HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI .
~ -:o--
Court Orders Mesa Youth DAILY PIL OT
!f,~gain Dr~lt Defer1nent. * * * 10< * * *
VOi.. U.. NO. 112, 1S•CTIONS,14 PAGES .
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Girl'!) 12'!) Chained
Police Ho1,d Father for Cruelty 74 Feared Toll • Loss Ill
neck was slightly bruised. FORT WORTH, TeX. (UPI) -Police
broke through two locked doors in a
mobile home Mciilday and found • u.
year-old girl chained by the occt to a
wall Jn a back room. . ·
They failed to find her father, a 32-
yqt-old physical education t.c.acher, at
home. The father was reported. to have
gone to.a hardware st.ore for another lock
Policeman R. E. McDonald, who freed
the glr~ said the chain WU beld in place
by a combinatiOn lock.
The other end of the chain was fastened
to a hook in the wall "with no slack in the
cha.in to permit any mQvement,"
McDonald said. -
The glrl and her fa.J.ber Jlved alone. One
of the, girl's playmatet told police she
o ·f Destroyer; 200 _Safe .. , . ·-.
lo add to the chain. -
>.. ..,lice _were.lteehlll_U. ""ul!Jt<<r,
#le:,C•~ retumed"ud was arrested on il'ihir 01Uiuavr1"-' ·-···•£ ie -.P ....... ~
Tbellrl--11---attmllon and made a Qnl <i the pcilce depart·
ment's Juvenile divis1on.
"My father dld it,,. the girl toJd police
u they cut her k>o&e with a hacksaw. Her
J"~~fi.{/·p0nc. her li ther dld''not -1-...,...a.,;,,.~-· ! \\
"""'-""' __ be __ 'I...,.. 4~p:; ---
Mod -·her be/ore.
She sa.ld~Bhe had slipped away several M Jbo
times while she WU not chaJned and gone e urne,
to a friend's home. The girl also said her ....__
father· had beaten her several times. U.S. Ship Hit
Nixon Assail-S Radicals PEARL HA R, Hawaii (UPI) -
The Auatratian minister said today ,
the Long Beach ased U.S. destroyer
Frank E. E ns rned into a collision
course m be~-rt\.th ustralian
For Campus 'A-rrogance'
aircraft carrier el Uced through
the smaller ship and t the bow aecUon
to the ~ with heavy loss of tile.
. ''Despite urgent acUon by Melbourne a
collision occurred," the official statement
said. MADISON, S. D. (UPI) -President
Nixon struck back today al cam pus
radicals who "bull y" college authorities
into .yielding to demands and declared
this "sell-righteous moral arrogance bas
no place in a free community."
Nixon, speaking on the campus of a
small South Dakota college, spoke at
lengU..bout disorders currently wrack-
ing America's institUtions cf higher
Court Says Mesa
Student Must Get
The 21).mlnute address was the
President's full est statement yet on lhe
student disorders. He spoke at General
Beadle State College at the dedication of
the Karl E. Mundt Library.
Nixon said "A great many peoJ>le have
become impatient with the democratic
The .U.S. Defense Department said in
Washington one nWn was known dead
and n were missinl of the Evans' crew.
A late-morning statement said i h e r e
were 200 survivors -190 enlisted men
and 10 officers.
Little hope was held for survival qf any
of the mls!lng men, who apparenUy were "Scorning 6ei'suasion, they prefer coer-caught in the.lorward part ol the Evans
cion; -AwaTding themselves with what which sank -·ill' two minutes. The
they call a higher morality. they try lo Melbourne rescued the others from the
bully authoritie:i Into yielding to their aft section of the split ship.
'demands:.' All but one cf the survivors -
"On college campuses, they draw sup-originally taken aboard the Melbourne -
port from facuJty members who should were later transferred to the USS
know beUer; in the larger corrimunity, Kearsarge, an antisubmarine aJrtraft
they find the usual apologists ready to carrier. One se.riOWl!y injured man was
excuse any tactic in the name or flown to Saigon for treatment. Ne figure
, 'progress.' was given on the. number of injured, but
Draft Status Back "lt should be self.~vldent that this sort a Pentagon spokesman said he thought
• of self-righteous moral arrogance has no lhi9'1ist wa' short.
place in a free community. It l'.lenies the An intense search was under way ror
BJ ARTHUR R. VINSEL most . fundamental ot all the values we possible survivors. ' °'""' °'"' '11"' '''" n....-'d t N. Inf ed £ th A. Colla Mesa collegian ordered in-})old:. respect for the rlghU ot others. r1~1 en 11on was orm o e
d\ICted for returning his drtlft card after This prlnclple oi mutual r~ is .the collision soon after it occurred, the White
a 19'7 anti-Vietnam war rally has won hl3 keystone of the entlri structure of House said t'oday. "He is keeping in .touch :
fight to remain a civilian, with: America n ordered liberty -that makes freedom with develapmenll on the search 1or the
C19il Ubertk!s Union help. . possible." · m.l.uing seamen," press secretary Ronald
H·-ld S. ''Steve" Turley, 2t , of 2016 Nixon also sought to assure the natioft 1:;.rtonZlegler said. Prime Minister John -• that ,,. ectlon" Id nof -·----i ,. uv sent a message to NiJ:on ex-WaIJac.e Ave., shou io not have paid \or , ·msw:r. wou -.."~ u. -pleasing "deepefrl -syrnpathy''-r o r
h1a opinion& by losing bis student defer4 the authorities used the power at tbtl.r families of American aaikh ml.alng in men~ a U.S. Dbtrict Court judge has rut· • ~· be <Olllain<d .. he Id the accident. ·
ed. 1.. . "W orceh cthean to 1r'·k •• !"k ·f Owlea R. Kelly, the Australian navy "All I really know now ls whr I've e ave power s 1 e ,,.... 1 minlatet: said 1n a statement issued 1n
heard trom the press," said Turley, who .need be, and to prevail. The nation. hf& Can~i-r~ the 20,000 ton aircraft carrier
hll been attending Or.a~ ~t College ~ved other at~empts ~.t in.w~wn. and the 2,200 ton destr.Qyer were engaged
while waiUn& for a decision ln his case We can survive this, he conbnued. in a jolnt SEATO anU·submrlne exercise ~ Ute government. ''It has not been a laclt cl clvll pow~. but 300 mllet IOUtheart .. o1. Siigon wben
Ju(lce warren Ferguson orderl'd Se.lee-the reluctance of a rree people to _employ disaster struck. ,
uve Service IAicaI Board 134, Santa Ana, It, that '° often has llayed the.~ of For 'tl\O Melbourne the traaedy was
to cancel ft.a order k April 18, 1968 for au~es faced wllh confrontation. agonlllngly similar to one of Feb. 10,
Turley to 'eoter the Army, uCI to restore N1>on 1 addr<u came during his first 1961, when the Melbourne rammed and bit student deferment. stop <!11 a trip ~t will take bbn far sank the AUJtrallan destroyer Voyager
_ Thi judge's ruli.og was luued May Z1 8CJ'(m tbe Padfic to confer on. Suuda,Y elf the coast of New South Wales, tal:ing
and malled May 28, with ACLU about the wr with ~ Vietqm s the lives oi 12 saJJor1 aboard the
apokesmen ·receiving lhelr notification preskl~. N1t.1Yen Van Thi~. -· destroyer.
Monday that the board had no authority The college of some _1,300 ltuden~ won Kelly's official version OC lhe accident to strtp Turley's deferment. an appearance by NI.Ian by buUdlilg the aeld :
"This cwrt fmdl that the board In this library 1or Mundt. an okf friend. "'Jbe tea wu calm and It was a bright
cue departed lrom the i;tatutory man-moontlt nlgbt •.
dote In £ailing to grant. t.S deferment to French Gold Drops "At approllm.ttly 3:ti.a.m. (1 :11 p.m.
a plllntlll while having kooWledge of biJ PDT Monday) Melbourne ordered the
llCademlc -~'Ille judge laid. PAR!! (UPI) -France'• dw!ndling ~ wbldl waa ahead <i her ln the an.
A spoteanan !<Ir the draft bo8nl said gptd and f~ erchaft(e ~ took U..ubmartne ..,...,, to change coune to
Iata MooclaJ that notification <i the ac· another 1137.I mmion ptunce In May, the mcue a deltroyor lllalion a...,, <i her.
lion hid not been recei•ed. probably due Bank of Prance IJU'IOUDc9d today. lt nzvw approeched· a coUJ.Aon coune
to the Memorial Day weekend mall meonl that In a year the CCW>lrJ bad and deaplle urgent action by Melbourne a
delay1. · lo9t -11· -1iolf the " billion hoard-•• coltlslclll occumd." Turley was a freshman 11 Dartmoolh <d during fonntr · Pruldent Charles de 111e carrier plouglied Into the tell or
· (See DRAFT, Poge I) Ga<1le'a regime. (See COWSION, Page I)•
•, -·
.., ~ • U'IT ........ '"'
Crippled Ship (Shown in 1967 File Photo) .Struck In South China S..1 I
Lifeboats Found; Hope
Dims for Yacht S.utvivors
ot "" o.11'1' , .... $1111
Chances that the nine' persons aboard
lhe wrecked Goodwill off the Baja
Califorrlla coast · escaped were dimmed
today when il was detennined that the
two skills were still in davits.
"This possibly lowers chances that
anyone escape!' the wrteked vessel," a·
Coast Guard spokesrhan at San Diego.
The two skiffs were found to be still at~
tached lo the davits when Harry Boland,
a fonner navigator aboard the Goodwill,
hovered over the Wrecked vessel.
The boats were originally reported to
be missine, lndlcatlQI that owner Ralph
Lanabee and eight paaengers may have
abandoned thlp and made it to Geroaimo
l&land some four mUea '"IY· Meanwhile , there waa confusion'. and
eon.)ecture 11 io how many P,ersons were
actually abo&rd the 18l·foot schooner
when she fetched up on Sacrame@> R~(
some 200 miles south ot San DeJip.
The Coast Guard aalit reports that
there were a dozen or more persons
aboard were based on calls from people
stating "they thought friends or relatives
mi ght have been aboard,"
Arthur Knieve.1, cxeculive vice pres!·
dent of L & F Machine, Ind\lstries ~tates
posiUV~1Y ·there ..,,ere on1Y nine perAbns
aboard rthe Goodwin w'neh ~ .~a.rted
On thf. Mexican cruise.
Knievel does not discount. the posslblli· t • • . ty that Larrabee may ha\fe•picked up one
or JJlOre MeXican oationa~ as jle(:lt
. hands. as is customary for . yachlilnen
.crul1ing Mextcan-waten. ~ · · ·
Tbe body or a teen-age boy located l)y
Mtxlcan fishermen has not been idep.
U.Uad as one cf the passengers aboard 'll)e
.Goodwill . Jlowever, 900 ·or t h. e
passengers, T. Smith oft.Ong Beach, wu
said to be about 17.
MeenwhUe the search for the pauen·
gers and c r e w of the one-time lux·
ury vusel was t~ wJth
two !hred · wing a l ·r c r a ft •nd a
helicopter from the Cout Cuard.
I • \ q ·r
Orange cci"•ai •
I •• -1
lf you're looldng for a change
In the weather, betler get away
from the. Orange Coast, where
Wednesday's •ouUook is thf: ·same
old story -low clouds, hazy swl-
shine and ?Olsh temperatures.
The continuinp story of ~ey
td'n Pl{u:e U 11ow "discontm~(:t."
'lnit. its plethora of ptfobtefns ·re·
• maim uru61vtd. Pa(Je 151
' '
• " .,
. -
' " ' .,
. -'ii •
' I •
T....,, Juot >. IM
rtlUn ; 1--------i. --
Concert Critic's Chore:
'. -' \. . -
Euphemism Set to Music
. .
Of .. 0.11¥ ........ .·
' It b freqUfttly our privilege (and almost a.s often our pleasure) to don
m elher DAILY Pll.D'1' hat -that auditorium«ie:nted bit of headiear thiit ~ bJ thbi .ne'IJSP&per's music critic at many Orange ... Caunty soireres
• I rb ~ "' . ..... ------=·~· .. ~ ........ ~ :":'W ~~l:i.!:"'br~·~.:=:!.J
. George, lhq'll .. -tea ud .... , '"1111t ~p
-· irbal he'a ..... _... • Ah. Gladys, 1"ll I illl, u eoiy u llJ.IJial. II ...
a llecade ar t,.., 11111 II>'~ to ln@lfl l!lf -,per!,,,_
llaniol wQ. -"""' .......... ....,'*'...,·
.. -. W'lllll'> onlf .... -_.. --· "'1 no\W!llt .ledlod. llllf (lllY!mC~.,....... -. u u
-1M J:'l'!l llom Gallop. • l ·-'· . ' Tl' ••. ,. • .... ;( • ,,,.~ • • • ,.~ ....
-: ...... -~.
Let's ~you what we mean. ·Ate you ri ady, Jove!
Jliihlo, here we 10'
"It waa Indeed difflCQ)t, from our particular vantage
l'Oint. lo pua:e lo any &rul. depth the much vaunted acoustics of tbi.a concert
llll. We would, to our way oC thinking, be better qualified to commer,it on wl\at
we understand b a new approach to reproduction of sound from a more sophis·
la.led lelting arrangement."
Jn other words, we got a louly seat.
'lbll ollen bappena, you know, thanks lo the bubblinl bosl,_ who
hand oul • couple of """ llckell .. u you're aetlin( ...... loo lluc•qbam
Palace pn1en party and then Joni give a damn U you.,.· lnma. by JGUt left
toe from the rafters and have lo watch the IOIO pianist's bands throuch a penfcope. • •
And that mans you, Mrs. --------
fEdiU:Jr'r 'Plott : Now you're getting tJO.!ty again. 11· you don't like
lht ~eat, why tiot pay for a better OM?)
' * On to our nerl jewel of journalistic criticism and this time we'll take a
stab at a sptcific performer. Here's one from our opera coUection:
" •• , and while her mtdering of several key arias. wu acceptable, glv·
en the nature of thil limited producUon, we would be riluctant to confer the
same cauUous seal ol approval ori the semi-ballet sequences that are so vital
to the wanton, lu.sUul role of thls voluptuous gypsy girl.
"Mia Blow would -not, we au sure, prelet>d to the dimensions of, ~II
we say, i Cyd Chari12, and the extra pound or two told tfieir tile as she at·
tempted to step into the spirit of that tempestuous, swirling Habanera. It was
Indeed unfortunate for her anxious partner that he appareoUy failed· to tali:e
tnto account the fad that his slowly aP-iralling C1>mpanion was a beat or twcr
off the rousing pace • • . "
Yup. lhe waa the fattest Caz:.men we've nrtr seen. And she did the
Hlb&nera with the gay abandon of a prepant Hereford.
* Did you say what about conduclors, Gladya? Oh yes, Jove, we've written
about them too. Heri's one poplnjay of the podium who caught our eye:
" ••. and while iL may be terriefr avant garde to conduct without a
baton, lt wu d1ffkutt to aueu any achltvement to wbic:b this dindor may lay
claim. 1111 ..,...led blcllnallon lo -mr KYerll Fl(OI of the ocare al """' dld 11C11b1J11 lo alleYlale the FOil lll&1 ......., .,. FOlplllly ~ .,.. Ibis COO>
-and dllturblng nndlllon of I M.-pl!J ICOft lhat should, pttbapl,
ban remained In the Ubruy.0 •
Wouldn\-11 be better lo 1111' what we mean In plain Eqlisb!
Cerlllnly not. II wouldni be baU u mucb fUn and beaidOI, wl\efl we do
tt tbil way, IO poroent,ol -we wrlle 1bout mo't even""" U lbey're be-
ing compllmenled ct CUI down.
Our Idol -Cburchlll once Aid' "II c:oN nothing lo be polite to a man, &Wiil lf JOU have to murder him." -
-Good old Winnie. Chock full of' the old sa..ir falre and Ill that. wbal!
Deflnllely br&YUJI , , • -• '
'qllalf, Car Races kl Scene
'Jf Car Accident-I ts Own
~ Newiort Beach J>Olice offlc<r Toeing
an lnjuey ICddent scene wu himae:lf
10lnd tn a two-car crash in Corona del
ir Mooday afternoon.
Pattohnan Albert Davkl Doum, 25, suf-•
:eel an lnjtnd knee cap •hen hi.I car
ll broadaided by a foreign roadster
iven .by Sa11J Ann GlbbcN, 10, of 428
tldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar.
Mlsl GI-eu!lmd culi on her
oulh and minor knee b\Jurles.
Nnpoert. 8"dl H•~ hedi ---,_,...., c..-CA.UFOINIA
Pm .... 1 1Nll Putlllsl'llr
TI.on'"' K11wil
Thtft'"' A. "'4ytphi111
MlnHl119 lllllw --Giit• Mew; laO Wtit &1y $1rtt:' ft...,. .. 1cto1 ztll Wtst ....... aoui.v11•
L•-ktc~: 1U Forni "-"""tlMtvli .. «hl .. ilfl ,,.. .. ,
The 1ccldent occumd at 1: 1$ p.m. at
lhe lnletsedion of East Coast Higbwey
and MacArthur Boulevard. Police said
Dollln's squad car wu westbound on the
hi'1way and in the intersection when •
Mist Gibbons' small converUble, south-
bound on MacArthur, collided with IL
The patrol car, ,-1th siren screaming,
was racing through a red light at lba
Ume, police aald. ·
The aocldent wblch Down never reach·
ed also involved two vehicle$. It look
place at the entrance to Hoag Memorial
HospitaJ off Newport Boulevard.
Two persons were lnjured. They were
C.ola 1-if. Merrell, 66, or-1541 McFadden
Avf., Westminster, who suffered a
broken left wrist; and Louise Brown. 10,
ol Zl51 Placep.tia Ave., ~ Mesa-1.she
suffered rorelleail C!Jls and liDee "''""' Police said Mrs. Merrell, northbound on
the boulevard, was attempting a left turn
onto Hospital Road when her car COiiided
with .~trs. Brownta Votuwqen bus. Th~
bus, southbound on the boulevmf,
careened into a bus stop bench.
All four in jured persons in the two
crashes were treated at Hoig H{\SpitaL
Fire at Coll ege
' In Mesa Probed
Arson h1vestlgator1 lod1y wen probing
a minor blaze deliberately ael Monday
night in tbe boiler room " lhe men's
dormitory al southern California College
in Costa Mesa.
The fire ln the multi..Wry campus
dO<'m al IS2S Newport Bl•d., destroyed
cloth wrappings around ubutOI ifpu,
but cause dno monetary IOl&.
Q'l'he Ure wu rePQ(ted at 10:30 p.m. by
school ipokesman Paul L. Fersumn. and
Colla' Mesa Police ()(Deer RSchard
Johnson Wet there waa no......, tbe boiler
could ba•~ ignited 1111 cloth.
Co6la Mesa Fire Depattmonl experts
were ttudylna the apparent anon case:
today, )Jut l'lllrobnan Jollnaon noted that
no evidence or clues were found at the
• • •
• • •
' ~ T eaim.ters ~·
Restrained ·
N40n on 'PCace .QueSf
Spealcs to iColkg-es ~efore ·Meet W tth Th .ieu,
~y Court WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presl(lenl
Nlxan lodly bq1P a peace mission lhal
lal!ao hi!" Inn ! 1111.U Soulh DUola col-
.... ll>.1111 MldllQ -la lhO Pacific
LC6 ANGEi.Es (AP Y -Tb .e Oeeap. '
Toamlt<n Unlcm may DOt forbid drivers . He',wlil 1'oud :n..rtY ~ '\I!' at his
lo ......, picket Una let up by striking · :::i',..':::C ::* ~~~
and locked out members ol f,letail Ciera South Vletnani'1 Pmjdoalftll!JloO Van
Local 71' at Lot Angeles area markets . Thieu oo MlchrQ Island. , .
and ........... a eupttlor court jlldJe ~ peace -IDYOI-DOI ooljl WV
·---··~ • • ' In Southeast Alla, ..... _ iuld ---,__ in America. • f
Judge Richard Sch1uer issued a lem· En ~. Nllon schedu.1ed two major
porary restrainlng order Monday staling addret!es. First, lhlt al\emoon at
lhal lumston C&llll>I be fon:<d by lbeir. General Beadle Collqe In M~ S.D.,
...ioo. "-··~ tbreal.! " fines lo ~-t wheft be ..-ntuted '"' wtlat Ille Wlllle .... ""'6 • ..... ,_... • House described as !'basic vah;es of
tbe' clerU' picket lines. America currently uader ,Challenge."
The O<der also prohibil.! mass picle!Wg )Jberally translfled. ~.meant eampus
near entrances to markets and bans unre&t. yioleot de.moniltlUona ud what
Ylolenco ... vend&-by pickets. Nlxoo npnb .. ~ ollppiige o1
However, Judge Schauer said in the publac ~for law and order.
order, "Nothing shall prohibit any in-'111e chief executive lt:ft .Washiniton at •
dividual member from personally choos-9 a.m. POT for SJowt Fal.Ls. S.D.,
Ing to refuse to cross a legit.hnlle ~itCbing thlre to •.helicopter to lake,
primary picket nne sanctioned by Joint him To the Madison campus tn Urne for
lo the Slmcloy IDf'llnc wUh Tbleu, .. will
Def .... Secn~Melvln R. Lain! and
other .niar policj mea ln tbe 1ovtrn· ment. ·
Nixon ......., lo • ........, 11 San
~ .. flolurdQ ....... open<(
lhal•lilgM aa WaitlM -al the ~ lllllm !iloloI In~. then sel .,.urll'~.-.by jel
~ ,. -ay. •· IJlljll of aboul
---llonolulu. A hiply lolloll"" )\')Ille Hoose schedUle '1Jawed .,... a11·....., for the
Nixoo-Tbitu ~ in a U;S. naval of-
fiCe:rs duJ>. This~. however, was
subject to rel1sioo,.belween Washlngtoo
and .Sal,p. ,,,,,. ..,. --1onl in
Wasbinillon circles the iµeellni might
run COQSiderably leu than six hoUn -or
more if Nixon ud Thleu hit It off and
Ond aitu of-prodUctive dlscussloa. . ' * *' *.
In any ..,., Nixon's &chedule Is nuJ<f
and called for little more than rttumlnc:
to llonollilu sometime Sunday -· Presuinab!y Nixon ud Thieu Would ll!t,
pa rt on ~way wilbaut ilsulhg 1 Jf*U
statement. •
Nixon ~ lo cal<h ui on bis •l!llP In
Hawall Sunday nllhl His famil1 -rit:,1
lwo daUfh..,.. and IQll-ln-lsw -also Wiii
be io HoQolulu. ~ MondlY. the -I
~Ianned• lo Oy from HawaU lo 8an
Clemente, spend aoolber nigbl there and
relbrn to the White House in the re)aUv~
ly early evening of Tuesday, June 10.
• There was speculaUon Nixon mi,nt
want to rep<>rl to the Amerlca,n people
shorUy after his mum to Washington oa
what happened at Midway, presumablt,
using radio and television. Jn any event.
an early press conference alter Midway
seemed likely. · ·
* * * ··welcome Back~
• Council or Teamsters No. 42." an addreu and dedicilian at a libra'l
• .;~~=~g~ ~~;-~~ ~~~.;~;~ ~ C1'?,m~n.teans Wurm Up Hi'.s for Ni xon
day and said they would ball meat and ~ p1.-'to Oy during lhe ol· ~ •
" dairy deliveries Tues'day. temoon to Colorado Springs, Colo., where San Clemente Will tum out In rorce Orange County have been announced.
However, a spokesman for the Food he will make Ute comm~nt address Wednesday to welcome President Nixon 't'he Presj_dential entourage Is expected
Employers Council resnaentmc nml.K W~ momirll to tbe Air Force and bi.I family to tht1r new bcme in the to arrive aboard Air Force One ·at El
Owners said no roc:ct shortages wefe ex· Academy's 9ellior class. · west. Toro Marine Corps Air Station at 11:30
peeled. The White House ~id the Alr F~rce r As the Nixon entourage deplaiies frofu a.m. Wednesday and pause only briefly
He said the owners were anwiging A~demy tpeeCh would involve the a helicepter at the (,':ol!l Guard LORAN before boarding the helicopter tO ~
deliveries through non-union truckers. A Umted Sle&el z:ole in UM; wo,~ld and tbe statioh duJinl the noon hour, the San Clemente.
reduction in business hours •l some role of deteme ID our 10C1ety. Clemeote HJitl Schoel Band w!U hail the Andrews estimated that the San
markets wu due to a shortage of UUled W~ afternoc:m, after t b e ~f. · Clemente welcoming ceremonies mi&bt
workers, not food supplies, t b t Cokndo Sprinp ~· tlie P~-So will Mayor Wade F: Lower who has take 7.(1 to 30 minutes. The Presidential
spokesman added. der.t _planned to fly to hll new Callforrua proclaimed Wedoe:sday "Welcome Presi-party wlll thea be driven through the
A Teamste.., spokesman said. "the coua::.) resldllnct al San ~ente, ~ dent Nixon Day:" Mayor Lower other ci· . gates of the old Cotton est.ate overlOQkina
union believes that the. pJcket lines will be spend m~ :or thret days theft:, booing ty officials, school children and.nuch of the 5llrf.
generally respected by all union up on posillon papen f'f:la~~ to Thieu the populace of this seaside resort will Oa,,vid EiSenhower is scheduled to ac--
members." ~ South Vietnam. In a~Uon to wor~· tum ouL company lhe President to Midway Island
Union meat cutters may be a.Sked to ing on a number of entirely domestic Vlctor.C. Andrews, Mr. Nixon's Orange Y.-here Mr. Nixon will hold a round of
respect Local 770 picket lines at eight matters. County campaign manage r, said the talks with Sooth Vietnamese Pmident
central meatcutting plants, Me.at Cutters He might send Congreu one or more P-'"'d~' his wile, da'"'"ters Tricia and Nguyen Van Thieu. Union officials said. messages on domestic subject! from San '~"' "&'' • But FSC spokesmen said they received Cleniente: . , · JttUe ·and son-in-law Da'£,id Ebenbower, The ladies are expected lo stay in San
a telegram from the fl.feat Cutters Union Bt;fore leaving W11i5blngton .today, ~lx· are to an1,-e by ~licopter at the Cofst Clemente until Salµrday moming wbeo
saying that they "will not bonOr Cluks on Summoned an unusual Joint rnet":i1g G~ faCillty between noon and 12:30 the President fli~s to Honolulu en route to
Local 770 picket lines prior to 7 p.m., ol the cabinet and the: NaUonal Secu.r1ty p.m. Gates will be open lo the public at 7 Midway. ·
June s (Thursday )." _ ~I (MSC}. ostensibly to hear a first: 10 a.m. Mr. Nixon plans to Oy back to' Honolulu
Clerks' spokesmen said plckeUng would Ran~ report (rom Secret.ary ~ State Andrews termed the visit as sirictly a Sunday evening, spend tbe night there
begin at Lucky and Safeway chain \~ilh~ P. Rogers o~ls recent eight·na· work &ession preliminary to th e and ry!lurn for another one-night stay in
\\'areho\!ses in the San Francisco Bay lion tour of .the Far tast. . President's departure Saturday f o r San Clemente before-flying to \Yashington
area today and the Safeway warehouse in Rogers Vi111 accompany the Presu~ent meetings on f,jidway. No iOC'lal plans in late Tue.$day.
the Washington, O.C. area Wednesday.
The spokesman said these points were
distrlbutkm centers for food coming to
Los '7.n&<)e>.
Tile strike-lockout wu tri88ered last
Wednesday when clerks began picketing
Food Giant Stores after three months of
negotiatk>n . On Thursday, market owners
invoked a "strike against one is a strike
agalftlt all" policy and Jocked more-than
11,000 union clerks oul ol 300 llOreS.
port aide ol the Evans, near the engine
room, cvlllnl bet In ball and sendlll8 the ,
fonrard HcUon to the bottom of the sea
within mlnutet. 'nWi alt section remalned
aDoat and the Melbourne aecUred this to
the can;ler. A search of the wreckage
Wll then made.
The Melbourne suffered a four foot bole
ln her bow abo\>e the water lint. ~r
flllht deck was "distorted and the cata·
p.ill Is UN<TYicelllle," Kelly said. No
one aboard the MeJbMne wu hurt.
The m.loot, 25-yaar-old Evans, which
hu been ustgned lO patrols Ind in-
tellilmce mJuiom off Vietnam in recent
yeats, 't&S known" u tht "11"!1 gbo5t''
during the Korean War. ·
llllrlq lhal COllfllcl she steamed close
oiona lbe onemy coul, blutlna IWIY al
lboro ballerles IJ)C! then -lo
vanllh, •ccordlna lo her olllctal. hlatory.
Al -J>Oln~ lbe underwent conatant
bombardment from three directlooa for
91 mlnute1 DW' Wonsan -and flcaped
. The Novy · wd the IUl'Ylwrs included
the Ev1n1' skipper, Cmdr. A. S.
Mq.,anore, and the '1ta1Uve olfiver,
whO wu not klentified.
· Adm. John J. Hyllnd, cotnm-In
chief of lhe U.S. Pacific Fleet, sent word
to Sin&apore from his Pearl Harbor head-
quartm for V~ Adm. William F.
Bringlt tOlMlander of the Sevenih
Fleet. lo convrne a Court or Inquiry to
be headed by a nag rank offictr.
Ji're111 Pa9e J
Colleg!, N.H., when he made his w.gU.,.w.ar
decision during a rllly featurmg Dr. eep.
jamin Spock . now convicted with othtr
do\'e leaders of encouraging draft
evasi on.·
The former Costa Mesa High SchOOJ
basket~! star aakt he is still officially
enrolled at Dartmouth and will rel.urn
lhcrt next year, heading toward • history
major. r •
Turley oblaln!d an injunction p~
hlblting his induction aft.er beinl ordered
to r<port April 29, ljll, cbarfllnl bis
rig'lLI of Jree speech arid due proceu of
law wen lhlrlnae<l by the maliatory ac·
tlon. ·
The ACLU supported his cootenUon,
but Judie Ferg\llGtl said in hb opinion
Jut week thal ll wai not necessary for
hJm to rule on lhal lmle, wbile finding
Ille boanf In enor In II.! handling ol
Turley'• c.ua. ...
••1 C1n DO ~ cooperate with tbe
pruent~p•a 1untnl to rti.ation to tts
poUdeo In lbe drift and Y,. oltuatioo In
Vietnam," Turley ..... In returning bis
draft can!.
Ed Cray, •J>Oktsman for tho ACLU In
Loi Ar\pla, &aid ll'ur}ey WU teP.Ctlellted
In his Induction flJhl by noled' lllomey A.
L. Wlrln, end Fred OkrlllL
The things we do for people ...
. "with pleuurel Lil<e sending a dnpos itnr In
'Swilierland an extra packet of our monthly
magazine •.. to give friends a betttr picture.o.f-....;.
how we look and Ji ;,1e in burge oning Orange
County, USA.
Our dynamic gro\vth is an important reason why
save~ from ·au over the 'vorld invest in Laguna
Federal Sayings. They know that Orange County's ~~-llY'I Large.st, First and Strongei;I ind ependent Federal
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• re turn on safe, insured savings. This kind of CZ _/_,. -~ /J inleresl looks good-even fron1 the scenic Alps. .7lJtlZt'ill,U,I; 1\nd far·off savers at I~aguna Federal Savings
~ o(ten become nearby 11eighbors. One good thing c.;> ~+"----Jead1 to another.
260 Oc.Mn Awri~
lacufll a.ch, Cllifornil
TelephoM: •14·7S4l
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l~ .....,. , "'-"" a., "'"' T~:•ft.IM0 ••96-l~OI
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IHTUUT .... .._ ~ 1.,..,..i 1*
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DAY-IN to DAY·OUT interest nn ell eccounls v
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.. mi,,.,. 4• hm luuulr«dth11"".ic:er1t1ry. Oa11af,, irt
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Today's .fl!l'•I .
I ..
N.Y. S.0.•
• • • '
Huntington Teachers Ah.andon Walkout Pla.ns
Of .... .Nllr ... .., ltatf • ~
Teachers of' the Hunlln;ton Buch
Union Uigh ScboQ,1 Di!trict have tem.
por.arlly abandoned the ir plans for a
walkout this week in the. wake of COO·
tinulns salary negotiations with district
trustees and administrators.
About 430 teachers from the four
district high scboOls had been elll"Cled lo
aSt for "personal leaves'' today.
A ~""ent 1'sued by teadien fol·
lowiol a four·anc.t-a..ftalf·}\l.>Ur. b o a r d
meetJng Monday morning proposes that a
panel ~ formed in Octgber or November
to detennlne if any additi-Onal unbudgeted
money would be available for salarle-.
The panel, which would be composed of
a mem~ .of the board of trustees, a
repre,,eoiatlve ol the District F.ducitors
Aaaociatloo <DEA). and .onotJier member
agreed on by mutual consent.
woo¥t make its recommendaUona to the
board of trustees on bow lbl money
would be applied lo the salary achedUlo.
The statement cautioned;boweve:r, that
in no way s&iuld the boost be mou than
1.5 ~at above the 4 percent n:w of.
fered by the district.
Unto !!>day the DEA. which ,call~ the
clus boycott because the tn.1stees would
.not agree_ fl> ""1.3 -aa1ary .. 1n-..-.. bad alfeftd to tab the' -t.
provided that all addlllonol l1l<ll1'Y
becoming available would be tunneled in--
lo teachers' salaries until the l.S percent
figure was rt&ched.
Indications today were that the main
bone of contention between the teaChers
and the board of trustees now involves
the applicalion and percent.age of the pay
boost Crom additional funds th.at may
. become available. •
A cloak of i<CleCY haa sbnluded
Trustees held another Jloeed door
session from 7 a.m. to 9 f-m. this morn.
lng but declined to make a statement
aboUt the nature of their discussions.
P.temben of the association 's
negotiating .council we.re to . galher at t
p.IJ'.I. today in a closed meeting. Ail ad·
m~lstrauon·representative Is eipected to
altend.. ~ ·
'1eanw.blle, c~ were conduct~ as
usUa1 ~•Y·•t all blgb schoql campum.
. .
' Teachers considering a clan boycott
have been •advised through an . ad-
mfnlstralion bu!Jetln that falluro lo cany
out assignments on rtgululy scbeduled
school days woulll be COR9idered "an act
ol lnsubordinatioo."
According to Superintendent Max.
Forney, the buuetln·was drawn up under
the advice oC county coUnsel to put
teachers on notice that a clus boycott
could be C<lr\Sldered a vio1aUoa of
teachers' contracts .
Apartments Lose
Huntington Rejects 'Multiple Zoning
An appeal for apartmenta across
Adams Avenue from Huntington Con-
tinental townhouses was defeated to
\ cheers from more than 100 residents at
------Mcnaay•s. HunUngton &each City Council
meeting. ,
DAILY PILOT lletf ......
S and-5 Construction Co. had asked for
apai1ment zoning (R-3) on property 9'1>~
feet. west of Brook.burst Street on the
BOUth aide of Adams Avenue.
But a battery of area ~ktenlll spoke
at the J)ubllc hearing opposing the pn).
posed apartment complez M five pOints:
-Apartmeuts would devaluate Sur·
rounding homH.
-Apartment dwellen would not pay as
much tu to the city as they would <:OSt
the city.
: WhlH'Tr W-lnjur..i. ... Cor R~ ~ OuerdHll: on "-" ..... •Curve ~ :t .J • ":"'• ~-!_?;,( ....... ~~l'ly. • .., .. ... G:l(, 1-%ll. s.~ ,.r.i ·.:..~-~~
Carrier Rams
.lJ.S~ :Ship; 'Z4r .
Aboard -Lost?.
-~.:: .._-, -(·-'-' ~ ..• . ..... \. • . -Fullest State•eat · Woman Survives
Violent Accident
In Sunset Beach
Nixon Assails Radicals .
PEARL HARllOR; ilawall (UPI) -
The Australian navy minister said today
the Long Beach -based U.S. destroyer
Frank E. EvlJIS turned Into a colllslon
.course moments be{pre the Australian
atrcralt carrier Melbourne sliced through
the smaller ship and sent the bow section
to the bottom with heavy Joss of life. For Campus 'Arroganc~' ' A young Whittler woman narrowly
escaped death early tod&y when 1 her
small car coatlnued straight on a
treacherous S-curve in Sunset Bea.ch,
pk.wing th~H a guard rail, •peed llmit MADISON, S. D. (UPI) -President
Nixon struck back today at campus
radicals who "bully" college authorities
jnto yielding to demands and declared
this "self-righteous moral arrogance has
no place in a !tee community ."
Nixon, speaking 00 the campus of a
small South Dakota college, spoke at
length about disorders currently wrack·
Ing America's institutions . of higher
learning. ,
The 21>-minute address was the
President's fullest statement yet on -the
student disorders. He spoke at General
Beadle State College at .the dedication of
the Karl E. Mundt Library.
Nixon said .. A gttat many people have
become impatient with the democratic
"Scorning persua!iiOO, they prefer coer-
cion. ~warding lhemselves with what
th•y call a higher morality, they try lo
bufly authorities into yielding to their
"On college campuses, oiy draw SUJ>
port from faculty members who should
know better; irl the larger community.
tht)' 'find the usual apo!O(lists read)' lo
excuse any tactic In lhe name of
"It should be sel!-evklent that th\1 sort
of sell-righteous moral arrogance his no
place in a free community. It denies the·
most fundamental of all the values we
hold: respect for the rights of· otberL
This principle ol mutual r~ i.s tl¥
keystone of the entire atrvcture of
ordered liberty thal makes freedom
poM.ible ...
Nix.on also sought to assure ~ nation
that "insurndlon" would not aUcceed if the auihorltie1 used tbe power at their
"Force can be contained," he said.
"We have the power to strike back if
need be, and to prevail. The nation has
s'uryivtd other attempts· at lnsurrectlon.
"We can survive this," he oontlnued.
"U bu not been a lack of civil power, but
the i'eluctance of a free people to employ
it, that ao often has stayed the hand of
authorities faced with confrontation."
Nixon's address came during his first
§..top on a trip that will take him far
lh'ols the Padfjc to confer on Sunday
aboUt tbe ..-ar · with ~th Vietnam 's
presldeo~ Nguyen Van Thieu.
sign and renector barricaqe. .,
Penny S. Till, 23, was pried Crom the
mangled wreckage by Seal Beach pOUce
and rucue workers after the I a.m. ac-
cident on darkened Pacific Coast
Highway; Jost north of Anderson Street.
Thi vietim wu taken to Lcnf Beach
Community H°"J>ilal with m u ti p I e
lacerations ind ia listed in serious con-
diUon today, according to accident ~ ·
Miss Till was drlvini earl toward Hun·
tington Beach alone in her car when lbe
au.to failed to make the curve and crash·
ed into the end of the steel rail, uprooting
' it. .
Officers arriving on lhe scene c•lled
f-0r a Seal Beach Fire Department re1eue
crew to extricate Miss Till, but ca ncelled
the call shortly afterward, police 9aid.
Stock Markeu
NEW. YORK CAP) -The ltDCk rruirktt
closed w~ another loll klday in • con-
· unuation of ·the aUde from "the 11)91,hlgh
attained three :weeU ago. (See quota·
lions, Pages 10.11}.
"Despite urgent aelion by Melbourne a
collision occurred," the official statement
.said. .,
The U.S. Defente Department uld In
Washington one man wu known dead
and 13 wer~ mWlng of the Evans' crew.
A: late-morning statement aald i here
were 200 11utVivors -190 enlided men
and 10 officers.
LltUe hope we.a held for aurvival of any
of the missing men, who apparenUy were
caught In the forward part of the Evans
which sank tit two nUnutes. The
Melbourne rescued lhe others from the
alt section ol the split ship.
All but one of the wrvlvors -
originally taken aboard the Melbourne -
were later transferrt4. to the USS
Kearsarge, an antisubmarine aircraft
carrier. One seriously injured ma~ was ·
flown to SaJgon for treatment. No figure was given on the number af Jnj~ed. but
a Pentagon spokeaman said he thought
this list was short.
An intellA tearch was under way for
possible 111rvlvor1.
Cities Blast Valley -Ruling .
President -Nixon waa ln!onned of the
C4>Uialon 8000 after it occurred, the White
Ho<Iae aald today. "He U. keeping In touch
with developments on the search for the
m1!sing awnen," press aecretaly Ronald
L. ZlegJer said. Prime Milliller John
Gorton aent a meaaqe to Nixon ex·
presain1 "deepest .symR1thy." f o r
families of American sallon miuJna ln
the accident.
Charles R. Kelly; the Australian navy
mbUster, 18.id In a atatement IMUed in
Canberra the 20,000 ton aircraft carrier
and the 2)00 torr destroyer were engaged
in a joint SEA TO anti-submrine uercise
. '" 11 File Petitions Opposing Lq.,~win Tr(lc_t Dec~io11.
Of "" DI~ Plllt ltMf
Elewn Southern California cllies have
filed a ''frien.ds of the cour:t' .. pe.tition in
tht Coort of Appeals oppodnc the """'t
Superior Court ruling oplnsl Fountain
Valley's controversial Larwtn Tract.
The pellllon, filed with tho Fourth
Dlsfrlcl Coort of Appoai. In San
ll<rrumllno, claims that, If upheld, the
decision adnst the Larwln Tract would
establish five precedent! seriously af.
fectlng·city operations In California. ~
Cky Attorr.eys for San Diego, Pas•··
dena, Rivmkte. Azusa. Rolling HUis.
Alhambra, Redding, Pomona, Walnut,
Artesia, and La Puente are asking that
Ult decision of Orange Couqtr. .Superior
Court Judge .By'l'n Kr JdcMlllan be ov<riumed.
McMillan ruled a month ago that
Larwfn's SOO bomts could not be built
becluse of several Im~ ICliONI
taken by the plannllli commlSsloo and
the city COWJC1L
·The 11 ciUel oppol8d McMIOan11 ruling
an five counts:
i. Confllct al tnter.st c a n n o I be Ing land not owneil by the developer to
established aimply because 1 counctlman the developer'• credit for averaging lot
(Jooenh. Courrept) CIWl)S property next aim. to a olevelopment. Van Dul< hid cball"'l'd Luwln Com·
I. U c<il1lllct al !ntmat 11 present tt pAny'a right to · uoe Southern CaH!j>rnla repmenu pwndl for crimfnal acttoa, Eclbon Company ta!ld to develop a park not-imunds loovertum'a....., change. whllt counting tt u Pfrt,oj the . Larwin
3. The man .,..,. ~ tht tentative developmeat. Judge McMIUaa alnod
(See COUJSION, Page Z)
Mesa Man Found
Drowned by filot
trocl map (Eupoe Von·Dut) had no with Van Duk that IUCb acttoa w,. Im·
right lo IUCb an appeal because he ts only proper. The body ol ii 40-year old Costa Mtsa
11 resldeot bf tht city and not the sub-Nowhere in the 11 cities' petition was man, clad· only in underlhorta and a T·
divider or othennte involved in the tract. this point challenged or mentioned. · shirt, wu· found fklatlng in the ocean off
4. no. -1lul-.fVan Daall.~ had no The Larwin Co. currently hal an aP!Jtal Hun&fnclon Btacti late Monday morning.
right' to •Pl>ril ' }lonofn( COl1UltlJlilon pendln( M McMillan'• decision In Ille sp. ctarence McLain,. a Signal Oil Co.
d<cl!loo oa a leataUve troct map. peUate court. • hellcopt.r.pllol lpOtted the body at tl;U
5. A p I a n n I n 1 cornmllslon can A writteu stalement ol the fiodb1p in . a.m. Whileui Ire 'OYer the ocean near the
reconsider 1ta own acts.o (Foontain the SuPeriqr Court decision hu not yet 'Mnaa ~ ~~.... L·'t· '1.J
VallfY'• plannen ~ !Int denied the ~ -and •II ·=.•re b= l • <,The \Iii: WU {deritllledl~&! ~1:"~,.~~~.:'!"tl~~Jt'.;i'&~-r ~· · ="'lf..:.::i~~~ The petitillo ooocluded that 11 U-fl,. Petttlona ...... oubmltted M~ Uk•; m1tolnc 'wlih the Orange Qounty'I~ arw ,...,. allowed to ot>nd It ,...14 In( for i rocall electlon In on ·a~ .to ,....,.,,15 a.m. lht'aame ~· ,. . '
serloualy affect the acceptad method al u-t Mayor llobert Schwmllf+ *!Cf ' . , Onnp Coaot'y Ctr<md'• In~
operalloll al all cllJ pl-• funcUom ·in ColH,.1111'4" Donald FrelllU act J.,.iib :aa1c1r...,.. ot •tlrwil-.nlntd to.lie ,
Ctllfomla. • CourrtPt. . ~~. 1 ! . ! ' , ' 'r:-•f·
One point ·ln ·Judp Mcllllllll's ~ c.cm.,.117 over tht Lannn ~e!jp 1 Fallerll ~ "lre"'""lnl•1il
ruling not dl!:puted wt! the matter of 111-ment Ignited the recall movement.. ' .-. bilita.11allitr~""1i'aL~4.~ ,,. .~ .:.. )" '.'i . ,. •.
. -Pi-1ore children might mean more
school problems.
-General Opposition to apartment
dweBers for that area.
-Greater traUic problems at Adams.
Avenue afld Brookhurst Strieet.
The property is Currently · zoned for
.single family resh:Sences and dt.l:zens' who
spoke pleaded for tbe cooncU to maintain
the same zo~.
Barnard McCune of S and S Construc-
tion reque,ted the apartments as a buffer
against a C-Oriunerclal development on the
corner of Broekhurst and Adarrui.
"We plan to build 500 homei1 west of~
those apartments and I aS9Ure yoo if I
felt apartments would jf!Opardizt the sale
of my .homes I '!ouldn't ~equest . the
apartment area," he tokl ~ ·
F_ollowlng several angry . J6arU ~
resident.,. McCune prefaced Illa sP!ecii
saying, "I'm just lrlsh enough lo iriand
up and rebut some of the things they'vit ·
said here ton!~."
He the.n pltaded with the council not to
vote on the matter from purt emOtion at
under the. influence fl a packed audience
but on Its merits.
McCune a!ked that i[ the council op.
posed his plan, he ,...Id Prefer to
withdraw It.
~Im.en denied his zoniQg request
unanimously on the ground) that-tne area
was not plaMed for apert:ritents: and
should DOt be all-Owed to have an tJ:•
t.emely h!gli density.
' .
For Park ·sQnd
'. ,,. ~ I • •
V()te Repo~e«I
,. . ' ..
A uiupUng ~ precincta, lrwNetCM' •an
eatrem.ely lllbt, voter -a -lime lhLt lll0nl4'I In Huntlnilon Bfllch't
" M million pork bonds ·election. ,
· By lq a.m. or):ly 2 percent al tbt clt)''•
voters h/l!I t.,t lb.Ir ballota. A "'<>lhlrd•
majority of th,,.. vothiJ )s required to
pus the !Mu<.
Goodwill O..,ner Larr4.,_, •
Boats Sighted;
Yacht Survivors'
Chances Dims
01 t11t DAI"" Pl ... ltfff ,,
Chances that the nine persons aboard
the wrecked Goodwill off the Baja
California coast escaped were dimmed
today when it was de~nnlned that the
two skiffs were still in davits.
"This po5.1ibly lowers ~' _ that
anyone e!Caped the wrecked ~~·" a Coast Guard spokesman at San Diego
The two skiffs were found to be still at~
tached to the davits when Ha'rry Boland,
a former navigator aboard lbe Goodwill,
hc.vered aver the wrecked vessel.
The boats w~ originally reported to
be missing, Indicating that owner Ralph
Larrabee and eight passengers may have
abandoned 9hlp ilnd made lt to Geronimo
Island some foui mlles away.
Meanwhile there wy confµslon...tnd
conjecture as to hOw many persons were
actually aboard the ISl·foot schooner
vr'hen she retched up on Sacramento Reef
some aoo miles: south of San Delgo.
The Coast Guard aald reports' that
there were a ck'qn Or more· persOns
aboard wtre bde<l" on calla from people
stating "11\e)"thought·frlends ot ..iauves
might have been aboard."
Arthur Knievel, executive vice· pri!:.11l-
dent of· L & F Machine industrlts states
posltlvely there were only rihfe penoos
abojlrd the Goodwill when sh• dtpln.d on tht Mextcllf~l ~' 1 ~ , /
Polling places wUI remain open unW 7
or four precincts contacted, a· mere IS
voters had -caat ballats out of a possible
3,880 re1ls~ed voters in tMee precincts.
City Cltrk Paul JQneS said he does not
expect lbe voter turnout to n:ceed 20 per-
cent. . .
"I think the votm will be ID fa;., al
the bond Issue, .. added JOMI, "becense
there wasn't any crganlzed opposition
· this time."
LB1lt year ·a almllar propoaal. was
&teated. by a narrow . margin when it
picked up suP,POct from 63 per'cent al
those voting. ·
The M million park bonds laiue in-
cludes montY for 33 neighbo<jiood parks,
sl:z con;mnmity parks and development of
a centraJ park around Huntinlton Lake.
DDT Ban Supported
By_.Marine ~cientists
MONTEREY (AP) -Mor e than 60
marine scie!ltists thn7w their auppoH:
today to a ·saate Sen a t e bill wblctt1
would ban the use of'DI'1l' in CaliforniL
A Joint letter clraflecf by Dr. John
Phillips o< stmJfo<od Unlvemty's Hop-
kins Marine Stition tn Pacific Grove
was sent to Gov. Ronlld Reagan. • .
lf you 're looldng for a change
In '\he weather, better get away
from the Orange COUt. where
Wednesday's ouUook ls tbe ¥tM
old story -low clouds, hazy SWJ-
ahine and 70lsh temperature&
The continuing itory of Pttt
ton Ptace is now "dtaconttnued;"
but ill plethora of problllm tr ...
moini uniolwd. Page 15.
· ~I -nOI i\llooount tltfo posol!)ll~ · t)llthilt.111-d!irlll•• plobd'.;,:*le 0r' more · M..rc.ftl.,..di>naii · .. :did. b~ .. 181 custornry 'rot :~ cndsii11 MeJican1 ~ • • , • ; • t J
The' iiociy•ol· a ....... o« boJ !Ocai.d ~y
-fillier 'bUI '* :~ Wied ....... ~........ Ille
O<io4 • ·~ •. '~L oe. ne .
•• ::.. (;000.w~ Jl .,. l1 '----'---------" \.1 ,.f J I .t • J.,. I ' ~' , ... .,.,, .. ~ ,
.s: .. ... J • '.. .. • .. ~t J ••• 4 '' .. ·~· ~ ~ , .. ,;. '(,,, ~ ' • ~ "'• r '~
f ·"
J '
' .
" Te'?, J..,. 3, l~
• • • 0 -
' ·!-
Concert Critic's Chl>r~:
Euphemism ~et to Music
ot ""' Dal!Y •1• '''" .
It la: (requenUy our privlle1e (and alm06l as often our pleasure) to dbn
ur other DAILY PILOT hat -that auditorium~riented bit of headgear that := by this newspaper's music cri.Pc at many Orange County soirees
RoD that around your tongue, love -solrees mualcale. That's how we
~are 8\lpposed to write, you know. Terribly, terribl)' cultural and all-Oi.t, broir li1 the odd savoir faire, bravura and markedly !lfOCl&SSl<;ist and, by
George, they'll sip their tea and gurgle : "This chap really
knows what he's writing about."
Ah, Gladys, but It lm'i u easy as all that. lt takes
a decade or two, old girl, to insult any concert performer
in a nice -way. SomeUmes we do it In a not. very nice way.,
we ldm1t, but that's only when certain people have been
Vf!rJ naughty Indeed, like playing the "Messiah" u 11 It
were the Post Horn Gallop.
* Let's ahow you what we mean. Are you ready, love?,
Rl&hto, here we go: . ·•
"It wu l ndffd difficult, from our particular va.ntate
iOlnt. to gauge to any gr.eat dtpth the much vaunted acoustics of thiJ concert
tall. We would , to our way of thlnking, be belter qualified lo comment on what
ve understand is a new approach to reproduction of soun~rom 8: more sophis-
icated seating arrange!Jlent."
In othu words. .,-e got a lousy seat.
That olten happens, you know, lhallks to the bubblinll ho•~ who
tand out a couple of free tJctell u if you're getting a pau toa Buct:ingbam
>aJace garden party and then don't give J damn if you're hung by your left
oe from the rafters and have to watch the solo pianist's hands through a
Jetaicope. •
And that mans you, Mn. --------
(Editor's note: NOtD VQU're getting naJtJl_agoin. lJ you don't like
~ ieat, why Mt pau for a bt:tter one?) J
* _ On to our next jewel of journalistic criticism and ~ time we 'll lake a
;tab at a apec1fic performer _Here'• one from our opera coUectJOM
ixon ·on-Pe~ce Quest .
Ct•lh Victim Coomb1
Miss Coo~s,
Crash Victim,
Rites Slated '
' . " JAmll!IGTON (UPI) -President
Nlim today began a peace mtssfen -'that !8k'l. lilm from a amall SOUth Dakota col-1.,. to the Midway !alands In the Pacific
He will spefKI nearly three days at his
new $500,000 .home In San CJemente
before heading for Sunday'a ineelln1 with
Soul!> Vlelnam'1 Prtoideot NIU)'fll Van
'lblaa OD lfldway JalaJld.
. ~ peace QUell inYolwcl not only war
in Southeast Asia, but unrest and violenoe
in America.
En route, Nlroo scheduled two major
1.ddresR!. First, this ,afternoon at
Genm! Beadle College In Madi!c>n, S.D ..
where be conoentrated on what the White
House described as "baaic vali.es of
America cumnUy under challeq;e."
Liberally translated. this .meant campua
ur,re$l, vk>lent demonstrations abCI what
Nixoo regards u dangerous Sllppqe or
publlc respect fqr law and order.
The chief executJve left Washington at
9 a.m. PDT for Sioux . Falls, S.D.,
swltcJting there to a helicopter to take
him to the Madboo campus In time for
an addreas and dedlcatioo at a library
honoring Sen. Karl E. llunill (Jl,S.D.) •• -
Afttt the South,~ ... .....,. the
Pre.Iden! planoea In fly <luring . the af. le-Colotido Sprinp, Cold.; where fie will make the c:muneocement address
A flll)el'al serv!~ ls scheduled Thurs-Wednelday morning to the Air Force
day for 1968 Coropa del Mar High School Acadimy'a lenior class.
graduate Kathleen Coombs, killed with The White House sard ihe Alr Force · Academy speech would Involve "the two fr lends In an Oregon plane cra3h her · United States· role in the world and the
boyfriend 1urvlved with critical injuries. role ti defeme tn our society."
Rescuers reached the wrtckage In Wedoetday aftenioon, after t h e
mountainous terrilory Sunday, but it wa s Colorado Springs ~. the PresJ..
too late for three of the four University of der.t planntd to Dy !o hla new Call(omia
Or,.ann students who rented the plane ~ ~ at San Clemente, and . ~-.. spenil moot of throe days there, boning
Friday for a sc!nlc . fllg!it over the u~ OD poaltloo papen relating to Thieu
Cucadea Mountalm. · and South Vietnam, in addJtion to work·
Rltaa ~... Mlaa Coombl, 19, whoee Ing oo a i>DDber ol enllrely domesllc
a.1 matters. parents movq.i to 201 Ocean Ave., Seal He nilght send C.Ona:ress one or more
Beach, following her graduation, will be messages on domestic subjects from San
at 2:30 p.m. in the · Ides and Warren Clemente.
eet With .
• to uie Sund11rmeet1ng with Thieu, l!
Defense Semtory Melvin R. Lairil and
other senior policy men in the govern·
lfa1111 ,w.oed ·lo remain at San
Clemente uotU Slturday morning, spead
that night on Waikiki Beach at the
Kahala Hlltoa Hot<! lo Hooolulu, theo set
out early Sunday mornillg by jet
trlDlpOlt ftr Midwlf, a fllgbt of about
throe ·boun from Honolulu .
A tugh}y tent.Duve White House
schedule allowed over &ii hours for the
Niloo-ThleU meeting in a U.S. naval of-
{lcen clob •. Thia; ICbedule, bowev~r. was
subject to reviSIOiiDetween WJ!Shinglon
and Saigon. There were suuestions in
Washington circles .the meeting might
run conalden.bly less than six hours -or
more U Ntzoo and Thieu hit it oU and
fine: areas of productive discussion.
l . I In ~ny case, Nlfon's schedule ls fiuld
and clllled for 1It0e more Ulan returning·
to Hooolulu sometime Sunday ntpt.
Pmwnablr Nixon and Thieu """1d no1
part oa Midway without 1ssuing a Jol.Dt.
Nilon hoped to catch up on hj.s sl~p in
Hawail: Sundi\)' nlghl Hls family -wife,1 two daugbter:a and .IOIHn-law -alsQ W1lJ
be In Honolulu. OD Monday the Preoldeol
planned to fly from Hawaii to Sal>
Clemente, spend another nJght there and
ret\Irn to the White House in the relatlv~
ly early evening o! Tuesday, June 10.
There was speculation Nl.l:oo might
want to report to the American people
shorUy alter his return to Washington on
wba.t happened at Mi~way, presumabty
using radio. and tel evision. Jn any J'\fent,
an early press conference after Midway
seemed likely.
IrVine Foundation Offers
~2,703,012 Charity Gifts
The Jamea Irvine Foundation 1MOUnc-
ed granta totaling 12,7IXl,012 Monday ta
charitable orpnizations within the State
ol Callfurnla.
Foundatklll President N. Loyall Mc-
Laren aald that funds of 11,675,600 will
be dlsUi~.;. to U organlxatioos In Soutllieln •woronna to lchools, hospitals
and ~ and -... ,,...,., This allocatloo is the ·larg..t In the •
hl5lory of the foundation and is much
f'rom P .. e 1
largec than the expected grant. The '1969
allocaUons were expected. to be twice
the 1~7 figure of $684,092. ·
The Irvine F'opnciatlon declined to give~
·a breakdown of lhe contributions, but it
was learned from other sources that
the largest single grant will be to die •
Honnold Library of the Clamnonl UDI·
versity pililp.
The -of $.IOO,OOt! will be known u the A. J. McFaddeaEncli>w-. menflnliiiiiCir'O! T6illialltliin CllridOll .. _
McFadden, an Orange County pioneer.
" , , • ihd while her rendering of aeveral key aria.I was acceptable, giv-
l:n the nature of this limll.fd production, we would be ~ant lo ~er the
wne cautious sea.1 of approval on the semi-ballet sequences th.at are so vita]
:o the wanton, lustful role or this voluptuous gyesy«<:lrl. ~/
Mortuary, 100 N. Hill .Ave.,.Pasa.dena. Before leaving Washington today, Nil-
Oregon authorities 's8'1d her boyfriend, on &Wiunoned an unustal joint meeting passengers, T, Smith of Long Beach, was
Stephen Moore, 21, of Kent, Wash., . of the cablnet and the Natkmal Security aaJd to be about 17.
The Whittier College Board of Trus-1
tees, at a meeting Monday afternoon,
announced that they will rt!ceive I
graot of $50,000 from the foundatioa.
These grants are the first since 1966-67,
because of a pending court actlOn. A suit
filed lifter that grant' questioned the
foundation's ownership of the Irv ine Co.
stock. The case was appealed to the U.S.
Supreme Court and the ruling was in
fa vor of the foundation.
"MiSs Blow wouJd not, we are sure, pretend to the dimension& of,.shall
we aay, a Cyd Charisse. and the eldra pound or two told their tale as 5he at..
;empted to step into the spirit ol that tempestuous, -swirling Habanera, It was
ndeed unfortunate for her anxious partner that he apparently failed to take
'nto account the fact lb.at his slowly· spiralling companion was a beat or two
>ff ihe rou.!Jng p~ .. ,"
survived the crash and was reported in Councll (NSC),pstensibty to hear a first-Meanwhile the search for the passen··
sa tisfactory condition at a hospital in hand report from Secretary of State gers and c: r e w of the one·t~e lux·
Eugene. William P. Rogers on his recent eight-na-· ury vessel was u:panded w i t' h
Killed besidei Miss Coombs, who had lion tour or the Far E;ast. two filed wing . a I r c r a ft and a
just finished ber freshman year as 1 Rogers will aocomPJnY the President ~icoptu from _Jbe Coast Guard:
journalism major, were Douglas B. 1----~--------------------------------------
Yup, lhe was the fatl.el1 CMmen we 've ever seen. And she did the
ilabane.ra with the gay abandon of a pregnant Hereford.
Goidon, 20, the pilot, and John Lipke, 20,
both of Eugene.
* Did you aay what about conductors, Gladys? Ob yes, love, we've written
Investigators said Gordon , who li ved In
Anchoraae, Aluka before enrollin& at the
wdvenlty. was an experienced pilot with
more than 100 hours' flying on hls about them too: Here's one popinjay of the. podiµm who Cau&ht our ~ye: logbook. " • ; • and wblle 11 may be ltttihl)'...avanLprde_tuon<lu!:LPli!l!!llLi _
bltoo, lt was difficult to useu ~·achievement to which this illrectQr m"1 lay
Claim. Hls repeated inclination to turn over lltVeral pages of the accre at once ·
did oothliig to alleviate the ,,.U that seenied to pllpibly settle over <hi5 "°""
fUled and disturiJ!ng rendilion of a MuSsol'pliy ""°'' •that ahould, perilapo, have remalned In the llbrary. n .
canst -91 the accident ls still under in·
Bes.ides her .parents, who lived at 390
Granada Way1,durin8 s.ix years in Costa
Mesa , Miss Coombs leav~ her br9ther,
M&rin• CorPs !st U. Rodger Coombs,
currently on 8 Mediterranean Sea duty
crWse and an aunt, Mrs. Helen Lukie, of
Wouldn't tt be better to say what we mean th plain English?
c.erta.iniy no~dn~ be half as much fun and besides, when we do It tbll way, 90 percent we write about aren't even Sure if they're be-
ing compllmeotod or i:ut
Our Idol Wmatorr once said: "It costs nothing to be polite to a
Los Angeles. ·
Mr. and Mrs. Coombs fleW to Oregon
alter learnlnl of their only daughter'•
death Sunday ~ uked friends in the
Los Angeles arta to mUe local funeral
man, even U you have to murder him."
Good old WIMle'. Chock lull of the old 11.volr la!{< and all that, what!
Def'udteJy bravura • • • arrangemenls. ,
{alley Council to ' Consider
MJaa Coomba WU uslltant editor ol
The Triton, Corona del Mar High School
newspaper, a leader in YMCA student
government activities and past queen of
the Y'11 Snow Ball dance.
"We grew uP together," said classmate
Sandie Mortenson, of %0191 Bayview Ave.,
Santa Ana Height., after c a 11 i n g
newsmen Monday to confirm a half-heard
radio report of the tragedy.
' ~imum Tract .Lot ~Size Miss Mortell50n. who saw ber friend
home from college last Qu1stmaa season,
described her as an ln.telliaent girl wbo
thought first and acted afterward. ui aboolute minimum of 8,00t! square
t oo lot slzts In Founl.aln Valley will
comldered by the Clly Council at 8
loet tonight during a public hwing.
!lie pc91JOO'd minimum Is for planned
velopments whkh In the past ha ve
owed lot sites as low as 5,000 square
:L the city's size for slanda rd tract
i'dopmenll ts 7,a'.IO square feet. :t wu small lots which touched off the
Robert N. Weff ,,......, f'mldent end l'llbllllllr
Jee.Ir R. c~,1:r
VIG ,.,.klefll •nd Gel'llf Men11tr
Tho ... •1 K•••il
Tho"'•• /4.. M11rphine
tMllftl~ Eotltor
Alb•tt w. ,.,,, wan.,,. R••"
.U-:llN MllnllnelOn Bff<.11
Ed!tot (ily Edltot
H1'1ttkittM '"4:11 Offk,e
309 5th s .....
Mallln9 Mdr1,,: P.O. 101 7't0, 't2~41 .,__
NftlllOl"I a.ect.: 2711 W..t .. lt»t kil"'"°IN eott. ,,.,._: D9 W•I 11.., S-t
~ a.di: m F-t ,.,.._
recall momnent that brooght' In three
petitions signed by more than 3,000
residents Monday to force a recall elec-.
lion again.rt Mayor Robert Sdlweadtfeger
and Councilmen Donald Fregeau and
Joseph Courriges.
A 8,000 square foot minimum ~ one or
1 he key requests ·made by opponent.a of
"Kathy would.Di have taken an ob..i'lous
risk," she saJd.
f'rom Pagel
~mall lot... 300 miles southeast of Saigon when
Planning Commissioners approved the disaster struck. For the Melbourne the tragedy was 6,000 square foot mark in May f to 1, with agonizingly similar to One of Feb. 10,
only Commission Chalrm
an James Diet 1964, when the Melbourne rammed and
oppo.sing a set mlniMum size lot for plan·: sank the Australian destroyer Voyager
ned developments. off the coast of New South Wales, taking Tonl""'t's~lc hearina w .1-1 a.i ~ livea of II 1allor1 aboard tbe 6 .. ... as ..,..,.aye\I i:lestroyer
from May 20 to ·ve the clty a cbanoe to KeUt'• 'o1acial vtrsloo of the accident
revie.w the elf~ m the millmum.....m..._sald: --
George ~olsteln ~ G~ Valley develop-"'J'be ** w&S"c:;1ilm-Hd-it.--wii 1 brl&ht ment wtikb already has partta1 approval oonllt night
for lots as. klw as 5,000 square feel m "At awmimatel)' 3: 15 a.m. ( 1: 15 p.m.
HolsWn had written a letter to !be PDT Monday) Melbourne ordered the
council request.ing his development be ex-tvans, .,hlch was ahead of her tn the an-
empt from the &,000 toot ruling ~use ti-submarine screen, 'to change cour11e to
of comm!tments made to him by prior cl-rescue .a destroyu ataUon astern of her. tr co:unais. He also threatened legal ac· "Evan• approached a collision course
llon if necessary. and derplte urgent action by Melbourne a
collision oceurred."
Fii:e at College
In Mesa Probed
Anon lnvesUgators todly were probing
a minor blue dellberalel,f aet Monday
night in the boiler room of the men'•
dormitory at SOutbem CalUotnia Colleae
in CoN Mesa.
The fire in the muJtJ..story campus
dorm at 2S25 Newport Blvd., deatroyed
cloth wrappinl• around asbestos pipes,
but cause doo moneW')' loa.
The a.. wu repo<1ec1 at 10:30 p.m. by
8Choo! 11pOk~ p~ L. ,.......,., and
Costa Meaa POllco Olllctr Richan!
John90n llkf there WU fto 'lllY the boiler
could have ignited the c:klth.
CoN Meu Fire ~ upttls
..... lludylng the •pporenl .,_ -
today, but P.-0 J-ootod thal "° evlden~ or clues """ found at U. ...., ..
The carrier ploughed Into the left or
porl side of the Evans, near the e111lne
room , cutting her in ball and sending the
forward section to the bottom of the sea
within minutes. The aft section remained
afloat and the Melbourne secured Ibis to
the carrier. A search of the wrectaae
was then made.
The Melbourne llU!fered a lour loot hole
ln her bow above the waler line, her ruibt deck WU "diJtoned and the Clla-
pult Is unaervlceable," Kelly aalcL No
one aboard 1he Melbourne was hurt . The 371-foot, JS..year.old Evans, -..hlch
his been aalgned to patrols and In·
telligence mi.ssiOM o(f Vietnam ln recent
years, wa1 known u the ~·grey &host''
during !tie !(Ottan War. . ·
During that conlJlct ahe ateamed ,<looo
along lhe enemY cout, blalt.inc nay at
shore batteries and then aeeroed to
vanlah, accordlna to her olflclal hlltory.
At one point, She undttwenl comtant
bombin!ment from lllree 111redlonl ldr
to inlnut.. ntar Womao -and acaped-
The things we do for people ...
260 Oeeln AWll'lu•
L1gt1n11 Belich, C1liklml1
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JJ ~LY PILOT .,......,,.NM , 191i9
. Tllke Over U.S. Ml8's .--·~----------....... --.. t
'. Ko .. reans to P.roduce Rifles ' ' . . .. ' .
. . . ' -· rapid ftre wee.poa have been
under .way since April. The
idea wu approved in principle
in May 1M8 after North Korea
..iz..i the ·uss Pueblo i..
telllgence ship.
,,.._ .....
,, • " Ill •
J!IL_MUM , '
T,ronhle Transit • ID
Volpe Has Troubl.e Getting Programs
S..:relary of Transportation
Jolin A. Volpe 1ppearo having
lhe mOl!ll trouble of any
Cabinet member getUng p~
gram• past the financlal ad·
vbers wbo guard tbe gala t.o
given much of a it.art by· the
Feb. 17 memo from Paul
McCracken, chairman ol the
Councu of Economic Advbor1,
to the Whilo "°"'"'·
Rold builders Slid It made !he·
Industry unltable. WASHINGTON (AP) -The
Penllpl say1 It ti drawing up
an unprteedenled plan to let
South Korl!a produce the
American Mll rifle, a weapon
with a blltoey of controversy.
D e re n s e Department of·
ficials A.id Soutb Korea asked
permission· to manufacture
MISS to speed moderniration
of ita bomelahd mllitiry
•forces f~ an incteasingly
bostlle North Kotta.
lhet the Korean producUon
plan would not delay supplies
of Ml6s foe the 40,000 U.S.
troops' in South Kom still
without the modern wefpon.
Only· 10,.000 have.Ml6s with .the
remainder outfitted' w I t b-
heavJer and older Ml4s. ·
SepOrate twn1 from ~ I ---:...-~ .H the Whhe House. ·
. Wording of lhe memo was
learned althoujh the council natty decuned·to oomment~•t · an.
"Elpeodl!urtt for bJ&hw•ys Is one of the_ 6uler parts of
the budget to manl~t•
because precl:ie 9Chedules for
highways to be completecj are
not urgent to us~rs.
Complaints come from !tai. highways people and con-
lractars, 11 the memo said
The apokeSmau, em~zed
The DefeMe De~
has disclosed tbt\i discussions
for South 'K~'s "co-pro-
duction" of the lightweight,
No Squinting!
department and eou·
lndUJlrles Inc., or~ g·t n a I
mamda'cturer of the wea~.
are ached)l]ed to go to SOulh
Korea later this mOhth -to
wrap' up details on the Pf'1>
Pentagon officials said they
could recall no similar situa·
Uon where another country
was allowed to manufacture a
basic U.S. Army weapon. •
A Volpe alde, howeyer, The memo objected to en-
denles there is any friction ding culbaclts aod freezes on
between the department and highway funds as an economy
"It would be rub to
foreswear variation of
highway expenditures , o r
stabilization objectives," Jt ad·
the groups of econo:mJ,sts who tool. The pracUce was begun
pore over every prograril sug-in the previous administration
gcsted to the President. despite trust fund protection. "There ls a real feeling ofl--''-----''------------.-
rapport," said personal aide
Barry Locke.
11le M16 became a focus of
controversy on two front.s
aft.er its introduction in Viet-
nam in 1966. _!:~~~~~~=======~====:. First, U.S. troops ln Viet-
Despite this, a bllllon-<i,ollar-
a-year mass transit program
is the latest proposal to en·
counter opposition in a chain
of even~ going back at · least
to a confidential WbJte House
n1emo dated Feb. 17 opposing
a policy change favored by the
highway lobby.
nam complained the rifle often
jammed during battle. After
receiving heavy crttici!m, the
Pentagon convinced Congress
the jamming problem was
being eased by improved
cleaning proctdures in ' the
field and through special
modiflC8tiOM of the firing
chamber. •
Last year the Pentagon
again came under fire from
Congress for selecting two ad-
ditiona:I Ml& producers whose
digi~-1 -1 k di bids for the business were
--,WW, 0 00 ra 0 lllgber .than two oth~ com· . · . parues m the competition.
!liily tarp numerals that telMhe time minute:~ mi~ . B~ July peak MIG pro-" do 1 ~ • ' duction iJ due w1tb 50,000 T,.. c n t &et an ortllnary clQCI< in Sony's ot111m8tic .FM/AM rifles a mooth from Colt and
!llOck radio SFC69W. You I'll one that's (lUShbultoo con-· each by "· 1 M to trolled with large easy.to-read nwnerals, instead of a clock. 10,000 vcnera. o rs
(•-• . . . Corp., YpsilanU, Mich .. aQd ~~ .. ,Y to _.teJ Which muns: Once you set the time HarTlngton and Richardson of
you want and push it-automatic button. it wakes you up Worcester. Mass.
the exact same time tNerJ morning; automatically. With no Pentagon sourct.5 said the
re-setting ever. Also shuts itself off by itself after an hour precise product Ion ar·
>f play. And it can automatically adjust to a slightly higher rangement with South Korea
:one to wake you gently, if yoU doze off. And look. no hands! ls yet to be ironed out but will
>ress manual button and radio becomes a regular table set involve establishment or an ~adio performance? Nothing but rich, big sound thanks to MIS production and assembly
;pecjal Sony circuitry, 850 mw of power, and a full 3lf.z"' line in Korea ' '
)ynariiic speaker. All in a low, sleek, compact cabinet that South Korea is said to want
akes up a minimum of space. Sty1ed in white or grey. Com· rifles for all its homeland
I te "th h c I reserve forces, numbering 1 e w1 earp one. Oln!! n, take one home, and pleasant around 2.5 million. Only one
lreams. BOft! mllUon have been armed so
~lfl.mtl St~::Costa M~i
. Dally 9-9, ~: 9-6 646-1684
far and only about 10,000 of
the homebased re(lllar com.
bat troops have the Ml6.
Another 45,000 fighting in Viet·
nam were equipped with it
some months ago.
; AU U.S., South Vietnamese
and other allied maneuver
bo!Wions In Booth Vietnam
have the MI6' but other troops
in rear echelon areas still
await it.
Goldbrick Reserves
Face Quick Callup
A Budget Bureau official ·
confirmed ~tonday the agency
had, as expected, objected to
the trust fund . concept of
financing that 1.5 the guts of
t.he transit proposal.
The official said t b e
WASHINGTON (AP) -The initial training time. bureau's position was spelled
·armed servlces are putting~'-· Jn .a.bis way, a y01,1ng man out at a high-level meeting
to · e[fect ·a De~ -Depart· can escape being drafted for-last week.
ment policy providing that two years of fulltime service The B.udget Bureau holds
reservists or N a t i o n a I unle!! there is an ehtergency the government purse strings.
Guardsmen who goldbrick can caUup, as happened to some ll virtua1ly speaks for the
be called to active duty for up 38,000 _ g u a r d s m e n and White House and although it
ot two y~ars. reservists last year alter the can be overruled it seldom UI.
Affected by the get-tough North Korean seizure of tile Under the trust fund aP,
policy are young men who intelligence ship Pueblo and proach, which bas been used
were deferred from the dratt the eni:my winter offensive in for more than a decade in
by joining the National GuM.d Vietnam. building the nailon's higlrWays,
or reserves. PLACE EMPl;IASIS funds are committed in ad·
. ~ the past, the pen_alty for The e!llphasis used· to be on · vance, bypassing lhe lengthy
failing to meet drill· and faithful attendance al drills, 3nd sometimes har.arBous an.
training obli1ations ·was_,a 45-'"1ich normally are held on nual r.evJews b)' Congress. _
·day "involuntary"' aCtive duty weekends. Some economists oppose the
tour. Bul the stress has been concept because they say it
This apparenUy wasn't stilf widened to cover the way a limits pl"(!sidentiaJ flexibility
~nou~h to wipe out maJ. man performs -whether he in budget matters.
ingermg, so the Defense applies himseU to sharpening Treasury officials a 1 s o
Department de~eed a tougher. his military skill, or just goes reportedly h a v e slated op-
pohcy earlier thl!I year. through lhe motions. position to the current mass
CALLED UP The Pentagon policy paper transit proposal, a I t h o u g h
Now any man f ~· u n d says that "failure to remain a ther.e were some indications
"unsatisfactory" in carrying member of a selected reserve that other presidential ad·
out his reserve obligations unit or to meet prescribed visers may be s o f t e n I n g
may be called to active duty standards for attendance at earlier objections.
for up to two years. • drills and active duty con-PLANS STALLED
Each of the servicts: is put· stitute u n sat is r act Ory Two other major transporta·
ling the policy into effect, with partlcfpation." lion programs -an airports
the Air Force the latest to However, the document is al\d airways construction pro-
move. no more specific than.that, ap-gram and the Supersonic
Under the law, young men parently opening the way to Transport plane -reportedly
m a y enlist in the guard o"r wide latitude on the part of have been stalled for weeks by
reserves. receive from four to ~ cam:manders as l.o--w h a-t an internal debate over finan·
10 morilliS of -tiainin,, and specific acts -or lack ol ac· cing and need although a
lhen return home. Lion -fits lhe definition_ This break could be near on the
However. they are obligated could'Jead to difflculties in ap-J,800-miJe..an-lbzt airliner.
to drill regularly wlth their plying the stricter sanctlons, Although none or Volpe's
uniLs. The overall obligation and' possible controversy over programs have been scrapped
lasts sil'. years, counting the what constiMes malingering. so far , his track record wasn't
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• T--y~s ''"'Ill ' . . , .
. ' ' .TUESDAY, JUNE 3, '1969 . .
Huntington Teachers AhandQn W alk9ut Plans _
Of ... Dllb' f'Uft Jl.n
T~chera of ' the Huntingt.oo Beach
Union Hlgb. ScltbOI D'istrict havt tem·
porar\)y 8,bandoned , their plans for a
Walkout this week in lhe wake of con-
tinuing salary negotiatioos with district
trustees and administrators.
About 430 teachers from the four
district bigb scbools liad been expected to
ask fOl' "personal leaves" today.
A, statement lu~ .by _ teachers fol-
lowirlg a rour-and-a-haU·~r b o ~; d
meeting ?tjQll.day mqrnlng propose.s that a
panel be furmed in oet.otier or November
to determine if any additlonal.:unbudgeted
money would be available: for Salaries.
The panel, which would be composed of
a men1ber of the board of trustees, a
representallve of the. Diilrict Educators
Association (DEA) arid another mem'.ber
agreed oo.".by mutual consent.
would make its recc:mmendatiom to the
board of ,_trl,IStees on how the money
would be applied lo tbe salary scbedujl:.
The 1tatement cautioned, bowevef, Uiat
In no way 6~ the boost be more than
l .S percent above the 4 percent now 'of-
lered by the district.
UnUl today the DEA. which called the
class boycott because the trustees. wotild
not agree to an 8.3 percent salary-in-
crease, had offered to take the 4 pereent,
provided that all addJUonal money
becoming available would be fw'ulel~.in
to teachers' salaries untU'the 8:3 pereent
figure l\'..U reached.
Indications today were' 'that the .main
bone of contentlon between the ~
and the board 0£ trustees npw Involves
the appUcalion and peftentage o{ the pay
~ from additional funds that may
becom<: available. •
A cloak of secrec.1 bas shrouded
Trustees held anoth~ cla&ed door
session from 7 a.m. to 9 ·a.m. th.ls morn-
1111, ~ut ®c'lined to m~e a statement
•bou! Che nature ol their discussions.
f4em.ben of lbe aa.!'oc·Jatton•s
nego\iiting council wer;to gather at 1
p.m. today In a close'<! meeting. An ad-
mlnlstralitn repttsentatijt is expected to
, attend. •.
MeJnlthlle, classes were conducted as
usual today at·all Tool campuses.
Teachers con.s.idertng a claas boycott
have been advised througti an ad-
ministration bulletin that failuTe to carry
out a.sa.ignments on re~larlY ICbeduled
school days would be conaldeted "U act
of insubordination." ~.
ACCilrding to Superintendent Max-
Forney, the bulletin wu drawn up under:
th.e advice of county counad ~ put
teachers on notict! that' a claii•boytott
could be considered a vk>la~ of
teacben' contract&.
Apartm nts ~Ose
Huntington ·Rejects Multiple_ Zoning,
An appeal ·for apartments across
Adams Avenue from Runiington Con-
Llnental \ownhouses was defeated lo
~eers from mcire ttiin RIO.resktinJs at
_Mooda)':s.Huntingtor) Beach· City Coancil
meethig: '
S and s Construction Co. had.aslled for
apartment zonhig (R-3) oi1 property 960
feet west of Brookhurst S~t on the
BOUth side of Adams Avenue.
.B\lt a battery ;J( area residents spoke
at the public bearing opposlna the pro-
posed apartment oornple.1 Or) ~ve po1n,ts:
-Apartments would devaluate sur-
roundiftg homes.
-Apartment dwellers would not pay as
much tu to the city as they would cost
the city.
-More children might mean ·more
school pfoblems.
--General o~i~on to-, a~ent oweum for th8t area. -
-Greater traffic problems at Adams
Avenue and Brookhurst·Street.
• ~ p~Pf!rty is CWTtntly. zoned for
single tariilly residencea and citizens who
spoke pleaded for the council to maintain
Lbe same zoning.
Barnard McCune of S and S Coostruc-
Uon requested the apartments as a buffer
agajnst a commercial l!evelopment on the
corner of Brookhurst and Adams.
"We plan to build 500 homes west of
those apartments and l assure yoU i! I
feU apartmenti would jeopardize lbe sale
of my ~ I wouldn'( request the
apartment aree," he told C9uncilmen.
Following several angry remarks by
residents, McCune prefaced bi!I s~ saying, ul'm just Ii-1Bli enou-P to stand,
up ¥'d rebut some of the things they've
said here tonight."
He then pleaded with ·the council nol to
vote on the matter from pure emotion or
under the inilue.nce Of a packed. audience.
but on its merits. · ' ,
McCune asked that il tbe ·council op.
J>Cl.'ed his plan;"" be would prefer to
withdraw it.
Councilmen denled his r.onlng requeaf
unanimously on the gi'ounds. that the area
was not planned for apartment. and
should not be allowed to have an ex·
tremely high d"!'ity.
OAll .. Y PILOT St-8 .... Carrier Rams
Whittier Woman In jured as Car Rips Into Gu1rdr1ll on 5uft11t Beach Curve 'f T s SJ. • "/A, ~-------. ~· .-\.W-:;-:..~;,;, •;o:;;:1"!~~f.,~-c--i.
Light Turnout
.____..._,· _r_1arkJl~~~ ..
Fullest Sqa~ment Woman · Survives 'Aboard Losi?
Ntxvn Assails R.adicals Violent Accident
In Sll.nset Beach
-PEARL HAllBOR, Hawaii (UPI) -
1be AustraUan navy minJster said today
the Long Beach based U.S. dertroyer
Frank E. Evana turned Into • com~on ·
course momenta ~fore . the ,Austfallan
aircraft carrier Melbourne sliced through
the smalfer·shlp and sent the bow section
to the bottom with heavy loss.(lf life. For Campus 'Arrogance' A young Whittier woman namnvly
escaped death earIY today when her
small car continued straight on a
treacherous ~ in Sunset Beach,
plowing through a guard rail, speed·limlt ·
sign and retlector barricade. MADISO~, S. D. (UPI) -President
Nfxon struck back today at campus
radicals who "bully'' college authorities
into yielding to demands and declared
th.is "self.righteous moral'"arrogance has
no place in a free community."
Nixon, speaking on the campus of a
small South Dakota college. spoke at
length about disorders currently wrack·
ing America's institutions of higher
learning. ~
The 29-minute address was the
Presldebt'l fullest statement yet on the
student diSorders. He spoke at General
Beadle State College at the dedication of
the Karl E. Mundt Library.
Nixon said "A great many people have
become impatient with t.he democraUc
"Scorning persuasioo, they prefer coer·
cion. Awardiag ·themselves with what
they call a higher mOj.ality, they try to
l>4IJy a\lthoriUes into · yielding to their
"On t01lege campuses, they dnw sup-
port [rom faculty members who should
k!lOW better; in the larger comm"nity,
they find the usual apologists real:ty to
excuse any tactic in 1be name or
"It should be self-evident that this sort
of self-righteous moral arrogance has no
place In a free community, It denies the
most fundamental cf all the· value., we
hold : respect for the rights of others.
This principle of mutual respect is the
keystone of the entire structure of
ordered liberty that makes freedom
Nixon also sought to assure the naUon
that "insurrection" would not .succeed if
the authorities used the po.wer at their
"Force can be toTitained,'1 he said.
"We have the power to strike back if
need be, and to prevail. The nation has
survived other attempts at insurrection.
''We can survive this," he ccmtinued.
1'lt baa not been a lack of civil power, but
the reluctance of a free people to emplay
it, that so cften has stayed the hand of
authorjtles faced with conf:rontaUon."
Nixon's addtess came during his first
stop on a tr\p that will take him far
, across the Pacific .to copfer on Sunday
about the war iwith l{Outb Vietnam's
preald<lll, Jlaeyen Van l'ljieu.
Penny S. Till, 23, was pried from the
mangled wreckage by Seal Beach police
and rescue workers aft.er the 1 a.m. ac-
cident on darkened Pacific· Coast
Highway, just.north of Anderson Street.
The victim was taken to Long Beach
Community Hospital with mu JJ..i p I e
lacerations and is listed in stfiOus ~
dition today, according to accident ii:i-
vesligators. 1
MW Till was driving east toward Hun-
tington Beach aJone in her car when the
auto failed to make the curve and crash·
ed into the end of the steel rail, uprooting
it. .
Officers arriving on theO scene called
for ·a Seal Beach Fire Department rescue
·crew to extricate Miss Till, but cancelled
the calf shortly afterward, police saJd.
Steele Markets
NEW YORK CAP) -The stock market
closed wilh another .Joos today in a con-
tinuation of the slide from the 196!1 high
attained three weeks ago. (See QUola·
Uons, Page1 1~11).
"Despite urgent action by Melbourne a
collialon occurred," the ofticial statement
The U.S. Defense "'Department said In
Washington one tnllft was kriown dead
and 73 "lf'ere misiing of the Ev~s' crew.
A late-mominc statement said th e r e
were 200 survivors -190 enlisted men
and 10 officers. -
LiUle hope was held for survival of any
of the miuing men, wbo apparenUy were
caught In the forward, part of the Evan•
which sank in two minutes. The
Melbourne rescoed the othera from the
aft section <1f the .split ship.
Goodwlll Owner Larrabee
Boats Sighted ;
Yacht Survivors'
Ch a nces Dims
All but one of the survivors -
originally taken aboard the Melbourne -
were later transferred to the USS
Kearsarge, ""an antisubmarine aircraft
carrier. One seriously injured man was
flown to Saigon for treatment. No figure
was given on the number of injured, but
a Pentagon 1pi>kesman said ~ thought
this list was short. An liltense search was under way for By ALMON. LOCKAIEY O}" tfl• D•llY ...... •ttfl possible survivors. Cb th t th •· ·•·· d President Nixon was Info-.... of the ances · · 8 e n .... e personsriUl\Hllr , .. ,.... the wrecked ~oodw.ill off the . Baja
collision soon after it occurreil, tht le Califoml;:i. coast escaPe<f were · dimt1ied
House said today. "He ii keeptng1l !h today wtren it was detennined that the
with developmentl on the search h... lhe two skiffs were still kl 'davits,
missing seamen," pre(a secretary Ronald "This possibly lowers chances that
Cities Blast Vitll.ey Ruling
L. Ziegler said. Prime Minister John anyone escaped the wretked tessel," a
Gorton sent a message to Nixon ex-Coast Guard spokesman at San Diego
pressing· "deepeft sympathy." . f o. r said.
famJlles <if American ·sallon ml.SSIJlg m The two skiffs were round to be still at.-
the aceldent. tached to the davits when Harry Boland,
Ohartea R. Kelly, the Australian navy a former navigator aboard the G"oo<lwill,
minllter, said in a "statement issued In h&vered over the wrecked vesael.
CanbetTa the 20,000 ton aircraft carrier The boats were originally reported to
and the 2,200 ton destroyer wete engaged be missing, indicating that .cwnet Ralph
In a joint SEATO anU...ubmrine exercise Larrabee and eight pas.fengera mflY have
' 11 File Petiti.ons Opposing Lqt.win 'fract Decisi.on
By TERRY COVlLLE tOf ttic Dallf l'lftf Sl.tf
Eleven SOuthem ·California cities have
filed a "friends of the diurt'1-petilt.on· in
the Court of Appeals opposing the l'ei;ent
·Supedor Court ruling against Fountain
VaU~Y'• controversial La.l"ft'ln Tract. 1
-The Petition, filea with the Fourth
Diotrtct-eeourt of A~s in San
Bmlardloo, claims that, if Uphel<ft tbe
declsl6n ailnst the Larwin Tract would
establi!h live precedents seriously af.
fecting clty operalions in caOfornia.
tiity Attorr:ey1 for ·~ Diego, Pasa-
deria. RlverSide, Azusa, Rolli.ng mus.
Alhambra, Redding, .Pombna, Walnut,
Artesia~ afi!i La Puente are asking th&t the decision of Orange County ·Superior Cblirt Judge Byrnn K. McMiiian be
overturned. .
Mr.Millan ruled a month ago that
Larwln's tMJ)' bomes could oot be built
b«au.se cf several 1mPropcr action.s
taken 1>y the ·pla'rtning commission and
the cf1y courictL
The U cllles opposed McMillan'• ruling
on five countil:
J. Conni ct of · interest c a ninJ~t • be Ing Jaiid ·not owned by the developer to (See COLIJSION, Pap I) abandoned ship and made it to Geronimo
estab~ simply becaUM a ~"1 _ the developer'• 'credit for averaging: lot Island some f(!Ur miles away. (J~r Caurreges)-,,wna propertrnext tizes. 1 • Meanw.hile there ,vas confusiOn, and
to a18evelopment. Van Dask had challenged Larwin ecm. Mesa Man Found conjecture IHI to how ·many ?m!'fll-Were
Z. II conllict ol lnterat is presenl It pany's riaht IO use Southern Calllomia actually lll>oard the t6l·foot schooner
rePresents groallds for .criminal action, Edison Company land to develop a park. ' 'when s~e fetched up on Sacrameri\o Reef
· not grounds lo oVeiiiim a zone change. wlllle counting It as part ol the Larwin D · d b Pilot some 200 mites SOlith ol SM O.lgo. 3 .• The man 'lrho appealed the tent.ttive cleYclopment JUdge McMl!Wi ·agreed fOwne · y . The Coast Guai'd said reports that.
tract map ..(.tqeite V•o Dask) bad no with Van Daak Utat such act:kn was tm~-~·~-·-·,;.· --.... · -· there· were-·a~ dozen or more persons
right to S\lCh n appeal because be is onl)r proper. -• · The body.of a 40-year· old Costa Mesa aboard· were.based on ~:1"1rom peopl~ .
a resident of the clty and, not the sub-Nowhere tn the 11 cities' petition was man. Clad onlY. In undershorb «n;d a T· statlng·"tbey:thO'.llht_lneods or refat.lves
dJvlder or ot.hmrtse iDvolved in the tract. this ·point challenged or mentklned. shirt, waa found Ooating in lht oe_ean off might have~been abo~d."
4. The appellllll (Van Doak) had.no TheLarwtnCo.ctimntlybasan~al B. · Jle!cll~!ll!ndarrnomlng: Atlh\lr·~evel. 'executive'.vic;e pm!· riaht lo appeal a pllllJllng commission pendlng·oo McMllJa\i'1·dectslonfn·ttie ~ 'Cl · ' Mtr.alit. ~ Signal• OU ·Cp. dent pf L & F Machlne,lndW!tties ~llitek
dectston on a tentat!Ve troct map. pelf ate· <OUrl. • • . '·1 -,~ M>JittOd ~he body at lf.:U pooiUve)y · there 11ere' <Jb!Y. nflie 'pers0ns
I. A p I an o t ng <O!llll\ialon can • wr1uee ... tat<ment of ·theJlndllfCI In ~~~· ny.fuCA~ the·oc~ near the aboard. th• "tioodwtff wh_eii·,m. ......,rted reconsider lls .,.. acta • (Fountain ~ SUpertor Court dedaloil has.$,yet ' ·w Rlur lltj<lge. • · on the Mexican crulse: -;'i.-
Valley.'s plannon , b_ad lint dellled the ~ lsMd aod' all' aJ>peals are· 61iocd on · The vlCtlm ,, .. 1<1enmitd as .Phillip A. .Knievel does not di"'"l"'I !ii• posslbffk
LarwiQ Tract, then! reconsidered on -a Judge t4!cMlllan'1 verbal state!Mlilt 'd1lr~ Marsaudon: of ~10 Canyon Drive, Costa ty tffat Larrabee may have p1cted up one
Jegal lechnlcaUty), jng the origtilal bearing. ~'1' \ Mesa. Maruudon had been reported or more Mextcan nationals· as deck
The petition concluded that If those five PeUUons w~re submitted Mon~ .• :tik· ,mlssfn°g with the Ol'ang! County Sheriff han~. as is customary· ftJr ~yachtsmen
areas wen: allowed tQ stand · It would Ing for a recill eledlon in an at~ to alnct $:25 a.,n.-the same day. . cruising Mexlean wa,ters.
serloosiy alfect the aCCOl'led method · of unoeat Mayor Robert Sc~werdllep. inld · Orilige CounlY Co(oner'• investlgaton The body 1ll a~""" boy 10<!-ted.by
operation ol all cllY pl1m1toe functiOM in Counc:llmen Donald Fregeau and 'Jaiepll llalll.cau., o!1feath ljal determll\ecl to be M,.lc;in. fill>~ hii. '"ot bet~ Ulen·
CaliCornla. · Counqes. · , ~lnj. ' tlUIJ<f u on• ol lhe pa~ers aboard the
One point In Jude• Mcllllfon'1 l'trbll Coalroveny...,. the Larwln mdolj '·Wnfril orranaemonb ore .pending Ii 6oodwtll. llowever. one of Jh•
ruling not dl!puted wu the mat1'r ol ut-mmti,nlted the recall movemen~ " ·•Dft'd'.y' Moy l'\lnetat.i!Onle. . . . ··-·-lllee GeODWILL, Pap I}
Voie Reported
A sampling of precincts Indicated ••
enrenfely light voter tumovt at press
time ~·morning in Hqntington Beach's
'6 million park1bonda electioD. '
· BY 10 a.m: only 2 pe~nt of the city's
vo~s bad cast their ballotl. A two-thirds
majorlty ·of ·those vOting Is required to
pass the issue~ · -
Polling places will remain open unW' 7:
p.m. .
Of four precincts contacted, a mere 85
Vl?teis had cll!t·ballots ou t of a possible.
3,880 registered voters in lhoee ~incts.
-City Clerk Paul Jones said he does not
expect the voter turnout to exceed 20 per-
'!I think the voters will be in ravor of
the bond issue," added Jones, "because
there wasn't any organized opposition
this Ume."
Ust year a similar proposal Was
defeated by a narrow margfu when it
picked up support from 6Z percent of those voting.
The $6 million park bonds issue in-
cludes mooey for 32 neighborhood parks,
six.community parks and development of
a central park around Huntington Lake.
DDT Ban Supp0rted
By l\Jarine Scientis ts
0NTEREY (AP) - M or e than 60
marine scientists throw their support
today to a State, Sen a t e bill wbl~ij
would ban the use of DDT In Callforn1a,
A joint letter drafted by Dr. John
Phillips of Stanford Unlvers~·s Hop-
kins Marine Station in Pacific Grove
was sent to Gov. Ronald Reagan.
If you're looking for a change
In the weather. better get away
from the Orange Coast, where
Wednesday's outlook· ls the same
old story -low clouds, hazy sun-
&hine and 70i.sh temperatures.
The continuin g stcl'lf of Ptv·
ton Plaaa. is now ''dis~trnuld,"
bu~ its plethor4 of probltms rt•
maim unsolve,d.. i>&{}' JS: · ' .
DA!lY l'IUIT "
T'uadly, JIN )1 1969
• r
• • • • .
'~ .. •
r '
Concert Critic's Chore:··· -.
Euphemism Set to Music .
OI' .. O.llY •llM SI.if
lt la frequently our prlvUege (and almosl as often our pleasure) to doo
iur other DAILY PILOT hat -that auditorium-oriented bit or headgear that
s ~ by this newspaper's music critic at many Orana:e COunty soirea
nuicale. RoU thlt around your toniue; Jove -soirees mu&icale. Tbat'1 bow we
:rtttcs are iuppoS«I to wrtte, you tnow. Terribly, terribly cu~tu:ral and all.that,
bJVW" Ln the odd avoir faire, bravura and markedly neoclasslclst and. tw
• George, they'll sip their tel and gurgle: "This chap really
· knows whit ht'a wriUng about.''
Ah, Gladys, but it im't u tasY as all that. It takes
1 ~de or two, old 1Irl, lo Insult any concert perfonner
in a nice way. Sometimel we do Jt In a not very nice way.
w1 .tmit, but that's Of\ly when certain people have been
ftl"1 naughty indeed, like playing the ''Mesaiah" as if it
wae the Post Hom Gallop. . -* Let's show you what we mean. Are you ready, love?
RJ&hlo, here we go: · '.'Ii was indeed dlllicult, from our parUcular vantage
>01nt, to gauge to any grUf depth tbe much v1unted acousUcs of thh1 concert
Wl. We would, to our way of thinking, be better gualifled to comment on what
¥e undtntand is a new approach to reproduction of sound from a more sophis-
icated seating arrangement."
" In other words, We got a lousy seat. ·
That often happens, you tnOw. lhankl lo Ille bubbling hoslesus wbo
.and out a eouple of free ·t:lcketl u U you're getting a pua toa Bucklnghun
>aface garden party and then don't give a damn if you're hung by your left
oe from the rafters and have to watch the solo pianist 's hands through a
And that mam you, Mn--------
rEditor'1 not.tY-Now 11ou're Qttdno na.1t11 again. If uou don't lilce
ht 1eot •. wh(I not pay for a better O'nt?) .. *-·
On to our next jew'el of j0ll1'llalistic crill<lrm IJld this time we'll take a
tab st a spedfic perfmnitr. Here'• one from our opera collection:
" ••• and wblle her rendering ol aeveral key arlu was acceptable, giv·
!D the nature of UtiJ limited production, we wouJd be rtluctant to confer the
ame cautious seal of approvaJ oo the seml:ballet sequences that are so vi~
o the wanton, lustful role of thil voluptUOUI gypiy girl.
"Mf&s Blow would not, wt are.sure.;pretend to the dlmenalons or, shall
rt say, a Cyd Cbarisse:, and ~ extra pound or lwtl told their tllf. as 11he at·
empted to step Into Ille spirit ~I temperWoo.o, swirling Jlabanera. It was
ndeed un!ortttnate fer her anxious partner \bat he apparently failed to take
nto account the fact that h1a llowly spiralling companion was a beat or two
lff the rousing pace .•• " ·
Yup, she was the fat~ Carmen we've ever 5eell. And she did the
labanera with the gay abandon or a pregnant Hereford.
* Did you say what about conductors, Gr..dJt? Ob ya, love, ..,..,, wri~
1bout them too. Here's one popinjay of the podium wbo cauatit our eye: .
" ••• and while It may be trrribly avant 1anle lo condnot without a
lla!Gft; It was dllli<:ulrt<r-.. any achievement lo wblcb Ibis--may lay
:lalm. His repeated inclination to turn over lem'al ~ of the llCOl"t at once
lid nothing to alle.U\e the pall that •eemed to palpably ..W. °""' this COD·
luaed and cllsturbJni rendJUon of ·a MlllWIHY. _.. that rhould. perbapo,
have remained in the library." .
Wouldn't It be better to ,Ay what we mun la. plain.Enaliaht
c.rtslnly noL Jj wouldn't be haJf u 1Dlid> fun and berldes, when we do
it this. way, tO percent ol thole we write about aren't eVeo aun if they're be-ing comPUmenled or ~t down.
Our idol Winston Churchfll once said: "It coetJ nothing to be polite to a
man, even If you ·bavt to murder him."
Good old Wbmle. Chock lull of Ille old aavolr faire IJld all that, what!
Defl.rUtely bravura •••
1 alley Council to Consider
Y.linimum Tract LOt Size
.n absolute mlnlmum cf 8,000 square
t m lot &bes ln Fountain Valley will
oonsidered by the City Council at I ·
lock !onJahl during a publl< hearing.
be proposed mlnimwn Is for planned
tdopmenla which in the past have
JWed lot sizes as low as 5,000 S<juare
t. 'Ibe city's size for standard tract
Jtlopmenta ts 7,200 square feel.
t was small lots which touched off lhe
a.ett.rt N. W..d .. ,....,. ...... * .. '
Jt~ k. Curley
Vlot Praldll>t e!ld Gtr1tt.i Me~ftl
Tke1'1•• k••,if Ed!~!
lka1'111 A-Wvrpl!in•
Me""'"' Eclllo+'
Alb•rt W. l1t•1 Wllli1ll'I R11cl
Annct111 Hunllnoton &l.UO Editor City l!dltw
H111tl.,.._ te.c• otflu
Jot 5th Str .. t
M•ilin9 Aclclr•111 P.O. le• 7t0, t2441 ............
HftlllOl" lffdli '211 WHI 911bN IOll .... lrl ~ .. te Meit: DO W'°'I ..... $"'9111 U1Un1 hK!i: 121 Ferul Aft/Ille
~--. ..
recall movement that brought in three
peUUons ·signed by more than 3,000
residents Monday to force a recall elec-
tion again!t Mayor Robert Scltwerdtle1er
and ·Councilmen Donald Fregeau and
Joseph Courreges.
A 6,000 square.fool minimum ls one of
the key requests made by oppooent.s of
small lots.
Plannln& Commissioners approved the
6,000 square foot mark in May 4 to 1, with
only Commission Chairman James Dick
opposing a set minimum slie lot for plan·
ned devek>pmenls.
Tonight's publlc hearlna was delayed
from May 20 to· give the dtJ a chance to
review the effect ol the mmtmum on
G<orge .Hotstein'l Green VlileY deveiOp-
menl which alrtady has partial approval
foi 16ta as low ,u s;oOtl'squaro feet.
Holstein bad written a Jetter to the cciuncll requesting h1a development be ex-
empt from the 1,000 foot ruling because
of commltmenta made to him by prk>r Ci·
ty councils.. He also threatened legal ac-
tion if necessary.
Fire at _College
In Mesa Probed
Arson Investigators today were probing
a minor blaie deliberately aet Monday
night In !he boUer room of the men's
dormitory at Soulhern Calllomta Collei•
In Costa Me.Ii:---
'I'll• fin In Ille mu!U-<toiy campus
dorm at ms Newport Bl..t., destroyed
clolb ~applnp around asbeltol pipes,
but cause doo monei:ary loss.
The fin waa reported at 10:30 p.m. by
school apoke.smau Paul L. ferg'U50n, and
Costa Mesa Police Otricv 'Rlcbtrd
Johnson sald there w1s no way lbc boiler
could have llJl!led the clolh. •
Costa Mm' Fire Depar\111"11 experta
were sludytnc th6 apparent araon. UM
today, but Patrolman Joh1110n noted that
no evidence or clues wt~ found at I.he
J ·-
Cr•rll Victim Coombs
Miss Coomb s,
.... --Cras h Victim,
Rites Slated
A runeral service 115 scheduled Thurs-
day for 1968 Corona del Mar High School
graduate Kathleen Coombs, killed with
two friends in an Oregon plane crasb her
boyfriend IUl'Vlved with critical injuries.
Rescuera.· reached the wre<:kage in
mountainous territory Sunday, but it was
too Jlte for three of the four University of
Oregon students who rented th~ plane
P'rlday for a· stenlc ntght over the
Cascades M'ountains.
Rites for _ Miss ~mbll, 19, whose
parents moved. to 201 Ocean Ave., Seal
Beach, foUowing her graduation, will be
al 2:30 p.m. in the Idea and Warren
Mortuary, 100 N. IUll Ave., Pasadena.
Oregon authorities sa1d her boyfriend ,
Stephen Moore, 21, of Kent, Wuh.,
survived the cTasb and · was reported In
.~atlsfactory condition at a hospital in
KU!ed besides Miss Coomba, who bad
just flriished her freshman year as a
journalism major, were Douglas B.
Gordon, 20, I.he pilot, and John Lipke, 2Q,
both of Eugene.
lnvestlgatora said Gordon, who lived in
Anchor.age, Ala.ilka before enrolling 1t the
university, was an eXJ>:tdenced pllot with
more than 100 hours'' flying on his
Cause of the accident Is still under in·
Besides her parents, who lived at 300
Granada Way, during slx years in Collta
Meaa, MJU·Coomba: leaves her btother,
Marine COrps Jst Lt. Rodger Coombs,
currenUy on a Medlterra~an sea duty
cruiae and an aunt. Mrs. Helen Luk.le, ol
Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mr1. Coombs new to Oregon
slttt teaming of lhelr only daughter'•
deatb Sunday and asked friends in lhe
Loi An&eles area to make local funeral
Miss COOrnbs was as.a:lstatlt editor oC
The Triton, C«oaa deJ Mar High School
newspaper, a leader in YMCA student
government activities and past queen of
the Y's Sno" Ball dance.
"We grew up together," sald clamnate
Sandie Mortenson, of 20191 Bayview Ave.,
Santa Ana Heights, after cal l'l n g
newsmen Monday to confirm a ¥If-heard
radio report of the tragedy.
Mill Mortenson, who saw her friend
llome 'rom college last Christmas aeas.m,
described her as an Intelligent girl who
thought first and acted afterward.
"Kathy woqldn't lulive laftn an obvlOUJ
risk," she said.
From Page 1
-300 miles eoutheaat oC Saigon whtn
disaster slruck.
For the Melbourne the tragedy waa
agonli.ingly similar to one of Feb. 10,
t9M, When the Melbourne rammed and
aank the AultraUan de11troyer Voyag~r
off the coast of New South Wales, ·taking
the lives 'of a :sailors aboard the
destroyer. . .
Kelly's ofncial version o( the accident
said: --
''The lltl·Wu calm and it was a bright
moonlit night.
"At 1pprozimate\y 3:15 a'.m. (1 :15 p.m.
PDT Monday) Melbourne ordered the
Evans, which was ahead of her in the an-
tl-subrflarlne.screen, to change course to
~scue a destroyer station utern of ber.
"Evans approached 1 collision course
and despite \U'gent action by Melbourne a
collision occurred." .
The carrier ploughed into the left or
porl side of the Evans, near lhe engine
room, culling her ln half and &ending the'
forward section -lo the boltom of the sea
within minutes. The aft section remained
anoat and the ?tfelbourne secured \his lo
lllC carrier. A search of the wreekage
was then made.
The Melbo\Jrne suffered a IOW: foot hole
In her bow above the water Une, her
fll.aht deck WIS "dl!torted •rid the c•ta-
pult Is unserviceable," Kelly said. No one aboard the Melbourne was hurt.
The 371-foot. 1$-year .. ld Evans, which
h8' been a..r,ned lo patrols and ln-
telllgeoce millions off Vietnam In recent
yeairs, wu knowo as tbe "grey ghost"
durlng the Korean War. .
Durln1 that COftf1.ict ahe ateamed·cloee
e.long the tnet'I\)' cONl, blHllna away at
l&hore bitt.erles and then sttmed to
vanish. accor'dlng to 11'1' !'fflclal hlrtory.
At one pomt, ahe. uhderwent . c:ooatant
bombardment from three dirtd1on1 for
90 minutes ntar Wonsan -and bcapeit.._
unharmed. --
:Nix on ·an Peace Quest
W GTON (UPI) -J'l:t$ldent to Ille Sun<!Q rneellng wllh Thieu. aa •ill
Niuo today began a peace mission Iha! Defense 5ecrelary Melvin R. Lain! and
takea IUra from a amtll South ~ col-other senior polley men in the aovem-
lege to the Midway Wands in the Pacific ment. •
Ocun. Nixon planned to remain at San
He will iptnd nearly three daya at his Clemente unW Saturday morning, spend
new $500;000 home Jn San Clemente that nlgbt on Waikiki Beach at the
befQre ~ foc SundJiy's meeUna with Kah.ala Hilton Hotel In Honolulu, then set
Soulh v1eliiiiii•1 Prte(cltot Nroeo van out wl7 Sunday lllOmlng by Jet
Thieu on lllldway ~· lranspOrt 10< Mldway, a llflhl of about
This peace quest Involved not only war three .ho;,zn from Jfoooluhl. .
In Southeast A.ala, but unrest and violence A hlgbly tentaUve Wlute llouse
in America schedule allowed over six hours for the
· Nlsoo-Thieu meeting in a U.S. naval of. En routei Nllon acheduled two major flcers club. 'Ibl! schedule, however, was
addf....,_ Finl, this alternoon at jj<Ct to l'<Vislon between Washington
Geoeral B(adle College in Madl.soo, S.D., Saigon There were SUQestiom in
where he concentrated.~ what the. wr,Jte uh1ngton • circlet the meeting might
Houae described u baalc: valGtS of run cooslderably less than aix hours -or
America currtnUy ~r cballenge... mort! tf Nixon and Thieu hit It OU and
Liberally tnnatated, lhia-lll<&lll-<1mpus ftnd-.,.... of roductive dJscuuion. unrest, violent demonatraUom and what P
Nlson re&anis u dangerou1 alippage of -..
In any case, Nixon's schedule Is fiu!d
and called for little men tl)an returmna
to -Honolulu someUme Sunday . nlP!.
Presumably Nlxon and Thieu would not
part on Midway without bsulng a jOlnt
Nixon hoped to catch up on his aleep ln
HaWall Sunday night. HLs family -wife;
lwo daughtera and SOn-ID-law -1190 will
be In Honolulu. On Moodoy the Pmldent
iplanned to fly front HaWaJI \o San
Clemente, spend another night there and
return to the White House In the relativ~
ly early eveflin& oI TueSday, June 10.
• There was speculaUon Nl•on might
want to report to the . American people
shortly after his return to Wa.shtncfon on
what happened at Midway, pruumablf
using radio and television . ln any event,
an early press conference after Midway
s~qied _Uk_e,,11"-·----~--__ _
public respect fOl"law·and order. • _ · i Hi
The chief execuUve lei! Waship&ton at ._r9est ti Story
9 a.m. PDT for Sioux Falla, S.D., , •
switching there to a helli:opter to take
him lo lbe Mac:llson campus ln time for
an addreu and dedicaUoo at a library
honoring Sen. Karl E. Mundt (M.D.)
Mier the Soulh Dakota C<retl\O!>Y. Ille
Pre~d<nt plamled to fiy during the al·
temoon lo Colorado Springs, Colo., where •
he wtD mab \he commencement addreaa
Wednelday morning to the Air Fon:e
Academy'a ltllior clau. : . .
lrviIJe Foundation Offers
l2,703,012 C~arity-Gifis .
The James Irvine FO<Jndatlon announo-The White House aald the Air Force
Academy speech would involve "the
United States role tn the world and the
role of defenae in our aoclety."
Wednesday afternoon, after th e
Colorado Sprinp ceremony. Ille Pr<Sl-
der.t planned to fly to his new CaWomta
coastal residence at SID Clemente, and
spend most of Ulree days there, bOning
ui: on-pos1uon papen relating to 11Ueu
and South Vietnam, in addition to work-
ing on a number of entirely domesuc
matten. •
• eel grants totaling $1,703,012 Monday to
charitable organizalio!IS wllhln Ille State
of Caltlornta. -'
larger than the ezpeded grant. The 1981)'
allocations were expected io be twice
Ille lllSM7 figure o! 16M.091.
The Irvine Foundation declined to glvei
a breakdown o( the oontributlom, but It
was learned from other 90W'CeS that.
the largest single grant will be to 1he
Honnold Library of the Claremont Uni·
_vei:sii, group. ---
He might send Congress one or more
messager on domesUc subjects from San
Before leaving WashfnBton today, NI•·
on summoned an unusual joint meeting
of the cabinet and the NaUonal 'Security
Council (NSC), ostensibly to hear a first·
hand report from Secretary of State
William P. Rogers on b.Ls recent eight·na·
Uon tour of the Far East.
Rogers will accompany lhe President
Foundation President N. Loyall Mc-
Laren said that funds of 11.m ,IOO will
be dl!Uibuled to 48 organlutlons In
Soutbern Caltlornll-to schools, hospitals
and )'Ol'lh and w-'lm_lfOU,.._ _
ThP allocatlon Is Ille larg,.t In the
history of the fOWldation IJld is .much
From Pqe 1
passengers, T. Smith of Long Beach, was
aald to be about 17.
Meanwhile the search for the pas.sen·
gen and crew. of the one-time lux·
llry vessel w a s ezpanded w I th
two fixed wing aircraft and a
helicopter from the Coast Guard.
The endowment of IS00,000 wil) be
known as Ille A. J. McFadden Endow·
ment ln h(l)Or of foundation director-McFadden, an Orange County plooeer.
'Ibe Whtttier College Board of Tru!·
tees, at a meeting Monday afternoon,
annoi'fnced that they will receive a
grant of SS0,000 from the foundatlOIJ. 'Jbese grants are the first since lMM'T,
because of a pending court action. A suit
filed after that grant questioned the
foundation's ownership of the Irvine Co.
stock. The case was appealed to tbe U.S.
Supreme Court and 't.be ruling was in
favor of the foundation.
The things we do for people ...
260 OeNn A'N'!Ut
l.lruna Buch, Cllilorn i1
T1Jtphone: 494·7541
l .. u,.. Nltutt S ~.., "'" TN[lllone: 499-1840 • 496-1 201
S.~ Cle!Mntc tot fol. 0 Clmifle lt••l Ttle~491·1 195
INTtM:ST ptN .,. I0"'4.JS JllCCOUffT'S
(! ,.., •1.000 1'11nln!ulll) "" ........ -21%
IOf(lll DMDCHO b --_,._,,._ .... _..,..,.,... ..............
INTOEST Jl'lld.,,__...~ ma rtfl%" campau ..... .., ... _,.,.
.•. with pleasUre l Like aending a depositor in
Slvitzerland an extra packet ol our monthly
magazine .•. to give friends a better picture of
how we look an~ Jive in bursaoning Orange
County. USA. ·
Our dynamic growth is an import~t reason why
savers from all over the world invest in .L4guna
Federal Savings. They 10Jowthat OrangeCaunty's
Largest, First and Strongest independent Federal
offers them deep security and absolute maximUm
return on sare, insured savings. This kind of
interest looks good-even from the 1cenic A1ps.
And fs.r·off savers at Laguna Federal Savings
often become nearby neighbors. One good thing
'leads to another.
DAY-JN to DAY·OUT iot11r1111 ob a.II •ccount1
B• •vr• ro r•• roar ata.nnlar eo•••"'°,."••
Bieenlenniel Melo.llloa-ln 1olld Lr••••
or 1il••r-a&ntel: "'1 IM S111ta o/ CoU/ornio to
t:eJ11-.r. fta heo b.d,...,,.annlHrMP)'l. Oaaola ar
oar t1t re• o//iee1, fro .. l••• 16.
E _,
' ( ,
•• 1
Col g
nit :• ..J
"' co c. .
111 lb • '
lb p,
"' di
al •
r. Ji
" "' T ..
I< -
ti • ti
-' T
.. . ( .
'.rt,JESDAY, ~UNE 3, )969 voe. 62, NO. "132, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES
Lagu·na,· Clemente Wive ·s Awaiting
Hopefully and prayerfully thrte women ~ all elementary acbool teach<n -:.a11
today for some word of their husbands
-who wen aboard the yacht Goodwill
which sank in Mexican wat.en.
-~'!n~µtJ}~ ~~a=~
have their hopes pinned on a Coast Gu•rd
alr-.cll around remains ol the 161-lool
$51111,000 Yl'Cht today. · '
Mrs. Bernard Start, 35455 El Camino
Real, Capiltrano Buch; Mrs. Jerry
Comtock, 32202 Vista de Catallna, Three
~ Bu:..and.Mn. Walter ZaJas. Z16
Princesa St., San Clemente, lotlether go
" * * *
throqb the ordeal or waiting (or word
and praying tbat H will be good.
Walter Zaiss was eqglneer aboard lhe
ill-fated craft. lt was be who asked Start
to Serve aboard the boat. Both men were
in the general construction business..
The b1p aboard the Goodwill began as
a p~~yage althougb. lhe ahlp·w ..
to have some..J ~ork done on decU and
hull while In paJa Calilornia, Mrs. stark
Tbe !loodwill bad been In dry
prior to leaving for the N~ trip
sometime around February.
'stark joined the GoodWlll May 20 and
WA! one of three new crewmen who came
aboard to bring the yacht back from
Mexican waters.
Zaiss had been on other trips with
yafbt owner Ralpb E. Larrabee of
Newporl Be«h, tlirlltlne E;rnest, Za!Js'
"8-year-old ~.said today.
Mrs. eom.tock who could DO\ be COD•
' " Today~sFbull •
' N.Y. Stoeks
tacted today, was btlng c:omlorted 1iy
friends whll6 waJUng for some Word. ·
Her husband, said by acqualntanct1 IO
be about IO, is reportedly In the tloctrlCll
busin.., and an "'.ll!l""lllWI who enJoia
his weekend volleyball at Three· Arcli
!lay. -.
Down the
S.an Clemente ·Ro .lls Out Hopes Dim
ForYacht · ·· • ' I -• • . .
Survivors Welcome Mat for NixOns
DAILY ,ILOT ....... ...., Viejo Parkway
Qpen to Traf fie
MISSION VIEJO -A ooe mile stretch
cl Marguerite Pari':&y, MWk>o Viejo's veldeu18r backbone, ts now open to traffic
between Oao Parkway i.nd La Paz Road. .
1be section of roadway north of La Paz
b expected to be opened in about onelt'.
year and the portion south of Oso
Parkway should be opened In about 18
rnonths, said Frank Fehse, vice.president
(Jf engineering Coe the MIS3ion Viejo
Cliances that 'the nine pe,_, alloont
the wr<eked Goodwill oll the Bala C4llfomia Cl)&st escaped .,.ere dbnmed tQi1iY ~ lfWaS ~ thlfthe
two ~ were still in· daTits.
"Thls poialbly 1-n dwtces that
anyone ~ the wnclced · vesief.'' a
Coast Guard spokesman at San Diego
"lZ 1 . Wednesday
Company. "
Marguerite Parkway Is the only major
north-south traffic artery in Mission Vie-
jo. When complete, rmtorlst! may drive
from the northerly Burroughs Corp. plant
to, the soul.hem boundary of the com-
munity at Saddleback College.
• College 6et1 Grant
LAGUNA lllLLS -The Saddleback0
College Scholarship Fund has received a Piii check from the Laguna llills RoiaO'
Club. -•..
,p., Fred H. ·-· pnsidea! ol the ~ ~ 11\e cl>eck lnllll the _.. pFll..i.ct, SleWlit" Qm.
·• Dral11 Plan Sia,_ ·.
''l,(aster Plan of Drainage" for the
Capilttano Valley arta,will be presented
to the Board ol Supervl,...s today by
C"111ty Flood. Control Cble( Engineer
George 0.!lbome.
Osborne proposes that lhe study ~
thJanced with $10,000 contribution by the
.county and $5,000 by the city of San Juaa
Lowry Engineering Science ol 121 E.
W~ SL, Santa Ana would draw up
the 1Uggested master plan.
• St!llHJ Co1t1 Studied
CAPISTRANO BEACH -loquiries as
to tbe cost of a 40-acre Laguna Niguel
Ille for a aetond Caplstrano Unified
Scbool District high school were authoriz.
ed Monday by the board of trustees.
Trustees ..... tnfonned that grading,
and drainage and other improvement of
the proposed 8ite at Crown VaJley
Parkway and Moulton Niguel Parkway
will cost about $750,000. Th.11 is in ad-o
dlUon to the land cost Itself.
Assistant Superintendent Joe Wimer
was Jnstructed to cootad the Laguna
Niguel Corp. and begin lallm !or purclwe
d the aite.
The two skiffs were found tO be sun at·
tached to the davits when Harry Boland
a former navigator aboard the Goodwin:
hc.vered over the wrecked vessel.
The boats were originally reported to
be missing, iruticaUng that owner Ralph
Lariabee an4 eight passengers may have
abandoned s&p and made it to Geronimo
I.;land some four miles away.
Meanwhile there was confusion and
conjed:ure u to how many ·penons were
actually aboard the 161.foot schooner
when she fetched up on Sacramento Reef
some ZOO miles south ol San Delgo.
The Coast Guard said reports that
there were a dozen or more persons
-·-lluod .. plll tnn-· llatlng "they tbou&ht lriericb ... idau""---ban:::~" . AtUmt ---p,..i. -ol~ 1' lnUtrlesstates
J>Ol)llftly tilt!! -ortly ·Dint ptl'!OllS
aboard tbe GOOdwill -wben she departed
on the Mui.Can cruise.
Knievel does not dixount the possibili-
. ty that Larrabee may have picked up one
or more Mexican nationals as deck
bands, as is customary for yachtsmen
cruisiDB MerJcan waters.
The body of a teen-age boy Jocated by
Mei:lcan fishermen has 'lot been Iden·
tifled·as one of the passengers aboard the
Goodwill. However, one or the
j)assengers, T. Smith of Long Beach, was
said to be about 17.
Meanwhile the search for the passen-
gers and .c r e w ol. the one.time lux·
uey v~l w a s expandl!il w I th
two fixed wing a.lrcraft and a
beli<;9Pter from the Coast Guard.
Kn.i\?vel said four private planes
chartered by the comp111y have 81.so join·
eel the search.
Divers from Geronimo Island have
been sent .down to search the wreckage.
The hull u completely !Rlbmerged with
only one mast above water.
One of the paS.!lengers aboard the 229
ton, 161-foot vessel, Pair I c ia Nien-
hauler, 48, waa said to have been the
niece of the late Eugene Biscailut Ionctlme sheriff of Los Angeles Q>unty. '
~ll:age of the Goodwill was pMitive-
ly .~ at 11 a.m. Sunday by Marlow
I • .~ O.tiltY:.UT·• ....
' Pr~or to Midw•y1Talks With Thieu, A Stopover at S.n Cltmentl's.\¥bite HouM W11t' • ·
Meets Requirements •
Laguna's Jack-in-box
Moving Smoothly Ahead
OCCA Support&
. Coast Highway
Beauty Plat1S
OraJ):ge C.ounty Coast AssoctaUon direc-
tors today endorsed a atudY ef plans to
beautify the Pacl!lc Coast Hl.ll'iWay from on~ end~ the county line to the other.
restaurant at 1201 S. COUt Highway. The iroposal caltS for maintenance of Marn, a part.Owner of the ves9el and of· With .city planners' blessings on park·
1 ficlal· of Ralph La:rrabee's L&F machine Ing lot landscaping already in thf bag
industries. Mmt flew to the scene in a -_... · '"""" MISSloN' VIEJO -'nae first adult Cout Gmrd plane and identified the two di~ a sign program which meet: cli.y re-
"Ttiey have submitteCI a sign proposal the beautified hliJ:lway by the state, once
which metls clty requlrements and we It reaches eallfomla'a standards as a
are awaiting their tor,mal application," scenic route. · · ·
_fHneu RS.!lion of the Mlsaion Viejo masta ltk:tmc frclll tbe water on the quirements. aJI Is smooth sailing IO far
Rec:reltiOll ceoter will be held Thursday reef. for Laguna 1 Beach's Jack-·In-"nle-Box
at 7:30 p.m. at the center, 25IOO Mon-s.er-am!rdo Beef nma aJ)oU1 four miles restaurant. .
said · Clyde s,rinse, clty planning aod -At the same time, ,the Coist Auocia-
buildlng director, Joµo..lng the mee\Jnl· tion l!oard bac~t<hWly ln>m plflllglng ln-
Ztit Vogel, vice president of callfornia to the offah<te. oll ttf'illlrc emtroversy
Neon products, San Dieso, which ls.ma\· without lh9roogh itudy, .
Own Day
San Clemerite will tum Otjlt tn force
Wedoesday to welcome President Niloa
and his family, ID their new home ln •lhe
As the Nixon entourage deplanes from
1 hollcopter at the Cout Guard LORAN
elaUon during the . noon hour. the San
Clemente Hish School Band will ball Ibo ddll ..
So will MaYor Wade F. Lo..er who baa
~ W~.'.'Wajaal.,fll+ :m~~~~!i ·::!~
the papUJ.ee ol thJs seulde resort will
tum ool
Victor C. Andrews, Mr. Nixon'• Or&n,e
Counly campoJln manacer, • .atd tho
President, hll wife, daughten Tricia ud
Julie and aon-.in-law David E~,
are to arrive bf helicopter .it the Cou&
Guard facility between nooo and · U:llt
p.m. Gates will be open to the public at
10 a.m.
AndrtWs tenned the visit u sirictly a
.work teaion prellmlnary 1 to ' t b e
Presldellt's _ departure Sa~ I o r
meetings on Midway. No aoctaJ plons In
Orange. Coonty have been announced.
Tbe Prealdential enlourqe IS. apected
to ~·aboard Air Fon:. One at El
Toro !\llirine Coll>' Alf ·Slalion at' ll:IO
a.m. Wednesday and pauS. only briefly
before boarding the helicopter to s.n'
Andrews estimated that · the San
Clemente wtlcoml..ng etremonlea mJcht
take 20 to 30 minutes.' Tbe Presliletltial
party will then be driven lhn>ugh the
gates of the old Cotton estate overlooking
the turf.
David Eisenhower la scheduled to ac-
ccmpany the Pres\dent to Midway .Jlland
wf)ere Mr. Nixon will hold a rouhtf· of
lalb with south Vietnamese Pmldtnl
Nguyen Van Thieu.
The ladies are expected to atay ln San
Clemente until Saturday morning whea
the Prtsidtrlt ntea to Hooolulu en ,..te to
-Drive, Miaioo Viejo. olbhon r-Illa Gelullmo oil the In C001merctal zone! the only controls
lMUudJoo 'frill be avallable lor welshl malnland ·ol Baja Colllomla. There is a • the.city .Mchlleclure -'Ind-Land -Ure llftln& ind llldlViafiil WoriootP!Oifirrii: ~-o·Y!Jlaili' iiD 'Ibo illaDd ol Geronimo SUpervi!lon IAL'il comm~ may ex-
Sasiona may be held-on Tuelday and -bl!l,llil lllllW!oclla--lodge ol lllY ....t:D:i>e~on parking, Jands<ape and.sign.
Ing tlle alll) ior the reataurant; said the ~Ion Pi<sldtnt ~ Blackbum
box from whl.j:h Jac:k looms ?verjlea(li a said the ~fiRliiUon ii ••a polJU~I ~
Oa\ double faced tquare which is ~leet · eeHr"-w -----··~-·--
by six feet in sb.e. 1 --• ~ --!'l oukL.not....JJJl!J. our auociaUon to
Mr. Nmm plans ID ny back to Honolul~
Sunday eveblng, aptM· th< night lhe'!J
and retum·for another-_.;ght slay.In.
San CletJt~on.fiylna~lo.Wul>lngloo __
late Tutsday.
Tburtda7 eveo.inp.· There is oo charge. ltritvcn el the wreck. · areas. 1be Goodwin. W..· m route to Eneenada Monday nlgh\ planners approved U;le "We are no\ going to have a square take a st.and unW we know wtw we 'i'e
box. We changed Crom the standard box talking about," he. aaid .
Laguh8ll Given
Dr.ugs Sentence
A La1UM Boadl mll) -Wegal porklnll ol bis car on an Art Colony llr<et
led to hll ams! oo dno& dlargea lias
-aenletlc<d to Ill dlf• In Orqe
County Jail.
Bamlil Fr<etnan, 18,~ol Cajod 81., dr:eW
thal ..... and -)'WI prGIMitioo ,_
Soportor Court Judie' J.-r. JlllJit.
lie pleaded auJllY le. .... -ol llllli-J...... .
.......... Wll muled last Maidl I
while beh>g questlon'ld on the llltgal
P11kll11 ol hb 1uto by a Laguna officer.
The olflctr not«I the II.op ol a plasllc big ~ ln>m Freeman'• pocllet, the -...i. .ol •bll:lt ,.ere auboequently
·found to be marljuana. .
Stoele ltJ•rkeU
N!:\t YORK (AP) -Tbe -market c-wtlh IROlher loa loday In a con-
Unualbl ol Ibo lllde (rom 1he 1181 high
atlalned thne -qo. (Set quota..
Uw, P•1t1 1~11):
from Cabo fan tutu, .., lat Port of parking lot landscaping for the praposed
call on a trip from Acapulco. She ,.U,urant which wW be constructed on ty~ l1&n to a double·faced, fiat algn in So a conuQlttee was formed to study
(!et GOODWW. Pqt I) · the site ol Laguna'• Wheel House order to meet lhe code." he explained. the issue.
Lester Remmen, fint vice preskienl of
Capo School Crisis Ends
the association, said the I O • t e a r
beautiftcatlon program would involve!
four major areu · of bigh)Vay tm-
provemeat: conatz:ucllon of underground
uUllUes, conttol ol b!Jlboarda alonf the
route, landscaohll and maintenance.
ltem!Oel'll .aid he waa )/oPtlui Ulitt Ille
Paclllc Coll! HlghW.y atudy' coOld ~
fln81lCed by dil'l•tions from ; mo lh-
dustrles and Jar'ie IJnd owners. ' ' Tr~es Re~h Salary Agreement With Teachers
raoluilon granting the ttachen' pro-qut$lt Wll not availabie, but t.eache.rs
pooala. the board unanlmolllly opprov«I maintained thll It was.
· A 11nin.r ~ tut' year by thel South
Coast • Sctnlc 'Alaocl1tJon com1rll the
Coast Hlglntay from Tbrte Arth Bl)' to
Dana Point waa !Jnanced that way, Jt"1>.
. ~ . . 11!1 JACK CRAPPELL t -., .. __... ....... )
• "It lo 1111 ~ '° -th1t ...
will all be "' duty tooa>rt ow do)nl our
UIUal pd Job ol -bioi.
'111ot_by __ Mot,
. pmldtnt ol the Clpllttlno Unili«I
Education ~lion_. summed up a tbree-bour board ......, Monday night
In which -occepltd teacher demandl for an GDfllHnCI aalary contract
and a joint llninoe (act-tindlng --mlttee.
Men than 1IO ~ and obeerv11n
!crowded the old Serro School audltorhun
or Ille botlrd mtetln(.
Ali« ·~ haaJlnl bet•-tucberl and lrutlea over wordln1 ol a
I ·(,. .
• •
the matter. · Teachers threatened to abandon their
1be acllon apparently ends, for now, claurooms un1ea negoUa~ w~e re--
the baUle over teachers' salaries. opened. Trustees and the tt.a.Chers' as&0eiation The open end contract proVk1es that
had been at odds since M•Y 2S When the aliy additlonal funds which might be
board enacted over teacher oppollUon a received by \he dis\rlcl neJ\ year from as
pay artt fringe benefit Increase: yet unexpected JOUtte• be. g!ve.n con·
Te1cber1 bad asked for a range of from UderaUoo tor use as tuchers salaries.
mert,Mted. ·
Better a Beehive
Than .Scorched Roof
18,100 to 113,400 with ·all medil:al lnl • TlfO otudy.~t!ee.dir<CUy Involves
oulanct-PIYD'l"'b poid !or Ille 'tmploja !ht ·•'*'' oaapc/al!on . In tiudptaty J,()11 ANGELES (AP) -A. maid ...,: !>la lamllY. • • . ' -. • ~, , , . ' llto!lght the• lie!! WIJ to anol<e out a
The botlrd granted • r-o! 111,750 lo . , ~on Preildfnl lo!oe-lhat the 1wonn ol bets In a dilmney wu to alarl
113,210an4paymentolJUOC:th_eteacher'1 . O<doilJ'f'll*~.IOl.n¢.,'much· ~llrela!/!tf~•. · • . ~e that t& bo4rd h•d ~':"£f~it~;'ft:~~: ;i:;.~~~b:=tec1~~
uN!alnllJ . s'11rY' talk!. 'Ille . \l!'ra . ~ Ii/,~; W!Jl Ct\ . top ot:•·I'~ fllliadM,~· Firtmen
board ..id lhat money !or teici1er h-'""1r l~ll' lhftol It.•, I,~ ~ llllliDiaie4~ ~.at 111,000, ... ~ . " ' . . ~ .. ":''\. .
' ' ..
> I
U you're lC9kfnl for a chance
Jn the weather, , bet&er: cet away
from the Orange Coast, where Wed~'• ~ook la the same
okl etory-"'.""" low clouds, hazy sun-
shine aild 701.9b temperaturts.
Th< eo11Un.ino •lorvlo/ P•ll'
to1l P1c:tct fl ftb1o "dU~tmutd,"'
bul fll plith-of probw.I r<-
moini un.sotved. ,Paot. JS • =-; ( .......... lN*
C-ltt 1•
-II ............... -. ......,.., .... .....,,,,,,,,, "
,...... Jt.11
IWI: ~ ''
-H ............. '' '~u.i..;
-I ::: ,_· = =--= '1 ...... """' ,. J.-,i ,.... ,,.,. .... ...,,. ~ ............... "\ ...... 11 ·
-II -. -·-.. ..... .-...
' .
Concert Critic's · Cliore: ·
Euphemism Set to Music
CM ,_. O./tf """ IM"
' ll 11 h'«lutnt\y our prlvlltae (Ind 1lm01t 11 ofltn our plc11111rtl to don our all>or DAii. Y PILOT htl -ll\11 11i<tllorium«1ent"1 bll or llHdtur lllot
~ b.v thb ntwicpe.pea:'J music critic 11t m1ny Or1n11 County eolrtff
Roll ll\al lf'OUfld )'OW' toncue. lo''' ... aatrtta m!Jllcale.. Th•l'• how we
crltl<t ort ouppootd to wrtl•, Y"' k..,.. 'hrrlbb, ltrrlbb cttllural •nd •111111~
throw ln tbl odd uvolt flirt, brewr1 end m1rhdly neocl1aslcl1t and, by
Oeotlto 11\t,)1'11.ltp 11\tlr IH Ind ,.,.It: "Tl\11 olllp rtolly
k!lowo whtl bt'o wrttJns about:
. Ah, Olldya, but It lsn1t 1111 eaty 18 All 1111'1. It tAkH
...1_ decadt! ar lwo, okl 1lrl, to lna11lt 1ny conctrl pe.rformtr
ln a iitct WA'/. SomtUmu we do It In a not vtry nice way.
'ti ldmll. but th1t11 cNy when ctrtlln J*'l'lt hive: been
"'1 n•uahl1 lndttd, Ilk• pll)lnl tbt "M,..lah" " ti II
""" lllt Poll Hom Oollop.
* .
Ltl'1 ahow you whftt "''" mean. Are you rf?ady, lo\•fl!
Rithto. here we 10:
"ll w11 l!'ldetd dlfUeull, (rom our pArtlcul1r vanu1at
PGlnt. to 1au11 to any 1reat depth the much vaunted acou1tlf?1 ol thla eo11t't.rt
hall. Wt would, to our wa,y of t~nklng, bt belttr quallrltd to comn1tnl on what
wt Uldlnlolld lo a n•w °"""""'" lo rtpntducUon ol .Ound ll'l>O\ a m"" "'phi ..
Ucttlld -line 1rrana11m111t." ·
Jh --wt 1'4 I loo1y 1t•I. '1'1111 olltn h•Pllllll· you know, 1111nn to tllt bubbilnc !loot•-wllt
hind oul 1. couple ot ft'tCI Ockell 11 If you'rfl l"l1tn1-a r.1u .!01& .Bucklt11htlm
Pallet 111'den party and llM!n don't 111v" 1 damn JC ~ou re huna: by your left
loo ~ 1111 rorter1 Ind lllve. lo wolch Ult 1aokt plllli1l '1 111111do lhrolt&h 1
~-· -AiiMliit IMilil,.,U.lllrl. .-..-~--~-
ftdlt.or'1 ttOl4!: N()to llOM'r• gclUftQ "°"" aoah•. If ~"' do"'' '"" ·t•i Hnt. Whll fl .. ot pov Jorn bet_t•r on11 )....J
* Qn to .our Mil JtwtJ ol JourftlliaUc oriUCPm 11\d 11111 limo Wl'il !Aki I
1tlb at 1 l])C!Clllc pcirlormer. 1ttrt'1 OM from our opera collec:Uon : ·
·• •.• and while her rC!nd,rlna ot 11vval key 11i11 w11 1cce:pt1ble, alv·
en lhCI natur. of Lh!t limited prod1.»eUon. WI woukl be rtlucllnt to confu \ht
Hrne cauUoua 11:'?•1 ot 1pprov1I bn th11 11eml-bllltt atqutnce1 thal 11re '° viii! to lhfl w1nton, luttf\11 roll of thl1 votupluOUI iYPI)' 1lrl.
"Mlu Btow wtK!kl nol. we art 1urt, prt&end to "the dlmtnalon1 of1 lh•ll
we uy, 1. Cyd Ch1rl11l'!, 11ld OM! l!xtra pound or two told their tilt q lhe at·
tempted to 1ltp Jnto tha 11plrlt ol that trmputuoua. 1wlrUn1 H1bantt1. It w11
lndttd '\anfortunatt for htr· 1nxlou1 partnfl' that he 1ppi1rtnlly falltd ta takt
Into -1111 foci 11101 hi• olowly oplrolllnc companlon ·wu 1 blot or two oft tbt roualng p.ce . . . " . ' .
Y\lp, 1he war the f11te1l Cinnl':n w1'vt tvtr Mn. And lhe did the
Habolttro ·wllll Ill• Ill' abandon ol • Jll'lftlnl Hortlord.
* · Did Y"' Ill wilt! about conduOlon, Gladyo! 011 yta, love, w1'v1 wrlllon
about lhtm loo. n .... , .,,. popinJlll' or Ult podium wllt couaht our .,.,
· " • , • and wl\111 ll ml)' bt ltrrlbljr 1i1nt pl'do to conduct wllllOIJI 1
baton, It wu dllflcutt IO -•Ill' ochlevtmont IO wlllob lhll dlrtclor ml) ll) dolm. Ilk .._11c1 Inclination • IUrn OYll' -•I Pl,. ol lht ocora ot onct llJd llcillllnf IO .111 .. 1111 1111 :PolJ 11111 ,...,... lo palpably Hiii• ovor lllla -
lllled ond dloturbtnc r<ndlUon ol 1 Mu-..k1 "°" lhll lhould, pet111po,
haw rtmolntd In Ult llbr•'l'· • -
Woolidn, It bo bollor lo ay Whal n -• In plain En1ll1ht
Certainly nol. Jt wouldn't bt half 11 mucl\ fVn· Ind bo1klt1, when we do
It 11111 Wl), IO -I or !hoot WI write obout ..... , '"" IUrl If 11\ef'rt be-lnc compllmented or cut down.
Our Idol Wlnolon Churcl\111 """" .. 1d: "II ... 11 llGll\lnc lo bo pol111 to 1
man, evtn If yod h1vt to murder him .''
Good old Wlnnlt. Chock full of Ult old uvolr loln oncl 1ll lll1I. whit!
lltflnlltly brovuro . . • •
Carrier Rams · U.S~ Ship;
7 4 Crew .Members Lost?
PE4RL HARBOR. Hawaii !UPll -
l'hl AUllrollon navy mlnilter llllld lodoy
ht Lone Dtach ba1ed U.S. de1lroycr
rr1nk E. E•ant turned Into 11 ci>ll11don
:oune momenta bflfore Iha Au1tr1llnn
'lr<:roft cnrrlor Mcilbourne 1dlc1Sd throHMh
.he 1m1ller ahlp and 1ent tha bow 1ecth11•
o lht bottom with heavy lou of life.
"De1plte ur11~t 1otlon by Melbournr ,,
!Olllllon·occurred," lha ofl!ci1l"lt1tcmh11
UAll \' I'll 01
OIAiiOI COAlt fl'l.l .. LllMltrtO COMll.-,J.t"f
.--.-·•~ft"N:-W.W---~ -
Th1111•t 11,,,.,11
111111111 A. M11111~l111
/1Mf\M11'1 ••1111t
fl lth1r4 "· Nin L_..t llhl.~
City Ifill!'
~ ..... otn••
222 f11r••I ;..,,,
Mtllf"'t A44,..•u ,,0 , 11• '''· •1611 --C•I• Mtt.11 JJI W°'! •••I''-" ~ ietdl1 ttll ... , .. "'" .. fle¥111
........ 111(111 "' 1111 ......
The U.8. Dlfena 0.parlmonl 11kf In
W111hln1t.on ont 'man w11 known de11d
n11d 73 wtre ml11tn1 of tho Ev1n11' crew,
A llll.e-mornln1 1111\emOnt 11ld (her 11
wore '200 1urvlvora -190 enll1lad m•n
nnd 10 offlcar1.
Little hopci w11 held for 1urvlval of 111y
nf tht mlaln1 rnen, who 1pp1rtnlly wero
1·nught In the fc)rward part ol tht Evin.~
which unk In' two mlnul4!:1. Thi•
~1 clboumt rescuod th1 o_Lhtr1 from th1•
uft 1ecllon of I.he 1p!I& 1hJp.
All hut one or the 1urvlvor1 -
orl1tnolly .. Icon lbQard tlll Molbourno -
WC'?re later tt1n1terrtd to lht USS
Kearurge, 1n 1ntllubmlrtnl 1lrcr1n
('arrler. one MtrloWll)' tnJurld man w11
flown to 6alaon for ttutment. No 111ur1
'"' 11..,, on tho """'""of ln)ltrod, but 11 111'!nl11A:M ll)Okl!tmln uld ht lhOulbl ·
lhfl ll1t WAI 11hort,,
. An lntlnlH! Mlrob w11 undtr way for
po1111lhle 1urvlvror1.
. Prc11klent Nixon Wit Informed or thn
1•01lh1lon 11oon after II ucoirrtd, lht Wblla
ll011H raid today. "llt 11 kttpln11 In touch
with 1tevetopment1 on lh1 Hlrch for lht!
ml1111lnw 1f!1mc11,'' frciu accretar)' J\onaltl
J, 7.h1gler 11ld. 1rlme Mlnlltcr John
c.torton 1111nt a mc.11111111· to Nlton 11x·
prt111l111 "ch1opt11it 11ymp1thy" Io r
fnm lllc• 11f Aml!.rlc1Jn 11\loi-1 ml111ln1 In
lh~ M:c:klflnt.
Ch1rk!1 It. Kelly, lht A111tr11Uan navy
mlnl•lt!r, ••Id In 1 •tlt.fmont IMUtd In
Cantw!rra Uit 20,000 too •lrcraft carrltr
· and lht! l.200 \oQ dntrQ)'1r W11Jrt 11n1111ed
In "' Joint SEATO 1nll·AUhmrln11 t1erC~
300 mllc1 10Ul.ht!111 Of S•laon whon
dlu11.tr •true.k.
P'or thfl Mcilhnurn#l lh4 lr•1Nly wat
11Nt1nl&ln11ly •lnlllar .t" ntl!l' of F11h, 10,
196'. whtn lht Mtlhwrt10 ~ammtlt 11nd
Nnk UM! Au1tr•ll•n 'de•h'1))''91' Voy1111r
off the cn118l of New 8out11 W11lr•, taking
the llvt• of n •all"' 1bolrd thl
Kelly'• t1flk:l1l \'11r1Wn Cll lilt! acC ltltnt
"The ~· wa1 c11lm 1rw1 It w•~ a br11h1 moonlit nl1ht.
"At 1ppro1/m111111 a· ti• m. ~I 1a p.m
POT Monda1) Melb®mo orrl.,od ti!o
l!:vanii, which w11 •hfild of her In the 1n·
ll·1ubm1rlne IC!r'fl~ t~ eh•n1~ rnurM t.o
(llCUI a dt11trl})'flr ltltltm •Mf!r" of t\llr. -.. -
Oooclwlll ClwMr Lorrollet
l'ro111 Pa9e I
dlPlf\od ~bo Sin Luc11 Ml! II •nil
WIS •llAln rt1ported oU Ccdl"OI IAlllnri -
J.00 mllt!11 110uth of Sin Olt'RC1-on ~Ill) 2~.
\\'h<'n JOn1to1111 11i~nt pllll'(!\I "' n11rlnt
r:nt1<Mt.l111>hone r 11ll to rrlt!nd11 In l..o~
Anatlea 11at1nc thdy exptct~ 10 be 111
~nscintda May i 1.
N01 AfllUVED
When the f.iuel had no\ ~rrh'td In
Jtn"cnad11 li'rld•Y lha Co1t1l 0111rd w•s
alcrtM Ind the 1e~rch M1an.
l.lrrobtt lll11111ll wu -lld lo bo
1111 llllppor llld Mvt.lltor, J'rttndl Wl\o
have ulltd wlth h&m tn Mflic&n w1tn
Ill Ill ii lomJll&r Will\ 11\1 loclUon ol
Slcr....,lo Riii wlll•ll llOlll<llmu 11
1w1!h ll low llde. Tiit Ooodwlll drowo ll
10 11 r .. 1.
Locol y1c:lltom1n lomlllar will\ Ult
hl1lol')' ol IM Ooodwlli rte1ll lll1l lht Ill•
bl!en lnvrolvtd In ttvtr•I olhtr 1ealdtntl
durlnt I.ht Ume ahe w11 berthed at
Newport. .
In IMI lhe r1n •tf'Ol.lnd na1r Cedro1
ltloncl and 1tr1ndod ts Plutnc•n until
1111 tra l'tllOtlod und1m11od by Ult old
ol lllth lido and 1 Colll Oultd v1 ... 1.
In lMI oht rlmmtcl I llllllnc Yllltl IO
milH WHI ol llM Dlt .. II nlitll, kllllnt
ont Pl"°" oboard 1111 omall cron. A
Ootol'Ouwd ln-lfollon lllot lndk>olod
1111 nmtn1 cr1n•1 runntn1 llthll wort nol
bumln~ Short attar &ht llN llonoluhi ract -
In whlc t\or topm111 c1rrltd IWl,Y In
atormy 1e11 -Larr1btt hid hll dlf·
r1(.'ijlUe1 wtlh tho lnttl'nll Rtvenut
Service ovar al•ablt IMlntu dtdu~tlon1
ho llld clllmod for tho J.aa!ll In con•
necllon wllh hi• bu1lne11.
'1'111 Goodwill ht• bttn lor lmn 1 "lut·
Ul')'" yachl In lllt paol few yooro. When
nen In tht!H ~ 1ht w•• Mt 111re1ktd Ind ippeart<f lo be In I -Illy l'\U\o
down condition. •
' 'Mrs •. Thompson
Dies; Funeral
Set Wednesday
· Funt"r11l 1crvlcc for Mr1. \Vilma
Thompeon, 11 4~·YtAr lA1un11 Bt11ch re•I·
1tant, wl\I 00 h111d Wednc11d1y 1t 11 a.n1.
at thn Sheffer Lquna Jlc!1ch Mortuary
Chapel, 971 S, Cmu1t IU1hway, IAauna
Uc1ch. Mr1. 1'hompl0n dl~ Sunday. She
Wl\8 f&,
Mr1. Thom!>'lon 1uMt htr latt hu1b1nd 1 O. I~. Tho1n 1>3nn, mn\'M to l.11g11n1 In
1023, wharci he wn11 n rrnl 1111tat11 •n<I In·
1ur1nct1 brok<'r. ~1nt Thompeon llved nt
200 r11rv1ew.
Mrs. Thomp8on w11 • charttr mtmbttr
l'lf the 1!:1111lorn ~!Ar ind hnld 1cvor11l ol·
llcr1 In th<1 ori,:nnliallon. She w1111 alMI A
s111ir Point und f>rgonllt for lht aroup 11nri
itho w111 an 1tmttflllnl1t tor 1 JA;auna
Choral club In the city'• early d1111.
Prior to C't'Mntna: to L•Rttna BNcb, Mrr.
't'homp1en toured the mki·WH\lm 1ll1.tt1
wllh 1 e>0mpany &!Yins· dramatic pro.
ar1m1. Shi tauaht dram1Uo 1rt1 end
11v1 rHdlnp aft tr comln1 to the city .
Mrl. Thomp!!On b1 1urvlved by • IOn,
Robort £. Tllompoon ol P1nonm• CllJ:
a 1l1ler, Lllll•n Holmtil of New -Dtlhl,
1ndl•: I brath4'r. H. lM K11mmtytr or
L•Cllll• Baoch, 11141 lhN>• 1rond<lllldrtn.
S1rvlce1 at the mortu11ry ch1pel wlll be
ronducted by tho Rev. 01111111 Turntr nf
Ufo Community Prtlbyltrlan Church.
llur \iil wlll bf) prtv1t11.
l<'estival Ticket
Sa les Booming
Ticket ult• thl1 yc111r far the Ye1Uval
ul ArtJ and P•Al!lnt f>f \ht M11tor1 aro
runntna·1bout '31,000 1h•11d or lhon 1111\
you 11 U.i• Umo. l\obC!rl l.lpporl,
V..Uvll bullnffll m1na11r, llld,
Ltpptfl uld • Into comparlaon
hltwllft the numt>tr of Hit• .old
bttwHn tho twn y111r1 In not po111lbl1 on
tho bo•~ ol '"'''i>l' bo<ouat llcket "'"'" havt '-'" lncroalltd and • perlormaftCe
hi! bot• oddt'l.
Tkktta for the 44 JW1rform10011 tlf the
' rttaeani run from M to n. "D11•l
"lllabil -'" Ult! II tlek•ll." Allno
Morrill, box nrlle• m1nfl1'r """"· ,;~11n lhoH •11rt • t0lil C!!ll..Jor 8•t11r11r1
pt!fonn•nc••·· Thi Jr111tlv11I of Ari• WJll run h11tn Jult
11 lhroulh Alli · 14. llool• f« tho f'•IM!"!t
fJf tM M"11ttr1 1r" trltdll lt.ln11ll1 MM 111.t
Pl'i« lo lhf •Pt"'"• .~ '"' 1,, ... ,. h.!tllYAI,
..;:: __ _ --=--
-T'" ,,,..._-' ---.... -------~-,.
• ... • lplrlmtnl blllkfotl ""'J'Htd
dlMllllott over revlHcl mlll\lpl• rtilolon·
tlll <R-.ll eontnc otondohta u th.,,..,,
boloro Lqun1 -ploMtn M~ nlthl In •tr•<h of rtllol In Ult form of vlf'lolKu,
El'nlll L. Schroeder, wholo vorlonct
"'llllll lo build • IO untt ~· bulldilll 11 Ill t.owor CW! Drl .. llU
dtnlad \lll&nlmoo1ly by cllJ plonnm, '1oo
met wlU1 1nsry prott1ll from hit
nol1llbor1. ·
The propoed 1lructure which txettda
11t111\1 llml11 by obolil 10 IHt 1100 -
rctller Crom 1id1 y1rd and den:tll)' ~~
r.Thia r1pr11tnll tht rldlcal chi"" In
1111 new o••l1111n<t. I nltd prtvlouoli ond
nl)'. pl1na ·did comr,ly will\ t h 1
oi'alnanct," ht commen .ct.
MOii of 111• ntilllbort pm111I ol Ult
n1C'?«.lna proh!ated" th1t tho Pl'OPOlld
buUfllnJI would ruin tht!lr vltwl however
Dotolhy Donntlly. Ill Lo ... r C 111 llrl .. ,
ookf 11\t 1upportod S.hro<d<r'1 propouL
"Ptopl• wont JOU lo·drop dttd boclUM
you bott1ht that tKptnlivt property ind
th•y htvt tllal chlap -rly back
tht1rll." "ht eomm~ntM, · 1ddl"8. "lt'11
1 lnH! lhll 11pAet WAI dtvelo~ for •
Pl1nntr11 did approv~ "' variance re• ·
~uesl \Cl th at Los An1elt~ l'ron and Stttl .
Co. m1y C001lrut1 an 11 -onll aP1rlmtot
bulldtnc 11 111~11 C)>pre11 0r1.. by
· dcvl1tln1 1llghUy from ln11)()8td re111IA·
"fte&1rdlee1 of tM. declskln, I want you
to rtvltw lht pr10Ucalll1 ol lht R·3
ordln1nca. It'• over-n1trttllve. If you do
approvt our variance 1'9C(latlt, I hopo you
ck!f\~ OOMl!\lt our rtql.Mll 11 approval or
Ibo onlllllnct,0 Nkf ._ ..... llllltr •
<lfl<IOlllloUyt of ll'tl\lllclJ Wiit ort
dHtpinc \ht blllkflnt, ·
Thi Df'ODOltd atrUof1~Cl'OIChel rtaA lllon i...; fMt col~ on toi.i
tldoyord rtqu~1m1nt1 lo 1bolit I
bc!dtoom mort lhan •llowtd by dtn1lt.y
rtqUll'tl1ltnl1. Allllouth only II parking
1ree1 art c11ltd for. th• plan al'°"' for
Nelg.hborlna property owner1 prot11t1na
lht plan lncl\lded L1rry Kronqullt, aoo N.
CoHI H11hwoy, wllt 11kf Ill 1pok1 lor
other ownara on that blO<lk.
Pl1nntt1 approved tho variance re•
quHI but llld open •Pl<t roqW-onl•
en ts . ·IDpposeCI
ra OICay ne,Denr r
mutt bo n:"' ...i, lllt dtvtlopor "'°"Id adhonl lo • Jlttllllt plot pion oncl <ti'
lain loncllc:oplnc oncl olley 1111...-,11
m~ be 1><0Yldld. I~ olhtf lltllll\4li Mbadl)' nlll\l, plan·
ner1 :
-0.ll!td • htotlnl on 1 condlUon11 uK Pll'l1lll ......,, !if l:alvll1 Churall to
... P,nt'Culli ,,.. .• Dl'l••lo dl) ocl>ool,
1 lll'Hdllll and dlM '1'111 lltorln1 w11
doloytd bot•Ull fll'tl nOllC8 Hnl out on
the malttr did not taplaln lh1l tht day
lchool Ula Wla prpoitd. ,
-0.11,Ytd lo ll\o-Junt I 1tud)< Hulon I
tondlllonlfUll l"ft1\Jl NflUHI b1 Lynn J,
-Oronlld l:monutl Wolnlr pvmlaolon
lo oporale ltllrillon oncl ul11 ofloo In 1
llthl manullclurlnt ...,. II lllHlll
....... ~!told. • ..•
-Adol>ttd 1 l'HOlullon lril«Pitt!fil
otdeyord Mlbacka f\lf lr!q\11•~ loll.
.Normally 10 pc!l"ttnl of the ltnct, not to
et-11vtn fll<>I, lo rtqulr<d. Ho~1 Jiii r<IOluUon NYI In I .... of ...
1h1ped 1o1a,.oldl)'1rd oetbacllo ml)' I!<
elllltr 10 porconl ol lllo wldlll ol lbo fol it
111 butkftnc 111back 11n1 or 10 ptfttftt or
!ho avtragc width or the lot.
-Appruvtd Mn AJ.3 report rccum· ...
mtndln;: approval on U}(! reviled ~
plon rot Richard Jones who wants to
put I ocrttnlnl In fl'onl ol 1111 111 ohop
ll 111 OllMlyrt· SI.
F•lle•t Statement-
N ixon Assails Radicals
For Camptts 'Arrogance'
MADISON, s. D. 1UPl1 -rr .. tdonl
Nixon 11ruck back todt)' 1t camj)\11
r11dlc1d1 who ''bldly" collqe autboMU..
Into ytoldln1 lo dtmaDdll ond dttlmd
thl• "Hll.ri1hloou1 morol ~net 1111
no pl1ct lr1 1 ftM cornmunlt.y!
Nixon, apaaklna .on th• c1mpu1 · ot "
•moll Soula\ Dakola coJlqo, lpGko ol l\1\111h 1bolll dlloldor1 Clll'l'tl1llY .Wl'ICk· Inc Mitri•\• lnotllullona iii htcitor lffrnlnl. Tiit ~ult addrooa waa_tho
Prtoldenl'• llil1HI otoi.mont' )'ti on Ult
otudonl d{fOrden. H• 1pok1 al 0-•I
S.1dl1 a .. i. <loll,.. •1 lht tlodtcallon or
1111 ~orl l'J. M~nd! ~lbriry.
Nixon ••kl 11 A att•t n1nny ~hi h1vt
become tmp•UGnl with the d"mocr1\\c
proctll. .
"Scorntnc p1r1ue.1lon. they prtftr C'Ofr·
l'kln. Awar<1tn1 them111lvt1 with wh11t
UlC!Y call 1 hlihtt morality. tht.y try In
bully eulhorllfu lnlo yloldln& to tllotr
"On c:olltp c1mpu1t1, lhty draw 1u~
port from .f1C111iy mombtn wllt 11\ould
know bctttr; In tht larstr communltf.
uu~y find the u1u1I 1poloal111 rct1dy to
11xcuie 1ny 111rt1c In lht ri11imo of
'1>ro;rc111.' -
"II 1houltt I.Ml 1ulr•l!Vldenl lh1l lhl1 aort
of 1E!U·r1&hltoU1 ntor11I 1rro11nct ha1 ·nu
plllt't ln 1 fM C01M1unlty. It dentll Ule
1ncW1• tutll'lalntnti l or •11 MM valuu wa
hold : rt!lpt'lt!t ror tho rlghll Cl( 0U\tr1.
Th~ prlnclP:lc Rf mutulll roapcltt la UM!
key1tont Ol Ult cnUrt 1U'uctUrt of
Qrttii.~ llbfrty that m11kt1 frtldom
poul!)l1." -
Ntxon--1l10 10U1ht to 11surt the nation
th1t "ln11urrecUon11 would not WCOltd if
U\1 authorltlu u1ed the PoWtr at lhtlr
comm11nd. ·
"fllorttt c11n twl Ctll'l\tlned." he aald.
"W'f' havo th• puwtr to 11lrlk1 back If
nei!d be, ind to "pr1v1\I , The nation h111
1urvtved olher 1tt1mp11 11t lnturt'fftlon.
"We can 1urvlvt Ihle ," ha contlnut!d.
"11 ha.I not betn.lt l11ck of ch•ll powerl but
tht reluc11nc1 or • rree people! to 4!mploy ·
It, that 1a often ha1 11tayed the hand Gl
11ulhorlUt11 f1ctd with COftfnint1llon.11
The things we do for peo.ple ... ~
Altll \O<l &l•Of't.N)ltl
2.0 °*'" """119 l•l'H't IMeh, c.111orri11
T1l•pllon1: •t4-1S 41
··~tlll l•lll"' Nltt~ » Mtil>•tt.~ 1_, l'l•H ft l1jlh&tl1• •111 .. (1 • 4llfp] >QI
1\1~ Ci...,.1111• IOI ltl ti r;...,111111-.l T•l.,.._! •11 111,
INTtltUT !llN M IOftlUI ~Tl "-"""-'"-""·"" ..... ~ .................. _
lllllllWll9U .......... ....
S.13X IN!UllT ____ _
"'"" ............. ..,..,_,....
••• wllh pluaurel Llkt o•ndlnt a depoallnr In
Swlt11rl1nd 1n extra p1ckot ot our monthly
m1111ln1 ... lo 1tv1 frl•ndo a bolltr ploluro o!
how we lno'k 11nd live In burs"onlng Orange
County, US/I.
Our drnamlo arowl.h 111 Al\ ln'lport1nt r111on why
11v1r1from111 ovtr the wnrfd lnv11t In L1111n1
Ytdnral 81vln91, The~ know th1t Or1n50C"unly'1
L11rg11t, Flr1t ind 8trOngo1l lndepcndont l•'11doral
prfnr1 thnm deep 1nc11rlty and 1tb1olute m1xlmum
1't1Url\ On 11f1, ln•urnd 111Vin8t· 'fhlt kind o[
I lnter11t lnok11qod-nv11n (ruin th11c:nnln Alp11.
l\nrl fa,...ttrf 111v1r1 11\ l~a~11n1t F11tl"r1l S1vlng1
nflttn b~m" l'U!larhy rfnl•hhor1 . Ona IDtid thlna
h111tl1 to t11notJ111r.
It• .......... ,.., •• , ... , ... -........ ,.."'' ntr.•••••"'•' MH•lll••-•• ••''" ., ... ,.
er •ll••r-inc:• •1 tAe ,t;f•I• •/ C.11~ ,.
,..,,.,.,..,. , .. ,.. lttuNlf'ftl.tll•""'" .... ,,.. O.~··· .. , ... , ,,, •• "'''f'"'• ,,.,,. , .... Jtr.
, I
' J J
! I
' ' I
I , " .
lly-JACllollBOllAClt--~~llrbll propuoec1-bodp1 lrt11"711, San-How about Ille pn>pooed bud&<ll! A °'.,. Dll'f"""'" Diego County's Chief AdminlstraUve Of. tabulation will aid con:iparisons: ,
11'• "Budget Time" far coonty ofllclals tictr f'!ed J ·M,..y ezpecls lbe popula· lAdmlnialrator Moroy In a ttpcri lo his In ~ •• -~ ••• ,.,.._ --"--~ a • . Board ol Suptrvlsors notes: "The ......... --. ----.. ---tiGO lo be a1Jc>4 ~llli,OIO cm Ju. •I, llrnl. Inert bolb'lll toW and In -.-:/'~ ~.~~;;f ==:i~: ~ ~11~L .. Ja. 1• 1111• is 1n ".: General Fund 1e<11~
with "r<queslo" and "allowabl"" f« lbe In working ,.1U, 'f,i;"~t headaches, coune ii lbe part ol lbe bud&et wblcb Jn. comlna: · f1acal year maket fot • .:ime Jn. Orana:e County's Adm.lniatri.tiVe officer ~Ives the county tax rate. I am sure ttlia
tn..iln& comparl50ns. . Robert E. Thomu bu a bue populaUon IS Jhe Rtt"-"'t ~ propoeed In San
/;/I la g...,.Uy known, Oraoge ml San figure ol l,llt,000 for Jan, I, 11111 wllJch Diego Countyi>lllory. •
040 counties bout about lbe same he estimates will lncrtue lo 1413 ooo by Admlnlatralor Tbomaa, facing a
l'O!lUilU... Orange County ll)Oved llllhUY Jan. I, llrnl, a jump ol 7 perc<nL ' simll8" problem,. says: "The dlapartty
ahe1ad of H.s neighbor to the south just All , in all, the headcounts for the between . the estimated ·populatjon in·
two years ago. neighboring COWJUes are mlgbty close. crease (7~) and the budget request in-
Total Jlud&et ~ J-11510
Gaeta! Fud
Oruge Couaty
$1111,147 ,000
26,138,000 1-)969-10 -Pen:ontage
Nixon Begins
. . .
Peace Miss ion;
Heading West
Nilon today began a peace mWion that
takea him from a small South Dakota col·
' lege lo the Midway Islands Jn lbe Pacific
. Ocean.
He will spend nearly three days at bis
hew '500,000 ho~ in San Clemente
before heading for &mday's meetil>g will!
South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van
Thieu on Mldway Jsland.
This peace quest involved not only war
In Southeast Asia, but unrest and violence
in America.
En route, Niron scheduled two major
addresses .. First, th.is afternoon at
General Beadle College in Madison, S.D.,..,,
where he concentrated on what the While
House described as · "basic val\;es of
America cunenUy under challenge."
Liberally translated, this meant campus
unrest, violent demonstraliops and what
Nixon regards a.s dan.gel'OUJ' slippage of
publ.ic respect for law and order.
The chief executive·left Washington at
&· a.m. PDT for ~ioux Falls, S.D.,
Su Dltc• Couaty
crease !18~) can be partially explained
this way. Our economy is tie:d ~ in:
dustrial production where there are
automaUc increues ln product.Ion per
man over the years.
"Thls ii not true in the pubUc tervice
sector. Our wages mcreue in comparison
to union worktn wagea with no locreut
In.productivity. Aclually, in ...........
P.<O<b:Uflty -down lbrooP•mare ~ altilndel. Wo cJool In
• Cosmonaut Tri~• Apollo . '-f r , .
Careyover fwwla
Revenueo other lban property lalC •
~tu, ..
TOtaJ est. revenue
R<quest<id apendiluree
Diii ......
I --;*14fr4 a-tt. .. ..-~-v.1
Coollly -.Id -to -a -tncreuo OD Ibo ..-11 ta nle. 'Ille
anticipated $1 million dlfleronce, a-u ......
Mor<y UJI, In-. <I lbe luJI07ll;
"Hblorlca1Jy, Ibo l*oplrty ta -""'9
finally --bas --""'1rliore Dur • hlCb • pndidod. .. Be '
qtlrnatel ftO alplfie&M inc:r!MI in tlttt
San.Diego COOiD11 property tu. adtnllt!DC
"that lbe ~ s!pillcaDI .can _, a
different lblnr lo each """"'·"
Budget hOarlnp In both counUea lierfJt
next \;eet. That'• when the ~
get lbeir ues oot and trim "'!,,_ ea-
pend1tures. Wish them 1uCk!
Orur• c.anty
$7.9 milllon
80.% mllllon
SU million
143.1 mUUon
147.4 milllon u million
Gr~e RiOii'!g Called· . ..,
~:spontline~us FtallUps'
Garden Grove poil<e picked up the (SEO) for their handling of lbe nm.
pieces today and swnmed up lbe Sabir-pagtni yOWlpf<rs.
day ml Sunday night Strawberry The SEO ii an orpnlaatioo of 10 ol· =alby~~~=.!!""'pa ficers led by Lt. W1111am Van H<n. All
City ml f01Uval olflclalo are oUU otu-l!ave had special crowd ccmtrol lralJ>lni.
dying lbe lituatioa but first lndlcaUons "Atlboush Ibey were lalllMC! rih pr,;.
.,. lbst "lbe annual f..Uval will be coo-faniUes and h4 with ...u; boWel and
tlnued daplll lbe probltma. • other missiles, our olf1cen. malnlalned
Police Chlef'George Tlellch oald lbett their calm," Tlellch r-1ld. "Tbe ~~~:.~,-Joi! lle·~~!-* .. ~•blaeee·wete>·-<-Pd....W• split-Jnto,.mpall ll'OUPI ac-
· "There .ls no quesUon In my mind but An eSttmaled 1,300 youths joined In t
pre-plann<d by any group or groups. cording lo plan and controlled."
lbst the even~ bigg..i' of Its kind In IM Saturday night'• battles, followed bY
state, will be continued," sal~ Lee · more than 1.000 on SUnday. police aid.
~ \Y<ers, president of Ute festival assocla·
Saturday and Sunday nlghlo marked
the second consecutive year that the
event, stag!d by 35 civic organlzaUons to
rais.e inoney for youth programs, has
been the scentof Vkilence-:-
Tbis year'• festival drew more than
Mesa Man Found
Drowned by-Pilot
300,000 people, Walters said, a new The body ol. a 40-year old C01ta M11&
record. man clad only in undersbortl and • T·
The riots broke out each night after the shirt', was foul)(( floaUng in the ocean oU
F..Uval had been cloled. Eight Garden Huntington Beach late Mcmday -.inc.
Grove policemen were injured, none Clarence McLain, a 8laUl OB. Ce.
seriously and 2 persons amzted. They hell~ pUot opotted ll!e h>l1 al11,41
ranged in age from lS to 20. a.m. while Dying over tbe oceu Diii' tba
There were no injuries to the Santa Ana River }rktp.
younpt1n • far as polite could The yli:lbn 'tlas Jdenllfled u Pldl1lo A.
• 11witching there to a helicopter to tlle .aiµn to the ~adison ttmlPllS , ~ time fpr
an a.ddrm and, dedicadim af a llbniy
til'noring Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-S.D.) .
. 1,. After the South Dakota ceremony, the
·,..res.ident planned to fly during the af·
ternoon to Colorado Springs, Colo., where
4Wl will make the commencement address
lW'ednesclay morning to the Air Force ~demy's senior class.
Soviet cosmonaut-Vladimir Shatalov (cen~r)_t.s as.
1isted by U.S. astronaut James McDivitt (left) and
in unidentilied U.S. Embassy official after the Rus-
slan tried~ Aiiollo B ~ule_!?r size du~g a ~sit
.to the American exhibit at the lntern.aUonaJ Aero-
nautical and Space Show in PariJ.
detennlne. Marsaudon, ol 1110 Calflld Drift, C...
_Chief .Tlelsch-oald.. he..Jlad a~ M""" !IWUIM!on boil been ,_i..i
trouble and had al<rtod poJke In ..... -miJsalc 'With Ille 0..,. ~ llllrllf
rounding communities to be ready to &ince 5:2' un. the llJM day. ass~t. which Ibey di<l on both rJghlo. Orange County Coroner'• lmolllpf<n
City-officials praised Tiebch and the said cause of death wu determiDed to be
" The White House said the Air Force
)cademy speech would involve "the 1Jnited States role in the world and· the
:tole of defense in our society."
': Wednesday afternoon, alter l h e
Colorado Springs ceremony, the Presi·
;,er:t planned to fly to his new California :eoastal resideOce at San Clemente, and
spend most of three days there, boning 1Jf on position papers relating to Thieu ·
;and South Vietnam, in addition to work· mg oa a number of entirely domestic
.-iatters .
• · He might send Congress one or more •
'lflessages on domestic subjects from "San
Before leaving Washington today, Nix
lin summoned an unusual joint meeting
Of the cabinet and the National Security
Council (NSC), ostensibly to hear a first-
fland report from Secretary of Slate
William P. Rogers on his. recent eight-na·
lion tour of the Far East. ..
.·Rogers will accompany the President
fo the Sunday meeUng'with Thieu, 11 will
~nse Secretary Melvin R. Laird and
tither senior policy men in the govern·
·Nixon planJJl)d to remain at San
Clemente until Saturday morning, !pend
that night on Waikli:l Beach at the
k:ahala HJlton Hotel in Hocollllu, then set
4,Jt early Sunday morning by jet
lir~rt for Midway, a flight of about
U:iree hour! from Honolulu.
_.A highly tentative While House
.Chedule allowed over six hours for the
tli1on·1'hieu meeting in a U.S. navll of·
tira-club. This schedule. however r11'&s -
lbbject to revision between Washington 'lixl Saigon. Thei'e Were suggestions in
Washington circles the meeting mlgbt
Iii comiderably Jess than siJ hour! -or
lliore il Nixon and Thieu hit it of( and
flbd areas or productive discussion. .,
Court Restrains Teamsters
Teamsters Ultkln may not forbid drivers
to cross picket lines set up by striking
and locked out members of Retail Clerks
Local 770 at Los Angeles area markets
and warehouses , & superior court judge
has ruled.
Judge JUchard Schauer issued a tenj·
porary restraining order Monday stating
that teamsters cannot be forced by their
union through threats or fines to respect
the clerks' picket lines.
The order also prohibits mass picketing
near entrances to markets and bans
violence or vandalism by pickets.
However, Judge Schauer said. in the
order, "Nothing shall prohibit any in·
dividual member from personally choos-
ing to refuse to crosa a legitimate
primary !picket line sanctiened by Joint
Council of Teamsters No. 42."
Truck drivtra begari to It.op deliveries
oC bakery procfucts to wareboUBes Mon·
d1j aDd_N,ldj)ley~would .Oalt meat and
dairy deliveries Tuesda11 -7
However, a ·~ for lbe Food
Employers Coancil11epifi;llllng matte!
ownen IA.id no food sbortaaea were e1·
lie said the owners were arranainc
deliveries through non-union truckers. A
reduction in business . hours at some
markets was due to a shortage of ~killed
worktrs, not rood 1upplies, t h e
spokesman added.
A Teamsters 1pokesman said "the
union believes that the picket lines will be
generally respected by all u n I on
Union me.al cutters may be asked to
respect IAcal 710 picket linea at eight
central meatcutUng plant&, Meat Cutters
Union officials said.
But FEC spokesmen said they received
a telegram from the Meat Cutters Union
saying that they "will not honor Clerks
Local 110 picket lines prior to 7 p.m.,
June 5 (Thursday)."
Cl.erks' spokesmen said picketing wou1d
begin at Lucky and Safeway chain
ware.houses in the San Francisco a&y
atta today and the Safeway warehouse in
the Washington, D.C. area Wednesday.
The Rpokesman aaJd these points were
distribution centers for food coming to
Los An&eles. .
. The lllrike'JocJIOul WU triggered Jul<
Wedneoday:when.clerka began plckellng
Food Giant s ...... after lbtte monlbe ol
negotiation. On Thursday, market oWners
Jnwked a "strike ap.in.5l one is a strike
agaJNt all" policJ ml locked more lban
11,000 untna cleru out ol 300 stores.
depvtment's Special Enforcement Detail drowning.
set the
pace ...
PIDIEDFDlUPE WAL!fSHDRlS . 'nlltt -...... ._,
~Girt 12~ Chained· Another Building
Strike looming
For the 1111n .., the ID
• •'• tor lctlw port1cJ111-
tiCX1 •itisual wear. ~ ~tot .$6.00 a..i .,. ,
• Life) In the tradl-
,. Police Hol.d Father for Cruelty
\ ()rug• County's building lnPfry, jull
ttCOYerlng from a -11:.Jonc atrib ol
Uonol Jwl' ICrfe: I wide
"loctlOri ~ .. lids Ind t]1ld1 l1 av1lliblt: .
',FORT WORTH, Tex. (UPI) -Police
Woke through two locked dGOrs Jn a
lriobile home Monday and found a IJ.
ttlr-old girl chained by lbe neck lA> a
~II In a back room.
'They falled lo find her father, 1 32-
-old physical education teacher, at
e. The father was reported to have
t.O a hardware store ror another Jock
dd to the chain.
,J.s. paUce were. (reeing the d1ughter, g . father returned and was arrested on
uharge of •ggravaled a.ssauJt. •
;..l'he: girl wu ginn emergency attention •'I! made a ward of the poll"' d<pan'· mih\'s Juvenlle dlvlalon.
"My lather did I~" lbe glrt' lold police
ao lbq cut.b<r -wffb a bacUa!f. lier
nect-wu allptly bnllt<d. lumber yanl ,...km. today I! f-wtlb
Pollceman R. E. McDol\ald, who fl<ed a walkout ri 300 drywall inatallen. Mor<
"the girl/said the chain WU MJd in place 1ban 110 milliOll Jn Clllllfnl<tloo ~ be bY a c:omblnotion.b:t. affected.
The otber l'nd ol the <haln was fastened kesm f t h ,..,.__._ 'lo a hook In the :wall "with no llaclt ln lbe A •po art at • ·~,...~ .. Drywall Contractors of <>ruge County chain to !'!'mil any · movement," (Ibey employ men who nall wallboard
McDonald oa•d: Jhtelo lo bu~dlng constru.Uon) said that of~ gi~I ~ndplti:"~~ 't':i:t al'u: ~ more than JlO men have walked Off thelr ..'f......' ~-po Jobs tn proteot of ao agreement for biding WU Cuaw-.i up, incenU
•.• and
guesa NOM wlio sa.oo
The girl told police her father did not \• The ""J:!: posed)y led :::~ome :,~be WU •• .., and by~ t!:c.i-r.1 ~the=r•1 , TlleHAUISMANitrtJtit ....... kadq:theKtbllTht'*'-•ll•-.lll(lnlJ• ~-........ __..._ __
Union bad no comment today tiu... fritnitl •ad fauls .iiu ... ..i ht tJIO'llft i.ow so n)oy ,..,. PPL er..-hr LlttJ . .. ..... \URI J lllY
She llJd lhe bad allpped away RYeral • , lutw.otU• DACROl'f9polyma/lStl JlfOfl. HARIU.SSLACKS •• :......... I RllTOL " .... °"' ,.,,., _ c-. "-
'times while ahewu not chained and cone The conlractor Nld they are willing to 111T111ot.....,.._,.._,.,.,MtO•AM..,.'I••·---¥••• ' ·o,.~ Nlhl •WM 'tH t:•
to a friend'• bam1. Tbe gltl allO 11id her pay ioctntive bonuld but a,, prohibited , ~ • T.,...: ,.,112; ,..1,.
father hid beaten her aeve:ral.llmes.. • by an qreement ~* with the ,JIA•m 11.ACXS. Jtl WEST llTII sn11!T, LOS AROILBS. CALJPOl.JfiA HAllOa IHOPPINO CIMTltt . '
unlom Int fall hj the Cafilornla Dfywall •Dllflll'ji • T• 1
..._ u.. ... tarr. ........ ~.,.-irnor •• a.~. net HAll:W IOULIV.UD. COSTA MI U ........... m:z .. =::o=:::zm<:=Clil:m:'11tOCDI ............ CootractorsAuD. IJ.. ________________________________ ..;.,;._..-........................ ...
I 1 .. ... •
• ·---/
--,, ->. 1"9
Tr~eped in Nlttllt .
al.!-tm~nt-B laze·
Yank ' Goes '
Hpme 259 Enemy .,
By ELlZilETll WlWn'ON ~biiors who hive !roquenlly felt · , niaJect<d for ll10<0 PfUllnc U.S. con-WAS'lJNGTON !Ul'I), -'jbe Yanqul la ens In EUrope and Alla.
1'*1! ~ ~· led Nino" It WU llnl pr"fXll'd to Nlson by I
Yock Gov. Ntlloo J!o¢..J:!''In La1J!t 1AtlnAmerlc111-GlloP!ua,R<rtlary
America bu ie":'*' the •-1 real 1eneraJ.ol the OrgonlzaUoo of American
'"7 tu• · Statee and 1 former president of aeW ol ."11. l.t"'1 adi!"n"'1olloo llld Ecuad<r. ·pJau WN allo the one who a liuri>JllaUon both to RoCkefeller and to • ~,.•elled Rockefeller !or the mlsalon. the White llDuae. -Yet, Rockefeller rematna undaunted, Tbert were tmnc.' demonstrations dur·
. anti -ti.; !t •:no -questlon" but tjl.at IOI the' fin! Joor wblch began May U. "*-"' • .. ..., ,.. ....-~ lie wlll '10 ~ wtth the rtmalntrig The leOOl'.ld tcllr bu been a dllaster: 10
Ill Harrogate England a group two lep ol a four-part "loolc and ll!ten" dead, odl wuuntled, two visit.I
of juang bouaeWtves has at.ar:led ' mlaion Ii.I !be hemlspbm. concelled, cut abort.
"borroW+granny" agency for the W'aabtngt(m hu ~ as much rocked Why! That the qutltle11 which ill
mutual bon~l of J!)llely eld.erly by the _vln&nce ol the lncldenu aa have puWln( ev one from the lowlieal
women arid famifies 'wbose· grimd.· the clliea w~ the dem~atiorui took 11111tant'1 tin the State De~
___ .. are gon•-Said 36-year-old place. Unof!lcial d~pliooa he~, so "ment to Prealdent Nlsott, who can find 5=:..tH-•i.; on"'""tor of th• !~h .~~!~ .. 1rom un1or1unate 10 •lroni plrJllela wtt11 tbe.1-111)' he ... ~ •-cl. unu~-. COWlltred durlnl a almllar mllalon for project, ''l"amilies without gran Yet the wbite """-" Monday lmllted the late PrOliclenl Dwight D. Eisenhower
parents mill • lot 'ot the ~pany that the Vilits tbematlves, once the in 1958.
and Ima that they call offer. Rockefeller mission · got lhroo'2> the Some ~•lions must have been
• · • , tlr<el rloUng and Into the balla ol LaUn ezi>eeled. bat certalnl:r tho trlpo never
St. Louil,~ Mo. thieves held up leaders, have been productive and ~ would have been und«tak.en Uthe merit
two Ganns during th~ weekend. cdtsfut cl violence which occurred had been an-
MwirclPal Judge Ron.Id Gunn, 60, · White Hau&e spokesman Ronald ~ler liclpated.
and his wife lorett• surrendered expressed diJeppoi:ntment the second tour Galo Plaza hlmseU, in Trinidad for a
$75, a watch, bys and a rooary to wu cul lhorl when two 1<>•....,...ll -counct1 lDtlOlinl Mooday, Nici the ad·
the gwljlle!l · · Peru Ille! v......ia -ClllC<lled ll>etr vene reacllona ahould not he ,.1Uded u • • lnvitatlom but sald plans for two m<n an attitude ol rebelllOUI ltudentl i.lone.
· lrlps to 10 eotmtrles won't be changed. ''TtieTe ii a deep feeling ln Lalin
Commuters• on t/ie f?'l.omin~
tTain to L....io· !""" llallm<i<,
Angola. tom sotM:what .atartled
-when Marques R;abalo, a govn-n-
ment worlur, climbed aboard at
th< !alt "'°"""t in ht. pojomal,
1W 1hc<1 in ht. Mnd cmd ht.
clothe• under hil arm. "'Slqt a
bU late thil morning;,.. Rabalo
pont.d ., lie ilcad<d for Ille
toa1hroom to change clothes.
• Loo Anaeles authorities, who
have had 1!ie FBI and police look·
Ing for a mlulng 91'> ton street
•weeper they loll 17 months ago,
have found the bright orange ma·
.chint 193 miles awa~. The $1.1,· 000-Swee~r was s eil-ror-wo .
17, bul city otfici~s discovered it
wasn't there when they W"111 to af.
fix the city seal. Now tJte sweeper
haa-turqed-11p m:Aurora, Colo. Los
Anpl'" auiliorlUes, the maoufac-
tu~r. and the Aurora City Council
all are trying to detennlne juat
bOw It avt there. •
When the President named Rockefeller America thlt relltiOlll .with the United
to lltldertal<e the task or vitiUng Jbe LaUn Staiea mull chapce.'' be Aid. '!l'bere IJ
American couotrlel and. maklnc recom-. deep ~tment and dlllllualon on the
mendattom for future U.S. aid Pi'Ol'ams score thal tho United Stalea doea not
there, he beraJded it u a gesture of realize the role that Lailn America tb1nU
goodwill ,.d hope to hemispberlc ohe lhould p)lf In the bemllpbere."
Santa Barharans . Say Plan ·.
For More Drilling 'Stinks'
F,... Win lent""
People who live ""'1 won .-1he ofl.
stained headlea ol Santa Barbin voiced
presidential panel which aays off&boce oU
production should bo reaumed.
"'Ibe people are upset, 11 1aid C.ounty
Su~ Georae s. Clyde. ''Ibey want
drilling In the dlannel banned."
The plan llJlllOWICed Monday In
Wublngtoo IJ apected to he approved
by Sea<Jary ol the lnttrl« · Wali<r J.
llicloel. It calla f« continued drilling for
depolll ol oil that baa been oeepln( Into
He lald tM declalon to 111rt j,ampfng
1galn lhould he -.. wllelber the
11JJl.leUlnir blowout WU tllo raull ol
neiHJllllCO by Uokin OJI at by a llllural
Guards p .u]l Out,
Emergt:ncy Ends
At UC Berkeley
the Bma Bu1>1n.Qwme) In varyJna BERKELEY (AP) -Trucks filled wilb amounts mnee m:l_~tbore Well blew GUt men and equipmeot .rumbled out of-the
ln Jmru&r1. city today, heralding the end of a.Nation-
"After what we'Te been tbrougb," aid al Guard callup May 15 by Gov. RonaJd
Mayor Gen1d S. Firestone, "I think the Rtagan after violeooe flared over a
proper IOlutioo would ha'{JI beeD to "people'• park."
ellmlnale drtJllnc aJtocttber. • Reqon Jaaued Mooday aliMDOon an
A dUzen aid ol the plan: ''Uke that order for withdrawal of the 2,000
black poey atuff on the beach there _ It Guardsmen and lifting • state of
IUW." emergency as of 6 a.m. today.
He Nld he acted at the request of the In Sacramento, usembly Dtmocrlllc UnlveraJJy of Calllomla, wblcb OMLI Jbe leade< J.., M. ·Unnth Ind other key dllputod land. and di)' offlclab.
lawmakers expressed.apprehens~ todly UC Clancellor Roger Heydt told a
over the recommendation that oU ·drtlUne· ebeerina Academic Senate of the action,
resume. aayiag "It II clear that the commumty
Gov. Ronald Reapn, m•a nllm•, hu demomtrat.d .rejection of violent
withheld comment J>lnding study with hi• confroOataUon and its desir8 to use
natural relOUl'Ctl lldes. -regula~ o1·~n making.''
Unruh, author of a bill holding an oU An ated Sl,000 to 30,000 persons
O<mJ>lllY alrlcUy liable fa< any clamqe inarcbod on MllDOrial O.y demanding
ltl oPm'lilom ml&ht cause, aajd the removal ft a fence the untven:ity placed
presideotial commllsion should J1'111ke around the park after it had been planted JIUblic "all the facts" It uncovered while with grass and flowers by young ac-lnvatf&IUnl tho tplll. Uvlsls.
·The two of us
B52 Raids Kills 12 Persons
SAIGON (UPI) -Sout11 Vlelnu!>... ~ CITY, MQ., (Ufll1-Fire,
troop• Joday report<d llodlng the bodies raoed up • dumbwaller.~ <I a tJlreo.
story brick bulldlnJI todly, traJl!llnl o1 m Communut soldiers aleln In sleeping families and klOJni 1J penoos,
· 'Ille bodies ol eight cblJdren ...,.
found In tho rulna ol what had been the
top ·floor ol Ille threMtol')I bulldlOI. · Lawrence Smith, who lived in the
buililing, grabbed his S·monll>-Old son
Harry tn his anns and jumped Crom a
window when flames en.gulfed his apart-
ment. The inf ant died at Mercy Hos-
pital. The father was sericw:ly injured.
American air ant! artlllery strikes inclpdlnff elil!I chlldreo. Ooe lnlant died
agalmt the new 111,errilla threat to n&t In ibe armS · ol his tither who leaped
To in the central highlands. from a blazing, wiodcJw.
The announcement frcm Saigon bead-One by one, firemen carried from the
quarter• uld the government soldien smoking ruins bodies wrapped .to tar-
tumed up the bod.la: Monday seven mllu paultnee aDCl placed them in ambuI&ncts.
southwest of Dai To where U.S. 8521 l!'ld More than llO residents cf the tr•Y apartm..i house. most or them In night arUUery atrlke1 had raided during the clcthlng, were led or were cUTied down
weekend. ladders .to safety. ,
U.S. Intelligence ol!lclals aald Monday One entire family ol sl• was klJled.
a 10,ooo.man Ncrth Vietnamese division "Twtlve ii the flnal total," saJd James
Eleven fire companies, handicapped
at <unes by inadequate-water Pffi!.Sure
on the hilltop site, fcugbt the flames foi'
hours before they could euter the build·
ing to search for ' bodies.
They found no !µrvivon. hid moved Into poe!Uon near llak To, H.allonn, director ol the K~ Clt'y
focal point of one of the heaviest batUes Fire Department.. "We hav' bien en-
of the war, ln November ot 1958.. · t.irely thrcu.gb the buildin& and rt.here are
American troops turned over the camp to no mere bodies. Twelve is the correct
the Soulb Vietnamese Ibis winier. ,iigure."
Three more wavea of mi bombers He estimated damage It $30,000 but
went after the buildup five to aeven miles sai;d \he cause cf the fire )\It not been
ICAJ.thwest cf Dak To today, U.S. head· determined.
Douglas' Foundation
Drops Vegas Interests
quarters 1aid. Mort of dead lived OD the top floor
--•-• South VI · ldl and were kllled before they could nee lue lmu by elnamese ·SO ers by the flames which raced up a abaft
wu cne cf the blq:est o1 Ute year fcllo~-inside the building, Halk>ran eaid.
1ng American bombardments and in-Mrs. Mary Cchen, owner of the build·
dlcaled the value o1 the big bombers Ind In&· OC<Upied mostly by families or
l\Ull -a tactic that gets resulta without laborers and white-collar wcrken, aaJd
returns show the foundation whJcb
Supreme Olurt Wllli8J1t 0 . Douglu head-
ed has cut most cf its links with 1Las
Vegaa casinos ~ has rwitche;d its
money to blue chip stocks.
rllklns Uvea. she wu awakened "by ·a little noise and
Headquartm In Silgan slmullaneouJly when I "'111 to find oot about It I ran
announced several 1mall· but ahlrp into smoke and fire."
.-that kUJed Z4I Communist '.'I starled numing Ind bollerinl.
trvopa from Jhe Mekong Delta to the 'Police, fi?'e!' but by then lllber people
dtmillllrlzed 1000 (DMZ) Monday and wel'e nmnin1 oot d. their aparlmalll,"
today. , .Mn. Cohen aald.,
The 1968 tax returns, made public Mon·
day by the. lotem&l Reffflue Service,
disclose the foundation began selling ill
stock tn the controversial Parvtn-
Dobrmann C.O. last"Ncvember. The firm
own1 three gambling casinos In Las
Winds, Rain Hit Capital
-Most of Emtern U.S. Battered by Rougli. Weather
Temilet'Ctwres "' ........ ,..
v.s. s ........ ;,,
Gla.foru wl/ldll, ltlht"I,.., tian,
MIVV r1I" llld Qll4 bv""'9d ftM !:alt
C•ll fOdfY Ill ""9 Wlkt of 1!111ller -lht• ,,,., di'""""" "''' .... of the l\fllon MOf'Olv.
Afle.r lmvl11t .i... lo N-l'\11 Yor41. (llY
Mlllld1r, "-11orm1 r111fled out 10
crHll olllfr 6-H 1round Ntw
V1Jf11 SI ... lr'llll In ,,_,.,1..-11111,
kill Md flllll'! wlTldl 1111911 tl"lft
1fld Ir~ out -t11 C1vu11 tt>d Orl...0.11 coulllln 1nd V¥trt\lmtd
H"fftl hcNs. Ir.lier• •!Id M'li•elr
!!tmaolHt ti 1N1I -llQrn9 I" _.,.
Ctlo-/Mrldlt" frN of C.'l'\IN CouMy.
Mor. lhtn tn lfldl or r1tn fell
wltlil" • •l•.flaur -led 11 1t~1..-, N.V, Al N<i"tl ltodlelh!r, 'P1. !11th
wllldi ripped the toCll '""" "-co1u .... blt 0.1 co ........... -ld!11t .......
MOlld.lw, i ncl oWwlMd -· tl MS Nlf llffnr l'1lll.
Wlnlfl eklM to Ml mlln •" hour 1111 W1~on, O.C.. LIM Mand.., "'llht
tlld ffflY . 'lodltv.
............ Mcmt·--
Al1t"I' ..........
al-IU .... a .. 1.., "'-CIP>CI-'!
Clf".ot11rod .....,, ... ...,_ ..... ''"" FO!'I Worlfl ·-~ --·~"" ......
K_, City L•• ....... , Lo. .... _._
M ... I
M llwMlll*
M-• ·-""""' N-Vert
Norltl P!eflt
0.kltfld o-.. PQO llo:t>i.s
Pltll~!I .........
Pllhbu•M Portler'llll
llet1id Clly
lled llh.lff ·--~ ... 51. LOI.II•
Soiifl'* kit L.t:• Cih
'-" Ditto 11" FNl'ICI~
s.m1 ll•rti.r!I ... ,.
-·~ TN,,....!
to serve you better
For llOUI' pelSJ!lal conwnlen<:e Newport Balboa Savtngs has two locations
to """' you. Viii! either office for:
THi! SAME BIG 8.13% YIELD-the highest In the n4Hon-on all eo-
counta when current annual dividend rate or 5% Is compounded daily
and maintained for one year. Funds earn night and day, from day-ln to
da)"<)Ul Funds received on or before the tenth of any month earn
from the first when held to Quarter's end.
(In multiples 01$1,000) by adding the.25% BONUS Dj¥1DENb for
each of the three ye&r$ to the dally comPoUnded annhl earnings.
THE SAME SAFETY AND SECURITY, Your funds are Insured up
to $15,000. we maintain high reserves; our lending policies are
THE SAME! SERVICES: Savtngs and Investment Aocounts. KEOGH
pion, Monthty Security Accounta. Escrows, Sale Deposit, Money
Ordera, Reve~ Trust..
THE SAME SMILES. The kind of warm. fl1andJy, efficient aervtce, aided by
modern f1cllltle1 and equipment-our personal concern Is nevercompUterlzed.
.. .. .. " .. " fl " " .. .. .. .. " .,
" .. .. .. .. ·" n .. ...
" .. .. " " n ,IJ .. " .. " .. ..
" " .. ,. ..
" .. ,,, ·• "' " .. .. .. " .. ., ,.
" ., .. .. ...
" .. ·" " ~ .. " .. " " " .. .. ..
'" .. " .. .11 .. ..
" " .. .. .. ..
" " " " .. " .. .. .. ..
" " " .,
n "' " " .. ... .. "
·~ NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION •• Main 611lce: S3ee YI• Udo, Newport Beach. C.Ollfomla 92983. Phone: (714) 973-3130.
Coronado) Mar Olllce: l'lnonclal Plaza. l560 Newport C.On,.r Drtve 92925, Pllo.,.: (714) 844-14111
P.A. PalrMr. Chairman of the Botrd 'Aane1 Blomqullt, Prwaldent
' A I
.. .. . ' I
I ;
I \
. . .. =.-c-~;__-"=''°"''"'-"•:;I<f.;=,,:-,. Pi$ 4 !!£if*° ,I 1' F 11¢.,. '.MA ,e .._ C J1 I• :;oz:; ;c!i0Ji4!1P jb H t=: 4 • '" e
I '
•• ·. ' I
·} . '
• -• ,,.-
" • •
T'lnMt. ,_ ), ,,., ' , ... u
FORTUNE COOKIE -"YOu are a leader 0£ many,".a. note inside a fortune
cookie tells Miss Lila Zali who will lead Soroptimist Club of Leguna Beacb
next year. She is joined by (left) Mrs. Cyrtl Nugent and Mrs. Grover Hayes.
Dancer Leads •
. Commanc;J Changin~
For Soro(Dtimist Club ·
Ballet dancer Miss Lila Zall will become president of the Soroptl·
mist Club of Laguna Beach during a gala dinner in the Newporter Inn to-
morrow evening.
. Mrs. Dorothy Midgley, secretary of the Pacific Region, will come
from Los Angeles to act as installing officer.
A club member. for six years and board member for three, Miss Zall
ts the founder and artistic director of Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Co.
She made her debut at the age of four when she danced in the White
House and later was soloist of the Manikin Ballet and of the Original Ballet
Russe de Monte Carlo. Sh e was prima ballerina of the CBS television
show ''Balleretta" in New York, and the Don Lee TV Ballet in Hollywood.
Other incoming officers are the Mmes. Grover Hayes, first vice pres·
!dent; Cyril Nugent, second vice president; William Eschbach, recording
secretary; Virginia Wineinger, corresponding secretary, and Marilynn
Wheeler, treasurer
Mrs. Albert Cornelius, presi4,ent for 1968-69, will serve as a director
along with M.rs. ,Thomas Pole.
Glenn Vedder, Laguna Beach mayor, 81\d· Mrs. Vedder will be guests
of honor at the affair. A fl :SO p.m. "attitude adjustment.hour" will be fol·
lawed by the dinner at 7: 30 p.m.
Soroptimist Club is an interDational service organization for women
in professional and executive positions. .
Formed April 11, 1948, the Laguna Bea~b group meets every Thur~
day at hoon in the Hotel. Laguna. Some of the services·1it renders include
donations to such causes as South Coast Community Hospita1, Laguna
Community Players, Services to the Blind and Lailuna Beacb Boys Club.
Jn addition members sponsor the S Club, a service group for coeds
attending Leguna Beach High &hool.
.. -·
AUCTION ITEM -Mrs. Hugh Scallon and Danie)
LeWis, conductor of ·the Symphony Orchestra of
Orange County admire an oil painting_ by Vincent
Farrell held by Mrs. William Love and Mrs. William · --,.
Eighth Note Factory
O'Connell {left to right). The painting will be auc-
tioned durin& premiere night oi the Eighth Note
. -
Symphony Supported--•
Capistrano Bay Symphony Guild Is joining ef •
forU with five .other guilch SUWorth1e Spilphony
Association of Orange County In proo<ntillg a ·fes-
tive Eighth Note Fadory next Thunday evening
and all day, Friday. ·
The guilch are.taklnc a Part• Flea M,arket and
wrapping it in a psycbedel!C atmosphere .for the
benefit to take place in Orange County Medical A1-
socia,tion building, Orange.
During ·tiolb Ille preview evening from 7 to 11
. p.m.. Thursday and Friday from lO·a.m. to 5 p.m.,
participants may vi~ works of. Orange County ar.
tists Viola La Rosee, Rochelle Rau and Bruce Lobo.
In addition, festively dacoraled booths, oper-
~ted by the guilds and other philanthropic organ·
izations and artilas will be ofered for guests' shop.
ping'pleasure. .
The'·factocy-will be open to the public free of
charge 'Friday. However, the preview night .is by
ticket only.
Featured durin( !he P.review will be a fashion
-·-in whlcb models will parade 1tyles worn by
the 10 besl aressed women in the COUDty and other
clothing donated by county stores.
P.µ1iclpanta will !Je able to purchase the
clothes, bid on auction Item. and ;ample hors ,d"
In aadition dance mUlic will be provided and
cocktails will be available during evening festivi-
ties. •
Ticket information may be obtained by calling·
the asioclaUon's business of!lce, · 547-6165. ,.;
Mrs. William Lov,, ,a11ilted bY· Mrs. Hugh
Scallon, is the Capist;rano guild chairman for the .
event, and Mrs. W'illlam Kelly-of ~aheim is over·
all chairman, c:oorillita'tlng effol'Ll,of '1l six guilds.
· Capistrano women, In add!Uon t<L hosting the
preview evening, a1ao Were l'espOnSt!;ale for obtain-
ing an· 41 ·palnllng by Vincen~ Farrell of Laguna
Beacb for the 1ucU0n. Each guild ·has donated one
lterii with a value'of at ! .. st 1100 for the e~ent.
Viola La Rosee, one ol the t:hl')!e county-artloll
, part;l.cipating in the show, is a native Californian
8nd diversified. landscape painter .
A graduate of Fullerton High school and Mer·
rill &hool of Costume Design, she also studied' in
Otis Art Institute, Orange Coast College and Cali·
fomia State College at Long Beach. CurrenUy she
is takinS courses in Laguna Beach School of Art
and Design. ·
Also a native Californian, Rochelle Rau spent
ber early lite in Arizona and began painting at the
age of 10. She works both with palette, knife and
brush in creating her paintings. which are individ·
ually framed by her hu!band, Ed Rau. ·
Bruce Lobo, born in New Mexico, came to Riv·
erside when he was a youngster and is a graduate
of Riverside City College where he majored both
in engineering a.nd art. He ...d~s on his memory
of early pueblo life and Visils to fndian country for
the subject matter of his paintings.
Best known for his watercolor originals of the
southwest bird, the roadrunner, he still works as. a
senior design engineer.
The Symphony Orchestra of Orange County,
under the, baton of Daniel Lewis, will present five
different concerts during its 1969-70 series in Chap.-
man College's auditorium.
Under the auspices of the association, several
.c6mmunity enrichment pro~rarns are offered in~
c1uding six specially programmed concerts pre--
sented throughout Orange County for students in
public, private and parocblal schools.
' -In addition aUc!l!ions 'enablliig talented young---
area musicia'ns to win cash prizes, trophies and
~rhaps a chance to perform with the orchestra
are offered by Uie association which is publicly sup-
ported by bulibess, industry and citizens of the
county thfouih contributions and membersblps. -
• "\ t
More · Can Be Read . into the M~ters Tha .n Meets ~the Eye
DEAR ANN LANDERS: You've l8id a
10()(f ward for waiters, maids, bellboys,
p:)ilke· officers, airline.pilots and garage
• fnlcllan.ia. Now will you give a hand to
tbe ~ abused men In America. -the
meter readers.
ANN LANDER S ~ tllo ~ .l.t -Ilion, w • •.. ... hU11bands a big favor .~ .Ibey lloppoil
-··-...... no --·~llnf Oil them hand and fool and taqht .............. "1-". lln!CM illO .. ,_ -how lo do lhings f .. ~, ......
el .. • --._ lie IMH -II II llll' opinion lhat the teachbW .............. liild,aD., _..Ill' ahouldbodone~motbm.-""'wtm.My
wdl_"J'..;t,_ .... -. i.WJr." mother,sn lo lUhat all al us ilids wuh-
An. flOI ·---ta ,.. eel-ed diobel, cootod, clnnod • bouao and
I ...
J t -· ~ -~ ll'Olled our""" clolha-the bo)'s ., w<ll
to do· llousehold chores, but fu time lhq;
'wlD n.. and call bot' blessed. ·•:
-'ONE W110 DID'
DEAR DID: nub for-... ...ist. AoC1 1
llW, Mom, lllOl'I' u.d tllll cehn• .. ~
,_-le.nag< .00, bod pol H .... M'1, .... , ..... ,. (~ 11..i.. rtlrtcwalO<~.
, '
My so. Elmer has beeo a meler nader
for l\fO year1. He has been haraucd,
cussed out, kicked, bitten and mugged.' A
few weeks ago a hmband came home
unexpectedly, saw Elmer In the base-
ment and mistook him for his wlfe'1
lover, B1mer was lucky to get out wltb
big life.
top or the meter and refuse to move
them. The reader bas lo esUmate the
amount of the bill when he can't get a
reading. The people complain their heads
off when the bills come arxl then ""1
write dirty let.lera to the manaeentent
saying the meter-reader 11 off hJ1 nut.
DEAR MOM : t 61 •J 1111 hr •tor
rudtn a few )'eOl'I Nek -I ililoW , at .... ,_ a--· ..... ~ .. to II!
• tie. loou•won ta 1M •• 11 ..... ,..
,.., la ., .,_,.I """'* "!f 11\Ddft
wl.tecilWtotalreell..,_' ......... u • .,,._.., __ n.
... w ••~• ~ -.. the "'•I.I. t haled Hat the lim< and'iM> en -Niii 111elr -W dediled °' •• a t~., ne1 ,....,.. to bl· meter , did my brother, but when we went to col-rplen. • lege "e were thankful.~ ,
ShorlJy alter I married, my 'Wife hod
DEAR ANN . LANDERS: I ..... 1 .. · ........ ,..,., call to Ry lo the Coul. Silo
lmlted·m Ille leUer tr.rn the man wi-· left-., rd ....... OK. And I did. I
wife died.' it:e poinled out that Jnany cooked for my111f NMI even did my own wtdoftn ..,. loll ¥Pilll -11"7 don'\ .lhlrll.
lt alcoholl:nn a dlsease'I How can lk:
alcoholfc be treated? Is the:te a cure1'J
Rud. the booklet "Alcoh611sm ~ Hclnlii
and Help,'' by AM Landen. Enc:JoM -111
cents. in t'Qln with your:...NlqUtlt and ..;~ • Iooi. stamped. setl·aildraoed' tnVtlope. ,
Ann Landm Will be &lad to belp )'OU;
with ,our probl!ms. Send them lo btr IM
caro of' lhe D~AI Y PILOT, enclollnf .a!
People put all sorts of things over their
. '-meters'° the nader can't gel to lhem -
"T bu?)' trash can1, garden Implements and
l•wn furnltiire, They park lhcir cars on
·Please tay 50mething in your column \0
give these PoOt gUj1 • JUL 11wy aure
deserve It.
....... ~-... ,iptt .................. , ..... ,._.
lter •'• ...... WiMi ......... .,..., .
ID CM CW'ltl'. Ttlen * "°°'' uW at
. .
know how In ljoll n f11 ... ..., on a bul-SO loll the moms aw there u..I lheit
ton. He Nld, "WI"'" would bt doln& lhafr 1«11 ml)' )'ell a lol wben Ibey ai. lo«ed
'"' -. = . ·-
•·""ped I' ' o-I • OWIW , ae 1• enve......... l
' • • • ' •
·l " . ;
' • . . •
---.....-..-----.. • ---' -
for Hungry Husba.hds
An old-fashioned ·barbecue iftcludlng ping pong:, ·.billJardl, horseshoes and cro-
quet will honor -huobanda. when Newport Harbor Area 'Alumnae of Delta Delta
Delta gather. Tri Delta will grill steaks ·•I 7 p.m. Sat~~JUlle 7, In the New-
port Beach home al Mr. and Mr!. Richard J\alldall. P g.for the even.I are
committee members Mr1. William Snyde1:_ (left) and rs. James .W-illialns. -
Others on the committee, headOd by ){rs. Fred Myers, are Mrs. Winton Cun·
ningbam and Mrs. James Doyle.
First Year
Successfu :
Ending its first year as .
auxiliary to Children's Hor,
Society on a high note, Man
Con Xinor Auxiliary "'._ill in·
stall new officers next Thurs-
t\1rs . Kenneth Martyn of
J lunllngton Harbour, retiring
president ol. the Huntington
Beach League ot Women
Voters, has been appointed to
serve on the Calilornia State day during a luncheon in the
Board as a director in charge Stuft Shirt r e s t a u r a n t .
of state ~lion. . ~ Newport Beach:
She will be ~n charge of Highlight of the group's
:JUNE 4 '
111 SYDNIY OMAllll
SPECIAL HIN'f: Accent on
l1tp toda)', Give 11peclal 1&.-
tea!Ma lo --...... ~1 aware of walkl.D11 ~. c.o .... u-,. by
Uie ... ,..._, '1!1111 Ille -lo
A tf1l 1 r I a•-Molkls wlUI
beaadhal liep are la special
delDIUld. Mu wt1I be ..... In
1bort w-,n. Ualque day, lo
1ay lite lea1t. •·
AlllES (Mercll 21-Aprtl 191:
· Speclal rela(ionship may be
&lrahitd. Avoid · selO&h a ...
tilude. Do what is best for ooe
clc»e to you -then you are
tepa.ld. Emphasis on friends,
hopes and wishes. New view· Polot Is .......,,._
TAURUS (Aprtl 20-May 20):
Be adventurous in outlook.
DoD't tettle for second best.
KnoW where you want to go.
Find out bow ·to get there. Be
specific. Take direct rOute.
... .
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): children, opposite se1. Key ts
H!&hli&bl Intuitive J.ot.ellect. to be creative. Use your fine
Mew. you can tnm hunch. imagination. Be 11qs1ellt._.
Accent on correspondeoce, SCOllPIO (Ocf. :i:.-II):·
writing a n d advertising. Accent on home, pnllilrtJ P!'d
Broaden outlook. See beyond security. Necesswy to be,
the Immediate. reaJiJtic. If t 'riot, aware ·• o£
CANCER (June It-July 221: details, you could be thrown
Be venaUle; have more than tor a loss. Y~ can implement
one method at hand. Stress on declslon wblCll e n.b a n c ea
lbe hidden. Meaiu dig beneath doritrestlc happiness.
surfAce indications. Interest In SAGl1TARIUS (Nov. zz-
the oceult or unusual Is ·Dec. 21): Get errands hc-
heightened. complished. · PutUni o ff LEO (July 23-Aug. 22); ~.;trips Lt not wise.
Spodlght on partnership, mar· Get going·-do what ls essen·:
rlage, joint efforts. Legal mal-llal. Avoid scatterln* eff0f'1,s,
ter could come to your at· Concentrate on one. task at a tentlon: Be sure you know t"
wha.t you are signm,. Not wise ~;:,RICORN (Dec. t2.Ja.n.
to take things for granted. li): Give 'ue sornetblng Uul:l
VIBGO (Aug. 23-Sept. !2 ): bu become more ol a burden Be ready to lake precau-Discovery Cruise tionary measures. Don't wait than a ·pleasure. Streamline
until it is too late metbOO,.,. 1'.tim noneuentlals. speelllcally ii appli<s 1; _ Lunar po..ltioo acceats mooey. Among ·ti!• passengers aboard · the' SS MOl'.lle'ley
health work condlUons A potenUal income. cruisi!'g along the west coast of South ind Central chan&~ "'m' tmmtnent. -AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Amenoa ano Mr. and M~s. Geo11e A. <deonwald
LIBRA cs e pt. U-Oct. 22): 18): Get. 'oilig on new, dil-Jr. of Costa Mesa. Th~ ~hip will mlt Mazatlu, Ille
Good lunar aspect today coin-fel'!"t pro1ect. JDiUate daring Galapagos I.slands, Lima, Guayaquil, Bal~, -'1)1.~
cldts with relaUons with pohcy. Put ideas to work. Cy-• boga Island and Acapulco before returning.
c le remain s high . •·
Circumstances favor your uni·
que ablliUes:.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 1Al):
Some behind thtf stenes play
significant role. You benefit
from ®cision made by group,
club, s p e c I a I organization.
Learn by teaching; !hare
BIRTHDAY you are versatile.
~ fln6----lelll6-of humor
and you are due for greater
Wives Clµb .
Last Lunch
The last luncheon of the
year ror Los Alamitos Of ficus
Wives Club will take place
next Thursday in the officers
, -. During the cockt.ail hour an
Princess Mentions.
Her Unm.entionab/es
LO!llpoN (UPI) -_ID an un-
precedented aMouncement,
minlskirted Prince.ss Anne has
told the world where she .bu.ys
her royal · unmenUonables.
Sirty eWit years ago such a
revelatioh would have shockl!d
Britain under the relan of
~n Victoria, who lllljllnd
the covering of piano legs
because she thought the naked
wood was l.ndecent. •
But the 18-year-old princess,
attired in a fiery rt<I miniskirt
four inches above her knees
spoke at the Fest)val of Lon·
don Stores, a promotJonal
stunt by leading muchants
and told eager listeners .1'ber.e
she buys her uaderwear.
"l have bought articles in.
Peter Rojlinson, but l do not
think they are the sort of
things yoo disc:wa here;. And
the same ~ppliel lo Dickins
{lnd Jones," Anne Hid refer-
ring to lhree well known Lon·
don shops.
She does not like raincoats.
but has one.which ii lfaolng to
last me a good many years."
-" New Nursery · Officers
Swing Into Action
Ready to plan a busy year of
activities ue new of!lctrs of
the North Huntington Beach
Nursery School.
president; Gene Allen, second
vice iresideot; Olarles Hardy,.
irecretary, and Robert Berg,
coordinating act~on taken by charter ·year was th e first an-~ 82 leagues 1n the state, nbal F4Jltasy Ba11 which took
Wsed on a coose11SW1 reached place in the Newporter Inn
by members following a sus· with the theme of Carousel of
talned study of govermnentaJ Color.
Carme.1, Lake tahoe Honeymoon
· informal fashion show is
scheduled, and booUque items
wtll be displayed. Hostesses
will be wives of officers in the
aircraft maintenance depart-
men& with . • Mrs. L o r e n
Willoughby s e r v l n g as
Farewell trays will be
presen~ to women whose
husbands will be transferring
or retiring from a c ti v e
military service. HOnored will
be the Mmes. James Barry,
Ronald Burford, Roy Cole,
Robert Cowan, Richard Duss-
lnger, Douglas Finlay, William
Lakin: Whilney Lee, Charles
!\.tarshall, Warren Mi 11 s.
Harold Tucker and Jam.as
They will be msiaUed during
a dinner meeting in Francois
restaurant, next Wednesday.
Serving as cooncU represeb-
taU" will be Mn. Lany
JoJ.-.oo_ Ab.> wo.klng-wtll be
tile Mmes. Fred Fran&ente,
and Mike Townsend, mothers'
chairmen; Ralph Stephens,
parliamentarian, and Donald
Stewart, purchasing chairman.
Mrs. Kenneth Ma rtyn
issues. . Takini the gavel for the
Durlng the coming year coming _year will be Mrs.
state act.ion primarily will in-Stewart Morgan · and ac·
volve constitution revision. cepling offices with her will be
school finance and water the Mmes. Pel.er BerW!ck,
quality. . ·first vice presillent; William
Mrs. Martyn will be one of Marvin second vice presi--
18 directors appointed from all den t; Frank Carr, secretary;
areas ol the state. The board Freeman Rose treasurer·
meets w:titn summoned in dif· Gary Schmid, Pub Ii c I t Y
ferent areu. . . . chainnan: · Dean Mallicoat.
Since one o1 her act1v1t.ies cUnJc c h a i r m an · · John
will be issuing the LWV's call Campbell, socia1 chairman,
to . action, ?r letters ~o and Jay Martin. publl~ in· leg1slat~, Mrs. Martyn ~ti! terpretation chairman.
be meet.mg frequently with The auxiliary set;ves the
those officials. Irvine areas _of UniVersity
Park, Turtle Rock and UCI.
Hints to Nix Mail Packages
Porode Given
Royol Floir
(UPI) -If you want to
discourage companies from
sending you uno rdere d
merchandise, just mark the
package "refused" and take it
to the post office lo be sent
This advice comes from
Helen E. Bell, extension home
management specialist of
Pennsylvania State University.
MiM Bell says even if you
open the package before you California National Fuchsia
realize what it was, you still Society's king and queen , Mr.
don't have to pay for the pro-and Mrs. Elmer Monson of
duct. Long Beach will be honored
Just put the· item back in guests of the Costa h-1esa-Bay
the paCkage, rewr ap it, write Cities Fuchsia Festival Satur-
"refused" on the outsid~and day and Sunday, June 7 and 8,
send it back. '\) in Cos ta Mesa Park. Photos Depict Miss Bell ad•ises that while The royaltf also will ride in you are under no legal obUga-tM annual Liorui Club Fish
f .lion to pay for unwanted Fry parade on Saturday, They A rica n Trip merchandise as loilg as ii ;_, will be occompanied by Mr.
not used, you may be able to and Mn. Silu Gregg, the area
Col. and Mn. William Brug discourage the company from branch's king and queen.
gere will show pictures of sending any more by sending Olauffeur wUl be Lem Downs,
Burbank Home
Of Newlyweds
Following a honeymoon trip
lo Carmel and "Lake Tahoe,
newlywed Richard Parish and
his bride, the former · LynnC
Zeb.rta will establish their
first home In Burbank.
The daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Zekaria of Hun·
tington B.e3ch and the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parish of
Burbank exchanged v o w s
before the Rev. Dr. Harmon
Gehr in th"e Unitarian
Universalist Church.
The bride wore a gown of
silk organm trimmed with
rosepolnt lace encrusted with
seed pearls and cry~tal se·
quins. Her skirt extended into
a chapel train and a headpiece
of matching lace and pearls
held her illusion veiling. White
roses, stephanotis and baby's
Mrs. Gary Williams. the
bride's cousin was the matron
oC honor, and bridesmaids
were Mrs. Ralph Kalbus and
Mrs. Thomas Buckwell.
Serving his brother as best
man was Berriard Parish, and
guests were ushered to their
seats by Richard Zekaria, the
bride's brother, Frank Young,
Gar Jorgenson and George
A reception followed In the
Jluntington Shcralon,
The bride. a grad uate of
Burbank High School, received
her AA at Glendale College
and attended the University of
Hawaii. Her husband, also a
BHS alumnus, is a graduate of
U n d c rwater Technological
Bath Curtains
Token Outdoors
FQr Furniture
Plastic shower curt.alns no
longer nice enough r 0 r
bathroom duty can stHI be
useful -as covers for outdoor
furniture and grills.
Just machine-wash them~ In
soap or detergent sud$, along
with a couple of bath towels
whict. rub the plastic clea n.
Remove curtains b e f o r e
final spin, allow to drip dry
and cut them to size. rr
des.ired, glue weights a.round
the edges to hold covers when
wind blows.
breaLb fonned her pouquet. !==================== Moss and avocado organza
over taffeta gowns a n d
nosegays of white chrysan-
themums, roses and baby's
breath were selected for ·her
attendants. their trip to Africa during a U b.1ck. Costa Mesa's 1968 king.
meeting of Laguna Beach 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Business a n d P.rofessiona1 11
Women's Club next Thursday
night at 7:30 p.m.
More Th11n A
Q u•rter Of A Milt
Of Antiques
,._1embers are urged to bring
husbapds and guests to the
gathering in Laguna Federal
Silvings and Loan building,
and r ese r vat i ons are
The program will be follow-
ed by a business ~Ung con-
ducted by Mrs. Florin A.
Mtrtin, presid,ent.
The Daily Pilot
Boating Covers
• J ..
. -
Oran9e County's
Anli<jue Skow
• THURS., FRI ., SAT., JUNE 5, 6 & 7
Fe eturing R1re, Beautiful and Novel Objects
from Around th1 World by Top 011ler1. ·
We're 14 Storts
.... o,..
Nltltlly TU ':JO
~uth Coast ?laza
Mrs. Dale Bush will serve as
installing oflicer for t h e
Mmes. Henry Duke, presi·
dent; Jerry Rideout, first vice ·A social hour will begin at
6:30 p.m., with dinner at 1
p.m. followed by the general
meeting and installation at 8
p.m. Balls Thrown
B_y Auxiliary In charge. oC arrangements
are the Mmes. Gene Murphy,
-David Black, Clarence Dues-
Take Me Out to the Ball is ing, Conrad Hawkins and
the theme appropriately Stewart. -
chosen by the Women's Aux·
iliary, Mission· Viejo Lit lie
League, for a· dance, Sa·
turday, June 7, at 8:30 p.m.
Band music, door prizes and
refreshments will be provided
at festiviUes which will take
place in Mission Viejo Recrea-
tion Center.
Tickets, at 11 per couple,
arc available during games in
Rebekah Lodge
Triple Link Club of Mesa
Rebekah Lodge has meetings
the fourth Monday at 8 p.m. in
various locations. M r s •
Douglas Morgan at 548-1938
may be called for additional
O'Neill School or may be ob-~=========:;
tained by calling Mrs. Charles
Lambert, 837-6695.
Proceeds from the benefjt,
chaired by Mrs. David Ochoa,
auxiliary president, will go
towards purchasing equipment
for the league.
No ether ne••p•p•r tills yo11
!'flor1, 111ry cl•y, 1bo11t whit'•
9 o i 11 9 on In th1 9111t1r
Orlllflte Co•st thin th1 DAILY ·
To Go At
21 Bales ~enuine Hand'lfOYen -.
and 'other Oriental
Rugs, Carpets & R~nners
2 Bales S11rouks (mixed 1l1e1)
2 Bales Bokhar•• (mixed 1l1e1)
Bale Quoms Unl1id Silk Included)
1 B•le Afghans (mixed sizes)
' Belt Fedoo1 (mhlitd sizftl
2 Balu Contract Klrmen1 (mixed 1l11t)
3 Bales lftdian (mixed si1n)
1 B•le Kashgais (mixed il:nt)
I Bale Ke1h1n1 (mixed 1i1ff)
M•ny oth•r 11•111 ef mired qu•lltl•1. All •re h•n4 "I'•"•"
•ltd of lii11torlc•I de1it t1· l•l•s wUI Ii• op•1t•cf 111d dl1pt11d
of lndivid111lly •t A11ctle11 ...
On Wednesdey, June ~. el .8 p.m.
At Orange Medical Bid", Auditorium
JOO s; ,._.., St .. Or ..... C .. lhntle
• Ct1ke Ch1p..,•11 A•e., E. htrrioff ftom S•nl• A11• Fr11w•yl
bM~ .. ,.,_ ' ,. • , ....
Auctioneer: Mr. A. Briscoe
S~ci•li1ed Merchandise Eichon91
ltnM: C°" ef clilec\.
• I
< I<
• •
"' ve
ye p,
''" "' Co
' tin
th• ••
ed • •• \ht
'" 1VI
• led
"~ Pl' Thi
""' (OU -
IU. u ..
I. I • I
Sadtlleba~k Today'• 'F••.i
N.Y. Stoek• EDltlON
Laguna., ~Clemel}te Awa·iting
· Hopefully and prayerruny three women
-atieJementary school teachers -wait
• today ·for aome word ol their husbands
who were aboard the yacht Goodwill
which sank ln Mexican waterl!.
The women frifiXis and teachers in the
Capistrano Unified • School District all
Down t"lae
Viejo Park:way
• Open to Tl'af fic
MlS.SlON VIEJO - A one mite stz:elch
oC Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo's
vehicular backbone, ls now open lo traffic
between Oso Parkway and La Paz Road.
The section of roadway north of La Paz
Is expected to be opened in about one
year and the portion south of Oso
Parkway l'lhould be opened in about IS
'!DOnths, said Frank Feme, vice-president
ot engineering for the Mis!ion Viejo
Marguerite Parkway Is the only major
north -south trafUc artery in Mi.slion Vie·
jo. When complete, motorists may drive
from the northerly Burroughs Corp. plant
to the southern boundary of the com·
munity at Sad~leback College.
:e Cellege Gets Grant
LAGUNA HILLS -The Saddlej>ack
College Scholarship Fund has received a
$200 check ftym the Laguna Hills Rotary
Dr. Fred H. Bremer, president of the
co!}ege, a~pted the check tmm the
club's preslde.Wlecl. -Cun·
• Dral11 Pl•n SlotN
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A $15,000 "M'ste.r Plan of Draiiiage" fOf' the
Capl!lrano Valley area will be pruented to the Board of Supervisors today by
county Flood Control Chief Engineer
George Osborne.
OSborne proposes that the study be
financed with $10,000 contribution by the
County and $5,000 by the city of San Juan '
Capistrano. ·
Lowry Engi~ng Science of 121 E.
Washington SL, Santa Ana wou1d draw up
the &uggested master plan.
·• School Costs Studied
to the cost of a 4G-acre Laguna Niguel
l!lite for a &eeond Capistrano Unified
School District high school were authoriz-
, ed Monday by the board of tru~tees.
Trustees were informed that grading.
and drainage and other improvement of
1he proposed site at CroWn Valley
Parkway and Moulton Niguel Parkway WUt cost about $750.000. This is in ad·
dition to the land cost itselL
Assistant Superintendent Joe Wlmer Was instructed to contact the Lagi.ma
1'tlgnel Corp. and begin talks for purchase
of the site. :e Eltnen Meet Set
MISSION VIEJO -The first adult
fitness session of the Mission Viejo
~Uon Center will be held Thursday
·at~7:30 p.m. at the center, 25lm Moo-
tanoso Drive, Mission v~;o.
lnslructlon will be available for weight
tifUng and indlvid.ual workout programs.
Sessions ma)'. be held on Tueeday and
Tbµnday eveilinp. There is no charge.
· Lagunan Given
, Drugs Sentence
A· Laguna Be3Ch man whose illegal
parking of his car on an Art Colony street
• led' to his arrest on drug dtarges haJ
been sentenced to 60 days ln Orange
County J all. .
Bam1n Freeman, II, of Cajon St., drew
that lerm and three yean; ~lion from
Superior Court Judge James F. Judge.
JI• pleaded guilly t< possession of Jn.Vi.
julina. •• Freeman wis arrested last March 4
while being questioned oa the illegal
J>4Mng of lils auto by a Laguna off leer.
The officer noted the flap of a plastic bag
~ from Fr<eman's pocket, the
content.I or wh\cb were subsequently
found t• be marijuana.
"NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe stock mlll"ket ~ clOted with another IMs today in • CMo
tinuatJOo of the slide from the 18'9 high
aualDed three weeks ago. (See quota·
~°"" Pacu 1~u1.
. '
have their hopes pinned on a Coast Guard
air search around remains of the 16l·foot,
$500,000 yacht today.
Mn. Bernard Stark, 3$455 El Camino
~. Capistrano Beach; Mrs. Jerry
Comatock, 3Z202. Vista de Catalina, Three
Arch .S,.y; and Mrs. Walter ~. 211
Prlncesa st., San Clemente, l.oðer 10
* * * Hopes Dim
For Yacht
DAILY rll.OT ._,... •~lltr' ·
Chances that the nlne petSoos aboard
the wrecked Goodwill off the Baja
Calilornia coast escaped were dimmed
today when it was det.emtlned that lhe
two skiffs were still in davits.
"This Jl'.05Sib1y loweri chances that
anyone esCaped the wrecked vessel," a
Coast Guar<f.. spokesman at Sao Dlea:o
said .
The two 1klffs were found lo be still at·
tached to the daYils when Harry Boland,
a fonner navigator aboard the Goodwill,
bc.vered over the wrecked v~.
The boa.bi were originally reported to
be missing, lndlcating that owner Ralph
Larrabee and eight passengers may have
-abandoned shlp A?KI made it to Gerooimo
Island some fOurmiles away.
Meanwhile there was confusion and
conjecture as to bow many persoos were
actuaOy aboard the 181-fOO;t acbooner
when she fetched up on Sacramento Reef
some 200 miles south of San Deigo.
The Coast Guard said reporb that
there were a dozen or more persons
aboard were hued on calla from people
statqig "they tboulht fllenllo C!l''rmtlves mJ.tht havt: been -Part. •A~ -' Arthu~ 1-9'1ev~' executive vice presi·
dent OI L Ii Pjlhch1ne lndultrioo llates
polillnly -.... obiy ~ -.:f Ille ~·wben she departed
on the Mtxlcab .cnlite.
Knievel does not dtJcount" the posslblll·
ty that Larr~ may have picked tip one
or more.. Mexican naUonala as deck
hands, u is customary for y4chtsmen
crulsing Mu.I~ waten.
The body <t a teen.age boy localed by
Meaican· Olhennen has "tot been iden-
tlfie4.as one of the plasenge~ aboard the
Goodwtll. · H01feier, one ol t h e
pas.sengen, T. Smith ol Long BeJich, was
said to be about 17.
Meanwb.Ue tbt search for the passen·
gers and c r e w o( the one-time lux-
ury ·vessel w a s expanded w I f h
two fixed wing aircraft and a
helicopter from the Coast Guard.
Knievel said four private planes
chartered by the company have also join·
ed the search.
Dlver5 from Geronimo Island have
been sent down to search the wreckage.
The bull is completely submerged with
only one mast ab<>•e water.
One of the pusengers aboard the 229
ton, 161-foot vessel, Pat' r i c ia Nien·
hauser, 48, was said to have been the
niece of the late Eugene Biscailm,
longUme sbeTiff of Los Angeles County.
Wreckage of Uie Goodwill was positive-
'ly iden\ified at 11 a.m. Sunday by Marlow
Marrs, a .part-owner of the vessel and of-
f id al of Ralph Larr8bee's L&F machine
industries. Marrs flew to the scene in-a
Coast 'Guard plane and identified the two
masts stickilla: from the water on the reer. -
Sacramento Reef nms about four miles
oUshore from Isla Geronimo off the
mainland of Baja Calif~L There Is a
amalf villaa:t".-on -the laland of Geronimo
bQt,tbe nativn have no knowledge of any
survl.vtft of the wreck. .
'lbe GoodWU1 wai.en route-to Enlenad•
from Cabo San Lucas, ber Jut port or
call on a trip from ~k:o. She
IS.. 'GOODWll.L, Pap ll -·.
thtouP the ordeal of waiting for word
and praying that It will be good .
Walter Zaiss was engineer aboard the
ill-fated craft. lt~was he who asked Stark
to serve aboard the boat. Both men wue
in the ieneral construdion business.
The trip aboard the Goodwill bei;an 15
a pleQure ,voyaae although the ahlp was ' was ,one ol thtte new crewmen who came
to have-50l}\e work dohe _op decks and aboard to bring the yacht baci from
hull wblle ln Baja Ca!Uo~;¥". Stark Mexican wafers. ,
said. -• ' ZaW had been on other trips with
T1le GcodWiU had been In dry dock yacht-owner Ralph E. Larrabee or
prior to Ieavlng for the Mexican trip Newport ,Beaeh, Christine Ernest, Zafls'
sometime around FebnJary. 2&-year-old daughter, said today.
Stark joined Lhe Goodwill Ma)I 20 and Mrs. Comstock who could not be con-
, '
tacted today. was beinl comforted by
friends while watt!ng for aome word.
Her husband , aald by ecqualntanca to
be about 40, is reportedly in the electricll
business and an outdoonman who enjoys
his weekend volleyball at Three Arch
San Cl·entente. Rolls ·Out
Welcome -Mat for Nixons ~ ' ~
.• .
.-¥1LY ~ILOT ~ ......
Prior to ·Mldw•y Talks With ·.Thleu; A StdPov1r •t-San ~t•'• White Houff Wtst 1
• • . .
Meets ReqDlrements
Laguna's Jack-in-box . .
Moving Smoothly Ahead
With city planners' bteSsings on park·
Ing kit landscaping already in the bag
and a sign program which meeLs city re-
quirements. all is smooth sailing so far
for Laguna Beach's Jack-In-The-Box
In commercial zones: the only contr6ls
the city-Architecture and Land Use
Supe:rviBk>n (ALS) committee maY ex·
erciJe are on 'parking~ landscape and aign
a rear. .
Monday night -planners •approvect J,he
parking Jot landscaping for the pro~
rataurant which will be construct«! on
the site of Laguna's Wbeel House
rr~taurant at 1201 S. Coast Highway.
"They have submitted a sign propo&al
which meets city requirements and we
are awaiting their format. application,"
said Clyde Sprlnge, city .planning and
building director, following the meeting.
Zeit Vogel, vice president of C&llfomia
Neon products, San Diego, which Is mak·
ing the sign for the restaurant, said, the
box from w~h Jack looms overheed ,, a
Oat double f_aced aqlil.re which'li.. SU feet
by six feet in size.·
"We are not going to have a square
box. We change;d from the· standar.d box
·type slgn'to'a tlbuble-f~ed. Oat .sign in
order to meet the code," be explained.
• c
OCCA Supp9rts ·
·Coast mghway,
Beauty Plans
Orange County Coast Assoclationldlrec·
tors today endorsed a -study ol plJns lo
beautily the Paciff<'"Coa.st Hish,W•Y·.trom
one encl of lhe county line to the other.'
'Mle proposal calls foi; main\enahce of
the beaulifled highway by the; state; qnce
it reaches California's standanb u . a
scenic, route. · ,
At the same time, the Coast A!socla·
tlon board backed away from plunglng in-
to the offshore oil drUling contfoYel'sy
wltho<il thorough study.· · ·
A~ociation ,President Cap. Blackburn
said the oil sltuaOori la ''a pplit1Ca1 bot·
k ., ,. , I 1 CB e. , , .
· "1 Would not want our ts.soc,iatkJn •to
take a stand unlll .. w;e ~ wtia~ •t're
talking about," he laid. · : ·, ·
So · p commJUee w,.; f6nned '14 study
I .> the ssue.
Own Day
San Clemente 'will bJm out In force
Wedneaday to welcome President Nllon
and his family to their new home In the
wes'7 '
As the N-entourap deplanes from
a helicopter at the Coast Guard LOBAN
slaUon during the noon hour,. the San
c1emen1e Hfgti"seooot Band wtlfball. the
chief. . , ,
8j) "lnl Ma111r Wade F. LOWer wbo w
, pt'OCllhned Wedqeaday .. WelCOD)t fresl·
<teo1 Nixon Day." MO)'qr Lower, alher a.
ty omdab, ldlOlol children alOI mudl ot
the populace or this ,.aside mort wUJ
turn out.
Vlctor-C. Andrews. Mr. Nixon's Oranp
County' campolgn , manafer, said the
President, his wife, dauihtara Tricia and
Julie and son-fft-law Divid Elaenhower,
art to arrive by helicopter at -the Coast
Guard fa'cflily betv;een noon anti 12:30
p.m. Gates will be .pen lo the public ol
10 a.m.
Andrews tertned .the visit as sUi~ly ' work sesiion prellmlnary to th e
President's departure SaturQay f o r
meetings on Midway. No social plana in
Orana:e County have been announced.
The PresidenUal entourage ls expected
to arrive aboard Air Force One at El
Toro Mlrine Corps Air Station at 11:30
a.m. cl\Vednesday and pause only briefly
before boarding the helicopter to San
Andrews estimated that the San
Clei'nenLe ·.welComing ceremonies might
take 20 to ;10 minutes. ';rhe Presidential
" party will then be driven through the
gates of the old Cotton ett.ate overlooking
·the surf.
David Eisenhower is scheduled to ac·
company the President to Midway Island
where Mr. Nilan will hold a round or
talks with South Vietnamese President
Nguyen Van Thieu.
The ladies are expected to slay In'San
Clemente -unUI Saturday moriling when
the President lUes to Honolulu e.n route to
Mr. Nixon plans tony back to Honolulu
Sunday evening, spend the night Uiere
and return for another one-night stay ln
·San Clemente befofe O)'ini to V!,ashinitoa
late Tuesday.
· -Capo School Crisis-Ends ,
Lester Rtmmer1. fir:st vice P.,tesldint of
.(he assoclaUon, 'said ·the ;i o.~y,ear
beautificatkln program would ~volve
'four major areas of highw'Y , Jm-
provement: construcUon' of Underaro\Jn(I
utilities, conlrol of billboards aloitg lhfl
route, landscaping and maintenance.
Remmers said be was hopeful tQit the
Pacific Co1st Highway s,uay p>Uld be
financed by donations ftopt arr.a m-
dustrle& end large 1&.n4 owntra. ·
It you're looking for a change
In the weather, better get away
from the orange" Coast/ where
Wednesday'• outloot b the same
old story -low clouds, hazy stm-
shtne and 70ish temperatures. Trustees Reach Salary Agreement With· Teacher~
Of-·~,... ....
"It iJ my pJealure. to announce that we
wUI all be on d1lty l<morTow doln1 our
UIUll good job.of teacblng."
That lltltement by teacher Robert Moe,
pnistdent or the-Clptltnoo OnKled
&lucaljon -, • ..-up a
three-hour boanl meetlq Monday night
"In which. ~ .occopted te11<bet
d<mands !or an _...... 1aluy co111ract
and. I jolilt fl.-. l'Oct-fiodinf com-
mittee. •
Mtn thin llO teteben: and observert
crowd_ed the old SeTa School auditorlllm
for the boanl meeltn(,
Aller conllderablo bagglln1 between
teacbon ud -.... W«diq al I
• I
re90lutlon granting the teac;)ers' pro-
poeals, the board unanl.mou1ly approved
I.be matter.
The action apparently ends, for now,
the battle over teachers' aa1aries.
Truste.-Md.the tt&cbers' assoctation
had been at odds since May 25 when the
bGard enacted ovtr teacher opposition a
pay and fringe benefit increase.
TeacheB bad a<ed for• ran&! of; from
$6.700 to 111.400 with an m<i!R! tn· '
aurance ~YD!"'" paid lot .the"""'!Ot' j'
and ~.falnff1.• . ' -'ljijio The board grant..i a ranJe ., .to I
$11,250 anc1 payment of jUjt ·llll ~'•I
med6cll insurance. • ·7,f ·-I
Teochen charged tt>at tt.I "boo rd bad u~:.\'l ended satw . talks. The
boanl . tho1 --ttacher , ..
quesl!I was not avaJlable, but teachers
malntalned that I~ , was.
Teachel'I thttatened » abandon theil""
classroom1 unless negotiati9ns were re·
opetied. ·
The open end contract provides that
any additional funda whlch mJght .be
received by1tbe dlatrict next year from u
yM. unexpected tooreeS. be given con-
a1de.ratJon'feruse It teac~• sallirieP.-• •.
·Tht "'ldY, eommillee d~y ~ ... 1 ...
tb•'"icfien' asaOciatioft ·in budle\ll'Y
imatteri... , _. .
:.W.Ctsti<in .J!reoldent Moe sat.l that the
action by the 'leachers·was not to much
1'n 1anuc1piuon 1thlt ·mqre money win
come tn , N It is a way tJ lnsurinc lhat.'ll
Jnort' <mOM}' comm In,· LNcllln will get
"outJlir *are ol lt. ••
A simlfar study l8'l year-liy the Bouth
Coast Scenic Asioclat~ f:O!etiDI ,.the
Coasl Hlghw•Y Crom ThHe Aif,b a.y to
Dana Polot was financed Jhati r ay, •Rem-
mers noted. t • 1 •
• Better a ~ehi~e ·
'Ehan .Scorcluia Roof' b
' tOs 1ANGEL!'.S (AP)" ~.A. maid
~t the ~t ·wty lo'~ aot 1 ~rm of booi 1n • chlmney. -lo starl a !Ire In tho !lttplace. , · . •
'l1ie bee> cloned the chlmnti<ancl a
op1rk llatled .-a.. .. the lhlngloiil reof·
top ot .. PacHlc PaU--· r)rtmetr esttmated damqt M~ al fii,ooo. . '
I ..
Tht contimdng 1toT]I of Peit
ton Ploct fl ftOtD "'dilcontt"ued,"
but iU plelhota of probl.emt re·
moins un1olved. Paoe 15. ·-. ·-. c......... 1N') -" c.........,. 11
DMlll •lkM ~ ~PIM ,I ............... ·•'' ""'--..-11 •"1 .. ..., IP -.. Ml! LIMlfn IJ ....... . --·
• •
-.... . MWIM II ......... ,.
M'""'4 MIWf +f °'"'" CflMtf, I ''"' .. ...,. ,. .... --,,." .,..... , .. ,, ,_. ,.,..,.. , .. " ~· ,, ,......... . ,. -. o-.. fllftl... II
' '
• •• • ... , .. i 't' • + "'T •
Concert Critie,:s ~o:e: ·' ,
Euphemism Set to Music
By TOM BARLf;Y °' .... Deltr ....... ...,
U. la frequently our privilege (and almo1t u ofttn our pleasure) to don
our other DAU.. Y Pil.oT hat -that audltoriwn~nted bit of headgear that ::= by ~ n~per's music critic at many Oran&e County soi.reel
RoU that 8l'OUDd your toocue. love -solrees nwsicale. That's bow we
crtU.. 1re suppoaed 1o write. you know. Terribly, terribly cultural and all that,
throw In the odd Avoit faire., bravura and markedly oeoclasaicist and, by
• George, they'll sip their WI and lllJl'gle: "This chap really
knows. what 'be's writing about."
Ah, Gladys, but· It isn't as easy as alrthal. ·tt takes
• decade or two, old glrl, to insult any conctrt performer
la a nice way. Sometimes we do it in a not very nice 'Vay.
we admit, but that'a only wbtn..cerllin people have been
Y'1'"f naughty Indeed, Ulle plaJll!g tha "Messiah" as U It
...,.. the POii Horn>Gallop.
* Let's show you what we me.an. Art you readf, love?
Rigbto, here we go: "' • ~ -
"It wu indeed difficult, froui our parUcu!ar vantage
point, to gauge to any great depth the much va1.mted acoustlcs cf this concert
ball. We .would. lo our way ci tbtnklq, be better 'qualliied to comment on what
"' abdentand la a new approadt to reproduction of sound from a mart S9Phis-tieoled ...uni arnngemenl" Iii ether word1, we got a 1oosy seat. ·
That often happens, you know, thanks to the bubbling hostesses who
hand out a ooopl~ of free tJcketa as 1r ·you're getting a..paa toa Buckingham
Palace garden party and then don't give a damn U you're hung by your left
toe from~ rafters .and have to watch the eolo planiat's hands through a persk:iope. . . • . . ... -:i'
And that meanJ you, Mn. --------
(EdittJr's noU: Now you're getttng nasty again. Tf uou don't like
the_ seat, why not pay for a better ane1)
* On to our next jewel of journaHsllc crlflci.5m ind this: timf! we 'll take 1
stab at a specific performer. Here 's ooe from oar opera collecUon :
" ••• and while her rendering of several ~ arlu wu acceptable, giv-
ea the nature of this limited production, we would be teluct.ant to confer the
11me cauttows seal of approval on the semi-ballet eequeaces thlt art so .vital
to the wanton, lustfuJ role of this voluptud\m: gypq &irL ·_,;,
"Miss Blow wouJd not, we are sure, ):fttend to~tbe .dlmenalons of, shall·
we say, a. Cyd Charisse, and the extra pound or. two tolil their tale·U · the a~
tempted lo step into the spirit or that ternpeolu<lui, ,.:U.U.,, Habanera.-lt WU .
Indeed unfortunate !or her anDCIUI partner thol be aminrillY lalled lo take
lnlo ICCOWlt the fact that his slowly~ companiOn wu a beat CJ' two
off the f'9U!inc pace , . . "
Yup, abe was the fatle!:t Carmen we've ever teen. And the did the,
Habanera with the gay abandon of a pregnant Hereford.
* Did you say what about condhttors, Glldys! Oh yea, IOV<, '"''Ye wrtttea
about them too. Here'• one popinjay of the podium Who.cau,gbt our eye: -
" • , • and while It may be terribly 1vmit ptde .to candQct wttbout 1
ba~i. it wu d.i¢flcuJt to asaess any achievement to whlcb th1I dlreetor may lly
d.alm. JDs repeated lDcUnation tO tum over aewral plcm 'fl. tbe ecore at once
did nothing to a~eviate the peD that oeemed 1o palpobly IOllle over thla .,...
luled and dlsturbing' HlldltlOn of a Mu-.;lly.-. thal •ahol\ld, perhopo,
fti:Ye hmalned tn the library.11 c •
Wouldn't it be better to say what we mean Jn plain Ehalish? _
Certainly not It wouldn't be half as mocb fun and besides, when we do
tt thb way, 90 percent of those. we write 1bqut d't iven aure if they're be--
Ing complimented or cut down.
Our idol Wlnston Churchill once said: 11Jt coda 'rlothh:la to be polite tO a man, even· if y,pu bave·to murder him." · ·;
Good old Wlnnie. Cbock lull ol the old aavoir faire and all that, what?
Definitely bra_yura • • • ' · ._ 7·----'-
Carrier Ra~ U.S. Ship;
74 Crew Member-S Lost?
The AUltralian navy minister said today
the Long Beech ba!ed U.S. demoyer
Frank E. Evans tU1'1lfld into a etillision
course moments before the Australian
aircraft carrier Melbourne sliced through
the smaller ship and sent tHe bo1f section
to the bot.I.om with heavy loss of lite.
"Despite urgent actiQll by Melbourne a
collision occurred," the official statement
Rob.rt N. W••d
PBtldeni ..,., JlvbHllllf'
J1elt l. Cutlty YICAo p,_klttlt Incl G•111rel Mar.aw
Thom11 K11vil
Thom•1 A. Mwrphi111
'""'""IM (djlor
1u,h1rd P. Nell
L""'M llHCll tll'r , Edl!Or
lepM .._. Offke
221 F.r1d Ave.
M1llhlt Addr1111 r.o. ••• '''· 92652
°*'°""" eoct• Met.I:• w..1 .,., sr"""
I '""'°" ... <:JH :'111 w .. 1 "'"'" tcP•iev.r• ~ .. «fl: .. '"' ....... I
I '
The U.S . .Defense Department said In
Washlngton one man was k~n dead
and 73 were mi;aa:inc of the Evans' crew.
A late-mom.In_. statement said th e r e
were 200 survivors -190 enlisted men
and tO officers.
Uttle hope was held for survival of any
of the mtlllng men, who apP8:fently were
caught ln the forward part of the Evans
which sank in two minute!. '11le
Melbourne rescued the others from the
aft sectfOn of the split ship.
All but one or-the-survivors -
originally taken aboard the Melbourne -
were later transferred to the USS
Kearsarge. an ·•l)Usubmarine aircraft
carrier. One. seriously Injured man wu nown to Saigon !or' tmitmtot. No lllllJl'e
was given on the nwnber of injun!d, but
a Pentagon sp0ktsmJD said he thoua)lt
this list was abort'.
An intense-selJ'Clb wu under lfay for
possible. survivors.
President Nixon was tnfonned of. ithe.
collision soon It.It.er it occurred, tne White
House !lid today. "He iB eeping tn toucb
with deve10\>menls on the search for the
mis.sing seamen," pres.s secretary Ronald
L. Ziegler said. J>rlme Minister John
Gorton sent a message to Nizon ei·
pressing "deepen eympathy" f o r
families of American sailors missing In
lhe accident.
Ch».tlts R Kelly, the Australian navy
mlnJster. uJd In a statement Issued In
Canberra the 10,000 ton aircraft carrier
and the 2,200 ton destroyer were engaged
in a iolnt SEATO anti-.!llbmrtne uercisc
300 mile3 southeast of Saigon when
disaster struck.
FOi' the Melbourne Lhe lrag~y was
agonizingly similar to one of Feb. 10,
1914, when the Melbourne rammed and
un·k the Austrlllan destroyer Voyager
otr the com of New South Wat ... taking
lbl Uvt• of 12 sailors aboard the
destroyer. .
Kelly's ofrfclal version of lhe accident
said· ·-The Ra wis calm Ind tt WU a br\aht
moonlit night.
"At 1pt>r0Ximatdy l :ll 1.m. (1 :11 p.m.
PDT Monday) Melbourne O<dered the
EYIJll, whlch wu ahead ol her ln the in·
tl•ubmarlne screen, to chanf:e COtll'ff to
rescue a desl.rO)'er station astt.m of her.
1Apari .......... :enfs ·Opposed
; '
Goodwill Owtia• Larrabee
Freno Page 1
departed Cabo San Lacas May 21 and
was again reported oft Cedros Island -
400 miles south of San Diego -on May 2S wnen someone abOard" placed a marine
rad.ie>telephoiie call to lriends in Los
Angeles ltalln( they espected 1o be in ·
&senada May 27.
When the vessel had not. arrived in
Ensenada Friday the (A)asl Guard was
alerted and the. ""1'h hegan.
Larrabee himself ~..,. report,ed 1o be
the skipper and nevl&aior. Friends who •
have sailed with hlm In MeDcan waters
say he Is familiar with tha location of
Sacramento Reef which. sometlma is
awash at low tide. The Goodwill draw• 16
to 18 feel.. • ·
Local· yacbtamen familiar with the
historf of the Gooel1ril~ recall that she has
been invotveir.-tn sem•I other accidents
durinc" the. time she was. berthed at
Newport. · • ~ • Ir\'"1955 .~..tan Wound near Cedros
Island aria llttinded 13 passengers until
she Was ~ uftdtrnaged by the aid
of ldali~ a CO...t Guard ,..,.1. . -. .
Ji)il'l ,i.J'~ll>ed a fishing ve.,el 40
11111., pest:ol San Diego at night, killing
oniit person aboard, •the small craft. A 'oast Guant.111..,tlptloo laler Indicated ·
the fishing craft's Nnnlng lights were not
~~ alter the 1'19 H2!10lulu race -
in which her topmast carried away-Irr
stormy seas -Larrabee had· ·his dlf-
flcuJLies . with the. JnternaJ Bev111ue~
Service over sizeable bullneu deductions
he had claimed for ' the yacht Jn etin·
nection with his business.
1be Goodwill hu wen far from a "lur· .
ury" yacht In the pat !"" years. When
seen in these parts she was nut streaked
and appeart;d to be in a 1eoeraUY. run-
down condltiOn.
Mrs. Thompson
Dies; Funeral
Set Wednesday
Funeral service for ftfrs . Wilma
Thompson, a 45-year Laguna Beach resi-
dent, will be he)d Wednesday at lt a.m.
at the Sheffer Laauna Beach Mortuary
Chapel, 976 S. Coast Highway , Laguna
Beach. Mrs. ThompsOn died Sunday. She
was 75.
Mrs. Thompson and hef' Jate husband,
G. E. Thompson, moved to Laguna In
1923, where he was a real esta~ and in-
surance broker. fttrs. Thompaon Uved at
290 Fairview. ·
Mrs. Thompson was a charter member
or the Eastern Star and he!~ several of-
lices in the organization. She was al'So a
Star Point and organist for the group and
she was an accompanist for a Laguna
Choral club in the city's early days.
Prior to coming tD Laguna Beach, Mrs.
'I'homp.w1 toured the mid-western states
with a company giving dramatic pro-
grams. She taught dramaUc · arts and
gave readingl after coming to the city.
Mrs. Thompson ts survived by a son,
Robert E. Tbgmpson of Panorama City;
a ciSter, lJlllln Holmes of New Delhi,
Ind.la; a .brother. H. Lee Kammeyer of
Laguna Beach. al)(I three grandchUdren.
Services at the mortuary chapel will be
conducted by the. Rev. Dallas Turner of
the Comm'unlty Presbyterian Church.
Burial will.be pri vate.
Festival Ticket
Sales Booming -
Ticket sales this year for the Fntlval
of Arts and Pageant pf the Masters are
run ning about $.15,000 ahead of tbo&e last
year at this time, Robert Leppert,
Festival bustnesa manager, s1id.
Leppert ald a true comparison
between lbe number or stab 10ld
between the two years In not possible on
the basis of rectlpll becaUse Ucket prices
have been lncreased and a ~ormance
has been added. -
Tickets for the 44 performancts or the
Pageant nm from ti to $2. "Best
avatlable now are t.~ a tickets.'.' All~ MerrW, box offfce m1nagtr tald. Even
thooe are aold. out !or Saturday
'!lit Feotlval ol Atta will nm !rorn 111!1
11 thnJo&h Au(, 24. seata !or the Pa....,i
or the -'are tnc!ltlonally oold out prior to the opening ol the wguna
Tn apartment builders /Gprused
dlocomlort..,.,. rmaed multlple naiden-
tlal lft.l) IOnin( •tandarcls u they came
berore Laguna Beach planners Monday
night Jn serach of reUef in the form of
Ernest L. Schroe"der, whose variance
request to build a JO untt 1pat;tment
buikiJng al 259 Lower Cliff I>rlvt. was
denied unanlmoosly by city planners, also
met with angry protests from his
The proposed slructwe, which exceeds
height llmlts by al:lcx.lf o feet alao needed
relief from slde ya and derulty re·
must be ~ed. the dev<ioper' lllould
adhere 1o his pr<Sel\ plot plan 11111 Oor•
lain lancb<apin( and alley &npmemeots
mutt be pmid<!k •
In other business Mond>y ' olgh~ plan· ners: · " .. ·
· ..:.0e1ayed a ·healmi on a .cond!Uonal
use perm11 aoe~ by Calv~, Chureh \o
use Pyne~ for a prlvlta 6y school. a pre-echoo1andcburdL1be hearing was
.de)ayed because first notlces aent out on
the matter dkl not explain that the day
school ~e was prposed. • .
-Delayed to the Jtme 9 study session a
conditional use Pennit requut by Lynn J.
Muir Associates. _
-Granted Emanuel Welner permission
lo op<r!te lelnfslon and oalea ibOp Jn a llcht manul~ .0.. af lllWl41 Laiuria Canyon Road. ' .•
-,\dofl(ed'"'a ....iut1on lntei1ullnc
sldeyard 6'tbacb for trregular Iota.
Norma.Uy 10 perunl ol the land, not to
exceed ~ven feet, ii required. However,
the reiill~uon '.~s In ·a ,cne ot odd ~P.O<l 1oa, o1c1eyanr oetbac:o -lie
rilhU'lO per<:e0t iii the Width ol thO lot it
Its building setback line 0< to pen:ent"ol
the average width of the Jot.
-Approved an Al.3 report recom-
mending approval on the .reviled pk>t'
plan for Rk:bard Jones , who null to
put a acreenlng in !root ol hia art abop
at 961 Glenneyre Sl ''This represents t radical change in
the ~· ordinance. I filed previously and
my plans jlld comply with t h e
ordinanCe," be et>mmented. · Filllest_Statem'ent.
.... ~ ?o.fost of his neighbors present at the
meeting protested that the proposed ·
buildi?tg would ruin their view. however
Dorothy Donnelly, 271 Lower Cllfl Drivt,
said she supported Schroeder's proPoSal. Nixon Assails Radicals -' • "People want you to drop dead because
you bought that expensive j>roperty and
they have 411,at cheap property back
thei'e," she commenred, adding, .. it's
time Utat space was developed for a
For Campus 'Arrogance'
Planners did approve a variance re-quest to that Los An'gelies Iron and Steel MADISON, S. D. (UPI) -President
Co. may cona:trud an 11-llnlt apartment Nixon struck back today at campus
building at 339-349 Cypress Drive ~ radicals who "bully;' college authorities
de\tiating slightly from imposed regula· into yielding to demaods and declared
Uons. • . · ~ 1'self-rlghteous moral arrogance has
"Regardless of the decision, I war\'\: you no place in a free' community."
to review the practicality of the R-3 Nixon speaking On the campus of a
ordinance. lt's.<1ver-l'1!strictive. If you do lo>-small South Dakota coll!g;e, spoke. at
approve our variance request, 1 hope you length about disorders currently nack·
don't ~e ~ reqaest as api>f?V&I of irlg America's instltuti.ons of higber
the ordinance, sald Leonard Ritter a learning. .
rtpraent.aUve, of artjlitects who are The ~minute addr~s was the
designing the 1Julldbtg: • Pre11idenl'1 fullest statement yet . on the
The proposed structure ·encroaches less student disorders. He spoke ~t General
tha_n two feet collectlvel.X: Gn total Beadle State College at the dedication of
sldey'aril requirements aftd' ts about 1 the Karl E. Mundt Library.· · bedroOm more than al~ by density Nixon said "A great marly people have
requinlnents> Although Ooly-11 parking become impatient with the democratic
areas are called for, tbt.f!in allows for proces.s.
20. • ~ ~.. .,.... "' • "Scorning persuasion, they prefer coer-
N~borini propertx ~rs pfotesting cion. Awarding themselves with what·
the plan.included Larry ~ulst, 300 N. they c;aU a higher morality, they try to
Coast Wgbway, who slid he. spoke for bully authoriUes into yielding to their
other~ OWnera on that bloak. 'dt'!mands.'
Planners approved tbe variance re-"On college campuses, they draw sup-
quett but said open apace requtmnents port from faculty members who should
know better; in Ult larger community,
they find the usual apologists reidy to
excuse any tactic in fie name or
"It should be. self-evident that thjg tort
o! self-righteous tno1;al arrogance bait no
place in a.free comrhunlty. It de.Diel the
most fandamental of all Ult values we
hold: respect for tht rights of other1.
This principle' ol mutual respect ~ the
keystone of the entlr.e structure of
ordered ljberty that makes freedom
Ni:ron also sought to assure the nation
that "insurrection" would not succeed if
the authorities used the power at tbtir
"Force can be contalned ," he said.
"We have the power to Strike back if
need be, and to prevail. The nation bu
&urvjved other attempts at.Jn&urrecilon.
"We can survive this," he contlnue4-
"lt has not been a lack'.of civil power, but
the reluctance of a free people to tmploy
it, that so often has stayed the band of
authorities faced with confrontati911."
-.. The things we do for people ...
260 CX..n A.,,.,,u•
La1u111 Be1ch. California
Telephon•: 494·7541
ltR~n.t lll&uer: 3 MOtlan:l'I t1y 1"1111
T 1Jcilhotit: •1& IMO • •9£·1201
Sar1 ci.,,,.nt9: ll01 N. El c1,,.;110 llool
l •'9pl'lonf: 492-1195
.•. witli Pleasure! Liles sending a depositor in
Switzerland an· extra packet of our monthly
m!gazine ••• to give fri ends· a better picture of
h.o\v we look l\nd l ive i'iiDuZ.IJeoning Orange
County, USA.
Our:dyn~~ gro~ is an 'import~nt reason why
savers fftni. all OV!r the world fnvest in Laguna
Federal Saving!. They kn~~ that. Qrange County's
Largest. First and Stronge:si independent Federal
offers them deep sr:curity.end absolute maximum
reLur.l\ on &are. flfiured 1av'ings. This kind of
ir;itefest looks good-even-from the scenic Alpa:.
And far~ofl savers at J,aguna ·Federal Savings
often beco me nearby neighbors. One good thing
-iea.:ds to another.
DAY·IN to DAY·OUT inlere•I on. •II account•
n. nr• ,. ,., 1o•r 1tu1V1i•f ce ...... ,..,,cr.
Bi-e••l•n11.iel Med•lllan.-i ,. ••licl IJro,..•
er •fleer-amM:.lc "1 &la• Sia,. ofCttU,.,,.._. 1o
rel.ein-.i. ii. 1.-lmadrelf&laan,.,.,_,,.. 0.••'• •I
..,.",. tllrl!e affiee•, froM I••• 16.
.. .
I ' . I
. I
• •
' , \
. ...
\ ' I•
' .
j -
.N.Y. Steeb
• -Ir
Bay Ciu. • . . a 65 I.nfanff~ Lo t s. -for 2 Million
Of flie ~ fitllf SMff
·• Tbt Balboa Bay Club today sp~ad its
boldir)gS aefOss West Coast Highway ln
Newport Beach.
:..aay. Clutt-Gtneral-Manager Ralph
Berke announced the club has completed
P.urchase of lfVitle Compal'.ly land on the
inllnd side of the hlgh~ay'from the IIK.lO
block ·east io the 100 bloc'k at Dover
!>rive.. ·
cOat of tht 3,000 feet of highway Iron-
tap wu "''aligbUy under" $2 millioo,
Berke aald.
$!py .. b:,loto, each about 50 feet Wide
and 150 to 175 feet deep, were bought
from the lrvine Compa'ny. Total icreaa:e
is eight acre!.-· -
The transaction, first reported ln the
DAILY PILOT six weelu ago, was
recorded today. •
It wu a 11tra!ght purchase, flerke said.
The usual Irvin< Company policy i»to I-land.
Berke said the Bay eJub bu· not yet
determined what to do with the prf
perq_eS on a toiig-range 'basis.
"We anticipate things will very
definitely remain as they are for quite
some'1tme;" he said. "We're pretty well
wired up on. lenants and are arranging
leasesi()n some of the property lhat bas
been vacant.
"At this stage," he empbasi:r.ed, "the
acquiiition represent& an.inmtmerit:." '
He coocedec;I, ~ever, that eventually
• •
ti1e Baft:Iub ·~ht make conlaeta"•!lih
the llate" on plllll for tht COIDlllOl'Clally
Ufl<d Pl'P'fli••· ' 1l!t strip of highway frontage lies, op-
.poslte the massive private club, located
on 1s,we., or cify-0vined baY!riiii(Janil.
Berke neither confirmed' 1'!9r~ denied
several posslbJUUes on Bay ctµb use of
tht ,site. Th<y Include:
--ConsttucUon \of ~-rile. a~U
and parking radllUel on much of ·tht
land, which lies diRctJy .below the
·o e 1mm1n ,, ...... or
NiXon Blasts
On Campu s
14-\0ISON.,S. D. (UPI) -President
NiUlll 1truck back _today at campus
fadicals who 11bully" college authorities
lnlo y)elding to demands and deciMed
this "self.-r.igbteous·mora1 arroganct has
flO place in a free community."
. '
adopl<d route of Jhe PacHI• Coast
Fr-ay ilong Ille cliUa.
· -Requeating the ttate to rtroute Ole
highway cloaer to the bluffs. The club
could then UR the former bighway. site
on WhiCh to build.
• -setting.of 1'air rigbtl''irorn_the state
In order to bridge tbe mating highway
with auto .. Ind ~ ramps con-
-"'1 tbe two llay CJU1> allel.
What the club -111tli Jta -ly ac-
qulrtd properlia Iba)' well llfni• OQ irhat
' .. 00
tht city dot1 about a rtques! ~:/i IJI. year ..ienston of Jhe club'a bayfi J..,.i
Jell'!. Tile preaent le"'t <l!PirOS Jn t91J.
Bay Club Vice Presid<nt Rlcharc!
Stevens haa told city Q(J'iCJala the •u·
tension woold ma'ke tt ealler for ,the .dUb
to finance a proJ)Ole!:i $S.3 mlllic>p ~
panslon Jl'"81'&m. ,M'uch ol tlWi ~lei!. u not all or It, cooJcl poailbly tali~ place
on the fGnner Irvine Company land.
"Some of these things," •~.Berke,
.-••are not too far .off base. ·But rtgt:rt now I couldn't ·aay )'tS ii DO on >u •• '
• ' t -f \
Escape Seen
Qan<U'Jiiat tht -persona aboanf
tbe , ~ Goodwill oil lbe Baja
caiom(a coast eaca)>ed were: cllmmed
toclay'wben 'Jt wa• determined Iba! the
lwo.,!~111 ... ~ i!llU.ln dJvlll. .
•·11)18 · poio\bjy l~•n ~ !hat
al1fo0e -pe4·the' ,.,..ked veaael," ·a _...., ·-,...........,, at 8-11 llliao f'f1£'7 j< .. ~>JT f r
\Ntlmi. speaking ~n the ·campus or a
amall 'South Dakota ()()liege, spc)ke at ,
leapb about dlsordus currently ·wrack:
lng· America's institutions e£ higher l~. _-.. ~ ..
~ 2G-minute addrw !' was the · ·
Prf;Jdent's fullest statement yet on the
1tudent disorders. He spoke at Oilettl Beadle State College at the dedkalloo of
the Karl E. Mundt Library.
• ' .~ '~.Ll. ' · • aun ai. . tai!-e~~~. ~-'w=v=.~-'tttf'~ ... oitlDllJl1.'l-eridri6d·.to
be mtisln(, lncHcalJni .thal -Ralph
Larrabet and ellht pciaaeqen' may pva
Ni:i:on said "A great many peaple have
betome impatient with the democratic
• "Scorning persuasion, they prefer coer·
cion. Awarding themselves with what
they call a higher morality, they try. to
bully authorities ·into yielding to their
''On college campuses, they draw sup.
port from faculty members who should
know better.; in the larger community,
they . find the usual· apologists teady tG
excuse any tactic in the name or
'prGgress.' -:
• "It should be self.-evident that this sort
of seU·righteous mGral arrogance has nG
place in a free community. It deaies the
moat fundamental of all the values we
hold: rupect for the rights of ethers.
Thi.J principle of mutual respect is the
keystone Gf the entire structure of
ordered liberty that makes fr<edom
Nilon also SGught to M!Ufe the natiOn
that ''insurrect.ioo" would .not succetd if
the authorities used the pc>wer at their
c.ommancl. ' "For{:t can be contained." ·he said.
"'We ' have the power to strike back if
need be,.and to prevail. The nation has
eurvived Gther attempts at i.n'surrection.
"We can survive this, .. be .cont.in&d.
•11t hu nGt been a lack GI civil power, but
the reluctance of 1 free people to empkly-1
It, that .o orJen has staye<t Jhe ·hand of
authorities faced with confrontation."
Nixon's address came during his first
11top on a trip that will t.Ue. him far
acroee: the Pacific to confer on 'Sunday
aboUt the war with South Vietnam'•
pmldel)t. Ngu,yen Van Thieu.
Stock Mar reeu
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
closed with another lGSS today in a con-
tinuaUon cf the slide from Uie 1969 high
attained three weeks agG. (See quola·
, tiono, P&Jle.' 10.U).
' ·~ ,' . ~ ' .. .
Clemente Readies
Nixon Welcome.
For Wednesday
Car rier Rams U.S. Sh ip;.
·74 Crew Members Lost?
'5an , Clemente will turn out In force
Wednesday to welcome President NlxGn PEARL HARBOR. Hawaii (UPI) -
and 6ti family to their new home in the The Australian navy minister said tClday
west. the Long Beach based U.S. destroyer
As .the Nixon-entourage deplanes from Frank E. · Evans turned inlo a collision
a heliCOpter at the Coast Guard LORAN course moments before the Australian
station during tM noon hour, the San aircraft carrier Melbourne sliced through.
Clemente High Scbool,Band will hall the the smaJler ship and sent the bow section
chief. · lG the ~lGm with heavy IGSs of life.
So.,.wlll_MQ'or~ f'.c\,ower who.hj!:s "Pcspite urgent.action by Melbourne a p:~ed W~Y ~W'elCOIPe , P~i.-collision occurred," the official Jtatement
dentiNlloli Dfty.~Mayor Lower~ C)ther ct.-said. .
· ty olllclall; tcbool ~·ind inuclt or The U.S. 0ereiise Department said In
the ~ of. this aeallde ftsort will Waaitin~ ~ ~an wu knowp de~d
tum ouL ,. • -and 7S were mwlng of the Evans' crew.
VlctGr c ... Andmn, Mr. Ntioa!1 Orange A late.morning .slatement said t' here
Cotqrty ~-~acer .... bJd the were 200 survivors.-19Q. enli~ men
Pmldent, bis frllO, daui)lten Tricia and . and 10 ofllcer•.
Julie and aon-ih-law David Eisenhower. Little hcpe was held for survival of any
are to artive by heliQopter at ~the Coast ot the missing men, who apparently were
'Guard facWty hetwelin 'm00 ~and U:30 Caught jn the forward part. of the Evans
p.m. Gales will be open to the public.at which sank in two mlhutes. The
10 a.m. Melbourne rescued the Gther1 from the
aft ~Uon of the split Ship.
Aflf' but one of the survivors -
originally taken abcard the Melbourne -
were later transferred tG the USS
Kear8arge, an antisu~marJr!e aircraft
carrlet. One seriously injured man wat
·flown to Saigon for treatment. No figure
was given on the number of injured, but
a Pentagon apokeaman aaid he thought
this li!t Wal abort. • •
An intense aearch was under way for
J>03slble 3UtVlwn. "
President N!Xon. wa1 informed of the
colliaioo _, alter It OC<Urred, tht Wblte
HOU3i! •alcricii!if, "I!; Is kee]!lng In touch
w)ffi deVelopinenll 'Clll Ille ,,..rch tor the
~ng-seamen,'' Pf'e:IB eecretary'Ronald
L. Ziegler iald. Prime Mlhbter John
Gorton sent a miuage to Nixon ex.
pressing "deepest 1ympathy'' for
famllles cf American sailors miasing in
the accident.
Noon' for Harbor, Teachers
Of"'9 Dtlll'r ...........
Tonlibt 13 !he night Newport..M ...
achoo!. tacben' and llObool board metiiben u:pect oomelhing to happen ..
"It. ii D Day fer all practical
purpoles," Schools Supt. William Cun·
ningf>am said today. "If there is not
agreement on salarJes there may be
some kind of confrontation.
"I alocerely hope we can avoid any
conln>otatioo. What Is going OI\ in Hun-
Ungton. Beach can only cause irreparable
(SicJdenll at Huntington Beach high
tcbools were 1ent home early lut
W-7 In <onlµsloo over whether a
-.feadllni. day .alled-·"1 leacben wu ar, was notin effect)
. ,•,
• •
.. '
CUMJncham • apotf Ibis JIKl'lling at a ~kfast· meeting cit tht Corona clel Mar
Oiamber of Comnierce,
He said ialary rai1J1a ~ by the
boanl woulcJ Ttqllirt-an lk,ent lncnase
In tbe Ult: rate. Another· lkent inaeaae
will r.esult from the. 'ldlool bond sale,
making tht total 30 "'1111, he'Uicf.
"In.any one year'& #-cent tu increase
13 •• ~.goocl lulilt.lt by ,~,pubU'c """"" he •• -!~ . • ' ; • •I--.;' IHUU. • Ho did ool say that lu nte "'11uction
on repayment of eerU,-bond lssues -
'WOUJd reduce the tocnue to 28 centa in
Newport Beach ~ 13 cenll In CO.ta
CUJinlnPam told the c h a m b e r
m.,.ben, "Noboiy ..U.....-m«e than I
. !bat plOd teacbeti m at· lbJa llnle tht . ' ~
-, ..
most important people ln our~." He added, HJt is too bad sGCiety has not
been able -maybe I !iltiould say willing
-tG pay teadtei-1 thi salaries they
willing to pay. U there 'la too wlcJ•·a gap,
maybe we shGUkl .Ower our' 1lghts.'1
At Jhe bean! ' me.ting', tOnlght, Tom
Brown of CallliJmla Teacben AMoclatioo
will report· tin' hii 'iiispection of next
deserve." yeaf• ocl)Ool <cllltrlot budiel ior money'
He said school board members -that ttluld•be .z:tJeaiei.;.to teacher salaJie~
"seven people who ~Ive no Ahl& for, 11'le teechei1' ai.GciaUod, the ·NtWJl(irt
pCJJting In a il"al 'deal ol linl<" -'-il~•-i M-tctikaliOlr ·Ailociitlol!, :cilled•2fol>;
put In llj•.gGdllke· J>O!!Ubn 9£ w~1hlii~ hia "lfe!P )all week following.,., ,.,,.llr!>-
what -il equitable' lot U.~ qaliuil 'd\ICUV! ""llOll·wllb·!iiebWd that·IAtbd
what ls fair to ulr the people to pay;.,.., 1 into the wee~hourt al the nlomtnr ... 1•
He said they'll try to come up w111t•a Brown•• third party lll(IOlllC101·.,.,..
palatable aoluti0J1,·allbough It may not'be , ed lhe,b!tll hcipe at lhia·pobl! for irlqJng
one that ii lh<lrollihJy agroeable to ~Iller teachtlt and ~ membth loC<IJI'"' 4G
1lde. • \ ' , • ' 'lalaiy _prOpqlllt,' Tbt Winlr his' M 111d:h
Aller Jhe talk, Cumlngham nid: "!Vt u OtlallenJ«I ~tolflnillaiit 'F•
lhould take a Joo,t at what we ·.m. c• j ftl°""1 In ~:~ ~. ®"""'~
.pecllnJ.ofeducalli>n_wllal_•-· ~·'-'-· , ~,..,,.I/I'.
..... ! .•:s,-r ·:i·
-\. .
.~ llilp'and -~ --I1lmd IOIDe foUr. mllea awQ. ..
Meanwhile there wu confllllon and
Corijactun as to how maiiy ~ were
actUalli< -tht ' 1114ool ; -when she letdled up on.sWamento •Reel
llOIIlCI 2li!I mllea aoulb of Sin DeJao.'
'!be eoast ·Guard aal~ ~ ,Ilia!
there were a doz.en · or ' more persqna:
aboard wete bised on cani frOm Peoi>l'e
itaUng "Jhey lboClght Jrlends 'or relaUvea
_might ,have been aoo.rd." . , ,
Arthur.JUlievel, ~ecuj.ive \)ice pre1l·
dent of L & F Macbine 1ndustr.ies. stales ~iUvely 1 there W1're ~r ~ If~ abo<ld· tht ' Goodwin wlien lbe.,clej>iu1'4l
on the Mexican cruise .
Knievel d<>ea not discount the, PQS!ibfll·
ty tha\ Larrabee may have picked up Ohe
or more Meljcan · niUonals as. dec.t
hands, u ts customary fOr y8cll.tsmf:n
cruisin~ellcan waters.
The Of a teen-age boy ~led liy Mexican ennen bu .,ot been ldeJl.
Squad Car Hit
While Racing
To Crash Scene
A Newport Be¥h pol\C< offictr. racing
to an lnJU!Y accident aceoe ,was .~If
involved .in a.tw~·~ub1ln Corona del
Mar Monday,~, • . •
Patrolman Albert !ltVld l>oum, lllcl!lf·
fered an Jnjuricl -<,tp -·hb car -~daicfocl liy •• _.,. roadster
driven by Sally Ann Glbbonl,. 20,. of 426
Goldenrod Ave., Corona de) Mar.
Mi" Gibbons ouffeiocl cull on her
mouth · 8l)d minor knee injuries.
The accidenL occurred at 1:1$ p.m. at
the intersection of Ei,Sf. Coa,st lti.&h'!f•Y
and M&cArthur BoUtevard. POiice uld
Down'• squid car w~ wettbound on the
highway anll In U. :lnJeraec:)loo when
Mfss Gibbons' small convertible, toUtb-
boCJnd on MacAhhur, collldecl wllb I~
The patrol car, wllb linn ~I.
WILi nicJni lhfClUlh a "'I· Upt.at Ille
Ume, pollt< aald.
Tile accident wbldl Douta.-reach-
ed . aiao Jnvol:1i~vthi!'~ It ~ place ·at Jhe en\f .~ HOIJ>ital Oil N . uvl .
Two pa~;~,~ 'l'ltey were
Gola' M. Mmell,'.11, ,"!il!U ~a&den
>ve We•Jmli•~•'I' ""°' iuf-, a ~i .. 1e1i'f!rll!; andJA>lllH' Blown, 40,
Of lllt'PlllC<tJtla~""• Col~ Mea. She
ouitel't<fforehead' tu\i imd'.'"'°' ..,,.,..,.
Pollco Mid Mn. Jllimll,-norU>boUnd on.
tht ·bOulevaril, wan1ttemptlng i Jett'\lltll
onlo Hiilpltal flood when her ear ciJlllcled' with Mn' Ikon'• Volm-but'. ~ blls, ~· '.On :~ houhftrd.
tirecmed Into a 1til atop~ . . . .t~'"tfJ::j~l:'.'
., ~J .;; ~ # ' •,
" 3 Wiv~s Await
Word Fro m ,-Lolt
Men on Yac ht
H~ully-a~ 1*S:yerfitlly th~ women
-all elementary School teacher! -wait
today .for· some· wOrd 'of ·their. husbands
whO were aboard the yacht GoOd1'ill
which ~ ~ MeJr,lcan wa'ters. : ·
Ttle wolntn friends arid t~~ ln·the
Caplltrin6 'ululled ~I Djilriel · •JI have lhelr hOp!s pinned ori a 1:0ast .Guml
air seiJrch aroUnd retDains of the'"I81Jfo0t,
$60b,OOO )racht today. : : . 1 ' '
Mra. 'Beman! Stark, 3$455• El'Clamlno Re4!:· ~otrano Beach; ~ .• Jer;.y
Comatoc¥, 3lll02'Vlll& de Cillllnt. 'l'bfte
A"'1i Bay; ·and Mn. W!l'ter · ~. 211
Prlricesa ·st.; San CJemente,1 together· gG
througll' the· ordeal of Waiting for word ·
an<! praflng that tt will he gooef. .
Walter-Zaiss was engineer abOard the
HI-fated craf1. It was he whG asti:ed Stark
to serve aboard the boat. Both men were
lq the general COtullruCtl&n business,
The trip aboard the Goodwill began as
a .Pleasure voyage .although ~ ahlp was
tG have IOJl'te work done on decU and
hull w~e in Baja California, Mn. Stark
The Gooclwlll had ~ In d!y doc~
prior to leaving for the Mexican, trip
sometime arwnd re~ry. , 1
~k Jc>ffie1 th~ <i1><idwlll May :Ill and was one of tbiee ft!W crewmen who came
(See' FAMilll80Pqe 11
Or a111e
l If yoo're !Ooking for a Ch"'11e
In lhe weather, better .get away
from the Orange Coast, where
Wednesday's outlOOk ls the same
old 3lory -loW clouds, baey \11111-
ahine and. 70llb temperatures.
-' I
Pro motel'
Fete · Plaf ,, __
• ..., ; DAILY flll.OT .... ll'Mlf
CltM'a Ch•rlott1 Clerk
Pro and con arguments fell a trifle flat
Monday aft.I' a long Costa Mesa City
Council hearing on a giant youth music
concert when the Ured promoter simply
junked the whole Idea.
William Tappan, president or Com·
munity Concerts Jnc., 3471 Via Lido,
Newport Beach, asked to withdraw bis
request for a· permit to stage the Aug. 9
show·at the Orange County Fairgrounds.
The actkm came as Councilman George
A. Tucker made a motion to allow Tap-
pan's music show, if cut from 12 to 8
0hours and the advertising restricted to
the Orange County area.
"GenUemen, I want to withdraw my
request if I may,'' sakt Tappan, 0 1 never
ley meant to waste your time. I nev~ meant Ev,en ·A z, , s for my •wlioauon to become • po111icaf or.mora1 football."
Tappa.n's own intentions a s 1 d e •
H-ad c ·ha however, politics and moraltty entered ' nee .the colorful. but orderiY commentary
. · during the two-hour hearing, along with
' pradii:al ~eratlons or staging the
F 'B t ' propooed --or eau Y "We have tried to liJten to and comply
< · -with •II ooggeStions•and lfeol we bave,"
.,~~-Not --•y--front yards,-bu_t _b._c._~ . .,-d,-..aid·the 29-year~ld businessman, "l feel ""'" ..... ,., we can no longet' wait for a decision."• .. ~ alleys were judged in the Newport Tappan said his production staff
HarbOr Chamber of Commerce Women's dtimatea a tt,000 daily loss lo potential
DMmcm•1 annual beautllicaUon cont:esl nles for the show, now tailcred· down ~Mn..'.leabel-Pease.-prograni-ebairman, from two days-to ·one day,'-Wltb an ex·
di.._, the wtnnen al the Women's pected 40,000 young vJsiton.
Dh4llan'1 .general membenbip meeting Directors of the 32nd D 1 s t r i c t
lat Week at the Irvine Cout C'Aunlry Agricul.tw'al As.!ociaUon's Orange County
Club. -ISO penom, lncludbii award Fair Board voted 7 to I lut week to
redplOnta, allended. • peimit tbe concert and a CJl3f pemilt wu
"Jn -wllh tbe Ollorful 'Ill Iheme basically a formality fncldenlaf to Ille for Cafiicrrua'1 :MM>-year birthday show.
eelebntlm," Mn. Pease aajd, "the com·
.,_ em~IOOCI color, good design,
n-and own home gardening in
mU:iug declsicns for awards."
Mlu Charlotte Clark's home at 519 .
Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar waa the
recipient of an award fm-a "colorful
alley and b,ackyard made more attracUye
-hinging bulteU of fucbsfas arid planned earden nower arrangematl u
Other aw!'l15 were received •by Mr.
and Mn. Ch8rles Flickwlr, IOI Orchid Ave., Ccnna·del Mar, for a cokrfuJ and
well plumed yard; MrL T. v. Larkin,
ISD Ocwl BJvd., Balboa, for a .. door.
yarii pnfen": Mr. and Mn .. G•vin
Herbert, 11'11 Gafali 'Roild, · Dover •
Sbunl,-fcr I "cob'ful bat covtl',11 and
Mn. _Nate Ubbey, ~l Qrlflwoqjl llood,
Sboncllffa,fcr-a wellciealPed lllid 'main· Wned prdeo. .
' -.
Final Kiwanis
Film to Screen
'The .Newport J{arbor Kiwi.ms Club's
concludina: program in its l~ ahnqal
Travel and Advent'Ure'iilm series will be
presen~ at a p.m. Friday at the Orqe
Coast College AudltorJum. . •
"Incomparable Greece" ls. il:it litle' of
Col. John D. Craig's latest film, whlCh he
will narrate.
nckets· will b6 available at the door.
AdmiSsion for adults . is $1.50 arid, for
stildenta,-·75 cents.
Proceeds from the series are used fcir
Kiwanla yqutb proararns ..
r' J
From Page 1
tilled as one of the passengers aboard the
Goodwill. However, one or t be -en, T. Smllll of I.Mg B,.ch, wu
said to be about 17.
Me&nwbfle the 11!.f:tcb for the pa.!lsen-
gers and c r-e w o( the one-time Jut·
ury vessel w a a upa.nded w I th
two fixed wing aircraft and a
hellc:opter from the Coast Guard.
Knievel eald four private planet
~ by the company have also join·
ed the .. uch.
Diven from Geronimo Island have
been sent down to search the wreckage.
1be hull is .c:ompletely submerged with
~-~ mast above water.
One of the passengers aboard the 229
ton; lSl·foot vessel, P ai r i c ia Nien-
hauser, 48, was said to have been the
niece ¢ the lale Eug.,,. B~c&iluz,
longtjme lljlerlfl of Loo Angeles County.
Wrecta,p of the Goodwill was positive-
ly identlf1ed at 11 a.m. Sunday by Marlow
Mam, a part.owner of the vessel and of·
ficlaf of ~ph Larr•bee'• L&F machine
industries. Marrs flew tD lhe scene in a
CoUt Guard plane and identified the two
masts sticking from the water on the
~. Sacramento Reef runs about four miles
koffi1 N. w,n
Pmldtnt W NIW!ff
J•cli: l.. C11rt..,
111...,,, K••vil ·-Tholfl•• A. Mu,ph!P1•
' M91119("' 'dl!OI'
J•ro'"' F. Colli~•
Newllort 81acti
CllW' Edl!Df
,...,.., .... Office
2111 Wtst J:tlbo• lo11ltv1rd
I Mtil1119 AllclrtJtl P.O. loK 1175, ,2663
I .
f ~ °"" OMttt I c.M Mitt= :ne W.t au st.._,
I Lt ..... tNCll: 222 F-1 A.w""' ~ 8Mcfl: aat lfh '"''
offshore from Isla Geronimo off the
matnllnd of Baja eauron:na. There ta a
small 'vl!laP op the bland of Geronimo
but .th~ naUV~.have no knowfedge of any .•
aurvlvori ,of the .wreck.
The GOOctWiu was en ioute to Ensenada
from C.bo ·Sm Lucu, her la,st port of
call on· a trip from Acapulco. She
diparted Cabo San Lucas May 21 and
was again reported off Cedros Island -
400 miles~11>uth of San Diego-on Ma)' 26
when someone aboard placed a mlrine
racli<>-lelephone call to friends in Los
Angeles stating they expected to be in
Ensenlida May 27.
When the vessel had not anived In
Ensenada Friday the Coast Guard was
alertA!d and the aeuch began.
Larrabee bµnseH . waa reported to be
the skipper and navigator. Friends who
ha ve sailed with him in Mexican waters
say he is familiar with the loc1tion of
Sacramento Reef which sometime.s is
awash at low tide. The Goodwill draws 16
to 18 feet. ·
Local yacbt..smen familiar with the
history of the Goodwil! recall that she bas
1>ee'n Jnvolved in se'Veral other accidents
during the time she was berthed at
Newport. ·
In 1955 she ran aground near Cedros
Island and stranded 13 passengers until
she was renoated undamaged l>y the aid
of high Ude and a Coast Guard vtsiel.
In 1961 she rammed a fishing vessel 48
miles west of San · Diego At night. kHllr\i·
one person abOard me srti.aU craft. " Coast Guard lnv..Upt!On i.i.r Indicated'
the ~hlng craft's running lights were not
Shortly after the 1959 Honohllu race ~
in which ber topmaat. .carried · 1way in
stormy seas -Larrabee bad his dif·
ficulties with ihe Internal Revenue
Service over sizeable business deductions
he had claimed for the yacht in con·
nedion with his business.
Th'e Goodwill has been far from a "lux-
ury" yacht In the past few years. When
seen In these parts she was rust streaked
and appeared to be jn a · generally run-
down condition.
From P119e 1
aboard to br;tn.g the y1cht back from
Mexican waters. .
Zaiss had been on other trips with
yacht owner Ralph E. Larrabee of
Newport Beach , Chrlaline Ernes~ Zaiss'
28-yea.r-old daughter, said today.
Mrt. Comstock who could not tie con-
tacted today, was being comforted by
rrlends while waiting for tome word.
Her husband. said by acqualntances lo
be 1bo0t 40, is reponedly In Ille. eleclrical
bJsineea: and an: outdoorsman who enjoys
his weeltend voll<ybafl al nu.. Arch
Crash Victim Coomba . .
Miss Cooll)b~,
Crash Victim,
Rites Slated
OCCA Supports ,,
Coast Highway
Beauty Pia~
Oringe Coonty CQaal•ANO<iaUon dire¢.
.tors loday endorsed a study of plons to
beautlly-.tbe PacHlc Cof'1 Highway from
one end of tbe COIUlty line to the other.
The proposal calls for maintenance of
the beautified highway by the state, once
it reaches California'• standards as a
scenic rout~. ~
Al the same time, the Coast Associa-
tion board backed away from plunging in·
to the orfsbore oil drilling controversy
without thorough study •.
Association President Cap Blackburn
said the oil situation is "a political hot-
cake." .
"I would not want our as.socialion •to
take a at&nd unW we know what we're
talking about,'' he &aid.
So a comuUttee was formed lo 1.tudy
Lester Remmen, first vice prtaident of
I.he association, 5'id the 1 o .. y • a r
btauUflcation proiram would· invO)vo
four major arus. of highway Im·
provement : conatnlction of underground
utilities, control of billboards along the
route, landscaping and maintenanct.
Remmen Said he wu hopeful that the
Pacific Cou~ Highway study could be
financed 1by donations from atta ID-
duatrlu lllld large land own,era. _,
A similar study last year by Ille .. uth
Co1St S-Sc A.o!ocl•tlot! -. ,the
Coal! HJghWIJ from TbrH Arch Bay to
Qana Polnt-was flnlnccd that wey, Rem-
mers noted. ·
. F OllJidAt.itjri
• . • '-l· . • • •
For Newport Girl
Tli~ things :w:e _do for people ...
260 Ocun Avenue
ll11.1na 811ch, Californ lt
TtlephOne:: -494·7541
S•n o.n-111: 601 N. El Ct"'"-bl! r,1rph~: •92·11 95
INTEltEST pMtl-'*' _...._, ,_
ol 5% i.coorr"°"'uidtd._,fW_,.,.
···~-~-r~J Like a~alng a depooitor in
Switzerland an axtra packet·f)f our monthly
magazin·e ••• fo gtVe· friends ·a better picture of
how we look and live in bur_geoning Orange
C°'!"'r, l!SA,. _ · :
Oui djnainlc ~ :;, an imp61'1J1Dt reason why
11..§vert from all over the world invest in Laguna
. Federal Savings. They know !lat Orange County'a
Largea~ Finl and Stmngest '"dependent Fedenl
' of!~ tli..,n deopferi\iily and absolute inai<lmum.
return on sde. fnaured aavlngs. Thia kind of
interest looks good-even from the tcenic Alps.
And far.off aavers at Laguna Federal Savioga
often .become nearby neighbors. One· goad thing
leads to another. .
DAY-IN to DAY·OUT inltrt1t on all 1ccouo11
B• •ur9 lo 1~t your ,,,.,..;.,·eo .. a•,.or•.tio•
Blce•U••l•I Medollioa-in. ••lid" lioro .. •
er .u ....... •&rad &y .,.. sro .. of C.1'/om&. to
r.ek1'rcte U. a.a AaadndtAaaal....,.,,.. Oa•ele at
011r tire• o//ice•, fro• I••• 16.
"'"-. . ' .. ;•
' .
' ' Adios ... Ciao ... Jur Karn Ma'i ... Sayonara ... Adjo ... A~f Wiedersehen
• .
• To Nine Stud·e ~ts
Vacot fon neors. It's time for students to hit the beeches, toke S.)Jmmer jobs onCI pion for coHege.
But to nine Harbor Area students it means going home.
It is time to bid odieu lo tho Americon Field Service students. They were of the best lo come West.
Cerece1, V•n•tu•I•
After several side trips, Al·
!redo Stolk-Toro made it to Costa
Mesa High School d u r I n g
Thanksgiving time. Previously
he liv.ed in Delaware, but now
resides with e Paul H. Rodet
famil In <!o
and c
the beauty and ~· the 18 ye.ar old Sa} . ,
"When I return to C me which will be some ··.J 1 ... :.:
much of this before in
want to say it again so
I feel."
Alfredo, a tan. dart
bis English. "I studied Eng
too much practice in speak·
ed ..
on scliool life.
are different ...
er .than me," sai
rolled in a classic
have high schools rela
tics-, science Md so on.·"
year old who is •
taly. "At home we
Corning from a family
contends t her school mates
••1 kno students from colle
on my d are not only interes
and w , lvitles=t•
Sh e~ "I can't really tell if the
use I am only taking sub.ie<t
· t feel comfortable with. It see
but I' · g subjects like math or-PhY.
laughed. · ast city,
l -·
r en·
visited =t~~~~~•~;;!J', where
·• ,
knit family to
family unit
making ,her
Mrs. Joseph
Isle as she
be a bJgh school senior and · co
cation. I would like to be a
studies at the University o
I will still
ajor in edu·
I further my
There are quite a few
she has attended
the subjects
same etas
and o
two schools
. "In Tok
. _ ents take 1r.
Jecls," she sighed.
d only six to seven a year,
ulred. In Japan they atre'5
f . to culus to ,scien.ce, cbemiatry,
l!A ANDERSON, Editor
Vel•n,ie, Sp•in
Another student at Corona
del Mar, Mias Matilde Mas-Ivars
of Valel)Ci4, q,a the Mediterran-
ean coast, fh!da Southern caJJ.
~··· ••
Penem,J City, Peneml
Mr. and Mrs, Gene ,Adam•
of Newport Beach are hosting
Miss Judltb Carmen. Grannum.
Alnoady a high school graduate,
Judith will enroll at ·a unlventty
and hopes to )>ecome a blllngnal
be intere
of 1964. This
States and citize
new treaty, the
in 1903 was rush.
e hmnldlty Of
. the IUrf•
They still are on the treaty whl will have
many new conveni or Panama. The two flags ~re
flying together. again In the Zone and Panama Is trying
to regain serenity. . . Comparing the Harbor Area with h
' she commented, ''Taranto is indus--
mgs tourists.
portant rriu·
rand better
le con<IUded,
social studies and Jangua es."
, "Life is very informal tere • , . the
the relationship between student and teacher."
Is not playing, tennis, ke skating or studying,
hima is writing letters back home to family
"I worked In the Canal Zone befor<> coming hen and
alt the feelings are fine. The Americana are wonderful people~' Miss Grannwn repeated several times.
trial and is an important se
There are many archaeologica
seums. The people here, though, hav
standard of life than In Italy," Miss Co
·good represen\a·
the· good rel•·
icans. People
· emories. I
2IJ years
.. the rush
in an old
mem s and friends.
Sachi praised her adopted land, "The people are great
and the weather is perfect."
ll meaning
to be back
t in front o my American
answer th~ because I was
estion surprised me.1 But now
. want to go back home so that
. y bow great and friendly
gb and In the United Statea.
tell my parents In Ban&kok Al!'".!'. es, Mr. and Mrs: !'llul
Mr. and Mrs. James G.
Mor e Can Be t ;~ead fn·t.o t.he Meters Than Me~ts the Eye
good wont foe .. alters, malds, bellboy•.
polioe olllcen, alrlV>e pilots and garage
mechanics. Now will you glvt a hand to
the mar. abused men in America -tbe
rnettr readers.
' tM <lay • ,... lien, w • e 1 Ille . ,hlisbands ·• big faV1)r U they llopped .to do booaehold cbont, bul in Ume ibey
llaN a lllUll ...... Tllo --wliUJ1C on them hand .and foot and taqbt will rile and caD ber biased. ..-.... -lln!PI lllo IM la<a U-bowll!dotblagafortbenilelviL" ' -ONE.WllO DID
11 IM -·-.11a "°"""...,. u b my op1nm that Ibo_.., ~DU),,,,..,_...,-.w
ptecely --ad ...... coald .., should badone b)> molhen,-not w1v ... My -. M•, doa~ lond 11111 colamo to
My ao. Elmer bas been a meter reader -•
for two ~ars. He has been harassed, top ol the mtter Ud rtfuae to move
cussed oul, kicked, bill«> and mugged. A u..m. The "'lldet' bas lo estimate the
few weekl ago a husband came home amwat of the bill when he can't get a
unexpectedly, .. ,. Elmer In the base-...-,. The people cmnplaln their huda
menl and mistook him for hi• ..Ue's oll when the bills come and lbeo they
lover. Elmer was lucky to 1et out with, write dirty letters to the man~t
·DEAR MOM• I dW 111J Ml flf -
ulldet's a few ytin bod< wlNo I prlalld
I kUer frtm:· a --wk WM llkii•&e .. 11er.-11111o-.11-• wainlbebaae_._, .. _,
w .. , NJMpe·,.,teaa wtu1 Liiiy." r.. motbtr NW to It that all otus ~wtlh-,.....·1eeqe IOI., kt pm M wltere IM'•
Mitt dial leCltt an••Od II die col-ed dllhea, cooked, cleaned boule and llllolJ to oee 11. (Ub Ia die nf!jserM#,)
- I llod -11 lettm mm -ironed our own cIOlllea-the ~ u ftll • en wtie-l,sd dttir IODI w decWttl ea -a~ the gtrls. l bated it at the.time and • 1 Is alcOOoUsm a disease? How CAn tM
·• ..,_, TlleJ -led lo'• be ..-did 1111' brother, b!U when we weot lo col-licotiolic be tttaled? Is lhere a """''
readen. lege we were lhantllll. Read the booklet "Alcoholism -Hope
Shortly afler I married, my !rife had and Help," by AM Landen. Enclooo a
an em<r~ call lo fly lo lhO Coul. She cen1I In coin wilh your ~ and a
left knowing I'd manap OK! And I did. I • 1on1, lltamped, oelf·addreased enwl~:_,, hll IUe. 11ylng Iba meler-noder b off hli nut. .... -.. lUe "" ... --... -tt b tile wllllllhlg macM.e. Tiit
People pul all aorb of thlnp over lh<lr Plea,. say aometblag 11) fwr co1111J111 lo
meten ao lhe rtltder can't•get to'lhe:m -'give thete poor IU)'I a llft. They IUl'e --........,. ....... llMI '"" •""'914 Wft1I ~, • put .. lier-·· .-ii llel---"""'
"' die .. -. Tllen ... -· ·-..
leresled In l1'o letter from l1'o mso w-wKe died. lie llOlnted out .1h4l ' man1
wlclowm ars !eh btlpless -,Ibey don't
know bow '° bot I an ea ·or teW on a but,.. ton. He said, "\\'.Iv• would be "i"H lhelt ,
«>oked I« l!IYIOU and 1ven did !J11, own •Ana Landor& wU1 be gllld lo help ,... lhlrtl. ,, .with fOUI' problems. Send them to her in ,
So tell the mom11<llll lher& that their can of Ibo OAILY Pllhl', enciaolnl • .0.. msy yell a lot when they'm f"'*l "itamplld, 1eU·lddrwed envelopL
heavy lrash cans, garden Implements and deserve tL '
.... fllmlluro. They Pf'k their car•. on -:A RICHMOND MOM
' .. . -. '
14 DAll.Y I'll.CT
An old-fashioned lllrllffvt lncludln1 PinJ pon1, bUlitrds, horseshoes and cro·
quet will ·honor hutlllnd• when Ntwpcrl HarliOt Area Alumnae of Delta Delta
Delta gather. Tri Dells Will lrill •llUI II T P·l1'• laturda)I, June 7, In the New-
port Beach home ol Mr. urd Mri. 'IUchaN llindaltrPreparlng.for.the even.I arc
committee meulbe,.. Mra, WWlalll Snydtr_((Jft) and Mrs. James ·Willlamt. ·
Others on the comrnl!tfe, headed by Mrs. F'red Myers, are Mf1. Wi•1'>•· Cun-
ningham and Mrs . James Doyle. ..:
Aries: New Viewpoint
.SP~ filNT: Acttnt on
ltp &Gd.,-. Give special at.
teat.I• t9 .Aose.1 People are
parUc\llarly aware of walking,
daDclag. Collvealso111 10 by
tile w1yshte wll.ll U•e moon In
Aquaria•. Models wltb
btautlhll legs are tn special
demucl:'Mea.wtll be aeu la
s~ori trotien. Unique day, to
say the least
ARIES {March 21-April 19):
Special relationship may be
strained. Avoid 1i~lf1Sh at-
titude. Do what is lt@.it ipr one
close to you -lhtf!· )'9\1 are
repaid. Emphasis on l~lends.
hopes and wishes: N'w view-
point. is necessary. •
TAURlll (AJl!'!I '"Mar 201,
Be adveht~~ in <mUQP.
Don't se<Ue for l!!C<lnd ~I.
Know where ·yeu Will~ t4 gQ.
Find out bow io .1e\. Ultrf!. Be
specific. Take dit~ct fO\df·
GEMINI (May Zl-June 20): children, opposite se key Is
tfighllghl intulUve Intellect. to be creaUve. Use fiqe
~elNI you can trust hurx::h .... imgginatlon. »e pro Iv.ti.
Accent on correspon-ence, SCOR.PlO,(.Oct. 23. v. 21): wrl~g a n d adveri.islng. Accent oo home, pro ty and
Broaden outlook. ~ beyoncj taecurity. .Necessaf)" to be
lhe Immediate. reaUltic. If not aw re or
CANCER (June 21.July 22): 4etalls, Y.OU Could b6 thrown · Be versatile; have more than for a Joos. You can hnplement
one 91ethQd at .~ml. Stres:.s on decision which e n b a n c e s
the hidden. Means dig beneath domestic happlnesi.
surface indications. Interest, in SAGl'ITARI'US (Nov. 22-
lhe occult or unwual is ·Dec. 21): Get er,rands ac-
heigbtened. • complished. Putting 0 { r
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ~ necessary trips is not wise:
Spotlight on partnership, mar~ Get going -do .what, ls esaen·
riage, joint effort!. Legal mat. tla1. Avoid scatterlni)efforts.
ter could come to you r al-Co. ncentrate on one~1 t.8Sk at a tention. Be sure }'OU know
1 lime. . .. what you are signing. Nol". se CAPRICORN (Dec. %2.Jan.
lo lake lhing1 for granted. 19): Give up somethln~-that VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Be ready to take precau-has become more ·ol a urden D. C .
tionary measures. Don't wait than a pleasure. Streamline ISCOVery r~tSe
until it is too late methods. Trim nonessentials. • .. nar pos1·u·on a·-nts money Among the passengers aboard , the SS Monterey specifically it applies t o 1..u ""... • health, wock _conditions. A potential income. ' cruising along the west cOas t of SoU6',_tind central ~hange seems Imminent. AQUARIUS (Jan. io..Feb. America are Mr. and Mrs. Georae . A:. 9reenwald
UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): 18): Get going on new, dif· Jr. of Costa Mesa. The ship will vil1t Mazatlan, the'
Oood lunar aspect today coin-Jerent project. Initiate daring Galapagos Islands, Lima, Guayaquil, Balboa, Ta·
.;Ides with relations 1wlth policy. Put ideas to work. Cy-!>O'ga Island )llld Acapulco before returning. ·c; le remain s · h I g h . ~-------------------
Clrcuniltances favor your uni-
que .!~IUtle•.
Pq<;il (Feb. ll·M•n:q 20 )»
ll<im• be!Ji!ld ·th• IH!I" plfy
tl&TI)Oconr ·rol!.. YO!! ~l!tflt
lrbm 40Cl•loo mode bJ' 1MJ1Jp,
club, s p e '11 •I or1anii1Uon .
lAfl.i'n l)y teaching; 1hare
BIRTHDAf you are versatil(',
~ fiN itTIJ8 of tiwnor
and YOU '1'e di.it for 1reater
Wives Club
;t Scheduling
~ ·-.
Princess Mentions -. ····-
Her Un~en.tionable~
LONDON (UPI ) -In an un·
precedented announcement,
mlniskirted Princess Anne has
told the world where she buys
her royal unffientionables.
Sixty eight years ago such a
revelation would have shocked
Britain under the re>gn of
Queen Victoria, who inspired
the C1lvering of piano • legs
because she thought the naked
wood was Indecent.
spoke at· Ibo 1tsliftl llJ.mi-
don Stores, a ~I
stunt by ~ls and told _, , '
Ille boqa her -•
'1 .""9 boulbt . In
Poler Roblmon, but I ilo not
thin!$: they are the sort . of
things you discuss here. And
the same applies to Dickins
and Jones," Anne said mer.
ring to three well known Lon·
don shops.
• ..
.... State
Mrs .
Board Appoints First ¥ earo ';.
' . ~· ... ~ ~-· Last Lunch
But the 18-year"()ld princess,
attired in a fiery red miniskirt
four inches above .her knees
She does .not like raincoaUi,
but baa one wfikh la "rolng to
l..i.ine •·good m"any year1." -• «. ,'• •
Suc'.~es~t~; .
Endin).'_itp first y;~. 8_i. 1 -
. fl1rs. Kenneth Martyn of auxiliary t'O Chlldren'1, "011
Martyn Director 'llle last luncheon of the
year for Uls Alamitos Officers
Wives Club will take place
next Thursday in the Dfflc1r1
club. ' llun~ington HJTbour, r~Uring Society On· a high ~ Man
president of the Huntington QM AmOr~ AU1iliary' will ih• r Beach League of Women • , • ,
Mrs. Kenneth Mertyn
Vote.rs hu been appointid to stall new officers nrit nuit•-
serve ~n the cautornil State day during a· hmcheon ~ ll}c
Board as a director ln charge Stuft Shirt r es t a u r a n t , ""
of state action. Newwrt Beach. ·
She will be in charge of Highlight of the lrQUp'1
cwrdinating action taken by charter year wu J.be first aq..
Ute 82 leagues in the It.ate, nual Fantasy Ball which tbok
l)eiltd on a consensus reached place In the Newporter Inn
b>' mtmbers following I 1\11-wMh the theme of Carousel·()(
tained 1tudy of governmtn\11 Color.
isSUlfl: ~ak.ing the gavel for the
Dur1n1. the oominf )'Ur coming year will be Mrs.
state acUon prllf'lrlb' will lrto &ttwart Morga'q, and 1c·
volve constltuUon . revision, oepting offices with her. will be
schoo_I finance a~ water the Mmes. Peter Berwiok,
quality. . first vici! president; William
Mrs. Mtrtyn wJll be ·one o( Marvin, second vice pres!·
II dlrecton appointed from all dent· Frank Carr secretaey·
areas of the state. The board Fre~man Rose ' treasurer:
meets when summoned In dif· Gary §chrtiid, P u b I i c i t Y-
ferent areas. chairman· Dean Mallicoat
Since one of her acUvit~ clinic ch airman · Joh~
will be issuing the LWV's call Campbell, ·social ch~irman,
to . acUon, or letters ~o . and Jay .. Martin, public in-
legislators, Mrs . Martyn will terpretalion"chainilan.
be meet.in.I frequently with The auxiliary serves the
those off1c1als. Trvine areas of University
Park, Turtle Rock and UCI.
Hints to Nix Moil Pockagea
Porode Given UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa .
CUPO -If you want lo
di.scour&Je companies from
sending you unordered
merchandise, ju.rt mark the
package "refused" and take It
to the post office to be aent
This advice comes from
Helen E. Bell, e1:tenlion home
management specialist of
Pennsylvania 8111' Unlvtraity. Ro yo I Flo i r
Mill Bell IOfl !YIO U YOll
open the pacik.,. Wore yau California National Fuchsia
rulllt whet It wu, you 1Ul1 Bocletj's king and queen, Mr.
dOh't hlYI lo p1y for tht pro-and Mrs. Elmer Monson of
duct. ~ Long Beach will ~ honored
Ju1t put tl\e It.Im b1ok In guests of the Costa Mesa-Bay
the package, rewr1p it, write Cities Fuchsia Festival Satur·
"rtftlltd" on the O\ltlldt and day and Sunday , June 7 and 8,
11nd it hick. in Costa Mesa Park. Photos Depict . Ml" Bell advises thal while The royalty also will ride In
)'OU are under no lepl oblill· the annual Lions Club Fish
f Uon to pay for unwanted Fry parade on Saturday. They A ricon Trip merchlodlse .. lon1" ~ls will be accompanied' by. Mr.
not uaed, you ml)' bt able to and Mrs. Silas Gregg, the area
Col. and 111n. William Brug discourace the comp.ny from branch's klng and queen .
gere will show pictures or send.int: lnl more by sendlne Chauffeur will be Lem Downs,
Carmel, L.ake Tahoe Honeymoon
Bur.bank Home
Of Ne~lyweds
'Following a honeymoon trip
to Cannel and Lake Tahoe,
newlywed Richard Parish and
his bride, the fonner Lynne
Zekaria will establish their
first borne in Burb3nk.
The daughter of f.1r. and Mrs: Albert Zekaria of J!un·
tington Beach and the son of
Mr. a11d Mrs. Joseph Parish of
8_urbank exchanged v o w s
before the Rev. Dr. Harmon
Gehr in the Unitarian
Unlversalist Church.
Mra. Gary Williams, lhe
bl'idt'I cousin was the matron
or honor, and bridesmaids
were Mrs. Ralph Kalbus and
Mn. Thomas Buckwell .
Serving his brother as best
man,.., Bernard Parish, and
guests'W\,o,·ere ushered to thei r
seats by Richard Zekaria, the
bride's brother, Frank Yoong,
Car Jorgenson and George
A reception followed in the
Huntington Sheraton.
The bride, a graduatt of
Burbank High School, received
her AA at Glendale College
and attended the University of
Hawaii. Her husband, also a
BHS alumnus, is a graduate of
U n d e rwatcr Technological
During the cocktail haur 1n
informal fashion show is
scheduled, and bouUque tttma
will be displayed. HottalH•
will be wives of officer• In the
aircraft maintenance depart-
ment with Mrs. L o t t n
Willobghby 1 e r Y t n l. ••
chairman. -
Farewell ftt)'!I Will' be
presented to wotnen wbose
hu•b•ndt will bl transferring
or retiring from a c t i v e
mllllary •etvice. ,Honored will
bl t~ Mmes. James Bprry,
Ronald Burford, Roy Cole,
Robert Cowan, Richard Duss-
lnger, Douglas Finlay, William
Lakin, Whitney Lee, Charles
M.arshall, Warren M i 11 s .
Harold Tucker and James
Bath Curtoins
Token Outdoots
For Furniture
Plastic shower curtains no
longer nice enough f o r
bathroom duty can •Lill be
useful -as ct1vers for outdoor
furniture and grills.
Just macltlne-walh them In
900p or detergent suds, aiont
witfl a couple of be.th tow1!1
whlcl: rub the plMt\c clMn.
Remove curtalna be r o r e
Hnat spin, a 1\ow to drip dry
and cut them to size. ff
desired , glue weighll lfOUnd
the edges to hold covers when
wind blows.
Tbe bride wore a gown of
silk or1ania trimmed with
rosepoint lace encrusted with
seed pearls .. and cry~! se-
quins. Her skirt extended into
a chapel ti'aln 111d a headpiece
of matching lace and pearls
held her illusion veiling. White
roses, stephinobs and ,Paby's
breath formed her bouquet. !==================:::;:= Moss and avocado or1anza
over taffeta gown1 a n d
· nosegays of white .chry•an·
themums, roses ind baby's
breath were selected for her
att.endanb. their tr1p to Africa during a Jt back. Costa Mesc'a 19U king.
meeting « Laguna B<acttJ-"'""" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Business a n d ProfessionaJ
Women's Club next' Thursday
night·at 7::1> p.m.
Mor• Then A
Ou•rte~ Of A Mii•
Of Antique1
Members are ursed to bring
fiusbands and guests to the
gathering in Laguna Federal
Savings and Ulan building,
and reservatltins are
The program will be follow-
ed by a business meeting con-
ducted by Mrs. Florin A. ~artln. president.
hf Dally . Pilot
, I
Covers Bqating
' l -
• • L
Oran9e County's
Anliljue Skow
THURS .. FRI .. SAT., JUNE 5, 6 & 7
F1eturin9 R•r•, lleeutiful end Nov•I Objects
from Around tha World by Top D••l•r1.
We're 14 Stora
oo4 Opet1
Hlthtly TU t:lC
&Guth foast ?taza
New Nurse~y Officets -.
Swing Into Action
Ready to plan a busy year of
•ctivities are new oliicers .of
the North Hunti~ Beach
Nursery SchoOI.
president; Gene Allen, second
vice president; Charles Hardy,
lleClelary, and Jlobert Ber(,
treasurer. -~
They will be inst.alled during
a dinner meeting in Franrois
restaurant, nett Wedn~y.
Mrs. D~~ Bush will se~y~ aJ
instalUns olficer 'for t h e
Ji.tiites: Henry Duke, ptesi-
dent; Jtrey Rideout, firs t vi ce
Serving aa·OOllldl'_.. ~Uve will be ~· IArry
Jobnsoo. Abo wqrking will be
the Mm'9.-l'r<d Frangente,
arid Mike 1'olmleicl, mothers'
chainnel; Ralph StapheM,
parllameotartan, am·. Dllnald
Stewart, purchasing chalrm1n.
B~lls Thrown
By Au>1ilio ry
A social hour will begin al
6:30 p.m., with dinner at 7
p.m. followed by the general
1neeting and Installation at S
In ch.uge ol an=ts
are· th< --~ hJr, Devld Blo4 Cl--Take Me-Out to the Ball is
the theme app(opr1ately
chosen by U1e Women's Aux-
iliary, Mission Viejo Littla
ing, -Conrtd Hawkbll , and
League, for a dance. Sa· Rebe~ah Lodge lurday, June 7, at 8:30 p.m.
'Band music, door prizes and Triple Link Club of Mesa
refreshments will be ·provided Rebekah Lodge has meetings
al festi vities which will take the fourth ~1onday at 8 p.m. in
place in Mission Viejo Recrea· various locations. M rs,
li on Center. Douglas Morgan at MB-1938
· Tickets, at $1 per couple, may be called for additional
are available during garrie,s in information.
· O'Nt\11 lchool or may be o~ ;::::;=========;:::;
11Jnod by ca!Ung Mrs. Charles LOCAL
!Ambert, 837-6695. •
Procttds from the benefit; No •'"•' 119"',.1"' t•ll• y•v
chalNld by Mrs. David Ochoa, "''''• •"'"' 4tt,· elle.t ... ,., 1u1ll11ry president, will go 9 o I 11 • °" h1 tti. ,,.,,.,.
toward• purchasing equ;pmenl Or•n<J• Co•lf tho111 th • ·DAILY Pilot.
for the league. ____ _::=' ======::::::::::::'
To Go At
3-1 · Bain Ganulnt Haitclwnaii ·
PERSIAN . RUG' -='-and other~ Oriental
Rugs, Carpets & Runners
2 Bales Sarouks (mixed siies)
2 Bales Bokh3ras (mixed sites)
Bale Quoms (Inlai d Silk Included)
1 Bile Afghans (m ixed sizes)
l . 1 B•le Fedooz (ml:x•d 1i111)
2 Biles Contr•ct Kirmans (mlxH 1lus)
3 Bein · 1ndl1 n (mixed slzn)
1 Bile Keshg1i1 (mixed sizes)
• 1 Bale KHh1ns (mhctld air•s)
M•ny •t\1r h•l1s of '"i•td qu•lltl ... All 1r1 h•M w•v111 •M of hJ1torlc1I d1ti91. 11111 will h •l"'lltd •..d ill1po1td
of IMlwldu•lly 1f A11c:tio11 , , ,
On Wedoa•doy, June 4, at 8 p.m.
At Orange M.dlc1l 8ld11. A_;ditOt"lum
)fo S. ~ St., Ot-.., Cel~e
Ct1k1 Ch•p111•11 A ~• .. E. f11,11off lro111 S1•t1 A111 Fr1•w1yl
bftlbltfoit ~-6 to t , ....
Auctioneer: Mr. A. BrlM09
Speci1fited Merchond ioo Exch1n9e
.. ,
' ' • •
Mesa . '
.. .
Teday's F•••I • • •
tiv al J O.nked
' Promoter Withdraws I:er~~t Request A.fter Lengthy Mest;i Meet
OAILY PllOT Staff l"Mt.
Mutic Promoter Tappan
Boats Sighted;
Chances Fade
For Passen gers
DAILY Pit.OT 1Mf1119 lltrt.r
Cbantes_ (bat the nine persol\I aboard
the wrecked Goodwill off tl\o Baja
California coasi escaped were ~
today wlien it was determined that the
two aki.ffs were still in davits.
''This possibly lowers: chances that
•nyone escaped the wrecked vessel," a
Coast Guard spokesman al San Diego
· The two ski.Us were found lo be still at-
tached to ti)e davits when Harry Boland.
a fonner navigator aboard the Goodwill,
-htvered over'1he wrecked vess.el, -
The boats were originally reported lo
~ be mining, ·inilicattng that owner Ralph
Larrabee and eight passengers may have
abandoned ship and made It to Geronimo
Island S<lme four miles away.
Meanwhile there was confusion and
conjecture as to how many persons were
actually aboard the I6l·foot schooner
when she fetched up on Sacramento Reef
tome 200 miles south of San De.igo. Iii
The Coast Guard said reports th at
there ·were a d<nen or more persons
aboard were based on calls from people
itatlng "they thought friends or relatives
might have been aboard." ~
ArUlur Knievel, executive vice presi·
dent of L & F Machine Industries states
positively there were only nine persons
aboard the Goodwill when she departed
on the Mexican cruise.
Khievel does not discount the passibili·
ty that Larrabee may1hav.e picked up one
or , more Mel'ican nationals as deck
(See GOODWILL, Pal' l)
PrO and con arguments fell 11rifte nat ,
Monday after a Iona: Costa M~ City Co!'!>Cil bearing on a giallt"youll\ music
c<Kicerl 'when the tire<t promoter..'ijinpfy
junked the whole Idea. l ' ·
William Tappan, presiderlt·~ol ' bofn.·
muhlty Coneerts· Inc .. 3411 ''Vi\10.fe.-
Newporl Beach, a!ked to wl~ l!li ·
requeSt for a perm.it to stage the. AUg: 9
show al tlte Orange County Fairgrounds.
'Ml'e action came as Councilmln George
A. TUcker made-.a-motion _to aJJowi-Tap-
pan's music allow. if cut from 12 to I
hours and the advtrtislng restricted , to
the Orange County area.
"GenUemen, I want to withdraw my
requel& if I may," said Tappan, "J nover
meant to wute your time.·l never 1Tlf4Dt
for my application to become a poUUctl
or moral football." ' _ ~ ~
Tappan's own intentions a 1 I d e •
however, .politics and fhorality entered
the colorful, but orderly commentary
during >the tw~bour bwlna:, alq' with_
President Blasts
Cainpu~ Radicals:
M,\DISON, s. D. (Uell -Pr .. ldent Th~ principle o( rqutuol respect· la' the
Nixon struck back t.<¥111 at cl:fD.pus keystone 'Of tbt entire atructun of
radicals .wbO' "bully" coUege autb9J'itle:s ordered libtrty that mates fi'!edom
tnlo yielding to demanm and declared possible." .
this "sell-righteous moral arrogance bas Nixon also sought to assure the nation
no place in a free community." that "insurrecUon" woukl not succeed if
Niion, speaking or, the campus of a the authorities used the power at thtit
small South Dakot.a college, spoke at command. _
·length abOut disorders '('Ul'l'tlltly wrack· "'Force can be contalntd," he aald.
ing America's institutiom of · higher "-'"''We have the power to strike back If
learning. need be, and· to prevail. The natbl has
The 20-mlnute address was tbe survived other attempts at insurrection.
President's fullest statement yet on the "We CIJl _IUl'\llV.• 1hia," be continued.
student disorders. He spoke at General "It bas not heed a lick of civil power, but
Beadle State College at the dedication oC the reluct&Dce of a free JllOple to employ
the Karl E:· Mundt Library. i~ that l!O 01t~11"!!al ~ thebml of Nixon laJd "A great many people have autboritla ~"
become impatient with the democratic
"Scorning persuasion, they prefe~ cotr· 'L" J ea) cion. Awarding themselves with what Jong ev
they call a higbu morality, they try to .&4D-
bully aulhorlli<s intO , iel4inl \o ¥, -, ' ,: ·d~~~ :~;.;....:the,~~,.~·.;i~ ··Full Schedule··
port from f~IY _.,. •IPP !1Jo!11o1 ---...., .L
-belier: In the larger -ty. ~ ~na;-::: ~fu'11:';:.: :: For Fish Fry
"It should be oe11 .. videnl thal this 16rt
of self-righteous mora1 arrogance hu no
place tn a fr ee <0mrnunity. It denle< the
most fundamental cf all the values we
hold: rupect for the rights o1 others.
Fire at College
In Mesa Probed
Arson investigators today were probing
a minor blaze deliberately set Monday
night in the boiler loom of the men's
dormitory at Sodtbem California College
in Costa Mesa.
The fire in the multi-story campus
dorm at 252S Newport Blvd., destroyed
cloth wrappings around asbestol plpea:,
but cause dno monetary loss.
The lire was reported at 10:30 p.m. by
school spokesman Paul L. Ferguson, and
Costa Mesa Police Officer Richard
John.son said there waa no way jhe boiler
could have ignited the cloth.
Costa Mesa Fire Department experts
"'ere studying the apparent arson case
today, but Patrolman· Johnson noted that
no evidence C'lr clues were found at the ......
Orpniurs ol the Uth Anllual Coata
Meaa-Newport H,_ Lloos Club 1'l!h
Fry tildly annouooed • detailed acbed·
ute of ew:ntJ for the giant soiree. F~h Fry Parade Chairman Cllfl
Wesdorf also announced the ~
entry in the procesgioo -doul>led thb yev In the float and band cat·
Joining tbe Saturday parade will be
the Tijuana PQllce Department'• 26-
member JtHtorcycle acrobatics team
from the Baja Califomla bordei' city.
The· schedule o( Fl.sh Fry tvtnts
headquartered tn Costa Mesa Park, lsth
Street and Part Avenue, includes :
5:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Fish Dinners, start aerving
Carnival, Rides
Band Contest
10:00 a.m. Carnival, Exhibits, Rides
10:30 a.m. 2·hour Parade
Noon F~h Dinnen, 11Brt oervlng
I p.m. Vision Screening
1 p.rn. Gwen's Studios of Dinct
· 3 p.m.
'4 :15 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
8 p.m.
and Modeling
DoroL1y Jo Dancers
Stage Show
·Winner of Band Coot<st
Mesan ··neseued'· Noon
1 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m •
5:JO p.m.
1:15 p.m.
I p.m.
Camivll, Exhibits, Rides
Flllf Dltmen, start oemng
VIilon -Ing Baby" Conteit
Bmily oaor..t
Arlee Wat>ee ~ •
. -" . Court Says Draft Orlb:r• 'Wr~ng'
_Of IMI 0.111 Pl)ft Sl•ff
A Costa Mesa collegian ordered in-
ducted for returning his draft card after
a i967 anti-Vietnam war rally has won his "
fight to remain a civilian.. with American
CivlJ Liberties Union help.
Harold S. "Steve'' Turley, 21, or '20t5
Wallace Ave., shoula not have paid for
hiJ opinions by losing his student defer·
ment, , u .s. Dbtrict Court judge' IW nil-
• "'All I really know now ls what I've
biard from the press," aaid ~Jey, who
ha beg_ attending Orange CQut ·Colle1e
'lldll wlllting ror a d<Cislon In his -
apinst the government.
.rJudge Warren Ferguson ordered Selec-
tlllt Service Local Board 134, Santi Ana.
to Cancel Its order of April 11. lteS for
Tllrley to enter the Army, and te restore
his'ltudent defennent. The judge's ruling was Issued May 7.1
anti mailed ¥ay 28, with ACLU
spokamen -receiving their notilicalloa
Mond"l' that the tooanl bad no autborlty
to strip Turley'• deferment.
· "This court finds I.hat the board ln thlt
cue departed from ~ stat11tory m1tn.
date in failing to grant a 1..S deferment to
a plaintlff 1"hlle having knowledge of his
!See DRAPP, P ... I).
' (
. -r
ela.T'"-OTlt.ft""" WINS COURT IATTLI
Dr•fl 'Dls..,tor. Turley
. .
DrawlnC tor G!'BDd Prise
* * * -City; s Own: Froa:
Parade Conterukr .
Coota Meta'• elty ]>lrade llDat may be
• hol <11111'nder ,... llOlion dqring the big
Licinl Club Fflb FrJ;.......ion l!lturday, u put~-..,,.-·
'l1le dty.JUmorcbamber ol CGmmen:e
float tool< Ifni p1a<!t ~· satuiclay In ll)o~n ·,lll'Ove Strawberr1 ·Futlvol
J>Wago which drew 71,000 -· , TIN ei!lr)' wlUch. features the ilo(an
"Lett we Foraet," and Ilk~ ot
three. late free world )tlld~, Wlilalon
r.t>urchlll, DW'lghl °!>. ElsiiilloWtr and
Douglu MacArthW', won·ftrtt in dU' eo-
trles. • 'Mte Oolt alto won fint place la a re·
cent parade and fiesta In Oran1e.
NEW YORK (AP)~ The llOCk market
cloaod wllh anotb<r loa loday In·• con-
ttnuatlpn ol lbe alldt trom lbe t• bfP
allained three ....U qo., (loo qllOt6o
U-, p~~ 10.11).
• :J
. -..
practicil conslderation:i: or :i:t.aglng the
propooecl ilhow.
"We have tried lo listen to and comply
with all suue:sttons and I feel we have,"
sald I.be 2&-year-cld 'bustnewnan ., "I feel , w' can no lOnJer wait for a dee!~."
Tappan, said his production stall
estlmata-a $1,000 dally loss In potentlal aales ~for the' Show. now ·u.nofeci ddwn
from two days to one day, with an e•·-
pected 401000 young visitors.
-~ ..
Dlrtclora of the 32nd D I s t r I c t
AcliCulturol'Amclallon's Orange County
Fair' ~ voted 1.to I lasl week to
peiinlt Ille con~rl and • city wmJt was bUrcally • formality lncldi!nlal.'to the
sbow7 ., . ' ,
Councilman. William L. St. Clair ~ wbo
ortginalJy lpprOBchod Taj>pan wltb,. the
show concepr -opened the dJlC!llSlOn ·by
men~ -ble.1t the Gmle~ Grewe Straw~ Featival over the weUen&:
Car rier Ri:itn8 Q.s·~ s·hip;
174 Crew 'Members Lost? . ' . ..
The Australian n1vy mlnlaW said today
the Lorig Beach based U.S. destroyer
Frank E. Evans turned lnto -a cOlllllon
coone momenll before thf Australian
aircraft carrier Melbourne 1llced through
the mn~ei lhlp mid aetlt the bow'secllon
to tbe'bottonnrlth, heavy· loa ·of l~e.
· "De!plto urgent llCll"'1 by Melbourne a
collilinn occurred,"~ olftclaftta.tement
said .
The U.S. Deftn&e Depariment said in
Waihtrigton .one~ ID\lft wU known dtad
and n were mlaitnt:' of the Evans' crew.
A late-morning 1tatf!rnen~ 1aid the r e
were 200 survivors -190 enlisted men
and IO oUicera. .
IJttle hope wu held I'm survlvol of any
of the mlabil'men, who-a~Uy wtire
caught tn •the lonrlfd par! of !l\e.Evan1
which Wik In two minutes. The
Melbourile .....ed the otbeis from the ill ..c&n of the 'iplltlfijp.-·'.
•All ·11\11 one of the survivors .
ortglnally taUn aboard the Melbourne -
were later' transferred .Jo the USS
\, ),
. '
Kear11rBo; 1n anu.Ubmailne -airctalt · SKiP.PIR\\JitvJ'VIS • carrier; One aertous1y injured man was nolrn t0 8'f1on !or trealmen~-No.flflU'e ___ .Cmd.r --AlM'1:MCL'lmoro
was given on the number of injured, but
1 Penlagvn spokesman said be thooght
this list was short
An intenie ~arch was under way (or
possible survivors •
President Nixon was Informed or the
colliaion 10<11 arter It occUrred, the White
H~ aald today. "He ts keeping in touch
wlth1 developments on the aearch for the mining-.""""" _.;tary Ronald
L. Zl'ller' iitd. Prime Minister ~ohn
Gorton aent· a meaaage to · Nixon o:·
~"' "ile!Pe<t aympathf" r or laniµlet ol AniOrtCan • sallon mi.uln& in
the a«ldet\t. •
_ CbarlU' R. Kelly, the Au11lt1lian-navy
rn!nlater. Miid In a statement islued iii
Clnbetn the 20,000 tad atrcrart cariier
arid the ~,200 ton destroYI!' were "11aK"I
in a Joint SEATO anti'SUbmrlne nercbe
300 miles ·lbatbeut ol Saigon when
disaster struck.
for the Melbourne the tragedy was
a1onlzlnilY 1lmllar to ~ .•I Feb. 10,
JIM, When the MelbOllr'rir' rammecl> and
Wik the Auatralllq deltroyor Voy .....
oll the cout of Nnf 5oulh Wala, 1U1nC
the lives of C NDon lboard tho
Kelly's ofllcialvers)on of tl,e accident
said: r -:
"The sea wai calm and it wu 1 bright
tJIOOOUt night. · "At approxtma)ely 3:15 a.m. (1 :15 p.m.
PJlT Monday) Melbourne "l'f<ted-the
Ev..,.1 whlc,h"as ~1141.o! )lei' Ip )he~
ti'ftbmarlne acreent to change ·<Olll'it to
rescue • dutroyer 11alloll utmi ol her.
-''lvp.ns .apProacbtd a/coUjat~ ~
and d."Pltt urcel'I.~ by, Melbourne• colnsJOn ~.. . _, • 1'be ,car'rlet ~ htlo' ~·fell or
'port aide ol the Ev•n;. .... , ""' engine
niom, c:uttlng her In blU and lend~ the
forward 1eCtion to the bottom of the .sea
within minutes. The aft section remaloed
aOoat and tbe.Mtlbourno secured this to
the carrler. A ltltcb of 'U. Wreckage
was then made.
The Melbourne 1ulfered a !OW' loot bolo
tn her bow abova the . water ijne, .,.)er flllht deck ..., "d~torted and the cata-
pult is WlJtrlleuble1" 'Ktllj. taiif.""NO ..,. abolrd die Me1bouma ..., bull.
''I"think the situaUon has'. changed on:r
the weekf.:ld Bill, and it's not your !lult.;I'
St. Clair began .
Much discussion centered on "heU>tt
Tappan could come ~ with a revWd.
concert, perhaj>s a Barbra MnUind:
ahow lllre he ha• produced ebfiwbeft,.:11o1,
control, ecooo~.and ot!lfi' aspectl.1 l·
"We are committed to a fest1;,tal Of Jb11
nature at lhil time, fulanc1any, nl,n~Y
and in .other .ways,·~ raP.P&D ~~. •11
(S.. POP FETE, P• .. II 1 ,
',I ' ' . .
' .
Bay . CJµh BiJys.' ·
65 'Inland LOts " • . J •
Fot $2 MilliQn . .
The · Balboa Bay Club today spread Its
holdings acrosS West Cout High.Way-in
Newport Beacb.
· Bay Club General Manager JWpli
Berke announced ·the club•IW complelld '
Pur,,rwe or I~. Compmiy land,an;the
Inland Bide or the blg!nray fioni the IJiJI
b~ock east to the 100 block at Dover
Drive. ·
Cost· of the 3,000 feet of highway .fr:ot>-
tage was "1Ughtly \wt!"" S2 • nµDion,
Berke said.
Sixty~six lots, each· ibout •50 feet wide
and 150 to 175 feet deep, were bought
from the Irvine Company. Total acreage
bl eight acres.
The transactloo, first refJOl'(ed in the
DAILY PILOT aix 'weeks ago, w11s
recorded today.
It 'was a attallbt puretilse, Berke aa\d.
The usual !rV!ne 'cOinpaiiy pollq la to
lease land.
. U you're looking ror a change
In the weather, better get away
from the Orange Coast, where
Wednesday'• ouUook Is the same
old story -low clouds, hazy IUJlo
shine and 70ish temperatures.
The continuing story of PtV' ton Pt.act is now "ditcontillutd, •
but· iti plethora of prol>lcfna re;
t:nafnt unsol'?fd. Pa~ J 51 • •. ,.. .
CtlHW!lkl 1
Ci.ttlflM '"''' =~ :: =..Ntflfft 1 .. "" ... ,... . ............ J I ·~ 1t-11 • .,. 0.SIH'I ,, -" Allll ........... lJ
-I Mt!' ..... Lk ......
,......., I • = '"" 11 ::::c: ~ l'ft¥1• ,........ 11 StCMI ..... 1).)1 ... , .. ,, .... _.... ... ,, ,.....,... II -" ·-. ......... '' .............. •
' ~ ~ z~=JIAll:~::.':..."~.:;:~:'.i,,,_o!' .... ..::_-~~-::,;~:.:~::.----~~~3=·=•~' :.:"::;19l~•;..· .. . • T~mplnnt a1aey· 'H8ppenfug' 'F.onight? F~unda~oB
Of_ l(_idq,ey N..;.,~t-Me1a ,Ch~#,~p«t.. '&U~t .or Conm,n~ Gives A~.ay .
',C'. ~·pcess' Jy ........ l'OllTUNI! a-tnl en oalot!!t llllre -lie 1'llll 11J In confUJioD ov., ,.,,;l!ier a In lho tu~.~ lkent lncreaaa $2 70' 3 012
Tonl&hl II the• nllhl N""JIOl'l·M"a "I sincerely hope•• can avoid any taadlftwuorwunollnt(f«t:) 1 mllllt1thetotal30centl,bepld. · '" . 1 " '.' ·
~ ~ .. · '""''*" --. ...,. kind ol confrontation. , ~ teachlll1 , !Ill'· allad by wtn rblt !rOm the lchoOl .bOad uJ " ' ' · . \
' achool -and • ocbool board confrontaUon. What le tolnff .. ln H111> c..alltgbam apoka' lhMr::"\O"'l"i .al l. '!Jo aJ(y ooi '1eF a -la'l lncruae m~m~ UJ!f'Cl aomethlng to happen. llnaton Beach c:;an only cause lne.pua_b}e breakfut m~ln1 of tbe Corona del Mar b a ... pr~tty gooij knock" 'rlY one public .J",e·James Irvine FoundJUon an~· "t.-, BY TOii .BAllLl!Y -.. !M'Dc!W ..... _ Jt .J.S. ~ _ J?•Y. Joe all practical dama.ge." _ Ctmnber of Comme~.. ' age;Dcy," be safd. I pw-poeeg," ,S<ho91• ~· William Cun· (Students at Hunlinltoo ,Beao;h high He 1ald 11lary rollio Proposed by the He did J10l say .t!>at talc raJo nducJton '"'llt totaling $2,703,011 Mooday ID , . .
.\_,,..I teom blodadllY Dr. Donald c. lilortlll al ..... foda1' dedared the
,....,... tramplaat --In wh~h
'1!;•4111 &uan· -reoe!vad ber ..-... , loft kidney a "tedlnlcal lllC·
Dingham said today. 'If ~ la .. not scl>oolt were ,.!'I lrome , early last ~would nqulro,an lkent rncre11<1 OI\ repa)'!!IOlll . <d. ..,-11q· Don4 "'"" cbirllable orglnizatiolu within t1ie Stata
. · wOuld nduet :tho -fu • "'111 In <II tc.lllomtl. -· • ·
.,..., ..
A ~· al the Orange County MedlCo! Certer aaid the transplanted ldaq, w-!mmed!a,tely. Both
motber ana dlughttr were reported in
"""' ~lion. ' -00 14Jo1n!n1 tables )n the operatinl
room were Mi'1. Flom'lce Mme, a , and
a blond, blue..yed high !Choo! tlirl who
hll -. lrePI' ali,. by artlflclal dev!ca
fOl"'jaewnl inoothl. SUsan ~·· dis-e.-. Ind UMliMa: kidnef wu cut out
ond ....,iac:ed .by the bealtt\y organ. do-, -
Suian'a '8'¢1 !Oday followed. -~ 1!1
montb ~ tn wbk:h efforts ·•ere
mad• al --and c:ommunlly kVtii 1<> ..-·the '4!1,000 needed for lhe
kidGey transplant operation.
-It ii andentnod-411at the lull amoimt
needed wu not ln t&e campai&n cotter.
--aHhe"tbne-upry w11~1et.eduled, tut
dodrrn tbouPl that tha need ID carry out
tha~ bod -)lllperalfva.
..._ -fcll'[ler -p-''" ......... ~ lddney from a~ deoealllf
pnoo·but SU&ln'I ever (IOWinC need for
a"""1 ·led lo Mn. -vohmlaeriq . tn.-be al 'lier dalllld«'• aide .In • the . .,.. .... 'loom.· 5'8.. Illa been kept al!Ye In rteenl
mmdbl bJ' l!lr'ioill ln which ber blood
--taken .... by a dialylia m#Hrie-• dmoe that clelp8t ,_. fn.. f-blood ol the baclarla clr<ulallDI ~ hOr ayltem.
Goodwill c;>wne,.. L-.rrellM .. ; '' -. . --. ,..
Frea ·P .. e I -
hands, as ls cuatomary for yachtSmen
cruWng Meli.can waters. . .
The bod)' Al a teen-ase !loll loeatid..b.Y
Meilcail fli& .. finen hli1 i ot btin ~en-·
DRAFT ' Wied a! one of the puaengers· iboard the
. • • • Goodwill. However, one -of the
• __ • ...:.;_ ..... ::, .. ·~ , .... uld. jrusengm, T. Smith ol Long 8each . w" -,_-•~ ,-.-aald ID Ire aMlt 17. · _. · A apobirmin for the draft boanl Aid Meanwblla the aarclr f !he
!ala ._,. that nollllcatlnn ct the ac· am and c r • w « the ~uJ:'l:.
tJoo bod DOI been reoet...i, JllObaJ"1 clue ury _,, w a I expanded w Ir b
lo !be M-1 Illy ~ mall" two fixed wlni >-1 r c ra It . and a
deloya. bellCopter from tbe Coast Guard.
'l\lrloy -a fralmwl al Darlmootl> . Knievel aald · four private planea c00•, Ill.It, wlren ba moda bla ~"!! chartored by tha ooai[Jley ba9e alto join.'
dedlloll,durtDi a railJ faaturlni Dr...... ed the atattb. -.
'Nbport Beoch W l'l ·centl Jn Costa Fouiidalic>n f.laldent •N .. ),oyall ·Me-·• , l\leu. . , · 1 Laren laid that t'ullds ol'-41,175,llOO ..W
Uc I • A d f T o.in .. 1 .... h.. ~-be ctl..Rrl>uted to ff • Organiuitions In rvlnn cease 0 ry ·-... -m told the ch1mber Southern Calliornia .1<> scboob, hospital•
1 &..:;.. memben, "Nobody believes more than I and )'OUth and welfare groo-,,, .
that aood teachers are at thi1 ti.me tbe nus aUocatlon b the lafgest ln the
' · • moot !mpqrtant peopl< In ooa IOClety. '" history ol the loundalloo and it much He added, "It it 1"o bad aocltty baa DOl larger than the "1>eclad lrlnl Tho t• To Grab Medical Center 1re<n able -maybe I ihould 111 willing allocatlona were Upected ·10 be twice
-to ~y teachers the salaries tbey the lteM7 figUre of MM,092. · · A
deserve.... The Irvine li'oundation declined to itve
He did ICbool b:o~ members _ a breakdown of the cootributtons but i t
J._ ' 0seven people Who receive DO ~iary for WU learned from other sources thlt~
ui..; Jrvlne was accused today by ccunty becaus't they failtd to let the need for putUna in a great deal of time" _ are the largest single grant will be-to d'le
supervisor David L. Baker of using another hospital In the c:oUnty at UC!. put 1n the godlli<e postUrm .o1 wel&hll!g Honnold Library of the Claremont Uni·
"devklus means" to gain control of IJle "Smne felt it would bt used largely for what is equitable for .teachera against. versity group.
Orange Counb' Medical Center. ...resident& ot the ~venity area ·Ind so what Is fair to ask the peqple to pay. The endowment of. '500,000 will be, . _,....,. f th Id He >Hid 'they'll, ,_ ID ·-up wt" a known u the A. J. McFadden ~w· ,Baker told his fellO'lf su~isors late .,,_.,_. or e ea ol the UCI.county -·"· f'Z wi ment in honer of foundation director ht.atd Medical Center alignment." t-"'table 10lutlon, al~ 1& may net be McFadden, an Orange County pioneer. ::.:~ will> i:i!C:, °{; ~ that ;la thor?uglrfy w.,eablt ID •itl>er Tho Whittier Colle~ Board of T?Ua-
Sacramento ·pooslb1t way• 1n w11!cirlbe Mesa Se. outs Set "~i.r U.. talt, Cunningham ~d • ... w. ~ ~f~y "w"lliY r!!i:'°i takeover could be aceomplitbed. sbou.1d tako a loot at :what we are .. ex· grant of $50,000 from the foundation. '
"'11ley hl:ven~t contacted· this board," ~ pecting o( educaUcn verrua what we are These grants are the tint since 1911M!.o
F E I A d willing to pay. If there is too, wide a 1ap, because of a pending court action A IWl
Baker complained. "What are their in-0 r ag e war maybe we sbo-.ld lower our sights... .filtd ·aft.er that gran( queatlonf:!d the ::~? Wby don't they pot them on.the ,. At the bOard meeting tonight, Tom foundation's ownership of .tht: Irvine Co.
Brown " California Teacbert Aaaocl&1i0n stock. The case was appea led to the U.S.
·County legislaton and UCI officials . -· '.f'Wo Costa Mesa ypuths toni~ ~iU will r.:..-t <1n his inlmH'_ 1;0n of next_ supreme Court and the ru1inf wu 1n were_ ... ·---·111•-k> availab'· f--m· )Otn _the" r1'lW of ·an elite fr:it. ernr ty, -,....... ur:~"'I... f•vor of ... f daft' """' ulUucw wv 1111 "' -year's S'ebool district budget for rriohey ·' 1.1oc: OUD on. mtnt ~ the aJie1ationa coming cut of , receiving their Eagle Scout awards at a tha t could be releaset: to teacher sala(ies. ,. \
UUi • l'hofnIDi'I ~ tf the • county Troop 1• Court of Honor a\ Mesa Verde The teachers' association, 1he Ne"Port·
Bolrd ct Super•ilol~ · • .., •. 'Ynlled M•~t Cl!,urtji. , ·Mesa EducatiOll' -~ilrr,·cilled 'for Fm' aJ· Kiwam.s" Supervbor 11obert Baltln said be had . ' They are Kenneth A. Rudd, II , and _ hiJ belp )ill. weet ioUowiJic a ,.,.:Pro-· :.
lieeflware DI llie UCI·Jectslalnr nqotta· Richan! M. Stantnn, 15, both of·wbom lo 1 tlooi for the put.' two 'ftekf. BaWn U· OOld ranking posts in Troop 189 ducttve 1eu n w th the board thi t lasted
plained later that' tbe'uaitt1atty bad fa.ii· leadership ·and aerve as instructors to into the iite hours Of the morning.
ed tn set a -15 mlllkro, -1~ members. • BrowniJ thin! party suggesUon:i 1eem·
hospital at UCJ --for !nckam ln Sla!ll<rn ii the aon ol Mr.·llld Mn. C. ed the lropoe at this point for bringing ~..i ...a.1..J. ~-M teacherl and bolfd memben together.on .a ~ !au< •w~ ·~ Leglalaturo ti -. -Jr., 3)18 °"""" Cjub Dr!... aala?J -1s. The board bu as much 1ide:r1n1. ... · and ill a freshman at ·Esta~ High ,.. .. ...-"So they, .. became interested In the ~I where be wrestles aD!l ·playa foot-as eballengfld teachers to find any extra
U ball money in the budget and thil was their medkal .ceriter",'' Bat n ta.kl. ''Some of ~ •. .-... • ..,..,.. .
our .OOU.ty lqlslator1 pushed lhit' Idea.' Ruild,.the aon· or Ml:' ll)d;Mr1. A. F. r~·~"''·
. ::.:. .• . Rudd, 1916 Peu,an Pit~~al!o an St d d Fl .-'" .-. .... Estanc!a.High.School lti an and I • ral\ e on ~ ..
M :oA. ' "d t " footbaD'P6'er. . ":'... . OSLO, Norway (UPI) - A four-man esp ~~ CCI en s He . hat won 24 merif badgu, whil• Btil~h team that walked across th•
.., S~~lias recelvec. 21. ~ boy·s aie Iroien ArCtic Ocean Is adrift on an iee·
. liiju1~ ~izo~an, =°!i~:~~·eo1 g~"';.:"'.J' .. :t::.~~~y.'uppues,
. -. Ne~rt · Drivers
A Lake H~vasu~'q;ty, ~ .. )'OGth 'and
two Newport Beach molnriltl wut In-
jured Monday in Colta Mesa traffic' IC•
cidentl, police said today.
Film to Screeri'
The· Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub'1
concluding program in its · Ioth annual
Travel and Adventure film series wUJ be
presented at 8 p.m. Friday at the Oranae
~t C(sllege Auditorium. ... . .
"Incornpara'Dle Greece" Is the Utle or
Col. John 0. Craig's latest film, wh!Cb he...-,
'Will narrate. -•
TiCkets will be available at the door .'1
Adn:iission for adults is $1.50 and, for ""'"
students, 75 cents .
. Proceeds from the seriea are used ~r
Kiwanis youth prograw.
jamb! llpoc:t. -eno.ir:tod with cillrer D!vm from Geroiilmo Island irave
dooe .ludon-_ct _...., draft """!ml~.tnaeardl .il>'!""ecU.e.'
.-.... · • Ul.t. Schoof Tlre,biill la .-plofoljr'aulrnier1ed w]IJj
Jonathon C, Alvonj,JS, •lal'Jl!r ;oil! a
friend ln B.... suffered .• head mjury
Mooday -nllltt Wiien )tl1 ~ olf
Newport Boulevard at l«h Siieet encl
The. things we do for pe~ple ...
The fcr)ner Costa Meu ,...,, otilI olie DWI alrov< water
baa!)>ethal! atar aald be it eUn'-elflclally Cai.iii, Qi,·~ ai>.rd the"221 anu.r-.t--_ailtl wlll•letllm ton, 1it:fliOl '~l;'PaYrlc 'la Men·
there nest yur, headlng toward a history haaser, 4&i wu slid to have betn the
major. • ... niece of the late Eugene BJscailuz,
Turley obtained an lnjunctlon pro-!ongtjPre·lhOrilf of L<ro Angeles County.
hihiting hi• lnduc:tlon alter belnt on!ered W...cuge of tire GoodwUI was poeltlv ..
to report April 29, 1918,_ .charging his ·Jy idenUlied at 11 a.m. Sunday by Marlow
rigbtl of free speech and due process of Marrs, a Pfrl-owner of the vessel and of·
taw were tnfrinaed by t.be retaliatory ac-. ficial of Ralph , Larrabee'& L&F machine
tion. indllltrH& .Mam. flew to the scent in .a
The ACLU 1upported his contenUen,;,. Coul Guoni :PI-and Iden Wied the two
but Judge Ferguson laid in hla opinion masts 1tkklng from the water on the
Jut weet ~t it wu rtot necesaary-~or ~L
him .to role on that -1Pue, while finding Sacramento Reel runs about four miles
the board jn error in tta handling of offshOre from. Isla Geronhno off the
Turley'• cue. , . mainland ot Baja _ca1ifomia. There ls a
"I can no longtr ~ate with ~ small village on the Island of Geronimo
present eovernment in relat~n ~ its but the natives have no knowledge of any J>Olidel tn the draft and the mtuation In survivors of tbe wreck.
Vletnlm." Turley wrote in retumin& hls
struck a parked tm:t. ' ·
The vldim tolci Officer William
Sanders he had to swerve to avoid
anotber 1rucll: on t.be .boulevard. He \\'BS
lak~ to ~e CoWlty Medical Center
for treatment.
Daniel J. Sullivan, 18, of 611 W. Balboa
Blvd., and Hulda T. Davies, 51, of 2502
Vista Dtlva, both Newport B<ach ad·
dr"111Ra, wft injured Nrller in. a rear~
end collWon. •
lnvestigatan said Sullivan was driving
north on Newport Boulevard ar Bloadway
when h1I car struck Mi's. Davies' car
waltitll al a lrlffie llgtlt.
They were taken to Hoag Memorial
Hospital, SuJllvan with cu~ and abrasions
and P..1rs. Davies wilh a back inj W')'.
dnlt card.
Ea Cray, apol:elmall for the ~CLU In
Loe Allplel, said Turley wu nopreo<nted
in his lnducllon fig)rt by noted attorney A.
L. Wlrin, and P'r<d Omnd.
From P .. e 1
Head Protests 'Barb'
cJmt of the Nttfonal Federation of
lican Women haa proposed that 111
stay out of downtown San Fran·
a long as the Berkeley Barb is sold
city'• meets.
' •
t ltokrt N. W•-4 t ................ 9'111111.,....
' • • • • • L r ..
J1ck l. eu,1..,
"'" ~ ..... nd O.-• Mllllllt'
Ttri.-..1 IC1nil ·-The"'•t....4 M11rphl"1
--MenMIM 1:"11ttiir
I t JJO W11t l1y S!r11t
I Mallhit A4dr"•1 P.O. lo• 1160, 92626 . --• """"' hlcfl: 1'11 Wtlf l1lllM toull'lll'lll , • L. ....... hKfl,: n2 ~t AW-
Hlll'ltllWtM lolCll1 M Ill• i111'Ml •
POP,FETE • • •
don't want a fight over th1I matter."
Mayor Alvln L. Pinkley then opened the
discussion to include about 150 peraons In
the chamben, warning that all must
observe the same poJlte forthrigbti>e.SI
shown earlier by Tappan.
The audience included youngsters and
adults, all with personal or offlland
knowledge of the Newport Pop FesUval
last August, which driw 100,0f.I01>ersons
and also a fantastic array of problems.
"No one, under certain situations, c1n
control something Uke that," said Alan L.
Anderson, of 2515 Duke Plact.. "None of
us would play catch ·with &· battle of
Asked later il hit latte c:ould liandle
. the s1-pnrposed b;" TaJ'PO!I, Polle<
Chief 11,oger Neth Aid· !bi cWpartmer!.
c:ould dellnitely do '.,, under ...ml
poooible-"We're not ~ as llJCh to-the
festival itself, but tht sift ol the crowd.''
Chief Neth emphplzed. "Wo can handle
it if we have-to;-We'd just rather not.''
"Our c~y can't afford to take thllt
calculated risk again/' added realtor Roy
McCardle, of 1810 Newport Blvd., .Costa
"But you should consider all the fac .
tors, you just can't really compare the
two." said young Todd Stevens, <1f 1~9
Dam Sl, Costa Mesa.
"Our youths are good," sald Ted C.
~h. of 286 Dtl Mar Ave., "it is our
own st.anc1ards that are bad ."
"We mtlit light honor with honor," he
conUnued, charging that the prm
maini(ies the lmpoNnce of the unrulj
diaildent fringe and t'li!cu5Sltil bis ex-
perience.s ·as a theology student in pre-
HJUer Romania .
C5A Worth Cost
WASHINGTON (AP) -Secrotary of
the Air y....,. Robert C. lleam•na Jr.
t..ulled tnday the contmentll CSA
auperll-t• pi"ovinc 1o be '""'h
IJ• co.I, -expor:ted lo be $1.1 billion
more than orialnaJ ~sUmatu.
Don Haas. of 2977 Mendola Drive, uid
the fUbjecL of Tappa.n's "l~Up" of en-
tertainer booklnp bad not been brO\lllll
up and was tmportant due to,the Newport
Pop Festival twmat.
"Last year, Country Joe and the Flsh
· were notable for their incitement' to rlot
and obacenJty," 1he ebarg4d, uklni if
anyone pre1ent. had beard countrY Joe's
cheerleader spell-out rouUnt..
Evidently no one had.
"Give me ;in F' ••. " Hau began.
"That's ~enoop. 'J'.hat's. enough .,•'
declire<i ~'St, Clair .
"I'm a Cbriltlall and I don~ talk l!>at
Wl,y, but t'lo, I make my JIO:lnt?." asked
Hus. .
"It lso!t fair to.Judi• wbat went doj<n lsJt year jull)ll> C'!'inlrY·Joe~· countered
young Orm · Randan, 01 nu Clubbouae
Road , Costa Meaa "aomt ol iii like him;
zome of us don't.''
Tappan pointed out·th.at-hlo-fll'poled
contract arrangements carry a clause
rorbldd,Jng any sucb offeoslve material
and that entertainers are: paid well -b\lt
only after the show -and individual
violalions would cancel any·cOmlng pay.
"T'hey aren't just doing their-thin,," he
:iaid. "th~y're. doing it for morie)''." ·
He oald under que1Uontna ~Y the coun·
cilmen thl.t he would UJe lo aicn fOr
blu" •IDier Jinls Joplin, tha roe!< l"JUP
"Blood S-t and Telrt," or the fut.rt.
ing "Credence Cleanrlter Revtval. ..
"~am In fa..r r4 the JOUlh
fesUval," said Ga?J carter, ol 1311
Cornell Drive, who :waa no( the only adult
to react favorably alter beatlnc Tippin'•
Appia.,. rang out trequonl!y, but the
most unanimous llttmed t.o come from
both irro and anti-llJ'OUJ>l. llJ<f Amert~
Field Servlct ex~ -.,1 !111" Lida Corrtnte, Costa M Hllh Selrool, apon.
"I feal terrible kln( for my 11e
becauae all the· gen\lell\ell . '!ho apoke
before \knott to much.'' Uid the ltaUan
gtrl, btil continued ID 11y It _,,ttl i.o
· munh flul '!U'lleinl _.tad.
"After au. "'' just a pop feallval," she· add~ "not 1 clvU war.".
260 Ocun A'ICll'tu•
l.J1una Buth. Catifomi1
~l•P!'lon•: 494.7~ 1
"''"""" l•t~n• M'lvtt 3 Molwdl ._,. 1'111L1
Tti.Dhortt: -.1..0• .~201
St" Cit~ 601M. fl CttNM ...
T•l•pi>eM; n:t-J1'5
' ... with pleasure! Like aen~g a depositor In
Switzerland an eictra palkA of out monthly
magazine .•. to gilt friends· a better picture of
how we fook and Jive in burgeoning Orll?lge
County, USA. --· .
Our dyn-.lc irow' is an import;ant reason why
savers from all over the world invest in Laguna
Federal S•vlnl!'f.Th•y know that Orange County's
tarvest. First and Stmngesfindependent Federal
offers-them deep·11.Urity qd absolute maXimum
re.tarn on iafe, fnsUred 1aving1. This kind of
interest looks good-even frQm the •cenic Alp1.
And for-off sav ers at Laguna Federal Savings
often become nearby neighbtn'I. One good thing
leads to an other. ·
DAY,IN to DAY·OUT iDtere1t oo all account1
Be nr• tor•• 1oar alu11""9f co•~•.aorstiea
Bicenlenalel Me4•1lloa-i• 1olld •i••••
or au •• ,._ ,,,..mo 6y eM s .... -I Cali~ eo
l'l!r..-... ie. hew~ ...... ..,,. 0. •• 1. 11t
oar t/lir•• •l/U:ea, lr•rn l••• 16.
1 '
~udg.et W ~es; ~oW
. '
T-. ~ .. '· 1969 . '$ DAILY PILOT ',
We Rank With S3n Diego.
01 t11e Da1L J>Mt1 1111t
ll'-s "Budlet Time" (or county dtietals
in-Orru>«e and Sao Diego counUes and a
cQmparison of the two as administrative
arncUs and department htadS struggle
With "requests" and "allowables" for the
coming fiscal year makes for some in·
Leresting comparisons.
As is generally known, Orange and Sap
Di~o C(;Untics boast about lhe sa~
populaUon. Orange County mov~llghtly
ahead of its neighbor to the south just
two years ago. ·'
' ~
In bl! P<"l>OIOd budget for t!IQ.70, San How about the proposed budgeb? \\
Diego_C-Oun~'• O:Uef AdaMn!straUve 0t--1A.bula.Uoo.-wW_ald comparleon.I: -
fic:er Ft..i J, Morey expeota 111\ prpula· (Admlnlstra"": Morey in a repOri to bl!
tton to be about 1,a;OOll on Je.n. t, 1970. Board1ol Supe.rvlSOl'I ~es: "Tbe largest
T&it-compares to t,)tl,ID) 00 J1n.1, !969, lncreatl!, both In' lotal Ind tn percentap
an increase of 4.2 pei(:enL · ls in ~ General Fund section. 'Thia. of
lo working with bis budget headaches, course &.!J the pa~ of the budget which tn~
Or8J!8e Counly11 Admlniatrative Qffbr volvt;:1 lhe C1>Wlty tu rate. l am au:t UU.
Jlnbert E. 'l1lomas bas a base populiUon . , la 11le greatest Increase propooed ill'San
figure of 1,349,000 for Jan. l, 19119 which Di~go County history:"
he eijbn.11tes wW ~ase to t,.tfS,000 by . ~dminlstr.ator -Thomas, -racing a
Jan. 1, 1970, a jump Of 7 ~cenL Similar problem, saya: "The disparity
All in all, the beadcOunts tor t.be betwetn the ~Umated population ln-
nelghborin& counties ir. mtgbly clo8e.· crease (7~) and the buc!geL request tn.
Total Budget Requests
General Fund
Orange County
Saa Diego County
20t,77t ,000
crease (11" l can be partially explaloed
tJija Yfay. Our ecooomy is tied to in·
dustrial production where there are
automatic increases ln production per
man over the y,ears.
... 1968-69
. 26
Grove Rioting Called
' ....
~spontaneous Flareups'
Garden Grove police picked up the
pieces today and summed up the Sat.ur-
day and Sunday night-Slrawberr:y,
1''estivaJ riots as '"spontaneous fiareups
started by young trouble seeke rs."
' state, will be continued," said Lee
Walters, president or the festival associa-
tion. ..
"This Is not true in the public service
sect.or. Our wages increase In comparilon
to union workers.wages with no increase
in productivity. ActuaUy,·in some cases,
productivity goes d o w n tbrough more
sophisticated attitudes. We deal in
. '•
aervk:M, not vroctuct1." .•
,_.-e·aT t y-ln the budPt yea r
presents a "CAO Larpt" for tbe comhlg
tz months to the vutooa de!>utoltnta. He
i.ports: "MOil cteoartmenia dme In 11
Ille larlet, but . -that dld!!'t .....
q!11te """·" • •
San Diego's More)' says in kind :
"~nerally speaking, department bead.a
ha't'.e accepted my recommendations,
alb<ll ln.oome lnB1anC81 quite reiuclantly.
In 1bree budgela the department heod
desires to appear before your board at
final hearings. It '"'I' be that there wUl
be man: appeals berore that time."
Thomas lists departments with the
greatest requested ·increases is weUare,
$9.6 million ; medical center, $.1.4 million ;
• mental health, a.2 million; capital pro-
jects, •1.1 million ; building leases,
1884,l26: prOballon, 18!t.J2<. arid
drainage, $800,000 (a new, local pfo-
Morey Hats public u slstance $14.6
m!Ulon; general eovernmenti $ S . 6
SA City .Hall
Joint Project
Approved, 4-3
mtlUon; _.i runct --.i•. ~.s
_million; recreation and cultw'al, f5.1
m1111on: beallb 1nc1 aan1111lon, 'u oimnW;oo, public protection, $(.f mllllon
Ind mads, "411,337.
(1llo two CO\llllles ""' llllbilY dllterentl cat<gory headings for 1h8lr lnUdowns).
Where is the n-,. eomlng from lo
meet these expenditures!
A1ain, a tabulaUon for comparisons;
Ol tbe. ~erence. Thomas) uys: "If
requested expenditures are cut to the
hone the revenue gap will be aboUl •t
milllcin. Cl>ances of bringing 11 toto clOoer
balance an! sllm. To actually balance
would requirt massive cuts In quality ot. •
ser~." ·
'!lie .... -·dllloo .... to ~
County would -to libout IS cen1o tl lncreaae 911 tbe property tu rate. Tho ~
antlclplted 'I mli11<lh diUerence, 1boul
3.~ centa.,
Mqrey.11y1/ln behlll ol the tupoyer'
"Hloj«ically1 the properly tu rate when
nnally det.ermlned' bas 'never been
anywhere Deal' II high U predlct.ed. 1' Ha
elllmai.. no llflnllicant lncreue In Ibo
San Diego County property tu, adnitlling ·
"that' the word Slgnifican~ can mean a
difteren& thiilg to each penon ...
Budgot hearlnp In bn1b counUes begin
next u eek. 'l11at'I when the auperviJor9
get their oes oct and trim requesteCI ex~
pendil.ures. Wish them luck!
CllT)'OYer funds Oranp Cauty Saa Diep """ly
17.9 milllon 14 million Revenues other than Pft1Per1Y tu
Property taxes
Total est. revenue
Requested expenditures
llO.Z million llf million
54.1 mi!Uon 71.1 million l~.1 mllliQn 194.5 million
Jf7.4 million 201.7 mllllon
4.6 million 7 .1 mlllioa
Viet President Adamant -
Against Cong Coalition
• SAIGON (AP ) -P,.,,.ldent NllU)'en w.Wd "never" acoept such 1 govern-
Santa Ana city councilmen voted ·{ to 3 Van Thieu returned today from visits to ment.
Monday fl:lght to construct a new $3.5 South Korea and Nationalist China millipn city hall throug~ a !ease-purchase relteraUng bis opposition to a coalition Nixon lw taken no definite ~ on
agreement with the Civle ~nter Ccm-gqverpment with the Viet eon,._ the subject.· But he said in offering hit
City and (esUval.Officials are still stu-
pying th1: situ a lion hut . first ind!~ions
are that the annuaJ festival will be c.on-
tinu~ de~plte the problem s.
Saturday and Sunday nighls marked
the ~od conseculi\'e year that the
event, staged by 35 civic orlianiza,tions to
raise {!l2!1CY fnr • youth .pr:o..,an;i. has
been tfie scene of vio lence. .._ -~
• This yeor•S festival drew more than
":ioo,'ooo peonJe, Wailers said, a" ilew
n:tiui~n. · • -- -• Before .leaving Tali>et, Formosa, Thieu own eight-point peace program that he
-Tw1ee ln ~!6J .. ,~!-"Jction bond!! to ·,. saii;l he wou1d not even di8cuss a coalition was "prepared to accept any government ~-replact •the ~i~fy .. bulldina_at 3rd--··Wbfn he Jnf;els Presid.ent Nixon Sunday in SQutb Vietnam lhat results from tb9
and Main st were turned doWD by at Midway Island. _ free. choice of the South Vietnamese "'*"'
Police Chief Geofge Tielsch said there
ts no evidence that the dJstlD'bances were
pre-planned by any group or groups.
"There is no question in my mind bot
that the event, biggest of Its kind in the
The riots broke out fach night alter the
FMUval had been closed. Eight Garden
Grove policemen were injured, none
seriously and 2 persons arrested. They
. ranged in age from 15 to 20.
B h M Hik · p • ~ were no injuries to the eac a y e youngsters as far as. police C!OUld
determine. I
Bui}• d' C d -Chief 'Ptelsch said he -had e:tpected Ill g 0 es trouble and had alerted police in sur-
rounding communities to be ready to
f C l · • a!.sist, which they dici on both r:.ights. A ter omp a1nt City officia ls praised Tielsch and the
~ department's Special Enforcement Detail
Huqtington Beach City Cou~l~en took (SED) for their hanGling of the ram·
a shallow plunge into the sw1mm1ng pool paging youngsters.
contractor controversy Monday night The SED Is an organization of 50 of-
wilh a request for lighter building codes fice rs led by Lt. William Van Horn. All
to.guard against slippery contractor~. hav-e had special crowd contro l training.
·No action was taken, but CQUnc1lmen "Although they were taunted with pro-
asked Cit{ Attorney Don Bon{a to in-. fanities and hit with rocks, bottles and
vestigate city building codes for possible other missiles, our officers maintained
revision to safeguard residents against their calm,'' Tielsch reported. "The
coatractors who do poor work . crowd was split into small groups ac-
1 The request was made after coun-~ to plan and controlled."
cfunen heard a complaint from Ja.mes H. An estimated t,300 XotJths joined in
GUmartin, 19351 M'.auna Lane, • ' Saturday night's battles, followed by
Gilmartin alleged the pool company more than 1,000 on Sunday, police said.
-subcontractOr!t had tofn up parLs of his
home wh ile building a pool and at first
refused to pay for damage~1 .
lte asked if it v.·asn't possible for the Cl•
ty to suspend building licenses of ~n
lractors with a record of comp\amts
against them. .
Gilmartin explained Lhat the pool firm
had agreed to pay damages, ~fter lear~
ing he had a hearing before City ~unc1I,
But be pointed out such compjai.nts are
rather common against pool contractor,.
Councilman George McCrac ken, a
builder by trade, said the problem was In
th~ contract which left the homeowner •
uoPrOtectcd and that current city
building licenses were unusable for such
''However " added McCracken. "the ci-
ty might set1up a special building li.cense
of only SIO or S15 for subcontractors
doing ju~1 one job in the city."
''That woy,'' he explained, "each sub-
c<i1tractor on a }ob would be known by
the city and might be held accountable."
Councilmen agreed and di rected Bonfa
tG, study the matter with a possible
change in build ing codes to i.dclude all
b11ilding contractors.
Another Building
Strike Looming
Orange County's building irxlustry, just
recovering from a "'·ee k-long st rik e of
lumber yard workers, today is faced with
a walkOut of 300 drywall installers. More
than $80 nilllion in construct.km could be
A spokesman for t h e lndependent
DryWaJl Contractors of Orange County
(they employ men who nail wallboard
sheets to building construction) said that
mcire than 300 men have walked off their
jobs in protest of an agreement for biding
incentive pay. .
The strikers. i;upposedly represented
by Anaheim Local 2361 of the carpenter's
Union had no comment today.
The contractor said they are willing to
pay incentive boouses but are prohibited
by an agreement negotiated with the
unions las t fall by the Celilomia Drywall
Contractors Assn.
-~os11iona1it Tri~s Apollo
Di1teffer Fuller
Gal Editor Due
For GWC Paper
Peggy Fuller, a 19-year-old journalism
major from Garden Grove will ~e
the first woman executive edilor of the
Golden West College student ~per
nert fall , -
MlsS F u f1 e r is a 1967 gradualt oi
Piciflca Higti School and served as "'lbe
Branding lron" news editor durin,. the
current year.
Gary R. DeBoise, 22, of Huntington
Beach, will become the paper's ad-
vertiaillg manager ne:d fall.
Ne"'. J ersey to Pi~k
Governor Candidates
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -New Jersey
v o t e r s today pic k: Republican and
Democratic candidates for governor from
a field of 11 men which is expected to
draw a higher than usual voter turnout.
Six Democrats and five Republicans
ma ke L(P the largest number or aspirants
for New Jersey gubernatorial nomina·
lions in 16 years.
Jtunho J et in Paris
•PARIS (UPI ) - A Boeing Jumbo jet,
world's largest commercial jeUlner, ar·
rived in Paris today from SeatUe on its
fi rst long-distance flight.
Sbvlet cosmonaut Vladimir Shatalov (ctnter) ls as--
ststcd by U.,5. astronaut James McDivitt Oeft) and
an unidenlilfed U.S. Embassy-official after the Ru s-
sian tried the Apollo 8 module !or size during a visit
to \l)e American exhibit al the lnternatlonal Aero--nautical and Spece Show in Paris.
j '
the voters. Although the mandatoi:;v. two , .. -..--
.thlrds majority wu not reached, inore · in.-.a.. brief . re~ to UJe naUoo by ple themselves." ,
than 50 percent of the voters approved telcv1slon, 'nli:eu said he was In complete Thieu and Nixon'' peace Jl'Ol?'am WU
the bonds on each occasion. agreement with South Korea and Na-.. ~ •"",w}llb.llw..lll:W~/(91ilil~'°,j The propoeect joint powers agreement tionalist .china in ~~l'Uggh!-.a;:..~--..-·s,e h ~ -·
wjt,b the Orange County.City of Santa Communist aggress.ion. " as p.,..,..._......
Ana Civic Center Commission, which is 'Mtleu told the Vietnamese people he· ?;low tt is up to the Communists in
developing the mulU-buildlng center, has would r.eport to them again alter bis talks Pans to have more subltantial ~.and
been recommended t;iy both the city plan-.-....with Nixon. Nixon has not advocated a show 0better wllllngnesa for pea~, ,!1°
nlng comm1ssion and the Chamber of coalition' goverruneat 'but In bis pelce aa.ld .. We ~ave done our~ p:ISSible. .
€ommerce plan sugg~sted. elections as soon as possi· 'Ibieu said he also does not plan to ut
Location ;,, lhe proposed rri eight·!lory bit aft.er peace is restored. Nixon whether the United Stat.es Will ~
buildJng is acijacent to the city's Police Concluding a five-day state visit to Na-port his governmerit until the nei;t eleo-Fad~ty at 6th and Ross slreets in the tionalist China; Thieu said at a news con-Uon call~ for by South VJetnam s con-
clvtc center area. fg-ence in Taipei he expects to discuss stltutlon, 111 1971.
tfie gradual replaCement of U.S. Troop! But, he added : ''I. would like to bear
ln Vietnam with South Vietnamese forces whether the U.S. govermnmt and people
Marines Now llqv~ 2
Four-star Generals ..,,
When he meets Nixon. are determined to help the ~letnamese
"We may also discuss a mbre ·concret e people to defend freedom until we have
program on how to move toward peace at an honorable peace and reaaonable IOlU·
the talks in Paris," Thieu said. But "1 tion for the war."
WAS!IlNGTOll (AP) -For !be first
time in the.Ir history, the leathernecks
have two four-star generals.
have oo inlenUon to discUss the coalition
govunment because t do not intend to do
so and I think President NI.I.on would not
in lend to do so with me."
Police Open Fire
' U.S. Marine Corps Commandant Gen.
Leonard F. Chapman Jr., Monday pinned
the fourth star oo hil UUtant com-
mandant, Gen. Lewis W. Wilt
The Viet Cong's National Liberation
Front ln Its nc£nt 10-polnt peace plan
c::alled for a coalition permneni for
South Vietnam to arrange eJectioM aod
supervise the withdrawal of foreign
troop1. '.111ieu has said repeatedly be
HYDERABAD, India (AP) -Pnllce
npentd tire In five dlllerent -el 11>11
.. p111l ol Andhra -81111 -· ldllin« -persons u lheJ-rill crowds anned wilh 8'cme:ti boWel llld
Walt WU the marine" comrnaoder in
Vietnam bolo"' reporllns 'to W uliington
in June, 1917. .
set the
pace ...
fllbSEO l'QR UFE
WALK SHORTS ™-'!Id Slllrdy
Far 1119 .man on tHe ·1111
• •• for.ICllvo perttclpo.
' tlon lijasual wear. StOrdy (Pnlssed for
Liie) In the lradl-$6.00 .....
llonol Ivy style; a wide
•ltc:tlori of ootlds end
eJ•ldt Jt 1v1flible:
•.. and guess
PllOM-• who sa.oo
1111 NAUD MAH ii ritflC ........ --.: IAit ~-! n. tlet 11 lfc a.Mt-...,• ...... frteMi Mllll .......... Md kit t-llew IO ajar tht PFL (P.-d ._Uh)
lt-.otU• DACRON' poi,....13$«. ,,,Oii. KAJl.KJS!t.ACKS ••• l'Wlilabll ill•
___,.,_._. ............. Ftalll l'MI01111 .. ._'1Mdboyt'-. ... J•lw•
JlAllJJ lt.o\Cltl. I It WUT 1 fh.11'Jl.!l!T, LOI ANGILl!I. CAUPOl.1f1_4
~-T• .............. (& ..... _,,..._,.Mnr•t ·11 ............
I •
. loalll toast ?Iba .
llllTOL tt $aft ~ f wy -Ceeta Mela
OP91t 6 NI ... a W•k 'ttl t;ll
Telephent: -..1J021 ,..., ..
. '
cc-Iii. • .,. DlltW ,.., 1...0
In Harrogate, England a group
ol )'l>WIC housewives has started a
uborrvw..oa-granny" agency for the
mutual benefit of lon~ly elderly
women and families whose grand-
pam>ls are ·cone. Said 36-year-old
J•net . Hwrl1, originator of the
project, ~'Ftmilie& without grand-
parents mlso a lol of the company
and !uq 'lhiit ·they can offer." . , ....
St. ~s; Mo. thieves held up
two G~s during the weekend,
Municipal Judge R°"ald, Gunn, 60,
and bts wife Larttta' surtendered
$75, a 'watcl!, li'eys and a rosary to
the gunmen. •
Commuters on the momtno
train to L1"tnda. from Mal4noe,
A ngoia, were 1omtwhot 1t.artled
when Marques RabaJo, a govern·
ment worker, climbtd aboard at
the"laat moment 1n his pa;amas,
hU .shoei iK his hand and hi&
clothts uncUr his anri.. "Slept a
bit lott thi1 morning;" Rabalo
pail"ted 08 he ht'aded /qr the
too1hroom to change cloth.ta.
• Los Angeles authorities, who
have had the FBI and police look·
ing for a missing 91h ton street
sweeper they lost 17 months ago,
have found the bright orange ma-
chlne--t,193 miles away. The 113, ..
000 sweeP,er was signed for Nov.
17, but city officials discovered It
wasn't there when they went to aJ.
fix the city seal. ·Now the sweeper
has turned up in Aurora, Colo. Los
Angfles authorities, the maDufae:
turer, and the Aurora City Council
all are trying to <letermine just
how ii got there. •
I , "-" . Coco, o St. Btrnanf btlongu1g
to Afr. and Mn. Jim Serrault, of
Salina, Kanaai, looks ow:r new-
comer T~~ turtlt. The lurtle
.showed up in "Coco'1 bock~rd ...
011d obviou[N efot a bia wet· .........
. -, ~ .. ., ... , .. _"·~·~ ' .
Latin Vio
Goes · Dome 259· Enemy . . ' ....
Traeped in Nlfltt
. I
Apf:lrtme~t Blaze· Shakes. Washington
Pill home -temporlll'lly · \
The violence which. hu greeted New
York Go,, Nelsoo RocktfeU... In Lalin
America has reprtsented. the first real
setback of lbe.Nilon admlnbtraUon and
a humiliation both to Rockefeller and to
the White l{ou,se, ~ •
· Yet. Rockefeller · remains undaunted,
and says there ls "no question" but that
he wiij·go lhrooah with the remaining
two legs of a four-part "look and ,list.en''
mission ln the hemisphere.
Washington baa been as much rocked
by the virulence of the lnckients as have
the clues where the demonstrations took
place. Unofficial de&eripUons hett, so
far, range from "unfortunate" to
'Yet the White House Monday Insisted
that the vislts themselves, once the
Rockefeller mission got through the
streel riotlng and into the halls of Latin
leaders, have been productive and suc-
White House spokesman Ronald Ziegler
expreued dlsappointment the ~ tour
wu cut abort when two governments -
Peru "lftd Venezuela -cancelled their
lnvtlatioos but said plans for two more
trips ti> 10 countries won't be c~anged.
When the Pre:ildent named Rockefeller
lo undertake the taak·of vlaili"'8 the Latin
American countries and making recom-
mendations for future U.S. aid programs
there, he heralded it as a gesture of
goodwill and hope lo bemiapheric
neighbors who 1l'ive ; frequently felt
neglect..i !..-'"°!':' piesslng U.S. COD·
cemJ Ill Eurbpe and Alla.
It wu !Int proposed lo Nixon by a
Latin American -Galo Pina, secrelary
generaJ ot the Organiiation of American •
Slates and a former president of
Ecuador. Plaza was also the one wbo
suggested Rockefeller for ~he m.l.!.!lon.
There were minor demonstrations dur·
tn1 the first toW' -.blch began May 11.
The second tour has been a disaster : 10
dead, hllndreds wounded, two vlalta
cancelled, one cut short.
Why? That's tbe question which ls
puzzling everyone from the lowUe.st·
asaislanl'li assistant in the State De~
ment to President Nil:on, who can find
strong parallels with the hostility he en·
countered during a similar mission for
the late Prealdent Dwight D. Eisenhower
In 1958.
Some demonstrations must have been
expected, but certainly the trips never
would have been undertaken II the extent
of violence which occurred had been an-
Galo Plua himsell, in Trinidad for a
council meeUna: Monday, said lhe ad·
verse reaction! i::bouJd nol be regsrded as
an attitude ol rebellious students alone.
"There ts a deep ·feeling in Latin
America that refaUons wJlh the United
Slates must change," he said. "There Is
deep resentment and disillusion on the
scor~ that the United States does not
realize the role that Latin Amerla thinks
she should play in the hemisphere."
Santa ·Barharans Say Plan
For More Dr,illing 'Stinks'
f'mn Win S.rvlca '
People who live and work near the oll·
sta.ined beaches of Santa Barbara voiced
disigreen\ent today with a speeial
presidential panel which says ollshore oil
proifuction should bt: resumed.
"The people are upset," said County
Supervisor George S. Clyde. "11ley want
drilling In lhe channel banned."
Thf! plan announced Monday in
Washl.ngtoo ls upect.ed to be approved
by Secretary of the Interior Walter J.
Hickel. It .calla for conUnued drilling for
. IO to 20 years to pump out an undersea
depoelt of oil that hall been seeping into
the Santa Barbara ChaMel In varying
amounls since an offshore well blew out
ln January. •
"After what we've been through," said
Mayor Gerald S. Firestone, "I think the
proper . solution would have been to
ellmlnate dri1llna: alto1ether."
A citizen aaid ~ the plan: ''Uke that
black gooey slull on the beacll lhere -ll
In Sacramento, asxmbly Democratic
leader Jess M .. Unruh and othei key
lawmakers expiessed apprehension today
over the recommendation that oil drilling
-Gov. Ronald Reagan, meant l.m e,
wl~ comment pending study with his
na.t~al. resources aides.
up, author of a bill holding an oil
oorifp2iiy strictly liable for any d;pnage
its operations might cause. saf. the
presldenUaJ commission should ·make
public "aJl the facts" it unaivered while
lnvestigaUng lhe !pill.
He nit! the d«lslon lo start pumping
again should be based on whether the
sUll·leaklng blowout was the result of
negligence by Union Oil or by a natW'al
geologic fault.
Guards Pull .Out,
Emerge~cy Ends
At UC Berkel~y
BERKELEY (AP} -Trucks filled with
men and equipment rumbled out of the
city today, heralding the end of a Nation-
al Gua rd call up May 15 by Gov. Ronald
Reagan aftef\. violence flared over a·
"people's park!'
ReagJn is«Jed Monday afternoon an
order for withdrawal · ot1 the l,000
Guaidmn<o ~ lillllll · a 11ai. of
emergency u of • a.m. today.
He said he acted at the request of the
UnivUirty of C&llfornla, which owna the
dilpuled land, and clly offl$11.
UC Chlncellor Roger Heyns told a
cheering Academic Senate of the action,
saying "it la clear that th e community
has demonstrated · ~jedl(ln of violent
confrontation and Its desire to use
regular pfocesm of decision making."
An eaUmated 20,000 to 30,000 · persons
marched on Memorial ·oay demanding
removal ol a fence the lllllverslty _placed
around the park after it had been planted
with grass and flowers by young ac-
The ·two of us
Killed in
B52 Raids Kills·· 12 Persons
SAIGON (UPI) -Soutb Vletnamae
troops lajay reporlld !lndlna lhe bodies
of 259 ··Communist soldiers ab.in in
American air aru! artillery strt):es
against the oew guerrilla threat to DU
To ln the CtJntral highland&.
The announcement from Saigon head·
quarters said the government soktiers
turned up the bodies Monday seven miles
southwest of Dale To where 1.1,J. BSZa and
artillery strikes had raided during the
racod up· a dinnblf'a!W '1\>fl of a three;
story b1'14• bUUdJnt . loday, lrapplng
sleeping famill" aiidid!lliig 11 penons,
lnc:ludlllg •li!IL · chlldt:en. ~ lnlanl died
in lhe """" cl hit father who leaped
!rom a bluing window.
Ooe·by one. firemen carried from lhe
smoi.ini rums bodlea wrapped in tar·
paull""' and placed lhem In arobuian<es.
More than ao residenu of the 11'&1
apai:tment house, most ol them in night
clothing, were Jed ~ were c4rried dowa ladders to safety.
'nle bodies of eight oblldrtn wen
!ound Ill lhe ruins ol wilt! had been lht
lOp iloor of lhe lhnwlory bulldlnc.
. Lawrence Smllh, wbo lived In lht
bulldlnj!. grabbed bi.I $-mooUl .. )d ...
Harry in bis anrui and jumped lrom a
window when flames engulfed hls apart·
ment. 1be infant died at Mercy· Hoa·
pita.I. 1be rather was seriously injured.
Eleven ·fire companies, handicapped
at tlmes by inadequate water pressur.
on the hilltop site, fought the naine11 for
hours before tht!y could enter the build·
lng to search for bodies.
They foond no survivors .
U.S. lntelllgence officials said Monday
a 10,000-man North Vietnamese division
r.ad moved lh~ poslllon near Dak To,
focal PQlnt .of ooe of the heaviest battles
oC the war, 1n November. of 1963.
American troops turned over the camp to
the South Vietnamese thil!I winter.
Three more waves of 852 bombers
went after the buildup live to seven miles
southwest of Oak To today, U.S. head-
quarters said.
One entk-e family of aiz was killed.
"Twelve la the finaJ total," said James
Halloran, director ol the Kansu City
Fire Department. "We have been en-
tirely through the building and there are
no more bodies. Twelve i.s the correct
He estimated damage at '30,000 but
said the cause of the fire has not been
Douglas' Foundation
Drops Vegas Interests
'Ibe find by South VletnameJJe aoldlers
was one of the biggest of the year follow·
ing American bombardments aQd In+
dicated the value of the big bombers and
guns - a tactic that gels results without
risking Uves.
Most of dead Jived on the tOp floor
and were killed before •they could flee
by the flames which raced up a abaft
inside the building, Halknn said.
Mrs. Mary Cohen, ow~r of the build·
ing occupied mostly by familie.s of
laborers and white-<:ollar workers, said
she was awakened ''by a ·little nobe and
when I went to -ntm· out about it I ran
into smoke and fire."
returns show the foundation which
Supreme Court William 0. Dou&las bead-
ed has cut nwl ol lls Unkl wllb Las
Vegas casinos and has switched its
money to blue ch1p stocks.
1be 1968 tu returns, madt public Mon-
day by the lntema.I Revenue ~ce.
discl06e the fowxlallon )>egan ,.111ng ila
stock in the · controversial Parvtn-
Dohrmann Co. last November. The firm
owns three gambling uainos in Las
Headquarters Jn Saigon simultaneously
announced several small but abarp
11kirmisbes that killed 24' Communist
troops from the Mekong Delta to the
demilitarized zooe (DMZ) Mooday and
today.,. '
"I started running and hollering,
'Police, fire!' but by lhen other people
were running out of. their apartment!,"
Mn. C-Ohe!t aald. •
Winds, Rain Hit Capital
1lf ost of Eastern U.S. Battered by Rough Weather
5oulfle'11 (.alllorlll'I WI ' lllOll!ly flfr
l°""Y Wiit> nlt!ll Ind l•llll'lll'llt 1-
CIQl,;ds 1nd jpcll flit O' 'drlulit Ill
coe,1.1 ,KIJllM. II Wll 1llt!ll!1' w1rm-
,, tn lnl1l'ld -1"8M.
LOii "-!ff Ind vlclnltl' Wll motlly
.. """ • ..., • lltll ,.., ..... , In 1/lt
1flff._ ttler I COWf ot llillhl t nd
mol'Tl!llt low clol.ods 111d "'"' mor,.. 1111 dr1JJl9. TN 111911 lvcllY Wit 77,
~I> ff>rft «9ren frwil )'9fltt'dlY. Tiii
Pr"tdle!ed hM IOllltlll -• .,.., M. . n. Air Poi1u11c1n enrol Ohtr1e1
11!.d 1119!'1 w11 119'11 -Ill Ille L• A-In titsln to.Mr. ~
' Be9CIW!s WO'fl' Ptr11y WMY In 11 ... r•
,_ ~rs 1lter mornlN cloudt. Tlw
11111'1 ttn>Pef1ru.-. "''' d wllll tt..
-'-· m.<'11 ,, f,J. Mounltll>l wen t.hl'OllCIM wllll mor,..
.... , .. lklM lcowwr COolslll ... llllt
.,._ Dl!lerwla. tl.lllllY. Hllh.t ,.,,,.
'" "-1'DI -most ,_"'· ~ C'llflllN.tfd ...... and IUllllV.
"'"" ftMpet"llUtft ,,,.... frlnl tr. toJI Ill TM 111111 --.m hi _, 1QS
In 1_,. .... ri.v1.
SOUTHElltN CALll'Oll!NIA -Nl911t
""' morl'll111 kM clllud1 1fld local toe 1fld dl'lnle <w1t.t ~ trlltrwtH l1fr tf>""'9fl Wlll,...,.,.y. $119'111y
Wt""'r dlYI lni.fld lrt91.
LOS ANGELES Alt!A -Nl1Ptl tnd
moml"'I! ,_ doud1 •M lll'tll -•lu1•
bu! ..,.,,., '"""" attu-• Ill~ wed 11e1d1 v. Ll!tlt 19""",..IW• ch1119e. Hlth Tvno.r n.
VALLEYS -Nklllt • ...., mctnl"'I! low
c;loudl and ~I lot tfld..ALLUlf bul
l'!Oll1Y IUMIY 1,..rM«li fl\rGUtll ~ r>eldily. A uni. _,_,. d•YL Hlllll•
TllH'A¥ 61 lo n.
MOUNTAIN AltEAS -1'1lr throvllll
WeOnetdty. Stl9Mll' war!Mf' 11..,..
INTEltJOlt ANO Dl!iS!ltT llt!GIONS
-Ftlr lhl'OU!lh Wldnnclty with -rtemoon (Jol>dt '*1llH'll ¥1111~.
Slfwhlf'I Wan'M1" OI~. H"hl T""'41Y
to to 100 -'1fld I• lo IOI '°"""' Yllle~. •
NttM lftd moml ... -dwof1 _.,
fa wlltl lie.It drlnle but mo1ll'Y IU,.,Y
,,..,.,_,,., Too.r s hllfrl, " to n.
Wlndl ~I lo -II f lo II ......
V11lerclty'1 IMIDfrllUrfl r." I. II
1rom1Mvhoflll!o 11-c1Y.
lnNond ~rtlure l'lnM -• 1J to
S1. Thi Wtlf'I' ....,_llUn -· IJ !' ..
''""· Sun, /llnon. Tides
Fl,,1 hltll ....... 1 :'2 11.m. J.7
Fir.I 1-S:• '·"'· J.6 Wl"ONlltAY ~
Finl llltll .............. U :M •·"'· 6.0 Fl1"11 low , .............. 1 :41 1.m. 1.1
Slcond "'""' ............. ,, .. •·"'· ).t ~ i-............. 1:116 '·"'· 2.7
S•~ ltlwl J:O 1.m. S.... 7:5' ,,m.
M-. ltlMI 11:46 p.m. 11• t :.SO 1.m.
,-ult Lit! 0. NIW F1"1 0.
JUM 1• J11ni 6 Ju ... " JUnot n
v.s. s----Ga~ wlndi, " 111111'111111, hlrt,
MIYY rtl" t!W caN lluff...o lfll 11:111
Cot1I todtY Ir! fl'le "'""' of 1l..,ll1t -lhtt' !Nit dhrwhd 11111 ,,... ol
1111 nallan Mon&oy.
Afltr le'f'll'tl slew It Nt'W Yen Cltr
M""d•Y· 1119 1torm1 lan....S out 19
<;tHt1 ~ dlmaM 1rwtld Ne"
Yortt 5tllf1 Incl lro Ptnmylv111ll,
... 11 tfld !\Ith wl!'O:!l ftllM ll'MI
end k<>OCked «ii -· In C1r11111 1fld • 0.,,.r>d~N CGUnlil1, '""' oYfr1Ume.I se~••I ~ 1,.11,,, 11111 ""',..,.,.
dll!'leed It 119•1 -homl 111 lhf::
c1to-Mer1c11111 '"' ot c.r.,.1 c .... ntv.
More /'ti.In an Ind> Of rlln tell
wltfrll'I • 1l•oha/r Plfkd 1t lltod'lnter.
N.Y. Al Norft'I ltodlltltr, "'· hi ...
Wllld1 rl-4 !'ha """ I"'"' Thi Cofuno. bl• GI• Co. ,.,.... tlld w.ldlrtt llloP MO<ldtv 1fld clo'WNd ~ n,,.._ -r .... ~ ""... .. WI...,. ''-hi Ml fnllts 1n llou• llrt
W1""lnqton, O.C., It"' Manclay l\llftf
!fld t1r1Y todly. • •
) •
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For ~l'IOnll convenience Newport Balboa Savings has two locaHons
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I ' 4 I '
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In Schools
Ml!I Purl E. a-, read Ille
IOOtb Pulm· from the bible,
her bead 11llgbUy bowed.
Her n aWdents repeated lt
ati.r her. Then th!Y bepn 1o ·
"Our father who art Jn
heaven, hallowed be t b y J
''People thought lt was
about time wt got back to it,"
aaid Miss Rhodes, a teacher ln
this tiny western
M~chuselt.s corpmunity of
343 11oce 1141.
Monday was the first day
the elementary schools of
Leyden reinstituted Bible and
prayer readings despite the
U.S. Supreme Court'• ruling
forbidding such acftviUes.
Gerald F. McCarthy, a
school comm1ttee member
......,., .. ,. ' I>-':J . J:Jlltti~ . -"""-• ICios ,_,;.....-.. ""'· ........... _........
f)kinawa Red Boycott. ~ssutes Pompi.dou Win
Re ....... : · ' ..... ~qg
I • To Japan?·
PAl\!J• (UPI~ ~. 0-ps Jn&ly !1tU11 vote the Cam·
P....,... ,IOfQl,wu all but -.rolled up SllDdly u be
-· tile ~ncy ol were IO have 1 cbance lo beat n ..... ~ Ibo. c.i1nmun11t P~ The Communbl.t
Porty cleCialoft lo boycotl the virtuilly killed lhal cbance
June U runol! election. ll rob-Mondoy.
bed Aloin Pober of hll only Despite Iha~ aides lo Porn·
WASHINGTQl'I (Uri) -, hope for upll!lina Pompldou. I pldou aald the former pmnlw
!'ftSldent Nixon's meelln1 l!oliu noeded the surprlf. WO!'ld COOdud • hanl-b!Wn1
• Monday with Japa·neae
Forelp Mln1'ter Kllchl Aichi
aP,,..n!d today 1o'be the lint
step toward· a possible rtturn
of Okinawa to Japan.
'l'h'I Wbii< House reported
ifttr lhe 30-mlnute conference
that Nixon refused to pramlJe
that the Pacific island, alte of
a major U .s. Air Force ba!e
would be relurued lo J•panese
control by 1972, as Aicbl r
Think you're .too old
to buy lif~ insurance?
' ' -Ir you think you've !en tiuying life inrura.nce until it•s
eunpelp aplnll Pahtr In Ibo
..... ol olfldaf stumptni !bet
begiol Friday.
l'llher lllld he would make
penon>I ·--around tJte naUon, bavtnc rcfuled two
r<quuts '""" the POmpid\>cl camp thlt he withdraw •.
J. W. T•rk, Jr:
""1'• ~ ~ ""'"' pidou far ahead ol Pablr.,.
·five oilier lelllll cmftdl•
""" buely In bd ... rw.ldi
CammunlJI leoden .trt.iao,
·dodde( the OUl<oml llf 1111
who proposed a resolutio:O --------------------
But White House Press
Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler
saJd the Pr:tsidenl felt the
meeting was "construcU.ve"
and that he was hopef:ul of
reaching a mutually satislac-
tory agreement on Okinawa
before the scheduled vtslt to
Washington in November of
Japanese Prime MI n Is t er
too late-stop worrying. Manufacturers Life bu helped
many people in their 60'i and 70's make new life
insurance one of their v.'isest pun:b.asca ever. It's true
1hat the cost of new Jife insurance increas'.es with age
and when bcalth problemsiare p~nt. On the other
hand, the .. cost" of not buying can be much higher •
For example, a man, age 75, bas a substantial portfolio
of investments. Wb.en be dies t!ltate Wes must be: paid.
To raise cash the executor might be forced to sell ao
iotctest in a business or other income>produciug assets.
A ··distress" sale or unfavourable market conditions
mean sacrifice prices and severe losses to the suf'.vivots.
Life insurance can prcvcpt this loss by providing the
ne:ccssary cash, leaving the other assets iotacL
A1•ncy Associate
T-1: 547·5621
permlt.ting the practice, said
be did oot look on lbe prayer
readings as a defiance of the
court nor did he feel it
violated the concept oI separa-
tion of church and state.
"We're r e a 11 y doing
something that represents the
forgotten man," McCarthy
said. "We Still haven 't receiv-
ed opposition. My wife tells
me several people ~dropped by
the house to say they're
behind us 100 percent.
"Everything went smoothly.
Alteodance was excellent. I
wa.s there in the fifth and sixth
grade room, and the teadler
read-the .tooth Psalm and we
recited the Lord's Prayu," he
Pupils who did not want to
participate could leave the
room, but none did, according
to school o{flciall.
Miss Rhodes said her pupils
"liked it," and none left.
McCarthy said there is
nothing in the U.S. Constitu·
tion that a child may not ·say a
prayer and a teacher read the
His rj!solution permits, but
does not require, teachers t.a-
read a "nondenominational
religious prayer or Blble
passage that is not in conflict
with the religious belief of any
Long Divorced
RENO, Nev. (UPI) -Sen.
R.lwell Long, ().La., was
divorcecl Monday by bis wife
of 30 yean:, Katherine, on
. groondl ol Incompatibility.
Dist. Judge John Barrett
granted the uncontested
divorce at a closed. five-
minute hearing: Mrs. Long ap-
_peared with her attorney.
.Sirhan Once Thought
Kennedy Was 'Prince'
Eisaku Sato.
Sato'a government ls under
heavy pressure to regain
Okinawa, which the Un.Ued
States has retained slnce Its
jets to ·brae!. capture late in World War 11
Q. Did you get mad? from Japan. . A. 1 became terribly mad, Japanese leftists object to
yes. the island's use as a U.S. born·
Q~You said In court "I couJd. ber base and they have
YOu can rely. on Manufacturers Life's sound reputation, and liberal approach to
the specj(LI problems of life insUrancc for older people. C.alJ the ·Man from Manu·
facturers. You will find him a well informed profC&SioDal able to provide the
important counsel necessary to meet your needs. • ., ....
Sirhan B. Sirhan says he
thought Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy was a "prince" and a
''saint" -until Kennedy publicly ui'ged sale of U.S.
fighter planes to Jsrael. ·
have blasted him right then." demanded that the United
A. I could have. That's ;.i;:hat States temove any nuclear INSURANCE COMPANY
I mean. 1 was that tembly1-;w:;es;::;.JM)QS:;::;;;:;kept;;.::;on;;::O;:;ld;;na:w;:a.:;:::::-;_;:;;::;;::;;::::;:;;:::::;:;::;;:;::::;;:;;;;;;;r;;;;;:;;:;:;:;;;;;;::::;;;;;;:;;;;:;;A::;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;; Then Sirhan got "terribly
mad," he said In the on1y in-
terview be has granted sm
he shot Kennedy to death in
the pantry of the Ambassador
Hotel last June 5. •
The interview, f i 1 med
shorUy before Sirhan was
taken to death row at San
Quentin Prison, will be shown
tOnight on National Qroad·
casting Company's • • F i r s t
Tuesday" program .
·1n it, Sirhan tells how hlS
mind seesawed b e t w e e n
"love" and homicida l fury
toward the man be regarded
simultaneously as the hope of
America's poor and the enemy
of Sirhan .. s own Arab people.
"I thought he (K~nedy)
was a prince, sir," Sirhan
said. "I thought he was an
heir apparent to President
Kennedy, and t · wish the bell
that he could have made it."
"I loved him, sir," Sirhan
said at another point. "He was
the hope of all the poor people
of.Ul:i,s mw&ey,.air, and I'm -
I'm with lfle, Poor people, the
Hardly a minute 1 a t e r
Sirhan said be was ready to
kill Kennedy when he heard
the .Senator wanted to send
mad, sir. I
Q. You could have killed him
right then?
A. l could have done
anything, and I wouldn't know
\\'hat I'd done, 'sir.
Q. Do you wish he were
alive again?
A. Why very much so, sir.
Every morning wf\en I get up,
sir, lsay I Jdsh that' son-of·&·
gun were alive that I wouldn't
have ·\o be here now."
South Koreans
May Get Ml6s
The Defense Department ts
considering supplying SoUtb
Korea with modem M 1 6
automatic rifles: like those ua-
ed by U.S. and Sootb Viel·
namese troops.
The Pentagoo said Monday
talks begsn In AprU with the
Seoul 119.vemm~ oo p-_111•,.,lei ' pun:baoa ol the llDall ~
rifles and that Colt Industries
Inc., the U.S. manufacturer, .
will send represenflUvea to
South Korea later thill month
for further talks.
\ You always can.
Because Seagram's 7 Crown always has
the same great .taste.
The quality never changes,
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from one bottle to the next.
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That's why it's the perfect whiskey
to coun~on when you're· having guests.
The chances arc they count on it, tool
Say Seagram's and Be Sure.
15" 11 '1 4/19'· 1/1 It.
-·-~ -t-
1 Your P_lymouth Dealer is a dealing roon
, > •
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I '
The Crisis 'at Berkel~y
!ltu4ent body presidents lrolll 12 Celllomla uni·
veraUlea have uked that· a n.alloaal commission be HI
· up to invesUgate the facts surrounding the violence
and disruptions al Berkeley. ·
Certainly a hroad·based, high-level inquiry Into
this complex and unhappy situation.....,. a &ood Idea.
ln t;b.e mass of charges and counter-charges, and the
strld"eacy of hatred, the basic tacts and i .. ues are
A drawback to the "naU-1 commi1Sion" ap-
pnieda could be that. it is a proceos likely to exlend
over many many months-only to be inconclusive or
II -appear clear that, Ill the meantime, state
aad locel agencies hav~ :won: to do. Tile obvious gross
nilltlllldling of some aspecta of the 1ituatlon by the
~eda Couhty sheriff's department demands prompt
lnVMtlg1tion by the Alameda County Grand Jury, for
eJllllnple-and likely oonc:Urrent investigation ~Y the
state attorney general's ofllce.
It i1 not clear to what extent there is outside mani·
~ ol th~ demonstratiOll.I, and bow much of the
Violence · bas been skilfully and deliberately provoked.
But Ille iodlt:ation is strong enough so that both the
state attorney general and federal attorney general
should dig iota that aspect right now .
Tbe ,major immediate problem is not going to be
resolved by awaiting the word of a national commis·
lion. The .immediate problem ts to establish some oper·
8llObal syffi~all ·u stal!ntty; ...n 11 order, law and-
order, armed truce or_..simply perhaps "conti.nued..edu·
cational opportunity for the students on the Berkeley
camp.us." . .
and aome ethnic ppt. Stabiut1·u Ult JM! tJa!ai& tllll;p" '
waqt, and they have~~ lo ·aa,y oo. . •
But somehow the lituaUOll 'baa to be. at"leut ,Wn-
porarily worked out on that campus by the pedpje oa
, that campus. • ·~. · .~-un1 .... that-can .119. clone soon,· the cb..,.. of Che
Berkeley campu1 mnainlnf an aqned camp ·lbr !111
fores ... ble fulure are Vrf Crei>t-and Jthil-lndtod.
Oosing the · Border
l\eotzictlng • perlQCl;:,!'el lo lravtlu' ~ tlcldlab business, one geaerally lo America:. Ii-i-
of 'choice.
Tlius, the propoaal to lllut off the Mexltan border
to younaoten ba1 a bad rllig, a concea&lon. tlllit. w.e
don't trwt our 19 or 20-yoar-oldl .to camp· Or ;to eirplo,.
or to drive oo their own IOUlh, of' the bOrcler.
Still, II can 119 cOmlde,red welooine new11 that the
Justice Department Ii !ilitly to r$11 l"\•IN• to uft.
escorted..minors. Sen. Geori' Murphy, cme of ·tJle. oclvo-
cat01 of tlie closure, aeld lost week in· an Oran&e doWlty.
visit he npects Ille JU1tlce. t>ep,rtment to .take W. action. · ·
There are Indeed muy young PeopJe whi> ·ljl IOlllit·
of the border for ~ Iesttlinate. vblu: 'eu1 II. i1
also true that a great mapy •• there for lilf• wbOle-.
some purpose& anil ·that· narootlcs all ~ ~ant11
-15 -an object of their foray Into. Tliuana·.,r:'M~~
... . _l!a.rrtpg ~escorted minor• fro!'> p111aa•e will· not
solve <laliloi'Dla's narcotic•· problem ; ·one .clnnaf'i ..
sume that the bulk of the dru& traffic Is performed' by
persons under 21. But the Dow.of drugs and. -cs
may be· considerably reduced.
_ ii _ U iSp't at all likely that any investigative findings
by ;my body are likely to ch8Jt!1e the minds and the
JIUl1l05• of the ban! core rewlutlonartes of the SOS It seems worth an •ll))erimellt. "Pt~SoNAl.LY, I 'DON'T
......1 ~'"t'::".~l
AN Y~OD'r' ol/EP.. tH.(E € • ., .
American Cities:
Dirt and Murder
SpeUlng of American cities, as I was
YealA!rdox, reminded me that I had
receolly flnlsbed rtadJ!>i John Gunlller's
newest. boot, "Twelve C1Ues," which
-in typical gprtghlly Gunther
faablon oO such metropolises as London \
and Plril, VJenna and Moscow, squalor, dilapidation, nolsf.l'and filth in
Jerusalem ~ Tokyo. the out.skirts of several imporant
Our Amerlcan cities, alu, do not show AmeJcan cities would not be tolerated lD up ...U against U-loreJsn coun· ...../ ,, terpm11. It should 1wrt our nailonal Stockholm, Ankac11, or even Madrid.
pride, for !nstan<;.e, to learn that Moscow.
"wttb. its apoUea atrfftl, ls far cleaner
than New York : It ii 1 great industrial
city, but bu no llDOI·"
ACCORDING TO thla: v e t er a n
joumalllUc .. oblerver, wbo bu bem
travelln& for more than 40 years, ••wmaw ta a mare barmon1ouJ com·
munlty from eenral points of view than
Loi Angeles « Dallu." And IUCb ciUes
as Tel Aviv, Berne and Bruges "art bel-
t.er admJnister«I" than most American
cl ties in the same popu1&1lon claas.
It comes as no llUl'pl'ise when Gunther
lnforma us that "VieMa hu more ame.ntues than Baltimore or St. Lou11."
But we ahou1d pay heed when ht states
cat.gorically that: ''Tbe groea pbysioah
NO CITY IN EUROPE, we are told,
1'has an enlranee so brutally unktmpl as,
let \J3 ,..say, Bruckner Boulevard ill New
York." Even Beirut could show Detroit or
PbiJadelpbia: a lhi-ng or two, "and
Jeruaalem, even if it ii an Orieotal dty1
is better run and lesa offena:lve to the eye
and eor than P-gh or Atlanta."
T b e 1 e are aesthetic comideraUons,
IOme of which may be debatable. Whit ts
more d1sconcert1ng ls Gunther'• flat
judgment thatjn such matters aa·"pubUc
spirit" and "urban morals" the European
't:iUes are rar ahead of 11.!. "Citizens are
1 a w abiding to a degree, and they have
pride in their civic environment."
AS A "SHOCKING illustnlioo of this
•11111 ..... ,. .. ,;.c
Shutting. Off Ted Kennedy
WASHINGTON -Senate R<publlcans
are eagerly playing a mod version of the
old party game, 'Pin the Tail on the
Donkey." nm ooe is called, "Putting·
Teddy Down."
Any number may play. up to and lll-
cllJdin& Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.
Edward M. Kennedy, Mass., ts "it,''
o_.,r ljln.,O , as the most likely Demcatic
" fO< President In 1972.
t week's gamesmanship offers a
good lnslght oo bow the Kennedy
ga e la played ;
-On Tuesday, on the Senate floor,
with U.S. casualties increuJng in vtel·
nam, Kennedy cr:iticized Prmldent Nix·
on'& war 5lrategy. He de&eribed as
"senseles:1 and l:T~ble" battles for
enemy strong -polntl such as the ncenUy
captured Hamburger,Htll. .
BEFORE KENNEDY could leave the
Senate chamber he was challenged by
Sen. Buib. Scott, Pa., the GOP wbip.
Scott sald be would not want to serond
RUellll the President or PlW judgment on
the strategic decWoos or tnllitary com-
Scott suu:ested that much greater
ca•ualtJes · would result from failure to
proteel U.S. troop&. He even wUt<I poetic
1n ncatpng the hllloric nght for the cap-
ture ol l.!ttte Roondtop 1n tbe Battle of
Gettysburg during the Civil War. •
-On Monday, in Worcester, Mass.,
with Apollo 10· enroute to the moon, Ken-
nedy bad called for a •lowdown in the
$pace program after the lunar landings
· ' hawt been made. He said that would rtee
ftmdl for 0 prissing problems" iucll as
the war on hunger, poverty and pollution.
..---•• Gnrwe ---.
-Ge!lrl•: IJo )'OU ad; I glrl tor a lclss Cl<
juot ,. --ldu ber! Wbicb -abal!
~ c:ee -Jll1 wile eatche1
me eltberwq.
·,.,_·.,.;:,,, .. to~·
-~ ~l .. 1"11. lonHora. He I
,.i 1""'!'1-111 -·t UIOd yet l
ON WEDNESDAY, Aiiiew mpondod in
a statement addressed namelessly to
"those who would denigrate our space ef·
fort." The Vlc.e President said -the ad-
ministration is carefully weighing costs
and alternatives for the space program
alter the Apallo program Is completed.
Agnew quoted a former President u
calling the space program "lhe most
hazardous and dangerous and greatest
adventure on which man has ever em•
barked." Then he named the former
President: John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy got the front-page preference
In these encounters. Scott'• comment.a
were subordtnated, deep in the Wed-
nesday stories. Agnew's statement wu
buried inside tho3e Thursday papen
which used iL Nevertheless, t he
Republicw did eet on record with their
WAS IT ALL PART of a carefully
organized administration r e bu t t a 1 ?
Senate Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen, Ill., says It was nothlng of the
sort. Dirksen says he , and other
Republican senators, are simply defen-
ding the administration against attacks
which involve lhelr areas of interest.
"And I am certain that lhe matter hu
never been discussed at any meeting of
the leadenbip at the While House " adds Dirk.sen. '-
There are Indications, however that
the replies to Kennecty are not whoity un-
COO?'dinated. Other senators say Scott
has, on occaslon, suggested that KennedJ
ltltement.s should not go unanswered by
GOP policy makm.
Scott, elected the COP whip earlier UU1
rear, )VAS his party's nalfonal chairman
m 1941-49. He has a reput1tion as an able
pollUcal practitioner who has a ~al
talent for this sorl of Wighting. .
DIM OlJTI.OOK -There Is good
reason why GOP leaders should now bf)
di.aclaiming any concer1ed and coordinate
drlv~ a~ Kennedy. It W<iuld be
W'l•lle, In the first plKe, to make the
young senator seem lo be c:onsplrcd
More Im~, -.,, GOP
strategtsb: dO not want to ot.a"fbct to
Kennedy now. For all tbl' .Xonnedy
charlama. and Teddy certalnlJ bu -
ol It. he -not -1llle • _., fonnldable threlt to .Nl>On ll thla very
early painl bl the 1112 maD111¥erinl.
The lalelt G,aiJup J!Oll -,.. ;,.,.
n1ng 11 pemntap poinll bthlnd Nlaoll H
they wtrt to NI for the Wllila -
..... Tbat Is ...... -1111 lllowlDI Hubert llumpbn.J' ever l'Dllde~ and
Humphrq11 c-npef&n· , wu -Iii• L·n I
deocribed II -wtioa hi'tnlled
by 14 perc;,.ta;. poildl. . .
They've quit tN<hiDc ·-· God in OW' publlc ICblola, but tblJ i.
gbt on t ........ all -· -. Doesn\ w. ten ,.. ~1
P. L. P.
™'~~~ ....... ... ~ .. ,,._ ........ ,,, .. .... ._. "' ...... ....,. .... °"" '*'·
Episcopalian Fir es Back
'Insulted' By, ·Bishop Mye _rs
.. •
TH a.t.._.e
'111' tbl Edltjir:
11 !MA be ~ that tbl-
........ lnp P. Jell~ openblc -o1 Cl'lllentlail 'flll that IUCb a -I
-t...i ..-, 1mpac1 ---
" to wbaU--· • O.K. OUr attention was fOC\lled and we
~to. become duty Im·
Whit followed was a wild die.tribe.
The only conclusion one can possibly
ruch Js that, if this individual does in·
deed bokl a PhD. It is understandable
Why aO many of our universilies, colleges,
(and parUcularly Imteley); are·Jn deep .troubt.. ·
To the F.cfltcr:
. ·lan't.Jt IU'an1e how some people reason
thinp: out? For instance, Dr. in,e Bell In
Letters to the Editor, \Vednesday, May
28. .
According to her. the entire trouble et
Berkeley is Gov. Reagan's fault . Th e
cold, hard fact that the militants,
dedtcated to destroying the higher educa-
tional system, have been causing almost
continu~ trouble the.re since 1966 seem-
ed .. 1'illmpertaot to Dr. Bell, that she
dkln't ·even botbfr to mention that f1ct 1t
1 THERE UVE BEEN -rn or e ~atkq, d.iaruptionB, and preven-
UM (If the Untvenlty going about its
"ed'UcaUonal businea" at Berkeley than
at any otper colJei'e In the U.S. Even tlie
militants have finally run out of
demedl. and Jn order to keep their
destroylnc tlctlca .1olna, had to turn to a
stupid thin& like demanding a People's
Park -whk:b hu absolu tely nothing to
do with getting a B.A., M.A., Ph.D. or
1111 other dqree.
1be National Guard was caJled only a
couple of weeks ago, so if the University
has fallen from third place to 30th place
nationally, I'm sure Utls didn't happen
overnight when lhe Guard was called. So
it's obvi"'s to any reasonably thinking
'pertlon, that the constant harassment and
irrttaUon·f)y the militants for four long
years ii more of a reason for the-decline
of UC than the Guards being called
recently. ·
llneed faculty and admllllstratloo Is still . doilll notbinK about · &topping ihese
militants; and the mljcr'lty ol the public
ls pWng more fed up thin ever, what
cari the Governor do but call out the Na·
tkinal Guard? You doo't see any NaU<Uaa-1
Guin! at ony college 1n CaWornla where
there isn't any militant (llsrupUon, so ob-
Yloulty Go...... Reqan ahould oot be
blamed that he is trying to stop higher
education in the state. He is onJy trying
to stop the mnltants.
ff all the UC system drops down to
fourth rate schools, the blame can be put
squattly where it belongs, in the laps of
dedicated militants, both students and
faculty, and also to far out left sym.
pathlzers, who cannot see the chaos they
are letting themselves and their COl.mb')'
be led into.
Appelll. to Pellee
We, the undel'!!gned, as members ot.
the UCI Young Republicans, wish to ex~
preos our ai>bom:noe at those ...., 1lf
exetlllve fllrct wbk:h Wirt a part of the
polke ,.;ponse to the Bethley crlal• We
feel it essential to the proper fUOCUonlng
~f the Unlvtnlty that pelCel\ll cooclitions
be malntalhed on campus, Ind reallie
Lhat such conditions cannot be sec\IT'ed
when eJiremlst studenui exploit local
lflevances IOleJy to foment diaordn or
when irresponsible elementa among our
police respond to student dissent with un·
necessary violence.
Un!ortunately, both o( these groups
were represented at Berkeley. Among the
sincere prolestors were lhose who use
any pretext l.O disrupt, and there were
those among the many dedicated police
officers who clearly overreacted to stu-
dent provocation. It is useless to appeal
to extremist 5tudents ; the pointless
destruction they seek conflicts with our
Ideal of a Cree and open society.
, We do, however , strongly urge all
peace officers to control those among
themselves reP.(lnsible for uMecessary
brutality and, if need be, iemovc them
from the force. A repetition or the
Berkeley violence must be avoided and
excesses on eith side cannot be tolerated.
Also signed by ; Peggy Jacoby, 01·
!via Ebenson, Mike Scholer, Rich Hanna,
Chriss Herr, Neil Burns, Bob Huberty,
John Halverson.
1Uore Bemtl!J Needed
To the Editor:
It is with great Interest that I have at-
tended the lectures ef a class .enlitled
"P?pulation: The Vital Revt1lulion,"
which were presented al the ' University
of California, Irvine. Each speaker
related his special field of study to the
aspect of an increasing population.
As the readers of the Daily P.Uot would
appreciate mudi of the information
presented1 perhaps the highlights of the ·
lecllp't:S . could ·be published during the
next series.
Only a little reflection is needed fo r one
to realize that our progress in technology
is being left far behind our progress lit""'
OUR NEED FOR oil requires drilling
that threatens our marine life and
beaches, but 1 then sewage disposal
eliminated this threat over part or Our
local coastline these past few months.
With Repect to smog wc a r e only
able to attempt to reduce the more
harmful impurities.
While some of lhc world Is presently
threatened with famln e and disease there
is no juatillcat!oo io believe that we are
exempt from these problems. If wc arc
fortunate, we ahall, in the near future be
faced with a choke of deciding which
countrte. will be belped.W which coun-
tries will bave thelr food p"m)lems solved by maa deltha.
AS DIE M01'llER o( two BQ'.18 J do not
like to think ol-l'fltrtciiom er ·taxes im·
·posed upcin 1111 · futlµ'e grandchildren
when ~y are married and desire to
have .chQdren.
Life will never be more beautiful than
it is today .. I feel that both from necessity
and apatliy we will gradually accept
lower and1ower standards in our quality
or air, water, food , and living.
Tue sd 111,, J'\1'° 3, 1969
The edllorial.-Of th• Dally
Pilo& Hekl to itttorm and stirn·
ulatt ~ bW {Wttf'llling this
•••>1popn'r opfniqtu and com.
~ Ofl tor*• of i-ntn'est cmd ifpijkam1, b1/ pr0t.1iding a forum fO'f the czprestfO'n t1f
our readtrl' opfn.J'ont. and bu
J)rtfentfng tht dive r.te vitw-
PoinU of inJortJW<i obl1rve:r1
and ipokeimen 011 t()pici of Ute
' Robert ·N. Weed, Publi sher
b ·• 1
h •
0 • ..
u • u
' t
r t.
' l
' I
' l
·----------------.-------------------------------------... --------~-----..-~ .
'GOP Jl ... t S ..... re Credit' 5 ·owims Agai~t
... N oguch1 ·Dropped ---------..---' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -"Any tu reform ihat ieU posal !)Ill ol lhe Revenue 1nd
LOS AN~ (AP) -The
county Clvll Sorvfce . Com-
mission tooled oul Kondly B
of IO ~1eo·~ oWled
coroner Dr. l)omaa T .
Nogucbl a.lier bis attorney
argu«J the .county did not car-ry burden of proof.
Auembly minority I ea d e r . out-Col the Jec1slaturt) wlll Taution c.crnmittee and place
1 Godfrey lsaa;:, NOIUCbl's Jeue Unruh made It clear not be as i reautt ot the it before the full &aembiy, Can a Fair Couple counsel. told the beorlng lhlll U>dly lhlt O.v: ROlllld Jiu. governoc's efforts," Unruh Republl<lns b ave rejected
JI the cbargeo were not dr<ll> gon ud llepJb!leona will llid, "but as the reault of bl· the move.
·JMld bit· defense against them ·have to share credit with partlsan su,pport." 1be former Democratic AaaembJymaa
would add more time U) 1lle · Deinocrato ll 1 tos reform Asaembly 1peokt.r quickly AW! Sllroty of Beverly HUI•
".bearing that began May Ii p-am · 11 to ·paa the l<ill· added he lln'! .......,_,, ___ toa uld, "We don't wllll to be lo The county filed 60, apeclll1: h t"""·-\,~ie;
Have a Dark Baby? 1
cl\&rges against the fot'!ller ature. reform wUI pus. the poeklon ol doi'nc the think· coroner when be was ffred Anything t h a 1 potenllally "l don't know ol one sln&le ing and. the work (on a bill) could be called a "governor's "'--~ 1..:. r. ... the , ~pervm ~.!._oblastby-M~-~-nr of Courts Delay tu reform bill," other ,key Democrll the ,ov.rnor bu -.-.--•... governor aay
. "
By L 1'1. BOYD the comedians were cigar Ai MD eu.-a an:11 Den\ocnts 1 aid privately, called up to ask to vqte for a -;=ll=''=hll==pr=ogr=am=.=====;
MEN WHO HAVE the smo~ers, but can you name ·m y'· S · Thole dropped alleged that · '· · · · · isn'\ going to pass anything. tax reform bill," Unruh said .....
-·•hesl time getllng to sleep e"'" ao mud! as one current ,.NSaoguclJIY:ortyp':"yed for l'eyor Br;be Cases Because candidates of both "f know ol...., Republleona lfJ'S BE lllBIDl.Y ' ·~ d m 1 be.lieopte.r to " parties have .beeo promising he has called--but ttiit hasn't
at night are said to be tourna· romantic type leading .man Take Stan crash to bring prttUge lo the taz reform in recent elec-seemed to help much, hu itt"
fl*ll bridge players. . ,. . who smokes cigars?" A. Only coroner: that tht comor view-LOS ANGELES (UPl) _ lions, the subject Is one of the Unruh's latter point was '~RE AllE no se1 gullti in one who comes to mind ts ed great disasters aa an op-c eed' 1 •· -i politically feMllive ~i!L ·touched upoo Monday by As-
H I. " Th t t l I I cQu F9RT ORD .(UPI) -Five ~unity to brina glory to ourt proc tngs n 1.... I th ·'d le bly Dem . le awa 1. a s a emen mus Steve M een. . . . -Q. e b -~-· 1 . 1 nl Cit Co (ac ng the five-mon -vi g-sern ocrat caucus be true. 1 heard it on "DOE$ IT EV-ER ~appen that of 14 SM Francisco Presidio · mself and the coroner's of· "--=,. ria 5 Y un-lslature. chairman George Zenovlch.
·television .... IT'S OFTEN a black baby is bOm to 1 whJte Stockade km.ates oo trial'bere flee: that Noguchi ·used cllman Thomas.S h e Pa r_d , Assemblyman Wiiiiam Bag. In a speech to Democratic
THE CASE lhat daughters of couple as a result of the fact for mUtioy have immature "unwarranted profanity" wjth former Cily Human RelaUons Jey, (R.San R a f 1 e I) aald women, he contended "Repub-
bald-headed men pass that that either the.'husband or the per'JOlUlliUes but can still employes; that Noguchl's con-. Commissioner Keith SmHh Monday he hopes the Revenue Ucans are split ind rtluctant
hereditary trait on to their wife had a black ancestor-t:ot · disU 1 ish between ,.._1 and •tant Lell§.ing of • pathologist and 'orrher Recreation and and Ta z at Ion Committee to move the governor's tu
sons. A. Checked this out with a n u ''6" .~ ·with one ~I aborter than the Parks Commissioner Me I which be chain can write a program.': He sald perhape
SWORD SWALLOWING -· medical expert who said, "We • wrong, accordng ,to a pair or other forced Ule man to Pierson w'e.re delayed Monday. bipartisan package acceptable DegiocraLs should "let the
If 70U haw new ndlbbcn
OJ' Jrnow ot WO'GM movtna
to .our ar-. pa.. tall UI
ao that v:e may uiend 1
frt@nd.ly welcpme and help
them to bec;.ome acqu.abJted
in ttwtr ·new 1WTOUndlnp.
So. Coast Visitor
An Informant sends a manual know of no authentlcaled case Anny psychiatrists. resign ; that the coroner "sud· Superior Court Judge Mark to both parties. The commit-governor's tax program come
on how to become a sword in which a couple produced a c 0 1. R 0 be' rt Ke 1 m , denty changed the topic and Brandler continued Smith's tee currently poMeUeS nol out on the noor and have t.bt fflrltOr Visitor.
swallower. In part, it reads: child darker than the parent psychiatrist at the Pres.idio's started dlscu!sing totall y bribery-perjury trial until onlyReagan 'staxreform p~ Republicans kill it."
"First, you must detennine with the Negro blood .... Q. Let'· , H 't.al d ·unrtlaled subjects" during a Sept. 15 because Smith Is posal but five «her major Democrats recenUy have at.-494-"-'
the length of the.sword you in-"AREN'T WOMEN'S LEGS -i.cnnan ospi an staff evaluaUon conference seeking an appellate.court rul-.i~plo~n~s.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~tem~ped~~l~o~pu~l~l ~R~e~ag~an~·~1 ~pro-~~~~~~~~~~~ tend regularly to swallow. Use getting Jon8ert:' A. Evidently former chief psychiatrist at last February. ing on a change of venue mo-iiiii
the longest swallowing sword l5'0. Those fellows who measure West Point, testified for the Noguchl's counsel also call-lion. · LEARN TO SWIM
available. With bead .Upped bodies say the ladles' lep now prosecution Monday that the ed Sheriff's bom.lclde Lt. Pierson's trial on four
back. instrt sword in throat, are t \!t inches longer on the five certain.I)' knew what they Nonnan Hinillton and Palos counts of bribery wu postpon-
easing it gently downward un-average than the legs of ladles "''ere doing when they took Verdes Police Chief lUchartl ed until JuJy 28 by Superior
lit the tip touche! the pit of 50 years ago. part in a sit.down demonstra-Conroy to the Sland. Both Court Judge Kathleen Parker
your stomach. You . w i 11 GIFTS -For Mother's day tlon at the Presidio Stockade testlfled \hat Noguchi was a bec&U!e his attorney is eri.gag-
recogniu the sensation readi-t.b,is year, the offspring of Mrs. _:la~s:'._I ~Oct~. ~14'.:_· ______ _!g~ood~~eo~nmer~:;-______ _'.ed~in~anothe~~''...tr~ial~.---~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~
1y. Mark the blade then at Florence-Smith of Tacoma, 1-
your teeth, cul the sword at Wash., gave her an oxygen
that mark, and replace h.an-unit . Most imaginative. That
die. This will give you a sword is but one of'the unusual gifts
of appropriate length with which have come to the at-
which to practice daily for at tent1on of this department
• •
least three months before lately. Last month a feminine
public performanCi!s are ad· customer reported her hus·
visable." I wonder if you're band gave her a birthday
supposed lo butter the .sword. present of a l~pound sack of
Would think so. 'nte manual lawn fertilizer, gift wrapped.
doesn't say. Must check that. Christmas, a high school girl
ON ONE DAY and one day mentioned she presented hei
only, I'm Wormed, a Wichita boy friend · with the
cafe recenUy f e a t u r e d paraphernalia-lie w 3 n t e d
"Conrad Maas Sausage and most, a jumper cable and
Sauerkraut." Scrapes t h e siphon' hose.
nerves, that thought. Conrad ''H OW DO T H E
Maas w.as th('llerl_in b~t~ Sl»ORTSMEN measure the
v.•ho wound uP a~e slride of a racehorse?" a
Kansas penitentiary for mak· client inquires. That'S · the
ing wurst of his wife. . distance from the print of any
DOES THAT high school girl giveo boof to the next print by
of yours still think she'll soon the same hoof. Usually runs
marry to housewife ii then· a bout 24: feel
ceforward ? If so, might tell Your questiom and com.·
her what the s t a t i s t i c a I nients are welcomed. and
averages show noy.·. i.e .. that will be used wherever pos-
she can expect to ,~·ork for a siblc in "Checking Up."
paycheck in her lifelime a Address ma i I to L. M.
total of 28 years. Boyd., in care of th& DA.ILY
CUSTO~ER SERVICE: Q. -PILOT, Box 187~, Newport
''Agree with you that most of Beach, Calif., 92663. · ,
Probe Ask of Vote
111 'Control' Election
MODESTO (UPI) -A re-Democrats.
count of ballots cast in the A recount Monday showed
May 20 Asselt)bly race unof. Berryhill picking up three
votes lo increase to SO hi s fi cially lengthened the paper-margin over Democrat Ernest
thin lead of RepubUcan Clare LaCoste.
L. Berryhill, but his opponent But as the recount was in
has called for a legislative in-progress, LaCoste's campaign
vesljgation of the election. manager, John L. Martin ,
At stake is control of th e fonnally r e q u e s l ed a
Assembly, which is ~urrently · legislative investigation of ''ir·
dead Io c k e d with 39 regularities" and "sloppiness''
R e p u b I i c a n s and 39 in the conduct of the elec:Uon.
You'd expect it to squeak. A tiny radio 11/•" high,
21M"' wide and~ .. deep doesn't exactly 1<>9k like hi·fi.
But with truly advanced Integrated· circuitry: big
thines can now come in small packages. One ~tel)'
visible shicon chip contains all the transistors. diodes
a nd resistors. ~
It k>oks like a jewel in bl1ill &l'ld chfome. We ~n
ooxed it like a jewel. So if you can't afford diamonds,
buv her l'I mi"i m,..,,r,.. AO.l'IJY•ICB·lOO
411 E. 17th St. --Costa Mesa
Daily 9-9, Sat. 9-6 646-1684
!958 1961 "
' -
1964 1968
'Die trend is to Medallion Electric Hoa••es.
In 1958 only 5.9% of alr new homes and
apartments built in the area we serve
were Medallion Electric Homes .
But last'year over half-50.3%-werc
Medallion Electric Homes with all-electric
Every week the trend to electi:i.c living grows
stronger. Take d ectric clothes drye rs.
•' Th~y outsell gas.dryers across the nation.
So do electric ranges.
I 1
Arid electric self-cleaning ovens.
And dectric air conditioners.
The~lectric Age is here. . ·
If you're planning to move, wouldn't
a Medallion Electric Home be your best
investment? It isn't out-Of-date today.
It won't be obsolete tomorrow in the
all-electric f\iture.
And with flamel ess living. you'll be getting
a clean start.
• E Southern Cvlfoml• Edison
I I• ,,
' '
•• <
a OAllV l"'.or T""411, J""' '· 1'169
"-> Target• Ottered
. .
.. ,Three Plant Pests ...
• .• FaceCounty'Wru·'
County AgricUltural Com~
missioner William FitclJen has
annCJWleed his department's
anoual war on unwanted plant
pests. .
He is vehemently against
them taking up permanent res·
idence .Fitchen singles o u t
1three particular "varmints"
for special trumtnt.
"The burrov.·ing nematode
·has devasted citrus groves in
'For The
Florlda for years but ls not
yet mtablished ln CalifCl'lli111"
the cnmmissloner states. "It
is a small underground round
worm that can .only be
detected b y miscroscoplc
means. It is a pest that ts
capable of wiping out the
county's citrus and avocadoo
industry and it al.w thrives on
more than 250 varieties o(
ornamental plants.
Fitchen said this feared
wonn could "easily become a
very costly pest to the
"Highly trained specialists
from our office are now scour-
ing the residential, industrial
and farming areas of the
county looking for the i>lant
cripplers that ll established
could do un\old damage to the
county's agricu1lural a n d
ornamental plantings." the
commis.!ioner said or his bat-
tle. plan.
• TVlf.10.t.v , Next on lhe Ii.st js the tn.
1to1ary CJub ot N.-l·Bafbo&. '"'lne famous Japanese beetle. , coa1t toun lrY' c1uti: uoo E. c~" I
Hklrtw11, corDN 1111 ~'"'JG p.m~ "Special traps are used n
Cos!I MeU-NtWPOl'1 H1•-L"lonl ... A d ·~· ogram for this cioi:i. Mtw V•Oll '°""'"' Club, u.l'I: ew:..;uGI\ pr c ... 11 MeW. 6:d ... m. pest, and each carries a lure
s..11 BtKll ToastrN••~ ciub. 101 very at•·ac"ve to l..L.-adult R1ndl Hal;i.e, 1600 P1cifk (N it U W 1lle
Hlth,.•v. "•' a..cft, 1 ,.,m. beetle," P'itchen reveals with l •llX>I l•Y L!OM C"-"' VIII.Ii "'-•1,.., 1ou a.v.ioe o.r1 .... M-1 &Ndl, 1 a smile •
• ~~'""' ·&t.ct1· E*-' i..oooe. e.., . . . "This lntr;uder -~. been
c1ub. '°' 0c.e.., ,.,.,, .. H11ntll'lt*' found In the wheel wells of .... ~!:!~; 1;,.» =.::ii.i w •• 1 •rid Nf'f' alrplaties coming from · the
Mt u II•"•™ n.-i. "mfrk•11 east " .th e commissioner Lt910fl Hall, YJ w. 1trn St .. Ccsi. I ' do bl dd" f ! t Mt's.I. 1::w p,m. no es,. 1\9 u a . ing _ue o
SlPl'rl Club. S1n11 ""' Public Llbr•rv. !he fires of Orange County
r..nt1 ""'' I p,m, , • • h .i:l••l>o! ,.,,~, Vou1111 ".'!"'JJ:ll!c~ns.. Airport l~ fl1g t opJ¥)ne.nts.
,..,_., Inn, Hl!-rl aMCfl. •· The bettle · is a· serious .......
a.lbOI S1i:1 1c1ub, N~~ 11111. enemy to golf courses, parks,
N-1 l fKh. • ....... h I d "d o.sci Ft11owt L~ No. 1u , Odd ome awns, roses an a Yij e
Fe11ow1 r~1t. m ~ln sirtt1. variety of other crops he in· Hunllnelon &e•dl, l :DO '"·"'· • • L o.o.M. -. Ho. 1151, m e. 11th fonns.
s""'· c ... 1. Meu. •:1J 0·"'· Tho.rd •· Fo"tchen 's list is the $.ocJtlW !or ll>e Prewrvahori •nd "''
EllCOUl'at-r ct l•rH• !>"-DuWh elm disease. o .i.r!lt ·slf!llr111 -1n 1'.merla. • Cc1" " • I · ,..... c1 .. ,.i. •• ~ctlt9t P•rt SdloQI, Probably no sm.g e tr.ee ts ..
1J1G NCl!re o.me, Ct1111 M&I, 1:~s used more for omamed\al .
c:i1:.n1• sOd•tv of P5vc111,v1c planting than is the· elm, and Tec~lcl•ns. F•!,.,.lcw c ~•PI•~• probably no •'·••e ••··ase has Fll,.,.lew Sttlt t'lou>l11! •udll'Drlvrn. U'6' ~
1::111 ....... caused inore damage to 5ou111 C<wll! Acllvt ~ Clu b. Vlll-
IM, 12t M,n ..... 111~ 1111ond. 1:::io ornamental trees than hu this
P.rn. , lll'lfDHEipll.Y . :
I M F11mt' TOlll,,..ll'eo Club, Me5a
VorGe Counll"Y Club, C05t1 Me .. , 1 ...... Coi.la Mea Oollmh l (kfll, C051t Mtlt
Gott •NI Co.Mllrv Club, 1101 90"
COU<'H Orh•t. Cot.It Mot!MI. n llDOll,
HunU1111'°" affdo E•<Mlltt Club. Shift'°" B-e1ch Inn, H1>11ll1111ton
8t1dl, 11 ._.. w ... 1mln1lt!' Oi>llmhr Clu~. Kl"'l'•
T•blt rt1t1ur111!, W"lminstu, 11 -Wtttmlns~ E1ch•ntl! Cub, ElbrUI
'l'•!lur1111, 1«? BtKh I I V .S . ,
Wt51'mlM!tf', U:IJ •.m.
Fo.Ml!tlft VlllW Elldll1-Club, Fr1r1-4;Pl1' fat•Ul"enl. 11151 kKll IMI., , Huntlnston IHCll, 12:U P.rn. ~
' County Holding
Protested Taxes
; Auditor-COntroller V I c l o r
· lleim has been authorized by
, the Board of Supervisors
·to impound $377,110 in taxes
pald under protest-by three oil
· companies.
Dutch olm Nease," the com-
missionr complains. · ·
"It is a fungus pest that will
attack all varieties of elm. It
started in a small area in the
eastern states and virtually
wiped oul all stately elm Frees
used for street and park
beautification," F i t c b e n
And he warned, "lt has
spread rapidJy west ~ is
now killing trees In downtown
Boise, Idaho. It is but a quick
jump to Oregon and then a
hop and step to Calilornia (by
"Thdse are only three of the
75 specific pests that the
-department surveys for each
year that could be introduced
Into the county," the com·
missioner concluded. "But if
any one can be prevented
from becoming established the·
public will be saved many
thousands of dollars.••
/" Race Show
In Anaheim
Widening _.
Bids Set
CQ1:trity Receives
'Disaster Plnrt' • '•
SANTA ANA -A "Model ovenll dilaster plaMlnl -
ANAHEIM -The Stalo City I>1wttt Plan" will be In efr.ct ol the federal, llal<
Dlvlakon of lllgbway. will open outlined to city, county •nd and local levell.
bidding I« wklenlnc • S«lloo ltate ol!ldols 'lbllndoy morn-Billr ollectlq Civil lldeJUe
of Beach Boulevard from lng, aceording to Walttt L. now be{(re the S tat e
Anabelm to Buena Part on J:' o x , 0 r a n I e C o tin t "I Legla1ature WW be. d1acuued
June 25. · coordinator of Civll Deftnae. by Ben Wat.Ion, eucutlve
The project call$ for con-Fox said the cowitywide CD aecret.ary of the Southern
structlng and landscaping a 11.... .,.,.,..; .. n t 9 30 California Civil Defense and
bed medi bet • 1-mee ... 18, ~ 0U1& a : 1.m. cur an ween LoUr Disuter Association.
coin Avenue in Anaheim to Jn tbe CD office, in the Health State officials allo wit be
A:r.alea Drive in Buena Park. Bulldlng, 8th and Ross streeta, present, Fox Ulid. to cover
A drainage system will also be Santa Ana , wW abo cover various aspects of the curttnt
constructed and the traffic several other aspects o f state program.
signal systems will be -========~~;;;;;;:=========~1 modified. ;--,,...,11 ...... ,,
A total . al $193,000 Is
available (or the project,' In-
ANAHEIM _ The Anabebn eluding '4),000 contr'ibut.ed by
Convention Center will host the city o! Buena Park.
the first National OU-Road Other projects also will be
F.quipment and Racing Show open for bidding on June-26.
Wednesday through Friday to In Los Angeles County, the
display . a wide variety of southbound lanes of Pacific
specialty equipment. Coast Highway will b e
The Sand Dragon, a $1$,000 resurfaced between Carbon
dune buggy, wiU highlight the Canyon and Malibu Lagoon
show. Thls custom made and Traffic aafety will be lm·
machine is capable of speeds prove<f on Routes 33 and 116 in
up to 150 miles-per-hour. __ v_e_ntur_a_Coon_.;tyc.'-----I
One hundred off -roa c
vehicles will be on display at .-----"-------ii
the show, including trail bi JI; es,
rugged four-wheel d r i v e
machines and buggies.
More Thin A
Quarter Of. A Mil1
Of Antiqu•s
Orange County's
Antique Show
THURS., FRI., SAT .• JUNE 5, 6 & 7
F1•turin9"" R•re, Be1utiful ind No ... el Object•
"from Around the World by Top De1l1rs.
We're 14 Stores
Nlg...., Tll 9:30
~utb Coast ?taza
The .bllUon dollar record
· · ot llalldale Federal.
By Good,viJI
SANT A ANA -Goodwill
Industries of Orange County
will start tts $.100,000 building
fund drive June • 11, e1>
chairmen Willis.in Aldrich and
Robert Welch, announced ~
day. .
• The co-chairmen . will meet
on that dat"e with their 10 a~
pointed captains and S 0
lieutenants to set the cam·
paign in mot.ion.
The drive is aimed at rais-
ing funds to match federal and
state grants to construct two
Goodwill plant additions in
Santa Ana at an estimated
cost of $838,222.
And how ii grew
lwlca .-81 IBSI
as the lation's LBraest.
THOMPSON , wn..,. I(, T""""'5Cl'I. no F•I"'"''"· LIWll.ll Bffell, Born July •• 119l: dJtd
Junt I. 1'169. Sl.lr<I.,.., by >Oii. Robert.
"' P1nortmt C1tv1 bfall>ff, Htrtl«t
UCI Lists Schedule
• l';~yfr, "' Li'llUM INC~: 5ltler ••
L11tlan HCll!IH. ~ Deihl, Inell,; Mid
tlllee D••n<k~H!lrl!l'I. krvlces, "l!dllfl.-
'O•v, 11 l<N., Shelltr Li9llM l .. dl
Mert.i.ry a-el. •
1,_ r. !.l>ftll. uan Monitor Drlv•,
• HuMlnvlon aeecto. su"'lvtd bv h111·
• tMlnd, Don H, She'fl51 lhrtt -l•rrv w .. l)ofl H. u , tncl Micn,.1
Sllttf11 -4iu9'11en. Oonnt J•""·
SUS.Oii J .• """"'· P1rrk1t. M-v. , Ptnnv Jo -Ct,..,..,.,, rno'll'it<, Mro.
JOfel>hl"' ~llnowSIUI brot!le•. Sit ...
ltv Mell._.,._I, tn<I !wo ertndc~ii.
!ltt<lo 8""4"" Incl llr'YIO• llourv,
I Tll'Hdlv, t....;vi.1, I JO PM, Peel< F1m-
lly Colcnl.i Funt•t l Home. Rt<1uiem
• Ma>S. WodnH041y, • AM, s~ Simon
1 & JuOe C.!holle O.urc~.
Weslclilf °)lorluary
427 E. 17lh St.. Costa ,.ltsa
Corona del lttar OR :-945e
Costa rtfesa l\'ll 6-!fz.t
110 Broad•·ay, Costa J\le1a
LI 8-3133
llu.ntington Valley
l\1ortuuy •
17911 Beacb Blvd.
Huntington Beacb
Cemetery • l\lortoary
isoe Paclfle View Drive
Newport &•ch, CaWomi•
PE!:& F AllllLY
1111 Bolll Ave.
"-' -
'SllQ'f!R Mj)RTUAltY
"'--Ul-1535 .. Q t lllUIOO ...
-lr7 -151. • a_,... II< ...
Of Summer Activities
IRVINE -Following is the
calendar of events at UC
lrVine for the remainder of
the term and during the sum-
mer. The public i!: invited to
all events. Admission is free
unless otherwise noted .
.f. Wednesday
-Kerry Grant ; 178 Fine
Arts, 8 p.m.
S Thursday
"BI a s instrument week
works performed by !he
\Vind Quintet and other
secret societies. 178 Fine
Arts, 12 noon.
Pourri Fashions by Cole of
Califofnia, sponsored by the
UCl Big ''I" Boosterctles;
l\1esa Commons. 12 noon.
Tickets $3.50. For further in -
fonnalion and rest:rvalions
phone the Physical Educa·
lion Oeparbnent. 833-6931.
Galway Kinnell r ead I fl~
from his own works; UC I
\Vr iting Center. 4-p.m.
': Saturday
CONFERENCE -··now to
Limit the Power of the Pen·
tagon," a monthly meeting
of the American Friends
Se rvi ce Co mmltlcc
•Southwest Region. Principal
speaker · Fred Warner Neal,
Professor of International
Relations. C I a r e m o n-t
Graduate Sc hool; 101 Phys
Sci, I :30 p.m. I
Work s by Debussy, Bartok,
and Mozart: Science Lee·
turt Hall, &:30 p.m.
I Sunday
CERT -'Plano recital by
Judith Cramer; 178 Fine
Art!, a p.m.
14 Saturday
Kuchel, principal speaker ;
11 a.m. campus ~ark.
23 ~tonday
ZS \Yednesday
MEETING -104 Phys Sci,
3:30 p.m.
I Friday
to be held each weekend in
August, Frida y, Saturday
and Sunday.
%9 l\londay
-Rcg'M ralion and orien·
talion continues through
October 3.
11 Saturd'ay
CONCERT -Nina Simone
In concert : Crawford Hall,
8:30 Pf ·_ .. ~or ticket in· formati~ne 83U617:
Bar Announces
New Officers
The Harbor Bar Association
has eJected new officers for
1969-1970. .
They are Christoph'r llall,
presldenl : Robert If. Galllvnn,
vice president: Jack !tall,
Chairman of the Boerd Joe Hoeft
founded Glendale Feder1l with
$5,600 In asseta. And one small
office Jn Glenda.le. TMt •• In 1934.
Mr. Hoeft hlld \he id-= thlt peoplll
ahOuld aawi for•"°" ct.y. N~ Juri
for a rtilny day. He belleW!d th.II NY·
lng1 are lnvestmenls in the future.
And that optimism 11 the better part
of financial growyi.
He also belleved that • •1¥lng1
1nd lo.n office should be t.n ac!Jv9
pert of lhe community and ·orow
With it.
SAVINcs-LMll ••••™•
How many is that? You'd have to
count •II the rooftops in Pasad_ona
and Glendale plus half of those in
Santa a..onlc:a ·10 come up with a
Glendale Fedefal has grown with
.Mf. Hoeft bllieftd in publle con--the community where tis branches
11~. Th• public bell9't'ed Jn Mr. •re locat9d.And tt has helped these
Hoeft. communities grow stronger too.
Throogh !he ye119 Gtend1le Fed-New saver1 j(){ned Glendalit Fed-'\
eral officers end employee1 ha¥• erat each )'Nr.
re11&c1eci Mr. Hot
0ft"1 original belier. By the end of the 3D's oor asseis
We haw grown with the comm~ tol11led 11most four million dollars.
nit I es we serve. We W'9f9 one of U. During the 40"11saets doubled each
flrit feder•I• In the West to Cl'eile -S )lllfS.
bra('lch locallont to make savings. By 1960 •saet& totaled more thin
convenient for mof'9 people. -=-+~300 million. The figure doubled
We were 1lso first with e PrefTlium egaln by 1g&3. And today our assets
Home loan, offering m•IY)' exclu· exl:eed one billion dollars. That'• e
slve ad¥antage1 to home-buying long, strong way ~om 1934.
CallfomieM. We were first In the West to u•
Glendele Fedtr1l has maO. mo,. a computer to serve our growing list
real estate 10an1 in Southern Callfor· or 1ccount hOldera. Today lff of our
nl• thin tner. 1r• h'omu In Tulsa. olnces are linked by an efTident °"'"
Oklahoma f1f o.ylon. Ohio. line compu1er system.
Her•'• 1omethlng 10 remember,
Glend . .ie Fedlral reached It.a nrst
b\lllon dollars In Just 35 )'M:rs. Twice
as last as the Nation's Largest. Faster
than any saving11 and loan anywhere.
Wa grew because Mr. Hoell'&
orlglnlll Idea prowd lo be 1 aound
one through aJI the )'9•ni:.
We grew because ot public oorrft..
dence. Because people like ~
lor a sunny day.
All the people who came to save
with us atayed with ua to become
our lriends. And they llke the new
savings l~aswe introduced through
the years.
We were first to orrer Mon1h-O-
Mali~ Saving .. A pl11n to hlfp people
•ave ewn If they had nwer ...,,d
We ware firat with Umpl:Mn ways
lo save.
Today our Glendale Fed«af tnty
lolala ll'fOre than 240,000 savers.
~And more than one bllliqn doflars In ... ....
That makes us th e nallon'1 uc-
ond largest federal. The fir.I lergeat
it you go by number ot oHicn.
You'll find 1 convenJent Gl.ndale
FedetaS omce In 22 Southem Calf..
tomia oommuniues.
NIWPOl'I Beach = east cont Highway Costa Mesa 1833 Newport Blvd.
secretary. and George F .
Bethel, treasurer. 1-------------------------------------------------------
' " • • -.
MO • '1 i ...
• ,,.
' . •'' I '" T
' • •
• •
. ' "\ . '" ..
01-&ng~·r I toast Area Vital Stati~~i~s
•• ' 1 .~· '. '•
l . The DeKt -tiRle ·· ·
: you buy a cai;
i get sotnething
you don't pay .for:
a free checking account.
If.you get one of our car loaru, you get a free checking account for the
' duration of that loan. Now that may not be the biggest deal in the world,
but it'• nothing to sneeze 'at.
It can uve you $72. Easill':. Say you decide on a-three.y~ car loan.
And say your checking account charges average $2 a month. When you 're
not paying those charges, you'll save $24 a year. In three years that adds
up IQ.a tidy $72.
Which" might lead you to suspect that we recoup the $72 by raising
our inkrest rai.:s. Not"°' •
Our bank Interest rates are a ·1avhl0 In fliemNJJves. Because we
know the lower they arc, the more loans we make and the bigger we get.
And even though we're a
$900 million bank, wc;rc
still ambitious.So get your
car loan at a bank that j want• to get ahead. By
·1mng you money.
"-uNIVUll'IT PAll omca: 18022 Culver Drive, ilVine
JWNTDIOTOK JIE4CH orrlCE: 16932 Goldco w .. t Street, Huntingtan Beach
• ' ' 1oen.ra1
ltbol'. E.wffr" lvcl11t ....a itoMr1 loult
' W•rllCI(. RQbtl't, DINIM n kti0r1' Oline SMWf. flor9110 J, '<'$ WIM\wn H.
Prt!l'lff. fliltodoor• VI 1(-111· Jtmn
lllllffiwW, "'"'-" 1(.1 ... (11111\141 1:
0-r100!, Gwtlt U. '" R-hl
Wrinkles Removed
in 3 Minutes
J ET SJ![ IEI. Ult • SAY!: fED . El. Tll PRICE PllCE (!ACM TllD
6.SO x 13 78.00 58.50 19~50 1.79
7.75x 14 89.00 66.75 22.25 2.21
WHITEWALL 7.75x 15 89.00 66.75 22.25 2.21
1.25 x 15 102.00 78.50 25.50 2.48
Great Tire! 8.25 x 14 102.00 78.50 25.50 2.38
8.55 x 14 113.00 84.75 28.25 2.57
Great Price! Plu1 •l•I• 1"4/or loc:•I l.IUI
Prle•d •• 1hown 1t G•n•r•1 Tlr1 1tore1. Comr:1111 .... 1~ pr!etd
11 G1n1r11 Tl,. d11~rs di.pl1yin1 th1 G1n1r1 1l1n.
Trim~ to fit most
cars • All rubber • Top quality •
HU'I)' duty
• Our1lon co.,., ror
tong, cut-lrff.llfe
1 Entrglud "PB"
cent•r give• gre1t
diet1nc• 3 • Ullra.fllgh--l•NIOn
1 •AH ....... t .... 'fo• ""11'1 ow·N,.<-tr tlr1. . ~ "' . . .. .
Plui t2.21 rid. u , T••·
"Ill JtSAU (7.l~ 11 I() tubllHI "l'IHewell.
81Kllw•llt th1ht1r lower.
..AD~U$TMENT .................
·~t ..........
....... Wlfinll11trlt1 -· ,. .......... • _....c"'' .... ~ ... llChl"I
•Apltltt M1t1ritl
' 01ttct1
•IN llfll[t 111 M1nth1
o......r1 P!rfomaanct Qu1r1ntH
It lteeM Oft your orlgh\M cost.
II enr ~ G1n1r11 l ir1 teil• in norm1l P•I·
ltl\llf cw "'"' .,. will either repair It ,,_ cf
c ..... ., Ntti.tl ft with,• n"' C-r1t tlN cf
!Ille .-Illy It • price bllld Of! !ht purchl••r'1
eotl of IM 1u1r1nt1•d tlr1 {11t1r dedUcl l"I
tr ...... 11~ "' diKOUllt ll'ld &lltl end
.._. llUll 1qul¥t l1nt to th• p1tc•nl•1• ol
tftld MPltl UMd, plut Stmle 1nd .1oee1 t1u1.
Cltlll'll mu11 bl 1ub,.,lt11d to 111 1uthorl11d
Genlll'al Tlrt O.tltr or Store w!th the ori1ln.i
pl.lf'Cf\eMr'I ln\l'Oi«.
Midttleul hU1 JI• 11111
lft w .. t 1M
Clllf'IM ...
11941 .... lf\oll. " ......... .....
. 147·1110
1222 , .. , 4tti , ..........
1------,MEMallf AUTO #'IOW11tlCI HIGHWAY $N£JY COMMITTEC-----_. I
,, l .
In ju~t a few skort week"s you, too, can lose 1 S·
20-25 pounds and be proud of the way you ·
look: ladies, you'll be wearing the new figure-
revealing foll fashions with prid e ond confl-
dt1nce. And, Men, the new tailor-shaped suits
will look great on you -oiice you've redi1-
covered your waist. OverWeight
is not only damagi ng to your
health, but actually odds years
to your appearance. look
younger and trimmer plus gain
new pep and vitality the easy,
proven Hoalth Spa s way.
Don 't put it off-toke it off I
Act now, for special I~ ,
reduced rotes during \.1 Holiday Notional / . ~
fitness Month .
!xdusiv~~~,~.: f~~EE! FREE!
Swimnas fics lo inusic · • Group Sl1~~11slics and
visils 1 No No lrme l1m11 on your
facilities for ~~~o~nt~e~~~1 neces.s~':Y • Separate • Free 9 .. ,,, .. 1 P e facr!1t1es for women " pr1v1 eges • Uni ., d, days. Freel Freel imi e •1ours-unlimi.lerf
• H1ata4 ltom1n Swimming
• Pool
• Electtonlc: M11sag1
•Florida Slltl Tan Ri.oms
• Ultr1 Modem Conditioning
Fac:illfl11 • Whirlpoo l a..tifs
• flnnl1h Rock Sauna Rooms • Conditioning f1clli!l•1
• Roman Steam Rooms ,, • Swiss Flc:i11I Machines
• BB
~ ,.
Tlltf Ll*llflft
·,,, .. ,IH ...
• 87 SYLVIA POllTSll
The u.s. consumer revolu-
Uon has finally titted down to
tl,>e an:a where M milijon or us
spend 11 ·run ~thfrd of our
li ves -the otllce.
Doomed to exUncUon or lO
undergo drastic chante art ol·
fiee concepll and hardware
created for a way of Ufe dead
and gone. Yoo know •.. the
complelely encl0$9d "bol:et"
in which the bosses lsolate
themselves behind monsttr
mahogany rtetus 'symbols: the
inhuman row upon rigid row _ol.
steel desks with their cluml)'
drawers al which you si t all
day ; the huge file cabin_ets tn
which we hide paper until It is
obsolete, irrelevant a n d
overwhelmi~. . .
(.1plt.I SIOC'k I 1,0«.150.H
1 1.711,SU.'6!
already here in sOme ol
America's top corporations -
is the "Acdon Office" concept
in which each of us, from the
board chairman down to the
file clerk, has the tools with
$!•lutorv •nd ~id ,vrplvs
(1rMCI •ll'PIVI
Tlltl ea,.1111 ... ..._
TMtl L-tllt.t""" c.,.;ltl 4C~I• ... , ....... ..
~~JJ'!L.t. r>T ·---vv1Vlrl"'\~l-.-
Th. 0.4.ILY PILOT t1111 yo11
'191or1 -in l11t 1p1c1 -1v•ry
f11y 1bo11t yowr com11111nity thi n
o n~ ot+.1r f!•w1p1p1r 1lont 1il1
Gr11t Or1ng1 Co11t.
A mutual fund investina In tflt
dtlvelopment and USI
of tile ocean and its rtsCU'Ctl ------------Mldt_,. Dbilil........-., IM. • .,... s,,_
Ntw Ywtl. N.T, \ ...
N1ine '
Merrill Lynch
takes a new look at '
A program about companies with sales
of less than $100 miHion
Malle your forum reservations today
Merrill Lynch tias just published a
Research booklet called "A New Look
at Growth" covering selected compa·
nies with sales of less than $100 million
-companies that we feel offer excep·
t ional potential for growth. And you are
invited to a free investment seminar on
the svbject-
Tuesday eYeninq, Ju11e 10
In the Son Juan Room of
the Sheraton Beach htn
21112 Ocean, HuntirtcJton leach
1tortlnq at 7:30 P.M. sharp
You'll learn the attributes that Merrill
Lyn ch looks for in selecting growth
stocks-. how management, marketing ~
ability, and specialization are taken into
account as well as technological
skills and research -and-devel opment
. You'll get an analysis of the poten·
tial risks and rewards of investing in
smaller growth companies. And you'll
find out which stocks Merrill Lynch
considers most promising .
Today the whole approach to finding
growth stocks is undergoi~g change.
To keep up with that change, to help
you find the growth stocks of tOday, be
sure to attend this valuable forum.
There will be a time for questions and a
free copy of the booklet "A New Look at
Growth" for everyone who wants one.
Reserve your seats today. There's no
charge or obligation, of course. Simply
call or mai l in the coupon below.
Pl111• flt•••• •..• , . 1t1I' fo• yo Yr Growth Forym on T1111d1y,
Jwn• 10, •I Sht1•lo11 B11ch Inti. I :;::. _______________ _
l ' Clty4.St1te ___________ zip __ _
I ""°!'<
.... , ........ ! 147·1271 I
:• ........ ,..,.,.,1111,;ca ol iln'uh>r1 our flffl1;1 it 61)111 dilly
·1 fr .... 7 ••• .. I ,.lfl. 1..d S1hl«l1ya fro111 9 1,1r1, t1 12 """· I···;''--~-~ .... -~~~--~ ---------------
"wonder" industries
are being bUilt right oow
···•*' .............. .,,.. ~ .. DtM
WI-Ii Co., on lodpllls .... Ylde die
fi•IKiel mucae 10 •• tlMm • rulhJ.
All the way from the oc:ean ftoor to
outer space. new technology la cbanP,n1
tile world we live in , creating ne• ;,ha
and~ ... Thio growtl> oltt.o
depen'c& on lhe oale of corpi)rate
tOCUritiet. And thi1 is ID area whore 1>ian Witter can offer utemi\'c
_-. U.. year, Doao WI-
acted u m11t1.pr, co-tnaftqer, ormajor
participant ln 347 corporate under-
writings amountina to cloee to
$500,000,000 la new capitAI. This i1
just one mort reuoo wby we aay •••
..... ,.. -llld •.•.
DEAN Wt11 ER. II; Co.
M-W 11-,_. ,,_l IW~ ... ,,.,.,,....1-NlfM•,,,..,_..~
i g
~ <> c G r. G < G r. G r.
G r. G g
r. <> r. G r. G r. G
G g
H a
H ~ H H ~·
H H. H It •• ~ •• H •• H •• •• •• H •• H •• H "' H, "' •• •• ti: H ... •• ...
H• ...
m •• "' •• "' $
~ '" '" 1: rn 1: " '" •• '" '" '" :~ I~ •• :a " '" " '" '" " '" '" I: '" •• " " " :i
" " " '" '" ,,
" " " " " •• " " " " " ,,
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' ' ; ' • • • • ' • ' • • ' ' • • t • • ' :
' i ' I ' i
--,,-------·-----------------~~~------·-· -~------,-··---r~----. • r • . -•
Mond~y's '
. '
I " •
.)s DAll.V PD.QT ~" June J, 1969 .,
;· T~e Over U.S. ~!Gs ,
·Koreans to Produce· 11 Rif les . .. . . . ' . .. ' .
rapl4 fire weapon have been
under , way since April. The
klea wu a~ved Jn principle
in May ~-after North Korea
.se~ ,-Ole USS Pueblo in-
I ?Mt SllAHGf WOllD • • . ~
Tran~it· in, Trouble
Volpe Has Tro.uble <letting-Program.1
WASHINGTON (AP) given much of i ltarl by the·
Secretary of Transportation Feb. 17 memo from Paul
John A. Volpe appears hlvin1 McCracken, cbalnnan ol, the
the most lrouble of •ny Council of F.conomic Advisors,
Cabinet member getUn& pro-to the White ~-
Rood bulJden said K IDlde' Ille
indultry umtable.
"Ezpeildllur .. lot· blPwal's is..,.ol1he ealla-~ol
the bodget to ~te
... J>tntqon says it ls drawing up an unprecedenled plan to let
South Korea -produce the
American N.lt rifle, a, weapon
wilh 1 history of.controversy,
D e.fense,Department of-
ficial! said South. Korea asked
permission to EQlJJUfacture
Ml6s to speed modem!zation
of Its homeland military
forces facing an increasingly
hosUle North Korea.
that the Korean production
plan would not .delay supplies
o/ M16s for lhe <111,11111 U.S.
lroops in ,SOU.th Korea stlll
wil.~ut the modem weapon.
Only 101000 have Mth wl tb tbe
remainder outtitte1f w I t b
heavier and older Mlts.
tl!l~Bblp. '
Septfate teams from the
de p ar tm en t and Colt
Industries Inc., or lg l n a I
manufactiu-er ol the weapon,
are sCheduled. to go to South
Korea later thi~ tnonth to
wrap up details on the pro-
grams past1Ahe rinancutl ad· · Wot4.1ng o( the memo was
visers wl\o g"°"1 uie , • ..., to loarnoil al though the council
the White House. .~ ~ natty declined to commait at ' au.
A Volpe aide, }\owever, . 'Ille memo objected to en.
denies there ls any fricJ,lon ding cutba.cb and freezes on
between the department and highway ftmds as an econoll\Y
the groups of economists who toot 1be ptactict w,.s betwl
pore over every program sug· in the previous administrailoo
ge.5ted to the President. despite trust fund protection.
hecalllO pr<dse -"" hll!>w1ys to be Clllllplcltd ua
not Uf"JfDt lo u a er,.
ComplaUita come '""" ltate highWl)'I people llld COO-
tracton," the rnemo ukl,
The spokWnan emphasized
The Oetense Department
has discfsed . that discussions
for South Korea's "co-pro-
duction" ol the lightweight,
SOny's FM/ AM.I
digital clock radio
iOnly large numerals that tell the 'time minute byrminute.
;Yol.l don't get an ordinary clock in Sony's-Oigimatic FM/AM
clock radio 8F~9W. You get one thar~ pushbutton cort-
trolled with large easy-to-read numerals. instead of a clock.
___ (And easy to operate.) Which means: Once you set the time
you want and push the automatiC+button, .it wakes you up
the exact same time tNery morning, automatically. With no
<Metting ever. Also shuts·ltself alt by itself after an hoor
of play. And It can aut.,.,.tically adjust io a slightly higrn.r
tone to wake you gently, if you doze off. And look, no hands!
Press manual button and radio becbmes a regular ,table sel
Radio performance? Nothing but rich, big sound thanks to
_special Sony circuitry, 8501nw of power, and a full ' 31f.!•
Dynamic·speaker. All in a low, sleek, compact cabinet that
takes up a minimum of space. Styled in white or grey. Com-
plete with earphone. Come in, take one· home, and pleasant
"'~ms. so~
., .. @ [)AV I S R R 0 \V N
I .411 E. 17th St. ~,..CoSfa Mela
' .
DaDy 9.9. Sat. 9-6 646-1684
·. .. •
" ..
Pentagon officials said they
could recall no similar situa-
tion where another country
was aUowed to manufacture a
basic U.S. Army weapon.
fl I
1~1t would be rub to
foreswear v 1 'rlat l on .ot
hll!>way upendlturu lo r
stabU.izatlon ob.)ectives.'' tt ad·
"There Is a real feeling 011--'-----...;..--------------
rapport," said personal aide
Barry Locke.
The Ml& became a focus of
controv~sy on tw-0 fronts
after Its introduction in Viet· _Ll~~~~~~====~~;~~~~~~~ nam in 1966.
First, U.S. troops in Viel·
Despite this, a billion-<lollar·
a-year m3as tran~l· program
is the latest proposal to en·
counter opposition in a chain
or events going back at least
to a confidential White House
memo dated Feb. 17 opposirJi
.a policy change favored by the
highway lobby. nam complained the rifle often
jammed during battle. After
receiving heavy criticism, the
Pentagon convinced Congress
the jamming ·problem was
being eased ., by improved
clea ning · procedures in the
field and through special
modifications of the fir ing
Last year the Pentagon
again came under fire from
Congress for selecting two ad-
ditional M16 producers whose
bids for the business were
higher than two other com·
panies in the compeLilion.
By · July peak Ml& pro--
duclion is due with 50,000
rifles a month from Colt and
10,000 each by General Motors
€orp., Ypsilanti, Mich., and
Harrington mid ftichardson of
Worcester, Ma ss.
Pentagon sources said the
precise p rod u ction ar·
rangement with South Korea
is yet to be ironed out but will
involve establishment of an
.Ml& production and assembly
line in Korea .
South Korea is said to want
rifles for all its home land
reserve forces, numbering
around 2.5 million. Only one
million have been armed so
far and only about 10,000 of
the homebased regular com·
bat troops have the Ml&.
Another 45,000 fighting in Viet·
nam were equipped with it
some months ago.
All U.S., South Vietnamese
and other a!Ued 111aneuver
baU.Uons in South Vietnam
have the MUS but other troops
in rear echelon areas still
await it.
Goldbrick Reserves
Face Quick Callup
A Budget Bureau official
confirmed Monday the agency
hi\,d, as expected, objected lo
the trust fund concegt of
financing that ls the guts of
lhe transit proposal.
The official said . t h e
armed services are putting in.
to effect a Defense Depart-
me nt policy providing that
re servists or N a t i o n a l
Guardsmen whe goldbrick can
be called to active duty (or up
ot two years.
Affected by the get-tough
policy are young men who
were .deferred from the draft
by joining the National Guard
or reserv~s.
In the past, the penalty for
failing to meet drill aod
training obligaUOns" was a 4~
day "involuntary" active duty
This apparently wasn't still
enough to wipe -0ut maJ.
ingering, so the Defense
Department decreed 'h tougher
policy earlier this year.
Now any man "found
"unsatisfactory" in carrying
out his reserve obligations
may be called to active duty
for up to two years.
Each of the se rvices is put·
ting the ~licy into effect, with
the Air Force the latest to
Under I.he law. young men
m a y enlist in the guard or
reserves. receive from four to
10 months of training. and
then return home.
However, they are obligated
to drill regularly with their
units. The overall obligation
lasts six years, counting the
i11ltiaJ trainl~ time. . J!!eau's position was spelled
In this war. a young man t at a high-level meeting
can escape being drafted fo ast week.
two years of fulilime service The B.udget Bureau holds
unless there is an emergency the government purse strings.
callup, as happened to some It virtually speaks for the
38,000 g u a r d s m e n and White Holl.5e and although it
reservists last yeS"r ~fter the can be overruled it seldom is.
North Korean seizure of the Under , the trust fund ap-
intelligence ship Pueblo and proach, which has been used
the enemy winter offensive in for more than a decade In
Vietnam. building the nation's highways,
PLACE Eft.lPHASIS runds are committed Jn ad·
The en1phasis used lo be on vance, by~ssing the lengthy
faithful attendance at drills. and somet1.1nes hazardous an·
which normally are held on nual reviews by Congress.
weekends. Some economists oppose tbe
But the stress has been concept because they say it
widened to cover the •way a limits presidential flexibili ty
man performs -whether he in budget matters.
applies himself to sharpening Treasury officials a I s o
his military skill, or just goes 'reportedly h ave slated op-
through the motions. position to the current mass
The Pentagon policy paper transit proposal, a It h o ugh
says that ••failure to remain a there were some iodic::itions
member of a selected reserve that other presidential ad-
unit or to meet prescribed .visers may be so fte n'i'ng ·
slandar<h for atlenda~ at earlier objections.
drills a n d active dut y con~ PLANS STALLED
sUtute u n s a t i s f a c t o r y Two other major transporla·
participation." lion programs -an airports
ljowever.· the docum ent is and airways construction pr~
no··more specific than that, ap-gram and the Supersonic
parently opening the way to ·Transport· plane -reportedly
wide latitude on the part of have been stalled for weeks by
commanders as to w h a t an internal debate over finen ·
specific acts -or lack of ac. cing and need although a
Uon -fits the definition. This breaW' could be near on the
coulf'1ead to difficulties in ap. 1,800-mlle--an-bilr airliner.
plying tbe stricter sanctions, Although none of Volpe's
and possible controversy over programs have been scrapped
what constitutes malingering. so far, his track record wasn't
Royall !Jme Soop, '
b111 o1 two, i.oD.
R<>Y>ll $jJyCa $llil',.box of two, I.DD,
Royall SpJce Lolion,4.&H.QD • Fabefge's Brut Attel Sll"9 Of
S~ower Lolioo, 5,50 and 8.50
' .
Wlltll 11'1 I Mat-111
lffllr, ull •
Fn11IR ... IS!nlM
We make it so easy for
you to· be read'f for
every important ocasiGn.
We feature a C011plelt
se lettion of fonnal -
1entals in our Buffuas'
Store for lien
H-o uno's smdle! Kil ~!Bin! 112 er. Sllflltql
o1 Red, Green, Go~ .. ~""~ I.II.
u um N-• uno c~o"", a.•" All P1rpose l otion , a.u .
cosmeU~lown l aia eeach, Sarita,..,., Plan ; l.J Hain
' -
NEWPORT C~NTER • 644-2200 • MONDAY •. nlUR SDAY , FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:3~ • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30
i r
-·: l,
, .. • .....
" .. ' •.Ji. •
• .
50 ' 4-H
pd ' police
lhe m
My ,
f<l< .. ......
few •
hia Iii
.~~.~heavy J' ....
---------------------------------------------------·--~----------. -. ·-. -. -.,,'"" .. --.. -
• •
• •
• ••
l:: .... '
. • •
· .. '------~--J OD EAN HASTINGS, 642-4321
T_.,, Nit • 1M P• U
FY Jaycettes
Off er Service
Using the maypole as her theme, Mrs. Bernie Svalstad; retiring
president, installed new officers of the Foontain Valley Jaycettes during
ceremonies conducted in tb.e Ft>lllltain Valley home of. Mrs. Joe Tunstall.
Pres8nted. with tokeas symbolic Of their office were the Mmes. B.ar-
• nett McLaughlin, president; George Scott, vice president; Tom Kelley,
C9rr.esponding, secretary; Charles !!all, reconling secretary, and John
Ftanders, treasurer.
Mrs. Kelley was elected during a brief meeting prior to the installa-
tion to replace Mn. Claude Coss Jr.1 who is moving from the area and
Mrs. Svalstad reviewed the group's accomp1ishments during the
past year. In addition to assisting the Fountain Valley Jaycees with their
projecb:, the young women sponsored a progressive dinner to raise funds;
spons6red and manned a booth during the Fountain Valley Halloween Fes-
tival; and conducted a party for cbildren of the Jaycees.
They also sponsored a tea introducing tile applicants fur the city's
Junior Miss contest, and they donated funds ·for the American F\eld Serv-
ice and the high school. . -
As one of her first official duties Mrs. McLaughlin announced that
the club's regular meeting day woold change to ,the third Tuesday of each
month. .
• , • .
" I •• • I {· ·\ • " k
)• -. . ' ,,~. "' __,,,_,"',,~
• • Newly appointed chairmen include the Mmes. Clyde Underwood
ways and means; Bruce Gossett, membership; Tunstall, publicity, and
Cart Hobkir1<, hosp\tali!ri .
FOuowlDg ·~· 'lmtallation members adjourned to Guy Fawkes .., ..
taurant for dinner.
DOOR TD DUTY OPENS -Taking over the re-
sponsibilities of Fountain .Valley Jaycettes for the
coming year will be (left to right) Mrs. Barnett
McLaughlin, president; Mrs. George Scott, vice
president, and Mrs. Claude Coss. Mrs. Coss, elected
to sern-as recording sec~ry, resigned because
she will be moving from the area and will be re-
placed with Mrs. Tom Kelley. The club will change
its meeting day to the thin! Tuesday of eadl month.
• Hamburgers to Sizzile at 4.H Club Benefit in Pa rk . , Bakersfield Vis itors
All ·the hamburgers, ·pota!AI 181ad, coffee or milk you can eat for
50 cents will be served when the Fountain Valley, Cloverdales. a
4-H clQb, IJIOO"""'• bene!lt hamburger fry Satuiday, ~une 7, be..
tween 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. -I.ii LUe Park. Coolting for tile event are
youthful members of the club (left to right),Tammy Havel, Mary
Tubbiola and Roberta Germain, wtlh an assist frOQ'I pai'ent.s. In
addition, there will be cake, pie and cookies available !or pur·
chase. Funds will be used to continue 4-H club ~jects.
Attending an all-day workshop in Bakersfield for' Childreit's Home Society
auxiliaries arJ! (left to right) )in. Wllliain Parm, Fountain vaney Las Brira1
de! Mar; Mrs. Robert Waldr6r\, Santa Ana, and Mrs. Robert Vernon, Tiara
de Ninos, Huntington Beach. More than..225.ltate auxiliaries raised more than
a half million dollars in support of the a~ency's ·~~option program. -. . .
More ~an Be-~Read · Into the Meters Than Meets· ·the Eye
DEAR ANN LANOf;llS: Yoo'vt said a
&ood word for wallen, maids, bellboys,
police offk:ers, airline: pllota and garage
mechanlca. Now will you give a haod to
the mer.. abus<!d men in America -the
meter readen.
My ao. Elmer hu been a meter retder
far two years. He has been harassed,
cuaaed out, kicked, bitten and mugged. A
few weeks ap a husband came horn&
unexpectedly, saw Elmer In the base.
mcnt and mlltook ·him for his wile's
lover. Elmer WU lucky to cet out wilb
bis nre.
· People put all IOl'te: of Wnp over tbtlr
melen to the reader can't get to µ.em -
~i .a heuJ trllh cans. garden tmplementa and
• lawn furniture. 'lbe7 part: their can OD
iop of the metl!I' md~ rtfuae to move
I.hem. The ~ bu to estimate the
amount of the bUI when he can't g:tt a
reading. The people complain tOOr beads
6(f when the bWa come and then they
write d....irty letten to the ~
saylns the meter-reader Is oil bis nut.
P1ease say IOmethlnc In your C1>lumn to
give these poor l'Uf'• a Wt. They 1W'e
deserve It.
DEAR MOM ' I .id 1111 Mi for , meler
~llderl a lew Jt1r1 Hell *-I prilW
• leUer from 1 houtwtfe 1'fM llked ~ do
btt ltouewort II dee aude. It aeem1 abe
was 111 die beltmtnt dolaC Mr l11t1dry
and dedd<d to toke oil w llouJ<dreto
ud drotf It t. dte waa1t.1111 mldllne. Tbe
womu 11dcttnly noUced the pipe•
overbtld W"tre drfppiJlg, M D pat 01
Iller ... ,, t..Wl Wiiiet "'*' .. 1ym,
II tM eoraer. lbere 1H Nod, naked 11
Ute d1y 1be wa1 born, w b t n she
burd 1 rmllll cuuab. Tbe woman tunted
aroand ud stared 1b'al1llt la\o the ftct
of the met.er readtr. Ht ltoked cesD·
plelely bewildered and oU .. -id Al'
w11, "'I hlpe-yo.rr tam willl, LllCtJ."
Aller '111111 Idler •ppe•red la tM .. ~
mnn I W dozem of lettm lrom motb-
en wbo uld ditlr .om Ud ftdded • •
a c1rter. '11aey wanted \o be mder
terest.ed In the letter from the-man whose
wlle died. He pointed ·out that many
widower• lire Wt helpless -they don't
know how to boll an e1J or sew on 1 but-
ton. He said, "Wlv" wOUJd be doln1 their
husbands a blg favor If they ~ to do household chore., but in Ume they
waiting on lhem hand and foot and tal,l,gbt will rise and call her bJewd.
them how to do things for tbemaeJyee." " ~NE WHO Drp
ll la lllY opinion !hat ~ -· DEAR DID: Tlllulu for tM uiloL -should be'done by mocheto, DOI w1ve1. My -Mom dto~ bed lllla -... to mother aaw to It that all ol 111 kida WUlt-o ,..; tte.aie toa. bat pat tt ner. .. ,,
ed dbheo, ~ed, deaned -dd 1111111 to ... IL (Lib lo ... ~·I ironed our own clothet -the boyt u nu ·
U tha glrlo. I haled tt It 11\e time ond IO !J alcobolism 1 d!Jeasel How tlll tht
did my brother, but wben we Weal. to o»-. alcohoUc be truted! la there a curd
lege we were lhlnkfu&.
~ ' Read the booklet "AlcoboUam -)(ope
Shortly alter I mll'rled, mt·wtle had Ind Help," by Ann Ll!nden. Endooe ii
an <m<r80llC)' call to n1 to tha ~ Sbe eeola In coin with yollr requeot ind 1
tort know1na I'd m1111ge Ol\-t'!'1 I did. 1 Jonr, otompec!;' .. ir-addieu«1 envelope.
cooked for 11>.Y~ Ind even 11\Q mt """ Ann Lander• w!ll be J1"d to help t.,.
lhlrts. • • , ,"1th your problems. Serid tham to ber lit
So tell tha l110llll GUI -thal lhelr . tin ol tile DAIL y PILOT, encloelns I
-may yell 1 l,ot wbep they on foreod 1lamped, seU-oddrelSed invelopo.
.. ~ . .-.... ,.
Jf "UILV IMl Tw~. Ju,. J.-1969
' I
for Hungry Husband~ . ' .. An old-fashioned barbecue including ping PQng, billiards: ·bors,esh~ ,~d crti
quet will honor husbands when Newport Hai'bqr j..rea AllHilnae of ~eltQ,Delta
Delta gather. Tri Dells wUJ.. grill steaks at 7 p.m,. Saturd~.)'.1 June 7, m !he New-
port" !leach home of Mr. and _Mrs. Richa;d Randall. Preparmg,for !he e~ent are,
cot!nnittee ~embers Mrs. WJUiam Snyder (left) and lofrs. .Tames . WilUams.
Others on the committee, headed by Mrs. Fred· Myers, are Mrs. W1n~n Cun
ningham and Mrs. James Doyle. -..
t irst Yea r
Successfu l .
HorofCOpe .
Aries·: New Viewpoint . . . " ~ .
WEDNESDAY . G'™1N!. (May 21.Jµne 20 ); childten, opposite .... Key II
· Hlg}lllglit tntulUve Intellect. · to be creative. Uae your f1oi , JUN~ <4 , Means ·)'OU ·can truSI hunch. lmig! .. Uon. lie~. 1
by-SYDNEY OMARR Accent on 'correspondence, sCbRPI6 (Oct, 13-N'e;: 11r:
SPr.a.AL HINT: Ao«at 011 writing a f'I d advertisi,ng. Acceilt on home, property &ad i
. Broaden outlook. See befond securiiy. N~· ,,IJJ be
, le11. today. GI!' 1peclal at· the iJnll'ledlate. realisllC.. U not aw~ Cit
ttlldoa &o .IMU. People ire CANCf::R (June 21-July 22): detai1s, you could be tltfown
, parUealarly aware Of walkill, Be v~1aUle; have more than for a losa. You can implement
-daldac .. ~velljl~ '9 41>:. ,"one method at hand .. Stre~ bn decision which e o'b an c es·
the .. ,....,J'llll ,I~ ••la the. hidden. Means ~hg beneath domeStlc happiness. 1 A q u 1 r1 1 ~. M .... wldl surface indications. Interest i.n sAGITrARIUS (Nov . 22-
beaautl(I .. ~ .f.fJ . ht ~al the J.,_ oceult or unusual •s Dec 21 ). Gel errands a •1leDWML • .. ~ bi ...-i. li<l1qte~ . • · ' · . le· ,..._.. ·-.r..<Oatq .. '"1 'It LEo (juJ 2l·A zil . comphshed. . Putting o ! .. ~ ~..... , • ' • ... Y u~. · necessary trips IS nol wise soy .,.... ~t. SpOtUe~t o.n partnerst)tp, mar-Gel going _ do what is esseO:
AlllES .(Ma ... ch ·2' 1-Apr!I. '")•, ·ziqt, JOlot efforts. Lega1 mat-tial. Avoid sCalterink elforts.
l ~" ter .Would come to your at· Concentrate on one taQ: t Speci4t relatl~ship may 'be ·tentioo: Be sure you know Um · -8 a.. ~ ff.rained. Avoid selflsh al· what you are signing, Not wise '· , ' • '
"titude. Do what ls ~ for one to take tbJngs for granted. CAPR.ICORN (De(!: -22.Jan. '~cfoSe to you -'tbeii',¥0\.I are· VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sej>t. 22): 19): Give up somethlml: that ,
1'epaid. EmpbaSis on frlen'cbi Be ready to take precau-has become more of i 'burden D. C
hopes and wishes. New view-tlonary measures. Don't wait Ulan a ple~ure. S~re~lne . ISCOVery ru ise
point Is necessary. • unW It is too late methods .. 'J'.r1m nonessenUals.
TAURUS (April 20-M•Y 20): sJ)ecificaJly it applies t 0 Ll!-nar ~1t1on accents money, Among the passengers aboard the SS Monterey B~ adventurOL!S ·in outloq,k. health, work conditions. A pOtentiat •income. cruisicg along the west coast of South and Central
Don't settle for second bei l. · chanie seems imminent AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Feb. America are Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e A. Greenwald
Know where you want to go. lJBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): 11): Get going on new, dlf-Jr. of Costa Mesa. The ship will visit Mazatlan, the-·
Find out how to get there. Be Good lunar aspect today coin-ferent project. Initiate daring Galapagos Islands, Lima, Guayaquil, Balboa, Ta-
speclfic. Take direct "1'0Ule. cides w.tth . relations wi th policy. Put ideas to work. Cy-bog a Island and Acapulco before returning.
-' cl e rem a i.n s high. --,,,..c..-~-----"---------=---
Circumstances favor your uni-
que abilities. p • M t •
PISCES (Feb. Ill-March 20)' f/ ncess en /Ons
Some behl~ the ~nea play
siiJNfic8nt role. You benefit " bl
from decis.k>n made by group, He · LJ ' f • S c1Ul>, s pec1a1 organization. r nmen /Ona e
Learn by teacbill&t-? Jhar!.Y · · """ '· , . knowledge. -LONOON (UPI) -In an un-spoke at lhe Festival of Lon-
IF To I) A y IS yo u·a precedented . armouncement, don Stores, a promotional
BIRTHDAY you are versatile,' minis~rted Princess Anne has stunt by leading merchants and told · eager listeners where PQ4SeSS fine sepse of humor told Ule world where she buYs she buys her underwear.
and ~. are due for greater her royal unmentionables. "I have bought articles In
recogrution. 1 ' Shi:ty eight years ago suet) a Peter Robinson , but I do not
revelation would have shocked think they are the sort of
Britain under the reigp. of ' lhings you discuss. here. And Wives Cl .•,•b, Queen. Victoria, who inspired the same applies to .Dickins
\i.t the covering of p1ano legs and Jones." Anne said refer·
because she thought the naked ring to three welf known Lon" Scheduling
Last Lu nc h
The last luncheon of J,he
year for Los-·Alamitos Officers
Wives CJub will take place
rll'tt 'I'hursday in the officers
wood was indectnt. don shops.
But the 18-year-old princess, She does not like raincoats,
attired in a fiery red miniskirt but has ooe which is "going to
four inches -abovrher-tneer--last me a good many years.Lt -
New Nursery Officers
> • I •
Mrt. Kenneth M<irlyn of
Huntinglqn Harboiir, retiring
_p~idef!_l of the ~uhti!l8!Qn
Beach League of Women ·
Voters; his been appointed to
serve on the California State
Board u a dlreetor bl charge
of state· action.
Ending ils first yea.r as
auxiliary to Children's Ho1,
·Society on a high note, Mai.
Con Amor Ausiliary will~ln
sl.all new officers next Thurs-
day during a luncheon in thi.:
Durlnf tbe cocktail "bOur Jn
lnforma fashion show is
scheduled, and boutique items
will be displayed. Hostesses
will be wives of officers in the
aircraft maintenance-depart-
ment wUh Mrs .. Loren
Willoughby s.e r v Ing 41s
·sw.ing tnto Act ion
She will ·be ln charge of
coordinating action taker.. by
the a· leagues in the state,
~ on-a consensus ,reached
: by members following a SUS-
. tained study of gover.l)Jllental
~-During the coming year
state aCtion primarily will in#
volve conatitution revblon,
school finance and water
Mrs. Manyn will be one or
II directors apPointed from all
areas qf the state. Tiie board
meeu-when summoned in .dif·
ferent areas.
Stuft 'Shirt rest aura n I .
Newport Beach.
-Highlight of the group·s
cfiarter year was the flrst an·
nual Fantasy Ball. which took
place ,in the Newporter lnn
with tHe lheme of Carousel of
Carmel., Lake Til!M ~ymoon
Burbank Home
Of Newlyw.eds
Farewell ·\rays · ~ii} _ -be
prasehled to'·· woifeat· wti?se husb~nds will be ti'anafemng
or retiring from .. a e t j v e
milltary service. Honored will
be the Mmes. Ja.ipes Barry,
Ronald Burford, Roy Cole,
Robert Cowaq, Rtchard DUss-
lnger, Douglas Finlay, William
Lakin, Whitney Lee, Charles
Marahall, W wren M I I I s ,
Herold TucJer and James
Ready to plan a busy year of
activities are new officers of
the North-Huntington--;-Beach
Nursery School.
They WiU be inst.ailed during
a dinner meeting in Fraocols
restaurant, nezt.; Wednesday.
Mr~. Dal~ Busl'l will serve as
instal.lillg officer for t h e
Mmes. Henry Duke, presi-
dent; Jerry Rideout, first vice .
Balls Th rown
By Auxi liary
president; Gene 'Allen, second
vice president;. Chari~ Hardy,
;;erv;,ig as council represen-
tailve will be Mn.1 .l,.arTy
Johnaoo, A1lo WO<klng will l/e
tile Mmes. . J!red Fr-'<,
and Mike Townaend, motben'
chairmen; Ralph Stepbeor,
parliamentarian, and DonQ1
Stewart, purchUina cbalrman.
A aocllll hour will begin at
8:30 p.m., with dlnnel' at 7
p.m. followed by Ute general
meeting-and installaUon at 8
Since one of her activities
will be issuing the LWV's call
to action, w leUers to
legislators, Mrs. Martyn will
be meeting frequently with
those 6;fficials.
Taking the gav~J for the
CQmih& year will be Mrs.
Stewart Morgan ; and ac-
ceptinl offices wlibiber will be
lhe Mmes. Peter Berwick,
first vice president'; William
Marvin, second vice presi·
dent ; Frank Carr, se<:reli.ry;
Freeaµui . Rose, treasurer;
Gary Schmid. pub Ii ci t y
chairman; ·oean Mallicoat.
clinic chairman : John
Camp~I, social chairman.
and Jay Martin, public in-
ter~tion chairman.
Following a honeymoon trip Mrs. Gary. WUJiams, the BQ t h ·curtai ns
TQken Outdoors
Take Me Out to the Ball Is
· the • t h e m e ap,propriatefy
chosen by t,he Women's Aux·
iliary, Mission. Viejo Little
In charge of arrangements
are the Mmes. Gene Murphy,
David Black, Clarence Dues-
ing, Conrad Hawkim and
Mrs: Kenneth Martyn The ' auxiliary serves th e
Irvine areas of University
Park. Turtle Rock and UCI.
to .earmeL and Lall:e Tahoe, . bride's cousin was the matron
newlywe:d Richard.Parish ~d ~· of honor, and bridesmitlds
his bride, lhe former Lyrtne were Mrs. Ralph Kalbus and
Zekarla will esta!>lish their . Mrs. Thomaa BuckwelL League, !or a dence, Sa· Rebe kah Lodg e tur.day, June 7, at 8:30 p.m. first home in Burbank.
Hints . to Nix Mail Packages
The daughter· ctr 'Mr. and
f\1rs . Albert zetaria o( Hun-
tington 'Beach and the son of Pa rade Given Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parish of
(UPI) -U you want to
dlscourqe C1>mpanies frgm
.ending you unordered
merchandise, juat mark the
pacUge "refused" and take it
to the post office to be sent
back. nus advtce comes from
He1u E. Bell, u:tension home
management specialist or Burbank exchanged v' o w s
before the Rev. Dr. Harmon Pennsylvania St.ate University. Roya I Fla ir Gehr in the u n i t a r I a n
Miss Be.II says even ii you· Universalist Church .
open the pa~age befort you California Nallonal Fuchsia The bfide wore a gown of
realize wha it was, you st.ill Society 's king aOO queen, Mr. silk organza trimmed with
· don't have l pay for· the pro-aod Mrs. Elmer 1'1onson of rosepoint laCJ encrusted with
duct. Long Bea<;:b , will, be honored seed pearls and crysta] se-
Just put the item back in gµests of the Co,,la Mesa-Bay quins. Her skirt extended into
the package, rewrap it, write Cities· Fuchsia Festival Satur-a chapel lraln•and a headpiece
"refused " on the outside and day and Sunday, June 7 and e. of 'matching l•ce and pearls
send it· back. in Costa Mesa Park. tield htr illusloh veiling. White
Serving hls brother as be~t
man was Bernard Parish, and
gµests were ushered lo their
seats by Richard Zekarla, '\he
bride's brother, Frank Young,
Gar Jorgenson and Geor{le
• A reception followed in the
Hunting ton SheratQD,
The bride, a graduate of
Burbank High School, received
h.er AA at Glendale College
and attended the University of
HawaU. Her husband, abo a
BUS alumnus,. ii a gradua~ of
U n d e rwaler Technological
'Band music, door prizes and Triple Link Club of Mesa ' ·For f urnitu re refreshments: will be provided Rebekah Lodge has meetings
at fesUvities which will take the fourth Monday al 8 p.m. In
Plastic shower curtains no place In Mission Viejo Recrea-various locations. Mr 1.
longer nice enough for tion Center. Douglas Morgan at 541-ltss
bathroom duty can still be Tickets, at $1 per e<1uple, may be called for addltlooal
useful -as covers for outdoor are available during games in information. ·
furniture and grills. O'Neill School or may be ob-~=========;
Just machine-wash tllem in tained by calling Mrs. Charles LOCAL soap or detergent ·sudF,-along Lambert. 837-6695.
with a couple 0( bath towels Proceeds from the benefit, No othor 11 • ..,,,,,., tolls '"
whicl rub the plastic clean. chaired by Mrs. David Ochoa, moro, ..,,,., tl4y, ol.0tit w•ot'•
Remove curtajns b e f o r e auxiliary president, will go 9 •I 11 1 •11 111 tho ,,.,.., •· ch sin · 0111191 Co11t th111 tho DAILY final spin, allow to drlp dry towar .... pur a g eqwpment itlLOT.
and cut them to !iie. U .::'o::r_th::_• .::'•::•:gu::•::.· ____ ....'.========;:::::::'. dotired. glue weight& aroundl-
the edges to hold.covers when
wind bJC'Ws. Photos Depict
African Tri p
Miss Bell advises that while Tbe ro]ally also Will ride in roses, s&ep,hanotis arid baby's
you are under no legal obliga-tile. annual Lions Club Fish breath f~l'JT!ed her bouquet. I::==:;:================== lion lo pay for unwanted Fry parade on Satl,lfday. They MGSS °'nd avocado orJanza
merchandise as Jong as it is will be aecom~ed by Mr. over taffeta Cowns and
nol Y.sed, you may be able to and Mrs. Silas G~. the arell nosegay~ Of whit• -chr.pan-
To Go At
Col. and Mrs. William Brug-dbcourage the C1>mpany from branch's king arKI queen. th~llms, rOMS an4 . baby's
&ere will show pictures of sending any more by sending Chauffeur will be Lem Downs, breath w~e selected ·tor her
~ trip to Africa during a U back. Costa M~'s 1968 kin~. attendant.I.
meelin& of Laguna Beach iiiiii!iiii!iiiii!iiii!iliiiiii!iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij I BuaJneas a n d ProfesSlonal
Women's Club next niunday
night at 7:30 p.m.
Members are urged to bring
hus4and! Bild guests to the
galhoring in Laguna 'Federol
Savtnp and Loan huifdinl,
and r es·e-rvations are ·
~ram will be follow-
ed by a business meeti~ con-
ducted by Mrs. Florin 'A.
Martin, president.
ILIE IUOY _ .. ,_,_ .
·'ts .... ....-... ._~. ~. •1•. ··J,;
!fhe ,~i!Y., P,il?t
, ,
-' .
Mor• 'fh•n A
Quarter Of A Mile
Of Antiqu•s
Orange County's -Largest
Anli<j ue S/iow
THURS .. FRI .. ·SAT.,. JUNE 5, 6 & 7
F•aturing Ra.re, Beaut iful and Nove l Objects
from A~ound the World by Top Dealers .
W•'r• 14 Stora .
.... Opto
Mltlltly TA f :JO
&Guth Coast 'Plaza
8R1Stcft. AT MM Dl£GO FRCEWAY, '
' v
' •
. !
·21 Bales Genuine Handwo.ven
and other Oriental
Rugs , Carpets & Runne rs
2 B•les Sarouks (mixed sizes}
2 Bales Bokharas (mixed sites)
I B•le Quomt (fnfald Silk Included)
1 Bale Afghans (mixed sizes)
1 Bale · Fed001 (mixed sizes)
2 Bal• Contract Kirmana (mixed tin&)
3 Bales lndi•n (mixed siz"l
1 Bale K•shgais (mixed sin,)
1 Bale K"h•n1 (mixed •Ir••)
M1ny olkor b1lt1 of fl'lhftd qu1lllitt. All 111 h1rwl W0¥1fl
1rwl of hi1t0f"ic1I d1ti911. lt111 wlll bt op1111d tlld ifitpot-4
ef i ..d i ~idu1llv 11 Auclio11 •••
On Wednesday, Juno 4, at 8 p.m.
At Oran9• Medlcal Bldg, Auditorium
lff L ,......., St .. o,...., C.tl~•
It••• Cll1pfrlt1t A .. o .. E. t•r111lf ~om So11t1 A111 ''""''Y1
b~tt• ,,_ 6 t. I p.-•
Auctloneera .Mt. A. 8rltcoe
Speci1li1ed M~ohondiM E.chonge
l""": c:.. -.....
-.r---:::o--==-=~-------------..,_,--------·--------------------------,--~ ---.. -....
6:30 D ~IC ~ (C) (60)
m "°"" .. the lotto• " lbt S.1 (C) (60)
@(I) Hufltley.trtntl" (C) (30)
. fD fOC\IS 011 tndt• (C} (30)
.. ._toms !Of Pea~t." A look atl
Swtdish ruearch Into tht 1111 GI
rldlo1ct1Yt •ubstancai fof ute In
Industry and medicine. Thi film
focusts on the n11el111 pow11 M:a·
tlon 11 M1rviken.
9@€r:'Nns (C) (30)
@II Rotldlrt 34 (C) (60)'
7:00 I) tlS £nnln1 Ntw1 (C) (30)
W'ilter Cronkltt.
a n.r1 .., I.Ml tc> (JO)
m r.....rd cc1 (JO>
~ @ Anierkt! (C) (30)
tI> Mua1111 O,.n Ho1111 (30) "Pl·
r1nesi." Host Russell Connor lhowi
how .GIDYtnnl B1ttist;i Pira ~esr1
pictorial rtcOfds have documMlcd
tht ruins ot aoflcient Romt. l1J>tcl
in the 11lltries al lht Boston MUM·
um of flne Arts. -
a CIJ "' "" • .,. <CJ (30)
@b lsllr* hi UM SUI .(C> (30)
ED Dr.1111 Hluu (C) (30)
n 1HJ m m"" ...., 1ci 1ro1 "X" fJUiet Weekend In tile Coun1ry.N
Tht ,quid in'fittrltes 1 rur1I tr1ilet
camp to l~nti11t1 the death of 1
nartOtict lnform1nt (R)
0 ..... s MtN: (C) .,, ........
t :lOB'S m D1r11 nay (C) tJOl Stv·
1111 v1IU&6!1 obJecis disrppt11 1t
tb1 nnch 111d Buck insists they
wtrt t•ktn bJ LtROJ, th• hlled hind. (fl) n !HJ CIHB •m (Ci (30) ~ 01fMI {C) (30) ltd Me)'irs. -
IP 12: O'Clocl .HI&'. (f41}
!D"'7 (301
I O:Dt I) Qt (]) hnmtift Apert (CJ
(60) "The Youth l!\ltrn1!ion11." Con-
cludill( bro1deast al 1 lhrM·Plrt
s&rles dealln& with tllt wofidwlde
prubl1m ol tt11 ~1eneralion 11p" u1mine1 the dil1erence1 bftwten
a:ener1tlons In Grett Brit1in, Mulc:o
11'1d Japan. 'Tht Wow foc uaas Off
the 11Jenated youth 11f thus tlu11
nations, relalin1 how the "1en1r•
lion fill'' lrtMCIBdJ both po1r1-
phJ 1nd Ideology.
om-1<1 1roJ
n @ m m°"' c.a 1c1 1ro1 J11nt1 Earl .klnu. Mtiy Hopk1111,
Mort Sahl, Conor C1uis1 O'Brien
0 M_anMI Dlllot (30) •
ED~ Milllc FistWM . (60) Mtf·
calm HtmUton performs altdionl
bJ S.Ch, Sclrl1ttl, tnd othtn "'
tht hl"sichord. m•"""' (30)
ID MM: "Tiit Cfl@llll U""""9•
(horror) ·~r111 DoniwJ, M•r·
fi• Oun.
(1dventur1} '5S-Tytont Power, Rieb·
ard [(1n, Su1111 H1)'W1rd. ll:JO II Mft'lt: •Jen 11 hril'" (dr11111) '4Z-f'aul H1t1rtld, Mlc:Mle Mora•"' m 1""""'""-ltl l3~ D @lIIBll--(tl
IE PwrJ 111•• (&0>
ED 1'119 Fnndl Clltl' (30) (R} ei-• (30)
1:00 11 hlNI "" (30)
m-<CJ <30!
tiil DOUl 1Qnter17 Jui (C) (60)
A docu111111tary Oii !ht T 1nth Anniul
Montertr Jiu Ftstiv•L Jimmi•
R Mllllt: "Thi l'rtltMr"" (dra1111)
•55-IJec Gulnnm, .IQ Hawkins.
n !HJ m m"" • ..., 1ci
12:20 Cl Mwlt: "Tlll c..tc ltentnS"
(horror) '58-forrat Tlltktr, Qtb}'
And rt.
L)'Ons., dir1dot or tfle fastiYll, tt1b
1bout ill hlstoiy. Rehe1tS1I ~ U:JO ID Actio1 T1llttt "ChlntW lu~
art fntured 'frith tht Modtm Jm p low."'
Qu1rt1t, llli110l1 Jttquet 1nd Thi
Don Ulli Orchestra.
Cl ~I I c..&t (60)
~JOB am... """" 1C1 1ro1 Cltm bdiddlebopper btcames body·
I 1uatd to Htltn of Troy (Clrol LIW·
rtnce) -which l11ds to 1 com·
1:00 a Tht Sll'I' 1111111t1M CC>
u C.it•111i1J l.rletll .... (C)
D """ CCl m fig llt lllllde Git (C}
Idle oper insldl t wooOefl llorse
t whll'1 Helen b kidnapped from her l:lS II MM: .,lllWt Dlbtll"' (ft.
cruklna hlllb1nd Mlf!lll•ut (Jtn 1111) '5i-Ot1nl10'KM11, Ptt O'Brlln. f AMn) by TroJ1n nrrlOf Paris (Ross "'
I• fonf}. Lou Rt'll'lt 1190 plll. (R}
i 111 ~ oo m ,,11. (C) <30> "Am 1:• m 77 ,... ...,
I, Pardon ifii Exprmlon, Blad!·
listed?" Julia 1t1ms sht hat been • f dtcl1rtd I security risk ii tM Hf"O• 1:30 m All·lllatit aw. ''fow'1. Cfowt" f *l*t pllnl when ft woril. (fl) 1nd "Oisr1111.•
12.10 8 ...... ~ (l\Mnlll!I) '4~
W E DNES DAY · • -Vwnnt De Clflt, Ct• Dllf)'M.
•· t ....,D"'A"YT"'1"M::'E-:M"D~V:::IE:::S,.-
j • G (C) "'ltl s...,.• (W11t1m)
·~ Cllllolln, M•rtlll H11r.
...., '1 llhl th II Paris" (comtdJ)
. ~ '39 -Clludettt Co!btrt, Robert.
lt:JCI m "Git .... TaNNW" (dr11nt}
'46-Ann Shuid1 n. "St. ....,. • 11111
Dip" (oomtdJJ '51-oick H11mn.
z:oom.....,.. ""' -<• • Yfftturt) '51-1111 Wi!lilms.
J:00 a <C> ""' -Qlllc:I" <d•
ft'll) 'S5 -Pit.Ii "l'Mlllft· YlrctrM '
D.,..,. '5r' (dr1m1) '64 -4:JO 8 ...... S.W.-(f.Oflltidr) '31
( Curt J111Pns. Pttrlcl• Ht•I. -Llldll• e1n. Tttt M•rr 1rnthn.
Q111nty Pri11tl~ 1114 01,...d1lile Se,...lc1
for mo,.~th'111 t Qu1rfir •' 1 Ctnf1ry.
• ...
'tOU CAN PO IT! UI' ,,...,, AN OYEP., BOY!
f.. ~:~ ~'#-,., t .~·
ly Cliaifea M. Scliula
By John Miles
• l WM 'fOI, l WOILPWT, W~T AIOllNO TOO LOM! !'Mir'
60lN610·0EI' **I IEAll.Yf'
' I •' • I •
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smllfl
WA'Ttll4 'SOME
;.;'TW"U:;l'c.;/~~, .;i,---,
By Gus-:Arriola .
By M.a
i I
... .J
DAILY '1l0f
• •
NEWLYWEDS -Peggy Lipton and Michael co1.•: .
above, pose as newlyw'eds1tonight on: "Mod Squad'!"
at 7:30 on Channel 7. In ttie "Quiet Weekend id tlie
Country," seq_uence, they infiltrate .a rural trailer
~amp to investigate a nare0;tlcs case. .
series .Has . .
-Quiet -·Death
• 4 ....
NEW YORK (A:P) -Born noLoily,• television.
series are likely to di8 quietly. "Peyton Place, 11
alter five trauma-filled years on ABC, slipped away
Monday night· without even a farewell. '
The wind-up show, as a tnatter-of f~ct. showed
a callous disregard of the faithful viewers. The ~
work-and-20th-Centuey•Fox, the studio that-tumed-
out more than 5(1() episodes, could havl;' at lee.st-
sbown the consi deration and class of Quinn MarUn.
producer of the "The Fugitive" and tied up a,fe-w
loose ends. Those storm-tossed characters were
starting Out on a new adventure. Dr. Rossi was
about to go on trial fo r the mu~er of bis fiance's(
ex-husband and a young man was . about to give
_!jµ\s~.ul! .~a hit-and-run charge. Y E'ARS AGO, when CBS's radio network decid·
ed suddenly td kill Qf1 some long-running soep
operas -some in mid-episode -it received such a
fresh<t of anguished letters from listef\S that they
bad to tell them -by mail -how• some ·of lhe
stories. worked out. In the case of Helen Trent, who
bad· been proving for years that romance coujd
cpme .into the life of a womaD: over 40, a fonn let·
ter to fans revealed that she just up anlf married
tbe--1.atest romance in her life and went abroad to
live happily ever after.
It is highly unlikely either ABC or the studio
wants to wrap up the serial for the viewers. Pri·
mary interest bf the producers now seems to be
"Peyton Place's" financial future in re-runs. Not only will we probably never know whether
Dr. ·Rossi was acqui~ed. but ttie disappe8:f3nce of
Alison will never be cleared up. Ali.son, as true blue
tans will remember, was played by Mia Farrow
and she disappeared the day Mia quit the aerial.
THE ONLY CLUE we had that it was all over
for "Peyton Place " was the line ''the end" on the
screen. Next week the time ~riod will be filled by
"The Guns of Will Son.nett, 1 a western limping to
the end of its trail.
Earlier ABC pre8ented the first of its "Sum·
mer Focus" news hours-;'"'a rather interesting re-
port on tbe apparently unbealable breach between
the Israelis and the Palestine Arabs. .
THE NARRATJON succeeded in presenting lb• •
two viewpoints with 'notable impartiality, although
the cameraman's best film was of Israeli families
fanning the land won from Jordan during the six-
day w.ar twO years ago but harried by military ac-
tion from across the rlver. '
·'MJ.e program did ppint up a new element enter-
ing an old dispute:· the emergence of a Palestine
resistance movement involving trained commandos.
"Summer Focus" is a catch-all series title.
The second show, Thursday night , will take up tjle
subject of abortion.
"--ABC'S SYNDICATION division bas signed
Betsy PaJmer to a long-term contract and named
her hostess of its day-time show, "Girl Talk." Miss
Palmer b3s been acting in the absence of Virginia
Graham, star of the show from its ·inception seven
years ago, who left in February in a dispute over
money, Miss Graham apparently is out of the show,
but there is some resuttmg litigation to be cleaned
day," NBC, 9-11 PDT, monthly current events show
including excerpts from an interview with Sirhan
Denni• tlae ltlenaee
' '
I -·----·· -·-·-·---·--·---" ---------·---------~~.-~~~---------~-----'--t'--~=~====c"_c___·~~~-"-~c-=..c<
• I
Costa Mesa
e ' S ; 4
Haig Golf Tou.rnament
' ' t Event May Return tO La Costa
By EARL CUSTKEV Ille .. w., up ol tourney coml\lltteo.
or t11e Dml" P111t 111" The city dl9clalml· any reeponaibillty
Costa Mesa has ·~ently lod t b e for payment.
Haig Na.lional Open Gi>lf Tournament. Former Costa Meo Mayor WW Jordan,
Held at Mesa Verde C'Aluntry Club last a tournament co-chainnao Wt fall and
October. the fl!0,000 event -one of the a liaison man between the city~perated
major t.ournamenta of the PGA tour -Costa Meu Country Club aod the city
Win prnbably be conducted at La Co6ta cooncil, 1ay1 Reach-McC'lintoo lbows no
Country Club in Carllbad. where it was intemt In resuming the tournament. in
held for several years belate moving to the city.
Costa Mesa last fall. "'nle councl1 autborl7.ed city attorney
1be city had signed -a fiv&yw coo-Roy JWle to write Reach-MCCUnton some
tract tO halt the Haig but lhe inaugural time ago and suggest that becauee of
tourney failed to draw well and it's wide-thelr apparent lack of intereet in bold:
_ Jy believed by Costa Mesa officials that lng the t<Jun¥!Y h e r e, they I o o k else-
. the touroey's sponsor, the Reacb·McClln-where rot a site.
ton advertising agency ol New York City, ''They wrote back and said their 1969
wanls out of the contract. Haig plans were uncertain. That wu 1h1:
Reach-McClinton nms tbe tournament weeks ago and we haven't htard any-
for the Haig Scot.ch Com~ny. thing else Crom them.
The city is also being stied by touma: "I would say at this point that the
ment coordinator Art Suess, who mairr--tournament won 't be played in Costa
ta.Ins he has not been paid for such serv-Mesa. We would assume it'll go back to
icles such as program publication and La C.OSta." -
Alrudy, the PGA hu .,,.ldtod oil
the Oct 2H8 elate tt had reserved fer
the Costa Mesa evenl San Franci.lco
Open· olflctah said Monday their 1ourn ..
ment will be held on lhose dates, rtpla1> in8 Ille Haig and foUowinl! Ille Sahara IJ>o
vttallonal al Lu Vegu.
Jordan indicated that tht five-year
pact between Costa Mesa and Reacb-Mc-
Cllnton would be voided by mutual agree-
I..ul October's Haig WU the rlcbest.
tournament ever held in Los ~ or
Orange Counties. It \fU played at M••
Verde the first year bec1U8e the host
club, Costa Mesa CC, dldn*l have auf.
ficienUy matured fairways.
The winner wu 26-y~-old otlahom·
an Bob Dickson, who took home a $22,•
000 first place paycheck.
Attendance at the tournament suffered
because players like brnold Palmer and
Jack Nicklaus elected to pas,, up the Me-
sa event.
Vng er, Flec k Fail to Quailfy
r Arni~ Fires 70, Eyes Open
By The Auociated Press
McKEESfPRT, Pa. (AP) -Arnold
Palmer, shooting a two-under-par 70 in
the fi r s t of two qualifying rounds at
Youghiogheny Country Club: appeared
assured today of a bertti In the 1969 U.S.
The 39-year-old Palmer sought one of
eight retk>nal spols for I.he June l.2-15 ~pei in' Houston. Fifty-One other goUe.n
COOlpeled in the. local event.
Palmer's first round included three
birdies and one bogey. He birdied the
par-4 second hole, bogeyed the si:a:th, and
then birdied the eighth and ninth. He
played e\len par golf for the final nine
holes ot. the fir.It round.
Palmer has not ha<! to quall:fy for the
Open since 1959 and his entry Utls year
drew criticism of tournament officials
from fellow touring pro Gary Player.
Je55e Snead, Ken Still and Larry
Hinson made it. Gardner Dickinson, Jack
·Fleck, and Doug Sanders Wdn't,
Snead, Still and Hinson, a rapidly im-
proving trio on the PGA t.oui', were
among the 29 players who qualUied for a
starting berth in the championship June
12-15 at the Champiom Golf Club in
Dickinson, winner of the Cclonlal
Invitational in Te:a:as la.st month, wu: one
of the 42 disappointed players who failed
. lo score ~142 or better for 36 holes over
the par 70 Colonial Country Club course,
the si~e of ~st week's Memp Open.
Sports i11 Brief
,> !-"~•·!..,
Laver Faces Gimeno;
--Ftee'k, lfle-filllit"ralifed ~who ln I~
beat Ben Hogan in a playoff and won lhe
Open Championship, failed to qualify at
Los Angeles and the sartorial Sanders
lost out with 146 at Dallu.
Houston Signs Levias
Both Fleck and his associate pro at
Mission Viejo Country Club, Bob Unger,
failed to quaJify. Unger was the nation's
top quali!ier in regional qualifylng
matches two weeks ago.
Veteran Lionel Hebert and Bob Duden,
an obscure Portland, Ore., pro, each fired
DODGERS OF OLO -On a play uiat resembled
the goofy Dodger plays which made them famous
in Brooklyn, Bill Sudakis takes a spill and Ted
Sizemore arrives too late on an infield pop· fly by
the MeJ•' Jerry-Grote Monday ntghl. The play was
a key one in New York's 2-1 win-the fifth in a row
for Ui.e .Mets.
'Can't Count on It'
Kaline Will Play in '70 ,
,Junior Baseball All·Star garne at New club in 1953. '
York City was a young man from .. He sports a .304 lifetime batting
Baltimore \.\'ho hatl hopes of someday average ~ and a .986 fielding average.
making the grade in professional When he won the Americ'an League bat-
baseball. ting title with a .340 at age 20, he became
He was also making his flrsl-e\ler trip the youngest e\ler to cop the crown.
away from home. Kaline , a guy not ovenvhelmed by hi1'
Tile 17-year old youngster was good -many successes, calls that one of his bi~
good enough to be named outstanding thrills in baseball. But none can match
player for that junior all·star rontest. lhe 1968 season when the Tiger.I! won the
Jle \\'as also reckoned lo be good pennant, then came from a 3-l dericit to
defeat St. Louis in the \Vorld Series.
"That's what maae the season so
great ." he points out. "We came from
be~d so many limes during the year,
then.t9 do ii in the Series. , • well.-it was
just tremendous. That, and McLain's
great year made it fantastic.''
~lore '°)'f9ht1 Needed
What's This?
Five Straight
For th e Me ts?
NE\V YORK (AP) -Aided by a nudge
from Mother Nature and a push from
Jerry Koosman, the New York Mels are
back at baseball's break-even plateau -
the cherlshed .500· mark.
They got there with their fifth sl ra ight
victory, a 2·1 squeake r over the Los
Angeles Dodgers r.1onday night. And it
took a friendly wind to make sure they
made it. Tonight the DOOgers send Alan
Foster (G-2) against Tom Seaver (6-3).
· The b r e e 1 e whipped Jerry Grote's
two-out. two-on pop ny away from
Dodger third baseman Bill Su<!akis In lhe
fourth lQning, and the ball fell for a
single, ~ring New York's first run.
Al Weis followed with a double that
brought home the secol'l<i.
1llrhrt.1 l~rhrbl
ll11$Wll. r1 • 1 1-1 H•rr•I•""• u f 0 0 e
W.0.Yls, d l 0 1 0 G••~r. rl J 0 I • P1rt; .. ,lb lOIOAgH,d '020
l(o,co, If • o o o C.lonH, 111 • r o .g
Sllll•kl1, 3b • O 1 0 ~wobocla, It • o o O
Lt!l'bvr•, 1b • 0 0 0 (ll~rl-, lb l I I O
Sl1fmort, t • l O O 0 Gro1e, c l O 2 I
10rtl01"\l. c l 0 0 0 Wtll, 211 ' 0 1 I C.OlleM.P 2000Kootn-.n.ti lOOO K&o.,.., pl! I I 0 I
Mll!l<tlff<'I, p 0 0 I 0
To11I• J1 I J I l~ Ar•!itlei 101111 311 t 1 '
000 000 010 -I N"' York llCIO ~ 00.-2
I ·PARIS -Top seeded Rod Laver
shoots for a berth In the semi.finals of
the men's singles action in ·the French
Open Tennis Championships today
agaimit Andres Gimeno of Spain.
In the only other quarter-flnaJ matctl
today, Tom Okker of '11le Netherlands
battles John Newcoinbe ol Australia.
Jn matches Monday, defending chan:ip
Ken Rosewall and Tony Roche both made
the semis. Rosewall downed Fred Stolle,
12-10. U , 7-5, S-2, while Roche topped
Zeljko Franulovic, 4-6, 7-5, 6-0, U , 6-1.
The top women's singles match on
today 's card features Nancy Richey who
won the Litle last year against Julie
l-lektman. in an all-American quarter·
final batlle.
HOUSTON -'J'he. Houston Oilers an·
nounced Monday they have signed
Southern Methodist Oanker Jerry Le\lias,
the club's No. 2 draft choice.
The American Football League team
also announced the signing of defensive
back Johnny Peacock r:A the University of
Houston, Ute No. 5 draft choice.
Levias, one of the most exciting
players in SMU history. caught 155
passes for 2.275 yards and 22 touchdowns
during his college career. I-le also return-
ed 53 kickoffs for t,080 yards.
LOS ANGELES -Fonner Oklahoma
State lrack coach Ralph Higgins, n o w
coaching the U.S. Army team stationed
at Ft. MacArthur, Calif., lost the tip of
his left inde:a: linger while loading a
starting gun last week. •
Said Uni\lel'!ity of Southern California
Coach v~ Wolfe, "Ralph has been using
a starting gun for the past 40 years. If he
can't load'one by now, I think he ought lo
get a purple heart."
• ST. LOUIS -St. Louis fans had no
trouble picking the city's greatest
baseball playe r e~·er. Their verdict by a
landslide: Stan Musial.
Musial, now a vice president of the St.
Louis Cardinals, garnered C7.l percent of
the votes.
The late Rogers Hornsby was secoDCI
with 10 percent.
Nam~ to the city's all-time baseball
team were Goorge Sisler, first base;
Horns.by, second base; Ken Boyer, third
base; Marty Marion, stlortstop; J oe
P.fedwlck, left field ; Curt Flood, center
field ; Musial, right field ; Walker Cooper,
catcher, and Bob Gibson and Dizzy Dean,
Escept for Sisler, who starred for
the o Id St. Louis Browns from 1915
through 19'l7, it was an all-Card inal team.
In Monday's qualifying, 28$.players shot
for M places in eight states. The 117
survivors of the sectional qualifying join
33 e:a:empt players to comprlae the
starting lieki of 150 for the champiooshlp.
Hebert, the 1957 PGA champlon, &bot
67-69 at Memphls and Duden fired a.a
over the par 70 Broadmoor Golf Club in
Seal lie.
-Pliillip s Maki11g Angels
. .
Adopt Dodgers' Methods ·
If the California Angels bear a
resemblance to UH!ir cross-town National
Leagu'e counterparts, it wouldn't surprise
their new manager, Lefty Phillips.
It has been a week since Bill rugney
was fired and Phillips, who served for
years as Los Angeles Dodgers manager
Walt Alst011's first lieutenant, took over
the pilol 's seat. The Angels are running
more, concentrating on fundamentals.
And if Phillips, as manager, reminds
you of Alston, the m8Tlager, It's not coin·
cidental. And he quickly acknowledged
the fact after the Angels dumped Denny
McLain and I.he Detroit Tigers 3-1 ~fon
day night.
"For years we were successful doing it
over al the other place," said Phillips.
explaining why he brought In relief
pitcher Rudy May with two out in the
eighth inning,
Starter Tom Murphy had just allowed
his fourth hit, a double by Tom Matchlck.
"rught now we ti.ave a good bu11 pen,"
he. continued, "and the.re's no reason it
shouldn't be successful here . In a couple
ol years these pitchers can be as ,good as
we had over there."
The Angels and Tigers resume their
three-game series tonigit, with Andy
Messersmith, 0-5, going for the Angels
against JUn Hiller, l·l.
McLain, 8-5, Jost le the Angels for the
first time since 1967. He had beaten them
eig'ht straight times.
Murphy, 4-2, hurled a strong seven allfl
' .
two-third innings. He allowed a run in the
first inning on a walk, two groundouta
and a single by Norm· Cash. After that.
he was never in trouble until Matchict'1
two-out double.
"The kid hasn't pitched a Jot of Inn-
ings," said Phillips of Murphy. "He pitch·
ed a tremendous game, but you ti.ave to
bring in a left-hander lo face Cash--o a~
bad pitch to him and it's all tied up." ~
Murphy, holding a cigar honoring the
birth of a baby girl to May's w,ile, said he
was "as psyched up for this game 1s at
any time this year.
"With the hitters the Tigers have, and
with McLain pitching, I just wanted to
hold them lo two runs." Murphy said.
Jay Johnstone tripled with Murphy on
second and Sandy Alomar on first wlth
one out in lhe third inning, ana the
Angels overcame a 1-0 deficit, taking a 2·
I lead. Jim Fregosi followed with a
sacrifice ny to score Johnstone .
•llrlt"'I 11trltrtll' M<Aullll1, 2b l I I 0 illa<m•, 1b • I 2 O
St1111<1y, cl l 11 I O Jollna!Onu. d l I 2 2
Metd'llc•, 11 • 0 1 0 MM!!lll, pl! O (I I O C~sl'l,!11 •dTlSllOft(er,111 11100
W,Horton. If I (I 0 (I F~I. s.s l 0 ' I Norlhr1111, rt • 0 1 0 ll•k~1ri11, ti • (I 1 t
Fretr.111.c •oo o ll:eooz.111 •001 Wert, lb 2 o o Q ..,_,lh>drl!lve1, Jti • o 1 •
Mc L1Jn, P I 0 O 0 S~!rl.lno, c l O O O
G.a._pri IOOOVou,rl 2010
l(Uk.nny. 11 o o o o Murstllv... 1 1 o o'
McMallof'l,p 0000 R.Mly,p 1011
Tot111 JG 1 • 1 Tot••• 11 1 ' a ~r111t 1GO 000 OCO -I
C..llfo>'nll tin) 000 OOlr -J
E -.Jol'>111:-...,, DP -Oalnlll I, C11J'°"'ll I. LOI -O.Uroll f, ,C.lllwn11 6. 21 -,,.,,..,,
Vou. llulchlrdt, .. letntr. Mtldlldl, )II -JoM-
ltont. SF -"'""°*l
<i'nough for the pros. Subsequently he was
inked by the Detroit Tigers And conlrary
lo his expect ations, he byp<1ssed lhe
minor leagues and was immediately
.pressed into service by !he Bengals.
' Albert \\'illiam to;.aline thus launched
:What has turned into a spa rkling career
~ one bright enough to assume he will
eomeday join the Rulhs and Gebrigs ln
the sport's hall of fame.
The recent flit fight between 'Souih
Africa's Bob Hewitt and England 's Roger
Taylor was not the least surprising lo
George !UacCall, p~1ldent of the Na-
tional Professional Tennis League.
!\l11cCall calls lle"·ltt, "a guy who's bad
It co1r1tng for a long time. '1 AcC1>rdlng to
!\tacC1ll, the fraca1 started when Hewitt
\\'ent In lo the dressing quarters In Derlln
and c1lled Taylor 1 cheat
Pudgy Clay Talks Burgers Not Boxers
• Kalloe will be 35 six days before t:hrtRa1as ... not old for an ouUlelder.
)Jut not •young eiUler.
• Be admitted to this column that he'd . , 'f>Jay nat ytar, tfien determine what
Wwld lolloW.
I ~'d Bl-to Aly wltb baaeball, in aome ~1 -I _,_ the playing
Ile ;" 411ck#tl. ( But Chit) MMthirig 1 can 'I count on,
E J'Jl have'. &o be thbtl<lne about private uilQm, Mo.'Tbey (~anagement) never ell"" 14""'8'1 I chance to slay in the •J>Oli> Or i\li.. . .
Katine bas not donned anything other
' ' ' •
"He's 1 crut ggy off tbt court hut lkb
hat a temperment you cao 't beUeve when
play ls Involved," MacCall observe•.
Gtor1e recall• aa ln1lanct with a well·
koow1 American, whose actlot1s were
emblmulng American officials. Afttr
ttuutt tf punftive icUon, he promtted '° .....
A9d la ~ ne:rt appearantt -In the
Pttnl,,,_. -lbe crowd 101 on him. So
bt r"'9fldtd by yellliJg, "Wby don 't you
cet back JI the. trees wit) the rut of the
Prrhap1 a few more flgl!U and el•
ch1n1es wiUI the crowd mlgllt rutott1
some of lff fadl111 spectaaor ill«tsl 11
ttnnl1. --·
llOUSTON (AP) -A rather pudgy day but Ingraham ordered a two-day
Cassius Clay prefers these days lo talk delay to permit prosecutors to prepare a
about hamburgers instead of boxing or written reply to the postponement mo-
his federal ~ troubles. tion.
"I don't keep uµ with fighters any Clay repealeti&y.stttred newsmen away
more,"·be la.id Mooday after a :JO.minute from questions about boxing or the court
appearance before Judge Joe lngraham. proceedings, turning each Ume to his
"I'll never rt?tum to fighting ." plens for a netioowide chain or ham·
It was lngraham who sentenced Clay to burger rest<iuranU.
a maximum 'five years prison and a .. , don 't keep up with fighters any
110,000 fine on June 20. 1967. after Clay more,'' he said, "I'll never return to
was convicted on a charge of refusing to fighting."
be drafted lnto military service. • Clay had said in March be planned a
Clay is to reappear Wednesoay lo hear boxing comeback but bis, remArks
arguments ,on a mollon to po!tpone a brou; a quick reprlmnnd from Ell/•h
hearing the $uprtm"te COurt otd~ Muha mad, head of the Blick Mus Im
dctcnuine whether f!'it'-ltipping wa.s i~ ~
volved ln the prORCUtioo of the former Clay bas claimed he sj»uld be uempt
heavyweicht champion. from milltary aervict t)eca119e be is a
The hearing had been schedultd Mona Black Muslim minister.
Clay now weighs 230, some 20 pounds
heavier than hiB normal fighting weight.
"I ti.ad this suit cut to hlde it," he said.
He was wearin& a double breasted
black suit when three lawyers esrorted
him Into the court room .
One oJ lhe lawyers, Charles Morgan Jr.
of AUanla, promptly to1d Ingraham the
JusUce Department hu five wire laps in-
volving Clay and must reveal all fi\le or
dismiss the prosecution of Clay.
"Tbe government has an option to
dismiss the prosecution U there i8 any
conversation it ls not willing to re\leal,"
Morgan s a 1 d "'That's not new law.
That's old 111w."
A brief flied in behall of Ally. Gen.
JOhn W. Mitc:tlell offered lo permit Clay
and his attorneys to lnspecl four of the
logs but sakl naUonal lecW'ity prevtnted
disclosure of the fifth .
U.S. Atty. Ant.bony J.P. Farril said the.
otfer •as made Ma) II but had not betn
accepted by the defeme. Farris also aaJd
there wu no need for a delay in that the
logs had no bear~ 911 Clcy's trial.
Farris agreed wtth lngrabam Iba!
lh<r< had been no merence to the taped
convenaUons durina: ~trial nor durin&
the circuit court appeal.
He said the logs [int were reveated bz:
the Sollctl<O' General when the appell,
reached the Supreme Court. ·
The SUP"t!M Court oa Maren 24
...tend l]iodil heorlnp for Clay end 14.·
othtt deftndanb to detenn.l.M tf .lnY of.i,
tht defendant.I Yr~ilmvuUnlau1-Jwi
the defendants wue viclJms of unlawful
"ire i.pptna.
. . . ---~--------~--~--. .
• I '-· -J, 196'1 o,tJLY PILDI 17
· Neu;portFightManager . Call It a Distasteful_ Vault .
Eyes Area Box·ing S1ww
There might be a professional boxing
ahow In Newport Beach's sports future,
Stu Flne, a co-manager of two Latln
Ogbters and a Newport 8 e a c h
&tock.broker, says he's going to start
shopping around for a site -possibly the
Balboa Bay Club-to stage a pro boxing
Fine teams with George Roth-Seiden.
also an area stockbroker, in the handling
'''"**""'"'****" EARL
GUSTKEY ................
er Jose Osuna and Juan Collado, Two
Dominican Republic bantamweights who
are becoming regulars at Olympic
Auditorium boxing shows.
Both claim there is a substantial boxing
following In Newport Beach and Costa
Meaa. Fine says proceeds from .such an
endeav91' would be strictly for charity. • * *"*
RETIREft.fENT DEPT .-Ed Burke,
The Olympian hammer thrower who
teaches blstory at Orange Cont Colleae .
. says be bu rtUred from lrack and field
An Olympic competitor In 1964 and '6&
and tbe American record bolder, Burke
says the hammer was 1preadi.ng bim loo
"Our first baby is on Its way and thtit
hammer jut takes up t.oo much or my
t1mt.. And It gets to be upenslve,
too--traveHng around ud having to miss
school for meets."
* * * ' ALUMNI DEPT. -Two fonner
Ofange Coast area football standou~ will
make back-W..DaCt. -aj)pearanceS ai pros
at San Diego Sladium this fall.
Gary Magner and the New York Jets
play at San Diego Sept. 1.8 and the follow~
ing weekend It's Phil Spiller and the Cin-
cinnati Bengals.
Magner played at Mater Oei High while
Spiller prepped at Newport.
Both starred at Orange Coasl College.
* * * .._ QUIZ DEPT. -Quick now, bow many
USC abolputten rtacbed '° feet while
tbey werfl sUU In sc hool? Answer : SiL
Dallas Long (~~O ~) heads tbe list,
followed by Les Mills (C-1~), Dou CaslJe
(lt-R), Dave Murphy (60-1), Dave Davis
( .. 5), aad Tom Coll~ (,..1).
* * * DRAFT DEPT. -Newport Harbor
High baseball coach Andy Smith says
• •
Takes Over
Elims Lead'
No bowler has ever won Kona Lanes'
West Coast Match Game Eliminations
two years in a row so it was with some
excitement that fans at the Costa Mesa
bowling house watched tlefending cham-,
pion Lamar Keck moye toward the top
Monday night.
The Reseda bowler stood 30th in the
120-man field after last Monday's opening
night but he put it all together Monday
evening and charged to fourth place.
The new leader is Roland Alexander of
West Los Angeles. who has put together
blocks of 849 and 856. He was fou rth after
last week's opener.
The 14-week tournament continues next
Monday evening at 9 p.m. The field will
be cut in half alter 28 games and cuts
Will continue. until only four are left on
the final night, Sept. 1.
'The runne.rup after Monday's eventful
action, Benny Becker of Gardena, posted
the toumament'S first 900 block, a 926.
He jumped up to second from 62nd.
Orange Coast area stan(:lings: s. F•ed Rkcl!ll, Watml.,.!er 1.450
''· Old! lrH..:11, F-l•lrl Vltltr l.lll7 ~ ~ITJ ~leldfl", C115tl MIM 1,512
:M.. J.,, Flthbufn.. F-11111 Vell'r 1..l.K
1'. Willy Nellon, Hunllnglan ~ 1.u.l
O, FAd .8-1, Colla Mal 1,S21
51. Gaw Fu~I. Wntmn.ter l,S" SY. L.erry IC1fltl", W111'11lrul... l,Sl:t'
61, (ryde Lecher. Dani "°"'' 1.509 ''· OMn MOWlr, Sr..,.., 1.soi 1•. llolf lltow, Hunlln;lflli ktldl '·"' ti. ll:oy Wiii.on. COill M... l,«t
.. Al Hurst ... Caill• Meu l,•I
to . .Jwrr l,..,,,.n, W1flmlnlter . l..ul
t5, Jlrn E"'1ng, C.I• Miu 1,(4
111'-am Lacld, H1111:1ng1on 1eec:t1 1,"1 IOI, Nldl: S!lgalla, Colli Mona 1,411
119. alll FM•l1111, LltlMI• llKll 1.l''
lhere's a chance his pitcher, Steve
Schoettler (10-2), will be picked up In
baseball's free agent draft.
If so, he'll be the second Smlth product
to be drafted. Terry Thompson went in
the first draft, 1965, to the Angels. Bill
Voss wa signed by Detroit in the pre-
dralf days.
* * *
Skipper Ldl\' Phl:'lpo aad HunlhlllH
Beach High buketbaU co1cb Elmer
* * * TUB THUMPER DEPT. -We 've said
it before and we'll say it again-Kona
Lanes' Dick Stoern .. is Orange County's
best public relations man. He's doing his
>tisual first-rate job handling Kona's West
Coast Match Game Eliminations classic .
* * * PROSPECT DEPT. -Westmin ster
High track coach Jack Hedgea, who bas
produced two CIF mile champions In Carl
Trentadue and l\.11ke Solomon, says be
may have--.a11olher waiting ln-U.e wtii·gs-. --
lle's freU.man Jdf Young, who pqsted
a t:U.a uo as a ~e t.h.ls pas1 seasori&nd
who failed to quallly for the CIF finals
only because of • tactlcal error in the
Base ballers
Nine Orange Coasl area· playei's are
listed on the South's roster for the seCond
• annua.,Kiwanis-sponsured'Orange COUflty
All.Star North-South baseball game June •
19 at Anaheim 's La Palma Park.
NOT ENOUGH FLAVORING-Kansas' Bob Steinhoff appea rs to have
taken a slug of castor oil prior to attempting this pole vault try at 16-10
al.a recen.t megt. A (o.rro~t-IY.artel).JIJ~llJPo.\l'.D!tYL•thl~te, Steinhoff
will compete in th e upcoming NCAA meet. Steinhotf won the Texas
Relays event with a vault of 16-6 but fail~ in his three tries at 16-10. --
Start Your Engines Sovth coach Andy Smith of Newport
Harbor reports half of his 18-man roster
are Coost area performers. Heading the
list is his own pitcher, Steve Schoettler
(10-2) of Newport.
Assisting Smith in preparation for the
game are coaches Tom Trager of Corona
de l Mar and Jerry SedoO of Foolhlll.
Fans Loseth ,
22 Hitters
Vacuum Cleaner in Racing.
'The South's rosler:
Pitchers -Steve Schnettler ( 10.2),
Newport ; Burt Blylevln (10-3), Santiago;
Duane Shaffer, (7-3) Garden Grove.
tn£ielders -Keith Keil (.355), Sad·
dlebac~; Buddy Moen (.260), Marina:
Rex Snyder (.342), Corona del Mar: Tom
Sandt (Pacifica), .444; Bob Leavy (.420),
Newport; Paul Hayden (.381), La Quinfa :
Bill Powell (.385), Estancia ; Dan Clark
(.350), Costa 'Mesa. -
Catchers -Tom Heirle (.500), San·
tiago ; Vince Moll (.250), Marina.
Outfielders -Al Barnes (.353), SA
Valley; Ptiil (.357) and Will (.377)
McCartn.ey, Westminster; Tim Seppul-
veda (.343), Santa ~·
American Legion baseball records are
rather sketchy, so Estancia High pitcher
Chuck Loseth might just as well claim an
Orange County strikeout record IDday.
He struck out 22 San Clemente hitters
Sunday in leading his Harbor Dodgers lo
an 8·2 win in an Orange Coun ty American
Legion~e contest.
He fanned the first II men he faced
enroule to a three-hit victory.
Coach Lee Fisher's team is 2-2 in
league play and takes on Anaheim Sa tur-
day at LO a.m. at La Palma Park in
Anaheim and plays at Santa Ana Valley
Sunday at 2 p.m.
Fisher's team beat Anahei m Pearson in
II innings, J.2, in a Saturday game.
L-Oseth won that game in relief.
John Bitting of Huntington Beach Hlgh 1..ooetti.o
shot a 73 and finished second Monday in M1n"°11, 1b
1br 1trtll 1br1t •lll
• O 1 O Cllrls!enoen, H • I I
5 1 3 0 OWllNv!lll, 1t> • 0 I
the ClF's lndivldual golf championships f=.1~. ~' •10001,ma,..lf •ooo
llO IJDllH,lb •OIO at Mc;>n1e<:ito Country Club in Sanla s11ttord, u
Barbara. 11:11111. •• M•r!ln, c
5 2 1 2 Stt1rwr. ct 1 o o o
211 lWrl9111.t •0 10
The winner in the 116-player field was v11~.,, "'
Mark Pfeil of Palos Verdes High. ~~~~.1b
l t 1 J Mck~191>t, rl 1 0 I 0
I 0 0 0 Par1ma, tf.p f) 0 0 Q
o o~oe01i..ib •ooo
San Clemente kigt's two entf-ant.s, Jay lot•ls
$000 .lllen.11.•f 1000
l10 1To!JlJ 2 J2
S.C:ore t-1' lnnln1s Olson and Scott Pomeroy, finished far s.." c1em'"'' back in the pack. ___./ Harl'Jor
000 ODO *-l 3 1
100 001 •h--t Ht I
Ex-Newport Player.
Shedd Mal{es All-Pac 8
Steve Shedd, former Newport Harbor
High :We ball star, was named IDday to
the All-Pacilic-3 second team.
An outfielder at UCLA, Shedd was once
a mainstay on the Sailor teams of coaeh
Andy Smith at Newport.
UCLA landed three players on the first
team, first baseman Chris Chambliss
from Oreanside, plus Gary Sanserino, se-
cond baseman, and Jim York, a pitcher.
First Tum
Out!ielders-Phil Bushman, Oregon;
Dana Halvorson, Washington; Dave Tex -
dahl, California .
lnfie lders-Chris Chambliss, UCLA, -·
Gar')' Sanse rino. UCLA ; Bob Boone, Stan-
ford , Cal Meier, USC.
Calcher -Bob Williams, \Vashington
Pitchers-Phil Kcller, Stanford; Brent
Stonn, USC, Jim York, UCLA.
Second Team
Outfielders-Steve Shedd, UCLA; Mike
Ewing, Stanford; Russ Bennett , USC.
Wielders-Steve Runk, UCLA : Lute
Barnes . Oregon Slate ; Larry Book ,
Washington State; Bill Seinsoth, USC.
Catcher-Loren Brucker, Washington.
Pitchers-Rick Pope, UCLA ; Jon
Wheeler. Oregon; Norm Ange Ii h J,
Washington State. •
Jim Hall Is said to be planning [o in-
troduce a race car that used the same
principle for road holding that the
housewife has been using lo clean her
house ror many yelU'l -the old-fashioned
vaccumn cleaner.
Word comes f'tom Chris Economaki,
the East Coast sleuth of auto racing facts
and figures, that Hall's new Chaparral
has a device built in that sucks the car
tighl against the pavement. thereby im-
prqxing traction at high speed.
The auxiliary ' powet' system replaces
the Jim Hall wing, which has sprung up
likE: toadstoools all over u·.e auto racing
wor ld. Recently ii was banned as unsafe
al any speed. ,,,,.,
Engineers who talked off the cuff to
Economaki called the new Jim Hall
~ystem "reverse ground effect."
\Vhal they mean by lhat is that a
motorized set of fans causes air to be
sucked up the car lo create up to 4,000 lb.
of downward pressure. A 5()-(3lled
.. ground ~ffect" motor powers the
hovercraft type of vehicle. It blows 'air
downward against the ground to lift the
vehicle so that it rides on a cusllior~of air
and doesn 't touch the ground . Hall's
device does just the opposite. •
The fact is that race cars are now
reaching speedS faster than it take s to
get an airplane into the sky. So the build-
ers a n d drivers of these land-borne
vehicles are becoming increasingly wor-
ried about aerodynamic lift at high speed.
After his initial success, wings started
showing up on many race cars, but the y
gained international acceptance ln 1968
wbeo they appeared on Formula l grand
prix cars for the nrst t i m e. Speeds i.n-
creased dramatically wherever lbey were
used, but sd did safety problems. There
were many instances of wing •failures.
Intematlonal rules makes went into
emergency session a few days ago , after
serious accidents destroyed w i n g e d
lotuses driven by Gratinm Hill and Jo
Rind!, a n d Rlndt was Injured in Spai(I
Wings were banned with the ban taking
effect immediately follow ing last Sun·
day's Can·Am race at Mosport.
Deserved Better Show
Unlike most people w!lo watched the
closed circuit telecast of the lndl1napolis
500, I got In Free. WriUng an es1ay
critical of the TV ver1lon of the race la
sort of like going lo somebody's home for
dinner and then telli ng all your frie11da
that lhe food was bad.
So I suppo5e what I aru rta.lly dolng Is
speaking not £or inyw:ll but fdr thole all
over the United St.ate1 wbo paid $6 &o $1%
to watch the race. T6e deserved a better
show tha n they got.
Tbit was the alxtb year of P.ICA
television of lbe lndlanapoll1 500, one of
the glamour sports events of our time.
The show 1bould by thi s tim e be so
polished and 10 professional that fan s
would just as soon watth It on TV as go
to Indy and see the race In per1on.
This Ii to report that In six years the
geniuses of MCA have learned -nothing
aboul Indy, aboul auto racing, about bow
to report what 11 unfolding before the
Major League Standings
East Dlvl!lon
W L Pct.
33 16 .673
25 23 .S21
23 23 .501r
22 26 .458
18 %6 .409
11 33 .~
Weit Division
29 !7
28 19
24 2'>
24 23
24 27
7 1,.!
East Division
W L Pct.
36 18 .700
30 17 .6.18
25 2'> -.556
26 27 .491
24 26 .480
12 31,.. .279
Wesl Olvlalon
eyes or reporter and viewer aJlke, about
bow to reproduce recorded 19und or even
-bow to find the-tmportanl eN.iftentJ of the
sLory or the race.
It must be saJd lhal Charles Brockman,
who doubles as TV anchorman and pres!.
dent of the U.S. Au&o Club to produce OM
of the typical USAC conflicts ol lnternl
that Is bodl sad and amusing, bas Imo
proved In those six years. He's better,
but still not good enough to pay $i .._
Any future recommendations to fan1
about watc blag the race on TV will In-
clude the advice that they take along 1
t.ransiator aad plug Sid Collini Into th eir
ean so they can find out what Is hap-
pening wblle they watch the plctare.
Beyond Chat, we hav:: nolhlng good to
say about the sbo". Ca.nera work Wat
bad. Producllon, that ls to 1ay, the selec-
tion of what picture to be abown lbt
viewers rrom II cameras around the
speedway, was unbelievably horrible.
Previously videotaped inte r v le w 1
played during the race were inaudible.
Standings relatea during the race wert
inaccurate and contradictory (at dif,
ferenl times early in the raC"e A . .J. Foyt,
the leader, and Lloyd Ruby, the tllird-
place driver, were left out of the st an·
dings completely).
If tb'e folk.a at lndlanapoliJ 1\.1.olO'I
Speedway really cared, and apparenllJ
nobody there does, a better presentatlo1
of the ratt, using profesalona I taltnl,
would be demanded before 1\.fCA 11 allo"'
ed to telecast another race and charge
money for Jt.
~:JSllN HtA1~
'969 Austin Amuica
West Coast Dream Team SAN DIEGO 22 30
M•••Y'• lletulh llllW YO<\ .1. Los Anw'ln 1 Ai11n l1 6. ft. I.null )
S•n OJeoo ,, Phllad•lllhll 4
Sin F••~~ltca el Monlr•al, •11n Cl'IO:lnl\fll II Plfbbur;h, r•I~
Onlv 01,,,.. 1<lled\lld,
I \~
10 CALtFdllNIA 15 30
M11!111y't lt11ulft
Chlc•OO '· la•"'" A Minn.el• .1, New Yo•k 2
~eanle I, Cl•vllll...,_
Ctllf11rnl~ l. Dllrv!I 1
We1nl119!tM I, Kfl'lls CUy '
0 111y oamft 1e11«1ultd.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -As college
foot.ball's 100-year annivenary nears, a
panel of veteran spartswriters has cbo:s-
en an all·star team ror West Coast
players act ive from 11'»1969.
The team, announced Monday hu a
back!ield of stanford's Ernie Nevers,
l!m-25 ; Washington's George Wilson,
19'Z3-25· Morley Drury, 1924-27; and 0 . J. Sim~ 196'7-'8, of Southern California.
A tea.ID covering coiltge football's
fim' ·SO years wUI be announced later
ln the week. The panel that selecled . the 11-man
teemt and hooorab)e mentlon candi-
dates-c:onslsttd of Paul Zlmmennan,
retired sports editor of the Los Angeles
Times, Royal Broughham ol the SeatUe
Post.Jntelligencer, Dick Friendllch of the
San Francisco Chronicle, and Don Mc·
Leon o( the Portland Oregonian.
Here are the other players selected lo
the team:
Center: Mel Hein, Washington State,
Guards : Aaron Rolenberg, USC, 1931-
ll: Les ft.jcbter, Califcmla. 1950-51.
Tackles: Bob Reynolds, Stanford,
1933-3$; Bob Reinh11rd, Cal, 1939-41.
Ends: Brick Mullu, Cal. 1920-21;
Francis Tappaan, USC, 112>29. •
These are the honorable mendon
Centers : Babe !lorrcll, Cal, 192%·24:
John Didion, Ortgon St., 1967-63: Rudy
A1ucba, Wa,,hington, 1938·'40.
Guards : Bili Corbus, Stanford, 1931-3.1:
John Sandstrom, Oregon Staie, 1967-68 :
Tackles: Ron Vary, USC, 196H7;
Ernie Smith, USC, 1930-32.
Ends ; Ted Shipkey, Slanlord, 1924-27 ;
J im Lawson, Stanford, 1922-24.
Backs : Norm . Van Brocklin, Oregon,
1946-48; Kenny Washington, UCLA, 1937·
39; Hugh McElhenny, Washington. 1949-
SI ; John Kitzmiller. Oregon,. J92S-7.I ;
Terry Baker, Oregon State, 1960-Q;
Ftankie Albert, Stanford, 193Ml : Gary
Beban, UCLA. 1965-f7; Mike Garrett,
USC. 1963-6S; Chuck C:arroll, Washington,
1923-28; Herm Wedermeyer, St. Mary's,
HM3-4S; Bill Enyart. of Oregon State,
196&-68. •
TedlV'I G1mb
Los A1"411tf, (S:osNr 0.J) ~! Htw Yon. (Se.IY•r 6·)), nlg~r ,
S.n Fren.:ltco (McCot~k 2·21 JI "'°""''I !WtqlM'I' l·U, ro1tn1
Sin Dleoo ~1Clr1W , .. , 1! Phlladelpl'll• ((h1,n.
pltn MJ, t110f!I
Clnc:~ll lMtf'llt S.tl '' Plt11""""' (VHll J.ll, lllO~I
HOlnlDll [Ll!'NIM!' U J ., cnk~ !HINI• ·~l
Ati.nte (Pl-)...o} •T SI. Louts ((lrllal S.•I, nlghl
TM1r•1 G•mu
l111Tlmor1 !Cu.lier ,.,, 11 Olklalld !Odom
1·)), nl~I
Oelrall O•nlll' l·lt •f C1Ulornlt IMnstrsmllh
0.Jl, llllJM c1a ... 11...t ITlant 1·1) 11 S.llla IP1Hln S.U,
W111hlf'llltoll !H1n"'n f·JI 11 klllMI City [llllllt• ... i.n. nlgl>t
N-YMll (PlllflOll 7.5) et Mfl'IMsoll (&ol·
-11 k ), nl9f!I Clll<-VCO !Plltn ._., 11 lostol> llonbof't Ml,
J?rtup o11
.il111ptll'f ,,
MZ·940S 540'1164
A.-i...t MG e AUSTlN·HllAUY D•I«
Au"°'lud FERRARI Dooler, Sala I S-lce
A.vallablt' w/Automatlc Tl"11n5mtJ:slon
31111µ ort •)
J I DAILY PILllT """""·"""' '· 1%9
0.ee Selzale~ Desllu ...... uc1 1 Play LEGAL Nln'!Cll
' .:
'New' Beve rl y Hil ls. Studio Not Halt
c1•T1,1u.n o, co•.,..t.ftOll P:oa TRANIACTK* .. W'I ..... fiMllOfl • P:ICTITIOUI Wo# 'nlll! UNOE&llONID COlll"otlATION
dDn MA1w c.ttfy !1111 It Ill ~IN! I
llulJneu lucal.O ., MQ 0 IMf Alfofl. S.~ II ,.,.., C..~lot'ft.IL ftJti llfldlof ti. flO>
llllol>t lltll'I Mml "' t•fSTLINI:
In Down~n Cul ve r City · B Strike MANUl'ACTUJUNG (OMl'ANV Mii lhff Y flf"I i. _.,.... fl tM followlne
• WllOl'~llM. ...... wlllcNI •IK9 of
""*-.. H '°'""""~ . Ctftlllftt ~-. IM... ~ G E1:ll
Iles It ., I tr k ,, ARO<I. s...11 AM, c11~11, '21'M. p e a genera s I e WITNESS "' ~nd "'" ltl daY "' ,,..,,
"VBllNON 800IT .H!)µYWOCiD (UPI) -A • ._ ..... picture sludlo
blo -ID tbe land ol Ille
...... -tbe ..._ ud, fit .. -tloll1. k'• bit ""'*>'· n Is col1ed -y Hiii•·
si-. lac. ' Bo•euer, lt ii ~ted ln ......,.CU1vwa1y.
Oue ol Ito ,_,. Is actor
Rup O'llrlan. tbe catalyst who .,.,.,.._ q.tbor Ille
......... that form I ttudlo.
'Ille -"-" ID this case Is -.,_ pell miluom<n ill tbe ... _., ., ...... .,
tbt Eaclilb lqu.qe i D
Hollrwood. . -ly Hills studio, Inc .•
W a I bom physically about
191$ a s t he Thomas H. Ince
Studios, where silent movies
were ground o u t on hand·
DiTW Goes Easy Way·
And Coasts to Bank
87 BOB THOMAS easier than before: ttlLs sea!lOll
HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Dean we cut out Ille dress reb<ersal .
-...itched olf U.. sound Once we got behind 8lld l did
of tbe matinee movie on four !hows in one week. I .telie."9Wob .m turned on the could wrap up the seaeoo In a
aipe r.:D'der in hlJ trailer-rew weeks if 8'le writers could
dt ' c room. Ar plaintive 'keep up, but tltey can't. AU l
.-1>egliu aingine a tune do Is g6 In, slnj! the songs afld
-.ilb · • c:xium-y .-.d western read the cards -badly. I !till
belt. can't pronounce "superflqus."
"My next album," Martin "Next season is the last
upWlmd. ''Th6s is bow 1 leai,i under my NBC c<lOlract and
my -· Got a tape recorder alreody they',. talking .Oout at home, ln my car and here. a new .deal. I doo"t know about P1aJ b numbers a few dozen .continuing the weekly routine.
tims t:nW I memorize the but the money the}''re Offering
Jyrias aDd the melody. 1ben 1 is fantastic. Nobody could be
go iD and record the album." worth that much -·nobody."
Jt'a the easy wey, which is Record&-"This is my last
~ '!'IJ._~n·~ ~ M~~ .~bu;nk .. '2s'.~P~i~i~~Iby c~ to 1u ow. u 1 rtc01us, rran matra l. 11!t!l1 m
t'elevisk>n and films. h e going. to work for my son
. perfonm with consummate Dino, who has his own <X>rfl.
nonchalance. pany. He's a very ~y."
Right now he is having to Night clubs -"Next month
work harder than usual. and 1 start m)I _new coo tract with
oddJy enough he's enjoying the (Las Vegas) Hot e I
himself. He is appearing in the Riviera1 of which I own 10 per·
all-titar "Airport" as the pilot cent. They made over the se-
• who saves .a jetliner alter tt cond. noor of the hotel as an
has been depreasurized by a apartment for me , and Jea~
bomb uplolion. nie went over to help with the
"On the ground, the guy Is design. It's quite a layout."
very happy go lucky -sort of ~ Movies -"The Matt Helm
a Dean Martin type," he com-series is still golng great. I'll
ment.ed. "But whtn he gets up do another one Uri& swnmer."
in the air, he 's a serious Besides all these actMties,
fellow. 'Ibe role isn't as Martin is building a big ranch
serious as the one I did in house on hls vast acreagf,! in
'Toys in the Attic.' but It's the Ventura County.
~ I've had in a king "I don't mind workiQa,'' he time." admitted. "When I sit around
Martin makes his work for· two or three weeks doing
seem easy, but no star ac-nothing I begin lo get restless.
complishes more in so many I'll keep up the work for
fields. He discussed some of ..tnother 10 years. Then I'll be
the areas : 61. and I figure I'll have it
Te1evis.ion -"It's even made."
Crossword Puzzle
ACROll 44 Mr. G'hrlg
.~ 45 Taking l\
l Cll An by 'asy
purging 47 Frrnch
" Gtorgla or t xplort r:
Nova Stotia 2 words
10 Small
51 Marktd by
sttrnntss amount of 52 Stand;ud
monty; divin g
SI.Ang board
14 11.aJ(s n1mt height:
15 City ltt 2 words
Ind ia 54 Trac~ed I• ltt 1 difftr· down
e:nt ~l•t t 58 U ndtrgrcund
17 Fit nto the ch ambtr
fiicture: 5' Hlghw1r
11 111prison si~n 19 Att emotion 61 19 4 \rt J!y
5 No longer 35 South of
actlvt Fr1nc r
Ii -· -t.lahal 36 Htattd
20 L1ckln9 J11 signed at
brlltl1nct Man!la:
22 Rtduce:d in Abbr.
lmport1nce: 62 Word t w·
24 Stmllt pie SS ill~
26 Cold approva
1 Excltmation enclosurt
al surprist 37 Lar9e piec'
8 Olstresslul • of Ice
utttrltlces 39 •··· •·• M1flt:
q Period Z words
of lime: 40 Brlli sh
27 limt before 113 At 1 dis ·
Jl Pronoun lanc e:
2 words statesman
10 Actin i 42 Fish
32 Had I Comb. lor m
hanktring liS Noted
'" co ncttl
particular 43 Traver~ed . ., 44 Kind al
11 Puff up musical
33 Kind of muslci111 theatrlc~1 115 Religlous perform111c1 ~ttl od 35 Kind of t6 r. Gardritr scene 7 Cuts down
31 P&rtly on calories
worn-o ut
12 Flower composition
13 Povtrly 4!. Poktr pl~y-
strick"en ers' word
21 Family 47 •···• op!ion mtmbtr 48 "Wha1's in 23 Mt!iculous -··-··'": drtsstr's 2 .,,ords 39 .. _ --, DOWN
so good":
2 words l Form of
40 Olsrtput-punislunrnt
ablt rtsort 2 Finale of
41 Mtd ltlnt: a ballet
Abbr . lKindol
42 lt~S surgtry
. dangtrous 4 Not onr,
41 8tvtr.1gt two or thrrr
conct rn 49 Scatt in CfJPS
25 --•• rosts: 50 Kind of
~words lisht iman
27 Fruit 53 Orum sound
28 Mov emtnl 55 Ani~td at upward lht sct ne 29 Made last Sb Fre nch slate' by rcono my 57 c~rlo and 30 Ce!ay Qu1~ote 34 Uncovere d 60 Minu it
' • !1 l2 !l
" " "
• •
Ul!lked cameras by directors
In backwards.
It was purchased by David
o. SelJJllck In Ille tms and
became kriown as Selznick
· Studios.
Most of "Gone With U1e
Wind" -currently In re-
release -wa~llmed on the
lot wblch inclu the world's
t::irgest sound s e.
Thereafter Selznick sold the
·1glng property to RKO, which
!-toward Hughes once owned.
Then a1oog came Desi AmU
;1nd Lucille Ball who bought
the RKO properties • a n d
renamed the lot Desilu Culver.
When Paramount bought out
Oelilu It became ParamOWll Charmed, l 'n• Sure
..... of students and faculty mem-<eo0.ori1t ~11 • bei'cn the campus the show Cf'fftrlne o ....... lllC. ' WIHllll'I E. •lfllff', l'rekltfll went on at 'UC Irvine last STA.Tl. OF CALIFOlNIA, week COUNTY OF OlA.NOE. u . • ' Oii tllls hi d1Y vf Mew. A.O. ltff, ...~ernrto~~ ..,,_ o,r,teth•p-1!;'.tedll)ll =:-: :::-1::"..,'t.?:uC:...": ~ ":l:f:. n.er-•1 111 r • .._., rttldlnf tfleNl11,. dlll¥ wniml•lllMd •llf
their final four performances ,_..,, ~·*" ·-,... w111i.m E.
" 11111111'. --" to ""' .... '"' ...... kltnl or The M a d w o m an of fJI 111t CIN'P9••t~ 11111 •x.t11ttc1 "" Challlot" as s eh e du I e d within l11ttr\lmMI °" 11eM11 o1 tilt cor-..,., _..tton ftllr11ft l'ltll'ltd. 11111 -.:11-Ncto-wednesday through Saturday, "' to "" ""' _.. OllrHf"llklfl •JI~
a I t h o u a h they voiced "Tl" ~!Mu w....-IMll 1 ,.~ ..... _1c1 wt
unanimous concern for their "'Y nonc1 ilnd 1ff1~••...,. lflkl•I ... 1 "" clusmates' protestations of :rtt~ ~ .. r 1n 11111 ctr1lfkttt 11r11 1tio.1
"~pation"·at UC Berkeley. 10FF1c1AL SEAL1 JolWI I . S.~. Ill • "We had even considered ••,... P..,o11t-c..11twn1a • • l'rlnc'*""I Offlm In carrying the strike so rar as 0111n11 c-t.-
to cancel the performances M1 ClrM\1 .. -. E11~ ' Ocfoblr .31. ,,,. director Robert C o h e n l"Wfflhlll Dr•-cu.t 011,.. 1'11111.
declared. Milt' 11. N. 11 •l'ld .AIM ). "'' fU.4'
CuJver. Exchanging surface sincerity at a Washington dinner P'SirtY in this scene from
Now O'Brian along wllh "Dylan" are (from leffi Doyle McKinney,Elaine Barn3rd and Betsy Hewett.
buslnes.vnan Lou Chesler -The' drama resumes Wednesday at the Laguna Playhouse.
who put up more than $9 --------------------------------
mllllon -anli Martin Leeds,
president of the company, own
the 4'}.acre property and 11
sound stages .• R&H Oassics Get Revival Asked why he natned the
property Beverly Hills Studio
'wlieil it is in Culver City, NEW YORK (UPI )--' The in seve ral .Broadway shows. Sept. 3. C~ing ls now in pro.
O'Brlan fired back, "What works Qf Richard Rodgers and 'Veteran comedian J err Y gress. Costume designer Miles
else would you call it?" the late Oscar Hammerstein Lester will be playing Luther White and musical director
Pressed further, the actor will not be neglected in these Hillis for the first time. Jay Blackton will be serving
said, "Beverly Hills is .• a part.s this sum.mer. Lombardo will open his at-this production as they did the
rtcognlzable name. Anyhow Produei!r Guy Lombardo traction July 2 for a run original cne, which opened on
our corporate offices. ligal will present \heir "South through Labor Day. Last sum-Broadway March .31. 1943 and
staff, accountants and tax peo. Pacific" in the open air. mer's "South Pacific'' engage-rang up i,212 performan«s ln
pie are ln Beverly Hills. waterside a,mphitheater at ment waS' a highly sucressful slightly over five years.
"At first t w a s tempted to Jones Beach, Long .Island, for one, promplinj: the producer This will be the sixth season
call it Mammoth Pictures Lhe second straight year. to belle'le that there are still of .summer revivals at the
because that's lhe name you The first musical turned out enough potential customers to State Theater under the aegis
see in movies and television by the pair, "Oklahoma !," make an encore worthwbile. of the Music Theater of Lin-
when they depict a studio." will be revived as the at· The '.'O~ahoma!" engage-coin Center, for which com-
'I1ie studio is rich in lore. In traction for the annual sum-ment will be from June 13 to poser Rodgers is ·artistic
Flllr addition to "Gone With the mer season at the State director.
Wind," such others as "The Theater in Lincoln Center. ectn1~n ,.e..e fOAt'T "'°""•' ~"" ""1;===========-;11 -=~.,.-
Grealeit-ShtM...on-Earth'\ -3nd---..,,.~h Paeif;cv will have · ~ · ~ '' 1 · ........
"The Great~st Story Ever opera star .Jerome Hines ba~k ' I ' ·
Told '' were filmed on the lot . as the leading man . There will ••s·""•
So were ''The Real McCoys·• be a new Nellie Forbush In I TONITl AT 6:00 ' 10:15 I
and ''Batman." , Na ncy Dussault, who has been
Jeff)' a..wl1
"Hook, Line, Sinker"
''" ... _" "Y1lloW Submarine"
Jocques De...,·1
STf.V f.
--· .. -· 100
Jo1:111ne Woodwllfd
IA• l•ft ......
doe1 llerebv certify 111•1 11 II tondllCll"" • r~l•fl dn•-cle1"l"ll blrllnn1 11 ol06 w .. 1 ntn $1rff1, S.nll AllA. C11llfon1!1, lll'ldlr
""' llctllloul ftrm Mntt of 17TH • ROSS ONE HOUR CLEANERS tnof 11111 ft'll
"'lf'C ol ,.!Cl ~llloll ll'ld Its ptlncl"I
Pill« ol IM/111\KI II II tollowl: o. M. M. 1ne.. 20'3 W•lcntt DrlTe. ,.,,..,._., e.-c:11. c.111orn11.
Dllld: April 23, 1Nt.
(l. H. M. hw;., Ernesr L. Prlen, l'rui.nt
, •. ,,
/('\. CO.Cll liil .. ~ .... lllllfft C. lllaclcburn, Stcr1!1rv STATE OF CALIFORNIA J '1;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11cduNTY OF ORANGE 1 5t. II~========== Oii 11111 1lrd CllY o1 Aprl'1 1Mt, bffor1 mt, I Nol•l"I' Pullllc In •nd tar Mkl toun.
All Star Cast
• 1n
rtt11111COL•~ flllll .. t •.·SlYEI MIS VI
LONGEST l!J:si..iG.Gl~TlO IOI! 11.&.T\ll!J .t.uOlfi.tf~jQ
DAY" Dean Ma rtin
J•mes Stewart Also R~quel Welch Georte Pepp•rd
uBul• A1tcirn1 ,, ;,
E'I'•. Show Stem 6:4$ Wednesday, 1 p.m.
Co1tl1uous Su11doy from 2 I'·"'· AdulH Sl.00, Chlld 50~
THE SCREEN S ·l·Z ·Z ·l ·E ~S/
once only at
9:45 P.M.
1U THi .. 1
lDVIN$ COU,\\.'li
~ Shows at
8:00 and 11:45 P.M.
On Lemon Ave. ,,_hffen RIYefaldt
Fr•ft•J and Or1ncethorpe Avt.
Riv.,.ldt r_,to Ltnto; Ofl·Rlmp<North>
~e J
~ister ·
1..... eorge" I
Ber'll Reid
Coral Browne
FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER ••••••••••• ••••••• • •••• ••• • •• • • • • • • ••• .......................... * COAST HWY. AT .MACARTHUR BLVO. •
NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760
Starts Wednesday .Or 2 WHk• Only .
lnclui:Jing B•st Picture
l>MOOsruMO<S _ .. ........,~
ty ilnd St11e, pel'"IOt\lll'r' ll>Pfl<!'l:I Emttt
L. Pr11n Ind W!Hlam C. llldlbur"n t,_ la ml 10 be lllt·Pr11ld1tnl 1nd Stcr1t1rY
of !Ill! C'Ol'Pll•lllon Iha! t•ecult'd "'-wllllln IOM1tnim1nl on bell1tt of rl'MI cor· oorallon !htreln nemed, 1nd 1ckncrwltll9·
td II) me Ille! ll.ICll CGl'Plltlllon IXKUltcl
IM lllm• . WITNESS ,.,,., lllnd 1nCI 1t1I.
Phy!f!1 M. Sllv.,. t+ot1,... Ptlbllc<1llfarnl1
Orll'IOI Counlr
Mr Camml11lon Elll>lr•1
Dtlc. •• lt11 JOHH C, SALVI.I, Atty.
!MJ w .. tdlff ortv1. S•llt HJ
Nt..-1 hlcl. Clllflnllil 1'1,t'~llW11 OrM!.. Co.it D•llV 'ilot. Mn fO, 11. JllM 3, 10, lt6f ,.,~
111 ........ ,
ESllll of MABEL N, OSIORN, o.tt11·
i!'dNOTICE IS H'l:ltl!IY' GIVElf T"-f
ELEAffOR 0 . MtMICICl!N lllt lli.d
htf'lln I "lllle1n for l'rvbet. of
Holot'rMllllc wm •nd tor 1M11erw:. " Ltt·
te,.., tn11men11rv to l'll'lll~r, '"'""'• 10 Wftlcll " "'"9 lot fvrlhtr pertt(llla'5.
Ind 11'111 !l'Ml tlfft• uld lflCI of lle1r1M '"' Mfl'll f\11 been HI lor Ju~t 211. lfft. 11
t:JO 1.m .• t" 1111 ((Mlrt"'*" of Oe111rt-ll'lll'll Na. J ol uld caurl, 11 l'OQ W. Elfhth
Stl'ftl; Jn Ille Clty ol 111111 Alll·
OllH MIY f], ltlf.
W, E. ST JOHN. C".eunlY" Cltrt.
OANllLSOM lo ST. CU.••
."'""" II llW llS S. I'~ II., lilt. HJ, Us A..-W., C1llflnlll fllll
Tel: {tUl .U.1111 AttwM1t ,_, 'etll._,.
l"vbnWlld Orlr!lt C0t1I Olllt '!lot,
Ml"I' •• )I, J-" .... 1"7 .. ,
11.================t~ Tho
O rongo Coast's
Most Complete
Phone 642~21
_ ..... .,..
··-----------..,-----------------------------------------------~--~----~~ ---. ---.
E•rlfl TV Report•
Voters Do11;t Heed •
Election Retu1~ns
Tele\•islon bc.oadcasts whlctt'
report early election retums
• and project the outcome while
eome pi>lls are still open have
no significant effect on V1>ters.
eceordins to the result s of
survey announced today by
the N a t i on a I Broedcasling
,Company ,
Julian Good man. NBC presl·
ckd, said a survey comparing
vote.rs Ofl the East and \Vest
coaN during the l 9 g 8
presidential election Indicated
that Weet Coast voters were
not influenced by 11 e e i n g
returns and predktlons from
the EasL
said Goodman. With similar
results. But it was considered
inconclusive because of the
magnitude of L y n d o JI:
Johnson's vicloty over Barry
The Opinion Research Corp.
of Princeton, N.J. conducted
the survey t h r o u g1h a
subsidiary, Aiarket Dynamics
Inc. They asked a selected
group of voters in lhe East
and West before the· electioo
whet.b.er they intended to vote
and for whom.
After the eleCUoo the voters
were interviewed again to see
whether they had changed
their minds and to find out
whether they ·had watched
television before they went to
the polb.
Of I.be voters who said the y
did not watch television, nine
DAILY PILOT Sltlt ,...,.
Portrait iia Water Colo1•
Because of dUferer.Ces in
time zones and loce.1 laws,
polls oo the West eoasc.rmay
·remain open as long as five
hours after they have cklsed in
the East.
"We can conclude, with con-
siderable con!idence, tbat ac-
curate television e I e c ti o n
broadcasts a n d carefUlly
described projections have no
detectable influence on voting
behavior, in ~r a close
eleel~ ".I" !" 111nr1 .. 1;n,." r ........ 1.
man told a convent.km of
ow..._,nd.executive of NBC
affiliate etaliom.
percent in the West and twelve One need not be an expert to express himsell in the Cran~e Coast's basic pe rcent in the East changed edi b thi f art! d their minds, Goodman said. Of in a -sea-lue water -as ·s rolicking flock of water co or sts emon-
t:he w~ Coost vote!'S who did strates in Newport 1-la rbor. ~ntamin ation of some coastal beaches has dis·
watch television , he said only couraged some aquanuts, bu~any places remain untainted for swimming,
eleven percent changed their -'-'P_la_s_h_in~g~·-"_'a_d_i_ng=-'-•_r_ln_a_cy_b_•~ill---st_w_a_tc_h_i_n=.g. _____________ _
Goodman said this indk:aled
'·the · level of change among
the voters in the Wesl \\.1lO
looked at television was nol
significantly · dJfferent from
both the voters in the \Vest
That"s Real Short Beer
A simJlar survey had been
conducted in the 1964 election, and East who did not." No Profit for Caf es on Mini-bottles
Viet~Now Becoming
Hundred Billion War
Vietnam is last becoming a
~ hundred-bilUon'<iollar war~ • .,..~
Government figures show
the 1970 defense budget will •
add $25.4 billion to officially
admitted expenses dating back
to 1965, ra ising the price ot the
conflict to $108.2 billion.
Hidden or indirect costs prG-
bably add hundreds of mllliorls
to the real expense of the war,
although the scope of these
items is sometimes difficult to
assess because or official
For example, the American
government is doling out
millions in ec onomic
assistance to reinforce such
Vietnam border count ries aS
Thailand and Laos which could
sway the balance of power in
the afea.
The Pentagon budget lumps
admitted Vietnam war costs
under a category entitled
"E.slimated Special Support ·
for Southeast Asia Opera·
This covers the acknowledg·
ed U.S. expenses of main·
t1lnlng doiens of Ship:i, hun·
dreds of plane s and
helicopters and 6 3 4 , O O O
milit.ary personnel in and off
Vietnam and outlying areas;
Cft"lain military assistance in
the way of weapons and equip-
ment to not only Vietnam but
also Thailand and Laos; and
outright gran ts of food stuffs
and other materials to Viet·
nam which have totaled over
$1 billion since 1965.
The Southeast Asia category
does not, however, f u 11 y
reflect some other war·related
expenses such as construction
of the Thai-owned airfield near
Sattahlp, Thailand, y,·hlch the
United States built in 1965 to
handle KC135 tankers and B52
bombers flying missions into
Laos aOd Soo.!h Vietnam. ThiS
base cost well over J150
inillion. -~ -
The generi.1 financial book·
keeping for the war back to
fiscal 1965, which began in
mid-1964, reads Utis way;
In 1965--$103 million ; 1966.
560.094 billion : -1967, $20.557
billion : 1968, $26.839 bil lion:
1969. $29.192 billion, and, prG-
posed tor fiscal 1970, $25.4
The U.S. coSt for fighting
the 37-month Korean War· was
about · $18 billioo. The
American cost for World War
IL.ran about $250,000 million a
day .
The figures for the current
war include economic aid to
Vietnam ranging from $282
million lo $424 million during
the war years. ~
E c o n o m i c assistance in-
cludes grants in the form of
foodstuffs. cement and other
construction materials and
support for the building of
roads, new schools and other
The budget figur es no longer
show, however, the o l.d
Military Assistance Program
costs for Vietnam. MAP ex·
penses were absorbed in Ute.
defense budget in 1967 when
they were running around f600 •
million per year.
Officials say this rate has
tripled. or are about $1.8
billion. This pays for guns,
ammunition and o t h e r
miUtary equipmeot the United
Slates is turning over to
Saigon . -
The amount of military aid
provided to supposedly neutral
Laos is classified but is be!icv.
ed to be running at a rate of
$100 million a year.
The Laotians gel guns. am ·
munition, armor. radios and
other American gear.
A Farm in Their Futur·e
A new law permitting the sale
of liquor in restaurants \\.'enl
Into effect In Utah UW week, .
but it's not lhat simple.
The law allows the sale of
minibollles al spec ial stale li-
quor stores inside restauranls
wll!Ch~'"timtir-""UWIJl:s. A
min ibotUe contains about two
The state has a monopoly on
the retail sale of liquor and
earned net profits or more
than $3.4 million int~ last six
Here are the major pro-
visions of the minibottle law :
-Restaurants would have
to sell the liquor for the saine
price they pa id the state for it.
Hence, they cannot make a
profil on It.
-The liquor would have lo
be stored and sold . in a
Drive See ks
ItfS Funds
In Lag una
A flood of letters so~citing
funds for the 1969 Multiple
Sclerosis Hope Chest Cam·
paign will be sent to homes in
Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel,
Laguna Hills, Dana Point and
Corona det '-tar next ~:eek.
Directed by Lagunan •O. \V.
Price, who has headed the
fund drive for the last three
years, Uie drive y:ill raise
funds to seek a cure for the
crippling nerve disease.
Price, whose only son, a
career U.S. Navy commander
died of multiple sclerosis, said
that in February a research
team headed by Dr. Jonas
Salk made a breakthrough in
the study of the disease .
Research. however, is being
hampered by lack of funds and
this problem can only be solv·
ed through p u b 11 c co11-
tribuUons, Prices.aid.
Eight Costa Mesa High School student!> were winners In recent Orange County
fann proj~ct compe1Ition sponsored by Future Fa rmers of America and Sec·
urity. Pacific National Bank. Kneeli ng from lcfl are Terry Schaf man, Leonard
BuckJey .... Mike Spears and David Erre. Standing fron1 left are Bill Lupls, Deb-
bie Talbirt':"'""S,rbara Frick, Tony Freeman a nd group's ndvl or John A, Boa.
ton. Costa Mesa •Ugh is one of fe\v schools rapidly urbanizing Orange County
wbicb maintains agrlcullural program.
separate room not visible to
meal patrons.
-The patron would ha ve to
buy his own Jlquor and bring it
lo h.is own table.
-A waiter or waitress
could bring an ice bucket and
cork-screw to a customer with
a bottle of wine, but could not
place lhe wine in a bucket,
. open it, or serve it.
-And in order to qualify
for the privil~ge of going
through the process of buying
the booze, opening the bottle
and mixing his own drink the
patron would have to order a
Or lf he wants to streamline
the process, the drinker can
take his own bottle of liquor to
the restaurant and order
setups , including glasses, Jee
and mixer.
The new law was passed by
the 1969 legislature after a
propo s ed co nstitutions
amendment to permit legal
sale of liquor by the drink was
defeated soundly at the polls
in November.
The law. dralted by the
group that led the campaign
against li quor by the drink,
received the support or the
Church of J esus Christ of Lat-
ter.day Saint.s Mormon. The
church is opposed to drinking
and claims a majority of the
Mate's population as mem·
be rs. .
Supporters of the new law
say it is designed -lo crack
d0"-11 on a number of private
clubs which hive for years
been illegally selling liquor by
lhe drink.
A group of !ullllme st.ate in·
spectors will begin work et the
start of the next fiscal year In
July. But many clubs seem
Teeners Pay Atte.ltion
To Smoking Messages
WASHINGTON (AP) -A greatest impact on kids," said
survey of leen-agers expostd Davis, citing ror example the
I program al a Bakers.f.leld, to ant smoking messages -Calf., high school w h e r c
including ll'le "blunt "smoke, students campaigned against
choke, croak'' - shows a cigarette smoking with the
sharp decline of youngsters help of blllboard.!I, radlo,
taking up cigarettes in the last television and newspapers.
10 years. D11vls said youngsters there
The drop means the total distributed the "smoke, choke ,
'number of smokers in the croak" bumper stickers. He
United Slates remains about said he sew one on a car in
49 million despite JncrCases in San Francisco, about 250 miles
the population, according to nortb. of Bakersfield. .
Ro)' L. Davis, a spokcsmau ''Tlle.re probably are hun.
for the survey group. dreds and hundred! or school
Among 17-year<ilds qu es· districts and groups of kids
tioned during 1967..fill, 25.6 per-doing things like this," Davis
cent of the boys said they said . "You should hear the
smoked cigarettes and 15.7 kid1 in these projects -
percent of tbe girls said they they're death on smoking."
are smokers. ,----,-=.,,.-=-~'---I
A 1957 survey or the same1 ____ L_E_G_AL __ N_OT-'I_C_E __ 1 age group reported 34.7 per· su.-•1101t cou•T o, THe:
cent of the boys and 15.5 per. ITAT• o .. CALl,OltNIA '0" THI COUNTY 0, OltANo• cent of the girls said they A4JloU
sn1okecl. NOTICe: 0' HfAlllNG "' P1llllon '°'
h b th N P~b•I• ~ Ho1&9r11>1'1k Wiii ond tor T e new survey Y e a-1t1t1rs of t.e1m!nl11r1Uon w1111 wlll •n-
Uonal Clearinghouse f6r Smok· ne•tc1.
ing and Health was prepared o!~~::O. "' COllA LEE MILLEJl.
for the U.S. Public Health NOTICE II HElll!:BY QIVEN Th.II Gretctltfl Mllllr •rid Llnn1 v1.,rnr1 MJll1r Service. h.11 flied lltrtln 1 "'""'" for Prot11i. 111 Ninety-one ""rcent of those 1to111er111Mc w111 •nd '"' 11111r. o1 11'· . ,-~ mlnldrllkln wllfl !ht will 1nt1t.:~. queried answered yes when '1lttr1r1c1 111 wti!dl 11 ma111 1or '~''"'' asked • 01r!ICUllT1, Ind lh.I! tti. lime Ind PllCI
• ._ , . fll flt1r1"' tflf "'"" h.11 btlfl Ml IOI'" '•I· "Would you say smokrng 1s ""'· J""' 11. ltH, 11 t :JO A.M., 111 '""
harmful to health?'' ~;ta:' ,:.,:.e;r,-=st.~· ~ °i1r!"~ The survey offered n o '-"'' Anl. c 1111or .. 11. • , D1t"" Mey it, It .. reasons for the drop m youth w. e:. ST JOHN
smoking but. in an interview, ,11.,,.11:f11~ i:o-,.,,,.11:LiN
Davis cited education pro-111 1. 11111 11,
grams about health factors In ;::~·~~\ c..nt., "121
cigarettes. . ·~· ''' "''"ltM• ' "d b bl h lh I Pub!IJtlr<I lo! the 0•111t1 t,,_" Otllv ' Kl s pro a y ave e P1101. ~, n, "' end J11r11 1. '"' 101t4t
I See by Today 's
Wanl Ads ·
• Music Fantutlquel
}~or the INt music; lover,
here's an unbelievable
M-8 tape recordet, AMI·
F'A1 mpx amp, Ganvd
tum1able flbe besll,
1peaken , and many cx-
lnUI. Only $325, and worth
muCh more. AllO greal
Jor the muaiclan In the
" f11mlly, with IOUnd-eUcct
• S1atw Seekers:
A 7 month old female
~falte1e, AKC, bea.utitUI
stiow q~Jty, and loving
disposition. Tnlly 1 1tatu.
l)'mbol pat exotlleDCtl
• t.onel)o 11~?
This 1'.dult 1e1cher •Ill
care for· your hou.M or
bOat whil~ >W weatlon,
{l"Ce of worry, ln exchana:e
for 1ummet kJdal!:!c,
' .
' c
6 .
DAII~Y· Pil~ftT
Generol 1000
A trul)' charming ho1ne, load·
ed wllh exlt'lll. A large
bright living room with
beamed celllria:t and mW·
Ive u.500 brick fireplace.
Nice fwnlly ~ looks out
to lovely enclose<j patio.
Brlaht 1unrQ1 kllehen com·
plete with over-size service
room, Huge bedroonis! Ex· -large-aoc-fm-privaey.--A-
home with Iota of charm and
\\.vmth, Our excl1J1lve. Su~
mil your anuiller hon1e on
our rinarantH: u.Jes plan.
Walker & Lee
2'!>13 westclttf Dr.
646-mt Open Eve1.
john macnab
4 Bedroom Piomc, 5,0ttl ~. fl.
ot brick, tlle &. wood; all
downtta.lr room• paneled;.
living room, dlnfre room,
den Ir. bl':i.med celli'll 111.me
room with huae fireplt•ce.
Beautiful A n t h o n y Poot
This home I• truly built to
lasl forever. $90,000. Call for
(71 4) 642-1235
901 Do\'er Driv1, Suite 120
Newport lk1eh
Ea;t!kle FIXC!r -Upp!!'r !
bdnn home, 69x119' R-2 lot.
Drive by coi:nr:r ot Cecil
Place & Orange Aw. Call
to see Inside.
Owner 3 BR + POOL
SJJJ.roJ full · 11r1ce 60x l35'
fenct'd lot. 2 l>Rtl111, 51{%
loan to anyone. Shingle rool,
double ga.rnge, nct'ds 90me
General 1000 Gtner•I ,_. 1ii
F.H.A. ·POOL -kycr .. t Pool
Home -$45,500
Loco.tea only h\.•o block• lrom
Hnrbor Blvd: Fot.ar 1>e<1roo1ns
13 and a den) t\\'O bath home.
with Hrepla~. F/A heat.
bt1Ut-ln kltci\en and dining
area. New ca~IJ. com·
pletely drt.ped, tJr..condl·
lionlng unit In mash'.r bed·
room. JlEATEO AND""'l(...
T E: R E D pPOL. Covt'red
patio, l'ncloaed (.'OUJ.1. raM
and dC!tac~doubi(! garage.
Only $2200 down which is
!C?s:1 than tho price ol the
pool. WIU.. SELL FASI'
Four bc.>droom1 plua famil)
room. Dramatic rock fu9.
plal.'f', lltiC tide l'lrdJ. Po,.
tentia.I sb.>1\' place.
"For II. \Vise Buy"
Colesworlhy & Co.
$11,950 COSTA MESA
KNOCKSllll Evenlna1 Call 646--1~ This little 2 bedroom bama
on east aide wllt provide • PRIME MESA VERDE ...... great !Uturc wllh op. portunlty for 8ddlns on or
Cloae 10 colt course in t.he room for unit&, On qUiet
flnrat put of MNa Verde. toweBni •hade tree-lined
4 llUlle bdrms, open beam· 1treet, near 1chooil and
ed. family room &:~ tdtchen ~ihoppiJli, '"'Room lot bl
lflfreo m, lath & plutt.r con: and lrailer! ~ry only lO'iW
11tuction, w & I e r 80flener, DOWN to qualified bu.yen! 11
Healed &. .filtt.red Blue Ha-Only SUI per month glus
ven pool. $42,S«I LOW, W \V TAXES. It W'OD'I
REALTORS .l,..:-~>-4141-
(0pen Eweningsl
Bcau11Jul new carpeting. Lo-
cate<! on QUIET cul--de-sac
street. Has a large covered
& enelmed FRONT PATIO,
even room for boat or trail·
er. Excellenl v a I u e at
$26,900. Call now as this
popl,!lar plan .wUJ 51!11 fast,
546-9°?J21 or ~l.
3 bdrm that need, paint &.
pollih. Out , ci! town owner
lal'I. "Sell Pronto", Paint
your 1va,y in.
last . : ' llO hurry! l !1 !
Walker & Lee
2790 Harbor BIYd. at Adams
Open 'ti! 9 PM
LOcated on huge lot ._ three
separate. hou1e11 wilh pool,
call II a trlpll!X IJ you want,
but what<'ver you call It,
you'd lwtter 5t'e it. -,.,.._
293 E. 17th St. 64M494
Have you wanted a M!pan.te
wing tor teenagera? • 5 big
bedroom.a • Dining room or
den • Thit !unctlona.I d~ign.
rear entrance lo 8aycre1t,
will ·11ll your desires • ~l.500
~n1s so little tor 90 much,
Phone! noW fur ~·
1-Q 'THE'Rf:AL
646-8811 546-2313 • 646-7171
All on the same property.
Llw In the house, rent the
i;eparate bachelor apt. w:lth
kitchen and ba.th, butld on
the adjolni~ vacant Jot. To-
i.Ill pri~ $30.900 everything
completely redecorated, eJ.:.
cept the vac, loL
r-. .• -r arrG ",,..-
U P1lnt & S1ve
Bil !&mlly home -large O>
Jonlal S BR with ApJ~
pool, family room 4: dWnr
room. Nearly 2900 1q n.
walking di1t1nce to Meu
Verde Country Club. Owber
relocatina out of area•m\llt
(!'lllf"cMM u.tM
LLEGE REALTY 15aJ ... et HlttliW,Ck
Newport Hel9hts
3 BR 2 bath, hardworid fioor,
Jµ-epla re, dble a:araae. EX.
Well1-McCardle, Rltr1.
lBlO Newport Blvd., C.M.
293 E. 17th St. 64M494
$23,950 ·MESA VERDI
Completcll' repaJntccr exte-
rior -Qo.stC?r sUed bed·
rooms, 2 M?panate bat.hi.
Dream ltchen with tine
built.in 11.ppllnnc1. Patio.
5~1).1720. 548-1729 anytime
Pool Home ·
The clc11.ncst, neatest borne
hi this top area. All tile kit·
chcn with electric bu.llt.Jn1,
Roon1 for boat or traller.
Looklna !or 2300 IQ, ft. that
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
lN TlJ'l;tE FOR SUP.tMER IP<t.t'k.les~ -Thia Is il at Vista Del Lido. Pier a ailp $37,950, try 10% dawn. available. Enclosed 1ara&e. 4 BR+ '1'Af,ttLY ROOM 128 500 BACK BAY LOCATION. . .
DAVIDSON Realty George Will l1m1on ~ Reali or ~ J_~ve~. rl46-J058 67J..43j(l Eves, 873-1564
OCEAN VIEWl 646·7171 • 54e·2313
V2 ACRE I NEWPORT 1 """"""'" tm'mru "'"h"' COMM'L HOME PENINSULA PT. -. lamily room. El-tri< ~st value! 3 Br, home on '""'" ~... Located on busy 1treel, Price 50XIOO' tot E-~· L. ch,., bullt·ln kllchen. 3 b<1lhs. · ·~~ -• uv-just reduced S14.SOO. Call for ''*' $G,l00 covered patio. Vi<'ii· of Bal'. det&llli. Onll' Balboa Re•I Est•t• Co. ;:-~i:ELL 2955 Hub°' " $38,000 • 700 E. Bal"°" Blvd., Bal"°" li"'41'0 . !~.~~~~I~,~~:.1 r.i1flrJ !~~~~ ;~9~
fera to JC?aa:c back at $18.'i * 642•1n 1 A ti *" rent ..
....,t.ht' ~~7'JO for period of l'CIU' ny me ;·-•. ·
Rind Roalty . 645-2340 '"·-·-. __ TARBELlt 2955 H1rbor
---THE BLUFFS Nur1•1)' Potentia 1 Outs.tanding 3 BR & 2 Ba wHh corner 101
3 BR Z l>A!h honic, L'OM"1Cr 5 bdrm. 3~ bath Bayerest vle1v & tpacloua fcellna.
lot. 130xt80 llll fenced. Call home. All larae niomt. CW!rtom carpti drpa other
(or de!alL!. ~l'ly matter suite. A extras, Handy io 1xd. ()wn.
ilanla llealty home or real <h•n"t" tor er 141.500. 6l!--Om
642~ lhe )'oung executive with HUN'l'lNGTON BAY
PRICE SLASHED "A'""~'d"& ft' d 3 BR l '\ BA Town II""'.
$9,ooo m eu r"~~u~ ":!':;c =: , ·-•--·'·h h ho 388 E. 17th St., CM ..... "e .,.,..._ ranc me Real ior. 646--7'1?16 P1¥n1enta: Jeu ·than rent. overt~ goU COIU'le + Owner ~
rental lncome. Room to built!'""'· 1411,500 6 YR. OLD DUPLIX " OPEN m:~1:!'i. POO' MADGE DAVIS &-12·1000 ol A 3 Br. 2 Be.. etl, F./\. heal. _ 3 I: F""' .-.. *
N H ..__ H" h L.R. 1d. ''"' 'Pld, Plaoltt * 11tll Gata! .. T"'• """"' eor Gruvr tCJ , l:s1ucco.Goodeond.,painl· 'I't"n" CdM ~T5 -SOOO ;
Vac. 3 BR + tam nn, Walk ed Ml Iona ~o: $t.1,<m !>t8-196t. 9un 1-S
10 Westclltf Shopplfttl Ccn. RED CARPET • Ilea.I F..state SALESP.IAN
ter. 2 ba., bit .In kll. dble RIAL TY Newport Rao.It)'• tnwtt. Co.
frpk, cptt!dtpa. All ntwb' c.n AnYllmo e 67UOOO 13'12 N~'l*t Blvd., Ol
Pliriltd. Only $31.950. 2(12j W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. ~ -
' I .._ !'
' ! •
1705 Hou-Unfurnlliled .!.Ajl!L~~f~u~m~llol~hld'.!!~-Apll, Unfurnllhod
Aph. Untvr ...... _L•~fi.._•_•_l_•_••-h~~~ • ....,.~---~~~~~
SUPERB view, ,.;,..r '""· s Coote -3100 c .. 11 -4100 Coet1 -. 5100
Br, Sale or e x c ll a n 1 e , 2 BORY fUrnbbe(!. $1&&.SO.
SJS,000 equity. 6 T 5 -6 5 91 ; l 8R. CU$fem IW'Jme Baci Adults, DD pet9.
'94-n61 Res. sa.v area. FJJD fft\, 2 Ba. * Wl;-085I * HI RIOI
-•I 1000 0-rel 1000 Huntm,ton llo1d! 1400 Huntington lleech 1400 l;;;;;;;;::~G~flvt::;;;;;;;;;;;;\:V:acant:.:__a_nd-R-eacl.:::y ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT
5700 r Coost•I
Oc11n mat lpls
'' • r f -
EASTSS>E Oleta Ml!la.. 5 Sparldln&: ctean and kicated
bdrm 4 batb luxury home ln prime Newport Beaoh 11>-
ct.tlon. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, with 26.'50 eq fl Jlealfd • p&l'IC"lled llvlna" room wlth
tuteted pool wHb a.utomaUc wood bUmlng fireplace. for--
p:iot aweep A automatic de>-mat din.Ing arK. Spacloul
rin&tar. Rt1a.x: " enjoy this kitchen and separate .ervlce modm:I way lo Jive. &-n ••
$47 500 room. HUge cuatom '-~
1 room lor fun and hobbles.
New homes, ready lo move in, Y.a nute
from beach. First payment up lo 60 days
after move In.
Terms VA/F.HA. From $22,990.
(on Ga rfield between Beach & Magnolia
"'1'11. "1>lc ~ m' · BEAtn. J.c<. 2 Br., 111 b&. "f"
Quplu11 For Sil.• 197S -., """"' pool edulll. noo GREENS ======='=I '"'o•--1a -· ~·-· OUPLEX i:;.1,000 6\1!1 ... ----· ~
t<ttSt. :ll4 Feml..t. O!M. -., Verde 31101-======== BACHEJ,O UNJ'URN
S.of hwy.61$-E044Broker. 48EDROO>l ..... Jnlll•sa N~ -4200 fromR$110 '
i{EN.rALS Verde. 3017 ~ylon Rd. Call SINGLE YOl,UW Adulta Lux· AU() AVAILABLE
HouMI Furnllhed 540--3278 ury prde:n apts with coon-1 • 2 I: 3 BDRM,
$195. 3 BR 2 BA Fant. Frple. try club abnolphue a n d Heated f'odlt, Child Care
Rent1l1 to Share 'lOOS Cpta, drps, b l t -i n a. oomplete privacy. SOUTll Center, Adj. to Shoppln&-.
New • Deloe
(7141 SJ6.461'
(714) 536-1417
TI 1 Ocean Avenue
(3 bMcs w. ol ll. B. Pierl
· Gonerel
Rent1Js Wented 5990 I
Walle to Marinen Scbool,
library .00 park, Out ol
town owner wants action.
WOR¥.1NG girl to &ban! Cap'e:trano Bel\. 496-3949 BAY CLUB API'S. lrvlne at No pets allowed
. ~ 16th Newport Beach. 2700 Petert00 Way, at Hal'o MOTHER IL daugl\Jer i; l fW'n. Un1Wn11.)' Park home Newport Be;,-J;... 3200 (T14) 66-0550 bor &r. Adams. C.0.ta Mesa would like to ahare yow:_ i
$950 DOWN
Here-is a repouealon with
excellent terms for -1be wise.
'shopper. 4 bedtooml, 2 baths,
separate famll)i room. work·
saving built-in kitchen and
cheerful fireplace~ Ideally
localed in walldne dlstance
to scbools and ahoppina".
This one can' I last.
Walker & lee
.. "For A Wise Buy"
· Coleswor1hy & Co.
~15;i:~ 5 4 6 -O 9 2 8 : 2 B}t . yrly he, Sl.50. Older 546-0310 home tor sumnier. Preler
B/ B Ol;)Uple pn!t 3107~ w. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 J teacher, \\.'Oman l I v I n K
$15 N•tional Room•t• • Balboa. Blvd, NB. 673-lns $245 . alone. Need prlv. room and
111 Rent?' Share! 673-1166 TOWNHOUSE bath. Write P. o. Box lBS,
SPLlT·LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2 Eat llull 4242 Sovlang, CaliL 93463
Newport Beach be.th Unit. Face• po o ~ A Mesa V!!rde 3 bdnn 2 bath EXECUTIVE, wlfe ae 2 !
Me __ ••_V_•_nl_• ____ l1_lO Lido Isle 1351
SPACIOUSLY YOURS I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;; Lovely • Br 2 ba home with I•
separate dlnlng rm. 2lXX> sq. JUST LISTED I
ft. located expertly over 2 Outstanding 4 Bdnn, k conv.
levels. $38,900. liTh-4070. den family home on lat.
Stuart & Robbins Realtors strade lot. $69,000. DOVER Shores b a YI r on t
LIDO REAL TY INC. "°""· 6 Br. < Ba, '""' 3.100 Via Liao -613-8830 patio, 70' private dock.
carpets, drapes. fireplace, SUb!et 2 BR, 2 BA. tJ)I .tram delUKe ' apt. Chlld.rtn OK. children need at least 2 BR
elec blt·IN, $265/mo. 611S to 9(15. ?aUo, Pool. References. .hie or apt. in nice aree..
Newport Beach 1200
BLUFFS· Bay View, on ma·
jor green belt. 3 Br, 3 Ba,
many cust leature11. Lo\v
lse. $48,500 value, Sattilice
S<fi~. 64H265
gcll my deluxe Condo. 2 BR
2 ba, pool. S'lll,500 Agt.
""':~~~~~~~~·I $1200. mo. on yrly lse. ~ 213f780.5013 or 21Jl78S.Q33.
~untlngton Bea~h 1400 $.lXJ: 3 BR. Fam. rm. 2 Ba.
Garage, lrpl., Chlldren OK
5.14-6980 Broker
NEW upper 2 bdr hse compl
fum. June to Aug 1st. $200.
LI 8-58-tl.
Please call Mn. Fay Unens, dbbe1. UW pd. Adults ED RIDDLE RLTR. O>mpletety tum. incl linens Bay & Beach no pell. S400 mo, 614-1.152 646-8811 & '""'°' !rom 6115 w 8/ll.
2 BR unfum apt, newly dee.. ~73TI
Realty, Inc. Corona del Mir 4250 garafie, IUMeck. Also 1rg 2 2 OR 3 BDRM houae, furn or 1 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 BR _., __ 645-2000 ~ves, 548-6966 OOZY 2 BR., frpl. Ground · U•uwn house. garage, unfum. Nice, quiet family ~~~~~~~~~I floor. Near &hopping. Un(. lrg yard. Adults..546-3176 of 3. Yrs lse. Up to $l2S mo.
=BLUFFS "· BAYVIEW n&O; turn. $175. Adults only, To be avail anytime before
3 BR 2~ Bath Condo Cptg no pets. Owners/qt., Newport Bt1ch 5200 Sept l&L In Colla Meu..
DraPes, bar; Deluxe
0appt'~ Hal Pinchin &: Assoc. 675-4392 2 BR 2 BA. Fully carpeted, I °'_..,==",,· -..,=,-:,-::=-=
Available July Ist. "25 • 2 BDRM, Del°""e, all elec. pri ba'lcony.patio. Encl gar, WANTED: Room to rent on I
'-·· bit •-k'tche I t I Blk •· •· h & .... nos Bal ls. Rea110nable tor en· Summer Rent•l1 2910 ~. -u.., 1 n, poo. eM a w ""ac UOo3· t'a eot to be the cutest bousef~==,,-==,-== on the marltet with 2 big DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN
2oti Westr.liff Dr. ~ and a den. built VIEW. $<12,500-low dn. Ask '46-m.i. & Opeq_ Etea. · ~!r'kftche~~ fireplace wall for Naomi, Doyle Co .
LI ST your property
with confidence
SELL -with profes-
sional skill
Hunttngton Beach/
Fountain Valley
Multiple Listing~ Servile
Delancy Real Estate court, garage, ex c e I I e n t n10. 4249 Hilaria Way. ~~=~. 213~ ~~r
IM:r.IAC. 2 BDru.f. 1 Ba., 500 2828 E, Coo.st Hwy, OU.I condition (213) 27o-t222 alt; 540--0093
fL to ocean; 'IV, uW. pd. 673-3770 6 P..M. A~V"°Al=L-J'°u"'ne,...-,l.-2,....,B°'R.,-,2-.,BA'7, I Ave. L.A. 90QG6. Loe; ref1l.
• to wall earPet. 2 patio~. dou. 548-ll68. Eves. 67""rl971 Special rate for June, $100 ~N"°E'°'A°"Rc-;;B<>"a.:,:o:h,.:2""'8',.,....;bl~t-~in.-.1 =H==
=====h== •• -"' crpts, drpa. $1&5 lease. Ope n e LANDLORDS e
\Vk.: July $150 Wk· stove &.refrig, garage, avail unt !'If°" Beac -Sun 12-4. 4232 Hilaria Way. FREE RENTAL SERVICE LOYEL y bi. """"''· lmmaculato -MOBILE HOME $19,000
0, SHO ES ready to be lived In. Baylront on Penlmula 642-6316: 673-2473 eves. July 1st, lease $1'/S. Mo. DEL-LAKE MANOR Ph. (21J) 981-7039 Brokert SfU982
CAME R 61'Nfl08. •"'32'26
1"I EW P 0 RT BE.AC H 673-2606 1 B n'" pd Pnn1 WATER=ONT 3 COUPLE teaching iti art HOME \Vateriro~t 4 ... BR r. ......gas . & -y-.. '" , u PP er,
piJoY spectacular private • Newport Heights 1210 beaches plus canyon&: ocean
view from th11 immaculate
3 Bdrm. home, priced very
low al $62.500. Call for app'l
Walter Haase
FINDERS OCEANFRONT-Lovely 31\R. patio. Adults. 536-6717 BR, l 'A BA, married couple need 1 or.2 Bedrm. Apt w/prv . eel. art?a. nl N •• ,__ 1275 }l CdM or 1 ft~ 645-0359 REALTY Ju"" July, Aug. (TI4} 2 BA + Family Room, $375. 2 BDRM, 2 bath, private pa-~Y;_l.o pe...,, """•-. se .__.. -...... 8J3.ais7 eves. tio, he•t·• pool. "·'! .,,,...,_IJ UNFURN house w/1ar Ir. 293 E. 17th St. 64'-4494 EVERGREEN ESTATE 6401 Eaihger Ave. 116-6m •.· 162>!19< = ~ :=""'i;!!""'.S"===:"': r.nced yan! '"dog.
ORANGE COUNTY'S Garden settln1 in Newport Huntington Beach CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. University Pirk 3237 ~-·~-~-=· ====== East BluK 5242 64&-2134 aft s pm
LARGES'I' Hts. 3 Br. plus 11tudlo rm. l'2-4477 Sl~ps 2 to IO:' for summer G rd G 46 I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml 1% Ba. r .,_, kllchen. Frplc. reservations call 61J..-9M5 YEARLY LeW!-3 Bdrm. & e en rove 10 e NEW DELUXE e Unfurn house w/1ar & !enc-
l' -·· ARTY HOUSE "' yard Jor d-. ' BarreH Really alley. Only S2B.750. Garden ldtchen & family LIDO Isle 2 BR apt turn. Covered patio. fenced yard, 111')' garden apts with coun-lnd.. spac. mstr. suite, din 646-:n.14 aft 5 pm ~ New carpets. Dbl. gar. on p 315 E. Balboa Riv., Balboa Den or 4 Bdrm., 3 bath. SINGLE Young Adult! Lux-3 J3r. 2~~ ba apt, for lease -r.-' room with wit bar overlooks Bell'Ch & pier, gara&e, patio, all el~tric kitchen, double try club atmosphere and rm. Ir dbl. garage, auto. GARAGE or 11torage 11pe.oe Cohlwell,_ a.le.er & Co. presents 9:111~ ~Miii heated &: filtered pool. 4 BR view. 673-~ oven, table top stove, near complete privacy. sen.mt door opener avaU. Pool & close to 17th &: Irvine.
550 Newport Center Dr. ~ -~u-. 3 bath& a: an the creat~ UCl, shopping center, San BAY CLUB API'S. .13100 rec. area.. Nr. Catholic 1 ==64><>166==="',..,,tm<S=="==
N rt Be ch Calif N 8 t L • t' • a l A L T T romfort.s are yours with ~ Diego Fwy., parks & pools. CHAPMAN Ave., Garden Church & school & C.Orona 1 · ewpo a • · ew eycres 11 ing Near NB 1~ot1t Ofc. 646-2414 .... ,h ,_ the low interest Houses Unfurnished Weekends or Y.'t'ekday11 after Grove (TI4} 636-3COC del Mar High. Rooms for Rent 5995 &33-0700 644-2430 Sparldln;g adult occupied 4 ..... .., 5 9 o e ONLY ~ e ~-3 •·th borne situated Fl-IA loan. $234 per month Gener•I 3oGo p.m. Y wner 833-3)27 ' •""" 1 '5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::::::i~J ...... ,., -1242 Includes all. ======== .. =>!• ,.,-.. na BP·ch 470$ 837-Bn Amigos Way,, N.B. GENTI.EMEN • Vic Bead\, I" on a qutet ,treet with park-E•stbluff &mne ml . . ---Padfie· ~ ~.:--P9ol.·
CAMEO SHORES like setting. :o=a1 dinin& _ • .WOR111 ge,ooo Tll.ADE!~~,s R!:_TY. ~~;.~~.'! -------'--.:.;: LUXURY FURN APT. Coron• d1I Mer S250 tonrus, retrig. ~18 VIEW HOME • room, ttJTaSUAI ~!~w BUT MAKE OFFER! • 534-6980 Broker FOR LEASE:.Sharp 3 bdnn, 2.bdnn. Also 1bdmi11nlu1·n. I iiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil NICE room, priv. home,
·bdrm & baft.1. Fee sunple. M"•I ,.u V•'•w •·• wu·t "C" DESPERATE ,.,i 2 Ba, cpts & drps. Frplc, Oceanview !rom eve.,, Apt. I' _ Northeast Santa An a .
Call for appointment to see. P~ w/l950 ..... {~ 4 BR's, 3 ~ VA FHA $1.85: 3 BR. 1~ Ba .. lncd. ;,u.· bit-ins, University Park nr from SllO. mo up, Lease. ...; 54l-9ll9 after 6 PP.I ""' OWNER. Real uuy , P•tlo. ~1. Ra""e & oven, UC! •275 M A ·1 J ~ BA' d>'n>'ng Up-' 2·• 3 BR I f ' ~ '1' • " ;i, o. vai une 4••2u9 1605 Westclill Dr, NB 642-5200 s, sep. · 6 ..... .-or cash + ""· · g am Chlldrt?n O!<. Bkr. ~980 15 b 83J.""'• rt--fli,, -• ed. Immaculate! Call Mrs. nn, 1% ba, cptll/drps, dish. ·-='=;·==·=~'·=°"='"'='==I OCEANFRONT _ 2 Br. 2 Ba. 0 • • Income Property 6000
l"'"""""D""o"u"b"•""-""""'"-1.whlle li73-9060 or 675-5764 washer. 70' cor. lot, block Costa Mesa 3100 Corona del Mar 3250 completely furnl!!ihcd luxury 6 APTS
,.. eves. Ownerfagt. fence, boat door. =""'=='------apt. Summer rental Weekly ON TEN ACRES •
2 Jlouaes on large ealtslde -=e'"N"E"'w""'B"'L.'°U"F"F"S.-.•"'' BRASHEAI\ REALTY FREE RENTAL WANTED: Garage for furn. or monthly. Bkr.494-2.529 11: 2 BR. Thm Ir Unfum Well maintained. Enciosed
Jot near new park. A home 2 Br, 2 Ba spllj.. level. Many 847-85.11 Eves. '1n·3769 .storage in Cdi'1 are a. NICELY furn. 2 BR. 2 BA, Frplcs / prlv. patios/Pools. garages. S620 mo. Income
& income too, P,mpletely custom features, all elec, SERVICE 67>7488 a fter S:30 p.m. yr. fouJxt rental. No pets.. Tennis • Cont!tfl Bldst. put. _ FORTIN REALTOR
remodeled-new kitchen., riew e)c Lowest malnt & Icaiie. 2 Blocks JO Beach for example, 3 bt?droOms 2 53&-2C95 alter 4 p.m. ttfli p-et'n. 1701·A Westclitt Drive bat~, new carpets & drapes. hoJd. MUST SEiJ. . BY: baths $225.00 per mo. C.a11 Balboe • 3300 RENTAL.. 800 Stoa Lane, O:!M 6#2611 Newport Beach 642-5000
Delightful New-po~ Heights O\\fNER. call Dick Dyer Nice 2 BR home + a 1 BR ~ tP..1acArthur nr. Coast Hwy)
area. $29,.500 -10% down. 533-4456 ext 401 or 673.Sm. rental. \Vill make nice home BAYFRONT w/ boat slip. Apts. Unfurnished Busities1 Rentar 6060 lGfil•hfim or gOOd Investment. Better Large 4 BDRM, 2 BA, !ncd G I 5000 l~ilf&~ilil~ ,_C_o_r_o _ne_d_e_1 _Me_r __ 1_2S_O call now. 0n1y S..?5,000. ORANGE COUNTY'S yard & patio, $475 mo.1_ ... _r_•------'
_ ,~ MUTUAL REAL TY LARGEST 529-8!00 • RENT • I!!!!~~!!'!~~~~· I 546-2313 • 641t· 71 GOURMET COOKS 842-!4l8 anytim< 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 4 BEDROOM A~ at your elbow, even when IMMED. OCCUPANCY Balbo• Island 3355 3 Rooma Furniture
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,J hubby brlnga home the ,... HOME•' ""'"""' or both. < $20. $25 & UP expected. Walk lo Five In a 4 BR SOI Vista home. BR. CO\l"d .• patio, 2 BA. LG 4 BR, 2 BA, den. New MESA DEL MAR Courtyard Pool Crowns or Don the Beach--Near Huntlngton Shopping: drapes, crpts, fresh paint shag crpt., Jndiy. area., Mooth-To--Month Rentals
_______ s3_00 STREET FRONTAGE
1 GRACIOUS adult I i v I 0 g . On Beach Blvd, 1480 Sq, Ft.
Spac. 2 BR, 2 BA, walk·in Model hom!' ideal for Insur., 1 closets. Bay & ocean view, Rltr.: etc. <Bet. KateU. and
pool. &. boat slips 673-3003 Cemtos) SI Ens, lndlcpd.,
======· === $25() mo. 10650. Beach Blvd. I
Huntington Beach 5400 • 6311-illO • "Forever View" New Wells' · ,_,, Center &: Junior College. I " with I I garage. I,.eue $32S. 673-n73 WIDE SELECTION r-'·y livina on a quiet comber, l't"lax with a s .. \.UI .d & p WI "'ll'll rm. g. Pc.. ~..,.., ~·.. plan ready for Aug. deliv· along the ocean bluH. Thl.s Tenn1 are WI e open ·you lure windows. Jdeal Ior ol-Appliances Ir. TV'• avail. STORES For lease Village
Shopping Center, cot. ol El street. BeauUlul uh panel· ery. 4 BR 3% ba. tam rm Poppy avenue gem is pric-can be in tomorrow. fice or var. businesses. At Huntington Beach 3400 No Security Deposit
Ung in Uving .l family room, wet bar, 1.9x32· pool, Buy ed. a t lot value • $20,000 Rex. L. Hodges Rlty. present it Is ful ly equipped ··-ID'RC FW"niture Rentals
Exciting Living
In new apts. 1 bedroom,
bedroom • 2 baU1.
2 Camino &: Merxba, CM.
Suitable Deli., 'IV, variety, j
Dress Shop, etc. See Llquor I blt·lns, lrplc, nice lge back now to select colors. handles· IMT-2525 lor beauty shop. Perfect for OLD ~ bdr, fenced back 517 W. 19th, CM 54S-3481
yd. Good financing. Roy J. W•rd Co. Hal Plnchln & Assoc. f d fam. nn . Gd. deal for a gd. yard. $115 incl \Va~r & 1568 w. Lncln, Anhm n4-2800 Rl~ t;:;:" :~:is..w~~ <Baycrest Office) 3900 E Coast lllvy Gi;i-439'1 Tra,ns erre tenant. Owner 213-759-0684 :::h~U, 7781 Newman St. $155; 2 BR. 2 Ba. CIOl!ed gar.
h I :'z430=G:•;';";y~0='·==64=6-=1550=·=1,2~/;· ~:'.~~· ~~: 2 BDR, gar, patio. crpts, · Range & oven, rcfrig., alr-lac' enmyer HOME & INCOME 1r· 1 3 BDRM. 1% bo, 2 mi trom oooo. c h 11 d O.K. llli. Lovn 1., 2 Br., 'pacl°"' de" drapes, stove. re Ii:. trop -i..... h $210 M .~ ,.. • .. v . ., Lcavi""" a11'!l imrricdihtely 1 11· 1 dui '• 1 blk Ul;nc . · · o. on ;,••Y ..,...., 534--6980 New Lfstlnn '-1, 2 •-u,,·, sep. hon~-for .. ,. ca se tng or a '""• """1144 . ··• ""t' -. -.::: Florida bound. l\1ust sell ho $145 1:.A4-4780 .J.:J<r $'~ 50 1 BR N All Extra, extra &harp J bdrm income. On two R·2 lots. s ps · mo ..,.. • ~~~~-~-~~ .u... : · ew cptJ.
3 bdrm, ':'own & C.OUn-
lry, near golf course.
Floor plan ha& large
mastr. suite. Quiet, or·
derly neighborhood. 3132
Madeira. $2!1.950
•)l!\sil\ Cr~\·))\,, t't°'1
Condominium Brand ~on OWl'M!r will finance. Delta Real Estate 642-61'32. •· 3 BR, 2 BA townhome, bl6is. uW. paid. Avail. 6/10
k 6464414. 2 BA h ·11 crpts, drps, patio, !rplc + Broker 534-6980 the mar et, unusually large Orange Coast Property 4 BR. tam. r1n., . u1 • extras. 962-1646 bedroom. Adults only. 332 Marguerite 673-8550 La un• Beach 1705 illll plus dl~hwshr. $265/mo.
S4l·SIBO J HARBOR VIEW llills. Lusk 9 \Vall to wall csi>ls & ~pes. Fountain V•lley 3410 Costa Mn• 5100
Fenced yd. 531-9563 (_.cine'ntlheltltt homevlew. For sale by EMERALD BAY lMMAC. 2 BR new ~J:~.,E~ll, Owner. 3 Br., 2 balh. 9..15 5 BR 4 BA on cul-de·Aa.C 2 ..... n,ho..",,'d1:..._ .... c,p."R~f•d~ $250Br(.~~·I Na1'"', ly '~•"' 14 cpb/drps. blt-im. Quiet. •lSOOAI •• ·---Tiller Way. 6 ~ 4 -116 9 , with' magnificent 0 c ea n .... .. • .,.. • si.fO ;I~ .. t' c, appu.., ennc, .Adults. No pet&. $135/mo. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~J~$56~,500~.~-~=~~-view. , ·-• yard. Sun deck. quired. 169 Mesa Dr. brl k patio. 847-8695 548--0560
...-.oi; &\~868. •==""'~~~~~-
USE SHOR.ECLIFF 3 BR, 2 BA. 2 patios, 2 fireplaces, buge . Li•une •·ich 3705 QUIET' Deluxe 2 BR & Den, your GI ~ buy this ele-Qujet tree Uned area by the living room, panelled family 2 LG. BR, very nice, • D9 2 BA. palkl, pool. near shpg.
gant 3 bdr, ll!rii baths, beam· sea. Fee simple. AC"CeSs to 2 room. Private beach & park. bardwd. floora, st 0 v e · NEWLY remodeled all cptd J\dulls only. No p e I s.
ed calhedra.l. cellings., gor-beache!. Unde.r $50,000. By Ow-,. R···•d··-494.szTO Adults. $130. S4G--0379 after 2 R d I ' , 646-5512 \ I Ea.st .... ... .. "''"·"' B . en. frp c, yr. lsc.,l~-°"·~~~-~--geous gwunm ng poo • •. • o-.vner. 673-3681 0Hic9 642-5243 5. gdnr inc., 1 blk to bch. 167 Large I bcdroo1n electric
D IAL 6'2.9730 :e R;:1&,:;~1 ~~~ LOTS OF ROOM DUPLEX. $150. 2 ~ · Chiquita. Open S<tt &. Sun, bit-ins. near O.C. 's12S. Mo.
CUstom quality 3 Br., on 51' lJ/2 ACRES carpets, drps, bit-ins. v. June 7 & 8. 213: 287-6334 aft. 540-9680.
AND find out about a great I========= street to street lot. 3 Car Undeveloped land. Cily of yard. Gar. Adults. &16-7969 ='=w=k~·days==·======(RE"'o=ECO==~RA~T~E~0~2-B~R~.-bl~t. buy. Just needs Tendcr-Lov. llOO garage, Lge. Sou1l: patio: Laguna. ,9 Blks. to beach. 3 RR home l t,li baths, 2 car
ing-Care, It ls a 3 BR Free--Costa Mesa nr. clubhouse & tennis cu. Ocean views. ShoUld divide g•-•e, covered polio. $200/ Legun1 Niguel 3707 ins, refrig. New cpts, drps.
dom home for only $18.950 . . 1 13 1 1 p · "'" 000: ·---''---''-----! No pets. 5'15--0700
will go FHA/VA. Rltr. eves. Spanish Style W16A9·500LK. ECa!R 1R1
1" •6P7P~t.5200 in ° 0 s. ri ce ....,, ' mo. Agt. 516-4.l<\l EXEC rc~ldence -3 Br. 2 2 BR • 2 BA Studio. Drapes,
548-0720 Former model home occu-ty. ,,. :i~;S~~N 'k.~.slee~ EJ\STSIDE 2 Br .. all. gar. Ba., bllns, d s h w h r, patio. Adults. (2131 592-5227
• KENNEDY pied 7 mon!hs & still looks fenced patio yard. Adults, crpt/drp. Beaut view SJ()(). or 548-8301
$140 to $195
Swimming pool, gym, sauna.
recrt?alion room.
General Electric Appliances.
Adults only.
Lamplighter Apts.
16102 Springdale St.
Phone 59'l-5421
8234" Atlanta
New 1·2 Bedrooms • Pay
electric only
536-3977 or 536-2777
Private Garages
CALL 8"2·5705
2 BR Duplex, private yard,
patio, crpts. drps, heated
pool. $135. 842-15-10
3 BDR?.f, 2 bath, private pa-
tio, heated pool.
Call 962-S994
2 BR, 2 BA. B l tns,
Y.'8.Sher /dryer. Crpts. drps.
Adults * 839-6661
S•nte A"1 5620
like a model. 3 BR 2 baths, B•lbo• Peninsula 1300 LAGUNA Canyon. 90' x 400'; no pets. $138.~. 671-7629 836--5750, &t2-1215 C'°'LE=AN=-.,&~.~, .. -.~2~&~ .. -..,-w
lse fam nn & kitchen cat-FOR SUMMER rustie 2-sty. house; possible 3 BR house . 1~~ BA. Double LUXURIOUS 4 BR home for cp!s, drps; bltnll: carport. OPEN HOUSE ing area. Finished & cptd Or year 'round. ~'an1ily home C·l er M·l zone; $4.tol dn. garage. Adull5 only. lease. 1 ml above ocean. No pets. i\dll.8.. 548-6769 * 2 BR, 2 BA Garden apts.
DAILY f.5 PM garage. Super clean & new lfuge masier Bd. + 3 others, Bkr. 6~9l: 494-7l6l Res. I ~=.,,--o",,'-,,33="-;==~ _R='~''=· ='96-3082=======! DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Very clean. Adults pref.
Al 141 YORKTOWN LANE, Jooklhg, Custom -...·all paper, 3 Baths family room -...·aJk Tl-IE 1-IUB ot activity for DAD..Y Piwr DlME·A· -BRING RESULTS! ~1525
Ct-.f. ~e seven homl'.!s from drps/cpts. F~l price $28,950. to bay & OCC)an. $53.~ service busines.scs •.. the LINES. You can use them _S_an __ C_l•_m_•n_l_• __ .;.37;.1..;0 l-"===-===="'=0::.=========
$1400 d 2 3 & • BR. Assume lmv mt. FHA k>an, R C. GREER Realty Oassified Ads. Dial 642-5678 for just pennie1 a dny. Dial -Cost• M .. e Sl_OO_ Coote "··· SIOO • own. • $215/mo, "'"' ,,--•••-. "'" v",. Lido ' 6~9300 ,. • ., =-><> 3 BR 2 Ba Ocean· vu.... .._
For sale & rental infonnn· CALL ~15,_ J.i~ri!;:ei~.""'r======·=~=!.:''==o'"='='=Y=""'=="=rv>=·"=N=O=W=,'-"~=='o======"' $40,<XiJ home: Immed. ;;:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lion call Heritage Real Es-Real Estate ( } 1· $260.• Mo. nt/544-4294 ., tate M0-1151 (open eves) open e~s Gener•I 2000 General 2000General 2000
A STEAL I SPACIOl,JS.4 BDJU.t, 2 BA, 21---------------------------RENTALS
!rplcs. Sparkling clean. Nice Apts. Furnished
Near Bay. 3 BR. Partly furn. Jndscp'g, \Valk to .5Chli;. s~ J{l}A [£-C~C:::.9
Low price ol $32,500. $28,900. Take over 5\4 "· \!;;:) 'R ~ -p ~ General 4000
Everett H. Michael, Rllr. loan. lmmea. occupancy.
507 E. Balbo&. Balboa 673-QaJ ~I & o;;rl-5~~\\~~ Solve a Simple Scrambled ~rd Puult for a Chucklt S~O~. S:~!~:i~t'no~w, util.
t-.:esa Verde 0 • L f h SM-6980 Bro!rec ~eorronge .. ttel'1 o t •
TRIPLEX Nr. College Park, four scrombled word• be-f $15.'i: 2 BfL Nicely fum.
C.M. 2 Bil, ea, kit. blt-lns: low to form f:>ur 1lmpl• WOfdl. \· Garage, w/-...·, Older child
encl. garages. lncon1e $340 I K y N 0 D E I Brok" 534~Jl!O ;·o:: 3°;;;-1~~:.1~ . r I r I I . Cost• Me1a
E. aide, 2·W. 11.h:!e. Very lrg $30 00 k
lrunsferable 108.llS 514.-6 \1%. I I . w • up Need c.ash. 548-1059 SY TUR . • Da.y, •-eek, month. * BY OWNER-POOL. 3 ' I I I I' I • Studio&. &ch. Apts. • Inc.I Utils & Phone serv.
BR. crpts, drps, X·Lrg LR. • ~fald Service, 'IV avail
Lo\Y main! yrd. $30,500. • New Cafe le Bar
* 646-2895 * ·IS U S E 0 I 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 · Hord luck g11v: He mode a ' I I I I' -, NE\VLY ~mod<'led .... Mesa Del Mar 1105 lot of money 0 1 o pants mon!J-"' """
focturer. Then he lost it on apr. in" CJ>t.<1. drps I: uuJ.: EXTRA large comer Jot. 3
BDRM 'g w/ enclosed paliO,
boat flt&le. 546-2459
.---------, $110. 642-8400 ot 548--0797 IN
11° Ml
0 1~ I' I I 9-~.1at. ~. "'"'"• ".;!.... by filling 1n the milMng worCa
... ,
2 BR. Duplex, fully carpelNf,
drn ped, carport. f e n c e d
pct, 1 child OK. $135 mo.
THROUGH A 1_M"_,_v._n1_. _1_110
1111 Y PILOT 'BR 1:Y .. ~~~1~ ,,..,
butll·in elect. f'Mlle & O\"en,
WA.' AD .,.,,_.._, w/w '""" ca~
J>ets, dJaPH. tittplaoo, r A uni hell double garage, CO\'Cf'-11... ~:· 526.!rJO. Own/qt.
w you deveioi:> from •ep No. 3 below.
e r:~:.r~~~RES 11 12 r 1· r I' ,,. I' I
e ~~~v:-ro•i I I • I I I I I ............ ..-... .....
' ' "
$125. LARGE l·Br, clean.
qtrlet: adults. Beaut tum.
Nr mkl s. Washtttdr)ltr.
RartlJ(t'l. 1922-8 W.Uace, CP..I
$85. Very nice J bdrm trailer.
tl'\ E. 16th St., C.M.
• Fireplace!
• Mammoth master
• 2 Bathrooms • c~ntral forcc:d
alt heat.In(
• Spacious cabinets
• Ga:fren a: SatUen gas bullt•ins
• Balanced power living
• Enclosed parking
• Carpels l drapes
-· ~our
Rental M~?\fn. OlrlstiensC'n
3117~A Clnnemon Ave., Costa Mese
(1 block wes t ot Harbor Blvd.
2 blocks IOUth of the San OiC(O Frffwa,y)
PJ>ono 546-1034 •
store for key.
Al Wagner 212:981-6510 '
RENT or leuc. center C.M. '1
parking, 2 dbl car garages. j
All at 2065 Charle St.
Owner, 64&-4401, 8-5. Rer.t ·
all or one
e PRIME Retail Location e I
17X4.0, Xlnt foot k auto traf. '
lie. 1871 Harbor, CM
FOR LEASE slof't! 23x42. '
Also ollice &patt. 333 E, '
17th St CM. 645 -2450 ,
Office Rental 6070
Air Conditioned
Desk spaces 1va1lab1-1n
newest oUict bul1din& at :
prime k>catlon tn downtown
Laguna Beach. Air c:ond.1-
tioned. carpeted, beautiful '
paneled partitioning. T w o
entrancff: Frontap on ,
Fores! Ave., relU' leada to ·
?a-1unclpa1 ~ lota. $50
per month for space. Desk I
and chain available tor $5. •
Buaint• hours an.swetin& aervice avalli.ble for $10.
All utilities paid ucepl
222 FOR.ml' A'VDruE
Offices suitable for Com·
merdal, Medical, Denial.
Air"°nd .. crpt&, elevator
35c PER SQ .FT.
541..5032 OR 675-2464 '
NEW deluxe office spaces
320 to UJO sq ft at Santa
Ana Fwy &. Crown Valley
turnoU. 831·1400, 499-4198.
11x.15 OFFICE or small
bosioess. downtown Harbor
Blvd. Ideal for R. E. etc .
$85. P.1onthly call &U--0212
300 Sq. Ft. Office
COSTA P.tESA 64S.2130
lndustri1I Prop. 60IO
Fenced comer puce~ Santa
Ana wlth 800 sq ft &tr oondl-
Uoned offict-, 2000 *r fl shop.
Ideal for contnclor. Full
prke SSO.OOI. Auume exh:t-
lng 6% ~ loan ol $2'1,00I. Fer
more lnlorm&Uon please
call K. W. Small.
Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc.
1818 w. aiapmM Ave.
Oranii:e, Calif,
511·2621. Eve1-wknds S,'JJ.S97J
\vtu1e t.1erhants f
~----=-------------~--------------~~-----------------. •
lllAL ISTATI ·~-~p!l-llfl--.. -111!'. --· • T-. Juttt .!, 1169 OAILY I'll.Of •I _.. I 1f * * * * * ANNOUNCIMENTS SIRvlCE DIRICTDRY JOBS & IMl'LOYMINT JOBS & IMPLOY & ••PLOYMIN1 Jv~" ., 11 1
_,__ _____ 1 and NOTICES --• --
CMMtMdal 60H
Nl:WPORT HEICHTS: R-2. a...1o-•->w-112.soo.
fl.I ~ Jo(· on Cul-de-
aac, PlaDI •vdlbl.e tor 2
atory home.
400 E, 17Ut SI., C.OSta Mesa
R-2 LOT ~ Beach, 4lllO
sq, ft. Nr beach & shops
s:l),CKX>. Owner C 71 4 l
J6S....m4 or write Da.i.b' Pilot
Box M-327.
C-1, Ave Del Mar, San
Clemente. 120' x 1 0 n'.
OWner, O'J-6695 er 49'J-03ll6
M·l lot. iOCld C. M. k>cation.
50 x l'.l(), Bargain Sll.500.
Sullivan 5'&-6761 .
lnclU1trlal Rent1I 6090
450 SQ. FT. BLDG.
E. 17th St., Costa Ml!Sa
El.cc, power,
Ready for tenant
$60 Mont11 546-5040
· 3 or 4 BR home. Qwnfen or
prlnclples on1)'. 9611--3454
Por.nalo • 6405 Gardanl"9 '6IO Hel, WantM, -7200 Hal'-W111lad, ~ 7200 11!!1! W1nlod, Man 7200 Help Waotod
--------1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; ·-w ......... °"""" "' 1lK w-7400
OOUPl..ES. lillllN:.:: klaely1' Al.'SGardt1.nlrcSer v1e•. H,U G HE s Cltculatlon t>e--.. nt tor ;;;;;;;;c;;;;;;;;;;;;~
T Join ...._ -..i.... Lawn malntenal'ICI!', Kardt~ * -* .,... ....... ew area w. ..... ._ C a beiinner. This litua.Uon to flm I plea.sure Ina; &: clean up. 646-362) J • . Penn!)' Co, ml&ht be ldttl !or a )'OW)f * 1t
e 635-9291 e JAPANESE a:udener Campi ~= = NEWPORT BEACH man J\< out ot the mill~
RN. Exper, depmc\able, lil!rvke who ii 1ooklnl tor
tree Ht. ~ NEEDS need• a job with a fUfth. Good * THE OOIN CHEST * CLEAN·UP Sptelallat! Mov· -1ary and frUW,._ lndud-
::: colrur, -ta. m&1l auc. ~~~·~ j 0 b 1 · Sporting Goods ELEC• ~ ot ~~~
-·· , etc. 7'1 S. Cout. La. • Dept. Heed CirculaUon Depart:ment.
, -· -
Fuhlon 1'W>d
Newport Beacb
SALESLADIES ' """ -.... :::v~ =TORY ~II"! .fil!! FULL TIME TRONICS Dally Pilot
Wh.ddy1 )Yant? Whldctya Gbrt HAUL 1 NG, pa Int t n 1 O\lutand.lng benettta and a 330 W. Bay St. Housewives &. ~"
SPECIAL (LASSIFICATION FOR ApplJ1nce ltepiln housecleaning, odd jobs. chance to participate in the TECH NI• 1--°";;.:;;ta=:--;M;;•::"'<:C.i:l:::lf:..· -·lean you •pare a™' boun
NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Parttt '-510 Yo~ "'-"" u we do lt. K"'wth ot this new,.,.,.... JANITOR each c1ay and odd " &..
S 642-1398 ... line. CIANS """"' -" 111o ..... . pecl1I Rate e AUTOMATIC WASHER MAC OONALD'S ls hirl.Qs ttme! 8"blduliu conYIJl&tnt 1~ li1n1t -S tlmu -5 bucks Rfl>AIRMAN YARD/gar. clnUP. Remove APPLY IN PERSON ~ janltorlal help, Pttlem:d for you. mornq.. atter-
1 ll;ULES -40 MUST INClUDI! 646-5848 trees, ivy, dirt, tractor back IO AM IO S.•30 P'I ll&ff 45 to 80, !:lp!_rienee de. noons, eve"' ..... ar comblnl-
-Wl\.ll "9 "'9vt to tr•de.. t-What '!'VII W9llt llt f'NOI. hoe -.ii-NM "45 "' f ·'-b'· ~.. ~ -->-'JDUR ..,_ 1nai0r .odrtt."' +-4 •nn·.r .O.M'lill,... sUPo~•n:-A ·"···-Re • .,.._..,.. -· Monday thru Satunl•v or componenta teat and D-LH• ..,. .... •uo. necnsary, tiaftl of an. Wcil'tl: ln a tun
• "-NOTHING FOR 'All -n1ioes ~Lv• A.Ml""" P....-..""' · Clean Up and Haullnt -production 111pport. A mini· Good JllY, ·liberal frillp store undfir the 1lnat of PHONE 642.5678 pair, JWrl&', '¥8.Shers, dry. SlO per lo&d. 646-.2528 mum ot one year of recent benefltl, rxceD:!nt woridlJI concHttona and top ~
To Place Your Trider's ParadlM Ad en. Tom. 5'.1363, 547-6691 J. (. PEJllY (0. Industrial experience Is Te-oondltiooa. Apply .In penon &Ion.
H I I 67•5 ~~· A knowledge of IOJ. bMWeen 2 PM to 5 PM or
My eqty '67 Pont. Firebird Like ~""'head waterfront ..,llbvlltffnt. 6550 ousec_e~n n_9 -~ 24'fathlon-lil•nd----Id-state circu!try ia-..desllo-cell-847-ilOO, attention-of
(Sprint), for dune bUUie or free I: cir, $50,000 val. Pa-WitJ.. Babygit my home 5 CA&PETS, Windows, firs, An equal opporturlit,y able. Mr. Jack Dwyer. 16866 Beach
1 For information call 6-15-dJl.o Paliaadea ocean w lot. da,ys week. Pttel"lllb School t-tc. Rea or O>me'l. Xliit employer Blvd. HB :4· can be :seen alt 4 pm tree I: clr, $27,500 val. &tea, U.B. Good rerer.1.;'"""~;Re:;":=,' ;Reb;-=:548--lll;;~'~J,*;;., .... ..,...,,....,..,..;* ~nln&a are on I.st I: 2ndl-'-'-"7A"TT'--E"N"'T"l"ON=-~-
• lllrhland Sl, N.B. Want' Income. Bkr. 548-7Tll ~ I: ~-COLLEGI! STUDENTS
Ha 316 + ·---~ Ironing 6755 PLASTICS Vt! acre& N.E. An-Duplex, top loc. NewpuO SUMMER Fun fol' your Jtids. H u G H E s U you 81'e temp. disoont 'I·
relope Valley, $250, per Buch; 2 BR. & 1 BR. Val Toys, pla,ymatea., swim-IRONINGS done In my YoUr educ. A can start to
lDAMto5PM 1
acre. All or part, Wanr: SU.SCIO. Take late mod!! car ming. Da.Y <Z week. 536-2453 home. Excellent woril:, ex· MOLDING 'llt'Ot"k now, we have.the IWD·
ffouse, income or 11? &. T.D.'s for equity. New-WUJ.. babysit in YoW'·bome ttllent relerenCt'I. Y ou NEWPORT BEACH mer Job for )'OU., Our Mer· AU ltudent pot;!Uoas ftlled .
M)'ers, 673-6756 port Beach ruty 675-16(2 by the v.oeek. You furn deliver !,Pick-up. S1 per ht. MA<;H~E c~ Dept. need& 3J Equal opportwllty employer
transp. &12-1407 Costa M~, Newport Beach OPERATORS 50J Superior Avenue people to work until Sept. area. 642--8581 Newport Beach, Calli. No exp. MC, Train at C:O. *
Pum. posJtlon. X 1 n t. expente. '!"!!!!!""!!!!!!!!..,••• CHn..D care, fend yard, *
l1tnches. Vic Warner &. Spr-!Janitorial 6790
·'="gdo=al;,;•;,,· ioH,;B,,:84:,;6-0839::·=""=.J ==.;....-----working cond's. O\le.rtime F.qU&J opportunity emplo)lff $125 Per WMk Salary OttlO!
& .. , """' bena111 •• 1m-M • F •ho"' '-"'-ll" be""• ' l'M Secretara'es : w ALLS, Windows, floors,
Brick, Mesoni-y, etc. carpets. Commercial &
6560 resldentil\l. Daily, weekly
BUIL~~Remodel, ~pa.It
Brick;tllbck, co n c r e t e ,
crpntcy, no job too small. •
Lie Contr. 962-S945
and/or Mo. 891-7350
mediate openings on all BARJEN
Ohlft•. Experleoced pre-DER ~;:;"; :~ phooe calls WATER ' SEWER DAYS & N''"'"' • Typists
P1perh1n9lo9 CALIFORNIA
Painting --6150 Injection· Molding
PAINTING Int oft Exl Lowest DI Br\ua Ave.
Business Service 6562 Costa P.tesa 546-4460 contracted prices. Fully Ins. An equal opportunity
PROFESSIONAL or..-1~~: Satisfacllon guar. Free eat. emplo~r • ,., .. 16 Jim Weeks 613-ll66 neal. accurate, prompt _:_c:;:..,,~==:.:;--=.:.,,,-=IManaaementTnunce!S
scrviCf', proofread, mlmr e INT · EXT, ANY SIZE SU?d?.1ER & PERMAl'lENT edit!~. dictation, IBM Ex-JOB. Xlnt W'Or'k, ttlll, free EMPLOYMENi:
ecutive. 84Z-5107 est. JIM 6'24669. FULL & PART TIME
Call Dan 642-1505 aft 5
C1rpenterlng 6590
PAINTING, Paperin&: 16 yn START
in Harbor .area. Lie & bond· IMMEDIATELY
ed. Refs furn. 642-2356 Man 18 to 30, we need )'CU
PAINTING & nalnlenance, to accelerate our expansion
interior &: e x t e r I or. program in Orange County,
Reascnable r"lltea. 646-3185 Tv."O offices opening goon in
NEAT, exp. Painter, no Costa Mesa and lluntington
drinking. Collep student. Bea.ch. Ideal for college sfU.
Low prices! Sieve 54&..4549 denu. No expertence neces-
$498. • $605. per month
!Recommended for
$536.-$651. JuJ,y 1, 1969)
Apply In person
151 E. Coast Hwy •
Newport Beech
O..r IB
-~l!i. 17th· St
OJata Mesa
2 current opening• In
Utilltlea Division, oI the.
Public~ Worka Dept re-
quire 2 ;yeara recent ex-
perience aemi • skilled
construcUon and m&in-
te.naJl(:e ot water and
sc .... ·er lines for closely
related field. Apply lm· mediately to Pert0nnel
OHlce, City Hall, 3300
Newport B I v d., (714)
Mature, ;young adult, looking
for good future, able to meet
---------I the public, Apply In person.
Tempor1ry Help
775 W. La Palma
314t BlrchStreot
1616-F, E. Fourth
Holiday He1~h Sp1 All EquoI 0pportun117 * DISHWASHER eo.iii;;'•;,;M;:;•;:; .. ;,;•;,.cH:::•'.'.'.""""'°;;:::":.:B;::•h~l·---Em-'•._1.,..,.=---I (full time) IMMEDIATE openinp tor
FOR" Exterior painting call $,,.3.,. 50 H
&I0-5289. Reloreoa,. ... _ a per r.
Plastering, Rep1lr 6180
Bus. Opportunltl11 6300 Loot
e PATCH PLASTERING. All Can 547-7782 Mon-~t.
~..,.,. · ""mat• ?"' * Slruclual Steel*
Cement, Concrete 6600
pro<juctJon "°""''· dAl' _ * Prefer clean cut yowig man Shift. Good working cond'•
with experience. Apply be-& co ben'a. Industrial Cla,v _WA 1 TR ESSES l"'Ce" 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm, Products, 18765 Flb.!r Glua
ln ~n. Rd. lluntington Be a c h r-·-Calif. '
Apply In p.,..,
19700 Jamboree Rd.
Newport Bea.ch
Uoltod Callfomlo
4S25 MacArthur Blvd • .......,.
.> '
..... , PILDf TUfld11, Ju" 3, 1969
"""'W-Help Wonted Htlp Wanttd Jo!>-Mtn. Wom. 7500 Jo~. Wom. 7500,, __ S_A_L_E_·_A_N_D_T_RA_D_l __ s_A_L..;.E_A_N.;;D;;....;T..;.R;c.AD=li'-'--"'=L:.:E:..';::A;;N::;D_TAA:.:;:::D~l:....i·~:::A:::L.:E.:.A::N;;D:..:T.:RA::;;D,;l'--I
j;;;;;W;;•;;m;;;;,;;;;;:;;;;;;';;7;;<IOO;;.l ·-w-om_'" ____ 1400 ___ w_..,,..,_. _____ 1•-~li~I furniture ' IOOOFum11u,. · I000
M1-110-l600Miscello-8* ~
~HUGHES CllRICLERK ACOOPAYRoLL • ICN SAV~ .. ~!"i!w.~!~!~~ISS Fu a· ~IT u R E'\1,)
NIWPORT BEACH TYPISTS CLERK Evorylhin, Must Go,-EVEN n-Nucleic Acid Research Institute THE BUILDING· lo mok•
,_,,for our NEW STORlll - . A u· c T I 0 N OpeniQp are on 1st & Znd Varian Data Machinn, lo-Varian D&ta M~ lo-
lhlftl cated in the Irvtnt lnduat-,caled ln the lrviDe lndua-
rtal complex, has lmmedl· trial complex in Ort.nKC
ate openings tor 2 clerk County, bu an Immediate HYBRID &
typists. need tor a pa,yroll dttk.
These a&slgnment.s are ln You must have had e:xperl·
our publication, and E.D.P . ence wi th an E.D.P, payroll
departments, Good typing system &. be pronCient on
skills and previous clerleal the 10 key addina: machine.
work experience desired. Lite t;ypirlg rcqulred.
We oiler a fOOd starting sal-ary with an excellent beoo-Good starting salary ll. be~ ... tllS, inclucling 12 days of A minimum of~ monUI of fit program including " vacation during the f Ir 1 t
experience 1* desirable, da.ys vacation during the year of employment. first year of emp)oymerit. v1rian dala v1rian data Please apPly ln person to:
HUGHES machines machines
. HAS OPENINGS FOR (Controctor w 1 nt1 to su11c1 lmmtdietolyl
Good shortha nd, accurate typing, familiar $75,000 CLEARANCE
with chemical terms. • Game Sets • Dining rm sets • Bedroom TUESDAY NIG'HJ
TYPIST sets • .Living room sets • Comer units · .
A t t · t Will 1 t • Tables • Lamps • Recliner chairs • Dec-ccura e yp1s . a so ac as receptionist orative ~anish chairs • Bullet w/citm' a 7 R '
, for research building. . P.M SHA p11 tops, Me terranean • Pictures e Wrought
GIRL FRIDAY I ron e ee ~eneral office background, to assist purchas-No clown -hlrms to mHt your budget -
mg agent. bank fine ; Master Charge, Bink of Am•rlc..
Recei ve and distribute chemical supplies in •This Sal• For' Stock on Hand.Only•
lab area, and maintenance.
Inspect EARLY
•· ...
500 Sllperior Awnue
Newport 8..-ach, Calli.
JANITOR AOK Commission GaUery
A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY Full time J anitor for research building. ' n~ GAl!DEN GROVE BOULEV),RD
2722 Michtlson Drive 2722 Mlchtls on Drive I Block West of Beacit Blvd .. off G.G. Frwy.
(Adj. to Orange Co. IAdf. Orange Co. Call for appointment . . • : .•• • _.___'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. i
• '
! <
'I ', • ..
• -· '! Equal opportunity
employtr -M it F Airport) Airport (7i4) 833-2500 ~
Irvine, Calif. 92664 Irvine, C•llf. 92664 Pl•nos & Org•ns--a-130 Mlsi::ellineous 8600 •
COST A.CCOUNTING An equal opporhm.ity . An equaJ opportunilJ • , ' e I Ch I -·· -
CLERK ANALYST •mploy" M & F employ<" M & F nlernal1ona emica F_u_rn_i_tu_r• ____ aooo_ Goroge Sole 8022 PIANO SALE * * MIXED BAG • •
Small manufacturing & en-Trmponll')' Employmenl -NEW •..•.•• , • •,.',. • USED HOllSehold and p e r s on a ) j
,1..,.,.;01 comt>"ny reqW.• EXPERIENCED URGENTLY NEEDED ' ' & N I ( CLOTIIJNG. Auto par". Gran&• eon.otos • Spmet. ue..,, including ....,y.,,u i i lndivdual lo usume rost UC ear orp furnlMIUJgs. dishes, power Practice Pianos from $125 Hleland Strobe with batteey 1
accounting duties, including • ESCROW e . , • MODEL tools, etc. 417 Costa Mesa ................. , WAS NOW case, 4 x 5 film holders, t
direct labor distribution, SECRETARY e Typists . 2727 Campus Dr., Irvine, Calif. 92664 . SL C.M. _ Starr Studio s•45 $295 conv,ertible bar and tv.'O t ~ntenivice oI inventory • ffOUt Knabe Pruv grnd $2750 $2195 stooh, polarold swfneer cam-1 i
nl • "· I • Repro Typ1"sts .._ lqu.t Oppom.itlty ....,,.~ r1£ Appli•nces 8100 ChlcJcering ·&rand 12395 ..-,....., e-maple •hest and m'-1 cost :ero s woi" n pro-UNITED CALIFORNIA I~ ~I G "~ ''"• " u-ivi-, cess rnventory. Must be able . BANK e S • Cl an rand $1595 $1~ s:. and bowling ball tun ' to prepare COS( reports fonn eeretar1es FURNITURE . •en 911 1tov• $25. rambach Grand $1595 $1!E5 and case maple' bed ':'
·Source data. College train---* 968-5926 * ' Chickering Cons. $1395 S695 1e di.she1 'bed spread I in&: in accounting..p.rde~. 3141 _E •. C0111f Hrwvw _. .,\York when & where Help Wanted Schoal1-ln1truction 7600 KENMORE Auto ma l I c !..£osier Spinet S75!l $•145 rug bird cage' utensils and
Work txper. in accounting, . -corona dil .Ma~_. you went! Women 7400 VO ICE preparation for SALE Washer, late model, xlnt f.1ANY -P.IANY-MORE oth~r Heins ~ l>ark A
and on oHlee machine1 67J..9240 popular or classical singing. cond. Special Carlojid Buy! Laguna lk~ch 494-!E?J ve., ~.·
helpful. Salary open. Please , INTERIM General Office Help Beginner th r u lidvanced. $60. * 847-8115 Nationally J.'amoW B1·and 0 ·
pl Equ I ~ I+-· G.I::. Washer & e1-1,,·c •··er · $$5 Consoles $722 fTICE We, detrll: $75. , se resume to or ap y at • oppo1 ,,.n '3 employer training 642-5512 494 9340 .... ""' • Pl-................ 1 ,. 2 t -,, Basic office knowledge · ' · Mond•y & Tuesdey $40. Good condition. i•tcdlu walnut berich incl ., .. .....,.. .--w, cu· SJA(Q, INC, ATTENTION-P"''ONNll SERVICE pref'd. but not oe<:. Good •PIANO. Thoory, Harmooy June 2nd & 3rd * 6444255 * Gould Musi~ Company of',..,,,, _table '8w. Cheap, J UU phone voice, over 18. Apply ta11,gh1 by inember of Music 10· AM & 4 PM 20-15 N Maio SA ~7-06::11 Cash register $35. 41XX> lb )
k COLLEGE STUDENTS · be Tl!achers A'>-'SOC of Cali!. & . · 1''orklift. S700. 11.i Ton ·~ ., 1139 ~1 er St., u you are temp, discont'g. 445 E. ·17th St. ~tl(!~:~hru 1;:.~Y~-4 pm Sherv.·ood Music sch I. AYaila ble to public Antiques 1110 GUJ..BRANSEN Chevy. stake dump bed.
1 !
Cost• Me.. your edt1e. 6t can" start to Costa Mesa, C•llf. BegiruX-n: & IntcmlCdiat~s. Decorator choices VICTORIAN settee & ORGANS P lywood & lumber at rostr •
, ____ S4_9_.J_04_l ___ I work now, we have the sum-642a7523 Five Crowns Sue Denton, 54S.S19~ Te rms : cesh & c"arry n1ntc~ms ~.Heavy WURLITZER Bristol Plywood, 30 J 0 ii
mer job for you. Our P..ler· ~ ... _ ..... _ L-c-_ -...~;a\Naiif------= 5:-!:.<'!8.Herls* • \lftUlr.v., <nu ~-Mar West blond Birds E)'c maple PIANOS & ORGANS Bristol, C.M. 549--0788 ) •
STENO CLERK I chandis~ng Dept. needs 20 Interviewing i...3801 E. Pacific Coasl l-h~·y. graders . Sr Cit:.-.1.·n~ In Huntington BeaCh · P?stt:r bed, .carving, '"'fr. PiallO!! & Organ.-. R.t'n!cd Sporting & C•mping :
$452. a $549. per month people to "'ork until Sepl. Mon. thru Fri. C.Orona dl'I Mar No ph. calls Chilcoat 10 lesson cypin~ on M•gnolia size S75. Ships lanlern Sl!i 1':VERYTHJNG IN P.fUSIC • Tents • Cots • Sleeping -. 1 f~ J.-IRecommeQC\ed tor , NQ; Cl'p.'f'nee .. ~l.Co.. _ 8 to 5 SECRETARY _ _ Sehl. Trial Le~n. 173 Del south of Garfield ~0-.1725 bllgs • Stoves • lanterns
$510.-S620. July 1. 1969) <'XJ>cnse. Equal ·~r:;rtunity ~;~ioy<'r BOOKKEEPER ' .. "J\far-C:M .• ~llJ59 -r--•&:Mt4r. -_:_.-~'-'>..1... -~lQJ.'.~ ~! .. ~!!W'1 l!(,O Death ~11•:c f e_nfa• e Car lop carr_iers. --~
" 11 l
$l 25 Per Wffk Salary F11 st growing CPA linn 11C'<'ds 1 ,vu:RCHANOISE FOR ViCllfi-t'a:n _,.&15ai 1:'' t.~lil.lr, !.>I~ ·l~ -~~ ~ ... AUl-""'ff••• NEW~hT.iT o:EACH Phone KE 9-ltS4 be!ort'· EXPERIENCED an aggl'cssive and in1elli· SALE ANO TRADE c 0 r:1 PI~ t e J Y restored. Factory Sales & Service 710 \V, 19th St., CO.tita Mesa '· i
----2 P~t PART TIME g<'nl secrct~~Y -bookkeeper , 536-3339 Daily 12 noon 'tU 9, Sat 9-5 645--0760 1
NURSE All\f 11i·l1h good secretarial skills Furniture 8000 Furniture 8000 . • 17·HH Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39J * AU '
One cur1-ent opening in ~ e • e TELLER along wfth a heavy back-. Sewrng Mach1ne1 8120 11,::i nit. So. San Diego Fwy. CTION * ~;
the Personnel Office re-=-If ' '
quires high school diplo-If You are interested in: ground In ~kkccping. -'~ill G ~d~!· ~1~r~l 'i t! SAVE sss on 1Jl·1v Zii;·Zu;: •. unttngton Bench 847-8536 If.Y?u will lclJ or tiuy ' nia & two years of re· *Progressive. patient care UNITED CALIFORNIA pay_lopdollai. foraquahli~ IJ: J Automa1ic sl.nt ight stitch \VE.RE _oack in ?ur new give Windy •:tr:· •
cent clerical experience, * Sczvice education BANK per.;on. Cn!J l9l-0753 ror in. > I SCl\'ing. n1at·hinrs. Portahlc s!oro. Big Cl'leb_raJJ_on ·Big. A~ctlo; Friday ?·30 p.m. ','
l!Xl \vpnl shorthand, 50 * Excell. \vorking cond's. tcivicy,·. . t -~ C?bu\Ct n1oclcl.s. Ye Old Sale.. . Windy s Auction Barn 1
wpn1 typing. Apply Im· Call Orange County's largest 22'2 Ocean live .. La::una Bch. INSTRUCTRESSES SC\ving SlwpPf'. :\51!) I::. CLOSEOUT 01 console Pian-Behind Tony's Bid Mat'l : ~1~!,te!~i~o 1f~~~ cxtended ~~~pital. 4!).1-65<16 Young, n1a1ure gil'l~ able 1o DECORATOR GETS. CANCEllAlK>N Cow;t lfwy, CdP.!. 67!).366.1 ~~k~~~g~f ~]ci~-0~ 207S~S Newpopr1, 0~·646-86116
NetA'port Bl~·d.. 17141 n1<'ct the public. tt1ust be tt t· OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Musical Inst. 8125 age pianos at savings lo $349 MOVING: Sellin& di n In&
7l.s633 G ENE RA L 0 FF IC E : SEAMSTRESSES tr.ictive \\·i:h a i:;OOIJ tlgurc. h d f . CLO~EOUT of 1968 Organs table, 6 chairs $65, J~ r 6j. · Knoy,·Jedge of ten key ad-Apply in JX'l'SCn Spanis & Me iterranean um1ture Guitan e Amps • Drumi 1 In to chest freez.er "" ....__,_L 1 ~--1 dlfl& mat'hine, IBM elect.· Exp'd pol\'Cr machine oper-Holiday He alth Spa All BRAND NEW NE\V AND USED ~o ~:v:10fl.~, • 5· ~ 't~ ::: sideboard $65, ·;~ r~~~ 1 / (lfRK TYPIST typewriter &: like lo \\"Ork aton lo sew naugahyde boat C.OSta t.lcsa e Huntington Bch f.1>c. Mec1i1..-ru1e1r11 ,..,,_SI.Ill• IA PtuA How J1"-• 12 MAJOR BRANDS \YARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO household items. 1332 Ccr-I
with figurell. Industrial Clay cush!ons &: canvass pro-a Gar~:::i 1t>:i:1~· C11.1om lullT sat• w1111 m•t°""' Lm .. •'-Also ~1an.v In1poru Al 1819 Newport, c.M. 642~ ritos, Laguna. I
Products .U1S6 Fiber Glass ducts. Top wages, pd holi· RadlO• Telephone s...~1':'c~1~l .. :''~/i"' t•brk• 11" 541'·'~~. ·:.:·:.::: .. "": 'rn:r, BIG DISCOUNTS * 494-4.685 after 4 pm *
AIM'! g!rl, production ron-~:f Hunlington c eac h . days, vacatiO~l!~ Ins. XJnt . Dis~ch G ·.r1 ~l,~o~:i~~ r::~e.i.:;;:.,c1:::-, ~:.1n1 ·:::::::::·-. "HoW ili::l EVER'Ri-llNG II\'. MUSIC Televillon 8205 QUIGG surfboard $45. 'W ; :
trol o[fit'<'. Typing, filing, t . • -working cond11lons. Apply ~ ' 5~1111111 HtMln• sw•• um111 i "· l.fJ.HI ......... •M>w .If B h M J C Honda $150. 1!ri3 Dodge, •
posting. X1nt 11•orking cond"s. G'at Ft-1day to~ Jack Cole Co. 17&l PIO.Ct'.!n. 25 ·Vr OYCr. ~~US! know local A deco rator dream houSe on display -3 eac us c enter 23" ADMIRAL Color TV, '69 good trans. $100. See btwn 6-~
l.nd uding ~II benefits. GeneraJ Office exp. and be lia Ave. 0.1 64&-2451 at't':•. Applv ln person. f S · h f · ( mod, COl!t lfiOO. Sacrifice 8 pm. 2543 Santa Ana A•-,, 1
1 • · YELLOW CAB co ro oms d gorgeous pan1s urn1tu re Y1as Daily 12 noon till 9, Sat. s.5 S295. Also 23" e&W rv. .. a.bl<' to type 45 wpm top co. BANKING • •1 CM.
~AL,.IFO~Nlld~ ~~W:~:~tsP:!n!:i Position in1modiat~ avail· 18~0;Ui 1;::s:1. ·reg. $l 29S.OO 1J: m~:.h ~~dOi~~;·~w~! :!~r:m1:, ~1ar,::~w~'!!;11
BEDR00?\·1 set, pecan wood, • 1
n1ec ion o ing able for SACRIFICE $398 Huntington Beach 847-85.16 $135. l?.IH S .. Bristol, S.A. King sz, like new. TV con-. "i! '"° B"""' Ave. Agency, 2043 \Vestclilf Or.. LVN 0>1• 2 y-old -· Ta, ...... CREDIT CHECKER • • • • • • • 549-4395 ... ... · '"'· pe ' "-ta Mos" "-'A"•'"" N.B. 64.5-2770. Charge Nurs Yamaha 4 strin,,. Bass ............. , ·~ "" -........ .. ... ..,...,....., t N c • HO MOHe'I' ON. lltEQUtll e:O -WE CA."11'1' ou• OWN ACCTS . • .... --''"""'" r, ~· ~ 1
An equal opportunity Cashier/Hostes$ ~ra:.~ pfwporl· 1 enter ' t u PM l'l!f A I Guitar, nearly new. , REC ;;~o;~~IST Experienced _,_App'" ~~u~T,·T~Yc.;PAreyc' l~Ft"1"c~ u ~~~vi°iifN;PY m··-. FURNITURE" $lOO .• 64.Z.
. ::~A~~·::reo. :: s=~~~~· ;l!~ .,:
Y y HOSPITAL ~Ill! Pi1no1&0rg1n1 8130 NewSearsSilver tone. Sl.,HB.•~3976 '
oung, good phone voice, MANNINGS, INC. NATIONAL BANK ,,__ type 40 50 7-4 pm Beach l9.; J-lospital Rd., N.B. 1844 N rt Bl d 'Of ARTISAN CONCERT .. )-lone Blk/Brn. 2-Speaker, SWIM Pool 21' alum, ,,,., ,: . • · · . El Toro Rd. (Leisure World) equal oppoMunlty employ" ewpo lo ' 4-S~ $70 Calf = 07 2 are548~ S350. Ca I l Dor11. Laguna Hills 837_1004 _ W •Harbor Blvd.) ORGAN """''"' · uo..l""U 4 filter, ladder. vacuum, nu I
'""' Female S.cty. soo--:-oo Jol>J--Men, Wom. 7500 Costa Mesa only Ideal for church, school or Sport1'n9 Goods 8500 ""' .... · 'mogives s~2· depth. ~---. ARGUS AGENCIES SALES & LIGHT OUice \\llrk A top beach erea co. ls took· -I f .. ,_ bl Lido M p Of home. 2 manuals, 32 pedals, -1869 C Newport Blvd., C.l\f. nlo .,,~Jna .. i:.. }C\\'elry ing for an attr_aclive gal with an ow er 40 s!o"". Complete w/p,..se" ;;;;---;;-==---,,..-,---~ s re. ew<a>_, experience good sec. skills. great po-I N'-hi 'T'l 9 W d •-1 & I 'TP 6 .-~ ~ MEN'S HAIG ultra golf 90 YARDS gold carpeting ~ Secret1rie1 $500 to $550 necessary. Call for ap-tentlal and the co will re-0 1
-very .,. I -I .• .H • Im. & sound system. This demon. clubs, 4 YIOOds, 9 irons, R,. $.l.00 yard. Good condition, 1
Several top co'1 in beach pointment. Permanent posi-inl:burse the lee. 'call J..o. range i =--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~!~~~n ~ pric.-e · $3,750 shaft, contour sole, like new 962--™iG Alon, Wed, Thun. ,1
A a need gals with good tion. 673--9334 taUl!!, P..1erchanls Personnel 0'°=""=·=$=135=-=· =64&-<==:WO=== ~3621 Tues, Fri, Sat. ~~-t!°':J F~ ~d. !Also P.1ATURE WOl\-1AN Agency, 3l-U WestcHU Dr., County Furniture 8000 Furniture 8000 NEWPO~~~RGANS Mi1cell1naou1 8600 DIMtOND 3 row \\1!ddlng
ere 0 ) I raine, t.Jer-For telephone survey. our of· N.B. 645-2770. SPANISH Relurned trom ---------ring, :l els T.Y{. Have apprsl v •
chants Personnel Agency, lice. P.lorning or afternoon PART Tfii.fE ?t1odel Homes on aale at P.fAPLE & French Provine'-' HAbGIOND • Steinway · ·-P.IOVlNG-36" round walnut $2000. sell $500 ca I h . 2043 \VestcUfl Dr., N.B, &l5-shift. Gd. pay. Ph. 1-tn. . Office \\'Orlt. Needs reliable daily \vork-less than wholesale! Group ...., maha _ oe1. & used pianos ~ ' 2770 P'>hl 64._7~'. S·,30 •m '.'30 8:».1 da.ily. Alert girl wiiO ers, min. how·Jy wages $1.75 Cooch, Tables.4 desk, lamps, of all makes. lkst bnvtt In roUee table, perf. $35. l.rg. 1
'"" -··...., worlui with Ugures to write up, Students & Cl's Y:el-includes beautiful 9 6' ' vibrator rcal.incr chair, up. ...,. nauga.hyde rocker $ 2 5. 6 x 5 storage ~. &uitable
Housekeeper pm daily orders on IBM accounting come. Apply 723 No Ana-t1uilted sora & Jove seat. hol rocker, fringed 8x8 area So. CallL right here. White 4 poster bed 4x6, $10. for tack room or playhouse.
2 hrs. a day, li1e work • 5 p L A S T I C S machine. We will tra\n. helm Blvd .. Anaheim'. Open 3 Spanlsb oak decoralor rug antique gold, bed, dress-~ P.fUSIC CO., White lamp table $7.50. $85, 494-3Cti1
days a week $100.00 per Injection Molding Oper. or 545--TIOl daily 6 A?\l to 6 PM. lf.b1es, swag or table lampa, er, bkcase, 1 of<: size desk, San~ ~:· Ridged plpe cutter $10, Pipe o0~fA~M~o-=N~D~P~ie-l'COd-~,-arr~I,-.,-.
month call Loraine, Mer-Trainee. Must be depend· "'l"KAINEJ;:S: WaltttSses or \Vall placque, king, queen. washer. dryer, trig, trunks, threader wt 2 dyes. $10. C'.Mt $495, aetl $l2S.
\Vestcllli Drive, N.B. able. Gmveyard shift. A~ Car Hostesses. Must be * DRIVERS * or fuU size bedroom suite patio furn. BBQ, skis, Cole-1969 SINGER with zig-zag & ~543-821""-=,.c',--:=..,,,=~= * STh-4111 * t--~===---I ply 8-:4 p.m., Orange County neat, attraclivc, ha PP Y No Experience complete Incl boll' sprlnp. man stove, storage cabs, walnut console. Makes but-IBM elec typewriter $31.50. ---.=---,---
lo k a;tl'.flClAN Pia.sues, 850 W. 18th, C.M. disposition. Fl or pt tlnic. N 1 ~:::::.~i!~s~ ~ bo~do; ~1:i"b,~~~.i~~~u:n ~~~~ :~. l~~~;s~s~~~-e~~j~ Remington IO key add'g M~~ilri~R
v.'Clr tune ~ta P..1esa COMBINATION, Sharp .Bar TiiE ZOO, Coast Hwy. & ecessary • dining set priced Plsewhere East 17th SI mach. $ 3 9. S 0 . 149-G by the day. Call 543-0450
tWon. Paid vatalions, etc. P..taids & Go Go Dancers MacArthur, N.B • Must have clean California at approx. Sll9S.OO Al.L ===~~·~-~~~ THOMAS Electric organ Riverside NB. opp o g 11 e
No cllentele required-new Top wages $3.00-$3.50 t~ EXPERJENCED Food & driving' record. Apply FOR ONLY S399. $2(1 down, SIMf\-10NS Hide -a -bed. J with all IMlructlon books. Greyhound Bus stat.
gn.ds v.'elcomcd. Call start. Ph. for int. M.>9983 cocktail waitress. Rancho YELLOW CAB CO. $4.9'J per .. P.ek , out ot dl'8wer mapl<' desks, maple $350. Xlnt cond. lhroughQut. BARGAIN! Membership In
M11nager 548-9919 SASSY LASSY. 2901 Harbor, San Joaquin Goll Course, I.BG E. 16th St. state credit OK. \V I I I step I ab I c, bar stoolsr Call ~717 eves & wkends Newport Beacb Tennill Oub.
EXPERIENCED TELLERS c .r-.1. 18021 Culver Rd. near uct. Costa Mesa separate for quick &ale. 20th 642-3587 after 5 pm. GOOD upright plnno for $700 you pay transfer fee.
Full or pl. time. Apply in FOR Bakery; de c 0 rat 0 r Ask for Dorothy 833--0110 Professional Century Furniture, 9 '! 7 2 pr-actice. Perfect tone. $150. 642-3417 aft 3 pm.
person. ~nk of America. sales girl combination BUILDER needs part time Employment Garden Grove BI v d., ~~~~~~e'--"S""•1c:• ___ B::0:;2:::2 _..,._ __ 397_6______ * POOL TABLES *
3444 Via Lido, NB. some exp'd prefel'T'Cd, neat secrP.tary 0 n perm.a.ncni Assistance Garden Grove Dally 10.9. MINING Tools, plu~bing, \VURLITZER baby grand pl-Custom -antique -modern
l'l{ual opportunity employer appearance.FRENCH'S basis. P..Just be accurnte COASTAL AGENCY Sal lo.&, Sun 12-S Come di!iihes, clothing, pa 1 n Is, aoo, $350. Good lone. ·used. SPORTS "100".
Misc. Wented 1610
VERY sharp girl w/exper. PASTERY. 5.J6-G386 lypist & do aimpJe book A meniber of in or call 17141 530-5240 ch .. i.... misc. 272 Costa Call 546-7920 (TI4) 536-2730 12-8 pm · lilting t Blkl · ·-~ ---------~~,.c--~~~-;,,..~ For furniture, app~1. in cus · nis, for PART TIA-IE P.WD, exciting work. Call 642-8121 . , Snelling & SQelling, Inc. • CUSTOM mad<' sofa 14' Mesa St .. C.Al • \\.ANT Player piano w/rolls, Quality king bed, quilted, colored TV, piarm, orsarm. ~es; must be able 1~ work apt.~mplcx needs v.uk end \VAITRESS _ · Exp· d, 2790 Harbor Bl, QM ~ sectiorial; p A Ir of e~gant GARAGE-SALE _ gooc::I, cond., from priv._par· complete, unultd $98; worth or antiques.
;:l:ienM ~2 mme nights. maid to prepare & serve for cocktails. Sm. dinner· house, Television chairs; fruitv.'OOd drum JUNK TO ANTIQUE ly. 6-1.2-63,16; 673-2473 eves. -$250. Aft 5" oi'WltMS847-0K16 Oa~r or·nt.lth1 16; ~73 ewa.. parties. breakfaSt & Bar·B-CdM Alert. neat, pl t table; tall table lamp: din-336 A Vicloria:. CM in rear OIARGE d PAILY PILOT WANT ADS•. • 1.u "'"20
SALES w o MAN . E•-Qu••· "A" ""'~· · casan · Introduction Work · 1 x 1 ''=========0-.====""="'=.,.,,==t :•:="";w=·::.=:;::=::=:=:=:==::=:, -~ 673-T122 Help inh'Oduce cable T.V. in ing room se ' n 11-
perienced in ladles ready t~ SALES he1p needed, must DENTAL OFnCE buslnesl North Tustin. Eves &:-week. rond-Xlnt buy! * &14-2795
wear. Apply Mon thru Fri have experier.ce in ladies secretary betwn »40 }'I'S of end1. SJ.OD per hour. Call Quality king bed, quilled,
from 11>-4, APROPOS No. v.·ear. Apply in person. 'age. Exp'd only C'All P.1\-l.'i; Sanely al S44-778S romplete, unuSt'd $98: Yi'Orlh
27, Town Ir Country, Orange Jackie's Fashion Cente1· 75 Mon-\Ved-Frl. 847~ $250. Aft 5 or wknds. 847-0406
DREAM Job. Keep your Im-Huntinglon Center, H.B. 1-lAIR stylisl & manicurist.
porlant job a1 wile & ThtMEDlATE opening-Secy \VANTED: Denlal as st., HI comm. Russ Thompson
mother & earn a wkly for 1 man ins. olr. Noo-front oHlce/chalr & Ide . Hair Sl)'llst. 6 7 3-6 9 61, ~
check 544-3854 636-3497 Exp'd. Two girl office. 968-3267 ,
SALES LADY full time for Send rcsun1e to P.O. Box '°" •
Coast Plaza. Apply 650 E. o through Snl., 8: 30 to 6: 30. -tools Teqd. 64&-9185 bet. 9-
,;1;'~tAt: ST AR G-4\.ZER'1t ._~
~ AlllS _, ).>_; MA~. ZI ~Al'll l9 &n. J. '-'9-33 ........: ..0-59.70
M Your OoJly Acii~lly Guidt H
Y J..c~o1rlin9 lo I~• Slo'1. Y
To develop meswge for Wecl~doy,
:cod words corresponding to numbers
of your Zodiac birth sign.
c.1.,.,. TV'-111•11··-s .. ,, •. ,
I ,r.,, or Ho1111 Full
•. 541-4531 •
" • ' ' 11
I 'i
-. ' I
' ' .
pay . , ~moker. no lns. exp nee. 830-01~1 1 HELIARC ba-"up •·ldr. 2 'Q 0 ~
Orlldren'i store. S 0 ~th 2232 CM. SITIER. My hOme. Tues 58.ilbl mast assem. tralnee'> ~ lv 1
Sl Tu&tin PLA-g~i;:~F.NO ~~~ans. $20. Aft. 6:30, 12 Mon. thru Fri. · ~
*WAITRESS * Over 21 Security Pacific Na.tional PART time help Cw.Ip.gt-1
Graveyard ahlfL Contact Bank. H.B. 5:J5..937l llSKPR & bab)'lllr needed. age. Zub\e-'s Pizza, 2920 E. x
Mr. Zimmer 6'illf1n WOMEN _ ALL AGEs Resp. mat~ lady_. llve--ln. Coast Hwy, QIM
_,,/(" TAVIUS
e.~~ Al'~.XI 1~ 1o1o1.Y;o
. 9-11-11-46
6S.7J..84-90 We nood quallly Cno :tunk \it
pleU1). Furnltu~. c o Io r •
TV's, stereos, app.llances
tools and office equ1pmc111'. e HOTEL MAID, fuJI time, Ideal Ales job. \Vork YoW' oll v.·kenrls. tounlain Valley SMALL Restaurant ooeds
plauallt surroundlngs. houri from your home, area. 9614219 mature man ot womrui, * $1.1!16 * We train. 714-879-7164 NEED exp'd woman wJ l'Cf1 d~. agt over 21-545-9Sti3 _
for occasional day time TY OPERA WAH'J'EO: Rd. babysitter MANAGER small dress . babysining in my home. BEAU TOR wta. reb, one child, own • shop , o/'JS. Xlnl 646--0lll FUll or pt. tlmt'. Kl S-0757
tnimp. S Jdtn. 546-!748 drcss/apcrrtg Yi-ear e x p ,
EXP. non.l arraneer full or 526-6736 eves.
put dme1 id. W&IH. MATIJRE Woman for 11lo1
" m.171J ahift In SA\VYER HO?\tE.
iifW'iiy OPERATORS l,,-,Ca11='4=~,,,_...,'=-~--
Ud TABLER GENERAL Office girl over
111.JUl 21 to train In service & sup.
• l\IU.Dl&T'f'ES, p a r I Pb'. 540-8373.
11m1, ......... hour 10 J >INTAL OFFICE .-L 0-:a. CID ~7.S _ llo<eptJMi.1. S48-65i11
BEA~ICIAN with IOme Schoof1-ln1truetio;noo
!ollO\\.'lng tho not ~rv. •
Gd . l'tlmmia.sion. For aP.. P.fONTESSORJ & Pre-School
point Call 847-9164 children accepted· ye a r
H0 US1':KEF::PER for 2 round. ~ 2 .. to 10. Call:
elderly ladiell. ll*ln. Llaht fi.16-3700, 541-56.<rl
work, OR 3.-3284 r.10 NTESSORJ & pre-school
\VArrnr.ss. Bar & fdod. Ap.-chlldren, year round .
ply In person. Sw\ss Chalet. 541-6697 or 646-3106
414 N. Newport 01\>d., NO Dild 64U678 tor RESULTS
TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes!
5.11-1212 • 893-0555
D~ERATEI Need s:ocxt,
used l'Tfrlgerator & stow
Call: 64MOSJ
WANTED: 2 cuh regi.sten,
2 OI' 3 keys. Prefer Swtda S48-mS •
WANTED: Window, 42"x36",
Rl.iding aluminum or lotJ-vtt.
642-3526 AR .. 5 or 11."etkends
AIR ComJ!N'mr at leut I
h.p. Good uaed gu dryer.
962-2580 11.lte.r 5 P.P.r.
Ola] 642-5678 for ru:sut.TS
-· ''
. _.-:._-__ ---'=====--------·-----------''-----~-------~~-~-·~--~-~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--~ ~ --------~ ~---.,-.~=~-...
loob4. Y:ochb 9000 Trucb _ ·950Q lm~rl,*l Autos ; ,.,.
1g,...~~••4. .•'1'-F/ll~'M •a Im¥¥ '1'w1 TNdt, ' Me
·~!!! !!" ~-. .~ VOUSWAGIM
ma1o,.a11'bladL ·~ S PRIVATE , auio ...,,., rm o.,.. --------
'and' · ~ • !!9','~El ~. ewo • wkodl . ''7 MOa ''7 VW , ~·; r-. ome . r .. 'fi!.rnslTV1'-~''-juio. m.a 1\_dlt. with ooYel" 6 wire ~ coMlHoned, low..,~ ~ -. • ·-fSd.ric • lM> li'ORO Plciwp • wbefla ~'eat eondttion. one """'*· Abmlutab' mint """""""'LY lluke d , plliy..,tth'i. RIC-· Chevy V4,. 3 ..... atldc ~•-33" --"-!Jc OHS. condltloo. LI<. VI.Om ,Plr! ,.._ kitten MUST IE SOlD e ~~ •. ~ euu -·~ ·--' . 11•
'!l)>lad< •I -· ..... PA~C YAarr Ml.Ese he '46'.mi ~· -023·
........ hll> ni,..t.l 518-3448 V1l Opoi1o ~ 51 FORD '~-'•. N-"~ Iii-'~ •. ,' !!..~.~-Bl'J Ol!l, 't ' ' 11s !2J.!l 581-5608 · dw m.1510 ..,.. --•• --Q;;i;'M,,. ---..um; 2 ball~ •kftt.k'~,'l·bouhcy ~· 00US Gralt, ~ Xlnt' :~. ~:im ~'. 'SG MGA pod cond.
-ll"Y '""le Dill! I: twin IO'eW fl)' ~ duai I"'======== L-dWN>',' but cuddly. con""'-,~ ..i.Jii;.tlon, J-tslO °"""'1 talO"'
........ ~ -...... G""l Mirlin '!bb""' 'boo ·-==,,.,='=""'""'=' =m-2330=== I ed • ~;MS-3330 815 SootnWfucf Manna Term.tni!i '67 BRONCO Wacon 4 wbecl-'' ---•• ,h,~vw=~ •• ---
SI'RAY cat rcall.v deserves a Isl,f.nd. No.· G 32. ru: HU drive. 6 cyl., radio, heater, MG,8 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY
~ ~ ...,, JP ft'• f 3-.343' . , rear 1eat Red wlth whlte Bank Ftnanct111 bien throQah., CB.II me and 14' WOODEN bOa,t fOi-the hardtop. ~ '1, a 9 5 . Call llG $211 DOWN 1'1 tell you all about If. "lixer-upper'' • no motor • _819-6088======== Sales. SeMce, Putl $44.Ql * 36 moa ,
1!15-4429 6/S $100. 15' boat trailer.good -~la~~· Plua 1 fW.! pymnt for
ClRPENTERS workbench. 3 condiUon.$125. 6 t 5 -o sos 1C ·;";mpo;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';S20;;, title. Full 2 yr, 24.000 ij:. d r.a w e. r 1 , need! Vo"etk nlghtJ 5-9, Saturday 1 • m.I war.ant)'. A van only at
l'f'linl'hln<. 6"-0224 alt" and Sond., 8 a.m. lo 8 p.m. CAMPER T & M MOTORS
5:30 6/5 16' ""-mYSLER ~--· ••. ,, fllll Garden Grove Blvd. ~ --•·· -Stlos • Ronl•lr ... -· ee -" -•-SILKY Black le white kitten 26 hn· old. VOivo-hnfa ....,...._. at a.... ~
wants lov i ng homt. EJldne. Beaut · cond, Autbariad °'1ler OPEN SUNDAY llobri<e woano4 Elda<ado • l'-l\'lndo 311C W, c.ut llwJ, N.lli '63 VW BUS. Rebuil 'Wf n. , shots. emergency sale. Days SCotlsnaa • -Berracuda , -1 __
.,.A t e ne,
&ll-7&t7 6/5 &42.-<i009, eves 548.-7U2'T r bboYer i...,o Aa -... ... bn.nd new Utts. '67 tran1,
. .
OilMrt, AD ....... tl,Olll 1111.
Xlllt•-. V.tt> ..... (llrtol
.#119) !3500. -.... -. -. ' ..---
A ...... llodelAFordl
1910-..i,-. "°°*-
ff PAY
' ... .-.... " -""" c:aD~us for fr9e flttmat•.
'68 MUST AN~. Sac, llell of ..
ter °"" ....,, • v...a wtdt
loll c( ...,..._ MT-311! -A-. n<llo, boetu, OLD.SMOll'"' power .te.rllla, po\Wt brak-...
n. alt oondl&nlnc. (PK.\. --'--'-'-----· 11
&14). /•
$ff95 • • IRANDNIW
'69 CUTWS OOG ... ~ hnled., ~•pprox. 8 15' 1.AR.50N 1968 w/ 65 hp • f199 Autllorlzed. MG Del.ler R/H, front .,eat w/room)' ~~ ~ ~~
rw.. Part Cblhuahua. Good Mere. New cond. CUst. ..-~L GOO b&ek, shelvn., hammock, .-u ..,_ -.-. • wif.h children, ~ 615 cover $1495. ~7308 _ ·,. OPEL coJorfUJ. Federal yellow. Re-Huntttwtom e.cb OIRYSLP -PLYMOUTH F..a5 IPTS •• CPE.
liable Qu"ck sal """ 491-Kl NSSl D HARBOR BLVD. Deluxe bdb! front A rear,
ctm: mafo & lomafo kit. IO' Gl.ASSPAR "~-. 5 hp ROBINS .... RD 11392 ' ' '· -· ~ . ~~ rv 61 OPEL Sta. wagoo. Xlol ---=-=...---un: PAY CASH' ~··A MESA 546-l934 padded dull, IUl\r '*'~ !*~118;...._Weaned & trained. OA.B,. oars. $225." l~ Santa • 2060 Harbor Blvd. motm; .tr tires. Needs paint '6I VW "' , Open Daily 'til 10 p.m. equipped.
""'""""' 6/5 na Aw. CM. 54~ ~1a Me,. 00• -o -•••~aft s 30 ' l='=:::=='===='=:;::::-1$1" nN, ..,, Mo. T1l10 T ... .,. ...-w.i. ......., . ..........,,..., : Excellent cond!Uon lnalde Ir: -ii .-
• 1:~ -wk.uldkittono,one S•llboob 90101.!!!,...~~~!'!!''""'""' oul.-ymoame<t.,pluoh FOR YOIJI W COMET Cul!Y. $2399 'ih''" one blk/wht •ortped. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;~I * PAM-TOPS * PORSCHE blaok "'""°" 1125 Ca"' ~ 6/5 • All steel ftbeela. Sales & ren---------del!, dlr, or trade • take low CONNEU '84 COMET Caliente
6 -AOORABLE k1ttens, 7 $5495 tal•. $149 up. Bey factory '62, MODIFIED en<rine, lSM ta LB yu A ~"• ...,_,, f.5,000 ml, .Malol offer,
d;-t 1010 So H bo SA ·~· pymn · ·~-~. ~ CH"""", O'.,.. ••• -· •--Pl"-• Tax A !Jc. ~lql old. ~t BJuir, ....... ~ · · ar r, · mi. Red lacquer, radials, Bill, 5-15-0634 l;"t';ll '"51 ..,_.......,.or~ .....
Newport Beach. 644-1096 6/5 28. F/G AUX • '67 OODGF; Camper Van ~t~,,e o:!':
w .. Best offer. 213: ,65 VW 2828 ~.Blvd. =========l~='!m in::e ~.!,i!
6 WK. old kittellii, Persian & a.a ts •••.•.••••••.• where fs w/Expando top xlnt. CorJd. .,...,.....,.,. C!osta Me-ail 546-DXI CORVAIR ........
Siam.ese mixture. Eves: 14' Ketch, trailer $499 11-lws! sell $35QO. 54!1-1477 "·53~ro=RSCH-=~E-1'"'soo.s~-.-..,.~w/ Qwned by Jl!tltt •'ole painter ---;;rn; .. ;-----1:::'.-:==::-----I on 48 monthl. A~
-from '·-·na 0 ·-·h. xlnt Will Buy CORVAIR ~---J"~ ""'6351.'.t Serial No. sn .. .._.... &M-2928 6/5 e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe 1989 VW Camper, pop-up, bllc int, ~bit eng, new ....... U"C"o... ....,.161;1, -·
'19 nd• m cash d I dlr overha~, call LI ~2843 l WHITE & honey colored 3446 Via CJtlorto, Newport 6,000 ml., Florida reg. ;a:llO. paint, FM/AM.·544-84 , co . es, ' ewninp after 5. . u ' '
i;Mle kitten1, !~'"haired; 2 .1~3,~591~-5S1i8;;~~n~<;'~-;;;;,:;,1 ~~~p~rty~-~213~,~33!~--01'1>~= Ve-ry Clean take pymnt $36.86. WUJ tine Your Volk5wa1tn or Por9cbe n1vers1ty rDbntM old. 8,36.:.4491 6/5 ~ 1964 cc> Coupe. ea.u atter i prvt party. Call Ken. msm & pay top dgllan, Paid Jar '11 a>RVAJR $2JO. _Good
LYNG. state 2 wks. Sac. all C•m-r Rent•is 9522 °""lOIM 'Of VW -:man, b lack or not. Call ftafph tranlpottatlon. I 7 Ii· 6 6 3 4 2 n.uFFY Black &, white
W.ttens. Call alter 6. CdM.
613""'20 "'
• r-p.m. ~ 673-0900 ~~ ~~twlnd mo211~.8~ * EXPLORER * "·~;-"'~"IUlCHE"'.". m= .. -,"'!-:F"=l5600"'·'""•:;"'· ~ma· .......... ~.nn~~ •• i~r~: lMPORTS wANTtD = Corvair Station Wagon. . Oldsmob:le.
equip, lacs. new 25' oU By week or month. Luxuri-best offer. 6Q.-06Q9 .........., -Y .. _ Oruce fbmlt191 MAKE On"ER.. II F1tEE lcittem to k:lrd home. shore qiooring ideal Lido OUI.. Sleepg 6, Self contain-$1550. 673-U73 TOP S BUYER -* &46-484.11i
2316 Delawan!, Huntington Isle Joe. $2225. 615-3685 or eel Llmlled number Call * '60 "Porsche Super .59 vw 9 pa.s.wnger bus, USO. BD..L MAXEY TOYOTA ========= !2850 Harbor QIN Mea.
A.lsf•ll't s.1" ..... .,
Y1•ri of bP'tlonc. •
Check Our
• ' OUl Of'IL PllC:D
. STAIT AT '1m
01Dft Yoau 8ch. ' 6/5 833-0386 today. . $l800. 615-!085 675-281.3 Xlnt mechanical c 0 n d . 18881 s.cb Blvd. CORVETTE ,..,..
4 FiJRRy kittens 7 wks. 2 HOURLY ru;NTALS LEISURE RENTALS 84.2.-4838 H. Beach. Pli. Nl-EllS '63 OLDS Ill HT. AutD., v4 , TODA.YI
male 2 lemale. Housebroken * Rhodes 19's * . ' cno1) 642-66ll, (TI4) 837-3800 SUBARU 1965 vw I Xln nd WANTED: JUNK c A RS a>RVrrrE ••• m1as. • .. PS. P.'~. R/H, w1-.•1---------il to a sandbox 546-7850 615 Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa.]===='==== ----· vory. t co ' .....t ., _.,, -.a-· OJD ... 14 !850. TOP 11$. ·~· • Iopa ~·-"' ~· Flln IOldc -4',450 mt 2 "' 1 x E D Samoa-ll<••'• 28' wooD 51oop Inbd, ..... Dun• Bugglff 9525 Subaru of Calif. • 64._,,., • • ~"" * -1489 En-Arm> "'"" ..n.
pupp;'" • mo. P/hsl>l'kn. xlnt a>nd., steal a• 1<1001SH =~o~WW~-Cl,ll.~··-~~Jl<>~;;i· ~!..j1~.;~ll ... ~IJ·~1~D~·~-~~~~:1;1~ YW~~~~~~ """*""i'io -:J. · ~~~ ~"\.'tiu~,.-T .. &.'-"'~ ~ · -• -~ 1e'ftrytM'ng-.""'--s to ~',"1,_297*p"0'-E: w. ~C&lfbc~n 8 .rt"12~~ '-"'c;;_,.o;;;.==~-"--"'""'-1964 Cl1l'LASS v:i. auto, ..-• ..\OORAB~e"broke'ii' COLUMBIA p!J 1/3rd in-· ' e e after 6. 64.2-4529 • · -______ _., __ I bucketl &: cotllOle. P/S.
black kltte~. wuheJiver. . terell Top..:....a'.,nd,. ,extras. belle~. 6"-0184, M5-ai8D Opt equip $30. Freight $14.50 --,,""""""°-,-.,--=--Lease a =--n::.! Months ~.,;.,.,,,Tac. Immac, $119.). 962-m20 615 $1.(Q) dn. 60-3295. m.m.t -Handli('lg $49. r>el. S1390.50 '62 VW, xlnt cond. 5-4&-&.t,. lmp..."""19tt Autos '9600 + Tax and u ceni;e Mu.t sell. $650. & return· w!Ol no obllg'T' n.
4 BLK/WHT kltte~. 6 wka.
old and weaned, call
613-5134 Sunday
AKC. 545-7008
* KITE No. 735, H w y
trailer, nearly ne;w. Many
extra•. $995. 673-5627
KITE. New aall, 2 masts,
ru:irig gear, cover & trallcr
$750. 673-8ll7
·A.USnN· H.EA' .. Y 1000 w. Coaot Hlway, NJ!. * m-0443 * Call Mr. Malcolm fur V8, autom•tic, ftdlo, ""'"· P·L.;...OUTH
L£ 645-0000 * 540-2733 1967 VO~ BJue, IUl\rOC.II, Full De~J-~0 " power ab!erinc 6 brake1, TM
'60 AUSTIN Healy too.a.
cl@&D -ad. body. WJru $700. Cell.....,,. - .
Sl,!NBE~M .
·~FM XJ t nd -factory a1r-~1t1oo1._, low,:·1· --------• ft.+Sol" • QO • Ford Ailtborized ....... .., ,
' -., &lj.'389 • Loulnf Syslg> low mn ... om. 1)26). '67 PLYMOUTH
'69 VW sedan """ml. '""' Th11do.-. • $2795
' i
' I
I l
4 KITI'ENS, nke &: lovable.
3 months, box traitled. ..,..,,, "'
MALE German Shepherd A
673-111< ======
'68 BMW 1600. AM/FM
tape. Sunroof. Xlnt
cond. * 6'J5..:m.t
. '17 nGER 289, 4_.spd cnnvt.
Dlac btkll. lmmac. Best of.
fer, 646-2812 ask for Dave
'65 v WBua 1"'5 ""'RD • V-'LIANT °"""' -·-,847-ROBINS ..... ATLAS Automatl• lransmlalon. "' I '56 VW, new tires. 2060 HaJbor Blvd. dio, heater, ('I'WB 8ll) EIKt'• c•upe. f'ult pow•r,
Runs ..,...at! Calta Mesa 6').(mi) $1595 ~•ctory •Ir co11d. NCI .--CHRYSLER -PLYM.OU"m ••• I
'65 IUIC:K
~ & moa. 6t2-5944 115 Boat Tr•fhtrs 1225 * ~ .,.. LliASE "' 2929 HAReoR BLVD.
°''68;-;VW,;;i". ,;;Ble:-:o"°k '-'1n1'""'. uu.:,::.,.::,n:-, I '68 Cad CJ>o de Viii•, lull pwr, OOSJ'A MESA 546-1934 ATLAS $ 1 795-· 1
At.1·04 ndk>. Make oiler. air, 17,CO'J mi., $139 mo. Open D&fb' 'tll 10 p.m.
54S..j463 · '69 C.ougar, 2 dr, H·top,
4 IO'ITENS. 8 wks. old. V«y WANTED: ,'X/ boat lrallei. =========' ~thy. se-5643 6/5 541-6182 or 6'J3....31lf
TOP .,,, wm holp '"• • -· DATSUN
load. W-<825 615 BootMol-~-~ 1 · $, SAVE. $ 1968VW,auto,
GWIT Coclus p1 .. 1a. ,.., JACK'S Eloctnmlc·~-'6 DATSUN' Eucullvo C•r Sele llllOO mllao ~
dig. 545-4483 6/5 Electrical repair, remod, • • · Hurry Whit. They Letti Eves.
PITS •nd LIVESTOCK new lmtaflallon. 54"4329 ' ....... ~':..~ «1ulPP. ., .... L•...:i ~ ":.~~~ ~ lnl Boot Slip Moorlnt 9036 ed. ~ ''" • '4iR UlllG ~rack.=""5'3-S!Ui;. rr,,.·,..,,.--
otrrSTANDING lg. c.~ NEWPORT .Up 1.., rent ' $1295 IMPORTS 11005 '6$ ~,.!~G,,..1115
Shep. puppy. Parents on Priv. parking. $2.50 per fl CHRYSLER PLYMOUl11 TOYOTA·YOl.YO :.:;;;.;;...,..._...._ __ _
,..mi .... $30. 847-99~ Up. to 35' sail w/namrw 2929 HARiiOR BLVD 1966 ..._, C.M, · 616-93<ll VOLJO
5 p.m. "°""" ~ COSTA MESA 546-im. BJIJ.. MAXEY -·-----
Afvhan Hound PupplH NJil!"D Side tto "" 23' boo! °"'" O.lly .'ID 10 p.m. R5 _VQlVO AKC*~= q~ality ~~~or~~~ Gary Big sed: ~A:™ overhead fTJC>rtCITIAJ NEW.164
Doberman AKC 1 yr, • WANTED 30' SLIP • cam q., dlr. f 1pd, radio, 11UI BEACH ILVD. &
old, ahow quallty, obedle ll' Beam. Prlv. Party heater. wsw tires, loaded! Hunt. leach 847-8555 Nl!W llOO
trtloed. $150. 962-6403 • 6'15"4392 ANYTIME e 2200 Miles, under lacfm'y 3 ml N. of Coasl HW)'. on Bet> , NOW QN DISPLAY
LAB Retr. 1 yr. male. otle-warranty. Ba.I tr fine. s1m. " L
'"""" tnolncd. Ready lor lloot-Yochl Take $15 cuh d'11, or old" VOLKSWAGEN r .... ....:. titld. Owner trans. 847-8695 Ch•rtera 9039 ear. LB YNW 087, Call BUI l41f' UULQ
49'-9773 or 56-0034 CHAMPION .... "ma!' BLIJEWATER CHARTERS 1968 vw Bug. 13.000 "'"'" IMPORTS Ena:Uab Bull. AKC reg. zr Trojan.·Powu '67 Datsun Xlnt condition: Owner _
Loves children. 545-2951 26' Tbonderblrd, Sail S • W . transJen-ed. l1750. 847-1464 TOYOTA·YOL'IO
e German Shepherd pup1, Skipper avail. 646-9(W tatiOn agon 1964 VW, Oean ii Sharp Ullll ~. CM. 646-9300
AKC, 9 weeks, large boned. :=i:==i:;,;==== All ~':.. 4 IPd, dlr. rad~ 64z.eM3 8 AM to 6 PM, Ft1t D&lJ,y Piiot Want Ada
$50 up. 496-7184 Mobil• Homes 9200 heater, """' new! $75 Cu!i. after 6:30 646-1225 D\al ~ k;r RESULTS
GERM sborthair pntr pupll.
A¥C, Nall champ. Bojack
Sired_. 6 M, 2 F. ~
deJa, pymntl $39.00 mo.
BAY HARBOR VHG <114. oall Kon, "'"9713
Mobil, Home SaJ.1
c... Loma.-Roll·Awq ENGLISH FORD
--Imported Autos 9600 lmportod Autos 9600
'66 Contlnefltal led., l!l" A i-----~---l92D tL\RBOl!·B!..VD, 4 tloor H.T •. f•et•rt~ •It, ,
leather. '99.75 mo. CDSTA MES.A ~1934 p.Ww •toerint & ~.le,,
SOUTH COAST '6f DODGE Open Da.lly 'tll 10 p.m. ••fe. IMOY 1461
. CAR LEASING '60 VALIANT, """'6, -$, 395 I 300 W. Cal u..,,, NB "54182 '011.0NIT mop, nme ..... Interior
VS, automadc, rsdk> and dnt, $650. ID-JSBl
9900 ........ -.......... (RIG!======== ''7 M'USTAN• I Uaed C•n
---------8851 PON11AC Co11Yirt, 4 •p•M, r•tlle, . '62 SIGNE"J' 2 dr, HT, $36. $fl95 he•f1r.; TXS 161 • ;"",,;,5~',;,":;.171-.,;: ":: '65 PONTIAC -$ 1995 · .,
lSl. '61 T-atrd $37. mo., ATLAS II-~~------tl Slock No. 142. C•l1lln1 2 Dr. H.T; • n'
G·MAC MOTORS -C>!RYSU:ft -PLYMOUTH vs, •Ulom.ltl<,'nilloi •hll•to•, '6' Tllfo\Pli "< . l 3630 W. ht St. ........-steer! .. powe br.k CV.t-c:p•. l&H, • .,..,
Santa Ana '&31..au3 2929 HARBOR BLVD. ....~-· · • r • P.S.1 t•ctory •Ir colMlltfo•· ========:I OOS?A MESA 546-IBM ff, (TRJ 420) IRt. ISTDl771
Open Dally 'tll 10 p.m. $1395 $ 119S
'64 BUICK Station Wqon, Is eyt. Power ltleerflW, auto-ATLAS
fully eqU!pped, tac air, matic tranmmllion, radJo,
Michelin litts, G,000 mi. ·beater, IJc OML 195. atRYSLER -PLYMOUTH
IF.::_ __ _:...,,_..tl ,
'61 CADIUAC: .1 S.d. DoVillo. '911 ,....,.,
f•c.t. •rr. lHXS 742) 11000. ,,.__ aft ' $997 • 2929 HARBOR BLVD.
• '62 LE SABRE * Holiday 1969 Harbor Blvd. cosrA MESA _. 546-1934
69,000 Ml: Beautitul Car. Co9ta Mesa &U-8023 Open n.ily 'tu 10· p.m.
64U5M * 1969 "° DODGE Dvt '67 LEMANS '64 BUICK Special witb Mqnum 375 h.p Polltnc. Bucket seats ract:oey air '66 THUNDIRltlD
famous V-6 ~ Se-c ~ tlon. $3100. !'31""4933 or pwr iteerl.ng: nlf"tlttt, xini F•cl•ry •Ir coMf. '1111 ,. ••
appreciate. $900. 548-8584 6Jl..MOll mndltlon Inside 1 out, dlr or, ¥1!1Yi top. XLY491
'68 RIVIERA. Air, vinyl top. '65 DART, id· oond .. •natno 1115 Cub OI' l°"lp ,.,,: $2795
" $991 · l
low mil. Immac. PN prty. ov-erbauled. good tire a, Take low pyrnnta, LB TKR'1------::---+l ·I
(& E\feS. 644-1549 ' tn.nl. 547.(1933 ~·-~ Ken, 4!M-977J orl t 'L ~ 'H Sim.All ·'
SheratOn Manor • Homette • 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Kit • Prestige • Sa.hara 11
'9 wk:s, A.KC. 642-5065
BEAUTIFUL 7 yr o I d
gelding plus some tack.
0KJd1 heartbroken, $350 or
belt oUer. 548--0177
1425 B•ker St. FOR.D' DEALER
% block East of Harbor Blvd. SALES. SERVICE
on Baker '69 MODELS
Costa Mesa (714) 540-9470 Immediate dcJJvery
EXTRA •·--bit. l LARGE·SELECTION 2 BOX 11talla with cornl I: 1 -...... •
I er. mobil home; 55' tong, Theodore
,,., .. 1a11 wth ....... oorra. w/pop-0ut ... ,... b It-I" ROBINS FORD s·t· Hits. 5t0-62S9.. kllch. Laguna Park. Take TRANSPO•TATJON , oYel" equity w I t n $3500 2000 Harbor Blvd. "' · O>sta Mesa ·&42-0010 lolts & Y.chb • 9000 cash .. Ca.II owner days, =~-''~=---:::.~.;:;:....,, -"rERWJ--fR EEr ...,. .. .-.. !lf<>l. unlum. +;lu~·-~~~~--,,;'~~-;,.;·'::'.:I _ J'ERRAll.I · 11111.--11 ... ClllNI I N-lmporU Utt. °"
Offered to the eubllc Motorcycln '* &Iii• County's aw aulbor-
bj the Balboa ower y AM.AH A Bl g Be a'r 'S'~~'ERVIc!PART9 ~dron startinJi. 7 Scrambler, late '66, good 3100 W. Coatt Hwy. Monday une cond. Inc. helmet $400. Newport Beach
2,.Newport Harbor &&2-043 Jlm. 642-9405 5'0-1764
Yacht Club, 720 West Authorized MG Dealer
* SEMI CHOPPER * Bla y A v e., Newport 1946 BSA-A w. Rebuilt
Beach. E n r o 11 a t ena:lne. $575. ca 11 alln" 4
clus. For additional p.m., '* 642--3958 '62 XKE Red Rdl. Beat oner IDtortnatJon ~ho n ·e y••••U• ao TraDmuter. ..-...
6 • ~ -·-675-0467 <>r • .-rl~ Clean, many Xtru. $195. ~. 846-UOO
SCR'AJtt-LETS ;:::. rr.... "" ========
ANSWERS . 30· rnvo1 _,..,
Xlnt '°""· Donkey -RustY -Soule1 * 642-9671 *
-Doml..,-<lNE SKIRT ===="'-=====
Hard luck Ill)': Ue made
a lot or money as a pantt
rnamifaeturf:r. 1tien be JOit
it on ONE SKIRT. &13
'6T S2' Cluil C.orlnlhlan, fully
~p'd, Uke new $2000 for
"""''" Cell d.,. 737--0651 Mr. Owt!n. Night• ~2Ut ·
PRaroTYPE Ir t a c t o r >'
..... Ill' dlnatiYo. If tri
hull ,,..... 1117 South '-
S~ S.A. -
'66 CHEVY PU. Take ever'
pa,ymt'nts. Ne.eds bod y
work. Call a1tet S PM
117l-2614 220 DIESEL 'Iii, lildt new.
19l? 1ntemational PkkuP Air, au"to,~ fM, wht w/ blk
truck, 6 cylinder &tick. int. Prv prty $4S(», 8 am-6
S150. &0-717'8 alt S. pm. wkdyl 675-6111 Mr.
1J1$6 GMC " T pk:Jrup. ~ --~~'~--~~-Ji condition. Call after S, '56 Mercedn UIO SL
... 1115 $825. M1I! t1rM, paint,
For Dally Pilot Want Adi rfblt ,erw .• 615-7329
Largest Exclusive
Toyota Dealer
Anywliere ! ! ! !
Largest S1rvlc.
Largest Selection
All .......
CADILLAC -----Be•ch Cltv Cldll11u * BIG DIAtDUNTS •
AU FuU Power-Fact, Air
'69 de Ville •• ~ .... , •••• , $619S
0 '68 Sl!d ••••• ; .......... ..
• '67 Sed. • ••• ;: • • • • • • • • $3796
'66 Sed. • ............. '2891
'63 Sl!d. • •• •• • • •• •• •• • 19911
B)U!IG RJ;SllLTSI .. Dial 6G5673 • Whtte tiepf'lantsl otmc .... 11ne -------'"-""--"======='--
.. Ii
• •
PORP ''"6S'°'G"'ro"""on1=y""•"',ooo=-m-L~Hd"'°1'1-.-,1,t.4 tlr. Auto1t1_,•tic, h,_,, ·1 1---------msp, • p e c • iuspenalon. itoerl~g. r•WJo, ••tor. '47 FORD lRGY414l . . . blaok Int, <:11 poal., many $ 1391 more Xtru, mU1t see to
l'AIRLANl·HO GT bollew 11,000. Mutt """·It------'-·!! VB. automaUc, radio, bet.ter, Alk for Dooc. SU-t366
power .teer1ns, power bnk-'87 FIREBIRD 400 C.Onvt.
e1, aJr'oonditlonlna. (7K'3, P/1, P/b, JVff. Low ml./
mmt). s. Ownr 8T}-99ll. eves.
H.T. Cpe. A•., PS, l&H
ltCKtl6J -
m-<106 $1995
J . : •
' •
C I -
' . Indians Fail • in Choosing Between .~ocw~ies _ .
olcol>olloail, """'kldr ~
-aod ollo aalol
bearln1. Testlmooy " I • roleued Tbunday.
o/ olber roca lo th< ·Ualled
4-lcan lndlanl are fan:<d
to cbooee bettrffn tbetrr own
cultun ""' modem llOClely -. ond moro o/ lh<m
dtan health pnibltma Ill 1111
tile 1enerat phyalcal health ol
lndlana bu rleen atrtkNIY
t6e subcommittee WU told.
But mental be'alth pn>bltmo
have become more terious.
Boliea\l~ the -.... -~aod..-
"Al the IndWl peop1t bave
1>"11 uu1ht m<n.oDd l!lll(O ta
th< conl1lct ~ theli' old,
trldlttonal cultUre aod ·the
demaoda of modern Ameri<iln
society,'' Rabe.au aald, ·~
taJ health problems h8:ve b
tlooa1 dllardln a m o
-whldl hu always beeQ to to -... ~. Jtableau 1 a I d
-lnlltrlltd ond drink, 15 percent above that («other
nces -jumped Iii! percent In
m .. w bealtll .,........
jnUtaltd ln t• .. the
Pine Ridge, S.D.; ,_,,, ~ll <r commit llUlclde I -
IUbcommltlee bu been .. Id.
Sinco the Department o/
Heallb, l!ducaUon OllCI WeU... toot · over juriediction for I~
Dr. Erwin S. )ta)>e<lu, lfUoo.
tor of Indian health ..me. for
HEW. tatlfled tut month hi
a n appropr1atJ9ns s u ·b -
committee clOl<d door budge!
He uJd Jbe lqdlan and
Eskimo bomiclde rate was up
3$ percent In 1967, triple that .. crtaled."
'He qtloltd
Qlhera lollowod In
P'-1>, ArlL, aod
ot.tlallcl for q11tniue. N.M.
lllllUl -~
Where should a widow
invest the money
she can't afford to risk?
• ' ..
In a"Califomia Federal
5.25% ~iquid s~~·11:
Her husband provided well for her. She's invested carefully, too. Good stocb. Bonda. And a
California Federal S.25 % Liquid Savings account for the money she can't afford to .tiak; Bee.-
her account 'ii safely backed by the strength of the nation's largest federal. she keeps a Substantial
percentage of her assets there. -PenJo11ar .lnvosted, l]er accollllt l)ftelf)'1elds-inort t!Wflitr iillt -
in-.nts. Liquid Savings accounts are for eyeryonC. ShouldD't you open your acc:oont mwT
Earn from day.in to day-<>ot. In addition, fill!& received by the 10th_ of any molith eam ffiiiil Ille
1st when .on &po.it at the end of the quartCr. Choose fiom two high rates •••
5.25% Bonus Account: (Aftila'ble In multiples of $1000.) F.ams SA%-. elCll
year a'bo•e regular ~k nte when held 3 years.
5.13% Passbook Account: 5.13% lllllllal yield on lnsared f'Mlllook .-bwhm .n ufinp and dlfldeMs remaia a year, if the 5% current •MDII nte Is •1latodMI
and compoanded dilly for a year. ·
' ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EU CUD A VE. • 771-2222
COSTA MESA OFF1CE: 2700 HARBOR BL VD. • 546-2300
ORANGE OFF1CE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 839-3033
Head Office: li670 Wilahlro BIYd. Loa Angoleo
AJ. :a1:A1 .. .....,,.to t1J1000 0!"5tr prvrilioN of lht Fedm.l Savinsa It Lean Insur.nee Corponcloe. a pemww.nt a,tnCJ of the Ul'ited Sbt.Osow 1 • -
' , .