HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa~ I' I ,, I I • •• • • eac er ......... rISIS-rI eac Death Stalks ' • State Highways Over Holidays. • • DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * • FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 30, 1969 'VOl. &2, NO. 12', 4 SECTIONS, 4' PAGES In Me111oriam ~dents at Bay View School in Costa Mesa partiCipate in massed · tfWg cerenlony as part of their Memorial Dey observance Thursd.ay. Rites a<:ross the nation today honor memory of de~ U.S. service- men. Tradition, also known as Decoration Day, started in 1868 as means of honoring Civil War dead. It 'has since been expanded to- cover men killed jn all l!_.S. wars. - Screaming. Youth Le(lps On Hood of P-Olic'e Car · A ~earning you\h whO leaped ·OO the hood o! a ·police car and tore off the windshield wipers white hurling abuse at astonished officers was being "cooled off" Jn Costa Mesa jail early today. near Orange Coast College. Ofllctr"S; said they were on their way to investigate an auto accicfent when the youth jum~ on their car: · -f'At~jt Slated Todav • At Berkeley BERKELEY (UPI) -Memorial O.y promises tq be a memorable day in this tension-pac~ed univef.sity city, where a crowd of 50,000 protestors Js expected to cooftont police and •tional guardsmen at controversial "pe0ple's park.'' · tr violence is avoided, today will he a clear indication that firm steps have be9' taken toward a settlement in the dis'pute which erupted May 15 in a bloody batUe between 2,000 rock-throwing demonstrators and 500 riot.equipped pollce with shotguns. But if trouble flares again, the COO• sequences and tolls could .be far. worse than the past two weeks of strUe. during which one yopth was fatally wounded, scores were injured and nearly 800 were arrested. Some of the more radical teaderJI among the' demonstrators have threaten. ed to tear down the rence whiCh the University of Calilornia construct.ed around a ·Piece of university land that was converted into a "people's park" by students and the ''street people" of Berkeley's nearby hippie colony. However, most leaders or the protest pledged it would be non-violent. They want the park returned to Its builders and withdrawal of the guard, ordered in by Gov. Ronald Reagan May 16 under a 11state of emergency" declaration iJD.. posed earlier in the year. Alameda Comity Sheriff F r a n k Madigan,_ who commands all law en- forecment units and national guardsmen in the area, warned tbat shotgun> would be used again, if ~ to maintain onler. Madig1n said 200 guird!men were sta- tioned inside the fenced park, and 2,IOl . more were standing by · in nearby armories. ·, I Berserk Youth· ' .. A8sault.s .Mesa Poli~e Car ' '· • • ' .. ' ' . ' . · · ·. · -· -'. '" '. 'EJtlft-Jy Mall'B ,· ~~~y ~ee~ing .Crucfu:,£ A~!.; Nearly · In Beach· Teacher Crisis By RUDI NJgl)ZlllL'lKI Of .... Dal~ ''"' .... . ·Both sides'in the strife torn HW\tinglon .Beach Union.Hl&h ~ho<il Dlatrtct pointed · toward an early morning-meeUng Mon· di& ~th hoJ)ea of settling a teachers s8lary dispute that emptied classrooms al. the lunch hour Thursday. . . • , With talks in· progress late Thursday, there were some indications a settlement might be agreed Upon by di.strict ad· mJnls trators and teacher. representatives prior to a special· meeting of district trustees calJed for 711.tn. Monday. · However, aoy agreement hinges bn board action Monday and at leasr lhree members , of t.he five-man governing board have indicated they don't plan any Daily . Pilot Price Changing to $2 The home-delivered subscription price or the DAILY PILOT will tie 12 per "fnonth,·effecUve Monday. CostJ of materials, news gathering and all other elements essential to the P!°'" ductlpn 8ftd dlstribuUon of a quality com· munity dally newspai)rr Ii.ave been steadily Increasing since the ·DAILY PILOT last adj~ted Jts borne delivery price rnor.e than three years ago. The 25-<:ent ·subecription raise .will, of COUl'9e, lncreue the eahtings ol the more than 7lO DAILY PILOT carrier boys. II abo will allow the DAILY PILOT to con- llnue drorta to deliver the hel!I ""Ible commuol\y daily ne,..paper tlirougn im· proved report.Ing, presentation and prO;' dUCUoo tachnlque1. ' ' major departures rrom 11\e~ ofrer of a. I percent pay hike for the district's 497 "tcaChers. Meanwhi\e, teachers sl'lowed their solidarlfy in ~1 o( an 8.3 percent ir)· ~ crease by voting to coot.l..aue with· a ·"Slowdown" 1called by leaders" of Uie 'District Educators' Association (DEA). · About 250 or the DEA 'a 430 members attended an association meeting ·Thwr day afternoon at the Huntlngtoq. Be.sch Methodist Corrimun.ity Church. A!te'r hearing ~m association leaders: those . present voted overwhelmingly to. proceed with tactics frankly aimed a~ pressuring the district Into a settlemenl. Monday, however, teachers have dt!· cided to follow a regular school day schedule, inst.ead of the prevlot,l!ly ex- pected minimum day. · Further developments, including a · walkout . with teachers taking "personal leave" Tuesday and Wednesday, Will de-. pend on action taken during Monday mOming's Board m@g. Thursday, two of the district's four campuses had to be dismissed before 'noon because of confusion over the con. fiicting teacher and district schedules. A long Memorial Day weekend wilt bring a three<lay cooling-oU period_ altj!' the confusion, and In some quarters bU- terness, of Thursday. . One' acbool adminiltrator-, Marina Hlgb PrtndpaJ Glen Dysliiger, termed t])e teachers' acUon In. ·leaving his campus Thursday ''a mutbiy.'' Signll lha.r an early settlement mi~t · be possible came from teacher associa- tion President Carl Manemann during the 'l11U?'!dily afternoon DEA meeting. 5aid Manemann l>efore going bact into (SEE 'TEAC11El18, Page Z) Demolished · A 11-yeor-old t.os Arcei-"""'· beuev. ed to he.-a deaf.mute, -•ttiled '11ion. day wherl hts car was ~ aftet beifig ··rut by a tast'.moving 1l 1~ tr_ain in northern San Clemente. ' l'l'he victim was identil1ed by Orange County coroner's •investigators 1 1 Lawrence Woodburn 'll~ ol 1!07. ·S. Vermont Stz:eet Jn Los ~eler. Investigator Rus:i: .Greene said .the reSJ. dens:e at that address, PVgrl.m Toftn, is . ·a home·for·deaf·mutes. . ..J Greene said that what w11•teft ~ tbe .victim's automobile was found 'eboui 50 yard.i rrom Ille point or Impact' at Esta. cioo Strfiet at the Sante Fe cl'O!ling to . the Ocean side of Padk: Coast JlilhuY. ' 'lbere were QO other peruw ~jured. •1 ·. The road leads tO the Capiotr- Shores Trailer Park, Greene! llid:. Witnesses repOrted _having seen· the vie>. tin) in the area prior to ttie"accident;bdt nO one came forward to identify thelJodr. Police and coroner's inveatJgaton .ate ' at a kl8s to· explain the man's presence :IQ the area. · Greene said that a check of the warn. Ing signals at Ille tntaroe<tlon ol Ille Mreet and U.. railroad lracks showed them to he lunclloning properly. Wil•-repo<ted· that •Ille •epOedlng train bound al 1$ mlles·per hour ti s.n Diego lrom Los Angeles "Et ilounded Ila bom prior to Ille collloion. . G.-eene Sjlld when bll.by the bWo, victim's car disip~atad. o,._ o+.t the body w:ao "tembly,. horribly D>lllilo ed." I The remain.! have ·been: taken to ,. fer Mortuiwy in ~ ~·' 1 . . -. .. I c.uc Atttsllng oUtcers believe lhe· JS.year· · . old 6anla• Ana boy was on LSD· when• he D . th lau~ hbJreazled attack.on.the pqlice • ea ... vehicle. 'He was Uke a madmano': aft or.· 1' • • 1 • fioer said,. •:we had' to force him ',to1tbe · ' --·"-' before Wt could subdue him.'! • ~~·alks ~ighways on Weedier Youngsttrs in Baja. ·caJi/ornia • med bookt and pencil! and o Balboa cot.pie arc back on the 4 Orange Cocst trying to do w'>at thi t1 can to oet thtse .. Paae· 3. l!i'"'"'.... n..a • • Ii Tbe attack occurred oo Falrylew '<"ve • _ ·-By Al!1lllJR IC ~71 --;-··:c.momta highwoyg _ between 5 p.m. " . .. °''"' ~ "" ...., ' '' ~ ... Thunda)' and micmJ&tFt Sunday -would Reagan Signs Re"""'' · , Mlft'who ,..., ni-l!lom and1>fac'-' "be 1n Itne ror a mtmOtW anyway, the~ • I'..,.... ·uc,. .their tJl'Of-·oo atilnlessr "'°"' page documeot shows. . • • h. · tables perlorm«( ~ on 122 • Canleanm, stupidity and negligence Of Car Mileage Dill persom' killed. In Calllornla during two simply ....r late a vacation. ' big IJll holiday weetenda.. "lfclliday Portrait 196tl," Is the UUe ol SACRAMENTO (AP ) -A rwidelY f:xperla lacod wtlll • lllugber lalll -the llloody.,clronological account ol .... publicizal, highly crillched l,. law .~....,. -.i1e«a9' among 111 day1olo~1'r •. compl)..S.JolnUybylhe which pennltled new car dealen to fatal -In -Fourth of July Callloi;iia State AW>rnoblle ""°"latlon d1-necl the odometers -mileage in-and Labor Dey periods -have Just and the Automoblle Club of Soulhern dicoton -ol auW. prior to sale bas been released their own slallstlcal autoplin. Callromta. • repealed. Holiday ltalrlc accidents have little Every fatal acciden~ SI In the July 4 to Gov. Reagan signed Thunday the cormecjlon wllb holldayo lhen\llelves, two 7 period and 5$Jn Ibo Auge 30 to Sept. 2 · repeal bill b) Republk:an Sen. Fred W. stata agencies of the Automobile Aslocla· oount Is capsulhed neatly In a 1168 t<.1arler ot Redding. tt was Marler who lion ol. Am«icl 1ay on the eve of postmortem report oo causative factors. authottd the o r 1 g I n • I conltoversl'l Memorial Day weekend. Th< IAl!I day iJ Uit w«st, wKh 1t ~lied measure a year ago. MM ol you about lo <lit violently on on Bunday, Jul7 7, bot onl1·111rlnvolvlng I • • • I holldl}' connecllonl, while among IS'dead oq Monday, ~pt. 2,'onl:r two.were vio- Uml of holldfy-orlentad aecldenls. "Altbou&h the :rut day of bolh weekenda shows a greater number of ratauu... lban aiw other, 1be ~ 1do ndl appear lla6mcanUy greater ,r. iltatifUclanl conc1UCJt -• ~ 1 I~ tr'afftc volume ma k~ •· virtuolly "° dillertnce . A handful or lloDdl}' acckleitls invol~ed lengUty jouroeyl, but the Ttlt loqed, lrom .the r1rst lbrough J13lb, follow a grim, ·dally, weekly and monthly pattern •. The AAA clubs' report reOl!Cbl in aivlnimoua proflfes lhe trigic_, t~ crltNnai. the atnaeless, iroolc arid even \ . I the aulcldal In a ~ue or two. They are prt1flles of people whose lrafls and tendencies never tue a holiday, Ol"I whose number " ta ·up at a blowout or- brake failure: • -No. 1.;. Y QUI!& •• ~lctim,.'""!'pecl "' . rr<ewlj' In , .. kiii!Win'Ghlil, rear-end, od Juty.3.at s:ss., ... ; 1>yi a1na11e1iU~• .driver with Pflor speedlns convidlonl> : , -No, 11 : Fireman crulbed .to deaU> July 4 . at 11:30 1.m., when private roaci'l!ll' cruinbled •en route lo brvsh bw.; tumbling r!r."1tuck lnio a canyon. ·, -No. 30 : Pedtslrlan with mental Ill~ ness aod .31 blood olcohol level -hllh ooou~ W make two men J,g,Uy drunk - killed 'by car July • 1t ti p.m ... aa be , ' (B<e DEATH, P1 .. I). " .... ... • o.tll '""'-.. , '""""'· ,... . 111twt.......-1t.u -_._. ------,_ 1).11 ' ~· ... .. .... • j • • I . J DAii. Y "1.0T 2 More Join Rolls of LewdNudies 'l'Wo more or the Apartment A.-Go-Oo's bottomless dancers Joined Carol Cybulski --Of Laguna Beach on the conviction 11l'lt 'fhursday when a Santa Ana municipal Court jury round Lhem guilty ot tewd con· duct and obscenity. Ordered to return for sentencing Jun«' 20 'lliwe Nannie Bessie Wheeler, 28, of Brea and Jacqueline Ann Zimmer, 26, of Santa Ana. 1'1iss Wheeler faces a possible 1ix moolhs in jail and/or a $500 fine on three counts of the charges; Miss Zlm· mer could get the same term on four counts. ,,..,, M.,-'°' lM I Do\ILY P'llOT Sl-'I PMle Trimaran Home Newport Man Circles ·Gwbe .~ By Al.MON LOCKABKY peflshtd tn bis own trtrnaran on I SDO- DAILY P'ILOT ... 11 .. ••11itr mile voyage from San Francl9co to San 'nllrty<lloulllld mlill cl sail WIW bu Dieao. C l10lllin II.ii .utcl>rigld, hu {lowed under the triple hulls of ~Uke a beam of 21 feet aod draws three feet. Kane's trimaran CtrousJn 11 atnce the 28-It 's not a fancy craft. The sails: and 22 much of the aw Were purchased second year old n ·Marine left Newport Beach band from ~iiMey's Ship Chandlery. The mcntbl a.go on Au1. 2. only mtchanlcil power ls a 33 •• Kane an1v_ed back hr Newport Thura. horlM!power Evinrude outboard motor. : : day with only one of his original crew - his cal Thunder~ll. CHANGE OPINION He waa met at the dock near Minney 's "l just wanted to provt that not all Ship Chandlery by bla parent1, Mr. and trimarans were unsale and unseaworthy, Mn. Thomu Kane, Kenllworth, Ill., and contrary to the opinion of many . a sister, Barbara. A nwnber of friends yachtsmen throughout the world," said .. who saw Kane off ori his voyage 22 Kane. "There are literally hundreds or:. mootM ago were aJso on hand to greet them making safe voyages all over the him, the cat Thunderball and a crewman , world. They are proving that only a ' Herb Reynolds, who he picked up in limited few trimarans are unsafe and Bahia Navldad, Mexlco on the last le( of unseaworthy -and this can usually be'~ b1I journey home. attributed to Inferior c o n s t r u c t i o d ~ Kane returned home with the proud and/or poor seamanship. ·: claim of being the sk1pper of the first "After surviving 60 and 100 knot stonnJ 1 trimaran ever to circumnavigate the I think I have proved that a well dW&n-• &Jobe. On the stern of the 4e--foot ed, constructed and well sailed trimaran · trimaran he carried the hailing port,--can survive gale and storm conditions at · Balboa lsland, U.S.A. well as any other type of sailboat. Jud~ Ettgene Llnshauur uld he ,..,ould rule oo a moljon for a new trial at the lime or sentencing. The 10-woman, two-man p a n e l ' s rudung ot ' the ,Wlty verdict alter a seven-hour deliberation wu Men as a DRIVER JOHN WIGHT (SEATED RIGHT) GETS FIRST AID FOLLOWING ACCIDENT Newport Mer ll•ck1 Out; Wom•n on. Sidtw•lk lnlurld•a1 Auto Jumps Curb RETURNED Ho E "After seeing many cruising trimarans M . with their inherent advanta191 ol cost. Tbe )'OW11 -lurer al., returned safety, apeed, room 11111 llhallo!r drall, I ... home with the firm conviction that I well believe a trimaran ls the but type ot furlber strenathtnlni of Dlltrlet Attorney } Cecil HlcU' alk>ut campaign qalnst bot.; woman Serious, y tontleu belles and the tavetn1 who sta1e From P .. e l ..... . . . built, well aalled trimaran is the best cruising boat in the world today." type of crulain& eailboal in the world lo- dlj'. CHICAGO NATIVE . . the performer1. Jn • d Ca Although Kane reallzts that he will get Kane 11 a native or Chica10, wu a lot ot 611.Uc from the monohull' -and educated at Notre Dame and took DEATII ·oN HIGHWAYS ••• -g~b 1coepted the verdict quietly Jure as r and wlth dry eyes and refused t.o com-staggers across busy highway. the · li J S • d lk -No. 51: Passing on hill, three tn-menl on Jury 's ru ng to newsmen. umps I ewa · nocent victims are killed, seven more. tn- Tbeii demeanor was in sharp contrast to jured July 7 at 5:40 p.m., in headon col· that of Miss Cybulski, 32, who broke A car with an apparently unconscious lision on narrow highway. down dealier in the week and sobbed bit-man at the wheel j~ the curb of The Labor Day count was a1moet tden- terly u 1be was found suJ.lty of 10 counta Balboa Boulevard Tbureday afternoon in tlca1 ln death toll and contrlbutln1 of lewd conduct. · caUJea, but-AAA ruearchers noted nto All three girls staged perfarmanca at Newport Beach, hit and 1erlou,iy )njured fewer connectiOlll to the holiday ilKH. the welt Seta Ana tavmi. Harry · a young woman ~~. then smubed -No. IO: Motorcyclist on 198'1 Hoada Malelll'a popular bar 11 one of five into a car port. rammed rear of altJw.turning van ~u1. 30 e.atablUbmentl currently chafing under a • Police said the "driver"-the auto, John ~t 5:30 p.m., with apeed and inattention "no bottomleu" ban .-ly Imposed by Wlgh~ llO, 206 42nd St. IJ>Jd offlcen ,he blamed for. rider's dt8th. lhe SUperior Court P<ndinl trial o! the blacked out at the whe<I of ·bll llte model -.No. 74, Pickup Iruck driver thrown OKny laue. sedaii before it jumped the curb. out and falallY lnJw:td Aug. 31 at 2:45 Trials for other allegedly bottomless The young l't'oman Carol Selby 21 p.m., after losing control while' trying to perlonners arrested during recent crack-' ' ' ' avoid hitting funeral escort motorcycle down earlier in the week and sobbed bi(-Redondo Beach, suUered internaJ and ff' · ffl bein --"eduled · h d · · · and listed und I 0 icer. vtce. o cers are I DUI In ea. lllJutJes . was er n· -No. 99 : Driver kjlled Sept. t at 8:10 mwuclpal court. , tensive~ and m guarded condlUon at_ a.m., when 1967 Chevrolet colllded )Tith Hoq Memorial Hosp!~ another auto at" biterlection where van· UCl Prof Raps Solons, Sees Doctor Shortage California's rtluctant legislators seem determined to" enatlre that UU5 atate wtll face • "<rlppllli& ahortl1e" of quallfled pbyaJclans wilhtn the next few years, a University of Calitomi1/ al Irvine stalf pJ,ysiclu declared tbb wee.IL Dr. It David Mosier, profellO!' 9f pediatrics at the county campua, at· t8cked the legislature's recent rejection of a $243 million bond tsaue u an action ''based oo lhelr (ears of whit they think might be the public's re.action. • "They believe that reaction to student riots and disaen.slon might ac<:elerate when It· ii realized . tb1t UU. money ii earmuked ror bulldlng on the Unlversity of CaJlfornla's five campuses, lncludln& Irvine" the physician said. "But they seem to overlook lhe fact that thl1 ls for construction or medical 1choota, very badly needed t11Inln1 fllCilttia foe the many doctora we're 1olng to need tn a few years." CommenUnc on the Aslembly action before he addreued a March of Dimes meeting, Dr. Mosler noted that con- struct.Ion of the Irvine f1clllty bid. been ocheduled for the fall of 1970. "But-ii seems now that we're going to have to ' wait much lort1er than that to get the 1ehool we so badly need," he added . "Thi! misplaced reluctance could mean that lhe federal government will step tn and mike sure lhll medical schools Ar1! built," MOiler said. I "I'm positive that this 11 the last thing the leglslaton and many·membera of the public want but nothing 111 beiJI& done ai the state level to eruiure a future supply of trained doctors ln IUfflcJent numbers.'' DAILY PILOT ....,.., ..... .,. ......... ..... --_ . ...., .__ CAUPOIHIA 0.AMG& CO.Ut P'UllllMINO CON.•AMY "•li•rt N, W••4 ,.,..,i., ....... """''\"""' J-.;lt It. C1o1l1y wt •rt11dtlot '"' 0111u111 ,..,_,...,., Th-•1 l(,,.,n ..... ThM"' A. Mwr11~l11• 1111 ........ (Ill• • .. • • She was struck from behind by the dais: bad removed 1 ltop sign •• careening auto as she walked with a -No. 107: Drinking,. outlaw.type remate companion on the sidewalk at motorcyclist ori modlfled-1149 Harley- 43rd Street and . Balboa Boulevard, of Davidson missed curve ln road·Sept. l at . fiettl Old. 'Ibe friend was unhurt. 8:15 p.m .. and wu fatally burled _beld- W1"ht wu comcious at the accldent first into a chain link fence. '6 -No. US: Man going home from work scene after the crash. His car was heavl· In final moments of Labor Day fell asleep ly damaged in the collision with I.he car on freew ay Sept. 'tat 11 :55 p.m., lost con- porl and a corner of an apartment. trot of Ford Mustang and his fifth ac- He was admitted to Hoag Hospital for cidtnt in 12-month period is bis Jul obsef'\lalion. Hospital ilde.s said It wu The AAA statistical survey was com- not immediately known why the man lo.st piled from police reports, coroner's {Jn· consciousness at the wbeel. dlnp1 lns:pection o( wrecked vehicles, ac- cident photognphJ ond inten<lowa with farnlJy and fritllds of the dead . • John Wayne Trio Put on Own Acts In County Courts . _,, . '" .~ Three gentlemen whose parent& may . well have bee11 admirers or Newport Beach actor John \tayne put on their own act.a Thursday In Slnta Ana. · 'But il's doubtful, to say the leut, if "Duke'' would have been flattered by their use of hia now legendary name. For all three put the famous handle on a document that would .have brought a frown to that rugged brow -the Superior Court criminal calendar. Arraigned before Judge James F. Judge were John Wayne Frailer, booked on posswion of marijuana, John Wayne Shepard, £acing conspiracy ind bookmak- ing ,charges and John Wayne Smith who Is also known for having a fast gun -but allegedly used irt the commission of thi' armed robberies in Orange County, "We once ljad a Rudolph Valntlno Cortez and a James Mason Blume but never a John Wayne," mused a court clerk. "Now here we are with Uiree In one morning -J wonder what Wayno would have to say about It?" Tho,,e who are at all familiar with the veteran actor don't have many doubts ... SCC Graduation Rites Saturday Southern California College of Costa 1'1e&a will hold its commencement cere- monies Saturday with the graduation of 70 studenU. The batiealaureale service will be held at 10:'5 a.m. ln the college chapel, with guest speaker Dr. Irvine J, Harrison, who will discuss "Buying and Selling in God's Marketplace." He is a former president of the colleae. Commencement will be held at 3 p.m. In Ute Student Union. Dr. David A. Hub· bard, preslde.nl Of Fuller Th!Ologlcal Seminary, will speak on "Your Share of SuHering." 'llle public is welcome to atlend. • • Zubin Knows Score, Wedding March Set LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actr.11 Nancy Diant Kovack and Zubtn M1hta1 musical director of the Loa Ange.lea Ph11nannonlc Orchtttra, plan to marry July 11. Mehta 11 on a 11bbltlcal leave, direc- ting a mualc festival at Fktrenee, llily. The wedding II to be rrformed lo the Omlen Room of Hot• Btl·Alr by the Parat prlett. Dr. Fr1mrott Bode, who married Mehtl'a patcnb in Perala. • J\lSt under half the 113 accidents oc- curred~ at night and two-thirds were wlthln 25 miles of the vlcilms' homes. The -,vortt fatality rates were in the under-20 group and seatbelt use could have saved many lives. Investigators said 48 among the 76 death cars lnvolvfi!i had aeatbelt.a, but on· ly 10 were in use it the fatal lnstant. Only 27 of the 113 fatal accidents in- volved Fourth of July or Labor Day journey•, while buslneaa, ahopplng ·or routine soclal·recreatlonal m o to r t n g typical of any weekend were Involved in others: Alcohol use was a factor ln SS percent of thl.Jl\ fatal mlahlps, only II percent ol wtil'Ch Occurred on freeways, while just under ball the cllllre toll Involved 1in1ie vehicle crashes. · Stau.tlcl11111 said SS penons died in &I such cases, often Jnvolvlng exce11lve speed on tw~Iane roads, drlnkln(, un- familiarity with the area or other aucb contributing hazard11. Deducting those fatalities involving pedestrians or m~rcycles. -the latter corusUtuUn, 13 ptretnt of the 113 ac- cidents -eaves 77 autos involved, 31 of them compact models or imported cars. From Page 1 TEACHERS • • • a meeting with district adminia:lratora: "Tbelr health aod weUare benefit pro-- po5al Is no longer firm and we would be willln1 to accept their 4 percent salary incrtue offer as long •as we are auured that unbudgeted money coml.ng into the district would be applied to teachers' salaries unUl the 8.'3 percent figure is reached." ~1anemann tnaisted that the notlon of the extra money becoming availible la not a pipe dream. "I would like to point out,•• he Hald, "that during the past five or six years the district has consistently underestimated its income" But· -ute association leader said the negotiating tenm lor the teachers is not maklng any concessions. "We aiti just thowlna our good faith lhat we, too," are willing to negotiate," he JI.id . Confusion reigned at Hunlingtoo Beach and FountainValley Hiib School Thurs- day mornlnc when students were unaure whether to follow the minimum day schedule aet up by teachers. Campus ad. mlntstratory did not acknowled1e the achedule, but dismi&Secf cl ..... It IQ ,311 a.m. because ol the contuaion. Woslminsltt and Marina lll1h SChooil attempted to adhett lo regular 1Chedule1 throughout the day, 1llhoqh ·most teachers were mialng. Marino Prlnclpal llyslnatr 1dviae<l te1ehtt1 over the campus s-ibUc addresa l)'llam th•t "lll•ial dlamlUll of c1 ..... rtpmented individual ICtl o! in- lUbonUnJtion.,. - Despite h11 oratory, the ciampua wu vb1uali1 empty by I p.m. ' -, -• ev,n U. catamaran aaUora -hll con· graduate work at CaJ S.tate Lone Beach. Meehlnlcal fallure was 1 factor in vk:tlon la reinforced by the ract that ·he He spent three years in the Marine Corpa geven olhq accidents -brakes, tires. navlpted the 30 000 mllea in all kinda of and is now a captain in the retervta; steering and the like -while roadway or weatbi!r -lncJ.icun, •veral aalea and Prior to his world. voyaae be had very Ht-- weather conditions were involved in 11 htD'lieane fOrce w1nda -with no atruc-tie sailing experience. - fatalities during the two ho Iida y tural damage and wry little gear failure. Kane now Intends lo prove that a weekends. "Yes there were Umes I wondered trimaran is perhaps the fastest sailboat Pedestrian vlct.lms reached a toll of 22, what 1 ~as doing out there and wished I anoat. He is !~king f?r a number or seven of them amall crutdrea and 11 could quit on the spot," the young skipper sponsors who will help him build a 65-foot peraonally negll~t in aome WI)', from admitted. trimaran in which he would enter the ... ••• dru k und '"· lnO of dru 1972 single-handed Trans-AllanUc race. ~.. n • er •u•:• uence gs, NO SOLO VOYAGE Kane says he plans to write a boo~ to emoUonally W ud in one cue. !iuicldal. · Except for the last part -from about his voyage, and that in the mean. Trinidad throqgh the Panama Canal and time he ls available for talks on his ex• Baled on exhaustive study and Jn. up to Maico, Kane's was not a solo perience.s at clubs and other organiza-fonnoUon offered by the lllate Depart. Du · th · h had · me:nt of Motor Vehicles, the AAA report voyage. nng e trip e 24 men uoos. also lisU!i the 10 worst drivers involved in and nine women serving 'at various times as crew. For the most part he carried a the 118 fatalities. crew of four men and one woman, The Heading the roster ls a 24-year-old man men included one Ge_£man, two New _who was barreling ,Wn a narrow m<nµl-Zealandas, two Canadians, four 'tain road Aug. 31, ""paujng .other cars AustraHans, 10 Americana and five South '$lie under the influence of alcohol and Africans. Student Burns Self to ·Death drugs. . The Women Included one Scot, one Pfevtouily, hi!: had been convicted of 15 Canadian, one Australian, one New NEW YORK (AP) -A 2Q.year-ol~ equipment violations, One apeeding of-ZUlander, two South Africans and three Columbia University student died today tense, five lnstance.s of fai1ure to appear Americahs.t . at Bellevue Hos~ltal nine hours after he in court on these · cltatiooa and be had But through Jt Ill, the most loyal and set himself afire on the lawn of the been in tt..ree accidentl. · , · tru.sUng crew member wu Tbunderball. United Nations to protest "genocide" 1D At 11:~ a.m. that Saturday In August, Kane had a few momenta of panic Thurs. Biafra. hlt 1967 Chevrolet sedan !lammed headoil day when be wu unable to,flild the cat Bruce Mayrock, of Old Westbury, N.Y., Into a lru<;k at a curve killing a teenaged after he docked in Newport. Just u he a village on Long Island, was burned girl passenger, while he, Ute offender, was convinced t~ cat ~ jumped ahip at over most or hls body when he wa9 &d• survived. . the Coat Guard dock, Kane found the mltted to the hospital in "very critical Eight hours and 10 mi11utes later, a feline .crew curled up en a Wok below. condition" shortly after 3 p.m. Tbur!lday. drunken crime suspect with only hlm.self He had been spotted in the U.N. 1arden ;<> blame staaered into the path of a car • it FOREIGN PORTS. with his clothes ablaze. When iUlfds on 1 bol)' blglrwlj' eltewhere and Kane vialted 21 foreign ports in 10 trled .. to extlngubb the flame1 he ran in California lariten wrcite oft one Wanted foreigD Cf!Untrlea duttn1hls22 Months so-clrclee~ elude them. ~ man. journ. The countries included New ,A ata1t' foun(I on the grus read: "You All are victims of their oWn or someone Zeala:Qd, Ausllalla, New Guinea, South must atop genocide -please uve 9 else's careteuneu, ne:gllgence or stupid!· Africa, Sbuth America, Tr In l dad, million Biafraru:." ty -the Innocent teenager whose last Panama, Nle&rlfUll, El Sal~ador and At th~ hospital a rabbi who described earthly sight waa a truck on a mountain Mexico. himself as a close friend of the family curve -or the con too drunk to know The most courteous and frltndly Port said of the youth: "He was an Jdeallltlc lvhat hit him as he staggered down the was Auckland, New Zealand. The most young man deeply upset by the events In road. dlscourleoua and unfriendly port was Biafra. People were being killed and he . All.have on' thina.in common with 120 Corinto, Nicaragua. felt no one was doing anything." other peraorui aa· a re11ult of those two Carousin II LI a 40-foot trimaran Secretary General U Thant 1ald In a 1968 holiday weekends that experta now designed and built by the late Arthur statement that be was "deeply dJslreued say were traitcally ordinary. Piver of San Leandrp, .who apparently at thJJ tragic news." --------iiiiiiiiliiii---~~--~- ARM CHAIRS •............. $91. N. SIDE CHAIRS -·-·-·.$15. N. JR. OVAL TABLE .. $27f. CHINA ... -.•..... $629. BUFFET ••...... $35f. • IF A PURELY CONTEMPORARY ROOM IS TOO STARK FOR YOU, ANO TRAOITIONAl IS TOO FUSSY, YOU JUST MIGHT MEET YOUR HEART'S DESIRE IN WELLINGTON PARK ••. COME SEE THE INSPIRED DREXEL BLENDING OF NOW ANO THEN, THAT LIVES IN WELLINGTON PARK, EXCLUSfVE DEALERS FORr HENREDON -DREXEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT N!WPORT BUCH 1721 W-flff Dr., 642-2050 °"" ,..., 'TIL ' ' • .. P.-1..,11 lmrlor Doll ...... ' LAGUNA BEACH 34$ North Co111 Hwy, Av1ll1bi..-.AJD-NSID Of'IN NIDAY 'TIL t "-t• ,_ .... -' 0.-,. C...., Mt-ttU , 494-65.11 • I I . \ I I I ' I I I . - ., 'I VOL:. 62, NO. 129, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1969 . • . ' ' .Year lfemetewa Dally Pape-- . I TEN CENTS Death Stalks State Highways Over , Holid3ys By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot "'9 DllP'r •111ft Stiff 1.ten who wear rubber gk>ves and prac- tice their profession on stainless .steel tables performed autopsies oo 1%2 persons killed In California during two big 196;8 holiday weekends. Experts faced with a tougher task - analyzing every single case among 113 fatal accident! in those Fourth of July and Labor Day per!~ -have just released their own statistical autopsies. Holiday traUk ·•cddents have little connection with holld1ys thtmSelves, two state agencies of the Automobile Associa· lion d. America say on the eve of ~temorlal Day weekend. Most of you about to die violently on California highways -between 5 p.m. Thursday and midnight Sunday -would be in line for a meinorlal anyway, the 45- page docume.nt shows. f'.arelessness, stupidity-and negligence simply never lake a vacation. llntla99ing Spirit StudentS at,Bay View School in Costa Mesa parti~cipate Jn massed flag ceremony as part> o~ their Memorial Day observance Tl".urs~ay. Rites across the natiOfl today hoJlor m-:mory of dead U.~. serv)ce- rnen. Tradition, also known u 1'.>ecoration o~' started In 1868' as means of honoring Civil War dead. Jt has since been expanded to cover men killed in all U.S. ·wars. County Markets Remain Free From LA Walkout It 11eemed unlikcly· today that Orange ~Y market employes w o u I d be joining the ranks of some 12,000 striking workers in Loe Angeles but spokesmen Speeding Train Kills Deaf Mute At San Clemente A 77-year.old Lo6 Angeles man, beQe:r td to be a deaf-mute, was killed Thun· day when his car was demolished after beiog hit by a fast-moving passenger train in northern San Clemente. The victim was Identified by Orange Comly • corooer's investigators a s La'ifJ'ence Woodburn Ricbardtion of 1207 S. Vermont Street in Los Angeles. lnvestigator Russ Greene said the resi- dence at that address, Pilgrim Towers, is ' a home ror deaf-mutes. ' Greene sakl that what was left of lhe vicdm's automobltl!: was found about 50 yards fiom the point of Impact at Esta- cion Slret:t at tbe Sante Fe crO!JSing to the ocean· side of Pacinc Cout Hl1tnvay. There were no Olhtt per9C>RS injured. The road leads to the Capistrano Shores Trailer Park. Greeoe said. Witnesses reported having seen the vit· tiJn in the area prior to thl!: aecident, but no one came forward to i~ the body. Police and coroner's investi1aton are at 1 l0&s to explain the man'• p esence in the area. Grtme said th1t • check of the warn- ing signal• at the lnkr...:tlon ol Ille street and lhe railroad tracks lhowed lhem to be lun<llonlng p<Optriy. Wllne""5 reported that l!le opeedlng train bound at 55 miles per hoor to San Diego Jrom Los Angeles ttpeac.dl1 aoonded Its hom prior .to fl>< colllli<n. I .close to the ctmlroversy stressed 'that the strike-lock out sltuaUOO. to the north is being watched "very cireiully." There was no tnrucation of weekend ac- tion In the county against seven chains that locked out Los Angeles employes after me.mben of the Retail Clerks Local 'TIO struck lhe Food Giant mll'kels. Doors at Safeway, Ralph's, t-fayfalr, Alphi ilela, Shopping Bag, Von'a, and Beller Foods ll(ftl were. closed to truculent employees. Cclanty unlcn membffl are watching devUJprnent.I "with ~", an Alpha Beta employe commented today. And a representaUve of 'the meat packing in· dustry noteij that nO briak in deliveries ol his products to county outlets had been envisaged but that "we are aware of the strike &i.tuatioo in Los Angetes.11 Market operators and the Retail Clerki Unioo in Los Angeles appeared to be Ht· tllng down for what was deacribed as a "long siege." Stcrea stayed open, manned by supe~ per1011nel and a forct of 1,000 non-union workers recruited in advance. The Teamsten Union tia.Jted deliveries: but Uie flnnl Wtn manging their own lnld<!!lg otrvlc:e. A te) Issue wu the union demand that a new contract gtve members of the Reial! Cl..-u lhe right to re3)Je<;I picket lines ol other unlons. Management charged that lhe demand wu lnsUgaltld by the .Te.amster1 Unk>n. to olM1lll><D Ill .... ~ Ii> tile. looil labor field. ' Robert K. Fox, president of the ,,mployer. group, Aid eight of the nine 't'etall clerks locals In Southern CallfonUa already have accept..s a pock1ge of wases anc:i fringe bentfjll amounUng to . 63 ctnts an hour. He uld Local 7'10 L~ askln( tor ad· dlUooll btotlJil !Mt W.Uld'cool is conta atn hour more. A union· spokesm aa uld tho dllference 1C1u1Jl111 U -.. ,. - "Holiday Portrait 1988," ta the Utlt of the blood)·, Chronological account of nine days of t laughttt, compiled joinUy by the California St.ate Automobile Aaloclation and lhe Aulornobll< Club of Southern California. Every fatal accident, 58 in the July 4 to 7 period and M in the Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 count Is cap$ulized neaUy in a 1968 postmortem report on causatiye factor:s. n.e. last day is the worst, with 19 killed on Swlday, July 7, but only ail involving holiday eonnectlms, while among 18 dead on Monday, Sept. 2, only two werl!: viC<- lims of bollda)'«ienled accidenla. "Although tho laBI day of both weekends shows a greater number of fataUUes than any other, the differences do not appear slgniUcantly greater.'' statisticians conclude. lncrl!:ased traffic volume m a k e s vir1ually no dilference.. A handful of holiday accidents involved lt!:ngthy journeys, but the rest logged, from tho first through U!lh, lolJow a grim, daily, weekly and moathly pattun. Tbe ·AM clubs' repon refl«ta In anonymous profiles the tragic, the crlmlnal, the S4¥)Seltu, ironic and even the &uicidal in a case or two. They are profiles of people whose traits and tendencies never take a holiday, or whose nur.iber is up at a blowout or brake failure : -No. 1: Young victim stopped on free.way id 1968 Karmann Ghia, rear-end- -· ed July 3 115,25 p.m., by~ inal1'11Uve drtter.,.Jth prior speedlq i:onvicliOOL. -No. 11: Fireman crushed to death July 4 at 11 :., a.m., when private roadway crumbled en route lo bru&b bl~. tumbling fire: truck into a CIQYOn.' -No. 30: Pedestrian with mental ii"' ness and .31 blood alcollol level ·-hip enough L.. make two men legally drunk ...... killed · by car July 5 al II p.m., u he (See DEAm, Page I)· Teacher Crisis Grows . Crucial Huntington Meeting, on Montla,y By RUDI NIEDZIEl..'IKI ot JIM Deltr Pffllt llafl Both sides in the strile torn Huntingto.n Beach !JrJoD Jqgh Sc~I Dlstrlct poinll!:d toward an early morning meeting Mon- day with hopes of settling a teachers salary dJspute that emptied classrooms at the lunch hour Thursday. With talks in progress latl!: Th~ay, there were some indications-a se~menL might be agreed 1Jpon by district ad. ministrators and teacher representatives prior to a splecial meeting of dist.rid trustees called for 7 LIQ. Monday. llowtver, aey. agreement hinges on ' Confrontation Slated Todav . " . ~ t;Jer~J.,y ' .i.I,\ BERKELEY (UPI) -Memorial DtJ promises lo be a memorable day in tbis tension-packed univenity city, where a crowd of 50,000 prottdors ia expected to confront pollce and national guardsmen at controversial "people's park." If violence is avoided, today will be a clear indication that firm steps have .been taken toward a setUement in the dispute which erupted May 15 in a bloody baUle between 2,000 rock·lhrowlng demonstratQrs and ~ riot-equipped police with shotguns. But If trouble flares again, the con- sequences and tolls could be fa r worse than the past two weeks of strife, during which one youth was fatally wounded, scores were injured and nearly 800 were arrested. Some or lhe more radical leaden among the demonstrators have threaten.. ed to tear down the fence which the Unive rsity of California constructed around a piece of university land that was converted into a "people's park" by 11tudenls and the "street people'' of Berkeley's nearby hippie colony. However, most leaders of the protesl pledged It would be non-violent. They want the park rl!:lumed to Us builders and withdrawal of the guard, ordered in by Gov. Ronald Reagan May 16 under a .. !late of emergency" declaraUon im- posed earlier in the year. Alameda County Sherifr F r a n k Madigan, who commands all law en- forecment units and national guardsmen in the area, warned thal sbotguflb would be used agiin, if needed, to maintain order. Mad igan said 200 guardsmen were st. Uoned inside lhe fenced park, and 2,IXKI more were standing by in nearby armori1s. Daily Pilot Price Chang~g to $2 The-homtH!ellvered subscription price of the DAILY Pllm will be $2 per month, effective Monday. Costs of materials, ne'w1 gathering and Ill other elemenls estenllaJ to the pro- dudlon and distrlbulloo ol a quality com- nwnily dally ne1r1p1per have been steadily lnausing since the DAILY Pll.crr 11111 adjusted lls home delivery price more than three years ago. The 2$.cent subea'lption raise will, or COW'~ lncreue the earnings oL the more than 7'41 DAILY Pll.crr clllTier bo)ot. It alao .. w lllow the DAILY Pll.crr to con- llntle.ofJorls to deUVer tho best poalble communlljo dally -per through lm· proved reporting, preaentaUon and pn> ducUon techniques. Kosygin in Pakistan RAW}.LPJN!)l, Paklslan (UPI) - Soviet ~mler Alaei K. K~ ~ tod•r lor an official visit •nil ~ '!lib Pakistan'• new stronirnan·, Preiltdent Gen. Yall1a XbLo ' • board action Monday and at least three members of the five-man governing board have indicated they don't plan any major depaitur.es from theiD ·offer of a 4 percent pay hike for lhe di~ict's 491 teachers. Meanwhile, teachers showed their solidarity in Pursuit of an 8.3 percent in· crease by voting to continue with a "'slowdown'" called by lead_ers Of lhe District ·Educators• Association (DEA)~ About 250 of the DEA ~s 430 members attended an association meeting · Thurs- day afternoon al the HunUngton Beach MetbodiJI Community Church. Alter hearing from assoclaUon leader~. thme presl!:nt voted overwhebningly to proceed with tactics frank1y aimed at presSurlng the district ·into a sefUeml!:flt. Monday, however,, teachers. have de:. cided to follow a regular school day schedule, instead of the previously ex- pected minimUD).. day. . · Fu'rther deyeloPments, incl~ding a wal~out lfith. teas::btµ"i. fa.k"1g "~ leave" Tuesday' and W~ay, •in del pend ori aCtion tateri duriilg 'MOncfa,1 morning's Board meeting. · Thlcr&day, tWo of• the~ disttict'si fci.ar canil>U* Did! to be: dlP7Jifeed . befor9 ' ' . . f. 'I t i\.y.pdti;,,... w,.tidl .......... 'l"EACHERS VOTE TO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON IN'IATTLE;OVeR ;HfGH'1!1RiPA~', '. ~: :::: : ;-, In Huntington Be11ch1 :Afte•r in ·th1 Bo11rd ROom 11nd otnh!t~ On.ff?e c,""""' 4 • ~ E : Teacher Stand Disturbs 3 Beach Board Members By TERRY COVILLE Of ~ PtllY PIM lllff Three of five members of the Hun- tington Beach Union High School DI.strict governing board e x p r e a s e d disap- pointment 'nwrsday over what they described as "the unprofessional at- titude" displaytd by teachers who aban- doned their classrooms in a dispute over ularl~. The three school trustees said the "slowdown" called by teachers would not ajter their positions on pay boosts the board bas offered leacl>ers for fbcal 1969- 70. DlSTuRBED "I'm highly disturbed," 1aid longtime high school Tl'1lllee Ray SCbmill ol Westminster. ·~ "I thought they Wtn more pro-- f wlonll. II ~.Ujey m no bell~. than lhe ordinary, rwH>l-the-mlll peroon walking the streets," Schmitt saiG. "It's a diagultmg ~1ltualion when we have to bow to lhe teacher1," he added. Trustee Richard · 'flilloo sald be 13, "very dilappolnled Iha! Ille \ea"11en are. not loqklng realilllcally al the dlstrid'a Ilnandal sliUaUon. GOOO OrrEI\ "We ore oflerlng'tbem • pretty good r!>;8;ckagct 111 our 'sat1rr negotJ1llons, con- llderlng "!If !lnanclll outlool<.': Willoo aakl. • • "We must do the beat wt can;~ llr&hed Board Chainnon John J, 8"'11ey. "We. have 14' relOrt lo 'the law.'t he conUnued. • "Our ne# mp.1n111al <be 111 accorduct with advice of the county COWll<I." (The °''"" Couoty Cowlltl'I ornc. -• legal advisl!:r for all county"' school districts.) The two other members of the high school district governing board, Mat~ Weyuker and·Dr. Joaeph Rlbal, could~ be reached for comment. BACK LEADERS MOl!lt of the district's more than 400 teachers backed their District Educator'• As:iocialion leaders Thursday in stailng 1 protest to the board's Oller of a 4 perctrit pay hike for the 1919-70 school year. Teachers are seeking ah a.s percent in· crease. The DEA, a local affiliate Of the. California Teacher11 Asloclatlen (er,\), called for a u11owdown," In Which leacben. work 'i"ly the mJnirnw;n number of •nstrucllonal boon toqUired by Callforhla law •• In doing "'· lht taacbers delied lbeJr administra~, IOIDe of whom deacrlbed1 lb) • -.. ' • ''iialloiul.,, Dt.t.lel . Superinlendet&l llu l'l"1ICY sald the "' cal.Jed "ininbbum ·~ dfi" C.bl' acheduieil, Under /!late ltt, ;,a,. ti!' tM dlllrict I khool • heard and • ;lb!!• 'a&l- mbliltrttkm. , f I Fornty and olhet 'high l<yel IG- mlnlstr1ton huddJed wkb 1 ,l'elll'etel)r taUve o( the c.&urly Coui\lel's cilllce who ;;r;~l!\"..i~~" IJI"" J<oliarolaed !hflr . ..-, for u. ,4iy1 . COnfUllliil Rlgned oil 'tho fotr cibcncl camp.-...i, bacauae ol lhe ~ ll10ll cluaea were dlmlPOd url,. l Screaming Y Olf~h -Hits PoliCe Ca r-· A screamlng·yooth who leaped OCll.llMf hood of a poll"' car and tore oil tho' windshield wipers whlle"-burling~lbule-a ' astonlahed of~ waa , being "coolM off" In Cosl&Mmjallearl!'lod•Y· Arresting otf'ten beUeYe i the tJ.yiar. ~ Sailla Ana boy. WU on 1..'10 '!l&eJ> ho llunl:hed hla fRnilid atlack on !hi poU<,. Vt!:hlcle. "He wu like a madmln," ah ~· fleer said, "w6 had to force him to tlll ground before We could subdue him." The attack occurred l:ld Fatmew•Drlve near Orange Coast College. Offlctn aakl they were on their way lo invest11ate an Auto accident when the youth jumped oa their car. .. Oraa•• ......... Young11ter1 fn Baja Caltfonda need book1 and pencils and a Bal.boo coUple are ~k on &he Orange COOi& tr\ling to do iol&ot 1 ~4U can 1o get these: J?ogc 1. . . · IN!llDE ..... ~Y ·'.! ' ThlnP. bl ll!e. wulher ,,,_ ire lllilJ' the ...... wllh tow c-11111 drlzlle dutln&' lbo:"'eninc lodll' and mornlnc ~_, 111111 -ar-moallY fair. -" -..... --,_ " -.. --' -.... --... :..-c ! ............ fl.ti ·==-·= '., I " • ~ tAll.Y PILOT 2 More Join · Rolls.of LewdNudies • Two more of the Apartment A-Go-Go's bottomless dancers joined Carol Cybulski of Laguna Beach on the coovlcUon list .. lbursday when a Santa Ana municipal court jury found lhem guilty of lewd con· duel and obscenlty. Ordered to return for sentencing Junt' 20 wen Nannie Bessie Wheeler, 28, of Brea and Jat"queline Ann Zimmer, 26, of Santa Ana. Miss Whffler faces a possible all: months in jail and/or a $500 fine on three counts of the charges; Ml&s Zim· mtt could get the same tum on four counb. Judge Eugene Langhauser sa1d he would rult on a motion for a new trial at the Ume of sentencing. 'Ibe IO.woman, tw~man p a n e 1 ' s reaching of the guilty vtrdicl after a seveD-bour deliberation was seen as a further strengthening of District Attorney Cecil Hicks' all-out campaign against bot. tomless belles and the taverns who staae the perfonnera. Both glrla accepted the verdict quietly and wllh dry eyes and refused to com· ment on the jury's ruling lo newsmen. Their demeanor was in sharp contrast to that of Miss Cybulski, 3Z, who broke down dealler In the week and sobbed bit· terly as ahe was found guilty of 10 counts of lewd conduct. All three girll staged performances at lhe w..i Santa Ana tavern. Harry Maselli'• popular bar ls one of five eslablishmenlll currtnUy chafing under a · "no bottomless" ban recently imposed by the Superior Court pending trial of the thorny issue. Trll• for-other allegedly bottom1ess performers arrested during recent crack· down earlier in the week and ~bed bii- vice officers are being scheduled in lllllllidpal court. UCI Prof Raps Solons, Sees · Doctor Shortage Calilomta'& rtluclont legllllaton ,..,,, -to """"' that this 'state Will I-1 "<iiJil>llng lhortqeY ol qualilled ~ 1!1thln lhe ~few ,....., I u.--,. Iii 'Calilornlo 11·Jrv1De -JibY*lm decw.d this week. . Dr. H. David Mosier, prof-o~ pediatrics at the county campus, •t.- t.cbd. Ule' leglalature'a recent rejtctlon of a $S4S mrw,. bood Issue u an action "baaed .., lhelr lean of what tbey tbink mJthl be tbe public'• .. actfoo. "The)'. believe that reaction to ltudent rlo\f. and ~ mlahl accelerate when It Is rullud that · this money' Is earmarked for build.Jng on the University al ,Californla'a five campuseS, looludlng lr\'IDe" the physician Uid. "Ritt they seem to OYerlook the fact that this ls for conlliuctton of medlCa! achools, very badly needed training llCiltUes for tbe 1?W1J doctors we're going to need in a few years." CGnwnenting on the Assembly action before be addressed a March of Dimes meeting, Dr. Mosier noted that con- struction of the lrvine.facility bad been scheduled for the fall or 1970. "But it seems now that we're golng to have to wait much l~er than fhat to get the school we so tiadly need," he added. "This misplaced reluctance could mean that the federal government will step in and.:make sure that medical schools are built," Mosier said. "I'~ pos1Uve that th!.! is the last UUng the legialators and many member1-of the public want but nothing is being done at the state level ta en111re a future supply of trained doctora la sufficient numbers." DAILY PllOT ........................... ·--_,..., .__ CAUl'OINIA otAHC.• (Oo\Sl ~IMJi"INQI COMl'AN'f ft.Mrt N. Weeil ,,...,...,...._. ...... J~· ft.. C111!.y Yk• '"'"""' --GtM•ll ~ n~ •••• , ... u ..... n-•• A. M..,,,111,,. ~EtHW -Colle NIIMI -W..f .. , 11~ H._1 kKlll HI I ""-"' .. ftle.t .... lw.,t L-~1 m"-Wto\­ """'""""' ..,_,. ..... Sll'HI -~ -~· • ' F"41r, MQ 30, 1969 Trimaran Home Newport Man Circles · Globe BJ AIMCJN·LOCLUEY .,.... ... rrt.OT ..._ u. Thirty.thquaand miles or salt water hu flowed under the triple hulls of Mike Kane's ~aran Carousin II since the 23- yw old ex-Marine left Newport Beach Z2 months ago on Aug. 2. Kane arrived back in Newport Thurs- day wilh only one of his original crew - his cat Thunderball, He was met at the dock near Minney's Ship Chandlery by his parent1i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane, Kenilworth, Ill., and a sister, Barbara. A number of friends who saw Kane off on his voyage 22 months ago were also on hand to greet him, the cat Tlumderball and a crewman, Herb Reynolds, who be picked up in BahJa Navidad, Mexico on the Wt leg of his journey home. Kane returned home with the proud claim of being the skippei of the first trimaran ever to circumnavigale the globe. On the stern of the 40-fooL trimaran be carried the .hailing port, Balboa Island, U.S.A. ptrlsbed In bll .... trllllaraD .... ~ mile voyage from San ll'ranclJco In San Ditgo. C A;rou'ln II ls ketch-rigged, has a beam of 22 feet .00 drtws three feel. It's not a fancy"cra!t. The sails and much of these~ were purchased second hand from Mlnniy1s'Shlp Chandlery. '!be onlY. m_ecbanical J>O"'Cr is a SS. horsepower Evinrude oulOOard motor. CHANGE OPINION "I just wanted to prove that not all trimarana were unsafe and unseaworthy, contrary to the opinion of many yachtsmen throughout the world." said Kane. "There are literally hundreds of • them making safe voyages all over the world. They are proving lbat only a limited rew trimarans are unsafe and unseaworthy -and this can usually be attributed to inferior co n s t r u c t J o n and/or poor seamanship. "Alter surviving 60 and 100 knot storms I think I have proved that a well design- ed, constructed ' and well sailed trimaran can survive gale and storm conditions aJ well as any other type of sailboat. DRIVER JOHN WIGHT !SEATED RIGHT) GETS FIRST AID FOLLOWING ACCIDENT Newport M•n Blacks Out; Woman on Sidew11lk lnjur~ •• Auto Jumps Curb RETURNED HOME The young adventurer also returned home with the firm conviction that a well built, well sailed trimaran Is the best type of cruising sailboat in the world to- day. "After seeing many cruising trimarans with their inherent advantages of cost, safety, speed, room and shallow draft, I believe a trimaran is the best type of cruising bGat in the world today." Woman Seriously lnjtu·ed as Car Jumps Sidewalk A car wilh an apparently unconscious man at the whe~ jumped the curb of BalOOa Boulevard Thursday afternoon in Newport Beach, hit and .seriously injured a yoong woman pedestrian, lhe.n smf.Vied into a car port. Police said the driver of the auto , John Wight, 80, 206 42nd St. told officers he blacked out at the wheel of hls late model sedan before it jumped the curb. The young woman, Carol Selby, 21, Redondo Beach, suffered internal and head injuries and was listed under in· tensive care and in guarded condition.at Hoag MeiTiorial Hospital. She was struck from behind by the careening auto as she walked . wlth a female companian on the Sidewalk at 43rd Street and Balboa Boulevard, of ficers said. The friend was unhurt. Wight was conscious at the accident scene after the crash. His car was heavi- ly damaged in the collision with the car port aod a comer of an apartment. He was admitted to Hoag H~ital for obserVation. HGSpital aides sa · it was not immediately knc>Wn why th ro:an lost codlclollsnesa al tbe wbeeL ' . ' John Wayne Trio Put on. Own Acts In Cou111y Courts Three gentlemet whose paretW.s may ,ftll have been ~ers of Newport Beach actor John Wayne put' on their own iil:ts Thursday in Santa Ana. ~But it's doubtiul, to say the 1east, If •.'Duke" would have been Datte.red by ,their use of his now ·legendary name. For all three put the famous handle on a . d~th11t would have brought a fro)m. to that rugged brow -the Superior Court criminal calendar. Arraigned before Judge James F. Judge were John Wayne Frazier, booked on poMe!Sian of marijuana, John Wayne Shepard, racing conspiracy and bookmak· ing charges and John Wayne Smilh who is also known for having a ru t gun -but allegedly used in the commi ssion or lhr armed robberies in Orange County. "We once had a Rudolph Valntino Cortez and a James Mason Blume but never a John Wayne," mused a court clerk. "Now here we are with three in 1 one morning -l wonder what Wayne would have to say about it?" Those who are at all familiar with the veteran actor don't have ffi8.flj! doubts .•• SCC Graduation Rites Saturday Southern California College of Costa Mesa will hold its commencement ctre- mooies Saturday with the graduation of 70 students. The baccalaureate service will be held at 10:45 a.m. in the college chapel, with guest speaker Dr. Irvine J. Harrison, who will discuss "Buying and Selling In God's Marketplace." He is a former presldenj of lhe college. commencement. will be held at 3 p.m. in tbe Student Union. Dr. David A. Hub- bard, president °' Fuller Theologic;al Seminary', will speak Q.O "Your Share ol Suffering." The public is welcome to altend. Zuhin Knows Score, Wedding March Set LOS ANGELES !AP) -Actrw Nancy Diane KovJllCk and Zubin M•hta, m1181<,lt dlretlor of the Los Anceles Philharmonic Orcbe:ltra, plan to mltTy JUiy 19. Mehta Is on a sabbatical leave, dlrec- tlna a music futlval 1t Fklrence, 1llly. The wtddin& ls to ·be performed In lhe Ganlert ROom of Hotel. Bel·Alr by the Pll"ll. prfeat, Dr. Ftamrou Bode, who mmied Mehta'• i:annts In Perat8: From Page J cmCAGO NATIVE DEATH ON HIGHWAYS ••• Although Kane realizes that he will get a lot of staUc Crom the monohull -and even the catamaran sailors -his con. vlcUon is reinfarced by the fact that he navigated the 30,000 miles in all kinds of weather -including several gales and hurricane force winds -with no struc· tural damage and very little gear failure . Kane. is a native of Chicago, was educated at Notre Dame and took graduate work at Cal State Long Beach. He spent three years in the Marine Corps and is now a captain in the reserves. Prior lo his warld voyage he had very lit.- lie sailing experience. staggers across busy highway. -No. 51 : Passing on hill, three In· noc:ent victims are killed, seven more In· jured July 7 al 5:40 p.m., in headon COi· lision oo narrow hlghway. The Labor Day count was almost Iden- tical in death toll and contributing causes, but AAA researebers noted even fewer connections to the holiday Itself. -No. 60: Motorcyclist on 1967 Honda rammed rear or slow-turning van Aug. 30 al S:30 p.m., wiUrspeed and inattention blamed for rider's death. -Na. 74: Pickup truck driver thrown out and fatally injured Aug. 31 at 2:45 p.m., aft.er losing CQntrol while trying to avoid hitting funeral escort motorcycle officer. -No. 99: Driver killed Sep!. I at 8:10 a.m., when 1967 Chevrolet callided with another aut.o at intersectwn where van- dala had removed a stop sign. -Na. 107: Drinking ouUaw-type ... motorcyclist on modified 1949 Harley- Davidson mi~ curve in road Sept. 1 at 8:15 p.m., and wu fatally hurled bead· first into a chain link fence. • -No. 113: MM going home ftom work In final moments of Labor Day fell a.sleep on freeway Sept. 1at11:55 p.m., lost con- trol of Ford P..1u.staDg and hl.s fifth ac- cident in 12-montb .period is biJ lul nte AAA rtatilUcal: survey wu com- piled from poUceJreports, coroner'• fln- dlngs, inspectjon ol wrecked vehicles, ac· cidentcpbotosrapbl and interviews with family and friends of the dead. Juit,JJnder half the 113 accidents OC· CWTed at night and two-thirds were within 25 mllet of-the victims' homes. The worst fatality rates wtre in the under-20 group and seatbelt use could have saved man,f lives. Investigators ~d 48 among the 76 death cars involved had seatbelts, but On· ly 10 were in use at the fatal instant. Only 27 of the 113 fatal accident.I in- volved Fourth of July or LaOOr Day journeys, while business , shopping or routine social-recreation.al m o t or i n g typ!Cal ol any weekend were involved in othera. Alcohol use was a factor Jn 33 ~t of the 113 fa~ gUsbl:pa, Qll}y 16 perctnt JX which OCcurred on freeways, while just under haU .the entire toll invalved single vehicle crashes. Slatisticians said 55 persons died in 54 such cases, often involving excessive speed on two-lane roads, drinking, un- familiarity with tht area or other such contributing· hazards. Deducting those fatalities involving pedestrians or motorcycles, -the hitter constiluUng 13 percent of the 113 ac- cidents -leaves 77 autos involved, 31 Of "them compact models or imported cars. From Pcge J TEACHERS •.. a meeting with district administrators: "Their health and welfare benefit pro- poi!al la no longer firm and we would be willing to accept their 4 percent salary increue offer as long as l\'e are usured that unbudgeted money coming lnto the district would be applied to teachers' salaries unt.11 the 8.3 percent figure ls reached." Manemann Wisted that the notion of the extra money becoming available is not • pipe drum. "l would like ta polnt out," he said, "that during the past five or six years the district has consistently underestimated its income" But the association leader said the negotiating team for tht teachers Is not making any concessions. "We an: just showing our g'ood faith that we, too, are willing to negollate,'' he said. Confusion reigned at Huntington Buell and F0W1tai.Valley High School Thun- d1y morning when students were unaurt whether to follow the minimum day achedule eet up by teachers. Camp.IS Id· mlnlstra14n did not acknowltdp lhe llChedulei but distoissed cluses at 10 :~ a.m. because oC the confusion. Westminster and Marina High Schools 1ttempted to adhere to regular achedule1 ~houL lhe. day, although most tea:beri were ml.sslng. Marini Princlpll l>yslnger advised teact>us over the campus public addreas system that "Illegal dl!mWal of cla.ue1 representC!'d indJvldual acta of ln· subordination." Despite bis oratory, the campus wu virtually empty by I p.m .. Mechanical failure was a faclclr in seven other accidents -brakes, tires, steering and the like -while roadway or weather conditions were involved in l l fatalities during the two b o I i d a y weekends. Pedestrian victims reached a toll of 22, seven of th~mall children and 18 personally negfiii'bt li11 SGme way, from being drunk, under the influence or drugs, to emotionally ill and in one case, .suicidal. Based on exhaustive study and in- fGMnalkm offered by the .st.ate Depart· ment of Motor Vehlcles, the .AAA report also lists the 10 worst drivers involved in the 113 fatalities. Heading the roster 1s a 24-year-<ild man who v.::as barreling down a narrow moun- tain road Aug. 31, passing other car! while under the influence of alcoOOl and drugs. Previously, he had been convicted of 15 equipment violations, one speeding of· fense, five llmances of failure to appear in court on these citations and he had been in ltitee accidents .. . At U:SO a.t11. thit SaCurday in August, his 1967 Chevrolet sedan slammed headon into a truck at a curvJ lci41ng a teenaged girl pusenger' )!lllt he, lbe oUender, survived. 'Eight hours and 10 minutes later, a drunken crime suspect with only himself ta blame staggered into the path of a car on a busy highway elsewhere and Califarnia lawmen wrote off one wanted man. All are vlcUms of their own or aomeone else's carelessness, negligence or stupldi· ty -the ~t teenager wllose last earthly slg~as a truck on a mountain curve -or the con too drunk to know what hit· him as he staggered dawn the road. All have Olle thing In commoo with 12n other persons as a result of those two 1968 holiday weekends that experts now 11ay were tragically ordinary. "Y", there were limes I wondered what I was doing oot there and wished I could quit on the spot." the young: skipper admitted. NO SOLO VOYAGE Except for the last part -Crom Trinidad lhrough the Panama Canal and up ta Mexico, Kane's was not a sola voyage. During the _ trip he had 24 men and nine women serving at various times as crew. For the most part he carried a crew of four men and one woman. The men included one German, two New Zealanders, two Canadians, f o u r Aua:tralians, 10 Americans and five South Africans. The women included one Scot, one Canadian, one Australian, one New Zealander, two South Africans and three Americans . But through it all, the most loyal and trusting crew member was Thunderball. Kane had a few momenta of panic Thurs- day when be was unable to find the cat after he docked in Newport. Just as he was convinced the cat had jumped ship at the Cost Guard dock, Kane found tbe feline crew .curled up on a bunk below. Z8 FOREIGN PORTS Kane vlslled :ra lorelp · ports in IO forelgn.cowitriea during his n months so- joom. . The countries included New Zealand, Austral11t New Guinea, South Africa, South America, Tr i n id .a d , Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Mexico. . The roost courteous and friendly port was Auckland, New Zealand. The most discoorteous and unfriendly port was Corinlcl, Nicaragua. ·~ Carousin II is a '41).foot trimaran designed and built by the~ late Ahhur Piver of San Leandro, who apparently ·, Kane now intends to prove that a trimaran is perhaps the fastest sailboat anoat. He is looking for a number of sponsors who will help him build a 65-f()(ll trimaran in which he wou.1d enter the 1972 single-handed Trans-AtlanUc race. Kane says he plans to write a book about his voyage, and that in the mean- time he is available for talks on his ex· periences at clubs and other orgariiza· tio~ Student Burns Self to Death NEW YORK (AP) -A 20-year-<ild Columbia University student died today at Bellevue Hospital nine hours after ~ set himself afire on the lawn of the United Nations to protest "gencx:ide'' in Bia fr a. Bruce Mayrock, of Old Wes\bury, N.Y:• a village on Loog Island, was burned over most of his body when he was ad· mltted to the hospital in "very critical C9fldition" shortly after 3 p.m. 'Mluraday. He had been spotted in lhe U.N. ganlen ~s clothes ablaie. When gu~ t ~guisb the flamea be ran 1n • . In 'elude lhem. : · '·found on the grass read: "Yoo ~ gencx:ide -please save 9 million Biafrans." At lhe Mspital a rablil who deJC!'ibed himself as a close friend of the fami!Y said of the youth : "He was an ideall!tle young man deeply upset by the events In Biafra. People were being killed and he felt .DO one.was doing anything." Se&-itary General U Thant said In a staltfni:nt that he was "deeply distressed at this tragic news." ARM CHAIRS •............. $95. eo. SIDE CHAIRS .......... $85 • .._ JR. OV>,L TABLE .. $279. CHINA ............ $629. BUFFET ........ $359, IF A PURELY CONTEMPORARY ROOM IS TOO STARK FOR YOU, AND TRADITIONAr IS TOO FUSSY. YOU JUST MIGHT MEET YOUR HEART'S DESIRE IN WELLINGTON PARK ... COME SEE THE t ED DREXEL BLENDING OF NOW ANO THEN, THAT LIVES IN WW!NGTON PARK. • EXCLUSIVE DEALEttS FOR! HEN ltEDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wntcllff Dr, 642·20.!0 Of'lll NIDAY ,,L t IN1DIORS ~ LAGUNA BEACH 345 North CoHI Hwy. P-.ltntmor Dotlgnora Anll•~lo AID-HSID Of'IN NIDAY "TR. t ...... ,. ,_ .......... c..., 141-116J ' 49WSSI . . ,, • CC-'*" IW .. O.llF '"'' lteH> A 'f.exas state senator told hii; committee colleagues a new breed of Carrie Nations would plague the state unless bis bill, to provide mandatory and separate free toilet facilities for both males and f"" mates in places in which alcoholic beverages were ·served. was pass- ed in the state's upper chamber. Seo. /ll. R. Schwartz (D-Galveston) prtidicted litUe old ladies with axes would storm saloons and obliterate the pay toilet unless his bill is ap- proved. • • • """""""~ ...... ~ ' . Marine Lance Cpl. AlLen J. ~ , Harmon, 21 , made it into the i air all right when he decided to ' . , take a ;oyride in an eight·pass· \ e11rie1' UH34 helicopter. at Ala· meda, but, ,as one officer said, he "ran QUt of talent" when he landed. Hannon, a helicopter crew chief but not a pilot, flew around the base for 45 minutes and then appealed to the control tower at Alameda Naval Air Stattun for help in getting down. Despite instructions, the land--J ing attempt was unsuc~essful. Harmon CTashed, badly sma!h• ing up the helicopter but not in· juring himself. • Charles Jackson; at 71 the world's oldest active boy scout, re- tired after 62 years with the move- ment. Jackson said he was resigp· ing as commissioner of the Wollon· gong, Australia area because "it is time I handed over to a younger man." • A burning tree? Looks like it, but actually this photo shows ml aerial view of the Colorado River Delta from 13,750 feet up. TriaI Runs Into Delay Trial for a Santa Ana youth charaed in the murlter of a lbyward man who came south to buy Q\81'ijua.nll arld pu;cbased only death in a lonely canyon has ~en postponed indefinitely. ~r current murder trial in Riverside County Superior Court is ex· pecied to continue severpl weeks, to lbe case of Rowland J. Berry, 20, of 734 ·- Toland St., won't come up unUI late June. He Is accused of shboUng Kent D. Davis, 21, through Ute head in Railroad Canyon near Elsinore 13 months ag~. for $800 the victim was allegedly carrying for a drug purchase: Two Costa iMesa brothers and ~Jr buddy· disccwered a skuU, watch and animal-gnawed bones last Nov. 11 while rabbit hunting and criminologisls traced them to Davis. Three other youths besides Berry were a r r e s t e d on warrants issued after Riverside Cowity sheriff's investigators obtained information pointing to them. but have since been freed for lack or evidence. Heavy winter rains came shortly after Davis' remains were found and would have scattered thein down· the ravine to lowlands, forever closing the question of his fate. · Berry has pleaded innocent by reason of insanity and one psychiatrist revealed Jan. 8 that the defendant, who is held without bail, tried suicide more than a year ago. °" No specific date has been set for hls bial now expected to begin late next month. Another Medical Self-help Series To Begin June 2 Another In a continuing series or Civil Defense Medical SeU-Help classes will begin June 2 in the Costa Mesa Police Facility auditorium. All Harbor Area residents need do to register is show up for the first 7:30 p.m. class next Monday. according to Tom Knight, assistant Civil Defense director. The class will continue each Monday thereafter 0lrom 7:30 until 10-~p.m., cover-· ing a variety of emergency medical techniques and procedures ooe member of each family shoutd know. These range from treatment of herrior· rhaging, childbirth, and nursing cart, to setting broken bones and other first aid skills. World of Pets Mesa Man Keeps Miniature Zoo By JANICE BERMAN Of IM O.lly "llol Sllfl "Come on now, Jackie, come on out and let the lady take your picture. Be a good boy." Finally, after much cajoling, the 'good boy' appeared. His eyes were rimmed in , black, blue, yellow and red. He nibbled on a carrot and looked skeptically at the camera. But he soon became loquacious , his im- pertinent "Hi!" turning into a well· modulated "Hello." Jackie is a macaw. He is one of a strange assortment of animals quartered behind CraJg's Mesa Pet Shop, 447 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Craig Phoenix, wtio eight years ago stopped managing a local movie theater and went into the pet business, takes ~ of all the animals himself. Residents include a ring-tailed cat. which looks like a cross between a kitten and a raccoon: an alligator; a peacock who shrieks jealously whenever anybody stops to say hello to his neighbor, the alligator, and something called a slUb- tailed McQuet, a kind of ugly monkey. The store proper is a normal, everyday pet store, if you discou.nt the enormous ground squirrels with huge, plume-like t.a.ils, wlx: peek out of the froat window. Phoenix stocks the pet food, the fish. the OJte Siamese kiUens, and the bored birds. There's a grooming room in the back for visiUng poodles. But out in the yard, the pet shop image breaks down. It 's a miniature t.00, right down to the rues and the smells. Phoenix owns all the anim._is I.here. and he keeps them fore•er unJess I.bey get crotchety, llke an old.mountaia liOn be sent packing. They have to be amiable, because they're there for the custOmcn of the· store and their chU4ren to look ai. Phoenix, a SS.year native of Newport Beach, has kept all k1nds Of pets for as Jong as he can remember. aod tends them-with love and re1pect. wrhe worst thJng you can do b teue an animal, any animal." he said, his quiet voice showing jlLrt a hint of wrath against anYbodY who woold dare tease a ptt. Phoenix laviJhes his charges with rood and 11tentlon, buHinds It diflicult lo keep Ute cages spotless. Some animals juit . . PHOENIX SOOTHES FRIEND Jackie Is A Mac•w won't cooperate. One of hi! prize posSesslons ls a preg· nut. otter, who aot tbat way right in the st.ore's back yard. When she ha& bcr baby, It will be, PboerUx thinks, the first otterlct. or whatever, born in captiVity. She's due in a !f10nlh .• nwhile, she ~i: .-Ul9Jide a closed wooden her cage. ! But J e--macaw seems to know she's thert. E~ two mlnutes, be shifts • beady eye over In her direction and hollan, ... HI!" ' NEW TORO COMMANDER Brig. G.n. Hise I Brig. Gen: Hise To Tak e Over Toro Comma1td Brig. Geo. Henry W. Hise will take command Wednesday of the Marine Corps Western Air Bases and the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. He will replace Major Gen . William G. Thrash, who will resume command of the 1st, Marine Aircraft Wing in Viet- ·nam. Hise ' is a veteran o< World War II, Kocea end V~lnam. The ·Marine aviator, 49, first served at GuadaJcanal in 1942 with a Marine &out .Bomber Squadron, "the Red Devils." He won a DiStingujsbed Flying Cross for his action during air attacks against a Japanese fleet of warships . In Korea, he was ~m.mander of an in· tereception squadron. Tours of duty around the United States. including }Jawaii, followed his Korea assjgnment. T11e general became assistant wing commander of the 1st Marine AircraJt \Ving .in Vietnam in February, 1968 and served there until his return 'to the U.S. in March, 1969. Hise has \IXlfl the Legion of Merit. the Air Medal. the Navy Co,mmeridation 1.1edal. tlie Presidential Un.it Citation, the United Nations Medal, and other honors. Injured Marine Out of -Danger An El Tor.o Marine in a coma since a Newport Beach traffic' mishap Sunday regained conscioumess this week and is out of 'danger, Hoag Memorial Hospital aides reported. · Rex Bllrton, 20, was critically injured Sunday when a car struck hJm and the two buddies he was pushing on a stalled motorcycle. Burton was the most seriously hurl in the accident, which occu rred on Jam- boree R~d near the Back Bay bridge: WEEKEND Coast Gets Honors for Dimes Work Orange Coast resident.a took the lions share ol special awards Wednesday nJi:ht as lhe County's M_arch of Dimes c;hapler celebrated a record breaking year of con-- tributiw to the 'National Blrtb Defects program. Campaign workers from Co6ta Mesa, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hllls, lluntington Beach, Newport Beach, Se'at Beach and Westminster were among those who ' received plaques ·from chapter chainnan Arthur R. fl.fcKenzie. • The Costa Mesa City Manager hailed lhe. 1969 drive of the chapter as "a cam- paign that just has to impress you with the number of records It has broken." He revealed that campaign proceeds stand today at $123.000 "and we believe our final tally wil l show that we have ex· cecded last year's record by some $5,000 lo $6,000." ~trs. Norman Watson of Newport Beach, chairman or the chapter's volunteer services program, poln~ lo the "tremendous advances" during the past year and the society 's provision of medical education programs and pre· natal services. She said nationally recognized educa- tional programs at Orange Coast College have been "considerably extended." She particularly praised the Costa Mesa school's hosting of a widely attended medical symposium. "frs. Watson reminded her audience that the Orange County chapter's efforts towards March of Dimes programs had placed the group at the top of the nation's . contributing chapters. The wife of the Orange Coast College superintendent had a special round of ap-- plause for an OCC student who came forward to accept from McKenzie a pla· que recognizing the students' con- tributions to the record drive. Tom Hubble took the plaque with a big grin and shoved a slip of paper into McKenzie's hand before returning to his seal. McKenzie waved the check and an: nounced to the crowd in the Santa Ana Elks Club that the OCC students had just swelled the drive's cof(ers by another $502.05. Those honored at the banquet included : Dick Newman of Cctita Mesa; Pollce C~ef Lee Case of seal 'Beach; Mrs. Grace O'Brien of We.Stminster; Chief Homer Mann of the Lagun~. Beach Fire Department and Charles SnUth of Laguna !Iii~. Also receiving special awards were Charlene Bower and Connie Bower (no relation) . of Huntington B e a c h ; Mrs .. Emie Quigley of Laguna Beach ; Mrs. Roger Sherman and LA:>uls Markell or Newport Beach. DAILY !'!LOT S Lov~ of Learning Baja Kids Need BoQks;-Penci.U . By JOUN V ALTERZA 01 .. ~ '"'' ''"' In lhe bonio. of La Ladrillera of La Pu, Baja C~<p!a,, 76: ,youn~s at. tend ocllool In a shadi ljld ·patio Ibey share with butchered hog1. 'Ille few bool<J Ibey get thepeacl Im· mediately, whether they can relate to the story or not, and one of their bigged dreams Js to have a fresh noteboot of lbelr 'very own: Tbat's.all. Among lbem work a Balboa manied couple who in November of 1961 drove in- to Baja to get a general view ol · the edllcationa.1 problems °'-poor Mexlcan children. · John and Genevieve Weisblat stayed on much longer than they eqected, working with the children's regular teacher. ADd DOW, during stbooJ holidays, the Welsblats have come back to Newport Beach lo try to find aome clean notebooks and a little expense money. They plan to return to La Paz soon to resume their volunteer work, injecting more of the modem American' educa- tional techniques into a school whose children had never even seen a tibrary before the French-born Wei!blats at· rived. But that plan tales money and sup- plies. Ttie cltildren have very· little of 'ilher. The Weisblats are not new to helping disadvantaged youngsters of LaUn des.- cent. The trip Into the poor area of Mex• tco was spawned by a need to learn how to help disadvantaged Mexican·Amerlcan youngsters by working with Mexico's poor children. "We wanted to go to Mexico to leun better ways to help migr~ r,arm workers in the Southwest," Mrs. Weisblat said. That project bas" been delayed a; bit io place of the work in Baja California. "We couldn't get over the eothusJaam and energy of these young students in Baja California, whO would even use the· bumper of our camper as a fiat surface for their paper during impromptu writing lessons," Mr. Weisblat related. LiUle things like paper and penclla mean so much to the students of La Ladrillera that they howlecl with pleasure when they received some, the couple VOLUNTEER TEACHERS - John, Genevieve Wel&bliit '-said. H or'se Trainer's Dr.ess Goes West · An out-of-work hospital orderly whG • said he fancies western dress was jailed Tuesday night, following a $112 cowboy outfit burglarx, .Costa Mesa police said today. Robert E. Mill~r, 25, of.1033 Valencia Drive, was laken into custody at Costa Me_sa police headquarters about 10 p.m. Several hours~ prior, horse trainer Vernon H. Mathan, 1027 Valencia·Drive, lost two cowboy hats, a pair of spurs, vest, coat and belt, according to Patrolman John White. Mathan said the items were taken from hls paked and Jocked camper truck by someone who found keys on the floorboards. Miller was booked on suspicion of burglafy. It was foi' that reason that the couple, fonner high school teachers on the · East Coast, contacted friends on the Balboa Pef!insula, Mr. and Mrs.---D.!!!ne B. Whitehead. In the pas.t few months the Wteheads. through Newporf Beach YMCA and Girl Scout groups, have started an aJd p~ gram of their own. '" Through the Harbor Area resident, the \Veisblats and their needy students received hand-made notebooks, con- structed by girls in the teenage groups, along with pencils and other donaUoris. "But it isn't charity, these gifts," Weisblat said. "They are things that have helped the very, very poor children feel the excitement of leamJng. ". • ~ The couple re.turned to pick up ~ dooated sy:ppllt}S and to find money t~ their dwindling savings account wbkb has gone toward teaching materiaIJ'.for the youngsters. . Contributions to the effort, and even of· fers of transportation for boxes Of 'paper and-materials alreadY. collecte<I are welcome, he said. The Welsblats can be contacted at 673- 4786. M·EMORIAL DAY SALE SECARD STARTS MAY 28 to JUNE 4th JUMBO DOUGHBOY 18 FT. .J e 1/3 HP EARTH Fil TER DELUXE TEST KIT e MAINTENANCE KIT 1s· Flo JUMBO P·OOL KIT 20 MILL LINER-5 YEAR GUARANTEE 6" TOP DECK 24'X16' POOL 4' VJ HP IAR1H ffLlll t W"nH U.CK WAStt YALYI •IOUND PAD SUIPACI SKIMMI• tor DHp ONLY s5 e GROUND SHl'ELD SURFACE SKIMMER CHEMICAL DISPENSE·R ONLY OVAL POOL· 20'x12'x48" SAME AS KIT • I EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILAILEI 323 SO. MAIN~ ORANGE UNER REPLACEMENT CEl11£R All SIZU HEATER ONLY s19900 ... 111• S2tt.t0 32 SQUARE FEET DECKING ONLY s5500 ON INSTALLATION JOllS ONL YI POOL . TABlES . ' SLATE TOP from 529500 MINI BIKES . . ON SPECIAL. o~ly 5109" SECARD POOLS FINANCING Phone 532-1992 10 A.M. To 9 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK I • - - - ' '4 Ull.Y-Frtdq, M'1 :Ill, lM ' Search :£or Unknown Soldier From Viet .·war Boch Joined Ille oriclDll "Unknown" al World War l, who •• chole'I from -lhe Amtriolll -ti Cbalom-Sur-Marne and entombed on the east front of the Arlingtc:n M e m o r I a I AntphiUleater Nov. 11, 1921, while Prelil· dent Warren C. Harding watched. -nie.a>l1f"ptloli In the Peolagm is that Corer-..... day will aythartze ... tenneat ol 111 untmwo ooldler fz<>m VW· nam, but IO far -primarily • a rwu1t ol speedy ncov-.at..-by the Vet91tile and ...._t lltllcapter - thett at.'"'· Vlobmn...,..,. ouillble fi>r burial In Al1lntlon •• Tomb ol the u.-. There an lefttal rilenUfied badiel from Vietnam bl.lt only <* fits specifkl· Uans by virtue ol bell1& declat<d -tifiable. And it iii not ceNlD Chit ·thlia ta the body ot an AmerlcM tel"Vicem.n. n..:av.rad from Cam Rani! Bay In S...tll Vietnam, the-body bas been detennlned to be c.aue-but ~ could be that ol en Australi111 ally. It ial interred Ill HOPOlulu. There art, . boweru, M7 U.S . serviceme:n "'9ted u riilslling in Vietnam. The ~ bellev .. that H and when the Nd Vietnamese agree to an ex~ change al bocliel, the rann ol the mi. iog will yield enough unidentifiable badl<o for aeiectJon ol an Unknown for burtat In Arlington. By contrlll there were a,531 IJl\kten. lifiable bodies in World War JI and 856 in Korea. But then, unlike previous wars, Murphy 'Violates' Rules Fellow Splons Concerned Over 'Good Faitli' WASHINGTO~ (UPI) -Serl o u s cloakroom crlUclsm of a senator is a rue thing, and it is even rarer for such criticism 14 leU beyond tbe guardad con. fines ol the senate. Bui Sen. G<arge MutJ>hy, (1"Calif.), bu arouaed such criUcism. H i 1 tranqrealoo ' llaort to a parliamentary tactJc that is considered a breach of good laltb. Murphy acted clearly within tbe writ- ten. nalN ol the Sen.a ... But there ts little doubt that be flouted one ol the unwritle:n rules Illa! belpg """' tbe Smale'• cruky llUld*lery wart. Here'• whit bappeoad' The Senate Labor and Public Wellare C.orrunUt.et, of which Murphy ls a member, Md a bill before it to bring farm workers uoder the ~on of the National Labor Relatl<im Act. 1'hts would permit tucb wortera to crganize Into unions and lo bargain collectively for wages ond worlrlng c:oodltlans. Many ol MutJ>hy'1 COllllJtuea:S -the growen and planter& in California -oP- po9ed it. Muri>hY wrote a suhltltute farm -r bill, cmtalnln& many -oa tbe rlgbt to lllriU. He called bis bill tbe ''Conlumer Food Protection Act of llU." It would prohibit any lllrlke that would reoull in crop damage. Referral of bills in the Senate ls an lneuct science, but there are (Ules go- verning il ~ally, a senator will in- trodllOt a bW and 11t that.it be referred to the .. appropriate.. cmunittee. The parliamellWian, In tbe ..,.. ol tbe INCURS CRITICISM California'• Sen. Murphy presiding officer, routinely routes the measure. to the com'pllttee havir)g jurisdic;tion -paramount jurisdlctJon If two or more committees would a~,to • have a claim on the bW. Prices, Demand to Climb But under the "unanimous consent'' rule, the Senate may do anything It pleases, regardless of what other written rules say. By tradition, a unanimous con- sent request is seldom made without con· sultation with others to make sure the consent actually ~ unanimous. A few days ago, the Democrats held a caucus -a meet1ng of ooly Democratic members -wblle the Senate was in session. Republican se_nators w e r e hokfin& a policy meeting at the same time. Besides Sen. Thomas J . Dodd, (D- Conn.), inaUentive at his desk, only Murphy and another Republican or two were oo the Door. 1be Californian chose that moment to introduce his bill. He asked unanimous consent that it be referred to the committee on agriculture and forestry , which generally protects growers. "Without objection, the bill wilt be received; and, without objection, will be referred lo the committee on agriculture and forestry ," said the president of the Senate. No objection was heard from the floor, but there was pleny latter. Normally the measure would have gone to the labor consnittee. A great part ol the Senate's routine txmness is done by unanimous consent. Resorting to JU use on non-routine mat- t.en is considered a breach of faith. . "We'd have anarchy around here if every senator bied what Murphy did." one senator said. "It's Wlbeard of," said another. No,v Is Time to Buy .H9me INlltANAPOLIS (AP) -Tha preoident of thl • Nlllooal AllOC!atloo ol Real Eslate lloarda advlaed borne seeten to- day to buy, now becaUle lndlcatk:N art the pdcm: wUJ c:ootlm.e lo climb and de- mand Jm:rease. Joba Calta• saict jn • ...,ii .. thl [n. dianapalla Real &ate Board that tbe merum irict ol slaCJe-Wnily •xisllo& homes WU $21,tlO in March, 7.4 ~nt higbet than a year earlier. He reported tbat a survey of 100 boards of ruttan &bowed Dia volume was up JO pem!Dl from March 1963. . "Wblle lllJllll polnl toward conUnuatlOD or ele'Vlted interest rates and IU&h cost of mat.erlall during the next few mootha. the accelerating rate of increue In U>e, \lalUe of homes -1:c percent compared with 3.1 percent and J .6 percent in precedini; years -offsets to a great degree these so-<:alled adverse factors" CoUon said. Tom 8. Scott, president Of the United Slates Savinp and Loan League, had said earlier in Minneapolis that a gradual slowdown in hou!ing starts, particularly in single family construction, is Jli:ely during the remainder .of this year and eirly lfltl. "Rising bulldiilg costs and rising in- terest rates have put home ownership beyond the reach of more and m'ore American families," he said. "Finally, Cnsber Salb (Jndfto Fire . uvin&s nows to savings institutions, which are the principal support of the single family housing market, have begun to nm below 1968." In a related field, Karl G, Pearson, director of real estate education at the Univmity of Michigan, siid the United Statu is moving toward the greatest boom in rtal estate investment ever. He said he is optimistic "becau.se in- vestment in good real estate, well located, provides the best possible hedge against inflation along wkh a nlaUvely h1Ch rate ol mum." He suu:ested that prime investment fields are apartment houses, office buildings, office parks, industrial parks, 1hopping centers and resort real estate. Galdetl m•slle crulter USS Boslon leaves Boslon IYlr anblown dellinatlon reportedly oU Vietnotn and .U llnored aome questions a.bout her aervlceablll-IY· 1'e ·clplain Jlllde no re!erenoe to charg ... by two unidentified crewmen who told a New York radio station the sillp fired s~veral missiles far short ol lhar taraets during sea trials in Ille Carlb- beon. • c I " • °""' It .. bllllolrmil lo v-witll ba>iql.!Jlo.---·· ex<tpt l'ar 1llt former 11r IO"ikea apiwt North Viet- nam. , Mllllary erpol-jo -that the bi& dlf· rerence .11 lht helloopter. which came kilo· Its own u a mllitary aircraft in Vietnlm. They hi,. made pcoglble the. owlft recovery ol dead Ind W C U D d e d , reg-ol lartaln, wlllcb in. tum meano thol rolloble lqerprlnts UIUaily are avalllblt. An Army 1palcesman _,.. llllt 75 to 80 percent of war dead lden&lficaUona that mJO>t otherwise be q~ are eolablilltad tluwsh 1"""1X'DI. 1l>e other most frequently \lled lDtaOI is a comporiooo ol dnal rocordo-fl daubt Daring Effort tllll <Xilll, an 1Utmpl Is made 14 n<OlllilniCI fnim nm.U. -and Oeoh the ~·· beli!>I, weight. age, ap- pearance 'Ind other charactuietics. Stl-ol an unk.-n II deliberately compUctted to try to elkninate the poeoibillty thll I -mlgbt think the chosen' renWnl were thole ol her son. Jn the cue of the World War ti """"'""'· • -directod by the la .. Army Secrtt.ary Wilbur J. BNCker, the Europe.. .........i ~ d<flnitdy unidentifiable rematm from Europe and North Africa and then reduced them to a single body by lollory. 1bt same .... done for remains chc8ea in the J>tU.ppinll, at the Me.nili I A-icaa x-1oJ (;emelery, and al lheHoooluJu.-Y. 111< Europeu> and Pacllic remalrw, , eadl In a ..,..te U.Uet. wen placed + aboord the USS Caoberra In Ille AUlntlo. j SOmeooe tbifted them ardmd In thett , compartment, Md the &al unltnown w11 selected al random by Sil· Lyle. 'l1le other bodp WU buried at It& 11 dtys later. The wW-... o1 World War II Md Korea were burled In a crypt at lhe bM9 o1 the Tomb o1 the Unknown Soldier ol World War J. F..i&emower placed a Medal ci H<Mr oo ~ « the two cukeW. Freedom-of -Choice Plans Ready in Fight Soon Must Show Results On Hurricanes MlAMl CAP) -This could be the year when man makes his first major usault on a hurricane - a daring, hopeful effort to drain some of the man-killing energy from the terror of the tropics. The hurricane season opens Sunday but weather patterns indicate a long wait for the first big blow to cpme howling across tropic seas. "The Atlantic Ocean is CODJP\etely covered with anticyclone coodltions," said Arnold Sugg, deputy director of the Miami Hurricane Center. "We have spot- ted only three tropical aepressions this year. All Over the tropics, pressures are normal and holding steady." CONDITIONS OPPOSITE Conditions th\" year are directly op- posite to those at the slart of the 1968 season, when low pressures and a mass of wiirm moist air over the western Caribbe an spawned two hurricanes and a tropical storm in June. With photographic satellites providing a conslant view of the tropics from space, a special hurricane watch begins Sunday and extends through November. Aiding the Weather Bureau are reconnaissance flyers of the Navy anC1 Air Force and the communications experts or the Federal Aviation Agency. If a hurricane moves into a preSO'ibed area. pilots of Operation Stormfury Will hit it with massive barrq:es of silver iodide crystals to try to tame it. Dr. Cecil Gentry, Stormfury director, said the planes will not be launched unless the hurricane is well away from land and at the same time within easy aircraft range of the main base at fioosevelt Roads, Puerto JUco. INFLUENCE GREATER "When a hunicane is close to land," Gentry said, "the influence of land on the stofm circulation is as great or greater than anything we will be able Jo do to the hurricane." A psychological factor also rules out any tampering with storms n e a r populated areas. U a storm were seeded. then roared uhore to came extensive damage, an angry public might blame the scienttsU;. NEW ORLEANS (AP) -More public school Integration In September for the Deep South is expected In the wake of a federal appeals court directive that school boards ''act affirmatively to abolish all vestiges of stat~imposed segregation of the races." "IntegraUoo of faculty is of equal im- portance," addPd the 5th U.S. Ciz<ult Court or ApPeals in a deci!ion em- phasizib,g that the freedom-of-choict: method of school de.segregation must show results now or be replaced by another method . Some lower federal courts in the 5th Circuit -Florida, Georgia, Alabama, ~issippl, Texas and the Canal Zone - already have told school boards to aban- don freedom-of-choice in favor of more workable plans to"'end their dual school systerm. YEAR LATER The ruling by the New Orleans-based Sth Circuit came a year after the May 21, 1968 U.S. Supreme Court decision saying school boards must "come forward with a plan \hat promises realistically to work, and promises realistically to work now." Guidelines for school integration cases laid down by the sth Circuit are usually embraced by other circuit courts. The court Wednesday told 37 Louisiana districts where freedom-of<boice plans had been approved by lower federal courts that new plans "shall be com- pleted and approved" by July 25. "Unquestionably as now coost;~uted ad- ministered and operating h1 these districts freedom-ol<boiCf: ls not ef· fectual," said the. appeals court. PUPIL DECIDES Freedom of choice lets a pupil decide which school to attend. Bill Dodd, the state e d u c a t I o n supe rintendent, said the deciSion '"will have a very, very bad effect on public schools." . Educators, not lawyers and judges, should decide the best methods o( achiev- ing unitary systems, said Dodd. Here is a rundown on the situation in other slates in the under Sth Circuit jurisdiction. · Alabama -With the support of Gov. Albert Brewer, all schools operate under freedom-of~ice plans. Dr. Raymond . Christian, Alabama Education Asaooia .. lion president and Birmingham school superintendent. said the latest ruling "doesn't look good for cases on appeal" to the Stt. Circuit. Floridl -U.S. District Court judaes have not approve<J,,any freedom-of~ plans. However, !.ee County school Supt. Ray Williams said that county would right for its freedom-of<boict plan "clear to the top court." Georita -ln some instances, federal courts have upheld freedom-of<hoice but there i.s no clearcut pattern for school in- tegraUon. · ft.lis&lulppi -The Slb Circuit has been asked to overturn a ruling by three federal district judges that freedom-<>f· choice was permissible for 33 school districts in south Mississippi. "We intend to get relief before school starts next fall ," said Fred Banks Jr .. an attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. nte three-judge ruling held that freedom-of<holce had not had sufficient lime to shew if it was workable. The 5th Cin:uit said the standard should be that -~1"" ts work- ing, not whether it "could work." U.S. District COurt judges in northern 1.lississ.ippi, however, have been throwing out freedoru-Of<hoice plans and 27 school boards are under orders to establish unitary systems starting in September. Tetu -There bas been little federal court action over freedom-of-choice, with the Departmeot·of Health, Education and Wellm's office ol Civil Rights ruling on the acceptability of integration plans. Twelve districts now using freedom-of· choice have been told to speed up m .. tegration or lose federal funds. Fifty other districts are under study by HEW officials. Houston's ireedom-of<hoice plan is being challeae.ed in U.S. District Court. Grant Cook, a11 attorney for the Houston school board, said the 5th Circult ruling did not say "how much integration mus\ be achieved for the plan to be approved. 11 is no.Lby any means the death knell for the treedOm-of-choice plan." GOP Enlisting Negroes Backstage Battle Goes on Over Rights Act WASHING TON ( A P ) The Republican party has stepped up efforts to recruit black supporters at a time lhe Nixon administration is reported in a dispute over a move to scrap a law credited with incr;eastng Negro voting in the South. Whtie the backstage battle over lhe 1966 Voting Rights Act reportedly is going on at the White House. Republican National Chairman Rogers C. B. Morton says he has taken a first step toward trylng to enli!l more blacks in GOP rannk!. He said Clarence i.. Townes Jr., a Negro. had been designated "to serve on our new internal )Xllitical management team and become the chief advtsor on matters affect.mg black ciUzens in our newly-created communicatiom division.'' The 1965 act, which is aimed specifically at seven Southern states, will lap-;e lf not re.newed by CongreM befort Aug. 4, 197G. President Nt1.on has sa1d he favors a new law that would have· na· Uonwide application. This ls the same stand taken by Seit Strom Thurmond (R.S.C.), who &Jivf Nix- on a big boost In his drive for the presidency. However, supporters of the 1965 act ·would rather see it lapsi than have the Thurmond-backed approJC.b· go ·nto effect. ' Clare~ Mitchell, VI a s h i.n Ito n repruentaUve ot the NAACP.. said \Yedneaday he and other civil tights leaden have been lrY.ht to win lJie White Kome over to the current law. "I believe a great 'part or the pr'J)blem 1s that Sen. Thurmond is putting preuure on the admlnistr1tlon lo mai:e them pro. duce a bl.U that would ln effect. be a Thurmond bill," Mltcbell said. He uld Tllurmand, actJog lhn>lch Ills former umtaot HatT)' Dent, dbw a top Whltfi Hoose akfe. Wist.a I.bit Nixon live up 14 hli campalp f>ladle Illa! lie """Id not fa vor any re&lonal tegillation. The probltm ol what to da about tht voUng law caustd administration otnclats lo cancel two appearances befQf'e the Houae Judkiary committee . Thtl com· mlllee Is now due to hear the Nixon ad· mlntstntlnn recommondaUoo J-$. • The 11165 act, one of the key civil rights mea1ure1 of the Johnson administration, was aimed at Allbama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mlasluippl, South Carolina, Vir&inia, and parts or North Carolina. Since enactment, lhe number of Negroes registered and voting In the United States has shot up and Negroes have been elected to office in several communities. The IN$ act was produced with broad Republican support, much In the form It i.s now. ·A i:ey pro~ision of the law ham llter.cy tests and authorizes uae of federal voting registran: In states where lea than 50 percent of the vottnc age popl.llaUQn wu registered ln !'964. Mllcbell and Roy Wilklnl, natlaoal NAACP pmidO!ll, appeared beflft about 75 H,_ Republicans Wedneaday to urp them to aupport the act. Mit.chell Wd there ll little « no chance of <:oncreu palS!ng the kind ol a bill Ni.- on has sakt he favors. "It'• all right to talk of 1 naUoowide ~law," he said "but this Isn't a nationwide problem. The~l.Una law was to reach the problem •~nd It has worked." f4eanwhlle, Republican party cb.ief ~1orton declar:ed the promotion of Townes to • polley-mlllng rale within the GOP NaUonal qGmmlttee organlz.aUon alplt a eampajp to prove that Re~ are not Co]ng to clet the Negro vote &O by default Supermarkets in LA Lock Out Clerks LOC ANGELES (AP J -Major supennarktll In Lot Anael., <;aunty dedded to lack outll.0111 mtmben ol the Retail Clerko Union today In Nlallatloo fa< piont U-Ill up at IS stores ol the Food Giant chain. The martei., rtpnltllted by the Food Employtn Councll, _._ durinc the thrte-m0nlha lone -""ucm with tbe clerko that they would COllSldtr i mike agalnlt one of thelf membe:n a atrike against alL 'l1le ptcltat llDu went 1111 Wed- nesday. Townes is director or the com mittee's minorities division. "We want Townes and olher Negro u- ecutives al the committee to be more than advisors -they will have authority to make decisions and carry them out," flilorton said in a statement. Republicllns who are worried about lack of Negro sup)Xlrt think it will take a great deal more ti1an a reshufOing of organization assignments to win over minorities. Morton himsell has said the party must involve itsell in the problems of mlnorily groups, if it ever expecL!· t1t-1>ecome a majority party. Rocke£ ell er Ends Colombia Visit, Heads for Quito BOGOTA, Colombia <UPI) -New Yori: Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller today wound up his visit to Colombia for the Nixon administration and headed for Quito, Ecuador. where militant student and labor groups rleclared h I m unwelcome. Anli·American demonstraUons durinC RockeleUer's visit to Colombia left more tllon lO persons Injured. Rockefeller spent Wednesday in coo- ference with Presldent Carlos Lleral Restrepo of Colombia and his ad vlseri to discus.a the -naUon'1 problems. Colombia Is seeking a relaxation cl. controls oa U.S. aid and a l'li&he.r market prlc< ,... ita principal •'!>Ort. co11.., along wkb a chanct to sell the UnJU. States other items, Rockefeller wu told. Studeut unrest erupted In the.-: naUon•1 foor lar&est cities In \ht two daYI Rockefeller was lo Colombia.. Studtlltl firebombed t Ii e Colombla.-Americl.• Cullural Ctnter in Bucaramanaaa ... ~..,.:::: In Boeoto, M<dellln ... • I u,1,.....,... ., San .to"'ranciaco side and c'ross the Bay to Alameda to the Grove-Shafter Freeway, under construction in Oakland. Construction is scheduled to begin in 1971 and will require four years. NEW BAY BRIDGE California Toll Bridge Au- thority has approved this design for th~ future southern cms&ing of San Francisco Bay. Tbe bridge, featuring a 1,300-tt. tied arch across the center span, will begin at the Hunter's Point Freeway on the ~~~~.:.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Bridge For SF Bay Approved SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Slate Division of H.ighways has selected a 1,300 foot tied arch as the design for San Fran- cisco Bay's fo u rt h ma jor bridge. The $285-million structure is scheduled.to open in 1975, four years a rt e r construction is slated to start. lt would pay for itselr with toll re ue . In making this s ection the division of highw ys rejected a recommendation by the Div- ision of Bay Area Toll Cross· ings, t h a t the bridge have a center span.supported by cab- les from two diamond-shaped to wen. From the air. the project would be shnped I i k e a "Y" with the eight-lane leg start · ing at the Hunter's Point Freeway on the bay's San Francisco side, then splitting into two six-lane arms con- necting with points .in Oakland and the San LeandrcrHay-. ward area. Multi-nation Force Set NATO Counters Red Fleet BRUSSELS (AP\ -Seeking lional fleets, but on call for to counter Soviet n av a I emergencies. The emergencies anticipated strength in the Me~terranean, are mainly political in which a the ~~ ~tlantic Treaty show of force might scare off Organization ts reported plan-the Russians. ning ta create a si:nall n~val · Asked for an example, the task force for use m political s ou'rce outlined this emergencies where the U.S. possibility : 6th Flett wouldn't b e Suppose the Soviet Union welcome. , was putling pressure o n The new international forct Yugoslavia. as it put pressure \Viii be known as NAVOC-on Czechoslovakia before the FORMED -Naval On Call invasion last August. NATO Force Mediterranean. A might want to givf' some sup- source at NATO headquarte.~s port Lo Yugo s I av in- here said final plans for It will dependence. be approved soon by NATO's 14-nation Defense Planning Committee. U.S. D e f e n s e Secretary Melvin Laird is to attend the meeting. FURNISH smrs The United Slates, Britain, Italy, Greece and Turkey will furnish a minimum of six ships. usually destroyers and frigates, that will come together about twice a year for two weeks of maneuvers. Dutch. Norwegian, Portuguese and West German ships also moy join the force from time lo tlme the source said. DO MORE HARM Y'u g oslavia's Communist government would probably not welcome direct U.S. back- ing -it might de more harm than good. But a demonstra· tion by a NATO naval force at the entrance to the Adriatic would be a warning that Moscow could read easily. The Soviets also seem to have put their ships in the Mediterranean largely f o r political pu~es. The U.S. 8th Fleet and the Italian navy are much stronger than the fleet that the Russians main· tain there. deal or political weight. For example, the 1968 land.in& of u .S, troops in Lebanon pro- bably would not be repeated now because of the danger of a clash with the Soviets. NATO POLICY • N.4.VOCFORMED is part of the NATO policy that has replaced the doctrine o f massive retaliation against any Soviet aggression. ll was first called a policy of flexible response, but some official s now prefer to call it "con- trolled and assured" response. It means that Soviet moves on the international chessboard are to be answered by moves adapted to their importance - not by "wargasm," as one of- ficial called it. Some NATO governments are disappointed that NAVOC- FORMED is to be an on-call force and not a standing force as the Atlantic has. But the U.S. government is reported to have declded that it could not take the necessary shJps away from other commitments. Wallace Had No '68 Effect TYPICAL SUPPORTERS The typical Wallace v«er, Campbell said, was a rural Southerner. The f o r m e r Alabama governor failed to make his hoped-for inroads in- to backlashing northern areas. The study said WaU.ce drew only 5 percent of I h e n o r t heastern metropolitan vote, including the suburbs, while he drew 28 percent of the rural Southern vote. \ OAILY PILOT .. • • ' «-. Drugs Aid Addicts f. Having Wife or Girlfrien.d Helps LEARN TO SWIM Harbor Greens tennis dub AT YOUR ORANGE CO-AST YMCA 642-9990 RE· with your LOCAL Mobil DEALER ns • 14 Mobil M-3 s1310 BUCK NYLON CORD TUBnESS - -• rugged __, "'"-' SET OF 4 .5400 •Uf!l'fliMltllfllgpfi ... plwSl.'8 -••tls• I•• pl-I lllft I• t<Ndl llN) Se& the Mobil •cushion•, "Wide'' and "Premief' line of tlrH.Ask your dealer about 1 "'TIRE·IFFIC" BONUS DEAL! • .• • • • NO MONEY ·oowN -12 MONTHS TO. PAV Plw1 Mttll e•<f'J'in9 ~. ·Aft Mob/I D••l•rs reserve th• tight to •sl11:Jlis/'t lh•ir.own pric1. '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·: . • Russ Using ~py-in-sky , With Ships The first maneuvers may ta lte place in about six 1nonths. At other limes the ships will remain in their na· But NATO strategists point out that without· firing a shot. the Soviet ships swing a ereat The basic idea of NAVOC- FORMED was approved by the NATO defense ministers last January. Diplomats and naval office!'! have been work- ing on details since. But those who_ did vote for Wallace meant It. the survey said. Forty-nine peraent of the Wallace voters rated him over 90 on, the "thennometer," a reading unchallenged by Hum- phrey at 35 and Nixon at 34. Campbell was puzzled aboutlro;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ what will happen now lo the LONDON (AP) -A Lond;)n newsp1.pw says the Soviet Union has developed a system for launching missiles from Russian ships and directing 14 CAB Denies Route Review them toward enemy ships WASHINGTON (UPI) -lhrc>ugh the use or spy From Coast ·Win UC Riverside Honors Satellites and reconnaissance Fouri.een students from the FOUNTAIN VALLEY: The Civil Aeronautics Board planes. ' Orange Ce>a.st , earned dean's Kermit Nicholas S prang 1 has refused to reconsider Its It 's existence has been list honors for the winter polltlcal science,. sophomore. order granting new lrans- known to na val intelligence for quarter at the University of HUNTINGTON BE AC H : Pacific routes to four airlines many months," the Daily Ex.-California, Riverside, with . William Christpher Barry, press said in a front-pagt' grades averaging B (3.0) or undecided. freshman ; Ricki -Trans World, Northwest, story, "but its performance above. The students are: Carol Peterson. art history, Pan American and a cargo in recent sea trails has ser-CORONA DEL MAR : junior. . airline, Flying Tiger. The CAB lously perturbed them." Timothy Alan Cooper. political LAGUNA : 'Warren Wrieden denied pet it i 0 n s for The report by defense cor-science, junior; Mark Joseph Davis, history, sophomore ; reconsideration filed by some respondent Chapman Pincher Colina, zoology, sophomore; Jean Jacques Jura, English, said satellites detect enemy Minda Lane Hagan, Spanish, freshman. of the airlines that lost out in vessels and pass the in· freshman ; Henry W a r e N E W P 0 R T B E A C H : their bids and said the lines formation to planes which ·Roepter, drama; fresblnan. Kathleen Rita CI ark e · had not "brought forward any identify them . The plane11 then COSTA MESA: Jo Lynn sociology, sophomore ; Barry new matters." The awards are disgruntled Wallace voter!, considering they tended to be more segregationlst 1 n d hawkish about the Vietnam war than those who voted for the two major parties. FLOATING AROUND "I'm impressed by the alienation of the Wallace voters," Campbell said. "It means that a significant frac- tion of the population is com· posed of people who art floating around politically. They couJd land anywhere. "And I don't see how either party can meet their racial demand," Campbell added . Other aspects of the 1968 election, including the violent Democratic N a t i o n a 1 Con- vention in Chicago, are still under study at the center, he alert Soviet warships. which O'Hare, sociology, junior : A 11 en Whitesides, political launch missiles toward the Stephen Jesse Pew, physical science, frestunan. _.r_ie_c_u~v_e_w_e_d_n_esd_a_y. ______________ 11 target. science, freshman ; '.Sidney WESTMINSTER : Teresa said. - "In the nex.t stage," the Robert Wilco'I, tile science, lleene Smith, u n de c I de d, report said, "the planes take[1.,.s.,opiibo•m"o"re".""""'""""'"'"""'"""f"re"s"hm ... •n,. ................... ., 1 up the guidance and direct the j" missiles by radar until they can lock on to lh: enemy u·.ithl their bullt -1n homing m~anlsm .~· Missiles with an ' effecUve range of more than 100 miles have already been installed on Krypny ' and Kilden class destroyers and more advanced missiles now being fitted can be fired nearly 300 miles. Pincher wrote. He said the new system will leave the Royal N a v y ' !I warships virtually defense.letis1 · aga inst RlWian missiles if · Britain goes through with i~1 plans to scrap aircraft car· ,. riers within two years because the warships "will be reduced ! to relying on guns for pro-1 tecUon." · • Old World Mediterranean Spaniah .Furniture OVER $100,0GO INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICORATORI CANCILLAT~9N .•"4 llTURNI PROM' MOOIL HOMll ' ALL llAND NIW DECOltATORI Dl.IAM HOUSI ON DISPLAY Items as follows : Gorgeioua 8 ft. custom quilled sofa with separate loose pillow• with . heavy oalc trim decor and matching chair, • 3 matchin1 oalc occasional tables, 12) 58" talJ decorator lamps. hanging chain swag lampa in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality IS yr. Gloomy Gus Tells ii • As You See it warranty king slze matln!11 It box springs. "Spanish dtcor dinine set, etc. I ~ "....rv" ... ,...., ,,, .... I :i:ro:,t~•.1~~·-····. $698.00 .----• .,-,w-.,:;,,.,-,-~c::,,---1 Aay PIM• C:. le ~ WhhlMlly lenws AuuN .. 11 -NewcGnMft t. Celff. : FAT OVERWEIGHT c:...t .,,...... 1 ....... .,.iy ,...ii.111t1 M YOlil wl!!loul • .-:ion 111'•1 \rifl!IOl\o our ,...iluct t 1U8d Of,lnell. ' I ._ l] 'Ml f!WJI IOH llfly tel oi: !'°: _.,I • "'· 00··~· • • "" .... '"' - 0 • • Furaiture wflltt.r.;cl, c~ Pi.I OI •~<flt 111 .,.. llvt 1110 .... Odrlr\ell: (Mtl U.00 1"4 I -·I ,, •• «_..'f thl IOt U,tlOJ llolll l rf -" • 0 " "'"' ""'''~'"1 ., .. , Httl''" 1 At Ha.rbor Blvd. 1or '"' ,.,._, Ital rtlUl'll 1t1t r""•"1 l row dt'tlflillfi1 1rd ,., \'!Kif" IV\ fl'.l'l'ltY• ~. Ho Qllttlllfll •~•td. Odrtl!h •• •"" •·• •···~· .. ••; \ 1844 Newport llvd. Costa Meta Olllv :,~':!.°~ :::~.r"=~ ,.i.._r_._ .. _Y_•.llh_•_,_•_1 _,_-_w_..i_._s_ .. _. ,.,. _____ ,_n_,_. _., Mor• (han A Quarter Of A Mil• Of Antiqu•• . Oran9e Counti's Lar9es+ An~fit:tue Show THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 5, 6 & 7 Fe•turinq Rert, lwutiful end Novel Obj1ctt from Around th• World by Top Otelert. FHI CASH DlAWIN6 W•'r• 14 Storft eodOpoo Nltfltly T1I 9:J~ South Coast ?1aza • ( l , DEEP STEAM* CARPET and UPHO Y CLEANIN"''·i.-' MOST EFFECTIVE ON.LOCATION CARPn CLEANING PROCESS EVER DEVEi.OPED! A cost cvttlnt must for •very mojor comm1rclol or reiidentiol building -odd• llft. beauty. ond brtn91 bock th• newnei1.·· . . Here's the n·•wesl development in car- pet cleaning technology -· D•ep SteC.m Extraction. De•p Steam Exiroction p•n9frotes deep into the catpet pile with o con- trolled !•t of soturotld 1~m. Every lo1t blt of, soil Ts IOotentd, lifted ond YOC- uumed owoy. You tan octuolly see th• eXtracted Qr/me, Your carpets ore r•ody fot ute olmo11 lmrnedioiely, This newest 'od\lonce In cl•aning oddt years to carpet llf• -.brin9s new *uty to lac5ilu1tre carpets. Cleonln9 costt ore reduc1d drotticolly - corpett 1tay cleort· er, lo~ger. Entirely portoble unlit or• 1ofe on'd glintle to all fibres. • • Sptcial hand attochm.en11 ~upper l•ft photo) deep cleon.s upholstery, tfalr car- pets, motlrett&et ond box sprin9s. ' ' ' -SOIL IS EXTRACTED ••• THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. •• FRIE ESTIMATES a 11/fl/n • THIWE IS k Dl'"111NCI IN STIAM CUA-IGUll'MINT. 011. Y WltlN YOU SEE Tiii "ORl,,IN" INSIGNIA AH · ·YOu ASSUllD Of THI flNIST MACHINIS IN THI INDUniY, TELEPHONE: 542·9909 • -538-5411 • 542-4400 "Our 30th /iM y~ar al 1he. 1am~ add~" •. ' 1 ( • t , • ' • ,, ___ . -··--·--· -·--·----_____ ,_'._ _____ -. ·-·--··------------------- I. ' • /DAILY PILOT EDITOBIAL ·PA~Ej On This Memorial Day Memorial Day, ooce called Decoration Day, was through the years a holiday characterized by picnics, parades and sincere llhough sometimes over-flowery) reaffirmations or patriotism. Fio\vers were placed on graves of the nation's sons who had given their lives for our c;ountry, most of them In the cause of freedom in other parts of the world. It was a day for some solemn thinking and so1ne remem- bering. t Memorial Day 1969 is a day in memorium that per· 'haps even more than in earlier times sliould call for solemn thinking and remembering. But, like the wor1d itself, ·it-is confusedly difierent from early Decoration Days, particularly for the gen- erations that remember aad helped make the free \vorid ' s sacrifices in blood, sweat and tears in World \Va rs I and JI and io Korea to protect free peoples from tyranny. They now find themselves trying hard to comprehend the views and actions of a generation that seemingly finds nothing relevant in those sacri· fices and has little knowledge of or concern for the hard lessons of history. The "older generations" (which includes those as ancient as 35 or 40) may find it particuJarly difficult 1o understand how Americans enjoying the birthright of freedom -freedom to speak , to dissent, to worship or to engage in the pursuit of happiness however they can, can make heroes out of bloody totalitarian despots . . . people such as the Mao Tse.lungs, the Ho Chi ~1inhs and the Che Guevaras, for whom massive po- litical murder and total repression of even the most elementary freedoms are primary articles of faith and principal methods of operation. dwnp, but somehow moral to blo\Y up 1 building on a college campus. They also may lil)d it hord to understand why a U.S. Senator, even one vigorously campalgniilg for presidential nomination three years hence,· finds it wr.ong for our troops to seek out ~d destroy an epe-. ~ my, but righL to give the enemy the unllinited right to seek out and destroy American troops and Vietnamese civilians ... and why his course of action advocates a pull-out even though the record is clear that this ac- tion surel)t would condemn hundreds ol thousai>ds of South Vietnamese civilians to execution by the Com- munists. • On this Memorial Day we can deplore all'we wish the fact the U. S. ever became embroiled in a Southeast Asian conflict Which would cost upwards bf 35,000 American Jives. But deploring and protesting won't change,the hard, cold fact that there are multi-millions of Russian amt Chinese. Communists, that they do control enormous power to destroy the Free World if they can't bring it lo the Communist heel, and that any rational U. S. government must put up strong defenses against the threat of a Communist take-over. ' On this Memorial Day we can debate whether the domino theory of take-over by the Reds in Southeast Asia was valid. But we can't negate the fact that our government made a commitment to protect South Viet· nam from the aggression of Ho Chi Minh and hi s pup. pet Viet Cong, backed by both brands of communism- Russian and Peking Chinese. • Th~e old enough to find personal meaning in Me- morial Day -in the memory of fathers, sons, brothers or friends who died trying to keep alive some semblance of freedom in far parts of the world-must be excused by their youngers for finding it bard to understand why it is immoral to blow up a Viet Coog ammunition Those 35,000 heroic Ame.rican lives already given \'IOuld be dishonored in a way the U. S. has never be· fore been guilty of if we were to simply pull out of Viet· nam and allow the Communists to take over. A strong resolve by the American people to be pa· tient and steadfast in the pursuit of honorable peace-- \vith-freedom in South Vietnam would do more to honor America's fallen heroes this Memorial Day than any· thing else we might do. 'You are hereby advised of your right to n!1Win silent, your right to COUMel. , . .'_ What Makes Marriages Go Sour1 Can't Ruh Your Own Back By GEORGE R. H9FF, Ph.D. The fabled "seven year itch" ts becom- ing archaic today. It is being replaced by a much less exciting syndrome : "eigh· teen year nwnbness." Modern couples seem to ignore the itch until they can·t feel it any longer ; stagnation then sets in, and all hell breaks loose. ~ut it's a quiet hell -very quiet-loo· qu~t. It's the kind of quiet which most people can't stand: a cold. aloof, distant. half-dead. fonnal quiet. It chills the bones of human beings because of feeling alienated from someone who is supposed to be close. There is. no itching left for the one who could really scratch it. All that is left are unspoken hopes and repreSsed needs. That's nothing much. INATTENTION TO and avoidance! of the otber person's basic emotional needs and desires is a major cause of sour marriages. Needs for dependency, af- fection, security, and self-esteem, as well as desires for fun, love, excitement, tran· quility, and companionship, are integ ral components of a relationship, and one should expect them to be at least partially satisfied. A marriage is a perishable commodity and, unless it has constant nurturing and cultivation, it will rot. Unfortunately, lack of allcnlion isn't lhe only factor inlluencin& the hulth of marriages. Repressed hostility i s another. We tend to many images, not persons, and feel like hurting the person when he or she doesrft • match our unreachable adolescent fantasy. Then we repress, qie hurtruJ feelinp, because of equally adolescent fears of being hurt worse in return. PERSONAL dissatisfaction with one's own identity can also create havoc with a Jove relationship. How can we love another when we are indifferent to. or dis like, ourselves? Timidity. Halfueartedly. Do you feel sorry fo r yourself for hav · ing lo live with your husband or wife? Have fun with your self-indulgence. because the two of yQU won't. Self.pity and resentment toward the "bad guy" who has taken the best years of your urr. are guaranteed to smother any spark that previously may have Jgnited warmth between a man and a woman. Nobody can rub his own back. Too bad so many of us try, arid keep on trying. THE RJTILE pursuit of instant love - the kind that mother or father supposedly gave -draws even the most intelligent people away from those who won't give it freely and willingly. The "other" woman or man is really the one who promises, but never gives of, himself ; interestingly. mother and father used to make similar promises, but also seldom fulfilled them. The divorce rate would probably be higher if it weren't for children. So many marriages grimly exist for them alone. How sad. When spouses hide behind parental roles and allow their children to come between them -the children don •t mind. because they are freated royally in the process -the maniage relationship eventually deteriorates. THESE ARE ONLY some. certainly not all. or the reasons why marriages go sour, because so many (actors. conscious and unconscious, contribute to the decline in the zest of a former Jove relationship. Most sour marriages were originally baaed on-healthy. motives -wanting lo love and be loved. To refresh them take s courage. Openness. confronting , en. countering, expressing feelings, sharing, being available for intimacy. and hanging in there, all invite hurt, but also facilitate mutu.il joy. Law, Or.der at Berkeley People must be aware of the horrible reality of what is laking place at the Univenity ot Callfornia. Berkeley is an occupied city, complete with aerial surveillance and national guardsmen In a ratio of one to every 14 students. The constant drone of helicopters and streets and sidewalks blocked with guards and policemen wiekµng bayonets and rifles is oppressive, tO s8.y the least, One is a!raid lo walk on the lltreell and on campus. not because .A the street j>eople but because of the "law enforcement" officers. BERKELEY NEEDED the people's park. It was the first constructive effort by the usually allenated ln.habitanU of Telegraph Avenue. Students and residents of the area joined them. The result was a park whij:h belonged to everyone. This is not one group's cause. Eighty· five pe.rcent of 14,969 students approved "preservation or the people'.s_park as it was prior to Mooday. May 12." The Faculty Senate voted overwhelmingly on May 21 In favor of lhe removal of the cyclone fence surrounding the park. Members of the Berkeley community arc equa11y outraged. I REAlJZE THAT it is impossible for anyone who Is not here to imagine what • --~-- Friday, May 30, 1969 The editorial page ot the Dail11 Pttoi seelu to inform ond •tim- uJ.otc rtoden b11 presmtfng thU n1wrpra,ptr'1 opinion.I and com.- Pnnta'l cm topics of intnt1t """ ligtllfkootlct, by pt'otriding • forum for l1u uprtuion of our nacW't' opinion.I, and bf preflrftthto Utt diotr11 vftw- polnlf of 1•!"""'4 obitrwr1 and 1poke1tr1en Ofl tor>k• of thr da~. Robert N. Weed, PubUsher • Mailb<>x '• r \ Lttter'I ltWl'I ,....,. --Nom'l•!IY wrlfflrt •llCll.llll ClOnVrl' ~ _..., lfl 300 -.!1 •r lai.. Tlls iitFll 19 eoncl-Wtt9r1 19 111 IPaQ DI' 1llml- 11at1 llbtol If ..-ved. ot,11 ...,_,... m111t lncluo. 1l9n~h.f,.. •nd mtlllne Mdrna, Wt .,...,.. mty tl'I wllhlltld .., ""111911 II wtllcltnl rMIDll LI -1ren1. is happening, There should never be a lime when property rights are more im· portant than human lives. Any society that condones u.nrestrained beatings and helicopter tear·gas bombings is sick and must be changed. How can anyone have respect for law and order when law and order has no respect for them! SUSAN KUEHN Corona del Mar H.S. 'H U.C. Berkeley '72 Troop• a1ad Tanfrt••••• To the Editor: As I understand Ronald Reagan·s latest position paper, student demands are larg1;ty just but cannot be discussed until those malting them are e:reeuted. I would encourage a mass den1and that we admit the ignoble ezperinrent of casting a minor actor in a major governmental role is a failure, land seek his resignation -along with that of Roger Heyn who, appare:nUy, llOUght to become another tlayakawa. One does not govern, theoretically, 1n a democracy, by troops, tear ga.e; and IJm. trum.s. E. B. O'NEIJJ. f.e9l•1t SHpporlt AB~I To the Editor: William C. Doyle:, naUonaJ commandtr of the Amtriean Legjon. 11 asking membtn of Ult Am<rl<an Lesia• and Auxiliary to give full suppon to tht deployment of U1< "oal......,i" .... balllstk: mllSlle S)'lk:m (ABM). "If lhe AdminislraUon is defeated on Ole ABM· ls&ue, other deren.se measures could be In 1eriou1trouble,"he1ay$. The Amtricln Legion, by mandate. aupportii the President'!! decision and hall bttn on record in favor of an anti-ballistic mls.'iile system for over a decade . PEARL ESTEE Legislative Chairma.1 American Legion Auxiliary \'011tl1 01111 1/1e l"'tJlice To the Editor : The .. Brown Bag" plan initiated by Juvenile Bureau Sgt. Ge-0rge Lorton of the Costa Mesa Police Department and recently described in the DAILY PILOT is an excellent example of efforts being made to create among young peop1f a better understanding of the role of lhe police in the comn1unily and of the rights as well as the respoiisibilities of youth . The league of Women Voters or Orange Coast supports more effective com- munication between youth and our law enforcement agencies and commends the Costa ~1esa Police Department and the men involved for establishing the pro- gratn. HBLBNE K. HOLl.INGSWORTll President LWVOC The League of \Voruen Voters of Ora11gc Coost IW$ cltapters in Cosla !.fesa, Newporl Beach a11d Laouno Beach. and a chapter is active in 1-lun· rington Beach. -Editor Dear Gloomy Gus: A bunch ol left·wlng Slll<lents uld the Berkeley police called thcn1 ICUJ1l -so+o. just look al 1l~ newspictures from the riot scene and see if you don •t sigree vo'ith the police. -J . \IJ. P. n1, tt•N"' ~ ,.....,... •In• "" tl« .. Wrllf .._ tf l'llt ftt'w111•Hr. St!MI ...... "" ....... o ...... , ou .. Dlllf ,.lltl More Tools To Maintain Campus Order ( By JAl\lES E. WHETMORE Senator 35tb District The hnmediale response ol the public to disorders on our campuses has been con\'eyed to us in the legislature. And this concern has been translated into over 60 bills introduced since we convened this session lasl January. Last week a carefully reasoned report was made by the Assembly Committee on Campus Disturbances, appointed last hfarch. This will undoubtedly be the basis for legislation to give university aod col· lege administrators and law enforcement official s some addilional tools to· main· lain campus order. The committee has diligently held many hearings with present.atioiis' from ad ministrators, faculty, student and law enforcement representatives. AS A R~ULT of their deliberations and recommendations, nine pieces oi legislation will be inlroduced. The bills \\'Ould call for termination of state aid , and scholarships to students participating in illegal action; impose legal restraints on suspended students who return to campus wit~ut permission: allow ex- clusion of potential and actual lrouble- makers from campu.s after an emergency has been declared; increase penalties fOr assaulling a campus police officer; and require administrators lo set forth speciric uniform penalties for violation of campus rules. There is no attempt to interfere wilh the civil rights of others, or to punish those who have acted irresponsi bly in the past : the thrust of the recommendations is to provide an orderly educational pro- cess in the future . THE REPORT stresses the need lo draw the line between legitimate dissent and illegal disruption. What often begins legally ends violently. And it does not overlook the fact that there are real and legitimate underlying causes that must ht treated. Cert8inly the academic community <'OUld well renect upon a passage of lhe report which notes: "The taxpaying public rinds great difficulty in reconciling the rapid expansion of higher educaUonal opportunity. which has been achieved on· ly by a vast drain on tax resources, with violcni rejection and disruption of that opportunity by groups of students." Aside fron.1 some students who belle\·e they have a legithnate "beef", who is to blame for much of these campus disorders? Washington intelligence of· ficia!s say a trickle of funds from Havana. t-.toscow and Peking is used by a .!!mall band of professional student and non-student agitators to travel around the campuses. But lhey think the money is just "riding piggyback on a tiger already Oil lhe \GOS('.'' ANO IT'S PRETTY Obvious 30me of the studentJ. and particularly the non· sludent activists are Communists or at least sympathellc to C o m m u n I s t movements In Olher countries. 'nley are active 1n creaUng and e1ploiUng a;tude:nt unrest. The same names and fact1 turn up wherever the.re Is trouble. and lhe Com munlst.s are'" ctrtlinly smart enough 10 tall;e advantage or troubles in our coun· try. - "'tan)' student demonstrators deride suggestioM of ~munist C1>nnections wllh their movements. "litarx! Lenin? Those okl fuddy-<luddies" one young Berikele:y demonstrator chuckled through ltJs btard. "Communlsts are square.. man. Ther we•r collars and lies .:... lust likr you.' , • Words We Often Mispronounce \l!hY don't the radio and television an. nouncers tell us loudly ani'.1 clearly that : -There is no "vague" in "vagary,'' which should rhyme with "fairy." -the first syllable of "daiquiri'' • rhymes with ''bike" and not with "back." -There is no "dash" in a "dachshund," which comes f r om two German words meaning "badger" and '·dog." -The old-fashioned photo called a "daguerreotype" has no .. dagger" in it, and was named for its inventor , L.J .hi. Dquerre (daGAIR.) " ' -'fJIERE lS NO "rib" in the ''Carib- bean," no "home" in "homicide,'' and n~ "knee" in accompanist.' -A "guerrilla" fighter is not a primate of the same species as a '·gorilla." -There is no "lug" in "luxury." no •·see" in "negotiate," and no "pasture " in pasteurized milk. . -There are only three syllables, not four, in "rigmarole"; only three syllables. not four, in "mischievous"; and "cooperative'' has five syllables, not three. -"Impotent" is stressed on the first syllable. not the secon~: •·harass'' is stressed on the first syllable, not lhe se· cond: and "conversant'' is stressed on the first sy llable, not the second. -IF YOU DON'T put a ''gow" al the end of "Glasgow,'' why put a "cow" at the end of 11Moscow," which is equally m. appropriate? ' -there is no "jog" in "geography," there is no "zoo" in "zoology," and there is no "long" in longevity." -Perhaps the most widely mispro- nounced proper name in history is that of Genghls Khan, which should start with • "J " sound, not.a haro-'G." -There is no "pie" in "impious,'' no "hill" in "exhilarate." and no "fin" in "finis.' -"HARRY CAREY" was the name of an old film cowboy,. and is not the Japanese form of suicide known as "hara kiri," which comes froin the Japanele ' "hara," meaning belly, plus "kiri," meaning to cut. -Alt.hough a "jocund" person makes jokes, there is no "jGke" in "jocund" or "jocular," both of which rhyme with "lock." -There i.s no "garden" in "kin. dergarten," there is no "sue" in "laS50'1 (except east.of lhe Mississippi, where it is invaribly misjironounced), and there is no "dole" in .. gondola." -[)qn't use "wont" at all, in thi sense of "his accustomed way," but if you feel you have to, rhyme it with "punt," not with "don't." Amid Storm and Strife Life today seems to la ck stability. -Americans once feared winding up in a rut ; now many would give almost anything if they could but find somethlng resembling a rut in which to hide from the ever-pressing onrush of the world. A common feeling is, "You can't de- pend on anything anymore to stand stlll and be itself. Everything is changing." But the human mind Is a stubborn thing. It won't go on reeling back forever Crom any one force . including even the force of incessant change. It refuses lo be surprised forever, startled forever, glum forever or afraid forever. ;~ i ' <f. students to go back to panly raids and goldfish swallo\ving. Why nine out of 10 office stapling machlnes are always out o( staples. Whether Congress should pass a law forbidding it e\•er to pass any mart laws. Would 01ft national prestige or survival be threatened if Soviet Russia lands a monkey or a man or a chicken or a doe on the planet Mars before we do! II finds, after a v.·hile. coMOlation and truth in that old Ftench saying, "The more things change, the more they slay · ANY CHANGE in women 's hairdos or lhe same." Experience isn't worth prtss-'r-skirt lengths. It would be simpler if they ing the panic bulton abouL So, amid all just wore Venetian blinds and raised or the storm and strife around us. we have , lowered them at will. decided to remain calm and keep our cool What will mod art come up with nut? on such mailers as -Who is Andy Warhol anyway and what THE POSSIBl.UTY that medicine will create a wonder drug lhal wjll inake any body over 40 feel betler before noon. \Vhether England will get to enter thf Common Market. I \Viii any man ever be able lo leap 35 feet or run a 3\lt-mlnute mile? What on earth that lady out In Cali· fomia will finally do with her collection of woodpecker holes. \\'by people WOfft qWt stealing restaw-ant •shtr~s ind hole1 towels. The high prk:e of lamb. Anybody who'll eat lamb dtserves to ~ lhnlu1h tbe nose. -The lutur< polltlt:al piatll ol Chari" de Gnu lie. ANY ST ATEM~ In pro.<e or potlry m11de by Ca$11us C1ay. \Vhclhcr lhe palar caps wlll melt and Inundate f\t111hflllln Jal1nd to a depth of 500 ffft, I'm rooUna f« a depth of 1,000 f<eL The develOpment of a united campaign by U.S. coll-cae p~ld~ts to get their does he want? Why the saints come marching in in New Orleans but keep marching out of the Vatican. The fuss about whether lo fluoridate water. The real problem is how to keep It out of dry Martinis. · Will the converting of more fannliand Into golf courses bring us to the brink or national starvaUon by the lowering of crop product.ion! ..---By George Deer O.Orge: ;i Waxtd paper placed beneath Ice. cube tra.ys makes taking the lray1 oul a breeze!!! Dear Helpful : HELPFUL Good ! Fix me tt highball!ll These flying ext:lam3tlon marks are ruining my nerves!!! (For answers to hRrd questions. write lo George. Or' for questions r.o hard answers. same thl11g.) J • • CHECKING •UP• I QUllNIE . . . ' Eldest Of f spring Friday, Ma' !O, 1%9 DAILY PILOT 7 B irth Pills Linked With Cancer WASHINGTON (UPI) -A detennlned fattors tnvoJved between Jun&.,_ cancer and delineated this overwhelm· h ..... and with d111 rtgaid for the clprttte ~ before ex. .tnaly significant slal.i!itlcal cancer re1 ,oarc er ·~ mutts ot. alternaUve con-tenalvetpklerajologi(llitudles rJiitlonshlp," Hertz: said. reported prellmlnary ~a 1 1 tracepllve methocll 1v11l1ble1r.·=====:::i::="============; possibly linking the use of to him and to the paUenta for birth control pills lo breast whom he Is responsible /' cancer. Hem silld. f GRADS GIFT LIST YOU'RE DOIN'll BUY OUR BOOKS by Rod McKoenl Tile Boekstall n• 1. ""' "· c .... -,., .. ., 1 (MlllM TM ,._,., ~) Should Be a Girl Dr. Roy lfert.z, cblef of FURTHER ST\JDY reproduction research In th<! "Jn view of the urlous National Institutes of Health, limitation in our knowledge of presented 8 paper1 UTbe e~ these potential Jong•tenn tf• blem ofi~osslble fEfects of fects," Hem sa1d, "it is man-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oral Con aceplives on Breast datory that further clinical ex· Cancer," ,,at lhe first national perle.nce be gaine<I under p~ conference on breast cancer. perly controlled conditions of YES MAM . By L. M. BOYD FIRS'I :&QR1' '-Which .ls preferable as the eldest off. soring-a_Aaughter-of a son?· 1"A daughter t:lellnltely," con· tends one. gij,.ueman subscrib- er. 1'She looks to her family, but a l!')y· just looks to hlm- seH." Wbo.am I to argue with a good customer? Cervantes evident!~ agreed, too. He said, "The lilcky man haS a daugh· ter as his first child.", Breast cancer takes the observation and followup. '' heaviest toll of any type of Hertz said add l t Io n a I ~Iay have something to do cancer among women. About rese arch was undm way . with the medical theol')' lhat fl,000 new cases are diagnosed "We should study about men who walk a lot are less ea.ch year. and 29,000 deaths 10,000 women who have been apt to develop heart trouble are esUmated for 1969. on the pil1!1 five years or more than men who sit siill all day . and they aboufd be foUOMd up Doctors now say ijle muscular TUMORS FOUND for another seven or 10 years, flex of a walking man's leg Hertz said prolonged use o[ and that is quite an un- muscles definitely helps the a mixture of female hor.mones dertaking," Hertz: sald. "But !leart pump blood thru biJ with the chemical name of there are such undertakings system . That is said to be why ethynerone had led to. forma· being embarked on.'' We do ho ve-the la rgest stock of SHAG CARP~ at the lowest pric•s. mailmen and milkmen get lions of lumors ln the breast.s "Our lnadequ•te kn6wledge fewer heart atlac.ks than of dogs. concerning the relatlonshlps of (J II.ch N...n ., ._.. S.-.I most. 11Aa !ar &a .l'm.:c6ncerned, YOU'RE just what the "Each physician mu s t estrogens to canctr ln won:ien DON'S CARPET SHOP WHEN ·A CERTAIN Missouri family gets together for its reunion, in-h:.ws always present include the Birds, lhe Buzzaards, and the Cranes. .• "enlbuse" is an acceptable word. Our Languag~ man says yes, usage has made it so. Still sounds phony. I don't like it. • CHEFS MAY NOT agree, but the marine biologists con- tend you can cook a different kind of fish for dinner every day tor almosLsiX months without serving the same fi~ twiee. MRS. EDNA EVANS of , . doctor ordered." evaluate this risk with an ap-is comparable with what was 426 SOU1'H MAIN Mosler, Ore., has used the•, __ .:...---~--==:...:.:.::::.:.:_ _________ P~r~ec~i~ati~o~n~o~f_:th~e~m~a~ny~u~n-~~lcn~o~w~n-•~bo~ut~th~e~us~ocl~a~ti~on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ same waffle iron for morel· ORANG E ON MAKING MONEY - "Insert a Penny" was the message stamped over the slot on the rtrst of those old street· comer welgillg machines. And the vendors made money. Some ..• Then one bright man- ufacturer of those machines changed the message over the slot to read "Insert a Coin." Practically overnight, the pro- fits doubled. Such a simple idea! Mister, why can't yo11 and I come up with some lit- tle notion like that to pic k up our income? Let's work on it. CUSTOMER SERVICE , Q. "So you like poetry? Well. what do you think of Rod McKuen?" A. I'd say Mr. McKuen has added to our American literature just about as much u the Pueblo added to our military history, •.. Q. "OUR DOG LIKES beer. SLrange, eh?" A. Don't believe that'a so odd. Have heard of numerous dogs who liked beer. What's unusual is that Fresno, Cal., cat that' -· drinks loganberry wine nips. B E A R T TROUBLE-Why do the hearts of some animals down than standing up? Such as the heart of an elephant, for instance. Most mysterious-. Death No tices than 61 y~a11, thus no doubt entitling her to the waffle iron longevity record • • • "TBE CHARACTERISTIC VICES of this metropolis are .a passion for actors and a mania for horse races." It. was in Rome about 40 A. D. W,hete 1a f'1.low called Tacitus said that • . . TAllE A 115-POUND WOMAN whose babies every year weight 181h pounds each at birth. No, I know of no such. But that is the rolative p~ portion of the mother hwn- mlngbird to her eggs. WEIGHT -The ladyfriend reports this coy e1cerpt from a bridge game's savage con· versatioo. Mrs. X 0 Yes, I cer· talnly have lost weight. It's my daughter. Frankly, she's going with a married man, and I Intend to ask her to leave my house just as soon a he worries me down to about 135 pounds." Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and wilt be used wherever pos· sible in "Cliecking Up." Address ma i L to L. Af. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT. Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. Mesan to Go To Institute Jack W. Moore, son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, 2980 Andros St., Costa Mesa, has been selected as one 0£ 28 in the nation to participate in a special seven-week summer science ,. institute at Oregon State University. He is a student al Estancia High School. Sponsored by the National GRINSTEAD Science Foundation, the in· Btule A.. Grln,tud, M21 ISth st .. West• stltute gives outstanding high ml!lller. S<;rvlvfd by tw.:i w.. Dfflnlt, o"'rv1, !colty Grl1J.1t.-d1 Brv•n '"" school boys the opportunity to EddY Harri•; d1uvh~, SMrrv Mltlln-t dy r "diy expand1"n fields 1ro1 brottwr, Jlm e1ntter1 lhrfl! sisters, s u ap1 g M1, .. ,., Gr1n5111c1. K1t1>er1ne e~scn in oceanography Ii ·meteorology &nd Fr1nc" A.lbni Ind lourtten t•1nd• and geoJooy. chlldrtn. StrvKtt, 51turd1v. I PM,-----·------! p~ F1mllv (ofonl1! Funeral Home. LEVE Chl'I• Leve. Born Oclobtr 24, lt351 dltd ,,..V 2$, 1 .... $UNh'td bv Plr...,,., Mr. •nd Mr$. $H11C1r M, LIVI, 31612 FIY• Int Cloud Orlw, Lltvnt Nl911el; two · bl'Ofhers, _wrn1am Ltvt. of c1noo1 Pu'll; ·1nd M•rr.11111 LIVI. Yuul_Pt. S«'olk" 511'-""dlY, I PM, P1cUlc View ......,morlal Par~ ChlP'l!I, wl11'1 Rev, Jo- =edS.p~!:=:;f:1c~':rc~~l~l~';'I;;~ Shef!t<" Mol'lu1ry, Ull N. El CamlrMI Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Landers Reel, Sin Cltfr*ntr, Olrecto". ,------,.-----1 BATES lllOM!d L. 8'tft. 6221 1Cklw1 Rd .. Wnt-m11'41.,.. Su...,lved by wile, P1!rl~l1: two SOl'll, Daniel &" Palrldt> ll>rH d•llflht11n, Tiier"'' Sh1un 1nd Kelly; ""nts, Mr. 1nd Mn. eert B11M. Sf:rv· Ices, Sat~rd1v, ' IJ.M, Pm P1ml!v Colenl•I Funer11 Homt. ARBUCKLE r. WElBll WestcliU ·Mortuary 4%1 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa -BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR S.H5e Costa ~fua MI 6-HU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY Ut Broadway, Costa Mesa LI 1..1133 DILDAY BllOTHERS Baatiqloo Valley Mortury 11111 U..cla Blvd. Hanil1g!Go Beacla lemt P..<'flFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARft Cemetery e Mortoary CUpel a THRU SATURDAY ONLY! Shorts in all sizes, all styles, all fabrics ••• whole summer's worth ••• all at reduced prices! • • Jamaica shorts ... all sizes, fabrics for summer fun fl Tolk obovt cusortmentl Wait until you '" what's happening-ond it's now, wMn you need a suml'rlllf.full for all th. sporty things you'll be in on! Milano stretch nylON i'! block, medium blue, pin~ navy .•• never iron Penn · ~rosftl cotton/nylon 1tretch d.nims 11'1 navy, tvrquoise, faded blue, white, mlnt-bOth in mi..., 1i1" 8-18. Cotton stretch gobardints for juniors in solids, tottersols ond plaids • Illes 5-15. Reg. •3, NOW 2/$5 Reg. $4,NOW 2/$7 llk• it ,,, c:harp llf .., .. • "" f500 Pldfte Vltw Drl" . Newport Bach, caurornta Our own fine Towncraft Penn Prest• walk shorts for your sporting life Uniwrtfty Grad styling In our great colr.ctlon of,men'1 '#Olking shorts that all stay MOf .tth-- Ollt Ironing. Just machine waih and tumb!. dry. T~k• ~ pick of pol)'9St•/cotton plalds in ohve, blut, yellow ••• solids in oliwi, llght blu., 1ioht olivt, gold, yellow •• , boby cord pol)'Oltw/ Cottonl 1n b/oe, lime. ookU They'rt all greatl Mltn'11ius. .. -PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7IOI BolA Ave. Westmhl1t.tr PS4W SHEFFER MORTUARY Lopn• BelCb 411-1115 SUCle-UMlll . I ~UTH'S MORTUARY m Main ·st. Hontln1tto U..cla LEHsn • • Reg. 4.98 NOW 3.9.9 ' ' • • • • • •• ......._ .. l j -• I IWI. y ,II.OT frldlJ, MQ 30, 1969 ·J !· •• ••• •• ••• ••• .: ••• .. . ~:-. •• •• ... • •• -HI-DEB'S BRA DRESS Reg. $13-$15 8;99 Tlio dr<iss with the buat-in bro for comfortable, easy shaping. Many prints to choose in this flatter· ing style for young iuniors, 5-13. Hi-Deb Shop, 52 BLOUSE AND SHIRT BONANZA Orig $6-$10 2.99-3 .99 Choose from a wide as sortment of styles in prints and solids in pastels end.dorks. Tailored end frill y types. Sizes 32-38 in the group. Shirts, Blouses , bb PERKY PRINT PANTDRESSES l 0.99 Jlie freshest cesuels eround ••• coql, carefree ·,tyles from our h'uge coll&ttionj of sunny prints in sizes 110 to ·16. Very special volue! Miss"'' SP.9"11wear, 89 KORATRON@ LINEN- WEAVE PANTS $15-$17 volue1 8.99 The permanently preSised fin e fi t- ting pents you love, in summer4 perfect linen/polyester/royon. Sol- ids, plolds. I 0-18. Misses' Sportsweeir, 78 I • • • . I l • BUDGET DRESS CLEARANCE 5.99 An assortment of misses' and half size fashions, in favorite styles and fabrics. Don't miss the savings ••• shop eorly for the best selection. Budge t Dresses, 27 SUMMER SWIM AND PLA YWEAR Reg. $2-5.50 1.29-2.99 For toddlers ond little boys. Sun- suits, polo shirts, shorts, end swims for teenie folk; special on walk . shorts for boys, sizes J.7. Toddl ers'. Littl e Boys' Weer , 74 SUPER SPECIAL ON SUMMER FABRICS 1.50-$2 values 99cyd. Sew your family's summer word- 1 robe with eesy-cere fabrics in a 'var~ty of textures. mony sheers and Dacron® polyester/cottons. Fobrics, 1-30-67 SAVINGS ON SLEEPWEAR Reg. $5-$11 3.49-6.99 Time to stock up for summer brid- al showers end for you, too! Nylon trice! shift gowns, boby dolls, po- jemo and travel sets in the group. Sleepwear Lingerie, 2~ PERMANENT PRESS . SLEEPWEAR Reg. $6-$7. 3.99 Of cool cotton for wearing now , e wide variety of waltz gowns , baby dolls end sleepcoets, .in ~ roinbow of colors. Hurry to sove! Street Floor Lingerie, 54 HANDBAG HAPPENING Reg. $5 2.99 Seve now on this greet little bo g: precticol. roomy, compact, reedy to complete your daytime fashions. In soft vinyl. verious hues. Handbags, 37 FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON SLIPPERS Reg . $4 1.19 Scoop up <Jots of tliese leather sendols and softi~s for su mmer 'w8ering •. Discontinued st r 'e S, .::"brood nomes; S-M-ML-l-XG t Hosiery, 3 MEN'S TERRY- LINED ROBES Reg. $20-$22 13.99 Handsome kimono style -the letest feshion for poolside loung- ing. Comfy wrep-oround design, one size fits ell. I 00°/0 cotton. Men'.1 Sport Clothing, 48 ....___ SATURDAY 1 DAY SAVE ON BOYS' SLACKS Reg. $6-$7 2.99-3.99 Terrific conectio.n of dress·up end jeon styles. All by famous. makers in no-iron fabrics. Pick up SeVerol pairs et these low prices. Boys' Clothing, 98 SPECIAL! BOYS' WALK SHORTS $4-'l.50 values 2. 99 Popular Ivy style, in no-iron feb- rics. Cool, cesu ol, comfortoble ... he'll want several in pleids, checks end solids. Sizes 8 to 18. Boys' Fu rn ishings, 26 FURNITURE SLIPCOVERS Reg. 17.00 14 99 choi r cover • Reg. 35.00 sofo cover, now 29.9.9 . The handsome "Baronet" style. Your choice of colors. Drep·eries, I 0 FIELDCREST NO-IRON SHEETS twin flot Reg. b.50 eo. 2for6.00 Finest qua lity Meadow Flower sheets thot never wrinkle. In sum· mery floral print. Full, Flot 2 for 7.00 Pillow-cases, 3.38 pair. Sheets, 2 L FOR THE GRADUATE HI-INTENSITY LAMP Rog. 12 .95 9.99 . Halfdscime brass and walnut fin· ish on this lifetime guaranteed lomp. Perfect non-gloro light. ·Stationery, 15 G.E. IRON, STEAM OR DRY '13.98 volue 9 99 • 15 steam vents give you .. lots of steam wetness when you need it. Fabric dial to select temperature. Ho!-Jsewores, 95 GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE STEREO ·. 44 .88 Dependable solid state amplifier, 4 speed automatic, drop down record changer. Plays 6 ate time. Phonogrophs, 88 . . 45~Pc . CASUAL LENOXWARE 29.95 volue 14.99 ''Americ.one'' dinnerwore pattern. Set includes eight s~pc. piece 'Set· tings plus decorated pieces. Housewares, 39 ''------...i1i-----~1-------i11------..... 11------ . . MATERNITY SEPARATES Orig $5-$9 3. 99 Sol id color pants, end tops in sol- ids or prints, all in eesy-care feb- rics thet·ere reel summer coolers. Sizes 8 to 16 in th is specie! 9roup: Motomity Shop, 68, MISSES' BONDED CASUAL DRESSES Orig. $·13-$20 I 6.99 Brights , Oerks and postals in e ve- riety_of-fobrics bonded t~ ocetoto so they won't wrinkle, meke greet travelers. Miss.fis' sizes. Be eedy. Daytime' Dresses, 73, IV<AHEIM GIRLS' PRINT SLEEPING BAGS Reg . $12 8.99 Assorted fun prints to show off at slu mber parties, comp, and sum- mer sleep-0uts. A nove l idea for indoor -sleep-ins! W1Jrm, comfy. Girls' Accessories, 56 FAMOUS MAKER FASHION SHOES Orig. $17-$24 8. 99 S~ve on a fantastic group by Netureli2ers. Aorsheim, J o y c e, Foot Flo irs, D'Avonti end other'- Classic styles for wearing now. Fashion Shoos. 8 4'4 N. !vclld 535-1121 CLOSED TODAY • Sftop-S.t; JO e.m. to 6 p.m. ·" I " SUPER BUYS ON MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS $4-$5 volues 2. 99 Popu lar moC:k turtle neck styling in e fine chojce of stripes and solid s in cjood summer colors. Assorted sizes in the grou p. Shop eorly! Men's Sportswear, SO FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SHIRTS $5 volue ( 3.59;,3 _ l 0.50 Permanent -press Dacron~ poly- ester and cotton, a good selection of spreed collar end short sleewe stylos. White end colors. 1-l'/i-17. Men's Furn ishings, 7 NEWPORT 41 Fashion lslartd 644·1212 CLOSED TODAY Shop S•t. 10 •.m. to 9:30 p.m. ' FINE WHITE CHINA SAVE 40 % Reg.100.00lor 12 59 .99 Our own fine import. Hos gold or platinu m. Set includes 98 pieces to serve twelve ( 18 cups). Ch ino, 11 BEACH TOWELS FOR THE SURF 5.00-8 .00 velues 3.99-4 .99 The most colorful sun -bothers: jocquerd towels in bright designs love t9 soak up the 1~eter. linens, 23 RCA1COLOR TV 14" DIAGONAL 268 .88 Portable TV goes with you!-Com· . poet model with luggoge-typo hendle. Built-in aerial. Televisions, 72 SAVE 40 % SWAG LAMP Reg. 25.00 14.99 Gloss T eordroF' Shope, hos inside frosted effect, in seofoom green color, comple!e with hooks. Lomps, 71 HUNTINGTON BEACH nn Edinger Ave. 892.3331 CLOSED TODAY · Shop S•t. I 0 1.m. to 'l:lO p.m. .' ... • , ' ·I .. • a Lietrtenant ' , ' DollLY f'ILGT ~ llY ltklllN II...,. WATCHING -Lt. Harriet Wendel ls in the tower of the Air Field Op- ,· eraijoQS'building of El Toto Marine· C<>rps ·Air Station. Here ell traUic \vithin five miles of any direction that is not on radar is controlled. WEATHER CHECK -Harriet stops ·in 1 .the Weather SerVices Division and with the help of Harold A. Reimer, master gunnery sergeant, checks to see what the weattier is gotng to be on the air1 field . Gl0V£ flST _,As an' 'Of&er'Barriet often b called upon to make room checks In the women's barracks at Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro.-She finds the bureau pa~ the glove tut and reports to Hell!I Disharoon, a c:orporaJ. ' • . By JEAN COX Of "" Deity .......... ''Sometimes when I meet people on lhe out1ide and ·tfill them· what I do, they look at me funny," said an appealing young miss. Harriet Wendel was reporting on the reactions of civilians wl\en they discover she ts a fJrst Ueu: tenant serving the U.S. Women 's Marine COrps at El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta'Uon'. \oVl).ile ad"1lttedly· lhere are not many women Jn her boots (a total'o! 2600 serve the corps) to Miss Wendel there is nothing strange .at all about her choice of career.· In fact, no one had l!J recruit the F;}orlda·grown lieutenant. She decided to join Jong before she en- listed as a private seven years ago. "Being a Marlnie ~ been my childhood ambi- tion.. J always -.dmired the corps, and the idea of being able to serve with men who do-' what Marines do ""always bas bept a great idea1 for me. • uof course," :tH.arriet added, "the Marille band used ·to lead tbe parade in the Orange Bowl every year. 'fhal's wtiat really got me." Whether they lead "the barid or not; as far as Lt. Wendel is cqnoerned, life in 1 the Marine Corps is nerfect for her . • · '°!'here are so many advantages," she exclaim· ed. "YOu can travel-I went to Piuet1o Rico twice, and all medical and dentat care is absolutely free. "Besides," she contlnued. "you have economic security and educational benefits. For in'stante, if I left the corps, I could go to college on the GI Bill." Currently as a lieutenant with seven years service under her belt, llarriet earns $600 a morith plus $47 subsistence pay pnd an ,additional $95 to go towards her quarters. Rather than live on the base, Harriet rents a studio apartment in South B~y Club, a residence for single people in Newport Beach. College graduates may come into the corps as officers by signing ujJ for a training prOgram be. twe_en their junior and ·senior year. However Har· riet took another route-she signed up as an enlist· ed . person and wdrked herself up through several ranks. After joining up, the first slop for Harriet, like aU enlisted women, was boot camp on Paris Island, s.c. She served the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, S.C., and repaired aJrcran ·r adios tn the J\1arine Corps Air Station in Cherry Poi nt , N1.C. be- fore coming to El Toro , where she became a radar watch officer last November. Harriet said her parents arc proud of their daughter's promotions but admitted that at times viewed her career through very civilian eyes. "My own mother told everybody I was in the Anny for at least a year," she commented. --. , ........... SALUTE -Being a woman marine ~tticer has its ego satisfying moments. How else can a womaq-be saluted respectfully by an enlisted man? Harriet receives a -i8Ilite from John S. Mitchell, a corporal. ·. .• , SOME PLA Y -It's not all work and no play for a marine lieutenant. There Is plenty of time for relaxing. Off duty Harriet enjoys her studio apartment · in )South Bay Club. Newport Beech. She pla~s with her parakeet (above) before going to the community playroom for a game of pool · with neighbor Bob Husby (~ow). • ' ' • E ( . ' . . ·-· " ' ··. '• • . '• .. . • • , . .. · " _. ,_ • • • • l, Je DAll.Y PILOT -! •;~:t urning . on . the Heat· Might. E·nd· Slaving ·over Hot .Stove • • ·~'-••• ;. •' ·:•l , I :• a.m. I pull a I~ aal at -~ . • tut blr tnakfllt ordrs', end fb .. :;; Ta.m.ldrqthe~aalat • lied. ask blm -BB w-and ID -;~the-. U I happall to baftMl- .;,ady. ba'a ...-. to ult !or er..m at /INN LANDERS ~ {JI ne lddl on to ...,... ...., ----.. --<•• oto.r-. wlU iie -by,_-. ~ -m. jY ... the bt)' ..... !' l"'°' _, '!1111111 to follow ., .... ....... foct .. , .... Joy ......,. You told me lo pl plJChlalric help but I tepl teWnc ...,_.,, "I'm not au. I'm just weak." I wrote to you qaln oo my lltb bJrlb. day. I bied to counl Ibo lellon I'd alopl with 10 I could be 00lllPielal7 -wllb you. I had lroubla ~....,.of their DameL When I JOt to number 11, I realized llOIDdhinJ DMlll be "r<>lll with me. It WU tb8D &bat l took YOW' advice and went ror ('G!ftMHnc . ry bjm llld I feel like the luctleat slrf la the -.;111. 1llonk you. i\!111. I'm aolnr to -Oii!' !Int bobJ pt-you. But no ..,. will f90r llJIOw· wbJ. -HAPPY DIWl llAPPY: c.p.lllla'Uou 111111 • ~l )CJ llulNm gell up ot 7::111. WlloD ·lie ·smelll bacoa bl wonll Jrlll. U I - ll'Jj& he w11111 poncak"' On Ibo 11&1" I have clmwnon rolls he ""1Jall blueblr· mufftu. ,.-.. -,---; • -.r. 45 llobl51epond.)Tba - ---al J:IL 8o hn -In Ibo .,,.._ 'llllJ always. brtof two or-- I woutdn~ ~ him to belp. Don\ tell me j've IPOilecl my famllf. I know !t. J'uA ten ·me what to do about ti -CHAIIQ!:D DEAR1llWNBD: •U.W a CGlllere-. -~·. -• ' DEAR AljN 4NDERS: I'm goJnc"to . be •June brille ,and you made It poalble. Wilen I wrote to l'l'" for the lint Ume I ... -. Do you feel W .i.-. .. oul of It! ta evsybody bavla& a pod time but yout Wrlle for Al1ll Loader•' booklet, "The Key to Popularlty," encloaing wit.ti yoµr request 35 ceott 1D cotn and a long, seU- addreased, •tami>ed .... 1.,,.. o soooer do I flnl* ibl ~ ,;: • 1, I hovo to 8tar1 lllocb' Oil "'1 1m-~ e'......oy briap a .bilrlcb' or two. (No • W)loD Ibo ,lddo ue lbroalh llllCillnC I have lo °""' ap Ibo -and alarl Oil ._; U I'm aal at Illa ldldloo by I p.m. I'll .... llobaclJ llalpl ... wHh Tell tile daa;)lltl .. ft\9d1 &o caq la from rts, ,._ ·•""'Dee .. ndea : (0 Cloe llrtOkfaot ..0. wlllcb yoa wW dedde. !JI ~,IW -dllcoo-. __ .....,....,. .. __ ._._. ' wu 17, I kOpt falling Into bed withe-my teitilw wlJo omJled .atme.11 dldn'tineaJI anythlns lbotl wu lliV!ng my..U away. I had •·•bole11R oi ucuses. I wu even sleepln( wltb 1Jo¥1 I didn't Uke because I lloli<I t! ~ their feeU.,. by aayln( no. Aller H -ol tbonpy I am a dU· ferent penon. It'• lwd to bllleve I did those CTQ)' tblnp. """ ... I undanlud why I did them. I had oacb I low oplaloll ft myseU I dido' ean wllol I did. Ann Landers will be. glad lO help you with your problem1. Send them to her ln Care ol the DAILY Pllm, enclosing a ·seu-~. atamped envelope. ·the-'lllo ---... k or ~= -.!.. ,- aoclaJ plllll. .., ...,_ -bani and ' A wooderful man bll _.me to mar- ·'· ,r ' • Ho roscope Aquari4 s: Motivation T oward'S Goal Begins SATURDAY MAY 31 ~y SYDNEY OMAllll · .• ; ARIES (March 21-Aprll Ill: '-"tull moon accents journeys, changes, correspondence and , _ communlcaUons. 'nllnk ahead. " J!ealize that preparation for future ls euenUaJ. Don1t be deceived by one who sweet- -· ·lalks. TAURUS (April 20-May · 20): Avoid impulsiveness ln · -money transactions. Be sure -._~of facts, Nol wise to take ·. things for granted. Financial -. dispute seems hiiblighled. Be -eure you know what you are doing. .... GEMINI (May 21.June 20): 'You may fini sh a project or __ e,pd an assoclaUon. Lunar emphasis on breaks, splits, the beginning of the end. You also · Jiave opportunity to check pro- spects for unique endeavor. Be alert. . ' ___ .,. othenrile ..... CAP!llCORN (Dec. :ZWae. Ill: Not too &oocl for ~ secr<ll. Beal to come rlcbl GUI with lrutb. Accept added mponiiblltty. F-mllllc pl your ~ 'l1lal • ., air fl cleared in your favor. AQUARlllS (Jan. II-Feb. 18): Deflnlfl -by friend c:oold start you toward Im- portant goat. Be willing to tet IO of somtU;Wlg or aneooe not bendicial. Thea you opea door to positive experiences. PISCES (Feb. 19-March llll: Activity accented in carter, Employmtnt area. You get chance to show what you can do. In peMIODal area, avoid battle with one of parents or older lndividtial Be calm. Storm wilt pass. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY, you need more confidence ta ~r own views, opinlonl. Coaf'Qaton that cur· rently exists wll1 evaporate, You gel cloim to IOlld ~. work, next moalb. TOSSING THE 'LETTUCE' -Hoping· for a large bowlful of greens to aid various community philan- thropies are (left to right> Mrs. David Forman, Mn. Ronald Frank and Mrs. Jack U bidinsky, mem· ·ban of Orange Coast Chapter of B'nai B'rith Women. The group will spoosor a Spring F1ing barbecue Saturday, J une 7, in the Moolicello Condominium Cubhouse, Co.sta Mesa, to raise funds tor its many projects. • -CANCER (Jun• 21.J uly Z:): ~void excess at spedll party er gathering. ~em embe r ' ·health resolutions. D on 't ·oVerindulge. Ydl know what ti ' • BI ' h s ' • ~~.:.,.lseoottemplaUonbtodo Doctor D~scusses 'Race With Time ' B na1 r1t w1ng1ng LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You may find that disputes arise s ' h • f y h"\ S • Fl • B f 't ~~I~~ . earc 1ng or o .. .L.~.t-'t tm·-·· you l~~~:;,annF~y2!".!',becun~·~t ~ed and :~G~n ~udolph pressing views. Do so I n By IUDY BURST Indian f'Otl'llaU.. and baa one ~-·-_ ---alf. ~ ~ and Dave Slebels combo wUI diplomltic manner. or .. ..,.,_,.., oftbe oldeltvacdnel; ~ looeewelebttU:Jtwillmateit buffet will 'benefit ma ny play dance music durtllg the VIROO (Aug. 23-&pt. Z:): Looking fot,~ way lo otay. uloob, ihln lhnle mJillim die wler. ~Cha when 1 the eveolng. Family quarrell tend. t o young? llUIUally around the world lllld "Be sure lo ult your pbyal· Orange pier 0 B'nai For the hearty, night swim· #min.ate. Be .ensible. Don't 1be aearch ii as old u 10 deaths are re~ ln clan's advice about the types B'rith Women spqmqr the ming also will be available. magnify dlflerencea. II factual Ponce cle ~ who found Onnge County. lllld amounll of exercise. He " .... 11. Planning the· fun d ing and calm, you succeed In 1et. Florida but ~ the fountaln al. More i1lseaaea: are t be-will suggest actlvlUes suited Members and euest.s will en· barbecue are ·Mrs. Ronald Ung acro&s major potnt. SOme youth . Today IOme people are bubonicJlague or the black to your ar1 au and pb)'alcal joy a special aalad, Beef Frank. president, and a com· restricUom wUI be lifted. ·, seeking <1emaJ spring In pWJ, death the ·Mlddl< Apa condition. Ca!Uornlan with rice and a mitiee headed by Mrs. David LIBRA (Sept. 21-0Ct. 21): . tonics and re)uven1ton to which has never occurred bl The area doctor'• ctoe:lng c~ake dessert beginning Forman and Mrs. Jack Try to avollif belnc tmtlptor help them wtn ,the race wiqa the U.S. In epldemlc Ila&•· remarks were, "Ponce de at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 7, Libidinsky. Additional In- of arguments. Your own-prtn-Ume. · Yellow fever ,,.. found tn the Leon was looking for the foun-in the Mo n,t l c e 11 o Con· formation may be obtained by ciples may not apply to oGMW, But time win& every race. U.S. durlna the 11th Century taln of youth ln the wrong dominium Clubhouse, Costa calllng Mrs. Forman. 982-5683. Realize thls -and rllPQllCI Helplna tbe plbUc to enjoy and bu Rell '35 major state. He should have come to Mesa. The national organization accordingly. Sh o rt. Quiet? the ·adaed years modem epldemlcl, and cholera la the California." · N~hoat cockta.lls will be of· has coM.ributed lild to many journey· la on qenda: . med1clne hu given is Ule twift epidemic which wu area projects, including a re- 5CORPIO (Oct. IS-Nov. 21l• -lhlllty '« Dr. Jolln famous 100 yws qo In the cent gift ol $75 to the Manlan Be wary In E_r ot e e lln 1 Palmerlllller, preaJdenl .. tect U.S. wbln It wu clll'l'led Patie_nce Wright Chapter Center ror Ed•cational possessklas.. 'J1'-"9 lJ ~ of Hoag Holpltal's medical aboard ablps. ' Therapy, a school speciaJWni portunitJ• far 1111D. But jm staff. Many Llt1n Ame~ coun-in educating children with should -... who llP'&b Dr. Mllltt pnaen1ec1the1u1 tr1ea, parts of Africa and 111c11a p d Fl ·r · 1earn1ng pro1i1ams. from mcperlonce. Meam don't Installment ol the Heallh and areas -rain foreall ara el. ag 0p1C$ Toya donated to the take cbacel on I o 1 I D 1· Forum c o -s p o n s o r e d by atlll combat tbele diaeaaes. organization by Mattel Toy somelhinft for nothing. Orange Cout Evening College Dr. MWer noted, "If U-James, ....... ,_ .. ......,._t Co. were dlstrlooled to the .SAGITl'AalUll lNpo. 22-and Orange .-County Medical c:ounlriea would fol/"" Alex· -~, ....-.--~· the Hotel Lquna ntxt Tues-Albert Sitton Home, Santo I:k!c. 21): Yoa lead It ad l!nt, Alloclalloo. Hll topic wu oncler the Greats Pohl!c ~u~, iilll .ec!'Ud~ clay. Ana: the E • c e p ti on 1 I -think later. -&dike loda1 Your Health Qcl How to Keep health rula which he used for A Lquna Beach attorney. Chlldren's Home, Long Beach, Is· don't 1bt la too nlUdl of a Jt. his sohtiers thouianda o1. rcears ttl!it Palrlota' Day Parade ~ WU chairman of the and the Navy Hospital, Long hUrry. ~ 1GU avoid ao. "FJtneu la my real sub-qo these dl_aea.ses cou d be ~u:;~!i ~~C:~ttm;,f . ~ ~trlotsha~ Daandy ~ar~de Beach. ,. Ject." the avid jogger began. wiped out. Alexander's rule ..,. In w . c ..,.er e X· The -·p a•·-'•• made Bel I the to boll and .... _ the the American Revolutlcn "'"--Club __ A__. e·-...., •\!""' " ore can dilcuss wu water ..... 7 c........ co-spo..-,q cu. contributions to F a i r v i e w CATH•RINI FLI SS Future lrlcle ~ufy Rites l~~f::~~ daugbtel'. at lllr. lllh. Hldlanl • FUii at Beoch, Will -Illa -d Carlol !Imm tUlilg -111i. In 8L J..-.a ~ Chun:h. Colla .. _ ' V:m#. Wt1I ~ 1be hr* lllei 11 I~ of Newpmt -Hiib School md II 1U1ndh1 Ortnp ~CGlllll- dynamic aspect. of fitness I duna:. lt's as simple as thal" Durinl the meeting led by State Hospital. Next month the must detail passive fitness : ' With the abaense or at least h f ,Mrs. Erwin B. Marks, regenl, worgen will join with the the prime cripplers of yes!er· knowledge of -diseases Bi rt De ects the cbapl<r will pay tribute to Men's Lodge to host an annual day and the dlseales of today. the public can then st.rive for 1he U.S. flag. Mrs. Fred C. movie party at Fairview, in- "One mWlon people a year dynamic fltnus. Unde r Study Rosa will give the chapter 's eluding gifts for all \hose a\, die from hardening of the • Th1I ii a push buU.On age. tribute. tending arteries; one out of four are Automated llvin1 la easy but it Following the nl'Nn'am Mrs. · ~ .. , lib -~•~11 I out f Two new programs I n r--e· ~ .. ~ w cancer; "'""' • eues your muac es o Marks will '"ve a report on ff~. 12 llll and Is th --•ed e '· J E · preventing birth defects will &• a . ""'""' m on e ·~ xe..-c se. xerclSe can the recent southern council chlef dlsabllity in tbls naUon, do more than Improve muacle be discussed ·by Arthur meeting in Santa Barbara and and 10 million are troubled tone; it erases fatigue and Gallway, vice president of the ..&11 nd ha1rm ·11 Secreta rie s N " I Foondailon M·-' o! ULl cers a c en w1 0r~r-·n•y·H•-•-a with th~ respiratory dileues boredom. conlrols i n c h e s , a .. ona ' ¥JU1 t their · I ~ ~ .tu~ of empJ:iysema and bron· reduces nervous tensions and Dimes on Monday, June 9, in prtsen annua reports. Legal etariea A!:loclaUon chili&.'' atrengtbens the heart. and the Charter House, Anaheim. Hoe:teues at the I a s t meets the third Wednelday of . ~ general proctltloner In lungs. Coffee and clonuts will be ~eeliqtbe Mmhelore ~er Doewill ~~-~Win var!0 oua placesbe. Colta Mep. and Newport According to Dr. Miller, jog-served at 1:45 a.m. and tbe ..,,. es. ~i~uuan • rw.n.i~ onna on DllY Bead>alaonoledother-. gin( fl the most economical program will begin at 10:15 JameaW.Benndl,RlchardH. ohlalned by calling .MISOs "es to be aware. of: ·malar1a. w11 of exerct.e. Othen are a.m. Ottllor, ThomasMartlnHtslop and Chan-SM~~~~lherr, 5 4 O-:. o t 5 O. which hlalorlcally,baa tilled lwimrnlng, jumping rope , AnyonewlshlngWormalloo ~ • . ·~•P at7p.m. more people than -c111nr waiting, <7cllng and such may call the Nattonal ,_ tn all our wan: amall 'pox, 1pm11 as hand ball, lkiln& and dation's Orange County -which wiped GUI -bill the l<nnll. Chapter, $47.flff. Tho l1'9Mt •aloctlon of ha1r 1oocl1 in Or1n1• C..ntyl - YOU'RE .. THE KIND Of WOMAN WHO Gm WHAT Sii WANTS • • • WHY Ni>T W AllT A 111611· ~ASHIOll WIGI IOO,'° HUMAN HAii s4·nos WIGS -....... AI Low AI 7- Price lncluci•1 profe11lonil 1i1ini, cvttirtt •nd styling to your fj,dlvkJv•I ta1t•, plu1 •t)'.O h••d.•nd wlg box. This Saturday, Ma y 31st ONE DAY ONLY · Every FRIGIDAIRE * HfRIGWTOR -* Fl£mR * Ull6E * WAHR * DRYER On Ou r Floo r ... REDUCED Som• Roor Sem~••• Some A1 11 AU R.Muc•dl It Urly for l•st S•l•ction. @ Q . .\ V I S R R l') \V N Her r-. Ibo .._ llld son of lllr. md 1i1n. Albert 150-D E.1t 17th St. WE SPECIALIZE JN Turk o1 ta Pllma, w'u a 1tu--Hill9rtn Squ1ro CLEANIN6 I SffilNG 411 E. 17th St. --.Costa Mesa denl at Downey 111'1> School IAN".:'MllJCAH Co•t• M••• -, 10 ,,,. Dtllr ...mad .ha1 M"Wd four )'Nl'I Tel. 141·3446 Thur1• 'tL 'tll I p.rn. with the U:S. Novy. ...._ _________________ ._.._. ____ ,.\ - . ·scholar~h ip, Exhibit News Told by Lepgue Oil paint.lop by M r I . Rk:bard Ingram wUI be ~ In Ibo eo.ta Mesa Cent« -Library during the IDOlltb of June. Mn. Ingram, retiring pres· ident of the Colt.a Mesa Art League, studied at the Art School, Minneapolis, and in · thll area· boo ~ the student « David Vaughn, Clyde Zulch and Joyce Clark. '!be artist became interested in pllntlng -her llilsb4Qd paued away five yean ago. A . charcoal portrait of the late Mr. Ingram woo a tbit<I place In portraiture at the le!lival of arts rPomored by California Fecleral,lon of Women 's Clubs, Orange District. Mrs. Ingiam has exhibited at Joseph M8KJrln's, Mesa Verde Ubrary, Security First Natioaal Bank, C r o c k e r · CWzens Bank. Costa Mesa Golf and Coun t r y Club, Richard's Market and South Coast Plaia. Scholanhip winners have Art · Works Galleried A pllery or paintiogs by arUJt Mrs. James T. Davis will be featured during the month of June by the Newport Beach Junior EbeU Club in Marlnen Library, NewpQl'I Beach. • f The artbt, a resident of Downey, work& in o 11 , wateQ:olor and mixed media. Her subjects Include portrilb, sun Ufe and florals. Mrs. Davis studied at South Plains C o 11 e g e, Levelland, Tei:.: Ramon Froman School O( Art in Cloudcroft, N.M.; Robert E. Wood Summer School of Art, Green Valley Lake, and Ka~ Hail ~avis School of Art, Rwdosa, N.M. Teachen of the artist were Frank Gervasi, N. A,, and Ramon Froman, under whom she studied .;till life and portraiture .• Past master s Frans Hals and John Singer Sargent also influenced her work. 11Je June Artist~-the-month is a member of Artist and Craftsman Associated, Dallas; Anaheim Art Association, and Fe.sUval of Arts, Laguna Beach. NB Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary of Newport B'each Fire l)epart· ment gathers the t h i r d Wednesday of each montli at 8 p.m. in various locations. In- formation regardlng location may be obta ined by telephon- ing Mrs. T. C. Da!lay, 548-1835. been announced by the Cotta Mesa Art League. Orange Coast C.Ollege winner I 1 Katherine Rhonda Erger, and <(olde Weal CoUege recipients are Mrs. Stanley Pringle and Mrs. Marion Bradshaw. Other colleglans winning awards are Larry Vette r and Phillip R. Warner, California State College at Long Beach. and Eddie Harrison, Chapman College. . High School winners are Jo Ann Taylor and JOiiie Van Qt. terlo, Estancia HJgh School; Paul Bogdanowicz and Ann Elizabeth ~t.angston, C o s t a Mesa H1gh School; J a n Traphoten and Dick Livoni, Corona del Mar High School, and Mark McCulloch and John R. Peterson of Ne wport Harbor High School. Cash v alue of I.he llCbolanliip awanlils 11250. JENNIFER WALDO July D1te Betrothal Announced ' The engagement of Jennifer Susan Waldo and John Forrest Harrell has been announced by the pa rents of the bridHlect, Mr, and Mrs. Robert 0 , Waldo of Claremont. Miss Waldo, who was gradu· ated from Claremoot High School, now attends Cllrwl College, Glendora. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogan Harrell 0£ Huntington Beach, is a graduate of Hllmington Beach High School where he was an Ameri can Field Service slu· dent in Germany during hi! senior year. Presently he is a senior at Harvey Mudd College, Clare.- mont. The couple plan to be mar- ried July 5. AND-OF THE WEEK . . .. -.. J'hla-,deepJycutsalad bowl of Engl'8tt -.:t Cf'Ylial, 9 inches in diameter, 11 ornamented by• slender rim of 1llverplate. The thrw piece set includes the graceful aHverpleted servers. A real find tor ua - an""!" bigger one for you at th la price! Ourtpeeialprice S7.ts SL~VI CK'S ' J~Sinct 1917 . • 1 a f •shion l1l•nd 'N•"'l'•rt BHch -H4-l l 80 Yovr Ch•f'l9 Atc.ol.lr'll We!C'OIM -.. llllAIMrlt •fll. M111tr th•'9•· IOO, OP•tt M•Ml•y, fricl1y u11tll t :JO 11.m. I J I I .. J • • , '• MRS. JOS EPH M. ROUSH J R. Hom• in PlaCM"ttie Double Ring Ceremony Performed in Newport Arrangements of w h i t e gladioli, stock, carnations and shast:a <taisies adorned Our Lady Queen of Angels Church when Kathleen Lee Snyder ~8me the bride of Joseph M. Roush Jr. The Rev .Raymond Saplis directed the double r i n g ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Snyder of Newport Beach and the son of Mrs. Vera Schmitz, Roosh of San Gabriel and Joseph M. Roush, Pasadena. Verde Country Club and sign- ed the guest book which we circulated by Christina and Kathleen Stafford, the bridegroom 's nieces. Special guest attending was Mn. James Curzon of Great Bend, Kan., the bridegroom's &Isler. The bride is a graduate of Fullerton Junior College and her husband is an alumnus of San Diego St.ate College. Followlng a northern California honeymoon, t b e newlyweds will reside in Placentia. Sprin gtime Bring s • Memo ries BJ JOAN llANAlJEI\ NEW YORK (UPI) -The ccmlnc ol .-for the city child ls a llltle bit ll.te belog -from jail. There's releue from fm. prlsonlli, Clotbes -DO "'°"' leqinp, no more bated, ttdly knee aoclla. And !her<"• the ci- ty. ao clean looking under bc'lght blue aides, illll<ad ol the steam-heated apartment ln which we were confined. But sprlq: was always a Jooc Ume comlog when I was a child -1 ...,. U lllill is. 'Ibere was my father. always predicting one more · snow befOft Easter a n d , almort always Tilbl 1be firll sign of spring wasn't the robin red breast or even a buddl.N Cl'OCUJ or whatever It is that blooms \first. It was St. PatriCk'• day., There wu a lot of prepara- tion for spring -while my mother elhumed last year's good spring coot r... every<lay wear J hunted for precious lost items Uke my skate key, which also served as a hopscotch "stone." My teeth are '1111 set on edge wbtn J remem b er skatlhg over the reiujher par· tions of sidewalk on the way to the park, where the grass was turning green. Spring meant the cln:us ond my annual disappointment that cotton candy didn't taste as good iS it looked; my bewlldemEnt over the way grownups guped at aerial acts while obviously it was the animals that were m o s t taseinatlng. The animals at the zoo In Central Park were another sprlng aUracUon as they came out of their houses into their iron-barred "back yards." There was the wonderful Sunday when we found the park's carousel . open, . its hurdy·~Y mus ic a siren song. Beckoning beyond was sum· mer. I still pity lnlond chlldn!n who never fearfully dove into a breaking wave, to emerge triumphant on the other side or be t05sed undeir, only to come bick gasping for more. Installation Logged New Crew in Command GOLDEN . ANNIVERSARY Mr. •ncl',Mr1. H11rvey KoerMr Photo Album Opened \ • frl!Uy, May 30, 196~ \ Weddil'iJs, Troths Pilot's· Deadlines · • • • To avoid dlaappotntmoo~ ~ve · brldu are remloded to have their wielding storlu with black an4 wbill gloay pholo- gnphl to tho DAILY PILOT SodolJ Depart. ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcementa ll is suggested that the atory, also accomP«!lled by a black and white g~::t.1plcture. be suhmltted early. U the be aonolillce- ment and wedding date are m weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo wW be ao- cepled. To help 1ill requirement& on both wed- ding and engagement stories, form1 are avaU• able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be a111Wered by SOcial Notea ataU members at 842-4321 or 494-9486. Evaluation Offered at Workshop Dinner ' . MARGAR ET PIRTL E Ent...,i Betrothal Revealed The engageme n t or Margaret Pirtle. and Daniel P. Opper has been ~ by her parents, Mn. Barbara An evaluation workshop will Mrs. Potter, a member of Baker of Santa Ana Hei, lhtS be ~"'1 by Y.n. Ina Pot· the AnlU Club o! cOOnciJ One, ter. past preoldent of In-ha> perlecte(I her knowledge and Harry Pirtle of ~ tern a ticnal Toastmistre&s of proceduree: and dilCUSSed Grove. Clubs, ~ porliamen-her subject with knowledge · Miss Pirtle will graduate lo K F t d :::" ~~ent of and humor. June from Huntlnglon Beach _. Mrs. Calvin 0 I co t t , High School. oe r ne r 5 e e m~tmg=~e ~ ~~ ~~of °!tne~~~·c:=: Her flance, aon of Mr. and p.m. Monday, Junie 2, in the will preelde, during the Ml'i. ' Dale 0 P. p • r of 0 -G Id D t g=~.~~:1Gc;:~n g:,~~01:r1ce~:i1a~ r~:ieldiJ~C: n 0 e n a e A fonntr _..,, teadler at el<ci..I. High School. A a<rgeant io, tbo . · 1'xlfl B<ai:h City Colle&<. Ille Women in o'raop County lo· U.S. Marine COrps, be will ' • · has been inatnunental in com-terested in the p r o I r a m · re t u r n from otimwl; •in TwcHlundred twenty family celebrate were the couple's pWnc and revt.sing much Of apomored by International Septe.mber and the cqUpie members and friendli gathered five children, Harvey B-tbe TOestm1atrtm educatioMl T~ Clubs are in--plan to marry on tbe mlL, to help Mr. and Mn. Harvey Koerner Jr. of LOs Angeles, material and tfe.lped revise vtted to call Mrs. ~k Christ Lutheran Cbureb ht Koerner of Costa M e s a Fred J. KoerM:"' of Concord, G J e a s 0 n • s Parliamentary Corradino, Aillabeim, ~4-5114, Costa Mesa has been lllected celebrate their golden weddlng Mrs. Henry Crawford ot Santa Digest. for additional informitlioo. ~or lhe: wedding, ~ anniversary. Ana Heights, William H.1--=---.,------------~----~-------- Tbompson Hall of the Flrst Koerner of PlacenUa and Mrs. " United Methodist ch ur ch. Richard o . Hatch of Costa OPEN DAILY 1 O. 1 O; SUNDAY 10. 7 Costa Mesa, was decorated Mesa, along with the I r with spring flowers for the families. . alternoon reception, which Out-of~own guests included featured a mural of pictures Mrs. Koemer's sister and ber boirowed from the Koerner'a husband, Mr: and Mrs. E. 8 . photo album, including their Sm.ith of Florence, Ore.; Mr. wedding photos. and Mrs. W. c . Reid ol The goldenwed! exchanged Smithville, Mo., her niece and wedding vows on May 27, 1919, her husband, and her brother in Willowbrook and have been and sister-in-law, Mr. and residents of Bell, Los Angeles, Mrs. Fred J . Smith of Long Santa Ana Heights .and Costa Beach. . Mesa since their marriage. Traveling is a favorite hob- Koerner was born I n by of the Koerners, who have Sheboygan, Wis., ·and came lo visited most of the states, in- California in 1901. His wife, eluding Alaska, durina the the former Dorothy Smith, past 11 years. Koerner, 1n ad- was born in Pontiac, Mich. ditlon, ia proprietor oI I unall and became • Californian in shop where he 5barpeM aawa, 1900. lawn mowen, knives and 111c:1r FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Versatile , Easy Ccirel -· Given in marriage by her falber. the bride .wore a full length gpwn of silk organza. trimmed with appliques of Fnincli lace. Her A-line skirt extended into a . cathedral lecgtb trai'n, and a headpiece of lace petals and jewels caught her illusion veiling. Fonnlng her cascade were white roses. stephanotis and baby's breath. Orange County members of Clipped Wings will b e hostesses when the group of former United Air Lines Stewardesses gathers in the Stuft Shirt next Tuesday for jnstaJlaUon of officers. Present to help their parents scissors. As a highlight of the lun·,;;;;;;;~;;~:::;::::;;;:;;,==========il cheon, a check will be presented to Mrs. Evelyn Balley of the Harbor Area Retarded Children's Foun- dation in San Pedro by Mrs. Charles Daniels of Pacific Palisades, reUrtng president of the Los Angeles Chapter of Clipped Wings. Sleeveless Nylon Tops In 3 Styles 'o' Full length blue empire gowns, matching picture hats and nosegays of ye\low shasta daisies, white carnations ·and baby's breath were selected for Mrs. Arron Angle, the bride's sister and matron of honor and Miss Lacie Roush, bridesmaid. Vickie Stafford, the bridegroom 's niece, wore a similar gown for her role as flower girl. Attending as best man was Harlan Curtis, while guests were ushered to their seats by Robert M. Stafford. the bridegroom's brother-in-Ja,v and Rex W. Snyder, t~e bride's brother. About 125 well-wishers at- tended the reception in Mesa New Queen Revealed Toasts will be gi ven at 11 a.m. to the new year and lunch will begin at noon, ac- cording to Mrs. Emmett Oehlert of Costa M e s a , chairman of the dayJAssisting is Mrs. Paul Salata . of Newport Beach,, vice president in charge of the Orange CoWl* ty area. Installing officer will be Mrs. Jack Scblemer of South Pasadena, and taking new responsibilities will be the Mmes. John Amberg, Palos Verdes Estates, president; William Adickes, Brentwood; Charles l.oosmore, Huntington Beach; Roger Plumley, Glen- dale: Don Hovis, Manhatlan Beach; Dobglas Aitken, Sherman Oaks, vice pres· !dents, and Leonard Wilker, Orange Coast residents planning to attend are the Mmes. Louis Abel, Charles Ball, William BelT, James Burton, Clifford E h r I e r , Walter Foley, Richard Fres- ch!, P-Hort.a, Charles Loosmore, Harold Madsen, Enunet1 Oeblert, Paul Salata, Jim Shaffer, Paul Wagenbecb and Robert Ze~. Mrs . Jayce es Huntington Beach M r I • Jaycees meet tho second Mon- day of the month at & p.m. Location. in£ormatlon may be rec<ived by calllog Mrs. Michael Brooks. 13&-'IOZ2.,--Miss Linda Weatherwax has Sierra Madre, treasurer. been named honored queen of.-----------:---------- Bethel 1 5 7 , InlemaUonal Order of Job's Daughters, Newport Beach. Elective oUicers who also will .be installed at 7:30 p.m. Sattirday, June 7, in the Seafaring Ma.!IOnic Temple are the Misses Debbie Washko, acnlor princess; Terri Seiling, junior priacess ; K a t h Y McMllJan, guide, and Cindy Tuz, marshal. Appointlve officers are the Misses Kathy Knill, Norma Schmidt, MarU Houston, Kathy Budd and Janet Wilder, messengers: Glenna Beuter, chaplain; Jackie Hum b I e, recorder; Nancy Sc hoenmell, librarian; Debbie G race. y. musician : Kim Shoemaker . and Judy Barnett, custodians, and Kathy Kelder and Judy Paley, guard.!. PUT WH IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwanted Items with a DAILY PILOT Clull&d Ad. " PH ONE 642-5671 Mor• Then A Querter Of A Mile Of Antiqun Orange County's Largest .An~i'lue Show THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE'S. 6 I 7 Fe•turin9 R•re, le•utiful •ncl Novel Obiects from Around t he World by Top O.•lers. • .. W11re 14 Stwn I .. 0,. """"' Tl t :JO " . Coming May 31 Family ~ekly My "Blind" Son Can See Me Now! By Mrs. ELDA GIBSON Th is mother tells the ins piring and heartwarm- ing story of how a doctor opened a "world° of -,.ision" ~f..-herson who had beerrdoomid a- ''hopeless case." ALSO e HAPPY MISl'ORTUNE -Cheryl Miller. alter a series o! misfortunes -Including cancellatloo of "Daktarl.'"in wh!th she •larrO\I -ls bappy to be out o! show business, finally. ' . e DELICIOUS -June Is Dairy Month. Family Weekly Cookbook of!ers dlaUnctlve dairy de .. serts. e FEELING ILUE? -Quiz helps you llnd out what makes you feel 0 down in the dumps" and why. All COllillll SllurdlJ In Ille · ... I DAILY PILOT I l .. _ .. _ • • ONr Reg. 1.58 2 D•11• On&11 111 c ........ lt Wo~ and tffn!I Will like the sood looka ot these 100% 1tretcb nylon top&. In three swingy styles: mock turtle, turtlenecks and V-neclul. White, black, puteJe, many strlpn. 1 Small, medium or large Alzes. Be Sure to Chal"Jle It at K MarL (llMller ,. l ......... llltJ 2200 Harbor Blvd. at WUson, Costa Meea I I • ,. •. • ·-· • ,., . . •• 1' • • ' .. ·- , .. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE • WFJllC'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, CLOSE • • \ I I •• • ., AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE • • • • WEEK'S AND YEAR'S llIGH, WW, CLOSE . -, , I !t -. _, + '• -~ !1~ •• • . .. :· j, •• '· , . . . ; " -. ·' I • .. •• " .. • ... . i ·' •• ! I ' , J 4 !Wtv •ilDT FMd•>'. Ml! 30, IM :Gurney a,edol to ... DAILY PILOT ,lNDJANAPOLIS-In a car be 11ys Is better than the one he drovi to • sec- ond place f1ntlh here Jut yea.r, Costa M .... , Dan Gµrney and 32 otlw &tart- ert were -ltar)n1 It a miWon dollars wben they llned up tOO~ for the start ol lhe Indianapolis 500. A crowd estimated al 300,000 was ex· peeled to pry its way int.o the ancierit brickyard to ,.., t. I( Mario Andretll wUI make good on hla threat to poll out of lhe ract. 2. If A. J. Foyt can back up hi:s favorlliun by winning hi! fourth 500. 3. If Lee Roy Yarbrough Is as gJOd as . he uys he Is. 4. If 1969 is finally the. year for Dan Rief Fires • 64, Tied . For Second MEMPHIS (AP) -Former Costa Mesa County Club pro ft9nnie Rief fired a six-under par 64 Thursday and was one stroke of£ the lead after the opening round of the $150.000 Memphis Open Golf Tournament Rief, who just recently joined tht pro tour was knotted with three other golrers behind veteran Bob AfcCalllster, \\oho tied the course record with a blistering 6.1. McCallister, a big Californian who has- n't won a tournement in the United States since 1964, holds his narrow lead over Rief, Lee El'der, John Lotz and Bert Yan- cy, who won last week's Atlanta Open. Four others, including wise-cracking U.S. Open champion Lee Trevino. wer~ in a group al 65, five under par. They were Gene Littler, the. season's leading money·winner and one of the pre· tourney favorites; Mac McLendon, who fashioned his round on eight birdies and a triple bogey and Lou Graham. Playing in near-perfect go I r i n g weather-hot and with just a hint of a breeze-the field posted more than 60 sub-par rooQds, a tournament record on the short Colonial Country Club course. Eleven players were tied at 66, in- cluding South African Gary Player, Miller Barber, veteran Dan Sikes and youngsters Jim Grant and Bobby.Cole. But he had it all in the first round, reel· Ing off eight birdies. an eagle and three bogeys in his remarkable round, the best he's had on the tour. The eagle came on the par five. 490- yard 13th hole. He reached the green in two and coa1.ed in a 25-foot putt. ·His birdie putts included some wbop- 'pers, from 40, 15, 10.and again 10 feet and one he said was '1.iabout three--quarters of a mile." That was on the last hofe. He later said it was about 55 feet. "I was off the green by about two feet, but used a putter," he said. "I'd never had a round of 64 be.fore and I just Wanted Lo lag it up and two-putt for a 6t Man, was I surprised when it went in. "So, you know, I still don't have 1 64.." Halos, Oriole s Open Series Baltimore's fast flying Orioles open a three-game series with the rejuvenated California Angels tonight at Anaheim with luckless Andy Me~ersmith {0-3) laking the mound for the Halos against Steve Palmer (5-2). The Orioles are sening a sizzling pace Ill the head of the American League 's A119e l S late M•v lll -Anoelt ,,. &•lllmort, J :S~ o.m. KMPC 0101 M • ., JI -An111!1 "' •••tlmor1, 1:SS 11.m. KMPC (110) Ba.stern Division wh.ile the Angels a:ret'i. the opposite end of the loop's Western Division. So dominant have been the Orioles that Detroit manager f.1'ayo Smith says, "they'll have their divisional title wrap- ped up In June the way they're going so far." Smith added, however. "they can't keep up that kind ol pace (winning at a ~~r~.: •.. they've got 1to hit a snag The Angels are meeting the Maryland aggregation for the first time this season. They just snapped out of a 10•game los- ing streak by upending Cleveland twice, under the guidance of Lefty Phillips. P.hillipa took over the club Tuesday when veteran manager Bill Rigney was handed his walking papers by general manager Dick Walsh. Shoots for $1 Million 'Indy ··Priz~ • Gumty. All ol lbem know that 1 minlmwn of one million dollars awaits the winner In prize money aod resuIUna: endorsements. Andrettl,. bolling mad over an order by chid ste'f&rd Karlan Fengttr t.o remove a oew oll cooter from bis Moog008e-Offy, had threatened to pull out or the classic. ~tll installed the device after he qu~ for the starting field and Fengler ordered it removed. Fengler told him any cbange in a car's configuration after 1 car has qualified ls Ulq:al. Foyt, ift a poll of auto racing wrilers and eiperts ln Indianapolis this week, was given the favorite's tag. Gurney was second in the voting, followed by Andretti and Uoyd Ruby, who was also told to remove an oil cooler. Yarbrough arrived at Incly u the hot· test stock $=U driver in the counJry and says he's every bit as· good btbind I.be wheel.of an lody..machioe. "l came.~ to win," be Q.id. "I'm so happy, so confident I feel like dancing." Yarbrough-bas won $.1001000 wllh four wir11 ln eight stam on . the stock car circuit thJs year. ' Gurney~ in an Olsontte Eagle of his own designi says be hu)is best machine. yet for the BriCtylrd. {l's powered by a 600-horsepawer, 320--cubic inch st.ock block Ford e!liine. The car stands just M inches high at the roll bar. He's the only driver irrl\ist.ory to have tcoted major victories Jn ·three prlmlry typea of motor rodn& -CTand 'prix, stock can ml sport& ~· But he's yet to win the big .... berc. He waa ""'Pl here last )'ear hut w.ln· ner Al U~ drove one of Gumey'1 Eaciet. lle'~qU,lllied !or 1J>e No. 1 pool- Uon oo the lourjh row wllli Joe Leonanl and Ari PollW, . Fo)'I haa the oovele<i'Pole poalUOn, hav· log qualll"d 11 •· 170.581 mph clip. · The Jody field lost a litlle of its UY tenii:tional flavor last weekend when Eoiland's· Grllhlm Hill and AUllria's Joclien Rindt 'were l~t willlGlll can wbltn their totus!Fords were withdrawn. ' . :A naw io the-rear hu!il of the mocltinea WHEELS OF FORTUNE -Three eras o! aulo racing· at the Indianapolis Speedway a:re represent· ed in these three tires. Al left is the type of tires used on the front·engined machines during the 1950s. The ultra.wide tire in the middle is used on U'IT.._..... the present rear-engine,d cars which will run today while the thin, solid-body tire at right was used on the first cars to compete at Indy , from 1911 to ahoul 1930. Expo Streak Reaches 13_ ' As LA Wins MONTREAL (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers extended Montreal's losing streak to 13 games Thursday night. defeating the Expos 5·3 behind Claude Osteen's si1.-hit pitching. The victory. Los Angeles' third slraighl over the faltering E1pos, enabled the Dodge.rs to move within 2Y, games. of idle first place Atlanta. Osteen, now 7-3, st.ruck out rive and Dodger Slate M,ay :0:0 -~rs •I l"n!ladlllll!IA. •::IO D.m. X:FI Mtv ll -Dodters .t Phlladelph\1, •::la 1.m, KFI walked only one. Two Oi the htt.s off him were home ruM--Mack Jones in the fifth inning and Coco Laboy in lhe ninth. Willie Davis triggered the Dodger vie· tory by slamming a two-run ho~ in the first inning after Bill Stoneman walked leado(f batter Willie Crawford . The Dodgers added another run in the first when Andy Kosco singled and went all the way to third when le£t fielder Donn Clendenon bobbled the ball for an error. 'Ilom Haller then hit a sacrifice fly. Sm-ts ita Brirl NL 's Gifus to Retire; Deal for Wills Stalled MOLINE, 111. (AP) -Warren Giles, president of the National League, otdl friends Thursday'that he is retiring· el· fective Sept. L He told John O'DonneU, a long-lime fciend and retired sports editor of the .Qavenport, Times Democrat: , "I infqrmed all National League owners this v.-eek of my intentions to reUre effectiv~ Sept. I. Baseball is 100 years old this year and I've been in it SO years. l had my 73rd birthday this week and I think it is a good time to retire." • • MONTREAL -Jim Fanning, Monlrcal Expos general manager, said Thursday reports that his National League club wUI send sbortstap Maury Wills back to the Los Angeles Dodgers for pitcher Joe Moeller and another player are incorrect. "Were talking, yes, '1 Fannins said. .. But we certainly haven't put anything together yet. We've talked about several players-Including Wills. ran I: 46.5 t·his year, equalling his besl 196& mart fqr the tiall·mile. • More than 300 high schools wrestlers continue to battle for ~rths in the first junior world cha.ionship tournament to be held in Colorado next Monday in a qualifying tounfcment being held at Newport Harbor High School. Competition is being ill!Jd in Greco- ROman and freestyle wresUing. Action .today and Saturday runs from 11 a.m. to ~ p.m. and 7·11 p.m. Sunday's concluding action will run from 1-5 p.m. and 7·11 p.m, The me<?t is being sponsored by the Orange Coast YMCA and admission is by donation. All fWlds raised will be used to send the wrestlers to the world tournament July 23-28 al the University of Colorado. WU 'beUtved to be -'ble lot the iou of 1 wheel durio& 1 lrlll run by Alid.,iu Jn a Lo<us-Fonl and tbe con were Withdrawn. An0rettt IU~Uy <!UIUflOd iOCOlld io 111' lllWk·Fotd. Qmli Hulme 'o1 New 7.ealaod, driving an Eagle.Ford, and Jack Brabham of Austra1111 io 1 Brabbom·Repco, ore the ooly fOf<llll dri•ers ltll In tbe lleld. Tht oW-tlnr ineup : . Storm Saves Lave r ' ·Emerson Disposes . Of Polish Net Foe PARIS CAP) -Roy Emer10n advanced into the third round of lhe French Open Tennis cham{ii06llhips Thunday. The touring pro represenUng lhe Newport Beach Tennis Club easily turned back Tadeuaz Nowicki of Poland, 6-3, 6--2, &-%. . Newport Beach's other representative in tbe tournament, world ehamp Rod Laver, was on the short eod of a 2-1 set disadvantage to Australian Dick Crealy before a thunderstorm washed out play. Crealy, ranked fourth 1n his •country, Jed 8-3, 9-1, 2-6 in the most surprising development of the tournament on the Roland Garros court.s. America's Cliff Richey, a clay coort specialist from Dallas, won the first two O.J. Refuses To Perform For Wil son iNDIANAPOLIS. Ind. (AP ) -If 0 . J. Simpson calls the Buffalo Bills it will be "only to see how the trading is going," the All-American said Thursday. · ;'The way it stands rlcbt now1 I will not play for Mr. Ralph Wilson,!' Simpson said in describing the impasse in necotiations with the owner of the American Football League team. ~ The former Southern California star, here for today's Indianapolis 500-mile auto race, made the remarks at a news conference called by Sports Headliners Inc. of Indianapolis, which is represen- ting Simpson Jn the contract negotiations. The last contract session was Monday in Detroit, and Wilson was quoted later as saying he did not plan to call Simpson or his agents with a higher contract offer. He also said he would look into the possibility of trading the Simpson draft right.s to another AFL team. Chuck Barnes, president of SporU Headliners, said Thursday that the only change Monday in Buffalo's original offer of $250,000 in a five-year contract was a small bonus if Simpson would be. named AFL Rookie of the Year this fall. Simpson is asking about MS0,000 over three years, Barnes indicated, "and we're not going to compromise •.. or at least very little." Simpson said he. won't play in the coaches All-American All-Star Game Ju!)e 28 in "-t!anta unless he has signed a pro contract before then. He said other unsigned collegiate stars. including Leroy Keys of Purdue and Ted Kwalick of Penn State, also were prepared to pa!! up the game. sets from 36-year-old Luis Ayala oi Chile and bad mat.ch point in the third onJY io let the veteran Latin sJip·away. 1 Richey was leading &-4, 6-3, 8-10, 6-6 when the rains came, but he was within. a point of losing his service in the 13th ·' game. . ; .. Meanwhile, pro l::fennis Ralston::;-;of Bakersfield, and Stan Smith of Pasadena, third-ranked .U.S. player, swept into the third round and America furnished four of the last 16 remaining ladies. Ralston won a strange match froirt Patricio Rodriguez of Chile, f-2, 6-4 , .o::&, 6-4 • The hot-tempered American seemed to lose interest after winning the fir.st two sets, serving double-faults and making loose shots to drop 12 games in a row. But he rallied in the fifth sel. Smith, a member of the U.S. Davis Cup team, scored an easy 6-3, 6-1, 6-2 triumph over Patrick Holmbergen of Belgium. Arthur Ashe, Jr. the U.S. Open cham· pion, advanced Wednesda y. HUGHES GIVEN EST A NC I A POST Wayne Hughes, once fired as head root.. ball coach at Newport Harbor High ~I. has been ne.med athletic director at Estancia High School , the DAILY PILOT learned today . Hughes replaces Joe Wolf as head or Eagte athletic forlune5 , following the lat· ter's resignation. Wolf quit earlier tt.is moo!.h. hopeful of retuming t'O coaching. He had served as Estancia athlcUc director sinet. the school was opened in I 1965 . The Dodgers went ahead 4-0 in the third when Crawford led off with a dou- ble. went to tllird on a grounder by Davis and came home on a wild pitch by Slooeman. "If we did make a deal for MaW"y, It 1vould be for players of some. con· sequence in return. Sure we'd like to have Moeller. but there's no wa y we'd make it a straight deal." Major League Standings LO$ AlllOl!\.111 MOMTltlAL .. ' • • .. ' • Ct1wton!I ' , ' , • Wlllf H • • 01wls " • ' ' ' Sull>trl111d 7tl • • Pll'llCK lb • • • • .... rt • ·~rt • ' ' • 810ev " • H1llttr ' , • • ' ,....,._ " • lefebwf'll ,. ' • • • , .... " ,._...,d'I 111 ' • • • ,.., " Suod1ld• 3tl ' • • • 8Ut,..an c Stn""or1 u , • • • 8CKClbll1 ' c. 0$1"" It , • • • S!Ot11m1n o • 81tKh oll ' ·~ ' • • WIM pl! ' $1\IW I' • Tolll " ' , ' Tot ft " '" N,t1lti »• '" .,._, MO{llrf>ll "' '" .._, • • ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' • • • • • • • , • A classic 880-yard run between Felix Johnson. the current fastest hall·miler in the United States and Ralph Doube.11, Australia's Olympic Games gol'd medal 11•inner, shaped up Thursday for the Or· ange County Invitational Track meet at El MO<lna Stadium June 14. l\1eel Director Earl Egnman said Johnson, cf little Prairie View College in Texas, has entered the competition. He NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Dtvlsktl CHICAGO PJTFSBURGH ST. LQUIS NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA MONTREAL W L Pct. 30 16 .652 22 22 .500 21 23 .4'n 19 23 .4SZ l? 23 .425 II 30 .268 Wes& DlvltlOI ATLANTA 21 14 " 11 24 20 .667 GB ' a • 10 161h AMERICAN LEAGUE Eaa1 Dlmio. w L Pct GB • BALTIMORE 33 14 .702 BOSTON 21 15 .651 3 DETROIT 23 I& .511 ' WASIUNGTON 22 2'1 .451 11,; NEW YORK 21 25 .457 11n CLEVELAND 10 21 .m Ill> Weal DlvltlOll MINNEWfA . 24 I& .511 OAKLAND 22 19 ClllCAGO I& 19 Chargers, City End Hassle LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO CINCINNATI HOUSTON SAN' DIEGO 22 19 23 . 24 I& 30 .605 2,a .545 5 .537 51h .489 7~<:. 13 • .315 KANSAS CITY 21 23 SEA Tl'LE 20 22 CAUFORNiA U 21 ,,,,_.,. .. __ ,,. ••ltlnlofol .t s.1n1e -'-*' 'llo.11111 L KtMM Clti' 6 °'"" ... °'* ...... 4 .537 11.f! .486 3\1 .477 4 .476 4 .317 10\i 51885 .. SAN DIEGO (AP) .., The City of San Diec<> and lhe San Diego Chargers foot.- bill club announced tetUement Thursday of 1 n!ne·monlh dispute over USC! of San Die&o Stadium. • Cl1Y Mllllf<r Walltt Hahn said the ...,eementa.. which al.to involve the ti 1 rMD Sm IJiieto P.trts, mart the tnd of Dtiplklo ~ the Chargers to fflCCM!I' reM for 1lil 111e al the stadium. The tetUtment Includes 1 12-year l!:X· · t~ of the Cltarpr Sladlum cooiract and auu:ra mulmurn use of the ~Usslon VllleJ /oc!Uly, HIM said. Tbe Charaer•. u earlier ordered by a Silporior COOrt Judi' •• ,,....i to .,., the clly 1boul Siii.ODO In back rent, lw ctr· 1 ·I ... tain credill. u A..esult of the agreements that protrr; -A mutually satisfactory ·basi~ for sharing of prefel'Ted week end dates by football and baseball durina the month of AulUJl aod September. -Charger payments to the . city of I pen:en1 of gote rec<1p1s, ln&te•d ol to perctnt. btginn.lng in 11 f/'O. --Oily erpeodilure ol 1130,llOll to build ltadium office space, for the Chargers, rtntlng to the Char1ers at $1,335 a mOl'ltb. • -!;xt.enaion of the Charier contract, wblch was to expire in 117~ throug!l 1118& aames, 1W:ben the buebaD ptet also e1· pirt• • ~ I -Confirmation of the Chargers' right to play five preseason games th1s ytar in tht stadium. --For 1969. the Chargers wUI pay either 10 percent of gross gate receipts or a pe,.. cent plus any reacheduling IOL!Jses in· curr<d by the Padres on conllidlng date. of Aug. t and Aug. 30, whkheve" is less.. Rescheduling losses ol the Plldrts In Scptemliqr would ht shor<d by the city and the Chargers. The settlement also call11 for the city to pay the Chargers $99,000, which lncludts 123.llOll for fl!!isessory Interest !Jin. paid by tbe Chargen and $71,llOll !or tbe root· bell team'• share of pllrklng apd con· etseion revenues in 1961. . ' <ill'I' ..,,.... td'wdlllM. ,.,...... ·-•• It..... [P'alrfttt J.11 •' C.tltrDrt!'-(Mtf1"" 1111ffl'I WI, t1ifM. Mew "'""' cJ>mr.n w 1 Mil ....,.... l·n .. k_.. ClfY (..ion.. t ·I ,.,. I~ 1·1). OtluM 1£1111 W 1M l"lleft ~J ti W~tllft (l'_.M ..... H-~). M'""'9oft l ..,_11 .WI M .. , .... Cl • .....,.. J-1). """'· Ottrtlt IHI/hr 1·11 11 S..ttS. (P'.tllft Wl. C~ (ll'IUI 1.t 11'111 ""'-141 11 OMIW Cl.Ml191'.,_ M 9111 l'Ner'I N ). AUTHOlllZID ~Ull SERVICE AND PARTS FOR All IMPORTE D AUTOMOl lLIS -'~1 lll(l lll[ ll ttl['.ll [•, llOO wnr COAST HIGHWAY -NIWl'OIT •cH 642-'405 JM0.1 7M All--M6 e AUStlN•HllUT - AiiilMrilM l'llaARI -· W.. & Sonic• Available ""'/Automatlc Transmlssl·· -·-.. ~ UAL USID CARS , l PINIST SILICTIOll .' OF USID SPOIT CAlS IN SOUTHO N CALll'OllNIA ... ·-··~-··-··-····~ I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ) 3 • ' J ' r 1 " ' ' g .. ,• • ;, " "' • • " 0 . " • " • • " 1- h r y •f ,_ • e n ---~-~ ·-··-~·· -·-··' . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE , ....,,., Cl•Tl,tcAT• Of' IVlllllUI ,ICTtTIOUS MAM• Thi unilw1.l:lntd ~ <ff'fllV .... h COi'!' ill!l(flflt • lllullf\19& .r 115 ltllCM'lttr. Cotr. MN. Ctllfornlt , \IMef "" flctlttovs firm ,..,,.. of COSTA MESA ltE,IUGEllA- 1'10N •nd Ille! uld firm I• corn-ed et ft-. followln9 "''°"' """'°'' 111m1 111 f\111 •nd 111.u ot resldolnce It 11 fallows' l"AUL G. OilltAGER, 1160 l"Dll'IONI Ho. <It. Colfl Mese • ... J)tlM MIY ». l"f M l'1v1 G. or-r • ~1h-~F ~~~~NIA } u Top Co'8t Students Honored On Mtr 20. lffft'btflln mt, 1 Holl"' ,.llbllc In 1Pld ,fw 11&1d Sttte, ""'°"''"' 1ppe1rtd l"AUL G. ORAGEll known te ..,. lo 0. · ~ ""°" w'*-llfmc b 1\lbscrlbMI to ""9 w1111111 IMll'llmenl •nd •0-.-ledtecl r. n.ecuttcl Ille .-me. tOf'l'ICIAL SEAL) •• • ~"'I(, .....,., ' Hottrv Pllbtlc-C1Htornl1 ~-" Prltl((HI ()fflQ 111 Ortllff COunty Mtueuna Home's .Just Ducky ' ' ' . -~ \ Mr Commlulatl Ell1lret Hov. 2~. lt12 Followln~ In mother's footsteps, a -brood ol 10 due'· the museum grounds fQr five years. The ducklings lings trail their mother across a patio at St . Louis were• tU;en to the St. Louis Zoo last week. . 'ubll~ o,.,.,, Cot'! 01111 ~1101, • .Miii' n, )t, J-6, 13, lMf "°"" Art Museum. The mother, a mallard, bas nested"'" , 1 LEGAL NOTICE 'Growing Awareness' Dangers of Birth Control Pills Studied WASHINGTON (AP) _: An advisory commiUee ~ the Food and Drug Administration ia meeting behind cloled doors this week to shift ftw moun- ting evidence bl'rtb control pills can harm~ even till. safer mlniplll had b e e n blood clots. cervical cancer clotUn1'" m the lungs and veins. developed. . • Ind metabolic c11ang.a, '. t(l9 Wltlllil•days !he FDA rDoftcl ~~!~~Jt:;~:=,~ t~M .-molt d r aim a t I c indi~~ to ,Older Ughter advertillnc SCHOOLS tt already bas Issued two widely publlciled reports Oil oral conti'lcept.lon and the current meeting ls aiined !owJlrd a Utird that likely will he tougher than anything it ·bas said so far. an international symposiµJn came·last 'April when Br~~. / and labelqig, and by ,.Julf .• l lhat a lower strength bormooe doctors reported a detirii~· label.S wlrning of lhe pou1bll.' pill had been found effective m link between the pill and fatal ty of ~lciod clots weri: .... tests on some 4,700 women. Be · On1 n1w,p1pM t eH1 y .. tr10f"•, "'"'' oft111, •kit' wti.+ t••• •a in toc1I ulri1olt. Y••'ll . ftM th1t n1w1ptp1r i1 fh1 1 DAI LY 'ILOT. • • LEGAL NOTICE ...... ,,,. SUP'llllOll COUllT Ofl TMS STA.Tll OIJ CALlflottHIA l'Oll TNI COUNTY 01' 011.ANOI .... A~ f'fOTICE OF ·HEARING OM l'ETITION FOii Pll08ATE OI" HOLOGllAl'HIC WILL ANO FOR Ll!!TTElllS TESTA· MENTAlllY Et11l1 Cit MAaEL N. OS8011N, DeeNs- flllNoTtCE IS HEllE8Y GIVEN Tit.at Q.EANOlt 0 . McMICKEN Ml flied herTlll I lll!ll!Jen fof" l'rebllle of Holellr1plllc Wiii 1nd for luu•nu Ill tel· !t" Tetr.menl•..., "' l'ltlffiMtr, ,....,_ +o lllNdl .. ..,.. tor ...,...... ~. -..... , ""'tl!'M and 1>1Kt 11' lllerlN tlle -~·~. """' ... "' --,., ,,.,. .. +.• 1.m .• In lhe ~ 'II' o.ert. .-Ne. 111' Aid OllH"I. It,. w. ~ ltrwtt. In tlle CltY 11" Slftll Ana. Qill!otnl1. Cited Ml'J' ''· '"'· If ' W, I!!. ST JOHN, Cwntv Clti1t. OAMllUOll & ST. CU.Ill .. ,..,.,...,,If L-... s. ...., ., .. S.1"9 ... ""'"""'*• CtlfllnlM ,..,, Tel• CIUJ ... 1111 ,,,..,...,,. .... PwllttlMr ,1'~ll111td Or-e Cots! D111'1' 1'1111, Mi'I' ».. 31, Ju,.. ,, ltdt 1CD7~f LEGAL NOTICE "I think there ls a -growing awlf.reness of the mulUple er· fect.s on women," said one committee member who asked not to be quoted by name. "If I was in private prac- tice " he said "I would pr~ibe the pill for certain women. But the key words are certain women." • NO CONFLICT Al\hougb the m e m b e r declined to say how many on the committee shai'e his view:o; -if any -be said, "There is no conflict."" The new report is not ex· pecl.ed unU1 somet.ime this fall at the earliest, but the com- mittee's meetings come on the heels of two significant events . The National Institutes of Health earlier lhls month said clinical trials showed that a common birth control pill component ca.used b r e a s t cancer in dogs and should be considered a rilik for women. Bearing the NIH stamp, the report by Roy Herti was the J1lOllt authoritative I i n k between brta!t cancer and the pill to date. Hertz warned however, his data w a s preliminary .and r e q u i r e d. much more study. While this added new weight to riling criticism of the )Jill, another development followed on May 14 -annquDOO!lent that an ·effective aOO perhaps LEGAL NOTICE said lhe new pill was more ef. fectlve than an intrauterine device -IUD -which 'got .high marks from the FDA Ad- vosil'y Committee in its second major report in January 1981 . GENERAL USE Birth control pills were first provided for general use in 1961 and gained new usen steadily until 1964 when 1.7 million wmne'n· began using it. The total of new users bas fallen off steadily since to about half a mil~ last year when a tot.al of 7 million were estimated to have taken it at one time or another. Although researchers had report6:t Jncreuing concern that the pill might be linked to 5 Students Study • • ID Denmark Five Whiltier C o I.I e g e students from the Harbor Area have been selected to spend the fall semester In Copenhagen, Denmark. The Copenhagen s t u d y abroad program will see 130 Whittier students in the one. :kmester program at the University of Copenhagen, with pre-study seminars in London, Paris, Luxembourg, Oxford, Stratford, Versailles, Chart.res and Viborg. A mid- LEGAL NOTICE t•1tttl'it.1.Ta-0,. avs•NESs semester seminar takes the. P"1tt1r1ou1 NAM• students to East and West Thi 11Mer1l1""" dOft ctrtltr lie 11 '""' Be ij · lollt•IHll ducllne 1 w.1neu 11 ..o w. 11t11 st., r n. S.\ll'tltlM COUllT 0" TNlt Sldt. No. 1, Costa Mau, C1llfornl1, llMl!r AIJ t J' ' l'rATI OJI. tAl.ll'OllJrllA l'Olt "-ftdlflolll firm MIM "' OESIGNS 8Y s udenls 1ve 1n Danish TN• cou:v....::.. OUM• I-VAN 11'111 lholl 11111 "'"' 11 COITIPOMCI of homes while attending the ·1' · HOT tel °" u.u: o" ,..,.L .,. fol'"""-..,_,, ...._ -111 tuu uru·v-1'ty, wh-e "-y may 0 I' IVATI IALI IJllCI el1a el -~ '-II fol\owl: .,., ., ,.., UJC ' ""°''"" AT It ONrln G Vtn r,.. -H1~lnt study Euro-•• and Sea-• -," """ Mlttw "' ,,.. 1!11•i.t of! w , .. Mes. c .~ i. __.. ,,.. eOlll:GHILD 1Mll.GA1tEL ANOElll.SON, 0 ::.., ,,,.; n. 1fft • ··"' · d I n a v i a n art, drama, 'libo kl'lllWn .. IETSY • AHOlltSON. Clltrtn G vin Trts1 Jilerature. philosophy and ~KNstd. . .• • ' l"N of c.ufonll9. 0r_. Count1: ' NOTICE 1S HEltEl'I'" GIVE"! tMI tllll On Mey 22. ,..,, before PM, I Not1rv many other fields. ~·'*' win Wll II ........... Hie. ~ l"vbllc '" Ind tor "'"' Slllf, ""°""lty 11w n1t111n1 '""mt l>klder~ _..9r;t to IN ,_,,. tNrles G. Vin Trtn k,_,. "' The students are: <iclw!fll"!llli!iorl «.flt ••• ,,, .•.• 11fllltd -,.. .. !tie ..,,_ wt-. 1\11-11 ~;or Court."' .. .,.,.,,. t5'11411W., IUIJKrlMll .. !!It wllhlll IMtrvment Ind Balboa Island : Lorrie Sue ;.un., 1M. '' 10:• e.m.. 11 ..,, • .,.,ice "' tduiowlldted ,,. 'xK"'-1 ,,,. ....... Walburg, daughter -•. Mr. and #lunll.t!I ~ """""'· •U o~ Awnue, (Ol'"FICIAL SEAL) "" ot111nt1n•ton •wdl• c~ of °'""*· ""'"'" K ~...,. • Mrs. Herbert Walburg, 307 "c11~··•1t fflllt, 1111e:. rn-'"''"' Pt1:11k:·Cllltorn11 Coral A"e. I ..... Rt-'t of .. ,.....,.._ at lhe ,rlncll'll Ofl'IQ Ill • flf fe•lll and 111-ttie rlfllt. 111 .. ,.,. Q"•,.. eeuntv Costa Mesa: M I c h a e J ~ '#11! NW _. Ne KOWlrlif " "'~ c-m.lert Eulrn ..,..,.., of i.w, • ofherwl•, o1t1tr """" Nov.,,., 1m Timothy Dunn, son of Mr. and ,........_ If !Mt of ~ ~I. el ,ultll.,... Or-C-1 Oe!IY l'llol, "'--'-t f 'I ncl ttm• °' c1t1rri. 1r1aflCI,..111 "'"(ff>~., 2:1. •· J-,, It. 1,., t00).4t vua~ ense.n, son o 11 r. a ':;!.~&",,:~~~.":,..'=I----c-LE=cGcAL--:NoOTlo==c=E=---1 Mrs. L. Christensen, Jl41 .,.r1icv•11"tr·61Krlb..:1 ,, t1t11Mtn, ,_,11: Miramar Drive; Re.b e cc a • .,.,. 11. tn •lock-. ~!ft s1r..i See-Jli'"hman daughter of Mr • 1• (II tf:s ...... hKll. M I'll• llMI' IUl'lll.1011! COUllT 01'" THIE ""' · • • :. ·~ -....• i, .... .0. Ill STAT• Of' U~l"°llUUA ~" and ·Mn. J. s. Httchman, JJG 1 ,,,... • ., ~"' 1¥.,..... ". TM• cou•TT °'" ou ... • Via Trieste ·, and Sle...,"nle , "-*" If onww. teullfy, ~Iii. CASI NUMalll 0-"1U ...... • ~ .Moolrft .• '1Hl'll. .tlr-"; · suMMOWS Ann •oust daughter of Mr •' HvnllnlllDl'I ;jl,dl. C111fontl1. =~ IAlltaAlltA C. SMITH, P'lt'"l1fl V1. r ' ' •, St.otilKJo ·lll: c.-not .~... JIMMIE H. SMITH. ~_..nt. and Mrs. Emil W. Foust. 231 l;OlldllM. , mtctltftt. ,.. .. fOEOJU! Of' THE STATE OF ~ '""""" rl911ts~;...,,·lftef"l\Mls''ll' CAllFOllNl,t to""..,. ....... Oreltn-l1rT1·1'Unr.'~A~ve.~~;;~~~, , r9'C8l'd • ~ •nt: V All titd. .r tifltrs-' :'!.'.l,!::"~ w "Yw '" '**' diredllll "'flllt • wr"· \r.<UI M nc:e!M If fflll I """'"' If. l'HI l'IMdl""' lfl __, '9 lht vtf"ifltd h:it .. -............ del1r; ., "" _.,...Ill! ., tht ..... MINd ,i.lntlff -~· tfffltftd C-1 11 '"' t1ntJ lfltr 11W Wlfl'I lht Cleft of the ellew fftftllfll c-1 ~I 1111flll(.ltltfl tr! 1111'( "ff'-_. _,.,. 111 lhe 1ttw. tnlllltif IC!lon "-111 _I,,. i eld wit •. r .... , .... 'l'OU Ill Wkl ~. ""Ullln TEN ~TEllMJ ANO CONOIT~S Of SAlE: .,,,, *"Ir 111'1 ltr'<'l~ on Ytu ot "'It turtto 111 In llWflll ~ d lht UnlMd Sr.ttn ""°"'• " .. ,..,.. w1111ln 11111 .i.vt 11e!T\W Amtrkl, Ttt> l'l!f Clfll 1"'1'., "" ~. or Wl!llJ1 TH111TY cl111 11' ""'°" .,_...., f/111 lfl 11'111 '°"" II I CllllW-1 ..-~· ,,,_ ....... ""' .. ......... dll>dl ,...,,.,.. te lht 11~ •IN lrt un "l'Olil 4"CVltr 119 ~ ,,_ ..,.. ,,... .,. • 111• • wrltttn -""' •lllM!nll. Nk:I ... !Ifft le bl ..... llMll toflflrlftlltM 'II' .a.fllttPI' wll IM<I l ........ f flilr '"' -11¥ lht """'"'" ca.rt. The ell> .. ~ .,,,..,... In Ille ~ lell .t tlllt, t.rniltt '""'"1..., ...:I .,..Irr! • 1rllltlt """ ~Id. or 111tr m lKeli.-C II I'' t I , Wiii _.., ID llw Ullrf ilW llW """' .... ff QJ<l\'ty~. ~ 111111 tltl' relit! ~ In · the vtr!llM ~ .,.. ..., '"" """"-"'9fll:r """'· e. If lht •-el lht ~.... Y• ,.., .... the ..,,let ot lfl tllel'nt'° """9"1'1' "'._ ..,.. • II, "' .., ...... ~ ~ wllll !!It corJ>.o T1'lt elMYtw ..,_i., ..,.,.. ...... 1'11 ., 'HI -· lllCl'I ,,,.,.,,... iMlf t. Nlfe'I _,,_. 1M tn .W.. lfl.wil .. r.9im.d wtttllft ""' llll'lt ""'" lltATfO: ~1 M. 1,.., 111• lfl lttlt -1111 "'!flt I •ltltol °'"'*" lltilll'*' '4Mlllnti ,,. n. coml'lllflt, .WW 'II' tl'!t Wiii" o.i.. MIW 6. 1'0. • 1t19 I~"""' cltcMfll 1 !SIALI W, t . ST JOHN. Clfflt .......... "' ,, ,, ,,.,.,,. Lal Gofftll ~ .... -. ....~,~ ii~~ ... ,._, KIHHITM S. U.WfOll ..M l1'll ttMt1 ...... W.. H ..a. ca..,. nMt ......,"" ,..., ""'· ttMr .. _ eto·IJll . -.......... .. """""' . Cir .... <Mtt °'"' a~ I ,..,..., OrlflM ,.,. 0.11¥ ~1111, .. Jt. , ..... "" 1 ,,,., .. Jvflt .. ''· "· ,,.. foiMt Now in Our Family: Family Wepldy ' . • • 1}our f,.ienJf'I ' Store OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY Tl.RED OF -o . 1 · CLEANING? See The New S,AY -CLEAN ~VEN LINES by 'l'JIPPJIR .• NO SCRUBBING • NO SCOURING GAS COHTINUOUS • ClWING OVEN ci. •• ,. ""•'" • <•mplo'tt lh1t of oll-ttew r.,,.11 r•i.t•• a-»llQ .. a..Mat ,.,... '" ~,•'llllllt, ·~ti' -Hlr· wttr OeM. Lt! T '°""" t1t1r11 'fW'" l llc:llel ..,...,..,, !Od1r1 • • ·NO MONEY DOWN WE ' • 3' MONTHS TO PAY DO 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. ', . FEATURING NEW STAY-CLEAN LINERS! Quit Scr•ping, Si:oUting! '-. Nt!!.)!liRMA-KLEEN -· --rrnlrs feature mir1clt cata· lttic finish tftat cle1111 itself continuouslJ wt111n ltte oven ls in use. s229aa • Our OwiirfnClilclng • Our Own Servicing • · Our Own lllstalllng PHONE 548 • 7788 • SA Li$ and SERVICE ' ._COSTA MESA DAILY 'ILDf !!., 1.EGAL NOTICE • l • • •I . I ' Fri"'7, M1y !IO, 1'69 1 If llAll.Y PILOT , :i(~ti~d~~g . Campaign. et for Youth ' . !' 1 A.'Wnpal&li to,lnlo<in 1)'<!Ulh 11e11Sr>•11ier productl<lil. people and adults. l of'tbe ,daQlm:s;ln q-dabbl-· ~ program is beln1 Grey AdverUSing Inc., of • ..,. tr1tlloUl loelng the aUd~ financed by the Callromla San Francisco, will prOOUC<! , thnaljb:, phorly hylterUl ' is , Medlca.J Association and the the spot messages and press about to 'CC! in\9 stiite~ 1 ~of Gov. Ronald Reagao, ! ~le~ ~t~~a.Jt, u~ing a radio t ·e 1 e v I t't on and dlrei.ted toy.•ard both young calm. direct fopnat. • . '. . _ ·~· ·, · ,,.,4.. !. -; --· --.. Kids are extremely '~-Sta~p Man says: He \Vho Hesitates ... er, er •• , (Oh well . Sit Down. We may find that stamp for you.) knowlefgeable about ~ sub- ject'' says Rop fatJl>'t',, vice president · and g e n e " a I ~anager ol the firm. "And they are wary of any efforts by The Establish ment to alter their "iews ... there ts a ".fr)' thin line between ac- ~ptance and rejectio11 of the drug abuse story." Scare tactics don't work. past experience shows. ,_ of Glendale, ls chairman or the state's new tnteragency Council on ~I AbuSe and author of a new book 11Mari· juana." \'The probler;n of dangerous di;ip is reachi!tl 'epldemic )1roporilona," said Dr. Bkiopt· • quist, who eatimates ·there are now ;,;,ooo bard drug addicts in calltornia. Actor J a c k Webb, famed for his role as the televi&ion Detective Sgt. Joe ·F'r"iday, ls 81so participating in development of the anti-drug abuse pro- gram. "\Ve believe there is a desperate need to ·set the record straight on the drug abuse problem;" says Webb, ' , r ' ·-r r . •' . ~. . ' I ··"~ ,, , ' ' • VARSITY $HOP SALE ' ' TRADITIOllAL-SmED·SUITS 4.9. 9 9 rec. 60.80 ' J:low'll(oud )'Oli'll kip.cne of oor suUS 1 ~lly styled Ytith natural shoulders and ~-button front. Current colors in either a blend of Oacron•polyester Of in 100% wodl; sizes 36·42. Varsity Shop .. . ' -·BLAZERS GllSPOllT.~OArt . ' ... 29.9:~·4N¥~cl!ll· "· '' ~' O 1 I We have some &Jiii! looking sp)rt.coats ' . with natural. shoulders and 3·button ~ slyling. All handsomely tai1D1ed in Dacron I polyester and wool blends. Blazers in 1 !Im llOOI. A fine selection 'of colDlings ' in sjzes 35-42. Viil'Sily Shop • l·:·\ IR(:JI II~ .¥J'A .\l l.•S 247-F Broadway • La.aiuna BeKh • (714J 494.0S4' Opert .Noon to ':30 • Closed Wednesdays ll Sunday~ Edmund Fairchild • Wah fl.fcnsch;CWO US?.1C Rel. Gov .. Reagan's office will help in fund-raising, while the CMA will provide expert ad- vice and counseling in pro 'duciion of adve rti sing materials. Dr. Edward R. Bloomquist, "a program sueh as this will enlighten both parents and 1 youngsters." Buffums· I ' .. - . . • TOMORROW ONLY! SAVE ·1/3 TO 1/2 OFF. • • NEWPORT ONLY! never before advertised by Buffums' at these low prices ••. all reduced from regular stock, no special purchases •.• quantities and sizes limited .•. no mail, phone, c.o.d. ordtrs SUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR LADIES SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE 1/3 • 1/2 OFF Rog. 12.00-46.00. Choose from • wide as· sortment-of separates, including pents, shirts, pent-tops, sweaters, end dresses; sizes 8-16. DRESS SHOP Ltr9e selection of spring fashions in misses dresses and Young Designer styles and sizes. Choose yours from fabrics including Dacron® polyester, Arneil® triacetate, wool knits, and blends.-Sizes 0.14, and 8-20, reg. 28.00-60.00 ....... -..... -.. 17.99-33.99 ACCESSORY SHOP BETTER BLOUSES 5.99 Reg, 8.00-14.00. Select from • great assort· ment of styles, in white only. Several si1es. ASSORTED PANT TOPS 5.99 Reg. 8.00-13.00. Choose from bright prints in various styles and pattern$; sizes I 0-18. YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP ' JUNIOR DRESS CLEARANCE 9.99 Reg. 17 .00.2 •. 00. Select fro.; on tssortment of f•shion styles and popultr colors. A wide selection of f•brics ind.ding Dtcron® poly. '•sttrs, rayon cl'9pes, and royon with the loo~ of Unon. Junior and petite slrts. Limited quantities. Assorttcl lpnng df'9sses, rtductd to cl .. r. in cotton end t.nen f•brics. C ho o st from sevorol style; in spring putols; sites 5-13 ........ _ ... ,.. 1/l • 1/2 off. NEWPORT I I FASHIOH.ISLAHD LINGERIE . amous m1,k,r petticoats of nylon tricot, in assorted ' ' " 'styles and colori, reg, 4.00-15.00 ......... 2.S9·7.!9, • Nylon tricot slips, in vorious sizes and colors, reg. )b.00-11.00 ................................................................ 3.99-5.99 • Intimate sleepwear apparel in an assortment of style,, colo,., and sizes ................... -...................... I /3 off Assorted shifts and dusters in sever11 styles and colors ............. ,_ .. -........... -.. -....... " ....... -........ -.... I /3 off Junior lin9erie end intimate apparel .... 1/3 off Celebrity eg. 3.SO COSMETICS pin-Curl b on n et. s in assorted colors, ..................... -............................................. 1.00 Celebrity "Little Pol" sachets, reg. I .SO .............. SO Sachets in boxes of threes, twos, and singles; assort- ed patterns end colors, reg. 2.00 . . .......................... 50 Lighted make-up mi~ror with carryin9 ce se 1 reg· ulor 14.95 _,,_·-····-·-·--.......... _ .. -.. -........ _ I 0.00 GIRLS' SHOP Girls' dresses in easy-care Dacron® polyester and cotton blends. Many styles to select from, in prints or solids: one and two p i e c e fashions , regulerly 7.00 . 15.00 ....................... ·-·-···-........ _ ..... 3.49. 5.49 Orlon® sweaters in pull-over and ·cardigan sty:es; classic and pastel colors to choose from, regularly 6.00 .. 9.00 .. , ...... ,, ... _ ......... -.. -..... _ ... ___ ........ 3.49 Bib and susp011der sho'ts ............... , .... -· l,,99 • 3.99 Swim suits in two piece fashions; several styles and prints, reg. 4,50 · b.00 ... ·-·-·--·--·-··... 2.49 Small group of accessories, including ~welry, and hots . ..-............. ·-·--·---.. ·· ..... .49 • 1.99 ----- umE SHAVER SHOP Sport shirts, permanent press. Completely wash- able, ava~abl .. iri several patterns and colors; si1es 4-7, reg. 3.00 • i29 .... :--........ 1.49 NEWPORT CEHTER • , INFANTS' SHOP lnffn! and toddler dresses in p r·i n ts and solids, reg. 6.90 • 9.00 ...... ___ ........ -.......................... 2.99 Brother ~nd ~+er coordinates designed by Betti Terrell and Fisc:hel, in infant and toddler sizes. Limit- ed quantitie• ................. ..................................... I /2 off Bobby suits in toddler sizes; permanent-press plaids, -. . ·eg. 8.00 ................................. -......................... ,, ......... -.... 3.99 Toddler suits by Eton , 'eg. 14.00 · I b.00 .... : ....... 8.'19 STORE FOR BOYS BOYS' SWEATERS 1.99 Reg. 11.00. Select from pull· over , turtle· neck, end mock-turtle styles, all IOO~o vir9 in acrylic, and completely washable. Choose from fisherman kn its or cross-link stitc~ing. Siies 8-18. Short-sleeve ~nit shirts by famous makers; combed cotton, completely washable. Sel!Jct from •ssorted potterns end colors, sizes 8-20, reg. 3.00-4.00 ..... : I .49 STORE FOR MEN MENS' JACKETS 15.99 Reg. 25.00-35.00. Famous maker styles, some with hidden hood.. Select from cotton pop· 'lins •nd cotton corduroys. M~ny co:ors; • 38--lb, MENS' SPpRT SHIRTS 3;99 Reg.' b.00-10.00. Many designer fashions to 1;hoose .from: many P.,-me-press •nd •I ere completely washable. Severo! 1 t y I • s a,,.i fabrics, in solids and patterns. S.M:L.XL. Mens ' short-sleeved kni\ si)ort shirts In mock-turtle ond coRortcl pltctets. Choose fr~m cottons and acetates in sveeral colort.. and ~•ttef!'s, i;_1·9. 7.()(). 10.00 ·--····-·-' 4.99 ~ STORE FOR MEN .. MENS' 100% ORLON SHIRTS 3.99 Reg. 10.00. Buffums' Own Orlon® acrylic short-sleeved knit shirts in several colors encl style,, including gold, blue, white, lime, and rust; sizes S-M·L-XL. LONG SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS 3.39 • 3/10.00 Reg. 7.00 -7.SO. All permanent-press from famous makers. Choose from solids or stripes, i~· a wide range ~f fash ion collar styles. ASSORTED GIFT ITEMS 1/2 OFF Reg. values to 20.00. _All from our reguler stock. Many imports in assorlltd styles .iind colors. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 6.99 Reg. 11.00-18.00. Many short-sleeve styles. Choose from so:ids, plaid" checks, and i:nany unusual fabrics and designs. S-M-L-Xl. SHORT-SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS 3.69-2/7.00 Reg. b.00-6.50, Outstanding collection of permanent-press ·blends by famous makers. Wide selection of fashion colors in solids; Oxford cloth in button-down stylin9,. VARSITY SHOP ' Assorted ties in all colors and str'ipes or solids, reg. 4.50 • 5.00 .. : . ........ . .. ___ ........ -... . .... 2.99 Orlon® acrylic knit shirts in sizes S·M·L·XL, reg. 10.00 . short-s:eeve stylingsi .. 5.99 WASH PANTS 4.99 Reg. 9.00-10.00. Grea t choice of colon in si19-s 29" · ~4" waist sixes. ' · TABLE LINENS Oval slrew pl1c1-mets in easy-care, wipe-off styi.. ing. Choose. from several colorful, deep tones, rig. '7 5 ......... -... _...... . ............ -.-....... -.......... .37 .. . • liClHDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 • ' • r ' A C o·mp·l·e te Guide . . . ... HOLLYWOOD Ho~ Ordered ' ' . ' . To Slow Down, Play It Cool By BOB THOMAS AtlOCllllN l'l"Hl Wrl•f HOLLYWOOD -"From new on call me 'Cool Eye Luke,' " Bob Hope said c~rfully. "l'm:tiavina: it monogramm~ on all my towels." America's favorite quipeter ~ chipper over the telephone from his Palm. Springs hGme. He was having a f.ew days of enforced rest after his second treat~ ment (or ari' eye.ailment this y'ear. . Last week he was releifsed from New York's Columbia Pi'esbyf,erlan Medical center. wheie r he underwent "exonoo- arch photocoagulation" ·to cauterize tiny blood vessels that had burst in his left eye. • "They zapped it with that beam," said Hope. "Man, 1 can 't live without that fiJ." .. ~t:: "1 Beneath the quips · .. there seemed to be an undercurrent of con· oei'n, plus 1mpatienre with anything that slows down the furious Hope pace. He was re- lieved.to team that ·ex· cept for thereye he was in excelleflt health. • t • • "1bey examined me COOL EYE LUKE from stem to stern," he remarked, "and decided I was in perfect shape. except for that left orb. 1 mean they tested me fer everything. Like the sagar test. They fed me sugar and then took blood out of my arm every half hour. Those doctors are just like the government: they keep taking, but they don't give you a'nythl.ng." ·Before his release from the hospital, Hope was lectured by an in\f!misl-"he pot me down like a little ho)'." The es· sence ot the lecture: that Bob can't ·ex· pect at age 65 to have a rehearsal, golf game ind show in the same day. "Okay, I'll cut out the show," Hope replieCi. He received more instructions from his wife Dolores on the plane trip to C~lifornia. Finally he said; "Don't bug n1e; I've already had it from the doctor. niese lectures are worse than the opera· uOn." · ' He and Dolores went immediately to his Pahn Springs hideaway, which is the only _place he. can escape from the multifarious-Hope enterprises. He ad· milted that he has done some serious thinking .on the "desert. "''My ·.only problem is to k~p away from hypertension," he remarked. "I don 't have high blood pressure, but when I ·get in a coilaition of fatrgue, ihose vessels in my eye can pop. Looking back on it now, I can see bow it happened each time." "The first time was in January, when I was editing the Vietnam TV show," he recalled. "l returned from the Pro Bowl game ~t midnight and l had to get tbe i;how finished for the deadline. "I couldn't find what I needed, and·l started yelling, 'where the hell is reel 9?' I really" carried on like a· madman. The next time was ihis month when I was wa!tlng around to go on the Rooseyelt Grier Sliow. I had a plane to catch and I was ranting, .'I goUa gel the hell OUI. of here.' Then I got on the freeway and drove like it was Ole fndianapolis Speedway. That was silly, because I could ~ve caught a later plane." Within a day or so after both inclden~ .. Rope saw ''a netWork like a spider's web'' cover his eye. To prevent a recarrenct!, Hope vows to be Coo.I Eye Luke. Or .90 he cleJmed as he prepared to depart. for a bleoef.it in Omaha. · WEEKEND EB INSIDE FEATURES There ls a wann, humid Island off the coast of Mexico where scuba diving is a way of life and , nowers blaze in the sunshine. Stan Delaplane tells about it In his travel <,'OlUmn on Page 18. · lo Ille Gollerln Ptl' II Uve Tbutet Pa1a 11 Calae ie F•• Pap 11 PHN1'etler r.,.11 Gullor Ceottrt P ... II OUI 'N' AbO•ll Pqet 1 .. %1 Milli Btolllen. Pqe l1 St8dtat f'Um Maker Pap ti · w.,...N...... P ... ll Movfe Gulde PtCe 12 -Dior p ... l!l SOOdeolTn'ftl P ... !i CroAwen:I hide Pip !l .. Qoe<ale PapU Ctmkl P ... %1 TV Views Pac• u Ttlevltlte Lt( Pqe IJ .. • HARRY JAMES AND AGGREGATION AT THE• P~AZA GARDENS ' COUNT BASIE JAZZ WILL BE ON TOMORRO~LANQ TERRACE " to go • •• \ rridl\'. Mar '°· 1969 What to do · • • •• Bands Blast Off ' . . Disneyland Event Begins This Weekend The Big Band Fe!Uvat blasts off at Ois:neyland Memorial Day weekend with nineteen bands entering into the eighth annual music fest on M~ 30, 31, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Jone I, from t to 10 p.m. Headlining the event are Count Basie, Don Ellis, Harry Jam• and Sammy Kaye, who will showcase their organiza- tions and disUnctlve styles Frlday and Saturday evenings from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Playing their second D i s n e y 1 1 n d engagi!ment, Count Basie and his orchestra will present their explosive jau at Tomorrowland Terrace"Renditions by Don .E 111 s and his orchestra will be generated on Tomorrowland stage. Plaza Gardens will find the inimitable .Hirry· James and his orchestra back for their ~ Park appe'°'ance. Tl;le Golden Horseshoe .Salqon will swing and sway with Sammy Ka ye who has given more than 100,000 arna. teurs a chance to lead a-big band. Music for the most' mod tastes wil(be provided by Disneyland's own "The Sound Castle'• at the French Mark'et between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. Friday and· Saturday. The always popular Herb Shriner and his big tirass band are featured in a col· orful concert·in·the-park revue, scheduled for this Friday, Saturday a-nd Sunday on Tomorrowland Stage. Shows will be al I , 3 and 5 p.m. all three days. John ScoU Trotter is guest conductor. To make this year's Big Band Festival even greater, Disneyland will pr'esent vlsiling groups in different concert loca· tions along Main Street between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., Fflday and Saturday and from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Groups on Friday include the Glengar-- ry. PiPe Band from Los Angeles; the Berkeley, California High School Band, and Montclair High School's award-win- ning band. Salµrday's concerts will be presented by North High Bakersfield Marching Band and the Berkeley group a leCOnd time. From San Diego come the Massed Helix and Cameron Highlande.rs Bagpipe Band; Ozzie's Youth Band, and the Naval Tralning Center Band with the famous Fifty-State Flag Team. The Sunday afternoon performances will be offered by the Whittier Elks Cavalier Ba!Xl; the Klngsmen Drum and Bugle Corp. from Anaheim, and the San Fernando Valley Youth Band, head- quartered in Sepulveda. Also on hand will be the Park's exotic Youn& Tahitians at the Tahitian Terrace,.. 'Beat the Oock' TV Series Signs Narz to Host Jack Nan, veteran radJo and television host and announcer, ha8 been signed as game master of 20th -century-Fox Television's new first·run syndicated aeries, "Beat the Clock." Nan has ap. peared on numerous radio and television ahows u announcu, singer, newscuter and e.mcte. Viewers have seen him on such network television shows as "The Bob Hope Show," "Gunsmoke," ''The Colgate Comedy Hour,'' "The Price ls Rigtt" and "You I>Jn'L Say," among others. The original "Beat the Clock" was one of television's m~ successful game &hows. The .nm... version is being produced by the original series creator, Goodaon- Todman, Inc. and features lwsband and wife team& u contestants, competing with each other and the c.lock ln some in- geniOUJ llunUI and anUcs. The winning couple· 9n each ·show challengeS a guest celebrity for the jackpot prize. Production Of .. Beat the Clock" Is acheduled to begin this summer In New York as part ol the expanding operations of. 20th-Fox TV's recently created East Cout Produclloo IJM1loo. Anthony Caruso Gets Role in Quinn Film Anlllooy Caruso hll been signed by prod..,., Jerry Adler and dlredlJr car.1 ReeCI to play tht role of Sliver Dollar, a ~ owner, In ••NObody Loves a Drunken lndlan, '' Adler's motion pk:ture production ror Warner Bros.-Seven AN. Caruso Jo1111 a cnt headed by Anlbony QuiM, TO(ly 8111, Victor Jory Ind Claudt Akins In the fllnl version ol the novtl by Cltlr Hullalttt. Filming 11·to btgln late · aextiDoolb on Joetlloii 'al S&nla Ft, N.M. . " • and the '-llanJo Kings iitioard · the •&temwbeeler'" "Mark Twain." 1be ·World famou s Disneyland Marching Band, considered one of the best of its kind, will present concerts periodically throughout tbe Park all lhree days. During the Memorial Day weekend, Disneyland will open at 9 a.m. and clMe at I a.m. Friday and Saturday and wlll be open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. Admission to all Big Band Festival enteriainme{lt is included in ~ regular gate price. INTERMISSION Hunti;r$ton Theater Breaks Reco:rds in Sixth, Year ~------By TOM TITUS ----~ Box office records, Uke athletic stan- dards, are made to be broken, and lhe Huntington Bea.Ch Playhouse tw done quite a bit of record breaking this season. Now in its sixth year, and firmly ensconced in the cultural mainstream of the sprawling community it serves, the playhouse ls enjoying its most successful ye~ to date. With one more producUon to go -"Breath of Spring," opening tonight -the ?-.fain Street "Barn" already has erased two attendance n!Cords lrom ita ledger. · THE SEASON opened ~ith "Sunday in New York," a successful comedy which di'dn't hurt the overall average a bit. Then came "The Best Man." which pack· f i " .... · ed . the playhouse· through Its run and became, temporari- ly, the best attend· ' ed Hunllngton Beach play In history, edg· ing out the previous kingpin, "See How They Run," from 1966-67. From the cast or DlVID MAIVU.l.1! "Best ~fan" came a new face, David Maiville, who stepped in to fill a directorial vacancy for the playhouse's next show, "Barefoot in the Park." That one hit the jackpot, filling the j'Barn" to the raflers for l l performances and replacing i t s predecessor atop the popularity poll. • Th!s in spile of the fact that "Barefoot" has been done by nearly every com· munity theater group Jn Orange County, In addition to tlie movie and lhe · Melodyland production. Jt underscores the comment of playhouse treasurer 800- bie Murphy that "Our audiences aren't that interested in the other groups ; they just come to see us." fttRS.. MURPHY, who with Helen and Bill Susman helped to organize the Hurl4 Lington Beach Playhouse back in 1963, points out that while "Barefoot" was the group's best attended show, it also was the costliest. The playhouse shelled out $465 in royalties for the popular Neil Simon comedy. With the playhouse enjoying such un· precedented success, some o( i t s members suggested a continuous aeaSOfl for next year, with the opening of one play following oo the heels of , anotber't .. closing, as practiced most profitably at the Long Beach CommunitY Playhouse . "We voted against it,'·' Mrs. Murphy explains, "because it would be just too much work without enough volunteers to go around." Next season, as usual, there will be a four-play menu. along with a summer children's production, this year's being "Tom Sawyer." UN(lKE 1t1ANY other little theatenJ, the Huntington Beach Playhouse does n't wait until the last minute to organize its com1ng season. The production schedule for 1969-70 was laid down more than • month ago. The season will start off with a comedy called "Pool's Paradise,'' a sequel ,of ~orts to "Sec llow They Run." with Roward Solomon directing. Phil DeBar- ros will mount a mystery for the second production, "lnvilat.ion l.o a Murder." "The Impossible Years" takes the third slot at the "Barn" with Randy Keene in the director's chair. Ruth Dorward, who's directing the cllrrent "Breath of Spring," will be back to close the season with "The Waltz of the Toreadors." It sh.apes up as a balanced sea.son of comedy, drama and farce, and carries one big asset for community theater con· noisseurs -not one of the shows on the schedule has been done locally in at leil.st the last five years. Not that plays like "Barefoot in the Park" hurt a season, but it's nice to see something new once in a while. * POSTSCRIPT -It'll be quite a while before they stop talking about Hap Graham around the Costa Mesa Civic Playhou6e. Called as an emergency fill-in for the injured DavJd Paul in the leading rolt of "Middle of the Night" -with only three days of rehearsal remaining -~p at· tackled his assignment with gusto a n d professionalism that wu nothing short of awe inspiring. While he held the script during performance, it was hardly e•I· dent either to the audience or to thole.on stage with htm. Knd capping the" heaps of praise and admiration which were his Fridsy and Saturday nights was a standing ovation from the opening.night audience -the first ever accorded an actor at the Civic Playhouse. Thanks a million, Hap, and htre'1 ho-- ping we see more of you in the theater hereafter, Weekend Highlights • BENEFIT RODEO -The Muscular Dystrophy Associa- tion, Orange County Chapter, is staging a Junior· Rodeo at the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, on May 30 and 31. It will be a lull-scale rodeo with shows at 4 and 8. p.m. both days. Bucking horses, calf roping and clo~n· jng clowns to amuse the children all wi1t be there. $2 donation !or li.cketi will all go to ·the sponsoring charity. Food booths will be open for snacks. . CHILDREN'S ART -Salurday, May 31, wlll be the last chance to see all of the t ,200 pieces ot art from over 400 Orange County Schools on exhibit in the Carousel area of South Coast Plaza. Three hundred winners from this exhibit wlll be shown in the Anna Mary Beck Junior Gallery at the Festival of Arts July 11 through Augu• 24. • LIVE THEATER -Live \heater along the Orange Coast Is plentiful with 3hows al most litUe theate rs from C05ta Mesa to San Clemente. A romantic drama, "Middle of the Night.'' is at Costa Mesa Playhousej .. Madwoman of C·haillot" is in the Studio Theater at UC!; "Tender. Trap" Is on aUige at San Clemente; "DY,Ian." a biographical drama. Is on the Laguna Playholise sta,. and "Breath of Spring" Is In the Hunllngton 1leacb "Barn.' Check the full listing o! Live Theater on Page 18. . • See 0.We to F'u, Pqe JI . JI DAll.Y 1'11.0T Fi'fdl,J', 1117 30, n6t :,uvu_ CozuttieI--«i17> • • • · Wei,··warm • . 118'1 fl~E Ill.ANDO' Clillll!llL -'/< l!"'Y drippy morn- ing on Connucl OH the Caribbean coast of Mexico. "No, Senor. this is the dry season," said the waiter. "The rainy season is in September." Chae, the Mayan rain god. is working overtime. Paper squeezes into a typewriter with a ~p. limp feel· ing. The keys hit with a splashy thunk. The island is fulJ of scuba divers. Rent all gear by the day, $6. Air, $3.20 a tank. Share diving boats at $45 a day. So far they've lost two divers this year -most diving is to 200 feet for black coral. But the lethal hazard here is a fleet of red Honda motorcycles. They rent for $10 a day. "So far this year, 16 killed and 200 wounded /' said the waiter. A very modern casualty rate for an island 30 miles long, 12 wide. * I 1t1s warm as mother love down here. The island is blazing no\v 'vitb hibiscus and flame trees. Coco palms lean against the evening sky, And you can s it barefoot with a bottle of Montej'o beer and watch the sea turn turquoise and grey with splashes of pink. * ''We want to do some scuba diving at Cozumel, but must reall y do it on e shoestring •• .'' I've been ~rying to find some cheap operation ; here. This is a· new island to most people. There are only a half dozen hotels. They've got the rates fair .. ly high. For Mexico and for scuba divers, that ls. * We are at Cabanas del Cari.be, $32 double with meals. The modest Hotel Lopez in the village gets $8 single without meals. Caesar Balsa, the Hilton of Mexico, has just opened the elegant new Presidente, $40 double with meals. * Now the hotels are only running four out of 10 rooms full. And one man assures me, "If the rate is $20 a day and you say, 'I can only pay $15' - I think' you will get it." Two in town at $8 double. No meaJs. ' * ON E TH ING GOOD. !l's cheap to get here. A little more than $100 round trip for the hour-and-a- balf flight from Mexico City. More direct flights by· ~WJ A.rriertcan .. fropt .Miami or New Orleans. We came down on a new Aeronaves de Mexico flight from Tijuana. For $201, this gives you a circle trip \vith stopovers anywhere en route: Tijuana- Merida-Cozumel-Mexico City-Guadalajara-Le Paz· Tijuana. * ''We h•d thought of planning some tropic•I isl•nd v•ca tion but where? And do you thin k we 'd find enOugh to do or just be bored?" . A rundown on islands I have known: TahitJ. Wann, coloful, excellent food and good hotels: Tahiti bas a gay night life. Relaxed enough so that it's not drossy. (My idea of a good island is ooe whero you take off your tie and shoes and never put them on again.) * . Bora Bora is the most beautiful island. Nothing to do but swim and boat to the. finest reef in the South Pacific. Have a picnic lunch on a little white sand island all.your o\vn. * . HERE AT COZUMEL : Lots of evening action in the hotel. But 1 think you'd want to come with ~omeone. Not a place to be alone. Few islands are. ,:'he Fijis are <;olo~ul islands - a little British ~tarchy in the evenings. Mykonos in the Greek ,slands is desert dry but snny and warm. Lots of yoong \>"'>Pie at the cafes in the town. One of the best for young singles. * . ~ '' .•• what you need for c lothing?'' . I carry sandals. Perman~nt press shorts. Short· ~Jeeve shirts. A light sweater -if it rains, the ev~ ping bas a damp chill. A folding umbrella. Rain- ~ts a re too hot. Keep your clotiting loose. Take 9ff the wristwatch and hang it on a belt loop on your shorts. * · Before you swim, find out what bites you local· !;r. A man with me stepped on a blow fish y .. terday !ind has a foot full of spines. (U I told you what the ~atives remedy is, you wouldn't believe me.) * On South Pacific reefs there's a cone shell that itings you if you pick it up. Poisonous enough to kill you. Carry mosquito .repellent. Stay in the shade at midday It takes three .days to gear yourself 4own. After lliat you don't care if !hero's anything to.do. ~Glws t'and Mrs . Muir' !T rio Make S how Tour . . . Hope Lange. Edward tcrviews on radio, television Jlulhare and Charles Nelson and to member& of the prtu. le.illy have been extremely Said the lovely 1ltar of the ~Y since co'mpleting the cur-~ season's episodes of "Tho series : "I Jove to travel but Ohosl and Mn. Muir." this last trip in which we • No sooner had the three went to a cJty a day, lhe .. rs of the 20lb Century-Fox only scenic points of Interest 'television romantic comedy t saw were the airports. iompleted shooting the 26th "I'd like to do tt all over feament of the half-hour again and 1pend at least a *rie8 than they found week in each city.'' aaJd Mlss lbemselves Oy!ng around the Lange, who pl8J11 Carolyn «IUlltry on p er 1 o n a I aJr Muir in "The Ghost and Mrt. pearance tours on behaJf of Muir." tpe NBC show. • • Edward Mulbart, w b o •~ope, Edward and Charle< portrays gbO<tly Ca pl Daniel ~ve just wound op visits to Gregg -the l:feparted but ,II cities tn as many st.ates. still reigning ruler ol Gull Cot· trlo covered some lS,000 tage -will cpend part of signed ovu 50,(10() his vacation by visiting bis ~ aave over 500 lo-·native Irelaad. • ' ' ' ). -------------~ --------------------------.... ----------------------------~---------.. IMRY AND KINNEMAN WITH FRIEND In Huntington Beach Concert It's Back to Bach Classical Guitari sts PW.n Co ncert Music from Bach to modern will be featured .at the Hun· tington Beach High School auditoriwn Sunday, June 2 as classicaJ guitarists lmry and Klnneman with Friend appear in concert. · The event, sponsored by the Fountain Valley sch o o 1 District Music Boosttr Club, begins at 2 p.m., and Is open to the public. All members of the trio are residents and students of Orange County. Comet lmry, its leader, is a Annual Run Of 'Fiesta' Nears End .. Fiesta a San Ysidro" is in its rlnal two weeks at Padua Hl11s Theater, near Claremont. tutor at Cal State-Fullerton who came lo the United States in 1953 from Hungary: His pr~ ficiency as a violinist won him a trip to Detroit, MJcb., where he won a major recital con- test. He is now devoting hls time to polishing his taJent on lhe guitar. Hal Kinneman studied under lmry for three years and for two years at the UCLA Conservatory. He now teaches music in Huntington Beach and is a In GaUeries member Or the Orange County Guitar ctr.le. The 0 frieod" is K a th l French, a 'inuslc major at F'ullerton Junior College who bu studied under lmry and Bernt Montell of Costa Mesa. She will be taking a Master C!Us with Maestro Manuel Lopes Ramos in Mexico City this summer. Tickets priced al $1.50 regular 'admission and $1 student.9 will be sold at the door prior to the performance. Laguna Exhibiting Bruns' Sculpture This annual spring play is the LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 Cliff Drive, Laguna story 0 f -droughl-~trlcken Beach. Admissioil SO cents. Members and one guest free. farmers in Mexico. Cleverly Hours: Mon . .Sat, noon to 5 p.m.: Sun. l~ p.m. On exhibit, now through June 22, a show combining the annual mem- staged pantomine during the bers Sculpture Show and the works of Tapestry West, a group first act, depicls the miracle or 30 So. Calif. artists who banded together to revive the of Ysidro, a poor farmer, and ancient art of weaving, ipto a 'contemporary concept. the ancient human sacrificial -Peruvian textiles, art of Africa and ceramJc and sculpture dance of the Aztecs. of Kenneth Bruns, also are on exhibit. Patrons can see the relation GRAPfilCS EXHIBIT -The People's Gallery, a travel-ing show of commercial and non-commercial art, Is on ex~ of ancient Indian rain dan ces hibit in the mall at Fashion Island Shopping Center, New- to modem day appeals to port Beact:t, through June '7.' Displayed on triangu1ar kiosks Saint Ysidro for rain . Many of \':lit be 20 serigraphs and 20 graphic .designs. No charge for the same steps, rhythms and admission. I motions of folk dances for rain UCI STUDENT EXlllBIT -The third annual UCI Stu- have survived centuries since dents Art Show, sponsored by the University Gallery Asso- their beginning in Mexico. The simple plot of this popu· ·tar play concerns the doubts of hungry villagers that their patron saint remembers them and their need for rain for their crops. The few fa ithful continue and by the end of act two, the sound of thunder and streaks of Hghtning proclaim that rain will soon arrive. To celebrate, the players sing a beautiful song to San Ysidro and join in lovely hap- py folk dances and songs, all of \\'hich are authentic to natives of Mexico. "Fiesta a San Ysidm" will run through June 7 with performances at 8:30 p.m. WednesdaysJhrough Saturdays. Matinets are given at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Padua Hills ls located in the foothills on Padua Avenue , three . mlles noi'.th Of Foothill Blvd . in Claremont. ' Visitors to this 'bit of Mex- ico' also wlll fi11d the Padua Dining Room, open daily ex- cept Mondays, an art studio. import shop and glass blowing demonstrations. "Fiesta a San Ysidro" wtll be followed with 11Serenade in Veracruz" and Jam al ca. Jamaica is an outdoor fiesta for theater patrons a n d players aft e r each performance. The plays are presented In a 300 seat all'- condilioned Uieater. Reserva- Uons are recommended for usured sealing. The theater pl>OM numbet is (7ll) I-ma. A drive to Pndua Hills for the scenery, true E a r 1 y ,Callfomla at.morphere and luncheon or dlnnCr,-as well as for the plays, Is an enjoyable way to spend ar aftc~.W ao evenln& • ciates is on exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery on campus, 7601 Irvine Ave., trvine. Paintings, scu1pture, ceramics and other media are represented. Hours: l to $ p.m. Tues. -Sun. Closed Mon. Admission free. MARINER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit, through May in the Jr. Ebell Exhibit dur- ing regular library hours, oil paintings by Wade Zint and oil$ and mosaics by Joyc:e Clark. ' NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -IOI() Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Currently on exhJbit through June, during regular business hours marine oil pain.Unga by Gerald Loring. COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -2625 E. Coast Hlgh- way . Corona del Mar. 1-!_ours 10:30 a.m, to 3:30 p.m. Mon- Sat. No ad m I s s I o n charge. On exhibit through June 25, oil and water color paintings of James Warren. J\1UTUAL SAVINGS -2867 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar: On exhibit through May, photographs of the peo- ple of Thailand by photographer Jon Kingaard, wbo was stationed in Southern Thailand while Jn the service. Open during regular business hours. NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUlll -400 lllaln St., Balboa. Open Wed .• Sun. 1 to 5 p.m .• Monday 1 • 9 p.m. Currently on exhibit art of seven Southern California artists exp)oring new materials and Ideas Jn a. show tiUed "The Ap- pea:ring/Disappearinj -Image/Object. " lllESA VERDE LmRARY-2969111 ... Verde Drive East, COsta Mesa. CUrrenUy on exhibit during regular lfbrary hours, through May, oil paintings by Jane HuUman. . COSTA lllESA IJBRARY -511 Center Sl, Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library hours, through May, oil paintings by Ola Meredith. CROCKER CIIIZENS BANK-UJO Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Mesa . On exhibit durlng regular bul1neal hours, oil paint ings by Fern Miller and Betty McClellan. ZULCH GALLERY -1835 Newport Blvd., Costa lllesa. Currently on uhibit, Ame1rlcan ardstl wbo are honorary members of the American Institute of Fine Arta. Hours: IO a.m. to. 5 p.m. Tues. through Sat. Sun. 1-5 p.m. C.M. ART LEAGUE ~ Member• of the Costa M.,. Art Leagµe , 513 Center St., Costa Mesa. Hours: Sat and S~n. 1 to 5 p.m. Continuous ethi~it of art wort ln various media by Art Leasue members. No adm!Jsion charp. 0CC ARt GALLERY -27'!1 Fa!J:vlew Drive, Costa 111 ... Jlours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daUyi 7 tot p.m. Mon. No admia- slcn ~arge. CUrrenUy on exhibit through May, the aMua1 student show of cJ a!! work paintings, drawlngg,. gniphlcs and 1eulpture. SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L B~K -11122 Beatll Blvd., HunUngton BeaCh. On exhibit during regular buainea hours, through !)lay, oll painUnp by LiUlan Caln. • ---~--~------ Pfljlir1 ..... lct" A zaey comeey about the mad, mad· 30'1 wW be oo stage at Sout!i Coll! Ropertory, urn Newport Blvd., Costa M-. tbroush Mu-3L Perr....._ '!bun. -llun. al 8:30 p.m. ---486-1303. 11Madwtman of C1aaUlot" A French· comedy by tht Irvine Repertory Theater on stage in the Sludlo Theater on campaa, '7801 Irv 1 n e Ave., Irvtne. "Madwoman of ChaU- lot," Frl.-Sat., May 30-SI. Reservations: -833-6617. "The Tender Trap" A romantic comedy by Mag- Shulman will be 011 stag~ at the San Clemente Commuhlly Theater, 202 Aveitlda cabrlilo, San Clemente, Thlln. -Sat., tbrou&h June 7. Reservations -!~. "Middle ol lhe N!pt" A romanUc drama will be on stage al Ille Co8la llleaa Civic Playhoo.st on the Orange County Fairgrounds, Frl. and Sal at 1:30 p.m. May »SI. RHervation1 -SM-5303. "[)ylaa" A biographical d r a m a presented at Laguna PlayhOuse, 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna, Beach, Wed -Sal. at 1:30 p.m. through . June 14. Reservations -49U061. "Breath of Spring" An Engllab comedy on stage at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, 2110 Main St., Hun- tington Beach, Fri. -Sa(. at 8:30 p.m., May 30 -June 28. Reservations -847-1631. Top Europe Conductor Due at Bowl • ~ llAY J :" • JENEFrr RODEO -'1111 ~ Dr&tajllij Amcltllloa ol..-America, Orange Cotmty ChaJ>ttr, u staging a Junior- .Rodeo at the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, May 30 and 31. 11le full«ale rodeo wW be per- formed at 4 and 8 p.m. both dtys with bucking horses, calf· roping and clowns to emuae the chlldron. Food booths will be open. Ad.milslon ii #.00 and all funds will go to the spon- soring charity. lllA Y 36-J\JNE 4 ANGEi, BASEBALL -In the Anabeim Stadium. 2000 Stale College BIVd.1 Anaheim. All nJibt. 1ames are at I p.m.; day aames at.art at I p.m. Tickets available at all ticket ageocles and the box office. Phone 833-2000. Angels vs. Baltimore, May »ii (N), June I (D); Detroit June 2-4 (N). lllAY 31 .. CllJLDREN'S ART -More than 400 schools in Ora.nae County will display over 1200 pieces of art In the largeol sing!• &bow of Its kind in the county at 8-0Uth Coast Plaza, May 21 through 31. Grades kindergarten through 12 will be represemted in varied media. The 300 winning entries will be exhibited in the Anna Mary Beck Junior Gallery at the Fes- Uval of Arti, from July It through August 24. A display of teachers' art will be included in the· South Coast Plaza'• "Ten Days ln May" exhibit. MAY 31 BALLET -Five ballet items will be presented Jn the Laguna Beach High School auditorium 62S Park Ave., on May 31 at 8 p.m., by the Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Company. The program will close with an experimental version of "Peter and the Wolf." Admission, $2, for non-members. Tickets at the door. lllAY 31.JIJNE I FESTIVAL OF SOUNDS -Talented young Southland per· formers · will be heard May 31 • June 1 in the Feat! val of Sounds at Knott's Berry Farm, on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park just south of the Santa Ana Freeway. Shows are scheduled for 2:30, 4 and 5:30 p.m. Sat., and Sun. in the Wagon Camp area. MAY 3t.JUL Y %3 HORSE RACING -Thoroughbred racing at Hollywood Park, Century Blvd. at Prairie Ave., Inglewood 18 sched· uled Tues. • Sat. through July 23. Post time weekdays 12:45, Jascha Horenstein, I 0 n g Sat., 1:15 p.m. $30,000 Argonaut Stakes, Sat., May 31. established as one of Europe's MAY 31 foremost conductors, w I 11 PADUA lllLLB PLAY -The Padua Hills 'lllelltre ii pre- make hls Hollywood Bowl senting "Fiesta a San Ysidro" with authentic musJc and debut this summer during the dances from Mexico, through May 31 at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. 1969 season of "Symphonies on Wed. and Sat. Adjoining the 300 seat air~tioned Under the Stars" which opens theater is the Padua dining room where the players entertain July 8. during lunch and dinner. Mexican and American food l!l aer'V'- Also added to the roster ed daily, except-Mon. Padua Hilla ia located on Padua Ave., of artists for the coming three miles north of Foothill Blvd. in Claremont. Phone season featuring the Los . l~. Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra are: Conductors -JUNE 5 Lawrence Foster, recently STORY HOUR -Every Thurs. the Laguna Beach Library, named permanent guest con-363 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, conducts a story hour for ductor of the R 0 ya I children two and one-half to five years. It starts at 9:30 a.m. Philharmmic in Loodon and JUNE 6 Henry Lew:ls, music director TRAVEL Fll.M Th N t H bo Ki . Cl b la of the New Jersey Symphony ' presenting "lncompara:le ~~~ " ~arr~ted w:rmy Col uJohn Orchestra. . • ' Pianist3 Jnclude Ne 11 0 n CUJg, June 6, at 8 p.m., in the Orange Coast College audi· F · s· zilien virtuoso and torium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tickets $1:50 for s~l.. ~ Alici d Lar adults and 75 cents for studenta, available at the door. .,......... 8 e • Phone 646-2163. (This ls a rescheduled showing moved from rocha, ia . their Bowl ~buta, April 25 when electrical troubles caused the cancellation of and Claudio ·Amlu. Freire had the show ) an auspicious Philharmonic · Orchestra debut recently at The Music Center. Violinists Henryk Szeryng and Masuko Ushioda, and cellist Leonard Rose also have been engaged f<r the 48th se890n in the huge outdoor amphitheater. Coloratura soprano Joan Sulherland will open lhe season, with her husband, Richard Bonynge condUcting the Philharmonic. Previously announCed conductors are Zubin Mehta, music director of the Phllbarmollic ; S!Iten Ehrling, lllortan Gould, and Andre Previn. Singers also announced are ElissbdJI Schwarzkopf and lllarilyn Home; Plonists -a... Anda (Bowl debut), Jolm Jn:wning, Danlel Barenboim, and Misba Dlchter. T h e Romeros, guitari6ls, w I 11 return. JUNE S.U DODGER BASEBALL -Dodger Stadium, 1750 Stadium Way, Los Angeles. Day games start at 1 p.m.; Night games at· 8 p.m. and Twi-rtight double headers at 6 p.m. Dodgers. vs Expos June 6-7 (N). 8 (0); Phillies Jtme 10-12 (N). For ticket tnformatlon phone (213) ZZS..1411 or ticket agencies. JUNE 6-1 FISH FRY -The annual F~h Fry and Carnival sponsored by the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club will be held in Costa Mesa Park, 18lh St. and Park Ave., Costa Mesa, on June 6, 7 and 8. ACtivities will include a carnival, rides. band contest, parade, dancing groups, and the famed fish fry dinner. No charge for admission to carnival but_a dona· tion of $1.50 is asked for dinner. All funds go to Lions Club youth and sight-saving projects. JUNE 6-1 OFF ROAD -RACING SHOW -IIome made vehicles, rug- ged, four.wheel drive cars, trail bikes and sand dragsters wlD be displayed in the National Off-Road Equipment and Racing Show in the Anaheim Convention Center, June 6-8. Five free films also will be shown during the nm. The hours are Fri., June 6, S--11 p.m.: Sat. June 7, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Sun., June 8, Jt a.m. to 10 p.m. Tickels, $2 for adults, $1 for children 12-16 years; under 12 years, free. Phone 1-835-5000 Mothers: Our "Kids". Were Well Fed! At school is about to close for the year, we want to thi nk ~iss e.,. Cr•mers and h•r a ble a11istant1 of the Newport-Mesa School system and Mrs. Schode of Oran9e Coast College and her as1isfant1 for doin9 such a beu•tiful job of f•ed· in9 our ~hildren. We know by the food you demand, th• vari•ties, the quality, th•t you have 9iven "our chi ldren" a well balanced di•t of nutritous fruits and \'•9etables. We at NIWPORT PI ODUCI want to thank you for alt of ypur ef- fort1 durin9 the past year! As we know lf ls a thankless job. Con9ratulation1! Sne wltti tltele cn pHS -.........•.........•......... - • J UICY VALIN IA • I WllT,, JUICY • ICl l l RCI SOLID • : ORANGES • BING CllfRRIES • CRISP LETIUCE : : 10 ... Ste : 39c.b. : 1oc .... : • Llrnlt 11 k • Llrftlt J lbs. • Llrnlt 6 • With thts C......-• With thts Coupon • With thla c _,... ~ ............................ . ~ • .,.,,. June 4111 ' Th11e rt,taurtnfs demand the finest for their customers, that's why they 1erve Newport Producol VILLA•l INN, IOl'S l lG IOY, THI ARCHES, DIUMAN'S, J OSEF'S, and over 200 others. Pttron11e them! HOW AIOUT YOU CAWNG US? PHONI: 673-1715 _NEWPORT PRODUCE HU N..,o.t lltd. ..... Pool-°'9ftje Ceuftty'• fa ..... .,,_lftl ""UC• Orfaiftltllttllft ' 1 1 • ...... • Frld.!y, MIY 30, 1%9 DAILY PILOT J f> =------·~;;;;;;;•I WEEKENDER ·'N' Dy ' . NO--~I STANl.EY ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURAN 7\, NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE ------ Ship Al1o y Bob ana Genelle Cox, owners of the popular 1·foby Dick's in South Laguna. have just opened their new restaurant, Ship .tjioy, at 480 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Originally named the Scoop Deck and more recently L'Escale, the restaurant has been con1· pletely redecorated \Vhile still retaining its former resemblance to an old boat complete \Vith mast, cro,vs nest and maritime atmosphere. EAT IN OR OUT Diners may sit on the open detk or in.si.de t~c "cabin." \vhich is paneled, has bean1 ce1.J1 ng. 1:; lighted with ships lanterns and decorated "'tth nau- tical prints and antiques. Out 'n' abouter hasn't personally partaken. of Ship Ahoy's bill of fare as yet, but \Ve're looking for,vard to an earlv visit. Advance repo1is from others tell us the rood is excellent. reasonably priced and the service protnpt a·nd efficient. " (iifi\ . c~~ FOOD TO GO This ne\v establishn1ent also is featuring to go orders with anythin(J on the 1nenu packaged to take out. lt 1opens dciily at' 1 a.111 .. closes at 9 p.111. 'veek· days and 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, ' Treasure Chest That -recent and splendid addition to the 11unl- ington Beach dining scene, the Treasure Chest, makes a special point that its beef comes froin corn-fed Black Angus. This pron1pted us to a~k O\vners Dick Katsa ris and Frank Kessler lo explain \Vhy they think s4ch beer is better than others. SPECIAt BREED By \vay of ans\vering, they no.Led that thi .~ ]~a r­ ticular breed of steer, originating in .Aber~een shi_re. Scotland. was specifically bred for its ''fine eati ng -~ qualities." IN THE LIDO LOUNGE BILL McCLURE DUO 5:00 -I 0:30 p.m. -Monday thru f.ridey 8:00 p.m. · I :00 a.m. -Sund.ty LOU NO RRIS & The JERRY ROSS TRIO 8:30 p.m. -I :30 a.m. -Monday thru Sa turda'f M•ke a night of it -Dine in the beautiful MARINE RESTAURANT 044-1700, ext. 554 for reservations 1107 .Jambore e Rd .. Newp ort Beach llhitr 1!1nrsr 1Jtttt 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 673-1374 CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS • SPECIAL ATTRACTION THE MARK DAVIDSON TRIO FRIDAY & SATURDAY OPENING JUNE 3rd Mickey and Kurt MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL PR!ME: RIB • • • • • ' And, it's further claimed, "this beer has been served on the finest tables throughout the world. since the eighteenth ·centul'-Y/' • FROM MISSOURI Black AngusJ it seems, reached i{s highest po- tential in Missouri, where a select group of cattle breeders developed this meat to its finest quality. Also, the steers are· specially corn-fed 180 days before being shipped to the Virg Davi~son Cbuda· corf Co. Tbe beef is then Carefully aged to the peak of flavor and tenderness. It all so unded very reasonable to us because there has to be some explanation fur the Treasure Chest's especially delicious steaks ~nd prime ribs. If you haven't made it to this spot yet, go soon and set if you agree. The restaur~nt is located at 16~3 Algonqujn Ave. (at \Varner), Huntington Beach, in li~ntington Harbour. } -i\'Ieet J(ate Porter Neither Mr. \Vebster's dictionary or Mr. Roget's thesaurus contain enough superlatives to delineate the qualit}' of her talent, the e111otional im· pact of her performance or her rapport and com· n1unicntion \Vith the audience. . She's Kt1te Porter -no\v appearing in the lounge of the 'r o,ver s Restaurant in Lagunq Beach -an ent~rtainer who con11nands more attention in a solo act than most extravaganzas. IT'S MAGIC That Miss Porter has an indefinable magic is evident froin the first dexterous S\veep of graceful hands across the guitar strings to the last \Vhispered sy llabl e of a haunting voice. There is no pat category to put her in as an artist. No \\'etl·kno,vn performer \Vith who m one can make any cbmparison. She's unique -that rare commOdity that can_ be called an original. . If Dining with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES * f:l ;•r i~ FP.0 1,1 · $3,25 * WAYNE GABRIEL Gu it ilri 1t ·Vocal 1st 8:30 ta I :JO Tues. thru Sat. BANQUET FACltlTIES AVAILABLE PHONE 536-2555 111 OCEAN AVE. HUNTINGTON IEACH Overlooking The Pa cific Oce•n At The Pier 1- SUPERB DINING SPECIALIZING IN STEAKS, PRIME RIB Servi1t9 fr~ 5 p.m. WITH ACCOMPANYING ENTERTAINMENT Now Appearing • . • S.Afl~'2RA L!E PIANO, ORGAN, SONG STYLIST AND VIC DUO 8ASS &.DRUMS Mon.·Sa~.-1:30·1 :JO 24031 El Toro Road Leisure World Laguna Hills, C•lif. R1l1rv1fion1 ll7·0969 yie ~uth/81/fls t,Newe5tc51liifl cf}.fost 'nbulous "Sliow.ltiom . HARRY !EVIN ,Af!EHTS Tiit o\li.\11~ DR. GIOVANNI llf A. STtlW "tr.l!TClUI RO'IJ( DICK STABILE UD H~ OICfftS!ll SllN' Tl-1 11)1 Mltl 11 .....,., ..... tuoM 1a0~1""':.f•ro1MNIC(t tfr!TERTA11flllf:lrt' CMAJIC( $! 1'1:11 fl'€1SON. !iltlUOlS AOM1!910N. DAllCtPIO MO $110W •llhVAtftU Jtttfflt Ht •OT •t~ISUIY 111•1 112.m1 1 GRANO HOTEL 1 llttOMAll WAY, WH(IM ACIOSl llOM Olsi.Ql.MO anything, hCr ver:satility runs the gamut ot today's musl~al scene. SPECIAt GIFT Add to all of this a radjant beauty, franied in long, golden tresses, and an ex traordinary gift for songwriting. She bas written both music and lyrics fpr more than half' the material she sings. . . Even .though \ye've noted the futility of mak· 1ng cornpar1sons,, when it comes .to her song"•riting ability there'll be niany suggesting she is "a female Rod Mc Kuen ." ,Jf such contrast mu st be made. let it be said the t',vo meet on t he same level of talent. REPER101RE Dealing ,vith subjects love. nature. loneliness and chil dhood memories. Kate Porter's songs con be deeply 1noving in their poi~nancy or cheerlully buoyant in their mirUt and whimsey. If one leaves the audience repressin ~ a tear. thr next \vii i leave them beaming in broad sn1iles. Especi.<illy ~nole\VOrthv <ire such songs as ''Daisies," ··rvtv Friends in the Znn.~· "The Eyes in r\'ly 1'.1irror," "Butterflies Don't Lir ." ;,Echors of 1'omorro\v," "You l1 ave a Way \Vith f\,Jc." "Take l\Iy 11and" and "Graham Crackers." REMEMBER? The last -one or the very best In the vein or childhood rcn1embrances. begins: '1Graham crackers at recess. Milk through a stra\v , Giving a ne\\'S report On a fall ing,sta r you Sa\\·; Do you remember · The \Vay that l do A \.Vorld made of hopscotch And dreams that came true? ..•• , •. " And goes.on to evoke \vith no stalgic intensity 1nany long-forgotten occurrences of those early school years. Very much the perfectionist. out of the more ••• ·rHel~wers •• Reserv•tions! 494-6574 Open Daily e LUNCl<EON e DINNER llJ ll:E5TAURANT ANO • SUND.I V BRUNCH •• LA 1 E SUPPER M COCJ:TAIL LO IJNGE' LI than 200 songs she's \vritten to date. she says there are only about 40 \Vith which she's completely satisfied as they no'v stand. Several. including "The Eyes in Alfy Mirror" have been recorded recently by Stella Stevens in Holly\VOOd. and a ne\v English group has just recorded three of her numbers In London. GREAT FEELING Singing the songs ot other composers, Miss l'orter gives forth \vith a rendition that would make the recording ~tar \vho made the tune·a hit-sit up and take notice. This. is especially true or· such nun1bers as "Gentle on M.Y Mind ." "Those Were the Days," "Elusive Butterfly of Love," "Both Sides No\V ," "By the Time f Get to Phoenix," hEleanor Rigby ," "Little Green Appl es" -and above all, this year's Oscar \vinner. "The \Vindmills of Your 1\1ind .. " Out 'n' abouter's bet\veen sets interview with this performer also found ber to be a keenly sensitive, intelli~ent and warm oerson. Fully alert to people's needs and the \VOrld's social problems, she says she utilizes her art to fulfill a deep personal need to communicate her feelings -"as a means o( touching many people." WE ALL NEED UNDERSTANDING She \vent on to say that •·co1nmunication is the n1ost vital and important requiren1ent of this age, the all -important key to resolving the iUs and pro- blems that beset all nations and their inhabitants.'' She hopes to "contribute in some small measure tcr the increased understandjng that must come abou t". Exceptional performer that she is, she says she's less·interested in record.in ~ her own material than in having others do it. "All my concentration Continued on Page 20 .~~-~~~~' KATE PORTER,, Guitarist., .Plays & Sifigs WedHSdvy thrv Sohlrdoy l'fe11h1415 9:00. I :JO am ~'ii.~ OCEANFRO.H Dl1>!Nti, Aro-TOWERS WING I ~iG).·. COMING SOON . • .. OF SURF ANO SAND HOTEL · ll~•'":':":":'":"':':":":••=•~'='";'.'~:";·~';"~";';'";';';";";';";"~I ~ GOfiONA DEL MAR ~~'\'-¥0.~' ~ .. ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FEATURING MARY LOU TUIS. THRU SAT. PIANO· VOCAL STYtlST NJGHTLY NOW APP~ARING • • • , RENOWNED I ~'HAYDEN CAUSEY TRIO featuring VOCAL STYLINGS •• JOSIE and the Piano Artistry of CHARtlE Nitely Except Mond•y 'Wiim Exciting Wings~~ H•ppening! T/te 1.,;._, "Tlfr~ Com,_,.,. ;,. l}t• Stellle Lof411~ IJU.1111 in Ill• ~S#tlflll M•lfffW ROO#t ,,..,,, IUIMI hllti.el luiUtle• GRAND HOTEL 7 F1w:1nlANWAT ANAfllfN, CALI,. 'M2-777T DON JOSE' -proudly preHnh - The Exciting SANDRA ALEXANDER DUO DANCING FRIDAY & SlTURDAY 11 to i P,M. ENCHILADA & TACO ......... $1.30 CHILI RELLENO-ENCHILADA . , $1 .45 e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Adams (1t Magnolia) Hunt. Beach 962-7911 r---JOSE .F'S- 01x1ELAND AND EAT FAIDAT AFTERNOON FROM 5:00 to 7:00 r.M.· L ROSS TRIO • , , t ·p.m. to Closl\'9 LUNCHEON e DINNER e LA TE SUPPER e SUNDAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAUiA INN 67).lllO VILLA ROMA Speclolbl09 lo ltolln DIHen HAVING A PARTY. .A GATHERING OR .fAMiL Y DINNER? ~ Our st1nd•rd sp•ci1I sp•9h.1tti dinn1t consitts of our d1liciou1 me•t 11uc1 end me•t h11l1, topped wi-th im- ported p1rmes1n cheese, and includts our delicious 9•rlic to11t. No dl1hM to w•1h witti 01,1r di1po1•ltl• •lu111l111,1111 cen+•; .... N•fl!Mt ef 41MM -4 11'fic.-..f1 .. ..ty, , .. -$141.00 ' -, .. ,. $1 -72.lf '4 -.... 21 -J6.ff 2 -2.tt If -14.l f I -1.41 -i-iS North Newport 8oulev1rd, NeWport leech Open ~ p.m .• 1.2 p.m. Ml 6"4919 CLOS~D TUESDAY l I • \ . I • I 1 I I f • :;D DlilV flLO'f ,J. J . MA CK ENTERTAINING NIGHTLY TUESDAY THROUGH SUNDA Y SERVING SUNDAY BRUNCH Atoftt with Our Reqular Menu 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Acl'oss fron1 lhe Arch<'S and nr.xl door to Villa Nova) 64 2-4298 Vina Harmer Trio Mike Jordan Du o Sunday Monday thru Saturday r~ARK RO OM Entertainment Nightly Tue,day th rough S.1turd ay THE FA BULOUS ·GEORGE and LARRY DUO. • BANQUET FACILITIES FOR <SO * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWL AR K cauntry cl u b GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWO RTH, Co.Qwn••i 16782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH Fo r R.eservation1 Call 846-1186 or 846-1416 ' . I (. Continued from P•e• 19,. and emphasis,0 she stated, "will be placed on my three great loves -theater, songwriting and com· munication." AN ACTRE SS, TOO No novice to the U.eate.r either. ahe bas made a number of appea.rances on the stage in both dra· matic and comedy roles. In the musical field1 she worked with a number of : groups before going it alone with her solo act. Besides many club en- gagements in California, she was a headliner on the Disneyland Sunday night .. Hootnannys two summers ago and was featured also in oiher of the park's shows, Doing four shows night~ ly between 9 p.m. and · KATI PORT•• 1:30 a.m., Wednesday through Saturday at the Towers, 1555 S. Cost Highway, taguna Bea'cb Kate Porter said she feels this spot is best suited io her talent becausP of its "feel as a first-rate cabaret theater and the opportunity to establish rapport \Yith the audience.'' · This latter comes across not only · while performing, but in the bright, intimate and friendly patter she employs between numbers. HAVE DINNER TOO Since the Towers also is one of the area's fine dining establishments, it's our opinion out 'n' a~uter.s have a most memorable evening in store with dinner here . followed by several of Miss Porter's incomparable shows . A P lea for Artichokes It's been out 'n' abouter's observation that the Real Cantonese Food ••t here or t1kt home. tie FLING ~ ENTEITAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WEEK DANCING * HAP HA (L DUO wllll Je1111 •..-n.,. ••• Thr. ttlr11 Su11. MON.-TUl'S.·WID. * L•rry L•ke Singer Guitarist Rear-Mesa Theater siuel:e . Cost• Mna 145 I. l ftfl 51. Ju t .tf N..,.,, llh4 • . Pefectly aged USDA CHOICE corn-led beef. Family dining at its best. OPEN 11 a.m. ta 9 p.m. BAN9UET FACILITIES FOOD TO GO 226] Fairview I 1t Wihon) Costa Mesa 642-0732 Huntington kach ~ Cotti Me11 TOWN I. (OUNlltY HILL.GltElil SQUARE IHU 1 .. di llvt. ffl"'lt SEHINI) TEXACO $TA.TION ••tJ '"" • Sl!lt1 ....... .....,. .. CHILD'S POllTIOJI Hllf l'ltCE {CllJ!d1tn under 12) l'lt0il£ !N ... MJ.1101$ AYAU.lllf TO Tiii£ OUT • OU T 'N ABOUT ' . once lowly-regarded artichoke is at last coming into the truEt stature of nobility it's always deserved. An increas,ing number of restaurants are making this \aJty delight available to diners but we 'd like IQ see many more put it on their menus -either served with the entree or offered a la carte. We are referring to t.be whole artichoke not just the bottom portion or "tiea.rt" as it's frequently ~ailed. The bottom is. delicious in its own right - stufied.with something like crabmeat and topped off •With a sauce -which is encountered much more often than the Complete vegetable. HOT OR COLD Hot or cold, la.J;ge or smhll, artitjlokes deserve a prime spot on-tbe menu of any restaurant which prides itsel! in offering the best. Perhaps a little artichoke lore might be in or,der. while we're on the subject. For instance, did Y?U ~ow tl:ier~ are two completely different types? First 1s ·the French, or Globe, a dark green, multi· leaved plant or the thistle family ; and the Jerusalem artichoke, a tuber. Jn the French variety, the green or sometimes purplish heads vary in ·size from very small to four or five inches in diameter. The smallest beads are usually more tender. , BETTER ALL THE TIME Artichokes have been cultivated for many cen- turies and have been improved constantly. They grow well in all temperate regions, but the best variety comes from California. In the U .S~ the season is year-round; in France, froin June to September. MI SSHAPEN POTATO? The Jerusalem artichoke resembles a potato but is more warty and misshapen. It is served Jess often because it does not keep well , but is easily grown in most sections of the country. The tub~r has a pleasant flavor and makes an ARTISTIC BAYSIDE DINING AT TH E COMPLETELY RENOVATED , ~ ... featuring Newport's Finest Selections f OF SEAFOOD CUISINE· LUNCH 11 - 5 DINNER 5 -12 COCKTAILS 630 UDO PARK DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 675-0100 Billingsley's interesting change from potatoes. Ii should, be cook· ed in Its jacket after being well scrubbed. The skin peels off easily. Artichokes may be served hot with melted butter or Hollandaise sauce, or cold as a salad or appetizer. They are eaten with the fingers -not withbut a bit or hand-Soiling -which may explain why there's a reluctance on the part of many people to eat them. Each leaf is pulled off and dipped into the ac- companying sauce, and the tender end is nibbled off. When the leaves have been stripped. the base, or heart, is cut into pieces and eaten with a fork . SH AM E ON THE M! We 've been told of one local restaurant that stopped serving artichokes because the waste leaves and prickly "choke" in the center tended to clog the kitchen dis1>9saJ. It occurs to us that the place would have done well to get a new di sposal or make some other arrangement for refuse instead of depriving the customers of this savory vegetable. KNOW ANY OTHERS? Restaurants we frequent where the artichoke is available as a flavorsome side dish include the Ancient Mariner and Chart House in Newport Beach and most, bt1t not alt of the Re u b e n ' s establishments. No doubt there are others 'vhich haven't come to our attention and we 'd appreciate readers calling them to our notice. If you don't find artichokes as palatable a dish as wEl do, we 'd like to know your reasons for dislik- ing them. llunchton weekdays lliMtr ser;ed in the Grand Manner • 571 S. MAIN, ORANGE R--: 5•2-3595 (qwed Sunday). txT'lltMnY UllC[ STOCK . (yenin1t '111 !G PICKWICK ~ !~~~~~e.~.t~ ~0·2111 1143 Ko"'"-=o"'°ivd. Mollrwood 1213) HO 94191 YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER .SUNDAY 12 P.~1. 'J'O 4 P.M. JFM~ f ine Dinin!I Sinf<'. /91'15 380 I El.ST CoAsT r11c 11 \VA r C.0RONA or;L MAR, CAUFOR NI A Pl·IONE: (71'4} 675-137'4 fUVIE.M ftE5TAUltA.NT Contintnt1I Cui1in• Coclilt1il1 Serving Luncheon and Dinner lHonday through Saturday. Closed Sundays Open for Private Parties Only We are lccated next tc the May Cc. in South Cca1t Pl•t•. llll S. lrlstol Costo Mnc. 540-3140 GOLDEN BULL RESTAURANT STEAKS -PRIME RIB -SEAFOOD -COCKTAILS INCIDENTALS S 1how1 nightly Wod. • Sal. at 1:30 F••tvrln1 WENDY MOORE ' ... LARRY REID TERRY THOMAS DANCING in the Garden Roam Just off the Santa An• Freeway 1t El TOfti Rd.-Phone 830.0440 Relax and enjoy the sight and sound of the 1ea in the loveliest setting in l.quna Bea.ch - 1 perfect letting tor memorable dining. Qll Ddve It Co111 H~w11 Ltt=• B1Q -4N-l477 0.-non, Luth ton -Oinau -Coclttalla ------~-----~---------~--------- ---------~--·-·-·---~ . ·-·--------····==- S.tage ;Discovery Gets Movie Lead Pert Susan O'Connell, discovered a year ago playing a minor role in a small pliy staged in a converted church in Northridge, California, has been signed to make her mo- Uon pJcture debut In the featured role of a wayward young wile in .. The Ballad of "t31 Tl.U"A"T Cable Hogu¥," tor Warner Bros . .seven Arts. Signed by Hollywood agent Jllci< Field• the first night he saw her OD a stage Susan, a drama student at UCLA. was voted the best player award Of 1917 )>y unanimous accord of students and ~Uy. Bel°"' signing lor the roi. In "The Ballad of Cable Hogue," Susan made eight television ap- p;earaoces at a guest star. 'Her · first appeara.oce was with Raymond Burr in °tronsides" and her latest in 11La.ncer·'~ -- Actor Has Musical Talents Young Stelari Arngr!m, the 13-y......,ld aetO< who Portrays Barry Lockridge in "Land of the Gtants.'' is becolJling quite well known -as rp~ than a·lelevialon j>mooality. ~ei-s' in . ·the en- ~ent industry a r e be<omJni ·-· of the depths Of. the young thespian'• other talerU: chiefly, in music writing and singing. . 2241 West Co•st Highwey Ntwport Beach 1714 I 646-5057 Phil Feldman ts executive producer and William Faralla C().producer of "The Ballad of While on a bolid-f trom filming the hour·looi , aeries wbich ainl t<ld) Sundliy night " " " " Cable Hogue." on Channel 7, Stefan culrenuy BALBOA BAY FRONT DINING STEAKS -SEAFOO D -RACK OF LA ... B s ..... i-i is preparing a recm1-aumn featuring songs which he ~ wrote and sings. BOBBY HOLLIDAY VOCAL-GU IT ARI.ST Tl.t9L thru Stt.-. t to 1 :30 OPEN DAIL Y 11 :lO a.m. to 2:00 a.m. 2601 W. Coest Hiwey, Newport Be•chr-548-1166 Supremely Beautiful "We protnlse you good food and ,ervice'' POLYNESIAN FOODS -l ive Entert•inment Tropical -Cockt•ils -Ste'ak-Lobster Jl le, · FOOD-TO-GO •' l f at •p•c:i•I di1c:a11"bl · " e'1iauran .. .. .. .. " " Phones: 968-5050 • 962-9 II 5 [ii] "II" "!IE PERSONAL MESSAGE To , TOP NOTCH WAITERS , WAITRESSES ond BUSBOYS wHh FIRST CLASS DINNER HOUSE EXPERIENCE G. CHARL ES Htinrieh, Pr11id1nf of th .. c:orpora'tlOn th•t operaf,, tht ftll'la111 a;,d 111c:i:-91tf11I CAPTAINS' INN RESTAURANT tt fht Lo119 Baaeh Mtti"• iJ, ••rly i" Ju"'• ap111i"9 a n•w Oi"n•t Hout• i" Caro"• d,I M•r to b1 k"awn •• CHARLES llSTRO'. A d1li9htful, i"tim•la $pol with a to11ch of PARIS. , touch af SAN FRANCISCO '"d • lot of r•it1u- rant ICNOW HOW. Th•r• will b1 a11 aa-c:•llant opportunity for PERMA· NENT, SECUR E po1ition1 for a limited numbar of top W1itau. Waitt•n•s ,ncl l11u1 0oy1. INTERVIEWING ON THE PREMISES Mondey thru Frid•y Noon to 3 P.M. Or Call For An Interview Your Convenience 1714) 673·8267 (2131 438-8406 At HONORABLE MILLS BROTHERS Bridging ~uslcal Gtntration Gap Mills Brothers Help Plug Generation Gap Commmted one observer at one of the recent recording seeskm: '4Sttfan hM all or the lngredlencs lleC"""'Y to bec«ne Vtry big in the popular music fiekl. He has a feeling for lyrics, a fine sense of musical vaJues and a delivery that is \llUIUllly good." Will Stelan be pennltted to show his musical talent in a "Land of the Giants" epilode? "Not hard I y," he said. "Land of the Giants" isn't ex- actly 'Hello Dolly!' " The series al8o stars Gary Conway, Kurt Kasmar, Don Matheson, Don Ma rs ha 11 , DeaMa Lund a n d Heather Young. . 'Julia' Star Won't Wear Fur Fashions 111111 CASSAmES' FACES with John Marley 0.na Rowl•ncft r .. st.wlt.m 1141 C.wt.~S••· ,,._ J ••· • TWO llG ' FEATURES TOG~ER ·STEREO SENSATION! Sftvl: MCOOHN AS . 'Wl..LDJ' ~VAIJ(;tiN The coloPrul. sound of el.m.. Orange Counry Music eeJalj _ RADIO KOCM 103.1· FM From Fas hl on Island, Newport Beach • JICOUEUNE BISSU • -~·-• " SICOllD NATIUll DEAN MARTIN-.IAMU STIWART RAQUEL WELCH "BANDOLERO" WAYNE NEWTON Returns to Anaheim Celebrities Set Return To Anaheim Wayne Newton and Don Rickles are returning t o Melodyland in June, con- tinuing the lineup of celebrity attraction at the Anaheim theater· in-the-round . Newton, who just played to turn ·away .crowds at Melodyland · recently, brings his show back Saturday and Sunday, June 8-9, for two performances each night. The Classics IV and the Ven- tures muSical groups wlll share the stage on Tuesday, June 17, at reduced prices to accommodate the younger au· dlence. (The Lohman and Barkley Show has been can- celled for June 13-15). Trumpeter Al Hirt brinss his Dixieland show i ft to Melodyland June 20·21 , and Don Rickles, who last ap- pcare<:t: here tn "The Odd Couple" with Ernest Borgnl~, returns June 27·29 to do fils nightclub act. Tickets for all Melodyland attractions are available at the·boxofflce, by mail or at all agencies. Paris' Tunnels Are Dungeons Frld'1, M11 30, 1969 Filt4s f;q On Campus ' Circuit THI MOnoN PICl!°t CODI AND IATlll9 • l PROGRAM The Motle11 Plah"' CMer en4 •e+lllt .... l!'ll11ktretfn app~H ' the f•ll-ln1 '•tl1191 1• fiflM c11,n11Mrfff• t1t tha U.S.A.. Pie· 'llOU.VWOOD fAP} -The · ..,,,, ''tt4 6, M •' l ct••llft; student fllm maker has Jong f•, tt.e Codt Seti. .. been • fruttnted IOW. Equip. ''""'t• , ... , x cit ••t ..... ,.. I peel wttb • dlpkma that de-• St•'· The r•tint• .,,., •• llOI M pniclttcal ..SUC•tton ln 1111.+11,.. rel•••-' 1ftw N .... mov .. itllll, he finds stu6-Mr t. 1961. Plct.m nil••'-' and UDlonl cJOMld tl b1m. NM ~•t '''' art 4,.m~ At' lust 10meGDe is It• -4 11 ,,,..,,~,11 l .. temptlhc, to rip! that altu. •Ml• SMAI . Uon. lie b IUCbord B. Cb1k11, 29, himlelf, I one ti.me 1tudut of the pdljate flJm, - It• UCLA and -• man who .,,_. '!!'hat Wt lllre ta be turned, I WIY by movie and unlon bones. ®-__ ,. ... ••:ulftM. Thi• at• ,.. ttflttl•11 .... , .. llf ... , 11t c:•rtah• •N•t. C'-•k theatr• ... -4flrttd111. Childs b one of the lfOWlni army of unlversity.fralned film makers. "Last year the number ol atude1ib taklni col· lege courser -In lllm doubled from «1,000 to eo,ooo," ··be Points out. He added that those who produce their own films generolly get one show· ing.on the campus and that'1,1:..--------: thal H9 cited his own example. Alter serving In the Army and •arnlll( a dol'« lo political ~ at Stanford, he deCided he wanted to look into the world _ol_fllm. He applied for study· at UCLA arid to bis surprise was ac· cepted. "Then they put an 8mm camera In my hand and said, 'Go shoot a picture,' " ~ recalled. Childs' P.lcture was an eight- minute satire on . a cocktall for Advartlslng ln The Weekender Phone 642 ·4321 party, "4-6, Please Respond." His Cost: $50 for film and:li~~~~~~~~~i developing -the university :ti•E• supplies equipment and stu· dent actors work £or free . The film was good enough lal!ISll to be' chOsen lot the annual caropus sho\f1og of the best subjects created by t h e department's 350 students. I He scored again with a more ambitious production shot in 16mm for •150. 'Then he refiected on the fact that such fllms are normally seen only once by a paying audience. • • ) He took a proposal to Filmways, which has produced l'The Sandpiper," ''The Bever· ty Hillbillies" and o t h ·er di verse attractions. Why not assem~le a program of the best student films · a n d dlstribute It to American col- * HEY KIDS! * l lG PAL SHOW SAT. 1 :II l leges ? "Let's go!" ·said . the Fllmways bosses. Childs put together a two-hour film, choosing largely from UCLA film makers. He organized a Filmways subsldiai'y, aptly called Genesis Fllms, to distribute the collection. The • • I I • l ' • I results? !~-~~~~~~~-=' "Sensational," de c I are di Childs. "So far we have played Genesis 1. at 151 campuses, and the reviews and the au- dience response have been I remarkable. CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM -2. PM - FRI., SAT., SUN. Twe An TlllM Oretfll $11VI M(Qv•tn COLO• "SAND PlllLIS'" Ch•rllon Hes191t COLOll "n...totn.~ PACIFIC ~ -- • • I t • ' . l ' • ( I I ! I I . ' I I • I ' I ' • • I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ' I '. I • -22 . DAii. Y l'ILOT Fttdr:I, May 30, 1969 Movie Guide: 'Mountain' a Natural SOUTH SW IROPIW FISH (l:d!IOT'• Nole; Th h •iovlc, guldo u prepored br IN tu..., commltt .. of Harbor C.....,U PTA. lira. John Clark u prerid«nl cuwl Mrt. H01t Swtemy iJ comrf\ittee d&Gfrman. IC U jnUnded a a r•fJ"'flCC in detmltining Mtabt. /ii,., for UTtalll • g • growpe and wlU appear Wttk.111, Your vflwt ore ...uclted. Moll them to 11 .. Wt Otddf, care o/ thf DAU.Y l'ILOT.J ADULTS M.\1\Ja& TEENS temrpta the boy's 19lltude. 4/£e1 the titlt itidicotes tht Largest Selecllon .of AUTbobovi.1C.Uplu(RJ: AND AJ)t)LTS · Tecf)i:«:les lathe boy. ralina ahien the plclUrt by Tropical Fish • A sexptoilation film whjch Biid.,.: Polt-civll war ~; Will Ja.mf:ll' classic Supplies in the area . dramatizes the misery and · .. .&.1-a. _,11.. the Motion Picture Code . WUiem m "~1 two -• taie of •'"WW pony and his The Moi(on Picfl.lrt CO<U No• 2 LMlltlMfi disUlusiooment of wife swa~ brothers, Jamet Stewart ind trainer on a New Melico 111 w. w1UOM. cos1• "''"' Pjna. Barbara Blake. n... ... -M··;· i: r-.lb -· F p L. ...i...... A.nd . Roting Program may joff f 1irvlew RO~ ~7"1 . .., ~ -~ _,....,wt ,..l.,..11. ea ar-..er-.... b 171.a, JtfWnl6' or~ "llCJ'I Facee : tt hours in the lives the aheriff '"' lbe poae TM Y.U.W S.imat'ble (G):lr~·~fo~u;.nd=~0!::.1~•h_•=mo=lion~~~'"'~"'~"'~...,~·~""'::::' "'~-~~ of ''""" bored, Wlhappy and punuin( lber!l .la altocloed by Sporl<llill anJmaled cartoon pidure pog•. wealthy midd!Hgecl peoplt. Muicon --R 1,q u e I r .. twing the ..,.daJ humor John Marley and LyM •Carlin. Welcb st.an tn lb.ii lilm"1filh a amt muaic ot the Beatles as Hard C.Olncl IRJ: James baCqrouncl1 ol 'llne ·deoerl they become the heroea in a Coburn stars as a professional aceoery. , fight.to save Pepperland trom klller who enjoy• Ills work un-llUWtt (M): steve· M~ the Blue Meanies. til he falls in l9ve. St«y is set ts Bullltt, 1 ---San Fruclsco • * * in one of Europe's jet-set pollce -detectJve. He is ualgn-: d resort community , Lee _ed to' proJecJ.'• 8 Chlc.,o, __ T_h_•_l•_tt_•_r_im_m_•_w_!t_ly11 Remic~ also stars. mobrter needed by politician1 Tiie KilUDg of Siller George Robert Vauahn, u a pllme (X): A love triangle of les-witnep iq a Seoat.e crime blans conveys both comedy hearing. and pathos. Beryl Reid plays a Cllarro (G): Elvia Presley heavy-drinking, aging actress. stars as a ·gunman gooe fte Maps fR): Nicholas straight who b force.d baCk Jn.. (Michael Caine) takes a to the outlaw world. , teaching positJOn on a lonely Tbe Dlutrated Man (M): Greek Island. He meets a Rod Steiger stars in this strange old man and his guest elaborate"and bl.zartt science· whose identities keep changing f i c t i o n • film ol the as rea1ity and fantasy in· supernatural. B a s e d on terchange in a bewildering and several Ray Bradbury short weird adventure. An t h o n y stories. Claire Bloom also Quinn and Candice Bergen stars. also star. The lmpossJble Yean CG): Tbe Nigbt of lhe Following Da¥id Niven stars as a pro- Oay (R): A lurid tale about a fessor of psychology who precisely planned kidnapping specializes in problems of of a young girl by four adolescence. He discovers the crimiiµ.ls. She is held in an conlusion teenagers can inllicl i90lated beach house for .24--even on the most enlightened hours while they wait for the parents. ransom. Marlon B r a n d o , F Mt IL y ROD.EO TODAY CALIFORNIA JUNIOR RODEO ASSOCIATION PRESENTS' ActlOll, n.n•. Spill1, Louths 8-fyttlfs a Jr. Bareback Bronc Sr. B•reback Bronc Jr. Steer Rid ing Sr. Bull Riding Girl's Barrel Racing Girl's Goat Tying Team Roping A Great Chariot Race Richard Boone, Rita Moreno. African Safari: Ingenious, 100 R1fles (R): Story of the i n r or malive documentary ~1 ex i can government's at-filmed from Ron Shanin's five tempt to annihilate the Yaqui and one-hall year odyssey on Indians in 1912. With RaQuel the Dark Continent. 11»ovs or ,1m1 Boy and Girl Team Roping Charlton Heston stars with Jack liawkins, Haya J.larareet, Stephen Boyd, Hugh Gri!fith and Martha Scott in "Ben Hur," currently showing in Beverly Hills at the Fox Wllshire Theater. The motion picture Was awarded eleven Academy Awards, including "Best Picture" during its initial release over ten Welch, Jim Brown, Burt Hello Dowa There (G): A Reynolds. lh:eJy family situation-comedy They· Came to Rob Las in a marine setting. The head Vegas (R): Outsi~er s or research for an undersea 1 00-ContHtClfth-100 Benefit Oronqe County Chapter, MDAA. Inc. years ego. ' challenge the syndicate in development company takes Qrange Caunty • Fairgrounds Card IS Travel ' Ace their own backyard by devis-his family to spend an ex- ing a heist with armored car· perimental month in a n Gary Lockwood, Elke Som-underwater house. Tony Ran- mer, Lee J. Cobb and JaCk dall, Janet Leigh. Palance. ftfy S I d e of the ritountaln : F1idoy, Moy 30.....-. I I p.m. Sot11'4oy, M.y 31--4 l I , .•• Ho R......,e-All S.C.h Ou hie• The small gray card which the National Student Travel Association . issues to i t s members is worth its weight in rubies. It offers the sludenl travelling abroad great dis- counts in restaurants, 1odg- lngs, shops, museums, theaters and student clubs. But lhe biggest savings is on intra-European flights. And the cost of the card is a mere !HS. Students can save $133 off the regular fare, far instance. from London to Tel Aviv; or $88 from Athens to Amsterdam. There are over 100 flight routes and NSTA ex· peds to book 15,1'.m seats this summer. 'Ibe student must book before he leaves the Valley of lhe OGUs: Shallow Uul · r·tm o ........ Allalh SJ.00 c1111.i,.. SI .00 country and it would be wise at National Student Associa· melodrama set in the tough Wis Id• c00harmihng1 1 •Iha 13 to do It a! early as possible. lion member schools and $5 world of show business. year o y w o eaves ome Complete flight information is for students at non-member Barbara ·Parkins and Patty to spend a year alone with listed in the 1969 Official Stu· scliools. Duke star. nature. Theodore Bike! plays a dent Guide lo Europe" one of;·-"mliili~iiiii;iiRil!!iimRil!i!l!iiijiiiiliili\_.'.:tr~a;ve;,li~·n;g;;f;ol;;k;-s;in;ge~'~w~bo~.;in:-::==::;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;~11 the Association's three travel\ "";!~· united s tates student ~ 3 Winner Travel Association is a non-Acad A ; rd proUt organization. As the o{. emy/'\wa s ficial student travel bureau in · . · 1NC~uo1HG: theunue<1s1ates,itistheon. THE SCREEN S-l·Z·Z·L.·E·SI BESTACTRESS -KatharineHepburn ly organization authorized to issue the Student ldenlity "IU JHf. WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" ca:e lo ~~~:~~n S~::;ts. J S candy 10u111"s cou",, J..( JOSE"4E.lf'•'"tt:-ANA'K.Ot;~;;.r~mt•;l><•.O.••"' available to full-lime un-I , ' ~I. ~R ~ Va.TU a. nlN€ dergraduate or gradual e ShoWs ~A .f"Cl ~ N'\J 111'\1\ students al an Am.,ican rol-once Only at """' Shows at ""'"""LE HEPBURN ·1ege or university, and the 9:45 P.M. 8:00 and 11:45 P.M. V IVV ,MAmfl'ClJ. graduates within the past two lH~ LION JN WINJii<:=R -years. It costs $3 for students SHOWING NOW! ~ \W ~·!~~.:.;f~ ANAHEIM DRIVE IN RESlRYED SUTS NOW AT llJX OfflCE OR 8Y MAN.! Crossword Puzzle • EIClUSIYE '""" '"'" ~ ~• •,. ,~.,.;;;--~ .. .,, ~ "' ;. ANAHEIM· coum RESOvtO .0.11 -.. 1 r1d1t .,_1n ,,.... "'11 too1t 21uu.i:M1 SEAT EN8UEM£NT ., 114·11l.JI01 lw ,_. -nl •-t Ollk• 11e1uoo. On Lemon Ave. bttnln Riverside F,.....,-•nd Onqlthorpt Ave. AGR.OSS 47 h1 the l Golf coiise-l:now: Slang unlls 4& Odin, Thor 6 Hair: or Eros Comb. fOl'l'll SO Poellc. 10 --Vallef, contrac.Uon Calif, 51 Pul rnontY 14 Peac.efu l on the line as.--: 52. Membe r of 2 WGtds lhe-wt'ddin9 15 Au!Jlry 54 Criminal 16 Cut and S7 Recti¥ed re1sse-mble one-'s degree movie film 61 Declare ' 17 Not confldtntly courageous 6Z Short hl!ilfi· 11 Chore pitched note 19 Europian 6) Newly 20 Rasca·1s married 22 Mrntal women suffering 64 Athletlc 2l Condltion group 24 Lite an eU 65 Preerni ntnt: . Y eslttday'S Pu1zlt Solvtd: 0 ti Cocktail JO Sc0tch j1rty Item: Jl E1press 111ord s contrary 7 Porlriit ¥iews 8 Not i s many 32 Wealhtt· 9 Cuttlefish's in1n's word sttretlon 34 Wronoly : R-F.-.y lo Lemon Off-Romp <North> Today & Saturday 2:00 & 8:30 P.M . .,W/(/s CfNfURY 21 Ill ... na.. -. ...... ·112 .. MJ ALSO AT UA 4-STA" THEATRE LOS ANGll:LES 101/0N!l Ff ii-SOUTH COAST CIMlR!l PLAZA THEATRE toml!AllJI San Dltco Freew11y at Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING MEMORIA\ DAY KIDDIE SHOW FRIDAY, MAY 30th SUNDAY, JUNE ht I.Ml I Ml..,.._ Wllk•I "ROOM SERVICE" n. Wkwl .. A-'c• '-'• C.!Mdy ei• ,,__,,_. .... n.tl~l~1121 H...,...t l lwll., CMll MtWI IOUTK COAST a•PEltTOIY t"l\..D'lllWS TMlfATlll "PINOCCHIO" SllrlN'1 ;ti I -I ,.m. tnn1 MIY U s lotbor• P..tiu -· Potty D•k• CONTINUOUS FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY ' The 'MUST-SEE' Piclure of the year! "A film not to be missed ••• o cinematic emoti0ft·Wfin9cr! A film of meoninq •• , .• somethh19 for ~he mtnd to masticate. Not to hawe seen 'Hard Contract' Is to be 1omethh19 less than au courant!" -Harlan Elison, L.A. Frff Pr111 "Something remarkable and special!" --?.:'.'~;~•m•u•. "Excellently done!" _,~~~::,~· Examiner "A stunning film!" -t·i~~=- A Marvin Schw•rtz Proctuction JAMJS(OIUU ·LIE •DOQ[: 1.nJJ p&r,MD · IOGESS MDDl'IH P.ATUClt 11.lHE · STDLIN& ll.UDll' CLAUDE DAUPHIN·....W. SCHWA111Z ·LW POGOST1tt-----.. -.. !l!!i!!I./ l.UE POGOSTIN•ALD ...nt •f'IUlliWISICIN'·COLQli.,o.c.-llllm. ~·A·~-CIARKGABLE VIVIEN LF1Gll J,F.SLIE HOWARD OLIVIAdellAVIL!At'ID -------·-2S Comic strip Comb. form 10 E. lndl1n .... 66 Color wl'th SOidier 28 Sell· a slight of old Comb. fOl'lll 3& Coal scuttl1 37 19&1 lndlari ~~ ~e J It's The Silliest Party of the Year 11:=::=:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:=====; e1tee111 staln 11 Object of 29 Humerlc:al 67 Plt•std devotion rienx 61 Chinese 12 Grain 30 rateglc dialec.t s~hum Air Comm•nd: 69 Gr. sylvan 13 HI way Abbr. d!Tty of old 33 18th Cl!llluty 21 Fumy fumlhrrt DOI N fellows design 22 3&5 thnts 35 Studtnt ·1 Ne111 Yt:tr's •year 38 Kind Evt party 24 To's of water fa¥Ol'I cOMpanlon wheel Z Ptrl. 25 Hairdo 40 Dance: to certain fe1li.t lnfor•al POl!llS 26 Pay divin• 41 Toronto 3 Braid· honors to miln street totfed 27 Ally of . 42. Divorcee; hi Danton and Z words 4 H1nalul Robesplme •s Water: Sp. coristquencts Z' Area•s 4• FIJed by S-Dispas· rtllef ·•tborlty sionate ftlS!lrtS 2 ' ' I .. • I anrieJation J' Pale •3 Rainy •4 Golf club •9 Skeftlltlsms 51 Fii ed with ennui 52 Greece: Comb. fon11 53 Black-~: Pollet ¥thiclt 54 Tooth ss -·ere 56 Asl•n rl•11 ""'!'""''! 58 Co or or ue 59 lrrllablt 60 Ru•lnanl ·-al '2 Barnyard sound· ,,. I • Daily itep1rtures 9~ a.m., ntumina to ttie m1rnttnd 5!'5 p.m. Mso, COl'IV!nient fat motorCl'lliser and seapl.tne Hrvltt to Cetalina. Toto Harl>or f!ffwry 10 -mr, tlitn lust follow lilt sians to cm:ri111 TermW\St foot of Vincent Thomu Brhtgt. Amplt P1rt11nr. r., hlf1rMftlll "1111mtlm call Catllifll Air /Set TtnrRl111lr, 547-1111. 01111r• C111ty 1••• ISl·4150. Los Alttln ,..., n._n41 • I • Killing ~iSter ,.""I eorge" Beryl Reid ® Susannah York Coral Browne ALSO MARLON llAHOO RICHARD IOONI ILTA MORINO '~ . IN "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" IN COLOR ... a.00 AND ) CAITOOMS AT 12:30 & J:Jt OH"IOTH OATS •• ALL SEATS SOc DM Te TM P.T.A. Skw • OJI S..."'ltf• M.., Jl1t n.te h "• MAD MONml PAln OUR 7th P.T.A. SHOW SATURDAY, MAY 3ht. 10:15 I . FESS PARKER IN "SMOKY" IN COLOR • 1 Z:~S I ' • I ---------------------------..----------- r R I D I\ Y ...... 41 JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qu•ftfy Prlntlflf eM·De,.11cft•I• Se.me• fet ... ,. ..... Q••rf~ 1f • ~ry. 1111 --··· ' YoU'RE "T!l& . UNOERS'!\JDV l'OR"Tl\E _,..-, LION· "Tl\MER? GORDO - • • I I "~"' '1 V/JIO Alt!! VOIJ! i! Wl'E.IJ1_ 11 Ii w~ .. l :ti .t II HMU. WHUI AM:I! 1' ,f I • .:.y Ferd Johnson _:-:,..,He US6S ONo STAI~ CM6 C.ARP&T ANt> ')t>U USS -,WO.- • • By Al Smith By Gus Arriola "By Mel I I I l I l\1 1·11, 111',11 I I I _,_._.:.;_...,_;_JO_.,;..' l_'lf>_, _______ ;:DAl::;LV 'l!-OT II QUEENIE By Phil lnterlondt - TELEVISION VIEWS Skhan Due Next Week By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A conversation with Sirhan B. Sirhan, convicted of the killing of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, will be presented on NBCCTV'1 "First Tuesday" series nen week. According to the network,._ Sirhan wu Inter- viewed by reporter Jack Perkins in the Lot Angeles County Jail May 22, the day after be was sentenced to death. A NETWORK statement adds that Perillns "first visited Siman in his cell May 19 to meet him and tell him abotU ammgements for the television interview.'' Says Perkins: "He was very curious. He wu curious about bow I thought tho \rial and the v..-. diet had gone. His first question was: 'What'• the size of your audience?' " Tho conversation, according to NBC-TV, wu held in a courtroom used for prellminary bearings in the case 1 50 yards down ttle corridor from Sir- ban's cell in the Los Angeles jail. AND , SAYS the network statement, Sirhan 11r. views his whole life, speaks of the days before and after the assassination and reveals bis thoughts:'• about Kennedy. Says Perkins: •4ffe was quite eager to talk. We filmed for two ho.ors and he would have gone on, but the sheriff wooldn't permit us to go beyond that time. "Sirhan was nervous and tenae as we began the • !p.terview, but u we went on he loosed up and spoke 'h-ee!y. Toward the end he tightened up again, be- cause he knll!W this was the last reel. I-got the tJn.. presslon be felt that this might be the last contact with the outside world he would ev~r have. • 11 After it was over he wept." ADDS THE NEWSMAN: "As blr as his lawyers know, this was the only time he has wept since ho was taken into Custody except for the occasion when he was forced to relive the crime." • NBC-TV says "This is the first interview Sir· ban has given since be was take:n into custody." ABC-TV now has turned to pro footbell lo .Give its Monday night rating• problems against the po\v· erhouse llnoups of CBS-TV and NBC-TV. THE CBS.TV Mondav shows next fall, for In- stance, are "Guru:moke,r' "Here's Lucy," ''May- berry R.F.D.,'' the Doris Day series and the Carol Burnett program. NBC.TV's Monday .entries in- clude "Laugh-In" and weekly movies. This past season, ABC·TV's Monday lineup - ·''The Avengers," "Per,ton Place,11 "The Outcast.a'' and "The Big Valley ' -got wiped out. And tho network is obviously not wholly confident that next season's replacements are certain to turn matters around. Therefore, starting in the fall of 1970 -and tor at least the next two autumns after that -ABC is goin g to offtt live , prime time Monday brood· casts of about 13 games annually. The agreement will start with the National-Football League. THESE MONDAY games will not affect the regular weekend broadcasts of pro lootbell on CBS- TV and NBC.TV. However, there Is a major Indus- try question: Since autumn Is always the start of a fresh television year, what will ABC-TV do tor new Mon- day ni ght shows once the football 1eason is overT \ ' , .. ; I ' - ~~------~~~-.~--~~~~~~~~~~~--................................................................................... .... ---• ..... • Fi~~~n's Pol~_Escape S~ud~d for Jumbo ]et .Safety • SAN FJ\ANCISCO (AP) -nc1a1s for the annual m~ anns IJ'llWld the pole and alld OVICWltloo " pi.... OD th• In .... of .. ....,geocy northern Wiim. How con ,590 people 1et aut of ~r __ '!)~ .. !.•rospace )ledical down In .the mamier ol ground. 1 dlkhq at. "'-''Ille rtg ,.._ -A tr-l(!il plod bli a bu1111q airplaM on the ~""" "'"'''l"ln .'8 -t . ' Over ·' dooed c 1 r c b 1 t firemen, l:'lans call for one of the 111111 ol a war.rpno! body for ............. lo ollp -B s!ldliil dOwD po1a ~ ttlevislon lrom a l)'lllnaslljm , Dr. Slallley R. Mobler ol .lolescoplns poles at each of stocking suspended from a · their htads U emote gel* Into fire~ perhaps~ e acn>M town, eclentlsts '.AM FAA's .()ffice ,ol avlftlon the 10 docw's on tomorrow's ~circular ute buoy In the cabin art~'A srnallcan- The pele -lechnlq .. , doctors saw.1 leleacoplng aleel modiclne &aid the. u. _giant lllrllllen, or one for wbldl the lnf1,Dt II pliced nlster ol ozyganJnslda tllo bag for -who ride the Jumbo pole swing out from a ~rimelllal device, c a I I e d every lO pwengen, 1 Prior lo ditching. 'Ille~ wll\ last -1 ....... ,, jets .---COl'llnldlon simulated airplane hatch and 'lelescape." II far faster than otber , ..,ety de YI CO&, ls .black -a color f,.U H• •hoptlUlly untH'the ..... ... IJ wu..domonitr>.ted by Federal esteod lo the Broun\!· the ~\able chutes carried deom-..ted included: pei-1$ &aid re:,~,:"t;li.t -ahd , bo v!lllOd ~ the alt con-J Avlalloo .Adminlatration oj· . Ten IOldlen wrapPed their on todAot'• aJillners for qlllck' -'llUrv!VaJ gear for lnlanla Is insulated ·~ cold '! diUonhig . systen,.. < H. . . I -. I t. ~ I • '. ' i & 'iARBOR""" '1°UL.....,..YD0 •• MIW .. t0~E·.,D., 1· NGEff = ::::.~= = .. ....::...-=.~:-· ~:..··=...~,::: = ':!';: .. :-..:.:::: =·.;.... _ a ., •. ~ ......... :: ........ c..tw • ..,... ............ lCll.-A ... ., •• 'trl1 1111 .... ,,...., ....... ..,......,. • e1•W·.l ........ _......,...,_..s11 C...,S....AM • 1 • • -......... Wwl k "!' • • 11* --It ... f...,_I;'_,. Cllltef, .,...,. V...., ~ 'e 1tNf.'ftllrvw-. Qil ........ ~,................. • ._. .......... hi&' 11 ... 1,.' l4lldl .......... c.flr, .... " ....... Romney Pushes Plans As Rambler Salesmen WASHINGTON (AP) -going lo get anywhere ·~· we Supersalesman George Rom· continue the same old ap- oey is something of a blur proaches. We are I o s J n g these days as ne rips around ground." town and 1"8ces across country The concept of ·a volume ap- selling a housing plan as he proach to curing the housing once sold Ramblers. shortage is not new - The fonner · M i ch i g o n Congress enacted last year a governor was even reported law that encouraged such an receoUy to be jogging from of. approach to building the 26 fice to office in his ,sprawling million hoU5es aperta say are Housing and Urban Devel~ needed over the ne:1t 10 years, ment Department. including 6 million units for He doesn't actually run, the poor. says a department official, but But because of the high cost "I'll say one thlng, he walks of land, materials, labor and - very fast." mortgage money virtually. no Although Romney has more start has been made and Rom- than 70 programs to supervise, ney says at the present rate one of the chief things that has the nation will fall 10 million him bustling nowadays is a houses short of tts goal. new project called "Operation Operation Breakthrough Is Breakthrough." aimed at selling cities and It's Romney's blueprh:;it for towns on lifting restrictive en-:tin·g the national housing .local zoning ordinances ~Dd shortage through volume pro-labor and industry on duct.Wn, salesmanship and the cooperating to turn out houses approach ·he used a decade by volume, while the federa1 ago to bring American Y..1otors government seekS ways of cut- back from the brink of ruin ting interest '"Stes. with a compact car called the The unique factor in the pro- Rambler. gram is George Romney and Romey unveiled the plan his C{)nvicUon that the prin- two weeks ago at a series of ciples that sold the Rambler meetings wilh union leaders, can sell low cosfbouslng, even Industry executives and the to lhe rich. governors and mayors of the Although lhe Rambler was a largest cities and stat.es. car that presumably would ap- A It.hough. everyone, peal most to lower incomes, especially politicians, s a I d Romney says A m e r i c a n publicly they were all for it, Motors brought out the nlost private reaction incluQed some expensive models first and skepticism -mainly in in· loaded them with accessories.' dustry -and some opposition "The result," he says, "was -mainly ln labor. that there were many Cadillac Since then, the 6t-year--0ld and Lincoln owners w h o Romney bas divided his time boughl them and the program between two-mile dawn runs was a success bec8use people in the park, six-day dashes _ recognized thal they were across the c o u n t r y , con-purchased by people who could fereoces with visiting offlciaJs, afford anything." appearances on Caito! Hill and In addition._to the hard speeches around Washington. public campaigning complete During one of the homefront with all ute evangelical fervor appearances he was soundly that Mormon R o m n e y booed when he told C1ln-is ramous for, the three-lime struci:ion union chieftains they Michigan governor Is working must share the blame for hard behind the scenes, too. housing problems because of An aide says Romney and what he called restrictive ap-top advisers spent two days prenticeship programs and ex· this w~k clofstere;d at the cesslve wage demands. presidential retreat at Camp But doggedly R o m n e y David, Md., brainstorming PTesseJ on, telling labor, in-ways to cut red t:ape and get dustry, and .congressmen the around bureaucratic bot- same thing: ;'We are not Uenecks. Y/hy LEASE your car for 24 months : until you've tried it · for 6 MONTHS? . Makes sense, doesn't it? It's our low "91t· acquainted" offer. And there's never bHn anything like it in cor lea~ing history! Now you c:an enjoy th~ luxury of drivin9 • fully equippT<I; new 1969 Ford of your choice -for six months--at our low "9et ... cqu•inta eel" rate. You make just six low monthly pay- ments.-thtn return the car cleen end un. d1ma9ed without further obr.91tion. Oller 9ood for limited time only. Check these low monthly rlfes: T .. lh • ....... ·•·•· S1Jt fOll:D S9UIRI ••••••. Slit (Alf r1n••••I Cll '111111• ..,.., eAa,Alla ,. ,, •• , •••• S1M LTD ..•. , ,,,,,, ,, ••• S11t f'CNtlMO • , ••• ••••·· .Sii) MUITAN6 ••• ,, , •••• Stt Alf C9f'I ......... wlllll N ... ....._tr-. ,._ ~ Nolllt,. ....... ........... .,.: .. :. CALL MR. MALCOM REID FDR FULL DETAILS NOW! • 642. 0010 POr.D AUTHORIZl!D LEA!'NC& SYSTEM THfDOORl ROllUS FQDD frl[S ~-.... -642-0o10 I , " , ' ' ' ' •' ' ===--. ' :r-.-'""-~:-':"'~":" ~oliclaylpecials Tlui1ty Us ~-,o. .... y. iloMar w-.... " ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ' Famous Tonka ® O..HtyMmH B·B·Q Wagon •7" Value!. 5 Position Adj,.lta~le: Stfli Chaise \Ounge . ........ ,.t ...... "" .. SS Chauge-A·~or :-Sun Gliisses - $297 ,......~.,, .. witb twill. cbmm pWtd IWilll'"4'P Fidt.-I -.lo jV:ltmeat fin pu. .. --- Reg. •1.37-1/2 Gallon Ughtwelght Poly ' - 1 Picnic Jugs • FamoYI PoloroA c • hay'f'llUI' Top \~ ~ .sa~ -1,4 ci-. (1111' pat Holidly S&fr. ladies' Deni"' Shorts -=" $)98 llfld 1t11tcla Dfka. N i 1 d I !Ml ifoni!IJ. Sidll •11. 'IH's ID lrtn Walking Shorts =:r $2•• """"' fOfl. Solid ailon • pltlda. 2a.M. 89' Values! U.S. Rubber, Ladles' Swim Caps , .. , ... ,. WhanH ' ' Slip'n Slide · ·-"'-"''""''".. $688 ldddlcs. Glidf an • fit• cwhia. cl WllU, l) .. '°'"· . 1u .. non1V Water Wiggle ~':!$)77 body w ltla ._. .. hriJ. . li.wcolor Jml: Mel• ho5r 111d wadi !ht fun. 59" Reg. 99' , ·RoyalOak : Charcoal Reg.3f IKFUTllll Beach Ball 22c W•h """', ... ll&CIJI L,, ~594 I ' . •J.98Yalue! ... Jombo Size . M1ltl klor Prlllff Teny Beach Towels Q••lity C'Oft08 tmics,~ with fim ...-r. 'Wttft. !Iii '2""x 6"'inpllrci-. ........... $157 Reg.'4" lnftatl!iil• Surf Rider. *5" Tetherball & Pole Set $466 Liii wllgllt "'' SO"' Swim Board ~~$1•1 °"'.,.. ..... poolorWir. •tA9Y.-· ' ' YEITIUTD AmSHt Cnlilou " STOCI ., ·a san PlelsPnmln1 Eademleer Sil.llYllllllelll Drop ieaf Portable Table ~£~ $.,.,., fretctl'W I) 1 -=--,.....,, .......... • C1 .. rfll llllll- paffo Torch •t.17 ••••• HlRl!lHD Fllllll BackR- ~ $157 «"'-•.. Stmdfc.1..., .... P'* ....... F1tllltr~ftl,i 6 ft •••••• 'lawlPatl ~~ &11J11tcr...Ma coafonsw.,,.._ -· ''IJ1 "oz. TIN • I ' ' • --~--~-- . bog ... Into -bag , .... can .,,... - - .• WILSOM FORD SALE 'S 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD , : ' ci:tlWay 39) . HUNTINGTON BEACH ' ~ /1, < . ' I . OPEN I 9 A.M<TO 10 P~M.,-MEMORIAJ, .,AY I .-·O.RANGE CO's •. /FAST'-ST G _ROV#·~NG . FORD DEALER ·~ . FORD'S BEllER .. IDEA · · ·. =· 1969 MUSTANG ---$99 Do-wn $71.30 3. Mo. \BRAND NEW 1969 . . FIRST OF THE lO's AT lt&O PRICES -' ' IT'S A umr GAS -Mtvtrick, prkod to rit'•I the im'port1, 1lve1 yot.1 a btt· ttr more prKtiCl1 car. M1ny people we~t put 1n txtn ceftt into Mavtrkk ..... 1r1 •U ttt.e. A bt1ic May.. trick ls ...,. thin a Usie car. BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 . . . ' $2488 '99 ,... * 111'° ... o.-J6 Mes. Oft IPPIOVed INlnll treclll ,ult Prlt9 + Tix & LkatlM "'"''°"· Frill! t lr Mlllr -o#/rOlltf'. *k•UP demi «If ~rlHY llth1S doll! & vlnl'I trim, t-ts. DllOdld d1.111 Mid vl$0r.. .,rl!lflllltlll wa--1' I nd t .... Wlllll'I. ' SUPE.R SPECIALS ~ ~---------------------------§ llANO NOW · 1969 THUNDERBIRD '65 ~~~~~~H~~~~Op . $68·8 ·~;;~ ~ "''" NMK -402. 24 Mos. § s933 ~: ~~ ~ "'C.i.O. "' C'"o.0""'" -"""::ll '°-•oo M .. O, _,, """'"'M ""'"' .... POii ' S ~:1~~r~f.~k~':I' v~~~~r~':'~·.~~rn~. c/:rr;• ~~~,~~~ ~.:-.·~•wwl:x.1l~~~')~nf11~~-":'f 24 Mos. S 1urn t11...it. rtmot. control mlr,.., llolW 11111-f lntul1rld 1. ....,,. cii.tttl .,.111,..,..111. • $33 Dn. ~ J 99 Down $ 3 8 a· a· $33Mo. § '. 3.6Mos. § $122.75 36 Mos. . . $64 On. s 11111'1 ltl1t lie I •'"i;,,· ·---------~0~0, § 24 Mos. §. sl-288 t;~~: --~--CORTINA FAIRlANE $1888· t?~~:. ~ $1888 $ 2288 36 Mos. § 1gg '"" * 159u ;., 199 '"'' * 170" '" '67 PONTIAC GTO H.T. $2188' ::: ~·. ~ .... Tu ~~~ .... ~'"""': •• ::.~:" .... '" ~~~ .... M ·~""" ... ::.:" . 08~ ~3sp3ed, R&:H. low mileS. I 36•M~· S p,eLuxe seo•H. ''·' c.1.0. '' H:Plon-1111. l'rnh 1rr ~!•1•r 11><1 fef•~iltr. i.rt11P . ....,. . · 0$, ~ b;!~'r.,~.,.v~~sl ~ :M1'T,';:1ec1 &1J'~ 11111 cwr!Hv ~II. n¥IOll tl•Pt11. Pt<ldld d1t11 ------------.. --.. Iii:!' ...,,;i11iO,;'fi.:i.r & 1dlll'Mttr, fn""lor & t•terlot 1Plll v!-t, w1nc1111i.1i:1 ••Jllln 11111 1 -4 r-. GOOD CREDIT s =r~~.:~~·:r.:.~=&vllOfs. • .,.,. . BRAND NEW 1969 BRAND NEW 1969 I 67 !~~u!,~.~~~!!~n~r , warranty avail. TMG 005. ''68 ~~~!~~!.~~~~~~. new car,warr. avail. WIE 960. BR,\ND NEW 1969 BRAND N£W 1969 ,, DOWN PAYMENT A PROBLEM?' § ai!AND NEW 1969 . aRAND NIW 1,69 ' -co· B'R.A . u .. ~ ""'""~ 11 ..... pion~ Our budgot counsoi... will htlp ,.. ~§§ _·. RANCHER'o ·./) ' f··l 00 1rr11191 INJ'Mflf• 11 th1t you ndtht well lfford the c1~ of trick ef ·your ~ , . choice.· • TORINO G.T:. ' ._ ____________ .. ~ $2788 IMPORT SPECIALS § PICKUP . $208 8 199 ;,.., * 18&" .,,:, ------1111111----..--~s ._ $ 2288 . 199 .. "'.'.'. *. i14' .:. >O.;_M.,·,·. $2588 . ' .· . ' 199 ~.::.· * 180" ., ... __ .. _ .. .... 488 ~ _,, ""' , .. , ,,._ M ... -.... ..,,. '62 SUNBEAM Rdslr. $ . . . FIN. S 199 ,,., * 170,.. •w ""' ,,, , ,._ M ·~""' .,., ..,, l"lin Tu ., LktnH "' "'ro¥tcl 11tn11 Cl'llllllt Sl"ORT1ROOF. GI c.1.0. -•· fovr _... . 4 .Speed. buck~I seats. AVAIL. ~ O.wn 36 M11. . !U" Fjl(•lde Plctu,... '* c.1.0. -"'"· J .J:.. ltloM 1111r r_.lol "*'""' tr1Mn"1'*51ar\, llltr• QOJ 38 ~ or-.'!'!:~ !)'!letO, Ir-.. 500:! lb. G.V.W. t7.M lb. 'T. -• -v• ~-''r.:l •1'¥11 hHV'f' dvl'f' ~leil ind.''*"V'f' dvh' 1hDd<s S · 6. S P1111 r1• I. LktnM., •lllH'll....., 1111'111: ufCllt 1, ...... 1-111m fnwlt ••JI, 3300 lb. rur ule \CS5 SPO ,,.,,,... -· .... , , •• ~· '"'' ~"~Inf' Nr, 1t109ttlld -----"-"------I·---"---'--s ' ~'T • m Ill. r!I• ·-·.,~ ~-• w11t1:!1. Flbtf1ltn bttllld w ovtl rn. Non-'"' .,... "'"' 11-1-c•--· •·-'o o" <••• ~---· ~..... -'"''" •-••-·• •-..., ... rt G.T. hlU'ldlln9 """ r.ar 1, Fl'llll14 OVI ....,.. ·~· $39 D s ,,.,..,,.. vvnoPlr"I. t rt .. •• rtr, ""'"'~" ........ rt•r 1#1 ..,,.. tl!Wftttor tlllr• I re. fl'o~I ... ,.,...~,.l'rtlfl t lr ~r & dtfr .. ttf, b1Cki$ I'' w dll rim ..,,.., Ind flub WJ!I" hold •= 7 8 8 n lfll. OOrne, C:OVrf .. 'f' 1114 1ldOl.rnlrt:.ff llol'tb. ln1l1H ""-WI l lr. lolll""-cltlr.~11« lf)Jldt I. OVI• - •.. -.. -, ''"""·· ··1 vi-I trim." 1 ... 1 encl !'Ill' Cfriifti, lPICill "COWi'' ld9nt.,> '65 v.w.· BUG $ . '$ . ~ Ai)'/nlght ll'llrrot ..... 11 conlnll IUlllile mirror, -""' mirror• Vl/lrl tlb ""1· oiddl4 dish & ur~.""---.,.sh •n0"" viW .. w.lfldlh, utlol\,...cl -111 dlronw trim. Ylflll• 11 • • 39 Mo, ~ r.lght mouldl:J1 •nO hull t_, vklvl !rll'l'I. CQIOr 'll'::ii l':ttuo llthll rurn :t:n•ls, ri-111Cf..r-. ••llirMll2•PtlCl.w\M'!'. .iau. '. , • _ Oeluxe 2-door. NHE·769• ,0• ~ ..,.ec111oorrn1 . . w1 ll'dw1ill1r1&!JPttd'w1>1,,: · 'flll//IHll/lllfll/Dlll/llll/ll//ll/l/ll//lll/IJ. 24Mos. 1/'lllll//lllllll/11/lllllllll//D/ll//lllll/l///l/J lRANSPORTATION SPECIALS , 67 ~!!~~! TSK290. s11:88 :!J.:: WAGON ROUND~u~ '62 !!~~.~!~~!.,_ $188 :::a. TRUCK DEPT. SPECIALS --~IHZ~2~00~------J----:;--:;;;~~ I 61 ~~~yh~~. ~~ IGX $188 :::ii. 026. ' 1----- '61 ~~~!!,2 Door $188 :::11. HJC 984. · '62 CHEVROLET 2·Dr. Floor shif t .. ridio, heater. RRG 476. ' s333 Fin. Fin. 1-- '63. FORD C1,ri s·3 8.8· Fin. • Bucket seats, st ick shift. Avail TXS :2e. · '59. !~~~pe~~ !~.healer. . 9555813. s333 I 63 !~~ ~;~~sh if I, rad io, heater. JS2090. $688 I 64 ~~!t:p~m!~~ soeed, heafer, split rims. L26028. $1288 . I 67 ~~!~~~~ ~iles . 029218. s14·88 • Fin. Av1il. $35 Dn. $35 Mo. ... ' 24 Mos. $64 Dn. $64 Mo. "' 24 Mos. f:gDn • Mo • .... 30 Mos. __ .::::C::.:C..--:_;----ALSO AYAILAaLE 163 ~~!~~~~~d.,~~"~· P· $ 488 A;;:'.I. 168 ~~~~Ai~~~ic • 168 '.~~~,,~~!P,B~ 611. . brakes. ONI/ 5-41. 1------1---1 -------------'----- I 64~~a~rans.,p. steer., radio, heater. PCB 124. $58·8 :~,~: 24 Mos. I 65 !~~u!!~,~~r~at~~m~~I $688' $35 Dn. $35 Mo. ... . NOY 679. ,. 2_4 Mos. - I 63 ~~u!;-, ~~llee~:~, new., $6'88 . $35 Dn. $35 M°' "" . blue finish . JJV 973. 24 l'l)os. '64 D~TSUN Wagon $688 $35 D~ • $35 ·Mo. 4 speed, bucke t sea~s, white-. .. ·waits. OTV 948. ' . ·24 Mos. . 1 65 '~~!~,~~~o~e~~aut~ $888· $45 Dn. $45 Mo. "' matic. NHE 911. 24 Mos. I 6 7 !~~n ~: ~~sleer., $1888 mDn. 63Mo. . .. fact. air cond: R&H. 82789A. · 36 Mos, ALSO AVAILAIU • '68 COUNTRY SQUIRE '0 ......... ""'"· ''"·· ..... ,.;,.;.,.: foti.rr .ir t ... L t•i. •IHI lllllh~, lew ... u..,. . '9ch"f'-~ -11.w.. Wl'-J41. • '88 COUNTRY SEDAN WIN. " .--. -.. -·-· . . . ,...W~r,l1w1111 ...... ~,., •-tr rMll. Ne. 1•11St. if st one of oar many ways to fin•~• your uw or u11d ur or truck including link of Am11iu, United Calif. 81rik. or Ford Motor Credtt Corp. With your Approved Credit. ' MAKE YOUR CHOiCE .. AND. SAYE AT. WIL$.ON .. FORDTODA Y I .82.55 BEACH BOULEV.ARD . DlJNTINGT.oN·. BEACH " . . . . ' . (HIWAY n1 " ' . 842~6611. tAM~~~o:;,r~Dt~ '. ,::~o;~:~i htMIJ~~~!Ma0!~~°M~,,M, 5 '92-5511 . ' 1' . ' " • •• ' " . r . I • • • . • • • , I l \ • ' . -· -. . . ----------·----------- j • • • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! 'HOUSES FOR sALE HOUSES FOR SALi! 0.-•I 10000onor•I 1000 Goneral 1CIOO Gtner•I " ' Bay & Beach Realty, ln_c. MA TI LA"BORDE ,. Realtor . " 14 ACRE CUSTOM BUILT Coldwell, Banker 8/B ,... Y"BUYS BETTER Y" B/B ' " ·' CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE ' ;:,...., ON SERRA DRIVE, CORONA HIGHLANDS : ::A large sunken den with fireplace adds to the ·1charm of this newly decorated 3 Bedroom home ,:on land you o\VD. Key to private Shore c I i ff 1 Beaches 1 Out of tow n owner open to offers. :: ..•.•. ~ .. '' ······ ....... '''' ........... $43,500 " ~V ON POPPY: Dine with an Ocean vi e\I( 1n ::this spacious 3 bedroom 2_bath ho,me. Huge liv· 1•ing Room with fireplace, Picture Windows. You ·:own the land ..... , ...................... $49,500 ,; >"'ON POINSEnlA: Artistic ho me. 3 Bedrooms !2 baths. 2lx29 Living Room with cathed.R.1 ceil· ''ing, used brick fireplace. Extensive use of selec- ,:ted wood paneling lends to mellowness of the :home. Located on l lfi lots. Easy walk to Little •Corona Beach. . .. , .................... $69,500 ' • '>"'ON KEWAMEE , IRVINE TERRACE: Truly ,:a prestige home in a 'Country Club" JocatiOn ·~et there is a relaxing atmosphere in this well !Planned 4 ~bedroom.3 bath home-that •hould-ap- ,peal to discriminating buyers. All of the living •and dining area plus master bedroom suite over· ~ook a sparkling heated & filtered pool which 1~s complimented by tropical garden. P r i c e ' ..................................... $75,000 • • ' ~ ON OCEAN BLVD.: Where the land value is .approxiinately $1,000 per front foot , \ve are of· ,.ering this 3 bedroom and convertible den home with 110 feet of frontage at· ............. $98,500 !-in other words, virtually land value! lay ~leach Realty, Inc, : 2407 E. Coast Highway, CdM '75-3000 Eve. 541-8861 General :$23,500-PARADISE! barge covert'd patio. Qiscad- 1ng waterfall ~' a BBQ. l big bedrooms, Jireplace. Full lining room. Loaded with ~harm! 540-lTlO 'JARB~LL 2955 Horbot- "Real Eatate. SALESMAN ~...,,...Really & lnve.t. Co. 1, 1842 Newport Blvd., CM 548-<1588 General 1000 S 1/4 °/o LOAN RETIREES special, 2 Bed- room doll house. Hardwood On, deligbttul back yard with shade or sun for re- laxing. FORTIN CO. 1101-A Westcliff Drive Newport Bee.ch 642-SOOO SOCK 1T TO 'EM! NEWl'ORT BEACH OFRCE ONLY ONE LEFT! OTHER TWO SOLD THIS WEEKI OCEANFROHT- BALBOA PENINSULA! Open Dally 1 -5 P .M. 1358 E. Oceanfront. Four bedrooms & den. Price drastically reduced for qulcl!: sale! Eve. phone -548-6966. PERFECT FOR SOMEONE WHO CARES I BALBOA P.OINTI Open dally 1 -5 PM. 318 "L" Street. Attractive, charining & enchanting two bedroom home with two secluded patios, beamed ceiling Jiving room, fireplace. Outstanding location-outstand- ing value for only ...................... $37,500. Eve. phone · 673-7999 BEAUTIFUL CONDOMINIUM! Plan #3. Three bedrooms, two baths, double garage. Upper Bay area. Pool & shuffle board court. Yard maintenance. For exchange or sale. Equity $14,000. Price -.................. $41,500 Eve. phone -642-3287 FOR EXCHANGE I Approximately $30,000 equity in · lhree Cond<>- miniums, Newport Beach. All rented. Submit on 6JendaJe-or-Harbor-area. Please call Mrs. Fay. Eve. phone -548<1966. WATERFRONT DUPLEX! NEWPORT ISLAND! PIER A FLOAT I Two bedrooms, two baths each unit. Many ex- tras including Swedish fireplaces, carpets & drapes -.. , ....... $87,500. Eve. phone -548-6966 CONDOMINIUM -PARK LIDQJt Split level • three bedroom -two bS:th. Faces pPOI. Many extras have been added. Three car carport. .................. , ........... $32,500. Eve. phone -548<1966 · lay & leach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 126, NB 645-2000 Gener el 1000 General 1000 uDo 11a 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FIRST T;m, Oflered FHA/VA Immaculate 3 bedroom home On choice East end location CbeerfUl living room with brick fireplace operur onto compact private patio with steps up to IUnd.eck Home is nicely d!'COt'ated And in beautiful condition Priced to sell at $51,500 '='eneral lOOOo.fteral 1000 Call Joe Ferguson l~r;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Res. 5~0188 Urgent need fnr fast sale •• Owne.r aerees to pay the polllts. On convention- al financing, can save Sl.500. l-lome is located in MESA VERDE & reOects pride-o f-01vnership by its neat condlion. Jo~HAIVA down is only $1300. \VUI sell fast so call no\11. THE FAMOUS BUILDING AND SITE OF THE BLACK KNIGHT RESTAURANT •nd COCKTAIL LOUNGE NOW BEING OFFERED FOR SALE CALL Bill Scott or K-it Ri9gs ; 293 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA HAR•OR 4 + Family + Pool $25,300- Sl/4 °/o LOAN Fantastic value. DelighUuJ llvin& room with plush car- pets and drapes, Cozy fam- ily room with beams, 4 fam- ily bedrooms. Great muter bedroom has closets with mirrored doors. Sparkling heated pool, Covered patio. Take over 51' % loan. Hurry Call 645-0303. lllHl\I I Ol\11\ . . 645-0303 546-9521 or 540-6631 10• 4 BDRM & DEN . IMMED. POSSESSION Comer home near South Coast Plaza. Low, low down payment. Owner may con- sider lease option submit oiler. Asking $27,9SO .. PERRON -., .Tr::-~"' * 642-tnl Anytime* UGLY DUCKLING, let us help charigc this! }'or comp!. clean up & repair Call us. 548--0995. C·HARM.COMFORT·YALUE Offering (res)> paltit in and out. Fully carpet- ed and draped. THREE BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS.-15'x26' Uving room with F .P., Din- ing room and Bkfst. room, B/N kitchen, stain- less sink. 12'x18' Den off covered patio - Large patio with bar-boque~Loads of built-in closets, cupboards, cases and shelves. Cor· ner Lot-Dbl. Garage. NEAR COSTA MESA PARK, GIRLS CLUB, BOYS CL\JB & DOWN- TOWN. Priced to sell, 10% DOWN. OWNER WILL CARRY lST T.D. for qualili¢ buyer. VACANT-IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! F.H.A. -POOL Located only two block! from Harbor Blvd. Four bedrooms '(3 and a din) two bath home with fireplace, F/A heat, built-in kitchen and dining area. New carpets, completely draped, air-conditioning unit in master bedroom. HEATED AND FILTERED POOL, covered patio, enclosed court yard and detached double garage. Only $2200 down which is less than the price of the pool. WILL SELL FAST -ACT NOW!! GARAGE & WORKSHOP Large double garage, toolshed, 24'x25' work- shop stressed for second story. Covered and enclosed patio -boat storage area from pav· ed alley. Three Bedroom, two bath home with EXTRA SPACIOUS MASTER BEDROOM and private bath. Well kept property in NEW- PORT HEIGHTS area. Full price ONLY . .. ' ................ ' ........... ' ... $32,500 -CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. . FOUR BEDROOMS-POOL North Side, INDOOR-OUTDOOR FAMILY HOME. $6,000 improvements in aluminum patio and SWIMMING POOL added. Large living room, den, dining area and two baths. Close to schools', transportation and shopping. A REAL BUY AT .................. $27,750 ! 'CORONA DEL MAR ONLY $22,500. Build on front of lot & have fun remodeling 1 bedroom fixer.upper at rear. Own your 1and among modern duplex- es. Bicycle to Big Corona Beach & St a t e Park. Walk to stores while your children safe- ly play 1h .block away at Community Youth Center. Assume existing financing! I SALESMEN NEEDED l 646·0555 Over 1900 .; n, exoe:l· lent NOR1'H •roSTA MESA area, 4 big bd- rnis, Ro1nan sunken tub, completely built-in kit- chen with PANTRY, 20 ,year cuarantte stainless steel dishwasher, patio- kitchen, choice of cat· pets & tile colon etc. Now under eonatrucllon. VA NO DOWN FHA or financing a vailabre, ~COATS ~ WAL"t,.j;! REALTOR$ --546-4141- (0poli Evon!...., • • lPNINKLE BUILDING FOR SAlf OR LWf 1100 Newport Blvd. CALL BILL SCOM' OR KERMIT RIGGS -Farr: -· ORANGE COUNTY, LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Pool f n Exclusive Newport Beach Located near upper Newport Bay. This luxurious e.xecu- tive home features a spark- ling 38' S\\imming pool, large patio, huge living room, panelled family room \Vith v.'OOd burning fireplace. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. For appointment call I llHI 'I I Ill \II\ --- 645-0303 TWO 220 E, Sewenteenth St. • Tc1Tiflc buy! 3 BR •• $18,950 IE 17th St Sho inn Ctr le -I BR 2 baths, cor .. $22.500 • • PP '31 ' Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. 548-0720 COSTA MESA • KEllllEDY friendly service 1 ................................ 11 Newport Hei9hts .220~1711 - you'll likf our Evenings Call 545-8723 or 646-1050 3 BR 2 bath. hardwOOd floor, =========-:========000=1 fireplace, dble garage. EX. General 1000 General I ISTING 5%% LOAN. $29.500. S T/SUN Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. liberal Financing i OPEN A mo Nowport a1vd, c.M. Uncle Sam owns this big near 4 BEDROOM l~!'!'!'!>!'!IS-!'!TI29~!'!any~Li!.m"J•~~ll n<w 2 ''""' hom•. ;, Co>ta MESA DEL MAR I NVESJORS Mesa & will sell first come to any~ne for $1250 do"'."· . 822 _S~NTIAGO . $19,950 Full pnee $28.950. Low i.n-EllJOY living_ on a qwet 4 BR & fam nlt. 01vner pt't'!- terest & EZ monthly pay-street. Beautiful ash panel-1 t 1 •--• t ~0, 1;-· ll · & f il ers o ease "'"' a ..,.lO.I ments. Fully reconditioned "'"' lll ~ am Y ~m, for period of Year. k ready for occupancy_ call built-ins. fireplace, . n 1 c e R d R It 645-2340 _Heritage Real Estate 541).1151 large back yard. Asking only an •• Y Copen eves). $27,950 . good financing. Nursery P"o"t:--e,-nt"lo"l,.....- 4 BEDRM -$22,9SO- Imagine 2 bath, family room. Covered patio, Large yard. Near schools & shopping. Less lhan rent pnyments. 540-17'10 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 1860 Newport Blvd., CM 3 'BR 2 bath home, corner Rltr, ~39'l8 Eve. 644-1655 lot, 130x180' all fenced, Call Lachenmyer '" dotail>. Dania ltealfy "'""" DAILY PILOT WANT ADS DAILY PlWI' WANT ADS! Dial 642..s678 for RESULTS BRING RESULTS! OFFER$: UDO 4 BR. PIER & SUP 4 BR., 31h baths -near new Spanish on 2 lots. Walled patio w/lge. deck & pool. Slip for 50' boat. Quality thruoul. $149,500 J, Clark§on/Sue Clarkson 225 N. STAR LANE DOVER SHORES.Open Sun. 1.5· Great waterfront home! Stunning living rm. w/11' ceiling. Wet bar. 4 BR's, den, din. rm. Pier & float for large boat. $129,500 Mrs. Raulston IA YFRONT BEAUTY 4 BR. ID)m ediate occupancy for this lovely home with dock for large boat. 41.h Baths, fam. rm., sauna and much more. Low at $110,000 Walter Haase SUP .& PIER $79,500 Custom built, 2 units , bayfront; charming 3 bedroom, dining, 2 bath 6 year old home plus cunning 1 BR. apartment . Ch uck Place OUR NEWEST LISTING .IVAN WELLS -$63,7SO Outstanding Baycrest. 4 Be<t.room, family "rOom, dining, 3 baths. Courtyard entry. Beautifully landscaped. Room for pool Mary Lou Marion NEW LIDO LISTING Charming two story 3 Br. home. O\vner redecorating. Beautiful patio. V a ca n t. Quick occ upancy. $55,000 Mrs. Raulston EXCEPTIONAL HARBOR VIEW 'I'hii splendid home has everything; sepa~ ate dining room, fa mi I y room, powder room; master BR has attached convertible study: all with view. $53,500 \Valter Haase CORONA DEL MAR $S2,SOO Extremely handsome 3 bedroom, dining, 2 bath Irvine Terrace home. New carpeting & drapes, snack bar. Large lot. Room for pool Mary 1.Du Marion OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 Lusk Harbor View llllls. Spotless 4 bdrm. 2 ba. home; fam. rm. overlooking beauti· fully landscapeil .yard. 877 SANDCASTLE. $49,500 ' fl.Irs. Davies EASTILUFF VIEW HOME Tennis anyone? Gracious Lusk 2th ba .. 4 bdrm., fam . rm. Enclosed courtyard, pro-, fessional landscaping. Many features. $45,950 Mlrs. Davies WHY NOT BUILD? Trouble finding the perfect home? 'This Ir~-. ocean view lot could be vour answer. Near good beach -adjacent to Emerald Bay. Absentee ov.'ller. $22,500 Mrs. Harvey COLDWELL, BANKER & CO, 550 flEWPORT CENTER DR.,' NEWPORT BEACH 833-0700 YOUR AD REACHES 68,972 HOMES EACH WEEK Gen.rat 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000General 1000Gtnerol 1000 .Ges,.eraf 1000General 1000General ·Red Carpet Realty Selected Top. Values . ;-2 .. Story, Pier and Sllp, Vi•w .. Our Seleslady ls a"'fully proud·or !his exceptional listing. Bi>autiful wate1·· front IOcatlon on R-2 income lot. The chef tn your family "'ill love the huge 1 patio and enclosed lanfli "1th barbe'· cue and bar. Inside has knotty pine and beamed ceiling living room. Own- • er optn to trades or tr\Hl deeds. The pri~ ii right. 1'1ust sec to apprecltlte ' ' Refurbi1hed Triplex On Bay -v.ith vlrw, long C'C'!lll'nl llotk ' for 4 boats. 1-2 Br. 2-1 Br + barh- C'lor. All rerondilioned v.·ith lovely ; new furruture. Choice location. Qwn. 1 er \\1U carry with approx. J/3 do"'"· Saltiably priced, $165,000. This you ! lhould uc For the investmt'.nl·\vise home oWner. JUst the Right Touches t • , • like beamed C(!illngs lhroui:hout Jncludlng both bedrooms ll1ld living ' ·room. Wood pane.ling Jn kltch<'n to l match cabinets. ArtlctJc: ~r l.n d ln- r Ing area. UM.'d brick fl.re ace In U t blendl perrf'l'lly with \Y· carpet.fng, 1 A real dMll'n cortaac awaltlni )'OUr tmpeetion At $41.500. tr-' low tor NllW'OOfl hln.ncf . , • HO\V CAN YOU MISS! Near Beach R2 $35,900 Thal cozy touch hert' in this delight- ful cotta.ge, l block to ocean or b<i~·­ The R2 lot permits additional build- ing, garagr alt't'6dy stressed, plans available. The rxtremrly 10"' pri~ of S.35,900 includes thl.' furniture. ldral livini: and Income setup. Bring the family tO sec' .. , like "'c said, thry"ll l!ke Jl: W•tch the boats go by Pier and dock for 36 rt . boat, plus :!i!l.ndy balhint; beach, prlct'd. at $63,- 500. The ho1ne is beautifully fnain- talned, shows nicely, Here Is: rtll1 \VII• tcrfront living ideal tor you and youl' famlly. Look and you will &i'IW· P•nlnsula Pol"t at $46 ,500 \Vant lo llc cl 1,11 c to the-nt.'(!A.11~ J-l'ow dorit 20 1;1.eps sound? Jtcre'a a sroody. 3 Bdnns, 2 be. loVt1Y J».llo. You'll love Jt. When ('an \\'t' elq)t'(':t you! "You <'Ollld eat oft the floor." this home. la eo clean. NEWS SERVICE llLIASI JUST IN FROM NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS HOME SllKIRS SHOULD NOT DELAY PUICHASE, AS SURVEY DISCLOSIS SHARP JUMP IN PRICIS. #wt111e 11tn• ,.1n1 .._,,,.. C911llMNtiell d ....,, .... 111 .. l"ftl "'* '"" 111t11 c:ott "' <TNltrt.hl Intl land, Iii. H,•1«•11119 ••M .i ;.,c,....,.. Ill tfle Yl lft 11 llOfrll• -1., ,.,. "-"'• C'Omlla...,. will! ).t "' tlrtl •Ml 1,, ptor tPllll In jlNtMilr!'ll 'l'MA -tlffHh M • tNlll ... t ff !MM -•lllol N • Y.nt '''"'"· Adol "' ·-lacb ""' r•,W ""' .... t1ml1Y ••• ,..., ........ , ... Ilk..,._ ,.., 91 """"' 111<11 lllt ...a!IHY ..i tlll ,.,...11 .. q ..... """" ,,.. ll'ltlst.......i, 111'11 .... ~m .... """"' -" '""""' -"" ... , ........ ,rloll"' ....... .. N ... -NY -1"1 -lfle 1'-M ....., II -~ ltll 'l1C1 M lluy Is 1111111 Cl..,... llNltf', AW.• ,,.. lull a '-~ 1111"' fl"llft "" 1111"'9 .. ~•It-• "'91"1 ,,.. IMfty """' ''" !tit llundNd\ If currlftt llltl"IS lfl atl ,..t(K 1M ,_, ...... It!...._ -M~ltl'le Li.tlllg fl\f'1!1btl"llli,, • Old World Charm 'J'(ight here "'ailing for you. 4 Bdrrm. 4 bllths, 3000 sq. ft. of comfortable hving. SituaWd on 2, 30 IL loll! ol'((l '-the oct"an. Think of the land value here "'hen YoU consider the total price is $105,QOO, Owner \\'Ill <'arry lhC' loon at 11,\f"'~ \\'Ith reasonable down. \Ve urgt: you to soo tbi&. Ex· c:cptlonal proptrl)' , •• cxet>pUonal buy! • Bayshores only $39,SOO 'l'ake anolhtt look a t the priC'c and $1.U, t "BR, 2 bath!!. Just steps to prl- vat.c.o play yard and bea<'h for th<! chUdl't'n'. Nice paUo, barbecue. fll'l'· place. If you know Bayshor~ you shouldn•t n1is.' tbls. \Von'l last RI 1hls price so hurr~. 4 & 3 Br. oUplex Only 5 ycftl"S old partially ·fui'nisbcd. 100,..,. rcntal 1trca. a real money mak· er specially priced at $43.000. This ls a. new II.sting, the nearness to oeean and beach '"ill sail it a"•ay quickl)'. Onc of thli-best \•alucs wt have lialed. Shorecliffs 4 a,ctrooms · Hight. koft, ~ntcr, quality all ltr "'ay. 2·stof')'". roomy, enjoyable, • fut living. Kt'y to private beaeh, M lease hold. Shoreclifts ttcognb:ed 11.s one of Corona de! Mar's mo,,t desir· able rf.'Sident.fal areas. $62,500 "ill sell It. Dcflnltcty meant tor the dis- c:rimlnatlnf, luxury· minded h om " O\\'ntr. Th• Comfortable Home Sl'i? it today, open house 1 to 5. -105 Holmwood, N.B. i43,500 and \\"Orth it. 3 BR, 2 be.th, huge living roon1 opening onto lanai-Excellent housC'o kN?per. A pleasure to sho"" Located in good Newport Hgts. neighborhood . Convenient to shopping &: schools. /\ nice place to Jive. No leasehold. you· 0'"" the land. Come today and sec t his s-ood home value. Care fr•• living Amidst the c: are f u 11 y maintained Jav.·n11c, shade treC"S and garden~ makr you feel yea.rs younger and lite more ~·1\joyablc. This spoUep 2 BR. 2 be. "Bluffs" homo Is charm all the "'PY from the Del Piso entry to the Uk-d l)Qtlo \t•i1h -barbccuc in the n:iar O\'er· ooklng a g~n bel t. $39,900 is th!'! Tight pritt. Ask the man who li\'CS theft>. Ocean Front Colonial :'\'«d mo1~ spa~ near the \\'Ster trv this 5 BR. ocean front oolotJJn1' rOr !tize. Neat N~port H~ Yacht Club, has all the wanted hOme rce· 1UJ"t'$ on over siztd lot .. and 3% cer i;ar&Jtf'. C"rt.ainly not overpriced a.1 $99,500. Like to knQ\V more Just give U$ • call. ' sal .. Dept 67$.6000 'llODim -- Rcnl&J Dtpt. 673-3GG3 IF YOU ARE INTEHSTED IN SIUING oa IUYtNG •EAL ESTATE oa IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO MAY If INTElHTED IN oua SllYICE, PLEASE CALL 6754000 oa STOP IY oua MODlllN OfFICI AT 202$ WIST IALIOA IDULfYAlD, NIWl'ORT BEACH oa CALL ANYTIME NIGHT oa DAY. SALES DE- PAITMIHT 67MOOG-lllNTAL Dll'AlTMINT 673.;JUl REALTY • INl(ESJ'!o'ENT PROPERTIES e RESJM.:'NTIAL e LAND e CO~t"~rERCIAt. e 1~1\:NT.\LS e POOPERT\' -t\1ANACEMI:NT , I ---------------------------------~....,~~"70 ' "--"--~·-· .... ="'----....... ~-- Vacant Lot buy $12,500 Owner will can-y 1st TD on 25 year terms. Rl residential lot 45.6 by 127.5. Desirable Newport Hgts. area, quick sale priced at $12,500. Bring In $4000 for a dov.<n and it's youn;. Don't be a "wish I badda" buyer, lots are sea~ and 18.nd is high. Be Particular Herc ls that Vt'l'f spttlal home with> loads of unusuAJ features. First the vle\t' is Sl)t'(tacular, out ov<'r Bay a.nd hills. Cus~pm drapes, shutters, tinted glass. \\TOUght Iron 11:ta.1r t"8il• i!lJ(. large patio. 3 BR. 2~ hflthlt. Pi·ice Is a modPst $53,900. llcre it your heArt's desire! Nothing surpass· t <'S it for location and quality. Oceanfront Duplex Two and four llM!romi1. Good loca· t ton, godd condilion, good price. CN.•n· f'r may c.ari"y a S<'Cnnd tn1~1 derd to I help buyer, $80,000-Try IO~;, dov.'fl. 1\\·o and four Jxodroom duplrx next doo-r may also 00 purchaSC'd ns a packag{>. \V01Jld you like an exc:tllcnt ln\'eslment? . ' FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES A very exceptional, quality home, 3 large bedrooms, spacious master suite, family r o o m , exquisitely decorated throughout. Asking ............................ $115,000: Open Sat. & Sun., 1363 Galaxy Drive. LIDO ISLE • TOP EXECUTll(I , Only for those who want, and' can afford, the iinest ! Bay &: ocean view 6-om Jiving room, family room aJ\(I modern kitchen. Four big bedrooms and three full batlis plils pow· der room. Gorgeous easy care grounds with completely walled, big fun pool, Only a few blocks irom Irvine Country Club. Listed with us at $115,000. OWner wants to move NOW and will carry own financing! OPEN SUN. l • 5 2015 Geleho Terroce . ' . . SHOW .STOPPERS · ' EASTSIDE POOL UTATE Imagine a 20x30' Uviog room with fireplace, 3 Baths on a lot 1251300. Zoned for horses, 5 car garage part could be us..i for stable with large work area. Elecll'U: kitchen - Hardwooil lloors. All Ibis pill! a 20x40 pool completely fenced . -................ $79,500 Owner will finance with normal down. ' 1,\YFIONT .APT. vi... ~ Udo. Pi<• • allp available-. Enc1oRd prqe. $28.500. Ooorte Wiiiiam..., Realtor · 6'1M350 Ews. m.1564 OPEN HOUSE 3 A FAM a: POOL * * 1701 Galatea TttT., Irvine Terr. CdM 615-3000; ' .Sele1 through the Multiple Listing Ser\.ice of the Newport Harbor· Coate ~ti• Board of Realtors totaled $21,012,995 for the first 4 montha of 1969. This reprt1enh 634 'una 1ele1. Liat your property with a Reeltor today. ' ·, • I One of the most beautiful Bayfront homes in Newport Harbor area. 5 bedrooms, formal ~g room, tastefully decorated. A custom duality home with luxurious carpeting & HARBOR VIEW HILLS , CUSTOM BUILT 3600 sq. ft. 54$-'11162. &m 1-4 16"46 entertainment room with wet batr and • li~Ooo?'"~%r~a~I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ raperies; pier & slip ............... $225,000. Call for app't. TWO STORY BRICK 4 Bedroom home ; 5,000 sq. ft, oi brick, tile & wood, all downstair rooms paileled ; living room, dining room, \fen & beamed ceiling game room with huge fireplace. Beautiful Anthony Pool. This home is truly built to last forever. . ........................... $90,000. i Call for app'l BUILDER MUST SELL : New, impressive home in exclusive area. 4 : b.edrooms, 3 ba~s, huge family room with : f1teplace & walk-in bar. Formal dining room ; plus breakfast area. Asking ..... ., .. $82,500. i Open Daily. 1338 Santiago Drive. • •. CORONA DEL MAR CHARMER : Newly deCorated 2 bedroom, 1 bath' home · with fireplace & separate guest accomodat .. i ions. An exciting home on a lot & a half -. . t b Littl ; JUS a ove e Corona ............. $47,500. : WESTCLIFF 1 Newly painted 3 bedroom home with den. . Buil~-in electric ,kitGh,en, new draperies. Im· ; mediate possession .. , ... , ..... , . , , , .$42,500. ; Call for app't. COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Rambling ranch style home with pool, situ- ated on large lot. 3 Bedrooms 3 baths used brick fireplace; beamed ceilin'gs throughout. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. " .. " ..... " " ...... $59,500. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 Be our guest for a preview of lbls delighUul executive home. It's too beautiful to leave, but owner has been transferred. and must sell. Everything is immaculate and lbougbt· fully planned in every detail. 4 bedrooms plus family room with wet bar, Master bedroom is 15x17 with cozy fireplace. Loads of cup- boards, closet space galore & modern Dl· chen plus large formal dining room. $67,900 SHORECLIFFS 221 MORNING CANYON BRING YOUR PAINT BRUSH & CHECK BOOK. Older 2 story Coloniai 4 bedroom 4 bath. Key access to beach/ jetty & ocean view irom upper story. OPEN Sunday 1 to 5 2828 E. Coast Hiway Corona del Mar " 673·3'770 Gener•I 1000 General 1000 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 45 ffff of 1ay1r .. 1 wl"' ·pier ud float, -5 ledrocn, 31/a latfl home! Try $160,000 hcluslve with BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 101 Mcfodd"" l'laco, Nowport leac~ at the Newport Oc.:ean Pier . 673-7420 . 673-'127 used brick fireplace . -4 large Bedrooms 3~ baths, all custom built Qn private drive. With 10% DOWN ..................... $54,500 HARBOR HIGHLANDS BEAUTY You'll appreciate this 4 Bedroom, a bath with large family room. In glorious Harbor Highlands. Owner is leaving for New York and will give June 15 possession -It's out· standing and only ..................... $55,500, 546°2313 * 646-7171 WE NEED SALESMEN Open Sun. 1 • 5 3401 Ocun Blvd, CdM O\'eaniront; view of jetty. Beautifully ap- pointed 3 bdrm., 2 bath & den home. Open S•t/Sun. 1 .. 5 620 J•smine, CdM Lovely 2 Bdrm., spacious den-library 1 fire- place, 2 baths, PLUS separate house for in· come. On two R-2 Jots. Owner will finance. Rustic Duplex So. of Highway 2 Bedroom home built around sunny patio, and c h e e r y studio apartment with deck . ...... '." ......... -.................. $47,500 ORANGE COAST PROPERTY 332 Morguorlte, CdM 6n.ISJO General 1000 General 1000 .-...--..~ ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;.11 .-----=! I Owner Must Sell Builden Look! J .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;J::-------l;.;000= General 1000 Assume SlM.% loan, take over Approximately t acre. Close WESTCLIFF • BY OWNER: Leaving ,c;tate. --------.maU eqUi.ty on big 4 b:lrm in Newport Beach location. $41, 9 50 BA YSHORES Home & inoome (2) 2 BR NEAR WESTCLIFF ' bath family room home in can be dlvidod into .... ...i Z Story. Come see this large hses in xlnt cond. on lg lot, 3 Large Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Mesa Venle, Pouble fire. building sites, leaving good . L:r w~~'!. ~ 01::~ 4 BR 3 bath, sep, din rm, fncd separately. Block wall, Living rm & family nn both place, large patio. $18S rnon-3 bdnn home on one. :blight living room with patio & boat yard, Make shrub & !ruit trees. Quiet \VI frplc:s. Patio, new tb pays everything. Heritag!' Arnold & Freud "'-.-amed ce:ii~-and, mas-otter. Asking resid'I, close to stores & draperies, bltns. Cul-de-&1.c. Real Estate 540-llSl (open 388 E. 17th St., Cl\.f !,'"'stve-used bn~k fireplace. . $55,000 scbl. See lo apprec. ltiG-B Immaculate! $3.l,750. By eves). Realtors 646-77M Virginia Pl., C.M. owner. 642-1679 aft 12 noon tHice family room looks out 2622 Vista Or., NS ·-to lovely enclosed patio. OPEN SUN. 1-5 ?Bright sunny kitchen com- 1plete with over-size ser- iVice room, Huge bedrooms! .£xtra. large It for privacy. iA home with lots cd charm j&,nd warmth. Our 'exclusive. ,$.lbmit Your smaller Mme -on our guarantee sale plan, Gener•I 1000Gener•I 1000 General 1000 Gener•I 1000 COMM.&HOME1r.:::::;:,;,,;:~~~==========================~ Located on busy street. Price just reduced S14,500. Call !or details. Only . ; WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES alker & Lee ; $17,900 t&stsi.de Fixer -Upper 3 ~nn home, 69xll9' R·2 lot. jflrive by comer of Cecil ~ & Orange Ave. C:all -to see Inside. : WH TALKS HERE ' Newport 11 Victoria 646-8811 SHARP 4 BEDRM. NEW AREA With all built in kitchen de-- signed expressly for the 1ady ot the house, pink ap- plianci!s, pink tile. His and her baths, 2 patios, one oil Jiving nn. the other oU the kitchen. Sellet anxious - name your tenns -• ·ORANGE COUNTY'S. •, LARGEST '293 E. 17th St. 64"4494 '; 4 BEDRM + 520 SO. FT. ;AMILY RM· $31,5001 Heavy beamed ceilings, ex· ~te piantel"!I, built-in bar, Expansive brick patio + lnother patio for BBQ'a, ov· trlooks a huge heated & ril- }ered pool. Waterfall + fim. pond. Assume St,(% loan. $38,000 51/4°/o FHA LOAN can be assumed on this Mesi Verde 3 BR &. fam..ily home. Lush landscaping & even has a h>bby room built in garage. A steal at only 526,950 3220 Iowa St., Costa Mesa Open Sat/Sun 1-5 Cheapie Duplex Clean older unifs with dou. ble detached garage on 50x 140' lot. Assume $13,400 • 6% loan. Only $18,950 ... ,PERRON ~ .• • ........ :;'>",~ ... * 642·1771 Anytime* DON'T WASTE YOUR VA- GET A DUPLEX 2-two bedroom units com- pletely furnished with i~ come of $3,800.00 every year. Full 'price is onl,y $32,450, with no down pay- ment. ORANGE COUNTY'S , LARGEST 293 E. 17th_St. 64"4494 A WINNER In lovely Newport ShOres. Community with tennis, pool and rec. area near Your door. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath!, 5 years )'OUng -$26,900 - Can be seen today. O THE RLAL "'\.. ESTATJ.::RS '4().1720 648 ~7171 • 548·2313 !ARBELL 2955 Horbor _$l9,200 _ 4 Bodrm. , Gracious -Spacious s131. -, Payments lnCl.udes every. Gold & Olive Decor lbing, 2 baU.., Built-in kite!> OPEN DAILY chen, Attractive wood shut· •s~ 2 BA home neat Mesa tens. Fresh1ypainted ·Fe~ teroe Country Qub. Pan· ed patio, Asaume 5* ti(, loan. ''Jed Jiv rm, huge fam rm. TARBELL M2~1 both w/ "1>ka. lrg entry, THE BLUFFS ·ivalled patio. $.ll.950. Own-3 BR & 2 Ba with co~r lot er. 3002 Ceylon Rd. 545-81$ v~W & ~clous feeling! Dial our number I: find out CUstom ca.rpta, drpa. other f.bout a great buy, ~ust extnu. Handy to pool Own. ~ Tender • ~nc • er $(1,500, 6M-0771 btt. I\ ;, • 3 BR f'!tt. PRICE SLASHED lom home for only $18.950 1wW 10 rnAIVA. $9,IOO ••tr "' -· Ev.a ••• -Loree -rtneh hM>< .,. . ~·-' ~·~ _,,. &Oii """"' + • • llllllDY rent.i '"""'°' Tu.om b> I JN!k1 m,..,,. I0,500 ·Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • .., ...... My 4lt'Ktefy .,~ .,.. tW• ......... rM .. 9loae .•11!111t111t. All tN fHGtten I.._. MSew ... 4"crtW .. .,....., detw1I ~ ........... .... ........ ......,., DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Petr91tt ............... ,... .. ., .. '"' -.... lo Ost IKll 11,.,...... II tWs c.11111¥1 eecll PriMf. (2 Qedroom) 318 "L" Street, Balboa Point 645-2000 (Daily 1·5) 425 Holmwood Drive (Newport Hghts) NB 646-2414 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1518 Dolphin Teuace (Irvine Terr) CdM 642-6472 . (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom) 4821 Cortland, Newport Beach 675-4392 (Fri, Sal & Sun 1·5) 1100 Berkshire (WestcliH) NB · 645-2000 (Sun 1·5) 870 Governor Street, Costa Mesa 645--0181 Eves: 646-4579 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 511 Santa Ana Ave. (Newport Hghts) NB 671H!210 (Sat & Sun 11-5) 535 Vista Flora (The BluHs) NB 675-6146 (Sat & Sun 3-5) 2141 Vista l':ntrada (The BluHs).)11~,. 644-2370 . (Frl-Sa ...... un) 1319 Bonnie Doone Terrace, CdM 673-7312 ~Open House) *+217 Raleigh, Costa Mesa . 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) (3 B 0 edroom & Family or De~) 2918, Paper Lane, NB . 675-4392 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1831 Tradewinds, NB • 675-4392 (Fri, Sat & Sun 1·5) **1915 Bayside, NB 675-4392 (Fri, Sat & Sun 1·5) 287 Nassau Rd (College Park) CM · 646-3255 (Fri. ·sat & Sun 1·5) 2513 ~high Pl (College Park) CM 545-3945 (Sat & Sun) 415 Woodland Pl (Nr Westcllff) CM MZ.1679 (Altos Fri, Sat & Sun) 1307 Marion Lane (Westcllff) NB 646-0609/540-2858 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 9143 El Colorado Ave:; '.I>\! • 962-5960 (Fri, Sat & Sun all day) 2290 Columbia Drive, Costa Mesa 642-1614 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1880 Maul Circle (Mesa Verde) CM 54&-5880 (Sat & Sun l-5) 935 Tiller Way, Corona del Mar li«-1169 (Fri, Sat & Sun) 1147 (lltheagle, Costa Mesa !ij0.1720 (Sun 1·5) 3002 Ceylon Rd (Mesa Verde) CM 54.5-8155 (Fri, Sat, Sun all day) 1337 Sussex, Newport Beach • 646-7711 (Sat & Sun) 2578 Greenbriar Lo (College Park) CM 846-8811 (Fri, Sat, Sun) 3220 'Lowa St .. Costa Mesa 642-lm (Sat & sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB • 642.,8235 . , (Sat & Sun) *1233 Highland Drive (Westcliff) NB 642-8235 • (Sat & Sun) 512 Rockford Pl (Cameo Highlands) CdM 675-3254 (Sat & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 · (Sat & Sun) 8452 Snowbird (E/Beach' & No/AUanta) HB, 84Ni061 (Sun 1·5) 1358 E. Oceanfront, BaJboa Peninsula 645-2000 (Dally 1·5) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1338 Santiago Drive (Westclilf) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 363 Vista Baya, NB 675-4130 (Sun l·S) 2138 Braemar, NB 675-4130 . (Sun 1·5) 16501 Loire Circle (Sol Vista) HB 847-8089 (Sun 1-5) 2479 Fairway Drive, Costa Mesa 846-2819 (Sat&Sun 1·5) 1518 Antigua Way (Dover Sliores) NB 646-3255 (Fri & Sun 1·5) 1836 Santiago Dr (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Sun 1·5) *1920 Kewamee (Irvine Terr) CdM 675-3000 Eves: 548-7962 (Sun 1-5) **225 N. Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 644-2430/833-0700 (Sun 1-5) 877 Sandcastle '(Harbor View Hills) CdM 644-2430/833-0700 · (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2341 Irvine '(Back Bay) NB Sf0.1720 . (Daily 1·5) 1907 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB 540-1720 · (Sun 1·5) 1315 Antigua Way, Newp0rt Beach 646-7711 . (Sat&: Sun 1-5)' 2622 Vista Dr., Newport Beach 646-1771 (Sun 1·5) (5 Bedroom) ·* 1536 Galaxy Drive,. Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat' & Sun) (5 Bedroom & Fomily or Den! 2038 Calvert Ave., (Mes, Verde) CM 54&-3081 (Sunday) CONDOMINIUMS (2 -3 & 4 Bedrooms) 141 Yorktown Lane, Costa Mesa 544).1151 (Open Daily) (2 Bedroom) 1509 Cornwall Lane (We1tcllff) NB 54M806/49$-1806 (Sat & Sun 1-8) DUPLIXIS (3 & 5 Bedrooms) 620 Margiierlte, Corona de! Mar 846-3928 Eves. 644-1655 IOpen Dally) INCOME PIOPEITY (3 Bedrooms Hchj ' 221 E. 21st SL, Costa Mesa 646-8811 (Sat 1-5i ..... *" .... ,, ... '** ........... " .... . 1;llE QUICKER YOU c;:iL; MADGE DAVIS ~lllJO 'l'ffE QUIOKER YOU.$EU. ~D~AIL!!:!YJP~ILO'l'~~IV~ANT~~Al>S~!~ll!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: • . ' PAUL wmn: CARN••A• ........ ' IT'S THE SOLD THAT COUNTS! WE ~EEq LISTINGS NOW! CALL US FOR QUICK ACTION ON lHE SALE OF YOUR HOME NEAR WESTCLIFF CENTER- NEWPORT Beautllul 3 BR home with hardwood Ooon. Walk to school & shopptn&.2 bath!J, spacious li ving r o o m , fireplace. Fenced rear yard with lovely covered pa.Uo. Lo\\'C!it priced home In Harbor Highlands . on- ly $28,500. Call for lhov.·. ing. 548-M40 STUNNING MODERN FEARLESS· FRUGAL· FINANCING 4 Bedrooms + family room + built ins + 2 bath!. 2 story vacant Extra large master bedroom with bath -ter- raced kitchen -11,) ~ old -VA appra.iled at $29, 700 with no down pay- ment to quallUed Vet or low down to FHA. Priced al S29, 100. 546-5440 Anaheim 546-5440 REAL· I ' ' ! i ' SPANISH HACIENDA Lovely 3 BR & l!UV fam. room Mme In Costa Mesa. Walk to all schools le shopping. D\sHncUve tile entry, 23' living: room with ftttpl&ce, outatan- ding kitchen with bullt-ln oven .t. range &: DIW quality carpets & drapt>~. 1 '4 be.th, atall shower. Asking $30,950 -EZ This 4 BR & family roon\ modem home In Newpu1·t Beach la designed with the whole tamUy in mind -2%. bath!, over 2400 sq, ft. or livini space. A kitcheh. that lightens the labor ol compaey with all electric blt-in OYCn k range -beautiful tiled' tops & splash - dishwasher, extra lante service room with londs of closet space. Tl'affic tree Jiving room wl!h fireplace & sliding door to rear patio with Jireplt. Separate formal dining room. Mature manicured lawn with sPr Ink 1e r 1 Priced at $53.,950 - Assume 5~% insurance loan. Call now for show· Ing. 54&--SUO REASONABLE· • REALLY : Vacant large 3 BR with t family room -near the • .> Newpcn1 Harbor-H I a: h School. Lovely r u 11 t t c modem -all newly painted e."tcrior, 1 % baths, stall shower. Extra tel'm.11. 546-54-10 REDUCED $3000 Some lucky buyer will buy thls 4 BR home belo\\' market 5 YNrS youn.I{. Fann atyle kitchen \\1th blt-ins I: dlabwuhtt. 20 )C 13 living room wt.th tplc • w/w cpt., In lllOlt rooms.,, 2 baths with stall shower, Newly painted extftrlor • Plus large bonus roam over garap. FHA -.p- pralsed, now only $28,4SO. Lo\v dn pymt. Hurry! - SELLER•. SACRIFICES· STUNNING 3 BR + f.amUy room + 16 " 32 heated pool + 2 baths + Hke new ex. pensive ' wtw sh a. g carpeting + C U S t 0 m_ d1'8.pe1. Oubf&ndlng step u.ver kltcben with blt-in .oven & ranie & dhlhwasher. Turri.fie rear. yard, ideal for -en- tertainln&' auests. Con- venient locatioll n e o. r acho(!ls & shopping. Only $30,500. EZ terms:54&-M40 ASSUME 6% LOAN lg. master bedroom • loads of closet spaoo. Spacious livirig room with double fireplace. Bit-In kitc~n. All electric: W/w cpts & drapes. Priced at only S31,'950. EZ terms. 546-M40 QUAIN.T· CHARMING \Vith a delinite person. allty. This older 3 BR + family room home Is dlf· fennt. Choice Newport Beach location near .Ha r b o r High. Spotleal condition tbruoat. Fanta.&tic 18 x 20 •unken family room with ·rock '11all + hearth. Spacious living room too, wlth W/W carpets -quality dl'Rpes. Separate dining room with beam ceWng. ' ' 1 ' • ' ' l ' l • ' No coat to buyer. 4 BR hOme with lar&e added family room, lo\tely stone fireplace. 2% baths -1tatl shower. Like new w/w cpta. New tile floor iii kitchen. Over mt aq. fPet of llvtnr_ ana. Full pt'lce on1y $25.500. S173 ino. payment. includes )r!n.,, intertst. taxea, insurance. Hurry 546-.M40 Bright kitchen. Parle like • 4 BDRM. "PACESITTER" This nuitic home wlll delight the entire lam.Uy. Excellent location con- venient to everything. Shake root. Well landscaped. All electric built in kit -loads of cup.. boards. · 15 x 18 living room • w/W cpQ+draPea -fireplace, Ample cloletl thruout. F e n c e d lftl' yard. Asking $34,000. EZ tenns 541Ki440 yard with covered patio, •. : Priced right at $34,000. 10% do1vn. 546-5440 (! •: TOWERING PINES " in your cwn yard. Fine 3 _ ' BR home &: family room l,' ,In Mesa Verde. Func- Z CHOICI LOTS tional Door plan, 1"-'' bath!, built-in oven A: 1'~. range, latie • e rv l c ~ In beauUful L a 1 u n ·a N..,,d, ~lly lmP'V"'" ready to bulld: 'lOlcl24 with view ... outatandUle location Inez pa nd In 1 area. $11.000 each -$2200 down. 546-5440 porch, 1'rge Uving room, !:: w/w carpeti 6 drapea. Near 11h0pplng. 0 n l 7 li' 12<,SOO • VA/FHA flnao. clng., 5'6-6"0 I POOL HOMES I POOL TIME OWNER ltEOuC&D . '.C:OOL POOL ·' . . PRICE Great tor enterialnJ.na. tt',s clOse-at hand. Thts· 3 SJIJOI) -Thll' quality, 2 T --'-· ..nntleu 3 BR + •tory 3'BR +·dfn +· .....,V",,. .. ,..,., BRJFM home· 1n Met& family room ftn' qu\ck family room home , ip Verdo Is prict'd right tor a sale. Eastrkfae Eat.ale. 2 ch o i c e We at c 11 ff quick sale. Newly Jll,inted atory Contemponry, 3 neighb6rhood. 2 bJockB to BDRM .. Den I: Fam. Rm. · · interiot. t ~ "l>a"lhl, ital1 &-poo1;r ·2~s-baths· -·main shopping centtt; 30 1hower. 14'1~' 11 vi n r marble ,pullmans •. Enc!os· fool heated & llghted•JIOO), ed front patio courtylird room, flttplace, ample open cdlin&s. stone' trpl. In .. beauw'w landscaped closet space. eustom pool extra WP. family rqorn; Rtt1rw. Great k 1 t c he 1i 1 1 ' cerarillc tile. kitchen with automatic lwet!JM!?,~ w/~ uh_ cabinet, all Willi walls of cup~ .. Jots of decJCfna 'PrtCed at ·electric bu 11 t-1 na • • bll-~s -distw.'8.1her. 2 · Tremendoua enttttalnlng. $21,500. Make oUtr It Rear yd., heated pool, baths. This warm and atart 'packlnl' SfW440 Mr.tMn. dftulng rooms, friendly homo b priced garden llahts! ! I Priced to rllht at $44.9'"~ .. compe.re I llt'JI at only $36,500. SEE -, , FOR SVRE! ~ ~ buy. 546-S+tl OPIN I Im DIW&Y DR. !JARDIN GROVE .,...,. by and lmpoct thlo 3 BR 6 FR + cu.stom Fi.ta pool 4111. cov.m Pl\tio. Park like yard. mt-In own 1c ringe, 2 baths. 15 x 41 'foot ltvlilV room. Pr1ct $3%,500 VA F1iA IC'nns. 5tWf40 HOU SIS• 425 LENWOOb DR. Vacant ) Br + famU, l'OOn). -newly painttd ~· terkJr & lnttrior. Blt-,In ldt. .. breakfast bar -114 b a ttl1·. Extra 111• bedtcom1. Price $31,~ Mile" otter. l BUc So. 11\h St. !:Qt of Tustin ~ IOIN THI ACftON' NOWI . I Program· Hoq> at Profit Sharlnl Plan. · For a rewardin-Re l Estate c-r. Earn more $$ • Tralnlna 24 YEA SUCCISSFUL BUSINESS . ' PAUL~ WHITE· CARNAHAN . ....... c.. 1093 BAmt ~rr; c~r.t. . ' -~-5440 .. -j . \ ' • • •• •• • ' ' ,, I. - •~• • t •I .....-1 I•• ~ I t '0 • ·-•-,·-~~l -.__,...,,.,,.~----~·-----------.-----------------------------• . ' ' ' . HOUlll . . MEsA VERDE OPEN , HOUSE FRI/SAT/SUN . 2'0I BAl<ER -V. ILOCI< TO PAR!<. FORMAL DINING ROOM -1100 Sq. Pt. of ' LIVING" Localed in Meaa Verde's finest sec- tion. This immaculate 3 bedioon! home Is ; ' . better tban new. Brand new LUSK CARPET· ! ING. All repainted inside & out HUGE FAM· • IL Y ROOM with fireplace. AND a W POOL I' · ' you can really swim In. Only ball block to PARK & SCHOOLS & .Dear \0 gOll course. I ~ With the Library, shopping conveJ.lienUy near. !· · by, everything just fits right for living enjoy· I ' ment. ' 1 FHA/VA urgent need for fast sale •• Owner :· agrees to pay points. On conventlonal financ-1 · ing. can save $1500. Home ts localed in MESA • • VERDE & reflects pride-of-ownership by its • 1 neat condition. FHA/VA down is only $1300. "' I ' I l I 1· I' ~ 1, Ir ,. ~ ,::- ' \Yill sell fast so call now. REAL VALUE I I · I Outstanding 5 bdrm. 3~ bath Baycrest home. All large rooms. Lovely master suite. A home of ruJ. character for the> young executive with growing family. I I' ~LY ,.LOT ~-Mar Jl, 196'1 OR SAL• HOUSIS 'OR SALi HOUSll 'OR SALi HOUSll FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL• llliloonoral 1• Clononl IOOOGonorol 11100 Gonoral 10000-al 1000 Coat&- lncNlt Pool H--$45,500 Foul 1*lioom. plus Wnlb' room. Dramatic rock flnplace, larae side yard& PotenUal show place. CllfflMme PresUge Newport Beach addnu. 3 bedroom, beam ceWna pueled family room with rock fireplace aiil separate dln1nx n>0m. BeaUti· fully landscaped, double de1ached garage. Transferred owner asking $34,000. r-nts RetNat The silence la Colden In Uda 24%19 ft msater suite. .3 additional bedrooms plus 3 baths. Large sunken living room with dramatic mirrored llreplace wall. Bo8i port and double detached pnse. '29, 750 with a low illte?esl FHA loan to be 151U!Ded. FOR A WlSI BUY Colesworthy & Co. 642-7777 LAST CHANCE at 7.2% RANCHO LA CUESTA baa only 3 bomes left. Modell are orn lo& you to tour 10 ~II to 7 PM. 1 2 story, 3 & 4 bod· roolll,. homea with 2 or 3 balha, Mlaa!on We or ihake roof, fireplaces, concrete driveways, heavy rou gh cut beams, built- Ina, famlly & dlnlng rooms. Such a beauUful price range •• , $24,995 to ·~,200 with VA or conventional financing as low as 10% down. 80% « 00% loans at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit costa more, so take advantage of these pricel. HURRY! ' UIKHO lA CUIDA HOMES On Brookhurst 1t Atl11nta ••• 968-2929 Huntington Beach St•p '•nll111 ill 0¥1r tew11. s •• ,,.. w,•.,, II~ MESA YIEftOE Dlt. 1 COST.\)iltSo\ • l"HONt 546·5990 SPACIOUS ( BDRM. 2 BA. 2 frplca. SparkUns dean. Nlct '-P'I· Wolk IO ' ldlla. $21.«KI. TU:e aver 5~ 1' klan. Immed. ~. Coll .....,. -()ptb Sat A: Sun 1-5. ,1131 Iowa st. Mesa Vttde RED!XX>RATED Monticdlo C.Ondomlnium. New carpeta, riew drapes. 3 Bclnn (2 + den} 2 bath. call owner M>-2944 for awt BEAUTIFUL f.S Bed.f!OoM, 2 story, loved family home. ....,, exbu. Priced rl&hL 3lC E. 22nd St., CM. ~ eves A WkndB. 5'8-5003 IMMAC., S Br, hlm nn, fin 1ar. Rumpua nn, ideal for kids/~. $31.500 no dn GI or 6\4 1'HA.. 3 :yrs old. 540-3647 BY OWNER 3 BR Home\ .. E. aide, i-w. sh!e. Vrt7 lrr -""' '°""' 51'-61\%. Need cash. 548-1059 "'!!!!!!!--------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I * BY OWNER-POOL. l -·--r.:i::• -:,~:.,. -"1000 No DOWN VETS oR WEs1cuFF BR. , ... ~ ....... x.u. LR. """"" DOWN FHA OR U>w maint yrd. $30,500. ,,..,,.. " " ..,. ~-~c.:.-:' ='---iiiijiiiijjiiijjiiijiiijjjjjiliijliijiiiijjji;jiijijiiijjil •-OPEN SUN. 1 "5 * 64&-'895 * J==;,=====,;:-:;;,lw~' 10 ~·· ~ :i ~r ~tlll~ 1100 BERKSHIRE LOVELY 3 Br, 1% Ba. tam f lOOOGonor1I 1000 PETE BARRm REAL TY OFFICE WISH TO HONOR THE SERVICEMEN OF OUR COUNTRY OFFICE OPEN Sat. & Sun. PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 W1tlcliff Dr. N.B. 642-5200 ·-- TRIPLEX -OCEAN FRONT Would yw ~li1vo $82.5001 Seller may tr11cle for L!do BALIOA BAY PROPERnES IOI McFadden Ploco, Newport Beach ot tho Newport Ocun Plor 67:1-7420 67:1-9117 model COldition, Iart:e 3 bed· Interest eonadous 1 Then rm. encl patio, bltns. lusb rooms, 2 bath BEAMED don't over1ook th1a very at· crpt, blk tnc1 tplc. $27,~ - CATHEDRAL CEIL 1 NG tractive 3 bedroom home, 5" % usum. loan. 642-1£14 home completely prolesllon.. Room on large pool-size cor-$Zl,900 ally redecorated Inside and ner lot fot expansion. Extra SPOTLESS house + iuesl 1 • surrounded by park -like lara:e llving room &: all new house. Immtd. occupancy. grounds and spacious patio kitchen. Rec;luced to $48,5@. Ltg park-like R,.3 lot, fruit, in lovely, lovely quiet area. Owner's health reason for trees. 2308 Santa Ana Ave.! VERY PRIVATE MASI'ER sale. Existing T.D. E-stde Owner. 642-2983 BEDROOM w!tb ootaldo ac-Pleue call Mrs. Fay BY OWNER ces.. AIL ELECTRIC kitch· lay & Beach en and dishwaabet'! Watu 4 BR., 2 BA, w/ pla.ybouae &Oltener! Trade 1n y 0 u r Re•lty, Inc. $27,000. Assume Irr: loan anaJ1er home on ttu, very 901 Dover Dr., NB SUite l2Ei 298 Princeton Dr. ~ special beauty! 1 645-2000 EYe$. S48-6966 (College Park areal Gonoral 1000 Gonor1I 1000 WE SELL Aj.IOME ""~~~~!'!"~!!!! HOME & bu<iness unde< l 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I;;========;;;.! EVERY 31 MINUTES HERE'S YOUR ... , . lcid• ..,, """" in "' 1; COURTYARD """. l Walker &·Lee DOLL HOUSE ~~"",::-br"!· .~: r:vv It's got to be the cutest hou.'le 54&.8676 DOVEi SHORES COWGE PARK OPEN '' . '. \ 1~ ,, 11.,,,,1 \,f,,. \"l t 546-5990 AND · "forever View" 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams . 56~91 Open 'tll 9 PM ::;,,. '='bys~~~ Pacesetter Reduced on the marlret with 2 big -ASSUME~=~511-%~~1 .... -~l~l3"1· 1 bedroom!; and • den., built in kitchen, ~lace, wall mo. Lrg 3 BR home. full din ~ wall , 2 •:-.. A.. rm. $22,990. 1993 Meyer Pl. •u carpe.. pauv.,"""'" cor. Seal, morth of 19th. ble garage, immaculate -ready to be lived in, Open Fri. &. Sun. 54&-3097 to be completed early Aug. Unusual value in a 4 BR + ust. B_uy now & select your added family room, 11ingte own tiler, colors & carpet-floor home Used brick fke. !ng, 3180 sq ft of li""1g place & tronl trim. Great 293 E. 17th St. 646-1494 area. landscaping with covered OPEN HOUSE ASSUME 514 GI LOAN Open House Sat &. Sun 1·5 599 Traverse Dr, CM 4 BR, pool, wn't Lut! Agt. 4 Bdrm 3 baths plus pow· patio. Best Mesa Verde val-ORANGE COUNTY'S der room, 3 car garn&e, ol ue at $37,650. LARGEST "'"""· 1105 4 BR 2 BA/LOW DN. St" down IMnr ro>m w!tb • COATS GOLF or SWIM hlP beam!d ceiling. Rich-& 2300 sq. ft. custom home, 3 Jy pa.neIJed lamlly room WALLACI BR 2% baths, dining room to existing huge 6% GI loan. wtth second tittplace &: REAL TORS &. fa.rnlly room. Loaded with $202/mo includes taxn & walk·in wet bar. Large is-546-4141-eldras. Beaufilully1andscap... ins. Frplc, epU, drps etc. land kitchen. separate in..-henl-I ed -16x30' Roy&.} Pool. Oean. $28,500. Owner/qt. b"ald&I nook, 1"'32' heal-....-• .... OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 5<60580 ~~autiful Well&-built !==== MAUI CIRCLE, 1 'EXTRA==...,..,..--co-rn-~-,"'io"'L-3'I home b truly an invitation OcHn front Triplex MESA VERDE BDRM's w/ enclosed patio, to elegant living. Welcome! Very best rental area,. do1e ~-5UO boat i:ate, ~2459 Roy J. Ward Co. to everythhlg. Owner saya c:m-.a..t11l BY OWNER 2 story, 3 bath, (Baycreot 0!!1c<) .,_ tnoome llo.400. on1,y E REALTY 5 BR, formal din rm, nowly 1430 Galaxy OriVe 646-1550 5 yn. old. 4. S a: 1% BR., Mlmllltlrbor,CM cptd. $35,500 Conv fin. avail. Open Sat/SUll 1·5 all furnished. Goes 1 or/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ 51&-75114 . $110,000. Good financing. To. 3 llNIM $20 950 ========/ 870 Governor, St., CM day's prices "WOn't last! UU1'1'1•. • , Mesa Verde 1110 $150 DOWN llDl)llRI fffAivA REALTY 2al5 W, Balboa Wvd ., N.B. 3 BR home on 1ug, Jot prlc. o-n Sunday 1-S ed at $19.500. Out al state r- owner may sell tor FHA ap... 1&36 Santiago Drive pra.isal. Make offer. Exciting Spanish 4 bdnn 3% e be.th \Vells' built.home. In- ner court yard with .retract- able J'OOl for indoor outdoor ~ living at itl nXlllft lwrurlou Panoramic viN' of Upper 143 Broadway. 64.'HlW Bay Priced to teU. Eves. &16-4579 Roy J. Ward Co. Newport Heights <..,._, Offke> ' Can assume 115.000, 514 % ACHTUNG FHA loan. Owner will ClllT)' 2nd T0-8ubrnit down. Near Suchen Sle ein Haus In Mesa shopping. Costa Mesa-Npt. Verde? Habe 3 Schlab:im- Realt;y 64&!161i6 642-2221 mer Pacesetter, mlt en· ' tzuclreOOcm Garren 1,od en· VA Repossession onnec Kuocbe. c.i. Elk• Costa Mesa 3 BR 2 bath 546-2313 home. 1 % year oki bit-ins, lg fam rm, spacious Uv. rm. all panelled. $1250 d ow n onJy $28,950. P.W.C. 546-5'40 O THEREAJ, ·'"\.. E:STATERS ' . 546-2313 • 644~7171 C 1100 5 BR. 2 glory, 2100 lq. ft. otf• Mesa Mesa Verde Pacesetter. J .;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; J Close to bch, Y.a mi to golf Three/Fam/Pool GI Loan 112.00 mo '.~Galaxy 0<s-tsso No quallfing. assume 6% • Which means we art of.fering loan, do you want open New Li1t1ng a loVeJy l BR, 1 %. bath courses. Has all extru! Fabulous lndsc'g w/back yard fountain. Cose to all schls, college, frwys. Call AM 54f..3081 beam ceilings brick fire-Extn, extra sharp 1 bdrm bame with !am nn, and a place hard~ noon. art Condominium Brand ll!W on awimming pool at a price stud~ or guest room, boat the market. tll'lUIUally larp you will hardly believe. or trailer access, ivy cover-bedroom. Adults onl,y. Call Us To See: cd pa.Ho located in Newport ~ SU-SllO BURR WHITE, Rltr. ore. 637...J930 l-Ielghts ! Then call today, f.-W-thelblt 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. ASSUJ\.1E 514 Loan. lJve in Oll.E~!!EAL'll 675-4630 Eves. 67J.0859 •pacious l800 '•· fL 3 BR, 2 •lSX>lil .. KlrW-BA. Family rm, Ranch ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 * BY OWNER * homo. N•u goU coone. 4 BEDRM. • $32,500 Mesa Verde decoraton two $33,0CC, Owner. * 54:>-069t ''NORTHGATE'' story cruitem s-t;y~ home. MOVING Eut-Owner m111t Your own private orchard • ~~ms, 3 baths, used seU! 4 BDRM, 1%. BA. r a.lsed brick planters. 2 "''11,;A family room, min'ottd Close to schls, 1 hp•1 , baths. Electrlc built-in kitclt-dinin& room, W*!d brick ter· churches. $23,900 * 546-7308 VACANT ·~. ~ land-en. Family room. Covered 3 BR., 2 BA, PACESETTER. patio, 'Ille entry, 540-1T20 acaped. Immaculate. Be newly decoratm inside. By EXCLUSIVE: Spacious 4 BR. TARBELL 2955 Harbor ; ~~Dr~~; =l prlnc. only $32,950. family """' -.. Mov, in OPEN HOUSE '""'757 cond<llon, s.n " 1..,.;..,. Frl./Sat/S -..,,s"'""'N...,G"'t"BY=""'oWN=ER=--1 00n. Bad<Bay. 1n ~~ Coli"l!• Park 1115 JEAN SMITH Euta!de, 4 BR, 2 BA Cov. -~-----1 2612 REDLANDS CC p a tt o, 1 hake r o o <. 3 BR " den, hwd fin, cov R Ito 3 BR 2 bath Sll;sl dishwasher, trp!c, c r pt, patio, blk ...ui. close to ea r DAVIDSON Roalty ...... "hoolstahope. 126,900. By M6-3155 5'6-54fiO EYe. S&1m1 sn.im 646-2819 0wnr 545-3945 400 l:. 17th, Costa '-fesa Wbl~ elephant&! Dime-a-line DAILY Pnm WANT ADS! Cash Talks Owners MUsr sell 1 he: l r POOL homos. Aaldng $32,500 & $35.~. Both with many ru-. feetW"fs. For details & terms c:all MR. NELSON &40-1151 Heritage Reel Es. tale: (open eves} White Elephants! IL Y II 0 IC Tourilfl Y-,!ay I _,t I I• I I' I to tho top ol lllO fmplt9 -..._ ... _ __. _ __. _ _._._ .. _ .... Building to loolt at .. city. l U Point & Saw )lrrtfl hilly ~5U,B~oh ~~ pool, tunny room ~ dining pretenh t. f'OCllll. Nearly 2900 sq n. ~--waUdJw distance to Mesa "F~~t'!~N~' plan JUd1 for Aus. dellv. ~ry. 4 BR 3* t.. Um Tm wet bu, 19x32' PoOL 8'U' DOW to lcled ~ I -I I Ftlondt Did !hoy dlatve Y"'I llA!TUE I $1.00? 1--Til'.....,_I -.-1-lr-rl-1 Tourllh No, !hoy chaigod ._ .. __ .. _ ..... __ .. _ ..... _ __._ me 50 wnfl "'-:auM rm ISlPHAM I .... .-..';!.... r r I" I I ~t1'i:.~~ •;;.: r r r r r r r r r r r 1 •E I I I I I I I I I I I 11 UNIQUI! DESION vmi. °""''"' Oub. Ownir ()ntom built bomt. ~ rekatinc out af U'tH:UISI tlonal -lo detail ..n1 ......._ mo IQ IL 3 ""-1&5"-5110 (I\ boU... -... ,_ , __ _ patio. 1125.000. GE REALTY -·""-Ulll Weatdlfl Dr, NB &IWDl l!!! .... '!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!"""''"'"'"' 4 BR PAcmmR =--=-=----. DOYER SHORES 6 BR. 5 BATHS Im"""'. M-V-home, NEW 2-STORY II> bolllo, den. din nn, poo1. VIEWI $11t,._ oh<d lot. l!l,900 'l'rank Jam'" Nil' -7 DAVIDSON Roalty I"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, """""""' -EW& 546-410! ~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~.. l I ,, I Roy J. Word Co. (Baycttst Offict) J(.1() cw., Dr, .... 151(1 OPEN HOUSE DAll.Y 1.$ at lfl YORK- n>Wll LN .. CM. See T ,. salt• from SI.fl» down. 2-3 &4 Bdrms.Foroai..A rental Worm&Uon. c • 11 Herltqe Real E I t a t • 50-USl (open e\'ts) Find It with a want ad! ----------------------------------~-~"'-= ...... ,..... ......... _F" ____ • 0 2 • ' • '· • L . • • f • 2 L • -Ill .. :I L 3 • l " •• s. 31 "' 'I. h. 5 •• DS n. & "' rt. 3 lo, 10 .. m· ... "" ., I 1 ii: "· oil ~' ,, all all '" • 2 och ... I "' IA. •• "" !It, By 50. "" to By - Sat.n.1, N07 '1, 196'1 O.llLY "LOT 19 Frldly, May lO, 1969 0.111Y l'ILOT Jt 1-H_ou_s_E_S_F..;O_R..;S;.;.A..;:L.;:l_:.;HOU=S:.:E:.:S:.:'..:O:.::R:.:SA=L=·-11::H:::OU=SE::S:.;F:.:O::R;:;S=A:::'1:.:l:._..:.H:.:OU=S=ES:..:..'OR:::;.=5A::L:.:l!:.__1 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE N•wport B .. ch HOUSES "OR SALE ~··"ALI Apts. Fu,..llhed 12110Nowport Buch 120t ~ dol Mor 1u.c ...... •1 Mor 1250 Hunli!'i!•• Beech 1400Hunlington _., 1400 L-e BMch ·1705 ' Huntington Be1ch 2400 UniYw1lty P1tk • THE ILUFF'S • OPEN SAT. & SuN: 1 • 5 ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT A WALK IN SPACE 3 BR. T~, ...,., "1>1· , Nr. beach. AduJta, tud'len.. Leue $2'J$. !UIS WUd11i'OOd. Opt.n sun or 213: ~ YEARL• 1-3 ~IA Dtn or t Bdnn., 3 bi .. eov~m1 paUo., ~ .~ I all elcetric ldtchl!a. ckK&fe , oven. table top atove, : 3 BEDROOM, 2 BA TH 1430 S.r...de, Irvine Terrie:• New homes, ready to move in. ""' mile from beach. Fir•t payment up to 60 days after move tn • That will bo )'OW' first Im· ~ulon, when yw aeo lhll SPACIOUS 2 Btory home. Butt. T ON 1 ~ LOTS TJIA'.l' OFFER A SCENIC VIEW OF TiiE OCEAN, Detailed 11.U wOOd exlerior In cluaic Laguna architectural •tyl- lng, large sun porches ~ r.IOeed with post & rail•. Split level Model "F" on beautiful greenbelt. Original low leasehold. Newly painted. Cal' pets & drapes. Tell your friends about this I m m a c111 a t e home in Beautlful Irvine Terrace. 'I'hey wW thank you for it. • • $42,500 Te<ms VA/FHA. From $22,990. Leguno a..ch 2705 UCI, ""°"""" "'~· 5'11 . Die .. Fwy., ..,.. .... I Weektnda or week.da.)'I aftlr OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 3 -S Wm. Winton, Realtor 129 Marin•, Ba lboa lsl1nd CORAL SHORES LSE mod 2 bdrm, colored TV, wuber, deyer, Ki Fl . $250. per QlO. !MO Templehill Dr. Ml}-.88U, eva 494-0tl>f 5 p.m. By ~r 83J...202'1 l - 535 VISTA FLORA CALL OWNER AT 675-614' 675-3331 Opon 'tll 9 Every Nl~hl (on Garfield between Beach 962-1353 & Magnolia SPRA\YUNG • BDRM, • V1c1tlon R•nt1lt 2900 DEN FLOOR PLAN, haa 1.:.:;;;cc.;;::.;.;c.;:.:=;;;.....:;;.;;,; lrvln• 32~ NEW, 3 Bednn 2 Bath. Dia Elec. Kit. Fencd Yd. ~. Drapes, Pool )fembenhit: Newf)9rt Beach 1200 N•wPort Beach 1200 Corona del Mir 1250 Huntlrigton Beach 1400Huntington ·a.ach 1400 w/y,, carpcllfle' &. CWllOm drapea lhn.lout. Exciting ls- Jand ty~ kitchen hi!.!i BILT- IN RANGE &: OVEN, DISH- \VSHR., GARB. OISP. & EXTENSIVE U S E OF DEEP ST AJNED PitA.1100. ANY CABINETS. BALBOA ctme duplex, each 2 BR's, s1eepe 6, crpts, drpl, short bk>ck to ocean or bay. SlSO v.•ttk July. S175 week A~t. 2ll Cypress, Bal, or call 213: 698-6012 Avail. Im.med. Leue $3iO. Mo. call (213) 377-1102 I OPEN SAT. SUN. 1-S 425 Holmwood Dr. CHEERFUL HOME Ih Newport Hts. Nice 2 Br., din. nn. frplc. Dbl garage on alley. l..iui;e back yard, fenced. Asking ~.000. NEWPORT HTS. VIEW See this w1usual lixer upper on 2 view loll worth $17,0CO each, 4 Br. J Ba. 2 kllch- cllli. 3 garages. I lobby shop, AND a gurst house. 2nd 11tory veranda on 3 sides or hou.sc. Asking $37,500. Make oiler. CHOICE CAPE COD TIYO story. Deluxe 5 Br. 2 Ba. Large home with all the ex· tras. Like new. Only $39.500. BEACH DUPLEX EIAL. PENIN. Only l block to the Ocean . · Gooct lnve11tmenl or live in & rent oul. 3 Br. 2 Ba. & 2 Br. 1 Ba. $45,@ . 0 '*"" ;EALTT Near NB Post Ofc. 6<16-2-114 BLUFFS BEST BUYS Popular Estrelita, 3 huge BH .. , 21h ba., many, many eJCtras. 2200 sq. ft. in a \ral· uable Joe. overlooking pro- posed marina. This prop. is $5.000 under market at $38,500. Carmelita, \lery llvable 4 Br. 3 Ba. Bluffs la1-gest living rm., poolside Joe. Decorator e..-.:tras. 1950 Sq. Ft. Under market at $39.500. EASTBLUFF REALTY 2414 Vista De1 Oro NE\YPORT BEACH 544:,133 644-2626 Eves. ATIRAC11VE OPEN HOUSES Fri/Sat/Sun. 1-S CUSTOM BUILT 2 Bdrms .. den. 2 baths, cor- ner loc. Tip-Top cond. Plu1' l·Br. sep. hoUSe on 2, R·2 4&APOOL E>qulsde '""~· """'' Ilv· MODERN LIVING Ing room with li;replace, ror- Brick, beams. View: new lots. $69.900. mal dining room overlook· ing pool, complete equipped kitchen center. upgraded ap. pllancr:s, family room with wet bar. &liding glass doors to pool area. separate study or paneUed den large enough for pool table, 4 good sized bdrms with exceptionally large master with too much \\'ardrobc lipace, 3 baths 3 car garage. $45.000 full price -has no.ooo in eJCt.ras such New homes, ready to move in, 1h mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. carpel, drps. 1.5.lOl Dn. Orange CCN11t Property 4821 CORTLAND 332 MarglK'rile 673-8550 Terms VA/FHA. From $21,900 Sandy be&ehlront. 3 & !am NEW LISTING Room to add. $25,000 Dn. Corona Highlands; 0 c e a n 1915 BAYSIDE view: 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own The Beach Cheery 3 Br., large ·family room. Walk to bay, $4200 D,. lhl' h1.nd. Full price $44,000. CORBIN-MARTIN Realtors ton 8rookhur1t I mile South of Adams) 1831 TRAQEWINDS SAT/SUN ONLY Flowe1 fresh 3 BR/2 Ba. Move-in C"Ondltion. SJl.500 2911 PAPER LANE ®Hal .'~:. 39IXl ...:. Coast ""'"· 675-4392 Anytime 3006 E. O>ast H\vy., CdM 675-1662 as upgraded taf"Pl'tS & drap-Hunfington Beach 1400 Santa Ana Hgts. 1630 IRVINE Ten-ace EJCccutive es. fixtunis, landscaping. Home. 3 bdr or 2 heir & $21,000 study. 2 baths. Flooded with llflililj4iiitf!lmd 3 BR 1~ 001h, ~tlO' rcncctl light, beaut de c 0 rat e d, ~·fT'!F1mtn"' lot, covel'cd 11aho, c1u-pct8, many extra features. -dr.apes, built-in range & ov- $4.2,500. 1319 Bonnie Doonc LIST ty en, dishwasher, double 11ar- Ten-acc. 613-7312 by owner. your proper age beautUui yal'd with confidenc• · · HARBOR VIEW llills. Lusk SELL with profes- homeview. For sale by sional skill Owner. 3 Br .. 2 bath. 935 Till<>r Way. 6 4 4-116 9. THROUGH 156.500. YOUR DIVORCE SHORECLIFi;· 3 BR, 2 BA. REALTOR MEMBER t.1arin!' 111 School, 10· corner HOME FOR HORSES JtaH acre with coJTal and a 3 Bedroom 2 ha.th home, clean and neat .• A rare find at S36.950. • ~-0' THE Rl':AL ~ESTATERS I I • ', 546·2313 • 646·7171 Qtilet tree lined area by the Huntington Beach/ lot ,v/block fcnct', l lge BRs Laguna Beach 1705 BLUFFS· Bay View, on ma· &ea. Fee simple. Access to 2 Fountain Va lley 12JC15' fwn rm, FHA apprais--~------- ;jor green belt. 3 Br. 3 Ba. beaches. Under $50,000. By Listing Service al. Sell GI or FHA $2~.900. LONDON BOUND many cust features. Low o·.vner. 673-3681 ~ Take over GI 5% % pyntnls, THRILL to the excellence of ~-~8,:...::e· Saaifice ONE of a Kind. Cameo .· HARBOUR ~:~~~EA~h~EALTY custom AIA design. ~P- . . Highlands, view, pool, 4 BR, REAL TY ing vie,,vs of rolling lillls and 5 BR 4 BA Ivan Wells home $45,900, 6'&-3254 owner. S47-S531 Eves. 431-3769 oceans blue. 4 BR/Den/Din, wth lg landsc. yd, tam rm, OWNER~ 0 il Vl 5042 Warner Ave. 4 UNITS soaring deeks, open beams, patio. Job trans. reqs im· pen a Y· cw· p1i\'atc deck w fower fioof'S med sale by owner. $61,500. B~aul. 2 Br., 2 Ba + den. Huntington Beach 2 BRs each. Carpcl5/dropes, ror home orfi~ or in-laws. 833-MI5 wkdays tU 5 pm. 535 Huel, CdM. 673-1869 847-8595 bit-in.~. good condilion & lo-Owner's off to London, HAWAII BOUND. Must CHARMIN G DUPLEX ,on 5y4o;; cation. Best buy Oil the wants offer lhis weekend and ·sen my deluxe C.ondo. 2 BR d_bl lot, So. of thvy. Owner. 0 n1al'ket only $42,SOI will help finance, Submit 2 ba. pool. 128,500 A.I. $511,500. 673-4169 3 BR f% bath, Newport MUTUAL REAL TY your smaller home in ex· West. $20,500, 123.-.:62x'TSJC59' . 6'16-0732 B Ibo p . I 1300. fenced cul-de-sac lot, \Y /w 842-1418 anytime change or $6,000 down. HOUSE GARAGE OF· I a -~tnsu ~--carpels, drapes, Palos Vcn::le CONVENIENT cul-d~sac: 3 OPEN HOUSE lhis w~kend, FICE, 25'x93' lot f.1·1 zone. NEARBAY fireplace, built-in range .& BR, fam rm, 1% ba. Drps, FrVSal/Stlll. ·~ 500 508 31 s NB 3 BR Beach house partly oven, dishwasher, shake crpt's, built-ns, ·rrptc. sharp 1303 Temple Hills ~ st t., · · * furn.· A steal at $32,Soo. roof, Walking dllitancc to lhe yard, play house. $22,900. Hal Pinch in & Assoc. beach. 847-3459 b'la-4392 49-1-2992 CLIFF HA VEN HOME ? h Open stairca.<1e lead1 to 2hd level, w/2 bdrm .• bath, &: 1..ARGE DEN, APPROX. 20 FT., WITH DBL, SU.O. JNG GLASS WALLS THAT OPENS TO SUN DEQ< WI OCEAN VIEW, nus SPAC IOUS HOME IS VACA.NT A dl.strc!sed owner sn,ys sell immed. for $2',950 FULL PRICE LOWER ON, PYMT. 0 .K. TllE BEST BUY IN LAGUNA BEACJ I MISSION REAL TY 985 So, Ooalll lfll.•y., Laguna Phone 1714) 494-0731 -IDEAL HOME For your eJCpandlng family: 5 Br's, 3 Ba. On a CUI De Sac slf'ecl; close In. $36,500, Or \\'ill lease/option with Sl,000 option money, $250 month. ,J;)-8-~~ 353 N. Coast Hlwa.)'. Laguna Beach 494-7511 Owner .. Transt.rred \Viii sell or trade Lq:una Beach furnished 2 BR VIEW HOME. Prine, only. 842-1<;00 SUPERB view, newer cust. 3 Br. Sale or exchange. $15,000 equity. 6 7 5-6 S 9 11 494-7161 Res. Sµmmer Rentels HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 2910 Corona tltl Mar 3250 ' BR. 2 Ba. Doll H..mi.; bHns: 2 yn. new. Adulta. $275 on le&R. Art fn.-4!ln Ew \Yllterfront 4. BDRM lalitbo. borne complete. lncluding I--------- linens, utensils, sailboat & BAYFRONT w/ tio.t · !'#.P· pri\latc dock. Summer or Large t BDRM, 2 BA: frtd longer lease. n4/S47..9645 yard '-i:-Uo.. $f7$ • SS-8100 • ' -PRIVATE BEACH " ,Both swim & boat. La,rge 2 H ,. 1 •--·-L .... "" BR, big patio. eayshorea. 1 un •no ~ -.u1 -r July & AU&Ust. 64&-25TI or NEAR new, 3 BR. 2 Bi\, 834-5854. crpti, drpii, fenced. near tilr lMMAC. 2 BQRM, 1 Ba., 500 Edwar:dl/Tablert., $2(IO, iijo. ft. to ocean; TV, util. pd. n4: 842-2082 oc 21'1: Special rate for June. $100 347-2843 · 1 Wk.; July $150 Wk· 4 BR, 2 Ba, gar, cpta. Jti;. 64~16; 673-2473 eves. $150. yrly. Avail June 1,, 3 SUMMER rent on Newport Cblldren OK. no pets. j_ Island w/Uve in mllid. t BR 17658 Van Buren. 842":1f6.> & sundec:k $D> week or $700 CLEAN 3 BR 2 bath, bit.if-. mo, 6'lr>-0363 006e to 1ehools. ;i CLEAN Ba.Jboa Beach Units. . 962-'l5&4 Sleeps 2 to W: tor summer reservations call 673-994.5 315 E. Balboa Blv., Ba.Jboa. LUX> ISLE • Fif!C!l J BR, 2 BA nlrely furnlshec[ 675-5023 or 675-7709 LIDO llile 2 BR apt furn. Beach&. pier, garage, patio, view. ~39-!8 ,... .. , .. 1AL!) Houses Unfurnishtd Loguna BMch 3~ I . ' NEWLY remodeled, all cpJd. 2 BR. den, frplc, yr. a .. &dnr inc., 1 blk to bch. 1 Chiquita. Open Sat .Ir: s'E, June 7 &: 8. 213: 287-6334 If· 6 wkdiys. f e VlEW HOME, 2 ~ 2 BA. year lease, adults aiQ'. $2'rtl mo. 494-«i01 ~ ' 3'10 2 BR. 11, Ba, '°""red patio. 3 B 1 R.-.. ~·500• furn. Near Yac t ., HOM.E OF GREAT CHARM Duplexn For Sile 1975 ~ ~ n!t:J!.l~j~·. liij~. ljl AND PRIVACY . Superb 7682 &ting"' CUSTOM 3 BR 2 "t> Clean. 4ll SllUg Harbor Rd. cEuv~rett• H. Mi••-ot, Rll• -·••• -·-----. f Al' nUPLEX '" -6"% I .. Owner ~ .. -.ua 9'1.4471 ~ 546-tl l views o ISO Cove a n d •' .....,,uuu n n-842-4455 or 540-5140 - · 507 E. Balboa, Balboa 673-6880 ·~ 511 .. 0;0 LOAN headlands. I...u>..-urious & t8•...,.1th. 514 !;e~~afB, Cd>k L ~~~~°"'-',-~" ~E~v.:."::.·-~-I ~!,.t1~~ ~ 1 E~ ~v ~di: Fountain Valley 1410 DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN l--51'-R-IN_G __ F_R_ES--H-I '"' private sun patio · o ff . o wy. u•~ ro er. ::-_.... VIEW. S42,500-lov. dn. Ask lido Isl• 1351 Newly painted, old farm bedroom & den. large deck itEMfALS S BR, Ea.11tbluff home, 3 BA CTI4) 544-4294 1 for Naomi, .-....... le Co. ·• In attractive Glen Mar. 3 tracl. 4 ""'" old. 2.~ on/ 00· H r ·1 family room, 3 car gar. No ~ '""'J' J•~ """ ..., pa 0 ami Y room, HouHI Furnished 5 54S-1168. Eves. 67~1977 bed. 2 bath w i I h family ft. .1 BR, 2 BA, fam nn, greenhouse, street to street _______ .;.___ pell!. $390 per mo. Lease. Dupl•xes Unfum. MOBILE HOME ru,ooo ltl' NEW LISTING! room. Carpets and drapes panl'd liv rm, brick frplc. location, lrm with fireplace. Rentils to Share 2005 ?!; ~ppo, Nr CdM High. SEE 1018 Victoria. ~ Bayfront on Peninsula Mcxlem 6 year old 4 BR, sparkling clean. Quiet cul 450 sq, ft . panl'I game rm, 3 bdrms, 3 balhs, den, large "'IQ"O'"" bdrms. B/N kitchen. -pn SPACIOUS 675-3808. 675-3226 convert / den, sewing rm. de sac location. Near all crpt'd thru • out, cuslom <Ing area, blt • in kitchen, CONSIDERATE gentlewom-'200: 3 BR. 2 Ba. Patio, {pl. are& I: Ip L.R. Sepuale Newly carpeted. Beautifully schools. • $26,950. drpe:, l.rg JiOOl·.site lot, prof. furnace, dbl garage with an lo share pleasant apart-Couples only. 81k. to beach. garage & rear ya*. COUNTRY LIVING Newport H•ights 1210 tiled entry & dining rm. lndscpd, sprink1rs front & clectmnic opener. mcnt overlooking Emerald 53+698J Broker AvallabJe June lit $1-tO-. Close to park. schools & ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;.J $76,500. r-ar, block wal!.'1'>3.~ :i· $68.500 EXCLUSIVE Bay, private room &: bath, S185; 3 BR. 1%. Ba., fncd. yd. catl 646-o55.5 . horseback riding. Gracious UNUSUAL. VIEW Call for Appl. t. rear yard. -.450. Y MARSHALL & MPP for summer mos. 494-5330 Patio. Frpl. Range & oven, ·t-•y o-".'"g to .. -rm Walker Riiy 67'5""" O\VNER. :n1 Ocea11 Ave. 4!W-1021 YOUNG ~ .. ,_,. m•" ~"' c .............. OK. ""-. .,~. _,,.... z. BR. new, bll·ina. ·~ 'r" "ily ·• ,~D:• '.' ti .... Sec U1is unusual, run-Oown ' "uv 646-7171 • 546-2313 9143 El Colorado Av• .. F'V. .,....u..,. " """ •uw'"'" oou· ~ d Pri tio am rm. 1st1nc ve open home that could be a man· 9&2-5960 " SEE THIS New York, 1JCek!I same for Sl4S. 5 ROOM house, garage, .~-work, ~135 !.S:• JnO. beamccilingsaddchannto k' • JUST LIK ~ NEW ·* * BLUELAGOONVILLA opt,." CM Eve• -rm ,_. ~ lhis large, 4 bdtn1, borne ror · .. ' ., ENGLAND Th' 4 BR t 7314 "' ""' .. ... sion 4 BR 3 ba 2 ilcu-JUST LISTEDI c.. " · • ••v-stove, w/w baby & amaU Fl-t •~ "·st mo pl"·~ your family. $52,;,cxi. 155-C ers. 3 garages & ~ u es l Outstanding 4 Bdrm. & conv. St If rd Ho e ~s l" . Weeds, w .. d., Weeds \\•ith magnificent ocean view, I c':::';....:·::_:.~-----pet OK. Bkr. 534-6980 cleaning fee. Adults • S ST house on 2 lots with bay d 1 tty 'h lg ra 0 m. as a iving Aband --• 4 B" 2 •·th decorated by a """""'nized WORKING ..ri"( to share IDEAL Fo• young oouple. --·· . .,.,, ""14 PROPERTIE WE ' · en am omc on e. room & a dining room, Just 0"'"""'' ·~ ~ • ~ ..... ~.. "" ..... ,......, .....,....,, 1028 """ Id D . & oceai:i view from VCf'lln. strada lot. $69,000. 1.,,. Calli·-.. · .,1 has .,., """'··•.rapes. brick fireplace, artist, many extras. built-fum. University P~k home View of ocean SIOO. Call 'R~"~N°"T=A""'L~5---~",-t N·--rt'•-',,hr1ve da, Asking $37,500. LIDO REALTY INC. .. "'" ins, 2 BR and convertible with same. 546-0928; MI..o697 5A.p'-Fumla•·• , .... ,.~ °" I:\ covered patio & garden rear b~1Jt.1n double oven, range: den and 3 baths, $82,500 833-15.11 eve ,,;,:,...cc,-=~~-~->h -' 67.s.4130 ~.:,' 3400 Via Lido 67J.8830 yard. You can take over the dis~washcr, FA heal, 18JC30 I c=..=:...:.c..:...____ $260 3 BR 2 ba fenced --'------.;..·I A .ML l''HA loan for S6450. <n•ncr pauo. Reduct'CI from $29,000 and .wotrnrth 1m1 ore. Call for $15 National Room11te y~, w/ti.' clilldre'n & pet .Go:,::•::•::;rl::lc.· ----;;=;: -~-_., LOTS OF ROOM to $26 995 apopin en ·0 sa-. Iii· R•"I? ""'--•. 6~1166 • WESTCLIFF I E A LT T \viii help you make the . . IDUe Lagoon Realty " ~ .... ..,. ,.,.. O.K. Bkr. 534-6980 $155. 2 BR t-plex, aanillt. CONDOMINIUM N''' NB Pos Ole 64., 2414 Custom quality 3 Br .. on 51' down payment. REX L. .,.,.. • .,_,. .... ,._ 44 Bl ._ ·-~ ~ t I I 3 "-l!!f"~~m~~ Uc ..... goon Coile M... 2100 00 wlw. nicely furn. ~ streel o slr'ee 01. ..... r HODGES, Rily 847-2525 <l• 1 ,· _;0~ Laguna Beach 499-2206 Costa Mesa 31 ~ k. ~~-~ -~----t Newport'!! finest residential I'll 1230 n1. clubhouse & tennis ct.s. h $110 PARTLY furn 1 Br., FREE REN AL $110; BACH. apt W/W, r-area. DeLuJCc:? story, two W ·.;.e.:.•:c'.:.';;.'_;_ _____ 1 Beac Boy's Beauty! 3V2 ACRES dbl L d hC!d ~•room 2" bath \"e•ting • S69,SOC. Call fo1 app't. Neai .iew 3 BR ,yjth formal 0 C U-"-•olo~ la"". City o! c gar. g. Y . s . SERVICE paid. ~ .. ~~le~:_ ......... ' 711 • '' • CUSTOM BUil 1 WALKER Rlty. 675-5200 range ounty 1600 ,,..."'. .,..... '"" Avail June 12. Inspect 2565 ~ ~ house aU-eleclric, luminous dining room, dish\\·ashcr, Laguna. 9 Blks. to beach. Orange, then call 673-6020 ceiling kitclK!n, including By OWl"IC!f'. 2 "'.logs rnastrr, e SOLID CONSTRUCTION new palio. a11i'l1ings, elegant Ocean views. ShouJd divld1? for example, 3 bedrooms 2 $155; 2 BR. Nlcdy flma. washe? and drye1. Spacious pan. ~en, ~tctien. brktst. • 6 BEDROOMS, 5 BATH£ draperies & carpeting & CUSTOM HOME into 13 lots. Price $40,000: N Be h 2200 hAlhl $225.00 per mo. call Garage, w/w, OJdtt ch1f rooms. Fireplace with mar· rm. ~t wing.· 3 Bdrms. e DINING & FAMILY RMS. close to the finest beach 29% On. A real sleeper_ , --~wport ac: ·-_:;= Broker 5.14-8980' I blc hearth. W/W carpet&. ~ct• \\'mg. InsuJatcd. Appeal· •so· CORNER LOT in the world. 6'h% Fl-IA loan . $25,900 MlSSSION RLTY. 494-0731 OCEAN FRONT •-.1 1 __ _. 1ng ........., ~,.. t= al Sl88 monthly includes ~lassivc noor. 10 celllng P~· $115. 1 BR. w/w, uW~ Drapes, ""'auti UI tu11.1SCap-ft r GREER Realty e 3,uw ~-Fi'. · S W,000 V d f I 3 b Avail now. Baby ing plus 20 X 40 heated pool .,.,"'" ·v':'· L'>do ' _9300 R. C. GREER, Really everything. os ci· ~ ircp ace9. B.Q :g fMMACULATE CUSI'O~ 3 4 BR, lrpl,, patio, lawn, gar. ORANGE COUNTY'S Broker 534-Q9llt & recreation room with lire· """" 18 0 '"' 335:> Via Lldo 673-9300 Pacific Shores Realty bdrms, baths. n bdrm & den, wet har, 1 ~~ BA. June 15 to Aug 14 LARGEST , ' plact & \\'Cl bar. Sauna? 23 IMMACULATE 2 BR f I 847.gjS& Eves. 842-8728 kitchen. Lovely ti'('(! shaded b r e a l ht akin g v I e w $250. wk. Al90 winter S250 293 E. 17th St. 1.111. " .... " C u--4 University P•rk 1 7 . , rp c 1,.,..,,...,...,...,...,...,...,.... s!~t. huge lot wHh block mo. 1608 W. Oceanfront, N. _.,.. ost• ~ Yes! Two car gara11:c \vith + Guest Rm . 2 Ba., bltns, PARTY HOUSE wall fenc('. \Vakirig dis-Dccoralor's patio. S 5 O O O B. 673-2300 $135. I MME 0 I ATE oc- IRrgc storage ~helves. Fee BRAND NE\Y HOME 3 BR new cpl & paln1, xlnl Lido lance lo al l schools, Trc-down. owner will tinancc1 --'----------cupancy.3Bedroom,garage NEWSPANISH .. f Simple. Assume Loan. Univ. Pk, Greenblt. Spanish location. $5.000 down , Garden kitchen & family mcndow bu y! No down balance at 71hiµ, Only FOR LEASE -Beautiful &. yard on Del Mar near VILLAGE APTS,: SACRIFICE AT S33.500 tile rf. Uase i375 mth. Sell Owner. 675-5023 01 675-7700 room with wet bar overlooks to V•I•. Min . dn. Jo'HA. $'1.l,500. Perron Re a 11 Y Bayfronl 4 Br. h 0 u se Bl d l '& 2 BDRM. Furn or .,,.. ''°"" CORNWALL LANE .,..... _.. 1 ... 642-ITil w/dock. Summer rental or Newport v · No pets . J..JW S38.000. 01.,.-2348 hcat'-'U & fl tered pool. 4 BR Katella Rlty 847-6061 ---------646--0758, call Saturday after ful'Jl. Alr-aind,.d1hwbra,= Open House Sat & Sun 1-6 H t ' t Be h 1400 3 baths & aU the creature 1.,.,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,....,ILDVELY 1~2 BR, fully turn. will consider year lease. 12 noon ONLY. clean'g ove.ns, patio, 546-4806 or 499-1806 Irvine 1238 un ing on ac comforts are Youn with 1; So. Laguna-Ocean VU . c"'::::'':..='°="':c'::'°:.:"·c.":.::""°".::::__ ~=-~-~-~~ fast ban, private fnnd . NEWPORl TOWERS 1;:;;;;;;==;;:==;;;: LIST your prbperty cash to the low interest NOW'S THE Jo'rplc, secluded patio, DOVER Shorea bayfr ont 3 BR. custom home Back by storage cloll!ta, Hea)ld Landmark of the Newpol'l HANDSOME HOME with confidence FHA loan. S234 per month sundeck. \Valk to heh &. home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large Bay area. Fam nn, 2 Be. pool, saunas, blar-lHIQ!llL Skyline, 8 stories of breath.. SELL w,·1~ p•ofe• includes all. TIME FOR shops. Wood paneling-beam patio, 70' private dock. crpts, frplc $250 mo. Sound proof wan., wallco"tn A ,yell proportioned 3 yr. old, • TRADEWIN yrl 1 548-2687 closets, covered ;.,.~ taking bay & ocean viewing in Univct'lity Park. Profess. sional skill OS RL TY. ceilings. $23,900. Call collect $1200. mo. on Y IH'. ....."°'~ from IU>.'UrioUS 2 BR, 2 BA, lndscpd. eJCtcrior, smartly 847-8511 QUICK CASH _2_13_,_254-__ 2394______ 213/780-5013 or 213/785-6333. 1 BR. Nfw Nw/w s~~· Adulta, no pets, · ~ all elcc apts, 2 Highspeed& finished inter.: 2 Sty .. 4 Br. THROUGH LOOK HERE! J Bit Hun-THROUGH A LAGUNA Canyon. 90' x 400': $300: 3 BR. Fam. rm. 2 Ba. One adu I. 0 pets. ' TiiE CALIFORNIA ! elevators, subterranean 2~ Ba. A FuUy fcQCed prl· YOUR . tington Village home with rustic 2--tty. house: possible Garage. frpl., Children OK 14gr. 2195 Miner No. 2 Phone ~2727 it- top deck parking: Tbe:rapeu-vate yard is viewed from 5'.4 <;, Gl loan. Out of to\vn DAIL y PILOT C·I er M-1 zone; $4,000 dn. 534-6980 Broker 3 BR home 1~ baths, 2 ear $30 00 wk "R ~~ll~ ~ 1:'i'e!:~in~n 11\e, kitc~~.500nn.8& ~:_r:n· RHEAL T 1 OR M!_MBhE/R ~wner ::ar::s ~ you00ten WANT AD Bier. 6751591: 494-7161 Res. DAILY pnm WANT ADS 'ara.1!.':;. co=41patio. $200/ e D&.Y, ~ ~-t · •-'" · · Priced at-· . y vwuo:r. unt ngton D<98C m w O a wn CHARGE IT! Dial 641.5618 mo, ,.... e Studio I: B&ch. Aft., , Coast tl'Kuwa)', 714 : t.-12-2202 833-1.120 payment you want lo makc'J==========2========='"-'==="';=:,=:::::== 2 BR. crpts, drps, washer~ e lnct Utih I: Phone~-vl•ew ' Lot Fountain Valley &. t.:lw you want him to car-Gener1l 2000Gener1I 2000(;wier•I 2000 dryer. -ReCs required. 169 • Maid Service. TV 1 Eastbluff 1242 Listing Service ~t~~84;%:ex L. Hodges1.::..;;.;..;.;..;:.; ____ .;.._'-------...;;.;.;..:..;...::--------Mesa Or. U40. &Q..4868 e New Cafe It Bar ' • NEW BLUFFS• (i\~ .. 1 HAFFOAL 2 Blocks To Beach M.;;;•::":.v.:.;•::.;•d:.:e __ 3:.1.:.::•0 1-"..,,;'"'v"'N:'°"ie"';=-.. -:"-...--~'"'~...-..,.,.-1 with new 4 bedroom 3 bath + room for lcnnls court, pool, boat, &t tra.iler. Delta Real Estate 646-4414 2 Br, 2 Ba iplit 1eve1. Many REAL TY C. /iQ -0 ~ '-,( -f) -C ~Q.. 8 4 BR, 2 BA, earpt. drapes, Costa Mesa's newest A ... custom featurea, all eltt, NiC't' 2 BR homr ·~ a l BR ~\!;::J 1.'QU ~). (.!) I)(/•µ built-IM. cvrd. patio. fenced luxurious. furn. 1 I: 2! etc. Lowest maint. I: ll'uc. 1740 Warner ~ntal. Will make nice home Solve a Simple Scro.mblad WoTd Puzzle foT a Chuckle yd, 1Jll5.. f>45-M59 apta, Adults only, No hold. MUSI' SEU. • BY or good lnvcstmen!, &11cr 1160 Pomona Ave., just · lb o o v ER v t LL AG E , OWNER. Call Olck D)oer Fount•ln V•lley calJ flO\V. Only S25,000. 9 11eoiroilge lo1teor1 cf 1he ~--• .--~. -~..,,.. N·•wport Beach 3200 of 18th St. f \YcslclHI. :! story con-_533-4=="'"='="':= .. ='=0='=613S77'1='.=:=S·,1 ___ _!14!'2'::.41~0~S---MUTUAL REALTY four1 x~1mb~ wor1 " bd,,. $14().UP. Anr. l ·Br., ""2. dominiun1 r,?9,500. 0 wn "': • S4:!-1W anyUnw. low lo orm our timp • wot "' • I/I Ill pd Garden 1i.":.L pRtlo, courtyard, dbl gar .. ,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;.J OPEN DAILY . TOWNHOUSE Wallace ~ ''""·Adult~ Sl95 mo. ''~I. Corona •1 Mor 1250 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 -A"'ss"'u"ME=-"'s11~%;--,LO~AN~ IFOPTIR ~d~lb, ',,. "'"' ;·~· pool. lolainl. ~-Owner VIEW'! VIEW! 16501 Loir• Circle 6112 &intmerdalc J .1' ) ) j1 SPLIT-LEVEL 3 &:Inn. 2 2 BDRM tum aptJ (al9:>• Bkr. 646-1948 Of the ocean & hay, Cwrtom BY OWNER Nrt.feadowl.arkgolfcoun1e. --. - . •• • bath Unit. Facell poo~ furn), pool. N--.y ~-, ' ··-· • ea· • I'onl • ""-t&. •' dta-s. tireptilee, • ·~ -- COUNTRY Living in Newport Beach. 4 DR. home with 2/3tds acre of land on private lake. $.54,950. OPEN HOUie, Frl, Sat & Sun. 2JI5 Heathtt Ln. ~ Rltr Cul-de-Sac Loi + Back B&1 \l~W. New t bedroom 3 bath, l'Stl2$' lot, room Jor bl & Inlier. Delta R81 Est1le MS-4414 REDUCED $3550 l.M'T M1u1on Lane, N.B. Open Sal A. Sun 1-5, 3 BR A f•m + uptrad~ fet1.turt1 In choice Wfftelifl. Ray E. Gt<11'1f! RUr. 540.2'58 M6-0600 al d1 .. 1.... sunlre u ... -. w/ many extras. Owner CAT IN e.lre blt•lns, $265/mo. b\tilt - 3 l&Jae bdrms .• for-so· VISTA. BR 2 ·-FIW ... u .... oc ""1 ' -I I ........... ..... l17 E. 22nd st -- m ..... ,. room, n y. Cl/O::lnv'nt'al or usumc leaving slate. Fi~ible fine. -I I' I Pleue caJJ Mn. fay S7S BACH 2 BR. bl.lb, lng room, f&rnil)' rm. w/ 5% ?ii FHA, 847-8(119 Okr (21JI CE l-5268 I & •-h kitd'I priv, 1 or 2 .,,.._ '.:::~;; = ~~ ..... ; well OPEN HOUSE RHI Eitel• Sel-n ay ,......c Utll pd..,._ all I PROPERTIES WEST Sun. 1'1 NHdod Io U.R G'O I w 001o!~J.~·J;"S:.11.12& 1 BDRM 1""' ""-180. 1028 Bayside Ori~ :2~M&t1na Lanr Belt commission It bonus. ~.,--.-,-,n1,..,1.--.-_.. Confucius soy: "llemember 6~2QOO 1Wcs. ~ ~ pets, lood · NEWPORT BEA.Qi:... f" H.A. VA. ConiidcoUal lntt:rvlt'w, Aak old maid who find .mon in 675-41• • • • for Mr. Bruhcar. ~--------room who give kim 24 hours OCEANFRONT-Love!)' 3 BR.; SEP. Bach. Re.fl. bot =:::mm=:::=::::rliwum ..... ':r.nt ,,.. VA BRASHEAR REALTY 1•.;..;,E.;.P_T~l"'L~~-....11 too -Comp-... ·-•• -"··~ .. s.-3• . 2 BA +133-~ ~ $371. :~~:=""pl. -• Pol"--ttlo, CdM loin. 3 bedi'oonl., C&rpell1'i; 347-8531. ~ 968-ll'18 r-•• uiuuo... UOfed Dr'I 1 a.uci ua...inn ... One~ lhe ':'tt Unest..hom-tiuu,tlout. Yae11nt. DESPERATE! J.flllt sell. 7 I ) I 1 · I' by l111li'!Q' In the 1t1balng .ordi BUSIES'l' mufttplatt In ~ ~ e1. In the htart of CdM. Steps AnRACTIVE sty 3 BR. tam rm. Wilk to . . . you ctewilcp trom 1teP No. 3 ti.low. town. The DAILY PtLOr ~~. Sl= pd. ti3M'rtf lo Ocean, • BR, 4.~ ba. l BDRM, :i BATH Glen Mar schls ' beach. Plcaaanl & PRITNH•,,N\JM, so"u~!.DrslETlfRS IN I' 11 . I' I' I' r I QuaUled 11tttion. s Aye SU9.<00, 1By appt. l borne. Ctpts, dt"PS. PlllO. n e. I 1 h b orb o o d. $29,000, ,.. . _ . . . _ • money, time « dfort. Look OL>C. apt. II*· 1 BB. ~ Delancy Re•1 E1t11te frp]c, AM -FM b1terc»m-1..-"""'=..,Tlll~,.,,--~-.--,-.-now!-! 1 to bflcb. $12>. 9083 Qoip.i.J 2828 E. COllJt Jtwy, OJM Nie. llndl';p'g. CI, FHA l'lr en.. Townhnme. Nr. l>l!!ach. _e_,g.,~ .. F .. '":::""'sWE:,,'1o:'1..'_"_'!_•_s_1_o_j1.....al_,.,j _. I I I. IT'S RN.ch house time. Bia-St CM $48-lm 67S47in convenUat tmna. Op EN Attention GI'&. Open Sun. ' J.! . . . , . . . ceat selection evtr! See the 1 8 duplx apt. -..• !!!!!!!!11!!!'!~--"""!!I HOUSE by Ow...,,._ $25,ISO. """• bit"" lrple. ~2l ,f>OO. SCRAM·LETS ANSWER 1N •LASSlflCAT10N 7500 DAILY PILOT, Ou•lll<d Adull> only l90 mils. OIARGE m 19831 Bushm. f'-'"" BL'ltl wo•""°"· :zu, ~-11 > "' _... NOW1 w. i1iI) CM. -I ' •• I \ t - BR. Ott.anfront, on year'1 ' )Due. S2Z mooth, " -BR. 2 ba. nev l:ftch, $250, ~-· I, 4 Br. ooeanfrollt HOUSE far summer ttntal. PROPERTIES WEST l02S Ba,yskle Drive NEWPORT BEA01 '75-4130 ---··· •• ANNOUNCIMINTS .... llOT1CIS .... °''!rtul! ...... ,.,..,... .. llD'l'AUJWn' .. ID .... ,.. Lte•'""aD Oick'1 GINrr'•.Rel. • NEW DELUXE • R£1'mED AU: Far.. -..._ Atta 11"-O>nim1. ,.,.\. """11, 3 odWts. t bl 3 BR -. l.oftl1, -· &I· Splrilllol Raod._ -dontlal, -...,,.. 642-0413 HARBOR GREENS 3 Br. 2Mi la Qt. b' klue ~flam. min l yr be. ~r1; ra,l41y tne• onaDm&Um,lllS.D e CUT-EDGE-WEED loci. II*· natr. sult.e, din Pref N.B. / CdM, an J~ , p&ndiac t...._ CUrrent Cam1QO Real. Su Ofmenta rm. It dbl prqe, auto. aaitbi;y' ar--no.a • dlD-a.me. 10 .ur.io PM !:xprr, qualtty wortc, reu? door openu avall. ~ 1: ~~ to $.100. 7f1l: ,_.Olly. 0.--Midi SPllCULURl!:ADING m..m5,MPMwkduOl'li1! rec. area. Nr. C..tbollci;;===~~~~~1 man lime tar vati•d e DEPENDABLE B.ACKELOJt mmmN. Oiurdl Ir 1Ct1001 ' Coroa& EXECVl'JVE, wile I: 2 blllinea UM atr PllDae: Attracttw. lxpert Finell yant Clle. Modft'ak fro111 $ J 10 dtl Mar fflrh. chlld1'n need at leut 2 BR 111>41S1 all. 5 PM YOUNG WOIWI RaleL 645-Ull n!let ALSO AVAILABLE • ONLY PiO . ~~-:4r!. ':!: = ~am.LAS :: ::. ~l~ JAP.\lmJE prdener Campi l -2 & 3 BDRM. 131-111 Amlp WI,)', N.8. 6 dla:hel fn>m 6ns til 8/31. An )'OU ltMftlted' I 213· 591""638 1-lt PM tu,¥-Exptr, depeOOl.ble. Heatm Pools, Oilld Care C 543-73Tl Vll.lt our nbda &U-Ot65 • , he est. &H-4389 Center. Adj. to Shopplnc _ Orona Ml Mir 5250 Whaddya Want? WhMhty1 Gor'f Wanted; lJQUOR LICENSE 1t l DE R S w & n t e ~ to CLE4N-UP Speclallal! Mov· , No pets allowed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilWANTED: Room to rent on SPECIAL CLASSlflCATl6N FOi General, on Sale. ,Nubville, T~; abare•ex· lrw. edgin&, odd J 0 b 1 • mo Pot..-Way, at""' ~ Bal la. Rouonab~ fur •n· NATURAL BORN IWAPPIU * autc. fM.Tm * ..... ~ drlvuic. Loavlntl -bi< ...__ bor I: Aduns. a.ta Nea ~..,..., tin! IUD'lll)et". JJl: 811)..1954 Spedet ltlte , JUDe l.ar 2. NM3G =;,-,,.....,..·..,,--.--,.-I -fl,. -· Curlis Gib... S4ll6 Butlo• 5 LI--S tlnteo -'-S loucics Money le Leon A20 COUPLES. -: _, AL'S -S uv I ot Ave. LA._ 90086· lDc iMI. Aut.b -llD MUST ...a.uoe: New ln &l'ft' Joln the nine Un rna1Dtl!manoe, prdm- 1 BR, pvt. patio, all elect., ON Tm AOU3 e LANDLORQS e ~=-':.':'"..: ... -:....., ~ C :-..:,.."':: ht 6 2nd ioalll tar ""'* to tun1A paeuure UW •dean UJIL M&-3829. carptt, drapes, cuports. No 1 2 ..... FREE RENTAL SERVICE A-MOTHINO "°" &AL• -fllADll ONLv1 cub. Bonow to ,_, ~ • 83M291 • pet> or chldm. Rap. adwts 6 ~ """ • U"'""' Bnlbr -PHONI 642.5671 per1JI .. "'"'°"' - only SUO 54fr1322 Frplcl I prlv. patios/Pool.a. ONE BDJU1 Untum Apt. for To Pl.ce Yeur··Trlder'1 ParMi .. M ~ ~~ten ... ~i.t ..!?'-. ~~~~;the'= NEW 2 ~ avail June 1. ~~ Contnt'l Bkflt. put. employed lady up to g:'~U:........:'"'C.0:~ to fun A plMlllft Crpts, drpa. bltns. Pool &: 900 •-._ "'""'• ~~~ _... SUO/mo. 64i«ll6 Dupln, Costa l'ifesa; for Have 9 re:aidential If. com-..... _.. e 6JS.8291 e Sl55 dee 24 --. ' .......... ,,,__.._. more unita, Coutal aru u rcial uni.ti Pla,y del StrYin& Harbor AIU 3) yrs. gar. mo. pd. 1 tMlicArttlur m. O.st Hwyl WANT 4 or 5 bdrm home. tar u Manhattan Beach., tDf ' a 336 E l'JU, St BACH IHkl &1rl to exdl ten. FOR VACATIONERS. Need 10mOOne to take care oJ your boat or boule! Teacher 25 needl summer kld&inl. can eves 673-3987. W. Wilaoa. 642-S40l I !!!!i!ii!l!!iiii!!iiiiiiiiiii I lam nn, yr lse from July 1. FORTIN CO. ,,_, ~ Rey. $52',QXI ~t;y. Wanta &U-21.n . 5G.ooJ nis kalOfl& for dancin& 1 BR • t with .... -.... Wtr I Ov.ru.uNG .. S45-ll69 213 ...... ,,_.. ~ to ucb&nae up. Si Slavin. kuona. 49'.M3l6 fl\'\"!. I :o======== I p •--~. · tory duplex, or : ,....,..,_ 1701·A We1tcliff Dr., NB Rltr. Ctt4) 60Q22; "NEW •2nd WANS Aft.. , u•ull"t 6730 pd.. adults only. 5 7 7 2 Bt, 2 Ba + den, w/w WANr J bdr bou.se 2 adlta 2 RANGED" T h for "" Hamilton Apt, A. CM, $90. crpts, Patio, yrly Lse:. ¥ ' • TRADE equ.lty ln '65 Ford Trade M·l Property Duarte op cu AnnouncwMnh 6410 ff AUL ING, p at n t \n I 548-6954 67S--27f7 teenagers. Colta Mea. By OJU.ntry Squire Wqon fat"' Frwy Frootaae for Beach ••10ned 2ndl. ===-~=~~-July ht. 646-lm cash I: eoonomy car worth Area ·M-l MJ..1311 lier. * THE COIN OIEST * hoUleclea.nlnc, odd joba. 2 BR • 2 BA Studio. Drapes, DELUXE 5 BR, 3 BA uo-"""•-Call ••• _,_ • .,. ~·· * FOSTER'S ~ , t 0 r 0 , Rare cotm, -'a mail auc. You ~me It we do It. patio_ Adults. <IDl 592-52'J7 fumished. CdM s. of Hwy, Roorm for Rent 5995 ~~ ~ 0~ ---~-----1 ttigh traffic·~ hi Khol. ition. etc. 741-£ Cout. La-_...__==~_,,,=,.,.---;;,:=-I or 548-8301 6f2..7898 ¥ Have cub and l96S Oev Be ••• ~-llA G ~--• Top ~~!""""~~~·I FURNISHED guest cottage LquJ)a Be ch 3 ocean park · &: lake. Retlrlnc. pna b. _......_...,, ULIN , ~.... , GLE Young Adults Lux· Cl.EAA' &: attr. 2 Br., new ~~~>ZE 4 BR. •2 BA Ur> an facilltes. $~ util pd'. view Iota .JC: f~ture devf'J. Impala. Wall t income 633--6409 SERVICE DIRECTORY trim. remove treei . A my prden q>ts with coon-cpts. drps; bltn.s; carport. ur ished . .,~ S. ot Hwy, AJter 6 pm, 536-7870 • opment. Total $3500. Take ~:iu Costa ?tleaa BMr &.r-hnt• Ana _. bed&t'a. Bil John 6Q.4038 tJy club atmosphere and No pets. Adlts. 548-6769 1 ;;;=:;;--=-=-=--~ gentlemen. ~ late model car, diamonds, 5f6.62B& F ull price $3(0). :Appll1nce Repelrs YARD/gar. clnup. Remove talJPkte privacy, SOUTll 2 BR. Disposal, rang~. crpl. OLDER ...aridnr woman. 1 PLEASANT nn. in pvt etc, Broker 41M-13JO * 675-3131 * P1rt1 6510 trees, ivy, dirt, tractor back =.y ~ ~~ne al :_,!..Bay Apt A. SUI. BR. newly painted. Util pd. home. Phone in nn., kitchen My eqty '67 Pont. Flrcbird TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2% ba. WANTED: off-ale I~ e AUTOMATIC WASHER hoe, iradlnc. 9U-1745 (n4J 6'5-0550 "''u 502% Jasmine. 67S-6787 prlvs. Em p 1 o ye d lady (Sprint>, for dune buule or ~~1·nrap:'Yd. :r:v..::· llceme, Orange County. REPAIRMAN. Cl••n' Up •ncl H•ulint pref'd. 64&-1393 ! For information call 66-""" • · · • · • • can: MUl39 64&-5848 S1D per lo&d. 646-2528 •'NEW BAYFRONT • N.wport Beach 5200 BalbOll 5300 PV'f. ent. & bath, tel. &: fri&, l3S4. Can be seen alt 4 pm for T.D., car, camper or ! '! !=========-::;===--,,==--,= M. 2 BA, furn. Boat slip GRACIOUS adult 11 v Ing. ~'miilo)'ed man. nc ifi&'bland St, N.B. Owner 646"'654 Mortga ... , T.D.'1 6345 ~~-~ ~ HOUMCIMnlnt 6735 ,.a-.1J.abl.e. Avail June ht, FISH SURf SWIM 548-2607 Lake AITowhead waterfront pl.lf'. ~...-.,., .......... .., ... ,, • . m Jease. Adults. $375 mo. ' Spac. 2 BR. 2 BA, walk·ln Have 3l6 + acre1 N.E. An-free i. clr, $50,IXXI val Pa· HAVE 2nd T.D. $6259. $63. ers, Tom. 546-1363. S47-6691 CARPErS. Windows. nB. ~-19th st. Apt C. 675-al36 cloaeta. Bay ~ ocean view, ROOM l bath with ~ telo~ Valley, $250. per cilic Pall.lades ocean vu kit. mo, 7% int. Due Aurust '74. .. .... ,ltl"ll 6550 etc. Rea or Comc'l. Xlnt aEDRM. ApL Adults Only ''In your own front yard'~ pool " boat sliPt-sa..xm entrance to reliable working acre. AU or part, Want· ltte &: cir, $27,500 val want $5000 net 673-f756 ..,... work Reas! Reil. ~ Ho •Pets. 1st & Last Month. man. 548-58l> House, income or r r '! §(ll.&'jj9 ~ lDOlt prestigious Huntington S..ch 5400 EMPLOYED man ....... , no Myers, 67J..6'i56 Want: lnoome. Bier. 548-m.l u..-W ntecl 6350 WILL babysit in your home Janitorial 6790 · be"-h ap•-; .. ..__ .. -a. vuv 43' Mathewt FIB yacht, twn ... _.._, a by tbe week. You turn ---------1 4242 dal Mar 4250 $·8DRM, Deh&.u, all dee. Wt-ins kitchen. pool, tennis .eourt, ~.ex ce 11 en I cmdHioo (213) 270-<4222 an: IP.lit:. --"' "' u"' -" E :.: U , Wttk, Eves. 54S-8119. 1189 . XC111ng YlftCJ Creatmont. C.M. Exctwwe summer re:t11-Imperial eng. F\l.ll dee w/ EXCEil.ENT $12,000. note tranap, ~1407 WALlS,. Windows. flOors, 2 BEDROOMS. 2 BATIIS FROM l'OO. INQ.UDES Wall·wall SHAG Carpetine, CE bit-ins with refriger- ator & dishwaaher. HUNTINGTON PACIRC Jn new apts 1 bedroom 2 dence for last 2 wks of JuJy auto pilot. '50,000 clear. on local mortuary. tnterHt QIJLD care dw'in& summer carpets. Commercial & bedroom • 2• bath. ' NICE room, priv. home, or ll't 2 wlm of Aug. Haw: Want $SOM home, bus. or pay&Ne monthly at 7% WW vacation _ tripa; tti pvt etc. resldentla!. Daily, weekly $140 to $195 N.,.._.t Santa An•· lovely San Fran. bey home •mlr boat. 5'6-8030. oxt <14-tdl -at 20% dtocount ""'· 546-1881 ar<l/°' Mo. 891-1350 541-9119 alter 6 PM for beach house. 613-4169 4094. and will buy back at full omJ> care knd yard Swimming pool, &Ym, U.Wla, recreation room. General Electric Appliances. Adulll only. Lamplighter Apts. 16102 Springdale St . ,_ BAYFRONT •-Almost um ac., $250 M val, value in 18 mo's. Till• will lunches. V1c 'warner L s....: Moving, Stor1p 6840 Income Property -• dock. 3 "'· · ·~•• 311 ,~ tnt. tn 11 • • •· 3 Ba ·-• _ 500 FOR minutes from dntwn: LA, 5 :r......u • ·ff} mo r. · lneda1e HB 846-0839 t'Jn. nou· hi• •·--10 r ·• "'"'· .o;;r, • min. trom trwy on paved rd. Financlal at ate men t 1 ' . . .,...... --~ I ntrod Ucl• ft g T.D.'s (~~r lse/opt. a1 bt"1l Beaumont &: Oak available. Write to Box 1464, Wll.J.. watch childre_n Ul my storage, cJoee...in. 548-5221 trade tor · · · No. 2 Balboa Glen. Trd for 1! 547.&169 Newport Beach. Calif. home~. Fowrtain Valley lo the wise, !lf!ven new de-Coves. Owner 67>4331 Bkr. MD and partner need atttt atta. 962-8956. PafMrhanglng Phone 592-5421 711 OCEAN AVENUE luxe 2 bedroom units on Will trade my '61 or '65 VW $37 000 lat Tnlst Deed Painting 6150 Costa MeM Easblide. Spec-aedan as a down payment Duplex, top loc. Newport term ' Bric~ Maaonry, etc. ial owner's unit. Over $1000 on your Real Estate. Will Beach: 2 BR. A: 1 BR. Val. .downtown Bia: Bear worth · 6560 PAINTING Int & Ext Lowe1t S41,500. Take late mode1 cu over $80,000. can M r • ' contracted prices. Fully irll. month il'ICOme. Priced at consider all offers. 494-49'25 &r: r .o.•1 tor equity. New-Bartelt Days 642-1515 Eve. BunJ>, Remodel. llepalr Satisfaction guar. Free est. (3 blkz W. of l;l.B. Pieri' 2 BR. 2 BA. 8 1 I n s , :o. • <n4J S.~6 _ 536-!48'1 w~r/dryer. Crpl$, drps. ~ Gtwe 4610 I "'~~!'!'!!:"!'l~!'!""' =A=dw="=*=-===== ::~0~e~:e·:~$9CXX> eq. ln SOXlAO R-3 lot port Beach Rlty 675-1&42 ~1439 ·Brick, block. concrete, Jim.Wl"tkl~ll66 tale 544J.ll51 (pen eves) w/good rented house, ne~t 100 ACRES, clear. $35,000 SUBSI'ANTIAL financilJ crpntry, no Job too small. e INT • EXT ANY SIZE """'!"~~~!!"!!"'""Ito new Garden Grove C!Vlc Equity. Want income prop. backer requittd, 1or grow-Lie Contr. 962-6945 JOB Xlnt ~k, ttfs, tr"el! ~~~y~ ..... ;;;;~AdWwii;ta~Luxt;;;.':. NEW SPANISH Santa Ana 5620 .iry pn1on apt> with .,,..,. VILLAGE APTS. 1zX.. club atzno.phett a n d l I-2 BDRM. Fum or un- .r:tlllllPkte privacy. soum tum. Air-cond.-dshwhra, se11 BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 clean'& ovens, patio, break- al.lPMAN Ave., Garden fast bats, private fundecks, Qove (TI4)' Q..J030 lrg storqe closets. Heated * 2 BR, 2 BA Garden ap~. 4 UNITS center&: HS. total val. S1.0.-erty. Please submit offen. inJ idea. Reply immediately ..r-est JIM 6C2-4669 Vm clean. Adullll pref. . ;,oo. Trd for units or r Art Giovinetti, Real~ P. ~· Box ll174 Santa Ana. Carpenfel:iftl ~7V * Gooo Pai~ t 1n 1 I: 546-~ ;i.t7-646!1 Bkr. m.7o;i Calif. 9'llll CARPENTRY reasonable pricea. 10 yr In Prestige ai::et("° Corona de! .. NNOUNCLMENTS M... Attractiv. °"""•' 1' * · * * * * ~ 5 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job aroa. _..,. suite. $100,000 full price. 011 UNI NOTICES Too Small. ClbtDet in pr-PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs 5700 !;;;:;;;::======'I pool. '""""'· ..,_. u.ma Buch 4705 Sound proof wans_ walk in doseta, covered carport. Ocean front Apts Frank Szabo 776-9350 IN-REAL ESTATE REAL £ST A TE Feund (Free ~) 6400 aae• A other cab1nm. in Harbor area. Lie &: bond· VESTMENT DIVISION, G I 568175, U no aJ:JSWer luve ed. Refs tum. 642-2356 LUXURY FURN .APT. Adwt•. no "'''· New • Deluxe (714)·536-4616 \I/Al.KER' LEE, INC. bkr. ....,. ____ ._1 _____ ,LITn..E male, wife.baittd mac at . 646-237'l. R o. PAINTING le maintenance, bdrm. Aleo 1 bdrm unfurn. nIE CALIFORNIAN C f I 60&5 Mount. & Delert 6210 puppy, 23" inche!I long I: ADdenon interiOI' & exte r ior . 8utln ... R9nt•I 6060 ommerc 1 -,.--------· -1 13" tan. Vic. 19th A: REPAJR. Partitions, Small R•..,.hle rates. M6-318S ~ ..... """" Apl Phano 546.lm flllitl '110 .. mcrup. l.eulf. . (714) 536-1417 m Ocean Awnµf' c.M NEW91!RRY .-311 ' CM.. -all. R<mOdet. ~~!'!-"""· NEAT, -Painter, .. 1.--I .... ,.., a2 o:I Ba, --ltmury Sarnmrr rental. Weekly • Bier. 4M-2529 ~ ;ANNU~ Leue; 2 Bdrm. 2 Baths, arpets " drapes. built·ins; cov'1'!d perking. Neu Newp ort Blvd. Vacant. Adult&. no .... RED CARPET REALTY Rental Dept. 673-3663 . 13 bib W. of.RB. Pieri RENT or ...... ...... . FO I"' •s SPRINGS v-~n ~ ........ r~ :JOO() to 6tlOO .. It. FA boat R _ .. E . ' .,..,. . .....,._ . -. -.. -· -L wood floon, i mp r o v e d 3100 sq ft pn,p ~. on City Gf Labs FE. Pt/Beqlf:~ Co. W'ater KAS'l'ER ~. $t per . Law pricest 8tev. 5e45G 570$ parking, 2 dbl car garaies. Harbor Blvd. 4 double doors. MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE Dist. &: J a rn b or I! e • hoar. Remodelhlc·Repain, L_agu~_n_a_Buch _____ All at 2065 Charle St. $600 Per ~onlh. Broker 20 Miles E. ol Bantow, on Tan/wht. brn. co llar . 6G-640tcr53&-3900 OCEANF1tONT -2 BR, 2 BA Owner, 646-4401, S.5. Rer.I 675-6S9l $n61 eves. ftteway. Elv 2000 ·ft., 30 5"-0120 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS luxury apt. Lease s;w). aJt or one Acrea adj to ~ Lotten. FOUND Younr male puppy, ~Any size job Plastarl"" Ropoir 6180 ePATCll PLASTERING. Ail types. Free attmate. Call ,.,...,, 3 BR 2 BA. Fully carpeted, ;;;.:,;,::=-o::::>i:--:,.....= pri balcony·patio.:Encl gar. $125 Blk to beach N bay. $1'5 mo. 4249 Hilaria Way, '40-0093 Bkr. 494-2529 · STREET FRONTAGE e-2 60 x 121. 1 BR houae l Offering the N. portion of part Cmna n SbePherd. vie. 25 ~ exper . S48-6713 our 40 acre$, ttaerving S. Newport Isl. Well bred, ;i:'"""'°"===== REAL •ESTATE On Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq. Ft. comm'I. bldp. $28,'lOO $4,000 10 acres improved .. wl,mod-houlebroken 67W455 ~ •. Cencnte 6600 Plumblnt Genara.1 Mode:J,home ideal tor imur., dn. bal 7% $'2',C(IO dn. bal. 6190 Rltr., etc: (Bet. Ka~ and 6% 557 Plumer CM'. 646-1492 em ranch boUle e~. Un-FOUND SUndi3' vie., Cnd St. • c.Oncrete nra, patios etc. ---'""------' Rentals Wanted 5990 "Cerritos) Sir: n s, lndscpd1, eves. ' limited, perfect water, 301 N.B. Black, female. puppy. Concrete &: bl\ top sawing. Repairs &: Remodellnc $250 mo. 10650 Beach· Blvd. C-1, Ave. Del Mar, San GPM at 80 ft depth .. Price 6'f5..3374 Elec. sewer c Je an in g . AV~ Sat May 3L 2 BR upr dplx:, refrig, bltins. 5000 $175 yrly gar New Shag Cpt ~;;.;..----'~ 309% 36th St. Key at 309 $18,000, % cub, bel lit TD.1,.,,=---=-;oc-~c:: Reu. Don. &12-Ml.4 Residential Is mobile • 636-4120 • Clemente. 11.0' x l On '. Subject land bu 220 ft. MED· u.. fat doc. older ~.~co=N~CRETE==-work~-.~ll STUDENTS It. FACULTY WJSH to rent 20 x 60' space Owner, 492""695 or '192--0386 frontare on Silver Valley female, black."Vic. Harbor -homn;'c;';<· ~==-,,==-I are taoed ,.ain \vith a hous· ,._ Wil ,,.., -types. Pool decks &: custom. PLUMBING REPAIR for catering busioess. 213: Rd., 7 mi. E, ol school Fr1r a ton. ~ Call 543-1324: lng shorta.ie. We are a1klng '190-'344 or R. Hohm, 907 Latl ~'--'------•-1__.00 map &: furtQer details write LOVELY Si&Jneae cat 8th A: ""-'===~~~~~ DRAIN CLEANING UCI 51 NEW SPANISH ILL.AGE APTS . J BDRM. Fuf!I or un· · AJr.cond. dlh""'1'1. acU '1 own&. patio, break- ban, l"lvote !---·-"" •unu. b&Jl.b.quel. -.,. ... ...,. In ti, ~red carport_ no peta. CALJJ'OR.NlA~ "-546-2117 TDWNHOUSI! * ll>BA,crpu. ._ tJo. AdtAlll. 1150. E.-L&ne • ..,...,, M-17't NEAR new upper 3 bdrm, 2 ba, frplc, nr ocean, lse S250 per mo. avail J une 15th. 49'-2128 the community to list any -* OONCRETE work, bonded ~2387 or 541)-7217 available rentals, summer Foothill, Lacanada VIEW lOJ Georze R. Kreu, Laauna Balboa, NB 61S-1575 ' li Concrete wine -====="--'='=~~ or year round, with the hous-e PRIME;Retail Location e Beach, Box 91(, or Box 155, FOUND youtlF11iti kitten. ~ Cemm:IL ~ . PLUMBINC REPAIR ing office. Please ca 11 17X40, Xlnt foot &: auto tral· Newberry, Calif. 92365 Krlnkled. Wt. Vk. Dahl.la ' e CUSTOM PATIOS e No job toa.1mall ~ll Ior a listing tonn. fie. 18TI Harbor, CM Excellent build~ 1ile for lit St.~ • 64Ul2S • AVAIL June L 2 BR, 2 BA, 646-fi654 • cuatom home. Located in de· R. E. Wanted 6240 ='°=~~---,----,-concrete •winB A E-ernoval ,_,,a .1-ttot:. ieue. "-u TEACHER doing grad worll: sin.hie area ot 1 ,._, .. a BLACK Burmese tomcat. state Uc.•SG--1010 Pool Servicer 6910 -r-.... _ . .._ ""I"' UC! J•no 21 A 15 •-FOR lease beauty parlor or . ~ ... -. HUNTINGTON Beach n..1~! ,, _ _.... 00 ••• •~ 61'l '-========= Sun '"• -H"-~-Wo.. · ug · wan.., n• ~ ~·bm1t term• v•<&J .....,....,.... ""'*'"'-'· Ph. C7i3j ~7039 ...,..,. -m<Xlerately priced hSI? or office space. Building 7 yrs ~ ~ · 3 or 4 BR home. Owoen otJ=========-1 Chllll C.N 6610 • tsr ~to. F'ree! Exper, lie, smJ apt. Will hap pi I y o1536-d, ~~tington Beach. $165. Stuart I: Robbins Realtors principln only. 96&-3454 LMt 6401 ==='-'-----'--' reliable! Tony Taylor Pool WATERFRONT, upper, 3" babysit your home if you u;o;;r.1. BUSINESS •nd wn.L babysit June thtu Service. 968-4&11 BR, 1% BA. manied couple must travel, Reply Box ========•IR-5 cor 150 x 55 net, 5 ft sci FINANCIAL SMALL Black A: brown mix· Sept. my home. \Varner I: ========cJ only. No pets, lse, $275. 1525, Fresno, Calif. Offic. R•nt1I 6070 back. SW C01' Gartleld I. ed breed, male, German Sprin&dale Vk. 146-000C S.Wlng . 6960 -"'~'-~275_1 ______ ,INTERNATIONAL Oil Co. Huntington Ave .. HB Sale or Bus. Opportunltl9s 6300 ~pberd w/wbite spot on UPSTAIRS •• • 2 br. 1rp•-, LAGUNA BEACH trade for unil!I. Ownr/Bkr cheit. Children's pet. c.ntrKtert 6620 ... "' Ind uatrla! representat1\'C' Al Co dltl __ , ~· ·-· =====-.....:= bll·ins. newly decorated. wants unfurnished house or r n o,_. ~ FRIGIDAIRE 66-2469. C.M. $225. Mo yrly. 67!>--0753 t ' I ON FO~/ AVENUE 'Ro~_,~LO~T~l.agun--,~ .. ~oc~b-4$)1)= BLACK Labrador vlc Irvine ADDmONS-REPAIRS apar men._ year seasc, one Desk &paces available In sq. ft Nr beach & ~pa JET ACTION .. '.. REMODElJNG PLANNING to mover You'll child. Laguna, Sou I h news office bulldln& a: $1.0 OOO. Owner ( 714 ) FJ'i&lda,lre 11 min. cycle 11 Tttrace. Cinder Reward. Detignin&: I. Plamrlne find an amazing number of Laguna or Dana Point area. prime location to downtown asi.2Z>C or write Dally Pilot the fastest ln tbe lndUltry. 67s-6235/G73-4400 Kitchens-Baths, etc. homes in toda)''1 Oa.s:ailled Call 499-382'7 aJter 6 pm. 1..aguna Beach. A.Ir condi Box M-321. 30 Frlgidiliei do the .wotk GER I SHP, Jµ!d/Brn, male lJC'd A Borxled. Free est. e Dresamakin& a Alterations CUstom Designs ·~· Alterationt-442·5145 Neat, accurate, 211 yrs, exp. T,.. S.rvic:-6'10 Ads. Check them now. GARAGE or storage space tioned, carpeted. beautif\lll,:O.~,:.....,:.....--~-~ ot 40, 30 min. wuhel'J. Find UI JoiMI~ ear, must find, A I: B <X>NSTRUCTION THE SUN NEVER SETS on close to 17th I. Irvine. paneled partitioninl. Two 3 ~DJ. lots; room for 11 out how easy it ii to own bit a child. ~'f.-36U 1122 Paularino. CM TREES prunf!d, ,topped &: Classilied's action power. , 645-0466 or 67l-8517 entrances: Front.qt on units. 333 E . 21st St., Costa a payinc laum!r,.. 3 'No, female puppy llM1l · *545-GCl* removed. 26 yrs exp . Far an ad to sell around RENTAU Foret! Ave., ttar leads to Meaa.Owne(494-0072ew. 'Gardtn Groive, Santa Ana. black &: tan. % German ADDrt'IONS, remodel , Paubon Trtt Service the clock, dial 642-5678. HoUlel. Uftfumishecl MunclpaJ puking -'ot.I. $50 ~' ACRE Back Bay v;-. Tuatin. Oranae. Anaheim shepherd. &G-1292 reaionable; get o t be r =~=7234======= per month tor IJlac&. DHll Hones ck. 64MUI. 2361 Coi~O·MatiC LOST: M&J 9 _ ThaJ silk esc.tmatn, Then ca 11 •• u--5100 c~ U---5100 and chain anllable for $5. Redlands Dr. NB. .. ..... -,_ . ....a~ equl-.nt, Inc. mu. grn/b2ue/wht. Vk:,-=M=··=·~;::··====== Bultneu bam'I anawefin& M·l kit, good C. M. tocation, ,..... CdM 6Ts.:D4J I Upholstery 6990 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HBGllTS Jour LUXURIOUS 1 & l BliDROOM APTS . • Firepl&ot't • Ois.hwuhcr • Mammoth master """""""' • :i: Bathroom$ • Central forced air heat.inc HARBOR HBGllTS e St>flclous cablnl'ls e Gaff~n & SatUcn (;a! bu\lt.\ns e Balanced J)O"'"er llvlni; • Enclosed parking • Carpels & drapn Jour J1 17-A Clnnemon Av•., Cos:t.1 M1sa (1 block west of Harbor Blvd.(t 2 blocks south ol tht San Diqo ~l " service a~ tor $10. 50 x :m. Be.rpin S13.500. 23M'i( W. Valencia . C•.,,it L"'1.:.l All utllltiel paid exce,t c-."livan 548-Bl Fullerton TI4: 52!>7833 I 6626 ,,,.....,.. -*LITE MANUFACT* ,.._...,,_ •·~ ' · r DAILY Pll.01' Ac,... 6200 Need man to handle, manu-FREE' CARPET -VINYL -TILE 222 FOR.E.n A.vmuE ·-"'..;.;.~-----facturlng dept for molded • Expert installation LAG UNA BEAOI FOR Salt or will tnde for products. Start immediate-BLANKINSHIP FLOORS C'lYKOSKl'S Cuat, Uhol, European Cn.tsm.anship 100% lin! 642-14&4 1881 Newport BZ., C.M. JOBS l EMl'LDYMENT -~=-=-~ Orange Co. income. 280 A. i;y. Exp not nee., will train. iaaltic loatlnl Cla1M1 &124~ $40-7262 Offta SPACE so of Hemet near Rancho National 1eope. $15.tm tn-Offered to the public Jolt Wanted, Lady 7020 6637 COLLEGE Soph elrl • Im- aginative. babysitting, Uve- ln. Exch. refs. 60-086S . catuornla ,,...,._7306 "" ""'· lulty """""' by by the l!alboa Pow· pnltlnf S.m"" . ~ Inventory. $250 Per wk + er ~ua•-u starttnc US.130 Cabrillo, n~ar 17th &: Ori Co. Prop. 6207 eqtlal -•--o! p-•u ...... ~• N -· ·~ -~· 7 P. . Monday June c1vpor1 . . 11hould ttturn $25,000 or 21 NewportH•a r b 0 r DISIGN or.tttr&. electro mech Pt<; i,.;..t l _ dotall- fnai. I<en Sr. l'lS-~ $80 Each COUNTRY HOME """' "' ""· For ... , Yacht Club,,720 West Ail'· 646-llll wnH HORSES ·•""" 213'.,,..... ™· ''" Bay Ave., Newport Ganlonlnf "'° MODERN. Specious, pro. . CAN~.supply route, put or Beach. E q_r O 11 It ~-==~---- ressional offices for rent on Approximatebt l acm, w11.h flill tnne:, days/eves. Refill class. For additional li.ta. basis. Avail 811/69. l>OOI. barn. 3 bdnn home ' Ir collect mone:v h'om coin information p h o n e Contact Mr. Lapp, Downey ~need pgture. N.E. of Tu!-opcr. Diapenser'I in Costa s & L /t.MIJc, Mission Viejo. tin up bWh abov{' the smog. ).fega A vie. No llcllifw. 675-0t8'1 or 173-185S. 646-1948 Dom11tlc Htlp 7035 * HOUSEKEEPER OR COMPANION available for (am.Uy ClU't or aln&(e lady. Excellent references, drtve. Avail. now. HOMEMAKERS 83T-t9ll Pl?f!l:Y of ridirr& traUs, F'ull f,1650 Tot.al cuh req, Send HAPPY -==-===,,-,==--! price ss:i.ooo for more lnfor-name, addttsg a: phone to: 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. ma Hon l.lf'nn Thompson Route Dept p O Box 38ff OU1ce1 rotablo tor c.m. E-·~~ • A I ., , . . rnerdal Medical De ta1. ~ .. isoc., nc. Anaheim 92803 A,_ -nd ts ei ~ 1818 W. Oiapman Ave. BUSINESS Servioes In Cf.n-U'"\.v ., crp • eva Ol"arwe CaJU ·-• n--lSc PER SQ .FT. &II-2621 Ewl·.:V.Cncls '533-6m U"1LI ....... 05..-Co. Settt:tarial, Ml-51m OR 615-:M64 • teltpbone ~ direct BIRTHDAY CINDY Wne9e live-hw. Clftr1ul Permanent. Expe1te11c:ed Far Eut ~ 642.f103 c;......, Allen BylUd Ace«:I -------~1 Em..,.. ..... "" , .. -8 E. 16th. sA lwi- tr.15 omCE or i;maU bulincu. downtown Harbor Mount. & O...rt 6210 Blvd. Ideal tor R. E. etc. a:>VE View, 3 bdnn11, 2 $85. Monthly call ~ baths, buill·ins, pool, In-* DESK SPACE • IJM'C1, make offt!r, 'Palm fl.1sanc>lit I: Adama, H~ DHcT1. M6-C17 lington Bflach. ' 962.J343 BJO BEAR. lot. Vif:\V of 300 Sq. Ft. Olflco Moo.,.,.. .tel ""'" 16."°. OOSl"A 1ttESA 6464130 • 546-7563 DAU.Y PILOT WANT ADS · For D&IJ1 Pilot W1nl ACl1 BRING REmJL TS! Dial 6Co567I maJI, mimeograph. e t c . Woll eJtablltbt<I. -HAVE A GREAT m.,.... Would bo ,...i buo 12th YEAR I 1°' -. m•tual !tmll DIVORCID Or bookkeep!~. Broker YES ITS YOUR FAULT fnt> MS-4144 For 1~ nwmd lhlt AWN IROS. o., .. .,, ltatt 1t1 --"'"-... 1Elcp, 1Je. Riu! 'fttms l'HONE64MI03 DESIGNER-BUILDER will e11aoc< )'OUl' IUe, l·--~~~~-- Buoi..., °"""tlon • equip. Coll .., .. ! Cttt .. Edp Lawn EstAb._ 1(1 )'T'l. llalboe laland, Calli. Tatl,. JPIClh&tti ~~:.....!!<~'~, . 671-6lOt), -613-1551 AL<XJHOUCS -......_........,. ~• For ·Dltily Pilot Wan\ Ada -.. .15Q.mT• of -1D TllE-QUJ.CKEll YOU CALL, Dial co.!611 .... RESULTS r .0. Bo• ms°"""'...... THiil QUJCKlft YOU 811/LL , • . ' I • Holp w ...... -7200 MACHINISTS Cenerai machllllst& Jor HLV and/or cbuc:ktr, 3 yn min exp, onrttme. MESA Mf:G. CO. -91!1 W. 16th St.. NR ------... --------........... -............................................. ""' ............................... ,,.,--~.,,..~~,,,..~-·~··--~ ... ·-·-M-~ ........... ,.,..~..,l:ft•-=-t ~ 0 S> ___ ,.._ ..... ___ ""' .. !at .. dly, M11 :n.1'169 DA!t.Y PILOT 2 r.war. It.,'°· 1'161 J~BS A._[Ml'L_OYMl!NT JOBS .. ~PLOYMENT,JOIS .. EMPLOYMENT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS·& IMP[OYMINf JOIS &I MPLOYMlllT Jots .. "IMPLOYM~N~T~JOll~S~&~IM~P~O~~m~·~,~~~ Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help, \Yenhd, Men 7200 Help Wanted. Men 7200 H1lp Wanted, Men 7200 Halp Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wantod;Men '7200 Help Wonted, Men 7200 Help Wonhd - LLOYDS NURSERY \V~ted: Exp, landsca~ni It 11prlnk.ler men. &ti $6,00ll • $8,000 yr, Call tor appo~1t. 01f>.7411 TRAINEEs. Full or flll.rl Un1e. COOlt .. FOUNTAIN • 01$PATCHER DISH MACHINE. T II E FIRE EMERGENCY ITT JABSCO ZOO, W, eoa.t Hwy • EQUIPMENT AtacArthur, N.B. DI SPATCHER Help W1ntod, Men 7200 Help W1ntod, u.-7200 $562 •• $614. per month nwn lRecommended for MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATIVE OPENINGS With Atlantic Research ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER Thi1 po1ifio11 r•<Quire1 tll 1ccou11liflq or bu1i11111 1.J. 1t!l11i1.,1li¥1 9r•du1t1 with 1 tlloro11qh k11owled<J1 ot •ccountin'I theory •nd pr•clit1. Will •ct •1 the co"- troUer't deti<Jn11, •nd some of hi• m•ny dulie1 will be lo prep•••, review •nd ev•lu1fe 1peci•I proiech, •n•ly1e• •nd other f;n1nc i1I documenh. p•rlicip•le in •cq~itjtion1 eni<Jnmenh ind con iumm•te le1 111 end othel'conlr1ch under • co11troU11'1 juri1dicti11n. Directly rel•led e•perience ;, required. SR. COST ACCOUNTANT Perform contr1tl coil •n1ly1it •nd prep••e 1p1ci1I job coil reporh, •n i1l in p•1p•r1lion of monthl.,, op· 1•1lin9 d1tem1nh, m•int1in tO•t record1 011 con· 1truclion in prosreu jobs for c1pit1li11+io11 upo<1 completio11 end p•ep•r• overhe•d 1n1l111i1 for u11 i11 ov1rh11d r•+• ne<Joli•tion1 with 90 .. ernm•nl 1ud i· tors. Will 1110 do specie! 1n1ly1e1 •1 requir•d by m1n•<J•rn1nt. 019ree in Accounlin9 end s1v1r1I veers 1i:;p11ie11ce 11 co1 t 1ccou11!1nl with know!1d91 of 911vernme11I confr1ch. · COST PROPOSAL ADMINISTRATOR . Will be re1ponoibl1 for th1 op1r1tio n\ of tompl1te cost prop111•fi fo< m1jor 1n9in11rill'J ch1n<Je1 •nd new bu1in111 from h;1loric1I de+• or drewin'J1 in· cl~din<J 1!1t1ment of work ind cos+ n1r<1liv11. MM1I b1 e•p1rienc1d !11 111 ph11@1 of cci1I propo11I pr•p· l tltion from 11c1ipt of RFQ lo conlr1ch •w11d. Co1le9e d19ree •nd 11ver1! v••ri e•p1ri1nc1 rt · qu ired. SR. BUDGET ANALYST Will b1 re1pon1ib!1 for dov1lopin9, compi!in9 i nd pr111nlin'J cost d1t1 end bud<Jel reports. Po1ifion 1110 ent1il1 menpower i nd m•feri1I proi1clion1 ind their r1l1ti11n1hip1, plu1 fMndin9 req'1ir1tnenh ind r1l1 1n1ly1i1. Should bl" f1mili1r with l'ERT coil methoc:l1, comp11l•r l1chniq~e1 111d oflice m1chin11. Please send resume including salary history to LEE KELLEY (714 ) ~30 333 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, Calif, Missile Systems Division ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION ADivisionoflhe m • Susquehanna Corp. ~ ~~ An Equal OpporMWty EMplOfW lrUF ~ $59.1 . .fn8. July l, 1968) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Requires n.s. diploma or G.E.D., 2 yrs. recent experience: in public con· tact work, Experience in operation ot radio • te:lc· p ho n e cocnmunica1iw1 tquipment is hi&;hly de- sired. .\pply IO Penion- 1iel Office, City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., (TI41 673-6633 bt':forr 5 p.m. Pifonday, June 16, J969, WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE MAN $498. • $605. per month t Rel.'Ornmended for $~.·S651. 0 July 1. J969J CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2 current opening-ii in Utilifies Division of the Public \Vorks Dept. re- quire 2 years recent ex- perience sen1i -skilled t'onstruction and 1nain· te:nance of water and 51"!"-"Cr lines for closely related field. Apply Im- mediately to Personnel Office, Ci ty Hall, 3300 Newport B I v d., (714J 673-6633. l.JT JABSCO MILL & DRIVE OPERATOR/ SETUP Coo<l lx-ncfits & '"orking conditions. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER J JSj DAlr \Vay. Cosla tllesa California 9'1626 Prefer llOmtOtle with m~ l'hAnica..I usem~ expert. cnce. Cood benclits &. \vorkini: con- dillom. EQUAL OPPOR'I'UNM'Y Jo;i.'tfPLOYER ll\la.le or rcmalr) 1.\85 DALE W4\' CO~iA lttESA, CALIF. 92626 CTI4) 5-15-8251 BOYS 10 -14 CnlTier Rout~ Open '°' Laguna Beach, So. Lai:una DAILY PILOT 642-4321 SERV. ST.SA L E S MEN : Full time, graveyard shift Agl.! 2:> or older. Neal in ap- pearance and handwriting. Apply 2590 NeWpOrt BJyd., c.r-.t. PIPE SHOP CLERK 2j to 35 hrs, per wk. Kno\\'· ledgeablt• n1an, .\0 to 60 yrs. old. See Harold: 495 E. 171h St., C.1\f. 5'18-931-1 * DISH\VASHER i\lorning shift 10 an1-6 pm. E."<pcriencc pre.lerred. Dill chef for appt. Kl 9--0377 \\'ANTED; Oean cut college i;tudent w/ own car for part time evening delivery work. 500 \Y. Coast_Hwy, NB. CABINET MAKER. for hoal manufacturing plant. S&ll Edison, Huntington 8'-aci1. Days or E\·es, 536-9563 e DELIVERY BOY e Canyon Auto '.':\;pply 843 Broad~·ay. Laguna Bch ONE, Alert uphols1crer traillet'. Apply in person to J ohansen & Christensen 898 \V. 16th St. N. B. I l.'Orncr 16th l fl1onrovia l 17141 515-8"2Jl AUTO Upholsterer for !\hop BARTENDER, full time, in Hntg. Bch. 0: Guclle & night shift. Tuesday thru Sons Glass. 536-6561 SUnday, Huntington Har bour HI-FI Component Salesmen Beach Club, 4121 Warner Trainee. Xlnl. future. Call A~ .• H.B. Mr. Van. 646-3897 $ERV. STA. ATTNDNT. 7~ Pl.f ::. dayl! a 'vk, r.1on,f'tl . No 5'.t o:r Su.o., Apply ot call DANS' RlCHFIELD~ 2900 Brlttol, at Ba.ker. C.?t.1, ~ 'CABLE TV L'll~AL. LAT I 0 N. Electronic bacqround httptul, neat appearance esee1:1tial. Apply after l:SO af709 C Randolph A \If!, 0 1 or call 54.5--8393 FULJ. TO.IE, day man. Ex· pr. pref'd. Apply: MATTHEWS UNION SERV . l928 E. Coast HWY. C d M. MANAGEMENT TRA INEE WE OON'T WANT YOU unlc:u You Oil.II t1-.1n !or 11!.x month• factory spon1101•cd pqram, and be •Ille to live on $512, per montti (q per wrlUen agrttmenl) dt.tr1n& the 1raininr period. Alto )'Oll must be able to start 'vwk hnmediately. Call trainlni director for personal Inter· view. call r.1011 & Tues. 8:30·2 pin• 543-9289 While elephants! Dime.a-line Atlantic Res earch OPENINGS IN Administration & Manufacturing (OPERATION S) I MANUFACTURING ENGINEER wilh ••p1ri1nc1 in either eleclro"ic or mech1"ic1I m1nuf1clurin<J method1. I SEN IOR ESTIMATOR lo pr1p1r1 cod 11Hm11,,. e l'ROl'ERT"!' CONTRO L ANALYST, Will ke ep prop· 1•1¥ tecord1. do inv1nlo1i11, prep1r1 reporh to !ht confrotler ln~/o• c<1<lom 1r. I MATERIA L REQUIREMENTS ANALYST lo inter· p•el m1t1ri•I i nd proceu 1pecific1tion1. I EXPERIMENTAL MACHIN1STS with 1•p1ri1nc1 In ptololype •nd I 11 1rlicl1 f1bric1lio11. e ELECTll:ONIC TECHNIC IAN '"A". E•p1ri enc1d in UHF/VHF communictlion1 i nd FM/FM t1l1m1tr11. I REPRO TYPISTS "A"' io type p•opo11l1 fro m l.111dw•ill1n copy ltypin<J 1p11d 60 wpm !. I TECHNICAL PUBL ICATIONS COORDINATO R to •ni1t in 111 productio" 111d 1dminiitr1tiv1 lune· tio"' of Publit1fio01 Oepl. Contact Employm ent Office 1714 1 54b·80JO ]))) Harbor Blvd., C osta Me sa Missile Systems Division ATLAtiTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of the Susqu ehanna Corp. *con ACOUNTANT lf you are experlcnccl'I In the de1ign implementuUon Md maintenance Of a casl syatem, the posilion is avail· able to you. Deg~ prtlcIT· ed. Qlntact: GENERAL AUTOMATION INDUSTRIAL OESIGNER Career opportunity with plu- Uc1 bollt!CV>'ll'l!:I divi1i011. LENOX, INC . Degree plus 5 yn ellp. Allat"Mn Plastics Div LENOX, lNC. P.O. Box 2029 G;utlena, Calif. """ OCA PART TIME • .. .. , ... , HELP WANTEO - WORK EVES. 6:30 TO 10:3(1 PM . \VE NEED 25 MEN .!9 START WORK LM1\IED)/\'.. , TELY. NO EXPERIENCl: NECE5.sARY AS WE TRAfN YOU. -., " TOP STARTING PAY' · • 706 \\I. Kale-Ila Orangt", Calif. Equal opportunity emplO)'f"r ----------J For lnle!"Y\f!w call flfohd'/y , and Tuesday, Ask for "ldr. · James. * DISHWASHER (full time) Pre.fer clean cut yuu11g n1an with experience Apply in person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adams Costa Mesa LA:'l11NATORS & ASSEA1BL- ITT JABSCO JANITOR (Second Shift) Pl-efer vcpc1'il'nce in care of lndwitrial uff!('('"S and facil· itil.'!f. Equal opoprtuni1y employer 1485 Dale \\"ay, Costa fltesa STEADY JOB ERS for Boat Bldg. Co. LiHl;:C Ora.ngC' C.Oun1y con- Exp"d, n1en, good salary & t.'Cr n h.as openings for live \\'Orking con"s. i\1ERIDAN young, aggressive men. P.1ust have a car and be L TO. l0920 Hawthorne Blvd.. able to start work immedi-ln .. J-·--', CaJ;J. ( 21 3) ., """'""'"' atcly. No experience ncce_s. 674-5200 ary. \\'e will !rain. $512. per SERV. STA. SALESl\tftN. mo. as per \Vritten agree. }o~or ew. & ~·eek e-nd \\"0rk nicnt. Call ?ltol\ only, Must be neat in appcarnn('(' 54~9289 and hand\vriting. 2 5 !IO ---------- NC\\ll)Ort Blvd. Costa J\.fl'sa BOAT ASSEMBLER TRAINEES Apply: Pacific Yachts Mlg. Co. 2127 S. Grand, Santa Ana. 545-1685 OFFICE machine mechan· le. Starting salary sl65 wk . Need experienced man. 494-9615 or 962..JS&l RESP. GARDENER. Steady \1•ork l-4 hrs wk. Cut gra!!S flitUe J, \vater, feed plants. ~~is-3555 DRY CLEANING exper"d. Operators, pressers. si!k. wool & c ombina t i o n . 541-9550 Kennel nian, over 35. Apply In person, SPCA, 20012 la· gullll Cnyn Rd. Lag Beh HELPER for cabinet shop. Full or part time. 642-5840 Sat 01· Sun belw 9 &5. Assistant Manager J RC'lail c-rlX:ery C'Xpcriencc, day or nigh! shill. Paid vat:. insu r etc. Xlnt Oppty. Call for appt. 642-8520 f.1ann<;c.ntent Trll.irK'e PART TIME EVES. $3e50 per hr. ean 511.n 112 ~tr. Bond PARTS MAN Rambler r-xpcrience: prefer. red. Good advancement for right n1an. Small beach area dealership. Jim Bolhcn 642· 602.1 774-nsl ~ · SA~MEN .,, Cal't'Cr opportunity w I t h ~"·ing C.O. Prefer exp' men. Fut floor, guan.nt(!(Mf + com.m ission + P."M.'1. APPLY " 33.l E. 17th SI., Costa Me;st. 464 S. M~ St.. Santa ~ *SALESMEN* (Part TlrneJ \Yi!h car. Leads fumiahed. Work any four hours avef8ie $100. per week up. Call all, 5 PJ\.1 for PM. 544-0594 INSTRUCTORS ... l\lature, young adult, looklftC for good future, able to me:ct the public. Apply in pel'BQl"l:- Holiday Health sp; Costa P.1csa • Huntington Btfl IMA1EDJATE openin<,;s 'c.fci production worker3, ~lo. shilt. Good \\1lrkirn;: rond'!' & co bcn's. lndusll'ial c1a:v Products, 18765 Fil)!~r Glas'& nu. llunlington Be a c tr.f Calli. ,,,. · SHOE SALES man a K.~.J trainee, America's largqt retailers of women's !IJ#~ LEEDS Shoe Store, . ·so; Coast Plaza. Contact Mt. Phelps ~ ~ • SERVICE ~iATION :..i. llELP: T\\'O men full t.imei e~JX'':'icnced. One man 1or grn~yard llhliL NO p!J:>M. calls. RICHFIELD, 191.b, ·Ir Newport Blvd., C.M. , Order Clerk.""°Expecliti(.: , Sharp with figures. S425·;n\ n1onlh. Merchants Person•M"l ARCncy, 2613 \Vestclill~.~ N.B. 6'6-2710 DRAF7Sf.1EN, semi retiftd, for pt time draJting in' Nit. Hun tington Beach. 842-44119~ SOCK rr TO 'EM! .::. 1 JObs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men , Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 Jobs-Men, Wom, 7500 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7ctvr.-,..~ · WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE NEWEST; MOST MODERN N'IEW FORD FACILITY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WE ARE PROGRAMMED FOR SUCCESS ••• And We Want Only Successful People Who Can Meet Our Hi9h Standards. SALES MANAGERS SALESMEN SALES TRAINEES We Have Openin9s For The Followin9: MECHANICS GENERAL SERVICE PEOPLE QFFICE PERSONNEL ACCOUNTANTS BOOKKEEPERS Our Every Endeavor Is To Give You The Buyin9 Public Their Full Dollars Worth With Courtesy, If Yo11 Want To Work For Us You Must Meet These Hi9h Standards . Sincerity, and Honesty ! • \' SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Glvd. -(714) 636-4010 • I l :ti DAILY "LOT Fnday, Mil 30, 1909 fl DAILY "LOT S1tin.t, M1131,1'6' • • ~ i IM>LOYMENT lOISfMPLOVMINT Ju••• I JO-a •.•PLOYMINT JOU.a IMPLOYMINT1 JOIS A IMPLOYMINTJOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMIHT ""'-w.-, -7200 Holo Wlnlod, Mon 7200 Help Wonted Help Wanted ·Help Wonted H"olp Wonted Jo-Mon, Wom. 7SOO Jollo Min, W-oii\. 7500 --· w-7500 DISH MACHINE Women 7400 Women 7<!00 .!!'...omen 7400 W-7400 ~I P'rohsa-I * Co. * OPl!llATOR j ~ re,,,.....,, Ernoio>!""'l l ~I lmploy-·'>·~~ Union,..,._ ltOlplW, ~ EXPliRllNCEO ICN · AHlot- ' Newport ee.co '"'· medkal. <tnlll pW.. IJRGDIYLY Mi:mm • COASTAL AGENCY p&ld vae&tK>". "'~"""'pay, ~ newport . DU llQ;l#UI ' ' e ESCROW e A memt..r ol NEEDS Apply in Jlt't:l(ln. I e T • SECRETARY 1 Sntlllnt I Snelllnc. lnr. How1rd'• RHt1ur1n1 personne ypiits · Nucleic Acid R.-ch Institute 2790 •v1>or 81' °' -Sport! .. Oood1 . agency e Repro Typists UNITEO CALIFORNIA SEEKING ambitious """""' ~ ~it"t 4001 ;Uc;:~;';" NB ~" DOVER o1t1VE • Secretar{•s BANK HAS OPENINCM FOlt ~~ ';, ·~ "'.,,~,,::.''~; OISHWASHER Nt:\VPORT BEACH .. 1,1 E C ,n .. •t haw illflida -1 .. Una •••-o W k •-• h • • · OHt Hwy SECRETARY -~ Over 18 --· or Wn9n • w ,,.. Corona •• Mar Good h rth d t . I u· up. Sllary .$500, &to, + Out1tandllll benefil.I l.lld • ~ to p&1·1lclpate In tho &TOwth oI W1 l'IC!llf, expand. tna lint. APPLY IN PERSON you we.ntl •1•92.1• ! o an • accurate yp1ng, am tar Submit resume • nfl. Ba;rc D A I• 1 .. -with chemical terms. p.., Dally Pilot. APPL. Y IN PERSON • to AM to 9:30 Pf\f ,. ~tonday 1hru Soturth~y .. · f C. PEllHEY CO. ',. ' • ..,.2~ F•shlon l1land .. An rqual O!l"'1'1unlty BOB'S BIG BOY .154 E. J7th SI. Cotta ~tesa AUTO SALES E>.-perience prefetted. Amer- ican 1\.1otors dealership ln beach area. Excellent oppor- tuniry for right man. Jim Bothen 642~ YOUNG 1'.fAN, 21 or o\'er cnip:oyer *" ; Good part time or Ml lin .e '"""""""'"''"'""'"''"'~I employment. Xlnt v.·ages I ' a.nd meals. Apply In JM'l"!iOn ITT JABSCO PUMPS · TURRET LATHE OPERATOR • TURRET LATHE OPERATOR/ SETUP No ~p. nee. T H E OORYMAN 2100 W. Oceau Front. N.8. DOORMAN PARKING ATTND'T Fu!J or part time, day or eve. lie. caJit. driver. Neat a.p. pearance, refs. Call 644-1700, ext 555, 4 lo 6 p.m. COLL.. MEN, Summer work. Scholarship opp. $155 '\'k guar. r.omm. Call 642-1403 Help W1nted Women 7<!00 • .\N EC.,!UAL OPPORTUNITY Oerica.l EMPLOYER PRINCIPAL CLERK 'l-ISj Dale \\'ay, Cosla P.1esa. ~~ -$60.)·-per month • ' 54:;.8251 -(~.....$638 recommended July 1. 19691 oar pp 1c1n s •• , Plt1so be 1pprisod that tho counselors at Newport Personne: w o u Id very much like ihe pleasure of your com· ptny to discuss with you the many be1utiful jobs 1v1ilablo to you al this time . Also, plHso be •dvisod !hot mony of these top peyin9 positions are fee p1id by our lovely employers. To be per· fectly honest however, not all of our employen re1li1e yet that this is the applicent's mar~et ri9ht now. We will be e•pecting • telephone en· quiry from you et your earliest con· venience. ,A~=~~~ J!Llagency 0 833 DOVER DRlVE NEWPORT BEACH 642-3870 Kindest Regards. Newport Personnel Stoff INTERIM F.qu~J opportunity emplo..... TYPIST Televlslon ,.. Accurate typist. Wlll also act as receptionist · Introduction Work PERSONNEL SERVICE * SALESLA DIES -* for research building. Help in troduoo cable T.V. In North TusUn. Eves I: week. 445 E. 171'1 St. Cosl• Mesa, C1llf. 642-7523 Positions avalh1.bl(' to1 r:<- ped1>11('.'f'd JMJ('I llf'l'!'Ollllel In LANZ NEW NEWPORT CENTER GIRL FRIDAY ends. $3.00 per how:. Call Ge neral office background, to assist purc has-Sandy at 544-7785 ing agen t. Schocl .. lnstrvction 7600 I nferviewing STORE STOCK/MAINTENANCE CLERK Receive and distribute chemical supplies in lab area. and 1nalntenance. VOICE prepuation for popular or classical ll.na:IJW. Be;:lnner l h r u advanced training. 64Z-5512, 4MJl340 Mon. thru Fri. f'ull time only. Student quota I 1.m. to 5 p.m. filled. Call 644-44.11 or 1213) Equal opportunity e111ployer I ~934-~"'5;;:·;;,;:""1;="'::;':,.· =--- GLORIA MARSHALL Full JANITOR time Janitor for research building. e PIANO, Theory, Hannolw ta11ght by member of f.f\Wc Teachers All.soc of Calif. le Sher".\'00<.I "f.tusic Sc h 1. Beginne1·s &: Jntennediat~ Sue Denlon, 548-8494 ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR IB~I Alpha & Numerl-- cal. Verily and some 1~ lated clerical duties. Good 1vo1·king condition!!' 11.nd benefit.!. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 11\fale or r~emaJe) 1485 DALE \VAY COSTA l\fESA. CALIF'. 9262G tn<11 54~8251 f>'IGURE CONTROL SALON PAP.T TIME HELP. ,\!. trnclivr ''°Oman, 30 lo >llJ \\'di tn1in. Hr~. !l-l P~I. C.i U 01· coine in for intcrvie1v. liol2-:l6JO. 430 Pacific Coast Hwy, N.B. Cashier /Hostess Call for appointment (714) 833·2SOO F.clucationa.l Vacation 4th vaders . . . Sr Citizent Chilcoat 10 lesson typln: ScW. Trial Lesson. 173 Del ?!far C.M. 548-2859 International Chemical & Nuclear Corp. Experienced' Apply 2727 Campus Dr., Irvine, Calif. 92664 ~~~fXe~~~: ~~7'. MANNINGS, INC, A• •~..t o,,.m..1ry l111p1.,_ 541-5697 or 646-3706 El Toro Rd. {Leisure World ) 1----..-..--\ Laguna tlills 837-1~4 l--IMERCHANOISE FOlt SALES & LIGHT Oflice Yl'Otk H I W t~ H I W t-..J SALE ANO TR.A.OE · f hio bl L'do e P •n -• P In .a in as na e 1 je~ Women 7400 Women 7400 Furniture 1000 store. Jewelry experience 1----------. .....;..c.;..o.. ____ .;._;;; 1----"------ ncccssary. Call for a~ polntment. Perma.ne:nt posi- tion. 673-9334 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE GIRL GEN. orfice pos. nr, 17th & Placentia. Nvr a dull mo-UOUIDATORS ~ent o~r-Nd girl \\'ho FOR BAN«oflNANCE CO' hkcs sailb~ & "'ho can n...3"" I cahnly get v.Tkld. oul in ESI'AT~l\lODEL. HOMES mldsl of dlr, sales &: prod. Quality Furniture PLASTICS MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PositiOll In Finance De- partment requires lt.S. graduation and 5 yrs. of responsible clerical ex· perlence including &<'- counting and accounts Jl&)'able. Apply to City of Newport Beach, City l·lall, P ersonnel Office • 3300 Ne wport Blvd., Ncv.')Xlrt Beach. ITI41 673--6633 before 5 p.m. Thur.iday. June 1:?. 1969. I~ EXPERIENCED PART TIME PART TIJ\1.E MAID, exciting apt complex needs week end maid to prepare &: serve for parties, breakfast & Bar-B- Ques. 645-0550 Require gili lo ;usume re- sponsibilities for enti1·e ac- counts payable fu nction. Experienced cnly please. demands. Start J350. Mon-B•nk1 Can't Tues. l\1r. \Vare. 646-7434 Deposit Purn. P ART TIME Oifice Vw1lrk.. They Dem•nd Cashl 8:3()...l dally. Alert girl who Regardless Of L"sl '\\'orks with figures to write Spanish-Mediterranean otders on mnt accounting lt1aple-M&hoeany·i\1odern machine. \Ve will tn'.n. Brand name bedrooms .Ir 54~7101 king or any 1117.e box sprincs BUILDER needs part tin\e &: mattres.s, CUAto1n made sccrr.tary 0 n permanent sofas & love seats, exquisite basis. Must be acclll"i\te dining rooms & hutches. typist &: do si'n1ple beck Guaranteed frostlt'e'C re!ri&:· work. Call ~127 era.tors, color TV's, late mo. DENTAL OFFICE busine91!1 del washers & dryers are ·-•la-"•\wn '" ,0 y. 01 all on sale al sacrifice pric. Perm. posltJon. XI n I. \\.OFkin~ cond's. Overtime & all lrlni:e benefits. Im- mediate opening! on all shifts. Experienced pre- fcn't!d. No phone calls alter 5 PM. ' CALIFORNIA Injection Molding 200 Briggs Ave. Costa r-.tesa 546-4460 An equal opportunlt,y employer STENO CLERK I $452. • $549. per month (Recommended for $510.·S620. J uly 1. 19691 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ~1a.naien1cnt Trainee1' SU&ti\fER & PERt.1ANENT -EMPLOYi\IENT FUJ.L & PART TIME START One current opening in IMMEOIATEL Y tilt-Personnel ,Off.ice J'f'-- f.fan 18 to 30, v.·e need you quires high achool diplo- to accelerate our expansion ma &: two yea.rs 01 re-- program in Orange County. cent clerical experience, 100 "'Pm shorthand. 50 1\fo offices opening soon in '''Pm lyping. Apply ini-CO.""ta Mesa and Hunting!on n1ediately to Personnel Beach. Ideal ror college 1au. Offict', City Hall, 3.300 <ieij,t.S. No experience uel.-es-Ne\vport Blvd ., iTI4) a;acy. 1i73-66J..1 s3~50 per Hr. ___ , EXPERIENCED olil 547-7182 ri1on-Sa1. *Busboy (Days) .. Apply in Person 'REUBEN'S COCO'S e TELLER e I::.'\PER IE!'ICED e PROOF OPERATOR e UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 302t Harbor Blvd. Cost• Mei• 546-2033 1555 W. Ad1m1 Costa Mas• 1~....,"' ----1 Equal opportunity ~mployer " MOTOR HOME , .e BUllDERS . .. . • ASSEMBLERS l~mcdial{' OP£'n!ngs for nicn \1-ith experience in pluinlr Ing, electrical. \''alls, cabin- rtr; and finlAh -or v•e will train you. l\lust have some ha.nd lools. See Rick, :?l,lj Canyon Drivr. C.osta l\lesa ... ,.,,,. CAREER OPl"ORTUNITY! GENERAL PRODUCTION NO EXPERlENCJ:: NECESSARY Apply In per•on THE HARTUY CO. 1987 Placentia Avr. Costa i\1t'sa Join tcday1 fastest crowinc I 7=====~-­'rct..Won--~!u1 uaJ Fund 1ales ADVERTISING Ne llXJ)Uience nectAaJ"Y-s t / W• ""1n · hlJI or part llm• ecre a ry Mutliol Fund Ad1ri1on, NPI 8. um :~~ .. Ult..,...,, Bookkeeper d . 121.Z N. Bro11dway Responsible, top level 5"47&.11 position for aharp, tek• ... 1 charge girl. Must have * Jtruclual Steel* nc•ll••t 1k111. inc:. lhorthond; h1ndlo Ille e LAY OUT-FITTERS bkkpt; billing. Under e PAINTERS 30. Coll Borboro. (7141 e TllUCK DRIVERS '42·3910. Union IC&le, fringe ~ncflt1, --· Eqml opponunit,y ('mp.lo)l'Cr SAMPCO Inc. *1 S. Orond Ave. ,' -· ,,,,.. 5411-JIU • **COOKS CLERK TYPIST A.ler1 ;:hi. production con- trol oHice_ Typlrlt, ftlirw. pcatlf1K, XJ:nt working cond'1. indlJdlnc "" bt.nefils. CAL.,ORNIA lnJoctlon Moldillt Part dmt ' full Un~, !M!n-100 Brta1 A vt. ~ f;xpertcna!d only, AP. Costa 1'1esa 5*4480 plr altt:r J p.rn. An ecJU.\l opportunity eniployer .,.VE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3.!01 £. PoctrJc Coul HW)I. , Coron& dtl Mar Nd'Pbont Call• Pttue '1 EXPERIENCED TELLEllS Full ur pt. lime. Appl)' In penon Bank Of America. ~ Via Udo, NB. eqtaal oppnrtunit)' 4!.mplQ)'("!' I . . . --- Help W1nted Help Wanted Women e e e TELLER 7400 Women 7400 1.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:* UN I TE D CA LI F 0 R N I A BANK LEGAL Secretary replace- ment wanted tor summer mont!Js comn1encing July 1, in Newporl Beach. Tel : 6'12.-?.330 CLERICAL CLERK TYPISTS Varian Dala Ma chine•, I~ cated ·in the Irvine Indust- rial mmplex, has lmmedl· ate openings f o r 2 clerk typists. These asttignmcnts are In our publication, and E.D.P departments. Good typing skills & prveious clerical \\"Ork expcriencr desired. \Vr. offer a good stnrting sal- ary \vith an excellent he~­ fit program Inducting It days vacalion during the lirst year of employment. vari1n dita machines A VA RIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michelson Drive IAdJ . to Orf ng• Co. Airport) Irvine, C•lif. 92664 An equal opportunity employer M & F J. C . .,ennfY Co. Fashion Island Ne1vport Beaeh NEEDS PART TL.\IE SALESLADIES Housewives & Mothers Can you spare a tew hours each day and add to the family income at the same time? s~hedules convenient for you, mornings, after- noons, evenings or combina- tions of a!J. Work in a. fun !tore under the finest of conditio~ and lop ~upervifi.. 1ion. APPLY IN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AM to 5 Pl\1 f.1onday thru Friday All student position!'. lilied. Equal opportunity employer 2'l'.! Ocean Ave .. Laguna Bch, 4S.l-6546 See Betty Bruce at m,u!:xec A&;ency for Career Girl:1 410 W. Coast H\vy., N. B. By appoint. 64&.3939 abilities u12Limite() age12ciY Quality Positions for Qualified Applicant& as E. 11th St.. swte 22c Costa Mesa 642-1410 Exec. S.cty to $667- -~~-~--SALES help needed, must have experience in ladies "'ear. Apply in person. Jackie's Fashion Center 75 HunUngton Center, H.B. IMMEDIATE opening-Secy for 1 man ins. ofe. Non- !\moker. no ins. exp nee. Send resume to P .0 . Box 2232 CM. VERY sharp ~rl w/exper. In titting cust. Bikinis, (or sales; must be able to work 1veekends &: some niihts. 642-6316; 673--2473 eves. PLATFORM STF.NO Experienced Security Paci.fie Nallur~J Bank, H.B. 536--6.Tll BEAUTY Operator Interested In training for children's shop, Costa Mesa.. 642-3689 Sccure future with a solid MATURE 1\-oman \\.·anted. Costa f.fesa company_ F·ab-Hskpr. 1\•th prac. nursing ulous benefilll, pleasant oU· exp, gd. cook, ~t &: clean, ice. Call Edee, 548-5410 live-in & refs. S.S.5652 Jeson Best MOTHER'S Helper -for 13 Employment Agency mo old & be.by e:cpected ln GENERAL AUTOMATION 706 \\', Katella Orange, Calif. Equal opportunity emplo,yer TIRED OF LAYOFFS? If you arc interested in steady employment as a secretary. we have lhe job for you • lots of variety, pleasant SW'- roundings a n d excellent star1i~ salary. Good short- hand skills required. Apply at; Westminster School District 14121 CEDARWOOD WESTMINSTER, CALIF. Gener•I Office Help Basic o f f i c I' knowledge pref'd, but not nee. Good phone voicr. over 18. Appl,Y in person behveen 2-4 pm Tuesday thru Friday. ......... •J ""' ,,.,,.., '" age. Exp'd onl,v Call P.&1:~ es. l\fon-Wed-FrL 847-5026 BUY ANY PIECE OR HOUSEFUi. W 1rehouse Sale WANTED: Dental a sst., front office/chair side . Exp'd. T~'O ch't office. lll<>-01<1 AOK MATURE \Voma.n for 11 to 7 7722 G•rden Grove Bl. shift in SAWYER HOME. Westminster (~ Block West caJI 646-6716 from oomer cl Beach Blvd. MAID 30 perm/ nellt . G.G. Freeway) Open time,' 6°':.uwk, Lag = 1().9, SUnday, lo.ti. motel,1i1.7S br. ~ SPANISH Returned from 1..::=::.:=:..::o;_;::..;,;;;:=:__I Model ffmna: OD aall at lea than wtdesale! Group Jobs-Men. Wom. 7500 ibcludn beaaWuJ t I • • COST ACCOUNTING CLERK ANALYST quilted sofa .\ Jove ll!olt, * SALES ORDER ,,*....,....,....,....,!!!!!!!!!* 7120 So. Main, 89.nta Ana J une. \Vanted for summer ~JAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS .m;:::.•',:,s.~54,C0-8,.:...70~1~--= MERRY with a semi-part LICENSED Shampoo Girl time job. Easy, tun, no ex-and PART Time Reeep- )X'r. nee., no invest or tionisl. Top pay. Newport deliveries. Must be over 18. Beach area. caJI 642-Q.57 Five Crowns Restaurant 3801 E . Pacific C.Out Hl\·y. Corona de! Mai' No ph. calls Small manufacturing & en- gineering company requires individual to assume cost accounting dutie8, including direct labor distribution, maintenance of inventory Ct>St records & \vork in P"' ceg1 inventory. f..1ust be able to prepare eost reports form wuree data. College train- ing in accounting preferred. \Vork expcr. in accounting, and on oUice machines helpful Salary opt"n. Please send resume to or apply at 3 Spanish oak dacon.W b>.bles, swag or tf.b&a ~. wall placque, Jdn&, qu.n, .. er full sl.ze bedrcmn II.die complete Incl bo:x" aprtnp, mattress, linene A boudoir lamps, Spanish oak 6 pe dining set pri* ~ al approx. $1111.00 AIL FOR ONLY $399. U0 down. $4.99 per ... P.ek ,. out or state credit OK. W 11 I ,separate for quick ale. 20th Century Furniture, 9 7 7 2 Garden Grove B I yd . , Garden Grove Daily 10..9. Sat 101, Sun U.S Ccm.t CLERKS E.'\perienccd in sates order processing. maintain order Jog and 1-et."Ords. 'l)rpe 60 \rpm on rlet:lt'il', C•ll Personnel Dept. (714 ) 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. l•guna Ba•ch 1'.:quaJ op~rtunity l'mpl oycr * WAITRESSES Apply In Parson REUBEN'S , COCO'S 1555 W. Adams Cost• Maa1 ----* K!YPUNCH OPERATOR ACCOUNTING PAYROLL CLERK Ph. SARAH COVENTRY for appl. 546-TI22 or 547-46Z1 INSTRUCTRESSES Varian Dala l\tachiflf'~. lo-Ofl,CE MANAGER. for ca.led in the Irvine Indus-=~~ G~:.':Js~~ta~~bo~ Young, mature girls· able to LIVE ·in help; motherless meet the public. Must be: 11- home, boy age 7. To start traclive v.·ith a good fi:urc. approx June 23rd. Send Apply In person resume & refs B. Cook, 1500 H I'd H I h S Adams, Suite 203, CM. O I ay ea t pa STACO, INC. In or C'all rn4) 53)..6240 County , has an immediate nt'ed for a payroll clel"k. bookkeeping exper. req'd. Salary open. Send resume DRY CLEANING presets Costa Mesa e Huntington Bch exper'd silk. ~'001 & com-Radio-Telephone bination. Laundry help also. D' h G' I 1139 Baker St:, Coste Mesa 549-3041 REPOSSESSIONS Jn c,;Ct'llent c onditi on . Beautiful sofa $89. Chair $49, sofa & love seat $179, 5 pc bedrm set $89, Kine 1ize bedrm. set $149, Box spring & malll"ess S9 ea. Kin& •ize You must have had experl· cnce ,,..Hh an E.D.P. payroll ~~if P.O. Box 5.17 Balboa, 541-"'° !Spate Ir 8ystcm &: be proficient on ---------SALES LADY full time for lhc 10 key adding machine. 15 or 16 YR old girl 'vanted Children's store. s 0 !.1th Lite typing required. for summr babysitting & Coast Pla7.a. Apply 650 E. D Good starting salary & benc-Mother'l!I ht'lper. 0 e e :'I. n St. Tustin 25 or over, Must know local art'&. Apply in pcn;on. YELLOW CAB. CO. An Equnl Opportunity Employer fits, including 12 days or Front. 75c )X'r hr. ~, d:iy ;;jii;;i;iiiii.iOiiOiiOiiOiiOi vacation during the fir 1 l \\leek includ in~ \\'kend. Call 186 E. 16th St. SCRAM LETS $25 ea. Sell a.U or part, eo, .. ""' • ''""'· ""' '" or part ADK year or employmen1. f.1ay 30. JI. June ht . Glrl Friday i: lite bkg. Reply in person only Kings for "f.len, 2300 Hnbror BL Of. l VN \Varchouse. 772:Z Garden Charge Nurse ANSWERS Grove Btvd .• 1.i blk. West cf varian data 64,_,.., MEDICAL OFFKE 3 10 11 Pi\1 shirt. Apply Beach nr. G.G. Frwy. Open NE\1/PORT Pi-ortt -Antic -Gourd -11).9 Sun. 10-6. machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michelson Drive (Adj. Orange Co. Airport Irvine, C1llf. '12664 An equal opportunity emplo~r M It: F SEAMSTRESSES FULL time & part time makl CONVALESCENT Triple-GET OUT REDECORATING • Lido for motel work Balboa Conf cl R E.'C perlenced in receptionist Ptn\nsula. 675-3463 llOSPITAL u us. say: ". emcnl· ls.le, solld eherTy bedronn1 duties lncludiOJ; medical in. .:::::::::::::::...=.:.::=---~ Ho&pltal Rd .. N.B. ber old maid who fuld man set, chairs, lam~. new suran<'e. Call 616-3903 RN, Part time alternoonsJor HOSPITALITY HOSTESS Is in roo"'! who gi\'e him 24 \Vestinghouse rotrlc· 120 p l A S T 1 CS-General Practitioner's of· looking tor mature ...,"Omen hours to Gsr OUT." yds near new r ti at c1:::1"=·:..;54:::,"""'.:;;;.3:.._ __ ~ to wtloome newcom~ to * DRMRS * carpeting. 5' Travertine Injection Aloldlng 0!K'r. or * WAITRESS * Over 21 the communi .... Mu~t haw N E • marble top coUee table, Trainee. Must be depend· v 0 tud · d k able. Graveyard shift. Ap-Graveyard shift. C.Ontact typewriter, car, and be hon-xper1ence s ent 1 es , maple dlnln& ply &-4 p.m., Orani"e County f.tr. Zimmer 6il-OO'n dable. Apply 285 E. ~IRin, Necessary! t~~ & 4 Captain"• chain, P•·-· 850 \" 18th C'I \VAITR.ESSwanted.A"'"''yin Suite 7. T\atin, C•ll~. r.a.v•-u player, man y ......,tlcs, ·~-. ·" · """ "-•A ft>"'I; Muat have clean Calilornla records. 673-Th47 penon Mesa Lanes 1703 ~==•.:."------drl J '-,,==~~,.-~=-BEAUTICIAN . CM ~ v ne record, Apply 11.IOVING must aeltr BR RI, 10 v.'Ork full time O>sla t>.fesa .su="'.:.'.:."o.'-'~'-'.:.• _, ~· ~--Female S.Cty. 500.00 YELLOW CAB CO. antique \vhite; chm cf $8.lon. Paid vat.ations. etc. Cashier. exp'd, A lop beach area co. Is look· 186 E. l61 b SI · dra,\·ers desks, upho~ Exp'd power niachine oper. Nn clicntele requircd-nc\v Krrn1 Rima. HarchvAtt ing for an attractive gal with ColSta Mesa chairs, wall hun, furniture, ators 10 sew naugahyde boa! grads welcomed. Ca 11 ___ e_:l<l_6-_70l!IJ __ •___ good SCC'. skilll!i, rreat po------'--=---1 Jn I · & M•••••• "'"9919 -l"ntial and lhe -. will -~ d Ing rm set Spanlth-e.n-C'US i1ons canvass pro. ...... ._ .... .....,.... • HOTEL MAID. full time. " .. u ... -NllUllWf ,,·-·~ f rn •• I ~=::;~::..;:,::,.;:,;:.:....___ imbu-t'--fee. call • -"""t"''" · .. _..: a m PK · "'~ ducts. Top \V&ges, pd holi· EXPERIENCED or ,,. i 11 pleasanl surroundings. • ~ '"" ...,. persOnnel housol.,Jd · I - * .,..U96 * ra•·-. Mo-"·"-p .. _,. .. -• i e m •• f4ol days, vacations, ins. Xlnt train. Dryeleanlng/ hlundry ·• ""''; 1""1& ... ,......,.,,Ra 1 ......... ,-, SI Ne••porl ki Agency, 2043 We1lcliU Dr., ......,..,.. .• .. v.-·or ng ccnditions. Apply attndnt. Ho n1 e -11 lc e 111 . BABYSlTI'ER. 5 days S43. ... agency Shores, NB. 642-3014 Jack Cole Co., 1763 Platt!). mosphere. BaJboa Isl. x:nt Wanted in1media1ety. N.B. 645-2771 OA. I BEAt.rrlFUL IOlld ....... 1e One: 10 lhrce years f'Xpcrl-tia Ave., CM. ~J pay. Days & nlghb. Coin-96S-20a<I Dente fl 1t1nt Profe11Jenal S.rvk:e ova.I dining room ~,1,"-w/ ., •n<.•, se<..'000 shill. l\fonda.y 1------"----,·,.ion 77''380 Cl 1 Id 6 lh •-d. I ~ lhni F'Tld11.y. ni • ~ \VANTED: Rel. babysitlcr i::i r s c. mon s exper-"'r 1nw emp oyer leaves Ii: 5 chain. looks Ilk.~ \\!Oi\lAN·EXPERlENCED \YOMAN wanted as SPnicr. \vith ttfs, 0 n r child. 01vn irncr . Call Loraine, f.f~I" and the epplkent new: cos! S500, wUI sell fo1 COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jambortt Rd. Newport Beach l"ROOf OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United C1llfernla lonk 4J2' M•c.Arthar Blvd. -· Equa.I oppor1unltf emplO)'er oiifAM Job. Keep )'OU1' tm. portant job at wife A mother ' tarn a .-kly Pl)'Che<k. 544-3854, 03C-M91 ' ' ror GIF"l' SALES. Cafeteria s\)'lt>. Appl)' in tra.mp. 3 nlte!I. 546-8748 rhiinis Pcnionne.I Aaency, 133 Dover Dr N I $175. New 9x12 all wool Aur!y person Monday alter to AM. PRESSERS & OPERATORS ~~~~277~'estcllrr Dr., N.B. 642-3170 -.,~2743 multi-colored brakted n1g, South Co11t Drug f.h . F.cl's l{ofbrau. 1712 .:;::.::c::_______ never used; coat $16' w\11 3333 Bn.tol Placentia AVlt., Costa Mesa SPEC. MACH. GOOD pay. TRAINEES: \Vailrcsses or UNFURN Apt, telephone & sell for $75. 64Z-4MJ. 5'2lti Gr·m1 Mtgr, W-2666 clea"'-fees tor -• •· Costa f.tesa HSKP.R 1: bab)'lltr needed, Car Hostes!leS. f.lust be .... ,. """)'.,.e "' Bruce ~nt NB. Resp. mature lady, live-In, EXP. OorW arranger lull or llt'at. atlraclh"<". happy mana,e 18 deluxe 3 Br Apt! MPL. • p:u"I Ume, ad. W!J;l'$. di-itlor\. Fl or "I lint~. In the Ea.it Bluft Area of bed, Spl'TVI 120 · RECEPTIONIST oU wktndA. Fountain Valley &7J.871S •· Newpon Beach. Li 1 e Mahoa". dining tbl. $25.. fiE area 968-4219 THE 7.00, CoAsl II"')'. & b he --~ I Young, eood phcl\e voice. · •1 A~h N 8 maintenance I: clean1-We com ivu r ... ,,.... """" type 40. 50, 7--4 p.rn, Beach NEED •Xp'd v.-oman w/ rels DRAPERY OPERATORS "ac " ur. . rent to children. ~Plate Sfll, Studio btd frame, area. S3SO. C a 11 Doria. for OCC11sk>nal day time and TABLER t'O?t!BINATION, Shofll BAr reinune to Box M 861 Daily spnws. ether odds il ends. :ijS-71'96 babysittq 1n my tw>~. 1 ~---516-_1_4_31____ Makls I Go Go Da.~. Pilot tj4&:!'==13?0==~---~· I ARGUS AGENCIES _64i-Oill________ \VAITRESSES \VANTED Top \vagell Sl.00..Sl.SO 10 I HELIARC backup wldr 2 WROUGHT tron Cantlc[ue 1869 C Newpon Blvd,. c.~r. rnEE mom .&i boanl al lhe Sea Shanty Rtstaurant sta.rt. Ph. for Int , ~9983 sallbt mul U8@tn. trai~ CQldl rcun1'. elaa tcp &ablt SARAli COvt::NTRY .... beach for reliable mo1hf'r's 6.ll Lido Pk Dr. NB 6T:J-Ol00 C~~.\'iS1 y LASSY. 2901 Harbor, . loola rtqd. &M-li1S bet. 9-A 4 t'l\rs. Now cnly S'7S. Aho openinp for f\lll or ~ie;; helper I.vi dt1~r·~ lil' "'erk e l\Ju.ERE.TJ'ES. Part ·' · 12 Mon. thru Frt. brown !Ola bed $IJ. 64f..1400 time .ieK-· ~ttn. qt JS. mornings only. 673--8860 Timt. av1. $2.SO per lv>ur 10 GIRL FRIDAY SMALL Restaun.nt needs MASSIVE carved walnut4tn. Pleuant woric, no inwsl. no BEAtn'ICJAN with «nn~ •tart. OYer 21. Call 54&-57-1a tor Broken~e offict'., Must be mature man or .. 'Oman, Ing table, 6 upllolsttftct dellvtrits. For inten>kw followtrig tho not nt'et:11ur."· \VANT!:D: Part time bar £ood typist. dAya, 1111 ever 2t. 545-9863 chn. S«Xl. Bumi C111'111P call S40-0614/ 831-4149/ Cd. commlaslon. ror ap-maid tor .lll<; A~,!· Call-O>nt-.ct ~tr. Hodses. J.5 pm IP~A~R~Tf'i1~1mi;ei'-11>e;;ii1p;'-:'. ~C>l:ijl~•Pi'l·!-~-!"'~'~1~~~~-~~~,_ I 1474950 , point. Call 847-9164 liil.--6"-mO ·~-Zubie'• Pia:&, 2U) E. Quallb''tdrw bed, quDMd, DQ!?AL SEC I R E cPT. GF.J"iERAl. Oflice ,cirl owr BABYSITTER: Your home. CoAst Hwy C.dM cornplet•, W'IUMd "8: wfll'ftl Sl., 2.l to e. Exp. nee. 21 to train In tuVlce 1: t\U)' c.nyon or Pomona IC:hool DENTAL OFFICE ' =a. Aft 5 or wknda. 847.o«ll * 546-lOOI) '*" pl~. !tf0....9313. area. CaU. S0.1446 l\ec!t!pdonlat. 54W580 DAILY PILOJ' WANT Amt Wlali. ;i;piia;;,.1 1>tme+Urw: . -I, ' • ' • ' ' • . • . ~ • • • • 0 • • • • w • • • ; 11 • • • ' ·--------------------------------------·----~ ·-·~· ... ·-···· .. ..,..,. .......... ~ .~,_,. , .Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD Will Sell Fast! 1. Stove 29. Bicycle 57. EIMtric Train 2. Gult1r 30. Typewriter 51. Kitten 3. Biby Crib 31. Bor Stools 59. Cl111lc Aute 4. Electric Sow 32. Encyclopedi1 ~. CoffN Tobie S. C1mer1 33. VKwm CIHner 61. Molorcycle 6.W ....... 34. Troplul Fllh 62. Accordlen 7. Outlloard Moler 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 63. Skis LS-S.t 36. Fiie C•lllMI 64. TV Set 9. Couch 37. Goll Clubs 65. Worlcbench 10. Cl1rlMI 31. Sterling Silver 66. Dle-..d Watch 11. Relrl .. retor 39. Vlcterl1n Mirror 67. Go-Kort 12. Pickup Truck 40. Bedroom Set 61. Ironer 13. Sowing Mochln1 41. Slide Prolector 69. C1mplng Tnllor 14. Surlbe1rd 42. Lewn Mower 70, Antique Furniture 15. Mochlne Tools 43. Pool J1ble · 71 . Tepe R-rder 16. Dlshwuher 44. Tlru 72. S11iboet 17. Puppy 45. Pl1no 73. Sports Cer 11. C1bln CruiMr 46. Fur CHf 74. Moffr ... , In Spp 19. Golf C1rt 47. Dnpee 75. lnboerd Speodbe1t 20. B1rometer 41. LI-. 76.$ ......... 21. Stomp CollKtlen 49. HorM 77. S.ddl• 22. Dinette Set 50. Alrpl1n• 71. Dirt Gome 23. Pl1y Pen 51. Orgen 79. Punching leg 24. Bowling 8111 52. Exercycle 10. l1by Cerri ... 25. W1for Skis 53. R1ro loob II. DnnM 26. Fr..Ur 54. Sid -12. Rifle 27. Sultc1H 55. Hlsh Choir 13. Deelr 21. Clock S6. ColM 14. SCUIA 0..r Thne or any other extra thlnts arounll the house may be tumecl Into cnh wltli a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so ... Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRICT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS Will WORK FOR YOU! • Get In On The Action Today! • \' --- ' IAYB ~Ill! Read The - DAILY PILOT c -L A s s I F I E D OPEN MEMORIAL DAY! ! ' ; • So that we can UJlload this ' furniture faster!!· VALUES NEYER BEFORE SEEN!!! TearlnCJ Down BullcBIHJ -"Must le Out RiCJht Away" ••••.• Contractor Says. ANOTHER LANDMARK GOING TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW BLDG. SALE-Stock On Hand Only * SPANISH and MEDITERRANEAN * AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!! No Down, Terms To MHt Your Budget. Bank Financing, Master Charge, Bank of America or Store Charge. 538.88 ONE OF MANY SPECIALS also motching coffee table and commode -same price . TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST ALL • • • • • • • • • • • 0 G•m• Sets • Dining Room Sols • Bedroom Sets 0 Living' Room Sets • Corner Units • Lamps • Rodine" • DeeOrative Spanish Chairs 0 Buffet w /china • Pictures 0 Wrought Iron 0 Coffee Tables' 0 Commodes . . ,• .. ·' ' ., ' ·' • T•bles tops, Mediterranean e EVEN THE BUILDING! .,.. --' * Room Groups at ·Terrific Savings! * APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA, PHONE 548·9660 DAILY 9.9, SUNDAY 10·5 -12 years same location -same OWl)ers --___ ,, ___ -----·---------· - IOOO Office Furniture IOIO 1 ,F~u~miiiltur~•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilC~OOiii-OiiiFuiiim~liiitu~t•iliiiiiiii!~liiiOGiiii-0 Furniture Mediterranean from Model surplus ortlce fumibn. II EX Q U I S IT E Spanish SI'EEL company rele&aN I PUBLIC NOTICE Homes. Eastern b r a n d • Files • Desks • Oairs, names. CompletC! housetul!! C!lc. o( quality furniture, King McMAHAN'S 772..a450 size bedrooms, full (It' twill, 18.10 S. Anahelm Blvd., in DECW TOR GETS CANCILLA TION """'m ••"'"' "'"" • love Anaheim tolonptde &A .• NOW'S THE OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS :~~iirul 1;= root; !!,e; Freeway at Katellal ' Sp1nish & Mtclit1rr•11n Furniture 6 chain, Au t 0 m at I c Office Equipment I011 · TIME FOR .RAND NEW refrlreraton. wuher. Save . AU hw>d....._oJ dollars from ADDRESSOGRAPH t«. M.,.tti;_~ ....,_ ._ 1111 ,._. MOW na.• orig. price. FuU price $689. w/suppliea. 774-6200 1•1 J~I. 'C ..... I.ii. ''9N'W!f~ iiwrlfllrii'~t-t T BUY QUICK CASH ~=a.~~·~~.··~~~ :.:· ......... 'Ill:& ~~~ "'~· o~""~oUSE· G •-1 THROUGH A ~eco!~~r~~~~~~i~ji.7~ ~LiEng:~. ~. ·~ ~~R~~E sA":. rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture {wa? \VC!Rlmln11!er. (I" block Wetl Fri, Sat, Sun. 1 .. 7 from lhe corner al Beach 3067 Trinity Dr., CM DAIL y PILOT s'egA. C$1R'OlsF.oolCE •••••• $398 ~~·~ ,:;-:;:-."&.~ ;:-...,.1 ~~·~,~·!~;.,:~ -. . 8' & 5~ DIVAN mod. 7 pc:. GARAGE SALE .o. Furnib.lft, •• WANT . AD . '° -_•Y M. i:iOU11tll!D _.,... CAllUtY <Ml~ .a.CCTs dng. 11e1 & end tbl. Look. le toys, 2 Shirley Temp&e dollJ. 1 . mm RJRHITU' RE T:e~~z· 003 Carnation ~ ~~io:.~ ': 842 5671 HJDE • A • BED, Ear I Y CM. 548-2134-....,~~-I • Ame.lean, good 001t<U!lot1. GARAOil SALE• • IBIT . . ' 1111? 1844 .ewport lly~.~'!'-.••·,,) 613-6417 all« 4 pm. Tho BluU•, 2318 Vbta iq., ...... .,._ 9'YV TAN BROCADE s1eep Fri., Sat., SUn..10 All~ ,...,.. M I Divan. $40. ANTIQUES Plus Much llblc , ....... ell on y * 6'<-'4n * Dotlly J.2.3 1315 l'ldllc Dr: CHEST or drawen w/ mat's IEnd of Acacia) CdM lwtry Nlt'l't 111 t -W ... , Set. & Sift. ~I 6 lamp .. Port. stem>, vanl· GARAGEi SALE • ;. 11.hell. Best offer. 615-4308 JUNK TO ANTIQUE IOOO t.ifOVING SALE-Furniture I: 336 A. Victorta. Ql'.h:i ree.r .,, I '-"-~ . ___ IOOO= Fumlture mlac. . ANTIQUES. ch&lrs tables , ;, •-· _, f MA'ITR.ES.SES 161 Meu Dr., Calta Meaa. l&Jnps. notr tbrU 'SrmllQ! lt ""t"Y'O¥-vrniture MA~S EUROPE BOUND. 1ood 2118 Hiahland Dr., N. B. • . ~r: Ii :ie~~~t Ml5-matched box lfprina: $5 quality f'UmUure-m\llt ld1 GARAGE SALE • Ex.. sell all! Bide ~ t mattrHRt f7, Madbo&rd S3 $2lO. * m.-czn model'• ~lsW llm '7-&-10. down to maJCe room ~~ HllrT)' while ~ lut. AOK fofODERN aretn 9' ~ 6. Plano, }mholcf pods, boolcl • ' newbuUdlna!! 2159Harbor Warehou91'l m2 ,Gard e n told c hair. Exceptiont.l pkft. Sat/Sun. 420·1 "-t& M Da"·· 9-9 SUn• Grove Blvd., \ti 'blk. West Of 1• :::"::'••::::·•:::.IOI::.· .:.*.:.6'5-=.=1'11:;.T_ F\apblp Ne. 5M-Gll ..._ ea, 141 • Bnch nr. C.G. Frwy, Open 1- lN. Ml-9680 10-9 SWl. 1°'.. BUSIEST marketplace. ln ~ PEl.JCAN Pl. '°" ~t. ~ OlNlNG room poup, oYa1 MUST 11111L Ntw aoldf:n brn 8 town. The DAILY Pn.Dr tm c:ou~:ill::.• ~-:· tbl 51x4J ", I hlahback: It. llOfa il chaft, $250 1et or C1ullntd ltCdon. Saft -· ~""~-'----1 swlvtl chn. black !' while. $1~ mta. 2163 Ptacentli money, timt A tUort. Look -------1 =-~"" chilll Cl~ CM."'" Vic-. IC-'11111 -Ill ~Ill-1100 ===:;.._ ___ ~AMES Air )'d, rum., ome DON'Tnm'WISHtor-.. KOIM:>ltt ~at e matle " c.Jc Dinette Set tbl.. 4 ctne back cbalrs. thtrw lo ~ year bome WQher, aood Qliw:tl:tktft. p,s. Nft'ff'-Mar top, 4 chain J:jl. &Lau cotfee tbL, wuber. • • ; ~~t blQ9 Jn '> * ..-* lllniah ..-.. -125. 64<-26Jll d11 • a ·-""" -OM t.d, t.adbou'd, Ylhlte DANISH Pallander coHte DlALdlnct.MU1'11,&r;; IaYawAdtnourd1 'ff@Af ---' ---· ------- t!1 .. .........,... .,. 11. An • mble 140. ,..r "'· ..,, Ill tiioclr ud .-• wtll be...._ 1or -------i . .:..P·.._m._!l<&._14111____ • ~ • lllten to the phone rhw! It. Ota1 ton . . . i • \, • , F'1dof, 1!11 lO, 1'69 14 DAILY PILDT S.turdly, M11 ,1, 1!69 fAJj~firl>illMifl(iRiii~.-'1o£-;MilJR!CC'RAlli5llrnifltiii;~-SI POI MlltCMANDISI POii l'ITS an4 LIVISTOCIC TUNSPOltTATION TAANSl'ORTATION0 '1'1, 1 SALE AND TRADI SALi AND TRADE SALi AND TRAiii IALI . AND TRADI I?!!! NU S.lllooott t010 Mobil• Homn 9toe 1210 -.... w-11...... -AT rnm. beautllul maJe MOBllE HOME . · 1 ;. .. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Qi.llluahua, ~wnsbortha~ ~Ill l ) "' with Ruby ~ • DDlll, Srud i ..,...,.., ~ '1 ' ' - FU R. N IT u R E ~-":"c~.: ~ u)s .. ~ .. :~.~.~'."!,"' .. b SlO,OOO ..I ' ..__.t ~·· "' · 14' Ketdi, tn.ner $t99 -OR -1 MALTESE i.maJe, AKC, 7 •PACtnc YAOIT SAL.:s. $35 000 ' l mo. Beautiful show qu.allly, $44' Via ()pgrto, N~ f -• A , U C J I· O I -dbpoolt!on. " ... 213, 111.-n•, 673-1510 61 !U6-.526S, alter 6 pm. HOUUI 4 AKC Dobenn.,. Nil • e SMALL SA\U!OATS e 'fl'• · l black maAel I: femalel ex-UDO lil. traDtt S8ll1 Come in today and ttt l!J:ri ) O!Ucni dlspoa.iUom, fS.l..&20 A1lnutemu almost nu ~ ury Uvine at down 1o earfli Inspect EARLY . As We Sell 9!.llCKL YI AOK Commission Gallery 71'J2 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD I Block West of Beach Blvd .. off G.G. Frwy. SATURDAY NIGHT evea. SABOT· &lhl $225 pricts. Especially now~-1 ' l! SILVER Toy Poodlea NEW ~~~i~ATS $7S in& our clearance sale ~ 1 ~ .. ~ Wks. SNd J$14 Np! Blvd, NB 615-2400 au d.i.l!lplay model&-they~ 3 -...-.-CUU<UC' A Yorld priced lo it!:U immedlate.bf.J 6 0 P~ SHARP. I 543--17» n HOURLY RENTALS Putt available ln all area. . • * Rhodes 19'a * Baf Harbor • ~ e e ee e G.<rman Sbephenl -· Fun Zooe ~ Co. Balboa Mobile Homa SolOI · i ~P~ ::n_~ lara:e boned.. KlTE No. T06 fUU cover and 1425 Baker St. ·"': 1 GERM al'lorthalr pnsr ~ band doll>·· $850. tl>J.£38 % block ~t'::::bor Blvd~ AKC, Nau champ. &jack JOIN THE FUN fLEET ' SlreCI. J M, 2 F. 961-3597 21' Viking Sailboat. '1ps 2, Cosla Mesa tn~l StQ..847"' AUS'lltAUAN .ui.u t=· ~ COit slip avail. Many EXTRA lar&e, cust. bit, 1 ' . --J e racq-• enWng activities. Br. mobil home : 55' lone, ' stud. Xlnt ped. im &G-4786 da,ys. ~7 aft 1 wtpop-out room; b I t • doc. ttud he $100/ 613.JS&l ·pm. kitch. t.aiuna Parle. Ta '"""' A ._.. 36' TRlMARRAN Nicol MK 2 ovrr equity w I t h FO& SIS At'!.!'!011flll •oR TMI· eOAT O .. IR 1• TWI" FAMILY••• llllWl1ll' llll Heertl ltMD-1• ._.,.,. Hound Puppies Float. done main bull cash. Call owner dats AKC rte. 1ood quality framed. u,<O, 1nc 1 u des 494-7518; 499-1539 eves Mhc.Wan!MI 1610 FREE TO YOU *......., • mootmatma11.54l).6289 DELUXE doyblo w l d ."';;:°':;;';:::"-".:::::::;"";: 1-..!.~:!:...!.::'.....!.:::'.~-JPRI.ZE W~in& AKC \Vire FINN, No. l43. and be~·ly mobile home ih new park. IUt OJt·M •JJ&a ·--/ lo•dl•r•/U•11r1r/ .Aft4I Jntm tor *94&a l"vt tti.M ttw. ~ -.,_"" -••• whb --llan-1•11r !MffMMJW MD·1t. tl'• ... t• """"' ..... --~, .. ,. ,._ ~ ....... , ... .,, .. . $ WE IUY $ WE are the products of a Haired Temen, wormed It: refinished trailer. Peninsula Costa ft1esa. 646-4660 aft k>vable silver tabby Mom l shots. 540--0214 21'5 E. Ocean B 1 v d _am_·--------1 $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES c.w TV",_,._...·.....:s.;, ••.• I '1.M •r H.., .. F•A CASH IN JD MINUTfS • 541-4531 • DESPERATE! Need ~. Wied rebigen.tor &,stove Call: 646-t063 WANTED: 2 cash regi~lers, 2 or 3 keys. Prefer Sweda. ~55 \YANTED: \Vindow, 42"x36'", sliding aluminum or louvre. 642-3526 Aft. 5 or weekends a friendly while ~rora Graduation-Father's Day 613-0129 $900 ' . father which makes us 4 of Silver Toy Poodlea ' Electri'< c0,1' the most desirable kittem AKC $50. S41...J47l KITE, new ma.!11, 2 sails, ever. \Ve need Io v Ing hi&hway trailtt; very good homes. 546-4065 5/30 Hones U30 cond., fine racing rec'll'd. '5!KJ. cau: 673--4739 l YR. old full arown male BEAlrI'lFUL 7 yr o Id STAR No. 4288, three suits do;{, had ahots, looks like geldln&: plus some tack. sails, cover, trailer. Good rr. i n . Co 11 i ~ , Good Kida heattlil.oke11, $300 or racin& record. Fully eqp'd, \v/children. 61>S350 alt. 6 beat oHer. 548-0177 ready to aall. $1600. 675--1S63 PM 5 2 BOX stalls \vith corTa.1 &: 1 RACING Sabot. like new No. WHITE stovt., good con-box stall wlh shattd corral. 4791 With alum dolly, !.ifting dilion. <134 Goldenrod, Cdl\1 S.A. Hgts. 540-5289 slin1 &. pra.ge Mist $325. alter 5 PP.t Sin TllAHSPOl.TATION t~-~1544-~=--~- B EAU TI F' U).; kit lens LIDO 14. +tn7, new riggina housebroken &: v•eaned. also Bolts I,; Yachts 9000 & cover $950. Call e.ve & pure white o~ year old v.·kend. 6'f3.2609. Covered Electric Car • including charger. $250 _ * 536-8166 * Motorcycles 9300 '67 SUZUKI -$350 ' . X-6 &rambler -250 CC_ EXCEU..ENT CONDITION' GU Kings Pl. Ne wpof! Heights. Eves &: \\'cckcnds HODAKA JOO CC, like 350 carlisle tires. Mav s ~mbler ban $ 3 s-t. l'o retch H••thkit El.ctroilic Center t•k• H• llvd. to a.11 Awe ... ,+ Oft a.n • few short bloc.ks to l)O East t.11 or take S.nta Ana Freew•y to H•rbot-l fvd.1 Harbor l lvd to 1111, • few short blocks end you''• hers. Machinery, etc. 1700 TWO Bridgeport ?.fills ln real good condition $3500. Takes both of them., 5'5-TI54 femaJe, to good home. FREEi. CALIF, Catamaran J ;i95 . 613-4221 5131 Xlnt amd. Hunti.n'cton 3 KITI'ENS. charcoal gray, J a.sic Boatf"I Cl•11e1 Hf.l'bor area. 84&-IOOJ k>ng hrd female, 2 short Offered to the public COLUMBIA 29, l /lrd in· htd. males. 642-8116 .,5131 , by· the Balboa Power terest Top corld, extras. 2 ''R old female Doxie, ~X· 'SQuadron ~ at.arting 7 S~ dn. 6C-a295. 673-rlll tremely lovable k-aentle. PM. Monday June •KITE No. 735, Hwy Very obedit.nt. Mw;t .not be 2 Newi)Qrt H 8 r b 0 r trailer, nearly new:. M&ny <195-4927 • 250 HONDA custom. much c h r o man,y Xtras. HEATHKIT 330 EAST BALL, ANAHEIM 1191-1018 SALES & PARTS . SERVICE 1965 HONDA 2j() Scrambler. $323. FREE ro·vou 776-9420 776-9423 l BEAtrrlFUL baby faced kitty. A little lady 8 weeks old, black wtth w h I t e booties. Weaned &: trained. mat~. 9G:z..Qm 5i:lt Yacht Clllb 720 West extras. $99:;_ 613-5527 .. .. • 646-3361 * A~ee~"-•-nc_• ____ 1_100_ Pion .. & Orvono 1130 Mi1~ll1neou1 :.i ~TTENS 7 mo. olfi. l .Bay Ave:, N ewport il~; FT. Metcalf sailboat SURF. rider 7 Brigg titalle' white, 1 blk. I: white Beach, E 0 r 0 I l a t ,w/trailer aa is make oiler S0cc. get. shape ~ lJl.O striped. 646-4987 Sill class. For additional ~~ 64G-3523 u i : WHITE· & grey_ kittens,: information p h 0 n e KM'E,. Ne'v sali, 2 masts. YM1AHA 55 CC, '62 , -\VESTINGHOUSE Fu 11 y .au tom.a tie portable dishwasher. Hold 16 place settinp.. 3 cycle, 2 speed. Top •lid openin&:, white, formiea top. Very excellent condlUon. S7$ Finn. 646-(836 LATE model H o1 point Y.'Uh"1 macb. S15. Match"g dryer $56. Contem. din suite. 4 swivel chrs $15. AlJ as new. 673-6566 KENMORE Automalic: Wuher, late model, xlnt """'· $60. * 841-8115 MAYTAG wu.ber & drytt, delm:e model, pink. Both Joe $~. 962-3142 FREEZER 16 cu. ft. Upright $1.25. Kenmore auto wshers $55.. Blh only 21,l yn. 968-1155 2 DR aide by side Admiral deluxe. white, refli&,. Xlnt cond. ~ aft s. MAYTAG. Wringer wuher la1'Zf' tub excellent condition 135.00. --KENMORE Gas dtyU, lale model, xlnt cond. $60. * 847-8115 • G.E. Electric dryer, runs on UD or Zll v. Excellent cnn- ditbl.. $50. 847-631.t 1110 ANTIQUE Coll. item. 1850 Victorian couch &. chair, c o mpletely restored. 53t>.J339 ANTQ. ~lded li&u \Y i t h matching ~ .. crystal pane for hlckina. Comp~tey re.. cond. le perfect. 16 -3116 x 34%. fl'j. Alao chair caning. 675-0165 Sowl'!! Machlnas 1120 196&·SINGER with 'li&'·za1 It walnut console. Makel but· ton holes. de1ignl etc., SS.2.1 mo. or $36.00 cuh. ~6 Mutical Inst. 1125 Y-amaba Bus Guitar ~ Strini Sl25. OEAGAN vm&s Travtl,r model. Brand ntW. $600. 675-4125 1130 WE'RE back in our new =:.· Bl&: Celebratioll • Bic Q.OS!X)UT ot Console Plan- OI at savlnas to ...... $400 I CLOSEX>UT ol Baldwin over. lie pianos at savlnp fo $349 a..<l5EOUT ol 1961 °""" at llY1nla to .......... $236 No down oac, S yni to pay. WARD'S BALDWlN SIUDIO 1 1111 NcwPcx1. C.M, 642-8484 \ ARTISAN CONCERT ORGAN l ' rdttl for dlurch. school or homt:. 2 manuals, l2 pedals, 40 ..,_ Compkte w/prueta 6 lawtd iy&tcin. 11\il demon- ..,..... II -• 13,750 ........ • • • • • • : NEWPORT ORGANS I JM>.L\111 ! 1 nlOMAS Dtctrfc o r a• n ! wltli .. !mtnoctkm -.. • SJIO, Xln< """'· """""'""'· l Call MMT!l ..... _ .... I ...,.. piano, ~ ftnltb, Xlnt """'· 1411. m-1m : • • • ' 3 DAY ONLY PIANO SALE SAT -SUNDA't' -MON NE\V ................ USED Grands • Consoles • Spinets Practice Pianos from $125 ••..•••••••••••••• \VAS NO\Y Starr Studio S445 $295 Knabe Prov grnd $2'i;J(I $2195 Olicke~ grand $2395 $1725 Aeolian Gn1nd S1595 UM!! Brambach Grand $1595 S1085 Clrickering Cons $1395 693 Lester SpiMt Sla9 S4.i5 MANY -MANY • MORE Special Carload Buyl Nationally Famous Brand $965 Consoles sm Me:iitt W&lnut, bench incl. Gould Music Comp,1ny 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 GULBRANSEN ORGANS WURLITZER PIANOS & ORGANS Pianos &: Organs Rented EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Beach Music Center Factory Sales & Service Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) 1% mi. So. San Diego Fwy. Hont:iJl&ton Beech 847-1536 HAMMOND • Ste.lnwa,y •· ,. maha .. new 6 used p~ ot all makes. Best buys in So. CaliL right here. SCHltJDT MUSIC CO., l9tl! N. Main, Santa Aoa WANT ~layer piano w/rolls, good oond., from priv. par- ty, ~6; 673-2473 eves. Televl1lon RENT OR BUY COLOR TV ?itonthly rates low as $7 R t nl ,v/purchasc nption FREE WIGS \Ve a lso rert l: sell Sttr~Wa1htrs.Refri91 n2.0730 23" ADMlRAL Color TV, '69 mod, cost $600. Sacrifice S295. Also 23" Blr\Y TV. stereo rec playt.r, AM /FM rad combo, a beautiful set! SJ~ llll S. Bristol, S.A. 540-4395 BRAND new S140 portable TV, Y."On in local conlt.st. $95. 4!H-43.i.2 HI-Fl & Starao 1210 AKAi lolodel P.1-8 t a p e recorder. AM/FM mp x amp. Gan"anl: turntable, epkn. marcy-xtraa.. $32.i. ,,.._ Corneru & ~Ip. UOO P.tOVIE camen. .t l)C'O). Polaroid. slide proJ«tor, Thrift Shop UO E. 19th St CM CORNER ldtchm booth and table. Good condition. $50. ""'5110 OFLUXE .et of MacGrefl'OI' iron dot.. hu ~tbiae m. c.u~t OW Spa.ntab OeJc I piccoe dininr llf.l a other milC furrritutt. LI ~ ' • • MIXED BAG • 4 llousehold and p e r s o n a I items, including Honeywell Hieland Strobe with battery cue, 4 x 5 .film holders, convertible bat and two stools, pol&roid swinger cam- era, maple chest and mirror, case and bowling ball, full wig and case, maple bed frame, dishes, bed spread, rug, bird ca&e, utensils, and other items. 900 Park A\.-e., Laguna Beach. 494-9822 OFFICE Mfe, desk $?5. Call for ... her. nites or Plywooc\ panel saw, 2 cnl· \\-eekl!nd. 543-9578 5/30 oft sa'.ws, table saw. Cheap. FOUR MASKED BANDITS Cash register $35. 4000 lb kittens \V/whlte face, chest Forklift. $700. l~ Toll '59 & feet. 2 calico, 2 tabby & Chev)', stake dump bed. bull. Also 1 male i:lJlnea Plywood & lumber at cost! pig. 546-996.S S/30 Bristol Plywood, 3 0 3 O TO Good home. P.1 i x e d Bristol, C.M. 5G--0788 Cocl:er·\Yater Spaniel. 2 yn, -al p•••o•a l >ty ••-., N-~, l\'O tk ISO•-... • " • ~J 675-0467 or 673-1855 raclnJ:" gear, cover & lrallcr 1",",". 6,;;,"107 ,11 5 .. 30 ,,,. Siamese, 1h ?tfanx. To good . $150. 613-8117 ,......., •"' home1. Hsebrkn & "·ean.?j. DISCOUNT lofaruw catalog HONDA SOcc. $7!;.i. 644-1288 S/31 save up to 60% on finest lSI..ANDER 24 Juli race Or BEST OFFER. 968-~*7 MALE Chihuahua, blk/tan, l · known brands ·in marine ~ xlraa, din~ &. electronics, hardware, yacht mooring. S4600. 549-0951 YAMAHA 80 dirt GKT cli&M yr. old. No children, please. fi ,~ hd rol al"• M 642-5944 5/31 gear, shh1g gear, all &e· CAL • CAT ""r, ., ary v • • cel80ries for po"'·er or u.11. 5600. Xtras $175. 49'1-51:>2 l FLUFFY kittens are look· For your copy send $1.00 to • GT:i-0981 * '66 SUZUKI, rebuilt: I ing for happy ho n1 e . Discount ?ttarinc Supply Co. TAHOE 10 fast stable plan-rack, good tires; 600 ml. &l3-l07l 5131 2430 \V. Coast H iv Y. ing sailboat. i tust sell only, ,;"";,';:,'o:m,:otr::·=$34~0:,· :.";:""",:;;;i;-:,.,tt' male, all black. WU! guard Sporting & C•mping you and your h o 1n e . e Tents • Cots e Slttpirig 548--0580. 6 KITTEN S, variety of Newport Beach, CaJiI. 926lill $565 IHS--Olll I i96S T.C. 200 SUzuki, s;;o mi bag~ • Stoves • La.ntems POODLE, femtle. 2!~ years • Car top ea.nicn. old (between standard .t. blk/\vhl. markings. ·Must LV?jG. It.ale 2 \\b. Sac. 0 1 -'--·-~.-----•I make offer. 962-0072 4 PIECE SliJ12erland drum set complete with stand s and Hi bat (No CymbaJs) $275. Heath amp $50. 12 string eJect tgUilar $75. 6 string el~t guitar SfiO (6 strings never used) Call after 6. 642-5236 United Rent AU mrnia•=I ..... 1o "'°" have new homes soon. is '64 \Vtstwind 2D' .glass ~ • ,. .. ,,,, 5131 '1oop din&h.Y molM, au Seoocl-:-Skl loots 903o KITTENS, 7 wks. old. Train-equip, iflCI._ new 25• .off MOVING mWJt •ell 14' Ski ed &: weaned, t Ju fr y, shore mooring ideal l.ido boat; mtr, &: trailer. i;,oo or Auto Services & Parts I • • no w. 19th st~ O>sta Mesa home. 6'*-1548 sin 645-0760 3 KITI'ENS, long hairt.d ----'-"""----·I whi~, l:f"'Y/white, tiger KNITTED FABRKS VFOR SALE Remnants, samples &: J\.lill ends Sat. OnJ.y 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. m Baker, Costa r.1esa. e RUMMAGE SALE e TRASH &: Tree.sum from approx, 400 homes. Sponsored by N e w p o r t Shores Women's So e I• I Committee, Clubhouse SU Canal, May 30th 9 am • 5 pm, May 31st 9 am-3 pm. WEDDING Dress. Silk org. ovr. tat. Daisy sn. on bod, sleeves &: tront, dct. train, * AUCTION * ~,& "" 175· s. 1 · U you will sell or bey BEAUTY equipment. com· r ive \Vlndy a ~ plete ·work station, drcuer, Auctions Friday.J.;JO p.ni. · I mll'l'Ol', hydn.u h:: chair, Windy 's Auction Bam shampoo bowl, new, Behlnd Tony's Bldg. Mal'J. t oc"',.,""""==bl='·o--'68-4~~"~'~~-2075% Newpoprl, CM 646-8686 SACRIFICE Head Master SCUBA GEAR Comp I et e Skis w/markel" bindings. $150. 2 pc secl'I y.•/ corner Used 4 tiims. Worth SIGS. table, $25. Inner spring mat. Sell $85. Wood sk.ia w/boob lrt!ss $1. Refrigerator SS &. bindings $50. ~ 20871,i Tustin Ave, CM. KELSEY HNO P R NT G . 548-8458 PRE$.S wth lg. a.ssortmt. of SALE of sundry hsld. arts, type & so forth. Best oUcr. furn., lite fixtures. gt1.ragc & 54S-1582 grdcn. tools, old crocks, pot· SINGLE \\! o m a n mem· tcry, etc. 2M:i Irvine Ave. bersh.ip. exclusive c I u b; NB. reasonable. Box ?-.1-489. Dai· r.tOVlNG. Oriental r u ::: s , ly Pilot rum., bric a brae, m i5C. M~o=VI=N=G~.~Co~o-,p~l,~t.-~ .. ~b-y \Vasher, dryei', roti.sMmc shoe bronzing outlit, in- Juoe '2, l, 4. 10-3. 2021 eludes ahowcase & mount. Ba.y&lde Dr. Cd?.1. . Jlrst Sl50·takes all. 540-1998 IBM elcc typewriter 137.50. Remington 10 k<'y iidd'g mach. $3 9 .50. 149-G Riverside NB. oppo si te Greyhound Bus stat. OIAM'bNo w ed d i ng &:. engagement rings. I ct. perfect. Olfer. Diamond pierced earrlna:s S 5 O . 9'8" JEFFERY D a I e suriboard, m. omce desk .,,, 613-618.1 BARGAlN! Membership in Newport Beach Tennis Club. S100 you pay transfer fee. 6'l2-307 an 3 pm. 67:;...tUl. Misc. Wanted 1610 DlAMOND dome cocktail I ---------- ring. Nineteen lafie blue v.1hite diamonds. 4 cb T.W, Appraked S3IXXI. Sacrifict $9".AI. 67:>-3600 4 'TIS Trop1Ca.I Fish e Ope11ing 'bout Junt> lljlh Founrai.n Valley 84~ * POOL TABLES * CWltom -anUque -modttn • used. SPORTS "100". (TI·O 636-2730 12-8 pm WE PAY MORE CASH For tumiture, a.ppllancts; colOttd 1'9', pianos, organs, or antiques. 011v or nlt!'.ht --Hbti'J!!i $&~. Fine palntlngt' -,=,--:c-:,.,-=-=c-=,-- lnc. RobeM Wood • • ... , w A N T E D pictum. 548-1829 Quollty """' bed, 't•1t..i, complete, unu!M'd $98: worth sal. Aft 5 or wknds M1-G116 TRUCK CM~ER Best ollnr, muat acll! 334 Victoria. A.pt B. C.M . SINGLE Membenhlp In NB Tennis Oub $100. includes lr&Mfer fee 67>.1222 aft 6 30-06 Rin..E v.ith 00 rounds cf Amo-English make $45.00 or trade 548--6123 POWER mower $25. lawn· moWf'r $5. Ron 3 •P bike $10 1~13 Orlnrt Ave. 642-56611 \Ve need quallt)' <no junk pleueJ. PuntltUtt, co Io r TV's. stereos. aPPllanoes. tool• and ollke equipment. TOP CASH IN 30 Mlm.it-esl Sll-1212 * 89l-Q.XiS TIVlN canopy bed or 4 poattt bed. * ~180 • \VANTED: USED Alunlintrm t plu Uc sklrt:lng, awnlna; A matl':rlal. 536-.lllS • WANTED: 7" hp-': 9 pb Whlconsln gait eng1nc•~ ... 54Ml'18 * striped? 1630 Myrtil!lvood. 546-5242 S/31 ADdRABLE kltterui 8 wks old, housebroken. gm eyes, ex t rad. mar k ings 675-5983 5/ll \VANT Good home for 8 n10. old mother &nd 6 \11k. old kitten, both calico and long haired. 64~ 6/2 5 BEAUTIF1JL kittens, lfJ Himalayan, pt. Persian, h!e trnd, Utt to families. 497-lSM 1 5/31 -t KITrENS * -5131 i''REE kittens . 8 "-'ks. old. 2 blk. long hair, 1 calico, l tabby. 1 ~ Siamese. 1 short hair black, l tabby. 543-9439 5/31 3 BLK/\Yhite and I gray kit· tens and their mother wile is Calico, lo f:OOd ho1nt., 897-5480/836-4493 S/31 3 KI'JTENS, 1 wks o!d, 1 orange ma l "• 1 orange female, l grey fe1nale. Bci)I trained. 6-12-6365 5/::1 FIVE beaut. kittens, h a l f Hlmalayan, part Persian, h o u s e !rained, free to families. 497-1888 _j/30 MANX \Vht nialc adult cat, 2 tortoise shell sialer ).tanx lo go togeUier, al.so wbt ta!S- 8'11-65:il 6.'2 6 MO old Siamese eat, female, to good home. Abo Utter box, food, collar and dish. 548-5986 6/2 K111'ENS. 2 female. 1 male weaned A tra i ned . 962-3693 6/2 ;, FREE kittens, short haireod 4 male. 1 femalt., 6 \\"eeks old. &12--3294 6/2 BEAUTIFUL bla.ek &:: wht house kittens, b'ained. Need 1ood home now. 962-5958 6/2 Dk/gry and ""hite female. :1.,e ,,!'!· $2225. 6~ or best otter. 642-2!169 ANSEN Sprint \vheels. 15 • 546-3330 S/30 .....,,...,,,....,, Carveltit or Chevy, Ne AB AND 0 NED Puppy, 30' CHRIS Craft, lapstrake, condition. 540-6Z47 female, blonde, Cocker or twin screw, Cy bridge, dual Boat Trailers 9032 Heinz. (Shame, people in controls, elec refrigeratio!', \VANTED· 2JJ' boat trall T.r1iler~ Tf'•Y•I ~2 green car) 548-7466 5/30 Great Marlin flshin:i: OOat. 546-67S2 · 6'13-3734 er. 16' FIREBALL Trailer"'t.i KITTENS, male & Iemale, Soutbwind Marina Terminal ---0-'------1 new condition. Many'(' long &: short hair, 2 wht. Jal.and, No. G 32· 2l3: HU . tras! Call aUer 4 weekday w i t h 1 b I u e eye . ~34 lcilt Mllnten1nce 903I 962-2737 ~ 545-0.b, 5/30 22' GLASSPAR Cab. Cr. 3 JACK'S El tro · Servi 16' SELF contained Q·I ~ SIAMESE male black kit-yrs, lSO HP \V/OP.fC outdr. El trical tt ~e rn:ie . . Ju drp $ en 8 \\'!<$, old, devilishly Loed~d! Outstandin&". $38SO. ne": installa~~ ' =· }a.C ' s, playful, box tralne"d . :842-354::::::::8:..... ______ ,,========= 23· TRLR, A-1 t.'Ofld! N 548--0397 ~131> 10' GLASS RUNABOUT M.rine Equip. 9035 self-contained. 1 bdr, ba TO GOOD home, 3 orange Supe~b Bay Cruiser , &: ' . .. shwr $900. 548--&32 tiger striped kittens. wean-Flsbin& Boat. Eve"ry possi-KELVIN-White ~mpas.s, S . td 1r hsbrkn. 536-G610 aJt. 5 hie_ ~"'tra plus trailer. S3:'JO. Value $100, will takt. $60. 30' Tra~l Tratler. P~t 5/30 673-2511 67:>-2400 499---7"0 Xlnt cond. • 642-9671 * OUTSTANDING Cocl:-a-poo S NE\Y PERKINS DIESEL. + Puppies 6¥.. \\eeks, 541).3828 1967 ,..ACRIFICE 107. 2-1 \Varner gear. Tl'llllers, Utility 945 5130 Sabt.r Cnlsler, i51.0Cra=:t"'=· =Sl=7llO=. ,,11;;'=' =:""""';;;:;;;;.' I :.:;::;:;.:;!..:.:;;;;Jc_....:;..::~ ~===~~=--! hn total time. Li.kt. new,1· 1 • \VllEEL Trailer. N c 4 DARLIN. G !lu(!y kittens t.o sleep 5. \Valk-in head. n.· loat·'ract.I 1 G d ~-$30~ I ho 3 blk.l Id Ire. oo .......... .,..,. ovmg me. so 1 dio, covers. n4: 53S-38n Charters 9039 548-5123 • gray. 540-0082 S/30 16' CHRYSLER Oiarger 18.1. :;::-::::-:::''.:"'.:°'.:-::::-::-:: I "========"I WOODEN cases at P.lodel 26 hrs old. Volvo Te.nta NI.WP 0 RT HARB 0 R Tr ucks 9~ Glass Co. 1644 Superiar Engine. Beaut e 0 n d , CRUISE C.P.f. 646-3231 5/30 emergency sale. Day 1 In your P\\-n yacht. 6 P8J!S 5 BEAUTIFUL grey tiger. &;12-6009, eves 548-7027 Llc'd/Ins'd, reg 646-9000 striped kittens. Ve. r y 17' STEVENS kelth black 58 BLUE\VATER CHARTERS p{ayful. &12--0896 5/30 heml Chcysler 398 cu. in. '.i;;a 27'. Trojan, P_o\\'er FRF.E to responsible adults. hp. 85-90 mph. Sat.Tifice 26 Thunderbird, Sail 4 long hair kittens. Part $2,000. 835-5466. E\'e.s after 6 Skipper avail. 646-9000 Persian, 642-6401 S/30 673-12SI CAL 24 loi' CHARTER. TAKE home a kitten, ~~ 22' TOLLYCRAFT c abin $30 Day-USO \Vttk. SWneSt., 5 \Vks. old. \Vean· cruiser; 110 V-8, encl. head. '-==-==*=846-='95=·7=*=== ed. S-19-3261 5130 galley, Slttps 2+2. Clean "-'lo, S SMALL part Boston Terrier fast. S2,000. 540-5289 t tor1ge 9041 dog, 1 yr old, had shots lo 25' BERTRA>'t '6-1 Hard top BOAT_ STORAGE good home. 536-6141 5/30 t\\•in lolcrc ~ JO. Clean Sail or l)O\ttr up to 20' Fcne- FREE Bamboo r 0 0 t s , bilge. COliUy extras. Make ed yard. NeY.'port Bayironl. already dug. \\'ill pow 30' Of.fer. TI4: 642-mt Monthly rates include .•• tall. Call 548-C30:i ..5130 16' SKI Boal. 411 hp Evlnrude Ute of Hoi!t ' Lau-"-) BLACK male kitten '"'rt elcc starter. lrlr, Extra'>, ......... 'i!i · ,,.. ............ ~"' •"""' 12· s.·11· h Call Anthony's Pers.ian I \vks. old. Ask tor 5........., co ...... -"'· 1 is , Billy. ~9 5/31 dacron sail. SJOO. £1~-4396 839-.2281 KITTENS, 11ariety to pic;c 14' Sailboat, dac. ~· 16' Mobife H..,.. 9200 from, "''ill be s ma 11 . Super G Cl&15pU", Merci---'-------' S3tHi715 · 5/30 1000 $1500. 673-1916 l·BR., la', reuonable vaca· FOUR cute kitte.ns in a be.a;. LAUNCH 18' i~board. Ideal tion or penna.nent home. Please hurry. Help ~p bay bolt, nib.: eo n d , Patio, lncd. )'d. ~ Blk. to J1elp. LI S.5636 Slit Barpln a.I $&95. 6'73-6315 'beac~. See this Wftkend. '66 CHEVY PU. Take bv payments. Needs b o ci 'f \\'Ork. Call after G f i 613-2614 '63 OIEVY Panel Trdi:~ auto tran1. $700. Dnyt 673-6255, e\ies l: w 673--06>3 • 19-IO FORD Pickup Chevy V.S, • 3 speed stic • good body &.: tires. • - firm • 646-8711 '59 EL C.V.flNO. reblt JO motor & trans. nMV brake , 642-%>80. 893 Oak St CM " 'C2 GMC 'i Ion, V6. pg , AJC, R/H $900. ~12 831-4104 "67 BRONCO \Vacon 4 "" drive. 6 cyl., radio. heater rear seat Red '''ilh whit hardtop. $1 ,89 5, ~~ .,,._ •li • 'VOOD ~-t pad F1a.m1ngo Trailer Park, 7000 \VH.ITTEN Kittens \\.1th bloc CLOTHES line poles; dug, ,. .,.,. • oani. • PacWc Cout HWJ SPR.ce eye 1 ( S l wk s. o Id you haul. 3:J9 E. 20th St. decl sea~ rbr. round gunnc.J. 18. N'pt Beach.• $1250 19153 P.llLIT ARY Jeep M38A Good cond. $850 lirm. 54&-7563 540-4808 ._ 6/2 Q.I. 642-3184 Sf30 newly Jitjnted $75. ~ 548-521» • • l\TM'i'::NS. Rea.I cute part 4rBLK/\VHT kittens, 6 wb. BUDGER Expando lS.'tJl -, Persia., 1 wlu. old 891-62:r., old a.nd weaned, ea I I S1llbolh 9010 2\2 BR. F\irnlshtd lncludlng 14492 Sahara Ln .. HB 6/2 673-Sl.34 Sunday 26' DIDEAVOR, fb&l,I s1oo wuber a. dr).'t'I', afrl.eond, it 1 YR. old ftmale Dachshund ADORABLE KITTENS. 7 pld cond Shock built· ~ 23'' eol:Or TV. call aft I pm. brown. To l:ood home. WKs. OLD. EutbluU, N.B. moo•""' .~-... ,,....,, ~.,10• w 841-sJ!M 64-1-1096 6-2 •u• ..... ........,. . ............, •=~~---~~-646-2341) b/2 . LfDO 14• with Tralltt. New BOLES-Aero Ix 30 1 BR, tub 2 KrITENS. 1 l'.°ttks, 1 1 FEMALE year old cat \\'llb Slils A RiUI~. $ 9 ! S . I llOOT.·tr wltb attached 9 x femaJ,e calico. 1 black Ir: k11ten. 54S-3684 f'l'5.-l78l or ~1854 2f cabana. f\lm. sleept 4" ~t·--·•· ~·~ """"" 51~ FR E · ,..__ . on N-t. 11··-. Adults. "'" ... "-""· ol'N"'-.w -~ stud ser'\'lCI!~ UC1.1•-" Cl' Sailboat. ~ d6.ip 6~~,. ~ s ADORABLE lltUe ldUens police Rea .. !162-4a87 S/30 f"OIUd taler ===~==--­ a.uorted, to IQOd. boma. SlotALL adorable doa lo rood Call $.360.l evet • wknds 30' Pi.IA YTI.OWER. I u r n . ~1009 5f30 ho 6~ ••11 • 51-· XJnt cood. New pain! A me. ,.,....,, -.!1'iIPZ 15~' l&llboat. f150 or aWJdnc. J.A qlritt adult pk. KrITF.NS lo cood home. 4 FRISKY flutty reclines 7 bm otl!r. sa..ttlll 9&2-8833 Sill wklil. l maJe. 54.8-4669 5/M GTl-2744 VERY clean 1Cbt47 2 BO. T\VIN KrrrENS • t ilher or PETS and LIVESTOCK 2S' \\'000 Sloop Jnbd, dae1. t\1£1, <trpe, a w n 1 n gs. bolh. FREE. OOZ..7497 5131 ·-• JClnt cond •. stml at $4700! Btautitul adult pa f k . CUTE · D11ffy Jdlttl'lll 6 wk1 Degs -.-714: &ll-lW fH-2631 ' old. CaU S43-aJ2 612 PART Jlell'ievtt Punples. 319' YA\VL. Dec:ron u.11.s, 10X46 ANDERSlN 1 BR Xlnt I\tAt..E Bta.ale, 10 mo. t..ovn Havt had dlstempt:r lhOb. C"ttY au.x. $6900. Sleep1 I , cond. btsut. bath. Blrcti children. Shots. 347-539o 112 491'rof7U . may tttde. 54S-31!i pantl alum awn,. l4J..4664 • 952 CAMPER Seles .. Rent1lt Authortzed Dealer Eldorado • rour Winds Scotsman • S.rracuda a· Ca bover Low As S799 ~lode! # 600 Theodore ROllNS FORD 2tltlO 1 ...... Bl"!. Co81a P.teaa &(2.Q.Jl '87 OODGE Camper Va wfExpando tnp ,.:Int. O>I Mlllt ldl $3500. SJS-l.fi1 CHARGE your 'lrllnt ad DAILY PlLOT WANT A \ ' 1 I I i • ~ ' I I ·! )I) • '· I . _, ,. • !:. -• ' ' , f. • '· • _. .. • .. i llJi •: ' • ~ " • 0 '' • 0 ·r t ' l ' • ,., ' " ~' lhlllll . FERRARI Jl~ -· ~~·MPG ..,. __ IJ, s1~so· ... FERRARI ........ $14.H ~7V" +••• Newport Im....,. Ltd. o,.. ._..._ $4t. . , : jlp'ltd Aut"' 9600 , g_.ALFA Romeo, new pa.int, Sedan, Demo. Automatic, ra- ; ~ starter, ex ~rid. dio, beate'r. ,•·-, $2095 : ~liJSTIN HEALEY .. JJ.PA ROMEO: '69 Datsun 4 dr. anp Co.mtT• tmJ.y au~ bed de<ler. SALES·SERVICE-PARTS 3200 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 540-176' Authorized MG Dealei FIAT SUBARU of Callf. Inc. -llatall Dlvtalon 1000 w. c-1 Hwy. ~·Nowport llaach ~°tr-~ JAGUAR OPEL ' -l88l BUGEYE SPRITE DOT DA JSU N '67 Fiat 850 Coupe, xlnt 167 Jagu•r XKE Cpe -'65 OPEL Kadett. I ow ' •GOOD OJNDITION. $300. cond. $1350. Priv party AM/FM sf£!reo, perfect con-mileage,. very Kood cond.· , .'"-. 847-ll95 188l5 Beach Blvd. * rn.-0281 * dition! VCL 924. $3895 •. S800. * 6ft..0119 · __ CORTINA ..,.,,::omtingtoo Bea~ JAGUAR ~ ••tt•is PORSCHE '69 DATSUN -1R ... ...;._ "CORTINA 2 dr dlx, 4 tlr, Big_ sedan, 96 hp, overhead '61 JAG ~K2 8edan, g~. •WQ 1969 PORSCHE 911 E ~ -1000 mJ:. Warranty trans $25. cam eng., dlr, 4 apd, radio, cond. -bill to prov; 1l 900 So .. Coast Highway comfort aroup! tinted ~ , $1$5(1. 642-2282 heater, wsw tires, loaded! sia». 548-6868 1..quna Beach 494-'1503 ANJFM radJO. $ 6 8 9 5 • 2200 Miles, under factory '62'XKE Red Rds. Best otter 53t-22M at l!D-6551 _;. QATsUN warranty. Bal to tine. $}TIS. over $2200. KARMANN GHIA '68 PORSalE 9lllo AM/F111 Take $75 cash ~. or older 546-0339, 846-llllO Bbwp.mkt radio, low ml.< •• DATSUN P ick Up W/ car. LB YNW 087• can Bill ,'64 JAGUAR XKE, beautitul '62 KARMAN Ghia/ A-1 Only $5895. DLR. 6C-0138 ; Illluze camper, $795. cst-9173 ~r 545-0634 black Road!ter, xlnt .cond. cond. Owner Iea"1nc area -* 160 Ponche Super * 962-8779 * Dlal 642-5678 for RESULTS $2150, 646-3842 must stll. ~-FM trans. $1800. 675-1~ ~ • ,, • radio. 645-Zl61 l~ld' Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 lmportid Autos 9600 ,59 GHlA. Rebuilt engine. SUBARU .. ''M6' ... su: "FRIEDlANDBr • •HON.DA• HERB FRIEDl.,A~DER, 13711 RACH ILYD,. WISTMINSTll ·893-7566s..tl."J'6~2~.537-6824 · ' . ... ... WHEN YOU SEE THESE · .,BEAUTIFUL I ) BUGS s399 To $1899 Chick lv..-..oft unnot NII tlrtil ....... He It •uthwl&N not to. Matter of fact he "~kt end ,.,_q hll uMll an.~· thlm tt.reuth ·~ dtnlc where -they pt thlit f•lftOVI 16 '°'"' cMck...,. llnlf •"1' ,..,.u. needed. Then tM chMka •nd recheckl them ... In and then I'*' wMtt He IM't them In , ... ,...,1 .~·(P.5. If• IUI 11tootlrt4te11N1ke yeu...,,, ••• He .... to!d to another 11 .. 1.,) SATURDAY ONLY! .. CHECK THESE LOW, LOW PRICES & SAYE! '68 YW BUG '67 YW BUG '66 YW BUG '" .. Lie. No: VCM 788 Lie. No. TZT 989 Uc. No. SOC 851 . Don't Miss This! Radio RAdlo $1699 $1499 $1299 " '65 YW BUG '64 YW Sunroof '63 YW BUG . Uc. No. PBU 246 Uc. No. TXT 141 Uc. No. FlV 542 .. "Color Me Red" Striped A Beautiful Radio 'I"' $999 $999 $899 .. ' . '62 YW BUG '62 GHIA Cpe. '59 YW BUG "-' Lie. No. QDS 804 Uc. No. KGK m U c. No. GWF 380 Ra~lo "Your Best -Vuy'' "Wow!" $899 $999 $399 .. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. :::: . . PHONE 673.0900, Ext. " :or 67 '" .. • •• CLOSED : ·MEMORIAL DAY OPEN SATURDAY $850. Exei!!llent condition. ------- -~7500 ·~ Mm:edes lllO SL $825. new tires, paint. reblt eng .. 675-1329 Subaru of Calif •. lnc.-Retall Div., $1297 POE Opt equip SJO. Frei&flt $1•.50 . Handling $49. Del $1390.50 + Tax and lJcenae 1000 W. Coast HiWQ", N.B. 645-0(l)Q * 546.2733 1 SUNBEAM THIS IS THE PLACE Imported A-Moo TO BUY A NEW OR USED .ll=;.::;;.;M:.=G ~ T C) y 0 T A '67 MOB Mlt. with cowr .Ir: wire wheels. Excellent condition. Only 33,000 miles, Lie, GHS. 023 •. $1795 Holiday 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meta · 642-6023 '66 MG Midget Rdatr, wft wheels. R&H, T 1,.n n ea u Cover, new Ure1 &: batt. Xlnt cond. 29,000 mi, pvt pty. Best offer. 6"--0678 <1r 644-2853 '56 MGA good oond. Drafted! $600 or best oiler. 673-2330 MGB MG Sales,. Service, .Parll lmmedlate Dellwry, All Models J ~ i'lll ~I Ll I I J\iJl[ILl l ! ,, 3100 W. Cout BW)'., N.8. 642-!M(!; 540-1184 Authorized MG Dealer OVER mE MEMORIAL DAY HOUDAY NEW '69 $1790 +T&L SAYE $$$ On '69 Exec. Dem.onatratort OPEN ALL DAY FRIDAY BILL MAXEY !T!OIYIO!T!AI 11 .. 1 BIAOI ILVD. Hunt. loach 1474555 ~ml}'(. ol a.It 1!w7. OD Bdt TOYOTA $ SAYE $ Execv11 .. carS.le Hurry Whlla Thay L<llfl IJ.l1i4 Imported A--Imported Autn - .-•• • • • • •• • •.•••• ••• I • TEMmD IY • ~lffi(QllvlP~T l~I? ~ • SEE DEAN LEWIS ,TODAY! • • • • • • '69 TOYOTA ••OM '1790 • • • M• SAYlllM • • : DECU1IYI CAR SALE NOW! : • 'H TOYOTA HAlllTOP --···--$20lt • • '6t VOLVO SIDAN, A 11111ft --$1971 • • 41/z 0/o BANK FINANCING> • . -....... "" . • • • • WI NllD YOUR TIADl-IN POR oua ....... UllD CAA DIPT. • • DEAN LEWIS : • • • . _........ . Or• ... -T ...... -........ ··-. • 1''6 HAI--llYAIDI c;OST". MUI\ • '··················· ,, I g c: • ·- -~ .. ~ .! s ~~~ 11 .,. ~ 11 -~l, • Wi i ·~ i .. ~ ~ ~nfc I iti -.., ~ ,.. . .il I J ' n • iE~j: '-P' m S' I .-r .-f.. •f.~ I .. "!1a f ~ .. ~,Ii .. ~-~;~ ':~u i"' .... , f :·,I .,--.~r11 Z:u w:f. • I •~I J!l J.1 . ·;· . ~~ f. . 1• l 11_,.,11 ~ .. ;;i! .• J .. ii'jJ• ... ~ fl ., ·JI ii 1~ I~; I l!I W!ir •. !9 ;it J lt , • • . ' .. - • • • • • . • ' '· .. . .. . ' . . . , , -~----------~ . . . L~S ~pe~taeular Spirltif1 Sjl r . . . . EN . · ---... _ ..... ____ -'-~·------------... --- First Sign of a Good Used Car. ,;· ,· .. ~. : - ·1_:,1,'l OP •• , wtt11t•~ ________ ......,____ --........ ____ •"'"---·' EM1\IE MtMOl\Al co~N1ENCE ! yoUll seOPPING FOil . The Honest Corn pact '67 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill WAGON VI', Ml'toll'l•tic, Mio: h••l•r, ,....., 1toeri1t9, white woll1, f1cfory oir co11- .Jittni119. fYCY6571 '67 DATSUN SEDAN 4 1pnd, F111I foctorv oquipped. TU,. 945. $1295 ''68 COUGAR Vt, eutofftetic, recllo, heeter, pow1t •*""·"' I 1M-otk11, fect.ry e ir condi· tionfflt, low, low rilile1. !Wfl026) $2'795 . '68 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2 DR. HARDTDP VI, 011kt11otlc, rffio. ~01t11, powor 1toori'"J, wllifo 1ido woll1, 11;10011 • I 136l71AI 1656•1 '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE ''· •ulo1Ytolic;7 r•dio, hoafor, pow1r ' i-t1ori119; white 1ido woll1, ll1outiful colKl!tie11. INYM011r $1095 '66 DODGE CORONET Vt, 1ufom1tic. r•dio 1n4 heet.r, IH!,W· ,, 1!11ri11f. IRIG tt51 $1395 · '65 DODGE DART SEDAN '68 VOLKSWAGEN l ittle rid f.119 with r1dlo a11d ho1tor. IVGZ lt91 $1695 '65 CHRYSLER SEDAN .-\ufo11u1tic. r•clio, he&l1r, pow1r 1t1er- i119, ·pow1r br1lt11, eir con4itionin9. (PICA 6141 $1195 '65 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 DR. H.T. VI, 01i1ton.1tic, rodio, hoofer, powor 1to1d1t1J, power ~''~''· llRJ .f201 '65 CHRYSLER NEWPORT "· ouhlfnatic, rodio, hoot1r, powor- 1tMring, power br&k1t. eir collC!itio"'°' 1119. IPKA 614 ) $1195 '67 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 DR. H.T. VI, eulomelic, reclio, heeler, pow1r 1l11ri11g I breke1, feclory 1ir concl i· tio11i119. <TSG 7061 $2395 The eioniplos above .°'' but ·. smell port of our huge selection of top quality-trouble free used cars- AJI adVertised cars cirry a free 5 day free trial exchange privilege . . ALL' PRICES Plus' TAX , & LICENSE. PRICES GOOD TIL 10;00 P.1.4., SUNDA.Y, JUNE Isl ' . . . . . . . . I Imparted. Autos 9600 Imported A-=o,:~T~O~YO~T-A~-TOYOTA 96001 Imparted A-9600 Imported A-9600 lmpot19d Autoo 9600 ,Imparted ·Autos 9600 Imparted Autos 96001mpartod Autos 96001mported A-9600 · TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN VOL:KSWAGEN VOLKsWAGEN -------'68 TOYOTA. 2 dr hardtop, l!l69 TRIUMPH, GT6+, like ; 167 VW BILL MAXEY AM/Fl\t radio, 4 spd. $l750. new, less than 20XI ml, must Ah· anlitiooed, low inilea, '69 VW's IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Bank Fina.nclni $213 DOWN $1005 '65 VW BUG 675-2449 I 5.19-Ul5 675-6112llyg. 547--0474. aft 5. sen $3200. Days 546-5300, one owner. Absolutely mint "'IT"'IOIY,..,,...,..,"'l(),,....,IT""'"IA,....1 1 TRIUMPH n;ghl> 495-4212. oondition. L;c, VUJ412 VOLVO '65 TRIUMPH TR~; xlot $1995 $44.00 * 36 mos Plus 1 final pymnt for title. Full 2 yr, 24,000 VOLVO 1Ul1 BEACH BLVD. '68 TRIUMPH P.tK..J Spitfire oond. R&H, new radial tires. Hunt. Ba.ch 147-855.5 ConV(>rt. Like new moo. I Prlv. party. 547-1083 Eves 3 m1 N. of Coast Hwy. on Bd:I 644-2768 White elephants! Dune-a-line mi'warranty. Avail only at NEW 164 T & M MOTORS & 'Imported AUtos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autoo How does Fiat do it for the price? 9600 the "850" Spider ONLY $217.9 Test a THINK ,"FIAr " : "FRIEDI.ANDFB" sn.7TT7 RAT TRADE-INS atwJn ·1111AT ,,_, 'II I0'.111 ·101111 ."" '17 1U ---·-"' .... '"~-.. ~ ... .,.. -.111• ._ __ -· ·-$1599 $399 $8.99 .$1499 $1399 $699 . . HERB FllEDWDEI IMPORTS f'21 GARDEN GROVE .. YD., GAllDIN GlOVI * Complete fore'1 C.-Senlce * • 800 Garden Grove Blvd. NEW 1800 534.i2s4 at il<"h lJ92.$5I NOW ON DISPLAY OPEN SUNDAY ... vw Xlnt --...... & 1961 vw. $550 ti..... L•,,,;. out. Prvt. part;y U,OXI mi. ml National Ave, CM tUll. IW"IO Iwry. Must sell this u 8-4822 aft S pm . ..... od. ""'""" U.S. Call '63 vw I cl \' IMPORTS 64.2-3775 , sunroo , ean, 1c. l."7=~---~-1 no. XEV328. $795. Pvt. pfy. TOYOTA·YOLVO '64. VW, 9 passengei' deluxe 642-8951 1968 Harbor, C M. 646-9303 bus. llke new. Desperate.I='==<'=====;:.;_==='==== must sell • can finance all Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 or any part. See at 55071A Scashon; Dr., NB. 645-29(7 '67 VW Sedan, b l a c k w/black-brown i n t e r i or , AM/FM, vent windows, coco mats. Ptlany extraa. $1550. 673-4373 '67 VW Pickup, excell run- ning cond. Needs minor 'paint $1000 or best olfer. 646-lT13 I '60 VW CONVERTIBLE good appearance, 1air ~ chanical conditiori. sa . 543-3291 'ti5 VW-Xlnt. Must see to ap- preciate. Extras. $1100 or best offer. Call alter 5 pm. 6T.l-4516 '63 VW Black·reblt. Engine 4 , trans. Nu tires. tmmac $i95. 613-9562 'G't WI Biag, deluxe lSOO. All acceSSOries. choice cond. . $1550. 61J...3524. '65 VW, ne;v brakes A ti.res. &OC¥I condition. Call: 540-8119 '57 VW 63 Trans RH. Run, good $3SO. '61., Lambenetta 1S(XX: StsO. ~40 MOVING Must sell '65 VW • $950. :xltat cond. N u brb/titts. ML 673-4221 'ti5 vw Bus 'Exlnt. Cond. RebQllt Comb[. curtains. New enslne 11495. 546-0'Ml BLUE '69 VW. 10,IXll miles Xlnl. cood. Must 1 e I I -'58 vw O>n'Yf.!rtlbk. CeM . E,,cellent transp. S 4 2 !5 • 613-1500 '66 BLACK Vo I ks w a ge ti orialnal owner $1250 .. 642-6033 * 196.\ V\V Variant Square Back, IDpni:URacno, xlnt cond. Mavins:! 536-8965 ELMORE LarcJest Exclusive Toyota Dealer Anywhere ! ! ! ! LarcJtst Servic-e Facilities Lal'l)est Selection JUCDT USP CAIS IN OIAMH COUNTY i--,. I • f , ! 15300 BEACH BOULEVARD WESTMINSTER T1l1,,i-e; 194-3322 • 0 . FRE AUTO AIR CONDIT,ONER WITH THE PUftcHASE OF: The Family Room •. Every f1mi1J sl'loulcl !\Ive 1 lami lr ear! ComlortatHe se1ling tor ti'!• whOle t1mily .•. pt1Ctk:1~ i:ood kioks tl'!at woni &ti out ot style ••• 1dv1nt.ed enrineerin1 ••• 111 Yinyt in~ior. reclining buc.~et $Nls., 4-spffd 'tick $hift. • Be•~ fWo.cl'r tiomft)'! 1 Flat124 Family Sedan The whole family wi ll~' enjoy the zip of Fiat 124's high-output engine .•• the smoothness of a 4-speed synchro-j mesh gearbox ... the security of 4-wheel disc brakes ••. the comfort of reclining front bucket seats. Fiat is fun! Fiat124 Waaon How aoes Fiat do it for the price? SEE THESE AIO OTHER FIAT MODW • mALIFORNIA ·_SPORTS CARS 901 E. 1st ST., SANTA ANA .. . • ; ' 542-8801 • ·~ ... ::1 ... , .... -,. •• ·~ ·-·~ •• .... . ·--~ .. • -·--. ..., ··-••• overhead c 11 m engine, bucket seats, wide oval white well tires, beck-up lites, heed restraints, windshield washers • Stk, No. 9500 f. Ser. No. 223379L600196. GARDEN • , So\-, M" ,1, 1'6'1 TRANSl'OltTATlOH TlANSPORTITIOlil DAILY 1'1LOT 27F•ldl1, MIY lO, l96q TRANSl'OATITION TIANSPOITITION DAILY PILOT jJf TltANSPOtlTAflCJN tlOO-c... --ea" 9IOO -c... - . IE·~IE · .SHOOTll6 FOR"· THE .· 1001 11001 1969 FIREllRD HARDTOP COUPE s195 DOWN $75.95 PER MONTH + Tu I U... 41 ... " ., .... uffit . . If It's an out of this world deal you want on one of these new Pontiacs then hurry to BOB LONGPRE OUR APOLLO 0.AUTOll.AUTS ' AR•R•ADYI NEW 1969 BROUGHAM HAIDTOP COUPE FROM WINDOW . STICKER PRICE WE NEED YOUR CAR TOP DOLLAR PAID . CASH or BONUS TRADE· IN ALLOWANCE '63 Falcon Fastbaclc '65 Corvair Monza '65 Tempest 2-Door 6cyl., •irt-•tic traM111btla11. Ca111M 4 tpcl .. 1t1i1t whit•, raalio, ht•l1r. Nie• C1n••Y .,.llaw, 't'I, 111h1. ha111., PS, whi ... Uc. Na. WWI It car, Uc, No. XVSl41 air. EZI tla1a. Uc. No. NGCJ21 I FRWY.1 $995 $1195 $1495 FltWY. :~ -·-. 13600 Beach Blvd. · Westminster (Beach Blvd . at Garden Grove Fwy .) · Call 892-66 51 or 636-2500 ,. l'S:i:port=..:C:.;.•;;;rwc...._-"',96_1_0 Auto Lening '66 HONDA 6?11 Sports Car FIRST TIME! .. ,, • " •· ,. Convertible, like new $1295. Lease a New .'89 tor 6 Montbr 53&-8658 •&return with no•obligatiori • '66 Tl\IUMPH Spltefire good ~ Mr. Malcolm Reid tor con:L Take over pay & best N'-Dctaill Now otter. 64~1384 ' 64Z-0010 Anti-. CIUila 9615 HENRY J., 6, '53, Ex. con-- dltion. clean. 0 r i g In a I Ford Authorized Leasing System Theodore ROBINS FORD owner, call eve. or morn. 2000 Harbor ffivd. 828-4371 OJSta Mesa 642-0010 " 9620 "' LEASE "' " ~ lt9C9 C1R,. Rods '68 cad Cpe de Ville, full pwr, :: ~ e 1111 FORD Pickup e ail', 17,IXD ml, $139 mo. ·· ~ a..,. v.a, e 3 speed stick '69 Cougar, 2 dt, H·top, ,; · e pod Pod>' Ir: tires. e $450 $86'.94 mo. " ,, ftrm ..e 646-8711 '66 Continental sed., air &: ,. A-W..,tod 9160 sou!fit"C~~ mo. " ., .. .. ' WE PAY.·· CASH for t9ld can It trucks just call m: for ftte estimate: GROTH CHEVROIB WE PAY CASH fOR YOUR W CAR LEASING 300 W. c.t H..,.,.NB ~2182 - 642. 9433 TRANSPORTATION '61 VW $699 e 'St SIMCA $599 • '60 TR3 $499 • '60 CO~lE'l' $399 e '59 OIEV. Panel $299 e '58 OPEL $199 • '55 FORD Vic. ne. COSTA MESA MOTORS CONNELL CHEVROLET '62 SIGNET 2 .... !IT, $36. mo., Stnct No. l3L '62 F15. 2IZI HutJar Bhd. 2 dr., $32.50 mo., stOck No. Cotta Mesa 5*UOll 151. '61 T·Blrd Sll. mo., Win Bay Slod<No.141 G-MAC MOTORS 3Dl, W. lat St. Yoia Vo11:1wacm or Pundit Santa Am 531""1&1 .• ,., ............ Pold for\======== Of llDL a.a Ralpb 673-1190 IMPORTS WANTED a... lmltles TOP I llt1D>l IUICK '64: BUICK Special with famool V.f engine See to ........... ''"" 548-8SM FINEST SELECTION Over 25 '66 · ~67 · '68 Cadillacs to Choose From '68 ELDORADO Loc:1I c:•r, on. 1wrtef, feet •ir, full power, ttereo redlo, '"w t•r werT•ntv. XCJ 461 . 1 to 'hoo1e from. '6B CADILLAC '67 OLDS YllTA ClUllll ,,_~w .... f,c:to,., ,;,, fo•dM I I Loc1I c.,, TEXt47 $1795 '65 FORD OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC . 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY " B1LL JIAXEr TOYOTA '81 SPF.CIAL Ddime:. 58.COO H. a!! 8ed ..._~_..; ~.x:.::· orW owner. 494• 1084 LAGUNA .IEACH • ' • • • • Dlol -.a ... RESULTS Olo1 H>Sl8 lor RESUL1'S Auto l.eMl"I 9110Aute LM11119 9110 JOlllSll ' SOii SINE WJ1G Famous Free Malnlmllnce Leue available to fndlvdoel• and bu-1.firmlJn Oranae County 11 JolllllOll I: Son LlncolJI • Memiry Cougar; 2n5 Harbor, CON Mesa. 41Hi630. Aak for FREE Boclldet on the lease that pro- vldel: FrH 011 Changes; Free Lubrication; Free Tune-ups; Free Replacement Parts; Fl'eo Labor. Contlcl: L. Brochu, Mgr. • -!'=======~ ' -~--~ -----·- IUICI .., llUllX ~ ~ ./rlfJ A CAii ._ ..... _tD.,.....cl . . eyl, 4 IP -JI I H. too WE CAii llELl''l'OU &Ir. W/l/W. °'I ..,..., • U oCMri ..... blrned )'GD &TM5 don e U JlllO br<M no down SAC1UF1CZ '68 8 u I Cl ll pqmdt e U' )'QQ an ez:a.. RI ..... IUD loodod, DOW ~MANY llOD!U tireL * ..... .. 1'0 QIOOSE ntOK ** •••• caa •. UJmrr * '12 LE IABllE *-•.ODO ML "'""""11 CU • -* 19J.50JI * • -~ --- .~~ ... ) "' .!~ r-.lfRCUrlY Safe Buy Used Cars • ••ua•. / ; IRING THI ~:.;i • : 11 rJ C()l r~ FAMILY IN AND LOOK 'IM OVIR TODAY .•. IUY TODATI Many Of l1le Fine Resale Cars At Johnson & Son Were Ori9inally Sold And Have Serviced By lllem . • • Another Reasson Why They Are "SAFE BUYS." 1967 CORVETIE ' 1966 CADILLAC 1965 MUSTANG COUPE STINI-UY A b1•uliful ori11i11el lriti1h r1ci11q qree11 "'etellic fi11i1h with whit. 1ppliqv•bl1,k 111. lerior, 427 •"'1l11e, 4 1peed tr1111 .. pow1r 1t11rl1t1J, AM.FM redio, he1t1r, fectory A.C. Drive11 011ly 24,000 fl'li. by I ow11er. 111'111'11'• ,1 ... i:olldifio11, uxv '''· s.1. price $3795 1966 CONTINENTALS 14 to chi o1e from!. Attrei:tiv1 h1rdtop 1;oup11 • 4·dour 11d11u, l1011fif..,I 11l1ctio11 of colon I Interiors. All 1ro lu1n1ry 1quipp1d l11cludl11t f1i:tory 1lr. C1r1fully 1111ifli1lllld. Si r. Mo. 42t212. Prl111 tt•rt •t $2595 1967 COUGAR GT A1g1111 bro1111 fi11i1h w-p1rch11111f1t i:emforf wtl'tl s11h 111d bl•i:k l111C1au t.p. A111to. tTaM., rHl1 It '*"" t1J1, h11hr, f1i:tory 1lr. -4 HW f..71irl4 tir11, PS, power di1i: ltr1l1t, c111toN. A b11utiful 25,000 mil e c:1r. ITllH 1lll. $2595 ~ 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O • CONYllTIILI ' l11utif11\ •••al fl11lt"h with white b11i:lr1t 1eah I whito top, 4 sp"411 tr1111 .. pow1r 1tNri11g, rt4io a h11t1rJ etc. U11u•~ally 1;11111. l>JR.J S,11. • $1395 1968 COUGAR XR7 ·cpe. Attracti•• 1a•f••t11 t.rq11olH 1t1tf•llic li11iih with '•rch,.,,nt• l•alh•r ltwc••t •••h 111d ltlack lall4•11 ,.,f, •.s Ulrt Y·l t 119!1t with •11!0, trt111., ttdio I heel.,, ,owt r tt.trl119, power di1c IH-akt•, Fadery Air C.11111. Thi1 Mt~ful ctr cilrl••11 e.ty 12,000 mi. aitd ~ ~ the lwileMt ef ffit lltW ctr fK .. l'l Wtn1irty. WOWJ4J. $3295 SEDAN DI YILL.i Strilri11g Arctic: whit. with bl1i:lr l11!erlor 111d bl1clc l1rtd1u roof. f\lllv luu,., 1qvlpp1d, 1ulo. tr1111 ., ll&H, PS, PW, '·way 11at, fee;.. fory 1ir colld., 1tc. ($MD llJI $3395 1968 MERCURY PAIK LANI Co11v1rtibl1. le1ulifu l J111'11lc1 Yellow fi11i1h ,..;th blai:k i11t1rior 111d bl1ck top. Auto. h111• .. r1d.io 11!d lt11l1r. F1c:fory Air Co11d., p•-• , .. 1ri119, power br1k11, powtr win• dowt, .ts. Dri.,111 011ly I 0,000 1T1i111. Thi1· ouf1t111dl119 c•r could be 11slly f1'1i1t1k111 for br1M HW. lvy1r r1c1iv11 tlt1 b1l111c:o of ftl1 ftlW cir F1clory W1rr111ty. WPC ]''· $3595 1965 VOLKSWAGEN IUG ' 0 111 .... 1111. loo~1 end lllri'llS Ul1 111w. Lii:. No. PE' l Z,. $1195 1968 CONTINENTALS 2 lo i:hoo11 from, All co,,.pllf1ly lu•v•'I' •quipped. Auto. trans. t rdlo, lr.11t1 r, fie· lory Air Co11d., pwr 1t11rh11, power br••••• power Wi ndows, 6·..,•Y 111t, Ltl!d•v roof1, '''· V1ry low mil11 l b11'"''1illy mal11tai111lll. luyer r1c1iv11 tll1 b1l1t1C1 of the 111w cir F1c:.tory Warr111ty. Attr1ct!Y1 colon. LIN· COLN -MERCURY'. Vo11r clt1lc1, No. 6101, No. 1611. $5295 1966 THUNDERllRD --l11itfiful told r.,,,.. 11t. W-41•h. bolt• l11t. Ln:. oci ulp•. tt. ....... hll !MW*' l11cl. ••+ .. k11lf .. llH. t lr, I .-., c1r.f.lfy lllrlv111 111. u,, SIN IJt. ..__ $2395 l1auliful An~tic Whilo fin i1h ... ah ,ttr1i:tiv1 .... bucket 11111. Equipped with 1uto11'11li• tT111ill'lis•lo11, r1dio, h11t.r, ,pow•r 1!01ri1\9. low inil••· Ori9i111I tlirouthovt 111d b11ufi• fully ll'lai11+1 i11H. OTM 40,, $1695 1968 TOYOTA CORONA HAllDTOP COUPI , C1rdi11el R.M fi11 i1h .,;;th b1oc~ bui:••• 111 ..... 1uto, tr1111 ., r1dio l h1at1r. 0111 ow111r drl'I'• 011 011ly t ,000 rnil11. A r1•I beewty. lWIC 3571. $1895 1966 MERCURY STATION WA.ON Colo11y ,,r\:. t p11111191r, bo1utiful l1rfl'lli4'a l11t1rior, Luir\lry 1qulpptd. A11!0. tr1111., lllt-j, PS, Pl,' 'fW.' i11chMi111J '·••v ,,-.. F1ct1ry •if c:ond: Dv1I 1Ctio11 J•il 9111. Top lutt•t# rack, etc. 0111 1f the 111u1u1I 0111 owr11r low J!til11p c1rs. ITE'f 15,1. $2895 . • 196~ TORONA!>O DI LUXE le1ulH11I lloy1I rn1roo11 G11l1h wlHi Mtkhi•t l11t1rior: Tlii• 1up1r clo111 car it OCf11lpJ14 with ti.'t "n1111t. A.T., ll&H, PS, Pl, , • .,,.p. 111\ P•wind-1, f1cto,., otr c:o"4 .. tilt 1t11r• r i119 wh1tl. Sflow• 1•1:1111111 0111 ow111r c•r1.' ,,,000 Mi111. WYWS.JI . $2595 1964 PL YMOUTt1 SPOIT PYIY 2 do..-h1rdtop. Atcti&" withe f111l1h wi~ Wk. b11ck1t 11.+.. le11tif11! I ow111r cir 14111i,t witt. ,...._,tfc tr111u11 issloll, 1111111, h1ot.fo r.:_, 1iffri"1, power bralrtt, •h1wt "1111· 11f c:1r1. Uc. IES 12,, $1295 USID CAI DEPT. 540°5635 o •• Johnson+ SOD 1LlllGILll llmlEITlL • 10111: ·•EllllY •UHll • I " • 'I ' •• .. :a...h City Oildlll..:s Ii BlG DISCOUNTS * , '115-'• CAD.tLl.ACS }II NI ~hct, Alr •• de VIiie ••••••••••• ~ $6195 .• 8ed. • • • . • • • • • • • ... • $4695 '65'CAQ Coupe do Villo, ono BEAT Tl:IEM ownor, xlnt oond. Mu""'"' :ANYWHERE $2500 or. Best otfer. 536-2651 .~CHMOLET • rut DRIVE THE i "63 CHEVY Impala, radio & t Mlfll • BRUTE t rac air, beige w/black int. + , . , JUST ARRIVED : l650. Before uo Pm i ANOTHER BIG t 64>-!988,"""' 546-<1820 SHIPMENT OF ·+ '59 CHEVY Sta Wag, Lrg 1969 i eng. New battery, gen. k t -. $300. S42-91 78 t """' ~ pm. • 'Sf STATION Wgn Bel.U., • OPELS • R:I H, .. .w I w, orig owner t + 46.tm ml. trlr hitch . i t ~ • wl .. AUTOMATIC ·1 MOST ..U 1005 Impalo SuJ>or TRANSMISSION Sport 2 dr bltp, "'1, aulom, t OUR OPll. l'llCIS ~t cond Milke offer. i STA.IT AT '~Impala SS, PS, A s 1777 : ~ Exlnt cond S*ll), Best + otter 962.-1533 eve. + , · t IMMIDIATI PS,. PB. R/H $300. ~ oi 8'6-0211 HAND NEW '58 BEL Alr °"'"'" ·4 D<. '6' IUICK t cOod <Onditlon. 1195-. $2444 * 548-7147 * • . •69. EL CAMINO very low t ORDll YOURS mileage, 4 si>eect. 396. t . TODAY I ~bet10&3 i POOLE 'S FINE USED CARS '66 EL Camino 396, 4 apel. sUcket seats,_38,000 mi. TQP +-, "°""· $1900. 1175-15.12 . t '6S IUICK t M;B~, 4 dr, atr, PS, IElectre cou p•. full pow•r,i auto, new tires, lo mileage. fectory •ir cond, NCl - Afler 5 ~ 546-3835 <420 '51Hl!EV '69 327 4 spd, ill $ 1 795 t i:Ba.r end; many ~tras Make + a!IO<. 6'IH36l I r--.-6-"S "'o_L_D-SM_O_ll-LE-,. '56• GOOD Clean ~)'. 4 door H.T. F1ctory 11r,i W'llson Gregory. 206 Ch1cago pow1r tl1tri119 & .,,,k,,, $l Apt A. H.B. 536-7691 1 11t.. (MOY 1461 '62: OIEV. Bel-Air, 2 dr., $ 1395 aato, R/H,. very depen-1+--_,;:__.:...;;,_ __ d&bl., $300, ~ '67 MUSTANG in. 6, standard trans, 4 dr, h11tt r. TXS 161 t ridio, $1495or 1100 down oo $1995 t aOProvtU. 541-8838 t '59, OIEV Kingswood Wgn '66 .TEMPEST it P1S, P/B. 63.<XXI ml. MllSt •c R&H t be seen. 548--0974 111tom cp•. , 111 o., :i;======-;;-.lf'·S., f•ctort 1ir condition· . : COMET '"•· 1SlS95 'Sf. COMET Caliente Conv. i 4.~000 mi. Make offer. '61 CADILLAC i 645-221.1 or 646-1098 +s.d. D1Vill1. Mill power., J:i&6 CO?\fET Convertible. :f1ct. eir. l~XS 1421 GOid with while top . l fami· t $995 1)1: car. 1$651). 67S-2408 :CONTINENTAL F1ctory 1ir cond. Full pow. '66 THUNDERBIRD i ; 1 ,,, vinyl top. XLV 49 1 !64 Continental , $2795 4 br. Full power, tact. air, I pe'bble beige w/matching in-'65 SKYLARK terior .• Very luxurious. IEZ· 4 dr. Automatic, pow1r 372 t11rin9, radio, h11t1r. . $1395.00 !RGV4i4'" t JOHNSON & SON $ 1395 t ' USED CARS "'61 MUSTANG I 1M1 HARBOR BLVD. ltadio. h11t1r, ] •pi ed. • "2.7050 !WTAOtt> · 4 i!]S:~!~ct '$67 1CA9M~~O i q , full leather interior. i ~A i Gkzn.s ~.T. Cp1. A11to., PS, F1tt. : $1195.00 '"· R&H, ITFX '69' JC>HNSON & SON i $2295 · : ' USED CARS '6' CHARGER t IMI HA~BOR BLVD. iAuto tf1~1. r•dio, ll11ft r. t 1• 642-7050 SRW 106 · i : ' $1695 • C_ORYAIR • '63 WAGOfl oq. NEW clutch, H'W bnkes lt1m.,ltr. "A• it." OKN6tl itruns good. Sl'IS. -95 ~.,, * &t6-lto8 * ~· l£ WRVAIR S>XI. Cood '66 CAPRICE ~tkm. 6 7 5 ~ 6 6 3 4 +A11t.m1tie, f1ct, 1if, po_, ftel. . +st--n119, rtdit, ""'"· ,,; t (SIMJ111 : CORYEllE · t $ 1995 : '8T t'ORV>:ITE. FIB. 327 4 1 t :;::~.::.,~~ i 234 E. 17th n. • c:vr;: ~'° '!'~'. t ~~:!?.~~ i ~1-. i ,: ":& °""''"" 283 lllcl<, ,, rJ topa. excellent cotxL ;. aw onu, 549-3523 v>M&eUICK DAILY PILOT WANT ADS lllllNO REIULTSI ' . '"f 1 1,l'(k C'.)~ ... iP C OSTA MESA • • PLYMOUTH '68" SPORT Sirb. Wagcn. 9 : pass, A/C, PS ,PB PW. fin. • mac cond. $3685 ,ptv pty.' ; 54~ ., THIS WEEKEND YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT A. J. FOYT & PARNELL! & THE REST OF 'EM AT INDY BECAUSE YOU CAN BE THE BIG- GEST WINNER OF 'EM All! LOOK AT SOME OF THE WINNERS HERE ..• , J_UST A FEW FROM THE WINNINGEST STOCK IN TOWN! " . • • • AND HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A STARTER • A BRAND NEW 1969 F ·IREBIRD I • Hardtop Coupe, Redl fne ·Tires , Deluxe Sea t-Belts, Console , Decor Group, Front Fl'oor Mats , 4 BBL OHC Engine, Floor Shift. Spring Package, (2 2ll79L60 16l11 b1e cir. Mr. C1rver'1 p1rs cir, 81111t 1t1rlight btk w.bl1ck cordov1 top& GEN LEATHER int. T11r.,ohydr1, S1f1-t.diffitr. 1t1rio AM -FM. r1mot1 mir, vi1or mir, dhr 11•1 b1lh, Crui1; control, i'1ll II whit, cutt 1pl 1lr whl. pwr tr l;d r1l1111, p1, tilt 1tr whl, 1oftr1y 91111, pwr dr lock1, pw, p·win d1fro1t, p·buck 111t, ht1d re1h, r1cl lef fr 1111, A.C., f&r •flr m1h, 1tc, f276579P1 215961 Orig f•c 1u9 r1t1il prict $6346.6], $5164 BRAND NEW 1969 CATALINA WAGON Die.or grp, di1e .,rk1, tint 9!11,. p·l1il 9111 win. AIR cdND. whit1 •id1 will tir11. 2S2369CI llJ,20, SERVICE DEPARTMENT 'OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:']0 A.M, ta 6:00 P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 1:00 A.M. te 9:)0 P.M. EVERY DAY HAND NEW 1'69 IONNE¥1W WAGON ] 1t •f, t11rbo-hydr1, pb r1dio, dlx bits. wir1 whl di1t1, du1l 1Jth1h , PS, p-di1c lii-k1, lint 9lt1,, PW, AC, P-9 1!1 win, w1w, 21124!19tl2l431. Window 1tf$ktr pric1 S5S.f1.07. $4750 HAND NEW 1969 GTO Turbo hydr1 fr1n1, PS, eon1ol1, AM.FM r1 dio, d111I 1J<h1h, pwr f11x fin, rid l;ne tir11, V1rdoro gr w·match interior. ( 2423 7921 20414 J. $)397 IRAND NEW 1969 IONNEYILLE COUPE Cordovi top, turbo hydr1, 1ler10 t1d, r1 mir, dlx •••I .,,Jh, cust whl dl1c1, cl u1! 111.h1 h , PS, tilt whl, p-cli1c .,rk1, 81011ghm int, tint,91111, p-1111, AC, fr fir m1h, ww. Orig f1clory 1tick- 1r pric1 $5725.59, $4684 W19on. 350 1n9, turbo hydr1, pb r1dio, db· .,lh, wir1 wh11I di1ct, PS, PB, tint 9l11t, 111 r1lly 9111911 I clock. p-t1il g1f1 window. AC, fr fir m1t, whit1 1id1 wilt~. 239l 69Z IOl<f01. IRAND NEW 1969 CUSTOM "S" 4 Dr. HT. Dhc th whl, d1t grp, 350 VI 1n9. A.t., p.b. r1dio, PS, tint wind, h11d r11f, w1w tir1t. 1295399Rl2529 1J $J077 BRAND NEW, 1'69 UECUTIYE WAGON 421 1n9, turbo hydr1, •1f1.frk p·1nl, AM-FM, r·s11I 1plcr, fo1m cuch fr, remot1 mit, cllx bib, wir1 w discs, cu1t 1t11t whl, P-S.d-brk1.win·111t, AC, Pl much mor1. 25649Cl2317l. Window 1licker pric1 $6093.51. $5271 CJ • " ' \ - -~ .. ----__________________ ' j ___ -·---------·--L-~------~-~~~--------·------------ . • ,, ' " ,, ' . ' ' " ' ' " " ' " ' ,. ' ' ' ' • • ' ) ,_ ' I I .. I )J°.RANSl'OATATION fltANSl'OlTATION TRANIPORTAnON 1 ', New C.ro 9IOONew C.ro 9IOO New C.rs , l'ltANSl'OllTA TIOH Satwday, Mq ll. 1~9 TUNSPOl A T I CADILLAC NINETEEN :SIXTY-NINE ,, ON · DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! 1968 CHRYSLER t _9 passenger Town & Country wagon. Maize ~.'.yellow with saddle vinyl trim. Full power, air conditlonlng, luggage rack, tilt steerin&: wheel, low mileage. (VTP971) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVi\11?. Phantom blul! with blue leather · ·1 Interior. Full power equipment plus factory air conditioning. One owner. (UJA357) SALE $4444 PRICE SALE $3999 PRICE •r '--------------------~ 1967 OLDSMOBILE Custom Delta 4 Door Hardtop. Spanish silver Wit.Ii rnatct\ing intttior. Automatic, P..S., P.B., facfory' air conditioning, white side walls. i -(UER479) 1966 CADILLAC ' ·CouPe DeVille. Autumn gold with black vinyl 1, ~P and gold tjoth and leather interior. Full power, factory air conditioning, til t steering ... 'Yheel, poWt'r door locks, etc. (J6296459) 1964 RIVIERA \'Powder biUI'! with matching vinyl bucket '· seats. Full power and factory air condiUon· · ·• : ing, many ex_tra.s. CHG1'856l • . SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $155;5 , PRICE ··--------------------- 1965 CADILLAC . Coupe DeVillc. RoYal blue exterior with mat· ching cloth and leather interior. Full power, !actocy air, tilt and telescopic steerini, &ho'A-"& exceptional low mileage. {PGN663) SALE $2111 · PRICE 1968 CADILLAC OVER · 80 :QUALITY Coupe DeVille, Royal bJUe with white padded roof and blue leather Interior. Full power. factory air, AJ.I-FM, \ilt-ltlescoplc 1t.eerln1 AUTOMOBILES wheel, etc. CXSS788) TO SELECT FROM 1966 TORONADO cuatom. Forest ~n With dark lf'ftJ\ cloth • and vinyl interior, ful ~er, factory air con- dltioi\ing, tilt steering, whML (SVX120) 1966 CONTININTAL NABERS CADILLAC, Goddess gold with 1okt top and 1old leather interior. Full power and factory air, stereo tape, local, one owner, ($VY710) Where Used Cars Are 'More 1967 RIVIERA Than . Transportation Forest green exterior with black vinyl ln- terlor. Has full power equipment plw factory air conditioning, tilt steerlnr wheel, (TSD498) . 1968. CAPRICE , • • • THEY'RE A Coupe. 12,0oo miles. Antique 1old with black top and.gold bucket aeats. 327 V8,·au~Uc, GOOD pawer • 11.ffrtng, power disc brakei; factorT a1r condlttonlng, radial tirel, plUI e~ care. (XEUIY.l&} 1967 JAGUAR XKI INVESTMENT! 2 PlUI '2 coupe. Autom&tic. !Ur condttionln1, wire whttls, AM·FM radlo, 'heater, Seafoam green with riaturll leethet interior. 23,000 miles, one owner. {VCI.361) SALE $4999 PRICE SALE $222.2 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE _SALE $4666 PRICI ------------SAL~S DEPARTMENT OPEN---------- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JUNE J, 1969 • • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRID;t.. Y -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SA TU RDA Y and SUNDAY Your factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area N"ABERS .. 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540•9100 9900 9900 MEET THE PON11Ac ·· PONTIAC ' PONTIA~, PONTIAC T·BIRD A·MBASSADOR '67 FIREBIRD 4Cll Convt. 1968 LE MANS, factory air, 1965 PONTIAC C a I a l l n a '65 PONTIAC. Must sell. ,S950 . or best oUu. New tll'el, P/t, Plb. RJH. Low ml/ bucket seats, vinyl tnp. Safari station v."agon. Air 1 &: 1 '194-&'m $. Ownr ~30. eves. P/s. XJnt corJd. $2695 or .cond. pis, p/b, clean prtv1,•="=0=· =· ='·==== Full power, fact. air. A nice 6'l5-4l06 bffi otter. ~2744 pty $1350. 968-1071. one at a Jow, low price, '66 T·Blrd DOMESTIC CREAM PUFFS RAMBLER RRZ111 '64 TEMPEST wag., newl---~---' $""95 00 lit'<"" V~ auto .• P/S, P/B; PRE.OWNED "" • • FROM AMERICAN MOTORS WEEKEND SPECIAL ' HAND NE\!f 1 Ht '67 PONT;-:V.entura, 2 dr. !ledan, ale, a/w, Xlnt cond. $2195 . ........., ''"' ,,,.,d. $950. 644-2032 BIG SELECTION JOHNSON & SON '61 THRU '68'• USE~ CAltS ALL MODELS 1941 HARBOR BLVD, '67 CAMAIO I /I -lol UI ' -........ PS. U..h~A.Jll 52577 ,.,.,_____.... $3286 . F11ll•i ·equip,,_d l"clu4i119 •Ir ceM,. V..f, ••te, trtllt. 5110210 •• UAND NIW "6' IAMIUI $1998 SHtt 6 NOT 4-121 H.P. . BIG. DISCOUNTS " 0. Al -Now AMX. .,,AVELINS • llEllELS • RAMBLERS Tho Action Store For Orutor s .. 1..,. "uD HOL~DAY .. ~. FROM 1295. 642-7050 '67 T·BlRD J door Landau. tac. air, l'fP, dllc bnbt. Priced to wit. 67$--0lel, e '62 THUNDERBIRD, luD _..-, looks • 1'1111 pod. 642-6013 1610. Oller. -= STUDEBAKER Rana l° ..J;~ 1957 Silver Hawk lY aood. Hu new wide Oftl Studebaker, auto tram. $%l5. tJria bn maptrr Map, 1lct. ... 548-3.121 * air, JPL688 1009 LARK. Good ruoolng $595.00 c<indltlon. Now tlro~. 11111, JOHN~ON '67 MllTAff. n, hll ,..,, "''° $2577 .......... 0 ...... . U.. .... TUllM • · 166 MAUIU SI lt6 I Dr, H.f, ....... __ u..:t1 .. sam . 166 OLDl441 .... -...... ............. ' U..kl1Zt7J '66 IUICI .._...,_ • ......, Pt. -. .,_., UH • .._ • Ua:.Ne. YIHJt6 $1977 ' $1777 $15.77 '66 POlt-•.T.A.C-. $1577 n.~.-...,., .... 1 _..,.U..No.ITNl7' r ' !• ' ' ' ~ ' ' l l CAIPIT •-CAii lllOTO .. SI•~ Siies & Senlce fOUI · WIS -7 Mn / CAI ...t ANtnlNfNH , TOUI C9MVINllMCI t9'9 .Hlmor, Costa M.esa. 6'2-6023 * .-it usi;vc.W• · T -llRD 1941 HAllllO!t IL VD. '°""" DEAN LEWIS 1 • TO~Jt'i;9JO] ~ t. 1966 HAUOI,· C.M. ~ 1 . • !£1,0SID MIMOllAL DAY e YOUR., AD REAPHES 68,972 HOMES EACH WEEK ~ ' ' • ' I • ' YOUR AD llACHIS 68,;12 HOMIS EACH Wiii< • ---·----·-~·-,-- WIN! • FREE USE OF A 'DELUXE CAMPER FOR ONE WEEK ,, • SINCE 1921 ••• Your generous patrona9e and confi- dence in our dealership has made us proud lo be a part of Orange County and it's phenominal growth. Thanks to our countless friends for a wonderful 48 years. The odore Robins, Sr. ,~Ol~~~ ~~~~Yi ~~~TP ~~~~ FREE! DIA<!NOSTJC CHECKS 1t-ol.~ .. wfll • CtllftPltie dM<k of your cv'I -d lllar\ In so..rtlMm C.l!fVmi.'s tll'lt Fonl °"'P*l'-Centrr. 00--lJO •lldnnlc Mtft for .. '-'V, rtl1911111f¥ 1n11 P1NOr"*'<1. °""" 1ti1' v.c111on •l"*'I worrr. ··WJ'VE . PULLED THE STOPS FOR JUNE! ' Ttn Checks Jo Be·Giv,en Freel .5'JPER SAVINGS WHEREVER YO!J TUR~ ••• VALUABLE PRIZES DRAWINGS EVERY SATURDAY AT II A.M. YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. ·OVER 30 PRiZES . IN ALL! ' FOR THE GROWN-UP.5 • • • KEEN STUFF FOR THE KIDS ••• 1rs OUR ·BIGGEST, SAVIN'EST BIRTHbAY PARTY IN ALMOST HALF A CENTURY OF DOING BUSINESS 'IN THE HARBOR AREA I COME IN, HELP US CWIRA TE! FORD .· ·Y GOOD SELECTION IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! - I q~ . ', ' RE,N' T' ECONOMICAL RATES · " : By DAY, WEEK, MONTH •. BIG 8 FT. FULL CAB -OVER ' BARRACUDA CAM.PER!. c • ., .... .,..,......, .. ..,.,,..._._...,2....,,.-.... ~ ..................... tric .......... .._ ...... ... .. .... ........ .., ........... .,. ..... ....... ~w•.,. • ,_,.,,, ..... -.. ..ttet "-"',., llHnid.i, .._ WI ... k..._ .... ,1 .... Ml ... ---. s...MOI, w1 ..._ t.,_ ANNIVERSARY SAVl'NGS on MUSTANGS· llG FORDS· TORINOS THUND~RBIRDS • FORD TRUCKS! • · CHECK OUR PRICES FOR . JUN• BEFORE YOU BUYl • ORANGE COUNTY 'S ONLY AUTHORIZED, 'DEALER ! .. . ' LartJe Inventory of New '69's For Immediate Delivery. Six onl'f -New 1968'$ Now Slashed For Immediate Clearance! DRIVE A ~EW 1969 ~NGLISH FORD ! $ FULL ENGLAND~S N0.· 1 SEWR, · AMERICA 'S NO: 1 ·tMfORT IUY! PRICE 1 ·c;usT.oto\$ * GT'• * .SJATION WAGONS. Laroe Seledlon of Autom1tlca incl Four 'SPff(la. NO TRUCK PURCHASE NECESSARY! LA~T C.ALl.: NEW '68's! ~1rnlted number at Fln1I Cle1r1nce prices! RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY ~·· LEASE YOUR CAR FOR 6 MONTIU FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING S'l'STEM CLOSED MEMORIAL. DAY OPEN -.,, . Sat. & Sun. T ,.. • • As Usual f • I TRANSPORTATIOl'.f A1mOot ·-lt,6I"""' c-l'f~ V.W. Sunroof ' SPECIALS · Coste Metc1 Pcdrbl can to chooM Fully equipped. tORG.J•l I· .20 % Jow1t Now e v1r19i111J IS 11r1 p1r ""''k ti.et ' f acl · e111 b1 ftf•il•d •* wltol•••I• 'to th• pub· from at fntastlc 1GYhNJ1. Inter• Dr r •·1 . lie. lt•f tht cit1l1r1 011 th11• old1r c•"· ceptor perforrnt1111ce! SAVE!! $995 FULL PllCI $41 ·:.;:. 1966 BUICK LE SABRE 1965 l'L YM. Sport 'fury • ~ '. •' I I , I 19&5· CORTINA GT · ' . ' Full pow1r, ftcfory tlr, 2 Or. H.T. (R PM 2 dr. H.T. Grttn w/bl1ck inttr. Vt, tufo., Powdtr hlut, •quipp•d. .(NRP612) 160) 20 ,.. down or lr•d•. PS, IYXS 426l. 20% down or tr•d•. 40,000 plui mil•t. 20%down or tr•dt. $1495 ;~.'i. $54 ~.::. $895 ~.'i. $37 ~..::. '$995 ;~.'i. .$35 ~..::. ' . 1968 FORD 4 Door V-8 TAX REFUND DUE? 1964FORQS9UIREW09, Cu1fom ]90 •n9., 111lomatic, bl1ck with WHY WAIT? · d S .. hifo top. (IJ51ZI l-4912l. 20 'l down VI, ~uto., RliH, '"con .. P ., 9 p1u1•• or lr1d1. BUY NOW--r A J LATER 91r. I IOY2-47} 20 % iilown or h1d1. $1195 ;~1'i1 $34 ~"::. EASY RRMS AVAILAILE $895 ~1'i1 $37 ~..::. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 FORD S9UIRE Wog , 1967 l'ONTIAC H.T. Y·I t iilr. S1d•n. Eirq11i1it1. Ju1t 0¥1th•ul1d. Cou"try Squir•. VI, i ulo., Pt. ll:lH. fimpoit Cuitom. Auto., PS, RIH. ITRJ , (UQL JOl l 20 % down or fr1d1. CTFY 50]) ,~0% down or lr1d1. O!l )•iO Y. ~0-or trodi. $1495 FULL $53 '" 30 $1595 FULL $·56 '"JD $1595 FULL $48 '"" PllCE Molttht • PllCI! Mottflls HICE M ....... ' ·-· ... 1967 CHEVROl£T H.T. 196.7 MUSTANG v.a 196$ FORD H,T. V·I lmp1li, 4 Dr. VI , ·1uto,, PS., oir, R&H. Fully iq11ipp1d, oir cond., l1nd1u top. Gal1t1o··SOO. 2 Dr. H.T. Aut o., PS, i Tr !UKU 157) 20 '1'. down ot trod'o. !UVT 666) 20,.. down or lrtdi . cond. fRDl914) 20 % down or lr1d1. $1795 FULL $49 '°' 3' $1895 FULL $56 ... 3' $995 .. LL $35 '" >t PllCE Moftflls PRICI Molltlll -PRICE Mfltltlil . ' MUSTANG SALE 1964 DODGE DART ,, ,, ,. ,, ·-~ 4 Dr. S1d1", VI , 1uto., f334 696M-4tl. 170 2 Or. Equipped. 6 c.vl. IP8Y 60S) 14 to choo11 from'. ~ & I .r.vli11<1ers, 't l l 20% down or tr1do. 4 1pood1, outom1tic1. Som• with power 20 % ·down or h1dt . il11rin9 i nd 1ir conditioning. 1965 'tltru $895 fULL $31 Per JO $6 FULL 1969 modol1, con¥1rtibl11, coup11 t flCI · PRICE Moittlrs 95 PRICE 2+2 f11tb1ck1. 1968 CHEVROLET Malibu J.96J'V.W. Automatic 1t62 FORD WAGON J Dr. H.T. Vt, 1uto., PS., RlH. IWPC R. ,-1:(.000+ mile•, w1rr1nl; IXO M VI, 1uto., PS. CPLM 2151 2or. do ... n or t l I) 20 ~ down or tr1d1 . 6101 20 % do,,..n OI' fr1d1. tr1d1. '$2195 PULL $59 ... 1' $1795 FULL $49 ... "I $395 FULL $18 '" .. PllCI · , MMfM . PRICI Mo1ths l"Jl:ICI Mollflll CHECK OUR USED TRUCK • NEW CAMPER SAVINGS . ' . EXAMPLE! 1968 FORD F·25G PICKUP WITH NEW EL DORADO .CAMPER l"ully equipped wlltl VI qlM, rMllo, Ml!tr. rMCly to oo w'lltl IOW c-" owr MOMwlt Speci.1 camoel' fully equiP!*I wllh s~. lclbOll, ll'J...ttl, O\fln, SielJlll .. Drlpn. Wlnlnibl, pf\.11 mud! mGtl, zs•. down or tr1<11. (Qtln11 $89 ... ~ .:'.:"" Tnick '° ~ EXAMPLE.! 1966 FORD F-250 PICKUP WITH NEW SCOTSMAN CAMPER V·I, 1ulor!Mllc'. radio, Mll1r, c1~ slftp& '-equipped writ! 1tow, kl llOllo' dlflttll. dr11111, -nlrotlls. 1!C. 25'1io down OI' trMll. 1u..,m1: $2895 $8·9 '" Ji MMtt. ....... Tr.cl I c_,., ' ' , • . .. " • • .. :t •