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1969-06-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
~AWRENCE RE ILLY JR, • • • ,.. . . •• ·'!hree Nav y ·W omen ·G:Qthe~ in Costa M~sa H~me . . Waiting for One Sailor 1ar:td Mourning. A.noiher Three Navy wive!! are waiting today, waiting for One sailor dUe home ~t. drawlna: strength from another who ust arrived' anCI mournlng a trura;-d ep with n sblpmates under the South China Sea. ,. Outside the home of Senior Chief Gunner's Mate Lawrence J, Reilly, at 2234 Minuteman Way, Costa M-is a par]<ed car wttb a window decal saying : We A!'f a Navy Family. Chief Reilly was asleep• at 4:12 a.m. Tuesday when the 22,SOO.ton Australian . aircraft carrier Melbolune cut· through the destroyer USS Evans like a meat cleaver through a plastic toy. Somehow, the career seaman escaped from his forward section quarters as the Evans sank, but his sori-the ·boy he re-joined the Navy to look after-went down It his pool Jn the boiler room below, . Chief &Uly joined the Navy In 194% and lo....t It. Boller Tender SIC Larry. J. Reilly Jr., 21, joined tn~1Mi-and-couldn't wait tO itt opt in September and go back to sohool. A woman who lost a son, a yotinrr widoY( he mBlTied just after high solloot and a Navy lieutenant "-ho was iqnong the first fo lii>ow of the trage<ty !Jlked about lt today. All they know can be said in a min· ute or two. "MT huoband is doe ·in at ,Travis AFB about midnight," said the ·elder Mn. Rellly, "I don't koow how he'll' get h0!11e, afHds.'g~r went down with-<jhe ship and he~has'lhO money or. clothes." ·- "I was the first to find out ••• I can't say just how. It was .a rather fumy thihg all the way," said Navy Lt. (Jg) James Reilly, 23, a public informaUoo of'fieer. . "What w.111 I ever tell the baby!" said 1.irs. Joyce Reilly, 19, as Lawrence J. Reilly __lll_1le:pt_u~l&i1'l,_one_ Year old and unaware of tragedies. . The home was darkened by drapes, quiet and smelled of . coffee, strol)g like it ls made Navy-style and full of. i. sen.se of resignation. Chief Reilly called from Manila Tues- day night with an order. "He said don 't hold out any hope at all,'' said Mrs, Reilly. "Everybody brings doughnuts and nobody eats them," she said with a sigh, pouring that black coffee. "It's funny how so maoy peo@!e you haven 't thought of for a long Ume call you," Lt. Jim Reilly read a newspaper, sigh· ed and muttered. His father Who has spent JI years In the Navy,· broke duty, then re-enlisted, wu ibout to re'\ire, bui. signed ·Up again to go on ·~ dyty aboard the Evans with his younier son •• "He always •wanted to go Navy,-just like hi! dad," aafd a grieving, wife -and mother, "but I gueu it was all different when be got in. All he wanted to do wu · get out.'' "I can't believe It," the younseri Mrs. Reilly had said earlier, "I got a letter from Larry just the other day, We went together all through hijh S<hoo/. I ~s we always knew we'd get married.' · "My hUBband re-e.nliated because ·of Junior," said the older Mrt. Rellly1 "he was worried aiou.t thi"bciy.'.' "I don't thJnk-'I want my ~ur~ Jn the ' (See NAVY FAMILY; ..... I) -- • • LA~RE!iCE REll,.LY Sit. --• ' I -. . -~~~~,.;.-*"....,l!!il11l!il ........ :::;-:11 : : .. ••• . . · ,; • r:; ' . ' : : ' . ) . . ) . . . ' . . . .. . ' . ' . , . ., ·. ."c' ... ":." -.. By· ALMON LOCKABEY -Milit.Rl!-y Policies • O.ltr f'tlft ... ,,... .... Mystery still shn>U<js Ille fate ti tho nine known paspengers aboafd the 111 .. foot schOOner G,<)octwlll Mllch' U.s wreck- ed on Sacramento Reef off Baja c,lifornia . some 200 miles out ol . San COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (UPll - President Nixon today made a spbiled defense of American ~f'Y'-~ a+.., the world'sgeatesf,iuaril¢ee•of po. , The cmer'esecutive spoke at''i .iin-brlk- ed Falcon Stadium tO tbe <8'16 grlduates of the Air Force Acaderi'Jy;and a CU'OW.d dtimated at nearly 40,000 persons. "It i~ open season ·OD the armed forcts,0 Nb:on said, going ott-to a~tack "the new isolationists" who would disarm the United States unllaterally and hope fo improve conditions with {Wssia and Com· munist China by Oeliber,telf weakening U.S. power. ·"We·must rule out unilateral disAnna- ment," tbe President• said. "In the real world, that simply will not work." Furtbecrnore the PreSident said, "If Amttica were to tum lts back oo the 'WOrld a deaden~ form of peace would settle over this· planet -the kind of iptace that suf&k:ated freedom in CJechoslovaltia " ~ -- - "Following the speech the Pl-p~nt departed immediately for his new-Mme .in San Clemente for two days «. prep-- 0r .. A <Aut Weather It's the· same old sorry sltuatioh -for Thursday, wilh the sun ~ing through in the late afternoon •bile temperatures range from ' 66 t'o· ~ along the Orange Cols!. , _ 'INSIDE TODAY A "world premi~rt1" stage vitriion of an 1·11gn1or Btrgmon movit OI?tlll in NewpOrr Beiteh. thil 'Wftkend, while other thto-- Url activity ii listed i" Ent,n. tainment, Pages 22:23. J araUom-ror "bis .Sunday confUtoce with President Nguyen . Van Thieu of South v~ ·ii> lha>t-.Mid .. or. -)sli!Jds.-. i~oo mild~lta1Jaif,.: ... t '~ •I' -~ Befort jowng. the cOmtne'ncem!nt,.ex· erci~, the P.r~nt and his wife and memhe:r°s or the ;siaff w~f for a motor ~tour of the 18,000 acre ·academy campus in . the" pfcturesque r00thills of the Rockies. Theyinade one stop.to tour extcOsively the 17•plred academy chapel, which ~n tains four places of worship -for Protestant,. "Calbollcs, Jewish and an all purpose' eb~I for those Of other faiths (four of the Cadeto; from Hawaii, Korea and Taiwan are Buddhisb), ·~Igo. . -Rumors and conjecture c:irculallnl ' around the liarbor Area -many · ol which have been picke(I up lf.jo newspapers and wire services -have proven false and only added to the con- fusion. · As of noon today, there had .b«:en .no diverJ, native or f.rofes.siPnal, aboard •the sunken vessel, so ttfe flte of thOse·aboli'd the ~wUJ ~11 atill .unJtr.own: . Neither had the body of a teen~ge boy foµnd , fl91tinf ,f~ce d~wn , t\Vo·n).iles ,north · of tile· wreckage been. taentlfled~ The body was . on bQard1 a ~1eXfcan Navy 'Yis!tl en route to Ensenad«, e~ed.to ¥rive sometime today., . · · . ', . Art Knievel1 execut~ve yice pr~deat of· F&L Michiiie · Indu5tries", owned ·by tHe ·Goodwill's oWner and skipp8r, conflrmed that the ~ his 'hired WO pro- feoajonaJ SCUBA ~tven tO 11P to San Nbon, .Ucldnt close!Y, to his pr<pared te~ sWled the bqe crowd as he ticked off some of the uti-mlli~ position.\ ' spreading through the coun1ey today, "Military programs arfi>""rid.iculed. 1as' ~'U not dellb<'l"ate .... ;~.;;i.;;! ~ iiultaiy protw]9n js dericiel ~n some of. the .'so-called"'li&t circles of America. PatriOtism 1,a cOmidertd by some to be a backward fetish of the uneducated aD!f ~\m8opb1stfcated. Na- tionalism is hmled and applauded as a panacea for-the ·illlt of every nation ex~ cept the United States." • • " • Geronimo blind DUtr wbereJhe,Goodwill IN BETTER DAYS, ~CHOONER OOOOWll.L MOY~~:~ltACE FU ~t_Y ~H~;P~P.10 WATElls . lies bn!aklng up on Sacrammto Reef. Oneffme Lwrury YMht, New ..,.._iif, .5cittY ~ ,01J:1'•1• CaUfeml• RMf • . ·• ' , -'"Ttie ,divers-ate .not upiK:t#I tto.arrlte •.. ---------~--------~~,......,...-..... ~-..,...------...,..-----untiliater t'od~ay and jt ~not knbW:i1 when ~cy 'Will .be ab.le tb lnve.stigale the Brothers Nabbed By Police in Wild· Foot Chase Nixon em~ as he delivered his address under a hot sun -and bright blue skies, lbat tbe aggre~!IOrs or the world to- dsy would not give this country "a period of grace in which to put our domestic Santa Ana police arrested two Orvt'n· houte·in order --just as lbe crilia ln our er11 Tuelday nifht .after . a wild foot. clues grinnot. be put on the back burner chue through backyards of. northern unUI We solve the probM!rm of. V1etnam. Santa Ana in which one shot WU fired • .. The 'm • sucoe.slul aoluUOlll we can aod I~ el,der brother was subdued by Imagine fo( our dmnesllc problems wlll .,. of ·the cbl!Jnk:al mace. be meaningless ·tmless·we are-Q'Ol.lnd to Offictn s1tJ John Scanlan. 18, of 814 enjoy them.1 Nor can we condud ·a mpe-8. ctara. 'S(., Santa Ana, wu f1n11ly ctJSfUI posUion ot ;peace abroad if our arrested on charges of reslstin«· arrest. society Is at war with itself al home." . l:ll.s 17-year-old brother was 'held1 on ?Jixon's aggressive alUtude· against dlunketl driving charges. <:rillcs of Jhe Amir!Can mllltaiy WH According to the po11 .. accoont, Offi· broodly aimtd, appamitly lo Include op-cer Jolnl Balley spotted the Scanlan auto ~ ol his AIM SaltGfal'd l)'ltem, as moving ln 10 en1tk manner m the 1300 welf as advocates of u n 11 a t e r a l block of Memory Lane: He stopped the withdrawal from Vletnam. car. "lt ls open ~uon on t'he armed While ~arching the elder Scanlan f~" he told the cadets. '.'On ~ brotllcr, the youtll alle,..sty ·StNClt, the flSbtlitg front yoo U. ukad to be ready • !!"fl.,.f, lhen ran. Olf~r Balley (ra!ll>led to mal<e uhlimlled aacrlflOe In a llmlted with the ..,.pect, then ~pn ,the foot ••a,. On !be home fnih~ Y'Jll m under chah t~l'<Rlgh back yard.! near Memory oti.ck fn>C,ll lbose ~ho qu .. uon the need ,Lane and Bristol Stroet. . • , lot a 9troof notlooal delenot, arid lnCleed Then Ol!l<tr llkl1ard Faust came to see a danier . In 'the .power of the Ballet• aid, rl)O!llnt Scbl10 u · Ile defenders. (See Cll.UE', Pip I) t I • . .. I • ' ' • • l '. Booster Ttaile:d . .. ... .. . ' wretk." wd Knievel: ) Knievel 1la:l v:erin.i, thJt,. ~ Bpland, a former pa.v~~r-~~board the Goodwill and bust\lj'Ss' iaocfale' of Lal'· rlbee's had been tOwered to wfth.to a int . -' . Gase 1df Ch:iCkeniiig Out -or F tjul PJ4y? (See GOODWIU, ·Pac• ll Co• D ' ·1 "Held· m -~.~.r ... .'A· cllywlde ·1n.vesl11a110n IJ ' ~ CO!l· · ducted'lellay'by HunUngtbo lleaclr police into the Jnyst.er)ous' 'disappearance of ~ohn )'itzier~d's ''Sl!Pfl' Chlck;'' . Mond1y m0mlnj Ft!>iirala, "of : 8122 Kiner 1 'A:ve., . Huntlngtoh Beach, told · ' ' .. But · Wlitch .' Is ' -.. .startled police lhat someone bid. taken. 10 of. his chicken!' plua1a·llrge Wltlle ll'OOllter he c!llled a ,"super Chicken." · • ' JnxesUg~tor• scoured 4le chickens' In M de· ff1.1n~ naslliiil.afea at 71l5. Garfield Ave.I and .. · , Uf .. f , ·_ .,._..,... determlned that an ov~ ·leOdlng trn ·and ransaelled nel!I. dellnitejy In-· VAN N'uYs (UPli..;A.. -1111Y ,'youlli dlcat<¥1 "(o¥1 play." . , . , wl!I> a coin collecllon rewt<dly wort1t \ )"ltqeratd tqld pc;.ll~ be w!s. sure the $808,000 bas been accu9'(£ of tmna · te c.tlickeM 1 ~<llld Dot te:ave llie are~ on hire 1 "bomber.?' to kill two co6t clul· thTtir~own. : -. · 1 • en. to whom be owed mo.ney. , ""'· "bomber'' .... an undtr~ve:r ''Super, chick,". said F11 ... • era.kl, 11 an ·11.., -..,. pollceman..wlliJ armted RofJ:artGray. unusUal ·two-fpot tai~ tO-J?O.u~ while y20! .. °'.-0p~·1:1·'"' ! ~t'·' ,re~,.· .lb a 1 1 rqoo\er .. -.:lllJ • rtd~lni·~ Jt\i noct. . · ~· .N-J.1 l'i!ldril ,.._ Total value,tl the• Wll eillmatqd al • Police 'aa ~ti)< 'tried ,to un9&0 •tho ~; ' . 1l1ytqa. ti ',Ti!dd, Puller and TJ'1tatllr • • : ~ OWMf!'tl••coin !Uld·•-~ • • 1 , · • tn Nir!ll ,Holl~.\froln'.1')tem'har'.bl: New.·s. w. om, an 25, Die." s -ed $41.ooo, iantloll up JIUI .i .., OWn coll-• ct>llalirlJ, l ~,.,,,.. '·I I 1beUS.-~ltnkill.~~..! ~~i;:~.;.~~!~i on O..y lrnmedlltely llW 111" 1 ... -:, newawrltOr fcr·lho -tie-Pol" · :!:~\f ~J. 1:;:1J: \:.: \ J~,I died ''l'UllditY &wbtle m-· tlon. • " J.i' .. dwpjllJ'mll1or·our"'7 In 1 doctor'l.ol· Gri''' 'n:.te to' !)le~~~ •t ficeJ 1 i • """ ~ ' WU tNe 'fuMcll7. " . -... . -. -·. .,. ' t • r • • -. , , -. --------.::-----:-"'.'"""'.'~C-~~-~~~-:-::--------------,-----: ·- .;} ... , fUf S Wtlll ~---•. 1,.. ' r . • , · jFair Board Won't Rent .Court Site, Wants Sale ~ Couoly SUpervlJon will hive to .ilia Into lhe potty caah Im -or : --II Ibey cboooe to purcbale : .. IJ-acre lDllDlclpol oourt -ltz lite ill "':1Jor;i Mesa. D1reetors ol the 32nd D la I r I c t "'1i<ultwal A.uodaUoo, comprlolng the • <nnge Caonly Fair Board, woo•t '.:nesotiate for anything bul outrtght aale ol the land. Tbe Falr)loardreacbed l!J c!erjsioo on • the eve ol the Joog Memorial Day : •••dumd, after a report by Dirtc:tot Frank Riemer oo the proposed oourt llte • tJale. ·I.qi! qu'"1loN had exlsU!d oo whether the lioaril could or Wold ..U the land rilher than make a locg-teim lease . agreement !or lhe court olte offend. Director Robert M. H u m p h r e y 1 di..:uss<d th< ,altuaUoo --:Ith the State Al· torney a-al'• oflice in Sacramento and lhe declsioa was made to oiler the 13 acres on a Dal purthase. The Fair Board's reaOhrtkm establishes other prdimlllary guldelln<O !or lhe court site offer, wblcb will be ditcnSled again by coonly supervisors ill the near fulure. Ne. mention was made of the du! at their meeting Tuesday, and all coo- sideralioo bad beeo halted pending l"Olutloo ol the legality ol sale or lease. Newport Beadt his offered a court site, but the ·Q>sta Mess land apprailed al $40,000 per acre was coosidered a Sl mlllloo bargain r a t f. compared to the beach cit;.t's pttch. The Costa ~.. property 11 al the northwest corner ol the lalrgrounds, bounded by Fairvlel! Road, Arllnitoo Drive-and V111guard Way. UD<ler terms suggested by the Fair Board, the city would tmprove Bill'· mmdlng eu.et.s· as oecessary and the 32nd Dlatricl Alricultural AssoctaUoo " would provide right-of-way. Any street., eidewalb and other such access areu around the complex, however. would have to ht bought by the county, tbt same as the outright-sale of '"' site lllHWly. Sale would be naturally subject to ap-· proval by4he state Department ol Fain and Expositions, and the Department of General Services. From Page l GOODWILL .•• ~ 4 " ' • All Eyes Right! UPIT ........ feet of the surface from a Coa.!t Guard helicopter and that he reported two of the The annual Trooping .of the Color rehearsal in Lon.. a s this Guards' officer's, "Eyes right!" The Horse yacht's skiffs still tn davits. Another boat don is almost as grand as the ceremony itseU with GuardS Parade, to be attended by Queen Elizabeth w a 15 to 1~ tools~~ was miujng. 0,_s_o_ldl~• .. r .. •.,respondin.....:c...:..·..;..::g_in_;_urus_·_o"n.,.t.;.o,.,.:.comm:=;:::.::;an::ds::_::•u::ch=-..,....:l::l•:_w::ill::· :.;be::..:h::•::ld:.:.Jun=•:.:1::4:... ---------however. _ • ,.... -----.,. Boland was also lowered by hoist from -1 the helicopter to the fishing village oo c F c d ' 'D D ' ~=~~.~!i\:"ft!l:rm.. vu. nty reeway . rashes Fri ay s · ay. hid dived in the •lclnity ol the wreck but , For Youth Held none bad the gear to enter tbe sirnken ~w~uar.!J,•J.:1theootterrev":~, Kill One; Three lli]0 Ured In Flag Painting belloopttt could land safely. _ _ Two dlven, Bob Campbell and Wally . . _,.. .. Jmies, both from the Dana Point area, One ma~w killed and three Qthers the Magnolia Avenue offramp t n A youth arr~ Memorial Day were reported en route to the scene. They "1jured in s acular freeway crashes Aaaheim in which Stephens had lost con-weekend_ wh~n police. sa~ th~ found Oki -...11'J,3!,~il',!!iei>d>~•(,l"<ll!enqer'\On, ••.thk · • •. w" b lh• ,, ,, his hlrh m ..,, """ _ Glor~ w•lh .RevoluUo? pamted •crass_. c ~ r'~lfetNS"-rtea;'10 tie~~~. . .. ~ .... ~7~~,~,.w,t....~~ .... ..,~~" ·~ .. ~~'";:'ff~n~~~ ... lll"Mate11Jr1Jiis·~·m1m.trr.elJlll't' .-. Goodwill wben she fetched up 00 the reef. were demo . landed on the center d1v1der. F 'd lh 2Slh . 1th Allied DAILY PILOT,..,.. W ,.,.., c.¥11 .. · Flflfl for the Bogs G«irge Scott, president of Fountain Valley Boys' Club Board of Di- rectors acc.,,u llag which ooce flew over Cajlitol BID from Mn. ~ llemfilar of Huntington Beach, Mn. Rm>tllar, 'IVbo receiv· ed lho• recently when she was named "Air Fo~ Mother o! the Yeer.....,.'decided to donate II to club. A llag pole has been clcnaled by Mn. 'Walter Jurgens of Costa Mesa. . • ' -....::.:=.::...:.:.:::::::...~::;.;:.._;_._;__ __ ~-~------~ Wh lb r~lll . the .. •t I De d am·val at Martin' Lulh Off. Kelso nd Anlh G' ri ay, e anniversary () e y e \,lVUUW was m VlCll\ltY o a on er 1cers a ony 1eger invasion of Europe. the reef -which ie well tmowri. ¥ all lNt Coanty Traffic 1161 were checking Stephens' akid marks James E. Walsh, 19, of 833 W. 17th St., yacblsme> -Is ooly guesswork, ac-1% De .U 13 wbm Jolmson's car lllrucl: the divider Costa Mesa will be arralped in lllrbor CU'dlng lo the Coast Guard. .. •lh T. .between the lreeway and the olframp. · Judlclal o~irict Court on the cbarge, but Ont theory ii that tbe schooner bit the Holpltal In Anaheim . Wu Delbert E. The officers ·ran south on tbe freeway is currenUy free on $190 bail after befn& red at nlibl with only ooe penoo oo wa"' Jolm.son, about 50, ol Buena Park. to avoid the Dying debris but Kel!o was booked last Saturday. • ch wbUe the other! slept below. The man Injured were California Highway '· knocked UMHlSCious when stnrck by a He is charged with violation of a section on watch could have been the teenage Patrol Officer Jack. Kelso of Santa Ana, divider post from the offramp guardrail. . ·of the U.S. Military and Veterans' O:>de yootb whose body wu recovered. back injuries and . multiple , cuts and Johruion 's car had tollided ti.don with prohibttlng apy type of defacing the It is also well tnown to yadltsmen ac-bruises; Jaqi.es A. Stephens, 32, of Santa Me driven by Kruetner. American Flag. customed to cruising tbe Baja California Ana, three broken toes, cuts and bruises, 'J'be officer q the other two men were Police Officers Jim Farmer and Norm coast that there is a strong drift in the and Thomas E. Kruetner, :ui, oC Buena ta.ten to St. Joeeph Hospital in Orange Kutch notified a fellow patrolman al. the vicinity of the reef an<l that the Goodwill Park, bead injuries. where Kelso and Kruetner were treated Suspected ·violation and he peeked could have been set off her track oo. the CHP cfiicers were investigating an ac· and reJeaeed. and Ste~ held for through a boardeckp window of tbe fmal leg from Cedros Island to Ensenada. cident on the Santa Ana Freeway near ob9ervation. • • Walab apartment. The yacbt was last beard from May :15 •p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; oil C«lrol when someone aboard placed II • radl<>ld<!)hone call l!l\'ini .. eollmated lime o1 arrival In E-od• 11 MO}' 17. Meanwhfle, the Coal. Golrd ·ls...,. timmlg Ila -ol Ibo uea rill alrcrafl out of S.. IJieio. Tbe Coal Guard said the 1Ia!il on San G-1mo. wllicb marlla Ibo reef and the I lsljnd, ..,. proi>a!llr 1aoperau,. at the ibDe Ibo Ooodwlll bli'.fl\t· no!. . ~. UCI Students tn Give Fri.a aa1 1'MI-iioood'!!N fJI Llr· '· --lidmlt Ibey hold oiilY • •Um hope U>al .. -..m·be found alive. . :Berkeley ·Arrest Stnry .. ' . Sludeo!J and a UC lrvlno administrator arrested In Berkeley want to tell the1r 1tery. In a public meeting June 11, three UCl From Page l CHASE ... ..,._..i around Hesperlan SI?)!<( and Sharon Roed. Faust ordered lhe yoolh to hal~ then • fired a shot. Scanlan wasn't hit but was finally captured oo Park Lane after a chase through several mart backyards. Offian said Ibey had to use mace alter Scanlan's capture to subdue him. DAILY PILOT """"".._. HalllMtlM la..ti ._ ..... _ .... ,..., . ---CAUPOINIA CMtANGI COAST PUILIMiLNf COMf!ANY loMtt N. W11d Pl'lltl:l9nt ind M nllhtr J11k l. Cvrl., Vite Pm!Oein1 1111111 """"' .. Mtl'Mlttr Tlto11111 k11Yil Editor Tho"''' A. Mufphlno Mlnt91"9 Editor • .. studtn!J al1<I Slud"11 Actl.ttl<s Adviser Nell Malmberg will tell ll>efr ciaah with police. Tbl prograpi will be sponsor"'1 by the American Civil IJbertiell Uoioo. The apeat:ers . al9o Will show a llbort film llley made -plhering In- formation for a UCI cmnpaa d1lcullion of the Berkeley~~· Ten UCI sll>len!J and Malmberg w ... arrested May 22 with 4llO others on charges of failure lo dlspene and , they allege, were abused in Santa Rita Deten- Uon Center. "1be closinc of People'• Park is no ktng·er the llsut,' .. saJd J<iln Andelin, ol Cos\a Meoa, cbalrman ol the Or- Coast cllapltt ol the American Civil LlberUes Unk:m. ''The real issue bl abridgment. ol civil rigllls and lbe ac- tions ol police in their eztreme and crude overreaction." The open meotlng !or which there will be no Mmbsloo charge will be at 3,30 p.m. w...-i-In the llltle tbealer at Corooa dd Mar Hl&h SCbool;' - Apollo 11 Trio 'Dry Run' Flight For Moon Visit CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -An Im. portant flight ~ lest began on the Apollo II moon landing IDIChine today to see if itl major fltgbt systems are rudy for launch July IS. · The lbreo<lay exercl!e Is ICbeduled to end Friday when astronauts Nell A. Annstroog, Mlc.bael Clolllns and Edwin E. Alt!rln board ·1beir "l"'cec:rall lo elec- tronically almulate their laun<b and key portions of their eigllt-day mlssloo, Today;! pofUori of the teSt wu devoted to checlla ot lndlYidual ay1leml ill the Apollo 11 spacecraft modtlles. The three asttonallls, meanwhile, worked out in spat"ea'lft trainers, prac ticiog moon launch proc<dures. The Mialon Control een .... in --keeping tabs on the exercise as U It were the roal thing. Arlnltr.na and Aldrin --to Im!"' the ....... arid ilea o1 tranqDilllj July 20 while C.W.. or1>11s the _, in the Apollo command llblp. Tbl -astrona.W m edltduled to return to a Pacific Ocean splashdown July 14 . Rival Chambers Draw Closer- Geographically A needle was applied :rutsd•Y in the long-ttandlng leud between the Corona dd Mar and Newpi>rl Bubar cbamben CJf ccmmerce. Carl Kegley, !mner Corona dd Mar Chamber preJldent, ,_ at a Corona de! Mar Chamber breakfast meotlng lo say' ••1 see we have a new neighbor oo the hlgbway. I Invite them to join us In lhe groat growth and lrtendlj> rplrll of Corona del Mat." "I'll leCOOd tbat." said former Newport Beach councilman Dee Cook. The nst of the membenhlp ogreed. , The new neftllbor Is .the Newport Harbor Chamber wblcb recertly moved i!J olllce lo Eaal Coist Hig!lway near MacArlbur Boulevard. N~ Harbor _Qia.mber Mana1er Jadi l!ar.u ataun<lily liialiilahii· that . their side ol the ..,... is· Newport Beaclt and Ollly the ·other side ls Clorona de! Mar. Fro~ Pagel NAVYFAMILY •• paper ••• not with my face au cried up," said Mrs. Reilly today, as her eoo, a 1917 West Point graduate wbo swllclled lo the Navy made phone callJ. LI. RelllY'• wile Bomlle prepared to awaken the young widow upstairt IO lbe could meet a casualty officer assigned to wind up the service-ctJnnected affalra of a sail.., who hid badly wanted oat. Leaving Iba condominium. home and walling q..,. lanes named for aircrolt caft'kn -Laington, Yorktown -one lblnlla 1boul the Rdllynmd tbelr grlel and duties. Lii• 111 tlie me o1 tragedy mua tm- medfately go rlg)1I ... E><n in a Na')' !llDlly. ·--~·" -· CONVENIENT TERMS IANKA,MERICARD MASTEJl CHARGE 0 Graduate to an OMEGA J. C. fiump~riej 'Jeweler · 112l NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA ·MESA . • 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 541·l401 v < . ·.~ . ' r . . -.. Boniingion. Bea~: . . I \ ... . ' . . . , ._ . ,.. . ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA-. . . • ;": I WEDNJSDAY, ~NE 4, 1969 . . . . ~(jC. 62, NO. '1ll,·5 · SE,CTIONS, 7'1 ·~AGES J • ~ . :. ' . , ' . I • ' • ., ' . . ' W alk()ut Threat Ha~gs Over Teacher Me@ling . . . . . . . ~ . . .. . . By RUDI NIED~IU OI fllt Mifr' '*' SMff .., The spectrt t1 a mauive teacher wllUut """'1led the-_,.,. 8'1Cb Unlon'lliah Seboo1 Dllldct again today~ lelC!len prepare for ~cy meetieg oo the,wqe dispute at 3:45 p.m. • 'At tbat 1Ume they were to consider eJ· hlUlllDg ~ original proposal, of as~ for ·••penonal leave" 'I'hinday if -fri>m the board of ·trustee> to their lalelt propo.1a1 Is not COlllldered satisfactory. The District F.ducaton Auoclatlon (DEA), which represents a tMjortty of the teachers seeklng a sflary lDc:rease for the coiping ecbool year. bu uked the trustees to negotiate with them directly over what they term to be "an apparent impasse." The trustees·. who up tmtil now ti,.ye been communicating wllh the association ' throogll adminlilraU... llllaon mae 5cott Flanagan, . rejected • ·,;~ proponl Tuesday. Teachers asked lhe ~ard to ~t "'~ them at 7:_, p.m. Tbursday in direct negotiations and to give &heir respoMe to this request by 3 p.m. today. "I! the boa.rd ~n't re!pond at all or . Ir the 9f15Wer im'1 SAU'sfldoey,·the mem. beta migllt coosider taltleg_ pioraonal leave Tbundly to l't lhe attentlm ol the publi<," said Clrl Manemaee, prtaldent di the 4»member DEA .. , He added · that the UIOCiaUon "hid -roct bollom" bt Its latest .offer ti • 2.1 percent lncrtase from unbudgeted district money, U it should become available. .To·thls date the district has offered a 2 pereenl boost above the 4 percent in- Nixon Bae.ks crWe muwaily ..,....i on ~ the. manlMflblp ci·p;e DEA abOui lheir 1«1· teac:h<rs and the dller1ct. lcp,on·ljlll lodox.". '".I'bere ii~ .fetJ.J.nc on~ of Mwmann·iald ,the associ1Uon would probably ...,.;,to • dilltrict !"llposal ot' some of the tucben: that we have aone aeUina up 1 three-member faCWlndina w1y tiio low llr<odJ' !0< our ClriCllW pro. panel nut loll to detimiinO H Ihm II Jn. )IOsal." &aid Manemann. "We orlclN>lly deecher unbudpted .-y 1Vailable !0< were aolng to try for a 14 percent-m. a pay boost. ) • .,._, then liked fer ae u we1111: lllCf "There Is "1'11" aoea bt .thl!, and 1 am · now wti'ri doWll to • totll <i '·' pen:ent. sure we ctn 'YOl'lt thll qut ~-&Jib .... ol "We will hive to sound out the eeneraI an agrtement," be.said. , < ArIDs Policy Attacks 'lsolatinnists W 1w W oul,d Disarm ·V .S.' ' . COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (UPI) -Improve condiUOlll with Rualla and C«n· · Followlni lhe apeec:h the Pmlilellt In the picturesque . footbilla Of,' the President Nii.on today made a IPb'ited · munJst China· by dtlJberatety weattmng de ..... ..tM 1mm-..11-1.:.1y for his -~-Rocoo: , ' · ' defense of Am~4aq milltary P,,,.er 11 U.S..' pv#rer. ' ' · t---.. ~"" ....... '1\&lllC They made one stoP '° tour atllill\lely the world's greateSt cu~tee of peace. "We. m• .rule out unilateraJ diJarm.a-in Sin Clemente for two "days " lftP-the 17-cp~ acai_demy ~ trblch c:on. · 1be chief executive spoke at a inm-b&k· ment •. " the Ptt!ddent said. "In ttie re&l ara~l.ons !or his Sund.lY coof~ruce with talnl four ~.,. ot wa:nihlP -lot,.. ed Falooo Stadium.to lhl I'll tp1dl&al<s world, tllat limply, will not wort." · Presuleet Nguyen VIO 'llllfu. al South ~~ Cllliolia J.qi, and m Ill / of the Air Foroo Acade\ny ond (.,.,.d ~ ·tbt President said, "U Vl.~ ln 1 the Mkl~1y. hlonds 1,100 piirpoie ibapd for tilooe .,,_, - eiitlmated at oe.arl1.0,000 penom. America were -~ ban its back· on the , Di1leS beyona Hawaii. (four ot lhe cadef~ ~ HawaQ. Korea __ ":;l:;o;"""'·~"l~.~';{.·~·u.; • .,....,i....,\1191ld.&.~lonn.t!~·]f',,>•,_ 11oir.,_ ........ !"" ~:~~-,1,·~;;.;;-_ . ;1~..-P,:.~~-' . .. SON MISSING l•wrtnce Reilly J r, ~ FATHER SUR.VIVES l•wrtnce Reilly Sr. . .., ""~1''1611if"Oli'IO'~~ ieifle~.~ -t11e ·l!llif''k >'..W.1be"PriilaenTonc1·1ila·~llllf ~ """"" atlddl,g·~ to hll ·pftplred "the new llolltioelsls" who woUld dbann -tb>t · · ted ~ In membfn ol tlle olllf went fa< 1 inotor text.• alWed the hoice•erowd u be1icMd the Unlted S~tes unllaleraDy aed lloPe to Czecl>oalovUll." ldur al lbe, ll,000 acre 1Cld'apy CllDJlllS : <il.i,NJXO.N,'f11e ll , * * * Larwm Appe8l ti~ ••-a ProJeet · Si:tll· €Ieniente, InValley\tome ·Piirk·B~~: Wi~·M~s ti.Toro Awant Coast Wives Await One Battle ~~jttt~d Approo.ql,in -Hu.nting:lbn Nbc~n, &~iva1 . The LarwiD Cilmp1ny •l!>'tt.,.ther. ' I . ' , I I"'' " ' , .. '" L ': " .. , . . ~.Eli ... ·~ Co•i•~ lilalloa S' h. . s ··z M . . ·2· d' ..... n.i·-rln itl·'19ttle-t9 b>lll•hmall ' ' : ' .i.i-00'0!4: : ' . ' ~!aJ:~~· . . ...... :: . ...i: it tlii, uii~·G-·Mno .. i. rn .. lll Or, 01tfff, '"n . ~ior-~11n1>~M~J· ::i:,,~:_i:;: · ~··""!!"""~,'.-'· .!t r .• • .· l!li.~s'·.s pootlli~~:,,...1*lld9cl·o1 -£'. Fourth Dmrict Court ol Appeall In son 'El•~ <ltJ' · bepn ~ ~. DJillicll>-·-"°' 9' lo be~ op · .ct;v\fy' tedlf''u 'qllidill m1 cilliiiw , , ~ -.t Larwin pellUon for , 4"r lloii i:,t~ lo~ -'L. ~l«CI ""1"1lflll11.H "If~-a~' ., ; Nii~~ ll'riftl ~( 111o : By ARmUR R. VU'ISEL Of ... 011W ........... Tbrte NayY wrves ate-waltin& ttday, waitine.. for one sailor due home tonil;~ drawing strength from IDOther who ust arrlved and mourning a third. a p with n s!?ipmatea under the South CJina Sea. Outside the home of Senior Chief Gunner's Mate Lawrence J. ,.Reilly, a( Z2S4 Minuteman Way, Costa Mesa, is a parked car with ·a window decal sayini;: We Are a Navy Family. Chief Reilly was asleep at 4:12 a.m. Tuesday when the 22,500-ton Australian aircraft carrier Me.lbourpe cut through the destroyer USS EYat11 like a meat cleaver through a pl.uLic to)•. Somehow, the career seaman escaped - from hil forward sectlon quarten as the EVaris J81lk, but his son-the ·boy be re-joined the Navy to look after-went down at 'his p06t in the boiler room below. Chief Reilly joined the Navy in 1942 and loved it. Boiler Tender 3/C Larry J. Reilly Jr., 21, joined in 1965 and oou1dn 't wait to get out in September and go back to 1chool. A woman who lost a son, a younger widow he married just after high school and a Navy lieutenant who was among Stock Jtf•rkeu NEW YORK (AP.) -The stock market inade · a feeble effort to rally in early trading but It had Withered by the cfose today. (See quotatlolls, Pqes 18-11). The Dow Jooe!I average of 30 in· dustrlals was off 0.58 :.at 930.20 at 1 :·!Jo \ .m. ~rter having been UJ? 1.48 during l~te the fin1 to keow of the tr>ged.Y .\llked "'" al ~uoo·~submitted taat ,...t. ~ • . ~ Huaqi,,toa ~· . . . 1 " .. b : .,wJ , .. ......., · ,,. ... " , t .. , . H i! < ., ~ in-1'F!+"! ~~ . ·• . . , . ,~. ... . lrill' •. """"" /Ol""f ' ''J""'t • ~ ' . lbOQ( ,~.:'· be 1r1n . 1Z-.l..W • ...:,~ ~!:".:.,.. I • t ~"'"-'-: ~. -',1£.q' ; ~e I;; ;_: ..: >, J~~-9 , ·-·i~ ,.... "" S,]""" -! ..,,,_ All .,,., &DOW can no , • m,.. -~~~Apri ~~-~~' 1'°~·-· ~~·i · · !'s '#.tl r.iolf1f1Yltilw!llbe-n...t'looll7iltbe Ille .or two. '° by Oriml<. Couety SuPerior Court -fqc.•lectlGrii.:~~n -lo·,.:1,11,0=· tu,r11ti t. ex~, io fie .'-to famlly.~ _ . ....,,,., 1>9me1 the former "My husband is due In al Travis AFB Juds<Jl)'rilo 'K. McMiilan which Jtopped 1'¥'ks .approvici •by .oier. . by ·• J.) . _ i6out fl.N. eeXll/'01' and uP:~ •1·.,nier COtlOll Ealate ill Sin cteme!)te. 1 ' ' • about ntidnight," said the elder Mrs. .city ~ of the ,proposed 500--e m&r,ln. . . , .' . , f!OO u.e191d vllutfoii tbe 'lillaWln& . • AltbcRip ""'-~ llllll lfn. NJxiin" Reilly, "! don1 lmOw how . h<'U get Lanrill !nct. ·~ ·to1ai of. 5,11! votirs aald "yea". we . ~~!~t·tbe ~ <1le ~ ~ have v!illici'Ul. ~ ~ o1 home, all his gear went down with the Attorneys for the Lllrwin argued that a want more perb, while 2,06' voted • Atb Wottfty. tHe NJxOM• ~&ers hive IMll iL 'Dal ship and he has no money or clothes.'' • . . . ~ of J d McM111an' , against the bonds. Money from the bondl Is ICheduJed to ' · · · ' ''J was the fint to find out ••• J can't del~Y. m wnUng u. ge . s City Clerk Paul Jene. said only sixty-buy alXf dwelop SZ ~ parka. Nlxom will arrive at the Loran StaUon· say i·ust how. It was a rather fuM. y decwll!l was costin& thetr' client $500 a six and twcHhirdl -perceOt "yea'' ·votes. Ucommmilty ,..ts inctla:mp~te _a pro-near the estate by helicopter from El day in 19$11 interest and other relatb:I were required te paa the.Juue1 but the poeed ,147. ~ Plrk ~ ~ Toro. ' · thing all the way," said Navy Lt. (~) costs.. . actual vote turned out to be 74.1 percent Lake. lQ addlUon lo the D.o!.:.~ ... lds wife James 'keill~ 2.1, a public informat n The orl&inal laWIWt was brought to in favoF. • "It may take ten yw1 to complete the ... ....._._, - --i officer. ' courl'by'EugenOVin Duk current le1der Tula! tumout was . a.oli •Glen or 211.7 eellfC! development. ol our pllllllled [lid< ""'.!!Jr~ cllugh!m, 1'1!'1'· 2S. uid J'!lle., "What will t ever tell the baby?" said of the move •--.. n Mayor Robert .~nt of tbe --'."le•.• -"'.t•red .v1tem," qld Worthy,,"Jlut u~u 20. U,, prtai~. pirty will tncludt. Mn. Joyce Reilly, 191 aJ Lawrence J. "' ·-,....~~ ~ ·~....-~ Reilly Ill slept upstairs, One year old Schwerdtfeger and C'OUl'lcilmen Donald voten In Huntmcton Beach. , m~. coma tn.. we can beCln Julie'• husband, Davki Elaenbawer. and unaware of tragedies. Fregeau anti Joseph Courreges. Parka and RlcreaUon Cccnmi.uloners some parks we alJudY. own." · Wblli Nlloa ind lilll ...m.1aw trivet t.G Tbe home was darkened by drapes, Van Duk argued that the Larwin com-·-wnt meet· June 11 to start tbt flnanclal Wotth)' 1ave much of~ credit for tbe Midway ~ Saturdaf for-tiJi ~ quie( 1nd smelled of coflee, strong like p1ey lhoold nol be allowed to 111e land it , wheels tunJleg for produ~lon and· Ille· of bond ·-to .the P~ for Parkl With Soiith V\<-· Rraidelll N..:L: it is made .Navy-style and full of 1 sense doesn't own for park development and the bonds. . ............. .-. comm1ttee "1fch ran the poblk:lty cam. · • ' ~ • of ,.,lgriation. receive mdlt under city part dedlcatiGD 'Norm Worthy, parl<Yllltl"'re~•llon pilgn. ''TbeY'pilt oul • '"""'""""' ef!Ort Ven 'lbleu, lln-Nixon lad bet lwo .:....Oi.let'lteilly call"fd-from Manila 'J\les· ord.lnanct1. director, said ·ht was "elated almoit this fW'," he said.. · daughters wtllR"ema.ln ·here. day night with an order. He a1ao d!allenged the city's l!lction on beyoOd belief," wben be kDn,.tbe ·boOdS :A ~ar ' parks bond I~~ ·1ast Mun,while.today, officlal1 at El''roro "He said don't hold out any hope at the ziine chlnge. claiming the mayor was had palled. . . : . • . ytar when It ~rely failed" to gain the released the President's schedule wtddi > all,'' said Mrs. Reilly. in conflict of Interest (he wu rtal estai~ Worthy and City Manager Doyle Miller tW<Hhirds margin of thole voting. nM;n .rlu ~fu~ ~ nfe~ -it the "Everybody brings doughnuts and broker oo the sale of land to Larwin) and both. Wei it wu ~ fint ~ in. their there wu organii.ed ~tion, :said Nt!wp0rter Inn.irl N :Oit'Be'ech · · nobody eats them," she said with a sigh, that improper actions had been taken Jn muruclpel experience. that a city had Worthy. thia Y~ .the.re wasn L JUll~ 5 abd 6, ~O a.m. lo i· ~P.m.: pouring th.at black coffee. "It's·funny how ~everal steps ol approval on the tract , , Prelident.lal ~na and announc!:ernatl · .. m1ny people you haven 't lhougbl of '""J·~;. M Mil'-~ b .. . ·n ' T • 1 d' al Ilic! N~~ !'fess ROoJn,mlll be • for • loog time call you." ...,.e c ~n agr~. . rmgmg • oo£!t.-.r ' BI e I~ lbe Paim<r R-'of the N•~·r . Lt. Jim Reilly read a newspaper, sigh-temporary halt to the Larwm planned ~ .::,5 Inn •-;r.. ' :: ir- ed and ftlUtteRd . develop_ment.. . • · • · J~ 7 -Depart 10 a.m. Marine Air His father who has spent 19 ye.ars In Larwm officials lhen went directly to \ Base El Ton> f6i' Honolulu. • · the .N1vy, brote ,duty, then , .... listed, the Court of A~peals, rather th!"' _the L:' n•e of~·. htc". '·-n:·ng Qi•t or Ji'o11l·Pla. y?. ' Jwie 9 -i:lt-p.m. at -wu about to retire, but signed up ogaln Superior Courts . appellate \livwon, .:,,""<"' ~ ~ "1' ""( cOrp. Air •r1:1· T'1fll ;;;;j\ depart by to go on sea dl.ity aboard the Evans with becat11e· of the "s1gnl1lcant amount of , . helicopter ~ fer BU Cleqi¢nte his Jou.nger aon. money'' they claim to be loling whl\e A cltywide ,invut.tiatlon ~ beiD& con-d~ tbat"'aD'·evertumed feeding '.June to ·-Depa1t 11·30 pm." lrom . "He alway~ w1nted to go Navy, Just awalUng •written d~iption~ Judp dljct~lodly.~~~-~~ J~y...NMl.J:~~--d.pal~ l/i-·. l\(ariee ·Corp.r AiJ:·,StaUM.El.'Tonv!or hk..e his~· .sal4-a :ir1eving wife· avd -McMUJan>s~mtmiftiliii~ Into the MJiRCno,11i -d&Nppearance of dicated "!Dul pla,-., , f • 1 AMrew• Air Force Base Wasbingtoo. mot.her, but 1,gue:s,s it was all dilferent That avenue wu blocked Tuesday Jctn 1!11"'1akl'• "SUper,Chlct."' 'Fitzcerald .\9~ ~ &: wu ~e,lhe iJ>i.e.ss head~rferf;1 dU1'b9' hif visit when ~.got in., All be wanted to do was when tbe Court of Appeals denied the MClidl"Y niqrnq · ritrctHJilJ fK' 112S ~keDS Would ~ IU.ve. the aru on · hUe will be the surf 'and Sand Motet 1• atutlt\I ' !Mt.......,..hld.tabn ·!O .''Super <l>Jck," 1akl 11!lli&ir~ld, II le i<t out. i,a,..bt Compaey peUtlon. Kiner A~, ' lll!idlnitOJi Belcb, told their own. · . " . ' , s Coaal lliib~~y ln"Lai)>!la Beacb •. ol lila ch <kens pllll 1 llrl' wlllte -m-unuaual tW<Hoot • Ill~ , 40.paund whit• • 1 Ml·n1·mum L.o-t s1·z·e Refused becllled•"•upercblctee." niooter.wttb•l..irincii'ound:li&n<ct. OrUI!' ~ lnvestlllkn JiOOlll'td , the chk:kem' Total Value of ihe loll 'wu esUJDated .. ~t . neslln1.ar .. at U!l ·Gltfltld Ave., aed '25.· , . _ c · Valley Corincil RejectS Plan in 3-2 Decision . . No minimum lot size wlll be placed on no. which Included: support of the PO plaMed developments in Fountain Valley. system because it brings ~rks to the cl· Following a four hour pu~llc hearing ty, PDI have been in Fountain Yalley 1ln. 1\lesdey night, oouncilm-en voted 3-2 to ce 11184 without auy prevk>Us fur6r. me- tum down a proposed . 6,000-square-loot jorily ot Orange County clt.ies have no abeolllte minimum lot ti 1 e for single minimwn lot sizel for PDs and plannen family residencel In th~ c'tjl. · · already ha~e Ught ,conlrol11 on· the PD .. M>yor Rollelt Schwerdtfeger and COUn-In Fregeau's oplJOOn, "Quality u the cUmen Donald Fregeau a~ J~~ Cotlt"· question, aod a t,OIO foot miJllmwn .. <lr ..,.. Wed lhe~ "oo'' iledslon' on • · aey special iile -not guarut.e.~uall de$.l'e for "n~e~lb~i!Y". to .meet _f1,1ture ty.''... development requlremeoli"ln the city. Coumges pointed toward lhe problem. Coondlmen John Harper lllCf Ed J..i lands left lo Fountain Valley which he .upperted the proposal beca111e they felt said •would require the special con. ft ndsht lighten up, "already loose city sideratlon of an unlimited planned eirdinanCtt?' oo planned deveJopmenL development concept to be put to use. Ta spUkers supporttd. the 1,000-Lend with • high peat factor makina It ...i .... m1D!mUm while five opposed 'l'!"'itabl< [/Jr bulldini "" the key to 1be <N the lengthy public hearing. Qutotlcin, npl.-.c.umgea,,who ·folt... Schwe('dtleger prefaced hit peat lind might be .used for ptrks in a coouneeUng thlt he lhougllt planned di;~,-.. · made a. mountain ·out of i mole Harper and Jun b:>th. rt.It the 1,000. Clft thls thing." 1quare·foot mtntmum' might be used u a thee ouUined hil .......,. for votJnc "slop gap" mc.,ure, eveoluaily, lca<liog . ' -. to • ua:hter controls on p I a n n e d devel6pnients. Backen or the movement to recall Schwud&fepr, Fregeau and Courrqea ~ dlllpproval, li ool surprioe, It the decilion. Eugene Van D. and~ recallen hod 8UJlllOrfed the 11\Wmmn lot alu. Tiiey. baed their argumenla on Foun- tain V.Uey'a reputallon aed muter pl ... ntng for "Elbow room." "™ only drawing card this city bu la lls spadou.ne..," .. Id Blrllar• Secour, which sbeJelt would be ndeed ~ allow- ing 1ny lot alu below 'l ,000 oquare f .. t. Moat argum<nll &lYet\ wei:e. repetltlonl of tho8e used when .aie plaMillg com- mlaioo lppl'O\'ed the ~000· ;"QWI~ foo&', mlriftnum Jut lll9Rlh'. Olilr chlinnaa JaM Diet ®POI04 tbe lllillbu= plltlelnt' conirili!lahill. 'llld '* Mondoy nlflht u 1·ellbor> ~ '""' far arealer nulhlllty In the PD ortllalD!o bJ allowbtg all sl&e lot .. f -. . ' • . . Sus~~: ·M()t~er Doing ~~e . '. Mter Ki~ey Tr1µ1spl~t . . • • -- • • --- • Ml.YIUT M W ....... , ... ~l ... ,-~tui~et ~arking . Plans Del~'ed -. unty PlanMr: 4,Ju .. ~o~e S,tiidy 'f.ime; 'f!rgeney' Stre3sed ; a, l.t.Cll: lllUlaAClt 1.,.,........, the lllldi parlllnt ...... . at Baiter's urging. Since then lhe county munity . "°""" fir lhe ..,,..,. which :• • .. - - -·· 1bt lflld1 wu rel<n'ed lo ~·• lbrbor District bas prepar<d five dlf. would ~ men .•~ \bin lhe • ;!!i hlhpi;,.of a COUDty Plannbll depertmenl .... :~ 7 lcr a "J><i!t,..... l.,..t plw !or development of patlllll( prel<ill 1111\1111. Bill lMlloo ~ go ·DW. ell . ., lw development of a day. Bahr r.Judahtly aped lo ibe-areu. ahead. lqally. wtth-of.al>oul ;--.-..,,,..-:--at --delq,"4illifl'-U..CJufy l wu·tbe'·· Two faclon have served lo slow the 7> duplu aparlmenll on lhe property. ~ -bu beeo delayed fer two deadlll!o IOl'llllng appllcstlans .with the project In """1t weeka. Tiley have a butldiJll permit IM the one ~ ,.. -" / llale for -,,_Y In lhe coming Fjpt, the Sunset Beach community Is bwldiog which ii Is presumed Ibey are ... '> rlmiilo& ~ ,...Jlkko• ol!l4 lllcal ye•'"< • • -In Ille prooeas of possible a1111uatlon coomuctln& u a 1oUn t..i cw of the §. 'ill• tioJI .lilt ~ Plap-BW!r 101G ijceOi' lt;ufll •a!>qw beach . lo Huntington Beach. whole prablem. . 'WOO!d.boid .lba ema -ty to .bti:VaJDod ,al ll;OQO a flonl Secood, the Jl<OP08l)I calling !or uae ol County Admlplolrallve Olllcer Robert i'tl cwnpWe lbO iliudy. Ji. -·tot fool --plal:e the wort!J on the the inll .. long, ao.foot ·wide former E. '11lom'8 recommended on May 7 • -but Se<xllld DI 1 Ir I ct more than mlJe.Jong county-<nmed Sunael railroad right of way In the heart of the development of the rlght.ol-way sbip !or ~ Dovie! L. Balter prolaled. Besch al heller than II mi1HC11. community conflict with C a r I t on parldll( u lhe belt of the five Harbor :=I . . • -ll)<re la an "urpncy" ID. He aald . the ·<WPIJ's AJi1!> Beach In Bullden' plan lo· develop the 13 aau lo Dlstri<I pllm ••bmitt.ed. • . . a pliln In~ beca1J!!1 {:arllon. South I.qlma wu qowdod .av.Of. U!e i!parlmenta. 1be buildioa firm bas a con-He tlllmated that the county could G( ·-~ have started M-1al Dar weWind wilh Sunael tract with lhe owner of the property, purchase lhe 13acresfor11,895,000. They ~:.O:....,.ld.l!!liv . ...., !II a building I? Ille Boadi uoOd llplrin&ly. He allributed the Southern Pacillc Co. ""'located between Warner Avenue-and ~~·~-.Bledrlc r1a)ltool-ft1 lacll of Ulli lo Iba parldll( al\Ullk>n. ·Carlton wu turned down Jut April 15 Anderaon Stre<I and -Pacific ~. la Jllll IO ....... ptam fer SludJ cm 1111 project bqan Jufy I, 1111 by the ~ lor a Plaoned eom,. Coul HJcbway and Iba beach. I!' '.tory Rej~ts TSetrecy Qaim . ~ Oii'Med Center . . ' . Nllle stm Missing Bolsa C.Omplex Mystery S.urrounds ·Faw Wins Approval _ Of Goodwill Passengers From· Planners ~ Kenneth , Cory ( D • Developer• of a huge Industrial com- • An•hebyt) tod8y denied • 1 a e c r e c Y ' • plex aoulh of. Boha A venue and west of .ehargel by Superviar' David L. Baker BY...,~2,N-LOCK.!:!,EY the helicopttr to the fishing village on ~ ... dale . Street were given a ..... Geronimo, but rained "" i¢"1Dallon. ..,....,. oWr-""" .,.... labover of the·Orqe MyaleTy 111111 lhnludl Iba late of the Boland reported that native f1lll<rme> pnlbnlniry bleulDg by lhe HWltington \.- Flag tor the Boys George Scctt, pr.Sident of Foontain Valley Boys' Club Board of Di· rectors, accepts flag which <mce flew over Capitol Hill from Mrs. Raymond Remlllar of Huntington Beach. Mrs. Remillar, who receiv- ed flag r11<ently when . sbe was named "Air Force Mother of the Year," .f~ded to donate it to club. A flag pole bas been donated by Mrs. Waller Jurgens of Costa Mesa. County Meteor 'Center. • nine known _.,.. aboarll the lit-bad dived In the vicinity of llie wiect but Beach ~ ~on Tuesday u'lbere was nothing teertt about .ft," toot tcbooner Goodwill wbleh tiff wreck· none had the gear to enter the !Ullken night. ._. ......... , ~ Corfaplqiedtblamomln&. "It came up «! OD Sacram"Jllo Reef olf Baja vessel. Dev·•-JolmD.LwkandSonuked s· ik 0 UC Irvin . • ~ cau&.rnla ..... :lllO . milil out or San The Coul Goard I a I d the lerTalo OD .,.,..... t t =:....w,11oor~comm111eeand ... ~ .... <'Cllljecluie _11n, :::n:.::d1:\'a:J..ll0l •-. ~...==:t:= r e ver a . e; ·OlrJ·uld bt bad~ the""8d of lnl!llld Iba Harbor :Ara · -many or Two divers, Bob Campbell and Wally atta, an Industrial compJu··and·prt!.,._~~ .. ~·= ~ ---~·~-· - 1 11 1*pltal '1" the UC! campm and which. ·!\Ive been _picked up by Janes, both from, the Dana Point aru. type apartment U!lltl, encoinpuslng a s d Cr £ F• al -a II would relate to lhe ~pen and wlro services -have were reported en route lo the scene. They lolaJ of u• tu ents am or m s --· · prowm lalae and ooJy added lo the con-w.,. ref!Orl«lly lrleodl of Ed Hendenon, -acres. ' .11'1'<il,i:)'>i.~~~~~~·""~~~~7~~;t.;:.:~,.~~-~-~·=~~.~~~ilfl8',..,,'tlt!-*"'1mt"' ·.-~ ,,,., .. ._. .. .,,.,.. . ·--.. I up'' " & • • t(<'W..., .. 1 .--· ,,..,,,,__,., :7\:'{""(in,~.;,~-..-... ~~~\"( ... ~:-,ri:;~ .... ~ ~upa vbi!tf David ~;Baker acauied,1tbe divers. Nll;f"' or P'CINSionaJ, aboard the Why the Goodwill wu in the vicinity of commlsaion members approving of the The student strike at UC Irvine ii over. several hundred students struck altbwgb· • I L • • UnlV<nlly of uslnrl devious mean• lo sunken veilel, IO the fall of -aboard the reel -.wj!lch Is well known lo aD induslrlal _.._ •-'-· down the With •--• ....,_, __ Monda the encl number never was !mown. ·'· ~• of''-medical •-the GoodwtJl waa 111111 mitnown. yaditsmen -is only gliesswork, ac-,,., -• --.. '"-muns -....-. Y • On! r rol lled 1~ -ww ~ · cen~ • Neither liad the ....._ of •-bo cording lo lhe Cout G d apartment complex and gnmUng only 50 •tudenls .,. loo busY .tudylna lo earry Y a ew P "'°" canct ·· He told. bll fellow board memben that """'' a ...,.;uage Y uar · · . classes, but many used cl.us time for ~ bad heard that UC! olflclala bad found floaUn& lace down two miles north One theory Is that lbe scl)o<?ner bit the perceot of the commercial zone. •bike "ill'· dJJcu3sion of lbe Berkeley situation and ·--·1q1a1a1«11n Saci...,lo of the wrecb&e-ldenttlled. lbe body rae1 alillgbl wlthoolyone penon cm wal-Flnalopproval of both Items ha been .So lfhen Gov. Ronald ~., .. Mdered claase• were called off four !Joun ID Iba ~.,.,. tn 1'blcb &be tabover mold wu on board ·a Mmcan Navy vessel ch while tbl 9Uwn slept below. 'l1le man acbeduled in two weeka, pending apprbval withdrawal of 2,000 National Guard middle of one day for 8 campus conclave. be ICCOIDpliabed. en route to Erlleoada, expected to arrive on watch could have been the teenaee of a tentaU tract troops and ended the state of emergency Genenilly protessors were going to Baker complained bitterly t h·a t aometime today. ' youth whose body was recovered. _ve map. in Berk~y , on Tue~y, ~Cl student1, hold strlldn°g students acCountable for JmivenltJ ClftldM .. lhoWd: contact tbll Art Krdevlt enc:utlve ficl ]l'eSklent of It 11 alao· well known to yacbtame:n ac-The apartment units U well U hall of :sympathizers ended their strike. work they mi:ssed but :since few classes 'board ftrlt. Whit Ue their fntentiona!,. F&L Ma~ l:odatCrles, owned by the customed to crulaing the Baja ~allfornia tbe proposed commerclaJ zone got the The approach of fina1:s -ex.aminations. meet ev&y day of the week only a ~he queried. ''Why dan't they come to UI Goodwill a owner and skipper, confirmed coast_ that there is a strong drift in the comm.lsslon's ue because according to that usually count for one-Uurd to one-couple of lectures were missed for lhe ··and Jq them the table'" that the company hu hired two pro-vicinity of the reef and that the Goodwill Cba1nnlJ1 Robert' Bazil ,, lndustrlaJ half of a student's course grade -seems most _part. • · otbfr ~ with· tbe aception feaional SCUBA di~ to go to San could have been set off her tract on the bu eroded to h ourpoln that to have calmed things down in Berkeley· The atmosphere on campus today was Of Robert W Battin' profe88td 1gnorance Geranlmo Illanil near where tbe Goodwill flntl lee from Cedroe Jslana to Enetnada. a:ea JUC 8 t ~e too. greatly changed from a week ago when "cf tbe story • ilea breatlng uP on Sacramento Reef. The yacht was last heard from May 25 911llply cao't afford to !05e any mort m· lbe moderately successful UCI campus the student newgpaper pictured on page · Batun aatd bl w bee aware of the "'lbe diven are not upeeted to arri~ oU Cedros when someone aboard placed dUltrlal land." strike lasted 11.x iChool days. At least one bayonets and raised fists of dtllance . • ,,..-fir the ·pat• two ....a. He until Inter loday·lnd K 11 not !mown when a radi .. telephone call givln& u eotlmated ....-,..i.rdl1 ~that 11 wu Ibey will i!t ~ lo IDveatliale the time of arrival In Enaenada U May :17. ·-Ids __.,. dlat Ille un1-, bad wroct," uld'ltDlml. Meanwhllt, the Coast GUM<! II con- .failed to pt a ..,. llG-l*l J:lllllW al ~Yd al"1 Yfrlllad that Harry tlnuinz 111 search of the. area wllb · UC! ilppnwed for loc!mlon ID an onrall Bolnlld, a r.rii\er navi,.tor aboonl the aJrcralt out of San Diego. ;~ --wblcb --Goodwlll and i.-UIOClale of Lar-Tbe Coul Guard l!ald Iba lllhl Oii San ·belon a. ..W. ID 1'19 nbte'a bad -.._... lo Wttbln a few Geron4no, which marb the red and the ~·. -l!ald bt· pl ;... of bla lo feet of lbl -min a Cout GUM<! Wand, ,... probably tnoperattn al the ~ l?oln ._....._ •• Cory • bellcopt« and 'Uial ho roported two of the time the Goodwlll hi. the reef. ~:· UC1 medical ~ ...id DOI . Yam,t:a U:ill1 ,siJJ! SJ! davlta. ¥other boat Frleoda and bu!tne'! .llOO<ilates of Lar-~adld ,..,_ ,,.. aatatement the -a JI tq 'B;l6lil'"ltllf -,... mlasln&. nbee now adlnll tbej bold ooJy a allm . ..,.., . .. -· . . hope thal -aboarll will bt found ~ -""'1 Ille! Dr. Wamn · Boland w ilao lowmd '-bola! from allve. . . -of 11\e UCI'~ 1Cboo1, "' ~ .... "birolYed 11.neral cwferenct1. 0 ~,. .. ·!Over 30 Club ' Meeting Tonight . . .M1111bers of the HuntlngtCll Beach YM· C.t.'a Over Thirty Slnll .. and lletrudl will meet at I o'clock tonl&hl al lhe home d Nadlno Miler, 7'02 Quebec Circle. On Friday manbers wtD bold a general dUcuaslon at the home or Otto Lippoldt. •.1nu Treehaven Lane, beginntnc at a p.m. •. Other acbeduled evenll Include a day of -at 1 p.m .• Juna ~ on the Fountain Valley Jngb School temlll coJrta and bowlln& June I! at Hunilngtoo Linet. -· The Over ilO club II open lo adulll over Ill Who are lingte, diVM:ed or -· ~ and discussims are acheduJed by ti,ememberl. ·. DAILi PILOT ORANel CCAIT PUll1$HING ('l)M~ANV 11: ...... N. YitH ........... ~llMf' J•d l. C1rley vw ,,....,_ .... Gener.I ........, n .... k,,.,;1 -TheM•• A. Murphi111 ~IClltw AJ~rt w. .... W.lli1111 ..... ~ -tM>tlnlfl:lll•.m ll4ltw Clfy l!dtlor HntklfK._.._, Jot lftl StrHt M.-IU"f A,U,..... P.O. In 7'0. t2641 ---~· .... , .. ,_ ........ ..,.,_. ~-1 DWMtll'Yf1"1t "-....... ,....,,,_ 'd . ···=-.-·--·-.. .. c=-If ........ ..,. _,.. ..... ·;. ... ~-... _ : ...... ~~:o...-.....-. ........... ..... ..... _. ~ _._~ ...... OfW!lt~ ....... ..... ~ ...................... ,w.t : .. --:'";;;,;;,,.. -.... -.. ~ .......... ~ ... ;.1 ''2 :rm••;..., J ·~··: 1 ltd--·-1 ·:a CSA/it'! Statt•- • . , fWQe...., --Clllllt P S'' ., f.)··a·ii,_,, ... , ..• rr.e L!'!! ., ··---.... ~--~'a:J. '4·:a~~·"·=ti ' ' -.... ~ ....WIMW. "*'!"-l'r· ' ·~ I UCI Students to Give Berke"Iey Arrest Story Sl\l'lflU and a UC Irvine admlnlmalor aireited In Berkeley want lo tall lbelr story. In.a public mee11n&.J1D10 ll,.lbne UC! studenll and Student Adlvlties ,wvtser Ocean View Sets Book 'Give Away' Thousands of obsolete and onu.sable textbookl wDl be given away free of char&• June 11 and lJ u the Ocwl View Scliool Dlltricl clears out Its main warehouse.. • •. Tbe glvNway wU1 begin at 2 p.m. June u and run thnluP I p.m. lhe same day. , On the lolliJwln& day lhe book! . will be gtv&. awcy from 1 p.m. lo t :IO p.m. Loeatlari will be Diatrlct Headquartm II 82111 W:arnot Avenue, Hunlingtoo Bolch. Included·-the boots lo bt !ll•en away are tertl: ba eclence, handW'rttlng, langua1e. apelllna, m(lalc, IOclal aludlet and mathemaUcs. According lo Asst. Supt. Woodla Chad· dick, the boob have been made available under recent state legillation coveriol the disposal or obsol~ teJtbooD. NASA Gets Boost From Beach Firm An Orange Cout pn>duced boolter n>ckel w1i1 belp orlllt a National A'"""uUcs and $pace AdmlnlalraUon (NASA) esperimental sstellite rrom v ..... denberg Air Force Baae tbla week. Tbe Mcllonnell Douglu Altronaullcs Company of Huntlngton. Baacb will pro. vide the Thor llrst atip of the Thor Agena rocket that will laulicb the NASA 00().F 11telllte fiito polar orblL In additloo, the ........ ...,pany wtD Pnmdi one ou\ of the total 11 ex· perimeoll the satell!W will cany oat. a.tc aim of lhe Rttrotinaton Beach _.. ~ will bt lo ldeadl). -.. 1n<1-eiletmlne the ...,..,.. of cllllrged portlc!ea tmll1fd by the IUD ®r- ing tolar connte ray events. Nell ·MabnbOr( will ltll their club with J>9lice. Tbe J>l'Oll'aDl will be oponsored by U!e American Clfil Llberliea Union. The 'speatm al80 will i1iOW • abort mm Ibey made wblle ,.tbertng ln- f ormatlon fer a UCI campu.1 d1lcuRkm of the Berkeley boalillU'8. Ten UCI students and Malmberg were arrested May 22 with go others on charges of failure lo dispene and, they allet!e, w.,. abused In Santa 11111 Deten- tion c..i.r. . "lbe c1..,1ng of People's Part II no longer the issue," said John Andelln, of Costa Men, cbalrnw! of the ~ange Coa•t chapter of lhe ~can Civil Liberties Union. "The real iasue 11 alirtdgmenls of dvll rights Ind the· ac- tlom 9' police In their extmne Ind crude_ overreaction." · onie open. meelin& for which then wlll be no admiulon chirp will bl at 'l :IO p.m. We.i-day . ID 1be Hiile lbaater at Corona de! Mar mp ScbooL l'roM P .. e l NIXON ••• ~-~-- off ..... of the 'antknlllllrJ poaltlans spre>dlng through the.cow>tzy today. 'HMllltary programs are ridiculed as needless if aot deliberate waste," be said. "The milllltY . profealOI\. " derided f,n aom< or the ~ed belt clrcJea <ii America. Patriotism ls i:omldered by some lo be a bacl<watd fetish or the uneducated and -unaopl>laticlted. lt• u.,,alll!n 11 balled and· "l'!'laQded as a panacea ,for tbO ills of f!.'IU1 .. 11m ex· -the United Slalel. • Nixoa empbasl"'1, u bt dell..,..i bla ·-under a bol aim and brtPI bluo atleo, that the _ ..... of thi 1"ltld to- day would nOf give this COWllly "a period of I' ... In wblcb to put °"' ~ -In order -lull u Iba crlala 18 our citlel,cannol;bt..put Cll, llif ~ bumer unU11re oolve lbe.~<i1·vtemom . "Thi,_. aucceootul ·~"" ean !n\ICiJ!I for ..,. ~ .......... will bt• .... .....,.,.. Ul!letl .......... lo eiUoJ -· Nor caa "" caoducl a._. ceioolul pOllllm of peace ·-If our IOClaty II nt war wilb itael( at boin•." ' • • • 0 Graduate to an OMEGA n._,....., a.....wi,,qi1'Pio1•..a Apollolilllto ••:r-wloe,_IOleot,.~ wi...i.,.._"""T°""'·~ 1..,....ia111111111Ji1e ..... of .......... to . llllllnmii1•"*WWW) ..alcmglifa. No ........... lo-.,..;IJ--,.....U, th'a-~ ........ 1or.11rat1mooo1 pnc)pc 1laS.oarllrpr'1crianofOap ....... ----loda7.'65tollOOO. A-... a•.:1111 CS3 l I I ; -... ..-.«IC ............... .............................. ,_ ..... J •• WI; ••• ,. ,... ... ............... ......... ................... -.: .... ... ~MIC..al .... ......_..iilltcrl ............ ~ .. ... ............... "-.... ..... -.: -.................... .,. ,_........._, ................ ................ 1 ....... -. ....................... 1m CONYINllNT tu..is IANKAMDIC.UD MASTER CHAR•I 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION 1121 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA I I PHONE S4'0!40r . . --------~.--------=~-:---=-=-=--~-:~--------:--------ir~-.~·--·-·-·-':"'.""70 ::--::~I ·w.ioisdlr; J.,; 4.'t969 ft DAIL y Pll.OT J I Complete Orange County Prep .Track Records CoaUnued from Page 16 lot -Morrl1 t.J 220!cl -wmi.ms 7'1.1 ••-w11•1ams .,,. llO-W ll•rm l •!ll j Miii -WIU11m1 ,;n: 2-M I• _ we1.... ,,.,_. 110 HH --. ''·j liD ~H -It. ~' :~ t'i~.1 tilllft Jump -Llwll .._..,'I L-J~ 72·11' l"M V•ull -A¥llal. 1).1'4 Shot l"\lt -Clemtm 5'-11 KateHa 100 -H"91 nolc) -Hltlrl ""° -W.rd.• lllO -w ..... Miii -W1rtodd 2-Mllor-~nd- 110 HH -Benwnl llO LH -lemenl 4.10 R1i.y Miit Rll.., Hlth J1m10.o~•~·"-~"'" L-JI.om. -arown Polto VtUll -Fenn-)" $hot Put -Echlu OIKUI -Shel!Yn ... "" "" l :S7.I ,, ..... lD:JOA l!l.1 ,,_, ~· 3:71.I ... ,, .. ,. ,., Sl-9 . '"' Kennedu .... 11:: IW I .... ... !i!i ••• '"' "" .... , ... .• , ,,,, "" '"' , .. .... , .. "" .... .... .... 100 -.lttmondl '·' 1Mf 7'10fC) -McC•Nr'Y 2J.I 1'611 oMO -Ettmoftdl "·' lKS t1G -M0n11 2:01.S 1'61 Miii -S.u,_rte •:34..f 1ff1 2·M!i.-Gel9 lO;tll.l 1'611 1:10 H11 -Coitlho lS.1 1Mt 111) LH -Edmond1 2'.7 1966 .. lltl•'f "'·' 1'61 Mlle lltttY 3:iJ.1 IHI Hl1ll Ju""' -&Ww:il> '-1 lff7 L-J__.lfn'll:l'ldt, 'n-11 1"" Poll Vturt -Boyd 16.l ,,.. Sid Pul -Ulol"" SJ·7 1t61 ~II"' (NI 196-1 !Ne Dl~lll'A ,,.1. '""' Lagana Beach lat -Totten 10.0 '"' no(cl -Tottm n .7 lHe "fO -Plulln.id "'·' lW IN-H~ttw!d" • ''"·J 1'69 M!il -WlollrlM .i:M,J lt57 2-Mlle -11:..,klll lO;U.I lNJ no HM -Tr•hior 1~.• ,,5' llO LH -·Tr1lnor lt,6 1'54 460 R•l•Y a .a 1N6 Milt lttlll., 3:17.t lt64 Hl11'1 JIHl'IP -J~ .. 2 lffl l0119 J111n1 -Wood "·10 1H6 PwW V.Vtl-Ar.""'9 13-51.'I 1957 Shtl Piii -HtrrtwDY S-1\IJ 11'68 Oi1ait -H.lmMb'/' l!J-21\IJ lNJ La Habra .... '"' "ff "" .... , ... ,., , .. .... '"' -, .. , .. , ... ... ... ,., ,., .... .... -,., "" .... ••• , ... .... '"' ••• .... .• , .... , .. ••• .... .... .... .... .... '"' , ... .... .... .... ... .... , ... .... , ... iili 1--~r 1:: I ---~-r.t I-r;-~,. I 1-iJ: U.I 1 1.o-11 .... ••• , .. '"' 1m lm !!!l IS lin 11:1 , .. llll '"' ... .• , ,., .... ••• .. , ••• "" , .. .. , .... .• , .... .... .... ... '"' .... .... ••• . ... .... .... '"' ••• .... ... , .. .... DIM;:-wmLlml !JI~ SallcUe ba"lc 1111 -'*"'-" no !c)-Tr•llall ..,_ ....... •-UPlllll MUI -lipN:I J·Mlle -l'""-I 120 HH -Rwwakb """' IN LH -Rldlltlfll 4«1 Rtllv Miii Rtltov Hllll'I ./Ufl'll>-VlnPCIOI l-. JurnP -Wilton Pot. VIVll-Sa~ 5llol Put -ny')or ••• n.• .SI.I 2:eo..o 4:11.1 •:P.I ... ,,,J It.I ~-· ':~.2 •• ...... ,.. .... Son Clelnente ,.._._ ... 210(c)-Gtdd9& ••• '4-8Utler ~-· --1'1111' 1:57.1 Mlll-lw!'1:11 4:24.1 2-M1i.-eurdl t :l4.l 12' HM-Maler 15.t '""ff "' 1111 LH-HMT 19.t ,. R9itY .... Miii lt91•Y 3::19.I Hiii!\ JU_..... M l-JU~Vllll .. roi. Vtllll-l'rdlln !).I )'ii $llol p.,._lt.oflolkt .... DIKV1-W•Mkl ,. .. Santa Ana l~Wlllll "' no<c~wtilll "·' oMO-R.,,MI "' 1....0.hl l:!.l.J Ml~u 4:15.6 2-Mlll-F««Nl'I t:JO.• .. , .... .... .... .... .... '"' .... .... , .. .... .... l_fft ••• .... .... , .. ... , ... ••• .• , ,., , ... , .. "" .... .... "" .., .... '"' .... 1'6t ... .. , "" "U ••• 1• Htt-0.rrtiol 16.1 1• l~u1111 11.6 .ut RU.' .fl.I Miii R9MY l :ts.4 Hltfl Jun.-Wtl!Vldl .. N lq J---.Ciwtlt. 2)..3\'J Piii VMll~lll!.ll u .. w. &llClt "111-M,I~ SM"° Santiago 10l-1!:11lllll!r '·' %10(C)-A.., • ft.I ...,._T•bll~.,,I .n.6 ..._ .... ,. 1:51.6 Mn....c;.ru 412:) . .t 2·Mll.-Albllolr f L2'.0 12' kH-$1mt "·' TultUI l•.4 180 LH-l19¥re lt.O 440 R•ltov '3.7 Miii R1i.v 3:11.J Hiii!! J-ftlttn'ltfl ... , H"911t1' .. 1 L-J-Ctndotll 7J·N Poll V•ult-Otdl'llrn 1•2 Sl'IOt Pllf-.Jtmn St-4 OIK1A-J1,_. , 1634 SaNnna 10!>-Edrnondil '·' !ID(CJ-l.Aodlev 'H,! ..UO-ECll .SO.O UO-Edl 1 :J1.J Mi~M 4:Sol.t 2-Mll..-..ftOy t:S7,f 12' ttt+-S.11 lS.O 1111 L~wtu,..lrn lt.I .ua RNy 4.1.I Ml .. R!'l1v 3:H..S HllhJu~ M L-Jum-Edmandl tt-t Pot.I V1ull-Ev-lU Shot Pul-Brdlilr 52-11"'° , ... , .. , ... .... , ... ... .... , .. , ... .... "'' ••• .... , ... .... , ... .... , ... .... , .. .... "" ,,., . ... .... .... "" .... .... "" , ... ,., , ... ••• ••• .... .... .... .. , 100 Mt~'" t.I '20(()-Mtclditll tl,1 ........,..... 11,0 Tlllll Jl,O -....CllkW!tl l :IQ.6 Mlt.-Codf • .i:•.t 2-Ml.._,4111ho lD:l •. O IHI HK-TlllU U.D 1• LH-lhl!I 20.i MO Rel•' '5.0 Ml .. ft1lol' ):Je.J Hlllll Jl,lfftp-Attlllltnl .. J lOfll .1,1.1mP-H1m,.n 21 ·0 Pole V"itt-D1le 11·1 Shl!f Pl/t-l>tl-V .53-1 Sonora 100,...Whll• ttO(C)-'oVl'lli. ..,._,.,••m 1111--Grtnl Ml........Or•nl 2·Mti.-Gr..,r u• H~v._., lM lt+-Vtnr111V <MCI lltllY ·Mllto _.-.,.., Hllll Jump-DtYlltY ~ JUfl"lll-L-• 1'1111• VIVll-#ttiton Shot Plll-Mortt ••• n .• 51.t l :Ol.l •:31J t :ft .• IJ.7 M.• ., l ::M.t •• »11"-... ...... Sunn11 HUis ,....,.._ 2JO(<)-<••ll• t"-G41r4ner ..e-WolllnMr Ml~Mle J.Mli.-T1rr 12t Hio+-Kln9mln 190 LH-Klll1tn1n \Cl.O 2J,f M.O l:W.t 4:1,.1 f :fl.4 1•.• ''·' .... .. , .... .... "" "'' , .. .... .... "" "" ••• '"' , ... .... • •• '"' . ... , ... "" .... .... .... .... .... "" , .. .... "" .... .... ... , . .. .... .... ••• , .. '*I R ... Y 44.1 Mlle 'ltt1t' t >:US Hltll Jllfflll-4.........,, W L-. J11rni'-Ollltl9 tW\ti J'titV.Ul~-R, .. &hot ~, '1·1 Dlw:~r I~ Tro11 ,.~,.,. 101 m(cJ~tNhlll t n.1 .WO-aMMd s_, ao-6\llllO,. 2:01.4 Nlli.-M..IC'I' •:U.J 2-M!ll tot'll.,_ 'I0110.I 120 lif4-C1rhOll 1'.I llO lH-C1rl1011 lt.S 4«I Rll•Y .U,4 Miii R•llV l :ll.J Hlllt Jumci-McNnln M IAM J~i. 7J..J "°" Villll-Mlcldlem's 1).1 Shot l'11~n s,..1~' Ol~n ua..J Tustin 1oe-w11ktr t.1 220Cc>-MIH 22.I Ancktwl 21.0 ....... w..... ....1 ~ 1:51.1 Mlll-Fr1t1el1 4:11.1 :rMJi.-stllford •:lt.7 Ito HH-P-1~ 1•.4 llO lH-P1rnP1tlll lt.4 .ut RtllY G.! Mlle ltti.v 3:21,I Mith J~~•lool .. s l-Jurnp.-..p•~lll n-s Pait V111U-8r1nllC'I IWl'I Siio! l'llt-lllldWV IU OIKul-Cullr 155-10 .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ••• ... ,., .... .... .... .• , .. , .... .... • •• .• , .... .• , .... .... .... "" ... .... .... , .. lts• '"' ••• '"' '"' ,., .... ••• '"' 100-¥1Nritnd .... '21(t~Frfn9111 .... ,_ ,._TODl'lll Mli.-R- i ·Mlll-Nldlolton 120 H~nd UO lK-Hedh.o!ld II.I 10.1 n.> M.t !:!I.I •:n .s t:a.o IS.) , ... , .. . .. .., . ... , ... , ... 1~-. ... . ... '"' . ... "" . ... .... .. , .. , , ... ••• .. , ... .... "'' ••• .... .... , .. "" ,.., .• , ••• ... .. , "" .... , ... , .. ••• ~·· 11&1" .. 11·11 IJ.1'4 ... 1$H.,., Westera lOl)....$(:(jfl ... D'Annt f,I Yi*llllro f,I 2'0(c}--P•llt ''·' +6-N.tdi: ..... Nl>-Hutl ltW.& Mli.-PI• 4:lll 'l-Mlll-"'-1"' f:12,f 120 HH-Swlff U.1 1• \.lt-4\ltfft ''" "'II> A:Hey '°·' Mlht Rtlty J:U,j Hltll J11~rthl .... ,h L Ju-Wiid""' 22-1 Pott V.._.it--eo1d IWYI "'°' 1'111-~ll 6Ml4 01Kv ..... w ..... 11 16H"ll Westmftuter l.,_L•lldl1 ..... .,. .. t»(c}-(atbo --.c. .. __ 11"1111.tue Mlle-T~ !4'11i.-..5\'t:llrt 120 H~llf lW LH-Hldls <MO Rtllv Miii Rtlt' Hllll Ji,,rr~ LMv Jum~--Ot11•'• Poi. V111tl-Jot1Non "'°' "~ . • 10.0 10.0 .. . ,,, "'·' .-1:J).I ....... •:n.t , ... lf,1 ~ .. 1:JCl,t •• ,,. ... ... • --.,.,; . .. , '"' ... .... ... "" '"' .• , .. , 19•1 .... ••• "" "" .... '"' .... "" 1t'1 ,., '"' .., "" .... '"' '"' .... . , ... , ... "" "" .... .... 10C>-4!1bbs '·' lfilf :720(c) -Hibbs 2'.7 IKJ -'olO -Yot1nt11t .SO.I U6J l«I -Cost111 l :SJ.t lt6' ~ .. -_vr=~ !D~.i l:!: 1211 HH -Hibbs 15.7 1"9 1• lH -Hibbs 70.3 19't ~ Rtlll..... 4l.t • IHI Milt RlllP' · l :JI.' 19" Hllll'I JumJl-ltnllebtr1 "''"" lf6' lGfll Ju-"lta 11·~ lKI P""'1o V•u!l-C•rba11 1"'6 !tilt $110t l'vt-FCASt.r ~\ti 19'1 OIKVI -F<imtr 163-l I .. Rancllo Alamitos 1 00 -"""" trOll9 ' •• m(() -Wiiiiams 12.1 4e -!line 50.1 •-Kint 1:5',, M l .. -~ I <l:l t .t 2·Mll• -8•11"11 t :Jt.J 120 HH -ROI.di ~J.O ~ 15.0 JIG lH -ltoudl "·" .. Jl:t'llly ~1:~ Ml .. Rttl'I J:J6.I Hltl'I J"'"" -.:.k1'. .. 2~ l-Jump-Wl1"-m1 2'·1"l Piii V•vlt-,.,._, l:H Shot l'Ut -l udtltY .fl.f '"' .... '"' ,.., , ... '"' ''" .... ••• .... ,. .. ... ., ... .... ,., Area Team Takes ·Third The Costa Mesa chapter of the Sons of 1141y plac<d third among 21 competing women's teams in the organiiaUon's statewide boWling tournament at San Diego recently. Team members were Janice Scanlon, Louise H o u s t o n , Karen Cooper, Olga Parrinello and ~Openshaw. Aod the doubles team of Gina Sc.anloo anCI Pat Pica plac<d first with WO pina. Singlei competitor Pat Pica was second in her dlvlsion with a ISZ. Joe Pe.ca was third In men's singles . A women's doubles entry that finished second was com· prised of Rose Nastasl and Virginia Gano . OCC Group Plans Rally nie OnJlt!I' Coast College Veterans C1ub will bold a 1'last blot'' car rally Saturday, June 14, which Is apen lo all area auto buffs. RetlstraUon for lhe event, which will start at I a.m. In the cotlege's northwest park· ing lot, is $3. Adtlttlonal tnrormallon and ~gJstraUon r o r m 1 are available by callin& 64~1279 or -· ·AuW..blt i. ~ 1oc • .,4'tn'~ pl;r!ool 111 ..... ......... .., .. ,..1.i1 ... ""' """ ur. n.JO:ll )1.JOll ff II'(' CLOTH SEAl~OVEI ~ .. ~:!2' ... pilt. -,,.,.. 3•• ~-.: ,.,_ • ..,f'llill ......... -.•. s.s4 """ ., .... ...::.. 1111-..w.. ..... ___ _ ..,.,_ .... , .. _ .. ,. .. .. -.,.....,....._11m TUNEAlll;r;~J 1 . lo!I ,.,.~ .. ---,....,;. ....... , ....... .,... ... ·~-_,ari.u.w .• ,.,_ _ _,,....~·~ ITlllO llYDI '!llR' .. ...... ·• ........ Plo11 .. ..,._ ....... ,...,.. • P'lorl.....,..1 __ ....,. ----.-. .• 11 , • IALt· = l l;t• 1n-up.aQ .•a.•S ,,.., •• (l'.J'll •••• -,, ..... """ ~· .. · .. . -••Ufl ·•1.t 1rt..••~ll ' . .. ; . .... • ...... (Liii -'J. .. ., ... _,,,, n-1111.a ., ·: . <ut . .,.. .. ~··· ..... .... ,. 11; ---~--,...~-- DELUXE H(~Yy DUTY<SHOClt AISOllEa5 5'' THESE SPEC~ALS GOOD AT THESE LOC4 TIONS ONLY WESTllllSTER IUEIA PARI BUEil PARI CosTl IESA SOTA W 15440 llACH II.YD. AIMclGd4'eo 892-2088 • 1115 LINCOUI AVI. Al Yolly Yin • 126-5800 • 1301 llACH llYD. Atl.ehlM • 523·3040 --... ~- 2JOO HAlllOlJl.YD. Al- 5410201% • 1400 IDINHI Allrlotol 546-7132 i9 :s ;;, , .. i§ ... , .. ... • • • l ---~6----• ' .. - • "".......,· -4, l'WI • Yotll' Money's ;worth , . I 0 R THE COUNTER Worst Money Squeeze On MUTUAil . 9J 8\'Lfu POllTEll in. .......... .,. bearing down on tbe money and credit martl of 'OUt land now .to a de&'fM .uobown fn modern Umes -and that Includes the money "crunch" of 8':ptember 19111,,'olien for a panlcky ,col'" pie of d1y11 credit just dls11p- pwed. Not ever has borrowing *n deliberately made oo tough and upenalve.. Not ever has the Fedttal Ruerve System ..,. lo II>* lenaths lo force our banb into a '1llquldity aqoeezt" 10 they muat rtj~t er at leaat draltkally reduce loan 1pPllc1Uons. IT lJOULD BE wuteful for me lO use up m1 space li!tlng the eoef flgure1. You cap rtad them In headlines these days : you oui.ly know them all too well if you '!"t trying to borrow either from a financial in- stitutbl (except for your life insurance company) or via the capital markets. But.you'll get a perspective from these few- ••re al .. J l f e '' borrowing statlst..iCs. 81.nks themselves have been paying up to 9 percent to get overnight funds and over 10 percent to draw dollars back frun Europe. ln turn, they are charging effective rates of 9-9"' percent and more on shon- medlwn Joans lo their lop, moat favored customers, and rates scaling up from there to less favored custome rs. Meanwhile mortgq;e rates are rocketing lo a mWmum oC 9 ~-11'1: percent and rites on small Joans are climbing all over the place~ So It ~- What's mort, tltioalng or credit is spreading through ll)e country and there's no doubt this will get more HVtre lJCB Di vidend Directors of U n l t e d California Bank have declared the regular quarterly c!ividend ol 15 cents per sbart payable ;· rT lo lhlrtholden· ol rd June I. NEWPORT-MESA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION SEEKS COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR • QUALITY EDUCATION FOR YOUR CHILDREN.· NO AGoREl!MENT HAS BEEN REACHED BETWEEN NEWPORT.MESA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AND THE NEWPO!\T-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD Of EDUCATION. WE SEEK YOUR SUPPORT TO HAVE TH E BOARD Of EDUCATION A•RD TO A ariTER EDUCATIONAL EffORT FOi ALL SCHOOL CHILDHN AN O A&IH TO A llTTll FINANCIAL EFFORT FOR ALL SCHOOL STAii'. YOUR SCHOOL STAFF BELIEVES 9UALITY IDUCA· TORS DWRYE 9UALITY SALARIES. WE PERFORM DAY-IN ANO DAY-OUT FOR YOUR CH ILDREN. TEACHERS ARE CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS WHO SUPPORT GREATER EFFORT FINAN CIALLY IN OUR COMMUNITY. WE BELIEVE YOU (.WILL SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL STAFF. WE SEEK It. MORE E(j>UIT. ABLE SETILEMENT THA N THE BOARD Of EDUCA· TION HAS OFFERED. WE BELIEVE YOU WANT SOMETHING !ETIER FOR YOUR-CHl~BREN~ , A $6,900,000 Vote of Confidence for the Newport-Mesa -Unified School Distri9_*- • The elccror>te of Newporr,-~l"a Unified School District aurhorized the issuance of bonds to finance variou s schoo l 11np ro"cn1cnts. Bank of America purchased these bonds to provide your comn1unity "ri th the money it needs to finance these-improvements. Interest rates on the bonds were decided.by competiti•e bidding-a ptocedurc req uited by law to obWxi the lowC>_t average interest rue !or the taxp:tyer under curruit bond market condirions. Interest rues also reflect the cudit ':'ting of your district. We, tt Bank of Ameri ca, bid on nearly all muni cip>I hoods issued in the State. We're ptrticularly proud to play a key role in the development of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. One thing that gives us confidence is that you and your neighbors wisely recognize a demonstnrc d uuth: good schools benefit al l citizens-those with and Without children alike. The quality of a community parallels the quality of its schools. This is refl ected in property nines through the years. •a ••• aa •ttttttta ttt tt• • •• t • ••-NSW-lSSVE 16.900,000 N"'fX"'-M• llniliod School DUcri<t. Onnr Coonty, Cllllomia, l ll Boods, ltlection 1969, s.;..A. ' • . mBANKoFAMERICA ~ ' ' 'II. MO 90UTH S'llllMQ ITJllO. LOS MGWS MOM. taJ.mo • ·A· • W""""1,.Mit 4,IM H Prices-C.Omplete New York Stock Exchange List - l.Jst • • • • I ··- • 1 I ="'-==='- W DAILY P!l.OT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NcmCE , C.ralg .,.._phy Reveller II Wins - Title 8th Time Frank Ruppert's cruiser was Friday from Long Beach Reveller VI, flying the burgee to the COronado Yacht Club, of l.«lg Beach Yacht Club San Diego. On Sunday the fleet Sunday was declared the win-raced from San Diego to the ner d the coveted Craig ~ll buoy olf Huntington Trophy for the eighth time In Beach. the 2$ years it has been up for The Crajg Trophy is one of grabs in predicted log racing. the oldest and rpost coveted in Ruppert finished the two yachting. The tall, gold-plated legs of the l~mlle ocean cap was OllC4! valued at more course with a remarkable .878 than $5,000 and was kept in a perwit of enw. ln predicted bank vault in Long Beach. But log racing the victory is based since th~ Long Beach Yacht c1•TW:tCA::a'C:: •USINIU on the exactness of navif!ation Club was built it has been kept tffntell 'ol" IUlK TIANSl"I• l"ICTITtoUS NAAll• and piloting rather than speed. in the club's trophy case. _ (llQ flll""61t1 U.C.C.) Tf)f Ul'lllersltned don tertll'I' tit b tori· -. 26 bo ts · th 'Natb·k "'relrt' ~iwin 1q"" C*ltors dvct1nt • ~1-•t 1"21 lrooktlvr11, 1uere were a m e The Craig Trophy race is • ·•1• w. ~..., eM 1rMom. Htnrv. HvnH .. IOl'I lltdl. tallfornJe, .vndet' "'-race and 16 of them finished spon·~ed by the S·'""ern Tr-fWort. .... bullMW a«lreu Is •7' fief"*-"""" MIT'll of ECOHO-TYPI! •Piii ""' VUl.ll E. 111t1 s11M1, coat• Mne, c .... l'I' ot 111.i .-111 firm 1, CIOf'NIOHd ot ""' folkwi· the course with an error of Un· California Cruiser Associatfon °"'""' s11Je of C•Ulor11i.. th.ft • bulk 1"' ,.._, '""11oM nirM In fv!I •ncl 111.a der 2 percent. The r emarkably d h ed b h Lon n. h tr1nsf« 11 1bovt to i.. macte 1o a.or1e w. Of rt11def!C1 11 u fotlowl: an ost Y t e g D"C::aC Sm1111 1nc1 c1wtt1 F-tmnh, Tr1Mtere11. •°"' Ew1rl, nm. •l'OOIUllll""' Hv~ low scores were attributed to Yacht Club. Jt.s points count w11oq Ml-.odra. It ins L1br-4or .tlnaton Be•dl, C.lltoml-.. w1·nd and sea conditions that o..1ve, con• Min, eov11tv of or1.,.., O•fld M•1 1" lM. Uwatd thf national scoring in ''~Z ~i...be lr•n.ftrft'lt ~ lo(.ll<ld st1i. of ~":11'f:::1Z. Orin" count1: gave the r acers a push over predicted log raeing. 11 nt E. 11t11 strMt, co.11 M-.. COvnlY 011 .1M1·1.t.. lfff, llm•• Me,• Nol1ry both legs of the course. Here.are the fina l resul~ of ,,, 0 ,..,,.., sr•i. of c1111orn11. Pvb11c h1 •nc:t ,.,,. Nld s11i.. "'r'°"111r The first leg of the course .,~:.. :;::: rr~ci.~~~. r:.i:i:::: =-::!.,•:...!:•.;~" .!"o:ri~ ':i-------------. the race:. 4ncl eac111 wm of 11111 •~•II Ult of !hi •lthln lr\ltruflWlll 1nc1 1dmowlldtH LEGAL NOTICE CLASS A -(1) Reveller VI, 0r11191 JvNw flfQdvct. bul!.-a k-n 11 he e•ecvled Tiit MfM. F ank R LBYC 87 .... ,.,,. Jvllvt •Piii -..!Ml ., •7' E. 11111 (OFFJCIAL SEAl ) P41M7 r uppert, • • 8; *'"'· Costt MAI, tounf)' of Or•n• Orrn•h v. Utt (2) Ron1·umar 11 Fre d •t ... e .. "·•-····. Nol1ry PublJc<•llfonll• Clafll"ICATE OF IUSINf.SS ' ......... ""' ... lflc:1 I°"' l l"ICTITIOUS NAME Wood d LBYC M• (3 ) f T1"t bvJt ,,."',... 1111111 be c-ummat<ld Pr °' o:e 11 Th• uncfertklntd do certltY tt,.y ire war • • .:Jw ; .,, or atter ""' 16th d9t ot Jun1, 1m, •• or.1M1• Coiml'I' concruc:tlr.u 1 bus!ntM 11 1'S32 Trenton Dul Sea, Art De Fever, SDYC, ~ Escrow Co., Inc., 1m .Hlrtlot' 81vd . My Commlulol'I Ex,lres . LI,.., Hllfll'll'lllfori BNdl. c1111ornl1, under t:~~:::-· County of Or1ng1, Sllll Or Publl:::.rc110~~·,,.!.meoe11 O•llY Pllot, .... fktttlow firm NIM of KENLEY .964; (4) Sirene, Ed Riesen, So fer •1 kllOwfl to 11,. Tri~,_ 111 M.-, ,., Jlltlf •· 11, 11,. 1Ht ,..., KOLORPHONIC~ 1r.d tt11t 111\d firm It LBYC, .996; (5) Sonic, Bob ~· ~ " ... toJlowlnt ........, .... -"'* I:!~. · 't!5 n:i'111~:.':: 1~:r -'r. LEGAL t.JOTICE :!1.'i5~:"u ...a p11ces o1 rn1dlnce 1r• Guhl, CYC. , ,_,.. WetllY 811ss Hoover, lfSlf Trl!tlton CLASS B -Pied Piper, Jet· l o.t.d: Jll!"' ,!Id, ltff. NOTIClf TO CRl!OlTORS lA,.., H1111tlnetor1 8Nd'I, C1lltoml1. H 1· Cor YC 1 15 (2) I <>-.. w. Sm!lh IUPl!JtlOR COUflT 01" TME Kenfllth L l(f!llUtr. ll30 Ptll$*11tt. ry am ln, ' . : READY FOR ACTION -Columbia-SO sloops wiil compete Saturday and Sunday in the annual Pacific Southwest Championship for the class. The action is slated for Marina de! Rey under the sponsorship of Del Rey Yacht Club. ' (k;N11a F. Smltll STA.Tl! OF CALIPOINIA l"OR Rd .• No."· $.lnll "'11. C1llfwnl1. Tudor Rose, II, Cecil Burrows, T¥1nste ... t THI! COUNTY OP OllA_... 0111141 ~y f, 1H9, 0 ' t Publl"'6ct Or-e C~lll Dt!IY PUot. .... A..SW klllnttll L l( .... Jher CYC; (3) Kuma, Carl Hill, Cor utr1gge1·s J\llW 4 lHf IGSP,., e-11111 of ESTHER M. 8UTION , 1i.t Wesl..-B. Hoovtr YC, 1.40. 2 New Race Boats Due Columhia50 Race8 Slated k_,. 1$ MARY ESTHER llUTTON, St1ft ot C.lllor1111, Or1nte CQUft1Y : LEGAL NOTICE Otct•.ed. ~ M1Y 71t!, 1'6t, befort m-. • Nottrv --."°""°"°''""""ft.-...---! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ,.,. P\lllll( In ""'5 for Mid State. Pl'fJONlllY R tt t STSU!'y•.••g•,•,<.~Ul•'o'······ "'•oOE CTtdltotl ot the t bovt Nm.I dectdfnl ll'llfftld Weeln' 8 11ss 11ooWll' IPlll K..,. ega a a , .. .. mit llL .,.rsons Mvl"' c111m1 ... 11-..t .,_ ,... ~ Kenltl« ktlow11 hi m9 10 bl Ills 4th E h • ~ TN't: C Y!"'l_.~ollANOE u ld cleCIClttll 1r1 r...vlrld fo tilt"'°'"" __.,WllOM 11einn ,,.. 111bw'lbt!:i to • lll.l'Y ORIN:R TO SlfOW CAUSE •Ith the: n!Kftlll"'f' vOlld'Hlrt, 111 ,IM offklf IM '!l'lftil11 lllslrv1TMnt Ind 1Ckno't¥ltcfllto "OR CHANOE OF NAME o1 11111 .ci..n: o1 the aOcMo entllltd c.urt, or !MY 'txklltlcl tht urne. Lo B h In Saturday Rum Run On Weekend c1'Rorl f'tlt~tr.tk"':. ~:'1r:!7'_ r.: ~~'to""'.::· u: .. :.::.. ~~ (OFFIC~~'M!E::L:.-. I R ng eac Two new additions to the president of Speetra Color cl'l.tllH .. """' flf""' 01vollt.r to IN· Jffllll'll lrud Bulldl119, lont IU1ch, 1Nallrv Publlc..C1rlfo~· n ace ~Vest Coast offshore race boat Photo Labs w1·11 dr.·ve a new OA Elll.AIETH HARTMAN, For Cl!lllM C•llfornll tol02. Whlcll I• "" •i.t of Prlntlo•t Olfla Ill A record fleet of Columbia· a1-1:..,-_11uti.. of c.-.ROLE A. bullneA o1 tht undfrtloned 111 1111Mtftr1 O••~t Covntv, A section of Long Beach's fleet -sleek craft owned by 24-foot Campbell hull named 50 1 led th HAltTMAN ,_ ... .,. '° <l'l•ate "" "1.,,. per111n1,... Id..,. .. ,.,. d Mid .....,..., Mv Comm1ss1an en1n1 s ill Ou 1 h lln .11 Peter Rothschi.ld of Newport s oops a r e expec on e of tier d9ueMer fll LINOA ElllAllETH w!ttiln fovr months 111« the flrtl PVllUU-MIJ'dl 1,, ltn t t famed 5.5-mi e S Ore e Wl S t !J! Tb ! f.J ]. xt k d b th HARTMAN. i.. .. 1111 ~ flied 111 Cflul'I. t\oll of"'" notia. Putin"'-':! in Tiit Oran" c:o.st o1n1 be transformed into a Beach and Ed DeLong Jr. of pee ra . e ow pro I e ine ne wee en w en e •Piii 11 .-.,1.,. ''°"' ukl 1PPllC1tlan 0.-1111 ~, 31, 1Nt. PJlllt, N.11 u. 11, n •M J~ '· 1Mt ,.._ Burbank _ will make their boat is powered by twln).-427 sleek fiberglass windjammers Ci:o~:ft-z'ie'b~A:Jrl'folr=-,II! -o.,.r•N v. lutton l·ff-------~~--'-· I Hawaiian' strand S at u r d a y . h . d h meet for the PaCific Southwest ::vJ':.r.~.=.ttcw1i. ~~ '°"'riN1D'l ~·;t~bo°!. ":.:!:: oec1c1ent LEGAL NOTICE TOKYO (AP) -The fourth when the Kalifomla Outrigger debut Saturday in Rum Rum cu-1n C evy engines an as Ch . hi Th three· eL1ll8ETii HARTMAN. MA1t1•'CAWYt:R and Jast yachtsman in a Assn. (KOA) bolds its first 111 out of Long Beach. tested at over an ffiiles pef racaemrpe'°g"'attapswil. · 1 bee held al Mow, therdol"t, 11 II he<'eb'I' order# end A ....... It L.l'W •AR·114t of h thsch.Jd · ·d [ c111'Kttdt..""' ,,. ~ '"~"" 1n 1• .,,.,.._ Trlllt ••-JtOTtCI! To CttllDITORS transpacific y acht race that outrigger canoe regatta t e Ro 1 , vice pres1 ent o. hour. ..-·.~,,MA·~· .,_._, ~-,.~~~~s~ .-Id-""' dO lllJINf before"'" Court In l.1119 9lldl. Clllf ,_, QR COUflT OP TNI! beg · San Fr · -~r...._,,_-l;~~:>ii..,~· ~~~~~---~'\.!~ 1[J,.'"'"i) '.(':U"~ "'~~·,!...;<..~· · Depa,,_.,, 3 on"" 3rd c1z"' Jvtv. 1"' T•h c11u •-1m· :~::;10,. caL1,0.,0A ~. an in . anClSCO on . su~er. -.. . ..,-·--:.--~ft ~" ... -, -~'~.,,,~·5".•"·";"num~nUn r1p ?.; a.1 M:m1re • 'llOs club f0r the event will ::'°=:=.=:~~~-~~rf.·~~~"'E3'"'"'~.,~~~::'""'~~~·~"'~"~·~·~··~·~·~··~·~~~T~•~•~<~o~u~MTY o"" ouNOE .Marc}),J}.1.1~U.~~~~i'liiriil · . 8.craft .deep ~ee s rint from Lon Beach to be the Del Rey Yacht Club. 11 11 fvrl!MF ordel"ld N I•_, o11hts ~,\t ... ~. . 1 , ~~!~'th"e'~~nBOrs"" of four for-women in the 40-foot, hull which he designed w1th p . . g The first race is scheduled to -·-·~t~::-o~tri:u=:;": -LEG.AL N-CE f..':~TcH~ =~~. ITH,•• GAACE v. the r ace said Wednesday. 400-pound canoes will be con· th~ help of spo~s race car Malibu Pier and ba c k start at noon on Saturday. The _ !r't:!i~'='di""= %:-Wiv~~l------,=ccv-" ____ 1 N<>T1ce is HERESY 01veH 10 the A spokesman said Belgian ducted starting at 9 a.m. at driver Chuck Daigh of Long sponsored b y the Pacific final two races will be sailed • ~!!1;;:,.,... prior to"" dir °' .-Id P·mM g:'!:r.*"'~·ht~~ciZr.:e!,~~ Rene Hauwaert. 37, was e:t· the Cherry Ave . .Beach, just Beach. Offshore Power Boat Racing sUnday, the firs t starting at 11 01tec11t~ t'~~·~· 1fff. ClttT~~~~~:u~" ,!~~NISS :!'i~ ~:.s!~ =~'~n ':~ :;:1~~ peoted to complete the race off Ocean Ave. near the Long Named Thunderballs, the Assoc.j.ation as a final equip-a.m. Presldtne Jvd<!e ot 11tc1 Thi ull<llr"llttoed clod c.rtlf't' lfley 1n1 of tht c1trk ot "'-li><w• onlltled court, 0 , around J une 30. Beach Museum of Art. Six boat is powered by a single ment test and tuneup for the A total of 55 Columbia 50s are sTef'H ~lr,tlor,J:r'l•THUR, =~c:=11-bul~=., ~n!o~I., ~,:.~ ~~!0 ::m~,.,:e,,"::'t~~ Hauwaert left San Francisco paddlers form a racing team, supercharged 427 cubic inch feature o( the West Coast preseatly in action aro\ind the e.' :'~'! f:~~~"""' 1111 r1ct1110w 11'"' """'et AUTO.MAGIC Otfl"5 or PHIL "· cv•"v, EM .. s143 with four other yachtsmen -with points earned in each Holman & Moody Ford engine season -the Aug. 23 Long nation's yacht racing circuits • ..,, .. _ ,_ ._,lk111I ' SERVICE IM th.fl Slkl firm It ciomPDNd Stmset 81Yd., Loi AM111t1, Clllf-11, • to d th II d I I 700 h h h I p;:~:..eci Or•llH ea.st D•llY Pilot o1 ..,. rouo•lnl ,.l'IOfl!. whol• 111me1 1n ,,,..,1c11 11 '"' ~11~ of bv$lness "' ""' Frenchmen Eric Tabarly and race gomg war e over a eve op ng orsepower. Beach Hennessy Cup c lassic Their combined trop y s e ves Ml., 21, n. JUM •, 11, Ifft HMf tull •nd '"e.1 °' rnldenc:# 1" .. und1r11111ed in 111 1111tttrs .w111n1n~ to Jean-Yves Terlain, German regatta team championship. Rothschild will be racing both which climaxes the Ca1ifornia hold trophies from virtually foliow.: E "1 E tM •l•h of ukl O.CMleo'll, within tour A f 11 t ·d f th R R t h d · ---~==~===---1 floblrt E. aour••nd •M • 1 · ,,_IM ''"'' the tlrit PVbllci•IO<! o1 thli Klaus Hehner and American ges range rom o mi -or e um un rop Y an International Sea Festival. every major racmg event. LEGAL NOTICE ~::".:!n~,:,~ ~n~::;" o rivt, Hvrt-"°B~ Mi',,, 1,,,_ Jerry Cartwright. _ 40's, in age.based categories. to showcase the boat. It's for Starting time Saturday will Several Columbia-OOs a Te 0 •11d Ml' "· 'lfff. Jotin w J1~ Hauwaert returned to port The four member clubs of sale -at a bargain of $19,995. w ith a fleet of I~ boats ex-scheduled to start in the •AR-1'6f Jlobtl't E. lourlll!d Extc11to'r of 1tw WIH suP•••o• cou•T op TNI! eue11 E. S-1.tfl(! o1""' ,._.. Mmed dectc1&r1i shortly after his.departure on KOA will be competing over a DeLong,.a photograph, er ,and pecttd. Honolulu race July 4. STAT• 01" CALll"OR,UA FOR Siiia of c1111otn11, Or11191 Covnl'I': PN IL It. cu•••· '"· M ch 13 ~ f brok t . gula . Lo ·•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ THI couNTY 01" ORAM•• 0n Mlv 12. 11e1ore .... • "klf•rv Pvti11c Altlmlt ., '"" · ar ~ause o a en nan r c ourse m ng11 c-N11111w o-WtS "' •Piii for 111d s1111, __.II)' •-rid 51a s.r..i aw mast and Jeft there aglln on Beach Harbor, represenUng SUMMONS Robert E. Bourl1ncl •nd flt.II e. Lii..,,...... C11ii.rt.11 •n A ·111 th k .d MARIETIA s. Flt).NKLIN, Plllnllff Vs. BovrllPlll known IO me lo t.. "" __ , T•h lt1U "6-1"4 pr! ' e s po esman saJ • Newport Beach, Marina def SELIM H. FRANKLIN, 0~1n1 wtiow 111"'" ••• .utt1cr1111c1 to""' w1t111n ..,"'""" ,., lf••Yi.r • Tabarly finished first in the Rey, Malibu and Laann .. PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALI· lt11ll'\lmMI •Piii 1ctuiowll9ld thlr U• Pvbllll'led Orinot Cotst Oil!y Pilot. .,--fORHIA to tte •bove Mmtd Dri1t1c1111t: llC\lled llle u~. ' J , 11 11 ,, lfff lOSMt r ace April 24. His compatriot Beach. A fifth club, from Hun-You 1r1 l!trt!W dlrkled to flle I ""'If· (OFFICIAL SEAL} ,_•_M_._._'-'-------·· 1· ·si. --• fell Pleldlnt 1n -10 ""' v~lfled Jeen L Jobst • · uu ed se .... v11u on May 5 and tington Beach, bas not yet comPllTnt of !hi 1baY1 n•mtd 111r"11ff Notti')' Pub11c-ce111ornl1 LEGAL NOTICE two days later , Hehner cross. completed .lbe fo r m a J with ..,. (lerlt ot ltw eboYe entlll..:I COllfl . Prl11CJP1I Otf lCI I" ed he nn· In the 1bov1 entltltd 1ct1on brovohl -Or111111 County •AR·l1'1t t ish line. organization procedures. •01lnd you Jn wld court, wlltlln TEN My Cornmlulcin E•Plr11 NOTICI! TO CREDITORS Cll\'11 '"~tilt i,e,....lce Oii YOU af !hi' svm-Mardi t 1m SUPERIOR COURT 01" THI! mol'l!I, ff ltrwd •Hhln the 1boYt n1mf(I Publl'hed o.-. Co11! D1llr PllGl, STATe: 01" CALIFO•NIA 110 • coun!y, or wt1111n THIRTY dl)'I ff Hf'ild /!MY U, 1], 21 IPlll JVl'll •• lfff t30-6t TNE COUNTY 011' ORANGI: • AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA 642-9990 LEARN TO SWIM 1llt'NM1"e. NI. A41* You ere llt~bv llOllllK 11111 v"lns vou LEGAL N-CE E1t1~ of DELNO 8, BACHTELL, u Ille• .... 11lt11 ~1P01111I~ plNdlno. uld V'1 Dectti.ed. pillflllff wl11 t1ke lud!lmMI tor Int moMY NOTICE IS HEJIEBY G1VEH fo !ht SUMMER SWIMMING ... ll•mlotS dtmended In ""' Ytrlll..:t •AR·l141 crecllfOfl af tht 1bov1 lllm<ld ckCldlf!t comPlllnt 11 1rl1!1111 v-contr1d, or will NOTICE TO CRIOITORS 111 .. 111 penant lltvlnt dlolmt ltllllnsl !ht •PPl'I' to the court tor In)' olllU ~n.i SUPE•IOR COURT OJI TNI! llld c!Kedenl 1rt rec1ll'lrld to fli. lhtll'I, Oeml...se.I I" "" verified COlllPlti!ll. STATE 011 CAlll'OINIA l"OR with the neceu•rv Yl)ll(lllr1, In Ille afffct You mat Mltk' tt.. 1dvlct o11n 1ttomt'I TNE COUNTY 01" otlA_,.'t: ot tM dirt ol the lbaYt tftfltlfid ()Ol,lrt, OI' on lllY m.itlff Cfll'llieod"°' w!lll !ht com-Mf, MJIM ,. l Ill Pre&enl them, wltll the MCeu.tl')' plfolnl ar !hit ivmtnOnl. Such illornn E1t1te of CYNTHIA ANN OOWcl • vau(hlri, to Ille und1r1l1MC1 .i f!lt olllct SECARD POOL SALE AT should be cori'ulled within the time ~~~~£ IS HEAEllY GIVE N lo "" of h11 ltlor.....,, JOHN MASON JEFFR EY, llmlt ort1~ In II'!!' 1umrnol'l!I tor flllno • cr..:tltou of th• ebove 111111ecl dtndenl ~::\k..,,~~5,,,..,1~Y11 :,~~'::~ !:,• bui~~ w0rlttt11 Pkr<ld1"9 to1 the comc>ll inl, 1111t 111 perton1 h1v l111 cl,lmt 1oaln1t t11t of n.1 ulllkrilonecl 111 111 m11tel"1 11oer- 1ftd Mtrch tl, fft s1id dtcedlnl •rt reqvlred to flit them. t•lnlnt to tM 1111tt of Slid decedt"I, w. E. ST JOHN, Clerk w!tll the !lfl'llMrY VOVdl•rs. 1n tht ottkl wlthl" four"'°"'"" 1tt.r tllt l1r1t Public. 8Y '"""~ J. Roultn-01 Ille clerk of the ebo.ve ef'llllltd court, or Hon of 11111 notk1. Deftvly (le!'k hi prftlnl them, With lhl nectlUI')' D111d MIY 29, 1'69 WtnMAN AND SCHMID!' vovdH!ri. to !ht vP1111r1l11ned ,, Tiit l•w Cllerltl A Rickerl 1511 Wnktlff Orlvt 0tt1ce1 o1 HAFER. SILLS & WOOO, Union Executor C,, Ille Wll1 Svli. m B1~k !<Iv•••• SOU!h Tower, Sult. '°'' Of the 1tiovt 111111..:t !fet'edlnl loltw-i 8Mdl, C1H,.f'ftl1 nut Or111et. C1!1tornl1, which II the PIHi of JOHN MASON JEl"•JllY, IM • ...... nn t1u1lnes1 ol the unOtriltn..:1 In 1!1 """'" AttorMr fl i.-Alltl'IM1'$ ttr lll&lntlff . Pl!rllfnlnt to the nl•M ot uld Ol<:ftltnl, 77SJ l"IY Avenve. Pufllli.l\td Or111ge Ca.11sl 01111. F>Uct. within four rnonlhl 11ter Ille fin! publlc• LI .111i.. CIMllrllll ,,.,, IMY ... 21,,. '"" JUM •• lt69 •~2~ !Ion of !Ms noilc•. Tth fl)4) .,,.,,,.1 Oeled Ml't lt, lfff. All9nl..-... E•tcllllN' Arm1lrono M. Dowell P11bllahtd Or1nge Co1st LEGAL N(Yl'lCE Admln!str1i'or of tilt E1l111! JI/fie o1, 11, 11, 2s, Ifft of the 1bove nal'l'll<I dt<tdlnt Mil' n, lff' HAl'ER, $1LLI & WOCO LEGAL N(Yl'lCE Public hurlnos will bl lwld tr... the ... ,_.,, ~ LI•-· Cosll-Mtw PllMT1111 Comml•llon II lht Unlln •lllk Stv1n1, Sfftll T- (:ilv Hill, n F1lr Or lY1, Ce>t!I MH1. Jiiii. Mt, •AR-1"4 c1111o .... 11 •• , 7:JO P.m. Of IS SOOll •• Or1nn. c111 .. r1111 '26'1 NOTICI! TO c•EOITOflS pas•lble t11ere11ler on Monday, Ju"" 09, T1I: M7-ftSl SUPERIOR COURT OP THE 1969. Atttrnrlt fllr Ad111l11i1trsffr' SflTE OF CALll"ORNIA FOil Aeo1rdl1111 11>e fotlaWIMI ,PPllclllol!t-Pub!lal'IN Dr•-CO.ti 01tly Plk>I, THE COUNTY 01" ORAKGE I. l-e•c"'!lon ~r11111 No. lE·.SU9, tar Junt 4. 11, U. 25, l"' IGSUJ No. A-0111 , JACK. ti. uid JEAN PARK, 201 Lovo11•---,-.,~-.,-~,-,,,,-,=---J Etl•M of MIKE G. VlllAFANA, 1-dett11K. Rold, Cosll ~. C1111 .. for petmlHlan LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ta 1M to rncreau tlle e•lslillll Prt-«llOO!• ---~-~--~~~--! enroll,....nl from 'S to 75 clllldren; 1rw:11· Crtdllorl ol ll>e lbcvt Mmed ~nl .. CIR'T.IFICATIE OF IUSINE5S lh1f 1H persons h1vl1111 cl1!m1 1111Jt11t Ille Permiuion IO ccnolrvcl '" lddlt ... n to l"ICf!TIOUl NAM• llld dkt<HI I ... reii lrld I tfle """' ... 11nnv Pf"Ho(hoo! •lr~r• ~ O ft, of Tiie Vft"'"~lol!ld don cerl11Y he ,, COii-with tht ~el$tl')' ~lffs, ~" the olficf ~Ide PrnM•ll' l!nt (cne ••Ill anlYJ, S1ld Ouclfng ~~Inn• 11 lMl E. Mlld'ltll, ot th• derll of tM •bcvl tnlllltll court, or araperty laceled 11 l'rS PiularlllO 5111i. A.no, C1lll0!'11!1, ulldff Ille t1Cllllou1 IO ore1tnl tlllm, wltll !ht fll!CISMt'Y AvenUt, Cos!a Mesi, C1lll, In 1n A! firm 111..,. of J IMl'S 80UTIQUE "' • ·-.. 1 -' '"' -lOllt . llOUC rs, ·~ "" u lrt g,~ • ... .. c. 2 l · i 'I Ha ZE !-l.6f ._ BUSINESS, Ind 11111 ilkt llrm II com-ot lllllr 1ttomtr, FRANK M MOOR! . -HCtPI"" Pfnrl• • " • •-OOffCf of the tol!IDo'!MI ptru>n, ~ E10 , "°'5 Lcog 8tldl BMI l 011•i ~elCI!' l"AANK TYRRELL llllkl• GRAHAM c. ne~ In lull and Pll<• of reslOl!llCI 11 '' c11\iom11, whkh I• 1111 p~ of b1111n.; Gl9BONS, Jl4 W1ln"!' SlrHI, CCIII follo'N\: ot !ht Vndtrlkm..:1 !n ell rnllttrl Oii' MHI, C11lf .. for oerm•ulon to ~tlnvt JAMES A, FILJroK. lMI E. Mllchell, telnlnt hi tM t t of id decedellf to ll•ve ~ oulslcle Ol11>l1y ol Cul ,_" $41"11 Alll II I e SI ' •nd "'"'° pl1111~ for m111 wit on pro-D led M · 13 lHt wlrnl11 lour monlhl 1n1r 1111 flflt Jlllblla· ~~·'" ., 43 E.11tt\ Strt'I!, Cotti I J1:!. A Flllk !fotl ol lhll l\llllCI. Mesi lllf., Ill. c; :rone. ,,.,, o• '"'" IFORHIA ' Dlttd Mfy '· Ifft. .. AntollJI Vlll1f1n1 ) ZOii e-Clelllion 111m1lt Ho l6-Swt tor-COUNTY OP OllANGE ) U MtnlH!I VIOetini . ee AH BABER 6.ll 'victor! • s On Mir ll. Ifft, betott """· • l+ollTY CO"l!'Xecvto,.. ol tllt Wltr • 1 '·• Pvb!k I" •Piii tor uld Slit., ...,.-11y of flit 1bovt 111m..:t decedent Colt Mls1, (11!1 .. for P!'rrnlulon Ill •-•red JAMES A. FILAK kllCIWn to !IHI JllRANK M MOOJllE I <Ol'lflnu1 lllol oper1tlon of • 9'.IHI horn. to bl ltlt ..,.._, 1MIOll nimt II ,uherlb-AllwfllY j ' $11. tot four l•l -elderly 9Uf•B ., • ~ oed to lhl within lmtrvmtnt IJ'ld 4IU Llftt I ii LI~ 'iM «eoPallcn .Ind to lr1nst.,. ~llio!\11 &du•owkl11eo:T'"' ••.cvttd !Ill"""'· '--•••11.~inflrrlie' ,., vw permit No. C..JMI fram lfAR~IE (OF FICIAL SEALI Tll· Uill 127~1 8LISS to &EULAH BABER. Pr-rt)' Mary I(. Htnl')' Al*-... v It ltrs )Oclled c:i~f 3'~ LI R~etle LI"" Cotta Not1rv Putillc<1lltof'ftl1 Publllh..:lr o=:C~oesl 0111)' P!lol MIY ""'""· ·• Ill lOflt. Prll\Cl,11 Office In 14 21 u Ind JI.Ille 4 lfft fll1t L ZoM t11C*lflon 1>ermll No, 2E·!O-ff, lo• Or1no1 COllllll' ' ' ' MELVE'N GENSER, SJ')! Vll'leland, My Com111l111ott EJQ>lres LEGAL NcmcE NOl'll't 1-tollY'WOOd. c1111 .. for ritrmlsslcn Nov. 14, 1m "10 ....-ct 1M 1n1lnt1ln ~ l~oorarv M;b-Pub11•11..:I In the Or11191 C011I D1l1Yl-------------'41vf .. ..;i SF dltK!klfllll sign, TO ft, 11 lO Pl!ol Mrr 14, '9, 2t 11111 Ju.. 4, lt'f 1Afl·llt41 .ft,. to iflrtd Prot~llve l'lom4! bWtr• to t.ut NOTICI! TO CJll!OITORS mcldfl homn I" !rlC'I No, 6!1S SU llERIOfl COURT 01" THI fHl!LT?.ER TRACT) lotet..:1 1 t LEGAL NOTICE STATI 01" CALlllOflMIA l"OR ·~ Incl Sm11 .. y, Co.lo M1w, TNE COUNTY OF OJIANllE Ct 11, Mid 1ltn to be loull'll 1111 fllto .... A"'1ilt ffl Sldl ol Htrllor 81...0,, ltt7 fl. SU,tRIOR COl#llT Otl TNI £11111 of SUSAN H. HOPKINS. o-'IWl1htrlY of the ctn!fr lint of &lk'r SfAfl QI" CALIFORNIA l'OR ta. ;,s1tw1, CO.II M"'' C1lllar11l1, Ill 1 Cl· THI! COUNTY Of' OAAJllOI NOTICE IS HEltE8Y GIVEN lo !!It J;P 1-, Nt. A &)lit tredlklr• ol lllf •bow n.1111911 """ent (. !Ol'lf nc"'rlon l!llr'llllt Ho. 2E·51-", for NOTICI! 01" HeA•IN9 01" Pl!TITION th1I 111 ,.,.,oru 111vl1111 cl•lms 10111111 tM •llo'ELVEN 0£NSEA. 5:121 YIM~. 1"01; l'ttO•ATI 01" Will ANO u ld ~ ,,._ rt<rtJlred to flit ltlfm, tNOf1tt HOll'r'MICld. Qtllf., for Pttlll!•tlOll COOICll ANO l"Ofl l ITT I R. S wll~ !!It !llCIWtr'r' vouchers. lJt Ille office •to cNlflM COIOV Oii t•l1ll1111 SF d!rlC' T•STAMINTARY. ot !hi cl.,k of !hi 1t>OW enfllled ~.-or lflo<lll 1}ffl •lld rtOIMI new mDY IOI' E•t•te d Hlilll A. Wltnr( Vf'tler, lllG to P!'llf"! them, with tho neceuary J1tf PUk·li= H01!1£1 whit.I! 1r1 loc1!td krlowr\ 11 He!lft A. Vtlflff, OlcMHd. Wllldltl".I, to 1!1t Vlld1rtlol'l<ld 1t ff!t office ~ ... .wlfl tiet: of AO.ml .Avffllle, NOTICE IS HEREll't' GIVfN 'nl1t ot lier lllol'ntn, DUR't'£.A, CARPENTER -"" .. Hll"bllr llvd .. Co.ti Miu, S.CVrlll' P1clfk N1t1Gft1I 8&1111: ~h fllld a. llARNES • .01 De'ler Orlv,, N"""° t(:lltfinlft;, ..... '"" IO bl loc1!..:I an the ~In I lltlllloll lot Probtll ol wm Ind B,ICll, C.llfo"'I•. Whldl " "'-Piiot ot ~ ~ ot H•rbor 81..,,, &ncl Cod!dl t Ind for ltWltlU of lttt.n but!Mu et "" UN!trlkll'lfd Jn •II 111111e,.. , ....... ,.,..,, c.t• Mew. C11l1" In I T"'-'•r'f to the P.irtlanlr, l'tfor'f'llOt Plf'l1lnl1'11 to tM ftl~tl ot Nkl dtc:edtnl, ciQ -. to 'llli!Cll Is ,,,,,.,. lot fvrll\lr' "'1\Cvll,._ wllhlll lavr tncn!lll .ittt !ht tlnl tullllu-,_ · Mn• 1Nf . 11111 th1t lhe time 111Ct tJ&Ct.ol hfftl111 ftJI tton ol m11 notlct. -,,..,. fln'1ftel' ~ Oii lht lbOYI Ulnl htt llftrl wt for J-to, 1Ht, 11 Dtllel APrll 1', 1ff,, ... tlOf!llM. l'lllllOllll'll Ul<SW or <1!1 II t :» AM.'. In 11'!1 ct11,1rlr«tn1 ol ~ M1111i. Htlell,Mtllfltld Toll "" ottic. et n.. "*"""" 0tw.r.,,,en1, mtnl No, t fff Mid wvrt, 11 JOa W. £\tlltll E•ecvll'I• ot lht wm .. _ "" 7''-c:#::••'"""""""' , ~'• ~ Sfreel, tn ll>e Cl" of Slnt1 "AM, ~! tM 1bow ~llllflt ~ .~ . . 1-C.flfotTtlt. liRMIST J , 9CHAO, I•.,•"· -~ CcitfA MCIA, .b.lll'd .lvl'lt J, lNt. -DUIYlA. CARfl .. lfT1R a •A•N•S ~Hltf0 <iOMMISltOM W. E. ST JOHN, C-ty Cltrt; A.l,_'t't 11 LIW Jifi\TS a1.t.Oll LARWIELL I WOLFIE Ml 01Y1t on ... , CHAlllMAN 4U S. "'111t SI,. hllt lttt P. 0 ..... 1716. w11n.m L. OUllft Lal Allellft. C1Hf. Mii N-1 111(11, Cllltor•I• ..,....,.. ..i Ojt9dll' T4t IJU) 'M-Ull Ttl: l11CI tU4Mt et '-_,.,..,,, • ~ A"'""n .... Pll]tltlti1' A"'""'• tw l..atM• ~~ ~ c-.f OIO.-l"llft P11blltlllll Or._ Co.11 0111¥ l'llot, flVblllhlll Ori-Cotsl 01\ly illlw 1. ,,_, IOUM /-S. •· !t. \Mt lM-19 M•Y ,,, 1', fl, n , lNt JUMBO DOUGHBOY 18 FT. e 1/3 HP , EARTH FILTER DeLUXE TEST KIT e MAINTENANCE KIT ·• 18 Flo JUMBO POOL KIT 20 MILL .LINER-5 YEAR GUARANTEE b" TOP DECK 24'X16' POOL 1/1 HP IARfH PILTll WITH IACI(, WASH YALYI GIOUND PAD SUlfACI SllMMll 4' to 7' e GROUND SHI ELD SURFACE SKIMMER CHEMICAL DISPENSER OVAL POOL 20'x12'x48" SAME AS KIT Only EXPERT INSTALLATION AV AILA'BLE! 323 'SO. MAIN. ORANGE UHER REPLACEMENT CEllTfR All SIZES HEATER leg11lw $2tt.IO 32 _SQUARE FEET DECKING ONLY $5500 ON fNSTALLATION JOBS ONLYI POOL TABLES SLATE TOP from ~9500 MINI BIKES ON SPECIAL ~ors only SE CARD POOLS FINANCING Phone ·532-1992 10 A.M. T0.-9 P.M. 7 DAYS A.WEEK • • ~ ..... . . "Tet'lay'm'· . .,,., -N.Y. Stedrii \101:...'2 NO. 'Ill, 5 SECJiONS, 74 PA&ES • • : , • J I I ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . . ' . . . . ' '.~ ' f ' • WEDNESDAY, :JUNE 4, 1969' ·TEN CENTS • • ·' . . walkOO(_rhreat 'ijangs ·Over Te~cher Meeting , throo.Ch administraUon liaison man Scott FJanacsn, .. ~ a .hrular proposal Tuesday. Teacber,s asked the board to meet with them at 7:30 p,DL Tbunday in direct negotiations and to give their response to this request by 3 p.m. today. "If the .board doesn't teSpond !t all or Uthe annrer ill'.i't saUsfle'totY, the mem- ber• might cOnlkler taking personal ltave Thunday to get the attention of the pubUc," uid Carl ManemAM, president of the 430-member DEA. He a~ded that the association "had gone roct bottom" in its latest offer of a 2..1 percent increase from. unbud.ijeted <listrlct money, ir it should beCome available. To this date the ctistrict has offered a 2 percent boost above the 4· percent in· .,..,. muiu.fly •ll"ed on by 'he teacher• and the district. "There la IOllle leeling.ori bebaU of ~some oi the teachers that we have gone way too low •trudy ror oor origbial pro- piosal, '' said Manemann. "We oric1nally were golnj: to try for 1 14 percent ln- creue, then Wed for an e.s percent, and now we're down to a totll of e.a percent. "We WW have to sound out the g~neraJ ihem~p of the ·DEA .-.... ,-fee). that on:tbla today." . ,- M81Jelll111111 oaid the .-atlon WGtld proi>&bb' .,,... to , I dbiiiC:t -1. ol' ~ up I tbrff.~ fact-41Dd1aC' paoel'next fall to detenhine u -.1a '* deed any unbudgeted money avallabJe for a pay boost. "Tbere la some aood in tbil, mxl I am sure we can work lhil·out in the'tplrlt of an agreement,'' he:01d. · , . -' ' -' Nixon Backs Atnls PoliCy Attacks 'Isolationists Who W o·uld Disarm U.S~' COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (UPI) -improve condWons with Russia and Com· . Followiq the apeech UM!: President in the picturesque footb111s o1.· Ute President Nixon today inade a spirited muitist Chin.I by deliberately weakening departed immediately for bb new home Rockies. ' • defense of American mililary povrer as U.S. power. in Sen Clemente for two days of prep-They made one ·stop to·touratemlfely the world's greatest guarantee of peace. ''We must rule out unilateral dlsanna· the 17-splred·acadtmy chlptl. wlllch .,_ 'Ibe'chlef executive spoke at a sun-bak. ment," the President said. "In the rul arations for his Sundly conferenc& with Wns four pJaces of ~ -for . ed falcon Stadium to the 176 gradUates wofld, that simply wUI not work." P~i~t Nguyen yan 111~ of South ~~tan~ Cf,tbOllca,,Je~ Ujl_an all of the Air Force Academy and a crowd Furthermore the President sa.ld; "If Vietnam 1n the Mldway Islands 1,100 purpote Chapel for those f1' otMrll:ttbs {l~r~•P1 e5timatedatnearly40,000persons. A:mei-1ca were to .turn its back on the miles ~yond Hawaii. (four of the cadet~ from HiWaU, Kon&· r;~ "It is (lf>en season on the anned world a deadening form of peace wouJd Be{ore Joinln1 the commepcanent ex· and Taiwan are' Buddhistl). , ~~~~ •. r~:,;;;. ~~!>!! .. •ald,~m~j_CJll _~m .... ,_ .. 1ue o•~-°!1'· planet.-: th.• .• kl."."-o!--:"?,"!!",,_!lle.j'~~te-~t,!'Ji,21-~ ~!~!J Jo..~l~""' .. ~, ·-_.,._ .,.,..,"WVWU .. ,r•h•~.-~_,_.nr ,..,,---,.-_, -· ~\--~,---~.A;i~;;,,~~~~ii--~ ' the United Statea unilaterally and hope Lo Czechoslovakia." tour or the _ 18,CKX> acre y campus · . (Set ,NIXON~,'P1p:I) -1 , : SpN MISSING. L1wrencti R1llly Jr. FATHER SURVIVES L.Awrerict Rtilty Sr, Coast Wives Await One . . ' . . . . . . . .• * *' Larwin Appeal · C:tty P ·lans Pl'ojeet · San .Clem~nte~ In Valley Home Park Bonds Win Mass El.Toro Await . . . B~t~l~:~~ej~ct~~ ·, ... 4 nn.tflVfi~-in lf:ij;.nfiuniQJt Nixon· ~rir,~ - 'lbe LarWin Company ·ii>st .__., 1 •1 ··~Jf:: ~. 1 i._,.,,. ! . : · :1' · • _ · '!~ ··,~ · .BolhE;IToroMarineCorpl.irlWklt round Tuesday lil·lts battle lo build llftall By TERRY COVILLE . passed. I aenual obllpli.,;, bond. . and • Uny U.S. Coast GuU'd lonll am. ,1 lot bomes lo F;unlaln V1lley _Wb•n ~ •• ""."'!-••• "'" . · General obllptlo:i Diulio the \:111'• $1 J)Oll In San C!fmenle....,. a -1., ol Fourt!I Dfll!lct Court of Appeal• Ill ·sin .!llaled cli)' offielols becan planning i.. million boDd dol(I DOI bi••,to be IP'Pl'GI! · aetl>j!y todoy:· •• offl.W. ml ddliDI Sai~r,'Mo~rn 2~d Ship. . • h - By AR111UR R. VJNSEh OffM ~ ......... lfllfl Three Navy wiva are waltlnr tiila)', waiting for one sailor due h!;JTne ~· drawing strength rrom another wtrJ atrfyed aqd mourri.lng a third, 111eep with 72 shipmates under the South Chli1a Sea. ' Outside: the home of Senior Chiet Gunner's· Mate Lawrence J. Reilly, at 22.14 Minuteman Way, ~ta Mesa. ia a parked car with a window decal· 11ytnc: We Are a Navy FamUy. _ · , Qiief Reilly was asleep a~ 4:11 a.m. Tuisday when tbe .%2,500-ton Autra1ian aitCraft carrier Melbourne cut tbroOlb th~ destroyer USS EVans lib a meat cleiver through a plutic toy. · Spmehow, the career seaman e1e1ped fr:cm his forward 1ection quarters u the EVins sank. but bis aorHbe boy' he re-joined the Navy to look Jft.er-wem doWn at" his post in the boiler room below. Chief Reilly joined the Navy in 1942 and loved it · Boller Tender 3/C Larry J_ Reilly Jr., 21 : joined in 1965 and c°"'ldn't w~it to get out in September and go back to 1ch0ol. A woman who Iott a son, a younger widow he married just after high school •nd a Navy lieutenant .who was among Stock Markets .. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market made a feeble e({ort to rally in early tradina but it had *1theliil tif'llii •1' today. (See quotations, Pag<s 1a.1t). 1tte Dow Jones average of,.. JI in-dultriats was of( o.sa at 930.20 at t :~ p.m. after having been up .l.t8 dUrlng late momiJll. the.fin\ ~WW or the triJedy talked aboul.tt todOy. All they know can be said In a min· ute or two. -••My husband ls due in at Travis AFB about mldnlpt," a.aid the elikr Mrs. Reill• . "[ don1 know ..... 'he'll· get . '-' home, all his gear went down with the abip and be bu no money or clothes." "I was the first to .find out •.. I can'C say just bow-It was a rather funny thing all the way," said Navy Lt. (jg) James Reilly, 23, a public informaUon · officer. "What will t ever tell lbe baby?" 1aid Mrs. Joyce Reilly, 1f1 aa Lawrence J . Reilly DI slept upstairs, one year old and unaware of tragedies. 11re bOme wu dMkened by drapes, quiet and amelled of cofloe, strong like it is rude Navy-style and full or a sense of resignalion: Chief Reilly called" from Manila Tues· day night with an-order. "He said doe't bold out any hope at all," said Mrs. Reilly. "Ever)'bo;cty brings doughnuts and nobody eats them," she said with a sigh, poUring that black coffee. "It's fuMy how so many people you haven't thought of for a long time cill you.'' U. Jim Reilly read a newspaper , sigh- ed and mutltted. His father who has spent 19 years 1n the Navy,· broke duty, then re-enliated, wu about to' mire,' but allJled up agatn to go m sea duty aboard tbe Evans with his Younger son. • - "He always wanted to go Navy, just like 6is dad," aaid . a grievinl wtfe and mot6er, "but t gueu it wu all dlffettnt when he eot in. All he wanted to do was get out." Bernardino, denied a Larwin peUUon r_or day the """ of " "'"'~ I• p&r~ bonds E~""' whlcb "!11' evenw1lly ~ olf ""' •l!alled, P~nt !llxor(• ll'lfftl al bis "writ Of probation" 1t.1bmllted last wetlt. oyerwhelmirtf1Y a~proved bS' JJum:lllJton ""'"'.. · · · 1 • "Whl~ HOUM: We:sJ. '.' 1 ~.. , • ' uhrift developers had sought an In-.6cacb voters. fuelday. : · . ''TaJ:1Pafe,rs 1wlll PIT off .the !>(iod," tz~ r For th iPresicknt's . two 41-- j,......,._ ·-'"" •--•-1 d ~ • ·1 La,ndsc, •. pe "'chlt•.cts ,..,.. i0· ·be m. plalnad, ·Worthy. "r,robably over • lO · • ..... ..,. ....... ~a=onren er~~pn ~ year -"od." =\••L-.n·""'•. 'l.'I ~y'stlmtwillbethel•flnll<Ualfl>e ift b or Co t s · c 1 tervlewed tqdey an~.Frtday, b:y ·tht city .,..., .• WQ ~., • " It" Y anse un Y uperior our for selection ol a finn to deligl) 1lhe new tax rate i1 ex ed to be boOlted to famiJy:s new·~ home, the' farmer Judj:e ll)ron K'. McMillan which stopped park, ,-ppr.ov~d by yoters by a 3-1 about $1.Sf~ nex( yt.r ·&Jl:d iw.:to fi'·" pet COttoi\ Estate in sad Clerriente. : , .city approval of I.he proposed SOO.home margin. , · · . $100 assessed valuation e ollowtnc Although the Prtai'denl and Mrs. NllQn La.twin: tr~. . .. tota1 'of s,983 voters said "Yes". we yt:ar. After lhat the ta1 rate should belin . have.Ywud the h~ ~fore:~~ ot . ,..__ f the La ed lhat want more parks, while 2,086 voled drappirig, said Worthy. ' N · "--·~,-a or rwin argu a against lhe bonds. Money from lhe bonds Is scheduled to the lJom' dauai)ters have .. 1t, The delay in writing of Judge McM.lllan's City Clerk Paul Joaes aa1d 'only sl.~tY· .buy and develop 32 ne.lghborhood parks, NiJ:ons will arrive at the Loran Station deci!ion was costing their client $500 a sii and two-thirds percent "yes!' votes s_ix.communlty parb and complete 1 pro-near the estaie by hellco~ter fra:n El" dmin. loan interest apd other related were required to pus.the WUe, but the posed 147 acre park around .Hunt#tgton Toro. . ' ~ actual vote turned out to be 74.3 percent Lake. Jn addition to the President, hb wtfe, The original lawsuit was brought to in favor . "It may take Len years to-complete tile court by Eugene Van Dask current leader Total turnout wu 8,049 voters or 20.7 entire development ol our planned park and two daughters, 'J'rfda, ZS. and Julie, of the move to recall Mayor Robert percent of the ·pogtble 38,889 relistered syatem," said Wo~y. "but ~ IOOn U 20, t!>t presi~ party will .Jndude Schwerdlfega\ and C'OUJlCilmen Donald voter! in Huntington Btacb. money comes In.we can begin developing Julie's husband, David Eilenhower, freauu and Joseph Courreges. Parks and Recreation Ccr.nmissioners some parks we already own." ·While Nil~ and hil se&tn-law tranl to Van-Ouk argued that the Larwin com-will meet June 11 to start the financial Worthy gave much of the credit for the Midway Is~ Saturday ror hb meetlna pany ahoWd not be allowed to use land it wheeb turning fOf prpductlon and·a&J;e of bond .passq:e to ·tbe P1'>ple ror P.arks with Sou.lb ~lnamese P.reaidlat N-doesn't ·own ror park development and the bonds. committee whlch ran the publl,dty C&trf· ~·~ reoaive ci'edlt under city part dedicaUon Nonn Worthy, parks and recreation paign. "They put out a tremendous effort Van 'l'hieu, Mrs. Nixon' and bet 'two ordinancet. director, said he was 0 elated almost this year," he said. daughters will remain here. He also challenged the city's action on beyond belief," when he knew the bonds A similar· parks bond issue lost last Mean\fhite today, officlal1 1t El TOro the sooe change, claiming the mayor was had passed. · · year when it barely failed to lain the released the President's schedule whlcb Jn conflict of interest (he was real estate Worthy and City Manager Doyle Miller two-thirds margin or those voting. Then • h I d I" 'd will Include press conferences .at the broker on the sale of land to Larwln) and both said Jt was the first time ln .their t ere was organ ze oppo! ... on, sa1 · . . that improper actions had been taken Jn municipal experience that a city had Worthy, this year there wasn't. Newporter Inn in Newpoif~ach. : . al ~ I th 1 cl June 5 and e. 10 a.m. to I p.m.: sever steps 111 approva on e ra Presidential meeting and announeeintnU ilseH. • T • t d at tlie Newjiprlir Inn. ~" Room wJ11 be Judge McMillan agreed, bringing • Rool!i;l 4. er at e in tbe Palmer Room of the llewporie• tempoiary halt to the Larwin planned " a Inn . · development. June 7 -Depart 10 a.m. Marini Air Larwin olUcials then went directly to Base El Toro for HonoJuJu. the Court of Appeals:, rather than the C f . Ch• ke • 0 F l Pla ? J t Arri s ao at Mlrlnt Superior Court's appellate division, ase 0 lC Ring Ut Or Oli, Y• une -" : ~.m.. because cf the "ai""ificant amount of -Cori>. Alr Statbl El TorO IDd depirt by --bollcopl<r dlrecl !Gt Son Clemenie. JDone)'" they claim to be losing while A citywide Investigation is being oon· determined that an overturned feeding June ·10 -Peps.rt 12:30 p.m. from awaiting a , written description of Judge ducted today. by Huntington Beach pollct tray and ransacked netts definitely ln-li1arlne Cofl). Air Stat kin El 1'x'o . for ~cMlllan'1 ver.bal rullrig. Into the ncysterious dlSappearance of dieated "foul play.'' Andrews Air Fon:e Base Wuhlnatoft. That· '1Venut was b1ocked Tueaday John Fltzaerald's "Super Clllck." . Fltzgeraki tojd ,pollce he w11 sure the Press headquarttra'' during bta Yisil when the Court of Appeal& denied U>e MObday morning Fttzgerald, or 1122 chickens would not leave the area on here will be the Surf and'Sand Motel 1"5 Larwin Company petition, Kiner Ave.'; HWitiftltoh Buch, told their own. S. Coast ~way In Laguna Beach. startled police tnltiomtone luicflaken 10 ••super chick," said Fitz1erald, 11 an · ,.-------------, Minimum Lot Size Refused or his chickens plus a large whlte rooster unusual two-f~t tall, tp.pound white he called ·a "super chicken." rO;OSter, wil.h a rtd rina ftOund ~ti neck. Investi1aton soourtd .Ute cJi:lckens' .... J.?tal value°! ~e·lc;'" "!ll'~ted. , it . nesting area at 741$ Garfield Ave., and - 0r .. ,._ . . Valley Council ~ejec~ Plari • Ul Np minimum lot site will be pieced Oii planed devdopmenta In Fountain Valle~. Followinif I fOUI' hoUf, ~. ,l\elring 'l\MldaY night, eooncilro.-voWd J-1 .tG tunl down a proposed I,~ 1b!Olute r.dnlmum lot s i 1 e for sir181e., family residence! in the !=ft)': · · ~ -1'a)tor Robert Schwer<!tftger and CoUn-dlrn<n Donald Fregeau and",Jostpll COot· reaes based their "no'' ~on .0\1 · a ct..tr< ror "ne.llblllt7" ''" mfff ,ruiu,e devt)opment requlremen;;a h1 U. city. Ceutlellmen John Harper'....t Ed Jlllll •·"""1ed the propqsal because they f•tt ft mJihl llgllten up, "alrwl>' i-olt7 Grdtnlncet"~pialllllld deve~. Tin ~ .Upporled the uoo: aqum.loot minimum );hil> Ovo .,,,- It dt!rinl the i<nlthY pibllc he1ri1111. ' ¥1yor Sdlwtnl\Cegor pro!acod bis declalon eonimentlrt( Uiat he thal)gllt "We've made a tnoU1tain out of • mole hill on tbla 1111111." • He hen outllntd his reasons tor ·~ • no, whkh included: support of the PD aystem ~UH: it .brings pa,rks to the ci- ty, PDs have beeo in Fountlln Valley stn-. ce JIM without uy Pfri""'9, ruror1 m .. jority ol Onmp Oouoty dUes . haye no mi.nimUrn lot sba ror PO. and planners al read)>' 1ia .. tigllt IO'llrols on the PO. In 1"1'eguu'I .......... ''Q'11lltf U·the QlleSUon, aDd I &;GOO loot minimum, OI' all); lj)ecial au c1ott not ruarantee·quall· ty." ' Courreges poinled towanl the problem landl ldt in F-ValleY Wltldl he said would r<quire the apecial con- a>deratlon or an unlimited planned c1eve1opment concept to be pu1 to ..... Land llitll I ~h I faclot lllllkl111 It U111Ulteble for w11 the key .to \he '..-. ........... wilo fell put land 'lnlgllt be used for parks In a --tqprnenl ~ P u.;;e. aDcl Jual both · felt the 1,000. squan-foot minimum ml&M be used 11 a ·,.atoP pp" measure, evenlually leading ' ' 3-2 Decisiort to Ughter controls on p 1 a n n e d development&. 8acUn of the movement to recall Schwerdtfecer, Fregeau and Courreges exp('elled -diJlpproval, ll not SUl'Jlrise, at tht. deC!aloo. Eugene Van Dask and other recallers· had supported the ntlnimWJl lot l!lite. 1beJ~bUed the:lr argmnents on Foun- tain Valley 's reP'llaUon and master plan- ning ~or ''Elbow room." ·om only crawt1111 c;ard thb city hu la Its !pldousnesl," said Barbara Secour, whtcb ah< r.tt would ht ruined bJ allow· 11111 any lot oize below l,000,aquare feet. Most l(lllmtnls given wt,. repetlllona of --""""-tlie 'pluird~ """" mtaton approved the 6,oop aquare foot. mlnlmum last month: 6n!f chalrman James Die~ oPP*d ~ mlnfmum on the plaMIOll ....-......... aDd he IPl>t81<d MOllClq nlgllt u ~ clllooil to pfUcl for olftat81' fltxlblllty hi the PD ~lrianc:e by ihow11111 all size lots. . . ·r . , Susan~ Mother Doing Fi~~ . . ' '.After Kidney Transplani 'Wed~ lt'1 the"aame old a6rry aftuitfon 1 for Thursday,.witl\ ~ llii peepJnc ~ In the late 11!'""""1 ltltlle •l<mpe,allifts ,..,. from 15 to 'IJ aloog the Onnce cout. ' INSIDE TODA.Y. ' • " ,,_ ... • --,. . l: .,4 -~ ::.Hl..Y I'll.QT t • :i S~et Pailiing .p ..... ~ .: -. ,County Planne~_ltt.~~M:.ore S.tUdr., '"' 'Urgency' Stre$sed . -. • -~Gey l\~jects . . ' . ,tsecroo~ Claim ~iloplotlWIUob paribig'lrea.' atllakor'1 uiA Since lheo the cowrty 'l'he. llucly wu refened to Dickuoo'a Harbor Dillricl baa ptopored five dil- cltparltnellt'Ja41'f'17 !Of a r<prt ~ · 4erent plans for development or parld"I day. Balcer r,iuctanuy agr<ed to °" IWlt' areu. , 1'eU delay~"'1d1Dg that July I WU the . Two facton have aerved to S!OW the :deodllne lat llllng appllcaliom with the project In receat -0. ltl1e fer alll1stince moaey ln ~ coming Ftnt. the Sunset &.ch oommunit)' ts llaco1 year,. . no,. In the~ ol pooslble-•lloa Bat,.. NICI recent IJcuroe *"' beach lo Huntington 8taoh. 'p.,... ty'to •be v&!iied al 11,tlOO I ftool 'Se!ond, lbe _.ii calllni for uoe o[ loot wbicb ....id place the WorlK on tbe · th< inlle-100&, t!G-foot Wtqe fonner more thao mile-long counly-Sunsel railroad rlg)lt ol way In the beart of the Beach at better than $6 million. community conflict with C a r I t o n Ht Aid ~.county's . Allio Beach In Bulldm'.plan to develop the 13 ams to Sooth 'Llgwia wu crowded o~er Iha apartments. '!'be bulldhic finn hat a con- ):lemcrial, Day 'weebnd 'with ~t trict wltb 'the owner of the property, Beacli ueOd -"'8Jy. He atlrlbutld the Southern Pa¢ic Co. Uidl ol ... lo the porl:hic slluatlon. Carlton wu turned down 1aot April IS $tuclf Oil tbt projoct bepo July t, 1111 by the IUJ)tl'\'laon !!I" a Planned Com- . munily son1ng !!I" the acreage wblcb would allow men apartments thin the ...-t IOnjng. But Oorllnn could go abead, Jepllf, 'llllh-...,or about l'li dup!u .c;.arimentl .., the property. 'Ibey hive a buildta& perD'llt for the one buildlnl Wbicb II ls pr<llimed Ibey are coostruclllll aa a .token teot cme or the whole prolllom. County J.chnl-atlve Olficer Robert E. Tbomu recommended on May 1 developmelt of the rlght..of·way strip for parl:i"I u the beat of the five Harbor District P.lanl submltled. He Oltimated that the counly could purchase.the I! acrt1 for ll,&911,000. Tbey are located between Warner AvtnUe and An:tenoa Street and between Paclfic Coosl lllglnny and the beach. Nine Sdll Mlsshig Bolsa Complex Myswry Surro°!"nds Faw Wjns Approv~ " • " • ~On~Med ~nter ' · . F p) · · ·. Flag tor the Boys Of Goodwill Passengers rom anners -' ~ Kenoeth Cory ( D • Developen ol a huge Industrial com· AuMm) today derUed ' 's e c 'r e e 'I ' • plel: IOUth of Bolsa Avenue and west of ..,._ ._ .. ~.-David L. Bater 81 ALMON LOCKABEY the helicopter to Iha fisbil\c village on • ..._..... •-t . ~.-oq --.-.~-o.11rr1i.t ... 1i..,1.., Geronimo,butgalnednohlf«maUon. ~.....,._... ,;)\,I~ were given a iMr poalble VCI ta1<eot« ol the Orqe Myllltry 11111 ohrouds the late or the Boland reported tl!al na~llsbermm , prtiimlnary bltoslng by the Hunti,gton County Medical Ceuter: nlnt !mown _.,. al!oarll the 181· had dlv..d In the vlclnlly ol the wreck bot Btacb Plilnnlng Commission Tuesday '"Iblre waa nothlna secret about It." foot schooner Goodwill which Uts wreck· none bad the gear to enter the sunken night • • eoq OIPloll!ed lhll morning. "It c&ine up ed on Sacrazoeoto !!<el off Baja vessel Developen John D. IJJ.sk aOd&o asked -.~-'--diMiodon tn committee and 00 . ~"""' some lflG nil!<s out ol San Tbe Coast Guard 1 a I d the terrain oo ~ --.-Geronimo was such that not even 1 ccmmislionen for zone changes allowing lbl ....,NJ' fkxr!' .Rumt:n • and COQjeetllre drculating helicopter could land aaleJy. for the comtzuct1on or a commercial George Scot~ president of Fountain Valley Boys' Club Board cl. DI· rectors, accepu flag which once flew over Capitol 'Hill trnm Mn .. Raymond Remillar of Huntington Beach. Mn. RemUlar, who receiv· ed nag recenlly 11'.hen she. was named "Ail" Force Mother of tire Year," decideil to donate ·it to c!uh. A flag pole bu· been d'oneltd by Mrs. Walter Jurgeru of Costa Mesa. Strike Over. at UC ·Irvine; :· °'"'1 aald lie had q-..cl tho-! ol &{Olmci tbe Harbor Atta _; mil\}' .ol Two diven. Bob Campbell and WaUy area, an lnduotrlal complex and garden· ~ ~ ~ the UCI apipas and which .. ha"! been p~ up by Janes, both from the ~ Point area, type apartment tmib, encompassing a s d Cr £ F" al ...J«eil how " --to tho ..,...pen and wire ......... -have were reported en route to the scene. They total ol 352 tu ents am or m s inodlcol ~-prom. lalae and ooly added to tbe coo-were r<portedly frleodl ol Ed Heoc1tnor. acres. · __ _ ...__. fusion. one of those reported to be aboard the Only one and a half of the developers' , The emln:werQ' arMe TaeldaJ when As of nom today, there had heen no Goodwill when she fetched up on the reef. ~ were granted, however, with the ' ~~-~·'"~-'~.o .. ::~.~:;:~~r':'.:·~1~1i!<!H· tlllil¥r.,__,,,,~~~i!I~~"¢,,:::-· :··--Atoo:~._:::..,,_ :."'.-.::t°~ill.'ihl: ,::, •• ~"i;'fit"'de'lnilieVo'f'Wfrl~rM<-i.a~ *ll'k*''"'"' · unlwnity of Dllnl derioua means to sunktn vessel,~ the fate of thole aboard .~··wtiJ~-;.'f! weU 'JmO'Wn •to-· au I ustrlal portion. turnin g down the w·th final be"" .... ; .. w Monda the exact nwn&!r never wu tzmm. · • j ' pin cmtrol of the medlcl1 center the Goodwlll wu stW unknown. yachtsmen -ts only guesswork, ac-1 exams ~ y, OnJ f rof canoelled He told hll feDow bOl1i ~that Neither bad tbe body of a teenage boy cording lo the Coast Guard. apartment complex and granting only 50 students are too busy studying to carry cl y ~t ew p used "cl!u time f fie had heard tbal l1CI oflldall bad found Ooatmg lace clown two mile3 oorlh One theory is that the lcbooner bil the per<flll ol the commercial zone. strike lligm. · ~on 1 ':l.,anyflerkelty altuat!Gn .: 'dl«D-'111111 ltP'a•nlln ...,.._.. d tbe Wr<otage'been ldtntiliic!, The bOcly .~ at·llf»lt wllh cill;)' • perso1f Clli wat-Fln!1 appmal of .bi>th tteml has been S9 wben Gov. Ronald ~ ordered cla!aes ,..;:, called off lour baun .In tbl . llOlliWl9aJ8'•·wllll:b tbl tanoftr'CDUW-was oo_ ~ .t Mui<:¥ Navy ves_Jel _ . cQ ~hU• ibe othen alepl: below. The man ICbedDled in two-weeks, pending approval withdrawal of 2,000 Natiooal Guard middle of one day·(or a campus conclave. -be aocomplhbed, en r~te to Enseneda, expected to anive on watch could have been the teenage of a tentaUve tract ma ~roops and ended tbe state of emergency_ Genemlly, professors were gOing to . Bahr cccnpl•hwl bitterly t bat scmetime ~· youth whose body was recovered. . P· 1n Berkeley on Tuesday, UCI student hold striking student! acoountable for ..&miftl'lltJ aMdalt . "lbolld coabct um Art~Knlevel. Uecutlve vice president of · It Is abo well known to yachtsmen ac~ The apartment uruts as well as half of sympathizers ended their strike. work they missed but since few ·classes b>ar(I lint. Wbaj, ~ ~ tntentlons!" . F&L M~ Industries:, owned b_y the custamed to cruising the Baja C~ornia the proposed commercial zone got the The approach of finals -e1.aminations meet every day of the week only a -:he queried. uWbY dm't they come ,to us Goodwill• owner and skJpi;>er. confJ.rmed ·~t. that there ls a strong drift m 1J!e commls.sion's axe, becawe according to that usually ~t for one·th1rd t0a;one· •couple of lectures were missed for the ·· il1ld i., them (111 tbe table"" that the company has hired two p~ v1clruty of the reef and that the Goodwill Cha1nnan Robert Bazil "our 1 d trial haH of a student s course grade -seems most part. 1 • otbw-~:...Sth:tbe UC9pt1on ~esaiooal SCUB~ di'!~s _ tg__gq ~ Sln co!!!d have been set of(~ t;act on the bas eroded to h -. n us to have calmed things down in Berkeley r The atmosphere on campus today wu •el Robert W. Batllii pro!essed lgnoraDce G<m•Jino Iiliiiil neat where the Goodwill Tuia! leg ln>in:W.. lalan<i to Epoenada. area sue • point that we too. greatly changed lmn a week ago wben ·.,;r the ...,. • ~ · litl broaklng up on Sacramento ·R.el. Tbe yacht was Wt heard """1 May 2$ •imo!Y can1 afford to !00e any m0r< 11)-Tbe moderately successful UC! campus lhe student lltftpaper piclured oa page · Blltln wd he hid beeft ftm"I of the '"The divers are not expecUid to arrive olf Cedros wben &omeone aboard placed dullrla.I. land." alrike luted l!iJ: :;chool days. At least one bayoneta and rabed ftsta of defianct. :_..r-... tbl pail tWo ....a. & unttl law today and tt 1' not known when a radlo-telephooe caU &Jvlng an eotimated cll"P'alned ~ .-tbel 11 wu they ~· be Ihle to ln...tliate the time ol arrlval_m ~da u lllay 27. ldii ... ,....., duit the md atty bad ·wreck," iald ltnlevel. · Meanwhile, tlie Cout Guard Is con- ,fallod to pt a ..., -~I al KDlnel alao, verlf\ed· tbft Harry tinuing Its sean:b o! tbe ar<a 'llllh --:;11C! ~ far fncllmlon In an overall Boland, a former navlptor aboard the afn:raft <llll ol San Vie go. ~~ boad Issue wlllcb 11111 come Goodw1D aod i.im-aaaoclate of Lar· Tbe Cout Guard said the light oo San . ~ llefGn the 9*rl In ll'10. rlbee'• bad been ~ to Wilhlll a few ~ronlmo, Which marks the reef and the .... BAltJn aid bO IOI -of bla ... feel or the surface rrom • Coast Guard . ISiand, "" probably lnopen1U .. at the ~frOlll~ c..,. bell"""' and that beroported two ol the time the Goodw!U bl. the teer. ..... ili:i mlidical'acboal al!kitll -Ml-Y'd!l • -· llllll In dlltila. Another ioat. Frleodo.and ~--i-ol u.. '~-rt'd lodiy Iara Ill-• the -a 11 to 11 lool otllf..;.:-lnias!rig, rabee ..,,,admit liMIT·bold oolr' a •llm A ee&oliVj Aid ~. #uren ~-·· • . . hope that ~-a~ wtll be lcxmd ' -<l tlle-Oei tMdkal 9cbooi lloland ..., also low~ by bOlst from aUve. · • : "'liltohm tn ti'ftl'll ccderencel.11 .. .. < • s~ . 11~~ 30 Club . . Meeting Tonight Jhmbln "the lhmtlllgtDa ~ YJl. CA .. -Over Thirty Singlel and Reliuda "91._ at I o'clock l<lnlght at the home ol t!f~ Miller, 'IW Quebec Circle. Ori Friday memben will hold 'a general di3cwls:ton. at the home rl Otto IJppokft, 01nu Tl'«haven Lane, beginning at s p.m. •. OCher aclieduled event& )ncludt a cloy ol i-11 at I p.m., Jime I, on the Fcxmtaln van., HIP Scbciet ltMls c:ourU and bolrlhW June !& at Hmrtinglon Lana. • -'Ibe Over 30 dub 1s open to adult.I over 80 ..,,. .... single, divorced or -· · Eva1t!J ·and dlacu..ioas are scheduled by themembm. . • ~AllY PILOT OllANOa COUf ftUtl.ISHIN• COMl"AHV loMrt N. W ... ,,....., ... l"lolblWiw Je•lc l . C.rln VlC9 ,,_ ...... Md Gwllr.f MIMW nofll•• K1nil ..... ffiut A. Jlf.,.11fih11 ~ !Ullw :IJMrt W. S..t. Wllli1111 ft1tlll ~ """'"'""' a..th -...... -(ltJ' l"dtlor HWlktf•.._.Offla Jot l+fl Street ~ Mai.If" .. AN~ r.o. a.. no, '2Mt -.• .. . OIMr OM.. ....... ~,-1 .................. c:..: #11191 -., hY ll'rwt u....-ml'ftd._. UCI Students to Give Berke"ley Arre~t Swry stucl..b and a UC Irvine administrator am!lted In Berkeley want. lo ten their story. · · _ In a publi< mtt!lng Jane 11, tilite IJ€I e111dtotl at¥l Studtot Acll'fltleo Advi!er Ocean View Sets Book 'Give Away' l'/el! Ma!mberg w!U ten tbelr cluh with police. Tbe program will be SJ!01llO!'ed by U.American CM! Libettitl :Unlon. The >pealcen ·alao wUl ll!oW· a lbort film they made 'lllille gathertng tn- fonnation for a UCI campus d1lculSkln of the Berkeley bosW!Uea. Ten UCI students and Malmberg were arrested May 2'l with 480 others on charges of failure to disperse and, they allege, were abused in Santa !Uta Deten- Uon ·eenter. Thousand5 of obsolete and unusable '.'The closina: of People's Park .is no te.thooU will be given away free or Jorger the ·W..." sU! Jolm Alldeltn, or cllarge June 11 and U u the Oce&ni Ylfw Colla Mesa;: c:Nlnnan ol' tbe Orange School Olltrict clears oot Its main • Com chapter of the American Civil warehouse. ( Liberties Qnion. "The real issue 11 Tbe givHway will begin at I p.m. June •llri~ ol clvll rights and tho ,.,. 11 and nm tbroogb I p..m. the same day. t.ions of police in their extreme and crude On the following day the boob will be ov~" -,. given away lmn I p.m. to 4,30 p.m. 'lbe open'-1inl for wbich uitti'will Loca~ will be Dlob1ct Headquarter& at be 00 ~ charge wl!I !St at 9,30 11291 w.,,.... Avenue, Huntington-·. pm. W-y In the little theaw at Included emoog tha boob to be ~·n C..-de! Mar llli!I ScbooL away are tests on lclence, handwriting, language, IP""ln& inuslc, aoclal -and mathematics. Acconling to Asst. SupL Woodis Cbad· diclf.i the books have been made available under recent state Jegislatioo covering the dlspoaal of obsofelt telllboots. NASA Gets Boost From Beach Firm FroM P.,e l NIXON •.• oH some o! 'the antl-mllitary positlolls sp,.adlog lhroilgh the coUiitfy lodaY. "Military program• are ridiculed as need.less tf not deliberate waste," he. said. "Tbe mlillarf prolealon 1' derided In """' ol tbe ac><alled best drcleo ol America. Patriotism ls considered by !om• to be a backward' lellsb of the An Oruige Cout produced booeter uneducated aiJd ~toil. Na- roctet w!ll help orbit a National tioollli>n ls balled and awi.ilde\I u a -M.~., l'IU'J, '-tlft ~ .. -*"" "" Aeronautics and Spice '-dmlnistraUon panacea for the ills Of' flflrt' aaUon a· ...,_. ,, ... 1a ,........ ....,.. ~ ..., (NASA) uperimea1al lalellite from Vu. cept the Uniied statei'' ~ ::.•,=::.::;:-O-:>·':'~: denbert.AJr .FcroeBueU:Uaweet. Niloa einpbastgect.11 he deli~red bis "' • ..., -• '--- -'Ille MdlOnDell Douglu· Altrooautla J1ddrea.11nde1"a hol,,.. and bdPt blue ~ e.e-• ~ ='.,.a::',,,";-:::, Com~ of Buntln,gbi ~ wW pro-sties, that the aggreaors of the world to. J -e•,•t.:• • .:: ... -.. ' Viclt the Thor first atage .. ot ~ Thor day would not give lhll country"• pmcid 4 1 1, 'f ij\ mi• '4MU1 Atena rocket tbitt will laanch. the NASA of graee ln wbicb to put our 4olneltk: J ... L..; 7 ~ -·--• 000.F oatel!lte llllo polar 01t1it. -lo--. jull 11 U,,--ln aur ... R •• Ui " I ........ ' w!Dln ~ Jilt "'"'"'or the~~-d Ual cam>ot lit put ... the ba!:!I bumer • , • ._ Cwt P nos e ..-.v • ..,.. OM oot -.&..21& U· untUwelOIYetbeproblemlctl,yietnun. lit ---. ••• , 1•• .,..,... per1!Dents the saleWte will carry out ' 11Tbe most MlCOeSSful ~ we can "' ""''= • := 11u1c aim ol Ure Runllnilon Booch lmlllne .tor oar domf!lllc ~ wlll · : bP 1 - -• ..;.:; "'°' · llrfl>'• U1><li1tMnt wtD be' lo ldenllf1, be .,,...nlnglw. tmlell.-wo m......,.r to' 1 •··~ -and determlno. the tner&Ja ol mJo1 tt.m. Nor can WI aolael a "'"' ~.-: ~Id portWeo tmlltad "1tho1111 !Im-. cealUi 170'llbl at paaco abroltit H our --,...;..:_ _________ _. lna eolar cormJe ny evenll. · soclely ls at war •Ith It.sell 1t home." ' • CONYINIENT TERMS IAN~ICARD • lo!ASTa Cl1AR&I ! 0 Graduate to. an OMEGA n.a-,.-h WlrJ°"""J"""'acl · Apollo _lo,,_-,..oilaot· 07llop. Wlalnwhl--°"'lii.smtln'..., .....,..acmall!P, ..... ol• fp•meto . _ _._ ..... ..,...a .... lila. No•ntdllo_,....U, __ ,....., r•t1mi 0arega,",.,"""'"'•-o1 JIO!lllp ... s.e-1ap..i ...,,. .. a.op ........ _ ... _toclq.t651DIJ.OOO. A Md"llit lllld .... ..... ,.. ....... ..... ................ ..._ .... .- ...... -. t 7 ,.,_. ._.,:i...u_..-...,• .... I t n «rt ............ -• .- 0-1« ................ ... 0-............... ... ...................... --................... ... &lllll'API ............. ........... IC_... -. ............... .,.lfJI • , • J. C. J/umpl':'~ 'Jewe4r 22 YEARS SAMI LOCATION ' .. . • JU~ 'NiWl'OflT 1' VfWUE- coSrA MESA . ., 'HONE . 541°1401' • I I I l J ' I .,._ .. ... I..agu.-.a ·· -. ea_. • vor. 62, NO. 133, s SE<'.;TION$. 74 1PA6ES . ' • ORANGE ·COUNTY, CALIFORNIA , . . . . -' . . TEN CENTS . . .· .. ( " .. ' ·'. , I I t ' . 1xon. . . . s rms -. ' ' DoWtl tlie . ~--Missi.tn ·Trail Drainage Plan . . .. Study Approved _(IRVINE -Trus1"'s ol lbe Son Joaquin Elementary School Oiltrict will med · tonight at 7 o'clock In the Irvine School Multipurpose room at 14711 S. W. Sand ~ Ave., East lrvlne. · Among Items for comider1tlo0 •by lbe board are a report on .a a.month ~ year, ei&!ith grade grlld1lltlan plans, policy of the teachm' s a I a r i es ne,otiating council, and • report Oft the construction progress of two new leboois. e Launeh Slte Diie DANA POINT -"PrlmJUve'' boat 1~nehing racUitles at the Dana Pqhit Harbor will be open-oetwttn late. -July and early August, aaid Jick Raines, resi- dent engineer for contractors Koebig and Koebig, Inc. At the opening, .only the launching ramp it.self will be completed. Raines said that rest rooms would consist of chemical outbousu, and that · the road leading to the ramp would be graded but not paved. !I'he launching ramp will handle eight launcliinp· at one Ume.. It wUI be 200 feet wide and finished wltll ......Up P"Vinl. he aid. NEW YORK (AP) -'!'be -mamt made 1 feeble effort to nllJ' "in early trading but it had withered bJ the close today. (See quotations, Pages 11-lt), • • . Mystery Surrounds Fate . Of Good1fill Passengers J By ALMON LOCKABEY -Dliltr-'llN ....... •iat.r Mystery 11Ull shrouds the. fate of the rune ~own passengers aboard the 161· foot tchooGer GoodWi'u which lies wreck· ed on Jllcramento Reef o{f Baja c~ agrne 200 miles out of San Deigo. Rumors apd conjecture clrculaline around the Harb::lr Area -many of wbk:b 1'1Ye-been picked up b y nenplJler1 and wire 3tr'Vk:e1 -have "'°"'" !Ille lod only ldded to lbe .... 1uslon. M of noon ~. there hid been no divert, native OJ' Pfotusklnal, 1bocd lhe sunken vtUe.l. IO the fate of those aboard the Goodwill Wll ltill unknown. Neither hid tho body o{ I le<nlgt boy found noattnc face down two miles north ol lhe wreckap been ld<ntUled. The body was on board 1 Mu.lean Navy vessel en route to Ensenada. expected to arrive SQ_metime today. - \.rt Knievel, executive vice president of F&L Machine Indu.!ltries, owned by the Goodwill's owner arid skipper, confirmed that the company has hired two pro- fe511ional SCUBA divers t.o go t.o San Gmmimo l!lancl near where the Goodwill lies breaking up on Sacramen·t.o Reef. '"J'he dtven 1tt not eq>ecte.d to-arrive unlil 1.ier today and it ls not known wben lbeJ will be able to investigate the wrect." uid Knievel. Knfeftl ·11ao verllied !hit Harry Boiand, I !....,,.,: •81'1Ptor abofnl the -and businesl --1lle ol Llr· iabee's had been loWtred to wit1tln a few feet of the ourface from a ·Coul Gllll<f heJlcopter and !hit ht roported two ol the yacht's skiffs still in davits. Another boat (See GOQDWILL, P11e I) Awards AssemblN -I r • ' " - Isolation Attitudes . . . Criticized· . . . J ack·in·the Box . . AestheticaU y Fits Laguna LlliUnl Be1eb'1 propooe<j Jack-ln·The- Box restaunnt has been modlfled to meet Art Colony aesthetic standards, ctwnber of Commerce members were told during 1 breakfut meeting today. "There hl:no other.Jld<-lll-The-Bo• lil<e this In lbe United State. al this time," said • Bernie-Svalatad, real e s t 1 t e -t,tUve f'f Foddmakers. ·• subsidiary · of R11ston Puriria Co. which OWl\I Pie drlve-thru mtaurants. · , Svalstad expt.lned that Architecture and Lln<fuse Supervtaloo (AU!) com· mitt.ee ha1 no real control Over the building constructed on this particular piece of property at 1201. S. Coast Highway where , Laguna's.vWhetlhouse now 1tand1. "The Qlamber of Commerce went to bat ror the city and the city convlnced Foodmllltr .to •put 13 o;~·mon·in koeptn1 •Hh ~-Ip " Llplllei<h. It will be well lllldscaped and ii· rully much in<n bnutllul thin the pment faciUty at lhat site," be stated. Said Wllftlh "110rpn, c h"a m.b er man-. '"11111 It-COiiing Fcodmlker< about l20 000 more thin lbe original plans." "Jack-ill'The-BoK ii not I IJy-by-nlght opc..rat~~· We hire 1n excellent program and Crin~ do ""'Y ... ll In lilgh -· areu,'' UJd Svalstld. · Followin11 U1e meettng, H arr y LI..,_, ctwnber . pmlden~ -· men~ tbal thit 1111 .one cue1 whf.rtl nepl!Ve Jl!lbUdly ~l.,od, pOotuve rtflultii. 1 "That plctw:e the DAJl,Y Pu.or ran ol 'lhe J1Ck·l...n.-111e1pec1 ......... lot. The FOOdm1ker -'< had all lhe cllpf>ln11." he l11kt • • . °"""" ,,....,. .......... ·, SAN CLIMINTE STRINGS uHNIRS FOR NIXON City Pinn A,New Plef. In -tho Sun ' ~ • .lo.. 't. ."l -San CleiiWnte WelCoM · Pr~sident N~olt: ft lSii:-. Boih El Toro Marine Corpa AJr Station \o<fay'a vi~I will be thefr.flral t..i; at the and a tiny U.S. Coast Guard bora.n OUt. family's new aummer home. the former post In San Clemente were a btehlve of . activity t~ as officials 111d cl(}zens Cottoa E.U.te In ~ Cl•ente. awaited Preildent' Nl:xOn•s arrJval at his· ·· · AlthOu'gh thf. President and Mn. NllGn "White House West." h-v~ .viailecl the hOIUe before neither fi For the Pruldent1s two da~hteis, , t!Je.'Nlxojia' dlughters hive ~n Ito '111* Trustees Reject . ' . Trhpester Plan For El Morro By JEAN COX Of llt Dtlrt rntt lt{ff Prinelpal William Allen'1 trimester program wllr not ·be instltut~ for the 1989-'70 school year at El Morro School alth008h taguna Beach schpol !:J'US~s refused ·to take action on a statement to that effect 'Pu&Sday nIS:hL "We never accepted it, why lake negaUve acitlon when we never con· sider«! It 11erlOW1ly?" asked Or. Norman B.rowne; board president. · Browne criticized newspapen for wfili;t he alleged was ... premature coverage" of the program, . -, A•'"4r-fO!I¢ ~· pi111 !qr the ICbool had be<o ~ 5y Prlnclpol IJ~n 11 a II('=~-~ u.;......,th summer vacation woulcl' be, rtpllced &y µu-et vacation periods of one month e19h spa~ between.tr~. . Allen al50 .Rreviously rewrted .be had the enthUlli..tl>, support ol his· teachers and would lik~ '° S\!e _It pia:tituted· ln El Mom> nest fall . At the Tuesday nigh.L 's meeting, Bniwne saJd board members ~d _pnly asked ror a t:tudy of the maUer ind ec- Uon only ls necessary If they wlSh to ih· ~ons ".'klll aij,IVe at ~f.\le Loran Stalkm ne.a; the atale by helicopter !nm El Tot:o. . • , In 1ddltion, lo lbe Pmldenl, )Ill -· and rro daughten. Tildi,, IS,. 11111 ,Jalle, :io;> °" \>miifentlal party wm lllclade Julie'• husband. 'David E-er. ' Whlle lilJon:r'!'I his .....m,lff.ti0ftl1o Mldifay hllll'f Salprda.y f'l hil .-., with Souih Vie-Presldelll Naiva Van Thieu, Mrs .. Nilon and ~~two daughters, Will.rem.ii.in here. ' . MOlnwhlle toda,Y. oflietall 1t El Tore re.leased the Pmldent'1 -le .wlllch . will include ·pre!\t .conferences . at 'the Ne~r.Inn in Newport Beach. ·' 1 .. June . 5 aiiil-;--ff]O-:-a:nr.-to ,1-p.m.:.- P.residential meeting and 1n~ at the ~ewporter IM. Press lloom wlll•be in the' Palmer Room ol tHe Ne~ Inn. 1 • 1 June 7 -:-De'part ID a.m .. Morlne .. Alr Base El Toro for1HonOfulu. ,. ' .flllii!-1' -Mi'fve 5:30 p.m. ar v ...... Corp. Air -·11:1 Toro Md ~·17 helicopter dlioct 'far S.. Qomente. ' Jone JO -Dopiit ll:JD p.m. lrorn M~ ~ .. Air staUon ,EI Ton for Andrewf Air Force Bue WuhinclGll. , Presa heidquarltri • his Vbit here will be !hi Blirf•anc1 ~Motel, 11iS s. Cout ffilhW11-in Lquoa S..<h. . ' ·or...=. Cout o stltute the program. ' , Although without action, the•proifam We8dler cannot be Implemented· next fall. k does • • ~ r ~ not mean board members have abah-It's the aa~ old IOITY sllulllon doned the ldee alU>gelher. lnslead, the 'for Thund.11,.•IU. the .., pelplor m_1tter has • been tabltd. for further In-through In, the. •te-11\ernoon whlfe. vtitl(alion. -• -= ---1.mpfiillUHp-~·lrii1t4'to !Z • In other boslnm · Tueltdly · nl&hl, 'alq,lbe. OllllP <;op. . . . Llgunalrultees: .. ··-• -Approved adoption o1 1 grievance INSIDE TODA l.' procedure · proposed, tir· lbe ~ council for La1UJ11 Beach Unilieif,.IOIJtj A "world prmiiere" ttage A.sloclJtion: . ~ , . , . ver1lon of atl """"4r Bngmo.n. -ApproVed 1 ....-iuu.n ..... ~ "'°"" 01><n1 m N•Wf'!>rl B•ach A11te1nb!fman Jolm. bimllp•i bUJ. Which 'thlr wttk<tld, whil<' oWr th.0· proposed to lnclude Jl(e. 111.iiy or ill· ·Uri octiolty fl lflted' In .l:ntn· structtooel '1del to •lbe e11qoey ID lbe . tainmtn~ ·Pc11tr z!/.2J. . budget which embrac!a c I a • 1 r o om ' -•. tuchfn,I c...... . t ~na to •t.Jte L•w, a cmab\ c....., c.,..,. u perc<ntap o( lbe '*""8111Ulll .. towlfd =:"' "'l: -.·a11ey.-o1·-1ar ..-... .,. 1nltnlcdonll ·iJdel to hil fl#'W ~ '";:...•r.;. '! mike the 11••-_,,_ ol ,,.., ... , • ..., ·-"'"' "'" ,_,, lo"'"'WVI' ':"f"' """"'611'• ,_ • Tt>lf Naber. ~ I I • ' ....... • tr -Natned °" nine trusteea fol' the ne'1 t:J.......,. ': La&Unl .'l<a¢h ~>U,Ol)ll ~1i9o1 1 .-' , n t ... 1'1UMEST1:11, ..... ~ :.;;_~~""'-~r-...;.;":..---' . '• • • t l ' ,l ... ' • -- • . , ,-i. ~.~·, 1 -.,...,v PUT -...&:--.. ·--_.. -. -~-. ' -•. •· . . .. .. ~ --' ' -.. -Dr1lling~-·-:_Won t~--.. :.lug . ' '· :.. Leaks' • • CAPL's AridrM.i-S~f' ~t-Santa, Ba~bara Chal)-ne1 Plan . . ' • . ' • • -If 1'11!1 lnlwllndl , ' ............ -t ~~r ~ .... ~ .... -. • Pl!D'!dnl so _men holes Into the s.nta :'iifu-,~-11>-111Mlray •oD, "I! a tlnulng leakage "around the plal!orm the Balboa hon\'°""en• group In Join hi! ' .....,_ l:huiiel I! no way In ;i0p ,_~~if '.Dy p~ In .io1I the·oll : °((1io galkm din,), cannot now be cltlleha' orsl\lbaUon, w_blch, a dozen -~·Mm ail pallullon Coulal Amo ·---W'-... ~~lahiod. . • ·-cbeck<d. We do not-have the technology ~:,~-~o 11oup1 succealfully !or the . • . -;-:-;-:-...,..,.,;.. . _ ~~ ol .anctuary created by the . t Pro&ective League (CAPL) Preaidott Andrl'WSl,m r~ be.fore min than: to lbut that ltak.Qffnow or in 10 years or state's Shell-Omningham Act. .. I . u. s . • Vidor C. Andrews told.a Newjiorti "Be~clt , ~"ttlfetr'Q:r .. ·o1 \he ~ PenJnsula Jn 20 )'WI•~ · ,.. ·~nxm you can be prepared to Kt as Tuelday nll!>L • • Polnl. ,..,..,11..,, liCdled · at. t h e . .ffe sald litil~ by members of the manben In wrlle In your leglalat<n, the P01iT ilmtE' . 1.. .. -~IAf/:: ~ ~: ==~~I~ :al~ =!°:~•t.1f:!~ =·°[,.%._~'!.;i:i= -.it)" -.e, .toOI< • lllckel • • · • ~ . "II cOold y~ ~)o•for 50 ,._,.. i-er Wt la Ill the haodl ol the people. -ncoinmeqililloo </f a "Thia -id' jut ~ -lbt II"!-~ Bald, r. --<:-Too """'1 ol aor ~Inn feel the - '1.,.&I paoeI. blem by .II dm<.,:• ..,.._~ :::n>e !'lJllljl:""' in>lir1>ved lechniques are }ductio!i of oll la -Important than pro-~ )lio ,..,.i, beaded by Dr. Lee A. possibility ol aool!!er b-:llimllar In dl!c:ovtred, there I! no pciaible way to /l<ding our envtruunenl" !i.Jlo!Briclco ol South Laguna, President the eee last Jumary Is very •dtstlnct; shut oll'that leak." He Bald CAPL member5hips are .;-_•, lldeoce advlaer, Monday Bald because <(.known lJMlable conditions ln · Andr<Wli lald the Santa Barban Chan-available 10< '1and15 each by writing to ><l/aioO 00 Co:.,,..ld be permltted In drill the channel" nel situation should be lell·as it b. "It Is the CoutaJ Area PrUective League, P.O. ~·up ta Ii addilianal welll and complete oil lie said the !act that "111ppooedly" bad enough now. B! pbkini-m&. holes ln Box SIS, Corona de! Mar. ~'~'from the platform olf Santa ~-~ In be Impelled on lhat unstable oceu floof, the pollibillly . Several Balboa residents joined Tues-~~ 1,Jpioii"'Ojl •"ir "l!!e new drilling would of more l~~· would be lncrelled, not day nip!. ,\moog them were Newport > -'lllUlljrawlng the oil from ·ieologjcal ~Q!l.1(111_.. . decreaaed. Cooncllman llbward Rogers and Superior ~~ ... under !ht ~omi, wblch 'Is . ''.Al !._'J!)lltir ol lact, the pmenl ~-The CAPL oUic:taJ . urged members o[ Judge W11Dam Speln. ---•• f. )~ Co':'rt Rejects Leary's Unlawful S.earch Plea • ''Oh. Good Griefl'' .From Pqe l ' ' Dr. Timothy Leary's argwnenl ll!at he and bis family were subjected i. an unlawful sea1<b ¥ Doc; 21 Jn Liltma Beach w~ quickly, J"'jectec! today ·1n Superior Comj In Santa~ .•. Judge James F. Jiiclie holed. in 'the a~ollary, 4i, bis wlle'Ri>iomm:Y, 33, and -J~ l!tDh i:wt, 1'· tliat there ·was1more,t&llli ~-etklflnee to proceed :•tth nan:ll!lct -<llarau qlillll U>etrto. -•. ,·.:: . ..,,,.:', He m!ered the ~·-jo _fp Jur;y ~Sept. 3. An ....u.r,pmrw IOllkin ts scheduled ror Aag. 21. • -Judge Judge told attorney George Chula for Leary and attorney Robert Law lor-MrS: Wry ancf the doctof'1 son that statement,, made at the time ol arrut by Lquna olllcerl amply Justified hlJ re- jection of Leary's plea for dismissal ·or · group which wilJ seek Private fund s In Dill who will teach al the high IChool and the charge.. support of the school!. Ann MacMillen and Crystal Kochen· He noted the comment that there was a Jo addi~ to the five trustees dorfer. Top oC the World School. strong' odor of burning marijuana in lhe p,U!Sel!Uy 00 the achoo! board, Mfs~ Jane -Agreed to employ Edward K. Mat· battered station wagon that the Learys thews as a grouodsmao aod nrdeoer M drove around the Art Colony and be back-Boydi who will become 1 board mtmber a year-round basis with a salary fl $442 ed_tbe claJm d police that such an odor July 1 w11 named along with William a mooth. jualllltd a *"'11 ol the "vetilcle. McCready, George Gray and Gary Zlm· -Employed lleCOlld year teach er Thlt ll!arcll prodUced, police claim, a merman. George Carey at the high ICboo1 It tM haul ~ len ...,... ol marijuana and <o -Agroed In pay Belly Davis; hJih 196H9 salary -rate, wtth ln-~':!:'i:,ir:. an stowed away in the schoolboalneos education teacher for 11 =-by~~= ..... ap- Addfng extra interest to the Orange· boura. at $8 per hour, for testing ap---Amended a contract for Man Joen County charges against Leary is a recent pllcanta for ·clerical and secretarial posi· Swartzbaugh who will telcb half~ at decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in lions ror the district. Aliso School .In kindergarten cluaea ln- which a rooeral conviction of Dr. Lea_ry -Employed four first year probation stead of £ult time at Top of the !t'orkt and was overturned. teachers for the 1969-70 school year at the for Roselma Messman at tbe high tchool The noted LSD experimen ter had been 1968-fi9 3alary schedule . rate with in-Who will ~rn $12,903 ~tad of $12.1$2. ement nd ddlU 1' ·-"~ -Aulhonzed pennissidn for lour " .TRIMESTER REJECTED fowxt ·gutJty by a Tu.as court of illegally er a any a . ona uu11K1 ap-teachers to teach in areas other lhaa ~ From PIUlfe J transporting marijuana-from Mexico. He proved by the c:Pstrict office. The th . d . led . . fi l"· I I I I I -D we sentenced to four to 30 years in teachers are L. Diane Bruce and Mary ell' es.igna ma)OI' Of' mmor ~ ua. G(\/\ n WTTJL prison and fined !40,000. The teacben are Mn. Barhan D Ary ' ,·~;:-~Y#~ll---~-~ ~·~~-·==1~!S~i~~s~·~atti~~oiit~F-Jte~~~~.;~( . , ~ Meeting at tleo Street • v-.im drt-Sieve Klsdlell, 24, o! lOSS Flamingo St., was in· j1lnd TUesdl\Y In lhia ~ion at inle):sedion of Cleo 81\d Glenneyr e Sl:eell In Laglll)a lleocli-He was matecj at South Coast Glrnmunily Ho.ptlll IUICI i.ttt-ze~ed. Driver Oi'trUCk·w•I Leny tiai!P#. 23, o! ~ '11!ali4 ·St. c•.-o!-l:U a.m. Cl'Jsh wai still tmder liiv .. tiga· -today by polilce. -' . DAILY PILOT leMrt tf. WeM PTWldlnt ........ w.r J:11l R; C.rf ... VD "9ldilfll W ~ ___. Tho111•• 1C""" Editor Tlitwi• A. M11rphi~1 ~bwEd!tw .,_ llc.liir4 P. Nill LMU119 "-h City Editor "-"'" .... Offlu 222 ,. ........ . :, tilflRllf M41Ntll P.O. 111 ,,,, 92612 -. ----· -. From Page l NAVYFAMILY •• Jame Reilly, 23, 1 public in!onnaUon omc.r. . "What wm t ever tell the baby?" aald Mn. J~ lWlly,_!l,_u Lawrence J. ReillJ IIj. 1l<pt u.,..... one year old and un>wlre of trlledlol. The ·borne waa cf"'"""' by drapeo. quid ud llllflJed of oolfee, llrong lik• It ts made Navy-etyle and full of • seme of ftlipation. • • Cbief Reilly called from ManUa Tue1- day nJcht with an--order. · "He a id cloll't hold iluf uy hope al All/' said Mn, Reilly. "Everybody brln p dooaluilrts and nobodJ eall them," lbe oald with a stab. pooirli>c that black coll11. •11'1 llmll)' how .. 111&!11 ~-,.. 11a.,;,•1 lllouchl "' !or a Jcoi·iliiie elll you.• -a 15 to 16 foot stiff -wa.s nus&ng, plim::e with the fed~al la'!' wou1d have oAJCLANo (UPl)-An Oakland caD-teaches educatiooally band j capped ·bow~er. amounted to Rlf incrimination. nery worker wu killed Tuesday night children at 'lbuntaD Intermedlatl School, Bo~ ~as also low«r!d by ~t Crom The ~mner Harvard psycbol~ pro-when struck by 1 Western Pacific freight and Da vid Slevcove, who teacbel drtnr'1 lh !idlcoPter to the 0.blng v!Dage on f"80I' luccesslully arguecl against his train while walking home from work. tralnlng. . Geronimo, but gained no lnform.tlon. 1986 conviction on the basis thet be could Police said Baker HDicblsoo, 59 appar--Approved graduatioD ol 1115 - Boland reported that native Ii.mermen not pay federal tu wtthoul Incriminating ...Uy stei>{>ed In In the path o1 'a wm. from the high ICllooio-'<llnllboJ- had dived ln the vicinitJ,.of the wreck bUt himaelf. bound train. all ?equinment.a. none hid · the gear to 'enter the sunken vessel. • • The Qwt Guard • 1 I d \he terrain on Geronimo •as S\ICb that nol even a helicopter could land safely. TwO dJvers, Bob Campbell and Wally Janes, both from the Dana Point aru. were-repo~ en roule to the scene. They were reportedly friends ol Ed Henderso0t . one .of -reporled In. b!I aboard the Goodwill wb<n sbe letc!led up oo the reel. Wby ~ lloodwill-la the.'lldnlly o! the reel -•hlcll 11.....n .mown, In aJJ yachbmen .:.. is &lj':_ pe:adiort,. ac- eon1Jn1 lo -thO Coast «oitd. " Narcotics Topic •At · Viejo -·.Panel The probi<ms of drug use ls Uie subject of a Mission Viejo panel discussion to be held tonight in Ole Miss ion Viejo High School gym. Orange County District Atjomey CecU lllcta. Tustin lllgb School Superintendent Rd>ert Dalberg, and a former drug ad· diet wt!l speak at . the I p.m. meeting. Modentor is Dr. Roa Berman. , The activity Is spoosored by the Com- muril!y Coillicil on Drug Abuae. The eOWlcil is a coordinating ag_ency which attempts to provide· Ule CommOnity . with-programs, and research materials to fight narCoUcs use .... accord.Ina to ita presi- dent, ·Robert Adams .. communil:T · .orgapiatian1, • a s It Is composed ol repr~ o! S2 Wcmen'1 .cluhe, mf!ft'•· orpaiza- tlons and homeownen' associations • • • -LAGUNA. COACHES ·FIGHT CONTINUES A "bitter baWe between coaches 1t Laguna Beach ll1gb School and Bob ~v.,, the scbool's principal, continues unabated this week • The latest of four coaches to have resigned ln the past two weeks, basehaU coach N~ Borucki, quit hi:S job Mon- day. Speculation bas It that bead loolbaJI Cnacb Hal Akins ud mlslant Ed·Bowen may also be involved. , For cOlllpleto detalls on the furw, -the" __ .., page lf<ol lnday'a lpari3 MCUon. ·1 • \ Laguna Legion .. . Given Awards Laguna:·Beach American•t.elon Post 222 has woo !oor awards by the Ameri- can Legion lnr Ila local actJvlU... Tbe ~wardl fnr ·memb<nhip, !flstrlcl and deparlmen1 Cltdlool !or con- tilbutlofts to the Lftkia .RobabWtotioa Fund and I cllatlon -Ille V•teranl Admlnlatntion llolpll.ll, ·Lq 'Beach, .. ... -rect!.,.i by 0. w. Price, Ptet :m -olllcer. . Amlrlcoa Logl4n 1'<111' ·211 la-..... ' manded by Lesley Clialham'.' 0 . Graduate .to an OMEGA " nempndlleeQem.;..,,"7~~..a Apoll• .... -io,....wlla.,lil.iiiiliaca.a. w.....111;ar; .... ~o..a1a.........,. .... w. ¥............ ,_,,, .• • 1a1mwer ' ... , ..... Noe6cwdolt·1o.-;:z11Jil-.._1"..., ~--Q ............ loral(lslmaof pwipa1 111f(&Sll .. lirpRl1D1'•ofo.p ....._lor_lllll_&odq.N51D'1000. A .. 0·1 ._., ----------.................. -..... .- ....... ,. l ... = ..... ........ .\... ........ ....,., ... ~-................ __ =···:=:= -.a:-........... _ ...... ... IM ?OJ _. .... ....................... _..._ ................ IVI • CONYENIEMT TERM$ J. C. J./ump~rie6 '}ewefer · 22 YEARS _-SAME LOcATloN IANICAMUICARD lolASTtl CHAR•l lUJ NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA I PHONE 14t-14lll I I I \ ,, I I I I I I .. · "Shall I wrap It, or do ,.,.. .._ to fNlt Ollt r!,rhtbenr New Jet Guns Ne.edro To Counter N. Viets· WASHINGTON (AP)-Fast-long distaooes. er·firinJ, halder-h!Uing guns Tbe Journal of the Annod are being planned for U.S. Forces said the "Red Baroo jet fighters because or 'dra-study" dixlosed that in about mat'ic progress made by 25 percent of the aerial en- North Vietriamese· p i Io t s gagerneni!, enemy pilots were apin5l American planes. able to swing 01err planes be- ... · Air Force wol"k on develop.• hind lJ'.S. · aircraft before be- ing the gun will star! in the ing detected. caning fuJcal year and the This gave the stJ!ll!1led ,,..poo will be tnsuilled in U.S. pilots little chance to the F15, a jet fi&tlter des1gn-evade before being attacked. ed to pnmdo dear D.S.·"'" PILOTS UNAWAllE peri«tty owr IJIY Rnw•n. butlt jeta in the 1970.. -The report, prepuod by the Dr. John S.• Foster, the I l'ontagoo's Wes!""' Syllam Pentagm's research c b I e f, Evaluation Group, allO was d.iscbed recently that North said tO have found that in Viotmm's fighter pilots were about hall the cases eumined baUl!ng U.S. war pian,e. on U.S. pilots ,were una#are of 111mo5t even terms m the lat-the enemy a presence until ter stages of the air war. North Vtetnamel!le p I an e 1 came within two miles. RATIO' GOOD '!'bus, the FIS will lncorpor- ''DariQr air aperatiom over ate advances in king range • . Nortb ~ tn 1967 wo ~ radar tedmology. .. ~11.);iK:....,~·~~·. ~:.;,.~ . -. 7~'<9'."'!1'11~ ...... ei1f*?Yd11. In fJSCaJ 1968, were built according to llech- tho !bib Vietnamese cut oor nology developed in Jbe 19!'- adr..... by clestnJying 26 IS60 period. · • U.S. olMafl "'11le pmg 31 of "'!'be sta1< of the art Ill the tbel,r own. meantime has pnicre•elf to -·~ ,...,. 1970 plans In-the point thal more dfectlv• .-·~ devC!op: air4 ... ir gun lylllm>I ... be . rnf:ol "JI gun .,_, ootl-d"l<ned for ..,. aJrcraft IUdl mlled for 8-4Mir combat es the F15." ll Mid. and' a •family of lrnpri>yed "11ie Ait Force planned nDcn rounds cb&racterized by program conceutrM on lncr!Fs?tl. mass,,lir.e and im· achievement of b.lgb rates of pod """lY·" fire higher mtmle ..iocttlts ASed abrot this, the Air in lMger cahl>er projflctlles F.Cftfl credkied N«th Viet-for effectiveneea at kmger ...... -gains to Im-•lont """' then poalble at prond tac6ci, far better UH ptesenl" of ~ rodar """"'~ and -'-"'--------! "MY telectlve" cbotce ol. ocimbot by -y,.....,. FATH Ek) DAY ~ ~'ml>ing u _. ml lmtood made aft-Oho Hlol a Gift W--' • ~ ODlllrolled -llriog ....... -only wbeo coodlt1ons ... ol -Rum Soaktd ..... extremely odv-to them," the Air Force 1pcbsmtn said. BEST PLANES FUrtber1norr, North Viet-,_, pl1otl uaed thelt best ~MIG 21-olmosl -..Iy for cballenging U.S. nlden, the Ait Force Nici, mid -up older model M!Goanly .. -. '!be Alr For<:e clmled that tmY delldeodes.tn u.s .. -1>' ........ hlpOlmible for the lcl8 of Ille earlier U.S. cm> bai advantage in 1968. · Al the ame time, then _. ._ta that a oecret &tud:1 <J: tho performance or U.S. p1an<s end J>il9lo over ?rortb -patilt<d-..Jt de-ficlebdea in certain <qllli>' m.m. Tbele reporled de!ic~es. It •• leomedlnwill leld to ..,,......_.. Fil par, In- cluding bdt.r equl_.i for Wlia« -flml· foe' at and Bent for Pleasure 2/1&0 SJ37 . BOX OFllO CRDOmtES 110 '225 'BOX OF !O ~ ... ·A N·N O'llNC .E·M ENT· • Diverslfilil Counselors ' . . H~1 Oponetl lt.1 -OfflCff In Newport llffch, Collfornla Senlnt ThoH in Need of c:-llllCJ ·1Marriage ••• Family l1si1els ••• Employment bon't Stntftl• With Your Probl•m& • • • let u.· A1ii.t y OU tn The Solution of T1'em. ' . Heun-10 to 5 l'.M. Mon. through Friday Cal 675°2300; Eve. by Appointment • &ecutiv• Offlce1, Suite No. 206 City c:.ntw Block lalldlng 3341 Newport llYd., N•WJIOrt leach Opi>ooit• C\tf H1~pl1 P1rfd•1 ANAHEIM 444 N. Euclid IJMl21 M .... th,. S.t. '10 o.m, lo fllO ...... \ -' .I L '; -, \ ' " • H.t.s. HAs A To REME FLARE . . MBER ,n,,, " lho look when You ·, You 'If "'•nt t \,\r•J • 9•11' 0 k.., . loe •I tho ! . •ng in stride i p in trr ind ,conquer I' eg, ''''" •I t' h' or su'""'• d. no w rid no 'P r, ISlinct;vo o in Oofd . •nd '""d hood.fur . •lyl.,, for o . ---go1n9 he; • y lo with ~1n9 Ired . Penors fry th 9 • Throe • "''"ciow· s1,,,,., trrod. I 0 • •• • hoo :Pono fo0k A e . Follow it u "Y •cryfic · ' nd for u/1· P (J ere,,., IO '"'•le niversity Sho • -00.11.00. PoW . p, SJ, NEWl'ORT 47 Fodlion l11o"4 64-4-1211 M ... lhN frl. 10 1,m. le 9rl0 p.m. .S.t. 10 ,..,_ to 6 p.m. ,, -, , "' . ' ~- I . HUNT! TON IEAOH 1111 Ec11~1., 'Jl..o. nz.au 1 i.I ... 1twv S.t. 10 1.m. lo 9:10 p.m. • • • • • L ' -~ " -- ·~· .. -~ • • • , • • ' ~ :{ J-,. < ~ ' , ;l: , . " • • • • I ! • • I ' . .> ·"· •Nr. • .. j "' . --~---'" 1,.., ' (' . ". ' t • i . I 11tAU~Y ·Pipn' -BLU.-PA6E I j ..: '.1 .t L ' .... Piev ~lj~~i.~g 9pp o sit~on . ' . ' .. f~·· " . ' f • ' .. • ' • , , .. • ' • • • .,. ' •• ,. Pier lovers, step forward and be ~unted. The OJ>- 'i-~~-~-pooitlon-wlll.-. . on the matter. It's public business. We hope only that proponentrol recreation-don't abandon the hearing field to' the negative opposition. ' The proposed Aliso pier, wbich.aeemed ·almost a bird in the hand, baa now come under fire from r,.•i· dents of the area -Ugbt thougli tl!ey be in' numberi. County supervisors have scheduled a public bear• Ing June 18 at 9:30 a.m. to beu both llilel <>!:the .qu1i- tion. Opponents of the pier have • ..;rttten about 30 J,11.ers of protest to Fifth District &lper:vl401'-Allo\l-Allen, Tht opposition Is mainly centered in tbe C&mel Point area. It doubtless lnclujles the•aame persons tbat vehemently opposed prlv"-te d.V:elopment when the county was acquiring additloaal A1i&o Beach acreage for recreational use. ~ . When the CO\!Jlly,.pl~ed do'l'JI fµnds for tbe ·Jand. It r.u understoodJt woulc\ be •put to .recreational uai. ( A pier c~ ii "!l'reatianal use. The pier would 10 Into an excellent llsbing area, ooe Mtber ~'by the state·Department ol Flsb and Game creaUng. ~ reefJ In the area. _ _ _ Th.ere .wJJu14.IJe-n0'~0U-the·sea"er!CI OCtho· low s1111l>ue11Lrecreational flicillty, ' . -Opponents say It would be unslgbtly. They wit• saying private developmen\ would 'l>O unalgbtly too.and thiit. the area sbould be acquired by ti>• COlllllY fot ....,. reailon. The new acreege was acquired lor '800.00(I. '. · over the yeers, tbe Aliso pier would provide wliole- some recreation for hundreds of 'thousarids of perlcOftS, . persons ol all ages,. from retired s~or cltlzeail to youngsters just lel!fl!IDg the lore of tbe sea and lilbing. The state bas said it will split the '400,000.·COfl of the pier with Orange County. • ' COUnty supervisors did well to schedule a beering- . , . Natio.nal 'Scene· . ;, ~. - On · Sex Class~s~ . . '!'be Nadooel Fed<rab ol &publlcin Women 11 the latest group to get Into the sex educatim controversy. St ate ~-will . be -lo mste reports and poaib1y r..-c om m·e ad .. In vltw of the !l»rgeonlng &>uth Coast population, the DAILY PILO'Jl'ln the past )las repeatedly pointed to the need for recreation provision. /\. '!be pler ls needed and can be an excellent recrea- tional outlet. • Welcome, Press Corps . . Tiie hurried and -sometimes harried persons of the press assigned the" Important task of President Watch· Ing should be arriving th Laguna Beach today as the President arrives in San Clemente. . Press Secretary Ron Ziegler ·and staff, along with two plane loads of reporters who travel with the Presi· dent, are to hang theil: hats at Laguna's Surf and Sand H~al. . ;he 174-unit comple;i apparently won the hearts of the national press wbile San Clemente's Cotton estate was being selected .by. the. .President and his wife a, their summer White H9use, !Utiiie home and possibly the future Pre•idential library. G~neral Telephone Co. crews have been inltalling s~al "'!mmunicatlons , equipment .for the Ziegler people and the press corps •erving as the eyes and ears , of the world. The arrangement Is expected tO be a con· tlnuinF. one. It s a new and vital image fur Laguna and tbe Soutb Coast area. ·- ; . 'Dun't forget our time/ab/£ fo:_ withdrawal of US troops. .:J' ... L A Teaclaer's View Dear Gloomy. GuS: 'No' on Summer School p,}ari l . To the Ediklr: """ .,.. -', &trong. • The.new proposed .plan for the El Mor· · ~t .-;· "' Don 't yoo think some of UI' ~d ro Elementary -School will give the . M' '··!1~~· 1 "· .. • sacrifice·& little of our time and IO out The ba~hrooms in Bluebird Park children just ont monl.b of summer vaca-i ,~lllJUX' . and thank these men, and show in~ - are dirty. Th~y don't have toilet tion in August, one month at Christmas ~ , .' '. _ : .. ' '': -~ -_,tn~l':.""'-~--:-"·;:•;to.t ·' -""-~· ~......,o---... paper. The toilet ... is are dirty li!>le ~ ~-~ 1n !!w.o~.Pl'ir!c.~, . ~· ·iM..<\'~'.l;;,'W~""~~' t'lease contact the Exchange Club·and and stintr. Is there any~neto q ¥ l -... '""""-. -_t ,•~itf'RifiM'tehOOf·Vy~ ~~ .. '""" reM•,. ,,. --,Horm11r., ""'",. be a. part or. welconung . home aome · ~Ir·-*'"-~ .... °'-_;-,._..,_,, -•hovld cor1vtv lht!r m"""'9 11'1 300 wonf• or leu. · d , · ' ...._..;·1_.~-1.t'a.: bathroom -: BY eliminating the three month!! cf TM rlthl to CO!ldf,n1• 1111en.10 tit~ w .11mi. won erful men. Thatl' Jblt the 1eut we .. ,VU& la WWI 1.11e S, , ntlt Ubel II ..-rved. AU ll'll't,_ m\llt Inell/ff Can·dO • - . ,_llv~ -·tile N~~~" ~~"tt~'fil-.V..t-::;'.~~tn~'~ m. 51:".::-ation ii the oc:hoolt. aller four ~1ioi".1o ·Cbr· Crulado, a rilht- D. c. summer vacaUon, they feel the child will 11tn1t11rt •nd ,...m,,. WI!""'' 11ut ,..,,,,.. ""' ,.,. • CHARL ... E~ i-s. •Ul'U"D'n forget tea. Accordlng to Dr. Ebbinghaus' wltllhtkl or1 ,_, If 1111t1e1en1 rN'°" • -1'9"1. ~i:. M" •~ experlmento on relenUon. the greatest SALL y STEVENSON • . ' l yean of relative quiet, is -g a,, ".,ilit gr00p bu<d In Tulsa. · · proportion ol forgetting ·occurs after the tvaB sold ot 0 rece'l1t one-day show _at , Jast contact with the material, -anc:1 not Dimeyland. He has , accepted an ,in-subject of bitter C'Olltrovers)'. F~'i ' The NE A. noted· ••The conservaUve mcntbs ago a special r~:t ta the N.. John sirdi. c-:-,. bu also announced a with the increase of time. Therefore, H vitation to be a teatured exhibitor at . you leave the~materiaJ three times a year "Art-A-Fair '69'," jormer'1/ the Splin-11ona1 F.ducatloo Asoociati<Jo . (NJ!:.A.) ... ~·, , noted-"Several cllies acr~-;:country campalgn, ~ as the Movement to have ·been forced to scu · · postpone Restore D,ecency,' to'elimina:te or restrict t! . U tarted 1 the{;-'JJ:u in.stead.of one time, the forgetting would ter Festival, during its exhibit thit· on co rse was s D ~ c be more. ·summe r. eex educati«a ~ ,, include SU educAu~ ~ams. Robert Welc~. Phoenix-Albuqueniue;.Panipanny. N.J.; Society pres1dent,.11Y•·-education " La a..Mg.. JU.: sall"Lel<e City; and part of a C<mmunlst plot lo destroy !he areas in Oklahoma W811hington, MJn.. morals of youth and to keep them obsess· ae91Jta and New Y~k. •1 ed with sex." M~ r<eentl,y, Paul Putoam. an N.E:A. A bill belore .Calll't .. introduced ,l>Y IJ>l)tesmao saXfthat 111 "organized at· Rep. Hen r y C. Schadeberg (R-WI!.) tack" on ~ educatim is under war in • would withhold federal funds from sex Jealt 27 states -· Ari21coe, caJlfl>n>le, educatloo counos or rela!A!d teacher Colorado, Connedlcu~ Florida, Hawaii, trallJinl:. But U.S. . Education ·Com· ldaho, Illinois, Indiana, Jowa, Kanaaa. niJak,ner James· E-, Allen on May :11 K~ Lo~a M a r Y l • a d , ~Y criUciied the anU-ux education Mfuhli&n New Jersey~ Yort. ·tcifCelO'O. the butrof his experteoc1i--as- Neva4a, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklehnm•, . ~Uon Conunisaioner in New York Oregon htmsylvania, Tenneaee, Tew, Stlte. "We ftund people comhi& around washlniton and Utah. wUb ]Uerature -some of it the filthiest " you have ever aee.n -" he said, "saying OPPOSmON lo ... edUc:aUitn Is pu'1>-It Will be ...., In school." ed by SllCh organiJ.ationa U Sl!Uty on Sex (SOS), Mothers Organized lor Mon! Slablllty ·(MOMS), Citizens for Parento Rl)bts, and People Against Unoonstitutions.l Sex E du c at l o n (PAUSE). Opponent.. alto trace 'op AN OFFICIAL tnvesU1ation of :sex education in Cillfurnia 11 now under way. Superintendent of Publlc Inatruclloo Max Rafferty predlctl that ff dlltrict8 like Anshelm -where a Fsmily Life F.duca· sch<MJ!s In 1965 -doo'I drastically re~~: • • their ~ex courses, legislation will be pauo /-_ ;SECONDLY, THE $Upporten of" the. ed ''with a,whoop and a oouer:·i 'new plan' fed' t4at Jeu lime wou}d ' be 'The Wall Street Journal Characterized spent.. Jn 1'View. The teacher, however, the Anaheim course as a "nalional model muR-'revlew three timea a year with the 'for scope and candor." The newapaper new i;.tem, instead of one time. To quotes Mrs. Eleanor-Howe, vice preaident avoid fcl'&etting, mod teachers review of Citizens Committee of Call!.ornia: continuously anyway, and I, as a tel:cber, "'The educators have jofue<i t h.e do nOt feel 'that.it ta a·:wa:Ste of Ume. pornogr•phera in a diabollcal plot. High Many molhen endorse !he new plan 1ehool !Wdenb here are learning about because.their_ children get ~less at the oral-gerilta.l 11ex." , end of a three fnOPths vaca~n. In tbe '"-If true;-this is-~ably-further-than--sumznec._the_~~~1'!f~utdoon. the American Medical AS&OClation and Jn April and· December, wfUi rainy ind the Naticnal Education Association plan· cold we.ather, the children may be con· ned things to go when, in April.1964, they fined to tbe house, thus becoming restless jointly approved the concept of sex too. education in the schools as a means of lowering ·bllt-of-wedlock pregnancies and venereal dlsease. Even liberal educators now fear that some of, the clasaroom In- struction is causing anxJeties in children not old enough lo be confronted with all tb'e facts of life. IN' CONSIDERING; this new plan J think we should cooiider the following polnll : • • a. Families with children in elementary and teeendary ICboola will have their children on different vications. ijonesty Key • Ill Wr~ting b. Can we upect a child to atudy well In the summer, when it is bot and his friends and family are •t !he beach? Will he wint to do his homework after school! c. The.traffic on Pacific Coast Highway will make it even mort"dangerous for the bus to exit at,£) Morro and cause more congestloa-in~tbe canyon. Somebody back East, wbo had beard something about a cohnnn written by a guy named McCabe, asked a San Fran cisco friend what it wu like. pelf, see things much as they are. The mk:ldle-aged' ·are desperate but not tioi;>elt;SS .. The old are hopeJesa, but not desperate. <In general terms, of course.) The friend confessed it wasn't an euy task to say just what it was like. He ad· r SO THE JOB, IS •to try to keep,, or lo ded he would ask the author bimself to dishonest;~· ~ · • ~Ut;.tht,clarity of.v.\s\on you had when try. <.-• , ' · · • . a,,..,,,_ m1>1;·and, ~~illy,in brier I, too, lind it is not 80 OIS) a taak lo Tm!:.~ Wlllftll ib6qt_l)f!melf-. • bilDlluit J>OO!I< 'Oail>es,. lhe lnalgbto you nail down just whaflt is I dO lot• living. ·-ti-~ ~·""1dt'4o expQOt his~ and', II!!~·~· wben yoo· la\eW the Ml I !mow it Is not quite like wbat any . all, will _.jhe _that bd11iot fr; ~r.':~ i.,-in . this other newspaperman does for • living; alone In ~~. The truth ·11 that ~mOYlng enlerpi.se. No one with the bnt that can be •aid of all lada wbo are all .:ti.~->r ,._ ..;.~ •-• f""'""t "·lllth _ _,,_ Ille on his back allowed, or even encouraged,·to '"1te we ~1 w we same. uW.ct, •uu ~....., "' ........... 1 about themselves. ahraya wU1. • poalbly, could. The great"lxties& .autobiographer was One tries. That ball. FOR, IN mE REAL ...,., God broke Mlcbel de ~pt. His dlfl)d.enoe, 'bJ• This cOlumn grew out of a llJJOl'b COi· !he die when.Ile made esch of ua -which integrity, 1\ll IUpllcism, sre ""1ecl>d In lJ\1111• W:blch la both a flood and bad thing is anotherof His partlcular glories. !he name che• pvf' lo the liW'!D' .~ann to write. Writing about yourstll hi, in one sense, he in~~-~~~. or lhri trili, « 1 hin d In her the attempt. Montaigne•• wbi>le 'Ufe wu a a.ey l g to 0· anot • It Is the an essay, or~c.rlal, or attempt. 1"e lile. of tOOjhest and roost demanding o f most really dttactitd men Is jult tblit. disciplines. -The dishonest blokes -Casanova, Ben· Everybody identifies with a penion who venuto Celllni, and Frank Harfl1, lo writ.el.about himself, whether the subject be straight tntrospecUoo, or tbe views of name a few -·are interesting " limpJY THE GOOD TIUNG a b o u t sports wriUng. and the thing wblcb I would like to ,fetatn, is lhe childiab values which ob- tllll IJDOlli !he players and !he minor orders of employees, mostly former· ptayen..('l'be owners are ruthless and iJI. -Uve brul ... for tbe most part.) d. Teacher& will be handicapped in gotng to school in the Aumm'er. NAME WITHHELD FNtnk•' R ejection To the Editor: . I bave just beard_a rumor lo !he effect Ul.at Leon Franks, an lnternaUOnally known artiol, and alto a long time Laguna Beacb HsideDI, .... turned down by a p-1--d ~ for lhe_t..qupa Beach Art FeallvaL ( can' belleve IDY ears. I fjnd It very hard lo believe that any-ceonecled wltb !he festival woU!d "' .elevate themaelveo u to pau Judg· ment on an artist of Mr. Franks' slan· di... ~ . t have a very fine 1art collectioi\ and • number severa1 Franks paintings in this collection.~ln the recent auction for the flood vlcttms, • palnUng by Mr. Franks bnl\llbt !he oecond hilhest bid. . -Editor A Club'• The.ilks To the Editor i The of(kers of the South Coast Garden Club, So<fth Laguna, extend their thanks to )'OU and members of your stall for lhe outstanding coverage of their meetings and activities supportirig the conservaUon of natural resources and clvio beautifica~ tion in your SEJendid newspaper, assuring Uiem o( success. - MRS. THOMAS HARRISON . ·Humans, Not Rats To the Editor : It was so good to read Sidney J. Hanis' feelings on the "r;at brain·human brain'' ratio. I w;as never able to swallow all that nonsense while taking all those pqcb courses that were • must in order to graduate from colleie. What a total invalidation of the human mind to be i.:ompared in any wa,y whatsoever (with .the p>S!ible exceplloo of eating, breathing, procreation, dying:) with any animal -let alone a rat. Testing animal! to see wbat will ha~ pe.i to them if infli~ with human diseases ts pretty way •out too. Animals don't react or act the same way humans do -thank goodness! The human bi"ain is a highly specialized piece of eqWpment. It should not be com: pared with any animal or picked at with pins and needles. NANCY HUSl!MMi Meet the Bo"s To !he F.dltor ' . We'd like to share an unforgettablt U:· perience with you and your reafters. For the Cause· To the Edl1or: The vaSt arid diSordered conela•i of A~~icalls 'trn4er., the ·~esicqation of "moderate'' has osually-been cant«Jt·to nmain u'ahe.ard. However, wbilt prevail- ing as a majority, it 'has alwat• 'been undc: attack by both sides Of the poOOcal spectrum for various reasons. T1lroulb these times, th:e majority bu always ft. maine<f llable. . And, •Me its subsisting centribullolJJ lo poUUcal opinion have . uauaily - _ de9Crlbeci_.as.one ·loeg. "apalbetic ll'OJO;" l~tlonDu--ntver lteeess ted reciprocity. The relaxed, apathetic "1 in which moderaUon and · society fattens and prospers has been , maintained throughout America's. demo critic bistorji. Yet, for the first time ·since the .. American Revolution, modera~ 11 trembling in !he balance. The · alarmlnc ltate of social tnet.a'.morpbosis in regards to violence bal ·caused eVen liberal Car- . tooniat BUI MaukUn to portray marala .of "rebellion: REACTION !"· into bi1 repre:sentaUons. The r e g u l a r I y un- concernec. majority is movin& to make itself heanl. · · AT mJS POINT I will atlemJll lo ex· plain my motives .. I am a. young rebel, working fOr "The Cau.se." The cause I fight for includes the constitution of com· plete equal rights for all people. !he re- vision of colleges and unlven1Ues across America ·to fit and satisfy students, a wilhdtawal -from th Vetnamese conflict, and an amelhlratton of labor conditions tn substandard flelcll. However, In my·~ my ·typlcal Idols would be Aleunder It~. not Vla,dlmlr Ulyanov: Ralph AbetnllltY, bat H; Rap Brown; ""' Eugene ,McCirtlij, not Mao. I do not cboQte '9iolence ~ J bow what thls·couritry an do to me .. ~Jt-ll :not merely fOr casual readers that ·t iwrlte this Jett;er; it Is for those upbb1d1ng ''111e Cause" becailsE( 1· believe it to tie la dant:er. • • Yio\~!? win Je8d tO nullifi~Uon by an · arooHd public. "The eatlsf'• spay be·blst fllPPOrted by peaceful melJ!I. · MICHAEL CURTll5 ' levl tin because of thefr fraudulence. l have the man on ta « rockets to the always maintained a man telll more ,,__ 'Jbe almllarlUes of man to man art IJ'· about hlmself wben he lies, than "~ he In --Ibey judge thinp by the book. You ari pod or bad by your avenpa. 'lbl!'ls a ...,. thlnf • .ln the complc, con- fused and d~ved -kl ou!Slde then.JI no book. People lll<i ;io&n truly try lo lurnlsb some oort ol a book. This ii done, of coune, for tile reader. Even more 90, It is done ~ my own sodJJ' deceived MU. ·I CAN'r BELIEVE'that Laguna Beach woUia trial one of its most famous ~In Ibis marin.r. On !he contrary, I would think that the festival would con- oidtr It an -honor just lo have him display. One morning this past witk' wt went ' with a grout> of eight other women to El Toro Marine Base to welcome home a plane . carrying 165 ~ -men from Vietnam. One wife was ~.~ iO ,.meet her husband and Pat Doimef .. ot the Hun· tlngton Beacb Boys" Club and • poag Archer of the Exchanae Club were the only olllor people ther< lo gtttl \hem. They •\IV• organq.ed a welcoming ' com • miltee,. along with E;l Toro . Excb- .Cfub; to 'greet planes bringing .,...MEN ' r--~----.:...,...:.:. ......... -...., borne. '!'Jiefre not boyl anymore. mlilg. Tiit oma11 differencea are tellt the tnith. Tblnt of this, thir-- lud>latlng. . Ul!l' you resd Frank llanil' -of It ts almoel lmpolBible, in fad, lo write bls more Improbable amlal foray1. a dull book or. a, dull column about )'OW'lllt, whetber It tries'lo be -or • .. . . . FOR MYSELF, HONESr is rather too large • word. I prtfer to think that whit l strive for Is lo be undec<ived. • Now, this ii no easy lhl"I. for the -Id and lta w.,a, are designed lo ~ye. Ito greateal reward• go lo U- • Wiit· oceept their deceptloo, wblcb Is a nice way of saying comiptlon. tbe man who lel8 the Croix d~ Guem or ~ Modal of lloni!r, bis Ont ml1llon at IO, or the.Pulitoer Prile, is uauallj>. a fellow who belleves that •ar It flood, that !he ao- cumulatioo ol ,,,...Y is admirable, and that love frill land yoo -'>ere, excepl ~ In al1ipoay Jail. . 'Ille 1eut deollvod people ore children. The J'CIWll, belere Ibey \>"" lo the god of .Quotes Mn. llfcUnl 11. Miiier, s.r,-"P~Ie tum 1o · j>oydlla1ry ~ llief"Jii .. ·ao beliefs. U,.. havt filth,.. tnow'Wtiero you are Coinl ancl whal you are doing." . It. IA9ollml, Von.Jo -"'It Is 1 mucb overlooad •fld thaMhe prlvde,. of tree -h. mUll be . tempered by' HI! clioclpline and Individual mpo!lllbillty." I lincerety bope that Laguna lleacb and !he people In charge of the Festival cl Arts have not · •lipped oo low that Ibey woo11f allow .pmfe¢onal jealotuy to. In- -their -In ba-g an artilt such U Mr. Franks from compeUng. I bope Iba! yoo wlll print this Jetta and If· not, al least -let some of the poweri tha1 be at the fesUval know what the public _lhlnlm, ll indeed Ibey car<~ • RICHARD T. MILLAR ---Ar!Ut Fr<mk<.ll<u confi,.....d ,thot M has not btel'l dCCtpUd bt/, the Ftt· tit>aj of Am. He treot<d t~e .,,,.,tf.r' lfllhU~. iloW<vtr, 1G¢nO he ' dbt••1. haw mtieh volumt oj . t0or1'• to <utplsy in onw CGH bfcavse 10 .much of It , WE'RE ASRAMED we haven~ -gone before today. The organ!RJ:• can.~ _,.t . Jl'llple lo commit ·~ 1!J .10 ·ooi1 there. People -are 10o blisy, the ptanes cOme ln -.al early and late hours, and s0me· are jusl not Interested. It· requtm nothing more than ·an hom and• bllf of your time, a little .J.aaolh\e. and a few ~tnd words. A aimpl_t "welcome home" brings a smile to en ot.herwl.se tober ft(e, They coine off ·!he plane ·in all celon, slu!, l\!Cl.ln~ty I'!"' spirits. However. Ibey ani;qutcl 10 sbu\r their apifredatlon lo tile small band or people !here lo greet them. WE WERE PROUD ol lhese men and what they've been doing lor \1$. 'Ibey dldn' burn dr all cents or pop pills and J><1>1eS. They>re wbal makes America ' ' "IS.WWW .. • I{. • ... }'. • • .. ' ·""' ,,,. •. ,,_J_. . Wedlie~ay, June 4, 19119 .Thi editorial JXJll• of I/If Dmlf Plloi '""' lo ... ,.,...,,. 'cmd ··-•loU rH<kr1 · l>v l!."""'llfla UU. nf191POPir'1 oJ)huona aM com.-- 111<nt<1111 cm toptcs of lntfnl! and lianf/IC<lflc•. bv pr'OOfding • forum for th< •"11'•"'°" of otif readers• opiniona, oACl bv .prCl..,ll'IQ Ile. d~11 ofrilJ.. j>ointo of m'fonn<d 00,......,. ~-IJ>Ok•,,,..,. °" ~ ot I/If . . ' J\o~rt N: Weed, Publlab"'.'I ' ' ·\ • • Saddl~b~~~ . ' " ' I • ' _T:t:y'1·Phial N.Y. Steeb VO~. 62, NO. 11i 5 SECTIONS; 74, PAGES ORAHeE COUNT¥, cAl.fa)ltNIA • .. WSONESOAY, :JUNE 4, 196f '. . ' . TEN C9!'fS • ' • .. -. . .. -.. " . • • --.I ... •• .. .. _ .... IXOll .;a ,\...! s rms Mission Trail Drainage Plan Study Approved DANA POINT -"Primiti ve" boat launching ·facilities at t he Dana Point Harbor will be open between late July and early August, said Jack Ralnes, res!· dent engineer for contractors Koebig and Koebig, Inc . At the opening, .only the launching ramp itself will be completed. Raines said that resl rooms would consist of chemical outhouses, and that the road leading to the ramp would be graded but not paved. .- The launching ramp will handle eight launchings at one time. It will be 200 feet wide aod finished with non-allp paving, he uid: Stock 111 .. rrce,,_ NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market made a feeble effort to rally in early trading but it had withered by the .close today. (See quotations, Pages 18-lt). By AIMON LOCKABEY ~iy .. , ......... •fllH Myttety-sUU ahrouds the fate of the nine known 1>8Ufn1e'rs aboard the 161· tOot schooner Goodwill which lies wreck~ • ed Ori sicramento Ree( off Baja California ' sod.le 200 miles out of San Deigo. Rumorl and • conjecture circuJatlng around the: Harbor ·Area -many of which have been pitied up b y newipepen, ed wire servlca -have proven false and only added lb tbt con- fusion. . As of noon todjy, there had .,. no di.vers, ·native or profe,ssional, aboard lhe sunken vessel, IO lhe fate of those aboard the GOodwill was aiill unknown. • Neither baO the. body ot a teenage bay found floating face OOwn two miles north of the wreckage been identified. The body was on board 1 ~Wean Navy vessel Awards Asse11ably en route to Ensenada. expected to m ive sometime today. Art Knieve~ executive vice president of F&L Machine Industries, owned by the Goodwill's owner and skipper, confirmed that the company has hired two pi'e>o fesslonal SCUBA divers lG go to San Geronimo Island near where the Goodwill liu breaking up on Sacramento Reef. "The dlven are not ei:pected to arrive unW later today and it is not known when they will be able to investigate the wrec:t," said Knievel. Knievel also verilied that Harry Boland, a fonner naVigator aboard the Goodwill and business 880Cilte of Lar· rabee'S had been lowered to within a few teet of' the surf Ice from a Coast Giiarcl helicopter and that hfo reported two of the yacht's skiffs stlll In davits. AnOthe:r boat !See GOODWILL. hp IJ -· ' Isolation Attitudes Criticized J ack-in·the Box Aesthetitall y Fits Laguna Laguna Beach's propo!ed Jack-In-The- Boi: restaui-snt hu been modlfled to meet Art Colony 1HtheUc ·standard!. Chamber of Commerce members were told durinJI 1 bHaklut meeting today. "There 1'1no other Jac)-fn.The-Box like this in the United-.S't.tes at this timt," said Bernie SYalstad, real estate repreRntaUve .for , FoOOmakers, . a subsidiary of Ra1.11ton Putin.a Co. which owns the ·drlve:tbru reataurin11. Sval1tad · expllilltld that Architecture and Land u .. Supe,rvltlan (Al.SI COID• mittee has no real control over the building conatnJcted, on thil partjcular piece of property at 1201 . S. Coast Laguna Se_niQrs .Ho.nQred Highway .where •Laguna's Wheelhou~ now stands. "The Cliamber of Commerce went to bat for the city and the city convinced Foodmaker to put lrt a buJJdlng more in keeping with 111" dHllll of Laguna Beach. It will be weU 1and.ICIJ)ed and 11 really A cornucopia of dollars and honora ihowered down on Laguna Stach High School seniors for two hours tod1y at the tradition.al awards assembly. I. fu ll house watched civic and business leader& beSt.ow the awards which are something of a who·1 who , in l.agMI 1Cholar5hlp. sp o r l ,. ~ :... other achie vements. A rough tally of the aggregate valUe o( the scho~rsh.ipa: Jndicated it ha1 grown to about $40,000 at the smallest high ochool in Oranat County, more than the amount given at !Orne colleRe!. It wu 1 ne1' record of community support and student tcromplistnnent. About $32,000 in awards 1'tre glYen list. year. If this yur's awarrui wert projected out to their full poten(i&l-<!Jth ., four ~ar scholars:blps-school oUiclals said o.i--et !fie OAtLY '"'LO'h much mote beaut!fl&l than the present the talue would balloon up tO abotlt • wr:=......<r" . ....,. °"""-. ... ...,. -'"... facility at that site,,. he stJted. $7$,000. , · · . ..._...... ,,.,...., ...., ,._,. -o.i.1a1 SaJil 1 Wlrrtn Morgan. e h a m be r About f-•~h of. o~. • • .-' I ltflmltL . '""' -· "<; -'!",~" · ·~"'"' ~ •-_ 11_,,. manapf, '"nlil ls <XJ1Unir Foodmaken ret:t1ved cash awards . .J.pproxlmat!.ll~ ..... 'J .~.o . =:n... .._._.,~ M .,.._ about _,,000 mon lhan the on,inal pereent, IS of ,a eta_. of JOO, reces~ . '«Ill~"'""'"'·•-............... ~-~--,.. plans." · , . , _ · -1"-111 .t" form of pl 1 •• •1m' --,... •• ·---~· ~· ·~ -"Jack•Jn.'Jlhe.Bo: la nOt a fly·by..Jaht trophies m-cerUfiCatea. 1 n d l..YJi,d.Ja aJ t -=iu. r:, ... ~:::.rJC:;.~r 11ile opt.('aUon. We have an excellent proiram awards were as much as Sl.600. PMMI °' e11~1tnct. AObtrr K-'"' ,.," " and frln•ly' do very Well' In btgh income Here are the awards· ~""' """"·"-"' -s'-K•l'l'•r•t•lil. J a-u," •• ,, sv-~·•.' • ' l«ltl klMlce r""""' -'•ut Cl'lrlltlfl~ •" """ _.._. -.. ·~· ·~"' ~· ,._... 01111-'' ...... -,.,....,, ic-•-Foll~· ''"· _.....,""'I Harry l"llr~ Holltl. Kl Ill •11 , ,..,, M-. t1nl ~ T'!!!. ~onl"I, • • . .,....,'A "'"' n~~ • r'w': ~'=r-¥~.1M9'"'9 S • , ~ ~fT1tr I fa&llMI ~-....... ......... 1.awrtftee,. Cham~ plWklent.· ·~· .-. r.J..~11w. •i:......-CiMMii. ~~::: ... • ~ "=a..,t:-.=v--""''-1 rnented jhfit tllilt"Wf:~onei't'..a 'wtienl • Glfn t-WiWy~'"' .,,_,~'81 ~rk • u~ ·~=·~'.°~'::lg;', .. hrMr• ~'J:'. I l'lefflti.t . rmhlkftJ;' ~ftl(f .1 p0dti¥i .. ......_, "' M""' ,_ ""''""'· -••m:;· 111 °""'b:·'"' oo · ·'I'· I .~r, · , " , ., , · Y• LYl'lll. llt~d , s.111' SNori IN 'Vlc:IWlll N:i ~..,... :~ IM,i ~Ai:lii "9rt. retJ "'!-....-·~.,...... ... ...,._TM!~-""' Cllrll r,:~7 I ==:' j Art • •rti ' 0'that. j>lcttlre.(t.e" DAILY PILOT ran Of. o;r~·· *.!l! ..o'c§,.ttzt"'"' 'J . &:f. ,._...,. ~ thl ;Jtck-lft:.~ heaPeci M..e.le • i~-~v~r''!'..::.""'1':1.'l=t,..., e.1:1: lot. TIM. Foodlnaker -"'hod, ill ·1111 L1=.""'cM\1""~-=~ 'l:CW~ clippinP.''--bt lakl.,' . l t " .1 · I } •• r •I. ,, " '/. :6' • ~·: ' IDAILT '"'" .......... SAN,CLIMINTI STRINGS IANNERS FOii NIXON I City '""" A· IMw Pl• .. ' In !he Suri Sa,n, <;l~~f!-~.·W-~l.~~ .., ''r....:• ,r '•· :. ., (•• ! ',.1.1 :i :-· ~ .' -· I • ; · Presitkni' Nixon Y isii ·. &th El Toro Marine Corpo Alt 51'UCft ~·1 vhit WIU be their flnl loot II Ibo and a Uny U.S. Cout Guard LOrail out· fimll1'1 new summer home, dtt fOnnet post _in San Clemente .were-• heehi" ol . COit~) Eetatt m Sab €1emente • activity today ,u officials aDd ch\Rn.'I --. 1 • -~ awaited PreSident (Nlxon 's a'nivat"at his .. Although the Pm1dent and Mrs. Nlzan ''White House West." have vi.sited t~e hQUse ~ore. neither ti, For the President's tw~ dau~ters, the Nixons' daufbters have lffn il ,'J'bl 'frustees .lteject ' ' ' 'f rime8ter Plan For El 'Morro Nli:ons wi,11 J!jlvi! at the Loran Staliob near. tbC estate. by hdieopter mm ·m Toro. , 1• In addition ;<q the Presideol, hla wife, and two daughten, Trlcli, 21. and Juli&, 211. ·the presidential party wiil . Incluci, Julie's husbind, David Eiaenbower. \Yhll• l'jlxon ~-his !"""h>llw tmol.m Midway Island Saturday lor,bla melllllil By JEAN COX with South Vletnam.,..Preoldent l{..,.0 01 "'' °""" r111Jt Staff Van Thieu, Mrs. Nixon and her tW Principal Wllllim Allen's trimester daughters wJll remalil here. program will not be instituted for the Me hll •-•· Ill i-•· at El T h I t El Morr School an" e -Y. o c ~ oro 1961-10 sc oo year a o . , . although Laguna Beach school trustee.• rel.e~d the President s schedule which refused to take action on a statement to -will include P;es.s conferenc;es at ~ that effect Tutlday night. Newporter Jnn m Newport Beac:b. "We never accepted It, why. take June s. and 6,. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: negaUve action when we never con· Preslden~1al meeting and announcemenfs aidered it seriously?" asked Dr. Narman at the ~ewporter Inn. Pttu Room "!'ill tJ,. Browne, boa"rd president. Jn ~e Palmer Room of the .N~ · BroWne criticized newspapers for wh~t Inn. , . . , ~ he alleged Was ''premature covera1e" or June 7 -Depart Ht a.m. 1Martne A!t the prefgraril.-• . Base E! TM? for lionolulu: , . A year-round ·school plan for the sc~I June ~ ;-Arrive 5::KI p.m. at Marini h d been outlined by Principal Allen at a Corp. A>r StaUoo El-Toro llld depar1 ·by ~viaul n;ieeting. · hehcopttr direct for $an·Clemente. '. p Allen told tnislea the three-month , June 10 -[)eplrt 12:• · p.m. froril •=-.vacatleth would ·be replac:ed bl< Marine 1:9rp. Air. St¥llon ,EJ. Toni. le< three vacauon· periods of ooe rnontft eac~ Andrews Air Force Base W_!lshlngton. a paced bdWetn triseme.s_tus. ·, . Press heaHQu8'!1et's_ dun~g his visil Allf'1 a.1w·.pre:viously. reported he had here will ~the Surf and Sani1Mot.el,1466 the etitf\uslasth;: sUpj>ort of h)$. ~he.i:cs S. coast H1~wa, kt Laguna ~a~. and •01Jld like to ~·it Instituted ln c.l , Morro' next' ran. . . . . .. . . I At Ute-Tuesday nilftrs -meeting, Or-1e Browne aakt board members had only asked fof i atudy of the._mitier and IC• tioo only. Ls nece.uary if they wish to in- stitute: the program. Although · without ·action, the· program cannot be implemented .nut.Jalh it does not mean board members have aban· doned the Idea altof:ether. Instead, t~e matter has been tabled for further in· vesUgation. in· o~r business Tue.t!Qay night, Lat!W>• · truat~: ... . ., -Approved &aaption of a grievance pn>cedure ·propoaed" by "he negotlaliPC council for Laguna Beach llrtilledFacultX AllOC1-Uoo: . r· ,. • • -Approved 1 ruolution • auooortlnl AJ&emhlyman ~ohn. Dunlap'• blQ" wl116ii propooed to Include the ¥11!1'Y Qf In, .tructlonaL aides t•Jhe CAlalOry, lo the budget which embtaces c 1 a a• r o om tetcbefl, • I ' , I >.«ordina to 1tate law, a certalh per<en1ap oi the'.itUdpl m~· · toriril teachen' aa1117, ~'of . · is'fOf lm~ICtloftaf aidH to ( . WptjJd h'$!.:.the ~I~·, • · pl ·the buil.pl ;t:larhed the nine .,_ for'tiie.oew La;Uoa Buch '!!:tt11<1ilanal ~tidatton, I , • (lee~--·11 ., ,.... ' ... . ... . . . ... ( . ' Weatller ~ ' It's Lhe ~e old·-&orry iltuaUon for 'l'huraday1 With the ltlft l!MPinf through 1n Jhe ~ alt~moon while temperatures rana:e .from, ~.to 12 aJong the Or~ Cout. 1 . . -. INSIJ)E TODAY A "world, pre'l"ltr1:" .stage wrrion of· alt Ingmar B~rgmatt. movie opem fn' NetOpOf'f ' Btaeh t1ii$ wee.tend, wnue oc:Mr ·iliea; .Ur;i actfDlty: is lia ttd fn !nttr· tqi·iinie11t, Pages 22-23. , . • ~ ... + " t , I • • t i I, I j , ---< •. ; 'lli,i\U:llg: _ W ()Jl'l -f lug, -:Lea~~": . ~ : ~~:~~=~ .!~!! T~~"!'" !~ c:;i:!=~ :"~I; (:blqneJ ts no way to atop nec"'8ry #1(<11 ~ jSlin to '!loP the oll (1,1111 l&llona dally) caMOt now ,be . ·~~ Wll!ch.• a dozen •. ~ _oil _ pollution, · Coas\@!~ _ . -.::.Dul!rldce uplalned, · cbecked. We..do DOI hive the ttrlmolol)I =:.., qollll ':. ~oec:-for the -'l'rolecllve League (CAPL) President Andrews, In ~ talk before m<n than to sbul that ltalcol! oowor In IOyean er lllto'a ~Act. by the : Victor c. Alldr<wl told a Newporl,Beacb !50 ~ pl the' Balboa Peninsula In 10 yean." '"Den yoo ean be prepared to act u io. audl$8 Tuelday nighl ' Point.', A.llOcJllion, SCOUed at t b e He aald statemen&I by memben of tbe members· to write to your leglslakn, the " Androw1, Lquna Beach cf'.ic letde< llullrid&• • Jllll<l'• (Ut<lliip, yet to be ~ge panel lbill lbe lealcage would gonrnor or the ~ &bout drll1ln& ~-.._..loo <I oU i-., In-adecl oo b)' Interior llecrelarr'W-'atoplnlOcr:IOyean"arejuot-· -oll,"huald.''"nle!'!'ll!mlanlHIJ ~---tbe oaait)l.lhonl!ne, took lllckeL "II coold Ver'f ...U 10'"' for 50 yean," ,..,., loll II~ the ba9'1i d ·the -ie. ·!lll>nj 11116e with a ncommendaUoa of 1 "Thia '1llU1d Just ~ lbe pro-be aald. Too llllll!' <I our lqlllaton feat tbe pro-. _,ial·lftlicl-panel blem by IO times," WO Andien. ''nle ."UnW -Improved lechntque1 are daclloo "oll II DIOl'l lmparlanl.than .,.., The panel, 1-led by Dr. Ue A. posaiblllty ol aliother.bl-l ilm!ln lo" dlsOovel'ed, there Ii no'poqtble way to lectinC011r"env1ranmcnL" .ii~ d South Lquna. President the one last January Is very dlsUnct, shut oil that leak." He Aid CAPL memberships are ~Nmm'a idtnce adviser, Monday said becauae « known unstable conditions in Andrewe said the Santa Barbarr. Chan-available fur •t and $5 each by wr!Ung to ~ Ualoo OU Co. should be permitted to drill the channel." net situation *:Juld be left as tt is. "It is the Coutal Aru Protective Lr.ague, P .o. :.,...1111 le.II addltlan11'yells n complete all Ho aald the fact that "suppooedlr" bad enough now. By~ mon bolel iJI Bole JIJ, Corona del Mar. ~ !r<lm Ibo plaUorm <II s.m. llrhler -... lo be hn-1 on that unllabte ocea lloar, the PJllfblllly S.verai BaJboe reslcleoll joined 'l\Jeg. ~~ Union OU fer the new drllllnc '""'1d ol more lealcl '""'1d be :lncreued, not day nicbL Among them ...,. Newport ! c·-awln,t the all from geolollcal ma1ce·no dlffemce. dec:reUed." Cnmrl'-Howud Ropn and Superior ~ 1alzodai• 1lllder the plalionn, wbiCh It "Al a mau.r ol !IOI, the -I con-The CAPL official urged members of Judp Wllllam .Speln. ~ ' . . Co1J,rt [(ejects Leary's . Vnlawful S.earch Plea Dr. Timothy Lury'• arlfllnenl lhll'I>• and hil family were 1Ubjecied to 1n unlawful search last Dec. 2'· to Lquna Beach wu tjWckly rejected today In Superior Court In S&nll Ana. . ' Judge jaintii F. Juil&a ruled In tbe absence of Leary, 49, hla wife Roeemary; 33, and ... John Buah Leary, 11;-Ulat there wu 1llore than lllffident tridenoe to proceed with narcolia cbarg., agaioll \he trio. . He onlered \lie Learys to !,ace jiiry trlal Seol. 3. An wiler _pn-ldal lelSion 11 -.fuled for Aug: 21. · Judge Judge told atJomey George Chull for L<sry f!nd attorney Robert Law for Mn. Leary and the doctor'• 11011 that mi.me.ta mode al lbe lime cl arrell by Lquna a111cen amply jultjlied his ... jodloo d Lwy'1 plea for dimnlaaat of the char,.... He~ tbe C1••u1eit that there was a ~ odor'J;I buralnc marijuana In the battered~ltltkn wq:On that the Learys dreve artAllld the Art Colooy and he beck- ed ·the claim of police that such an odor jUIUfted • 88lrch of the vehicle. ']'hat iWcb produced, poUce claim, a hlul '1 &(II ounces of marijuana and ~o J,BD caplU)ea all !towed away in the l'.ary veblcle. ~. ertra interest to the Orange CountY charges against Leary is a recent declalon by the U.S. Supreme Court in which a federal con.vlcUon of !Jr· Leary was overturned. 'Ibe noted LSD experimentor had been fouM IUllty by a Tt145 court of illegally · From Patre 1 tramponlna marijuana from Mexico. He wu lleidenbed to four to 30 years · In ----- ............ ly Phil ln-..U -,... . -~ • • - • I J \ ''Oh, Good Grl•fl" From Page 1 TRIMESTER REJECTED. . . . • • group wbicb wtll seet prtva~ funds in support ol the llcboola. In addltlon to tbe five trustees presenUy on the ICboOt board, Mrs. Jane Boyd, who will become 1 board member July 1 wu named along wllh William McCready, 8torp Gray and Gsry Zim- merman. -Agreed to piy Betty Davb, high school bullnea education teacher for 11 hours," at ta per hour, far testing ap- pllcants for clerical and secretarial posj· lions for tbe diltrlct. -Employed four first year probation teachers for the 1969-70 school year at the 196M9 salary 5Chedule rate, with in. e:remmt and any additional untta a~ proved by the dlalrlcl olflce. The teachen are L. Diane Bruce and Mary Dill who will teach at the high 1ebool and Ann M~len and Cryllll Kocben- t:lorfer, 'top\of the World School. -Agreed to employ Edward K. Mat· thews a.s a ground!ftllan and gardener on a year.round basis with a salary at $442 a month. -Employed aecond year t.f' a c b e r George Carey at the high ICbool at the 1968;-fi9 sa.lary schedule rate, With tn-- crement and any additional untta ·~ pro""1 by the dialrid o(flco. -Amended a contract for Mary Jou SwarUba11gh who will teach bait.time at Allso School in klnctorgarten claael In- ' stead of full time at Top of the World and for Roselina Messman at the b1gb ICbool who will earn $12,903 Instead of $12,B. -Au~riud permission for f o u t teachers to teach in areas other than their designated major or minor field& 'Mle teachen are Mrs. Barbara D' Ary 'l:)P.''"~w . .,k ""'"''''al•••""1;,~'%;; -n .IJ..J~ •''·'!·"".·""""'ll&i'llll . . • "'*iii"" ~''-"Im~~.:. trovwalal decision that Leary's com- pliance wJtb the federal law would havt amounted to seJf incrimination. and Miu Genine KJuct who wD1 tucb ~~.· ~=~~~1:-:.· ·::;· itff!eting at £1eo Street -~· v;~ drtver Sieve Kisdtell, 24, of !QM F1amingu St, was in- ·C• ~~In~ coilmon at Jnlersectioo of Cleo and Glenneyr .. ·v stttels In Laguna Beach. He wu treated at Soulli Coast Ccmmllllity • , Hoopltal and later re1 .... ed. Driver of truck was 'Larry Longway, 23, .,_ of ~ '11lllla St. Cause of !:IS LID. crash ,.... llWl under !nveotiga- ·• tlon today by pollte. ' ·:..~. --------~-------------------.,, --· DAILY PILOT OlU.HGI CQUT l"UaLllHINa COMl"AMY a ... rt H. w ••• PNl!dent _... ,,_,.,..., J•c• l. 'Cvrf.., vie. ,,.,,.., .. (;elwlll .,,.,._. 1\0 111•1 K•t•il ··~ TlltMlt A. M11~fii11t IMt111l111.1E11iJor l lc.h1r4 P. Nill '"""'"""' Cl'7 EdlM '--"""' • 222 F.r•if Aw1. 'U.ln~ Aioi'"'' P.O. IOi 666, tJ&52 """' -a...,,._, .... ,,.,..,.... ........., ~I :1111 w.t .. it.I .. •1'YW ~1Md11 at11ta...... • I • • From Page 1 NAVYFAMILY .• Junes Rem,, 13, a public hdormatloo olllcer. --__ "What will I ev,er tell the baby?" 1ald Mn. Jp~ Rt1111.!J!r u Lawnnce J. Relllf m attpt u,.~n, one yw old and unnore ol trq<dles. . 'Ille home .... -b)' draJ>"', qui« and llllelltd "' -. m..,. l!U it Is made Navy..tyle and IUD of a - ·"' ~'ll:ui~ ~ inm: M.anlla .ru ... day night With .. -· "Ht llid ~oa't bold cOil 1JJ1 hope al all/' Aid Mn. Roll!J, .. 'Everybody brlilp douPnull and nobody eall them," Ille Mid -& allh, pourlnc that black callee. "R'1 "'""1 bow IO many peapt.· you __ , ll>oqbl ol for • ll>ng time eaD yuU." - a 15 to 16 foot skill -wu missing, however. Boland w u alsO lowered by bol1t from the helicopter to the fi.INng village on Ga"on.imo, but gained no infonnallon. Boland reported that naUve fishennen had div<d In the vlcin!ty ol the wreck but none hid the gear to enter the ~e:o vessel . The c.out Guard 1 aid the terrain on Ceron1mo wu IUCh that not even a helicopter could land safely. Two divers, Bob CampbeD and wan, J ane1, both li'onl the Darla Point aree, were reported en route to the aceoe. They were reportedly friendl ol FA Hendulon., one of tho1e reported to be aboard the GoodwW when aht fetched up on the reef • Wby. lbe ~rn .... In the vicinity of the ftef ...: ~'bich.11 weil 'lmojm to all yachblh:tn -ls "()!))y iu'esawork, ac- conlin& lo !ht Coast ~ . ' . N areotics Topic At'-Viejo Panel , TJie ~·iii dlllg "'° 1' th< subject ol a Mlision Viejo panel dfo<uilion to be held toolght In the Mission . Viejo Hllh Sd>oot ll)'DI. • Orange County Dts1rid Attorney Cecl1 Hick•, Tustin High School Supetlntendent Robert Dalberg, and a farmer drug ad- dict wilt ~ at the a p.m. meetiag. M-.w ii Dr. Roe Berman. The actlvlty ta aponscred by the eom. munlly Council '"' Drug Abuse. The council la a cdordinatinc agency which attempts to provide the community with program1, and research materials to fi ght narcotics use, according to its preat. dent, Robert Adams. It Is compo&ed of reprue.ot.ativa of 32 community organizationl 1Uch a s women'.• clubs, i;nen'• 1ervlce orpni.za- tlons andJlomoownen' .-.u.m. LAGUNA. COA.(;l/ES FIGHT. CONTIN_UES • A bltftt baWe between caedlel 11 Lquna Beach Hieb Schoat and Bob -. the -·· princtpll, -unabated lbil weet. The lat.st 6f · lour coochel to blve r..tiDOd In the 'put ""' -ks. baoeblll -ch Norm l!Gnlckl, quit bll Job Mon- day. Speculation tw tt that head !*hill cOacb Hal Aklu ~ -I Ed Bowen may alto be 1n .. 1v.ct. l'cr ccmplele dtlaUa oa the furor, eee the atoria on pap II cl today'• llporb sectloa. -.! Laguna ·legion Given Awards .~ I) The tenner Harvard psychology pro- fessor successfully ariued qa1nst his 19M conviction on the bas.is that he could not pay federal tu without lncrlmlnatiDg hlmaelf. CONVINllNT T!RMS ,IAM(AMIRICARD w.JTM CHAR .. • OAKLAND (UPl)-An Oakland can· nery worker was killed Tuesday night when strui::t by a, Wetten\ Pacific fre ight train while walt:iDg home from work. Police said Bater Hutchlson, 59, appar- ~ ~ in to the path of a west- 1111 · NEWrotlT AVINUE COSTA MESA • leaches educationally hand 1 c 1 p p e d children at 'Ibuntan Intmned.late Scblol, and David Slevcove, wbo teichea: driver's training. . -Approved graduation of 205 seniors from the high achool, provldlJll Ibey .,..1 alJ requirements. • . ' 22 YIAlS SAM! LOCATION PHONE J 54t.J40f • \ \ .. l • ' .. " -- NeWport Barbo.--1'~ n..t_ -. ED! TION VO~. 62 , NO. 133, 6 SECTIONS, 12 PAGES ORAN.GE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA WEDNESDA '!', JUNE 4, 1969 TEN CENTS ,• • IXOil s rnts '50 WeII ·s No Answer' Coas t..Oil Foe Raps More Channel Drilling PunchinW-50 fllOre ~!es into the. Santa Barbara Channel Is no way to stop offshon oil pollution, Coastal Area Protective League (CAPL) President Victor C. Anarews told a Newport Beach audience Tuesday night. Andrews, Laguna Beach civic leader and lqng-Ume · foe of oil industry in· trutions ·along tbe coum'y shoreline, took &lrOnl issue with a recommendation of a special .pruidential panel. The panel, headed by Dr. Lee A. DuBridge of South Laeuna, President Nixon's science adviser, Monday sairl Union Oil Co. should be permitted to drill up to SO additional wells and complete oil production from the plaUorm off Santa Barbara. WiUtdrawing the ·oil [rom geological structures under the plaUorm, wblch is still spewing up runaway oil, "is a necessary part·of any plan to stop the oil seep," DuBridge explained. Andrews, in a talk before more than 150 members of the Balboa Peninsula )Point Association, scoffed at t h e Nine Still MJ,sslng Mystery Surrounds Fate DuBridge panel's findingt , yet to be acted on by Interior Secretary Walter Hickel. ' "This would just compowld the pro- blem by 50 times." saJd Andrews. "The polSibility of another blowout lirnilar to the one last January is very dlaUnct. because of known unstable conditions in the channel." He said the fact that "supposedly" tighter restrictions to be imposed 9n Union Oil for the new drllllnc would (See ANDREWS, Pate 2:) • Board Rebuffs Teachers, OKs SON MISSING L1wrenc1 Rallly Jr. FATHER .SURVIVES Lawr..,.. Rlllly Sr. . . Q_f _(;oq<f:!fl.~~l ?f~s~_ngers Sal:7o~!~~ . · ~tt., . ___ .,...."!;ti.,~~· • _, .•. '". "-~-~ j •, .. _-:.: ;-.,'?!_,,~~··":it ~· . l.... .. p Navy Wives Wait Isolation .. Attitudes Criticized COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo: (Ul'I) - 'President 'Nixon today made a IPlrlted defense of .Ameri can military J>')'ftr u the world's greatest guarantee of peace, The Chiff.execuUve apoke at 1 aua-Mk· ed Faloon Stadium to the 571 sraduateS of the Air Force Academy and a ·crowd es~~~ at ~early •D.000 persons, • ·"It is C1pen season on , the. armtd forces1" .N~on sa14,' going on to atiack "the new isolatioilists" whoi would dls8rm the Upiled Slatts unilaterally and hepo to improve condftloas with Rmaia lbd eom. munilt Cb1na by deliberately WeUtning U.S. pciwer. "We must 'ntle out unilateral disarma- ment," the Presi.dent Said. "In the real world1,that,stmply wlll not wotk." • Furthennore the Prcslsfent said, 1'U AmerlclJ were to turn lta back on -the world. a .deadening form of peaCe would settle over this Planet . -the kind ot <peace that suffocated· freedom in By ALMON LOCKABEY "The divers are not expected t0 arri~ ~Ne~j,.}[;M""e:-T~iti. =-~~\· ---,... . , . • .-.., 111Mit IN""9 ,...., until later today and it is not known when night turned the school board down oil.Tti -~·~ ~~ · ----:Y. \ >: • Myatery still _abrouds, the fate or· the they ~ill _be · 8;ble to Investigate the final salary offer.. . 1 . s . ·1 ~ D ..... ~ ~~~:.'.'.:":'.~T'""N~~~"l Czechoslovakia." ' . · FollC>Wing the . •Peech the PMldenl nine fmDWD -en aboard the 161· wreck, ·said Knievel ; The school board went ahead and q~CAJr ue n ome, . foot act>oooer GOodwin which. Ues· wreck-Knievel also verified that Harry adopted ·a salary scale anyway, gr-anUnJ · ' ..,.....,,.,~1".1Jt,lt5:his new 1-. tn ·un ~tteihen , or "tru~";;.p..~(~ &rations for ·hts Sunday CotDer!ftce with ~ .5. ent Retf off Baja Boland. a former na~tor aboard tbe teachers an averagel.f percent pay ID-.By ARTH'm ·R. VINS~ ...,. . 0,. •cram 0 . · doodwiµ and bullln~.a'saociat~ of Lar-creasefornexfscboOl,Year. \J.. c.a. Caldor~· some 200 milts O!Jt of San rabee's had been lowutd to within a fev.· Not &ccepting1 t'he board s01\1Uon qs • • : . :1 rOt ..... ,., "11•111•" .. Deigo.~. fee~ of @e surface from a Cout Guard final, teachers deelartd an lmpuse ·ilr"7 Three Navy wives are waitinc today, Rumors aod conjecture circulating beliOOP, t,r _a~ t~at ht> re~rted two of the salary Oegottations. They asked that the · wlJting I.or~ sailor dlle home tQni&ht. --~ ·~ u-rbor •-ea _ many of yachts fkiffs st.ill in dav1\f. Anolher boat mediation service of the state Depart-drawing·s~ trom another wbo· just .......... -u. .n.i to g r t kif£ · Ing anived and mhuming a third, deiid have been picbd up b 1 -a 15 1 00 5 -wu DUIS ' men! of lnch.!i'trial ~UonJ be called in. with '12 shipma cit under the South papen and wft services -have however. Boe.rd members W'ttt expected to re-China Sta.. en false and only added to the con-Boland wu also klwered by hoill froi:n spond. to that requeit when they met in Outside the home ot Senior Chief fusion. · the 'belicopter lo the fishing villa_ge on a~ seuioo at noon.today. Gunner11 Mate Lawrence J. Reillyt at As of noon today, there had been no Gmitlmo, but gained no inform4l1an. Teacben dlscussed at length walking 2334 Minuteman Way, Costa 1M~a. is a divers, native or professional , abolld·the Bola.rid• reported that native fishennen out fl( claaaes on 1'1wrsday after teaching parked cat wilb a wlndow decal saying : sunken veasel, so the fate of those ab>ard bad dived in the vicinity of tbe wreck but "a minJmum day" o( four bourS. But that We Are a Navy Family. .- tbe Goodwill was still unknown. none had the gear to enter the sunken action was shelved temporarOy In order Chief Reilly 'was asleep at ~:12 a.n:i . Neither had the body of a teenage boy vessel. to hear the board's response to the re-Tu(lSday when the 22,500-ton Australian • foond floating face down t~o miles north The Coast Guard •a Id the terrain on quest for media_tion. aircraft e11Tier Melbourne cut throUgh of the wreckage been ideulifSed. 'l'be body Geronimo was such that not evea a the. destroyer ·USS Evans like a mqt was on board a Mex:ican Navy vessel helicopt er could land salely. BOARD'S TOP OFFER cleavq through a plutlc to}:. . en route to Ensenada, expected to mive Tw..Q djven, ~b Campbell and Wally "We feel this is just as-much as we Some.how, die oareer seaman esca~ sometime today. Janes, both from the Dana Point ·area, can offer;'' Board Prt!!idenl J1me.s rrom~tW: forward-seCt.ion <tuartets.as the Art Knievel, execuUve vice president of were reported en route to the scene. They .. Bill" Peyton said just before tht board Evans ·sank, but hl.s son-tbe .ho}' he F&L Machine Industries, owned by the: were reportedly fri ends of Ed Henderson, aclt'd at 12:30 a.m. today after a long re-joined the Navy to look after-Went Goodwill's owner and skipper, confirined one of those reported to be aboard the night of clo.sed discussions. down at' his post In the bo9er room that the company bas hired twe> pro-Goodwill wbe.n abe fetched up on th&reef. Bart Hake, executive sec retary of below. · fetsional SCUBA dlven to 80 to San Why the Goodwill was in the vicinity of Newport-Mesa Education Association, Chier RelJly joined the Navy in 1942 Geronimo lsland near Where the Goodwill lhe reef -which ts •ell known to all spoke for the teachers who didn't break a~:~:~~er 3tC Larry J. Rellty Jr., Ues breaking up on Sacramento Reef. -(See GOODWIIL, Pate 2) off their meeting until after 1 a.m. 21, Joined in 1965 and couldn't wait to Strike Over at· UC Irvine; Students Cram £01· Finals The student strike at UC Irvine Is over. With final exams beginning Monday. students are too busy studying to carry strike signs. So when Gov. Ronald Reagan ordered withdrawal of 2,000 NalionaJ Guard troops and ended the state of emergency In Berut.y on Tuesday, UCI otudent aympathizers ended their strike. . The approach of fina!J -examina~ons ~t usually cOunt for one-third to one- balf of a student's course lflde -1eems tO hove calme<I things down Jn Berkoley joo, .. • . Oraafe The moderately successful UCI campu!\ strike luted six school days. At ieast several hundred students struck although the ex:act number never was known. Only a few professors cancelled classes, but many used class time for discus.slob of the Berkeley sltuation and classe! were called off four hours in the. middle of one day for a campus conclave. Generally, professors were going to hold striking -sludents accountable for work Uley. miaed but since few classes meet evuy .day d. the week only a couple of lectures were missed for tlie most Wt. . The a\mosphere on campus today was grtatly cbqed from a week ago when lhe student oewrpaper pictured on page one bayonets and raised fists of defiance. "We don't believe the board has been apprised accurately (by school ad· =~O:.t in September and .go back to mirUsrators}," Hake said. "11lere are A woman who Jost a son, a younger areas of the budget loosely drawn that widow he married just after high school can't stand up under the scrutiny of good and a Navy tieulf:nant who was among budget practices." the first to know or the tragedy talked fUa comments indicated that mediators about it today. , would look for otherwise-appropriated All they bow can be said in a min· money that could be freed for teache.r ute or two. · salaries, rather than talk about in-"My husband is due In at Travis AFB creasing the tax rate. about midnight, '1 said the elder Mrs. Trustees say they are proposing a 30-Reilly, "I don't know how he'll get cent tax rate increase; but ..Budget Di-home, all his gear went down with the redor Walter Adrian acknowledges that ship and he has no money or clothes." paymcnl.ll on old school bond debts will be "I was the flrsflOTiifd au ... 1--.can!C less this year making the increase 26 sar just how. It WU a rather funny ts In N port n. h and thing all the way," sald Navy Lt. (jg) cen ew ocac 23 cent.I in James Reilly, !3, a public infonnaUon Costa Mesa. officer. ~ULLION INCREASE "What will I e.,vtr tell the baby?" ;aid Board President Peyton told teachers Mrs. Joyce Reilly, 191 u Lawrence J. the adopted salary scale means "over a Reilly" UI slept· upstalrl, , one year old million dollar increase in funds a:otni to and unaware of lrlilge<ijes. aalarles." 'l'he1iome-wa1· darkened by. drapes. u did ot ... r· -··-lnclud quiet and smelled, ol <¢lee .. strong like .ne n say uJC(\ igure ~ es Jt is 'nlide Navy-1tyle and run oJ ·a sense salary rai!es for adminlstraton and of reai&tJAtiqn. other school employes I n c I u d I n I Chief Reilly. called from Manila' Tues· secretaries, janitors, cafeteria workers day night wttfl an order. and bus drivers. "He said don't hOld oot any hope at Tom Brown. of tbe California Teachers all/' said Mrs. Reilly.· • (See TEACHERS REBUFFED1 Pase I) "Everybody br1ngs doughnutl and ., · · Pmi-Nguy"', Vin' Thieu of l!o!Jth nobody .••ts tlitm. '~' Ml<I •l\11 .•,o!ab, Vletn'1n Jn the )lld~ay· Jolanols · HOii pourlna Uiat black coffM, ·0 1t'• fuMy how miles beyond Hawaii. ~ ' so nlilny people ~ )lflvtri't tlKIUcht ~l Bif~re jolntng lhe 'coaun.ence.n1mt a~ for a Jona Ume call Yf>U." erclaes •. ~ Presidept and 1bil ·~ and u. Jim Rlilly rtad 1 oe\flpapu aii}t-~ben. of the atarf went for a motor ' tour of !lie ll,000 1a< •cedem.J -ed and lllQ!la'od. In · the )1ictdmque. • loolhllll at. the Ill! lather wbo bu spent II years Jn Rocttei. the Navy, broke duty, then rHDlilted. They made· one stop to tour extensiftly was about to retire, but alped up·a1ain the'I7-cplred academy chapel. whlch con- to go on sea duty aboard the Ev11111 wltb talna; four places of worM.lp -for his younger son. , Protestant, C1thollcs, Jewish Ind an aft purpoee. ~haptl for those of other fiitlls "He always wanted to go Navy, Ju.rt (fQ\U' ~ ,tPe ,cadet~ ffO!D Hawaii, Korea like his dad,'' said a grievint Wlf1' ind alid 'l'ilfl'.an are-buddhiStt,l. · hlother, "but J guess it· was all difffrent ' ~ixon, 'sUcldnr cloSe!y to his prepared v.·ben h~ got ,in. A!l ~e wanted to do wu te:tt.·atllled the liiM:e' crowd as he-Ueked l"l out." .. oil, sqme ol the :anti-milllarr'.posiUoas . -"I' Can't belltvelf,"'' tbi" youhger Mrs. 'sp['e6dq_tflr®~h ~ ~n~tod'a;. Reill h • .. u · '--•t.ui,i:ary prograru are rldl<uled as y Ilic!~ etther, "I l)Ot:a leUer needleisUnotdellbeial<waste,"hesald. from Larry jua:t the other day. We Weill "The nll.Ul4r7 _profea!on is 'derided in together all lhfough· ljlgh sch<iol, I l!UtJI ol th · aJ'·' •-·t · 1 we alWaya knew we'd'"get m&irled.'r-··· somt · e ao-c ~ ~ CJte es of Anieri<a. Patriotism Is considered by "My hus.band r~llsted beC.au.se. of ~e· to be a backward fet.Lsb, of the junior," s,ata the·older Mrs. ~Uy, "he uneducated and uMophhtlcated. Na- was wOn'ied about the boy." Uonalbm .. ia tialltd an( applaudtd u a "I don't think I wa'nt my picture ln the panacea· f9r lhe ills of every nation a- paper ... not with my face all cried up," cept the Uolted States." . said Mrs. Reilly today, as her son, a 1967 \Vest Point graduate who nritched to the Navy mo.de phone calls. LL Reilly's wife Bonnie pr,e~ed to awaken the youna: widow "il~tairi ao 1he c91\ld ip'ltl·• CMually ol(lcer a!llgned lo wind up the.servtce-connected affairs of a sailor who had badly wanted out. Lesvlng the condomirilum hoi:ne and walking down ',anes named for aircraft carrier• -Lexington, Yorktown -one thinks-about-the..ReiUy.s and their crief and duties. - Life 1n the wake ol tragedy must im- medial<ly 10 right oo. Even In a Navy famlly. ~ NEW YORK' CAP)' ~;'l'be stOck mlik~t m•de a feeble efrort to nlly in early tri.dhll but U bad w1tbei'etl by the close today. cs.. quplaUons, Pages 1,s.1.11. The Dow Jonts averagt: .of 30 In- dustrials. was off. ·o.sa at 9';1.20 at 1:30 p.m. aflelj baving been up t.'6-durlng late mornkig. * * * Nixon to Give . . . Pres s Confabs At Newporter . &th El Toro Marine P,rpt A1r Station and a liny U.S. Coast Gt.lard Loran out- post In San Clemente were a beehlvt: of activity !Od•Y u olficiala and chlzienl awajted President. NI.zoo'& arrival at bis ''White Houee West." For the President's two ·daughters, tOOay's visit. will be their flrat look at the family 's new summer home, the former Cotton Estate In San Clemeate. Although' the Prisident and Mrs. Nixon have visJted th~ hou5e before, ne.lther of the N,ixool' dau~JUen have ~ it. The NiJont will arnve at the Loran Station near the estate by hellcopttt from El Weatlier It's Lhc same old sorry si tuation for;Thursda,y, with the sun,peeplng through in the late afternoon while temperatures range from 65 to 7% aloni lhe Orange Cotit. Newport May Join Anti-j.et 'Lobby' T~n'iidf Uon·· to the P~sldent,,, his wife, and lwo d1fl0itiis, 'n'icia. ·u . and Julie. 20, the presldenU1I party will include Julie's htllband. pavld Eisenhower. Whil' N'lxon and hl:s Son·tn:-law travel to . Midway I1!8nd' ~aturday tor hlt meet!nc with S«J!b Vlei_,. PmldeDt Npyen Van Thieu, Mn. Nixon\ and her two INSWE TODr\ 1i A. "t1orld prtmiere" Aia:Ot version of on lngmar &trgman movie OfH'RI in Ne.ioport Beach thi1 wttkwd, while Othtr:tJi.ta· Urs activity ig lilttd (n. E11Ur· ta inment, Pages Z1·1J.. • By JEROME F, COLLINS DI' ... DeMr,..... ..... Newport Beacllfnij join a natk>nal orpnii.ation of cltia1how ,b:ing formed to.combat the Increasing irrltaUOii ol jet airuaft neise. • · The city of InglewCQd ls spearheading establishment of the antt-Jet 1eague, yet · unnamed. 1 The invtlation ror Newport participa· lion in the oraaniution, one of whose principal tasks will be lobbying, came from Richard N. Taylor, Inglewood assis· tant city manager. Al lM Newport CUy Council'• request, the municipal Iliff la now atudyina the merits of signing up. Jack W. Mullin, chairman or Newport's Air Ttafflc Advit.Or)' Com· mlttee. an advisory arm of the councl. enthusiastically supports the Jnatewood proposal. to the jet notM-problem. ' • , direcled by councilmen to study and daughten wW remain. btre. , . "While we realiu the noise problem in ''What we intend to do Is to establl&h. a report -on "lhe ad\'.i&ablUtY, and tedani· Meanwhlle•tqd.l;J, ·omctalJ at ·El Toro Newport is--considerably lesa-1.n concerted progr:am..and~poo.l_all ourJ n· qqea'' of ~uirj~ $Uitl"blt .... ~ re1eued. Ole Pi'tildent'i ~e which magnitude than· that facing Inglewood, a formation to help each other," said ing ma mili for all new~ built will tnc:lude prisr-conrerencer ... at-tht united effort or city o«icials throughout Taylor~ ·. • • • ~,,. . · · · ·. . · · within County.~'' zone ot .l.nfl~. Newporter Inn in Newport Beach. the country to share Information and "It wiU.bt~a~lobbJinl <aittit, Ce.r.tamly. Air Trlflk: Cornlnitlee ~tttra.rrml n 1 June 5 and f, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: sffk common solutions to noise poltuuosi And that'• fl4!Jllded, becauae right now Mullari tebmalended lbe'act!Gn..11! Mld J?realdenllal meeting af'd announcement& woulctbe of major value to our ctU.-is, ~ who the 1J..eR·ps to.repreaen~ tt,e,.~le . the1move js_the,~ a ~Jet nol!e 1 at &he N'ewporttr Inn. Press ROom_wlll bt .. id Mullan. · at FM. Jiearln&l!1 ij1,i .alrlm.., and the ' e~ut\Y "-"'!• -y lo<:"1.1ell!lol' ~-~n · 1 in 'UJO, P•lnler ._,, al•IM m~~rlef lriglewood recenlly oued th< city of Lol 1im11ft Industry are 1lway, wtll cOMec:Uon 'wllh 'tl)e ', ~" ~hjll IM. ' Angeles for 1400 million for ~ ripi'eaeriled: The F~A won' evtft Usu>n J>lemtftlarr.ScllOol lil<. The l\UclY lllojr· JU11e 7 -Dei>orl 10 a.m. Marine Air damag., allegedly mulUng from. ~r lo us. bmlly.''l\'e think lobbying might ed lhl•at times Iii, nolae l<)lel '1 !hi alte ea,. El Toro !or "-lulu. jets Oylng in .and out of Loe Anteiea brlp.11 ll , ii 1bout twice wbrt 'ts c:onlldered f.11· J'lcllll ·I -Am,, $:30 p.m. at Marine lntematlonol Airport. Tho clty of Lor Taylor sai4 be Jlnlt 'to4ally l1millar durable for school chlld"11. ' • . Corp. Air Slatioo El T ... and depart by Ansel er operates the alrporl, which with Newp>r!'I problems cqoctming . "We belieft," said M~~tllal high hell"'!!Jler di,... !or Saa Clemente. boritcra !ngl8WOiid. -· nlg!lts genor1ted by Or•na• c...n11 denrtty iesldenllal cl!"' mtii ,In Ille J1m1f JO -Dfplri ll:a p.m. from Taylor told Newport ollldals that · Alrporl. "But t am0lam1Uar ~ with · '1lclnlly ollhe alt'J>clrt llfl)l pattfriw '"41 ; Marine !:orp. Alt 'Station El Toro for Inglewood MIYW William Goodin will be · lhat alrJ>ort:• ~ polepl!al lo PredlCL lead to aeriolll Cltllen jllsaallllaetlon 'ti Andmr> Air Force Bue Wlllllll&ton. ati.ndlna a mayors' conference • In lhlll t11t: probleml yO. MV<• -... just all' tramc ~ be lniproved and sn· Pm! beaclqu1rt1r• durlll(I his ylJtl PIU.burgh later this summ<r to drum ~P boglnnjng. They will "°"and grow." · 111n101lon 'landardl for IOWld·proollila be,. wl!I bt tho SUrf and Send MotaJ.144$ more auppon' for a nation-wide 1pprtach Newport clty aide& tilso ·have been a~e i>ot'1dequate." ' S. Cout Hi&bW•y ln Laau1ll Bucb. ' ' J J ! .. ' ----· • • . , .. -, z OAll.Y I'll.OT N \'M'tr5ir, Jlllt 4, lM .... Arreat.ed.r . ~ ... . ' J Worried~ Mom-· ' .. • I • ' . ' t Fair.Board 1 · - Won't Lease . . :·.Ends Pot:t-;~~riy • Court Land . ' ' Orange County Supervisors will have to dig Into the petty cash box -or somewhere -ii they choosa lo i>W'Ch&se • 13-acre municipal court complu site in ~·1 Mtsa. . Directors of the 32nd D t s t r l c t Agricaltural Aasoclallm, comprl!ing the Orange County Fair llcard, won1 nea:otlate for anything but outright sale of the land. . -. Administrator, Newport Boy Bi_tten by Rtitt"liisnhke 'The Fair Board reached Jt.s decisiDn on the eve of the long Memorial Day weekend, afler a report by Di{ector , Frank Riemer on the proposed court site sale. ~ Students at UCI . . ' To Tell of Arrest Legal questions had existed on whether th~ boar~ could or should sell the land rather than make a long-term Jeasc 8Jreement for the court lite ollered. Director Robert M. Hu In p h re y , A ll-,......id Nowport Bwh ,-.., d1'cussecl the situaUon with the Slata At·. b-lrY a,...,,..... --·to the ~-C lDn)ey Geoeral's ollice In Sacnmento -m1 .. uc1n1ne-day alla-twc 'odler Newport Beoch ~---teaing Tlaeir Trash an andthedeciaionwumadetoofferlhe!J mneted in Berktlq want to tell their JOl ..... I We bitten, au t b or I l I e s --acres on a flat purchase. •l<ry. / repOried today. Led by Stacy Smith, 6 (with b«tle), children of bus~ at Newport Shores Drikve and Orange Ave-The Fair Board's ,....,lution establishes In _,.,.,, three UCI BlUen .wldle hfklq al Bommer Canyon Newport Shores area of Newport Beach Inaugurate nue. Cllildren have pledged to eep the area clean h ~~·= ~.l/;;,. -wu llmdel A. Nkho!J, ti, of 121 Michael new municipal trash can· lnlliilled ill tbat·west side by making good use of trash can. 01 er preliminary guidelines for the court Nell M.llmberr will tcl1 their claah 'with Place. section of the ciJy. Receptacle jg localed near llcllool site offer, which will be dlscu3Sed,again police. 'the program will be spomared t>y He na: in IOOd caadltkrl today at Hoag · by county supervisors in the near future. the: American Civil Llbertiei Union. Mem:rial H..pta1: .Demel and • frilDd No mention was nwie of the deal 1t wse cltmhlng ~ rtlCks at die F .... J z· Al their meeting Tuesday, and Ill co~ :::.~=.:..mo: [""_ .. -:-.illdodcll ;:!~.~.-.-.~ rotn e Balboa Pavi ion wred ::::01:1e=y=.::.~ .............. UCl_dis>11•""of --ifiiar!Do. ANDREWS.~. N n---· tbl B<rw., --· Tbo -·-~ ral1le « llll)'UilDI, • ewport ~bas offered a court site, Ta UC!_,,.. aiid Va!mbq -www<lliil to Dllllel'o !allier, Don J:. ~DO difference. A c z · B D k but Ibo c.eta Meu land apjnlled at au1eted liq D with 4111 -.0 aD lildliU."lfJuelbllhlm." "A .. amalteroffact,tbe .~cm-s aw rna oat oc $40,CIOO per aero WU COlllidered a $1 dmpa of lallure to.~ and, thef Tbo aDent mal:o wu about four feet Unuing leakage around the plalform million bargain r a t • compared to the li!,•~ abulecl In Santa IUta Doten-long, Aid Nlcholl, and wu In a bole lo (l,lOtl galtons daily) cannot now be beach cit;'s pitch. one· -0t the rocb.· ft sank ill fanp into checked. We do not have the technolorrv """ B lboa P ·11 i •-· od led . 'th leU f The Costa h-tesa property 1J at lhe '"Jbe doling of People'• Part ii no Daniel's Achilles' tendon, jml above his e~ '"e a av1 on s ix:1ng rem e wi comp on ,o a new 400-passenger northwest corner of the fairgrounds, toncer the tame." Nici John Andelln, of heel. to shut that leak off now or in 10 years or as a passenger tenninal for motor vessel ship, , probably next summer, to sup-bounded by Fairview Road, Arlington ~-•· M -•-~--of the Or y Dani I nlnlh-•-t H · 2 " service to Catalina Island . ' Y.: """""6 esa, Ulall"w.u. ~· ange oung e ...a graue1 a orace Ill 0 years. plement the present 140..passen8er laland Drive and Vanguard Way. Coal. diaplet o( the Amerlcln Civil En,sigl]., irpmedlatdy pie~~ up a pl«:e of He said statements by member• of the M reported in the DAILY PILOT six Hojjday, which will begin ...,.,, .. 1 .... June Under terms suggested by Ule Fair l Lihert1ea UnJon. ":The real lllUf is broken glaa and made ~ cul above lbe weeks ago, the 64-year"'{ll.d landmark was • ........ 16 Bo rd th 'ty Id · _. civil' ..a..a.t. -~A.-the DuBridge panel that the leakaae would .... -.t. .. ~ r fflV>Mn ,_ __ the Du 15, as 'weH as the S.S. Catattna, a 2,000 a . e c.i wou unprove sur-alrldcmmb of ~"6LIW .ui.1 ~ ac-bite IO draw out vencm. ·stop In 10 or 20 years "are .,,.,. .,;,..us.." .,.... .... ..._... or <w<N,.,.,.. iiuiu com-passenger ship scheduled to go back into rounding streets as necessary and the Uom ol polloe in tbelr n:tmne and crude Hls friend ran for help, and "there Wl!I ,....,. e-mun Realty Co. of. IA! Angeles by service June 14. 32nd District Agricultural Association overreaction." a Jot of bel,P there, from Ill those "It .coul4 very well go on for 50 years," Davey'• Locker, Inc. . . "The tmm. oC Avalon on Catallna has would provide rigbt-ot'·'flY· . 'lbl GDtll mee:Un& f~ which there will veterinlrlanl, ' Pid hil fatbtr. ht la.I~. Beneltb its cupala, the ?avilion !18s had its problems in rectnt yean," said Any streets, aidewalkS and other auch r~'fi·-t:·""""°"'iw'~',':t~-'·,~~x---;'\.,.;.:.'.:,i"•F 0 Z.011f ..;~~~.::>f~.;:!'~,~~~~!'. ~ a . ballroof!1, .. a Castno, an art Tozer, ''but a lot-of things are happening access areas around the ~1', p.m. w-, lo Ille IHtlo -at bundled DanfOJ ..... car,~..-to dbccverecl there fl ne~!ilO\vay'"lo wr •11-1~-~!,....~ ..,.,, ~y'~_had en(i!'eering and however, would have to be bougb1 by the ' ;: ~ dd ~ Hiib Scbool. Hoag &lpilal, where the lad WU treated shut oil 0.:.t Jeak." ~ a<earding to 11<W oWiier.Ptilr 1l?' ~~~~~tlif. M1!>4.u the outrfil>I Ale of .' Ill!! ..... of ''OD Slrlb -Simi It with oerum. •-•-..cu·~•-'-Barber• Chan-TOlll', ]nSldent of Davey's Locker, the a carolully mspped-<ut program of iiie'ift~~-,._~~il'(JI, Dowil" etm bung !nm walls, mn1t1dtng Be will probUtj" remain bolpllalfud · ~-· ---• pavilioa will now fill a opecial need for reoooatrudion." . ·Sale would be naturally aubjed to ap. •. d. wbal had been. im!i1 COii Week, Ida lathor UkL ncl situallm ab<Nld be left as tt IJ, "It is Ibo ton of Avalm on C&lalina Island, One of the fint·stepi Avalon ia laking proval by the lllata Department of Falu "Et«ycme Is llm>lvecl with linaLI One mootb ago OD May S. two Lincoln bad enough now. By poking more boles in "BODd modern lramporta-" Is reclevelopm<ml and modemlzatioo of and Exposillonl, and the Departmeet of .,,.,• said Domvao Doney, wbo -Intermediate ICbool lludentl wen bitten that unstable ccean flooi;, the poafbffity Service to the Island will be npanded the barber and waterfront. GeoeraJ ServlcoL had,..i;.-,. ~~n':..~.~~ by a mia1I !\llller"' the ICbool l!'OIJllcfs. of more l..U,woold be locrea!Od, nol . -,_ -Ksreo· l\llldfll, IS, and Aft ·Wiiiie~. 1.1, mgecforibitrlte. ·banllncerlCOVlllld. . , decreued." i· : 1 • -·-f'rotlt P .. e I . ~.TEACHERS REBUFFED ... ; ~; Niandation, aaid, "Wm taWq about §, -*• oul ol • .,. lllllllaa budpl .. tj: tliilri 1110110J all -~. 'll'I a ff: ~;i::::t·;,..., pecedenllin -~ Calmly fer calling lo - : modlakn. It .... -last yeer lo the • ~ Beacb Ualoa Hieb Scbool Diltrlci ind this year lo Westmimlar. !:i.t ..... and P-IChool ~be ~'dim of the differe:nm bu 1one . ~ WQB. be Aki. "In Placentia -. 'got vimwty everything they a&ted. In Wut:mimlter, zero." Brown is as,,iltant ,dlrector of salaries and nogolfallons Im: the CTA'1 Southern Callfmuta Section. ,. lief Ar MEEnNG • Tbnoe lmOOred teaclieni came to the boon! ......... 'llleoday night. But the boanl meeUng""""' "'"°" wu. First trustees went behind cloeed doors for an bour and 45 minutes. 'Iben the superlntendtnt's neip>tiating team met secretly with the teacben' nq:ot!ating team for an hour. For aiiother hour and a half after that board members went off DAll"t PllOT OltANOI COot.ST PUSLISHIMI ~AKY ..... H. w .... ,..,. ................ JM~ I. Cllrl.y Yklt ,,...... ""' ....,., Mtl911r Tllom•s 1C-.n ·-1\0111•• A. Murph!"• #1&"'91119 l<llitror J..-Ofllo F. Colli"' ·-"""' Clf'I' EdllO!' ............. Offke 2J It Weat 1•11141 lealev11 .. M•Hh11 /uldren1 P.O, lew 1171, tJWJ -- illtll.cme ci--ml ao member1 of tbl -.· ,......r.Uve COllllCil II> to IDOCll!r· Meae•• acuntl!d bide ud bUl. _ Finally II U:JO a.m. Ille pobllc boon! ,meeUng .... -ml ended with the brief '"rmN eueut that teecben bad re- Jecl<d the boon!'• Dml offer ml boanl -to odopt the ulary'acale. 'Ille alary acale "'"'" from 11,800 per year fer •. beglnnlog teacher to $13,800 fir a i.acher with u y..,.. ezpert...., and much additional educaUon beyond the standard teadllng credenUal. SALARY SCALE The aalaey acale thil ,_ nmpd fmlll . $6,IOO fer a beginning loadier to fU.-. T-"m orliJnally Wed for a acala ranging from $7,1141 to $11,JOQ with !lie top poy to be roocbed lo ID :iem ~ of 12 and per ,..,. pay ralaeo therefore longer. The board tncr.a.ed ccclrlbutlons to tead>en' medical insurance ....,..ge from $144 per year to $!QI wneaChers had been askin41: for $400. 'Teachers dispute the 1venge percen- tage pay increase used by the board. Basically, they figure it d.WfettnUy. 1 Tea_chen aeparate tbe average 5.15 per- cent increase for all &eacben from the 4.2 -incranent lnc:reue about two- lhlrdl of distrld t.acbers pt for.an ad- ditlorial yeer of experimce. Experimce Increment ........ only .,. llWo to -lllefr ftnt u ,_. (<r lea depeuding Cll Ibo -of their additional achoollng). Takicg only the U pormit - giV<11 all teadlen!, Brown, of Cr.\, said: "They'll be lucky to hold even wttb the cost of living." He said a high school teacher who has run out of aperlence Increment.I actually had $177 IW In •pending power on Ibis salary this year than bl! aalary three years ago when lnOaUon and increased taxes are taken into 1ccotmt. The CAPL 'otficilt. 'urgtd membCrs of · · the Balboa bomeow.ners' crWJ> to join his cltizenl' organlza.Uon. which a dozen year1 ago fought aucctsafully for ,the off~e otl aan~ ,erea\ed by the atato '1 Sbeli-Cunnhiib> ' Act. · ..... '!'. ·-. "Then JGO can i, _...i;to· act as ml!lllllen ~Write \.; YCU: ~ tho ,_ ·ar !lie Pmid• ·-drllllng .,..... "'Aid. •"11ie «ll1' ~fllllkll -left 11 Jn the haoill vf the pecpJL Too many of our legislators feel the pro- ductlon ol oil 1' more imJioriant fhan pro- , ~ OUf "1Virolµ:pel)l. •t . Be s&fd CAPL memberallipl are avallable far 11 and ~ each br wrillnl to Ibo Coastal Area Prot>ct!VI League, ~.0 . Box 313, Corona del Mar. Several Balboa residents joJned Tuel· day night. Among them Were Newport Councilman Howard ·ll<>fa's and Superior Jlltlgo 111illlam Speirs, .• From P-.e I GOODWILL. • • yachtamea -is only guesswork, 1c· conlinJ to the Coast Guard. 0ne t11-, is that the schooner hit the reef at bight-With only OM penon,cn wat· cb while the Otheri 'lie pt bdow •. Tbe man on watch could have been the . teenage youth whose body was recovered. 111' al!o-well known toy~ ac· ccstomed to cruising the •Soja California ccut lllll ~ 11 • ·-· drtll 1n Ibo vlclnlty of ti* reef and that Ibo ~ill coulil have bieo set oll"ber .tracl: on the llnal Jee -Cedrce lllana to _ .... _ 'l1ie yach! Wll laat "'8rd 11un 119 25 oil Cedrce•whea -aboanl ·plicecl a ndiO-telei>bone call giving an estimated llm• of arrival lo -· u May fl. · Meanwhile, the CO.St Guard 11 - tlnuing its search of the arta with aircraft out of San Diego. The Coast Guard said the li1ht on San Gerclnimo, which marks the reer and the t!land. waa probably inoperative at the lime the Goodwill hi~ the reef: Friend& and business associates or Lar· rabee now admit they hold ooly a allm o.t. -. • w.t .., '""" hope thaf anyooe lbolrd will bl found • • --.1 : .,v •• 0 Graduate to .an OMEGA ·····:a: ·-....... ..., .. .... ~ e.dM.tn ,_, ,,_ -''"--lf:~---1===-.!•'!i!""!!"!! .. !!"'\.!"'"~·~··~·!..' .. ~"~-.. ~--1 A 'd t ,,! ..:_ _.!~~~=-----------., -. CCI en -HCQlll- .......... .. ............ .--- I ... 40 Li• Et iC ,._ .......... -. ....... I 111111.,.._ .. _ _.. _____ ..,. ' Listed Critical Ike Elkermann S::::....~ w~ ~ .! Gets Top Post· dftlon loday II Heeg !lomorlal l!alpllal F Newport Harbor Hilb ~ following_ an auto accident 01rly Tlleeday ...:::J""'pa1 •-~-~ ,.~., Ett 15 -in wlrld1 his fotOflJ>bultt aporto •• ·~ ~ •-•• ••• ennann, • car ran off a road and oviirUnila lorl· , has • appointed new supedntebdent of ·ill( him SO feet throogll the alf. ' , ' VIila UDllied School Dialrict In San Diego• Starr...ther, llllD W. Ocoatirr.i\t, suf-Counly. . fered helld and Internal IQjurlea In the Elkennann left Newport-Mesa UnWed cml>. School District, f0< wllfdl he waa dlr<etor According to pofice, Starkweather, on of llUdtnt ..rv!C<S, a yoor ago to beccm<I englneor at CoUlns Radio lo Newport uststanl sul""lntendenl In Villa. Btal:h, wu driving north .., Jamboree He wUI tab °"'" the top pool JUiy I on Road, near 5an Joaquin J!ood, when h1I a lllr'ee-)'ta? cmtraot at a alartlng aalat7 car ran off the east e41< of the roadway. o! 121,IOO per year • • CONY!NlfNT TERMS .IANKAt.!ERICARD MASmt CHAR51 •Mt a .,.._,_...., ....... .:... ..... ~ ...... -·--······ .... .... , ........... ... _.. ......... .... -. ................... .em J. C. fiumphrie!J 'Jewe/e,.- 22 YEA!S SAME LOCATION tn1 NEWf'ORT AVENUE . COSTA MESA 'HONE 541-14111 By Jlhd lnter!ciiidl "Shlll I wrap It, or do YJ>11 Wl,llt to frelk out ' richt here 7" New Jet Guns Needed To Counter N. Viets WASHINGTON (~)-F,.t-Joog distances. ier..fUing, harder-hitting guns The Journal of the Armed are being planned for U.S. Forces said the "Red Baron jet fi~s because of dra-study'' dlsclosed that in about mat1c · progre$ made by 2S percent of the ae.rial en· North Vietnamese p i 1 o t s gagemem:s, enemy pilots were against Amerjcan planes. able to swing their P.la.nes be- Air Force work on develop. hind U.S. aircraft before be- ing the gun will start in the ing detected. coming fiscal year and the This gave the surprised wee~ will be ins\alled in U.S. pilots. litUet'" chance to ~1 fiehteo" design-evlde befon. being 1ttaciled. ed to dear U.S. au-PILOTS UNAWARE over any Russian- .It Jets Ill me 1970s. • The report, preparod by the Or. John S. Foster, the Pentagoo's Wea.Pons System.. Pentagon's research c b I e f; Eva1uat'ion Group, also was dbcPed receoily that Nortll said lo ha"' foond that in Vlelmm's figb!A!< pilots were 'about hall the cases eumined blUltng U.S. war planes on U.S. pilots were unawsre of almalt ie'l1eD terms m the lat'· the· enemy'!I preseooe tmtil ter stages of the air war. North VidnameSe p I a n t a came within two miles." RATIO GOOD Thus, the FlS will incorpor- !'~ air operations over at.e advancm in klag range North Vietnam in 1967 we aitbome .ndar tedmo1ogy. 0•111111•.ied 'I !Iv-•ir-The Alr Force said -craft till ratio in air-to-air guns now-in its inventory ztCiC«DSU. ·In filcal. 1968, were built accordidg to tecb- lbo Nonli V-ese cul our nology developed Ill the 1$15-...i...,. by destroying 28 ' 1950 period. . U.S. olrcraft while looing 31 of "The state of the art In !ho ~"(;\(~~t=~ -~~llj··,..,.~ • lbdf_fl!'.I.!,_ meantime~• ID \ ma. fl gun l}'llems opti· de!igned for aira'af( mbled tor air-to-air ~t u tJie FI~'1 it said. ~ • ..I ,flmily of improved "The Air Fon:o pinned JQlimn ra.mds cblracterized by pro g ram -:-coocentratel cm tda't• ! ~ m.sa, size and im~ achievemeDt of higb rates tJf " poet -zy," , fire, higher muzzle veloclties _ A8'ed &boot this, the Air tn larger cahDer projectiles F!rc:., credltod North . Vlei-for effectiveness at looget ..,,... dogflChl galm ID Im-olMll ranges than posslble 11 proved . tactics, far better use present." of gniand radar ....,.], and -'---------! ''Very aefective" chotoe of -byNcrU>V-~ otqiped 'mblng ti FATHERS DAY ~ ~ m':t ;:::; Gho Him a Gift W ...... on1y w11en coaditions 1ox o1-Rum Soaked --..iv ldvan-:n than." the Air Force spokecnan said. - Bl!ll'I' PLANEs ll'urtllermott, North Vlei-...,_ pilots used their best ~ MIG 21--almost m:Juslv<ly for cblllenglllg U.S. raiden, the Air Fon:< llld, Ind seol up older model MIGs ooly u decoys. 'Ille Air Force deoled that lll1Y -In U.S. ,,..p-ea -.. reoponsible for the loss of the eorlier U.S. ..,.._ "'" ...._. In 1111. At Ille ..,.. time, th..-. _.. nport> thol • - l1Dd1 of Ille per{twmonce " u .s. planee and pilots ,,,., North Vlelnlin pointed oo¢.de- and Bent for Pleasure 2/1&0 s331 BOXCIFID ficl0nclas Ill certain etjUlp-~ reporlid deficiencies, , CROOKmES 150 It ..... -· will leod ID •22$ BOX-OF ,., • . =-:=~~-::; .iCffit.' . 1<11111 frlml . tmn foe at -.U ---- ' Diversified-Counselors H11 Oponod Ito New Offices In Newport Buch, C1llfomi1 s.ntng n... in Need of c-tln9 , . Mmiage.... .-. Family Business ••• Employment Don't Stnuxil• With Your Problem• • • t Let Us At1itt You in The SOiution of Th•m. Hou,..._10 to S P.M. Mon. throuth Frldoy Cal 675-2300; Eve. by Appointment Executive Offi,•l, --Suite ·No. 206 City Center llock llullcllnt 3J45 Newport lllvd., Newport leach 0,,0.lto CHy H1il-llmpl• P1rlci•9 '" 1 , • ;' • I ANAHEIM 444 N. Euclid fJ_1-1_12_1 __ _ \ Moo.-tto..-Sil;- ·1 O "1.m, to t:JO ~.m, ! I •' •I • ·' • • H.t.s. HAs A To REMEM FLARE n,. BER I IS is fho look when )'Ou' You'll wonf W; re 9811-· lo k ' •do •I fho l mg in strid n oep in mind . tonquer 1, og, slim •t 1, •. or •um me d" . no w rid no hip r. ist1ncti..,., "'·l o in Dold . •nd roody t hood.fur .•. T os; for o "90•ng be; o , with ~mg frock . P&ners fry th go. Throe 0 Wlncio Sfripo .moQ 0 ., • iJ hoo''" W·P•no look A el. Follow if ·roe•· • ncln up 'Y11c crepe or ultim I , Univers;+.. • I0.00..11 .oo ••Pow ,. r. Shop, 53• • NEWPORT 47 F11hteo lilon.I M+ 1212 M°"' thnl Fri. I 0 1.m. lo 9110 p.m, S.t. I 0 e.m. le 6 p.m. . W..11• .. •t.J• ! -. . ' ' . HUNTIN&'TON IEA~ -- 7777 Edlo91t. Av"' 192-JU I Mon. thru Sit. ~ • 10 1.m. to 9:10 p.m. I .. • . . . .. •• .,, -· .. .. . . ·' •• • ~t • : ,, ';l l ' ' ~..: . ' • ·, -~ ' -.·• • .. , ' ~ , -- .. ... .. . .. ·" ' . . \ I • I , J I • • .. i • f•AD.Y PoAlT 'DR'GBIAL PAGE I A Saving . Look A ead A dozen yean ago, a Newport Beach "blue-ribbon" cltiz.ens' committee recommeocled that the city 11 soon as possible buy land for a future civic center site. Eventually, the committee rea1obed, Ille Ille Would "b8 needed. So It should be bought at curdnt prlct1. City councilmen last week finally got around lo·do!ng juat that. The acquisition of 19.4 acres of Irvine land at New- port Center was bought for $1.8 millo)l -for.nothlng down and four yea" to pay. · The . city, while making up !ta mind OD fi•nclng methods, won't In effect even bava to pa)'• ~ OD the property. The .Irvine Company will 1-J!_ bact for the cost of the interest. II is a good deal for the city. It la also, of COW'le, a · good deal for the Irvine Compeuy: oddltlonal commer- cial de~lopmenl undoubledfy will be stimulated by the civic center project. · U for some reason the city doelU'I need all Ille. Pl'OP- erly -and ii Is qUile pooslhle that It won't -Irvine will gel the..unwanted land i.ct.• But lnaenwhlle, Iha market price u frozeil . • '1bat Is a point that was claetly not overlooked by the city. It miy well have saved future city tupayert hundreds of thousands· of dollars, ~ ... Roads to th.e '0Cea11 1 One year ago a bill that would ba,Ye compel1*1,citi-' and counties to provide the _public accetl"\to;tba OC9'Jl in shoreline ·subdivisions diect in a state sei:tafe CQID• - . .. , .. "on Governmental Efficiency, ubbed by some the ';craveyard committee." That designation, as far as AB 941 ii concenlid, was appropriate last year. We ho"lie·'it ild't tbll year -.!Or the leglslaUon bas obvloiis llll!lflcance for the Orange Coast. with its largely lilldeVeIOl)ed aborellne aoath of Corona de! Mar. Sponsored In the Senate by Sen. Robert Lagomarsino ./ (R·OJal), 'the bill would prohibit any city or county Inn approving a oubdlvl•l"I' ma~ for property fronting ·on the· couUlne ''wblch doea not provide or have avail· able reuoaable """"'' from pu&uc hlgbways to land • below the onllnary hlglnri!14r mark." The access may- be by highway; foot tzail or 'bo:~ trail. u · some iUcli leglllatlon bad been on the books In pan years, NeW]>ort Beach would ·now very likely have more windows to the )>ay open to the public; and, of course, the Sall Creek ~d controveny in Laguna Niguel would never have developed.t AB 941 should be passed. Bigger and Better East of the Bal boo;~ Pier all the way lo the Up of the Balboa Peninrul& there Ire 9~ homes. II look about llO years tor· them all to get there. Starting Ibis summer~lhal many dw~g units, plus another 389, will be bull~ on.ope SO.acre. site 1n the. Back Bay area near the Newporter. Inn. A year from July;. Uie l,3M-wilt Park Newport apart· 0 meJitproject wm be_in .~raUoii'.-at a cost of $21 nllllion. . miltee. ' . • The measure~ Assembly Bill 941, was resurrected In the current Jegislative session. . When the planning expert. talk about shifts of the center of Newport's population, they are talking about ' such projects as P.ark Newport. . 'lJon't forget our timetable for w~ of US troop&_:,, RecenUy, it was approved by the A11ein!Jly 1n a unanimous vote. It Is now back in the Senate Commit- Sex Classes Newport Beach, in other words, Is really just begin- nlnf:' Wlaat Is ~Minimum Day'? • Drawing Fire Nationally near Gloomy Gm: Not a Walkout, ·Teacher Asserts The Nallmal Federau..i cl Jlepublic>n Women Is t!1e latest group to get Into the sex education controversy. St ate representatives will be asked lo mate reports and possibly rec om me D d legislative action at the Nationel P'edera.- tion's cmvention in Wmiblngton in ·ieptember. SO they're thlnklna of cloolnc down the Balboa llWid ~-Thal'• great .. Let'1 turn It Into i.-frolln· banana stand. They eeem to be doing the best butineal now on the island. . To the Ediior : For over a week now I have IM:n artJclu on "Walkout" and "Teachera' \'>trike" In the DAILY PILOT. Althbiiifi my version wtuch follows is not at llimulatlng as that ct your education r .. t ' .. reporter, Mr. (Thomas) Fortune,. I'm avoid forgetting, most teachers review sure tblt it iii a better presentation of ttie continuously anyway , and I, as a teacher, fac:ta. P)ease verify them by contacting do not feel that it i5 a wa.ste cf time. ni. ,..,... ,.,..... ,_,.. ....., _. any -facuJly repreentaUve to the • Many mothers endorse the new plan =-=-"...=-:., :..=, ::."'• l:J. Newport-Mesa Education Auocla:Uon. because their chlldren get restless at the • · On Tuesday, May 20, the N-MEA e11d of a three months vacation. In the what they've been doing for UI-They didn't bum draft cards or pop pUJs and protest. They're what makes America str.ong. Don't you think some cf us could sacrifice a little of our time and go out and tban.k these men, aild sbOw them so- meone cares? Please contact the E1cbange Club and be a part of welcoming borne tame wonderful men._ That's jus~ the leut wt can do. Set education in the dlools, after four rears of relative quiet, ii becoming a subject of bitter controversy. Four rnoothl ago a special report to the N .. · , adopt«! a resolution"" t6 bold· a minimum. summer, the children can play ou~td~ooi.";,;i.· '!!"'""'~!!"'-JllOi,..iiM<~c day on Thursday, May 2t. Ttiie purpoee of ..._;a!f•~:n~-·~"":;-:;"'.Jn....AIK~Jliv.Jn~ll.! -· -~··· · this minimum .. da.t.-~-«tJW,....U..-. .. ~:',~"'I ~ ---~·----·~we~aie1, w~11''""rMY 'be con--"flijllilil~~~li;:';l~el~S~~··~· ~~~~-bm~· -~~~~~~ -;1~~~~;;:~~~~"'!\o?'(.~tif~ :ff fined to the house, "thm bec-Oming restless Editori'1;,,.' j Rep. Hen r 1 C. Scbadd>erg (R·Wb.) concerning salaries. Corne<! about bls future u well as the too. . ·c l l · , 0 ~, .1 would wltbbold federal fund.I from sex Mure cf his fellow-teachers in thi! IN CONSIDERING thla new plan I . ·~ · Rese~"i ~ =~ B:'U.s.~ U'!~on ~ a1:i~!,70:: ::;::1ad plan tc meet ~1:~:!1:U:~~U:~ ~~~:we should consldu the foUawing l 1 -~ .L ....,.!__._ -· missiooer lames E. Allen one!c~ li.!~:r m;~~U! ~ ~°":~te; the fa&. I reallie that "minimum day'' a. Families with chJl~en fu elementary ~• Educa•=..... .. __ ...z_.i_ (N.E.A.) harshly critic:iled the anti-tel -i....--.....;"-cannot compete with "walkout" for page and secondary i:hools will have their VUlM.I u..... ~UVI• forces on the bull of his nperience a1 which salaries are a mutllll" I""'...,... I allO rtalhe that you have always aoted: "Several cities acl'OSI the country Education . CommisaJoner in New York . We met ON OUR TIME to evaluate this ::'..:--' ICbools. However, 1 believe children on dllferent vaca~lons. \ 1Jave been forced to scuttle or postpone s•·t "W r---.a le .... 1.... round list .,..... -... b. Can we e1pect a child to atudy well 'Ille · hide ,,.. e. e uwau peop co .. ....,. a -TIME to dopt th that you rtallze that we don't need in the summer, 1when it is hot and hi.I "' educaUon .programsp · . Y lDCN J with literature · -some of It the fdthiest . We met ON OUR 1 e another newspaper in tllis are.a which is friends and family are at the beach? Wlll rhoenil; Albuquerque; ar&panny, · .: you have ever seen-" be said, "sa)'inc proposals. , .a Grange, Ill.; Salt UH City: and it will be used in BChooJ."" We met ON OUR TIME to hear ~e anU-publlc education. he want to do his homework after tt'"' In Ol:lalioma. Waoblngtoo, Min-counter proposala from the supenn-ANGELO VASSOS school? le9Qta. and New York." AN omCIAL investigatloo of set tendent and the school board. Pbyalc:I Teacher ~ c. The traffic on Pac:Uic Coast Highway More recently, Paul·Putnam, an N.E.A. eCtucation 1n California is now under way. We met ON ouR TIME to hear the Corona de! Mar High School will make it even more dangerous for tbe 'd lb t " -·•zed ~ •-·~• M I oil "-· (The agreed bus to exit at El Morro and cause more tpokesman, !at a an err""' m-Superintendent of Public lnsw""-won ax progress o neg 8 """"'' .11 mtnimum do." fi fo ur hours of In· eek" on sex education is under way in at Rafferty prtidids that if districb like upon deadline was May 9.) n. " cong~stion in the canyon. -J 77 states -Ari·-·. Callforrua· , •--•-'---" Lil Ed W t ON OUR TIME to bear lbe list structton, tht minimum guaranteed d. Teachers will be handicapped In ~ ...,..... .l\Dal1':llll. -where a F1unuy t uca-e me by taio to each child, Such a shorten· :olorado, Connec:Ucut, Florida, Hawaii, tion course "" started in the public of items of agreement and disagreement td ttaching day cann;t, bt1 law, be de-goina: to school in the =erWnwiELD Idaho, fllinois, Indiana , Iowa, Kansas, IChools in J965 -don't drastically revise between the negotiating council of N· clartd bt1 ttachtrl . Only the school tentqcty Louisiana Mar YI and, their au cotll'RS, legis.latlon will be pass-MEA and the 6Uperlntendent. board haa that authority. The N~ ~cbigan, New Jersey, New York, ed 11with a whoop and a holler." We met ON OUR TIME to talk the ·nd · •ev ada, Nortb Dakota, Ohio, Okla'-·, --all •~--·-·• ba ~~ ·"···tio 'th Il of the •·a·•-s In port.Meaa achooi bocTd haa not I l• • nuw-. ,uc W ,;JM'C'Ct J"""n1u c rtcf•h~ ~ n over W1 a \"<= u"" caUd a willingness &o coli a minimum ~gon1 Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, the Anaheim coune u a "naUoiW model the diltrict. 0011. 11 the ttachtri were to declare Washington, and Utah. for 8COpe and candor." The newape.per We met ON OUR TIME tc make a it, GI thcv aaid the~. were going to, quotes Mrs. Eleanor Howe, vke president presentatlOrt" to the achool board in cue wt call it a walkout. OPPOSITION lo se1 education i5 pmb-'of Citians CommiUee of Calt!omia~ thef were not aware'ot our position. id by $!Ch organlzat!Ons as Sanl.ty on sex •'The educatora have jolnea t b t .,_ ' 'SOS), Mothers Organlzed for Moral pornographers in 8 diabo~cal {'lot. lDlh IN FACl', I can think d. very little w1at -Editor ltability (MOMS), cttiz.e.ns ror Parents 8Chool students here are ~ about teacl)ers do to better the educational pro- l j g b t s , a n d p e o p I e A g a t n st oral.genital set." • gram in this district wb.ich doesn't hap- • Jnconstitutional Se1 Education u true, this is probably fllrther than pen ON OUR TIME .... ttme 'Whlch Is PAUSE). Opponents alsc trace op-the Am le Medi 1 A~ •ion nd already taken up with preparing lessons, er an ca~' ·a ..-.u .. g papers" , s•·ymg cUJT· <nt in our M>filtion to Christian Crusade. a right the Natiooal Edu••tion •.:.........a ••• .._ p•·· ., -· ~ ..... ~uuti w.u· subj-t areas are manv other 'items Ving group based in Tulsa. ned thlnga to go when, in April 19", they ...... ' The N.E .A. noted : "The conservative jolnUy approved the ... 'Onctpt of ees ' which deal with our job; teaching. fobn Birch S(>ciety has also announced a education in the schools as a means oJ For lhi.1 reason, we planned to meet on ..... 1'7'n know h 'M t I ring f --''---.a school time to discuss a problem which :am.-..e"• n as t e ovemen to owe · out-o -w~t pregnandea (I.Ill;' should and could have been solved Jong iestore Decency,' to eliminate or restrict venereaJ 9iseue.. Even·UberaJ educaton · • ie1 education programs. Robert Welch, now fear that eome of the classroom 1n-. befere, that date., 'Ibe niin.lmum day was k>ciety president, says se1 education la structton ii caui1q anxieties ln -cbHdfen ' tq have bad adequate advance notice so iart of a Communist plot to dest:oy the not old ~lo'be ·comronled willl all · .that patenta could plan. for I~ u tbeY norals ol Y .. lb .. d to •eep them~--· the f·~-ct · · . bave'lor other suc1i ~a)'&.l'or lbole-~ • uux=· "'"'.,. -~ · ~ ..... · -wbire tJie cliild-Would· havl to· ·be at -scbool'for the (u!l d8y· lbm! ....,. to be lllQl<n'\lory teacbers. Jumping to Concl~wns tJnlorbmately, the .teacben of the dlsltlcl been1 lllr. Fortunt's version llnt. MlinY Interpreted tbis·oo-belng asked to leave their cluaes unattended end depart for •--meeting. Thls wu not the cue. It was made clear to thoe{ lj the represen- tative councll meeting and I assumed that it was clear lo Mr. Fortune who was lt ts a doubtful tribute lo receive a racalion post card. The people who aend hem usually are either trying to kid bemselves into believing they are having 1 great time, or to let you subtly know 1:1w much better off they are than you. -Pet.-peevesi Seeing a grown man at his like desk e.atin& a bot of raisins. Sooond liPI b that marvelous gift ol llUn 1l'bk:h prevent.s most of us from llils tn -at fint sight. no -...,, to bnoak up the logjam In '1!Jl!I. t •m lsa 'i to make it e.uier to • ... • •1 bot banler to g<t oot ol -.-.. • WHEN: AN 1JNABlllDGED-dta~ in a childless holne Js too well dusted, ~ can figure that the owner b probeblJ a hypocrite. Few adulls actually uoe a large dlctlooary often enough to keep It dust free. One llUre sip that a bulbend b henpecked b U bb wife •te)ll inlo the street ahead of him to signal a c a b to halt It shows that abe is more. ac· customed than be to IS5ertlng authority and e1erciaing inltiaUve wlillin the lamily. The prevalence of U1nets can partly be uptalned by the fact Ibey are making medlc\nlo too pleu!ng to the-palote, .. fhat some people eat them u If they wue candy. ~ 9uickest cures. come from laking bad<ulng mecllclnea. · -AWR IS any penon over ;o "who daJml be never snores. But women are lllt ,YIJD .on Ulla p>lnt that they would pllod = to grand larcen,y belon1 l!w'd t to 1110rln8. ' also there. AT A SUBSEQUENT me<tlng (on our Ume)-•-JJOll wa&.::qten_\l) d~ine the "'pport lor wbat many teachers by-then thoqht was a walkout. Mr. Fortune, whell uk<d, nid that U the BtlOCiatlon did not want the ....W!a of the poll rtported that ... COUid request that he temporarily' step oat the door. The next day we rtad In the DAILY PILOT.,. hid "ejected" your reporter. AJ a teacher who is serioualy con- ..-...--II. filN1'99 ---, Dear Geoc1e: l ... doing 8 bbtory -y and tell me e""rything yoo l:now about Marion the Swamped Roi. STUDE!'{r Dear Student:. l laiOWlfils mucb"-tny·1ox·that .... ·t sail any better than that Jhr· • ·'t have taken a. boat out ln the ph1ce, Solllf!Olle SIDlng• To the E'A:l.itor: On Memorial Day my~ iron galei! were lifted from their iron bevels and sur- reptiously spirited aWay. They were decorative, es:penalve and directly in frOnt of our home • They were not 10ldered on and therefore euily removable. Did someone need &hem for the ~cl drull! Wawd one dere to put them up anywboro .-'oar community tc embelllah their own prden entrance? Whoknon! ThO -It· cl Newparl-Beach 'llltould knOI' that u they do bave - gates, lun)ll a< ma!lbeles -1ood·lrl<f, solder. lbein down. And arcund ~Olrlltmll 'time, ... watch thooe fir tretl' that eveo mnotely reseinble a Cbi1stm.u .. tree. Some0ne may come snlacto into your front yaril and cut It down·! · JAN PANE .El..lL_orro'• Problem• To the J!;d!tor: tlie new propooed plan for the El Mor· ro Elementary School will give the children ~ one month of awnmer vaca- tipn In A~ cM month al Christmas time end ooe monUrln the Sirfnl, adding an additional Ill da)'I to the school year. By ellmtnatlng tbe three moellls of summer ,..,.uon, they feel the cblld wm la<gol -Accudlng to Dr. Ebbingbaol' uperbHirta on rttentlon, the greatdt proportion ol fOfletllng OC<Urll -th<, Jut cantact with the materla!, and DOI with the -·of time. Tberelcre, U you le.ave the material three Umea a year inltead. ol one Ume, the forget Ung would bo-.. • I SECONDLY, THE supporlen ~f the n"' plan f,.I that less tbne would be 1pent In review. The t.eacher, however, must remw throe UmM. a yoar wlt1> the new system, instead ol. aae • To --------------------------- Guard Needed To the Editor : I beUeve most people are losing sight of the prime reason for making of the "People's Park" and wby II 1¥'d to be fenced of£. The students and professors ·Who ~ Socialists are not flghUng the Univerllty of Cjlifomia, they arc trying to Impose ttleif Socialist view or p r o p er t y ownenhlp. 1 have listened to these s:.:eet people on the radio and they admit this is their aim. This ia a lot bigger battle than "flowe rs and trees." Does public prop- erty-belong to everyone or can the ap- pointed managers of this property be allowed to use it in accordance with the purpose of purchase? Let the. peopl' think twice before coo-- demning the me of the ~- MRS. FRANCES Rllll!ESON Meet tht! B.011• To the Editor: We'd like to 1hare 'an unforaettable el· pepeoce with yoo and your ~. One morning this past week wt went with a group of eight other wpmen to El Toro Marine Base to we.Jcome Mme a plane carryina: 165 ~ ·nfe.n from Vietnam. One Wife was there to meet Mr husband and Pat Downey of the Hun· tington Beach Boys' Club and ~ug ~r of , the Exchange Club were the Only otl)er people there t~ greet them. 'l)e:y,blve organlzed • welcoming com- mlltee, elong with El Tont E>change Club, to 'greel ~ ~rln8in8 our MEN home. They're not bo\'I anymore. WE'RE ASHAMED wt bama't pne before today. The orpn1..,. can1 .tl'I people to commit llltJnatlY<f ID go out then. People are too busy, llil p1oDel come in at early .and late houri,. and eome are juJt not interested. It requlmi nothinl more than an hour and a half ot yoilr tlme, a UWe P80llne, and a few kind word•. A limple "welcome home" brings a an'lile to an otherwiae 50ber face. The)' come ofr the plane m all colors, lilel, and ln pretty poor spirits. flo'wever'- they an> quick to show their aPl'ftdaUon to the small band of people ~e lo creet them. WE WERE PROUD of tbe&e men and • For the Cause To. the Editor: The vast ~ disordered conclave of ~erlca.ns under the >-desigilatlon of "moderate" has usuany been content to remain unheard. However, while prevail- ing u a majority, it bu tlways been undt: attack by both sides of the p>UUcal spectrum (or various reasons. Through these times, the majority haa alway• re- mained stable. . . · And. ,._.bile its subsisting contribuUOns to politka.1 opinion have ~ally .been describec. 81 one long "apathetic emu,'' its position bas never necessitated reciprocity, The relaxed, _apathetic gel in which moderation and society rittens and prospers has been mainlained throughout America's de m. o c r·a t t c history. Yet, for the lirst lime since the Am~ricari Revolution, modeiatlon 11 trembling In the balan... The alannln1 state of social tnetamorphOl!ils In regards to violence bu .caused even liberal car. toonist Bill Mauldin. to portray -als of "rebellion: REACI'ION!" Lrft9. b I 1 representaUJ)ns. T1'e r e g u 1 a r 1 y im- corctrnec. maj!)rity iJ. moving, to mate It.ell heard. . · -. . . ' AT TRIS POINT l will attempt to ti· plain my motivet. I am a young .rebel, woTking (or "The · Cause." The cause I fight for include! the constitution of com· plete equal r~ts ror all people, the re- vision of colleges and universities acr03S America to fit and sati!ly students, a withdrawal from th Vetnamese conflict, and an amelioration of labor conditions in substandard fielda.. · li!Wfever, in mj quest.my typioat idoh would 'be Al"'!llder KUftl&ky, not Vladimir Ulylnov: Ralph AbernatJ!1, not IL Rap Brown: and Eug<ne McCarlby, not Mao. l do not' cl1ooae violence beciuse 1 llilOw what tbls country can d~ to me. It ts \lot mtrtlJ'fqr caoual ffi!dm·tli1t I wrl\a this letter; It Is for lbose upholdlag "Tbe Cause" beeaUJe I believe it to bei~ le danger.-~ Violence will leaa to nulllficaUon by an aroused public. ''The Canse" may be~ supported" by .peaceful means. MICHAEL CURTIS " ' a .W-· W~d1Htfd4y, 'J'.una ( 11169 Tht idilotial pogr ot th• Dafl' Pilot tttlu to Inform aM 1tfm. vlou r~ bt1 presnting thb ntWIPCPl1"'• opinJoni and com- metatarv -°" topic1 of intn11t and rignt/lcanc<, b~ prot>ldlng a forum for the e%JW••tion of our reoder1' opiniom. a?ld b11 prtssntin(} ih.1 di11trJt irie\0- potntl' of• tn/OT'JJlfd ob1rrverr ond. tf>okt'""" on topiu of thr dap. Rob~rl Ne Weed, Publisher I I , • fJosfu .. Mesa • Today's . F lwal • I N. "Y.· "Sieeti· . . - ~ I voe. 62, NO. Ill, 7 S~IONS, 86 PASES OUNSE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE ~. 19"61 , TEN CENTS '. • I I '1 Father Safe, Son LOst i~ .. Sea Tragedy ' . Sinking of l)estroye-r E·vans Hits Mesa Famil y · . SON MISSING L•wrenc• Reilly Jr. Kidnap-robb ery Suspect Goes Back Behind Bars ' By ARTllUll 11. VINSEL' Cblel ' llellly WU asleep al l :U a.QI. Th,.. Na:; "':.i'= ': '::iu,,, loclay 1'\eld&y when Ille U,IOMGn AWauan wailli>g1or one sailor due home'~hl; aircnll carrier Me-CUI lh....,ti drawing llreqtb from ~ wllo' usl the .ie,troy<r USS Evans· like a Dt<lt anived and moanilnl a third~ ad cleaver through .a .pluUc toy. !\ with '11 ·lhlpma"" undtr the South _ 's.meltoW, the -_,,.. .... ...i Chm& Sea. -__...:.....---r?wn IDs fonrard ... qaa'rtln IS lbe _ .Pullide the holite o! S<nlor Chief Evans sank, but bis IClll-lhe boy ·he Gunner's Mote LI-J, jlellly, a< re-joined the N""1 {o-loOJt alter.-¥• 2!34 Minuteman .w.,, Colla Men, .. • -a;;:JUs pool In the, bOIJer' room parked car will! 1 window decal saying: below.~ · · \Ve Are a Navy Family. ·Chief Reilly joined the Navy in ttu • Board Rebuffs -.. Teachers, OK s Salary Scale • • By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tflt Dl llf l'IJitt ll•ff Newport-Mesa school teachers Tuesday night turned the school board down on its fihal salary offer. The school board went ahead and ~dopted a salary-scale anyway, granting teacfiers an average 8.4 percent pay in· creale for· next school year. Not accepting ihe board solution as final, teachers . detlate<I an impasse ~in. salary negoUatiom1. Tbey asked that the mediation. service of the state Oepart- Kidnap-robbery suspect Charles T. Oee, ment '>f Industrial Relations be aiid '10...i it. Bpiler 'i'end<r !IC Llrry J. Reilly Jr., 21. jOined in ' 1•s ind cOl}llln•t' wait (o · g~t· out 1D Se~¥Jnber and go b&ck to school. . A man ' who lost . a son, a younger widpw ~ manled just after high school and a Navy lieutenant who waS amOng tbe-flrsl to know' or .the tragedy talked about .it today. · !JI they .know can be said in 1 min· ute or two . " "My husband Is due in at Trivia AFB about midnithl," said the elder Mrsg Reilly, "J don't know how•,,he'll get home, all his gear went down with the ship a.nd he has no n\oney or clothes." "I WIS the first to find out •• ,,J can't say just how. It was a rathet funny thing all the way," said Navy Lt. (}g) James Rellly, 23, a public information · officer. . "What will I ever ·tell the baJ>y?" said (See NAVY FAMILY, Pqe Z) Nixons Fly In For 2~ay Stay At Coast Home The First Family today flew · Into Orange County for the first tline since buying a vacation home ln San Clemente. Two days of high-level discussions are on Pre'Sldent Nixon'• busy agenda, A major statement on international af- fairs will be made Tbunday or Friday in FATHER SURVIVES ' . LawrlftC• Reilly Sr: .. UCI Strike Over;· press £Onferencea at the Newport.er Inn._ St-.. J _ ts S ' Air Force One touched doWn on the El uuen Wan To~. M , ....... ~ .... ,~ ·--~ ··---...... -~"f ·~·--.,...Ck · '. --. ' .-r:--;;;~~.•-.w;> ........ ~ .... ---V.-0 -. .;·~' .... ., .. • It~»~· . ' '. -..:;.r.------ . . . -lill•utes early. The S • f B J. _ pr~denUal party stepped down under a tgns , Or 00~ thin gray overcast, s~,:. ' , 1'anking offleirs briefly greeted Mr. The student strike at UC Irvine Is over; and Mrs. NiXon, ~ '°""in-law David With final exap..s btg~rt.nr J40qday, • whosiipped out of Orange County's ne:~~111-!i!' '' ,~'. . ·;I : •·esca ·• ~· .i.ail ..t--~~~. . '~:ji . en u1ey met in ·~~1"'!":_y,~ . r l • s al sesmon at D080 today. ~. ~ft'ttts, JS back in Teaehefs dl.scuued at ·ltngtb· 111alking . . '' . CONSOL'S 'fAMl.L·Y, . · • Lt: JomH 'Reilly ' . Eisenhower, his wlle ,.J,ulie,·.ltld Tr.io~a students are too 8UJY Stildylng te urry Nixon.· . atrlk.:'. algrils. · '.I • ·-• ," • The Nixotis and the 'young Eisentlowers So when Gov, Rona1d .Ruian' ~' r • . . custody today. out ot claue1 On Thursd.., after teaching Oct', Zl, was apprehended in Costa "a minimum day" of lour .hours. But lhat Meui 1TutsOay by sheriff's deputies. An acUfin y;u shelved lempPrarily in order Nine. ~till Miu.Ing to Mar the board's rtsJSOru;e to the re· anonymous phone call to Calta Mesa qu.t for mediation. police led to Dee's capture at '159 "We feel this is just as much as we 0 Congress St. Eight deputies converged on can . offer," Roard President James the scene and arreSted Dee without in-"Bill" Peyton said jUst befort tht board My~tery Surrounds Fat e Of Goodwill Pass~ngers cident. The Costa Mesa man became the fourth prisoner to escape from the county jail last Safurday afternoon when fie crawled through a bole in the fence Sur· - rounding a !iftb-fli>or exercise ·area, slid down a rope fashioned from beQ sheets 1o the first floor roo( and then leaped to the ground and sprinted away. Three men escaped fram the modern county jail last December, using a route similar to the one followed tiy Dee.. The trio made goocr their escape onl'y a abort time after prisoners w.tre ~ved into tlle new facility. They are still at large, ac· cording to jailers. Balboa Pavilion To Be Terminal For Ca talina Ru11 The Balboa Pavilion is being remodeled as a passenger tenninal for motor vessel :service to Catalina laJand. As reported in ltie -riAIL Y PILOT six weeklll ago, the 64-year-old landmark was )>urcbased for $500,000 from the Ducom· mun Realty Co. of Los Angele!I by Davey's Locker, Inc. , Beneath its cupola , the Pavilion hac: been a ballroom. a casino, an art musemn and a marine science center. But according to new owner Phil R. Tozer, president of Davey's 1.Dcker, the pavilion will now fill a special need for the town of Avalon on Catalina Island , "good modern transportation ." Service to the island will be expanded with completion of a new 400-passenger .ship, probably next summer, to sup- plement the present 140-passenger Island Holiday, which will begin running June 15, as well as the S.S. Catalina, a ~.000 passenger ship scheduled to ao baCk into service June J4. "The town of Avalon on· Catalina has had its problems in recent .f.urs.~·~. ~aid, Tozer, "but a lot ol things ar~ h~ppenipg there now. They've had engineering and economic studies made and are foMowlng a careruny mapped-OUt program · of reconatru<::lion." · One of \he first iiteps Anion is taking lJ redevelopment and, modemiiiitiOn . Of Ole harbor and waterfront. Stock Markets NEW YORK CAP) -The stock market m3de .a feeble ·~Uort to rally Jn early trading buL lt had w1lhered by the· cl.oae today. (See quotatiMS,J'ageo 18-19). The Dow Jones average of 30 tn· dustri1ls .. was off 0.51 at 930.20 at 1 :30 p.m. after having httn up 1.41 during late morning. acted a:t 12:30 1.m. today after 1 long night of closed discussions. Bart· Hake, executive secretary ot Newport.Mesa Education Association, SJ)oke for the teacben who didn't break off their meeting unW after 1 a.m. "We cton't bell~ the board h!lJ been apprised accurately (by school ad- minlsrators)," Hake sald. "There are areas of the budget loosely drawn tbat Cl!ll't stand up under U1e scrutiny or good buQget practict1." · His r.ommeD.ts iQdicated that mediators (See TEACHERS REBUFFED, Page I) W.i.dow Fi les Su it In Airline Cras li A Costa Mesa widow has sued Ca:ble Commuter Airlinh of Los Angela for $1 millfun in a Superior Court complaint alleging that the air transit companJ's negligence led to tbe death of her hus· band laSt November 23 in a fiery crash near Or~ge County Airport. N!med as <:0-<tefendants in the suit fil· ed by. Harriet F. Holland, 502 Sturgeon. are Orange County, through its airport commisakm.,.-and-the De Havilland 'AffcritfCorp., manufacb.lrers of the 12- seat jet that failed to find the county " runway. Killed In that crash was Murray Holland, a., alx ftllow passengers and the pilot ind co-piloL of &he commuter alrcralt. The plane l!lmuhed into open country at Newport. Freeway, and Dyer Road and lmDJedi•tely b'Urst Into names after· failing to locate the airport in I.hick fog. . Mrs. ·Holl!f>d names as co-plaintiffs,.. her suit her childl'tJ'l, Barry Warren Holland, 12 and Ronald Samuel Holland, 8. By ALMON LOCKABEY Diii)' l'IJitt lffflfll ltlf9r .My.stery sWI shrouds the fate ol the nine known passengers aboafd the 161 · fool schooner Goodwill which lies wreck- ed on SacramentO Reef · off Baja California Some 200 miles out of &in Deigo. Rumors and conjecture circulating around the Harbor Area -many of which have been picked up b y newspapers and wire services -have proven flbe and only added to the con- fusion. ~s of noon today, there had been no divers, native or professional, aboard the sunken vessel, so the fate of those aboard the Goodwill was still unknown. Neither had the body of a teenage boy found· floating (ace OOwn two miles north of lhe wreckage been identiried. 1he body wu-On board a Mexican Navy vessel en rput'e to Ensenada, expected to arrive sometime today. Art.Knievel, executive Vice president of F&L Macblne InclU1tri.., owned by the GoodWUl11 owner ~ 11dpper, confirmed that t1it C001pany has hired two pro· f"euionll SCUBA divers to go to Sin Gel-oOlmo hland nut where the Goodwill liH tireakiii.g tip on Sacramento Reef. ''The divers are wt e1peeted to arrive until-later today and it is not known when lhey. will be able-to investigate th r. wreck/' said Knievel. • Knievel also verified that Harry Boland. a former navigator aboard the Goodwill and businells associate of ~- rabee's had been lowered to within a few feet of 'lhe surface'irom a Coast 1Guard . helicopter and t~at' hf' reJ)Ortc<I two' of ihe yacht's skiffs still in davits. Another boat -a 15 to 18 root skiff -was missing. however. Boland was also lowered by hoist from the' helicopJer· to the fishing village on Geronimo, but gained no Information. Boland. reported t.hat riatJve fis~ermen had dJved in the vicinity of the_ wreck but n<'n.e had th.e gear to .enter the sunken vessel. · The Coa5t Guard s a id the terrairt on G~ronirno waS such· that · nOt even a helicopter could laitd saf'eiy. ' Two divers , Bob Campbell and· Wally Janes, both from the Dana Point area, were reported'ttfl'oute to the scene. They were reportedly (rlends or Ed Hen<lerson, one of those repC>rted td be aboard the Goodwill wben s~ fett:hed up on the reef. Why the Goodwill was in·the vicinity of the reej -. wi;lich fs well known to all yachtsmen .1... is only itles~orkJ ac· conflhg to the ·coa~f Guard} · . One thi!ory ·ls tha;t.lhe scHooner hit the reef at ri.jg!rt. with only oi,e }.l:J'!Or\ on wat• ch wtille the others slept b:elf)W, Tbt: man on wa~h could · haYe been ttie teenage youth wh~se ¥Y was recovered. · It is also weU'.tnown 'to' yachtsmen ac· eu1ttlmed1to crhiiiing '1'ie Baja CaiifOrnia coas't that ther~ Is I strimg drift In th e vicinity of the reef and that the Goodwill could have been 11et off her track on the flnil Itg frOm Cedros Jslaila to Ensenada. ~ . Court Site Not for Lease F<Jir Board Intere sted Onl y • in Orlllge County Supeivisors.wlll ha~o agreement for tht court &ite offered. dig Into the J)ttty fuh _bQx _ or Di~or Robert M. H u m p h re y a somewhere ._ if they choose to purchase di5Ctl!Sed the 11ltuation with the State At-torney General's office in Sacramento a_ 13-acrt. municipal court complex site' In .1nd the decision wu made to o«er tht 13 CO" : Mesa. , ,acre. ori a Oat purchase. Directors of • the S2nd D I s tr I ct · ~ Fair Board't resolution establishes Agrlcult.ura1 As5ociation1 compriling the ottier·prelimln1ry guidelines for the court Orar.ie COunly Fair Board, won't· 11tte ol!tt, which wlll be dlacu:ssed again negotiate for anything but outright sale of by.county supervi80rs in the near fliture. the Jiu.ct. ' No mention was made of the deal at The Fair Board reached 1\.1 d«laion on lbeir meeUng Tutaday, and all .c:9'1" the eve of the i"'I Memorial Day sldero~on had beeti balled fl'l1dtnC weekend. aft.er a ,report by Director resolution Of the Jegllity of 1ale or itue. Frank Riemer on the proposed court site Newport Beach hu offered a court altf sale. but the Colla M,.a land appniled at J,egal questions had existed on whether .M(>,000 per acre wJJ· ~sldtred a •1 th e boan:: could or should se.11 the . land million bargaln r 1 t e compared to the rtither than malte a long•ttttn lease beach clt~·'a pitch. • f , ' I Se lling Land . ' The Cosla Mesa .~operty b at the northw.est co~r of tht rairsrounds, bounded bf FalrvieW Road, Arlington Driv~ and Vanguard Way. ·under ' terms ltlggested by the Fair Board, the city would Jmpfoye 5UJ'· round~ 1Lretl.s as necessary an d the Und Dititricl Ajricullur•I .IJ&OCiaUon would provide tight-of-way. ' Any stretu, sidtwaUt3 and other such acceu areu a.round the complex, hoWever would hive lo be bought "' the county, Uk ieme as the oulflghl·tale of the rite in!Ually. ~ · 1 • ... Sal• WJIUld• bl! naluraUy 111bjeq to •J> proval by U1t atate· Department or F1_ir~ and Erpooitlcm. •Jld Ille Depmment of Gtnl"'ral Sen~ll. . ' ,v were wbliked aboard~ ode-·of two .i , , vresidtntial helicopters, waving to a-acat· wimdr<i.wal of 2,ooo' Natioilal Guard le.ring ot Marine perlCllUIOI a.J their ,.__ llod ·-tbe slate di ....,P,.,,. f81'f'\llles before flying ell to San In Berklley o'1 Tuesday, UCI lludent Clemeote. . sympaibfiert Ol>ded !heir alriU.. , Witlte H-prm aides said Ibey ... Th< •J!Proadl of finals --~ pected' the Pttsl~ent· to .make a lrfet that usually .?HJ,nl for One-third ·".~' comment on his aryj.val at ··the Coat "" balf of a students course 1tade -aeems Guard statiOn near the newly purclwed to ha Ve calmed things down. id &emlq. beact?fronr estate in San Clemente. too... . ' While Ni10n and hi$ teO-ih·laW travel to The moderately sucCe'ssiul .UCI tamJll.I' ~fidwaf 'lsland Saturday for hia meeting stri~e 1¥~ 1i1 school d8)'1. At• )east·· wlth South VJetnamese Presidetlt·Nguyen ~everaJ,Jhmdred students struck alf.bou&b , Van Thieu, Mr~. 'J,lllxon and ber ~two the eiact ,number-nevel'·was ~: · daughters will remain here. 1 Only. a few professo~ . caaeelled· To.feanWhile today, offkials at El Toro ~ clais~.: but many used ~lw .tllie for , reJeased the President'.& schedule . which discussion of the ~Ukeley situation and \,'/ill include' press confere~~s at the cl~sses were called Off fQur bOurs ln the Ncwporter Inn in Newport Beacll. middle ol one day for.a·campus conclave . June ·s .. and 6, 10 a.m. t.Ci 't, p.m.:' -" Oen!rally,, profeuora were '-l oiric tct Presidential meeUng and arinouncements hold , itrlking atudfnta. 'a~t4ble~ tot at the Newporier Inn. Press.Roorii will be worlt: they missed. but •ibce few ,clauea in the Palmer Room of, the Newporter meet· every day' ot the ·week Orit, 1 .Ihn. , coupJo of led\,\res were .rilissed .for,ibe June 7 -Depart lO a.m. Manine Air mom part. . · . ' Base El Toro for Honolulu. The atmogphere' on campus todiy WU June 9 -Arrive 5:30 p.m. at Marine fi:atl~ changed from 4 week ISO when Corp. Air Station El Toro and depart by e student neWSpa~r pictm:ed on ~ beUcopter direct for San Clernente. one bayonets a11d raised fist! of leOlnCt. June 10 -Depurt 12:30 p.m. from Mztine Corp. Air Station El TorQ for Andrews Alr Force Ba'se Wailhlngton. Pniss headquarters during his visit here will be tRe Surf and San~ Mot.el, 1465 S. Coast Highway In Laguna Bea.::h. * * * Nixon Def ends Military Power , Ri ps Isolationists ccit.ORADO SPRINCS, COio. (UPI) - President Nixon today made ;a spirited Clefense or Am"ericad ~ilita,ry pow_er as the \fOrld's greates\ guara~~ of peace. Th.a chier e'JrecutiVe-sPoke at a Sun-bak· ed Falcon Stadium to · the 676 graduates. or the ' Air Force· Academy an<! a crowd estim.ated at' n!'1rly 40,00o persons. "It is t'lpeD season on 'the armed forces," Nixon said, going on to attack "the new Jsalatlonists" who would disarm the United States unllaterall)' and hopt to lmprOve conditions with Russia and Com· munist China by detlberately weakening U.S. PoWet. • • · ''We must ru1e out uililatet-al dl s8.rma· ment," the President said. "ln tht real world, that simply wnl not W"ork." Furthermo~ the President said, ''ff Arqttica were to turri i~ .~cl\ o'n fh~ ..._worltl a deadening f~ Of ·peace. would se~tle. ove.r . lids planet -\ ~-kiri4 ,of peace that · ·llliffocated frftdom in CzeC:hoslo\'lkia." • . · · ~ Following lhe ' sp.,.ch · the Prt,,ident departed linmldiatel)'. lor hli ~'home in San Clemente for 'two d~ of. prtp. aratlont for h1s Sundty eontettnoe with • , President Ngityen •Van Thieu bl South Vietnam in -the Midway Islands · 1,100 miles beyond Hawaii. Btfore 1olnlnl the commencement ex• erdsu, the Pttsldenl and h~ wile and members ol the atatf wen\ fO(, ~ motor tout ,ol .IJ>e...11,0llO ICl'.6. •cadtmf..f'!"'PGS in the piclureoque foothills of the Rockie!!. . They made one 11top to tour.J!xtenslVely (See NIXON, Poet I) But W hich l s · Cheaper to Run? CANTERBURY. England (UPI)-Ken Shaw is advertising his wife fot Ale. His wife Marie fwnd herself , In the "For Sal~" coll!mns of a local ~ per Tuesday because she complained hil beloved sports car was cramped ind drafty. · "Car or wife must , go,'' read the advertisement. ''Car-196S MGB, red, all extr ... ,fl,200. Wifi>-rtHj. P!Ollde. 5 ft'., 3&-Zt-36, '60,000 .or, near.est offer." Said Shaw: "For. the sab of peace in the home, one of t.tiem has. got to go." . Orange Co ll!lt We•tlit@r, . . lt's 'the same.old .sorry m~ort for Thursday, with the JUD peeping tl!rough In the Jate,altemoon while tem~~res~ranie ./fWn e~r,to 7% along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODA\' ' .. I f I • I • I .. • ~ .. :' ~ ~::.. .. .. - ~ J DAILY I'll.OT C .I Wof"°""", ....... 1969 , • ~ A-. .t.... .tw ·T !-~ ~ -. ~ .t\H 11e: ··LM-ague ~ Nm~rt MityJ{l,~~lfiit'f'nal ·Cida Group . . .. . . I< 11J JEROME P. OOLLINS '!-Rldlull N. 'J'lylor, ~ ...it-roapllude tllai thai !acing IocleWood.-a ~ • .,. .,.,. DMtr'"" ., • ., Jlnl dtJ:.~ ... 1 1 , • ·united effcrt of city officlals\&brougbout . Mtwporl Beacb llllY join a natiol)al Al=the · CitJ. CGoncll'a requoet, the coootry lo obare lnfonnallon and ' ............. ., --belJ!I fonnod • the -11 -llud)'lna Ibo -........ aolullona lo ..... pollallon : It -lbe lncms)nc lnttatioa cl Jet merlla i>I op. woold)>e of major value to our c!U.....," ~ aircraft noiaL • J~ ' W. , 14UJlan, cllllrman o I said Mollon. '1111 city Ill JnoO<wood ts· 1PW-..r · Newpart'a Air 'll-Utio-Mvtaor1 COm· Inglewood recently 11"'1 the clty of Loo '"" Nlal 1ild• ol lho aaW<t teogue,. Jtl ~ 1ft11 .lllllbt COWICI, Angelea for '400 . m1lUoD ror property ·iia·.:..-,.·Newport~ ·_.i: . aujipSta tht ,...._i ~~~ ~i!""'~ ._ ., lho """'""""' -ii Wllqol • "While we roolbe the ..!iae problem In £:"'~ Airport. 1llt city of Loo P¥.Pll. tul;I wtJI be IObbytai. came Newpori Is COlllli<lerallt1 1... In Angel<s operates the airport, which • bord<ra Inglewood. ,,._,. Auwe_,i J ~ -, • ,. V c1~'.::.MedieaI Bid ~ • ., •: ... ~ ' J Taylor told Newport of!iclala that lncJewood Mayor WUllam Goedilt• wlll be a1tending a mayod conference in Piltiburgh later thla 1WDmer lo dnlm up more supporl for a nation-wide approach to tbe jet noise problem. 0 What we intend to do is to establish a c""""'1ed pn,jraro IJld • Wol all our kl-f <innaUan ID'. help each · Other,'" said . . ' ,.. . . . . . . ~ . . Tayl!>r. . • "lt will be a lobbylna outlll, certalnl)'. 1 • No Secret~·· Cory And that's needed, . t.:canae rtpt ..... """Ibo bell Coe'> lo··-the people at Jl'AA 'bearlnp! 'Ille a1r11ne1 and the a1tcra1t lnd1JIU'ir ... always w.n r~ 'Ille FAA WOD1 even limn ~ Kenneijl. c.r;., ( D • Bater ""'11Plaltled bttltrly I h at ~l~ hanlly; We lhlnl: Jobbyto, mliJ>I Anab«fm) ·~~ 'f •• c reu I. university offtdall. "zbouJd conta<.'t thls Taylor &aid he Isn't totally familiar <lllrlea bJ ~•lacir David L. ·-r board firaL What are their lntenUons!" with Newport's ptobl<ml coocmi1ng • awr ="""" UC!-"' of the "-·'-ha queried. "Why don't they come to us flight> ,.,Bul,..alt..iam f'tmil/!':'!!..~ .--~-· and lf.y them m'the table?" AJrpJtt. ~ ........,. w~ ; comQ.lllOC!kll c.Dlir.· Other ',;.pentson, wllh the •..:option tha\ airport's crowll) pValfaJ to p:ldlcl -- DA&Y f'ILOT Miff 'llOM . SAN CLEMENTE STRINGS BANNERS FOR NIXON City Finds A Naw Place In tho Sun • : Hiftllre W.. nat&lni ieeret about tt," of Robert W. Ba'Uin professed Ignorance that the blsnl hive 'Ufi -=- . CtirJ aplalned 11111 mOrnlni. "It-up of the story. be~ 'll>ey Ji':-and~.,. • s ";--· M -h n· · F · ... ,,_ ... In ...... -lllld .. BaWn aald'.l,. bad.\Jlen ...... o1 lbe N...,.n city aldei a1ao ..... ,_ u. san, ot er omg me 1111 I 1.blr Ooor. • " nep!allc•" !or lhe pall two ....... He directed bv COllDcilmen lo llltll1 opd • Cory .idbe had•....i lbeneoil ol explalnedyesterda!'aft...-lllat ttw~ report ..,-~lholldVilOblUt, and ~ , · '. a JMipllll ne 1116 UC! -· UI his WJC!er1llndiDll dial llie,lmlwrsity had quea" o!nqulrlna _ble _ d_ • -• ._ 11 .-J<t'i:elale \o the l'allod>~planewJICMioil ·lioipUal at inCftllllOtllllJar-aD·--eabuilt Aft Kidn T I t I looF-. . ' \Jtt~for·hvblotiin·incmnll wllhfnOounlTAltpart'1-~lnfhm>c:e. er . ey ransp an " Tbt -!!ffl:IJ -'l'ueldl;J, when .m1;.....t1T~ tome Wldai mar """"' Alt Traflte C«mn!tt<!' < h·a Irma n :lui>er'!laor ""'1d L. Babr llCl:U)ed the . bel.ore'lha>to!mlnlJ'IO. Mljllm,ncoinQ!endedthe)Ctfm.Heaald .FN• !"afle 1 . MXQN •. :· ' •• • lho 11~ a<4denlY chapel, --laltil f-placla of ~ ... : ltf Protestan~ cathaltcs, Jewblrand .. an purpose chapel lor those ol other laltha (!our of the ca.aet1 from Hawail, Korea and)'alwan are·Buddhisb). : ' Nhon, .ucktng CJooely' to titt prepin!d text. .Wied the huge crowd u ha ticked off some ol the anUitlilitary positions sp....iing lhrou&b the country toda7. "Mllltary proirami are· ridkiulld u needless 1f not deliberate waste." he.said- .. ,,,. mllltuy proleaoloo t. -tn IODlC Of lbe ao<:al1ed best drcJa of America. Patriotism ls considered by some to be a backward fetish of the uneducated and unsophisticated. Na· tionalism ·ls hailed and applauded,.•s a panacea for the il1' of every nation ex· cept the Unlt..i states." • Nixon e~phasized. u be de.llver;ct his addreu under a hot sun and bri&ht b1ue skies, Illa! lbe aggres>ors ol the world to- day would not give th\! c:ountry •a· t"rtod of grace ID .which to put GUt domestic house in order -just as the crim in our cities <amlOI be put an tho hack burner until we aolve tbe problems m Vleenam. •'The -ouccessful oo1utlons we can imagine for our domestic problems will be meaDingless UDleas we are Q'OUDd to enjoy them. Nor can we conduct I auo- cesslul position ol peace abroad H our society is at war with itself at home." $259 Coll~ted Fo1· Estancia AFS A donation of 1259 collected dariog a benefit tour of six handsome -has been present..i lo the Estonc:fa · mg11 Sdiool chapter al the -.. 'Field . Servke ucbatige lludeol progrmn. ; m;;n;;;:.; iistq "deriOml .....,. lo .Baltlil-aald be pt moat of blJ In· lhe,mon t..tlio reau11:a ncent Jtt noise l . plD cootrol of the medical cent.i. · formation from -lyman Cory. sludy made ht lg!. }cllool offtcta1t tn 1 Be told his fellow board memben that UCI medical IChool offic1•'• could not connection with the new EutbluH That subtle rephrasing or a familiar ~'Dauihter and mother are doing well." Delighted surgeons are hopeful that Jim Wood, Preskiellt of Mesa Verde Realty, who orpntzed the tom', made th• presentation to' AFS dlapter Vice Presi4 dent Walter Bratz, from Sdlwabisdt Hall, this operation -the ninUt on the 17-year4 Germany. · be had · heotd tl!llt !J<ll olllclala· had be contact.i loday !or a ~ment OD the Elementuy ScilPOl llte. The study llhow· hospital 'llnnouncemenl today prefaced old Orange girl -\Viii be her last. The Present for the c ere mo n Y Were . Rosemary Szaba, AFS chapter pre.gdent, four-member team 1s reported today as Mrs. Richard Johnson and adu1t advisor I ' diacriiiecf Wtth ~t«i ID Sacramtnto sij'tua oo. A Reretary aald Dr. Warren ed that at Umestbe noi8e JeVf:l at•the site . , 4 poa:ible ways in Wbicb the takeover could t. dean of the UCI medical ICbool, is about twlce whit 1-r.,considered en~ the Orange County Medical Center s . _ be~. _ •-_ _.._, __ ~p'.iJi~~ed~~~':. .. ...._. durab~efor~chlldren. bulletin ·on kidney transplant paUent ~'-' < '"" ~~""•••<l-P-· -..P-·?.>Y->i'i< . ~ -r ~··· ·~ -· -.. <I' N~llllltrl3•*~'""-""""•.-AUSlll~,~ t,l!e.~l{t: w)lor.; .be!ni..~!!'!dl ~"<\.~~M).... !Jllli·~•E,11£it!i1i!!~P.;..·---·~~'r· ~{-;t. kfdhey is functioning v;eU -i.nd' Wo1 "'"'° • ----_-.:..:..."'!L:-. . " --. .... ' .... I • ' dtnslly .mtkillJil ·~ Jli"¢O" ~ '°"" " · -., ,_ ' ·. . ~. . F p · J ldclnlty of the alt1>lirl II'.... tterna !!iii . .a nea My ell dney 24 continue to do so. A1Taignment Slated ; -· • f'Ona, ... S ~_..pa -::'& l>oun ICO -TE. A, . l'DL'R8 . RE•. . BUFF. ED . :::Sii:m. "'!:a be m!'!:::l"".,... &th -Tu now In the boapital's Susan and her mother Florence wr I •. ~.1..£1 • • • -llW>dardl for llOllDdilrooflD -c:an nnll SUrg .... Aid Ibey denmlt 11Jr191')' early Tuesday. Th• lour-In Filmlanil Slaying . art.llOI adequate." ara "Tery pleued" lrith the progt.,. of hou• operatltn was pronoun<ed a -= ~ :i,..-ibe•&:"I:':!": l«V: =-and~= .. ~ OOl!tsuch ~!ant !,._~•County's lint "compSurg~ l~::.a~_",""_'.'.·. tm-a"v• VAN NUYS (AP) -~ Allen JQhnson, 22, wUJ be ~ June I. for the munler of L<lren Sillipl!lmt, I~ son of a !CreellWriter. ,-•, ••'""°" : 'talber ."'"' Wt ahj>ul . In-superinlmdenl'• negotiating team met M • c b . ....,. •.--• -, -~ ~ ~· " . ~·a.in• .ec..tly Wlllt tbl -· nqoliating . I.SS oom s, It b erpected Illa~ II all goe.s w,u, wbenberberelylunctk'1lngkidneyscom· .. 'Trim-N1 Ibey art proposlnjj a !0-team ror an hour. For another hour and a mother and dangbter will be lranslemd pletely failed m montha ago. The girl Johnson appeared at a preliminal')' earing Tu.sday. SUli~t1• the """ ol ling Silllphant, was IUJed at his )'wood CijMl'tintut Feb. 12. •• c:eot tax rate Increase. but ~ rn.. half after that board memben went ·off to regular care facilities on Thursday or -was kept alive by the me of artifjpai " -Waltel Adrian actno.rleoiilea that ,.of. ~ oi::.: =n~v~ =be~ .. crash Victim, Friday. devices until surgery coold be scheWled. ~· ·~-<II old ........ botld clebtli wm be . •r -:.=.~~:i~: fo111~1~bacl:androrih. R. ;tes Sla. ted ·,.' ,o.i..M.... · . · · Ftnally It ll:30 a.m. 1be ~ board a. metlltlg .coaVened and ended with the · bdd •""WDCtlDeDt that kat:berl had re# ject..i the boerd'• llnal off'I' and board acilon. lo ad.<>PI \Ill aalary ocale. 0 381 AT MDTING -· Three ~ .teacberi' came -to the boon! -,. TDesdo1 nlg1rt. But the bolrd n.e<ana...., rully-was. " •• .- Ll.\a V PllOT OltANH" COUT PVILllHINO COMll'AH"t ao'-t N. W..4 ~ .... ........ Jee~ ... c.rt.., Vice ,.,....,. end 0-.. _...ttr 1\etr.•1 k••~il l:djJw Thfflll A. Mvrphfno #19-t~ ,,tlar .,_ __ 310 W1it la; Slr11t Mettiltt AcW,.. .. P.O. a.. 1160, 92124 ----.............. u ........ ....... ........ ~, ........... . lhAwtzl•ctu••-- ' I • Tho aatary oca1e nngoa tr.-11,IOO per ,_ fllr'a, ...,NI ... -lo SU,lliO for a tNcllooo wttll 12 ,..,. oxjoerience ancl mucb iilmta.J -beyond the itandardJeachlng ~ Tho aa11iJ pie tl!ls ~ lrom 11,500 !Gr.~ .-1o '11,111. Teacberl orlgtnal1y W1J11 for a 'IOale ra,,gti,g'. lroin fl,114 lo 111,JOO with the lop P81 to be reached In 10 :run tmtead · of 12 and per year pay raises therefore longer. . From · Pqe J NAVYFAMILY •• Mrs. Joyce Rellly,_}9~ Lawrence J, 8el1l1 m s1ep1 """"""' -year otd and ..,.,..,.. or tragtdiel. Tilt home was darkened ~pee, quiet and mielled of coflee, . like • Jt is made Navy-style and tun of a seme of resignation. Oi.ief Reilly called from Manila Tues· day night with au order. '" ''}le said dourt Jiold out any hope at all," said Mrs. Reilly. "Everybody brings dooghnuts and nobodJ ~ts them,'' lihe said wtlh a 1\gb, pouring lbat black coffee ... It's funny baW so many people you ha-I thought of for a long time call you." Lt. Jlm Reilly read a newspaper .ac- count of what happened . to the ship carrying his father and 1'J'IDB" brother, then tdabed and muttered. His father who has opent II yean Jn the Navy, broke duty, then re-enlllted, wu about to reUre, but ~gned up again to go on sea duty aboard the Evans with hls younger son. -. "He always wanted to go Navy, just like his dad, .. said a grievinE wife and mother, "but I guess it was a11 different when ti.e got tn. All he wanted to do was get out." "I can't believe it," the younger Mrs. Reilly bad &aid earlier, "I got a Jetter from Larry just the other day, We 'Went together all through high id>ool. Ir we always knew we'd get married. "My husband r..rutsted beca-of Junior:' aald the older Mrs, Rellly, "be WU worried about t.be boy," "I OO.i think I want ID)' picture In the paper ••• not wilh rn,y face all aiecfup," Aid MrL Reilly today, IS her IOI\, & 116'7 Wtst Poiol graduate who nrilched lo the N•VJ made phone calb. LL llcillY'a wll1 · Bonnie pr<pmd lo lWakon the young widow upolalri oo she could meet a c:asualty officer uaigned to wtnd up the servlcO<Ol1DOCled atraln of a llillor1111o·had bedJrwaated out: Lentng the .-mtmn hl:me and Wa1k1nf down :an.. named -!or alrcralt carrtera -La:lngton. YcdloWD -one tltlilb ·-Ult Ralllys and theli gr1tl ...Sdtttla. • Llfo lo the wake of lrtlOllY mllll lm- m<dlafdt I• rfcltl mi. Ev .. In a NaVJ lamill· A funual service-ls 11ebeduled Tht1I'S4 day for 19611 Corona del Mar High School graduate Kathleen Coombs, killed ,,tth two trietldl bl .. Orqon pltme<raill her boyfriend -ed witl1 att!c:al lnjU!fi!s. Racuer1I reached the wrecbll In mountalnoul,ferrftory Sunday, but It wu toe late for -of the four·Unl""111ty of ~on prp,ts who mlttd the pfane · Friday for • scenic fii&ht over the Cascade Mooolaln.<. Rltes for Miss Coombs, 19, whose parents moved to 201 Ocean Ave., Seal Beach, followirlg her graduation, will be ,1 t:~ p.m. In the Idea . aJld . Wamm Mm1Uaey, 100 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena. Oregon authorities sajd ber boyfriend, Stephen Moore, 21, of Kent, Waah., aurvived the crash and was reported In 1atis!Actory condiUon at a hospital In Eugene. Killed besides ~fill Coombs, who had just finished her -you .. • joomalimt roajor, ~ Donglaa B. Gordon, 20, the pllo~ and John Lipke, 20, both of Eug<!ile. Investlgatori said Gordon who lived in Anchorage, Ala.ska before enrolling at lhe university. w•s an experienced pilot with more than 100 hours' 'flying on his logbook. Cause of lbe accident ·1s sWl under fn- vesUpUon. Beside& her pattnl!, who lived at 390 Granada Way dumg 1ix yeen In Colla Mesa. Miss Coombs leaves her brother, Marine Corpa ht .Lt. Rodger Coombs, <l!fftlllly. OD it· Mediterranean Sea duty ..\ilM ,Dll an IUD~ Mrs. Helen Luk!•, of Loo ADgOlu. Mr. and Mra. c.oombo new lo Oregon ~ leaiutnr of their only clauibter'• death Sanda, and uked lrienda In the Los Anlelet area to make 1ocal funeral arrangements. Miss Coombs was auistant editor of the Triton, Corona del Mar High School newspaper, a leader Jn YMCA student government activities and past queen of the Y'a Snow Ball dance. "We grew up together.'' said clasamate Sandie M-. of 30111 ~A ... , Santa Ana Heights, arttt ca 11 t n g newsmen Mto:lay to confirm a balf·heml radio J<pott al the trapcly. Mlss Morteman, who saw her frltnd home lrom colloge lasl aortstmaa......,, described her u an tnl.llJatDl l!!rl who thoQPt·flnl and acted afterward. "KatliJ 1iOnldn~ haft !Ibo an obvious risk." she aald. . . Ex-bunny ConVicted In Killing Doctor ATLANTA (UPl)-A lormer playboy club bumY "'"'CCilvlctod of votunla17 ~In ll>t ~-of. ~ IW1eoD ~and ... lt!>Ced to 1.'itCT'..:. ~ 28, lellilled ~ lhe all<nale FUltoil ~ jury "111 tried lo,..., Dr. "lutoo F. Bi.'own's 11fll -'Ibo 'clOclor --... around by the ohoulder and the gun ..... off.'' ( ' ' 0 Graduate to an OMEGA no.-ja I I f. 1;1.,°"""i-i.o.a AJ111luam 11111,_.._,.. ... o.p. W1111RsaJ1UJ 11r,,.-,O..llwth'1111T .... Mal~........ I ltiiilo ,._ ... .,_, ..... .... ......... ...... ....... _·-···-·--· .. --.... =·-..... ,.. ................ CONVfNIENT TERMS IANICAMUICAAD • MAffiR CHAMf ( . --r' ..., ...... . No•,...·11-,...a,-... ,...iiy • ii-' ... Omop. .. tlieWidahfora~.t P"ncJJIDBHd& Sieoa:r lap n'rel• of 0.., -----toclq.'651o•1000 . ...... t ............. ! ..... . o-t« ................... '°' D Ill.,,.....,... .... .... .............. ~ .. ... ... _ .................... .. ,_....,....,,..ts r :i1 ""'...,_ -..... ......... 1 ..... ........... ...-. ........ trn J. e. .J/umpkriej 'Jeweler 22 YEARS SAME.LOCATION • llll NEWPORT AVENUE • COSTA 'MESA PHONE ~l.J401 PhR lriiiifGildl New Jet Guns Needed To Counter N. Viets WASHINGTON (AP)-Fast-loag dislai!ces. "·flrin¥. harder-hitting guns The Journal of the Ann<Jd are being planned for U.S. Forces said the "Red Barbi\ j<t fighters because of dra-.tudy" disd05ed that in lbout mlt'ic p!'ogress· made· by 25 percent of. the aerial en- North Vietnamese pt l ai 1 gageme!lt's, enemy pilots wtrt against American planes. able tO swill~ their planes be- AU' Force wprt on develop. hind U.S. aircraft before be-q the gun will start lo the ing detected. coming fucal year and the This gave the su,,ned -will be installed lo l].S. piWU little dlonce lo the ~ a )!t fighter deeign· evade before beirlg attacted. ~. dear U.S. su-" PILOTS UNAWARE over any Russian· · jets In the 1970s. The report, prepored ~Y tbe Di. John S. Foster, the Pentagon's Weapons Systems P~'s reooarch ·ch J e f, Evaluation Group. also was dlac!oOed r.cently that North sald r. ha,. found thal lo Vietnam's fighter p!!ots were aboUt half the cues n•mlQed baU:llng U.S. war planes on U.S. pilots ...,. ..,.....,. of ll1mest even terms m the Iai· the enemy'• prelmC?8 untll . -,~··---1'!:~-·::i.:~--~~··11.I•••• " ..._ • '' ·a.1,1:1UV~ .. ··~4 ~ · • ·came ntnlilfivO 1Dllfs. RA'l10 GOOD "!bus. the F15 w111 inalrpor- • '1>adnl air ·~ over ate ~ in lona ranee NwJrth VMtnmn in 1957 we airborne radar tei:tmcikv. .. ;""•Mled a o...-air-The Air Force Mid a1mo11 i;ntt kill ratio in air-to-air guns now in its tnvmtorJ .,,lftCXOb, In fi!lcaJ: 1968, were built according to ~b the -North Vietnamese cut our . nology developed in the 1~ -by destnrying 26 1950 period. t(;S, .u<ra1t while 1 .. ing 31 of "The slate of tbe art In the theb' own. meantime bu ~ to "'FisCal year lrlO plans in· the poiflt that more effective '**58. ~ develop-air·f.o..air gun l)'ltems can be · -of. 'gun' aywtems opt!-desianed fer,.,,. atn:rali m:11 miztd .f« air~ combat u tfte F15," it uid. and ·a 'family of .imf>roved ''The Air Force ~ 3Clmm raundll C!mac:terfzed by program ec:&dlltl** Cll lncrW!d mau, lir.e and im· acblmmeDt cl hl&h ratel ~ poc:t edeqy." fire, mglier muzzle ..iodtlol Mbcl · oboot this. the . Air In larger caliber projdlol Force credlllod Ncrtb Viet-for ef!-at loopr ,., ,. dotllllbl plDs to Im-•• ""'"" -poalble al """8d ·tadicl, far -... in-t.". al..-""'"' -~ and ...:__-------· 1'VC'y _ICI! :tift" dJOioe <ii .-by Nd- ~ lllopped 'mixing It ~~=f= GMH!m a GlltW ........ -cmly when condittons ""' of -Rum Soaked FAT H t I,'·~ DAY ...,. -.mely advantageous and Bent to t:bsn," the Nr Force . spoPsm&a wd. for Pkasure Bnn' PLANES Fulk....., North Viet' ;::m::-fb111T'1 s~ iiid111belJ ... cblllmilnr U.& ..-., Ibo Air F°""' 111111.11111 oml up alder model lll<la ,., ---'l'bo Air F-domed that q W'"""'xW tn U.S. weep. am wse nspmsible far the 1'* of the eorli<r U.S. com- bl( ~ In 11168. . At the same time. there ,,.... report.a that a, secret stud1 of the performance of u .s. planes and pilots ..... Norlb Vielnam pointed out de- flcl!llCies In certaia . equlp- ~ rtpOrfed-. It --· w1ll leod lo ~~·"" dudloC' beUot fer Wllal -· -foO at -. 2/150 s331 BOX Of'BO lN;N·ou ·NC:EMENJ Diversified Counselors Has 9f>oned 111 Now Olllco1 In Newport Buch, ~ollfend• $lrvfl!f ni-In Need of c:o.-tlng Marria ge ; ; • Family Business ••• Employment . O.'t..5tru14la..';\Oth Your Problem• • • , Let Us Ass ist You in Th• Solution of Them • . H.Vro-10 to 5 P.M. Mon. thrOU1h Frldoy . Cal 675·2300; Eve. by AppolnlMlllt Enc.utlve Offices, Suite No. 206 City Cftter Block lllldlnt 3345 tffwport Blvd., Newpott leacll Opjlotifo City Htll-Amplo Ptridng • , • -Wltn hf,.-4,lt&t . r . ·r. .. • t-l "' A ' (f' I .J 1 t I • . -• I J ' I ~I lCl '~ ANAHEIM .444 N. luclld IJl.l 121. Mon. thni Sot, 10 t.m, to 9:30 P...,• · .....__.. -~-_._..__-N&WPORT · • 7 Fothlott lsltnd 644-1212 Moil. thni Fri. I 0 t.m. to 9:30 p.rn: Sot. 10 o.m. to 6 ·p.m • -.. . \ . -. r" ""' i . Vi,, " ' . ..,. . , ' . • . • 1 • . . '· ' ' • . · . . -• '""!'" . . . • . .. ·• ·'. ·' •, ., "'! .• ,. .. ' ' ''. .· · . •. l i , '. .· . .• .. · . .. " • I • I I ' -• , , • I Ollce burnell, l1llte ceutloua, tho Costa Mesa City Council has ,naln 1Hd out from under a music fesUval fer ,;.mg pte>ple, • II wu ~ mon1trouJ fop Festival of Jul year that did tho trick. After two days o! crowds beYooCI preclleo lion and anUc1 borderlni on riots, that musical ezpel" lment left town with tho odor of marijuana still In the air and an upligbt city council ~· ahxlous for a re-run Of the· evenL Moel adult Colla Mesans applauded the council'& crlticll attitude toward the Pop Festival The attitude g.,erally was: If such lhlrlgs bad to happen, let them go someplace else. ~ There u another side to the coin. The prange County Fairgrounds, the site of tho 11168 JesUval, bu facillti11 that go unUJed tor weeb o,n end. The governing ~rd of the fair bas o!tan said ii would like to o~ more entertainment for youth. Tbµs , the thougbll of another mu.lea! sbow for young people did not die because the Co6ta Mesa City Council would 1'1121er II happen llOID&- place else. -an opportunity to see 1f 'such programs could be staged Wlder laboratory condlUons of contn>L The p~ moter certainly was forthright and understanding o the problem~ Police had the opportunity (which the did DOI have In the 11168 c;<>DC61'1) for full ' study of·the sitpatlbn and other controls certainly could have been 'work.ot out between now and August 9, the date the ahow was scheduled. Perh8pr Costa Mesa would jll§t as aoon have a rej>u· talion a1 an uptight commuJ!i,IY on big gatherings of young people. Pernaps the city council wants to serve notice that no opportunity will be given for outbreaks. That certainly could be the interpretation at thls polnl One still wOllders If tllis wouldn't have_ been the op- poltunity to make a ·~. ~usive test o! whether this type of event di! be 8'.ceommodal!!d here on any basis. · · · But It C'!ll also be said that tllis fnay have been the best opportunity .to find out once and for all 1f there is an acceptable way to provide thls kind of yooth en- tertainment in Costa Mesa. This week, a young enjrepreneu• from Newport Beach came befora the Mesa COllDCl1 with a )>Ian for ::,1m;~i::~~-:!:;:1~.d----For :·Tliose ·-rill Dogs wwered moot o! th~ aty council'• criticisms regard· Ing police protectioo, cieenup and gen~al control of Perhaps the 11168 Pop FesUval.was the JJIO$I famous the audience. incident of all time for the Orange County Fairgrounds, The.crowd this time wa1 atimated at 40,000 versus but it does have a rival -certainly In popularity and the 100,000 wbo ·showed tip wt yeor -and·ueiirances worthin'ess of cause. wera given that the 11168 piUalls . wera recogmw and 11 is the CO.ta Mesa Rotary Club's 11\Dual antl:rab!e1 would be avoided. vaccination clinic f..-dogs schedole<I , tpmom>w night, As it turned out, the promoter of tllia year'& tbow Tbunday, on the fairgrounds parking lot across fr<im simply wilhdro:w his request He said be """1ld rather -tire city hallo. punue another plan ttian have 1lle Issue made a poll!-The anti-rabies shots wUi be given -.,. thanks to a ical football In Costa Mesa. , geoerous donation of time by Rotarians and by Orange r -The council's cautious attitude was understaliilable. County veterinarians -at a reduced price of $2. Particularly ,after near·,rlots al Garden ,Grove Straw· Rabies shou provide protection for two years, so if berry Festival last weekend, the potential for disorder the Fldci o! your house hasn't bee; vaccinated in the 'Don't forget our ti.metabi£ for withdraUJal of US t/:OOfl'.' - was well in mind. . last yeer or so, it Is a good ·chanu to bring bis he'l.lth Slill, the 1969 show might have beeil an. opportunity -and, the neighborhood safety -up to standard. (C l Sex Clnsses Dear. · Gloomy Gm~ Wut Is 'Mi nimum Day'? .. Drawing Fire Nationally .Not a ,Walkout, Teacher Asserts The Natimal Federatioa of ..,......., Women ls 1he lat.st grwp to-..,rimo 1he eex edueaUm cootnwersy. st rte representatives will :be -lo mate !<JlOrts and poaibly rt c. 1!1.!I!.. n cf, legislative actioo at 1he Natlonol Federa· tic.i's convenUon in Walblngtm · in September. BeauU!lca!locs plan a1oo1 N"'1JO'I Blvd. ID .downlOlrn Costa 14-la jUlt fine, bu! ""1'doeso, tt ateD! a litlle farlber ln eecb dlrectloo! M.11. C. Su education In the odoools, an. 1«11' • years of relati.ve quiet, ia ~j,,)lirt of a Communlal plot lo de~ th< sub1ect of bi"'r coolroveny. 'I' ~ ol youth and lo keep them ob!ess· mmtb.\ ago a special rep<Wt to the Na-ec1 ·wtth sex." A bill belort Coogrtaa Introduced by I To the Editor : For over a week qow I have seen articlet on "Walkout'" and "Teachera' Stril<e" In the DAILY PJLOT .. Allhough my version which follows is not u lltlmulJtlng aa !hit of yodt educotlon reporter, Mr. (Tbomu) Fortune, I'm sun! that It ls a better pretentation ot-the · facU. Please verify them by contacUnf ,any faculty representative to the Newport-Mesa Education Association. On Tue.!day, May 20, the N·MEA adopted a resolution ~ J:lold a minimwn day on Thursday, May':lt.,~ ~ ?f this minimum day WU .._, ~t all teachers in the dlltrict Coulil " meet together to discuS! our present s1tuallon • i --· . • ~ ~' .,.:~", . Rep. He • r r c. Schadeberg CR·Wls. > ~ """1d wtthbold federli fundl from aex Editorilil I' , ': -Oil -CIT retltad lucher I · . _ ~E;;..-~1,; lrainlnc. Bui U.S. Education Com- concerning salaries. if, · cerne:d about bia future as well u the WHY DIDNT we hoJtead plan lo.-1• :fullire o1 bis lellow-lelchen 'lo !hil after school on our time! dlslrld, I u1< !hit you tell YCIW' education • '! R~ mt....,. J._ E. Allen on M1y II l . ' . , hmbly---the .. u .... education "''•:.......o.;i'.:.!J~ . ..,;...j,l{jl 'ton:ea 00 Ibo -of bis --.. •· ----" -· c.mmlseloner lo 11 ... York tl<Jnal Educatloo Alooclation (N.E..l<J ·Stale. "W~I p · comin1 around · We met ON OUR TIME to formulate a repcrter &o give a better presentation of l~t oJ proposals to the board, a !ill of the .racta. 1 m1lse !hit "mlnlmum day" whJch salaries are a minor portkm. caanbt ccmpeie with "walkout" for page We met ON OUR.TIME to evaluate this one. I ai. realize that you have alway• notad: "5ev<ral clUea acroao the counl!Y wllb Ufera -some of it the IUtblest have been fon:ed to scuttle or pollp::me YoP bate seen -" he &aid, "saytng lisL IUPPOrted. ICboola. However. I believe We met ON OUR TIME lo adopt the lhll you relllxe that. we doo't need sex education programs. 'Ill<)' lndudo It Wjll " -in school." Pboeni:l; Albuquerque; Panipany, NJ.; proposall. another neWsp1per ln this area whi..:b is We met ON OUR TIME to hear the anU-publlc educaUon. counter proposals from the superin. La Gran&•. Ill.: Salt Late Cly; and areas in Oklahoma, Waahlngton, Mll>- nesota. and New York.0 More recently, Paul PutDam, an N.E.A. spokesman, said that an "orgltliaed at. tack" Ori sex-e(!ucation is under way in It t-27 stai.s -Arizona, CaJl!omla, Colorado, ~icut, Florida, H1wall, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, JaWa. Kan.las, Kentucky Louisiana M a r y I a n ·d , Nkbl.gan , New Jersey, New York, Nevada. North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon. Pennaylvania1 TeDDe5$ef:, Texas, Wubingloll, and jllah. OPPOSmON lo ... education Is push- ed by such organizations as Sanily on Sex (SOS), Mothers Organized for Moral Stability (MOMS), Citizens for Pll'O!ltl Rights. and People Agai n st UncoD!Ututional Se1 E d u c a t I o n (PAUSE). Opponents alsc trace op- pbsjtion to Christian Crusade, a right· .Wing group based in Tulsa. 'The N.E.A. noted: "The conauvative John Birch Society has also announced a campaign, known a!I lbe 'Movement to Restore Decency,' lo eliminate or restrict ~:r education program!. Robert Wtlch. Society president, 5111 aex educalioo :la AN OFFJClAL JnvesUgatlon of sex tendent and the school board. ANGELO V ASSOS edUcatloft ln California is now under way. We met ON OUR T™E to hear the Physics Teacher . Saperbltende:nt of ,tublic Instruction Max progress of neg2Uatlons. (The agrffd / Corona del Mar ~igh School Rafferty predicts that if dlatr:lct.s like upon deadllne was May 9.) A m.ininium day is four hours of in· Anaheim -where a Family Life Educa. We met ON OUR·TIME to hear the list atruction, tM minimum guaranteed tiOD -eoune wu started ln the public of items of agreement and disagreement Z>tl law to tach child. Such a shorten· IChoals lu 1965 -don't drutically revise between the negotiating council of N· ed teaching da11 cannot, by law, be de· their au COUl'lel, legislltiqn will be pus. MEA and the superintendent. clared b11 ttachers. Only the achool eel "with a whoop aod a boiler.'' We met ON OUR TIME to ta1k the board ha.r that authority. Tht Ntw. The Wall Street Journal cbarleterlzred sUuaUon over with all of the teachers in port-Mtsa 1choot board has not indi- tbe Anaheim COUl'le as • "national model the district. oottd a. urillingnen to coll a minim.um for llCOpfl and candor!'· The new1papu We met ON OUR TIME to make a dcy. If the ttachu1 wtrt to deciarf: quotes Mn. Eleanor Howe, \rice preaident pre.sen~Uon· to the school board in case it, 11! ~11 said they werf: going to. of Citllens Committee of Call!ornla : th~y ~Ujl not aware of our posiUon. we can it a walkout. "'lbe ·educators baVe jolnea t'h e IN FACT·, I can think· of very little that -Editor pornographers iD • diabolical plot. High teachers do to better the educational nm.. school studenta here are learnlnc li>oul · .. -oral-gerlltiltMi." -grarit In thls district which doesn't hap- U true, thJs is probably .further than pen ON QUR TIME .• •. time which is the Amtrlcan MediCal Auoclatlon .. aad alwidy. taken up with preparing lessons, the NaUonal Education Ahoclllfaft plan-cra<Ung papers, stay~g cllrt'ent in our ned U-.ings to go When, in April lt&f, they subject areu: are many <>lher items joinUy approved the 1.:oncept of ~ whJeb d~a.J with our job; teaching. educaUon in the 11ebools aa 1 means · Of For this reason .•. we planned .to meet .on lowerin& out-of-wedlock preghanc1es '.and .school time to discuss a problem which venereal -dtseue.. Eve11 liberal.~\orl should an~ could have been solved.long now fear that ane of the elusroOm' jnio. , bdor.• ~t d'ate. The minlmutn1day was !tructioa ii cauiin,( loxieUes In~" . to bf:ve ·had. Jdequate advan~,noUce &0 not old •-1> tn'bolCOnfroblfd1 wflb ·~· ', U..~ parentl ~;plan ''" tt, " they lbt racta rl. lifii · · fw'• fqr otbef suCh days. For tboso cues • ' • ' , ' M • • • : •• Where thf: cb1ld would .have ,t.o1be 1 ac ' ·, · · lchool:lar the !11f1 tf>.1 ·1here ...,. to be Not t or Cost• Me•• To the Editor : The mayor promi98d the citizens of this fair city that it would not be blighted again by a pop concert.. Why coo.ld any councilman whQ has our youth at heart want to promote a pop concert (by that or any other name)! Has he lorgotteo the deWudion of prOP- erty and qie d~uf bebavior at the la.rt one, and dldn~ ho road about rtota at Palm Springs dur!n( Euler Wee.k Wbe!i they had a maalc: festlnl wblch attraeteil lbousands of blpplol! ·:-Jumping to Co~lii;sions oupervilory teac1iers. Unlortunate\Y, the tuchen of the dlltrict beard Mr. ·Fortupe's version flnt.. Many lnterpretad thla as being uked to leave t.be1r clusu unattended and depart for: a meeting. 1bis wu not the case. It was made c)ear to thOM at the repreaen-- ta.Uvt · council meeting and I wumed that it was clear to Mr. Fortune who was also there. OUR YOUTH are bombarded With undesirable •t!ractionl wblch create. juvenile de~, IO wby ltiouJd the City Council mate Ibo situation ...,.. by attracting more addicts and pusben Into It lJ a doubUul tribute to nalve a vacaUon post card. The people who send tbem usually are elther trying to kid tbemselves into believing they are havlng a IJ'eat time, or to let you subtly know lt>w much better off they are than you. 'Pet peeves : Seelng a grown man at his ;nee desk eating a box of raialns. Secood lliglll 11 !hit marvel""' gift or uliture which pr.vents moot of us from !alJing In loft at !Int sight. \ Tbe best way to brut up lbe k>gjam in ioip.r edocaUoo lto't lo mike It eaier to ,.i Into oollego-!Jut banler lo 1et out of tindergu!tn. • ; ; ' WHEN AN UNABRIOGED dlctloaary in a cbildless home is too well dusted, you c.an figure tMt the · owner ls problbl7 a hypocrite. F.,. acluftl actually uae a large dictlonatJ ollen enough to keep tt dust free. . One """' sljn Uill a busband IJ .henpeeted 11 H tili"'wlft ateps Into the · street ahead of him to signal a c ab to ball. Jt shows that she 11 more ac-Pll>Ol'LB LOOK IDOll dull and vacaot· CU!lomed than_ he to usertlng 1utborlty t....r -rfdilw.'"' a jabway, moot and eserct5in( IDIU.Uve within the allft,and alert wba rldlnc . ., a niller · llmll1. • -• So wt>y c1oai tbey'balld -.,. • Th< prevaleooe of Illness can partly be -llljlllni dips and dlmbf llto'""l!r •. asplalood by the fact they are m11dng _., n would be wwth· Ibo addad . -loo pleasing to the plilte, .. caol Jo&I ID llllA • "*'1er"manldtid. 'lhal ·..,.,. people ut them as u they U 1MJ -aMiUwd each illy """''Candy. The quickest cures come -lllrlll Jo&I -lllln( be -and from taklnc bad.win& medldneL ............. , ruflJ -· the In-_ ....... -ID,. .,.,. . ~.WR IJ any pmoo om' 40 who rarwll .... ,.ov•i: 4.._.,. people dablu he never moru:. But women are d llmd MP f1'!W IDt:k-. IVlll U ID valo an this point !hit they '""Id --a bf al . I ,llllller •each pl...i tulllY lo grand 1"""11 before __ .. • they'd ldmlt lo llloring. ,,_ • AT A SUBSEQUENT meeting (on our time) a poll Was taken to det-ermine the support for what many teachers \)y then thought was a walkout Mr. Fortune, when asked, Aid that lf the association did not want the results of the poll reported that we could r<quest !hit he temp0rarlty atep '!II the door. Th< next diJI we read In the DAILY·PILOT ,we hsd "ejected" yoor feportet. kJ a t~ who la om""ly con· ...--Bf G"".9ct --, Dear George : . I am doing a· h1slory way and pl.-t.11 me everything yoa know about Marlon the Swamped P'os. STUDENT Dear'Stud<ill: • I know tllls much -any fU thit can't Nll 11111 better than !hit ahoulcln' haTO taken a boet out In tbo lint pllco. I . . - the city? . >.rzy councilman whcr vote, for· a one- day, lWO<fay or any pop conc:<rt ehould first visit the ward at county hospital that cam !or th< dope victhM. E. A. WOODSON p ,.._tlnf Pop To tile Editor: tan't It ironic lhlt a certajn councilman w:ho lw be<n promolfna city beaotllica· Uon to the hilt at tarpayers' npense ii now promoting the pop conc.ert which, last year, left the city In shambles, pfua a dl'll'aceluf Influence upon our )'QUth. Appattnl]y, he bu no c:oncem lot tas- payen' money <r evil Jnfluences upoo our youth. You've hurd thlt adults are to blame for the actloM of ldcls these days. In thJ1 Instance It's true. MRS. A. K. HA YES El llforro's Proble..s To the' E.dltor : , . • Th< new pJ'Ol'(lHd plan l..-•tbo El, Mor·' ro Elementary SChool will slvt the --~ ~""' " "t · . ·.\ what they've been doing fer us. 'Ibey (,:. ,. • ~ , ,-_r -'1,A.:'ft .-~ didn't burn draft cards or. pop pU1a end f p 4 4 ·.·1:~V~:::4 . i,,.. f~, ''.....! ,i:rotest. Ttiey're what makes America t' ~~ !!~~ f ' ~ &lrong. ~ --J.)~:=~· ,·,· •.• v Don 't you · think some ol UI coald --* •.•. ~ ........ ~ .~-...... ":......ww~i.: * sacrifi« a litUe of our time and If> eut L1"9B min. ,,_..,. ,,. -· NomMllW 1'1'""11 and thaat these men, and show them IO-tl'IM!ld CINIYft' "-l'~lllJDI_...,..... ' • Tile ,.,~, ,. CllllClftlM lilttf~ ,. m .-ce • 1111111-m~ cares . l "''-llbtt " ,__,, All ......... ITIUlt ln(luM Pl contact th ~ ban Club and 11t111tu•• •nd m .. 11.., lldd-. 11iut .,_ • ., ·• ease e '"'AC II! w11111M111 1111 l'9Clu.u If 111ttki.nt ......,,. 11 .,.....m. be a part of welcoming hmne 1Dme wonderful men. That's just the lea& we "thildren just one month of summer vaca· lion in August, orie· month at Christmaa time and one month in the Spring. addina an additional 20 days to lbt ~l year. By eliminating the three months of summ~r vacation, lhey feel ~ child 'd . forget less. ~ccordfng to Dr. Ebblnghl~1 • experiments on ~tention, Ule greatftt 1 proportion of forgetting ottUrS afttt 'the · la.rt COl!lact with the material, and not with the inctta.5e of Ume. Therefore, if youieave the material three times a year instead of one Ume1 the forgettina: would be more. • · · ' SECONDLY, THE support.rs · of Hie new plan feel that leu Ume would be spent in review., 'l11e teacher, bowevft-1 must revjew three lime.a a year with tbe new system, instead of one . Ume. To a.void forgetting, most teathers revi£w continuously anyway, and J, as a teacher, do not feel that it ls a waste of time. ~ Many mothers endorse the new plan because their children get restless at the etid of a three months vacation. In the summer, the children can play outdoors. Jn April and December, with rainy and cold weal.her, the children may bei~ fined to the house, thus becoming rettleu too. IN CONSmERiNG this new plaD I , think we shouJd consider the following points: a. Families with childrtn in elementary and secondary schools will have their children on different vacations. b. Can we expect a child to study well In the SWTimer, when it is hot and his friends and family are at the beach? Will he l'i'ant to do his homework alter school? c. The traffic on Pacific Coast Highway will make it even more dangerous for the • bus to exJt at El Morro and caue more cdngesUon in the canyon. d. Teachers wilt be bani!icapped ·In going lo school In the summer. · NAME WITllHELD ' Jlfeet t he 'Boll• . . can do. . . CHARLENE SAWYEll ·SALLY S'J'EWNSON • E'f!r .the c- To the EditOr':·i ·,· .... • The v11St and disordered' conclave of Americans under the deslln-of "modei'ate" h.u usually been contait to remain unheard. However~ while pnvail· Ing as a maJority, ,lt bu llw111 ~ . und\: attack.tw both ei.dea of tbe ~f •peclnJm loo' Yl!l'iOlll ,__ 'lbrcl!lh lhe!e·timeS. the JD$rity baS llwly& re· malned at.able. · · . And, .. lilJe 115 IU'bclstlng - to poU~I oplnlOp .have usuaDJ' been describe<. a.5 one long "apatb.efie IP'!ian." its position bas ~ver neeesilblted reciprocitf ~ relaxed .. apathetic gel in which mOderatlOn and society fattens and pro.spers has been maintained "throughout America's democratic blstory. . Yet, for the first ' tinie 1ince .the American Revolution •. · moderation· is trernhllog ID 1loe balaDCe. The:alarmln1 11tate of110clal 1netamorpboais ii regardll to violence hu ca1sed even liberal c,... toonlat Bill Maoldln to portray morals ol "febellion: RE"AC'I10NI" into b't 1 repreaenlalioqs. ·The r'e a: u I a'r 1 y un- conoone<: majority . IJ moving lo ID4ke JtseH heard. · AT nus POINT 11will attempt lo ex· plain lltY mouv·e.s. I am a young .rebel, working for "The Cause_.11 1be cause I figh t for includes the comUtution of com· plete equal rights for all people, the re- vision of colleges and univeniiUes acroas America to fit and satisfy atudents, a withdrawal from th Vetnamese conflict, and an am'eliofation Of labor conditions in sub!ta~ard fl~ds. 1 However, in mY quest.nv tnlkal Idols wouflf ' be. Aieundet l{irqlaty, not Vladlmir UlyaJiav: Ralpli Abelnathy, llOI ff. Rap Brown; and l'lunllt .. !ol!Ca!lliJ, not Mao. • I clo11Dtchoar< vioierl<e becaUSO'l tnow what thla COIDl!r)' can do to nie.,n ln!Ot To the Editor: Jl)ettly· for cullll-reader1 1Ulat.,l , wrilt We'd like lo share an unlm#ltable et· ' this letter; It i. fort~ uplooldlng ;'The perience with you and your ~ Cause" becl:use I believe it· to k' in One morning this past week we went danger. with a group of elgbt other.women to El Violence ~ill lead to nullification by an Toro Marine Base &o welcocne home a aroused public. "'l?le Ca.wle't.IMY be belt plane carrying ta young men from 1uppor1ed by pe.a.9erul means. Vietnam. One wife .wa.s there to meet her · '. · • ' . MICHAEL CURTIS !wlband and Pat Qowney of the Hun- ~ Beach sor.· Club and ,Doug Arther of ' the Excbingt Club were the ' . ' only Other people lilen lo sreol them. , The.1( hive organized • weteomtng corrl· -- mlttee, liq with El TCl'O Elchange •-,-, • , '. Club,-lo gr.,t planes bringlng·our MEN , . .home. They're not boys anymore. · ~ ~ 11 • • WE'RE AllllAMED wt Ila ... ~ .-Wednesda7, June t; J.9e9 befon toclaf. The organ11m 'cu'I eel ·;,:._ ',dj~ ·...:, of U:, Dcllr ""°""' to commit themselves lo ID out ~ • u.m. People are 1oo oosy: 'the l>lanes Not "''" ,. hi/om Gnd .- come ln at early and lite hoon, and ulalc •ca<ler• br prcsmtlnfl tins aome are just not ltrterested. Jt ~ulrei ntlD!J)Cper't opiniom and com.- -nathln< more 'than an bour and a haU ol """'°'11 on !Opi<s of hllcrcll your tline, a Uttte ,psollne, and a few o1ICI lillnilkance, bu provkllng a klnd word.I. A simple "ftlcome )mnt" foru.m for the tZRtt'1imt ol brlnp a smile to aft othent1ae 90~ face. our rt:cdcr1' opfnfon.1, and &JI 'l1>ey come off the plane In alt colon, prumling the diome vr.... &llM, lllld ilq1retty poor spidtl. Ho,....,, points of Informed ob"""" they am quick lo allow their appr<datloo •l!d opokesmm on Copies o/ llt• lo th• small band of people there to sroet dtrJI. thOm. ' 'Robert N. Weed, Publisher WE WERE PROU~ of these men Ilic! .._ __ , _______ __, • r ' Wednesday, June 4i 1969 DAIL V PILOT :J ",Pr.owl Yet Sad Navy Taps Marks Searcli's End H11nt -f or 73 Missing. Men . .. . . . On· USS Evan.s Given Up P&ARL , HARBOR (UPI) - A proud but ud Navy tnM:liUon, tips at aunset, · told the men scanning the smooth tropical waters their 73 comrades.of the iea were lost forever. * * * "1'- Sailor Feared Future Serving Witli Brothers By THE ASSOCIATED PRE.SS Boatswain's Mate 2.c Gary Sage wor· ried about serving with his two brothers on the Navy destroyer US!) Evans. "He said if anything happened the ram i I y could los'e all three," recalled Mrs. Cheryl Hargens in rural Niobrara, Neb., where she was a classmale of Gary's two younger brothers. Gary's worst fear became grim reality Tuesday when the Pentagon infonned Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sage that three of their sons had died when the Australian carrier Melbourne sliced through the Evans in the South China Sea. The thrtie Sage brothers lost in the ac· cident were Gary, 22, Radarman 3c Gregory, 21, and Seaman Appren. Kelly, 19. Tht Sages' suniving child is Douglas, 7, who was playing in the farmyard Tues- day. From the carrier Kearsarge, Rear Adm. Jerome· K. King Jr., radioed the report that ended the search for the men who went down . with the bow of the detsrover Frank E. Evans in the South Cbinl:'.s.a ' "We have absolute confidence that we liave picked up all SW'Vivors.1' The men of the Kearsarge gathered on its flight deck at sunset Tuesday for memorial services for the men of the Evans. A bugler's taps echoed In t h e lradiUonal farewell to men lost at es.a. The task force of ships tbat raced to the scene of the Evans' collision wlth the Australian. aircraft carrier Melbourne had recovered one body, making the of· ficial death count 74. Now they sailed away from where af 3:15 a.m. Tuesday the Melbourne had sliced the Evans in two. Among the dead in the Evans' bow: three brothers from Nebraska. Not since the five Sullivan brothers or Waterloo, Iowa, went down together a~d the USS Juneau in the Solomon lslfllds during World War II has the U.S. Na\r}' had a worse family tragedy, The Pentagon in Washington said It had rescinded the rule prohibiting brothers from serving together at sea, imposed following the Sullivan loss to prevent more family tragedies. . Spokesmen sald the Evans had a father-son team, too -Chief Gunnar's ~fate Lawrence John Riley or Costa Mesa, Calif., and his son boiler tender 3-C John. The senior Riley survived the collision. • UPI T•l<tllMM He watched excitedly as a bustling neighbor bearing a cake entered the house .• The cars of friends filled the norma11y quiet farmyard in northeast Nebraska. Relatives, many who lived oearby, busied themselves feeding the livestock and handling the other routine chores. His son went down in the bow. Riley senior had postponed his retirement aod signed on for two more years so he could serve the Navy with his son. serve .the Navy with his son. TUG TOWS STERN SECTION OF USS EVANS TOWARD PHILIPP INES AFTER SHIP SLICED IN TWO' BY AUSTRALIAN CARRIER . . ' . In Niobrara, a town of 750, residents gathered in the business district shocked b;"the blow. "I wu an Anny man during World War JI, and I told them I thought maybe they'd have life a little better in the Navy," said Ernest Sage, 52. alt seemed like good advice then .••. " What put the two warships on the col· lision course on a clear moonlight night will be determined officially by separate U.S. and Australian boards of inquiry which may pool their findings later. U.S. Vice Adm. William F. Bringle, commander of the U.S. 7th fleet, ap- poi.nted King the senior member of the American board. King supervised the search for survivors. Navy Lists Victims 9£ Ship Collision CARRIER MELBOURNE BOW SHOWS DAMAGE FROM COLLISION U.S. C•rrler Ke•rMrge Shem• Pest In &.ckground .WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Def,,., O.oerlm.nl fl.at illtflt!lltocl IM m.n kill.cl Ind '°""' of ftW ml ... IMI in IM r•mnll1111 of tfll U.S. onlro'lw E.,.,. b'I "'' " Al/llrlllln carrLlr M•I~ 1n ,,,. $oUfh ctllna Sff. T ... dffd ,,,.II -· ldltltlfl.i I I WITWln t(..,Mlh WIYM GU.,.., $Ol'I of U rrt G-011"'1, lnd~ndtnct, Mfj, Lh1ttd 11 m1n1og wen~ R..i.rmAn. J.C. Terry l.M Htndet'Mlllo .on ol Wltlltm H..,rv Helldenori. wn1111tlf, Jil.Y. ~-n AppNfllke JCNI Lula Gooil1ta, 1011 'ot .,,,.,.11,. E. Geftula, clovlo, NM.. EM. Gr"°" Koklll'OINW, 11011 of Mr, •rocl M'l. Hcrnrd I. O!Nwt, S.n Mlltto. Clllf. El~Q TKMk1•n J .C. J1'"" Frtnkll11 •rHltv, '°" of Jlmtl Rom.tlM lrf.Cllr/', iYflCUM. H.Y, SH-n CMrv JastPll Vl!llM, hvsbff'ICI of S.rth A....,l,.. ~. F1rml""°", N.H. ltNM Tldlr>kLln J"rw Wllllllrn O.vlo, IOI! OI Mr, Ind MR, Ctcll W, Om&. IPriflslltld, No. s..rri.n ,t.pprentke IEVI f'ncleridt_P,...IOll, loOll of M r. Ind Mrs. E1rl F. P,...lorl, O!lld110M, N.J, SNman AllPffiltk• Otftnll RllP'I JOP1111ton, ton of Mr. Ind MB. RllDll H. Johm;lon, Al'OerfOl'I, Ind, SfflNn Tllolnt1 9. !Sox, IOll of Mr, •nd Mn. O.nll'I w1ui. .... ~ Htl«l.I, ALI, SHINn ltt_erult H9MY o. Wnl Ill, llOl'I of Mr. Ind Mrs. H_.., D. wat Jr .. a-m.11, s.c. Se111mn lllfCl'\llt """'Id WIYM Sml!h. '°" Mr. I nd M'l. lllOllolrt J. Smllll, lrklllevltw. Ill, Seflm1n lttc•11lt Thuolon P•rrl Smith Jr., IOfl ol Mr. •nd Mr1. T, P •. Smlth, Sr,._~l flt>oro, H.C. Sffmen 51.....n.AJlerl GVYlf', IOI\ of Mr. "•nd Mrs, 0..rlip Cllllonl GVYll',1 51 JOHPll, Mo. e .. !flft Roi.tt o: k•r.iiaili. :ft; 111 Mr,. •lld Mrs, ~r:::~ ~'"°'f~ui11wte, ~nd of Mrs. Rufi\ U.llt.rft', fftr•-WL C.Uf. S..men AP11J1t111lu DllUlll•• 11.w Me!tl•r• t1!: " Mr. •nd M<11. ill:OY Anlt'lor!Y M1l1Mr, ftl!dlord, M h, SUmea_it..:;rvlt Jolln 'T't!om•• Tol1r, .on OI n. OM l-U•rtn1r, .tMnMll•n lt•dl. Calll. S.1""n A.pprtnlke James RQblrt hUr, '°" of Mr. •nd Mrs. W•rr~ Sttnton~lll", Wlwton, W. VI. 11.H•rman l .C. Con w,.1..., •rnQ()l;1 1111!! Ill Mr. <Mid M<11. Cti.rlel W"lt'f' war j.J>1~111'11, Tn. J~'Ti1~1~rJ.~"11..J;· c":i'l~;'ni1~:'!1· s.nJar Chlff ~ tNt• U.wnnc• JOhn R1l11¥, 11H "'Ill'*' l'O tflt EYIM. e .... 111n o.m111 t.cott P•ttee '°" of Mr. •nd Mrs. °'*klhf G. P1ltMl.-HOJlN1v, U1111. Seamen APOl'•"'le. Andrew ""rtl11 Mtl•nd•"-• '°" ot Mr, •nd Mrs. C.rl0$ S.nehls Mtl~rn, Wlllll!w, C.f\f, *l'l'llln .l.POrtnllcl 0twr1 Rt_y Gris......,,_ Jr., 50fl o'I Mr. •nd M<11. 0 . , Grlj"°"'• CD'<' Int·, Ctln. ltlid•nMll Jft;. Vlttor" llornh 1tl•111 ll\ll~nd ol Mrs. Ila,.,_,, Rllc•I, San Pldl'll, Cl II. S_1.,,.tr11n r1nd1 JOMOll G•tl:I•, ton of l(m. Mtll A""*'-111 rcl1, Sin l='r1nel1co, c.111. 5"m11n ltKOlll Jollll Wl'f'"' Thomas, U1I ti Mr, Ind Mrs, Lon E. ThorNI, Elkllom, WlA. Rep. Goldwater Gets Committee Position WASHINGTON" (AP) -Califomia'11 newest ·COllgn?SSman,, Repub1ican Barry Goldvla~r Jr;1 .bas taken a seat on the House ·(.iOlilIJUltee on Science and Astro- nautic!. Goldwater1 ~ 30-year-old stockbroker son d tht Arizona senator, was elected Jut month from a su~ Los Angeles district. only 10 days left until jf atl)er' 5 map barr~l •ilhout r- ~OUz cJioice 12so . s111N11 A110r1n11ca H•,,rv ii:.,,,,.th Frv1: i.on ot Mr. and Mn. H...,., Lew~ Frw1. San Pedro. C. I. "'M' jllrl1<:1 Ttdlnlc1111 l.C. Melv!n Holle""'" G1rd111r 'I''°" OI Mr. •nd Mri. .tMlv1n H, G1f11Mr, Southtrn P ,,.., M.c. • Sfftt'lllfl #lpprtnllc• #lndrPW J•"'" 8o'1o. Miii or Mr. Incl Mrt. JMnes AMl'IW llotlll, Stoclc!Oto. C•IU. S"m1n J1me. Rl~~rd Omllv!•, Miii of Mr. Ind Mrs. Rtchtl'11 Howlrcl Om1yl1. Lu••fnbutQ. W~. Slfi1"111n RKrllll Melvin H•rrl1 er~. pn ol """· Get11dnn arown, H1rn1r1mck, Midi, Sonlr Sutt1ee TKl'mkl1n 2.c. Jollfl Rt!'""' s .. , •• Plt .. Mnrl Ill Mrl. L•ur111 Sony, Long Hell, C•lll • S.•m1n .l.POr"fflllc' TlmQtllY lYIWI Mllltt, Miii al Dor\ald Ol.ll"' MU t<, Llnt!llll Mlcl!. RMI•""'" 2.c. e>.nv erii'dbu<V Hod91.0n, 11111 ot Mrs. Jean !i.\lscn Mllw1ukea Ort. Um.In 11hi:~_0111nv Vlclor' Clurt,~on of Mr, • r· W I •m GltfOrd Clvlt S1111 Jon 1llf. )10Nllt11 cor111""'n ~ti.rlH Wu l•m. c1n. nll'IOIOn. IMAIMond of Mn, W•nd• Mle 1nnf1111lo!I. ""~lrll, Fll. ·~ 1'" T-.nci H0!1Gl'I J!~ loOf'I of Mr. •nd M ... J, orforl St 8NIOlllWI, N.T. "''"° 111! •• m111Y111 .,, r,:', .. n 111en w111 _.., Hr\llnt on thl dn!r~r. ""' 1rt RIM llNlrm.1n 3.C. Grwotv Allen Sto• Ind Stam11n RKrUlll GtrY LOftll Stvt Ind Te11v Jo S1oe, 11\e "°"" al Mr. tnd Mrs. EtMll Edw1rd 51>111. or Nlobr1re, Ntb. ll••U• l.C. S~f Is mtrrled IO M•1, Llt'ldt $1,11 StO*, Omllll, .... 'IMl911 Jon Ktnntllr Sttwor, ton of Mr. end Mn. ll:'.t!Vl9111 c1 .. r111 Slt•e!', Alr..O.n., C1lil. S.11m1n .l.11Pnntk t J11.,. W/llltm Ktrr, 1an of Jamer. Tlrol'l'IPtCln ICerr, (>lend••• C1tlL, ar>d Mrs. Ftrn Ktrr, Gi.ndllt, c.nt. &ollerme,..l'lremafl Aw ... nc.i llobtrt J1~ s.1r1•, rtliS~nd of ""'"' TMlm1 Ruth -s .. r1e, Tor· r1net. Ctlll. 5"m.., A11C11"111tlce S Don 1'1111n. '°"of Mr, Ind Mrs. Don All!i'll Fl!len. Uflllno toll, Pe. Sfffl\ll\ Appr!'£c1 L.on 0.111, Ion ol lo\r, t nd Mrs. LIOll ur o.tl. n rtnc!!>CO, Cal/I. Sum111 APOr~nt '! R•y• J-Dll e1r11v, 1011 ol Mrs. Ell11M!ll flrl v, Malllrll!'I' Cit~·"· ,..m~A~"'l!J•me• Frid n tll, .an of Mr. al'ld ,.. , F. U. J ., l.tnth , Ei.tt IChn 111 1.~tJ-"!.'ine~, •-""'. ., ''raa'ine . . w. 1. r tc.t T. It . r• l'f', Wl~Mr1~~Mrs. "-'.Gr~,!'.f",.,.~~~' SMm11n _..,lie• l'UDtN GNrt.::rt. 111n "' FISHER 160-T and XP·S's. FM-Stereo ARRARD 25 -Watt System e Gt rrtfd 1utom11ic h1r"·'•~ll ,!us •l•rt0 ttrlrld~ wltlr Oiemoncl 117• ·~-• F"lltf' l•"·Pls'°" sl)Mktr tvtllm -ell .,IJ~\lt tnelP!.vrn, ill:'lwllr Slit.GO 1 p1I<, e PllHll 1•0·T l.tlt!il 1f" 111 SO!id·>lllt f) .... FM Sl1•to ill:Kll .... r, Tur11.Q.M11lr. •vn1"9 11111;1t your 11-lt• FM lll!lw! .. IM' llOll~ ol I llu1!0ft. 111 ... Slft.t S, -.. ~ ----.; • • . REG. PRICE $369.501 29968 e Mtw s~trwDCJd ~lllOOA JOO w.r! FM lltrft' IOlloil 1Utt r11;trve" f-.1 , ...... ·-· e H W•" S.lld l!1te $ttrCO .l.111plllllr 6 ........... p. e IJ• C1>-.i.•1tl LIMlll' Sot1kef w1-.1,11 Enclotvrn. • -011.0 • !Nt G1rr1rd, AUIQfllllk ,..,...,. trb:o pl..s. 1••••0 ttrlrJdO• •1111 c111..-1ry1..s. REG. PRICE $174.501 9999 REG, P)llCE $254.50j e ,,.. Co ••Ill Ltncctr t11t••· tr, ·~ ...... Olltd ,..l~vf -·~ • ollil "11!1 A.#o~M IOlld 11111 ., ... ttC-'""'" 1698~ .. '6950 ' ' .• " ' • • I . l a j ' , I i ' I I , I "". :I MllVfll.OT San Francisco Mayor Joaoph Alioto didn't reckon with hls own rartorial splendor when he appear- ed as a television auctioneer. After the mayor auctioned off a piece of modera sculpture for educational leleyiJlon, station KQED, a viewer called>.~ <>ffert<) hls honor one dolJat,10' bla black and whlte pat· terned'~. "You can have lt for SlO," AJlfo said. Splritecl bidding followed and the tie flnally brought $15. • TM WT" in Spiro T. Agn~ might weU 1tand /OT "tough" ij PrtlilknL Nixon's reaction to a htarty · #ice presidential handshake is an'll tndica-- tion. The 11iee president bid Nizon goodlrue 03 M le/t /OT hi.s "~ mission' td MidlDOll Island with a jareweU handshake -or bone cnuh. • Adjutant Gen. John J . W~m•ck's 600 is only a youngster. but he knows bo)'I the Army does things. As Montana National Guard units beaded for stimmer camp at Pfelena, Mont: Wlder fair skies, Womack told hls son that be had ~. """ 4, 1969 Park Issu~ Debated In Berkeley BEJ!KELEY (AP) -Debate hu r<plac<d vtoltnce and man morchea here aa cit/ and Unfvenlty of Clllfornfa of· Dc1all try to reaolve the "People'• Park'.' contl'offl'IJ. ~ Bereley'• City Council apen1 all .-,,. In& Tuaday llll•nlnc loheated -on about the tbr<e ..,.. of fenctd unlvenlty land that pr~llled vlolenc;e Mf1 l5, a mareh lo the stale C.pltol and marcbel throulh Berkeley atreeta. fn 8acnll*llo, 0... Ronald Reo&an. wbo ordered the Nlllonll Guard rimoY· ed after Ill 17-day occupation of tbe T""cr•pb .\venue area. said be would let the UC rqenta declde tile luue. , But, lhe llO"ernor said, II a previowl Ci- ty coonctt vote lo loue plrl of lhe feocod-ln vacant lot three blockl 1011th of the UC campua "II In tbe Wf1 0I payln& a blactmlller .lo avoid luture -hie. I would be oppoeed.." Cb.an c e 11 or Roser Ht)'ftS of the Berkeley Cllnpuf, who orderod con· llructlori ol lhe fence afler atreet people filled tbe lot with pla)'lrOUJld equipment, had --the city Jeue the land and turn II in1o a park. The rer111ta' Graunm and Bulldlnp Committee ta ocbeduled lo -tbe pro-1 Saturday. Catberine lleanl, who reliped Tues- day u vb cbalnnan of the committee, said the fl;ll :14-member Board of Reaenta mlght DOI accept the committee's decisien when it meets June 11 in Berkeley. . "I don, wont lo be a party lo 111ythin1 lllll. m!ll>l lollam• any """" violence," ibe aaJd. "I wan't the whole maUer at- leoded lo with dllpaf<:h and pn>mplna& .. Mn:. Hunt aald sbe wanted the mat- ter put lo the lull hoard and the - the betler. . 'Ibe city council ~ a reeoluUon commendlnt Friday'• peaceful march but eondemnlne noJae durlnJ the weekmd at the "peoplt.'1 park annex" a mile northwes~ of the diaputed land, One speaker who refused to leave the padium when bis allotted time wu up, Patrick Carey, wa1 forcibly ejected. Meanwhile, the Alameda County Board ol Supervllor1 rejected a Berkeley City Councll request that the_ 1upervisorr order lhe aherlff to investigate alleged cruel treatment of "people's park" demonatratora. Hanoi Says Thieu issued direcl orders for good a.. . t u s we a th e r during the two.week . . mgmg 0 • • training period. "What are you . going to do if it •tarts to rain?" For Viet pow er the boy asked. "Court-martial God?" • Housewive1 111 su burb a1 Hawcoat Estates near Barrow- in-Furneu, England have pttl- tioMd the court! to preutt1t Gerard . /ifcMeekin from bufd.. ing a 1ervice 1tation ntm' tMir lUX\lry homer. If they tQ.in, Mc. Meekin aays, he'll build' a giant pigsty and "put 400 pigs on th1 1ite." • Two Russian cosmonauts gave a vodka and caviar party for three U.S. astronauts and their wives, and it was such a success it put the Americans 90 minutes behind schedule in their program of ap- pearances at the 28th biennial Paris Air Show. After drinks at the American pavilion, the Russians invited the Americans aboard a Yak 40 trijel where vodka and caviar were served. The toasts went on and on and when the astro- nauts finally left, carrying bottles of vodka, they were an hour and a half late. PARIS (UPI),-North Vl<tnam today accuaed Prdd Nguyen Van Thieu of South Viltn'.am ol .. ,..king lo bani on to the 1kirta" ol the UnJted States to keep hill eovemment in power. Referring to Thieu's recent vi.sits lo South Koru and NaUonalist China and bis .rt.newed refusaU: to accept a coalition government, Nguyen Thanh Le, spokesman for the North Vietnamese dtlep.Uo1. to the Paris talks, said:· "The journey lo 5eoul and Taipei by 'lbieu is a maneuver aimed at opposing the· National Liberal.ion Front's (Viet Cong) 11).point 1<>lution which has the firm support ol the people of South Viel· 11am Qd world opinion. "The statements which Thieu made in Seoul and Taipei show even more clearly that Thieu is oblUnately Clpposlng the Na- tional UberaUon Front of South Vietnam, that Thieu ii seeking to bang on to the skirts of the American aagressoni, com- pelling young Americans to die in C1"1er to keep the Il legal 11Ueu-Ky-Huong regime in place.'' The North Vietnamese spokesman said "that explains \\'hy Thieu is oppoaed to the demands for the United States to withdraw from South Vielnam all American troop:; and those Cl( foreign countriu in the American camp without posing any condiUon." .. - U~IT.._..,. --.. ·~ ·-~---.. ' Jtlldwa11 Ai,noutteement1 .. Partial Pullout -. - Seen • Ill . ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presldeol • Nixon and South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu may announce at their lttidway Island conference the uni· lateral withdrawal of some American troops from Vietnam later Utis year, diplomatlc sources said today. 'Qle State Department and White HOO. ofriclals traveling with President Nixon declined conunent oo the reports. In recen't weeks, the administration has laid down three conditions under which troops might be withdrawn : -When South Vietnamese troops had improved to the point that they could take over an increasing share or the fighting. -When there was progress at the Paris peace talks. Vietnam attempt , to .assert hla. futonOJQ,y u ~ leader of South Vleinlm. for the administration!_ Umlted ·troop wtthdra,wal1 have a growtna appe:al beeaase public p~ure for eMJ.ni:· tht war iil . Vietnam is growing aod could .surface uncomfortably in the coming weeks. * * * Vietn~ Raids Heavies( in May Despite Critics -When Communist ofCensive.s In South Vietnam subside. Secrttary of Stale WU!iam P. Rogers SAIGON (UPl ) -The U.-S. rnlUtary is expected to outline, at a news confer-command said today 852 bombers dro~ GARY, IND., HOME IN SMOLDERING RUIN Nine Hurt, Scorn Homeless in Fires, Expl~slons ence Thursday, details (If his 18-day ped at least 24,500 tons of bombs lo Ma y world tour last month and specifically in the heaviest strikes of lhe year de.spite talk about the Vietnam siiuation. congressional critics. Ttie Viet Glng said U.S. officials said that Rogers was the bombing was higher than during the ·fmPressed with the progress which Johnson ·administration. the South Vietnamese fighting forces The military cornmand said I.he Bl2s have made, and that be believes the 'I "' level of Communtst-initiated actions in struck. at Communist bu1 dups 272 umts South ·Vietnam ha.s begun to drop off during ti1ay and that they maintained ,since mid-May. their record pace today by droppine.SOO Two Gary, Ind., Schools Both Rogers and key White House tons of bombs overnight onto the Dak To olflcials were undei:stood to believe region where 945. ~uerrillas have bee:n that very modest progress has been killed in three weeks. - 'achieved at the Paris pecice talks. A North Vietnamese reinforced division Thus, from the American point or of 10,000 men was reported .operating in Closed Afte~ Explosions GARY, Ind. (AP ) -The state fire marahal'• office today closed two Gary ' schools in a reaidentlal art.a w~er' ' series of ftrea and e~Josions Tuesday in· jured nine persons and left scores homeless. The order Mnding home about 2,Soo ~pils from Wallace Hl1h School and Melton Elementary_ School explained it was being made "fo placate parental ap- prehension" although there was no ap- parent danger or rur<her expfoSions to· day. . · view, the scene is set for a decision on the Oak To area in a new threat to the the roof blew off," he said. ''It blew a 'thd · be f us t w1 raw1ng a num r o · · roops Cln bases there recently turned over lo ·the couch clear across the strett." a unilateral basis. U.S. sources have Pol~ ordered a 56-square block area lndieated that up to 50,000 troops might South Vietnamese by U.S. forces. be withdrawn in stages beginrung prob· A special Viet Cong communique evacuated. Residents returned alter ga s ably in the fall. · broadcast today claimed U.S. planes have mains were checked. Unilateral · troop withdrawals also dropped 130,000 tons of bombs monlhly on Of the nine '1inj~d. live remained would require the assent' of Thieu, who. •·poputated areas" and said this was done hospitalized today. in recent public slatements has been despite the Vietnam peace ialks in Paris. 'Mle most seriously hurt was James insisting that not a single allied soldier It said the Nixon administration had J h 90 d · .. 1 d' · should leave South Vietnam except hi her le •• o nson , , reP?rte 1n cnt1ca con 1llon. under a mutual ·withdrawal agreement "~tepped up the war to a . g -~1:1. After the first e1'!1osions, police, with the C<>mmunists. th'" under th~ Johnson .~eg1me to ma.an- firemen and Ci1!!!_..R_efe~~kers con-U . .§. officials do not consider that lain. a max~um mi!1~r leve~ jn .•. verged on the area anO were jo1near;y-·Tlile:u".1 remarkS woutd~nects'sTriTf'fif'Oc'f ...... trrt'tild'lrin.lt·u,;;AiS011"\V!lu.asc.1'.,.:li ... J <" volunteers in dashing door to door lo the limited troop withdrawal. They are despite its Dallyhoo about its goodwill for warn residents. inclined to view Thieu's remarks as an peace."' An eiStimated sb: explosions ripped through a 10.squart-block area or the 1---------~----------------------------- Glen Park suburb in about l5 minutes TUesd1y. Officials said six homes were demolished and concussion and fire trig· gered by the blasts damaged 19 other residences. Damage was estimated at $340,000 by Gary Fire Chief Alfonse Holliday~ The exact cause of Che blasts was undir 'tnveatlgation, hilt Mayor Richard G. Hatcher of Gary said, "One thing is .... ery clear -that is t.here wa,s S; buildup of gas preaure in this particular area which created several explosions. As to why they occurred, we don't know." The worst damage appeared to btj In houses where no one was home and win- dows were closed, firemen said. 'Ibey 1: 11id 1as could have built up extre~ preasure in these homes. Fireman Anthony Plesac described how · Me house exploded. "It seemed like the eeller went, then the upstairs and then Teen Girl Found Stabbed to Deatlt. MEXIA, Tex. (UPI)-Cathy Jones, 17, left the hllh school lunch room for hbmc Tuesday because she was not in the mood for SCJup. Several hours later a rancher round her body on his land about five mlles sopth of this central Texas town. She had at least 18 stab wounds from ber neck to her abdomen and had betn raped. Police said the wounds indicated the weapon was a small, sharp pocket knife. Her parents, ~fr. and Mrs. Roy Jones of nearby Shiloh, were under a doctor's care for shock. Me1la High School Principal A. B. McVay said the girl wu "pre(ty .and ertrtmely popular." She was a junior at the: school. From Hot to\c, Cold • Ill U.S . Needles High at 87, Michigan Low at 33 WIOMll•AT l"lnt ....... .. •••.... ,, .... .M. J.t ,Inf ...., , . 7:M tt.111. 1.1 THUata.AY l"ll'lf l'lflfl ......... , .... t :M 1.m. J..4 l"lnf !low ............... I:» • .,... 1.7 ...... 1111111 ............ l:Q ....... '·' ...... .... ............ II., 11.m. J,I -. Al~ut ... ut Al'ICtlol'111 A11t "ll l lt m.rdl; 101,, '°'''" Cllluto Clr1<lnn1!1 ci..,.11"" ~nvtr fl•• Molntl 0.!N il F11rtli1 'oo1 Wor111 Frt111G ""'"""' H~IU Hou1trwl ot1n111 CllY L11 V1911 L°' A""'lel M1'"'1 M''wl'Ule.. Ml-lh ..... °''".,. H"°' Y.n Ho"" "1111c 01ti.lld ..... "•'° ""'tt Pllll.o.1111!1 P ...... 1~ "llfSb\l•t'> Portt.r>d ... Id Cl!r ~ •11111 ·-'°""~"" Jt. 1,. .. i. $1111\111 11!1 L•k• Cltr ,.., oi... Jin ""rot~11 k"'• •• ,.. •• ' ...... ..... "' '"""""' WtJl'llnetofl M!ft llW f'rlt. u " " . • • It 51 11 'J ,, 51 51 " •• 14 SJ II . " 11 J• 5J •& Jt SJ • • .. " 14 It " .. ,. .. " .. 101 11 11 " 14 ,. " u " . " " n • IJ I ) " » ,. ,, " " 11 51 ff " . " .. '' ., JJ tJ fl .. D ... •• .. u ti SI .... " u ,. fl .... • •• .. - " Jt •• ·" " . .. You Jane. 'fhis y.·ild. Go native with the slave bracelet sandal cr wipe- clean white INTRIGUE. JtALEJGK, studded with brass. It's onl1 6.99. Hardly the ordinary, but that's QualiCl'nf't. From 1:1trippy litLle things for the beach to brogue sandals, the gre~t new 3 9 9 6 9 9 '"'QualiCraft 1'1Jnshiner collection is mostly just ,. to , ·~tt"i.'"' "''-•" ef coo111rv "''ssltwri'"C" r1-1 ... •II """""'"< o.IKo ~°"" '"'•t.tlol. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA ' ' ( vau.m By Phll lnterlciiidl SI~. ~ARW' New Jet Guns Needed ·To Counter N. Viets WASHINGTOn (AP)-Fost-Jong di.stance.. er-firing, harder-hitting guns The Journal ol the Armed are being planned for U.S. Forces said the "Red Baron tel fighters because of dra-!tudy'' disclosed that in about matlc progress made by 25 percent of the aerial tn- North Vietnamese p I l o ls gagements, enem¥ pilot& were qatnal Am<rican planeo. able to swing their pl"""' be- AJr Force work on develo~ hind U.S. aircraft before be-Inc the !!"" will start In the ing deteded. coming fiscaI year "and the This gave the surpriaed W'8lpon will be installed in U.S. pilots little chance to the Fl5, a jet fighter design-evade before betni attacked. ed to provide dear U.S. gu-pertor;ty over any Russian-PILOtS UNAWARE buJ!t jets in the 1970s. The report, prepared by tht - Dr. Jdi.n S. Foster, the Pentagon'.s Weapons Systems PerQgon'a research ch le f, Evaluation Group, also was dilcbed recently that North said Jo have found that in VMUmn.'1 fighter pilots were about half the cases examined ba11Uor U< ---•·---A. U.S •. .,;w-~ -'· ·-· -~ · -t 'iimol!ri'~terru~ ll'ndl!,.,... t6e tnem;n-~~1 --->..v -.......... ,.....""""'._ ... t.e!-stagfJs of the air war. North Vletnamete .PI a De I came within two miles. . RATIO GOOD Thus,' the F15 will inOOrpor. "During air operaUons ovu ate advances in !on& range North Vietnam . in lM'T we airborne radar t.ech.Dology. CClllUDlllded a fivH<><oe air· The Alr Force said aircraft cn(t lllll. ratio in alr-t<>alr guns ._ in· its inventory .........,.11. In liacaJ. 1988, were built aaxirding to tlech- thti Nonh Vietnamese cut our nology developed. in the 191$- ~ by destnlylng 26 1950 period. . u.s;,-,mn. lollni a1 ol • "The state o1 the art 1n the their oWn. . ...., --: meantime his progressed to "Jl'i9cal Y"AI' 1970 plarui fn· the point that more effective elude engineering develop:. . air-to-air gun systems can be meat ol illll syslemS optl-d.,1gne11 for oew airer a!( .ucb miled ,t« air-to-air combat as the FIS,'' it said. .a.t ii famlly -of Improved . "The Alr Fcrce plamed JOinm. rcundl characte:rized by pro g r a m concentrate& on b:r•td mau, me and im-acbieVemtnt of biO rates of s-d ....iJ." fin, higher mmJO ..- -·ll>out this, the Alr In larler co11>er proJeellloo P'oroi cndlied North Vie<-for el!edl-jj klillor ._ dolflGt pins to Im· olant ....,,.. lhaa pWlhlo at ." proved tact1ci, far better use present." of ,.....t radar .cootrnl. and -'---------! "vtrl eelective" choice of c:IJll1bat by Nortli Vielnamese pilots. "'Ibey stopped 'mixing tt op' ...i Instead made ~ Mli' C<llllrolleil mllslle lirtoc -only when condlllonl _. .-.Iy advanta_.. to them,•• the Air 'Fcrce ~llid. BDT PLANM FATHER '.) DAY Oho Him a Gift w._.i 1oa 01 -·Rum Soaktd and Bent for Pleasure Fur1bormore, North Viel· 11;-rcc.-;-, -pllob used their beat ~ MIG 21-almoot -.. ly for chall<lllini U.S. raiders. the Alr Foree aatd. and amt up older model MIG. only as deco)'I. 'Ille Alt For<e denied that any cldlci<ndes ln U.S. ,...p- ... _. reoponslble for the Joa ol the eOrlter U.S. com- bal advantage In 1968. At tbe same time, there _. ropom that a secr<t at1ld;y ct the perfonnanc:o ol U.S. planes and pilots over North Vl<lllam pointed oot de- fideftciel In ctrtain equip. ~ r-'<d -. It -loomed, will lead to ~In Fii gear, In- 2/150 s331 BOX OFIO CROOIETTES &0 •225 OOX OF IO ciudlnC belttt .~ '"'; ...... ,~ ,"'*'8. fri<!>d lnllll loe a ~ • • ' ' . ::4·M·NOUMC'EMENT ·Divers~: Counselors H11 OpoMil ita Now Olflcoa . ··~ Newport lleoch, Colilomlo Servl119 Th-. in Need ~ C~n9 Marriage ••• Family lis1aess •.• Employment Don•+ Stru99le With Your Problems •• • Let Us AS:1i1t You in Tht Solution of Them • .........._10 to 5 P.M. Mon. thr0U9h Frkl•y Cal 67S.Z300; EY•· by Appol1tment Executive Offlct•, Suite No. 206 • . , • ' I ANAHEIM City Cettter llock llllktln9 3345 Newport llYd., Newport l11dl 0,,,...110 cay H1ll-A0tplo p.,1 ;09 444 N. lucUd 5!5·1111 Mon. thrv Sit. I 0 e.m. to t :30 p.m. J l I ,. , ., • , . • r • J. • -... .n · ~ • H.t.s. HAs A tj"Q REMEM FLARE .Th;, ;, t' t BER h no ook Iv •n You 'r You 'ff "'•nt t Wide Of th: l;•lt;n_g in stride o /••p in mind ,c~nquer the g, slim at the . or summer, distinctive ., .. ,world in bold hip •nd '••cly I head.fur . . Tes: for o ·going be; o with ~ing frock I . Peners try th ge. Th ree e Wind s '1Pe rnocJ e ' .• • hoo o1v.P•ne l0ok A •I. Follow it "Y •cryfic c . nd for ulr up U · '"P• 10 00. '"'•le nivorsi'-· s· ~ . 11.oo Pow ., hop, 53. • . . - • - NEWPORT 47 fuh~ .lol1nd 644--1112 Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to •:30 p.m. Sat. 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. ~. Jwt 4, IM Mll.Y 1'1111' I . \ ' . . . . ' . ' .. • • ' . .:A,._Y HUNT1N6TON BEACH 7777 e.ull ... A••· HZ·llll on. thru Sit. l~ ""'· to t :JO P·"'" I . ' ' • • ., ' ... • .. ·, . ... , •• .. , ... . "'' ·"· . .. •'• ., ~ :.~ ·''• . , . ... . .. . . . , ,, ' ' . .. , ,. • . . . ' • .> " , ._. ~~- • . ' • ' • . , • .. ~ •• ·-.. • .. - ... ' ' ' , 1 I J l I ' 1 I ! • J ' • • • • • • " . .. ' •• . • ------·· • - • 'I DAD .Y PILOT...EDITOBJ¥ P AGE I '· . ~ . : . Now Colne.s the Turmoil· ·-Pellt!ons have been filed and It 11 apparent there wlll he a recall elecUoo In Fountain Valley. Many ob- zervera bad hoped to avoid the mess ol a ncaJI ca.m- pei&n and the damage It can do to a city'• repuiaUon, but that DOW appears lulpo1slble, A rough, bard-fougbt campaigii I• almost ceztalo aJ Mayor Robert Schwenilfeger and Councilmen Donald Fregeau and Joseph Courrege• are DOI expecled to II)' down before thoee wbo want to omt them lrom oll!ce. The unknown factor is who u:acllY will _.. them. Eugene Van Dask and the Fountlln·Valley Civic AsaociaUon are the key figures In the ncaJI action ' It.. self, but Van Dask has conl!nual)Y stated that'ne!ther be nor officers of the associatlon'have polltical·asplra- tions. Blame for the lulpending betUe can be laid· at the , feet ol both current part!i:I~. Mayor Schwerdtfeger also l!ad more than one op- )loltun!ty to awld the recall election, but bis stubborn· ne11 won out. · · U-the recall groups bad been wlillM to wait jwt a '"" lllOlltbs Ioiiger unW April elections T.be entire Issue could have lJ""'1 slugged out In the nofl!!a) political arena witbOut giving •· double does of civic turmoil to the city. · The most obvious Issue ol the cam,.!gn revolves around the general tone of city f,14,nn!ng, which· under the mayor's adnilnlstratlon bu eaned toward planned developmenla and generally allowing smaller lot lizes than originally set for the city. / Residents, backers of the recall, -claim the city Is Ignoring them by allowing Jots as mWl as S,000 1quare feet wl!jch might lower the value of the 7,llOO-lquareo foot standanl Jots. • But the reel,imle, perhaps igiwed by both aides, bu. bec'tbe-aU!tude ol the three man majority on the cOuncu. "Ibey have retUaed to budge when crtUctzed and !lave. in .euenco closed their oar1 to crtticimi, . Now Ille bridge la burDed. It doesn'lmatter If at· . Utude al..,O' la o justlllablo reaaon for a recall election • -II is here. One can oa1y hope that from tho ashes of this ~e conie no polltlcll opportunlala 1>,ft men coocferned with continuing the city's P.IOCfOI•• ·Keep. the Motion . It look a Joag Ume, but.Huntington Beach bas final.. Jy settled down to the bullne11 of building a civic cen- ter. Site selection a complete and last week architect Kurt Meyer waa selected to design the building. ' A city the size of Huntington Beach can't afford to cram it& staff in the quarters now used and. thi! ~ bollc value of a beautlfw. functional civic center can- not be overlooked aJ· city official•. attempt to attract business lnteres1' to the area. . It was e&Umattd thAt the ¢vie center might be- come a reality by ft/2. There 1bowd be no delay In that ~Umate. Huntington Beach 11 now growing smaller. Its needs ioci:ease cfally and any holdup In beginning the arel!ltectural .work will cost more than a few months of COD!truction time. , The fastest negotiations possible are recommended In deeling with the arcbill'Ct. , . Jn three to four · years Huntington Beach should have a civic center the c1ty and Orange County can be proud ol. Belt advice for thooe· concerned is: You're llarted -let's go! · 'Politics Heating Issue • Ill .. l • ~t'• ... 'IJon!t forget our timetable for withdrrwial of US troop&'. ' Fountain Valley .. ' :ro 1be Editor: . llmetobo-.eclaboutlheactlonl'OI dty admlnl•tratlon can Jllll!ly sending per!eoce -you and your readers. . 1,.:,1.Ml§!'. @!'ml~ i;tll&.f F~". .. ~,majority bloc • ., -.City COuncl! wllo t:J~ -~p~ '-Jdit7irll\ ---~---l...1......i. ...... _i.1.~~"·?L -j:,~.!.:u~.L-=--'~'... ·-.iu Aircraft Co. I ~ DO ...,. ,..,.. lflal .. --.......... -~-~ er:!r-=~~~~~~s;w~~r ·'I city could be affected, we Toro Marine Base to w~ home a 4 ..,..,ia1 organtialim "" _.,. -. I Court judge supported 1" !be coon cue. . "°'' bOwever, tntereNd In dolnl ID}' beat (If )'Oii calculaUI 'all ·d"11 for signature to make my neighborhood and dly a 100<!_ challeqes, and 1111 to 75 dayo to call an L<lkn. ir""' rititl<n .,, welcomt. feel -that 1 .. will object to the plane carrying UIS young men Iron> coll of giving tbe peop1o·111 addllioaal op-Vietnam. One wife was there to meet ber portunlty to determine the .kind of a husband and Pat Downey of the Hun- I ' place to live and raise chlldml. election, Septmiber l lbrOUlh 1$ would Normallw ,.,;c.r, should ..,. .. W tMlr I have signed tlie pelitllln to hold a be the date of lbe recall -.) """09' m too wcmls ur leu. Tht aovemment they want. tington Beach Boya' Club and Doug .. I i.ni aUre UU.t you Want to print this Arther of the Exchange Club were the specla.l eleeUon for the councll seats of You speak of \he diacretloa~ C<.llD!: . t1Qht to~· letter• to fit IJXICf Sdnrtn!tferger, Freg .. a and CouJTeges dbne1couldhaveuiedln~tbe: ..,., t u.im.tt Ubel II ,.,.,..c1, ·AU answer to your editorial. only other people there to greet them. E. E. VAN DASK They have organized a welcoming com- beoN•o;_I feel that Ibey do not _.1 hpsle. Paliaps tbelr ~ would le!Un ,.llft ll<cludo dgnatvr1 ond me or DI:v best interests. The tisue ii not have been:belped by• healthy respect for mailing· addre11, but "(Zmft mau b• Reader Van Da.sk leads the Foun- tam Valley CounciE recaU movement. -Editor mittee, along with El TOf'O Exchange Club, to greet planes bringtn_g our MEN borne. They're not boys anymore. a mailer of persooa!IUes, but a mattu o1 .Jbe power of the people. lnltelld, their In-toltllMld on nq .. 11 If nfflcitnl rN- lgood government. dlscrel!On wu belgbtened by tbelr belid , .. II opporm~ · In the lndlfference of the people. I AM wRmNG this letter beoailae I feel ~I my signature oo !Iii recall pell· tton b in danger of beiHi ftmoved. A postcard enclosed in ·an.l:n.11-recall letter bas been sent to aH FOQllWn Valley reskteoces, u you probably know. nit letler states thal If this pool<Md II - hack, the name appearing on the card ,.ru be removod tr<>m tbe peUUoo. It seerna to me that this Is an illqal maneuver. -M1 name as well u any number of otben could easily be nmov· ed lllmply by oomeone filline In ~ postcard.I. THE slGNING OF names oo the recall petitions had to be witneued and the peUllons tbemtelv.. nolarhed. '1'1.- pootcuda req.U. no llUCh procedwt. I believe thal if a person really want.II hit i1ame removed from the petition be shookl go down to city hall In penoo ond request that it be removed. I abo believe Iha! the DAILY PILOT lhould find out whelber lhll postcanl operaUoo Is legal and publish the answer. I think the DAILY PD.DT lJ an t'I .. cepent paper and have been a IAlhlcrtber far U-yesrs. I hope Iha! !be DAILY Pi;tqr will do all that It-con to keep the reCall movement honest. JOSEPH P. GIESING Can't Drop R ee.JI I To the Editor : Jn two recent edltoriak,-"Recall Not Necossary" and "SetUe II Nm April," yoa point out. the accompllabments of the Flimtain Valley recall movement yet op- $! ""all You admit tbe vlcfay In ond tbe minimum Joi •lu set by the P g Commission demonstrafa· the of tbe l'tCSll diarg.. qalnst ,.. llhould stop tbe ,..ID. DllOPPING '!Ill! recall would l)IPJIC'rl this attitude of lndlll«tnee, and a!Hrm the conviction of lbe dlslntare&tl!d who COlllider aH elforll to correct corruption In politics -futile. NaUonally Wt are In a hMtle aboul our SUp«me Coart julllcet receiving ..-,. through tbe pn>mlneoce of their office, and the need to inltltute an ethical code for the court and Congress. Why •bould a limi.lar cock not apply to local govern- ment where the opportunities appear even more lucraUve? Our partial victories-have f\Ol won the battle. The court cue i.! now br.ing ap- pealed, the mlnimum lot size Is not of· flcW until approved by tbe City Council. THE RECALL group, or the Fountaln Valley Civic AuociaUon, least of all wlsbes to ,.. FounWn Valley hurt by dlllension, but de!pite warnings to lhe contrary the recall bas achieved much ROOd· Indifference hu been replaced with anrmess, neighbors have dlscovered MCb other'a nistence and their mutual lntmsla In the clly, many have and will be rqlsl<rod, upecta of city proceduni art being re-evaluated, other cities are tnvestlgAUn1 lot-size minliitutns--; and the Fowitiin Valley Civic Association will cootlnue as a means of enCoµragtng ol~ partlclpaUon In dty affaln. 'nlESE AJl.E realities, · yet "bitter rifta" and detrimenta to the. city are stfll unmaterlaliud warnings. lt Is hoped that you will reamsldtl' your stand on the recall consldertng the we.lgh~ot Its pGsiUve acbJevementa aJOng· · with lbe harm and bltlernesa lhat would reaull bJ Ill blll, against the l\ami and . bltternesa )'OU antlclpat< by Ila Cori-Unuance. . ' MRS. JOHN M. HUDAK Socretary FOODll!n Valley Civic AssoclaUoo ' pn>vide nece3SlfY relld ·when crlm!1iil adloo Is tbe Issue. MOREoVl!R, tbe otatute Is quite 'clear with rerpect to lime conslderatlam: lhll elefDeflt wu recognized and evaluated belofe the recall d(daion WU made. Perhaps tbe mayor bas no !nteotioo of letking l'Mledlon, but what of the others involved in this Q1atter? One of th ... lndlviduab has almost three years remaining of his term. If Fountain Valley is to experience discredit, then the responsibility must be placed at the door of the individuals who by their impropriety and abuse of discre. lion, made and continue to make the recall· neceM&J')'. FOR EXAMPLE, is it to our credit to have: I , Councilmen who approved the Larwin tentative tract map on March 25 despite the fact that they were infonned by the acting city attorney that they could reject this map without danger to the city or criticism because of the de.fi- cie'ncies rontained therein. 2. A mayor who publicly denounced the decision as well as tile capibflJty of an experienced and respected judge of the Superior Court. 3 •. A Mayor who refused to· Atend an Orange County Mayon' lunc.heon on May 2 because the proponent of the recall was employed by the same ccmpany as the hoflt. The purpose Of the luncheon 'ifas to develop plans to find jobs for Orange County's hard core unemployed. P r emarital Se:ic 7o tbe Editor: According to tbe loolnote to my letler In ·ttw Mailbox of Mq If, Dr. Loren Moll doel not know where Mn:. Motn got the idea tbt the coune OUWoe suuests that preomarital ,.. Is acceptable In lhll chan&lnl ooclety. So I'll t<ll him. Follow· Ing are direct quotes from the coune of study for 1'Famlly Life and Sex Educa· tioo."' - Section: 9tb Grade, paaes l& and 17: . C.S.E IEX MANNERS and morals (l) Double Standard Male sexual fr<edom. female chastity (2) Single Standard What's rl&ht tor one is right for the other etc. (3) Standard and one-hall' Now in tranaitioft in our society between double and •in&le ( 4) Penniss.lveness with affection Concern for other -warm relationship fin~ and then Intimacy. Reference: KlrkendaB and Calderwood "Changing Sex Mores and Moral Jnstruc· tlon" Ir.a Relaa: "~Sex Standards'' SIECUS pamphlet Kirkendall: "Intercourse &: Interper- sonal Relations." WE'RE ASHAMED we haven't gone before today. The organizers can't get people to commit themselves to go out there. PeoWe are too busy, the planes come lo at early and late hours, and some are just not lnterested. It requires nothing more Uwi an 'hour ond. a half,ol YoUr time, a little guollne, and a few kind "°"I'· A lljtnple "welcome home" brings a slnlle' to• an otheoriJe aober face. They come o!( the plane iD all ~lort, sizes, and in pretty poor epiritl. However, they are quick to: abow their appreciation to the small band of people there to IJl'ed them. WE WERE PROUD 0ol tbelo men ond what they 've been doing far us. 'lbey didn't bµrn draft carda or pop pilll: ':fld protest. They.'.re what makes AmerlCa strong. . Don't you think some of us could sacrifice a little of our Ume ·and go out and thank these men, and sbow them so- meone cares? · Please contact the Excbange Cub arxl be a part of welcomlng hOcne some wonderful men. That'ai just the le.alt we can do. CHARLENE SAWYER SALLY STEVENSON For the C•tc•e To the Editor' APPENDIX 11, pqe S2: The vast and disordered conclave of Item 3. Sexual freedom between lovers "When two people really· love one Americans under the designalion or another what they do is their own "moderate" has usually been content to buslntaa."' . remain unheard. However, while prevail· "A couple's love is their own to expreaa ing as a majority, It has always been a:; they .see flt." IT .IS · TO TBf: credit ·Of the peOple of "When you are ln love marriage ls just uncle: attack by bolh sides of the poliUCal Fountain Valley that they are exercising a tedmicality." 'spectrum for various reasons. '11trough a right given to them by law to r'emove From the Jut paraaraph, page 21: these tlmes, the majority bu always re. from office through due process those " ... The evening 11 f\ill of stimulation • malned stable. elected lndlviduals who no longer Your mind ls filled with tboligbta more represent them in the. manner they have ~clung than \he wide IC:l"etD yw watch toAndpoll, '!fhi1Je ~~bslhasting .~?~bubeenli<ln• a right to expect The eJ:ercise of thb toget.he y Wint to bold and be lica ut--ve .........,. right· will be done ln a lawful and orderly held. v!u·b,i to~ QOle to one 'another. ~escrit:>e? .as one l~g "apathetic groan," maMer:--· ------· YOUlii\ii ffiOff"tOiifllWiWOtdr.lHOfe"-its. ~lion has never necessitated ~• Schwerdtfeger and Councilmm u and Courreg.,, yet you conclude ' .. had lost tbe court CHe and lhe 6. . oq. fl. minimum lot me had beeo. dtioled would you tben baft fell !be recall riemmary? U not, you are ap1ult recall ur*r any conditions, meaning that you .,.,against the rilht and obll&atlon of the pectle to remove eJected oUlclals that rioc:tlng cootrary to lbe lnWeoli of the .,.,le. Lea41er's-Vl""' ' We will have M part of gutter tactics io e than tlael. So what do YoU retlproctly. The ~'lal:ed, apa~tic gel in -despite th6 fact that many or· us have dO?'i~ -~ --• ~ .-. which moderation. and_S(>ClelJ,. fattens~ already been exposed to indications that • and prospers has been· maintained llX OR SEVEN months is sufficient . .. .. • Dear Gloomy Gw: To the Editor:- ln your recenl edltorla!, "Recall Not Necessary,•..._you ~out lhat U.. recall action in F~-yaUey b no longer necessary ~ ol a favorable court decision and tbe puslnf of a 6:01111 foot mlnlnuun lot lll>e molution by the plan. nlng conunllslon. To further )'OUr post • tion in this rePn:I, you point out that the . mayor has lndlcated thll he will not ..et .... 1ec11oa In ll70 and thus, In the aboence ol c:rimlmI cbarges. the recall abould "" ~-lit -· you . !!ala that tbe recall, 11 pmnltted to con- tinue, can only brfn( dllCnJdit to the city sl!IC< IUCh action will divide tbe cily througli a bitter campaign. -J,.DO NOT AGREE lbet a rocall elec- tllle ·11 tho olemont 'ltopomlble for tbe ~II. Indeed, -discredit II to be ·~. Recsll II not the mutt of good pornmeat: Instead, lt Is tbe ...... jlven to the~ to ........... ,_ by r ........ """' ollke tledod olllclalswbo, bJ ·thelr---111\1 mponslvo to the wishes of lbe peo- ple. The ltltut< providln( for the -11 pn•:edun does not Imply that crlmlnsl coodoct mull be evlcleocod before IUCh an action Is lllldert.Ueo; other otatutts such tactics wtll be -used. We have had IF THIS ISN'T eDQUitl to "IQUtSl~' throughout America's demo ~ rat I c telephone interferences, former that premarital eez ·~ acceptable, then history. . neighbors hive been called and ques-Dr. Moll has forgotten the daya of his · Yet, for the first lime linee the ,, Uoned, one of our femalt petition carriers youth and-or doet not understand how American Revolution, moderaljon la1 . bu been threatened, false rumors very ' lmpress:lonable young people are, trembling in the bflance. The al8rmlng drculated and statements made as to the and how UttJe It I.ates for them to-discard sLate of social 1netamorpbosi! In regards lejality of our actions. the ,ltaodardl their. parents have set to vtotence has caustd even llberll car- becaUJe thole. standards are too restrlc-toonist Bill Mauklin to portray inorals or IF THESE TACTICS are conilnued we 11.re-confldent that the people of Fountain Valley will pl'Opfrly detmnine their Orlcln .... purpose and be guided 19" cordlngly. . AJ to lhe cost of the aped.al election, what value do you place on good govern. ment over a given period ol Ume? U the .---8" Gf!Ot"fe ---, OW G<otge: · I am doing a hl&tory essay ond pleue tell me everythlnf you know about Marlon"tho Swemped FoX. STUDENT Dear Studept: I know thll much -any fox th1t ·can 't ssU sny better than that shouldn't have talttn a boat out In tbe fint plal>!. ting at thts age when tbey are beginning "rebeUion: REACMON!" lnt.o b I 1 to feel •'Independent." repreaentaUons The r e g u I a r I y un. MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN conceme<. majority b movln1 to make ltseH h<aro. Dr Loren HoU says, "The quofa.. tions art corrtct to mv knowledg1. AT 1111S POINT t wlll att.snpt to es.- But jus' btcause somt of thcst thlng.s plain my motives. I am ' a you:rc rebe1. etist tn OUT society toda11. it does Mt '!'Irking !ot "'lbe Cause.." 1be cau1e I ,,._ tltat,.. condon< or llJ'l>rOO<"f' fight for includel the consUtutlm of com- ,,...,_ Thty ~o. hotOC11<r, nttd lo be ; j>lele equal rights-for all people, lhe ,.. stMftd and' dilCUJStd" Tht Huntm,.. vision ol colleges ud unJVUSJUes across · '°" Beach Union Jllgh Sclwol.l>lltrict Amerlca to flt and sellsly stUdents, a , . . • .._ Wlthdrawal from th Vetoamese conlllct, 110fl not at thu tun~ Moe a , .. ,,.Uy and an ame.lloration. of labor conditions life on~ 1t:r. tducation courst. Mr•. in substandard fields. Mon directed Mr rt1M'rb agoiM1t a . propo1td courr• outli"' • H~ver, in my q"9t my typical liiol1 ' Edi would be Altllander Kerenll<y, not -tor Vladimir Ulyanov : Rolpli Abernathy, not ' H. Rap Brown; ond Eueene McCarllly, not Mio. Meet the. Bo"' . To the F.ditor: We'd like to shire an unloraettable a - I do not dM>OSe violence becaust I know what this country can do to me. It Is not mertly for caaual readers lbet I write 'AH lll't ft tlf11 1• 1111•111 Wl!llllllr llrlb?' this letter: It Is for those 11pho\cthlfl "Tbe CaU5e" because I believe it to be 1n daqger.; . Violence will 1'8<1 to nUlllff..UOO by an aroused public. "The eause•• may be best supportal by peaceluJ ,...,,.. • MICHAEL CURTIS Gtcard Needed To the Editor : . I believe most people are lasing sight of the prime reason· for making of the "People's Park" and why it had to be fenced off. · . 'Ibe students and profeuon who an Socialists are not fighting the umvemt1 of California, they are trying to impose their SoclaJlst vi~w of 'Pr o p e rt y ownership. I have listened to tbe'se street people on the· radio and they l"dmit. this Is their aim. This is a lot bigger battle than "flowers and trees." Does public prop- erty belong to everyone· or can lhe ap- pointed managers of this prwerty be allowed to use it in accordaocf: with the purpose of purchase? Let the people think twice before con- demning the use of the guard~ MR.S. FRANCF.S RICHESON Uam•n•, Not Rat• To the Edit.or : It was so good-to read Sidney J. Hanis' f£elings on the "rat brain-human brain'' ratio. l was never able to swallow a11 that nonsense . while taking all tb:>se psych courses that were a mun in order to graduate from college. What a total invalidation of the human lnlnd to be compared In 1ID)' way whatsoever Cwi!b the possible ~ of eating, breathing, procreation, dytq) with any animal -let alone a r,.._ Tesllng anim'l.s to see w111it "fill hap- pe>t to_ lh<m. JI inllicl!<! W\llt !!1!I!!>!' dlJea.w.t J1 pretty way out toO~bbi• don't react or {let the up way bunlln& do -thank goodneasl The human brain lB a.hlgbly opeclalbld pltce of eq'!lpment II.Should not be 911ft- J>lfea with 111\Y animal or picked at lllllb pins and needles. NANCY HUSllMAN I ~----------~·~· .. .' ..... ~ . ' • • , • Wednesday, June 4, 11169 , T!la editorial pagt of Ult Dolli ' Pllol '""' to i•fomi 1llld '""" "'4ta •f"dlr• b~ ........ imv tllJI ~· OJ>f•iolv and • .., mcn1c1.,, .. topicr-o1 u.1rrt11 and iignlficanct, bv prooiding • forum for th• •zpr11rioft "' our rtodcr1' opiniom, and br ""'"'dllf tile cllliona """" poinll of mfofflwd . obs.,,,.,. ond spol«,,... °" 1c1J>ies of 1!W c1ow. • Robert N. w~. PubU1her • I l 0 ' y n ) • n ,I • d .. h N 'Minorities' 'E1g4t~-~ <iot F-ence ·· ·, --· · ·· .. :.. --.... ' -.. ·z:an Beeome , -~~Sign. ·.·f~r-: ·11~-P· · ~;~.~~~wag~~ - . ' ·J6 ' ~ 1' • • ~-,, '1 -· == ·--··ha ......\o '1· .~ '.I ,. -"I • ... ',;.. ' • -...!..t...> 'l'UI pl"',...,.. Q ~ • .,. l • 1., , __ ,.. 'I. Iii ......... to ,.-. " ..... :.... .... ~-·---~...... , .......... . ~·t • .... ~--.-·-. . ......--.----....-. -·-• ~~~· ~,what it intght. 'lectuii! of mine not lq aco. a ·man In · · Tlio ""'-' lo ..... ' • tlle li!dleoce -Up lid liked' ~ 1n: ~ ~~~"!!..;P: b:l ,, ·• :wJtllile question: "V/by 'llo ~,... ,jnDe of"lbt~~~ hkting Uwt t ,.. "•1• to-.. ·llM'tbe other mut media give ao much Wmuplne •• lokoi w lo Lafayette their ~mil< Jooa .opus· w H .h ~• I puhlldty to such lhinlS .., colJep' riots, = .::'to11"":11t~ ~;',;'!rli:l ~~~,= . •~• only a -.m< nllnorit)" ol the 1!11! ... 'lichoOI ariJi11 or the moti!. Trtela N~ilo 'm · .. Jlltle • 1bldenlaareact .. Dylnvolvodtnthem?" :li'~IOti ·~. ' . · • ,P4int heioott lid' then· 1<ii.d Ill the · Now thfl is ID absutd and theughUess 'Oli'*,lo bO·~,lo!ic~ mural cin the ·~lo 1ea:atllle Wh¥, , , in !belt qyes!ion, hut JI oeems to ..nect the at- ....... ~ ii iii!! ii the.work!. It II mneared blue jeaos. • '· ~ •J ,· 'Utude of \he public, which """"!'!!I 11111 !..ti"'=1ul, ~· lmJIU!l<rlt In -· Sure, II ... contrived. SUni, Ibero -· ii you ~· DO atteatlon to problems they 'ddldW> """~hut, with .... fe .. -ti!i6 !ho\1&111 ~·hld'boat .~ ' "-11 Ud ~ 'lllb!letly o1 ex-bratmiidi<if. Biit ln !he •••hvery<ioe Rot ' will Just dell' up., or go" "''lY by, Jflllloa ~-tbo. put of the lfOo tbiepirlt ol Ille dllng·and had 1 lot themselves. But If• we treated-our -~•.Eark,"'11 Lafayette Square. .pl ~-the bmitit;ot marl)-. I,.~ called. "'stud"' la fit a ~ 1!<>cletJ.>or "I " -• Am Curioui ..... '(Yellow)." C.a: 1r a1mMf · MllV,l.n r; + .......... ~ ... .. ·--..... -. -:eettlng .· t·i~ke.d·? Cali 1i ' ~ ViCldry ..,. (' ... " "t see wben' the P\"esld~t·1 now will. lng to aetUe for a ·Ue lrr Vee-y&11ani.'1 .aid the·KlndJy Old Pb 11 os op he•, diapal<:blng a butterfly with a strtOm ol kindly old toba&:o-jtlfce,. ~ ,., ' \;· ,j •• .:, i'That. Un't no i wat to' i:et· us an. honorable toll to' tfle war:"· . ' . about It. The· Pre1UAent'd. be the most pclP.Lllar man an)l!here. Folks · may ad· 0 Golh, · Grempa:,';: · said frec~faced 1.JtUe e1lile. ''You think' we st}ou]d:k~p . mire1 a wlnner. But there ain't nobody lrying to ,;in?" · _ -.Whe don't love~ food loser. . . '~ . not.ton 0 l their own Otgf\t!or independ· "Hea~ 10 Betay, nope. The. PresJ.. "NOW, l'J.L. ADM1'l' 1 out Preslilent enc'· -·y wrongly un· agioe. that the dent. h.lsself said we loag ago ga~ up ain't.had much pracUce at being a eood ''~ trying for a victory. It jllst ain't lo the ' , · great -~:ot the colinists supported ~PQ-cards. So, he says, the ~1·~ ~ en .. lose~. But Un be ~ ~ ~ to era1 Washington, but the trut!> ii 11>11 a~ loog enough. Lei's call It a lie, all pa<:k It.-lhen be could say to Ho, Well, Ho, not tm e-dld·a majority of~ Jfvint and go bopi.e. And here, be says, ls.my now that you licked us, I guess we ~ap au here g .i v e a.ctl.ve support to l,l'te Revolu eight·po~t peace plan. Whlc!h pUts fµm pick up. aild: 19 home and leC:1thtle folkl IT JS A PRoc&woN: of Imitative kindetgart.o, <liench impressionist aM Grandma ·Moees art. movihii helter~ skelter from ·one section to another. ''End &he War," has to figure in it, of l'Our;e. A · painting of the U.s: Treasury nearby bas to be.labelled "Mooei lJ the Rocil of 'Ibis tionisb-end tbe substanUal, law..abldl:ng, two points down to the vtet Cbrig rfghf havC, free elecUons and the o'ihtr . six LET US DUiM fer t-~: !Al 1.11· m""'· ·lass.cl•·--.-.-•a1m-u·"or"" there." . · . nn1 .. ts or my .. 1 .. ht-TWnl program here. llfppOee_ aiat bebmd11-\'tbe • volt' and. ~ WC'lia .. ~..... .,."" •Ill "Whal's wrong w1\,h a lie Cramp.\?'' 7, .'1 r-- , ' ' ; .... If: -m.ly Tory ln·thelr sympitties! · · , 1 • • And in hi! hour of vk:tory, Ho 1Ute Evil." disoriier, the permiirii~ apualtt)', -. . ··· , ~ / • '"'·---~.i look Ht and ' boot'zrv• )here .lies. a mystic . 1 Of course, not mc>re thaii. five or ·io-per~ 0WHY. BllJJE. . .a Ue Just don't )n.a]te .-aln:'t going to pUt up a·~..... e r~ which ·coqibines a:aY.etY. ~tl1 . physical ailments tb! ·way we. Rl'OpOSe cent ot ~U~ge studen~ a~ lea.ders of nobody happy. Them little' Aslina been-a bad sport. No, slr. r~bllity, and freedom ,with ~ig · treating socJal atl.mt:nti -·by ignoring , Jou or demonstrations; .not irtore ·than. flghtlng ~ o(f all. the:se . years" they 're; ., "!lo. you see, Billie, all we got to do Is ·, The ~e effect brings the heart of W~. to.:.. life like Parls in lhe . oprlrle. lending a gayety to this mooU1nEntal city wbere !Lltely beauty ~ sordid scenes so often cancel each ~ •• ·~!i:.,~!'!."""'. ·~~ .• ~ti> ...:.u... the symptoms -. our ' mo.rtality rate ·~t the same percent or . blacks are fneot~:r gohomln1 to set~e. flor 'li~, ~~-~· admit we're licked . and we'll get ... ~..-• 1111"" u ..... ~" .,., I.IV _,,1d u at e, you ca I it a tie;-~..,y re --.. ~;.... 1,, ed ,for its joys"i.and ,liDJ"Alt pleasures Wuw soon show a shocking Increase. militantly involved in urban .struqles -going td lie ·demAndlilg 1 renialch. Nosir-. ev.~., .. ....,. •we l'ID . " . . . • J ntber thm aolely U ; a . ~ com-yet many of tM others Will follow 11here ree, a tie jUst alnlf an honorable end, no . Well. gee, Gnunps, said WtUe Billie, petiliop for.lecllrity, 'Wealth and &t.abu: in MOREQVER, ~ mere fact that. a· they lead, ·or it least will·mt appose their matter bow you look at it. _ "I 1Ull don 't see. where admitting you're oilier oul lt would be cmstructlve to report tlmt the outdoor inuraJ waS ·the spontaneoul!I •XJll"'8'ioo of w ashlngton ., liglthelll'i.d )'OUl:h, but that would not be true. 1be vast gray expanse of the playwood scr~ acf98S. from Qle White J:J;w~ wu an opm invltat.ion to graffiU writers ol the Chicago school. CUstod.ians arose every morning ~ling to see U.t dur· U., the night aQ artim had conveyed his eetually explicit l'tspect.s to LBJ or ~N-. a cruelly strudured induStria.I l!IOCiety. "minority" of students, or others, may be efforts. ' · · ''What , the President ought to ·do is licked is an bonotable way to end a war ... . This wooJd be no new revel4Uoo amoog Involved, is no lndlcallon of the Jump ovU 'the net, grab Ho (Jh1 ·Minh ·by . -. till. ~ what ii new il ltwt·IO tnaDf ..1 · f th I 'Alm .:..11--THE GREAT MAM ·of -1e-ere the hantf and &ay, 1Jt was ·a ck>se tnatch, . THE KINDLY OLD Phi'-bu frown-more o( thein have conscibosly riWted ~1 1ousness o e prob em. ost au· ,......,. ,._.... •-u -.;.. be • and -"-"ed. b . .u.nerally ,_.1,.(,.-nt to ~. ,·t are ca~·ed· old buddy, and we put up a good fight. ed. "The trouble . with ....... , Billie, la the standards of the past and have done ac Vlu= are gun C01ww.a Y e~ ll1W ... ~ wu But you wm, fli.r and &quart,• "· _ .. ., .... 80 in a mere collective and articulate minorities ·, the great ma"'Plty is alway• "mass movement.," until th~ bandwagon · you're the spitting image of your Uncle '"'' "Gee, Gramps." said Little Billie, scuf-way than in mollt earlier generations. passive, lf not indifferent -this is why comes along and they bop on for reasons fing" a toe in the' dust, "what good would Will. r~ltly m~~of Oil ~the °::!J'~!o-~ Plalively..amaU .groops can accomplish . tbJt.bavf!:. liWe"to do with the ~ogy of -that tlu!". . ----· -"l.recollect the time thal W..ill. who WU youth is not that merely JO perceW are such great changes. · the le3ders. Christianity conquered the a deacon ol the Church, fell tnto that old among the vigorous proteetors. Barely one percent of the: Russian pet> mighty Koman emplre with only a "WHAT GOOD? Why .son, ·bells would cesspool behind I.De Pritchett pllCe •. .,A Tht: stronger me8ni:ng is that such a pl~ ~.mostly ·intellectuals and students handfj!l of converts, and It wa~. ~dopted ~ ~mg ~-cannons ~c:iukl ~m and folks crowd ol the . curiOUJ a:atbered Lo; w&kb high percentage riot vfgorouaty protesting · rathff than proletariam bmught aboUt·J U ~ stJlf; religion for reasOns: far w®,ld be c~ee:ring lfiemK!ves hoarse all ud old WW, he stayed down ~re une, think that , sonieth!ng is badly amis ~ -ed f -. I ol ov,r the world. only wkb ·educational system but with the Russian Revohrtioft And the Nuis r;m(!Y d ~di th~ I gospe m~e . -nitre th~ Piesld~t woUld be, shaking w~ d~yl. r A l Bess.i . losl : · Tbe NATIONAL TRUST for Hi storic society as a whole. Who could serOOualy were. always a "minority' 'Jn Germany, esus,an lS sctp es. _ hands with Ho and grinning for the Ina Y. you un e Pl· !reservation moved fast to sponeor the deny that tnere is not someUW.: to this unW it was too late to stop thelr pu.v. for So-called "minority" movements have photographers. And he says, sporting, tienC"e and holle~ed down, 'Aln't )'.OU massive paint-in. in high ~ art attitude? Who could deny either .,~at it powe~. .· . . . , . always t~ out to be the ~t crucial . Jike_. '.1 g11~e it 11\Y .a~ Put ~g her~ J!15t never coming up?'. ,.: , : . classes, sugges~ ~De8 .with a has II!> far prov~ be~ tbe, ~ of. , • 1 , ~ • • ~ , and important ones in human events, for . ke~ lobbmg everythlng ~ck Ull he . n 'I a~ to,'· aa)'1· .your Uncle Wilt. ,,:.;,.;.,;c.;,:fi~e~~~~-1~~~~1~~~~~~~·~!'~.!'."-·uie.~~lyp· ~~~~;111:i ~1~.;.>.;' ~ •_ ea..iple of hundred ltudesa Created ~-'-";ffile1 . . ia ~at moat American$ havt•a,diatOrted Jicleways. •· r--: . ·._.~.'~i J't.)UifcJ;/~~--~;-· _", .!.-~· :1'.: ~~~ .. -:""';- " . ' • • .. r • 40 ·Will Kill Themselves By L. M. BOYD Approlimately 40 people wjll commit llUClde In the nezt ro minules ._ • . WHY DO GO~ yell "Fore!" Instead of . •• .10me.othercwordll to wam-JMayn abud? --- • T . • • ••• MEN IN SOUP CANNERIES wear UUw~. He fl"ll!ed r. maoy. huadreda ol boots ••• WERE YOU' AWARE the cilllvictl, male ind einale, to Jieath, to Germani teught the ltaUU...bow to"'°" inslnlly, to suicldt, that be i> thought by macaroni? , •• A BIBLICAL SCHOLAR J:iiallY to be the na.tion's mQJt prolific, Insists there's no record Je8\15 evd' urd laughed. ' ~ . <ti m_ er!f. ~ 1 ·-~ --\ •· -AN DTIMAHD 75·Pfrcent of the Q. SLEEP-Are you a sldHleeper? If 100. ·eCirtt\!tS bi j 1pin strpt;Orf girl friend! in which side? To sleep on the right side is addltiOri to wives, according to a student best. Certain medlcal specialists say of manners andlmorall thereabouta ••• that's digestively desirable. Just as SOQfl OUR UNGUAGE MAN saya the word skip their full e1planation here. They "mlUIOna.lre" Wu· first coined by a make me nervous, those clinical biJds, neW.spaptt man in an obituary of the when they take up that .colonic con-tobacco king Pierre L<lrillard • • . U1 versation. Can handle lbe. liver and ASKED WHO in\tented that metal money kidney Lalk all right, but when they,get maw called the one-armed bandit. A San Into public. discmast on the large in-· Fr&nciscan named Klumpke. Just M testine, I start to whistle thrv my teeth yearS ago:-- and penknife back my cuticles. WORKING WOMEN -Note the cam• "THERE IS NO &UCh thing as a dun"!b pus fratemiUes can't g~t eru:iugh bou5e blonde.. When a man first trteets a blond.e, niotiiei-s. They're uajng young men in he should SJ!Y to himself ».t Jeast 10 post.graduate courses, Jnst.ead. Or many times: 'This woman is munter than I are, anyway. 'Ibat'• because the lone.ly am.' " Such was the clajm of the bygone li,ttle j:ray-Jlairl!d widow, who cl11tched, a Love and War expert Ed Durling, the:okl livelihood by pret(Jlding to o th e r mnoothle .•.• ·WHAT'S THE ORIGIN of "m0tbers' sons, doeSD 't have to now, that ancient wbecraclt · "Twenty.three hallelujah. 1be mature matron can get a . skidoo"? inquires a client. Telegraphers JOb-ln business; And does. This ls one once used "2:1" as the code number '° mOre lurch ln labor. OoJy a few years signal "bad news." ~Slddoo" -W&a ago; the woman over 40· bad trouble fin- aynonym.ous with "scram." When the ding: work. You've come a long way, elders said ''Twenty-three slddoo," they baby. Do yoU lmow'tbe first woman ever meant, "Oh oh, here comes bad news. hired by the federal government -the Let's get out of here.'' wench was sup~ to coJZ: papers In CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. "Who was the Unlted States patent o i·ce -shook the cruelest man who ever lived ?" A. uptbe national Jegislators"ao S"aily they How about Elam Lynds, the fellow who to.ssfd a replete congressional in- t>ullt Sing Sing? What a sadist, that one! vesUgatlon at her? he atarted the shaved head, the absolute Your question.s 01¢ commt:nts an! illence rule, the striped JUit, the ball and t.otlcomed and will bt: u.std whv-ever chain, lockstep, plus tortures t o o pos1ible ha "Checking Up." Address numerous to menUon, hlcluding the crip. mail 'f.o L. M. 801Jd, in cart: of the pllng SpaniSh crib. Re carried a rawhide DAILY PIWT, Box 1875, Ne:wpori whip· end ~ui.red his guards to do Beach, Calif. Why Pay Higher Property Tues?· See O.r Vinyl Pools SECARD POOL 323 •• Mohl St. Orange • 532-1992 HOUIS• lt.9, 7 Oay1 SECARD .POOLS. 11 Tears lxperl.,,c• --s-i:ociti0ns 100% Fl-1nf . 11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-"~~~~-·~·..,.~~~-,-~~~~-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ '' "· i!.•1 '< ' . . Js it i Garbinfilikla? ~ .. o; • ~ ~1 ~w~{o... d&1: 1u.ne ~th:--;:,;d i;a throq i& ht • theacliermlg. cift.a, 1700; or S.w.rday, Juot 7th •• More thao a craftberry ICO(!p? Whate\ter it quarty of a mile otrare and ia, CTCl'f bit of It -.ill be reYelled lhingt. ftom eru lOng pul ~ill - in au of ita --1 beaaty at oar dieplayed by Mer 60 deelon. 'r . Aatiqae S8ow ·.t.kk 9lartl Tbu,,.. oub. drawing J~ne 1. , • -· ' ...... " . ,._ - . ·~ • ' • ' T . SOidh (tast ~"' ' ~-~t WI lkKG rul.YMT. CDAA ... ' • .. .. I I i •• ' • I I I !~. I I I • • I -·----· .... -· ' ..... -:l • - J 1111\1 ~ •••1••:'· .... 1... ' S611inist Tactics Hit at Red Meet M06COW (AP) -A• deltptas to the Kttmlin'• in· ternatlom1 Communist con- 1-~ Into M'*""' todlJ, a smin band of Jlullian bMJlectuab urged thtm to http bring an end to a .. rebirth" of Stalin's terror ticlicl. . "We Ilk the npruttUUves Senate Okay On Burger Due Monday ' ' ftM nek, ans Gloria vm1ia0 Joeatiom in ' C!aHf\ondt1 are olferiag % price OD ,., .. dlOice of urr of the f~ m. spot redM inr ••• M1S-WAIST- Tlfl5HS-;cr uma AIMS ... when wd in mQaetiGn with urr Glm:ia JfmhaH .....,..b UJSE 11 m£S WITllll m lml' 10 YISllS 1U ... I w11J is GLORIA MARSHALL No. 1 Gloria Mlnball'• didn't "just happm" to beocue the world's leac!jng Figme Ccllltllll 8)Bleaat ••• qaic:I:, 8lfe rmulla made itthat'W!IY. At·Glorfa Mmbell's yaa'Jl be mare fndWfJ and pcKlillfal far 1-maney than throagh any oth« Propam. anywhere. Call now for a free sample visit, where you ac:taally UBe the special machines forxedtu:ing and electronic Facial Con- touring. No charge ••• no obligation. • Fide~ VC Negotiator Blasts U.S. '. Cuban Gets Icy Ride MADRID (UPI) -A Cuban Oed Havana today buicle the IUtH:ero, unpreauriitd front -compartment of a jet Congolese Open Fire On Students KINSHASA, The C o n 10 (AP ) -Co"iol.,. lrooptl opened fire on stud1nt1 dtmonstratin1 on Kl~'s ouUklrts toda y and six students were killed and 12 others were wounded, Kln.lhaa radio .. por!ed. , MO:Vie r'Tough Ki&1 . . •• , Leo· Gorcey Dies -' U,.T ........ 'TOUGH KID' DllS ' • • ... A<IO!' Loo Oorcoy ,·: -O)'lnl to Madrid. A com~ r.11 ont &tfq the truaallaiillc flip! of el&llt houn and IS minutes. opened lift when Ille .._ The radio u id the troops';~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ threw boUled 1uoUne hombl at them. "God, oh, God. ll was tfr· ri6le,'" Aid Armando Socarras Ramltti, 22, Sn a Madrid hoepttal bed alttr w b 1 t Madrid avlatimi eftid.als call- ed b1I "lmpoulble escape." from O!ba. Rllnim: suffered from ex- poouro aod ftll .. to the Madrid nll!W•Y the moment the Iberia IXI alrllner reach- ed the end of Ill tall run. The uncclllc:lou1 C u b 1 n received flrsl aid at the airport and wu taken to a Madrid boopltal. The radio announcement alJO aald that lour IClldien were injured -two Rriaua)y -aod that two police officen had "disappeared." l\eporia cll<lllatlng i • Kinshasa earlier in the day 11ld that the students bad cap. ti.ired some soldiers . a s beatac ... The students attend the Unlvenlly of Lovanlwn, the Coaao'1 most tmportant educational center. The unlvenlty ..., orderod clooed after the lnddent. Ba~k to 2 Wives. V C Escapee Still on Run SAN Dll!:GO (UPI~-It was me admlttaoco lo th• the 1upmne lmult to com· holpltal," aald Eva G"FY· who lives in San Pedro. She b munirm. 32 and has a 10-year-old boy Army Sgt. Ktnotth R. and an 1-year~ld girl by a Gregory found ille u a Viet previous marrta1e. Coni prisoner IO awful tblt he ·"He said that be was mar· escaped, evtn ~ two ried before, but that he wu wlvu awaited hUp w i t b divorced. We courted for thl'M ouuu.tcbed arms In the m-aod 1ot married just United States. before be went to Vtetnam." WU'e No. J 18)'1 the mlxup The Army 1 p p a re n t 1 y appattnt1y occurred beceute diicota:ed the situation wbtn GrelOI')', 23, married htr ll tried to notify tua: next of kin behlre bls..dil'OfCO from wife •bout bfa <Aplin ID 111111. No. 1 became flnaC -• -· · ''l'lie Mffiy toll!'!ii>~l-llf - Grepry Tueadly w a 1 wu taken prisoner," Eva reuillt••f' with hil ftnt wife, 1ald. "Tbty aald I w11 not Patricia, and a ltne-JW'<lld te1afl)' l!WTfed to h I m dau,tMr, Michele, at rt. SIJ1, bec.1111e he was ltgally mar- Ok!a. · r*I to trife No. 1, and that I Left waiting tn San Diego wu not. enUUed to any further waa a aecond lady who calls information." herself Mn. Eva Gregory. She She said she did not rectlvt &aid the Rad croa bad backed a family allotment whll• out of 1 promise to fly her to Gregory was oveneu, bat Ft. Sill for a reunion with.him. that he sent lier ,..,,., bdor. "The Red Croas Aid Ken· bis capture. nelh ,.,_ to "' me or talk "I stlll cooafdtr myoafl to be to me and asked U-to deny his wife," abe llld. WATCH FOR OUR MID•JUNlll OPENING • Fethtr's O.y is Junt 11 ~!!g• LAST: 4 DAYS! -let Dad ••• your love ••• -GIVE HIM A FINE PORTRAIT of you and tfte children A95 ONLY ... w.11.i4,....,,., __ ., ,,.,.. _,. My gill wlll ttft Dad )'OV love him, lout only o f..,;ly porMlt lets Dad -yovr lovel And ' . hO'I -h on Palhor'1 Doy Md ,,_., do-f of tho-· llurTy in -, ,,gift Dad~ -gift ho11 """1vre fomer, ,.a pOnn,lt of hitlamllyl ($mall oddlttonof "'-'°' --""'" .,,,.. poeple) ltemernbtr, you con cltar91 it at Ptnn•y'1I .. HUNTl•TIM llM:M --· IN lllllr', .,,_1171 ...... , .... , ........ , ..... • Wtlew,~lJ ' " .. .. " .. ,. " ... .. • • • ~ • • .. .-, .. AWOLManTakes Stand on 'Mutiny' •• • • ~upe~arts • • ~-Ork to Halt ' • Food Panic LOS ANGELE.S (AP) - Some frenzied housewives con- tinued hauling huge sacks of groceries from s t r u c k fllpermarktb today while Los Angeles store mana1ers work· ed overtime to avert fears of a N!od shortqe. FORD ORD (UPI) -A def .... witnus -In cMU.. ~ lllliled lhe court tryia« 14 San Franclsco Prt:sidlO Gfs for mutiny Tues- day when he announced he was · an AWOL soldier th~n surrendered. George Rey, 21 , of San Franclseo, was taken into custody by a swarm or military poll~ after te.stifyina: that informers among Presidio Stockade prisoners received special privileges and that Uv • ing condiUom were bad for the inmates. Rey te&tilied on bj!half of the 14 soldiers who were among 27 pri.woers at the st.octade lo participate in a singing sit-down -strike in the prison's courtyard. Members of the group said they were protesting poor con· dltions in the stockade and the fatal shooting of in male Richard Bunch, 19, who was shotgunned by a guard while allegedly trying to escape. When asked his status, Rey replied, "I am AWOL." The chief prosecutl>r remarked, '"I'l::M) MPI will want Lo talk to lhls man." Another witness on Ule final day of tatJmony was Mrs. Leon Bunch, mot.her ot the slain prisoner. Mrs. _·Bunch said the last lime she saw her son alive was in May. 1968 when he came t)ome to Dayton, Ohio, wblle absent without h~ive from the Anny. She said be aCted strangely altbou&h be hl.d never befort acted unusually. "Rusty came home the last week of May," she said..,-"He wu wearln& dirty ptlils. a purpfe shirt and a medalJioll around his neck. He had never acted mentally 111 befort. 1 decided he wu oa narcoUc!." She said her son told her, "You don't understaDd, 1 have a mlulon ln Ute." He also said, "I'll be dead in 90 days -I've already lived twice." Mrs. Bunch said her SOD called himself a male witch. Final arguments w e r e scheduled for today, and the case is scheduled to go 'to the jury Thursday. :··Both union and management tPotesmen said there was no riaaon for panic, however. Anti-smut Bills Face ··A representative for Local 'l'J'G-'of the Retail Clerks Union, on strike against 3 0 0 '•' s.1.1permarket.s over wages and Final; Crucial Test WPrking conditions, sa.id stores SACRAMENTO {UPI) - nol struck would be able to The legislature's major anti· urve customers. pornography bills, backed by ~Officials of the Fo od both Gov. Ronald Reagan and Employers Council, represen· ....... " nhg .lhe markets struck since Atty. Gen. Thomas L,, ...... ., lo- last W e d n e s d a y , said day faced their final crucial etnergency measures were hurdle .• keeping their stores open. The measures were stt for • _._ •"~~· shopper ~!l~~ .. s.~~l <l.eba~~ :;2'.:.l~ ---I Wont&.· --.,. --~~ • .,,,,,., worth of groceries and load Frank Murphy (R-Santa Crur:·) them,into two trucks. predicted pa$0!ige. II correct, -The employers' emer1ency only l'Q\l~ne S .e n a t e con-~ ~·bten developed while currenct 1n previous Assembly rll!•otilitions conUnued after amendments ~ould . remain tit contract 'With 11,000 clerks before being signed into law ~ in April. by Reagan. • · The bllls, authored by Sen. ! Robert Lagomarsino CR-Ojai), ~ R do two tty things : establish a bOV, eagan scparat• standard ror. iudging ~ what is obscene ror 1uveniles • , T . and what is obscfilt for Btill rying adults; and inco.,,.•··~ • • · "pandering". concept so . . advertising methods can be br Control . u,;ed t •. determine u literature legally ts obscene . tilill1ting. wild. erotic. way. oul sluff thal will give ' somebody a big charge,· It can be construed to be utterly without redeeming social im· portance" and therefore possibly obscene. · Murphy said the legislation's Q@ckers p~_r.~icularly, wl!-nt :to ... ~~.._.,,,11. ,und, gamey" publications tailored for "deviate groups, such as foot fetishes." Negro Elected ·Compton Mayor C0~1PTON I UPI) -Black City Councilman D o u g I a s Dolla?-hide Tuesday defeated Or. Walter Tucker in t.Peir · race for mayor of this predominantly Negro city. The victory made Dollarhide, 46. the first black mayor of a large city west of t h t' Miasis3ippi ftiver. Dollarhide rt.e0rded S,711 votes to Tucker·s 4 . 0 7 2. ~ I~ · · · This "pandering" concept, "'MONTEREY (UPI) -Gov. eiplained Murphy. means that bild Rea1an ~uday n1ghl "if • seller puts stuff out on aodoned Republ~an Robert the basis it is the most *'Wood in a 1pec1al A.uembly· I,;;'===================; llectlon that he said cou1d put the Republic1n Party "over ~he top" in its struggle to con· 'lrol the legislature. • The governor al90 criticized :,Vood'a Democratic opponent, rionner State Senator Fred S. :Yarr, for votes he cast as a lJnember of the upper house. , Speaking to 470 persons at- ~cnding a $1~a·plate fund 1raising dinner ror Wood, ~gan stressed that a <?OP . vic tor y would give :Republicans a 41-39 working ,majority in the Assembly. I ' Farr and Wood will ~911uare :.off June 17 In the special elcc· ~lion to fill the Jowu house seat ~eft vacant by the death of •Assemblyman Alan Pattee CR- :sallnas.) : The governor said Wood. 52, ;"is the man that could put us l 'over the top." He noted the , [GOP now has a narrow 40-39 ·~dge in the Assembly and a : Democratic win w o u 1 d :det,jfttk the chamber at 4()..40 . . ACTION? --~·--t;at tfetl THOMlllle#MID .nclnr now! I llG RACES DAILY Tce1. Thru Sit. Firs! r•c• .•• Weekd•vs 1 :45 S1turdlyl•Holid1y11 :1 ~ AOMIUIOtl PlllCP Grtndlt.nd S 1.7S Clubhal.dl S3.00 R....-wd s.ts 61 .So l~~T.,.•J ~J!J'.!,lfl FOR DAD • • • .. . ON HIS BIG DAY! ·-. . TOWN CRAFT 17 JEWEL WATER RESISTANT * WATCH HERE'S A DANDY VALUE •• A TIMELY GIFT FOR "POPS"--SPORTS A STAINLESS EXPANSION BANJ)....LUMINOUS DIAL WITH SWEEP SECOND HAND. .. 1-11 --... ...... .,., --1Mlst . ONLY 16.95 CHAllGf Tr AT YOU~ PINNFY'S 11Hf JIWIUIY OUAltFMIHT ~ .......... ·. II IL•~ --- ,Ul.l•IOH "UHTIHOTOM llACM HIWPORf t•AC" M•rW •t Of........... "'"''11191M ,.,.,... ''"""" ltliMI Or1.,.,1lr Ctllftt lflltttr ,. J11 Di.tt ,W,."""'A'°"""' et f'tt, Ciot. HWT• Wtdntsday, Junt 4, 196t> DAILY ,ILOT f ' 1 Save mo,.e~ work, time on l~rge, frost-free refrigerator freezers! 11.J CU. FT. ,.;1Ul Our Penncrest 5,000 BTU room air conditioner for cooler summer days from now on! Poy os little 01 $6 per monfh Feature' two• 1peed fon, two 1peed cooling, permanent Scotf foam"'fi+ter, 10 positi on thermo1tot control, quick mount ~it, dehumi· difie1 1.8 pints per hour.'11!5 volt, 7.5 amps. SAVE 40.95! PENNCREST® CUSTOM 16.7 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR/ · FREEZER WITH AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER REG.-849.95 NOW Poy as little as 12.50 per month • Completely frost free• 138 lb. freezer capacity • Twin porcelain enamel finish crispers • 3 zinc finish steel shelves • Full width dairy and egg storoge • Rollabout adjustable wheels • Coppertone, avo- cado or white ••. color 'osts no more at Penneys! USE PENNfYS TIME PAYMENT PV.N ' . SAVE 21.95!- ~ENNCREST' IM~ERIAL 15.2 CU. FL NO·F~OS! VERTICAL FREEZER REG. 239.95, NOW $218 Pay os little°' $11 per month ~ 532 lb. copocity • i rushed aluminum door trim • Full length handle • Slide- out bulk storage basket • 4 door shelves • In whrte or avocado •• , color costs no more at Penneys! ·PENNCREST' IMPERIAL 18.1 CU. FT. FROST.FREE UPRIGHT FREEZER • .REG. 279.95, Now .. $258 Pay os little as 9 . .50 per month • • 63-4 rb. copocity • 5 shelve1 with fronts. (2 odjustoble} • Slide-out bulk 1torog• ' bosket • 4 door shelves • 64\'2'' high, 32-¥ wide and 26il" deep • Whit e, copper• tone or avocado •• , color costs no more ct Penneys! } I. I eu. PT. "11Zt• Whatever your room size ••• we've got the air conditioner! Have a cool sum me~ with our 11 ,500 BTU air cbndition!ll' Fee.tures thret speed cooling and filter sentry.signal light that goes on whtn filter needs cleaning. It also hos o 10 position thermostat control ond fresh air control. 230 volts, 11.7/12 omps. • BURBANK CANOGA PARK GHULA VISTA COLLEGE GROVE FULLERTON GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD SAN FERNANDO SANTA ANA TORRANCE VAN NUYS VENTURA WESTCHESTER Air condltlonera.1110 1v1"1ble 1t ... lutn1 P1rk, Compton, Culver City, Downey, Inglewood l Weit Covina • • ' • • ~· ., -:. ., ·:; ·. .. ·• •• .. ' ·, l• l ,, \: I " 1· " l !; • ' ~ • ' • • II ~ , .. • I • • • ' -~ • I I I J I I ~ • 1. I ! I i 1 I r • I ., I t I I t 1 ' ' . . J f DAILY PILOT Wtdnesda1, J11nt 4, 1969 . • STORE I ' CELEBRATION We're oil eel~ ihe r.,,,.y1 Mooddolr ' 9raftd "'*""' wilh 9-wl-ln oil - A'.TRADITI ONAL' STYLE RECLINER ha, 3 position rec1tn1ng mechanism, nC):Sog bock and coil spring ~se construction. 11ght roll· front seat has 3" thick polyurethane foam cushioning with button· • tufted back, seat and foot rest. In toast or oxblood.. $12 5 REG. 149.95, NOW , . . a.'SPANISH' STYLE RECLINERmokes his si~to truly luxuri- ous! Deep, soft polyurethane foam cushioning.ls butlon-tufted far extra comfort. Selected hardwoods frame, no-sog spring base and back for lasting weor. In black or green easy-care vinyl. . $115 '---.. REG. 139.95, NOW c.'CONTEMPORARY' RECLINER in 'Sleepy Hollow' design with semi-attached, button-tufted cU1hlonlng of. polyurethane foam. Outside back and sides covered In wood-groined Vinyl, inside with rich block vinyllor easy care. $95 REG. 119.95, NOW Save 3.11 on our 18 club pro style golf bag now ... ! Reg. 14. 99 NOW 11.88 Features Jorge boll, ac- Cesso ry pockets, um. brello, towel holder# detachable hood, heavy duty vinyl ••• black, rawhide<>< blue. For Dad : •• happiness is our vibrator/heater rocker recliner The utmad in heoltfmtl relaxation ••• our recliner rocker that heats ond vibrates, too! It heats at 3 temperature settings, vibrates at 3 speeds, Is styled so that It lits beautifully into any decor •.• in gold, hive or green , vinyl uphOJstery that. wipes clean. • 1·29.95 Pay as little as 6.50 per month SAVE •20! 11 pc. Turnesa or Jameson aluminum shaft golf club set REG. 99.88, NOW 79 .88 Pay· as little a• $5 per month You don't hew. to be o pro to swing like one. Gettf?ese lighlMight ;,oK clubt ond improve your gmM. Alumin• thofll giv• ·'YO' greater con1rOf of d. club ••• greater dtdanc:e on trterf .hot. Set includft Men's woods (1·3-A), iront (2.9), todies' woods (1-3- ·~ '"'"' (3.9) p1 .. p1t,i.;,.. -i ... SAVE s20! 11 pc. Byron Nelson registered professional style golf club set REG. 99.88, NOW 7 9 .8 8 Pay as little as $5 per month The cl~ preferred by thtt better player! Woods have wolnut finish, diamond design and sc:r.wless Insert. s..e of a irons siive YfJI/ er perfect loft wholever the tie. Set includes.: Wooth (1.)..4), lrom (2-9). Save 3;11 on our shaft saver golf bag by Foremost Re;. lA.99 NOW 11.88 Separate comportment for ·each club, full length side pocket • • • ' blue, rawhide or block. c Save 3.10 on our Foremos .. Custom golf cart for Dad Reg . 18.98 NOW 15.88 Save energy for t~e golf gamel 12" double ball bearing d ie cast wheels. Opens and folds ·ovtomoticolly. Electriclhoe pol;,t,.,.kil 17.99 eo.;,, ... oloctric ,..,_ b<USh . 11.99 --16.98 Wood huodle ....... , ... ' 9,98 Articula .. '"" high lntOnsll'f ·lemp · 8.88 16.98 Dlrocl rod dak clock $14 Me~inl• Cocldol ... $14 C.yttol ligldtr ... $6 HUNTINGTON BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON NEWPORT BEACH LAKEWO OD 1',.,J NTCLAIR • • Deluxe •••t valet 19.99 ' , • ' E*tric le. ctUm fr.-zet 24.99' llNmtier, thWmom.1ar, , hygronteier d..k Jet 8.98 • Ice bucbts • $7 . Al1rm cloc:lc/iewelry " Cit• ,. 10.95'. Gloloohftli~ 1 • ..,. 12.18 VENTURA Meetinfl• . . ' . 8BATB NOTICES II BALTZ MORTllAIU!'.ll c.r.u..iMu -ORM«R 0nta M-Ill f.UU ' I • BELL BROADWAY ' MOJIT\l~Y • I i10 Bnadwly, Colla li! .. a . I LI I-HSI • DILDAY BJlOTllElll 8--Valley Mtr1ur1 I· • 17111 Beau Bini. B~lleacli ...'1'1'11 • I ' • I : PACIFIC VIEW I • lllEMOl\IAL PAU :c.m~ • .,, ' ISM Pldllc V1oW 1llhe ~ ...... _.. . -. • PEE& FAMILY • COLONIAL nJNEllAL BOD 111111t111An. w.-... SRD'tD MORTUAll ~-..... SuQomalo - SMITH'~ MOllTlJARY UI Mm II&. lluntlnllOI Beacll LE HSll Help for He111ophilia~ Coun~y Youth Pi.oneers Hip Surgery LOS~'-Ten yean qo GOry'Andrlwa was told be #Wld .. ver watt without~. Now, ~ute ot successful '1ll1!"f OD blJ hip, be b reg .. 'tnobW\Y'' Md will IOOn be able to ,dJicard all auppods. 'l'he 21~year-old f rorn Los Alamltos is suffering from hemophilia, a disease which can lead to fatal bleeding. With the discovery of a new blood p I a s m a concentrate, which helps his blood to clot, he was able to undergo surgery . recently to correct damage to blJ hips ca\IBed by internal bloedlng. AndreW1, a patient at the Orthopaedic Hosp It al' s A DATE FOR L.UNCH Lt. Gov. ReinKk• Bicentennial Talk Slated By Reinecke Rehabilitation Center In Los Angeles aince last October, Ls only the second person to undergo surgery of t h I s nature. Qecauae ol the nature of the hemophllic· disease o n 1 y llfesavinc s u r g e r y was performed in the put. Now wftb ~ new plasma con- centrate, Gary faces We with ""'lickrably i..a r .... The new plasma can be easily carried around in a small ·container, so he is able to cope with most ~ems that may ariSe. The diselle no lqt.r" sets him agart .from other boys, for G&{Y .rides motorbltes and it iliterelted in drai racln&. Since be baa been wilh ~ procram, Gary bu. -to give himlt1I Intra._. ' luaiom of plama concenlrlle aa SOOD U bleedinc belilll without travellq to a dodor'• office. Because lherc la a !bruted IJDOllDt of. concentrate available, DlOlt htmopbllie pa. tleots do not lake part In the home aelf-lrelitment program. lie wu seletted for the pro- gram 10 .,.... '""""' of blJ voc,uonol Q:llnlng. He ia currently attemfu1& cr11s Buslneli 'lolJege and hopes to someday become an accountant. He llvea with bla 1"""'11 at 2962 Copa Ile Oro Drive. C()unty Rents W eHare Building in Santa Ana By JACK BROBAcK Of ,.. o.lhl '1i.t ,,.., Eltabllshmeht of a· Sant a Ana branch of a COUDly Wel- fare Department in an emtlng bu.Udlng at a rental of $5,9lf0 a month wu approved ·Tuf:lday by the coun ty Board of Supervisors, Th e approved location, 20.000 square feet of a 30,CK»- square-foot building owned by FWW Properties at 2029 W. 1st St., was selected over a proposed new .20,000.square- foot building in the 1600 block of West 1st, between Raitt and Pacific streets. The pew structure would have cost the county $1,300 a month more rental, or $7.200 a month: more 'than the selected location. County Welfare Director Granville Peoples, in citing the need for the branch, said 2S percent of the department's caseload is-from the Santa Ana area. He said the proposal coin- cided with a board-adopted policy to decentralize the welfare services and bring them closer to lhe people con- cerned. plans were wider way for the state to take over all welfare functions and costs. P-eoples said such plans were "probably two or three rears off, but very Pouible, and that at least a year's notice w ouJd be given the county. . He said he was "almost eer- taln" that the slate, if it took over the weUare functions, would absorb any elisting leues the County miahl bold. Peoples said the n e w Westminster branch welfare office., now under construction, should be ready by early 1970. Bids Asked For Channel CAPISTRANO -bids will &e opi!ned Jurie 16 for Con· struction of the Marquita Stonn Channel in t h e San Clemente area. Filth Dl!trlct Supervisor Alton E. Allen announced Wednesday. '!ftdltffdat, June .41 ltM • OAILV 'JLDT Jl, • • OUTD.OOR L 1 YING 11 A w~Y °' Y" ; '. . ~:ouNo. eoutri.,, ...... -AMTtot_.A ..... llu IM Now loot for'" •• ;_,ill ....... ko -....... .... I._... -... ,;.:.,;;.....,..-:_ .. ·-r -.-,-.>'~~ , -..:-~ OUR WINDOW Mm DOOR AWNINGS IU!ml 11 iU I -1'111 -.. .,.. IUCllOL lllGHT, VllUlll', .-. llUUl1FUI. .. ' .. -""" ,.,. __ _ c-..ui1,., ....... ....., .... ,. ...... ~ ... .,_,..._ ...,. .. . ., .,,.. " ........ .. --·-·----~ .................... , ..... ..,..,. •twr-_,.,.. • ....., -.......... ,..it ... ... """""' ~·· I "'lly • 0 0 --• ,.., .......... . -ALUMINUM SCRHN PATIOS Planned for either large or small homes ••• mobila homes tool Durable, long lasting an aluminum ainstruction, large doors ••• CClll- pletely bug proof. , ntl NIW LOOK POR '69 CANYAI AWNINGS• VALANCll •CURTAINS Nothing Decorates Uke Carmn. Boautiful New Colon & New Fabrics. For "-• , • for business! MAllUf ACIUUD j SANTA ANA TENT ..... AWNING co. PACTOllY SHOWltOOM 2202 S. MUN ST. SANTA ANA' Ma OWi • BUNCH Ol'l'IClE OUlllE coam I .... CO. ----Phone1 879-6732 After 6: 633-67114 SM 04.lt compl, .. lndoor~oldoqr Fvmihn Dbplay SANT A ANA -Lieutenant Governor Ed Reinecke will be the guest speaker al a California Bi ce n ten n i a I Luncheon at the Saddleback Inn Friday afternoon . He said four buildings now used by the department were overcrowded ,-with 1~ employes working in the ad- ministration headquarters at 6th and Ross Streets, 75 in the adoption services center on North Broadway, 80 in the old Hall of Record.!!, and '10 in the Probation Department building on Manchester Avebue In Orange. Estimated cost of the 950-1-,..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The luncheon will be the maJn feature of a three-day conference of the California Mission Country V i s i t o r s Association, underway this week at Ute Saddleback Inn. The lieutenant governor is chainnan Of, .the California Bicentennial Celebration Com- rniulon, w h i c. h will be meeUng Friday at Knott's Berry Fann in lklena Park. supeM.sor David L. Baker, while approving the lease, said Irvine Fire Station , Bid Openir.igs Called IRVINE -Bids will be opened July 14 ror Con- strucUon ot the county's UCI Fire StaUon on 1.ee Street near Campus Dri\'.e. EsUmated cost of the one- story, frame and stucco buildJng is $Jf/,500. c o u JI t y Supervisors ap- proved application to the Orange County Employes' l\2tirement System for a loan "not to ezceed '300,000" to finance the construction. Discussion revealed that the new station wUI be similar ko the one built at Laguna Hills three years ago at a cost of $190,000. Differences will come In certain arcllltectural stan dards spgg,_ted by the Irvine Company whlch Is developing the area. SupenriJor Robert W. Battin Said the company should pay ani dillerence in cost rel!l-ting to tbe architecture. County Building Services Director Joseph Smisek said such requirements would "on- ly amount to one or two per· cent difference In the cost." He said recent humps in the cost of construction accounted for the greatest part of the difference in the estlmated price over the Laguna Hills slaUon. He guessed that the UCJ staUon might cost as much as $250,000 based on re- cent experience. Batlln slUck lo his con- teriUon lhat the Irvine Com- pany shoUld pay any ad· ditional costs due to ~ arcllltectural standards, but he was voted dawn, 4-1. foot, 48-inch diameter rteel and concrete pipe channel ls $59,000. It will extend from Linda Park L a n e to Calle Puente. AUen said the county would pay $40,000 of the estimated cost with the city of San Clemente picking up the tab for the balance. New Flood Drain Done GARDEN GROVE -A new flood contro l channel has been completed by the Orange County Flood CJontrol District between the Garden Grov Wintersburg channel a n d Trask Avenue bere. According to Orange County SupervLwr Robert Battin, the completed project will resolve past flooding problems along Newhope Street and its in- tersection at Trask Avenue. -~ ~Now-Appearing · ••• Ml 'CKEY & KURT DANCING TUESDAY thru SATURDAY la30 P.M. • 2100 A.M. SUNDAY AnlRNOONI from 3a00 P.M. MARK DAVIDSON TRIO WHIIE HORS.E· INN 3295 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH 673-137., • . ,,, ' . . ., tgttrt n " 0 CONTOU'RING • ANO OP£N\NG Gil SALOtl fOR Of At10tH£R UR£ ce>NUOL Gl.-'MoRaus flG vtllY stMPLl oull METHOD \S' 10 11AOl\ll£S ./ 10 tlf.ftClSl ./ 10 pt\.LS ./ 10 D\£tlll ' . . s 1,0SE l tO 1 1t!Ctli ltl 90 MltiUtES PAY t10'0lltlG ~ ' . ... , Now For Appolntmoni OPIN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 ,M. MON. THRU SAT. 13732 S. EUCLID, ·GARDEN GROVE Cl Ilk. So. of G.G. Frwy.> JI OAILV PIUlf ~ • OPEN SUNDAY 9 ~IL 5 , Wt<intsd01, Junt 4, 1969 OFFICIAL . ·COL~N· ' , . REPAIR . , , STATION . fOR · .• NGE ~ C~NTY * PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 4 TO JUNE 10 . GAS GRI llS . II Cooking Conyenlffc For • .,h thi5 new YO'U'tl SP0Jl TIOU:El:.:~ity ~d 1,,. ·11 ... lthum . 'di• liU lfl ,... I •hit •d1u1I• IU h '• ,,..tro f 11ul fi1dt1 •• • Wiithtrproo WI you w1nt It. rw:i-ptu1-ill p~rts d1~nd1•1t rdrf~'7'.n. ye1r 19111111 . are 11111rNfH Mhlfl tr mtterl1l1. faolty worlc~· ,, sf . ·-·. •ow al Gran , ., .ln41_,. 59QDo Value! .,, Regular '.' · -~ . . . -LISTING! · · · SLEEPING ·COLEMAN ~ "735'' OVERNIGJfl~R · . •1411 BAGS 0 00 VALUE 11 . tor $2 • . I ''"'" II ''I r 100-a 1p1c11 !Mhrly -"tfl ,., '"• 4-ll. INSUL~M lro'#fl CHIN' is '" pod1.tt1, urrylttg 11tra;'w1:1 i1nin9. Air m1n...u "" ...... '"" • ""''" MGS FROM $7.77 ~UN'l'!S, CllKK 91, ·CAMP STOOLS ' ' ' • ' $6.95 0 FOLDING . AID KIT .•• • • • • ·~rd 49< D J&.J nRST . ·Non1NG •• , •• Y 91, .. D MOSQUIT(! •••••...• 95 D LAUNDRY IAGLS..IUNKlTS ••.. $639,-· • .01 ....WOO . 2 for 100 ,. MANTLES • • • • • • . 98( 0 COLEMAN I " ROPI: ••.. • • ' . , 98c D 100•FHT ;, 5 Rll'AIR.KIT .•..•. 0 AIR MAnRH ''RRllS A ' GRANT'S~ COMPUTE LINE Of IREU!-DRl!D FOODS ,, l•ff .,, w ... ,,. '"'orHER SLEEPING . " See Grant's First! . CAMP TABLE ' WE RENT · · BENCH SET Everything In • ToC;lsts 4 Sflces cit Oneel CAMPING EQUl{t,,,ENT! .• l( 1-11• "°1 llJSI Git" W ~ ···•· '"'i BITE KIT SNAI $2 49 , REG. $2.91 Single M•n!le LANTERN s1oaa Model 200·A l·O·W •~••• •II AH Lonttr111t I 5 PLASTIC. . CAN '~~iGHr 111c1 11vrd.' . llG 111 iupph11. 1011t1l11tr !or wa •249 "CHARGE IT" al GRANT'S SURPLUS GRANT'S CHAlGl ACCOUNTS ;; BE " NEXT DOOi! AT ADDITlatfAL ~ 'RANI'S GULF PARKING~ \I STATION FRIE OS® UYl'S~ NUV "'"'· tty11 Sta.h'etf9All Mita. INT 1f rltW d check•. NEW SHIPM I rfvl ,.llck 1n ' 1*1.L . 1onOMS? -.. .... ,8.oo ' lit rM r .. 119t= ••' "'9. lartnt " .... qf"W1 l1t11t ttyt "4 ......... Ivy LEVI'S® CORD~"''''' ef Powder llue, 26 to 31. E NEWEST tolor1 d l •itt. Siz11 f"9rll TH Ollwt Gofd tn 8 fiir Mtn I . •nd .. ,, Hfffal ,.., ' m1r1I ...... ·ss.9 . ®' . PAIR LEVI'S O.VER 20,000 IN STOCK! OVE1t· 1,00o RIFLES and SHOTGUNS ON DISPLAY! . GRAHrs SURPLUS G .. . . . . .. ASK THE EXPERTS/ Gronrs Gun D~rr,..;,, is st·I{~~ Jiy eicporr, in their field of •hooting# Whatever rou nt1y Wlftf in 'guns, fro.,;,.$20.00 22-Rifle to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Gr,.r, h11 it in stock/ Come in and see for yourself one of the largest stocks of guns in Southern Cofffornii! : : .'. · . GRANTS BUYS our ENTIRE STOCK Of ·'FAMOUS-MAKE RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS! ~, ~T'S H~s "'llCHASfD tti. ••tlro lnv.nrory of gunr 'lrom 1 Iorgo C1iitorn11 gun rlor11 _ · Thlsi:111:,,,.. ''°'' lrld 1ho/f niN.r. '" being offertd 1t TRfMfNDOUS SAVJNGs1 ••• m10y 11 btl'l', d,.fer COlfl 5-..., he •llfhtty '<flfohtd , , , 1/1 ""Y FACTORY GUAR~Tf~f : ':sAJ! • Gs qp ro .40%-so.%-60% OFF! . · REMINGTON Model 700 WINCHESTER Model 1200 llsr PRICE $134.95 LIST PR1Cf$154.9s 8!¥·68-D/x. •999$ 'SAVE $5s.oo SAtf ~';.";t.:~~·;'.''... .. . .... s599s ~.:;~:::.:"".'.' '~ . . $8995 $44.oo SAVE .. $899$ lJO~ .... '"'' ....... ,.,,., _, -s799s usr NilCt •144.'S ......... , .. , .. , .•. , • , , , ., , ,:~~~'.~'. '.~~ .... . . . s799s :.--.""' -· 1100 s 1199s un':"irc •• , ... ,,_ '• .......... ' ... ' ..... . .~:~~~:·:::,::'.~~'. ,. ...... .. .... s 1249s .':::·~:-:::~~·::::'.'..'.'.· .......... · .... sa495 WINCHfSfflt $94 95 c-i., c..,,_1111 usr '•1er f 12,.oo .........•........•........ .~~'1~:." . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . s9 8 5o llMINOrOH. "'-4.1 7oO $1995 ...... usr 11111c1 Sll~.•s ............••.••••.•.•.•.. • ~:~~:·:::;::'.'.'"' ·~oo ........ sl J 49s WfN(HfSFll $94 9$ .. 11.,.,, c..,,_1., t1sr '•1cr s1 It.ts ..••• ,, .•.•••• ,,,,,.,,., ..• . i~~~·::K." ...................... s59t5 'IA.,CNt "''••• 2J $8995 . --~~It~ . "" ''"'" .. ,..... . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .... .. -'"•••GUN• Alusr .. LIOUIDAflD 41 IOoH AS P0~111u-- fl..llcu 11.UHtD Off '00. OF ALL f.YP1s OF Gu~,, . . ' ' SAVE · h Finest • • • · "Give Dad t e •" . . and Save Money' too. . "WINDKING" JACKETS by $ PACIFIC -TRAIL ~· -~ . , ..... .'. WAIJifl WI T1i.' n•W•ll • • 'ftfprNI luavry .. vt . ltUGGIO, P.cifk Trail. ; 11. Tvr11uMM. · -., f~! la L.9i• Grff11,Na~ 1"4·1111"' •oor·.... -kl Oyster, , Y•llow{!P~'m:·~~~ ~l:•~·:·"~::~;:·:--1 . ttfri•"-S11t1 Western Styli ·,,DURINGO" BOO~ $1 L:95 "" .N G,OLF jACKETS U NYLO , 109 • ss.is Ir:~ SHIPMENT-'=~ 100•' all Nylon 1icke11 •49s 1 ti fal!'lov• ..... ,. 1 unlintlll. ,,, "' . h-out" •••• . 8 new co ors, ' ,.,,, .. ""~· . ,,,;" .. ' '" ............. , .... ::;,.:.--~:,. ''" ""'' ·-'""' ..... I... llCIS .,. s.u . , NSl * LOWESF P -• . . GESF SILICFICl ' *LAI Sov• Now r BERMUDA s,t .. oiTs .... s3•a ING new colori SP .. Rk~ Chetks ind In P111ds, p rminent solid colo~s, ~ cours•I ir.esi f1br1c1 . -l - -Wtdnesday, June •, 1%9 DAILY PILOT j:J WfdMsda;y, Jun• 4, 1969 PILOT·AOVElltTIS£~ , Civil Engineer H~s Becom~ ·Prince of Public 1 Works. 11'.IOYCE iAlN and ' commercial centers, bot secllrity. starting rate for C.E. grads av on to get a master's ahd deathl alono. are Cree, In 1ingte copies only, Send roof sug(Ut.ions for A._ UnUI ~ ~· Century, const ru c t io n sit.ea are • WOMEN are encouraeed to w1s $'7,970. Slmll1r aveiage degree, and research_ and F OR • M 0 RE IN· while they la.st. For one or future co~ toplts to Joyce the term englnee J &enoted sometimes in· remote ~areas of .. ~nt1r th1! fleld.t and JfOC-the salaries ror C.E. princlpalfot teachihg usually requ~ 8 l'O~'l'lqN, !J'he Amerk:an both, write to me in care of Llln, catif:r:,C<lrrwff. c.o DAI• J. the U.S. or in foreign coun-tint few yesn ilttt gradua· proJeCt engineers wal' •1J.7Gll ; ... dock>rate: , SoCitty. ol~CiYU. '.EPgineers o(. this newspaper, enclo.11ing a LY PIWJ'., Son7, no mall the creaUon of ,ings for tries. . Relocating is often .lion! earn about the same as for chief engineers. UO.oot:• :. OVTLbOK. Co nJ i n u e d-Cera (J) ''J1 Cifil Engineering seU·addrmed, gummed label. answers can be li:vtn. _/.Ily bllltary use -, • and necessary as pro1ects are men. , ... EDUCATION. Four or fi.ve gro"1h is expected. through for you?" ~ e beautifu.I ~ Mark""Clvll Engineer" on the reader w~ letttr II the ridges and wea~~ Then , as fil'\ished : . c ·E. 's ln <1erense . • .ltlf ,EARNINGS~ ACCO(ding yesrs to ·obtain a-1"4ichelei''s the '10's -on the moderate • ~.and (2) '"You:p..future • outside pl your envel?pe. basi.! or a futlll"t c~WDD. will e~gbineeU ring increated Its con. WJ!"~ Will•lly h{l!Ve high eatn--~ to the 1 Americao • SQcl~-• ~f degf't;e .. in ,dvil ~rlnr:. • .s1de1, bu1 about 3500 openings. jit\ ... QiYili ~Ing." a rl54-1• trfcNaupt Syndicatt, lnc. r~ve a free Royal Mercury tr• u on lo civilian' t;fe. the ·"bl but 1 'p~ *ario\is .J· ob C1vil ....... lneels. the•• . r' ... .,. IJ&. nM. lJ\an one-. Ull...,, of c:E.1'1 each year through retirm\. enls • -\1 1¥, iP.erba c); book. Both All ri0 ht• raerv..,.· po l • term civil engineEJing came "' ;;:.l!f;;_..::.;....::;;;:=:=:....::..:..:_..::..::_-=:'":=.:.:..:::...:;;.:.._;~:.:-.:::.:.':....:;o;~;.;_<:._:;_T_;_ __ ·:....i"'.,---"---;C...'--.:....--'--....l.""'?."' 'i'-"-----=-'---:....::.:..:.:.:'"":..:;-:....:..::..:.::;-<:;__~.;:.:"""-----,...!..- lnlo use to distingUfSh the fi eld ,. " • '· ' ... 'f~ of public works frool· mililar'f ., • 1 / works. : .J '• Civil engineering ts now one ol the largest et'l~neering specialties -emplor mg over 180,000 men and wdrtien -as well as one of the okt~. THE BIG SLIDt.RULE. Civil engineers design and 8Upervise the construction of (and sqmetimes opera t e ) ~lilmm:~~ ~ '·. ~ ~ ~ ii o ~~oo I ~ ,.fp'~ public works. important struc· lures. a· n d transportation facilities; They help build the world's biggest dams. tallest buildings and deepest tunnels. ln fact, the Y:orld's largest building, the Vehicle Asse1nbly Building ..-near cape ~nnedy , is a colJSlructed p uct of civil engineering. C.E.' Ugure prominently in such pfojects as nuclear power plants, nuclear desalting.of ~ater, nuclear blasting o( canals or harbors, r~uction of air pOnu- lion, reoewal of old cities, planning and building of new ones. Transportation systems like the Bay Area Rapid Transit System under construction in the San Francisco area •.. the High-Spe~ G r o u n d Transportation Program, in which the Department of Transportation . is searcbing for new and improved ways ol transporting people between , major cities located along the northeastern seaboard ... the landing strips, t a x i w a y s , aprons and structures of Cl'licago's O'Hare Field ... Houston's \Valer supply and sewage system -all projects requiring civ il engi neers. 12-LANE FREE\YAY. Civil engineering is so broad lhal many s peci a lt·ie s have developed within it -among them are structural, highway, hydraulic, sanit 3ry, city plan- ning, rivers and harbors, and bridges. .~funy C.E. 's arc supervisors or administrators: from site supervisor of a a>n- struction project to top ex- ecutive._ / Some civil engineers are engaged in research o r teaching, or combine pro- fessions to become engineer- g eo I o g Is ts , engineer-co analysts; iengineer-eeonomists and engineer-lawyers. ottK>rs are employed in inspcctio!l, maintenance or o p e r a t i on positions, and some are con- sultants. EMPLOYERS. The majority work' for all levels of govern- ment agencies and the construction industry. Large numbers are employed by con· su iting engineering and architectural firms. Some work for public utilities, railroads, iron and steel in- dutries and other major manufacturing c o n c e r n s . C.E.'s work in 311 states. usually in n1ajor industrial Wood Ne'v OCCStudent Body Prexy Jtoward Wood, m.irried, 28- year-old veteran,· wfll be the Orange Cbas~ College student body presideRt neJ:t fall . Wood .is laying plans for stu- dent participation in cur- riculum. a 'stude·nt represen· tallvc on the faCu1ty senate and a rcvieW of ttglstraOon proctdures.• ! . He defe8ted Vic Adams for the top stude1J.t post 282 votes lo 161. Turnout· WU· a· disap- pointing sf:Ven percent of qie student body. Wood. hiS oflfe, who works to support hill education, and lheir·son live at 311 Wilson SL .. Costa Mesa. }lo Is a business major and was co-director of student finance this schoQJ year. Assistant Studt!DL ActivttJes Advisor Dave Grant said Wood dkt en f!Icellent job With the $145,000 budget -''the most thorough I have ever seen done by a student." - Others elected with Wood are Tom Hubble, vice pre.!1- <lent;""""Beryl Kaser. associated mt:!n's president: Barb a r a Byers. associated womtn't president. All were uooppo!ed. Dennis Oalaanders defeated two opponents for social scien-ces senator and Alan Young ct~re~ted one for _heaJth and physical sclencet 11enato~. A propostUon to streamline lht. etudcnt constitution pass-,. • •• "Skippy" DOG & CAT FOOD Nu Ith/. N1Mrislm"t . i1 5 1z. Cans Sh~lf Paper "No Bugl·M'lady" . . . , Ass orh4 C1l1rs I DUl1li1. 11"125 Ft. It 13"135 Fl. le lls 2:1.00 --I --!.?. "SUN FRESH" Postel Colors l ·Prints • . 4:1.00 ' ... ' ..... 'SPRAY "Lysol" DISINFECT ANT PreYtllS 11111• I •ll••· -1li111l11te1 1Hr RIG .1.79 1 ' 3.3· ' 21 ··-• • YARDLEY "Orfiiht0I" ·Afllr Sllave & Calogne 3.25 • •• I •' After Shave •r. ll.1.50; Cologne 1 .. M1 .. ~11. l. 75.· @Hc¥tee .. "lergen's" LOTION with DISPENSH Soot•rs r1•1•. irrllatt• •a•'s •~oz. SIZE 49c Aqua Net HAIR SPRAY 2il.OO . ' .1 . JA!}E J. EAsr· Aftef S~ave 1 11. 3;00 ' ·'' ''Clesr' TOOTHPASTE Replar l Mlar Flmr SHAMPOO in Kandi Uabruka~I• Plastic Toll 1.45 5 01. SIZE sac ...... 2"' -00-1 Cologne 'Lime' Cologne rn ... .. '>-.RO • -·--··==:: ..,.,. •101• •" 2.50 ., "·i .,., "" ms! c1a111s I .-. 'Jhi/11~ ~·:.:.."::.:~. I ·. "Dippity-do" HAii SITTING GEL , After Shave I & Cologne @JI d/ui:e •11 11. I' iff.1 & Cologne ·surtu• -·~" woilf\f. ·77 fresh, cool g~l moke~ ~·.nd1ng la~l~r. ~ealer. Hatr teels clean -79c ~els last longer. 1.25 I 11. Si11 : 1.85 "Black label " or "Original" ''lime" 1 50 "3urle( 2 00 I 'IL 6 50 15xlS" lin .;~waffle..... c Iller Sha" 41~. , liter Slla11 . • ' _,. 11 "· • pa11.,. ••• 11 1 'J·Pc. Old Spice 3·Pc. "lime"~ ~J.Pc. "~jliie( JADE 1 tAST ' !'-::======~;:::::: ninll · \ii ' Golden Lime ·G ' ·-"' · "Efferdent" , DENT URE CLIANSll TAILETS Clean~ deep ~!Ains -lea'les ~entures fldor frl'I' ... removes ~tub 7· gc bdro ~!a1ns in mrnuh s. 1.49 iD'5 SQUIBB l "Sweeta" 1 Non·fattefllng • • • . ~ · · Afle"r Shave Aller sna·1e L~t1on, :n. ot e~c~ cl AU~r 2'i. oz. uch of Aller 4 00 Alll1·PcrspiraM ·~-Shave lotion & Co-Sha~e LD!ion & C-0· ill. • ·.,.~ doran1 <1nd A!ler kJgne. and St1c~ Deo· logne. and,St1~~ deo-Cologne ·~ !0::p:n l. 7 5 s .... 3'.'5o '"""3~5o ,'"~4~oo i , " 5. 00 ----------•••·•cco• ••ooc'•ccc••..,•• ······ ••C••--• AM/ FM Stereo Multiplex After Shave 2. 00 EACH Dish Towels Urgt, extra absor- bent, tint free rf!!! 3 , 1 00 stlipt towels cf o 100% co!tDn. 1 • ~-..._,.___,_....,_ ·-· ---DORDITI Trash Can Liners A iunnnd Neckties 'English Leather' Alier Shave 1a · Cusll)rtl dc,1gned ties in !lie latest L~al.prool • DdorprOl'lf • HuvyDutyPlrnic labrit$. des1&ns 1nd 1 39 33 611. 2D Cal. JG Qt. c~I~ for Ille sum· Sile -Size _ Size - ll'Cr season. • ,,. If I Pa• .Jf I ··-,, 11 .... •• t 77~ J~~~~~, ~ff .. _ ! -' ! 1 NO-CALOllE Swe1!11ter ~~Je cr1ro;iott1;~ 2 ~ 99c ' IOOt~t<O. · a l 7 ._ .......... .-..... Neckties 2.00 3.50 -·· • r~ -.. --_.,,._ I AM/FM Radio I ''lactona'' I; s.u. s1a11 P1r1a•1• ••. 1~1~,:cpPC rod ;intenna. slide rul'. ? . !~~0!:~1~u=~~rush most pr~· ~~~~~es[~=d~~ 15 88 •., ~ri~d by demists. AVJil-59 :::::::::~ 12258 • I ~ ·'i -~ble 1n 2-3-or ~ .... ows io C 1-•• ,,.,, .. ••~ N[Uf~I DI' 11ylon. II(. lk '""' •-.. • ..,._._...: . ._ .. -. ..,.._. _ _....~ •1 TONKA ~llllllCtl/UllllllDllllHtltlllDllllllln!IDlllhllHlllDllllltlHlllDlllltlltll!: i ~·~ ... ·. ·:11r~11se II" Clock i ! •· -• , WESTCLOI -Oecorl11ve button~ 4 69 ! ,···•"' anow yo~ a cho1ct of 5 lo 10 ~ . '' _. -··· 111lnotes extra !lt>ep. AatiQlle while. • ~ = . ' = ~ · .'Alarm-o-Matic' Clock ! 9 · ~· -WCSU:llX -Buues )'!Ill at tie ;;:; ~ ''.~~l / 1ume 11metv;J24,~.>,sweqi 5 98 :;; s~ornf bird. 11111iqoe:wb1ltw ,_ = ' Im '.'Day-Date IP' Clo~ I " • WISTCUX-Cale.u clcc~ 31,1. n lom1l1c1Uy recorM day, date 9 98. a: · !dlanges. Lu111111011s hands I tioor ~ *>ts. l.talher·11a1Ded.cm. , ! : ·, ·"Stop" Waiau ·· a • " irul~lDl-Officijl 1110 ""nd ... 9 98 I i . 30 seco11d dial I 15 llia&te Si!Mial 5 · Ja:OT11Jlator. Red or Biiie. 11. • 5 --"Mod" Travel Alarm ~ = ~-~f WESTCLOX.-r1oral .. 'lloth-t?thn~ ~inil 4..,7_9 I ~ ~ case coverm,. I.ominous !lands l hour !. marllss. Ass I colors. 11. , ~tlOtllmmtllDfllllllMllDlmltllffllOfl""""' " Heivy duty in brigtit, red color. US! <1tS(l !or outdoof Ji1ilts, pdM':' lools, etc. 1 39 . le1. 1.5!' • 81!." Patie Light Shade With 20 fl heavy duly cord • • • CIJf!f hokfs Seclll~ly ~r@ you llCed 2 3 tlgflt. •••• 2.11 • Telepbole Extensians For standlml phones and waU pt~r,· 1 39. 25 It. tencth in black or wt11 t. • .,. 1.19 ••• • . Extetlsian Cords by G.E. ' '''ti 3-i• le11g!lts ot 6, 9 a;,.i -· 12 ft Clloos! from whiit or blown.1 29 -· , 111.1.11 • "MerCUIY" Switch U-Slftlle poJe is lbsoMtly •il<ftl 98C ....... °"1 "°'· lo~ IJI . "lllB('.1 Collnl C.L-C!tlo ... filftl llMJ smoqli)~ I""' "off" lo Ml • 111 -· S"1co ~·· 4 I t• , wit• '•tl1st1I -lire , • ~adjusts tog lletghl;;, 21ids.~i~n;:~·11~~ 31 ·98 li~t~d motor. ' .. 24" Portable BBQ wil• 01e1 H11~ •r 118 UY -Cll!'omi: plated teYOIYj"t 1rlll, 16 29 screw-type ad1ustmen!, swinc-awaj, UL Olltor. , --, -. ' •••• •• ·).H••••• •• •••• ·o·rc••• " . BRDXODENT ·cuoCKs "Clicks" 1 98 wn1111 Ws•JnUil • • Cologne 4 IZ. I IZ. 3.00 5~00 REFILL BRUSHES ~ot ~'..'d. r,,id, l!TI~ H~T~ ' •• , .. •! 2 1-·_. __ _ : "Lysol" Toilet Bowl Cleaner liQuid disinf Pl;t~nt i, better and ta~ltt f~en cr~sl;i1s. """"" J!Mllc "'"" h ttle. I • • ' for DAD-BRIDE-GRAD-VACATION "Et1•· -filll quahty vinyl CO'l'mll l!JR&a&e al a bur~ .,, prica.·~ickfl plat~ ~•t. Choose ftom morted soli6 Ollors. · ' . • l6" P1flnrla ·. • 21" Weekinfer •·Cosmetic Case ·~ • • ·--·- • ... \ ·---·-. --- -, Ji DAILY NL.OT . . . Laguna Coaches Bfittl~ Principal, M\ay Quit ' ' • 1 Botilcki .R~sigm, Others May FollOW Suit . ' By E4JIL GVBIOY : t ' Of .. ~ .. --- A running dispute between coachts at LaglUla Beach W1h School and prbtclpal Bob Reeve.1·bas resulted In four resign&· lions in the past twu weeks •nd anothf.r may be forthcoming, the DAILY PlLOr has learned. ,· Baseball coach Norm Bonaci;l became • lbe fourth Artist coach '° quit M«tdoy. He wu preceded by ~ I~ and basketball coaches Jfln'7 Neusnann and W1tttn Watkins, ind vanity track coach Jack L)'thcoe. In ' •JI cuea.. dlsqreementa with Reeves over matters of tfhlibc PoliCr wen: the underlying factors but lhe ' dismi3sal of Lythgoe bu ~. tho • \'Olatile situation into the-opetL Lytbioe, who had l!eeo Lqwia't heacl track COICb for · six f*$. stwmed a school a•ardl baoqnet 'audience two Wl<U lfO by llOllOUl>cing lbal Benes hadrepllctdbim. . '• • "Re wanted me to ooach aou COUDtry In tile 11111, IOo, but I told him I WOold raUler remaln 11 lhe Cte football COKb,'" Lylhgqe says. . "As It turned out, my rep~l (Len Miller, from Victor Valley High School) was hired before the track season began and I didn't know a-it until three tJeeks ago. "Alltr be rmaJJy tokl me be wanted me lo stay on .. Cee football coach. ~ I told him I wu (tltln& out d ....,...,. Lefty'~. La.di Trip Tigers, 4-2 """8dMr. J doll'• -to -k for • ,_ wtoo·u *' ~ 11U liloL · ·--,-............ !hot · bu_ '"If athletic -om. He bun~ boc(!id • • bit on dladp!inary matters !ucb .. hltrcuts ... L~ llali Ibo rwst d tile coacbts who'Ve bMt fired or wbo hive quit will """oln ............. ud --rill ___ .........._ Ed a..... -..,.11y football ... 1-.... 11 HAL AKINS Next to R .. ign? . ~ Angel Tran sf ormatio:p Co~ntinues Olympics May Go Begging · LAUSANNE. Sv.·itz!rland (AP) - .,_\'ery Brundage, American president of :he Intematiooal Olympic Committee. .,amed Tuesday that if the Olympic By JOEL SCHWARZ or "" 0.111 1'1111 "'" If DaJe Carnegie hadn't 14'Titten "How to Win Friends and Influence People," chances are that Lefty Ptu11ips might have alter he gels done transforming the onct fallen Angels into a winner. The soft-spoken Cali!omia Angel skip- per 's latesl convert is pitcher Andy Messersmith who tossed a five.hiller Tuesday night in whipping the Detroit Tigers, 4-2. Until Tuesday nlcht Messersmith had been less lhan brilliant with an 0-S record, but Phillips stayed with his young right .o.ander de5plte some 1 h a i y moments in the early innings and be respondtd wi1J> only the fourth complete· 1ame effort of the HBSOP by an Ange) ;i'ft ~ good. stuff my last seven burler. starta.· tiut I've been m_akipc rnis1.akea, ''Thil was a big one for our club." !fowf •. i feel mott CGftfldeQce·in the team. PhJUips said, playin1 With e cigar. "Now B<f9"8-I w<nl OU! on tile lllOWld me! --'---'---....;. ____ ...... ~· gave up • run, I'd thlni I loll il Angel Slate . •• . "N.W,; .. erybocli('• husWng and we can JUM ' -Drm>lt, • 11.11"1., 1tMPC met~ • awe fOW' or Qv. nms and if I """ liold J-" Metil rt Cie¥111nd. 4:• ........ KM nO) • -... '---... J-1. ""91'" ., ~iaw. 11:" .-. ~ them to en& or two we can win. ( J-" ,..,..._ 11 Clrlt'laNI m. t:Jf •..m.. I( ,. "[ went primarily with IDJ fasttiilll I know I have another pitcher who can do tonight ind Satch (catcher Tom Satriano) a job. said it wu popping. I wasn't going for "Tbe ~ij problem with this club was lhe comera. Satcb would just bold his maJdni ~believe in1l!elf. just lllte I had glovt ,,,.,the llilddle'ol the plate and I'd to make ArtJa believe·in bimxll." fire." ' M...mmllh, who -·t seen much ol M.......Uth toiik,o uui. iiddlpc I• a the q>mtlwrita'I this spring agroed. few ol hia pttcbes lhal dldn' riolte !lit 1 "I thought I'd go I year without,.;,,. Satriano's glove in tile middle oltlle plole ning a game," be smiled u ttie lkribes -tnree· of -them sailed aw-x lot wild crowded around him. pilcbel. ~' James continue to grow bigger 'and more M l . s ki• _ . ___ _ •JQ>ensi_~" there may soon be no one--·e s-ee ng , wilfing to stage them. "'Jbe Japanese report they have spent 7 h s • h 0 total of 13 blUion in connection •1th t tra1g t 'he l9M Summer Games which cost J1em d.Jsecily many million dollars. 'J'.he ~ "'t of tile Games in Mnioo also ,.. Agam· st LA nto many millions,'' be told newsmen, 1ddi ng : . "The IOC ~ad in\·ftatioos from 17 cit· NEW YORK (AP) -lt's a genually '('S to stage the 1952 Games. for the accepted fact that bueball player• are at 1972 Game:i, we had invitations !!om their best when 'rrtarting: and playing inly four cities, and at present we have regularly rather than sitting on the bench inly t"'·o new cities Vancouver and Los and comlng·ia ooly as pincb·hiUers, run- \ngeles in addition to the still standing ners or for defensive purposes. iflVitations from !\tontreal and Labti for Compare, then, tht records this season l972 for the 1976 Ga'!les. . of Andy Kosco, who bcmered for the Los •·1r tile Games continue to get costhtr 1nd larger, "'e may h&\'e no invitations 1rom anyone to stage any Games in the 'uture. '' Brunda¥.e said he raistd the issue in l'hursday s joint meeting of the IOC l::Kecutlve Board and the international 1ports rederali0t"l6 which seek to block 1ny reduction of the Olympic sports ~rogram and ask for the inclusion of more sports, such as softball, handball, women's cycling and ice dancing. Brundage made no secret his views were that of a small mlnorit1. .. 1 mentioned in my opening statement k> the meeting that the Olympic Games ire geMl'ally considered to be too costly ind too large, but that was the last we Jeard of that subject." Brundage will present the federations· 1emands and his own views to the full iess ion of the International Olympic Committee opening ·in Warsaw Friday. Palmer Ho t, Banks $300 F.or Efforts By mE ASSOCIATED PRESS Arnold Palmer has qualilied for lhis year's U.S. Open and in the process v•on $300. .. Did I win SJOO?" the golfing 1:reat asll:ed Tuesday. "I'd have choked up if I kntw I was going ftl win $300." To the game's flrst mi!Honaire, of course. the money meant nothing. What co·.mled was that he had made it through to \he~ in Houston June 12-15. It was the fint lime Palmer had to qualify for the tournament lhat he has won once and rinlshed second four times . And he did ll with the lowest 4e0re among the 64 a:ol!tr~ who playtd their way to Houston on variouf' courses around the country Tuesday. Palmer, playing al Youghiogheny Country Club In f!ljcKeesJ>OCl. Pa., fired a 70-68-138 as a crowd of 4,500 cheered him on. Andy Borkovlch of Tarentum, Pa., finished one stroke back. Dodgrr Slete Juiw .C, Oodttn at 1-1 .. Yorlr, J 11 ..... l;l'I \"'' Ju:ro. a, Ooc!"" ""'Moftl••1t. 7:1.1 iJ,Oft., l(F f"61l JV,,. 1. ~~ n Monlrt1I, 7:" II,..,., KFI C"lll JUl'll I.°"""" vs Moool•ffl, U:U 11.m.o KFI IMO, Angeles Dodgers' only runs in a 5-% loss to New York Tuesday , and-Len Gabrielson. -who got the only other Dodger extra base hit. tt was the Mel.5' sixth victory in a row. They try for seven against LA tonight. Tom Seaver and Tug P.1cGraw allowed but three hit.s and handed the Dodgtts their second defeat in a row. But KOM:O ~ Gabrielson continued their im- pressive bi;.tting. Kosco t· the starter. having played in 44 of the 4£ Dodger games. He waa 1-for..t Tuesday but is still batting third on the club at .282. He leads in home runs with ei~ht and in liit.s with 49. (iabrielson. on the other hand. has pla')ed in only 20 games, only four times as a starter. But as a pinch hlttr· he is doin,; remarkable thing&. • In 13 pinch hit roles. Gabrielson has 5C\'en hits for a .~ average. Those hits include a game-tying, ~ tom-of·the-ninth home run, a filme·tytng ninth·inning 6ingle and a base hit that set up a winning run. The Dodgers send Bill Singer, 7..t, lo face New York tonight in lhe windup of a three-game series. So far on the road trip, the Dodgers have won five and lost thrtt. tn U>ose eight games. Los Angeles has 71 hits and 44 runs. But in their last two games, the Dodgers have gotten only eight hits and three rufl:'. --LOS AHQllfS HIW YOll( '''""" '~'"""' (r1wlortf. H l D D D H1<r•h'""' U 4 O I O w.o. .. u. d •• ' • Atff, Cl •••• P1•~er, 1, l I I 0 G1tr.it, » J 2 J t K""""o.tl l112C.J-ll •1 21 111!1 ... , ( I I 0 0 IC•IM-1, lb J 2 2 l $1111.iiis. l& 4 ·• •• '-· ,, •••• ll'fttio.rt.2bll00 Grt'f,c; JO ID Sl1--..•i31DOW .. 1,h llll J=o.r,,, II 1 I I I S.-1'9", I l I I 0 GlobolthO", ~ I 0 1 0 MtG<IW, 11 0 0 O O Or•btft. .... 111, Pr 0 0 0 • tr~,p 0010 To!•11 al I J 2 Tot•" l! J I ' I.OS ... ,.,..tft --O(l(I OOD )OD -J Hew Yor-ODO ~n Oh -J £ -"9"· 1.01 -LOS A"ftlH l, H"'' Y11r~ 4 JS -Gtb•li!l1on, ll -(. J"'''· Hit -l(r1nt. pool 2 !O), ICOKO ttl. sa -G••••" 2. , ,,. " It 11:1 •• so FO•'-"(I,, .. •) 1 $ 4 i I 9 !!rt..., I J I 1 1 I $e1~tr IW,0.l) I J 1 1 7 ' M<Grrw t OO o to Tlmt -a:n. ""trldUIC:I -1•.n1. ·-.[_, .... i· • ...., , .. • .. . , .. , U,_I Tt._..... CLOTHES HOUND -Majesilc Prince takes a fancy to the jacket worn by assistant trainer Mike Bi o after galloping a mile and a half in preparation !or Saturday's Belm'ont Stakes. Th.e ~big colt is seeking lo becpme the first Triple Crown \vinner since Citation. 21 years ago. -A few brlt!I tptill oi wlldneu nre ~ mponolble for bath Deb)>ft Jlllll· Mewr11nith'1 wlkl -~ an 1 buDt bt tile lour.th set up tile Ont ..,,., nm. And in the seventh. a wllk and two d the wlkl pll<hcs set up the IOCODd tally. M........,.;th, however, bolllncod U0... out with nine strikeouts, mficldnl hil afl. time high. DnMfr CAUfl!Ottll .. .. , .. ,.. .. , ..... Mc:A11llfte. a 4 • I t AIMii•, !II J • I 0 Stlftley, d 4 • I • ...... ..... d ' • I • Mltd>k-. .. 4 • • • .......i. u , • • C&Sll.lb ~1•1 ~:,lf1tr1 w . ....,.,.. • • • t • _...., rt • • • • """"""' l'f .a O I I Ynt; l'f I I 0 I ,. .......... t J 1 1 I A.. ...... """1. a 4 ! t I w.t, lb 4 O I I Hldlt. 111 J 1 1 I Hiiier, ,_ 1 1 I I ""'°"' lb • I t t ltldltr. I I 0 I I lltnlM. C" J I 0 I G.I,_ pll I 0 0 1 M.......,...i111.,_ t I I 0 ,.,,.,...,,. ' . . . . T11'9ll. )I J I J T1t1ll 2t 4 • I Rocket Rod, Okker Battle For Crown PARIS (AP) -Tom Ok~tr, Ibo Dul<:b tennis star who never stops ruMiftC, bu topped 1311.000 In prize mooey in lour months. 1be French fans will see nert whether Okker's speed and machine.like backhand are enough to topple Rod Laver, 30-year· old Australian, who last won this title in 1962. Laver defeated Andres Gimeno of Spain 3-& 6-3 6-4 1-l Tuesday. The 25-year-old passed that figure Tuesday night when he defeated John Newcombe in a rtve-set thriller to reach the semifinals of the French Open Cham· pionships -and thert could be more to come before the tournammt at the Roland Garros Stadium ls over. Okker made surt af $1,800 as a semifinalist. He can make $7,000 by win- ning the title. With Wimbledon and Forest IUlls, N.Y., to come, and the prizes on offer on the promoter~troled professional circuit, Okker could brelk 1111 mooey·mlkinl records in bla flnt year u a·pro. · Okker def .. tod N.,.combt 5-7, H, H , s.:2: 6-1 h1 the best. tennis match seen here since tbe tournlment started. A crowd or Z,000, shivering in overcoal!ot around the center court In 1 chill even- ing. were kept on edp rlgbt up to tbt tut stroke -an ace service by -O>e Dul· chman. Okker and Laver are 1eheduled to meet In one semifJnals while two more Austritlians, Km Roaewan and Ttmy Roche, ""' polred In tile oth ... l!Ot<woll, 34, is the defending tltleold.er. No men's sina:les matches were schedule<'. for today. But the two American women prolessM>nals, Mrf. Billie Jun King of Long Beach. and Rosemary Casals of San Francisco bad tough quarter.finals matches ln Lbe v.·omen's event. ltfrs. King, wbo has never done particull.rly well on the slow clay courts of the Roland Gams SUdium, factd Australia's Mrs. wley Bowrey, cham- pion hett in 1m-m1 1915. Miss Cuals bad to play Mn:. Ann Jones of BrlWn. who won tbc Frmcb ti- tle in 1961 and 198(;. DefendlrJg champion Nancy Richey of San Angelo, Tex •• reached the aemifmaJ1 TUuday by defeating Julie Heldman of New York CHy 6-3 1-7. In another quarter-final , Mrs. Mar1aret Court ol Australia, also a previous French tltleholder, downed Kerry Melville ol AU!trall1 .. 7 6-1. In t.hree cther sections. golfers turned In llllB -Bobby Cole of South Africa in Chica&o, Scotty McBe~f .. §an Jose, and Bob Slone of Independence, Mo., in St. Louil. LeadJng . qu1tUlers elsewhe~ were lle&ne Beman ol Bftheada. Md., 11 Bethada. Ill; Wayne Yates of AUanta at Atlaota, 141 ; Terry Wiicox of Bronxvi.He, N.Y., at Purchase, N.Y., 113, and Al S.ldllll, o( Toronto. Canada, and Mike SoucbU of Blrmln1ham, Mich., at Blrrn- lnham, 146. Majestic Prince Like Black Beaut,y Amonl U-who did qualify ire Tony Jacklin of Sea lllood, G1,; Bqb Rolbur1 ol SL~; CanadlM Ooor1e Knudion : Dove !Iopa ot Orl1ndo, Fii.; Al -. link of Grosslnser. N.Y.; Ia El.dei' of Washington. D.C.; Ste. Rlepl of Jamf. eon. Pa.: LIBron lfarrl1 Jr. ot Stlllwal.tr, Okla" Peter Townsend of Enilllld; Duo Rtltam of Boca Raton, Fla .. and Bunky ll•nrr. former GeYgla 1'och football player. California Colt Gets Loads of Fan Mail } NEW Y6JUC (AP) -lttoat of us u kids read about Black Bfauty, Utt hone everyone loved. Now 11'1 Majt!tlc Princt, Frank McMahon's big •'td colt fro.m California, who has stirred the lma.ginaUon of the ~ and erownup thoroughbrtd fans tllroushout tile country. Hundreds of letters are arrivl01 dally at ~lrliont. N.Y., the postoffice for nearby 1 Belmont Park Track on Long Island, where MaJe!llc Prince tries Sabirday lo become rao;lnf'1 llrll Triple • Ctown winner In 21 years by taking the Belmont Stakes. Porhops the most toucblna le\ter lo the wlnntr oi tile K .. t119ky Dtrb)' and the Preaknw came from 1~year-old Tami Mikkelson, Harmony, Minn. •lnear M•Jestic Prlbct," It read. "My name '11 Tami Mikkelson. I'm 10 and f'm a pony' lratne:r. My ranch colon are yellGW, grttn, whtte and blue diamonds, l h•v'' fl stictland ponlts thats i~ welsh, i'I moraan . "rm &111d you might race June 7. I wu ·1otna to wrlpt (aicl your lralnt!r a leUfr for you k race. I prayed thal you mlcht race and be well. The-Lord did the fint part. lt'1 up to you to get well. Please do gain weight and get rtst whenever you can. Yours truely, Tami Mikkelson. P.S.-t Jove you M•jesl.ic Princt." Tami fl'lklelaon enclOMld a aet well card. bedecktd with a lucky horsest.oe. toRether with 1 royal blue-<tyed rabbit's foot and i. reque&t to "have Bill Hartack or Mojeltic Prine< wur this rabbit loot in the rice June 1." Tami olao ulled to pleece "h1v1 Prince.'s ~·oc owner read this Jttttr to MIJllUC Prlrict. '' She will be &(all to -thlt lrolner Jolmy Lonpn illlfWed herrtquest ud read her leltet' to tile l'rtneo 'l\ietday. Vet«an oblerven ..,. the volume of mall to Mejtlllc Prine< uceeds that which went to such publlcly admired hone3 as Native Dancer, Silky Sullivan and Kelso In the pan. , ED BOWEN MayQu~- Wills Asks For Release • From Expos MONTREAL (AP) -Maury Willi bas finally decided that even be can't rtial first base. The J&.yur-old lborutop, one ol the great base steaJers in bueball hlstary, asked the Moolrul Exp0t Tuesdey night to place bim__on the volµnllry retirtd Ult. Tt"e skidding Expos have )Oct 11 straight -tying a major league record for expanaion cluba. MontrMJ can break the dubious mark It shares with the tMZ New York Met.I in tonighfs game against San Francilco. Also in sight is a shot at the Philadelphia Phillies' modem record ror ftrtllity-2.1 setbacks in a row. • Bogged down witlr a . Ill be~ averaae. Wills informed the Expos al his decision to end his career afttr • decade in wlUch be stole 514 bues, including· a. modem major tu.gut mark of lot in 116%. He bad JZ steals this xuon. fourth best in th' National Le.ague. Wills w• not available for comment., but Jim Flllning, 1ener11.._., oi the Expos, said be found a "simple typnn;t.... ten letter" in h1a office in wblcb Wllll asl!ed . IO be placed on tile voluntary reUred iisl Fanning aa.id be would submit the letter lo the baseball commissioner's ofDct tir day. , Wills brought his flying feet to the Los AnJele! Dodgers midway throu&h the 19511 cam~ Ind helped them win the -pennant that year and again ln 1113, 11155 .and 1966. H 1 bold!,lhe Natlonal Loque record ol. most conatCUtive se.uoru: leadin1 in stolen bases, six from 19'1G-65, and was the league's most valuable player in 1961. Traded to Plttsbura:h after the 1951 seasoo, Willi; stole 29 hues and hit .302 in 1117 and swiped S2 buu with • .271 bet- tinf average • year ago. Going into this seasoo hia lifetime mark wu .217. Imlach May Succeed Kings' Kelly LOS ANGELES fAP)-Red Ktlly b happy he Is no longer coach of the .... Angeles Kings of the Nation11 Hocby, . League even though he feels the Kin1S· might be contenders for the NHL c:hampionshlp nelt season. A successor for Kelly is to be namtd Friday at a 10 a.m. news conference. Reportedly, lht new man win· be. either Punch Imlacb, fi~ rtcentiy as coach of the Toronto Maple Leaf1: H1I -Layci>e, colcbJOC Port11nd's team in thi Western Hockey League, or JohnnY Wilson, coach of the Kinas' minor leagu• Sprlngfltld. Mass., team. Kelly and the Kina• parted comp11ny. -by mutual aa:reement -Tutlday. tt was no surprise, however, since nunors slarted 11,ylng six months ago lhlt dis:·- sen.sion w1s rite betwttn Kelly and'. General M1na1er Larry Recan. , Kelly waa hired to coach the eipa1t-1 aion Kings In 1967-18 1r1er a •ucctUftll caretr of 2G years In the NHL wiUI" Delroit and Toronto. ' In bis linl •won, ho dlrtcted thf' team to • ff<Ond pl1«1 !ln~h In the West Olvlllon. 0.11 polnt away from a' title. But Jut 1taeon, with a JMl·l'- ,...~ tile club w11 lO points behind SI. Loub. "No man ctn do everythlna hlnmlf,.., Regan said ol Kelly. "If ht w1at1 to run a club, bt'll ha ve to buy hi• own." '!'he departure ot Kelly lelt both o( Jack Kenl Cook<'• l.ot Ana•IM '"°"' ent•rprl--the Kln10 ond lht Lot No,.. a:~les Lak1r1 b11kttb11\ ttam -('Old).. less. Bill Van Bred .. Kolfl n( tht NoU...I' Basketball A•IOat•lltir''• Llktrs cr.nt' last month ta takt I.hf htad GOMblnt job'wlth II)• O.lrolt Plolon1. ] k· yo lh in tt '" tt in 0 gi UI b' w G td ' v' di G ~· •I Y• (< w pl •• A •• re d. do j io th •• wi m do pl .. w di I' w, ~ w .. • • Gluni Otitloal~ tor OCC Oarsmen Orange Coast CoUege crew members Beven Hal)'ey (left) of Corona Jntercol.legiate Rowing Association championshi~s in New York. Con· del Mar and Joe .Flynn of Costa Mesa study th{ cold facts shown by tributi911s to the team can lie arranged by calling crew coach Dave Nancy Larson. Miss Larson's-chart_re_yeals that the crew has $20 of a Grant, 834-5730. If public help is not received the oarsmen will have to needed $1,500 to meet its expenses f~r next 1':,'eek'B comp-ettticnrat--the--pay their own_w.ay , ~ ' Sports Clipped Short Rign~y Stick~ Close to Sport OAKL/t,ND -"I guess I am still a! kooky as ever," says Bill Rigney.·"Would you believe last Saturday I was wat.ching &hi Game of the Week on TV and listen- ing to both the Giants' and A's games on the radio and I'm not even in basebldl anymore." Rigney, recently fired as tnanage.r of the California Angels, said Tuesday in an interview with Ed Schoenfeld of . the Oakland Tribune that he was going to give himself some time before he r'nade up his mind whether to accept another baseball job. · 1 • "Phvne me in a month," said Rigney , who also managed the San Francisco Giants ... Maybe then I'll have different idea•·" "It Could Go IOO' Rigney said he was offered rour managerial jobs in his lasl three years with California and addtd, "Probably the only regret I have was In not going to Detroft'lhi'ee years ago. Yet my best pal, t.fayo Smith, took the job and won the pennant." Rigney, who lives in nearby Alamo, sai4 he might be interested in going into broadcasUng. • LOS ANGELES'-Bill Sharman, coarh of the Los Aagele1 Star1 of the American Baskelball Association, may become the new coach of UJe Loi Ai11eles Laken ol lbe NaUonaJ Btuketball A1aociaUoa, the ·New Granatelli Dream- .. Steam Car for Public day or each season. Los Angele• Timet 11ald Tuesday. Sharman did not ~eny th•t be wu..hz· tue1ted in the Laken or that "some lorl of cemmunlcatioa has been eatlbllabed between hfn:IJeU ud the NBA clnb." "I've bad no contact witb die Lriken - 111yway, not!Uag dJnct," Sbarmu la quoted •• 11ytog. ... DETROIT -The perils of the blddicg war for college stars are not pushing the NaUonal Basketball Association to con- sider a merger with the rival American Basketball Asroclation, N B A Com· missioner J . Walter Kennedy said Tues· day as the league 's annual meeting got under way. • PARIS, Ky. -Four yearUn1 filHe1. standln1 a.nder the ume tree, were killed by llghtnlng daring a thunderstorm at Clalrborne Farm,. owner A. B. Hancock announced Tuesday. Three of the four, by 1tallloo1 Ribot, Gran1tark ud Herbager, were owned by Ogden PbJpps ud his mother, Mrs. Henry C. Phipps. T1te fourth, owned by John L. Greer,, wu by Comh:b Princt. • . CINCINNATI -Kathy Whitworth finished only third in the O'Sullivan Open Ladies Professional G o I f Association Tournament Monday ~ut sWI lncreaiied her lead in-money winriings on lhe 1969 Marina Has I 0th, Fastest Time in State Marina High School's «a.yard relay team has been assigned to the third lane of the second beat for Friday's slate heat preliminaries for the high school track and ll!ld champjooibip meet at UCLA. ~ fintls wW be nm Saturday. There are nine entries in the three heats with futer times than Marina's 42.5 that earned the Vlkes a qualifying third in the CIF semitlnals two weekends ago • Llncoln of San Diego .1as the pole posJ. -tlon in Marina's heat with a 42 flal and SL AfJgustine of San Diego b next at 42.2. The fastest tiQle for the whole..£.vent is a 41.5 ricorded by U. High In the third heat . Other quick eoattJwjers: Dorsey (41.8); Crenshaw (42.4), Locke (42.4), Castle- mont (42.3) and Centennlal (42.3). Marina's team .ii composed of Jim Gaughan, Joe and Tony Ventimiglia and Dave Lacy, Lane asslgmnenta for the second heat : .Lane Poe. E•b'J' Belt nme i; San Diego Lincoln 42.D 2. St. Augustine, San Diego 42.1 3. Marina 42.5 4. Hoover 42.5 s. Fontana 42:6 g. Fresoo Edlson 42.7 7. Tracy 42.9 8. College Park 43.0 9. Sacramento 43.1 Principal • .. . G:ites Reply To Hassle Bob Reeves, the embattled Laguna High prlncipal who is under ' heavy crlllclsm-from his athletic coachet, views the faculty unrest u stemming from cur· riculum changes. "Because we are a small school, we can't afford to have a situation where two coaches are handling the Bee foolba.11 team wiU· Ill boys out," he says. "To justify it, we have to ask them to handle another classroom assignment. What Is at issue here is curricular restructuring and there are a lot or coaches going along with it with no pro- blem. 4'It's up to the coaches to accept this change in emphasls.11 • The resistance Re~ves has encountued from Laguna coaches Is apparently the first such Sit\lation he 's encountered. As principal at Kennedy High In Barstow for four years, Reeves achieved a satisfac· tory working relaiionshJp with his coaches. Kennedy High football coach Troy Bellah, for one, was surprised to learn of the Laguna turmoil "We never bad a bit of trouble with Bob," he said. "We had minor disagreements but we were always able to work them out to where it was mutually agreeable to all concerned." Asked to comment on the charge by former track coach Jack Lythgoe that he (Reeves) had not backed coaches on haircut regulations, he would only answer: "That is not a correct at.at~ ment.'' He added that Lythgoe has not yet or4 ficiaUy resigned from his tract po.sL Lythgoe claim,, he's been fired. On the subject of five. Bantow·Vic· torville area administrators and teachers ·to have been hired within the past year, Reeves responded: "I believe in. hiring ' quality people wherever l!!_e)'. ~me from. AnyWBy, we>verurea a basketball coach from a school in our own league, El Modena, so what does that prove?"'- Reeves said he didn't was_i.t to dillC\iss Individual coaching cases~ "it1~ volves school persoMel work." He did .say, however: ''All or the coaches who have said they're quitting are invited back to coach next year," Martin Cops Irvine Award 1'-1ike Martin, sensational sophomore swimmer at UCI, was awarded the Dr. Wayne H. Crawford Memorial Trophy at the university's spring sports award.I banquet Tuesday night. The trophy, named for the late UCf athletic dirtctor, is given annually to Irvine'• outstanding athlete. The Corona de! Mar High graduate led the Anteaters to the NCAA <;pUege division championship at Springfield, MaS3., by winning four lnd1vidual cham· pionships. Crew members Dave Redfield of Fullerton and Barney Voorhies o! Santa Ana were r;elected as most valuable oarsmen. Other crewmen honortd were Mike Glusey, junior varsity captaJn : Mo Whiteside, frosh captain, and Dave Smith, frosh MVP. Tennis player Craig Neslage of Phoenix was named team captain. Gymnastics hooors went to Paul Boulian of Reseda, captain, and John Potter. MVP. Goll award winners were Duke Hopkins, captain, and Steve Culler, MVP. The sailing team's captain award was presented to Carl Reinhart. "LOS ANGELES (AP) -Flushe<I with Viet.cry after 23· years Of trying jn t.ht fi'l· dianapolls ~. car builder A n d y Cranateru bas his ·eye on ~hanging the Hfe of the passenger car driver -• with steam. Andretti, still showing red marks on his face as the result of burns two weeks ago, declared, "I'll drive lo every United States Automobile Club champion.ship race. I want to win that tiUe." LPOA tour. . LPGA headquarters reported t<iday the SI.~ Miss Whitworth won at Wincester, Va .. boosted her winnings to $18,075. St. Paul Falls, 2-l "We can build an efficient one in a year," Granate.lli said of a steam engine for passenger autos. "Mass production ..\oooJd come later." These new vehicles wouldn't be for the rac.e track. Al Milwaukee on Sunday, he'll drive the same Hawk·Ford In which he won the MemorlaJ Day race at Indianapolis. He may later, perhaps in Trenton, N.J., on Jufy 20, go back to that ex'otic Lotus which was wrecked and burned before the l~ianapolis qualifying. That was to have been bis No. I car for the big .race. • Second money winner Carol Mann, picked up '565 wtth a four-way tie for seventh and now bas won $14,812. • RYE, N.Y. -BUI Scoil. Jr. of San Francisco fired a three-under-par 69 Tue&day ud crabbed a two-fltroke lead In llle-.U,S.·Seoler GoU~T...._.n~ Amat Wins CIF Crown Angelus League runnernp Bis~ Amat concluded a Cinderella baseball IUIOft Tuesday afternoon by winning the ClF triple-A baseball championship. ' iavory one for the Lancerl. St. Paul had won the ~Angelu1 champiollllhlp and had beaten Amat twice in the ptocess, 7-3 and H, ----.,, DAI1.Y '!LOT JS ~ EMBATTLED PRINCIPAL L19un1's Bob RHv•• LAGUNA ••• ConUuued from. Pqe 14 and head golf coach, Is atU!mpting to of>. lain backing from school board members who might speak out In behalf of. the coaches. Jf he doe1n 't get It, Bowen says J h~ may also resign. Head football coach Hal Akins will not offer comments for publication but It fs known he too may resign tn 1 protest over administrative policies. Borucki and Bowen. tioth out.spoken in their criticism of Lythgoe's d.iamissal. are also embittered over a list of prt> vi.sioos they were ukeJ to 11lgn befo" ac· cepting their 1969-70 coaching poalUons. "This is highly unethical,'' Borucki remarked. "I've r.ever been told to lign anything like this. In fact, I've never ~ven beard of such a thing.'' The provisions require coaches-to refrain from discussing school problem1 with. anyone but administrators, to be tolerant of olher fitaff members• decisions and lo meet regularly with tbe .. r principal to "improve comniunication." 'Ille-fourth prO'vtstolfmfdi: "Ifrnna ~---+-"rt impossible to operate with the above, t should remove myself from coaching. The principal may itdvlse me If I am oot adhering to th& above." Reeves bin his firsl ·year aa Laguna'• principal. He came to the school from Kenriedy High In Bantow and since his hiring three adrninlatrat.Qn, a classroom teacher and the neW track coach -all' from the Barstow-Victorville area -have been hired 1t Laguna, another source of the unrest. One coach referred to the newcomers as "Reeves' Anny." Watkins r;ays he quit because he disagreed with the adminillratioo.'1 philosophy of ctlaching. "Reeve:: tried to increase. the class: load for nerl year for coaches. 'I1tis Isn't jus- Ufied because the load for other ICbool programs, such as GAA, remains the same, "The Lythgoe case was bad. That could happen to any of us." LytJlgoe says he found out his job was on the ropes from athleUc director Dar· rell McKlbban. "He told me the Victor Valley .tract eoacil. was calling him and asking quo- tions about such thiois as track equip- ment inventory. That was the ~ I knew about it. "Whal you have in Reeves Is a guy who comes in here and In less than one. year has made far-reaching decisions which affect the lives of all the coaches and thtlr athletes. We're au very upset about 1t." MESA SWIMMER A.LL-AMERICAN Chri1 Gammon, Coflta M6a Rlgh School swim star, has been named to the national high school All·Amerlcan team. 1 Gammon qualified for the honor by 1wlmming the 10().yard butterfly event in 53.4 seconds. A swimmer must record • time that rates among the 20 best In the nation to be named All-American. Similarly honored was Co.sta Mesa's 200-yard medley relay team of Ron MJ.sjolet, Jay Spon.agle, Gammon and Dave· Whitaker. That fOUTSOme clocked a best of 1 :U,I, · The honors were the first llWlmmlng All-American recogn)tion the school ha3 ever received. • ., I GranatellJ and a dozen others have ap- plied ror a government loa n to develop a c;ar to reduce the nation 's smog problem. And he'll continue his work wit!? racing carx. · "I never said I ('ou\d win the 500," the rotund industrh11ist said Tuesday. "But [ do say 1 can build a steam car, and I can do it." Andretti also pl~ns some Formula I -(O·m-peUtlolf in Eu:rope -'Ule Dolch -and Gerrlian grand prU tests, and perhaps some others if they can be fitted around the USAC schedule. Andretti drives the plston. a n d Gra~ate'" thinks about 1team, but lu.rbme~ aren't forgotten. ScoU., • U.yur..W mecbantcll COii• tracior, ftnl1hed fa froat after the flnt rovnd, primarily becHSe of In UgJe I OD the par 5, -.,.,,i 17111 liole al Ille We1tcbe1ter Country Chtb IMtb coane. Bishop-Amat scofeOlwlce in tfierdth- lnning and beat St. Paul, 2·1, in the title game played at Cerritos G>llege. The MAA tille will be decided lhia evening at Dodger Stadium at 8 wben top. seeded Long Deach Millikan and San Gabriel Valley Vague runnerup santa Fe collide. Where They Stand i;;ranate\11, at a news confe rence ailebraling 1'-1ario Andrelli's 500 victory In an STP racer. said he doesn't think the publicized :iteam car r~nctpt of an- other industrialist, \Villi am P. Lear, wlll work. Asked the difference between the two designs, Granatelli replied. "the dif· ference is that mine will nm and his '{OO'l." ' · He said a steam car. with combustion of fuels which could range from coal to perfume, should emit just 15 per cen t the elhaust of present atftOs. • Asked if such a car could go 7tl or RO miles and hour, for instance, Gr~telli declared. "It ":OUld go 100." • "The :;learn car would be one for the public and a car for public health." he •!l!lerted . ._dding it should bo known wlthln two weeks which firm gains a devtlopment grant from lbe federal 1ovemment. Having mnde It clear that Andrettl won't be driving slef.M cars, Granatelll noid +.he Jta1ian·bom pilot 's aim wlll be to Win the naUonal cbamplonehip, whJch has evaded hin1 the pest two years. MIU'10 finished runner up on -U!e final In 1967 and 1968, the STP Turbine Jed at Indianapolis until breaking doWn with victory in sight. r<ow UllAC terms them illegal. "Our first turbine almost won by one lap and now the Ha·Yk·Ford wins . by three," Andy mused. "It shows again that Jie turbines aren't that fast and lhq-e 1hould be DO rtUOn to•ban them.'' ' • Ticket aale· are reported brisk for the first March of Dimes top fuel dra.gster1 and" funny .car races at Orange O>unty lntemationaJ Raceway. Saturday, June 14. For eve.y $3.50 ticket sold, $1 will go to the March or Dimes. A full day fl :30 p.m. to mldn!pt) of racing Is scheduled for the eYent. • That game will be precede<! by lhe LA City Utle match between Monroe and Birmingham . Santa Fe was the school that knocked Newport Harbor and Kennedy o l Anaheim out of the playoffs. BlSbop Am3.t'1 victory was 1'!eed i Ryun Run,s in LA Saturday LOS ANGELES (AP) -World mile record hokier Jim Ryun, who ran his first su~lout minute mile as • high school boy five years ago in the Compton lnvff.a.. tional, said Tuesd;ay oJght he will com· pete in S&turdly night'• Compton- • Coliseum track meet. Ryun, · who dropped out o( Jail Saturday's Kennedy Games in Berkeley because of a sore knee, r;afd hi& knee felt fine Md he Was anxlous to run in the Comptoo-C:Ollseum. In a telephone conversation with meet dlroct<>r Rusty Harland, Ryun aaid he woold run the mllo, schedule<! for 1:45 p.m. The meet will be televised and shown tile next ~Y nationaUy. In 1964, while a junlor in high ochool, Ryun was ai.xth In the Compton Mlle but ran 3:59, tht first lime in history a hi&b achool athlete had run under lour minute.. Ryun wil: faotl Improving Chuck • Lallen• ol Arizona Stile, Sam Bair, form.er Kent State 1tar, and Villanova'& IDp duo, Marty Liquori and Frllllk Murphy, Saturday nlghl LaBem wu· the first runner thla year to crack four mlnutts, wlnnlna .the Ken- nedy Games mile last week In 3:58.4. Bair wos second in the same time. Li· quori anc! fl.1urphy have both broken four ml nu tu: · Ryu'n: set the world record or 3:11.1,twa yem ago in Berkeley. ' NA'n()NAL LEAGUE ' Eld Dlvf1lon • W L Pct. CHICAGO I 14 16 .660 NEW YORK 24 23 .511 PJTI'SBURGH 25 24 .510 ST. LOUIS 23 26 ,461 PH!LADl!:Ll.'HIA 18· rT .400 M<JN1iUAI. 11 34 ;24t ' t Welt Dlvltioa~ ATLANTA 29 18 .117 LOS ANGEL&S ' 28 20 .513 CINCINNATI 25 20 .MS SAN ·P'1'ANCISCO 25 23 .!II HOUSTON . 24 29 .462 SAN DIEGO 23 30 ,134 GB 81> 81> IOI> IJI> 3111> JI> 3 41> 71> I AMERICAN LEAGUE - Eut Dlri1loa W L Pct. GB BALTIMORE 36 15 .706 BOSTON 31 17 ,646 3•1 DETROIT 25 21 ,54:1 II> WASHINGTON 26 28 .481 111> NEW YORK 24 '¥1 ,471 JJ CLEVELAND 13 31 .215 HI> w .. 1 Dlvlsloo MINNESOTA rT :JO ,574 - OAKLAND 25 21 ,54:1 1 la Si':ATn.E 2l ZS ,4M 5. CIUCAGO 20 23 ,fM 5 KANSAS CITY 12 '¥1 .449 SIS CALIFORNIA II .Ill ,311 10'.0 -·-....,, .. Olic.. 2 K-.:C~ltW .......... S M'-'Ott A. New Ywtt e I~ lr Oil""" I ~~~=~', ·--.. ~ I~ J.I) tt Olkl6nlf ~ >Jl, """' . Dtl1'91t ('"""' >-1) .t Ctlllwnl• Clf\lr!tt 1-41, I ..... . c-..rtl'ld (Md)oMH .w1 tt a.ttttt tMmllt1' :Ml, ,, • ..., Wttl'llMtoi" (COlefntll t..tl If KlllllM Cltr 1or .. • WJ. nlltlt · Nnl Y0111 !l~tt""'°'" WI •ti Mlf!NM>M (Wleflo ' ton ._, or Ht!! NI. nllM . ! Clllulll (.IOM "W) II lot'81t 11,lfftrt >0 ,...,.., ....... NON"*..., ... I Jf OAILY PILOT Wt4rs1~e, M 4, 1'6t Santa Ana Valley Captures County Prep Spike Crown llanla Ana Vallay Hllh School'• Fa!...,. have shaded Sanla ;\na llllh'• Salnll by lou~nltha ol a Point for the Orll1P County · 1"'11) tnck and field champlonlhip In the annual hypolh<Ucal meet Naod by the DAILY PILOT. V1Uay racked up II.I polnla to II for the 1918 champion Saints. HunUn1ton 1letch Hh1h wn lht top flnllhln• Orante CG11t .,.. entry, placln1 eflhlh ·wltb II polnll among the If county -The meet la compUed by matchln1 the vanity school records for each county prtfl lnttltuUon. A couple of the outstandln• mark• rtcorded In the 1161 c1m· pal1n were Dave \Yhlte's 9:01.4 two-mile. makln& the El Modena star the county'11 fastest evtr ln that !vent And Bolsa Grande's Terry Lamb tipped the mile In 4:10.4 for another outstanding effort this year. The deletion of the UO straJ1htaway erased one of the ireat standard• ttt by HunUncton Beach High's fabled Eddie Morris - who awept to a 2(1.8. And, Morrt1' other oulltl.ndln11 achievement - a t .5 ln the century, wu tied by Santa Ana Hl~'s Jackie White thh~ year. Aoahelm ijlgh upped Ill record contlderably wllh the addition of two new names lo the rolls. Two-miler Tom Keefer Js third bthlnd White and Ruben ?o!ejla ol La Habra with his 1:10.2 and Jim Huth·a SJ.I\~ heave In the lhot put earned him fourth place. Other nolUle addlUona came tn the pole vault where two 14.& Vaultln -. Gordie Mooers of Valencia and ~fike Sampeon or La Habra made the eUI• ranklnp. Muina'• classy 440 relay tum ol Jlm G&uih•n. Joe and Tonv VenUmlglla and Dave Lacy, with Ill 11.5 clocldng In the CIF finab, moved into the third 1pot. Two olhtr Orance Coast area relay team11 m1de the «rade. wllh Newport Harbor ();:l.U) and Fountain Vall<y (3:13.1) edging onto the mile relay Ust. 100 -T. (tlel Morris (H'untlnfton Beachl t.S White (Santi Anal 1.5; 3. It)<) MalmbourJ (Garden GroYf) I.I; Edmondl (Kennedy) t .e: Coulter (SA Valley) I.I: EdmOnds (Savanna) 9.1; Kuller (Sanllqo) I.I; Hamle,y (Lowell) U; PharTis (Anaheim) U . llO -I. Pharris (Anallelm) IU; I. (tie) Coo!ter CSA Valley) 21.<; R. J\Jllan fBohla GnndeJ II.I; 4. (tit) Steedman {Fullerton) 11.7; Hoeller Cl'llllerton) 11.T; White (!Uta Aoa) 11). 440 -1. R. JuUan (BollO Grande) 17.1: I . Buck (lltta) 13.0; 3. Sand"'1! (La Habra) If.I; 4. Walktr (Tu1UnWlf.I ; I. Williams (H_untlngtoo leach) 41.I; I. Ownes (Valencia) 41~. ltlO -I. Carr (Lowell) i :U.I; I. WllJama (Huntington Beach) 1 :llJ; 3. llndtrwood (Buena Park) l:U.O; I."°""" .(Valencia) 1:u .1; 1. Del>ilty c<>ranae> 1:1u; 1. Lew <Tuatln> t :Q.7 •• Mlle -1. Trantadue CWeatmlnster) 4oGe.5; I. Carr <Lowtll) 4:08.7; I. Lamb (BolA Grande) 4:10.4: 4. Story C0roniel 4:11.0; I. Beu (LaHabro) 4:11.4; f. Meodou {Sanla Anal 4:15.1. 2·Mli< -I. While (El Modena) t :Ol .I; 2. Mejia (La Habra) 1:01.1; 3. Keefer lAnahelmf l :IO.I; I. CU.> Sybert CIV.,tmln!ler) 9:11.1; Flater.(Weslem) t:IU; f. Burch {San Cltmentt) 9:11.2. 120 111111 Hurdles -I. Hamley n.ow.in 13.t ; 2. <Ue) Claxton flA Habra) 14.0 Curtis (Santa Ana) 14.0: Owtns !Fullerton) 14.0; I . Tilley (SA Valley) 14.1 ; <. NellOft (Bolsa Grande) II.I, 110 Low Hurd!., -I. (lit) CUTtls (Santa Ana) JI.I; Hamlq '(LoMli) IU; 3. Ctle) °""" (Fullertoe) 11.t: Tllle,y !SA Valley) JU; I. La Barre (Santlqo) 11.0; <. Wood lE>tanda) II.I. 4t0 Relay -1. Santa Ana 4t.I: 2. Santa Ana Valley ft.4: S. Marina G.I; 4. Bolu Grande II.I; I. Losra 13.0; I. CU.) Lowd! 43.1 ; !I Modean 43.J. MU. Rol11-1. (tit) Tustin 3:11.J : S•nta Ana Valle,y 1:11.t ; 3. Lonll~:lt.1 ; 4. Santa Ana 1:21.I; I. NeW!JOtl, Harbor 3:21.1; I. Founta6i Valley 3:21.I ;. Hlsh Jump -I. E. Carvthen (SA Vallay) f.1%; I. {U.l He« . fLoMli) H; Kennedy !Foothill) H : Sloan (Anaheim) H ; S. Weinrich !Santa Ana) .. IV.; <. CUrti8 (Western) H I>. Lona Jump ,_ 1, Edmonds (Kennedy) 23-11; 2. Chamben (Jl\J.Rertan.) 13.1: S. McGannon (Buena Part) JS..71.li ; 4. OJrtis 1Santa Ana) 23-.:1~; 5, Morgan (Mater Dei) 23-0'ii-; 6.. Alff (Lowell) D·tl. Pole Vault -t. S. Caruthers (SA Valley) 14.t": 2.Wllp !J.oara) !Ml\: I. (Ue) SamJl.'Oll (La Habra) IM; Mooers (VaJen. cial 14-1; ~. Hap (S&llt1 Ana) 14·7~; I. Simmens (Newport Harbor) 14-IY~ . ' Prep Spike Records For County Anaheim 1~PP\trr1' t20{cl-...,,.,rrlt ....,,_., ... ·~· Ft1•1ng Bf!}lort HB Girl Catches • 29-pound Fish Deop .. a llahennon made the lllOll ol the loal bollday weetead and ne)ed In an Jm. prell!ve -ol llah ii> cludin( a pair ol whoppera. Twelv•yea~ld Ch r I 1 t a Derring ol HunUngton Beach landed • 19-pound ........ halibut on a boat out ol Art'• Landing. Cbrllls ca.,,i.1 ber barndoor off the South Lagw>a Beach coast. However, blggeat fllh of the week bonon went to Harry Duvall, a villtlng angler lrom Prairie Vlllqe, Kan., who hooked on to 1 M-potJnd white 1ea baas near lhe mouth ot. the Santa Anl River. more than 2,1100 bw belded the catch at Davey's. The bonito ranged from two to five pounds while the bus are fair sized. One S.pound &- ounce c1llco bass was landed last week. Davey's charter boat has been hunting for yellowtall off San Clemente Island, but the action' bas betn very spotty and only a few fish have been brougbt to gaff. Biggest ol the lot have been In the 26-pound claas. Georee Newcomb of Art's Landlng categorized fiJhlng action u 1ood to ucellent. He Mid tha bonito are In the four and five-pound class with the bua flahlng improving In Newport Dominates S11nset For the ......t straight )'Oil', Newport Har1>or High School hll Hrned tbe SUlllet League's akporta award. The ••ltd 11 computed on a point ICale covering the JI sportl the league c0mpete.. In. A mulmum ol eight polnll Is achieved for winning a league championa:hJp. Newport wound up with 119 1-3 polniJ. Run· nerup Huntington B e a c h polled 113. Marina finished third with 1081iii and Westminster wu fourth with 99y,, ·--H11nll~ton IMel'I ,,.,.rl11t Wettrnl"'llr w .. tw .. Arwt..lm Safllt ANI IA VllltW l'lt 1-3 "' 1111 1-3 "" M H " ~ ... -·~ Mllt-Ktlf9r "Mlllo-K"'"' l~ HH-(1r1G11 UO Ltl~11nl 4<iO llelty ... 11,l •t.J 1:51.I •:12.6 t:1f.J "·' "·' ._, II '1 the blggeat white 1ea ,,.1 bau landed ln }Oca1 waten ~:: this year, accordtng to Lee ,,., Clark of Dlvey'a: Locker. ... ,, .. , That hu1e bua wu just one '"' of more than f,900 flab that the afternoon. Some bar· racuda have been landed, but l:fl they are stUl fairly amall. 1tu "" 11J7 , .. ~ Hunfl1111'1111 Buc:l'I H1111llt1•lon hlCll Fiii~ f'ullef1otl Milt lttllY Hi91o J11~I01" l-J~m~l4d Polt Vtu/t-.M.91'1111"9 SllGt Pvt-littll~ J·H.J .. rn!~ ,, ... jf.f\(o ::: wm brought · m· by 1,121;==========; 1tiM an1Jm wbo used Davey's :: Locker flclllUe. over the SHARP IN• weekend. Bebe Grande Cla<k Mid lb• o v er a II H y.-'r• • tf11rp h•4w. "" Dltri•·A·U11• •laulflH •'• S1tutd•y.. M1k1 1 Mtt., 4111 , • , wh.+tl•r v111',. biryl .. of 'h• DAILY PILOtS f11111Mt 111n11:1o 100-ll. J11 lle" ,,. T. Juli.ii t,I m lt l-Jt. J uU1n 11.6 440-11. Jvlllll •1.4 .o.-HptN l:SJ.t Mllt-l.emb •:IC.• '"' lbhlng picture la IOOd wltb ,,., boelto and bus topping the :: menu. Nwly 1,500 bonito and .... ,,., "" "'' .... '"' .... "" .... .... . ... '"' .... .... '"'"" '"'"" ....... ,......, MtlMlm ,....., At1thelm Weti.1'11 ........ ..... .. ........ -- • • Ang"3rs Harvesting Hefty Trout Pinnt Numerous Umlta or trout and weedy coves the best hlllhJlt)ltod the Memorial Day angling •pots. weekend f1'hing at Irvine Tom Clancy, 1ecurity man Lake Ind there are plenty of at the lake, limited out Ort filb ltill In the waler waiting crappie over the holiday with for a tasty looting lure io hb catch iveragln• 1 14 tempt them. ·~ More than 6500 poums of pounds. trout -rainbow ranging ~m CaUi.sh continue to 10 after 1-S pounds -wett planted in a hunk d cheese or stink bait. lbe lake last week and a The chaMel cats range up to number of whoppers were 10 pou'nds with the average landed. running between two and four Mr. aod Mn. Al Edgar of pound!. Lakewood •nd J8"k Ramsaur·L:::'=========; and Larry Hampton o f DO SINGLI MIN Bellflower all limiled out with HAYE MOH FVN7 trout and added some bass to th . tch Ed • tch In-.................. .... ell' ca . gars ca m .. tlnt the RIGHT OllUf eluded a tbJ'M.poond rainbow. CAU 547-"'7 Crappie also are hitting at a _~our ll•llNl"I -fari pace, with Bobcat Tree DELTA SUPER QUALITY il'ires Cost Less! e COMrLITI LINI AYAIU.111 e WIDE OVALS l$0i'M flbtrQl111l -1.U,t:ll f'llEM IUM -POlYESTEll llADIAl SPOJtTS - SAMO BUGGY -CAMPEil JPECIAlS -a. ALI. SIZE TllUCK TIRES. IANIAMlllCAID MArnl CHAHI BERG'S DELTA TIR·ES 141 E. 17th St.· Costa Mesa· 645-2010 0-"9 ......... t·Mli.-hll"I t: ... t UO HH-Ntltcn U.1 11111 HH-"llllOll "·' oNll lltlleY •1.1 Ml,_ ll1ll!>' J:U .. 1 """ Jum~• t-• l-Jump-1'oril111 11·10"' '"'611 V1utl-<di 1).lf Slollt 'lrt-Jollntofl 5'-10\'i: '"' ••• "" ... ... '"' , .. "" ... ltnnelfl AU1i ~CENTER DIK Ut-..IOlll'llDll 112·2 , .. Brea THE COLD-F-ACTS: YOU SAVE 20.95 ' THRU .SATURDAY! Sheil Put-I. Muii>hy (Sunny Hi111) <M~. I. urman (Western) fi0.t'4: 1. Jensen <M•gTJOllal eo.1 : 4. Heath Anaheim) ~,..~: s.lliiiiiiP.!~nPi~miiil (tie) Lehmer (l..olra) SM ; Gordon (El M 1) SM. 11 F1nal Scort~: 1. Santa Ana Valley (36 J.Sl 2. Santa Ana (36) S.. Lowell (IS .. 10) ~ Bolsa Grande (Jiiii ~Anaheim (19 2.,\) 6. La Habra Of\\) 7. Fuli<rton (Ill\) I. Huntlngtoo Beach (13) 9. Tustin (10) 10. Westminster (l"i) 11. El Modena (9) 12. Loara 1811) It Western (Ill! 14. K•nnedy (I I.,\) 15. Buena Psr\ II) 16. Vai<ncla (71\) 17. Sunny Rill• (71 II. (lie) B!'a and Orange (5) 20. {tie) Marina, Foothill and M1gnol11 Cl) 13. Santial" (3 I.,\) 21. Newport Harbor (S) ~. Mater Dre.I (2) 26. (Ue) Garden Grove and Savanna (1 2~) 2l. (t.le) Estancia, Fountain Valley and San Clementi (I). I' .:.::ID . t... -~=-T 11 lootAf ME= NOWS, NO SOS.S, NO CAR. PAYl"Ofr .. •OI£ MlliHT Cl.ASSIFY ME' .IQ /Nreroll>ENTLY pOOR .I' i;oremast~Hawaiian' auto air conditioner •.• high capacity cooling for maximum comfort Pr..cltills ..,,,,,,, -thlV 4 large rectangular louvers and 2 rocmcl side 1ouwn. Has new Silent Scroll plastic blowws that giw quiet, eflicient cleli\oery of cool. aisp ait. Avafl- able with illuminat.d swilch panel for easy night opetalian. Provide talol circulation towery-of~-· CANOGA PARK FULLERTON Reg. 239.95 NOW 5219 including adaptor kit NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA BUENA PARK IQ:z~· MONTCLAIR ·HUNTINGTON BEACH D \ . Wftfnesdly, Junt 4, 1969 DAILY PILOT JI Complete Or~nge County Prep.Track Records Coollnued from Page 11 f'11llerton 100 -~'-!'.!""" ::; 221 (cl-SIM*nen 21.1 Hodltr n.7 ~ -HOl'lll:r M.• "' -~· .l:SJ.1 M1t1-nn. •:11.t 2-M It -Kk!1 ''"·O 120 HH -0WeM U .O lllO 1.H -Owtlll 11.f ...a Rel•v <fl., Mlle Rel•v l :3J..4 High JllfTIP -tmlttl .. 2'1o L-Ju..........Cll1~1 2)-J P.olf V11/1f -Prlc1 1~ SllOI Pur -GIMV 51-6 Garden Gro1'e ... 1:11 1m l:ll 1::: ••• "'' ••• ••• '"' l:tt "" na "" "~ "a "" "" l;tt "" ... l:fl 1937 "" \PS1 ::n , .. ·~ !!ii '"' .... :::; nn , .. 100 -RolUlllOn 9.1 lNJ '21'!1Cc1-Rolll"'on 22..l 1966 ~-Mon11n •f.6 l'HJ llO -Muldoon 1 :SJ.a 19H Mlll-Jtnnlne' 4:)1 .G 19H 2-Mli.-McK-. t :lol.l INt 121 10+-G1rd11 lJ.4 1'61 \ICI LH -J. Morll111 lf.t 1967 """ ll.1111' .... 1'61 Mlle Riii' 3:2'.6 \Hf HIOll J11mp-J. MonN11 6-5\l:i 1'U Long J~. Mr1;111 23-0'.~ \Mo\ Pole V1111t -Woods \).S\11 19'2 $hol Put -M111ner 50-4 1962 Mission Vifljo 1~111 10.4 19611 2'20 !cl -~ 23.4 \NI £41)--Cordery 51.J 196' --DolM 2:ot.O 19'1 Kt~r 2:09.0 lNI Mlle -Ptrtz 4:'9.t 1'6t 2-Mll-1'artt 10:15.1 1N9 110 HH -Toombs 14.6 1'6& llCI LH -Toombl 21.9 1'6& .U0 RlllY d .t 1'61 MUe RellY 3:42.5 lfft HJ -Pefldef11r1tt 5-I 1N9 L-Jum-Toombs 19-7 1961 Poll V111ll-Robbl1111 114 1961 Shot Piii -urci111!1rl Of..J 11161 01KV>-Urciuhart '9·7 1961 Nflwpart Harbor \QO-Robtr11111 9.t 1'62 ·100--MalmbOUr~-t.a· ~-11NO mtcl ~Am r1n n.• lNI --·KellY -9,t 9'1· 411) -.... 1 19i.t 220(<1 -81ood 22.t !Kt uo -°""'"' '"·' 1966 lllO -1v1or 1:5'.J 196S Mlt,-0.vll •:2:2.J 1969 ., -v ... s1c1de 1:51.2 1ut l·M le -Dav/• t :lJ.t 1961 ~ CH -!11 ''"' l•.5 19SJ Mlle -Whitt 4:2t.O 19ll 2-Mlle -MoonoiY 9:l4.4 lNf 11e H -aa111w it.• UJ1 no HH -81mum 14.t 1K2 = et1y 4!.S "'' lle!IV 3:21.J INt Jump -Run U 1'6t ~ J-Kn'tlDS'll 21·1 ,.., Ponwrov 14.t 1967 -llG lH -h}'num lt.> 1'61 .WO Rtlty 43.5 1'6t Pol• V1utt--<M.lmb'ur11 lJ.10 lffl Mlle Rtl_,. l ::ll.S 196t High Jum1> -~II 6-3\11 lfff Shot Put -M1lur "·1 lff• ~ JumP-Fotlemt11 n.v. ltd Dl.w.--o'flri!n 111·1 19't Polt VmulJ-Sll'llrTIOfl' 16-7'11 1"6 Hnntlngton Bflach Sheri Put-Lorirn!Ufl *1'n 1'67 OIKW -Allllrldl 1'1·2 1961 •• 22.a ~.• 1 ;!7.0 •:U.e 10:50.• 1$.1 .... ~· 3:11.I ... n•~ , ... ••• ,,,.. ... .... .... .... 1;:, , .. "" , .. "" '"' ·~· = , ... ,,.. '"' , ... '"' '"' , ... , ... , ... , .. , .... , ... .... ,.., , .. , ... , ... '"' .... '"' .... "" , ... , .. , .. '"' , .. , .. , ... , ... ,., , ... .... '"' "" 1957 '"' lt!• 195• '"' , ... "" , .. nn , ... '"' Orange llXI -Cocll••ne t .t n» Sel,,,_11 t .t lHl note) -~· :t.1.6' 1'67 .uo -Carle< .... 1912 U0 -DtlentY l:JJ.4 1M1 Mlle -$tol'Y 4;11.0 lt$fl 2·Mlle -Sammons t :32.I lMt 110 ttH -Portft' 14.I 1"9 llO lH~ l'orW lt.t lt.17 .... TJltlW 41.l 19'4 Mli. Rttw 1:25.I 19'4 Hl9fl J\lmll -alelr;t 6-I 1H6 Loi>t J--Coctir-2H'4 1'961 Pole V111lt -Stawr IM',I, 1"5 SllDI Put -Flkt S6-t 1"6 0 1.cui -011""" 1611111 lfff Pacifico lllO-Hlbbl ••• , ... 210(C) -Hlbtlt "·' 1961 .UO -YOllngft' ~· >N> MO-C01tin 1:57.I '"' M.llt -V1nAn.cl•le 4:1'.2 '"' 2-M!le -T'WlmPIOll 10:09.J , ... Ut HH -Hibbs lS.1 "" Ito LH -Hibbs 2a.l , ... 4111 ReL&v •1,, , ... Mlle RtS.Y J :31.4 "" H~ J11rnp-L1nve\llr111 6--''/. '"' Long Ju,.,.......Hlbbs 21-~ "" p~ V1111!--Carll011 16-0 , .. ShO Put-For"llll" ~\~ '"' 011e11t -Fornltr ,.,., "" Rancho Alamitos 10CI _.. Atrm~ t.1 mtc) -WITH-22.1 4!0-K-!o0.1 UD -Ktne . 1:5',, Mlle -ll*Chtel 4;19.t 2-Mlle -81ifl!J t :ll.S 110 HH -Roudl IS.I """""°" 11.0 111 LH -ROIK.h 19,9 .UO ReleY '5.• Mli. RtllW 3:36. I Hl1h Jump -KP.Ir. .. 214 L-J11,,,_w111111M tt-J>• Pohl Vtulf-TllolnPlotl 13-' SMt Put -lluti!ltr Sl.f "" , ... '"' "'' "" , ... '"' "'' m• , ... , •. ... , ... "" '"' Area Team Takes Third The Cost.a Mesa chapter of :~: the Sons of Italy placed third ~:r, among 21 competing women's ~;!: teams in the' organiz.ation's :: statewide bowling tournament 1"' at San Diego recently. 1u1 , :;:: Team members were Janice ~= Scan1on, Louise H o u s t o n , ::: Karen Cooper, Olga Parrinello --and R<>se-Opmshaw. 1Ms And the doubles team of IH7 • 19" Gina Scanlon and Pat Pica ~= placed first wilh 1230 pins. ~=~ Singles competitor Pat Pica .:::; was second in tier division ~;!: with a 652. Joe P~ .was third "" ,., .... ,., .... .... ••• , ... '"' , ... , .. ,., '"' "" "'' "" ,., , .. , .. , ... , .. .... Ill! in men's singles. A women's dou~les entry that finished second was com- prised of Rose Nastasi and Vlrglnla Cann • OCC Group Plans Rally The O,ange ~I College VeW'ans Club will bold a "lost blut" car rally Saturday, Juoe 14. "blch is open to all area auto buffs. Reglstratlon for the t:vtnt, which will start &t 9 a.m. in the college'~ northwest park· ing lot, Is 13. AddiUonol lnlormollon and reglstraUon for m 1 are available by calling 646-l.279 or 543-9670. ' ' NEW RACING MllROR n11rUOTH SEAT COVEi sr.·;, _. ·•2· 44 . ....i,. ~. ·~ atu. pila, • -41-IO!lt l'f10I sW c..o ..... _ """" "" - 1.-11 ,...._,, u.ui tn.l• IY.:>11 Vtrlenda.- lDCl-Vl nOePuttt ••• no(c>-V~IO 21,t ....._. .... -l ~J~.1 Ml~( <1:24. I tM M 9:i:J.I ao HH-JeMtn 1•.S llG LH-llr•v lt,, 440 RIJIY .... Mlle llt!IY ):lA,1 Hlflll 'Jwn-Arlat ., Lo!>9 J---..i.11..,, n• ~ V111!1-Mooo1r1 1 .. 1 1"11!-T•11Cllll'n~'I J3.11Va 01~....ic.lr l.w-t van.,,, IOO-C1111Utf' .. no<cl-Cwlter ... ..,_,_ .... ~lhwlelt \:!1.t Ml~., •:n.• M li.-t-''"·' 120 HH-Tlllill' ''·' llO llf-TllllY 11., .uo l.tll1 tl.• M! .. Rtl1Y 3:21.1 HJ-£. ''"" ..... ' ... l-J11mo>-,i.kls 22·10 P. V111lt-$. C1ntlllt~ ''"''It -Plll-Fr.nct! lo1~''r VIiia Park 11»-Fledellnd 10.1 """ 1R,1 'J10{c)-Frluttl1 '" UO-.St-rn, ~· llD-Too1911 1,J.1.1 Mll_R_ 4:11..S 2'Mlle-NldlalMll'I ,,.,, llG HH-Hedlund n.1 llO llf-Hdund "·' •• ,,.,. 11.111 • •• 1-"4 " -·. , ... , .. '"' '"' .... , ... "" , .. , ... .... "" , .. ••• '"' .... ,., ,., '"' ••• '"' , ... '"' .... '"' .... , ... "'' "'' '"' ••• ... ••• >ff> "'' .... '"' ... ·~· • . ... . ... , ~ .. Miit R.i.'I :r1u .1 HIOll JU~l'I • • L-J111n11>-W1lt 11·10 P'ole V11111t--1!1Uoft 1.).1~ ~ Pvl-SI-.... ·--UM~ Wettflrn , .... ,_ ••• . ....... ... Yuklhlro ... 220(cl-P4 ... 21.) -· .... MO-H1111 11w.• Mlle,-Flilff 4:11.2 )..Mli.-f'lll'w •;11,f '" ""-''""' U,I 110 Lli--4wlrt ... _.. llNr .... Mlle Rei.I' J:ts.J HIOft Ju~Ur11s ... ' JU....,_WVodHln .... Pote V1111!-8<wd 16-4\~ Sllot Put-n.urm1n .... OiSCll-Wnioell ,., .. Westnalnster 1004.•llltb. ,,_, ~~ ... """ , .. '211!cl-C1llJO n.• ....., ... ~.• ._Tr!fltld..:t. l:W Mll&-f...,I ,, •. J 2-Mll~vtllr'I t112.t na HH-Mc.OlfMI 14.1 180 LH-Hltkl 19.1 "' RP!tv ~ .. Mli. RKt.1 3.:lG.I Hi1h JlllTlll-Btt<I ., ...... Ju,..._Htrl'et'I ,,. Pole VtUtl-.,lol!nMlft '" $1\ot Plll-J~ ,,.,. 4 ,_,, --· --: .,._.,,_ .. ,... . ... _. ., ........ ui ,. a.•• :: ... ·t•: . fACH .Tl•f Wr.111~1 '-';;;c:J:+i.r,.,-t--';~_,c,o--i IM\!!""" - ·•. . •I-It • ·~c:OA1•"'* ........... ,. t •"fl: U .. ITANT .... " ,... ·.:.=.~a•• Q .,,,.._ er ' •· ' 1-. I ........... i'~·~ ,, ••. ~........ ""'*"'"/ ---.:::~·•3•• •• • • ~...... . .. 0-..... ~ '.UAllJ:f'l'iw ~ At• lONe ·M to9 .1. OWN ,YOU• NblNf CAR , 1.19 • ; DELUXE.·HEAVv DUTY•SHOClt ABSORBE~ 5'' THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY WESTMINSTER BUEIA PARK BUENA PARK COSTA MESA SANTA· ANA 15440 HACH II.VD. At McPIMld1• • 892·2081 • 5815 LINCOLN AW. At v ... , Ylow • 126-5.800 - SJOI IEACH II.VD. Ati..ttwl- 523-3040 ' • Z200 HAlllOl .. VD. • At Wl""9 541·2082 -· • ·- 1400 IDINMa At •lml 546-7132 ... "' '" lS "' "' ::i ::= 1$ "' "' ::= , .. '" , .. ... '" '" "' ~= ::i :~ iS ,,. "" 1961 I r I 1 ~ - I r .., . ' JI DAILY PllOT s : Wodtloldoy, Junt 4, 1'69 Your Money's Worth . . ·~ ,. : • OVER"THE COUNTER I ..... .. .. l'*J Mltll ltw tlllll C11to -C--A-• MUTUAL ii [~ ~'it ·~1~1~ NASO Ll•llng1 for Tuesday, June 3, 1'69 FUNDS ;;:y,,'f. ' ~ • J • i \I • .,.... ..... ,'" .. ..,.....*" .... , ............ ~ .. ...,. ...... ·~ ...... D. tl:!*y.:r·u'A~""=·"-·~ .... ,i::tJY'\1Z:O '~ h~ ~ t =1t: Worst Money. Squeez On By SYLVL\ PORTER Ti. pressures are btarlng down on the mooey and credit mart.a• of our land now to a deiree unknown ln 1nl.)pern Umes -and that includes the money "crunch" of September 19001 when for a panicky cuu- ple of days.· credit just disap- peared. Not ever has borrowing been deliberately made so tough and expensive. Not ever has the Federal Reserve System gone to these lengths to force our banks into a "liquidity -squeeze'' so they must reject or at least druUcally r educe loan applications. IT WOULD BE wasteful for me to wie up my space listing the cost figures. You can read lhem in headlines these days: you surely know them all too well if you're trying to borrow either from a financial in· s:UtuUon. (except for your life Jnsurance company) or via the capital markets. But you'll get 8 perspective !rom these (e\v ••real~life'' borrowing) staUsUcs. Banks themselves have been paying up to 9 pefcent to get overnight funds and over 10 percent to draw dollars back from Europe. In turn, they ere charging eUecUve rates of So 91,1: percent and more on short- medium loans to thelt top. most favored customers, rind rates scaling up from there to less favored customers. Aieanwhile mortgage rates are rocketing to a minimum of 9'~1!'n: percent and rates on small loans are climbing all over the place. So it goes. What's more, rationing of credit Is :spreading through the country and there's no doubt this will get more severe UCB Dividend Directors or U n I t e d Calitornia Bank have declared the regular quarterly dividend of 55 cents per share payable Jwie 27 to shareholders Q/. record June 8. •• , I l'•k• .... Ille'-'" ... ,.u ... _rk.,. ""' ....... .,. aitilo"'hOM -~-J:.\.!: -' "' iJV. im ti ~or. I e 1, !or the • -. ""' .. ,,.,. ~· ·~ " + F~eral e It deadly NEW YO•K f,1,1') =lftf.''~ u'" ~·~ ~""'ep lt116 111 •"' r,,t, ~\Olo :.:n J .. ' I"""' .. tlil 14. "*'-11 lll.n!fl IAw 'c-. ~""~I I "' ¥1 -\.t earnest about g the money -TM 1o11ow1nv bid 011.-""' "" ., ~ ,,,. ' ....,. ~w1o1vo~1C ,...,., ~ 11111 ·anq: LM 11 F~!ll·r.11. ~,,· =--:·.··.·.·.;·· 11'",,• 1 ~ ~ ~11~ &queeze to ·f some cir1ther~1.•:::11.a~ =.11f n'l'!uv. '"1•u~~,1"" 1•1 11,,.,it11oN. ::':rri'-~ "-1 1~'1f:ll -r~,. A !~ ..,_.., 111o1 111~10'"' :.-Z ,,, 11.e111 11 1~11 ,,.,. ~ i1¥t 1 .. 01 .,., ff .-. N•111JN1 Au!XC e!e, ~.n -~ ~ff · \II. ... .i heat out of lhe nomy. •"~ • "'"''"" <m•A<• ~· " '' "' ., " ~ lk ""ll ,..., " '''"''"" '. ·" ... m •J Ii . 'ff i "' ="' • Dt~l•rs, Inc . .. •• Com Clnr ,,.. ~I llQOl G•• 11* """ ... ,14 ~"'~ hie.. ! ··ri ... ,,. Ml Ill .. FEDERAL R SER y E • "°' 1~1\.111 1r111t•t· c°"' .1~11 ,., 10 11rll P & )IYI 11tn nit' lilt Pl'1at 11 """ ..,.,. .. ..,, '-" "'*r,• l ' , i "1• • ' U 'A -I~ !Ions DUI 1r1 ,.,.. O\' Ullo • ~·rt !2'14 ir Ill( 9(1 jlV. ltllN ..ci.trll" In" •• · l s.• .win r11 ~ ll 11o "' M JO 16 • + ~ chalnnan Mart ls not ex· r.w<1t111~ 1"11r· Comw 11 2~ 211':1 nc1 G&.W 1J ro 0011 2j14 AYt oould Jj"' -,••• B~" ~Llf lA ',' .,._-t 11 " .:_ · s. Yr -I.Ii . clt•IH iwlt .. , ill\ O! Cotnll A S\i ' 11'd Hel 2 v. rl# "'n· \lo • told It> fK bouelit ""' 0) ~"9 Co 216' Yr !P•iOtto ';i lg • I' aggeratu1g one It when he 1pproxltn1l•ly , mp Com J6\.'I 31\.ii lnlot-c: ,..., l\li Pllbl.P. it~* IMM<ll llftdlV I ~1"' lO I ."I .... od ~ n !!" ~ ~Ill •i:i,~ j I ~..: ch t. f hockin p,m., ti whldl !Nw "''°'' llld 17 20 l""'"d t '' Pub! 2 2 -·114 Atk I Of l ,7S P.i • I! ' I ''i 111 • ' ' ' OOleS 8 lm8 0 S g wwrllln toukl mo Mt~ 6'1t I nt Cnrt ~~~PS N 11'0 l lF AWdein 2M 2.p, l..Q 10.24 llldtn • -A I A S5 U • =" "d'-~er" In t•-money"'"'' bHn ia.ir· ~· Tdl n11 2~•.(o ncH Iv• tlu u Pub'-"'* 2~i,, '' MN• llotft t.ss 1. ':-;, ,n..n22~ t"°"'ttlti 1h-= I"" ~+\lo 1!1 1n l!\1 ~11 ~u '"' dl•Wld (tMled l 0t OftOIOfl'W' 6 ~ nlrmt 1Jlll lM Pllr-7 I ?lllalt4 1,04 t. 1 ~ _, ~ I II IYr 1 ~ -Yr r G1 A Zit H + U kel.s t i..AAIMA lhal lOICI lb"'). 1n1er-R~ !' n UttB• w1o11 1 tU. '"' p Btnllllf 51 SIV. A t,.. 11.5' 12.M "" I H .oo H.• A :a ~ .. 14 "' -o1 ~ 1.5 7~ n mar O emp1~ df-1ler ~ket• Ol'IComo J 131'1l~Mllt 21" p~"l" 14 11~• Alnl1 1.n 1.tl IJ 21.llr..)S ~le! 1u \·'' ll! fi '"ii, 1.1~ 1211 1• )1V. i1\.t ···• "from here on, patience, ~'t, div t11~ oni~:~d ;:: 1b, "'' ~:~r ~ Jl""' u,,..,,..• 111~ ,:: :i:.,.."""" 1tll 1~ : D 1t~ J:;t All;; c:.,. I "l " • "'= l'i mt,' "fl: 1H»• ,,!tMt 11'U' ,."'":i1* perseverance antipeNSisteneecla r.ol lntludt --rL ll\li ltV.lnl1)'s rtf 11 tt tdDY""'2 2' NnCIP 4.ll•ltAm !"" 1 f.3t6MAl!ll~~ • i 141 1~+·~ I* IJO ll 17~ 4'49 16111 -1• • rel•!I mork111>, r1wtord 2"41 2~1':1 Int t1111 lSll) 1611) R•Mtll £1 :U ~ BUI 1~ 1,IM U'I I 22M14.U Al'-9 4 t \lt --., otW1,, .. ,, 1..• 21 $ ...... u..,• ""t ~. Will be oecesAr)' -and COil-mar\OOWn or ,om. '°" Co :U 'U ln~xt · 27Y.t 21\11> R•vdm 2ol6 1'2 Nro 01..tlt II 12.tO "" 1JJ< q""fi · "" • ~ Olci " ;JI ~ . . ml•tlo<I. l'\ilch Rn Jn:. ll'do lonks Inc; lJ JS llnnid Ci> :!JO S!Yr A £xp 1o11I n111111 IJ& .21 .n Al 1 1• !"" 'Iii ····• It lr'MI .Miii ~ " 51\lt 511'11 s1derablefortiludeaswell-.v.1cQrr111' vQ<11c '•6Y1 11is.ou111 31,,.31"'RKotEq'2Yruv.Atnf.irt11 1. 1.:!IO "''tt• In .•Al~M.n.11 '! 1 "'1-t..:.:·~ 111n,,li:i~ :!JOll.lllWi~:.:1 · t d r I Aall., E H'~ 1nlll l1t f"4 :71YI Jcbl FL 71,\ e JI ... MIOt :U :U\lo Am Inv I I .'2 6.15 ~r II .1S 1 -\.'I Hin pll,611 3 lll1 331'1 :l:Jlo'I • r o pursue st ea a 8 t Y .f.(m1 VRa :19 n1, Mell f 16>ilo JK11Uln c 1~ I "-'•If cr 11 a 10,3910.lt'Am ~! G .st t.11 A Pd M 1! _ :it1"11,•39w. -~ l.AOb 201 JI,_ ~ 5' -1 1~ ~"mi·c stabUization poHcles AF H-78 111 o""n • 12 J•mnl!v lt\I 14 RI'" s111 13 -.i\'J ,.,,, 11.AU 11.n "'lj~'l·" • I" 1.11 , • "' ~"' . .,_.. l>f 1 :M 1• 32 32 -1v. ., ... """ Air lr'MI 91't LOV. 1vl1 Fd HV. U'h 1roen• 11'h 11\!i Jl~w E11: 2'1'1 76Yr A,,, NGw ,l:O ) 13 t11 'I' 1 1 .21 A tel I pf ~ 1~,, tt.,. St, .. '9...._ +'~ ,.•~GH1 •,.!e_ '°•> 11..... mli 2!!_-_,~ that bring inflation under COn· :lt!~fs Fgt ll~ l!~ ~or11i.d rm fJ~ ':"'1~,Fr.: ~ ,~ ==~n M n'4 ?67\4 ~:,.~~GrcMl_r,nivtll t:rirll• Id! l,.~Of l,.t! 1"'/J:d~Su:_..:o Jll if~ ~l~ l!h:J,.., + \\ 01 II 1".61 1 -Jr" r 1{'" + JZ lrol " Alco Sid 28\'J 19\'J lll1nc:1 I ~ 10\'i I M• pf 1'0\4 21 Rew lit ' no '" 10.IO 11 01 Lii• lk n1v.i1 A d\11 ,209 21 ,,,.. "nlll -~ n ,,. ,. " ~ ~ + .. . • . A~ 16\(o 11 LllKt;,; 0 .41 ICll"i' 210 21t !1.u•1 tOY 31 39 Grwtll 11.111' ... Litt nV 7. 6 t.AI A ,IO 5<I 1t 11 7'111. -~ om pfl. 0 1 36\jjo 3'Vt l'I , .• 1 Jslhisfair.,No,Ttnssortof ,,.l«1 Ld 21 n •lhlAP 10 ltm1C1.arn&T tt\423 Rran m132V.l)l.4 In" t,n10.'5Lnt l.fft-'t W JO J M\ti 2\il ~-l'I om1Sol¥ AO JI m. 20\lo ~-..., . • • • "'" 8e¥ JQ•Jo l~ I f,•n 17\/o lt Ktl!ell l'ili •Ilk 551 Comp MY! 21\'J Fd Inv I0.'311." 'r:'' '-•"' Fcl11 ""'""' I ,,20 ~ ,. ~ + \9 !!"","r'"'··· "• ~ .... " ~ ~.-t. tight money squeeze IS CX· A i.o. Pep 9\lo 10 r nr8r '' f'Vl K11t\lllOOCI 39V. 4014 S.-011,r 12 1! Auoc:l11d 1.$1 lM """' '41'q·J7 IYtw 1 "'.to "'\la ....,.. Afv. "'" "" 2'\la • ~ ceedlngly unfair to l he !l~ec:tA~: 1r" 6 ~::.VA'i1 ll '1t 1~14 ~~·~lb in: ~h!' ~::1" El .I~ 1!: ~~~htonu"1"111 ,t:i' lt:~l :~ =w. ~ 1 '!m141k~ 1Y~ :c;:~ °"'~I le.. 1t i r,11 ~ ~ Ile t and k st bo °'lPn GPo 19\lo J•m Cry 1114 30 Kiev1l Cul 13 •S Sc:J ~llfl 31\'J llV. Funo A f.06 1.76 In l .M ,7t Aln Alrnn .M 3l! :M'4> :U-+ \'I omp kl °';T 13 \lo> 21111 iiil i ~ sma s wea e r· .t.mld.c rm sc 111~ 111. K"'s' pc 10,~ 11 Sci °"''1 30 31 Fund l!I 10.11110.tO "'-" F"" 11.N 11.01 Am au.er 1 "" '"' 1; -"' om111 1112 l I" 5IHI. »Ill 11 e · S I en t I y Am OTel '1 l lh 7•1't :1S .... l1"" Klno El t'-11 1~ Sci omp ""° 6'~ SIOClt 7.9• I." Min Giii 12.$7 lJ.1' Am&oat 1.M 6NI U 1.1\11 + 1.:,. -Mllll I S 1•14 lf 1"'41 14 r 0 w r . Is p ..... El Lall ID''. 10\o Id ?J\I) :U .... Klrt01irt Pr Kl'>.2t~ Sd lr>d •Vi ,..... Sd c. 6.» 7.10 Masi Tr 16.1111,t'l""' C•n 1.2' IS) Iii S5'io -~ -onrKCP ... s;i ''" ~ 11\o'I ' dl'<o•mu' ·nalo~ It -mpels 8 ...., E•IN' ~ 67\o Jor..1 121 129 <Irle co 11 JN Scoll OM 11 n 8tb•"" tt.a t.20 .\!.1te1 1.cu 1.o.t ""'" ~ 1.75 l ~ ,.._, n11o -"' on/;ot1 1.to 111 !2f\ :m. 3' l ..... ~ .,.,.. •J• .. v Am Fur 12\oU\ 082' XI v •• -..... Sc:I lt2J -8ond•llC 7.tt• ... •lhert lJ.711).nNnCln'l..0 2tllllll71t.11'do-Yo""di•lll• 1100 9Jlli":W.-.. li t t G" • ov. NO 00 .~., ...... rpps , ..... A.ollSnr. 10.t•ll ... °"" lj.ltll9JAChlln 1.60 11 ~\Ii :M )I -\.'i ond!•l>fJ u ,. 13'h n>.1 -m~n1~1pa ·ty 0 . p 0 S p 0 n e ~ 11;:'1:' ?f~ i1~ 8~11J1 ~1~ ~\lo Kor~ Oil 1!'to 1I~ t~:: ~ 1 ~. IJI'> 8cnlorl t.m 9,116 Mid A M.ut .2t f."' Alfle.rl011 ·" ; ntt. m.i. n~ + 14 OllE PICA. rlOCI """ 6tV. Ml'I •• bu:~dl mg a. hospital or sch~! ~ i"!Jp =v.i nv. o JJYI ~..., t:~ in 3l"' :1.1.: i!1~f"'' ~ 17~ :~=ksr \i:~ a:r.: =·1Cp l~:t 11~ ~~:: ~11':f sT: '131: ~\\II j]~ ! ~ ::F~°':I~~ \M 11~v. 11\~t 1ft~ t ~ w1u e causing no more than ur ... Minns 11v. 19v, !ilsc 11v. u Lir>e Wd 2'1'h 1' Sfquov•h "' s1 CG Fo 10..n 11 ,,J ~ l"1i11MI•! 0111 I 1. M~ 1' itYt -onFr•\!hr 1 " n•1o 12 .. ~ -t: e . t a -rporati.OO ir.m Pltw 2•~ 25!.IO l'I( U\.'I UV, L1rs Ind tVi 10V. Sevt11 Ur 11 n c,1Mdl1~ lt,t.571.51 ·--'•'"'',"1 •~NI I_.. 2,jt •,•,• 11,• ,1,3 +··,, ~!'!,.'!, .·.·~ 1'! im"I~ ll\t~· I"~"-COl\V n1ence 0 ...... .t.msr Gob ,,., '"" Lib " .. Ll!ll C~I A 7'4 Shep 141 '° S1 IDll I,.; •. 10,U .63 .0 ... p .... , ,.. -~ ... 1~ .. ..... Planru·ng a new factory It Ams• G ~1 11 n SH ~3''1 '"'·~ Ltlsure G 65 69 s11m,n~ H n 73 ~pit Insur l..13 t.11 m JF..,. . 31 ~ ~ -..., Pw 11u.u rlO " . ""' ...• , Anc:tlor CP 161• 1 Swt lH(o 15'<ll LeYln Th 11 \~ ~lgn'I 9•,'o 101.4 Shr 1.37.~ l .:M ~I.• 0Fd 2<1.19 21 ,at ~~f:.:rEnk11li i:" i"' ~I -3Hli + ~ onf>w PU,$0 1)(111 47 \.'I 61"' .... , d• U "-'-thef fA~ser 67 67'to Etl• .... lSV.Lwl E !IM,,,21V.SonP 'l1\'J ln Cenl &hr Jl ,91306..,1 Ill ,.)16.lt": I ' «1Yr'°4'-~ ontAlrL .50 ,71 11~17'4 -... tree y euuu.uates oan 0 Anklll CF 11'1 ' i' "" j11.:. Lfu·r~ QU 79\lo ~ s.Jf. ,t& l•~ UV. Ulannll'lt uiii.: Mw OmGlll .n 6,)7 A I .t II 7 n"',,.~. 1A\!i -ont Ctn '·\1 111 ~ '' 6Ai -\la the -liege sludent or small Ar<:llta N 151'1 ~l'I I ~"'1 2~ ,,,.. Lcb .... 7'AI ,,,., ,11 wit 1611o 1111o e.r... 11E t~-'3 MU °"''" 11.34 12.23 AGtn "' i" n µ,w. -'C•n Pl•.1 140 1 11 n .... .'" . Are1 Ind n• .. 2'1V. Kie" 16l4 17~ ollC•-••'•!lJlf.,. ......... .., ComSlkl. 1.l•Mut!.l.f1 21.0121.01.t.Gnln Pf .IO ff V. -\• on1Copp.30 2t u.;. H\6 1'14-~ b ••te I k ., t E_ .... , •w•~ (;twlll 7 l~M'i1Tr\Hlf122NAmHo11t7D l'I jffi-11oonlCPl.IC '51"-AtYrltlt-~ . us.messm.an Will on y n1c • ~~: ~ ~\lo~~ ~:~"1~"11 ;if~ 3tVi t~ .. 1c ~; ll'lt w "E.1Gr: " lt ,_,.,, I.SJ : ~EA Mill 1 :1r11;u ~~~"'°ii ,,, = n\.~ \'I -~ \ ?p ptAI"'° lt Sol'lk ""' 531'1-l mg the pnme borrower. When "rk MoP IH• 1'.m I c $1• ..... 1V. &d GI.£ ll\lo l)'lo 1~ G11C11 l"' 17 S!>lcltl 1.41' I. II WS..: 11.:U U:M """ H--'' -\.\ -\.'r c r. Piil""' ~ 5<I 53 Sol -. •• ArTrlff H s.I SM 71 n M~k Ch :u'lk:IS" ~ 9'1o10Y,ChueGrOl.IP' ., Ind lt.5612.U ,_ !ht""" ~-1.1o CtM~l .U• l2 ... ~ .,., .q14+1~ loans are rationed, 1t s the ""'ld8 ..,,,., 23;' Mio •11o R•iY 11 1:w. Shi 11"1" """ ;'Gv. Fund ' M11 1nvn1 1.i1 .. ,. ~~~r' 1._ n 1;v. 1N +.\lo °"' .up • 211'1 ~ 2""-~ kest bo h ,_ AJ. c,Bot l1V. 3214 n :12"4 Ml ltd<! U'.\ S6 Sid Scr"w ll\I ,. • ._ 11..0 ,.... • NII Sic: SH: ~ dY .... llS i1 23,'1 23'11 onl ~I 1.JO #97 i .. , .... wea rrower W o 1.11 ra· Auto Fir• 30 12 ., cv 51 60 "' Ai 1\li '"" j'•nM Pd ,. :zt" Fron! lll.llllJ.:11 8111" 11.l212.ll A;:"1~\o..1t'° 51 fo ~!:; 1914 .;.::.,. T" 1 20 "' .,.,,_ + ~ ' • ed t .. ulo Sci I'll 11'1 1'111'0" Re 1 1:i,, llQU~ 0 17V. I~-Cl 5'~ 51 Cl'lernk•I 11.M 20.'2 a~. '·!! •5.ol6 MINI~• 1 In I:::~ ~\'I ~~ -l4 1Tolt,9tl f. :~~I~ 1!il'l l .:.:.i~ ion OU • AVf'mto 9~ 10 t!l•1ndn 1• l'YI rn Mani-I l"il S..tw TV e•• , ... Co'Oft''1' 0 Y •... ·"' .. _,.,._ jl; ''j -113 "'" ... ' UO ,,_ •• im· " ~ c lS\.'o 16'-'• Eon Co 6\'o 61~ 8~ ., .OYI Sv9dl Fd• 101l'. i.i; EQUllV $.54 •• 65 "' Siii: 7.63 1.1-l Aii.W'di . .... f) ~ -" a ... .. .. .. -... Doesn't this add to costs? ~~-: of1 11v. ,,.... F."'''1 011 •1 1R11 Md Sfllo 0 11 u \t* Fd U\:o l:No Fund n .211• . ...s ~lncom s.t5 '"'°""" s..1 · 2 ltl'Jo 1 ""'l +• M1, 11 30 ~ ~~ ~ j"' :,+:\.\, Yes' Th xtr 1100 you pay lll«ibltt u~ U\11 Erle TKh 2l n • ., .. 0 131':1 ........ "'""it , .. 117 f.irwlll l.J.I 1.02 loct t.60 lOA'!' I.In Stllp " 1» n U""' r~ = !"..> ...... rrn l.«I 15 ~ 31... ... +\'I · e e a 81lrd At 17\.'o 11\lo> E1!1rl1n •1 II ou.v 3' 37 T1n111tr 16 11 Von! 1.2• 1,01 'l': 10.06 11.lt A 5'nfll f M 7't )llli ~ :U~ -I.. DOii ••Tll I lt I~ 2J'lt \.'> -'t {or in.tee. est on a _loan adds to 8,,"', ",,",,, 201'> 21v.i DB c"o •v. !'°'Medic: 1t 31 33 T~•n 2sll) 26'4 1omm•~ 11.ti 14.!1 ~·1 •"' 1,~,1!,~•11 Am~Alr .~ d U\4 $1llo 51h _ = _, 11nJs 1 4111 ?•11! •llJ: •••• '7 7:\0 FIDrf Tti: 10lolo 1 ~ MedlrOl'IC ].( 3$Yt iUtllt 1) l:Rlo om SI Bd S.4 $,.,. ,._,.. · .,J3 Am Sid 1 lgt ~ ~ ~ 'Iii l•nd ~~ I d i,) ...... l.S ••• , your livmg costs JUst as much 8Pllnl wt t\lt I'" 'llrfld T ·~) 12¥' ll)lf t "'"Ttvlof w 10\11 '21/J: ommonwLlll Fdc N-~flt 0,6 11.5' Amlh:I Pl"-75 1111• 111\o'i IU + Vi -Jlot m 6l t ml D -2'.{j as the extra 'loo You Pay for a •o,•,~,,l<"p 16 7 F IY 1dt 52 SJ Id C.o 13" U','o Ttit Am$ul ! 'l Cep Fd' 111.n0212.04 ~!! w°' "··",, " •• ~ Am Sltrll ji. I ~ 311\i 31'4 -V. -,,,"," :u:· ~tt I u· •• +,• 13 11 FHC1 ldr 7J lS Id!•• ev.. 7 Thtr,,, Air 1 ·~ I lllOdln o. 11.t'J ... Id II. ·= A ~fl· lll ,.. 2''11 2tll\ + 'M • fV .. -.... B•~ltt5 \l''I 14\4 Fartll'!<I 1114 :19 \clWll GT 2•Yr 27"" Tiffin 32V. 33Y, lnve1t 10,• 11.:11 .....,,,., j6.U 11.fl Am , 113 Jill lO\'J 111'1 .f.. v. orGW 2 1 269'M 2 '4 2 + 14' car or carpet. The extra $1,000 at,ctwn 11v. :11 F~N Mio 2u l4t 111 Rov 2,..., 25''°1 r1Hn T 32v. :n•JJ stock 10. 1l.u ~':: ,.ftl "·"' Am 2. ,.. s.1~ 5'i\ V: ~"1'1o .n ),! ~ mo 2"lt -~ • • the busi·neasman pays lo gel ',..','•" ,·~~e nv. ll oln "wxi,i. 101'1 11 1 G•• :n "" TH•n 1s~ ia'do cw1111 At8 1.n :M ~flt ,.r 1:.u Mt OO.t 2 " " l.9oi = v. ~l~ ,, .$0 1i ,r' ~~·· ~v. :.:.iiA> • • • • • • • • • • • '"' l• 16 Fil BM c·1g tel t6 V1IG 201.1. 70Wi Tr11"11 C1I ~ 6'14o Cwltlt C&O 1.tt '·°' IOO 1: I • I .2J AmWWk1 .5' 10 U~ ll 13~ -V. c tn<i'1 1.lri M lil'lo JS!lt 311'1 _ 'h money adds to his costs of llflKOt II 11\!i 121A F1IG"" R 1' ,. Rldt ~ 1 T••lll Gtl 20\IJ ~ ,com1>"' 11.06 lt.74 ''' ... ~ ,,'·n" •,•,.21 AW \rd 1.25 r!O 11\41 1"' 111' + ,.. •• ,.. '\ ~ •Sl ·~ '9~ so·~ •. krJh H l6 39 11 M111f 27~ 21\4. wk R 1,1.1. 'h r1nw;J 011 f t om1>et l0.0611 .fl "'"' • .$3 Ml lllC 11 26 llfllo ~ u .llO II " ,,. U operating 1·ust as much as the Betz L.ab Ml ,,..., 11 R•PCP 1\lo 1'6 Pt U14 11 Tr1n•P M ,,.,.. i:w. bol'l'I' M 10.1t 11 .111 !", 1•1 •",',-~ ',',·°' Anw1el .to 26 ll~ ti.r. ~ "·1l romo .. n lii' ,.. ... 1~ -.,.. .TAB h ... 1 I tel • , ·-• 8/111.>1>$ W IO:wi 11\6 11 Wt1IF t" ™' t Pd \1'4 l' Trtrlll lr>d 1f\i 26\li Cemp I'd 11.12 12.0f 1 .tt .07 AmfK nt .IO l l V. \Ii ~ + l'o Oii ltl'\.!lr J ur ?;:~ '19 ..... • cn9ft•P ••• w ... 191 _....c.. extra $1 000 he pays to get '-rct Son 2l :H F1ldllri11. , ~ 1, s ,..,. uv. Tn.11r uv, Ul'I Com•ll< s.ts •.JO Sci :·g ;·8 ~~ CP .10 'J12 •• "" mt, m. -~ rvwn "'clll't' jl ,,.;: 121~ ~:Z = ~ t. o,.... C:..mty. materiarS or manpower. And ll~r ~II Ji,, 1,:Z F=~ 51:. 'r" l~ Oldl c'tub IJ~ li~ ~:c;: ~ ri~ ~=-.. ~:;: n~ ~~Ill ,,o,na .... 11 4l~rrwte-.1'1.~ 2 l?~ IA'? m: :::-~ "~1~,::o 6 ~~ ~ ::~ = a .M , _, • d h I BClll\lf El S'lr. ,. ore1t 0 33\/o :U 1rflll C 3' l$ nl!K ll u CON Jnv 1).ll ll.62 .. n • .6 II.II led 2 . .0 lj 13 I?.., A2" -\lo 2: ~ '!f 71.\t fl j1 ... ore ..-octori, d1nl i•h. 1Horn•v• ,,,. prvf1•.ton•I no one even prelen s t a 11o11 BerN 1o111~ F1111 G•111t :M is 1 8fll'l<lt J S'll UnArt n W4'J.ll'i c.:mrn J"" ,,,1 •·• ,.,,,"".,"' 10.n 11,n ~ •• !...id n.:w. "'"' ~ -Yr ,,., o '' :xr ' tv. + i.i I T •• b 'h ' ·' II bl · ht ,,_ ti b IE""' c 3' l5 Folodlm 11'11 ~ el EllUll n un OoU•r 31 :n Corp Ld 1'.f71L11 1.u t.6.5 ...._,., 1.$0 xm 13\i .fl~ '3 + 1-11 • ~" 1.15 11 p.;, 211'~ -U •p•o~• '"' 1c11111 •Y c•n v•P•'"" 011 r• • • tlg moneycanWlec ycur C1P1t 31,,.,JIYIFi•nc"" 11'" 12 11 FdPf j1V.-:nv.u11 11111n1 u:w;14111 cntr'YCl!l15.ll16.6\1"1111lt 11.6olll.66And1Hock .IO "ol6 .Ul'I 4SYl-•.:.~11101n .2'1 x7 25\'o ''"' + ''"''Cl. , • • -alor 6'4 ..,_ Frl nkl CP 1)"' 1•16 ti G&O ~ lS Un Mc:Gll H HV. Cl'DW'll W 1.11 l.t~ '"'-•r 1•.IO 16.11 A_.llH5v 1 J )l )l 36 -.._ umm!n .A t 37~ J6-llO -wage lncrtaseS. Brto;w•Y G 1• 15 Fk n Elec f4 2.S al Lbtv '°"' ll\lt Un J:fhl ln\ 11"' Crn W In 13.13 l•.6t =~n ITnv 13.t6 16.fO ~1111 Cll1 1.70 1•,1, .l~' •• ~ •• ~ lln14 _:!:_ v., •,~,, ,°', ~,,.n 'r.' 1 .. , .... , u,,., ""• +, ..... ·• FOR As -$ 60 PER . WIU.. rr WORK then' It er-n Ar 32 33 Fmkl Riv 1.\lo lj\o'o Nit Sec II• lM 11 'I ~·N011 2'1Jo n dtVHll M 15.1315.13 r a R 15,3115,Jl PKhtCp .10 ' •• -'' r!I W1 I '" -'"" • 14 • • • -8ruol'I Ber ll6 :MV. FU!lYl•w ni m 11 &II $11 '"° 1 \J ,_ I •:wi Dec&T Inc ll.11 U06 Pro 10.1110.11 .t.l<DOll 1.nt 1' 41tlo II Al -\lo url Wr A 2 4 JJ~ »V. ~ ...• must _ unless all our trusted 811<;~ieve 1s"' 16\'t G1r11~~1 1R11 11 11o1 ,. '"" w. u n.,.r n tt1.t. 011-•r 15.21 l•.62 P•""••"' ,',-" ,•,.o' A•"•' ,~.... •• 11 36,. ll\I 3'\11 +1 unPr 11 1.10 j '°"' ,. '°'" +1•;, LOW AS MONTH ~ . 8urnu11 S 1' 1•'4 G•s $vc I' Ell!I GE 2(1 ~ US 19,, $SV. 57 t:lt• Tr t .... 10.32 \Ir •n .61 .$1 RJ vc .... 41 ll)j" 105 ll)jY,, + '-" loD1 lllO ~· ~ ~ -"" • · theories Of e C 0 D 0 m I C Busln..u F 2' 24~ C. Alr,tt O'lo 11\lo NJ Nt!G 26\lo 27 US TMtl IJYr -.iv. lvlcl $1\r 4.lll '·" 111r,1n1m Fund•: A!]!IOln 1.to l l'V.. 5<1"-SAie -v, ~ru1M .'II 5 S.Yi SJ S5 -~ • ~ •• _ 11 w11s .. 2t~ ~ G 01 .. 1u1 ~ $Vo khllr! P.: 37 31 • Up p p uv. , .. , -Th In 1."9 I.If !!Ult 12.to u.10 A.h:Pubs ... , 1 «1 15'111 ,_,,,. 2114 D reslramlsnave l:leen pulveriz-c""'o :n JO G" Gllbtrt 3.,. •1' 1e1s A :wv.111~ utlh ·~Ld -t\lo 10' Qr•••' 11.65/t"s Glor• 15.0616 ... A~~.os .70 11 39 lt~~ :ia"° +·1~ - -Cannori M. 11. U Klntllu 1¥, 5'h Nll!t 8 "141714 Ulll Ind 3t .... ll\lt Drevfon U .OI SA3 ~ ll.27 lj.41 A,n........,t l,H 61 6J\ll 62"" '3 -~ ~n IUV 1~ ·~ ~•lo '°"" 21 -~ • • ed by the emergency of c ... _. II " 15 GRI E11 1011 llV. NorAm llltl .... OIA VII Lor. lN 411. E1ton&.H-1nl: lncor!'I t.n .Ill Arrn«I Sit wl ' Jl\i JU~ 31~ + .... CP 1. ;M 6•,, 2'\e 26,,_ -~ tod ' rlul ch lo [ ca~·ld Iii! ""GID!tl • ~ Cir NG II" 12 Vinci ITT 11\'t y,, e111n 11.JO 12.1' lrw11t 1.69 t .«I ,..,_, I.to . 1 $1 S7V. st + ~ l":I . « 1~ ll"' ~ -~ &y 8 powe psy 0 £Y 0 CIP lnl A '3 2~ GI"°'' JS1}J l614 NoE11r otl SV. NV Wooctwd 27\1, 1l'l4o Grwlfl 13.45 l&.79 \11111 11.'21 4,01 Atmr Pl ~.1$ 1 6.1>,!, '6~ 66:W. •. . ~~oCo f IS1 s'fl. -~ • Inflation. Assuming t • e ~r s-nv. 2J 1111111 ...sv. a"' PtM G 15"'1: 16\11 w.xi.111t !Ii ?tMI rncom •.1r 7.!11 ~DY.J: 10.s.11 .n Ann1tCk 1..0 131 n n 7114 + l'I veo Pi• ,20 1(i31; 1~~ 1~ ::1:.t. • lheorl .. are .till Val.Id "a :~1T~ ,:14,:,_. l:r:b~Y.3tlil ew~~~it=~~t;T,..":: ftll) =•I J::ftl1:U:.:. .. a1t?r1t~~~rs 1-1 Jt :llV. :19 -lllO•YlnPL JM :19 3CI 2"'t 2"'41 -~ ,• irltrGp 35 17 In'• lf l:W. udrfhll 31 35 W..-tlllt ,,.a.n1 1•M16UqOHnftll t,7l1G."ArrnRub1.40 ln n~ ~ !It\+·1'0PL l'IAl.15 •10 YU U\4 5'\li+lit • squeeze of this magrutude .U HGn l.4'lo lM 111f1.Con2 v.n11. lo A.rt 1Nol1'illW1at1NG 20 2C'lll£ ... tt 15.111•::11 .... 11,$0ll.13~CotP .to 16 ""HV. 26\il-~~"'c~1;4 21~1~';l 1~1i:l +·~ -• Vlf'S n .. 7.1\to ,.,,,. Sci 6$ " lo Wat ""' 23\li Wit Tr111t n\lo n111 E,,.,..., Sc '·"' 10 3' kvckltr FLH'lds: ..... ,,1n lr>d I 5' 3' 3' Joi -"" DelPwt.1 1 OI 23 2]1 2114 ~ . • must compel ttie postpon~ ""'"'JI n"'1 .11'11 G1W1111 tn ,..... ,1\lt ~ S1 .,. w.coe ll• 1w. ,,,,., Enoerirv 1s.J1 u:n 1n1 Inv UMvan AlllllCI ou 1.20 1"61, ,•~ ,, ,!!,. +21~ EJMn" (10 a• 30J. 2t!\ JOVo +· l'I . ( Chart 011 1'' 1"' rHn M/ 111t '"' t ll'-11 U\.\ W~!r" U\iJ 15'11 EntprlM lD.06 10 fl S!H'CI ~.35 41.l.I All!Oll 1111.40 b.i ..... ,... + ., 11 Al 40 "' ""' ~ 36\o'J mentor reduction o many chmLHt1111•~11·• rnlldJI n 1• rTP ~11~w.11niMJI 33 E1111tw 10.n11 :n B•I 15."u.nAud a ..... "U"io ul':i u11t.-~ it!c'in'i A.t llir. 11 u :.:.·':i, • n<f J Cntrn01d 5'11 614 rlnlll!lt 135 140 .-s NA 3111'1. !l\lt Wt Lo R<l'I u:w; 1'V. E<1ull Gth lf.lA 21.1' Com SI 11.52 11.S2 AJ.:ld DG l.l'O » 41\\ At At \It Ml 60 41 ~ ._\~ 1l'\ + "'i .. . •wt•. . spell ,..mgmsp 81n"c',· nce'1•able that !::ra~a'.111 ~~ ~~\I)~~: r:,~ ~ho PJI ~:t.ici'r !!\It ~ ::g'J'f :~ 1:~ ~~:~, tn 1~:% 11.or ~ F!.'!.1t ljJ: '.~J? =+~an 1~ nJ11u;"'t.~ l-5~ :-~ 8::Dj:~.i: 1~ .~ fll.i : .... =1 \6 . • • • • • . • • • • •. hrl1T s 171 l:lG ..... ,a.ch I IV, PK Fare: 40 •I Wlln Ml119 1•\~ 11 EKD!or 21.02 29.•• SK '"" .... '·"' """«I"" 1,40 -......,.,. .... DI RGI" 110 5 10\~ ~ 201'11 -"" • • • • credit-tax restraints so severe hrlll Pl 101 101 ~u1• r,h :!'Ir 31\ Pakco n 11~ w PublTM 71\lo 131~ "•lrfd 11.11 U.16 Sti1tc Am 1~.9611.1! AllChoEI l.:IO j•• j1V. 2m ~. o.:'"o PI A 1 •• .., ,u _1 ll~del 1'4 "~ 1111 1n1 10 11 Pa ... eot 14V. 1 I~ Wt!n S•its 2211) 23~\ Frm 8Mu 12.U 11.n Sel Spec$ 11.11 lf.IO All ~!di l.IO 6lS l llO. , •~l 1l'f1M + "'D1rKo pl a s 61 "'4 'l"' -"' can be simply shrugged off c111r u1.t. ,,.,., 21v.. .... oo:1v111 12"' Ul't P1 Enoln A 1:w. w,., WM• 11 11,.. Ftc1 Grlh 1•.t6 16.35 '~ 011n 1~.n '~.9'J A11 Rtcti pf 3 16 mv. 211 211V1 -~ o.s..ioinc: 'IO 17 40 ,,11 Jtv. +lit>' CIHre UIB 2• j•"" •m COIC 1~ 20\lo p Dt~L~ 'Wo No Wlnnb•OO lll't :JtVo Fld Cap 11.'9 u.u Sidi ll,19 11.34 .t.llRdl Pl'2.IO I'll "'..., IJ 83',• _, Ot!Edlt 1.•a 6] 25l.\ 2$'4 2~ -"' • NEWPORT-MESA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION SEEKS COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR QUALITY EDUCATION FOR YOUR CHILDREN. NO AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REACHED BETWEEN NEWPORT-MESA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AND THE NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF 'EDUCATION. WE SEEK YOl:IR SUPPORT TO HAVE THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AGRE! TO A BETIER EDUCATIONAL EFFORT FOR ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN AND AGRE! TO A IETIH FINANCIAL EFFORT FOR Ali. SCHOOL STAFI'. YOUR SCHOOL STAFF BELIEVES QUALITY EDUC.A· TORS DESERVE QUALITY SALARllS. WE PERFORM D'-Y-IN AND DAY.OUT FOR YOUR CHILDREN. TEACHERS ARE CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS WHO SUPPORT GREATER EFFORT FINANCIALLY IN OUR COMMUNITY. WE BELIEVE YOU WILL SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL STAFF. WE SEEK A MORE EQUIT- ABLE SETTLEMENT THAN THE BOARD OF EDUCA- TION HAS OFFERED. WE BELIEVE YOU WANT SOMETHING BETTER FOR YOUR CHILDREN. much longer. Clarlt.Mf '' ·~ tndVoo 61'1 7~P• G&W 2i141~w1n11l ·'-" a\o'o Fkl Furlll ll.tJU,(ISl;m1 11.1012.t0Alt.1Chrrn I 1l 29'/t 29\~ 19'M-lo'o ~!Ed p!J$0 ~ 96V. 96 96 -1~ . ll Cl•wlon :S 5" anovtr 5 29 JI EC la.rtfl 1 1~ w1·~ Pl • -• -• Ftd Trnd 21.u 30.20 Sit Inv l7.t11•.n A.II•• Corp M)l 1W 1" 1"' , ,,_, ·.. -,,,. ''" Jo••+ • Jn fact, we may be hna y c11n1 Mdi lHQo 11 •~•" Ind 4'11 5 eer1eos T ,, 11~ widW en 'i~ 'i" F1,,.nc111 Pr0111r rn: Smllh a 10.:it 10.~ 11wror1 Pl•• 11 11,., 1~ llYr .:.:: ~ · 2S ..,(; .., ..,;.;, _ v. I ,. the d k t h f oi..i-CrlntOl'I 0 :!t\7 3l'.6 llh Mor H 21 enn REI 15 lS'lto WYlndol n 221'1 Dvnm 1.11 1,51 SW lnvnt 10.!I 11.<W Al.llSl*lr .Clll UO 111'.' 11v.i 111'1 -tt ~::: : 01 ~, • ., ~,,,. ~ ••• _ .... nw ar es p ase o u.u..:i Clow 2• u nredlt F JI .u eD .,....,.., 1v. t Vird l!:ltc: J\lt 1 lr>dust !.:u .7• Sover lrw 11.r, 11.:n Aulomrn lr>d lot 11\Jo 1 -. 11 -v. 11.tFJ.,.,. .50 ..... .,. ..... credit ~.;"•eney It's"" dark lncom· 1.t• l.•9 l•Frm 0111 '· o •.10 A"c.o Cp .!,Ml 1u 30\olo 2tl'I 30 .... 81:'" nu l.IO 126 ~ ~ 5&"io _'It OU -oe • ..., \1..,1 9.13 l0.l2 St1lt II '3.U 5'.00 AVOI lllJ.N 11 ""' UYI '51/t. -\~ $1111,,, l,40 1'6 21\i 2'ft 2114 -1"' . • •• m arkJ• at th1's Fii FV• 11.f) lJ.04 St.adl'nllt l'ds: AVlfl' Pd .l2 lf SJ Sl\4 ~ + "" •Sh pf C2 l )~ VY. l7YI -.. Jn Utie: ooey m O::L;:i FJ!ln Giii 10.)7 11.16 ""' Ind lJ.ll lA.U ,,,,_,Inc .40 11' II 17"'1 lllh -"'g11s pf 01.:111 A1 l'"' 19!h lf '6+ ..... writing that I am tempted to F11 1nSrt t.sJ 10,.... Flduc •.» t.12 """*'Pel 1.~ n u6 lJ.i\ii ISH. -2v. r.:P"°" ,,. ll ~~ 21.-1n. _....., . MGM Lo ,,,, Mi.rt" 10.1111.81 Scllfo '·" ,.7S a...-8 td .. u 111 """ ~ _" IUggest jt'g the pfOVerblll sses Fsl NII l ."2 t .l'O Slltn Jlot F""'°I' ltbc'" -Glorelo 10 17 ll\IJ 3' +'Iii darkest before dawn. ~l:tf:• ';~11i ·· M~ 21·"21·"~1~'1/ lfr ~~ ~ ~=1~8!!/~11;:~~ 1 1 1 lO": ~ ~±: Flt Giii 1.7i t.54 Op 1,~.11111&.~ Blr.E 1.n 11 :Li'.'o ~ :WYr O llo!!CPI S6 11 I' 16 lt -· , 4 Fnd Giii J.•1 a.ol6 Sl'Ock 1S.t515.U 81 Gl'fll4.il 111 6'1'1 ''""' ff\lt ::•" OntrtCI Joo •I 1:S* 1' 15 -''• M T I Foul'den t.IM t . ~lnGlll 7.9' 1.n a." GP pf(4 i:ICI 11 '°""' Ml ..._,:w, 01-... .:lOll J;Jjj 7t 1'f 1't -Vo Irvine Co. Expands PR Staff ay Ota Four1<1 13.11 ,,, I~ "' unt .. SJ, ~ ,,,. ~· + Vo Di.tSl&e 1.l'O 12 5614 5' S6 -..... Fr.,'lklln Gr!"tP : I 10.11111.111 r:Bllt8P l'fi 1:r·-•2 1.1 +Id! Orl"t!>per .1111 25 •ti.\ d ,,..., +IV. Com Ilk 1 ' I.OS Sv11er 0111 1J.9f 1S.1t ngp 1111.15 1 :14"6 JH:. :UJ,l ••• D°""'Mln .Ml " n!'o 11~ r.on -\'I DNTC l~l ·l•.t7TMRA!I 26."2'.01 tnll.Tr 2 ... tt ~ 10\~ ~-~eFd 1.01• 17 1]>4 u ll -1'1 Ulll 1 •' 1.jJ tlldlrl U .!1711.~ lrt<lll 1.35t ;M M 1'11, 1314 -l'o'I OMtilleY .llO 110 :JI'..& :l8 311'1. + 4 $19 Milli' lncOfTI 2:51 2. ! fld\ncl 1,ll 7.fO trd CR .1J 3j '2\1) Jl\11 Sl'4 -'ti Oltwr l 11 lN II + ''I On i"rttdm tJ!l0.2 Tld'rl11 •.1•. &Ille Inc .IO 1 Jl\lo 11~ 11 ..... DowrC1> •"' l7 J114 •1 IPl.i + 'lio Fl.Nld A,,, 10.1111.73 fed'lnot l.IO f.!lt '" Mfl ' 12" 2!"' 12?io .... OowChm .IO Ill ''"' 131/t n .... -... Gt!1 SIC 12,IJ 12.d T1mp GI ?l.ll 2'.01 tij" 1..cl 11 6Wo 60 40','1 -"'Dr•YOCP 1.IO I ... lo'! 1.1\lo "'YI -14 Olbr•lltr 15.6115.U -MJI l.~l t.lt •11K11Lb .IO ll '"' '' •t ... Drta,l!ld 1.40 11 Joi~\ 34 ;i.iro + '-'l Los ANGELES (UPI) Group Si!c' Tr1n C111 t.7a lD.61 ·~~t.a,•,• ·1.! 1' '"' "'" """ t V.. Drtu1 Pl'l.20 ' '2\.\ •I"' >12\\ + V.. -Atfll $c I.AU 11.tt Tr1Y E11 10.lil 11.60 ~-I ..,. IO 15 1011 14h o,, Drenr ol 81 l 31\o'i 2114 38\r. -"" Directors of ~fetro-Goldwyn-~:i"~ 1:::l ltll f~ ~,:" ~·!: tf: ~1f: ~ 1\l ~"' ~?; ~it-: •.i. ~~~CP1.: 1~ ~~v. ~t; ~ ! !! Me"er Inc have voted not to Gr1h 1.,,, :r1.un.n vnu Miit '' 1113.n B;:.!. I'd• "' ... ' 12 101i1 100 101.,_. +1~ 0u~11n Cp 30 1~ 21v,. :n-v. _ 04 :1 ' , ~--lt:U 11.0.C Unlld 11.61 11.ff _...~ JV 1S 5<1'11! J.3li\ ~ -1 ... d!IPO!ll 2~ 2JI l:rt lln\ 1311' pay a third quarter ?ividend ~rd~ uu,.!!:t: Uf!:':!"'"1.~, l.n l::RAir :'1 ?J m;? ~ ~ = ~~~~1 :lI.so l 1JYI Jl~ ni..-111 beet a,u,se oru'1~·' whhich may ~~ lt: 11~ 1~ 1:::t 1::: 1:::o:p;,r11 . .J zrl ~ .• :n•:. 32\~ =i ~ ;.1s.i~or .~ Yi""' t~ ~~ ±;~ ola 19 m ion ln t e current H11toor 10.t! 11.a u" I'd c1111.n t,n tl:'H~m "° nil 21" 1•'4 -"'Ou<!Lt ~"' 1 1-..00 :JO\O "'"' 7N. + ~ 1.fichaet L. 1\.1 a n a h a n , fiscal year. and elected a new ~f~!~ ll:!J l:::l vti~ b1~ Fur1111: ,e.11 1n1':rC:, l~ rJ,, ~\I) {i11o ±. :; &~?:'~~~ 1~ ~~ ~m im + i~ boa d h · Hec:tte 1J.ll 16.7l '· t. . B•mlt Co 10 :Mh :Ml'l :34\~ -~ ... _,a Am "' 53 10• II'" IJ'" • Orange County businessmen r c airman. ~ .. 1181e 3.16 •.n 11>1 srt t.11 10.11 Bendhl l.to 161 'm ~s14 ~ ... '" ·-•• "' ,. -.... Ed · A B I 39 H M•~n H.U If·•• V11t('15 lfll t.M f.tel Btndl• pt j 7 ~ 10 10 -'• -E·F-and former president of a gar . ron man, , H~t..m~ 10.n 1 .IM v111e1r1:11 t.43 10.31 1:11i1n Lf: "' 41ll "''" 1m t ,,, Eie11Pth eo 1t u~ 21'• 21,,., + "' Newport Beach l n s u ran c e bead o( Joseph E. Seagram lil ?: tri' 1:r. ~:~rwJPr t~ lil e:il11F. ~~:.» i1~ 1Zv. 1Z 'Z -~"" !::~0 A)~ 1: ,~ lJ~v. ~t? J;~ = ~ fi...., has joined The Irvine and Sons succeeds Robert H rmp c.g 11.111 .is v1k1,., 1.11 t.to ~F ~"'2"° 1"0 lll"I :JJ:i.ti ~-iv. Ea110F 1,'151 '" '15\11 111'1 u -\t • .. ., ' . Imp Gtn I.SA .H L Morg 10.ll 11,01 -UI "° " 2J '"'"' .• •• El.II Ul!I l.40 u '6i~ ~ ·~ -..,, Co. as assistant to director of O'Brien 64 who was deposed inc Fnd 11.e1111.X1 1us1 '" 12.1• 13.ts l~~h!i '"ni 1fs ~ ~ fl~:.:.·"" E111 Koc111t 1 2u 1511o ?~"'-1•v. -1 bu I . d d MG·M· chi r " 1nc Fd8 7,90 ··ll ·~ Mii 13,17 1$,168;;; c· Ut 1m ll\.'o ll,,.,-\ E11D1'1Y1 l.'11 l:rt )II ...,\lo ltl'J .• pu c re auons an a • as e execuuve I"""~ n .62 n.u 11~tcw1 12.15 11.16 .. 1~11 {".",: l8' ll\9 3'l'i 15,,., + ~ EblKo 11111 1 tt ~~ ~ ~ =1~ vertWng William L. Aldrich. PR ASSISTANT earlier this year by a group of 1;:,~enc1 1::a ,,:,1 :~r • .,:r 1l:~111~ Ir T.J.nd :1Ji 11 !1~ ~ ... ~~ .:-·~ ~go~;:;"lo'. ·121 106 s. "l~ n +1"l "In order to keep local or-M1'chael Manahan d'~·rs led by Bronlrnan ln•B-Sit 1,16 1.SOWl'ld-10.1611.10 l:C.otc."1.20 I 6]'6 '3V. '31' Ed11Qf18'ot 1 " :i.t;, » .. 3'V. •. UC\:W , lf'llln" 11.6AIO.U nl'ttlCI 1.31 1.'9 "I! L I 17 "'\la 2t 21\ _:v,EGl.G .Ill 1 .. :IA"""" :M'!io-+I~ flclals and business execuUves The huge entertainment and '"" CoA,,, 1 •·1516~12 ICOl'I 7.75 t.n i.!&1M.$0 311 '5 ""' M9't + 11o EIMuslc .Ofl n1 7\' .,.'"' ,... -\:o. . , . Inv Guld 10.ll l .'3Wor1h f.1'0 4.31 lv8t!I Pl• 15 'lJIV. ll'OVi 121y, 1~ ~!Mut tn.Ofl 1 ai, .!~ :.:.·.· abreast of the increasingly r1tm mdustry corporation an-aobbl• erk1 3' 111'\ 1~"' 11•1o = 1~ El:l t: '1 11 '' ~ ,,,..,, diversified land development f\.1 a n ah a n • s pr l m a r y nounced it would omit the :=;~:. 1:l°,b 214 A.ti\ 43"" 13"" -·~ E101ntia1 111e1 1!o 1(~ 1~~ 1 ~n.-+~ Tu. RN ON " JI 74~\ 7"" -1>1! EIP••oNG 1 UJ 71\~ 21~ 21~ -"' Proi·acts under way on the ·i· Ill b 1. 1 usual JG.eent·a-share dividend 8, .. ., •• t"1, •' ',', 21!"• ','.~ ,",• + 1,.:, E11r~ c11 1.:xr nl J<111t u111 :LJl'I • responsib1 1ty w c La son "'"' , .,. err 11 '° 100 11• 21• • Irvine Ranch. we are ex-.,. th l .. ~or th~quarterendingJune5, TV WEEK k••P• vou tun1d R~:~.r~·??15 ll~ in: l!.,, il'1o+·v.,.~:.l1,( 1 1ua sH~ 11~ 1~"=,~ panding OUr public relations 1v1 n ese governmen , c1v1c. in w•'ch losses are expected to whet', h1pp1"1n9 b1hind th• 8arm•nF 80 1 13, 21,... 23v, : .. eme1 pf B.ta 1 11v, 11\!o 11v. -\t '" · I ed b S d h 80. Edit 2~111 " •Olli mt 40 _... "' !!tn•r'YAlr Ill 21 5J•Je $J.,. "" , Program to Include regularly business and edUCl)ltional to total $8 mil ion , compar tu ' -•v•ry i twr •v In t • aourn1 1,.,; 10 2,~• 24.,,. 24v. _"Iii Emr>1r1 1.m 5 u•• u v. A.ti\\ ... l\ DAILY PILOT. flranUAlr $0 7~3 1.1•1 15\lo lSV. _ '• EmPOl.1t 1.60 I ll'h 2'\o'i 2'" -:1 '=========================:C..::::.:::.;:::::...:.:=::.:.::::_..::.::::::::.:::::::::.::::'.::::::::. __ _::~==:..:::::..:..:.:::_ ___ :!::============'18,1,1 My ·.10 136 •~ •>v. 63" _1.., noJottn ,12p 10 3311 ll\'J :J:J\1 + 1 escorted tours," Aldrich said. leaders, Aldrich explained. to $485,000 last year. ar1ns1 21.io, u »'9 s:z s211J -""l"'porc .fOb 12 12,,., 111'> Jtl'l- -llr111'9\1 pf 2 4 ,,.,.. "'"' ~ -" llCIJOl'I~ pl. 12\'I .st~ ''"' 51'A. -14. ' A $6,900,000 • Vote of Confidence for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District The e1ecrorare of ~c,,-porr ... \ fr~a lrni~ed School District authorized the issu2ncc of bonds to finance v:tr1o us school 1u1pro\·cn1cnts. Bank of America purchased these bonds co provide )'Ollr community \Vith the money it needs to finance these impro\•ements. Interest rates on the bonds '''ere decided by co111petitive bidding-a e.£.OCcdurc required by law coobtain die lowest avrnge interest-nee fort~ nxPaY" under~cn< bond market condjt:ions. Interest nres also reflect the credit ncing of your disuici. \\·(. tt Bank of America, bid on nearly all municipal bonds issued in the Seate. \Ve' cc • particularly pcoud ro play a key rol~ in the development of 1he Newport-Mesa Unified School District. One lhing thar gi,•cs us confidence is chat you 1nd )'OUt neighbors wisely recognizr a-demonstrated 1TUth: good schools benefit all'Citizcns-those with ind without children alike. The quality of• community panl.Jels the quality of its schools. Th~ is reftcctcd in property •alucs through the years. •ttttit1tttta1:t aateAtttttt•etat NEW 1$SU& t ttttttie~tttt•••ttaaaaaaa11at1· $6,900,000 Newpon.-~tea Unified School District, Oranp County, Calit'.onUa, 1% Bonda, E1tction 1969, Seri~A. ttt ••• aa t • •• • ....,.....,, ••••••••ea••••••'"" a at a••• 1i'ttttt *"*"'*** ••••• ••••••• m BANKoFAMERICA • • 8dwv ltt1t 1 2, #'A ...... """"° + \.lo 11111toMln ,«I 11' tU• 26 ?6'A -'"' ewvH1 pf A2 33 4\11 15 d llf M l'l•.2.5 1•116.l, .. 160.,~ lil, .. 'J•\ 11uvnUG 1.n 11 30!• 30'-'• 30'• :.:·,, E""'ls8u1 .6' ... ,. .. ~·.--. ... llrtWft Co 1 15 1-WI \41>41 .:_ ~ EllltGH 2.20 1' 31*4 Jl\o'o lrit -'' 8•-Co pf 1 ~ ,,.., lt"io -1.;, iSB Inc 1.70 12 211Jo 27 21 + "" 8wn !Mrf 1 t 21\'J 20111 21v. +1 t111lrt .lD " 1~ 11111 1n!. • 8-si-.!1111 6 ..,\'I .., .... "'" + ,,., '"'~In! 1"11 60 ~ J.l'Jo JS'•+ " t!lr11nswt .Gst m ni• 72 tt'r'IYI -•t, £11\YI CP .h " ll~ 37~• JJ•o + •• 9ut;YEr 1.70 3t lJ" !!""' "" -~ Eftlrl l>f'1."li l SI 51 51 + \(o •·-'' --•• " Eurotnd 7uv l9J J5''o 2••.<i 15-l\ +n-. """ c . ..-"' " ·· .. · f urofd 1,.; lOt 13 nr. 11\1. :wi. . . := Fo f.J ~ 7it't 7ilt 71~ +·~ v•n•P .'°41 9• 51V, •9'1• 50•,0 -2~ a~tln .6• 21 lMli lf'do ltll ..... ~':i"iJr~ts ~ ~t! ;:~~ ~~=1'11' !~~:;i~0 I~ ~~ tt: ff~~.: :C1,r':h,'t,.,·; I~ i;,,., ~:~ ~ .. t .• 1111111.R Ptl.)11 1 3j\la ti'lo 3t\~ -\lo I C lier 49 16 ... 1~ IAi ~ 14 url lr>d 1 <IO 1111 "Ii "' 3t'i• +"" i:,a1rmonl l ~~ ,•,•,',' ',,•~ •• ,•,·-.·, -+ r", t!lurr>d .76 t ""' y, ~ _ ~ altltll .All "" ,, -llurrv~ .to 3'1 'j~\to 1 'It 1~ -F•m Fin l,Jf 4! 2J1/1 12,,. 12r. -\o 8tf1Unw 1.211 ~ 2-fli ?All -1Jo F..,,,s!f!!, 11!,., 1l 10\lo I" I"" -"' • ~~!!!!.~. .• 1 39\fo m.. "" ..... ~ ... ~ -1' ~~ .1: dt:-=-14 -C-Feckltrl M •1 ,5'\Ao Y.... Sl\lo -·~ Cabot Co ,to 21 U\.t. ~ )Aft \ii FtOOtrs WI t XI 7tV. :19\\ -\'o r:I Fln1nl JU lt 11\lt 11"1 = l' FedMot !·IQ If 32 .. l2 32 -Ill 111.l!M .7JI 1 ... 31U )I\' SI .... _ \.9 FitdP•' II( 273 19\.o 211~ :IT -'' """'Jll .U• 71 321• 31YI Jl>.to -\41 I' Pie llf1.76 ll 76lto 111'' '6"' -.. ~ .... SP !.10 J5 J2'M '1 n.t +l FICIP1pf'o4 1 1' 3J\(o 32\t :n.., -1 dn 8rew .40 I'll 1j1, ~'4 11'' + ~ F..:ISl!nS .to ~5 )I 3l"'i 331' + ~ drl8,... ln . .O II 11'\ .. 12 ... , ~ .. ..:!OM!,_·:~., 91 JUI lfl\O 311\ +1 = ~=~3 J ti~ "'•n~-'liFtrN>c'P1..o 11 U"' 1l11o Uh +.!: 1n,IRd t.IO '.6 tt .... FlbrKrd 10 .~ Jl\.'t 3'\.t 11 + .,_ tOCll<ksl n tJ f'o \1 :a\~ '. .. ' Fteld<IM \.olO '' 32... ll 32 -~ ·~i~',·f:'• ff' ~.so~ ff"l~ i· =1'"~\~'~.J•r••n 6t ~~~ ~ ~'4 -llt •• ~ •t 911 -1 Ftr'51N l.60 96 'l'o 6011) '1YI +1\o\ ,...., ,60 61,t; v. -\'I P1tcnrr 1.6t1 ,.., •l'1o •J~ '2Yi -n; :;;.1t • . .: 1~ ~ 1:t ~ .t !4 ~·i:~f;';. I~ ': ~~ ~~ U~ =1 :\ .. J I~ 1\11 F IChbdl 1,60 .SO '' "°' .ff , !NF1-et~',:& 2P,~ w M~ i ~ ~::r~ JI\' .~, 1~~ t~!: ~1~: ~ I :t,."-i '° ns fjYI 'II · c1 n1~0" 1 JO\• 2t!• ;;b _ \\ ""'°' J II• • ~\lo ~ \' F1!nl plA<1,$0 i 40 tl '\ 11 -~ Cl M tllLU «II~ e , F!!n!~I 4111 ' 1lt11 ._. .4 M -14 ICO C1> .ii I i ?.-fi\ -\~Flt E CNtl 10C1 11\'i JC>\t •1• .... ! ... ~.J ·'~ I: .. :!.2;: 1•1:11 i::, '#If.' ,111 ~V-! ~\.:l ~A! + ~ lflCO h11 .JO ., ~ .st JI -~ \-!.~' 11 ~ 10 '° '"-1" 11t1tFcty '~ 21 \"f ll~ 21'16 -\Ii ~':-4 70 1111 21\l. 2"' t ... ~~I I'. ~ l" ~±:: I ~~ 7t 'lit ~\II ~. t n~,:·:.a 11 '1~ U.'t : =·= f511!i.;1: 1~ g;: n~ $? i a Mf.w '12 I V.l:t n-n -Yr ~OOCIF•~~ ·" :n ""' tJ'• lJU ~~ ,'·., ~ml~ ~·1~ 'J::t~f:::I: :Ji•" ,: ·~ ~·~ ~· tli "' ,_. 11~ , 11-~ \; ~::iw r.. 30t 1.. ... " ~-'= I ! •'I;'~'° a 21\ '• _ -:t :;:;::i,,, ·Q ' ~ ~· ~ 1· ..... •t' 1: 11~ ~:-:. • t Sfl , • -•• t 21: • wn ~ h• 7'1> 1h~-"' ~ l 1• \.lo! -~ ~ ... 1 '11! 1~ ~·Ht r:=tt ... '-' 1 " t : :: -· ~ ..... · " 4m ti .... ~_, -i3~ l ~"' r. ~.~ ~~ ~~= ff k~ . . M Ji .t. ~ ;:«~~ :1':::P J ·~ ~ ·r1~':7 .1 ~ ~: is ~.~ ~2' j~ · !" I~ A ..,,,.. ::::~\"~ 1 1} ~ l \\ " .. ~1floJ! I~ ft m~::~ ~~~): .:~l! t~ --'" 1 Ill ::lil i+i· ... " "" ;r.: _ '• ~nin.t°1' .~ " " \,~·" t.ll: 1.# tJ'~i·~~"'J.i~~ - • IHi[ '" '" " '" " H" Htr• H1" H•" Hon H•" H" , .. "" H1r• H.0 Heir "'" Htll Htll Hfit' Htlr "'" "" H1r• "~ Hts: HW H .. ""' •1• H• Hiie Hob .... Holl Holl ~:11 H~ "" "~ ·~· HoO Hw .... "w .... HW :=: := -~ ""' ld~I .... "' 111 C "' .. , '" :~· ... , ... '" ,,, '"" '~ "' I~ ·~ "" ·~· ·~ '"" la~ Inn '"' Intl '"' "' I"!' 1~11 '"' lnll "' ;•, ' ' ' Int' •~r '"' '" "' '"' '"' '"' l~l '"' '"' '"' '"' I;! I• " •• '• 11r, •• •r • Tuesday's Closing Priees-CA,~lete New York Stock Exchange 1 List • List • -. - \ I j ' I I . -- ( r - "°'"""'"' ..,.r•.-... ~ .. • - 2' CWlY PILOT WtdMJdoy, .loot 4, 1'169 •• • Craig Trephy I • Reveller II Wins Title 8th Time Frank Ruppert's cruiser Roveller VI, flylnl the burgee o!' Long Beach Yacht Club ~ay was declared the .wtn. ner cl -the coveted Craig Trophy for tbe eighth time In the 25 years It has been up for grabs in predicted Jog racing. LEGAL NOTICE Ruppert finished the two legs of the tllknile ocean course with a cetnarkable .m percent of etf'Or. In ,predicted Jog racing the victory ls' based ...... ., th ca•T1•tuTa 011 1us1Mau on e exactness of navigation HOTICI! 01' IUU( T•ANlfl• J.. PICTITIOUS MAM( and piloting rather than speed. is.a ,,,,""111 u.c.c.1 111W .,,.,........, don urtlfr tie h _. .... h .... bo t In th Not~ .. ,..~ ,1_ "' llMI cr.oiion duc11,. • 111111-.i tt11ttt "'ookh"''''· , 1..;re were """ a s e o1 a111 w ........,. .-111 1rnoe-Hen.., H1111t11191D11 at~. c..i~. Uflder "" race and 16 of them finished l•otM~•°" -b.t•inas -""' I• A1' Kcttl1ow firm ""me ol' E.COHo.TY~£ Ind E 11111 1,°rN,1 co111 ~. eo.intf' °' 1N1 ~111 11"" h ClDll\NHd ., ,... fflllD• the course with an error of un-°'•""· s11te ~ c11ifDr"i.. ""' • ., • ..,. --. ~ -"' Ml """ •IKI der 2 percent. The remarkably lrl•"Hf' IS 1boul lo be -TO 0.-.. W. el ~ ho II followlo: Slt\lt11 • ..., c1ori1• F. Smlt11, Tr1t11fw<'lfft, •"" E,...rt, '"" erooklWnt. H~ low scores were attributed to """OW' bullnesr. ldd~ 11 17lS LfOI'..,._ flntfon IMdl. Cltl..,,,la. • d and di • b oriw , '°'1• -· c ounh' o1 o,,,.... D•t.d ,,..., ,.., 1"". win sea con Uons t at s111• o1 c11110r111-. R., EW•rt oave the •ac••s a N><h over n w .,_iy lo 11e tr1Nftrrtd 1t -.1M1 5t1te ot c1n1ornr1, OrtnM countYr e ~ .... ,.- ,,1 ~" e. 11111 s1rM1, c111•• MeM. COl.lllh' °" Mi., u, , ... , beforl ""• • NOii•..., both legs of the course. or Orinoe. 51119 or c11;1orn11. Public 111 •rid tor wld St11to, •r-tlY Th first I f th • S.ld P+"DA«t'Y Is okW"ltleel In 11entr1I •-..:! ROii Ew1rt II-ta me f9 be e -' 0 e COW'S~ '" All 11otlt 111 traoe, li•lurn, llCIUll>me"I IM Pe~ .._ -la iUllKtlbld ta!---,,.,=.,,~===---·, i nd 9ood w!ll ot 1t11t Reltll S.MI of Ille within lr.1tnl~ •!Id edtllCIWlldol'f LEGAL NOTICE Qr1119e J ullu1 Ptodllrtl bltllrteu luv;iwn 11 1111 ne<uttd t111t lllTM. I-----•' ------~-I o .. ...-Jullu1 ind loc1!Pd 11 47' E 17"' tOFFICIAl $EALI ~ $!re11, C0tta Mftl, Couftty of of1ri99 .. °i*' °!·.~~.·...... • C•IT1'1CATI! OJ' IUllNISI $1.,t of C1llforr!l1. lfY ,.u.,. ~ II ·-'OOU• ••MO --..... ,.0-t~ wlll be c-l!llNllld PrlnclNI Offlu Ill ,,... I ',.. '~"' Or '°""'"" Tiit; l.lflde-rWttnecl dCI certlt'I' ti., i re .. .,. 1ti.r 11..a u t11 o:i.r of Jurw, '"'· •• M '1" lllloft E 1r COlldudl,.,. 1 MIMM 11 ltSll lr111twi e.-, Esa-co., lllC., 1m Hartiot 8h11., ~ dl°';',"'1,7! u 15 • L.rw, ~ e lld'I, C1tHoml1. uflda.r toll1 Mesi, C-1"1' ot Ort,,,., $Ille ot -... ,..,.' o ' •--· Oil'-Pllllt, !lie flclltloul firm ... "" ot KENL EY C1llloml1 .. .,.., tlnee ...._ •r OL ~-OC$ •• ~-fir .i1 t_. le 11\e Trll\'ltel'-111 l'NW JI.. J..-4. II, IL lHt ,...., K ORP......., Wiii 11111 M"' tlffll II -'---~~~-===---1_,_., of "" fol1il!W1 .... --..,_ lloniMU -~ •nd 10dr~i.n ~ b'rr 111mes 111 tull end pi.ca !If raJdMa 1r1 "Tr1rurtror1 tor tt>t t11 r"' f un 1111 ~'· LEGAL t~OTICE n 1o1-.: 1,.,.: noM. Wnlt'r 911u Hoalftr. ltm T•tll'9fl Ott~: .h.I,,.. 2nd, 19"· NO"TICI: "JO CllDITORS line, lfunllrllTGl'I kKfl, C111tof'fl11. Georit W. 5.111!11• SUPERIOR COURT o• TNI K..,rwll! L. Ktt1"1tt, 1330. J':alllldll Cieri!• F. 5m!lll iTATI OF CALIFORNIA FOR Rd., No,"' ""'' Ana. C1 llloml1. T~a,.luett "THIE COUNTY OF ORA,..I Otlld ~y 1, 1Ht. l ubllsll«I Orl nte Co1,1 Otllr Pllol, Ml. M-Kinflltll L K1ri ltl:er J .... , ~, lt69 lHMt E1l1t1 or ESTHER M. S UTTON. lllO W1111W •• Hoovtr ---,,-,,,,.,-;----;;;o;;;;;;;----111.-II MAll.Y ESTHER llUTTON, St1to or C1llfomlt, Dr•-c_,.,, LEGAL NOTICE DeQfftd. o.. ""*" 1111, '"'· t111ore m4 • Not1ry --~~~:::,,,,;;,;.:-=;=;,=-·J NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN le t1'll Public In lllld tor Mid Sl1'9, ptnonelly SUP'l!RIOR COUIT 01" THI! erldl»ts of 1111 lbolfot nll!Tlld Hudellt ......... Wnlt'r 111111 Hoo\I• 11nd Keri. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOi IMI all -tlw l,.. d 1lm1 "'11111 ...... 111 L • KMIUtf ~ ta mt "' bl lllt THE coi:,i:.11.::no•AMGE Wld clKtdenl ... rttWlrwd to Ill• """"' ....... ~ l'llfl"ICS lrl Sllbsal!Hod to OIOER TO SHOW CAUSE wllll 11'11 _..,.., ~. 111 11'11 eoflla: 1119 •tttiln lnt~I llMI ~ledttd FOR CHANGE OJ' NAME el 1111 Cllrtl ot 11111 lboY9 ""'lllld GIUl1, Ir """' IXIOlftd tlM -· hi IN ~r of Ille APPllutlDll ot to ~I llle!!t, wllll Ille _.., {Of<l'ICIAL SEAL) · c ... aOL.£ A. HART"'"'" ""'" lern "' -.chefl. to the Uflcllf"l'9nld •f 1000 Nlnc'J' a . ....,._. c:l'llrlve IN fll"'f ol Mr !Mtuvhhtr le LIN· Jlt91ris Trust l ullcllf19, ~ l1a(ll, Not1ry Pllbli.<.lollrorJ111 ~"'N~ZAllETH KARTMAN, For Chi...-Cilltornll "'902, W1>kt1 11 It'll t>!KI o1 PrlncfNI Offla: In Tlllt 11t1>llc1tlon of CAROLE A. bon(Jom. of lllt undetll9Md 111 111 1Ntt.!r~ Or11111 COUii,.,. HARTMAN tor let"' to cflfl>llf Ille fttll'll 11ert11til,.. I!:> 1111 alllt of 111d dtc1$11I, Mr Commlulo!I !JQllllftt or Mr 41111tlll1r to LINDA ELIZAllETH wlllll11 "°"' ,,_tlls 1ner !ht tlnl "Ille• Mllrd'I U, ltr.t HAll.TMAN. r..vltie been llllO -In coun. !loll ol "'11 llClttc.. P\llllllht<I 111 Ille 01"11111; CO.st 01lly •nd II •P~•rlnt ,,_, Slid IPPllUtlon Ot!M 'MY 31. lHt. Pllof. Mir 14, 21, 21 •nd JUM 4, '"' fH· t~D~~~~z'iteT~A:Jr-~1.r'~':'" I~ Dirr.II "· ~utt~ ,_H _ _,·----~~~~---1 •6 '" • .,11u.11on "'-"'-..,,,-ti.,.. -liilll<Vllr__.. 1111 wm t LEGAL N-CE dt llfftftr's fllfnf bl c ...... td hi LINDA of 1111 llloW NlrnH ~"" V11 ELIZABETH HARTMAN. MARI• CAWYl!R Now, t11tmore, ll " hertb'I' onttml Mid A""-r " ~ IAR·llff Cllfldell, till! 11!1 ._._ lntffftlld In 1• hrllM T,.... aw.. NOT1f.1 TO CRlOITC*I ... 1c1 1r11n.. dCI 11Pffr beforl !bit Court Ill L11111 ..... e.tlf. -C U ' TM OePt~ 3 "" 1111 :Jnl dff ol July, 1Nt Tth fl'IS) -7411 IUPll ott 0 II , OP I! tt t :lO t 'dodc A..M... of '"'"' dll'I' to I'--.. ·-ITATI! 0,-c.ALll'OIJUA P"OR U Ull whY wdl 111Pllc.llilln for d'll-of TM• COUNTY Of' OU.l'lltl n1111e llloUld ftOI bl trtnled. PllOlllhed o.--Cot.11 •O.ltt P!lctl, Ml. A-U.W II li further or<lefld ""'' I ClllJ"I of "'" _,..,. 4. 11, 11. 25. lHf 1'5Uf Emit of GltACE H, SMITH, IU Orclfr To StVlw Cl...-be PUbn:i.ti.cS Ill tne GRACE HOlllSON SMITH, 111.1 GRACE V. Or-Coe•! D111y Piiot • -of LEGAL N-CE SMITH, Dece111td. :f"_;!!_1<l~~ll~pr= 'for11~ Vl1 NOTICE IS HEii.EBY GIVEN to i.... c111!-.. ....... prier lo ""' Illy of Mid P.USM Cf"ldllor1 ot Ill• •bo\I• "'"'" dtcldefll Narl"ll. ClltTIJ'ICAT• OI' •USINllS th.II 111 ""°"' ~1vl111 clllm1 q1ln1I Ille Dllld "'11 lflll daY of MIY• 1Ht. .,,,,,,, ••• ••Ml. Nld dleedent 1rt r1<1ulrecl lo 1111 ll>tnl, lll1v-TllOmPIOft wllll 1111 111<:a1•1"'1' VOUCMn, !ri Ille office Prn ;ctl,.. Jud<lt fl( t11d Tiit u..,_llnld cl9eS c1rtl,.,. thl'f IA of 1111 cltrk of 1111 1bo\11 1nthlecl courl, or ~IJPlrlor Court COMucl1~ 1 buslflKt It 11111 lleKll to l>ttlenl llM!m, wttt. Ille nectull"Y STl!PHl!N M, MA C AlllTHUR, Blvd., """II"'!"" 8Md'I, Cl11foml1, under voudltf1. lo Hie ulllltnlt/Md ,, Ille LIW r:.' :.:~~ t:u::::r!ttelf 1111 fldllklUt fl"" 1111me or ... UTO./MGIC Offlcn of PHIL H, CUlllRV, Et'I .• $10 AllOl"MT IOf ""Uc1111t SE•VICE lfld llltt said firm l• C-..0 Sun.el Blvd., LOI A"9tltl. C10t~nl1. Publls'lld Or1n9t' CM•I Dtl'1 Pilot el "-toOirwl,,. "1'1Dnl, """'°" "'"'" 1" wtlkll 11 !hi ollct ot bush1e" of !tie MIY JI, ,., J-., 11. Ifft tli'.4f lull .... ..._. of rulctellor ... 11 U!Mk.-.ltllld lri ... m1rllr1 N rtl llll"' ta lollowt: 0 ' ri. H11tw or wld decliCleflt, wltllln tour ---------~---J Robtrt E. 8-ilnd Ind 'Edtl • "*'""' ll'h!r tne flrat Mlllllcelklll of 1~11 LEGAL NOTICE Bowllftd, ~ Wlll"'11telll Ortv1, H111to .,_ .,,..'°" hid!. C.llfornlt. l'IOD':i«i MIV 2', lHt. Ott.d MIY lt, "Ifft. Jot.ti W, JIO.IOft aAR·l6'9 R.mrt E. ~ ExK\ltor Ill IN WNI SU,l!RIOR COUIT OF TM• EtMll 'E • ._,. .. .,. d IN lbovl "'fl'ltd ~rit STATl OJI' CA1.IFCIRNIA f'OR $ti .. of Clllftrllll, °''"" C-IY: PMIL M. CURIY, IM. THI! COUNTY OF ORANOI °" MIY n. ~ ....... Nol•rY Public A......, lf"Uw c ... NuMllr 0-:wlS '" Ind for Hid St1tl, --.11y _.,..i 110 sv..r ...... , SUMMONS • Robtrt E, kurllnd Ind EthH E. Lill ....... c1iif.r.11 ""' MARIETTA S. FRANKLIN, Plll11tll1' Vl. lwrllnd tnowft ta me fo be 1111 ~ Tth ~tUl "6-1"4 SELIM H, FllANl(LIN, Otfendlnl wllolt lllrntf .... tubscrlbtd '°"" wltttlr. An. ........... l!xtc\IM PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALI· lri1trul'rltl'll Ind Kknowled9id IMV tll· Publlllltd Ottrttt Cat il Otll1 Piiot FOINIA lo Ille •!Jove l\llmtd Oeitncilnt~ Kulld "" -· JI/flt' II II 2.S '"' 10Jl.4.i YIAI ''' llen:by dlreciell to tile 1 writ· (OFFICIAL SEALl J ---·-·-·-·-~-----·J lffl plf>•ctinv I" ,,,_ lo !tit uulfltd Je1" L. Jobst LEGAL NOTICE comolllril ol ttl• tboYt flll!lld •l•l!lllH Nohl'Y Pullllo-C.IJl!ornll wltll Ille clert; of Ille 1bo\le flllllled court PrlncfNI OH'lc:e In In t11t lbo"11 etitl!lood 1cllot1 brouvtol Or•-County IA•·l141 •11lri1t \ICU I" Mid toUrt, wittll" TEN Mf Ccmmlulon E.Jlplr11 llOTICI! TO ClllOITO•S '"" ~r tM Hr""IC"I! Oft """ ol !Ills ·-/'Mrttl t. 1m IU,.IRIOR COUllT OJ' THI! 1110111. If Hr"~ wttt.ltl Ille 1bovt ntl!lld Publl$.llld Or-Cont DtllY ,.llol. STATI! o,-CALIFORNIA POR co.mty, or W1rllln THlaTY d•n 11 MrwMI M11' 1'• 11, 2'I 1nd JllM "-lNt f»4t' TNI! COUNTY 01" OIANOl t l..whltt. Wt. A..Qllll You 1r1 ....-.,"' netlroeel 11111 un1111 "°" LEGAL NOTICE E1111e or OELNO e. 9ACHTELL. 10 !lit 1 written ,_..1~ pleedl111, Mid O.C.1i.ed. Pll lfllllf will like h.1<k1,.,tnl tor 111'/ _., NOTICE IS HEii.EBY Gl\I EN lo IN ~r dllm1911 demanded In !!It vtrltltd IA•·l147 cflllltor1 of lhl 1bo¥t-rial!lld 6tct>Cllnt c:omolll"l·l l i d slr19 UPO<'I (Ol"lfrtd, or wlll MOTICI! TO CRIOtTORI IM' 111 "l"IOl'IS hlVlllll tl1l1111 191lMI 1111 •PP1y 10 t~t court for 1nv oll>tr reHtl SUPl!RIOI COURT 0,. TH•. wld c!Kldtnf •re rl!'lulred to lilt lhlm. drrnindtd In the verified camPltl,,I. STAT• OF CALIJ'ORNIA POR wlttl Ille nKl'l&ll"Y voucr..t1, I" ttll of'llCI You ..... r 'fftt "" td'vlcl of ... lllornty TNI! COUNTY OF otlAN•• or ""c1ert; of Ille •boVf ll'ltilltd t"Olfrl, .,. .,.. 1ny miller connedtd wltn th• com-Ht. A.,2.,. • to P._...,,I llltm, w!tll the l>K"llSlfY pl1lfll er !Ill• 1ummona. Sl>Cll 111or ... , E1!1N or CYNTHIA A.MN DOWELL. -.dltrs, II;>"" Uflcllr11tmd II .... olflCI si'lauld be cani.ulte<I wUtlln rllr time D<!t:t•lll'CI. ... £N ... _of tll1 lttan'll'f, JOHN MASON JEFFREY, I l ... I tor fl O NOTICE IS HEaEI• GI\/ le ••• E11 , 71" 1"1, AvlllUfl, l1 Joll1 I "'I '"''"" n 11\!1 111mmo..s l "9 • creditors "' "" • ...,.,. nllMd CIKtdtrtl c uion.11 wllk:ll II tlMI II of bcnf ' w,ifti!" oleldll'IO Ill "'-a>mPllln'I. -rt11I 111 .,.....,,,. Muli>lt cl1lm1 1111"11 11'11 or' It'll U:...Si9fltd In :11 eem1tte" =~ D11e11 M•·~ 71, 1'6t Mid dKed>llll .... '"ulrH Ill HI• thltn. l•ln"" lo ""' ...... ol ... Id ~. W. E. ST JOHN, Clm< wl~ fl'll MC.llSll"I' vouchln. tn ftlt alfJot wltlllll '°""'" ~ .rtlr the llt1! public. Sy Fr1flli: J, Acmlflir ot Ille c~ ot tria tboYt fllfllllct cwr1, flT tloll of ttil1 nvlloe. °""1tY Clerk lo prHIMt f!>em, Wlttt !!'It IOKIUll"I' Otlld ,.,.,..,. 2', lttf. wtnMA11 ANO SCHMIOT voudlln. lo 11'111! undlnlgntd .. "" L-ci..rln ..... Akltt<1 lSll Wnk;llN Orlv1 Offlct1 o1 HAFER. $ILLS I. WOOD, Uriloft ElfKUfor ot !tit Wllt S..Ot m e1M s..i1rf, Sovtll Towtr, :kilt. fOI. ot 11111 1bow ri•mtcl dttlctent HtW-1 ...... c1nrw"11 n'6t Or111191, C1lllor11l1, wllldl Is '"" Piia! ., JOMN MASON Jl!Fl"REV, , .... ..._11 11 builnna ot ll>t undtnltMd lri 111 milters An.mtr ., Llw ""'""" !If "lllnllff . 1>1rt1111rrtt Jo Ille al•t. al w 16 dtadlftt, nu "''' A-, Pubnl/'ltd Drt nte Co.st 0•11~ Piie!, wlllllri loul'" .mnlltl •lier lhl fits! publk• LI Jlllt, Ctllftrft\I ntJ, M•Y 1•, 11. 21 t r.d June -· 1%9 to.ff !loll or th" "°'kt, Tel: 1714) ~st-M&l Dfltcl 'MY tt, 1"69, AllN"MY fir l!UC:~Mr LEGAL NOTICE Arm•ll"-M. Dowell Publltllld Or-to11t Admlnl11l"1tor of !tit £1111'1 JUM ~' 11, 11, :zs, '"" ot lhe 1bov1 n1mect cltc.tdlnl MIY U, lfft HAFlR. Ill.LS & WOOD Publ!e llN•l"lll Wiii be l>lkl ..... '"' At1'1t1111'1 •I l.lw LEGAL NOTICE C01t1 ,.,... PllM lnp C11tnmlulofl ., -UftlMI ...... s........ ""'" T.,...,. ,,,., Hi ll, n Fair Drlvt, COl!I Mnt, Suitt NI, IAR·lu-4 C1litornl1, 11 7::!0 '·'"· or 11 "'°"" H Or1nH. C1llM1"1111 ftW MOTtCE TO Clll!OITORS POUlblt lt.trtltt..-Oii MOftdty, June 09, Ttl: 5'7·'251 SUPERIOR COURT OF THI! u6t. """"""' !er A-.nl"'1tr.,... STATE OP CALIFORNIA FOR Re91rd\rtt tne tollow1"9 ll>l'llc•I~ Publli.lltd Ofa!IOe Coe•I Otll'o' Pl1ol. THI. COUNTY OF 011 ... NOl 1. z.,.,. IYCfPllon permit No. ZE·SU,, fer June~. II, 11, H. \"" 105t-ff Nt. A."1111 JACK H. 1nd JEAN PARI<, 109 LoYOll E1t1l1 of .MIKE G. VILLAFANA, . -· ... Old, COlll Mesa, C1llf., tor Pl!t111lu lon LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREIY Gl\IEN Ill ltle to l11Cre1.e !hf, ••l•llllll Pr .. Kllool tfl<ll~ ol n.e •bcrtl llllTllll dendtftl •"ro11,.....1 trom "-5 to IS cnlldrH J 111C1 0 ' Dtr,..IHlon to COllllrtid lrt aCICllllOll to Cl!RTll'ICATE F IUllNIS lft1t 111 lltnOllt lll ul"' cl1l1111 "'1111! tilt ~•l•llM pre-o.cllool l!rucluri to O II of F1CTITIOU$ MAMI! Wld dtel<llnf l rl r.-iulrtd Ill 1111 """"' tide PtOPtrh' llM (Ot>t !Ide .,..,.,,1 5t ld The undet11trtell -.. cerllfr M 11 CCII'\-Wltll fllt 11«11.....,. voutl'l•tl. 111 !111 affltt 1>•olltftY \oC•le<I ,1 n s Pau"!arl"" 61>etlnt • bullM11 11 11111 E, Mlk:l>IM, ot !tit cltrl of lllf 1bovl 111fltltct aiurt, er ... ...,,uo CMll Mn~ C•llf I 1 II! 5tnll Anl , C1lltoml1, ul!Cltl" lf>I flctllloul le p,......f lhlm, w\tll ttHl .._ .. .., 10,... ' ' ' n " firm "'"" ol JIML'S 8DUTIQUl!I YOUC111r1, lo Ille und<lnlentd 11 !!It office 2 z~ t•ctPlioll Perm'! No ZE·S<l-6'1 for MJSINESS. lrid Illa! s11d llm'I II COl'll-of tllllr lltorritv, FlllANK M. MOOtlE, FRANK TYRll.ELL a'nd~; GRAHAM C POll!CI of Ille lllllowlrtt Pffton, wllou EIO .• 40U L-8tKh llwd., L-ltl<h, GlllONS. JU WllnY.f J lltol, COiii :me 1.n full I~ pllct al l"ft~tt II II C1Ufor1111, wllldi Is 'M Pl.tite of b1t1IMS1 M4'$I C1lif for per"'l~ to coi1llnut ..,... ol t1'11 uncle 1lto1td ·Ill I M ~ 111"- 10 t11:... ... t:.,,...,,. dii.olay or tul 1-tri JAME$ .... FILAK, IMl £. Mllchfll. t•l11ln1 to "" tlllh .,, Nld Cl«edl"', 1nd POftl!CI Pit"" tar ret1U 11le on .,...,. ~')!:, """'· J 1 wlllllfl lour "*'1111 ttltr lht fin! Mlle. H rl'I' loclltld 11 43 E.11'111 51,..1, C01!1 1 /::.'e.'i. ~t llofl ol ti!: nofkt. Mew, C1lll., f" • C2 IOnl!. STATE Of' CALIFORNIA I Dll'ld An:i1:• ~:.finll :l. zone tllctPtioft Prm'lll No. Z£'5wt, I« COU NTY OF OR ... NGE. l t\ M.nutl \lllllfllllt 8EULAtf BAIER '31 \llctorll $1 r On Mly 11• IHI, before me, ' Kelff'f Co-Exe<lllo<s ot ""-Wilt Cosl1 Mew, c1m'.. ""' •rml11lon hi Public In I nd tor .. Id s111t, ,.r..,..11'1' of 1111 itie;ve ntlTllll clC'(:l(lt"t can!\-fllt ooeralioft of 1 wesl "°"" 1-rtd JAMES A.. FILAK II._,, lo IN PllAMk M. MOORI', • .._ tor tour 4'1 elderly llUfftl 11 1 lllMM lo bt Int ll't'"-Wllott "am1 It •ubKrlb-"""""' If 1,.1w ,__ !!Cl lo tl'lt w!tlll" l'"ltvml!'l'I llld tllf ~ l•ld IMI °''"""'''""" and to lr111ster tOlldltr0111I •c-nowldold h• tllecultd fflli Mmt " u .. Pt<mll Mo. C·ll~I lron1 HARMIE !OFFICl,t,l SEAL! • L-lttcll, C1Hftml1 ... 7 llLISS I~ IEUlAH BASER. Prooertv M K .. Tth (llJ) 117-tnl locl!..:I at 3'1 LI Petit Latif, '°''• ""' . ""' "''"'""'-"' ftr ce-.•tt"lltltl ..... C '" " '' Nollr"I' Publlc.C1n1u ... 11 P11bll1htd or-· C011I OtJIY ,,lot MllY • I .• ~' •n -· P•l11<lo1I Otllct 111 ' I. Zone P•c.tPllOll l>frmll N.o, Zf·s.-tf, lot • Ori roo• County •, 21, :IS I ncl J\Jl'lt 4.. 1Nt tMt MEL VEN GEN5ER • .un v1n111nc1, Mr Commln ion f•ltl"'~ LEGAL "011CE Norftl H>oHYWOOd. Ce!!f .• tor ll'tnnis1lurl Now '' 1'71 n te 9NCI Incl rnalnt1tn I 1~11"1' wt>-Publ\111f'd. 1"' thf" Ort""-C011f D1lly j-----7707c,------dlvt~ SF dll'MilOl'l.ll 11111, lD II. II Jll Pilot If.I\' U. 21, 21 1nd JUN o1, 1Nf •AR•l'41 ff., ii!'dlrPld ....-11ve llOmt bWwrt to tG-11 NOTICE TO CRIOITOlll ~I lwlmlt kt l'<•t No.. 61lS 1UP•RIOR COURT Of' TNlt: IH9tl.Ell l lllACTl louted •I LEGAL N-CE ITATI! Of' CALll'OllMIA FOi iU!!ltowfr -itrM!ltY, COlll Mt11, V,1 THI COUNTY 01' ORANOI c11lflllnli.. u ld 11tn to be loQ!d °"·"" N•. •~ 011!111 tide ot Htrbor 111 ...... , U77 II. SUPlRIOI COURT OF THI E1t11t of SUSAN H. HO,.KIN~ OK-M .. ~h' ot ltw Cl!'l'le• 11111 ol .. tr STATE OF CALlf'OtlNIA l'Ott eel. 61•"'· C1$11 Mn.I. C1llf1lrnla. In I Cl· THI COUNTY OP OltANGl NOTICE IS HEIU!l!iY GIVEN to nit CP -· N•. A une ct"tdllll'I o1 rttt •bow "'l!led ~' L z-tl!~llon Pll!m"!H No. ?e·S7..W, tor NOTICl o~ HEARIN• 01' ,l:TITION l~•I 111 "'"'°'" 11,tvln. tllll!IS •••!ri11 ""' Ml!LVfN GEN$ER1. • .$321 \llntLlnd, PO. PIOlATl Of' WILL ANO 11lcl lll!c:fdtnl i re r1<1ulflel to f(1' lltern N0111t Holl'l'W'OOCI• C..111 .• lor PlrmlnlM CODICIL AND FOR L l T T I tt I wllll lht·-r YOllChlrt lri !"-otllc.i Iii W"f* ~ on extlll,.. SF dltfe-'fltTAMINT ... lllY, ot flll cltrt; o1t1111bo\11 1111'111ec1 '*"1, or flOfltl ..... ..,.S ,_!flt -aillY fOr Etltll ol Hfolrll A. WI'""' Vflltr, lllo Ill "rtNnl ltlwn, Wltll 1111 '*""...,. •f~Bt.IC !«>MES wllldl trt locl!M ~ '' Ht.left A. \lflltr, 0.C.oecl. _,..,.. lo 1111 ul'ldl!'lltlltd 11 1M oll!Q M 1111 'IDIJlll aldf of M11!11. A-. NOTIC E IS HEREl 'I' Gl\I EN Thel o1 l'ltr 1i'tornen, OURY!:A.. U.11,.l!NTER _. ., ......... '"""" '"'" MtM. SlcurllY "IClfl(: Ntlloftll llleM t111 fllitd .. e ... RNES. "' Oeww Ortw, N_. ~ Wlf •1911 to 1111! llQ'" on '"" llertoln t Pffllloft tor ,,.._Ito ot w111 tM '""" c..111on1i.. WPlkfl 11 1111 •Ila! o1 ........., __.-.t H...W ....... 11'111 Codlcll ( tnd lor IUUlftCI ol I.ell..-. M llW'll of 1111 ~llld In Ill m111trs e.tff" ..,._, C.lt Mftl, C111t., Ir. 1 Tttl-111"1' to -....rltlDMr, Nit--11lltl11t to tN etltlt o1 w lf dtc90fnt. (l.CP -.. • 19 will(fl 11 rNCll tor turtl\w ,...-1kullt1. ..r1111r1 fol.Ir moflltll lfltr 1111 llnl Mlic. Mlt' • 1Nf 9"" ~I Ille tlrnt lflf ,.!let ol M!trlfltl h !loll of lhl1 ftOttc. F« ,.,..... W.iNftoll ... h _.... """ P\11 been 1111 ~ J-1'. Ifft, I! 0.ltCI APl'll 2', 01MJ, .. kollillM. ...,.._ Ol-J'JU er ti.II 11 t:• AM . ., Ir. Ille _,..,rOCl'll ol Ototrt· Mlnll Htlotn Ml'tfltld Toll ll'lt lf'fkt 'el ftll ,~.,_ O..rttntnt, """'' No. s of i.tld C*lrf, •I 1111 W. l!ltlllll ElttC\ltr1x of tnt Wiii flt~ *• 11 F1lr Orfft, c..fl MfM, l!refl, '" n.t Clh' ol $1ftlf AN. ot flll 1bovt ""'""' c1KWtr1t Glllffilnrlll , C.Utonill. lRNIST J. SC.NAO, Jill., 1111. COSTA Ml"M-011M Jllfll '· lfft. OURTlA, CAlllPlNTIR l IAllllfll n.ANNING COMMIMJOH W. El. •T JOHN. COUflh' Clerk AltwYitn 11 L,sw NAte RfADE LAIWILL • WOLl'I "I 01¥1r on.,.. CHAlltMNI 411 L Stlr1IM II •• S1lll 1"4 P. O, ... 1716, l'fll"-t.. Dtl!WI .... ~ (lllf, •Is N_,.,, 111(11. C1flltrfllt 1irowt1rr ~ 01'9t111' T.r. Ctlft &Mottll Ttl1 010 ,...,,. If ,...,..,.. """'""" "' """'.... A"'"°M fw lutllfm ,~ or.n., c-1 Otllto P'llef lt!,lblhhtf 0r.nM C0111 D1llJ P!llM, Pllbll.,_, Or1,.e C-1 Oa!IJ >-4.. 1Mt lo.Ht J\IM I. 4 IL !Hf 1$tWt MIY 7, 14, fl, n. 1.., I was Friday from Long Beach to the Coronado Yacht Club, San Diego. On Swlday Ule !leet raced from San Diego to the t>.11 -buoy oil Huntington Beach. The Craig Trophy Is ... of the oldest and most coveted in ya<hllng. The to!~ gold-plat.<! cup was once valued at (l\Orf: than '5,000 and was kept in a bank vault ln Long Beach. But since the Long Beach Yaqtt Club was buUt lt has been kept in the club's trophy cut. The Craig Trophy race is sponsored by the Southerh Cali!ornia Cruiser Association and hosted by the Long Beach Yacht Club. Its points count toward tbE national scorlng in predicted log racing. Here are the final results of the race: CLASS A - ( 1) Reveller VI, Frank_ Ruppert, LBYC, .878; (2) Ranjumar ll, Fred Woodward, LBYC, .926; (3) Dul Sea, Art De Fever, SDYC, .964 ; (4) Sirene, Ed Riesen, LBYC, .996 ; (5) Sonic, Bob Guhl, CYC. CLASS B -Pied Piper, Jer- ry Hamlin, C-Or YC, I.JS; (I) Tudor Rose, II, Cecil Burrows, CYC; (3) Kuma, Carl Hill, Cor YC, 1.40. 4th Entry In Race Still Out TOKYO (AP) -The fourth and last yachtsman in a transpacific yacht race that began in San Francisco on March IS is still somewhere in the Pacific, the sponsors of the race said Wednesday. A spokesman said Belgian .Rene Hauwaert, 37, was. u- pected to complete the race around June 30. Hauwaert left San Francisco with. four other yachtsmen - Frenc.timen Eric Tabarly and "Jean-Yves Terlain, German Klaus Hehner and American Jerry Cartwright. Hauwaert returned to port shortly after his departurt oo March 13 because of a broken mast and left µ.ere again on April II , the spokesman said. Tabarly finished first in the race April 24. His compatriot finished second ()n May 5 and two days later, Hehne.r cross- ed the finish line, READY FOR ACTION -Columbia-SO sloops will compete Saturday and Sunday In the annual Pacific Southwest Champiooship for the class. The action is slated for Marina del Rey under the sponsorship of Del Rey Yacllt Club. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outrigr;ers Regatta at Long Beach 2 New Race Boats Due In Saturday RumRun Two new additions to the West Coast offshore race boat A section of Lclng Beac~·s fleet -sleek craft owned by famed 5.5-mile shoreilne will Peter Rothschild of Newport be transtorzried· into a Beach and Ed . DeLong Jr, ?f Hawaiian str~ ~ a t u f d a y , Burbank -w1l~ make thelr' when the KaWornia Qutrigier -. debut Saturday in Rum Rum Assn. (KOA)f holds its first 111 oul of long Beach. outrigger canoe regatta of the Rothschild, vice president of summer. Powerine Oil Co .. will handle a " Seven races ·tor, ~e» ancf 27-foot Aquacraft deep vce four.for women ·in· the 40-ftx(. bull which he designed with 400-pound canoes· will ·be cor:. th~ heJp of spor:s race car ducted starting at 9 a.m, at driver Chuck Daigh of Long the Cherry Ave. Beach, just Beach. off Ocean Ave. near the Lctng Named · Thunde.rballs. the Beach Museum of Art. Six boat is powered by a single paddlers form a racing team, supercharged 427 cubic inch with poinls earned in each Holman & Moody l<~ord engine race going toward the overall developing 700 horsepower. regatta team championship. Rothschild will be racing both Ages rahge from 14 to mid-for the" Rum Run trophy and 40's, in age-based categories. to showcase the boat It's for The four member clubs of sale at a bargain of $19,995. KOA will '1e competing over a DeLong; a"ph<iographef'and president of Spectra Color Photo Labs will drive a new 24-foot Campbell hull named Spectra III. The low profile boat is powered by twin 427 cu·in Chevy engines and has tested at over 80 miles per hour. Rum Run Ill is an 84-mile sprinl from Lctng Beach t() Malibu Pier and b a c k sponsored by , the Pacific Offshore Power Boat Racing Association as a final equip- ment test and tuneup for the feature of lhe West Coast season -. the Aug. 23 Long Beach Henness y Cup classic which climaxes the California loternationaJ Sea Festival. . Starting time Saturday will with a fleet or IS boats ex- pected. Columbia SO Races Slated On Weekend A record fleet of C<ilumbia· 50 sloops are expected on the Hne next weekend when the sleek fiberglass wii1djammers meet for the Pacific Southwest Championships. The thrce- race regatta will be held at Marina de\ Rey . Host club for the event will be the Del Rey Yacht Club. The first race is scheduled to start at noon on Saturday. The final two races will be sailed Sunday, the first starting at 11 a.m. A total of 55 Columbia 50s are _.presently in action around the -nation's yacht racing circuits. Their combined trophy shelves hold tropbies from virtually every major racing event. Several Columbia.sos a r e scheduled to start in the Honolulu race July 4, triangular course fn Lon:glp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Beach Harbor, representing Newport Beach, Marina del Rey, Malibu and Laguna Beach. A filth club, from llun- tington Beach, has not yet completed the r o r m a I organization procedures. LEARN TO SWIM AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA 642-9990 SUMMER SWIMMING '' ECARD POOL SALE AT JUMBO DOUGHBOY 18 FT. • 1/3 HP EARTH FILTER QE~UXE_ TEST KIT e MAINTENANCE KIT 18 Flo JUMBO POOL . KIT 20 MILL LINER-5 YEAR GUARANTEE 6" TOP DECK 24'X16' POOL Vt HP IAITH •ILTll wnH U.CI WASH YALVI GIOUND PAD SUIFACI SIJMMll 4' to 7' Deep dNLY 5599 e .GRDUND SHIELD SURFACE SKIMMER CHEMICAL DISPENSER ONLY OVAL POOL 20'x 12'x48" SAME AS KIT Only s339 EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE! 323 SO. MAIN, ORANGE UHER REPLACEMEHT CENHR All SIZES HEATER letttlaJ S2tt.ID 32 S9UARE FEET DECKING ONLY s5500 ON INSTALLATION JOBS ONLY! POOL TABLES -sLAn TOP from 5295 00 MINI BIKES ON SPECIAL s1099s only SE CARD POOLS FINANCING P.hone 532-1992 10 A.M. To1 9 l'.M. · 7 DAYS A WEEK • • I 7~ I ., ~: - I I: --,.;;:...:a...__.. -•. ) It~·":';':,-=-~ _ .. __ ., ...... ::, _tel (IOI '-· r----"IA-, JUlll 4 ......... ,.,,, (C) (311) ..... ,,_Ill Ill (till It!"! = ~ :lot= ~lllO-·•'°*• ..... __ .... .. .,. ... .,~ ·-(JO) I •• smE ROPER Iii-- -CCI C10) 1:11 ·--Ill (JO) Lio ~II RNM, Lim '1119 ~ "' Altl ... EM1 kRl8I ....... , ........ -ol~"- -n. TI--11, ul.. ...---~ ·---,,,,_ ... ..,._ ··--.......... ......, __ ... _ ...... <*-'> 'tz....Clc y ............... Ill"' ...... ""'"..... -·--···· .......... (., II I "" tel (IOI De --W tel (tOt m I IM i., (10) iliili '°" -... - ·-(C)""' 1121 Cl)-..... (C) (to) .... -""' .... -fML• Miit .,...... 1>•1•• .,.....,., __ .. .. __ • Uo -... "" (30) 11 lllUI -(C) (II) l:I0.8 W II : *" (C) (IQ) Ill -.. (C) (IO) 7•.... - -(C) (JO) flif1t• CrGftklte. • -. ., -(C) (30) m-(C)(30) ID (JJ Tw -"' n (!O) II!·-(C) (30) Ill (I) -·-(C) (!O) m•-«i <30> lill - -(C) (!O) 7:.118 DnUT y.,_ (C) (IO} Ttmn fVlll I nee wttll dlltiny hi Ill fl. fort to "" tht Ifft II flll ifkil JOIJlll lrlll'ld. J1J In the DPlllllll 1Pi· .. ol the IW1a " llltcttd l'I· IK'aldeutl. b EJr Ind M111uit P1dRll k. lllr (It) a ID mm n. t1r1111 •• (t) (90) ''Rli3i to MiSadWnlurt." Tiit YlllliC wllll Wy C... WlkolM mt ----• -Ill (llJ) ' u~··~c :.:!;.'"'' . _ .. _r:.-.t: _,.., -· ,.,,., .... _ .... _ ...... _ ...... (I) ID (JJ.., -tel Ill) ......... , 't(q(ID) . .,..,_,.,, Vir1illl111 lolna 1 boulltt hunt• in 1 .. .M fJ lllMlr. •.a T.... II .....,... ntrdl ol 1 pnc th1t Im robbed (dr1m1) ''2-Rlta TulhinJfllm, lloO- tllt lttp 1' told tnd tlttlt nc. trt Stlpbtns. tlM. .low:pll C.m111llllll Ind flatb· II -~ (30) I HI •~-trll'll Jultk t rutSt. (II) 1•1 -- fl) "" -(30) Ill ...... -(lO) n llll~ m "''' ,,., t111 lildii (IO) "A""' c.~ Tell•BDDEt!HPl"""(C) Plq: nllllf IN'Clftstion1I 11m-8 ~ H....a bier, lorenro M~ 1rr1Yn 111 Slit· · tit 1rtd J110n 9olt Join• !ht polln G Un C'9ll (C) , 111111 tl lottll't. When Alron Shim· Q) 111wk "'n111 a.lleN Alm" pel stope tht 11me, tM ,iayv1 (drtm1) '55 -Joh1 Hlldlo"-RIJ• lllOYt h:I C11Me)"1 llhlp, whldl b ...... """""· IOOll lolt to tilt pmlllet. "'8 lfWll 11111 SIMNI ._._,....(I) .. D-1 -(C) ,._u ... -tel""' ll .. W. Aililr'" (1""•11C1t) ''7-Ullda Dtf. _., <......,. ~7---Mont- 1111. CorMI WM& ""*'· IWtlli l.1riM. mr.... · tel (lO) DIDtJJ•T--m II ___ ,,,,,_. • """ -(60) (df'llM) '5J-...Mlllt Dlltlt. ""'*' ~Cl) ..... (!O) tao a i.. '"' <30> m-m <30l fD ....... (30) ...... "' Go HOlllt Ac1l11.• A vbll to UCU'1 Fw· 111ld School, whn ch!ld Plrdlot· orllb 1r1 lllklnt . ..,. it lltlp yo11npt1n •bo lfl di'* f .. uf91 111 ldleol. e•-·-<30) I:• 1J Tiii .... 1.,. (C) (JO) Rwtu1 M1flhtn. 01121 (IJ Ill .... -(C) ID-O'C-(C) 1;aoon. 111w •-t<l ·--.., .. (C) o-m GI rrMi "' llllWI o.t (C) 1:11 II M .... : ...._ wr (lllMllCI) ·~ "Mt Dlbtnill l<Mt. •nd "" lraltt!ClllJ trJ " llldl 1•JOJD n ...... -$50,000 ffww bM tkap dlllll\I I • boo'it ""' ... llrfl "° H "is ......... (II) ........ _(C)llO) DAmME MOVlfS -·-Col' , ... -· er,_> 'J1-.1111 uoer.. "'"'' '~-u. .. 11-·-,_,, .... -....... lfllll. .,.._ ....... ,_ .. ..__ ....... 19Et!" .. , ....... ... (C) - - -11 -·--ti!"( __ _ ..... lift. . • ..... ""' ... -, ... ..... '1111 .......... =· . ( .... ) 'tO ,, .. ~ Owlet i:i.: ... -.... . f •. BC'Q ..... ftl:lrtun,,. (*-) t:JI!=:, ~!J=·.~: '111--1"" ._... -.... -. . -. e JOB PRINTING ' -e PUBLICATIONS • NEVfSPAPERS 011Rty ,,t11flwt ''"' o.,.it41tol1 ,.,.,._, .., '"" ..... 9,.,.. ., • c..-.. PIL OT l'"'IN11NG 'f'ERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS MUn AND JEFF MISS PEACH ~Uff/ \JI * ,.,....,.,,., - ly C~1rlff. M. Sdlull ....... ------.-:. ·----.. eoil, l 1I0!6MT HE'D HEVElt Li!AWE •• ' I IECEIV&P A CALL Afnte COGIT'MOHi TB.UW6 ME TME'f PIPN"r RMO ~ 6UWES MUCH KAnu:11NE rr.ESliAAIU' L05f ntEIE! mEt' ALiO PIHIMEP lHAT I WAS THE MAN WHO HAP TAXBI ' H~ TO UINCH!·t .WAIN'T! ly John MDes DAllY mer LOOK WHO'S COOKIN' -Joyce Chen, petite Po- king~born Boston, Mass. restaurant owner·, will con· duct a cooking class tonight at 7:30 on Channel 28. It is the first of a 26-week series showing viewer• how lo prepare Oriental food without a Jot of apecial equipment . TELEVISION VIEWS Tales Aimed For Youth By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Popular television i;how aimed at the young: ''The Dating Game." Lead paragraph from a_ story in a college news- paper, the UCLA Daily Bruin: "Some classes met as usual, some classes discussed the issues, some were cancelled or met outside as a strike waa called here ... protesting the use of armed force at UC (University of California) Berkeley." POPUL!'R TELEVISION show aimed at the young : "I Dream of Jeannie." ·~ Lead paragraph from another story in the same issue of the Daily Bruin: "AU nine c.ampuses of the UC system were on strike ... with varying amounts of support from students, professors and admini· &tration.'' Popular television show aimed at the youna:: 11Tbe Wild, Wild West." , LEAD PARAGRAPH from another story In the same issue of Daily Bruin : ''The Committee of Con- cerned Faculty (CCF) will bold a 'faulty vigil' ... to discuss the Berkeley crisis and important local issues.'' _ Popular television show aimed at the youni: "Peyton Place ." Lead paragraph from another story in the same Issue of the Dally Bruin : "Some 3,307 students vuted ... in the first day of the lour day campus referendum on an undergra4uate. fee hike and ROTC." =....:..;~ •-....:...------' l __ _:;.... ...... _,.::ii~-..-..Jt..Jll,:..,.Jj _ -POPULAR-TELEVISION show aimed at the llll'S MAl<JNg> f TORTlffAS. WM •• NOi NO! WAIT!! DON'T'! YOU CANT! ITSTOOUIRU ' .. • , • By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smltll By Men -t tlllJI TMA'TIJ : '"'4AT TMIY ,,,,_AN f'( '-"'' 8rrrM-.r MoM~llTf . • 0 0 • young : HAdam 12." ,, Lead paragraph from another story in the same issue of the Daily Bruin : HA group of about 100 Concerned Parents of Berkeley Students (CPBS) from the Los Angeles area will leave •.• for Berkeley where they will demonstrate solidarity \vith the students.'~ Popul~r television show aimed at the young: ''My Three Sons." <> • Lead paragraph from another story in the same Issue of the Daily Bruin: "The Student Health Serv· ice (SHS) here· can quickly install tear ges 'cas- cade' showers of the same type being used at Cowell Hospital in Berkeley, according to SHS di· rector Donald MacKinnon. 11 POPULAR TELEVISION show aimed at the young : '"Ille Newlywed. Game." Lead paragraph from another story in the same issue of the Dally Bruin: "When questioning atu· dents about their oP.inions on God, the response one usually expect• is who?' '' Popular television show aimed at the young: "Land of the Giants." , Lead para~raph from an editorial in the 18me Jssue of the Dally Bruin : ''Thursday is the final day to vote on a referendum. concerning ROTC and a self•lmposed tax for special educational programs. It is imperativ~ that a significant number of atu· denta vote on these issues. 11 Popular television show aimed at the young: ''Get Smart.'~ . --• I i 1 ' I ) \ \ ' I ~ I I • t ' ' ' • • ' • l • I 1 I '\ • '1 . p DAILY PllDT Wed11tsd'1, Juno 4, 1969 f UIGAL NOl1Cll: · • - ----•~-------------- Fo~-IM ... ,.,.... ....... MM71. AClll OF FREE PAAKING Sl'lall-TOOUlllTIOIS .................. ., .. ........ -.,_ ............... -... .:::n:.::::.:.·- Ae"-1!111ltllt,_ .. yl ~Jdlt1.W1Jyn1 ''THt LON•U T DA r• Frtnk. Sl.,.lrl COLOll: ~f!l9',lf~ .,.,r T~l llAYJ"" -~" ' ' JJl·lJn ' lljlcMiW.4LI 1111 l'tr ....... 1 stltdl· OrMMl S!Mlll1y W~lt Slf)l- ''TH£ MAD IOOM" COLOR Jtld< Pal1111e1 COLOll: "THl ·DISl'llADOJ" --·--· - kltlla "kllffl "' lrt '"" Ctlt,Jloll lintoto COL<lft. "PL.A~ Of THI ANS"' .!it1v1 M<Ovie'o C:OLOlt "SA.ND Pl~" ~-...;.,1 --C·" · w.-1 fllt tM .-11 ~II .. _, LllOft T 1yl0f. V'eul'itl COLOlt "THI Ila IOUMCI" C,,!'1011 B•ktt "COLOR .. THI lWllT IQDY ' Of DllOIAH'" ..................... Now in Our Family: Family Weekly ' By TOM TITUS or r11t Dtllf l"llill s1111 Something new and jn trlgulng arrives on the weU worn mheater scene this week~ as a collaboration between &l'OUP of UC Irvine 8tudent:t the' Open End ' ' Thtater o Newport. Beach. A stoge version of 1-ar Bergman's movie ••The Seventh Seal," adapted and din<led by UCI students JOJeph Broldo and Sandy Katine, wW open a two- weellend run Safurdoy in the Open End. AdffilSsion is ftte. The productioQ, which grew out of a class in experimental !beater at. ll\jl university, will ~ staged Salurday at mid· night and Sunday at g,30 p.m. Performances also are carded for June 13 al midnight and June 14 at 8:30. The story of a knight's search for the meaning of fait.b upon bis return from the crusades features Peter Haf.tt Steve Lewis and John St. Pier· re heading a cast of ZO. The Open End Theater is located at 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach. Fw:ther in· ''" -' . , "~ . LLMLi1i ~. ,.,!;''' •'-T• ' f • .. ' ' • . ' aunt .. 11 .... lho-S.. Cltmente Community Thealtr I b t 1 week'encr tir ttte Mu SNJJmait comedy, "'Ibe 1.Teode~ 1,'rap:" Tony Btandt'U di~ Joe Del """°' 'l'ool ....... Cbuclr:1' Sc~ker ·and Olona Newlon~ tlie pflibotf.iOlilo in ·tM romanUc ·~ .,llidl playo11111rodsy.dicilii~ day it 1he,piliri~J'\ayllooile/ :!OS Aveni Cabrlllo. TIB reservation number~ iJ 1-.,; 04!5. • f • Over*at ;: ~ W Community Play~ t!ie longeared •P·P•ridoh may be obtained by <ailing "HBtvey" is In. iii Pltrd 67$-1!20. • •• weekei>cf under· the~ of * 1f'c * , , . Joba·WiWams. Bud'O'Nell l\Dd Wrappmg up 1 ·-ful Ka~!Jie Of!bl1I an ._ In si.J: weeks or production UUs the leadfbf"l'Oles. , ,. '· weekend Ls South c 'o as t' ~ · Performancea mt -11..fJe ri Repertory's revival of "Room Fridays and , S a t u r (I. a~.1 Service" under the direction or through June 28 at' ~ Davi~ Emmes. Don Tuche, playbo,u.se, .~1 E. ~ Martin Benson, R o n a I d , St., Lorlg Beach, with tickic; Boussom and M,i ch a e f reservations available by can. ; Douglass tak<. the principal ing (213) 438--0536. • " ' roles. ·The 1930's hotel room farce wUl be sf.aged for the last performances Thursday, Fri· and SaturdaY evehings at Third Step Theater. 1827 rt Blvd., Costa Mesa. Reservations are available at the box office, 646-1363. *'* * "Dylan," the autobiographi- cal drama of Welsh poet Dylan 'I11omas, moves into its second week at the Laguna Playhouse tonight w i t h Doug Rowe di- recting and Jobn Fen.acca playing the title ro~.' ' Headipg ,the ·suP.~.c&st are ~?t Brown, .Ge<lffrly Riker, Elaine B~d. ~l MQran, Pameta;~J.~. Hewell aild ~ ~ey: Pertormancei . or;t I !'v'' n toalgl\I, ~-·s.nar.ioy at. the l'flJllbouse, iif oeifan.Ave., Laguna' Beacb,;; ;wilb" tickets avallil!>le by colllllg 4tMilt1. ,,.,.._ * ·:* ' /\I. lhe-H,_gion Moch Playh~se, ~'Breath of Spring" is on th.e boards for the second of five weeken<IJ under ·the direction of Ruth Dorward. Ralph ·Quick, Nancy V(ells and Diddy Lammers take the prirt-- cipal roles in the English com-edy. . The show goes on Friday and Saturday Nghts at the Barn. 2110 Main St., Hun· tington Beach. Reservations are be!ng taken at SJM861 and 892-4638. * * * Winding up a three-weekend I See by Today's Want Ads • MWl1c Fantastique! For the true music Jover, here 's an unbelievable M·B tape recorder, AM/- FM mpx amp, Garrard turn table (the • best), speakers, and many ex- tra.I!. Only S325. and worth much more. Al!IO great for the musician in the family, with sound~Uect extras. • Status Seekers: O emente's 'Thurber' Tryouts Set Open audilions for the San Clemente Community Theater's summer production, "A Thurber carnival," will be held at 8 P.m. Sunday and· Monday, June I and 9, at the Cabrillo Playhouse. DAILY PILOT Steff,_.. WHO, ME ? -Lana Campbell points an accusing finger at Ralph Quick in a scene from "Breath of Spring," on slage Friday and Saturday at the Hunt· tington Beach Playhouse. ' County Hu nt Started For Musi ca l Talent The show is a comic revue A search for musical com-people is pre(erred for the comprised of short skits writ-edy talent js belng conducted auditions. rv- ten by James Thurber. Many by T81ents Unlimjted of Audition appointments may, \i · actors of all ages will be used, Orange County. be made for any of lhe two ~cording to director Richard . T h ~ open, non-Equity aud i· ' SWldays. A piaNst will be Andersen. t1ons have beeo scheduled for available. Those auditionin_g _ __.-· two Sundays -June 8 and 15 are requested to bring-a pllOt.o '1'.h~s is ~n opportunity to -from Jl a.m.'t o II p.m, in ~mselvesaild a resume. part1c1pate 1n a st.age pro-the Sky ~ol-the--6rarta "We feel there is a lot ot duction withQ,ut great-a .:--H«et;·ac_ross fron,i Melodyland fine musical comedy talent in perience and without a heavy Theater ~ Anaheim.. . . the Southern California area," rehearsal schedule," ~dersen · Conduct!~ the auditions. will said Rider, "and we would like commented. be 'I11or Nielsen, staff ~1rec· to have some of these Rehearsals will oegin im· tor. and J>r:odu~r Jay ~1d~r. performers appearing In our mediately after tryouts, with Rider sa1~ his. orga"'!zat1on forthcoming productions." the production tentatively was seai:c~g_. tn particular, Additional information may scheduled to open July 17 at for musical com~y talent, be obtained by phoning M7· the playhouse. 202 Avenida peopl.e who could sing and act, 9218 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cabrillo San Clemente. or sing. dance and act. A ?i-1onday through Friday. ' prepared scene from any musical using two or more Coast Actor Opening in Taper Play The Georges Feydeau bedroom farce, "Chemin de Fer," opens Thursday for its American premiere at the Mark Taper Forum. Peter Church of Corona del Mar is among the cast of 18, which also includes Fred Grey, Lew Horn, Pat Hout· chens, and Henry Oliver, who join previously aM!)Unced Al Alu, Jacques Aubuchon, Eric Christmas, Jack Dodson, Ed Flanders, Mariette Hartley, Marvin Kaplan, Charles Kim- brough, Donald Moffat, Felton Perry, Pearl Shear, Joan van Ark, and Syrnma Winston. Comic Back With Wayne Comedian Jackie Kahane will again be fe8:tured 'with Wayne Newton · when the popular young singer btings his show back ito Melody'land . for four perfOrmances this · weekend. 1 ' The veteran Canadian comic appeared with Newton during his sellout engagement at the Anaheim showplace f o u r weeks ag<i. The show will be seen al 7 and 10 Saturday nighi and again at 5 an,d 8:30 p.m. Sun· Gay. Williamson 'Hamlet' Set . ' At Hartford ' "H?-mlet," starr.ing Nicol» • Williamson, will play .a four. week engagement beginning Tuesday, July 15, at the Hun· tingtpn Hartford Theater, as a JC!Cai presentation <1f • the Hollywood Wing of the Greek Theater Association. New York critics recenUy followed the pattern of Britist"i reviewers in acclaiming the Tony Richardson production. Williamson's performance was_ described by The New York Times as "an exciting, moving and most of all, revolotionarY,: 'Hamiel' for a now genera- tion.'' A 7 month old female Maltese, AKC, beautiful show quality, and loving disp:1Silion. Truly a status symbol par excellence! ·-bmely.-Hoo1&7--, Thl& adult teacher will care for your house or boat whll~ you vaca.tlon. free of worTY, in exchange for summer lodging. Stephen Porter directs, with setUngs by Peter Wexler, Ci>S- tumes by Lewis Brown, .. ..JJm.Y.og__by H. R. Poinderter and music by Bernardo Segall. 'Streetcar' Auditioning The Dometh Workshop Players of San Clemente have announced auditions for Ten· nessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire" this weekend and next. The actor is making hi8 · third appearance on t h e American stage. He starred here in "Inadmissible Evidence," and later in the film version <1f that show, and. followed George C. Scott into the lead of "Plaza Suite" for Tickets are now on sa1e for all regular perfomances o ( "Chemin de Fer" at t.be Music Center box office and aU agen· cies. Tryouts for female roles in the prize-winning drama will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Satur· day and Sunday at Plaza Park, located at the end of El Portal Street, San Clemente. Casting for male roles will be held the following weekend. Ri~hard K. W~n is direc- ting the play, ·which will be presented this summer at the Cabrillo Playhouse in San Clemente. - Broadway. .1 Directed b y Richardson, "Hamlet'' feature s Constaoce- Cummings as Queon Gertrude Patrick Wymark as King Claudius, Mark Dignam as Polonius and Francesca Annia as Ophelia. The all'8ritish company. ' most from the .original London. "'; production, will play a t · Berkeley for a limited run prior to the Los Angeles 'erigagenlenl. ..... ' i t._. 5how s .. m 6:4S c .. ,. s...,. "•"' 2 , .... Froe Ptrklnt Fl1!AL SHOWINGS LAST WEE K • ~ STEREO SENSATION!·· ' ' ' The colorflll sound of Orange C•unty Music RAD IO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. ' From Fashion Island, Newport .Seaoh . . . SJCOMD~ flATUll DIAN M .. TIN JA•n SllWAltl IAtUIL wncH "IANDO-l ERO " r • -" " . 'I •. 1 8 !-01 chanj Be&u "0. darlir rison, an~ sh~~ tiona on II 1nerit wru Beatl• Ge< Bea ti· Paul given togeU they hit re The t~rprl hletn! recen char& Joli Yoko ~= !heti' a site in.!te .\lb Ringo separ actor. his hE RETJ In ; that I ing ti A R -· THC Recer: peere1 vestig quirec actor "Na said t linued Sue I .~om et Count: J\·1ictw pie TIE tor \! police. troduc Shaw F'lln the la O'She talkini Burle1 ACI 1 Colo 6 Capl Ytm• to Utte1 and I creet l·I C_.oto Roy1 !S Rom1 :1i Hind prlnc 17 Very persc !B Clyd for o• !O To ta con ct !l Stron pf ea! smt ll 13 An ei :4 He is1 '" !~ Tl1os use ~ t1;1ert .8 SaJve spr1f 0 Sw1rr 11 C;isc or St \~ Eqllit >o Nume p1tll: ·1 Ki nd wood i Proni ! Art s1 2 V'"! 12 Vts! 1~ B1aic 9otd s1lv~ " " ,, J6 " • " 1 " I - ' Jlln&o donl..i fW1\0fl that the croup was brcaklJlf up .. Ho sa id he did not ••peel thtm to perform ' together" 'Jn pubUc again, but insisted they would remain togethe·r !Or recordings, lllms and · ~ casts. "We've our own separlle tn. ta-. 19 develop," he said. "We lhaU branch out and pursue. our individual careen, bUt we ahalJ alwa1s be the llfftla. "I won'l say we will Jase. fo~ver. but we~u go on tot a very long time -unless we get shot. or aomethtng." Observers ol the Beatles trace tbe beginning of their ~centric ways to the death of the if manager, Brian Epeteln, in 1987. "Yes, his death did affect our career tremendously," said Ringo. "Now we have to do everything he used to do in the office. It's very hard. Not only are we the. Beatles, but we're our own managers and agent!. NO REPLACEMENT THE BEATLES , • ·• POPULARITY FADING? "There could never be anyone to replace him. We have appointed certain people lo do certain things, but no one could do all that he did. And we wouldn't .want them everyone the right to atlack the nud'e;u added Ringo. u John hirn. Oltt Of hand. Can get awB.y with it, but 1 "I v.•ould never be seen in never could." to." · -~ £.:.l'!«!!'.:t.'!i"'~..,,Mm!l•••Xl4 I I. \8P!IJ:L"'lt.~~l.,,g,~· ... • .. tta••• ......... ,. .. .,,,_.,., . .,,_.,,,.,_il:-;cL:sJU ·';>~-~a!StWwwi>W&\'~~ Actor O'S .hea's New Role: Real L!I!LCop-in-V entura --------- Ameche Back in Film ' -Third in 21 ·Years ..... -Shbwtime" television series ran four ~ars. By BOB THOMAS torney," "Capta in China," by the black·and-whfte patrol _ ··By· VERNON S00Tr HOLLYWOOD (U PI ) -The second man to invent the telephOrie~ Don·· Ameche, has stopped off in Hollywood to make his fhlrd ·inovle In 21 "Most peopJe be lieve 1 live in Hollywood," said · the W I s c onsln·bom per{ormer woo,: real name was Dominic Amici .. ••t travel tOO much to call 1nY·One place homf; but I hav~ ~ apartment til New YO!k and a pla°" la~." THOUSAND OAKS (AP) "Fixed Bayon•ts" and a few cars. dozen other filmJ. He als6 c~· "Sure, I pac!k a gun and I Recently a burgJarv sus.....,.t etlm• hav to draw it '" t'"~ starred with James DuM and som 5 e · peered into the face of the in· Thank God, I've never had ·to vestigaUng detective and in· Bill Blshop in a television drop the hammer. I hope that quired, "S.y -aren't you that series, "It's a Great Life.'' never. happens:-As soon as it actor on TV'!" O'Shea now lives in this hilly dOes, an officer has to tum "Nah , I just look like him," community :ro miles north of himself in and undergo an in· said the detective, and he con· Holly"-ood with his wife, ac· ves.tigation himself." tinued his inlerrogation. tress Virginia Mayo, and their What's an actor doing In years. He appears much Uke his old 6elf and nOt i ~bit like Alexander Graham B~ll. The voice ii rtsonant. nis ha ir less bl11ck · than it once Ame<be; wbo ~ur -be et, ts trjm . ind .;nt\ IJe is ·careful'llbout his d1et and·a~ pears at all ,Um.es , to be Suc h in q u 1r 1 e s arc daughter Mary; 16. He still police work? O'Shea explained· .~ometimts put to Ventura takes an otcasional acting job, that It's the fulfillment of an RARE FILM R,.OLE County sheriff's Deputy but his principal activity is ambition that dates ·io his New Don Amtche w~s, but receding o n I Y lhoroughJJ .~ehµ:ed:, ' slightly. . , 1 "MoY1e .. ihaklnt·,·baan·t r.-tici..f O'Shea, but most peo-working full time for the Vtn· York childhood. ' ---------- pie never suspect that an ac-tura County Sheriff's Depart· "Four ot my uncles were on ~ w~s-a stranaer. l!l ,h1s changed vet; mudi StnCe 1.h& old~· \''' ' •.. ~' 4-0's," fie ~d. ''1llc .0111¥ <!ii· '11Mre.-Was •._ttme,_~~~-lerenct, l~suppoSe, ii that Lor would be doing -actua'I ment, the -ij¥PD," )le-saidi-"ilnd it po lice work. He usually in· "l'Ve. been on the.night shift was llie desp"air of thy rather lroduces hil'nself as Michael from 4 lo 12, but now I'm U1at I never mad e it. I tried. I Shaw to forestall recognition; goin& on I to ~-in the m'lrn· Y.'enL tp Delabanty's-school for Film fans and studenl'l or Jn1,!'~be aaid. ·• l work with a prospective policemen; and I the Jate, late show will recaJI younger man, and we· travel applied for the force year O'Shea as the bustling, fast-alt .ov~r th~ county on .. after rear. But I was a runt - tal king star of "Lady of burgla ries, robberies murde"rS 5 fcei 9 and 130 pounds. They Burlesque," "Mr. Distrlct At· -whatever can't ~ h8ndled always turned me away. 'Try --------------------~ the fh1! department,' they told Crossword Puzzle "me." J:le turned to lcting oil the Broadway stage and then in films, but his ambition to be a coP never died. One · night he met the Los Angeles County sheriff al a party and told him of his offstage interest. The next day the actor was sworn in as a deputy, and he put in duty in the tough Firestone and East Los Angele s districts. ACROSS 1 Col or t. Ca pital of Yt m!?I lC Utter loudly and indls· cree tly L·1 CJ>lorado's Royal -·-·· ts Rom an ~od :1,, Hlndu princess t7 Yt ry roo !i sh person lS Cly desda le, fer one !O Totally toncl uslvt ~ Strong un· pl easant sm rll 13 An tmotio n :4 Heisman, for '"' ~t. Thcist who use physical coer~lon .i Salv e for sprains 0 Swa mp •l Cascadrs or St lklrks !2 Equln...-· 45 Units of we ight 4& Scortd -49 King of Rumanla 50 Wo1d of farewtll 51 Lion fe1turt 52 Ill: Comb. form SS Foundtr of Qutbtc City 58 Qu ick ly 60 Haw•ll•n windsto rm '1 Miss Gluc k 112 Conflnt 63 Exam in e mlnuttly 64 Skin 65 "···-of Hoflm•n" OOW N l On til t ot her sidt: Dill , 2 Minner 3 Ont·limt Romiln outpost Ytsl1rd,1y's Puz z:llSolvtd: During his television series, O'Shea had dropped 40 pounds fron1 his previous I 7 8 , presumably from overwork. But his health worsened, and ii /4/69 doctors found a lump over his 11 Vast 40 Upper Pli !stoo heart they believed to be 12 Goose oenus ce nt human: cancer~Later It proved to be a 13 Tf'ltater 2 words distended aorta whlcll O'Shea lalltrlts 41 Br!ttlr thl ks ed b od 19 ustere 42 Orient : n was caus y a r eo 22 Baseb•ll z words spill. An operation cured the st<11tlsllc: 4J Moulh : condit.ion and also remedied Abb'. Comb. form four ulcers and two Hernias,. 25 Kind of ~5 NA TO but left him .pennanently slim. htaddrts s member: 26 Confronts Abbr. A chance meeting it\ the 27 U.S.S.R. 461 f1 stt"ners Ventura courthouse v.·ith . a city 47 11th rtspecl former colleague on the Los 28 -ind cr1fts to th is: 1 Angeles sber-iff's starr led to 29 Not found 2 words · / h. t · .t vtrywhere 41 Climbing vln"-l--~-'-pr_e_se_n_•"......::'gnc.m_•n_1. __ 30 Li byrlnth 49 Wtlland -··· 12 Quick Sl Enltrt•iner Movies Set . ... . For Summer ~~Ot-11.,•~~ ·there.we~,. )!Ian.I;·~· in . s. · ~· w .· e, -~ , · use Di, Ur61ttlai1 •ttiat ~ in 35 ~ov1es 1n ,.~ Y.~ i duCJ;lbn ccrnpanles bad to wait under contract to 2 O t h in 1me· to -·space to Diake Century.Fox. . their picture&. -' . ." ... He WIS a big star· "In Old i.. -·-1 • .. • Chtc;ago " "Happy i.~nr " ·~now. there 'aren't Jhil~ ' At Irvine A schedule o( summer movies has been announced by the Irvine Film Group at UC , Irvine for showing at the Science Lecture Hall on cam· pus. "Alexa~der's Ragtilne Band:" !f18JlY flli:11s mad~ \t,Jooij;~., "The Three Mu s k e t e e r s , If lfl~ytJ1o,i h•s talten tiyrthi "Lillian Russell," "That Nig ht slack. • in Rio," "Moon Over Miami" Ameche appeared to be In and of cour~ ''The Story of no hurry to make another Aleiander Graham Bell." movie, nor to delve a11:ain into It was in the title role or the a television series. inventor that most people rtmemtier Ameche. A gener11· tion or comeruans has coni'e and gone getting laughs by calling the telephone "the Ameche.'' Don chuckles sofUy today and says. his identity with the role has neither been good nor bad for his career. - The season opens June 24 with "The Grapes of Wrath," followed on . June 27 ; with "Hamlet." ''America, America" is the fare on July 1, while a recent film, "Wait Until Dark," occupies the July 8 slot. On the ~t or "S~ppose They Gave a·. 'War ·and Nobody Caine'' for ABC Plctures, Other movies and the ir Ameche was surprised to see dates are Cartouche, July 11; Tom Ewell playtng a role. The "Fatal Glass of Beer," July hvo act.Ors .embraced one another fondly.,_ is·; "Loves of a Blonde,'' July Th last tinie thfl)" worked 18; "The Maltese Fal con " and together was back in J9'l9: for· "Casablanca," J uly 2 2 : ty years ago-when both were "Black Girl," July 25, and law students at the University ' ' V a rs It y Show" and of Wisconsin . "Hollywood Hotel," July 2f. "j've never regretted giving Closing the summer will be up law studies for acting,'' "Th H t " Au 1. "Bl Ameche said, "and neither hes e un , g .. ow To1n " I Up," Aug. ·4, .~d · "Through a Un.like many a forme r super 91ass Dat\dy,'. ·~&-· •·.~~-star, there will never be any I 1~g_ will ~· ~t. 8 •p.m. C•!!h benefils held for Ameche. He , D!8fti•~l4ml111M •W be JI'. ltivesttd his money wisely In .a•LIO.l I 673-4041, ..... "'r,-'"', .. ,""",.._ e NOW-INDI TUISDAY e ~ Num trlcal prtfix ·1 Kind of wood- .I Ptonoun 4 Alter • ...,. 5 Go b1ck over ii Old c.ettl.ln c arptnlry 1 Psychic ~33 Wtll·know n 33 Skin postal lrrllation strvlce: 54 ....... oo!" 2 words S6 1'1rt of ~·' ' • · " , real estate and other ventures LOCAi.' , J S and he .ailll works replarly. Ne •th•t fl•Wl .. •"r fall1"'f•v " ~ oan la·rs -;.. ~.,e --It -1s-m"4Stly on - "''''• ..... ry rl•y, ·~ wh••'• · ;li=B:ro~adir~· •:>'-'·:Illa:' :"l~ri~te~m=•~Li~on=•~i ~~~;;~:;;;~;=;:; • Art subJt cts: 2 V';<i•cfs 12 Yt stlbul t ,4 B1a id er gol d rY s1!v~r ' ' l " " " " I " 50 " /, • ' . dlslurbanct I Ntgallvt conjunction ' l lbllcil VtSStl 10 Mustang 34 Pudd ing tht body lngrtd l,tnt 57 Tavern 35 Commits commodity 1 fa ux plS '' Ntlotibor·' 37 Hounds' ' ~ 1'011p: qu•rry Abbr., 11 , I • l golnt •~ ;,. th• ~·ri•t•r HOLLYWOOD <UPll -. Or•1t1• Co••t'th• .. ~~ Dl:I Y , ,,. Joan COUfna w'IU star opj>osite 'ILO • • ~·. , h eorg'e·i.,ppard in Columbia'• ·'-------'-'-,-,-~~ ~1The ~Uoaer." . I , I , . ,.., . . ~ . , i ''TflE LONGEST DAY" •Ito . ' . George P•p1tard ,. Jem11 Meson . .: Ur1u1I~ Anclr••• · In "THE BLUE . MAX~' No. TE•'. Wiii DAYI OHi SHOWI•• • ILUI MAA 1111 LON•IJT ~T t ill -""' ~ - STAm JUNI l1 ~ • " ' ' -"MY SIDE OF tHI MOUNTAIN" • _..._ ....... __ ........ --. 'q""'::..--;;::=-=~:1111 .... fWt.111 ..,... tllln I IM otlGO fllTL • -_ ll•LD !)VER -POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY DOOU OPIN 61ll -.SHOW ST Am 6~1· i la __ .........,._'lllt~slmapifltenjpldaaOMf Q -WM;MP"!fft'llfU:I I I V·ANESSA REDGRAVE -Bost Actross GRAND PRIX WINNER CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 1969 ,. "lHE PERFOllllAllCE . .. l'llA'r SRolflD 1., HAVE WON THE rri OSCARJO.R VANESSA REDGRAVE I" , ''THE" · IL).USTRATED MAN" '"E GWtDEST c!llEMA ·of THEM ALU •••• • COAST !fWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPO.RT BEACH * 644·0760 SPECIAL · LIMIRD ENGAGEMENT · .$t•rf1 Wednesd•Y.. for 2 Wffks Only .. WINN!R OF 10 OSCARS Including Beat Picture -· r: ' PIUT·AND ONLY SOUTHllN OU.NGI COUNTY __ .,.!_H~WIN• IN NIW--10: H.~JICTION _ -· . PRISENTID · 1N FULL SCREEN SPLENDOR ;NA~l· TO, W~L!," PICTURE WITH I CHANNEL SURROUND SOUND' ' ' . . 'DIMEs;TO DOLLARS I , I • .. " ' ' ' • • " AND ''-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....J 'L~~~~-·H_E_L_L_o_D_o_w~N_T_H_&_R_E·~~~~.JI~=============·=============================:!-· Sp•114 tftm• ." 1,.li~•1 '•Tl•rt •. 'Ctll .641·1611 fot hel, ~titi i .. lloo ••P•t1Jiwo, 111r ... flro DAILY 'llOT Dh'l:'l•·•·l ln• 1rJ, . . . . '' . " .. •. . . \ I ' ~ I ' I l , '· ' '· •I r • '• .. • • • I\, • n • d c I • I I 1 I . ' ' '·%4' 0".\JlYIPJLOT W~sd;y, """'•,"1'169 PILOT-AOVERTl51!11 JJ • I HARBOR B~VD~· at EDINGER· , HAYI vou v111 Tff..u1 ,.,w ffot• AT r , ., 1 • u .. H•rMr l lW.-H1r1Mr Shtllfl(llt Ct111tr. , .. ,. MHI • 11U1 ktcll ll\ld. II A!Nillta-•h1nt111110n hkft e 1at2'2 lrotll~wr" SI, 11 Wnlll'llftlltr-Wn",_ C ... ltr, GINM Ort111 e ' Ut.:'I VtlltY View •t 0,1,....._1E.1st••'-~·ti.,_... Ortvt • >2~ ·e. 11111 St.~11r. Meu W.~-C...,, c.i..Mau •• ,.., "'""' .... ,, l 1t1tlld-01rtlt111flll $"""'"' c .. w. Otl'lltll GtlVI • ~1 CIWi-Av.. 11 lrMll~vnl-<>r•llf• ,_,, Pll11. 01r11 ... Grov1 • lila W, MllltW .,. l rlMI s1-1Eflllttf C9fl1tr. J111t1 ""' e 11* ~'tf. ti Tt ........... \1111.wt Cefl~ 1'1111111111 Vll}tY • 9Wl • ~ .......... __.. ........ ,HK'l.IMlltll .. '"'"'' *"'""t!N lttdl l • ' ' • "'\ . .i_ Reg. $29' Men's · Acrylic Knit" Shirts: THRIFTY DliCOUNT PllCE Full fas hion· l'd \'irgin Ac· ryl ii.' knit shirt. 'Vhite. black. gofd, olive Or Rora! blue 'll•ith contrast- ing C'Olor ~n , mock t urtle- neck. ' $3497'. .Cassette ' ' , ' Tape Recorder with AC Adapter $2697 Port.able 1'Ta)·- falr in com- pact case with (·arry h<ind h!, 4 "C" baller· ies. Just saap ·iii cartridge & flip switch. Perfect for Dad's office or den. Save Over 60%. · Hazel Bishop Co~metics YOUI CllOICE .. , ... '-_..,_. •fl MIJioolkbt.t...i. •St u,,.... .,,_ .. c..p..i..c....i • 11.JJ '"•"'""' l.wll "" ..... .. ., ..... ,..-....,, 24., cabinet so beautiful in 'Dark Spanish Oak or New A\•ocado grain · finish~ So ex- pensi,•e look- inc: with its "carved look·' doors. ·self Adhesive Carpet Tiles Polypropylene with foam ~·u.~hion hacks, .!<elf.stic k tape. Jl cs1sts i:t<iHJS, niildcll'. Clea n \1·ith \"~lCUU nl or wa!l.'r. Col- Or5. 9xlJ inchc~. Men's tlo Iron Golf Jackets DISCOUNT $49 7 PRICE $4995 Value! Library Units 100"/o Plush Nylon 5x6 Foot Wall-to.Wall •athroom Rugs 11'0 Old World Map Desk Accessories 14" Value! Box of 50 Cigars - Pcrfcc tos. I'~ na- t e 11 as, Blunls, J':inatclla Extras, Blunt Tips or l\lagn11n1 ~. Full Quart S~otts Glen Scotch SPECIAL $439 ' OF THE WEEK P riL·l'd t:\L·11 low er 1han our e11.e.n day lo..,,· price .pfM.89. Gemini Spaceship & Parachute 26"' r.h ute 01'<'11~.66( ejects. floais b~ck to ~r·ound, , 98' Colorfomis 12x12" Plut.ie Stick· on ~. 77' Educ atioD>I and run. Choice of 11u1>-, jecte:. r Blend of 23% po- lyester & 77':"o ~ombed cott~~· New 3" Wltbh . . . ·Men's -·Ties D.IS(llllNI' ·99c . ,.l!Ci' ! . . I {,, $5VahM! Mt11'1 Leather eelts Better ,qual- ity in choice 247 of leathers. :!0·42. Colors go u'.ith fash- ionable new deep toned shirt.si'Slripes, patt ern•,· sol i ds. Reg. or rca'dy tied. Brite Calendar Watch Bands i and · . shows •ny $49 5 mon th, year. - $3.39trodit $2.99 Val. D1luxe Card Carriers Shave Kits ~~1'.'.h ~~ $248 L' H h er-$166 c r e d i t . like \'1nyl. a-rd-~-. ----1--------- $1 .49 Value! Clothes Brush back. nylon C .Beachwood 98 bristles. · 'W.lnut Finish Wood Hangers ..... ..,. 99 SetofJpanl C or 2 coal hangers.· Men's Orlon " .Sweaters CARDllAN STYLE $ 7 98 O~lon-F !ICrylic jn link kni.t ~t 1tch with Jae front. Semi- bell slee\·es. Colors. $24.95 Value R.C.A. Radio-Phono Combo L..-Y:1 11i ,Jt . ii t,-• . I $1686 Pt'rfe ct {or the young sci! Baltcry ~--... ~--ollf'T'atlan as s ll ri>:< fun on thl' .i;:o! Solid state-no tubes to burn ouC Smooth tracking ton" arm. Sturdy and buil t for rugged u.se. i!IW ...... 6,;,ft. Beach Umbrella . , ..... ~6'' Priced Gianl si1c, 2 tone 'inyl umbrella. 45-ln. Po y 9 Ounce Baby Mag Jc Letfttt · $1 15 M . · 69c ennen ...• _ ••• • ••• _ . 40unce11re · $225 Breck Bottle et 60 l•blets "Hair $J6 Basic ~:·!~1:~'! 1 . .. 5.1°5 Excedrin '68c •••••••••• • • 20 Ounce Size Mouth 88 $1 49 Cepacol •• ~=·~....... c 24cc-B•Y 2, save 50c Liquid Sweetener 2 F88 _6_9_•_e_a_._S_w_e_e_t_a_._ •• _._._g __ c ... •""P"k'l F $J .9·0z. Sil• Ointment 68 and .save O C 47c R $1°9 Desenex •••••• · ••••• 1 H' d $10.99 Value! $1;~· C~ntact Lens ;1:;:;:,99c Auto vacuum Pl_,,, mto $ 799 ci g arette Pack ef 8 Kron• Chrome gc 1 1 g h. t er. $.1"9_5_Sch1'ck lnject•r tllail•s HonA1re. . . . . . . . ...... --- 1 S·Oz. Siz• Aerosel Window 44 59 • W'1ndex e1..... c •••••••••••• $1. 79 Foam Rubber Invalid Cushion your choice • 111 Sh•'"'" IZ:'"'I a Cr•mo Rhuo • c;1.,~tr1'1• & _fZ R•l•W•fff""' ~~56· ...'9'! All Purpue Lttlen Refreshing masculine · rragrancc!!- of leather or lime. $399 Value! Folding Stainless 5totl Serving Pieces Slo tt e d" 8 a p oon s,, C meat forks, mo re. $991 Value! Montague· Pali~ Chairs $~76 fishing Ro • Full Bile for eomtort on a bud- 5iet. Quality con s tr1o1ction throultbDut, .. 1-lneh hi·stren!!lh ;... polished aluminum frame wilh handsome 4:ii:4 x4 green and 1vhile webs. ,_ ...... ............... · • 6'S11l•C..t•H s ' .. 55 . •t" Deluxe 11'' Yalu•! Beach Bags Handy draw- string ,.,1.,7 7 in mod de- !tJ:n~. and brfJ: l1 anlcolori1. Wading Pool Eodle" h'""$277 of fun for I he kiddies.· Di s· cou nL Priced tool Reg. ~1" 20 ft. B·B·Q Cord A mu't foe all $119 Barbcruers ••• sa\'e 60c now. .s1" Poleron Ylhli..J .. Made or llght·9t weight poly ~i,th pour spout. , 1-. SPANISH STYU Ov•r $2995 'ft. •• unit Dark Spanish Oak fin- ish, 4 a d ju 1 t abl e _shelves, car.•ed look doors. Includes Sp11nish \Vood. Glass & \Vrought Iron, n1ore. Btadod Floral Arrangements Bead -like With Lill Cover $679 6 popular col- ors. Easy to CUI, flt. Paper for pattern. $24" Spanish Style I'] I J able lamps r_' , __ '' _.J $14 86 '.. i \\'rouAht iron look & amber ~lass bases \1'ith built·in night light. Raspberry, Fig, Blueberry Bars p~asli~ d a~: 98 C s.te s. 1n 4 pot.s. Wash ";~~98 lngra~am -~· T~;~s 4 CJ< Elec.Alarm • f.lode rn de· ' Oven.fresh Z!- sign. Beige $287 !'n brand cook-case. easy-\ 1es. to-read ,,,i: •P""•tl•tt• face-Sale... T•ffy, l·Lll. 3le ~ priced $3.96 Val. S•rt••nb 6 for 11 Blue Aztec ~~Glassware Flea Collars Keep pets n ... free! $ J 98 Get 2 for lhe prire of 1• Pac le •f 2 au,. 10 and Sne 42c In Lido design with the icy look! J{cavy ha~e, safety -rim. 5, 6, 12 & 15 OT.. 5izcs. Discounted Wearing Apparel ladles ......... s1..,wear ?.linl, t bift: or waltz Jengtb Dite .... Pric• gOwn11, shin·and-panty in·$24 easy.care fabrics trimmed v.i tb lace and rumes. Full tut S·M-L. "Best Buys." ' . . - Saltef Affla UnHrfashiOlls •• ,.,,. Citsinor ................ $1.H ••IM •If Sllp ................. .$1.59 '"'" •••h '""" .... 1 .......... $3"49 f'amous Adol• fiberCill padrl<'d ·A~·libn'' bra, nylon \ricot half •lip and wa ist, hugini pant;y girdle llO affo rdable at Thrll tr' a Sale Pri ces! Bra'in 32-36A, 32·388. I . '' I f f' r I t ' Maste r Culinary Art ,By ~a9'fiJv WENCK , • ar..,.·c:..ty ..._ Allvl- 1' 19rn1ng to cook is one of the June Home News a nd Vi ews bride's first major hurdles. The bride wbO teams to cook beJore the wedding (whetllor H be In~ or January) Is ln-deeil'¢1ever ind 1 lghl<d. I , Theie ls nothlng ore dlsiUusioning to the new husband thaG an empty stomach. so it behooves the bidde to get with it in the kitchen. as •:aeuer Homes and Gafdens" and ';Golid l\~keeplns-'' : , INFORMATIVE PAMPllLET and so wiU her hQsband t A good, tr~ ls.to-learn to..00-crtatlve thing! with· pmveniencf f<i>da -like ad- ding canned cheese. aoup., and i.nslant minced onion to cOOtedr~ .spinsch for a deluxe vegetable.,dUih .• No real cook· ing tale9t-needed • beM ·-just Ill In· ' ll money Is scarce, t!'ae U.S. Depart· ment of Agricatlture p a m p ti I e l s , Her first sttp is to git a 11ood riokboot. In !tlectlng ber first Cookbook (he bri& will p-obably want Ol)e that' lncludes ' partieMlat.ly ~ umber oee. :best se.l*, veotive mind. ., moft lhan recipes, ' For lnstanct. lhe -mii:ht like one that Includes a table of food subotllulions and equivalents, a glossary ol cooking terms, sc.me illustraUons on "bow to do;'' in· formation on food buying and storing, menu planning and table setting. "f&m.111 >Fare. Food Maa•lf:mt:Dl and Reel~' ~pply lbOll If dae lDJoruuitiol • • ., ttot ae:ectJ ~ • 'bll)'iac •¥ prepuing food. (~r Family Part, Rome •aod Gmka buktta. N1. 1, fl'O.IU: Superl.ntelldent or ·nacwncnts, GoYem- ment ~ Office, Wubmfton, O.C. *OZ~) Cos! ls 30 etots. Another good way for the new bride to learn t6 cook is to imitale others. Hopefully she will not be too proud to seek advice from her rntother-in-law on how to pi'epare her husband's favorites . Her mottler·in-law will love her for it - A smart iaeophyte cook keeps tbin&s slqiple." She does not att.mpl·el~ate seven· course meals or laney gourmet dishes until she inl.sters the fuo- damentals. She ~e' a few foods which are ,Simple aod pearly fooJ proof._ like baked potato, steak or roast and tossed salad . She holds oU qq the crepes Suietle and the pompano en papillote until she's bad some ezperience .under her belt. There are many such complete cookbooks on the market. Some of the best are the 11Joy of Cooking," "Betty Crocker's PictUJJ: Cookbook," and cookbooks ~ublished by magazines such PROPER TIMING , oat of tbe DeW cook'• biggest problem! June Bridal Showers ·' Presented 1n the Pink • ' Parties and presents ; what a whirl for the bride-to-be! She is one or the busiest peo- ple around, so you can be sure she will welcome a chance to combine a leisurely luncheon With a shower of presents from tlose friends. Pink. pretty and fittingly feminine, the menu illustrafcd will be a boon for the hostess v.·ho wants to join the well, wishers at the party, for it is e~sy and quick to prepare. The secret is in using con- venience foods sparked with deft flavorings. The frills and fancy touches are .. built in" so there's no last minute fussing while guests are arriving. A lovely red punch says "everythlng's rosy" with a blend of tangy cranberry juice cocktail, frozen strawberries and ginger ale. Serve from a sparkling punch bowl backed with a parasol made of gathered net. This can be the centerpiece to catch t h e shower of compliments. The entree featur~ a newburg afloat with SUfCUlent Alaska King crab. Thisi>erfect convenience seafood comes ready to eal, canned or froz.en. from the chHly waters off the Alaskan coast.. An elega~ hint of .sherry mingles th.rough th e cream sauce. Ladle the saui;:e into crisp patty shells that go from lreezer to oven to table in-minutes. The bli&s of juicy sweet can- ned Bartlett pears combines with a crunchy filling in a shimmering gelatin b a s e • Simply drain the pears and stuff on·lth cream cheese, toastOO almoods and celery. Prop In thickened lime gelatin .... for a graceful luncheon highlight Pink diamond petit fours make a lively sequel lo this feminlne luncheon. Here is anothe r time saver made from packaged cake mix, then filled with ruby cranberry~range relish and trosted With a but- tercream frosUng mis: before being cut into diamond shapes. AMERICAN BEAUTY 6 cups . cranberry juice cocktail, chilled 2 packages (12 ounces each) frozen sliced strawberries, pressed through a sieve l quart ginger ale, chilled Ice . Combine all ingredient's just before serving time. Add ice cubes and stir until well chill- ed. A1akes 12 cups. ALASKA CRAB NEWBURG 3 \71f.: ounce) cans Alaska King crab or 1 ~ pounds frozen Alaska King crab 1 tablespoon lemon juice 113 cup nour I /3 Cup butter l 1h teaspoons salt 14 teaspoon paprika Dash cayenne 3 cups half 'n hall (or 3 cups light cream l ~ 113 cup dry sh~rry wine ! egg yotts1 slightly beaten 12 patty shells Drain canned crab o r defmt and drain frozen crab. cut int&· bite size pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. Melt buter and blend In nour. salt, paprika and cayen- ne.' Gradually blenCI in half 'n half and cook OYer • mOOJum heat, stirring, unlil thickened. Reduce heat. , Gradually, • sUr In sherry wine. Blend a little hot mix- ture into egg yolk!!, t h e n return egg yolk mixture to re- maining hot mixture· i n saucepan. Add crab. Heat, but do not boil. Serve in patty ahells. Serves 12. BLISSFUL PEAR SALAD 24 canned Bartlett pear halves % (3 ounce) packages lime- flavored gelatin 31.~ cups pear syrup \t cup lemon ju"i~ 12 ounces cream cheese. sottened 113 cup chopped I o a s t e d almonds. 113 cup chopped celery Drain and chill pear hafVes. PissoiYe gelatin in 2 cups boil· Ing pear syrup. Add remaining 1 1.~ cups pear syrup and lemon juice. Divide into lwo (9J:l3- inch) shallow pans. Chill un til partially thickened. Meanwhile, blend cream cheese with ah.nonds and celery. Blot cul sides of pear halves with paper ·toweling and spread with cream ch'eese mixture. Put pear halves together to form whole peaJS: Stand upright in partially th ickened gelatin. Chill unlil gelatin is firm. To serve, cut in squares around each stuffed pear and garnish with sprig o! grew. Makes l~ nlads. PETIT" FOURS J package yellow cake mix l jar 114 'ounces) cranberry. orange relish . l package vanilla butter- cream frosting mix Red food coloring ...Ylaked "COCOnUl l Pr.epare cake mlz according ta, package directioM. Pour batter into 2 greased and floured 8-inch square pans; bake , according to package directions. Cool 10 minutes, remoYe ffQm pan and cool thoroughly. Cut each cake into 2 layers and spread cranberry~range relish between each layer. Pr1!pare frosting according to package directions and tint ¢nk with a few drops of red· food coloring : spread over lop of cake. Cut cakes into diamonds. oblongs or other shapes. Garnish with flaked coconut. P.1akes about 48 small cakes. '' II ,....., Umlq ,. 11111 all lile "IOOd• lo u.e aaal a~ ready &t, lel"fe at tk same lime. nJs ability comes wiUl practke. !o~ ~~n~r,e~~~: ,:~ e!°m;'a~ meals -ot exactly wb.at time to do eacll sl.ep In tbe meal, Hile: p11t roast la ovu at l, add potltoe1 for bakfq: at 4, etc. ln fact, careful planning is the new coolt1s most lm'flOrtant secret, especially if she happens to be a working girl. She needs to plan what foods tQ serve, what foods to buy aod when she .will cook them, like -ahead of time, righ\ before the meal, or while she's aone using her automatic oven. With careful planning she can serve weekday dinners at a reasonable hour -not at 9! Utillzing her husband 's talents. if he enjoys cooking, is another way the bride can succeed in the kitchen. Her hUsband will enjoy showing off his culinary skills, and she tan learn lo do things "his way." This works only if the husband is willing, however. The bride csn consider herself a suc- cess when her husband no longer says, if'' •• "!'>) PILOT-AOVE"TISE" 5 ' No Longe.r "ThlJ tsn't -~~ WI)' rn,y>mo1~·u1Cd. to. l wlakll you wgesled 11 .~recent elluma,. make it." bat Ulit didn't lt'Ofk. Is Ott~ u1*l•1 e.1se·f can do 1bout It'? QUESTIONS WE ARE AS}(ED ' \ Q. l'v9 iJ.:11 married for 1 few moatH and am slill having problem with cook· Jag. And It's not bec1111e I don 't know how to Cook. I've bet11 cookla1 at home ioi for our fQt.lly of sl:rr. for several years - aDd thatlt my problt.m. l d!fi'l 'teem to be able to cook for just lwo wttbout wasting: 1 lot or food. Any 1uggesdon11' A. You would be wise to invest in a coo~book auch as •1t09king for 'Dwo" which gives recipes and suuestions 1for sma11 meals. You can also get a, free pafnphlel on "Mesh for One or '!Vo'' f.rom our offi~. Call us al 7'74-0284 or write us at UC Agricultural Extension Service. 1000 S. liarbor Blvd., Anaheim. 92.805. and ask for tb.i.3 pamphlet by name. Q, \Ve ba\'C 1 rust stain In our bathroom sink around the draia where the waler always stands in a puddle. I tried remoYlag It wltb the mlzture of cream or tar1ar and by~rorea peroxide A. Sometimes the rust slain In ;i "'and bathtuba i~ there because. porceJaln finish is eompletely worn aw and the metal below is, rusting. The o y way to get ri~ of this ls to paUlt ·over it with special porcelain pain( 'wPlic,h you can buy in plumbing st.ipply departments. ' Q, I've beta married •,.;, tWo yffn ind still doa'l know tipw lo cook maay dlf· ftietit kinds of 'meal. especlaQy U.. trs1 ex~ve ~· w~;e· ptttt1 tlnd of 1t.eaQ, · pork clttlpl 1td ,Umllwsert. Where can l leara bow to cook ether klads of meat? A. There·s really nothing so difficult abotU cooking meat -you either roast it, braise it (by baking or simmering in a covere~ pan, or wrapped In foil), broil it. fry if, or stew it in liquid. The methods for cooking meat are well described in most any cookbook. ReaJ the direct1onJ Cfrefully and give it a whirl -you'll be surprised at how easy it is. s ,._u PARTY PINK COMPL IMENTS BLUSH ING BRI DE-TO.BE ' Hint for Newlyweds: Al Fresco Enterta-ining' s Relaxing It's IN to go Out ... Out in the open air where a with-it brunch is brewing. Only the out! eat lN on a shining Sun- day. Eating. "al fresco" has come to mean more than its literal "Ip the open air;" it means a happy informality and simple, relaxed enterta~ning, rain or 1 shine. You might say that out-0f- doors Is a state of mind when frttnds come together •.. rent &Orne-plastlc g.rass, borrow a potted palm, mix up th~ Bloody Marys and the brunch is on. · Under assumed n a m e s , bt"unch has 'been a n-lnging·.,j;~ meal ror a good long time. Big formal ones were, and still are today, called '"'breakfasts " like the Hunt and Weddikg bfeakfast.s. Then. just before the turn ol the century, some · bright Brilishu called this popular meal a "'bnmch." A brunch by any other name would taste as good, coming as It doe!! at-that time of day ' when everybody le: hungry for .,.-.., .. food. drlnk and company. Obviously, giving a party lo fetd people who are bungry, thirsty and companionable is like openlng the door when fortune knocks. For' young pcop1e who are ere just gettihg the feel o( easy entertaining. this ami- able midday meal almost runa Itself, It makes: for ron· I OUT-OF-DOORS CAN BE A STAT-E't>F MIN D • • fldent relaxed h o 111 t s, 01e first secret or a gage( ()l'rty. Make the foocj. fulorlul , •• In edible colon. Pink shrimp, named fn aea~ vodka, are wanning fn a handsome char. • Ing dl1h, qoady lo bt eaten with tht fingers In an infoi'· mal and relaxed way. A clear glass bowl shows off , a mixed green Malad that looks like a spring gardeh dres.'ted with fresh violets. Yt:s. with violets from lie.Id and meadow ., • • • beautiful to 1oo1r at, pleasant to eat .and incredibly nourishing, as are ·their dainty leaves. Unu sual breads give a ter- rific lift to a hrnnch. llcre we ha1"c homemade pizza, without a topping, served hot as a bread. And the dessert? A strawberry sandwich , shining sugared berries nestling on · a thick spread of cool cheese· cream in a glazed home-made sweet roll. It is so succulently good that it brings tears to your eyes. T~ breads ' art made from frozen bread dough. You don't haYe a handsome chafing dish. a glass salad bowl or stemmed w i n e glasses? Ten dollars will pro- bably let you rent them all from a nearby rental service. There it is .•. an elegant cavia r brunch on a bean budgcl. SlffilMP VODKA pound large s h r t m p (about 20), In shell, wash- ed and dried 4 tablespoons butter Over high heat, s a u t e shrimp in butter for S minutes Dcglaze with seat1one d vQdka• 2 tablespoons bottled Sauce Diable 1{4 cup chicken broth •t teaspoon salt Cook together for 10 minutes Add 1 tablespoon vodka mix· lll'e ~I up again SerVe In the sauce, or on stocks to dip in sauce • • . shrimp to 00 eate_n with the _ rln&crs. Tiley take on even more delicious llavor if ltft to m1rlnate ln the .sauce .unUI serving time and i;i1nply heated again. Makes 4 serv- ings. ~seasoned Vodka Take a bottle or part bolllc. either 100 proot or 80 proof will do. Peel an orange and a lemon "without bieaking the peeL Put it In the boltle. an· choring at the top witll a thread. Alio add a-sliced onion , whole cloYes of garlic, a dried red pepper anfi a half dozen peppercorns, bay !cal and a tall branch of rosemary. This makes a very flavorsome vehic le. However, if you don·t want. to put the onion. pepper ehd herbs in the vodka, putOng it out of the drir1klng class (the orange-lemon vodka is a good drink), mprthatt the shrimp for an.·hour or so with the same ingredienta, t h e n deglaze. (Take lhe pan oU the fire, add seasoned vodka and flame jt. Be very careful because the mixture flames very high and could leave you browless.) HAM AND EGGS 4 bowJ.shaped s I e m m e-d wine 1lasses 1 can each jellled chicken consomme and ~nsomme madrtlene, clean ••• not thick and pulpy • 2 slices bolled ~am, cut Into sttiJll·•bout in Inch wide- 4 tablesµoon1 COoked tiny • green peas J carrot, cooked and diced small 4 egga, bolled t to $ minutes and peeled without break- ing f.lelt the 2 cons01nmcs togethe r in a saucepan; mix well to amalgamate them. Put a little in the bottom of each wine 1lass and ~wish it a little. Put in the refrigerator to jell. Take it out of the cold• and spread Pieces cX barn across the bottom and up lhe sfdcs iomewhat, of the glasS, mak- ing a nesl. for t.ht-eggr _ · _ Sprinkle a few~as and car- rots on the ham and then add the egg. Add CQ!Uijmtne-about % way l!!'~KI" ·!'iii to-cool and jell aganl. Then add a few more peas arid caiTots and cover with the consomme. Refrigerate until .serving. Decor8te the tops With sprigs of parsley, if desired. Makes 4 scrYings. PIZZA BREAD I package frozen bread or pizza doujb,. tbawed 6 tablespoona good olive oil (keep I tablespoon out to brush on top) \Vork the oijve oif' into the dough . Streldt oqlo greased round pizza pans. Let' rise 2 hours or unUI Clouble in bulk. This makes eOQUgh for one ti. inch and one t-inch pan. Brush with olive oil. Bake iD a 400 degre! oven for 15 minutes. STRAWBERRY SANDWICH ' ROLLS ) eackage ft'01.en brc~ dough, thawed 2 eggs \4 cup butter • \4 cup' suga.r " About 1 cup flour Beal tbe e11s a little with I fork and on a floured board \VOrk thcn1 into the bread dough along with the other in- gredients. One cu p of flow i~ just about right to absorb lhe eggs: it can be a bit more·or a bit less. Let rise ·about 2 hour.; until double in bulk. Roll out to about ~·· th ickness and c~t in- to round s, 3 to 3~~ incbe.s in diam.tier, with a co{fee cup. -Place..on a grea&ed, floured baking shee t. Let rise qain. Bnish witt\. beaten egg.\ Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Filling for Str•wberry Sandwich 11 J 8-0unct packages pot cheese (fanner's cbee:se) 213 cup sour cream Beat together unUI light and fluffy. Makes I pint filling. T'nis also can be made with cream cheese and sour cream, and it is Yery good, but Die pot cheese gives a lighter, crisper taste that Is excellent wilh·tbe berries. The Berries Wash and hull· the strawbe.r .. ris. Provide plenty of big her .. rtes. enough for 6 to a per sandwich. Flatten the berrie:!I about balfway between the palms of the hands. Put them In a big bowl arid supr lbem' well. • · Tiie Sandwich Each guest ma.kea his own. Splil the bot roll&; 11\0i can be' kept warm on a hot plale or in a chafing dish; 5t1te11d wllh the cheeae-$0tir frerun rnlxturt. Pile on stnwberrlts. Top It and bite in. They ara WDDde:r(UJ. ·-. " . -~· ( ,, I j 1 -··ff DAJLV PILOT Rings, Vows Exchonged Couple Tours Southland CM Metho dis t Church Setting for Cere mony • ' • ' > A double rin~ Cf:remony· ln l h e Commuruty Methodist Church, Huntington Beach, united in marriage Theo Jae Douglass and Ted Johnson . . . ' ' Conducting the service for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Teddy A. Douglass of Hun- tington Beach and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Erling Johnson, Westminster, was the Rev . R6ger B. Betsworth . Given in marriage by her ~~ father, the bride selected a t gown of watered silk with a sabrina neck.line, lace tiers ' forming the full skirt and a cathedral train. Holding her il- lusion veil was a crown of seed pearls with teardrop rhinestones, and she carried a cascade of white roses and carnatioris centered with a v.·hite orchid. Encircling her nec k was a pearl necklace, a gift from the bridegroom. The bride asked her sister, f.1rs. James Henson of Westminster, to serve as matron of honor, and Mary Ellen Carson of Huntington Beach was maid of honor . ttoneymoorung In Colorado bdore making their home in Santa Ana are newlywed ~lr. and ~· Michael Dennis Crosier who were married in the First Methodisi Church, 1 Costa ?otesa. The Rev . James Ledgerwood officiated during the evening double ring nup- tials. The former Kathleen Ruth Tuz is the daughter of Mr. and P.1rs. Walter Tuz of Santa Ana Heights and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crosier of Brighton, Colo. The bride selected a white satin empire style gown with chanlilly lace adorning the bodice, sleeves and chapel train. An elbow length illusion veil was caught to a petal headpiece and she carried a white Bjble from J o b ' .! Daughters .• _white orchids and stephanotis. ' 'I Bridesmaids were Valerie and Elaine Douglass, the bride's sisters, and Debbie WaJker of Huntington Btach . Miss Cindy Lou Tuz was her sister's maid of honor. Miss Shirley Kibble o{ Costa !\1esa and ~1iss Donna Kinzer or Santa Ana Heights ...,·ere bridesmaids. They w o re :e11ow empire gowns featuring s~ sleeves and apple green ribbOft trim, an<t carried 'nOsegays of yellow daisies and roses. • MRS. TED JDHNSoN G•rden Grove Home Newlyweds at Home L In Huntington Beach · Returned from a honey· moon trip to Hawaii, Ralph John Bollinger and his bride,~ the former Jan Roberta Wool- sey, a t e making their n e w home in Huntington Beach. The daughter of Mr. and ~trs. Robert Woolsey ol Ir- vine and the son ot Capt. N rt<., and Mrs. James Bollinger of Hacienda Height.s were married in SL Ml.cbaels and All Angels Church, Corona del Mar In a ceremony per· formed by the Rev. John Rogers Davis. !loe her wedding, the brid~ wore a noor length organta gown and carried a cascade ......... 1'Jey were identically gown· ed in yellow dotted swiss over taffeta, with headpices of roses fashioned from yellow nylon and veiling. They car· ried nosegays of yellow carna· lions. MRS. ROGER S. GERICK St. Louis Hom• Selected Flower girl Pamela Dawn Douglass, another sister of the bride, wore a floor length mint green dotted Swiss gown, a green hair bow, and carried a basket of white and yellow Vows Exchanged I carnations. In NB Church The bridegroom asked his brother, Roy Johnson, to be In a double ring ceremooy, best man, and ushering were performed by the Rev •. David another brother, L 1-r r y Crump in St. James Epl.SCOJMll Joh o •on; .brothers-in-law, O:i\JJ'Ch, Beverly Gail Ham· Ralph 'Bhuri •nd J a mes mack and Roger Steven Ge- llensOn, a.lld A11en Ewing. rick .ot: t.guna Beach were Mark. Johnson was ring marriOO. bearer. and candles were The bride, daughter of Mrs. lighted by 1~eri Johnson and Marjorie Fohl Hammack ot Raymond tilJeeU Jf. Newport Beach and Robert The bride ls a graduate of Veroor lhlrunack of Bur- Marina High School and al· bank. wu given in marriage tended Golden West College. by her father. She. is a past officer In the · She wore a floor length lnlernaUon.al Order of Rain-sheath of bridal satin, fuh- bow for Girls. ipned with a scoop neck. Jong Tbe bridegroom ls a pointed sleeves and a chapel graduate of Wenmimter.11i4h -train. Trimming bet bodice Sc_bool and served two years in and frutt paneling ol the skirt the U.S. Army. ~ was alenooo lace. After their wedding trip the A double crown of pe.arlized newlyweds will make tbeir flowtn C111Jbt her elbow llomt in GardM Grove. length vtil, -she carried a cascade ot white camalions, · baby's breath and camellias. Wearing a pale yellow floor length gown and canyin& yeUow dalsits wu MW J ulle Kammack, the bride's sister and maid of honor. In similar gowns of postd pink and car· rying white daisieo .,... the bridesmaids, Mm K a r e n Hammack, another sister and Miss Pegi Hope. The bridegt'QOm .... of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gerick of SL Loois, asked Fred Fallen to be his' best man, and ushers were Randy Weds and Garv Shaw. A r«eption followed In the home ol the bride's ·mother. Among the 50 guests were the bride's ~. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Edgar Ford of San Francisco. Attired identically was the flower girl, Llnda Thetford of Santa Ana Heights. Ring bearer was Chris McCarthy of P.tission Viejo. William Millard of El Toro wu asked to stand as best man. Usher duties w e r e assumed by Dan Crosier, the bridegroom's brother, a n d William Tuz, the bride's brother. The church's altar was decorated with bouquets of yellow and white gladioli, chrysanthemums and stock. White bows and yellow bells lined the aisle. of yellow and white roses. ,----------------------, The bride att'ended Stephens College, while her husband studied at the University l>f MWouri. They will make their home in SL Louis next fall. MRS. R. J . BOLLINGER H•waiian Honeymoon CANDICE FORD N•wp0rt Btide-tlect Ca ndice Ford ' Will Morry Dur ing August Candice Ford, daughter flf Mr. and t\irs. George I. F'ord of NeWJ)Ort Beach, and Cl11.rke Atkins, son o( W.r. and ~t r.;, Edward A. Atkins of Anaheim, wW be married Aug. 9, in SL Michttl's Epbcop31 Church. Anllldni. Mill Ford is a gradual<' or FulJtrt.on High School and \\ 111 rteeive a degree in education thl! June rrom California State CoUq:e at F'uUerton. She will begin te1chlne in an elM\"111ry l<hool In S """'*" . . nie btQedlct..elect fs an alumnus of Anaheim 1tllgh •School and currentJy 11 enroll· ed at lhe University or <'Aliiornia, Davf1. He l.s Ht· ttndlna the School o 1 Veterinary Medicine. · Mrs. Gary DavidSOIJ, Lhe matron of honor and 1'1rs. Connor Woodland, the brides- maid, wOre floor length em· plre green gowns and carried yellow carnations. Eric Smith was best marl, and Brad and Jon Woolsey, the bride's brothers, escorted gucsis to their seats. Following the ceremony. !\liss Geri MacDonald of Bur· lingame circulated the guest book during a reception in the Newponer Inn. Special guests included Dr. and ~1rs. Leland Borland or Burli ngame , Rich- ard Kazamie r Jr .. a Heismao Trophy 1vinner. and his v.•ife rrorn N~w Jet.sty. and h1r. rind Mrs. Hugh Bollinge r of Burlingame. The ne1\' Mrs. Bollinger is a graduate of Santa Monica C:Hy ColJ('gc and \Vlllis Bus- iness College , Her husband is an alun1nus or Sta nford t ni· \'ers11y 11·here he studied en· gi necring. Candlelight Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories \Yith black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- 1nent prior to or within one v.1eek after the ,,·ed ding. For engagement announcements it is su:;:gest lXI that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. ff the betrothal announce- 111ent and \\'cdding date are six 'veeks or less apart. only the v.'edding photo \vill be ac· cepled. ' To help fill requirements on both \Ved· (ling and engagement stories, forms are avail- ~1ble in all of lhc D.<\lLY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Coebremon : Vows Re·peated serve cr . Yellow roses and candles adorned !he home of Mrs. Jack Betts when she host(•d !he installation Cl'ren1ony for Xi Epsilon Psi. Taking office V.'crc I.he ~ln1es. Ja1nes Eales, presi- dent : Frank \V. Heed, 1·1ce president· Richard Comer, rerording sctretary: t3h1dvs furd, c orr es pond i rig s " c re tar y , and H~tt.~, lrf'as urcr Coming up on the club <';1lendar are a patio U1nner party In lhc Balboa waterfront home or l\.1rs. John Negus and .1n end-of-the-year party in the Costa lole!!a home of Mr s. Donald Richardson. The group goes dark in the sumn1er. League Meets 0 r a n g e Counl> Unit, \Vqmen's O\'ttseas Service Lea1ue will mee\ at noon Saturday, June 7, In Island }louse, Fashion Island. Hostesses. fl1Lu Inez Run· dall nod ~1rs. Betty Boardm11n announce lhri t srtcr lunch ar.(l a meeting. n1embcrs n1Ry 5pcnd tllc ert:!rnoon shopping. By l .. agunans Church of SL Francis by th~ bridesmaids, Sherry Hester Sea y,·as the selling for the and Courtney Geddes. double ring ceremony linking Attending as best man was in 1narriagc Shaunna Russe!! James Hammons, while serv- and Hobert L<le Turley, bOth ing as the usher was James of Laguna UcaC'h. Jlussell. thc bride's brother. Bishop Ivan Uenner dircc1ed A recepUon for 100 guests the vo w e!\chonge. for the followed in the garden of the daughter of fl.lrs. Renata Titus Emerald Bay home of the Russell of Laguna Beach and bride's mother. Clrculallng the John Lawrence Russe:U of guest book was Miss Patty Studio City and the son of ··Turley, the bridegroom's ~trs. Fredrick Spatz. Manhat· slster. tan Beach and Jack Turley 0( Special gutsts were Mrs. Nev.•pc:irt Beach. James CUlford Titus of Los Gi ven in marriage by her Angeles and Newport Beach, father, the bride ...,·ore her the bride 's mater n a I grandmother's wedding dress grandmother who loaned her of champagne crepe . fashion-gown for the occasion and ed with a short train which ~frs. Amy Requa Russell , her wa s edged with f' r e n ch paternal grandmother. rosebuds. A1wreatb of Illies or After · a ~ymoon h1 the vaUey held htr full letigth Montecito, the ·~pie~ will veil. · eall~llsll tll<ir llrJI home I• Wearing old·fashloncd styled Laguna Beach. gowns of beige colored bodices The bride attended Newbury <1nd purple skirts and carryinA: Park Academy and Orange nosegays of ylolet s and purple Coast College, while her hu s· stock were ncnatn Amy band studltd at Mark Kepple Rus.,ell, the bride 's slster nnd High School, Alhambra and n1aid of honor, and the OCC. PATRICIA TOVATT Engaged September Plans Told LINDA SPARKES August Brid• Wedding Date Set Linda Jean Sparkes and John Cimbaluk will exchange wedding vo .... ·s Aug. 30 in St. Andrew's Pr es byte r i an Church, Newport Beach. Their betrothal has been 3n· nounced by Dr. and Mrs . Har- ry D. Sparkes of Costa Mesa, parents of the bride-to-be . fl1iss Sparkes, a graduate of Costa Mesa High School, will graduate from Orange Coast College in June and plans to complete her education a;id teach elemenlary school. Her fiance, son of Mr. and ~1rs. Julian Cimbaluk o( Costa Mesa. aOO is a graduate of CMHS. He attends California State COiiege at Fullerton and plans 1 career as a physical education teacher. . A din= party In the ffim. -----=== tington Beach home of Mr. ~and Mn. Anthony C. TovatL was the settln1 selected to 8fl-' nouilce the Sept. I weddlng plans of their d a u1hter, Patricia Anne Tovatt and Richard E. Peters. Altending ' 'were f a•m I I y members includlfll Mr • ..,aa-'1 Peering Around Mrs. Robert· Peters or Whit· •11111-..,•m:sm;CZJ Uer, Parent 1 of the G1tADUATING with Honors briaegroom·to-be . from the University of Denver The future bride! is a June 10 will be Miss Jane Ann graduate ol Marina High Ge:pfvt, daughter of Mr. and Seool and attends Golden Mrs. c. M. Gepfert of Corona West Collep. She is a del M member of. the Hunttngton ms:r Gepfert. named to the Beach PEO Chapltl' CV. DU Chapter of Phi Beta Kap. Her flance we graduated pa, studied in France during from Slura Hla:b School and bet junior ye,ar and recently Rkl Hondo Colle1e. He wUl wu awarded a Fulbright enter California State Co11tge scholanhlp far 1 d v a n c e d al Los An1eles In the fall. study abroad next fall . She The couple plan to be mar-completed the university's ried In the Huntington Betcb Scholars Program, an ac- United Community Methodist celerattd pr o g r a m of Church. semh11rs and special courses CM Overeaters Overeaters An .nymous gather every \\ cdnc!iday al 8 p.m. in Bear Street School, Costa fl1esa. for highly promising students. RECENT GUESTS at the Cllft Holel in San Francisco were Mrs. Jack Gamer, ~11ss Lisa Drake and Miss Lorra ine Johnson, all of N' e w p o r t Beach. ' • I ' • • --·--- 51rl' l'M!t MRS . MICHAEL DENNIS CROSIER The Former Katkleen Tux Thompson llall \\'3S tht! set· ting for the reception :.inendcd by 150 guests. Assisting \\'e~e fl1rs. Jack Kaylor. ~lrs . JC'ss1e J~armon, 1<1rs. All'in Charter and Miss Toni Tuz, the bruJC'"s cousin. Circulating the gurst book. Were ~1iss f.lonn ie Lou Tuz, another cou~in and fl1iss Tami Tuz, the, bridc·s sisler, The new bride. a past honored queen of J o b ' s Daughters Bethel 157 l n Newport Beach. is a graduate nf Corona dcl t.lar High School. Hl!r husband is a ~raduate of Fort Lupton High School. Colorado and currently l~ serving wlth lhe Marines at El Toro. Mary Turner Marries John -A llen McDorman Our Lady Queen or Angels Church. Corona de! t.·lar was the setting for the double r ing nuptials linking Mary Kathleen Tu.mer and John A 11 c n l.tcDorman Ill. 'J1le Rev , Raymond Saplis directed the vow exchange for the daughlcr of ~•lr. and Mrs. Roger Ebert Turner o f Newport Beach and the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A • McDorman Jr. of DaUas. Given in marriage by her father, the .bride wore her mother'ir ivory satin Can1elot wedding gown, her maternal aunt's cathedral length veil of handmade roscpoin~ lace and' she carried a boliquel of phalaenopsis· orchids and slephanotis. Allending her sister as mairl of honor was Alicia Stan!C'y Turner, v.·hile serving as bridesmaids \\'ere J an e Richardson , the bride's cousin, Val Millington an d Diane lt1cMHlan. The bridegroom a:;kel.! .John ~1cCleskey to be his best 111n11. Ushers \Vere Jinl Foster, Bill \Varren, John l ilovcr. .Jeff Arthur :ind Jlusly Turner, tile bride's brother. A rceeplion follo1red in Irvine CoasL Country Club where Nancy Richardson and Dad s Hono red FathCrs will be honored oy the Costa fl.1 esa Chapler of La Leche League duri ng the final meeting in the series covering Nutrition and \Veaning Tues· day, Jun e 10, in the Costa Mesa home of fl.1rs. Jerome Hjeltness . Anyone \\ishing information about the 8 p.rn. meeting mny call ~lrs. It. \V. f.toore , 545- 4359. SUSAN FAULKNER Summer Br l~t C1meo H0tt11 PMi. MRS. J. A. McOormen Home in Dallas J ulie Arthur assisted. Signing the guest rc~istcr \\'ere ~1r. :.ind J\1rs. T. L. St:inley of New Orleans, uncle <ind nunl of the bride : Mrs. .Jnhn Keenan of New Jersey, her aunt. and Eugene Turner of Berkeley. her uncle. 1\ftcr honeymooning in San Diego. the ne\vly\Yeds \Vilt drive to Dallas where they will establish their rirst home. The bride is a graduate of llamona Convent and attended the Universi ty of California, Davis and Southern Methodist Uni~~rsily. She is affiliated \\'ith Kappa Delta and Lambda Chi Crescents. Her husband is a graduate of Arcadia High School and at. tended S~IU where he became a member of Sigma Tau. engineering honorary fraternl· ty and Kappa Mu Epsilon, a math honorary. Faulkners Tell News Of Troth The engagement of Susan Faulkner and Mkhacl G. Dinger, both 0£ Costa Mesa. has been announcec! by Mr. and Mrs. Homer E. Faulkner of Costa Me.sa , parents of the bridt-tl>be. f.tiss Faulkner is a graduate of :E:.stancia fligh School and her fianef:. son of flir. and ?<.tn. Louis W. Dinge r of Costa Mesa. ls an alumnus of Corona del Mar High School. Dinger will complete a four-year enlistment in the U.S. Navy this menth. An Aug. 23 wedding Jn St. Andrew's Pre ~byteria n Churc h, Newport Beach, is planned by the betrothed cou. Jl]('. • ' ' ... ~-. . Husband H.its a Real :::VaJl.ey ,. • ' I DEAR ANN LANDERS: My bUJband Is bright when k comes to his work, but he hacks common sense. Last . nl.gbt at mealtlme he took a pill to help him diet and an anUbioUc for a touch of dysen· tery. He then fixed himself a very stiff highball "to relu." Alter dinner he drank a can of beer and washed down two sleeping pills with a iilug of bourbon, "to inBurt a good night's rest." I worry about him. He sa)ls I'm foolish. Am I? -WORRY WART ANN LANDERS ~ ... ~ • r • I. f! I • DEAR WART: No. He 11. Ftll1 ud Ueeltol cu. be a daagerou combinaUon. Alto, 10me drugs llloald ut be mlsed. Your "bric'l" tllusband coe'\d wake up me moraine ud find ldmself shakin,g bads wllb St. Peter. Te.II him ff'1 playlac wlllt dynamite, llllCI u i.. dott•'I bdie'fe yoa to clteck wl~ a doctor. DEAR ANN LANDERS : This is for the lady who referred to her body as "tbe most preciou.s gift she has for her bridegroom" -and to others who labor under this gross illusion. When women stop thinking of their bodies u "gifts," men will cease to think of them as prizes to be won. One of the princlJ>'ll problems with our cultural setup is caused by the games people play. lf a sexual relationship has any real significance it must be m u tu a 11 y desirable. Tell it like it is, will you please? -FROM BERKELEY DEAR BERKELEY: Your tht11i& 1ou.nd5 aolid, but close eumluUoa reveals a serlou1 flaw. You ~mpltte.ly dJ1regard tbe insUnctive n>le er tbe male u Utt agreuor. Yes, I'm well aware &bat some dames are so aggreuive • guy bs to sle.tp wittri bis track sboes on, !Mat according to tile accepted mons Of our 1oclety, lbe male Is 1tlll lllpposed lO be the bunter ud the female Is bis target. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Please tell me if "because he's my brother" is a good enough reason to insist on knowing every move my husband makes? HiJ widowed sister lives across the street from w and her nosiness drives me craiy. What she doesn't see from her window she telephones and asks about. "Whose car was out in front of your place from 8:30 lill 11?" "You received a telegram this morning. ls everything all right?" "I saw the delivery boy from the drugstore ring your bell a few minutes ago. Is somebody sick?" r This evening was the last straw. She Art Wo rks Go Up for Sale . ~ . r : called a few m.ir.u&es:. ago .•and llid, "1 saw Gerald leave Ule house in hia cood suit. Where did hi gO?" Do I Have the riglll lo ten. 116 lo mind her own busines.1? If you say IO 1111 do it. --SICK OF HER DEAR S.O.R.i OI-.,..,... ,_ .... Ute rigbL Bu' do y1* Uve die c:wrqe? Every time JO. ulwer a __.,_,...._ business type questlll yw make tt...., for her to .aslr tk 9eit eoe. When you pl really led :IP )'W'H tell your sitter-1.HaW'•aff ud tUt will Nd Ille 1Dquls!Uoo·.,.a1~-·-.,. kr prying. If you have-U;:oullle getting along with your parents .•. if you can't.get.them to let you live your own ll!e, send for AM Landers' bookle~ "Bugged. by Pacenta? How to Gel More Freedol;n." Send..-50 cents in coin with· your req\Jest and a long, ~ped sell,.ddressed enftlope. Ann Landers will .ht R:lack,tO help you with your problems. Send .dlem to her In care of the DAILY -PILOT, enclosing a s-lf-addressed, s~ envelope. Tea Served President, New Board New. officers of Delta Alpha Phi chapter, Bel.a Sigma Phi, were installed. during the group's annual Mother's Day tea in the Fountain Valley home of Mrs. Graham Inch. Taking olf1ce as president ls Mrs. Robert Goff of Hun· lington Beach, and Gerving on her board will be the Mmes. Wayne Updike. Huntington Beach, vice presi d en t ; Richard Boyle, F o u n t a i n Valley, recording secretary; Timothy C.Onnor, Huntington Beach, corr~spondln& secretary, and Inch , treasurer. Mrs. Roger Denig, named Girl-0f-lhe-year during a re- cent Founders Day ceremony. was installed as ·extension of- ficer. Mrs. Goff, incoming president, was named Pledge- of-the-year. Laguna Club Has Birthday Laguna Beach Chapter , 0.-der of the -Siar, will celebrate its 39th birthday with a meeting next Friday night :tl 8 in Laguna Beach Masonic Hall. Mrs. Arthur Stead, worthy matroo, wiJI ask past matrons and patrons to fill all stations, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Penna presiding as acting worthy matron and -patron. UCI Art student John Gustavson gets advi~ from Costa Mesa arust Mrs. Jean Dales (center} and Mrs. Marshall Jarvie on just the right placement of his painting for the Joys of Art display in Mardan School of Educational Therapy June 6-8. A cbampagneJeception next Friday at 7 p.m. will open the benefit exhibit, which will heip underwrite the Costa Mesa center's summer program. Star points will be hostesses for the everiing which all members of the order are in· vited to aUend. Dental Health Horoscope Pisces: Cycle Rising Good derUI health~ should begin in childhood. Instruct children to eet • many raw fnpts a n d vegetables as possillle and cut down on sweetii betweea mt.els. Harbo r TOPS THURSDAY JUNE 5 By SYDNEY OMARR MOON IN PISCES favorable for flsbiQg. Best bays today in pia n os. pboeo1rtpb records a • d playen, u.fety applluces, ralneoab, boots ud shots. <\RIES (March 21-April 19): Tonight favors quiet evening. Obtain needed privacy. You could be provi ded with e<m· fidenllal information. T h i s Arrive at understanding with pearance. Harper School in COila one o( opposing views. Strive To nt111 out who'• 11-w for wou 1.. Mesa is the )OClltion when: for harmony. One close to you =t1.an:i!~·, ~~, "i!"".J:.:"'~~ members of TOPS Harbor is waiting for conciliatory ~°'&:;.';. :;r.~~'~! ~""' SC\,if~ Lighters gather each Monday gesture. Be mature. Think of PILOT. IOI: 3240, r1 ~lrll 511-evonina at 7:3(). '==''"':·:':-::::v:~:•·::;;:':·:':':'-:::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.I future. 11 LIBRA ISepl. 23-0ct.22): Express point of view, You can be liberating influence. Study possibilities or uniting with those who share goals. lmpo!'larit lo be realistic, especiii.lly• where w'ofk .is C1>D· cerned. SCORPIO (Oct. 2J..Nov. 21): ·. _ ~hanges your viewpoint . outline new goals. Greater freedom of thought, actlbn is evident. Stress on romantic interests. You are more creative. You take steps to achieve desires. And you succeed. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent on fulfillment of some of your fondest desires. Be persistent. even stubborn if n~ry. Mate or partner may not be on right track. You wll have to lead the way. GEMINI May 21.June 20): Spotlight on standing in C1>M· munlty, pre.IDge. Cooperate In community project. Your .ad- vice is sooght. Give it. Key 19 versatility and flexibility . CANCER (June 21.J'u.ly 22); Good lunar aspect today coln- cidts with vacation journey, ability to communicate with UIOse at a di.stance. You may have beeo negleding some detafls. Correct the situation. LEO (July 13-Aug. :12): Many express willin&ness to serve your needs. Be ap- preciative. Know that others w•nt praise as much as do you. Day features change, tCAv~t variety. VIRGO (Aug. :13.S.pl. :12): SAGI'ITARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Artistic views Cilme to forefront. You are able to express yourself in writing, other areas. Obtain hint from Scorpio message. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Yoo may be io doubt about new procedures.. Best course is ~ test them. Throw oil fears. Display willingn<ss to u:perimenl. Seme ol humor is great ally. AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Feb. 18): Guard posaes!ions. Be cautiowi where upendiwres art eonctmed. Means be IUrt SAUCY SALAD SET Cut uystal solid bowl wilh gold ~ rim and-... $10. Matching -crasti with ladle, $5. you get money's worth. Be S , recepUve lo sugges!ioos from LA Vf CK S one with experience. J-.iers s;... t917 PISCES (Feb. lt·Marcl> 20): Cycle moves up. Take in· 18 F•shion l1lend itlattve. Accent attractive N•wport 8e•ch -6-4-4· 1 llO clothing. You are in Spotlight. '!'1111r tllfrot A~cO\lllr w11c-_ ••M.A"'trk•nt, M.ttiw O'l•rtt• ,... Possible that you may be ask-td to speak, make special ap-,.._ _____ o_,.. __ M_•_••_•_•·-"_'•_..,_'"-'_1 _,,_,o_•·_•_· ------" '. • • • •• ' l I .. AN ... HEIM: - •• • • 444 Nor!h Eucli~ ..• Dl·ll l I Mon .. ay thru Satur .. ay I 0 o.r11. In t :l O p.m. I Wtdntsd.IY, Junt 4, 1969 PAil Y PILPT 11 • • ' • I THE OLD SCHOOL TIE FLIPS INTO SUMMER Toke your cue fro m those veddy dashing Britishers end show your fa shion know -how th is woy •.. with the Old School' ~ie flying out over c long stretch of Rugby stripes end the whirliest skirt in town. By Eve Le Coq in Celanese® acetate, sizes .. 8 · I b, coramel/novy o' blocl/coffee, 36.00, Ma il and telephone orders invited. Windsor Misses' Dresses, 4·-t. NEWPORT: HUNTINGTON BiACH '47 f•shion l1land ••• 644-1212 Mon. thru Fri., 10 a.m. to'9:l0 p.m. · Sat. I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. 111 Edinger Avenue , • , 1•2·.1311 Mond•y thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9:)0 p.m. .. l • • ' II End of Yea( Wrapped Up by P-T Units • Balearic PTA ..... Clwle• Cook President COMlNG UP: PoUuck dinner and installation of officers for old and new board member• and spouses Fri· day. June 6, in the home of Mt. and Mrs. Davld Eisen· man. Bear PFO Mn. Joh• Batktr . President CX>M.ING . UP: Parent and teacher baseball game and lunch Will take place al 10 ·'a.m. ~turday, June 7. 'Persom wishing to join the ball teams •may coObct Ronald Fross at $4MM2. Mr. ar\d Mn. R 1 c board Hagmeyer, co-cbairmea:!*ill ' present ,a trophy to the win- ning team. Canyon PTA K.unen. Waper President COMING UP: ENk>!-the-year luncheon for teachers, old aod new board memben will~ place at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, June .JJ , .at school. • .Sl%tb .grade skating party Thursday, June 12. College Pk. PT A Mn. Jlarlelglo Bonilem President COMING UP : Annual talent show "Tiptoe Through the Talent" will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 6, under lhe directioo ol Mrs. Glen Graham and art ·ork by M(s. llOnald Bnmeau ••• Mini cocktail party honor- ing board members' husbands Saturday, June 7, in the home of Mrs. John w.ns. • REPORTS: Movie tickets wjll be IOld ihroogh Fridly by Mn. l;'erftard Faubel, wayt and means chairman 1for · movies · that will start -in August. • Ensign PTA ~ln. J. II. Foil.tr President COMING UP: Aw a rd s assembly honoring students achievements will take place Tuesday, June 10. REPORTS: Mrs. Robert Sorensen, past president or Harbor Council installed the new officers at a luncheon meeting. Mrs. James Foster presented Mn. H a r o I d s naw, newly installed presi- dent with her gavel. Kaiser PTA Mn. Frank Mutkr President COMING UP:. Meetlng from 7:30 to 9 tonight in the multipurpose room. Don E. H. a 11 s trom, delinquency prevention coordinator of Orange County Prob:alion Department will speak on 1 Drugs, Stemming Tide ol Juvenile Delinquency. Five minutes will a11olted to persons wishing to speak or "ask qu eslions from the floor . A Time for Joy Mixed With Sadness ' Mrs. lrYln Kempler and t.trs. 'Jbomas R. Oenipn are dlairmen. Lindbergh PT A Mn. JoU Hefty President COMING UP: Board members will host a 1oodbye l_unchton for teachers at 11 :1.0 a.m: Friday, JuM t, in tbe school park. Mrs. Flet.cher Pond is chairman. •. Farewell party for sixth grade students at 11 :30 a.m. Wednesday, June 11, in the home of Mn. Robert Virsclk, past presi- dent. Mariners ~FO R0..rt~ President REPORTS : MISs Jan'Schwan: is· the recipient of the $300 scholarship given annually by the PFO to a graduating senior and alumnus of Mariaers school for out.stan- ding academic achievement. Miss Schwan will attend the University or California, Berkeley and major in com- munications. Mrs. William Codejohn ls 1ward1 chairman. Monte Vista PTA Mn. Mark Mtrrit President COMING UP: Dessert table for teachen and lltaff will be bolted by b o a-r d members the last week of school. Mn. David GoodseU Is chairman. REPORTS: Qiainnen to serve are Mn. Robert Miller, aocial: Mn. Bill McAfee, legislation and magaiint, and Mn. John Garcia, newsette and Oyen . . • AssistiQ1 with the TB skin telU were Mn. Bryon Brecktnridge and M.r a • Covel Allen. Paularino PTA Mn. Nfiel Balley COMING ~~i~ parties Friday, June 6 . .'.Fifth and shtth grade gr i d'u al in g' clusd·, will be treated to picnics ?.londay and Tues- day, June' t and 10 .•. , Students· will )larticipate in the planting and beautifica- tion of the school. .. End-of· school party for teact>ers and board members will take plact Saturday, June 7, in lbe home of Mr. and ~1rs. Nigel Bailey . RE.PORTS: Members voted to pu rchase six Ca ss ette recorder players and four sets of Golden Bo o k Encyclopedias. Rea PTA Mn. Donald Jackson President REPORTS: DAR awards were presented al the association meeting. rKaren F a r r i s received a "Silver thimble for sewing and Wanda Collison received a certificate. A silver spoon 'WU presented to Eleanor Shaver f.or cook- ing. Ann Barraclough a certificate. Mrs. K e l t h Kellogg presented M r ii • Donald Jackson with the presklent's pin. St. John Aux . Mn. Robert Rtld President COMING UP : Baccalaureate retreat.. for eighth grade graduates Friday. June 6, followed by a luncheon serv - ed by room mothers of se venth grade student.! ... Gra'duation at 2 p.m. Sun- day, J11ne 8 .• .Installation meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday, June 12. Classes one A and B will host. REPORTS: Mrs. Dennis Walz. presldent-elect named the following chairmen : t h e Mme!!. Robert R e i d , parliamentarian: Ivan Lowry, library; MI ch a e I Butler, DeMarillac : David Kammerzell and Anlhony Becker, hot lunch ; James Temple, room mothers : Plans Polished for Tea Jn anticipation of the Baccalaureate Tea, planned at 5:15 p.rrt. n~xt Sun~y in Corona del Mar High School cafeteria, Marianne Cox. senior VJ.Ce president pours for president Ran_,dy Johnson. In vited -are graduating seniors, their par .. ents and guests. Contributions Praised Parent volunteers in Hun- tington Valley wert honored during the Fountain Valley School District's fourth aMuaJ blue ribOOn lwx:heon in the Costa Mesa Country Clab. Added congratulations were extended [rom mayors, Jack Green of Huntington Beach and Robert Schwertfeger, of Fountain Valley. to the 693 parents whG have contributed lheir services to area schools . Services performed by the volunteers included labora- tory, library and health and welfare aides, and music Mossbrucker and Gerald Alr bott, telephone ; J a m e s Meehan, hospitality: John O'Brien. master calendar: boosters. Produced by laboralory volunteers were Instructional aids containing fra ction kits, phonetics wheels, musical gourds and multiplication boards. Mother! assisting in the library processed n e w I y , purchased books, and checked books in and out. Contributing to health and welfare were the parents who prepared posters and bullet in boards on these subjects. typed statistical reports and performed otbl!r c I e r i c a I ctutil!:. They i'tso assisted the nurse 'during immunization clinics, vision screening and safety activities. certs. They also provided scholarships for private lessons and summer music camps. Speaking during the lun- cheon wps: Dr. William Teague, vice president of Pe~ perdine College, whose talk was entitled My Cup Runneth Over. Embl~m Club The Elks Lodge is the set· ting for meetings: of the Emblem Club 201 of Laguna Beach. Members gather the first and third Tuesday at 8 p.m. .. ' Sisterhood About to say thcir final goodbyes .as stu~ents or Co6ta Mesa High School are graduating sen.tors who -will be honored with their parents and friends at Baccalaureate Tea next Sunday at 5 p.m. on the library patio. Preparing the table in the traditional end-of-the-year theme are (left to right) Bette Cor- nelius, l\trs. Robert L. Adelson and Jim \Vade . Leroy Taube an<! Wayne Boag, ways and means; James Burnett, courier : John Hartl, publicity : Frank Kreitler, health; Ro ss Bushhouse.n, u n i f o r m s : Clarence Clarke. art: \\'alter lfoUman, popsicles; Gilbert Friese, membership. and Paul Doutt, r e m e di a I reading. Music boosters have ·deVoted their energies to promoting cultu ral activities. T.h e y sponsored fund-raising ac- tivities to purchase . 'Stereo equip ment. addltion!ll musical instrumeril:'> . .otnd students' ex· cursions to professional con- • Temple Sharon's Sisterhood meets the fourth Wednesday of the month in Temple Sharon Religious School, Costa Mesa, at 8 p.m. James Stolp, historian; I. J . Parent-Teacher Groups Mixing Business With Pleasure • ' . . . All ·Systems Go for Pvllord, l llMI S•"'~ l<1C•~. FDunl•ln V•ll•~· DY J "·"'· Frid•• tar 11UDl!c1llon We<lntld•~ I Greg Helland, senior class president of Marina High School, looks over a poster proclaiming Grad Night al Disneyland for all seniors in 1-luntington Beach Unified School\ District 1.o take place Thursday. June 12. following graduation ceremonies. ,. Nieblas PTO Mr~. Richard Wilhelm Presidcnl COA11NG UP: Teachers Luncheon al l J: 30 a .m. Tuesday, June 10, REPORTS : t.1rs. R l ch a rd Wilhelm. 1968-69 president, was recipient of the Woman- of-lhe year award presented at the aMual fashion show ..• Incoming and outgoing officers m e t to • exchange plans. Wardlow PTO T\frs. Geo rge Meehan President COl\flNG UP : Eighth graders are planning a trip to Disneyland Saturday. June 7. PTO will assist with the . expenses. BEPORTS: StudcnL council officers will be elected this week ... Certificates of a~ preclation will be awarded at an assembly next week .. ~ ... Chairmen approved for the coming year are the Mmes. Freeman Coane, awards and flowers : ~ R o b e r t Justice, health , and we Ir a re: Welter P1ga11e. historian: Andrew I 8-0!:ko. hospitality : William llaywood. library; J oh n Rinde, newsette ; l~arold King, publicity; Reed - Gloshen, room m o t h e r c:oonllnaior: L<roy Keely, safety: Donald W o Id l, teacher atde9; Don a Id Beckstead, telephone : Gary ~loullet, youth actlvllles. and Arnold Folkerts, parent education. 'Imps' Bowled Over With Trophies_ • .. Schroeder l'TA Bowlin~ League members earned S400 lo help purchase hbrary books while winning many trophies !or themselves. The Imps. firs t placo \vinners, (left. to r ight) the Mmes. Amos Hale, ifelvyn Porter. James Garcia and Wayne Manter, proudly di splay the trophies they received at a ban. quet. ·' • I . -J' • Wedntsd41, June 4, 1%9 DAIL V PILOT ,, ... Menu Bridges Generation Gap Me al Skimping? Balance Your Di et The call or the worm barbecue beans, (amiliar pork BREEZY BEANS 'N B!D breezes makes meal 15kJmpers and beans w1ui tomato sauce, 2 slices bacon : 'l'here are hvo schoo ls L\ tee. extra-s trength ,,, cup sliced c.elery " of us all. You grab bites here beans and franks in tomato thought about desserts. one "1-4-6 Ice cubes I ea11 f 16 ounces} ·be.ant 'n . <i nd there : feed hubby a short sauce, or meaty beans !n beef. ... _ r '·I \ habited ·by nlolhcrs of the I pin t coffee ice crea1n 11.::e •u Gma to sauce -snack befo re the ·golf match One menu ror spring fe ver 1/3 C\lJ'I Mandruiii orahge bride and groon1, aunts, and 1.4 cup brandy and get haTI 'il sandwich down days includes 8 salad dip-in sections their fri ends; the other by the Place coffee and ice cubes the kids as they race off on (assorted crisp relishes to .dip 1 to 2 tablespoons orange bride, bridesmaids and thrir Into blender and blend at rolle~ skates. . in favorite dressing ), a loaf oC• marmalade contemporaries. rnedium speed. Add ice cream Ava.id misaing es s ent l e I bread and · butter and in-\'II teaspoon allspice The first school believes the and brandy ; then blend at nutrients lbat balanced meals dividual sef'vings or beans 'n Jn sau~pan, cook bacon un- maximum speed. Pour into an alford by keeping a supply of beet .•. bits of beef min gled ti l crisp: remove. Pour oft all perfect part y menu is ah\'ays attractive carafe and serve in c1uick-lo-fix . and quick-t<>--eat·. wilb tender pea beans in a but I tab lespoon drippin~ ctima~cd wil~ a rich desse rt punch cups. 1neals shelr·handy. One main tomato-rich sauce ... sparked Cook celery in drippings w\til and after-dinner coffee, v.·hilc To n1ake extra-strength cvl· cour~ su~gestion. · .canned 1vith the spring-fresh Oavors tender. Add remaining in- the young people prefer a fan· fee: Use on I y 4 oun ces !Jeans. or orange sections,. ce lery gredients. tl\!al; slir now~and waler tu each approved coffee A wide selection gives you slices and a garnish of then. Garnish with 't>acoD· cy coffee beverage £or dessert. rneasure of coffee. 'BEAN' SKIPPING BALANCED MEALS? Ideas for weeks. Choose spicy crumbled bacon . Makes 2 to 3 servi ngs. Ta please both gfo ups al al-'==-'-'-'-'-'-------------::==== ---------,------------~~...,.---------------~--- bridal shower buffet, offer perfectly brewed coffee -hot or cold. pl ain or fancy : and a choice of two elegant fruit and wine desserts. A fruit con1potc of pc::ir halves and quirk thawi ng, frozt n strawberries generous-I ly laced 1vith lake country v.·hite wine and their own syrup is a delicious n1iddle-0£·1 the-rnad co1npron1ise. Appealing to the young and young-tit-heart arc t h cs e glaniorous "L<!k(' C o u n t r y Je\\·r l!;'' or che rrv f 1 ;i v n r gelatin accenled ~vith red din· I ncr 1vinc or a delicate and 1 fruity rla\'or and bouquet The coffee is rich. crc:1n1 y and frothy in Cof/cc Alex· andcr, a de!>sert in a glass that quite handily becomes nn 1tftcr-dinner drink v.•ilh the ad- dition of brandy. \\'hip u,1 lhc l concoclinn with hot l'OCi t't"j cracked ice, cofll'C' ·.iec i.:rcHn1 and if you pl ease, a gl'n erous I splash of brandy. Pour inlo a lovely rarafr and serve inl punch cups or s l f' 1n m c ti l11asscs. It's ;i lust:iou3 (tr ink lo be si pped and Cl!JO}'cd lejsurl'- ly. In this rnonU1 nf briil~I shov.·ers and pr c ir e d d ing parties, coffee ll c s s c r t beverages and after-dinner coffee coolers rise to each OC· casion tO punctaatc t h e festivi1ics with a fl air. PEAR ANO BERR\' \\lNF~ CO~lPOT E l can 11 pound t.1 ouncrs) Barle1t pear hah·cs 1 cup white di nner winr 2 pouches (10 ounces cal'h) frozen strav»brrry halves. Drain pe;_1rs. arrange: in shalto1v scr1·ing dish. Pour wine over pears. chill at lcasl 1 hour. Just before serving. thaw be rries as directed. o n package : adrl to pears. Serve at once. Makes 8 to 10 serv- ings. J E\VELS 2 packages 13 ounces each) cherry nav;:ir gelatin 2 cups hot 1vatrr 1 ~ cup cold water 1 1.~ cups red dinner v.•inc 1 ~ lb. wh ite seed less grapes 1 egg white. unbeaten gran ulated su{ia r Dissolve gelatin in hCJt water. Add cold v.·att>r :•nd 1vinc. Pour into crystal wtne ::lasses. Chill 11ntil lirr n. \.~ar nish 11·1\h e)U$Lt'rs Of 1Suga rcd Crape$. To n1akc Sugared Grape!<: \\'ash gra pes, snip into small clusters. Dip each cluster of grapes firsl into egg 11·hilcs and then into sugar, turning to coat evenly. Dry on w;txcd pa· per. COFFEE ALEXAN"DEH 3 cups freshly bre1vcd cor- Pinwheels Refreshing Jl's gratifying to !>Crvc a fr ci.;hly baked snack. IIAM ANO CHEESE PINWIIEELS I cull silted floor 3 lea.spoons !:laking powder 1 tea spoon salt 11, cups e~~iched ~'hi.tc or yell ow cornmeal 1·1 cup shortening :1 1 cup cold water Ham Filling , :l SllCCS A!¥rtcan CllCC!>C In to medium mixing bowl sift together flou r, baki ng powder, salt and corn meal. Cut in shortening u n l i I p<trticles arc fi ne. Add water ; stir un til welt blendrd and inb:ture leavt>s side:oi of bowl. On a prepa red pastry cloth . knead t:enlly JO times. \Vith stocklnet~vered rolling pin. roll out to form a 15-by 10. inch rectanglr . Spread Han1 Filling over dough. Starting 11•ilh !~inch side, roll up. Cu!. in iz inch sllei!s. PlaC<' on greased cookie shcels. B a k e in prehea ted 400. degree oven 12 to 15 mi nut('!I, Cut each cheese slice in 15 pieces; top each pinwheel with a cheese piece. Retum lo oven until cheese. melt~ -2 10 3 minutes. Serve hot. ~1a kcs about 2\~.dozen, llam Filling rtHx togcthrr I can (4•!:. ouncc:11J deviled ham, I 1cHs· poon prepared musta rd and I lt aspoon bottled horseradish. ., ., for$ ,~~~~~~><~9!!~.~~~A-~' 59< v~r;~~~GFOOO .12;s1 WESSON OIL 89' o ~~T.,~,1,T,E COL~··· 6 ,.. 49' TOOTHP~STE OREO COOKIES NA!l~tO 1 ~0~ P((, •.• , __ 73' ···-· 45' SMOKED · PICNIC . HOFFMAN SWEET SMOKED CU Rt SLICED47c &TIED lb lOIN PORK CHOPS "· 98' rnn AC[ BUllS c lb. • YOUNG HEN o r TOM TURl<EYS l'l/(N '1.IJMP, M! AIY ···-·--··· . . ' .. . . .. , ... 39~ TAVERN S1 3 t HAMS "'"' • cwrM•N IO~lllf~1 ('ir • tb, _RIB · 0 ·9c PORK CHo.-s I> l[l'll!ICUI ···-·-·· ..... ' PORK 5PARERllliS 79~ m~fair Fruits & Vcg t~s ·~· ,y;·oo{.fm11rili VALENCIA ORANGES LARGE SIZE ................................ lb. WHITE ROSE u s. POTATOES ........... "0 '. ROYAL APRICOTS f~!-.t,IU:(.f --... CUCUMBERS IJ.11(,(, Gti[!ol --· \Ian de Komp's SPECIALS , Tll~ts. S~n., JHfle 5·1 Bear Claw Coffee Cakes ''-t 014 39c Extra So ur French Mini e .,.15c Chocolate $Jlg Pec an Cake .... 11.,.. illlll!W lJJ 00 IJJJ W ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS -THURS., JUNE Slh thru WED., JUNE lltb IMITATION ICE MILK AltOfN AS5T'O. f-LAVORS H.(Lf GAi I ON ....................... . --m~fair Frozen Food CHEESE PIZZA OH BOY FROZEN 16-0Z. 2 PACK age ORANGE JUICE 60l .CAN 4* s 1 lll[tSWEE I fl\OZtN 12-0Z. 49, ----··· GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES lflOI ~G ..... •"l'·t c• ~·1•/L~ ~"'U'! llROCCOU SPf>oltS, CAUllftOWER. lE SUEl PE>oS TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 6-0Z CAN m~Fair DcfiMmsen. CHIPPED MEATS BUDD!G J-OZ. PKGS !)MQl(EO BEEf. CORNED BE.(f :iMOKEO HAM. TURKlY (HICKEN, PASlRAMI -3~1 49< KRAFT MOUARELLA CHEESE 4]<- Sttlllooto..ai. n:G. -·-··-· ·-· --··-.. - HORMEL KOLB.ASE "°'-"<""' . 98' BABY EDAM"' GOUDA :="" __ ,..,, 69' I . \ . ' ;.:.:~· ... ~ ·-.. ~. mruifair Liquors SCOTCH ROY AL OCCASION IMPORTED 86 PROOF FIFTH s10..,9 ~!~~! ... ( •• ~~~~~-~!~ODK~--'°'""' $8.88 ~.~~,A.!,~11,!',UOURBON , <"'"" S) 0.59 !!,~~.J!!!~,.8,!UHON • .,,,.,;. $11,49 SILVD PIAK BEER CASE OF 24 $2 99 eotOllAiXfUGtlt 12-0LP\Al ICWC.f.H • MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA ma 2030 West 1st Street, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove ,_ r l 1f OAJLV PILOT r,;z;='l':-:"""""or.:--::--~--.,--=----=--=-=-....,.....---~1------..... think Yo ung Her Motto SJgte Lo.ur~ls '\ i • s;lamo~·r ··Grand-~~' s · ' ·ori.1y 42. " 14 .. f; GAY PAULEY ·~~- NEW Yo!ttt ,(U~l/. -~·. a gr111dma, wllb !be tniclltf4\W• roe tins ~. But !he's alJo a grandma who wears false eyellahe.s, .the latest i n makeup and models clothes. She, at '¢ ls tht .. National Glamour Grandmother-of·the- year." "Grandma" in this case is ' goegeaw looking gre<n .. ye<I bkmdt·, with two children,' llal:bai1;;2S, ¥id Rbbert. 13; a n d t w o 1randchildren. l Barbara, Mrs. Paul Doan of I\ Coast Clubs Cited · . Laurels were bestowed on three Orange Coast junior women's clubs d.1,1.nng the state convention of Caliiornia Federation of \Vomen's Club~ Junlor·Membership which took place in Sacramento. ' •' ... ,. Bringing .. bome th~e~ first place awards was the Junior F;bell Club of IVew.P9i:t Beach: J'ece1ving one second place and two third pl ace awards ·was the Jfuntln'ttqn, Beach Junior Woman's Club and awaided a first ,Place was South Coast Jun'ior Worn-en's Club of FouRtain VaUey. The .Ne\vport s:11:1.b1 headed by Mrs. Edward Whi tehouse Jr., \vas first tn J?ducat1on: ~1rs . Jay Moseley, chairman, and Mrs. Larry Mitchell co-cha1r~an ; Fine Arts,~ /drl· Gus Chabre. chairman. and Mrs. Roger Pille, cCKha1rman, and Pref!.· Mr(:.Eugene Kovach, chairman. . The Huntingtoa Beach organization, led by Mrs. Robert Nichols, re· ce1veJ1 *he .s~nd 'plac~ award in Americanism, Mrs. Ra.Y Jdhnson, chair· man, and t_h1.r<f places 1n Health, Mrs. Karl Hammer, c hafrman and SBfe· ty,.Mrs. \Vllham Mc~ourt , chairman. Fountair\ Valley Juniors earned a first place in International Affairs small clubs division. • ' I . f 1 ' I I 7' I ~I • c· I Clnclru\all hall Jellrey, 5 and u.---==,,..=til:m ... i:;giaiz::..._,""'lllC8:CllCl--"3!:Zll""""'"""J!.. David, two mo~!.hs. ~ - The name of th.ls glamour grandmother; Mrs. Robert (Kathy Elizabeth) Rothacker of Clnc,innatL ·: ; ':ii-',... .. lh!1(k' ii>imc . yoo ' · stay · Young," Said • M r s • 1 R~hacker, who was selected from a field of 5,000 can· didates In what its ·sponsors cell the firSt national sea·rch for glamour grandmothers to kill off the stereotyped image of the Inactive womah. gray· haired, rocking and knitting. Mrs. Rothacker got the rocking chair as a present from friends when the pageant sponsors announced she was "it." Each bunied her name into the chair as one memento . of the selection. The finals were held at Horlzon City, near El Paso, Tex., and v.·hen Mr s : Rolhacker returr.ed to Cin· cinnatl f r I e n d s also had ,. erected .a 'lO·foot ~ign in her front yard with flashing Ughts Youthful Artists Invited An~ art worksho~. for children now is in its fourth year·at the Mi:sa Verde-United , Methodist Church for Ghildr~n ' thro~gh the third grade, and a sec tion for fourth graders "'ill IX' added next year. formed by . a group of mothers headed by Mrs. Tony Williams, the grou p meets Tuesdays and 1'hursdhys at 11>'-'""lii'"'"llili .. ~· the church and is open to th e c""" Hwst ""°" public. Each parent pays a fee of SI per month per child, assists in two lessons per year and WINS GRANT Linda Hitchcock \VITll SAI..Llf.; CO~IF. JUS•~ Tilt; Dt;LI HOWLS "Get your Bar·be q ua Chickens. your made 1a -4f.~ hors d'oeuvl'l;lt ~; • ~iwple ICC buckcti here.·• ~nmpruiy time. bride timcJ j!Mtrlua!ion llmE'. mu11Chln time. lazy tin1e .. , our. delirious delica1csse1.1. is a real \~hiz ki~ with all tho right ans1vcrs. Ai11·ays l\'Orlh a n1en1ion ... all lhe foods you sel! in our steam table! are 1vhippcd up ri@;ht in our 01vn kitcttns. Gene .. he·11 thf' cook, J.1erlc . : he's the saladntal;rr .. Mary, she0!1 1he hors d'oeuvre maker • ~ Norina, sh<' puts the pizza logether. and lhe ravioli. and the enehilada.~ , .. Together Jhc girls 1-1Tap cheese and cold L1.tls .. Ancl Jim rioes these lhings too and helps Nol'rtl wlio'i; the manager .• Thc!1 tl1ere if\ Doug who does thin~s nigh1s .. and Steve, 11ho's the 1nanager of the eol!Cf' shop. but hr also put:i ~ 11p all \}1e box lunches that': HJX" urdcrl•tl. And all together ·• 1hcv n1akl' beauti f u l "' Dcl1ca\cSSC'n n111sic, lhc kind you sit do1-1•n and enjoy. A. flll':tl from the 1\eli \g like going out to dinnt-r In your shl''kin!! f('el. There are !host' times 1-1 hen you don't · havt• lo ~Jean1 ro eat out but £ ~'OU don'l \\'an! to cook. The " tlcli is Ille beautilttl irr. Lctwcen ans,1'l"r. l'ICKLt; IS THE i'111DDU!; ~aylng, "Welcome H o m e , UPI T..,..lt Grandma." . Vs (0 NG ti . . . 1·1 · crjed." said ~r s . PHYLLIS teaChes two each year.• WATTENBAR~ER -~--Other-irrer-re s 1-0 en s _Q r ·C C d on ,\X 0 1.1\·t; os Tor _\,...: -oe ~ -l-D -" 1'"-"'<,lihll-1.,>d-ol- nnmaki, hnos~.1. 11nd cheese " -Mrs. Robert Rothacker qt ClncmnaU, Ohio e-196.9.-Na:.-Roth&eke , 1ntervl'ewed1lufii1 ~mour Grandmother-of-the-year. ~he 42-year-old "gran~a" is an at· a visit to New York. Now~ August Bride parli(.!ipating in the \vO rkshop t1ve green·eyed blonde who has two children, 25"'2nd 13. She'i.says, "If you she's tallying up the rewards young, )'OU stay young." t -up to $15,000 in prizes, paid personal appearances and a contract to do television com Southern Ceremony Planned OMAN.OF-YEAR rt. Patrick Shepard arborite elected e gold medallion sign!· g the title of \Yoman-of· year was pre!ertt.ed to . Gala Sendoff Planned For. Foreiqn Stuaents Fa~well will be Did to Newpqrt HITbor l!l&h School's • AFS students S a e hi ·o Ikushlma of Japan and Thord Ohlsson of Sweden durinl a party hosted next Sunday by the Newport Harbor Chapter of · American Field Service, Adult Committee. A reception at 5:30 p.m. will precede the 6 buffet dinner in the Senior Citizens Recre1Uozi Center, Newport Beach. Also honored during the evening will be B a r b a r a \Voolsey, who particlp'ated in the 1968 school 51rogram in New Zealand, and Cindy Place who lived for 10 wee.ks in Cuzco, Peru, under the sum· mer program. The four students will shO\V slides and give brief talks for Traditional Event the -program, and nags and dolh of .... ~1: various coontrles will be W.pi.ayed. Special pests will be Lynn Rosener who wlll be an American Abroad during the summer: Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Rosener Jr.\ foster parents o{ Miss Jkushbna, and Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan Dahl, "'ho have opened their home to Ohlsson. Other special .guests will be Mrs. G. Clair Jordan, facu lty advisor to AFS from ..NHHS, and her •husband; Mr s. Charlotte Olhoffer, book store advisor: Charles Godshall, principal, and hls wlfe, and Robert Magnu~en, boyt vice principal, and his wife. Mrs. S. R. Nord is making arrangements for the party and is being assisted by the Adult Committee. mercials . She's modeled clothes for years for one of Cincinnati's leading stores, S h 111 i t o • s specializing in junior fashion~ sizes 7 or 8. Grandma "''eighs 115 pounds, is 5 feet 5 inches tall, and keeps trim with pug. 9 rite:s are ocing plan. ga rdening, golfing and water ncd in Sweetwater. Trnn .. by skiing. Her husband is an in· Phyllis Ann \Valtenbargt'r of stiwtJonal sales rlianager and Swl?f:twater and Ch a r I e s Mrs. Rothacker said the whole William Mann of Knoxville, family is active outdoors and son of Mr. and Mrs. William I. believes in that saying, "the Ma nn of Emerald Bay. family that plays· together, 1·he couple"s engagement stays together." has been announced by f\1r. "We've had no generation an d Mrs. Carl \\'at\cnbarger gap at our house,'' lihe said. of Sweetwater, parents of the "Bobby's interested In every future bride. kind of sport. And I may have Miss Wattenbarger rccci\'ed other things I'd prefer to do, her A. A. degree [rQm but every Saturday · morning Hiwassee College, t.1adison· when he's playing, I'm out ville. Tenn .. and is a graduate there at the field to watch of the University of Ten· him." ncssce. She is a m ~mber nf lier grooming tips for the thi; Loudon I-ligh Schoo I over-40 set are simple -faculty, Loudon. Tenn. '"cleanliness, ~ good _night Mann, a graduate of Desert cream and making th e most of ~ Sun Hii;h School, Idyllwild, what God gave you." ' \l'here he 1,1·as valedictorian. It was her husband who got received his AB degree from her into the g I amou r Kenyon Coll,ge, Ga m b I er, g~andmother contest to begin Ohio. He ls a grantee of the with. He urged her to se nd an Ford Foundation in public af· application b I a n k to the fair~ and nnw is workin't spomors, lforizon Corporation, loward his PhD degree in · a southwest builder of self-e~onomics at U of T. contained communities. The benedict-elect alsn is are the Mmes. Ji a r o Id Simonds, treasurer. Charles Demory, John Edingtbn and Robert r.tammano. Mrs. John Shea of Newport .Beach. chairman. has an· nounced that a branch of the \1'nrkshop i,1·l\I be opened in the Ne\vport Shores area next yrar. ' Anyone interested may call t.lrs. Shea at 642-3123. Friends Have Card Shind ig friends or the Teen Girl Program. Idyll11·ild institu te Fiesta \vill sponsor a card party and luncheo11 in the EbeJJ ClubhOt1se. Balboa at II a.m. nexl Friday. Tickefs to the event , \vhich is open to the public. are Sl.50 ~nd may be obtaincd'by call· 1ng Mrs. Ra~·n1ond \Vood. 646- ~~61~~ Mrs. Leslie Penn, Proceeds \Vill go {01vards helping teen girls spend a week in ldyl!1-1·ild. Court Stell a Selected For Award Graduating Orange Coast College so phomore L i n d a Hitchcock is the recip1enl of the • f969 annual scho\ar!'l1~p presented by the Zonla Club of NewpOrt Harbor. !\1iss Hitchcock. ~a native of Cape Town. South Africa. is majoring in anthropology and has a minor in sociology. The daugh.ter of Mrs. Richard Ivor ~11tchcock o_f Costa !\1csa 1nainlains a 3.67"'grade point average and plans lo pursue a J)hD degree. A resident of the ~!arbor I area for tht: past 10 years, she f!llcnded Corona dcl Mar Hi~h Schoo~ and since jrriving has ~oome a citize~ol the Uniled Stales. , · The S(.!holarship w i n n ~ r trav.el5d ext ens i v e 1 y in Europe, Africa and the Orient , prior lo arri\'ing 1n the United States, sparking her interest \ in anthropology . In add ition to tra\'eling. J\·liss Hilchcock enjoy sl reading, writing, skiing. swim· ming, riding and mountain • climbing. Patrick Shepard of port Beach by l h e man's Civic ~ague of port Harbor. honoring her outstanding cOmmunily ef. New Architects Feted Hori1.on 's pre si dent e.J· £"mployecl by the Terincsstc plained the "why'' of tbe Valley Authorily. pageanl -"10 show the world that. •. grandmothers can re· A total of $8.500 hns bttn awarded by the Zonta Club over the past 18 yea rs lo 12 deserving ~tudents for either1 one or two years of study. , ;=====================.1 ~·!embers of Court Stella r-!aris 14~0. Cal b o l; c Daughters of America mecL each second and fourth !11on· day at 8 p.m. in SL Joil.chim·s parish hall, Costa ~1esa. . . The 4guna Niguel home ol be.ing planl\ed by a committee rs . Shepard. soon to move !\fr. and Mrs. Fred Briggs will headed b}-Mrs. Gared Smith residence to Los Gatos, be opened next Saturday for of Newport Beach. · ma in vibrant. young-looking and beautiful for many years more." The Pilot Da ily Cove rs Boa.ting been a resident of the the llth annual cocktaU ~cep. Greeting guests will be Mrs. bor Area for the past 12 r h J 1 rs. She has belonged 10 the ion onor ng new Y registered Norman Gates, president of day c 1 u b, Republican architect,, in Orange County. WAL, and Sotiros Grllllas, en's CI u b, Children's Sponsored by the Women·s president ol lhe Oran1e Coun- ter Guild and South Shore Archiectural L e a g ~ e o! ty Chapter of the American To Go At PEARL AND CORAL SALE I I ling Club ag \\'e\1 as the Orange County, the e\·ent 11 Institute of-Architects. man's Civic League. he has served on the Newly llctnscd archttects den Objectives Committee who have been Invited include Newport Tomorrow. the Mrs.' Jeycees 'James Zlpman of Corona del Are.a Citizens COUhciJ .and fl-lar, Williatn Clapet or Costa Republican Central Com· -liuntingt.on .Beach. Mrs. Me£a, RIChard Selelne of tee . Jaycees mett the second Mon-Fountain Valley, -chrisUaif her organ.iiations nf 1,1·hicn day of the month at a p.m. \Veber of Laguna Beach, Ct11ig, has been a member are Location information may be Comba of ~ewport Beach and Ebell Club of Nev.•port received by calling Mrs. Elmer Catd of Sant.a Ana'I ch. Costa f.le.sa Ar\ Michael Brooks, 5511m. • Heights. gue, \Vomen's Olv\slon of1ii ~'.:'.:'.:'.:'.:'.:;i';ii~iiJ;;~;~~::::::::::~ Newport Beach Chambcr'11 Vl.llGIJ\'IA'S ,Commerce. Friends of the I rt Beach Library and \ SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE Memorial Hospital , • sbyterlan Auxiliary. I ile h8 «11 was a student Newport flarbor IHgh I the . Sbepard.s opened r home to 1 Braiilian s\u. t under the American Field ce~.s punued a r In j<tlmallsm and en· 1 sallin1 for recreaUon. lot l'i1itors .,.. ~ Mlnlrf9 '"' ndiln far iCtwd c:i.uft ,_ "'"' ....... .,.. ........ «~tr· !Ulklf!I f!l -9 i..st ffllf .... lfV• lttl'lrftl .. '"""" .... ., <lh Mf i.,. ltlOI, "'41, c ... 1n. DO SfNQ.LE ·GIRLS HAVE MORI FUN! • • .. ..,.,, If f'My'w lfMt • th1 RIGHT MANI CAU 547-U67 -24•Htur llt•tinflnt - Coest Hwy. e Coron• del Mer Phon• 673-8050 All•r '"'••k1 of "1wilc.•1e 11•111•",,, ctlc.111119 •irfll'l t~t1 .. , h1i1i119 !•ti c.1\11, t ic., t ic., h1v1 d1clll1d l c.t~ld ~•.,.Ii \11 1 p1 rt of the "Jtt Set". h t1le1 u occ,.1io111I lr!p to 1fil'pret i1le lhe 90...l lift .,.., e11jov ;,.. Soulh••ll C elifo,,.i •. Fu11 "t11eo ,i11'' the 1to''' i11 S•n Fr•11ci1ce N y ' .... 11\i: ...................... , ,1.11•111 while I d11hed •boul Ille wlrlolt1tle ditlricl ,,.,,~;,.., fo• 111w f.111 fe.rict oll4 "'"''· Tlie11 lo l•ull•r- d•I•. by ff11 1e&. ffr e llO_fil'how't wodlli"9· ll"t I lo .. 1ly •••1141 c-111•~ity ~11pl 11, • lri •11dly ,;11,,. •lt'll01pl,ero Ill tp!le of t row!h . •, 10 'O""Jl•r•\ilt to ovr Newport l11clrl. S1e \'OM IOOft, VIA~1NIA P.S Nt>I W ef~ wltl .. (Ive" yow !ft oft £.\Ir Cl tftd tlyltt •t 1ew ill Ntw Y1rt AUCTION 21 Bales Genuine Handwoven PER-S~AN RU GS and othei·. ~orien ta l Ru9s, Carpets & Runners 2 Bait• Serouks (mi xed sires) 2 Bal•s Bokh ... ras (mixed si1e1) B11le Quoms (Inlaid Silk Included) 1 Bale Afghans (mixed si1e1) 1 Bale Fedoot (mixed 1111~1 2 Bal9s Contrect Kirmans (m ixed si tes) 3 B:iles In dian (mix•d slzn) 1 Bile K1s.hg•i1 (mfted Ji19r) 1 Bait Keshe ns (m ix•d 1l1es) llt•"W o+~ef b.,!01 of mi ... d qv•li+i ~1. All ••• h~~d wovf ~ •~II. o~ ~11toric1I d11<9". 11111 will \11 opened •nd"di1po1td of 1nd 1•1d ~1lly •I Auction ••. On Wednesd•y, June ~. •+ 8 p.m. At Or11nqe Medieel Bldq. Auditorium 100 $. Fltwn St .. 0r"9t, C111ifor'll l• ll•k• Chip""'""-"'·• E. tun10H lrom St t1lt An• Fr,, ... ,,) E•lrlibltlo11 fro111 ' te I ,.m. '-.~~~~ ~ -~~~~~- Auctioneer: Mr. A. Bri1coe Sp1ciali1ed Mt1rchand:se Exch arcie • • I. - T.,,..u Ce• er chock. ... • ,. 14K y/.9 and Peerl Eorr in91 $5.50 14K y/9 Coral end Diamon d Rinq $425.00 J une 2nd s.1.cl 1.0 ... our F1b11lout Col!Kfio" of Ori •~••I C111tu••d ).,,,i,, Alrs;.-;.·. From Sll .00 lo $1.SOO.OO. At,.o 11191 1119•111 •rr•v of An9 1I S~i 11 c.,,,1 Jtw1lry fro"\ lh1 Modihrren••" (,+1r1. lu•u1iou•lv "'''"11d with 01 •~ond1. ' to June I 5th ,, . " WEINER T-CL4RK Fini J1w1lt 32 Fashion Island Newp ort Beach, California -644-2040- f.lb PINGS RtNl9S N EC~lACES BRACE~ETS PINS SOUTH SEA PJ Alll'> C<JllURlD ,.._,LS tARbQUE P~AR,LS OX.ILOOD CORAL ANGEL SKIN OORAL ... ,, li:•ll' ... Crrp('S 'I ith a spic- e!! n1ca1 fil!in~. rolled up 11·1lh ii pk•kle i11 !he middle . . ham cornucopias, made liap[}y with a cream cheese filling •.. chunks ol pincap- pll' twosryed toi;ether witll iiH li! sn1okie linkli •.. devll• 1'fl f'!!t:l'. 11·ith thr yolks n1a\· ing 1!011c11'i on top ••. Stu!· f'-'d tomalOCS ha\'C yoU 1'\'1'r }luHrd ;1 ('hl'rry lon1ato'.' Thi• deli 1loelii Jtli ltK'se posh tidbi1s to :iccompMy happy 1lrli (toes all lhC'SC posh lid· b11s 10 accompany happy t-onvcrsation. tinkley glasses nnct mood music . . • puts them ;ill ilcrorali1•ely on bcHut\Jul 5l'rv1ng platters wilh )'l)Ur nan1c on then1. Just ask. Rt'l'F,.:TS C l •. \;"ITR.\KI·;" SU~l \l t:I: r _\r.Tu·:s \Vhal fun lo 1111\\Tap " Cha1 cauhriand or 2 Ch~llcaubnan!is or 3, and }lice rhcn1 11111jl•sllcally in Jront llf your gucsls. The dc\l bakes 1hcn1 in 1*o11•n paprr. All you do is \J!l11'J'ap anrl sht•r. Onr ·n1a n 11·r l<1l0111 of ·.•!·,1,•1erl ISO puur:ds of barlx·· qtit·d nil} . . · Ma11u'i~ a r-rl.lwd. 1v:1 nl l11>'1n to ha ": l'•IJ~. and m<n~anini s;ilad, and plenty." f\~·y ti the fo.· 1s rn'f'f)<lrcd f,,r n1tr sle.~111 1::\Jlcs (·an h·? n1;.1tr up :: r ~011 ... ·1\ 1 .. ;.iu Chick er: is usually dcleC'!ahle. till')ng \\ilh 11lys1rrv r u.,... ~I ring !),; V'I ~'.1IJtl iin•I ,;, 11lccl ci;;:;:s ~ 'i'h .. rt' arr ,,1.,,ays 11• 1..e lustiotL" h 11•1. rar\! ro isl beef. [lr,11 !qr~"~ pla\tte~. terin1{'d 1111 "1:i1 fresh In.it pla11rrs nr !lw \;1hu!Ot1!; frt11! 1nN\lcy ••• !uoividua l Jobstrr 1br rn1iirlut-s 11' i l h b:1kf'd o;;:1,0t•d pota1or.s •• Lasa-:n 1 ior lanchron:o; .• Relish plaTlrr.<, •. rind whRt rrlishcs !h~y l1<1vr lo choose from ... lla r ry 11nd D<ivid0 1 Chcrryllil!s. 1111v pickled ct11·~ o~ corn. anchovy stuftcrl i!;rcen ·olive . • And tho hcauti!ul tl!onkey T'od ~rv· in)! chshcs they u.~ ... \\'hat a f'13rt y you can have , . , l)(>lightlul Chicken a ht· lo\1111= 1(1 put 1n fl<'rfc ct litlle pally shells from F'i-ancc .•• The spire of Shrimp Jani· balaya In serve 11ith· crus\v hunks of garlic c h c e s ~ t~rcnch bread . . • • .l'lZZA PART\' DRUSf:tl OR TI;A l)ecorale )our o"'"-n pizza ii,nr! bakr 1! ;it ·hon1<! y-oun;rlf. The rlell mak~s pizza in 'Z si:r.r~. Takr a rila1n chcc~r. sprinkle on a can ol n1ushrnon1s. S01lll' I f i c ct hamhul'gt'r 1tnd f'llions, or };hlh1~1"{'d llalmn ~au.~agc ani t1nc·hovit0ll .• Ynu'\'c gol a ~1'l'11t1u11 Al11ay~ In~ 1 r ll ltootlcrt•r 1\·hrn you C<lll smell it ba'kinl? ... \\'ell \1'h1H about a brun<·h The dell rou ld rlo up a11 e>:otlca 1\ith rhieken Ji\'er!i 1 anr\ n1uslu f>on1~ . lb; up ~ 1-1•\ld platrrr of frrsh p1nc•q ... pie. ,;tr1111IR'1'1'1r~ a11r\ 1nelou-. ... and )1l!I rould scn1• 5q1Hll;W' c r ll In pt' I s 111lt! l.tn;:tlnbcrrY iRTil. Ru! "11..'l!Cl'C'r 1"f'tu rln. don'l 110 .n, let the clel\ fln ':t •. You'll ha1o'(! 1'11'\rr fun even if if!! lll'l11 111th ~~ thi~ . . may!"' 11 casl;l'rolc 1 or a sallld n1olt1 .. '4 H1'T'C at RichAril'JI. ttw fl('f'· pit' 51(>1'1', 11•h('rt' you ran lllM1 f!:11J 1:>8 "1UPrenl kind• of Chf'f'S", and 73 vanrtie1 of cold cuts an(! Musag~s. t ' ' I I. " ., ' • • j • l II • ~ i ' -j l l ' • ' OewY fresh produc:e trom orch•,r~ •nd f•r~s, Appl•s •r• crisper, :t"•9•t•b~es heve., more flevor when ·+hey ·~· the f1ne~t ev11lable. _, lour' are.I · 4 RIPE , FRESH, SWE{T, LARGE,SIZE HAVvA.fl AN PINEAPPLE EACH 49¢ GARDEN-FRESH. TASTY, HEALTHFUL, FANCY ITALIAN SQUASH GRE.A T ~ T~IXED SALADS. FRESH, LEAFY,GREEN, BUTTER LB. 19¢ LETTUCE . "2 FOR SWEETEST, FROM COACHELLA VALLEY • EXTRA LARGE . Grapefruit I lb.cello b•g 4 9¢ -- . PHONE 673'6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVF;'. JUNE 5, 6, 7 Organ • Seren1do For Y°"r Ple1sure by Bernice Fay I LIDO MA.RKET CENTER • . NEWPORT BLW. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE . ~ -~ .. " . 45c TOPPE°o WITH SEASAME OR POPPY SEEDS Seeded · Dinner Rolls 6,.. 31c NICE FOR BRUNCH FRUl1 FlbLEO Variety Buns 6,.. 41c VEtVETY COCONUT CUSTARD French Coconut Pie .. 1.25 We think we hive the most compltte grocery department you 'll find. Whatever your fancy. For i1tsfen'ce 17 varieties of coffees! Folger's Coffee 1 Lb. 69¢ FOLGER'S COFFEE 21• 1.37 FOLGER'S COFFEE ,,.. 1.98 C& H GRANULATED •----,w~1T=H A 'LITIEE l'!EtP -FReM-RIGHARD.'.S----•---~~~~~oN--,----s L_b_. _4"-c9=-¢_~_,, You 're making a very special recipe and you need a little Gumbo File BUTTER ' • a· .,~ W• bet you 'v e never seen such •n •rr•y of frozen th ings. Reedy-to-bake ind~Yidual t•~ts, frozen coc;onut milk •nd • tempt1n9 $election of hor d'oeuvre s. CAL FAME Orange Juice 6 ••· 5 FOR $1 VAN OE KAMP'S Beef Enchiladas 7'/J ... VAN OE KAM P'S Chicken Enchiladas 1'1... 3 , .. 51 VAN OE KAMP'S 3 ,,. 51 Cheese Enchiladas 7\11 er. 13 OZ. 8 .COUNT Eggo· Waffles 3 FOR $1 BI ROS EYE QU ICK THAW 3 '" 51 STRAWBERRIES , 0 ••• illROS EYE QUICK THAW 3,., 51 MIXED FRUIT 10 ... BIR OS EYE QUICK THAW BLUEBERRIES 10 ••• 3,., 51 BIROS EYE 8 •'-MIXED VEGETABLES •"' ,.;., ""' 3 '" 5l BI RDS EYE 9 or. FRENCH BEANS.,,. •1 ... ,, 3 ,., 51 BIROS EYE 7-ox. RICE, PEAS.,., ........ . LffATURE Of THE WEEK S. "Casualstone~ by Coventry DINNER PLATE with N Clt $3 purclll•• l hii. week )'Ou tin buy Ol'le ti:e11.1tlful dinnerpl1t1 tor e.ch $3 worth of 1roc1ry purch1H !.. Such en e11.y w1y to build • wt of this wonderful oven.proof w.re\ 11 . ~ (powdered Sassafrass~ -we have it! All the necessiti es and niceities SUNSHINE LEMON are lined up on our shelves awaiting your cooking whim. -COOLER COOKIES. 47C d . .. •• Great cooks know a delicious recipe demands the finest ingre ients, and we have only the best! Enjoy the rela•ed aura of fr ie ndliness and courtesy, too! Candlelight Meats ore a specialty of Richard 's . Our own finest meats are prepared in exotic ways to delight yo•J r palate. The ea sy way to gourmet eatin g! PLUMP DUCKLINGS MARINATED IN DELIGHTFUL ORANGE WINE SAUCE Long Island DUCKLINGS J 98¢ LI. BEL.AIR CROUTONS '" ...... 3'"11 GERBER'S STRAINED BABY FOOD WISHBONE Italian Dressing ,: ... 59¢ STOKELY GATORADE n-. 3,..51 S&W GOLDEN CREAM CORN ... 5'"11 S&W WHOLE KE~NEL GOLDEN CORN "' 5 '" 51 OUR FAMOUS LEAN BEEF MARINATED IN A SPI CY CHILI SALSA S&W SMALL -' Marinated MEAT BALLS 89¢ Lt. FLAVORFUL BEEF & PORK, ARTFULLY SEASONED, TOPPED WITH CHEESE Stuffed ,BELL PEPPERS 89¢ LI. ·-THICK CHEF-CUT CHOPS STUFFED WrrH A SAVORY CHESTNUT & PARSLEY DRESSING Stuffed PORK CHOPS 1.39 LI. A DRY MARINADE OF HERBS & SPICES-BAKE ON COOKIE SHEET 45 MIN. Marinated CHICKEN LEGS SMOKY BAR,M HAM TOPPED WITH PINE.APPLE RINGS Hawaiian HAM SLICES 89¢ LI. l.79L•. RICHARD'S OWN BEEF & P_ORK MEAT LOAF, READY·TO,BAKE.'I~ FOIL PAN Rich·ard's MEAT LOAF . · 89¢ u . • • -FRESH CALIFORNIA CHICKEN BREASTS Wl'TH-A :SUPERB DRESSING- Stuffed CHICKEN BREASTS 1.09 u. l HE FINEST! LEAN GENUINE o FROM NOVA.SCOTIA GROUND BEEF 55cu. FINNAN HADDIE . 89Cu. FROM THE LANO OF CORN! ZACKY FARMS Eastern Spareribs 79cu. SPLIT BROILERS 49f LI. Hooper's THIN MINTS Choos• from 3 •ssortmenfs -•II chocolate, chocolate end p•utel or ell p11""tel. 10¢ OFF ptr pkg. FRESH CUT, LONG • LASTING POMPOM CHRYSANTHEMUMS . Many luscious colors. 1-.49 WHOLE YAMS IOI 3 '"SJ S&W MEDIUM DEVEINED. SHRIMP Ne. 111 69c KINGSFORD CHARCOAL BRIQUETS lO Lb. B•g 89¢ . -,_ USE'EM FOR PLACE MATS, NAPKINS WASH WINDOWS, WIPE UP SPILLS , TO DRAIN 'BACON TO WRAP TACOS, ETC. ' BIG ROLL Scot Towels· 3 FOR 89¢ Our deli is like • food tour of the world. Delicacies from 29 countries to te.mpt •nd •amaze you. Interesting sauces end cOndiments c•n m~ke • pl1in meal fancy! · KRAFT NATURAL SLICED SWISS ,CHEESE 6ot. 2 FOR 89¢ VIENNA PURE BEEF Knockwurst 12 OL 69¢ CANADIAN STONED W_hiat · Thins 10 OL 49¢. GALLO ~LICEQ ITALIAN Dry Salame ~ 6 ot. 79~· CELTIC GOLD GENUINE IRISH OATMEAL ,,,. l9c ' ' ,. .. • .•. ~ • .. ' 1 'Jan·•~-,,.,.-· nu, 'nu°pj tannru 7M,;U •ai•nr ,,,,... srr 1' . ss nu2rs nw2ws /121Jf£Ukf'&SEUlosstusn a121swuats111'ar &112 nat'Ci Ut\k J &KW! it & • OPEN .DAILY. 9-6 '£.K.&,~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO .YACHT SHOP . ' OPEN DAILY 9-7. SUN .• 9·-6 • -OPEN QA/LY 9-6 OPEN DAiLY 9.6 · ·ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR ·FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS • "'!'"-• DAILY •·S:lO , SAT. 9.5 DAILY l :l0·6. ·SAT. 1:30.S• ~ . ' . . " ,.. ' ' I r nsume r- ..:''!' . ' $kS Wh . . y . ' ' ' • ~ f, h ffd n't ,J ey • , : lly Q~~ PAULEY, NEw Y6RK-<UPI) ~ It's time a1Jin. .to · tel 1 t h e -wlvil 41'.\¥ nalioi.IOWld off .. q..mt:tnd --· of ........, l'iOdl. ~ally In Im pactql0. .,.,._I. For u tbM marchit: <1n, lhe · · er. ~ mor e , al «nt1 we hope the ufactUren are Uatenlng to more keerily. Anyone 'W ~ ~vu. broke«) ' finger nallB'Jnng. to opeo a pactaa• ~ uys "lo -· ....,. here 1tnows there: ls still room fOr Improvement. · Sul&.UOOS Poll' In via let: t tr to National Family Opj· nkln, tnc., a Toledo, Ohio.1 marketina: ftltl1'Ch t I r m which Cl alm1 '9o ,o0o homemaker conauttanta. some of Utelr qgestions tons •Ince ·have become a reality.:... auch u making unsalted nuts, Peanuts and chips for those on . sJtUree diets. 8ut many sUU ·are in the wllbful thinkinr.itagc. On that aubject of sail, for Instance. Ont homemaker consult.Int wants to know why most can· ned IOUpl art IO ully) · Otbtr Mciitlvea fo foods ditfurb women. One asks ...t'wlly don't they" make pan- ca•ml:lo. bread mises and t:lf9cuit ml1es without 1ugar for lhoee on restricted diets. Or "why don't they " stop ad· dil\I onion to ~prepared food i • IUCb_ M fl'O'ten 50Ups _ .... i tlon of don't Usey" Includes: .ui1e '111 salad dress-·tn Wide mouth jers to <the wasted dressing vw•din be gotten out of ~ of lhe bottle. M·&nofa c lure an mff 1~uid detergent . :t>estP fOlhe soru and • w·I t h the elderly in MOit furniture is too lo~-.. Door for tl>em . . ~' . ~f'ec&ge toothpaste In 'tubes as they do h . : . earnJncl ~ampoo. '8oU!e children'• .. p;nn witli)Jds that won1 con\• off for a child's prying fingers oi· mouth. One housewife wrote that "it toOk my !-year Old H~ .teeenda to bite off a new 'sif!e!.Y' Oii-" ·~ttte U1t calorie count on ~. alid, froaen foods. t~.eri already do th~ tOOdi thtl atock the diet ,..., slielvf'J· i:: Sf0p, u•ing synthetic th 1n dresses that need ir g;· tht thread soon gives ~tMheat. ;i.CM,1 ' " ~ ~~J :~:1: o~~~~ ;~ .. ~ ,tingles with the caitn<nt: .. ' . 4 :Build aafety rails into the "" of tbe bathtub. -Man Jail.~ •imilar to plutic hap !Or the purpose of reheating leftovers. --M•kt-WU-ptper irt the wider aiu as thty do *lmnlnum foil. ,:.· Madufacture a 1 a I I s•Utute that doesntt leave a mf&aHk: taste . 'i. Size ,chi\drM'1 clothes to lit&lbis generation of lai'ger y«irig. Adult sized clothing is "i.'!'ade sturdily enough for c.~.en'• wtar. '°" Preshrink grosgrain rib-bdi. before llain& f o r n•ative ~urp oiei on w•able sweattni. ~ Mark In some way the ·r· aide.' of materJa\ PUIJ;l>uod by the y1nt. ' Two Soups Combined Combine two soups, o n t from the freezer and one from lhe pant.ryshelf. NlfWBURO BtsQUE 1 can ~10 ounces) frolen condtnstd lobster biltQu" 1 can (10~~ ounc~l cheddll:r ·chec&e 1oup ll!llk Jl'1ntly grated ch t d d ;1 r <J!ieese Paprika IMO a medium saucepan tW'll lht IOIJ.p&: rill tht lobster '*tit can with "·ater and .W;: 'fUI the chetSt soup can -mill< and add. Hut pod7, ltlrrlng often, u111q'1>iaqua th•wt; bring lo • b •''· Sprbklt each serving ::. cbNse and paprika. ·• llnJl!ll· !op",larity A iuttonomer Ont."'t obHrv· Wtdn•Jd•J, June 4, 1969 ~ril.t!l .. 'Cti,l!Y • • • I . , Cracken ....• Q:· 3.3'. HILLCREST p,,,/" h(rl I 1 b ' {nickers •.... •·• 39' (hicl "' of 11 ... ~ Ch•"'li: l '•"' T '"'"0'30' una .••••••• (1)11 Clttlttl(.V.'HIH. l 1 c W~h"s • Grllf.le Jelly .• ',~ SS ' Wl!Lr.liNI, ~·Drink •. 'i~' 36' TOMATO CATSUP ::~:;~~ :::::::: MARKET BASKET ,,\ MAYONNAIS'E ,~ ( 12-0Z. BTL. ::;:;:~ ·:::.~· Ma1ola ~nd. 3c Olt lo~ ·•·•·•·• ·•·•·•· M . , ,. 35' ~_.: .. \_'_;_f.~t·;·,· . ;::R _£[ j("~~~l~ne :.:_:~~ . ~ ... '''}; aYIO I ...... '"" 35 tr i · M'~stan1 ..... ·,~:. 21 ~ :;:;:;:; • ::;:;: .Aloo • Flave,.. ·/J;t[~.~~@J% ;g•••?r••••r••• ·:;'.;n;;··········•••••••••;••·"· ;:.:~: .. ·.·.'.~~:.~~ ! 'oom l>fodo••lf'1 A t ,_,, 35 ' CClft ........ con '• "'ntn P.,...Jtr Qu• "' I"" 1ns111111 ••• ,98~ & ~>tj~l~r 1!(11"1 to lfd\cl, lln1e.,.1td I L1o1 ~11to~ Aqua Net ..• .'!.~' 59' l&M • Baked Beans '!.~' 39' Jock & The ltotl Sroctk Crl!'tlmor W~ltlC~ C Ii 0' 20' om .~ .•..... c~ft .mp,& lht!to"'1°" . • Green Beans .'1!' 34' ~ & ihf ~n s1n1. S1icea Beets . '1~' 21 ' ! ~~~~'.cles •. ~~;· S7' ~~-~~]]~ ~~.~~J~,·J·l;:~;.;; 1,~; 68< .. hu~t Orli!d Vi Maxim (offee •,:; 11" ::::::: lnston1Cotf11 10.0z Jar f • Maxwell House . 11" , .... Instant CoffH',:: 11" J,ffy ri. Motvnil ..-IU't19r • • P ' ' "'27' opcom ....... ~·· l...ffllirrflutl •Lb 65 Kice ......... .... ' ed. "Tako parsley flolJ Ille ctek and how WI "' phctloe • Illa art!" T!IOIY panlty iJ tba halldlt!I .... "' ......... lll0'"9_1n __ .. . . . ' U.S 0 A. (1111<, I MCiiroy a,.and ettf llonf'k~s /<f1!td Clod Roost· ..... ca98' US DA. (ho.ct Trndf<o~ !ro•d ~I 1-Bone Steak .. ,.51" U.S DA.. (hO>Ce lt<16~cy !rond 811tf ' ~lkll Porterhouse.,. lb11" U.S 0.A. (hoict lffllltrov l rond !ttf ,,,.,, T S'rl • SJ77 op I . OID ..... ••· • • ' J ,, •. ,, . • Ii ..... • I ~ ~ . ' . USO A. (hojce Tendtt0r 8rW Stli' 51eok LondOll Broil ... 1.~1 4' U S.0 . .\ Cllokl T~roy Bro~d •MJ Cfi6~o!llll ubtd • ' Minute Steaks .... 11" 1:1~;'5feO\'r.~1s· u s.o A.Cho« Ttndtrov a~n ~8•9,. Stewing Beer.... ' U.S.0.A Choi« T tfldtfoy lrond Bet:! Neck BQRes .•. " 39• ' Shur· T tOOa front1 Ctiickell frill Stlllll BHf Fritters •• t>.98• Fri;~"lralibut • 'ii?,' 85 • Comp"1 ~"" l utttpd Beer SteaJ(s • .'i•':-79' ~!Nm lr•~h frot"' 17 Oz. Trout ........ ,.._ 79• formtr Joh" Coo11td Ham •• :: 55' Binlseyr frt1l!n (u\' (tllTI or P ""0'21' ' eas ....•••.. n 11. Bird~f'I'•~~~ \ 90l. ' Awa e ...... c~ 37 (h"" Konq fro1t~ (~1~1.l!fl (If ~llrimo ChowMt•n R . ll -0'-56' 1nners •••••• fki- U111 IC~fro1 ... shnfllp 0t C~"ktn C ow Mti~ Of 8n ! Cho S ,,,,_ 76 ' p uey ....... 1 a.oz. Swt£T Ml> SOUR POI!(. M& ~1 Nviidfro1t" Llmeade ...... ~~1 3' I • • t L I • I PIL~T-AOVUTISU 7 H Wtdnntay, Junt 4, lt69 ALL MEAT WIENERS !. "M»lcA TTAN . , 1~NDPACKAGE / • ; I, C/' .. ' ' ' :\~·-. ,\ LB.. , I osc.u !C,A.!.• n.oz .... n. , 49 SUCtu BOLOGNA . ....:.i:; . e-!11-. · ~JOMNl-OZ.OIUI ' 27< 11RAUISCHWEIG :.: ................. . ~ .. . ,. i . • ,, ........... ----. ·~-. .. _... -~--.. ~ ... _._ -.-, ......... '...-.--. W.......,,-4,IM : Wl'll u.Ui.A: OIOICI ot1 -.. ·T·s~'iii·ll05:9.• .. c LI. IONB US .... --.... LJ. 99' GRO.UND TOltSIRLOll ·.~~ BE:!J 51EAK ·,,.;. fllSH. • 'u.S.D.A.OIOICIOI . ,.,. • 11&1C · .STATIRUOS. ... .,. CilOUNll HOUlll. Y QRTIFIED IHF .. >i.4'- LB. · s 1~ -15! PACIFICTREATS .. --·-.1-Ls.39' ABC FANCY ftllAUOW$ __ ,o.ozA9' Kl ONEY BEANS HUNTS ---2 J2i 39' : fill !f!:S RED BEA"5 °.,..--+ i CA~ :37\ liUN1 SSPINACH 2.m 37' HUNTIS POTATOES NIW-2 ~ 33' SOLID TUNA g/ftJ:.8:., __ .'ltl~ :Ir 11f& MOU&L'!.!.~!Hft Ai't.il'WiiCK c .·:.:5~c 1#: ·LI. . "} . iNSTAHT YU BAN·---·· .: a.oz.,., 11.11 PORTEIHOUSE ITIAK U.S.D.A. CliOICI OI STATU-S. $13! , MAXIM COFFEE ... u •• .,; ... _ 1-oz.11.79 ' mEATIESulUTlto ao1111~HAR0·11 1.oz.48c ENE. JQWELS . JuM10331 . ·--·-··-· llOll ~~ ~---.. ···-·-···-.... °'" 49' . PINE SOL CLEANER --·-· """' 95' SP.RAY STA!!CH !~~r., ____ uoz. 59' ~.i.t .. ', _27' BORDD4'S MltK~.-. · • · ·2·~~1 37··-r.OM!TO l'Astt ~ r--· 2 a.oz.33' CONDENSEl)MlLK~\.,..,,~.,,·39' HQNTSPUREE .. , • --2,~35· GARLIC SPREADM'""'' __ .. •-oz.33' TOMATI JUICE..,,.....;__ 2c.•s 29' MARGARINE ~'2 ----"''· 37' RQLL Tl$SUE co-~--,., .. 25' VEL'VEETA JRW.ist><HSE .. ---•u.11" FANTASTIKCWNER ··-~~&r 79' , FIDDLE FADDLE .. •or 39' 1it+-1• ~:c· ',rJ . ""' . ' CANTALOU,ES LARGI .. $ IWID VINIR•I , .. LETTUCE···~\ ' 1171 ..... lt-'C.... .... , ....... ~ ..... ,. .... ...................... _ .... -C:•"1•lllJI A-. ' .....,. ' 16JI • ...., A._ .... '-e' tlM---· ,• •il'JW.11!)•·-'"°'I . mw.,Mtt..C....._ •nw ..... _......., .. '11c 14111 MINt A.,., W111ttl« ' ,. • ' ' • i ---/ " • ... ' • • . •·'-'· ~-·---·- " II ! . 1 ' :I • ' ---~ ' . . ' .. · ' .. -. ,. ,. • ' ., r " _;We'11~uo~odr .~t·-~<'· -~ • . ;;_) -· ' : ~ .. , .. ' . ' ' : ·tel S'e if . .Y~U dt1rinJ!J · the ·cc(~~ 'f:~abor Dispute, ·: .. . .. ·.· · _.,Of nin~. R~tail Clerks Locals with whom Alpha ~t~ e_mJjl~es are .. :i:q'ffU~ated, pnly 9n~, Local #770 in metropolitan ·Los Ang!'1~.is on • . .. \- . ' . ~· .. •:'J ·'. ~J!t. 9.0UNCE sour:i:zE llOTTU! BABY MAGlflOTIOI 1 ~1 ;f3' z > ' ,:1 "~L--',__ ""'-., -m-.uu-..,.: ,-...... OR .... IW-C'"'.'OL'"'.'0,.,::-... 7· .. ,.-'.., ~STRETCH SOCKS · 111 I~";~ IY ?bN! • 4:7-0UNCE SJIRAY. THE SUN UGHTE:NtR FOR HAIR .Ill SUlll 'I ·~ -.. -',. . . ' .... : - . 'strike.:All S othe r-.Jocals, having negotiated in good faith; ar.e ·naw <Jf.QJ)er-ating.'onder a .new 3 yecir contract, effective as o.f.Aj:>rif 1~ J.969,, · . ,.a COf"!tract enti"rely ~occeptable to tbe Uf'\ion membership _ortd t~ man- --~--_,..,. ... -' ( t ' ' , ...... ,_ QgemeQ .. . ,. . . , · Q 16-0'Z. BOTTLE • WTTH L?MOK ,,. 1 -~~ SUAYE CREME RllSIE--89c· . ' - -. ' ~: ' '• ' , ' . ' ,. " ., . . ' , ' '' \ ·-l ~ • • •·-.'"-'· 1:11~ dema~ds of f~al ~70 or~ completely unsc€eptabfe. We ore re- -stst1ng their de'ftiomds 1n the interest of YOUR: FOOD BUDGET. Were ;:: we"to ~etept-~1.::.0's·terms-~t,"".0uld inevifa'~ly re"sult in.·i~~Seiif;.;f®d . costs. . .. · · . • • .. 1· .. -.~~ ~-The plc;:f<¢t$ a·round some of 9ur stdres . Q.d.around .. '!,our disttib:utton center may-be ~tl;>it o'f a.n an noyance' but DE&~~.TE 'THEM we .promise to keep 'eur stores · · open to serye you quri·ng _f~ is emergency.' You may · -find our variety of Qi£erings .. curtailed,.but ~tl.E.~-~R, , . NEVER · w.ill you find --the"qual-i!Y of frei1lttess. of ~,;,;-:-,-.·c'o· ~:·our merchandise below o"t1r standar:ds, ., , .. . . ... ! I' ,.1_1 -SlllllS CIAlll llc ., . ' URGE SIZE LAVA 8AlSOAP ,, ~ .. ' .. ' ' 4 ' 18• 171 ,. ' --------------GIANT Iii%& • , ~OY LIQUID • ·. • DIERRGEIT : 59c 51f , inm!.tol111'0All ' ' llYlrill lrluf 25c 221 @mc1rrun 29c 2s1 - ' • ' ..-""'"" t ' @mritilciTAIL 27c 21 c 303 CAN . ST.OUl..Y C.UT ' GRIEIEl WIS 27c 191 . ' . ---- ll . ' . ---.;,.- ,,acf~ .. • ( ' ·,.· t '• 75c .7\4 f ': ' ... fQ ] "I trf l _, f,q., il ~l - < Y .. All"' KrA·I•.,...•• .... . . .-• ftn ..., II DI llq .. ) l'IMIJ Offors ";· ~uTcna's · .rain; MEAT·Si · 1000 IPllHIQS 111Mlll !ASTllN QlJAll1Y , (IGZlll ' " 69 IDIEli ~ llCOll ., 1MIA:rf YOU'U ••. 'paouD-TO . IDVI 1*0iiT " . -.. rAil ~l! aku , •DISCOUNT PRJCEO • QUALITY & SATISFACTION GU.WNT£ED m: 794 OD 11001 I~ 69 4 -. I •U.S. GOVERNMENT \ltSP~Sf!D COl9RADO B.~F , ::..., i "· ,- . ' " " ALPHA BETA HTCBB!'I nlDI li~JlUAl:ITYI I l T.JM:'\'M'J =Al'OlllTE • lfAD'I TO tlT . ::C:'i' CORN• ~;~·LB$ J17ff 1g ''HAM@ ·~· • :(,iGROUND ~--· 1 1 I i-1 !!f.. LB · itus:oR om • ' . °7 • .fw. AND 'DcUclOOS . i .-... "" , ~ '..,, ··1 ..,,~· ... ~J ~ .FRESH GROUNl)'ROUND 89~ ._ ••• • ' • 11 ... . -llOl<D.ISS . ~ . rutl dJT . : • J me:~-FAMILY ISTEWlll\ ROUID ... ' ' .~ . STEAK BEEF STEAK · ~ .. • < .~. s1~ 99; 98~ ........ ,,~ ' ' ~ • EASTERN • • J.b.A. \lO.IOE ,. • fl!!SH FMIZlll QUAUT( I ECOl<OMY FIVORIT~ • HB. pACl<AG£ • WILSON'S CRISP RITE SllCED ,"BACON . 1TIIWY .• ~ HlllDQUARBif ~ • ' '-~~.~~...;;...~~~ 1· -~ .. 1lllSE WAT PllCU umTM IRtlt!DAT !filoe&ll Mtl!IE!ilAY, J"'t S ~ ll . ~ . . '",<'••. .. . . • GIANT Stm PACIAGE' DRf.n Df.Tf.Uf.IT · -Ile 79'' ' > ------------~--------------. . . tO• STOllS CHAnE 1k . . -----------------------• • •• • - . "'I''" ~4-L~ VI ~t=:--! .L•~ • • • $.0%.PAQCAOE 71• Tiil.US ~ CWllll •• 1 "1 • ·---------.; t; -~~' _.....,, ... ,AC("' IYOllY "' ' • ,llll SOIP 2tc .184 -------------.. . . UJICE mt ./" IYOllY · " llll·SOIP 11c -1r . .. ------------- 1' i, . . . "" ' I . t • \ .. • •• (! :f " I " I r - t fi l' • '" ., f ' ' ' . . l " • . l · ' ·l !• ' ' • . I I< I '" ;. •, " f. 1· .. . - ( • ' I . • ' I '· ' I ' . 'I ' -~ ~ • !! t l ' • • • I ' I I ' ' .. • . ' . ' l Baskets · , ., ,.,_, .. , ... o/-~e;ries .. Plet;1fi/ul m ·,AllOITID COLORS . ·01-LET- ISSUE .. f llOYAL YILYIT DRY GIN :: , ~Yf •D~= $31' flM4 ~ s/.fsef.tM• f/J../ JllllYMAID YOGURT· PUST-6 mlll..,,,. I DUIMRAlm . • • ......., CEllTIR CUT IOWID OI IOlllLISS flMILY STEAKS , ·!;Top R9"1111 Steaks T~ •1: 'lentlm Round = '1~ 51!'1111 Tip Steaks ""',:.us '1: Oscar Mayer Bacoa =;::.c::.. 7t- Choice Chuck RO.st ~r,~ 59: . . 1on•ss.Chuck ,. ~= .98L . ' Rolled Should. Clod .=:. s10:. Choice Rump ·1· ,. o~~·y SJ~-· .... 011015 3 ii.; 29' ... CAllOTS 2 ~':s25' · MEft .• EIS SHIRTS °"~$ COlOIS. 4: m'I SGCIS ............... ............. Z''I ,..._ ..... t..---.. , t --~~a cn< ........ 79' ~!'.'.~~'1.!!!:~ llLFll ...... ~~":ii..": II' -···· ....... __ __ ~ •••• 1111' OI 09& ~ ,_, .,,,. ...................... ~::..: l• ,.,.,,,.,,, v.,.,.,. • fWilCll ... .,.' ••••• t.Ot. .... . 0 ! .. , ........... 1.0Z.Mi. Tew 7''1 ·~ °" ....... Mir. .... a.. • ,_ .. c:.t c... ,_ -...... " ... 61$1 All ITEMS suucr TO STOCK ON HANDI • ,, ., '""' ,.. ... lind • ,..., ............. , d ... , ... , •• "• "'""•-•WI ........ ,.,..., · *"8 I ;; ........ It ""'Y c..-rev. . . -·-n... ............ 711 922 Nllltl' AYI., 1fSprlagHle, lllllllllllii .... 1 17950 Mllnolli, fount1l1 v., . . • • t f · 21112 lea llYd., Hllllllllfol 1Mc1 I ' ' -··---------- I· . ,, ' .. ( ' ! r '· ( ; -... -...,.-..-.. ------~-;;-;:;-~ . .-.-:.;----::-. -. . .. ... . . .. • • l Wodftftd.v. Junt 4, 1%9 -.. ·RE NIW 19ff Free DODGE .. Ea. ... Delicatessen ~ept. ~ , Vl••itila OL ; BOloGNA, col>la11-lATION LO F, DUTCH LQAF, OUYE PIMIENTO, PICKLE ' . , PIMJENTO,SANDWICH LOAF .. $ ' 5-0 Z. PKG. . , Wolopdq, Jvnt 4, 1%9 • < l·LB. TINS · -;-·DAILY '1L01 'IT '- . I "' , ~ ,. . ' . ' (' C .. : . . ' . ' ' ,::; . .:. • ' ' ' . .. i PRI CES , EFf ECTIVE THURS., thru. SUN., JUN E S, 6, 7, 8 , no1 11AUOR ILVD .. COSTA MESA • '. 13922 IROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE .• E·L, T01R300 .• w. !DING_ ..... _: ~.s~'N.t_.~--·~-~--.~_:1 ,. 5858 WARNER, ~Ui'!ITINGTON IEA.CH 23811 EL TORO, . ~ ~ .. . • -' ,1 - • ·• DAILY PILOT • Melons Dream Eating Fr a g'r a nt cantalou~ · mellow honeydew and crispy watermelons -all are tQOl.h50me gifts to us from such ancient and tar aw(ly places as Persia, Central Asia and Tropical AJrlca. When you scoop I h e s e melons from thtir rinds and serve them with an unbeatabl e sauce made from our own native fruit -the cranberry -you'll be dipping into a flavor combination that's a dream to eat. This Cranberry Wine Sauce made with whole b e rr ) cranberry sauce, sweet red wine. brandy and flaked coeonut can also be made in a non-alcobollc version by omit· ting the wine and brandy and substituting grape cranberry juice-drink for the wine and 1 teaspoon brandy flavoring for the brandy. Either way -this is a sum· mer party dish -par ex- cellence. Use a honeydew, cantaloupe or watermelon. Slice oft the top third or melon. Cut a thin sliu {tom the bottam of melon td'1teep melon from rolling. In the honeydew melon, icoop out meat after removing seeds. Dice meat and replace in melon Shell. Jn the cantaloupe, remove seeds. Using a grapefruit cut· ter carefully remove large pieces of IT!elon. Cqt melon in- to long wedges and replace in melon shell. Jn the watermelon. scoop out meat using a melon baller. Remove 1111 seeds and replace melon balls in shell . Chill until ready to serve. Serve portions in chilled bowl s. Pour well chilled Cranberry Wine Sauce over melon. CRANBERRY WINE SAUCK I can (I pound ) whole berry cranberTy sau~ 1,z cup sweet red wine ':( cup brandy i.~ cup flaked coconut Combine all ingredient's and blend we\1_, Chill unti l ready to &erve. Makes 3 cups. A Treasure Treasure this smart jacket for travel near and far. Use worsted or synthetic yarn. Cables encircle nec kline and create deep, dramatic border intensl. Knit In one piece from neck down. Pattern 7181 : sizes 32-46 included. FIFTY CENTS <coi ns) for each paUcrn -add JS cents for each pattern for first~lass mailing and special handling: otherwise third~lass delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Allee Brooks, the DAI· LY PILOT, •105 Needlecraft Dept., Bo1 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name. Addm1, Zip. faUenl Number. Giant, new Jiii Needl«rtft Cai.lot - over 200 desilfll to choose, 3 free patterns printed inside. Send SO et.nls now. NEW! "50 IN STANT GIFTS'' -fabulous fashions, toyt:, decorator accessories. Make tt today, give Jt tomor· rowl ldNJ for all occasions. 50 ....... "~ Jll11 Jlllp" to knit, °"' :\ wsre. eew, ~k. $0 ~el IJPrtlt A11b1os. 50 ~-'-! Qtdll -I has II ~~. 50 cents. • .,,. re Qllll -t -J!3l· ... ,.. IJ ~ quilts. 50 cenll. ' ' Boot S. "Qolllll ltr T•'• Uyllc.. JI poUenll. ~ cenll. • Wtdnrsd,.y, Ji.in1 4, 1969 - u.s.D.A. CHOICI BEEF VOU!-IG TURKEY DRUMSTICKS t.,VE<:'"' 33~ ~,.!1"',<0 -•us -. ~ .. :::: . Ol•U:fMIOIT Of "GfU<lll.TUU Reserve your set todayl Imported English ,,.. Dinnerware by Enoch Wedgewood (Tunstall) ltd, Save 45°/o . ' WtdMsday, Jo11~ 4, lq6? PILOT-ADVE!TISE!l I , __ • l • ,·:.~OPEN! ::.STOCK.ED! WE ARE STAFFED! ••• plus FOOD GIANT is holding_ the price line to keep your cost of living down! . . . . MEDIUM SIZE FRESH FROZEN GENUINE SPRING PORK LEG OF SPARERIBS LAMB 65~ 89f lUE .. S QUAUTY ;o1i; 3 • .. $1 C•Y·O·VAC $139 · . L•NK SAUSAGE McCoy's Pastrami FRESH BONELESS P~!i''· "· U.S.D.A. CHOICi TENDt•, JUICY $1~~ Mccors 59c BEEF BRISKET BEEF RIB STEAKS BEEF SAUSAGE J.!b. p•!l· . filOZ EN-~LAIN 01 l•fADED 791~. M<Co rs 98~ VEAL STEAKS BEEF BACON "··· 69c U.S.D.A. plig, CHOICE I RtAOfO-TURKEY O• VEAL 79,~ l lLLETS Of 79~. DRUMSTICJ(S Fresh Rock Cod BEEF - .. I 0 601• $1 ltl OtlMONTfCUTO•F•EMCH 4 TALL 303 $1 CAN' GREEN BEANS C.NS 3 1'10. 300 $1 ,ASST. FROZEN SHAICE,·l ,YRAM\D 2 12.oz. 25c CAN• MAL TS "0'· 3 NO 300 $I flESH ICIST HA Lf SllCfS 5 $I . CAN• PINEAPPLE -~;~;· 6 ~~:; 59c SALAD.PEARS 3 ";;~;· $1 I 9c PEANUT aunER ~:: 49c NINE UVf S TUNA CAT FOOD lCOFFEEARINGS 10.oz. 6 5C PKG. SAN fEINANOO \AlGf P'ITTEO •IP( OLIVE HALVES MONTftEY INN ,1nto lllOKEM RIPE OLIVES • BLUEBE'RRY • MJ.Plf • R'ASPBERRY "VITA ,AICT A.SSOITEO · JUICE ADES · I UTTEIFIElO l'OTATOfS SHOESTRINGS siMPLE SIMON PIE GAA,EAOE OJ: Git,f,.P! ef o,en stOclt prict• Cltoiet of -4 e.11111isi1e pelltr11s ••• •WELCH JELLIES ~·!:· 59c GeREEsN PEAS 6 ~~!, $1 HAWAIIAN PUNCH 5 :::: $I ai@iJs'EYE AWAKE ',:; 3 5 c 21 pOece olort..-••I or 9 piece co..,pleter 1t"I JD"" for e"1y 13 loyo .. oy c•rtif•coTn . 99c ... h ••• h ,1.00 o;i•o••'l' P"''"o••· ' FRESH KIST ASSORTED FRUIT DRINKS CMUN KING SWANSON POU CH PAK 'IJ REG.10' -JAR-• -~ ~6-0Z. s1 CANS- BEEF CHOP SUEY· 79c CHICKEN CHOW MEIN 79c -SWEH & SOUR ·l'ORl(..99c fRIED RICE W ME'i\T S9c EGG l!Oll lpkg. ol 61 69c SPAGHETTI & 3 7c MEA!_~AUC~, - REGUlAR OR MINT S~ 00 SIZf ~ 01. SOLARCAINE SPRAY 91c Sil[ TUBl COPPERTONE LOTION J.1.65 Sllf 10 OZ. DRY fORM Ul A PACQUIN'S CREAM fie fC~OMY 5\Zf SHEER STRIPS •IGl•CT · .... $166 77c $147 79c • • " CHAMPAGNE •WHITE •PINI(+. • COlO OUCIC $1~n~ . . CASE OF 12 FIFTHS $1 8,14 CHATEAU SAVOY NEW YORIC STATE CHAMPAGNE • Wl;ll[ •PIN• $ 2 49 • S,A.~llNG IUIGUNDT "'™ DELICATESSEN FOOO GIANT -EACH $(!Cf WRAP~EO ,ASIEURIZEO '~OCfSSEO I; 0'69C American Cheese''' f A~MER JOHN SLICED J 0 1. 59c Cooked Ham pk(l. AUST•IAN AL'S SllCfO IMl'OIJEO 6 DI. 49c Swiss Cheese ,~,. "SAVI J1 .40 SAVI Sl.00 STRAIGHT ICfNTIJCkY IOUllON $114, OLD CROW 1 ~~~f :~~°" CANADIAN WHLSICY IEG. $J 23'~•ll LORD CAL VERT . "'·" .... ~ -EGENCY 'lfMIUM (2-4 CANS $2.N) 6 79 PILSNER BEER '.'.;~~ c r RASNOFF VODKA '""'" 'l'l OR FINLEY'S GIN ORIGINAL fOIMULA @ SWEET ITAllAN RED ONIONS 10~. , CHICKEN W/ 65< WINE SAUCE l GARDEN FRE SH CARRO TS 1-lB. I oc C!UO PKG. COff[( AU LROIO~ I MAXWELL REGULAR OR lO CAL MARGAl!INE CHARCOAL Hoors Chili Beans .................... "°· !OO ,,, "" lie HOUSE SHASTA BEVERAGES Al. Cloiclttc' AM!""'ps'EC><l8L'L s""o"u'"'"p COLLIER BRIQUETS Hunts New;l'ot•to ..................... " JOol .,c, 'lor l'· M OLA k ~unt:s Solid Pack lomato~s .•.• ,, .. , •• ,., ... ~ . 300 ~~" ~.~ lib.Can 69c g ~~· 95c 1 ~ 36 1 2 ~_11.,.35 C 5111· lO 'b. ?O ~ HunlsSolld PackTDmatOfs .•••••...••.•.•. r~ 1 ;~·,,, 2lb.Coin 1i27 ,i1. C lc~H\ 55c ggc $169 Hunl'sToma!DCa!sup ................ ,,,,,,J.ir.: .. -l~ l""~~....;;3.;;lb;... c;;;';.." _.:,l:..;19.:.9..L.--------~---------~--------1~--------4-::::H"::::"1..:''..:.1':::•:::•t::.o ::::P':::"::.' :::: .. ..:·..:.· ::::· ·..:.:· •.•..••.•...... : o:. _.: JMo"(' 8<><0 r~. w .................. v~z."" 11.os Assoned Roy•I Gelalms C.ncL 2c oil) •• , •••••• 6..,. ola. 2 1111 35c Dtl Moote Cllel~ Peooers •..•.•....••••••• JOl~z. jar c le ~I• Hol Doi H.mbutger or Swttl Rl l1s! •••• 14-oJ. ja< ~ °' t Short"11pg ....................... 3-lb. "" 73< J Monle·WhDlt Sweft Picijei ....••••• , ..... 22·ot. jar 75c ~NK PINEAPPLE·GRAPtfRUrr DOLE DRINK ... 37c PAPER VIVA NAPKINS /'!.. 39c COfftf -Att l:lllNOS YU BAN ;!· 73c :t.uri l l'S 23o0 Dar b01' Blvd~ at Wilson St.~ Barbor Shopping THESE ~RICES EFFECTIVE 1HURS. Jlrl SUN., JUNE S, I: T, I, 1!69 ' Center, Cdsta Mesa ___ ....__ __ _ • ; l I ~...> ·[ ( II • h i Arn• .... Th row! ouro cour and sauc u the I Roel ''"" time gu .. ROC 4 2 I l I 'I• A· •• .. •• .. .. • • ii Ma quilt add : Ne· pale! by q color strip FD each fore maiU other wiU t Send LY Dept. Stati1 Print Patt.t lKI over 'trtt Send NE GIF1 toys, ~1ak( row! 50 ce "ll croc~ cents Bo. cents Ba: beau; Mu tems cents Bo. Livb! A T An saiad guest appr1 TOSS 1 I; I q e l j • Q)j· \vrap Jus salad over haJVI Ad in p1 1 .... _,, __ . __ fl ni.DT ·ADVERTIS ER Ada Zest Make th.is· semapnore-btighl quilt for a summer home or to add zest to den, 'guest room. New, unusual~ T wen ty patchwork squares are framed by quick strips in gay multi- colors. Pattern 7151: patch, strip pattern pieces, chart. FWI'Y CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling; otherwise third-class delivery wiU take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks th e DAI- LY PILOT, 105 Needleerafl Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Prillt Name. Address, Zip, Pattern Number. Giant, new 190 Needlecraft Catalog - ,(over 200 de.signs to ch~sc, 3 . ,,.. • paltel'llS prliital 111Slde. ·' Send 50 cents now. NEW! "50 I NS T AN T GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys. decorator accc.ssories. Make it today. gi ve it tomor- row! ldeal for all occasions. so cents. "Ii Jiffy Rugs" to knit, crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50 cents.~ Book of 1% Prize Afghans . SO cents. Bargain! Quilt Book 1 has 16 beautiful patterns. 50 cents. Muaemn Qu.llt Book z -pat- terns for 12 superb quilta. SO cents. " Boot 3. "'Qalltl ror Today's LlvfnC.".15 patterns. 50 cents. Artich_ok.es .-. Toss Well . An· easy • lo· put • together salad \\'e like to serve to guests because they usually appreciate il! TOSSED ARTI C HOKE SALAD l large cucu mber I quart tom romaine, pack- -ed down l j1r (6 ounces) marinated artichoke hearts Olive oil, wine vinegar, sail and pepper Pare cucumber; cut in half lengthwise; with a teaspoon i;coop out seeds and dlacard; slice cucumber thin ~; \vrap lightly and refrigerate. Just before suvint, Jn a sal ad bowl los.!I 'together cucumber and romaJne.. Tllm artichokes with thel.f liquid over the «he·f vetellblea ; halve arllclloloo pl'<U. • Add remaining l°'edient.a In prOllOl'tl~ yoo Uke lnd \Q61, Makes I 1trvlnp : H Wtdntsday, Junt 4, 1969 Pric ei ore DiJCOLln,ed E~ct'pl 0'1 Fo ir-Troded ond Governmenl Contl'Ollt.Q hem1. - 15-0 UNCE CAN ac CORHED BEEF HASH:~,:: .. ~ ___ 47' CHIU W /BIANS:::::'lu --·-····-·-57' LUNCHEON MEAT~: ...... __ 57• ALBACORf TUNA :O:.:u. ____ 38' GORTON'S CLAMS::w, ... _32' "' swm PKKUS ~'~=~--4+' SALAD OCMS ~::i~:!! 34c DAILY ~ILOT 3f Weigh t Watc hers De ligh t Cucumbers Relished. LOOK fOR THE LUCKY "IOND" ON THl PA.CkAGf •.• YOUR OUARAHTll.01 COM,lttl SAJISIA.CTIONI CHUCK ROAST RIB STEAK .. ~:f..,$P~ C E-Z CUT CUBE STEAK $1\! '-- 1 -' -CHICKENS-.. ..:!.'i'.:::. · • · .4 • ' T-BONE STEAK •l • • GROUND ROUND.:.89.f. PORK CHOPS •• ~:' •• 79.~ · SAUSAGE "0 :~'i:-:-... · .79• BACON LUCKTllAND 1·NUND · '""'" 68c SUCED ~i:.~~2:.-. 141.PU •• , •• ,,.,., ....... 73' ~e~Mt~~.~~~.~~-.................. 79' ?c~!~!~:.~,.~~~·~·~·-.. ~····~ ...... _79' =°.!~~.~~. 2., •. ,.,, .................... $]45 FRESH TASTY fVfRYDAr OIJCOUHr ffRICfD OfLICAJfSSIH ,,,.,.s ..... '9·0 UNCE C~N LUCKY CHllSI "''-66• Our LOW Ever}dllyfrlc;i:t . ., :I. 0 RUMP ROAST :1::1::.~:93 1>. ,_,,_, __ .. ,,_,,, ............ !•!: LUCKY AU MEAT SIRLOIN TIP STEAK.~;:t.l l! ~ RIB ROAST ........ 97 ' ~!£~.~~~U~1.~~~~-~~~~.e.53' FRANKS · .,.._ ..... ._,..,...=---...>. -,.,.,.,.,.,,, lb. OSCAR MAYER SALAMI 63. I POUND PACKAGE ' • Ll8B PEAR HALVES .. ouu ..... 35' CHUCK STEAK .. ''c"Jl'.,681•. "~----........ -.............. ~! .. !..~... •, r12.ouNCI PKO.•••l DOLEJUICE ""'"" 30' a ... u~,DJ!i.'SSLIC,,IDM. EATS_ ..... 36'. & ~o· ""' 0 ---•• • SI RLOIN STEAK '""' 51" --~::m ~ ~:~~~~~c~~~~;;;;:;;~;;;;;;--~:, CROSS RIB :::.::;sq'; fili!i:.~?!"~~-~~~:~~:;!:!;,;; sj u · . . . LIBBY'S sAuERKuuT'.~.::~20: •. orHER .. ,·,·E·•"s':· < lb. !!~~~".5.~~~1 ................ ~.!,.~.~.'92': f"<M •• osz~z:.a~~.'.~~~~.J;':.48• HARVEST DAYTOMATOES ~:i 23' POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL ····~-.47 ' ~-i~i':'.!'.~.~8. .................... -'~-~·-•!.!!c$)39 :-.=~!:.;~:& .. NIBLETS CORNJllL(Al ...... __ .......... , __ 23c BLACK PEPPlR~~~.~--.. -39' !S;:"'~~~::~~~::kr~.::.,: .~;:.: ;~~ .. GREEN BEANS ::!:.~=-..... 25' 'W'ftfR'S'$0l/P"MIX :::': ... ~'.: ..... n· ,.~~n dtKornp'.sJu!I """" ·-.. ~-~-···-. .. REFRIED BEANS1oslln• 29c P•••d lo ltep 1!11 ro1flHn"""~ f»'t•• ~........................... · BORDEN' MARGARINE ~::::,. __ il8' AN OUTSTANDING VARIITT ,.,;,, .. ;.,-......... ,_,.,;,,.._,. • POTATO BUDS .inl caou 11 69 1 clay 10 pl.011 >'1''" bvd91t • • • MJM! f-"-\. , l'-OL IOl .............. -~·· c . NESTLES QUIK=~~~ ... ~ .................. 4 c OF FRESH BAKERY TREATS! 'P''"• b ... r1 .. , .... m,.. doi~ ••• .r 10:..1ly ........ ' MIXED VIGnABLEs vi•·lll 21' MAZOLA MARGARINE 39 c IATMOtTUK.IY ITOllll i11 v•o•tabl•• • , , fr11h, taffy oMI d iKa1111t " 1t.0Lt 1J11 .. ~......... 11 .. 1.CTII....... • • d I b '•-' G)' •... f(;y&tf SCOTIIES TISSUE ~t: ........ -. 27' llJ~!~::~)da~:::IIllll '"'8'.A'NA···~. A,, s )..\' ! DEL MONTE ALPO D{)G FOOD ::'•.1:~~ .... -, .......... 29 ' LUCKY ~ ) SWEET RELISH £!!!\f.•1\k'},,J OUP l:::''. 16' ~ TEA BAGS '· CHIQUITA lllAND ;ti· ! 12-0UNCE JAR HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ~ ~. c IVORYSOAP-....................... __ J l' ~ c;;;a lAVA SOAP 1uu1u1u ................ ~.-....... 1Jc JOY DETERGENT :·::~•• ......... __ $8 ' . PACWED 'toODf SUNSHINE COOKIES?..'"~.l'.~_27' PAOFIC CRACKERS:o:r ... :_38 ' Dt\9 .. ,_.,... HARVEST DAY BRUD""'""·· 33 ' '"".(IOalllQ]JllS CAtGOHITT.DIJIRGENT ........ 69' TIDE DITERGDIT-u•-·--······83 ' CHEER DnERGENT ~"" .-... --83 ' DREn DnERGENT ~ ..................... 79 ' DASH Dn ERGENT """' ....... 77 ' IVORY SNOW SOAP~"ll.':.. ___ .... .79' Our LO:.V E1<1:r)day Price! ROYAL OAK BRIQUITTES 1 0-POU~O BAG • FABRIC sonENER : . • ................ ..79' DUf ONT SPONGES .. , .... _____ 33' .,-. BATH POWDIR ::~::: ...... 35 ' our LOW b<r)<lay Price! HARVEST DAY FRU IT DRINKS OIANOI, OIAPI, 'IVIT PUNCH, CN(llY "'''If 46·0 UNCE CAN 2 4° ; IRITS SHASTA B ERAGES 21 c 110 •1111111. U-OllllCl NTlU ............. . BPRGEl!MEISTER BEER $125 ,,l.«X.11 Ol.(All ........................... . LUCKY VODKA $366 ... ,.OOf, 111••1 1on11 ................... . ~!~~ .. ~~~nu ................. a 9 C 1. • 48·COUNT SOX 10 ' . (Ntrof "-Ml 'I ''iMlt .... My,.j., c .. , ..... , ... . ., ... ,....... .. ..,_,,"~ ;~; < LOW DISCOUNT PRIClS O'J HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY AIDS RED CROSS COTTON BALLS 32 -GAUON PLASTIC ·mJ TRASH·CAN A kwt •' ''"'" ~ $444 <•~ ••• ,.~,,14 ftt' 1 ..... ,, ............ k.. ' BONGO· STRIPED DECANTER VI.Ml ,,..., 7i..-• • . .....,.. ........ 96 ' ........ .--.""'. ' TUMBLERS . ~1~~~r:=.~~ ................... 27c PRISTIEN ::=,,, 1 • .,.v .. fntl!All $) 18 J\rl91lll rM .. , ....................... -1 • ,'~ &:a 32-0UNCE IOTTlE LISTERINE I · . ORAL ANTISEPTIC MOUJHWASH Thi .......... te..t klll1 ••• •rM1 If ...... ff Cetlt.ct. l tlYll Yt •r titfftlll fMll11t I fr1slt 11ul Clffll t11tl•I· D•ilr 1•r1l1 ... 1,, t• rtlll•<• <•••• •• "•· OUllOW $173 IVllJDU PIKI · ~FRISBEE ~ TOT I YWNAMO ·-· •"' ..... ., ....... .., ... "'' .f ,,.. , ., .. """' ...... 76 .,,,. ::: ~·::... ':!!: c • . ·'ll';~•:=:rrl' I • Ir • i I I • "f"-V PILOT ' • \ ' . ' ' DR I YE , DETERGENT G~~:eT 69( lilt ICE 69( i I I CREAM 1/J·Gal. Rot.1nd ' Corton ! -r t I Jc ~Dfll•M f'll.d ,, 4 ~51 I !,; C RJ>,\· I l u q11•' ··...._-t __ i;_ ...... CREME PIES 119 ,, ••. I hlC• lf19 Springfield CORN 10 .... Packag• 2 ~$25 Birds Eye A WAKE , .•.. c: ... 3 b,$1 Birds Eye LIM~. BEANS '::~;t1~:: 4 ~$1 • R..C c, .. ,. Wlll,..acf Toppl119 REDDI WHIP • .,:.:,·c.. 49¢ Foremost MJ I Coll!ll!EE , .... ,.-u, 1"·69c ,...... l ·lb. '"" -1.95 cu MJI -Choice ol 6 vorletles -1m·itation---.1eE-MtxES-.,.. ,,, 3 i 51-- HOMOGENIZED MILK l!J Gals. F 0 R USDA CHO.ICE c·HUCK. STEAK A1111t JCN1H -Z6 01. ior. PICKLES • ''"" ..... 49• e Ku Mf Streb • e No G•rHc Scottln H•Mlo ... 11k FACIAL TISSUES 10¢ P.df'te RG-- 1 lb. h 1 · Soda Crackers 25¢ s • .w .. -1 ,. c.n. Hydrox Cookies 49¢ I Ndl«• -101 of 6 Toastettes 45¢ Beef Stew 59c I .. • . -- LAllGE FllESH GllAOE "A" is .. ''" lla11 ,$ ~-USDACno1ce -··· BEEF SHORT49c RIBS lb. PEN & QUILL -IMITATION SOUR CREAM 12·oz. Carton ROYAL YAMI YOGURT HOLLYWOOD-1 lb. Re9. 39c Sa ff lower Oil MARGARINE JACK & BEANSTALK CREAM STYLE or WHOLE KERNAL COR·N No. 303 Cons CASE SWAYNE PINK GRAPEFRUIT J U·IC E · 4t~:~· VALUABLE COUPON ~$ R ~$ R ~$ R BOL D . . DETERGENT GIANT SIZE c c WITH THIS COUPON -And ,55.00 M111l"'11111 P11rcht1_1~. Limit o"e boi I fl•r coupon -O~ co11pon P'' '"'tom1r. Alocot.ol1t Bt ~n~t9e• •nd Freih Fluid Oiiry Prod ucll trid ciqt1tetlt1 t1idud1d fro "' m1n1mum put· I c~••• by l1w. Vo id tliPr Sunday, Junr 8 GOOD 6NLY AT BARGAIN BASKET ~ ---"-OSDAChoice · 3 Le99t:d FRYING . • ·1 . } ,, ~ ~·· ,•;. . .;»•:.":.··,,, .. '·.:), USDA Choice USDA Choice Round Bone ROAST ler M W.stftll Styl• SLICED BACON 79 ~ BEEF ROAST 79~ U.S.O.A. CHOICE SPENCER STEAKS U.S.D.A. CHOICE ·BONE LE SS BEEF BRISKET FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF U.S .0.A. CHOICE RIB STEAKS BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK LUNCHEON MEATS , BOLOGNA 59c lb. PICKl1 PIMENTO 69c lb. HEAD CHEESE 69c lb. CHEESE LOAF 69c lb. ••r M We$t41n1 Stylt1 6 9 ~ POLISH SAUSAG E PRICES EFFECTIVE : Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun day June 5, 6 , 7, 8 Pric•s subject to stock on hand. WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACfNTIA 1 WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 1~th and Placent11 710 .. W. Chapma n ' . --L..~--...:....· ,~·~"--~~~--"-~~-~ ----~-----------·----·----- B B NI oulr Bari hous m•• "EV• havt Tl is b hou! try. Th over soar. frort st'"' sine. "E high s-01m who I dow1 Sha~ Th prici retai Sllffi' unat fa mi and "1 and War Tenr "1 to s awa: will buy! then the I ~ Swe1 said: I fir hard shoe "B havf to k< ded $1.59 up ~ R s A I l': Try desc "invi brae II moli: 1-0o' Rh :spac of fi But doll a port; it. Th rhub aoor nam· "hot' and y,·hic f: E!i ~s &ol !'~. Ii ~!{~ ~ ,flk ng e fl:.l.!~; i:;, ~ :11\e , Pr ' ut llou j,lffe ;Jnd ·-pr I you es. In' froz1 ~g~ i·a~ ll j -~IV veg1 com 1 1 '' " 9 PILOT·AOVERTISEA Wtdnt.Sday, Ju11t 4, 1969 DAILY ,llOT fl Beef-loving ·Americ.ans Pusb.·Mr~at Prices : .. ·W:r;;>-_·:py Ea;ting Mqre • ~·'* I ' I -"'--t'.. • By~ WE9JISLER Cilbe11 Novotny, presklent nighe1· pfkes should stop sc:ime shift ~ buyi"I pattern&. toolt bur full mark up -about • "The ~l lh ·Uvfi&t 'cant of a.n anirnll 1~ (oqi' • '"'it.t"aiiy'"~wtWi tab: a NEW~ YOtlt '(.lif) -"It's of the St Louis National eating-tittf -ttius driving the "Pt;0ple ate"roovtng Wlo more %2 percent -~1e lVIJtldn't Mll and tntt1l J)riceib\ the fa~Jot or another. -,.. .. ~•.SQmewhat PfuJOIOphic:at .tew oulraaeous .• t ~ed Lucille Stocky(lrds Co., where Ute price do)\1. re'.uonable items," he' said. any beef." larger supplies is due lo~· "Today we sell aLout 55 per,. ef1tbe sltuaUOll and accept; the Bam~(" a San., ~Francisco price oL steers IJ>Urled M to Apparently some houseWlves. The manager of a Baltimore Althbu&h some housewives consumer income-, unusulllr ·• &nt,'' he' iaid. "P~ JttV~ · -blihe~ mei~ ~t as pail qt house\tl(~. ai sh6 scanned $33 .25 ~r 100 ~u1*,. nOted arelakln&-Novotny'sadv\ce. supermarket ~.ft!~ are1J4tching.lolesse1pehsiy,e lO'f unemploJqle.nl ra$5.and. more money and:· .. ~ '•th-;~~ I meat pf~ ill a S\JJJermarkel. that COlll:iwnei' demand is Joseph .H!inen, owner of a that in his stores beef sales cull ot •t and cllkken, the' l.nCreasea in Pof>ut~U~ ''°' ·, 1 • more trimmlni '8'nd1 cdtlinr/' -• · ·~ .P,riceslricesl are M,h, but ''Every bme I sl'iop prices especially strong for lu.'<ury Cleveland meat store chain are down by five-pefcent over demand'is still strollg enough Al Ploe, a 5'attl'-~tat Cattlemen sly tbit'·tbe~c.ost not out o propOfUOb" ~ ha'.e incre~sed a few cents." cuts. where porterhouse st,eak is up last year. He added Wt his to support;Ule higher prlce1," dealer, pointed ou\tballn II.It of '&"';::'· partleuwly .ed a Dallas hQuoewit'e, ljN. J, . 'I h~ lament of Mrs:. Barnes He s uggested that 30 cents a• pound in the past chain has absorbed wholeu.le As thlt; U.S. De~rtment;. of .· ~rs would ~n· tp the ,feed, . · · ~IJ>:arply in the,. Lot.tis Boy,d. "But •.O ·p 1s betni? echoed by American housewives yea r to $t58, has observed price increases because "if we 'Asrloilture ~: ""' ~wile about 'ZS to ~i pet ••. pilt' · , ... r ·eyerYfhlng e.lse seem tiflb.'' housewives across the coun. · '' · try. • 'l . The housewives are sizzling over the meal prices that have soared · by up to 20 percent from a year ago and.,. oow stand at their h~st~ ,,Wets since the Korean Wtr. ' ''Every week the prices go higher. It has to stop somewhere otherwise l h e whole economy is g o i n g down," said Joan Krantz of Shaker ljeights, Ohio. The ~ of the t rising prices, ~e&>¢lng to ca{Oc and retail ~alers, ls that con· sumer» demand it continuing unabatef;t, sO 1hat ii'American familie$ are eating tlleir beef and pay'lna: dearly for it{ ' "The whale reason ls 11tipply and demand," said Ralph Warr, manager of a Memphis, Tenn., retail store chain. "They raise the price of beef to see if people won't back away from it so the supply will go further. Jf they keep on buytng· it like they are.· now, there won't be an,y beef left by the end of spring." / ~ntly \\'ed Mrs. Ronnie Sweat, Jacksonville. FI a . , said !' "I was so shocked "When I first started shopping t h a t hardly any price increase can shock me now. "Beef price increases haven't hurt us that much yet to keep us from eating it," ad· ded Mrs. Sweat, who now pays $1.59.a pound for T·bone steak. up 30 cen\$ frOm last year. ·Cl;IUC:K ST~K ~::::~'.:'.: .............. '• 6 8~ ..... ~~,. . -8 Cho1c• llo~ele11 CHUCK STEAK ... , ..................... , •. 9 ~- . P.OT ROAST Cho«-"mC,., .............. ,,lb 79~ RiB ROAST ~·:.:::.J ...................... :i_b.9 ·8~ ' . RIB STEAK ~~::::.:::'. ...................... )• l 39 • • CHICK~N FRIED STEAK ~:f:.:;:.·af~ LOIN LAM·~ CHOPS ~;;;:;:~"-~J•. 12 • TURKEY,,nOAST '·"'""21•·•'".; ...... • 2 79 . ~ . light & Dor~ MH•••••••••• TURKEY Ro'•sr ,., ... ,, ... ,.ff 349 . . M ea1t•d light Mtaf •••••••• SLIC;·ED ~BACON Ho<molRodtobol ... ,. . .lb165~ ..-, •• ·1~ . : FRYER BREASTS ,,;. .............. ::;.,~'.63~ FRYER LEGS, THtGHS, LIVERS ....... ,,59~ FRYER WINGS ,.,. ..................... , •. 25~ PAN READY SANDABS , . .,,,,.98~ FRESH TROUT S..lood T~.' .. i •• ,;i 20LP"9 78~ • • • • • • J • GROUND BEEF LEGo'LAM:B FRESH FAMILY PAK 3 LIS& OVIR " '· u.s.D.A. JNSP. • GENUINE SPRING • ·NEW ZEALAND • ·~ ,. ., l·",l • ' .UMOUR$TA.R ~. ----- Rhubarb " . · WIENERS •tLMEATO••ll""· ..... .-;; .... .-:l858r . · .. · . . LUNCH M.EAT OSCAAMAY!R 99:t:J!....,:IO.Qft·NED -llOijiEFWl lSON'-S8RISKETJOOZ. 319 KRAFT CHEESE Mll0CH£DOARO• '''89'""' · . •. vA.R1Etv P•c1C •••••••••• 12or. ,,,.,_ '-: n. D~I: ovAl TIN·NOREF111GE11AT10N JACK·R•NooM ••••••••• l~. · "·: CHIPPED MEATS ~~!:11~~~~ .. >oz ~/ 1:. ~ Tl,J.RK~Y ROAST ~~~~,';'~~:~.~.'.~ ........ 298 '~OOKED HAM 8'IOG"O•osuC£o ... oz. 6~t ' Sparkles As Tonic · ll·s Spring. Need a tonic? Try rhubarb. It fulfills th e description of "tonic'' which is "invi1oratng, refreshing and bracing.". "', It sure .beats sulfur and molasses .f'.~' and lcisttis better too ! • ' '. 10 .. .,qMri1RE -1a~·: Rt4~ed'Speciel ............ ••••• · MARSH.MALLOWS ' Rhubarb takes only a small :space in CalUornia's long list of firsts, mosts and biggests. But it is still a half million dollar industry and mighty im· portant lo the folks who grow_ it. There are two types of rhubarb ... one grown ou~ dOors ai1d one-irldoors. The names indicate the difference SPRAY CLEANER ·COTTAGE CH.EESE All!RISON'S 31 ~ Reducff Special •••••••••• PT. a~a.;.g SAU (E HEINZ"'" hd~"s,;(1ot ....... , ........ 38 ~ , ... _-,f I , ~ . . .. field grown" and •·hothOllse." There are color and flavor differences and which you buy depends. on SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DiSCOUNT -7DAYS A WEEK Shop and Compare ..... . SU,IR MARKlT PfUC! AllUITS00N'\ PRl<l SUPEllMAtllT ALllll'Sott'I PRIC\ • PlllCI Sh d C suPli•o•n -ALl!OUDN'I' SL:;. d ( , · ~ opon ampore ..•.•• '"" ''";,_ nvpon _:o,mpare ..... .. £r preference since one is necessarily "better" than other. t*ield grown rhubarb is tfreen to dark ted.. and has a ~d. tart and tangy flavor . TOMATO KETCHUP-, ........... .. l ' POTATO ,CHIPS ...,_"'" ........... . . ' REFNIED BEANS._.~.,.. .............. . ~s season, it is exceptional!y because of exct;ptiona\ly CAKE MIXES 25! 69< 21< 39< 24! 59i 191 35i I growing weather. You . .~" .. l .. lo,~ •••••••••••••• •d It fresh in the markel all " 46 Iring and frozen or canned RISQUICK~""'c~ ... i>•L ·•••·············· 49' ' SPRING WATER .__,..,_.......... 391 37f BUTTER NUt(dfffE ··~""'"""''"'"""' . . . . .. ' DISTILLED WATER....................... 39< 37 i BUTTER'N~T COFflf••.;· ...... ;: ... .. 69< • l" DOG FOOD ;::;;:,~.7,;;;:"~-,:;:~,1 01 _ ... _ 2/31' 1 Si BUTTER NUT COFFEE·,,,•· ....... :.: .. . .. l "· . CALGONITE ,.,. ,.., ................... . 75< FOIL WRAP,.,.,,..,,,,,,.,, .............. . 33 i BOWLCLEANER , ... ~ .............. . 704 ;. 5§ ! '· '-..Ali ~ .• ,., .. 1"' ~TOES t11"'·1w~G · . .:W .,~ •....•..•.....•. 2/3 5 ~ .. INSTANT COFF&.£ ...... ...,,~~-.~:.: ... 681 ' . . 1:36 1~ ' '~~.h .. h~• "''•''·""::l1~~B·R·":"E~.KJ~T c, ER.,!,~l '~··".'-"' °--· .. -':.~,· .~.5: ~I~.. .153i. y but milder th'" thst ot KRAFT DINNER ',_.,,. co ••• ,........... L3< " 21 i ' •1115 riav~oli tai't"tni!• ~ · -.tE?I!:'. """'~11. -,_ I •'f'il n · I •'· '.. ~ •. { ' cl'fEMORA ... ""'' "c..+l .. c.-..-.•··· ........ : PICKlE;REUSH .. ,. ... ,. " ...... , •• : ...... : 37.(; ' 474 . BRIQUETS '""'"'' ...................... · 69f" 304 . 154 33~ 594 1.04 ' field grown. Hottwuse APPLE'AUCE 49 45 i t bacb usually costs more ' ,, .. .,, ••"""''""JS o z .. ·.. ' ause hothouse plants pro- ce only one crop per year. 126 FILM ~~'.~.~;~.'.1:.~:.0:.~: ••••••••••••••••••• 99 ' ~~~:te~~~~~h~~::cb :ra~o~ LA VORIS MOUTH WASH ~;;:.0:": ......... 11' +months 11 isn't usuallv l POLISH REMOVER 33 < "'--· d h h th " ~ '·••JO> .............. . fj~~t~~~~~·~~t/~r~: .; •.) ~cA~~i~~:R~:~~·;~i~~~c).jijp;\srE·::: !~: Practically all processed " ubarb is fieJd growl\l So ..• ' , may have noticed a llavor iliffcrence in fresh rhubarb ~lnd that you bought eanned or ·)r fr0ztn. Chance$ are .. , You booght two different tyP. es. Inci dentally. when you bur frozen rhubarb. read the labe . ')l may be packed without gar. with plai n Syrup or with ~ack raspberry juice . 1.·· . , •th 1,,.Store la"-ery at Storet w 1 • rl ASSORTlD . lO~ DANISH · PASTRIES .... . I• """"" 5/ 1 BREAD "'"1"·10 0 '· ...... • 49< . ' LESLIE SALT ........... ,, .............. .. . l 3C ' 12 I BABY FOOD a .. ,,.,,_, ......... ~ •• :.. • l tL,. ' . l(E CREAM ~:;::;~~:~ ......... ., ...... , .......... 69< CHICKEN CHOW MEIN DINNER a.~•,; ...... 56< CHUN KING CHOP SUEY !.'~;.;~:::· ............ 76< SHRIMP CHOW MEIN DINNER o..-., ...... 56 1 '.· CHUN KING SWEET & SOUR.PORK •••....•• 94 < AWAKE ORANGE DRINK ... ,,. ........... oz lS<; CHUN KING FRIED RICE/MEAT ........... :.;Sl<. MORTON'S MACARONI & CHEESE '" ...... 21" · CHUN KING MEAT/SHRIMP ROLLS ....... 66 ' MORTON'S3 COURSE DINN~R ... : ......... 63< . . .. POTATOES . 10. LB. NO. 1 NEW WHIU ROSE ,BAG , . . ' '' ' lAJIGf ROY.&l APRICOTS 39c 11£0 lf.i, ~ 5AVl17i6/160Z. COUNJllY ClUt ~~- ST-dtir ....... ls9 • •.ounttf Cl b' SA.vt I 6c • 'AlSTA.Ff ....2! . - . BE9' ........ ,,o,.J 09 . , t' . ·•j I Beef, !~:~Jc"-.... .. ·········· . I" W• .. • • ···-····· lne ....... ~ . . I 1 I ' , It's Corney · IU1lf.RflAii:l l 39~ ROLLS DlN'"········"'"'DO . LETTUCE •u 12( . ·10( ,m~(loJb!;....,.,•oooo•••••-••• 1'' Bourb '-"""" · : ,, I f When you want to serve a vegetable plate, you'll find this combination is splendid. Ti>MATO CORN LILA 1 cl!n (12 ~s) whole kernel com wllh rtd and green .. peppers, w e 11 drained ~ • 1 caf\ "04\i ouncd) sliced baby tomatoes, •...-e I I f drained , 1 \jbleSJ>0011 bu'ter ~~ 1,2 tu~· diierli ~ed basil , Into an a.Inch glass pie plate urn the corn; mange tomato ices over corn. Dal 'Wllh but- er; sprinkle with basil. Cover Ith foll . Bake In a preheated -egrec oven until very hot about 30 minutes. Makes e illp. \ FRESH ROMAINE LETIUCE !A. • 's •i'1.0L 4/1. COOKIE •0 "0 .......... "' M•flllli>GI fN1ttl r•Ml\'f,Oltlll JllO GRAPES CA:i;~:NIA ··39~ SHDLESS·Ll, I . .; I l \Q~o (jffY'ecldill!I (akts ~ '• ou11NG till MONlH Of JUNl Huntington Beach -15511 So. Edwards ' ~11111 leaell "."'" 7~0 Sa. Coast' \wy~ ' . ) I · I ., Fountain Volley-,1604Z Mapolla ' I on ,._,,G.H... II" Vol/'· °"""'Pl·, C"-';...i ••••• ••••••• KO r.11.,,d °""'" J" 8 b 'or.i ................ . • our on "'· ..,.., • ·~-'olli )!\ ··········--4" Br ncly. ' -·· a ~ .... ;,.,\ •.•••.....••••• 3'' • ' • . ' ...... I ... • ... <,; """' ~. .. ...,...._ ... ..... ~ -..-..-.~.-.i~--_..._,,,...,.,...,,.,..,,,...,.,.,,,.,, ..... ,.,.,....,.,,.,."'!l""'!"..-i"!!!l"!l"'!!"!!!l"'l"!ll'"""' .... """"'"""" ................................................................................. .,r--~-"""'14'. • ...... ~ ,_ ., ...... ~-....... ~ "-# ... .. ..... --- - • ft D~LY PILOT Celeb1itf Cookbook • • • \ •I I . ' \ ., ' .. .._ ... , I • • ' ' ' ' St1ngers Also Ope.n Mo ths for F od : By JOHNA BLINN NEW YORK -Take five kids who just happen to sing, • who "'eat like the fifth bat-I talion" and have one member whO answers to "Doggie Bag," and you have The 5 t h Dimension, th e vocal groop y,·hose "Up, Up and Away" and ''Aquariu s" have made them the most popular in the .. 4 country. ~ An encounter v.•ith Florence _. LaRue a nd LaMo nt e ~tcLemore, two mernbers of the group, took place in th e Americana Jlotel v.·here they are headlining al the Royal Box. "Just mention the word food and our ears come to full al- tenlion," LaMonte said. "We all eat like the fifth battalion. Jn fact, Florence eats all the • time. She was well on her way .~~· lo becoming pleasingly plump before a recent illness." he teased. "I only eat often," Florence contended. She made a slim appearance in a navy blue silk mini skirt with matching navy and red body shirt, navy blue knee socks with her hair neii.tly pulled back ana corded with a crimson tie. "Except when I order room service.'' she added, "and then TH E FI FTH DIME NSION EAT LIKE FIFTH BATTALION • Ma rilyn McCoo, LaMonte Mc LemOr•, Billy Davia J r., Ron Townson, Florence La Rue I'll eat about one·third and !eave the rest. tn an hour. I'll eat the leftovers ror a little snack." ooGGIE BAG "That's why we call her Doggie Bag. She even carries an extra one around with her," he said. "Once in a restaurant the woman brought her the bag saying, 'Here. miss, are your leftovers. I've added some extra scraps for your dog! " • They spoke highly of the cooking talents in the group. In addition to.Florence and La Monte, The 5th Dimension in- cludes Marilyn McCoo, who has a BA degree in Business Administration: Ron Townson, whc> toured with Dorothy Dan· dridge and Nat "King" Cole I. I· as a teenager, and Billy David Jr. who started in his own coc ktail Jow1ge in St. Louis, "Ron cooks exotic thing s like Spanish eggs tha~...are fan· tastic," Florence s~d. "Billy does more st andard things like roasts and chops, b u t LaMonte 's pigs' ears are the grealest!" LaMonte · said .dT i I y , "11arilyn's the cookbook, she reads well .'' Florence stressed the im- portance of setisonings. "At home we always had just regular good food but with the right seasonin gs. For ex- ample, take spinach and put in something special .... " "Like yesterday's ham hock and turn it into something great," La Monte finished 'the sentence. Most restaurant food is prepared for the masses whereas home folks fix it just for you." SOUL FOOD "That's, precisely why sc> called soul food is more highly seasoned. Originally it "!as food eaten by poor Negroes. 'Ilu~y liad to learn to take food like pigs' ears, pigs' feet or collard greens and make it tasty," Florence said, peering through gold-rimmed granny glasses. ''During t be depression everything at the packing SE RV E A SP1RITE D OESSERT Richness Enhan ced -.. Fruit Extraordinaire 11ae: brandy spirits in tbis deuert are onJy enough to enhance the {tu.it rlchness of aprlcoll. Yoa alto Laite the ad· v....... ol brandy with apricajl by lllpplna brandy aJqiwtth Iii alter the dessert and-. . BRANDY APRICOT CREAM J cup (aboUL 6 ounces) <\1ied apricoll ll< cup sugar r ... grlllnl ra11 JJJ cup 8rllli:ly l ~'i teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1 cup heavy (v.•hipplng) cream 2-egg yolks lh cup finely chopptd walnuts Curls or gratings o r unsweetened chocolate Cook apricol!I until ''crv ten. der: drain. Add all but 2 table.spoons of the !ugar and the salt. \\'hilt hot. stir apricot mixture vigorowrly /n a fork or •lotted IPOOD_/!> make 1 rough puree; cool thoroughly. Stir in brandy and lemon juice. In a large bowl, whip cream. Separately, beat egg yolks with remalnihg 2 tablespoons sugar until thick and ligbt ; fold into whipped cream along u·lth cooled apricot puree and walnuts. Spoon Into stc111med dc11sc rt glasses and chill for 2 to 4 hours. Before serv'ing, sprinkle lightly wilh chocolate. Makes a. °""inp. plants, including the ten · derloins, hams and pork chops, were sold, leaving the pigs' feets, ears and pigs' tails. Today these items have become delicacies and cost ,more than steak in a restaurant," LaMonle said. A tdnller photographer, he wore smoky dark glas.'>es that matched h i s well-tailored charcoal shirt and matching slacks. Florence said, "Our ar- ranger ls a health food nut and like so many of his kind , tries to addict otber-people. I like to mix health foods with my .regular diet. For example, I Hke pork chops served with brown rice or add soy sauce or fruit to food." "To add a little soul,'' LaMonte said. The tw.o engaged in good- natured banteri111. Florence claiming·that the girls cooked better than the boys. He said, "Florence claims she's the best cook, but she's only talk· ing. I've never tasted her food ." "He always has some girl le> cook for him." she said. Both are single, although Florence was wearing a diamond solitaire. "I know what the guys can do. We all grew up in St. Louis and we've all been out on the street. I was raised by two uncles and both knew bow to cook." His uncle, Lorenzo Benson, was the cber in a <::hicago hotel. 'Consequently, wh en they both married, their wives had to struggle to keep up with them. There was always a cookout going on at our house . One day my Uncle Lorenzo cooked and the next day my aunt freaked out trying to keep up with him •. It was a friendly competition." LEARNS TO COOK \Vas he the referee, he was asked. "No, I was the stirrer, but I learned to cook from both of them." He said quietly that the aunt and uncle who had raised him were now deceased. "I've got a recipe for meat loaf and it's got an awful Jot of soul.'' he said. "Soul food is knowing the people you cook 'for and how they like it," Florence ex- plained. "Most people think o! so u I food in terms of chit- terlings, Candied yams and collard greens." "It's pride in your prepara· lion," he said. "Some people just cook. I figure out in ad· vance how I wapt the thing to taste and then I cook that \vay. It turns out right every lime." He later dictated his recioe for meat loaf to his visiior. "It's his pigs' ea rs that kill me. I'd love to try-that when I gel home ." She li ves in Inglewood, with her mother, Sara LaRue and two cousins. "They 're a gas," LaMontc agreed. He simmen the clean-- ed whole ears with water liberally seasoned with chop- ped ooion, celery and green pepper; then he prepares a spaghetti-type sa uce made from tomato paste, tomato sauce, tabasco sauce, and "lots ol seasorUngs including oregano, ealt, pepper and plenty of those tittle hot pep- prrs." Florence's ct'!lcke'"n rttlpe Is a carry-over from a Creole boy she used to date. "I particularly like thi3 dish. btcaust I can fir ii and forget about It." Another o! her i;pecialOcs is orange nut bread from a prepared mix, to which she 14d1 extra baktng powder, •IP .,.i lbortonlna. "It really amounts to glori· lying one of those packaged things, but it's deliciou s." She was exulted that she had just found, a recipe--· ·for fresh tanger_ine ice ~ In the skin. a dish she h a d diSct1vered in Cannes. · "Yet, we all like our food . We cerey our Own catering company. We're all well rounded, you D}ight say," Don said, rubbing his slighUy ro- tund midriff. FLORENCE LA RUE'S B R Q'I LEI> C R EOLE CWCKEN One c I e a n e d broiling chicken, weighing about 3 pounds, cut into servirig pieces Aboot l lh ta b le s poo n s vegetable oil (or melted butt.er) · Seiisoned salt to taste (atioui ~" teaspoon) Dash garlic powder Freshly ground pepper to taste One large green pepper, diced One medium·sized onion, peeled and chopped One stalk celery, chopped Large bayleaf crushed About 'h cup water Place chicken in broiling pan. Brush both sides lightly with vegetable oil (or melted butter). Season both sides with seasoned salt, oowdered garlic and pepper. Cover chicKen pieces with chopped green pepper, onion an d celery and crushed bayleaf. Pour enough water over chicken to moisten slight- ly. Place ~roiling pan three in- ches away from the flame, setting oven temperature to around 400 degrees F, Broil chicken 30 minutes (or until nicely broWned and fork- tender), turn once. broiling about 15 minutes longer (or until tender.) Serve with fluffy cooked Jong • grained (or brown) rice. Spoon sauce over chicken an d rice. Serves 3·4. LaMONTE McLEMORE'S SOULFUL MEAT LOAF For the loaf 1h medium-sized green pep- • per, chopped 1 medium-sized onion. peel- ed and chopped Large stalk of c e I e r y (including the 1 eaves ) chopped Vegetable oil Salt, freshly ground pepper 14 taste 3 pounds top ground beef 10~ ounce can cream 0~1 mushroom soup 3 eggs For lbe sauce 1-.: cu p catsup 2 tablespoon~ Worcestershire sauce (or A-1 sauce) Salt, freshly ground pepper lo taste Saute green pepper, onion and celery in vegetable oil un- til vegetables are softened : pour ofr and discard e~cess fat. Place ground round ia mix· ing bowl : pour bot onion mix· lure into meat; cool sltghUy before mixing with half the amount or soup. season to taste. - Boil eggs about 3 minutes: cool sHghUy. Pat meat into. loaf In baking dish. Oivtde in three parts: break eggs Into each third of loaf; cover with meat mixture burytng eggs. Bake In preheated 300 degr<e F. oven about 45 minutes. Prepare sauce by mixing cauup with Worcestershlre <or A-1) sauce. salt and pep. I pei to taste. Spoon over meat loaf; ba'ke meat about 45 minute! longer (or until meat Is cooked), baste several -.wri... bokbJ&. Selv11 I. :-. '\ . , .. . . , . I , NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER 'CL~A'SSIFIED ADS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES ' 2 TIMES 5 2~00 ANY .. ITEM $ OR -LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e No ltMn Owr $50 e No ComrMrci•I Firt'ftl e e No Copy Cho119M e No Abbrovi•tiona e START MAKING ' MONEY NOW! CALC 642~5678 ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT AD· VISOR ~~D YOU MAY CHARGE IT! ~ -----------------------------------~---~------- • ., • • , • ~ • l I I i • • ! ,, > ' " :I I ' i l .\ ' • I ~ • • r • l I . • ( I b , .. • p ,, ~. r_.. J i .. ! ;~ .. ., > 5 l , ) i . I 1 • • I • • • ' ~ • : ' i . ' \ I Blue Chip Stamps--- •• $ 8-oz. eans • zucchini Tomato Juice Spinach Sqaasll-Rtal , ltlil!!I SIJlo 'i'ops In Taste II·•~ 29C ... fr'flllll and Rdreshinc T1ste Oranges ~:~1• • 4 ~~:· $1 Fruit Juice . ~=rr ·:!.. 29' Prune J.uice ~"i'1' ::~~ 491 Peaches. rouow cnn1 ..... 29' •Sliced or Halved c11 3 ~·~· s1 •••• Rich in Iron and Minertls full flmred 6 ll•tL s1 Cl"I Tomato Wedf!$ l'mo· Ripened· Lima Beans:-~~::, Dill Pickle$ ~~.r., ll•n, 291 ... 311·•• $1 Cllll ...... 491 , .. Sweet Pickles ll~L . 'j;~· 51 1 Fruit Cocktail ~·,~.14 '.'~::$1 SweetRelish~:~~i::;."'~;··361 , 'i1lj:Jlfl=t!V4 ~\i ,. .. ,.:~ ¥~~ ! D.el lliilta lnlt-¥ade with ~e ,; · Miiied v-...... i2D<L botill3ici •I . . .. / l Firm And Golden Ripe Cabana Variety Juice Oranges \ ·' ,,.- r arn:y c.llforrtia Sweet and n ... rtul 8 ·lb. 99' bor l:ii Mocho Java Coffoo ~-:; lluuins Yua-Rittl and Araml11c.• I ·I~. 731 ..,.., .• ~. &Jer.dofFlntr~11s! 1111 • .W•·.,.~• I Butter-Nut Coffoo V~ 'd--Oloke •I llrlllfs • 1.r.. 69' \ Hf1Mr .. cb~ a ... • $1J1l c•• S~t ·Sou~ Pork 1~ ""' •:;:~ ti" · Chaw M•l11 Dl11n1r =·~"' ·~:.· 59' Chow M1l11 Dinner i::::.r"' ·~;::· 59' Hawaiian Puncli i::= """ <::• 59' R dd• WI ""' '"'"""""'. ' ... I I! JI ror r1N llirits or fniill .. ;::;, ~· Na•isco Chlpsttrs /,'t. 391 Blue Bonnet ~'"'"M "'!""'' •·•· 21' £\'trytt1n1s etln... 1111111 Fresh Large Sin Swlll Clllfomfll LOW PRICES! OA!I. V PILOT Peas .,f . Dtl M11te-Eaily Garden-Tender and Sweet ~~~1 The More You Buy·-The More You Savel 17-0L CAI!< ~ T th t •• '" 0111Gf Ot!it1 M•~!9 ... ~r•~~~.1gti~.r:;:i· 72' Doi .... ...choke of Pooled or Slewed VM•l•• l'ilt1J! Mouthwash :·:;i 65c. . --~ t__M~ CAllS i""" ' ' -.l --,,.. V · · · ' · · · ·~fd : · Sciipt-for A Sweetrr And Cleaner Breath! 11 • A . t""" 3· ., .. $ K,·.~ c~en Dtod1r111I .~; • K":J. 111 A.norted ~nb. Helps Rid Odors! ' .. lil:" 52' '· Nonema Skin Cream Hair Dressing = Breck Basic ~=r R~~~..rr! ~Mt . cans :....., $JM ' 1l1i ' N P I SI • .,,...,, .. o es rip t1 ... 11old 111SK1s .... •.tit Head & Shoulders r,~ik '!;:; 69' : Fresh Eastern Grain-Fed Rib End Cul ' M Cul from lean, Tender and ~••· ·. •· Meaty Young Pork. • Ideal for Broilin1 wilh Pineapple Slices. Guaranteed lb to Please You tverylime. • c IHead l !houldo~ Sltl-l.olioo Utt 11<1 Golden Cornish Cross Real Meaty Fed • High Protein Diet of Cracked Crain. ·They're M!!aly and Tende r! Ideal fnr Pan.frying or outdoor ~a!be:uipg! . Fryer Brauts l~ifht·er I• 69¢ Drumsti,k1. • lb • c ' ' ' ' > l • • ' • • ' ,, Pork Chops Best .Of F1Ter . l arge Sirloin End Cul-Eastern Pork lb, 79' No Backs, Necksortiblels fb, 59' \ ~ .114 ."-Pork Chops r..·"'~ w~""' Fryer Parts · · s '${ il Center Cut Loin or your 98 IJ ~ •Whole Legs · ·your 59c ~ Rib Cuts-Eastern choiee C M ~ • .D~mslicks ehoice H Grain·fed Pork lb. ~ n • Thighs lb. 1 ~·".';:;i~.r.t::r.~·.':llt.~: !tt" .. : ... ·-• .•• :.:.;.-;~i.'f_·~, .. ~~·~.,1::-.c:r::m , i;,..::;u;~~;:r.:::n.m 'W~ ,_ .:i:;n.:;;;:.:.s;r.: ... JQl;..T..m"""OI ~ Boneless Roast i~:1::~:!:1··~:. ''' ~~~.~:.~~~::. Boneless Steak u:~~s~.i lb. s1 29 ~~~;;,~'1~.~;:. Top Sirloin Swiss Steaks ................. ".. $)98 USDA Clloiu Gr'de lb A&ed & Trimmed • ' Sliced Bacon Beef Short Ribs ~~ .. 41' Beef Shank ~·:;.~· ., II' S.O.S. Soap Pads ~~~! ::\! :,'~i USO~ C"'l<t G•ade ( Alsb I ·lb. ( Roond e.no Ann Cut 79 Hlc!ory Smolld nnor 69 51' Beef. Ideal to Pin Fry lb, • Dubuq11e Miu lowt ilk(• SAVE MORE EVERYDA Y.' 211 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa e 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna 6'~t N. Coast Hwy., Laguna '!!.ach • Santa Ana Freew2 al La Pai, Mis~ion Vlei~ ~ Fairview AYe. & Wilson;,St., Costa Mesa f4 OAJLV l'ILOT Wfdntsdlf, Junt 4, 1969 J O PILOT -AOVERTIS£R • • \ • Super-Shoppers _really cleared our shelves during our May stock-up ~ale! We 're ready again! So come-in, join the super-savers_! This Super-Shopper "· will save $5.49 ... at ·Et Rancho this week! CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK LIGHT MEAT Sweet meat ••• so good in salads and sandwfchee: ••• adn so good for savings, too! No. 1/2 can.s .. Del llont.e ••• 8 oz. cana ..... rich,.from red ripe tomat.oes ••• and yo~ ~e·it.Jn,so.many _\vay.s! .;. •I . . ' . '· '. ' .. ' ~- UPDPB ...... !~~~~-·-...... • As&Umta the purcha.ie of t ack ittm in unit.! u adv~ Does n.ot in.elude 1neat, prod·iu• or liquor tkpa:rtmntl. Two roll packs ••• decorator colors .... and the deli ca~ scent is a 'vclcome surprise ! . . . .. . . . • .. ' . . ' ' ) ..... ' • ' • \ ' " \ • " Del Monte Peas .... ~~:}0.3 .. c~~s. ... 4 for $1 Ora-.g.e Juice .. 1.··~· ,J.·.~ ... ~.1~~~~'.~ ..... 4::.51· Florida'a finestr. ; •. Serve it every morning, qt_dn -'rtniha gbissl 12 ot. ean .•• 49c Sweet and tender ••• Early Garden Peas that invite you lo stock up at this price l Apple Sauce .... ~~ ........ · .. ~-~: .. 3.0~.~~~5 ..... S for $1 See tht quality before you buy ••• and then look ahead to the times you'll serve it ! · Hunt's Tomatoes ................. 5 for $1 Stewed Tomatoes ............... 4 for $1 Solid pack ••• No. 300 cans ••• Save 25c! Del Monte ••• No. 303 cans •.. Sa,'e 45c ! Campbell'~ Soup ........ , ...... 2 i...29¢ Fruit Cocktail ... , ................... 4 fo• $1 Chicken Noodle, Chicken Rice, Chicken Stars Del Monte ••• No. 303 cans .•• Save 35c! Upton Casseroles ..................... 69' Bartlett Pears :.................. · 39¢ Beef or Chicken Slroganoff, Ham Cheddar1.on Cock o' the 'Valk •.. No.:!~':? cans •.. Save 41c! Creamettes ............................... 10¢ Tomato Juice ........................... 29' Tender delicious 7 minute macaroni ! 7 oz. Libby's ••• re-usable quart decanter l Globe A·l Noodles ................... 33¢ Dole's Juice Drink ............. 3 1or $1 Medium or "·ide ••• 16 ounce package. I)ineapplc-Grapefruit, pink or reg .• , . 46 oz. Macaroni & Cheese ............ 3 tor 51 Vegetable Cocktail .................. 39' Van dei Kamp'a ••• frozen ••• 11 oz. packages. Cock o' the 'V.alk •.. ctn. of six ... 6 oz. cans. Rosarita Dinners ..................... 39:. Green Beans ........... . .. 4 for '1 · · Your choice or 1i1exican !av'orites , .. frozen. Crecn Giant •.. kitchen sliced ... 303 cans. Yuban Coffee ........................... 69~ Niblets Corn ...................... 4 for 51 Piemium quality-budget price! 2 Jb. can 1.37. Super Delicatessen Bargains 8orden :Frosted Shakes ...... 6 for $1 ''1hole kernel ••. golde n .•• tender! ••• 12 oz:. Super Liquor Values Holiday Times Vodka .......... '3. 99 Qt. Kida love •cm • , • favorite flavors! ••• 9 oz. can. Or save more by the case . , • 12 bottles •.. 43.0 9 Super Shopper Me at Specia ls . Pork Tenderloin ....... -..... 98~ ' So,kan .•• laldar,.11avorf111 •• 'from freoh mid-we.stern if•in fed park!,,. A ifeat roast! ·fresh Shrimp .. : ........ 98~ Ground Round ......... 79~ So dellclo111 , , , film and oweet ••• really fresh! Always so fresh , •• and lean ea it should be! -Turkey Legs & Thighs 39~ Turkey Breasts ............ 79~ · Cllllllllt ~-much rich dark meatf Grade A Swee\ tender white meat,., from Grade A turkeys . } . . '!." Van de ·Kamp's alibut ... ~~~~ .... 69(; Northern fish ••• fried ••• keep some on hand for \Vhen yo u need to &enie a meal in minutes! 8 ounce. Royal Gelatin ................... 3 tor 25¢ All flavors ••. regular size packages. SktppJ Dog food ............. 3 tor 25'" Stock uP for Fido! •.•• No~l an!. Johnson's Suri Country ............ 49' Effectivajy gets rid of odors I Sa't'e 1 Oc. Quik·Thaw Fruits ..... ~.~'.'." ..... 3 1or $1 Bi_rds Eye , • , Stra,vberries, ?ilixed, Blueberries. Cipton Tea Bags .............. . ... 59¢ Lysol Bowl Cleaner .................. 39' · Flo-thru for flavor ... 48 ct. pacKage. Kills ge~ as it cleans! •.. 16 oz:. s.iu. . Sara Lee Coffee Rings ............ 59' Breakfast treat , , • save 1 Oc on each kind! Lys61 Spray ....................... ~ .... 'l.69 Save 29c oh the big 21 oz. size! Handi· Wipes .............................. 39' L't •· 89' 1s enne .......... ......................... . . The versatile di sPosable towel! Pkg of 10. Leaves yo~r breath !O fresh I.. 14 oz;. Super Shopp er Gard en Fresh Produce . Green Beans .............................. 19~ Snapping crisp and garden fresh •• ,. enjoy the podness of real freshnesa ! White Rose Potatoes... . . . . 5 ~ 29¢ Bermuda Onions . .. .. .. . .. 2 in. .15• HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. Algonqu in St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 NewP.ort Blvd. • 25 55 Eastbl~ff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasa'tlena and South PaSadena ,J ...... 1 •• __ _,___,.____----'--...~ -~~-------------~...L........~------------------------------- ·~· ) l l r w - l j I r L ' --~ . , . On Approved . Credit WILL DEUUR ;ANY NEW OR' USED C.AR. • J • • • . . ' ·.LARGEST SEtEOION -. ' . -·OF NEW & ·usED ' ' .. PONTIACS IN ORANGE COUNTY · - I • -. \ l ,! t!• 1 •· ' . ... . ,,,.,. ~-~ . ~~·~ ~ '~ EVERY USED CAR · · ~ ~_;.~ ~. ~ SAFETY TESTED -~~ ,~ . EXCLUSIVE -..... ~ ~ ~~~\ \ 12,000 MILE •:;:;,.w" ....--__-:-o ~ OR ,,,.. -.:::::;::;--.......---.----::::: 0 0 .. ~~ 't:i · .......... ~..--:::::::::-: ~ ~ ~.~ .--::::::: . 0 "" ~~~'b -.. ;: _....-----11. "" ·~~'b .;, . ~-~.--;;:.'-""'~ -.,.,-~---. - 12 MONTH WARRANTY $195 DOWN WILL DILIYEl ANY NIW 1969 PONTIAC • Oo ApproY1d Credit ,... . . ;......'." .. ' WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND .MODELS BY DAY WEEK-MONTH -YEAR ' . . ' ' Wrdnrsday, J~ne 4, 1969 I ~1' DAILY PILOT 46 ' IF IT'S AN OUT 1 OF THIS WORLD DEAL YOU WANT ON' ONE OF THESE NEW PONTIACS THEN HURRY TO BOB LONGPRE ' NEW --1969 BONNEVILLE·---· BROUGHAM ' . HARDTOP COUPE . .. -AIR CONDITIONING- Midni9ht green, cordov• top, Turbo Hydram•tic, visor mirrors, outsi de mirror, rally wheels, power deck lid, power steering, tilt steering wheel, power disc br•kes, Brougham trim , tinted 91111, power se1t1, cornering l•mps, D•yton Blue Ribbon 4-ply whitew1ll tir1s, 40,000 mil e werr1nty. Stock No. 90401 .-Seriel No . 262379Cl25715 1SAVE 51111.11 FROM WINDOW STICKER PRICE · Orange County's Finest Selection of Qualify STATION WAGONS .Pontiacs Chevrolets Fords Mercurys '66 Chev. Caprice '-teff Afr Cottdltfo11J19 f 1""•...noer •t•liort w1gon, Vt. "°"""' •teerlf'll, WOOd PllMI ildn, wh!t. well tlrH, wide wllH!$, E••mplt of Ill; MYlnQ\! Full prltl ottlV $1995 Most Wilh Factory Air, 6 & 9 Passenger, '63 Falcon FASTBACK 6 cyl., 1utom1tic tr1nsmission. Ci· meo w h it e. l ie, No. WVV819 '61 Corvair WAGON M • t • d or Red, Aulom•+ic trans· mission. Exception· ally sharp. lie. No. QIP 139 '65 Impala SUPER SPORT "127" V-8, pow1r s+eer., pwr. brekes, EZI 9 I a"· AIR CONO. A beauti· ful Aztec gold. l ie. No. TBY 892 _,_oo_M_an .... y 1_0 _us1 ..... 1 _ $17 9 5 . '• '68 Firebird 350's '68 Catalina's · •us Bonneville's '68 Le Man's 1968 PONTIAC STATION WAGONS 9 PASS. FACTORY° AIR PLUS MANY MORE 1968s All Priced Below Factory Invoice! WE NEED YOUR ·CAR TOP DOLLAR ·PAID CASH or BONUS. TRADE-IN . . ALLOWANCE . ONOPRE· ' ' ... ~,, 13600 Beach Blvd. · Westminster (Beach Blvd. at Garden Grove fwy.) · Call 892-6651 or 636 -2500 • I • . ,. • ' . I 11 I -· I I ' . .. _ ........ ·--~---··'·"··.::): .. -;-; .. ~ .. . ... ···~~ .. , ... •• I . ....:.:H,::Ou:,:1::1:;.f::..:fO:;' R::..:SA=Ll;:_c·,·.:.:H:;:.OU;;;.S:.::;E;;;.S,;;isf;::.;i.;.;' ;.;,;;.~ H~llS ,Olt·~I ' HO\JSill l'O!_U Li' 1~0~-~·~•~riiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1ooo~;G~on~•~•~·~I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:f~~;;;;~~~·;\1Fooo::IG..Wr1I 1000 General '• 1000 o • .,.,.1 • HOUSIS l'OR SALi' HOllSIS ',Oil iA~I ~ HOUllS l'OR SALi • ,HOUSl!S FOR SALi. MODERN LIVING New homes, ready lo move in, ¥.I mile from beach. First paymen t up to 60 days after move in. T•rms VA/FHA. From $21,900 The Beach (on Brookhur1t l milt South of Adams ) ------ Gentr•I 1000 General 1000 $17,900 4 BEDROOM MESA VERDE Ea1t1ide Fixer • Upp<>r 3 bdrm home. 69xl19' R-2 lot Drive by <'omer of Cecil Place &. Orange Ave, C'lll 1000 'Cosl1 Mna llllO Newport IMch I~ ear-.iol Mor 1250 Baycmt Pool DIAL 642-9730' COWGE A RARE FIND INCOME, TOOi . Home-'$45,SOO BIG FIVE Lease Wilh Option AND find out•"""' a.,.., . PARK The cle""'l .,,;,,,, ln New-'BR. home, oe<an lido ol ~ tled{oom• pW. 0fab'lily buy. Just needs Tendcr-1..ov-UJw maintenance 3 BR 6 port ,Hts; You 'Could eat olJ Hv.'Y. Newl.y painted; patio room, Dramatic rock !Ire-EASTSIDE C.OSta Mesa. S This beautiful 4 bdrm home ing-Care. It is.a 3 BR Free-d1n1na room POOL HOME. · tbe 1IOot of th1a cha:minc w/privacy AND tep. rear plac:e, Jarre 1lde yards. P~ bdrm 4 bath luxury home is VACANT Ir ready for dom home tor on1y US.950 • Neu 1hopplnf 6 ~ a ,bedroom l" b&lb home . -bach. apt. A good bll1, • tential ibow place. with 2650 sq ft. Heated & Quick occu~ M&ny fea. will a:o F1lA/VA. Rltr. evet. New ~ti. .Gool tue Ii 2 RUltk.brick and deep shag Call to see! filtered pool with automatic tures include: lqe famUy fri&-0720 beautiful patb: to complete carpet throu.ghout and a Gene RoherllOll, Realtor pool sweep & automatic cl~ room, undergrnund utilities, • KENNEDY the plcture, &st at all. lut terrUliC covered patio area 675-2440 rlnator. Relax &: enjoy tJri5 large fenced yard, tuUy Y~ price at Ollly $27,500, with a 1as bu-b.cue. Rear NEW LISTING modem way to live, equipped kitchen Including Swunmm A mnhl.therl .ne end large $47,500 dohw&•ho., Jo"'1y w/w c.,.. OPEN HOUSE CALL H•rl.... Roal £o. y -=-•th. ~ eo ..... Hii:hlando; 0". n tate 54Ml.ll ( n ) •IWIY >'Vd ""'"'' ~ "~ view; 3 BR. 2 Ba. Yoo own pets. Anxious owner l&)'s. DAI LY 1-5 PM 1 ~~~~!!!!!!!.,,.!!!l!!...,.l!l!""• I perfect home for camper ..... land. FWI price $44,lm. "SELL it for $27,500 or 1: and boat $33 500 "'"' Newport LEASE for $225/mo." Lo-At 141 YORKTOWN UNE, SPACIOUS 4 BDRM, J BA. J ownm. ' • CORBIN-MARTIN cated in a fantutlc area af C~t See seven homes from !rplcs. Sp&rlding ~1.11. Nice l0"1 down. Realtors ROLI.ING lflLL.5! I $1,400 down, 2 ~ 3 Ir 4 BR. lndscp'e. Walk to schla. 3036 E. Coast Hwy., CdM COATS ~or saleu ,•1· i:ental inlonna· $28,900. Take OYel' 5%" 675-1662 lion ca er1tage Real ~ Joan. Immect. occupancy. HOME & INCOME , & late 5'I0-1151 {open eves) Call owner M0-6338. Open d WALLAC! Sat &: SUn 1"6. 1731 Iowa st 641:1'\n • 648·2313 UJvely 2 Br., spack>ul en. REAL TORS * Painter Upper 11. ... Verde .. ""'· 2 batru.; "'P· """" for 546 4141-\Veil built 3 BR home on income. On two R-2 Iota. large lot, Owner may tell 8i:,2~~!:v:;a) :'". :t Cortaae 'Near NHYC Owner will flnan~. {Open f'Venlngt) FH'A/VA appraised value • Orange Coast Property On! 1750 d rl haea ln xlnt cond. on la lot, 332 M<>""'ul'rile 6~ y own, lull p ee fncd separately. Block wJII, 3 Bedmom, 1"-baths; mod-1=:c..c:,:=-=·"=~=~~,1 "'P'or A \Ylse Buy,. Colesworlhy & Co. john macnab Garage & Workshop l to see inside. Beautiful new carpeting, Lo- caled on QUIET cul«~c street. Has a large covered & enclosed FRONT PATIO, even room for boat or trail- er. Excellent v a I u e at $26,900. Call 1l0\V as thiJi popular plan will sell fast, 546-9521 or 54o.E6ll, w.e ''"bl' ., ... ,. 1001. UDO ISLE $19,500. shrub • fnllt free•-Qulet .em~ldtchi:n. w,,./, blt.lnl; A HARBOR VIEW ti.Ula. Lusk Er.nie Cleveland, Rltr. resld'I, cl08e to etores l winner at 137,900. bomrvlew. For tale by I CASH TALKS HERE shed, 24x25' Y.'Orkshop slress-One of the most beautiful eel for seconct story. Cover-ba,yfront homes in Newport ed al1d enclosed patio· boat Harbor area. 5 Bedrooms, etOl'aie lllft from paved al· formal d~ room, taste- Jey. Three Bedroo1n, two fully df!<Xlraled. A custom bath home with EXTRA quality home with luxurious SPACIOUS MASTER BED-carpeting & draperies; pie r ROOM and private bath. & gJip, $225,000. Call for Well kept property In NEW-app't. 645...()'181 Eves. &i&-4579 IChL •·-lo. .~8 .....:...,__ Owner. 3 Br., 2 bath. ~ ~ apprtt.-'-' A Ex 3 L Tiller \Vay. 644 -1 1,9. -V~il'g,_ln_U.,..c.P..cl"c.,;c"' .• "'1.--n Ira R· ol I Newport •t Victoria 6%-8811 'BDRM & DEN IMMED. P()SSWIOll Corner home netr louth Cout Plaza. Low, low dewn pa,yment. Owntr m11 COll- slder lease optkm IUbmlt olfer. Aaking $27,950 •. Ip E 1:::11=1 0 N ,1 'I' ............. , .. .. * 642-lnl Anytlmo * SHARP 4 IEDRM. NEW AREA With all built In kitchen d~ ll&nod expressly for the • lady of the house, pink ap. pllanc!S, pink tile. }!Is and her baths, 2 patios, one oU llvln& nn. the other oll the kitchen, Selltr anxious name your terms. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'3 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Owner 3 BR + POOL $U,!XXI full ~rice 60x135' fmctd lot, 2 baths. 5% ':O loen to anycne. Shingle roof, double canet. needs sonui -". J. K. Nichols Realtor FREEDOM SPfOAL $18,950 3 bdrm that needs pa.int I: polillb, Qui o1 town owner 91Yf, ''Sell Proilt.o", .Palnt --llL Nt.,... ti Victori• '""'" WOW! WHAT A VIEW Built right oil top oJ a mouB- tain with a view you won't believe, 4 bedrooms, high beam ctllings, dclu.xc kil.ch- en. sun d~ a beautitW home only 4. )1!&n old, As.k- ing $37,500. ORANGE C.OUPITY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 COMM'L HOME Located on busy street, Price just reduced $14,500. Cali ior details. Only $38,000 PORT HEIGHTS area. Full price ONLY $.12,500 -CAU. FOR APPOINTMENT. (714) 642-8235 901 Dover Drive, suite 120 Newport Beach --- FIX-UP PACE5ETIER· Sound 4 bdrm with nerd for some cleanln& and paintin&. All elect, bit· ins, covered patio and roomy ll vlng area. Make cash ofkr. 280'1 Ewopa. $34,000 PENINSULA PT, Best value! 3 Br. home GD 5DX100' lot. Enjoy beach liv. ing! $42,500 Belboa Raal Estate Co, 700 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboa 67:J..4l40 156.500. Spaciously Yours Lido Isle 1351 Goel with thia: attr, l Br. 2 Bath home. Peninsula Pt. Lovely 4 Br 2 ba home with Tile mot, stucco. Never I.;========; I separate dining rm. 2000 sq. rented. Offered furnished. JUST LISTEDI rt. localed expertly over 2 BU~R WHITE, Rltr. outstanding 4 Bdrm. &: corrv. = r=b~tcr. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. den family hon1e on Jse, 180 DEGREE VIEWI 67$..4630 Eves. 642·2253 strada lot. $69,000. Sweeping ~ew of ocean, 1:1e.y COLLEGE ·PARK • Spotleu I i=o::=m;::::r::zo::=o::=o::=~ I LIDO REAL TY INC. city Jighta & ~ntle rolling 3 bdrm t"l. beth. NICE! BEACH HIDEAWAY :woo Via Lido 673.8830 hills. 4 bed.ma. All electric NlCE! NICE! A S K I 'NG Featurize seclusk>n steps kitchen. Full d' room. 500. _Agt. 646-32:55 or -1rom.....oc.-w Quiet·~ LOTS QF ROOM LOYiLY On %acre of paradise-.--546-3M Ask for BUI. street, tree-lined eStrada -r0 "Ctiitom quality 3r8r,, Oii n· 541).1120 !!!!!!!!!!!!~~~""""'""'I pool A recreation, l Bdrms., street to street lot. S Car ''I', 1\'r\· ·1~ .. ,,,, ' ··~ ' . . .... '" . . 546-5990 CAMIO.. IHOIU TARBELL 2'55 Harbor 2 UNITS 2 b&tha; fomhhed; leocod garag•. Lge. So"tb patlo; .L -..._ J:l>JOf .,..-.. --L•&••'OPTION USEYourGil6 ooytbi"Je. Modorn3Br.homeAlncome yd"'"" m.c nr. cJoohou"' & ''""" eu. :tvtnl': CallMW'fllJ ,:::r,:'-":=~ oOOD~TION CLOSE ,.~-.~~··~·,.-:=.: ::;.~:~~in= PR~~E~11!e5r!!51 ~~Ke~11R~~~.al/~\200 It 11 Piii ' MONTA 1owlfllrrn ...... ho.~.·~.r.i~ .-••. ,· ~""~r.~, ;..!:."':X..1 '"""'... . . ~:q.t. TCRlPM'-?BRNr. eoklu .. , 'bl""lnok. N•wport67' •1Ba30a<h Huntington Beach 1400 I I d all I" 3 .,_,, ~""" o;.&11 _. l...:wl rd N 1 , 1 side C.M. , . Kinga"' • • • ea. . . t-: -nc u ea: on u•S ...... ...,. Walter Haase s'I""' ... ya , ice Y ...,eplJ3 • ..Ji,. ~o·.o. .. ""11 , ta . MI 2-2222. encl. p.ra&eL Income $340 I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ room charmer located on ~ ed. Oose to Boy's Oub.' .... :"'f~~ I' LIST your property ~et -shaded . '!fl'"I. ..,.. JEAN SMITH .. N BAY JnO, $32,500. Owner -New Home with confidonco Excellent opportunity to get 3 BR ~~~ BA Town Houle. BY OWNER 3 BR Homes. 2- into your first i;iome w~th REALTOR Pool,.ql~o ~,.ui;. center. E. side, 2-W. side. Very lrg SELL with profta- payments no mort'thanrent. Cold II .,_ k & C 646-3155 5 rrrlrl 'f4 Deadh $19,500. transferable loans 5%..{;%%. sional skill won't last m& at the ex· WI , IND If o. 400 E l?th St Coeta M Payments less than rent Need cuh. 548-1059 Private cul-de-aac street. • THROUGH ceptional price o! only 550 NewpQrt Center Dr. · ·· csa Owner 548-0587 *BY OWNER-POOL. 3 bedrooms 3 bath, ?Sxl25 lot YOUR N "' n •• h C Ill forever view of Back Bay, llB.450. ewpo., ......,c • a · 4 Bd + F I"' R A STEAL I BR.""'"· <lrp• X·Lrg LR. n .... •--• ~-1aie "'".,,, REAL TOR MEMBER W E SELL A HOME 13:1-4700 644-2430 rm am'' m ~~ ~-~ - EVERY 31 MINUTES -Sl/...,O/o Loan . ~"; ~~~ ~B~~~ tum, Low ~~~,;..500. BLUFFS. Bay View, Oil ma-HF:!}~~n ~1T:';' W I k " L C 0 SH RES Se=tional, family ' room Ev•relt H. Mlchu~ Rltr. ~ .,..n bdl 3 Br, 3 Ba, Multiple a er ee AME 0 ··~vy bo<med OOIJnn. OX· 507 E. Balboo, Balboft""""' Mo .. dol Mor 1105 m""" -leatw .... Low Se I . VIEW HOME qu1S1te pianteni, built-tn t>ar. 1ae. SC8.SOO vaiue, Sa.critic1: Listing rv ce 200 )Vrtl:cl!J1 Dr. ~ Expansive brick patio + CL Jiit ~ fl<XXI DN no clollnc costs, $48,500. &U-42EO 8 HUNTINGTON 640-ml • Open Evrs. 5 &droomt • Baths another patio 'or BBQ'11. WOMAN R.E. Broker & huge 6% GI-loan. 4 BR 2 REDUCED $2(l0.Now $311,750 E CH 3 BEDROOM Beautiful tropical setting Huge heated & filtered pool. sales needed. :No exp req'd, ha, $28,500. 0 w n I A g t 4 Br., J Ba., fam. din, REBALATY CO. Natural rock swimming pool Waterfall + tishpnd. Tropi-xlnt eqty oppty. 548-49XI aft. 546-5580 '-uW /laun nn. Total 2400 sq. $18,750 High be8.m cellings cal paradise. M0-1720 6 pm. f t. 325 Vista Baya. Owner-325 Second Street MESA St.po to TARBELL 2955 Harbor --'"-=T~H~E~B~L~U~F~F~S,,--Ma,. Vonle lllO ,.., 646-15'2. Huntinglon BHch IN COSTA p,;,.,, coonm"";IY "'ach l;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;l3 BR & 2 Ba with co""r Jot • > ==~~~~=~. 53'2591 f arl ho 195000 1• SPACIOUS Pa c e•ett*.'• DELUXE Duplex. OCEAN • Just right or a. 11 er me. , Courtyard Pool view & ,..·. ciouJ feel1-. ..., VIEW ~' ~1 dn. ••• '--~~'-"'===-·I Lo\v doYi'n payment an 1m u.i Custorn c•""ts, drps. other .. :1 t N · I c d Cal)J. "·bb "15 Coun--.aubserid'.21 ;j ·-_,-ow ....,.i · 4BRCORNER thl ll ks "Forever View'• New Wells' -.. beautifully landscaped w or aam1, Doy e o • • ....,..,,, down, $26,500 full pr1,., mon Y paynlen s • 11 ' HAR.OR plan re11.dy for Aug. deliv· extras. Handy 1o pool ~ patio. Chlldrwn's -1 ••• y 548-U68. Evea. 675-1977 ..,......., than rent. Buy today and ' · er $41.500, 644-0'Tll ~ Fireplace, FA heat, buUt-ln Ila.rt bu ilding Your estate. ery, 4 BR 3\.i ba, fAm rm "==="======I & separate dog yard. 4 mt MOBILE HOME · $19,000 range I: oven, carpet.I, drap. IOHl\I I Ol\0\ . ' ' . , ~ . REALTORS 673-4400 wet bar, 19xl2' pool, Bu,y Costa Mesa 1100 (fireplace ln mulC'r suite) 3 Sayfront on ·Penimula· es, walk to shopping I. now to select colors. batha:, tam rm, fonnaJ din . • ··~w.675-~ schools. Single stocy, b t 1 Roy J. W•rd Co. rm, decorator I nsp i red IBaycre1t Office> Walk f~plf.ce tn large Uv rm, Irvine 1238 living room. l4l0 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 To 5bopping and all IChools quiet cul-dwac street. By · · l~J.1• ,~~ t!M'P' from this sparkling c I ea n owner . As.sume 5'"'% loan. VULAGE 2. 3 BR. 2 BA, _:: ___ • _ 645 0303 JUST • • • eutside beauty, l Bdrms. Principals only, $ 41, 9 5 0 . Atrium Hanover mode I . =iiiiiiiiiiiim.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I 4 BEDROOM OVER THE BRIDGE o• 2 & den. Only 124.500 -!;lt)..()681 Many Xtru. Avail. immed. -Newnnrt Island Doll J~ouse MO\'c in with 10% down, BY OWNER $31.00J 833-2894 DESPERATE U Paint & Savo MESA DEL MAR ~ =======I Big family home. large C.o-. . e~~e 2tc:;,,ts .... ~i~P :!i:'e!i ~~··'-11 3 BR 1% balh, stainless steel E•1tbluff 1242 OoWNERr cuh·+~.~~R,VA; .. ~! Jo"'" 5 BR with Antho"" Enjoy living on a quiet ~ ~ • built-in elect, raJli'.e & oven, ,. ~r family room & dini~i s.irec:t. ~utlfui ~h panel-~iil~s, ,:·i:n$6~'?' ~:: M ri n di.shwuher, u•/w .ehag car-BBLUFUTfS.M\AVKEORTHOFS39FER.~. ~~ ~ :~~r:-= -n>. N•••IY ~ •• It, Jmg_ in living & f,amily room, 646•7171 • 540.231 pets, drapes, fireplace, FA ., ; Newport Hei9ht5 Outstandin9 5 lxlrm. J~J bath Baycrest horn". All large rooms. Lo\'ely master sulte, A homt of real character for lhe young executivt .,..·ith growing family. '"" ~ _, bit lrpl 1 back One look.& you're IOld! beat double garage, cowr-Must &di View end unit "C" fence, boat door. y,·alkin& distance to Meu. -ins, c, ·rnce ge R.d Carpet Realty ed patio. $26,950. Own/agt. plan w/1.950 aq. ft. 4 BR's, BRASHEAR REAL TY Verde Country C ub, Owner ytl~ fin:~~~ CM Call Anytime e 67>6000 ROMAN LIVING 545-6446 BA'.t1, M!P-~ dlnlng.. iJ 847-8531 Eves, 431-3769 3 BR 2 bath, hardwOOd lloor, tlreplace, dble £:a.rage. EX- lSTING 5~)% LOAN. $29.500. Well .. McCardlt, Rltrs. 1B10 Newport Blvd., C.?ol. relocating out af area-must ewpo v '• """" \" Bal..__ Blvd NB Only 118.000 for lnY'l•l'V liV·' -,,==""',,.,--,-,,-,,-,= .. ll'· Rltr. 6~6-3928 Eve. 644-1655 """"' ·T. .,..... ·• --~ 1 Ass:UME 51,{ Loan. Sharp ed. Imm11culate! Call Mrs. 2 Bl k J Bea h h ing with a pool, recreation 3 R 2 \Vhite 673-9060 -or Si::i-5764 OC S 0 C 546-5180 Lac enmyer New Listing m1. & sauna bath. 1 Br. & spacious 1800 sq, IL B ' eves. Owner/"<ri, b l bd den. Kit. built-ins. Frplc. BA. family rm, Ranch. -~==,....-"'-·==-.-I f1W1cinemalhllbt) Extra, extra a: arp. rm PITI-$20J/mo. Prtced lo at NEW BLUFFS e Nice 2 BR hon1c +a 1 .BR UEGE REALTY Condominium Brand ne\'1 on See this condo and live care-Ow &15--0694 • rental, Will make nice home MS-7729 anytime Arnold & Freud 3S8 E. 17\h St., Cl\! l500Adln!511Hlrbor,CM. the market. unusually larie tree. $33,0Dll. ner 2 Br, 2 Ba spill level. Many or gOOd Investment. Better bed m Adulbl: only I!\. C II p k 1115 cuatom features, all clec, call now. Only $25:000. INVESTORS $23,950-ME5AVERDE I ~ ~roo. 54&-5180. 9:-:,~ 0 ego ar ~~d.~'i,.m~L&~·~~ MUTUAL REALTY $19.9.50 Completely repainted exte-Barrett Rea ty (nurc:inerNtt.mitl ~.,,... BY OWNER 0\\'NER. can Dick Dyer' --~"'=·'7'Ul=•""''~"~""'~--1 rior -~1astl'r sized . bed· ~EGE REA...,LTYCll. I I A L T Y 3 Br. l % Ba. trplc • HUGE 1 • REMEMBER 4 BR• fam n1 •. O"''"" P"" BAYFRONT APT t IH "'""< kitchen & family rm, o:plll, 5334456 ext_401 or 67J..5m. , room•. 2 "'""" b•""· pruen o ~-"""°' • , No"' NB ""°'Ok, ~~ LATH & PLASTER fen to lease back at $185 Vista Del Lida. Pier & Blip Dream kitchen \\'Ith fine ~-•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I drps. $27,500 Xlnt financing. 1250 Reallol'!I 04&.7T:>5 for period ol year. b 1. p 11 • Open Sat & Sun. 2568 Corona del Mar CONSI'RUCTION '! Ile~ It hi R•nd Realty 64S.2340 B\•ailablt', Enclosed garage. ~~;D, upp Janes. a o. Excellent Potential N rt Ht Gracious ~ SpiCIOUS Camcgle. 6~ days . .;;.;cc;.;.;.:.Gc:.. • .:.A;.;P..;P;_R;..O_V_E_D_ again. Right near Dou&lu -s2s.:i1!!. TARBELL 2955 H bo R-.1 101 wllh comfortable 2 ewpo S. MS.2004 eves. Space Center. J. BR cpta/ Nursery Potential George Williamson ~---~~""'a_r_r bdrm home, close to l'lth 3 BR 2 ba den 2 frplcs. Gold & Olive Decor .;.c="-''-"'-----The Coast Guard approvt11 drpg & not a penny down to 3 BR 2 bath hon1e. comrr Hl'al101· Assume 60/o Loan s t reet Shopping Center. '°" ~1 or 'trait.er. OPEN DAIL y NtwpOrt Beech 1200 this location for the best GI, $26,975. . lot, 130xl80' all rcnc<'d. Call 673-lJ:,O E\'es. 67'...-Ui64 Large •fenced yartl alley room bay and boat watching in Rex L. Hodges Realty for detail~. al no cosl or extra fees. Over in $!5.COO ' DAVIDSON Rt•lty 3 BR. 2 BA home near ?-1esa TRULY UNIQWE Newport llarbor (they're 8.17_2525 "" • ... It 4 BEoRM-=-$22,tSo-2())) sq fl 4 BR & family rear. ' . 27'";)() Harbor lB, c .rtt. Verdp C.Ountry Oub, Pan-60' Bayfront, 2 Bd., J\.1d., 2'Ai n@X1 door neighbors.) Raise rr \VON 111att1a: m.f& y: tni:igin 2 bath, family room, room. stone lrptc. 2~ bn, UiO.l \\"(>Slchff Dr, NB ~2•5200 546-5460 Eves. 548.SSS~ eled liv rm, huge fam mt, ha.+ g:uest •Pl with dttk. your young world-adventur-'S DERFUL themany ==~-'-"-_._ .... ____ , rovcred pallo, Large yard. llke ~w ,v/w cpts. Only Real Estate SALESMAN both w/ fryllcs, lrg. anby, Tmplcal patio & go~ en on the 65 fl of sandy ~~~i~!~=! .. ~ ,.__~ E-SJOE. 3 Hr horn• &. 2 apts, Near sctmls. Les~ thaJ! $25,!iOO. ts \"OUR AO JN CLASSl-Newport Realty·I: Invest Co. walled paliO_ Qwner, 3062 bay Terr., pier/flt. $114,(Q) ba.yfront for $25,000 down. ~ ~ income $.1.'lR, s·21.ooo. IX'nt payn1ent.s. 540-1720. P .W.C. 546-5440 FIED! Someone will be 1842 Newport Blvd .•. CM Ceylon Rd. ~1.55 R. C, GREER. Realty Hel Plnchln & Assoc. them now! Owne:r/broker. 646--3740 TARBELL 2955 Harbor DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! looking fr it. Dial 642-5678 54~ DW 642-6678 for RESULTS 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 390J .E. Coast Hwy,d 6/;;i-4392 Dial 642-5678 for RE&JLTS 1-=========o..=================== General 1000General 1000Gener•I 1000General 1000 General lOOOGeneral 1000Gener•I 1000G•neral 1000 General 1000 2043 Wntcllff Dr. at lrvlne Open lvenlntt IAYCHST-$76,500 Thb: Spanl~h hacienda is a lo~·ely la inily l1omr \\'ilh a I;Or$::cou'> li\·ini: room. high beamed ceilin11:s and bc-autiful Srwi.nish st)'\(' firep\acf'. 5<-pnrale DINING room & lze famUy room. Secluded ma.<:.ter bedroom suit(' \\ilh drt>sslng room and tub. 4 trpaclou1 bedrooms altd 3 elegant baths in our 1nost c,;clusive area ·"°°· ,. IA YCRIST -$46,000 J'ud: placed on the market. thll taetPlial'lal pride. of ownenhip home should bt .... Immediately. Private court yatd entry, beautiful yan11 with room for a JU'lt pool, and access for botit oc trailer. submit your amaller home (In our 1u&r· ufit Ale plan. CMOICI IACK IA Y LOCATION ,._,.,late ooeu.-ncy on thll lovely IMj t cuatom built 1i'omt. Spe.clou1 family roe plt11 d\nlna room. Huge bedr()()l'?\5, 3 qu"9n·sh:e baths. Own"r anxiou•. \VIII .U -HO DOWN'' G.L at $32,500. Submit your lm&llcr home on our euarantee ... ,..._.. . - IATCllST LOT ~ $J,OOO HDUCTION • J>all'I. ... the opportwllty to build your dream m&n1lon amona the moei t U· ·e l9amft ln Ntwpert Beach. Rambllne or two story. Pool 1lz11 with Un· ~ ltfd p:rdtn ~ for outdoor tnttrt&lninJ: on thla: tarce. la.rae propt-rty. WU! t your f..rnly and fr:lendl. 0 '>''Tlt:r la offertrur this one ot a klnd, qufet and ,....,us Jocltlotl on land you OWN for only $23,9!50. ..... NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 842-4455 Ol'l'OSIT• 0 E I MUNTINOTON (INTelt ptn Yfl '"JI ~~~--~--~~~~ FANTAIULOUS J ust !isled this Green Vollt'Y Beauty loadC'd with extru. 4 Elegant size bedrooms, 2 Baths. Big Bonua Room, Custom Drapes. Wan td wall carpetll\i. C~k center kitchen. Pool faclliUts. ~lust 1ee for fun llvina family, $31,900 Full Price. $4,000 Take over FHA Loan. IMMEDIATE POSSUSION I One week 11 an 1t ta.Itel to enjoy this 3 bedroom beauty with 2 be.lhl. No ~foll!y Down G.L $250 Total cash needed. $22,500 F\lll Price. Submit now. Jt WOll'l la.st NOD S llDROOM577 llere'• a Big Family Home with a worklnc· man'a JJ!l.ce tag! Cose to &hoppln& and schoob: ln ResldenUal Fountain Vell~y. Lot• or llvfn1 ape.ce for the kids to ron\f'I and play, G.L no cash down. $29,900 Full Price. A steal for thb: 2.200 IQ. fl. home.· UNlll.llVAILI 11 $850 DolNn FHA. No Clcelnc Cotti ~a 3 btd.room, 1\9 be.th home. Look at these 11xtru1 Wuhtr, DryU, Rehiatn'.tOf". Bullt In bu for entertatntnc. Com· plete 1tttta and a:~tn. C\l1tom drtiJ)tl thtoU~t. Pl1t1 thlek-ltke new car· peUn1. AU. Tms 'FOR ONLY $18.900 FULL PRICE. G.I. $600 Down. first come, fln t serve. 1-IURRY! WE SELL .A HOME -IVIRY 31 MINUftS COSTA MESA OFFICE 545-9491 27'1) HAUOR ILVD. 'Open E•enl"t' 'lfl t P.M. NO DOWN Ym OR $2000 DOWN FHA OR Assume this 5" FHA loan at onlr. llbl-per month! A model condition, large I bedroom, 2 be.th, BEAMED CATHtoRAL CEILING homt com~tely profusion• allf redecorat.ed· l.nllde and 1Um>Ulldtd by~k-llke groundl an4 1pacioua J*Uo ln lovel.v. Iove1Y quiet ll'ff. VERY PRJV.l' MASTER BEDROOM with out.let. accese. All electric ldtchtn and di~! attr IOftewt Trade bi your am&ll· er home on th1I VERY SPECIAl. BP!A.UT'fl . TAKE ovn $115 ,.. MONTH l.ovtly CherT)'dale 4 bedroom. 2 bnlh cedar roof beauty UM\ ii • real Ole:rryll Spacioua llvtnz room with CUSTOM brick fireplace, fovtly plush carpeta and drapee. Ranch stied kitchen with bulll·lnl and ape.clom farnlly room! Swceptnc tmmaculate lawn with load.I or 1hade trffl and plenty ot privacy !or famlly en-- Jayment and ente:rtalnlnr. A.I little u $2,800 do\\'D! Ttade ln YOW' &m&ller home on our ruarantee prosraml WAm PRONT-NIWPOllT llACH Probabl1' newt'.Qaln'wilt )'OU tJnd. 1uch I FANTASTIC VALUI: with all tll11t thl1 offers!! PIER tflhd BOAT SUP!~ Buy this dupll'X f\1rni11h<"d or not with " little u 10')(, DOWN. Low 7~ ftnanclna llvt1.ilable. SUPER SHARP!! Ol"flt'tl 4 drape!! Doublt prt.ge! \Valk to an sho111t. hut just 11Hp out of bed and tn.11 In the water or dlm.b Sn your boe.tl An UNBEUEVABLE VALUE ftt only $59,900. .......... ""' ""'- -. I - . - --.-~---... ,...--.... ,....---...-:.... ... ~;...._., ·-................. . ~..,i:ii~ •••• ~ ..... o::o;1:0::;:;;::;;::;~.:;-:.~.:-=-==o:;:;o:.~-"'"~·""'·'"""""""~ ............ ,..,... ............ '!" ............. ~ ....... ~~.'!"""'~"'l"I """ \Vtdnes~A,V. Jw 4, 1%9 HOIJSES 'FOR SALE tUiNTA(S 2 . RINTALS 'ENTA~S , RENTALS • REAL ESTA Tl RIAL ESTATI · HOUIM Fuml-tf•UMS Unlurnl1hod AplL Furnllhod Apll. Unfurnished Go .. ral Gonortf Huntlnlton lo,ch 1400 ------- $19,lOf'• 4 llodrm Summor .. iil1.la '.ft10 Unl-•lty Pork 3237 N-rt llo1ch 4200 Now"°"'· llo1ch. S~OO Ronf;~W1n!M 5990 Office Ron~I UJ.A Month---' ' --~-----,,/ YtW!J,¥ i..-3 Bdrm, ' YEA.ft!. y' ~!:S AVAii,. ,. • • ·-' ,_ ·p• • Bdrm., 3 balh. l an. l bo. """'11:0.<. iz;o BE"ACH-Rl;NTAL"S ·2 OIW.aDBM 1-c'"~"°" . P11yment1 Jnehtdt..'I ew.rt· NE \V PORT BE AC II Co~ patio, fcnctd yard. 1 BR. i bl.. V~, Ubf. UOO Summer A year •round, ironl un(Urn:-'l"lfe, "gi)tet fa.nilly NE\V deluxe: ottice t1pactl thing. 2 bath~ Al l electric \Vaterb'ont .bOme. t BR _,, el-tr'· kl'·'·n, ••··ble 3 BJt 2 ba."'unturn. ,._ flSO/wk. in aummer to $250/ of 3. Yrc I~. Up to $125 mo, 33:1 lo 1200 gq• ft at Santa built.Ins. Alttactive y.·ood \V/FV 4ocl1:. Exccl. area. -. "" ,,. I.UK' uvu _,., ?if" .ft: ty 9 k To be avail ~:bttote Ana Fwy &: ~n Valle)' lihutters. Sht.t"P , & clean. June, Jul)', Aur. ('rl4l oven, table top stove. tleftr 3 BR. 2 ba, furnished $350 q. up, )'l' • .r. SeJlt. 1,1, In cOsta Mesa. tutnot!. 8.11·1400, 49Ml98l 5%.% loan. m-6773 UCJ, shopping center, S:tn BURR \\'}\IT£, Rellltor 67fi..tl.30. E\·1•. 642-4816 6'14-4319 15x15 OFFICE or small 842-66911 TARBELL Diel.'O 1"'wy., parks 1.:. pools. 2901 Newp:n't Blvd., N.B. _ bus 1 <:LEAN Balboa Beach Units. \Vttkend.t or weekday!! after 675-4630 64)..2'253 Eves AVAJl, June 1. 2. BR, 2 BA, \VANTED: Ri!9m to ront.on lness. downtowu Harbor ~eeJ9. 2 to 10; {Of aummer 5 p.rn. By ()wher 833--202'1 DECORATOR'S pm l Br , crpUi10drps. $185 .<!a~. Open Bu.I Is. Rfo~ble tor en. mvd. Weil for ft. 1':. etc'. Fount1in Y•lley 1410 reservationa: call a7S-9M5 ""' "'-" · Sun lv.11. 4112 HUana. Way. tire wnunct 213· 87()..7954 $85. MdothJy call 142-0212 PARTY HOUSE 315 E. Balboa Blv., Balboa Irvine 3238 !~~7tfl~ '7~ bay. Ph. 1213) 981-7039 t.:urti1 Gib~. Moo ~utter 300 Sq. Ft. Office "' WOO Isle 2 BR apt tum. ----,.-----• ' ' \VATERFRONT, u ? p e 1·. 3 Ave. L.A. 9'X>66· Loe refs. COSTA 1.U:SA $46-2130 * 4010 Gardeq kitchen &. family Beath & pier, ~arag~1 patio, to"'OR. LEASE: l:iharp 3 bdrm, C dtl M, 4250 BR, 11,f BA, 1n.anied.001.1ple lNTF:RNATIONAL Qi I Co. ,- room 1vitb wet bar ovcl'IOOks \'ie\v. G~8 2 Ba, cpts & drps. fo'rplc, ....!!!"' r only. ,No pell, lsc, tt75. 1nd11 ,' r ~at. ~t:e;prelicnta-lnduttrla.I Prop. '·'°'° Whlddyl W1n1? Wlllckly1 Geif be1tted lt filtered pool. 4 BR , '4L) bll:ins, University Parle nl' COZY 2 BR .. frpl. .Crour:cl 67f>.2751 rive 11,ants'unfumlshed hOlli!e ~~ .. '!1~ Ir all the c.rea~~ .~ Houlff Unfurnished ~CJ. $275. !\Io. Avail June nOOr. Near shopping. Unf. or aparl.lnent, year l!asc, ... vuu.w.1Jt are YOW'i \Ill 1Jth. 833-2047. Ownet $160: tum. $175. Adults only, East Bluff 5242 one child, Laiuna, South La· OFFICE & YARD Fent1!d comer pa.reel, Santa Ana 11•ilh 800 sq It alr coJdi- tioried oUict. 2000 sq ft &flop. Ideal for contrl\etor. Full price $50,000. Assun1e eltilll· ing Gf. % loa{l or $27,000. For more informallon lilease call K. "r· Sn1al!. \ -. SP~~l~L 'LA,S~ll'l¢ATION IF01t ' ' NATU~L IO~N SWA~Hlts Spocl1I Rite 5 Lin" -S timM -5 bUc:IU 11Ul($ -AO MUST INClUOl ca.sh lo the lo1v interest I 3000 ==========/ no pets. 011·nei-s/agt., guna or Dana POlnt aN!a . FHA loan. $234 per month Ge_n_•_,_1 _______ Coron1 del Mar 3250 Hal PlncWn & AliOC. 675-4392 e NEW DELUXE e 499-38-'>7 includes all. ,...,. f ced 3 Br. 2•,i! b!I' apl. for lease•~~---~---~ 1-~I ¥0\I f\tVf IO ltl<M. :l-Wh1I )l'Oll w.111' llrl "'-... TRADEWINOS RL TY. $180. 4 Br, 2 Ba. ~ ... en WANTED: Gara1,-c for furn. 2 BDRM'. Delu.1i:t. all eie:.. Incl. spac. nutr. suite, tlin ~10TfIEff: ft daugh~er 13, )-'t'OUll is-. 11111/W ~-. '-"' 1.,.1 f/f 1'ovtrtlsln• IJ.1?.8511 ya.rd, \v/11'. drps, <:hildren storage in CdM a rea . bit-Ins kitchen. pool, tc1u11s rm." dbl. garage. auto. 1vould like 1:4 stulJ'.tl your ~QTHINO FOR $Al!. -fllAOES OHi.Yi & Pets O.K. Bkt. 534-6980 675-7488 after 5;30 p.m. (.'Our~, :ft"arage: ex c' 11 en t door opene·r avail, Pool 8: hon1e ~or su1nn1cr,. Prefer PHONE 642·56!1 l11guna Beach 1705 $185. 3 Br,]%, be, fetl(.<ed ======='===I cond.1llon (llJ) 270-4:?'12afl. l'e<'. area. Nr. Catholic tc11c:hc1, tl.'Oman l 1 v ln ~ ya.rd, RIO. \1•/\1', avail no1v B.alboa Island 3355 6 P.111. ' Chureh & school & Col'Ona alotte. N~ prlv.·100111 and T.o Plac• Your tr.,1d1r'~ P1.rediM Ad j A WALK IN SPACE Bkr. ---,--------ISM=-A~LL~fu-,-,~Ba-c_h_•~lo-,·-a-pt. dci M:ir High. hath. \Vr1te _P. ?· Box 185. LG 4 BR, 2 BA. deu. Ne1v Util· p;tld. S75 monU1. • 01\'LY $260 • :;o1vang. Cahf. !046.3 Eckhoff & Atsoc ... Inc. 1818 \V. Qw.pman Ave. BAYFRONT &: dock, 3 &-. Lake ~ITclWhead waterfl"Qn!I :; Ba., val. $89,500. FOR free & cir, $50,000 val. Pa· $180. 2 Br. Condo, w/w drps, pool, children Ii: pets O.K. Bkr. 534-6980 shag cl'J)L. lndry. tu-ea, •673-7872• 837-871 A'migos Way, N.6. COUPLE teachi°' in lll'ta Orange, CaJit 541-2621. E'vH·wknds 538-j971 T.D.'a (consider lse/opt. as cltic Palisades ocean vu lot. garage. LeaV" $32:>. 6'13-3173 rl('t'<I t or 2 Bcdnn. Apt, or trade for!? ?1'1'"0. 2.Ba!boa free & cir, 'U1,SOO val. That \\'ill be your Urs l irn· pression. \\/hen you sre !his SPACJOUS 2 story home. BUILT ON 1 'h LOTS THAT OFFER A SCENIC VJE\V OF THE OCEAN. Detaill'd ad V.'ood exterior in cta.~sic Laguna architectural styl- ing, la,rge sun pott.hcs en- closed with post & rail~. SPRA\\.LING 4 BDRI\1. & DEN FLOOR PLAN. has 11·/\v carpeting &: custom dra pes lhruout, Exciting 11'>- land IYPe kitc~n has BIL T- IN RANGE &: OVEN, DIS!i- \VSHR., CARB. DJSP. & EXTENSIVE USE OF DEEP STAINED ilAHOG- ANY CABINETS. Coveii. Owner 67~331 \\'ant: lncom!. Bkr, 54&-nll Open staircase leads to 2nd level, 1v/2 bchm., bath, & LARGE DEN, APPROX. 20 FT., \VITH DBL. SLID· ING GLASS \VALLS THAT OPENS TO SUN DECK WI OCEAN VIE\V. THIS SPAC- IOUS J IOME JS VACANT & <liS1resscd ""OWner · siiys sell iminNI. for $29,950 FULL PRICE LOWER ON. PYMT. O.K. THE BESI'·BUY TN LAGUNA BEACH MISSION REAL TY 98j So. Coa!'I llwy .. Lagu11a Phone (7141 494--0731 EMERALD fAY ,) BR, "! BA on cu!-dr-sac I\ ith mag nificf'nt o t e a n ,,[cw. Lar:;:e ynrd. Sun r!eck. 2 patios. :! fii -cp!acei:, huie living roon1, panel!ed f,1rnily roon1. Private beach f.: park. 011·ner. Rc!idence ~91 ::;::;o Oflil"P .642-5243 SUPERB l'iew, lll'11Pr <;i1~t. :; Br. Sell/!radc. Sl~i.rXJO Eq. !i7J.6591: .:24-7Hil n.t'S. 3400 lao;•na Beach 4705 Corona dal Mar 5250 Ilse Cd~1 or Lng. 645-0359 C ... 3100 H_ .untlngton Ba•ch iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Commercial 6015 .;..o~s.ti_-_,_•---~' --NICELY furn. 2 Btt. 2-BA, U11Cui11 house v.•/gat &: feJll... -~;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \Viii trade my '61 or '6;1 V\\' sedl\fl as a down paymmt on ypu:· Rtal Estate. \Viii 3 BDRJl.1, l ~.i ha, 2 n1 i frclln yr. round 1-enlal. No pets. -ed yard for doe. • FREE RENTAL beach. $210. r.10. on yrly lsc. 538·2tr3:i a f!tr '1 p.nl. ~ ... "" 6·16-213-! alt 5 {lll'l FOR LEASE consirter all oilers. 4!M-49Zi SERVICE 536-7744 I REN 1 Al~ '[],. 3 RES. empt. 5tuUchb soo"k 1 3 .. _ .. __ " ,. h"('. or apt. Laguna, Dana ·for examp e, OCUIVVTM .. Fountain Valley 3410 A'pts. Ul\furnishitd 11 B 1 "'" ""~ 3100 sq lt &"rage Bldg. 0 11 12 M·l shops in 2 tlll·UP liarbor Blvd, 4 double doon. bl.dgs 011 Placentia, C,f.1. baths $.225.00 per ino. Call ON TEN ACR F..S P.t. or unL c 1· ...._._ m1MO. Nicely JandsC', 4 General 5000 l &: 2 BR. fun1 &.: Unfurn FA~11LY. 4 adlts., need 3 Br. $600 Per Month. Broker 6.T:>.6391 494·TI61 eves. \ alue $150.000. Trad! pa.rt for properly. Balance? BR. frplc. all appls., kennel. --.--R-E_N_T--.--Fi')}!~/ pl'I.·. pallo$/Poots. 2 Ba. home on or nr. beach. briek patio. M7-869.l Tennls • Contnrl Bk.lat. pul· )...1111 ref. 675-486? Call owner 543-1542 R-2 LOT Laguna Beach, 4800 , ---------sq. ft. Nr b!ach l< shops $20,000. Owner ( 7 14 ) 365--:?254 or \vrile Daily Pilot ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 HOME or bu.::;iness or both. 4 BR, cov'd. patio, 2. BA, drapes, crpls, fresh pflinl plus Xtra rin. 1vit h lg. pic- turC windO\llS. Ideal for of. fice or var. businesses. At present it is fully equipped for .bl!auty shop. Perfect for fam. rm. Gd. deal for a gd. tenant. O\vncr 213--759--0684 3 Room1 Fur,niture $20· $25 & UP Laguna Be1ch 3705 ----NEWLY ~model•~d, all cpld. 1'1onth-1'ir-:\.1onth Rentals 2 BR, den, frplc, y:·. IS".. ~VllJF:0SELECrION g,Jnr inc., 1 hlk to Och. ·1m Appliar.t<:~s & TV'i avail. Chiquita. Open Sat .i:: Sun, No Seeuriiy Oeposi! ' Junt?<7-& 8. 213: :!.'174JJ34 a1t. TJFRC Furnih1re Ren!al~ 6 \Vkdays. ,517 \V. 19th. Ci\f 518.:W81 1568 \\'.. Lncln .. <\nl11n 774-2800 Laguna Niguel 3707 Sl55. 2 Br, 2 Ba, \\'/\V, drps, EXEC rei::idenc! . l Br. 2 ~9~k to occ&n ~rokcr Ba., bltns, d ,; h 1v hr, =-------~crpt/drp. Beaut vic\v $.'.:00. $1 ki. 1 Br, w/1v, drp!, RIO, 3 BR, den, 2 Ba, lg! fenced 8.16-5750, 5-12-.1.21~ IU>trig. ct1ilrl O.K. avail ya.rd. pa_l.if.i,_lo!s of ,_E!"ivacy._ ______ 6/l~i. Bkt. :-t34-69&1 ocean vie"''· 2 Children. 1 San Clemente 37101=========;. pct O.K. Lease. $190. Mo. Costa M·as, -SlOO \Valer furn. 714: 75!'>-9233 z ER, 1 Ba. Ocean 1;\r1\"iliiiijiiijiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiii~ 4 BP., fain. tTil., 2 BA, built-$10,000 hon1e. I 111med. poss. f~ ins plus dish1vshr. $265/nlo. $260. h1o. 7l4/5'l4-il2!M HARBOR \Vall to wall crpts &: drapes. 1o·enced yd. 531-9563 Dana Point 3740 GREENS 2 BDRM, cpls & drp!=, OCEAN" View, 3 Br, 2 Bil, .,•;ai;her/dryer. r. c f i; r1)* fan1 rrn. cpts, ,frps. bit-ins, qnired. 169 r-.1esa Dr .. $1,10 IJ:"'! le~ed yard. $~:-;. f.lo. G42-4S6R. 496-587:> ~-~---~~~~ DUPLE."X. $150. 2 BR , k~NJ"AL~ cRTJ>els, cl.rps, bit-ins. Priv. Apts. furnished yard. G_ar, Adults. 646-79.sJ 3 BR home 111~ baths. 2 car garaia:e, covered pi:il.lo. S200/ mo. Agt. 546--4.1-ll General 4000 s1:15. S1:iac:ous Bach, apt. ~11 C'l<'t hitchr ,1, a\·eol nol'i. Bkr. 5:,1419.'\0 BACl·fr:LOR UN"F"URN. from $110 AL,~ AVAJLABLE l . 2 & 3 BDP-'.\J. Heated Pools. Child C..o.r. Center. Adj. to Shoppini - No pel! ;JJol.\·ed 2700 Pelerson \\lay, 11.t Hitr. bor & Ada1ns, Cosia :\lesa 5-16--0370 ting-gre,..,, -COUPLE wants rm. lo rent 000 &>a Lane, Cdhf G4t-l61l in UCI a.rea. Call 833-1532 !i\laeArt.h11r nr. Coasr Hwyl $995 Ba Ibo.a Box M-327, C-1. Ave Del Mar. Sa.11 Cl~n1en1r. 1:?0' x I 0 rt· . 100 ACRES, ti!'•r. $35,000 F.quity. Want lnoome prop- !':rly. Pie~ !Ubmlt offers. Art Giovinetti, Realtor 67J..T420 5300 SUi\olMEP.. rental Ju11e l r> to ----~. -----Sept. 3. (\Vomen) Kitch CR6.CJOUS adult Ii v Ing. privl. 673-9140 bt\\'ll 9 A.i.\1 & Spae. :? BR. 2 BA. IVB.lk·in 1 closets. Bay &. ocean vie\v,I"'=,...,,.----.,.-,-,,,...,-,, pool & boat slips. 673--3003 NICE Roon1 lor employed Ch1•11er, 492-6695 ·or 49'1--0386 \Vil\ ll'ade good vacation M·l lot. goocLC. ?ii. location. trailer, , rc8..!l0nable space 50 x 300. Bargain $13,!"lOO. ·1-en!al for small plot ot Sullivan 548-G761 land. l\fw;t have l.\'ater "' electricity. 548-001 · gentlemen, $12. 1v e e k I y . , . ~ HuntingtOn Baach 5400 S48-'.'i261 lndu1tri1f l1_nt1I 6090 E •rt• L. ... GPEJ\1.LE'<i.ENt • lr,i~ Bt-:c~, 450 SQ. FT. BLDG. xc lftCJ IYIRCJ aci_ IC as " wr· 00 ' E. l7!h St., CoSta Mesa Ju new ap"· 1 bedl'OOm, 2 tcnn1s, refr1g. 536-8518 El ec. Jl{lllll!lr. $9000 eq. in 50xl40 R·3 lot w/gd rented h6{', nexr 10 Garden Grove Civic Cntr & HS. Iota! va1. $20.500. Trd for unita or ? 547-&469 Bkr. bedroon1 . 2 bath. ' NICE room, priv, home, neady for tl!nan! 1 1~4o~o-S·l 95-.NDrUieasl San.UL _:_A n~ __$60-Month...M&:SQ.IO~ .Q9 yolU{ai1L l!J:~i~me" •• 1 . 541-911!1 after 6 Pr-.f \VIU trade $26,00I) equily, 7 Sw 1n1n;~ pool, gym, sauna, Lots 61 00 &side units 111/$365 mo. recrea ion roo_m. . Gufft Homes 5998 spendable income for your General Eleclrie ApphA.T1Ces. LEFT Lot 100· from Pacific clear home, 011,•ner/bkr. Adult s only. GUEST HOME Ocean, 20 mi. from Calif. & 646-3i50 Lampli9hter Apts. LAGUNA NIGUEL 1'1ex. at San Antonio shores. SIX=~u~n-i ,-.-... -,1m~,-n~1, 16102 Springdale St. Scolrctive guests for a lovely ~ yr. lease. $9500 valut.: for Highland. Pk. 7 yrs old, Phone 59'1-5421 home. Owner ~nd ,~ator $4900. 642-7788 built • ins; air. cond, cpt., 2B£DROOM 2 BA1'11, R,N. 2 • .n.canClee, private drps. \Viii trade for ·lot in ba1he. Please ca.ll tor ap-Acr111g1 6200 Bell.Cb Otiet1. 213-796-1210 FURNISHED & pointmcn!. UNFl7Rt'ilSHED 49~5.>:>3 or 83i-7.ffi7 Cp\.<;. drapes, builtins. bcstioo========= l~ali?n, l bll: to 5 Poi~~ts Income Property 6006 s.1-0ppu1i:: C'le. f\'1)111 Sl.:O. FOR Sale or \viii trade !nr Orange C.o. Income, 280 A, so of Ileniet neat' Rancho California 71~M-T30G Lake Arro\l:bead ·• !1-fagnlli· cent 5 Br. 4 Ba on golt cse &. lake. View, $125,000 clear. Airplane or boa.t trade. ~!~1,!~1.is, apt. D. 612-283:1, 'Double ========== /Olvner (TI4) 4j'.h1103 or .,,~. 2 1 ,... Mount. & D_tsart 6210 ·--· ---llolL<;C'S on arge eastsrue CllE7. ORO Af'.'\RT~11::NTS Jot near ne11' park. A home NEWBERRY 337-3169 * * 3-Br.. lww;e. 11 ~ BA. Double ga1.1g". Adtil1s on!)·. t:46 ::31~ Mesa Verde 3110 Cost.a Mesa 4100 !t!:l<! Atlanta & incon1e 11f $140.. Total . S245 Ne1v l·:? &dro:>ms • f'ay "ruld i;c ~:1:; 1no. Complete-SPRINGS elcrtric only I,\' 1,.111(1t\PI• ,1 ni>iv kii'Chen. City of Lakes BUSINESS end FINANCIAL· LAGUNA Canyon. 91)' x ~oo·: I . rustic 2-sty. house; poss:b\e 4 BEDROOM house 111 ~1esA. C-1 er f.1-1 rone; $4.000 dn. Verd~. 3017 Ceylon Rd. Call Bier. 675--65511: 49-l ·7lb1 Res. · 54o-32'1,'8~=~~~~ $]0 QQ k 536<{927 or ~~«i-2727 ne1v lit1 t!i. 111•11· ~·a\'!X'tll , & ~l <\JCE YOUit 0\VN L1\l\E • W • Up A i\1esa Verde 3 bdrm 2 balh Pool-WashC'l'!·DrycL'! r!i'1tlJt.'S. J)<'lighfll1l Nt11vporl ~IJ J\tilr~ I·:., o! ~1u·sl01\·, ?,11 •Del,)·, 'lt"l?k, month. delu.xe apt, (b.ildrej, OK. Priva.t(' Garages Heights .&!l'il. S29,500-10~~ ! ftr c,1·a:,·. ~.Iv ~£M'O ft., .:0 Bui. Opporhlliltioo 6300 FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Ouplex1s For Sale 1975 flGPLE.X ~J:l.too 6~~% tri- tcre~t.. 51.J F'ernlear. Cd~I. S. or h\"1'· 675-6044 Broker . .~ENTALS House& Furnished General 2000 BEAUTIFL'!. ?t1csa Vcrd1.: home. 4 UR, 2i~ BA, pool. I foruud DR. dr.n. Lease I S~OO/n~('. 546 -1220 or :;.;~l $27.J. 4 Er, 1 l3n. cnclo;;cd pal\o, !qi!c. chihlrcn l sml pet. 8 1-..T. :,J~ ~ $155~ BR 2 BA Fam. FJ"plc. Cpts, dT'p!;. b lt-i na. Cap.:strano Bch ~96-39-lS Newpor~ Beach 320Q B/B TOWNHOUSE SPLl.T-LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. Unit. Faces p o o I, carpets, drape!, lh-eplace, elec bit-ins, $265/mo. Plca&e call J\lrs. Fav Bay & Beach Realty, Inc: 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 615-2000 ~es. 548·6966 • Studio & Bach. Apts. References. down Acf'l's adj lo Lake Loreen. e Inc) Urils & Phone serv, ED RIDDLE RL TR. 2 BR Duplex, private yard, . Offe,ing the N. portion or • Maid ServiC!, TV avail. 646-lll J patio, crpt.!L, drps, heated our 40 acres. 'reserving S. e New Cafe &. Bar pool. n35. M.2-lSolO 10 ar1-es in1proved w/mod· 2376 Nc"iport Blvd. 548-9755 l BR & den, lge liv rm, palio 3 BDRM. 2 bath. private pa-ern ranch hoU.!Lc ttc, UH· 2,BR. Duplex. fully carpeted. & gardC"11: ~1r shop'g, Idt•al lio, heated pool. 546•2313 • .646_7171 Ji1nlteU, perft'cl \\11!cr. 301 d • ~d rt 1 d outdoor l1v1ng, prcff'r c'Ou· Ca.II 96U994 '---~~==cc---·I GPM a! f!O ff de?Plh. Price 1a,_ , carpo , encl' 1 z:mi Ro<:l 1· yard. S1iilabll" cpl 1v/s111 ~4~193 ~ 'ieslcr Ave, 2 BR. 2 BA. BI t n 11, 6 APTS. $18,000, ~; cash, ,baJ lSf TD. pe1, 1 child OK. $13J mo. washer/dryer. Crpts, drp.!L. \\fell n1a.in!ain('d, 1':11elo!1ed Subject land t haa 220 ft. D16-0&21 2 BR tu1fun1 'pt. ne1vly dC'('., Adult.!L * 839-6661 garages: $620 mo. incon1e frolltll.g! Oil Silv!r Valley NEWLY Rem«leled Bacl~ garagc; :1undeck Al!<O !rg 2 FORTIN REALTOR Rd., 7 inl. E. of school. Fo1· BR f •· S · A 5620 map & •further details. write apt. ine cpts, drps !: util. · un urn uolll:ic, garage, ant• na 170l·A \V~stcliff D1·lvr Silo' ., ... OA"n "" ::.•o "707 lrg yard. Adulls. 546-3776 ----------N B h 64<> woo Ceo/''e n. Kress, Lagl.lfYI; .,.,..........,... ... .....a-v * 2 BR, 2 BA Garden apts. ewport eac .,.. -· Beach, Box 914, or Box 155, PVes IMMAC. 2 BR. n e \V Very clean. Adults pref. E-SIDE : 2 homes Ii:.. 5 apls. Newberry, C&lil. 9236S $12.'i. LARGE 1-Br, clean, cp!ll/drp~~ blt-i~s. 9uiet. 54&-1525 Income .i743 m o n th l Y · COVE Vieiv, 3 bdnn.~. 2 quiet~ adults. Beaut. !Lil'il. ~~ Ncl p't-!s. SlJJ/mo. ==========I $56,000 or ll'ade $26 f.l eq. baths, built-ins. pool. in- Nr mkts. \Vasher/dryer. ' • Coastal S700 f o 1· e l ear ho 111 c. speet. niake ofter, P.ahn garage. 1!122-B Wallace. C;"o.1 QUIET Deluxe 2 Bl't & DC'n, ----------01rner/brkr. 64&-3TJO lJc:oert. '.{46-6241 Frigk;lail-e 18. min. cycle la the fastest In lhe industry. 30 Frigldaires do the work of 40. 30 min. washers. Find out how easy it ls lo own a Pa.Yinc laundry, G~ril!n G,rov!, Santa Ana, Twitin. Orange. A>iaheim Coin-0-Mati~ Equlpmeftt, Inc. 2s:w.4 W. Valencia: Fullerton TI4: 5$7833 Affiliate * Partner lS>. V•ry nice l bdrm ·"'"" 2 BA, """0· """'·. """ '"""' Ocean Front Apts . BUSINEU ona 133 I :. liilh St., C.i\t. 64•d._u~~$A2 only. No p I' ts . Business Rental 6060 FINANCIAL Light f\ff.g. &: distribution. 642-126."i ...,.. ---~------·.C Active w/Sj(}.000 c a 1 h I 1 New e Deluxe STREET FRONTAGE management ability. XInt Rentals to Share 2005 BLUFFS· BAYVIEW 2 BDRM turnis:hed. $148 50. La~e 1 bcdrooni, f' cctdc On Beach 8 1\/d. 1480 &I. Ft. ~us. Opportunities 63 starling 11alary + share of ---'-------, BR 2,, Bath Cond Cpl Adwls, 00 _.,, ·bit-ins. near 0 C. Sl1J. Mo. (7141536-4616 1. S d .. • 1"3 o. g. ,_ 7141 536-1487 Motlel home ideal for in~ur.. DISTRIBUTOR pro its. houl net party CONSIDERATE gentle\VOJTI· Dra""'.~. bar; Delu.xe appt's. * 548-09:)9 * j'1Q.96SO. ( Rltr., '"· tB•t. Kat.ella and selected over $50,000 Isl t> I rt •--110c anA ·enue NAT l ONALORGANIZA-an to s are P e:i~ant a-pa -Availai:lle j uly l st. $425 • BEAtrr. Lt't'o . 2 Br., 1,,_ ba. ~EDECO.RATEO 2 BR, bit· ' e " Cl'rritos) si r n s. Jndscf)d ., TION HAS year. To arrange pcl"!IOna1 '-•"I ov•·I'·"''."" Em•rald •. " " N ls d "bl'·s \V .... r 11. B. Pier\ 1 · · ;• " • """ ".~ ~asc. shidio, pool, adult~. Sl!lO ins, reu·1g. _ e~v cp • rps. ~~-~·-'=="~=---·I S250 mo. I06JO Be.a.ch Blvd. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ntcrv1e\v phone BHY, private rooi>t f: bat:i, Del~n<:y Real Estate 2.,"1.0 Santa Ana 645-293:1 No JlCIS. SllJ--0100 REAL ESTATE a 636-4120 a f714l 6-42-2717 for sun1n1er mf'T•tl•s. ~90 plus 1 5 M F · elcc:r.cuy. A!l4 5~:ltl :~28 E. Coast H\i·y. Cd!l-1 r~URN bachelor, crptt:, drps, 2 B~ • 2 B~ Studio. ~r~pes. Genera l STORES For lease VillnJ:?:c 1\nd a ra~ one too. \Ve are I --='='=m=.""~p=m=='="=· ='=' _ ==~,-•-n_~~7~7~0c--cc~-I bit-ins. No pets. 288'."i Men· patio. Adul .s. 12131 .:.9'~-a:?'.?7 Rentals Wanted 5990 Shopping C<'nl<'r. cor. of El n1anufacturcr3. Our pro-DESIGNEft...BUILDER 2200 NE/\R Beach. 2 Br. bit· ins. dCl:ta 545-5'121 or 548-8.'),Ql Can1it10 & Menda&a, Cl\-1. duc1s arc n1ade in New Business Q~ralion &. equip. slo\·~ & refri;. garar,c, avai! S90 • CLEAN, furn. bach. SPt lT lcvel J Br, 2~ Bii.. bit· EXECUTIVE. wile & 2 Suitable Och .. TV, varif'ty, York, Georgia, and Florida. Estab. 10,yrs. Balboa ldand. DOVER Short'.i he y f :· n n l July ]>:;!, lease SJ7j. !\lo. Ulil~ inclurled. No pell>. ins. Ne\v crpts l!-drps. No children need at lc<i~I ') BJ~ Dress Shop. elc. Sec Liquor They're well accepted, uni-67~5500. eVes 673-1551 ho1ne. 6 Br, ·t Btt, l;;.r;c 6;3-:260l:i ~i'13-ffi2Z pe!s. 2885 Mendoza 5'13--5421 hse or apt, \n ni<.'t! area. ston' for key. quP, and sellifi;r lik! crazy -Art! you Interested? patio, 70' private doc.•k. PAnK Lido, 3 Bit. 2 I.la., Completely run1. inr.1 linens Al \'!agncr 2J2:981-65:i0 but be.caust 11·e arc young CHINCHILLAS 11200 mo n y I I" REDECORATED Up~tairs 2 2 ... 13R DeltJ?'e $t45. Pr-patio. ·1 •r · ·n last \\'!' need · • 0 r Y ·!·. , I frpl. Obi. gar., Pool .~26:> bdrm apt. Sl50. Appl only. . t;Ar-Adults-oo pets. 2346 It dishf's from 6/15 11 8/.1 . RENT or lease, <"Cntcr CM. arni gTO\lll g · • Are you interested? 213/780-5013 or 213/ .S;;.S:lll ~~ADGE ~•/\VIS 64'.:!-7000 *°'" ~'* Santa Ana.. 518--0728 ;.,.1J..73TI 3000 to 6000 sq ti. FA hcfl t, good peop:e to be our Visit our ranch 6424165 ===;;~;;;;;;;;===liEiDFlM,";;; ... &dr'.PS,'bli. ---vood noo . ' • ' D I s TR I BUTORS" lo W. fflc(iff 2230 nAI!..YPit.OT DIME-A-2 BDRM, ·-·· • drps. bJJ. e LANDLORDS e 1 n. 1 m P r 0 '° e d 1 1 11 nr ~ .. ..,. "" k' ., dbl r Sl'rv\l•e nn( inn< e rro ers Bus. W1nttd ----------LINES. You can U«e them N1wport Beach 4200 ins & garage. Adults, no FREE RENTAL SERVICE par ing, --c.ar ga ages. in accounts lurncd ovCr tO 6305 Duplex, top loc. Newport Beach; 2 BR. k 1 BR. Val. $41,500. Take late model car tr: T.O.'s· for equity, New· port Beach Rlty GT;;.1642 Choice 4-Plex. ( 1) 3 BR 2 ba <3) 2 BR 1 ha. E'i;ide nr 17th Sr. Income $535/mo. $55.500. TRADE tor your 3 or 4 BR home. A.gt. 546-5580 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. Z1ii bal Beaut, appl'd. Priv. patio, pool: nr. bay. Val. $32,500. rorT.D .. car, camper or 11 Owlll'r &16-6654 ST Dual Ghia 'Co-hverJ. Aii po11'er. VE1'Y ltARE Cser-- la.I # 149) $3500 value, trade for rurnitunf or ! 642-5243 or 49-j...5270 • · 1 HONOLULO .Hawaii • Pttft. tige nom, w/lra: pool lri Kabilla area. Le a a~ d , $72,500 val..eq. $42,000. W~i S, CaJ. prop or inc. &4&-0732 ' agl. -tnke"ATI"OWhead-walerfi'Ont - free 8: clr. SS0,000 val. Pai , clfic Palisades ocean vu Jo~ ff{'(' &. cir. $27,500 val1 \Vant: Income. Bkr. 548-~ Almost lOllJ ac .. S250 M val, > 80 mi from dntwn LA, 5 n1in, lrom fwy on pav«f rd, : • btwn• Beaumont &: Oak bl~n. frd for '! !" 547 ~ Bkt .' 43' Mathews F/B yacht, twn ' Imperial eng. Full !Ice w/ . a/p, $50,000 clear. Want J50M home,, 15111. or smlr.; boil. 'a46-8030, ext 43-t 894· <OM * * ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES *' Found (Fr.0 Adil 64o0 YOUNG ma~ puppy. part German Shepherd., w e J 1 · trained, housebdut Brown ~ white. Vie Newport lllandl 67Hl!5.j : 2 ~10. old black kitten, male; VJc \Vilson It . Pla~ntia! CM. Owner claim or tree to good hortlt'. 642-5802 I YOUNG female Collie. VicJ Tustin k Santa lsabellej CM. 646-8'iS9 .~ FLUt'FY grey femaJe cat\ Red collar. Vic. Green Valley. 962-3914 MED. s;:., fat' dog, olde( feniale, black. Vie, Harboil &. Wilson. 642-9238 " LOVELY Siamese cat 8th.._~ Balboa. NB 6'f.>..157S I FOUND young tiger kllt!n; Krinkled tail. Vic. Dahlia A 1st SI. 67f)-2048 . I Lost 6401 • LOST : Diamond E~~ ment & \Vedding ring91 \\'eslmin.sler M e m or i & I Park. Reward. 893-4645 Black & wh.itc beagle, 8 mo31 AnSwers lo Matthew. Viq \Vave St., Laguna. Call Nan- cy I 494-7909 DOC grooming tools In bro1vn overnight case. Ba1=k ot 1978 Maplt\ Apt N, CM. Reward. 64~1231 YG. \Vornan IC>achrr 11·:in1~ 10 fo':" jo~t penn1eg a day. Dial -----------pets 646-3164 Brok('T' 534-6982 All at 2065 Charle St. rhcni . So. if you \\'ant a ATTRACTIVE,, c ap ab 1 e 'ha-, l•v•ly •.om·. 111' G'.~-~a-,g 2 BR ·.-ly 1,., 11511. Old•• --·=-=·-~---•--OC"-~-,.-,-.---1 owner. 646-4<10!, 8-5. r.C'i~t · h g WK Old bl ck kltlon -'" " •·' "_..., •• • SOCKtTTO'EM! \Vlutet..1erhants? busincs~ofyoUrOl.\'Jl\Vll .vo u ng \voman \Vill · a 1 •• -Y E 64 ..• .,A. ~ --~==~~-· I coupl• p-r. 3707", IV. au or one ' bl · DI nd so sse • 1 .... a DIAL ciirect 642-5678, Charge "' ~ ~===,....~~~--= t.remendou~ income a.•n d parUcipate witlt tinie and ue eye!, v1c. amo ·• I~C~KE=R~.~Y~O~U~C~A~LL.~ your ad. then sit back and Balboa Blvd, NB. 673-1715 Cost1 Men S100Costa Mell 5100 • PIUJ\.lE Retail Location • gro\vlh potential and can al-mnncY -in a· going boutique, Balboa Isl. 6 7 5 -6 6 8 7 . t~~~:?"'~';;iy~~'b;s~1'g1;J~, ~~~·~~t~th~~~~~~~·-~·=-j;~~~~~~~~~l ~d~010~:1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,l7X4o, Xlnt loeft & auto lraf· f"ni an \mml'diale. In-wo.man's apnar<>I 1 h 0 p, RewlU'd. 5 ~n ° ' P ·-.... , your wan a iv. f.ie . 1811 Harbor. CM " .-...~ ==-cccc-ce7C'."==::;-;:j-I 646-S654 vestment of $3,000.00 a.nd bc1.ch area, that needs ex-PAIR Iron gales. Reward fof 3000 stnrt PART TrME, drop""u~ -~ion or . operall,ng iTirormat.iOn lea.Cling lo fioJ, General 3000 General 3000Genaral . $©\\.~lA.-l££trse SoJdt a Simple Scram.bled Word Puzzle for a. Chuckle O Rearrange t.tters of the 'four xrombfed words b.. low to form fCUf simQle wordi. IH EMCOR I I' I I r t 11 1s~,~ u,r I Abovt a ~VY In Ms second wolfhood: Wh~ token to th1 hoipitol recentfY, he took o r--,..-----., -for the-. !INELFUG I .... -. 1--1 ... , ...,l ....... l'.....,.l-r-I e Comp"" .... dud.~ ..... d by """• In "'' --yau a..., JrOfl'I • No. :1 below. , 8 •i1NT N\.MCIER!D.,I LETlflS l'l'l'l'l'l'l'r1 _l....,t£i .... :_.l__._I _._I .... I _.~0~ '"1! I I I I I - CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HEIGHTS ~our LUXURIOUS 2 l 3 BEDROOM APTS . a Fireplaces a Dishwasher a A1ammoth mastt r bedroom1 e 2 Bathroomi e Centra1 forced air heatine: HARBOR HEIGHTS • Spacious cabinets •Gaffers &: SatUcrs i;as bu\lt-ln.!L • Balanc!d IXl'V!r living • Enclosed parking • Carpet• ' drapes :lour Rental l\lanagcr-1.t'l"l: Chrlaticm:en 3111-A Cinnamon Ava., Cost• Mas• (l block wesl ot Harbor Blvd. 2 blocks south or the San Dleso Freeway) Phone ~10l4 FOR LEASE store 23x42. a nclc and '"' will talk II capital. Submit paniculars 644-1.f.44 J AlJtO office space. ?.33 E. over. \Vhat can you )f)SC -to Box M-707 Daily Pilot LG oroo;e & \\'bile . mali l7tb St, CM, 64S-2 45 0 ( Right -P.S. 'There Is no .,._...... ··~f""U$~tn-vi..i. f e · ~·• 548-5508 doubt you'll ·lov~ 1vhat you ""My te Loin ~6320 · ~irrto e:M,.54~ 1' sec a.nd hcnr. Write 1.t once,;. : -• ~ n. · • '! Office Rent1I 6070 Color Co-onlinales Corp" ~ 16: 2nd 1oana for quick BLACK &. white male ~ ~ Fifth Avenu_('; · New caaQ. ~ on ·)'Gia pro.. V.io W1vt! SJ,l ~ LAGUNA ' BEACH Yol'k, New York 10016 perty ~ withO\lt .distutbift& ~ard! Nancy 4.M-7909 Air Condition1cl HELP,_!! l'OU?' lo\V lntl!l'l!st iS:•TD•-BLACK fernale· t.abradof ON FORD'A. AvtN\1E Al!JO buy!n for 2nd TDs, (med size) 5/29, "Cinde~\ Ot.sk space! •Vllilabl~ In .:iatUer MOl'l&aP Co. Inc, ·Reward. 67]..623.5, ~ newNI oUlce bulldina •l N11iional co. U!?Cd& a dlstl'ibu~ Serving Harbor Area 20 ,yn. prime location tn downtO\vt;i' !or ror candy &t snack.II in ' 336 £, lTlL SI. hraonalt ~ 4.fun• Bf.sch. Ab rondl-your atta. Pcrs6n .elected 642--2171 5'G-06ll ttiin!d. ea.rp'et~. • bf.aut1ful must be ablr 10 devole 2 to BHr Bir-Sent• AIM panel!d partitloning. T w o 10· fu"S. per \1'1.'ek (days or rutl pric~ $3000. entra.ncn: Fronta1e on evr~l lo maka very hiah • ·'15-3ll1 * Forett Ave .• f'!Rr l!ods to earning!, You 11\.G.Y keep 1-========::-..,... Munclpal Plr1dna kit.ii. $50 youl' present poslOon.' No AN .. OUNCEMEHfs per month tor 1pace. Oe!k &t'llll1Jt. rlo el<J>tri.ence nee~ encl ·NOTICIS and chalrt available for ~> ~ssary but mU$t j:.C reli~Jjle. 1-'"-"""'"-;....;;.:c ___ _ 8-e11 bOW'I answeril'l; Company will t!acb. \Ve Pound (Fr" Ads) 6400 11ervtce avalli..ble tor SIO. meet wtth Ba.nkffl Approv·· FEt..1Ai..& Puppy, b)ic with AU urtlltiet pa1d except al, $1650 CMh ~ull'td l~ wht. •JXWki,np. Hu &n 8..l>' lcl,ept,onc, 1 cured). For lmih«iJ•le Jn. DAILY PILOT tcrvlc.w In your iatta· terid pctllc big u It is, Vic. 322 FOREST AVENUE l\!\mf', 3.dd1'C'111 &, . plM>ne Fairview/Baker. 5a-1l33 l.AGVNA 8EACH ~ nu.mbc/ lb: w.n; brown tettier pupp)'. 491-lMlll "DlSTRIOUTOR DJVISION" male. Foµncl Vlcl!'lty Olktr 3340 NEWPORT:,..,B~L=v=o~. P. 0. ~ t:i8 & Fatrvlew, C.M. F\1da1 OU1~4 aull&ble for Com-~ona.. callfoml,a 9t7tl9~ 5l.$J, 673-402$ mcrcla.I, MedicaJ. Dental. ShW...L Groe. 1\o~ In JtB. BOSTON bun mlxtd1 fe.1nale. Air<ond .• crpl•. clevalot rc1: U'l!a. Avallabl c SSO mo. apbro:c. 11& yn. VI c . !5c PER SQ .FT. lease. 213: IJ9&..9880 fa.lrv\e\V Rd. l \Vll $0n. ~-5032~ OR 67).246<1 WANT&D; oft.cale lkjuor AfJ\Y,30. ~eves only * DIVO.RCED; YH It 's Your F1uttJI li"'or recorded mes:&agt tMJ ~·Ill change . your lUe, , t SANT~ANA J. 547-7 -~L~IC' ENS""ED::--.-" Spkltuil Readlnp. o<lvl~ on &JI maltt.f'J, ltl S. cam1t10 Real. san O!'l!.'!".'11ll 492.$13'. JO AM-10 Ml SPECIAL fl READING Attroctl .. lxport YOUNGll'OltWI do.ncer will teach 3'0ll .&atttt steps, Call Ante 213: $!11-JO l'.M DAILY PlWl"WAl'TADSI lice"".·°'*""' County. THE QtnCKER YOU CALL, .J--'=-c_a_A_M_-_LETS~--A-'-N_s_wt~r--.... •~-c~LA ..... ss_1F1_c_A~T1~9_N"'/ .... o_o_o """' ............... !!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!--........... """'-s~ir~a ~RES_u_L:J'_s_, _, __ .;;Call"'.'""'.~ ....... 39.._. ~~·TH~ Q\lls:rn.' Y,O~ SE't DAtt.Y PllDl' W Dial 6(!$11 1"" ' • • • *---·-~---..__ ___ -----'"--~- 'I I I ~.., moT w. ........... 1. lM • w-. -.. 1969 PILOT.J.DVUTISU 18 'f!IOOli IHINTI UIVJCI DIDt lbRY Joas & IMPLOYMINT JOBS ' EMPLOY MINT JOIS & IMpLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMPLO JO•• & NT ~ Ml NOT1CIS - 6411 , Gotttnl"' . --tlc'l!.tp-~ Holp W1n1"9, Mo</.7.200 .11o1 ... w""l.d, Mon 1* HeJi.:!'..itM. """ntO H1:..w1n!H _ • ., """' .W~·' -; __ ~ AJ £ 1• ~ " \ " ' , ~ llOUSJ:KEEPER OR ~-1 J W ltollllllOll Mt~ n mw--. 7400 Women 7400 £A 11·· I • WDJO'U:R. w/ 2 ddJdni (5 &MftlMIV'r-COMPANION av..U.b1e 't01' _..ctroncs E--Ht ,;.:....1 • .a...l+-:... JIM UiUft ~ ·~~~ ··""!''"' · ~:..:'.:.,:~·= Hu a H s •P~nm.S.ii• wiio.. DUNCA. N ·..----·• · 1• lad1 ,_. ............... '46-1t41 AwU. now. Nl!WPORT lllACH • J.C. ~!WY C~ ~ • "rite Dllitr f'Uot. 8clt M al n. e..t, com 1IO roore! HOMEMAKEAS 541.a;BJ S.4 Days y,·eek. StamJ De-' , FNhion bland • WOMAN W'l'tdlw S 1111Ie1 ~ lCaiMtnuol ~ Uve-lnl. 01ttrfUI nee 1 partmcnt. P.re!tr knowW<tlc Larae IU:XW7 bo~, pod alt -·· Newport Bt~ '~ ;i , ~ UIClilllOCllc ,.... .N~ Budpl Land~ Pitrmanent. Exptrlenced rt stamps. · T -ary, 5 dail. Mlllt bt e:cptr-lmmediata optldtlp Jor N'""OS p••t T"~ • , vitwpoint. .._.,,, Orulua.C. JforUNlturilt Far Ea.at Aaeo<::y 64U7<n EL.I "• APPLY It~ on NCR '2'00. f La. ""' '.Pu:. ALCOliOilCi • ...;,._ George Allen Byland ""'""" II' PERSONNEL DEPT, ASSIM•L Y SALESf.:OIES Pbant i01'Slt ~· wrllf to , EmPo.Yer Pa.ys, Tit ' -f1'11hlon lsl1nd Apply In per.on only. TIAINllS 'P.O.-l22$0..l•M•"'· AWN iltOS. tCl6·BE..J.&lh.s•M1'0llS TRO CS Newport Beach The lfewporler Inn'. · Houoowlvoo&Mothors BACH .eeili slii to 1txcb ft!n. Gtrcleft.ra Stvdenti' ENGUSH Nanny avail. im· • Equal Opportunlly Employer 1 i1tctll9nt l lK-can you •P'~ a few 'houra lJ;fs .._,fot '4*eirw •'OtldlWWtihcoUqt-. med. EJCcel. loca l. TECH 1: JANITOR ll07Ja.mboreeRoa• tronJciffrm.l x· each <laY and add to t1'e Jc-.. 49'-G31S ~ , Exp. Lie. f"'·' Te-· Reffl't.,ce11. A,ency &424103 r.tAC DONALD'S Is hirin" Newport Beach II f&nilly locomt 'at the aamt .... • \" . ~ ent w.rklnt time T S .. bedule1 oonvenltnt COUPLES. ~lhalr:a; lont:ly't 'f'HON 646-'4in Cl A janitotl•I help. Preferred Te have an open Ina: in the condltlofts and •m• • I "New In area'!' Join the swtq H91p W1ntM11, Men noo a1e1 43 to 60. Experience de· Circulation Department for for you. momlnp, al!f:JI. I be · _, 1 lion plO'f"I benefits. noont evenlnp or comblna. to f\l.n ar il)leaautt NEW la slrable but not nect!SAJ')'. a 11nner. • iul s tua .. __ 1 •01 all Work In a 11111• r~ "'1'llre·1eedlnr . in I """'' • ~1 • Comp&ete lawn eve, clelln NOW HIRING Good pay. liberal fri~ m.,.ht be deal for a rounc 545-1261 •tore und•r the finHI of I ;;========~ J up by job or month. }'rtt ror compoMnls test and b@neliU, excelfl'nt workina man j111t out oC the military ndltlona and . Announcemen~· 6410 eictlmo.tel. For info, call P11Xi4'C11on support. A mini· condltloru. Apply in person service who i5 lookln& for co top rupenn.s-lf&432:or ~l!l&.1 53 MEN mum of dne year ot·recint between 2 PM to 5 Pt.I or a job wilh a future, Good 2165 Fairview RNd lion, ASTROLOGY 04lsses now 1onnm.:1 Summtr ~. be(lnnirs/advanced. F o r info call 675--6661 Days. 4i75-.21t0 after ,6 * IBE COIN OIEST • Rare coins, ll'IS. mall auc. tion, etc. 741 S. Coast, La. suna Sch. 494-MM. SEltVICE DIR&CTORY induatrial experience is i-e-call 347-9100, atlcnt!on oJ salary and lrlnges, lnclud· Costa MeN . CUt lt Edae Lawn ALL WORI\ quired, A ~wll'dae of sol· f.lr. Jack Dwyer. l~ &ach ing use of 11 company auto. Mafnttl'll.net, Lloeiued BACKGROUNDS id stale circullry is deslr· Blvd. 118 contact Ceorge Harding, Equal opportunity employer a48-4808/&6-2310. aft 4 ACCEPTED able!. AnENTION Circulation Departlhent. Dick'• Garde~·Rel. Openlnp are on ht & 2nd COLLEGE STUDENTS Da lly Piiot Area 1 )In, Comm'l, resi· LARGE COf.IPANY 330 W. ~ St. •··tlal cl••~·-... -1, shllt 11 you ""' temp. disconl'"· c M Cal 'f ' ""'" · ~· ....... .,..,....,.. ; EXPANDING IN · • osta esa, 1 . your educ, le can slart 10 AL'S Gvdenlna Se ~vjce . Lawn maintenance, prden. Ina It clean up . 6'1&-3629' ORANGE COUNTY G BUSBOY & H U H E S \\'Ol'll no1v, we have the &wn· TOP PAY mer job for you_ Our l>fer· DISHWASHER ~ _ chandlsini Dept. needs 20 Over 18 Oerleal PRINCIPAL CLERK S498 • $EiQS per month (~3.$638 racomm11lda1 July 1, 1969) APPLY JN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10AMto5PM lofonday thru Friday All student poa!Uons tilled. Equal opportunlf1 employer . ~tPd The \ ' JAPA:NESE prdenrr Compl NEWPORT BIACH people' to work until Sept. APPLY IN PERSON A1tPli1nce lt.,alrt lf!rv. Exper, dependable, f.tust be able to start immed· No ~p. nee, Train at Co. Parts . 1 6J10 freto est. 6f2.4389 lal!!iy. CALL PERSONNEL 5Q) Superior Aven0e l'Xpen2 . BOB'S BIG BOY 151 E. 17th St. e AUTOl>IATIC \\'ASHER REPAIRMAN ~ ' ......... SUPREME Appliance Re. pair, Relria. •vuhen, dry. ers, Tom, 546-1363, M7.fi691 ~ ~rn UP OFnCE FOR INTER.VIEW Newport Beach, Calif. $125 Per Weok Selary ._......,.,,..,_ Specialist! Mov. MONDAY I: TUESDAY Ina, f!d&'lng, odd jo b 1 . n•mt · Phone :J.39.U83 before 2 PM ---.=o.'C;::"'::;'::•,;M;'~'"~=-Reasonable. 548-6955 ,.. Equal oppo11unity employer!-------'---STOCK CLERKS Johlllion'a Garden~ SALES ' TRAlNEE M & F BARTENDER $450 per month to sla.l·L No FinHt equ.lp., expert ct.M. National Co looking lor manl,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I experience necenary. Mon. Pla.ntinc, cleM-ups. 962-2035 to cover Or Co terr. Groc DAYS & NmS day through Friday. Chance =-.:O,c'-c='--i"::..,:.::.;=1 exp pref. Co car -comm. MAN GEMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Posltlon in Flnance De- partment requln!s H.S. graduation and 5 yn. of responsible clerical ex. perlence lncludlna: ac· counting and accounts payable. Apply to City cf Newport Beach, 0.ty Hall, Personnel Office A 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach.. cn4) 6'13.$33 before 5 p.m. Thursday, June 12, 1969. • Ottk• Seoretaries Typists • DAILY PILOT Yamauchi Garden Service Start at $65((1. Call Mr. A lo advance. \Yrite Daily .t'tee LandtcaPt ConsultinJ Richard&~ Apply In person Pllot Box l-1-417. • mUS6 • C:OUtal A&;ency, a member TRAINEE SHOE SALES ma nag er •• ol Snelllr!J l Snelling Inc. , RllEKU E LEE trainee. America's largest Haullnl 6730 2790 Harbor m Colla Mesa UUIU1 • retailers or women's shoes. • .,. ' Excellent training p~m LEEDS Shoe Store, So. ALL OPFICE SKILLS EARN ?.10RE WITH US lollyolttl"! 6S50 BAllYsmrkc, M'"Y honie. Nice play room I fenced in yard. Only lunch furnished. Near WC"stclill sboppin; area. Call 548-4538 WILL Bab)'lil my home 5 days \\-etk. Peterson Sebool area, ll B. Good refer. ....., .. HAULING, clean-ups, loll, . , .for a excellent position. 151 E. 'Coast Hwy. Coast Pla:i:a. Contact t.1r. garages, etc. 1..rg truck. WATER & S&WER Our unique l>fa.nagemenl Newport Beach Phelps ha-. anylim« Call MAINTEN/INCE MAN Traioi.,. Pmgnm follow'• CAREER .:..c=.__,.00.,-------· BOB 66-2256 $491. -U05, per month weU planned, L'On1prehensive D RMAN YARD/ear. clnvp. Remove '""'°"""'""" fo< .ched•I• ... pnwid" you the OPPORTUNITY! PARKING ATTND'T tnn, tvy, dirt. tractor back $536.·$651. July 1, 1969) best opportunity fo develop Join tod r Full or part time, day or eve . hoe, ifadlll&". 962-8745 quickly into a rTsponsible •YI •st.est growtnc lie. Cali!, driver. Neat ap- EXPERIENCED e TELLER e c · Champagne Tempo11r.y..Help,-1-- ANAHE1M WILL babysit da,ya my CITY OF executive In Consumer Fin-profeuloo.Mutual Fund 11.la pearance, refs. tau li#-l100, EXPERIENCED .bomC', w ....... Ne.''~-Cltan Up_!ncl Haul!l'.!L -NEWPORT-&EACH---~~,__. ,Inte~-L No ~ence lltceSU.l'J" • m -SM, -4 16 6 p.m. - Ref.11 &\•a.II. Call 675-<:857 ~=l=lO"pe'=r=load.==,...='""== · · major part of thiJ: non-SC'll· We tram· fl1D or part time . • PROOF ,belate 4:30. -' . J itlf, &alaried position. Mutu1I Fund Advisors TRAIN,E~ C,ool<., ~neral OPERATOR e Hou.-cleinin• ~73S 2 curTCnt opcnlt11s 1n I • Helper. Apply ·1n person CHILD care 5 days week, PU' '-"====..:...-...:;;:.o:; Utilities Division .of the Npt B. 1603 w",.<·,·UU .,, •• 22 • Swill! Chalet.' 414 N. bctme. Nalun woina.n. PubUc w Liberal en1ployee bcilcCits .. .,.._,.. UNITED CALIFORNIA CARPETS, \Yl'ndow!., Ors, <rls Dept. re--and reaular salary increas· S A 1212 N B d NC\Vport, NB 646-1932 etc. Res u , Con1c'I. Xlnl quire 2 )'!!&n recent ex-· · · roa way ="""""'""'="~----BANK SUMMER ('un Jor )'oW' kids. work Reu! Refs. 548--4111 perlence semi • skilled r.s based on your progress. 547-8331 RESrv!>JSlBt.E person to T o YI, plaJ!ma~s. iwim· construction and main-High achoo! graduate. TRAINEE: Repair of oUice opera~ parking lot sweeper . ntlrw.DayOrwt!tk.536-2453 Ironing 6755 tenance of ~·al.er and PACIFIC FINANCE & business m1chl nes. 1;.~~ full linw perm. ;.;..;c;;;.;.:::. ____ _;;;_:.: aewe1 lines for closety 1!l9n Magnolia at Adams Outside route. HS grad, WILL babysit ln )'OUl" home • • • ·• • • • • • I rTlated Ueki. Apply tm· lhlnllnaton Btaeh dependable, mech Inclined. Kennel man, over ~. Apply by lhe •'Mk. Yw 1WTI IRONINGS done i.11 1ny mediately 10 Ptrsonnel Co car. "AAA". $5900. Call in person: SPCA, 20612 La· 1ransp. 6(2-1407 home. Excellent work, ex· Ottl ~1 H·" ~ ,_ i·~•i gu,,. ~-••, • ·-"·h 3029 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesi 546-2033 Equal oppo11wtlty employer · • CC', '-' 1 tw, ,,.,.,,,., 1901 s. !'11aln, '-"'n'Y T1u e 54G-6055 '-"J'" r-"..Gt> .,,.; ce:llent t"eJerencea. Y 0 11 Newport BI v d., (7141 Sa•ta A~R Coaata.I A.,-. a mcmbo• CO Irick, Matonry, etc. dellvtr" pick-up. Sl per br. 673-6833. " .... f Snell' .... .1 LL. MEN, Summer work. ---------6560 Costa Atesa, Newport Beach Equal opportunity employer o inz &: SlleUiJ'I&: Inc. Scholarship opp. 1155 'vk ADVERTISING I ---------1190 J-larbor Bl, Costa Mesa guar. comm, CaJI 642-1403 BUILD, Rcmodd, flepa~ :-:·:.'':'~ •••• I *Slructilral Steel* DISH MACHINE TRUCK D"VC•, must know • Secretary· I 775 W. L• Polm• . NEWPORT BEACH 3149 Birch sir"'. SANTA.ANA 1616-F, E. Fourth 540.7345 An Equal Opportunity Employer newport . personnel .• agency Bl'ick, block, conc re t e , -• . * DISHWASHER OPERATOR Oran~e CO\Jnly, must ht! crpntry, no job too small. Janitorial 6790 (full time) • LAY OUT·FITTERS Union scale. Hospital, surgJ. rcl.iahlc. &1&-2700 Bookkeeper 8:'..1 DOVER DRIVP.: • Uc Contr. 962..QMS WAU.S. \Vindow flooN • PAINTERS cal: medical, dental plan, NE\VPORT BEACH' • • , carpea. eo~-·i' Prefer clean cut young man e TRUCK DRIVERS paid va.caUon, overtime pay, Agencies, Women 73~ Resrvvtaibli, top ltvol 642-3870 lvsinea S.nnce 6562 -·I.Lo .:-• n .. :i --·•·• .1h . A ply .... Apply 1n pel'SOl1. ....-·· R-t/PBX t ··~ ..,....no,wo.,~Y· w=a.iY. _WI e:tper1ence. P ~ Unlo ale-, C • ht! f -Exec. Seely, MW!on 'Viejo ltl fo ah t k "'-P • .• "••• o ,,....... P R OFESS. IONAL .,..._;_. andloi.Mo. 897-73j(I ·.~~.·een-2:6fpiiiand4:00pm, 0 .• ,.'.'..~, ,·,,nn. ge ncJts.; Howord's Rtsli••rent 1500 pol on r arp, • .. Const Backgmd •••• to S600 ,,......,.. w • '"'"""" ... area ............. mo. charge girl. Must have F/C BoQkk.eeper ••• ,to $600 ::!ice~~~o~ Pa:..-t. .. -a.. Pft'IC!n. Equal opportunity rmployer 4001 W. Cout Hwy., NB Secty, good lyJ:list, ~ome t XCtllent '1klll1 .incl. -Q>nst SeRetaJY ,,,,to.~ I'""'".',.. .,. ~· shorthand .......• $450 mo. ·•o~ond,• ho"~-1~ -~.••·Sil ...... .,.. ~'"-. ~~-·~-. IBM £io. P•ln.ll"f ••so COCO'S ' ~' Insurance 6 mo o. ta A · G-~--•m ~~ oq ·~ _ .. , -:;.;:~'··. ' -. SAMl'CO J..c. lrafn1na proctam. n l u1st, iuucnGrove ltll ~~--'An -•--· -•• S Grond Avo G -• "'• •...•••• ,. •.•• S433 mo. bkkpg; 1 1"f· Uio~a· ~w • • ~; :1 .... ,.,1fl.~,, · PAinLJJ'iG Int &: Ext Lowelt r-11-• • ~ uarant~ Wary le comm. Secty, no !horth&nd, Hunt. 30. Call Barba fa. (·. ; ~~u-, ~;·:· :·:,•1""'·~ , lui~ · 6570 contracted prices. Fully ins. 2131 Wa1tcllff Dr., NB Santa Ana ~113 Many co benefit~. S721Xl. ington Beach an;a, $433 mo. 642·3910. ~~ ~TtJNVA,~ _ , l;_:.;c:i;.;;;._ ___ _;.c....; Satisfaction guar. Free eaL MANAGER TRA I N E E . SALESMEN Call Vic Sims 540-605.'i. Rcceptioni!t, high claS!l beau. • •··•·· ·· ·· ·• •· ·•· · •· ·•• $500 * CARPENTRY Jim Weeks 673-ll6G . .Restaurant field. Ra'1W:i,). Career opporjunlty ,v I l h Coastal .Agency, a m~mbcr ty salon · · · ·· •· · · • $398 mo. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Legal Secty ''' ·• ·••· •· $52~ &: GENEl'tAL REPA~ •INT· EXT, ANY SI~ iexpa.nd'-:· ·eo. F o f 11 re growing Co .. Prefer e~'d .. or Snelling I: Snellil)l Inc. Beautiful modtrn co., fleXrl ~/-otf ........ to $42.l Call du 642-T';il)) an a JOB. Xlnt \\"Ork,~ tree, ,unlimited.. :frainifll: pro-men. Fast fl, ........ , guaranteed 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Obilitj~ lbl~ houn tor irl wtJi ,'L.... t (layout .. adver, JIM ..... ~ .. + .,...,. L-rt-"" ... h ... II! 'llffVU'lk:ii-or magu:1ne •• $400 • 6590 est. ....--.,,-. ~anm. mtits. Start mw. com~6on + P.M.'1.; ManagertMnt Tra~ tin Jrn t::g' wan c ange. To $417. Ca ,l l,Mm5' ti Sec $520 c..,......... PAINTING ..... ~ 16 -~1'0CI: .. c.n G<"l' 'While APP~Y . PART TIME Ii'~. s. age'nc\I.>, ' AM l\'illi•n" -· WI .. ...:'."h ···,· .. ,. r••PENTRY in Harbor areL ik..,A' bo~: :~· 333 E. 11th St., Costa Mt aa ..-.c '(Y Coastal Agency, a member · · , ............. 0 " --Coastal ..... ' bo 46! S. M . SI •·· la of S~llin le Sile-I • ~. • •• •'.'" to S400 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job l!d. Refi tum. 642-2356· ' .... ~. a ?tent r ain ., .,..,, Ana $ , 488 E. 17th St., Suite ZM 2790 Hart! Bl, c08ta M~ Sfetrralnee ...•.•.... S~ Tao ~ Cabtnet in aar-NEAT. exp. Pa.mttr, no ~S=1'~~ S~:.~ :;ALES: OUke machines. 3 50 per· hr Costa i'>1l'~a 642-i470 -~rk ~ •••••.•.•• S550 alff 6: o I be r cabinets.. drtnldna:. Collegt 1tud,nt. · ' • ' · Acct'g knowledge helpful. • t -----·-----NCR Operator '-"."" • .,viri ••••···· to $42j ·545-&'ra. H no amwer leave Lo'v prices! Sieve 548-45(9 BOYS IO 14 Org Co terr. To $9000. Call Excellent Newport Beach Co. BlllinC Otrk ····•••• to S475 ~me ,'at 646-2372. H. O. FOR Exterior paintinit call C 1 • Oj>e Vic Si ms 540-6055. 1c.=11:..5':.:.:.1·.:.TI::82:....._....::.M::.':..· Bo=ncl Help Wanted Pleasant \\'Orking condition, Gen Otttce/Con.st ···•· · S42j Andenon 646-5289. References. arr er Routes n Coalital Agericy, a member Women 7400 top bt!neflls, $541 mo. Call IJ"tU"AlR. Partition&, Small ===-'-====== for of Snell Ing & Snelling Inc. SALES: Focid National Co BEAUTICIAN• Edee 5464110. Remodel, etc. Nite or -day, Pl1starln1. Repair 6880 LagwlaD~~hp~ ~ 2790 Harbor Bl, Coista Mesa ":'.ants man in Org Co 10 \\'Ork !uU lime Costa Mesa E plJASON Bl ESTA Reas! C&l1 KLN 5«M679 -6'2-4321 POBLlC Relations; )'OUllg comm, np & car. $6SOO. salon, Paid vaLations, etc. in oymen gency MASTER carpenter, $4 J)C'r , hour. Reroodeling-Repalrs. 642-&I09 or 536-3900 e PATOt Pl.ASTER.ING. All Call Vic Slms 540-QJSS. 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana ,..__ sti t Call '~==~-----man with P.R. or pro-Coastal "-•C"nrv, a mem'"-No cllcntele required-new REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS, Any size job !~~~~ .. ~r •c. e ma e. 1i'AILOR-lesslonal newspaper report· • .,. ·~.1 ....,,-grads wclL'Omt'd, ca 11 -FITTER ing 6perlence to serve as of Snelllf?i:" '1. Snelling Inc. ?t1anager 54S-9919 Jr. Account Executive with 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa I,;"";:;~:;;:,:;;;'===~ Finisher &: pants opera· lxal P.R. Counseling firm. Licensed Real E1tale Sales-EXPERIENCED TELLERS tor, Part or full time. .,~01491 FWI or pt time Apply in PLUMBlNG REPAIR .....,.. man nel'ded for immcdla!e 0 : k 1· A . Plumbint 619CI ===~~=~=~ employm@nt, New unit now person .-n o mer1ca., ·~··PENTRY • ,,_,..... • DRAIN CLEANING SllVERWOODS MANAGER. FAST FOOD:. II' WI 3444 Via Lido, NB. --·· ,.-'" """2'-"'"1217 V I f it f Id Id se ing. H tra in. 1en'l fix It. Quality work. -~~.:...;~"~="'':..' "~"=~~ Apply at .e,ry Woplllo ·-'1 ie ' \VOr • Four Seasons Homes equa! opportunity employer 2S yn. exper. 5'4Hi'l3 642--&464or&la.-0415 PLUMBING REPAIR. No. 45 F&shlon Island v.·i e, · ... ,.n, no e:itper SALES WOMAN. Ex· SARAH COVENTRY has openings for full _.or part time sales. Min. a&e 18. Pleasant work, no invest, no d@liverles. For interview call 540---06lt/ 837-4749/ .. ,..,,.,. CREDIT WOMAN * KEYPUNCH OPERATOR One to three ~a.rs up@ri· · enee, 11~ shift. ?.londay lhru Friday. Contact Pat FollUl'n COi.LiNS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Rd . Newport Beach No JO• b 1-sm·" Ne......,,,rt Beach. Calif. ner.. Start as ass't mgr. Huntington Beach Retail c1'edlt experience Pft-· "" ... -....-Ge .,_,. • pe:rienced in ladles ready to e 6'2-:J.128 e f\fANAGEMENT TRAIJ"EE: Loe.al. ~· Call rcy 7 _..500 Mar. Apply Mon thru Fri ferred. S day week, 40 hr!. • =========I Retail store. Full training ·~i~etal~y·. a membc• SALES: BUILDING HO\VE, from lG-4, APROPOS No. Sal~l')'J +1 be.,.65~'-'H· Lauw· CtlMM, Concrete 6600 PROOF OPERATOR • Concrete nn, pat\os etc. Concrtte le. blk top sawin&:. Jteu, Don. 642-8514 e CONCRETE \\"Ork all typei. Pool decks & custom. Call 548-1324 e CUSTOM l'ATIOS e concrete sawing & ~mov&I Slate Llc. •MZ..lDlO 5 I •&LA .....,...,. ~ .. ,_ _,,1 sons e1>Jf: ers. un t\i· ew ng """ Pf'Of·. No experience nee. o( Snelling & Snelling inc. ....... n& on architecb in Or 27, Town Ir Country, Orange ton Center, H.B. Growing chain ora.. top ......,, H bo 81 ,__ M Co. Comm. S5i00. Call Vic DREA'I J b K "' 1m I "'C:,,:.C,.-""'-"=----e 0tt11n1aking -Altuatiollli eamirW:s. To S1SOO, ca lJ "''"" ar r • ~ta. esa Sims Sf0..60SS. " 0 • Cf!P yo · ORDER Taken women, girl• Custom Desipl· Gel'l')'.\Vhlte ~. Prolect Engineer $700 Coutfl f.11!~. a member portant job u: ~·lfe & ovcmight Dtp. ~ or *BfM446* ' .~ A&ency, a member Mech abUlty,. lcnow draltina: of Sne:Dlnf. ~ Srlelling Ii\c mother I. 'earn a wkly eves. part or full time. Alteritlont-442-JiiS ot Snc111n; l Snelllna, Inc, '+ 2 )'l'!I, colleit, call Dan 2790 l{arbor Bl, Costa Mesa Pl)';check. SH-3834, 6J6..3491 Pleuant work no exp. nee. Neat, accurat!. 2o yn:.·e;cj· i19Q Jiarbor Bl, Costa Mesa Merchants Pe'reorinl'I Agen· BAKERY HELP. \\'ill train * ~~~~t, r}:~"ct: t1 ~,;,r!1;5i:-·· ~ 547-132.1 , HA EXPERlENCED onij • icy 2043 \Vestclllf Dr., N.B. u nee. F\lU "time. Apply EXPERIENC?:D Unlled Colilornlo lank 4.525 f4cArthur Blvd. -· Trte Servlct, 6MV libefll• molden; f o r ·~mo morns. to fla111 Tague_ Mr. Zimmer 6i1-00'n IM MEDIATE Openina:s In TREES ""'~. top~ 6 ateady empl~t "!ilh R EST A'U RAN 'F-Mgmt Snack Shop ..,_;..!L __ ' 3444 E. 81\BYSJ'ITER" wanted Bal.. Cei.mic Industry_. In fll,Ck: •· • A 5 5 I F I E • D • ~~ - l)( 1 - IC.hl.ltl C.1re .,_6610 removed~~;:" 1" 7x..P, oceuographlc co.· ~ 'I'ftltncc: A b e·1 i n'n er• 5 Cout lla:hwy~ -Pep1.Ul\lla, 2ll{ltaon&. ?.Just ·"inl or prodUcUorr dept. Apo Equal -pportuntty employtr --r.~:::;=:.:;:;. --~·""'~!Cl--paiiJ!IOn--~·1frV1C:-• -l916~nU..-C1M.---dreartr.-Welh known-ah&rp T I 0 · 1 .... '"lo c:atv1~ .be rt.upna._ble. 6~256 -rJllY.lndustrlal-~ - _ --·----WllL bl.bys•I June thru ~7234 UOYDS NURSERY Nat'l'C'o. \fill start you In a 00 •• ,,,., "4'VW BAfiYSI1'l'ER needed my 18'156 Fiber Glass Rd Hun-WAJTREsS sept. my home. \Va:ner '1. . _ -\Vanted: Exp. landacapera A careeT. All phuea. $7200. 2c;~·D:l~~:~~11;!r~ • hrunc, 5 mornings 'week. tlnat0 n Boach, Calff. ' Springdale Vic. 8*®4 Upholstery 6990 sprinkler m@n. Sil $6,000 ' can Gerry White~. Ml Agency. 2043 \\'cslcll(f S.A. area. m-9759 * RECEPTIONIST * NOW'S THE S8,IXXI yr. Call for appoint. Coastal Agency, a member Dr., N.B. 645--2TIO DRESS OPERATORS Part time. Age 19 to 25. Full time, momlnp, perma· nent. .Experltncecl prtf!!n-ed. Apply between 2: 00 pm and l_.C_9iil""-r"-oc"-ltoC:-.;.";_--c:".o2::.::0 CZYKOSK.l'S CUit. Uhol. &1&--7441 of Snelling k Snelling Inc. Top Sala-. Call 646-2766 Accurato typln& @xperlence. European Cratsma.nshlp • 2790 Harbor Bl, <:osta Mesa A1AINTENANCE rnan. Ex· '.1 Schock Boat N rt · ADDmONS-REPAIRS 100'h ftdl MS.1454 , FR'l Cook want@d, part (W!r. In all pbalea of apart· CHAIRS I DE Dental a&-s, ewpo TIME FOR REMODELING liSl Newport Bl c M tltnC'. 'Top wages. RanchD BARTENDER. run time, ment 'rcPalr for apl t.'Olll· a:lalant Experif!Jnced. Age • 67J...20SO • CO(NS Dtaiplni:: ' Planni!IC . " . ' San Joaquin Goll Coune, night shift. Tutsday lhru plexes. Write PO &,.. £'68, 21 to 26. H.B. 1rea. '42-49ll FOR Bakery; ~ t co r at 0 r .·_, V ' Kltchelll·Baths, etc. , JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 18021 CUiver Ril. near UCI. Sunday, HunUniton Harbour , Cl\i Cal.If 92627 sales girl c 0 m b 1 n a t I on -· ·QQ.ICK CASH Uc'd • Bonded. Free est. Ask for 'Yaync'i33--0112 Beach Club, 4121 Wirier ' " DAU.Y PILOT DTh-1E A some c.-.:p'd preferred, neat 21)1 We1tcllff Dr., 'NI o • B CONSTRUCT!Ou' Job W1nted lady -o Ave H 8 f:XPER. Service slalion al· . . • ,. R NCH, S O ~ " ,, _ • #v~ CABlNET MAKER, for boat ·• · · tentlanl Apply: RlchBcld L!Nt:s. You can use them appcara~. E FF'ICE -CASHIER µ22 Paularlno. CM COt.IPETENT conscientious manulaclurlng plant. 861)! ONE, Alert upholste1-er Station, Harbor & lh1,mllton, for jullt pennies a day. DI.al PASTRY. 546-6386 Part Time-APPIY tn Pcnon THllOUGH A •545--C!Mt• .,"'Oman w\ahes to contact Ed!fon, HunUritton &ucii. trainee. Apply in "person to Cf.I • 642-5878 . 1 EXPERIENCED Newport BACK STREET S. re m o d • I, empff>yer who nttd.s f!X· Da.y1 or Eves, &.5-9563 JohaMen A: Chrlsten9f:n ~ Beach Orthodontic office. ZS P'UfOOll Wand, NB ; get othe r pered., reliable secretary, FULL TIME t.IAN S98 \V. 16th St. N: B. EXP'D 8crVlct·stal!Jofl . t\ill DAILY ii-nm DIME·A· front desk. send reinnne to Hou1ewlvt1 & Ladles DAILY PILOT' ..um&tes. Then Ca f l bkkper, Girt 1'~ .,11,.ho for nlaht•. AwJ¥ Uni:>n SI.a· (corner 16th & Moctovial time, permanent. ttourl,y LINF.S. You can use them Daily Pilot Baic:'M 354 Elm $$$'1 part lirnt. Call t-~i=-2411==;======·o·j isn't afraid of work , !Ion, tltll Nfwoort Blvd. DISHWASllER winted wage+ c omili~l ssl on . ~ pennlei a d,a.y, Dial BABYSmER. my home, 5 10 am to 3 pm 64S-046&, 1 ~ 493-4097 66-ZJIO @icp'd. Apply In ptt'90n Blue UnUonna furn ished. 990 E. d8.)'1 4:30 • 9:15 Ii: Thura. 64S..12l2. 67)..8517, , .. ' N C...-Lit,lne & Z HI-POWERED Saleswomen WANTED: Oean eut oollege Dolphin Restaurant, 335.5 Coa.<>t Hwy, t"B. 644-4131 afl. 12 • 2::KI. Call 6'f5...0M1 GIRL Friday -Gen. olfice A T AD , l~lr 6626 to '· '•A'-· Via Udo, NB. :::::: 0 THE before '1·30 t1"'0ra on comm ........ n A student w/ own car fur pa.rl ,,.,V\INEES. }"\Ill or 1111 rt N W'S · work. S/H not l'l'Cf'd. Call ~ .. VINYL . TlLE 1&llf)". ~ PS67, o.ll) Ume even1n&: detivery work. COOK. Dependable. Slei,dy. I ~thnc. COOl{. FOlJNTAtN . EXPERll:."NCED nune-cnm• for appoint. 893-Tttl or 842 5671 I ~ IMtallt.tloil ,.,. Pl.lot, CN ~ W. Coul lfW)', NB. S1nall dlnnt!r how!e exper. OLC.:11 MAOONt:. r H E pan\on. CO()k ditll. Excel-c-:::.=:....------1.t~ FLOOftS OCPENDABl..E woman 10 dO SEfiYICE STA A1i'. Full l Spllt-11hlll CdM. 673-772:2 ZOO. \V. Coast H1vy 6 TIME FOR lent refs. Ext lOSt 49UM1 WCMAN to hllp care IOr 1 • tm-1•' •tta ~.Own transpotta. Pt Salary A: comm. Tom DELIVERY driver. Comm'I. r..11H•.Arthur, N.B. DENTALS EC IR EC PT. wheel-chair patient, 11 l• jJ .. !1111••·-- -don. ~ Sharp 11)..333) Blueprint • ho p . Call STUDENTS I"\ Slnile, z;; to 45. Exp, oec. hlewortc. I o o d home I ·i. ~~ .. rvloe tif7 'QlL ....,.. , -Exoo . HI.n Com""""' Sal"m'" ~13 Ideal ss1n Job. Wori<'>""' '"l'UICK CASH .• -• ..._ 8'1-&U! E UT r v ~ DbtUac. tSec:1r9 ~ Mature tlliJll and ~· Xlnt. tulure. Call Atn'O l'ilecMnlc ':°' arv\ct hDun trlMn )'O\il" bo014!. WIOOW or ~ lady to KAftt drntf'r n • t de 4 D -•. P/C "'1out 6 ctttaJI, ~oL S«>.'llt/I Mr. van. &41-01 •lalio~. Salary & comm. We ,,.1,. 114-119.1164 TttllOUGH A live·ln. Iii• -ketoble. Balboa 11 I•" d Alon. II II y tlll ! ~Jc. Sr. eun IR6NING i DELIVERY BOY e 61>8&:i0 S0.11-Retlrtd mM for .. les mv.st drtvt. rtl. 5So3llS2 m..fZ!2 • l?WTOl II neu. L Day Stmce Cln)'On Auto ~llpply SALESMAN • I en er a J Ir rtntals of lralle:rs. APN DAILY PILOT GRhfT. Fact. http. Opet.• HSKPfL u .. 11\1 5 d&)'S. pYt. 1 !e; '!'J!9 3 6'IO 64MTO& M3 Broadv.~. Laguna Bch htlper for nin•wcry. al MESA MOTORS, l628 &"fCI needle -~'* m.aeh-nn .. 'T"/. 2 cll.tld. Newpon , • 546-0'n4 • Nt<v.'J)Ort Blvd. Colt& M~sa preuen. ~ Bch. 6U4310 :. '• ~ · N'O matter wll.At It It. )'Oii WAITER StRvtCi:: •laUon atftnctant ru~ TI m 11 dtllefl1~S!'ltn WANT AD MANAGER amlll dms•ahPp, )VAi'iTED: Part llme bit ~ • 11ndl.,.4 cm'll'-.1 ,..,.,..,, ·p.( n It wfth a DAJLY 1\'•T'Jlln1 t R"''"u"'nt ov,..,. 7'1. 'ml E.. Oiul Jlwy, man, I Df1ys wk. ~ Tmy, o/35. 'Xlnt drt•. / aport4 rna\4 for nb t,r. l 1, "'-•.••..Jthn . _ .. ~{\':t ~'TA014~ ;'11 l~'..NR «!:.!·_r.~ :~ f95..&J71tlSlrCottaM,,,..__ -'l\'ttr.'j;~'tvtt. -Cll~:tf lllili"ll 4:00 pm. '. --------~-~·-"'-~--------. -. . --... --------------·-- j ; • I I I . -·---.·~ ... ,,.., -~·· ,., __ .._.._,....,,..~ .......... -.,.,.,,., .... ,,_.,._ ... _ . ...._._,,,_...., .. • .:;;:;;:; ... ..: ..... : • ' . it i'!Lvr-Ab'll'.~mu Yltdfttld.1. JU.. c, 196t ~rd.tY • .iun. •, 1wi ~~BS .... EMPl;9~EN_T JO~ l EMPLOYMI N'( Jl>BS " EMPLOYMENT Joas " E_!!IPLOYMI NT J~S & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS I EMPLO,YME N't JOIS " EMKOYMINT Nolp \'(•-. Hlilp' Wi nt•d H•lp W1ntod !'f•lp W1nted H•lp W•nted , -Ho lp W•nlod Holpwiiitiil Holp Wont.,i- DAllY Pl~Qr 4lr Joas a IMPLC>\'M!!F.I Help Wantwd ' = Women ;jOO ~ W"'iiii! -:=_ 7~ -Women-7400 Wom•n 7400 w-~ 7400 Women 7400. Womon 7400 Womo n 7400 Worn"!' 7400 _....._...___;_,) .. =::!~ MISSEXK A&atCY ~~T -"""°""--~Em-ploymeal_.....,,l tlecironi" HU .G.HES CO$T ACCOUNTING CLERK ANALYST Small manul&cturlhg & er.. aineerinc cornp...ny reqQlres lndi'ldual lo assume cost accountlrv di.Illes., iiicltadlng direct labor distribution, malnlen$J\Ce or . inventor)' COllt reeord1 &. work in pro- cess inventory. :Musi be able to prepare met reportt fonn toorce data. College tram. In& in aecowillng preler;red. Wark exper, in accounfine:, and on oUice maehlnes helpful. Salary OAeJl. Pleue send re!Ume to or appl)' al Single Young Adults BUMS llEWPORT Cl.ERICAL CLERK TYPISTS SECRETJIRY Ex..,, Secty ........ to $600 r.~.-~d>And-ln-telll~ URGemY--Vlctap~ ScelY , • to $550 an aareaive • ~ • .... Minimum 4 )'Hl'I ll!Cftbu'· ~---to "'~'* lf'nl lfetetar)' -bookkeeper , NEWPORT BEACH Now Interviewing .,.,.,,y ••. ..•. .• ..... _.. 'th it>Od tatiaJ a1dlll • T • !al eKPttiellC!. SH , 80. typ. Bl!nior Ok/no skill.J , • S502 ~.... . ~--bo YJlllh V•tian Dar. M~. lo-ing 5U wpm, lBN e11tctrlc: Seety/Cootracts . .. .• • $500 --· With a ,_,vy clc-• R Tr cated In the Irvine lndu.st· Secty!Reept •.••••••.• $500 &round in bookkeep!.._.. Will •33 cosMrnc SALES rla1 eo1nplcx, l'tu immedi· CLERK Sect/Marketing .... to\$4so paytopjlollarrora quali6ed • Sec ri ' "'. ~ ate openirlas r o r 2 clerk Ace ts Payable , •• , $450 up perwqn. Caµ.;494-0768 for in. e a.••-. 1 j ENCEO typists. TYPIST Girt Friday .......... $450 terv1tw. • i ,..,_,, EXPERI QNL Y ro.,. asa1gnmeot. .,. 1n °""om.,. .': ........ S450 •• R~dlo-Telephon• • MTST ..,__rciton •1' • HYBRID '' & lmGIAllD 1 CIRCUIT ASSIMBURS Luxury single, 1 & 2 our publication, and E.D.P Documents control • ..-_,,... bedroom apartment" ruu. TIME dopartments. Goad typing 40 wpm JBM el<eirl< cl•rk ................ S450 Dispatch Girl • PIX Operaton · A minimum of six month of experienC"e Is desirable. Please apply in person to: NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superiar Aven11e Newport Beach, Calif. Equal oppOrtunity employer -M le F STACO, INC. 1139 B•kor St., Costa Mesa 549-3041 STENO CLERK I $452. • $549. por month (Recommended for $5l0.·$620. July 1, 1.969) furnished\ and un£ur.. skills and prevloua clerical Receptionist ........ to $442 25 or over, Muat know local nished, with complete Ir Yoll have l'ftn accustom-wark experience desired. COLLIN' s Clerk/Typist .......... $420 area. Apply in pel'IOn, privacy and landscaJ>-ed to working with the !In-\Ve oJJer a f.OOd •tarting. sal-Equlpmt order/no YELLOW CAB. CO. ed country club at-est clientele and me.rdum-ary with an exoe~nt bene-akill1 ................. $400 186 E l6th St. mosphere including dlse, you will enjoy the fit program Incl~ u RADIO co. Bill Ok/no skills .....• $380 eosb. /llesa excellent oPportunlties and '<la.YI vacation during the Frnt ofc/medlcal ...... S350 $750,000 \VO rt h of company benefits offered -tint year of employment. Cleric typist .......... $325 SECT'Y: Be No, 1 pl 10 3 recreational facilities by this position. · • dal guys in purcbaaina' dept ot designed and operat-YIFllft a 19700 Jamborff Ro•d 410 W, Const fllghway busy co. Good typing, Lite ed just for sin g I e Apply In person only Newpo rt Beach Newport Beach 646-3939 S/H. Wil1 go to $500. Call ~op le. Intervi~ between 2-5 .PM m ••l.1'nes Gloria 54()...605.S, I".. #l FASKION ISLAND llWI Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED Coastal Agency, a member GARDEN GROVE A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY PART TIME 01 SneUing • Snelling In<. 2722 Ml L-1 TELl.ERS: Want sharp, am· 2790 Harbor Bl. CMta Mesa 13100 Ollpman Ave. EXPERIENCED c ... son Drive (.,. O · bltiou.s girls fim tu1tomer e e e TELLER F•m•I• 5....., -oo (4 mks, W. Santa Ana F\vv.) -1. to ran-Co. · ...... ,. -· .. ~ •-contact. Excel eonipany A t ._ h · i. I k (714) 636--JmO e ESCROW e Ai rport) op ""'ac &n!a co. oo · CITY OF I · c I I benefit!. To $400. Call Jean UNITED CALIFORNIA tniforar:aattr&cuveplwith NEWPORT BEACH SECRETARY rv.ne, •I . 92664 Brown,.,...,,,,, -skills DOCUMENT NEWPORT BEACH An equal OJ!portunity Coastal Agency, a member BANK sec. ' ireat po- .o:>NT:ROL a.ERK Irvine and 16th St. UNITED CALIFORNIA employer M & F of Snelling & Snelling Inc. :en~ial a.nd the co. will re- Top levd· South Santa Ana One current opening ln C714) 645-0550 BANK G ENE RA ·L OFF Jc E: 2790 .Harbor Bl, Colta Mesa 222 Ocean ~;e~wta Bch. :i,:.se Me~a~:· p~:OO!:i Co. Ideal working con· the Personnel Office re-Furnished Models Knowledge of ten key ad-TRAINEES: Waitresses or Agency, aM3 WeatclW Dr., ~!~.~"'1·Q$450 mo, Call Edee, quires hi&:h &ehool diplo-Open Daily 3141 E. Coast Hwy ding machine, IBM elect. Car Hostesses. Must be N.B. 64.'>-2'n0 • ~ ma &: 1 two years of re-Immediate Occupancy Corona del Mar type\\Titer le like to work neat. attractive, happy SEAMSTRESSES TELLER s'.. B • n k 1 n • •· J.ASON BEST cent c erical experience. \\ith f-l ... ·-s. Industrial ~-y d'· · · fl Im r--~·-•-1~ -•--•·-• 50 S uth 8 CJ b 67•9240 "'6 ... " '-1;1, ... pomtion, or pt t .?. '---t..-..... Pl<k -•• ·-a -"~"''"' ~·OCl' w wpm •~~. 0 ay U ' Prod•ci• 181'6 fibor Cl>W -•E ZOO C I ~~•vw-•·--· --So M · Sa ta A ~Ing A 1 .. • '" • oast lwy. & Exp'd power machine OP'"-In O-••o Co. M-t ••· ..:.uv · am. n na wpm ..,t-• pp., un-A t Rd., Huntington n each, ·-~ '" "~ COST CLERK: Accounting mediately to Personnel partmen S Equ11l opportunity employer Calif, MacArthur, N.B • ators to sew naup.hyde boat public. Prof sharing. To -1 Co · t I Ion Office, City Hall. 331X1 SECRETARY. Growing food cushions & canvass pro-$475. Call Gloria 540-6055. Work when & whe re yeu wantl ,. INIERIM PERSONNR SfRVJ(f 415 E. 17th St. Cost• Mes•, C•lff. 642-752J Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. I •.mo to S p.m. Equal opportuntty employ!:r MAIDS - INSPECJRWfS Large luxury hotel. Experi· l!nce necessary. Apply in person, Mimi King uo::p · nveruen ocat · NURSE All)f GAL FRIDAY.· Front olfl-. I nd ~ · I · d ts T pd holl ~--M I ~ bl 1 Newport Blvd., CTI41 ATTENTION ....... m r. s. Iii"· g1r with uc • op wages, • .........._tal Agency, a member us ""' a e o use ,~~,, For·•·-M•I. ~-.. · g a~ l · d "··· I XI I Jhe H rf } ' ,............, ....... t-A" ''"" ... -lmiled S/H, typing & gen. ays, vaca....,,~. ns, n of Snelling & SneUlng Inc. ewpo er ftft calculator. To $477. Call COLLEGE STUDENTS ,.,,...,cy a m"•I, v·~·· of 1 Pl 1 ho ~-ndit' A 1 -arho s "·-........ ..., ........ 'J o c. exp. easan p ne wor .... '6 co ions. pp y ~·;,\/ H r I, \.Anita Mesa Jean Brown~. 1! you are inle~ted in: If you are temp, discorit'g. ll.'Or'.<. To •~,. Call Joan J ·" Col Co Pia -.,_ n--.. ,.~ manner. Topmost Foods au. e .• 1763 cen-A Cl k e:.1r111 1107 Jambo Road Coastal Agency, a mem""'r CLERK TYPIST * ··•VAressive patient ca.re your educ. I. can start to Brown 540--60a5 CM S4"'1'l77 ti A CM ... 2.,1 cc. er ~ l"t'e of Snelling & Snelling Inc, * Service education work now, we have the sum-Coastal Agency, a member In<:., · ,... a ve., · .,...,.. ,., Know general ledger, plus 10 ;;;;;;;;:;;;Nc.owpo--;,,"r:Ot ;:Be:::•::;c:;;h'--:I 2790 Harbor Bl, C.OS'ta Mesa *Excell_ worklng cond's. mer job for you. Our Me~ of Snelling & Snelling Inc. ASSEMBLY TRAINEES BANKING key add, Co. pe.ys 1,.t fee. SECI''Y: Sma.U office, at I Secretaries $500 to $550 A1-. , rod . Call Orange County's largest chandislng Dept. needs 20 2790 Harbor Bl. cOsta Mesa no experience nee. but Position immediately avail-Ca I l Loraine, Mm::hants euc on phone, accurate I '---fl;...'""""'.,._"".._;~ ""'' gir.. P ucoon con-exlended --ho-•·tal le to ~ ti! <'A must have good eyesight ablo tor Personnel. 2().13 Wl!Stdill typi.,.,. •--mo -~---• i -top ro'• in. beach. ,_, ·"'-. , ~-'-. r. -, •--. .._., ay • IX'OP wo .... un ""'pt. ,,.. _, .,. !...1. t il:4M .... "" -.......... ~ uvr-uun.~..,-~"'I'> 546=64 o exp nee rim~!~ _ _,_,.--#_Y -0 -(inpr--dexl&ri . -CREDI-CHE-• J~D~dw~~~~ '-,;:;::;=t~~~;:!,'~<°otL_.,~f-l~-jfl area need gall, wtth good posting, Xlnt working rond's. ' · a ... u. General OUice exp. and be SAE Ad need p kag 1 "'"',. I: :::-skills. Some Fee Pd. {Also including l\ll benefits, GIRL FRIDAY ADV. 4 hour expense. va ac ing at our Newport Cente r KEYPUNCH OPERATOR· Williams ~-· Jee..JpbJIJ_c.all._l4I!!ine~ Mer-day Growina ad age""" $115 Per Wffk Salary able to type 4a ~~top _':'°:_ 1357 E. F.dinger, S. A. .Branch • .Plca51J-l'eply-at-Work for a-company· that· _O»waJ. .Agency,• membtt-· chant! Perwmel Agency, CAl lFORNiA-··iee-ia-'lraJ-v.i°/irapliiC·-Skiif;, -f1xme KE~l18ifl:ief0fi·-. -~·good-benefits, call t.o-A.<>.SISTANCE to top Nev.'port 55-0 Newport Ct!nter Drive works with you. Position of Snelling & Snellin& Inc. 2 PJ.t ranle Merchants Pe~nnel Beach hair stylist wanted. SECUD lIV PACIFIC With future, to $477. Call 2700 Harbor Bl. Colta Mesa 2043 Westclill Dr., N.B. ~ lnJectlon Moldlnn lite typing. Great Newport · · · A'"'ncy 204.3 Westclill Dr ...1 n, ,,, mo 200 Brius Ave.... Beach location. To $303. AtATURE W0~1AN Np,8 645-zno ·· uuaranteed salary. ~y NATIONAL BANK Jean Brown 5f0...6055. UVE In help; molberless SECRETARY C.osta Mesa 546-4460 Call Gloria 540-6055. For telephone 8lll'Wy, our ol· · · · TEMPLETON Hairstylist equal opportunity employer C.OOSl&I Agency, a member home, boy age '1. To start Th'• position """,e·-ry!hlog. An ..,,uaJ op'porturu'ty Coastal Agency, a member lice. Morning or afternoon Cashier/Hostess 642--0154 SECT'Y for 0 . d of Snelling It. Snelling lnc:. approx June 2lnl. Send "' ....,. "" ..... f S . u· ' S lling 1 hll Gd Ph "'AITRESS E x p ' d , c e 8 n s t e 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Meaa. resume •· refl 8. -~ •-Interesting work. Excel employer 0 ne Ing "" .ne nc. l!i t. · pay. • Mn. .... Realtor, Poised, we l llli;;~;;:=:=;,..=::_:::::=..:::.::;: -,-• ........., ....,,,., benefits, large co. Plue $500. BLUE PRINT CLERK. 2790 Harbor BJ, Costa Mesa· Pihl 646-7753, 9:30 arri-3:30 Experienced Apply cocktailAls. Sm. dinner1 house, groomed. able to meet NEED ~p·~ woman w/ refa AdarM, Suite 203, CM' . Call Jean BroW!I, 5'11)...6{155 Growing progres&ive com-BE AU TY Op Prator P"'-daily MANNINGS, INC. Cdf.t ert, neat, Peasant. public. telephone. lite typ-for ~aonal day lime GIRL Friday I: lite bke· Coastal Agency, a member pan:y, pleasant working con-Interviewing for an ex-COMBINATION, Sharp Bar El Toro Rd. {Leiaure World) 67l-TI22 ing, S/H, Growing com-babygitttne in my home. Reply in ~only, Kines of Snelling I.: Snelling Inc. dilions. To •AM.. ,.._., AM perienced ~tor. Full or Maids & Go Go Danoen. Laguna Hills 837-lfil4 BEAUTICIAN with some pany. To $425. Call Gloria1 .,;646-0111;,;~'--:=-.,.,=~=-.,..,,., ......., · ·eo I ~-1• for Men, 2300 Harbor Blvd., 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa. Williams ~. part time. rona de Mar Top wages $3.00-$3.50 to SALES & LIGHT Office work follo\Ying th:> nol nect"SS8.l'y. ~. SrITER. 'MY bome, Tue:1 CM ' Housekeeper Coastal Agency, a member alt 6 PM. 673-0968 start. Ph. for lnt. 54!>9983 in fashionable Lldo jewelry Gd. commission. For ap.. Coastal Agency, a membet' through Sat.. 8:30 10 6:30. ":;:~""';:;;;"~~""';~~;I 2 hrs. a day, lite work • 5 of Snelling & ~ELLING, COCKTAIL girl 00 tood SASSY LASSY, 2001 Harbor, store. Jewelry experience point. Call 847-9164 of Snell ing & S~lling Jric. Own trans. $20. Aft. 6:30, GIRL FRIDAY: Brokers' days a wt"E"k Sl00.00 per Inc. • service Jor the Fabulous c .ri.t necessary. Call for ap.. WOMEN -ALL AGES 2790 Harbor Bl. C.OSta Mesa 646-6728 off, some recept, chic , month call Loraine, ri.1er· 2790 Harbor Bl, C.OSta Mesa fling. Apply in person F11ng WANTED: Rel. babysitter polntment. ~rmanent posi-Ideal sales job. Work your EXPERIENCED Food & W'~AITRE;;;=;:,,ss".-ear="•,...,.food=.-,....,.... Newport Bch spot. To $«X). I 2043 Westclill Drive, N.B. SALES heip needed, rnusl Cocktail Lounge, 145 E. with refs, one child, own tion. 673-9334 hours from your homi;. cocktail waitres!I. Rancho ply in penon. Swiss Qalet Call Gloria ~. 645'2770 have experience in ladles 19th. CM. transp. 3-nltes. Sf6.8748 BABYSITrER wanted Mon. We tn.in. '11~n64 San Joaquin Golf Course. 414 ~-Newport Blvd., Np Coastal Agency, a member 1 LICENSED shampoo girl wear. Apply in person. MATURE Woman for 11 to 7 DRAPERY OPERATORS thru Fri. in my home S. e HOTEL MAID, full time, 18021.~wr,Rd. neat Uc;I. EXP. W<lll1an to do alters.· of Snelling It Sne.lllng ·Jnc. top pay Newport Beach Jackie's Fashion Center 75 shift in SAWYER HOME. and TABLER Laguna,} mo. 4~ after pleasant surroundings. Ask lor Dorothy 833-0llO tions in own home, part 2790 Harbor Bl. Coata MeU Area .. ~7 H\Jntington Center, H.B. Call 64S3TI6 546-1431 6. * 494-1196 * CHARGE IT! time. 67S-1735 OIARGE your want ad mw. I Jobs-Men1 Wom.·7500Jobs Men, Womo-7500-Job~, Wom.-4looJoln-Men,-wonr.7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Jobs-Men, Wom . iSOoJobs--Men, Wom. 7500Jola1 Men, Wom. 7500 } • WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE NEWEST, MOST MODERN NEW FORD FACILITY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WE ARE PROGRAMMED FOR SUCCESS ••• And We Want Only Successful People Who Can Meet Our High Standards, SALES MANAGERS SALESMEN SALES TRAINEES We Have Openings For The Following: MECHANICS GENERAL SERVICE PEOPLE OFRCE PERSONNEL ACCOUNTANTS BOOKKEEPERS Our Every Endeavor Is To Give You The Buying Public Their Full Dollars Worth With Courtesy, Sincerity, and Honesty ! If You Want To Worii For Us You Must Meet These High Standards. - SUNSET FORD 5'40 Garden Grove Blvd.-(714) 636 4010 .1 j I l I I ' t I . , . . ~ . :,:· 4 • ' t \ J l 4~··,,• ....... • -·Joni <, 19111 . W-::···J·unt•"•'•'""~-----il.O·T··A·OllEJtiiijTISiiijlAiiil 8 ~!!!!'IT~~~_/l~~~t!!~TijlME2RCHANOISI FOa MIRCHANDlll FOR MIRCHANOISI FOa MIRCHAHDISI FOR MIRCHANolll R "' ;: SA1'E AND T RAOI SAt l ANO-~I SALi ANO TRAOI SALi -ANO TRAOI SALi ANO TRAOI ' Jo'-;, ~ VWClllt. 7500 1-'"-'""...o.-...~~~~~-~~.-~~~~~--1~~-~...--.,...,....,...~~~~~~~ ..... .,..~...,. NIO i-~~~~~~-l i~;::==::;~•~a~o;aF~u;mltu~;,.~~~-·f~.oo.1iiiFummliiiiNmreiji;-;;;i~ICl~Gl~FFu,mijlNireiiif,iiiiim•mom-o-9b l T_ ... ~·-~~°"~~~--l205-'--II0171CE------* DRIVERS * 1 · 13" ADMIRAL ~ 'l'V. '69 SWING OUT! No Experience LIMITED TIME!! ;:• .Z: f!·aa~~ --DAIL Y:~PILOT CLASSIFIED INDU Pett Put ~· W Eapert ANiltMA am• • "' that "'11 -Neceaqry! Conlr1clor W111ts to Build '--.ii.tely ...... "" pla.yor. AM/FM DIAL DIREC::'I' 84!-5878 .., peoflle. Take on an la-Must "-vt cJun Calitomla ••••Rjl¥"' rad combo, a bouliful set! lmWtlnc. .._lob. drivi"' ..-. APO!Y DKOIATOI GETS ~TIOll THring Down Building to llJ5. l3!l1 s. llriitol, 5.A. '"I -Of 18 LUXURY AP Rl.,..n,. SPAN.ISH ** "°"'DnERRANEAN •. ~ WE N"iDI \ \ YE~!:,OWE. 1CA61h BscCO. A""'..,.. Make Room For Our Now S to<a 54M3$ HO,US ES FOR SAL E T.._._ r~-u.,. _. "'o; H I-Fl & Ste-82t0 ... ,...._ ............. _ ..... •• , ~ .!!:'.~·., •. , ~~ -~ Spanish & Mldite1TM1• "'*'"' $75,000 CLEARANCE 1----...-.--'---":'.It ~ ..... ;;c:::::::::::;::n: _.,.. ~ "' BRAND N£W ' PORTABLE Stereo Brand MUA v110• ............... tnt ••••• H 17 r1r1 Does an AM. • Game Seta . Dlnlog nn sets •·Bedroom N r~-s11 ·, cou.••• ................... 1111 r · · ...,_ s.tt."' "'*' I • L' . , e Co .,_1 ew ........ v er one, MIWPOllT l lt.\C ............ ltot • Keypunch Oprs J.K.1:::-M ........ wt .~i'Wtiti'~·~e.•• se s iv.mg room sets mer w.uls 2-&;ine Blk/Brn. 2--Speaker aieWPO•T Mtttrn .......... tri• • L ... 1 SecYt. AYON ~r., [ii~-, .... Silll.fll •••••••• ::---• Tables . Lamps . Recliner chairs . Dec-4-Speed rm. Call 8'75--0742 . =--=·~0,:,1 •• .--:::::::::::}: ~~t°'l!=r ._..biliOI t:'!···:::;:::::~:<·:···· , oraUve S~anish chairs e Buffet w/china 1A.Yc1 u T .................... im Re pre11flf•tiv• fA.i -, .._~1... ~ 1 Med p C & E 1 • ._ IAYIMOUJ ................... 1m INTERVIEW HOURS call on you! We m•y~eed s ... ni~.:'1n1 -Llin'IDt tt ... · ."5::::::::::;:iO'ii .. ops, terranean ' ictures • i.rougbt amer•s ou p. -oov1••sMOa11 ............... 1n1 l:ll AM. TO 2:30 PM someone in yoor nei& bor-A decorator drea'\" house on display -3 lNroon d..,n _ l•rmt to -t YOU< ~ .. t _ 1 ro--LARO--ID--Cam<-~-,.~-$.,2-5 :':~''":t0NU:M"OS'":'.:::::.i'l: hood. N .. 11 .... t.lon ,..,...... • LHttV••llTY •ARK ........... 1UJ COME IN roo•Y 0 o.,..... · ooms of gor""""' Spanish furniture (was b k 1• .._ h LDts or xtru. Leather car-1•v1u ........................ '* 54G-1U41 or f>46.53fl . r :r"''"'"i" •n inc; in.Ster C a rge, B•nk of A erica. 1Yin& cue Like 11 e w 1Ack "'' ..................... 1ttt Prot.saional 1reg. $1295.00 \ o r Store .Ch•rge. ~2478 . 'r::r,.•;u::auc.;··:::;::::::::~:!: lntematiooal Temporary H~ Service Employment !SACRIFICE r • • • • • $398 • Thia Sale For Stock on Hand Only • I~========~. i0~~~:: ::~1:.t~":::::::::1: A11 l1tance SJ!!rflnt Goods 1500 • co• U Y ................. 1M1 •~---------IA ISL.AfllOI ................. 1SH COASTAL AGENCY frtO MC)llft CMll, •EOIM"\-.. <AA,,., OUR OWll NX'fS, MEN'S HAIG ullra -'! LI I llLt "'H::._"'"""""'"'"l~ , 6"' IAtl.oA l'IUIW , ............. 1J Soelllng &: Snelling, Inc. shaft: contour ~~. like new ~~;}'!'~A:r::o~~ .. ::;::~:; A member ot mm RJRNITURE cluM 4 woods Cl lrona. R-HUltflMOTOM I U.CM ....... 14• 2'?90 Harbor m, CM ~ cood S135 646--U40 s•A~M ................. l•H Watch 1 bill._ _ _. · · 11116 l llACM ............... 1~ or our tJUUuS EXPEDITER 1'~or special 11.11to ••ov• .............. 1•15 _..,, 1'{84 w. tJncoln order Ir. rrn•I .. dept. of line 1844 fllewport Blvd.Ha~--I! '.) Mfscell•neout l600 LONG ll!ACM .................. 1sao Ana Ph. 540-0325 u. .. _1_, ,:::::: In N--_ _ i-----------AK.awooD .................... 1ss-r-....... .T .......,. .... pv•• >ltAMe• COUN1"t ........... ,.1#0 a.ta Mesa 271» Harbor Harbor llftL Send rmame * AUCTION * ouT ol' coUNTY ............. 1w "" -Opportunity & Jl!nooal dala to Chari<• Costa Mesa only IOOO ' ~.u:.~;.n•n ............... :::: " Emplo)'er H. Barr Jewelen, PO Box • Antiq~ ~ lllO FRIDAY'-7:30 PM ::~':~'TJ:·~::::::::::::::::;::: TRAINEE' er.di! ftportlng, l56tl. N.B .. Calli."""' bory Nfthl 'Tll 9 -WN. Sat •• s-. 'Tl 6 UOUIDATORS r;;; ' JUNE 6th ........................... UH ~ •·-•writl .~. MARY •1 '" Spo ial Oak U.NTA AHA MOTS ............. 1131 .......... i1&1iu ng Ii: f!oyv3 Tel•Yllion " c • Lovely BedroDm sets divans OltANOI! ...................... 1us phone v.vrk, csreer future. lntr~·-lon W0<k JOBS & EMPLOYMENT tables, roll fop de!lk, chain, .. _,_ h . 1 :._ • rutTI N ...................... 1'41 $280 Call Ann Willia _, F It IOOO FOR BANKS.FINANCE CO's clocks. Mwit be cleared at c ......... c est o u.a.wers, No1t1M TUSTIN ............... 1645 • DU He:lp introduce cable T.V, tn um Ul'll ESTA-•tODEL .... MES dinettes, lamps, pictures AMAMl!IM ............. ,, .. lUI 5«>-G5. Schools-lnttruction 7600 ~Lo>'.. nv wholesale prices. To rnaU 'llL\ll!ltAOO CAMYOM ......... IW I O>uta.I _. .. ency. a mem"-North Tustin. Eves &:·week. --EX QUI SJ TE Spani•h Quality Furniture room for new shipment. cocktail tables. Color TV, ~!uu:.• "•' ... "'c• ................ :: ~ uc• ends $3 oo per hour Call "" Foodanuna skied by side ...-............ .. I ot Snelling & Snelling, Inc. · · · MONTESSORI & Pre-School Mediterranean returned Banks Ca n't Public welcome. 2 4 2 8 • u.euirc.t. NIOU•L ........•..• 1m mo Har~ 81 ,..__ Sandy at 544-7785 hll"-led 1 Mod 1 D • F N ~ 81 d CM .,07383 refrigerators, stoves, wash-SAN CLl!MtHTt ............ 111t t uuz-, '-'-'Illa Mesa c "-'=• accep ye a r rom e Homes. Ea.stern •pos it urn. ewpon v • o.1"tO""" ers ga.s dryer BW'f baa.rd s•M ,uAN CAll'•STRANO .••.•. 1121 * {l)M\1-"' re. ... .,.. .. ,... AIDE. WANTED: Hair Dreuen. round. Ares 21A to 10. CaJI: brand r'aames. Comp I et e T hey Dema nd Cash! VICI'ORIAN a et tee & ' ' • CAll'llTU frtO iu.ctt ......... 17U ~~' Ne"'""rt are 1!'..........01 ~ a ,..~......., u 1 ~ ~····tul and MUCH MORE!! DAMA l"OI NT .................. Hlt Alsilt lady during rec:upera--r-L ..__. ...... 15 ..._...,,.,,., .,._ __,,,.,., '"'"""' 1 ·of q.~ & Ii ! Y R91ardless Of Loss! matching cha.in $100. Heavy COME BROWSE AROUND ca•u•AO ..................... l~ .. OFl'ICI! R,.lllTA1. .... , ..,_ INOUSTtl lAL IJllOf'lllTY ..... .. COMMIRCIAL ,, •• ,.,,,_, INOU•TRIAL llNTAL "'""" LOTS ........ ,.,.,.,.,.,,,,. •. 61• IANCHll ..... ,.,,, .............. ,,IN CITllUI eRGVIS ••• ., •• , .... , IUt AC•l!Ael .. .,,.,,,,, • .,, ••• , ... LAW.I IUINOltl! ., .......... .. llllOaT NCN"IEtrrY .••••• ,,,, ~·e CO, nlN"nTV ,..,,GP OVT °' STATI "'°"/ ........ . ~MTAUI a 0111• .•. , . .,.6111 SUIOIVISI~ u,io ·•·!..""" .61.IS ti.AL ISTATI Slltvl.,I ..... 6111 t.I, IXCMA!f' ..... , .......... Gii '·I. WAMTJIO ... f """"""' .,_ BUSINESS\ 1nd FINANCIAL IUllHllS O"'O•TUNITll!S .. &1111 IUllfoll!SS WANTIO ., ....... &* IN\lllTMIH'T ~Illa ... '11t 1NVISTMIMT WANTID , ..... 6111 t.\OMIY TO LOAN ,. ........... IJll ll'lltOHU.L 1-0AltS ........... ,lttll .UiWl!LRY t.:oA#S , ,.,,,,.,,AUi COll.A'.TPAL Lo.<l ., .. ,,,.,UIS llU.1. 'JnATI l.OANI ,,.,,.,.U.. MORTOAOQ, Tml DMfil .... UU MOHliV W...,.10 ... 61.H ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES FOUHD (Fiwt Atll ,.,, ...... , '411 L.OIT ...................... '411 ll'l'lllONAU , .... ,, .. ,,,., •• ,, ...... ANMOUMCfMfNTI ,, ....... , •. '411 lltlTHI ,., ....................... n l'UNt•AU ................. '411 •.t.10 OllTUA•T .............. '41J l'UMlitlAL Ol•ICTOlt , •.• , •. MU fLOllliTI , ... , ....... ,.,, ,."1S CAltO 01' TMANICS ........ ., .. '41' IN Ml!MORl.t.M ,. ............. '411 CIMITl•Y LOTS ............. '411 CIMUl!llY ·c•Ym ......... MU CfMlTl!lt'f CllYPTS .... .,, .. '411 ClllMATORllS ........ , .. ,.IOI Ml!MO•IAL •AlllCS ,, ......... "'21 AUCTICINS .. . ......... , .. MJI AVIATION S••v1ce .......... 14» Tl'AV~L , ... ,, .. , ............ IUS A11< TllAMll"ORTATION ...... 6-WI AUTO Ttu.NIPO•TATH>N .... 6MS 1.l!OAL NOTICIS ...... '4Je CilliRMAM .I TUTORING ..,. SERVICE DIRECTORY tion. Live in 5 da,ys. To $300 :,r~e~:.O= .. ~f; VOICE preparation for furn It ur e' Kmg sue Spanish-Mediterranean blond Birds Eye maple WINDY'S AUCTION ::":1•~g: ... :::····:::::::::Jn~ mo. .. -... popular or cl.ullcal singing. ~ms. full or twin, M--i~M .......... any-Modem poster bed': c.a.rvicg, twin ••YtltSIDE COUNTY ..•••.... 1tot * HOUSEKEEPE red bl.it not neces&uy . h -"·----' cuatom quilted sofu &: love ~ ... ....., . He. S . I n s MOUSES TO IE M0\11!0 .... ,.l tCIO ACCOUNTING .... , ... iUt1 R -COM· Co. & be fita Call Betumer t ru .............. -cu Brand name bedrooms Ii: llze ., .... hip's antern .,, . COMOOMINlUM ............. ltH AMSWElttNG ll!llVICI! +. 65GI PANION tor older couple ~ 61~~ !or ln'-~"-w·. training. 642-5512, 4M-9340 Keats. lamps, tab I e 8 . kl.,... r 11 .. _. . 540-4725 2or~ Newport Blvd. DU,LIXll l'Olt SALi! ....... 1•1s ,.,,.1.IANCI! •l!ll'AlllS. ll'arfl . Uli Liv '. lo _ .. ___. ............. ""'""' beautiful dining-m .... • ..'O 0 any ze l,JUll. spnngs B h'•" T ·" Bid M ,.,_ ••••TMl!NTI FOR SAL•.. 1'11 ,,,,HALT, OH~.... .. .,. ,_!lyn, 'II er .,..,,., ~ HAIR . e PIANO, Theory, Harmony 6 chairs A 't"" 1 . &: mattress, cwitom made ANTIQUE Coll. item, l~ ~; M°~ s * ~"' RENTALS ~~~~. ~:i·~::._ T..,f, ltc.'"4.mt l ii S I ... M M< IX IV w " R .. .. Re er •· ii " m R G BA N so .. Fe "' OI i -w r;tylist Ir manicurilL b m•m .. r ·• M••·•·,. . , u om a I c llO!a.s & lov< ,. .... ex....tts;•-V'"'nM· ......,,,h & >o;. H F I hed ,.,,,,_NO 1101~. u; Ru -= .... " -re••••,.•--w..__.,_ ~ ~~ 1.<: ... ""1.l!l11 """'" c""ff•. -OPEu. "Al.u 9_._ ~~ . OU u r n s , .1 ......... UM ~ --n.i comm.a :nioiup&OI! Teachen Asscc or Calif. ft; h :xI;e;;('dc,u;;; · fvc dining rooms &: hutches. co mp I e 1 c I y restored. •T"U I:>".-IU..., Hlfi!Ol: ........•••.•.•... 1lllt--IMIAl"~~™._ __ _.,,r--~~--+-~-b:,~ new bank ~!isl 673 -6961 • Shel"NOOd Music Seh l . o~r:--~.0 Full price::. G~~~ lroslftt-ajrjg"· 536-3339 •• MIXf D BAG *4 ~~Yfi.i.:,: SKA•• ......... = =~~~:Ess s'i'::,~·,r~.::::::·!:; ' ' I ' I ' l th future opptYfDr ga1 - -----~ l-lfltermedlatcs~ Will separate. Tenns. BUY erators. cclor TV I, lale mo. HouseOOJd and per son a I::~ e:~D':f1~;:::::::::;:;::21os f~:~~~N"J UJj ................ w 1 :!~ &OOdCall· ....,.Ann.,.,IW!yill. Start 1 HEilbLIARCI 1 backup tralwldr, 2 ~Denton, 548-84S4 any p.icce or houseful. daUcl ~~rs,&: ~'!:~ a_re Sewing Machlnff 8120 Items including Honeywell coLLl!OI! ll'AaK .............. 11u CAltNl!TMAICtNG ............. '519 .... ~. . iams sa mu assem.. nee!\ Educational Vacation 4th WAREHOUSE SALE AOK on ~ a sac • ....a.o:: pnc. H" land' Stro'-'th batt NtWll'ORT BEAC H ............ not Ct.•Pl!HT&lllNco ··············'"' S4l)...6lli5 tools ~A 646-9785 beL ~ 1e UC Wl ery NEW•O•T MCOTS ............. .,nio Cl!"Ml!MT, CO!og-"'9 ............ Mii r~• ;-ncy. a mem,.r "12 ,,,....~~.Fri. gTaders .•. Sr Citizens m Guden Grove Bl., cs. SAVE $$$ on new Zig-Zag, cue 4 x 5 film holders NEWll'OltT sMO•s:s .......... m• CHl1.0 u•E. ~ ........ Mii ........uu ~""' V•H uu-u BUY ANY PIECE A . :~lo ·1-" • rtibl bar ·-· iw ' IAYSMOtll!S ' ................ ttts CONTllACTOl:S .............. MM ol ~'-Otilccat 10 lemn typlnr Westminltf!r. (% b1cck \Vest utomauc stra.....,t SU'°'' CODVC e ..... 0 oov•• SMOltlES ............... tm C.lltll'l!T Cl.l!ANINO . "" .....,._,• " Soellliw, lnc. PART 'Mme piano player. Sehl. Trial Leuon. 173 Del froln the corner ot Beach OR HOUSEFUL .sewing machines. Pcrtabre stools polaroid -·"-r cam w•sTCLIFI' .............. 22>1 c1o••l!T LAYING & •E•.t.111 MU J790. Harbor 81 a.ta Me• SCif LES 436 E 17th SL .. W ...&.. S I Old • pl ...... '6" • uN1vE1:s1 TY •••It ........... tu7 011All'•1:11:1 .................. u. UQSPrr•LJTY" ~Ti ·, . Mu C.M. 548-285~. Blvd. near G.G. Freeway). lfGDVUSe a e &. ,cabinet models. Ye era. ma e chest and mirror, l•VIMI! ........................ mt ~~~~~:~:~l!ttYici':::::::::::::: ,. "' HOSTESs ts ... ,..,. after pm. MERCHANDISE FOR Open 10 to 9 Sun. l.J}:6 sewing Sboppe, 3519 E. case and bowlill&" ball. full EAST ILUFI' ................. 2241 IL1cr111c.t.L . ····· ............ u.. lookinglD :_,..!::!.. ~-~ PART time help • Ci1lege SALE ANO TRADE SIMMONS lllde . a -bed, 3 AOK C:OUt Hwy, QIM. 675-3663 wig and case, maple bed ~~~'::a T::~~.·:'.:::·:.:·: .. = ::~~~::HT •r NTt.1.S ·······"" the ~~ .. M~'h.;; aae. Zubie's Pizza, 2920 E . dtawer maple deslm, maple 7722 G a rde n Grov• 81. 1969 SINGER with zlg-r.ag & frame'. dishes, bed ~read, ~~L:~Lr ···:::::::::::::::::::: ;t.~~~E-~:~~~·1~~·:~:1::z:::::::: _._ Coast Hwy, CdM Furniture IOOO step 1 ab re, bar stoo!s. Westminster (~ Block West walnut console. Makes but· rug,. bird cage, utensils, and ••v iiu.Mos ................ UH FUttNITUllE llESTO~IM~· -.•. "1t ..,,.... ...... <Cl-, ar, and be bon-ton hM..c, designs etc., SS.25 other items. 9Cfi Park Ave. ••LIOA ISL.ANO ........... ,,,ust_ • •••nusHrNo un d&ble. Apply 285 E . Matn. SMALL R.nta.urant nealJ VINYL rocker, hal90Ck SJ). 6U-3587 after 5 pm. from comer ol Beach Blvd_ ·-..-~ • IAJT ILUl'I' ................. 12•2 GAllC>eNING ~· -·-·-man or womon "' G G ~ ) ~ mo. pr $36.00 cuh. 526-6616 Lquna Beach 494-9822 11oc1C IAY ..................... n<N · ........ .... ~te 7, Twltin, Ca J 11 .. _, ... ., ' Wood th\. & 3 chn. i10 Gd. ClJSfOM see, davenport, at' · • "'""'Way v~D ------·-----IACIC IAY ......... :n~o Gl!NEtlAL 11!"11\llCIES •...••... INtl IUA -days age OV<'r 21 545-9863 I 10-9 Sund 10.S HUNTINGTON l l!ACH ········ "14ot OllAOIMO, DISC IMO ............ a s ...,.._,_, • • tires. 15, 14, 13 $4 e.a, 2622 pale geld/olive prillt. X nt • ay, · Mualc•l Inst. 8125 l'OUNTAIN VALLEY .......... t411 OLA.is . .. ............... utt I need child care tor my 5 EXPERIENCED Sana Ana St., Apl D, CM . cond. Colt $900 • $150. SPANISH Returned trorn I----------:J, Cii stl.AL •t•CM ................. 200 o•EEN THUM• ................ 1111 DESK CLERK 64-6963 M----'-1.0HO ll!AtM ......... ,, .•. 150I OUN SHOii' .................. 711 yr. old IOn -)'OUt borne -MAHOG. drop Jeal !bl, uucl Homes on sale at Cuitan • Amps • Drums re~ tic ORANOE COUNTY ............. )409 HEALTH CtUIS ............ ,. •nt Jame 15 to Sept 1. Cmta Phone 646-7445 ,.,.a•-m pad •• uphol. , •• ,_. TRUNDLE bed, .d. ccnd. less than wholesale! Group NE\V AND USED SANTA ANA ................... 2•1t MAULINO ................. ,,. ~-" ... ...,...., ,.....,. 1-'ud WESTMINITIEll ,, ......••....•. Mii HOUSE,1.EANING .. . ...... •m l'oll«. ,·~ after 6 PM BEAUTY OPERATOR XInt."ccnd. ·s100. Afters pm $!!. Studio couch $ l-5, '""" es beautitul 96 '' 12 MAJOR BRANDS MIDWAY CITY ...........••.. 1•1• IMTER 1011 0EcottAT1Hi; ..... •n1 64>--v ·b 1· • 4 0 quilted acfa & Jove seal Al., Ma"y Im-•"· At Fashion Wigs SANTA ANA H1rcoHTs ........ 1'30 1NcOME Tax .......... ,., ·-I Full or pl. tlmc. Kl 9-0757 673-4915 I rator rec 1ner ., . Y" .... • OASTAL ...............••.. 2JM IROJ'f, °"'""'"'-'·Etc, ..•.....• JH Hous-~~"ER' F , ui;. __ :u:l;.ll 3 Spanish oak dee.orator BIG D ISCOUNTS · LAGUNA IEACN .............. 11os 1110N1No .................... •JSS ~ or 2 DIAL diftc-1 642-5678. O:w-re NEW Beige &r; brown couch 1;---<,=,,=~=====-,..,.· I "bl b p LAOUNA NIGUEL ............. 1107 INSULATINCO ................ '"' elderly ladin, Jive-bl. Li&ht )'OW' ad, then .it back alXI for sale. $75 THE QUICKER YOU CALL. a11' e1,lanva1 ".,':a le lamps, EVERYTHING 11'\ MUSIC * ennRnent Curl Pattern IAN CLEMl!NTI! .......... 2111 IMSUllANCI! ....... ,. .. '"' -~ OR • -· ~-THE QUICKER YOU SELL w P cque, na:. queen, Be h M • ( I * Can be wuhf!d like fine SAN 'UAN CAll'ISTllANO ...... iru IN\ll!STIOATING, D1r1dlvt ···'* .......... .,....,._. l.blten tc tht phone ..... ! * 494-3585 • or full size .. _ .. _m ,.,.,, ac USIC en er r . CAll'ISTUNO l llACM ... -.... V» IANtTOlllA1. ......... ,,. uo:u.l'UU 1ngene OAMA l"OIMT ........... 1141 JEWl!l.llY lltEPAIR. l!IC. ...... .... J-~-.. __ w 7500 complete incl bo:ir sprines. • Ligtitweight. 2 "oz.~ ltl\ll•SIOE COUNTY ........ l9ft ~NOSCAll'INO .............. 6111 __......, om. 7SOIJolN Men, Wom. 7500 Job~. Wom. 7500 Jollt-Men, Wom. mattrrss, linens £: boudo'~ Daily 12 noon till 9, Sat. g..5 * NEVER affected bv v•CATtoM •l!Ntt.Ls ....... ,.2'tOI 1..0C1Cs1111TH .............. mo OP·PORTUNITIES IN ·REAL ESTATE· IF YOU ARE ALREADY A SALESMAN IN ANOTHER FIELD OR IF YOU HA VE EVER CONSIDERED SELLING REAL ESTATE, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO SEE IF THE REAL EST A TE PROFESSION IS FOR YOU. FREE LECTURE RERESHMENTS OPEN FOR THE PUBLIC THURSDAY, JUNE 5th •••••• 8·00 PM • • • AT BALBOA BAY CLUB 1221 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach * SPEAKERS * MR. JOHN LUMBLEAU Author, keynote 1p••k•r, inno¥1tor, creetor of unt1pped telent. It is en •xperience in itself to be •l:tl• fo listen to this man. T1n1 of thousandt M rNI tstete t t l11men eftribute their 1ucct11 te hll t11chln91. MR. GILES KAVANAGH Sties Coun11 lor for C . F. Colesworthy and Com· piny, will 1p11~ on the unlimited opportuniti•s in the Newport H1rbor°Co1t1 Mes• ere• end the future of C. F. Colesworthy & C0Mp_1ny. Dr. J. W. Koeler · Ph.D. Penn. St1t.1 Univenity, President, Adult Edtic.ttion Institu te. Consultant. Lecturer, Author, PubUc Spteker. fmmecli1t. openings for men and women desiring to be succesiful in re•I estate. C. F. Colesworthy & Compeny will provide free license and free tra inin9 to those quali- fied pttr10ns who join our firm . C. F. Cole~worthy & Co. • " " SUMMllt alNTAU ......... 2'11 MASONRY, llllCK .......... -61311 lamps. SPanlsh oak 6 pc 174()4 Beach Blvd. fl11vy. 39) \\'eal"hf>r oi humidJ!y COHOOMINIUM ............... :ttSO MOVINO I STORAGE ........ "41 d inina let -..1.......1 elsewhere 1 ~ mi so. San Di.ego fwy. • Shown in home or shop DU ll'LS:Xll FUllH ............. 1t1S ll'AIMTINO, ··-.... ~•Int .... , ... 51 at;p~'$Ws.oo ALL Huntin&ton Beach 847-8536 RENTA_L.S • ~:~~J~N~'..~~ .... :::::::!:: FOR ONLY ·-~ do""' Ramona McClintick HouMS-Unfurnithed PHOTOGRAl"MY . . ...... ,. -lh .-.. .., Y·-·"· 4 1...i-Bass •••• ... L' • ' -11'\.AITllllllfO. ll'•ktl. •••Ir .. .... $499 -eeJi; . t of ..,,_..., ,,.,.'6 107 2Znd $t NB ,_,,.,,,............. PLUMllMO "" ' ..... ""' ' OU Guitar, nearly new. ' ., COJTA Ml!SA,.. .................. 11 .. ll'ST ••OOMtNO ................ .,.. state credit OK. w 111 '100 ""11178 5 ~nu MISA DIL MA• ........ ,. .... ti. ll'OOL llltVICl 6'21 te f I k saJ 20t ·" .• ,..._ aft . ru;;;;;;;;;-::;:,--:;:::;:--;,,.IMISA Vl!llDll ....... \ ....... :1111 l'OWER SWEl!,1N••····• ..... 6HJ aepara or qu c e. h ~~M'""'~-'""12,.-,~.--.c,-,--IOFFJCE safe, <lesk $75. COLLIOI ,All:K ............. 1111 ll'UMll' IE''''' ............. . Ce tury Fu ·t g 7 7 2 nrt1n string guitar, Hl!W,OltT ll!AClt 32.0t ............ .. n nu ure, 0 12-'5, l•"k< -w! wo.th Plywood panel saw, 2 cut· ••••o•• "°"'' ········'"'":r.111 ROOFINCO .................. 6HO Garo G BI d '"' . ............ RAl[)IO lltplln, !k •uo en l'O\te \t • • case $..12.5. Call 897..fi173 ofl '8.WS, table saw, Cheap. IWl'O•T~SMORliS .......... mo ll:EM001!LING .. 11f,.'Aiii '""'""'° Garden Grove DalJ,y 11).9, Cash register $35. 4(0] lb u.vittet•• ................ ms llEMOOE1.ING, 1C1TcHtNI .... ~s Sat 11).8, &.m u.s Come --~c---L~A~R~l~N~E=T,---1 Fortd.ift, $700. l~ Ton '59 ~~~:L~~·~s :·:::::::::::::= ~~~~:s SHAll ~IN .......... :: in or call <nfo) 530-63W Call aft 6 pm, 545-l..5't0 CbeV)'. stake dump-bed. UlftVIU; ll'ARIC ........... iu7 Sl!WINO MACH1N1!°itii,AiitS ''o ,--~,---~-,--1 =====?===: .IV"I,,. ·~ .. . .. , ......... ,nH SEll'TIC TAHICS, 51WW1. t.t '"' In excellent co nd i tion , Plywood &: lwnber al oost! UlVcNI tfuc1; ..•.••...•.. n45 rAtl.OlllNG '-··'"' Beauti .... oo!a ·~. c··1r P i•nos & Or"'lftl 8130 Bristol P lywood 3 0 3 0 ORCNA.: . L MAit ........... SlSO tE•MITli CONT1tOi.."::::::::::,,n '"" """ '"' I' 8~"'"' C • ·,. ,.;_ ~:z~ .1;;.._ · ......... : ...... JJOO Tll.E, c.,-.rn1c ..... ,, .... -... •174 S"9, sofa & love sea( $179, 5 ,.,....,, ·"'· 54;,o-u1011 ~-:f.P' ................. !?50 Tll.S:, Llneltum 1 '°"""' .... ,.,,75 "'L-.2-PIANO SALE' , .. ~ ................ ~" TREE SEllVICE "~ pc ..... ·unn set $89, King size SEO GARDEN & YARD U LI04 tft.AND .............. :UH TELl!"\11s10N, .,,.~·ak·:·: .. ,,.s bedrm. set $149, Box spr ing NE\V ........ , ...... , U :~:=ro":.E~~ACM··········~~ Ull'HOLSTEl:Y .............. '"' "mattress $9 ea. King size Grand1'. Consoles . Spinets • MO'A'erl • Weed cutters HUNTIMOTpM HARIOU11 .. :::::J4Gs WE1.0INO . -ffU $25 ea. Sell all or part. Practice Pianos from $125 · e Tillers e Renovators l'OUMTAIM~\tALLEY .......... ><110 J OBS & EMPLOYMENT lerms. Bu" all or n~,.t AOK .................. \VAS NOW e Edgers e Lawn vacuun1s ~~~'o::•coC'i:'ovE ·::::::::::::::~~ JOI WANTEo, M•~ ............ 7'GI , ~ s .,,, u . JOB WANTED. wom .......... ml Warehouse. 7722 Garden tarr Studio s+1;, ., n1ted Rent All LONO IEACM ............ ,3Sot JOB WANTED, Knabe Pruv grnd $2750 $2195 OllANOI!! COUNTY ............. 3•01 MEN & WOMEN ............... 1UO Grove mvd., 1,1: blk. \\'est Of ChJc•-.;-g-·• $2395 U72S no W 19th $t Costa ~1csa SANTA ANA ............... ., ... UIO DOMESTIC HELll' .............. ms Beach nr. G.G. Frwy. Open ""'·-· llUIU • 1.1.5-0"'160 WESTMtNSTl!R ............... lilt AOEHCllS, Miii ....... -.... ,n• 1"9 Su,, 1" ". Aecllan Grand S1595 Sla!S ""' NllOWAY CITY .......... J616 HELP WANTEO, MH .......... n• ~ ~ <;;;;;;;;e:-c==-c-,-..--1s•NTA ANA HEIGHTS .......•. )635 AGENCIES. Women ........... nil Brambach Grand $1&15 $1085 MOVlNG: Selling dining COASTAL. "'····:•"·· .. 37CO HELll' WANTED, W•-...... 7400 MAPLE & French Provincial Couch, Tables, desk, lamps, vibrator rcrl\ner chair, u~ ho! rocker, fringed &x8 ln!8 rug antique gold, bed, dress· er, bkcase, I ofc siu desk, "'asher, dryer. frig, trunks, patio turn, BBQ, skis, Cole- man stove, storage cabs, many misc item~. 390 Ogle, Apt 0, C.M. OU Tustin near East 17th SI. DeskseOeskseDesks Filing cabinets, olllce chairs. Must sell all at aacrilk'e! AOK WAREHOUSE. '17'l2 Garden Grove Blvd., G.G. ·'ii bl.ck West from the romer o[ BEACH BLVD., NEAR GG Frwy. Open 10 to 9, Sunday 10.S. .ifOVING Kenmore \Vasher, studio~. \vooc1wan1 wrou&ht I r o n furn. India & Persian Orien· tal thro\v ruas, miscl. 968-2844. * CUSTOM m11de sofa 14' sectional: pa Ir of elegant chairs; fniitv."OOd d r u m table; till! 11.ble lamp: din- ing room i>et. X I n t oo~Xlnt buy! * 644--1795 Quality king bed, quilted, complete, unu!lcd $98; "'Ofth $250. Alt 5 or wlmds, 847-0406 G1rag• Sale 8022 CLOTHING. Auto p a r ta , turnWrlngs, dlshea, JlO"'tt tools. etc. 417 Costa Mesa St. C.M. MlNING Tools, plumbing, dishe!J, clothlni:. p a i n I ll , ckalrs. misc. :m Colla ),feu. Sl, C.?.f. GARAGE SALE JUNK TO ANTIQUE 336 A. V"=loria, CM In rear ~li1nc01 1100 14 CU. FT. refMg. w/lce maker, txcdlent oond. $90. ,,.._ C.E. Electric dl")'Cr, nins on Chickerin" Cons. '"'395 $695 table 6 chairs ''"" ·~-LAGUNA IEACM .............. J7CS JOBS-Min .... .._ ........ ,7SIO ~ ·~ • _,, '4161? LA•UMA NIGUrL ............. 3i01 AGENC llll, Min & w-.... 7'51 Lester Spiriet $7'".f.I S445 chest freezer $75 Danish SAit Cl.EMlNTI! .............. 1710 SCHOOLS. INSTllUCTIOM .... 7.00 MANY MANY MORE 'd L-·--' •-"<= ' C.t.ll'UTRANO · ··· ....... 3ns JOB PllEll'ARATION 1100 • • SI euu.an.1 _,, v a 1' i 0 u s CAll'ISTtlANO BGACM ......... 3130 THEATRICAL ··::·::·::·"" Special C•rload Buy! household items. 1332 Cer-OANA ll'a iMT · ........... 3140 MERCHANDISE FOR , CONDOMINIUM .......... , :tt5'11 Nalio.na..l.ly Famous Brand r1loll, Laguna. ouPLEXES UNFU•N .......... 1,7s SA LE A ND TRADE $965 Consoles sm * 494-4615 after 4 pm * RSUEMMN•T•AL•~NTt.Ls ······-·· 31'5 Fu11NtTU1tE .......... 1191 ~feditt walnut, bench· incl. QUIGG ~ Ol'F ICE l'URNITUlll! ........ •11 surfboard $45. '65 Apts. Furnish ed Ol'F1c11 11ou1 ~MENT ......... 111111 Gould M usic Ccmpany Honda $150 1953 Dodge STORE Eou1ll'MENT .......... 11u -·s N ., . s 547.00SI ·. ' Gl!ME•.t.L ................ ·~° CAFE, •ESTAUllANT .......... u 'IN . "a1n, i\ good trans. $100. See btwn 6-COSTA MISA , .............. ,, .• ltD IA• EGUIPMEMT ... -.••.•.. ll)IJ GULBRANSE~ 8 pm 2543 Senta Ana Ave MEJA \IEll:OE ................ lllO 11ousEH01.D aooos .......... I07I CM. · ., Nl!Wl'ORt IEACH ........... 1200 GARAGE SALE ........... ,11122 ORGANS NIWf'OllT Ml!IOMTI .......... 1111 FURNITUlll! AUCTICN ....... I025 ;;;;;;T;;;:=::-7:="7'=,l"'l!Wf'O•T SMO•IEI ........... •m All'll'LIANCIES . WURLITZE... BORG Warner +speed T-10 WESTC1.ll'JI . .. ....... , .4JJO ............... 11 .. " l-"•m·..,,-0, ' "th H 1 UNl\ll!lllrTY •.t.RIC ........... 1JJ7 ~MT1ou1:s ............. 1111 PIANOS & ORGANS ... , WI urs 1 0 SEWING MACHINE ........ 112a It.CK IA Y ..... , .............. • 4 lrlUUCAL IMSTRUMINT ., 112S Pianos & Ora:ans Rented compelilion plus !I h If t e r l!AST ILUFI' ........•.... 4241 ll'IAN05 . ORGANS ........ ::::.,. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC lassie &Ultar (7141 536-1001 ~~~= ~l!L.~~ .• ::::::::::::: ;:~~~1s10N ..................... aoo or (213) 431-6071 IAY KLAMOS ................. 4lSI ,. ................. 1211 1.100 llU. .................. •»1 ~!·:~.I STl!llEO ............. 1211 Belch Musl'c Center eEDROOP.1 11!1, pecan wood ...... •,••.!IL.ANO ........•.. 432_ CAMEllll.A~C~ll~::.~M"iifT'': .. :: King li'-TV ' IN TOJI -.eACH ......... 44-HOBIY SUP•Lo•• u, •• new. ''"" ,.,.,.,.., • .._., ......... .,,. ·· ......... ... Sl!AL O•ACN t54 SPO•TING OOOOS , ....... ,.IJOI aole 2 yn old m Tape .... ···········4 llNOCUU.111. sco,•1 .•...•.. asSI Factory Sales & Service recorder • ...., I!~" """~ LONG l l!ACM · ............. 111JC1 M1$CE1.LAN1ou1 ............. .... "" • "6'>• ~.> ORANH COUNTY , ........... l'M MI SC W.t.NTEO Daily 12 f100fl 'til 9, Sat -.i .,,, ..,. l:"'..-:.1.i"-. 8AllDl"M o•CV• .......•..... 4611 ' ............... 1110 39 ~.-............... m 11 c WISTMlllm• 4611 MACMINEltY, I.le. ............ 11'11 .... 17f0f, Beach Blvd .. (HW)I ' ... _.,_ ' •• ,,.,,. c•-............... "'' LUMB&• ................. 1751 1 .... , ~. __ .anuv .. ,.._out _cl state, '..!._, •.••.••••••••.. sTouo.__ .. -........... ens J ,\ mi; ~ $an Dlego-.-·..-3. •hi,_ t 213 l2llt IA#tA ").M. .. ................ 4'2CI IU11.D INO MATflllAU f1'1 Hunrtn&ton Beach 847-1536 ewryu .... gct!S. UJllTA"""' MllOMTI ......... .tUO SWAPS ··;:·· .,,. St., HB. 5J6..3976 TUSTIN ....... , .... , ................ P ETS a nd LIVES TOCK WE'RE back in out new store. Bia Celebration -Bia' Salo. a..DSEOUT of console P ian- os at sa vfngs to • • • • • • S400 CLOSEOUT of Ba.ldl\'in over. aie pianos at savings to $349 Cl..OSEOUT ol. 1968 Organs at savings to •• '/" •••• ,., $236 No down oac, 5 yn to pa,y. WARD'S BALDWIN Sl1JDIO 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 HAMMOND • Steinway • ,. maha -neo:: I A used pianos of all makes. Besl bu.ya in So. Ot!U. rJpt here. SCIDafID'J' MUSIC CX>., 1907 N. Main. ..... Ana 1ll0~1AS Eloctrlc o T & a n wilh all lnstructJGr\ boob. $350. Xlnt oond. throughout. Call 54CJ..6117 eves A: wkend~ oruru-;;::::;.;;-:;:::=--:-:"' I COAITAI. i.:::.; . , , ... , ...... ,, •. 47N SWIM Pool 21' eJum, spin u.ouNA •~M .............. 470.I r l!TS ,col!NERAL .............. ... till ladd . L.AOUNA NteUIL ......... ., .. 41111' CATI , ................... , .... am er, er, vacuum. nu SAN cLrM•NT• ............. ,4711 DOGS .......................... ms liner gives 51~· dcplb $225 DANA l'OIHT ................... 740 HO•SEI ..................... IUll 642 727Q • " TRl~l.EX, lie. .............. ,..,OI ~tVEITO(IC .. .. . .... -CONDOMINIUM ................ IOI CALIFORNIA LIVING 90 YARDS gold t·arpeting RENTALS NUttstRtr<s ............. ttu $3.00 yard. Good ccncUtion. ADft. Unfurnished i:~MMING ll'OOLs ............ mo 962-7566 Mon, \Ve<l, Thurs. ltNt'•.t.L ... .. ........ , ... '* .,wJ:os · . · .::::::::::::;:=: "~ COlTA MIU. .................. ilot VACATIONS IHI 64G-36Zl Tun, Fri, Sat. MIU. YltlDI .. ,. ............. 1111 TRANSPORTATION ... Nf_Wl"OltT l •llCM ....... ,, ... ntll DlAM."ONO 3 row \11edding NIWl"O•T MllGKTS .......... )111 IOA'ft a YACHTS .. rl"" 2 cbl T W llave a---• MIWl"OltT IMO•ts ........... Jnl l.All.IOATI .:::::::;:::::"u . .,, • • IUI•,.. WllTCLI•• , . ., .............. Ull "°Wiit CllUlll!ll Mt ~ sell $:iOO c ash UJillVI RtlTY PAalt ......... ,.JtJJ 1•110-..SJU IOAT ............ ..,. 67J.-36oo • \ 'IACICU Y ,. ...... ,, •• ., ...... ,.!Ml ICAT TitAILllll .:::::::::::tm IAIT ILU•fl ............. SJll IOAT MAIMTl!NAMCI ta1 DIAMOND p;,-" earrl""S COlllONA 011. ................ JJH IOAT LAUNCHING ... ::::::::..,. n .. -cu .. '6 • &AUOA '" ............... SM MAil/Mi tout• flU Coli! $495, sell $125. IAY ISL.ANDS ........ ,., ...... IUI IOAT SLlll'. Mo011N···:·;,',','.,;..,. * 67S-4lll it LIOO ISLe ................... hSl ICAT SHYICU ......••• , .• .,,., I ALIOA llLA,.O i ............ USS IOAT ll!MTAU ... ---;-;;;m:=;-::::,.---IMUNTIM•TOlll lllA~lt ...... ,,,Mel IOAT CNAllTf:lt ::::::·"·• .. ··,.,, ' WW ttnt my •Ol.INTAIM V.t.t..lo.liY .......... tlll 111rsMOl4 IOATI ...... :::::::::,... METAL DETECl'OR SUL llACM .................. SUI IOAT MO\llNO ,... ,,. the d ~-II c•• "..:.. LOflle 11.A(M ............... ,,.1$11 IOAT STORAGE .......... ,. .... ... UJ G1· .._..., ....,.......,.. OftAHI COUllTT ,1 .......... ,wtll IOATS WANTIO ",',',",','.',':::,.;:,... 9'.JN~ ~. _105 •a•DIJI ••OYI .............. Mii AIRCRA" .. . ... lape ............ ....,r, '"" • WISTMIMIT•R , ................ It 1'1.YIM• Llll0Nt ········"""'1• new $125. Marlin guitar, 00. MIDWAY CITY ............... ,.5'1' MOiii.i NOME.I .. ::::::::::::: ... l ' $'~" .,~,., .,.,.. SANTA AM .,. .................. ~ llOMf:S ....... ,..,,,.,ft\J o. kJU .. VW"IWll SANTA MIA MltfKTS ......... twot llCYCLIS , tm -~ su1 bl IVSTIM ,., ........................ ILICTtllC C*lt ' ..... ,:•"··•,_ GOOD upriuht piano fur 6 )( 4 •ton.&e .. on., la e COASTAL .:..l:.'f""""'"""".,. MIMI llkl.I ................ ,,,, P-•1o·-. n~...,I lo-. $'~. for lack room or playhou9e. ~!""'UNA 0-ap_~L "'0 ""'""'f: MOTOIKVCl.li , •. ::::::::::: ,_ '"" ., .. .-~''"" "" WU • •"' .,_l • -. . ·-"""""" •• MOlotllCOOtllS , , ...... nit "°'97" $85. ~ U... CLIMmt"TS .:.r.,.•J.:••·····m l AUTO llRVICES & l'A•TI-.,_ ~ 0 -,;::::;;;::w=c;--::::;;:::;-1u.• JVA!il CAlllSTJ11AM1,1 ..... .iris AUto toou • IQUIP .... tnl W\JRLIT,ZE.R ball)' rrand pl· Quall!)' klrw be.cl. qUilted. 041U. PO INT ........ ml rttAILIR, TllAVIL .. :.:::::::Ma ...-. ,._~ comsmte, WIUIPd $98; wor1h RI AL !STATE, !?~l.llltL UIUllY ............. MM ano, _,.,, vuvu tone. -.... Alt 5 or Wkndt: m.o.os General ,-, ••• ' .............. · Call ~ 7920 "-"' uc•s , . . ........ ,.,.,. •=='""'"-'"'"";;;;;;;:;:;;>I WANTED: Dnlpe1 to 9t a ntl"g.~:::. .. ::::::::;:;::.: ~~71111 1tENTa.u·······""·G ~~1.J)~Gff'T$1. 15 12' Window, floor to Ctllllw· •tNTAU WANT'ID ........... "" OUNI IUGOlll 9111 646--4003 ~I l'Olt tl£NT ....... , ... ffH IMftO•TfO AUTOS ............ NII •&f6.M63• JOO~ a lo.t.R-0 Jttf S,OllT (.ARI . .,,.,,,,,_Hll WlNDOW l..ouvre C2''x.U" WITI. .. Ta.AILI• COUltTI '"1 ,t.NTIQUIL <U.ntcs ·~ ......... 11 -• OUt!IT HOMl!I ,,,. ltACll CAltl, •ODS .......... , "" of could be \onpr. 64S-G3 MIK:. lll!"NTALS J'tt 6.UtO IVINTS , .............. ff11 uo w 220 "· Excellent ton-l-::00=N;;'T,.-,i1W'="11:-:.=.,.,=.-= .. , dltion. $SO. 141..QU qUlc1t easl'I for It wUh a ~==-==""===,,.l'MCOM• ,..,,.,.n ..... , .,. &UTOt ••mo .............. "'" OAILY PILOT WANT ADS IUS•NtU •ROfll!ltTV ........ e.&•• ................ .. aDW-Q JtS\tJLTS• Tlt•l~l!I' 11'.t.•ICa 61tf AU"lt LIAJI ................ ftlt • 'M , I US/llllSI R~At.qf ... ,1t1IO CAils ... ~ ....... ·-- Ct.en 1•s 1tove $25. ~ PUot 'Want Adi * 968-5826 • ~ w, pl T " T Al h • ' ' 0 ' ' I 0 • c c h o: ' l F. 1 D • ' c T I 6 l 6 ' ' I . -I ' '••·· • ~-..... _ ~r .. -.y~.,..,..,...,.·,., ... ~, .. ,..._.., .. ,..., ... __....__ .... ;;: .,,,.. =:: - ' • PILOT,AOVERTISER W1dof!lloj, Ju111 4, 1969 -.. Juott 4, 1969 , OAILY PILOT If ;i;SiiAlfiiR,miAl;INDH.!llTnUD~f-i'R"'"-:'"":F::R::E:E~T:'.O~Y:O~U~· D'jiiPlf1 ..... LIYISTOCK TRANSl'OllTATION TRAl!Sl'OllTATION TRANSPOllTATION TRAHSl'OllTATION,;;=:;r;:.;ltl,m:HSo.PO,,...iT~A ... T"'IOlii"""--,""r""itA*'N"'S"'P0=1t;r.Ar.T"'IOH..,..~1 -, '" --1125· S.11llolili 9010 -lo -,_ --HIO lrnporlMAutoo MOO Imported---lmOOllM --Nill Ml-l~n,-.0 UGO ~y .::.."~de°:n"'°:i·: Afvh on Hound PYppfor ' t S549t O"~!!NL~AI' l'ARK . ;•11 ~-w11..._, B..W-1 ---"--~~---·I bee no.-·'"" Call ""'" -"' AKC reg, good quality In clt&r, deM, ~ O>tt• 4 wheel driYe one owner MOVING-36" round walnut " .... ..,.,..... ,..,. 81... * 96"989 * Mesa. N~ 92 apeee adult IOW"tft4leap, ~beolutely ub coUee table, pert ps.1.rg. ~you all about I~ IRISH SETTER P•-21' FIG AUX park, Pwtodef. ~Sales oUlce new. v_.,.autDtnaUc trana-~BMWSu~.t.M~M na~ rocker S 2 S . 9 wks, AKC. 60~r--located at Park, Open 9 AM mllllon, p 0 we r tt~ .Pl!'· · t White .f poster btd 4x6, $10. PLEASE come & ~l ua:! We as ii •" .......... • where 11 to i PM. l>OWft' brakta.• factory arr; cont.I, * ~ White Ialnp table ST.SO. have only a tew days k!Jt ol BASSEn PUPS 14' Ketch. traller $499 ACCENT MOBILE ...... _.n h·-.. _~...., .. ,~ b~~ 1 I'" ~·-W ... , •-• AKC ,..,. ........, e PACU'JC YACHT SALESe """''" .. -. ,..,.,,, <t v "W1""' p pe cutter ""' • -e IUlltS:S we can unu a . .....,,_ 3446 Vla n.... ..... N-•fOME SALES rubber, o¥erioad · 1p!;np. thruder W/ 2 ctyea. $10. ~. we-are 3 lov!J:lc. Ion& .,.,.....,, """""• 1150 Whittier Ave Uc No \rll4.57 · !M8-<21T .....i-ltfueno. .,._..,. 611 Hori'ot 1130 '"' 197.sslil n<, mI5TO eo.ta M.,. n4, ~·WO ' ' $3799 '66 Dotsun Pickup KNITTB> FABRICS WOULD you believe a dart. ..1.. ~ Extreme I)' can, one owner. l.ng Dlegod puppyt Part Bl!J\\JTIFUL 1 yr o J d LVNG. state 2 wb. ~C. Ill! Motwcycl11 ~300 Radio & heattr, step rear cockft'/Daeh/wire b air, ~aina: plua acme lack. ls '6f. WHtWl.nd ~· ... ' · • bumper, delux tns:ulated ..,.FOR SALE Female, really c: 1: t e . Kids M~n, $350 or sloop 1~~ ~~ ~ YAMAHA BI c B,. a r ~~ ' camper WU. Lie. Nr. NQY· Remnants. 1a.mples " MW 646-2'139 6(fJ bett otter. 548r0ln ~ mca. ntw 25 ofr Sc~er, late '66, good $49. Complete pr 1 c e for e~ Sat-OnJ,y g Lm. to 2 ~-BURMESE kittens, 6 wlts 2 BOX 1tall1 with corra1.1& l ·~ moor1nl ideal ~do cond. 1nc:. helmet $400. • elhlng ~ 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. old, black w/ burmeae box atall wth shared cotfal· Isle loc. $22'ZS. 6'f5.3685 °ii 642~ J im. '" $1 ltS IBM eJec typewriter $!7.50. c:haracteristlca tree to good S.A. H&tJ. 540--5289 833-0386 * SEMl CHOPPER * ~.. \ Remifwton J O key add'R home. MS-2806 616 TRANSPORTATION COLlThWlA Defendu . 29'; l!MG BSA-A 10. Rebuilt ' DATSUN mach. $ 3 9 • 5 0 • 149-G CARPENTERS workbench. 3 lull ' ru kl NB. 1 t Boat& & Yachh 9000 rac~ __ 1••.ar • exll'al. p.m., * . 642-3958 1970 HARBOR BLVo. , o ven e opp o s e lg. drawers, needs 646-tp_t-7, &!M-7735 ' ' 1~.T.C. COSTA°'""• ' s Greyhound Bus stat. refinishing. 6#--0224 after 37' FIB Elrpreeii '64 ,;rvo "~ BARGAIN! MeniMrahip tn 5:30 6/5 3 PRIVATE HOU~Y RENTAU 200 SUZUKI. S50 ml. 0 ~; Newport Bta,eb Tennis Club. SILKY Black &: white kiUen DOUBLES FU Zo* ~~'t )9Co'J :-!boa Malle o~r 962-0Tl'l C•mpen 9520 l.(IJJ• $700 .YOU ~ transfer f~. 1 1 n ne Pl.Nl • ....._ '67 YAtd'AHA 80 Trail~ ' 642-3417alt3 wants ov ng home . TS 225'1, Onan, auto. 28' WOOD Sloop lnbd, daca, StreeVtrall. l,Ol)-ml. ,-: CAU-• . •,.====p=m~·=== Hsbrken, weaned, 1hot1. pilot, TV, ete. Electric xi t nd ·--• t "100! -....-&ft · · •· 648-T&t 615 an {rg H/C hoYlt n co ·• 11ic;u .a " , 673-5549 • mosoo EXL 66 or 67 Misc. W1nted 1610 1 i Mus;. BE so'Lo r. ll4: 645--1133 ·YAMAHA ~ Trallmuttr. 51111. rtw.11 1170 HARBOR BLVD. ==""-==--~--' 4 KITIENS black I:. tigtt, 3 COLUMBIA 2i i Authorized Dealer OOSTA MESA m&.le, 1 female. Please save e PACIFIC YACl-rr SALES• ' l/ln:I n-. Oean.. DW1¥ }(tru. $195. Eldorado • Four Wind's WE PAY MORE thom b•m t.. -·mt. 3446 Via Oporto, Nowport tofosl TOI) cotod, eitru. m.-0561 •-'67 DATSUN CASH st2-l.956 ..-y 6/6 (213) 597-5568 (n-IJ 673-1510 $l000 dn. 642-m:S, 6'13-12ll '66 TRIUMPH, 500 cc s~~rs;;:c:a ~~~~r Ba~:!;· !°"~: SCRAMLETS 1~~E, :::t. ~sh,~=· M~~~s A1~ lKO c speed,~~~~ equipp. White face, chests, toes. ANSWERS 5'4-4426 after 5 pm. '67 160cc HONDA Tl'all with Theodore ed. TUP 945. 546-9965 . 616 KITE, Now ail, 2 masts, "'"""t. llOO ml., like now. ROBINS FORD $1295 For lurnlture, appliances, I} racln&' gear, oover & trailer $325. 531-8192 or 543-7845 FERRARI MG ~. • l ''7 MGll , FERRARI Rdst. with cowr I: wtri Newport lmportt: Ltd.. Or-wheels. Excellfllt cond~ an&• Cowll)''t oolY author-Onl 33 000 mJJet Lio WPt Jud d'a.ler. rtn.y ' ' d• SALES-SERV1C£.PARTS $17'5 3100 w. Coatt llwy. lloliday 196& Harber Newport Beach .....__ta 'lea 642-~ 540.1764 ....... .. Aulhori:.:rd ?\t,G Dealer I 63"""~M~G~7M'°'ld" .. _,..t._,,~,.--,-±I FIAT •65 FIAT 4 Or. Wa&M • 1 ownv. Only $68'7. Lie. No. NRB219. New Car Dlr. M&-9301 JA'Gf,IAR '62 XKE Red Rds. Best otter O\'tt $ZDJ. 54.6-0339, 846-U!O MERCEDES IENZ Q, ll"l•' (l"\'lllf' ~ l \• 11''~' "' 1,•, .,.,Tl N .. ,. ,\. U· .i ,', \, ' '-1. ·, f',. ',,. Jim Siemon < Imps. Vii,.,, ... , .;. M .1111 St oond. New ,,.lt'ata, ~ overhaul. Prict 0,. 91. "4>7404 : '56 MGA ~ eond. Oralted! S9JO or best offer. m23.1> MGB ]~t'lli~'Lll i 31111 p L1 i I •' 31.00 W, <:out HW7 .. ff.a. -NG-1 Aulhorlied MG 0.U.- OPEL colored TV' pianos, organs, ~~t ~P~ :~ Chrome -Trunk -Fussy -$750. 673-8117 '6" BSA 650c A·l ha ......._._ 2060M•saHarbor B!~~ -o CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH or antiques. 0H 1... r:.~'a UIN:! aft~5 • E:ngulr -TURN for the 11• CYDAY SPRITE c, s pe, u-"" ~ DI Dl.ESEL '68. like new. D<1v or nhtht us"', ~ · NURSE many Xtru. Sae. $'150.1 !!':l'!:!!'!!!"'!!!!!~~-... '! 2929 HARBOR BLVD. Spnt.\An.i 546·4114 '66 OPEL 636-3620 PM , 616 About a guy in his second Gn4U4 B'iS-5085 alter 5· WANTED: Good u • e d COSfA MESA 546-1934 :.· ~ln~j.i:'. ~lam~ 2d~r f~~~~~ .. ~~ TO GOOD home orange wollhood: When taken to the P-CAT. RACE-rwcfy '118 BSA 441, gel. oond., low camper or ~eeper to fit 1969 Open D&lly 'til 10 p.m. pm. wkeya 675-6l6l Mr. NO. SDR400 New Car l -$~~w~~E~~a=u=y~~$~1 striped temal7 k I t ten s, hospital recently, he took a e 642-3776 e mileagc, many X tr as . % Ton 8' Iona pi.eJt,..up. Must '6'9 DATSUN Brandt 646.9307 ..veaned " trained, 1 weeks TURN for the NURSE. 549-1746 be in good cond. I: Bl&: sedan, 96 hp, ovutiead -7.0""',--,--,=-=--,:==~-~~,--,fl $ FURNITURE $ old. 5.16-6610 aft 5 PM 6/6 30' CHRIS Craft, lapstrake, Speed-Ski Bo1tt ~ Trailer, Travel 9425 rea.sonabJe. 646-4063 cam eng., dlr, 4 apd. radk>, i:s.M:.1:ms::. B~~n. ~~~ APPLIANCES PAffi AKC long c 0 •I hl'in screw. fly bridge, dual 12' RUNABOUT, 35 hp 1964 OiEV Pict ilp, 91iii' heater, WP' tiru. loaded! reblt eng., &7&7329 Ousltied section. s.· ~-• lV' ~ , St . • Chihuahuas free to good controls, elec refrlgeratio" Jobruion remote controls 1968 Sportamu-ter Kit l'Tlil' roll-a-way, chaalia tnOW"Jted, mi Miles, under factory ;;;;;-u;c;n-:;--:::::;::;;;c--;:: mo-. -l -•~ .....,ar . -.-••n• ,._ •r•• 1 home. Approx ... ....+ 6 I... .., ' ' i... .. ~ I -A'' •-i--..1 air cond sell contained 1y Bal to line. 11175 THE HUB ol activity lot ·-.1 o:.uv•., 1 p f.1 F II -.... Great Marlin llsblfl8' boal. complete r e I i n I s he d , ""''6• comp -..... conwuue\4. • • warran · · now!!! CAS·~•ejN.,JO 0.;4jNuf~s ~1045 ·Southwind Marina Terml.nal Trailer. $700. 6424195 $2195. WW trade ln on p~ fact air. white/green, good Me $75 cull deli, or older service businesses ... ~ C,,:""-~-=~~.,..-,-rll • 531 • PETS ind LIVESTOCK Island, No. G 32. Z13: HU SMITH BOAT REPA....,, perty. Call alter 4 PM, oond. $1195. 54>3048 car. LB YNW 087, Call BW Qualfied Ada. Dial 642-5678 For Dally Pilot Want Ada 3--3434 .'"' 548-7478 * P.Ut-TOPS * 494-9713 or 5'5-0634 cl~o~o:;U;;u=your~,::""""";,;;;,;N~O;,;W;,:·c..:D;::lal:;:,.;"':;,·,;5678;:,;,,;'°;,;',:RESUL===t l WANTED C1 • 1820-14' WOODEN boat for the -Fiben:;laslng-'...~n~-All steel Wlls. Sales & l"!n-'67 Datsun ... BEAU'I'ItlJI.. purebred "(ixer-upper" . no motor • Free Est 847-5453, 540-5556 Trucks 9500 tals. U49 up. Buy factory Import.cl Autn 9600 Imported Autos - N---s100. 15' boat trailer---' Boot '°·lntonon-9033 '66 OiEVY PU. Take over dlred. lDl.D So. llarbor, SA. Station Waaon • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We need quality {no junk ~""1Kse se-alpolnt ktttens 8 ·t;....,.. m11 -'II pJeue). Furniture, co 1 or weeks, sharp. SlD each. condilJon-$125. 6 7 5-O 8 O 5 payments. Needs ti o d Y C1mper Rent1l1 9522 All original, 4 spd, dlr, radio • . TEMPTED BY TV's. stereos, appliances, 646-9247 'veek nlaht.s S.9, Saturday JACK'S Electronic Service work. Call alter 6 PM _ heater, like new! $75 Cash • '°"" •"" oW.. <qulpmonl """ '"°""' 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eloetrieal ,..,patr, ,.mod, 613-2"14 * EXPLORER * dob, pymnto $39.00 mo., r,fTl=""'rni==;;"'lvJ=""lnJ==· "fTl==;;"'rAl="'I TO~~ 1!' ~tn! Dop l'UPPY 1825 l~~~-~~lleni° :! :::t i;;::~,::_; ~,7£.t~;;.~:,~;~ a:~~~:; 6~~~ ;:~ VHG.;~· ;~~~:gm:. wAM~wA? Am Compreuor at leut 8 dition. New custom cover, '"'" ed. Llm.ited number, Ct.ll Pickup • Little workhorse. -------====---=-· h.p. Good used ps dryt-r. 6 mo. old, black/white male painted bottom. Fut, dry NE~PORT 5!Jp for rent. 1955 ~~C % T pickup. Good today. Ret.dy to go. Lie, No. NMW· • SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! 962-2580 at•er 5 P.M. Cocker puppy. Lovet people ~:·ft ~t Offe r 1 ifi!v·:u:.ng~·r:-,~; condition. Call aft'r 5, LEISURE RENTALS 452. New car Dir. 646-9301 • • C."""1ally k>hl. Must "" hum. 642-93l2 1168-lllS m•l 642-E61I, <n<l .,,...., OOI DATSUN 1010 Convt. • '69 TOYOTA' · '1790 F-REE TO vo-u because wr-have loo lll&ll)' ~tUST Sell ro fr Pc:r[ormer 56 FORD panel. New Urea, Fully-equip 6500 miles FIOM dogs. Sl0.00 to good home. boat. In/out drive w/trlr. NEED Side tie .for .23' boat brks, radiator & 62 (!"', Dune IUftlff 9525 675-5384 aft 5 ' · • EXQUISITELY M .. k. d . Phone 962-lll!T alto• 5 p.m. Full •• •l•m. ... to Balboa I~ o• voe. Call Gary Xlnt "'""· 165(). 548-36'2 D B s•-· s I • EXEcun·v·E·•cSAAYIRNS•As L.E Now· ! O'~ANDING I ,..A Appreclate! $2250. 675-4098 2~245-4089 mllect Uft9 u9gy '""" a • Part Siamese k It ten uJ.;:iJ g ...... rman · '62 GMC 'Ai ton, V6. PB. PS, &MDes from $149 Owsil EN GUSH .fORD • w/black & bro\\n tiger Shep. puppy. Parenti on '67 32' Chris Corinthian, fully e ~ANTED 30' SUP. • A/C, R/H $900. 548-5372 or from $24S. Chrom~ roU bars • '6t TOY9TA HARDTOP ··-·.-·····-·-.. _$ZOlt stripes. Fully trained.. 548-PI'!ml9c:s. $30. 847-~ after cquip'd, like new S2W:I ror l!, Beam. Priv. P~y .J37A1Pi. 114.95 •• Lal?az-Dune Bum -•6t VOLVO SEDAN, AutOllMltk -·--· $2971 0391 615 5 p.m. equity .. -Call days 737-0551 • 675=4392 ANYTIME e ,63 citEVY Panel truck, auto Supennarket, 3623 w. warn-ORANGE COUNTY'S • . 2 MALE !Utt"'" 1.oow-MALE Doberman AKC 1 ,.,. Mr. Ow<n. Nights 543-243< tr •= • ~ ~ "· SA. 546.<t>IS. O,,.n Sat VOLUME EN•LISH • 4112°/o BANK FINANCING ballot grey&whlte fluII-& old, &how quality, obedient PROTOTYPE '& factory Boe~:~:: 9039 evS:&::;;;~...........,, ~· · FORD DEALER • OM"MH.ovAL 1-<:lumsy, but cu d d I y, trained. $150. 962-6400 2Jxl's. 8'h' dinghya, U' lri 1969 FORD " Ton SHOW CAR Sand Rover VW SALES • SERVICE • W5 NIED YOUR TRADl·IN orange & '"hitC. Both wean-LAB Retr. 1 yr. male. obe-huU boats. 2lll South Lyon BLUEWATER CHARTERS MUST SACRlF'ICEI w/evtrythlng. See to '69 MODELS • POI OUI LAIOI UllD CAI Dlrl. ed & trained. 546-3330 6/S dlence trained. Ready for St, S.A. 545-0663 ;;!: Th'l'roundjan.:....~. Sall 546-0957 alt 5 bc.Ueve. 644-0lM, ~ Immediate delivety • ADDY is allergic to Lamb lield. Owner trans. 847-8695 15' LARSON 1968 w/ 65 hp "" ""uITT> .9600 LARGE SELECTION Chop. Beautiful fluffy white CHAMPION bred female Mere. New cond. CusL Skipper ava.ll. 640-9000 JHps 9510 lm~rted Autos Theodore • DEAN LEWIS cat w/blaok taU, Ploue give Englah Bull. AKC "•· cov" 11495. ,..,'1308 9200 •61 BRONCO Wagon 4 wheel AUSTIN HEAL£Y ROBINS FORD • him a good home. '194-1586 Loves children. 545-2951 JO' GLASSPAR dlngf\Y, 5 hp Mobile Homes ''"'"' uA...-.. Blvd. · • 646-t)Ol , .0 _ 47 .,__ drive, 6 cyl, radio, heater, ........, 0&4....a A-,~. T Vol H• _ ·-~·· Ol.D Sofa -small child'• GERM' obo•lhatr pntr NO.. .s .. oars,.,,...,. 11 ....... ta NE\" MOON 3 bd-, '., ..... •••!. R~ with white • ., AUSTIN °-aJy ·~· eo~-.... ···-o • .....-.np . .,._nty .,ot.· " •Ill••• _.._,. dre~. 122 "' .. ~~ise, Bal AKC, Natl' -•·-p. eo•,-.,,.· Ana Aw. 646-97Tl S48-S800 ,., .... ... """' "" fit:.' .......... .... ,,._.,,,... • 19" HAUOI IOULIYAID, COSTA MESA 1 ~ ... """ ..., ..... ,. tensions. S3600. unfurn. hafdtop. Sl ,89 5. Call clean -gd.l:lody,WireaS'700. r Isl. Sired. 6 M, 2 F. 963-3591 SOCK IT TO 'EM! 847.()684 Art 3 pm. 879-6088 Call 548-0226 White eiepbutal DlmM-Une •.••••••••••• FREE to good home. Female Terri-poo puppies. 897-1298 Imported Au'°9 ''96oolmported Autos HOO Imported Autos 9600 UNd (_art 9900 Ulld C.rt 9900U..t C1n 9900Used C•rs 9900UHCI Con after 6 p.m. IX>G, mixed bn?ed, approx. 8 mos. Part Chihuahua. Good \vith children. 56-2603 6/5 CUTE male & female kit· tens. Weaned & trained. 546-9963 615 TWO • T ft. <-0ld kittens, one white, one blk/whl striped. 64&-4981 6/S 6 ADORABLE kiltc:ns, 7 weeks old. East Bluff, Ne11'PQJ1 Beach. 644-1096 6/5 6 \VK. old klltens, Penlan & Siamese mixture. Eve&: 644-2928 6/5 2 WHITE & honey colored male kittens, long haired, 2 months old. 836-4493 6/5 KJ'ITEN, Female, black. Siamese t hr owback . 549-09!1.j 6/6 4 KITTENS to good homes. 2 male, 2 female, 10 wks. old . Trnd Ir: weaned. 64&-1403 6/6 FREE Beautilul, long halted kitties 642-1322 11.tter 5 PM. 616 ADORABLE Tiger striped Kittens, 1 male, 1 female 7 wks. old. 545-3749 6/6 2 FLUFFY *Bi8ck I: white kittenl. ·Call alter 6. CdM. 613-5520 6/5 FREE klttena to kind home. 2316 Delawareo Huntin&ton Bch. 6JS 4 FURRY kittrns 7 wits. 2 male 2 female. Houaebroken to a sandbox 54~7850 6/S 2 M I X E D Samoa-Beagle puppies, 4 mo. P/tuibrkn. 847...C734 6/5 ADORABLE, h o ll 8 ebroken black kittens. Will deliver. 962-0.520 6/5 C KITI'ENS, nk'e I lovable. 3 n10nthl, box trained. SoID-9952 tl/5 FREE cute kltter11, half Siamese 6 Wfflm old. we~ ed & trained. 549-3261 6/6 1 JET black, 1 Siamese, traJned, cuddl,v, peppy. 6 weeks old. ~ 6/8 VERY ~ntle ·.f!maJe Ga. Shep. l yr. old. Prefers teen.age girls. 54S-Ql2 616 FREE to good -home mixed Ger/Shep • Collie puppy. 546-3956 616 MALE German Shiephmi &. somoa, 6 mo.. MJ..6.IM4 6/5 C KITTENS. t wb. old. Very healtl\Y. -615 TOP IOU. Will help dig I load. 8u..t82.l 615 CIANT Caciut planl3. you dig, ~H4S3 615 KITTENS. "''taMd, ueortc!d, 11amalJ 5,.1&--67L~ 616 f'iiiEWOOD ""6158 616 AUTO AIR CONDITIONER • WITH THE PURCHASE OF: The Family Room. Every fimlly st\ould ti.Ive • family car! ComfOl'Uble se1tin1 IOI" the wholt lmity •.. proelit1I, lood looks IP!et "°"'t ao out ot 1tyle ••• ~•need snc'ineerln1 .• ; 1111 Yin)'i int~lor. reClinin1 b1JGket seat._ '-5'Hd 1tk:ll si,i lt. Be 11 ~ two<111 f•rnity! l flat124 F811'111y S1d1n ... The whole fam ily will enjoy the zip Of Flat 124's high-output· engine ... the smoothness of a 4-speed synchro· mesh gearbox .•. the security of 4-wheel disc b"kes •.. the comfort of recllnlng froot bucket seat!. Flat is tun! Fiat 124 Waaon How aoee Flat do It for th• price? SEE THESE AID OTHER FIAT MODELS I C~~ALIFORNIA ':> · SPORTS CARS · • ' 901 E. 1st ST., SANT A ANA 542·8801 •• !.) / HIN• THI FAMILY IN AND LOOK 'EM OYER TODAY .. , IUY TODA YI Many of tf1e fine resale can at Jcihnson & Son w e r e ori1Jinally sol and have been se"lced by them • • • another reaaon why they .. ' ' SA F E B U Y S • ' ' 1967 CORVETrE 1966 CADILLAC 1965 MUSTANG COUPE STIN• RAT A. b1t1i1tlful ori9i11tf Srlti1h t1cl110 t rotll JJ1ot1llic fi11f1h with ..,hito •ppliq1i1t·lil•clr in· foriar, 427 on9l111, 4 1pe1d t r1r11., powor •t.1tin9, AM-FM r•dio, hoettr, f1,tory A.C. Dri.,.e11 a11ly 24,000 '"i. by I own 1r. l'"r!llC· 11!1!0 co11ditio11. uxv tst. s.1. Fo•leo $3795 1967 COUGAR GT A•i••n bronro fi11i1h ..,.p1rchmt11t comforf wo••• •••h ind · bltclt l1oldt11 top. Auto. fre111., r1d lo l 1ltroa l•pt, ho1ftr, f1clary olr. 4 111w . E-781114 tir ... PS, _,owH dl1c l>r1lr11, ca111alo. A .... vtiful 25,000 JJ1Uo 11r. ITRH 7lll. Iii. of F'1clory W•rt•nfy, $2595 · 1964 l"OtilnAc G.T.O. CONmTtlU ltt1i1tlful e«el fh111lrt wlfft whit. liuektt •••t• I wt.lft t.p. 4 ''"~ tr•111., ,. .... , 1fotrl11f, rtdlo I ho1t.r, 1tc. U11111utlly tit••• IJIU S•l I. 1968 COUGAR XR7 Cpe. "ttr•ctl•o 1otf••11t t11rquol10 fl'lot•llic fi11l1h ""1tft Porchll'lt11t lttfflt>t liuclr.. 1o•h tttd "l•ck 11"411 roof. 6.1 Utr1 v.1 t1t9l110 wltft ovto. tr•111 .. r.Hlo I ht1ttr, powtr 1lttrl119, r.wn ~Ute lir•lrff, Foriwy Air c.M, TM1 outlflll et r 4rl•" 111ly 12,000 Mi. •ad ~., rocol••• th. "•lt1teo " tftt. nt w c•r Ftclory Worr•i.tv. WOWl4J. •3295 SIDAN DI YIUI !itrllririt Arctic whito wifti bl 1clr l11torl or •H ' lil•ek l•rtd t u raof. F11lly l1111ury oquipp1d, 1uto. tr1n1 .. RIH, PS, PW; 6·wt y 101 t, fie· lory •ir eand., olc. fSMD 151 ) $3395 1968 MERCURY PAii U.NI Can¥orlib!o. 8e1uliful J1'"•ic1 YoUow flnl1h with lil•e~ i11!1riar 111d lil•clr top, Auto. tro111 .. r•dlo •nd ho1l1r. Ftctory Air Cond., pow1r 1totri119, power ~r1ko1, powtr wiri· dow1, ols. Dri.,.1n •11fy 10.000 1111101. Thlt a11ht111dl11g e•r co11ltfbo 011ily '"lit•••" for lir•nd ntw. l!luyor rtc•I••• tlio ~11•nco af tho 11tw e1r F1clory W•rrorrty. WPC J66. $3595 • • 1965 VOLKSWAGEN BUG OllO ow111r. looka Ofld clr1¥11 lilrt "'?'· Uc. No. PEP J26, . '1195 1968 CONTINENTALS J to chot10 fro"', AU ctt11pr.f;ly 1111U"ry o(fulppM. Auto. tt•111. I redlt , httfot, '•c· torv Air C.!WI., pwt 1t .. rl ... ,._ot i.rtltM, power wlndo..,.., ,awtr 1011, ltn4•11 roof1, •tc. v.,., low lftit.. a ktltlfff.lly lfttfllttl119'. • lwYtr rost~ lfll litli11$1 tf tfio MW ur f•ctory Wont11ty. Attttcti•o c•lort. (ZlH 121) Pric11 1t111t •4995 USED CAR DEPT. 540.5635 l1111tlf1i1I Arctic Wh ito flnhh with •ttr•cfl¥1 R.0 IM!clrol •••h. Eq1i1lpp1d with 01i1ia'"•ll1 lr1n1mi11lo11, r1dio, ho1tor, pawot 1toorirtt, low 111il o1. Ori9J111I thraughout 1rtd b~111tl• rullv rn1int1in•d. OTM 406. $1695 . . 1968 TOYOTA CORONA HAIDTOP. cou" Ctrdlntl '°' fi11ilh wit~ lil•ck b1i1clroi •••h, oula. tr1111 .. rodio .I ho•f•r. Ono own1r drlv· 111 .only t ,000 fl'lilo1, A rtil bot1i1fy, IWIC J!i7), $1895 f966 MERCURY STATION WA.ON Colony PtrL-. 9 p•1t11191r, lit•utlful ltrfl'IM• 'l•t.dor. Lu1tury oqul,pod. l111t1. tt••3 llH. PS, Pa. PW, lncllldi119 4-w•y 1ttt. f•lfffr, t lr eoM. Du,411 •ctian till t•tt. T•, lq1•t1 ,., •• t k . o ... of th• UFllllU•I 0110 ....... , low 11iil1190 cori. ITEY 116). 52895 .1966 TORONADO DILUXI ... 11fff1i1I lloy•I ft'l•roon flnlth with fllltkMftf Jntorlor. Thi1 1upo1 clo1 "' ctr 11 equip,-• wlfti tho flr101t. A.T., lllH, PS,. Pl, &-w·'• 101r,-,...,;1141...,., ftct.rr tit coM., Htt ,.....,. 1119 ""'· 'Show1 t ac•ll oftt erio •WMt ..,,.., ,,,000 1111101. Wl'Wlll. 52595. Job.DSOD•SOD - UllllllL~ lllnlEllTiL • 1&11%m: • IUlllY • lllUI ••-IOUllYMt,-A-· .. • _, •"''" --.. ~ "" . .... ---.~ .... _' ...... • ... ............. ~· .. ••t• .. -- -• •• .... ---~ .--:::=== ... •• ...... _ .. ~· 61 OPEL Sta. Wll:M. Xlnt inotcr Ir tirea. Need& paint. llOD . .....,.. alt$' !II '62 RDIAULT Don11'1>IM, 29,IQI mi.. new tires. racuo. clean. one owner, $215. 8'2-4156 \ TRANSl'OllTAnON TltANSl'()RTATION TllANSl'OITAnON 'N!d0fsd<1. "'"' 4, l~ TRANll'OllTATION _ Tl\AJllPOllT!(TtOJ! PILOT-ADVERTISU !f) TllANSPO(TAflQN ~ -llftflO<lod . A-NGO r._rt.d Autoa HOO Aut• LNal"t 9110 UMd Cira 9900 UMd Cira 9900 'CHRYSLER VOLKSWAGEN VOWWAGIN CHEVROLET ---nRBrTIME! Leue & N•w ·a tor e Months , 65 CllRYSliR SEDAN '" VW't " return wltb no obligation. '61 NOMAD Wagon; golw:! '61 VW Sed:an. b 1 a ck '67 VW -n-JMMF':DtA.TE DELIVERY Call Mr. Malcolm Rtki tor cond. Auto. trans., ne'" w/blaclc·brownlntertor, Air mndl~ low .. ....,.., 8&nlc ~ F\J.11 Details Now. 'brakH, eood tires. $150. $ SA VE $ AM/FM, veDI .........._ one owne<. Ablolut<ly mint $2U DOWN 64l-OOIO ..,_1625 PORSCHE Executive Cer Sal• ;.;,. ~Many extru. condition. ~fiss VLCMn $44.fB * 36 ~ r:ro. Au~ .... =sr==An=oN-w-.-,-.. ~--. -. Automatic, radio, be:~· Hu,_ Whlle on.-. Letti Pllll l final nmnt for Thiw,.. ~m R I ll. w I w. ori& owner power steerln(, power 1'tl • SUBARU "' .. ' ,,_L, 'fiS VOLlaWAGEN Varient • Utk, Full J yr, 24,000 .•cdon ~;,~ .... mt. trlr b 1 te b . :4>~ condltionln&'. WKA· '62,MODU'IED •""'"'· '™ -------lflll 1 ..,;1 S-1500Goodcontlltlon.Extra mlwan'&hiy,Avail,.at ROllNS-FORD ·~ m1. Red ia<qucr ....... ,.. Subaru of Calif. wn WllO tires "·""""' ~"•'f'· · · < T & M MOTO 2010 ll&l'bor Blw. \ '68,EL cAMJNo 39ih150 ,.,. $11,5 late new. Best otter. 213. I -R to'I D. 53&-0049 • .... I ...,,,. al Cudai Gt'OYe Yd. Colt.a Atesa 6@.0010 h·-I t I I --· ~ nc. e 1 rv. IMPORTS .67 vw raitbaci<. Radlo, .... ....~ di"• SU.2284 at Bead> ~ '"' ' ''· P '· ~-- 1297 POE --EN "' LEASE "' am/Ire. Xlnt cooo. $m5. ATLAS '6S ·PO~ 1600.s red •1-1/ TOYOTA·•OLYO brakes, clean. 962-8683 after ~2~3 OP SUNDAY. '68 Cad Cpe de VWe, full........ 83S-&69 aft 6 PM '~ lnt, re bit enl, n e w Opt equ $30. ~igflt $14.50 1966 Hubor c,M 646-9303 6 pm -1968 VW t r-• ~,., FM/AM. "•• .u..... I-land 149. flel. SJ..390.50 ' · · '63 VW BtilS. Rebuilt en;tne. .,0,,,., mll • :!'t!: air, lT,IXll ml ., S139 mo: '60 OIEVY, 3 speed, 28.1, ClIRYSLER _ PLY?itOUTl~ ....,,., .,.......,..,.. '67 White VW Bug, brand new tireJ. '67 trans. ouuu ea--.. '69 Coua:ar. 2 dr, ff.top, stick oo Ooor $195. 3264 2929 HARBOR BLVD. Very Clean 1~ +\V "--~"", ill.ice! N 8 VOLKSWAGEN xlnt cond. $1550 R/H, front seat w/roorny E.Ves. f>4S.OS25 $86.94 mo. :P.ticbipn Ave, C. P.1 . COSI'A MESA 546-1934 l!IM (Cl Coupe. call alter 7 """"'~ * . s.ro-' ' ' * M&-1396 * back, • ahe:lves, ~k, '65 VW BUG '66 Continental &ed., air &: SG-3612 Open Dally 'ill 10 p.m. p.m. 83)..1004 ========I '62 VW, xlnt cond. 1968 vw Bug. 13,000 miles. colorfUl Federal yellmv. Re-$11»5 675-2449 / 539-llli leather. S99.T:i mo.. -.,-IMP-ALA--SS-327-. -..,-ck-et '68 POrux:HE Targa 912. SUNBEAM Musi sell. $650. Xlnt condition. Owner Hahle. Quick Ale. $650. 494-SOUTH COAST &cats, R/H, w/s/w, P/s, COMET tire new, must sell S5600 or * 61l-OM3 * transferred. $1150. 847-1464 0092 VOLVO CAR LEASING auto, perl. cond. $650. -------- bnt ofter. 642...{)600 .67 TIGER 289, 4 spcf co'nvt. 1007 VOi.XS. Blue, sunroof, 1964 vw, Clean & Sharp '68 VW 300 W. Cst HWY, NB 645--2182 c"2-:::.1::".::''--------SHARP '65 Comet Convt. * '65 CONV. Disc brks. Immac. Best of. AM·FM. Xlnt oond. 642--6943 8 AM to 6 PM, Excellent condition inside It VOLVO" '55 CHEVY v.s, top cond. Gold, wh.lte top. $650. Musi A Jem! Nu paint, top & tires. c'::::"::· ::::64&-::=28::::1.2=ask:=l=o=' ::Da:::v=:e * 644-2389 * alttt 6:30 646-1.225 out, hOney cream ext., plush UHd Cert 9900 New radiator new br.lkes, Mil. 208 Crystal, Balboa AM/FM. Mwit 5C'll. 646-1234 _ •69 vw Sedan DX! mi $1995 ,59 VW g ·~ bus, $t50 black interior. $125 CUb NEW 164 .#Mnft CAR tune-up. $200. 0 w n er, .~ ..... ~""====::-:=cl * '60 Porsche Super TOYOTA '65 v WBua S.QIJS Xlnt mech.i.nlcal co nd : dela, dlr, or~· take i:::. & y m;Q1 A f 673-45n '64 COMET Caliente Conv. $1800. m..1ais 61,2813 Owner transtem!d 847..8695 80.-4&38 ~~ 194. NEW !IOO '58 OIBVROLET 8 Station 45,00'.I ml. Make ofter. RENAULT BILL MAXEY .,,. ~ ;:.:f"'· i:,vw. '""'· """"'""· · · ,65 VW "NOW ON DISLPLAY ~~::-~:~~= .~~=-~'~Lag=· '!,"'::~::::,,:~::"":::·:'.:108::"_""'_1 _"_,__,,_11_"_ .... _ 1 _"" __ _ ITIOIYIOITrAI $225 * 546-5976 * 6'4·2389 * Owned by little 'ole painter · •11 11...:1 paydlent e· U you are em-'64 IMPALA SS, with cun-CORYAIR '67 RENAULT ~~!oii!~ .. ~~~ll'la. '68 vw.. Black.mt Headen, '62 VW SUNROOF from Laguna Beach. xlnt l4llL UU'IG ployed. sole_: Pwr, r&.h, S950_. One l __ ....;;....:...;_---1 R-10 .f Dr, Sedan. S!ill looks 18181 BEAQt BLVD. AM·l"M radio. ~ offer. $4~. Call between 8 il 12 and corxl! $15 Cash dels, dlr. 'iunnnT$ ** MANY MODELS owner. Clean! 644-0036 1961 CQRVAIR MGnr.a, jl181 new. Ser, No. 58248. $1377. Hunt. Buch 847.a555 54S-9t63 after 6. 612-4529 take pymnt $36.86. Will fiDC llTvnl TO ?JOOSE FR.QM** 1962' CHEV SS, full power, overhauled. call U 8-2!143 i:N~•;;w,;Ca~'~";;:'~'·~&\6.;;9307~:="~3~m:;;l~N;,.~of~C:O..~:;,' e;;:wy~. on~Be>~~DAIL~Cl'gP~ll,()T~,';W~ANT~~ADS~!~CHARG~~E~,,...~;,;wan~~t ad~now~·~•;;"'~' ~-~·:;Call:=,:;K:;'";:;· 494-=;;9Tl3;;;;;i~~~~TO~T~O~t=A~.Y~O~LYO , • , • Call Mr. Ulmer interior very clean. Priced evenings after 5. I, 1966 Harbclr, C.M, 6f6.9303 * 893 5038 * below. blue book. 962-8463 •61 CORVAIR $200. Good l·N~ewiiii;C~a~rai;;;;;;;;;;;;.;98;00iiiii;;;Ni;-;;;C~1~ra~--~9~800iiiiNe~w~C~•~n~_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~9,~800~.:iiiN~ewiiiiiC~1~r~siiiiiiiiiiiiiii~9800~~N~•w~C~1~raii;;iiiiiiiiiiii9ii800iiil '63 . VOLVO • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS """'P'"talioo. 615-563< OR ANNIVERSARY: 48 SINCE 1921 • • • Your generous patronage and confi .. 'dence in oUr dealership has made us proud lo be • part of Orart9• County and ifs phenomi nal growth. Thanks to our countless friends for • wonderful .. WIN! • • '48 yea rs. FREE USE OF A ·-DELUXE CAMPER •· FOR ONE WEEK E " DIAGNOSTIC CHECKS Re,llttr to Mn -, CO!nP'-11 dice~ of \'OU'" un condition 11'1 Souin.ni C.Ufomla'1 !Int fonl DIW111$11c (9111«, O'ler uo 111ic:tronlc FR. E 't.'5 for .. 1.ty, r.i11bl!lty 1tld perform.11t11. • Drrw thll vae.llon wlthovt ""'rry, Ten Chkks Toh Glv11n 1nel . H...,.. ,. .,.:,1 Mt C.... i. _. ,........ Prf• ._. .... ewerv hhriltiy .t 11 -... YM .... Ht ~ ..,...... te wl•. Ow.r JO ,,..,. .. •Ill - FORD T~eod~re Robins, Sr. THIODOll lOllNS, JI. WE'VE PULLED THE STOPS FOR JUNE! Super S1vlnp Wherever You Turn ••• V1lu1ble Prins For The Grown • ups ••• Keen Stuff For The Kids ••• It's Our Biggest, Savin'nt Birthday Party In Almost H•lf A Cemury Of Doing Bu1ines1 In The Harbor Areal Come In, Help U1 Celebrate) RENT ECONOMICAL RATES . By DAY, WEEK, MONTH. BUY GOOD SELECTION • • • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Super Savings on $1,500,000 of New '69 fords! ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS on Mustangs -Big Fords -Torlnos -·Thunderbirds -Ford Trucks! Check Our Prices For June BeforeYou Buy! ORANGE COUNTY'S OltL Y AUTHORIZED DWER I Lorge Inventory of New '69's For Immediate Delivery. Six only -New 1968's Now Slashed For Immediate Cleorance! RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY •Door Sedan. v .... 1utom1tlc. {2M6ffM411611) 895 1"4 DODGE DART $695 171 2 Door. E9ulppM. 6 cyl. CPIY 605) IH7 PONTIAC HARDTOP Y·I $1595 TemMlt Cu.tem. Auto.. P.S .. R&H. (TR J OSll HU CORTINA GT $995 ,...,_. Mw ... ul""4. (NRP 6121 40,000 + milts. - DRIVE A NEW 1969 ENGLISH FORD! ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SELLER, AMERICA'S NO. 1 IMPORT BUY! CUSTOMS * GT't * STATION WAGONS. Lar,ge Selection of Autom1tlc:1 and Four Speeds. LAST CALL: NEW '68's! Limited number at Fin1I Clearance Prices! lWE YOUR C·AR FOR 6 MONTHS lt't our )Ow, "G4l·1couelnled" olf1r. And the,..,, -~ ttnYff\1111 Ilk' It ffl air lff1/no fll110ryl C1H Mr. M1kolm Rtld1f0r d1l1 ltl.. Llmfled llm1 Dntr. FORD AUTHORmD LEASINCO SYSTDI Fully :qvlr, elr cwl., l•nd•u top. (UVT "6) J 815 19M FORD Slj)UllE WAGON $.. 95 VI, 1ut .. , R&H, •Ir coM., P.I ., t pess. (IOY147) 19M VOLKSWACOEN SUNROOF $995 1vtly :r'lmd· (OllG :ltl) 196S PLYMOUTH Sl'ORT FURY $895 2 Door H.T. Green w/i.lack l"ter. V.f., aut ... P.S., YXS 426 ,I •.a. te t p.flt Me11•fn e .. Set I •·~ +. I ,,.,.. PARTS & SERVICE HOURS 7 1.~ .... t P••· MH . 7 •·"'· .. 6 p.M, f119.f1I '\" PARTS ON.LY I e,M. .. I ''""' S.t , S. It .,.. t.46 P·"" ' Pl800 Spt Coupe. Scarce mo---------BRING RESULTS! eves. '62 SIGNET 2 dr, HT, $36. -========-====-=====! de!. Choice c.r two. Lie, No. SIDck N llL '62 F85 -9600 1ZW483.. New ear Dlr. mo., 0 • • c•:.::mo:po;.:;.;rt::ld::.:.A::•_::lol::__:.9::600::.:l:::m:!po:::.:rt::;ld::.:.A:.:ut:.::"::..--646-930'1 2 dt., $32.50 mo., stock No. - Antiques, Cllulcs 9615 '57 DUAL GHIA Convert, All power. 44,IK'XI mJ, Xlnt oond. Very rare (Serial #149) $3500. &12-5243 or 494-- 5270 A Sbarp Model A Ford! lA30 ·standard coupe. S500 • 4S4-83XI Aulol Wanted 9100 ----WE PAY .. CASH ' for used can Ir trucb Just call us tor frtt ntimate. GROTH CHEVROIET Ask for Sales M.anqu l82ll Beach BIW. Huntln&:ton Beach Kl """ WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET . 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mea 546-1200 Will Buy Your Volkswagen or Porsche &: pay top dollars. Paid for or not. Call Ralph 673-0900 IMPOR 'I'!; WANTED Onuiae C'oonties . TOP S BUYER 8lLl. MAXEY TOYOTA 15.l '61 T·Binl $37. mo., Stock No. 142. G-MAC MOTORS 3630 w. 1st St. Santa Ana 5.ll-9183 BUICK '64 BUICK station Wagon, fully equipped, tac air, Micbrlln tires, 42,lm ini. $1000. 494--4685 aft 4 • '62 LE SABRE * 69,lm ~1.1. Beautiful Car. 64U584 '64 BUICX Special \Vith famous V-6 engine See to appreciate. $900. 548-8584 '68 RJVIERA. Air, vinyl lop, low mil. Immac. Prv prty • Eves. 644-1549 CADILLAC Buch City Cldillacs * BIG DISCOUNTS * '65--'69 CADILLACS AU Full Power-Fact. Air '69 de VWe ............ $6195 '68 Seel. , •• •• •• .. • • • • • S4695 '67 Sed. • ............. $3795 '66 Sed. .. ............ 12895 ·53 Sed. . .• • • • • . • • . • . . $995 SOME EXA!of PLES htANY MORE TO CHOOSE e $100 DELIVERS e EASY CREDIT e 48 :r.tO. FINANCING <'n approved credit Cheek with us bef~ )'OU buy Cadillacs 847·1222 17281 Beach Blvd. 2 blocks S. ol W:in)er on Beach Blvd. · f£UNTINGTON BEACI{ e OPEN SUNDAYS e 18881 8'""' 81""-CHEVROLET. H. Beach. Ph. M7-8555 -------'-- WANTED: JUNK CARS TOPm. * 546-5106 * • '64 BELAIRE, 4 dr, air, PS, auto, new tires. lo mileage. Orig owner, Xlnt! 962-8635 ' . ELMORE LarCJest Exc:lusiv!t Toyota Dealer · Anywhere ! ! ! ! Largest Servic:• Fac:mties · LarCJest · Selection HICUT USID c A1s Ill OIAN•l COUNTt .. ,. All ' ' . • ' Mocl•lt " . ·--; • -•••• •••••••• •• ••••--k• • • ••••••••••.• • •• • •••• ~••w----..e •• • ......., •• • • ~ • • ••• ·-••••••--....,., •• • o • • • • • • ..._ '5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 LINES PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 2 TIMD $4.50 $5.10 $6.00 Puhli1h for.•••••• ••• d1y1, htglnnlnt ••••••••••••••• •• •••••••• ••••••• Cltnific1tion • , • , ••• : ••••• , , •• , • , •• , •••••••••••••• •• ••••••• •• •• •• N1m1 ••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••~•••••••••·•·•·••••• Addr111 , •• , • , , ••,,.,,,,,,, •, ••,,,, •. •, , ••• , •• , •, • •,, •• , , , , •••• • City , •••• , • , , ••••• , •• •• • • • • • • • • • Phone •••••• , , • , , , ••• , , •••••• • • TIMIS $6.80 $8.28 $9.76 1 12 TIMES TIMES $10.65 $15.90 $13.10 $20.10 $1S.55 $24.30 TO FIGUll COST Puf 011fy on1 wor4 In t1ch 1,01c1 1bov1, lni111d1 your 1ddr111 or phon• numb1r. l ht coif of your 14 }• •f the •nd of 1111 IJn1 on which fh1 111! wor4 of your •d it ..,.rit· tin. Ad4 Sl.00 1.tt-a If ye• d1,ir1 u11 of DAILY PILOT lo• i1rvic1 with m1 il14 ,-. p1i11. 1-----------CUT Hiii -PASTI OH YOUR INY!LOPI -----------1 BUSINESS REPLY 'MAIL flrtt Cl• r-1' N• IS. ~•• M .... c.nr .... r. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT P, O. lox 1560 Costa Meao, Cellf. 92626 Claulllld Dopt. USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID DAILY PILOT AND REA~ ~HE ORANGE COAST'S BIG<f EST MARKET -~------------·-----------------~----·-----------------. ---- - • • 111 .: • I I ---. -.. ......... _____ ....... .,) ..... -------• ( 21 PlLOT-AOVERTISEa Wednetdll, J""' 4, lM f µJill'OaWION '""' 'OM<ATION_ tilNIPoRTATION tRANS~.ORTATION W-, M 4, 1969 °DAILY I'll.Ill' ~ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION , NewC.... ., -flOO...._Cora--. nDOIMwC.... ..c tlOIJ... -------.. -... -· ----,.,._,._ •nDNe• c:.;.. -9900-Cert • tt00llow·C1" flOONew Co" -,_ .. . , .. I. • " . . . • . . .fl • .. • '· •• j"( .... ~I ' . '• ., . • • • .. '-'----"OT'--- . CADILLAC I . ' ,, ' ., x • . ' NINETEEN SIXTY -NINE 1968 CHRYSLER 9 paaenger Town &: Country wqon. Ml1n · )'ellow with u.ddle vieyl trim. 1'ull power, air condJ.tionina:, Iugpge faclc:, tilt 1tmmc'.Wheel. Jaw mileage. (VI'P9TI) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. PhantOm blue with blue leither Interior. Full ~er equipment plus factory alt condlt1onlnc. One-~' (UJ.\3&7) Coupe DeVllle. Autumo'•IJ!ll4 -with ->WI top and gold cloth ant )t&Utlr Jntmli'i run ' . power, fac:tory air candl.Ulaln1, tilt 1telrlq wheel, po\.\'et" door locb , .eo. (J6211'8t) 1 ,64 RIVIERA . · Po"''der blue with matchin&: vinyl ltucdltt 1eats. Full power and factory air cond!U. .,... Ing, many extras. (HGT856) -... 1 1965 c&~iltAc: 6;.~ Coupe DeVllle, ;;;;sEilxt.\iJr .'!'! , china: cloth and 1"8 In rtof.1'rfill · , factory air, Wt IUlllt c st.etrtns, 'allows exceptional low mlletce~N663) " ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE $4444 PRICE $388a PRICE SALE $2444 I'll Cl IALE .. $1555 . PRICE ' OVER 80 QUA'LITY AUTOMOBILES ·TO $ELECT FROM . I \II-~ •.•I -"l! •f" • ·Hll . . AY3tfJ '110l HI JUND Of ' ., i; . -AUlOMOBIU YO~: IHOULD OWNI ..... ~ . '· 1966 CADILLAC · 'fl,, .try popiilar ~po DoVillo Hnl•hod In IO¥oly -~1hcHro l...y with black p14'04 !of 104 ~Ill~ .,IM.lhtt .lntoritr. H11 111 .of 11" C:.411111 11111. '"''' moot ~,,1, w'"I ln11v41•t lull ,...., 1 ·~~.11'm••t, 1 . mvltltloir, II~ 104 t1l0Hoplc afMiiftt w'9•• , '""''' 'Mr loek11 twlU9ht 1e.n• • llnol plus, of couro1 FACTORY Al-•CONDI. " TIONING. This is 1lt1olut1ly fl1wl1•1 •nd h11 ~If' ll,978 actual .,11.,, 1966 TORONADO CUstom. Black exterior with blact vb0'1 m. terior. F\ilJ power and factory a1r condition. ing, tut steering wheels, power 4oor loclm. low mileage. (SL\1334) • 1967 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllle. NormandT blue with black vlnyl roof and blut! cloth and 1".tber interior • Full power, tectocy air, tUt-t.eletc0P1c wbtd. p0wer door ,tockl, AM-P'M. (VIH785) 1966 .CONTININTAL ' .. . --Goddess gold with eold top and 1old lather Interior. Full power and factory air, stereo • ~ ~one O\mtr, (S\'m0) = 1967 RIYlllA· , ........... ~ wtth>liladc """ .. -·-""'·f\111-oqul-1111»- alr --~ Ult •loerlnc -<TIDCll) 1 ti•. :cADILLAC . . ' Clol ....... DIYllll. lllMll..wtlld1lll!t --Into-. run poWlt, lutciry alt, Wt i tele- acople wheel, al.em>. CWX!$C9) 1963 CADILLAC Coupe. VS, autotnatlo,tranan)1Nlon. ndlo and heat.er, ..,,.... -..: and -lactoey a1r condl-.. Wblta with blue cloth Interior, IAtl $2111 PIUCI IALI $3777 PltlCI • IAt.,_ $4999 PRICI IALI $888 PRlCI ____ , __ , ------·s·: .. ,• .. i1s : n:Ert!TMENT ·0°EN-· ...... , -....... :rr.----------JIJ.:illi < ... .... r ...,_ • ..... l'JI 1 ;11//fll • ,,.... SAll. ,RICIS EFFECTIVE ROUGH TUESDAY,-JU e'' 10, lt69 ' ~ . ' • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY fhru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Y'our Factory Authorized Cacllllac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area • • v NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 Uood Con 9900 9900 Uood Co" 9900 Utecl Cars 9900 CORYAIR CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTI! 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 516-1934 Open Dolly ·11-10. P.111- '66 DODIE __ D_O_D_G_E__ --FO--RD--MERCURY ·l'AIRLANI 511 GT ... lllkmltk; ...... --· ----... .ir. __ ,_ • ll:lalt). $1995 . CORONIT ATLAS vs, automatic, *'° and beater, power •leer'inl· (RIG OIRYSLER_ -PLYMOUTH SSSJ 2929 IWUlOR BLVD. $1395 ATLAS COSTA ~ 516-1934 Open Dally 'ti! 10 p. ... ·n roRD Country Sq., • -...... P.oWot .. AJC, .. -. with -· lrtm. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTI! 543-1231 2929 HARBOR BLVD. -""2,.;F~Ofd"'"'w~ ... -.~;'t~---. Air~. COSTA ~IF.SA 546--1934 low ml. Xlnt cond. Optn Dally 'Ul 10 p.m. 475 * 642-6R20 I • •. I -..-+ . . h:1r-'. ' •'· -' r I . I _ .. • f • ' ., • . . . , .• . _ Roy, C.•~r i1Jo1ded~up_~ith gre1t new ind used c1n. Tiies• c1ri must1ie sold i nd sold now to m1k1 room for more c•ri on order. W1 v• furnlsfied 11ch of our s1lesmen with sharp p•n~il1 to fWjur• tha kind of de1~YOU want on t_J,1 car Th;t selection is':. terri~ict and th·~. pric11 1r• 1l1shed to tha bone ••. Coma in and let our 1ale1m1n show you how .~ sh1rp p•ncil can ~rli: to 11ve you re1I money on • brf•r automobile. of yeur choice) _..;;:-"""---.. I . ~ ..... ~ ' . ' . ~-" ---=--£~~--~! . ' GRAND "P'RIX • HAND NIW C•rntio ....,_,,. wltl'I (llOld lnllf"IDI', tDnkrlll top. '1.lrllll hydr11Ntlc, pwl'I bvlttlll ,... dill, dt1VJ:.--...1'Wlh.. wire whM'! dli.tf; ...,_. •Mfrlnv; tinted ,...._ Allt CoN--. ' . ~ . LE MANS OITIOHtNGf Whll• 11dt w1t1 tlr•. IVUl'tP»'L711l .,, H1rdl!_Op -. ClrnlCI ...,_I,. wilt! red lnf~IOI'". 3~ qllle, turbo hrllr•mtlk:, 11'!111 bv~ redlo. d• luu' -t lletta. NlllX• ""*I dlsc:a. UIMOl9, poW .~...... ll:nHoil l llU, Whlll IJdot .... H tlrel. Ul7PRJ.mNJ $3266 ' 0 ~! I ~~aIJL . -:-·-_t - . ', ,_ .. _;1 ·~!:"!!!. ~ s291"'"'. .·. ; a. d 2 Do R d" h I t . -.-,1 Tl EL CAMIN v.1, pow" .•• ~ • .., •..• d;o, '.I I . , l'TICU • or. " 10• ea er, IU o· FULL PRICE hHt1r, whi e w.all tire1,.f1ctory 1ir con-: FULL PRICE ''68 9ARRACUDA . \ I , • . ,fa·stb.lck. Va, automalic, J.ower steer;, Ing, radio, he1 ter, white 1i • walls tir11. (WAB 5881 m1tic1 power 1tHrin9 .. I SLU 11! I ;d~H~i~~"~· ~1~·1 ~11~6;4~C~I ;-;r,-:;;-------~;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::i:::ii;;;:::iii:i :~0~,~~~4~wp,.~~~o~hHler. $1277 :~~~~;!!.~~!omot;c, power . s26t/' ' :~J.,~~o~!~b~c~ .. 1 hydram•Hc, FULL PRICE FULL PRICE Power 1teerin9, r1dio, h1ater, whit• sid• Ori 9 in• I 2 0, 000 miles. I owe 700 ) ;. • .. ·."~;"·9·· ;1;; ... clj;oOiry:oi•.ir ·.·.I W.I P.5 .. 6~9 _1 -',--j;;;;;;;:::;;;:::i:::ii;;;:::;;;:::i:::iii:i I ;w~·~ll·~·~l~V~C~L~l~Biil~I iA"Ali'9"A---~;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::iiii '67 COUGAR s2377 :~ .. ~.~!p.l~~.~~·~·aP~!, l2/77 :~hy~~~i!lpo~~ .~!2, power Hardtop coup.. v.1, 1utomatic, red io, d h s / FULL PRICE steering, re io, ••fer, white side well F~LL PRICE bre~es, radio, heet1r, W W, 1Ctory •ir heatir, powef'"-stiering. IVHC.6$6 1 tires, fact. air conditioning. IWFR 836 ) conditioninq. IWIC 067) · .'67 P.ONTIAC · LeMans Sport Coupe, v.a, Hydr1m1tic, 'power . .steering, radio, he1ter, wkife W,ell tires , : ITUP 1861 - '68 VOLKSWAGEN lug. 4 spe1d , tr1dimiss ion w.ith r1cl io and heeter ~ I XDC 861 I ' ' ' • ' ' . • _, '· I ' 1 I, • SC.ve on .never-Iron easy care slacks for Dadl TheY,re 50% -Fortre.1• .polyesler/50% ·col Ion . . REG.5.98,N~W4.99 : • Just In time for. Fathe(• Dayl Rugged, P~ newr·lron slacb of ~/cotton oxford we<M bi.d ..• wfect for oll 'round caivol wearl ~~wash ~em, put '•II\ In the drpr and they're reody ' to wear ••• fooklng lust like new. They come In all the colon he likes llke olMt, Willow, bl and blue. M.ft sizes-He911 IOV9 theml . . . · · LfKI It ... CH~l 11t ·-. . . . . .. • . r f . ~---~~ ~--.·· . a;e. .. -... ' . . 2 • Men's Penn,,..... ptl/lyeltw/ cotton short •'"-..,t shirt needs no Ironing. -., ...,, gold. S-M-L-XL 3.9I I Men'• Penn ._,,. polyester/ c:otfon bit lllDrt sleeYed shirt. No lronqJ -.decf. Wide eoltd color~ S-M-L·XL 3.98 ~> .. ·:. Men'• acrylic knit mocktl!" ?~ neck"' an cmortmen~ • .. tollcfl wtth tlf#.11· . . short ilttvtd In -J .;...: .. ~ .... ~ $5 ,,,, -~ I"'!---. -,.· . ........... ... . _, . . w.'19 •WHra11111 the Penner'• Montdafr ................ .tth ''"' values In all stores Men'• Penn Prest• fly front short aleeved lpOl't ahtrt of.easy care polyester/ cotton In attrac- m. solkh. 5-M-L-XL .$S, • .. .. Men's Penn ,,.., .. Ivy atyle f n atrlpea or plalds of po~ter I cotton thot needs no lronfl')g. Stiort aleeved, s-M.L·XL. a.9I .. Men'• PeRn l•t cotton lnlt polot; 1htlnk nshtont, cnw nd«I, poc:bt.d In auorttd aolldl-Clfdwhit., s.M-L-XL 1.49 falhtrs Day 11 June 15th ••• Rtmtmher dad wllh a Penn•1 glftl ---- ... .. STORE CELE BRAT.JON We're all celebrating the Penn.Ys Montclair · grand opening with great values In all stores Fine quality me~'s sportswear s~parates All the most wanted looks are in ~r men11 shops .•• a ~e . alpa~o gnd wool goJ.f __s~t~rs-~s;..Y, nee mf;swool ... impeccabfy fd{fo,;i:ifOeRs '1T1tf · ~ lacketsl A ~lfer links cardigan done 'in alpaca/wool blend in he-man colors, S-M-L-XL. 15.98 , 8. JOO% W<?-~f dres~ slacks, grad ~ing ..•.. rn t~ most war:sted cqlot:s~ Men'J sizes. $J5 C. sOft famb,wool V neck pullover sweaters In ~ttractfve colon, S-M-L-XL 12.98 D. Penn Prest4' continental golf slacks in a no ironing polyesttr I cotton blend. Light green or blue, gold in men's sizes. &98 I ·. E. Penn Pres_. polyester/cotton pc>plin locket. Assorted plaicb ••• no ironing ••• S·M·L-Xl. 9.98 LIKE IT ••• GHARGE ITI 1 '.. -... , ... ..._ __ --.....__. -- 4 r . I STORE CELE BRAT-ION "Wflte •" celabratlftl the r.nn.(1 MOntclalr 1rand opening with gNClt valvee In all .1Hn1 S~lal..Buyl Girl's Penn Pr&ste iamaicas and collon knit topsl Summertime b funtlme wt. .. has piny of these Comfortable knit Iopa In alb aCIM colon to l9clrn wf tf, MWW lroft pnakm In hmmonlzlng mlara. · Ceoleli cotton bits In al the ahapes you lcM ••• ll1rNleu atNt neck, .tclmmy tank, or~ nldr ••• pnttycolon, tool 7-14. 1.44 Jamaica ahom In wrlnld.free. blend of pol).,./ cotton '° tt.y tumble dry smooth as newt Loh of pretty colonl 7-14. 1.77 Summer money savers for · the little folks ••• of all agesl Crop top Mts forytlny girts, short seta for tiny ab4cl little bo)'l ... ,MP"Ji'\tt._..t ;~-.;Jor bfg and lfttle -boys •• ! hftft glrl'a cha and panty sets. A.. Cute little . airf 1 cotton crop top 1tts In the ·prettiest colon to ~· a flny gtrl even ~•I Sfzn '/2·2. $) I. Handsome little boy's cotton ahort sets In hand- some colors, too, at a fust·right pricel Sizes 'lt·'2. $1 C. Woven cotton boxer shorts to keep a little fellow ctear,, cool and comfortable all summer long In assorted colors, sizes 1/2-2. 2/$) D. Towncraft boy's ~lyesttr/cotton never Iron· Penn Prest waling shorts In o great plaids and aond1 ••• U grad styled, sl:t116.1~. 10lida $2 plalda $ 3 I. ct-I htfle .llrl't ...... and panty ltfl • •. SWMt and Hty ••• ruffled or IGlhecl •• , stripes, plalda Qnd _...In~ SJna MX. 1.99 - -STORE CELEBRATION We're all cel ... tll'I the,.,....,.,, Montclalt 1nand openl111 with 1reat values In all ...,.. Fields of flowers to cover your bed ••• Kodel fllled bedspreads for ci new lookl Twin. or full 18.88 ..... -24.88 n.. prettiest color comJ>tnatlons you can hnaglne In these quilted Koct.19 pol)-- estw flUed ~••.IO pretty you'll wat"t to redecorate ~ bedroom around one I UKE IT ••• CHARGEm Special purchase prices on our finest ·be4 pillows and bolsters s - . . 6 -~ - Boy's deeptone dress shirts ••• very contemporary ••• Penn Prest~ polyester/cotton (no Ironing) ••• blue, green, gold, 6-1 S. Long sleeve 3.50 Short sleeve 2. 98 Boy's Penn Prett• polyester/cot· ton dress shirts need no Ironing ••• In whiht broadcloth. Slze1 6-18. long ateeve 2.~9 Short sleeve 2.49 -~-STORE , . ~ CELEBRATION . We're all celebrattn1 the Penney's Montclair grand opening with great values In all stores . - Boy's Towncraft suit collection suifs,hiin 10-way suit: solid coat and slack with extra checked slack and reversible vest, It. blue, brau, loden, 6-14reg., ~12slim. 14.98 Double duoi solid rO'JOn/ acetate cc>at and l1ac:k with extra chedced alack, blue, bronie, 14-20 '99·• 14-18 sUm, 14-16 husky •. . 24.95 Prep 1uit: blw, bronze, or olive, rayon/t:JJC»- tote/mohalr In stna 14-20 reg., 14-18 •'"t 1~l6husky. 24.95 UKE IT~·. CHARGE Ill . Sa~ls for ~II occp1loniancl Outfits I . I ·-• . • •. ' . lai1411• upper affea _. l!CH)Clat.clu'r t.1l1cl, wnadle ~ ••• black _patent, white, bone. Women'uJzes. 5.99 --I ' Leather tGndoJ, flat heeled, and trim for tummer fun Jn . white, bone, fCllhlon colon, women' a U.. 4. 99 o.w '*'!w'-....... ~I Q~~~\!.~ .~' .~~· : , uppers, wtMt., blact,. bo,nf, gold, women'• irzes. $,99 · _ . UKE rr:.;CIJAIGE m ' .. ,_ ·w..•.ae1Ma111i9the~-..tcWr 1rancl ....... with ...... valuee "'~ ...... ... . I . .. • .. , - The inside -s'°9"y on outdoor comfort ... · .•• -1 Spend your lelsure hoUra In CIOlrlott 1n this large S4"x80" bed size Adre Cot. Easy to auemble without tools. four point green stMI ataftd aaures atablllty. Sturdy cotton camm hi brloht VHn wffb ywllow fringe and plllow 11 watw repellent and N1ldl mUdew. 13~99 UKE IT ••• CHAI GE ITI Special buy now on Foremost motorized Our Foremost electrlc For a fun cookout ••• our portable Tak .. hooded brazier with chaawal tighter, great Our great Foremost Along barbec:ut convenient warming for startlni barMCu .. 1 steel barbecue wagon picnic grill oven 1.88 29.88 1.99 19.98 ~ qukt and easy Wt/ff to Thia maroon ~ chanxM.I Ottll ~large~ . ThJ• untt. featum • 2•/f ffght ~ ~ your wagon has o 131/a"x23" ., 13'9 ·dlomtfW and ecuy dfamet,r, heavy gavg• barbkw. U.L listed heat-I . cooking. aurface1~6 position , toaryWclftslegr. ltMlhqwlwfth~trtm~ Ing tlennt. fire pcin lift • --.