1 for R·3 (multiple residential) living. • FROM JJ. J. 9arrell GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS Ho'll IHI liko a king on his throne when he relaxes in one of these comfy choirs! PROFESSIONAt INTERIOR DESIGNERS A GIFT TO lREASURE ·"" ENJOY FOR YEARS . • Cuatom quality through-out • LunrlOlll cushioning o Your tholct of ool<n from an extemi•e ,.11Ct1.., o( flllaot luthor -· from $199 ZllS HARIOR ILV'O. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 60.0276 / I --------------------------------------------------------------·------------ \ ., ·, ( \ -· : ----· • ••• -- Teday'• Flwal • I , . • VOi: 62, NCi>. 128, l . SECTIONS, 30 PA6£S ORANGE COUNTY, CALlfoRNIA THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1969 Salary .St~ndoff Teachers, Board at Odds; CT A Callid DAILY Pit.OT Sllff.,. By THOMAS FOR'nJNE Of "" 0.1.., '"'"' '''" Newport-Mesa school teachers and i..Jiool board members met in a no- decJsion, marathofl ses.!ion on salaries WodneSday rupt: At l :30 a.m., this , morning the more than D 1dleharda among 500 teachers pr<1e11t UnoJly w"'t home. N eltl\er side In the teacher salary dispute gave an Inch during the tong·m..ung. • In. the ,end te,achers . called In a thJrd party from ~ornla Teacbets Alaccla· *' * * 2 .Huntington. WILL BALBOA ISLAND'S OLD FIRE STATION BECOME A FROZEN ·BANANA STAND? -NeW"'St1tfOin~Plafintd on J•mbor" Road Places CJoud Over Jl.yNr..Old Flr-"ouse Schools Shut In Confusion Bell Tolling for Fireholi~e? B~ RUDI NIEDZIEUIKI Of .. DlllY,... .... Two among four schools In the Hun- tln~n Be.Oh Unlqn High Scbool District dismlssN students at 10:30 a.m. tod_,, because of confusion caused by a minimum teaching day • called by Bal.boa Island Citizens Hope to Save Old Building By1 JEROME F. COLUNS Of •·otllr '"'' s .. n • Qalboa Island's 38-year-old firehouae may soon be clo8ed and replaced by another larger station near Newport Cent~. Island bu~ and citizen leaders aren't happy about the prospect. They say the ooe-englne,. two--story-stucco sta- tion at m. Marine Avenue is very much · needed on .tJ:i,. bland. · But city officials say the islanders lhouldn 't worry atiout it · dent of the Ba1boa Island Improvement Association, said today the old structure should remain, whether or not tbe new station ill built. "I'm agaimt moving the fire station off the Wand," he said. "During crowded copditions in summer, fire truckJ could ncit get on the island. Fire insurance rates here would also increase." <larence "Chick" Higbie, ex.coun- cilman and Balboa Island aUorney, chiracterized any plan to cloee down the old station "ridiculous -unless they find another island 1ocalion." . 'fll!e• ,,iety of, tile ~· he ~ ._ ... station ·noceaaaty .;iHBtn stilk· ing distance." ... considered abandoning the old firebouae teachers in a ·dispute ove.r wanes: and opening a new ooe at Bayside 6;,ter, Hunllngtoo Beach and Fountain VaikJ' near the Wand's bridge. But the plan' was high :ochoOl1 allowedtbe st>Mfent• to•lelve dropped after island merchanta com-at mld·morrilng instead of the originally plained. scheduled 12:30 p.m. dismlsaal Umt. "lt'samazingwe'vehadsofewfireson Dr. Max _Forney, dlstr1d super!Jl.. the island," she said.. "But w1..--·-........ u.:u ..... u...... tendent, said the adminiJtraUon bad not traffic is bumper.to-bumper on Marine Avenue, it would be impossible to get any given approval for a minimum , day equipment over the bridge ahd onto ·the schedule which It and. It alone ls. 'em- island." powered to ·call. He said 'cluaee ·were William stevenson, a re.al.tor' and' of. dismissed because of the cmfuslon ficer of the Balboa Island ailalnesa. ~'OClllllule ,...;,,,~· ~. G\11 .... witl ~#:tfl!'< ~.,, ·r/i'i.'l .,.,,,,.. ·, ' • i!SIW'atbl1 orPnli:ltlon's neit~.t ur,, '" i ? r' . · -~· f, · :. · · "Things are pretty overo owded ·on this s~~t.il' were conun1 ihd iolnl· ln· -. lion (CTA) to Pok• throup th< budget bere<llcedtoll!'cenllforNewllO!'I-.; ind ·-H he can find money Iha board and U cent. for c..ta Meaa, ...,.illug ooul1!.releaae for leach<r salarlea, • to Budget OU.Ctor Walter AllrllL -r or not such addiUoiial money The.pr<Sent tu rple In N.....,.. lloodi la foand the school board said tt will Is 14.07 per ltOO of U8eaed ..aruatlna llld ldoot i Aliry scale nest Tuesday nl!lht. In Costa Mesa it Is IU9 per llGt. 1be The ulary acaJe trustees are.. offer~ ettin')ated new tax 1ratt1 for nut ~ thq: aay will require a tax rale increale tbOh 'could be IUI and 14. '12. · ol 30 ... 11 .. ro give what the teaChers are (or'onge c.ast Junior Cl>llige ~ askb%, they Ay, would requh the tU meahwhile, ia virtually certlin lo~ a bilte be eight c;enll more .., 31 <enb. • • 2keol .tu Iner~.) • . Actually, taking Into, &ccO\ml , bond , • Trusteti Lloyd E. 'l!lanpied Jr. .......i repay'l'ent reductionl, tbe 30 "'!'b.fbould , r , . (See s.u.um:s. Pip II ' . The proposed new station, to be built on a 1.5-ac:re site ~ of. Jam~ RQ.41.d near tl!e Newporter Inn: -will •be larle eD!)Ulh to serve the isl4nd and ~ sur- • -roUnding areU, acoordinl to municipal aldea. Mra. Jl)!e!lil Beek, loot-lime Island resideot and prominent civic .leader, recalled that the city ooce before bad j I d W ' -' · f t bet c:oofUllOO. 'llley tried, bot couldn' adjust san . eve.-~ ee ~~Y iothea&rtebeJIChedule,"etplalrialDr. of the homeo IOIOetimea leso, he said. p I Be · · · al t .-. F~·~-•-(!lee FIREBoUSl!l,·P11e I) au rger, prlllClp • ·~ ~· Nev<rthelesa, .William La Plante,.prui· Governor Joins Balboa Islanders In ·Police Praise [ ?°vernor Ronald Reagan, in a two-page te!f!ll'.am. joined Balboa Island residents a~ city' qfficials Wednesday in praise of the Wotk during 'tfle .last yJ!&r-of f6 ' · Newport Beach policerpen in the tiey L!laijd community. · 'Ibe off4cefs, both dete~tives and patrobnen, weie guests al a special, firsl· ever luncheon in honor of police service ... Balboa lsla.,d. ~nie event . was sponsored by hom.eowner's groups and private citizens In the community. Scotts of persons aasembled in the island's . VUlage Inn mtiiurant. 1Gov. Reagan congratulated I he b:sidents, then said "There has been late- ly. a regrettable , temency by too many people to critlcl2e our law enf.orcement lllthoriUes et every oppcrtunity. 'llt is time, we accord 1tbe police, who dally rfsk ·their lives to protect law- ;jiiding citbom, the pralae Ind thanks ~ are rigbtfuDy due.'' ~Mayor Doreen Marsha:D also sent a eJlnlratulatory telegram . City M~ger ~,. Hurlburt relayed officfal-City fl'allle ·lor the men. '" .. Prade Dam Pl1tgged Beachfront Quarantine Lifted After 4 Months Orange county Health Officer Dr. John Philp today olllclilly declared an end to a fCU'-month quarantl,ne of five miles of Orange County beachfront. Tbe lifting of the swimming and surfing ban along West Newport and Huntington St'.ate Beach is effective imrntdlately, DIME DEADLINE AT 5 TODAY Due to the Memorial Day holiday, deadline for Dime-A-Line ado In appear in Satwday'S edition of the DAILY PlLCYI' was moved !JP to 5 p.m. today, AD •DAILY PILOT' offices will be closed on Friday and 1 .pedal holi<lay edition of the ,aewapaper will be published Jl'ridly mondl!g. Service complainls will he handled by telephone (1142-4323) by the circulation department until J p.m. on Memorial Day. in time for the three-day Memorial Day weekend. Dr. PhJJp made the aMouncement alter an on-site inspection of the Prado Dam near Corona. Orange County crews, working around· the~lock aJ; week long, this morning suc· cessfully completed plugging of the dam, which has been dumping tons of sewage into the Santa Alla River since record rains of January. The area affected by the quarantine, which was imposed Jan. 20, encompassed beaches between the Newport Pier in West Newport all the way north through Huntlngtnn Stale Beach, Newport Beach city crews this after- noon began removing barricades a n d S01De 100 signs warning against swim· ming, Huntlngtnn State lifeguards will be doing the &alne In their juriadictlon. Dr. Philp said periodic bacterlologlcat checks ol the offshore waten will con· tinue. p.S. TToops Attack Red The dam will remain plugged wilil stnrn><lamaged percolating basins, which normally absorb the effluent upstrtam .• •re restored. Dr. Phllljl empllaaized that shell!iSh gathering wjl1 oontlnue to .be banned, possibly dmiup the l\ll1Uller. $trategy Meet, Kill 59 SoµGON (UPI) -U.S. troops SUP-Pfd'd by tanks, airqafl and llJ'!illeey IWaepe:d down an a Communist strategy ~ in the jun(!les north....t of ~ today and • ldlled 59 of the d-In fierce fighting, mUitaey .......... repnrted. "'nit spoiemian said troopo ol the U.S. 2S 'Otvision acted on intelllgence., reporll Ciannunilt ofllcerl. wouht take ad· v ..... of their two-day Buddha birthday trlft tn meet near Trang Bang, 21 miles northwest ol Saigon, to plan a summer -· ·'Ali'crafl new over the sp[aWling bunk.er ~ and caUea"oo the 0ommumst le... 11>. ourrender bllt, !mtead• tile -.., opeoei1 up wfth ' ; .. !ool4tk: ~ fire Ill the broadcaatlng planes.' 'lllt""Kmetlcan force or r.» men then at- tacked with tanks, arUUeey, helicopter l\iblhipl and fllhter-bomben. I • • ' "They · started running every which wayJ" one 24th Division .offtcl!lr said. The c.mmunJsta fled thnJOCh blmboo aod nlpa• palm bedgero'lll and ..... baci· ed up against a river Where tbef were pounded by air strikes, qiok wen said. Amercan casualties le lbl llgiltlt>C we~ Hrted as ooe kllled aad bJr WOWJcl.. ed. The battle started one hour before the beglMing of the Communlats' 41-bou:r truo: ob!ervlng Buddha's S~llth birthday at 7 a.m. Amerlcar. headquarters todQ rtleaaed "31Ua111 fiC!'ru showlna'the u.s~ death · ton bai IWj>aued 6,11111 thla year but is rwinJog ti percont loftr thao lut JiUr. . The i.port·salil 2:16 Gia dlo4lfalt ,.,.k and 1,863 suffered wounds -a sharp dn>pp from the 430 killed and 2.181 woonded the previous week In &harp llgiltinl acrOA Sautb Vlelnlm. • Huddleston New ~ember of Jury A Newport Beach roan baa been nam~ to flll a reoentJy deated vacancy on tbe Orlnp County· Grand Jury. Sworn tn u a member of the panel W-.,Y was llQpald I. Huddleston, HU XIno .Roiicf. 'lie takes over the posi· ·lion lelt b7 Ch!u'les Worren of Yorba Llf>- da .who migned from the Grand Jury due to pl<SSUft of boslnetl lut week. · SUperlor Court Judge Jama F. Judie administered the Ollh of office In the li>- comlng Huddleston. .. • • " StoeJc llf•rJceu NEW YORK (I.Pl-The -k manot put on a dilpla}' ol surprtsln1'0rmneu in active· trading today l.n advance of the: three-day Memoria l Day -.er. (Sae quotations, Pages 1•11), ' Valley campua. Westmlnater High School r~y planned to continue the mtntmum day schedule, but confusion was reported there also shortly before noon. The same sJtuatlon wa1 reported at Marina High School. More than 400 teachers at the four Hiintington BOach high schools are pro- teaUng the admlnJstraUon's alle1ed unwillingness to negotiate for salary Jn. creases. A twHnd..a-half page memorandum released Wednesday by trustees stated ' that the di.strict is prepared to offer a 4 percent increase to the present salary schedule in add!Uoo to the reautar ado vance.of .. step increments. . • ft added that t1ie board's repi-..enia- tive would 1'meet and confer in 1ood faith" with the teachers on the matter. The DEA is asking for 8.S percent in- crease in the salary schedule. * * * Capo Teachers Threaten Boycott Over Pay Hike Teachers ot the Capistrano Unified School District have voted to suspend all extra curricular services and today threatened to remain away from clasaes Tuesday uoless the school b o a r d reconsiden teachers Wary proposals. Trustees of the district enacted a 3. 4 percent salary increue at Monday night's board meeting after unilaterally ~Ing salary negotiations over the lood protest of -· In a distrlct·wkle meet.ink Wedneitttay, ~~r:-~::e:n ~~on~=: that the salary contract for 1919-70 school year be placfd on the board agenda ne:s:t Monday. Teachers voted to lake advantage of emergency leave and sick leave to re-.- maln away from llCbool TUeaday if the demand la not c0mplled with. Today 'l'fuman Benedick, assi1tlnt superintendent of inltructloit and penon- nel, said he -bdltved that the ttem la achedilled for the meeting. Teachers will prQeTlt two provisions f<lr IJomf conslderauon. Trash Pickup Fri.day . ' Memorlal. '"Day· will, be no OOliday for• N~ lltac:ll dly traah calJe<t<in.' They'll-be mltklnrtfle salne olCl,rOaodr, '.,.,eoi•.a 'blr -· aald ·-0enen1· 1 Service• ·Dt~ Jake lolyndu,.: Ho' 'l'Y' ctulomero on tho! "8Ulir ·~ mule sbGWd have theii baniola out by 7 1.m. . -,. . . . Tiiey BenaetnlJer Commander Blayne Kifuler qi NOwport Beach American•Leglon Poet 29! and Mrs. A. J. mackWell of Orange County Gold star Molllers place flags on veterans' graves at Pacific View Memorlal Part in preparation for Memorial Day Services scheduled·for'IO·a=:Frlday at the 1'8IL Services are open to public. _ City's Preliminary Budget. ........ _ Estimated at-$ I 0.5 .Million • Newport Beach City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt today put the ftna1 wraps on a $10.5 million prellminary budget that calls ror a 1.6-cent boost in the municipal tax rate during 18&9--70. It ls the first Ume the city budget has topped 110 mllllon. Laat year, the figure wu Q.4 million .. Hurlburt said the bujlget, il adoptad ... propoaed, wQU]d ~ a $1.241 tu rate in order to balance. The current levy per 1100 of 8l8e8lled valuatlon:ls 11.225. The city manager noted, In bl• budget . ' m .... ge, that only 30-percent, ol city . revenues,come from property taxes. The . rest of the Income comes from sales•ta\c. · es, water bi111,1gas tues, COW'\ finel•and other speew feea. The city tu rate reF,esenb about one- seventb of Newport property ownm' total tu bill. Hurlburt said he had trimmed mont than IU milllon from departmental budget "'luesle be!°"' completing the final --documant. " He &a.Id the final requests wookl.asaure city ltrvicel tUt are at "a tnlnlm.al level · conslll<lit with the quaUty of the com- munity." . Moro than haU of the budget II earmarked ror city aalariel, whk:b coun- cilmen lndtealed S.ljlrdlY, they" would • -~·an .... .,.. ot•l.I per~!. Main~ 'Ind, oi!<ratloM ~ 11'8 ' peaed at .••• •add capflal . fm.' pl<o.,.,..11 A 17W,OOO, aJl it), flliind tJcu:r9s. I • I ' ' t Bil!1eot aU<t Of ll)e bui!Bet II Jor willei, which the clfy 118ell proildea lie cltbenr, unlike • -t munlcipall1les that bave ~ dlstrlcle. W1ter aervlco es· .. penditures are estimated 1 ln the new flscaJ year at about St.S million. Hurlburt'• budget report <>11Dpares the total city tax rate with other cltiee, iJl.o eluding Costa-Mesa. In that city, whep special dlstilct tues are included, the tax rate is more than •· The Newport rate incJudes· ·aervicee: 1 performed.~ by; special dlstric!' in. Col\& Meaa. · ,Newport coUncilmen. will ,meet Wed• nesday at 7:30 p,m. tn begin budget·~· iJig sessions, if there~1'.anything to1bc, tr-ed. oraa•• w ..... The JMm!ng I'll 11111Y fW the air, but otberwlao .tt11 be ....... orable Memorial Day, with._ eratww in· tbe '/O's and sunny sld" prevailing. INSmB TOD4 'Y ' Dl/fer1111 thl•a• prompt dif· /erenc people to Wlh their hmldl. Tod;ay'r "Cheeking Up'' cOZumn °" Page 7 wondtrr 10hoe mokea ~ go to the tocuh boli11. cl...,_.. • ~ '1·•' I ,_... .. ·'~ .:.IHI• ~; ............... ....... ,. ' 1t 1'1-te 1•'1 -.. a. .. ....,.. 1S -. -" --... ...... ~,....·w ....... ,..., . llll:lef .... 1W4 -... .. ""*· ......... ""' T ......... I I J' -" -. --.. ' ' ................ --.. ·---,, .... '"". -·· ----._ .. " __ _ . . ..... :t ,Ull.YN.OT H • PILOT :\ ·,, 1 , • • I ...... ~ ts / ~ott~ilon r , .. · .. TV To~ight ' . . .. l Ear.thy Words in Space . Draw HeavenlyThund~r By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 1M o.llr 1"11'1f Slall Moon Is just a four-Jetter word, but an earthy term for a heavenly ex- perience knocked 1tar1 from the eyes of a few youna NASA secretaries copy· . lal radio rneuqM from the three Apollo~O spacemen. SO did 10me milder lines u lhe Navy lieutenant commanders and Air Force colonel hurtled to the moon and earthward again ln their combination barracks, latrine, mess hall and space laboratory, , "81upbemot11," declared Or. Larry W. Poland, Miami Bible College adminl.strator who sent telegrams to President Ni.Jon and NASA executives demanding public apolopes !tom tile Apollo crew. Tbty bave oot been forthcoming yet. * l<f didn't .reaUY request a response," said the +9- ~-okl Dr. Poland when t~el'h9n,ed at bis Mlaml home to·~k naUonal l'SPQftll' to hii Widely quoted critlcl!rp of .,.u.r talk In )l)e heavens., "I_ think tbe't4lng ~t upset tne most we.s their sla.ng word !or aexual lntercciune, usuaDy found on rest l"OOm walll," 'he explalned. , 1'6ome of the NASA &b'ls in their teens and early twentie11 were so of· landed .they re/used lo type 11-out-whlle trJRSCriblng tapes," he added, refer· ring to weekend Miami newspaper accounts. * All apace exploraUon crtaes bowevir, must be faced by NASA chieftians, llld more liberal lt<n'!l'lll'h<!n were oWiunoned. TaklJig the Lord'! name in vain at aiUcal momeJlts during the tense ~ m1$1ioit wu anolber apoclllc complaint by tile Purdue Univer- alty sraduate, while a pup'• PlfOlllq• was more borderline. "Whether Jt ii in the 10 Commandments, laws of Jewish religion or whatever,.we are not to take the Lord'• .name in vain,0 Dr. Poland said. "It _.. Incredible that they '"'1ld cune God wben tlley needed Him most. II eeema tbe same as a Ruas1an C01monaut CW'aln( Marx or Lenin. * ,;_ "I've had people call and ~ tllel.r young boya Idolize tile astronaui. ana then they ere shocked to hear tbele leaden in the eyes of the enUre world 111: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB'," Dr. Poland contlnued. "The atrongest reactlon, I think, came from people wbo thought I was trying to take away from the glory of the achievement, which l was not." ha continued. "I rejoice in our space program, but I think auch lanriuase spalll the Mow." The young educator ii not a minister, although he has seminary tratn. Ing, and aald be ls not a prude, nor blind lo cootemporary slang palterna and the fantastic preuure on moon pJoneus. 0 Witb me, it's a matter of. right or "'1'ong and a lot of people agree the language thty used was certainly indiscreet, if not downright the wrong thing to do." "Especllllly, since this I& by NASA admllalon tile first crew with whkh thf1've had any problem," be explained,· pralJ!ng prior ·earth orbiting 'aiid ...-.visiting astronaai. for talklni IJke gentlemen. '1l've hid reac1ionl of. all aorts s1nce sending the telegrams Monday,'' he said dt1tlng the tranacontinenU.1 chit.cha( Tue5day night, "and if you're in- terested, my own little Gallup Polls 1hows 70 percent in favor of my stand." •~ •J L • "I had one comment from a profe61ional airlines pilot who sald he hasn't •beard. prolanlly oo the airwaves in~""' 1)1ing," aald Dr. Poland, briQbr1 up ~ ~ queatlon of certain J~oaal limib. -·'Ifte Federal: Qlnmunlcationa Commission rules' V,:S. airwaves, but radio pmelrales ,ilie 1tmoiphtre· aljd Uterally contioues on into eternal reachea of tbe universe. But if any extrat.errutrial beings -Intelligent beinp: or of subhuman mental capacity -w,re lla:tenlnc in, we can be rela'Uvely certain of two things. . . . " One culblre "111 dismiss our reli~ on tour·Ietter terms as underde· veloped vocabulary, ·wblle the other apecl&' language will be apicily enriched. ' Niguel Wins Second Suit In Battle Over Salt Creek By TOM BARLEY ot ltM 01tl1J PL"' St1ttf Laguna Niguel Corporation has V.'00 a major victory in the bitter battle of Sall Creek Road. The company came out on top for the second time in its series of Superior Court batlles with Laguna Beach at- torney William Wilcoxen in the release of a ruling by Judge Claude Owens. • Wilcoxen, the judge states in a six·page DAllY Pl lOT ' 1c1t1tNOI (o.t.11 l'UllllMIMG (OMl'.f.NV k•lt•rt H. w,,, l'ru~I ...o l'\tlllltMr • , • Jedt It Cvrl•Y Vic• P/'flllll'nl al!CI G-81 M.INtu lll•m•' ICtt•ll l!d!ID• Tlit111a1 A. M,,rpli\111 M4Nl!"I Etlfot Je•~• F. Collin~ __., It.ell C!lr M lltr ....,,_, IMU Offlu: 211 1 Wtlt lelltte l t¥lt w11d M1ill"I A4dr•tti ":0 · l o• 1171, ,J,ll °""' -c:ettt MUI• U. WM• '"" S••ttt """"" 9"(fl; 1n f-t ... _ l'llll'lt~ liffc.lll .. t1ft , ..... , \ ---------- analysis, failed to prove that there was an elern,'nt of fraud in negotiations which led to county abandonment of the SO·foot wide, 1,700-foot long, public right-of-way and its subsequent take over by l.aguna Niguel as part of a 100-acre development in the Salt Creek area. It is not enough, the judge ruled, to siate thal "certain parties know various matters." He ruled that Wilcoxen had not alleged facts "which show partially or by reasonable inference that these persons possessed certain knowledge." Wllcoxen's earlier tangle with the com· pany before Judge Owens ended with the rejection of his petition on the grounds that he had failed to allege fraud in the tal-.eover of Salt Creek Road. That proof would have to be forthcoming U he hoped to overturn county abandonment, Judge Owens ruled at that time . WUcoxen's attitude today was that he had lost a battle but not the war in his long, almost lone campaign to nullify c~y abandonment which he claims \ir&.~ carried out unlawfully in March of 196t . The Art Colony attorney conceded that Judge Owens' rullng ended his bid to challenge Laguna Niguel through man- damus - a process of Jaw that ia tradl· tionally used ln the pursuit of ~yers sults against allegedly unlawful seliure. Judge Owens closed that avenue with the comment that Wiicoxen and fellow •t· lorney Michael Sagar have esllblisbed ''rtrlther a special interest nor are they suing 11 taxpayers ln a represent.alive capacity." And he rtfused to allow Wilcoxen to include the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation District u parties ti> the 1nU.abandonment action. The obviously dllapr.:lnted 'Wilcoxen explained that he per ecUy under1tood the precess that led lo tll~ ruling b\jl ltli thal the supreme Court might ha•• taken a mflrt Ubttal view of his arguments. ··1 have every mpect far Judge Owens, of course." he said. "And J want to file an an.tndtd peUtJon on the lipt$ sug· gesltd u IOOD II poaalble." 1bc door ia sdll optn, tht optimistic •I· lomey declarod. BERKELEY (AP) -A City Council meeting tonight will be telecast live statewide as offlciall move to ~vent violence durin8 a mauive "people's park'I prottsl ma~ Friday. Gov. Rooald Reiaan says the 200 Na. Uona) Cuard troops cam'ped on the three controversial acree -along with alx>ut 2,000 Guardsmen on alert at nearby armories -will stay at least through Friday. Mllltani. plan lo mobilize 50,000 persona from arourkl the stat.e ln a 1¥Iemorla1 Day convergence to protest fencing of the land after youp, .. people planted it with grass and flowers and put in playground, fa,cilitles. Reagan promf;.sed Wednesday to use "whatever force ii necessary" to protect the ctialn·llnk fence that the Univeraity of California, the property's owner, erected during a riot May 15 which left one ~r'°n dea4 and 130 lnlur•<1' Meanwhlle, 'the march organlters vow· ed "the fence wlll come down, '1 but did not say when. . There were incllcatlons today that, to avoid a possible repetition of bloodshed, auU1orities were conaidering a plan under which the university could lease the ground to the City o! Berkeley, which could retain It as a people's park. In an unusual development, Berkeley fl.1ayor Wallace Johnson announced Wednesday th.at proceedings of the City Council wlU be broadcast live tonight on educational TV stations in San Francisco, Sacramento and Los. Ange les. Sources close to his office said the lease quesUon is expected to be part of the agenda. Jn addition, Berkeley campus Chan- cellor Roger W. Heym told a delegation of :latents from S;ou~ California Wed· ne&day he "would make &Ome statement'' to ease some of the pressure aum>unding the Memorial Day march on the park. Last in Travel . Films on Friday The last in the 1969 series of the annual Travel and Adventure films sponsored by the_JfeY!JX)rt Harbor Kiwanis Club will be prese nted at 8 p.m. Friday at the Orange Coast College Auditorium . Col. John Craig, adventurer and author of the book, "Danger is My Business,'' will Present his latest film, "lncom· parable Greece." Ticket!; available at. the aUtUtorkpn are., priced at $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for students. Proceeds ~pport .Kiwanis . youth pro- gra~ Reagan Appoints Harho1· Lawyer ' Newport Beach attomey ... Donald R. \Vagner has been named presiding officer of the slate's Office of Administrative Procedure. Governor Ronald Reagjlll named the 48· year-old Harbor Area lawyer to replace Leighton Hatch, recently named aJ dlrec· tor of the Department of Professional and Vocational Standards. Wagner is a meml;>er of the law firm of Duryea. Carpenter ·and Barnes and is a former chairman of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board. Fro•,. Page 1 FIREHOUSE. • • •·A fire could gut Ute Island." City councilmen earlier this week open· cd up studies of the proposed new flre station site by authorizing f150 for an ap- praisal of the Irvine Company land. Assistant City . Manager J a m c 1 DeChalne Indicated today that a lot of the islanders' concern may be unjustified. "First of all," he said, "no fine! decision has betn made on whether to abandon the old !!talion. On completion of the new firehouse. the city will have to re-tvaluate the entire fire protection pie· tu re. "We do know now, however. lhat the Marine .. Avtnue staUon is deficient. It Is not large enough for the type of equip- ment and personnel needed. The pro- tection it now affords the residents of the island and nearby areas is not sati!fac· tory." DeChaine said the proposed con· struction of 4 "main headq11arters" flrehousc off Jamboree Road at the future extension of Senta Barbara Avenue :-vould provide better protection for the island and lhe Newpart Center vicinity. ''But here again," he cm· phasll:ed, "no final decision has been J\lade." He added that fire insurance un- derwriters had indicated to the city that rate~ would not go up If a larpr, off· island faci1ity replaces the pment building. ''ln fact," he said, "we are now getting deficlency points on our Insurance rating becau.se of the old station." City officials al'IO noted I.hat the new flrt &lotion near the Newporter Inn does not have lop priority in the proposed 1969· 70 budget. SOme $16,000 ts e.ttmarktd for architectural dtstgn. But purchase of the land and construction -at an estimated tot.al coet of $!60,000-J& about lwo years away. , The cit,, ac:conling lo the budgol. ln- tenda this year lo build flrat a fitt 1taUon on ll 2.Wcre · site at Jamboree and Palis11des Road. Some $400,000 Is ~x· peeled lo bt spent on that project. i . •_,. ·- DAl\.Y PILOT ltatt ..... Gets Nixon'• .vote ' Paula Schnelder, 14, has Richard Nixon's endorsement for the office of treasurer of Corona del Mar High School's sophomore class. He says she would be ua great asset to the school and to her fellow stu- dents in the office." Richard "Ric"· Nixon (above) is Paula's next- door-neighbor and r,1phew of the Pre~ident. Other candidates for sopho'more class treasurer are Penny Glascow , Terry Sprai tz, Scott Hornbeak. Construction Work Set For W estcliff Drive \Vork crews next month will begin tear· Ing up Westcliff Drive, one or Newport Beach's busiest commercial strips. They will Install storm drains and reconstf.uct the road. City Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin said today the $290,000 project will take about four months to complete. He explained the work must be done during the swnmer in order to avoid the rainy season. Contractor is the Sully-Miller Co. of Orange, lowest of three bidders for the job. The Sully-Miller bid, accepted by city councilmen this week, was It percent lower than the city engineer's estimate, Devlin noted. The highest bid was !4-02,000. Representatives of the Westclilf Plaza Merchants A~ation have discussed the project with the city staff, Devlin .said . "They were concerned about our block· tng off their places of business, but we \von't.'' be said. "Wc•re using every con· Rezoning Oka: yed South of Arches Rezoning of the 3700 block of Newport Boulevard, just south of lhe Arches Overpass, was approved Monday night by the Newport Beach City Council . The action changed the commercial zoning of C-1 to C-0.H which permits a 70-foot building height. C.t has a 35-foot height limit. . Ownrs of the Bay Lido buidlng ·Te· quested the new zoning as the first-step toward development of a major hotel complex in the Lido Shops area. Councilmen voted unanimously on lhe rezoning. struction technique to minimize In· convenience." The project area along Westcllff stretches from Irvine Avenue to Dover Drive. "There will be brief periods of about an hour or so when Westcllff will be blocked off," said Devlln. "But we're scheduling things so this happens during light traffic. periods." He said that, in any event, access to \Vestcliff Plaza shops and to businesses on the southerly side of Weslcllff Drive will always be available. Plata customers will be able to use driveways off lrvlne Avenue and persons entering parking areas on the ·southerly side of Westclif( will have access.from Dover Drive. The street work is required, Devlin ex- plained, because "Westcliff Drive is deteriorating rapidJy." The storm drain project will prevent stonn runoffs from flooding the street. The work might begin in I.he first week of June, he added. Balhoan Honored For Apollo Work A Balboa man has received the "Snoopy Pin", the astronauts' citation for his \vork on the ApolJo.Saturn lunar Ian· ding progra1n. lie is John C. Carlton of 2040 E. Ocean Boulevard, a management systems analyst at North American RockweU 's space division in Downey. Carllon received the pin in a ceremony attended by astronauts Jim ·McDivlU, Dave Scott and Russell Schweickart. NASA astronauts named the award after the Peanuts comic character. Snoopy and Charlie Brown were code names during the recent Apollo 10 Flight. Lagumms .. - . i..awia ~ch'"lia<J!>ifa h-~ · liven l!bal -""'* lo ·a'''do It y~ salary b>cmle Jl'"llOll1. • : t '1'nllteU al !be Lqlloa'llilcb Ullillel: School Dlllrk:I Molded w~ 1o 11>.; creue -the mooey ~ for. teli:hini; penoonel 'by a •• ptrctnl -yoar·...i; let the leacben1 deojde, whore llld lri; tile lncreue lhould be ~ed. :· Preseal allolntllit for luc:her'1 lllarli0: and bel!e1111 i. ii,1811,ooo anc1 1111 nn ,.,::, cent lncreue '""Id·· amount lo about· 118.000. : In a propOaal by lbe le~ to lb<: school board·earller, all the lleml. UMG· for by lbe leachert Wtuid bafl ccit¢ • 1117,000.'lli atUef, Uit ~ boon! w: cut Uie teacllin'"l!nl>OMfbJ "'1,ioo. u lbe ontlre five per<enl Iller-pl'<> poaed by lbe bofid were'. applied otrlclly, to an ..,....lbe-boonl salary bike, salaries would be raised from 11,400 oow to 11,711 at lbe low end ol lbe ICbedule and at ·tbe top from $1%,5IO presenlly lo 113,51(. . . Dr. w11111m Ullmn, supertnloodent (!j dlllric\ ochooll aal<t he ~oubted tbal the whole aniount '"'1ld be applied lo an ' acron-the-board increue. A poll of teacher preferences ln the salary negotiations lilt'ed lt arep where th~·teacheta would like to bave addiUoiial money distributed. Highest on the teachers' list was the request th a t-Jncrement steps between salary levels determined by training and ,. experience, receive increases. A statement to the teachers from the"· ! board of education said the area increase " I would "create a $100,000 de r I c It ·~ preliminary budget based on the expected I $5 million assessment l.ocreaae Jn the district" and a 9-cent tax increase. , The $100,000 deficit would be met by , cuts in the summer school program for a ., savings in the area of $7,000 to $1,000, the"f board decided. Other areas' that could be pruned are under consideration, Ullom said. , 1, The board emphasized that because of the deficit, any additional d u t y, uslgnments -coaching, band concerts, drama productions -beyond those'. al ready set would not be possible. Fro1n Page 1 ' SALARIES. •• to sum up senUment of board members . when be told teachers: 1, • !'J think I'm getUng the message-~ ' feel education per se does not pay enough. A political solution has to come from Sacramento. • "I thihk it is significant lhe teacher.W who are leaving are .not going to &01'1\8' other school district where they can get a better deal. They are leaving education." Elick Watts, head of the teacher bargaining team, had.this to say:· ..ii "This is a unique district. It sets goals ' for topa in everything except personnel. We feel in this affluent area the com· munJty can afford it. We keep coming back to this." Watts also warned, "I would like the board to consider very carefully, any at•• lion they take without agreement of the teachers .. .I believe there are going t~I' be problems." , Tom Brown, ass istant director or salaries and negotiations for the Souther'n Callfomia CTA SecUon, sald he couldn't promise anything, but will check ce~!n key points in the budget where other , school districts have been fOund to put · more money lhan needed. He said he did not think it wlse to "put out publicly all these interesting little pockets to look into.'' ~~ , " .. DAD WILL BE THE YEAR 'ROUND ,. FROM JJ. J. (Jarrell GENUINE LEATHER CHAffiS He 'll feel lila • king on his throne when he ralaxes in one of these comfy cha irs! A 6lfT TO TIWUIE All> BUOY FOR Yf.AllS • CU!tom quality lhrough-oot • Luzurioua cushionln1 • Your choko ,•! ""'" lnlm an .-.. · oelectlon at n-1 laatllor imu... from $199 H.J.GAl\l\ETT fURNl"fURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS ' I 21 15 HARIOR ILVO. COST-!< ME.$A, CALIF. "46·0175 6~6·0176 -·'··. " • . ' ' ' ' " -,!,. ' I I ' ' ' • • • • ... BEA AN!?E!ISON. Eaitor Tll11r.u11. Mir n.. lf41 M ..... II - ' . •I Uneart:hi~g a·.pot of gold see'ms tO be trildilton' \Vith AngelrtOs 'de ·Oto, ' Sutilla.ry 't~,orang~,County 'Big Br.others. "'' . ' ., • • ' . And setting Op. on another trek to find \,l\e end of the rainbow are IJiemberS under 91e new guidance. oi f\1.t:s.1 \Villul.m S. Holsl.ein who· received. the s~boliciha1o and wings during installation ceremonies last Monday in Irvine Cuast Co untry Club. . ' ' . i '•·ao19~n angels" will ~tart their asc~n~ to a real do~n~t~e~rth .goaJ , that bt faJSIDg funds for Big Broth.ers, which· has functioned since 1958 brlp~i?Jt l_gg~2!er~ fi~.c;rl~ss -aJ!d .~troqbleJL,bQy~ with volunteers on a one boy! .O}le!~ b~tb~r1!Qasjs. The~~\lo ~~ui~~!3ig0 Brothers is "': fl}~D riover ~land~ so Ull ~~ w'b·en he .stoops to-help •a"IMiyl' The major funding project is the publioatioh of the Gold· Book. a souvenif calendar which is distributed at the annual spring ball. This past-.. ' year, under vie presidency of Mr~ .. John F. Porteo-, a total of $25,000 was . realized., : · '"·L . w l ·•\ Assisting Mrs. Holstein in 'altaihing another major achievement for the auxiliary will be the Mmes. M.arshall ~iedecker, vice president; Bew· ley Allen , secretary; Walter Hesnault, treasurer,: and William Moseley Jones: corresponding secretary. • __. -~·~ .... ,. __ ,......,.,... ~ • ...;..& ., •; .,. "'~ ... j • _ _,__Ne.w.·~roduced wet;e'...Mts.-Joseph.o Carver, Mr s. Richard Sloddard and Mrs. John Condon, and assoCiate 1'1Cmbers present were Mrs. Georg~ Holstein Sr. and Mrs. Claude.Patterson. \ ' THEY DIG GOLD -Turning over the responsibilities of1flndl.ng: ,, another pot of gold during the new club Yea r is Mrs. JObri .F , Ro,r .. ter (right), retiring president of Angelitos de Oto. Acctp~nf 'tbe challen~·is itrs. William S. Holstein (center) who wa~ installe{ presideii(Iasl Monday, and offering her assistance in 1the search·_ is Mrs. Cecil H. Shirar. ...,.... ' • T uesdoy' Clvb . Honors Bestowed .. ·, • I Ending ·Means : New Beginn.ing Laurels were b e s t o w e d , lhe Mmes. Laurence Wright. scholarships pre&ented and awards chairman. R o b e r t new officers installed before Fuller. Herbert Miller and the Tuesday· Club of Newport Arthur Willis were Lhe ftfmcs. Harbor closed the pages of the Claude Cotton, Robert 1968-69 "book1and put it on the Flanegin, Bee Borne f e 1 d , shelf. ~ · Robert Uhlik, P. D. Endsley, Durini: a brunch meeting in William Stephenson and Don· the ·Balboa Bay Club, lhe ~aid Ohms. ceremonies begarl with the an~ . ~1rs. Mary Fritz. scholar· nouncement of . tlie winner of ship cha inn an, introduced the coveteH Laural Award_.·1he 'scholarship winners !l(ho Were cl®1ti !highest holll)r. 'special guests o{ the club for µ-!'s. Martius' King, a "the day .. member of the club for nine . Receiving funds from the years, came forward t o club's scholarship program receive the honor, and as It , will be Miss Susan Anderson, was presented a list of her ac· . Corona de! Mar High School; cornplishments was read. ·Miss Helen Allen, Newport Becoming active In the club .Harbor High School : Paul immediately after her arrival Brisso , Estancia High Scbooli in the Newport Harbor area · Richard Frei, McNally School; , l from Seattle. she has been a Miss Michelle Williams, Costa :>-, ... ,~>.t;!;.·~~ :_,,,_ ~m~~~f t~eJlqe a~s. cards Mesa High School and' the an8decoralion sections. She Misses Chris Banos (Flne Arts •· .'t.~J!..,,_~ served as president in 1916-67. Section award), and Angela "'--~ has advi~ in budget and Conke and Meredith Coleman. finance matters, and is lu\own nursing scholarships, all of for her friendliness a n d Orange Coail College. g~~s~lt~ l~iU~~rthering 'the TROPHIES g Next ·to p'r~nt honors was GOLD KEYS h1rs. Ross J>hillips, w ~ o Gold Key charn1 awards awarded golf troph ies Mrs. were given to two outstanding Russell D. Johnston received members, ftfrs . Ralph Phelps · ~he Helmick trophy for • first and Mrs. Wayne Helmick. The • low net and Mrs. Donald Kol· nel\i le)' iWards are i:IVeni to ).iu~e was winner of the trophy recbgnlzt "key" m e m b e r s /for second lot net. \ wbo ha Ve been lire less in thi!ir , Atovii\g down the agen?J in· responsibilities were t ~ l! Mmes.. Harry Kohaut, Urst vice president; Endsley, se- cond vice president; Angelo ~edaelli, third vice presiQiril; McClellan C o 1 e , recd'i-dlng secretary; M, K • McEniry, c orr e sPondin1· s«retary : James Rask.ell, y-easurer, and C<ll\olJ, fi"'!n<\•~sec(WlrY. Mrs. Hefni!Ck, a former president,~ was Installing of. Heer, a6d chose a Jewel theme for the ceremonies. EJch new member of the ex~uti\'e board re~ived a 6rooch sel with a gem denoting the respo,Jibility of 1he office as she was in- troduced by Mrs. Helmick. UNLIMITED HORIWNS COVETED AWARD·~ Mrs. M•rtius King ·!~ • The new presidenl's jewel ·: was rhinestones to signify Miss Lela Geyer, bru~ brilliant lelldershlp. She has reservations, and M l• 1 -. chosen tJnliJhited Horizons as Margaret Geyer, tickets. Mta her theme, 'mindful of the far-~1cClelland will serve orl tJit reaching advantages t h a t board as immediate ..;.51 member~ip in the club may r--; brii1g. -. pr~ident. Serving on the board, which Section chairmen for ti1• hopes to widen the club's ~1ning year will be t.bt scope trom the past 11 years, ~1mes. Seaver Kennedy, artel are .the Mmes.McCOlhlmland1' fives ; J, Anhur Cox, boob rf parUame.otarian; e • 1 · , adv'iSQ[;r-Kollanse, historian ; /stuff; Fred S nasek , cara.;, ,. . --t . .....,__ efforts on behalf of'the club t stallalioo of Officers followed , -.! ·-~ii.it~ 1,. l,arge:-•.'! .~ --.1 'the honors presentatl0Tl5. Loo>.<z ab d • 'left 1 ~ght·) ,. .-. ,_. "' '=.:.,.·-· '-· -""""on,cmembers r~ved Accepting the gavel from Herbert Ml 11 er, publicity :; Loois White, Jine arU 1n4 ..... Wright. au d Ito r ; J9hn cookbooks ; Fred Dunn, gol~ Sh:ppst>n, inspirational; E. F. and Maybelle Harkins , traveJ~ Morse. memo; Doria Kohapl, The pfogram , was c1*4 bospitaltty: King, decoraUo_tJ.5,: with a medlev·of Songs 1t n.. Frank Long , fritl1dsl\ip ; 1 ''" Fuller, by'-1.aws and rules/ and Piano by Richard Froebcr. ~ SIGHTS SET -With a successful membership year behind them , new officers of the Tuesd'-Y Mornin"g' Club of Ne,vport Harbor have their sights set on their year o! broadening the club's scope of inleresl. . f"-'ug ~ -are.' O. ri ui! IVune:i. ~u~a· charm aw~rd-1 for exceptional ll1rs. Ernest McCleJland, reUr- !JllTh. Modest1 , -president; flarry Koha~t. first. vice servioc., each ·active 1n one ing prcaident. was Mrs. Ben· preSident, and P. D. Endsley, second v1ce pres1dent. particular area. Receivklg Uw jamin 1t1*5ti. .. , chnnps from a committee ~ A I~ o "ass U1TI 111' g f 11 ·i'n"::·Ldne • ' I~ Star St.ate " I ' .• Bachelor ,. 0·~0.ther · T exa·s. Calls, . " ,,. ,·• j w..-!:<• ~'9 .-! •l•'\ I"' l ) 'l • • ~ ...... '-'!I ,.,..,. .. ,~~,, r . ., EAR ANN LANDERS : What do you nk ·or •. sisler and brother-in-law who nee, between the soup and the ad, "We are moving to Texas so you'd ter find another piece lo live." ·.ma bfd>ellJ<, (middle !Os) and I lived ANN LANDERS hiro . My daughter 0say~ i owe him an ' the middle or dinner, or on a SaturdlJ ap,elor;>.-I toldffto-l'd rr..,. In \l<ll nrst, 5unc1oy,. I am not crltJcWOI wms nio ,wl!( t-i.lfll< ls lhe Oft<,wbo Should tiocauee lb<t want lo -ta!~ ~their · j •pi>log11<J I . , cbildren. (I wish more of llleJ"' were lri- ; \Ye have a8;reed to1 put ,tJie. q~lon lo terested.) But why 1dortt Utty tttte a ' ,. ~ vo{IL 'HOW about lt? -LVANC,OUVER 119te and Bet up an appo~ent? . my widoWed mothef until she arried -• years ago. Ever since • n I've made my hm>e with sis and her clldJi't ~He Yta to llttft it Tuu ... ~ bum. band. f"ve been very happy here and lhtm llidle1tel tMJ'd prefer to Uve aloM . He handed me a Christmas card which red It Would 1lways be my home. Aecqt. It g?ad .. 1i, _. Mt la UM I retused to accept. In a very 'c\vlllied don't think I'd have mO\'ed to Tuas papen ftf a 1m.U •partmeat or• room.· t e of voice 1 sald "If you had washed ii they inv1ted mt, but~ dO feel that on . ' h' · Id -'-·Id '· t 1 t asked Maybe DEAR ANN LANDERS · On Christmas your halr and worn a cleans 1rt 1t wou . 1 ~""'-z---~~ .do :lJ 7 ~ ·~· .. have meant a lot more to me than thlJ :thiolLi ~t;)l., -:.r~._..~~-:i~;t:= ;w. . DEAR 8Rt.mf: I think yoar ti ter and looking grubbit:r than usual. His hair wns poor excuff for a ~u::;; being." hrodlltr-1.t·law do oot om yva a tiome ror In need or a shampoo, h11 clothes were Aithough he has bctn to the house several Ille mt If ,_ IHe. Tio< lad lllot t11e1. unprtosed and dil1Y Ind he tw~e<j like 1 times since tllal ~Y J have not spoken lo 1 '"'ree Umes, this .,,wek I have been . DEAR VAN: Voo 111Mta.uve a<:eepled l•lephoOed al )lame-~( dlMor. My lbe card ud made "° coramttl • ldt husl>and ii (uriouJ Mid l dGD'tblaaM: bhn. a~aruce. Hn·ever the boy Pftld wot J thought 1 waS Ifie only one who got Such have spok• to_-yoa at 1M: dld. 11N way l calls bul atter talklna: to the ertndpal 1tt it. li'1 a draw. 1 , :rnd 1othcr. teachers I find they ALL,aet I ' ... _ . 1 •~U. •If -• DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 ha\e lo use Business people like to leave their '-l ~ bulinm problems at the offict. Please. ,it.; .tiiebtr "'..'1 nnall lown. 1.Abn, e:xplalp to your rcaden thot f.:very tbne 1 attempt lo dl.ldpllne a stll· leathers woOld like to leave their pr&- Clent 0< l<>wer lib ttrade. the mother calls blems at lhe ochool. -MRS. 7:30 lo I IF me on lhe .. lq>llooe 11 lllJ( -·· riaht In YOU DON'T MIND -. . • • ' ' OW J\lll8" T...--.i llOI r. llollle ... a\--' L .... -1' 1fia ""' ..... --pom la IMI ~ will take tH lllat ·~ Give ln or lose. hlm ... wban a~ II~ toe this Jine, led o:tt! •,or Ups on how'to handl'e the 111persex salesman. cheek Aan J,onderS. Read her booklet, "Nec!Ung aitB Petting -Whal Are the Umils?" Seiill your request to Ann Landers in care-''II lblJ newspaper, eoclosln& 50 cents' n i:iln ;ind' a long, stamped , self-add11111ld eovelope. ·! Ann Landers will be glad to ht\p >"* whW your problems. Send them 1o ber '.ill tare of the DAILY PILOT, encloUI:;\ sclf..addressed, stamped envelol)t. • • ---• • l ... ~, ..... -.· DAllY "LDT '. Horoscope • " Capricorn: Time for Pleasure FRIDAY MAY 30 87 SYDNEY OMAlll\ AlUEll (March 21·Aprll 11): [.opt far afield. Penn.It 'im- aetnaUon to have free rtln. A\lold the petty and ln- COOMquential. You can 10 pbcol, meet people. Stop beini ~ about· the put. The future Is ahead - and 11 -brtabt. TAUl\U~ (April :l&-May 20): You can gain Jn financial area. The Tee .-'""'· .,.; TllT AT WORK-A glimpse Into the' life of an ~rtist will be offered mem· of the Nicbtin&al• Chapter of the AllliliarY of Hoag Memorial Hoapital , bylerlan by a"'8 artist John Burgess. 1'he occasion will be the chapter's ("1ilmull luncheon Tuesday, June 3. . . .. !Business ~:Put Aside :.for Day I Taldn( lime out from thefr -ol~atHQlf ~)111111arial Hospital, Presbyter- ian, will be members ol the Nightingale Chapter ol the .. Jiospital auxlUary. ., The -will be the &n· · ftOal luocheon meellnt!, pfon. ned rw: Tuesday, June 3, in Irvlnl! Ooaot Country Club. Hi&h poft of the event will be a preeentation by noted . &FM .U. John W. Burget11, • \fho will speak on the Artist ao .an Observer. Burgess, equally i. ...ldmm for his marine and . ~desert scenes, h86 done ii- , .,l~ralioo6 for many books • ~and magazines. •. : fl!>nored guests, . to be ~.•elcomed by Mra. William J. Schworer, chairman of the _Nigjltingale Cllapter, will be ~·Mrs. Wilham E. Lanpoo, -;*-uxiliary president: William l!udsoo, ho s p i tal ad- ~ rninistrator. and Mrs. William ~ 'H. Browning, chairman of ··chapters. • Mrs . Mel Morrisoo, program cbainnao, will i n t r o d u c e ' I!ura-Ind Mrs. F. T. Eddy ,,.ru take charge U table ·, .. 'decorations. ' . Dr. McCartney Receives Post Elected to letd UC! Tvwn and Gown for 1•71 'fl'U Dr. Hilda McCartney, cootdi.Dltor or inatructional medfa for the Newport-Mesa Unified School . i>Wict. Officers elected to serve with Dr. McCartney at ihe an? nual memberahiP m e e t i n c w e r e the Mmes. Patrick Healey, flrst vice president; Charles Grif(lth, second vice president ; Neil Berahad, third vice president; John Connolly, recording secretary: Lyman Porter, correspondtnc secretary, and RI ch a rd Kredel, treasurer . New members of the ad- visory hoard are the Mmes. Hugh Plumb, Mark Soden, Roy June. Samuel Oderman, Robert CombJ and ruchard Juberg. Mrs. Edward Steinhaus was appointed first historian of the group and will assemble an archive or records of the first four years of Town and Gown activit.ies. Events of the past relating campus to community were reviewed . Mrs. B. N. Desenberg, hos pl I a Ii t y chairman, arranged a series of art exhibits in the Student c.,....._ ...... TOWN, GOWN CHOICE Dr. Hilda McC•rtne.y 11ealth Ce!lter , and typewriters and television sets were made available for students confi ned in the health center. Also, donations were made to student scholarships from the annual art fair, and dona- tions were made to the student loan fund, the Educational Op- portunities Program and to student sponsored tutorial pt(). gram11. Special interest groups and a publi c lecture series also were plan ned by Town and Gown and a new brochure was · Gathering Scheduled prepared. San C I e in e n t e Municipal The outgoing president, Mrs. · 1r Cl th Eloise Kloke, will entertain old Go ub will be e setting for a meeting of San Clemente and new board members at a Toastmistress Club at 9 a.m. tea Monday, June 2 al 2:30 M d I b p.m. in the UCI Faculty Club. on ay, June 2, ed Y Mrs. Memberslilp In Town and Barbara Whitmore. Gown is open at any time dur-Members participating will include the Mmes. Edward ing the year and information , . may be obtained by writing to H Ard, letlcology , JdaM':Y •r111..i 11 Th•••" 0 111• ,.., ....... .,, c1•11 MH• the membet!hip chairman, t Schom~ker, a procedUNJ m OP•" • ..-... 1 .. 1.-Phon• &40.m1 Mrt . Nei l Bershad, 20251 educat~on: Harry Sb a r Its, ., .. ... ~ ... :--t. . ~, ... ·~· . -"· .-.... , . ~. :,.. . "' .,. • • ...... .;,;, ;_¥,,. ~· 'p,J"'· . ' . •' t!J'". •..-;· t t;..• ~ ·~ ' . . . .. ,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~r~Jc;ra~;~m~e~r __'.Lan:::~··_:":••:U~n~gto'.:n, toast.mistress, and B e t .t y Buch. Chapin and Jessica Sheriff, ____ 1pe1kers. Others taking part will be the Mmes. Gordon Fleener, timer ; L 111 I a n Rutkowski, evaluation : Olive Barnes, clos- ii apparent Ip. every Kovett'Dlamond, !or i Quality ls never 1aerifioed at aey price. llost important, you cu. truat your "' choice at llll Bri1tol Slrul, COST" "'4ES .... CALIFORNIA • Phone 54b.4510 South Coe1t Pl•t• Open D•ily 10 •. m. to t :JO p.m.; Set. 10 1.m. to 6 p.m. " ine thought; H•rold Markham and Raymond Loustal et , hostesses, and Charles Swain, grace and pledge to the flag . Upcoming acUvlties include a Golden Desert Regional C-On- ference in the Newporter Inn Friday to Sunday, June M . Luncheon 'Tossed' Story tellen of movie famfi1 the GonloM, will be welcom«l to the amual salad luncheon "lool<d" by Newport Beocl1 Friends of the Library. The Balboa home cl Mr. and Mrs. Hancock Banning Ill will be tbe scene of entert.aimnent Tuesday, June 3 . Re«ivmg trlootoi r.r jobl well done will be the Mmes. James Dowty, reUring presl· dent: Stanley LeLievre, vice pnojdenl; Richard Ben.o, HIC!"etary; Peter D 0 b b. I tr-.rer; R. A. PI n 1J hospitality· cbal.rmen, a n Fred Elllll, projects cholrm111. Mrs. Garth !!<,..._, ln- alaliJnl officer, will -t Mrs. L<!Jevre u pmidenl OO>er MW of'floen ate the Mmet. H. B. lleoJamin, vice J!l"l)dent; PlfljJ, -.y, lll1d Alan ~WI, treasurer. B\ll you need ~ration of one clooely .-laled with eJ. fort& -could be mate , par\Mr. Added aaalgrunent due -so Ir reward . GEMINI (M1y 21.June 20): Spotllgbt on public rela~ons. Let oeoole know ol your Ideas, abilfuei. Spre..d influence. Yoo are appreciated. Tonight you could be recipient of special recocnltlon, honor. CANCEi\ (June 21.July 2%1: Stress on basic laues, chores. Opportunity for advancement Taft/er ~~Will Give Your Shoes • • • :Ifie new ofookl \ Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise ... CHOOSE FROM ALL THE LA TEST STYLES • A BEAUTIFUL BEGINNING Hon l•R fltur• ·flott..., wl .. a llthlwoltlot lell s-Plolc• ... , B•9 in with th• .,.ry finest ... Bili's Sno.Fl1k1 Iara. Full figures n1ed its superb support 9iY1n by ih• rlbben witin9, end shirred nylon ind p•nd•x und•r-errn secti•n•· s;,,. )2.)S 8: 32-40 C, 6.00; 32-42 D, 7.00: 32-42 DD wh;fe e..l bleck 7.50 Veta's lllTlllATE APPAIEL --····- ~ 11',.... ... ,, • ....,.... ' .,. • ¥ • • • Mesa VOl. 62, NO. 128, l SECTIONS, lO PA&ES ORAN6E COUt-O'Y; CALIFORNIA TMURSOAY, M~Y 29, 1969 .. Salary_ · Sta~dof f Teachers , Board. at Odds; CT A Called BJm-u~ ..... Dlltr .......... Newport--llCbool teachm and school board members ·met in a no- deciaion., mar8tbon leSl.ion on salaries WecloOoday rilgli~ • . At \'.llD· a,m .. tbil momloa the moro than lllO . dlebarda among 500 -pieun\,Jl!ll)ly ,w!ll)t home. NO!thef side th the teicber slllJl'Y dill~ gave an inch~ the,lonii 111eetlpg. ' fn lhe , onct te~~ ,;aµed In a tl)ird party ~om'Callltlrnli Ieachers "'50cia· be rocluced to·26 cents ior Newport Beach aod • cents lo< Coola Mola, accordlog lo Budget llirec:lor Waller Adrian. '!'be ....-1 tunte In Newport !leach ls f'.07 per $100 '1l lla!ll!d valuation and in Costa M,.. U Is 14.41 per 1100. The estimated new tu: rates for next year lben could be 11.Sl aod 14.71. (Orange Coast Jvnior CODege District, meanwhile, UI virtuall_y certain to adopt a 2kealtuincrease.).? Tnutee Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr. IOOl11ed Clee~P ... I) - ''Groucho· Marx' Ban-dits Roh Motel Couple Dirt11 ·Work est Estancia N.Y. St.e ek• TEN. CENT$ DAILY r!LOT ....... lb 1tkMr9 ._ .... . ' 'A bandit team wearing apparenUy fake Grouchn lllarx moustaches robbed a C... la Mesa motel of 15$ late W-y night and fled alter onltrin( the manager and his wile to stay put. The swarthy Latin pair told Howard C. Shoup, 52, that they wanted a room at the Bel Congo Motel, 2665 Harbor Blvd., for two nights and asked the price, the vic· tim told police. Costa Mesa's Estancia High School faculty and senior class went at it in the annual mud tug-o-war Wednesday and from all appearances everybody got ih the mud pie. PUpil Personnel Director Robert Francy .got tossed in. He was awarded the trophy. Tired "lilgpole " : Mmnben; of sophomore class at Costa,'Mesa, ijigb 'SchoOl·alt"'l!Pl to clear school :flagpole 'WIJ.ich was ring~, by Old'tires early toda~ dur- ing end-of-41le-school-year hijinks by sen!W. class: Ingenious seruors had about one.third of the•flagpole rtJu:ed. befoce 'breaking Off .ll!eir pre-dawn activities. ~ .' • ' r< < Fi~e Family Stay At Grandma's ' Harbor Area citizens offering aid to a burned-out Costa Mesa fimiiy of five found it hard going this week, because the victims themselves were hard to find . Mrs. Arlene Davis and her sons aged 11, 12, 13 and 14 are staying with their mother and . grandmother. Mrs. William Hill, of 213 Knox SI., Costa Mesa. The city also has a Knox Place,• and that's where the Davise! couJdn't be found ·be generous people l!ylng to deliver clothes, cooking ateoslls aod other needed Items. '"'Ibey need everything, especially a low-cost apartment," said 1 family friend. They ~aped with only their .live:; and the clothes they wore when a $9,000 fire erupted in 1 sleeping arta of their home at 19171.i Fullerton Ave., damagjng the home and kJlling the fllimiJy·parakeet. $300 in Coins Taken iri Theft • A 88-yeaN>ld COsla Mesa 1'0man told police W-y thot a bag ol $lOll in ttl•er coins has been stolen from lls attic biding place by a burgl8'. lira. Elisabeth A. Muon, of 2117 Portola Driftt told lnvesUgaUng ofOcers sbe was not exac:tly sure whin the break· ill. o<cumd. ,,olice SBJd thf; intrudg OJt a screen and ruched In to open a Window and gain ilitry to the house while the \'lctlm wu .. 1. "l::osta Mesa television r<pair sbop owner Clarence P. Heleninl I.old police Wedneaday that someone took a ~ televtllon eet from C &: H TV Service, WT Harbor Blvd., durl"tf bualneos hours. .. 1 .·""t. ' .. .· ' -" ;;..;;;;.;.._,...,...,...,,......... P •rt1•itl G-· · Abtio,, of Costa -Mesa· High Scllool •ll!iots earty'today left J>9P •rt l!Yfainlcf of benches EMI cans atop curved dome coverillg acbool' s o u t d o o r snact bar. High-spiriled ••n- !ors apparently are looldhg lor- wanl ~ ,gtaduil.lorv J • One then turned as though to leave, Shoup .satd, but his partner said why not take it, at which time the flrst man turn- ed around and pulled an automatic pistol from his trousers. .. U.S. Troops Attack Red Strategy Meet, Kill .59 Shoup was fOrced to band over $50 from the casit bu .. the leCOlld ouipecl lltpt • ~~~-.... -~ .... •weapon, slldPalrolman Randy Nutt. ~~.·iWJ;&r't~~ ......... don ... Commuobl stra,tegy ,,.ii,..~ ~ Jllllile! ,....ui,.. or· ~ ,_y ll1d ldll"! II of the def~' ID fierce flllhllnl, military spokesmen reported. ''-l'llot ~ ~ . ....,. ... ;.. ft.;,• ~klli DMsioO Gllleir Afii= The CommWJ!sll fled throull\ bomboo llld lllpo palm bed&oiwt ... --. ed ., ...... -1lhero llieJ -JIOWliled by air strlbl, ...... uld. The 'bofidll pair ai. ~. • from • ~....,.,, .. -.Emma Slloup, 41, who was ordered '9 , slay In the manager'a apartment ·whllt her husband lay on the floor 1lehlnd the desk. DetecUve Jlm Strtcklaod said the Marx brothers atlctup men weni quite careful to leave no flngerprint.s during the 10 p.m. robbery. Mesa Policemen Jail Man After Two Complaints An employe of a widely known bus line left the drivlng to c.eta M.., police ear- ly today, following a novel effort to avoid arrest on an assault charge. Jerey W. Ubman, 24, of 2905 Jacaran· da Ave., Costa Mesa, was booked on suspicion of isaaqlt and battery alter two separate complaints by his estranged wife. Patrolinan Dean Howard said he went to Mrs. Lehman's apartment at toot ' Mission Drive once, but the suspect wasn't there and had left again when police were called the second time. The officer returned 10 minutes later at 3:30 a.m. and found Lehman present at whk:b time he was mated and hand~. fed when be became angry and took <if hla coat. Getting madder all the Ume, pollce said, Lehman kicked at hls coat on the dew-dampened lawn, slipped aod fell !lat on his gr:aa. Patrolman Boward said Lehman then rolled over and over across the lawn and sidewalk into the street and under a car and hid to be draggtd out from under II before being jailed. Mesa's New JC ' Officers. Seated Newl)'-elected Cos:ta Mesa Junior Chlllbw vi Coum.erce officers. were I~ ... W""'-y ~ by Andrei!' "Drew" Jl'rGlllldi, chairman of the boord <i Iha COlllomla Junior Chamber ol Com-....,.., ,_.,,,,. local olllcen are Rlck RlclU. .. ~; .Larry Stamper, Internal -...-1: lid Moen, extemal \'lee JnSl- dlllt; Owtl Freed, state dire!tor; Jobn Gor:don. secretary; Don Bull, treuurer: Ala roru and Tony Maldooado, dlrec-ton. Argentina Mobilizes BUT.NOS AIRES (UPI) -ArgenUna't mllilar): eovernment mobilised 111 armed •lmlgtli today for • showdowo with r<btllloul ltud«ltt aod .., ..... who <all· ed a nalloewlde· ~al ltrlh 10< J'rlday after t" nets tL diliordm. . i • The spolrhman said troopo ol the U.S. 25 Division acted on intelligence repom CommUDist Officers would take ad· vantage ol their two-d>y Buddha birthday truce to meet near Trang Bang, 28 miles northwest of SQ!gon, to plan a summer olfensJve. AJrcraft flew over the sprawling bunker complet and called on the Commwtist leaden to surrender but instead the defender! opened up with automatic weapom Dre at tbe broadcasting planes. 'l1!e American force of 8'XI men then at. laded with tanb, art!llery, helicopter l\UIShips and flgbter-bombm. An\.,.,.. cuaaltlel • lb the flgbtlng were listed u one tilled and four ~ ed. . The battle started one hOUr before the beginning of the Communists' 4l-hour lru"' observing Buddha's 2,5111h birthday at 7 a.m. . American headquarten today "'leaaed casualty 11gu...,, showing the U.S. death toll has surpassed 5,000 th11 :year but ii running 40 percem lower than last year. The report aald 26S Gls died lut week and 1,963 suffered wounds - a sharp dn>pp Imm the 4.llJ killed aod 2,115 wouoded the provtoo., _., in lharp fighting acroos Sooth Vletnun. ' Water District Directors Get $2.35 Million Budget By ARTHUR I\. VINSEL Of IM Dflllr '''°' St.ti Coples U a S2.35 milllon prelimlnary budget promising 1yatems improvements and no tax or water price increase were handed out to directors of the Costa Mesa Coonly Water District Thursday. Board President Carl Stevens aald the 1969-70 budiet 'include! a number ol. con- sumer benefits, as well as cost«-living and relatl!d cost raises for the water district stall. The preliminary budget prepared by General ManJge:r Ray Wallace &bows an estimated assesiJed valuation of tt74 million, up 3.5, percent Oftr, nine years sine<! the district Wiii formed . . The tax rate in the meantime hu drop-. peel from ila original 20 cenb to a mere 4 cenl.!I per $100 of assessed valuation, noted Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, who serves on the CMCWD boarf~ Imt>tovements 9Cheduled during the coming r••,. under the lniU;budl•t in· elude telemeterhig of .the ire system to monitor . J>llSSure · and. p point any leaks ind eltes\sion or wa line$ by 10,000 feet A new.110,000 well ls alsi> to .be drilled, dllrini lhe coming year to r<plsce two whlcll c1ooed abnoptly In April, 1111 wben an 'ar1hquike centered ID Sao lliefo comity lbuddered Ulroogb Ille Harbor Aru. . Deptb of Ibo propooed well bas not been 8toe1c llf.rlceu NIW YORK (/.P)-The stock marbt put .... dbplay ol aurprlsing -Jn actlvt 1radlng Joday ID advance of the threMly Memorial Day weeUod. (See qll<lla-. Pig .. 10-11 ). It rnount@d I mod6ratt advanre. by mJddar but' bad 1IJ!ll>ed back by Ibo clooe -the _.,... ol caution about wbal mlt'bt develop be!.,. lntdlnl -llondoy .. .I . determined, but CMCWD officials say it will produce about 3,~gallong.per .. minute, to supplemPnt four other awi: .. iliary wells now operating. Estimated revenue from water sales during the coming year Is •ts ritilllon, wllh 1150,000 In other lncome'and l'/00,000 in re.serve cash on hand. CaplW ouUay Is esllmaled at IZ'l4,000 moetly for eztension and replacement of water lines, old meters, the new well and remodellng the old CMCWD plaot at 1'71 PlacenUa Ave., a $5,000 job.' The· •taU ll8!ary budcet b 1431,000, up from"$.15iQ,000 ~year, to cover a rise in tll&cost of living· and medical Insurance. Detit lef'Vices and interest abown In the CMCWD tludget are '201,000, down from $211,000 last year as the reault 'Of bonds being paid off. 'l'he.BerVlces and aupplies section of the $902,000 budget, ls up 10 percent over last year's~. ·Fire ',hydrant 1 com, for new ln-staDai~ replacement.;, rtpaln and the' like.,. figured.at '4,000 lor,the CC>ttlln&· year, euctJy.double the11,.. figure. DINJctor Pinkley said the new ~ b • only tailaUve aDcf has not been formall)I adopted, but >dded tbol the CMcwt> '(Bee WATER; P"C<f l). ' DIME ·DEA DLINE - • • At 5 TODA,¥ · · Due to the M..,.,.ill Day boliday, deadllne fo< Dime-A-tine ads to appear In Saturday's edltlon · of the DAILY P!LOT •u moved up lO I p.m. lodtl. All DAILY l>IWr OUlca wtiI be c1ooed on Friday aod a special hollda1 tdlllo!! ol the -per .will be publllhed 1!ridiy ' moroloir. Smlce complalota will be haod1ecf by lalephooe (-) by the - ctrclllatlon deportment lllltll I PA, 111 M-W Day. ' ·l -. ' Man Wanted Jail,· finds Punching Police Does Job A Cofla Mesa l1Wl who~ he waqteCI ...... jail 11..i hll -· laltlfled -~ today when be alteged]y sluged a police ...-1 quatlailni him bi the 1treel -his l>Oriie. . -. A. Ruiz, 21, ol 21Z7 Republfa Ave., wu booked ori snsplcfon Of felony as§iult on a police oftlcer· after the 2: IS. a.ni. incident stemming from a complaint by his wife. Sgt. Bob Ballinger, 21, was knocked ta the pavement and 8prained h111 right wrist, but suffered no terioua injury to the limb, which was fractured jutl last mooth. He and Patrolman Bob .Arnolcf'l."tre sent to the Ruiz residence after Mr& Ruiz called IQ co111plaln of allefed ·nlll&li treatment by her busbaod. Sgt. Ballinier aald in his report thal during discusslon wlth Ruiz he ~ became aware of the bnage'bf a filt at the left side of his face, then !eh the Im. pact. Ruiz was quoted by officers as saying be did it just to· go to jaiL Mesa Firm Gets Post Office Job • A $1.4 million contract for conatruction of a new U.S. Post Office in Orqe bu been awarded to a c:oeta Meea firm,. Congressman Jamaa B. Utt (R-Tultln). annowx:ed today ID Waahlngtoo, Charles R. Talme'1 J. Illy Construe· lion· Co., ~ E. 17th St., will build the facility at Tustin and Adami avenues, an esUmatod ll!May job. · . The air coDd1UOned post office will have 74,~feet ol fot.er1or work! space and operated m a Jea.se=bact ar• rangement for•IO·ytlh at a $141,980 an• nual rental. Or•••• ' ; .......... ' ' --- • ' , I, ' l : .. . . c ,,.....,Jt,U.. r I PILOT ' • ' LOGB--~. ' . Earthy W 01·ds in Sp ace . Draw Hea venly Thunder ,By All'l'lllJll R. VINSEL ... __. ......... Moon la jlllt a faur.Jetter 119f'd, hut an W'll>r i.m .!or a beaYel)y ex- peri•,.......,,.ice,. lmocl<ed atan from the eyea ol a lew YOUl'C NASA .....Wies «>PY· Inc radio meuaps from the throe Apollo JO spaceme11. , So did ant milder lines u the N191 -lieutenant commanders and Air Fon:e coloool hurtled to the moon l!ld earih1"ard agalo In their combinalloo barraclts, latrine, mm hall l!ld space laborafoty. "Blalpllemoul," declared Dr. Larry W. Poland, Miami Blhle CoJltte administrator ·who oent tetqrama to Pr-Nbl<11 ai>d NASA exocutt>os demandiq public apoqles ll"'1I jllll Apollo ...,., TbeJ ba•• not -fClltllcomlnc yo!. . ' * . "I didn't re.illy request a··raponae.11 said the 2f. ~'ill'. Poll!ld -teJ;pboaod at hla Miami home to cboct J)llllonal .....,. to hla wli!eJ,y 4"'*!1 criticism ol l1Jll« talk Jo the .......... • . . ' "! fl>lnt the tlllq that upoet me lllOll wu their alanc word loc oexual lntercoune, UIUIOy found on rest room wklll," be aplatned. ''Some al the NA.SA girls ln their t~ and early twenUes were so of- fended they nfuaed to type It out whll< trwcriblnc tapu," he added, refer-ring to weekend Miami newspaper accounts. ' * All ~ exploration crUea however, nwst be faced by NASA chieftians, and more liberal atenographm were summoned. · Taking the Lord'a nan)e In vain at cAtical momtnts during the tense mom-girdling mluion wu inotber specific complaint by the Purdue Univer# sJty Cfaduate, WhUe I pup's parentage WU more borderline. "Whether It b: in the 10 Commandments, laws of Jewiah rellalon or whatever, we are not to take the Lord's name In vain,11 Dr. Poland Aid. "It ...,.. lncrodlble tba1 they would cune God when they noedod lUm mast. It .eems tbe ume u a Russian cosmonaut cursing Marx or Lenin. * ¥~e had people call and say their young boys idolize the astronauts and then they are shocked to hear these leaders in the eyes of the entire world say: 'Goddamn' and 'SOB','' Dr. Poland conUnued •• "The strongest reacUon, I think, came from . people who thought I was trying to take away from the glory of the achievement, Which I wu not," he continued. "l rejoice Jn our space program, but J think such languaie spoils the show." r 'The young educator ·is not a minister, although he has seminary train- ing, and said he is not a prude, nor blind to contemporary slang patterns and the fantastic pressure on moon pioneers. · ''With me, it'a a matter of right ·or wrong end a lot of people agree the languare they used was certainly indiscreet, if not downright the wrong thing to do." "£3pecially, since this Is by NASA admission ~ first crew with ,which they've had any problem," be eiplained, praising prior earth orbililll and moon-visiting astronauts for talking like gentlemen. "I've bad reactions cf a11 sorts" since sending the telegrams Monday," he aaid during the transeontinential chit<hat Tuesday night, "and if you're in- terested, my own little Gallup Polls shows 10 ~t ln favor of my stand." . / '* . . '!.l had one comment from a professional airiinla pilot ,who said he ham't beard alCh profanity on the airwavu in 24,y!m at:flylng,'' said Dr. Poland, brlnlhit up !JIO ii\lmlllog question ol certain jUrfldletlonal limits. -The J!'tderaJ·CCJmn'lunJcations Commission nilea U.S. airwaves, but radio penetrates thl atmoepbere and literally continues on into eternal reaches of the univene. But if any exlraterreatrial beings -intelligent beinp or of subhuman mental capacity -were listening in, we can ·be relatively' certain of two ~ ' lllgs. . • - One culture wilt dismiss our reliance on four-letter terms as underde- veloped vocabulary, While the· other specl"es' JanguDge Wtu ·be spicily enriched. .Tiny. Yorba Linda Beats Big Anaheim on Annex Yorba Linda, one of Orange County's &nallest and newest communities and mighty Anaheim, the county's greatest and oldest "laid it on the line" Wed· nesday before tbe Local Agency Forma· llon Commission. And litUe Yorba Linda came away with the spoils of battle. At issue was a IS.square-mile area of undeveloped land north of the Santa Ana River, coveted by both communities. The LAFC. by previous agnement of both cltiu; was asked to draw a line to DAil I PllO I ()IANOI COAi' ,Ull ISMINO tOo\11,AH't • ltekrt N. Wee4 ,rttlllfll ..,. '"'n""' J.,~ .. c.,,,, ¥Id ,rn!Otnf .,.. 0-11 Me!\1tfl" Th•111•• K11..,il ,.,""" lhe..,11 A. Myq1hi~t M911dl"' E•itet c.... .... Offlc• JJ0 w ... a., Stt••t Meill"~f A./'r•••: ,,0 . f1• 1160, t16?6 --NtWllD'l lt«l'I! Hll W•I .... .., .... ,,.. a.-11eee11t m "'-' ,....,... Hllrlllnfltll lttc111 ..... '""' I, guide the commission and the com· munitles in future annexations. The truce line was drawn with Yorba Linda gaining exclusive rights to future land merg'ers in the entire study area. Included In the 15-square-mlle area Is I.he 2,~acre Bryant Ranch which Yorba Linda officials said they do not plan to annex. After a twa.hour discussion, the com- mi!!iio n ruled that Anaheim &hall not be allowed to annex north of the Santa Ana River and Yorba Linda shall not utend its boundaries south of E.speranzo Road. The study area is bounded roughly by the river on the south, a hlgh ridge line south of Telegraph Canyon on lhe north, the Orange-Riverside County line on the east and the two communUles on the west Cow)ly Supervisor David L. Baker, 1 member of tb e commission, made the motion that gave Yorba Linda the vic- tory. He said, "This decision eliminates continuance of the county's jigsaw J>Uu.le oI cities and complief with the law. It ls the kind of solution U'lis agency was des.ignet.i to make." The disputed area is expected to sup- port a population of about Ul0,000 even· lually. Assessed valuation of the land in· volved is '7 .97 million. There are 84 owners. Last in Travel Films on Friday The last in the 1918 aeries of the annual Travel and Adventure films sponsored by the Newport H1rbor Kiwanis Club -wlll be: )nttnted et 1· p.m. f)id•Y •l the Oran5e ea.st Collep Auditorium. Col John Craig, advtnturtr and author of the book, 0 Danftr Is My Bwlntu," wlll present hi1 atest film, "lncom· parable Gretet." Tlcketa available •l the audJtorlum are priced at 11.llO !or adulll and 71 ceni. !or studenll. ProcetdJ support Kiwanis youth pm- lflDIJ. l, . . Oose .O:ver. . " ., Confu sion By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of ltle Dtlly l'llel Sttff Two amot11 lour scbools Jo the Hun· Ungton Beach Unioo !Ugh S<hool Dlltrict dJamJued atudenb at 10:30 a.m. today. becawse ol conlu.sloo caused by a minimwn teaching day called by teachers in a dlspute over aalarles. HunUngtoQ Beach and Fountain Valley high ocbooli allowed the studeoll to leave at mld-morninl instead ol the orllJoally scheduled 12:30 p.m. cli.mllssal tltne· · Dr. Mu Forney, dlltrld superin- tendent,. said lbe adro,lnlstraUon hact f,ot &Jven approval tor a miniinum diy 'IChedule whicl> tt l!ld It alone II em· · powered to call. He sald claues wm dlsmbaed because ol the """'1!!\0n croaled by the llC)iedule sel up ul>ltr~y by leathers. . "Studenta: were comin& and loins In c:onluslon. They tried, but couldn~ idj111t to the shortened schedule," explained Dr. Paul Berger, principal at the Fowrtain Valley campus. Westminster Hij:h School reportedly planned to continue the minimum day schedule, but coofuaion was rtporied there also shortly belore noon. The ume situation was reported at Marina High School. More than too teachers at the lour Huntiqtoo Beach high achooll are pro- testing the adminlstraUoo's allqed unwillintneas to negotiate: for Aluy ln- crease3. A two.and-a-hall page memorandum released Wednesday by trustees stated that the district Is prepared to offer a 4 pm:ent increase to the present ulary schedule In addJtion to the regular ad· Vance or step increments. It added that the board 's represenLI· tive would "meet and confer in good faith" with the teachers on the matter. The DEA is asking" for 8.3 percent in- crease in the salary schedule. Accord.lng to the memorandum the ac- tual tacher salary increase plus ad- vancec:-nt increments would amount to an adult salary incrtase or 11 percent. ''Tbt.s Is worse than a misrepresen- tation ol tbe factual data," charged Carl Muemann, DEA 'jrement. "Inmment lncreues have. never been i con- alderatioo In tucher wap ~atlono before. T6ey are simply lncreasta paid for the-experience and time put in on tbe job by tho teacher." fr * * Capo Teachers Threaten Boy cott Over P ay Hike Teachers of the Capistrano Unified School District ha ve voted to suspend all extra curricular services and today threatened ta remain away from classes Tuesday unless the school b o a r d reconsiders teachers salary propoaals. Trustee& of the district enacted a S.4 ~reent salary increase at Monday night's board meeting after unilaterally ending salary negotiations over the loud protest of ~achers. In a district-wide meeting Wednesday, teach~-m!!mbert cof the Caplllrano Unified Education Association demanded that the salary contract for 1969-70 school year be placed on Lhe board agenda next litonday. Teachers voted to take advantage of emergency leave and sick leave to re· main away from school Tuesday if the demand is not complied with. Today Truman Benedick, asaisl&nt superintendent of instruction and person- nel, said he believed that the item UI Scheduled for the meeUng. From P qe 1 SALARI ES .•. to sum up sentiment of board members when he told teachers: "I think I'm getting lhe message -you feel educaUon per se does not pay enough. A political solution has to come from Sacramento. "I think It Is significant the teachers \;Vho are leaving art not going to some other school district where they can a:et a better deal. They an! leaving educ1Uon.'' Dick Watts, head of the teacher bargalnina team, had this to say : .. Thia la a unique dlrtrict. It set.s 1oal1 for tops ln everythJng except personnel. \Ye feel in lhil affluent art• the com- munity can afford IL We keep cornhl& ba ck to this." Watts also warned, "I would like the board lo con.sider very carefully, any ac-- tion they take without ageement ol the teachers .• .I believe there art aotna to be problems." tom Brown, assistant director of salarlet and ntgotiaUona for the Southern Calllornla CTA Section, uld he couldn't promise anything, ~t will check ~ key polnll In the budget where olhtt ll<hool dlstrtcta have betn lound to put more money than needed. H• aakl he did not thlnk It wise to"'put out publicly all these intertstJnc little pock eta to fook into." ! • I " The11 Remember Commander Blayne Kimler of Newport Beach American Legion Post 291 and Mrs. A. J . Blackwell of Orange County Gold Star Mothers place flags on veterans' graves at Pacillc View Memorial Park in • preparation for Memorial Day Services scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday at the park. Services are open.-to public. ' · Patman Urges President To Block Interest Hike WASHfNGTON (UPf) -Rep. Wright Patman (0.Tex.), u ld toc11y 1 new in· crease in interest rates by major bank.~ appears Imminent and urged the Nixon administration to block it. In a telegram to Treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy, Patman, chairman of th'! House Banting Committee, urged that the 1dmlnl!tration issue an im- medla~ statement op~ .. any Increase Jo the prime lending rate !hat banks From Pqe I WATER .•• estimated budget is generally very close to the final figure. Covered also in the proposal is a Metropolitan Water District rate bike from $43 to $45 for each acre-foot of water used. No well water is being used in the system at the present lime, with all con· sumer-used flow coming from the litWD, •cconllnl to dlnctors. Chapman Committee Picks Dr. Truax charge favored customers. The rate la • currently at 7.5-percent. Patman said an increase in the current· prime rate .1•ww send a shock waw •through the entlre economy1 raising in- terest rates on every item." . "Another incru,se in the 'Prime rate will all but halt an alrea<ty badly depress- ed boustng market an~ will raise tbe price of goods lo millions o( Ar(lerican fan1lJ!'!~' P.all"ao ~ri<d. , . , ''~~r tnerease iJ unDeCtS&8J'y and it is nothing more than an attempt by lhe banb to gouac the American public dur- ing a critical ecooomlc period." SD Free~ay P roje ct DC!ne The $12.3 million San Diego Freeway widening project covering more than lfi miles between the junction of the Santa Ana Freeway and Laguna Canyon Road in Irvine to the junction of the San Diego Freeway and Pacinc Coast Highway in Capistrano Beach has been completed and will be open for traffic for the l\-femorial Day weekend. The long stretch of freeway, scene of counUess weekend traffic jams in the past year has been widened in a job which took almost two years. A 15-mile section from the San Diego. Dr. Elliabeth Truax of Newport Beach Santa Ana Freeway interchange to has been elected a member-at·large of Capistrano Beach has been widened to the execuUve committee of Chapman eight lanes, and a one-mile stretch from College for the 1969-1970 school year. Laguna Canyon Road to the intersectlon An aS!istanl professor of English, Dr. of the two freeways ls now six lanes Truax lives at 1418 Mariners Drive. ~ wlde, compared to the previous four. l Berkeley's-,.; . ) .,. Council on :·· I TV Tori,igh • )lERKELEY (AP) -A City Counc m .. tlitii tonl&ht will bf> tel('<"'lt liv _, statewide as offlclals 'rDovt to preven vio&enci during a massive "people' par~1 protest march.Friday. ~ Gov. ROnaJd Reagan says the 200 Ni tlonal Guard troops camped on the Utt controversial acres -along with abo 2,000 ·Guards.men on aJeri at ne~ armories -will star at "'"lea.st-throu~ •Friday. _ Militants plan to mobilize 50,. persons from _around the state in .tk l!Jemorial Day convergence to prolesOf fen~ina: oi the land after Y9Wi people. plan~ It with grw and flowers and pu in pllygtound facillUes. !"' Reagan promised Wednesday to use "whatever force is necessary" to protect the chain·link fence lhat the Univeraily of California, the property's owner, erected during a riot May 15 which left one' person dead and 130 injured. Meanwhile, the march organizers vow- ed "the fence will come down," but didj. not say when. · 1 There were Indications today that , to "'• avoid a possible repeliUon of bloodshed. authorities were considering a plan under whJch the university could lease U,e ground to the City o~ ~keley, whlCh could retain it as a people's park. In an unusual development, Berkeley li1ayor Wallace Johnson announced· Wednesday that proceedings of the City , Council will be broadcast live tonight on .\I educational TV stitions in San Francisco. 1 ·"' Sacramento and Los Angeles. Sources· ·: close to bis oHict said the lease question ~ is expecled to be part of the ag'IJda. In addition, Berkeley campus ChaJ1.. •. i cellar Roger W. H~yn.s told a delq:atioa _ of '11tents from Southern California Wed· , . neSday he "would mate some statein«!l'l" • to ease some of the pressure surrounding 1 the Memorial Day mare~ on the park. Le gislator Says He Could Teach Sex in 1 Hom· BATON ROUGE, La. (UP{) -Sex ' education is like alcohol and tobacco, a Louisiana legislator said. It ought to be_ restrld.ed to persona 18 and over. Most ol !he legislature agre<d Wed-· neaday. Jn ta H-4 vote it lJased a MU pro-,.~ hi biting any form of sex instruction-beloW~ : · the ninth &ride Wider the threat ol llHi' ·•· complete loss or all public funds; and above the ninth grade unless approved by the State Board of ~cation, the Parish•· I County) school Board and the parent of t each lndlVidual student. "We keep alcohol and tobacco away from childreil until they're over 17 and \Ve oui:ht to keep this mess away from; them too," said ,Rep. Fttdrick Hayes of~ Lafayette. "\Ve don't need no sex education in our schools," said Rep. Norm~n Ordoneaux· of Lake Arthur. "I don't have any children, but if I had any children I could teach them everything they needed to· know in one hour." Playhouse Vandals Cause Loss of SlOO Vandalism caused about $100 damage to the new Laguna·Moullon Playhouse nearing comp let.ion in Laguna Beach at· 606 Broadway. • Police said vandals during the weekend knocked out about a six-foo( square sec- tion of plaster in the shop area. DAD WILL BE THE YEAR 'ROUND Ha'll feel lilo 1 ling on his throne when he relaxes in one of these comfy chtin! FROM fi. J. (Jarrell GENUINE LEATHER CHAIRS L • A GIT TO llWllE All llJOY FOR YEARS • CUft<lm quab1y throuah«t • Lunu!OUJ c:uallloning o Your cholct of colon from 10 uta.i•• Mloctloo ol llDMt 1.,ther tat11to1. from $199 H.J .GARRETf fU RNrpJ RE noFUSIONA~ fNTERIOl DESIGNERS 2215 HARBOR llVD. COSTA t.4ESA, CALIF. 646-0275 '46-0276 /I • .. •• I I ' . • • I l i ' I • i ; • I • • '' '. ' ... ' , ,· . ' . '• • ' JFK BIRTHPLACE BECOMES NATIONAL SHRINE Late P-r~tsid9nt's Mother Dedicates Brookline, Mass. 2-story House JFJ('s Birthplace Slated As National Historic Site BROOKLINE, f\1ass. tUPJ) -The birthplace ol John I>,, Kennedy \\'as dedicated as a national historic site lo· day, the 52nd anniversary of the slain Longer Waiting Period for Teen Marriages OK'd SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Couples under 21 years of age would have to wait ·15 days rather than the present three days for a marriage license under a bill passed 21-ll by the Senate and sent to th e Assemby today. Sen. Robert S. Stevens ( R -L o s Angeles), the measure's author, said the longer waiting period could "slow down the often hasty teen-age marriage." Stevens said divorces.among teen-aged married couples was four times higher than ule rate 1or adults. If' said it \Vas .. high time we tried something" to curb the marriage breakups CJf minCJrs. But, Sen. Grorge ~!CJSCooc (0-San Francisco), said the bill would set up an "'arbitrary standard for young people.'' lie said itwas impossible to legislate suc- CCssful marriages. "The standard Qught to be applied across the board,'l Moscone said. "It should be applied to passionate adults as well as passionate teen-agers." Senate A1>pro ves Stiff er Bail Bill SACRAMENTO (UPI) -'fhe Senate reversed itself today and approved a bill levying bail of up to $3.500 for a person charged with disturbing the peace or trespassing and denying a defendan t feedom on his own reeognizancc. Sen. Clark Bradley (R-San Jose). told the Senate his bill was designed to get al repealed "troublemakers" on college campuses who post bail and return and participate in more turm oil. president's birth . ~1rs. Joseph P. Kennedy, who gave birth to "Jack" on this date in 1917 in the master bedroom CJf the modest three- story house at 83 Beals St., persenled the deed to the house to Interior Secretary \Valter J, Hickel in simple ceremonies, The National Park Service will main- lain the home and assist visitors at the shrine seven days a week.' The Kennedys, \l.'ho sold the house in 1920 for a larger home nearby for their fast.growing fan11ly, repurchased it in 1966 and restored it to its condition when John was born. Besides John Kennedy, his sisters, Rosemary, and Kathleeo were born in the gray-shingled, green-shuttered nine-room home. The home. where the Kennedy children romped between 1914 and 1920, is distinguished now only by the city's historic plaque on the small front lawn and the 1917 vintage gas light in front. In othe r respects, it resem bles most other dwellings on Beals Street near Coolidge Comer. Inside. the rooms are small, COD· se rvatively but smartly decorated, and reflective of Kennedy efficiency. Rose Kennedy's voice by tape recordiDg echoes in each room as she recalls the childhood of her sons and daughters. The comments range from homespun hon1ilies to sensij.ive reminisctoces. Jn the children's tJedroom on the second floor, where John spent his earliest years, Mr.s. Kennedy saJd, "We spent a Jot of lime reading and playing with the children in this room ." Later she said, "The books were a favorite pastime. Probably John 's favorite y,·as Billy Whiskers, a story about a goat." In the master bedroom where John was born, she said. "Some people say tbat all babies look all~e. but I could tell the dif~ ference even at that age. "\Vhen you hold your 1baby in your arm s for the first time, and think of all the lhiogs you can say and do to influence· him , it's a great responsibility." In a second noor room she used as an office, ?o.1rs. Kennedy said, "I kept a card fi le on the children's health, It helps so much to check back on all the important fa els. I would rec<>mmend this to any mother today." Claildre1a Arrive ita Pairs Alrs. Vian An1ico or Detroit cuddles her fourth set of twins today alter the;r birth Sunday. ~1r. Amico, president oC a phannaceuticaJ5 firm, had to hire ·a ma1d to help handle the three single childrtn and four sets of t"•lns. ~1rs. Amico says that havin1-(hem in twos i11 the best \vay or having children, but they do present problems, like 52 loads of wash and six dozen dia pers n \vcek. s Larwin I~ot Sizes Ruling Due Violation of Val'ley Regulations Goes Before Appeals Court By TOM BARLEY Of ... Diiiy "'":t .,.., °'""'" County Superior Court Judie Byron K. McMillan's ruling that Ibo Larwin Co. violated Fountain Valley lot size regulaUoos on a ptOp05fJd $15 mllllon, 500-bome development · wu schoduled for eiaminaUoo. tod•)' by jO>SUces of the Fourth District Court of Appeals in San Bernardino. But It i! "bigbly ~ly" that the IP- pellate bench will hive any comment to CJlfer on the controversial county court ruling unW late next week, an appellate court spokesman aaid. "Today's action only amounts to an acceptance of documents and discussion must await compleUon of ne:rt week's calendared mattus,'' be &aid. Larwin attorneys filed the protst wJth the compliant that the company is loaing $500 a day in loan interest and other related costs while walling for Judge P.tcMillan to produce his written &um- malion of a fmding that he delivered oraUy trom the bench last April 30. T b a t "substantial financial loss" prompted Larwin lo go directly to the ap- pellate court ral.be.r than pursue the normal channels in, such actions -an ap- peal to the Orange County court's ap- pellate division. Judge P..tcMillan upheld at that Ume the argument oC Eugene E. Van Oask that Larwin's tract map and zoning oo the PUC Asks State Put Utilities Underground SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Calllornia Public Utilities Commission study panel recommended W¢nesday that all new utility lines in California be placed underground. The recommendation, which still must be acted upon by the five-member com- mission, said that undergrounding of the lines should be "stateWide in Scope" with, the "additiona1 C05l of these installations , •. absorbed by the uUliUes." The proposal deals with extension of utility distribution lines to all new con- struction -residential, commercial and industrial. The recommended order was inade by Commissioner A. W. Gatov and com- mission examiner John R. Gillanders. It was prepared after an lnvesttgation in· sUtuted by the PUC in June 1965.. ' The ,_y recommendalloo d ... not apply to transmiasion lines or the steel towers supporting Lbe:m. but does state "all extensions sboWd be underground and the process of COllverting overht.ad to underground shou1d be encouraged." Before the commiBskm mate:i the pro- posal official, tl wlU hold formal bearings and receive reports from all affected utilities. Six days or bearings were con- ducted during March 1961. Under the proposaJ, a u b d I v l 1 I o n developers would perform all the needed ,trenching and backfilling for the un- detgl'OWld lines and furnish, lnslall and deed to the uliliUes all underground ducts that are required. · 11ie utilities' responsibility would be in- stallation of underground utility cable in. k.ide the subdivisions and also inst.allation of up to 200 feet of underground llne from the development to e.:r.lsUng power sources. "With undergrounding being the !ilan- dard method of comtruction of di&tribu- lion circuits with the utility paying the cost, there is no doubt that great strides will be made in the science of serving electricity by means of underground d~trlbulion," the report said. That's My Wife? IaO-pound Loss Stuns Sergeant WfCHITA, Kan. (AP) -S. Sgt. Cleamon Faulkner came home from a year 's Air Force duty in Thailand today and rushed right past that shapely lilUe wife, Betty. he was looking for_ Mn. Faulkner and a compan1on had to run the sergeant down, and even after they captured blm, be was a little skep- tical. His bewlklerment was tmdentandable. Mrs. Faultne:r, 3%, )'ears old Tue:lday, mw a svelte 180 pound&, weighed StO the last Uzbe Faulkner saw her. Then her measurements were ~. and she wore a 32% dress. Today her figure was 38-30-39, and her ioat Is to shed another final 20 pounds. The sergeant never had 11et11 her smaller than Z40 pounds, her weight on their wed· ding day. Alter the Introductions, the dazed com--t was simply: "I can't belle:vt it! 1 can't be.Ueve it!" He: didn 't answer when asked how he liked hlJ wife:. "You hive: to remember he wu pretty groggy lo start with,'' her companion commented. "U. had been ny1ng almost contlnuou.sly for 40 boon. With all ol the lime changes around the world he had enough lf' make him "9bbly. He really wu in a fog, what with lack of s>eep and hJs wife's shape." Arter the !ihock wore: off, and Faulkner had a chance to catch h1s breath ind get a 1ood look at hlt wife he commented: "She looks like her sister Dorls. I alwayt liked her sister, beUer1 anyway," be quipped. subject properly was invalid and that Lmtin plaMen ha<Lworked into ,the tract property not owned by the company in an apparent move to meet Jot me minimums. Lanio'• arguments that ~of the• land lnyolved .....id be dedicated to ma- Uon of. paru and recrealf9n areas wu not accepted by the judge. And he fOWld further that the plaintiff, Who OWQS pro- perty .overlooking the Jlf'Ol'OSOd devolop- ment, bad not been given a fair appeal hearing by \he city council.· Vaa baSk opposed at planning, council and court leYOI the l,OOkquare-/ool lots oolllned by Larwill. He lllOCOISlllUy argued thai they were far below the city's 7~4oot requlmomts. A factor of the dlspulo that will not come before the appellate court ts its mUJhroomlng into a campalan cledlcated to the ...,.u of three Fountain Vall•y councllmep. A .....,P headed by Van Duk alms to tw<at Joseph Coumgu and Donald Fregeau, both of whom voted in favor of the Ind and Mayor Ro be rt Schwerdtfeger who abstained from voting AL!s~!!~'11 Pretty yards and patios start here! 7" hanging baskets with your choice of planfs ••• 1.n Han9 b•1ket1 plented with your choice of cool 9reen ferns, colorful begoni••• fuschias and ~tus pl•nfs. At this pric e you can heve severe/ for patios, p_orches Plant colorful bedding · planls now by the tray 2/79' Hardy, colorful marigolds and petunias elready growing in treys •• , buy 1ever4 al treys ••• reedy to plen t. 2 H.P. front throw power propell~d reel type mower 159.95 Pay es little as 7.50 p• month Mclane® mower hes 4 cycle en9ine, 20" Cuf. t in9 width, clutch, blade •nd throttle controls on handle, S blade reel, recoil 1terter, standard muffler i1nd cerburi1tor, hei1vy steel construc - tion. ] H. r. Mcloo~ mower ........................ 179.H Mel.Me~ ed<Jer ...................................... 6'.H on the acUoa but who was involved In ' ,.,1 ea1a1o 1r....cu.n. prtor to t11t 1rac1 I map t\elnc 111bmltted. Jud.,McMlllan II CW'\'elllly on Vata• lion and It b not expected thal he wlD t issue hi!I written flndJnp on tbe Larwin • ruling before Monday at the earUtsl. It II f possible that the •!'P'llalo bench wlU ~ ,,..; in Include. ll10se flncllnp in Its ' CJverall examination CJf the dl!pute, but it "J is not ~lvable that the just.lcea will • grant the writ of problbltlon 11011gbt 1>y ' Larwin on the grounds of the oral verdict alone. ~ , ' • • ) • ' I ; j ~ ' . ' I 1 • . ~ • I • ·, J • . ; I •• 1 i' f • , . • . . • • ~ • ' . ' . Our 'best' Foremost hooded brazier with an oven! Penncraft reel power propelled mower • • • ! . Poy • lttle n $5 ,.. m°""' 19.98 F11tures ntw 19" high rigid hood, gl111 door on ov1n. UL li1t1d motor, spit, indicetor. o.. "''""' lloo<led btmier ... !-----............ U.91 0.. ....... llnntet ....................... ,_ .. ____ ...... '·" Fold ood lock tf(ft .................. ______ ........... ·I.ff Tollle lop trll ............. _,, _______ ., .. ,....... I.ff '"' .. llllt• .. $5,.. ..... h 84.95 Fe1ture1 11" cutting width ••• S blades, 2 HP, 4 cycl1 1nglne, remote throttl1 control. 'CatoM' rffl power MOW«-··------···-···-·······-. lot.ts 'Prtr111 .. • NOi power .,. • ., .......................... 12'.H . ' 17" ...... ,... ,._., ""'""'""'-"""'""'""" 2'.'5 U" ._. ..... _., ·--................ _.......... 1'.ti USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN COSTA-MESA (Harbor Shopping Center) ' HUNTINGTON BEACH •NEWPORT BEACH (Huntin~ton Cenlor) (Fuhion IJ1nd) .. • I I " llutlMt', -29, l ... Colleges i CraCk Down ,- Long Beach Publisher NewStnteBoardHead . rc...~·l!' .. Dlitr~"':'" ~. "Are you Loral R. Tonsy?'' the clert' a,sted the .man. ''Yes, I am,"' said: the cu.stomu, who bad given • a cm!it·c:ard to Ille aerie at the ~ llobet't Hall clothing ·•tore for $73 • worth of me~andise. _.,Then you ,. must be my brother:• the clerk re- ~ ;>lied, calling for police. Pollce ar- f rested Robert N, ~-. 25, and charged him with Wegal use of a t stclen credit card. Clerk Albort F. ~ T•n•y, 38, iiiade plana It> get the ~ credit card back to his brodter, Loral. . ~ -.. !: --I ~ ~ ~ I! ... -l'l " I" t .: .. •• E .. .. l: .. •• • ~ No, t/!if i.!n't the lattrt fashlotl at ~ Indianapolis' Speedway. It im"t tomt ~ new style of f'acer that Mickq Kai- .._ tangian is crawling out of, but simply f: a fut' storage tank in th.t pit· area. ;. He's cleaning them in preparation for ; the 500-mile Memorial Day race. ,; ~ • !: For Dave Trumayn1, of Rams .. J: gate, England, life is just one long ~ spin these days-on a ferris wheel, ~: 24 hours a day. Trumayne, 23, is ~: riding the big wheel around the ' : clock to try to beat what he said is • the American-held endurance rec- :· ord of 14 days. He was in his fourth f day today. "It's the easiest job I .. : ever' bad,'' said Trumayne, who .-" works at the amusement parlt. ~-. · ... -----~ .. • t " • • •• Seoercl hundred dtmomtra· ton htld 4n hour·long "$hop.in" at a Neto York St«i, Roebuck and Co., ttore to·1 protest ~he store'• alleged refUlal to e~ ,. . credit to wlfare f'f~U. i -Wlli!t the ....... Mt ,,.,,,i.Ud ~ _ _ •to"' cl<rkl rfood by, the pro. I! test.ors tried out sewing ma. -. • chine1, danced to records, mmktd dot.on prices and an- swered the . firm's tilephones for about an 'houY, Highlight of the "1hop-in" toa1 a bumino of Sean, Roebuck credit cardt b11 about a dottn of the protestor1. • • > • • • • • • ~· ··ll:D:::az ......... ,.. ............... ~ • > ~ Just the blooming •.• er, un~ : blooming luck! The mountain tau· • rel didn't bloom on time in Ken- : tucky this year and · a mountain ~ · laurel festival just isn't the same : without it. So, Irene Adams, chair· ! man of the festival, asked the gov-i ernors of Pennsylvania, Virginia, • West Virginia, Tennessee, South :· Carolina and North Carolina to : ship all available blooming moun· • t.ain laurel to Pineville far the fes- :' tiVal . • • • LOS ANGEi.ES (AP) -Ca!Uornla State CCUese -emerced t.da7 wltb • -dlainnio -coodemM vWmce bat warns ap1nlt "over reaction ~ve rettllatton•• by ,.,.,,_ -W-sday for DBW lllu- -diadpllne ..... and elected Daniel• II, Ridder, Lana llescb ~. u theil"• new chaJrman. CoU.p olfidala aaJd the -rules glv-•llC cam:;,r.aldents aufll9ritY·lo aus. pend or -ts cl1lefly ...,. a col- lection Ill existlu( campo111 codet. : But w -said lbo'JU!es may be tnterprettd· as escesstvely~blnb on campuses. The new codes menticm such acts u obstruction or disruption of the educational process -on or off the cam· pus. Earlier Jn Wedneaday's meet i n g , tnistee 'Iheodore Merriam of Chico. re- tiring board chainqan, sold ~· , "should be made up ezclusively Gf ap. Pointed members" without the govemor, lieutenant governor or elected office holders. .. Gov. Reagan, who attended the seas.ion, later lold newsmen be fav....t IF.Mplng lllCb ....rtldo illflco holden .. the board lo rolaln a voice dlrectly ttprttentlng Ibo public. Merriam said of ex~fflcio trustees, "the publlc tnlerptetallcm that there b political portlclpatlon la • lwxllcap lo the q-.uy . . . non<>lltlcal responsibility Or the ftoard of Trustees ... MelTlam lnb'OOU<ed David Wamn, a Long -Beach State College lludenl who said: ''The average IWdent bu the fm. .......,. that seems to roprd you u fiuppets on the end ol a airing, the string being pulled by the governor of California." Warren also asked··trustees to Uaten to students in a statement that M81iam said was intended to be COOltruetlve. Merriam did not say he approved cf everylhing Warttn said. In bts U page statemelil, Merilam ask- ed -tbe c'ol1ep syltelil'1 cen-tralii.ed power ha a •1UDCOD1C1ousty weakened the pursuit of excellehce at each college by developing what aome Nixo n o f F BI? WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nb.on says he CN'!Ce wanted to be-·~ come an FBI agent. . . , Nh<on told the graduating class of !!!<\ FBI Netlonal Acad<my Wedn.,.. day that when be was graduated from the DUke University Law School In 1937, 1 be appUed to the Federal Bureau cf Investigation. He aakl be "never he&rd anything." So be returned to his home in Whittier, Calif., and practiced law. Yean later· when be became vice president, Nixon asked FBI Director .J. Edpr Hoover what happened lo his appliCatiGo. -· · Nbcon uld Hoover searchod the files and reported back that, Indeed, he had been approved far acceptance as an FBI agent. But Congress· that year lafled lo ._iate enough funds for addlUooal agents . Nlzoo said be would promise that wru never happen again. • Justice Doug"las B"lasted On Article for Ginzburg WASHINGTON (UPI) -Supreme Court JusUce Wllllam 0. Dooglas is under fire from a new front today, for writing an article on folk singers in a magazine published by a man the high court once said traded in "the IOl'dld b-.ol·pand<ring." Tbe blal.was lnm Sen. Palli J. Fannin (ft..Arll.) fwho lzaid 0 1 think the Amtrlcu·~c Will a~ f9r his resigna. lion Ube eajmot explain this article." The alticle appeared in the March issue tl. Avante Garde, a glossy free· swinpig magazine Plblisbed by Ralph Gl.m.burg. In 1981. Gtmburg's obscenity CICIDridlGa:. for other pabllcaUons was uphold bf the S!Jpoeme Court, ·With Doaala!l·dlsMO!DI• Avd·Garda "!'I lial1ed by Glmburg within the put two years and was.not in· vo1ved in the 1M conviction . ''I find it ememeJy dlfficult to un • dentand why Justice Douglas cannot discem the Impropriety -or al last the Nazi Stormtroope1-'s Sorl Called 'Objector' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Hans Otto Keller, 22--year-old son of a former Nazi stormtrooper, was fined $1,200 \Ved· nesday and sentenced to do two years' work cf national imJXlrtance for his refusal to submit tc drllft induction. U.S. Dist, Judge Alfonso J. Zirpoll said Keller was a conscientioos objector but did not file exemption as such because of a mistaken belief be did not qualify since be Is oot a member of an Qrganltcd religion. appearance cf impropriety -in his \vriting for a publication put cut by a rnan convicted cf violating federal obscenity laws,.. Fannin said in a Phoenb:: news conference and in a state- ment' released by bts wuhlniton office. Wben the court upheld Glmburg'1 con- victlno, the majorllJ oplnioa Aid "tllere wu abundanl evtdeoce lo lbow lhlll oach of the -accused publications w a s originated-or l(){d u skM::k in trade of the sc rdid business of pandering ... " In New York, Ginzburg said Douglas 1\·as paid $350 for the an1cle on fclk sing1?'5 the Just.lee had known. Cleveland Riots Blamed on Small Army of Blacks W ASHlNGTON (AP) - A small" and well-equipped army of black extremists wai:: responsible for the bloodshed during the ClevelaJ;ld riots last July. the National Comm1lsion ob the Causes and Preven- tion. of Violence reported today. EnUtled "Shoot-out in Cleveland," the repcrt was released Without comment. The commission's report said the vi~ Jenee in Cleveland may have marked the beginning of a new pattern en civil disorders. "Tboogh u soon fell lnlo th<! established patlern ol Negroes destroying~ in the ghetto, it began u violence aimed at personal 1 n j u r y • Black~ominated throughout, t t ended in more white ca.;ualtles than black," the repcrt stated. • • • • • Storm Douses Quillayute , • • • • ~ i • ¢. . • 1 • • i • • t • f • I f • • • • • ' Col,d Front Extends From Great Lakes to Midwest c.a11-1 • '°""""' C.lfforTllt ..... "*'IY t&l1 tOllrl wttll low c!Mk •lonll rno\I ct l"9 Clltsf In Ltle nl9ht 9!'111 .. ri;. moml"'9 hours. It conllnued tiUlt. IWnn '" tn""1of ~ •fld coo'"' In C01$hll l,...l 11\d 1"""'1'Plfldlllfe V•!lt'l'I. LOI "-'"-•nd vicinity htld ll11v W!l$hlne m.t f1' ~ clily w!lt! • dQ!ll! (# loW doudl lite n~I 1nd t1rlr mom1,... loOC:n. 1111 111111 ""-'1otwf Wll IJ, llt> -ff9ree ff'l:lm ~. The ll'edklfd low ton19tit ..,., Q . TM .&Ir Polt\ltlan Conlrol O!tlrlct """'ldW onodlnfe ,._ tor tlle LOI ~19$111.. awdlll we elaudr 111~ ...,. w-fflt off te • lwltJ' au.W.ll'le llifl!I ef ... W .... ~--,_.llltd 11 •2. .,:;-"'.::,..= =""·it ~Ir: --· °""""' ,_, ..... illfll'IY 11'1d "''"" wllJI "'*"' ,...,.1119 from fS "' the l,lllMf Wiiien to 105 Ill lcPift.t Vllltrt. S-tl'9fll ~ "1fl(!'oed Wlfll 1-1 ""xlm1i1m1 lodly f"""°"! L-lt!K'h n-n. s1nll Monkll U"5t ~ IS..S, Ml, W+'-7'-7t.· Jl.f¥.-...... "'4'0. Pllfll S.'41191 to.t-105. ~ 11·•· W Okft 1'-12 '"' ~ .... ,.. n.12. LOS ,t,NQil..1.$ AHO VICIHITY- t.• nltlhl 11111 ewty ~rns low ckMfll .~ f\f.ly 111mt11,.. toNr IH'ld '"*"· L/ttle ~--di•-. ltftifl' kid.,. n. Ltw t..11111 •I. Hltll ,...,, •. (OMlAL VALLEYS -Mo;11tlr lllfl" nr ll:ld.tY l1ld Frlcln ""' -tirl't "'°"''/If .. ._, --''-· l !ffll! ~II.IA dllll9t'o Hkllls ...... 111 II tO. lo. toft•t '5 to "" Hllllf ~ dlt7ttol'7. ltilT!"llMIOIATE V,t,t.t.rv•-~ _,.,. lflllf Ft1cl..,. llttlt cMrltt 'Ill .......,.."'"-Hllhl toHr 111111 ,,,. .,, .. " ts. u-..,.,,.,,. • ti .... . MO\INTAIN Altu.5 -._, ....,. '"' ,,,..... ConttlMf ftl'fft. • • Coasial ~"" t'Ohlll ._ OHrlO\t fo be-- corn. '"'""" Mlllftf .., """*'" to-dly. w• -1errv, 12 to 11 1i:11ou .. TOOt'f't llltll. " .. n. .,....., • .,., ~ r•fl••• .,_ .... d ......... " P.· .... ... .... "" ... ,..... -" .. ~1. Tiit ........ ~ -... .,.. --su-. !ff-n.Je• TINIUDAY second low ..... . .... J:» 11.m. J,f 'K'Olld lllfll 'AID•Y .. l :Ol 11.m. •.t Flnt tDw , ............. , 2r1• 1.fll.1.1 Fl~! llill'll .............. t i4•.ll'l.aJ' Seallld low .............. t: u •. ,,.. •.• SM;Oftlll fllfl'I ............ t:a ,.m, •·1 M.-..... 6t,. ............ •:• •. 171, .. • ...... •.lft. ..... 1:'1 ··"" hll w .. Q, ""' '"' ... Mtr 11 J11iw ' Junt I• Jllflt JJ V.S. S11m-r" :i.p E1st I ncl Wet.I _.IDfit 1Jf !hf counll'Y ftllCJl'ed <lelr •nd w1rm ~1t111or todlly but 1 celd ''°"' ex· "'"'*' .,.,.... .. Gulf .. !fie 0-1 Ullft !ft ... "'Id*"""" ~---'*""""'..._. •• mud! f1' lllt fnlfl! Incl lso11fM 1111111" ""'"'-" ~ 1l'le Gulf mlo!\. ~t.m Kl,.._. l'ICIN9if Ill tl'ldl 1nd • QINI,,,, i n l11 Cll.or'l"'9 I •Ix roour -lad. . " Tiie Ctolw ""91~1 tlrw9111 Wllc- relliff ftCW'l'I "'9 '-•1 wfft ot WM-- ....i1, In 1111 -1Wr1 ·~ (911"11 fll1I"" •net the -ft'rfl M!fWihl, " i'ttillt """"" l'flllWd lft -troe eil,..,.. ~""' ""'°" " .,,. CIOUlllTT. Ou""""9, 911 1'ht ~" -CM• fl W41111'11fl!ft0t'I. """""'"" 1.Jt ~ ... ,.. .... The """"-' -....... 1,., WflflY ~ .._,, tftl'IJIWllllf'M rlld!IMI ... the lot INll'll. A~UCllH/'qUe ,_,,, A!1tm1 Ball....-sn.ld Bl$mt1rd; 80llt l!lo.lon c~1c­c1nc1",.,." c ........ ...... ""--·-.... w"" ··-....... Hcnol11lu Hat11l1111 K1ru1 C!lv Le1 Vet-11• Lill A.nit!" M!1111! &etdl M!lw•u'lltO! M~Mt ._ ..... Ntw 'tort: -·-....... ""'"" Pn1 It~ f'llll«ltllllllti ._,. Jllttsb\1'911 "°''"lld lt111>ll:IC"" lted '""' .. M !acr•ll'!'lnto St, L011l1 ........ $tilt Ltlte City "'"-SM ,.-flflcitCO t.M• 81"911 ... .... --·-· W1fhlntfoofll Ml.ti L-l"l'lc. .... j7 4, ,, 6? " .. 7e 0 '' ~· ,, ,, .. " .... .. " .. " .. " .. .. .. ,. " ~ .. " •e " "' .. ,, .... " .. 11 1~ •• t• .... IS ff .. " " .. .. " " .. " .. ,, lOS " ,. fl " n ,, 1$ " .. 11 fl 91 SI .... " n n 4 " .. '' Sf " p st SJ .1' '' 5? 10* •• .. u might clwify as a branch bank system?" Reagan did no1 enter any debatts dur-iof the fonnat-ttnr ol lhe gov..ntng board of the lklmpuo l)'ltem. 15 Schools Subpoenaed Ori Dis0rder WASHlNGTON (AP) -The Senate permanent tnvesUgations eubcommlttee has subpoenaed IS univen!Ues Including several cf the nation'• lll06t prestlgloos !or Information on groups Involved lo campus dlaorden. Subcomntittee 1eneral counsel Jerome S. Aldennan said today the wbpoenas were sent to the University of California at Berkeley and -Stanford, Harvaro, Cornell and Columbia Universities and 10 others be declined to name. Alderman uld the records were being subpoenaed to see whether 111y students involved in lhe disorders are receiving federal aid. "MOit of them have been cooperative," Alderman said, adding that the universities jn general prefer to supply the data under sutlpoena rather than voluntarily "to protect. themselves." Dcnald F. O'Donnell, chief counsel, said the subpoenas were part of the su~ committee's ''inve.Ugative procesa. We don't knew If we'll call any individuals yet." Both said details would have to come from the universities involved . Alderman said the 8UbcommiUee hopes to have public hearings in June on the material involved in the subpoenas. The auboomm1ttee voted May 1 to bold lrearinp on groupe and lndivJduals in~ volved in disorders in cities and on cam- puses "to determine ~·I.her there are groups or organizations or individuals w~ are fostering, or purposes, aims and objectives include the fostering of .such riots and civJl and criminal dlsordera.11 Newport Beach, Calif. l!IS 1<11.....,rt f !Yd. M~"'" 1~~e1 ""1ue • ._ 01'11 • Moonscape This lunar picture taken from command and service module of Apollo IO shows northwestward oblique view of Triesnecker crater. The crater is approximately 17 miles in diamet .... The intersecting lines to right of crater are Triesnecker Rills. Berl{eley Moh Dangerous, Police Association Reports BERKELEY (AP) -The B<rkeley Police Associatioo sayi che Alameda County ~·· department rescued police from a "vidous mob, a mob whose intentions were to injure and kill." In a letter to Sherill Ftank Madigan on Wednesday the as.m::iation's execu· tive beard said that Berkeley poJice reached the "people's park" riot scene on Telegraph Avenue on May 25 by ''>U!pping ove< the bodies ol fallen highway paUolmea.'' "The md> """ beyood control and the decision was made by your department to fire upoo thooe mgaged in rioting," the letter continued. "There is no question in I.he mind of cur officers that your decision was not only tOt.ally justified . . . but was di· rectly responsible for the eventual dispersal of the rioters and the evacua- tloo of injured po!lee penormef without more serious injury or death." ' ---lklppv•dtl Beauty Sa.lo XJ.• rrs SPRlf\JGl it's verve I it's instant color 1with 75' PLUS SHAMPOO<M-"" ,.,,...,, $225 AND SET lAfttf I ,.111. $J.IOJ Fri. • Sat •• Sun:-___ ....... _ . .. . .. .. . $3.00 ILon9 ft&ir 1rl11J ' :wiien Spring puts verve in yoar life;, we put it into your hair! With oar new comb-able, brush-able dos. And with ourcolorthatjustrinses in and "takes" while we set your hair: It's marvelous Roux Fanci-full tb&t • colon inlt&ntl1-th'en Mampnoa oat ---1 i .... nopen:lllide. needl•~f1 • CO'tui 11'11. reUnht9 na hair.*- blached 1i&1rr l • • ' l a • • Cos.ta Mesa, Calif •• 111 E. 17'11 Strt.f M1M1!1 tlMW ,_.....,, Costa Mou, Calif. Hflt "'"'°" IM. 1(-M.,. ,..,, ""*" .... Costa Mota, C1lll. 111 w. '"" 111'tl -- • Fovntoln Valley, C.lff • ,,,. Mltntll• Vl!llte Cfllllr ""'"" ffNll1 , I ' be nt . " • -Of ..i ll- ~ •· ut -.. ----·-~------· .... , .... -~~--~ ............. ..,_.,,...,..,,._...,,... .... __________________ ... ~ ................. _______________ ~-....... , ABM:. 49 Against, ' . 44 For~ 7 ·Silent WASHJNGTOrl (UPl) - Senate DemocraUc Leader Mli<e Mll)lllold today «· pressed hope for a com· promlae Oft the deployment or an antijla!U.Uc m I 1 1 11 e 1ystem. But Sen. Alber! Gore (0.Tonn.) rej«:ted lll)'lhlng short of vtctory for the "'10· ABM forces. Mansfield, a leadin1 op- ponent of lhl adminlltr1Uon'1 ''Saleguard" prop o s a I, tsthnated the confrontation Greek Junta Arrests 15 In Coup Try ATHENS (UPI) -Greece's military regime, apparently fearful of an attempt to .. retum King ConstAnUne to t h e throne, thwarted the plan wittt a series oC midnight arrests Wednesday, informetl sources said. RelaUves said at least 15 reUred senior military officers were arrested and hauJed away by security police. ----• Mlt.MUM , Sirhan's Attorneys Launch A ppealMove LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Attarneya for Sirhan B. Sirhan Wedneaday began ID 1ppe.al of his conviction of thl: murder of Sen. -F. Kennedy . The district 1t1omey whose o11fg_ JINOCllted the case im- plied ilOubts Iha< tbe pinl-siud Arab ever would be executed in San Quentin's gas chambre. Attorney Grant Co o p er , chief ol Sirbln's defense team, rued his nottce of appeal with the clerk o! the Los Angeles County Superior Court where Sirhan WU tried. Meanwhile Dist. Atty. Evelle J . Younger held his first formal news conference since Sirhan shot KeMedy last June 5. Younger said lhe jury's decision to sentence Sirhan to death was iroper and added : 2 Marines Die In P.R. Accident "We will do everythinf; Wt can to see that it ls cairled out, but you know the. trlCk record as well as we do on bow many people go to the 1u chamber. This case could go on for years and years." No one has been executed In CalifOrnia for more than two years. Tbere are now 81 persors, lncludinJ Slrllae, in San Quentin's De1th "'Row. Re- cent civil rights decisions have paved the way for protracted appeals ln many of theae cases. · "One of the weaknesses of our system of justice is the in- terminable review to which a federal judge can subject ac- tion of a state court," Younger said. Younger said his decision during the trial to agree to a life sentence for Sirhan in return for a plea ol guilty was made because he did not think the jury would bring in a death s e. n ten c e recom- meodalioo. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Younger said this belief was ~ u s Maria based on the findings of the (UPI) -'•v · · ~es prooecuUon psychiatrlat. died '"'1 seven were injured "We did not know 1t th1t Wedneldly ln 8 helicopter time·that the ieatirnony of the crash on J»uerio Rico's «St deCeme 'Jll)'cbiatrlltl would ~ atrtfttt, ' attacbed to tum out to be u disastrous Alpha r the aoo as tt did, from the defense's Alrt:Jornec:anrefono from Fort point of view,'' the District 5' Airports On Quotas THOllOIJeNMIO • rat:tng now! 9 SIG Mell DAILY Tuee.Thru ... Fht rece. .. w.tdey91 :45 Saturdlys&Holidaya 1 :15 OADERYOUR RESERVED SEATS Na'N THROUGH COMPUTICKET H~lywnad f'arl. lnal-4 C•ntury Blvd.M rrtlrle A government spokesman refused to confinn or deny the reports and said be had "no knowledge of any arresli." ~The sources said those ar- rest.ed were part of a pro- royalist organizaUon t h a t wanted to bring Constantine out o( self-exile in Rome and return him to power. The king fled Greece in December, 1967 when a coup against the mUiiary junta failed for lack of support. Vegas Showgirl Strike Averted ' Brag, N.C., developed engine ,_A_ll_orne.....;y_rem_a_rllod_. ___________ _ trouble duriJq' 1 military ex- Most of tho.se arrested ap- parently will be detained <1'.1. a Greek isle, sources srud, althougli at least two of the of- ficers were believed in an army bospita1 in Athens due to poor health. .. , Columnist T. Duggan Succumbs lO'S BE FllBl>l Y ll 10U have new ntla:hbon or know ot anyone movtn1 to DUr areL pleue tell UI mo that we Dll.1 ext.met a friendly welcome and help t.bm1 to become acquainted ln th«lt MW tun'OUndtn.p. So. COlsl Visitor 4944579 lllrllor Visitor 494-9361 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (QPl) - A walkout by 700 show&irls IL the iplush hotels on the La."! Vegas !strip was , averted Wednesday night when owners signed a new three-year con- tract with the American Guild of Variety Artists. "Misunderstandings o v e r new pay scales have been resolved;' a joint statement said. "The new contract pro- vides for welfare. sick leave and vacation programs for the performing artists." ercile. Cosmos in Orbit MOSCOW (U~IJ -The Soviet. Union today launched an 'unmanned 1pacecraft in earth'• orbit and the news agency Tass sald all in- strwnenls 1borw.d Cosmos '284 were functkmin& normally. 'Ibe craft w11 placed in an orbit ranging Crom 191 fr\ilts to 130 miles above the ~h. WATCH FOR OUR MID-JUNE OPENING Old .World Mediterran:ean Spaniah Furniture OVER $111.0llO INVINTORY TO CHOOSE FROM D•CORATOlll CMICILLATION tM llTURNI ,.OM MODIL HOMU ALL lltAND NIW D!COIATORI DllAM HOUll ON DISPLAY Items as follows: G:pr1eou1 8 ft. cus~m quilted sofa with separate loose plllow1 with heavy oak trim decor and matchln& chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, !2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag Jamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom aulte In pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king •lu mattreSI It l>o• springs. Span!Jh decor dinlng set, etc. WfMle H9Wllhll ... ,........ l1UUI ::'o:~~-~-~---·-5698.00 • .., Piece c.. .. ,.,, .... ... .... ., Ttrn11 At1I 111 -Ntw111: .. te Wf. ~ .............. ,.., f JI J] Fw•alt•re At Harbor Blvd. 1144 N•wpoit Bhd. Cut• Mn•..., E...., nl ... 1 'ti! t -W..i, Sot. I hn. 'ti! 6. ' I Youbetlma Green Stripe backer \l • ' ' - Nixori Studying Pollution UY BlllCAYN!, rla. (UPI) • Pr-Nixon summoned hls chJef eclence adviser to hls vacation bead· qllll'ill's today. to unveil a ne.w ivbll6 llouae study nn ways to bait mu's pollution or his en- peeled ti aaaounce .•~ potnlmfnt " • spe<W wk force on "the total eo- vlrorunent" after conferring wllJI !Us adviser, Dr. Lee A. DuBrldp, former pmldet11 of the CaJl/iimja lnat!tut. of TechnoiOI)'. llurtnl 1· trip tw m0oths qotothtolJ.ooUodbeadle1 al Santa Barbara, the ,,,_. dent expreuod his -· about the smoke, amoe. m11e and pollutlolt that foul IDID'I enVITo:oment and aidCIDCed his lnteOUon to -• -y to d<lenntne ""'' the federal ..,.m..,tcan.ro.-u. GET HIM Tlfl! PERFECT PROJECT STARTER ••• Iii E W! Black Ii Decker 7'/4" Circular Saw Cuts •nd h1ncll11 11 well a1 It lookll Call4 brated depth and bevel tdjutttntrllt. Exposed bru•h hold· 1r1 for •PY ""''°" Ing. Poww.paek1d 1 Y HP motor. Alp guide Ind 71'\ • Comb JM• lion bl.cl• Included. / A POWER TOOL BY //lack II. 0tN:J.wt. SPECIAL tor DAD'S DAY! A B&D Jig Saw .... ,,, ... ' Th0•perfectglftlSewn for 1499 1aM In one with • Only ' 0 . f•at bl•d• ch'lnG•I 8&D qu1ltty It a NW low prloe.- 7100-3/8" DRILL · · MD Finishing Sander Th• --""' for flnllh'"& r'lflnlltllna f\.lmttu,.. wooctwortr. -. .... SUM. -'2.lf. Double-reduction gears II· low ,you to power. holes fhrouflh •~Y material. s911 DONiy FORCHT DAD! FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 15 LET A TIME·ALL AUTOMATIC TIMER PROTECT YOUR HOME. While your away, Tbner automaUcally turns lflhla on & off at preset t11nes. 24 hour repeat. m W. cap. ·white pl~stic case. tt4fr. llld McNal~ VACATIOll IUl9E-111. $t!5 C011'4>lett 224-pe..1uldt-ttM sure way to plln your most enjoyable vacation yaL • Inc laded- A Sptelll vim.i. V~I ~--. -!t~ • • WAnR HEATERS GARBAGE DISl'OSAU ,• REl'UILIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal. 30 Gal. 40 Gal. so Gal. I . . . ' ... $42.88 $44.88 $49.88 $64.88 IN·SINK·ERATOR MODllNO.IU '31 ... Qt.ti OUI PllCI ••••• ••• ' ....... ,,, .......... INSTAUATION AYAH ULI OPIN TOMORROW MEMORIAL DAY ' . ft i J I DAILY Po;,GT EDITOIUAL PAGE I I J A TwQ-w~y ·Street ' :; ' , • I ' ., ' ' '• ~ I lelnaltli:! bilt'111al he will bJ1nc'b 1be .~<It tbey 1111' • ' :Violence on the Bernley campus of Unlvenlty ol Clalitwnia bu been deeply upsetting to all ciUuns ol , Callfamla, both on and' of! campus. need.id.' j ., ' • • f ' i I ! . 1'1<Jil ol the talk -UCl,and -~ bu avoided •· Uie ~c fad·~· ·ilii' police eame to the Ben<etey ·campus to prevent a mob from acline ljleil:ally against Ul!lv.r•lty proper!)". 'l'be police · were attaclced with nicks, m·etal objecl.'l, colicrete Chunks 'llnd everyt\ltng' • I • • i I . . . A non-~ludent died in "' Berkeley otroet baWe re- IU!UJ!i from the unlversil)''• attempt to ret;Un UN ol ·It.I pn>porty. 'nil~ illclden~ 'along l'tt.h'~ sul,>lequent Inept uN of tear gas. to atavo off an0,ther a~at C\lll- frontatlon, ha.,. led to university-wide rallies, di!cuo-ilolls and clau boycotts. Slro11g domMds io "keep police olf ciampuo" have !>een !orth<oming from otud,enll and laculty. To the credit of the administration, faculll and otudoala here, tl>e-reacUon to thU situation a Uni· vemty of California, Irvine, IO far bas not been characterized byJhysical violence or disruption. 'l'here was, course, the juvenile misbehavior lnwlving the lowering of the United stales flag. For thi.:I the UCJ campus ought to feel deeply-embarrassed. Some of the UCI faculty members, too, have been gullly of foolish posturing and Immature talk. For ·example, a majonty of some 75 professors al a UC( Academic Senate meeting voted a resolution that 11no C!Ullide police &hall be called in except wben the •• u ... campus agrees there is an extreme danger to humali life." What II meant by "!'lllire campus" is obvioo.sly in- definable. What we have is a declaration by about 25 percent of the acedemic faculty purporting to speak !or the faculty, which amounts to eitber ilicredible stupidi· ty or a cynical elfort to badger the chancellor. · Nor has the UCI situation been free of tonUnuing- but unsuccessfUJ-aUempl.'l by a few student radicals. to contrive ...,,. kind of physical cOotrontaUon which · would force calling police on the campus. .. ' else that could be throwi\. Tito 'objecta had to have Ileen brought to the scene for·that specifi~ Pll/llO••· When police respondect to force wttli force a per- aon whose presence· and participation at the Scene Is sUll not explained was kill~. This Is very regrettable But hiJ death bad Its real origin Ill the planning and lnit!Jtion of violence by the leaders of the mob -and nolhlng can erase tile slgnif!cance of that fact and that responsibility. More importanUy, the whole thrust and atmosphere ol the campus rallies and most ol the faculty pronounc.,. menu con be strongly faulted 00 moral grounds. The key question there is : If the penma killed at Berkde1t had Men a poHc1:man, toOuld the c.ampus~s have been ingaged in dialogu.t1 and mournings, and 1trike1 and outpourings of moroL indigna- tion? t The public believes very strongly the answer ls: "Nb". · The university campuses must take off their one. way mi>raljty spectacles. They muat· speak as loudly, firlnly and aggressively · against violence by students and street people as they, ao against the counter vio- lence µtat is delibefa~Iy''provoked frorD the police. . U~Ul they do , .thej cannot expect their moral in·. dignation, }>ronouncements and· demands to carry weight ~ conviction with the rest o~ the citizen11'. , F .. UCJ Chancellor Daniel G. Aldr\Ch, Jr. bas made It dear bis policy ls.to deal with campus problems in- And· Wltboul !lie support of the clllzenry, meaning, ful reform and Improvements in our. higher education s)'111em. wilr not be possible. f!.'I, ~~ .... ''IT WAS Dt$1&NE!> A5 A FLAG, 8llPVY-Nor A5 A 8Ll/JD.FoZD.~ ' Reuons: Health and · Criticism . ' . Douglas Will R~tire Soon WASIDNGTON .-J~ Williom 0. Douglas is r•tlring from the U.S. Supmne Coor! ol wblcb· he has been 1 membe< oioce April 1939. This will be ll1llOW1COd 1n Ibo near future. Under ~law, at his age, 71, and wtt.b :!II yun' ......,. <n Ibo bibunal, lhe ultra-Hberal "peacenik" can retire with 1UJJ pay (ll0,800) !or life. Former Justice Abe Farias, 59, on Ibo bench lea !ban toor yesn, ptl oolhlng. Two loc:t<n are behind Douflhs' d-<n " ql!li -'l!«Unlng ~ and lncreulnllY harah crllldlm ln and Olll 11 ~ ol bis ...... judlclal 1ctlvltles. Leit IUIDDler Army doctors at Walter lleed HOllpltal hnplanled a "J>a<e!nlker" 1n nc.,,1•' lido lo ...,wile bis bean. He bu to r.tuf!I lo the boopltal al lot.rva!B !11.r,cborae thls.dev!C<. In April, ti came to lilhl !hat ,11e· had quieltf bod an •P- penclectomy at Walter Heed, and was _ undergoint lt9atment for 1 liver allmerit. DOUGLAS' PHYlllCIANS hove ob'ong· ly advlled litm lo Curtail bl1 ilor.1<. • Foremost amon,1 his nlra-judh;:ial operation1 lhat have come urider fire·was his usoclaUon, until a few daya ago, wJlh the Albert P.arvln Foundation that bod Jar1e lnt.reato · In Las V-Nev., gambling cuinoe. lt was discloeed that Douglas .had received $12;'115 1 year as pnsldmt, and IOle paid olflcial, ol lhia loundatioo. Alao, Lhat lht foundllion is a large con· tributor to the Center for the Study of DemocraUc lnsUtutiona, Sant.a Barbara, Calif., ol. which Doqlas is chairman and paid $500 a day for bis services. llt allo does considerable lecturing for l<M . ........ '""" '1.000 to 1$,000. oharp lire lrom 8-p. F. Edward Hebert, O.La., cbolrman ol I.he Houoe Armed Services subccmmittees on the National Ouaid and Ibo draft. He bluntly demanded that the four- times...marrie.d jurist withdraw' from the Supreme Court's consideratioo of a far- reachlng c a s e involving the con- stitutionality of a key provision of the Selective Service Act. Hebert took this extraordinary action on lhe ground lhat Douglu Is notoriously biued and F<- judiced against the Vietnam war and what he calls "militarism." Several weeb ago he delivered 1 series AS EVIDENCE of this, Hebert cited .9' toJkJ In llrull l<Jr whicb be nPorte<lli °'!'llU' gnntlng ol a number ol ldayg,lo got 1$,000. · ' • . .•,. :pmeot lbo lblpment pl lr<>ops to v~ Douglu' widely crllicltOd uti'l-judtcW . nam .tier -..... -ol lbe Supreme 1ctlv!Ues and oonnectloos m being Court had turned them down. In every ln- ocrutlniud by Ibo Elblco·!:.rnmlttet OI !lance, Douglas' ldayg _..·overturned tte American Bar Asl«laUon. This ls by the Court as a whole. being done at the requelt of Sen. John R. "Justice Douglas has publicly com· WIUiain.s, R-Del., who played 1 teadfnc mitt.ed himself In opposition to the Viet· role in the disclosures relating to FortaJ. nam war," Hebert declared, "and has ' J long sou,ht opportunity to take 'legal' ac- AFJ'ER RE RESIGNED, It was lion which wouJd cripple the ability o{ the discloeed that the ABA Ethics Committee mllitary to continue our operations in had submitted a report sternly con· Vietnam. U Douglas takes part in paaslng demoing his accf;plance of a $20,000 on the crucial case pendl.ng before the lifetime annuity from the family faun· Supreme Court, it would appear that the dalion of Louis Wolfson, who is se.rvin1 a 'cards' are already etacked against the prison term. governmenL" As previously reported by thls column, early this month Douglas came under By Robert 8. Allen ud Job A. Gtldamilb Gossip·, Scandal Not Same - I 10111etimea tbint we ought to e1amJut oUr weaknesses. They sometimes, oecau~e of our familiarity with them, become like our cbUdn!!n or our old-ehoe friends. We don't koow, really whether they are good or bad. An examination d our shortcomings aometime8 brings Ole eurprising revela-- tion that what •e tnought. of as weakne-. bear a strong resemblance to &tren&th, and what ~°e thought •• singular, belrine our own personal erm,n, w11 really universal "and not all that bad, lo boot. AU this, k> be PJJ"e, follows lht recent 9CClJ88Uon d. a friend that 1 am far too portial lo s-iP (The fad that I permk m)'Rlf lbe word "accusation" shows that J have a far way &o go if I am really to think d gossip as a friendly, and cm- ctiiVabb' virtuoUI tlMg -11 in fact I am belimirC to.) I WAI BROUGHT UP lo belleve gos~lf wu a wicked thlQg. Like many anodiu tNnc I Wll brought up to believ• wkke:d. my_Jeachi:nl 1lbout aossip has undergone • ittingenrelllting 111lh the passing )'<l ... a..tp, Jn die strailtned leilcon al my dDIAood; wu the same as tatUlngf t.aJe.. bee'rlr:w. ~ -U. i.everest of mlsd~ --o11·W- Tbursday, May 211, 19611 ,.,., odilorlol IJOO• Of llt• DallJ Ptlol , .. ti to fn/orn1 and .- wloll -"' pr.,mtmg thlt _., OJ>i"""" ......... ...,.,.,, °" 'lopiu of ini.ral ...s •Jbnlc<, bu protridhlf • /-/tw IM <:i:prcuio,. o/ -~ opinlOftl, and bf "'"'"""" th• dlvtrit -po/ttlc Of pft>nMd Obl'""'fl ad '""""""' on lopiCI of Ill< ..... llol>oJt N. Weed, Publisher meanors -nlinding o t h er people 's business. Gossip was precioua close to slander. Mr. Webster, in his dlctionllry, take& a much more balanced view. GoSl!ip, he aver1, is just "tdle penrone1 talk." I love Idle per.tonal Wk. I go along with Oaoar FUWa! O'Flahertle Wllls Wlldeo "Goa(p 1' channq. History ls merely gossip. But scandal ia gossip made tedious by morality." n JS WELL TO bear ln mlnd the dis- tinction betwetn R<Rlp and scandal. Scandal ls offenslve. Gossip very Mldom is, and then•usually unJntentionally. While gossip must be wide of malice, It nevertheless his tis gre.test pith and in- terest when it is about the weaknesses rl -people. I think.I derive greater pleasure from hearing gossip about my frienrts lh.'ln abouftboee I do n(tJlke. The latter t:ilk alw.,s inv,lves moral value judgment!, no matter how careful we are to conceal them. Goaip.oboul lhooe you doo'l lancy ls too close lo scandal. But J cevel 1n poop like the following. whl~ I beard the other day. Two 8lock~ers. from the upper SOC'i1l r8Ches o1. san1Mateo, fi>Und tJ.emsefver sitting a few seas from Neb other in a tholl«1U p.tu. 'll1it Is an hour I• whldl· lood -... should be mxtCILlllnl the ~ arrivinc from New York eo Ibo old Dow J..... and lmparlill( -from court lo I.heir valued cllallc. MOU, TllB MOVIE bou!e was, no- cinlinlrJ .... n w1s ooe « those jolly smut ""*-on Third Slreet In S.n P'roncllco. And """'· uch al the chaps -dM'mlne<lbewnp>il)llowllMI the ~. with lite nluli lhlt lhev .hared a decldodly uncomlorllble 51 mJn.rter or lo. . Now, tllol lale -m.. U lll)'lhlnc. ~ increaoed my lllectlon for both genls, eadl a friend. I am on.ly too willing to grant, however, that my gossip may be tomebody eise'1 scandal. In gossip you should be able to say anytblng.lhal CQfl\C.!l into your head. What you say is far less important than whom you say it to. You must know lhe llmits, and the crotcheU, of your partner in gossip. A word d warning, tbough. When you start to feel superior to the person yoo are f08!liplng about. or listening to gossip about, cut it short. You are moving from gossip. which recounts our common weaknesl!les, to scandal, which tn<'5 lo make a person's conduct alien and hence reprebemible. IF THERE IS anything I would tnler to a good-8ttl'Sion ol gossip with a mistress or master ol. the crart. tt would be overllearing goosip about myseU, like the proverbial fly on the walL If yoo cannot eavmrop on yourstlf, or find a fellow gossip who U truly on your wave length. I sug~t you get yourself into the sack with the great Uterary gossips: They are marvelous. fun. John Aubrey, Docto< JolVl60ll and hit eos ... u. Horace WaWole, Samuel P~. O'ft\1!1 and Franz Harris, etc., etc. Thlle are roll and wonderful -le. Dear Gloomy t Gus: For ao-uew•but.-good-newa nutl who rarely read put page 1: Cal State, Fullerton communl· caUons student Con.rue Shelman .,.., moderat.int a community awareness program at Falnlew State Jlospltal lut week 1t the tlme UCl 1tudenta were patnt- lng strike posters. -G. I. H. ""' ...... l'IMCfl ',,......... ....... ... """ ....... ,, """ " -....... ,. .... ,.. "' ....... ....., ... 6-1,, ..... ·, ' Anti-Military Students Are Way Off Base r. :;. ,.~ ··;p,_~ ~1"' '""';:'(~-"' -~" , l 1~··mli .,.f;~\~· ; 1.-• H · ~. Guestl{eport·' · '~! lJf :I " I < " __ : ' I ' ~· • '<;.w,: • . __ ,,., _.,.,}/ Students are way of.{;basf: in agitating against the military and police, a universit1 chaJ)lin as.serts. A "realistic re-eumination" o f r.?llgious "anti-polict 1ocl mi Ii tar y rhetoric" b long overdue, states Jerall C. Walker, auptant professor of religion at Nebruka Wesleyan University. Current 11abhorrenct: of mililary and police establishments bu dangerous im· plicaUons," he warns. What is of utmost importance, Dr. WaJker writes in the May 15 issue of the Christian Advoeate, is that the United State·s set an example for other nations in building up a strong corps of career of- ficers who · are dedicated to democratic processes. IT IS A GRIEVOUS mistake for slu· dent religious organizations "to view the U.S. military and police establishments as monolithic enemies," he says em· phallcally. · He goes on to say that it is erroneous to asswne thlt a Christian should not enter upon a professional police or military career. ~ Dr. Walker hlts .t campus demonstra· UONI against the Reserve Officers' Tr1lning Corps In slallngo ''Today's prevalent hoStility in student religious circles to practically any form of military Involvement tends to deprive the armed services or many capable care.tr officers and enlisted men whose loyalUes and inclinatioos are solidly democratic." • Reall~ally appraising t h e in· ternatlonal situation, Ur. Walker predicls frankly that the U.S. "will probably have to mab:llatn a large military operation '' far into the future because of its world leaderahlp. CONSEQUEN'lt. Y he believes it is folly for students and church leaders to con- tinue rigidly opposing military service. Dr .. Wa!Jter makes much o t developments which already have taken place In a number of naUons -arnong them Greece and several Latin ArnericJn lands -the· ever·present danger of military t.akeoVer. "The coup d'etat hu replaced rtvolu- tion" In changing govenunents, be notes. In thll maneuver, he e1plains, instead of battles there are "alliances within lhe military establishment" whlch so maneuver weapom for overthrOwing regimes and setting up rule by cliques. DR. WALKER aTF.S the argument of the eminent pollUcal scientist Dr. Ham J. Mor,enthau that bec:awie m o d e\r n weapons are cosUy tt ii practically 1m· pout.hie for dissident groupt to overthrow • ~t through armed uprising. Al a rule, onlJ cenlraJ aovemments can wq:e military oPerallons. Whal COUJU, Dr. Walkor )rlnp out, b the "loyalty ol !ho olllcen controlling llralqlcal!J ploced -~." not con. IUcl. Tlkeovm ...... •bout. he writes, because military oll1cen become "lm- paUent wtlh tM.llow parliamentary ap- proach to natklnal declsion·mailng and pi'oblezn.oolvlng" and let for quick cbang:e through military action. "The potential Power of alliatn5 wllhin the military establishment i11 fortlgn lands to force their will upon the people" is eomcthing to worry about, he cauUons. Chrl1Uu Advocate The E_~ponential Rate of· Cha~ge A high. school student in Georgia wrlles to ask what I mean by referring to the •·exponential" rate of change In modern society. And not only what do 1 Jriean, but why is it important? What I mean i.s that the rate of change has increased in the way you keep squar.. ' iog a numbe!:, whereas in the past change took place ·in the way you merely add nun:it>ers .. This lmplies that change has ~lered a whole new dimer.sion of speed. lNFORlilATION SYSTEMS - represented Jftostly by the computer 1- aie now 1one .qf ~ ~ing busintSses in tbe ~ki, and ·ate' _growing flt.:an air toundint rate. Yet it was ontf· 14 years ago that. the •rst busines1 computer in the world wai installed. ,• · Nuclear power plants are another of the tremendous growth iridustri.es of our time, yet it was only elgh$',years ago thal the first large-scale privately financed nuclea; power plant went lnto operation. And cOmmercial jet engines are the third booming inOOvation of this period -but · the first scheduled commercial jet airliners were put in service less than 11 years ago. , THESE INDUSTR~ alone have ac-· counted for several -million new jobs, calling for new skills, new learning, new approaches al every. level, from the technical to the administrative. The time elapsing between the develop- ment of a new product or process and its introduction to the market has shrunk to a fraction of the time it used to take. Our educational, economic and social systems have scarcely had lhe brealhing-space to adjust to these swift transitions. AS AN AA10SING and instructive a- ample of the recent past, not many J>f'3> pie know that the slide fastener (or "t1;; per") 4':as mtroduced by its inventor at the Columbian'._Ex(IP:SitiQn in Ch.ieago in• 1893. ' ' • ''1 .. Yet it was not until nearly 40 years later, in the ·early J930s, that even so simple and practical ' a device was f)ul in- to mass Production In a. l?enosylvania town lhat was t_he o,ily one to surviVe the Depression because of its t.ecbnO~gical innovation ·~1th& sli(tedtilrener fi4!ld. WHEREAS rN QUR graridfa~' time it took 40 I years to get a• new product going, the average tUne-.~part bu gone down to less than three years. Bui. it still takes as long as it did in 1893 to educate people, to build homes for them, to transport them locally frob;i ~ place to another (a horse~ co.uld crdss Manhattan · faster than a taxi in traffic), or to retrain them for new jobs in new lields. -This i.s what an "exponential" rate of change means -and why U has made us lhe most prosperous society in the world, but also the most conflised, the most frantic, the most frustrated, and the most anxious. 'Sex Education Lacking' To the Editor: Being a high schoQI student myself, I can feel the need for some form of educa· lion on the subject of sex in our schools. 1 know that there are many opposed to such an idea in our 9Chool system, but 1 think it's a very necessary thing. The course thal should be offered is ~ a sex education course as such. but in· stead a physiology class which discus- sed the ideas, emotions and concepta ol the students themselves. THERE IS A greal lack of education on the subject, even up lhrougb the 12th grade. Having had friends all the way through high school who were caughl by this problem of unwanted births, l know thal there is a definite lack of education here. J know of a course such as this one pr.n- posed· which Is working out very well here in Orange County. Today with all of the scape/o!oals such as pills and abor· lions. I feel that the need is so very much ~ger. SEX IS USED too much as a plaything by too many young people, and the results are unwanted children, hate. disrespect. embarrassmenl and wor!d of all, nothing being done lo help eorrect-lho situation.-Sci being buUl up as the supreme taboo in young people'i lives with Jack of knowledge about jt, cauaes curiosity and npetimentaUon. The problem of firx:lina teachers other th1uf'cft rih: perterts is prtk."'bt. Finding a few teachers within ettch district could work out on a system of circuit leaching . wilhln 1 couple of achool!. TIIE UNITED STATES, 11rk>ng wilh the rtst of the world 1'Q beootM highly ovu. populaled and much 11 due: to the ~ tc- norance and frivolity or many . God gave It\ the power to create life fC>t a p1irpose. '"1is ln1'lnded purpos1,.lsn'I being carried I r; . " ,, ' ' ' I . f-lf' IF-.__., Letters from readn1 arr welcome. 1 Normally toriters should conve11 their J mess(fpe in 300 1D01'Cb or less. The right ·io .cpl'KWue letttfs '1o fit spaCs l or eliminaU Ubtf is reserved. AU letters must include tignature ond moiling address, but 'lames may be t withheld ml rtquest if su/fi~nt rea.- lml ii aypareni, out by many. Education on ·matters sacb as these I• I definitely mandatory· and' necessary lOr lhe yowig people of ltxlay. _ UOWAl!D P. MUTZ ---Bii George -~-1 Dear George : I am tired of my job sending out bill• to the wrong address. Cookl you use me in the advlce column business? I can make 2S million decfsions an hoor, •m rive feet two. my measuremqil.S are Je.36-36 and I light ttp when ji~grammtd wrong. t Am an electronic com· puter for a credit.(:ard outfit. MODEL atlCK-4 ' • • I , • .J • I • h •• " • • Dear Model BtlCK-4 : ' Sorry, I already wie a comJMtr i lo ge' the answers for my ad\·Ic. column. It's not BJ sophbU~ted •• your programming -In fact, It'• :in aliacus I borrow from mr laun- dry,,,.., On lhe olhcr hand, It keeps my light bill dowo. Have you tried to get on wltlt the State Department T They seem to be haY. ing trouble figuring thlnp out. I .. ... • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • -·-- ! • • • . ..... • ~ . - --,,-~--,-~--.----,-.,------------..,...-----------,---.. ' - ' .; .. BIO ' . . . ' .. _-·-~o··· . · ~.a1 , - • •'; . . i ~·PAINT ,. ~ A ~ • ' . " .VA·LU.ES·., . . ,-·, 11 ' --~ -. - ~ .. . . .. ' ' " " . VJNYL ACRYL:IC 1 HARD ·HIGH•GLOSS . ~:. ·EXJERIOR. ·STUCCO · 1ITE-RIOR EIAMEL . . ~ ' ' -· -AND 'M•~N9'-V PAiNT EXTREMELY -i ·.LASTS . ~. V~~!'Sl CAN N.SO BE USED RIR 'AN fJCIREiEl.y DURAQLE1 • . . - , -DURABL£ INTERIOJt)OB-• •-3u~k drYinc. ·• Hard alou flit lt h' · • S. for:all lnttl"lor uM, kltChtn1,i 1 lbaths,fwooctwork, fu'mltui'e, etc'. : • Scl'\Jbbeble • 1 hour d~1 •. Covers'450 ft. • CJNn·UP wlth'water • Brusti or roll • Pure white•'"' lill1colors • Wtii~e·and ttl· pOpultr cOtors. OU~.91~~. ' ','iml'l ... 3· ;98 - ... GAtlON .. ' . ;-. OUR PRICE 399 '1 " ....... , _t,1'~ ""'~.· -, • -R~NL . \ -~N · --~·-· ' " ·.e;CTl:f . • • fl> ~QOO (I JSt • PRESENTS t:?i .Nefll Wor/J o/ Color ! 'CUSTOM·MIXED =:: 'VINYl·COTE' , . , ! ' ~ ' ' . . '. SANTA ANA •ii 1 I ' ' ;, j I v .. pick one of 2000 · CUSTIIM..1111111 -""'"'" C)P F N "> Nl ft~iT~ r· ·, 1 ·, ,,. , , "• , ,,, ' " ' " '"' ' / • I~' I /\ ' • , , ' ... -. ~ 'I/ ~~~------- • • --:--;---;o;-;o-,.,,..--;-;-------;-;c-;----------~ • I •! , I , ' ' -. .. 11 . . J • • • • • ' ·• • l • CHECPKING . u . What Makes .You • ' . Wash Your Hfilids? TiJneii Square Addition Slated AttOYI ALL BOATMEN! SAVE up to $10.00 on these soft elk leothor upper, non"kid rubber boltom N~ ~ DECK SHOES ·- • ' Assembl~ Mutiny Case Witnesses Blasted CORONA . IEL MAR ,• "' TENNl.S :~ • ·CLUB . Invites You To Join This . . . Friendly , Private Club ... JOIN ·THE FUN IPICIAL . ·. , CLIP THIS ADI GOOD FOR $)0.QO ON ONI NIW MIMllUNIP Offw ,.,,, .. July 1, 1fft l h•I• DlJM t10 Mortftt '•lflllJ Dv91 flS te $20 Mentti JOIN AND ENJOY: ' 1~,.. Pool.-7V, a..,.. ~loo Do)"t"lntt•• c ....... ., rn.thly '-"'""'""... ,. ... ' f • M ... for ooly $5.90-'fou 9•1'4 7 worlt. ol n...,,J an4' 1ervic•1 in our new unl~v• 9u11t couPon book. -111 COMPLE111. T STOCKID PRO SHOP LES~S FROM TWO ••os 1--•MA11hr Char,. 2101 llelr c -1 Hwy. -CotOM def Mor Tele e: 673-5711 .. ,..,,.. -... ._ ......................... --·-·-······· -........... -.. - sure was be! chi to resign. Mrs. Field lot the county, uy1ng lhat Noguchi had threatened to ' . tani oppeal to roclal rw ll1d prejudice, so metimes llllipoken, but r.-lty 1M Yorty camp.·~ Yorty, in 1 leillf ... lo 11)1 loser, pid that "the attempt to rorm a racltl «t11Ut10Q ud conduct • ~ ta-ip for ~ office fl lftQOI' W I I ·~certain, to be divlalye, 11 . With cnb' a in ~ al• lions llilrepor\"-~ PV.~ Yorty 447,0IO. votes or 51.2& percent of the tatal tll Bradley's 392,379 or 46.75 per- cent. TUelday'1 •lactlQn brought out a reoord rtnllt\Jl'll Wrnout ol Ill Ptroent of the city's rqh1tered voters, ._nd appear-!d to ut lo\11 Anploo· Politics on .a •r coAllf'YJltive e. murder county olltctai"";:;:•::;•~od~~~~~·<:;. ~ Get to kill her. ,. U);..' Noeuchl's all~. p~ y . Isaac, cootendl !loluchl u oyer fired because he )'r~ ioo harrl for money •rtel person. nel to improve his dopal't· ment. The Japanese!b or n pathologist Is fighting for re- instatement. An invesUgator for the cor. oner's office testllled that No- guchi worked more closely w I t h his staff than any of six olher coronets he worked for. Asked If Noguchi ever "bawl· ed you out," Ralph Bailey said i "He was right and I was wrong and he let me know about it." Noguchi, Bailey said, work- ed "60 to 80 hours a week·' when it was necessary. The USS Balnbridle. the na- t~'• fll'll nuclear -powered destroyer, will be · assigned to home port Long Beach August I, Rep. Craig Hosmer (ft.Long Beach) has announced. When the ship arrives, three-fourths of the U.S. nuclear-powered surface fleet will be stationed in , Long Beach. · Hosmer, the rankin& minori- ty member of the Joint Com- mittee on Atomic Energy, has been .a strong Congressional supporter of a nu clear - powered surface fleet. • OllJt<d lntm the school board wm the Rev. James ones, the Ont Nllf'O ever to e u Ill prooldeo~ llld Dr. RNph Rlchatdson, a 11-year -·' Ji llld~we" by two ielf·labeled "cqD1trv1Um," Dr. Dlliald Newman and lllchlrd rw.. raro. A third member IJl .. cooaervolive tlote ol -board cudldoles. llrs. Llulll• Martin, kJsl to Robert 1loct9r, a collqe teacher. He ran If 1 liberal. I Set by Today's Want Ads • Asst'd Autos: A '65 Ford ""'' 11110. MJ, 1:.-. R A -l!iO below ... Book ••• --· '"'.,...1111· .U. tn '°"' ... llrm ••• ,&Jtthehot"'6- k Jade, wldl • Loll : l\erpember the <!AYI of· baby 1hoe bronz- 1" T iome ....,i. r!lll rn.. ti> remember their Uµl.e oMI ln this unusual rnan- nar, • J'O\I can have fUll •nd tntke 4 profit wltll thl1 bl.by W>e brorWnc outfit, includlna; abowcue and mount, You provldt the.... . ------------------~--- Tht Commanaer, S 11ncl. members of Ntwport Heri)or P.ost ~ . i 9 I. of the >;MERICAN 1~GION , . M M .. ' PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK 1600 P1cific View Drlv1 Coron• d1I Mor FRIDAY , the 30th of MAY , "69 I 0:00 A.M. "I am pl eased that lhc Navy's most modern ships are being slati911t1d In • Le n I Beocll," h• 1atd. "f only wish \ Cash · Ben efits there w•rt more 011hem to 19 , .-·~l'll~Uod~.'==t:;:;:J===.:'~l~·~==~:Ei;::;:::;=:;:~:;:;:::i~ii· F:or POW1 OK'd. W~~HINGTON (UPI) - The Hot.11e Wedne1d'1Y p1u1Jed and ~nt to Lhti S,nfile: lt bill to pay cash beneflta to .. Amerlll:'1l' held prisonttr ~)' • , North Vi1tnam ill!J. also io tho critw of the Pue)llo durina their captivity In North Korea. 1 The same bene(its were ex- tenac,d to American prh1oners in World War It and th Kortan conflict. B e n 6w,f I t 1 would ~tal 12,IO a day (or each day ol 041!\Mty lo members or Jhe t1rmed toroe1 and $60 1 month for clvlllam. Moving" --------. - ' · In honor of thos e who fo ught and died to make this country a better place in which to live -wo will tlo11 Frid•y end Seturdoy. Mey 30 end 31 . LyM Hori John Hirt HART'S SPORTING GOODS • E:J I • - • .. ,, LEGAL N<mCE fl j • .I DAILY l'ILO'r f 24 More Jo'in World's Smallest Army VATICAN CITY !uPll - Twenty.four recrults w e r e sworn lo this week for two- yur hlldla In the world's smallest, most old-(ashloned and most photographed· ·anny -the Pope's 75-man-strong Swiss iuar<ts. The recruits tool< their oalh of dull' In a atead,J ralnlall In the Belvedere Courtyard o( the Vati~an. dreued iQ the bUJowy yeUow. orange and blue unllorms the a rt I s t Mlchelangelo designed f o r them four centuries ago. The only weapons In sight ...,.. acclent halberds, the same Jone stalled weapons with ·whldt the Swl.u Guarda f°""'t their Jut batU• 4U yean aao. la lCODtdance with lone· standlna rulu. the n t w ~ts are 111 from Gmnan· speaking cantons of Swilurland, are bachelors under <25 and are at least ·i · foot.a. · In an age of inteTCODUhtntal ballistics, the Pope'• anny looks Uke something on its way to a costume baU: But tradiUon outwel&bs any other considerations with th e guanls. UsuaUy, the Pope watches the swearing in ceremony from a window overlooking St. 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA · WEEUAYS 9 lo 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5100 "· : .. • .I•"• •, .. • PORTABLE BAR·l·Q lt'1 littl• but 9i¥•1 migkty 9ood cooki119. 0 L~91 fold for l111t,nl pot11bility. 4s9 TIKI TORCH • 0 r,.,,, wipe yo11 oul, i nd yo11 c:.tt1't 9•t to th o i1l1Mh7 0 l rit19 • littl• touch of the tropic•! p1r1di11 h1r1. 0 F11ci111lin9 p•tio •11d pool d1cor•tion l•11al1 •trno1ph1r1 111d rom1nc1. 99c PLASTIC PLACE MATS 0 If you bill•¥• thi1 pl1c1 m1t c:•n ••• 11., t1lk, ••• 1 docior. O H you b1li1¥• it'1 1h•rp, pr1ctic:1I, .... ,h1bl1, colorf111, 11• our c11hi•rt. GIANT SIZE CHAMIOS 0 A 9ood inv11trn•t1I in c•r 1:•••· 0 Sup•r 1b1orb•nf cloth d•i•1 1 hu91 ••••· 0 A 1p1rUin9 f1ni1h m•kff th• •nlir• lo b wortkwhit1. 99' D-court,yenl. B u t Pope Paul VI wu coolmlng with U.N. Secn11rY General U Thant and -It. So ceremon1ea were moved 10 the Belvedere Courtyard where Col. Robert Nuenllst, mmmander of the auants. •ad- mlnlnered the oath while eacb recrutt. held up a white-tloved hand and l<lolcMd the yellow and whlln Vatican flag. "I solemnly swear to uphold, loyally and with good faJtb. the responsiblllties wblch have been read to me, to help me God and all his saints," each recruit said. The Jul lime the guards were forced to uphold their -lbilltlnt WU In 15Z7 wbm 1words cll&hed In SL "Peter's aod hpe Cltment VJ -11 _,. thrauP • paasagewoy lo ntarl>y Santo Angelo castle. The attackers were mercenary troops of Emperor Qiarles V. They killed 117 ol the pardl 101De at the maln altar ol SI. Pt1n~1. Anolhtr a eocaped with the Pope. ResponslbWUta of t h e ruards are to stand watch outside the papal apartments and Vatican 111nt dOY and nigh~ lo 1ctooJpany the Pope wberevtr be goes and to lend their colorful presence to various certm<llies. LET'S DRINK CANADA DRY! YOUR CHOICE LO·CAL or REGULAR CANADA DRY 0 So, ik• whol• cl•11 It comin9 fot M•rr'lori•I D1y, •nd th•y'll prob1bly b• thir1ty 1ft•r lr1v11int 11/ th• W•V froin An•h•im. D au., 10'"• of this, ic• It up, '"' .... rybodv Clll •11iov th.ir f•voril• n.vor: w•'ll h•¥• th•m .11. OPEN MEMORIAL DAY 9TO CASE 24· 12 oz. Cans Ad¥•rti1ed ,,_ci11~ oood thru Jw11• '4, ltltt, M wetc• hr •tr ... .. ,,_ •• ''''· It'll .... '" ........ Wt ........... 11:11 ., .... ND Mt .... _. .... ,.,,, ........... . BIG BOY MOTORIZED IAR·B·Q O Giv1 th11 bov • hom•, h•ll worlc fo r p1nnl•1. D Motoritff tpit 40•1 th• ro11t •itd 1h1ff, •di11tt1bl1 9rill h1t1dl11 th. r•li, a•• METAL PATIO TABLE 0 Snippy littl• t1bl• f1 19 inch11 ;,. al l1m•l1r, 0 l i9 •n•119h to hold • full m•1I or • f1f t•m••• if yo11 r •1d1 11•.d • tripod. 0 'tri9ift tlll'""'' c:elor1 with 11on·m1r 119 tip1 • 119 GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT 0 Ellmln1t•1 '''"·ti1l119 bru1h pull wiih ih 1rnoolh flew •nd •••Y 1pr•1al. '.] ld•1I fot weoJ, brle•, 1h1cco, drl11 qui1:• I• ... , ... , b••11ly, 679GAL 9" STUCCO ROLLER SET 0 Fl11ffy roll•r 1111 b1 1111d for 1 ..... 1 p•l11tln9. 0 Or •tl•th f•11r fo•t h1ridl1 for th• c•ilin91 ind 011hid1 1t11ff. 129 AUTO DRIP PAN a on ,1114 ,, •••• •p•ts .,. 11•+ •111y llMftittlY llwt ,.,.11fl1lly ....... .._ .. a ,,, t+.;, ... ., ... ,., t •f wh•tt tl11'1119 •119ln1 ._..,le •"' ,, ............... ilf t•••t• er Jrtv1w1y, 2'' 10 LIS. CHARCOAL I RI QUITS 0 l11t.lli .. nt ,Ji.,, •• 1: it c1tchM 011 -tlliclc. 0 L.119. b11r11i111 witfl p1rf1et h••t r1l1•1• for •rlr• 11vory coo•ing. 0 Gr11t •to1n1 toe. 59' CHARCOAL LITER FLUID D J111t 1lo1h 011 th1 br lq111h. 0 f11f 1t•rl 911•r1nl••d 1¥•ryli'"'· 0 Odorfr1• ltk•t 11n1ll 11 vo11r 1f•1k b11rni119.JJ 39'or. CHAR·IASE PNEUMATIC DIAMOND GRILL SCREEN DOOR WITH HARDWARE 711 . 0 Sprin•I• Jn th • bottom of th• l••·•·O· 0 Prot•ct1 th• 1t1•f1 I 1h1ll from hot co1l1. 0 So1•1 11p th• gr•••• 111d m1••• for •11i1r cl•111in9. a 0 11r liitklv .. 11.lifi" ,,.,, •••• ,.,i ... c.-,_,,,; •• " 1l..ttpet1 h1• Npertff tfti1 11 th• i»•1t J11I 1reu ... •• • 1tn•11'"1!11 1cr•111 4o•r. IMv wlf• 11 +ft• 1t1ff, 1h• •111M111 111et1 rn•11rr 1hoppiflt th•n t•y tkr••.I 0 D••I l11cl11d•1 •l11rn:n11'" 4•11• with ttll•11'"1tic •'' 1l"fft Hlu1fj119 eh•11n1I f~ 1t•rf1ct fit, hl11t••• twlltt l•tch wltll lo1•i11t ""tton, p111hb•r, •1c•1tl•t•, •Mil 41•'"•'"' t rHI,, D 11 l O. ll, eftd >• iltch wltlths. ~ . I < Jf IWl.Y Ht.Or s • • LEGAL NOO'ICE LEGAL N(1,l'lCE • • -·- I ' '( I • DAILY PILOT New'-York Stock Exchange ·List List II ! \ > ) -' ' • I l \ I . . .... Fragm~rited Leadetship; Cash Plague ·nemo Rehuild:ing . . WA81111(GTON (AP) -The another Sena1e tum In ll'IO. .. tqiblll lial>t In lhe ,Seaale evea lnvlied. 'p.i ,_,_ o1 p1itJ ....... ....,.. l J,_ O. O'lllro, (DollldL), _,___able Al ~ A. MllcND, -* -II llllll Tbe puty's n11lon1l • ..-tbl)'llove1IHS-<>-ldmuorpNatlnil inaome·-.np1m._. 11eum1n1q...,ven11aaru1e1 deboll .... 111e...--o1 ~·1 con.ve1,Ll1n plllPld by the 111nim and chairmln, Sen. Fred R. llarril J«llt bul -defend 2$ -...... • movq In Ille 1-o1 t11e es-and $1dm'f. 1111 ,_,., Ch I c 11 o """· mo-. .a llrlllll'. ~ -tliaL tore tt aput last ol ()klallomo, has given party while oeeldng to capdire onlY ._ o1 the NOC ore lq>llt ...,... =n-· 1o rivillollle Tbeir tnJt1a1 meellnp ....., ventlail, wblch bu hecGme 1 .cha1-~ ~. ol .~ year and caolributeclol1eovlly ltelclqualUn its lint thorough n1no held by Repuhbcano. on wbelher II llboold be a lhelr or-.ain1 IDd mu. reOect..s hl>th .lhl 1n1ema1 symbql to reformen ol wllat leldloa Jelft on "" lo its toos ol the ptelld<ncY. -p since 1960. • On lhe lloule side, where ' j><Odotnlnully natiOllll ..... p lbem""" ,.....,.. .. to"rial:-Btralns In Ille pitl)' ... tbe II ....... wltll llll.PollUcal lfl'Oo 9'111n'eiliaidilb1; llld illl Resistance from wlUUn -.t Jnitaned 11 i, Hwiillbaet. Dimocr1ta bave a Mf.-191 ma· ~ -bOkllu A national COft'T and-file ,eUment: At: lMst JO difflcultles relormen may cesa in .-nertl aDd the , week: ser1,.,. !lnanclal prob!""' are ""'"Ltlarris, ~ iJ,hulldiq bis jorily -. party leaden have Y<l>l1oo illb year -.,. llalo u,.· their-own "'orm r..,. In pulbJng lht!'Qll tbe1r D • ~ o c r a 11 c puty In "We've Sol only one "'1 lo bamperlng national and-"l!'1I p>litical,streoctll t.iDlch" IJl<!Vod.to revliaUze their cam-wbdbK--be --ml-.. id<M. ' ~ • plr1Jcuis, go -...i tliat II up. It can~ ~-to ---'· llnlClurll • Cillltrol ol • tbO n a t lo11 1 I 1>11m1'.l:omm!Liae. .,,_ .., the llale 11111 Na~. 'Utt reform drive Titus, 1111 ope•fnl , pUbllc Yet, lrmD baCh wlnp ol ~ pt uy ,..... aRer 1111. ll ;;;;;, ·~·..., machinery. He hopes to name .,.&I a ~late lunil-raJt. JOcal 1 ... 1. ls beJii1 l*llbed by twe party bearlngol lbe JllCO-.....,. ~. lbri la Gl'iJmlam, Jiu to pt boiler." In •• ICalterin.< or special the p>iicy council wtthln a lew Ing dinner to help DemoOnll NOC~ -•31 8lalel , hive ~ .lllahlllbed .11y,io;;i~~;i;;ii;i;;iii;i;i;i;ii;ii;;;;;;;;ii=;~~i;~ii;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;ii;;;i;ii;;;;i;;;;;;iii;;;;;;_,_,. nwnici .... 1 electl this days. .. runntnrtor the H~ and • -ta..·and ,many-. • 1astsummer'1cwwenUonover , -•' and ~ts ha':: com· The leldlng Democrallc na-Senate In 19'19 waa deiaJe<l 11% live ID lcJtal·coaieats. . ·lhe ,......._ ol lla ._.. , 'LEARN. TO SWIM • ~ • mixed record .,. t1ona1 figures .,.. in general weeks until June•._.,.. ol And next year, NDC'hlclred One, beldlil'liY M"ca-n, AT YOUI 0• "NGE c· OAST Y";,CA p · af!""'ment oo issues such as dllflculty In selling Ucketl. candlc!alel are expeclocl to ls ~ j>arty llruclute ..,. "' Tbey held a Tenoessee con-lhe aotiballisUc m 1 8 s 11 e The New Democralic CQoU.' cbolle... llllOY regulan l'llr and 1111 way In which -. . 6 4 2 • 9 9 9 O gresalcrta!.~\!•dplcked ~ system and the need !or more Uon, a loooe grouping ol the COlll1<AiaDo1 nomlnalio\11. in venllo111\eleplel .,. ..Jec!ed, '-., up ~ a "'!"• .... :;,~ ~ A emphasis on ' d o m e a ti c p a rty's MCCartb~~ ~local~~ --~·-~!_and~l~G<~catlral~~~Tbe~~·e~11111~id,~h!•~lleo~d~by~llep~:!· ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!<!!!!l <illtz'ict. 1n 1scom11n. priorities. But McGovern and ,McGovern element.a, held Maf' Democnl "'"'·the nonpartisan Kennedy have been more !Und-ralalng dinner a •llllH-7 m1yor's election 1D Omaha, outspoken in criticising the pllte affair Wt weet. But tbe Neb.. Nixon administration on Viet· NOC too 'has it.I blcna1 But Internal splits COD· nam. S'1aiM wblch rdJecl 0-o1 • tributed heavily· to the party's The national committee Is the party at lar&e loa ol. \he M i n n e 1 p o 11 s making active plans for 1979 Kennefiy arreed to addrell mayorall\y aod are tbre1ten-and bu 1 been h e J p i D g the dinner 6is fJtst polltical • ing .lu ~ to o •st Democrallc candidates in the speech 1n' Washington thb '· Republl~ Mayor Joho Lill-congres;1ona1·races. year, only alter he r<pOriedly say al New Yott. . . . But the party is still crip. made sure McCarthy wun't Party leaders are ~ pied by the deficit of clc:me to comlri~. about holding governorships in $6 million it inherited .horn While Kennedy McGovern New Jersey and Virgina, the llumphrey's 1961 carripalgn. A and. Sen. Harold E. Hughes ol only two· being' contested this $1,000-a-pl~te diMer the Iowa addressed the galltering, year. Democratic Sponsors Club ot: McCarthy declined an in- But on Qie national level, New York plans for June 12 is vltation and Muskie waan't leadership is fragmented . the first major effort to wh1t----------1 ·Hubert· H. Humphrey, the tie the deficit, and a drive is nominal leader, is pointing under way to build a roster of . hlmsell towards a Senate race paying patidpal!ng p a r t y Pilot l' isitors m 1970 and will regain a na-members. . tional forum shortly a s Democrats ·~ to mairUin chairman of the n e w cootrol.tOI COngress nest year Democratic Policy Council. and to make inroads on U)e 30- ,.,.,.,, -c:ondllctlld ~ eJld F..W.n fot ~ ci.-f/11 """ 9"adot lwtl end •Oolle or _. °"" unlat!Gnl of 9t INll ltlmt ... lw- 9'. Im......, -mu ull Mir. , Oud,.r ltk:f\. '4Joa:ll, Ext. 211. Lyndon~· Johnson, lhe ~ost ,20 Republican majority in powerful single Democrat JUll governorships. But they face months ago, has wlthdrawn'1;::::===::====='==· ==========•~ from party arrairs. • The Democratic con- grel!llonal leadershlP! H..,.. SpW.r-Jobn W, Mt:ConnOct, ti, and 'Senate. -Leader Mike Jllanollelcl, -. have exhibited' little iniUatlve to date, although MIUIS!letd rrs A PICNIC >AT.A&W- AN .lst.AflD:·OF · has moved to convert the Democratic Policy Committee of the Senate into a group that Will Issue party pbllcy posl· 'REFRESHMENT.. tions. · A trio or senators, Edward M. Kennedy or Massachulldll, .E'Am!tnd S. Muskie ol Maine and 'Georse S. McGovern or South Dakota, maneuver wari· Jy towards the far~ff um Presidential election with polls showing the 37-year-old Ken- ' nedy a heavy favorite of rank- ancHlle Democrats. I But '°""' party leaden were Joked by a Gallup Poll last we<!< showing Kennedy trailing President Nixon 33 percent to 52 percent if an election were held then. It was a shift of some 10 points to the Republicans sinCe last Novem- ber's elect.ion. Supporters of Sen. Eu~ne J. M<:Carthy expect ' the Mil> nesota Democrat to make another bid for the presidency in 1972. But he has stayed aloof from most pollUcal acUviUes and ls sticking so far to his announced decision not to seek his party'• nomination for A & W DRIVE-IN 1855 HARBOR BOULEVARD WANT INTEREST ON YQUB BANK CHECKING ACCOUNn YOU CAN'T GET n BUT wna PACll'IC'S SWl'ICll 'N SAVE .A.C:COUNT Y• • d1 11111111 a WID lly ... pi11 1 lot Im llDlllY In Jilwm1 11 11111121•11otmnlll.191'1cilicKP11lalk Almillt .. "" ...... ., blcll •II firth • oflln."" •. •. , .... neQ dollar euu eftl'J daf It 11 la· Piii' Paelllc .A.ceoaat-n• lor tut w .dq. 11 Ru • P lull.AH .. ll Jll I 0 ..., 1111 1/411 ... '•llll11•w1a ... 1111 All9 ..... rita I ln'1 11II.,..1111• It ........... Hll fnll th 1lt" uy •ull .... nulut llftlll-. -• . t . . APPLES"'• FIGS -'APRICbTS · • NECT .A:RINES W.ELL: ESTABLISHED TREES -UP TO 7' TALL Plt;IMS e .PE;i,C::HES ADD TO ~HE ·~BAUTY OF THE '649· , LANDSCAPE, -ILE REAPING, . BOUNTIFUL CROPS OF DEU· CIOUS FRUIT:·•AtL HAVE AT- TRACTIVE SPRING BLOSSOMS. ~~ REMEMBRANCES • FROM OUR ' FLOWER S·HOP NEW For N•tur•I' G•r• Rothi. Ff.ohly Cut F,rom , the F.,..11 Sumintr Closeout! REG. 98 ¥~ . C' $2.qG ' . FRESH -FLOWER BOUCj)UETS ARTIFilCIAL 'BOUQUETS WREATHS ~ . SHIPMENT II . OF YOUR { PRICED FROM • $J98 We Will Be Open ~emorial DAY .fR·I. MAY 30 9AMlo6PM NIGHT '11,00MING JASMINE Fast Giowfr.tt . Summer· Bloomtr ••• . D1llghtful 'Nlthl ·Timi Fr'9ronc1 •• , Herdy Pl-••• RHdy to Bloomr REG. $1.75 DWARF DAHLIAS • OUTBLOQMS ALL OTHERS • , • ALL SUMMER! 3 119 R1gul1r DOZ t 79c doL .FAVORl·TE ROSES • TROPICANA e WllllE KNIGHT e PEACE • MR. LllCOlH ' •.. and many other choice varieties PlANT NOW FOR EXTBIOED SUMMER BLOOMS Large Plants in 5 Gal. Containers t. ICONOlllllCAl-,.._. OHi ..... $ 1 .......... , ....................... --' 6. AU "'-8INIFfTS .._ ,_ OHL'I..._ ,...111sm ...... ,. OllOINAL ACCUT NO ~ ITIMIS • IMtfATIONS: 1 GAL 4.9$· . . HOl/1\S: MON. "TliRU SAT. t A:M'. rO 6 P.M., SUNDAYS I~ A.M. TO 5 P.M. Special l!'rices &ood Through Sundey, Junt 1st. -- 2641 Harbor Blvd. ' COSTA MESA "Quelity end Service Slnct 194''' CALL 546-5525 . . ' I SPRl ~GlACCENTS --:-Btil(l\Uy c_olo~"ll.Pre~ses, !resJrOow- ers ~ strawberries floatmg in· Cllruppagne added to the festiv8't]unchepn installation ·for· ne;.v officers of the 1Little Mermaid Guild. Toasting their new president are· board --------------·---------_,.~,.---~~---,···---------.------ I members (left to right) Mmes. Carl Grieser, trea.Surer ; James Ridendur and Erin Walsh, vice presidents: A·, Alan Dowers, president, and T. \V, Welsh, recording seCretary. JOO EAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 ,~ ...... ,,. ' , ... 1. • r ·Sun Shines · on Mermaids GETTING 'A.'WAY -Sailing o!f on a -Cruise to Nowhere· are members of the ·. Ocean View Llttie League Auxiliary (left to tight), Mrs . James Orr, Mrs. Fred ; Maisey and Mrs. Buck Williams. The cruise takes oil Friday, June 13, aboard the Magic Isle in San Pedro. -·-Spring accents were much· in evidence wb~D.J"Demtiers and guests of the Little Mer- maid Guild of Huntington Beacti: gaUu~red ~o . ., ~~w officers. f. ;· •,r~ -.i .... /~'ft\ig the patio and la\vn of the home l oC Mrs. John French were bright yellow um-• brellaS pnd centerting the_-tables, ~r· ~ with j>o\ pink cloths, were e\llbiepenl~ -· es • of •ll!!elable rosetief\ when Mrs. I A. iQ · Dower!.•ss'!i"Od tht;responsib1liliesi<1 ·il'esl-1' ·l dent for the ccfvling )'eat, · • . , .. ~90 instal~ed by Mrs. Frances Stawicki, ~"J!!{f volunteers for Ch~dren's .llos-. ~ ·~,,r ~· &!? County, which the grolfp 'iup· pofts,-Wer ffit, Mmes. Erin W.alsh, first vice president . apd ways and means · chairman;. Jarries rudenour, second vice preSident and'.member.sliip chairman.-serv.ing .her sec· on4 te~; T. W. Welsh, record sec· retJry,, Wi~m Buss, corresponding secre. tafY.•and Carl Grieser. treasurer. Chainnen \vho will serve include th e Mmes. Charles Heller. Mer:maid Ball and Richard Davies. c<rchairman of the major funding event; William , Thorl:tas, Christmas card . SiJ.les-; John Mcintyre,• hospitality ; \Velch, J. W. Robinson fashion show, and Raymond Anderson, CHOC-ettes. ~rving as cnainnan of the newly creat· ecrt projects committee will be Mrs. Robert Kerr, and Mrs. French will take over as publicity chairman. Retiring presideni, Mrs. C. Robert Hubbard, \vill serve as parliamen- tarian. Honoi:ed guests at the luncheon Included Mrs. T. H. Welch, life member; Mrs. Joe Irvine; prest presi dent ; Miss Kiln Hubbard. president of ,CHOC-ettes. the guild's junior auxilian'._, and Susanna McClarty, 1968 Little • ¥ermaid.'. · The , two young \VOmen were presented with Llttle Mermaid charms for their con· 'tiiil>utions in behalf of CHOC. ·During-the business fu.eeting 'whlcht>re- ceded the Installation and lUnCheoQ , byla'v revisions were suggested and ,will be voted on by the general membership at the pext meeting laking place Tuesday, June 17: The ball committee will meet Monday. .June 16, and th.e CHQC-ett~ luncheon and in· slallation will take place Saturday.., June 7. •' ' <PAST PRESIDENTS -Miss Kim Hubbard, who will rOU.re as presi- dent of C~OC.etles; junior aux\liary o[ lbe Little Mel"".aid Guild of tluntingtOlf Bbcb : shows the charm she received for her .effort~ to (lefL) Mrs\_---Joe Irvine and her molher, Mrs . C. Robert Hubbard, senior past presidents. ' ·- " . • '"Dest ination : Any Po rt Cruise to Nowhere Uncovers Treasure t I Ti(ed ot smog, freeways, tax prob)ems? Wish you could just get \ away from it a!J -but vacation· still is weeks away? ' The Ocean View LittJe League Auxiliary bas the solution to every· one's problem. The public ts Invited to join league mem~rs on a ~elighUul and re- laxiQg Cruise ·to Nowhere, and at. ,the same time help .fill league coffers -i with enough treasure to insure a happy summer for 623 youngsters whose "dream trip" is tO the ne8iest, baseball field. ' ' I I t I Decorating the Magic Isle , ship selected for the leaiue's cruise, will be posters from far-away places With romantic names, so those aboard will be able to pick their favorite deStlnation and imagine themselves ~n . route to the South Seas, Greek Isles, French Riviera, or-almost any exotic port-of-call between. Cruise passengers will be invited to Come aboard at 9 p.m., Friday, June 13, at Berth 95-96, San Pedro. At 9:30 p.m .. the ship's horns \vill sound, mooring lines cast off, and the cruise will be under way. En route to anybody's favorite pOrt, there will be musi~ by the Moon·~~ lighters, and a sing-along to enhance the mood of the everung. Refresh· ments also wiU be served. Passage for the trip will be 1$5 per person, and tick~ts now are. on sale. Reservations or adctitional information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Buck Williams , cruise dire·ctor, at 847-7640. 1 Assisting Mrs . Williams\er.e Mrs. James Werner, auxiliSfy's captain, and her crew, the Mmes . Co 'te Stone, Jack Blaha , Bud Phipps, Harold Coulson and James Skipper .. ,.. Tickets also may be obtained from league members on the playing field each Saturday. 1• Funds from the trip will be donated to the league 's fund which P.r°'" vides uniforpls, equipment and other necessary items for the entire Little League season. T ~xas Cal~s, j-Bachelor · Broth~r ' • Lo·ne Star State· Leaves IA · • 1 'I _,. , t ~ • •t ,.,.1;: • DEAR· ANN LANDERS: What tfo you him. 1'1)1 daughler says, t ;owe him · an 'the lnldale or dinner. or on a Saturdly or think of' .,~lister and brothtr·in-law woo -t :fpologr. I told her I'd frffz.e In hell flrsl. Sunday. I am not cr\Uciz.lng -parents announce, between the IOI.Ip and lhe The way 1 see It, h.e is the Me who should because --lhey waot 'to t.lllk about their ulad, ••we are moving to Texa! so you'd • • ~Ix-. ··. chlld~ni· (~ 11sh more of them were fn- bttter find another place to Jiye." , \Ve have agreed t.o pul the question to te~ed.) BUt why don 't ~y 'write a l'mabacbektr,(middle40s)andllived ypu .• •ffcnf abCIUI. I\? .... VANqlUVSk note.llldsetuJian.appoliitment1 1"1th rny widowed mother until sbe , , .-.. . . • 1 Three times this week t have been remarried -20 years ago. Ever since DEAR'VA'N:"Y•.W.Uveeccepkd tel~·at home during dinner. M7 1ben I' .. mode my home with ~sand her tiidl't illvile ,_ la Move la T<Sas wllb bum. tlie canl•oa~]md< 10 'i'"""~ to·lilf nuJband fo liidous ond I doo 't blame him. l!u>baDil." l"'liltn ••T)' happy her< and ,_ _.., lheJ'd prmrte llv•-· He h.nded me a Chrislmu card wbfdl ' .,;..r-.,Kewever ... bey -Id'°' r lhouihl I wu the onli,orw who 1ot ouch ftiurecl It ~ atway1 be rrty home. Acctpl It 1"1~ ad leok lo *-t ref"Uted ~ aCcept. Jn a very clvllt:r.cd bni apctkt1 t• r• as lte.dld. ftt WIJ I calls, buL aOer talking to the prtndp1I I ~'t W 11d have moved to Teta.5 ptptn ftt I ••~ •,.,.nt er 1 roomt lOne Ql voice 1 said, ''If you had wa&hed tee It, ll's 11 dr1w., ' and other t.etcbers I (ind they AU. &et even if tbey blriled mt, but ' do feel lhat . your hair and worn a clean shirt ll would I ' them. thfy lhGuJd have al lust asked. Maybe DEAR ANN LANDERS: On Chrjstmas have meinl 1 lot more to me than this DEAR AfiN11LANDERS: 1 hate to use , . au.tneu .,people Like to ~vc tbttr. ~1m nol 9fleing this objectively. What do Day my 17-year~ld dauahJer'1 U.year-cardi Thank you anywiy." clk:hei butt tiav;l\ad U. · business problems at lhe office. Please. ~ thtiil:t -B!wILDERED BJWntER okl bo)'fdend came to I.he house to dinner He called me a "rotte:n snob" and "a l'l'Q 1 acboot' teacher iD 1 nall town. Ann, e1pl1in to your readers \haL DEAK IRO'nt: t tttlnk yotr sister and looking grubbier than usual. JJls hair wll., poor excuse for a human being." EtJtf)r µrtlt 1 1ti.ni_pt tel~ a slu· teachers would IJke to le.ave thelt pro- kldm Iii liW de not owe JOU 1 ttome f'Or Jn need of 1 ahampgo, hls cloth~ were Although he has been to the house several dent or lower hlr srade. tbit mOtbe~ cal~s blem1 1t the school . -MRS. 7:30 to 4 lF ee ""'11 ,_ J1kt T11c,licl-.r~1 -~ and,~TIJ. and iMJ loo!Jo4 llke._~ timosail!Uthat 1!!'J) ~!' ~.•)lO~~ , G10-,111o,1·~ll1D1 bmie, ri&J1l m YOU DON'T MIND ' .. • • .. • ... I' J l --r"' ~ .. -~ ~ .......... ~ ,.~ ...... -_,.._ • --·· . --i:... . ~ -· - • ' .. DEAR MRS.: Tt"""" -· '°' .. ......... , ......... ,..,._,,,.. ......... -~-.. W.reprd wlll laile Ille •t dtve In or IOle him. ~.when a CUY &Jvt$ you lhls line, look out! For Upt oa bow lo hondle the _.... .. 1esman, d..ct Am Loaders. Read her -~ "Nedlinl lftd PL-tmg -Wb&t A~ ~ Llmltlt" Stmil your request to Ann' Linden ln care cil thiS newspaper, enclooinc 50 conts In -an<! a lq. sUJ!lped, ...,.....,_.. envelope.· AM, Linde will be glad lo help YOI with your prob ms. Send them to her 'lo of the DA LY Pltnl', encioobJ( a ael IWllPlll -·· • ' ... I I. I ~ f. I ' ' .. "' • • ' ' ' .. . .. ·~, M11 2'. 1969 : RTllT AT WORK-A glimps'Ollnto the lile of an artist will be olfe~ mem-!:ben of the Nightingale Chapter of the A.Wliary of Hoeg Memorial Hospital, :;Pmbyterian by area artist John Burgess. The occasion will be the chapter's :;annual luncheon Tuesday, June 3. ;. f Business Dr. McCartney l • Aside ~Put Receives Post , ,, !For Day Elected lo lead UC! Town :.. and Gown for 1969-70 was Dr. Taking lime ool from thdr Hilda McCartney, coordinator ~ of ""8ilUoc at Hooe of instructional media for the ~ Hospit.1, Pmbyter· N -M Unifiied' ·~-• )!an, will be members ol the ~:· ... ~-. ~ithfircaJe Olapter ol the, OffiCf!rs elected to serve ~ospitaf ausillary. With !1r. McCartney at the an- • The occamoo will be the an· nual membership m e e t I a a :!RUl1 tuncheo:i meeting, plan-w e re the Mmes. Patrick Jied for Toe9day, June 3, in ·Healey, firSt vice president; 4rvint Ql8ll Country Club. Charles Grifrlth, second vice ~ filch poim of the event will president; Neil Bersbad, third a a preeerilation by noted vice president; John E:onnolly, N,a artlsl Jolm w. Burg.,., recording secretary; Lyman ~ will speak on the Arti6t as Porter. c o r r e s.p o n d I n g s:rver. Burgess, equally secretary, and Richard for his marioe and Xredel, treasurer. scenes, has done il-New members of the ad· ~tiru for many books visory board are the Mmes. ,..i • ...,.... Hugh Plumb, Mark Soden, H<mOr'fd guellts, to be Roy June, Samuel Oderman, :;...lcomed by Mrs. WillHlm J. Robert Oomba and Richard '.\;ch......-dlairman ol the ..luberg. Jiigbtinga1e Olapter. will be Mrs. Edward steinhau$ was ~n. William E. Lanpton, appolnted first historian of the .aw:iliary president : William group and wUI· assemble an '1ud900, ho s p i t a I ad-archive of records of the first ..,ninistr*>r, and Mrs. William four, years of Town and Gown ~. Browning, dl.Urman of activities. ~cbapters. ~vents ot lhe. ~ relat.iog .Y. Mrs. Mei Morrison, program camp.is to coinJ!lUnHy were ?khairm<11, will in t r o d u c e reviewed. Mf'9;-· B. N , .-Burgess and Mrs. F. T. Eddy Desenberg, ho s p it a Ii t y ~'"NIU lake dlarge d table chairman, arranged a series ~raUcm. · of art exhibits in the Student Bri1t..i •I T~ A~" Olffe P'Nl•W•Y, Cc•tl Mt•I Op1" tve11l11.~Mle MO·'"I !;; . . .•. '· " · .. : ... ... .. ,. .,. ' ' -.. ,. •• ' :. ,_ '-' '· . ... <' .. ,. , . . . . . ·, ,. , ' ' .. c._. ........... TOWN, GQW1i CHOICE . ' Dr. Hilda McCartney lleal'th Center , ani:I t.YP,ewriters and tel~vislon sets , were made available for ~UdenLs confined in the heallh renter. Also, donations were made to student scholarships fr om the annual art fair, and dona· tiona were made to the student loan fund, the Educational Op- portunities Program and IC> student sponsored tutorial prcr grams. ,.. Special interest groups and a pu.blic lecture .series also were planned by Town and Gown and a new brochure was prepared. The outgoing president. Mrs. Eloise Kloke, will entertain old and new board members at a tea Monday, June 2 at 2:30 p.m. in the Uct Faculty Club. Membership ln Town and Gown is open al any time dur- ing the year and information may be obtained by wri tlni to the membership chairman, Mra. Neil Bershad. 20251 Craimer Lane, . Huntington Beach. ? ' Koven Diamond, :!or .• . "l ~-' , . ••• • ••• ,;,~/ )-,. .. , 'f ... "" ... < ,. , .. <. . ' , ,,. '-.~; ~· I • • • • . ~f ' . 'l' f; •• ~ '\ \ Quality ls never sacrl1!ced at llllY prioo. Most Important, you can trust ;your $42S choice at ioVENS ~ 3333 9,;,101 Sir.ti, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Phone 5~6.~S I 0 South Coa1t Pl111 Open Da ily 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.: Set. 10 e.m. to 6 p.m, .... (.~ .. • . • •.•.•.• ' -:-. -::::. =:.:-. ::: .. -:-:: .. -:.-:.-:----------. :'., .-:. -•. ---. -.. -. --.-:",-.---:--:--:--:-::-:--~--:-:-.~.-=--:~.::$.,,,,,....., \ Horoscope ' I . Capr.icorn: Time for Pleasure Fl(JDAY MAY :30 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 2l·Aprlf ll): Look far alleld. Permit Im- agination to have tree rein. Avoid the petty and ln- conaequent1al, Y Oii can ao -places, · moet people. Slop .being coocerned abool lbe past. The future Is ahead - and ls bright. TAURUS (April :Mday 20): You can gain in financial area. The Tee But you need cooperation of one cloo<ly auoclaled with el· forts -could be mate, partner. Added-aastcmnent due -so Ls reward. GEMINI (May II.June 20): Spotlight on public relalloos. Lel'peopte know of yout IOOls, abtlilles. Spread Influence. Yoo are appreciated. Tonight you c:oold be recipient of special reco1nJUon, honor. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Slrtll on basic Issues, chores. Opportunity for advancement Tattler is present. But detalb require a-wltboul beJnc foolllh. pel'10llal attention. Don't try SAGmAIU\JS (Nov. Si- to delegate dutlff. Dec. 21): Spolll&bt on home, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): family condltloos. eycle b Good lunar aspect toda.y coin-high -and you Can 14bve cides with pleasure, romance, dilemma. Ta ~ e tnWaUve. chance for crea,lve ea;. Meet peop... Share ex· P,~sion. Meanlngful r e I a • perlencea ,with ~ c>qes. tionship is accented. Give of CAPRICORN (Dec. JS.Jan. yourseU and you will also 19): :Eicelleot evenlni for receive. theater, dhdnc <IUt. Key ii to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), be with ..,. who relaua yoo. Spotlight on home, property, Avoid crowdl. Stress is on ~ measures to reinforce aecurl-lainini answen from within. ty. You have a choice of AQUARilJS (J~ 20-Feb. decision. Select course which JI): Good for social actlvJty. permits you much freedom of Accent oa friends and delirel. ezpressloo. Elemenl ol Umin& In you1 LIBRA (Sept Z-Oct. 22): favor. Solid results -aled Concentrate on finWling one for apedal etfortl. Accept in- task at a time. Trying to do vltatlOD1; be OtJtcoing. ce-1t1tior'• Noh:~,. f.Ol11m11 o1--. too much results in scattering PISCES {Feb. tf.Marcll 20): ••If_. .. w111 ......,, Md! .,.. ;;&1-.. o~~.~,~.'!'1~~ cK.'n: ~=; of forces. Accent on relatives, Obtain hint from Aqurtu • ·toi ffle DAILY "ILOT. Te_. ICOrft ,...,, .,. llt. 151 V1t .. Ol'ltMfl, -i.-rt ;,,.,~ N-·-· -..... ~· .... rrien ,,,_" ,.o. :16\.'11 111111 o, 11141 Minn. ~111 Hoff. :wu , __ , .... ys. message. "''"-"\llUlllta.nces turn ·r.wJw lwc:U~ Thef nwar ii. ,...."' *' t11er1n .. .._. vi w1n1r SCORPIO (Oct. JS.Nov. 2J·): in your favor ; crasp op. 001,air~.':"-'=-'NA. ..,. Btlwil, •l't.u•~·.., •RACH Be ~ptive. Someone may portwUty, 'l'bole in authority Mm& c. ,,_ a.tthalol'Mw, )lVI~ "111r, ,.1:i~,;fr ~:::..';MM'?:° 0~~!: be-trYlng to ten you something grant you recopition. Be :~=r,~ •v~~"· ~v.i ~ ' '::s-,197,n ~ c:.r--involve;t money opportunity. gracious -you can mil: f~,;:~11~~~~\ ~=·r"iii'io~iiio=iiiiiii::;.iiiiii·~·-~·~.·~"~·--··· .... •~Protecti;i;iiii:ii~Pii;ii'~'~'~·~·~·~i~o~n~•~-~ee~~bua~1ness~~"~ith~p1e~uur~~·~t~oda~~Y~· ,I I WI ll•m McCord, J1Vt1 A•IPll ,.-.,,.:,;:.!I man, 3J1 Jllll11 Sd!Wllll, i.1 l"r111k •••r"· ),t~~r•vls ,,.,,...,. ,11 Fl"ll 0 , tilt • l'Nl" 1411111. U1 F. p~ I LOW N,ft -~· Mme1, scrrw.11e, CeJlallln, ·"""""' 1'I Orrt. Wrfltht, WllOdrow ~' 77. MOU'Y-= OIT ACCllUAIN'N~L r• IU -·~lit~ ll'=riti • C.rl Adamt. """" .., :.:"' ~ 1t111e11111111. "' ..... aftd Bertte1 MUnwM, ldwlal Halt 11111 Mk""I "'--'• WIUIM! Olhllt incl Rlchl,4 Sw.11.. '71 Wllllem AdatM MCI Wllllam Wlllleln&. PMll Budrlt1 Incl Emnt Giii, "' LMlrtlna Gr.1, OMaN -···,. BIST BALL CH' llOUAIOMI -fllm t-GfVM, !tie MtMa. Aobert Kll'lclt"' GUI. +wlroM Pl..,_, hrnM lmllfl, 121 First L-Nit, ltle "'"*· 'llf'fvrtll, Pt.1r1 81bll~!}'I SI.,_, Fbrd POftfr, $1; low Nit, tl'll Mmtt. Wlhoil E\•IPla. H1...W ......,_, 0.rll'I', Robfft Slllrley(,.511 Tlllf-d Lew "fi• n... ='s..."m:'.' J~~ ... ~~.iec. lwln1. BUIST DAV -Flrlf FUehl, 1111 IM>ll. Mil! ........ first ilw .,..., Roblrf Ga1*11r, MOll\lll Cllfl Sl!l1111, firs! low Mt1 Wlllllm G~. Arltwr NI-. thlrit1 ellll Miu Ml~ Muuer, l'talnlllli Sleolld Flltrhl, Ille .Mmfff COf'TfM Fr1M.lln, :~~:-..e~; ~~.~":.··=1 -=~ Me~pcle, HallldJ lllcNr.11 E-lmlll, third. OIJIST DAV, MIMBlllllS -Flr1t Fiith!, the M,,,... 0-111, flr1t low 1"15'; MlchMI WMC:O. ~I Birney Robinson, R•iPtr T1pp!M, "'st low Ml/ J'"'" C•llnhln. oec;ond1 Mlri. Chlmbtrllln, s1-.r;ma11, thlrdt Sec;ollcl Fll1ht, the Mmt1. 01irrr McPMk. llr1t 1ow erossi l:Uctwrrlf M11rt•""'· om ... 1cond: K-th Leewre, tlr1t \clW rie11 /'otrtSI Oonkl11, J1mes surtn .. , f:dwArit ,CICOl.!reL see""'1; Thlrd F11th1, !he M/l'I". P1111 Buckles. tl•sl low 1<m1r Theml1 Llkf'll, ~I First Lew Mel, Mrs. Johll lrve11. SlcoNI, Mrs. l lble, Tlllrd, Mrs. llurkl! Wlltorl. II.VIM!!: COUT ' "'°'TCM VS PAA -CIHI A. !hf Mmn. J. R, l-lin'. plus 41 0. M. =~fft(:~~ ~. M.:: ~ ~'fcj Mertkl, ~~rd Clf"lllllll, eftll/ Sherrnen A. Smith, WllllM'll L"lilr' "''""' 31 Cleh C, Ille Mme-I. Goriton L. P .. ennan, Sim H-en:i, plus 1; Jotift L Pl!Yll. 9'1tn: Clll-• O, '"' Mmft . Bell H1teW1nMI, 0. G. ~ll'M, .-; Jt~~fr'ff• "tl:M\ 1• -ci.u A. 1111 M1111e$. L-lff. W1lllC'1 Flier, J31'11 R*rl W S!nlfh, l5Vl1 MldlNI P O'Brlftl. )iy,, ci.u B. ""' MIMI. PM Rift, l4'ht 8trt McHllll'I, :M\lu c...,.., l J; New.II Ftll. L. J. ~ 37\'tl Cten c. ~ Mmes. HOw1rd, 3J\l'li JKk SUIHvt"' 311 ~ LiJ. :111 WllllMft !l~Mm, l&V.J C O lhe ""'""-ill~:,( Wied 14: It Y1ritlf!'f, 111 H.~G~A~ ~i~.~m·~"'"· Rtdl1rit B<!clt, UV.i It~ llvl"""'"' 3JV.1 Ed ICoi•I, :WVu r-11111 Bf ... Mme1. llt11nl Chlbct, ll lrMll , U 1 Gathering Scheduled San CJ em en t e Municipal Golf Club will be the -.g for a meeting of San Clemente Toastmialrell Club at t a.m. Monday, June 2, led by Mrs. Barbara Whibnore. Members partlclpaUng wlll include the Mmei. Edward H'Ard, lesicology; IdaMay Schomaker, a procedure in education; Harry Sb a r 1 t s, toastmistress, and B e t t y Chapin and Jessica Sherifr, •peakers. Others taking part will be the Mmes. Gordon Fleener • timer,: L J 111 a n Kutkowakl, evaluation; Olive Barnes, clos- ing thought; Harold Markham and Raymond Lou sta I et, hostesses, and Charles Swain, grace and pledge to the flag. Upcoming activities include a Golden Desert RegiaoJJ Con- ference ln the Newporter hm Friday lo Sw¥;lay, June U .. Luncheon 'Tossed' story tellers of movie f1me, the Gordoos, will be welcqmed to the anooaJ llllad luni:i- "loosed" by Newport Beoch Friends or the Library . The Balboa home <Jl Mr. and Mrs. Hancock Banning Ill will 'be the 8Cefle of entertalnm«1t Tuesday, June 3. l1'cei · tributes for jobo well ~ wiD be the 'Mmes. James Dowty, retiring presi- dent; Stanley LeLlevre, vice pres;detlt: Richard Be-. · secretary: Peter D o b b 1 , treasurer; R. A. P 1 n g hospitality chairman, -a n d FNd Ellis, lJ"Oiec1• chalrmMI. Mrs. Garth a.,..... .. ln- stlllinc olllc«, Will ... 1 Mrs. ~ n preaident. Other -offlccrs .,. the M-. H . B. Benjamin, vice president ! Pan&. ~. and '.Alan Andrews,~. COMING SOON Wf~TERN Tf_LlVISION 1NrJ INC ( 0lor ? V Sa le\ & ~l'rY•tf' ~~Will Give Your Shoes ••• Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise .... ALL WORK PONE PERSONALLY Corona del .Mar 5 CONYINIENT SHOPS •1401 E. COAST HWY. Corori• dal Mar ••• 673-46~0 e 343 l VIA LIDO Newport Beach ... 67).8620 • H FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach .,. 644-755 I e 1108 fRVINE AVE. Westcliff Plaza Newport leech.•. 548-4053 •ROBINSON'S F1shion'" l1lend Newport 8111ch CHOOSE F~OM ALL THE LA TEST STYLES R•style your old 1ho11 to the new round look. Brin9 us your problem • nd we 'II give your shoes a new look. ~~~~~~ I I \ \ \ A BEAUTIFUL BEGINNING HoYO fvn flture flotttry wl .. o Utlttwtltht loll S-Roko IHal Begin with the very finest ... Bali'• Sno.Aake bra. Full figures n•ed its super.b support given by the r.ibbon wiring, and shirred nylon end paindex und• .... •rm sections. Siiu 32-38 B; 32-40 C, 6.00; 32-42 D, 7.00: 32°42 DD white end bleck 7.50 Veta's lllTlllArE AnAllL --··IMI- ' • Space-age Costu1nes French girls Genevieve Paul (left) and Muriel Kirsch model space ~ge costumes they will wear v.1hile serving as interpreter guides at the Interna- tional Aeronautics and. Space Show in Paris. The exhibition will begin May 29. DENTAL PLATES REPAIRS l RELINES WHI LE 0U.WAIT EASY COMPLETE ·ALWAYS CREDIT DENTAL SERVICE LOW TERMS IN OUR OFFICE PRKES .PENTOTHAL (for Sleep) for Extractions and fillings WELCOME UNION DENTAL P ... TIENTS e DIFFICULT CASES WELCOMED e PENSIONERS W ELCOME e NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY · .. e 16 MOS. TO PAY e OPEN EVES. I SAT • • SE HABLA ESPANOL PA9NE 842-6625 1~1 23 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON IEACH NEAR EDINGER -GROUND Fl:OOR -MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE MEMBER AMERICAN AC.t:DEMY OF DENTIST- . _ AM~Alt>,.N CREDIT DENTIST ASSN. Visit Our Wine Cellar and Delitritessen VALUABLE COUPON FARMER JOHN -LINK SAUSAGE 25' 1/2 LB. PKG. . . I White Botue J'ld&lts I I ' I Johnson~ Didn'-t . C~t .~lectrieity By MERRIMAN SMITH WASHINGTON (UPI) - ~ • lntereltlng odda and endJ about preaidenUal life turned up recenUy in hearings before a congressionar sub- commiUee whicll must ap- prove Q9er&tlngi tuqds for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. For one ttllng, the White House electric . biJI went up steadily durlng all those years \Yhen President Lyndon B. Jolylson '\'IS cutting off lhe lights. The bill climbed for a •• slrflple reason -alr con· ditianlng was Inst a 11 ed in police guard booths around the crour¥11: lhere waa an in- crease in visits by forei gn dignitaries whJch required use of power for tclevialon' and newsreel llghUni, and. a security lighUng syolem wao pulin ' • Electricity cost the White House ltboul ~.ooo in liScal 19'5. By 111• time Jolmoon lell oftice, the ahnual bUI bad risen to more than '51.000. Actually, · L.B.J. n e·v er ' I pretended thal clk:klq oil the I n..: recmt' ~' ~ a wantad to tinw money he ... J•D on the hallway lights woold aave the 11 • u s e a~Uona aib-around for exptnlive dotbQ DepartmeM for federal government any ap-commiUee also brought out or tu,urious real. estate, lbat entertain potentates f' preclable net amounL He was lhe lnformatton that no presi· • waa 1 family matter -nut overteJJ, ' trylntt Lo set an example. He dent hal t. dip Jpto prlval~ In-somethln& that oould be blam· At for the White once 'old a friend : come .. to · operate· the White ed on a penwioua Uncle Sam. . upkeep, the NatioMI k "By cutUng out the lights Houee unlea he limply wants Any c b I et exculive has to Service part ot lhe Inttillt; wherever poujble, I know I to , 8"Dd. 01ot~.i"l..Pian lhe enteM.aln 1of0clally -and Jt De~t, has Ie1'J1; get' ll\e reputaUon for . being 1ovmlment PfOV19~1. aeeins to be more frequent custodial reeponslblUty f~J )t SOl]le kll)d,ol ll<li>oiie. But If l Ollk~ who Mndle While / eadl ymr, and. the' ......... The pork ca~ 8)'111boli,.: thrlit ro· HOule IUndi testified .tliat ,\• . A P1-1i can co,:.r such aervloe tiu been clllppbic Ill tpoUsaods ol go v er n m e n t ,,., t~ir kn0wk!d1e1 no president ' caftl fnm, teVeral different • recently on an annual avecwp t1J1pl•7"11 perhaps they'll save ever. . •Ii lor<ed lo "10nd lunila. Ho bu a ll0,000 en-ol about 111.000 to pay for a dime nere .aqd there and it ' ~1 ·funds fol"' routine teNinmeat and t r a v e I led palma, new curtalM, all' can add up to IO!DethiDg ~. a 11 ow a D c e prov Ide d toucb-upl and when co'1'1der•bl•." 9! coune, If 1 llnt lady I _...,."1 by ~ Or ror mra bullen ml OUR 5th FACTORY SHOWROOM ••• Locat.ed ot ORANGE COUNTY'S .LARGEST· FACTORY DIRECT OUTLETS 8924 BOLSA (at Magnolia) WESTMINSTER Phone 894-3422 • . 13 PC. KING SIZE STOREWIDE' . . DISCQUNTS SL-EEP SET ~···································••!" ; LINEN PACKAGE DEAL ! ~ ! :~~~x~~u=~l~J'o" ~~~~D ~ :• llNG SSZI MAnll'SS PAD ! : • TWO llNG SlZI PILLOWS ! : • 'rwo ~NG SIU PILLOW CASIS : ~: =~ :.:: ::: :l':.r.~ ~ PACKAGE DEAL . 1 ........................................ $ NO MONIY DOWN 24 MOS. TO 'PAY • ~~------------.- • KING ' S.IZE SPECIALS! KING S1£Jmt-KREG. VAL: $99 T , $149.95. : _HO EL .. , . .. : souNo $7.99· 5·, ,.,~i;u•••• , ; . ; . ·., i . . , . ' ... • t , J ' • ,~ SLEEP SET : ·.: -:~-·~11• · ... 1'1W~. ~,1'.'.' · --.--..... -.-....... --:, ........... ..,..., ~ ..... ~ ' • • • • ' I' KING : SIZE--$239 VALUE 1 • •• •: • ' ' ' ' I '· ' I • ' ' 1i KING s ... m~ ... REG. VAL $109.95 ' ' ' --. • --' ' ' ' ' ~ . ' ORTHO ·$1 ·5991'~.r DREAM · .- DREAM SLEEP SET $89~5 QUIL~SET . l \!UI~ '.; KING sm "'OUR FINEST" .: ;,, ':·' ' " KING sm REG. VAL $149.95 CUSTOM $18995 .SUPREME . · ORTHO ' $10995 QUILTED : lllWlllWlll!l SLEEP SET ' ' ' EXTRA FIRM 11!WIWlllTft ---. ----.-.-...... --' -' , r·---·-.---~---, ' I LINEN PACKAGE ~EAL: • · i; o,n.uli ,~~··.w,.n.:c~111n . : KINGo ~wlZEt-KREG,' VAL $199.95 ::~ $-13·99s- SIOOTH TOP t • llN~ S~ fjl!UILTD lllSPUAI 1 .•.• 11No sm titATTlftS PAD I • TWO llNO SID PUJ,.OW1 1· • TWO aiN• l&ZI "uoW CASIS.. I I • TWO 11No SIU ittrin $6Mfi. I •• OHi llNO SID 11.ANlft 7. -I I PACU.01 DIAL L.---~-.~-~----·J ----TWIN OR FULL S~ZE .!ALE TWIN 01 rULL . 39'5 II U . OUAIAllTll . \ ' • 79•s ECONOMY SET '"" " ... .. ... --·-' FIRM SET IMOOTH '°'--··-- TWIN OI PUL< 49'5 II YI, OUAll~d •. . , 8995 MEDIUM -· .. ·-------·-·-·-·"-Cj)UILTE sEr ----·-:-L .. - M'ioiu~:411 FIRM __ , ____ S9'5 &xrnu"FillM 0i'Et' 99'5 20HS.MoloSI. FACTOIY 'SllOWIOOM 540-290! 2425.- FACTOIY SllOWIOOM 776-5140 1----FACTOIY SllOWlOOM 121-7192 17CfD1 ......... FACTOIY SllOWlOOll (213) 542-1 .. t • I I r I I \ .. ...... ' • PILOT • PRIEST -The late Humphrey' Bogart, above, stars toni~t in the motion picture, "Tbe Left Hand of God, ' on Channel 9 at 10:30 p.m. The story concem> a pilot who poses as a priest to eocape a Chinese warlord -than falls in love with a mlnioo nune. Gene Tierney and Lee J, Cobb (l()ostar. TELEVISION VIElVS Roles Good, :. Script Bad • By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -"The Skim of Happy Chance" on NBC Wednesday riight was an original comedy-romance presented as a drametic •special. rt abounded in excellent performers but the script was preUy dreadful · FOR PLOT, we had an Idealistic author, played by William Sbatner, Involved with a community ac- tion program designed to help the 'poor. Another ~mber of the committee was a raging, bowling . woman, Elizabeth Ashley mniniscent of the early bloomer girls. . . The angry young woman was so coocemed ahOut male domination that she proposed to picket tbe local marriage bureau. and became very upset because the waiter asked her date to sample the Wine before pouring a glass. NATl,IRALLY the idealistic young author fell for the fiery feminist, and it must be said that Sbalner made a valiant effort to handle the leaden lines as if they, were light, gay and funny. Miss ' hidey came on stron~. hysterical and shrill, and Shatner came off looking like a c!Ope. · Since it was presumed to be com~, boy -.ally got girl, and together Ibey OW>ded Ille v-1 politicians who wanted to take advantage. oot the downtnidden. It was not a vey funny idea to.start with. THE HOUR, writtoa by Albert Ruben, was tile Mh and final /rogram in the "On Stage•• ~eries this seasoo an was, far and away, it's weakest "6lort. NBC bas a 'COO!? of •orts with an int""1iew with Sirhan Sizban, convicted assassin of Sen. Robert F. ~ennedy. Portions al the taped inte1'View with cor· respondent Jack Perkins will be broadcast next W.U on the network's two-hour "First Tuesday'' program. Perkins' Interview, held the day alter Qrtian was sentenced to death, lasted two hours, but only the hlghligh~ will be shown. AFTER NINE YEARS as a widower with some mrrow squeaks, Stephen Douglas of "My Three Sons" will many next season. During the past see .. llOll, to brighten up the long·playing situation COl!lldJ>, one of the sons and spouse produced trip- leU. FOR SEVERAL MONTHS -perhaps even years -Washington bure~ucrats have been study .. ing TV commercials for dog and cat food s, listeri· Ing to the barks and purrs of the animal actors as they race for the &ponsor's chow, and pr~bly tasting a little here and there for themselves. As a result of their finding, the Federal Trade Commission bas advised the Nation's broadcasters that the following rules are effective September 1. Dog and cat food commercial• should NOT : * Misrepresent the quality or amount of meat in the product. '-ti Place undue emphasis on the presence of a preferred ingredient. * Imply that a product Is a complete food if, in fact, it is only a supplemental food. * Use the terms "meat;• ''chicken ," and ''fi5h" to describe a product that contains animal by-products such as liver, kiQ.neys, lungii, brains and Intestines. $( Use human food terms such es "stew" or j!hash" unless the product conforms to the federal standards for such terms. Dennis tlae Menace ,. . ·-I, ., . '." .. . \• , .. ~., .. ,, PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS GORDO .. )::-:-~ .. -.~.:-:--:-:.~.-~,~ .• ~.~.7.:.:.~ .. 7..~.~.~.7,,--:,-.. --: .. --:.:.: .. :.: .. :.: .. :.-.:.:.-: .. :.: .. -.:.: .. :.-: .. : .. ~.~ .. :.~ .. -::-~ .. 1.7.~.7 •• :.:.:.~.:.: •• :.: •• ~.::::==~""'"""""'...-.""" ly Cliarles M. Scliulz 6000 •• 1\.i.~ABO.T!' 11U5 l'All 1.._,, I AA~6 NEVEi? fAsg LI' A CIWIGE 1' 6ET A unu Ffl'tf. MEXl>I. /l1llCf .. I I IN <W(, - I PON'r UNPEHTANP TH1S! PERHAPS SHE 'S MOT WILL ANO WEMT TO BEt>- 0 ~ t;i(?."\ By John Miles ' By Harold Le Doux llAT .. C:318IOllC ....... CC) <WI GI I Low U.. (30) m 'hf•.-• ... aott.. " •• lu (C> (60) ll)CIJ-l<l ....... ,_ ....., (30) ~ll!ftl lht f1lftlty."' LoulM lodl· INR t.llkl lbout ..,, " ltntcJliac the f1mltJ dolhinl folt1r. Gl!Clllmlm-(C) 7:00 II CIS E•Jlc .... rC> (30) Witter Cnmkit1. CJ 'nit'• Mr Uni? (C) (30) m-(C) <JOl ll)CIJllll ........ l<l t:H~!~lfl'=s!iR.Wl Du1in1 •• lnlwd1p11tmlftl to11I.,.. enCI OA commuriltJ ~ 1 N1110 pol]CI offker and l'llt wlllt• colltltut dlscoffr tMy art llollli 11.JlltJ ol prejudice. (R) 0-(C)~,. m PREPARE FOR A SHOCK * 9:30 TONIGHT KTIV HIGHWAYS Of AGONY GI-" -(Q ''°' ProduCld by IM Ollio stltt tfl&trwly Patrol ttlit til111 la I shoctill,I !Doll: 1! murder en th1 lllJllwtJ. mu ..-""" <60! m ·-"" " -fCl (IOI Ill!-.. ·-(30) "At·l~lll09 @ 1D--t<I Pllalt '*""Ill • Pia." Follow· <60> L>U11'1 llUllb m Dolll 0... 111& 1 mlew of th1 llcll:tld quirt•· Luisi. Flortlltt Htndet1on, Shlckf nolt, fred11ldl Motd lurrt( his 11· Greene, Mort1111 ICini ind l#lrt tention to 1rpeglo tecllnlq11• In SdlNiblr. IR) 1 c.rum stud1. 8 Cl._ (C) (60) QI {I) Mdto•'• ""' 0--(C) (60) m lrw Mmltm (C) 0 111111111 .... {30) m - -(C) •HHil • , ... , ""' <Cl , m n.tn .. (30') "" lllarlen-tti.,1 hosts. ·---------•17:)0 -IJQIHil-w.,. CCl !30l ill"""" By Tom K. Ryon By Gn Arriola By Mell QJ-" , .... CC) Th• dJmlliJlhltl1 Wdl of wild 1ni- malt Ill Nrkl lft ahclWfl 11 they run free 111 their dl1nclnt tnvimn· IMlll:. Bill l11mtd dacribes tilt lO;JD E l!'eMrill .., W.... CC) plilhl of !tie Amboltli QI.me R!-~ t..ft Mlllf ef lod" (d11m1) lll!M ill lllftyl, wlteie Ollee"pn:!Rfic: ~S-ffuraptvey 8oprt. 691'11 Tkt- llrrdS ti Patt-. eltp/\lnt:t, ~ons, aey. 1toperda, ct1n111 and o1ner •ni· m _ (C) -. "'9\I lrt ..., flllirJI 'MtjJll to \""I Bill lofllll. I Nrkl'1 .......... .... ti It Y• ... ,,....., CCI <30> l!l mtllill ..... CC) (60) Lrmn Ki""'7ki 1101b. ~· Jmi a..b (lllMIJ Qlf .... c... DI•) .._.. the '9111Chllt Ofl· (!) Twflatrt 1-11 Jl(Nlllll fll I P\Gflaioltaf bmef t When ••• lnlt«ited tint, lonlfl ll:OO u IJ --(Y1ph1t lotto). rd11111 • f1Pl (R) a Qi/~ ED"'" (t) II Mlfl4 Mitdlmct D Looi " -CCl ~~ GI Un """ CCl a tm mm no """ •• c<> m -""' .. h .._ (30)~ IOJfrllnd." Sbtw hr· frllll. .. i.... ffOlll lht con· (dr1m1) '56--0tN Olli, Wert '9111, MIS Into 111 old bo1· liorton. lrlll'ld ""°thinks he WIS mpallll-@(])U(l)Ql(j)'-'° bit for Elsl• Ethln&to• btcomln1 Slltw ktrl!lt. (R} 11:301i 111cMr. (C> .....,.,. It T .... O MIHit11 $ Mowlr. (C) "'ltpnd haw~ litp" (westun) 'Sl -.lohn tl Ill• Loll" (1dv1nture) 'S7-John Hod1ak. Jol'l1 Omk. Wayn•, Sopllii lo11n. m.TMll., c.ne.-(C) (30) m ..., 11-<60l fll'I Ii.ct; ,._.dlN (30) Joutt11I· isl Don Wll1tlcli11 111lol'• rld1I !l!ftlions in P1udw 1nd llln'Ollnd· f in1 communitiu. ei-· 0 ll1J (I) Ill""' ·~ (C) 130) "Just Don1ld 1nd Mt 1nd Jerry M1kn Th11L'' Wiien Ann's n•l1b· bor, Rutll 81umtl\, IDlf ~· to mothtt. lier ll11sb1nd JtrfY.J\tlcfles ento Ann ind Dort-e0nsUlllJ'. (R) m ...,.. Critlht (C) (90) •, ' • fI) NU ,..,._. (C) (60) 'tmy. min." ~ modlf1I p!Odtldion of medlev1I monllty pl•J. 111 1 Sff\es of simPI• tt111t1, bttkld witil 1 Jin 1COre, Ille plq tells tht «ory of rn111'1 i.im11 tllrOll&ll HIL 111-• ~ f:.' ( 0 :. '( DAYTIME MOVIES OMcMr. ~..._. ._. &II')'?" (comtd)') '42-a.r Mllltnd. U 111J CIJGI..., _ CCl m Dontld 0~11-cc> l:GO B IWIMJ Wink T1 ld: MMl H (~ ·-(C) 1J eo-11•itJ lul1IUI ._. ttl m From t111 l111l4t OUt (C) 1:15 B M111le: "1lll w•• (•IDPlll'tl '47-Yincclll: Pries, Edmond O'Brien. 2:00 O Coler ... (t} "011 lh• Thresh· o!d of Spice," "511111 Itron." 1~ "f1ntom1s." %:30 m All-Ri&M Show: "'Winter MMt· In(' Ind "tlt1l•1 IOtdltn." m "Vlfl lqlll!" (dr11M) 'SZ - lhrien Brando, Anthonr Q0:1na. t :C! ll'J (C) ...... -· (-·~b H09t. Wcllll r.1. ll:JOB(C) "'rlllbll'...., (Mwllt\J1·1) ~tertln1 HIYden. 12:30 m "Ttlt Si.dint Mill Pllrflll"' (mutle.tl) "47-8etty Gnble. irfW WB·CC>. .._., ..... (Wmem) 'St ff•I"' llff" (dr1ma) '47-SlllillJ .=:Jl:Mlolph Scott. Dft1d Brt111. T1mpl1. 1:00 m ~ II .. Sii" (drama) 7:IO • (C) "W!Nffn" {..tttn) '46-•fl-)>lln Btntley, Yt11 fUMi. iiiii Slit!•. 3:00 a (t) ...... OJ"' (llhlnlultf au m CC> .,,, t "'*' (drttMl •42 .-~"•" H.,llll. AMlt ..,.. ~ Tl«MJ, '""*°" Fotttr. 8 ('C) "Sit• If .....,. (.._. t.oll a· ...... 51 ....,. (drtlui) 'll t11r1) '54--PtuMtll Qoddtrd. ~ """· --M•ll Slpllllt, Piii)' °""· 4:911 • Ct) ""-"" .... .,., Ifill" ,._. • ('C) "W ,_,.. (dr11111) '49-(1dftfttute) '57-ht• flldl. Jtlll __ ..,,....,, ·- • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS o.enty Prlnfl?tt 11141 D1p111il1!.l1 t.r.Tc• ._-Mt "'',. th•• 1 011111~ of • C•11!11ry. 1111 WIST IAJ.IOA llft. NIWPOWf tu.CH • I• ' I ' • I , ' • ' •• I ... --------------------------------:----c--:-----:--:------·--,,:-,,-,.,,,,,.,.-,_......,,...,.,..,.....,,,...,~- .De•phe Blgla Costs ' 1 I Center· Plazas OK'd SANT,\ ANA -Tlie Or111p Cougty-City of Santa Ana Civic Center COmmlasion voted Wednelday to go ahead with nejotlatlona for a ~ tract to eon.tnai:t t~ Civic CenleT Ma ll plaias desplle'the fact that the lowest bid waa $ltl,500 above budgeted estlmak!s. The mot.ion, adopted unanlmouly, read that "the contract be negotiated and signed before July 1 with the funda not avallabl~ from this project'• estimate to be made 1 up from courthouae bond moniea, with the expectation that the city ol Santa Ana will appropriate the difference in the coming f!Jcal year.'' • 'II\< 1"otioo .. bo!i•Mled Ille • counly l!l>rary ud the - restrictiOo tbal tile Initial .ron. Ana PoUce FacJUty, aod tbe tract Include only the hue bid Plaza of the Flap south 'ot tbt for the two pluas plus the new eourtboust. pl"""'4 ~Ian b r \ d g e Tbetr addlllonal bidl In-over Uie ODUl'\DOOle rtfteCUng eluded . '5,400. for t he pool and that the option be pedestrian bridge plus the two reserved to add the Plaza of for U\e fOW\taln and landlcap. the Sun FOWllaio (137,500) and in&· mall paving and laoda:caping County Bulldb\g S e r v I c e for an area eut ol the Direct« Jooeph J. Smlaek, courthouse and .,.th of the not1n1 that the lowest bids library (125,100). • wore t percent over the Low bidder of four opened architect's e s t I ma t e , sui· Mooday was WUliam C . gested the adoJKed procedure. Crowell Co. Inc. and R. A. He &aid that "uvings which CrowelJ.a joint venture of ·may ruult from a rtdes1gn Pasadena. Tbey bid 11.133,500 would be loll through in- for the Plaza ol lhe Sun, .... croued CGOllru<:lloo COiis at a of the courlbouse between lhe later bid date." * Paining Policy Set Ex-Deputy Convicted Of As.sault For County Center SANTA ANA -Approval has been given by the Board of Supervisors to a policy set- tling for the present the long- debated Civic Center county employe parking problem. County Administrative Of- ricer Robert E. Thomas told the board the policy has been "appn>ved in principle by the Civic Ce nter Commission wllh the reservation that employes be asked to pay for parking If at some future date the COit of parking faclllti.;s increases due to land acquisition or con- struction of parking struc- tures. Thomas estimated that ad-· ditional parking will be needed in the "late 1970s or 1980." The approved plan calls for cmpklyes to park without charge in designated off-street areas, depending upon the Man Initiated Arthur H. Tyree, son or Chester Tyree of 31552 Bluff Drive, South Laguna, and Mrs. Harold Corbin of Henderson, Nev.; a junior jo11mallsm ma- jor at California S t a t e J>oiytechnlc College, San Luis 'Obispo, has been initiated into Sigma Delta Chi, na~l pro- fe.Wona l journaliBm society. Death Notkes MC CLUNG llcCLUNG, ....,,,..,d W, 1..1. Col. ll;tt., St. ,. 1"31 c.ii. L•-· s..n JiHn C911b- r1no. Sut'\llV*! b"f wa., Htlen. Sl1ltl'"1 Ml. J. W. R111ton of N1W110rf hKh. l~lc•, Mr. A. L Mini'! cf H~ tMch. iPlKOPll •111111 M190lllc: Mnrlc91 t 11.m. ~on. J11M 2. Wfflc:IUf .v.ortv.nr Ch1pel. 1~rlaln Lealotl cornrn1tt11 If PKltle li,w C1mefffv". HOllOl"l /'Y P1llbNr1r., A. .. Menn. Wlllllrn It. WllSPn, LI. CCII, w. :ad'lftnt, o r. w W Tllenm.1111, M1t'\fln l~ltorl, •nd Frtld Mlllllll'T, Wffk.lltt Ch.I· ,,1 Mcl"t111ry, dlrtc.tors. PETERSON 'ETEllSON, Miiiet G.L7f, Of 111 C.br\110, :1>111 M~. Survl'lllll ,,,. 1l11en. \lloltt 01 :C1$ll Me9 9nd Mr$. J111T11 J-1 of :c.11 Mne, Sl1len-l1'-ltW, Mrl. J, P, •e1etS011 a1 s .. 1. Mottla llld Mr.. w. :. PderllO'I al Vuc•IPI. Services Set. Tl '·"'· 11 11111 aroectw•Y MortiHry ~. 'rlv1!1 Int~!, I~ Mtmor11t 1..-k Mandi )', lltll lrudW•"t' MorNtrY, l1rKton.. MORGAN ARBUCKLE & WEl.m We1tcllff Mortaary f%7 E. 17th St , Colt. Men -BALTZ MORnJARIES Corou dd Mar OR 1-MSt Colla Mesa Ml HUI BELL BROADWAY MORnJARY 111 Broadway, Costa MHI IJ~ DILDAY BROTHERS Ha"-van., Mwmm 11111 Beacli Blvd. HuaUqtGo Beacll 111-7171 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORI AL PARK Cemetery e M..-Y llll P~Dnve Newport-. CaUIOnla -PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '1111 llolsa AY<. Wet••hner .... SllEtFER MOllTUARY IApaa -~ 4M-IAI Su Clanuto ...... • SMITll'S MORTUARY 117 Malo.SC. lliuiu.ci-- Lll Miit Loses Suit -ML ..... 6:41 ............... NOW SHOWING at Regular Prlc•s Nightly 1t 7:00 and 9:35 NOW SHOWING ANOCll AIMii C.AIY LOCKWOOD •• ---'-''' "MODEL SHOP" -cassnmS' FACES wit~ John· Marley •Gena Rowland• Coun,ty OKs Yorba Linda Park ·Study YOl\BA LINDA -A feulblJity study oe I .,....eel 24N<re reg!Doal park on the north slde of the s,.nta Aoa River, eaat of Imperial Highway, in the Yorba Linda area was appmed TUesday by the Board of Superviaors. The future part would be located between the Featherly Regional Park, n., w under construction south of the Rlvers'ide COunty line and the proposed Santa Ana River park west of Im p erial Hiidnvay. the proposal, which calls for picnicking and camping areu, a nine-hole golf eoune, a cent.er and trails, would con- struct the park along the river's bank in an area partial!~ bu111 up by last winter's storms. The supervisors sent the proposal to the county Plan- ning Commilion for further .study and evaluation. SANTA ANA -'l11e Sada Aoa College Plane<aoium Is windq up illl current -of public 8bcw.'I with one en-- tiUed "Our Moving Earth," schedu}ed "" 7 p.m. June 4, a and II. 'l11e planetarium is localed at 1530 W. 17th St. here. ,.. "'" ,._ .... ,., Ste~f M(Q\ifffl ctllOA "SAND PIULU" O.~r!tofl He.lat\ COLOP "Pl-.t Of 11r1o Apo1" PA-CIFIC ,_ .... 11 ........... "'""' ...... _,...ilill ~ ,.,..., ., .... ...."'""' "HAID CONTIACT" tol.Otl:--""""" tit t i ll & ltr• ~•llY Ddtt COt.,011: "YAUIT OP TMI DOUS" . --··-- "Hooti, U.. AIMI ""'-" Mlowll •t l •U a 1114' -, .. ., ................. .. ' ''"'llff' ·~ttrt·itl-1 I Jerry LIW~ COl.Otl .... "'11111 j -... ..... I ....... ''TM ,., •••• , ..... COL\>?. lh<lt llrt!tllY COLO?. "'CHAUO" n.n •cw Leff • BEW Grant Trash Study Get s $40,018inFunds • THE SClfflf S·l·Z·Z·l·f;SI candy, llMll lU THl '-"'. . ww1f18 COUf\.\:• one.~ at ~ Shows at. " 9:45 P.M. 8:00 and 1~:45 P.1,1. • • SHOWING 'NOWI AllAHllM QRIYE·IN • .ANAHEIM · Oii IAmon Aw. bolw•n R-. fttitWIJ ll'ld On"C'thorpl AH. ~ r;_., lo i.-n llft;Ram~ <Hofth> ••••*****************~ •• i; • • "': .. ' .. • -. 'r========:;=;==========;i. AIM> Dun Martin Jamu It.wart · 1ta4unl Wtlch . "BANDOLERO" ......,._ .. "HOOK, LINE AND SINKER" AIM> Cllll~Oduie • Un1l•i Ar11111 CONTINUOUS FRf •• SAT.-SUN. from 2 p.m. CALIFORNIA JUNIOR RODEO ASSOCIATION PWESENTS . Adlon, ·Thrlll1. Spll11, LaUfh• I-Even-,, Jr. BGreback Bronc Sr. Bareback Bronc Jr. StHr Rldln9 Sr. BuU RldlnCJ Girl's Barrel RacinCJ Girl's Goat lyin9 Team Roping ·~ ..... rt.1 lay and Girl Team RoplllCJ l~ontestants-100 Benefit Orange County <;haptar, MDAA, Inc. Oran9e County Falr9n1111Hh ,,..,, Mer Jt-4 a • , ..... ....,,.,, M., Jl-4 & I p.111 • Ne ....,,.All Seett o .. Price Dcmetlot1 A•lh $2.DO Chlltlrw1 SI.OD FD"'"'wsoUTH COAST -l"LAZA THKATflll San Diep F-at lrio1ol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE.PARKING MEMORIAL DAY KIDDIE SHOW 'FRIDAY, MAY 30th SUNOAY, JUNE h i . I Jt8 The Silliest Party r valley ~' the Dolls U h"-e~erkln s ,....,..,o. •• CONTINUOUS FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY '--The 'MUST· SEf' Picture of Ille year! "A fllm not to be missed ••• a cll....rlc emotloe-wtlRt•! A fllm, of meml .. , • , • som..WIMJ for the mlncl to rncatlcot•. Not te IMY• lffft 'Hard C011tract' is ta be tometltlltf I• ,.... ... c..,,..t!" "Something remarkable and special!" -'i.":.'.'~~m,oon, "Excellently donel" -t:.-:.:::: . luml...,. "A stunning film!" -t,t•;:=r 3rd & ·LAST WEEK-,::.'W:.'u • Wiil 8•15 Fri.-......... NIT!S • Co11ti.11on "-1 ,.111. , 1a..,.sntt11sp1tador-'lb<DHJ1tc•pi'-,._-' ""nOI ol A°"""5. CQl1A Mt:U. 'lfOM! J~ .. l lOI --..... ·---... --...... OAVIDQSEUMa<S . -•-T.allll.l9 CWtKGABLE VMENrnIGII LE.SUE HOWARD OUVIAdeHAVl.LIAND • . ·~- . ' ~ ~~ ~ ) ~.~~dYeai' 11~=====~;:=1= .. =,= ..... =,=, =,=_=...,.=, ~ you're all ~.: Jl11t l«ln ' l o4tlf McDo..n .,,.,,.. of Lr s,. ... , eorge". Beryl Reid ® Susannah York Coi:at Browne AUO MAlLON llANDO llC HA~D IOONI l fTA MOllHO '" "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOW ING DAY" IN COLO?. invited f <::"II~ AND > CAITOONS AT 12110 • 21JO OM IOnt DATS ALL SEATS SO< he Te Tllo P,T.A. S11ew On s.m...,, ,.., J t.t 1\ieN h No MAD MONml PAITT OUR 7th ,,T .A. SHOW SATURDAY, MAY 3h t. 10:15 FESS PARKIR IN "SMOKY" IN EOLOR 12:45 HOLIDAY PUN POI AUi "A ........ , "'• Te ... ,_ AM S..W, A" Dolltllt ,..,_,.,..... Of All ..... " '""""""""""""'"" • ROOBRT 8.RADNITZ """""'°" ~Side 'oftbe • c!!rf oant;un A 1!oY who dllllllS f ""' -'"'"·lion 0 ...,,ng ..... ... of li'ling all alone in the Wilderness ... ·of doing his thin! ... .,.,..., ,,,, it/ • -. • \ , •• I • -- JI Ull.Y PILOT. Th,.., M" 29, 1'11>9 \ ~Alidretti Threa.tens to· Pull Out of .Indy 500 . . Angels Bag ~2nd Straight ,~ictory, 54 •• -The Anl'll, who w-ller lhi! week .. trylre to anap " 10.g~ 106ing ,1lieat. luddeoly have woo two ~ a row . uiider new manq:er Lefty Phillips. Phillips. who replaced ousted Bill Rigney on 1\1e5d8y, displayed his ap- proach to the game Wedrie&day when Cllilomia battled back from a 4-0 def. .tdt to score a s.-t victory over Cleve· land. 'd ' d ....... 'We never quit." Phillips sa1 'an .. tJie bench was really alive." . Rigney, before he was fired, com· -' Angel Si.te '' M•r lit -Anoa:ll ft 1•111-.. 1:55 fl.m. KMPC V)l!, 31 -A1111t!J "' lal!lll'tOI'., 7:55 p.m.. KMPC t11GI plained af ~ certain apathy in the Angel qUgout. "I wish we had more guys like Lou Johnson-he's a really boUer guy, lite I was when I was a player," Rig said once. . -It was a different story Wednesday. Whatever the reason, starter Tom ·Murphy then relievers Ken Talum· and Rudy M'ay stopped the Indians cold aft~r theiy touched Murphy for four runs 1n 'tbe first-· The Angels battled .back "'.ilb lbre- fWlS in the sixth, one in the eighth. and • ~ winning run with two out in tbe bot· 't'!Pl of the ninth. After a double steal ; pUt Aurelio Rodrigue% on third and : P:iPcb-hitter Vie Oavalillo on second, ::ra.v Johnstone blooped a single lo cen· • ter to drive in the winner. : " CLIVILNID CALl'°OaNl.t. .. .-rll,... Mrll.-1 'C.MM91. o;f • O 1·1 Aiom.r, 2b S I I O :v ... 1i.." •I 1IJoh<W.IOM.dSI 1 I Ml"9<ff JlltPr ... l,Q 3 11 1 •C.~ 1111 1 • e a llekMrdt. llt • I ' G S11,...,., 11 t O 0 e MOf1on. rf • I 2 1 ·T.HortOn. 1• • I 1 I L.JallntOn. If • t e e .':!ilml.c ll 13AIM .... 1b 000 0 • H1rAltOl'I,' rt ) t t O A.ROdr ...... a, 3b 4 I 2 0 • kll('l'dltdc. 211 3 e t • s.1r1a.,., c 1 e • o F11nw. a J e • e MllrllhY· P 1 t 1 t 'EllJ-"'*, 3 tee vou, p11 1 1 1 o ·s.wa1--. , 1 1 1 o t<.T•"""' P • e • e • ' SP911t9r. p11 1 e o e • : .... -. R.M..J', 1 • e • e • ,._,, ~WIH11o, .. e I 0 0 ,_..., JI 4 S 4 Teteli )4 S 11 J "f• out wMrl wlnnlrll ,.,., ._... • • :Dodgers Add }To Expo Woes With 6-0 Win • .,. .~ MONTREAL (AP) -The Los Angeles ~ers are visiting the home park of what is already one of the favorite ;~lfppovers in tbe National League -and 4lth no wonder. :::The stopover is Montreal, where that ~ty's proud eytry into the major leagues, ·~ "' . ..,, Dotilger Slate ,,~ <(.o.-.....,.V, " -Doffer• •I Montretl, S 1.m., l!;FI , ?";!""v fJG·-~ 11 ,PlllllOlldlla, ~:• o.m. KF'I ~1he Expos, have rung up 12 straight ;;,_'ef:ea&a. ..... Tbe Dodgers made it No. 12 Wednesday ~tnd shoot for No. 13 toNght at the e1·· ·~nse or the Expos, who send BiJI .~man, 2-1, to the mound against ·.elaude Osteen. 6-3, of Los Angeles. •"-LOS ANOaLll MONTllllliL 1J 1ll r 11,... 1llrllf9! r O-.wford,H S e1 1w1111,u ••oo ·•a.via. d ' I f • ~l~ffi.1111, 7b • 0 l D ....... .,,111 5 110Sti'\la.rf •010 .,.KO,rf l222M.J_,,,cf •810 ....... 119!', c: • ) I 1 8•1"-Y• lb l D I 0 ~..a:.ie11,....., 7b 2 I 2 1 Cltnd..-. If • I 1 t ""'"'°"1cr1, a 1 • 1 e L•boy', J1t 1 e a o ~•kls. Jb 2 e 1 I .. le!Nn. c 3 o o o ~-·· " 5 e I 1 J.RObtrl1011. p o a o I ~p •1188oteh,ph 100 0 "'>.I s~1w, p o o o e Wlcicff, p11 1 o o o #f#I' Stm~••· p o o a e •:.--. Clln1,p11 1000 ... Sltel,p tOOG "'"'toi.I• u f lJ ' 101111 l2 o l I .;-:..t L°" A'lllltlft 181 010 IOI -f ,.,.. Mlllll,..I 000 IOCI 000 -O •• ... ~ ~ports In Brief . -- Garrett's a Gone Goose \Vayne Garrett of the New York . Mets looses bis cap as he slides into second base while San Diego shortstop Tommy Dean waits for throw. Dean tag· ged the Met ruMer out on a sacrifice bunt attempt in the eighth inning after making a loog stretch. New York went on to win, 1-0, in 11 innings. After Digs by Martin Williams Won't Fight Back \YASHINGTON CAP) -Ted Williams says he doesn't want to be drawn into controve rsy with Biiiy Martin -who denies he said the former hitting master was one of the worst players he ever saw -but Williams feels criticism of hi s baserunning is unjustified. The fiery Mart.in, rookie Minnesota Twins manager, said before and after Wednesday's night game that he was misinterpreted in his comments about Williams, freshman manager of the Washington Senators. docs for his ball club and not what he does for himself. l think the name of the game is self-sacrifice." After the Senators defeated the Twins 4-3 on Frank Howard's run-scoring single in the ninth inning, Martin said : "I didn't say he was a .•• ballplayer. He's in the Hall o( Fame isn'l b~ How can I com· ment on what kind of player he was! I was on the other end . ~ Quarry Rips Spar Mate; "I think he was the greatest hitter I ever uw, he was without peer," said Martin. "But there's mort to' playing than j~st hitting." Martin said he was asked a question by a newsman Tuesday night about what he. as a !iecorid baseman, thought about Wlllbms. "It "'as one little thing that was blown out of proportion," he said. "It's a dead issue as far as I'm con- cerned." ~· ~Angels Release Stuart "" '"" .. , ,,.....c;ROSSJNGER, N.Y. -Jerry Quarry •jpenect up in trainina for the first time ,.wednesday and floored spannate Dave ~ wllh a amubini right lo th<'face. tn Mexk:o City aOd Tokyo. was given his outright release by the California Angels \Y ednesday. . · Stuart, who ca me to the Angels as a free agent, was hitting . 157. "l said he never did slide into me as long as I was a second baseman," Marlin told newsmen. "As a second baseman you expect to be taken out into left field. He used to run out of the baseline.'' • But Martin, before the game: also said : "Everybody judges players a little different. I judge a player 'by what he , \Y llliains: who has had his differences wllh newsmen in the past, said he also thought lhe pres.oi was misinterpreting what Martin had to say about him but he made some comments about bis baserun- ning. . "I got on base quiJe a few times Ind led the league in scoring. six times," Wiiiiams said. "So I had to go around second quite a fe~es." • Official Orders Remo:val Of Radiators on 2 Cars o1':~=~:>;. ~ ~=. away, controversfroged at the Speedway today• over a rulel lnterpr<tatloo lllal al· fecta at least lwo of the top eooteridinc cars. , · Marlo AndrelU, who qualified biJ Brawner Haw~Ford in the No. J spot in the 33-<ar line-Op Jor Frld•f'• 12 p.m. start, ~tened to puU out bf the r11ee unlal a dedllon alfectlng bim Is resCincJ. ed. • Andrelti was ordered Wednesday by Chief Steward Harlan Fengler to remove a speclaJ radiator th.It was installed on the car after it was quaillied. lfst weekend. Fengler also ordered a new oil cooler remo\'ed from the WyM's Mongoose-Of· fenhauser to be driven by veteran Tenn Lloyd Ruby. Fengltr sild the Installations on the Andretti and Ruby cars violated a U.S. Auto Club ruJe that prohibits any change in the conflguraUon of a car after it bas been qualified. A spokmnao Ior the STP Corp., which sponsors AndretU's car, retorted that Fengler had told AndretU Tuesday ad· dition of the radiator would be permissi· ble. T h e STP spokesman said Fengler changed his mind -after I.he crew bad worked most of Tue!day night lnslallin& the device. , Andtetti and the other drivers Wert to meet wilh Fengler toda.y in the annlf).J pre-race seaaion al which rules for the race are laid down. Most observers predicted that cooler heads would prevail and that Andretu would be in tt>e race. Ruby's crew )'emoved the special oil cooler fro!?) the Tes:an's car after t be In French Open f1nll Jll.'actice: session Wedneldl)', bul Andretti•1 new radiator, inlta11ed on the top ol·1be car jllll behlod. lhe driver'• head, WU sUU OD the· mach1ne Wed· netda ..... . Y-..- FeftgJer admltted ht gave Clint Brawner, AodretU'1 clUel mtJChanic, penniuioo lo INlall Ille device . But be said be bad lo cbangt tilt ruling alter a meeting of USAC ofliclall Tuesday night. He' said it WU dec:lded that UR of tbe radial.or would chance the body con· figuraUon. A'. J. Foyt, wboae COyote-Ford has lilt ROie spot for Friday's race, said he had isR<I Fengler Jul week flN' pennllslon to install a similar. radiltor alter his car was qualified. He was told he couldn't. Brawner said the radiator was aJded to help with a ·cooliJw and fuel .._.,p11on problem that bu affected t h • turbocharged Ford engines in practlce. And this etceaaive fuel.use w11.s espected to lead to new emphasis on still another USAC regulation at today's drivers meeting. Fengler said he will go over carefully a rule which forbids a drlvet from taking fuel from a teammate's restrYe tank in the pits. Each car is allowed a startlng load of 7i> gallons and each can carry an ad· diUooal 250 galloni in ita pil There are eight team entries in the line-up for this year's claak: and their pits adjoin each other along pit road. Fengler said he plam to emphu!ze that each car can refuel only from the tank to which it is assigned. Thirty of the 33 drivers got in their final practice Wednesday. Larry Dickson of Marietta, Ohio, lost a rear wheel on a low speed practice lap but the car escaped serious damage. Emerson Rally Tops Long-haired Moore PARIS (AP) -Roy Emerson of Newport Beach flashed dazzling form as he rallied to t.um back loog·baired Ray Moore of South Africa, U, 6-l, 5-7, 6-0, 6- 3, 1n Tuesday's play et the French Ope~ tennis championships. ' The 22-year-old South African, a yellow band holding bls girl-llke long hair, raced • to a 2.0 lead in the fifth set. But Emerson, serving and volleying powerfully, won sis: of the last aeven games. Two stars of the U.S. Davis Cup team -Stan Smith and. Cliff Richey -were favored to win their second round matches today. · Smith, of Pasadena faced the Belgian No. I, Patrick Holmbergen. Richey, of San Angelo, Tex., had to play Luis Ayala, lhe 3&-year~ld Chilean professional who doesn't compete in reg· ular tournament play these days, Ashe, ol Green Springs, Va., survived W!Mlmlr GnlorM, 'o'"'°'' dtfMltd IE•rl •lld'l-11oll, St. (oul .. MO,. '-1, 1·0, I-'. M1ultn0 DI Domtnkto, 11•1r. dl!MIMI Jol'MI ••rllll'!I, A111tr1lll, k '-'-M . ' l•lv•n GlltyM, Hll!l9''Y· dll'lt•t.d l"lt,.. Tod, ll•ly, '-4. M , '-J. JI" l(uk•I. C1ed'ml0\ltkl1, dll'ltlltd Strgll P1t- 1!1(9fl, ll•tv. '-2. •2 ... 1. Tonr Rocllt, A111lr•W1, dtlttl«I H1n..JU'11ln POllmt"fl• w11t Gtrmanr, 1-5, io·2, •t. Frlld S1oli., A1Al••llll, ckfe<illld Mtrtr Rleuen. Ew•"ilan, Ill., 24. .. ~ ..... 24. ~J. Rot E,,,_rllOl'I, A111tr1llt, IHl!tttl!ld II.tr Moor .. South llifrk1, )..f, '-'· S.1, M , W . Alt11 S-, llillitrlllt, fff"l9cl tO~kl ~Ille. YUVosl•vl•, •-4. S.7, f.J, 6-3, f.•. Bob Htwlll, South 11.lrk:I, dtf .. fld Jtf11 Claudt 8trtl•r. Frlll(t , '-4. .. ,, .. ,. Arthur Ath .. Gr"" SP<lrig&. V•., HfHled JHll Plffrt C-e<il, Frtrte:t, f·2. M. .... k t-2, l(en ROltWlll, Au111i1n .. dlfllttd Mlltft Hoi. ~ell, C1tdloslou1•l1, '-1• '-'• f.I. WOMaN•.f 11'4•l.ll ......... Mrs, BUiit J11n ,Kl111t, Lano •ltd!. dtt.lttd L•11r1 ROISOllW, !.oulh Al•kt , ""' ..._ '-2, Mrt. LnleV 1-•I)', Allll'llla• IHllHltd kll""'O S..W41!1'11!111. J•S*I. "'· .... u . Molllc1 G1Df111, ll•lv, dlf•tttd NM Ml•\I Ct¥1· dlnl, Argenlln.I, 6-lt M. Mf'I. AM Jonts. llr1111n, dlfHted Vtltfi. l 1..- "1ltVI .. Sift 0lt90. •1, 6-2.. Fr111t111M Ollrr, ,,,... ........ Me1111 ~· i.v. """''""· ,.,, ...., N . MIN'1 OOV•Lll l'l"'R_. Mllo;t Et!.... Ollln Ind 1:111 G...,ry, Loollllltf Mou11t1ln, Tmr> .• dtftlttd '""" lvllftl llM J\lfVtll FHJbtnffr, W•t °'"""'1'1 U. M. K '-'-"'1. s..till ll .... Bolt M111d, Sovlll Alrk•• 1M Cliff llld!IV, 0.lltt, 6tftf!td Dlmllrf Stvrdr., tWllrtrllt'llf, I nd '''1'1 Ttccl'll11I, 1111\', 14. '-'• '-2.. Dontld Otlr, •ifNtlitt, Md., .,.. ~11~ u11, lnd11, dtl .. !Wd ,.,,,.,, o.-... G9r9'I Dtn!H. f'rtro<" •:t....., .. I. aome anxioln _ momentJ 11aj,Jist_ Jean Pierre Courcol of France Wednesday night, befote winning 6-2, 2-6, 4-6, M , 6-2 and .moving imo tbe·third round. Americans Mrs. Billie Jean King, o[ Long Beach and Rosemary Casals of San Francisco, reached the last 16 of tbt women's siilgles., Mrs. King defeated Laura Rossouw or South Africa M, 4-6, 6-2. Miss Caaalt upset Virginia Wade, the British No. l, 5- 7, 6-3, 9-7. M a r t y ·Riessen and Earl Buchholz, two U.S. prot, ..,.ere eliminated in other Wednesday matches. Fred Stolle, AustraUa, beat Riessen, or Evanston, Ill., 6'-2, 4-6, 6-8, 6-!, 6-3. Wieslaw Gasiorek of Poland, put out Buchholz, of St. Louis, &-1, 6-0, &-! •. Dodgers Seek Wills in Deal MONTREAL (APJ-MonU.al and 1""' Angeles are reported near completion oC a deal that would return short.stop Maury Wills to the Dodgers in exchange f o r starting pitcher Joe Moeller and another player . Jim F'annlng. general manager of the Expos, met with Al Campanis, his L o s Angeles counterpart, for two houri Wed· nesday and later both men huddled with the ir field managers. "I may throw a curve into your think· ing-we may want someone else," Cam- panis said when asked whether he was interested in getting Wiils. "Tbe Dodgers wert first Interested In l\laury during spring training," Fanning said. "But we were in no position to even talk about It. We didn't even own Bobby Wine and we didn't know Coco Loboy eould play this well ." The Expos got Wine, a shortatop, from Philadelphia to make up for Montreal's loss of pitcher Larry Jackson, who de- ci~ to retire after being picked by the Expos in the expansion draft lat Octo- ber. Wills was with the Dodgers from 1959 until 1966, stealing a record 104 bases in t$62 when he was named the National Leque·s Most Valuable Player • .. lfhe b1<>'." bent tbe metal part . of th.e '~aclpard COYet1n( C..U'I DOie and II '·itflsbed Ille 2'0-pounder on the bridge of illli" -· j. t flnilbed off the Los Angeles O)IEilJ" II a ~ partner for , no Is ,.~ for his title wtllt lls-llato beavywelghl Cham· ;Joa Fruler ol Pl>lladelpbla. They al -Square Gardea J..,. 23. Now 36, Stuart's major league cities in· eluded Pittsburgh, Boston, Philadelphia, New York and Los Angeles. He spent two years tn Japan and after 1968 asked for bis release. • I'd P~ch Mobster in Nose Says Nino ··~ . . :tJIADIUD -A.C. Milan. paced by Ille ~..., al PionJol Prati, won the -Soccer CUp ol LU,ue Cham· 111 dlleatb1J Aju o1 Amltudam I- • • ., nilh-\ ~ Uallm leom wW meet Eltucll•ntea . ;.= ID a two-game series ror tbe O'lll CliampioNhip later lhla year. . ' ~ . ~ fJtit u.nan Dick Stuart, a..9 ,...,_-.ban ._r line• ar ....... lfwoalll u c1t1 ... wllh afupt1 ,.. . -• j • LOS ANGELES -O.J. Simpson, Univenlty of Soulhem O.a 11 f o r n I a ' s . Heismlft ttoph)'·Winn ing I a l I b I C k. Wednesday was nam~ Y!\fCA athlete or the year for 1968. • LOS ANGELES ·-Mack Calvin. 1 6· foot•l guard ·from the University of Soutbem C:.Uiomta., Wednesday became a member of the Loe Angeles Stars or the American Basketball Assoclatlon. Calvin, who averaged 12.1 polnta per game as 1 senior and J2.5 as a junior at use. also was 3 draft choice o( the Na· Uonol 8&1kelblll Alooc:iatloo Loe Aog•les LUers. • NEW . YORK -Nino BenvenuU, box- ing's middleweight champion, end Dick Tiger, the man who upset him earlier this week, have been excused from further tesUmohy, but a grand jury investigatiQQ of boxing goea on. Both Be.nvenuu and Tlgtr were ques- tioned WedneJday in the office of District Attorney Frank Hogan. then appeared before a New York County grand jury. No one was laying es:actly wti.11 Hogan'• office and µ,e grand jury are ln- v~sUgallng, but It appare.nUy concirns Mafl1 lnfluence jn 1hc sport. ''I'm not going to deacribe the Jn. vestieaUon. 1·~ nOl characterize il !:n 8J11 ' • way," said Assistant. District Attorney Alfred J . Scotti, bead of the Rackets Bureau. Scotti, ho\\· ever, said that neither _Benvenuti nor Tiger wa.s "asked to s1gn waivers of Immunity or to return for further testimony. After Benvenut! emtrged ftom the grand jury room and COMUlttd with his attorney, Charles Stillman, the lawyer 5ald that when the grand jury asked Nino if he ever had been approeclttd by underworld figures, he said, "U I ever was, I would punch blm in the nose." Speaking through • translator. the lta:U.n li&hlcr, hll ri.&bt 1rm in a alin& because of hls fractured hand, &aid that no namea oi indtvkluall hid been men. liooed in hte queaUonlng, wbk:h wu con- ducted by Lawrence Goldman, lllOtber ttoean ualslanL Tipr, who ICOrfll1 a unanimous decision over Benvenuti ln a rronttue bout Mond11 night, aald ht annrm:d loll al queatlons. ''They uked me a11-. ol queoti«ls," Ille Bltfran bour laid. "They uk~ me how old f am and how Joq l'vt been n1ht1n1. The:y asked me qutltlonl, and I answel'fJd them. They were nb peopae." Another D&hler, suspondld 11th I h<avywelgbl. Frankie DePaufo: h ta manaaer, Gary Garafola,~ and Jk!n- venutl's manager, Bnlno A.maduul, also tpptared at Hogan'• office, aniwering aubpoerw. \ DtPaula ha1 been auspended by the New York State AtbJet.lc Commission because of his arrest by lhe FBI. He and Garafola have been charged with 1tealing l!0,000 ltorlh of copper fh>m a Ntw Jmey pier. .. Dre.Pauli said he has no Idea why he was subpoenaed. "l have no connections wllh the underworld ," ht said. Attbooah no one in Hogan's oU~ ts talkloe. li•a believed lhe dfslrlct attorney baa been conducting the invesU,aUoo for twomont111. ' II • ., I· . .. .. • ~ .. •· .. •d '" " to m .. •• ld " rs • Jg in of d· .. :ir d. at ta :it on a ar an ay &-2 o( ••• ;ho of als ... 1lz, "" of i-3. out .... ol <ry o r aer the ·Os ed- ;lh nk-•m- "' In ing "" <by XJY om 11'1 de- lhe :to- 959 ... nal l>o ini lhe ion md log '.•• he "" I! <ey for • . ' 1'". {,~~a .f~ma is~· - N~on~s ·R.~~tler~ Sparkled _... ·' . .. ... · II Ta Nomi hadn1 -· til• luiee GOI~ w,.i r.r Nooo ... his Ill ,.Jay p!•,_. 111"'1 Jut wlntlr, tlie !IA !rad< 1 .. m of Dan Jollolcio,' Don Knudlcm. Phll al)d field campaign unctoubtedly would Age and Don u.rp.. have been 111'1,.,<lll en)O)'allle one he's )laniJ and /yJ,t -_hod ,.. 9.1 llJn. experienced at Golden Wat College_. dred i101 'their ere.dtt wJil1e1Johnson and When the teaaon started, Noon was Knudson are 10.4 performen. Certainly, hobbling anllnd on. crutches · and J'ust that kind or spetd isn't overly lm· .about .~. ,fiawect .. fhe .,R!Ja ers pressive. would Pform· like ~ were the ones "We made up for our si.cl by cambJ-wtth ina. lip .. ·' , · No one lllo!iibl Golden )Vest would ma.kt milch ol a ripple durlni lhe track seuon. Bul 9.4_rprisingl.y enouib-. Noon's charpl ame IM>ugb with lhe fmest ·seuoa. la GWC'..s abort history • AbcJA the ooly alhlete of proven caliber Noon had ~ was Jim Seymour, who bod -..... _ Caaler-. ~~-~ ................. JOEL SCHWARZ for-&HlOUlld. · • . s.,-and 8lieldl -up poatlna , ..... -• -lhe -'1'llllt matu ol U!@·Nf ~ -~,Uio ~ --~Ji!H!eo ' IG!rlla Iii 'r .. vt':J iiifY \~~-=.~ ,~;.,1f~pill During·tbe seaso11t Noon squad broke 12 Rustlers loused up the flrSt in 3Cbool records end topped the season off Modesto Md eventually wound 1f by placing sixth in the Southern Next a:eason be has Age. Ha and Calilomia championships, higher than Knudsolt-•back, and, if he can r ·ooe any other Eastern Conferen~ school. good pre~ sprin~r, Noon fi~ the Probably the most pleasant .\l'Urprise at Ru.sUers Will ND in the 41~ ff.lie· Grid Star Berg Gets Lion Nod lr,vjU; Lake .: ~ --,. cRtlishHot The catfish. an&Ius are . turning out in fOl'Ct at Irvine Lake, according to lake o~­ ator Russ Cleary. A Los Angeles fishermarl, V. H. Anderson, boated a 14· pound, two.<JUnce cat ~ntly, qualifying him for ·the Whop- per Club. As are most o( the cat anglers, he u'sed stirik. bait and caugt)t the fish at the current bot spot just out· aide Sierra Cove. At Marbul High ,' Angelel Quits • • '111ltJW'illool-G&L "l'm 11 ,.._.as p,mch wUh _. _.. thla ...,.... Tiiey did an they could. ne onl1 t<lfr"l"l la .. ls111at Seym0...dido't win lbe state Jntennedlate hunlles.· ''H'e really wanted lt but the alnJlll wind apparently bothered hint 1nore tban lhe other kid" who woa It (Mike B .... Sacramento)." .' * * 'Jenkins Awarded MVP Tag Cleary reports thal the bjg- gest caich of last week, was a 250-pound woman who fl'!;ll out ol her boot and hod ta be floated to shore with ~ help of a rowbolt under each Major League Standings arm. , Trout cat.chec are up, too. Don Spitz and Va! Bravin of BellfJow!r limited out re· •• NATIONAL LEAGUE EastDl-w L Pct. GB AMERICAN LEAGUE • cently wilh trout averaging • ClfiCAGO fJOWld-and-a·hall. Oliw.r Farley of Huntington , PrrrsBURGH Beech booted a three-pound, ST. LOUfS eight.ounce nlnbow w i t b NEW YORK • 30 16 .652 ·22 21 .511 . 6 Eut Dlvlt!ao WLl'd.GD :13 14 .'IOI 27 15 .643 3 \S 22 18 .6IO ' 7" 22 2' .et It" 2t 2S .417 It"' 10 21 .213 Ill> 1969 .AllltinAmeria 21 23 .477 8 19 23 .452: 9 cl! .... near Trout bland. PlllLADELPHlA Jorry Sanden ol Anaheim MONTREAL 17 23 .425 10 II 29 ,275 16 landed a foor-pound. three-West Division -ounce !lass. ATf,.ANTA 28 14 Youth Bowls 724 -Series " LOS ANGELES· 2S 17 SAN FRANCISCO 24 2n CfNC!NNA1'! 21 19 HOUSTON µ 24 SAN DIEGO "18 30 -- .867 .595 .545 .525 ,489 .375 """ Ytftt I. Siii bw9$ I, 11 j...,rl'lft Cl'llUM t, $9111 f'•t!'<IKO I Hout.IO!I 7, P'l'llled.llifllto &. 10 lnnfflf• Cl!w:IMtH 7, l"ltfttlUr9fl I St, lMs &. All.nt1 t Le& Al'ftlft 't. Molltmil t -- 3 5 • 7\S •]3 Weit Divletoe INNES()TA 24 18 .571 KLAN!> · 22 18 .550 t ANSAS CITY 21 22 .488 3\\ CAGQ 18 t9 ,4811 311 ~J!lA17LJI 2n 22 .416 4 QAL!FOllNIA 13 211 .317 . 1 1011 ......... ••ltl (Ilk-,, ....... ~' '"* 4. Mlmtloll I ...... Kt""1CITYJ c:11 J, ci.wi...-t Dtfl'9lt 0....1" t hitlrNft '· k1fllt s ,...,..._ • ' Available w/AutomatJc Tra111mlulon John Novdlch rolling in the monthly marathon at Ana- heim Bowl In Anaheim had a three came block of 724 on 1ames of 357, 2S7 and 210 ror one of the hi&best scratch ltriea lftf' for.a junior bowler at Anaheim Bawl. Originally from M,,_., John bu betn llvlng t n CaW· om.la for nine yem. JU1 pre- vic:m hl&h came w • s • and oerla 111 In 1 .. gue. He has hod a 110 game In -· ~y. l• , ...... {Olfillit "lJ et """""'" ($ ..... mall u . lllel'lt ~1"*"9fl (EIRI M et ~ fMenl" .. tl. Ml ... cwr----=' ...... 0.118" I~ 7.J) " OlkllM IN..,_ >0 ......... (CWllW Ml It ...,,.. lhll t-4), ........... fJ"'° J .. I 11 l(lftMt: (lt'f' ,,..,... Wl °"""' ..... KMflillld. .OU llAL USID CAlS 1'1N11T Sll.ICTIOll M USIO SPOaT CAIS "' "' curnnt)J hoidlnl • J" 1ver11e at Sanllna Lanes. HJs lather Nick 11 Jr. Coach at Paclllc 1-In Banta Alla. ., •• Ill IOUTMllN CAI lfqlNIA' r---------------.---------------1 '-~ AUTitOlllZID FULL SERVICE AND PARTS FOil ALL l~l'ORTED AUTOMOllLES _l~rlllll lt I litll[lll[ i:· JlOO WUT eoAsT HlfHWAY -11'-Y llACH .U.MOI -1764 -W lff e AUSTIN°HUUY - ........ w """" -· -.. s ...... I • 1.1 • • ~ ."""'-lllr ... n.t """'!fl .. ,l Laut.eri can· Be _ ei,L...tnl ' :· . - -With Abusive l.anguage . . '* * * -ti -1111111 -ti Ille k hdi ----IMt Marlaa 111,ri leltoor1 ...... el Jiii Gt &'Ju, J ..... T11yV ........... _I...; __ , IOI thH,·111Ille....,141 nlay. · ine .,...W wll 111 at UCLA J-I roi 4e --..• 'l1tey need it a .c•1tl Nee14 a.I It C'.&r· .u..... ' . * * * .. ,.,,,,,,,,.,,,, . ROGER CAlU.SON 'Ai'••···~~· .. ~~&! • • < --~.:lg~=; '· r .. Mii · :t:J; ~4~ ~-~orC:J= '.'-&.i-~~;._ con -ti @!!Ml ;,,;;i;.-Stuart '-i> ~L Mustangs' campus :to ~ *'lll lilso took a verbal beating, gv on the professional tour. :; .e· _ 1111.g.. in nature. * * * .,., I ...,.lli>d cooches hurled abusive ;;.~ · It 'JM Sea Kinas from pre-game The recent move by the S~ LMM~ ·Jlin~ J 1 oot. go to 1eather basketballs colncldet .~,• . remarked alter the fact that the CIF finals will be played -1'11b _ ~1J , , pre-warned by two or three the leather ~ ·~""'i · but never realized It would Elmer Combs, the -gton ~ · '*'• boosman, ooyo tile loolher bill Is belttt - pftie started, however, I don't ~ally on the dribble and softer ~ feel tt 1191 anit4llDll to do wilh lhe outcome," off the boords. . . ... , . ..• . . save$2~~'. REAL §iPPIN'Wlll§Kn1 ~ } IN~ MUON~ ...... IOfll Oii KUU DIYI CWS -otllT U.00 ..... ,_ .. ••••n• WOllD • mt~. "" .n,1 .. 1 c""'hm ""' . :.::. = __,.,. Nlly tn4 FISHIRMEN ...., ~ tw·1,.....,.1tr111H ~* .....,.. ......... ""'°'"""" ftit. ....c.,., "" ':",.. ........... "' .... e IPICIAL SALi AMl,&SIADOI IODS •7•• . k:1m'"'" . ttl'li .. •11·~ ..,. . .,,... -'"' • .... VOIT SWIM ·FIN . · 1aL1 now only ..... 10.tS UVI·~ SLIGHT I LIM • Full stock of T1p1rflti w1f1r 1kls- m1k11 w1t1r1kffng lib 1kllftl on 1 doud ALPINE MEADOWS 'Slee, U"""1tle sten-U.. A UHle • Kttty '9tk ,.U1 • ""' ..... .i..,m, .,._,,.. 50.00 • rlntta--lew• .- • T•llH ,..., ~·· ,.1y Ht-I ... 1J.tS-Sf'ICAL SWIM SUITS .,,.. ..... _"" ............. '" .,....~ ....... .... ,.. ~"' ,._ .., ... ....,..."-.............. .............. ...._ __ ,.._ -""""'"' ..... - I I • ' f, ;:.* ' ! ' •• ~ . . ' ' •• " ~-its FATHER'S. DAY at~ )"-" ~ . ~· ' HALLI DAY'S ',:._I . .. . \ 51\!P 1ly Hl!Ud1y'1, pick up 1 ·lift for Dad. ,, . . Ha .......... Ille betl • . faJ i . . . /}.' . . 'i: •' " . ,, : ~-~ ~~ ·~ ' ' .\> ' ·• • I r ·•' ~ -.. ....... ,, • . . MEN'S TRADmONAL·CLOTIDNG . , "17th & Irvin• Avenue NEWPORT BEACH . . ' ' WESTCLI FF PLAZA PHONE: 645-0792 /7 .. :·"::JOWn - " ~EVERYTHING .. ~GOING " .. • ! ! . I \ \ Veta~s ll TlllATl A"Alll --····-....... ,. . . 1 ' THIS V;i,ATCH CAN G~~,'·~!:~. DEEPER THAN A SUBMARINE " Weskli! Plan, Ncwpoli Beach, Calil, . . White' Piqv• Slack~ with ' Tie· T &ii Shirt '-in R'e'ci and Navy Print , Voilt 2-Pt•c•. S•t $ZO.oo' \ \ WESTCLIFF ,PLAZA 17th tnd .r~ine 'NEWPORTER INN Newport 81e(h Ctlifornia ,, \ . IT'S A ROLEX SUBMARINER D11 i9n•d for d11p.111 div1rs. Th1 1ubm1ril\1r't oy1t1r c111 la individu1lly0 t~1t1d end tu•r•n· l11d to 1 depth of 660 f11t.!'. • Thi c1li~r~t1d r1v1lYil\g 0~1.l­ indic1t11. 1l,1p11J fiM1, 1Ml:th1, di1I i1 1xtr1 l11mJ11ows for .f11jl w1!1r r11ding11 ,.Thi 1obm1riMr • ''. p~w1r1c:h.~ ~-16·i~w1I 11lf. wu1d1nt mo~111~1th. c1rfi· fi1cl chroiiolift,'N;1'1',P,,,ci1ii.111 •• l1t 1t1inl1S1 it.Jr "·~ftf. m11tchfftt br~ctl1t, 's.t2r. .• ~::,.. ', -•' r, 'When uae, ''own i nd cr~111l 1r1 • "'''''· . " ' . ROLEJC 211 Marine Avenue. Dalbo< hlpid. ~.ur, ' ; . , .. ' .,.~ ' ... .., t .... ~ '-'· ' -. (.: ,.. ... ' .. • . ' . . • • : ' .I • ' ' "· • . ) • • " . " . .~r,· ... . ' .. • ' • \ .. · 0 ~ fft1 ~·;' .. .., :~ ~-~.tr-[~ • <! • \~ ~'I! . ------.~-i~ GET READY FOR VACATIONLAND IN ONE OF 0~; SMA$HIN6 SUMMER COl.~ECTIONS. .THIS 2-PIEC : SUIT HAS A MATCHING YEST AND PANT. C.O .:-· PLETELY WASHABLE. . 4-PIECES, $Ul WESTC!JFF PLAZA 548 • 83'5 .· . ' l'El!C)n ra:m . .1M?11f6ll'O'lfs~ ' ~--U ·O~U8'·. . . ' .. SANDWICH JSLE PRINTS.· . ~ IN 9LU.E, 'GREEN,. TAN I 00 y, .COTTOl.I : SPORT CQAT . . ' . , .. , SLACKS SHORTS • .. • . .. . . • .. ' . ,I ; ~ . $35. -. $1'4. $10 • '$13. . " ~ . . . . o ,, \ I " ' ' . if.hf.ti' i" , .•. ' · Mtli•s·!J' . ' \. WfAt \ '· ,, • ! • • ~ . -' . I ~TCU'!!LAZA,: ~~OIT'~~!i · • ' ';~ • • '• • . . ' ' l . ! • ' .. -, .. ' - • ., , ' A . ' • . ' . . -~ ' . ... ' ' . ·~. I ,' ., ~., . . :~ •.' : I 250 cu. in.'.overhe1(J cam engine1 $ , '.;:~ J ~ bucket seat..' wide ov1I white wen , . ' • · .• · $ .. _ · ' .. 9·s - .w1ndsh1ela was~ers. Stk. N~;~5.QOI. • ·, :. . DOWl\I '1 1 · ' · , , .. . . . '', • +TAX·•·llC.· · ·, . .. Ser. No, 123379L600196. .. ' , : .. :MoNiHs ~;;:.ll'ioo,vio'tllDlt .. ._ f, , 1 , I . ' OR 12 MONTH .. . . ) :r . l!"lf'(. ? GAllDEN • .. . ., 10 . ' ' ' /' ·~··· 'I i ! I I I I I I . . . . . . . . .. ~·1 .i.l \\ . . . . ~ . . . ! : ; :·: : ~.: •• : ; : \ ~: .. ::-~:\ :\ \ j'f \.\I .:\\ • . ... . ........ . I ·~ ·· '\ ' ' ' . .. .. . •• I • NIW --. -.l lf.OONNEVILLI--· :. :.iStOUGHAM. • ~ ' . . '.HARDTOP COUl'E . ~··' ' I T ----.,... •I , r: ,_. . •· ·-· · ~Al,R, CONDltlQNIMG--. . Milni91if ..... e'~ Jordot~..top, Tur~O 'HY,drematic, visor mirrors, out1id• lft"irrori ' 1 . relly ·wh .. b, p.pw~r d,~k lid, pow•r 1t•erin9, tilt 1te•r.i~g wheel, power disc · ' . • brek~s .. ·~~IJ/',!"ltri~.• tinted gl111, ,Po.wer, 1•1t1, corner1ng ·l1mps, Deyto~ Blue Ribbon 4..,ply ..wfiifeWell?tires;-40,000 mile werr•nty, ~ ' . :· . : " . ~"" . . 1. "" ; "':'l .~ ~j ·~ • .... ... ft,'ii '"''-..". I , -;.:!f.~.-J,."" , , ~' •WllJJt.01l1¥.11'• .:::.. Af,ri:'.NIW .. ttH PONTIAC • OI Ap;..,..i Crodlt ' ' ' j • ' . , • '1Stoc~.~o. ''o401.-Seriel No, 262379Cl25785 . SAVl:!·~~11.1·.1.11 FROM· WINDOW STICKER . PRICE . . • .•t l:!•' r:t.:. . • . . Mosl Wilh_ f1eloty Air,. 6 & 9. Passenger; Too Miny To Usll '65 Terilpest 2-DOOl Cenery yellow, V8, •ufo. tNn1., power st•ering,, •it con- ditioning, E -Z -I 9l•1s. Out of this world. l ie. No. N1&c;:2211' · 5149'5 '. PLUS MANY MORE 1968s All Priced Below Factory Invoice! ' . TOP DOLLAR ' " . ..PAID or BONUS TRADE-IN :ALLOWANCE •• ) . I ! I ( .I I I \ ' I • I l HOUSES. FOR' SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE' HOUSES FOR SALE , General IOOO General 1000 General 1.;;.;;.;,;;'-"'~~~~'-'-~~~~~~~-1 1000 General 1000 Costa Me•• 1100 Met• Verde 1110 Huntington Bo1<h 1400 Hunti ngton Boach 1• lavcrest Pool Home -$45,50!> Four bedrooms plus family room. Dramatic ' rock fireplace, large side yards. Potential show place. LAST CHA~CE at 7.2% ' Cliffhaven Prestige Newport Beach address. 3 bedroom, beam ceiling paneled family room with rock fireplace and separate dining room. Beauti· fully landscaped, double detacbed garage. Transferred owner asking $34,000. Parents Retreat The silence is golden in this 24.x19 ft master suite. 3 additional bedrooms plus 3 baths. Large sunken living, room with dramatic mirrored fireplace wall . Boat port and double detached garage. $29,750 with a low interest FHA loan to be assumed. FOR A W1 $E BUY Colesworthy & Co. 642°7777 ~ lie._ trolftlftfJ •Lai...._ klrlo.1 ~s ..... , .... ,a .... !II.~ lntertitted It A .......... C....1 ~ C.U forf ....... . CUSTOM BUILT THREE BEDROOMS. TWO BATH HOME. Large livl.O& room with fittplace, built tn ldtcb- en, dininl area. 9el»ftle service porch, Detached e~ closed patio tlUllPQI room with fireplace and bar-be- que. A fEllFEl;J' El'Tfll. TAINMENT CENTER. C«- ner lot; two car~avare 'aiid boat storage area, Alllum& existing Joans. Here ts •· sltepcr • ACT N;~! BaneH R81llJ RANCHO LA CUESTA bas only 3 home s left. Models are open for you to tour 10 AM to 7 PM. I & 2 story, 3 & 4 bed· room homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission tile or shake roof, fireplaces, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built- ins, family & dining rooms. ' Such a beautiful price range ... $24,995 to .. $34,200 with VA or Conventional financing as low as 10% down. 80% or 90% loans at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit costs more , so take advantage or these prices. HURRY! RANCHO lA CUHTA HOMES On 8 rookhur1t at Atlanta •.. 968-2929 Huntington Beach -~---------·-====--: HOUSES FOR SALE 1 000 -.o._-"'-'--"~--'-"'-- General 1000 General I nve1t in F amlly john macnab FHA/VA • • Happlne11 Tastefu1ly decorated Baycrest mYINKLE BUILDING FOR SAil -· 4 bdnn·A dtn,•,lrill> BAYCREST wet bar (could be 5 bdrini): t.Ull a.~room homl'! with Urgent· need for fast sale J'Clrmal dining room, POOL, fdnnll d~ room, large Owner agrees to pay POOL J:tOME-• ~e childre!l'S play area. ,JMlif .~~t.panel~ 'u:C points. On convention· .INllL .. ITQRY · ~:"'~ = i ·dtl!; ~,-: Jliill., ~al"-"'<· "n ,.,, ..ii.. 'ilili tof ft.I '°" . ~. 1: ~ II · , l'IJl!lf·tolt) ~ l !'!,llio, iiaO:' ff4olo,Jt loc•ted in '"'1 dllll• ....... lhl • •'llloWii' Ill'.__ jl(~ ... _ --, ll&llA \'U!)E & relloc~ OR LEASE • · family room afta kt.i.. ~--i.,~ r / Mldni, $99,500. C.a1J ,..-{ ~~rship by its en and 4 ~ al~~ 11111 WitdDr.1.Q... W't. . · 1 =:·~yn.ll~A~:i 1800 Newpo rt Blvd. • CALL BlLL SCOTI OR rooms Unique &me -· , priced. to 11ell at $45,950. . (714) 642-8235 sell ~ast so call now. ''l'· \~., I~,·,,. KERMIT RfGGS Drive by at 1851 Sa.mar. llO rJalli" 90l·Dover Drive, Sllile 120 546-9521 or 540-66.~1 ----NewPOrt Beaeh ' ,1.:-d • '. ' -" • 546·59 90 R E A 'L T y F" u ' "GOTTA REAL 11er pper -----GOOO THING" LOVELY Yes, W• do hav, a reeJ good CAPE COD ORANGE COUNTY'S . thiog in t1us dupl<X buy " NEWPORT HEIGHTS LARGEST . CAMEO SHORES $18,500. Just""" to the,,.,, Luge living room with fire-, 293 E. 17th St. ~94 Enjoy spectacular private bay and ocean beaches. A place. separate dining area. beaches plus canyon & ocean nice home plus income, Sun· 4 BR 2 bath, hardwood UDO ISLE view from this immaculate deck and invitine yard for llrs. Cov brick patio, lath 3 Bdrm. home priced very double fun, Owner'wlll help ho111e for planting,. dble gar nRSf Time Offered 1 t 162 ~ .;..,_,1 for app't finance. Ottf:rs much In ben-on all..., Jtoclm fo'r boat & tmmacUlate 3 bedroom home ow a '"""'' "-4.1. • efits and gain. ~;,. . On choice East end location Walter 1-la.ase 2025 W Balboa NB qmper. Nr ~Iii. • ' 1860 Newport Blvd., 01: (l)eerful living room -..,.. 67YOOO E_ves. 642-4692 Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 with brick fireplace opens ooto compact privale p8tio G I L L h e will>..,., up to """'"' Col.1.-el' Banker '& Co. cor.;.~ d:~~, GC enmy f Home is nicely decorated uw a, And, in beautiful condition 550 Newport Center Dr. ~ely executive pool home, I ... ;;;;;;;;;;-,;;;;;;,..,..;;;;;;;;;; Priced to sen at $57,500 NeWport Beach, Calif. With 3 bedrooms, 3 balhs. U Paint & S1ve Call Joe Ferguson 83U700 644-.2430 Elegant. master bedroom 4 BDRM & DEN IMMED. POSSESSION ' Rell. 675-0188 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"'!'~""'l 15x30. Huge heated & filter-Big family home • large fu. ed pool with Jots of decking. lortial 5 BR with Anthony I ~~!!!!"'!'!!!!'!""!!!!!!!!!~~ HARBOR 51/4•/o LOAN "'"" ""w kltohen with all pool, "'"ily room & dining Pool In Exclus1"ve RETIREES special, 2 Bed· new .electric built-ins, dish-room. Nearly 2900 sq • fl, room doll house. Hardwood washer, and large pantry. walking distance to Mesa Newport Beach firs, delightful back yard Anyone with $6000 cash can Verde Country Oub. Owner Loeated near upper Newport with shade or sun for re-assume this low interest GI relocating out or area-must Bay. This }lll(urioUS cxecu. iax· loan. 6·1&-8681." Principals sell! • .. · 1ng. tlve home features a spark- FORTIN CO. only. ~ 546·5880 ling 38' swimming pool, 1701-A WestcliH.Drive 4 BEDRM + neacinemalhel!JI) large patio, huge living 4 + FGmlly + Pool Newport "'"h 6'2-5000 520 SQ. FT. LEGE REALTY room, '""'""" family room $25 300 ' H • h FAMILY RM . $31 ,5001 -11"'-. with wood burning lireplaoe. · ' -Newport 81CJ ts HeayY beamed ce.ilings, ex· 4 sP<tcious bedrooms and 3 $1/4 °/o LOAf'rl 3 BR 2 bath, hardwOOd Iloor, quisite planters, built·in bar. baths. For appointment call Fantastic value, Delightful fireplace, dble garage, EX-Expansive brick patio + SACRIFICE living room with plush car-ISTING Sl,l% LOAN. $29,500, another patio bJr 8BQ's, ov• Owner moving East will take pf,ts and drapes, Cozy tam-Wells-Mc:C•rdle, Rltrt. erlooks a huge heated & fil. $62,500 for lovely S bdrm Uy room with beams. 4 lam· 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. tered pool Waterlall + fish. Baycrest home with beam· I Olli\ I I 01 \0\ ~I ..i ' ' '>° POOL TABLE A.SSUME s14 toan . U•• 1n ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT :c Ntw homes, ready .to move in, ~ mUe :_ from beach. First payment up to 60 days !i after move in. .. Tarmt VA/FHA. From $22,990. Been looking for a place to a;pacioU& 1800 sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 11.ut one! .Here it ls • Beau-BA, Family rm, Rt.ncb liful family hOme in ele-home. Near &olJ eoune. gant location with separate $33,000. Owner. * 54$.-0694 18 x: 20 foot rompUs .i:oom to MOyxNG F..ut()wner. llUl.!t acron1odate regulation size sell\, 4 BDtlM, lK' 8A. pool table,_ plus plenty of 0. to' tcfdl. •h'P'r' room left over for enjoyinc cb~ 'di.loo *' sg.,. TV and the mamn1oth 11ooe · fireplace, Large bedrooms, 3 ~ I.BA, P~liSE'.1 IER, 2' Queen size baths dlnifW neWly demralli!id fnlii!e, ~ room and separate room for owner, princ. only S32195ci. office or hobby. Auume IOw 54()..468]. CORAL SHORES ' . interest 5%% FHA Joan.I~======== Payments oI $183 per montb, Coll!!• Par~ 1115 (on Garfield between Beach & Magnolia 962-1353 " include everything. Submit 3 BR & den, bwd nn. etN Uni rsl t • P1rk 1237 your iµnaJler home on our patio, 'blk wall ctoee to · .-Y gunrantee sales plan. schools/shops. i'lti(iii, By BRAN __ D_NEW __ H_O_ME--3-BR WE SELL A HOME . Own 545--3945 u · Pk G 1 · h EVERY 31 MINUTES r n1v. . reenb t. Sparus Ule rt. Lease $3'15 mth. Sell Walker & Lee Newport BHch ,1200 138.ooo. m.2348 641>77U2043 W"tc'g',.~'·Evea ASSUME VA LOAN ._ .. _in_•----12-38 • LIST your property, with confidefte* S ELL with profe., ~ slonal slclll THROUGH YOUR ' . • ' Three/Fam/Pool Which means.JVe are offering a lovely 3 BR, 1% batb home \vith lam nn, and a swimming pool at a price you will hardly believe. $109 P.l.T.I. That's right ·51,4 '1o in· terest, 3 bdrms. ,v/w carpetiog, good area, close to a!l sthools, churches & shopping. Mature neighborhood with tall. tall trees & big lot. Full p r i c e $20,750. MAGNIFICENT Vu on 1,, ac, 3 min/UCI. 4 Br. lam rm. $49,500 by owrrr. 833-2616 Ea1tbluff 1242 REAL TOR MEMBER , Huntington Beach/ · ' ' Founta in Va lley Listing Sarvlce ' '. ' ' Call Us To See: e NEW BLUFFS e 2 Br, 2 Ba split level, J\.1any C\J.$tom ieatures, all elec, etc. Lowest main!. & lease. hold. MUST . SELL • BY OWNER. Call Dick Dyer 533-4456 ert 401 er 673-5nT. 8 FIRST PIONEER REALTY 17471 Beach Blvd. Hunting ton Beach 842-4421 BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 N"l'J><>'t BIW.;• f>!JI. 675-14Jo' EvH.' 6-~COATS ~wA~ce REA~TORS -546-4141- (()pon Evon!"IP> THE BLUFFS • Fas~ble ............................ , *BY OWNER* Mesa Verde decorators {y,.'O story eastern style home. 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, used brick family room, mirrored dining room, used brick ter-I!!!!!!~~~!"!!~!""""' condo. 2 story, 4 BDRM, 2 bath; !ully carpeted & draped. Frplc. Pool, patio, bltns. $32,500. cau aft 6 pm & wknsd. * 644-0816 Corona del fMr 1250 ""· '"'""~oa11y land-NEWPORT "''""'· lmm"uiato. Bo SHORECLIFFS, sure to see. Open Sal. & SHORES Bring your paint bruih & Sun. 2026 Lemnos Dr., C.M. POOL---TENNIS -OCEAN· check-book; older 2-story 540-5757 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, 5 year Colonial; 4 Br., if Baths. SPACIOUS 4 BDRM, 2 ·BA, 2 young. • Excellent buy al Jetty & ocean view lrom !rplcs. Sparkling clean. Nice $26,900. • upper story. lndscp'g. Walk to schls1 Delancy Real E sta te $28,900. Take over S~ % 2828 E, Coast Hwy, CdM loan. In1med. occupancy. ti73-3no Call owner ~. Open CUSTOM BUILT Beech Boy's Beautyl Near uew 3 BR with fonnal dining room, dishwasher, new patio, awnings, elegant draperies & carpeting & • clo1e to the finest beach in the world. 6~% nIA ken at $188 monthly includes everything. Pacific Shores Realty 847-8586 Eves_ 842-8728 ,,ARTY HOUSE Garden kitchen & family room with wet bat overl(l())Q heated & llltered pool, 4 BR 3 baths & all the creature! comforts arc yours with cash to the low interest Sat & SUn 1-5. 1731 Jowa St. 5f9·2313 • 646·7171 MOM Vml• CLOSETS, CLOSETS BEAUTIFUL 4-5 Bedroom, 2 And not all HERS! 21 F't. story, loved Jamily home. of walk-in ~be leaves Many ~xtrns. Priced right. spaee for Dall it you can 30: E. 22nd St., CM. Open-tear him away from the wet eves & Wknds. 548-5003 bar in the ovel'!!ize den: e>ven BY OWNER 3 BR Homes. 2-HIS & HERS bdrms: il the E . side, 2-W. sit!e. Very lrg kids are gro,vn. Deluxe 2 ~ .• den, 2 baths, cor-FHA loan. $234 per month ner loc. Tip.Top cond. Plus includ~s a!I. · 1 1-Br. sep. ho~ on 2, Jt.2 TRADEWINDS RLTY. lots. $69,900: 847-8511 Orang• Coa1t Property --~D~l~V70=--"R~C=E,-"-I 332 M~,u0<ito 6<3-8550 transferable loans 5~-61h%. appt's. lhl'Uout. A buy al Corona Highlands; Q c ea n Need cash. 548-1059 $45,000. view; 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own NEW LISTING * BY ,. OWNER-POOL. · 3 Ha l P inchln & Attoc. the land. Full price 544,000. BR, ctpts;dt't>S. X.Lig LR. 3900 E. Coost Hwy, 675-4392 CORB IN-MARTIN Low niaint yrd. $3o,500. NEWPORT TOWERS Re altors ~ * 646-2895 * Landmark ol the NeWpOrl 3036 E. Coast Hwy., CdM LOVELY 3 Br 1% Ba, fam Skyline, 8 stories of breath. 675-1662 rm, encl pa ti~. bltns, lush taking bay & ocean viewings =H~O~RE=CLIFF==~3 ~B~R~.~,"'°B"°A. crpt, blk (~c, fplc. S27.500 · from luxurious 2 BR, 2 BA, Quiet tree lined area by the 5%. % assum. loan. 64Z..1614 all elec apl5, 2 lligbspred sen. Fee simple, Access to 2 ~=~==~==o-1 elevators, subterranean & B 5!4.% GI BY O\VNER top deck parking. Therapeu. beaches. Under $50,000. y Easts1~e. 4 BR, 2 BA Cov. tic pool & boat docks. Open owner. 673-3681 P.11 t 1 o , :>hake r oo f , daily. Sale or lease, 3121 W. CHARMING DUPLEX on d1sh1vasher. frplc, c r Pt , Coast 1-lighway, not: 642-2202 dbl lot, So. of Hwy. Owner. drps. S.)8,500. 673-4169 131,000 616-2819 JUST LISTED J\farinc. Iii School, 70' comer lot w/block fence, 3 lge BRs 12:-.15' lam rm, FHA apprai• al. Sell GI or FHA $24,900. Take over GI 5%. % pymnts, $150 total monthly, BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 Eves, 4.11·3761! Real Estate Salamtn Nfflled Best commission & bol'fUS. ConfidenUaJ intetview, Ask for Mr. Brashear. BRASHEAR REALTY 847-8531 Eves. 968·1178 DESPERATE! .Must sell -2 Sty 3 BR, fam rm, Walk to schls & beach. Pleasant ' ·' ' '• $21900 1624 MARINERS OR. SPOTLESS hc'.iuse + guest Open Sat., Sun. 1-5 house. Immed. occupancy. Nice-as-new, 3 Br. 2 ba. Im· Lrg park-like Jt..3 lot fruit maculate In & out • Large trees. 2308 Santa A~ Ave. 'JHltio • Walk to Westclill Balboi Penimul1 1300 neighborbood • .$29,950. --.NEAR BA-v-, =962-B=m=====::ol:' 3 BR, Beach house. partly l ~ · ~ E-side Owner. 64Z..2!il83 shopping, Only $34,'.K'O· --=-=~=-Ask for: Mary Dickson BY OWNER FAREL WALKER furn, A _steal at $32,500, Laguna Be1ch 1705 3 BR 2 ba., furn. Near Yacht dub. $39,500 LONOON BOUND THRILL to the excellence ..oJ custom AIA design, swee~ lly bedrooms. Great master 5-IS.Tl29 anytime pond. Assume 58'.% loan. ed ceiling in living room. bedroom has closets \vitb I !!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!•! 5'10-1720 Huny for this one. nilrrored d .... sp""''"" TWO TARBELL 2955 Harbor Arnold & Freud ;:.ted poo~i.4 ~o~ered f:'tio. 3 HOUSES • POOL 388 E . 17th st., CM e over "c.a~64sJ:i •Terrific buy! 3 BR .• SlB.950 Ea1t1ide Co1ta' Mesa Realtors -· 64&-1755 · • 4 BR 2 baths, cor •• $22,500 Located on one hUge Jot - 1111:! \I L 111\0\ ' ' ,,,, 645-.0303 Rltr. 642-9T311 Eves. 54S-0720 three separate houJJCS with 96' ON OCEAN BLVD. • KENNEDY pool, oall lt ' ~iplox u you . want, but whatever you call il, you'd better see it. THE ATRIUM By Ivan Wells'. Unique . 4 bdnns, 3 bat!)s & family room . Superb vie'''· $77,450 Corona del ~1ar. Fanta!tic view ol ocean &· harbor lights; French Norm. beauty w/tree shaded, waJled gar- den. Loan at 6% % int. may be assumed. Call for app't. WALKER Riiy 675-5200 645-0303 EASTSIDE UNITS FOUR modern 3 BR homes on large corner lot. Each 3 BR uni! is pri\'ate wilh Iarae patio & breezeway to &:a.r- age. Block wall fence. $62,0!>0 F /P 10\12 OOWN 4 BR., 2 BA, \VI playhouae REALTOR &tG-7414 $27,000. Assume 1rg loan Everett 1-1. 11-Iichacl, Rltr 507 E. Balboa, Balboa 673-G880 1351 298 Princeton Dr. 54fr3m N H (College Park area) 1 ew ome Lido life 1-1or.1E & business under REAL C HARMER! roof • kids can swim in lrg Private cul-de-sac street. 4 Professionally decorated Lido AnU10ny pool. 4 BR, 2 BA. bedrooms 3 bath, 75xl25 Jot home. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Large $23,500 no dn GI or terms. forever view o( Back Bay. family rm., lovely patio. lm- 548-8676 Delta Real Estate 646-4414 maculate! M esa Del Mar 1105 BLUFFS· Bay Vic\v, on n1a· ss.;,ooo Jot green belt. 3 Br, 3 Ba, LI DO REALTY, INC. I BR 2 BA /LOW DN many '"'' feature,. U>w 3400 Vi• Lido , 673'83tl At • "°· ·148•500 veJuo. Saonll<e ·OUTOOOR LIVllilG- ing views of rolling hWi and · oceans blue. 4 BR/Den/Din, soaring decks, open beams, • private deck to lower floon - for home office or in.laws. • Owner's oil to London, wants offer this weekend and will help finance. Submit· -• your smaller home in ~· ' change or S6,000 d o w, n, . OPEN HOUSE this weekend, .'.. ; FrllS1111S1111., ~ ~· SOLVE YOU R 'PROBLEM l.f equah 4 BR + 3B + P. R equals Contemportuy • You can guess the rest for $43,950. .-:JI.WI !r..1111 • 546·2313 NO matter whB t It is, you can sell Jt v.'ith a DAILY PILOT OaulI.ied ad. Roy J. Ward Co. !Baycrest Olficel 1430 Galaxy 646-1550 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 $23,500-:-PARADISEI-New Listing ':-8rge covered pauo. Casc:ad· Extra, extra stiarp 1 bdnn 1ng waterfall & a BBQ. 3 Condominium Brand l'IC!W n big bedrooms. fireplace. Full tlfe market unusually I~ dining room. Loaded with bedroom Adults on! e r·hium! 5~(}.1120 · ' y, TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~ 545-5880 (ntll' cinemt thdtrtl PLACE your y,·ant ad where Ol.LEGE REALTY they are kx!ldng -DAfLY •lti>,.,.ltt\ltW,CI& PILOT chwified! 6'2.$18 General 1000General 1000 BY OWNER: Leaving state. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;;;l;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;::;.I Home & inoome <2l 2 BR !I hses in xlnt rond. on Jg lot, THE FAMOUS BU ILD ING ANO SITE OF THE • BLACK KNIGHT RESTAU RANT •nd COCKTAIL LOUNGE NOW BE ING OFFEREO FOR SALE CALL Ill Scott or le-it Rl991 -2'\I E. 17th ST .. COSTA MESA I • Jncd separately. Block wall, shnib & fruit trees. Qu iet resid'I, close to stores & sch!. Sre to apprcc· 166-B Virginia Pl., C.M. $19,200 -4 B'-ed'r_m_._ $1 37 . Month Payments includes e very. thing. 2 baths. Bullt·tn kltcho- chen, Attractive WOOd abut• trl'1. Freshly J>Qi:llted • Fenc> ed patio. Assw11e Sill"' loan, TARB ELL 142-4691 BAYFRONT APT. Vi.ta Del Lld<I. Pier A-slip avallaba.. Enclosed garage, $21l,500. Georgo WllllamMll Realtor Ev<&. 61).1514 NEAR WESTCLIFF 3 l..ar£t Bedrooms, 2 Btthl. Living rm It family rm both w/ trpltt. PaHo, new drt.Ptrita. bltns. cut-ONee. lmmacula!et $3.1. 730, • By ownrr, 64~1679 alt 12 noon INVESTORS $19,950 4 BR & fan1 r11 •• Owner pl'f'. ten to lease back at $185 for period or year. Rand RH lty 645-2340 $1250 DOWN VA repossession, Vacant. 3 large BRs, 2 balh with mar· ble tops, blt·in kitchen • tile splash. Convenient locolion. Onl;v S2S.950. P.W.C. 546.5440 4 BR 2 BATHS Fam11y Room 21 x l8' Cpt/dn1s, bit-ins. $2.6.500 VA-FHA-te1ms available. DAVIDSON Realty 546-5460 Eves. $4M941 PENINSU LA PT. Best value! 3 Br. hOme on 50X:too• lot £njoy beach llv. tiw' sa;!iOO Balboa RHI Ettaf<I Co. 700 E. Balboa' Blvd., Balboa m.<140 Newport at Vlc!orl• 6464811 $46,500. 644-4265 to existing hUge 6% GI loan. '"""''"-;-;=~=-,-­S202/mo Includes taxes & 5 BR 4 BA Ivan \Velis home ins. Frplc, cpts, drps etc:. wth. lg l11ndsc. yd, fain rm, Clean. $28 500. owner/agt. patio. Job trans. reqs lm- 546-ffiSO ' med sale by O\l.•ner. S67 .500. 833-6415 wkdays lil 5 pm. Such. a lovely home • 3 Bel. 2 Ba., 3<ar garage, 51' lot. Separate master suite. Cus- tom-bit. • $69,500, Qear. R. C, GREER. Realty 33.55 Via Lido 673-9300 EXTRA large comer lot. 3 ..,.!"!"~~~~~~~·I BDRM's w/ enclosed patio, HAWAII BOUND. Must , 2 sell my deluxe Condo. 2 BR Hunti ngton Be1ch 1400 WATERFRONT ""'' gate. 54G-459 2 ba, pool. $2S,500 Agt. SEABURY Outstanding 3 Bedroom 2 BY OWNER 2 r>tory, 3 bnth, 646-0732 bath ·on 60 ft ot water with 5 BR, formal din n:"· new!y HOUSE • GARAGE • OF· 3 BR l~ lmth, carpets, drap. pier and dock .• New kitch-~d~,500 Conv fm. avail. F.lCE, 25,"93, lot M·l ZO"", es, only $26,500 ... $2840 down .......... ,""'"' '"' take over 1 loan, FA heat, er. \vilh all built·ihs. • Large =========! $26.500. 5C6 31.st SL, N.B. * used brick fireplace, service living room with lireplaet! • Mesa Verde 11 10 67J..al20 porch, buill·ln range & oven, Quiet, restful, no tralfic CLIFF HAVEN HOME dishwasher, fenced, shingle :~~1a~~in'e~·500· Can REPUBLIC HOME 2 BR. 11,ii Ba,,oovt~ patio. , roof. double garage, close lo tv ' , Thi ho e Clean. Ul Snug Harbor Rd. the 9each. ant or no mare. s ,n Owner • 548--6932 J li:111.Gn11,l!fa """ '""cyth'"• '"'m ,..... .l!l!!ll~ll'!• nlJwiM!llp• 9j5il£1ii~ ioned \•inyl floors to af'Chi.. D 0 V ~ R V l L L A G E . t-ffJ J · tecturally desiiJlf!d custom Wes~cl.itt, 2 6tory con-. · f'Tl_ ·7171 • 6·2313 patio, \Vet bar, formal din-dom1n1un1 $29.500. o.wn ----~------me. breakfast room. fiep&r• land. Adult"!. Sl95 mo. incl. 2 Bl6cks To Beach 4 , BEDRM " $22,950 ate family roin -•·Ith flrt· patio, cou.r1yard. dbl ga_r.. ' Imagine: 2 balh, lam.Icy room. plact. 4 BR. 3 baths giant pool. ~taint, S25. Owlier OWered patio, Li.'tg• yard. muter bedroom with large Bier. 646-00 N'loe 2 BR Mme + a l BR 1303 Temple Hills :· '.\ Ha l Pinch in & A11oa--. 615-4392 •9+2r§'J HOME OF GREAT CHARM - ' AND PRIVACY. Superb 0 vle1vs or Aliso Cove a n d • : headlands. Luxurious & • 1 private sun patia o lf bedroom & den, lara;e deck · 1 patio ol1 family room, greenhouse, st.reel to street ... " location, !rm with fireplace, -' 3 bdrms, 3 balhs, den, llU'lf' 1 , dng area, bit • in kitchen, ! . furnace. dbl garage with electronic opener: $68,500 . EXCLUSIVE f.lARSHALL & ROPP 211 Ocean Ave. 494-1021 3V2 ACRE S Undevtioped land. elty of i..aauna. 9 Blks. ta beach. Ocffn views. should divide into 13 lots. Priee $40.000; 29% On, A real sleeper, MISSSIO)'I RI.TY, <9+0731 i • Near &ebools A ishopplz!g. sell ===:;--,-7".'.'T::''.:'"'-C: rent&J, WW make nice home Leu than l"tlllt paynitots; 'Clrestine room, Owner ·COUNTRY Liv i rl g in or anof:lnYfl;trnent. Setler IMMACULATE CUSTOM 3 :'i~0-1'720 • in& at loSI $49,700, Newport Beach. 4 BR. home callinow, Only 125.000, bdnn & den, \\'et b&r, TARBELL 2955 Herbot . with 2/3rds.acre ot land on MUTUAL REALTY brtathtaklnc view private lake. SM.950. OPEN 842.14l8 anytime be<»rator'• patio, S 5 0 0 0 Nursery Potent l1I Hoose. Fri, Set Ir SUn. 23Th down • owner will tlnanct 3 BR 2 bath homt. oorner Htather Ln. 548--6252 Rltr Horses Permitted bal&nce at 71..9%-• Only lot, 130rl80' all tenceit. Call Two old homes on big M-1 lot. $43,500. Ptrron Re a It)' THE BLUFFS l<>< dctatls. _ ... _. _____ I ~owport Holphtt 1210 G "at pot<otiAI. m.995, \iU-lTll 1_: ·l i:.-.. :. co~~t ' llan la iltalfy Swim You 1.;~~~~~~~ YOUR down. YOUR tenns.· ~LO"'VE1:=';>[=11i"""B"'R-, l'°'ull)l"'"'JU,....m. .... ~ 2 STORY CAl!E'COO 'ownor ""'"· So. ~ VU . C\ultom c:a.rpta; drys, other vw-· Deluxe 5 BR, S bat wte R.,x L. Hodfn: RHfty Frple, leduded pa l I o • extrat. Jfl.ndy to f)<Jo1. Ow~ ReaJ Estate SALESMAN Swimmers home with &0 thf! extras. 8-17-2&25 ·sundcdl;. \Valk to bch ' er ro.500. 644-0'771 Ne-Real1" & I~st. Co. I "·· Qnl ·~ 500 •hone w_,,, ......... ,!"• ~---t"''' v w.c new. Y ~. • ASSUMC: 5~% LOAN ,..... """ ....-·-• .,..""' .. " $23 950 .. MESA VERDE ' 184!: Newport Blvd., 0.1 Ju~t call "40.t1St A w, wllJ I:\ OPEN DAILY ceilings. $23.900. Call oollilct Co~plclcly repalntt'd, Mast· ~8-0588 produce tor S27.950 a bit 9: .:, L GIJ2 Summtrdale 1.,:2,,;13"''.,:254-::,·;.;::m;:,;,.1 ____ ~1 eJ 1111.111 bt!droom.s, 2 tepar.. UGLY DUCKLING, ltft us Anthony pool j: a bla 3 BR. ~--N'r 1'teadow Lark aoif ~. SUPEl\B view, newer GUlt. 3 ate bttlll. Dream kitchen ltclp chanae this! f'ar cornpt 2 balh r-mll.y room homt It-, A L ,7 Comer 2 1tory, 4 ·mt I PonJ .Br. Sale at ex ch an 1 •. with bulll·lm, Patio. 540-1120 cleen up & repair CaU ut. wttb double fi.ttPlal'e I: all N NB p t Of 142~14 w/ many txtfu. OWner Sl!!i.OOOequl17.875-6511: TARBELL 2955 H1rbor 548-0095. the t1xtzu. Uke itt1inc ·a m °' e. lt.av\lll ltA.t.. Titxlhkl flnc. 494--7161 Ra. TIIE QUICKER YOU CALI. TIIE QUICl<ER YOU sE1.L DAILY PlLOT \VANT ADS Dial 642.5678 ~ free. Herlta;c Real Es. THE QUICKER YOU CALL. Bkr {2t3) GE 1-5263 "o"'AJL""'v:::.,i'.,;ILOT~~W~A-NT=-ADS"'""I tile s.to-USl (open eves) THE QUICKER YOU SEU. \\'hite Elephants-f BRING REiULTSl ----------~--.-.t.-.~------------------------------------------- • '1 .. • " • HOUSES FOR SALB RENTALS 'RENTALS ~ENTALS RENTAL~ REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 170.5 HouMt Unfurnlshed Houte1 Unfurnllhecl Aftt.. fumisMd Apt&. Unfurnl1Md General General ---'---- LAcfuNA Carl)-on. 00' x 400'; ruaUc 2-s1y. houu; poWble Cl ct M·l ml'X': $1.000 dn. Dkr. ~; 494.-n61 ReL Cosio Mua 3100 Llll"no Nl .... I 3707 G•nlon 0..... 4610 eo,...,. dol Mor 5250 Income P"fl!rly ~ A.~c;;;'°.;,lfl=----':;;200:.::: Duplexes For Sale 1975 flUPLEX $55,COO 6%% ln- teresl. 5l4 Fernlcaf, CdM. S. oLJiwy. 615-(,()44 Broker. ~ENTALS HouHS Furnished Reftt•I• to St.re 2005 F11EE RENT AL SERVICE lor example. l bed.rooms 2 balhl $22:1.00 per mo. Call EXEC rcddeoo& ! 3 Br'. 2 SINGLE Yoww AdtJlts 1..wr:· Ba., bltm; d 1 b w h r, U1'1 1anlm aptJ with coon- c:rpl/drf\. SC..ut view $300. by dub attnaut>tte • Ad 836-5T:i0, ~ll15 mmpltle priyacy. SOU'nf LUXURIOUS 4 BR home tor BAY CLUB APTS. UlOO lease. l ntl above ottan. OlAP~ Avt., Garden ""'· 496-3082 a.-lftl~-, ~: INCOME • 3 Units fl. Oil..~ .. A 2Bdm1 ·1 BR & Bacbe1"'. ~rr::.:.:.::;,.. Rfdecor9ted A cit.an. Good ON TEN ACRES Newport llela'hta a re a. I a. 2 BR. Furn A u.-$33,lliO. Frplca I priv. patl..JPoob. JEAN SMITH ORANGE COUNTY'S Son Clomenhl 3710 loouno _,, 4705 Tenn!a. Contnt'I 8-put. Realtor LARGEST CUSIOM 9 BR 2 both LUXURY FURN APT. Un&""""· 646.3255 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 c 'Pt 1 1 d r P 8 • s e • v 19 w 2 tx:lrm. Al»o 1 bdrm· Wllum. 900 SN l..ane, OfM 644-26ll 3 BR hon1e l~ baths, 2 car $260/mo. <103 E. San Juan OcttnvJcw tram ewry Apt thtacArthtll' nr. £s"" liwY>.J:--------- ga.rage, covered patio. •'WI' tn4) Mt-4294 from $17D. mo up, t.ease. -] lutln ... Rtntal 6060 R001\1MAT£ wan I e d to ..,vw 7~=~~;:::"";;;.~~==~·?~~·~~!! ___ SPARKI..ING 2 BR. 2 bL she.re 3 BR lw-nlshed apt, mo. Agt. 5464141 ;. ,._._. ~ flr. apt. a.ctrtai , , or lcue, ~nter C.M. near beach. &lf>..-0260 or 2 BR, crpts. drps, washer & Duplex., Unfurn. 3975 Jll!NTALS den-din. rm. All elec'. hlhll DK! to 6000 aq ft. FAlbe&t, &12-6441 dryer, Refs required. 169 2 BR, new, blt-lns, cpts, Apts. Unf\lrnished loci. dlahwshr. PaUo-deck + "~ Ooors. Im ttr o v e d YOUNG business n1a11 Irotn r-.lesa Dr. Sl40. 642""'4868 drps. Pri patio, gar. No G 1 5000 gar, 2 •hort hlks to ocean. ~~· 2~1 ~ ~&l'Bi;~· New York, seeks same for $165 • DEN, 3 BR, Ji,) BA. yard \\'Orie, $135 per mo. "-1.;.nc.•;.;•.;:•.:_ ___ ....;:;:;::: Yearly l!ie. $265 l\.lo. Avail. a e · apt in Cr-.1. E\•es. 772-Tm dbl iar. W-side. Fin>t . & Iii.Bl mo plus $50 • RENT • July lsl. ~·ner, &46-440!, S-5. Ri;>r.t ext 7314 * 548-3135 * elee.rung fee. Adults only, Bay & Beach Realty 1 .;;~0'c,0;;"";:;-,,,==== tw~o~RKIN==c-.~~~1-to-,.,.,.~-1A~R~TJ=sr~1~c-'-'W>1urn-'7'-----2 -B-R I no pets, 545-0914 3 Rooms Furniture 675.:l(XXI STREET FRONTAGE rurn. University Park hon1e duplx, encl patio, nr stores. RENTALS $20. $25 & UP DELUXE S BR 3 BA un-On Beach Blvd. l480 Sq, 1''t. No •· 1•~ -~·alt 4 fu.mished Cd>r's of "'"" l\.lodeJ horM ideal for Insur., with same. S 4 6-0 9 2 8 ; pe.,,,, .......... .,,,_ Apta. Furnished lt1onth-To-Monlh Rent.ab: · · ·er 833-1531 eve 642-7898 • Rltr., etc, (Bet, Katella and \VIDE SELECTION Cc1Titos) S I C: n s, lndscpd., GENT or lady to share our .M,"•:.:•::•_V;_•:;•.:d:.:• ___ :,3.:.11;.:0 Gener1I 4000 Appliances & TV's avatt. DE!.UXE 4 BR. 2 BA un-$250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd. lo~y 3 Br bomc. Kit "''°'Y, 3 BR ~· & 2 n . Im 2 1 No Security Deposit furnished. Cdl\1 S. of J.lwy. e 636-4120 • t'"' ' ~,...,y D<I, e1ec hit-~. ~R 4-p ex, gal'aif!, ~IFRC Furniture Rentals 642·7898 hreakiast & laundry, $75. ins & dishwasher. Best loca-w/w, nicely Iurn. Broker 517 \V. 19th, CM 543-348:1 1 ~~=-=.='-----WISH to rent 20 x 60' spat'e Mo! Nice Joe. Ot. &12-3167 tion. Will make some family ~ . 1568 \V. Lncln, A"""' 77._ OLDER working wonian. 1 for catering business 213· GIRL 26 wants roommate \.'ery happy. Uc. $225 or lse. Sll!'i 1 R / ti! pd 'lf"M" BR, newly painted. Util pd. 79l)..8M4 or R. ~ 90? with good morals and nice option. Come & discuss A~il ~.;,. \.\' ~byu O.K: $125. 1 BR, R/O, . rtfrtg. 502% Ju.mine. 675-5781 Foothill, La.Canada apt w/pool. 642·369-t. lem1S. 5-16-5612 aft 6:45 P?.l Broker 5M-69SO w/w, drapes, Avail 6/15. H t" t B h 5400 • PRIME Retail Location • $15 National Roomate -"-"',;'-· ~=---~-=========:l~B~ro~k'~';.· ;-~~----un •ng on eac 7X40, Xlnt toot & auto traf· F'OR St.le or will trade iar 0nnge Co. lnoom<. 280 A. so of Hrn1et near Rancha CalUom1a 714-4)84... T.rl& AVAIL June 1. 2 BR, 2 BA. crpll, drpl. JJ.85 leue. Open sun ·1M. ~ 11Uarll. wu. Ph. C213) 98L-7039 Or•n9• Co. Prop. 6207 COUNTRY HOME WITH HORSES Approxlmat~ly l acres wllh pool, barn, 3 bdnn homo A fenced pasture. N.E. of Tus. tin up high above the smog. Plen~ of riding trail•. Full 11riee $85,000 for more infar. mation Glenn Thompson Eckhoff & Assoc,. Inc. 1818 W. O\apm&n A~. Qranae, CalU. 541·2621, Evea-wknda 5.JHm Mount. & °"'" 6210 COVE View, 3 bdnna, 2 baths, bullt·ln!I, pool, in- t!.~ct. make oiler, Pal.Jn Desert. 346-6247 R, E. Wontod 6240 J·li Rent? Share! 673-1166 ·I BR, 2 BA, carpt, drapes. Costa Mew 4100 $115. 2 BR, garage, stove, EXc•1t'1n9 L'1v"1n9 !~~· ..,,}.871 Harbor, c M built-ins, c:vrd. patio, fenced ~::;.:;..:.:.:.::::_ __ __::.::;:1 w/w. Children 0.K. Broker U'l<1"VDJ't HUNTINGTON Beach Only! ~,_e_w~po~•-l_B_o_a_ch __ 2_2_00_ 1 yd. $l95. 56-3459 $30.QQ Wk. Up 534-6980 I~n;:ma~~· i!_1~m, 2 FOR lease beauty ?8-rlor or 3 or 4 Bil home. Owners or FOJf LEASE -Bcautilul Bayfront 4 Br. ho u • e w/dock. SUmmer rental or 1viU consider year lease. Best location. 6424062 · DOVER Sho?'l's bay rro nJ home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large patio, 70' private dock. S1200. nio. on yrly lse. 2JJ/780-5lt13 or 213/785-GJ.13. Laguna Beach 2705 ~ Newport Beech 3200 B/B TOWNJiOUSE SPLIT·LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2 bath Unit. Faces p o o I, carpets. drapes, fireplace, elcc blt·ins, $265/mo. Please call l\.trs. Fay Boy & Beoch Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 12li 6-15-2000 ~es. 548.o966 •Day, week, month. $l40 $l9S omce space. Bulld1ng t yrs prlnclplc1 only.~ e Studio & Bach. Apts. Costa Maa 5100 to old. Huntington Beach. $165. BUSINESS and •Incl Utils & Phone serv· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Swimming pool, gym, sauna, =-=""='=======: FINANCIAL :~~:~~·s1;;avail HARBOR G':~~~:"~·Appllances. Off' R I I 6070 l·B-u-s.-Oppo--riil"'~,,_n_lt_lo_1_6300_ 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-975.5 Adults only. ice en a 2 BEDROOM GREENS Lamplighter Apts. LAGUNA BEACH FRIGIDAIRE Near C.M. park 161112 Springdale SL Air Conditioned JET ACTION Nev.·ly redecorated. New car. BACHELOR UNFURN. Phone 592-M:ll ON FOR.ES'/ AVENUE Frigldab'e 18 min. cycle Is pet. Small child OK. • $ 2 BR 2 BA New Carpet Desk •paces available ln the fastest in the lndusliy. THURS. ONLY from 110 dra~s. Buiit In. $I 2o'. newest oUlce buildlng at 30 Frigidaires do the work 534-7463 Al.SO AVAILABLE 847-7852 or 8<17""'683 prime b:aUon in dowtltOWtl. of 40, 30 min. v;ashers. Find * Villa Pomon• Apti. 1 • 2 & 3 BOID.I. .:;c_c.;;;;c:;.;::.:..=:... __ I Laauna Beach. Air ~ out bow" easy it is to own Costa Mesa's newest & most Heated Pools, Qlild Care tioned, carpeted, beautiful a paying laundry. Center, Adj. to ShoPPine -Sant• Ana 5620 paneled partitionlng. T w o Garden Grove, Santa Ana, luxurious. tum. 1 &: 2 BR. No ....,ts allowed ==~;.;:.---~= entrancea: Frontage an Tustin 0 • --•-· OCEANFRONT T -apts. Adults only. No ..... lll. ..... 2 BR 2 G • • range, ~"'un DAILY PILOT * * * * * * """ Whoddyo W•nt? WlloddYo Got? SPECIAi. CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoclol Rm 5 Lln11 -5 tilftll -5 bvcks RULES -AD MUST lNCLUD!I 1-Wllll 'tOIJ lltv. lo trHI, I-WW ""' WMt II\ lffot. ~vourc "'*-tftlllor ......, ....., •111• ., adwttlt.,.. ~0THl"4G l'OR SALe -TUD£S ONL't'I PHONE 642-5671 To Pl1ce Your Trader's ParadlM Ad OupJex, top Joe. Newporl Beach: 2 BR. ~ 1 BR, Val. $41,500. Take late model car & T.D,'s ror equity, Newport Beach Rlty 6~1642 Duplex, Costa Mesa; for n1ore units, Coastal area as f11r as Manhattan Beach. FORTIN CO. 6«2-5000 1701-A \Vet;tcliU Dr., NB TRADE equity in '65 Ford Countl'y Squire Wagon for cash & economy car worth · $300-$400. Call ~ or 633· 75-11. La.guna Beach, 3 ocean view lots for future devel- opment. Total $3500, Take late model car, diamorxis, etc:. Broker 494-1330 My eqty '67 Pont. Firebird (Sprint), for dune buggie or ! For inlormation call 645- 1384. Can be seen aft 4 pm Zl4 l·fl.ghland St., N.s;. Have 316 + acres N.E. An- telope Valley, $250. per acre. AU or part, Wan!: 1-IOU&e, income or ?? ? l\..1yers, 6~T:>6 Duplex, Balboa Pertinaula. 3 Bdrm. &: 2 &Inn., value $47,500. 'In.do equity Jor T.D.'s & !! Newport Beach Rlty 67&1642 4 Units Yucca Valley, 1ood ~ar-rouod income. wm trade for hoUBe or trailer + 1 for $18,000 eq. Bal owing $10,00J. 615-6937 I-lave 9 reaidential & com- mercial unltl, Pia.ya dcl Rey; $52,000 cqty. Wanls to exChangc up. SI Slavin, RHr. (TI4) 64.2-822'l. Trade M·l Property Duarte Frwy, Frontaie 1or Beach Area M·l * 548-662< * Have cash llfld 1965 Olev Impala. W a n I income property. Costa Mesa area. Call 546-6288 TO\YNHOUSE 3 Br. 2\ii ba. Bca.ut. appl'd, Priv. patio, pool; nr, bay. Vat. $32,500, for T.D., car, camper or T? °"""' - LSE mod 2 bdrm, colored TV, v.-asher, dryer, HI Ft. $250. per mo. 9-10 Templehill Dr. 54G-88U, eves 494-MM . .....,vely J BR, .-noo Peten;on Way, at Har-* , BA arden apts. Fcc-est Ave., re11.r leads to Co"in-0-Mati'c 2 BA + Faniily Room, $375. 1760 Pomona Ave., just south bot 4 Adams, Costa ?tiesa Very clean. Adults pref. Munclpal parldng lots. S50 Exchange sumn1er rcsi. Vacation Rent;1 ls 2900 l===833-==""='='=";:':· == 0°~'~"-'~"~5:_1~· -----546-0370 546-1525 per month for apace. Desk Equipment. Inc. dence for last 2 wks of July Lake AlTOwhead waterfront free & cir, $50,0CO val, Pa· cific Palisades ocean vu lot, free & cir, SZ7,500 val. \Yant: Income, Bkr. 548-77U ---------$135 MO. Dlx mobil home.l!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!~j!j!\!!!!ll!!!!!!~I ==========I and chairs available tor $5. 2334%. \Y, Valencia or lst 2 wks of Aug. Haw: BALBOA dclxe duplex, each Univer-sity Park 3237 Comp. furn. Hid pool, adlts, *TOWNHOUSE * Coastal 5700 Busineu hours emweri.Dg Fullerton 714: 525-7833 lovely San Fran. bay home 2 BR's, sleeps 6, crpls, no pets. 4 Seasons, 2359 2 B'R, l~ii BA, crpts, drps. service avafu.ble for $10. *LITE MANUFACT* !or ,beach house. 673-U69 drps, short Block to ocean or YEARLY Lea.se-J Bdrm. & Ne\vport Blv. 543-6332 patio. Adults.-n~ Ocean fronf Apls All utllitie.1 paid except Need man to hand'-manu· ..a. bay. $150 v.·eck July, $175 Den or 4 Bdrm., 3 balh. ""' telephone. ae " \.\'CC k Aug ust. 211 Cypress, Covered patio, fencM yard, $1~UP. Attr. 1-Br., pool, 134 E. Melody~ DAILY PILOT facturing dept for molded * * * * *' Bal. or call 2I3: 698-6012 all electric kitchen, double ulil. pd. Garden livirig. 642-6872 548-1768 New • Deluxe m FO~ AVENUE products. Start immediate- ovcn, table top stove, near Adults, no pets. 18 0 O 2 BR -2 BA Studio. Drapes, (714) 536-4616 LAGUNA BEACH ly. Exp not nee, ivUl train. UCI, shopping center, San Wallace patio. Adults. (213) 592-5227 (714) 536-1487 494-9t66 National scope. $15,000 lo. Diego 1'"\vy .• parks & pools. $125: LARGE l·Br., clean, or 548-8301 vest rcq, fully secured by IMi'flAC. 2 BDRr>1, 1 Ba., 500 ~v:i~~":;g~;::~~ter ~~~ct;m~~ts\v'!:~;:,1 's"'P"'L°"IT'""'L<_v __ ,"1-,3--=s.-.-.~,\l-Ba~.1 REAL ESTATE Offl(f SPACE ~~t~~e$~P~~~s~~ii~ It. lo ocean: TV. util. pd. garage 1mD \Vallace CM Crpts, drps, bit-ms. No _G::::.::°":;'::c':.:':;l _____ .112&-130 Cabrillo, near 17th It should return $25,000 or Special rate for June, $100 Irvine 3238 · · · pets. 2885 Mendoza ~5421 more per year. For appt \Vk.: July $150 \V k, _.;.;.:._ ____ ...:_::;:.: 1 BR, new, beaut furn. ?o.fo. to LARGE •-·•·J Rentals Wanted 5990 Ne\.\·por1. -Mo, $150. Adults only, 2220. ~or, c r p 1 s ~ $BO Eoch phone 213: "33-4468 Ext. 106 6-\2-6316: £73-2473 eves. NE\V, 3 Bcdrm 2 Bath. Den Elden 6·\5-!251 eves. drps, bit-ins, no pets. 2S85 INTERNATIONAL Oil Co. CANDY supply route!, part or CL,CCE~ANC,,."'Ba~l~bo'--a~Bc-a-,~,-u~n.,;ts-.· I Elec:. Kit. Fencd Yd. CrpL, · Mendoza. 545-5421 industrial represcnlat1\'C Agt. ~11 full time, days/eves. Refill Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer Drapes, Pool 1'1.embe,rship. 2 BDfilf furn apts (also un-$145 2 BR 2 Ba Ne ts wants unfurnished house or htODERN, Spacious, pro-& coUect motl£'y !ro1n coin l"l'scivations call 673-9945 Avail. Immed. Lease ~. furn), pool. Nassau ~alms w-p°s &: ~ec. • Ad~~~ apa1·1men1 , year lsease, one fessional offices for rent on oper, Dispensetll in Costa 315 E. Bnlboa Blv., Balboa r>1o. Call (213) 377-1102 1 177 E. 22nd St 642-364a pc.ts. 642-2550 or 546-6716 child. Laguna, So u I h l\.1a. basis. Avail 8/U69. hfesa & vie. No selling. 3 BR. 2 BA. Jbe fenced yd. $115. LGE furn Bachelor MESA rd 2 Laguna or Dana Point area. 'Conlact Mr. Lapp. Downey $1650 Total cash req. 'Send Gardener & ulil included. Corona del Mar 3250 Adult only. no pets. 6'l2-2550 El ~f~ er,;: shop. Call 499-3827 after 6 pm. S & L Assoc. ?o.tission Viejo. name, address .t: phone to: Summer Rentals 2910 BUSINESS •na FINANCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES Mono __ .;.Y<-;.W;.;•c."c.'od:.::.._ ... 63=50 Person•I• ·6405 SUBSTANTIAL financial COUPLES, singles: lonely? backer required, fur grow. New in area.? Join the swina ing idea. Reply immediately _to lun & pleasure P. 0 . Box 11174 Santa Ana, e 6.15-9291 e Calif. 927U ----'------1 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 542-1217 oa· write to P.O. Box 12'l3 Costa Mesa. ANNOUNC~MENTS •nd NOTICES Found IF•oo Adsl 6400 BACH seeks Kiri to cxch tr.n- nis lcjSOns I o r dancin& leS80ns, 492--0386 t'ves. Avail e11s. S350 r.10. or 546-6716 ad~ no .,..ts' .. ,~i~r, RETIRED Air Force officer 831-49ll Route Dept., P.O. Bwi: 3846, LJTrLE 'male. \Vtrohaired *642--0207* 2 BR. 2 Ba + convt den+ .--1-"~~===,-,==-Anaheim 92803 puppy, 23'" fuc:hea ·long & """"'"°=-."°""""=-;:= fam rm, dbl gar., gardener $75 BACH 2 BR. bath, re!rig, 1 BR roomy upatrs Adults family, 3 adults. 2 to 3 BR 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. lJ" tall. Vic. 1901 1:,_A_n_no_u_n_c_•..,mo.:.:;.n;;.b:;_....;64=10 U DO Isle 2 BR apl furn. furn. S32J mo yrly lsc. Days kilch priv. l or 2 women. · · house furn, min l yr lse. OUices suitable tor Com-BUSINESS Services in cen-1 Beach & pier, garage, patio, 642~. e .,. e 5, 673.2457, Utit pd 642-8146 aft 8 pm ~~lh~~79newly dee. Pref N.B. I ~M, aft July merc:ial, Medical, Dental. tral Orange Co. Secretarial, ~~na, CM. S4&-6308 aft. .:v.:;''-w'-. .:'T.l..,3-3948..:::"· -----I ,c'c.'J.-06:..:c.="'=,-~-----1 BDR~f furn apt. $90. per CLEAN & !tr 2 Br 1st. $250 to SJOO. 707: Air-O>nd., crpt.s, elevator telephone answering, direct I :.==~=~----..,.,.NT ALS 2 BR. 2 Ba. Doll Hou,•·, mo. No pets, good area. ts d .•bl,tns· "new 437-3735. 35c PERSQ.,FT. mail, mimeograph, etc. FOUND: KEYS vie parking ·~-= 642-3108 c:p • rps, · catp:>rt. EXECUTIVE, wife & 2 5-11-5032 OR 675-2464 \Yell established. Consider lot of Wet Seal, 17th SL, Hou ••• Unfu'n·11hod bltns; 2 yrs. ne1v: Adults. I,========= No -ts AdJ•~ ''"" "169 Co•ta Mosa. Identify & ,.... • ..... J'SO"U children nccd at least 2 BR * DESK SPACE merger. Would be good base $275 on lease. Agt. 673-4S11 clalm 3000 Eve Newport Beach 4200 2 BR. Disposal, range. cri>t hse or apt, in nice .area. Magnolia & Adams, Hun-for insurance, mutual funds ========= . 132 E. Bay Apt A. $120. co~pletcly furn. incl. line.ps llngton Beach. 962-2343 or book~eeplng. Broker SMALL brown male dog. Balboa 3300 SINGLE Young Adulls Lux· 494-2792 , & dishes from 6/15 hi 8/31. 300 ·s Ft Off" (114) 64&-4144 Wearing Collar, vie:. Estan- General LOOKING FOR * THE COIN OIEST * Rare coins, sets mall aue. t ion, etc. 741 s.' Coast, La- guna Bch. 494-5585. SERVICE DIRECTORY Appll1nce Repairs Pirts 6510 A CHANGE \V(' have a 3 Bedroom and a -I Bedroom for lease at $180 wilh built·ifls, carpets and drapes, D o u b I 8 Garage, Fenced. Call: ury garden apts wltti cou n-5-13-7371 COSTA M~M · :!:2130 RE ·-.-ST-A_U_RA_N_T ___ ;n_N_"_"°_'t ,;':;:;•;;;o&,;A.::d;:•::m7':.· 54:::,~.:::;"·_,.,,. BAYFRONT iv/ boat .slip. try club atmosphere and Newport Be1ch 5200 ~~A~N~T~ED~' ~Roo:~m::\:••:re\:•\t ~··:1=========: I Beach. Lovely, intimale at-FOUND Sunday vie. 42nd SI. • AUTOMATIC \VASHER complete privacy. SOUTII h N Bl •· I REPAIRMAN Large 4 BDR?.f, 2 BA, 1ncd CL S . Bal Is. Reasonable for en-mosp ere: rapid I y ex· .8 . ac:k, ..,mac, puppy. yard & patio. $475 mo. BAY UB APT. Irvine at $225 ANNUAL Lease· 2 lire summer. 213: 870-7954. Commercial 6085 panding business. Cun'cnt 615-3374 646-5848 5~ "JOO 16th Newport Beach. Bd 2 Bat•· · & mooUily gros $10 000 d. ~:.:::c:._-~-,---SUPREME p11 ~i1"'0 (ll4) 64S-O:J50 rm. "'" carpets Curtis Gibbs, 3406 Buller o; • • in-PURE while Persian type Ap anc:e Re. ========= 1--=-=~~7.0~"=c-=-I drapes, built-ino;; covered Ave. L.A. 90066. Loe refs. S ners only. Chvner needs kitten. Vic El Rancho, pair, Relrig, "IMhen, dry. Walker & Lee Huntington Beach 3400 • NE\Y BAYFRONT • parking. Near Newpo rt •LANDLORDS e FOR LEA E more time /or v a ri ed Eastbluff,6~3882 ers. Tom. 546.J36.1, 547-6691 2 BR, 2 BA. furn. Boat slip Blvd. Vacant Adul ts, no FREE RENTAL SERVICE 3Ul0 sq ft garage Bldg, on business interests. Phone: ,:::==::..:::._=-~--1 7682 Edinger 842-4•155 or 540-5140 Open Eves. NEAR ne\v, 3 BR. 2 BA. available. Avail June 1st, pets Broker 534-6982 flarbor Blvd. 4 doUble doors. 6'5-2051 aft. 5 PM G::s! ~c~~l:r:~:c:~~Y· crpls, drps, fenced. l'ICar cor yrly lease. Adults. $.175 mo. RED CARPET REALTY $600 Per Month. Broker Bnr Bar-Sarita Ana Edwards/Tablcrt. S200 mo. 233. 19th SL Apt C, 675--0236 Rental De.pt. 673-3663 GARAGE or slorage space 6~1 494-1161 eves. Full price $3QXI. 1t1ED. sz., fat dog, older 714: 842-2082 or 2 1 J: STEPS to bc:h. mod 2 Br, 8111----~----close to 11th & lrvlne. * 6T>JUl * female, black. Vic. Harbor J.17-2843 AVAIL.. Sat Z..lay 31. 2 Bn 645-0466 or 673-85T7 & \Vilson. 64Z-9'l38 Babysitting 6550 WILL babysit In your home by the week. You rum transp. 642-1407 3 lo.II. from bch. beL 2 shop'g ctrs. 4 Bil, 2 BA, nfcd. yd, W/w cptg, fpl. Glcnmar. tz,;o mo. Lease. Aft 6 PJ\1 ·~:-,.a bit-ins, Crpk, beam ce:lg. upr dplx, rcfrig, bltins. C-2 60 x 171. 1 BR house & OIINCHILLAS CLEAN 3 BR 2 bath, bit.ins, $21.5. yrly, no pets. Cpls on· $115 yrly gar New shag cpt ONE BDRlo.I Unfurn Apt tor comm'!. bldgs. $28,700 $4.IXXJ Arc you interested? Close to schools. ly. 642-3490 309,,~ -s&th St. 213: 248-1921 employed lady up t o dn. bal 7% S7,000 dn. bal. Visit our ranch M7M65 LOVELY Siamese cat 8th & CHll.D Care in my home, vie Balboa, NB 67:>-1575 Beach Blvd & Warner, HB. FOUND young tiger kitten.1 ;,Xl-;;n;;t-;;"':-"-:-:· ,,84,.7-343_,_1~-~ I Kr!nkled tail. Vic. Dahlia & CHILD care. fend yard, 1st St. 67S-2048 lunches. Vic \Varner & Spr· $145. 5 ROOr>I hou.~e. garag~. slave, v.•/1\ baby & small pet OK. Bkr. 5.14-6980 $260. 3 BR, 2 ba, fenced yard, \V/\v, chilr!rcn & pct O.K. 'ukr. f>34-6980 Coste Mesa 3100 96"1·7'594 MODERN. 1-BR~ priv patio, WATERFRONT, up p "· 3 SllO/mo. G42-0086 6% 557 Plumer CM, IHO-l49'J Want·'· LIQUOR LICENSE rt d It I \VANT 4 o• '' bd•m hom•.1 ;,";_:'::'·:._-~~,___-~ =· carpo ' a u s, no pe s. BR, l~~ BA, married couple .. 1; General, on Salt'. 2620 Avon St . S105. 673-6066 only. No pets, lse, $27~. fam rm, yr lse from July 1. C l, Ave Del Mar. Sa n * Clark, 4!»-mo * 675 2751 545-1169 or 213: 790-7280 Clemcnlc. 120' x 1On '·1-==========- NEWLY N'modeled, all cpJd, East Bluff 42421:;:.~======== WANT 3 bdr house, 2 adlts. 2 Owner, 492-669j or 492--0386 Money to Loan 6320 Lost 6401 ~d~1~in~.~ni ~~I~~ Ch.1~~7 Sublet 2 BR, 2 BA, apt from East Bluff 5242 teenagers. Costa Me!IA. By L 6100 ::.:;:.:_ _____ ,..:.;;.:; 6/1" t 911· p · p 1 July lsl. 646-1773 ~·;;";;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l:IBt & 2nd Joan.o; for quick SMALL Black & bro\\·n mix· Chiquita. Open. Sat & Sun, . " 0 . "· .atio, 00 • e NEW DELUXE e • cash. Bormw on your p~ June 7 & 8. 213: 287~ aft. Linens, dishes. Util pd. Adulta 3 Br 211 ba. apt to I R lo R I 5995 ON I . ""ft" ..,.. without dlslurbJno ed breed, male, Gcrn1an 00 pets $4~ mo 644-135.2 • ,2 • r ease oom1 r en E o[ t.he most cxc usrve ·-~ "" -, ... Shepherd w/white spot on _G_w_k_day~'-· ------1 · · Incl. spac. mstr. suite, din :.:.;.;;.:;:...;c.;_c.;_::;.:.;_..o.;..;.: "Sandboxes" in Newport your low Interest lst TDs. chest. Children's pet. Laguna Beach 3705 e VlE\V HO~tE, 2 BR, 2 rm. & dbl. garage, a uto. PhoLEASANTpt-~ :m . inklt phcvt. Beach, which Is al!!O one of AlsoU..,.,..M '" 2ndCoTDs. 645-2469. c .M. 111 BA, year lease, ad1.1Hs only. Huntington Be•ch 4400 d.oor opener avail. Pool &: me. ""'"' in nn., c " the VERY FEW R·2 Iols re-S:it er ortgage . Inc. -' OPEN HOUSE $270 mo. 494-9502 eves. rec. area. Nr. Catholic priV!I. Em P I o Ye d lady malning 00. the oceruliront. Serving Harbor Area 20 yrs. ST. BERNARD pup, miilc . DAILY 1·5 ;i.I 141 YORK· =========IFURN 2 bdrm apt . Church & school & Corona pref'd. 641>-1~3 for only $42.500. 137-C 336 E. 11U, St. reward. Needs urx. med. L N I Do I II B J A il "'2-2121 54" ,...,.1 attn. Vic Bernard & Harbor. TOWN LN .. CM . See 7 re-agun• igue 3707 wn own tg cac 1. va del l\.Tar High. NICI'.: room, priv. IMlme, PROPERT.IES WEST 0-1 .rvuu sa.le!t fmn1 Sl~OO do\vn, 2·3 =,.;N====-....;;;..:.:_ 1 0J.;:•cc"":.::1':;;t..cC=aU::.:.,._:::.:."::".:..._.1 e ONLY $260 e Northeast Santa AD• . Ut.?8 Bayside Drive "NEW 2nd .LOANS AR-113.5-52:58 & 4 Bclnns. For sail's & car new Autonetics l!~";';~~11~Am~;"°'~:l:V•~Y~· ~N~.B~.~~";~l-~9UJ9~af~lo~•=•=P=M=~~~l~~~N~EW~PO~R~T~B~EA~C;H~~ RANGED" Top cash far 3 1\.10. female puppy small rcntnl infonTiation. ca 11 New 2 BR. 2 BA S225 IT'S Beach house time. Bia:· 675-4130 seasoned 2nds. black· & tan. 'h German Heritage Real t:: s 1 ate Beach, golf, pool privileges gest selection ever! See the Costa Mna 5100 Coat• Met1 5100 543-1311 Bkr. shepherd. &12·1292 54"-ll51 (open evc:i;) Avail June 15. No pets. DAILY PILOT Oassifiedl ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.· VIEW LOJ I~===~-----LOST: ti'"" 9 -Thai silk I~~~~~~~~~~~.,~-4-1;;100~======:.!,;~""~&~n~N~OW~!==== II , Jo"OSTER'S t'reeze sto re • dress, ~tblue/whL Vic I hiEh traffic loc nr til M:hol, e.• •• General 4000General 4000 Ge,..,.11 4000 Exc:ellent building 1;~ for park &: laft. Retirinc. CdM. 673--l'J4l custom home. Located in de· 63$-6400 alrable area of Laguna. Beer Bar-Santa Aft• CONSTRUCTION JUST' COMPLETING Person•I• 6405 ingdale, HS 846-0839 WILL watch children in my home days. f"ounta.ln Valley area. 962-8956. Brick, M1aonry, etc. 6560 BU ILD, Remodel. Repair . Brick, block, co ncrete , crpntry, no job loo small. Lie Contr. 962-6945 Carpentering 6590 CARPENTRY l\.1lNOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. Cabinet In car· ages 4 o t be r cabinets. 568175, 11 no answer leaw msg at 646-2312. H. O. Anderson $©\\~1A-~£~S" Solve a Simple ~crom.b!ed Word Pw:z:le for 4J, Chuckle HARBOR HEIGHTS 'J.our LUXURIOUS 2 & J BEOROOM APTS. $10,000. Submit t e r m s. Full price $3000. 67>4070 * 675-3131 * Stuart " Robbins Rcaltor.i WANTED: off-sale liqoor R-5 cor 150 x 55 net, 5 ft Sf.I license-, Orange County. back. S\Y cor Garfield &. Call: 642-8139 Huntington Av~ .. HB Sale or I-,=='=='===== tirade for unitl!I. Ownr/Bkr Mortg•ges, T.D.'s 6345 ,....,,. . ft.2 LOT t.aauna Beach 4800 I.JAVE 2nd T.O. $62&.). $6~. 11q. 11. Nr beach & ~ps 1no, 7% Int. Due Augul!lt '74. FREE! REPAIR, Partitions, Small Remodel, etc. Nite or da.y, Reaa! Call KEN 540-4679 MASTER carpenter, $4 per hour. Re.-JJng-Repo!n. I ~ar~ ' REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS, Any size job I r I I I • Fh"tplaces e Dishwasher e J\fammoth master "'4rooms • Spacious cabinct.s e Ge.ffen & Se.tUcr1 ) PB bullt-ina $20,Qll. Owner. ( 7 1 4 ) Want S5000 net 673-6756 %1 yra. exper. 548-f713 i • Cement, Concrete 6600 IR y NI I I • 2 Balhrooma • Centra' forced air beatillr • Enclost'd parklnE • Balanced pctWf!r llvr 365-m4 or write Daily Pilot 6350 Basic Boating Cl•sses Offered lo the public by the Balboa Pow· er Squadron starting 7 P .M. Monday June 2, Newport ff arbor Yocbl Club, ~ We~ Bay Ave.. Newport Beach. Enroll at Box M·:J11. Money Wanted class. For additional • Concrete nrs, patios etc:. .. E.'<CELLENT S12,(0). not~ information p b o D e Concrete ' blk top aawlrw. 1 I I' I IDYOll l I I I S m o r t ploybunnie: Ske . . _ knows thot men moke posses ~-------~ot g irls wno -glasies. INA1··A, CIA II I I 0 ,_ ............. :-.az.. by frllitlQ 1n rn. ~ wotd • )'OU dev.lop "°'" • .,, No. 3 '*°""'· 8 PJn~l Nl)Mat:R[O UTTERS IN lH~Sf $9lM,RfS • UNSCIAM&l.E ABOVE. tltffRS 'TO Gfr ANSwtlt : 111111 .!IC!lAM·Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8800 • C&rpcll " drt.pe.:i; HARBOR HEl6HTS 3117-A Cl"'1amon Ave., Cost• Meu (1 block y,ut of Jtarbor Blvd. :2 blocks south ot the San Die10 frcmvlY.> Phono .14'-1034 3 ADJ. lots; room lot 11 units,. 333 E. 21st St., Costa fl.1c&a. Owner 494-5072 ew. •,; ACRE Back Bay vie\.\" llorses ok. 642--4424. 2361 Redlands Dr. NB. M·l lot, ;ood C. ht. locaUon. !50 x 300. Bargain Sll.500. Sulllvin 54S'16\ Reas. Don. 6Q.8514 on local mortuary. Intettat 675-0467 or 673-1855. ~able monthly a t 11~ wu1 DIVORCED * CONCRETE ~ ~ sell note at 21'i'. di&eou"t YES ITS YOUR FAutT A lie. Concrete •w\rw. and will buy beck at full Phillips Cement, 54U380 value In 18 mo·s. This will n>r recorded messace lhlt l-•e'""cu=sro""'M"""P"'A"TJ=os=•e~·I yk!ld 30.5% Int. in 18 mo'1, will cha.nge yoUt Ille, O>he:rete sawing I: removal Financial s I a t e rn e n I a Call M'1-i667 State Lie. •SO-IOJD avallablf!. Write to Bo:ot 1464, I --Call=.;:;'-_T;,,".;,"""i', . .;;,,=lnsti,,_·1'-'u.;.;te:._ I-========= Newport """'" Calif. LICENSED Child Co'° 6610 A 6200 MO snd partner need 11hm1. Splrttual Readiqp.. Mtvice crNp ll'rm $37,000 Isl Truat Dtt!d on all matters. IOI s, D WILL bebyalt June thru Stpt. my hOTnt. \Vamer I. Laguna Be•ch downtown Bia Bear wnr'lh Ca.ml.no Real, San C1!menlt 1 AC"ES W/PERMIT .,.,. ISO,OOD. C.U M " ~. 10 AV·lJI PM TO KEEP HORSES Bartell Days SU.151' Eve. SPECIAL U llEADINll Adjacent 11ubdlvisio" one: ,54;,,8-""-11"39==~---Attraettv. Jxpert """~' Ylc. "6-«iOI Contrecton 6620 rem.ode I , • • • ! mile !;, of hwy, ulil &Vllll. RESPONSIBLE party WMIJI YOUNG WOMAN $42,000. ~ Cash, bal tat troat 15.000 2nd Morigllgc Jor own d~r wfll leach you all deed. Wt11e Box 91f f.Alllna rcslrtcn<:e, Laguna 13eacn. lntcat s:tep•. CO!J At'del1 Bch, Phone 4!H-4'126 Owntt. ·~ arttt g P.r.f. 213: 561-4531 1-10 PM AOOmONS, relUJOllllbla; e1llmatea . 847-2"176 get other l Thm C e ll • " I J • • • Celebrate With Flying ·Colors Get a New Flag For ••• FLAG DAY ; •• JUNE 14th INDEPENDENCE DAY •••• JULY 4th • LABOR DAY . .. . SEPTEMBER 1st Yourself The Boys~· ·clubs Fly a new flag at your home· or office Cluring this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help your Boys' Club, too. Participating in th is public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how .You can help. them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver- ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use. :order Now At ·Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HAllOI AREA I CENTRAL llANCH l 594 CNtir Strfft C°'"' M-Calif. ....... 541-,387 HARIOI AREA IUl'l'l!R LI.YI 2131 T111tl• AYHUt C°""Mna.Collf. Phont 642-1372 HUNTINCOTON IEACH BOYS" CLUI 319 YorktowR Huntl1t4Jton leach, Calif. Phone 536-,415 LACOUNA IEACH IOYS' CLUI 175 North c-t Hlqhway l.Gqona leaclo, Coli!. Phone 494-2535 Use mail order coupon below and send it directly t~ club headquarters nearest you. Your flag kit and bonus state flag will be delivered or mailed directly to your home or office. Or you can pick them up in person at the Boys' Club headquarters i~ your area. Pick Up Your Own Rag Kit and Get This Free Gift . . 5o.s'r.AR UNm:D STATIS RAG 3ts C J 2 . f'1ls Sel c:mlllllaJ"' S .... -------................... ..., I 4 •k••~ Holidoy Bonuo: High Quatofy 12 b"y r1 I-inc~ C.t.forni1 Sf1to Flog I ~---------------. I I I I Ju1t clip out thi1 meil order coupon end flll it out. Send, elon9 with check or mon•Y ord•r, to th• Boys' Club h•1dqu1rt•rs n••r•st you. M1k• ch•cks p1y•bl• to "Boys' Club." "'-" ""'" '"" .................. American floq kits at $3.'5 por kit. 1 uftderstwd I wlll rtcelYe es a ltollcloy bo1H11 a C.hfonla state flog wltli HCll kit, I N•m•·····-····--··-············ .. ········ .... ·--····-·· .. ················-··········· .. ···· ......... . I Street Address .. ·-····-···-···-·-··· .. ·······-·····-················-···················: ... . . I City ............... -····-····--·-···-········-···--·-····--·······--·l ip ......... -................ . I I I I I I I I Phon•---····--··-·~···-·····---··: .......... Enclo::d is $ ................................. -................. 1 I This speci•I holid•y off•r is e public servict of the DAILY PILOT •nd the Boys' I I Clubs of the Harbor Are•, Huntingfon leech •nd L•gun• Be•ch. I '---------------~ . . - !THIS IS ACTUAL DICAL SIZE! Free Decal Whil• th•y last, \he Boy~· Clubs offer you fhis speci1!, fr•• gift • , • • dec•I of th• American Flag lik t those you ••• 1v1rywh1re on car \lll'i ndsh ialds, home and offic• windows, or av1n on fhe f1mily bo1t, Visif the Boys' Club r.11resf you f pl\on1 for houri of oper1tion). Buy I fleg kit; get the decal frte. Supply of deca ls is limited. Hurry. ' ·---____ ___..._ _____________________ _ I ' I ' ' -'· • . . SERVICE DIRECTORY JOIS ,-EMPLOYMENT JOBS' IMPLOYMENT JOBS' EMPLOYMENT Joas .. EMP°LOYMli NT JOBS' IMl'LOYMINT 1.c_..,_.,_ .. _"°-"'----"-""i"'o o.n-ttc: Help 703~ Help Wanted, Mon 7200 Help W1nlod Mon 7100 ADDITIONS-R.&PAIRS REMODWNG llotlrnlrc A Pl&nnirc Kitchtna.8a1hl. •tc. Llc'd • Bonded. f'rte al. A A 8 CONSTRUcrtON 1l22 Paolarlno. CM ··~· C•rpet L•yln1 & Repair 6626 CARPF..,. • VINYL • TlLE l!:it:[>('rl in11-1allatlon • BL.ANKINSHlP Fll>ORS &12-1403 541).l~ Dnfllnl Service 6637 DESIGN Ondtina. electro mcch P/C llyout &: detail· Inv. Ken Sr. 675-U91 G1rdenl"1 ANTllOllY'S 646·19~8 66IO The Best. cost.I no more! Expedenced ?i.1alntcnabee BudJet Landacafllna Graduate Horticulturist ALLEN IROS. G11rdener1 Student• worklna: way thru college, Exp. Lie. Reas! Terms PHONE 6464.200 Cul·Edge·Weed E)(pcr, quality work, l'l!as! 675-7785, 9-6 PM wkdu only! Cu t & Edee Lawn Maintenance, Licensed 548-4808/645--2310 alt 4 Dick's Gardenlna:·Rel. Area 7 yn. Com.in'!, resi- dential, clean-ups. 642-0473 ~ EXP.ER J t-panese Gardener CDlnplete 1ervice. Free estimate. Call ~1332 * HOUSEKEEPER. OR COMPANION available for tam.lb' c.an or tUlcle lady, J:xetllent rtll"ttnoet, driv•. Ava.IL now. HOMEM4KERS 147<681 -.. Allen B;ta;;d ... ncy Elnj>oyer Pm ... ITT JABSCO MEC:HANICAL ASSl!Mll!R • J , C. P\"rul('y Cn. Fashion Wand Newport Beach NE&OS • s;.r11ng Goods Dept. Htad ruu. TIME • l08-_B E. !6th, SA &t?-6395 Prefer tomeOnt with me. Chinese u .... tns:CbeertUl chanlcal awinbty cxpefi.. F~~Me'l~~T03 t~. Outa:laoding benefits ~nd a chance w ~lpatt. m lite H I W ~ ~ 7200 C~_benefit1 A working con-arowth ot this new, c.>xpand· I P .,.,_, ~ d1tions. , iJ:1& line. ITT JABSCO MILL Ir DRIVE OPERATOR/ SETUP Good benellts . ' -condltlonl. AN EQUAL OPPCRTUNITY EMPLOYER 1485 o.le Way. Costa Mesa. California 92626 (TI4) *'8251 BOYS 10 • 14 Carrier Roult!j Open for La;"una Beach, So. t..aa:una DAILY PILOT 642-4321 SERV. ST.SA LE SM E N: Full ti.me, graveyard shift Age 25 or older. Neat ln ap. pea.ranee and handwriting. Apply 2590 Newport Blvd .. C.M. PIPE SHOP CLERK 25 to 35 hn. per wk. Know· le<J&eable man, .:i to 60 yrs. old. See Hlll'Old : 495 E. 17th St, C.M. 548-9314 EQUAL OPPOH.TUNtr¥ J:MPl.OYER !Male or Female) -1485 DALE WJt Y COSfA MESA, CALIF, 9'2626 (714) 5'5-1?>1 e BUSBOYS• ( Doys & Nights I e DISHWASHERS e (Doys & Nights) APPLY IN PERSON RBJBEN E. Lll 151 E. Coast Hlghw•y Newport Beach * DISHWASHER (full time} P11.'fcr clean cut youni: nuin wilh experience Apply in person • APPLY IN PERSON 10 AA-t to 9:30 P?-1 Monday thru Saturday J. C. PElllY CO. 24 F•shion Island An equal opportunity employer ITT JABSCO PUMPS TURRET LATHE "OPERATOR • TUR.REY LA THE OPERATOR/ SETUP • AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 148j Dale \\'ay, Costa ~tc-sa 545-8251 PLASTICS Help W.11nted Women 7400 Help Wanted Women 1~00 * SA LES ORDER * CLERKS J. C. Penney Co, Fuh1on Island Newport Beactr- • Ex!~ In· Nle1 order proc:uslriQ;, n1alntaln ~er log and reconk. Type 80 wpm on elot'trlc. Call Ptr1onnel O.pt. 11141 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Beach Equal opportunity employt'r EXPERIENCED e TELLER e EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Housewivet & Mothtr• Cau you spare a kw hours cat'h day and l.dd to the family Income at the wne time! Sr-hedll\fs convenient for )'OU. mommas, after- noons. evenlpgll or combina.. tlons or all, Work ia 1 tun alo1't' undtr lho tlnnt ol conditions and top superv\I. lion. APPLY )N PERSO~ PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 1DAMto5P~f ' ?i.fonday thru Friday All studenl positions filled. Equal opportunity employer UNITED CALIFORNIA I ,*!!""~~~~~~· BANK • ASSEMBLERS • 3029 Horbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-2033 Equal opporlW1ity em11loycr ITT JABSCO JANITOR (Second Shift) Prf'ru r.xpe rll'l1l't' i11 care or industrial ofliL'C.!i and facil· !tie~. r.nod finger dexterity and i:ood eycsigh!. All f)C'rn1. openings, Only those \l'ith good attend· ance and willingness to .... ·ork need apply. MAmR SPECIALTIES· tO. 1640 Monrovia Ave. Costa Mesa 642-2427 An c.~1uaJ opportunity c1nployrr PhonH Ar• Ope11 8:00 a.111. -5:30 p.m. 9 lo Noon S.turcl•y-Clo11d Sunday DIAL DIRECT· 642-56 78 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 Huntin,ton Beach 540.1220 Lagun1 le1ch 494.9466 Hour.-Regulafions-Deacliin.o s llll'1:0llll1 Advertllflrt 1hou11 check Chtlr •di d•ll1 a"d NPOl"t Immediately '""°" ., mltol1 .. tfl01tlon .. THE DAtLY 'ILOT •11umc• ll1blllty for 1rror. only te th• extent of '"''tl1ttl.-11 the edvertl....,.nt C!_trrecttr one t ime. OL\OLINI: 'O" CO,Y A'tD KILLS1 5:S9 l'.M. ttlo day.,..,..,,.. publlcatlon, e11c1pt tw w .. -.end ldltlon and MoriA1 eeotlont when oloelfto time 11 5:80 P.M. Frld•1· YOU MUIT HAVI KILL NUMll'1:1 When ltllllng •n •d INNUlt Of 41ulck te1ulta, tt. eure to make a reoord of tho klll number given ~u II)' yeur •d taker • v1riflcat lon of Y"'Ur oan. a veiy effort le made to kin or correct a n•W ad ttld "• Mtn or'tl1Nd, but we nn- not eu1rantee to do M •ntll the ad ha• appeaNd In tlte ,.,.r. DIME·A·LINt Ade are lttlotly eall'I In 1dvano.11,. maff., 1t any en• ef our offloo& NO ph8"e ordera. · Tllt DAILY l'ILOT l"eHl'Y• tM rttht to cla•lfy, edit, ONIMf v "'''* llnY Mve ... .llMmtnt. and to chlln119 ltl Ntff a nd regulation• wltheut prior notkle. Mall Addrt•1 m,x 1171. Newport Beaeh, Callf. CLASSIFIED COUNTl'1:1 .,.. located a1 fOllOWlr Daily Pilot Clauified ... CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES FOR SALE ••NlllAL "" COSTA MIU llM M&S.t. D•L MAii. lllS MESA YEllOe 1111 COLLI CJ• fl.t.llk nu HIW,.OIT ll~H 11'1 NIWl'OllT NllONTI Int •.t.LIO.t. COY"ll UIJ Nl!WPOllT SHOlllS Int IAYCllEST lm IAYSHOllES nu OOVEll IHOllEJ UlJ Wf:ITCLIPF UM HAlllOt HIGHUNOt Ult UNIYlll.lnY 'All( llJJ lltYINI! \UI IACk ao11Y IHI IAITILUFP IUI 111.YINI TEllllACI! UU COROtllA DIL MAii lut IALIOA 'ENINIULA 1* l l ACON IAY lJIS lllY lSLANOS l UI LIDO ISL& l t!ll f>l l.WJIOllT NllOHTI NIWPOlllT Sltl'llll WllTCLIP:I' , UNIYl ll.llTl' 'AllK I ACIC •AY lfAIT ILU"' CORotolA Oil M.t.• ....... IAY Ill.ANDI LIOO ISLI •AL•O.t ISLAND HUNTIHOTON llACH FOUHTAIN VALLEY SllAL •IACH I.CHO a1.t.CH Olt.t.NOI COUNTY OAllOl!"ll CIOVI WESTMINSTf:ll MIOW-1' Cl rY SAHT,t. ANA SAHTA AHA Ml!IOHTS TUITIN COASTA.c. LAGUNA lllACft LAGUNA 11110 \JEL ... "" •• "» ... .,., ---.. , ... -... -.. -4611 .... .... .... ... -.... ILICTalCAL ... IOUlflMINT llNTALA 6MI f'I NCIN• .._ ,LOOttl ... l"UltNACe laPAlltl. ltc. .. ,. fUll.NIT\llll lllTDlllNO ' a •efll-•NllM tQll 0.t.llOllllNI ... OINlllAl tea\'!Clll ... GllAOI"' DISCOIO _. OU.SI .... GREIN THUM8 al'tli OUN SHOP 1ne HIALTH CLUll Int MAULING 1711 HOU l l CLl .t.NINO '711 iNTl alOI DI COllATINe •m INCOMI TAii ., .. Ill.ON, OnNIMM ... ltc. 411t llt ONINO '1Si IHSllU.TIK• '111 INSU RANCE UJI INVISTIGATINO, OelKtl"fl 1111 JAK ITOlllAL 41'1 Jl!WEL.ltY 111.PAlll. 11~ ... e DEPENDABLf Flnl'st yard care at f\toderate Rates. 645-1931 nltes Ro<elvlng Ck. 2.50 PH Mw;t be able to drive truck. call Dan, Merchanll Person· nel A,ge ncy, 2043 \Vestcliff Drive, N.B. 645-:mo SERVICE station attendant, r.xper., full lime, days. Union Station, Santa Ana & REUBEN'S COCO'S MOLDiNG MACHINE OPERATORS Ei1u11J opoprtunity t'n1nloycr ----------t •o\LIOA ISLAND llSJ HUNTIMGTON llACH 1..0 SAN CLEMENTI DANA POINT Tltl,LIX. etc. CONboMtNIUM "" ••• ~111 .... ... LAN DSCAPING '"' LOCICSMITH .... .. ' . JAPANESE gardern:ir Compl iierv. Ex!l{'i". dependable, freE: est. 642-4389 1S55 W. Ad ams Costa Mesa 148:> Dale \Vny, Cm;ta ~ll"sa •: CLEAN-UP Specialbt! ?i1ov· ing, edging. odd jo b s. Refl..'Klnable. 548.-6955 MACHINISTS P1•r111. posllion. X I n r. working cond's. Ovcrti1nc ~ aJI irina:e benefits. Jm. media 1c0pen1ngs-on-all !>hilts. Experienced pro. {erred. No phone ca.lla after '5 PM. CLERK TYPIST * WAITRESSES , , Pallaadeli Rd, Santa Ana Gent'rnl ·machinisis for lil.V Hts. and/or chucker, 3 yrs min AL'S Gardemna: S erv ice Lav•n maintenance, garden. log 8' clean ups. 646-3629. ex p, overtime. *DISHWASHER CALIFORNIA Hauling 6730 Morning •hilt IO am-6 pm. MESA MFG, CO. Injection Mold;ng Experience pretened. Call 200 Briii• Ave. HAULING, General, Top, trim, removt. trees ll che1 for a ppl. Kl 9--0377 __ oo_i _w_._,_"-"-'-'~" _N_B __ 1Costa Mesa 546-4400 hedgea. Big John 642-4030 BART ENDER, full time, YARD/pr. clnup. Remove nlgbt ahlft. Tuesday thru Sunday, Huntington Harbour trees, ivy, dirt, tn.ctllr back Beac:h Club. 41ll Warner Assisi ant Manager hoe, grading. 962.-8745 H .~•~v~'=··=·~"~· =,-,--co-7."-IRctail gro<:i!ry expcrie~. Clean Up and Hauling WANTED; Clean cut oolle&;t! day or night 5hift. Pa.Id vac, 1 __ ll_O_pe~'-'-°"'-·-646-__ 2528 ___ 1 student w/ own c:ar for part inaur etc. X!nt Oppty, C..11 time evening delivery work. for appl. 64~ HouseclNnin9 6735 500 W. Coast Hwy, NB. Mana11:l!ment Trainrc I"'====--"= CABINET MA!q:R, 1"' ,,,., PART TIME EVES. CARPETS. Wlndo~. nrs, manufacturing plant. 8601 etc. Rea or Come'!. Xl nt Ed' H tlneton 8fiach $ An equal opportunity employer * BusbQy (Doys l Apply in Person REUBEN'S COCO'S work Ro8'! Ror.. 548-<lli 0:.-'::r E:,, 336-9563 . 3 50 per hr e DELIVERY BOY e • ' e 1555 W. Adams Janitorial 6790 Canyon Auto Supply c .. _ e BUILDERS I'-""--"'--"------843 Broadway, Laauna Bch Ca=llc:54::.1:.,·11:,:,82:;:,,=,,;;M::.r:... B::o::.nd~l·-~;co;;s;;ta=r--=':;-"=- \VALLS, WindOWll, floon, ONE Alert upholsterer SALESMEN MOTOR' HOME carpctJ;. Commercial &: trainee'. Apply in person to Career opportunity w i t h reHidcntial. Daily. W"eekly Johan-:..;;u 4 Christensen growln& Co. Prefer exp'd ttnd/or Mo. 897-7350 898 w. l6lb St. N. 8 . men. Fa.at noor, gUaranteed i\ll'rl 1o:irl, pnxJuc11on (°Of\+ h'OI oHicc. Typing. fi!lni:. PQitillJl. Xlnt workhllit cond'1. including 1111 ll{'ncfil!l". Apply in Person REUBEN'S · CALIFORNIA COCO'S Injection Molding 1555 W. Adams 200 Briags Avt'. Coi;ta i\Ics.a r .. 16-4460 Costa Mesa An equal opportunity t--------- cinploycr PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United C•llfornia Bank 1525 MacArthur Blvd. ........,. Equal opporfunily cmployor SEAMSTRESSES *KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Ofll' to lhN'l' encc, sN'Ond thru Friday. years f'Xpt•ri- shift. ~1onday Con1act Pal Folsum COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach ·. {corner 16th l Monrovia) + commiqlon + P.M.'s. ~:~~:.';"glng 6150 LLOYDS NURSERY ~pi~11h St., Co•Ja ,.,,. • ASSEMBLERS E><p'd powoc "'"h'"" ope« TIRED OF LAYOFFS? If you arc interested in steady employmcnt .. as a sec;:rctary, Wf' have the job for you • )Q!s of variety, plcamnt sur- roundings a n d excellent atarting salary. Good Short· hand skills' required. Apply 81 : , •. .. ' " . .. .. • • ' •. , • ' , , ' ' 1---~------Wanted: Exp. lanckclpen It 464 S. Main St. Santa Ana ators to sew nauaahyde boat PAINTING Int I. Ext Lowest aprlnkltt men. Sal $6,000 · ' Immediate openings for men CWihlo11s & canvass pro. contracted pr:lc:ea. Fully irls. $8,000 yr. Call for appoint AUTO SALES wtth t'Xperience in plumb-duel!. Top wages, pd hall· Satisfaction KU&l'· FNe a t. 646-74U Experitnce prtJerTed. Small ing, electrical. walls. cabin. days, vacaLiorui, in1. Xlnt Jim Weeks 673--U66 TRAINEES. FUii or pa rt new car dealuahip in beach ets a"twJ fi¢&h • or we "-ill working conditiorui. Apply PAINTING. Paperina: 16 yn time. COOK -FOUNTAIN • ares. E1eceUent opportunity train you. l't1ust have some Jack Cole Co., 1763 Plat!rn- ln Harbor area. Lie 4 bond· DISH MACHINE. T H E for right man. Jim BQJhen hand tools. See Rick, 2135 lia Avt'., CM. 646-24.i l ed. Ref.s tUftl. 642-2356 zoo, W. c.oaat Hwy & 642-6023 --Canyon .Drive, Costa l'tfesa Female Secty. $500.00-rttacArthur, N.B. 642·9158 L e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE C Ad I llK DE LICATESSEN K 11 ch e n A lnp-nolcn beach 11rc1t t."O. is JUB. Xlnt v.·ork, refs, free ontr•ct m n. clean-up. Muil bf! 21 or CAREER looking for an itllrnclivr gal est . Jll'tt .&12-4~. Heavy exp. and co. will pay over. Perm. pos. 30.41.1 hrs. OPPORTUNITY'. '.li!h iood set". skill~. great 1.•.::.GOO:.,,:,;D:_~P""a~l ~o-t_l_•_•_~k fee , call Dan Merchanti Per-per wk. Must join Retail potential 11nd the co. v.·ru re-- reason8ble price5. 10 yr in sonnel _Agency, 2043 West-Clerk's Union. Richard'• Join todays fastert P"OWlnl lmbur!W the fee, Call Lo- arca. 64.z.-O.i27 clitt Drive, N.B. ~mo Lido Market. 3'33 Via Lido, profession-Mutual Fund sales rc1.ine, !\-Iori::hanl1 PersonllC'I PAINTING & nialntenanoe, OLDER man night lleC\lrlty N.8 . 673-()360 No experience neceuary. Ag~ncy. 2(}13 WestcllU Dr., I clerk, small hotel. Police or * SALESMEN * We traiii. tuO or part time 1 N.B. 645-2770. inWr ior & e x I c r 0 r . ,,.,_ 1--·-_.. 0 t t I M ----------Hea!Onable r1t.tes. 646-3185 ......,mtn ......,n.:u c e r !Part Tlme) utui1I Fund Advisors, background. Impeccable With car. Le1d1 rurnlahed. Inc. WOMAN·EXPER IENCED NF.AT, exp. Painter, no character. 673--9410 Work any tour hours and Npt e. 1603 Wtstc!Jff 642-6422 fur· GrFT SALES . drinking. Collei:ti student. s A 1212 A 1 Low prices! Sl.llve 5<1&-45'9 SERV. STA. SALESMAN. average $100. per wttk &: . • N. Broadway pp y For eve. I: week end won:. up. Call alt. 5 PM for Int. 547-&ttl South Co.st Drug Pl•1terlng, Rep1ir 6880 ~fust be neat In appearaooe ~ * * COOKS 3333 Brls!ol and handwritl11&. 2 590 lMMED==oclA=""°-~·-~-1 CoelJI. 1.1eS11 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa TE opemnp lor ="""===~~~~-! production worker1. rill"' e PATCH PLASTERING. All type11. Free estimate. Call 54<).6825 EXPERIENCED tull time lhift. Good wortctng rond;• Pan time & Jull tlmr. c\lt!n. man to maintain automaUc 1-eo ben·1. tndustrla.I Cla,v lngs. Experienced only. Ap. lawn sprinkler 1 y s I e m 1 , Products, 18165 FIM Glau ply after 3 p.m. Plumbing 6890 54~1688 or 644-293'7 Rd. lJunUnaton B e a c ti, 1:..c=:-:'-----AP PRE NT IC E aod Com. FIVE CROWNS . Rcpaln & Romod<ll"" lical p1an i. RESTAURANTS El <!e. &e\l.'t!r c I ea n In K" • phannaceu 646-3931 ~am-PARTS MAN 3801 E. Pacific Cour Hwy. Rcs.idenUal & m o b l I e ~nl~de. ap. Rambler experience pref~r-Cbrona d<!l ?.far horncs. 642-6583 red. Good advancement fOC' No Phont Calls Plea.w PLUP.IBING REPAIR Supervisor '50.00 riaht man·. Small beach area l--.,=~""=~"="--- ORlllN CLEANING Plant e11p. and tee ls neaoU. dealenhlp. Jim Bothen 6C2· DISH MACHINE 546-2387 or MG-m7 able, ca.II Dan, Merehani. 602.1 OPERATOR • Penonnel A 1 e ncy, 20f3 Union sCale. Hoapital, mrgl· PLUMBING REPAIR Wertcllff Drive, N,9. 645-Zrm SHOE SAL~ 111 ·"n a 1 1 r ca!. medical, dental plan, RECEPTIONIST Young, good phone voice, lype '10 · 50. 7-4 p.m. Beach area. $350. Ca I I Doris. 548-1196 ARGUS AGENCIES 1~ C Ncwpo~ .• C.M, SARAH CO Y ha1 openings tor f\.Lll or pnrt time--sales. Min. age 18. Pleasant Work . no invest "° dcllver~1. For Interview Call 540-<!614/ 837-47491 841-i'JSO Westmins.ter School District 14121 CEDARWOOD \VESTMINSl'ER. CALIF. General Office Help Ba.sic off i ,. 1• koowledge pref'cl. but nut rwc. Good phonl' voicr. over lit Apply in person be1wcen 2-4 pm Tuesday thru Friday. Five Crowns Restpurant 3801 E. Pacific Const Hwy. Corona de! Mar No ph, callt INSTRUCTRESSES Young, malur<' girls aWe lo meet the public. Must be al· tractive with a good figure. Apply in person Holiday Health Spa Costa 1\Iesa e Huntington Bch Radio-Telephone Dispatch Girl 25 or over. Must kno\\' lor.al area. Apply in f)Cn;on. YELLOW CAB. CO. I86 E. 16th St. Costa ~1esa LYN Charge Nurse No job too small 1 =-~-~---~-1 trainee. America• Juaul paid vacation overtime pay • 642-3128 • FUU. TIME. day in.an. Ex-retatlera of "NOmoni11 lhoea. Apply in pe~n · pr. pref'd. "*: LEEDS Shoe Stoni, So. ' '· BEAtmCAN 3 lo 11 PM 1hift, Apply NEWPORT 6910 MATI'HEWS UNlON SERV. Cout Plaza.' Contact Mr. How•rd'1 Rtst1urant ' •· Pool Servi~ • " • tST Mo. Free! Expl!r, lie, .;· rollablcf Tony Ta)'lor Pool S928 E. Coart Hwy.Cd M. Phe.11>1 RESP GARDENER St dy ---4001 W, Coa.st 'Hwy., NB -· " Order Clerk, Expodltor INSTRUCTORS work 3-.t hn wk. Cut grui Sharp wi th tteure1. $-425 pr, (little). w.ttt, teed plant., month. Merchantl ~nonnel Mature. young adult, looking 6960 ~ Agency 2~ Wealcliff Dr., for i:ood future,·ablt to meet COOK WANTED. Ap p I y N.B. 6''"2170 .. the public, Apply in pereon. SC!rvic-e. 968-4818 '· / ' " S.Wlnt . ( TREES pruned. topped • b et w c • " 2 • 5 O d 1 e ' 1 DOORMAN . Holiday Heafth Spa removed. 26 yn: e" P • CMR.e:ataurant. 2'12 E. l7tta St., PARKING ATTND'T Colla Mesa e Hunttrwton Sch PaWIOn Tru Se r vi c e r.' 638--7234 DRY CLEANJNO ~:d. l'u.U or part. time, da1 Mew. YOUNG P.fAN, 21 or over 1,:::.;.c::._~--.,,1=~Uo= '~Jon. prtum, silk. Uc. Calif. drlvtr. Neat IJI" Good part Umt or f\lll tinie e Dreumllkh11 • A le~ ,.. ;;:;;. .. • L c 0 mb 1nat I0 D. pearance, rer.. Call &H-1700, employmtot. Xlnt w~ Cullom De1lcna 511_..,;, nt 566, 4 to 6 p.m, and mW& .Af)ply tn prn;on •"IM"'* . Proloct E,.l_r $700 N<> exp. noc. T fl E Alttr11tiona-64ia45 Konncl man. .awr 35. Apply 2 yean collqt!. Mcchan\cal DORYMAN 2100 w. Occeu Neat, aC(Unllt, 20 )Tl. exp. in ~~Laa;~ Le-abllit)'. No drattlr\s. can 1..;_Frwrc:,,~::,,;,,N~.B.;,,,.~~-- .. 6990 SUM ' Dan. Merchant& Penonntl ..,IER.vtCE STATION t Uphol1ttry HU.PER for e11blntt lbop. Aceney, zu \\\stcJUt Dr, tttLP: Two men tun u~. ,, CZ\'KOSKl'S CUat. Uhol. ,.Jl'ull or put timt. iG-MIJ NB. 66-21'70 ~need. One man tnr io Eu""pean Cratsrn&N.filp S.I or Sun betw II.Ai. t..AMINATORS 1. ASSEMBL-lfl~ thttt. NO phone f' llXl"9 fin! 14S.1454c 9. DRAfTSMEN. semi rtt.lttdN • ERS ror Bott Did a. Co. ~la. ~JCHFIELDBl·~· c M. 1!ttf • t 1811 Newport Bl.. ,,,.r. for pt time dl'tl.ftlrc in o. Exp'd. nw.n. a:ood Q!ary & ,..ewpo,, ........ • • I DON'T JUST \VISK for 90rne. Huntlnrton Stach, 843-4488 '4i>l1clng con's. MEIUDAN OAlLY PILOT OlME-A- • lhlnc to h,rni•h your home AUTO UphO]stertr ror •hoo LTD. 10020 liawthorne Bl\'d., LINES. You can UM them ••• 8nd pat ~ 1n I~ ht Hnt,a. Bcb. De Gue:U• • l!'llltwood, Ctllf. c 21 J) h fUll p!Mita. cit,y. Dill da.y'• OanUi«t Ma. Sofia Glau. a.J6..Ql 67W200 542-¥71 ' to work full Ume ColtJ Mesa CONVALESCENT Won. Pakl vac,;ationa., etc. HOSPITAL No cllentcle reqUlri>l:l-new 39.3 Q:l'ads welcomed, Ca I I ~ llospltal Rd., N.B. Manager 543--9919 COMSINATJON, Sharp Bat -.~M=ro""rCAL=-•'"ss=isr=ANT=""'•· I Maids & Go Go oancen. MJture-Ped I at r I c ex. Top wagn S3.'0J.$3.SO to perie~ prele!TC!d. Front & start. Ph. for int. 545-9983 belck office. Send resume: SASSY t.ASSY, 2901 Harbor, ,.ge, 1!31iP, etc to Dally Pilot C.M. Box P-325 GENERAL Office. Clerk 2 alri office, anp.~r telephone • radio, typing. fillna, po8tinr. lntvw bet 10 I: 1 PM. 2113 Can~ Dr .. O.tl M,.. E XPERIENC'ED\ chairsldt! dental auistantlfor acneral pnacUoe cd&a, L a • u n a Beach, 5 da,y/.wt. 4!M-8'1a7 DENTALS EC IR ECPT. Sln:tc, 25 to e, Exp. llt't. • .. 546-~ * BUSIEST marketplace tn town. The DAILY PlLOT cni.uuJed ncUon. Save m.....,., tlmo • dlorl. Loolr nowt!! (1 Your Ad ln ·our claMl.Ufd• ! Someone wlU bl looldna for IL Dllll ~Tl GIRl FRIDAY for Brokeraae olfice. ,.1urt be good typi>I. Oontad Mr. Hndges, 3-5 pm -DREAM Job • Keep your im- portant joh as wife & rmthtt & earn a wkly JllY<he<k. 544-3854, 63&-3491 DENTAL OFFICE Rccepll1ml5I, fi43.S580 HUNTINGTON HAAaCWlt 1 .. 1 '0UNTAIN VALllY UH -sl!o11.1. ••AcH 14511 Re ... TALS SUNllT •1,t.CH IUS '1 1111011H ••cv1 un Anti. Unfurnished LONG &IAC'lt lSM OINl'iAL JOH U.KIWOOD IJSI COSTA MISA Jlot ORAHOI COUNTY U• Ml!U. 't'lltOE Slit OUT Ofl COUNTY I.. NIWl'OllT ll#CN Jfft OUT 01'" STATI If• "IWf'Oll.T HllOlfTS Ult ST,HTON 1111 Nl ...... T INOllll UH WllTMIHITla 161' WllTCllf'JI 5'M MIOWAY CITY 1•1• UH1VlltSIT'f' PAll.K Uf1 l.t.NTA AMA UH &ACK IAY n• SANTA AHA HOTS. HM IAIT ILUFP: 1241 OllANOI 11U COllONA Dl!l MAil 5151 TUSTIN 1649 •AllOA Slit HOllTH TUITIN 1141 IAY ISU.NOS Slst ANAHe lM 11• LIOO ISLI IJ51 SILlllRAOO (M4YCHll UU HUNTINOTOW 11.t.CH !-IOI HAVASU lAkl! 1111 l"DUNTAIH YALll!Y 5411 LAGUNA MIL.LS Htt 1111..IOA ISLAND 12'5 L.AO UNA &l!ACH 1tas SIAL Ill.CH !-ISi LAGUNA NIOU EL 1111 L.ONO llACH JSOO SAN CLIMINTE 1111 011.ANOI COUHT'I' UGI SA.14 JUo\N CAPIS"l'll.ANO 11"!1 OAIOIN $10¥1 $611 CA PllTI ANO I EACH 1725 Wl!ITMINSTElt WU DANA '01NT lnl MIDWAY CITI' $611 C.AltLll'O 11 .. SMIT ANA W?t OCIANSIOI 1nt SAN'TA ANo\ HEIGHTS M• s.t.N Dll!OO ins nina.1 5'.tt a1v1a110• COUNTY , ... COASTAL 57°' NOUllS TO &I! MCIYIO 1'11 U,CllUN.t. ll!ACH 51M CONDOMINIUM lt!t U,GUiolA NIGUEL 11'7 DOl"t.11111 P:OI SALi lf1S SM CleMINTE 5111 APAltTMINTI f'Da IALI 1,... SAN JUAN CAPISTlto\NO S7H RENTALS DANA HINT 11• : Houses Furnished REAL ESTATE, o•N••"t ,... General llHTALS TO SHAil E :111$ TWIPLIX, elt. COSTA MEJA "" CONDOMINIUM MelA'DllL Mo\11 11• Mll.t. VliltDE llll ltlNTALI WANTEO ltOOMJ P:Oll ltl!HT .... .. H '"' "" m t COLl&OI. PARIC Ull JIOOM • aoAIQ. Nl.WPQ RT I EACH 11tttt•• MOTILS, Tll.Altlll NIWPOllT HGTS. OUllT HOMll COU•TS J"t N•W,Olll Sl'IORES nit MISC. all'ITAlS tAYlllOlil•S ttU INCOMI 'ltOPl!ltTT oovea St'OllES 1211 IUl lNlll f'ltOPERTY Wl lTCLll•F me Tlto11,jllllt ,All.ICS UNI V•ll.SITT Po\ll lC n:11 IUltNlll alNTAL llVINI ttJI OF,ICI alNTAl •ACK I Af n"•"> INDUITalAC. ,.0,1.llTY l .Ul &L.Ul"P COMMll:llCl.t.l llltVINI Tl ltltACI H olli INOUITllAL lltlNTAL COlltONA DEL MA I m l LOTS IAUOA JJlf lltANCHll IAY ISLANDS t?M CITlltUI 011.0't'ES L.100 llLI W I ACllllAllll IALIOA llL>MD tJH u.Kli llSINOll! HU"ITINOTON I EACH '* 11.114111' Pll.OPl!RTY POUNTAIN YAL.LIY NH 011.o\NOI co. Pll.OPEITY l lt.t.L I l l.CH 1$ OUT OP STATI PllO,. lONO l l ACH Utt MOUNTAIN I 01!51!11.T OIANGI COUNTY !,*01 SUtOIYIUON l ANO UITA ANo\ •• ER ICE WllTMINSTl.I Hlf 11.IAL ESTATI I Y MIDWAY CITY UU 11..1. l lCCHANOll ro:::AtN• Hl!IOHTS • :: BUsiNES'S and '"' .... -.... "" -"" "" .... .... ... "H ,17. "" '"' ... ..., "" •tll Wil t 411 1 "" .,. U.GUNA ••ACN 21• FINANCIAL LAGUNA fUOUSL 2111,,,, eUSINlll OPPOll.TUNITllS Ull SAN CLI MINT1i IUl lN l lS WANTED '* Slit JUAN CA,tSTllANO ',',"• INYAITMINT °""tr1unltl9• ..,,, CAPllTl.t."O llACH DAMA POINT 17.. IHYeSTMINT WANTEO tJU MONEY TO LOllH 'no lllVlllSIOI COUNTY !: Pl!ltlONAL LOo\NS '3U VACAT ION lllNTALI _,. JIWILllY LOANS 4ut CONOOMIHIUM ... ,. DUPL&ICll l'Ulltol. • .,. COLLATlllAL LOAMI ms lltlAL llTA"tl LOAMI '1«r RENTALS MOll.TOMIS, Trnl 09"1 4.t.tS oe!!:~~ Unfumlshl!. ANNoUNTCEMENTS ' 151 cosTA M1s1. 11• and NOTICES MI U DIL MA• JUI . L Ml:SA YllDI: JI It ~.J.!t~ fl',_ _, '*I -· a-II (OLLIG• PAIK JIU Plll.IONALS t..S NEWPORT •l o\CH !.':", .t.NNOUNCl!MliflTS '41• NEWl"O ltT HOTS. ~• &llltTNS 6411 Hl!WPOll SNOlll!S Hll l"UNlaAL.S a-n IAYINOll.IS ..,,mt 'AIO OllTUAllY 601 OOYl!a SHOlll t Wl!ITCLlf', -=~::,~~~ OlltECTOllS :::: UNIVe111nY PAllK ~. CA•o CF THANICS 6414 111.YINI ., "'' •.t.Ck &AT n .. IN MIMOlltl.t.M l•.ST ILUP:I' ;1141 CIMl!TlllY~LOTS .. 11 lll'llNI TlllllltACI :1114' CIMITlll.T I TPTS 1141' mt ClltlMATOllll ..,_ CO!te*A OIL MAI -~MOii/AL , KS 1421 IALIOA AUC"TfONS ... ,. IAY ISL.ANOS ~ •• IYIATION IE ¥te a IMU C.100 ISLI ., TlllAYIL. ffU IAL.I OA llUND S!5!, Alllt T•ANSPOllTA.T1CN .._.. HIWl"OllT WI ST .,.. T f TAT o "" 411.1 H••NTINbTON llA(N Mii ,t.UTO llAN POii I • 14541 NUNTINlTC* NAllOlll ,,_ LIOAL fltOTKeS ' ··>.1 TA!N YAl Llt J41t el!llMAM 6 TUTOllllN• .... 11 AL 11•CN ,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY OAllOI" etOVt M7I ACCOUNTING utl LONG IUCH *' ANSWlll.INO 1111.Vl(I UN OltMlll COUHTT #II AP,Ll•lll(I 11,Alll.S, Pal'tl ,.,~ IAlrfA ...... ... ..,,. ... 11tJ1e "11 •W•"ow"M•!"'"cm• •n "''"ALT, °" ult • Jfl• AUTO lllP.t.ln fflll IMITA ...... Hl lONT1 -AUTO, It" ..... T•t., IU. t.l~t COMT•L -IJAtnmu•e , .,,. 1.AeUN1t tlACN JN ao•T MAl'°'Tl ... GI." lfl$ LAMINA NI.Ult -lllCk. MAICllllllY, etc. "6f M• CLIMltfTI *"8 IUSINIU 18tn'Cll .Ut Co\PllTllAJIO #1S IUllDl.1111 "7t CAPISTlllNfO llACN ml CATl llMCI f.17' DAN.t. f'OINT ,.,.. CAllJllllTMAJ(UI• IMt CONOOMINIUM-.. CAll'INTlllfllO ... OU,\,IXll u " "" ceMIWT. ~ ~ ... RENTALS CNM.O uas. uc..f 141t CONTlllACTOlll ..,_ Apb. Fumished c""''' c1.tANINI "" OINl lAL .. CA•P&T LA1ll'ICI I. al,.Alll .. ,. COSTA MIU n• OllAP:llllS ... Me&A VftOI UM H#IOUTK* -Nl.,..T tuetl -Oll.t."IMe MIYICI tm MAt.oNal', •alCIC M1t MOVINO I STOllAGI ... l"AINTINe, P..-Mllml ... ,AIHTIH .. Slpt .. '4TIOS • INt PHOTOOllAPHY "11 PLASTIRING. ·Pltdl. ...... '911 ,LUMatHO ..... ,IT OllOOMINO ..... ,OOl 5111.YICI ffll "°""'• sw•IPIHe ffll ,UM P SERYIC• 4'11 aOOl"INO ... aADlo', 111 ... ln. lie, .,. lll!MOtfl!LINO & lllPAll ... REMOOILINO, ll'ITCHIMI ... Ids~ SllerMa '* SEW I NO , .... Sl!WIMO MACHINI 11.1 .. .t.laS aftt Sl,TIC TUIKS. ~ •tc. IHf TAILOlllNO ltl'f TERMITE COMTllOL iltn TILE, C.-.lftlc ntf TILi, L_.,_ & M•""" ff1t TRiii 1111.YK I ... TaL.IVIS ION, ltt,.in. ltc.' , .. U .. HOLST'le Y 4'tll WI.LOIN• fftt JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOI WAHlliD, ,,.._ Jtll Jot WANl l O. w-·· , .. J08 W.tHTED. MIN a WOMl:N ... OOMISTIC HIL' 1 .. AOINClll. M.. 11• HEC.f' WANTI D, Mn 7211 AGIMCllill. W-1)111 Hl!L" WANTl!O, W-J<t• J01.....,,..,. & w-1s• AOI NCl•I, Miii • W-JS .. ICHOOLS· • INSTll.UCTION 1 ... JOt ,Pll~llATION 7 ... THIATa1cAL .,,.. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE FIJllNITUllll ... OP:P:ICI ,.u11Nnuae •1• OPl"ICI IOUl,MINT 1111 STOii IOUIPMINT •1' CA"I' ltlSTAUll."'4T 111• IAa IOUl,MINT lflt HOUSIHOLO· 000 S ... OA11tA•a 1.t.Lll 1121 P:UllNITUll lftl A'PLIANCI lltt .t.HTIOUll Int llWIHO II• MUll(AL ITllUM•NT 11• PtANOI & OlltlANS 11• llADIO tMI TI LaYlllotl IZflt "~"' & n1110 int TAPI 111Co11:'0111.s '"' CAMl1l41 a IQUIPMINT lltl NOltY SU,PLlll .... lf'OITtNe 00001 UM tlNOCULARI, SC0,11 tUf MllCILLANIOUS .... M/IC, W ..... TID INH M.ACHINlltl', lie. 1111 C.UMll!ll 1711 ITOllAOI 1111 IU1LOINO MATlllltlALI 111f SWAl'I l1tl PETS ind LIVESTOCK P l!TS, OliNAllAL .... CATS "11 OOGI ltU HOii.iii 1131 L.IVllTOCIC ... CALIFORNIA LllllNG HUllSl •lSI ltll SWIMMING POOLI .... PATIOS nu AWN!N•I tm ¥•CATIONS It» TRANSPORTATION e.OA l S & YACHTS .... SAIL•OllTS ff11 'OWl!lt C:llUISlllS Mtt 1,11!0-SICI IOATS ffJt I Oo\T TRAllERS af!JI BO•T MAIMTI MINCI MJI •o .t.t LAUNC~INO te.l-4 M-alNI l!OUI,. tilt r o •T IL1P. MQOl tNO ftU ICMT uavtCl!S ... IOAT a l:HlAL.S tilt I OAT CHAllTl!llt Hlt l"ISHING IOATS ,... IOAT MOVIHO ,.., IOAT ITOll.AOI ""' •Oll TS WANTED "'9 atRCllA"1 t lM FLYING LISSONS f lll MDlllLf Hl')M"S flll MOTOlt HOMl!S "'' llCY(L.IS Hit ILECTlllC CARI ftll MINI lllCES 1111 MOTOllCYCLIS ... .MOf'OltSCOOTlllS • '1M AUTCi ll!llYICIS & PAllln ... AUTO TOOLS I EQUIP, 't411 fllAILE•. Tll.A't'IL "J~ f·ltAf\..lillS, VIUlfy t ut TIUCKS ffll ,,.,, t 51t CAM!lllll "21 CA.M"l ll lll!M'TAU tsn DUNa •UOOlt:I tnl llillPOlltTI O •.UTOI Mtt IH I T CAlll 1111 AllTIOUal. CU.ISICI tllJ llACI CAltS. ttOOI Hlt AUTO IYINTS .. H)S .t.UTOS WANTED "" NIW CAltS .... _,,.O UAll,.. tett WR CAllS ,_ • HAVE YO.U LOOKED FOR .. THE HIDDEN DOLLARS . IN YOUR HOME LATELY? . -----=-= -·----------------__:__·_-_. __ - l - 1 I I ) I I I I ' ' ! • • J ' I I' l ' \ ' . • Are You Letting -Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A • -DAI-I.¥ ~Pl-LOT WANT-AD I. Stove 2. Gult1r 3. Boby Crib 4. El1etrlc S•w 5. C1m1r1 6. Wuh1r 7. Outboonl. Mot or 8. Ster .. S.t 9. Couch 10. Cl1rtn1t 11. Refrigerator i 2. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Machin• Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter . ,- 31 . Bor Stools 32. En cyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Tropical Fish 35_._Hot Rod Eq~ipm't 36. Fil• Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Slide Projector 57. Electric T rain 58. Kitten 59. Classic Auto ~o. Coif" Tobi• 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV S.t 65. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 61. Go-Kirt 68. Ironer 69. C amping ·Trailer 14. Surlboltd 42. Lawn Mower 70. Antique Furniture 1 S. Machine Tools 43. Pool T1ble 71 . Tape Reeorder 16. Dishwasher 44. Tires 72. Sailboat 17. Puppy 45. Piano 73. Sports Cir 18. Cabin Cruiser 46. Fur Coit 74. M1ttress, Box. Spgs 19. Golf Cort 47. o .. .,.. 75. Inboard ·Spffdboot 20. Barometer 21 . St1mp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23. Play Pen 24. Bowling Ball 25. W ater Skis 26. FrHter 27. Suitcase 28. Clock 48. Linens 49. Horn 50. Airplane 51. Organ 52. Exercycle .53. Rare Books 54. Ski Boots SS. Hig h Chair ' 56. Coins 76. Shotgun 77. Saddle 78. Dart G!m e 79. Punching Bag 80. Baby Carriaga 81 . Dr ums 82. Rifle 83. o ... 84. SCUBA Gur Thne or any other extra things around the house may be turned into cash with a DAILY ,ILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! ' - DIAL DIRECT 642~567 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WOR.K FOR YOU! Get In On The Action Today! • -· ·-• . . ~ . . ''. JOIS I EMPLOYMENT JOIS I 'EMPLOY~ JOH I .l t.\PLOYMINT M I RCHINDISI POI MERCHANDISB POI Help Wonted J obi Men. Wotn.-7500Jollt Mon, w.m. 7500 SA LE AND TRADE SALE AND T ltADI Women 7400 Fumftur• 1000 Furniture 8000 Tempof'V)' Employnu:nl ~~NEfl)fl) •• SHARE AN INTERE~TING : ;:::x:~ts AND PROFITABLE CAREER PUBLIC NOTICE DECOIATOI GETS CANCIUATIOM OF 18 WXURY APARTMENTS SplniJh & Mec!lterr1111111 Fumilurt Work when & where you w•ntl INTERIM PWONNB. SERVKE 445 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. 642-7523 lnt1rvlewin9 Mon. thru Fri. I •.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opportunity empl~r See Betty Bruce at m,ulxec Agency for Career Gili1 UO W, c.oast Hwy,. N. B. By appoinL 646--3939 abilities an LI mite() agencjY Quality Positions for Qualified Applicants 488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 C.Osta Mesa 642-l f70 Pe rtonnel Sect_y _ Bustling. exciting firm New- port Beach. Friendly atmos- phere. To $575. Call Edee. with SOl)'le of the nicest 9uy• yo u'll ever ineet • • • • • • Because of our continued growth and future expansion plans we are in need of young men and WOIQ.en to enlarge our executive management staff. Two years of col· lege preferred. That's our need. Now, what's yours? Perhaps it's security, a good salary, a rubstantial medical-surgi· cal family program, life insurance, paid vacations, promotional oppOr· tunity AND an unusually generous sharing of profits. We'll gladly s w a.p these for your abilities and call it a deal. You've probably read paetry like this be!ore, BUT ••• we just don't know how else to say it, ex· cept; come :in and convince your- seli. You'll be glad you did. call in person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Far West Services, Inc. 1672 Reynolds, Santa Ana, Calif. 17141 540-9892 AU BRAND NEW ~i'C:."';:"~"~~·"'=~· ·~·=-~ ~·~r-.-:, oi:L! "" ~ ,\. ~~! ··· · · · "fl:~•:I 0.-EiJ' T•blei _, a.n-TdlM •••"'" ....... "°.I • --"'" ...... ·-....... .................. .. . iMi H-• ,.,., u.n.t Ill ... i#.'5) ........... . A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furn iture (was. 'reg. $1295.00 S~!!I!~~!~· _ :. ~:.y ~.!!~I mm RJRNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd.Ho:.. 11.d.)' Costa Mesa only (itoy Ni91it 'T'l 9-?fed., Sot.&_ Sen. 'Tl 6 JOBS I EMPLOYMENT JOBS I EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Women 7400 e HOSlESSB e APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Pacific Cst Hwy Newport Bea ch Jobs-Men, Worn. 7500 'O/ii DRIVERS* No Experience Necnsary! t.1'ust have clean California driving record. Apply YE LLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa Mesa 546-5410 An equal opportunity employer. Jason Best (Snack Shops, Coco's, Reubens, Female S.cty. 500.00 UNFURN Apt, telephone & cleaning fees filf couple to m~ 18 deluxe 3 Br Apts in the East BluJf Area of Newport Beach. Ll t e maintenance & cleaning. We rent to children. Complete resume to Box M 861 Daily Pilot Employment Agency Reuben E. Lee and Wu Ben's Restaurants) A top beach area co. is Iook- 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana ini for an attractive gal with MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS good see. skills, great po- MERRY with a .. ~ ... L""'"' tentiaJ and the co, will re-.,., .. ..-..,... · b the r ~u T -P rofessiooal time job. Easy, fun, no e.x-un urse ee. c .... ~ per. nee., no invest or "=========="":::!!:=:=:==::=:=:==! ralne, Merchants Personnel Employment deliveries. Must be over 18. 1 · Agency, 20C3 Westclill Dr,, Assista nce Ph. SARAH CO~TRY Help Wonted I Help Wonted ;,N:,:;.B;;·..:64.5-;::..:.277;.:0::;.·--,-,-COASTAL AGENCY for appt. 546-7122 o r _ _;W,;,o:_m,;,c:en;,;,.. ____ 1400_;,: Women 7400 LIVE in help; motherless A member of 547-4627 home, boy age 7. To start Snelling & Snelling, Inc. G I Off T •----------approx June 23rd. Send 2790 Harbor Bl, Cf.f 54~ e nera • rn. -rvv EXPERIENCED resume &refs B. Cook, 1500 SEEKING ambitious couple type 50. Good !elephonP. SECRETARY .J. Adams, Suite 203, CM. ' voice. Work in beach area. ages 45 t0··55. as assistant Call Loraine. f.terchants e ES.CROW e S510-$620 per month DRY O.~ING pressers mgrs in lge complex. Man Personnel Agency, 2 O 4 J SECRETARY ($536-$651 Recommended exper"d silk. wool & com-must have inside painting Wcstclil1 Dr., N.B. 615-2770 for July l, 1969) binalion. Laundry help also. exp. Salary $500. Mo. + _C~a!-"'-""-;o~b~''-=--1 UNITED CAt.IFORNIA CIT Y OF 54 ·c;t=,,-9:.:550::.:... ____ ~ Submi t resume & rels. Box -=--P 860 Daily Pilot. OFF1CE 1\-IANAGER. for BANK NEWPORT BEACH SALES LADY full time for J----'------1 small business in H11:rbor Children's store. So uth Te levision area. General secretarial & 3141 E . c .. st Hwy .Coast P laza. Apply 650 E. D Introduction Work New position in the Ma-St T 1· I bookkeeping exper. req'd. Coron• del a.•-r . us 1n l le1p introduce cable T.V. n •·•·-· Se--' •"9 rine Safety DeJ)artment North Tu .. tin. Eves & week-..xu<l.t)' open. '"' resume 673-9240 requires 100 wpm short· EXEL opport. foe RE Broker .. 10: P.O. BOx 537 Balboa, hana, 50 wpm typing, 3 wHlt· some office skiUs & ends. $3.00 per hour. Call Calif Equ:>I opportunity employer years recent full time ex· a bility to work .witlt people. Sandy at 544-1785 15 or 16 YR old girl wanlcd ""rience in advanced . l•ii"'iiiB-'liiiiii!lOO ... eiiiviiie.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO b · · •· ,,~ Schoc:ls-lnstruction 7600 for sumn1r ba ysittmi:: ...: clerical arxt stenographlc Mother's helper. 0 c e :in * SALESLADIES * work. Apply before s Girl Friday & lite bkg. Reply VOICE preparation f 0 r Fronl, 7~>e per hr. 5 d:i.y p.m., Friday, June 6, in person only Kings for popular or classical singing. \'.'eek including wkend. Cal1 Positions available for ~¥· 1969 to the Personnel Men. 2300 Habror Bl. CM. Beginner t h r u advanced Pi-lay 30, 31, June 1st. perienced sales perronnel 0 f f Ic e, 3300 Newport training. 642-5512, 494-9340 642-3948 FULL time & part time maid In LANZ NEW Blvd., Newport Beach • for motel work Balboa e PIANO, Theory, Harmony MEDICAL OffKE NEWPORT CENTER G1><633 Peninsula. 67""3463 <ought by member of Musio STORE RN. Part time afternoons for Teachers Assoc of Calif. & .,.,_~rienced in receptionist F ull time only. Student quota ,.,. ____ , n.... tlbo , 1 Shen\'Ood Music Sc h I . o.,,. 1·11·• Call "'4 4411 (213l • WAITRESS • ~,,.:.~ .• ~ ... ~;,·' "'" 0 . . • I ·•'-t duties including medical in. 1 cu, .,., • or ... ., ,,..,,........ Beginners ntenn"WCl es. surance. Call 646-3903 934-7l'l5 collect. Sue Denton. 548-849-i * WAITRESS * Over 21 Purchas'n Ck. to 476.67 Cashier /Hostess Apply in pel'JiOn Graveyard shilt. Contact Educational Vacation 4th T 60+ 'th 2t 3 Mr. Zimme.. 673-00n graders .•• Sr Citizens ype wi 0 year!I ., Chilcoat 10 leS90n rypin1 purchasing ex., call Loraine, ,Experienced Apply REUBEN £1 lfE WAITRESS \vanted. Apply in Sehl.. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Mercharrts PersonnelAgency MANNINGS, INC. person Mesa I.Anes 1103 Mar c.M, 54&-2859 2043 Westcliff Drive, N.B. El Toro Rd. (Leisure World) 151 E p 'f' C Hwy c-• ....-.-u-Av CM' 645-2770. Laguna Hills 837-1ID4 • ac1 1c st -~·-" ' . MERCHANDISE FOR Newport Beech . EXP. grill and counter girl SALE AH.D TRADE EXPERIENCED or \\• i I I Clerk Triline• m.oo GLORIA MARSHALL fur drive-in. 18 or over.1.:::.:.:::.::.;.::;;;::._,;,:.::.;.::.;;___1 train. Drycleanlng/ laundry H. s. grad with typing skills FIGURE CONTROL , .:"""""'::..:=;c..,.,---:c,---l !:f::u~m'.!:l:'.:tu~r'.!e'..... __ _:8000::= atlndnt. Home·l i li;e at· of 45to50WPM callLoraine 1· •-Balbo !" Xlnt SALON Cashier, exp·d. mosp,""re, a "'· Merchants Personnel Agency PART TIME HELP. At· Kenn Rima llardware pay. Days & nights. Com-2043 Westclill Dr., N.B. 645.. tractive woman. 30 to 40 • 546-7080 • LIQUIDATORS mission. 174 ·2380 2770. Will train .. Hrs. 9-1. PM. ~all e HarEL MAID. full time, FOR BANKS-FINANCE co·s HSKPR & babystr nceded.S -.-1-,E-S_h_e_lp-need--ed-,-m-u-,t· I or come 1n for mterv1ev1. pleasant surroundings. ESTATES-MODEL HOMES Resp. mature lady. live-in, have experience in ladies 642-3630. 430 Pacific Coast * 494-ll96 * , Quality Furniture off wkends. ·Fountain Valley ,.-ar. Apply m· --·n·. Hwy N B k C .... .......... • . . . BABYSITTER. 5 days otA5, Ba n s an't area. 968-4219 Jackie's Fashion Center 75 ....,_ O ~ HOSPITAL11 .. H STESS IS Wanted immediately. Deposit Furn. GENERAL Otlice girl over Huntington Center, H.B. looking for mature women 968-2054 They Dema nd Ca sh1 21 to train In setvice & sup. HOUSEKEEPER & child to welcome newcomers to . R di Of L I ply. 540-9373. care, live in, 5~2 days. the commun ity. Must haw W~ED: Rel. b~bys1tter ega r e ss oss NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Private room &. bath. Refs. typewriter car and be bon-with refs, one child, own Spa nish-Mediterranean $50 wk w/ perlodic raises. dable. Ap~ly 285 E. tthun, transp. 3 nites. 546-87482..-Maple-Mahogany·Modcrn Tu · c I Brand name bedrooms & 54~9212 Suite 7, stin, • i f . L -.. ,, W 7500 · 00 544-6925 Jo~en. om. king or any Slzt! x splings VERY sharp girl w/exper. ~~~~~~-~--1:.::::....;;:c::::...:c:.::.c:.,'-'::.: & mattress. custonl made in f.itting cust Bikinis, fot' Dental Assistant COST ACCOUNTING sofas & love seats, exquisite sales; must be able to work Ow.ir side. 6 months ex~r-CLERK ANALYST dining rooms & hutches. v.-eekends & some nights. ience. Call Loraine, Mer-Small manufacluring & en. Guaranteed froslfrec relrig. c"'c::2-63:..::1::6::.: _:67c::3-:.:24:.:c:..."'::"',,,,;;'·~-I chants Pe~el Agency, gineering company requires erators. color TV's, late mo. PLATFORM STF.NO 2043 WestcliU Dr., N.B, individual to assume cost del washers & dryers are Experienced &t.5-7770 accounting duties, including all on sale at sacrifice pric. Security Pacific National TRAINEES: Waitresses <IJ' direct labor dis tribution. es. Bank, Ji.8. 536-93TI Car Hostesses. Must be maintenance of inventory MATURE woman wanted. neat. attractive, h a ppy t::o:\t recon.ts & work in p~ Hskpr. wth prac. nursing disposition. Fl or pt time. et!ss ln~ntory. Must be able d k • 1 THE ZOO, Coast Hwy. & lo prepare cost reports lonn t:!Xp. g . coo . fl('at c.can, ,.,._,. ._ .. live-in & refs. 548-5652 MacArthur, N.B • source data. \..Ullege u ... 1n-.:.:.:..;;._.::."""~,;;:_-~-= lpART TIME Office work. ing in accoup~ preferred. MOTHER:S Helper - for 13 B:JG.l daily. Alert girl who Work exper .. 1n accoun~, mo old & baby e:<pected in rk with ., ... ._,, to write and on office machines J une. Wanted for summer WO 1 •'6"'~" . bclptul. Sa1acy open Please mo•s-. 540-8101 ~ on mM accounurg lend resume to or ~pply al LICENSED Shampoo G~I :;:'~,;;'· W• will lraITT. SJA(O, I.NC. and PART Time Recep- tionist. Top pay. Ne\\•port BUILDER needs part lime Beach area. Call 642-6857 secretary o n permanent 1139 Baker St., PRESSERS & OPERA TORS basis. Must be act"Ul'11.te Costa Mes• SPEC. MAOI. GOOD pay, typist &: do 1dmple book S4f...304 1 Gr'ml Mfgr. 642-2666 D~:~= busineM __ .. _Eq_:~°"'~::::<;::,_rtu_o_i_ly- EXP. Doral a.rranger full or secretary bet'Wn 3()..40 yrs of part time, ~ ... 718ware11. age. Exp'd only can p .M. ... ~newport ~ ' u•~ Man-Wl!d-Frt 141-0026 · neJ DRAPERY OPERATORS .... on WANTED: Dental a sst.. I"'''" and TABLER froot office/chair 1 Ide . ~ &gBTity 546-1431 Exp'd. Two girl oroc.. I I GIRL rRIDAY, gen olc.. 830-0141 P rohl11.loM S.rvce work. Local TV store. DRAPERY WORKROOM for the e mployer ~==~"",-c~,0145>.;::,==~· I No exp. ~. Full time work. and the applicant WAITRESSES WANTED ~ 133 0...r D r., N.B. Sea Shanty Re$taurant 11352 ArmstrOng AVe, ll"lline 642-3170 ' S49-174t 630 Lido Pk Dr. NB 67S-Ol00 WAITRESS • Experiel\Cf!d, 1 HEUA1tC backup wklr, 2 • FUU.ERETTES. p a rt cocktail•. Sm. dinner house, aailbt mut use:m, traineM Timt'. avg. $2.50 per hour to CdM. Alert. neat, pltasant • tools reqd. 646-8785 bnt. S. start Over 21. Call 546-5745 67S..7122 • 12 Man. Uu·u Fri. DAILY PILOT DIME-A· MATURE Woman for ll lo 7 SMALL Restaurant needs LINES. You CM U5ll them ~ tn SAWYER H01tfE. mature ma.n or woman. for Just pennie1 a day. Dla1 Call IJ46.6116 days, age over 21~ 545-986.1 1..:64.::Z-561S:.:::.::_ ______ .1 MAJ.D, owr 30, penn/pKr1 PART time help • Cttleat> For DallY Pilot Want Ads time. 6 du/wk. l..q Sdl qt. Zuble'1 P~ 29'JO E. Dial &\i.5618 fur RESULTS motel, $1.15 hr. 45H521 Coe.st Jtwy, CdM . BUY ANY PIECE OR HOUSEFUL Warehouse Sale AOK 7711 Garde n Grovt Bl. \Vestn1inster ( ~1 Block West from cotncr of Beach Blvd. near G.G. F reeway) Open 10-9, Sunday. 10-6.' SPANISH Returned trom t.t:odel Homes on sale al less than wholesale! Group intludes beauUiul 9 6 ' • qUilted 90fa & Jove rieat. 3 Spanish oak decorator t>.blcs, swag or table lamps, wall placque, kihg, queen . or fu ll size bedroom suite complete fncl box springs, matt.ress, lioom & boudoir IMlps, Span.l.!lh oak 6 pc dining set priced Plsewhtte • at approx. U195.00 AU. Jo"'OR ONLY 1399. $31 ~wn. $4.99 per ,.f't'k , out ol atate ettdlt Olt. W I l I separa!e far quick Alt!. :20th CentW')' Furniture. 9 'l 1 2 Garden Grove 8 I v d • , Garden Gruw Dally lo-!. Sat l°"-Sun 12.S C.Om• In or call (11f) 531)..&240 £\IPL. bod. !>pl'~ $ 2 0 . t.1s.hog. dining tbl sz. OE :-;!..I romb v.•aahcr dryer Xlnt 1 $00, Studio bed tnme. - 1&prng ... , other odds &-e.nda. 6·16--7:t70 -, -----~---· -----·-~·---------.....L...-------- - ., •••·-··•r• • ' \ MERC:l'IANDIS! FOil MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR SALi AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR I SALii AND TRAD!-SALi AND TRADI ·~LI AHO TRADI MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE rF~u~rn~l~tu~ro~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOOO~~F~u~m~l~tu~roiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~ll~l~,~u~m~i~IW~oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l4~0-~00~iiiiiF~uriinffviiiiiii'"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOii'Ci•~, ~lion-, 1100 Miocolla...U.-UOOMiscoll•-UOOl--------,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1B EA u.T Jr u L k It tena It WESTINCUOUSE Fu I l y O' MEMO' RIAL automatic , portable 1 bou&ebroktn 6: weaN!d, alfl!O WE are the Pf'<>duclJ ot 1 lovable 11UYtt tlbby Mom A • frlc.ndly white Angura 111.ther wllk:h make• ua 4 of tbe ft)Oll desirable lllttent> evu. \\le nHd lovl"I -... """"" 5130 1 YR. old ruu arnwn male PEN DAY I dl'lhwuher. Hold 16 place -... 1ettlnp. 3 cyclt. 2 •peed. So that we can ·unload this furniture faster!! 'l'op ticJ opeulng, While,, fonnlca top. Very exctlltnl cond!Upn. r1> Finn. 646<1136 FU RN ITU RE S::7:2~ • Jcq: hrd f.lmalc, 2 short hrd. main. 6G-M16 • 5/31 VALUES NEYER BEFORE SEEN!!! TearinCJ Down BuUdinCJ -"Must Be Out Ri9ht Away•• •••••• Contractor Says. G.E. Electric drytr, Nm on UO or 2211 v. Excellent ooo. dltlon. $!0. 8fT"6319 1110 ANTIQUE Coll. Item, 1850 Vk:toriRn couch ~ chair, co mplet ely restom. ~ ANTQ. leaded glus w I t h mat.ching ~" cryaW. pane for backing. Complete.)' t'fl- cond. &: perfect. 16 3116 x ~~ SlS. Also chair C8.nllli:. 6'1>--0865 SewJng MachinH 1120 1969 SINGER with zlg-zea A walnut console. Makes but. ton ho.le•. designs etc., $5.25 mo. or $316.00 ash. 526--6616 Musical Inst. . A U C T I 0 N 2 YR old r.male Doxie • .,. tttmel)" Jovable .: centle. Very ~t. Mus\ not be mated. tG-llQ0'1 1 ~131 ~THURSDAf NIGHT ·~:;:,~-. ~~ ' 2 WHITE A crey kittens, 7·30 P.M SHARPll real per•o nallty. in . . .. ~.:.~~~ .... :.'::' 6«-1288 5131 Ins-ct EARL y POODLE, 1ema1e. 21> """ I"'-old (between standard A. qilirlalure l tree to cood As We 5-11 QUICKLY ! "'""·· 64<-154• · "" AOK Commission Gallery n22 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD I Block West of Beach Blvd., oU G.G, Frwy. 3 KITl'ENS. long haired white. grey/white, tiger striped! 1630 Myrtlewood. 546-5242 5/31 ADORABLE kittens 8 wk:s .,... .... .hot.. -""' I n;.ln. Collie. Good W/Ctilldten. 6'l>S35() aft. 6 1 PM 51~ WHITE alove, &ood con ' dJtlon. •34 Goldenrod, CdM after 5 PM 5/St PETS oncl LIVUTOCK 1 Poh, O.noral NGO i SCRAM-LETS J: ANSWERS l Hardly -Briny -Doily - Cabana -DRAIN Smart playbunnle: S h e Jtnows ,that men makf1 pass. es at siiia who DRAIN atau-... old, housebroken, grn eyi?s. Cats 1820 ANOTHER LANDMARK GOING TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW BLDG. ' ' . SALE-Stock On Hand Only DRUMS. Sparld• Blue, Sfin&· erland. Complete. * 54.S-1334 * Yamaha Bus Guitar e x t r a d • m a r k I n & s 1;;;:;:;;:;;;:::::::::::::;::::~ I g 8600 675--5983 5131 f"EMALE Siamese. 2 yr. old, 5 BEAUTIFUL kittens, tt spayed, very gentle $3), • • MIXED BA-G • • _P_A_R_TY--G-0-0-D-5-1 HUnaJ.,.an, pt. P•nian, 645-1688 hse tmd, Ure to families. BurfneM Kittens. $50. IJouaehold and person a I e Silver flatw"-e "-Uee 491-1888 5/31 .,....., Ml1cell1neou1 8600 Mltcel11neous ilelns, including Honeywell ..... ....., 546-0010 or 962---.> 642-7878 ums • Champagne foun-* KITTENS * 1~========"" I HlclAnd Strobe with battcl')' lains • Dishes • Tables Ir 546-9963 3 case, 4 x 5 film holders, chai~. 5131 * SPANISH and MEDITERRANEAN * I SU-tng $125. D0ttt HU Pianos &·OrgaM 11 0 ronverUble bar and two stools,. polaroid swingC?r cam. United Rent All FREE kittens • 8 wks. old. 2 era, map.le chest ard mirror, no \V, 191h SI., C.OSta Mesa blk. loni halr, l calico, l case and bowling ball, Juli 645-0760 tabby, \.I Siamese. 1 shorl wia" and case, maple bed -;;•"'""n;;-u"M=MA'°'G"'E"' -oSALE=,,,_•,,.--1 hair blac.lt. 1 t a b by • frame, dishes, bed spread, TRASH & Treuurea from ~ 5/31 rua:. bird cage, utensils, and a PP ro x. 400 home!. 3 BLK/White and I gray kit- other items. 005 Park Ave., Sponsored by New P 0 r 1 lens and their mother who Laguna Beach. 494-9822 .Shores Women's Social is C&lico, lo good hotne. AT STUI:>, beauWul male Chihuahua. fawn short hair with Ruby eyes le oo:se. Stud , fee Sl5 or ehoice o f • Pedigree litter 5t6-3634 1169 ti. Doniel Ln, C.M. · ~l AK'°""'c'-,Do~b<'-nnam="--,,.....:..,-.-,.i 3 DAY ONLY PIANO SALE SAT. SUNDAY • l'o10N NEW •••••..•.••.•••• USED Grands e Consoles • Spinets Practice Pianos from $125 WAS NO\V Starr Studio SM5 SZ95 Knabe Prov grnd $2750 $2195 Chickering grand $2395 $1725 Aeolian Grand $1595 $1~ Brambach Grend $1595 $1085 Chickering Console $1395 $695 Lester Spinet $759 $445 MANY -~fANY • t.10RE Speci1 I Carload Buyl Nationally Famous Brand 4 PIECE Slingerland drum Commltlec, Clubhouse 511 897-5480/8364493 5/31 eves. set com plete with stands Canal, May 30th 9 am • 5 3 KITTENS, 1 wks old, 1 ==~~--~-~ I PART Retriever PupPies. and HI hat <No Cymbals) pm, May 31st 9 am-3 pm. orange rn a I e, 1 orange Have had distemper i bots. ;.-t•, $275. Heath amp $50. 12 MOVING. Oriental rug s, female, 1 grey female. Box 49;)....4783 ~ string elect guitar $75, 6 furn ., bric a brae. misc. trained. 64~ 5131 ,,-..,,..-,---.,,,--,-~--·I ~ strlr.g · elect guilal' $60 (6 June 2, J, 4. l0-3. 2D2J MALE Chihuahua. blk/tan, 1 • Gennan Shepherd pup&. ~ strings never usedl Call Ba Id ~ CdM AKC. 9 .... -eeks, lar&e boned, ~I _alt_,,'~' ='="='2-5236,-,:-:-=::=:-==Y='='=~=··==·====: I ~~No children, pl~;;i S50 up. 49&.2184 ..,.,. WHITTED FABRICS Mi sc. Wanted 1610 3 FLUFFY klt!Oru;.,.,, look-TREEING -Walku Coon _ I\ ---------I hound&. UCK reg. Call aft 5 , Ing ror happy b om e. pm. (1) 493-4000 , • black male• & lemal!!S ex- cellent dlsposit:ions. 494--8320 AT UNBEL-IEV-ABLE -PRl'CES ! ! $965 Consoles tm MC!dltt walnut, bench incl. Gould Mu1ic Comp.any 2045 N, Main, SA 547-0081 "'FOR SALE WE PAY MORE 67J..107l 5/Jl '' GERM •horthair pntr pupe. ·f'l . Remnant1. aampl~s & Mill CASH 6 filTTENS,__yyie~ or AKC. Nall champ.--Bojack !'i ends SaL Only 8 a.m. to 2 , blk/wht. markings. Must Sired. 6 M, 2 F. !JG8..3597 · • No Do~. Terms To Meet Your Budget. Bank Financing, Master Charge, Ba11k of America or Store Charge. ONE OF MANY SPECIALS oho ·matching coffee toble and commode-same price GULBRANSEN ORGANS WURLITZER PIANOS & ORGANS Pianos & Organs Rented EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Beach Music Center p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. have new homes soon. · ~· 1!1.ii:i: Atarquette tune-up 56-1973 5131 AUSl'RALIAN silky ·tenier ~i I 6 d $1100 slud. Xlnt ped. imported .,, equ p mo's ol , KITrENS, 7 wki. old. Train. ~og, stud fee $100/ 673-3883 ~. Sniip-on eir chisle & Impact For furniture.. appJiance•. ed 1£ weaned, f Ju I I y, mom. :J wrench $235, Comp!. Jet colottd TV, pianos, lw.:zam, Dk/gry and whit!' female. 1 air.cond'ing equip &: slock or antiqUC11. ) 54&.33:1> 5/30 Horlff U30 ~ $150. Other miscell. Call aft. Dav or ni11;ht AB AND 0 NED Puppy. _. 5 Pl\1 897--4837 636-3620 female, blonde, C.ocker or ~ASTUCll J:!'~ralthanoo.S. * AUCTION * -,,.._..====-I H•lnz. {Sham" poople in 1 ,,,==~"'°'~---,-,I ll you will sell or bu,y W A N T E D lreeJ1 car> 548-7466 5130 BEAUTIFUL 7 yr o I d Factory Sales & Service give Windy a tr:• HAVEaTlgerinyourhouse! gelding. plua aome tack. Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9.5 M Auction• Friday 7:30 p.m. We need quality (no junk Kittens; free lo good 001ne. Kids heartbroken, $350 or 17404 Beach Blvd., {1-lwy 39) please). Fumiture, color 1 long hair, arey, 2 tiger besl'oUer. 548-0111 1% ml. So. San Di!!go l.'WY· Windy 's Auction Baf'n TV's, steft!OI, appllancea, itrlped. 545-3749 5(29 TRANSPORTATION Huntington Beach 847-8536 Behil1d TOlly's Bldg. ?o.1at'l toohi and Gfltce equipment. KITI'ENS. male l female, WE'RE "DaC'.k In our new 20'75:%_Newpoprl, CM646.868;6 TOP CASJl IN 30 Minatesl long a; amrt hair, 2 wht. 801t1 & Y1cht1 9000 TOO MANY ITEMS TO UST ALL • stcre. Bii Celebration· Bl& IBM elec typewriter $37.50. 531.1212 'Jt 893-«iS5 w Ith 1 b I u e eye . lamps Sal ·• Rediners cw'koUTotCOMO!ePian-=nrto~3~~s~:Y ~~ $ WE -BUY--$4~s 6 v.~JvJ ~:. • Decorative 0$ at savings to .•.... $400 Riverside NB, 0 p p 0 s l t e $ FURNITURE $ s p 0 11 e d gray I w h t • B•sic Boat int c1 ..... CLOSEOUT of Baldwin over. Greyhound Bus stat. APPLIANCES blk./wht. 531-8137 a!tcr 6 Offered to the public S , h Ch • age pianos at savings to $349 ===~-~~-~ b th Balbo p pan1s ai rs CLOSEOUT of 1968 Organs DIAMOND weddi n g 'It C•lor yy•._Pf•no'-s+.,..•'• pm. 5t29 y e . a ower e Buffet w/china ·at savings to .......... $236 e~ge1m•n011,rings.D. 1 ~ I Pi•c• or Hou•• full % SIAMESE male black kit· .Squadron starting 7 No down oac, s yn: to pay. pe~.ec · er. 1.amo..... CASH IN Jo MINUTES en 8 wkll. old, devilishly P .M. Monday June • Game Sets • Oinin9 ·Room Sets • Bedroom Sets • Living Room Sets • Corner Un its FREE! • Tables tops, Mediterranean \VAR.D'S BALDWIN· STUDIO pierced earrings $ 50. e 541-4531 • playful, box tr1 In t>d. 2, Newport Harbor , 181.B Newport, c .M. 642-8484 .675-4W. iii~;;;R;\T';;;-N,;;,-;;;;;;;:l,,.....,.,~~~-,---=--='~'~:;(l Yacht Club, 120· West * Room Groups at Terrific Savings! * ARTISAN CONCERT o=lAM=~o~N°'D_do,__m-e-ooc=ko-1aI'"1 D=~RA,,;;;,..' 10N,""'• ,,,.'°"", • ro. GOOD home, 3 orange Bay Ave., Newport APP Ro! ED Fu RN ITU R. E td a1 1 O~G~N hoot ~~~ ~:.-;:,:,':,. ~~ ~1;:,'. ·c.,;;· 646-4063 '.:~ ~";:: =io :;r, ~~~~-F~/ :d'dJJe:J ~ ~r ffi ~ • ; ~r Apprai~ $300). Sacrifice WANTED: 3 cash regi8ten, PM 5130 information p b 0 n • 2159 HA BOR, COSTA MESA, PHONE rj8•9660 ~,,""m~,'°,: .... ~~~:~~~ ~;:~ ~.0.i w·"~":"'~"':u"'k~...,:"'indo'°'""',,-w-'....,'.,,,,~~...,::~.c.:I ~;r.-:1','~t: .. ~~ 301~7=~ ~.ai~.~3;.1:,.,, ~ lype & AO forth. Best offer. &lldlng aluminum or louvre l.;-===-==,---,,-cc--1 Win screw. Y rlda:e. dual ~1582 6@..3526 Aft. 5 or weekends· 2 ADORABLE kitties. 8 wks. conlrols, elec re!rigeratio!), sam. Own.-N~P~~~ .. ~RGANS L-b ;;;;;;oo-==:c-=c--oi old, long hair with baby Great Marlin 1ishln.i bout. '" O't.1".....,., MOVING. Complete ..,.. Y TWIN Canopy bed or 4 faces. MB-5130 5129 &>ulhwlnd Marina Terminal 0 shoe bronzln1 outfit, in. poster bed r I d N G M ~· -12 years Slime location -DAILY 9.9, SUNDAY 10-5 Furniture 8000 HAMM ND· Steinway ,.,. * ;'""lBO * 4 DARLlNG Duffy killcns to .,s .. ~~~· o. ~. ~; HU eludes showcase & mount J't<l"\I ,,_,,,,.,... maha • nl'.'\'I A used planoa Flnt $150 takes all. ~1998 ;:==:=======:=I lovine home, 3 blk, 1 solid 1,_,--==------Furniture Fumiture aooo Office Equipment 1011 or all makes. Best buy• in 9,8.. JEFFERY 0 a 1 e M..chlnerv, etc, 1700 gray. 540-5082 5130 16' BOAT. glasspar hull, ff Q U I S I T E Spanish ---------So. Calif. 11&bt here. ---~""------' WOODEN cases al l\1odel glassed· plywood cabin w1 R_E_D_E_CO_RA_T_ING ____ L-~-0 I Mediterranean from Model REPO$ESSIONS ADDRESSOGRAPH SCHMIDT. MUSI.C 00., r;urfboard, $75. Office desk TWO Bridgeport Mills in rea.t Glau Cc. 1644 Superior 25 hp Ev\nnide. ldeaJ for Ho mes. Eastern brand In excellent con di t Ion . w/supplies. 714-5))() l.9111SanNla. AnaMain, $2.S. good condition $3500, Take! C.M. ~1 5130 fishi.ag. Homem,ade trlr w/ Isle, solid '\::heI1')' bedl'tX'ni names. Complete housefuls Beautiful aota $89. Olllir 673-6783 both of them. a45-l15f lrg wl\ls Sl25. 830 Darrell, set, chairs. lamps, new or quality furniture. King $49 • .90(1 & love seat $179, 5 Garige Sile 8022 e PIANO RENTALS e BARGAIN! Membership In 5 BEAlITIFUL grey tiger· CM. 6:42--1398 . \Ve11tinghouse 1-errig. 120 size bedrooms, full or twin, pc bedrm set $89, King si:i.e -~------SUMMER SPECIALS Newport Beach TeMls Oub. FREE TO YOU striped kittens. Ver Y 2'1' GLASSPAR ·Cab. Cr. J yds n e a r new r u s t .. _ .. _ 1149 Bo · G SALE Low 17 ~ 1700 ·--·• •--playful. 642--0896 5/30 custom quilted so!as & love , ... ,, .... ,.. .... set • x spr1J1r GARA E * as ·""per mo. you pay ..,,...,..er ......:. yn, 150 HP W/OMC Outdr. ~~~:!nglop 5'cof~v~:~::. scats, lamps, tab I es & mattress $9 ea. King size F I S t S n l0-7 Rental applles to Purchase 64J.341T aft 3 pm. 1 DEAtrrlFUL baby faced FREE to responsible adults, Loaded!· Outstandini. $3850. bcauUful dining room sets & $25 ea. Sell all or part, r • 1 ' u • Gould Mu1lc Comp1 ny * POOL TABLES * kiHy. A little lady 8 weeks 4 long balr kHtens, Part 842-354S s1udenl"s desk. maple dining 6 chairs, Aul om at i c terms. Buy all or part AOK 3067 Trinity Dr., CM 2Q4S N. Main SA 547.(1681 CU.stom • antique -modern old, black with w h 11' Persian. 642--6401 5/30 '1"'0'-,G"°LASS="'"n"UN=A"BO=UT~ tablr & 4 Captain's chairs, w •-.. 7722 o-~ B U•t d••k books b--•-' -f•""•ralon, washer. Save al"C!nuuse, ••n..1t:n u · " • • .... -. ···--' SPORTS '100" boo"· W --• • ined TAKE ho k'll " record player. many .... '5'" Grove Blvd., \~ bll<. West of fast 5el, misc, items. SACRIFICE, new Gulbran. • ,,......... • _.s. ea • ..,,, "" tra . me a 1 en, ,1 Superb Bay Cruiser & records. 673-7547 . hundreds el dollars from ~=~---~~-I aen Master Conaole Piano 1714) ~2730 12-8 pm can lor her nites or Siamese, 5 wks, old, Wean-Fishing Boat. Every poai. orig. Price. Full price $689. Beach nr. G.G. Flwy. Open DISHES, ~t~es, c h a Ir s , $59:>. Aft S: 1.5. 544).TIS9 · CHILDREN'S play house. 6 ft weekend. 5'18-9578 5130 ed. 54!}..3261 5130 ble extra plus trailer. $350. BEAUTIFUL solid maple Will separate. Terms. BUY 10.9 Sun. l~. paints, mining tools, plum-kc===--~-,---I f hJ • -FO SMALL ~~ -25 7 oval dining room table w.' ~ ANY PIECE OR HOUSE----=0~.k~D~,.,.-,,,.,.--=s.-,1--· I bing. &.. misc, 272 Costa ll>J!DMAN' console piano, square approx. 1 t g,.. •£lo! UR MASKED BANDITS part Bolton 1oa·11er u• ..... 1 67S-2400 leaves & 5 chair-s. looks like Mesa SI. C.M. fnutwood finish, Xlnt cond. and you take down. Pbone kittens w/while face, chest dog, 1 yr old, had shots to SACRIFICE ocw: rosl $5001 will ~I for ,:~iEttousE SALE AOK N::ar ~~~4 ~ ~ -GARA-GE SALE--$495. 673-1676 . 962-1097 after 5 pm It feel, 2 calico, 2 tabby &: good home. 536-6141 5130 1967 28. Silber Cruste 75 $175. New 9x.12 a11 IYOOl 7722 Garden Gorve Bl. WANT BELLYBOARD (Knee buU. AIM 1 male iuJne1 FREE Bamboo root11, hrs total time. Like r~w, niulll-eolorcd braided rur.. We!!lmlnster. ('h: block West ~~e.r-~/le~Pboardl7. • A~~il~ The Bluffs, 2318 Vista Hogar Player ~utno w/rolli, Machine) LlkC! new. Cost pig. 516-9965 5/:11 already dug. Will arow 30' sleep s. W•lk·in head, ft· never used: cost $168, will lrom the corner of Beach p.m. 546-1452 Fri., Sat., Sun. l O AM. -~ ~6: ~J;v~v':.'-$70/Sell $30. 712 Cypress TO Good home. MI x e d tall. Call 54M305 5/:11 dio covers. 714: 5.36-3821 I :>ell for S75· 642-tlfKl.. 5205 Blvd. ncrr G.G. F'rei?WH.Y) •. MASSIVE carved walnut tlln. ~a111~~~ ~ ~:~~~~'. PIANO, G~branaen studio, Apt l% Bal. art. ~;30 Cockl!r-Wat.er Spaniel 2 yn:, 1 BLACK male kitten, l>i!rf 16' OIRYSLER Charger 18.1 Bruce Crescent. NB. Open 10 ID 9 Sun. l0-6 ing table~ 6 upholstered (End or Acacia) CdM light oak 11nlsh. $375. ALTERNATING pretllure mllle, &;ll black. Will guard Persian, 8 wk.I. oJd. Ask for 26 hrs old. Volvo Tent~ I ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. chn. $-JOO.. Burnt orange 1 _(';Aiw;E&\Llo-l.,==*~4~9'~·7195~':-*:,..:c:--: mattress Pad. (no more bed you and your h 0 in e · Billy, 64.l--0239 5131 Engine. Beaut co n d , I,• klve seat SlS. M2-5084 GARAGE SALE aore•) New. CMt $165, sell ~-3 MONTH old black kitten !,ii emergenCy sale. 0 • r • I PATRONS JUNK TO ANTIQUE THO~ Electric or Can lot· $75. 548-1975 nvE beaut. kittens. h a 1 r SI• me• e. I em a I e, 642--fi009. eves f>48-70'l7 ARE URGED TO REPORT' ANY DIME· A· LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FIND . IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE DAILY PILOT WARNING! Quality king bed. qUiltcd. 336 A. Vk:torl•, CM In ttll!' with all instruction boob. H.lma1ayan, t Pt . complete, unused $98; ,_,"Ol'th s:ri(l. Xlnt oond. throughout. ELECTRONIC CoMole r.ck h I .• ~~ ,_~Wt.I 64&-1688 5/29 IT STEVENS keilh black, 58 $250,. Aft Sor wknds, 847-0G ANTIQUES. chairs, tables, Call 540-6717 eves&. wkends fratn.et. 19" A 24" wide, 5' 0 u 1 e ra '"'"I.I• ua: 0 hemi O,rygicr 398 cu. la, 61 lamJ>I', now thru Sunday! he.l&ht. 548-770.) or 54.\-1881 famU!ef! . .(97-1388 5/30 ~ol~~ ~ ~:!:r1 hp·. SS.90 ·mph. Sacrilicf ~~ 2118 HlghJand Dr .. N. B. Tele•lalon 8205 Qtalllly king bed. quilted. AFFECTIONATE 5 yr .. old Bch. 644-1096 5129 $2,tm. ~. Evu after 6 aprl ~ GARAGE SALE • Ex. complete, unUSl!'d $98: worth female dog to good hOme . 6TJ,..1Z"l8 ltTis-malched box ng model's cJothh .... •ize 7~10. RENT OR IUY ~. All 5 or wknds 841-0400 with older pmion: X1nt. KmENS. variety to pick 22' M eru•-.. . mattresses ST. headboatd S3 "~ _... watcl'ldog. S48-95S3 5(2'} trom. will be 1 m a 5 11 . ercury ....,r ...... lLP. Hurry wbilo thef,last. AOK Piano, hsehold goods, books COLOR TV NOIJSEHOLD ~ Washe.r. 53&-6715 l30 Gray marine· Sleeps two. Warehouse 7722 C a rd e: n galtJre. Sat/Sun. 4 2 0 1 ·~e tables, dinette, BR 2 Kt'M'ENS, T weeks, 1 head, bait tank, etc. In a11p Grove Blvd .• 1,.S blk. West of Flagship NB. ~3M Monthly rates low lS tum. Misc Items. &t2--f614 female callco, 1 black & CIULO'~LE JIM at Newport. $1495 firm. Beach nr. G.G. t)'wy. Ope.n 1947 PELICAN Pl. CM. Sat. $7 SAVE S$ll on S&Ie 2 yr mem. white male. 545-2653 5130 5/30 Days SU-1052 EW. 673-3828 1~ Sun. 1~. 9' couch. bar stls.-swg. i;et, Rent w/purcha~ option berth! Holk! Health Spa. 5 AOORABLE little kittens 25' BERTRAM '64 Hard top NAG. Hide-e·bed, antique lRrnps, Ibis, misc. M&-1103 FREE WIGS Pri p~. ~-~-· ID aood .. hClme 5130 s. ~cu~~~~np a~~ twin Mere 121 IO. Ottn tables It lamps. BR set, We •I.so rer:t & 1el1 . .,...,.. bl.lie, COfliU)' extru. Make ·'•:::•:;:'"";:_::;;<hair::;;:..· -::.:::;:;::..,..-.., 1A_,_pp,_l_ia_nc-'-11'-----·-l-'-OO Stereo-W1sher ... Refr'81 ,_ ms TJ;oPlcal FWI: 3 LONG haired kittens, Help. U 3-&636 513> Otter. 71,4: 548-597'9 Musr lell. New ((Olden brn I KF..NMORE A a 1 om• t I c 772•0730 ~ bout June 8U-t530 hsbtkn, 2 )'f'llow, 1 tQdc. Clm'HE.S line poles; dua, 16' SKI Boat, 40 hp Evinnldre, n . sofa &: chair, $250 ttt or Wuhe' la'--~-f xlnl Fouritalrl Valley fn NB 546-&312 5129 you ha!'1-.... o~ El 20tb5/30st. elec starter, trlr, Ex-... ...,_.. ' ..., ........... ' 23" ADMIRAL -•-TV, ·-SlNGLE Membetsb'P. CM &4-....,.. .. ..,., $195 IOfa. 2163 P16centla ....,,,.. u.nur -KITI'ENS 8 wkL Id Train . goo(I cond. $501 U' Sai1lit.b,, CM, near Victoria. 642-7969 ' sr.o * 847-3ll5 mod, mst $ml. SRcrtflce Te-1• Oub $100. includes ed. we~ p.f;tl~· 4 BUC/WHT kittens, 6 wks. dacron Mil, $100. ~ . $295. Also 23" B&W TV, tr&Nllerleeli75-3222aft6 MG--0164 . . 5129 old and weaned, cal·J '~"TROJAN 30• T"'. ,,, .. L I' &: 5' DIVAN' mod. 7 pc. 1967 KENMORE Ele<::trie sleTm ~ pla~r. AM/FM POWER rnowu $25. law~ ~ SUnda)' "" -"'"' dng. ael & end tbl. Look A: Dryer. $$. rad oom'-a beautiful •ti .L.. __ 0 11: a--3 •P bike 110 i'REE cute & lovable kit· . ,oo.nd. All xtras. .5'1900. make oh'. 503 Carnation ""' moM!T .... ..,..1 ,. tens. 7 wka.' okl to ,aoqct 1 FEMALE year old cat with 6'75-M<l2 or (21l) 434.1211 CDM * ~llM * $1115. 1301 S. Bristol, S.A. tSU Orailce Ave. &12-5Ci66 home. S4!HiU ?i/29 kitten. 548-3614 S/30 :-,.==-,.,-,,,--.~.,.-,I ~·~"'~·~~~=~~~ 1 MAYTAG washer A dl')W, 549-USS * SPODE china. stttllrc F;;m ud ,..~··-LAUNCH JI' inboard. ldMJ l!IDE -A • BED. E • r I 1 df!luxe model, pink. Both w:l,u"SE=o.,-RCA=,-,,Color-,--:TV=cs"-,,,-ro Dlltwa:ie Waterford Cll'llal. 3 LONEL-X long hair .kittens, ru.i:. it tervice; ....,...,.....,, bay boat, nb: con d . American, rood comlUOn. SI~ 962--3141 comb In at Io n ... AM·FM mile ~ 8 wkl. to good ~. police R.@C., ~ Sia& Bargain at $e. 6'13-6115 Adv1rtilin9 not conformM to our Dime-.,,m...~:.c:,17~att"-=or'=4 =-pm~. ~-1 FREEZER 16 cu, fl UJ>riiht Wllloot cabinet. $20). Cost OLD .Spanish Oak 8 pMla! H~ 6 k olds::"', '*:,~ !:-..~la ";J!a 9\1' WOOD boat. oars. Pld-... ,. TAN BROCADE Slee p 1125. Kenmore auto wahtn $1000 new. ~ d~ IC!! It other mi.c .c.ru. •n •. '"~ .. t. _.. ded Mat, rbr. round aunr.l. A·Line regulat ions may be in viol.tion of Divan. $40. $55. Bth on11 2'\I )'l'L ruriiltlll"e. LI s...5636 • • ten&. Just d1.rltn1 1 3 BRJ.NDLE kittt!IL OdJ newly 1>1in&td m 646-35.23 , f .,. I' . * 644-2411 * ~ll55 C1mer1• I Equip. l300 eu-m·~fpta.. In 5'M691 5129 HMOt aflf:r 5 PM St • both City •nd St•te Boora o .qu• 1Pt10n ~~· ~·· S.•lbooh 9010 OIEST ot drawtrl w/ mat'a 2 DR •Ide by •Ide ~dmlnil MOVIE CJ.l'M:l'a & proj. town. 'I'ht DAILY PILOT Km'ENI to a'OOd hdme, SMALL 1dorat.lle dof to pld · codes! lamp. Port. •ltteo. vanl· deluxe, white, refri.c, Xlnt PoJarold, Sl'de pro~tol", <lualfled aeclJon. S 191 90-M1 ~ 513.l h:>int. 67MJ.T 5/30 z• ENDEAVOR. fbcls iloop, t================::·I ~It Bnt ofJ!r. 6T>4308 cond. 8~153 an 5. 1lu'ilt Shop 12J E. l.9lb Sf. mwy, tlmt A ...Uart. 1mk iWiN KJTTENS. either or t FRISKY fhd(Y fcllnK 'I pod cord. Shock built; 'Ill DAtLY PILOT WANT AD."' QtAROE your want ad now. 0.f nowll! both. J'REE. 982-7f97 S/31 wtui 1 ~. MM66!I 5(30 moorlna 14tOOO, ~ ~ - l • . ' • ' TIANll'OltTl TION TRlNSl'OltllT10N TlANl l'ORTlTION TlllNSPORTATION -rS.;;;ll;;boo;;t•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;90;;;;10 ~torcycle• '300 lmportod Avlol lmport..i Autoo HOO Imported Autos HOO lmpor1od Autos HOO ~b=.ce;;;...C;;;o;.;.•.;;:a._R;.;.od;.;;.;.•_'"""' ------- $5495 lo '67 SUZU KI -$350 DATSUN X.C Scrambler -llO CC MG TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN e lh> FORD Pickup e Chev)'V-3, ··-otld< EXCELLENT CONOITION · 'W DATSUN 1 -'»'MQA. IOOd eond.' 21· F/C AUX Ill Klnp Pl. Ne wp ort Bil Mdln. 96 ~). ~ ~I seao 1;>r u ts .. : ........... whert Is J.ltlght•. cam crw,. dlt, • IPd, ndto, '-1 aaw. ip.~30 lf' Ketch, tn1Der $'99 Eve• & Wl.'f.kenda heater, WIW 't1ru, loaded! =:t < •PACIFIC YACHT SALESe '811 SUZUKI, rebuilt; lugp~ DJO Miles. under f1.tt,Q.ry MGI Mt6 Via Oporto, ~ ruk, sood ttres: tlOO ml. on wanwrty, Bal tD fine. $ln5. · ---~~:;_ __ : $7-5568 n4: 673-1570 new intr. $340. 543-1998 Take $75 cash deb.. or o1dtr ========! ""· LB YNW mt. Coll Biii • SMAU. SAILBOATS • Auto Strvieitt *1-977S or 56434 UDO H, '"'"" S89cl & Ports 9400 '66 D & ft.UN l1l.r:1utem&11 ~tnofit Ill.I sm 1-----------.... ., ao.r • 1Jau 1225 ANSEN Sprilll -'·· 15" • 4 ~Ri SJDAN ~ NE\V OINGJtYS S'lS Ol.M!lte or ~; Naw 4 ~ n-ru.lon, ll.a~ T01'!CAT BOATS condition. 5-t).624~ "At Whole&ale'1, ~l 2614 Npt Blvd, NB 6'75-2f00 6T or 68 Dir. J;IOURLY RENTALS Trailer, Tr1Y•f 9425 $599 * Rhodes 19'1 * Fun Zone Boat QI. Balboa 16' FIREBALL Trailer Like' new condition, Many Ex-1"" ·"~-~o-A=TS~U~N~Pi-"<-k~Up~w/ 28' CAT. Choy des lil n • tras! Call after 4 weekdays. Deluxe carnper. $79:i. Ensenada vet. Extra.a. S8000 002-2737 * 962-8779 * va-. sac $5995. nf/893-1019 16' SELF contained trlr, KITE No. 706 full wver and awnlng, jaclcs, drps, $110>. hand dolly. 5850. 675--1B3S 548-M~. JOIN· THE FUN FLEET 23' TRLR, A-1 cond! Not 3:1' Viking Sailboat. Blpg 2. 11el1-cxmtained. 1 bdr, bl w/ klw-C'06t iltp avail. Many &h\vr $900. 548-6332 racing & cru&lng activities. 30· Travel Tra1lr.r. 642-4.786 days. 548--8547 aft 7 Xlnt OOnd. ENGUSH fdRD _I ~, l tp1 1 1 J .il i npllrt ~. SUI(' \V_ Cooasl H~., N.8. 64.2-9-105 ~ 1764 Authoriud ,_tG Dealer MGB 1963. 1-lrd/aolt top. New Ures & rnd;o. Fan- ta.atk: cond. $13.50. 4!).1-2908 Lag Bch. MB '68 250, air, auto, Jo11l, JJke new, private party. 714: 642-<!671 • MORRIS ' JillS . IS THE. PLACE TO BUY ~ NEW OR USW TOlOTA . OVElt ?11£ · MEMOl\!AL OA Y l-IDµO!<Y NEW '69 $1790 +T&l SAVE $$$ On '69 Exec, Dc.n1onitra101-s OPEN ALL DAY F'RIDA Y '6t VW'1 e &ood bod)I •lbw. e uao lMMElllATE DEUVERY ! ;=tlnn="'·~""""1.l;=='=:.,""'° Barik l"tnanctna Autos W1nt.d . $213 DOWN S-1~.83 ... •-mo1 P1ua l fin&I pymnt for ttUt. Full 2 yr, 211,000 ml '!S.~; Avail qn!y at T AM MOTOR S &181 Garden Grow Blvd. ~ at Beach m.5551 OPEN (UNDAY ·rn vw Air <-'Ondhlor\~, !ow mlhfs. Orl(> O\lo'ncr. Al»olut rl,y n\lttt condition. Lie. Vl.0412 $1995 • • WE PAY •• , CASH for used can A truclc:a jUI( call ua for fret ettbnate. GROTH OIEVROIB Ask for Sales Ma.nqer 182'.ll Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach KI ~ WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR -W CONNELL CHEVROLET 2S'l8 Harbor Blvd. Oista !\1esa 54&-1200 pm. * 642-967.J. • SNIPE 151,s' iwlboal. $750 or ====="°'===o l OR-'"GE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER "SALES -SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Thoodoro BILL MAXEY ITIOJYIOIT!Al MORR.JS MtNdR C.Onvt. CO " milei1 per gal. New Int, ext. 11881.BEACH BLVD. Rcblt eng. Like n e 1.,. Hunt. Beech 847-1555 best oHer. Trucks 9SOO G'T;).2744 28' WOOD Sloop lnbd, dac.s, xlnt cone!., steal at S4700! 714: 64!>-113.1 '68 CHEVY PU, Takfl Oftr payments. Needs b od y ROBINS FORD mechlnlca.lly. Xlrlt buy . ..,':cm=I ="·...,°',--"""'='...,H~wy=. o="-Bd>~ . ..::7cc'~-=:::R..:.4R..:.~;=~-,.,-,-8-1.-. =w"'a,-. r 8 ILL MAXEY work. Call after 6 Pt.I 2<*l Hubor Blvd, 673-2614 Cotta Mesa 642-0010 FlNN. No, 143, and ncv.·ly '63 CHEVY Panel Truck, refinished !railer. Peninsula auto trans. $700. Days FERRARI ~~I• $100 64 .... 34 alior 6 ITlOIVIOltl.49 18811 BIACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 147-8555 1 rni N. of Cols! HWX;-.on R<·n '68 TOYOTA, 2 dr hardtop, AM/FM radio, 4 11pd. $1750. 675-5n2 dys, 547--0474 alt 5. 21~ t:. Ocean Blvd, 67~. evea & wknd& __ _;_c:;:.::;:.:.:;.:;__ tiT.H)ll9, $900 67J.-06!13 •--------~---,,.....~-~ FERRARI KITE, new mll:lt, ~ Nils. e 1940 FORD Pickup e N--Jm-· Ltd. Or· highway trailer; very good ....__w• V-8 3 ........i ticlc .... _. ..,_ .. cond., fine rac.ln< f(!((ll"d, ... '"'"" ' • •~ • anae Count1'1 only •uthot-• good body & tires. • $'5ll 1zed dNJ•. $695. Call: ~73-4739 firm e 1)46..Sfil SALES-SERVICE-PARTS OPEL '66 OPEL KADET COUPE STAR No. 4288, three suit& 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Mils, coVPr, trR.ilcr. Good J"ps 9510 Newport Be.ch "Chrome wheels." Lie. No . TRl••MPH SPAf 885. 549-3001 ext, GT -orl----"-----racing record. Fully eqp'd, 642-9405 540.1764 ready lo sail. $1600. £'5-'™3 19S3 MILITARY J eep M38Al Authorized MG Dealer RACING Sabol, like new No. Good cond. $850 fitm. * 41lll With alum dally. 1"tiog ~546-=7"63=====::=:=l ·-....::.J::A.:,G=.:U::A::::R:___ sling & garagci hoist S.125· Cempen 9520 '62 XKE Red Rd1. llcst oiler 846-1544 1.;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 over S2200. '\... LIDO 14, tilTI7, new rigging 546-0339, 846-1190 • & ewer S950. Call eve & CAMPER '£4 J AGUAR XKE, beautifu.1 wkend. 673-2609, Sales .. Rentals black Roadster, xlnt cond. COLUMBIA 29, l/3rd in-Authoriu:d De&ler $2150. 646-3842 teresL Top cone!, extras. Eldorado • Four Winds • Jltnl dn. 642-3295, 673-'l"lll Scotsman . Barracuda ·:~ ~~rxiy67J_.~ *KITE ·No. 735, Hwy 8' Cabovcr l..ow As after£:30 tratlet:, nearly new. Many $'199 1.;;o=:======= extras. $995, 673-5527 Model # 600 36' YA \VL. Dacron sails, gl"'y au.'<. $6950. Sro on mooring f 99. 5-18-3765 Spood Ski Beats 9030 Theodore KARMANN GHIA ROBINS FORD '59 GHIA. }tebWlt engine. 2aiO Harbor ffivd. SGSO. Excellent condition. Costa ?\fesa. 642-0010 67~1;i(l(I ~ ,.. SKI boa~ SK d"'""' loo '::,~~ .. ~'.'~~:'~~ni MERCEDES BENZ hp 1'1ercury outboa.ril, lrg 5 pm. 646-8693 · .w!Jeel trailer. Sell or trade jot Dune blJuy. C a 1 J 645--0llil MOVING 1nust Mill 14' Ski boat; mtr. & trailer, ;500 or best olfcr. 642-2869 '£7 DODGE Camper Van w/Expando top xlnt. CoDd. l.1ust sell $3500. 5-18-1417 , ___ .....;::..;__:_..:...;:__ 196.1 '..i T CHEVY .truck &: camper -Sips 4. Movina:- must sen $&)0, 673-4281 Boat M1 lnt1n1nce 9033 BE AU TI F: UL '6.1 VW JACK'S Electronic Service Electrical repair, remod, new installation. 543--8329 0"111')« Counl·1 -. L .11qe~I .;;,.1,.(.t1 on f'Jt•w & u ~!';! ~/\e 1 c etL·~ P.t·n 1 Jim Slcmon s Imps. l/./,,rnl!1 & l/\,1 111 St S,inta An,1 ~46-4 114 68 Dir. - $799 '6.5 OPEL l\adett. mileage, very iood $800. * 642--0169 PORSC~E l ow cond. SELL Or tradl'! fpr VW; '£6 '68 TRIUMPH f.1K-3 Spilli~ Convert. Like new $1800. 644-:1768 Marine Equip. 9035 NEW PERKINS DI.E.SEL. 4- 107. 2-1 Warnt't i: ear . Cratl!d. $171X1. '114: 87S--5044 Sunbeam, low mileage. Call 8' CAMPER cleanQ& fully! ____ M_G ____ 1 ...c67.c.>-.c.346_c_5 ______ ,, (!Quipped. Ideal far 1,t Ton ,67 MGB '67 TJGER 289, 4 spd convt. Camper Xlnt. c.ond., bla' motor $1450. Can Gt2-3003. 1969 V'IV Camper, pop.up, 6,000 mi., 1-'lorida rei:. $33)(1. Prvt prty. 213: 831--0775 R Boat·Y •ckt Cha rters 9039 NE.\VPORT H AR BOR CRUISE In your own yacht, 6 pass Lic'dflns'd, res ~9000 ' BLUEWATER OIARTERS 27' Trojan, Power 26' Thunderbird, Sail Skipper avail. S.16-900) Mobile Homes 9200 SU!\lMER HOME 2 yr. old 1 BR .• comp, furn. Awninga, landSCBped, pool, s a u n a bath. rest., walk to ocean In Driftwrl. Bch. Oub. Adults. $.'i,IXX1 cash. 536-mL BUDGER Expando 1Sx:rr, 21,.i BR. 1'"\Jmhilhed includln~ \\'<I.Sher & dryer, ail'-cond, & 23" color TV. call aft 6 pm. 847-5394 VERY Clean 1D x SO Skyline with large cabana. O>mpl with skirting & carp<rt & patio awninp. Call 531'r2081 For Sale: 45' Trailer. new fu rn. 2191 H1rbol' Blvd Sp 61, CM 646-7016 BOL£S...Aero 8x.101 BR. tub & i;howcr with &tt&.ched 9 >t 24 cubana. fUJ"f1, ,a1eeps 4..fi on NC'\Vpt. Bay. Adults. 675-4::.31 I-BR., 35', rea.t0n,.bl• V8Ctl• hon or permanent home. Patio, (ncd, yd. J,• !Yk. to heach. See !his weekend. Flamingo Trailer Parle, 7000 J>aclfic Coaat Hwy, Space 18. N'pt. Boe.ch. $1TJO, "43-S>JI ELUXE doubl• w I d e mobile home In nf!W parlt. Calta l!,1@U1 6tS-teeO aft 10 am. Blcycl" 9225 Schwinn Girls Biko Like new S25. 830-19'9 9300 210 HONDA SC!r am bl e r custom, much chrome, ....,,x ..... 89MMB tOVING, mUllt 1ell '64 Trfumpli ISO cc. ~. c.JJ alt s. Q) "'7-l'-19 HONDA 250 CC Scrambltt. $315. .... 646-3351 * • SURI' ....... ' 8'111 -· -. gd. -$100. 6lf.3Sl3 ' I PU $650. 830-1!149 Disc brk11. lmmac. Be11t of-=========IR.dst. with cover & wire fe r. 646-2812 ask tor Dave D Bugn·es 9525 wheels. Excellent condition. une •1 Only 33,000 mUes, Lie. GH:> 1965 \VRECKED VW. SO,CKXI 023. TOYOTA ml . 1420. $1795 * 54&-0681 * 1-loliday 1969 tlllrbor Blvd. SHOW CAR Sand Rover VW Cmita f.1csn. 642-£023 TOYOTA w/everylhing. S e e 'to 1960 MG~ew Enaine, Bat. $ SAVE .$ hc!Hevc. 644-0184,-£45..0080 Starter. Nffils 'some work E x e,.utive C•r Salt $250. 673-8224 aft 6 PM. 1" ·1mpcrted Autos 9600 '66 MG Midget Rdstr, wire Hurry While They La1tl whoel•, R&ll. To n n oa " Gl·Mt • I A,.,; 1 CoYt'r, new tires & bait. """'°'LWJIO 11:lnl cond. 29,000 ml; pvt ALPINE '66 ALPINE ROADSTER Removable Hardtop, Llc No. SLD 734. $1199 Di r. t>4.9-3031 Ext. 67 or 68 CORTINA '£8 CORTINA 2 dr dlx, 4 fir, llXX> mi. Wananty trans $25. $1650. 00.-2282 DATSUN DOT DATSUN MEMORIAL DAY WEEK END SPECIALS '69 Datsun S.W. Waaoo. Radio. heater, • 11peed, CXSE672l $1895 '69 Datsun P.U. Ttadlo, heater: (YR.X45l) $1595 '69 Datsun 4 dr. Sedan. Demo, Automatic, n· <lio, heater. $2095 -- DOT DATSUN '61 Dat11111 Station WaCJOll AU orlrtnlJ, ' ..... dlr, "'11o, heater, JU. new! $75 Ca1h dell, pymntJ m.oo mo. VllC 014, call Ken. $9773 DAU .• Y PILOT WANT ADS! BRlNO R!:SULTSI •'" a,,.i '""· 844--0678 " IMPORTS 644~2853 TOYOTA·YOLYO ~D"AJ""L"Y'°P°"ILOT==w~ANT=~ADS=1" I 1966 1-larbor, C.M. 646-9303 lmpo r1od Autos 9600 lmpor1od Autos 9600 ELMORE Largest Exclusive Toyota Dealer Anywhere I!!! · Largest Slt'Yice Facilities Largest ' Selection MICUJ UJO CAU IM OU.Mal COfWfl' ~---; • •All Celw• • All Melllll1 • • • 1 lftNANC::Ull ~N.:,.LW , ON ·! WI ' 0 • AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE PURCHASE OF: The Family Room. [lt't!ty l•rriily lhould ~ • f1ll'lity earl ComfOl'Ubfe seati"f IOI" the whole f1l'ftlly . , • pl'Ktk:•I. rood lo<Ms tNit won't 1(1 CMJl Of style •• , Hvanc41d 111r1neerina •• • all vi"yt lnte'rlOI', raClining bucket suls, 4-Sl*!d stick shift. Be 1 new car twtK1r familyr 1 Flat124 Family Sedan The whole family wu1· enjoy the zip of Fi11t 124's high-output· engine .. , the smoothness of a 4-speed synchro- mesh gearbox ... the security of 4-wheel disc brakes .•. the comfort of recllnlng front bucket seats. Flat is fun! Flat124 Waoon How aoes Flat do it for the J>rice'l SEE THESE AID OTHER F(AT MODELS m ALIFORNIA · SPORTS CARS 901 E. 1st ST., SANTA ANA 542·BB01 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO RTATION 9900 Uood Coro 9900 642-9433 TRANSPORTATION '61 V\Y S600 e '&I SI.MCA "99 • ·so TIU saro • '60 COMET $399 e 'MJ QJEV, Pan('! sm • '58 OPEL $199 e '5.~ FORD Vii·. 5149. COSTA MESA MOTOllS BUICK '67 RIVIERA Full power, air. "~mo.~t Wholesale." Lie, No. WXM 232. 549-30311-:Xt. 67or68dlr. $2999 Beach City Cadlllec1 * BIG DISCOUNTS * '65-'69 CADILLACS All Full Power-Fact, Air '69 de Ville •••••• , ••••• S6195 '68 Sed ••••••••••••••• S4695 '67 Seel. •.••.••••••••• $3795 '66 Scd, •.•.•.•.•. " •• $2895 'G3 Sc<l. . . . . . . . . . . • . • • $995 SOi\-fE EXAMPLES MANY !\10RE TO CHOOSE e $100 DELIVERS e EASY CREDIT e 48 MO. FINANCING on approved credit Check \vith us be.tor@ YoU buy Cad illacs 847-1222 17281 Beach Bl. CHEVROLET • '66 CHAIGl!R : '56 OlEV, '69 327, 4 •pd. 4ll +Auto tri1111, redlo, heeler. rear l'nd, 1nany xlras J\.'l.akc +s11.w 10• • oUcr . 646--7361 t $1695 • "'6 EL CAMINO, rebli 301 • i 642~l580, 893 Oak SI Cl.I • '63 WAGO N '56 GOOD acan Chevy, lr.;t1e~$.'4A• 9 1,." 5 0KNt.91.· \Vi190n Crt!gory. 200 Chicagu • St. Apt A. H. B. 536-7691 • '£2 CllEV. Bel-Air, 2 dr .• + '66 CAPRICI ttulo. RJH, very dcpen-rAutorn•tic, f•cf. elr, power riable, S300. GT:>J!!Gt lttrl111t re4io, hMtM. '68 CHEVY II Nova, 250 C\I ISIM 371) In. 6, standaJ'd 1rans, 4 dr, •199 5 ntdk>. 11-19$ "' 11111 down on ' 234 l 17111 ST 541-7765 OPIN170...& ,......._. !/J~eUICK 'tH[ IUIC t: COll"llil f COSTA MESA { af)prava.I. 541-88,Jg '59 CHEV Klngswood Wi;n P/S, P/8. 6.1,cm mJ. M°wll. be seen. 548--0974 COMET '64 COMET Coltcptc Cott\' 45.000 n 1i. hlake oiler . &t."1-2211 nr 6-~t~ .TtfE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU SEU. ' ' I ' 0 " •' ' " ' ·: ----.---------------=c=------~----------' TllANSPOltT ATION iAJ):fJS spectacular Sprytifl S EMl\IE MEMOl\Al ~oNvtNIENCE i FOil YOUR SHOPPING BRAND NEW 1969 VALIANT-2 DOOR The Honest Compact '67 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill WAGON va . 1111t•1t1•tie, r.dlo, "••'•'· ..eo-r , •*••rh19, white wtlf•, f1 ctory tir con· diliot1h19. IYCY6571 '67 DATSUN SEDAN 4 1p1.d. Full f1ctory eq uipped. TU I' 94 5. '68 COUGAR V'I, •utomelic, tedio, lle1t1r, power sleerln9 l br1kt1, fectory eit condl· lionin9, low, low miles. IWFL026) '68 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2 OR. HARDTOP ve , •11~m 1tie, r•dio, ...... ,, power 1l111ri119, whlto sldt wol!1, c.11111. f I J6l71A 11 656•1 '65 DODGE DART SEDAN '64 CHEVROLET '68 VOLKSWAGEN IMPALA COUPE " VI, 011lofl'ltfic, r1dio, httfor, power Llt+lt rid ti119 "'1th r1dlo incl h11ol1r. tl11rin9, whito .Ide w1ll1. ho11tif11I !VGZ 1191 confJtion. INYMOl 11 '66 DODGE COl!ONET Vt, e11tometic1 r1clio end h11t.r, pow• er 1feerin9. tR1• 11s1 \ '65 CHRYSLER SEDAN A11to111otlc, r1dio, lleeler, powtt 1lttt• in9, power br1k1s, 1ir co11ditionin9. !PKA614 l '65 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 DR. H.T. 1/1, 11111oll'ltlle1 rttllo, hott.r, ,...,., ll11rf1191 pow1r tir•lco1. IT~J 4201 '65 CHRYSLER N'!WPORT VI, t11fo111t tlc, r1dlo, ht1f1r, power 1fotrln9, power l:iraiiot, air c:olldltlon• i119. IPKA6141 '67 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 DR. H.T. 'II, tutOflletlc, redlo, h11lllf', powff 1teer1119 I breke1, fectorV elr condl· tionin9. ITSG 7061 The examples above are'but • sm1ll part of our hijge selection of top quality-trouble free used cars-- All advertis ed cars carry a free 5 day free trial exch1n90 privilege. ALL PRICES PLUS TAX & LICENSE. PRICES GOOD TIL 10,00 P.M., SUNDAY, JUNE UMCI C1rs 9900 UMdC1n MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE Oi>EN DAILY &SUNDAY . ti11op ·111. T·BIRD CORVAIR FORD FORD STUDEBAKER -------...1 . '66 T·Blrd '62. NEW clutch, .,.w ·-· '67 Ford Wagon '63 Ford w .... on BOSS 429 FINEST SELECTION . & runs good. S175. 4 seat Country Squire. Load--'21 Many extras. Black fade. * 646-1408 * ed aod .ha• fact. air, root 6 pass C.Ountry Sedan. V-8, Call 642-7899 aft 6 pm. '61 CORVAIR $200. Good 1-ack. etc. SVX770 auto, P.S., R/H, ha! aJr ______ _:__c__ nd • f k OKG368 '68 MUSTANG 2 pl 2. 4 sp. Over 25 · '66 • '67 • '68 transportation. 675-6634 $1995.00 co · roo rac · '--$795 00 16,000 ml, Call ....,tween S.S. '""· JOHNSC)N & SON ' -mo CORVETTE Lincoln.Mercury JOHNSON & SON '65 MUSTANG oon.., full 1941 H bo Bl d Lincoln-Mercury pov.ret, R/H, white · walls. Cadillacs lo Choose From ·~pd~=~·ii~~·,"i:x~ tot;.1oso v. 1941·':;;.~~Blvd. niso.-.atte'5 . <eptional oondition. 54().l;2'7 NEED-A-CAR? OLDSMO.ILE • '68 ELDORADO loc•I t:•r, 011• own•r, f•ct •ir, fvll pow•r, d 1r•o 11clio, n•w c•r w1rr•ntv. XCJ 461. 2 to choose from , We ean Help You! LINCO. rv COR~ 66, 427/425, 4 e If othtrs have turned you ., ... spd. 2 topi' $2750 or trade. down e If you have no down -------- .YJ,T.t.. CIUISlll 548-1489 payment. e If you are em. '67 CONTINENTAL !dan, ful- t , .. Stcrti .. \tt .. 011 '58 Corvette 283 stick ployed. 1Y loaded, xlnt cond. Must F•ctory •ir, lo•cl1d ! I ' ' ' Loc•I c•r. TEX 947 2 tops, exi:;ellent cond. Many models to choose from sell 'Immediately. Will ar- Bc11t offer. &49-3523 * * Call Mr. Ulmer range financing, al6o take '67 OLDS $17 9 ~ 893-5038 trade. 4!J4.<327 COUGAR 19<1 FORD FIOO, v~. ~kk, MERC '68 CADILLAC R&H, now 6 ply ti,.,, new URY SC U ' '65 FORD 1008 COUGAR like new, big radiator, E·Z illth hitch, -------- CAU.I O I' R&H, PS&B, Gd. tires Jem top shell campervSl095. '83 " MERC C.Omet Stabon Full pow1r, f•ct •ir, 14,000 ST.t.TION WAGON 13000 · N · 833-1145 WagQri.,Auto. trans. luggage mil•1, lit• bl11• w/cla rl blue Ona own•r, l&,000 mil,1 , tir ' mi. 0 atr. ~or S42.()7(S. rack, new ttres. $149j. int. No. 68181870 ' co11d. Ex<ept ion•llv fin• <•r. eves. ONE Owner '57 Ford V-8, 2 837-4263 $4715 RY$"1"·74 5 DODGE ''HT,.,,'&;.. auto. A-1 ~~~-cond. inside/out. 96z..3916 '65 COLONY Park Wagon; 9 aft 7 PM, anytime on Paa.. loaded. AM/FM, * 1969 440 DODGE . Dart weekends. new brakes. $1650 S4<)....()&65 Magnum 375 h.p Pos1trao----------1 '66 MERC Colony Park Sta '68 .PO~TIAC tion. $3100. ~31-4933 or • 1940 FORD Pickup • ull equi • '66 CADILLAC IONNEY!LLl4TA. WAG. -Ch•vy v~. • 3 .'peed stick ~·,!~~.~pd, COUPI DI VILLE 9 P•11•n9er, air conclition1cl, '63 DODGE 440 Wagon ~ good ~t tires, • USO • • BRAND NEW '69 CUTLASS Jt,000 mi, factory •ir load· AM/FM c1r•clio,pwrcloor lock1. R/H. PS, auto, good oond'. tum • 11 •' MUSTANG id! Lik• n•w! SWH 502. pwr win owt, pwr •••h, n1w $650 '65 •'ORD. Fae air, P/8, '-------- tire1. lo•cl1clll Sold '""' fo r · $92.4G75 P/b, aub.'.t trans, like new ,67 MUSTANG HT $ J 4 7 5 l$•,o3oo. Ai7king: 9 5 :~i936~t 6~~r ~· Godde11 gold exL, plush · University PONTIAC "'~-~~-... 9900U .... c... 9900 . FALCON ,~ WHITE Foro G··-~-blacl< Int, pwr "''"''" dlr, .a.;J<u. ~ auto, excelent cond. '$90 • CLASSY '64 Futura Convert good cond. New generator • cub dels, or take klrelgn Old b I '67 LEMANS Smo '1 e Bucket seats, factory air, . pwr •lffrl"g. nu """ xlnf A' L L E N Xlnt mnd-e v er y th I n R ~ .. ., "!!. tlrti. Good trans. car. Fine prvt prty. LB works! 548-3335 or 547-7511 ,~=='====~=I UOE 393. Call Ken .fDf..9773 28SO Harbor Colt.a Mesa Ext~ DAILY PILOT WANr ADS! or ~5--0634. 540-9640 ~r:;::~;::.:=;=====.:..:~~~ FORD STAR GA'ZEJ('1< .. OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC '6 7 Ford Cortina 2 Dr., Deluxe. 4 speed. radio. 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY v.,,.1owmn""'· WFV196 . $1295.00 LAGUNA BEAC" JOHNSON & SON 494-1084 • 547-3103 Llncoln-Mercury 1941 Horbor Blvd. 642-7050 '66 MUSfANG HT. VS. pwr ---------- atr, air. Super-clean. Pvt ply, $1625, (21.1) GE 1-1625 CONTINENTAL 9900 ~Ilg Bcb. '65 FORD Bus, R&H, big 6 CONTINENTAL ..... Sacft, al S50 .,,.,. Qtuo F""'c<.i'-'-,,;...--B7 Cl.A y L POLJ,.A H v-CollrA<fMlyO.i<lo ·i;. Y AtcorJ/1111 fo th• Sto,.. To dBVelop riiessoge for Frlddy, reod words correspoodiMg to runbers of your Zodiac; birtl-i sign. , 1 y., jl Prabobty 61 ""'°"19 2 8rtltf 2 Good . 62 Ntw 3 [ffom Jl ,.,...,., 6J ,......., A (-.t 34 T_.,. 64 Your s anno 350.. 650wn 6TNll&, 360I M•ltoonces 7At 37fnfl.-67A' I A~ 31 W"'k 68 Ecf.11,........,t 9 Con 3' 6tt 69 Into 100. I AO~ 700!htrs' 11 Plcg Al Ollllootklrol 71 Potlo 12 .,_, 4:2 °"f 72 Stofus tJY.i: AJ,Mberd·-~,7J-5tar'ldlng 14 To AA s.rten 14 T°'*'Y 15Pot~ A5YOlll' 7'f'tlt~ condition Inside le out, dlr, $175 Cash or foreign car. Take low pyrnnts. lB TKR 595, Call Keip 49f..97'73 or 54$<l634 '67 FIREBIRD"=~~400~. -c.nvt.~"" Pis, P/b, lJH. Low mLI $. 0wlll' fl3..8830. ""9. 67S-4106 '64 TEMPEST WllJ., new tin!$, V-3 auto., PIS. PIB; xlnt oond. $950. 66'-J:m IStffl LE MANS. loetory lfr, buclcef ..... vlnyf fop, Pia. Xlnt coDd. $2695 or- but oUer. 675-27H '81 PONT. Ventura. . 2 dr. .edan, •le, a/w, Xlnt L'OIXI. l,2195.~ RA MILER '64 Continental Book Wholesale. 549-2502 l6Good .. ,,_ 76 D1$1Cftl 11 a...to1 .1.1 F'o;r\I n Tl'l!IA>1n PRE-OWNED DOMESTIC CREAM PUFFS 16' 7 CAMAIO 1/S S,.Clol 221 ,,.,, .......... \ Ua. N .. ~A• m . $2577 '67 r MUITAN•. YI, fwll ,.,, 1tl• $2577 olr, low .,..._ 0 1t1t111ll"1I U.. N .. TUIJM · • '66 :-:,u:.,'!.!,':.:.:· H.T, $1977 !Jc. No. UL 711 , '66 OLDS 442 s,t. C:,.. 4-op. Pl,tWle& ........ U&.N•. 1Uf71 . $1777 166 IUICl Lo--$]577 ............... aaH, ...... U..Mo.YIHJt6 • , '66 l'!>ID ,.._ •·'-'•· C... $1571 ,,., .............. v ...... , ' .._. ..... U... M•. STN J7t 4 Dr. Full power. ftct. air, pebble beige w/matchina In. ltrior .• Vary 1uxurlnul. n:z. 372 '63 Continental '63 FORD Falco" """'"'- 4 Dr. Sed. Full ~r. fact fl.Ill pwr V-8, Xlnt cond. lllr, fu11 lea!Jler interior. $350. 548--4309 · ·GKZ'l15 '63 GALAXY 500 Wagon. $1395.00 . $1195.00 . "'"' "'::'~;.,, • JOHNSON & SON JOHN$QN & SON '55 FORD, good oond, G...,t TIN-AIY-18Todcl\I •,!:!!!:!;!._:!<j l:UO SELECTION l'T• _., [.,.,, 79~ 1- 20Y.. ....... "-'6\THRU'&I'• DEAN ~WIS 21 Cprw.llM!fl 51 F"°"' II,,....,. ALL MODELS Hlruy -~~ llf.Jl(ot..t t(l.\I FROM #95. 24 ~r.i 54 Poit. aA ~lotfd 1J.2'-3M) • l:tJ...,. · ii='• ll !%:th:" 10-n IHPORT.~ 6 9303 ~ 27111 571n 97~ ~ i;i;:z.., ii:::. =~ I ' f OYOTA..VOLVO ,.., ""~ '°""' , 1966 HARBOR, C.M •.. ~®Good @Ad~ {)Ne\'ct?1 6'2"'°13 ~~~~~~===~~~~~-'---=-==:___l lll!!il!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!\m . . . ' 'l Llncolft.Mercury Llnc9'ftooMtrcury 2nd Cll'i Le•Uw:r upholster)'. • 1941 Harbor Blvd. 1941 H1rbor Blvd. QlO, -2395. · 642.7050 642°7050 SOCK IT TO 'EMI • • ' ~ ., • • .f l .. . -----------~ ' ,. : ttn'!: ---~..:~ • J • • • , Soulhrrn luliforniu'; (liu111er Ht u.t11uun. ·~ LARGEST SELECTION ~ .~lt4ll.GER~. TO CHOOSE FROM IN SOUTHERN CAtl,F. • • ' • 1 a·rand New '69 ~hargers CHOICE OF COLORS .. Bucket seats e Hideaway headlights • Full vinyl interior e .Nylon carpeting • Rear deck spoiler e Full racing instrumentation • Bumper guards IMMEDIATE e Ash tray ligh l e H.D. springs,• torsion sway • . DEUYERY · ~I~ bar XPMNllnnt.'XP'M•l .... }(rM'r81"1Sl,1l(t798'8\"7lt. • · · . • l'W• Y:11 ..... $ 2 6·88 .i]Ji. $8 ~.··i=:· $81~:~iti • Orange (Qun~ty' s ,,_,__,,~"""~M .. i'"ma ~M!:H~.r~-1; ·: <;., LARGEST 5 DAY 1969 DART SWINGIRS -., .. --COISEOUTIYE ~ BRAND NEW 2-DOOR HARDTOPS ' HOUR $66"-'66 S2188 . . . . .. TOTAL DOWN TOTALMTHIY.. ...1.'I J:£_. . ' ·HOLl:DAY .. PAYIUN,T . 'AYMENT TOTAL·Plllfil •+ f~ ·&·f.!9;. , , , P'IY1Mnl5 lrtchtdt t.llt l."lk3.iw ~ ., •• .,... •.• ~ ..... Cf94!l. •,, .\~J., 1969 DODGI COllOMITs ·;.;· . BRAND NEW ·2~DOOR-COUPES '69":69 t2288 TOTAL DDWH PAYMENT TOTAL MTHLY, PAYMENT . TOTAL PRICE + TA~. & UC '"""'*'" lnd'!Clt 1111 a. n~ en~ on • rnoa. on 9Hriwfd bellk ,,.yu. 1989 DODIE ''WESltRI 'SPORTS ·sPECIAL" BRAND N£W 2-0«. HARDTOP coqn :$,,~~;,,·~$2:288~ TOTAL DoWN· . . TOTALZMONTHIY . . • .,, •· PAYMENT '. '.p,tYMENT TOTAL PRICE+ TAX & LIC. • :p1Ym.nt.1rieklde 1911 •·Ucent1 dla,... on .. tN11. an l9Plll'OVM W ~II • ..... J 969 .DdDGI CORONETS . BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS f'llllJ' fllClory ~ hHT'!"• deffmltr, ti!:. WL68PE12l041, WUJll,EUS249, WUJllPEUltjf. ' '' . -Brand New 1969 Dodge Tradesman Van ., . . 8108 Model, V-8 engine, heavy duty s11Spension, speciJI tradesman accessories package, 461a:mp 1lteinttor, 70 amp wet .battery, tinted glass,.juniar W.est Coast mirror, front seat P""'Oll•• side. Moror No; 198709451~ .. fmmediire Delivery. , . · .$2888 TOTAL PRICE + TAX & UC. ,..l'fM!lb ~ ... lk9flll cNrttl"' ... fllOe.."' ~ .... tnlllt. I ' S·ell-a-thon ,. . THE BIGGEST SALE EYER HELD DOORS WILL· - NfVeR CLOSE! · OPEN . AROUND THE CLOCK FOR 96 CONSECUTIVE HOURS' Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. May 29th to June 2nd . . Sale · Starts Tkurs .. 9 . a.m. Ends Monday , Midnight ( ' ·-----..a' BEFOIE YOU HY 11·•' '----·. USED CAR AIY1nlERt Show the dealer my gua,;,nlM and ask If he can match itl If not, came Into HARBOR DODGE ham• of the'GOLD STAR GUARANTEE. Bot SwicL, 0-r-GOMral M1n1ger 100% UN~NDnlONAL OUUANTll ,A LOOK fOl THI G01D STAil .. Till WINDSHllLD' W For.your protoctlon 100% U.CotldltlHll Guo--TWs Stw -·lo writing that ""1lor Dodp .,., .. ,.., tho car 100% lfllMI -fell ""9cts for 100 doJI or •-!IOO mHts whkh .. ., ,..,., lint lfttr ,....,_ .:l!\f' lnclodts 111 ... hloiclt 111m. tlictric1I equipment, battery, ,,..._...,., l"llllt,J-jl\iitw en 111 can. This gu1rlftfM . co"n 111 .parts ind labor fnMI bumper to buniplr absoluhly frtt ... JOU· '66 CHRYSLER 2.01. HAlDTOP $Ohl tuto. trtnt,. P.S., P.I,. ll&+i. ITBK llS). 1·£0 I~ $43 1"'1 $43 -'Ill! -: .,;: ........ .,:,,. UC. ' #;3. . ~ '65 CHEVIU£ SUPER SIOllTS .~. rtr air. wlQ. '™--· P.S., a&H. IROV 71(1 • . I· .U, ~· $Jill. 1"'1 $JIA .!!ll! . +-TW'f Llc. W° Mf. .. ~ VOUCSWABEI CENTER '66 VW VARIA~T $lOBf l'f f1clory -IPIM!d. (TIO 7'1). .. 1:/tl $36 .r::.: $36 Il!l!; +Tia & Lie. f'ylftf. ~f. '60 VOUCSWAGEN PfCl(UP ' ...o. uor 41n. J#:.l ·$16 ~ $16 ..!l[f,. +T1•&Lk. ;;;:.'i, ~: .. Al~ payments on used cars include tax & license and finance charges on 36 monlhs on approved~ Bank Cred it. •• ••