HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-05 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. ' I " - J • I , I --·-.............. ... - • • - • . , ~ . . ' l .. • , ·Pres~nt Flie~_io Nf3tPp:orter .In~--'° An~unce -_lmportan~ A.ppo.iniment Almr 1Tumuzbwils,l;reetin·g"f4ro~~lti&New N~ighbors i~ ·s~w Clemen~: _ .. .. ' . ... . ... DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * IJ . ' . THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 5, !1969 VOL. a. NO. 1)4, I satrtotts. ,. PM~I . . . -.. CdM High Hit . . ·Har'hor, T·eachers .. Start Walkout ' . t . . ~. • . - -~ . -, • - Bandit Shot to Death .. . .... ' .... I . . . -·-.:,;' . . . ~-i ll ·· Fbitnd ' Teen~age Boy FrQJll Valley . ' Identified ' . ' By AIMON LOCKAB!:Y . . .,..,,!Vt Nlf1lll •• ,.,. The tea lw Oven up two bodJea of the 10 persana believed to have been aboard the 11t:foot. schooner Goodwill when she • By THOMAS' FORTUNE teachers throughout Costa Mesa and w~ ..,:..ked .on &.acramanto Reel -~....;-: • • • • . OI' ,... °'"' ,.. .. , l.t•H Newport Beach were-requested by the · · -H~~r~e;i:-::;r~~~~~¥-~~~i·~:n~:~aaj7a?i:.~ ~ ·mJles :1soUth'ots;fDiego. ·' . '" · The body of a te<nage boy found floating · two miles north ol the wreck Tuesday has been )>Olillve)\' ldenUfied as 15-,ye.ar-old Ttm Smith, son of Mr.,and Mrs. Gorton Smllh, 18842 Santa Marlana Ave., FO!Jn,tain Valley .. w9rk today and some Newport-Mesa supervised recreation after lunch rather elementary and intermediate schoo l than return to the classroom. teachers were expected to abandon the Teachers at some of I.be 25 elementary classroom Ut.is afternoon. (See TEACHERS, Page Z) All children were left under supervision of teachers remaining at school. The walkouts were staged to dramatize teach~ ~orts 1« greater pay·ra1ses. Mystery 161ler .. At Corona dtl M•r·iJ:illh claSaes we're ca~eled and studintS :told tt} spen~ \he o£· SA Jt ki schpol dv Of\ c.ampus OOing what "they _ . 1 w~ted; P,.eferalily stilllying. ':nie ·'gym' • ·· .-' ~ ~,. nasiums and swlmm.i.ng·Pooli 1Mre: <!Ptn~ ~ .. . ' r 1 , • ,· ed.. • · "6Hi ' Sdug1~ ·Al three ~ ·dislr~ ~gJi •1s ; . c_er , · DJ ' t~~r absenteeiSm was ~~~. ·"1.~ - c1a rj!ported a 100 ~t ·~ ;:-. turnojit,'Coota M,.. Hlg!I ~-~­ - • ,DAILY ,!LOT ....... Lie ....... MR. NIXON GREETS ECSTATIC SCHOOL CHILDREJil WHO CAME TO SEE HIM . out, aJid,!iawPod llar)>or ·lllgb tlli.ft:nol J -., ., present ··, .· • , ·~ Severity-foui"'teacbm of IT.ti weri miss- ing at Corona dtl Mar RJ#i, tbeir names all Phoned In on one list. Elementary and lnt.ennediate school • or .. ge Coan Weatll~ "ParUy aunny" is the call fO\ Friday-, which.means gloomy loolr tng clouds until mldarternoon on Ute.Orange Coast while the lhenno· meter stays fixed al 6S degrees. lNSmE TOBI\ Y . Few •televi&ioil sta.rr am ma~ th« switch to · the motrif!1, al- tbough the reverse im1t true at all Pao• 26. ly1JACK BlioBACK 7·~ or ~~,_,~. '.. , .. .IJrwbat Police CbiO! i;;itw.,i .Allen· col~ · • ~~·==-~edur:~:i~ · Ni·xo· · ..... F·z;nf;: to· N·L)/l·•,por·t the Year In 11Ma'. was shot to de<th by • . I~ · . ~'7 , . ~. '!Y . . unknown assailants late Wednesday · · ' ' ' · • ' ,; rugJiL , ~~r1~::p:dkli~r~1:ir't!~lod~~~ After. C. lemen. te.". Gr. e_etinw Alvin Saucer, 24, Garden Gro~e. ~ The olftcer, on patrol tbout J1:50 p.m. · • ' • radio!d headquarters 1111,t be ,. .. )eavlng • .~: • ._ n ., •• • · l'r·-'~-u..1n' •-••-~"Uomla . A 0 would-be jewelry store Jio!dllp maJj his car ''to-make-a pedeitrian-cbeck.'Lat.-----.1· ™""~...lUL14.1•--~ ~;_r.-L ~-"--.. •~-~wxas~100t-1ooeaurthlrmomlng ·~he .3n1 end Railt streets. °' .. --!"" • "l lhlnk Iii Pmfdeni wanis tO ie1 the repoi'tedly enppd In 1 gun .duel wllh ' Sbort1y :thereafter, Loull 'MarUnez Jr. FJ'fllh ·from ~ tumul\iioua welcwne at ~feel .of ~~ pa.rti(:u1ar Wofking ar~ the store owner. . , who lives nearby 11 !IOI lrd SI. and his his San Clemenle home, Pruldent Nixon r.._,.m,'' .Preu. Secretary Ron Zi•gler Santa .Ana poller said their pnllm; wile heard wbal they lholllhl ., .. a . flew fl> lhe lfewporto• Inn today to con-sald In• l>Qellnc Wedilelday.aflernoon at I~.~ lnvesUgauon· ID d I c.a Ir d Sam, • gunshol. ' .,.,._ willr" -·~-and --.nee a new Laguna's Surt and Sand !IO&ol. ·~· , • Mwtiooi1an Ollllde and found olllcfl' ..,,_. He refmed II> the fact Iha! Mr. Nixon ·Drucker, O'ITIIOr of,8rown'•·•8ftlf1 kl Sulcer lying oo the atre<t In !runt of !WI appolnlmoot. may when tn 'San Oanonle commute by downtown Santa Anl;,shol lhe blbdll u patrol car. He saw no.one elae. _ Mt: Nixon WU to begin a l•O"day helicopter to the ~ewponer· for work an accomplice fied, MMfu\<Z yelled II> his wUe • to call rvunil of conl~ at the flewpor!er on oeS1lom wllh aloes lla)'lna !her<; 111e. ......i man wu CllJlllred - Po• .. ano •t••m• WI to l<l1der llnt alll, '!'he preu ....id be locatod -•!!out one b)oclt fran lhe hibbery· ocepe /'II'· He Is an attoodant wilh Wind Ambulance -•mld1ny II> ~ IMach wbeft Iba Prell-"lhe Bank of Totyo In dcnmlinm Smlla of Santa Ana. FaD pletare eoverage of. dent Is at his Wblle Houae Well. • Martines told poJkt:he trl'\d to slop the p-•-'--t. •• Pade 10 T-andjabilan~Mr. Nixon atoppect "';d~ ol the .......... had been 1 • .,. exlemll bleeding from a pplng wound In ~-~ · ., from • "'"-""' 1t the Cout Guard ·-..-.- Sasscer's mld..ctlon Ind applied hearl Loran IUUao near bla new San Clemenle lifte4 at preu time. , • massage. He siiiOllle otiloar wu seiiil-home Wllinllflay 1n.n-1o lbe c'-'8 · lnve9llg1tln( olfic<n 1114 U-Are conacloiJ.s'and unable to s,..t. • matters ranging !nm his ulJCO!Jlin8' of .00,.1 1,1111 persons. ' bullet holet througlloul lhe Interior' ol Sulcer wu ""~lo Santa,Ana Com· Midway meet wtlh President Nguyen Van ,11111 "!H,, In 1 bript yellow suit, ,.,. llrjlcktt'• shoo at Ill !:.'It!> St .. .iilcb munlty Hospital wher< hi died al !1:32 Thieu of Soolh Vielrulm to a confmnce cepted rea """' ln>m dl(nltsrlw • Ibo 11 1 combined jeWefry llole and .pmi a.m. . wllh· 10 )'OUlll jll!Opie fn>ln five ltale on • Pr"ld<!\t cllmbed up on-a ~ar ltunt lo lbop. I He iWd'been named "Rookie of the the dralt. give San dementa ill place In lhe aun, Pollco Indicated lhal die 0110 bandit Year" lul December by bolh the San1a .A atdHlfecl or !be Newportor •con-SPEND 4!lOUIT , -llhol to deolh wllhtn. lhe -An1 ·~~~~11r'-.ad l::°f:TJ;;'°,;.~ t.~ wlj:": HO ~...::~.r ... lh;/lli>ily :-ri..i:-:: .... llllpocll ...,.. ldmllW • H1ppine11 11 Shokll)I Hond1 ·Wllh the Pmiclent In Your Own Home Town . ' . Santa· Ana Bandit ' ' ' ~ I' "I. •.,; ' Slain in Gmifigiji With Stoi:e Own"e~ • ~- Identification was made by relatives after Smith's body was taken · to 1 morgue, at Ensenada. The secon4 body found by Mexican fishermen was described as that of a man between 35 and so yem of aae. It wu clad In pajamas and, life j~Jc.et .. lt is alao_belng taken to Ensen(aa. aboard a Mexican Navy ve,JW for idenUficatlon. NORM OF REEF The bocfl wao i'eporlecl In have been found by risbermen I few miles north o( wbm'e the Goodwill llet O'Ulbed • on Sacramento Reef. It WIS tak• to (the village of Bahia Rosario where It was 'turned over toi&e Melfcmi Navy~ 114.._..,hiJe, t1Je U.S •. qoas~ <!uud J>U suspended active search of. the aru pm. 'din fuilher ileY•......,_L g -""'""'' ' "It ts pre\ty deflhlte Iha! no one from lhe wreclted .~-1:1•• af)oat In smaU craft,",arCOut ,Q~41pOkeaman ~d. • The search Jor survlvOf& from the Hl.l fated veasel sWI 'conUnu~. however, by per'°""'! qf L ,&.P Machine Industries, the_ !km _owDed by_ l!_alph Larrabee, owner. end ililpper Of illji GOodwill . Arthur JCnlevel. execuUve vice presl• dent of_· the 'llnn, aid two bolts with dtvera · depalted San 'DielO lo!l•Y and wOllld bqio oalvaie operaUona Friday. 1 Drily hope Iha! anyone from lhe ..- bd -llirvived appeared to lie uj 1he rtmoie paillltilllly that someone ~, hllve llllde, 11 to tllO rugged Ind barien 1a11cn-a1 S. Qonnlmo llllllld wbidl 1111 j1'.sl -· lbe rllf, • • Sl!;AB~vY , · But' belvy seu were known to •r• beta ~ Ute rte! I\ aboUt Iha time Ille-Goodwill IJl"l\lll(led, and tt Is - Iha! lhe .ll&bt ~ Ibo reel -... _.u... . I ~ ......... .., bdb. !'fllclal encl by yachlliqen -to ..... lllo aria' -Is 11111 Ute Goodwill hit Iha i..t , on the nJi111 of May Jll or • wllllo • route 'haai Clb'o.s.ri Lucu to Er 11 Mdl. A llrrq ...,_ .... 1"I Iha roof• ... lain -" Ille day, ,. • -SO•nded ·1'ike Big Can Opener~ Chase Leads Law ' Me.a NatJy Chief T~ Horror of Sea lAllUion Killing ~n, 73 Otlaer1 .,_..LmiRL ............ ••••••• dlt w.." c ... -· Ill_,.. • <Alta --..... a_, ......... me .. ceftda lloll< .llo ... -.... 7% .... ":.'I ........ _, ,..,,,. - ~. "" c.-t'• -Lo•·-J. llJ, ft. ti ml --• ., ..... __ ....... -... ---HllAI ___ .....,, ... __ , , ... £. r-. al!J-. It_ ............ -.,.. Id boat md>I rfMiial." ml _, ilJC •,,... -"a..t ATB 1tte f'l'ipfkr1 1'bundly • ... ~..., .... --~ ...... ... 21 ,, .. ~..........,, 'T .. tw ~ ,... " M'9t-.. •LlldlJh.,Zl.-llJI ..... -... -.... didol .... far .. .,., _, W. mocha' uW W'tda r 1 f1J I Cllid _,, .., ...W -llio ,_.,,.,..,. __ _ -.......... ...,,..,,, . ._. ....,., Ht IJt.ba Jr.) .... OD wai&da in the nrd....,.. -1lill'•""" -· lit,."' Nid '*' JldlJy, wbo •• anm __ .. __ ,_. .. CHIEF REILLY TELLS OF COLLISION AT SEA.,...__ Voice In tho Dirk S.vH -S.llo< ... ,, .. _. '!llollnt --1---a.. .... ~ .... turmd wttr,"' he -"Oe .......... bor -and ....... -.. ~·-·' fl_ ...... ,. .... "II •• pr<ltJ' mnal" Olitl JltjJJy ... be Cllled wt lo • - "1 •.... --od. and be -Ille -" lliJ -· ·-out " the .. ,,,._ P.,.e I •RESIDENT IN NEWPORT. •• •IO ..,i Ibo -.,.r. d Aua>at to ofhet dicnfWia and arranged w;lh lbdr -S.. °""""' borne. At one the 5ecttl lleMce for !he ....... lo be at ht .,-.t...,., Wide 1-<r in allowed out d Ibo cmod and &Jvai '°'"" wt.eel" dWr ..... "He'• ... lo llilludt. "'1 lidld" _....,. rdinllls IO Durialtllepr..,Wine_P..., in .ltlllJc '""""" k<tttary Ziegler tncticWd Ihm woold . 111<1 the Praidall, -I ""' Pal be ...... .r ............... loday and Fris j bdcft we wert marrled, we UMd to day which be rated above avt:ra.ge lm- •• don C..... ffl&lnol1 Ind the -porW1<e bul not~ Ian Clllnm&e: •• oat ct cw fnorita. Tbert had bMI pre. spewlation about 'Now we'n .,. .. ~own • put ot k. ptMinc 1100'Jocemed of ICIDe ICbeduJe .., I w7 on I lllll d II. we Joope d Amerlcan lroo(I wrrhdraftl I""" Vlel.- irybody ..w ... It too. Jllnl. Zlegler clecllaed ""'""""" ... ll!fs. Aod I """11, too, lhol a yun "I" I ARed H Ille Presld<ol bad beai rdtr, ,,. to SM Oanen\e. I w11 then a ring to Jenator Fullbright in a recent ,,. • -and lllo i.. U.br• IUld ..-"'1llcUlal .... i.utronilll". lido 1 !lpCOdl to • ll<rVlco dub. ilegler lodlcat.ed Ibo Pruldm bad been IC -ei111<r Rotary -I noll« lht IP"'"'"& in ~Wm>, ry« II 1 manber d Rotary -or lluriJll h1I wor1< l'ldom, Mr. NW.. Is ...... .,.. d Ibo bro. Md I -·1 lo «n1<t with ll<lbert l'lnd!, l<Cttlary ol -• Jt"'I ... I woilll be a. Udo lltallh, edolC'lfloo Ind wCU.~. and a )Wt a•'"""',....,., ti. Cbll: dtJ Patrick F'l•'P.4°' m:Qtlnt to the Prea. I I'm "'1 proad IO be ........ '"'' -, , L , "'line neJcbbon. . -"' • ~ il • ~ , .. 'I •Int you lo ..._ llllt 11111 ..,. quest lhll Gov; ~feller' cancol • -1 laclor lhol yoo lhoald be ••tr• ldieduled Vllil would cawt -li.tlon. •• that hlY!nc ....-lhol holds Ibo Ziegler ..rd, "We look fur lhe..,.ernor·1 Ice GI Prsldtnl u 7"" oelcl>b« Is vblu lo Latin Ammca lo conU.U.." ; ,.. _,,_ .t U-. ZieClef uld lh:il Friday lht Pmldml 'I Vfl"/ much revet Ullt' Secret will meet with younpte"rt, two each. 'Vice requ.lm that wben we travel -from the 1takl ot Oklahon\a, Iowa. 'll lry rd to W1vel too much CID the Mk<htc:u, Mlaiutppl and New York. :tnrayr _ thlt they have to clear the He dttcribed the young ~1e. m. tdl and IOmd.1ma you will not bt able ,.......,.. .,.,. al clolt: &o tbr: boule u you would cl.udlna: one girl, at mem~ of • pilot ~dthe-.nddllds' quuf.a1 "Tbm w 1"'J"e la the fti.er. It was dart, ....... mt ..... 1 bold - SLAIN BY GUNMAN Officer Neltoft S•1sur President Makes First Visit w t ;:~ group tet up a ye1r &IO by lht NaUonal 'I wWI we could meet everyone Selective Service Board to better com-. Ne• "Port Beach ,....u7 lo t.11 yoo how hippy we ,,. munlclilonl "1th young pmoo1 on the .., be 1n Calllornll •ad have you u draft. · ~" Zle1ler lndieated the President would By JEROME F . COlUNS (, tbe ~ tnd M Nison shook be llltentnc.. to the vlew1 ol the young Jet. °' -~ Piii! ttlff ..'\"'arc.......,:...-...,J'hn.~~~· , .. n .. cou..... F« the un1 time~ . ..,~· :rtt ltrYk:e men moved with 1bem Iii · '1.0-n.w* · , · 't~ ~•DIHlld:-~ ~~-~~"!i~~ II pnnl!mJly, once bar1dnfr 11 I from the Of~ le Opporiunlly. locfay: ' • tvlslOn crew lo R<p Ill d!Nnoe. Mr. N""'1 II tdledukd IO fly 1o the Hit Air Force multi-puaenger lurbojd :be, crowd, lncludlnc ...iallc 11111 Newport.r,1pin Friday, deportlnc from heli<Opter loucbed ®wn1l lht Newpon.r ?rMnt.e and l..qutul youngNn, .qi.at.al· Sin Clemrnte 1t about l :tO a,m. IM heUpad ahortly before 10 1.m., after a Jn clellahl u lht PrHldenl moved rfsmlnull! 114rbl from h1I San Clement. M Ind tbook bandl. mansion. ~ .... thin 1,000 leel ot Ice plant •long f'rom Pqe I Sevual dozen opecutors clul1<r<d al 1 root.I of I.he PreskienUal motorClde the fence around the pa4 and golfer-a his home wu trampled flat by the TEACHERS r1:tood on the edge of an adjacent green llln& feet. Mr. Nllon doubt.Im: net.dell e e • where they could see the President. He "'°' "'1ne 1Utr walkinl through the stopped at the fence, shook hands with a tbblt f1t1d at the Cout Cfuard llatkin. school.I and a1J: lntmnedlate tchoolJ were couple, then 1poUed a young man wear- -le wu first areeted by Victor C. eipected to comply aDd U>oie at other Ing a Whlttier College neat.er. drew• of Emerald Bay, hlJ Orange ICboola not to. Presldent NiJ:on stopped and chatted unty camp1tcn mana1er and In-Supt. William Cwmlngham •ld from for 1everal minuta with Chrll Wall, ZZ, 111'111111 Amold 0. lleckm1n ot Corona what ht hod obt<rvecl at Corona d<I Mar of 11111 Cllru1 Place, Newport lleadL I Mar, Andrew• introduced Mr. Nlxon Hlch School everything was golna: Young Wall b: a senior a defensive tickle DAILY PILOT ....,.,. ..... ,.._.... ....... ---· .... c..--··· J.alt •• c.,1.., Vice 'r•IWll _. 0.-111 ~.., -Cell• MtMr nit W"l I.,. ll-.41 N...,.,. ... Cll l 1tll '#ttl .... '°"""''' ~~1 n1'-'"'­HW1t"""" tMcJi1 .. 6111 111'"1 I •moothly and the 1tudent. were Vtrf on the football team of Niloo'1 alma loo9e: and very nlu:ecl (see ac-mater. C'Ompanylng story), The President and lhe atudent chaUed He aald, "I can ~II you the t.eacher1 for awhHe about football at the Quaker wlll lose a day'1 pay." H'e uld further c.a.mpo1. The Prealdent II.id he had apent reprl.salt would be up to the achoo) board.. most of hll football lhne at Whtttler on Board Preti'dent Jamet "Bill" Peyton the vanity bench. .~ 1aid. "There are certain legal avenueiwe "I never caught a forward pau.'' he oould purwe. J think aome of lhla i1 ac· quipped. • lually e&Ule for dilmlual." Chrlll ~led : 1'Yes" we tali. a lot A1 for h.11 awn feellna1 he would OOt go about that. ' beyond "Ying U..I ht leeil lhe teaclleu The Pre!ldenl chuckled lamely, then lhould not be ptld for the day. went with Bebe Reho@, pal and conCldanl Cordon Becktold , pretldcnt of Nrwport--who had accompanied b1m on the chop- ~1esa Education A&BOClatlon, said, "We per, 1traltht to a waitlna olf..white UJ» are counting on lht good judgmt!Tlt of the coin Continental, which then drove 1:1dmlnlstrst-0r1. I think It would bf 1 ~ ... between bulldlnga on the Ntwptlri.er Inn gr1vt,..mlstake to lnlll1te any kind o! a ground• to the VIila San Remo , where the reprlul action." , presJdentlll 1taff 1albered for a rnettlng. Anaelo V1!101, a "phy1le1 teachtr at The vlUa II high on a waJJ above I.be Corona dcl Mar lllgh,'told why he 1tayed roadw1y, glvlnlJ complrtt privacy and ho1ne : overlooldng lhe Upper Bay. ft ha11 patio "I'm 11ure people ate golni \o aay, dfcoraledwlthNewOrl••n1·1lyle 'What are you doing? We are paying you wrot1tM-iron pille work IDd'Optnlonto a to leach oor chlldrtn.' We feel thlt one wtJJ.Jcept i.wn. day olt wlll brlng lhe problem Into the open. And If thlll one day is l!!ffectJve, the lmproveml!!nl In education wlll be lhere for years \o COl'l'lt." 'VERY UNHAPPY' Added Ken Koury. International rela- Uorui teacher : "We think tilts Is the best way to ahow the community we are very unhappy. We have no illusion! about the board of education changing their mind!. That'll not our coal. We really ion't think they 1pe9k for the community. We think tu· payers would support higher aalarles. '' He alilO 11ald, 'fWe expected not to 1et paid today. We're not a1klng for the dA)' off to plsy 10U. We didn 't lie tlnd coll In 1lck. My pe:raonn.I feellng now la we WI.II all be back tomorrnw.11 U.S. Mediators Move To End Grocery Strike LOS ANClELEl< (U~I) -Fedtt1I mediator• moved to brlna 1lrlklng grocery clerks and m 1 n 1 1--t m 1 n t rcpre1entatve1 toselher todly for lbe flr1t round of fonnal blr11inlna: 1loce a 1lrlke-loc1tout hit Loi A n I e I e 1 •upemarkett le1t week. Robert K. Fox, ptttldtnl of Ille Food Employers Council which repruenll the market•, aald management w11 prepartd "lo hold out for two month• or longer, lf nects!l'"X. II ------------ _...._-*••:a ' ws.-._..,. .._, • ._ , l ~ .... ,,,( .... $ IWf I -____ ... -. .. ·-·"-"'• ---.. ----------.. To Sex Cyclists ~-11111.·Qili..__ "! ......... _ ........... . ma -~ I .. rt ;·a -W1B11 -·-7 --- .... _ .... ___ JS . ~-... -,.... ...... Cllid Bally uW ..., llf Wy-pW• ... r .. ii die -----A )lill: Awtt 5 'a \ • Jlft'af _,,....., ........ _, , .. "'*..,.a.. ass --.,. • ctr . ~ rill Git 22.511 -M' w ·-----.. tile U.S. Xanl W ; .._ • Sal __ .,.., ....... E<aa •-mt~ .. a' ?' 5 .. ...... IA M:a.,.-.-... -lbe--IB-'-'11st1 .-J 'l'nli* A..., Gardm C.-ml i:-...... i . _, m.--ololr ..,.,,.. _.,, -ldl tho ....,, - rilltlpiamlolimbewbislZllor*'I. ... ( dm't n:aDy -"'•"" il ..,..ir!." adred ... --' "1l1IJ?" .... 7 -wwwf'4 Ber &6a~ b:ied ill a mme a. Z'.Sftl' that ' 1 • 'l*'fe lfel-- ...mr. -Ibo -..., '""" ""' and !he -" !he RdllJ fomilJ' 7 •n·1 pat tllho I di tithe I"'." be -. ... .-._ .. ..,,....__,.. car « ftJilc ii a plme. • ,,,.... P.,.e I POLICEMAN •• ~ .,,. s...a Am ~ Clubs e. n1 m .... i-. %1. """ --"Ho .... -.~-...· (]lid Alim ajd lhil ............ wauld' b;n-e bad 1n . ...t•anding Clrar', rm cutairL. .. Saucer joiml !he dqmtmml ia Jamwy .... He W'aS fnm C1ula vt!&a and bad just allDpkled • lour'f"" -in the U.S. Nny. Cllilf Allen -.,,. bullel, bdirffd .. bt .31 'calibor or m.,. -!he dz fk<r'I body cm !he fnmt loll lid< nf rang<d upnnl lhrGugb m ..... and ... en1 mWler -· 'Ibo slug Jodied beneath .,,. skin .. lliJ bacL "We don't bow if be 1r'lll ~ one or more men," Cbid Alla said. ""'Ire have rtttivfd all kinds d. rumors and are following some leads bat it is diffirnll We have no detcriptian m:I thin na ao Jll)Sitive eye witnem 11 far 11 we bow."' Funeral =-... ,_... at Smilb and Tuthill Mor1Dary m S..... Amr Kennedy Mass Slated WASHINGTON IAP) -The wi-ot Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and bis surviving brother have announced a memorial mus to be held at Kennedy's graveside in Arllngloo NaUonal Cemet.ry lonighl, the flnt anniversary ol his death. Ttrl"met Cardinal Cooke 0£ New York was to officiate at the 8 p.m. 5tl'Viets open to the public. ~· '-·1 I' ....... $650. to $150. r~ NOW $495 S•ve on these" luxurious spring down sofas. Aveilable in yOur choice of fabrics -Velvets, linen prints, matela11e1 heary textures end "l•ny others. Your favorlt. dt1igner IDUl be h4pp~ to 011ilt vou ••• di.Mid aind h1ndculfed. lfunt lnl( thv 1ny11.try alrJ who jwnptd trl.fl\ llH1 u.11r, mr.anwhlll, wu Ofticer Thoml1 fttrllCll, Who traced hrr to the Cutt.er wom1n'1 1purtment. Ju1t •• l1&1truln11n Dama Wll qun- llonlnf Mh11 Cutttir, however, be laid tbe llrl ht,...11 d"hed OIJI tho bid: -and fled lnt.<1 the h1r~. •prawllnc apartment complex. GlllL QUEHTIONEI> Que1U011Jn1 or -minor llrl 1111 lbe nellhbothood led lo dlt<iolur• ~ "" ot 1U.pd 1C11 ol ptrvenloo -por!J«Jle -In which lhc live yocmpt.n lll<r .,, retied were pretent. Why mllhl anyone do llUCh lliap - not rele.11.Md by lnve1Ug11«1 probtog the caat -but ealllly lmtgined by t1aote who havj! read documented 1tudlt1 of other ou11ldMOC1ety group:s? "To aittaln honors granted by the Heulan11 ," juvenile authorities paraphra11ed lhe youngsters as telling them durlna peraonal lntervitw1._ -~ Some motorcycle gangs band out Inf.data and awardB 11uch at UA Air Force wings painted red for certain one- act plays. while various pieces of dec«a- tion are handed oot for other dilpla)'I of boldness. :.· Panel Declares Campus Violence Unprecedented WASHINGTON (UPI) -Despite America's long history of violence tl'le otn"ellt wave of campus disorden and prolonged opposition to lht Vlttnam '"'' is "euenUally an unprecedented phenclnenon," a presidential commission wt force concluded today. · 'Jbe group rated the United States fast lD total magnitude of strife among the 17 Weit.em democracies and 24th among the 114 larger nations · and co\oni~ of the •orld. But it reminded Amerreans this nation was born in lhe fires of violent m ·olut.ion and reared in civil tunnoil. • It offered no solutions but rather reflected that the grievances and satisfactioas of violence have so ttin- ton:ed one another "that we have become a rather bloody-minded people ••• we are liktJy lo Mnain so as )Ong u so many of u think violeooe is an ultimate solution to 90cial problems." OnJy .. ultimate cooperativeness," the «Jb\ious answer of redressing fun- damental grievances, and the tden-- tific:atioo of. American citizenship rather than clinging to cultural and ethnic groups d. the past were seen as means to Jessen violence. The 350,~word report· was prepared by the tasr force oo lhe history ot violenct in America, a i;esearcb project of the National Commission on the Casues and Prevention of Violence. 6 STYLES TO CHOOSE PIOM ...... ~ .... • Al10 avallable tn smeller : silll If compat•ble II\'• & . in91. a • r • • ,. H.J.GARREJT .fURNITLJRE PROF£S~IONAL INTERIOR DESl6NUS f ' <21l HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA , CALIF. 6U,0271 '46-4271 ... -.. • voe s A n tinglo1 preve1 dlrocl of the The at Z p School Hun to ket , N Fe Fr~ his Sa flew. fer wi .appoin Mr, round maUe: Midwi Thieu with I the dt A ' (erenc Beach Presic "It feel ~ Lagur He : may I helico L ...... ··~1~a I ' m1 W; dent i Tan from Loran Se Su 'U Sev noUct they $llll),Q they• wan I Th• lhal ( delie< rna s1 and~ AJK obser elude lntert velua ..... cut ti $400,C Nar A\lan Re!ln Cos • and' . C1t1 are c .11 .... lleid r«ei allocl A" for U defie '"" C.IU< UJICOI Re "Im dltlor .... Call! com1 from .. -.. ;:: -~: ---~-.... • Bonii~gto.~·Bea~h . . --"" .... voe. 62, NO. 134, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES QRANGE COUNTY,. CA . ' .. . -- . .r, JHURSOAY,.JUNE S, ·1969 • ·~ ~ ~ .. •' --·- • • ~.,.. . TEN "CENTS • . , Special Talks Halt Ut~.;h T¢~cher :,Walkolti . -· ' By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Ot fflf Deity ''"' lhlff A massive . teacher walkout at HUn- tington Beach high Schools t~ay was prevente:t lly a trustee offer to meet in direct negotiations · with representatl\•es . of the District Educators Association. The special board meeting will convene at 2 p.m. Saturday in Westminster High School cafeteria, Hundreds of teacheis, however. vowed to keep ~7 pressure on the board by a Nixon Flies To Newport For Confab ... By RICHARD P. NALL Of 1M 0•11' ,ti.t SU1ff Fresh from a tumultuous welcome at his San Clemente home, President·Nixon flew to the Newporter Inn today to con· fer with advisers and announce a new appointment. Mr. Nixon was lQ begin a two-day round of con!erences at tbe Newporter on l'aD pleture eeverage .. ., :i>resldent on Palle 10 matters ranging from his upcoming Midway meet with President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam to a conference with 10 young people from five states on the draft. A side-effect of· the Newporter con- (erence may be selection of the Newport Beach facility as a work base when the President is in Southern California. "I lbink the President wants to get the walking out _of c18sses Monday U the board ·should rail to accept theit latest of. fer of a four percent •Wage increase with a. ·2.a percent boost from unbudgeted district money. • The teachers, members of the Distrlct Educators Association, fl'\et at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Huntington Beach High School Auditorium to consider response to an ultimatum sent to the trustees ask- ing them to meet in special sessioii with them Thursday. , .. Som~ were 1Dier<d becaU.. 111.e trustees 1tsta11ed" them 'off until Satur· day and called.for a-walkout on "peraooal leave·~~today.· · A vote called, bqwever ,.only ahowed 11 willing io do so wi~ 171 wantiqg to wait unUl-they heard from the bOlird Salw-day . · · · DEA Presid<nt Carl Manne-. a mathematics teacher at Marina JDgla School, was pl~l>)'. the vote and Aid, "a Thursday meeting would have-been . OU .. . MR. NIXOl!f GREETS ECSTATIC SCHOOL 'CHILDREN WHO CAME T.O'SEE HIM H1pplness Is Sh1king H1nd1 With the Pr11ldenl·IR Your Own Home Town. .. ' feel ol this particular working ar• Pre.sident Makes M t A ail t' SI rangement,"PressSecretary RonZiegler . ys ery . SS . an· .. a, ,Y .. s said in a briefing Wednesday afternoon at ';/ · Bodyo{Boy, 15,Found Near Wreck By ALMON LOCKAllY o.16' Pu.t .... ._ ...... The sea baa given up two bodlel ·ol 111.e 10 persona believed to have been aboard the 161.foot schooner Goodwm iwbtn !he was· wreGked ·on Sacramanto Reef ~ miles south of San Dlego. to be added· on to the end ol the echaol year. ' Meanwhile time Is runnlng out 1 .. the teachers to show their strength• tliioog!I i clua boycott. with aummer Vacation ld>edllled to·begin Friday. It will be much more difficult ~or the teachers to keep the pressure on during the .summer months, but some have already sugges.ted that they C001d: k .. p up lhe drive by not giving grades Cl' bY. (See BOYOOTr .. Pfge II • ··The' ~· ol a . teenace bOy loimd • ' ,.... -north of 111.e w?11Ck ~'~ lieen Yely ldonttllod • · ··-·&,~=-··. •.· ~:?!· -·· • • . ~ ci!uli , ' ' ' ' ~.,~Valley_.'! ... :.;. • ! ci.t.1Mito 11:v-s1.( ~ -V,llay'l· T.etry Smith ...-111~ war!JJnWe lfi'.ttlluWB '•·~~ ... •taan to ·• . it ..... . . aecond~body found• bf. Mcllcan fishermen "W&I described al. that' of a ·min bet""" II llld 50 years. of ap: n w .. elad ln plJamas :and llfe jacket. It is alJO belr.1 tllien to E!!RnadO.aboard a Me'licJD Navy veseel for klmtlflcaUon. 11le body wu reported to have been loond b)o flahennen a few ml\el nor\h of where the Goodwill llea crushed on sacfametito. Reef. It wal taken to the vlllage ot Bahia Roeario where ·it ·was tumed over io the Mexican Navy. Meanwhile the U.S. Coast Guard ha! (See GOODWILL, Pqe %) ) 'f ,,., ' "' ' I• .Five Pers<;>ils. ·rue . In Violent County; Highway .Crasl,.es Laguna's Surf and Sand Hotel. F;rst V • 't to He referred to the fact that Mr. Nixon ~ lSl J . · relico';~:;.:~s~:c~e;n.;~.~"r,';u~o~k Newyo t Beac1• Top SA Rookie o· ffieer Co. u. :rt HoMs Up Five penons are dead today at the result of spectacular Orange C.ounty trar. fie accidents -on'e of wbJch ·showered patrobnen at an earlier accldent acepe · with debris -when a distracted puslng motorist rolled his own car and w!s kill• ed: . . gess10nS With 8JdeS staying there. r II ..,,. ,...._ ~res& would lt'I )QCllleJ1 about · , ~ : . > • • • • f' • • The dead b;iclude a Westminster hOOaewtfe whose car was hit by a'n 'out.()f· control auto on the busy Newport: , x"Jtli~Yrin'tagUna "be~.~~ri: --_:_"' ·~~l -. ·.t:J~~tri4tm,6iic~~Ct'itet~-;.;~&}}~ (t'-*-7~ . ...: . . . . ·. ~.~ , ... 1_1l,~JUn~~n ~!.f'.,_ .. : dent is at his White House West. .,..-• " ............ , ~,.. __. .•• .., • ~-: _ TaMed and jubilant, Mr. Nixon stepped For the first time since his election. ed "a wanton, sense.less murder" a Santa s· s ~-~;;J~t;~.~~~· from B helicopter at the Coast Guard President Nixon visited Newport Beach Ana police officer, honorea as Rookie· of .f!;nset ewage Loran station. near his new San Clemente today. the Year in 1968, was shot to death by · (See PRESIDE~. Page %) His Air Force multi-passenger turbojet unknown assailant& late Wednesday -A court"hearlng oh an lnjunctlOn 110Ught by the HuntingtOn Harbour Corp. to bait helicopter touched down at the Newporter night. the. flow of aJleged "fragrant odors'" Seven Oil Fn'IDs Sue County Over 'Unlawful' Taxes Inn helipad shortly before 10 a.m., after a A widespread dragl\tt is out today fot emttted from Sunset Beach Sanitation ...,. 14-minute flight from'his San Clemente the killer or killers of Officer Nelson Diltrlct .facllities was delayed -Tuesday J:)lansion .. Alvin Sasscer, 24, Gard~ Grove. The officer, on patrol about 11:50 p.m. radioed headquarters that he was leaving his car "to make a pedestrian check" at· .... 3rd and Raitt streets. uni.ii June 16. parking lot; Coroner'~ deputies listed. these. victims:' -Mn. Donna J. Jobmton, 1:1, of 81(3 19th St., WeSlininster. -Barbua 'L Romere._ 3, of 415 \f. W~lnut St., Santa Ana. -Joltn D. St<irkwealher, 19, of !IOO W • Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. -Delbert E. Jobuon, 50, of Buena Park. -RIO!tard·G, Markee, 19, of BelLnower, InveaUgator1 tor the.CHP said...JQhnllOn · wu dead on arrival at Martin Lulber Hoepltal, Anaheim, after being pinned in his car when it Went out of control on the f\anta Arui tr-ay•st MagnOua Street. L3wmen Slid Johnson bad slowed at Seven SouUU.00 ·oil companies served notice on Orange COUnty Wednesday that they collectively paid an estimated WJ(l,000 in "unlawfully assessed t.axes" in ti\< year endl!!i June 30, llOll -and they want it back. .,_ · · -, · Several dozen spectators clustered at the fence around the pad ·and golfers stood on the edge of an adjacent green where they:~ see the Presli:lient..,.He stopped at the fence, shook hands with .a couple, then spotted. a young man wear- ing a WbiWer·C.Ollege.'sweater. President NixOn stopPed and chatted for lev~ minutes with Chris Wall, 2i, of 90a Citrus Place, Newpoi't Beach. , .).'oung W~l is a seruor a defensive tackle on the football ·team of N!xon's alma Shortly th~ter. Louil Martlnei Jr. who lives nearby at 1804 3rd St.·and bis wife heard what" they thoulht w~s a gunshot. The cOrwraUon, on beh~lf of Hun- ~lngton Harbour residents, is·"seeklng an injunction agal~t "the honey pot,-.. ~ resfdenta: call it; on two counta: tnvolvtn,g a small . 'driatnage channel near the eastern property line of . the !411ltatl0o stiUon loCated near the intersection of Warner Avenue and ,Piclflc Coast Highway. · · ·' .. Superior Court Jlldie 11aqnon, SCOVIile reluoed to gran!•iHeinporary-lhjunction agahist sanitation district use_, :OC that drainage channel ilnlll a lulr hearl!ig Ls held on the) matter. the ecene ol an earlier craslf but ran ov~ a div~ -~nd amUtiia fritO blfrlcaTei. , They claim tD their Superiot Court stilt that County A,,_ Andrew J. Hinshaw defied state law when be valued OU drill- ing sites in Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Newport Beach at about $20 million. And they argue that if Hinshaw had observed the law he would not have in- cluded the value of state owned raya1ty interest in his calculations.. Correct valuation ~y Hinshaw would have set the assessment tab at about $13 ro1lllon and cut the cotnpany tax bills by that same '400,000, it is argued . Named as plaintiffs ln the action are Apantic Richfield Co.: Humble Oil and Refining Co.: Oreo Oil Co.; the Signal Cos. Inc.: the Termo CO.; Texaco Inc. and Weot Shore Petroleum Co. Cited as delendants in the complaint are Orange County and the cities of Hun- .ungton Beach, Seal Beach and Newport Beach -three agenclu who all<iedlY recelevd a tot.al of '61.500 In taxes allocated by the county. AUomey F.dward $. Renwick explained for the oil companies that Hinshaw his defied stale laws on oil drilling assessments because "like most other C.lilornia assessors he regards· then\ as uoconstituUooal'." ~ . Renwick said l:Unshaw'a atUtude ls ln· correctly based on oil assessment con- ditions that e1isted prJor to the passing of , new si.te la)V in 1957. ,That revision of Cilifomla codes. he. uld, allowed oil companies to deduct royalty interests !run thtlr total UOdsment!. • mater. The President and the student chatted for awhile about football at the Quaker campus. The President said 'he had spent most of bis football tinie· at WhitUer on the varsity bench. "Ilifftr·caught~a forward pass," he quipped. , Chris repUest: .. Yes, vte talk a lot aboul that." •· Martinez ran outside and found officer Sasscer lying on the. stteet. ln froal. of his .patrol car. He saw no one eise. Martinez yelled to his wife. to call · poli"e ana at~e-mt ted ·to ·rtnder-flrSt aid. He is an attendant with Wlnd Ambulance hl Santa Ana. . ~ .. ' . . . On 111.e lint coun~. Huntiilg1m Harbour claiml lhe·"boney· pot" II llleplly1111n& ,. the . channel which ii on lluidinglop Harbour property. , • ·1n 111.e seCO!Kl ,~. the ._.,uon c)alms tl)at "strong,. WlJ'lt~t odqra'.' CQme · from. .ltiPIOt water Ip. the r ,.. • j • ' '\ • ·-·. drainage channel. • P~trolmen Jack Kelso and Anthony Giegec_ fied.:.tbe.:..a}iOL'...wbefe_ they _wer_o_ i111eaSur~g 'slddmlrks from the first ao. cidtnt, but KelJO was knocked down ard ,out _wlltn lilt b)o a Dying divider J>Ost. He illlflered maltlple <Utit, back injuries (5" .'nlAFFJC, Pqe I) I , ti ' .. Or!Ull• .. -A-artm-t. c . ·· -p1-· 'eX' · -A'fi::-'-d-Attorneys · for ~ssnilsU.0.1.dlatrlct P en om ;Q ·:R. . have clajnled the district bu a_.,. · ' · ' live euement (abo® ill~ same as ,gua\.. -' --· ' • • ' ten' right.) to the chsnnel boceu.t it his • 1\:eidler , been used ,. ... 19.14. , • • ·-· N Vall c • • c • • Rchard = Sllf*'.jnledept ·or• "l'lli!y-•sunroo'' ·ts · lhe•·eall for -ear ey IVlC ente.-. the'sant1t1u~t~~=· r,;1;.:;1,;:;H:"'"!"·g\:;'°1: ' I I\), Beach Boy Scouts . -. . . -:-" ; : ,p, \.',. \ ... ' ~~~~ ·;~Jltiq\i : ~· ) tllo<lhnP·C witile ~- ,\pproval for a 4tO<mlt apoi'lmOril com1 111.e· mr of '"" a~ J .... ,.T-......... ~ . ...., · u..' · .. , . . • , .. • '" . ,, ... . .. , dev.L...,,...f,Ls1 ""-, ... , . , · ·$j meter sloY•. •aUe <!fcreoa. Set pan cake Feed Ji!ex ln Fountain Valle1'•..c:1 city . ' .~ ·~.;;;~;jlj. the'~l~( d~J>e!';'.~11'' J ' . ' .rN~m~·. \l'O~).' center .,.. wu 1Lven W '1 nl~ -roct"Jsr.a~"'' but CletoUs filete·healiriif . , • , • f:JfD ·i.leulSl<ill•iklr •;..;,,1 Boy Scoots from Troop 568 of Hun-by Plalilllnl commll8t...,.. · ' wri l<ii( lo a · Mt~•-the · BeUles "'~;ra:-""'..,... 1•!lilllY~" iii<' """kh IO · thi • q111c;·1~1- lingion Beach will be flippi'!I fl~p jacks . Wllllam ~on ~t· ;ii:._~ 1ll: clty'a pla••••• atalf and .....'.,,,,.,,._ . rqid lot ftve, alo.;wr_ ·~: .,,; : 111GUJi:iih<. ,.ff;,, u~~ ~ 41 for the public from 9 a.m. to·t p.m .. Sun-. ~enta on auw -..,-· . ·~-.. , , .JWi --r"'!'~·.. !JternaUy . v.e _.-u . -.:I)~..,, LIB llllliil..-..>f6J 1 • ·i\I_ . day at the comer of warner Avenue and north,...t comer or Slater Avenue and 'Ille db" center la 1'!slel' ptar!Jfed the dlllrfcl \Dd~~'· llti· .,.. Fav• . • • . ·'•r • Springdile street. • Ward street, adjacent to Colonia Juares prlmarlly .for, ·~ tcommerd&I fadUU,s Ot ~~M ' . ~-: , ~ '"""'·!'~'"'~ . fr • ...... ' .. Jn addition to pancakes, the,. young and diagonally across Slaltr Avenue from al}d ~QllillllC!s. ,;1_,\. ... ~. • ~;. u.,, ~ 91 .fl~~~~-t-· ''1 • t ,, · f g.'rf.: ~ l: ,.J ~';:, ~ scout! wlll serve sausage Julee co11.. cll)I ~all. Cumnl!Y Youirt1ln Va\.., ·~ot1lY1..,. )~118!1:~ 1111\ tlMt ""' ._., " --·• and milk as they try to ra£Mi hmds for Planners approved apartment zonlns deslgnat.ed lpartment-fbrl~'li «SJt._..· of'jOl.1IW anotblt'santtatlon' :--'....,... ': = &:;' ,~:; lroop activtU,.. for the property and the prectse pion the GrM!f Valley ~ ' dlllrict 'woUld be ........i by .-... ol -. ., ....,. ... Proceeds from the. corner cook~ul wlll presented to them after a short public • Most ·Of_ F9U0ta1n Vi11ey•1,4' ajirtment SUntel Beach anil larfst4f1. :"'..:= J =-,..._ •: buy camping equipment and supplies (9r hearing. area ls scbedtifed f<tf111te cli,.CO!J!er.llte, lie bu, also bllmed,al vai'loul lboa -1"~ -'I tralnini. S<!outs will be cookln1 on the Planner1 gen<rally •pt>roved of lhe . located ~ bOIWeen w.,._ and the U.S. NayaJ..Wu-Statloa·llld lltt. :..:.; ~, " =="-.. comer of 'l'ltrtlUmarl parking lot. Food overall deslgn, but quuiloned whlt.t)'P" Slater A•.W.. an<l<l!ro0ldnint oltd'Ward glinetal 11Wamp·t<UlllloD ,ol Ille ano r.r'. ' was donated b)o Thrll\imart. · of roofs would be pl1""1 on ~ kl Strteta. ' the lllll'i•••nl -. '------------· ..1 v ' I• •, • .. ' • :., ,, ' I DAILY PILOT • H ·.-........ ra.e l Perv~slon• Told TRAFFIC· .•. ... ond bndMo, w!iilt, molorlsb 'lllom" E. ·Chase Leads Law ,, • ' -·lll!• 11-!tfn..i.J-A. ....... , .. ilr 'sialo'Alll. ........ Jimid·ln the earlier accldeRL MrJ. Joiui>.loa died «t 4 p.111. Wed· nesdq, pinned to the wreckage of her ll'MD car 1after the sooth bound auto was ~ tiY • nonhbouncl vdtlcle on tho To Sex Cyclists NewpOrt Freewiy al Dyar Road. • The dead woman's bNther, Larry M~er. 16, of the zame ~.was severily. injured. as y.ias Mrs. Mar ie Shot'ft!l, .ao, of 1743 F;vergroen Ay. .. Full<rlDO. Young ~esstpgefl was oo the paMenge'" side, w:h1le bb sister took the brunt of the colli.01®. -lnvest.lgators said Mn. Shotwell'• car went out of control, veered acro1s the 80 foot-wide dirt divider strip and demolish- ed the Johnston car. DEAD AT CENTER The Romero girl W11 dead on arrival at orance c.ounty Medical Cenl<r at 7:35 p.m. Wednesday night af:ter beinC run over by a pickup truck tn a laundromat parking lot in the 600 block of West First StreeL , Driver of the-truck, Mrs. Aida Ramiui, 39, of 419 W. Chestnut St., San- ta Ana, was not cited. .-The other two victlms bad been hospitalized after earlief accidents. Markee died at SL Jqd~ Hospital, Fullerton. aeveral boura alter loalng con- trol o! bis motorcycle -otriklng a car at Lambert Road and Idaho Street in the La Habra area. '--DAtlY PILOT hefti llY Arfllur 'VIRMI QUILT COVERS ONCE-PRETIY DONNA JOHNSTON FROM SIGHT OF PASSING DRIVERS CHP Officer Bob Hiii Wrlt.t Report on Newport Freeway Fatollty Wednttday startweather succumbed at H o a g Memorial Hospital Wednesday · after being thrown 50 feet from his car at 3 a.m. Tuesday when it ran off Jamboree Road at San Joequin Road in the UC, Irvine area and overturned. Fro1n Page 1 PRESIDENT IN NEWPORT • • • Hump~ySays Time Now Ripe For Cease-fire PlllLADELPlllA (UPI) -Hubert H. Hwnplny oald today the time appears ripe for a11 immediate cease fire in South Vletnain, followed by free elections open to all poUUcal groups to bring peace to siru-Asia. The former vice presider! and 11168 Democratic preaidenUil nominee made the obtervation tn a prepared speech, ·billed by bis office as a "major addrm," home Wednesday afternoon to the cheers of about' 5,'()00 ~ns. Hi!: wile, in a bright yellow suit, ac- cepted.red roses Crom dignitaries as the Presldeot cliOlbed up on a car trunk to give San Clemente its place in the sun. He announced that he and the family plan to spend the entire month of August at their new San Clemente home. At one poinlhe grinned at Mayor Wade Lower in h!s:"wheel ch.air and said, "He's going to fix my ticket" apparently referring lo future traffic citations: Said tbe President, "When I met Pat and before we were married, we used to drive down Coast. Highway ind the beach. at San Clemente wu one oi our.Javorites •. "Now we're glad to own a:.p.rt of it. When 1 say own a part, of Jt~e hope everybody wlll. uae if too. - .,And 1 recall, too, that 30 ytars ago 1 came to San Clemente. I WJlS then a to 1he Permsyvlania AFlrCIO ~11ven.Uon. lawyer in WhitUer and allo i.. Habra and In the tat o! bis speecb,.Hwnpbrey ap-J made a apeecb to ·a '""'i;.. club peored to be careful 1lCll to -,, . --,--. President Nti:on, who Wm meet with I~ was either Rotary -I notice the South Vletrwneee President Nguyen Van mayor. is a member of Rotary -Of 'lbleu on Midway Is~ .,,~ Kiwarus; orie of the two..,A.nd I didn. t d. th --• ~or · ~ ' ~ 30 ,....,_ w4a14"" Uke lhis lSCUU e u.n11.1u""~ W...,::\ , -• id at tea'&t a sanimti res~ of this city proapects for ~ace. . and I'm very· proud to ht-here and have Humphrey aaid U.S. atrategy abould be cb fine nelghbon t ~ geared to tbe following objectives : BUH • _J "First, to find a solution to the impasse I want you to know:: that this one over the. procedures for achieving and personal factor that you lbould be aware then Implementing a-political settlement of ••• that having someone 'that hotdl the in South Vietnam: and second, to st.op as office of President as. your neighbor is quickly as possible the high casualties not too convenient at tunes. that continue to be bdlicted by both "I very much regret that Secret sKtes." Service requires that when we travel - From Pagel BOYCOTT ••. we'll try nc>t to travel too much on the highways -that they have to clear the roads and sometimes you will not b;e able to get u close to the house as you would like. Asked If the President had been refer· ring to Senator Fullbright in a recent speech crlticliing "new laolationlsts", Ziegler indicated the .President bad been speUing in general ttrrns. During bis work aesalons, Mr. Nixon ls to confer with Robert Finch, secretary of health. education and welfare, and Patrick Flanagan, l!Sia!Ant to the Preal· dent. Asked by a l'fPOl'ter if a Chilean re-- quest that Gov. Rockefeller cancel a scheduled vlait would calllt caDcellatton. Ziegler said, "We look lor the govemor's visits to LaUn-Amerlca to ConUnue." Ziegler Qld that Friday the President _will meet with youngsten, two each, from ~~ states of Oklahoma, Iowa, Mlchigail,-MJssl&sJppi and New York. He . cleacribed the young people, In-. cludlng·one girl, 11 niemben of a pilot srouP. aet up t year ago by the NaUonal SeleCI! .. 8ervlco Bbard to better com-~tlona with young Persons on the Zlefler Indicated the President would be llaWilllg to the vlewa o! the YOUlll aeL They lnclude ltudent& of Uve colleges, two high school!, two apprentices and one from the Office o! Economic Opportunity. Mr. Nillon Is acbeduled to fly to 1he Newport.r again Friday, depariinC from San Clemente at about 9:40 a.m. Santa Ana Bandit Slain in Gunfight With Store Owner Marina Students 'Take Over' PA As Senior Prank The sound of crackling supersonic jets roared Over the public address system at Marina High School Wednesday af. tunoon, followed by a sudden an· nouncement that " . . • !his is a takeover." Then student voices cut in, completely controllillg tbe public address system and shutting out all administration attemp~ to regain control. What happened? It .was just the senior class pulling an end-of·Ule-year prank. ''By rewiring ·the PA system,"· ex· plained Pat Bn.ibeck, brains behind the senior takeover, "we made it impossible for administrators to stop our broad- casling for 15 minutes." Senior•, inclucun, America's Junior Mw Jackie Benlnglon, ·then look tums .spoofing adminlstratJon and teachers. Huntington Beach was renamed Be- nlngton Beach and Jackie announced ahe , wu q>eaklng froai .. "bea~ul downtown • 0 ... 1..m,... .. . ~~~·· Rewtrtng of the 1y3tem was aocom· pUahed by Larry Pomato. About 20 slu· dents took part in the "takeover." Harvard Rebuffs SDS CAMBRIDCE, Maas. (UPI) -Harvard Univentty has "OaUy rejected" a re- quest by Ule Students for a Democratic Society for use of university facilities for the militant student group's national con- vention. A boy ln 1 scarlet car led lawmen out of Santa Ana at 120-mile.s-per-hour at night and -todAy -·into a lurid tale of perversion in whlch teens were allegedly sexploited for grotesque motorcycle gang honors. · The impllcaUon of The Hessians outlaw cyclist group in the strange story originating on what Santa Ana police have come to call Wild Tuesday is being thorougllly probed, police aald. Beginning about 5 p.m. Tuesday, with a mother's tfp about . where tc> find ber runaway tetnage son, the case bu so f1r led to the arrest of four adults and five juveniles. Janice A. Cutter_. 28, of 2818 Baker St., Santa Ana, wu arralgried Wednesday in Central Orange County JudlclaJ District CQurt.on a charge a. ses: 'perversion. Mlcbael I\. Buie, 22; of 4311 Wilde Pl"';tfi• ta .. Ana, was released on bis own · gni.zan~ after arraigrunent on the · SH c~e •. with preliminary hearing ore 'Judge Paul Mast set ne1t Wedneidt'. CHAilGii§ LISTED Charged with contributine to the delln-- queney of a minor and both due in court on June 25 are Wanda J. Roush, 30, of 4120 W. Fifth St., Santa Ana, and Robert W. Bell, 27, of 5232 Tango Lane, Yorba Linda. Both were arraigned Wednesday and released on their own recognizance, without posting bail. The !i\le boys and girls aged 14 and 15 were held in juvenile ball on chargeS of being in danger of leading a lewd and im- moral Ille, but the youngest couple were released to their parents. The strange tale began piecing together when a woman Uving not fl(f from ML!s Cutter's Baker Street apartment called police to -say· She IWf seen her son - missing two weeks -in a red car. Officers John Bmd and Dennis Scott began searclllng the neighborhood in their patrol car and spotted the boy and a girl pa8'enger In the 2560 block ol South Lowell Street, Santa Ana.. They said the girl Jumped out and Oed, while the boy gunned the engine of the car and screeched off on what ended u a 17·mile chase, from south Santa Ana to Costa Mesa and back again. DRIVES FAST The patrolmen aald the boy drove 70 to 120-mlles-per·bour, like a race driver, to the Valehcia Avenue offramp of the San Diego Freeway, where be cracked up tbe botar. .. · Motorllt .lame! Griffin, of· 2581: Serena&a Drlve, Mllsion VleJu1 WU' credited w!UI belpq io··end':the hlCh- speed parsult by jockeying pistUon unlll he was in front of tbe 1111pect, then slow- ing down. Blowing a Ure, the boy's car spun around down the offramp and was hit by the police patrol car driven by Bond, iJJ.. vestlgators Said, but SUil refused to Sur· render. Patrolman Bond and bi1 partner said they had a serious struggle with the sturdy suspect before he was finally su~ dued and handcuffed. keeping report cards until school resumet. ; I Spring "I wish we could meet everyone personally to tell you how happy we are A would-be jewelry store holdup man to be in CalUornia and have you as was shot to death this morning when he neighbors." reportedly engaged in a gun duel wilh As the President and Mrs. Nixon. shook ·the store owner. h::.nds w.~ ~ Jn\dtilude of wellwisbe~, Jfnta Ana~ palice said their prelim-' Secret service men. !l).Ove<l;wlll> :thel" '"c::;',. "·' • ~"'-· · c10se "'proxlinity;-0nce &rklng at· a 11 11 fiiVc;nqi;odon tndl~ated Sam Hunting the myslery girl who jumped from the car, meanwhile, wu ·Officer Thomas Barnes, who traced her ,to the cutter woman'• 11partment. Just as Patrolman Barnes wu ques- tioning Miss Cutter, however, he sakt the girl herself dashed out the back door and fled into the large, sprawling apartment complex. GIRL QUESTIONED Questioning of another minor girl Jn tbe neighborhood led to dlaclO.ures by her o! alleged i;icts of perve?slon -pi.rty~Je -in which the five younpt.ers later tr· rested were present. Why mi&ht anyone do iuch thincs. - not released by lnv~tigators pi:obing the case -but easily imagined by thole .who have read documented studies of other: outside-society groµps? _ "To attain honors granted by the Hessians," ·uvenile a u t b or i t I e s paraphra~ the youngsters as telling them durtn~personal interviews. Some motorcycle gangs band out {nedals and awards such at U.S. Air. Forte wings painted red for certain one~ act plays, while various pieces of d~a-­ tion are handed out for other di.splays of boldness. Fron• Page l GOODWILL. •• suspended active search of the area pen~ ding further development. "It is pretty definite that no one from the wrecked vessel is afloat in amal1 craft," a Coast Guard spokesman said. · The search for survivors from the ill· fated vessel still continues, however, by persoMel of L & P Machine Industries, the firm owned by Ralph Larrabee, owner and skipper of the Goodwill. Arthur Knievel, executive v~ce prtsl~­ dent of the firm, said two boats with divers departed San Dlegc> today and woukl begin salvage operations Friday. Only hope that anyone from the wrec:"' ked schooner survived appeared to lie in.· the remote possibility that someone m•J"l. have made it to the rugged and ba?reQ,1- shore of San Geronimo Island whlch lits jliSl Inside the reef. • But heavy seas were known to have" been smashing the reef at about the time lhe Goodwffi grounded, and K is certain : th"! the light marking the reef ..a, Iii-' o~attve: ~ Educat.ed guessing -both official and by yachtsmen acCU!ltomed to cruising the .. area -is that the Goodwill hlt the reet on the night of May 25 ·or 2e while en route from Cabo San Lucas to EnseD&da. A strong current sets on the reef at ctr-: tain times of Ole day. It is further the<>rized that all of the persOnnel were asleep below exce"' one person left on watch. The Goodwill would have been cruising under auxiliary power and cont.act with the reef at normal rpeed would have ripped out her bottom. -The crucial hangup ln teacher-trustee negotiaUons is currently centered around ~tenths of a percentage point in ........ ,_ unl>udgeted money and the language used in the latest district offer. District Administrators have offered the te.achera a four percent increase, wi th a twc> percent boost if addiUonal money should becc>me available. television crew to keep its distance. Drucker, owner of Brown a Jewelry In The crowd, including ecstaUc San downtown Santa Ana, shot the bandit as Clemente and Laguna youngsters, squeal-an accomplice fled. SAVE $155 to $255 To date the teachers demand an iron promise from the trustees that there will be a boost at the end c>f the year if there Is extra money. The trustees, hc>wever. the teachers said, have only 11hown a will· ingness that such a bocet would be talked about. DAILY PILOT i»!G'l -COAST PUIL.llHING COM,.ANY Rob.rt N. Wttd Pr•ldwftt tlld Pvbll.ntr Jtek R. Cu•l•y \/It• Prn1*"f •!'Id ~-ti Mt111w Thoin11 K11¥ll Ed!Jor Thoin11 A. Murphino Mlnetlnt EdllO!' Albert W. l1t11 W illi1in Ried -'-l•l• Hunllftolvfl 91.fQ Editor Cll'y l!dltor H1~9"QOffke J09 Ith Str••t M•ili119 Add•••11. •.o. lo• 1•0, •2641 ..__ Nt\llllOn !ucil: 2111 Wll:lf ltlb01 &ou11V1r111 Cott• MHI: J30 w .. 1 ••~ S!rtfl l1t11111 •~ m "-' •- 'I ed ln delight as the President mo\led The secood man was captured about close and ahook l;lands. one block from the robbery scene near More than 1,000 feet .of ice plant"lllong the Bank of Tokyo in downtown Santa the route. of the Presidential motorcade Ana. to his home was trampled flat by the Neither of the suspects had been Jden- mllllng feet. Mr. Nillon doubll"' needed · a :!hoe shine after walking through the tified at press mne. 1tubble field at the Coast Guard staUon. Investigating officers Wd there are He waa lint greete\l by Victor c. bullet h?Jes throughout the inlerlor . o! Andrews of Emerald Bay, his Orange Drucker s shop at 215 E. 4th St .. which County campaign manager and in-is a combined Jewelry It.ore and pawn duSlriallat Arnold O. Becklllan o! Corona shop. del ~r. Andrews introduced Mr. Nixon Police indicated that tht one bandit to other dlgnHaries and arranged with was 1bot to death within the store the Secret Service for the press to be confines. Both sus'pects were Identified all~ed ~t of. the ~wd and given aome as male whites. -litiktde.-~ -----~ -~==4+-1 Regular $650. to $750. I' Lto<Jltl NOW $495 ---------~ .............. ____ ._ ------~---- During the press brteflng·session, Pms---S•v• 0,. th•s• luxuriov1 a:prtng CIO'Wft 1of.n. Aveilebl. iA Secretary Ziegler indicated then would Tn,.. Refund Bill be several announcements today ind Fri· ......., your choic• of febric• -v.tv.ts, Uaen P.'Uah.. ..t.&.SHS day whJch be rated above 11.verage im· ~but not eartbshaklng. huvy t•riur•' ind meny ofh•n. Ther<hadbeenpressspeculauonabout Wins First Test pending announcement of IOIJ'le echedule or American troop withdrawal from Viet- nam. Ziegler declined comment on this. Valley Eyes Tr~ct By Copter Pad A proposed resldenUal develc>pment near the U.S. Marine Corps he!Jcopter facility at Mlle Square reeeJved a close loot Wedn<Oda:y by Fountain Valley Pinn· ning Commt.ssloners who are concerned about noise. The Assembly Ways and Means Com- mittee apprc>ved a bill .that will enable ptI'SOO$ in corporate type llving units such as Leisure World to receive the home owner's t'ax ref'Und of $70 • Introduced by Assemblyman Robert E. Burke (R·Huntington Beach), AB 575 is expected to go to ,the Assembly floor by Fri<ta7 for'& vote. , , The tiJU wu rushed through comm!~. tee Tu1!$d1Y· after Gov. Ronald Reagtin sent a letter to tbe Ways and Means Committee asklna tllem . to HCOllSidtr AB 575. He labeled the bPI an urgebcy 1111tter and requested the commlltee to g1,. the bW IUrther .-.- Your fawrll< dWQn« °"" i>f lloppv to mNt "'8 •.• . 6 STYLES TO CHOOSI NOM Also •v•n•bl• in sm1ft.r 1ia•1 at com,.r1bl1 s•v. Ing .. · Plannen requested the Pr es I e y Development Corp. k. show plans for pro. tectinc UM! homes f1om the loud noise of the htliCopten before tentative tract plans could be approved. Representatives of the Marine Corps had opposed the homes, to be built on the southeast corner of Edinger Avenue l?'ld EucUd Street, bectll!t of a low fliglrt pit· tern by helicopters. Kennedy Mass Slated WASHINGTON (AP) -The widow of Seo. Robert F. Kennedy and his surviving brother have arinc>Unced a memorial mass to be held at Kennedy's graveside In Arlin1ton NaUonal Cemetery tonlgh~ the first •fUlivenary of bb death. H.J.GAl\l\tff fURNll1JRE Planners asked Presley to metL Federal ijOll!ins Authority (P'HA) stan- dards on noise JevtL!. T•mn« Cardlnat Coob o! New Yor1< wu to offJcla~ at Lbt a p.m. &ervices open to the publlc. PROFESSION"L tNTEflJOR OESJGNEflS ' .l IS HJ.RIOR IL VD. COSTA MES", c...J.IF. .. ~271 ~17• I at U• ' .. = . - I .... ;o.;;;....._ <t •• ., I --·--· o . ' .. -. ·-.... ,. .. ~---.. ,,. ......,. . .... -.-----·-·----·------·-.. ' ....... ·------..-........ ---~----f From . Hea.rt Left at OCC Page ·13 • • at Long Beach tn admlnlstr• · 1cy,mpllshments are on Mrs. tJon. Howes' record. and to list Many 11chleviment1 and ac-them all would fill a book. The Everything You Need · . f 0 R' T HE Wedding Cake L.t.R•l ASSORTMI NT OP ORNAM I NTS • P•ns • Separ1tor1 •Bells e· Doves • 01cor1tin9 Tub•s e Otcor1tin9 looks Wedding Invitations, Napkins, Ch1rnpagn• Goblets and Brid1'1 Books :JJ,.e :J.ro:Jfin'J .JJou6e 2314 Hew,.,r llyd, T.a.pt.111: 141ol794 C..t. MIH, C.llf. PEARL AND CORAL SALE 14K y/g ond P11rl E1rrin9s $5.50 - c,,,·.·.:. ' . . •. ~ t:. • -, . .-., 14K y/g Caril and Di1mond Ring $425.00 s.t.ct from our F1bulou1 Coll1clio11 of Ori111l•I Cwltur1cl P111li, All Si111, From $23 .00 to $2,500.00, Al10 l1r91 1l1g111f 1rr1y of A11g1I S•i11 Corti J1w1lry froM tli1 M.dil1n1111111 w1t1". l111n1rlou1ly Acc111t1cl witho Di1rno11id1.. June 2nd t o June 15th" •• W EINE RT-CLARK ' 32 Fa shion Isla nd Newp ort Beech, California -644-2040- (Al RINGS RINGS NECKLACES l lACELETS PINS SOUTH SEA PEARLS CULTURED PEARLS IAlOQUE PEARLS OX-ILOOO COit.AL. ANQEL SKIN coiv.L esteem ln whtcl1 Ille b bell! by her co-workers and th& fond place she occuples in the ·hearts of Orange Coast College students .attest to the success of her life's work. What w111 Mrs. Howea find to do after retirement ta nn- her days1 A 1lance at the Hat of projects ahead ol her ln- dJcates that she is not rully reUring, but beginning a whole new career. After traveling t h r o u g h northern United States and Canada, slu! will depart for the Orient, then for the Soulh Pacific next summer. When her lmmedJate travel · plans are completed, she will work on audio-visual tapes for use on closed circuit television in schools, hospitals and other faclliUes . Ha waiian Adventure · Between tapln1 sessions, she will pursue her hobbles of photography, interior decora-Dr. and Mrs. Russell M. Morgan of Huntington tioo. copper and silver work. Beach were among passengers aboard the SS Lur .. oil pi1lnting, gardening and line when it sailed for Honolulu to receive the tradi· colled.l.ng costumes and an-_li_·ona_l_Al~oba--w_el_com __ •·-----------!lques. And there will be friends and relatives to visit. Mra. Rowes lives within 30 miles al IO of her 13 nieces and nephews, and she has made many friends in the area since rnoving to California s!ter her husband's death. Council Officers' to Conduct Workshop Orange Coast College coeds have always been able to find solace in Marie Howes, sure that they could depend on her understanding ear and sym· pathetic heart when troubles came. Her advice to them, aod to students not troubled but anx- ious for life to begin, is con· talned in a small pink-framed plaque that sits inauspiciously on her desk.. A cooperative n u r s e r y school workshop will take place between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, June 7, in the Clara Barton Nursery School, locale!l In the First Coogrega- llonal Cburcb, Fullerton. SpoMOred 'by the Oran1e Courty Council of Parent tParticlpatioo Nursery Schools, 'thi Workshop is conducted for new school officers. There is a 50 cent registra- tion fee, and the event is open lo the public . Mrs. Patricia Bucciarelli, trainer l n developmental kinderglrten ln the Richmond School, Fullerton, will serve as keynote speaker and there will be a question and answer period following btr talk. In addiUon, there will be a continuous viewing of film strips which the oouncU is con- siderin1 for purchue and use in the 11 cooperative llU1'Riy schools in the county. "Look to this day-For yesterday already is a dream and tomorrow is anly a vision; But today, well lived, makes every tomorrow a vision of • hope-Look well , therefore, to this day." Mrs. Howes' life Is the epitome of the advice con- tained in that Sanscrit wrJUng. Her vision of the future has N.ew President Pink and Gold Picks Decor never dimmed, but she has Pink and gold will provide never· been too engrossed with the decor when Mrs. Al it to take Ume to he.Ip her Hackmeister js installed as students. Help today for many · president 1o1 Beta Gamma students has me.ant a briihter chapter, Epsilon Slgrna Alpha tomorrow for them, i,nd a sorority in Fountain Valley. vialon kept alive. She will be honored at a din- Her desk will be vscanl next ner Friday, June 6, in the year, but she will never vacate Fishennan, Huntington Beach. the hearts of the students she Love, Ca m p a a s J o n and her theme. mllmmmillmmmmmmmmm•mllliiliii1ii0vi'i'·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliHiainnoniiiiy bas been selected as Mr1. St.an Cochran, Beta Gamma's Woman-Of-the-year; will be the · installlne <i:ficer. Also seated will be the Mmes. William Hewston, vice presi· dent ; Chuck Canedy, cor- "'pondlng Secretary; Larry Evans, recording secretary; George Keller, treasurer; Pat Morey, chaplain, and William Guthrie, parllamentarian, who will receive her 10-year pin. HUNTINGTON PHOTO .. SUPPLY A first peat! wJll be awarded to Mrs. Louis Bacc1, who has .completed a year of mem- bership. lnstallat-ion Disclosed Woman's Club of Laguna Beach will close ltl aeuon with an tnstallaUon ln the Thll'ld'l', Junt 5, 1%9 Closes Year IUllNUS l'IOILIMll ' "" ..,_llflelllCu •1t1n 67 5-2300 BRAND NAM.E·SHOES AT "DISCOUNT PRICES! do-it~yoursel . you pick the heel. .. $11.88 Play !he big shoe designer. Dress-<Jp or dress'dowrn>ur beautiful bllml~oed Jll!mp. Ready to?.' on midi or mini )Qw heels. WI SPICIALm IN HARD TO m SIDS """" lo D -4 lo II . SAV-ON SHOES ------ ' 2300 HARBOR BLVD. HAUOR SHOPP!Nli CENTIR 1 l ~ ' COSTA MESA'S FISH 54Mns --Never· Before has There Been QmK'a..Clultbou.leJ ucted by-Mn. ClliliiiilA. 5 , ;:;JI-- tomorrow at 12:45 p.m. vs a Camera Offer -like This! H you don't Ilk• the movies you make with i,.pco Instant Load, brln9 your camera within 30 days for a full refund!* Your first full color film is on us! FREE prqceuing included ! You risk nothing. Buy any Fujica Instant Load movie camera. Drop in the FREE film cartridge. Press the button , . , nothing else to do. Elec· tric eye sets corect exposure automatically. When you project the sbow r.ou'll IH why movie making experts •grt• Fujlca Slntl.t is tht fln11t n1t1nt fOad Imm movie 1y1t1m ... the sharpest, brightest, most color~ rut movies you've ever seen. If ~ou are still not comp1etely satisfied just bring back the camera and sales slip for a full refund. Fujica Instant Load camera prices start at less than $80. "This' offer la for a limited time only and may ~"'1th.drawn without notice. FACTORY TRAIN ED · EXPE RT WILL DIMON ST RA TE SATURDAY, JUNE 7 10 AM to 5 PM -:t HOURS: Ull MONDAY & FRIDAY 9 to 9 TUES.· W&O. • tHURS. ·SAT. 10 to 6 HUNTINGTON PHOTO . SUPPLY 1'1' DtlOTID TO le C. """"'"• 18519 MAIN ST., HUNTINGTON IEACH 847-6411 \ ll//e,. 'H0T06lA,HS )'°' OJI Mlllt Mrs. Robert H. Hull, former publicity chairman, will take over presidential dulle1 from Mn:. J. W. Lansdell who will become first vice pruideat of the group. · Other new officers will be Miu Helen un;er, oecolld vice p-t. Miss Nell Moorman, c:ornspondlng secretary and the Mmes. Thrtlt G. Hanka, recordlnl secretary; Georgia Arner; tfeuurer: Nonnan S. Ale:rander, financial secretary; Edgar Axtell, clean of chairmen; Florence Robin!ORana ·JeS1le Dlingan,' houJe dlrectm: Kim Ellli, rental director ; Louts Underwood, ways and muiu chairman ; Edith Saunders e>ordinator to Junior Womin'1 Club, and Mrs. Faye Bentsoo, as.wctate. Beach Babes Every Wednesday al 7 p.m. members of TOPS Beach Babes convene at Huntlngtan Beach High School for pro- lfams. Clones Open Nawl ..... ;., ... --WEIGHT 4l . WATCHERS.. • ' '°"" t11kll'lf, *'\I tlst111t11g tfld 1 progr1m fhlt wtrkL 11111 llOCllUll-<AU 135~!05 HAPPY Ht~• • h•,Pr w••••ncf. Sl1rt It by rtttllnt th• Wlfl(. INDE~ 111 ~• DAILY ILOT J' ' Friday, June &th--Saturday, June 7th 99c _$~ $2-99_J~~­ JABLES Men, .. Women and Boys 30°!o to SO°!o · Off , • LADIES ' DRESSES !Sizes 8 to 201 • CUSTOM IHalfSizes l SUITS & DR~SSES !Sins 12V2 lo 221/21 FRIDAY. 9:30 . to 9 'P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 to 6 P.M. oi>IN D41LY •:30 . ''" FIUDAY TIL t:OO IN COSTA MISA IT'I D•PA ,.TM •N T aTQft.K 111' NIWPORT IOU LIYAI D ltnkMterk.,. Mutw Chertt -.c ... C11't1 llanche PARK COt-(VENIENTL'I'. JUST A STEP FR<i>M Of.JR EAST ENTllANCE .. I I 3 ! ' I i • "'"'!'"""""""'!' ...................................................................................................................................................................... ~~~~~~· -.. H Bell Bottom B..,a~s Cantilevered homes on Los Angeles' hillsides is con- sidered one M>lutloo to the periodic d .. truction of houaes In recent years by mudslides brought on by baa\iy-nlnfall, The cliff dwellings are reported to be amoog the ·saf..,t of all buildings so far as slides LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ,.,_ C•ITt•ICAT• OJI •USIN•lS •ICTITIOUS IUUlll8 ,,. ............., .... certllY lie k -:tlnl • blltJ-If ljf Goftmat'. COii• Y,, er~ lll!ller the fldlllcM firm M tf l"Hl-Ull"S CEMENT COMPANY I fllll Mii firm II ~ o4 !he _!,,. .,.,_,, ...._. Ml'M ln "-11 tl'ICI 1;e of rftio.tct 111 " ,,,,_, C,h.lrles E. "'IHI .. , 1&:S W. Wiiton, Mo. •. COiie MeM. C11nforl'li1. llllod MllY 14 1 .... CllarlM .€. PhUUso.. "TE OF CALIFOllfNIA l UNTY OF ORANGE I SS. >fl MIV 14 lHf, bllon ..,., • Nol11'Y 1111c fl! t'ld for Mid Sl1l1, "'"""'llY ,..!'eel Clll,leil E. "'llllata knDWll hi mt bl ttw .,.._ wlal n•tne lt tubKrlb-la !'he Wlthln 11111nirnent ,,.., <-tMIHd f;. o.,;Uletl llW Mn\I, FFJCIAL St::AL) Mfol'Y K, HtnfY Hoflr'I' Pvbllc.C1lllorn!1 P~lllC!Pll Olllct In o,...,,.. County MY CammlHlon E•Plrn Nov. ,,, 1tn •11t1lllfted Or.11'19• '""'' 011!y Pl\~1.1 •Y IJ. 2'. 1' tl'ICI JIJM S, ltff 'U"'' ,y tt. n, J""" J, U. 1Nf tlS·J'll LEGAL NOTICE Ne1AJ Symbol For BofA SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The world's largest bank - Bank of America will heoceforth use a n e w trademWk. The symbol blends the let- ters "B" and ''A" into a con- temporary deslgn w h I c h resembles the form of an abstract bird in flight. The bank sa.id that the· new trademark woold emphasiu· "forward thrust." It w ill be used in all the bank's visual communications and the new design will be incorporated in· to the world headquarters buHding here, now in the final stages of coostrudion. PHARMACY TOPICS "Y TIAAY Ga.ANT, It.Ph. In countries where pumpkin seeds are consumed in ebun· dance. there are no prostate disordeni. • • O n tht' avC'rRg(', you lose 1 to 11,ii oz. in 1,1,.•cight pf'r hour o! sle<'p. • • "Dada" is usuaUy said before "mama" O\~·ing lo e prefer· t'nce for "d", not for a pre· fc~n('C' lowards the father. • • • According' to the Pub 11 C' Health "Sf'rvice, 81 '70 of American children suffer tooth decay. By the time tht'y reach high school, 11 of their teeth are df'Ca~ or Jost. · • • Yello"' fever. long ihought finished by the layman , <'laimrd An t's lin1a!N) 200,000 livt>~ in thl' early 60's, • • • For modPrn 11crvicc \Vilh old· fashioned cour~y. brin1: your prescr1ptions to: 'ARK LIDO PHARMACY SS1 He1plt•I llud Ntwport •••ch ' 642·15'0 "" o.ll'*J DAILY PIUIT t'hltl .,. Wt P&Jlll and tremors are concerned for they are supported by stee1 girders planted deep in the ground and anchored to heavy iron "bells" far below the sur- face. Your Money's Worth .OVER THE COUNTER .. SI I""' .._L.:'.:...... ...... It ...... ...., I A.M. f-NASO. \ l'rtw • ... -,.. ., _...., m•ta 9' -F b?tt -A- -.. 1-.I MlllllU.C.Qe. -e...,. ::o,, .. ~'I Jill n~ a~ n~ +,. .... rv '·l.'A l r. !I .. r. f . ~~ ~·~·E·Ei~ ~·~~~ 'l !l.f1! §~f ·r~ ~as .. lE~: ~~r ·~1C~'~1 fiiilf,, ":.~ nl t" t ::;\· HA EtA1 .IG ISi +·.ii 11~ I pflj_~ 1 " Ill +" J ~ oc.tCOI l .#< ti l i «&81111 ,,. 7 .. ~ -~ "~·'~1: ,,13 :,~ ~~ •• !,~ olol?::J 1 ~ c~ ~ -1 11:~~~ 11;50 ~ ~ n;; t "' ,,, 30 116 IS l ~ (11. ~l.US4 ff ., ,._I ft o~rJ 1.60 .lf ~ n•~ ~ - 1 I !._'i] $O(lll -r.= 16 -~Ii 311Ji 311\ ~ H"' Jl 1bEn tA· •1 61"4 ~ jf 1 n ! ~~ ~::-:,r.i~ ·.ll ll 5~ ~ ~~ I! n '! .i +·ti;; E • .a t n v. -~ 2*~ Q ~ u.. t-·~ -.kl'.J: ~ :: JU4' s~::1:: v fi.M, + 1t ami> Sd wl 11 n tm t7v. -·! I B~ =: ki111 I 55s ~ .... 51~. sr..~.\t. '! "" + \l cw..:C• .60 U AN .6'J; •W. + "-~-~a ~ on Edi$ 1.111 14' lJ :mil 31"4 .•. ,; 'I """P. 1 t' · R onEd11 pf ' 2 ~ ""' ..w -• •.u . j .1• .,. ,.t ~ ~ w. ~ onEa11 p1 s 1s 7•\IJ n\li n .. 1 ... l!INscln '·" 'JD UM Ill ·• S.ti P.t>lf Br .-.. ." Tift~ 22\1 lJ,,., Am ~~R ..., \.') •• 1111 FCIOllt 1 95 46"" ~ .u .. -!it.. R:-tJ.11 • l.:ll" j ti: 111¥ .:Y t·fi ,::J ... E ~ n~ +t~ 1 ~ r~ ~a!~:r, 'i ~ ,m "" 2m -1·~ ~~~1::.1.sir 1~ 1 ~u~ 1Yl4 1!J~ t.I~ Bro.cl St 15 11 l...xnl• laYln Fdi:. P-.1 l•V. UV. T .. 111 Cst ~ "' Aml!l~I D u ff~ ira"l!. !I' • w•IG 1.76 IM ,,_ 1f 1f -• l ullodl "~I • CaMd ii:JI ~..» Pir;WY Dlt it· 2t Tr•"" •'5 it'll 2llft ~ ....,~ f· '" Hl4 14 Pwr 1.N n •IV. •I 'I"' +. • G Fd 11 11.'5 C•Pll l J, 1 ,11 P111~ U\li 1~ T•411KI on I f Am'" D ! r,: !114 Iii onPW pf4.St tl\O ~ ~ 11&v. -1Mdlln lf 21.U Mui lS. 1.73 Plftl 121Ji l414 Tf-•M 1) .... 1)1\ AcJ1:"1·.., 2 7'' 17\\-\lomPW pU.50 iol$O 61\ff 6™o ,, .. _, • C•Pllln< t.2310.~Mlnhln 10.t 1'POI• W 1'-'T.....,.tl>d ~7~ArnCrllllt . lf «~ ~ ~-\Ii on!Alrl..Jll lU 11 11\/o 1m1 ·· C1Dll »or 1.1'11 I Miss Fl'd 11.N 13.~ Pl E"91n 1llo 1-. Trlat Pd !3 3"a ACrvS 1·?!! IO Vo }l ..... ontC.. 2.211 21l 6Aio .. '4 ff'h 1 • $""'' Sl'lr 11.tSll, Mn• (;lfl l?Mj3.77 P• G&W 1514 25'14 Trld•lr 1•1'1 15 AmCy~ 111 '°' I \1, .•.•. ICllll pft.:15 120 n n n 'i ~·nnll>f Fu .... 1: M9H Tr ,,.a i ·"EC 1., .. , 1l IJl'lo ""'ICM ~JD ~ 0111111·1 J ·i , " l'li +·v. ICOPD .30 ll I• IJ~ l:J.Vi-• ll•lln ll,-IO U .... ~In .12 .12 '"''"' T ltl'I lt vson Fcl 211 2014 A u•\VI 12t 14 m lit 3.i I C' l.IO 115 = tt ""' + cam Slk l.n 1.16 •IM•• lJ.~13.7:1 Pet111 llEI 15 IS~ Unllec lt .IS'h A ~· Df'a.iii ''l' fl"'· H~ r.• ...:·~ C10C.,,.•,".,,", 1,13 521\ ll\l•1• .~~--; Grwth 1.'1 1.3' Mcl>Gn 10. 11 .n PtD With I V. f Ur\Art 1'I 33 .... :UV. AmEIPw I.» .. " CIMil tn'o '"' 1\. lncom l.Sl J,32 MldA Mui 7. 1.'6 P11'lnl I~ lS Un OolUir 31 r. Am EnU l 11 l io \lo Vi -14 on!Mol .10, lt l1 20'" · ' SPf<:l•I l.•7 S.7' MoodY CD 11.0211.60 P1lr1e St "5 46 Un !Hum 33\4 l'I Am ~~P Ind 11 ~"-•l"'o tl~ +:VJ onl' f ll.SO l:IOl t~ ! ""'1i Ch~u Group: MOOdY'I J.Of16.G Petrol! ~ 49'\ii Un McGll l1 1\11 AGe<ilns .50 107 l n·~ 24 ... ~ •~ 101 1>f l 6 $7 Vr l" ~-Fund ll.41 U.n Morton1 fund1: Ph ltd• f>f n ,, Un Meft lMt> 111" AGnln Df\.IO t) ,_ 3o1'• _ V: on sn I 22 SI 14 I . Fronl 11 ,m.i;ll,"25 Grwlll 12.4 lj.61 PllU Sub ~ :N'h US BkNolt 2ffk 2'V. AmHol1f ·111t n 1• + .... ~1'tl 61'' 0!! i"~ ·il· 1", -+l ·, Sh"'ld l).st U,M lnoorn t .M .OI P~lllPS GI lt\111 ltY, US C!'ONj I I" A HofN . ..0 11 51 SIV. 0. .. 41,. d'h Ch'°"lc•I 11.1120.'3 tn.ur 1.u J.11 ~ton Inc 2• 1"4 US Ell¥• 22 M A Hom. p1 2 4 ,,. 1714 !ill =l \lo n I Dl4.so tlf t-1~~ \4 1f'4 ...... Colonl1I: MtF Fd 2Gl12l ,11 Piel Pdt 6'lo ~US jutar S5 .M Am liOIP .22 Ii: 5" ~ v. -..cl l .'t, illJ; 35* ~ ·••·• E®llY 5.s.I ,,05 M1F Glh ,:. I·'° Plnkwtn 51'h"' us ~L .ci"' ""'• ·-, t 1.10 1 ', ~a" ·~"~. 'ii:i +1. ""i,1::',1: .. , n,", nii ff,~ ~· _:::~-· Grwlll 7.:M •.in Mu OmGlfl 57, ·"Parter HK lO l!'h ur. P1nP ""' ~ mM:g, '° ~· Y• T "' ,,"' Vtnl l .n l,\lf MU Omln \l:'6 12.24 Pro Golf 21 21¥1 U lltl Slit.cl tV. 10 AM.et i.to :tf 4 V. -'lo TDfl 25 l5 4-Yi 24 _ Comme<c 12.9•1•.h Mui $11r1 21.oe21 .00Pr01 Allll 7\lo 1111 U111 '"° 37'h3'.,., ~.. " l•S ' IC'h lG'.\-V. CIDllt•lld i.10 ,, 411>11 "4V.,-Com$T Id !." 5.'1 Mui Trutl. 2.11 2.116 Pubs NH "" 291'1 .II LOtv l:W. 1~'4 .. _,m•tG4• 2 J7 ~ JJY\ ""' •. Rqe .SOb 21 ~ "5'14 .u t. com-!lh Fdt: NEA MUI 11.16 12.10 Pl>l>S NM v.~ ~ ll'IU San 21W1t\'Ji ...,.. ·"" '' 13 l?MI l~ -'4 OPWl111 1.10 11 ni.. ~~-fi c .. Fd n .oo 12.00 Nil WSec: ll.32 17.H PS NC•ro lM\ '"" Woodwd 2N. 2R AMnn: ·'°" 27 ~ 1'8 1n -l'h i!>lhll .15ct ' 2fll'I '4 v. + \II • lncorn 10.t l 11.'2 N.11 I,.., 1'.S111.S1 Publ!lllrt 2'14 ~"' w.&Mll. 76 71 ~ ~t! '.. 5 "~ ,, " .. .. Ol'(fW 2.SC. .., JJ(I _sq lnYftl 10.1' 11.:16 Nil llWtS! l.:U f.112 PurtPK 6V. 7Vr Wlldwltl .. 1~'h 21V. A Snleif i to ff ??:~ Jl'l 2-"$ ·-2 tin .22 II )0 l4o 7J\(o • cwn~ Al.I 1.7:1 1.11 Biii" 11.'ll 12.3t Pu•ll'I' Sir " 11"' W1r'11 H llV. l ..... Am s1c1',. 6 _, 50 ...... ~ ~: (ll<lldc.1\1 .lO ' ~ 45"4 45V. + It Srll<t. 10.11 11.11 Nit St< Ser: P lltnntll S1 51i,.;, Rtaoe .._., ll Am.SoAI 711 'lh ,;r..• "• '•'•" I 'h -In JO 21 I~ l~"-l~lO .:.:.·ij, ~wilt\ Rol'ICI ! 90 6 45 POua Cai> IV. l:i. Ph NG 2G ~ •-·~ r.• l ..,,. Ml -\'} PC lnll 110 112 Jllh F. ll'lll -\I c1.o 1t.t•l0.10 01v1<1 '·" S:oP11ln1ma 11\lilt.,.,W•TTrmt 22 ~z:;s'i-r ·?1 1 111111111v.111'1o< "r.1ne160b SS .5014 so -11 Q Comp At 11.10 1•.11 Pl Stt 1 n 1.33 "ad Ov11tn :MV. 21 Webb RH lS'>I 161'> A Suti;; I ~ R 33 U 3':&0 lY. omnKn .tel 16 1tl4 IV. lt'h ..... ' Uackery Takes Toll ~:~d l8:flll:l1 1'ri~ ~:n1::~==~~E1 H1n3r'::ri,11~M ~~h~~sy1.r;: ~! t~ I~ cs.-•. ~ ~:.'t!l~1i .1~ 3ti Im J'™ ~ ::,·~· Comp FG II., 12.0f Grwrh 10.D:J 10 ff Rl~md CD :!f'h llY, We Is Rd! l~ 15'4 Am fllbk. 1 " :16' 61't ,. DWf' -...,,... .. 15'11 t" Com•lt S.ts •.so N11 w,sl ~ ... l,s.l RK09 E~ ,,,,., t-IVJ K:st Pd 19 lW. AmWWt 5' ,,. i.,. .. ,•, ... "~·~ ..•• ~,' • .. • .'~ ,uJ ti.. ~~ ~ 'll, Concord 70.1210.11 Mi""rlfl 27.1117.11 R"' M1~e !3\6 341,i Wd11 NA 1"1o 1•~ AW p-::f I~! 1)0 17\lo 17\~ v.17~':_ t; \s Corp-::., ~ ;r ;o;z iii: -a. / COM Inv U.31 U.17 Ntw Eftl' 10.1(1 11-S1 ll'e11ll Cr •I d Wstn Mite 1~ 14VJ AW I ll>f f.ci i..i, ji., ,4 lt _ V.. llY Co 2I l9Y, ltU. 19-. ....... Of C V Comm 111¥ s." '·" Ntw Hor :!9.Jl7'.lll Riie¥ Sit Gl'i:.. f>ubll'11 23 'U Am ):111t . """ 'sv. ?N +"" v pfl.25 I ~ lnfi ~ ··' . • i• CorD Ld 11.nU.l11<1twWld 1•flll.311toedwE•25\li11"' Wstn S11tt Jl~22Amttek 60 ,•,s 11v. l7r• ,_ -Y.i ullkl.ln .1t lfl 26,,_ u '6\4tlH ancer IC lms Cnn t:•P 1U7 "·'° NtwhNI 16:.U 17JI Robbin M 32 )I w ... Wiiis 11 IN AmflCIOC: IO 5t 51'-' 3a~ ... umntln .IOb 0 Jl.i• ~ ~Wl ' . Cr_,, W l ,U I.JI ore1st 16.to 16.to Roselon 16\li 171Jo Wlnnba9o 31V. ~ AMIC C·P ::ie 2J5 ~ :t'f -r ,.. Dr\111 jt-~ Crn W 1n 11.ll 14.11 p11 t 1' 10.llli llO'l'Cst~ ' n:, Wl,,.1 T 1 SVr 6 AMK pll 70 j IN IGil l~ ;!"io"° ~~Q_Wrt'1\' 11' ~11'1 21~ ltfi t"'. :~·· By SYLVIA PORTER Today, more than half of all cancers can be cured IF they are diagnosed in time and treated· properly by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination ol these. Jn many types of cancers, such as skin or cervical cancer, the odds are even better: the vut ma· jority Qf cases can be cured if they are detected early and correctly treated. Yet, thousands or cancer victims contlnue to refuse or postpone to a fatal degree legitimate treatment and to seek instead the services or elixirs of the cancer quack. ln all, esUmatr.s the American Medical Association, $ 5 o mill)on is spent each year in the U.S. for phony cancer tests and' treatments. And too fre· quently, huge sums are spent by frighte.ned elderly citiuns who are already on the brink of bankruptcy and who m ay Mt have the disease to begin with, WHY DO SO MANY Americans fall for phony cancer cures -ranging.from "c~tnic energy" boxes to worthless tonics -and by so doing, postpone 'urgently need· ed treatment which could s a ve their Jives~ No fewer than· s e v e n Federal agencies, including the Public H'alth Service and the Food & Drug Administralion, are now con- ducting an extensJve survey of "Susceptibility to H e a I t h Fallacies a nd Misrep~ta­ t ions" which may t urn up some of the answers. Meanwhile, says the American Cancer Society, key reasons are the cancer vic· tim's fear of incurability, fear of the high cost of treatment, fear of the prospect of radical surgery, fear of radiation treatment. In view of the fact that one in four J iving Americans will develop cancer MARITAL PROIUMS! '" Dlvtnlfled~ 675-2300 ""'"' 1• "' • l".M. ...... "',,.....,,_, G1Vetll M 75.50 1S...50 • .:n t.21 Ruu S!Olr JIW. JI~ IK Pl nu. 22\oli AMP Ir<" .... • " "5.tli t6 + " u1r. w' A l ).I~ W4 l.i\l . Otut ll'C ll.1'1'.0l 100 cl U.1111.:M llVlll H"'1 32YI 3'"'1 kfW En ,,,., w.""'"" Co•D 110 ......._ ••• _ _, +• ' .... ,, ··--••• • durin h . . nd O•llW•r. 1$.211 11.ll 1~1 Fund 10.1' 10.1' $51 COmD 76l.'i 77l.'J &ndol :n n,,., Am1tld 2 . .0 l ~ ,;7411 '2'l: ... II YC~ l.IO 5 ~1' lti':i 31'-'i -• sometime g IS life a 0.111 Tr t.n 10.30 °"" wms 11.ot u . ., s.ciner 11~ 121.r. v1n1 E1ec •'h ' Atrll•I .32 ,.", ml' 71,,., nv. _"' YPrUiM IA , S.h sw.; s.t'll • ., ••• bypresentoddsontyone-tbird 01v~sr.-1:'ll :~~ '~:;~1;·tt ~J~k2·.: Jt ~ :h !l~=1v. -D-. of these will ~-•ve it -·ny ~,1 u .1111.61 P-kll '·jl ,jl Ancol"0~5v 1 11 l~~ ~~? 3~ _ ~ ~" 1r1v 1 20 u 10.,111 ~ 20v. ···ii• ...,. Y> • ,.,.. D'rMu. U ,(11 IJ.Q Pl Mui 10, Q 10.10 And J:l 1,:/0 ] 31 .... fi J7V.. -\~ N~ ~ Jl SJ"' 'h 25\t -·"• people are 9uite Un· E~~ ...... ,1~in.11;n~~lm \i.~~lt~ MUTUAL ~11pl.~~ n 3ra :,411 .~~.14 ~I (.12 J 5''1i ~ ~a:.:·4' ~erstandably q1.uck to suspect ?: 1?:fl 1t.,~\= st 1t~.1l:~ ~;u,: f~".'u ~ ,~ .. 1H'-' 1:111 + ~ .~ llfl:tf lJ 1~ 1~1(t 1~"" :.:s-.•: its dread presence. s1>«111 14.0..11.:w "'-r 1•.n 11.u "',"', ,o'," 1.60 s !lu. :a Jl _ <\1i 01mP~ ,,.. '° ~ ,,\, ~ -+'·ll S!od U.lt~7." Pl.,, Inv ll.14 15.11 r r U Svc I 1't '$\Ir 'S'Ai $\~ -41 DPl. pf 3.15 1$0 51 $7 ,1 + SINCE 11IE cancer quack Ebtn1 u.1i~•.10 Prlc• TR j5.l025.JD FUNDS '•~n,,o,•,.,.20 130 ~· ... l, 3"i-1v. DPL l>f 1.4 i60CI 100 100 100 , be d . ED rel l•.9' 1gf Pro o . ., 10.n • ... co . l' 6J'lt 6''1 61'4 :t v, 8:1;~ Co 2 " •s .uv. t4!i ~ can a evastatlngly ex· Eroitrv sc '·! 11 1.~ PrDYIG111 s.~ •.os ~~~.s~ :1 l! ~~ l,;,, ~ •• + :t o:l';;n~•' \·.~, ~~ ?J,,_ -.'t;~ l:3-. 1 ..•.. ·• · · d · EMr9' 15.... . Pur1!1n 11.Sl 12.P A ''' j ,., ~·. " <-> 30,. ,,.,. \1'1111 pensive econom.1c rain as E11IP•IH 10.1111 .02 PutNm Fun01: .~·, ,, .~, sl to J:u.; Jt1~ .i. ~ oe11aAlr l«I u1 31 3Hll l1'1i w- 11 d t . I Equity 10 ... 11.11 EQUU n .n \t.1J ""' w • '!I J9•a :ios;, + ""'geltec /n a !Hi lt~ lt~• i we as a e v as a t J n g y E.,~11 Glh n.ll 21.16 r-•• 15.0616.~ ~~ 9..:ii "'•'"',1r Pll.7~ m st 511., 51•.<; + \': eitec n 1n s 1t 1• " -:-;., d h · I thr t .h E1Hi 1121 Grlll lj JI) 13 °"' rm \lb 1.611 l •l''t '"\ •s•.; ... enn Ml• .llO IS •Pt •I'\ •7lt -. ang~ous p YSIC!l ea ' e Evtnl Ill 1•:1111.0:!. ll'ICGm :10 .:,, MEW vo•t< {AP)E••I Sl\C H 1S A~l11c°I'. ·~ • •J•.; '''II '~ -... DennYR$\ .0. 75? .e l6•ii 3' ... -1 is qwle properly "' my sphere E•Dkll' n .fl 2'. 1nvt•I 1.n 1 . .ci -Tt.t 1011ow"" bid ECOi\ Lib ,1 .. As~111 0 1r 1 ~ • :t\"li l?"• ~,, -•t. Dnt1p1V ·~ 2i •r-\ "1~ "',. + \ F•lrld 13.12 1!.IO Viti• lZ.121-lOI.,.., •skid 'lUDl•·Edvcl> $11 23''-'' Astd B~· 1~ !?V. SOI\ SO"ll-l~~DenRGr l.10 10 101,i 20'0 71l'if-as a columnist on personaJFrmlMu 11.11lJ.11 VoVH I0.4'11A6 tloM,. IUPPllWS b'!'ltduc Sva 1""'\S~MMIDG~i'-31 l•lti 1• 1''4-1,liDfrKO Pl& l3 62 11"1 •2 .... . Th h the Fiii Grit! ,., .. 11.n R111 TKll '·°' 1,11 rhw MlllonAI AJ!iOCI· El PMO El Hlo u ,,.,., ... 1 ..:::. 61 Cl!'4 ,, ... .n;v, C>eSotolnc .'l'O 10 "° JtV. «I +t economics. us, "e are F1c1cw n.tSU.UR..,., .. 11.2•1' ... ,1,_ • ~--·rm8 E1 NII<!! 2G 21 ,,. •• ~T,,, .. -::.: 1 3' lJ'I\ 3,,...:.::,..DetEcns 1..io u 2sy, 2S~;, 1sv.-u ' lcl F nd 17 .. 1'.UO ,., '''''' ""' ~" ...., ·"" 1 ,,,,., 1.1"\ 15=1\ . Pel Ed 1>1$ • .50 J H 9S tJ -1'3 key guides to spottinn the u · · -" · · oeai.r1. ll'IC.. ut 1 Nwct 2•11i 1s•" A1tot n~ l «1 11 J0'4I JI'\:. Xll~ _ ~ o.r Stet! .60 2' 11 l)"' 11,,_ _ ,, e. Fld Tmd 11.11 lll.1' kllu1111' 17A IJ,10 no! Klull lr1nqo. E1Klcoy 16lho 17Y:t .l!IClvEI 1~ 1J 17\(,, '1 '1 _ ~ Dl~r .30 23 ·~ 'S ~' 11' quack Fln11'1Clll P';"ilrml;t:I Saiclckr Fundt: !lont 11'.11 1r1 ,_ l':lltom•' 114 f "'!"~' r'511 I 117 112 112 -l'h &ri~ler WI 1 JOi.o 3';\ ltl"i ..•. , · DY""' 1.1' · Int Inv 11.0211.11 reHf\llllVt lnll1'• Eltc C1p 31,,. 3'"' A Cl E pf ' 1.50 66~ 66"\ 66.... g 1Fln1n ,50 t 1~· I!,,_ IJh .... , First y t kno th l lndlnt J.2• 5.1' IC.91*"' p1 70\'il 211'o de11tr Dricu' •• o1 El c S~• l\'il 7i,r. Alt ldl 1 IO •.ff 13la4 t:n 13' -l'li 1s.i...,, 1..io 91 21 u.v, 11 .:.::~· • • ' OU m us w a I"'°"' ).•• .... K•tv•r 70li 216 -lm•l>t,.; ] IOI Otl• 7• 11 AllJlcll l>fl°)S llJG j(IV, ~ 59'1\ S!:l•Sll pf C2 ' 37 ll'h :U\'t - any qualified Specialist WilJ in-F~~\..1 1~::; l~:~ ::r~~ & T 2:~ 2~ ::Uri;:e.-1°' ~~ E:..~1\ 2~ '7~ :n1r~ pi;;'~ n,":.1•1 "i.;.,. n;, ·~:Z 0~~~11: !l ~ ~~'I JI?; · .,:, • variably conduct S 'l 8 n d 8 rd hi In G .. l0,3111,:11 K1lt.ood • 61 h1v1 bHn DU•· Efll!rgy CY 51 60 Al .. t o...,,· I •l 1' 711111 11""-*ti 01.t!old .ab :t'f 5'~t ~ Sl''S t·n· Fii lnl!l J,.53 10.45 l(tuf .. E 1'6111 21\1. lMM!d 11 .. l!dl or EllffTV Ire 1v. I Al!IS '°"' 111 no n;, .,.... -'" Emioo''lo .ro 61 lt\11 Jilli lt\.i> • tests for any cancer al a Fil MUHi lD.13 11.00 t("'" Fib ""' 221,i IOIO (biol. ·•111'-E 111.-., l• IS\oli AU<Orl Pl~l l2 ,,,~ 11''t 111.~. ' 'll'lllhm .ll Sl 2'l• 1'" 2'V. . . . . Fat NII 1.43 f.2'1 t<nit Cua c '5 0•-r m1rt..l1\ E"" C1 ' "' AufSpltl• .1111 •os '!l) l~\'t 11u. 4 ' 11-_.A 1 j ,.~ "' recor,~ hospital or clinic Fl.t c.. '·"··· .. K1n 1 PC 11 1"" "", :nrou!ll'I-EQU!IY Oit 11 11v. Autorn1n 1,.., 1 ~ .. -.. ·~ ~· ' sc,,., - nd ·11 I of Flott FG 15.1• .. ;; ICIWI El '"' IO'li, I flM' d11 PrJ·· En .. TKl'I 21 ?If.ii A...:a CD l 10 ~ k .. ~ Yi~:!' tt 1m:c:' ~J 1 ~i '~ ~l!A -1 a e Wl pan a CDUrst F .. Giii 1.11 '· ICjllt'S!' Pr ff"" :t'f'h nllf • ll>C.~~ EsterJ111 46 •1 A"CO l>f].211 ' 61~ ,,,,. '"'" + "• ~l.D l? " 14';1 ,~ ··-··. therapy according to I.he ~;:..::, :::t :::: ~,,:,. :ow1 12~ ~n~ "''~"°""'" ;~ "'!t,.fev'.i. 1~::" l~ :::l r~ ·.~ jiJ ~ 1~\ ff.1a -t ~ ts 1i 1.?0 13~ ~.~ sf'~ n .:!_' results o f these tests Fauraq 13.H l•A «• 1ru. l'Vo mlulon F11r1111 T ""' 10 Av"" Pd l.IO M 160 1SJ 160 %1'1 Or1'ei>per .IO 1 JG so 50 ' FraMelln Group: LMC Dill Sloli 6'h A..11 Cof_)ll 12 u FBay aGr SJ•Ao 16\IJ -8--Oom•Mln ,80 ~1 111.,, lt\.':i ~ B l lh ck ·11 Com Sit },lS 1.05 llnct 33V. J.IY, Acm., El '•'~ 1~'.C. FHd ICr U 11 OamFCI 1.0lt 16 131/o 13 I! ,'..:.'1j U e QUa WI : OlflC 1J,t1 l•.ll l.1nd• In W. 1'4 Acm• Vitt :N •illl: FaNI"' ?tit. 7J 1!11bt;lc W 1.3' Ill :Jim ~ ~ -V. ~lfeV .60 41· 7'~ 391" lt _ \l Neither perform reconn'-um 1.:io 1.00 L1n1 Wd 2.1~ 2m AF Mos11 7'\l:t 30 FeGN Miii 243 2.ii bkrOHT .1, ,,, 2• ?3 ?~ + •\ r oiivtr 11 uv."'ii 11 -e~u· 11'1(.MI 7.JI 2.73L1ra ll>d tl'l lG'la,.lr Incl f" 10 Fln Secur 1G\la11\lr l!llllGI!. 1.70 U llVs 331,1,, 33!4-I\ verCD ,6' 117 Ml,,. Cl'• .fOllO :.'.·a· ed tests nor be associated with ~~~m 1:~ :r·1~ t:t' Co•~ 61"* iv. -'lrbrn F'' 1·t•~ i;~ Fs1e..s Cp t• " t;:;~~ 2"' 11l ~(!' ~ :n +iv. hm i·«I tt Ul. nv. n"' - a recog nized ·hosp·1·1a1 or cluu· ·c ""' "' '!'" 11' .. L1J1~""rn 11 t, A~•',' !;;! !!.~ ,"'!.tGt~,!IE ,", ~, .... Ill.Int Tr 2" J 101t ::,,.~, ;!..~ -+ :•, ~~1~ i':& 11: "'•i~~ ",1!~ ... ,,!? + Glbr•ll•• I : ... .,: ... Lewi• l!IF 19'.6 201/o :~ !O li" '6i1 Fii if~~D 1\/o ~ l:"'°ll list 2• 12 llti 1'ra -1\r. l'flllr 1111:10 I 4 \\ 4 ~~ tlil' + '\(' -althoo'h the tests he does G':ip t:', » l LI? EONn '10\lo 21v. Allco Ld n•h 2•Vs Fo wr..tF 6"' 1 ~:~c )!: .,~ l• ''"" l~t ,,~ ~\ ~rnsr r. ei 16 JI\\ J7v. 37'" _ d . perform ~ill invariably pro-c= s1 1t)• 1::t~ ~!i:Y.,,,. 11~ 1~~ :11:: ~:; 1~Y• 1;:? ~ll~\119s..r m: ~~ ·~ic 1>1 2.'50 uoif Jf"' 4J ~r" .:.:·..., :I~ pi.: ~: ~v. ~U ~\': :..:.i~· d d . · f H ful Ad •.1110.~ Lott Cini'/' ..... •Ill Alld A .. o .W. 6\t F...ciF Prp I l \lo ti Mlt 2 13~ 12\i ln'o + 14 upl&n Cp 140 2nli 21 27 ucea 1agnos1so cancer. e~1t1C1 23.H'r.I. Lot1E1• 1t 21 Atlled E• 1..,.~11""For1110 lJv.:u B•\~1 1'ld 5 1 60v. stYi ""'-1"duPOflt2,50g l"11Jtv.1J1 1Jt ·t·iii verv well may advise ag•'·sl N,.'!!", •2•1.~3•',,'-,, '•1-~ch••'e ','.. •, ""'A!pn Geo , .. ,, :it'.r. Fost Gr1n1 :u 15 1:11/Kh"'f', •., 1 1•1 14 14 .• 11\iPOf\t 1u.so l 1Jh ,:Kii 73'111 ,,. . ·~ .. ...... ..v ... . ... J.., 1~ AmlCIC IJ ,. Fo!Odlm , .... 5 .. . 11 %'" 11 ,, -2-. 11\iPont Jlf3.50 I " $1 51 ~1opsy to verify carn:er -;--us-~:~ ~= ilU 11:~ ~!f1~1~: tt i'1Ui ~E?l"~o i~ z::2 ~~~c~ l~ l!:Z e:i,.~'ti: :JJ : ,,:: i4: ~ 11"' 8:i ~~10 ll~ ll"' ,,,,, 2•1-..:.•ta Ing the excuse that "it wtU on-~:::;:r 1~·~ 1l·s•' M1111C1C1 , s• ""'....,, e."" 61 riVJ Fklft e1ec 'lV. ,,v, 9,11 ';: ? 11? ~ ,,,~ "~ "'"o .. •.15Pn:o1 llO J1 l'I H""' ffVr +r· I d lh ., H · · '"'m t I'~ ~Ahl FIH"n 1? U"• l'rnkl Rtr l)'l;i lJV, h .1r l'ds Jlf 4 l< 'Iii :ll 31\11 .... g: 4.10pf:l,OS l10 JI 31 31 l' y sprea e cancer. ~~lw.:!! i•,·'•"•'•·',s M1"9ur 16"-i 17\': Am Gr•I 39y, .'o\~ l'unvlew tv. , E' F •!2.l't !Oil 102 106 "" ucrl.t tllf ? 110 lllt~ 30 311 - BOAST THAT h h H . . IM Menlnt II(,, 11'1 Am tl••ll 17 ;., .. Garflnkl 11'0i ,.,,., Kil 5o "1' ,, •1 'I •VJ """'Ill .Sil n 23V. 2]\j, 231" ... 4" -e 8S tdte l!,U16.67M ltOWtr 41 '2'h m fmlV ll Jt.,..Gtt Svc 16 ltV. t'&l°ac ·JO .;', ~-• " •• ~ 5',.,.·.··.·.·0vn1Am . ..0 JI 11'.'o 11\a 1f1'.::.,. II kn t. ls H.,r)t-l.ll •.21 Md ShlPD 11 n Mtdl !'Z fl G Alrdl 10\lo 11 ae ~. . ...... ... •• E F many we· own pa1en -HM111n 16.?116.fl MivtrO ••...,.U'hp.Mll'lns ii·~17,~ Devices"" sv.ee~"p !r .rJ IH W i 26VJ ?6'11.-~ - • - iricluding politicians Jawyers rs~Trhn 1:·;: 1l·fl =''~ lSV. :UV. Pipe ll'A 'J'• Gn G!lbtrt • •Vi l!l:ldze~1 :: ' fr' !:~ n~ -:_i~ eE!!!!,P,~, ·• 110 21'i 27\.li 21'11 +Ji; ' ' /" " ,._ · c Je :n ......St c:..111 1~ t\:. 1C1nena 4"" S\.ii 1111111 Mow .. " "' .. ,1 ., v• ._., .90 I l•'lr l•\\ -2•V. -·\, movie ~tors. writers, etc. ,,., ~,,, 11 .. ,v, ,j.M,, •""•••'•'~ ~. •,1·, AmSt G "'11 n GR• Est 10,,, ll'h ae11 lni1rcO.. •• 11 •.. E11s1 Air so 1so JJYJ 71 •• n" + .. . .--r. . . r "' illindM)r CD 1r; 1"1 Geolll 614 7 8eml c I ...., l?llr ''''" 11\'t -... E11IGF I 01SI U3 21'4 l4''a 24'1\ -··· (This, 1nc1dentally, may be 11:_a,.o,: 11iiitJt:~:" C•P 13•01•\'Al!MUMr w t 67">Glno's ""'lll" 111-~ 1°60 11 u ... 3"1~ J.1;~ •· En1u1u ·1.a ,. 2'1't 1ni. 21v,_ ~·rectly true) · · •• '"' 1 "'""'n cF ·•~ ,., G11tte11 tsv. """' Aenc!IK Pt 1 1H ffi~ 3,1 :i~ ~ •" !•','!..Kv". ", j 119 1s<i 1,,; 15 + ,, t""' • Aretll N .UVa ~·~ G~lsn W l5'1i l6"' l!lentfFln 1 IO 54 1,.. ~· -111 lfli J.l'/0 31"' -O._ P 0 d t ' . · I .\rrs ll>d 2• ~si., Globe Rub 1 1 Bt-nllF Jlfs'.50 ' •• 46\.9 411.\ +I W>eo ,.,,,· 2 " 71\\ n ~ ni\ -i\i -r UC e es 1morua s Arden M 12•~ 1211 0or1n•s 1) 1311; 11e .. uF Pi.:xi ; llt 1lt llf -2 Ett1 linMI .n 11 It\~ 1,,, 1 ......... from former patients ho AriHn D~ ~· t.1 Gr11111 con 111,<, 72\.'o l!le.iF. 5PIJ:S0 1 ""' 7Pt 19'\ -1'4 EOctnlOtl .i1 JS ss 5J. ·-.. w 2 p ~ ,,,.,,,. \JV• l:>~ Gr11Ph scr 6S " ~ti ::.: ?:~ #:,t ~ :t2~ IEGllOfllrot I II 36 1s'' t =1"" claim he has cured their romoted ,\rT(IW H $ 57VI GrHn Ml 111' lnt l!ltn-7 hi l 1tS ,.\\ 7514 21Vi EGl.G .10 l'~ 17\lr 2SV. JI~ i•• ArvlOt 22''1 21'4 Grnlkl RI :22 2( l!ltn:Pha nt JI ''" 2 •• , .,.... • •• EtM1ttk Oft "" nt. "• -cancer. No reputable doctor 1u cc l!lot :ie J@oli Gr1nn.11 1:w llt e.mec cin 2t5 u .\& 1l\i, Uil -1 ~IMus ftl'.09t s1 6'< 6i~ '14 YI advertise:!! his a c-:~:: ~j· :1\'t ~ = \~ ~~ =~Jl ~::.. \!f 3l! ffl: ~:;:: "" .. ~ ~ ~ m; n:: n::i=·~ CO I• •-ls bo ls · A B nk' Ao;emai ia llR!I Gu1rd Ch 7" Ill. 811 T1v111 6t :u ~ ,2,4 41~ U E1t1~N11 11\d 39 l• llJ.'t lJV. -1.41 mp IS1uuen Of as In t a s .lVM :a l~V. 1'\lo Gulde Teti JM, W l!llKltOll 1.'2o 11 •l ''~ ,2y, _"' EIP1soMG I 121 72 2140. 22 \41 Print 8L.-·t his fam-•• pa Alire Ou 17'1" 11'!11 Gulf tnt 11 n 81111 l.wt 1 it 2' ,~ 26 + v; Ellr•~ 1.10 ,,n, t!u. ~. • :!:I LIVU ... ..., • !l1~a1 1214 ll Gyrod\I~ lnt llV. l!llVI 1!1111 I.JI 51 UV. ""' t:R4 .... Emer Elec I ...... ... $.RI, tients And if you look behind ll•t•d "'' 11\0 11\oli 1-1.,,, Cose 1._ 20'h B=1 Df•.1s ,. ll'D'.4 1~ 111114 = ~ EmE1 Pl •.to 1 1114 31,,. 1714 .! • • . Baktr 1\.1 '211 .... 21'1r Hlll'!d VOii 6'h 7'h t &~1 ll 111'1 11'-" ll'il + 'Ao Eme"Alr .IO 11 U~i. SJIJ, 53lli t the testimonials carefu11y you M Off• 11~1 P11,.1 7v. 1~ Hanovltf' s ,, rt ot1111 1.10 1u 4AUI .ci•Ai o l.'i _ l\ Eml!1rt 1.2011 33 ....,,~ 44 "''' . . . esa Ice OPunl w. ··~ 10•Ao Meftn Incl •ui. a. l!IOllC•• .2Jb 232 11'6. nv. T.I'~ ""'EmPOlst l,60 1l 11>ct 21\li 111'1 -. may find those quoted died l!1rw:u. lSV. ""' Htlh Mir 21 t1 llonc1 s1,.. 1 u 21~ ,,,... 2rio -t<l Em""re .90b • l ll\ JH. 311• + I al l31tln " I) 1• H,,.,rldn f lOV. nv, loalr.Mlfl l.-' '"" '' mt End.John 110 , .... ,,_ ... • shorty tertheyauthoredthe e1vi,.., 1:ri~···~1-111111"" 11 lt· 11ar11en1 . .,.·• 'On ltl'I ~ ~EndJ_p,, ,100 :ff{; ;;\.!i ll\fl •. ji I . ls I th • • 1•0<:h1m 31·~ :llV. Mal ... El" 6] " llortw•r 1.2$ ll• 31<.I ~ ll -\(, E,111111\Mln ..... '°' 2JV. ,,~ fl~=· g owing accoon o e1r Terry Erskine assistant ene 111e 1~~• 13 Moov .. r 21"' 21 l!lorm•nF .IO 5l n~ ?N 1~ ui. nnltlut .« 3 19,. 39 3t•~ .. {l cures ' ' Rllm IM 1• 16 HDU'll F11 l~-•1" IOI Edl1 2.0I 15 .. :tf~ Ml + v. EqulG•, 2.10 1 JI~ 3 ... · vice president First National 111e1sco1 R 11~ 'l"" H~ 1•v. 1? l!lourn' ll'IC 10 2,v. ~''-" 241\ ESB •nc 1.'lO • :uio 16~~' 2lt:,~ -~ _ Claim when challenged ' l\.,.oh H ~1 « ML.Id e~v 20 1111 1••nllA1r .so 15J ""' 1~ · 1611o :i:·14 ft<IUl•e :JO 10 21 2'.\ii 2n•1 ~ to put h,,· 1-atment lo a Bank or Orange County, has ~~.~·o, ~~~ t1v. ~::J'G.~ :ii.t :r .... e~l:7~vi·,',°,; ' ~·li 51"'1. Sl\~ -.. !Ellt~ln1 1.20 '' 3~·~ ).!::,:, l5% .,,. · · " bee Oled •~ l lrG =...,n ~l ;,s Hur,1 P '9Y, )O\'} l!lrl1tM1 Pl 2 11 :ii.ti •:MO 60\ -y, ~~j Ci> •72 '' Joi~• J.11• 3'"' 14 sc1entlf1c test. that he "won't n prom w manager or 11lrt,..,.,, tu. !\I Mven :nt(, :n B<IWYH•~ 1 J 4Sv. ~ .... "'a + ~ ~nc1~~ u~~ ,~\~ 2~~ ,•,L . ,., . . , ~lottk "tis ~V. J 1~ Ind G&W 201Jo 21 I WYHa pl A2 , ••• ,, ,.· ,, + ,. Eurofd ... -... '' '' •• " get a fair trial" because the the· bank s Costa Mesa branch a-.,1,111 E• n• ,,, 1nd Nc1 2l'4 2• llt1"r11uG 1.n ll M JO'"" 30v. {; Ew1n1P '~~ n v. 21 - ed. I blish • • 'Bon !Ser"t 14\1 15\i tnlcrt~ 1 I llrawn Co s ''" ''" ''~1 Ever1,,.,, ~ S:Mi SJ 'SJ14 + ·~ m 1ca esta ment JS pre· and Larry Sallinger has been l'.o!i!h• c •1"• l•''> 1n1r1~ec1 • t¥i I.._ co pf l 10\~ it~ 211;:; t' EJ1tel10 1.:is 1~ ~ ~ ~ -~ l·ud1·ced aga·inst h'• method Or . '°" l'•D:t llt'i l1U Int Cl'ltr • .,..., wn Sh••r 1 lt 11•1i '1 n~~ ~ F•bl••• wi 4 31\0 311 .. ,, ... .:.:.·,;.:. "' . elevated to assistant manager einw11•... t "i ,.. l11t11 sn ui:. 16 a= i . .so 2' 444'1 ...... .u:w. Fi!ciorA .11 .. s' st~ se\; -..... he may challenge the medical • 111r11w.., G '-' J1 1"'"'* lll'I 1~ a .os, 4"I "~ 224'1 n•• + "' F•clorA w1 is .,..., -· Th l l!lrown Ar 31"' ~ lnll!lll Wiii l .... 12°" 11UC'l'Er I.JO l6 75 24,,., '''Ii ~ F11lrt!'IC "'°"' It) ~ ~..i~ ,,,. + ""· establishment to test bis pro-e anoouncemen was made 1!11'11..:0 flw 32' .. u Int MUI " it ~f1: .• it II"' 22\11. 211/t -Vt F•lrcll HUit• 62 19.li n:: rm =1: duct -then either fail to by Carl E. Schroeder, the:~,:.· s l~Vi l~ ::; HI::• ~ ~lv. li5,.i;n' '"t.1"1 '• ~ 1~ 1Jru.=\ ~:J:;::'J, .., 24,,. 1)>,l """ -~ ~lllil F 2• ~,. .. 1111 ,.. "' 11 lt 1!111 I ... I ""' I.JV. 5.:Hli -. " Fab11n .. .! '•SI.Ii 2$\\ "'• -... deliver a sample or ins ist on bank's president c.i v1at~w ,.. m. tl'lt T•Pt 15 l' I It-'" 11 124'1 1N "" F'"" Fl11 '1.311 li J~ g~ M~ t ~ · d • • th •-t d''l -tfl'l ll\11 lnttltt 21 71 (git 9'1.5' It mi, ~ ~ :;:·41; F-*1 l<K tt l'O ltY, es1grung e ~ con i ... ons Both Erskine and Salli.nger -: :; ft :r'i:uli'r ff ii'"' ~ . .:O• ,P. ml ljll-1'~ ±," ~:::;.:iii: ~; 20n• ,1,,... l~W-• him.sell. Jn · · Ml I V. IV. FL 1 ™' WT9'11 M 11; 1H 1 fl ffddert ... 1 11\'o -..::?. were matn office ad-111 'a!i"' 23 u •-in c 1• 1All 111s11unv 1.111 1 2• • 11''41> +1'h r<1<1Mot W 1:l m2 lr~ ~ ~' NOTICE 01< SULK TllANs ... e• ~OTICE IS MEREl!IV G1VEN TO TME :EDITOJI$ OF RO¥ Sl1v1IT, Tr•ndf!'ar, •I t bul~ lr4nslu Is lbOlll fll "-m• Tri~. wllole blltltoet., aodnw Ls '5 WIJ'flff A,,.v ln !ht Cll'I' o4 founl1ln <lley, COUnl'I' ol Or.....,, SllM ot lfforllil. Incl 111 o4 wllow butlnets ,.,.. Ind lddrtsHS utlCf wlrhln Thref •n 1111 ""''· "' l•r n Ir-to -"""'• , .. JloY S'-ylly, hi Willer ~ T""""°'"· wtat bus!nncs M· -_ll_llll .511, i'I~ !ht CllY ol n!11 ,,,._ toUnf.t o4 Or.,..., Stile Ill •l"""lt. ti n.., 1111_.,,, <:leKrlbl!cl ~I -My DI T••n•luor. 1-11' An 11vc1i: 1n tr&<lt. 1r.1ur". 1<1u~t 4 IOlld wtlt el I cttltln Servl<.I Slltlon ---ministration-wort m-0ranie s::''T: ~.. • ,_:~-1::-1t: htltDSll ... -'1 ,. ... Jl\1-ir+·v; ~111:: 91~ ti 'If\\ JI~)~"· -p: ITIF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,'in . ~;... 11 10 10. '"""' ,""" ,. -FlodP""l!I• , , '.,.;a ~ ,"' . prior to the change. • ,., G• l?'-11 ~~ J!ttv Fck' ,•, .. 1• 14 ~ + "'FeGSIOf\S AO 15 ~ Jl~ ,, + .. . •• NG•• I~ '"" \'• I ~ 11'-'i F.aDSrr .ts tu 31 3''.I. 3'14 -1\ Erskine JOined the bank two .,. VIPS 27,_., <.IU. Ptd •1.ll tl.ll 11 li'A + j'i Fl!d Mtl I"" .i UV. ~m fr"=\•. •'-k-. It lrO'rs l flKll S.lrvlo;t 1111 loQtfG 11 f.115 Wl•Mt .lvt., In lllf ty' o4 FOUOlll!ft V•!ley, (O\lf\1Y o4 .,,,.., SI•~ llf C•lllorn11. ,,.., 11\el ll!t .-Int bl.Ilk lt1nsler wl11 bl <or'lo ~ 1111 .. •1111' JuM 23, lNt, ....... Eicrow No. 17123-M. 11 S11te ierow. hK .• ti ~i'OS Flr1:1t-&oulh1r1' ll'lfo City ol Soul~ Gdt , CO\ml'I' ol Los -111. Stilt ot C•!lr..,n11. DATED MIY 1', Ifft, Wi ller H. Vlrl~wn. T,.n,!tr~ l'ubllthld Or•ntt Cotti D1llw Pllol, "" $, lfff !0.0-it LEGAL N<YrICE Family Weekly Now in Our Family: .. W~ ARE P LEASED TO ANNOUNCE .THAT MARVIN 0 . ROTHMAN HAS BEC0"4 C ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SANTA ANA OFFICE •• SALES REPRESENTATIVE BLYTH &. Co .. IMC. , ... r~c e..,1 l1Mt 1 • ..,.., .. , 1010 N. Main Street Telephone 541-31'!3 ___ ...;.;.;.. _________ ------- ._/ "'""• :O\,lJ''I ••• 15."I'·~ ,.,,. JO'h-2 Ffn'O(p l.<IO I " s..w. S.\,-llfl years ago after five years with •rtL~~ l~l lf' ~aio';v51 U:!J 1lll °"' l1f~ = ~ ~I= l~ 11! ,",",, ~ "" another major regional bank 1c1 ~ 6\11 SK E<IUU •.n 4.73 ., ~ _.,,, F111rn1 ' 11• _..._ 31" 31 \o'.i +• , . hes Ulll I It Sec Inv 1.n t."2 I l'-1 Fin F-1• ~ .... l~ JI -H• Sallinaer entered banking N l!lrl.I t• tS\'i Seit<: Am ''·'' 11.11 ' .,.. :::ti; Flrntne l.~ t l; ~~ 6""1 .. • , .. directly after graduating from "•If'~• ,,, :,, 'Ill DIBn ~ .0121.01 .... "•1NC11.lo. st .. ~ '6Vr ,~\." -tt.: • µ'O hrltl s 1:. 1)t Ser Spec:S lf.OS 1•.n ' ~ + ~ l'tl(/'1'1 I Mt lot' ~~ .oo'llo ..... the Nebraska Te ache r B ll~e~'" J'~ 21~ f11:;;..a 1tZ: lf.~ •\t I ~} ~~5i!di ·fro 2 lf'i lt lt -1 College four Years. Ult UIB ,, 2t~• 51• Inv '1·'714,11 h.. i\ Fllll•<S.CI .'1• J ll" " •• ~ 5''111 +·., go. !~tit Mf 1~ :ii't ~Ill• I 1 ,1111 IO.• 'N ,.,., Fleml"I .50 " ~ 21111 Erskine is s ucceeding M. J. Jf~'fn Mell 1 ~ 1fv. ~:,.n~~ JJ:'U H:~ VJ -n-~ll~f"!l~l.so 1~1 :l! ~'i = + g" Slarner· who is returning to lln•on o :n~ :13\\i StFrm Gil>'·°' '·°' l'' :+1~ Fl• E coa~t t0 ..," 40» jJ\\-.- !he main otfi-w'"~ro he w1·11 01em1n E 11,1i • S•e9dm•n Fds1. . •"'II,,, F • Pow 1.s1 tl 4 ' , '1'111 ,~ , low ?4 JS ~1.1tt S! Sl.OOJ.J.15 I" '/•Gas . .i lJ 21 ~ ,,~ .,. i.., • . ..... I~ Colln11'1111 ~ Jill~ ~"' Incl n.JS 1~ .,.. "'FlaPwlf 1 H ( ,,'h"':f ·~ ~, .• t"'t· presklent in ad·~:::.1s1r l2 t ·~t;: ::\': Z:ll +1 \li ~::J:r:ei,:i 1~ ~~ ;;n ~~+ii m n1s ra ion. cm1 Ac.t 11 ll'li s111n RIM! r<Uftd$,· = "' l"luar "'9 J ": g~ ~""-4J\'I -)fl CO"' Cit.,• a l!l•t ~1.,1 1.67 Fl'lrl'Jt"' 10 1, 1 .. 61 62 -1 ~ :: :r,·~ 1tU1r' fi:.o. lJ~l!:n ~ !•~"~ ~Js 121 :ii''~~ l:•+;:: Times l\firror Pays l21h .Cents LOS ANGELES -Dt""14n of The Times Mirror Co. have decla.-.d the reiuiar quarterly dividend of JI~ cents a share on the common stock. payable June 24 to shartholder11 of record June 9. Acqu\s.itlon of Veneer, Inc., Seatt le , Washington. ;ilMl was an- nounced by Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, chairman of Times MbYor. The company manufacturu plywood and hardboonl. The 11418 .. 1., .,.,.. 111.1 million. amw .i 27"" "'"° f':!. •f!Gllt . .n \I ~ +1\1 FoodF11r' .te J ~~ ~ =t -. ,•,· : am• A S\I I ""'fM1t + \I Faol1 CB .Ill 2' '"'° I'* l~ , ""' cam 3' JI P" ..... Fonte o\\ln t ~ ~ ·::1' • ::'' J;' 11¥1 11 .~ lt.ilft:: 11 II\ "+1" :=:...n:21t1• i!J »\.'> •11t • -,_ • '"""' Tdl """' t4\ll fCMtl 1.J! 1.n "' .. v. ForMcK is " m; :i:: ~ :.:.:~: on9 r ~ AVt tcfl"'1 '1f • • + " FMctc. Jiil 111 1 !'~ ~in -_1 • tl\4o1!21-· SN 11" T-Mlt f~ · .... FrMlt SIT .21: 5 J2 lll,\ at + • .,.:: L ,p! ~ l~ i• 1::r, l~1 1 ::. ~=· l·"° ,J r -r.iv: ~ ···~; rl'Wf'Orl 2nt JM~~ 1· r it• ,,._ t: ~ FlllNll ~"°'.1t !.JE ~ !fl'!-.+ .• '\'.., ; l'lllU(e)lll l .'1•1 ~' -. ... ,lltdl Jttt lt ]f .. 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Met1 J9" av. :~' M= lf:P. lrn ~ct ,. • ~; we + ._ ~,::;; ·.~ ju ~l~ ~~ ™ ~ ' ; .:,"!, 'r,. '~. w~1' •1'ri' ll ~ ,ff ~ ,~'! ·r~ * 5. '~~ ~-li~i-.:·!1 ; ' "cl ~· ii "':10 ' ·U ' :ij :!' :l il u.. ~~ I'" E ':I .ii! ' Ii !J,~ • •Ill '·: 9f111~K '~I~ ~ ~:., ~:# ::ar f.41 'U. ~~ 11U ~ ~ "tr;.~fJ; "1• f~~ 1.-.~ : + ': ...... • n:. ''"' , ... -11. .-: ~ r. iEI • §J ', fu~~ ·mir t:1J 1 I IMT~ TI i .. ·~ ' :';~ •«I " .:.-: rc !br1U I tfl: LI" J:'• '". tn ~le gi::. : ;.t ~Mo ~1al1t t~ f::: ' ~:~ii j"'"' I " ~h~1l~D I "'P. I <ll Nor Gj Wts! B ~Unll ~Y' :."rn °'""in' grHn h rt hclun rorlw I ~lft~a'' GullMOh <lull i:I Gulf n Gull RH ~ll'Rtt J; ~11s11 ~ G11ria.1,.., ~j(W pl Gutf: ~ 11 Gulton h ~·llPrl 1 1111:;:;1 Im II Hlmm Pa . I::"""" Ill'"'"" nc!H1r HtnnCD H•-H•rcourt ~trtlt In :~~.~ trv Al •• (0<1> filwll El Vf$ Al 'tHlnt fn~~1 0 M I f;I " ler ~ 'l~.r: I ::irhP ::11~ ... c 11'1(: ... ~~ . ' IUblt n I~!: co. .IS 1rt J':I ' '" ~v•r. ""' omt•lte IJEIT:' ' gf: nll H •I ~D Houd nd 8=Jl11 DU:J:hF Hout DI ~ .. '~~ . " '"" ... ~· ' M~Hlf "' .. ld .. 11!1••1 I I~ CM>! 1 I Ctn ... , ... , II/ Pw pl II Pw pt imz ~P • IN • • '5' I Cum I l1n Htt Ind Hd ff fnd Gin , 'l!!DlsPL l~iMtK I BancP rn-rd"·:: ,:;tnd SI i=~~ "'""" fmlka.,t MDlrl C 1~ltf'CO l nltrlll.$1 lllM 3.70 lntFlll'r f"' M1rv nlHOld 2 Int lnclin In! Ind Pl ·lnlMfntr Int Mne lnll'tld< 1 Int P•• nl PaD ' :: "f 1~T11 ' lnlTtT 1 11111 T • IT ~I' l~f" , I &T • Int VIII Int ~IU • l=I Pl ' "' ' 'O!ll Int eg ~ nl:" s n r1Pw rrr1~\" """'P~l OWi~ .~ ,.,.. I~ Corl I Sv • 1 · JldlsnAfl JldlAll ' I ~=~~ i Jltln '"' • JtrC't.5; I ,_ . Jlm •" J lll'IW r "~ ' Jr: ' ' "' ie~ J~r:::". t 1 al~ ~r~· ~" ~:r, ~ 91111 • •• ... ~ 5:r1:1.,; . " ~l::ll'n'· Iii ~ U!ll I 1· ~ ~-.:: .. ='i ' -~ -:~, t=w. r ~:ri 'l'i ... ' I ti:.~ • • -Thnllr, J•ne 5, IM H • DAll.V 1'11.oT JI Thursday's Oosing ~ ' . . ........ 642-4321 • • • • • -- ' . ' . . ' ' . . Glil' DAD A POLAROID: . . . ·. . . . . . . ~ . .. . ' . . . . i .~, '. ~ . ... Ji . : \ . . \ ' ·,.. . . , .. ·. . ' IOLOR PACK. ~CAM.I .RA • ' . • '·I • . ,, ,,, fREE ALBUM w /3 packs of Polaroid Color Film $367 .. l • l I • ' , ,1 l -. FO·R · .. ~ ••• OUR FtlNEST ••• MODEL 330 6488 CHARGE IT I " ' ;. ... . ' . . . ' " • • . MODEL 350 . Al'! •xc•ptiontl c•m•r• for color· pictur•s in • min• ut•, bl1c.k ind w.hit!.in secon'd1 1 :0.lux• styling, rang• a nd v•r'sltility. Sup •rb el•c.tronic:: photogrtphic m•• ch•nism. Singl• window, Z•iss Ikon ri ng • tnd vi•w• find•r th•f folds •w•y when not in us•. Comfort 1ble ev•n with 9l•ss•s. Elec.tionic timer th1t "beeps" when picture is re1dy. Fou.ru•:ic9osur• r1n9e~. Shtrp triplet lens. Brushed chrome''flnish'. 3 1/~."x41/~" pr1nts; Most of the fiitfures of Pol1roids finest cemert 1t a much lower pric•. WE -HAVE THE INCREDIBLE COLORPACK 11 ' COMPARE. 2211 AT $29.95 • 'I I ' -- -... -· • J 1 4287 7·9an CHARGE IT! . , I ''MODEL 320 • • ' MODEL 340 .f • CHAR~E IT ! ~ -• • A 1 Unglc! preve d~ecl ol th• Th< at 2 I Sc:ho< Hw to kf N T Fre his SI flew t fer w appoiJ Mr. round hll Ptt mollt Mldw Thieu willl l the di A• ferem Bead Presi< "I t feel rang~ said .h La gut He may' hellco sessio The rnidw. dent i Tan from Loran Se Su 'U Sev1 nptice Ibey $400,0 the yt want The lhal ( defieC ing st aOO 1'i Al1ll obser cludei ln~e v8lua ~~ $400,0 ~an Atlan: . nenn co.. and v Citt ... o un1t(I Buel rect.i• a Doc~ .All! rOr,U def le< ..... cililo uncor Rer ~K: a-he• Cllif< comp from • ..... ~~ ---..... • -' . - Fountain Valley ' • • --\ • I ' . . . ORANsE ·COUNTY, ·CACIFORNTA voe. l.2, NO. 134, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES • I TEN ~ENTS • By RUDI NlEOZIELSKI Of .. 0.llJ "'" lllft A massive teacher walkout at Hun- tington e .. ch hlil> schools today was prevented by a trustee offer to meet in d~ negotiationi with representatives of the District Educators Association. .. The spec1aJ board meeting will convene at 2 p.m. Saturday in Westminster High School cafeteria. HuDdreds of teachers, however, vowed to lteep the pressure on lhe board by a Nixon Flies To Newport For Confab By RICHARD P. N4LL Of .... O.ltr f'lllt lfaff .Fresh. from a tumultuous welcome at his San Clem.ente borne: President Nixon flew to lbe Newporter Inn today to con- fer with advisers and announce a new appointment. Mr. Nixon waa to begin a two-day round of conferences at the Newporter on FllD pietare eoverage of • President . oa Page 10 ~~~~~~~·~~~~- maUer• ranging from b~ • upcoming • Midway meet with Presideql Nguyen Van Thi'eu of South Vietnam to a conference w:lth 10 young people from five states on the draft. A side-effect of U1e Newporler con· ference may be selection of Jhe Newport Beach facility as a work base when Ute Preaklent is-in Southern California, "l think the Pres.id.ent wants to get thG feel of this particular wor~ ar~ rangemenl," Press Secretary Ron ZW!gler said in a briefing Wednesday afternoon at Laguna's Sarf and Sand Hotel. He referred to the fact lhat Mr. Nixon may when in San Clemente commute by helicopter to the Newport.er for work sessions with aides staying there. The press would be ""located about midway in Laguna Beach when lbe Presi· dent is at his White House We&t. Tanned and jubilant, Mr. Nixon stepped from a helicopter at the Coast Guard Loran station near his new San Clemente (See PRESIDENT, Page Z) Seven Oil Firms Sue County Oyer 'Unlawful' Taxes • Seven Southland oil companies served 09tice on Orange· Coui\ty 'wednesday &hat tbey collectively paid an esUmaled $400,000 in "unlawfully aaeued tues" in the year ending June 30, !Mil -and they want it back ... They claim In their Superior CCNr1 suit that County A....,... Andmr J . .lllnahaw defied state law wbeil be valued' on drill· ing sites in Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Newp:>rt Beach at about '20 million. And they argue that lf Hinshaw h~ observed the law he would not have in- cluded the value of state owned royalty interest in his calculaUons. Co1Tect vSJuatiop by Hinshaw would have set the a!sessment tab at about tt3 million and cl# the company tax bills by that ume ;.too,ooo, it is argued. Named as plaintiffs in the action in Atlantic Richfield Co.; Humble 011 and • ROfining Co.: Oreo Oil Co.: the S~l Cos. Inc.: the Tenno Co.; TexaC!) Ine. and w..i Shore Petrolewn Co. Cited u defendants in the complaint are Orange County and the cities al Hun- tington Beach, Seal Buch and Newport Beach -three agencies who allegedly receievd a total ol '61,500 in tues aDocated by the county. .Attorney Edward S. Renwick explained Rir the oil companies that Hinabaw has defied state laws on oil drilling islessmeots because "likt most. other Ci1lfomla auesson be regards them ts Uf)CODSlituUonal. ,, • ~Renwick said Hinshaw's atUtud"e,.Ls in· CQrTtCtly based oo oil asseasment eot1- dl~ that existed prior to the passing of a iiew stale Jaw in 1967. That revision of Cllifomla codes. be said, allowed oil companies to deduct royalty lnteresla from their total usessmenl!. walking ·Oul or clwes MOjlday U the board should f4U to accept the.lr tale.lit of· · fer of a {our percent wage increase with a 2.8 percent boost Crom unbudgeted district money. The teachers, members of the District Educators Association, met at 3 p.m. Wedoesday in the HanUngton Beach High Scboo1 Auditorium lo consider respooae to1an ultimatum sent to the frustee.1 aak· ing them ·to meet in special se.Won with them Thursday. . . -. WaikoUt to ,be l\dded OD to 1be end al Ille lebool year. . · • Meanwblle:t.line II runnlnc ciut.1ar llie teachers to show their strength ~ a clau boycott, witti awnmer Vacation acheduled to l>egin Friday. • • · · II will'he' Dwclitmore dUflcult 1ar the teaChus 'to eep•the pwsure oo •clurlng the summer months, but aome -already ·sugg..ted that they could bell u"' tho-drive hr no!' living grade& cr·bf. (See BOYCOTT, Pqe I) . . . OU ictim . -. . . . . . . .,. .. y,~ W·lM1Pt,-.- . ' . . 15, .. Found Near Wreck By ALMON LOCKABEY · C>ellr f'lltt ......... ......, ' • The sea has given up two beidles ol'the 10 persons believed to ·have been at>oard the ,161·foot achooner Goodwfil. when she was wrecktd ·on Sacramanto Reef • 200 mile6 10Uth·ol San Diego. · The body or· a teenage boy found noating ~two miles nortll ot the · wrlck 'l'llmay 'ha! I>een poatttvolyldenttrled aa 15-ye&r"ld .nm Sm1th, aon of 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon·Smtth, IM Santa Mariana AVe.; F~~-ValleY: · , 1 i • · ldentlfic81im · wu 1 madt · by~ relatives -~bod ,,,. (-··· . i ~-nidL~"tf·I.~~,~ ,-. ¥n1l:.ri~' lloolf ~.,.... . _ en wu described fS 1thi.l ol. ' CLA1MED•BY .SEA . V•llOyla:•Torry Sml"' • ., f-. r five P~rs.ons· Die . . • • J • I I hi Violent fimnt}J Mlt. NIXON GREETS ECSTATIC SCHOOL CHILDREN'WHO ·CAME TO SEE HIM """' between 16 and · ltl 'YQrl·ll .... IJt -crad IA pajamas anl:f Ule. Ja<Rt. lfil olao beil:g taken to·E--aholftt a Mexican Navy vessel for identlticatkin. The body wu reported to 6ave . been found by fishermen a. few miles north of where lhe· Goodwill . lies clUlbed on Sacramento-Reel. It was taken to the village o! Bahia Rosario where It ,wu turned over to the Meli.can Na:vy. Highway Cra:shes Hi pplneu fs Sh•klnt Handa Wlth .tho·Pra1klent In 'l'ovr.°"" H""'• Tawil ' . . President Makes First _Visit to NewPort Beach By JEROME F. COLLINS Of ... ti.ftr "'"" lt.tf For t1ie fint time .since his election, President Nixon visited Newpor:t Beach today. llis Air Force multi-passenger turbojet helicopter touched down at the Newporter l~elipad:6hortly before 10 a.m., alter a 14-mlnute flight from his San Clemente mansion, Several dozen spectators clustered at the fence around the pad and golfers stood on the edge o! an adjacent green where they could see the President. He stopped al the lence, abook hands with a couple. then spotted a young man wear· ing a Whittier College sweater. PrelidfJ:lt NW>o atopped and chatted for 9eVetal minutes wlttt' Chris Wall, 22, of !IOI Citraa Place, Newport Beach. Youne Wall is a senior a defensive tackle on· the football team of Nixon's alma mater. The President and the student chaUed for awhile about football at the Quaker campus. The President said he had spent most of his football time at WhitUer on the varsity btnch. . .. "I never caught' a forward 1 paas,11 he quipped •. Cbril replied: ~~v.., we tal~ a lot abo\l:t that." Beac1i Boy Scouts Set Pancake Feed Boy Scoot.. lrom Troop 5tl! of Hun-tlnilon Beach will be flipping flap jacu for the public from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m .. Sun- day at the corner of W1mer Avenue and Springdale Street. In addlUon to pancak.,, the yoong aooula will serve uunp. Juice, coffee and·mllk 1s they try tO rafae fUndJ for troop acUvitiea. • Proceeds from the comer cook.wt will buy camping equipment and aupplles ror training. Scoull will he cooking on the comer of 'lllri!Umart·Pattlng'lol. Food •as donated by ThrllUmart. Mystery Assailaii~· Slays . . Top· SA Rookie : Of~icer In what Police Chief kltward Allen can. etf"a wanton, 8'nsele81 m~" a Santa Ana police ·officer, honored as Rookie of the Year in 1968, was shot to death by unknown assailants J,ate Wednesday night. A widespread dragnet ls out today for the killer or ,killers of Officer Nelaon Alvin Sasscer, 24, Garden Grove. The officer, on patrol about 11:50 p.m. radioed headquarters that ·he was leaving hts car "to make a pedestrian check" at 3rd and Raitt streets . Meanwhile the U.S. Coat Gurd bu (See GOODWILL, Pqo I) Court Holds Up FJve persons are dead today 'a the result of spectacular Orange County traf· fie accidents -one of which showered patrolmen at an earlier accident aCene with debris -wben a dl.stracted puaing motorist rolled his own car and wu kfil. ed. Injunction on -·-.. -. . . Sunset Sewage The dead tnclud• a Westminster housewife whose car was hit by an qut"f .. conlr<ll _auto on -the oo.y-· Newport Freeway and a Utile girl crushed by a ~k while playing with lrlendl in a parking lot. C.oroner's deputies listed these victims!' -Mn. Donna J . Jolanstoa, 22, ol Cl.S A court bearing on an lnjuncUon sought 19th St., Wtltminster. , by the Huntington Harbour Corp. to halt -Bari>.-L. Romen, 3, of 415 w. the flow of alleged '1ftagrant odors" Walnut St., Santa Ana. emiUed from Swiset Beach Sanitation ~ohn .D. Starkweather, 19, o[ 1900 W. Dl!trlct facilities was delayed Tuesday Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea'.ch. · until June 16. -DelJJ:ert E. Jolmsoa, 5o, or Bu,ena The co11X>rallon, on behalf of Hun. Park. tlngton Hartio.J,r ~ li".see~an -Richard G. MarkM, 19, of BeJlflower. injUnction against ··me honey pot, as InvesUgatoris for the CHP said Jobnaon residents call It, on two counts lnvolvlng was dead on arrival at Martin Luther a small' drainage channel near ' the Hospital, Anaheim, alter being pinned in eutem property line of the sanitation his car when tt went out of control oo the Shortly thereafter, Louis MarUne1 Jr. who lives nearby at 1804 3rd SL and his wife heard what they thought was a gunshot. station loclited near the intersection of Santa Ana Freeway. at MagnoUa Street. .if.~ Warner Avenue and Pacific Coast Lawmen Aid Jobnaon bid slowed at Highway. the scene of an eatlier-aaalr but ran over Superior Court Judge ·Hannon Scoville ~divider and smubed into barricades. Martinez ran outside and found officer Sasscer Jying on the street in front of his patrol Nr. He·aa.w no one elae. r.lu..ed to grant a temporary lnjunctlonV Palrolmen , Jadr: KelBO and Anthony against sanitation di.strict use of that Gieger fled Uie 1pot when they were drainage channel until a full hearing is measuring stkbnarts froth the Ont ao- held on· the matter. cldent but Kelso was knocked down aod Martinez yelled to hlJ wile •to call pou .. e ana ait•..rmi ttd lo render first aid. He la an· attendant with Wind ·Ambulance On the ~ count, ~~tlngton Harbour out when hlt·"7 a ll)inB divider poll. clahru the honey pot "' lllegaUy using He s1i11ered multiple· cuta back 1nJmiu SLAIN BY GUNMAN the chaanel wblch 11 on Huntington-(See"IRAFnC, Pqo I) Harbour property. . of Santa Ana. In the second charge •. the corporaUon .------------..., . \ Apart!l~nt;C9u,p~~~::9Js:~ ' ' ' . ... , . - Near ValJey Ci~~, Qe~~r · • claims that "strong, unvleuant ·odors" come from 11tagn81}t water in the drainage channel. . . Attorneys for the sanlt.a:Uon district have claimed the district bas a prescrip. UYe easement (about UJ.·same WIQUfl\• ters~ M&hts) toithe cbdriel'beclutt lfbls been used since 1936: : RichaTII Harrlaon auperlmederrt of· the sanUtiltlon p1fiil,-~alnli 11ie • cidon Harbour residents smell· reilty Come from1 "the swamp the whOle Harbour development is built on."· . , Appnwal for a 4*unlt apartment com· the rear ol tbe apartmenll. Judge SCovllle heaTII only the om plu In Fountain Valley's proposed city They were lold _by the architect thol chargeTuesdayhek>re,,.lllrqflora•"'"'- center area wu given Weclneoday night oolored rock IJ a poaibllity, bul delaib pfete hearing. by plannlng comm1sslonen. were .left to a Mttlfnient betwetD the Batues over the sanitaUon faclllty have WIIliam Lyon Co. will build the raged ror five ye.an. ' apartments' on about 20 JCres on the city'• Plannlna: staff and'lbe ~ullder. Alternatives have helm offered, IUcb _, 1 northwest comer cl Slater AY<nue and The city center ls owler planned the district unltin( 1'11b and 111\111 tho Ward street. adjacent to Colonla Juarez prlmarll7 for 'ap11b:nent11 cotMttidal facilities of other ,.ant!a'Uon d1ltrict( or and diatlolWIY across Slat<r Avenue from and prormlon~I usa. the city ol HuntlnP>!i .B<¢ , . . cltJ hail. " -• C11rm1tl)'<Foutilaln Valley"h31ionly·ofte . .l;l•i"\1""1·""" -p~i thal•llfe' n-· . Plannen IPlll'OVed apartment zoning , designated apaliment area• ln'a aectlon al ctoil~ cos! qi ~ ~ aanlWIClll . for tile l>"'P"rty and !ht precl!e plan lhe~•Valleydeve19Pm~oL . , ·~wooJd .be.~;'!'r"'*'ll'ol ", pmented to them alter a ahorl public 'ljOOt Of' Founfal!I \(alley's aparlmi!lt sun*t 'Beali! alld,$1tlikld< .. , , hearing. . 1 are; 1J icbe<luled)IJr ll!': city ,center.Ille. · H~ his aJ30'~1.m.a, al varl!oa tlmoS ~ Planner1 general!Y' <ajip'oVed of th'o' • l0j:a\ed n>11ghl1 til!t-n 'l\'ltllel' llild' th• U.S. Nav,1 w._ Sia~ lad tho oven II desl111>, boit qW!kmld w11a1· typo Shililr AveiliJ<a and Brooklnml and 'l'aro ..,n.~1~_8!\1p. contlllho al ... al;a I« of roo(J lll'OUld be pllced ..on carports to Eaeeet& • • • • 1 tile UnptMHIU odon. . ' ~ , 1 ~ . ' , 'Partly lllMY'' If the call ·I°' J'rlda1,' which .,..,,.. gloomy 16olr· Ing clouda until • iqlda{ternoon .., the Orange Comwblle the therm .. meter lllaya rlsed· al II degnft. INSIDE TODAY Few utnnnon dart am tMk• u.. .mteh 10 .tho movin, alo tllot•ah .the •.-ft i...1 tnAt o1 ail. Pua• 26. •. -. ..... , . ~ , • • % DAILY PILllT H ,.._.hp I TRAFFIC ••. ... ...S btulw, while mol«ilb 'lbomat E. ~ .... "',.,..'""" -.~· .. r11•rs, .. "-ADI, ... .., juNd In Ibo urllOr aCGldenl. . Mn. Jolmlloa died at • p.m. Wed· oeodly, pinned In the ..... tap ol her Rnall-l::ar after the aouthbound auto Was -by a --vehicle on the Newport Fr<eway al Dyir Road. '!be -·-·· bl\)ther, Larry M~tr. 11. ol the ume ~'WU eeYer90'' ir1Jm'td, · u wu Mn. Marie Sho\WOll. IO, ol 17G E••11eon Ave .. Fullerloo. Young Messenger WU on the passenger .side, while his aililer toot the brunt of the collialon. • lnvesU,1ton said Mrs. Shotwell'• ell' went oot of control, veered ac:rou the 81). foot-wid< dirt cllvlder strip and danollsb- od the Jolmaton car. DEAD AT C!:NTEll 1be Romero gir) WU df8d Oii aniTal 1t Orance Count)' Modlcil c..i.r at 7,M p.m. Wednesday night after boin( run •-by a pictup truck In a laundromat Jllrldnc lot in the 800 block cl West Flrsl Slrttl Driver of the truck, Mrs. Aida :Ramirez, 39, of flt W. Chestnut St., San- ta Ana. was not cited. The other two vtctlma had been hosplt.allzed alter .earlier 1ccldent1. OAILY PILOT l'1lm b ...,...., VlllMI • Chase Leads Law To Sex Cyclists A boy lo a scarlet car led lawmen out of Santa ..Ana at 1»miJel.per-bour1 at night and -;-110day -Into a lurid taklof pervenion "'which -were allegedly se.plolted for &IOl<lf'• molorcycle 1ani honon" The lmplicaUon ot The Hessians outlaw cyclist group in the strange story ortgin.Ung oo what SIJ'.lta Ana police have coiµe to call Wild Toeaday Is be1og thoroulhlY•Probed, police Jakl, Beglnnlns about 5 p,iii. Tuelday, With I mother's tip about where to find her runaway teenage soo, tbt cue bu IO far led to the arrest of lour adults and five juveniles. Janice A. Cutter, 28, of 2tllS Baker St., Santa Ana, wu arraigned Wednesday in C..tral Orange County Jlldlclal DlSlrlct Court on a charge cl. HI pervenl.cn. Michael R. Buie, 22, of 4311 Wlkle Place, Santa Ana, was released on his own recogniun'=t after arraignment on tbe same se1 charge, with preliminary hearing before Judge Paul Mast set next Wednesday. ' HwiUn1 the my!lery girl who Jumped from tile car, meanwhile, was OOif.er Thomas Barnes, who traced bu to y>e Cl,lttu woman'• apartment. Jult u Patrolman Barnes wu que1- tlonlng M1.ss cutter, however, he aald the girl henell dashed out the ba<t cjoor and fled into the large, sprawling apartmen t compl~L GIRL QUESTIONED Qu..Uoalng of another minor girl In the neighborhood led to dlaclosures by her of alleged ~ of pervenion -por1y .. tyl• -in which the five y<n.Zi:iasters later ar- rested ...,. present Why might anyone do auch things - not releued by lnveatlgaton probfh& the case -but easily imagined by tboM who have read documented studies of other outside-society groUps? "To attain honors iranted by the Hessians," juvenile a u t b.o r i t J e .t parapbfaled the youngsters as telling them during per&<>nal interviews. Markee dlod at St. Jud< Holpltal, Fullertcm, aeveral hours after loltng con- trol of b1I motorcycle and strtkin( a car at Lambert .Road and Idaho Slrool In the La Habra areL QUILT COVERS ONCE-PREnY DONNA JOHNSTON FROM SIGHT OF PASSING DRIVERS CHP Officer Bob Hiii Writes Report on Newport Freeway Fatality Wtdnuday CHARGES LISTED Charged with contributing to the delin- quency of a minor and both due in. court on June 25 are Wanda J. Roush, 30, of 4120 W. Fifth St.. Santa Ana. and Robert W. Bell, 27, or 5232 Tango Lane, Yorba Linda. Some motorcycle ganp hand out medals and award.Ii such u U.S. Air: Forte wings painted red for certain 0009 act plays, while various pieces of decor,.. lion are handed out for other displays of boldness. starkweathet succumbed at H o a g Memorial Hospltal Wednesday after being thrown 50 feet from hi.I car at 3 a.m. Tuesday-when lt ran off Jambone Road al San Jooquln Rood lo tho UC, lnloo-and- F rom Pagel Ma rina Students 'Take Over' PA PRESIDE NT IN NEWPORT ••• Both were arraigned Wednesday and released on their own recognlz.ance, without posting ball. From Page l Humphrey Says Time Now Ripe For Cease-fire ho"1e Wednesday afternoon to the cheers of abOut 5,000 persons. H1J wife, in a ·bright yellow suit, ac- ttpted red roses from dignitaries as the President climbed up on a car trunk to give San Clemente its place in the sun. He announced that he and the family plan to spend the entire month of August at their new San Clemente home. At tine point be gr.inned at Mayor Wade Lower in his wheel chair and said, "He's 11oing to fix fuy ticket" apparently referring to PlllLADELPHJA (UPI) -Hubert H. lulure lralfi<: citations. Ham.Jfftr aid today tbe·Ume appears Said the President, "When t met Pat ripe for m Immediate ceaae fire 1n South and before we were married, we used to Vletmm, lollowod by lroe electiona open clrlve·down Coa!I Highway and the beach lo all ~ lf'OUPI to brtna: peace to at San Clemente was one (I( our favorites. Soutbellt Asia. "Now we're glad to own a part of Jt. 'Ibe former vice president and 19158 When I say own a part of it, we hope Democratic praidentlal nominee made everybody w~ use it too. the obler'vatlon in a orepared speech, ''And I recall, too, thal 30 years ago I bll1«I '-bis olllce aa a ''major adclreM," uz came to San Clemente. I was then a to tile Penmyvlani1 AFL-CIO conwntion. lawyer in Whittier and al.so La Habra and In the tut of his. tpeeeh, Humphrey ·~ J made a speech to a service club. peared to be cardul not to undercut · President NI.Jon, who wW meet with ••J( waa either "Rotary -I notice the South Vietnamete President Ngayen Van mayor is a member of Rotary -or Thieu on Midway Jaland Sunday to Kiwanis, me .of the two. And I didn 't diJcusa the conduct u the war and the dream 30 yurs ago I would be like this prospects for peace. u at least a summer resident of ~ Humphrey aald U.S. strategy should be and l 'm ftr/ proud to be here ariif""'havfi. geared to the following objectives · such.fine neighbon. ••Ftrst, to find 1 10lutlon lo the Jm~ "I want you to know that this one over -the ~ for achieving and ·-peraonal facto~ that you should -be aware then tmplementJng a political settlement of ••• that having someone that hold! the In South Vietnam· and second to stop as office of President as your neighbor is: quietly as poa.thle the high' casualUes Dot too convenient at times. that continue to be tnructed by both "I very much regret that Secret tides." Service requires that when we travel - From Pagel BOYCOTT .•. keeping repart cards unUl school resumes. The ctuclaI hangup tn teacher-trustee negotiations ls currently centered around tight lenths of a .percentage-point in salary increase from unbudgeted money ud the language used in the latest dl!llrlct ou.r. . ' Dlltrict Admln.lstrators have offered the teachers a four percent increase, with a two peru.nt boost if additional money should become available. To date lhe teacbera demand an Iron promise from the truJtees that lbere will be a boost at the end of the year If there is extra money. The trustees, however, the teachers sald, have only shown a will· ingness that such a boost would be talked aboat. r, DAILY PILOT OUN(;f. COAST PUl\.ISHING C°"""ANY Rob.rt N. Wo.d P~I on11 l'Wlbhw Tlio111•• keo.,.11 Editor T>lo1110• A. Murpkl110 1Mnt1Jno Edllor Albert W. l t t•• Wllt10111 11 .. 4 Anoc:l111 Hllflll..,foll hi~ Editor Clly f.dlhlr H1atlllffelllleedlotfl. lOt Ith SfToot Molli"' AddtOIU r.o. lo. 790, 92641 °""' ....... HowJIOl1 B•Kflt nu wen hlboe lolllt'tlltO C•ll IMM: Ut W•I ,,., S"'"t u~iw IMOu m ~ Aw._ we'll try not to travel too much on the highways -that Utey have to clear the roads and sometimes yoiPWllJ not be able to get as close to the house as you would like. "I wish we could meet everyone personally to tell you how happy we are to be In Ca!Uornia and have you as neighbors." As the President and Mrs. Nixon shoot h;;.nds with a multitude of wellwishers, Secret Service men moved with them in close proximity, one& bar~ at a television crew to keep. its distance. The crowd, including ecstatic San Clemente and Laguna youngste~ squeal· ed in delight as the President moved close and shook hands. More than 1,000 feet of ice plant along the route of the Presidential motorcade to his home was trampled flat by the milling feet. Mr. Nixon doubtless needed a shoe shine art.er walking thr:ough the stubble field at the Coast Guard station. He was first greeted by Victor C. Andrewa of Emerald Bay, his Orlllge County campaign manager and in- dustrialist Arnold O. Beckman of Corona del Mar .. Andrews introduei!d Mr. Nixon to other dignitaries and arranged with the Secret Service for the press to be allowed out of the crowd and given some l&titude. Durillg the press briefing session, Press Secretary Ziegler indicated there would be several announcemenbl today and Fri· day which he rated above average im· portance but not earthsbating. There had been press speculatJon about pE:nding announcement of some schedule of American troop withdrawal ffom Viet- nam. Ziegler declined comment on thi!. Valley Eyes Tract By Copter Pad A propo.wd residential development near the U.S. Marine Corps helicopter factlity at Mlle Square received a close loot Wtd.ntsday by FountaJn Valley Plan· nin.g Commissioners who are concerned about noise. Planners reqUe.5ted the P re s I e y Developmt.nt Corp. tc. show plans for pro- tecting lhe homes from the loud noise of the bellcopters .. be.Core tentaUve tract plans could be appnH'ed. Representatives of the Marine Coiw had opposed the bomes, to be built o'1 the southeast corner of Edinger Avenue and Euclid Street, because of a low flight P1t- tern by helicopters. Pl.annen asked Prcelcy to meet Federal nou~ing Authority (FHA) 1tan-· dards on noise levels. .. As Senior Prank Asked 11 tho Presldant bad been rtfer· ring to Senator Fullbright in a recent speech critidz.ing "new lsolationista", Ziegler lndtcated the President had been {!peaking ln general terms. The aound of ci-acklin11 supersonic jeU During his work sessiom, Mr. NiJ:on is roared over the public address system at to confer with Robert Finch, secretary of Marina High School Wednesday af- health, education and welfare, and ternoon, followed by a suaaeft an- Patriclc: Flanagan, usistant to the Presi-nouncement that " • • • this is a dent. takeover." Asked by a reporter if a Chilean re-Then atudent voices cut in, completely quest that Gov. :Rockefeller cancel a controlling the public address system and scheduled visit wou1d cause cancellation. shutting out all administration attempts Ziegler sald, ''We look for the governor*a to regain control. visit.. to Laun America to continue." What happened? Ziegler said that Friday the President It was just the senior class pulling an will meet with youngsters, two each, • ~~·the-ye~ prank. ,, · from the states of Oklahoma, Iowa, By rewiring tbe PA . syste~, ex- Michlgan Mississippi and New York. plained Pat Brubeck, brains behind the H de' ribed th yru••• people ln· senio!' takeover, "we made It tmposslble e SC e w--e ' . for administrators to stop our. broad-cludl.ng one girl, as members of a .Pilot casting rot 15 minutes." group set up a year liiO by the National Seniors including America's Junior Sel~ve SeM.ce Board to better com-Miss Jackie Be.nlngton, then toot turns munlcations Wllh young pe1'SOll!' on the •poofinl adminl..tratim and teacben. draft Huntington Beach was renamed Be- Ziegler indicated the President would nington Beach and Jackie announced she be li!tening lo the view. of the young set. was 8p-..aking frcm "beautiful downtown They lnclude studen~ of five colleges, Benlngton." two hl&b schools, two apprentices and one Rewiring ol the system was accom- from the 01llc< ol Eamomlc Opportunity. pli>bed by Larry Pomato. About 20 .iu- Mr. Nixon is scheduled to fly to the dents took part in the "takeover." Newport.er again Friday, departtng from San Cleuie.nte at about 9:40 a.m. Santa Ana Bandit Slain in Gunfight With Sto1·e Owner Har va rd Rebuffs SDS CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI) -Harvard University has "flatly rejected" a re- quest by the Students for a Democratic Society for use of university facilities for the militant student group's national con- venUOn . The five boys and girls aged 14 and 15 were held in juvenUe hall on chargea of being in danger of leading a lewd and im· moral life, but the youngest couple were released to their parent... The strange Lale began piecing to,ether when a woman living not far from Miss cutter's Baker Street apartment called police to say she bad seen her son - missing two weeks -in a red car. OfflCers John Bond and DeMis Scott began searching the neighborhood in their patrol car and spotted the boy and a girl passenger in the 2500 block of. South Lowell Street, SanU Ana. They said the girl jumped out and fled, while the boy gunned the engine of tpe car and screeched oU on what ended u a 11-mile chase; from south Santa Ana to Costa Mesa and back again. DRIVES FAST The patrolmen said the boy drove 'iO to 120-miles-per·bour, like a race driver. to the Valencia Avenue offramp of the San Diego Freeway, where be cracked up the hot car. Motoriit James Grifiln, of 25111 Serenata Drive, Mission Vle}o, was credited with helping to end the hlgh- speed pursuit by jockeying poa1U111 unUI he was bl front of the suspect, then •low- ing down. Bklwing a tire, the boy's car spun around down the offramp and was hit by the police patrol car driven by Bond, in- vestigators said, but still refused to sur- render. Patrolman Bond and his partner said they had a serious struggle with the sturdy suspect before he was finally sub- dued and handcuffed. A would·be jewelry store holdup man was shot to death lhis morning when he reportedly engaged in a gun duel with the store owner. Spring ';})own GOODWILL. •• suspended active seartb of the area pen- ding further development. "Jt is pretty definite that no one from the wrecked vessel ls afioat bl small craft," a Coast Guard spokesman said. The search for survivors from the ID· fated ves5el still continues, however, by personnel of L & P Machine Industries, the firm owned by Ralph Larrabee.- owner and skipper of the Goodwill. Arthur Knieve~ execuUve vice presl· dent of the fll'Dl, said two boats with divers departed San Diego today and would begtn salvage operations Friday. Only hope that anyone from the wrec-' ked schooner survived appeared lo lie in the remote possibility that someone may have made it to the rugged and barren shore of San Geronimo Island which lies jl&St in!lde the reef. But heavy seas were known to have been smashing the reef at about the time. the Goodwill grounded, and it is certain that the light marking the reef was In- operative. E:ducated guessing -both official and by yachtsmen accustomed to crulslng the area -ii that the Goodwill hJt the reef on the night of May 25 or 26 whlle en route from Caho San Lucas to Enunada. A strong current sets on the reef at ca- taln times of tlle day. It is further theorized that all of the personnel were asleep below except one person lefl,,Dn watch. The Goodwlll would have been cruising under aulillary power and contact With the reef at normal speed would have ripped out her bottom. a.1 Santa Ana police said their prelbn- inary investigation l n di cat e d Sam Drucker, owner of Brown's Jewelry in downtown Santa Anl, shot the bandit u an accomplice fled. SAVE $155 to $%55 The second man was captured about one block from the robbery sctne near the Bani: of Tokyo in downtown ·Santa Ana. Neither of lhe suspects had been iden· lilied at press t'lme. lnvestlgatlng oftlcera said there are bullet holeJ throughout the Interior of Drucker'• shop at its E. 4th St., which Is a cotnblned jewelry store and pawn shop. Police indica1ed that the one bandit was ihot to death within lht store confines. Both suspects wen identified as male whites. Ta x Refund Bill Wins First Test The Assembly Ways and Mean.s Com. ·mittee approved a bill that will enable persoos In corporate type Jiving units such as Leisure World to receive the home owner's tax refund of $10. Introduced by Assemblyman Robert E. Burke (R·Huntlngton Beach)1 AB $75 is expected to go to the Asaemoly noor by FridaY for a vote. The bi[! was rushed through commit- tee Tuesday after Gov. Ronald Reagan sent a letter to the Ways and ·Means Committee asking them to reconsider AB 575. fie labeled tbe biII an urgency matter and requested lbe committee to give the bill further eonsideraUon. Kennedy Mass Slated WASHINGTON (AP) -The widow ol Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and hl! surviving brother hav.e announced a memorial mass to be held at Kennedy'• graveside In Arlington National Cemetery tonlgh4 the first anniversary of hls death. Terrence CardlnaJ Cooke of New York was to officiate al tbe 8 p.m. atrvlcea open lo lhe publlc. • ' l og• $650. "' $750. •. L-' Seve on these ki.uriou1 spring Gown 1ofK. AW1i1ei~• in your choice of febric1 -Volvets, linen P.'illh. .. telasses heery textwres end meny othen. Your frmorilt deiiqn<r WI be "°PPP to asdll ""' ..• 6 STYUS TO CHOOSE FIOM Also •Yeilebte in smenw sizes et comperebl, ••Y· k19s. H.J.GAl\l\ETf fURNlllJRE \ '215 HAUOR n'fll. P~OFUSIONAL INTElllOl l>E516NERS • dpoo M-. -._ I I'll -COSTA l.4ESA, CALIF. 64M21S HMl76 -I· ' • • ~01 L B. 0 A cies· to tt Wed City Pt O'St men mat touc Ora 0 ' COUI reso wrif """' n hlgt ae<:o Tl shot Cali rcsc sho1 pu~ and 1ho1 iner ... urg• ap vidE shor the 0 out m~ ~ho G pol' yea lion L ro' larf Poll ch• wrn c the thal the T pus the " - " i:i fab II). T dUa 1,• on a ' • ' .... -... ,-,---~·ih~--""· .- • • .. ~ . .. ' . .,. r - ToUy's FbUd • . N.Y .. St.HD :VOi:. '2; NO. ·1 4, l 1SECTIONS, 34 PAGES O~NGE COUNA . CJl.llFORNIA • I J ' • 'JHURSDAY, ;,UNE 5, 'tt~t TEN CENTS Laguna Council B.acks Efforts · On Salt Creek A resolution urging governmental a.gen. cies' to "provide and protect public access to the shoreline" was passed unanimoosly Wednesday night by lhe Laguna Beach City Council. Proposed by Vice-mayor Jo seph O'Sullivan, the measure avoided direct mention of the coiltroversial Salt Creek matter, however, the resolution may touch a few expos~ nerves on the Orange County Board of SlU)ervisors. O'Sullivan said in discussion oE the council action: that the ldea for the resolution came to mind as he was wriflng an article on the loss of public eccess to the Salt Creek beach. The article by the long-time surfer was highly critical of the Joss of Salt Creek access to the surfing area there. The resolution states, "Wherea.S the shoreline and beaches of Southern California are the most valuable natural resource of the region and. • .the shoreline cah be used for .a variety of purpo&es such as recreation, coruervation and open space ... and lhEl access to the shoreline ls diminishing in respect to the increaSing populatloo, ''The City Council o( Laguna Beach urges a{} levels of government who are in a position to do .!IO, to take steps to Pro- vide and ~t. public access to tre shoreline, C\nd to obtain beach lands for the public cfomlln whenever possible." Copies or the resolution are to be sent out to all the governmental agencies who may have an interest in the county ihoreline. Gouoty supervisors abandoned the last portion of Salt Crttk Road more than a year-ago t<r'the-Laguna ·Nlguel Corpora· ti on. • Legality of the abandonment of the road which ·prov lded near access to the lar'ge Salt Creek beach between Dana Poim and Three Arch Bay has been chi.Reoged by Laguna Beach attorney William Wilcoxen. . Councilmln Charlton Boyd, who. made the moti9n' to accept the resolution, said that the issue certainly goes farther than the WUc01en case. ~ Js one step open to the council to push [or greater public involvement in the llhorellne, he said. "Let's hoj)e that our neighbors will not just 'receive and file' this resolution," Boy<! said. Stock Markets KEW' YORK (AP) -The stock market pu~ out cj lhe losing column today for the Ont time this week. Trading was fairly actl••· (See qootalions, Pages 11- 19). . 1be .Dvw Jones average of 30 ln- dullriall htld a gain of J.33 at 9Jl.17 at l:30 p.m. after having~ ahead by 3.11 an hour earlier. .. • DAILY Pft.'OT ~.IW IM 'l'iYie .. • ·President· Works . . . Tod~y i·n Newport · By RICllilD P. NAU. Of .. Dlltr """ ..... Fresh from a twnultuoua welcome at his San Clemente home, Pruklent Nixon flew lo the Newporter Inn today lo con- fer with adviJen and announce a new appalatment.. Mr. Nlmn WU to begin a two.day round of c:onfereic:es al tho Newporter on Flill pletllft!I eovera•e of Presldeat on P••t? 10 mau.n · r,lllilng from hll upcomlnr- Midway mett with Preaidenl ~gu1en Van Thieu of SOuth Vietnam to a confenoce with 10 yOOng people from rive states on ~e draft. · , A aide-effect of the Newport« con- ference may be selection of the Newport Beach faciUty as a work base when the President is in Southern California. "I tbini: the President wanta to get tbEi feel of this particular workil!_g ar- rangement," Press Secretary Ron Ziegler said in a briefing Wednesday afternoon at Laguna'• Surf and Sand Hotel. He referred to the fact that Mr. Nixon may when 1n San Clemente commute by helicopter ·lo the Newponer lor _. ....... ;Wiiii aides llayina lhm'e. :,,.., -~ bo i-ted •boul • ., ~·--the Prul- --·-'liblle·-·Wlll. ~A~--,IMan·llllO. ..... bll -a.~-hon!o ·Wed. ..... y art.._ IO the c1t1en ol -1'1.eat:persom. • .1111 wU~ hf a brlsbl yellow' 1111~ ac-. cepled red '°"' from·dlpltartes u tile . Prelldinl' clinbed up iii! a car trunl: lo give•San CleJntnte Its plaee.tn1the' inui. • 'lie IJlllOunced Iha! he and the flmlJy plan lo apeild the enllre manlb of AUJflll ·" at their new San Clemente horit6. Af one point he grinned at Mayor Wade Lotrer in' his w~ chair and said, ~~'• aolnl: to fix _my Uckel'' ap~Ul 1"fo<rb>& lo. • (See PRESIDENT,, !'qi I) * * * Nix.on Names Iowa Man as Boss of VA · ,. Pnsidenl Naon loday announCed at the Newporter Inn his lntentlm to •Po Polnl Donald £,.Johnson' ol Wes! Brarich, Iowa, as· adminlBlrator of the Vetenns Administration. Johnson ,will replace William J, Driver, who has reilgned. Johnson, 4.4, ls president of West Branch Farm 3upplies Inc. and ' Ls a former qaUonal commander of. the· American'!<qioo. . West Branch was the birthplace rJ. President Herbert Hoovt!', Johnson wu graduated, in 1946 from Iowa State University.. Amea, Iowa. He served dur.o Ing Wocid War U with !he Thln1 Army In the European Thea!«. , · . In addllfon .lo bis 0uaoclall1•»•!11b West ·lln!q l'!arm llllppllo!, be ii preol!lel ol .. llCCOIUlling ind bulln"' manqement fam'and'OI •poultry company, llrooidenl Naoo an.......i Johnlon hu had -Ible ezperlmce With Ille federal ........... 1',..vlng u .. ado Yisory member. of the ~1'1 Com- mi181an 00 Civil :Jllghta from 1151 lo llllO and ainee 1967 bi's been an o:ecutive con.. sultant to the Office . of Emerpncy Fr.el)aredness. Next Week Said Critical. For Legislation on . Oil By JACK CllAPPEU. .... Deltr """ ..... . The next three and one-half weeks are critical U protective state oil leglslJ.tlon is lo,.!Je puled, Laguna Beach Clly Coun· cllman Roy Holm told his ·fellow coon· tjln)en Wednesday. Holm, the city's r,;presenlaUve to the ~ Area ProtOctlve League· (CAPL) aaid that after that tJme, the legislature w.il~ have CQmpleted its consideration of propose<! b!ll•. . . Holm commented on the , recent Presidential CommisskxJ report which s8id that more wells should be drilled in ~e Santa Barbara Channel. "I've been told that ~ is the wrong approach by every rational penon I've talked to," Holm said. Holm said more support may be picked up across the nation for oll legislatlon. He said that ·in the· Gu1f of Mexico, the shrimp catching lnduatry is cmcemed about serious oil spillages lhere • MR. NIXoN ,GREETS ECSTATIC SCHOOL CHILDREN ,WHO CAME TO SEE HIM Happiness Is Shaking Ha nds With the President In You.r Own Home Town ~~~~~~~~~~- . The councilman noted that 1£ oil btUa are not paaaed lhil year, which haa seen disaalroui oll incidents, public opinion may not be sUltained to push protective laws through. SEEKS MONEY Holm also pleaded for more money with which to finance the CAPL oil flcht. He nott.d that no city fimda have been m- ed In paylnit any part ol the league's IC• • --.->.. .. .. Wiqi.am Sal ye r, Laguna Players Official, Die s William Frederick Salyer, treasurer of the Laguna_Community Players Associa- tion, and a founder of.the La&una School of Art an,d·Desigo, died suddenly Wednes- d_ay morning ot 'a heart attack. He was 59. . Police ~said Ml!. 'Salyer w*s· v~lting a · frtend, James Bonner;l.U3 Laguna can- yon ROod, when he c0t1.-. BollDel' t.ld officen Mr. Salfer bad been playing' wilh his do(. H~ stood ·up and then slumped to the floor. Mr. Sa!Jer, a Laguna midenl jor 11 years, had been a Laguna • Plafbouse director for four years-while acting as treasurer. Previously, he had ~ in the establishmeiil of the Laguna School of Art and Design, or which Ills wile is oow president More recently, Mr. Saly~r had beeb 1c· live in last year's Splinter Festival, and wu working towards Ute opeoiog of ttti! year's Arl·A-Fair. He was also a member of the Laguna Beach Art AsoociaUilo. He is survived by his · wUe, noted painter and art teacher, Mrs. Ruth Osgood Salyer, of tho family home, 2317 South coasi Highway. A rocaey 1 will be recited at St. Calherine's Catflolic Chti.rch al 7 o'clock tonight. A 'Tuneral mass will be _(See SALYER, Pa&e ll • • "We've put all our marbles In one bag," Holm said. .TWo bills in the legislature are being pushed by the CAPL. They are Aaembly B)ll 622 by Robert lladham CR-Newport Beach) requiring the Slate Landt Com- mission to give coallal communities IO days noUce prior to any hearings on of:(- sbore oll mat.ten a..S, Senate Bill No. 57 by Donald Grunsky (R·Monter<y) pro- hibiting exploratory drilling In certain state waters. VERY HOPtiFIJL "We are very hopttul about the paSBage of ABm and SB~. ''II these two bUla g(> through, with the Shell.Cunningham Act, we will have all the protection we c~ ~~for," HQlnl said. . J. Aaemblyman Badham, ttpo!'llnc on the ·progress of •the two ·vital meuures, has expres.1ed coofldence In the passage ol both. . . ti!. . bW,. Alim. hu be<n pused 'I unanlmoully by tho .1-..biJ Ind ~ '111 · ·.,.; t ... DAM. Y-f'Uli .., ,.... now In the Senate Flnance Committee. PRESIDINT'PAUS IES TO c14A.T WITH '.COAST ~~·' .5111. Gruolky'• till; "1itci orlpna:,i; ,VICtar c. And...,.. (loft)~~ ,D.I:°!~''!;~ ~·''!'!' ~ ~rt. :1n.~~1y . • ~ \ 1 ' --I ·'. '{ ; . Commerce and~ Utilities~ • , ~ :.;._.._ --p• · · ,1 ... ' ~ ";" _ inlttee and win M amended 'to lnc1ude · wroman I ' · d · 1..a·...:. •. Oic. A cl'd"" ... t w11en -or tho Sanla·Ana Rtw'to " , , n JDre m 6 ~ . c ~ the MuJct.n -1 Badl>am•aaid. • 1 ' " • ~'VCLUDE SOOTll A Laguna Btadi woman wu.bospJtaliz.. ; 'll'loll!\IDl-4'-• ~.le i!PtW frlc\ure. · lladham relera tO Iba~' kY......,.. «. for a foot Injury Wednesday foDowlng ! .. ~·_U. l'taDI< SclioJiOo uld;:the AC· u die "meal b!D" and lhll he wlll . 1 thr<e<:ar crash on Laguna Canyon , .~1 -near tho .llPC:\'. anin\11 1n1end lbe bill to Ilic qi. IOUtbern Road. · • ' \....,..... ~the •.-..,1111 l'>Oiinla ·car ' wilill. ' ' • · , . Susan Y. Dennis, ri, ol 1311 Laguna j l~!flo~~~~..-~~ -~!..1!.9.~U~1,Hotni,,.ld u., .• Canyoo Roed was reported Jn good con-· 1an a~~reir U{• ~'.·f). ~" -IJllllll!ll ~ ~ wttb dllion at Souib c-i OOmmunity ""' Poyll; IO, Jttll ' cnie ' , s.Nlli ' the CGAvenaljoolll storra Clul>·to force ' pltOl today where oh< was admitted f.. Uguna. , notional oll 1ei1e1 Into Iba courll. ... .... • • • • • -• , . Uons. _,,. Payment .for the Sacramento lobbyW and npenleS involved 1n Oyln1 otftclals to the state capital to push oil laws have been borne by CAPL d ... and pencml accounls. Communications to tbe CAPL m1y be sent to the Coastal Area Protective League, P.O. Box 313, Corona del Mar, CaliL, 92625. Oru•e wea .. er '.'Panly sunny" la the can ror Friday, w11lch means gloomy look· ing clouds until midalternoon on the Orange Cout while the ~ mei.r "'-Ya fln1(11 II ~ INSmB TOD" 'l'· )'.;,, l<l<uido!I iµtrs oi• ... . th-e Mich to tt, itotM1, at. Chough the reverie im't frW at oll Page 26. j ::.:.. .. ~ =:: ..... .. • ....... .... =-.. _ .. H . -• -.. ,,.~. " -·-• --,,.,, ·--. ., ..... . .. t4ttlrtll '"' • llicll .............. . --.. T-.. 1r:rr .• l•lt -It .. -·.: , ... .._ " ---... ' I ' • % DAILY PILOT L ' .... ti.e Missiyn ·~'Trail • I ' • D•11• Cote Meet• DU6. POINT-Membera of the Dana Point Cbambir of Oommerce will coo- <lnue dlleunlnc luture oreantzaUon plans It a ge--1-p roeel4'g todiy at 7:30 p.m. at Armand's Beauty Col· Jege.fJ4052 La Piasa, Dana Point. The-first meeting lut week WM terwt. ~ "extremely tntere.ttlnJf' by Chamber President Hoyt Post. Guest speaker wa s Al Blais, organizer of the Saddleback Chamber of Commerce. Clwnber activities include t h e ;iublishJnl ot a new Dana Polot brochure, a bulleltn following eacb ....itns. and a :nembenhip drive oow uOOer way. An tS- lnch trophy will be awarded lo the member wbo brings Jn the most new ap- pllcatioos by July 1, Post said . • S....,1!1" r-t Re•chefl SAN JUAN CAPISTfWiO -An ag«e- ment has been reached for the Santa Margarita Wattr District to share use of San Juan Capistrano'is sanlLary facilities at a COii of $20,000 yearly, city ollJclab sald Tuesday. Mayor Ed Chermak praised the pact as "a step toward a regional concept lo a program bigger than· one agency should have to deaJ with." UDder the agreement, the city will treat the district's sewage and dlscharge through the Dana Point SanJtary Diltiicl'1 ocean ou~aU. The pact recognit.es that other other public agencies in southeast Orangi: County may wish tO join in construction :ii Mure. ~ J~ \leabnent factttues and both parties agree to join in efforts to secure this.participation. e Att~ Pl•iu Set SAN CLEMENTE -City staff Ls lrepll'ina paperwork on Ole propoaed an- 1eution of c.pistrano Palisades, a 200- icre area. Just north of the city, ac- :ordlog to City Manqer Kenneth Carr. Following approval of the plans by the ~lty Couocll, the proposed anne.ut.ion #iU be sent-to the Local Agency Fonni- ion Co~oo for hearings and ap- Jroval. The proposed anne1aUon grew from at. empt. by psJllldes residents to keep a nobile home development oot. City zon. ni llw1 dealing with mobile bom.ea are lgbter than county •tandanls. • r-i ll•e A. .. ed SAN cLEMENTE -Free UJe of the ian Clemente municipal swimming pool ·or the San CJemente High School Mm emn has been requ-of !l>e clty :ouncl1 by Coach Bab Ctmunlzii•. . While the dl8trlct nonnally JIO)O about i2,f00 for use of the pool dlDtal lite 1prine, Cummings pointed to t h e liatrict's tight financial situation bec1uae tf the tax override failure. Tbe coach laid , his student. would wllt In malntafnlng the clty poof to help lefray city costs. It bas been t!Umated hat it costs the city about f150 to SklO . 'ler month to·.t.eep the pool open. ;11mmer Program Signup Sta11s Registration for summer city Recrta- ion Department swimming and tennis :lasses will be held Otis Satuo:lax... and hme lt fn:im 9 a.m . to 12 noon al Laguna leach·Hlgh School gymnasium. Coach Nonn Burucltl, Lagllna Beach ci- y Recreation director, said parents will >e allowed to enroll themselves and their :bildren In the programs wh.ich will get mder way June 16. The swimmina: classes start June 16 1Dd cooUnue through Aug. 22. They will :onsist ol 30 minute periods for two Yeek.s •• The minimum age for the pro- p-am l.!I slx years and the fee is $2, The tennis pn:iiJ:am will be held on the :.a.me dates, with 1'cl minute sessions daily or two weeks. Minimum age i.s eight and he fee is live doUars. DAILY PILOT • o.AHOI! COAST PUBLISHINQ C~ANY Rob.rt N. Weed ' P1'91ldlnl Miii P11b1111'11r Jeclc It. Curley Vic.I Prt1l0tnl •I'd o.n.t.i Mlnletl Tho,IU•t Ki ... n E0110r Tht11111 A. M111'11hint Mln891ne EO/lol' Rich erd P. Nill L•tUM l••c~ CJIY Eo;1or 222 Fore1t Aw•, MeillR9 Addrtll: P.O. 101 4'66, 926$2 . Ort.r OfftUt ___ .l ~t MIN: DI W..1 h 'I' I t,.., N-"1 l .. Cll: ,11 t WHI l1!bD1 l!q119Yet41 Huntl,.,.. ke<;h; a. tit!''"'' ' • "~School: Safety Studied DAILY PILOT ltwf ,.... ALISO STUDENTS ON HAND ,OR NIXON'S ARRIVAL S•r•h P•yton, Lia• Jungcl••, R•ndy LIHn (from left). From PGffe J PRESIDENT IN NEWPORT. •• future traffic citations. Said. th~ President, "When J met Pat and befori we were Married, we used to drive down Coast High}¥ay and the beach at San Clemente was one of our favorites, "NoW we're glad to own a part of it. When I a&y own a .part of it, we hope · everybody will use it too. "And I recall, too, that 30 years ago J· came to San Clemente. I Wll~then a J1wyer in Whittler and also La Hal.Ira and I made a speech Lo a service clUb. "It was either Rotary -I notice the mayor iJ a member ol Rotary -or Kiwanis, one of the two. And t didn't dream 30 years ago I would be like this as at least a summer resklent of this city and I'm VU)' pnM!!l ,lo be • .... llld have such fine nelgbboti. · · "I want ).'OU to know that this: one personal !lil!jor that you sl;lo,ttld be aware of .•• that~vioc _..(l!JaWiild1 the office of· PrUtdent ii: yobr nellhbor is not too conveni~ at times. "l very much regret that Secret Service requires that when we travel - we'll try not to travel too much on .the highways -that they have to clear the roads and sometimes you will not be able to get as close to the house as you would like. "I wish we could meet everyone t>efsonally to tell you how happy we are to be in California and have · you as neighbors." As lhe President and Mrs. Ni.J:on shook hi.nds with a multitude of_ we.llwishera, Secret Service men moved wilh them in close proximity, once barking at a television crew to keep its distance. The croWd, including ecstaU c San Clemepte and Laguna youngsters, squeal- ed In delight as the Preskltnt moved close and shook hands. More than 1,000 feet of Ice plant alone the route of the Presidential motorcade to his home was trampled flat by the milling feet. Mr. NiJ:on doubtleu needed a shoe shine after walking through the stubble field at the Coast Guard station. He Wa! first greeted by Victor C. Andrews of Emerald Bay, h1s Orange County campaJgn manager and In-· dustrlallst Arnold 0. Beckman of Corona del Mar. Andrews introduced Mr. Nixon to other dignitaries and arranged with the Secret Service for the press to be allowed out of the cn:iwd and given some lr.litudc. oUr1ng the press briefing session, Pms Sccretilry Ziegler indicated there would be stvera1 announcements today and Fri- day which he rated above aYerage im· portance but not esrtbshaking. There bad been pre:st speculation abo1 pending announcement of some schedu· of American troop withdrawal from Vie nam. Ziegler decllned comment on this. Asked if the President had been refe Ting to Senator Fullbright ln a rece1 speech criticlting "new isolationists". Ziegler Indicated the President had bee llpeaking in general terms. During his work sesaJoaa, Mr. Nilan 1a to confer with Robert FlDctl. ~tary of health, education and well~. and Palttclt Flanagan, a.uiatant to the Prest· dent.: -· · A!:ked by 1 T6p0rter if a QU.lean re- quest that Gov. Rockefeller cancel a acheduled vblt,would csuse cancellation. Zleg1er·!l&J4, "We look for the 1ovemor'a visits to LaUn America to continue ... Ziegler 18id that Friday the President will meet with youngsten, two each. from ~ states of Oklahoroa, Iowa, Michigan, Ml.ubslppl IDd New York. He de!Cribed the young people, in- cluding one girl, as members of a pilot a:i"oup set up a year ago by the National Selective Service Board to better com- munications wilb young persons on the drafL Legion to Honor 2 Laguna Beach Police Officers Laguna Beach Police Oftlcm David w. Avert and Lee 5. Schrunlln( will be honored for' "ootltandlnl couraae and ac- tion" In the Ible ct .futy at tonlllrt'• meelln1 of American Legion, Pott 122. Post 222. The American Legloo V llor ll!edal •ID be pmeot<4 to boll> ollJcen for their 10- • liOlll during a f~ll t hi Lquna Beach. POii Cmdr. Chatham wlU make the ...-ntattori: llci CbJef lf>r· ry LabnlW will ustst. The ceremonies honor the offleeri for pilctng their lives on the tine hi r.....mi a Laguna Beach man from his bumJnc apartment. Olrtc.r Schr1mllng pulled the man from the apartment then became overc<lme by smoke. Officer Avm car- ried the mah outlllde, then returned for Schramlln& who was taken later to Soulh Coast Community Hospital for trealment. Police chiefs from neighboring com· munilies have been lnvHed to attend the meeting. Jim Kerins, retired policeman from the Laguna Beach force, will act as emcee. From .... e J SALYER ...• !lebrated at 10 o'clock Friday morning t St. Catllerlne's. Entombment wlll 'o 11 ow at Good Shepherd Cemetary ln tuntlngton Beach. . His wife hu suuest.ed memorials hi 'he fonn of donatlonl to the Ll(w\I :\foulton Playhouse. Funeral services are 11nder direction ol Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary. UCI Strike 0'1'er Students Busy With Fincil Exams The student strike at UC Irvine ii ovv. With flnat exams bcglnnlng Monday, student! are too busy studying to carry &Lrlke signs. So whea Gov. Ronald Reagan ordered withdrawal of 1,000 NaUonal Guard troops and ended the state of emeraenc:y In Berkeley on Tuesday, UCI .ttudtnt sympaithhen ended their strike-. The approach ol rlnals -examlnaUons lhat uaually count for one-thtrd tq one- half of a student's coune grade -ICtJl1J to have c1lmed thlna• down In Berkeley too. The mooerately succellfut UCI Cllllput 1lrike lasted six school days. At l~asf . several bundtwl atudenta llnJtt alt.bough the exact nwnber oem .wu known. Only I few prof-. cuoelled classes, but many used d8$1 time for discussion of the Bttkeley aituaUon and classes were called ott tour bow'a in the middle of one day for a camptis conclave. Generally, proleaors wtte 1otng to hold slttktn( l!udtnta accouotable for work they misled but alnce few clUIU meet every day ol the wttk only a couple of lectures we.re mJued for the molt part. Th< atmcilphere on umpus ~ wu greatly chanaed from 1 week aao when the student newapapeor picturtd on pqe one bayoaelS and raised &ts of defiance. r i • , State ''Takes Look at El Morro Traffic lllionlpua trlfflc coodtUona El Mor· , ~ ro Elementary Scbool'a Pa le Coast HJahway eotr...., are 1 1 lroih look ~ lrom the State D talon of Hlgbways, California !Ugbway Patrol Ind school district oHiclall. Under Lquna Beach UnHled School Olitrlct . .lnltlat.ion • about · a month 110, pilna -. fonnulatl!d lnVolvtna a aystem of l1aJhJil( wlmlng belconl llld a redU<;id llPOed ..... The llaahlng yaUow lllbil would have been mounted oa a st{uctute canWeverul . over the highway and motorists would have been required to slow to ~ miles an hour. However, further study by the state in- dicated that other at.eps should be con- sldered u well. These include the improvement ol the school ~y u well u the warnlna devicea. Meetings between school otflcl1la, 1Ughw1y Patrol ofQcen ind the State Highways l)ivlslon represent.allves are In th• offlrig. Jt ii ~, that tha ufttJ meuurts can be .. 'Place by the 111rt ol the Qllw scbool ,,.... · • Prtm:ary conslde:raUOn will be 1lven to pracUCallty of a reduced apeed tone at the school. Fear bas ~ er:prtssed by the atlte agencies lhat such a zone would create more problems than it mty .AOlve. School oCficials1 however, have been lobbylnj; ror such a traffic slowdown for aome time. Concern about the llPOed 10110 lnVoi'les eo!orcemenl, posaible ICCident.productna eUecta when trallic ii forced to alow abruptly, and rm that bus drivers would become uaed ,to slow moving law a~ motorists and no& take into account fJ\e occaslql vlolat:or, state officials said, SchoolA' Sliporintendent Or. Wlill8'11 1Ullom has said that a reduction o( vehicle speed ln the areas of the school entrance ls a prbftary point from the district'• standpolrJt. There have been no,accidenta.involvtng acbool children or·1eachers at tha en·• trance, however, thre have been some near mlues, and 1n accident weeks 110 at the vicinity of El Morro killed four per ..... The big buses canyioi school children leaving the school are daily forced to turn lelt across busy Coast HigbW'ly. There is no pedairlan tralfic at !be ldlool driveway. Two Bodies 'Sensele•• Mur.,_, Found From Sunk Yacht ~y~lery Assailant Slays . - By ALMON LOCKABEY ~tr ,., .... Mellllf ......... Top SA Rookie Officer - The au bas ilven up two bodies of the 10 persona believed to have been aboard the ltl-foot schooner Goodwill when she wu wrecked on Sacramanto Reef 200 miles aouth ol San Diego. Tbe body of I teenage boy found fioatlng two mlles north of the wreck Tueaday has been poslUvely ldentilled u 15-year-old Tim Smith, son of Mr. and Mn. Gordon Smith, 1iaQ Santa Mariana Ave., Fountain Valley. IdenUficaUon wu made by relatives after Smith's bddy wu taken to a morrue at Ense:nada. The second body found by Mexican flahermen WU described IS that of a man between 1$ and IO yurs of qe. It wu cl.tel in P1Jtmu and life jacket. It is al.lo be1cg tate:n to Eriaenada aboard 1 Mnlcto NaV)" veael for idenWlcaUon. The body wu reported to have been found by llabennen 1 f"' mtlea north of where the Goodwt11 lies crushed on Sacramento Reef. lt wm taken to the village of Babla Rosario where it was tunJed·eter to thl MWcan Navy: Meanwhile the U.S. Coast Guard has suspended active search of. the area pen- dinl further developmenl "Jt JJ ptttty definite that no one from the wecl<ed ,v-1 ii alloal In smaU craft," a Cout Guard spokesman said. Tbe aearch for survivors fn:im the m~ fated vessel 11Ull continues, however, by personnel of L & P Machine lndUllrles, the firm owned by Ralph Larrabee, owner and aklpper ol the Goodwill. Arthur Knievel, u:ecuilve vice pres!· dent of the firm, ll1d two boata wllh divers departed San Diego today and would begin salvage operations Friday. By JACK BllOBACK . In what Pollet Chief l=il:nrant Allen call· ed "a wanton, tenSeles1 murder" a Santa Ana police offlce:r, honored as Rookie al the Year in 1961, was shot to death by unknown aal8ilanll late Wedneaday night. . A wid~read dragnet Ls out today for the killer or tillers of Offlcu Nelson Alvin Sasscer, 24, Garden Grove. The officer, on patrol about 11:50 p.m. radioed lleadquartert !hit be was leaving his car "to make a pedeat.rtan check" at 3rd and Raitt streeta. • Shortly thereafter, Loois Martinez Jr. who lives nearby at lllot 3rd St. and bis wife 'heard what they thought wu a gunsbot. Martinez rao oulalde and found officer Sa'sscer !yin& on the street ln front of bis patrol car. He saw no one else. Martinez yelled to his wUe to call police and attempted to render first aid He ls an a~dant with WJ.M Ambulance of Santa Ana. Martinei told police be tried to stop the external bleeding from a gaplng wound In Sasscer1s midsection and applied heart massage. He said the officer was semi- conscious and unable to speak. Sasscer was rushed to SB11ta Ana Com- munity Hospital where be died at 12:32 .a.m. He 'bad been named HRook.le or the Year" 111t December by both the Santa Ana Benevolent Po~ Association .and, the Santa Ana Kiwanll Club. He IIld his wife, Lynn, 21, had no chiklren. "He was a fine, pc>pl,l1ar officer,'' Chlef Allen saJd this morning, '.'and would have had an outstanding career, I'm,cerWn." Sasscer jolned the department In January. 1968. He wu from Chula Vista and had just completed a four-year bitch 1n the u.s:Novy. Sprin'j}-'2Jown SLAIN BY GUNMAN Officer Nelson Sa11c1r Chret Allen said the bullet, believed to be .38 caliber or larger entered the of • ficerrs body On the front left side and ranged upward .through his aorta and sever~! smaller arteries. The slug lodged•' beneath the &!tin in his back. ''We don't know if he was quesUonlng one or more men," cruer Allen said. "We have received all kinds of rumors and ar'e following some leads but it is d!Hicult. 1 We have no description and there was no . poslUve eye witness as far as we know." · rune.ral arrangements are pending •t Smith and Tuthill Mortuary ln S.aota Ana. sAvE flSS to f.255 1...-·Mso."' mo. I' 1-11' S..e on thM• hmrrtous 1phn9 CIOWT1 solet. A,..neble in Y"" cit.ice of febrict -Veho.+,, t;,._ P.flllh,, ...telessn h......, textu,., and 11nany others. Your Javoritt dt'fi'1'fteT will bt hoppv to mrilt ,.,. ••• 6 STYUS TO CHOOSI FIOll Also 1v1ileble in rrftan ... sites et cotnperebl1 t1v. . . Nlg•- H.J.GAl\l\ETf fURNll1JRE l'ltOFESSIONAL l~toa D£St$NQS o,..--•111.- , 2115 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CAUf. 64 .. 027' ~27' • I - •• ' I '1 I • ... • t.; :.:.. """ . . -Career :Corner Wl"aer -.• -DAILY PILOT Steff,.. William Reed' H~tlngton Beach city editQr of the DAILY PILOT, watches as 'l:d Danduran; 16, junior at Loog Beach's Millil<an High School, tries out oew portable Jypewriter he won for question on oPtom!try to· be answered in the June 18 Career Comer column In the DAILY PILOT. Danduran's mother, a secret~ry in. the Huntington Beach Elementary Schoql D!Jtrict, encouraged her son to write !)le winni!lg letter. Though he .ukecl .about optometry, he plans a career ,in engineerlnr. · . . I Paint now! ·We'll pick.up the tab for ' the trim rei FREE QU~·TRI~ ENAMEL ~ WHEN YOU BUY lnex·Latex-House Paint OPBI ~s Mon., Thur., Fri. Till 9:00 Sun. 10·4 32 GAL. TRASH CAN • 7 YlAR GUilANT& • LOCKING UD ... OUVE GRESi s4" $6.19 VALUE • INEX PASTEL BASE $7.95, POLY·ESTER ' PASTEL BASE $7.95, Vinyl Mist-High Hiding PASTEL BASE $7.95 FATHER'S DAY llll 15 GET 1114 A &RUT GFT FROM RIOll'SI WATER GARIA GE • HEATERS DISPOSALS • REPUBLIC IN-SIHK·ERATOR "GEMINI" · MODll. NO. JJJ s31" .... Sit.ti 20 Gal. . . . $42.88 OUI PllCf •••••••• M-.. ~ Yr .... ,...,.. 30 Gal. . ... $44.B8 ~o•t:" $46N • ,Gal •. ;, $49.BI ""· ·" 50 Gal. . . . $64.88 OUI Pltcl, ••••• .". Mlllfl ..,_, Yr, °"""'" . .. JNftAUATION AYAILAILI ~5495 Thi. = ~rJl!lwd: 11eu llfleill MODILNO. n WIMr i. 11t11lPPld wllll MMIV .... '"·" t ......... ~..., '*'-· w. ,.. .... OUI PllCI ••• ••••, M"" ..,. )NT11l1t!Orl 1'f1!11•1t. tr 'f'9I; wlf;1'1, AN "°'""'' lmff1l•llOll PJl'tt Ill> ...... ,,._. ,..,, ..... CIUHi:S. Cltl lly NOOfl -W'-11 IMI dlfi, .... itmer'llf!ICV 1ntt1l11tll!! • w i..1t. AU Wl>tll ckrM by INl!tf" -· 'lllorldq, JiiM '· 1969 L Bltt.er Custody Sult F atlwr ,-Son Doing Fine Living in. Seclasion · I SANTA CRUZ (AP) Rmemb..-Bohemian lfPO lrfflanco ·~·­Harold Painter and the ll· yeu-old IOll be won cultody of \all August alter a !!ear f>f,ttle with the boy11 owa g~andparenta. · Well, ¥arlt and bla ther are doing fine Iii the com- munity , of Brool:dale ID the Santa CNI DKIOOtalnl and hlPl>Y Ill the uooymlty time tlllbrGqblthem. • · .. Being out of tbe spctlight bu beeq a tome,' says Painter. "Ollr lamlly lile ls hick to.. normal. We've had a sood ml llnce the hectic period of lltlgaUon. We're just leadlni a normal life alter hovlq been torn apart for more than three yean., lllliGAN JN Ila '!be Cllllo4J. caae bepo tn 11111 alter Painter'\ flrit wife --------1 :i ~:"~t;"::~:,,i:: The Daily' Pilot be WU Uftlble to-" CUI for Mart properly and -the Covers Boatina younpter to his maternal 'I' . ' ,. Money Saving Values \~DADS AND GRADS! MEN'S FATHER'S DAY IS ·JUNE J5th ~ -r'-... ~ DESERT BOOTS The aU popular 1h09 for 1pori'lw•ar, laltu,. encl on tha job. Green, Brown a.d Desert T 1n. I MEll'S FINE SP-LIA,_ MOCCASINS FATHER'S DA-Y !W'ECWJ UCOULAI 4.tl SPANISH .IMPORTS 396 Ideal comfort for lei••,., outi"t and housewear. Choo•• U9ht Tan or Brown. . ITAUAN IMPORT SANDALS N>I 1'11NS AND WOMIN. Hundrad1 of Sandals in b.autlful 1tylas. Tltongs,, Strapt, etc. Quality Italian lmport1. CHU'S COWBOY BOOTS SIDS ' 11/1 70 n ·3•6 flll'ANTS I TO I 338. TENNIS SHOES \lonq wearing caova1 -· '.full cushion insole. Custom .arch. 0 Non-skid soles, 8h1a denim, G.,..n or Black. SANDALS 196 WOMat'S um.E HEB. SANDALS 396 C ... 1111111'1. ZORIS SANDALS 96~. Stwrdy little 1 t r a p 'taftd.I I" whit• a"d · 1 li1lott.d colon. .. 296 TH Spart Se•dal made in Frtnce. Ped- dff intole. No,..skld 1ole end h .. r. MIN'S CANVAS CASUALS td••I for wen -Pley. o.r.i.1. c ....... c..hion IMOl.t. llpple ftOftilkid.. aoles. Gt••• lrow......rll•vJ. . . .. 2•9 2s~. 5191 1c11...., tit Sprl119d!ile Huntington Beach -847-9121 l FREE :0:.:S .j ... 10041 Adanis at lrooldlmt Hunfi""911 leach -962-9171 (Nut to S1v.On Drugi .....!STORE HOURS ••••• WEEK DAYS 9 A.M. 'Tll1 9 P.M. -SUNDAYS 10 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. • --- --·-~ ~ -------------------~--,-,...--------------.,....,---,----;-----• JI IWl.Y'l'ILOT LEGAL NOTICI!! • .LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO ' DEED REAL PROPERTY lJO THE STATE '"llMDANT TD SECTIONS IUI TNltOVGH UIS, ltE\IENUI! ANO YAX.till~ COO,E, 'l'Ha NQl!CI!: OF INTfNT TO OfEO ltEM. PltOPEltTY TO THE llAT! IN AMD"'"l'OA THI! COUNTY OF ORANGE, 'TATE Of-cALll'OltNIA, HAS •EIEN 011/10 1!0 ANO DIST•llUTEO TO VAii.iOU$ NEINSPAPl!ltS 01" GEN• IE.RAL Cl•CUU.TION PUILISHEO IN SAID COUNTY, FOii PU•LICATION Ofll A l"OltTION 'THEREOF IN E•CH OI' ~AID NEWIPAPElllS. 111 "'fl nu """-followtr.o •bbr~l•llons ~oulll 1r1 llWdW the '..Ord1 Jet OPP=il~ !Mm; $E-$coJl1watl A~,,.2. 'Ill Acta ~llon A ltien SEIV-Set/ll\•1t•l'llrlr Adl-Adlol11lno SIY-Sou!het!y AP-.A.IM$W.'• MtP P•~~I Nvl'l>ber St-Str...et t lk-tlodt Sul>-Subdr...blClll 00---peed sw~ ..... tt E-1!111 $W!Y~ltr1Y EIY-S•'"'rly T-T&w11ll'li. Efc-...1 IO far111 i-r-Traci Elt-f~CIPI lrl1119-Trlt11t1111r ".-.ct-llr.ctklnlil TWP-T-/\U'llP Ft-e-f , Uncl-Undlvlted.i FWY-fl'..-.., W.-Wedt. l • tfltr,..:.Hlthwar WIY-Wutt,,.,. • ' • ' lnc:-ttc:MIW J'AltCIL NUMal'tlll•, 111~ ...... Jt _ SYSTIM IXP\,AftATlotf · • ,,,_.,~ ,.,,. AIMIMf'• -. ·Hl'Cltl """""' • Mtll-Mlll!IW W .W-11 wllefl II.cl lo ~lri., ,.,...,.., Ill 1'hlf N-Nonll I/Ir, Niwt To lhl~sMleiw'1 ~ bocJll;, NE-No""-' IM f'ftel>•Ntif or ti!Mll ·~.lit· 1'ht. NIH'I'+ "°""""'"'"' bo011: tM 1M IMllYllMI fll,i'wl, 11111r1b.r NiY ttu11ie11r· '" tti. "* -ot w11Mf!. "-\iolld(, No-lill""""'r A . ".al numllet' "•t tw t.yri;•r., NW-.%!11•11:1t ''W411''. 'Mllllcl -" 9d J fl 1M ., NWl~-HoMh-ltrfo( A~1or'1 M1", 91DCt "63 (M,p• P- ' 011t-ort1c111 llt"'111!rdt 3'. ·~ ~) tf'd Pirc.I J wllflln "'91 ,. f'Ol'-"Offloll bl«tt •. TM m .. 1 m ... red M ar. 1v1Jl-,.,_..art ittitt ftr l~ttlon In 11\t offfc. Of !flt ; ' R-41111ltC .u..,_.. llt.ct~ft.ct~S.·· - Retllb---llle11/bdl\'lsloil "" ,,_,,, Is ..... T-~ SOulll Ind lts-ll.11Wb0Mt.loll -West ti S.11 8t1;111tflno 1111 _,o._:_;':"":·c":_; _______ _.::•:::1111 Mtr10;_'•-·---------I NOTICE 111 1111nu1ra Iii i. ... pllbth: not>c. II tie~ t t'fl!n !l'i1f, Oii ff1t ·bl 'dl'f ot J uly', ,..,, II lllt l'lao.lr of 10:00 o'clal::~ A.M. of 11'111 dly, !hit u-rsl;neci TIJI Colllclor of 11'11 C;l,f11ty of Or1t1gt, 11 hl1 offlct In "'' City of Santi Ant. St1M Gf C.tltomll, wm ~ to the Stilt, unteu fOOl'IO!r rtOHIPlfd, or 1n 1rr1111ttM11f Pl11t of ...otf1\P!lon It lnlll'1"' .11 tllt'Oll!Od by i.w, 11'111 111111 pr-riv f\eret111fler de'Krlbld llPOll whldl are flv. w """'-ye1rs will flilve elilpsH l•am TM dl!e ~ Tiit Ult• of I.lid OrOMr1y to 11111 ST1Jt, The 1mouM !Or \litilti'I ff1t died Wiil be ~ wlH -Ille lllf1I. 1mount clue for which It Will sold to ll!t' SI-, "Ill lllnOllrot belnto Jel 1<11'111 Ill dot11n aflll ttnla _,l!e the dHCrlPtlon of IM .. rop. erty, II tilt P!'Ollfr!V It o..d9d tu the S!11t1, tt1e r1tlll Of M!denw>llon wilt ltrmlM!i won anr 1ubHclutnt ••le or olller to11veyarw;e b~ !flt st.it. Al JttOVllftd by II'!'• ~ 511t~ shell 111'111 !ht SOit 1Ulhorl1y to tea!~ llf ferris, INift -""--'Ol'!tl 11rllln9 •n 1nr m•tin.r lrom 11111 property io o.dfd' IO ttl9' Stai., All !llforlYMlllort COl'letmlll9 ,-..,,.,11or1, or Ille !nlltlllon lif an tn1t1Htnef'I t1111n of "°"""'loll wlU. ""'°"' te<1ue11, bt .tuml)hed bv O•m $. Mc:zkr. COl)<lty Tall C:olllc1or, no l'lntP!U l11lldlno. '31) Nurt~ 8nM1dw1v, P.O. Bu 141, S.nla A11.1, Ctlltomle nm. o.ttd 11111 71tl dlY el May, lMf ""io--OON S. M•?LE'I' T •ll Collr<tur Of Or.,... countr $111• Oil C1llforn!1 Tl'w ..,_r1ift lo be dHd~d tnd llW tubltcl ~ !hit nufla 1ra 11tua1"' In flll c-tr ot Orenoe, St11t1 of C1lltor11l1, ind p&rtlcul1rly descrltled .t• lollOW\. to Wit: PRWfllTY SOl..O TO THE STATl!'l---~~~-~~---- IN THE YU.Ill 19'4 FOA: THE TAXES. LEGAL NOTICE AISESSM,ENTS AND OTHEA: CHAltGES'l-------------1 0" THE "ISCAL YEAll 1'6>+1, NOTIC:a Of' TllUITla"S IALI Newport Beach °" Frldn, '~MTit =:11 f! 2:00 o'clodl P.M .• 111 Ille Sovlh 1ront tnt"l\Clt of 11\e Or1not CuunlY Cou!"f Nol.IM!, 10c1ltd on C"ity !ht 20CI black of Wffl •lfl Slreef In 11111 Cl· Ty ot Santi An1, C.llllurnl1, SEC:UltlTY FIA:$T NATIONAL BANK, 111 dUl1 ap.. llOl11ltd lrut!ee under Ille deed ot trust NI. U -Silt No. ,._..,, AP •1·U1·10, dllild ).u1u1t t, 1961 m1df by ltlCHAltD N~ INCi! CIT\" Lot 11 II~ 21, llJl.72 C. 9-EASTON, JR .. an unrnln'r.d m111, H;. 15 -St~ No.. 27(11, AP C9"°'l-10, r.(Orded on AUf\111 15, '"'· In book Mtl, First Adi to H--1 H•klll~. Lat 13 HM 703 of Olllclal ll"'ordl In !flt etflct Blk 11, m'l.lt , of Thi Countv Rta1rdlr ol Or1119e C-f\I, San Clemente C1llfUN1la, bV r~non of cttf1utt In tho! l'aYmefll or 1>tr10rm1na of at>~t1Uct11a .e.:urlld. 1'h•~bV, 1 Nolla crt Dl'ltult •l'l<I • Electlott lo $eol1 Under OHd ot TrUll h1v· C"ty lr.o been reaorcled 11 11rovlcled for DY l1w I 11111 more lhln ltlr~ monlh1 1>1vlnt ela1s"' 1111« wtl! rtconlltlon, wm ••II at PUbtlc: 11udlon to tilt ~11181\Ht llldOtf" 191 No. M -$.tie Nu, ltU, AP Sl.OU.ll, (1$11, PIVlble In lli~L ITIOMI' ot tlMt Tr 715 LOii II I lk l. SIJ.15 Un!lwd $11!11 ol AmtrfQ '•t lllTllt of Hie, No, '' -Salt No. l9IO, AP Jt.OU-25, wlthuvr covenant or 1111rrlnl\" fl!P~ Tr 151 POI' LOI Z. 17.U Of' fmplltd •s to flfle, llQlstUloll Of' ..... C -t 'M ("ty cumbr1nc.K, !lie lnttrest co11uevtd to and OS a esa I now lield bY II Ulldtr Hid dfrMt of tn.rtt, tn Ind lo Ifie praptrty In Oral\09 Co\ln!Y, $!1lt of C1llfornJ1, dncrllled 11: No. • -$.tie No, 51$2, AP 1!1·291·2t, LOI 100Cl, Tract 901, In lilt CIT\" of NewPOfl Hel9hb POI' LOI 13', $1.M N-H Betel\, a• Mr mlP ~ In No. • -Siie No • .sne, AP 111.!0·21. ~ tt, P119es 25 ru 36 lnc:lutlv• ~ NtwPUrf Heltl\11 Por LOI 2U, U.17 MIKefi.nlOUI MIPS fn 11\f lht otlla of No. '° -Sa~ Na. sno, AP H6"llJ.lt, The llKOrdi!r of Ilk! Counf\I, 1r 1511 Par Lot 5 17.t4 Slid SI~ Wiii bt mMlt IO llV tilt No. fl -$.tie No. 60ll. Por AP 1:19-Obli.1tlon5 !iKUrtd llV 11ld dffd of lru!sl l ll·llt Ucm'lerty AP 11'-111-01), lr ~l l!Klu41!111 Ill ws!s. ~ Incl tlCPtfl1Q of LU! ,, '24.01 lrvslee Ind of the ''""' Cr1!1tM by H id Laguna Unified Beach School District dfed Pl lru1l1 all SunK tXPfmlfd u...oer the htrms pl slid dff'CI of trust, not 11\tn ~ldl 1nd tn.1s1.u remaining prlnch'll 1111 !he no"' '"'"''IHI bv 111d deotd of trust, wllll ln!trt1f lrom Oectinbtr 1, lHI 11 In slkl na!t 1rovld"'. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL 6ANIC, IO""""IY kl\QWll 15 SECUllllTY FIRST NATIONAL BANI(, ff TrUllet av c. 5. ALBRIGHT A.111111n1 Ctshli!i" N1, t2 -S..le No. 1'J1, AP S.-111).25, 01!"' MAr f, 196t. ,..,, ~ SE\'. SK ll Twp 1 A: f, Sll.73 Publllhtd NtwPOrl H1rtior Ntwl Prtn ~ No. 93 • Sil• No. m1, AP S..!to-4 combined Wllll DallJ Piiot, NtWPlll't f lon'Ml'h' AP W.1M2.G2), "ICOn:I al IH.cl'. , C•llf>ornft, MW 2t. 2t, •rid Survtt1 Thr"f Arches No. l LOI )9, J-'1!, 19'' t2Ut •1n.11 Laguna Unified Beach School District Now Laguna Beach City School District N~w Capistrano Unified School District LEGAL NOTICE .1 • •' • I "' .. • ,. ,, ., 'Y ,_ .., ' ' colorful coordination fo r Father in Lancer's 3-piece lei su re set Knit shi rt, cardigan and slacks, designed to wear together for a totally smashing look .. Th e mock-turtle shirt in white with blue, go ld, green or black tri m, -10.00 Double breasied cardigao in blue, gold, black or white. ·16.00 Checked slacks in above colors on white 13.00 • men's sportswear 84 give Dad a matched sweater ·set ' by Edwards of California Machine washable and dryable Qrlon® .,c,Ylic in exciting leisure -colors of. yellow, gr")',Jilue, green, or gold. The white mock-turtle shirt's trim matches the solid color cardigan: The shirt S·Xl The cardigan_ sweater, S-X·L 17.00 may co men's sportswear 84 ~ . ' < ' ' .,, moy co south coad plaza, san diego , • , l ~ ' ' ' ~an)-i~usen strikes up ¥he <:olors - to ma~e a special .salut to Father < Bright colors ·-· deep and viv.id ~ ~ablish • fashion f~fare for deserving fathers. ·Gold, rasp- berry, F~ch blue, chocolate, green ·and grey • • • bold, but never brash. Cool Dacron® pb)yes- ter and dotton that won't tolerate wrinkles •. Short sleeve ) 41h•17 7\00 Lon~ sleeve Frencl1 cuff 8.00 Coordinated ties. by·l'lut in ·big. bold regatta stripes, 3~ inches wide s.oo The coor- dinate shirt and tie gift set for Dad 11.00 ' men's furnishings 6 • ; ' shop monday through saturday r-. fwy at bristol, cost a mesa; · 546 -9!21' 10 a:m. to 9:30 p.m 'MAVCO . ---------'---------------------~-----~- • .. • ' ' I . t ----CT -----------·~ -,.--• ' • • . . -' • I ' ~::..-:...~ .111 ·:.,;...L 1 •. , k ·~ .. ~uBC: · -' Y.01: i2, No. ~~34, 3 ·seCTIOl\IS, 3+ PAGES ~guna C'.Ollficil • Backs Efforts ' ' Oil Salt Cr.~k A· r~lution urging governlnentaI agen- cies to "pfovide and protect public access to.the.shoreline" WM passed unanimously Wddnesd!iy Dight by_ the Laguna Beach CJty. CounciL Proposed by-Vice..nmyor J o s e p h O'Sullivan, the mearire avoided direct mention of the controversial Sajt Creek matter, however, the -i resolution .may touch a few exposed -nerves on the Orange County BOi:rd: ol:S,uPetvlsors. O'Sullivan said -In discu53ion of the council action, that the idea for the resolution came to mind as he was writing an article on the loss of public ~ to the Salt Creek beach. . The article by the Jong-tim e surfer was highly critical o( the Josi of Salt Creek access to the surfing·area 'there. , • ' w The resolution states, "Whereas the 1horeline and beaches or Southern California are the most valuable natural resource <I. the region and. • .the shoreline can ~ ·used for a. variety of purpOses such as recreation, <;'(KlServation and open space. , .and. the access. to the sbortllne ls .diminishing in respect to the increasing . pqpulation, , ... DAILY~ btif>t.., "'''"" ' "Tile €Jty · Council of Laguna S..ch urget: all levels of government who are in a pM!tiori> to do•, to take steps to pro- vide '. and protict P,Jbli~ access •to the , shoreline, ""'1'to obtain '~ 1Mds far tl)e public ~ whenever possl~le." ~C.Oples1 of the·re&olµtlon• are 1'I be sent out to all the govermnentaJ ag~es who may , have en interest' in the .county shoreline. County supervisors abandooed· the last portion of Sa1t 1Creek '3oad· more than a y.ear ago to the· Laguna Niguel Corpora- tion. . .MR.;NIXON't;REETS'ECSTATIC SCHOOL CHfLOREN 'wHO ,CAME TO SEE 'Hiii\, ~lfepfiinff• 11 .. Sfwiklrtl .Hends Wi.th the President In Your OwrrHOm9 To.w~. ... ~. I,,.! ,;' . . ' . Willian:i -Salyer, Laguna PJayers ' Official, Dies- William Frederick Salyer, treasurer the Laguna•Community Players' AS!JC: lion, and a f9llQder of-tbe.~a Sehr . of Art and Design. died suddenly Wedm da7-mornlng of a heart-·attack. He w: 59. _. ~; , -• ---~ T ... y's.,_., --. President Works Today ·in Newpor.t II)' RlpRAllD-P. NALL Of ... _,,,,._,. • ...,.. ' Fresh. fro~ a tumuJtUoi.ia '!'elcome at hia San Clemeote bome, President· Nixon flew to tbe Ne'!'JIOrter Inn today to con- fer with idvtlen· IDd announce ' a riew appolnbnent. Mr .. Nixon wu to begin a two-day round of conf~ces at the Newporter.on F.aD p~hlre · eeyerage of Presldent on . Page 10 mal!<n ranging from his upcomJog Midway meet with Prtsldent Nguyen Van at U!eir new San Clemente hoine. Al °"" point be l!l'lnned·at Mayor Wacfo·JAwir la his wheel chair and said, 1.1ae•a aotn:rrte fix my' tlclret" apparently' re1errm, ". (Seo PRmDEN'l'., Pqe II ' * * * Nixon Names - Iowa Man as Boss of VA · Tbleu 'of S<xllh Vietnam to a coolerence with 10 young _peoplifrorn five states on · President NiZon· today ·announced at till! ·c1rlilt. · • .the. N•wporter Inn · hia Intention_ to •P" A aidH!!ect , of . the Newoorier c0n-point Donald E..Jobnson of·West Bi'ancJJ, fUence rn1J.y h;e selectlon' Of the Ne~ · IoJ1Va, as administrator of-the· .Veteramf Beach faclllty as a work base wheh the AdminlatraUon. Preatdentll'ln SouUiera Callfoi'nJI'.. • JohMOn•wlll replace William J. DriVer, . 1"11tlilnk the Presidint~tarto-Jget Che who h&!J resigned. • f.i el .this ' ~ .. """""'"• .,: Johnson, 44, is pr.Sldenl of West r&ngement,•• Press~.'~~ Brapch farm. 3upplies In~ and ~ •· i ~ in a bf~ W~Y afterDooD· at le>rmer national commander of the ~·1.!llifl.l!Jd Sand llo!el-, , , Arit...ic&n Legtoo. , He "'1err.ed to the ~Mbat:Mr. Nixon West Branch was the blrthplace of , nl!lf w:hen in San Clemente commute by President Herbert HoOver, )e>.'mson waa helicopter; to the NewpoiW for wort graduated· Jn '1946 from ' Iowa State ~n:a ~aides stajitl,g tbtiti. Universit)', Ames,.Iow:a. He :11erved dur- 1""! pre!&' would ..... ,I~ •_bout iog World .war I! with the Tblrd Army la °"!fway In lllll!D'l 8'a<!i.wh<n the.~ the ~pean Thiater. . • , deoi-!;•I~ ~Jo H~ W~ ., In add!Uoo to hia,associilUon with·W~ ' T•...., "°" ·'ubllanl Mr· Nlirim;atepped Branch F Su Iles he · -'"'""' o1 ,,.,,,., = '-'al 1fi<i ~--·;on•"' · arm PP ' 11 ... -..,.. , . ~ ..... r.-."I an accounting and business manageinent . '**"'~\ !inn .llli:Qf. rio<!lley of Seo) aflLlficlttiftlll .... "" '~t NilOn ~~ J~ -..~ • ..... ~·· .... . baaJlad~ableupenencewtththe: Hll lf'He, ln 1 bright yellow lull, ec-fedtral government oervlng as ·an ad- cepted red._ r..., dlpl~ ... the vJJOry member of-Ibo President'• .Cozn. ~ent dJn)tied up .... car trunl: to mlslJoo ... civil Rights from 1911 le - &Ive Son Clon!oote Ila pf«e bl tbs .11m. and·Slnee IJl7 baa beeD an uecuth<..,.. · Keaonoooced'that'be •and'uielaiolly sultUt \o. the Cltfice. of .Emergoocy plan to-1pell1Mbe eotlre.'miX>lh·of·Au&\111 Pr-~~ ... Next Week Said Critical . . ' - For Legislation on Oil By JACK CHAPPELL ot flle O•ltr Plitt Stiff tile nexl three and Q!!e-balf weeks are: critlCal if protecl.lve s!at~ oil leilsllUon Is to be passed, Laguna s..ch·c1ty'CouJi. cllman Roy Holm told his fellow coun- cilmen Wednesday. Holm, the city's representaUve to the Coastal Area Protective League (CfJ'L) said· that after that Ume, the legislature WU: .have completed its consideration of proposed bllls. · The councilman noted that if oil bills are not p.a$Sed this year, w'hlch has ~n disastrous oil lncldenu, public oplnion may ncit be sustained to push pt.otec:Uve laws· through. , · "We've put all our rilai'bles, in · one bag;'" Hohn said . Two bllls in the legislature .are btibg pushed by the CAPL. They are' ¥3<mJ>IY BW. 622 by 1tobert Badham (fl.Newport -Beach) reqqlring the State Lailds tci:m- ri'lisslon to give . coast.al comniunliles eo daya·notice prior to any hearings on_cafl- sbore· oil matters and Seil.ate BUI No. 57 by Dooald G"""i<Y (R·Monlm1) ·pro- hibiltog exploratory drilling In wtaln' state waters. VERY HOPEFUL ' ' "We are very hope!ul • about the· pa-• of:~ and Sa67. ' "li the8e two. bllls go·,ibrou(!h; -.the· SbeU-Omhingbam Act, we 'fill have all the protection we can hope for ," Holm Holm commented on · the recent Presiden~al Cornmissimi report which &aid that more wells 11hould be drilled.in the Santa Barbara Cbaonel. ''I've been told that .thls is the wrong approach by every rational pencm I'vt; talked to,'' Holm said. Holm sald more support may be picked up ~cross the nation for oil legiJlation. He said that Jn the Gulf of Mexico. the shrimp catchJng industry is concerned about serious oil spillages there. SEEKS MONEY Holm also pleaded--'for ·more monq with which to finance the CAPL oil fight! He noted.that no ·city funds have been:tD-i ed In paj.Jng any part of the league's ac- t.ions. Payment for the Sacramento lobbyist ' anc( ex~ involv~iJ\ flying olfld.ala~ to the state capital to push oil laW11 have I been borne by CAPL duea ind penonal1 accounts. 1 ' COilfriiurucaUoni to the OAPL-inay be. sent to the Coutal Area ~tive ~gue, P.O. Bo1 313, Corona del Mar, Calif., 92825. Orea•• Le&ality of the abandonment or the road 'wbic.11 proviq_ed • near acc:ess ·.to the Jarge Salt Creek· beach between Dana Point and Three Ardl Bay has been challenged by Laguna Beach. attorney Willilm WUcoxen. Police _Pld Mr. Salyer was , visiting ' friend , James Bonner, 1133 Laguna Can· yon "Road. when~ he •coUapse\i Bo~er told ·offlcen Mt.·SaJY•r.bad J>Oen p1aymg -. liis -dofk He.; llloo<!· 'IP 11114 then slum~the flooi. • -• -said. --. + ' · AM<mblYman Badharii, ·ftJ>!lrtmc on ., Councilman Charlton Boyd. who made• the ~on ;to. accept the resolution, said that the issue certainly goe! farther than Uie WilCo:teh ,case. . 'This is one step o~ to ·the council lo p{iSb 1 for greater public involvement In Uie shoreline, he said. .... r..et•s hope that our neighbors will n1;1t Jut 'receive and rile' Otis re.wlution, ... Boyd ,Sllld. Mr.·Sal(er; a•Llpoa--r--.t for ·18 years, l1ad been •a--~oa P~Jw.<re "- diiector for four years. W\lle lcUng as • -'.;• .. • • • ~--f&.1,., ~....., t~. Pre.viously;he had~ in · · ' .. . · . ' ~..,. · ~ the'e!IW>lllfnnenfotthe'Laguna SchoOl•of • P.RESIDJ!IT"PAUSIS· !>•~. AT:•l!fl'\ll·<!~T> IFRll\l'IDS • -· Art abd Design, or which his wife iJ now Y._ictor C. \And,...~ (t.ft) ~Md ~r..r•AralW:.Q;~-..~ ' · '4 , president. • 1+ v 1 --;;· ; '• . •• • , • Morerecendy,Mr.Saly~~hadbeenac-~, ,. · ., 1 •·~•\.J.,w·". -'!" -'• Stoek /Jiark~ts tive in Jast )'!&r's Sp11nter Festival and W T Jn• d •' 1 'T ..;;. '·· ' .J., ~ ' •'d,. -' ~ '-was.,.ormg.towam..the open1ng ol this •.• u .Qman JUre ill ·uagUDJJ' ~CCl -CDt · .;;..-----------:,-ye .... Art-A-Fair. He was·allo.a inember ' z r ' I ~ ~ ' --I • • , , NEW YORK (APJ -Tl1e stock market o{ the Lagiina Beacll•Ar1 ~atlon. A Liguna •·•·• woman wu liolpitall>' : tr.ai..;;;,., Oi' a~ ~oiiible· ~ fr&<b,;..., .WledoutoCthe16slngcolumntodayfor He '-ls 11urvived by. h11 wife, noted .. .. ~ ~· • , p.J;'i.t ·F _.: · ~Id · tJie flrat time ttuS week. Tradlng was painter and art ...teacher, Mrs. Ruth et! for 1 root: iniUO' Wednesday tolJOw1ng1 • , -, • _ raua SChopen 18 tbe 'at•· fatrly active. (SCe quotations, Pages ta.· Osgood Salyer, Of the.family borne, 2Sl7 a three<ar crash on Lag\g)& Caoyon1 I cldent octarred. near the see.\. animal II). So<ith Coasl Highway. • • Road. . . · • 1 ibeiter...,en .. the.iw9;tbound ll<lWs· car· ·~ Dow -.Jolies average ol 30 in-A ,rocaey wlll be recll>d at . St. Suun Y. Denni!,. 2'1,1 of Ziii Laguna! i croooed Ille c:enterdttlder Une-llld sltud<'. dastrlal1-hold '8 gain ol 2.13 at 931.17 al Catherine's Catholic-church at 7 o'clock t;yon Road was reported 'm g.od conJ , an e*8tb001td clli'>drlm..'by Hmn ·O. ~;30 p.m'. all<r having be<n ahead by 3.17 tonight. A f11neral mass will be • dltlon .al Soil\ll .Cout C«nmuhlty Hos-· ·Poyat, IO,. ,311111• CITCIO' Dr!Ve, Soutl1> •In hour earlier. • (See SALYER, Pq:e JI pita! to<M17 where the was admitted for ' tapna. '+ ., • ~ ' ' ' . " ' ~, the prVgrea, of the two ·vital iM11UttS, bas expriossed confidenco Jn the pusage of both. . ,. !Us blll,, ~ has ~been . puM!d u1anlmodsl' by . the Aloailbly llld ll ls now in the.Senate FJnance Columfttee. : s.n. On1t11kJ'• bi!, whldl orlglpally dealt ~ wt\b I the -¥<mllftY oil ,._.cy; II~ Jn ~Ill'•. Ailemtily cior\unerte aiid '!>Ublll: ' WniMj com-· millet and will be am<nde<Flo mc!Ude · ••tan IOllth of· tlle•Sarita Alia --lo Ille Mexican bonl<r111o<jhom aald-. lNcL1JDl!J llOOl'll · -im rdm to the Grui>olcy 111ealDJ'O as the ."meat bUI" and aald :tbal he wUI amrid t11e lill-to lnCblilt t11e ~. 1-..' .... .• . t •• ' ' wa-~ . 'Al the ciirriicU-itteetf1'1. J!Olm Aid the ' ()APL hM betn cob!lderlb1 banding'-' It.. ~ SI~ ctub-to forco ' ~U°?'!~oll-it-illto Ifie~· . 1 •' . "Partly sunny" I! the call for Friday, whlcb m"81'1 &loomy look-' Ing , cloiids until mldafternoon on the Orange coast while the tht.rmcr meter stays find at. 68 il<grtes. ' JNSmE-TODA.'\' Ftw ttltWion star1 con.1mctk. ' the iwitc,. to •the· 1moofc1,' at. h014i11' tht l'l!'U8"ff1 i.m1t ir&Mt. et · all. Pao• 26. • . ....... -. ' . ., . . . ... ' . -~-'- ' . ...,........~ .. ~ ... ., .. ,_ ... ,, ......... ____ .....,... .. _. _____ _ --~ ... -..... ~----_,. , ... _. ' ~ .. , . ! llAn. Y Pit.GT l Mission • 1 Trail e Dana Cote Jtleet• DANA POINT -Members of the Dana Pohl$ Qwnber of Commerce will con- tinue dlJcnu'na future organha~on plans at a general membenhip ineetlng today at 7:30 p,m. at Armand's Beauty Col· logo, ·34052 La Piasa, Ilana Point. ~ f1r&t meet1n&' kit week was tmn- ed "utmnely Interesting" by Chamber J>Mident Hoy( Post. Guest speaker was Al B:lais, organizer of the Saddleback Chamber ol Commerce. Chamber activities include t h e publishlnc ol. a new Dou Point brochure, a bW1etln following 'uch meeting, and a membenhip drive now under way. An 11- inch trophy will be awarded to the member who brings In the most new ap- plications by July l , Post said" e Selcf!I' ~act ReGl!llafld SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -An agree- ment has .been reached for the Santa Margarita Water District to share use of San Juan Capbtrano's sanitary fJC\Utlea at a coat of $20,000 yearly, city offlclala said Tuesday. Mayor F..d O\enn.ak praised the pact as "a step toward a regJonal concept to a program bigger than one agency should have to deal with." Under the agrtement, the city -will treat the district's sewage and discharge through the Dana Point Sanitary Distrlc:t'a ocean ou1iall The pad recognties that other other public agencies in aoutheast Orange County may wiah In join In conatructlon of future San JuRn treatment facilities and both parties agree In Join In efforts lo secure this paiticipaUon. e Anae.r Pr..ns Set SAN CLEMENTE -City staff b preperiag paperwork on the propoeed •n4 oexatioo of Capistrano Palisades, a 200- acre area just" north of the city, ac- cording to City Manager Kenneth Cur. Following approval of the plam by the City Council, the propOsed anoeutloll Will be sent to the Local Agency Fonna· tion Commission for hearings and ap- proval. The proposed anneution grew from at.. tempt. by palisades m!dent. to keep a mobile home development out. tity zon. ing laws dealing wllh mobile homes are tighter than county standards. • P-l ll•e Adcell SAN CLEMENTE -Free ... ol the San Clemente munlcfpal mmmln1 pool for the San Qemente High School swbn team bas been requested ol the city council by Coach Bob Cumrnlnp. While the di.«rict nonnally pays about · $2,400 for use of the pool during the ljriog, Cummings pointed to t h • district'• tight financial !ltuatJon because ol the tu override failure. The Coach said hlS students would assist ln maintaining the city pool to help defray city costs. It ha s been esUmated that it costs the city about mo to '800 per month to keep the pool open. DAll'f" PILOT lllff ...... ALISO STUDENTS ON HAND l'OR NIXON'S ARRIVAL S1r1h Pay.o'1, Lita Junecla1, Randy Lum (from left) . ' From Page J PRESIDENT IN NEWPORT. • • future traffic citations. Said the President, "When l met Pat and before we were married, we used to drive down Coast Highway and· the beach at Sal'.I Clement'e was one <i our favorites. "Now we're glad to own a part of it. When I say .own a part· of it, we hope everybody will UJe it too. "And I recall, too, that 30 ytan: ago I came tO San Clemente. I wu , then a lawyer in Whittier and also La Habra and I made a speech lo·a service club. "I( was either Rotary -J notice the mayor is a member of Rct.ary -or Kiwanis, one of the two. And I didn't dream 30 yean qo I would be llke this as at least a summer re!ident of thls city and I'm very proud lo 5ie here and have auch fine neil;hbors. "I want you kl. know that this one persona) factor that you should be aware of .•. that baving ·someone that holds the office of Pre.sident as )'Our neighbor is not too conwnlent at tim'es. "'I ·very muth regret-· tllat" secrtt Service requires that when we travel - we'll try not to travel too much on the highways -that they have to clear the roads and sometimes you will not be able to get as close to the house as you would like. " ( wish we Could meet everyone personally to tell you how happy we are to be in California and have you as neighbors." As the President and Mrs. Nixon shook During his work ....ions, Jllr. Nl>on Is to confer with Robert nncti: secretary of health, educatlou and WeUare, and Pa~ Fluqan, asalatant In the l'ml· dent. Asked by a reporter if a Qillee.n r~ quest that Gov. Rockefeller cancel a acbeduled vi.tt would cauae cancellation. Ziegler p.ld, "We loot for the governor'• via1ts to Latin America to conJinue." Ziegler saJd that Friday the Presidtnt will meet' with youngsters, two each, from the 1tate1 of Oklahoma, Iowa, A!Jchllan, Mlsstu!ppl and New York. He described the young peOpie, in· duding one girl, as memben of a pilot group set up a year ogo by the National Selective Service Board to better com- municaUom with young persons on the draft. Legi~n t~ Hon()r 2 Laguna Beach Police Officers Lal\Jlll Beacb Police Officers David W. Summer Program Signup Starts . Registration for summer city Recru- lion Department swimming and tennis classes will be held this Saturday and Jtme t.4 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Laguna Beach llfgh Sdiool gymnasium. .. ~: hands with a mulUtude of wellwishen, Secret Service men moved with them in close proximity, once barking at a televi.s.ion crew to keep its distance. A ven and Lei S. Schramllng will be honored for •4outstanding courage and ac- tion" In the line ol duty at lnoigftt'• meeting ol American Legioo, Poll m. Poll m '!be American Legion Valor MecW will be preoenled In both offtcers for their ao- tlona during a fire April 9 In. Laguna B<acl!. Poll Cmdr. Lesley Chatham will make the preoentatlon. PoUce Chief Hu· ry Labrow will ualat. Coach Nonn Borucki, Laguna Beach ci- ty Recreation director, said parents will be allowed to enroll themselves and their children in the programs which will get under way June 16. The swimming classes start June 16 and ~Unue lhtougb Aug. 22. They wiU consist (lf 30 nilnute periods for two weeks. The minimum age for the pro. gram is six years and the fee Is $2. The Lennis program wllJ be held on the same dates, with 50 minute sessions dall y for two weeks. Minimum age is eight and tbe fee is five dollars. DAILY PILOI OltANGE COAST PU8l.l&HIHCI COM .. AH'f Rob.rt N. w •• d "rnlMrll •nd Pllllill'ltr Jeck A. Cvrley .va "r•kllnl •ncl Gt:,.. .. Metw"' Titorn•t Kee¥11 Editor Tito111t1 J.. M11r,hine Me,..tln1 Editor Aiche1d '· Ntll l. .. 11,.. ltkll Cll't' Edl!llr LepH .... Offlu 222 Forett Aw•. Meilin9 J.dclreu1 P.O. l o. 666, 92652 ~ ....... Cott• Mu.1 DI Wnl ..... s"'"" NfWPOrf lffdll 3'11 Wnt lflb&e .. ,ltw,_ Hl.llltl .. tan a.ect1: D 11~ Sllwl ,t The crowd, including ecitati'c San Clemente and Laguna youngsters, squeal- ed in delight as the President moved close and sbook hands. Mort than 1,000 feet 0£ lee plant along the route of the Presidential motorcade to his home was trampled flat by the milling feet. Mr. Nixon doubtless needed a shoe shine after walking through the sfJJbble field at the Coast Guard station. He was first greeted by Victor C. Andrews of Emerald Baf, hJs: Orange County campaign manager and in- dustrialist Arnold 0. Beckman of Corona del Mar. Andrews introduced Mr. Nixon to ether dignitaries and arranged with the Secret Servict for the press to be allowed out of the crowd and given some l&tltude. During lhe press briefing session, PreM Secretary Ziegler indicated there would be several announcements tOOay and Fri- day which be rated above average im- portance but not earthshaking. There bad been press speculation abor · pE:nding anoouncement of some schedu' of American troop withdrawal from Vie nam. Ziegler declined comment on this. Asked 'if the President had been refe ring to Senator Fullbright in a rece1 speech criticizing "new isolationists''. Ziegler Indicated the President had bee speaking In general tenns. The ceremoniel honor the officen for placing their llvea on the line in ~ • Laguna Beach man from hls burnlng apartment. 9fficer Schramllng pulled the man from the apartment then became overeome by smoke. Officer Avers car4 rled the man outaide, then returned for Schramllng who was taken later to S<>uth Coast Community Hospital for treatment. Police chiefs from ~ighboring com· munltles have been lnvited to attend the meeting. Jim Kerins, retired policeman from the Laguna Beach force , will act as emcee. From Pcge J SALYER ..• .!lebrated at 10 o'clock Friday momlng t St. Catherine's. Entombment will · o 11 ow al Good Sbepbenl (:emetary in luntlngton Beach. · Hl.s wlfe has suggested memorials in '.he form of donattom to the Laguna Moulton Plafhouae. Funeral !le<Vices are ··-directioo ol Sbefler IAguna Beach Mortuary. ..,. UCI Strike Over Students Bµsy With Final Exams The student strike at UC Irvine ls ovtr. Wlth final uams beginning Monday, student.s are too busy studying to carry strlie signs. So when Gov. Ronald Reagan ordered withdrawal of 2,000 National Ciuard troops arid e.nde.i lhe slate of emergency In BerkeJey on Tuesday, UCI atudent sympalbiur1 ended lheJr strike. The approach or finals -txamlnatlona that usually counl for one-third to one- llalf Of 1 student 's course grade -tttm• to havf! calmed things down In Berkeley too. The moderately 1Uccesslul UCI campu• itrl.ke lasted SIJ' school days. At lta!l (' several hundred student& struct although the exact number never wu toown. Only • few prolesaort cancelled classes, but many used class Uine for discussion cl the Berkeley sltuaUo'n and clasaes were called off four boun in the middle of one day for a campus conclave. Gtntrally, professors were goJnc to hold strlklna student.a accountable for w«k thc!y m!Sled but ainct few clu.tes meet every day ol lhe week cinly a coupte or lecturu were mJsled for the most part. The atmosphere on campus tOOay wu greatly changed from a week ago when the 11tudent newspaper pictured on Pl&• one bayonets and raised fista of defiance-. - School Safety Studied -' Stat:e Takes Look at El Morro Traffic i s-dcall traffic co itions at El Mor .. ro Elementary Schoo ,s PacWc Coast Hlghway entrance ire getting a fresh took today from the St.le Dlvlalon of Highways, CalUonlla Highway Patrol and school district officials. Under 1.a...,. Beach Unllled School District inlt.laUon about a month ago, ,Plan.I were formulated lnvoJvlng: a system or flallhlng wa.mlna beacons and a reduced speed zone. '!be fluhlng yellow lllbt. would have been mounted on a atructure cantilevered over the highway and , motorists would have been required to slow to 25 miles an hour. However, further study by the state in- dicated that otber slept shruld be con- sidered II well, nese include the improvement of the school drilliway as well u the w1min1 devices. Meeting& between school officiall Highway .Patrol olflcera and the Stat.: Higbway1 Division repre.sentaUves are in the offing. It iB hoped that the safety measures can be J,n iplace by the start of the new school ytar. Primary conslderaUon wlll be 1iven to practicality of a reduced. speed zone at the aehool' Fear ha.I been expressed by the state agencies that such a zone would create more problems than It may solve. School officials, however, have been lobbying for such a traffic alowdown for some time. Concern about the speed zone Involves enforcement, pooalble occident-producing effects when traffic la forced to slow abrupUy, and fear that bus drivers would become used to slow moving law abldir\i motorllta and not take into account the occaaiona1 violator, state officials said. Schools' Superintendent Or. William Ullom bas sakl that a reduct.ion ot vehicle speed in the areas of the school entrloce ta a primary point from the distrlct'• standpoint. There have been no accldenb involving school chlld.ren or teachers at the en- trance, however, thre have been IOme near rnl.sses, and an accident weeks aco at the vicinity of El Morro killed four persoos. The big buses carrying school children leaving the achoo! are daily forced to turn left acrou busy Coalt Hi&bway. Tbut ls no podatrt.n traffic al the lcliool drl .... lj'. Two Bodies Founil From Sunk Yacht 'Senseless Murder' By ALMON LOCKABEY Dllllr ...... 1Mt1111 .....,. Mystery Assailant Slays Top SA Rookie Officer The sea hu given up two boWeJ of the 10 penons believed to have been aboard the 151-foot schooner Goodwill 'lthen she was wrecked on Sacramanto Red 200 miles south of San Diego. The body ol a teenage boy found floating two miles north of tbe wreck Tueaday bas been poslttvely ldenUlfed as 15-year-old Tim Smith, son of Mr. and l>fn· Gonion S~, 111942 Sant. Mariaoa Avtt., Fountaln Valley. IdenUficaUon wu ma~e by relatives after Smith's body was taken to a morgue at En&enacla. The second body found by Mexican flsbermen was described as that of a man between. 35 and 50 years of age. It was clad in pajamu aDd lift Jacket. It is also belr.g taken to Ensenada aboard a Me.den Navy vessel for idenUficaUon. The body was reported to have been found by flshennen a few miles north of where the Goodwill Iles crushed on Sacramento Red. It was taken to the vi!Jaa:e of Bah.la Rosario where it was turned over to the Mexican Navy. Meanwhile the U.S. Coast Guard has suspended acUve search of the area pen- ding further development "It la pretty deflnlte &bat no one from the wncked vessel ii afloat In rm.all cran," a Coast Guard tp<>kesman said. 11le search for survivors from the ill· fated vessel 11111 contirtues, however, by perlNlMelo ol L & P Machine lnduslrle!, the flnn owned by Ralph Larrabee, owner and skipper of the Goodwill. Arthur Knievel, execuUve vice presi· dent of the flnn, said two boata with divers departed San Diego today and would begin salvage operaUons Friday. By JACI\ BROBACK In what Pollce Qllef brward Allen call- ed "a wanton, senseless murder" a Santa Ana police officer, honored u Rookie of the Year in 1968, was shot to d~th by unknown assailants late Wednf:llday night. A widespread dragnet is out today for the killer or killers of Officer Nelson Alvin Sassc:er, U, GIP"(len Grove. The officer, oo patrol about 11:50 p.m. radioed headquarters that be was leaving his car "to make a pe.destrl1n check" at 3rd and Raitt streets. ShorUy thereafter,, Louis Martinez Jr. who lives nearby at lsot 3rd St. and bis · wile heard what they thought wu 1 gunshot. Martinez ran out.aide and found officer Suscer lying on the street in front of his patrol C'1'. He saw no one else. Martinez yelled to his wife to call police and attempted to render first aid He is an a~dant with WIOO Ambulance of Santa Ana. Martinez told police he tried to stop the external bleeding from a gaping wound in Sasscer's midsection and applied heart massage. He said the officer was semi- conscious and unable to speak. Sasscer was rushed to Santa Ana Ccm- munity Hospital where he died at U:32 a.m. He had been named "Rookie of the Year" last December by both the Santa Ana Benevolent Police Assocla~on and the Santa Ana Kiwants Club. He and his wlfe, Lynn, =_1 , had no childfen. "He was a fine, popular officer," Chief Allen said this morning, "and would have had an outstanding career, I'm ce.rtaln." Sasscer joined the depa'rtmenf In January, 1968. He was from Chula Vista and had jwt C<lmpleted 1 four-year hitch in the U.S. Navy. Spring SLAIN BY GUNMAN Officer Ntlson.S1s1c1r Chief Allen said the bullet, bellevfrd to be .SS caliber or larger entered the of- ficer's body on the front left side and ranged upward through his aorta and several smaller arteries. The slug lod&ed beneath tbe"skin in his back. · "We don't know if he was quesUonlng one or more men," ChJef Allen said. "We have received all kinds of rumors and ar1 following some leads but lt is' difficult. We have oo description and· there was no PoSitive eye witness as far as we know." Funeral arrangement.s are pending at Smith and Tuthill Mortuary in Santa Ana. a.1 SAVE $155 to $.255 • ..... $'50 ... $750. I'"-' NOW $495 Save Oft thes• lnvrioos sprint down 1of•1. ~V.i1•ble in your ct.oic.• of f•brics -ve1v.n., liMo F.iah, ..... ~'" hNYY textvr•• •nd N"Y otfMn. 6 STYW TO CHOOSI l'ltOfll Also •••if•ble i11 ""•"• sit•s •t comJHlrebl• s•~· in91. H.J.GARl\EfT fURNflURE PROFESSIONAL tNTBIOl DfStGNW I' •• • 2211 HARIOR II.VO. COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~6-0271 • .....,," ( • • r I - HI W> el' le cl ol te -' ' !.. ,.. ] 10 th WI m fl< ·Tt IS M Ai af m "' m W< al: M lo wl s. vi tji IU di th er fa P' th 0\ dt di w l ] ] rl Ii pl w m .. h• C( ~) Ir '" 19 w p, "' a hi s. th I .. ,. ' ;4"' ' .. .: r ... ~OC. 62, NO. '134, l SeCnONS, l~-. PASES 0'4 t,J-. . . .. Corona del Mar ffigh ·teache~ By THOMAS FORTUNE .... Dlilr """ Utff More than two-thirds of'Corona del M¥ l!igh School leacllers did l\Ol report to wort today and some Newport-Mesa eleme.niary and intermediate school teachen were expected to aba'ndon tbe classroom lhil afternoon. All children were left under supervision of teachers remaining at school. The walkouts were stqed. to dramatize · teacher efforts for ireater pay raises. At Corona de! Mar Htah claue1 were canceled and student.s tOld to spend the scllool day on campus doing what they warited, preferably studying. 'Ibe 8YJTl"' naaiwns and awimming pools were open- ed. At llire< other di!lrict blgh schools telcher absenteeism wu normal. Estan- cia reported a 100 percent teacher turnout, Costa Mesa Hip five teachers out, and Newport Harbor High 'three not pre.seoL • • ,IXOll-lll Sea Yields Two · Bodies From Yacht By ALMON LOCKABEY ri.ur '"" ..., ... ••i.r The sea has given up two boWes o( the IO penona believed to haw been aboard the 161-foot schooner GoodwW when she was wrecked on Sacramanto Reef 200 miles south-of San Diego. The body of a teenage boy found floating two m!le3 oorlh or tho wreck ·Tomay haa be<n po61tiveJt tdentllled aa 15-year-old Tim Sm.1th, IOft of Mr. and Mn. Gordon Smith, lllM2 Santa Marlana Av!., foon!IJD v''!l<Y· . • .. ldeot!ficatlon W.. made by otlat!m after Smith'• b:>dy wq -taken to a morgue at Ensenada. 'The -bodJ ,_by -flshennen wu described u Chat of a • man bttween as and 50 years of. age. It was clad in pajamu aftd life jacket. It is also belr.g taken to Elllenada ·a~ a Mexican Navy lessel for ldtntificaUon. Seventy.four t.ueber1 of UM wlirl-mi. ing at Corona del Ml! ~. lhdr names all phoned in on one~ -. Elementary and mtenn<dlate • IChool teachen throughout Costa Mesa· and Newi>oft Beach were requested by the district teache"' usoctaUOD to tuch a lour-boor mlnlmum day and • llbld superviaed recreation .after lunch ralber than retum to tJ,e cla41room. · · Teachers-at aome Of, the 25 elem:entary schools a~ six intennediate.acbools were - st ew • Asks Vets'·· Benefits · Revamping By JEROME F. COLLINS Of ...... Pl• ,..., ~ Nixon, tn his !Int pma con- 1.....,. artho Newporter IM, -Y·call- ed for: ?HYl)uatloo of veterans' benefits !0< G" Nl&trntng from Vtetoilm. Spaaldng .. tho hlwn in lronl or the lm'• Villa Saq J\fmo, the President u.id he WIS "shocked" to learn Vietnam veterans ·are ·not· taking advantage of educallooal bendlla of tho curTttil GI Bill to the ..me degr!e aa did World war n and Korun War ...turoea. · Ha l&td Donald& Jolmaoo, who s\oOd beolde •. ·hlm 'Ollllld Jiave ute ':Jrln!e . . iii lltit.itiiiot<loolir ... ;:~· • I· i=tf.i!~18i!i7'1 ~aoi. lille ' earlier~-. a 44- ,...-.old '""'~ llepublicai\. '1o bead the Vetilranl' AdritkdltratJon -DAA.Y"'41.0T~,_. IW·Lee ,.,.., ' "I hive ~ to my ,.larprtae and · 1ho4, that tbe number of ·vetera111 retumtni ,from .Vietnam .wtio apply for benellla under the GI Btll is much lower than ,rt.er bOth World War II ·and the K«Un confDct," the,Presldent said. · "Thia riieans aomethlng I.I Wrong.•• The body was reported· to have been ·found by fishennen a few miles nm1.b of whtte the Goodwill lies cruahed on Sacramento Reef. It was taken to the village of Bahia Rosario where it was fumed over lo the Mexican Navy. -Meanwhile the U.S. Coast Guard has IWipended active search of the area perr. ding further deveJopment. , WHITTIJi'R CQl:LEGE STU DE.NT ~E'El'S THE'l'REZ For N.W,.r:ff& Chria Will, FootHll \Memoria . ~ - in an earUer statement Wued by the v.,llle '!-ital!, ~ President said he ·1s appomUng· a Prealdentli:l committee "' the Vietnam Veteran; whfcti will.assist JMm lo dOvOlOplog a new GI Bill. II! mer:nben will bk:lude the ~es of Delense. Labc>" and llealth. Education abd"W'1fm. . "It is pretty defin!te·ttiat no one from the wrecked vessel ls afloat in• small craft," a Coast Gaard spokesman said. The search for survivors trom the 111- fated veMel still continues, however, by personnel cl L & P Machine Industries, the firm owned by Ralph Larrabee, owner and skipper of the Goodwill. '"Suh~ "I have dJrecled tho commltte, to MeetiliO!. Star =11a1or': ~'!'~i:'e.! i3' recommendatlonl . °"' hOw •tj>tfe . Pr .. · · • • · : v'8ionl can be irrlproVtd or redirected," Nixon Chau With Whittie~ Gridder "';~ ~~1:,du,. Prealdent aat<t 11e has directed the Bureau of tho Budjtl to Arthur Knievel, executive vice presl· dent ol the firm, said two boats with divel'I departed San Die&o toctu and would begin salvage operations Friday. For· the first lime aince hls election, Prealden.t Nixon visited Newport Beach today. His Air Foree multi-paueriger turbojet hellcopter lou<hed down·at U., Newporter Fl.Ve Persons D1"e IM helipad shortly before 10 a.IJl., alter a I f.in!Ji ute lltp1t' from ltll 5an Clemente mansion. T:_ v· I £"·-.. • SeYef'al dozen. spectators clustered at m · 10 en.t wunty tho rence arounc1 th• pad and gou ... stood on tho tdp or an adjacent green when they CIJuld aee tho President. He Highway Crashes . slopped ,althe·reoc:e.lhooll lwida with a couple, then .spotted a youn1 man wear· ing a WbJWtr College sweater. President Nlxofl. stOpped . anC! chatted for several minutes , with Chris Wall, 22, or IOI Cllrus Plsce. Newport Beach. Young Wall is a sen.ior a defensive tackle on the football team of NI.ton's· alma mat.er. The Prtsi.denl. and the student chatted far awhile about football at tbe QUaker campus. The President said he had spent most of his football time at Whittier on the varalty bench. begin a general study of returning veterana "with eniphaa.ls on thole coming from dJ11dvanlagett backgrounds." He uld one of tbe·querUoOI be.njltlecls the.committee to an1wer is: "'How can. we design a program to heJ p thOSe veterans who need help the most -the undereducated, lhe Ill-trained and the hitherto underemployed?" * * * Whittier Chief five ptl'1Cllll are dead tod~y u _ llle re1ult of sped~lar Oraqe eounty·tra:f· lie accident& -one .of which •ered pllr.olmen at lft earlier acddent acme with debris -when a distracted puling motorist rolled hiJ owa car aDd wu till- ed. . Th! dead include a WestmiNter tioosewlfe whose car wu hit by an out-of- control auto on the busy Newport FrttWay and a little girl crushed •by a truck while playing wllh friends Iii a Mys tery Assailant Slays Top SA Rookie Officer · Quits to Head Nixo n Institute Tbe ]>ffltdent GI the Prealdmt's ~1ma mater resJaoecf ,·his~ poet · at · WhitU!r COllege ·wednaday · lo take , o~Y. er . ·leOnblp~ol',tlie Richard Nix09 "InsUtu- Uil!I <JI Human Attain on the picturesque par,king IOL Coroner's deputies llsted these victim: -Mn. Donna J. JoUllOll, 22, of 111S 19th St., Westminster. ..:...Barbara L Romero, 3, or f,1$ W. Walnut SL, Sanla Ana. _,, ... D. SU rlrweok, 19, or llOO W.' Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. -Dtlbert E. Jolmsol., 50, o( Buena Park. • -Rlcbnt G. Marilee. 19, of B<llllowu. JnVestlgatora for tbe CHP.,.aald Johnloft wu dead on arrtval at Martin Luther Hospital, Anaheim, alter being pinned lo bl,.~ar when tt went out or cmtrol oo the Santa Alla ~WI)' at Magnol1a Slr<tl. unrm.n said Johnaoa had 110wed at the.cene ol an earlier cruh but ran Oft!' a divider ind smashed tnto blrricadeL .Patrolmen Jack Kel>o and Anlbony Gieger 0.0 the 1po1 wh'I"' they Wtre mwurl!IK skldmarkl from tho first ac- cident, but Kelao "" knocked down and etll Wll•n bit bi' 1 ll)llo1 divider poat. H,e· rullmd multl\>le <Uta, back bl)uries (Sk TRAtt!C, Pll' II I • By JACK BROB ACK °' .. °'"' ........ In what Pollca Chlel -Allen call· ed "a wanton, ltnteltli murder" a Santa Ana poke officer, honored u Rookie of the Yw-In tJA, wu lhol to death by unkoowo auatlanl! hllr Wedn<lday llighl. A widespread drllJlfl ls out todoy for the ltlller or ldllerl" <JI ~ Ntlaoo Alvin Sasloa', St, Garden Gl'O\'e, The ollk:er, '"'j1o1to1 about ll:IO p.m. radioed~ that be WU t .. ving his car "lo matt a pedlltrjan cbect" at . 3rd and JlatU atreets. ShortJY 'Uiertlfttr, Louil Martinez Jr. who lives nearby at llM Std· St. and bis wile heard whet they thougl>I was a gunshot. .. MJr1Ulti ran oaWdt and IOWld olllctt s.._, lytq "' lbe "10ll In !nlllt or bis J>1k91 Cir. He'uw no one ellt. 1 , Mlrifils 'ydled lo his lrlie to call police and •ll!'mpted lo mider Ont sld He la an at1rndw tritb. Wino-Ambulance or Santa Ana, Martllltz lold police ho tried to atop the external bleedtna rr.m • 1•P1n1 W<llllld In (See POLtCBMAN, PqC II ., ....... ~ SLAIN ar.0UN~ Offlcar "''-5a1Her , .. camp. .. . . ~ Paul S. Smith, 71, llllkooWln&lY· ta~bt a rulure P"'l\lent cooall~ blltory as a proteuor during the la wstodenl' s cam- puii' days. The N'!on lnlUlutton "1ll bi a teachl!IK and me.rm etnter wtth three or f0ur lu!J.ltme. prof!llOfl, . ltruatog t b e teicblni ol btndlla ln.the free tnll<prlie l)'lllem. . "lie wll oot • good student In !he tndlUonll IMIW!, but he was an un. ~' aluc!fnl,'. Smith reminisced W_ay,&llllOUllClq his acceplaoce o1 th!o new job: • . , , • . · lit lald Nbon'1 'lOot and ·-.matloll' -~pmtJncl1 l>rtel;:bu\ ~ -,pi t who ... -~ lit ··lllf ~.food.~ -II; "I never found an imdequacJ," De•· plalnld. I'. ,. .-t ~ "' The Pr•ldtnl Hiil Smtih ~ on ·lloe eve bl· hla Southland • >n .,..Ii, 10 M!dwq laland taJU on V lllan,ktn1 bbn • !or ltll cootr lo ·~ · .. ~ -.+ ., . ' ~· ., ,. .... ~ • • '• - • 'foday'1 . F l•lil TEN CENTS -• • S.tart Walkout aild, 1'There are certain Jecal aveaues we could pursue. l lhl.ni. 90IT)t! of thlS ii ac- tually cause for dlsmiual." Al for his own feettn&s be woWd not co beyond saying that ho r .. 1a .tho.teachers shculd oot be paid for the da.Y. Gordon Becklok!, presideni of Newport· Mua Education A.ssoclaU011. said, "We are countlng on the good judgment or the -•lo"· I thlnl: It would be a gra,. mlstaU to lnlUate any kind or a reprisal act.iOll." or Angelo Vas.90S, a physics teacher at Cl>rona del Mar l!igh. told why he stayed borne: "I'm sure people are gotng to N)', 'What are you doing? We are paying you to teach our children.' We feel lhil one day of[Arl1lt-.bri.fg the problem into the opeB. And if this one day is effective, the improvement in ed~tion -.vill be there for yean to come." Added Ken Koury. tntemational reJa.. !See TEACllEJ\S, Pqe II a • DAil Y l'ILOT 1'9Pf ...... PRE$1DENT P~USES TO CHAT WITH COAST FRIENDS Vietor C. And ...,1 (loft) ancl' Dr. Arnold 0. Bockman :N.Wl n' FlU~~to N ewpo~t 1 .~· • After Clemente Greeting • By RICHARD P. NA!lL , Of .. Dfltr l'tl91 IWf I Fresh from a tumultuous !Welcome at his San Clemente hOme, President Ni1011 flew ,to the Newporter Inn today to con- fer with advisers and anoounce a. new appointment. .t Mr. Nixon was to beiln a two-day round of conferences .at u.e Newporter on ' Full pleture eeveraie of P resident on Page 10 matters ranging from his upcoming Midway meet with Preside.ct Nguy!!ll Van Thieu-'cf South Vietnam to a conference with 10 young people from five states og. the draU. · · · ;o- A side-effect of the Newporter con- ference may be selection of the Newport Beach fac!Uty U · a work base when the President Is In Southern California. "I think the President wants to get th6 feel or this particular working ar· raniement/' Press" Secretary Ron Ziegler said in a briefing Wednesday afternoon at Lagunit's Surf and Sand Hotel. He referred to the fact that Mr. Nixon * * * Nixon Appoints lowwi to Head Ve~ralis ·Group Presli:lent ·Nixon ·today annotmced at the Ne~rter Inn his Intention to apo "point Doriald E.· Jolfrison ot West Branch, Jowa,i as administrator of the Veterans Administration. · · JohnS111l wUI replace William J. Drlver1 who has resigned. , JohMOn, 4l, ls. president or W:est Bhnch Farm JuppUes InC. and ls a former nallonaJ commander of the American Leeton. West !!ranch walt&-i.lnlll!lace of President Herbert Hoover. Jo!mson .waa gfaduated in lMI from Iowa State University, ArMs, low1: He served dur- .ing World War ll with the Third Anhy in the Europeao Theater. In addition to hiJ auociallon with West BrJl\Ch Farm SuppU... be ia presldtnt of an accountine and business management IJrni ~or·~ ..,._. . • Prutdeot NIXl'O &llQOllllCed ~Ohnson has Md conoklerable Olperlence with tl>o federal government RTVlnJ as an ado viloq member 'of tho Pmkltnl'1' COD>- mlsaloo oo Civil Rtghta frqtu• 19511 lo lllO Ind' aiace 1117 ha.:: been an uecutlv. con.. 11111\ant 1o !ha ornce ol' ~1"1Cl' l'repoiednesa. ' . ' ' - ,may when In San Clemente commute by .helicopter to the Newporter for work sess,tona with aides staying lhere. The press would be located about midway in Laguna Beach when the Prell~ dent is at his White House Wesf. Tanned and jubilant, Mr. Nixon stepped from . a helicopter at the Coast Guard Loran .station near his new San Clemente home Wednesday arternoon to the cbetrs of about 5,000 persons. . · His wife, in a bright yellow suit, ac- cepted red roses from dignitaries as the President climbed up on a car trunk to give San Clemente its place in the sun. He aMounced that he and the family plan to spend the entire month .of August .at their new San Clmiente home. At one point he grinned at Mayor Wade Lower in his wheel chair and said, "He's going to fix my ticket'' app8.rently referring to future lrallic citalion.s. Sa.id the President, "When I met Pat and before we were married, we used to drive down Coast Highway and the beach at San Clemente was one of our favorites. "Now we're glad to own a part of it. When I say own a part of il, we hope everybody will use it too. "And I recall, too, that 30 years agO I came lo San Clemente. I was then a lawyer in Whittier and also La Habra and I made a speech 1o·a service club. "I( was either Rotary - I notice the mayor is a • member of Rotary -or .Kiwanis_, one ol tbe two. ~ I didn't dream 30 yfars ago I would be like thiJ as at least a summer resident of this city and I'm very proud ti>" be hue and have (See PJµ'3IDENT, Page Z) .Coast ' Weather "Partly sunny" ls the call fol" Friday, which means glooniy look· ing clouds unUl midaftemoon. on, the Orange Coast while lhe lhermo- meler stars fixed at 68 degrees. INSmE TODAY . Few ttleoition 1tar1 am make the Witch co Utt movie•, · al- thowoh the rev.rsc f.m't tne at all. Paoe 26. ' n • .... • " • ., • .. ,., . " .. • t ' j N CdM Hig h He y Da y: NfJ Class es Stlllents at COrona de1 Mar High School never bad lt ao cood. MOil of their teachers boyool.ted clasae& today Ud at.udtnli were.glven the run of Ille Clltlp!S. Becauae they were Wormed Wed· nesday lilt.moon th.at cluses would be held ~. a large mlljority of lho stlJdenta were on campus today. But classes were not in session. Tbe loud speaker system on the cam· pus was blaring rock mmic aod the students were tal.ing thlngs easy. 0 Some studied. Some played baJeball and volleyllol}. othen jllll &OC!allzed. One boy even manqed to fall aaleep on a campus bench. Rick Miller, II, sat on step& 1n the center of the campus signing a yearbook. •·t~ too bad I can't enjoy it," he quipped about the walkout "I won't be around the rest of the week, beciuse I have bac· rest of the week, because I h;ive bac- calaureate and araduaUon practice." Most student& were not at all up.set by the missed classes. Several apputtd to be more upset becauae they came to school. , "It's not fair that we're stuck here un· tiI 2:30 with nothing to do," noted 16- year-old coed Ann _Reimers. Some students were at a phone booth calling tht1r pareats. Others were startiDg to drift away from the campus. From Pcie l TRAFFIC ••• and brullel, while motcrisla Thomas E. Kruetner1 201 of Buena ·Part, and J~u A. Sttpbena, 31:, ol Santa Ana, were in- jured in the earlier accident. Mn, Jojmlton died at f p.m. Wed· nes<!Jy, pinned In the wreckage of_ her Jmall car after the aouthbound auto was . ;truck by a ncr1bbound vehicle on the ~ewport 'Freeway at Dyer Road. ' The dud woman'• brother, Larry Messenaer, 11, of~ aame addreu, was .evereJy injured, U WU Mrl. Marie ibotwell, SO, of 1743 Eversreen Ave .. ruJlerton. v....,M.....,..woonthe_., Ude, while his sister took the brunt of the !Olllsion. lnvestigaton said Mrs. Shotwell'• car vent out of control, veered across the 80- oot-wide dirt divider strip and demoliJb.. !O the Johnston car. 1be Romero girl was dud on,arrfval at ;>range County Medical Center al 7,:15 ""'· Wednesday nlgbt alter !l#ng All\ i1Ctr by a pickup truck: In a laiindromat sacking lot Jn the 600 block of West First itreeL , Driver of the truck, Mrs. Aida Wniiei, 39, of 419 w. Chestnut St., ·san-- a Ana, was not cited. The other two victims llad been JOSpit.alized after earlier accidents. Markee died at SL J ude Hospital, l'ullerton, several hours after .losing con- rol of his motorcycle and striking a car it Lambert Road and Idaho Street in the ..a Habra area. Starkweather succumbed at H o a g Aemorial Hospital Wednesday after ieing thrown 50 feet from his car at 3 1 m. Tuesday when It ran off Jamboree load at San Joaquin Road in the UC, .rvine area and overturned. Boy· Slain Playing ;Cops and Robber s' HACIENDA HEIGHTS, Calif. !UPI) - \n a.year-old boy was shot to death Nednesday while playing "cops and rob- >en" at o. friend's home. Sheriff's deputies sald Thomas L. Scott vas killed by a blast from a shotgun ,bile playing with a '1-year-old com· mnion. Deputies said the other boy, who vas not identified. was playing with his athe.r's shotgun when it went off, hitting Jcott in the chest. DAILY PILOT DUNG• COAST PU•Ll$HINO COMPANY Robert N. w.,d Pralcltnt ..... PllbU""1' Jeck IL C•rley Tlto11111 K11•rl .... Thom1t A, M11rphln1 M&n"I"' ~~ltvr J1rom1 F. Colli11, N-"'°' BrK/I Cltv fdllO< ~IMdiOffk• 2111 W1tf l 1lltM loul1,.1ul- M1lllt19 Addr1111 P.O. lo• 1175, 92•til .,_......, COlll MitMt J)(I Wtll • .., 11,..1 Lttufll lucll: 112 Porn! Ao;e""' H""""* .. ldl1 :a 1111 llrMI OAIL Y PILOT ""919 .. ., ·~ l..t'ft '4 N~ :••mer• Wo~k on Groins • • • ._ ". Starts l\Jonday By JANICS BERMAN • 'Of '" Oetlr ..,.. ~ Construction of lour new ~ lo .provetit !ltach ....ion wW be1tn Mon' clay,-,,, to G-.ecDa-New· port --ball>o< .cOOrdlnator. 'I'tle rock groins wW raile to 11% the number o! giant llngero poldna Into the waten of weai Nripirt Work on the job will bNln a\ llltb Street Mon.day, when tt:ie contract.or, L. S, l!Bwl<y Corp. ol lrwlndlle, win move cranes and bulldOW'I to the site. Er· cavetlon ii uiie<ted to bealn 'l'ueeclay, The sites are S6th, 5lnd, 48th and !!th streets. Workmen will w-oaress from filth 31.reet down the coast, with construction or e.di ll'Oin expected to take abolll three weeks. Each iroin will be 3$0 feel long, pro- jecting from about 30 feet from the ocean front private property line into the .aurf. Heavy. trafric is expected u trucks l'iau.Ung the rock from COrona move from 47th Streel to 5&h Streel, along Sea5l\0re Drive. ~ emptied, the trucks will le~ve via Orange Street and ~ck to C:Oa.t Highway. No parktnt will be pennltted oppoaile the entrance to the construct1on site between 7 a.m. aod 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. · ONE CORONA DE L MAR HIGH STUDENT TAKES TEACHER WALKOUT LYING DOWN Student1 Tak• Llf• Eat y After Their ln1tr.U4;tors Tek• A Powder Rival Chambers Draw Clos er- Although all t.eaches will remain open throughout the twelve weeks of con· structlon, beach areas will be barricaded for 150 feet on either side of the work site. F r om Page l TEACHERS ... tions teacher: "We think this is the best way to show \He community we are very unhappy. We have no illusions about the board of educiltkn changing their mind,,. 'l'hlt'S not OID' goal We really don't tbint they speak for .the community. We think tu· payua would support higher aalaries." fN aho a,kl. "We e1pec:ted not to get paid today. We're not asking for the day off to play golf. We didn't lie and caU in sick. My peraonal feeling now is we will all be bact tomorrow." A meeUn'g of the 74 striking tea chers was . scheduled for this afternoon to decide what they do nelt. No one could do more than guess what elementary and intermediate teachers were coinl to do. Bart Hake, execuU\'e secretary of the teacbera' association, said, "I would guess fully half of the m wW hold ·a minl.mam day.'' Superintendent CUnningham saJd he un- derstood "a good IIll.DY ol tbe schools will . do nothlne." # Hate remarked that "aome principals are u~right and intimidating teachers fr om doing what they believe they can do. They have frightened teachers, saying they will take down names." Legally, a minimum day cl'Tt be declared only by th.! school board but many teacbenl: question t h e con· stltutionalit.J-of that law. These devtlopments are the re111It of a stormy. close<kloor, three-hour teachers representative ~ion late Tuesday night and early Wednesday. Becktald, teachers p~ldent, said he was "tom In !ittle bits and trampled" when he advised moderation. The mi.rtlny against teacher association leadership by the militant element at Corona del Mar Higt.. had been brewing for some time. At one recent meeting, Beektold, himself a C«ona del Mar High language teacher, was involved in an e:zchange in which he said, "All right hot heads you can march any time you want to." An answer came back. ''When we march you may get run over." In a bulletin to all teachers Wednesday, the teacher•' &W>ci.aUon declared It does J'.Ol accepf'tht salary scale adopted Tues- day night by the board and upped its own demand. Teachen leadership now Is asking for the same starting salary adopted by the board, $6,.:Kl per year, but a top salary or $14,239 reachable in 11 yean compared to the board·ttdopted tap salary of $13,800 in 12 years. The bulletin said, "High school teachers will unite in an expression or protest soon." (In the wake ol the Corona del Mar High teacher boycott Estancia High teachers were to meet this al· ternoon .) Elementary and intermediate level teacben were asked to back up the blah iChool teachers by: -Teaching a minimum day today with the afternoon given to recreation. -Those not willing to teach a minimum day and risk a pay cut con- tribute $10 to a community publicity campaign. -Begin a telephone campaign Friday to exert public pressure on the school board. Whil~ so me teachers v.•e.re seeking to bring pressure to bear on the school board, the teachers leadership was seek- ing board acceptance of a mediation ef· fort. Hake said teachers wanted lo hear rrom the board by 3:30 p.m. today on ac- cepting th e free mediation serv ice of the California Department of Industrial Rela- tion~. "That's impossible," said Board Presi- dent Peyton. "We have to give %4 hour public noti ce to hold a meeting." He said the board would hold a special meeHng Friday evening to con1ldtr the teachers' request. but be personally is not interested in mediation and feels the board's salary adop\lon should remain fil'lal. Hake said he ha.1 persuaded Dr. Cun- ningham to call the superintendent of Redondo Beach City School Dtstrlct where mediators have ju.st effected a aetUemenl. ''Mediation turned out to be oectly what they nee4_ed there,'' Hake 11id. "Tl moved both the board and te;ichera off dead end and they aot toRether." Be<'ktold said lie fetll mf!dlaUon "would be very wise because teacher• don't belleve what they ar, belnt told. Jt might clost the credibility gap and then we would all be buck l.n the same faml· Jy," he said, • From Page l Geographically PRESIDENT IN NEWPORT ••• A needle was applied this week In the long-standing feud between the Corona de! Mar and Newport Harbor chambers of commerce. &uch fine neighbors. '1 want you to know that thls one personal factor that you should be aware of .•. that having someone that bolds the office of President as your neighbor is not too convenient at Umu. • "I very much regret that Secret Service requires that when we travel - we 'll try not to travel t.oo much on the highways -that they have to cleat the roads and fiOrnetimes you will not be able to _get aa close to the house as you would like. "I wish we could meet everyone versonally to tell you bow happy we art to be In California and have you as neighbors." As the President and Mrs. Nixon shook ht.11ds with a multitude of wellwishers, Secret Service men mewed with them in close proximity, once barking at a ·television crew to keep its distance. The crowd, including ec!tatic San Clemente and Laguna youngsters, squeal- ed in delight n the President moved close and shook hands. More than J ,000 feet of ice plant along the route of the Presidential motorcade Crasli Kills Navy Stunt Pilot as Son Narrates ' ' READING , Pa. !UPI) -Capt. Dick Schram, 52, lnternaUonally known stunt 'Pilot, was ldlled Wednesday night when his plane craahed during a comedy rouUne which hl.s son was narraling for spectators at the Reading Air Show. With Lt. Dick Schram Jr., public af- fairs officer for the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels, describing the stunts over t.l)e public a~ss system to s e v e r a l thouund speclator!, Schram went through a series of loops and crashed oo a dive from 400 feet in his single-engine Piper Super Cub. The plane crashed nose-down in a field 100. yards from the roped-off 'spectators al ill< municipal airport. , · The Blue Angels, the Navy's precision flying team, canceled their act for the night. \ From Pagel POLICEMAN .. Sasscer's midsection and applied heart massage. He said the off.leer was semi- conscious and unable to apeak . Sasscer was rushed to Santa Ana Com- munity Hospital where he died at 12 :32 a.m. He had been named "Rookie of the Year " lasl December by both the Santa Ana Benevolent Police Association and the Saiita Ana KJwan11 Club. He and' hLs wife, Lynn, 21 , had no children. .. He was a fine, popular officer," Chief Allen said UUs morning, "and "°'-lld have had an outstanding career, I'm certain." Sas.seer joined the department In January, 1988. He wa1 from Chula Vista and had just completed a four-year hitch In the U.S. Navy. Chief Allen said the bullet, believed to be .38 caliber or larger entered the of- Llcer's body on the front left side and raoged UQ.1¥ard through his aorta and sevtralS dller arteries. The slug lodged beneath the skin in his back. "We don't know If he was questfonlng 'one or more mcn1" Chief Allen.uld. "Wt have rece.lved all kinds of n,imora and ire following some leads but It Is dlWcuJL We have no de.scrlpUan ind the~ wa.s no poslUve eye wltnesa u far u we know." Funeral arrangement& are peoding at Smith •nd Tuthill Morlllary in sanll AnL Ted Kennedy Slows Burger Confirmation lo his home was trampled nat by the milling feet. Mr. Nixon doubtless needed a shoe shine alter walking through the stubble field at the Coast Guard station. He was first greeted by Victor C. Andrews of Emerald Bay, his Orange County campaign manager and in- dustrialist Arnold 0 . Beckman of Corona de! Mar. Andrews introduced Mr. Nixon to other dignitaries and arranged with the Secret Servl~ for the preu to be allowed out of .the crowd and glven some lliUtude, During the press brlenng session, Press SecrelaJy Ziegler indicated there would be several announcements today and Fri· day which he rated above average im· ' portance but not earihshaldng, There had been press speculaUon about pending announcement of some schedule of American troop withdrawal from Vie~ nam. Ziegler declined comment on this. Aaked If the President had been refer- rlna ·lo Senator Fullbright in a recent speech crlUcWng "new lsolaUoolsts", Ziegler lndlcoltcl ill< fuslclent bad been spealdna in general tmns, Durinl hl.s work sessions, Mr. Nixon is to confer With Robert Flnch, secrtlary of health , educaUon and ~lfare, and Patrick Flanqan, assl.sta.nt to tl'le Presi- denl A.sked by a reporter U a Chilean re· quest that Gov. Rocb!eller cancel a scheduled visit woula cause cancellation. Ziegler said, "We loot for the govemor'a vlsUs to Lliln America to continue." Ziegler latd_lhat Friday the President will meet with younpters, two each, from the states of Oklahoma. Iowa, Michigan, M&sisslppl and New York. He described the young people, ln- cludln1 one girl, as members of a pilot groop set up a year ago by the N aUonal Selective Service Board to better com- muntcaUons with young persons on. the draft. Carl Kegley, former Corooa del Mar Chamber president, rose at a Corona del fi.1ar Chamber breakfast meeUng to aay: "I see we ha ve a new neighbor on the highway. I invite them to join us in the great growth and fllendly spirit of Corona de! Mar." "I'll second that," 51.id former Newport Beach councilman Dee Cook. The rest of the membersblp agreed. The new ndghbor is tho Newport Harbor Chamber whlch recenUy moved its office lo East Coast Highway near MacArthur noulevard. Newport Harbor Cllamber Manager Jack Barnett 1tauncbly maintains that their side of the street 11 Ne.,port Beach and only the other llde bl Corona de! Mar. .. Theft Suspect's Arraignment Set A Newport Beach burglary suapect, who was allegedly caught with a stolen nuhllght ,in his hand. faces arraignment June 18 after being releued on f82$ bail. Ralph Haak, 18, of Santa Clari WU ar-rested Saturday at 1 a.m. w be n he an.swered an officer's knock at 30ll lf.i Qoyx. Ave., 'Balboa blind with an allegedly stolen Duhllght In hls hand. Offlcen said they went to the Onyx Avenue residence on· a tip from a wltnefts to a garage burglary. Police claim the fls.shlight Haak was holding when he opened the door to the orfiars had just been.stolen from a a:ara&e. Police allege the arrest cleared 1 three burglaries from garages and three from cars. An estbnated $300 worth of tools, clothing and other loot waa recovered, they added. Spring 'J:Jown SAVE $1SS • ........ $6 50. to $750. I' LIOf .. NOW • $495 S•v• on th •s• luxurious 1pN1t9 ·down sofn. A••it.bl• • your cho ic• of f•brics -v ..... ts, lio•• P,l'iah. ..t•11n h••vy t•rlurn •nd rM")' others.. Your t...ni. clcdgMr .nu k lioppr to an1tt,..,,. ·AU· eqUipment will be moved out or the way on weekends, when peak ~ach. crowda occur, uld Dawes. Total cost of cqn.!lruction of the federal project is.$600,000, with $10,761 to be paid by the city as its share of the cosL Seven Oil Firms Sue County Over 'Unlawful' Taxes Seven Southland olt companies served notice on Orange county Wednesday th1t they collectively paid an estimated M00,000 in "unlawfully assessed laxes" In the year ending June 30, 1969 -and theY. want It back. They claim in their Superior Court suit that County Assessor Andrew J. Hinsh$w: defied state law when be valued oil dr:fn. ing sites in HunUngton Beach, Seal Beaob and Newport Beach at about $20 mllllon: And they argue that if Hinshaw hid observed the law he would not have ~ eluded the value of slate owned royaf\Y interest in his calculations. Correct valuation by Hinshaw would have set the assessment t.ab at about $13 million and cut the company lax bills by that wae $4(tl,<KIO, it is argued.' Named as plaintilfs ln the action are. Atlantic Richfield Co.; Humble Oil add Relining Co.; Oreo Oil Co.; the Signal Cos. Inc.; lhe Tenno Co.; Texaco J.nC. and West Shore Petroleum CO. Cited as defendants in lhe complalrit are Orange county and the c!Uea of HUil<' tlngton Beach, Seal Beach and Newpc)tt Beach -three agenciea who allegedly reeeievd a tota) of $61,500 in lazes allocated by the county. Attorney F..dward S. Renwick explained for the oil companies that Hlnahaw has defied state laws on oil drllliDg asseuments because "like most other caufornia assessors he regards them as unconstitutional.'' a.1 6 STYW TO CHOOSI 111011 Alto •••il•bl• i" tMth9t 1ix•s •t corn p•rablt •••· ln91. •...;.. • WASHINGTON (AP) -Acting S.nate Democratlc Ltadtr Edward M. KeMedy put olf today until Monday, the date orl1lnally aeh«luled, Senate action on President Nlion'a nomination 0: Wama E. Bur1tr u chief justlct. , , Tb.at, ht •akl, wouJd bt "the orderly way of proct•clin&," Kennedy, o I M1uachutttts, acted In the ablenol of DemocreUc Leodcr Mike Manlfitfd o! H.J.GARRFff fURNrpJRE Montana. ' l'llOFESSIONAL INTUIOtl DESIWNUS ' • -------'---------- " Jiil HAOOR lt'fD. COSTA MESA, CALlf, 646-017& '4~27' • -~ VOi •• M fllgt fron that the Frid Cl Reil Jy e Aus Mel USS "I cool duri in t 11 ha~ ovei Joh Eva 11 Na' that son S< cap "I Ion It h ma: the bull coo we don .. c ... ""' F I i E F "' fie pal wit me cxl. 1 hoc CO> Fr tn; pa ( I~ IV> Ba Pa w' He hi! Sa I tho •· GI m ch OU an Ki A, ju n• " •t N M " SI I" '1 " w le " 0 p, 0' ~ voe. ~2, NO. ·134, 3 SECTIONS, 34 ~AGES ORANGE COllNTY, CACJFORNIA • • st IXOll Ill •sounded Like ~an Opener' Mesa Navy Chief Tells of Horror of Collision By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of t-. OallY l"llift Sid Marooned on I.he islaad of Guam by flight delays, a Costa Mesa man jarred from sleep into a nightmare sea C9llisloa tt'iat took his own son and 72: shipmates to the bottom, won't return-home until Friday. Chier Gunner's Mate Lawrtnce J. Reilly, 44, of 23.14 Minuteman Way, bare- ly escape with his own life when the Australian aircraft carrier HM AS Melbourne knifed through the destroyer USS Frank E. Evans early Tuesday. "It sounded like a huge can opener, you could hear metal ripping," said ReWy during a news conference at Clark AFB in the Philippines today. The l!J..year Navy career man could have retired not long ago but shipped over for two more years to serve with .John L. Reilly Jr., 21, aboard the ill-fated Evans. The young sailor didn't care for the Navy aod his mother said Wednesday that ChJef Reilly was worried about hill son and wanled to look after him. Some things are beyond a lather's capacity. "He {John Jr.) was on watch In the forward engine room. That's right where it hit," said Chief Reilly, who was· anns master and the senior enlisted adviser to the captain of lhe Evans. "The rirst thing I knew was when the bulkhead caved in and b.lmed over," he conUnued, "the ship was on her aide and we had to climb up through a door. I don"t know how we got oul" "(~WU (!Rltly unreal," Chief Reli11 Ilic! be c,illd out lo a bud-* Wt! IMt ur=l1,.,...be..,_fQ&kn·9 sownd of bis frleDlf'1 volet "'4 ·Five P ersons Die · In Violent County Hig hway Crashes Five persons are dead today a! the result of spectacular Orange County traf· fie accidents -one of which showered patrolmen at an earlier accident sctne with debris -when a distracted, passing motorist rolled his own car and was kill· ed. The dead include a Westminster housewife whose car was hit by an out-of· control aulo-on the busy Newport Freeway and a little girl crushed by a_ truck while playing with friends In a parking lot. Coroner's deputies listed these v1ctims: -Mrs. Donna J. Jobutou, 22, of 8213 19th St., Westminster. -Barbara L. Romero, 3, of 415 W. \Valnut St., Santa Ana. -John D. Starkweetber, II, of 1900 W. Balboa1 Blvd., Newport. Beach. -Delbert E. Jobmoa, 50, of Buena Park. -Rlcbard G. Markee, 19,.of Bellnower. Investigators for the CHP said Jobnion was dead on arrival at MarUn Luther Hospital, Anaheim, al1<r being pllllle•fln hi.s car wben It went out of contrOl on the Santa Ana Freeway at M~ Street. Lawmen said Johnson _had' slowed at the scene of an tarlle.r. crash liut ran over a divider and smashed into banicades. - UPIC ...... CHIEF REILLY TELLS OF COLLISION AT SEA · Voice In the Dirk s·av11 M111· Sellor· '. . Top SA Rookie Officer Slain. by Mystery Killer By JACK BllOBACK Of .. D4fr ... .,.,. In what Police Chief &award Allen call- ed "a wanton, senselell murder" a Santa Ana palice officer. honored as Rookie of · the Year in 1968., was shol. to death by unknown auailants lalt Wednesday n!ghL A widespread dragnet is out today for the killer or killers of Officer Nelson Alvin Sasscer, 24, Garden Grove. The offictr, on patrol about 11:50 p.m. radioed headquarters that he was leaving his car "to make a pedestrian check" at 3rd and Raitt street.s. ShorUy theruller, Looi. Martln<z Jr. who lives nearby at llot 3rd SL and his wUe heard whit they thought was a aWubot.. Martinet ran outside and found ofllcer Sasscer lying on tbt street in front of his patrol.car. He saw no one else. Martine yelled to his wife to call pal.ice and attempted ~ fll'st aid He ii an atlt:ndaur with WlDG' Ambulance ol Sonia Ana, . Marilnez told polic< he tried lo slop the external bleeding from• gaping wound ln SU:ecer11 mldHcOon and .applied heart raanqe, He sakl-the olflcer was aemi- ""'9Claul and llruibie to apeak. . · Sasim> wu rushed to Santa Ana Com- munity Hospital where he diei:I at U:32 a.m. He had betn named "Rookie of the Year" lut December by bo(h the Santa . SLA IN BY GUNMAN Officer Nelton S111c:er Ana Benevolent Police Associaticin and the Santi Ana Klwanb C1Ub: He· and his wif~,.L)'M, 21, had no.children. "He was a fine, popular office~," Chief Allen &aid tht& momJng, .. and would have (See POUCEMAN, Pase J) ew • • Asks Vets ' Benefits· ~evamping By JEROME F. COUJNS Of fllt EMlllY •11t1 Sr.It Presldenl Nixon, in his first press con- ference: at the NewJMpter IM, today call~ ed for re-evaluation of veterans' benefits for Gts returning from Vietnam .. Speaking on the lawn In front of the inn's Villa San Remo, the President said he was "shocked'' to learn Vietnam, veterans are not taking advantage of educational benefits ol the current GI Bill to the same degree as did World War II and Karean War returnees~ He said Donald E. JohnSO!I, who stood beside him, would have the 11prime Fall pleture eoverage of Pres ident oa Page 10 re.sponslbllity" of developing a new pro- gram for today's veterans. The Pre.sident earlier today nominated Johnson, a 44- year~ld Iowa Republican, to head the Veterans' Administration. "I havt found to my surprise and shock, that the number of veterans returning from Vielnam !ho apPb' 'for bene(Jts ""'1er the GI Bill !1 much lower :t-P.~~~~.~ 1ai~ Ill• ''TIU)nell)s lllJ1lelhlng .. ""'"':" In an oirller atalomenl laued by ll)e Wbite Hoiiai-'1&11, the l'l'elidant .aid he !s apPolnling a Prtlidential COmnilllee on the Vi«nam Veteran, which will aSBist Johnson ln developing a new GI Bill. Its memben will include the secretaries of DefeMe, Labor and Health, F.ducation and Welfare. "I have directed the committee to report to me on the present stage of benefits for returning veterans and · recommendaUoM on how these pto- vision.s can be improved or redirected,'' Mr. Nixon said. In addition, the President &aid he bas. directed the Bureau or the Budget to begin a gener.al study of returning veterans "with emphasis on those coming fro'm diSadvant.aged backgrounds." He said one of the quealicins he upect.s the commlllee to answer is: "How can we design a program to help those veterans who need help the most -the undereducated, the Ill-trained and the hitherto underemployed?" Johnson will replace Willlam J. Driver, who:> has resigned. Johnson, 44, is president of West Branch Farm Jupplies Inc. and Is a former national commttnder of the American Legion. West Branch was the birthplace of President Herbert Hoover. Johnson was graduated in 1946 from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. He served dur- ing World War JI with the Third Army in the European Theater. ln addition to his association with West Branch Farm Supplies, be is president of an accounting and business management firm and of a poultry company. President Nixon announced Johnson has-bad considerable experleoce with the federal government serving a.s an ad- visory member' of the Prisident'1 Com· mi.saion on Civil Rights frori1 1951 to 1960 and ii.nee 1987 he been an eiecutlve eon· su.ltant to the Office of Emergency Preparedness. ' • THURSDAY, ~UNE 5, '1969. ' ort Teday,.• M•ml 'N.'Y~ Sio ek• • . . • =.TEN CENTS . .a OAIL'I" PtLOT· ..... ·w 1..-: ... WH ITTIER COLLEGE STUDENT MEETS THE PREZ For Newport'• Chris-WiLill, Footblll Memorlu Nixon Chaii lrith •If hutier Gridder ' ' . . ' ' . By JBROMi'r. cOWNS · Sev.;.al dOaen.-.-....d.-... 111 °'-~"' "• tt•ff the. fPJ'lce arotµld Uie ·pad mt.Pfers Fo~ the fJ:1t t~~ alnce his elecU,pn, stood on the edge of ' an adjlCftlt -President N1J:on vtslted Newport Beach 1.-· th Id th __ ,._•-• today. . Wuue ey fX!U . see e Pr~l He His Air Force multl.pa1&enger turbojet · stopped at the fence, ahook handa with a helicopter touched down at the Newporter C:OUPle, t~~ spotted a Yount man.. nar- Inn helijtad shortly before 10 a.in.,"after a mg a Whittier College sweller. 14-minute flight from hi.I San Clemente Preaident Nixon istopped and cbatted mansion. for aeVera! ininute!I !fllh· Chris Wall, 22. Bandit Killed By Store Owner A would·be ba.ndil was killed and a San- ta Ana jewelry store owner ·crlUcally W9Wlded with seven bullets at mid-morn· Ing today during • dramatic shoot.out with two holdup men. The second man fled Brown's Jewelry, 215 E. Fourth St., but was captured. by police two blocks away. Store owner Sam Drucker wa! 'In critical condition at Santa Ana Com- munity Hospital at 1 p.m .. while Jn. vestigators had not Identified the slain gunman , They said the suspected accomplice is Arthur F. Kleis, 25, of Anaheim, but further detail! of the case were still being compiled. . Kennedy Mass Slatl'.d WASIIlNG-TON ·(AP) -The·wldow of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and·his survlvlng brother have annaunctd .a ; niemorill mass to be held at Kenned}''s·graVeskle In Arlington NaUonaJ ~JlleterY, tonight, ~·first anniv~ of bis death. of 908 Citrus Ptaoe, Newpoit Beach. Young Wall la a serilcr a defensive tackle on the football team of Nb.on11· almll mater. The President and the !lludenl cbattal for awhile about football at the Quaker campus. The .Preslden~ ~d he bad spent mom of his football time at WhiWtr an the varsity berich. ·~1 never caught a forward pa•,"· ht quipped. Chria r:i;>lied : ''Yes, we talk a lot about that. • The Prt1ident chuckled lamely, then went with Blbe Rebozo, pal and confidant who ha~ accompanied him on the_ chop. per, stri.ight to a waiting off-white Lin- coln Continental, w!Jich ·then drove · between bulldlnl~ on the N...-pcf'ltt !rat grounds to the Villa San Remo, where the presidentlal staff gathered for a meetln1 .. The villa is high oo e wall above the roadway, giving complete prlwey 1Uld overlooking the Upper .Bay. It baa.a patio dec<>rated with New 0 r I e a n 1·1 t y J e wrought-iron grille wort and opens onto 1 well-kept lalt'n. NEW YQJQc (AP) -The. '1ocl<·marke! pulled out· of the klsing column today for the first lime · lhls.·-r, Tradln« waa fairJy· acttve. (See quOtatlons, 1Pqes 11- 19). Oraalle Patrolmen Jack Kelso and Anthony Gieger fled the spot where they were measuring sltidmarb from the Ont ac- cident. but Kelso wa.s knocked down and out when hit by a flying divider post. He suffered multiple c:ut.s, back lnJwies and bruifes. while motorists 1bonw E. Kruet.ner, 20, of Buena Park, and James A. Stephens, 32, of Santa Ana, were tn-- jured in the earlier al'cident. Teacher Walkout Spreads to Mesa .. Mrs. Johnston died at 4 ~m. Wed· nesday, plnn~ in the wreckage of htr (!!mall car after the southbound auto wu 1truek by -1 northbound vehicle on tM Newport Freeway at Dyer Road. 11>e dead woman'• brJther, Larry Messenger, 16, of the same addteu, wis 11eveff:ly Injured, as wu Mrs. Marie Shotwell, 50, of 174.1 Evergreen Ave., Fu Berton. Yoong Meuengtt was on the pasmiger side; while hlS sister took the brunt of lhe collision. lnve11Ugators said Mrs. Shotwell'• C.r went out of control. veered tcro.u the 80- foot-wide dirt divider strip and, demolilb- ed the Johnston car: The Romero girl was dtad on arrival at Orallge County Medical Center el 7:35 p.m. WedM!lday nJ,iil atter ·belnl run over by a pickup trucll In • laundrom.at (See TRAmC, P11< II llrTllOMAS FORTUNE .............. ~ reigned today .. ..... clulet were clnc:eUed by a teacher walkout lhal aprad llUD Corona de! Mar High School to the Costa Mesa High cam..., this aftmJooo. Dillrlcl offlclals report<d.oonslderable confusion With about lll pen:enf of· the students In clau on the Mesa campus. In O(her claue:s, 10me lnstruct'on took roll and H:nt the children home. Across town 11 Esl4nda High School, ill teacbers'but tl'O nlked out of their dusroornl, at 1: 1$ p.m., but 1U.yed on ..,. ..... Tbe walkout.I were It.aged to dramatize teacher efforts for greatu pay ralllet.• Al Con>na del Mar ffl&h clwes were canctled and altldenll told to apeod the llCl\ool day on c._ doing wbll theJ wanted, preferably 1tudylna:. The 1Ym· nas1uml and· nrlmmtna pools wert open- ed. Se\'enty.four leacben of 106 were miJs- lng 1t'Corona del lo!ar High, their nam" aD pltOOed In. Oil one Ust. . Ele:mentary and lalmnedlate school leacllen throuilhout Costa Mesa .and Newport Beach were requested by Iha ditlrlet teachers' association to teach a ~four-hour mlnlmum day and hold SUW¥ised reere.Uon after IUftCb rather lhan return to the classroom. Te.ache:r1 at eome or the 25 elementary schools and~ lntennedlate1iliools were npected to comply and those at other schools not to. Supt. William Cunn.ingham uld from what he. had observed at CotMa del Mar High School OV<l')'lhln1 was goln1 smoothly ~ the -atudenta. were Vtrf loose aDd very relued (see » ( • companying story). He aaid, "I can ltll you the teachers will Joee a day't pay." .He aakt further repriaals would be up to the school board. Board Praldent J-"Bill" Peyton ea1d, ''Theft are certain legal avenues we could pursue. I t11lnll: aome of thls ls ac- ttiaDy ca\Jae fcir Wsmlssal." • Aa for hhi own feelinP be wooJd not go beyoild .aayln( lhal be feels the teachers should not be paid for the day .. Gordon Becktold , president of Nt#p(lrt· Mesa Education AAoclation, said, "We are counUng on the lood judgment of the administrators. I tfilot it would be a grave mlatab to lnllllte any kind of a reprisal action." . Anldo v ....... 1 pl>yslcl teacher al Corona d<I Mar H!ih, told wily he 1taytd bome: "I'm IUl'e people art &oinf to say, :oi • 'What are you doing? We are paying you to teach our children.' We fetl thia one day off will bring the ~m Ullo the open. And if this one dtY II effectiftt the Improvement In educallon Will be there for years to come.•• Added Ken KOClry. lntemaUanal rel,. lions teacber j .. -. 1 "We thlnk this ia the best w.af to show the community we are very unhappy. We have oo iUusloN 1J;iout .Ute board ol education changi ng . their minds. That'• not our goal. We> nallj don'L tbl~ they 11pttk for the community. We think: la.I· payers would support higher aalaM." He lll!o said, "We espected not.IO'gel' paid today. We're not 'Ukln1.lcr tho day orr to play goU. ·We dJdn't Ue and all tn sick. M)o .,Onmal leeUOJ now Is wt wW all be back lo-." · A mte11n1 of tho 74 wrun, leod>m (I" TEACl!EillS, ..... I} t ' , ' 1 , •·w?t'tZ·e:b ~'Partly 111nny"· ta: Utt caD ' for Friday, which m-gtoomjo look· Ing clouds tmUI mklafternoon on lhe Orange Cout while the ~ meter ataya llJoil at. A dqroes. ' INSIDB "4)DAY ' • Few ~levjo!o,!t,atora -....... .t".,e swttc-" eo · Ult motnt1, oi- . though the .,.everu isn't er. cat all PoQt 26. ~­Cllll9ntlt CllHlllM _., ---·-,.....,...,_ h"' IA11i.i I I ·---..-. ·- ., " • ..... M " • " • .. .. " M .. • • ~a.'= ! I ... c..ity t --M e ..... 1•1• .... -·" '~ . ,.......... ... -. --.. - ,, . • ~ I DA!kY I'll.OT c ,,,..,..,, """ 5, 1969 S.re• Supeft!fed 0 -i • Sea Yields _Two I • ( ' "" l ' • I ' •' ,., ' ....... -. .. . ' . . Good will .. ·Bod.ie·s CLAIMED BY SEA Volley's Ttrry Smltll "' F ..... p_,e l POLICEMAN •• . -bad an outatandlaf career; I'm cerlaln." S.-joined tho department In Jtmll!)', llU. Ile -from Cbull VI.a Ud bid jull _...,.. a !our-year hltdl in tho U.S. Navy. Chief Alllll uld tho bullet, believed to be'.Jll ealll>or cir lorger entored tho <t· !leer'• ~ on the Iron! 1elt aide ood ranged upward thrDl"'1 hll aorta and ....,.ol amaller arteries. The 1luJ IOdied beneath lbt •kin in his back. -"'Wt-dim?t-mow U-he w11 quUUon.101 one or'.inore men," Chief Allen said. "We have reCel9tcl all k1ndl ol rumor1 ancf are followlng -leads but It I• dl!!leult. We have no delcrtption and there wu no poaWve eye witness u far u we know." Funeral arrangemenll au peDdlng at Smith ood Tuthill Mortuary In Sanlo Ana. From Pa9e J TRAFFIC ••• pukin( lot In the 600 block of w .. 1 Ji'lrlt 5-l . Driver of the truck, Mrs. Alda Ram1rez, 31, of fl9 W. Cbea:tnut St., San· !I Ana, wu not cited. . Tbe other two vlcUibs had been 105p1tall&ed art.er earlier accidents. Markee dled at St. Jude Hosplt111 Fullerton, several houn after loslng con- :rol of his motoreycte and striking a car 11 Lambert Road and Idaho Str .. l In the IA Habia aru. Starkweather suceumbed a( H o a g Memorial Hoipital -fie<lnelday, after i>elnC ~ .. feet from his Cll' •• 3 a.m. Tuesday when it ran off Jamboree Road at. San Joaquin Road in the UC, lrvine aru and overturned. Human Error Blamed For Blasts -fu Gary GARY, Ind. (1JP1) -The explosions ;hat rocked Glen Park in Gary Tuesday qre-caused by human error, an official :it Nriero Indiana Public. Service Co. .Ud Wedne.day. NIPSCO .District Manager James 3reed &aid a company' crew was -espont.lble tor the explosiOOJ and sub1e- iuent fires.'. Breed aaid the crew w!s in ~ Glen Pll't testµig line:a: in the area which had been converted from low lo nedlum pressure when ll discovered a eat in an eight-Inch pipe. DAILY PllOT OltANGE COAST 'UtllSNINO COM,Alf'f' A.ob.rt N. w •• ~ ,,..ldtnt •lld 1"11111111\tf J1clr It. C111ley Yb ,.,.!Olnf IM Gtntr.i Melli• Tho"'•' k11¥il Ediror Tho1111t A. M1,1r(IJlrilno Men1tlnt1 Edllor c .... N ... Offlc• llO Wo1t ley Slrott M1 ilin9 Addro11; P.O. l o• 1560, •2626 °"'"' -Ntw""'1lllH"'1111 Wtll lltl!IO& Beu\t~lrtl LllUlll •••fl: 122 F-1/'ftt ,t,~1141 l1unU111lon autli: 8 m S!"tll By ALMON LOCKABEY .,. .. , ,lie! '""" ....... The sea has given up two bodies of the 10 persons believed to have been aboard the 161-foot schooner Goodwill wben she was wrecked on Sacramanto Reef IOO miles south of San Die10. The body of a ieensge boy lound floating two miles north or the wreck Tuesday has been positively identified as l>year-old Tim Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Smith, 18842 Santa Mariana Ave., Fountain Valley. Jdentificatfon was made by relaUves after Smith's body was taken to a morgue at Ensenada. The second body found by Mulcan fishermen was described u that of a man between 35 and 50 years of · qe. Jt wu clad in pajamu and life jacket. lt is also beiJ:g taUn.t<I Ensensda aboard a Mexican Navy vessel for ldenWication. The bOdy wu reported to have been found by fllhmnen a few mllel north of wbai'e lbe .Goodwill lies cruabed on Socramento Reel. It wu I.ten to the vUJq:e of. BabJa Roaario wbe~e lit was Ulmid over to_ the. Mexican Navy. Metnwbil~ the U.S. Cout Guard has suspended active search of the area pen- ding farther development. "lt b pretty definite that no one from the wrecked vessel is afloat 1n small craft." a Coast Guard spokeaman said. The ltllCh for i;urvivors from the 111- f ated ftael still continues, however, by penonne1 ol L & P Machine lndualries, the !Inn owned by Ralph Larrabee, owner and skipper of the GoodwW. Arthur Knievel, u:ecut!ve vice pres:l- dent of Ille !Inn, aald two boalo with divers depor1ed San oi.,. today and would bq:ln salvage operaUons Friday. Only hope that anyone from the wrec- ted acliooDer ~ved appeared to Ue in the remote poasibillty that someone m1y have made;it to'the rugged and barren shore of San Geronimo Ialand which lies jiat lnllde the reel. BUflieivy--aea, were known to have been tinuh.lng the reef at about the Ume lbe· Goodwill grounded, and It Is certain that the U,bt marking the reef was in- operative. Educated guessing -both .olficial and by yac:hbm.en accustomed to cruWng the area -Is that the Goodwill hit the reef on the night of May 25 or 26 while en route from Caho San Lucas to Ensenada. A 1lroog current sets on the reef at cer- taln times of Qle day. It Is further theorfzed that".n of the personnel were as~ befOw ti:cept one person left on watch. The Goodwill would have. been ~under auxiliUJ power and contacfwitlt·tbe (ttf arnormtl speed would have rJpPed otit hei bottom. From Page 1 REILLY ... down in two minutes," he added. "We were in the water for about JS minutes before some Australians in a boat picked '~ up," Chief Reilly said during the interview, sweating In the muggy Pacific island heat. A joint AustraUan-Amertcan naval board of inquiry has been convened to probe why the USS Evans turned into a · collision course witb the 22,500 ton Melbourne: The big ship -an occasional visitor to the u:s. Naval Weapons St.i.Uon at Seal Beach -cut through the 2,200 ton Evans like an ue through a bathtub toy boat. Boilennan 3/C Reilly, who went down with the ship, leaves his wlle Joyce, 19, or 12f51 Trask Ave., Garden Grove, and Lawrence J. Reilly Ill, one year old. "Whet will I ever tell the baby? How will I explain to him how his fattier died, when I don't really unders~and it my!Se;lf?," asked the young widow . "Wby?"~she again asked weeping. Her father-in-law tried fn a sense to ans'"•er that unheard question Wednes· day. half the world away from her and the rest of the Reilly family. "It's part of the hazards of the Job," he said, "it could happen to anyone driving a car or flying in a plane." Tax Refund Bill Wins First Test The Assembly Ways 1nd Means Com- mittee approved a bill that will enable persons in corporate type livlnfr units such as Leisure World to recei ve the home owner's tax refund or S70. Introduced by Assemblyman Robert E. Burke (R·HunUngton Beach). AB 575 is expected to go to the Assembly floor by Friday'for a vote. The bill was rushed through commlt- tee Tuesday aner Gov. Ronald Reagan sent 1 letter to the Ways and Means Committee asking them to reconsider AB 57$. He labeled the bill an urgency matter and requested the committee to give the bill further coosiderallon. Ted Kennedy Slows Burger Confinnation WASKINGTON (AP) -Acting Senald Democratic Leader Edward M. Kennedy put off today until Monday, the date origlnally scheduled, Se.nate action on President Nixon 's nomination o: Warren E. Burger as chJef Justice. That, he sakf, w.ould be ''the orderly way of proceeding," Kennedy, of Mlssachusttts, acted tn tbe ablence of l>emocrauc L<-Mike Mwll•ld of Afonlani. DAILY PILOT ...... In> LM ... ,_. MR . NIXON GREETS ECSTATIC SCHOOL CHILDREN WHO CAME TO SEE HIM Happint11 11 Shaki ng H1nd1 With the Pre1idtnt in Your Own Home Town Nixon Flies to Newport After Clemente Greeting By RICHARD P. NALL Of "' 0.ltr' f'ilft 11•ff Fresh from a tumultuous welcome at his San Clemente home, President Nixon flew to the Newport'-r Inn today to con- fer with advisers and announce a new appoinbnent. Mr. NiJ:on was to begin a two-day round of conferencea at the Newporter on maUers ranging from his upcoming Midway meet with President Nguyen Van '1111eu of South Vietnam to a conference with 10 young people from five slates on the draft, A side-effect of the Newporter con- ference may be selection of the Newport Beach fae,lllty as a work base when the President is ln Southern California. "J think the President wants to get the feel of this particular working ar- rangement," Press Secretary Ron Ziegler said In a brieflng Wednesday afternoon at Laguna's Surf and Sand Hotel. . He referred to the fact that Mr. Nlson may when in San Clemente commute by hettcopter to the Newporter for work sessions with aides staytnr there. The press would be located about midw ay in Lagun1 Beach when the Presi- dent is at his White House WeJt. TaMed and jubiJant, Mr. Nh:on stepped from a . helicopter at the Coast Guard Loran station near his new San Clemenle home Wednesday afternoon to the cheers of about 5,000 persons. J:U1 wlle, in a bright yellow suit, ac- cepted red roses from dignitaries as the President climbed up on a car trunk to give San Clemente Its place in the sun. The crowd, Including ecstatic San Clemente and Laguna youngrters, squeal· ed In delight as the President moved close and shook hands. More than 1,000 feet of lee plant along the route of the Presidential motorcade to his home was trampled fiat by the milling feet Mr. Nb:on doubtless needed a shoe shine after walking through the stubble field at the Coa1t Guard station. He was first greeted by Victor C. Andrews of Emerald Bay, his Orange County campaign manager and in- dustrialist Arnold 0 . Beckman of Corona del Mar. Andrews introduced Mr. Nh:on to other dignitaries and arranged with the Secret service for the press to be allowed out of the crowd and given some latitude. During the press briefing ses.sion, Press Secretary Ziegler indicated there would be several announcements today and Fri· day which he rated above average im· portance but not earthshaking. There had been press speeulatlon about JM:Dding announcement of some schedule of American troop withdrawal from Viet- nam. Ziegler declined comment on this. Asked if the President had beep refer- ring to Senator Fullbright In a recent speech crttlcWng "new Isolationists", Ziegler indicated the President had been speaking in general tenns. During his work sessions, Mr. Nixon is to ainfer with Robert Finch, 15ecretary of health. education and welfare. and Patrick Flanagan, assistant to the Presi- dent. Asked by a reporter ir a Chilean re- quest that Gov. Rockefeller cancel a scheduled visit would cause cancellation. Ziegler said, ''We look for the governor's visits to Latin America to continue. t1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Educator Slated To Graduate Too -With Master's Friday will be a big day £or Leonard M. McNutt, but then every graduation day is big in t.he life of an educator. McNutt , SS, of M8 Seal St., Costa Mesa, 1s head of the foreign languages c:k!part- ment at Estancia High School. But be, not just a fresh noci: of teenagers entering the adult world, is the one graduating -with a Master's Degree in French from Cal State, Fullerton. He has known one of hls classmates since birth -his daughter Mrs. Marita J. Gladson, 33, of Fullerton., who wtll also receive her bachelor of arts degree in anthropofogy. • Alphabetically McNutt Is se'ven letters away from Glaason in {be sei.t1ng ar- rangement, but the young housewife will have no stranger marclllng behind her. Donald Gladson. her 33-year-old hus- band, will also be receiving his BA degree at the Fullerton ceremony. Friday will also be a big day for Gladson's mother-in-law, Mrs. Leonard McNutt, 55, but she will sit the ceremony out in the audience. It takes a lot of time to teach h111~ dlcapped children at Costa Mesa's Can- yon -School and put hubby through col- lege, so Mrs. McNutt herself is sttll stu- dying for her MA at C~pman College in Orange. Unions Reject Plan LONDON (AP) -The Trades Union Congress, representing nine million British workers, overwhelmingly rejected tOOay the Labor government's plans for curbing wildcat strikes and voled by an equally wide margin to set up Jt.s own system for bringing dlscipllne into the na- tion's troubled labor relations. He announced thal he and the family plan to spend the entire month of August at thelr new San Clemente home. At one point he grinned at Mayor Wade Lower in his wheel chair and said, "He's going to fix my ticket" apparently reierring to future traffic citations. Said th~esldent, "When I met Pat and before we were married, we used to drive down Coast Highway and the beach at San·Clemente was one of our favorites. "Now we're glad to own a part of it. Sprin'}-';})own Frona P.,e J TEACHERS ••• wu scheduled for tbls afternoon tG decide what they do nut. No ____ _,,tbal ... ftal elementary ' .anil laUrindatt t n Dlfer1 were going to ,~ Bart Hake, executive secretary of t.bt teachers' association, 11id, "I would guess fully hall o! them will hold a minimum day." Superintendent Cunningham said he un- derstood "a good many of the .schools will do nothing." Hake remarktd th4t "some principals a.re, up.right and lntiuµdaUng teachers lrom do.lng w~ they t.elleve they can d'o. Therb~ve fiichtectd teachers, aaying tbel will take down names." ·Legally, a minimum day can be declared only by the schooJ board but ma11y teachers question t h e con- stitutionality of that law. . Thes&·development5 ate the result o! a stormy, closed-dOor, three-hour teachers rep~ntative session late Tuesday night and eafly Wednesday. Becktold, teachers president. aaid he ·'W8s .J•torn in !Jftle bits and trampled" when he advised moderation. The muUny aga~ teacher associaUon leadership by the militant element at Corona del Mar Higl:! had been brewing for some time. At one · recent meeting, Be<:ktold, himself a Corona de! Mar High language teacher, was involved in an exchange in which he said, "All right bot beads you can march any time you WJLDt to.'' An . answ~r came back, "When we march you may &~t run ove.r. ti In a bulletin to all teachers Wednesday, the teachers' assriclation declared il does not accept the sa1ary scale adopted Tues· day nlght by the board and upped its own demand. Teachers leadership now is ask.log for the same starting salary adopted by the board, $6,MK! per year, but a top salary of Sl4,239 reachable in 11 years compared to the board-adopted fop salary of $13,!00 in 12 years. . The bulletin said, "High school teachers will unite in an expression of protest soon.'' (In the wake of the Corona del Mar HJgh teacher boycott Estancia High teachers were to meet this al· ternoon.) Elementary and intermediate level teacbers were asked to back up the high school te~cber! ~y~ · -Teaching a minimum day today witli the afternoon given to recreation. -Those not willing to teach • minimum day and risk a pay cut con· tribute $10 to a community pflblicity campaign. -Begin a telephone campaign Frlda1 to exert public pres.wre on the scbom board. While some teacbm were seeking ·to bring pressure to bear on the sdloo\ board, the teachers leadership was seek- ing board acceplanct of a medlaUon e~ fort. · Hake said teachers Wanted to hea~ Crom the board by. 3:30 p.m. today qn ac· cep~ the free mediation service of th,e California Department of Industrial Relai· tions. "That's impossible," said Board Presi- dent Peyton. "We have to give 24 bOur publlc notice to hold a meeting." He said the board would bold a 'pe<:ial meeting Friday evening to consider the teachers' request, but he personally is noi intererted in mediation and feels the board's Salary adoption should remain final. a.1 • When I say own a part of it, we hope everybody wUI uae it too. "And 1 recall, too, that 30 years ago 1 came to San Clemente. J was then a lawyer in Whittler and also La Habra and I made a speech to a service club. sAvE $155 to $:l55 "!( was either Rotary - 1 notice the mayor is a member of Rotary -or Kiwanis, One of the two. And I didn't dream 30 years ago I wdti?d be JJke this as at least a summer resldfnt of th.ls city and I'm very proud to be here and have suc h fine neighbors. "l want you to know that this one personal factor that you should· be aware of .•. that having someone that holds the offlce of President as your neighbor is not too convenient at times. "I very much regret that Seeret Service requires that when we travel - we'll try not to travel too much rin the highways -that they ha've to clear the roads and someUmes you will not be able to get as close to the house as you would like. "I wish we could meet everyone personally to tell you how happy we are to be In California and have you as neighbors." As the President and Mrs. Nixon shook hr.nd11 wilh a multitude of wellwishers, Sfa'et Service men moved with them in close proximity, once b~rJ.ing at a television crew lo keep Its distance. Mesa Accident Victim Improves A CO.Sta Mesa man whole. car was 1truck broadakSe at rp1jor ,intenectlon Wednesd1.1 ts listed as doing fme today .. nc.r belns hospltali.zed overnliht for in- juries. _ Sulo V. Nyholm, 83, of JM8 Charle St.. was admitted to Costa ~tua Memorial Hospital 1fter his auto, traveling south on Harbor Boulevard, was hit at Wilson StretL TrafClc tnve.sUgaton aald John H. Frankel, 2:2, or t.818 Monterey Ave., Com Mesa, wu driving easl on WUson Strttt, and traffic of!Jetrs are invesUgaUng to determine who was at fa/t. ~I • ...... $HO. to $750. ......... NOW $495 SaYe on these lu:.:u,ious 1pri119 down 1olei. Anneble in your choice of f1bric 1 -Velvets, liMn pri"h., ..tele11e1 heery f•xtures a11d ma11y others. Y ovr favorite de1igur \DiU ,,_ MJ>t111 to c.uist uou ••• • 6 STYUS TO CHOOSf FIOM Also •Y•ilable ;,, smentr 1i1t s '1t COl'ft~rebl• •ft· in91. H.J.GARl\E1T fURNll1JRE P~OFESSIONAL INTEllOl DESl6NEAS 0,.. .._-..a. •rt.-. I 2215 HARIOR llYD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646·0%75 64~27' \ • 11 '1 • • '· • st Vt .. Cc K ha ai• ·~ "" !~ .. .. tu "' he A• he h< I rij h< ru • la .. is ol h< • Ir Iii cl •ti N• Cl M M M CAILY PILOT iillll PllOi. ------------------------------~ :n.nci.r. Junt 5, 1969 . DAILY l'ILOT 3 El Toro Gets ·change in ·command Gen. Hise Succeeds Gen. Thtmh at Orange County's Marine Bme Normally, Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hise would be Ille rankin& Marine of Ille day at El Toro MCAS, but hi.s commaoder· in-ch.let was ~d WednesdBiy, aliortly before fonnal Change-of"'°"111Ul1ld ....., monies. Base penonnel were busy all day, even before Geo. Ilise assumed command from Maj. Gen. William G. Thrash, who ha s been assigned to Vietnam after 27 months as Ille El Toro chief. County ·Okays 1st Phase of Plush Project By JACK RROilA'i\ 01 1ttt O•lll' i-11o1 Sltlf Geo. ~ wtll tab over the leodet'- shlp ol lbe Fin! Marine Atrcrllt WlJti at · Da Nang about .July 6, reptictag lloj. Geo. Charles J. Quiller, reassigned to ·Marine Corps Headquartva. Geo. Thr .. h ..... shot down durtnl the • Korean W•r and spent two yean as a prisoner of ·wor, rocelvtng a Leg!oo of Merit for conduct as senior UN offJoer ln•t North Kore.an prison camp. The tncomlng and ootgoing r-als were honored in a 4 p.m. format we- mony and parade in which men and ,wmten from El Toro MCAS, Santa Ana Plan11 for the opening in August of the Orth G first facilities 0£ the Coto de Caza (The 0-rO Preserve or the Hunt) moved forward L" 'd p · Wednesday with the approval by the 1qu1 lant Food Board of Supervisors of a zone change for .. 400 acres of the plush reereation club in in the gallon size 6outheast Orange County. MCAF, and Navy men based at botb Ila-. llooa OW"Ched. Gem.. Hlae, 419, Is a native of. Shamrook, Tex., attended Ille University of Texao, •""1 w14 commissioned a second lieute- nant in the USMC Reserve early in World War ll, in which he foughJ. He jotn<id Marine Dive -. Squad· ron m in Hawall and served as a car- rier-based pilot, winning the Dbtingulsb- ed ~I Croes for heroic batUe agawt a Japanese con\loy off Guadalcanal. He continued with pr«DOtiona and con tlnued combat action as a dive and torpe- -pilol, owitclltnl to Ille regu. lar Marine Corps from the n.eert~ in l946 after~& .~t as his career. 1 He saw duty ID"'thiKorean War and re-1 turned last month from-Vietnam, where be was assistant wing commander of the 1 Ftrst Marine Aircraft Wing. ' Gen. Hise earned a bachelor of arU de- gree from Jackson College, Honolulu, and has served as Deputy Chief of Staff tor admlnbtratton in the USMC Headquar· ters, Washington. · The wtdely-deeorated career ldlrlno and his wife, Mary, have si"I childrea. SPECIALS· OF THE WEEK! Feed your planll for a penny 16-YEAR.OLD 'BABE' GETS A HEARING AID With Help From Mistress and Specialist Aebischer A zone change from agricultural use to planned community for the first phase 400 acres, as recommended by the county Planning Commission, was approved by Orig. 4.98 NOW • Dog to Get Hearing Aid lhe supervisors. M'f!cco Corp. are the developers of the sprawling 5,000-acre club located at the l FOR 4.99 end of Trabuco Road, one and a half A I d b I For Coming Viet Trip rniles southeast of O'Neill Park in the eomp ete an • anced f1rtili11r shadow of Saddleback Mountain. feeds throu9h both roots and foila91 The club, to be built at an estimated cost of $3 million, will sell memberships providing quick plant r1tpona ••• for By RANDY SEELYE Of tltt Dill~ PllDI Siii! "She Is so scared because she thinks she's ·goiilg to get a Shot," qllipped Mrs. Valerie Beluke, as her pet dog "Babe'' At quivering on the desk. But Babe, a l&-year-old toy border Collie, was oot to receive a shot. Babe, her mistres.5 Mrs. Beluke and K e n d a 1 Svedeeo, Babe's veterinarian. had come into Hal Aebischer's hearing aid service in Corona de! Mar with a special problem. ~ Babe .is losing her eyesight and &.tie Ms liad an almost total hearing lo5s for the past five years. Since Mrs. Beluke, of 307 N. Jeffer- son Anaheim, is a registered nurse ;;;/ leaving for Vietnam in the near tu.tore , she wants to prepare Babe for dle trip. to 400 families "seeking refuge from th h le d andb h" ewoyar. Joss, Aebischer couldn't use the sound smog . ut an crus . . . room which he ordinarily uses for Robm Moore, Macco vice pres1dent, huma'.ns, because he would be unable lo __ s_aid thllicility is.planned as~oUhe--. cOffimUnicate With the dog. so he used finest recreation facilities in the United Ortho Azalea ancl CamtRa an "artilicial ear." States." Pellets I 5 lb He sent Mrs. Beluke into another Guest houses, bowling facWUes, a ft • box room and had her call Babe. When the stable comple1: and a clubhouse are in dog responded to her calls, Aebischer the first phase which will be under con- knew the dog did not have a total hear· slruction soon, Moore said. ing loss and that a hearing aid would Complete plans for the former Bryant probably hel p. . Ranch, lying astride the rolling foothills lie then took an Impression of the between O'Neill Park and the Ortega dog's ~ar ~ he would any human and Highway call for riding trails, nine man- a h~rmg a1~ was ordered. . made Jakes, brush areas stocked wlt.h A week !mer Mrs. BJ;:luke b.rought m pheasants and ducks, kennels for hunting Bab~ and. the dog was fitted with a new dogs, skeet and trap shooting ranges. heanng atd. .lln~ la ed f h. lak d k Babe was remarkably nervous and n-.r P nn . are is ing es, uc quivered from the new world of sound ponds, a hunting lodge, 400 weekend wflen the hearing aid was turned on. homes. JO cottages for guests and a When Mrs. Beluke calle<I Babe the ::hildren's dormjtory where 1oungster1 dog jerked its head in her directio~, but can enjoy supervised v~ations, Moore obviously didn't recogn~ its own name. said. Aebischer noted that the biggest: prob-A part of the vast R'ancho Mission VJe- 2/1.98 Ortho Systemic Rose and FIOwer Care In 5 lb. . box 2.98 • She-wants to make !SUre Babe can hear, so she and Svedeen came to Aebischer to sl?e' if /'e could prepare a bearing aid fur Babe. "l am going to Vietnam to build hospitals for the SoUth Vietnamese and l want Babe to accompany me, but it is ridiculous to take her along if she can'r bear," Mrs. Beluke related to Aebischer. lem for the· dog will be "to get used to jo of early California days, the club pro. souhd-it will be hard for the dog to perty was sold by the Juan Forster estate 1.----------------------------------------. adj1;1st and the sound may s~ar,~ her in 1938 to the Bryant family. So Aebischer decided to handle hls first non-human patient. In order to test the dog for a hearing until ~he c~n g_et _used to the wd . . Macco Corp. bought the 5,00()..acre _A~is~her s first non-human hean_ng spread in 1963 and plans for development wd f1ttmg was termed a success by him have been in the works since that date and Mrs. Beluke. M said ' Mrs. Beluke is now making plans to oore • 10 to Vietnam-with .Babe at ber side. •Rudy Was Punk~ 20s Film Vamp Recalls Yesteryears Harbor Jaycees Launch. Drive For 'Transplant By EVELYN SHERWOOD 01 ttit DlllY ~llDI St.rf Betty Blythe, famous film vamp of the fabulous 20's, retains an aura of beauty and the personality of a star although she is now in her sevenlies. While visiting Mrs. Dorothy Bronston of Costa Mesa, the former leading lady, her once-black hair now streaked with 1 i lv er • ..l'ec4lted.. l!§!.S.~.U..~ and friendships. ~ . "I helped Rudolph Valentino put· on his first make-up for the cameras," she said. ·~He was a ptmk, but handsome and charming with a beautiful manner." And there were other leading men she described as "beautiful." "My favorite was Fredric March ," she commented. "Lewis Stone, Ramon. Novarro and ancther darling, Lon Chaney, were all on the sets as well as Mary .Pickford, Marion Davies, Mae Murray and Charles Chaplin." According to an issue o( Photoplay Magaz.i.ne published in lhe '20's, Miss Blythe was the most popular American actress in Europe. She made more than 300 movies, in- cluding "Queen of Sheba", "Southern Love," "Silver Hordes," and "Salome." The tall (5'71h','), elegantly-garbed woman recalled her fame. "J had 12 secretaries answering 10,000 letters a week, and 26 fan clubs during the height of my popularjty," she said. "Mounted police ha<f-t.o keei> the crowds back when 1 appeared. My pictures broke box office records." · Miss Blythe was known as "the best undressed woman on the screen with the world's most perfect figure." Off-screen, she dr.essed iJt exquisite clothes and once returned from Europe with 30 tJ:unks filled with several $30JMlO ,gown~. "I made vast money in those days,'' she tald, "I blew it all on friends and being happy. When you 're on top of the heap, you don't count the cost or the $100 Ups." J MOVIE VAMP BETTY BLYTHE THl!N AND NOW Rudolph V•lontlno Co-stor Now Lives Qulttly In Valley The Newport Harbor Junior Chamber of Conunerce is sponsoring an all-day benefit June 22, for 17-year-old Susan Mazze, recipient or the first kidney transplant performed in Orange County. "We want to help with the cost ()f Susan's ()peration and continue the fund to help those Orange County people with kidney trouble," Tom Schriber Jaycee publicity chairman, said. "A single opP..ration can run into six figures and we want to· C1Stabllsh a con-- tinuing fund in Susan's name to help others, too. '1 The all-day event will start at 1 p.m. with a bay cruise from Berkshire'• Restaurant and conUnue wtt.h a poolside party, exhibition tennis match and dinner and dancing at --e Newport Beach Tennil Club. Reservations are suggested by calUng · 67~. Donations may be mailOO to tbt Jaycee office, 2168 E. c.oast Highway . Corona del Mar Soviets Open Red Conference Moscow (AP) -Soviet party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev opened the Kremlin-- dominated lntemaUonal Co m m u n l at Conferenc11 today with a charge that im- perialists of the world are afrald of COm- munist unity. The confennce, boycotted by O\lna and several other rmijor parties, hu been promoted· by ·Moscow as a step toward Communist unity. Seventy-five of the world'• C.onununiat pattiea are attenmng. Tw aakt the delegates were greeted warmly by Brezhnev at lhe opening sesSlon In St. George Hall of the Great Kremlin Palace. There has been no word on how long the conference will last. Tua quoted Brezhnev as saylng the un named lmperlalista ""'trill do all they can to belittle lhe lmportan<o ol the c,.,. f.....,. and to present 114 proceedJngs and result.I In 1 distorted Ught." • But he added that the mere !Jct that the conference hu been convened "testtlles to the tt:allr.atlon by Com- munist. of their great responlllblllty f<r tbe dellliny ol pea<:t and IOCiAI ..-• • I;. ' Coleus, begonias or dahlias YOUR ~CHOICE 33c Plant several pots of each of these colorful flowerin9 plants ••• or 9roup them in pot. on p~tios or porches fro dramatic effect! • In 4" pols ••• they're alr11dy 9rowing ....... and look •I !ht small pr.I · Plant a daisy birdbath Our lm19in•tW. 40 Inch 3 29 birdbath will odd 91rtltn 1 chlrml • . ' Round bird ba' • All ceramic bird bath 2.98 8.59 Redwood Plontors for your potlol 2.98 H1ndl4NM pltntln for porches. tool 12" 16" redwood pl1n~ 4.49 30" redwood patio box 4.98 . ·Fashion Island - I, ' I Easy.f'oogrow pelargoneums In pots 2/98 Have riotous color for your 91r1:len, patio or porches ••• alrea~.Y growing in 411 pots. EXOTIC FUCHSIAS IN 1 GAL. CONTAINERS 88c Fertlffza now for a baautlful, 9l'ffll ywd for outdoor llvlntl , Gold St-Mlnurt '" 2 cu. ft. sbo bot Gr.,n•dch 0 ln '1 ou. It aiabtt 1.98 Nlt...ilumuo In SO lb. """I tilt.... ' Stockyord Mlnurt In 2 cu. ft ..... G1rdeft tool1 Your choice 3.49 .1.39. You'll wont le hlft •II of "'-frtll tool" Gtrdtft '-• bow r1k• and -cultl- v1tor ••• ftne quaf. tty •• , low prkiell Newport. Bea~h • • - J ~he titJl of thi& frirndly group pie. ~ure could ea.sily be "The Smile Be• ore the Storm!' Seven. children of r. and Mrs. George J •. LaCasse of rovUUnce entered St. Joseph's Hos. ital to have their tomils out. Smil- ·ng before the multiple operotion are from left to right) Penn11. 5, Cindee, , GeuWi>t, 9, George Jr ., 6, Qe~r~ 2, SuUmne, 11 and Christopher, 3. • The Hoyland, England, Town Council gave Ros• Palmer a break fbn her efectri.city hill as a reward f!or he< practice of leaving a lamp !on at night to light the way for relderly people going to a commu· ~pity center. The council will pay l-,60 cents a month on her electricity ~bill. ' . ' Reward : $1,000 for the return of Uohn Patillo's construction eotn· ~any. That's what the Detroiter is 1 offering after someone droVe off : with his company's full equipmen t :.fJeet - a flatbed trailer truck wi th .ie, bulldozer and tractor. ''Tb:ey'vp jcleaned us out," said Mrs. Patillo, jwbo estimated Uie total value of ~quipment was $27,000. "We don't :even have a company any more." ' i ; r • T-he Drama 68 7'.ht"ateT Group . j of Sheffield, England. casting part.I for a play about English murderer CMrles Peace, chose Lynda Brown for a role. Later the ooup di.scove,.ed Lynda, a 22-year-old nurse, was the great· granddau{1hter of Peace, who was hanged in 1879. Lynda her· !elf didn't. kncJW her great· grandfather was a murderer un · tit then. "It was quite a shock," t she said. • What do you do when your car catdies fire, and th'ere'a nobody at lbe fizlbouse when you drive up? JC you're Mrs.· Barbara Jones of Oxnard, yoo dial the telephone number posted on \be door. '!'hat's what she did, and a dispatcher answered. He summorted the fire- men beck to the fire department to put out the blaze. They were at a training drill a few blocks .away. 2 Phantoms .. Strike Base In N. Viet SAIGON (UPI) -Two U.S. Phantom jet fighter-bombers today •ttae~ a North Vietnamese antiaircraft base which had shot down an unanned U.S. Air Force photo-reconnaissance plane, military spokesmen reported. It was the first reported air attack against North Vietnam in six months. The F4 Phantoms struck near Dong lloi, a North Vietnamese port on the South China sea 40 miles north of the demilitarized zone (DMZ). The F4s normally carry a mtted load of bombs and 20 millimeter cannon a n d presumably used both against the an· tiaircrart base. The 1,600 MPH planes usually carry two ~ p<>Qnd and two 750 pound or four 500 po\llld bombs but the official spokesman would use only military jargon: "they expended or d n a nce' ' against the base. They were escorting an unarmed Phan· tom taking pictures of the flow o( men and supplies down North Vietnam's panhandle toward the south. Ground fire hit the photo plane aOO it turned out to .... There, the two crewmen bailed out and were picked up by a rescue helicopter. Headquarters said one was taken to a hospital ahip but the other escaped I.he ordeal without serious injury. Spokesmen bad no report on how much damage the two armed escorfs did iil their retaliatory raids against the ground gunners. The bombing of Nor_th Vietnam stopped Nov. 1 but photo flights with armed e=l1 fighter-bomber. * * * Viet Cong Begin l'alksonForming Coalition Rule PARIS (UP!) -The Viel Cong an- nounced today Its NatJonal Liberation - Front (NLF) has e11tered into negotia· lions with unnamed Vietnamese poliUcal figtaes with a view to forming tbe prtr visional coalition government demanded in its lo-point peace plan. The announcemmt, by Viet Cong spokesman Tran Hoal Nam, followed the 20th session of the Vietnam peace con~ ference, in which the Communist 6ide urged the United. Slates to dump the Saigon goverrujent 1 and wi~w un .. conditionaij_y frcm South Vie1*:. In the peace meeting, $ Saigon delegatkrl countered with a warning that no settlement of the Vietnam ·war could be reached without Its approval. Nam told a news Conference after the meeting that "conlacts are in the process of beginning." Among the political forces engaged in the discussions in South Vietnam, "There is the NLF, there is the alliance of na· tional, democratic and peace forces, and there are other peace forces ," Nam said. Inside the conference hall, both eom .. munist delegations sharply attacked the Saigon government and renewed their de- mand for an unconditional wil.hdrawal of U.S. and other allied troops. THIEF PlCKED WRO NG VICTIM CHICAGO (UPI) -Police Sgt. Richard Dwyer was taking a morning jog on the south side today when Charles James, 17, began jogging alongslde him. Dwyer said that alter a few paces James demanded money. Dwyer replied, ''Take it II you're big enough." Dwyer said James then replied, "I'm big enough," whereupon Dwyer pulled a pistol from beneath his sweat:sttirt and 8n"elted James for strongann robbery. ·----·------·---;----------·~ .-. Ul"I Tti.Ntt Scorched Spacecraft Jo int , Probe Into.Ship Crash Set MANILA (UPI) -Australian Navy Minister Charles Kelly said today a join! U.S.-Australian naval inquiry into the ship collision which killed 74 American saUors would open Saturday in the Phili p- pines and that it wou1d be open to the public and to the press. The inquiry will be held in Subic Ba;; aboard the American carrier USS Kearsarge which is scheduled to arrive here Friday with 198 of the 199 survivors of the U.S. Navy destroyer Frank E. Evans which was sUced in two by the Australian carrier Melbourne Tuesday. Kelly said Australia's representatives will be Rear Adm. Hugh Ste¥enson, Capt. John Davidson and Capt. Kenneth Shands. U.S. Rear Adm. Jerome King, commander of the SEATO exercises at the time of the tragedy in the South China Sea, will preside. "Charlie Brown,'' the spacecraft that carried Apollo 10 astronauts into Junar orbit May 18 is back '"here it \Vas manufactured at the North American Rockwell plant at Downey. Observers said it ap. pea.red to be more severe1y scorched than the Apollo 9 craft. The Apollo 10 command module or- bited the moon 31 times. A U.S. Navy 0spokesman here said Cmdr. Albert S. McLemore, the captain of the Evans, would give the American side of the disaster. Mclemore, bis ex- ecutive officer and King are expected to hold a news conference after the Kearsarge anives, the spokesman said. .The 198 survivors arriving here include some who were thrown into the sea and rescued by the Melbourne and the Kearsarge. 'Chile' Reception. Given Rocke£ ell er by Santiago SANTIAGO, Chile CAP) -A th~d South Am~ican country -Chile -has shut the door to Gov. Nelson A. Rockefe{ler's mission, but the Nixon ad· Rockefeller and a large group cl ex- perts have completed two whirlwind tours of parts of Latin America and have two more around the rest of the irea scheduled. ministration shows no sign of calling olf 'l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the tour. I REPEAT REPEAT TEXAS GIRL, 14, SPELLING CHAMP WASHINGTON" (UPI) -Susan Yoa- churil, 14, ol Dalla!, Te:r., won the Und national spelling bee today. Finishing ,se. As the Kearsarge was heading north for Subic Bay, the Melbourne -from whom she had taken the survivors two days ago -was heading south for Singapore and repairs. The Melbourne and her escort were due in Singapore Friday. Rocks Injlll'e Police cond was Margaret Matthees, 14, ot HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) -Three Huntsville, Ala. policemen were injured by flymg rocks Young Miss Yoachum captured the We'"'dnesday niiht when roving bands of championship by correctly s p e 111 n g angry black youths smashed windows in "eg.alitarian," which tripped up Miss the north end slums for the third straight ~tatthees, and ''interlocutory." night. President Eduardo Frei's government decided Rockefeller had better stay away after lwo days of clashes between police and students in the capital. Wednesday a group ol sludents atoned the U.S. Consulate and burned an American fiag. A Foreign Ministry ·communique said: "The Chilean government has Wonned Gov. Rockefeller of the convenience of suspending his visit to our country." REPEAT '· The communU:iue .l)dded that Foreign Minister Gabriel Valdes would be in Washington later this week and would get together with Rockefeller to discuss "the purposes and objecUves" of Rockefeller's visit to Chile. Notables Among 79 Cra sh Dead MONTERREY, Mexico (UPI) -A Mexican .jetliner, skimming the rain-· swept Sierra Madre for a place to land, crashed atop a 6,000 foot peak \Vednesday and burned, killing all 79 persons aboard, including tennis great.Rafael Osuna. A helicopter pilot{ who returned from the crash site 20 miles northwest of Monterrey wllh live airllne officials, described the scene: "Everyone is dead. The bodies are so mangled it will be very difficult or im· possib le to identify everyone. Everything is burned." Among lhe well-known persons on board : -Raul Chapa Zaralt, chief of the federal hll{hway police. -Eloy ~pinosa, the political leader of U1e country's farm bloc .. -Manuel Lemus, a student political leader. -Carlos A. Madrazo, former governor of the ?tferican atate ol Tobasco. REP EAT ' R EPEAT DF. A . Nation Begins to Warm Up S..ly Goldlll Guard THE FIRMEST SEALY MATIRESS EVER NATIONALLY SOLD AT THIS PRICE $ 95 • Rain Falls Over President's Other Vacation Home California •rl W[lntll JOlOtlSt® Coastal MMll'I' •Ulll'IV bt -lodt 'I' W\111 ll!!lh,, 7t to Tf, Wlnd1 lft'l!trl'f' 10 to 16 kl!Otl, v........_,. •• t-.tv'" r• nttd ,,._ • lllfll « " to • kl'W ol '°' tn- 111\d ._lo!Ure f t"ff Wit 15 t. 66. Wl!tll femt!tnt~rf Wll ,, ""11"'9. S un, illoon, Tides TN\JJISOAY "'"' 11,lth .. .. ... t ·'I ....... 1,1 Finl row .. .• .. t 1o12 J.m, J,, flt:IOAY Fl'!i 1119'1 .............. f•lft,,,,,4 1 l'lnl IOW .............. t:lt t ,m. OJ ko;Otld l'llt~ ............ l:lt 1.m. 1.s s.c:Clflll i.w ........... ,, 10:11,.m. t.J ... IH• S:n t .m. Ifft 1:01 '·"'· "'-ll!MJ 17\SI t .m. S.h ll, 1i ~ m, t~H lt'l 0 . Ntw l'ft'tl 0, JUl'lf u JU"f ' Ju~ n JUl\t ll Albucr~•q,,. Nlcho••in Alltnt1 llP;"'3titld lllt<T>t rtk 801• Cltl(eOO ct~n•tt C!rw>llrMI O!nn• Det Mol"" """'' ....... . .,_,, ·-..... _,, H...,,w,n klllHI (!ty l M Vf'tllt lOJ "-'" M'-'"I MllWevk~ Mln11N1>e01 Ntw Orlffln. New York Nortll Plal1• 0.kltf'ld -· P-liloblM ,.,,llHt!1~lt Plooefo!• Pll!lbllr.i. Por111no 1!41t10 Cl!r Rfd 111111 ·-\Mc•1-n10 sr. LOii!' S1!1nt1 ~Ill l.tl\e C!tv $tn 0!'90 !1n Frtnclt..., ~.,,,. -..rMr• "'"" --llt1t ..... 1 !'..iil .. "' ' " ~ " .. " " " " " 11 " .. " " " " " " "' " " " " " " " .. .. .. " "' n .. .. M " " " u M d ., " " .. " n ., " " " " " .. " " .. " " " .. " " .. .. ,, " " ., .. .. " " " " .. " " .. .. " .. .. .. ., " .. " " .. .. .. " .. Last Jll(1 lltst 11llwl Now wi1b - imprvnd covw deop!y l[Giilld thmuP puffy cushion"'9 for !111 ,_ .- comfort. Same t11ra firmness lrotw hundreds of sp1ci1lly tempnf steel coils. lft • ...... bdo .... Also the firmest super sizes at the prioe! 41WAYS TO BUY CASH • IANK OP AMlllCA 1 U~ TO 24 MONTHS • REVOLVING : CHARCil e LAY·AWAT 1 I 1865 Harbor Blvd. Phone 548-511' DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA : COSTA MISA'S OLDEST HOME OWNED FURNI TURI STOH I~ • Doves Hit Isolation Charges WASHINGTON (AP) • • Solon Calls C5A • Hearing' Mockery' WASHINGTON (AP) -A ''Tile Important lblni 11 lhat _ . member of the S...to Armed Lockheed lhol!lhl tbey bad a Forces CommlUee a a y a blndJng contract. ' Freeze!I . tu~n Stowaway Rec~ers JllAllRJD (UPI) -A )'OUlll planned to oame alq '"' the CUban wbo [led Hl\vana in the de;perate stowaway Wgbt out wheel gear of an airliner of CUba. ~pd lmn • quick.-one. Jorge Pem Blanco, If, lllale leda)' and said be .. -adually joined -le to 10 to the United Stal«. leaping Ciiio the wheela ol lhe 111 have 90rne tmeles Uvtna: ' Spanllh jet. But Blanco 1p. Senate critic• of ad· ministration mlUtery policy, including at least o n e Republlcan, are taking strong . Issue with what they eet aa Pres.ident Nixon's impllcations they are "lhe new bola· Uoni.sb." authorization hebrtnga for "l agree wllb LockMed," more CSA super transports Schweiker said. If such pro. are "a mockery" because the cedurea are 'followed, he uk· Alr Force already bas c:om-. ed, "what'1 the sense of bav· mltted the govtrnment to the Ing Oongresa?" purcbue. Chapman John Stennis (0. ' • ' Sen. · ltlchard s. Schweiker Miia.), d ii a 1 r e e d with (&.Pa.), made the comment Scbweihr'1 lnluprelation, but Wedneaday after an olllclal of said the commiUee will ron- Lockbeed Aircraft C or p •. tinue to look Into legal com- testified bil ftrm reprdl a plexities of the controversial Jan. II ld!u from former Air C5A cootract. lloth the Air Force Secretary Harak1 Brown Force and Lockheed were ask"· u a firm commitment for a ed to submit more lnfoin>&Uon second bat<h of 57 C!As. Tile to the commlUee staff. In New Jeney and maybe they parenlly triggered a safety will help me;*-sald Armando device wlnllog lignal. In lhc Socarral llu!W<z, :12, fmn air, the pilot noticed a Oalblng bit hospital bed. red button and lowered the A doctor plOllOllllOOd bit · landtol (ear brleOy. Blanco J«Overy from Wednesday's p!ungod to hJJ doom. tran.-At.Jantk: o rd e a I as Sen. J.W. Fulbriaht led the 6J>eeled o u t c r y from Democratic opponenta of the Vietnam war and the proposed Safeguard anUbellllUc mllaile • l)'llem -ABM -after Nis- on's lpeech at the Alr Force Aco<iemi'. orlglnal order was for 51 Stennls agreed with the Air planes. . F"""' poslUon that there is no ''Tills whole procm maU! firm commitment because of our authorization bearinp a a c1ame in the original C5A mockery," Schweiker llld. contract saying all acU0113 are Noting thal the Air Force 111bjecl lo congreulonal ap- But jojnlng the barrage of Democratic diaent W a I Republican Sen. James B. Pearson or Kanaaa who Aki he ddbn•t know any fellow crlllca of high-level miUtary •pending who want unilateral U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam or to disarm alone. deajes it is o b 1 i g at e d , proval tn Jta: authorization and Schweiker added : appropriltl.onlJ process. "I disagree with the Presi· dent,0 Pearsoo, an ABM 8 Columbus Policemen ·Indicted on Bribery crltic, said in an interview. COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI)- "What we want to do is to pre-A tederal grand jury hu in· vent the start of a new nuclear dieted eight policemen, ln- arms race. And I don't tb.lnk eluding the cbitt of the city's it'1 isolationism to oppose e.z. vice squad. on charges of cesslve mllllery spending." taking bribes from racket· Nil:on said new Isolationists eers. have declared "open season on A Justice Department offi. cial said the investigation the anned forces" and were sWI was incomplete. The charting a dlsastroua: course city's safety director called posing a false choice between the indictments a "vendetta." meeting respoMibilities at Robert C. Taylor, bead of home or abroad. the Coiumbua vice aquad, six At an impromptu news con~ of bis men, and the head of ference, Fulbright accused the poliee intelligence ~part.­ Nixon of trying to make criUcs: meot were named m the appear nnpatrlotlc. • ~= i i::;.,z ·: Sales Tax Out mllltary forces of thls cowr try, .. Fulbright said. l<We are questioning the po I J tic a J Judgments that led us Into this quagmire." SALEM, Ore. tAP) -A sa1es tax proposal w a s defeated I to I by Oregon vo~rs. fedef'al indictmenl3 Wednes- day. Frank Baldassara, de- scribed as a numbers game operator, also WU indicted. Phillip Michael, a SpeciaJ U.S. attorney, would not dls- a.m what adloo the govern- ment would take lo \he con- tinuing lnvestlgatioo ezeept lo state: "It Is not over." Safety Director Fred Simon said the indictments alone were not grounds for l!illl· pension or dlsmisaal. "I will no( suspend any Co- lumbus police officer IOlely on the indictment,'' Simon said. "It doesn't take very much to establish probable cauae to get an lndiclmenL" He said the Jndlctmenta were "solicited rrom the grand jury by a fedenll ageni who was arrested in Colum· bus for intoxication and then came bact for his vendetta ... ' Mysterious Blast Levels Firm, Kills 3 CARNEYS POINT, N, J. (AP) -A oerl<s 'ol ohaJn. reaction blasts, their origin still a mystery, Ignited aomt1 l40 ·tons of gunpowder Wedne.sday, leveling four storage buildings at t b e De Pont Co. 's e%piozdves plant and killing three men. Four others are missing a n d presumed dead. "fabulous. This morning be bu nt lever and can-be desc:rl&ed IS out of danger." Pompidou's Premier Set l\amllU' body tempersture fOlrto IU F -nonnans •:1 F -during eight hours and 25 mtnules ol dinging to a PAllIS (UPI) -Geor&to mracted wheel of the lberlan Pompldoq appareolly b a 1 airliner. cholen a fonner tennla: dar When the plane landed al · and World War II ru1stance Madrid, he fell, coated with leader u the man be will kt, onto tbe runway. name inmter U France elects Docton said hJJ 11 g b I him prelldent June 15. clothlni -• cotton ahJrt and a Tile one-time t.nnia and ·pair of trooaero -aJlpwed hll rugby etaJ: ls Jacqueo ChabaJl. body to undergo the quick Debµo, 54, a pillar of "blbemaUon" that poosll>lJ Gaulllam In the 11 yura be saved him from death. has RrVed the nation u pnllf.. Ram!"" said two friends denl ol the NaUooal "--bly. The structures in which the seven men were moving burlap bags of powder like ~ ,.ck! of potatoes just. dloap- peared, leaving only ~ow craters on soft g r a s s y REGISTER NOW FOR FALL SEMESTER marshland along the Delaware River. They were OO&Ctory, corrugated iron buildings, 30 by 60 feet. Bodies of three men were found . Immediate Iden· lification W83 made ol one - Francis J. Quinn, 30, West Deptford, N.J .• Summer School July 7 • August 1 Investigaton probed t h e charred earth and searched the underbrush for clues to the f t• 1J ._.tr -ni•••ll mlas!ng,_ and to the cause of '""'"' ..,._,.... -,.. the detonaUons that sent shock M411al •1.._•fk Day Camp June 23 • A~ust 29 , .. , ... .,_,.,..,..__ -·--.... -----· -... ................... •ta• ....... •1tt,... waves as f a r as 30 miles, T,...,.mrtlM pf'9'll4a4 • c.lt teMJ hf .. ,.. ..... breaking windOWI and lumb~ ing dishes, and furniture. • Flying glass and debris in- side the 830-acre site of the 78- year .. ld plant Injured 56 workers. Hawthorne Christian Schools la .._... Yellay1 16111 ........... St. I tu.JJ11 HUNTINGTON BEACH ·JAYCEES PRESENTS • OVER $200 IN FREE : ::i:~"' : ::~~ces ~~' $14 95 NOTHING MORE TO PAY·· YOU · MAY BE CALLED TODAY • 14.95 COVERS THE COST OF PR INTING AND DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! IF NOT AS ADVERTISED Your .. Business Sampler Contain1 84 Gi~ Certifl· c•t~1, ••ch 9oocf for •om•· thing absolutely FREE; Re- de•meble et 39 bu1ine1se1 rig:ht tn your •re•. nhheSpoclol Actffrtla ... ..,.,...., ... Offer FOR INFORMATION OR 10 ORDER CALL NOW 894-5420 8:30 am to 9 pm • FREE: THESE ITEMS LISTED ,BELOW- J A Limited Number of Families a •• . Throughout the Huntinqton 'Beech. Wedn1in1t•r Ir Foun· t1Tn V1lley Ar•• will be c1IJ.. ed by -telephone to recetve *thl1 6et-Acqu1int•C1 Adv.r· t11ln9 offerl If on• of our tp- er1tors c•ll• you sh• win ., .. r1n9e cf.Jlvtry to your home If you 10 111 .. i,.., With Purchase of Your lull-Sampler $I 8 In Dry C~eaning • Two Shampoos & Sets • Two Car Washes • 6 Dinners • 4 Admluion_ t• Theatre • Minor Motor Tune• Up • Pound of Bacon • Front End Allgnment • 8 x I 0 c ·o Io r Portrait • 3 Cans of Hair Spray• Two Manicures • Pair of Pan.ty Hose • Watch Repair• Front Wheel Balanced • Haircut• Pina• Brake Aillust111ent • Box of Golf Balls· • Pair of Ladles EarrlJ1gs· • T.V. Service ·call • • • · · PLUS 38 OTJtER FABULOUS FREE OFFERS!! r ; ' I .. LIVE ,·NOW. •• DYE LATER! (It S&A's np11111) ' ' llttd lublonlble .... lhOOI for tlllt WfJ lflClll occasloa •• , but ""9 no. UH for l!1eai aftlrl IJoft1 de$p1lr. Wt wl~ 1i1Y rl r::~r::.i ti ~ Juat.!.ii~ thlot ,::; SIA ri lftlr 1111 1111 · _, I(.;""' 1111 .....,. moon) and we wlll dJo tlllll 1111ol1300 buutil!il_ ..... llttd 1 p1rtlculor color , • lhot, IOW7 ci-f1'lll , ; -• .. fabaloas .. , •• " ' • • • • , \ d)!tlblea Ind we'll e lfll • ' ' 3. SWINGER " .. • dye fob lllllt ,_ nit . ' (Normally .. aM • .., ser.lco). Sim ranp from 4 to 10, MM to B. DllCOUllll ranp frwn $3 to $12 an S&A'a _..h .. ,,_ lild 11ch of aar-11 sor.-lllrilltaa tllaul•dl If paliw In ltocfl. Wl'11 CIJl•I to Iii ""11 • • Fmll new baclilt '• bow loshlon looll for 1u1111111r. Choose from whlta l111hef, bone, dM ,,., Of blacll ~lclad strop. $U.OO nlH . $C)99 $18.GO nlll $)2'9 $21.00 nlli $)7" 464 S. MAIN ST., ORANGE - . 333E.'17TH ST., COSTA.MESA onmt•••-S'l'OMa• LOI ~r12'w, SANTA BARBARA IMRLY HI 9830 W. PICO BlYD. WUTI:HES!~_R1 8915 S. SEPULVEDA Bl.YD. SANTA MO.._ 1000 WILSHIRE Bl.YD. N. HOU~'li,6512 LAUREL CANYON &YD. S!IERMAN 14645 YEN'llJRA Bl.YD. CANOGA PARK. 8393 TOPANGA CANYON BLVD. • VENTUllA. 2280 EAST MAIN STREET LANCASTtR, 701 W. LANCASTER Bl.YD. · SHOP DAtu t:30·tGl/SllOP Ullllll IO·I . ' --------::::::.,.:.....;:..::...;:...:..._ • ' .. l•AILY .PILOT 'EDITOBIAL PAGE I ~· • , '°; • ( I What's Blight a11d'W rong Wblll ina)or corponUons ancl utllltles fall lo meet ~ """°"'l'bllltles (remember Ralph Nader!), some iOriiWMbl agency lnevllably lleps in. The reaull is tar tram wbat anyone wanted. ~·~ fOWet~es -are C,.ttlnf:a hint · · at-...i.at' lllOy may face ~ \btir own ltiCk of strong IMdonblp, In the matter of ploclng utility lines under ll'OWld. 'lliey're belnl told 117 .a ~mia· Public Util· , ftlts Commission •tud:r"penel lhit ·!ID(lerin>unding of · all power lilles shoull be mandirtory an<!·' "with the '4d1Uonal cost o! th ... lujalla!IOll1 ••• ablorbid by the utilities." L '11le two giant. of cailfornla power -Southern Call· f?ni1a Edison and Pacllle Gu 4' Blectric-were pushed lillo reluctant upd~rcroundlllr·pn>gramo only in ~ecent ;rean. TbeJ bave piovtded tun4a !or pl80lng power lines - ~th tl(e ,cround. bill th~ amqunto Ail a.side re.. .this · puipooe have been only token. They do not accommo- date undergroundlng of new utilities let· alone tlnat\Ce llllllergrounding all of the beauty-scarring, poles and wlrea that already blight California'~ land11Cape. Now the 1lala PUG la ~ urged to force the utII· lty campanles to do the job · at their own npense. Prddably, Edison and PG&E will reply that such a Wnm will mean that the cost will abnply b~ · ablttir1oftr to the comumer and that the consumer litmMlf wUl bave to pey the bill But the consumer nla 1nc;re.... ·inust be approyed by the PUC. 1,N9 one argues that a lll!Bsiva undergroundlng pro- G'!D;ll DOI upen'!lve.'But new tecbnlques ancl leader--,itl' Jn lhll direction should have been started Y"ll" ICO'ifly the power companies. Instead, they apparently "'1Jowed 'Iha theoey that CalifomlaJia nltlmately would I~.~ live with the steel and wire and wood that blots the view at every turn. They sboud bave been advanc- ing techniques and !inanclnc procrams of their own to accomplish this mucb·needed btauUllcallOll Pfl>grllll. The PUC baa yet to act -<>n ti>• reoomm~!Jon o. the stuely ·comm1tte. .. Jilontlhefeia; It clellnl(ely 11 , • sign of things to come and the power eompanln bad .., , better -If belatedly -start showing more leederslilp .-~f their own 11/ tlte ma"'r of clearillg up out ••1?'.lkles. Shortage of Doctors ~pus turmoil bas produced an .unseen-cuualty -. Callfol'!lla'a !µlure doctors. ' Aild•Calltomta will be suffering very shortly from a , crlppllllg . llboriage ol qualified physicians. . . tbi. tnJUblesome situation bas been J!Oinlld .out ~r. Dr. IL David Moster, professor of pedialr1cs'at:the local . UCI campus. Pu~lic attitude against coh,.inuO\I · up- heaval on .university campuses has leed the Leglsla· lure to reject a $243 million bond Issue. What this means, as Dr. M06~ points out, is that medical schools on five qniversity campuses are going to suffer long delays In much needed facilitie s. As a result, California simply won't be producing the ·doctors needed for Its burgeoning population. The blame for this predicament falls on two kinds of persons: · 1. Those who blindly· vote No on all addJtional finan- cing matten to show disgust at campus dissidents. 2. The ego-preening campus revolution3.ries who use the univ,rsitJes for personal goals without regard to the sbattering effects they art leaving behind. • \ • ---'-" Historic ~Midwa,y_ The Mob Takes Over ' . . Headlined Again · Who Owns People's Park? An.r 1-q er-. _,. Salurda7. 'raldollt Nbm l!UDdlJ mee1a J'reol. mil N""'°' Vao Thieu of South Vie~ II Sand lllml. ooe cl the two MJdwl!' lllnds In the central Plclflc -the other I called --1,150 miles nortbftlt I llaoolul6 Ind almost epdly 5,SOO >lier ftlt Ind' IOlllh ol Wlllhlnltoo, D.C. bl dreaq_,~ ·c1uo1ate atoll, two lslanda lid a ourriiundiftl coral reel, bU two llthiC!lw.' One lo lplOi6ed In a g-apblcal ...,.. n ltl mme. Tbe other 11 that Midway ~ illo a bWDdc oame: one of the decisive 1&Yal batlles ol Werld War D (JW10 M, ll'OOD!Wll ~ ,_ Jo tbe Mil taol:•pi.e nearl>y. ParlaPtacJcoafenl1ol.Jopec.ml>Or IHI TllE ATOU. WILL have a further wu Ille !Int trip out ol !be l>emllpber1 llltlnclloo a the meollng placo ~ on by an tniimibent Pr-. Wamn G. ilnd. lalaod -ol Praldent Nixon lllCI · Hlnllng, Calvin Coolidge, Ind Herbert -Tbleu ol'South Vietnam. nftea" Hoover '1eeted to slay borne. • net with 1pruident,Johmon a1I llmea, • J'rankltn •P.~ekdldnotleavethe 1111 not oa·Mld1ray. Jobooon lllCI Thieu country untH ·World Wor II. when he net In ll«loluiu In Ftbniary -lllM, In . traveled lb l1lllll1tll meelinp at mi. bl October 1981, on Guam tn Cuablaoca, Quebec, Cairo, Teheran, and ilan:ll 1917, Ind brlelly during President Yalta. ,_., two quick trips to ,.. Harry S. Truman's trip to the July 1945 \merlcan troops in Vietnam and to Potsdam confueoce wu his only pro--~ Mlnlaer Harold Holl'• funeral In looged journey outside the Western \ultralla. H~. But be did visit Brazil In They'confened In Honolulu In July lllM 1947 ond the cartbbean In l!HI lllCI beld rt Thieu's requttl Jobn.aon said that hls hia famou1 Wake Island conference wllh tdminlitraUon was "determined to de-• Gen. Doq:lu MacArthur tn 1950 fend South Vietnam" While continuing to · ezplore "e'ery avenue that mlgbt lead to DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER made pace." good on his "I shall ko to Korea" pledge Vlllta ol bead& of stat.I lo this COW1lry alter be wu elecled but before he wu I } ~ ... IMt ...... 1'1111' inaugurated. llli trip to Switzerland for tht 1§5 summit conference ~ueed the pleasant but lllmory "Spirit of Geneva,'' while bb journey to PW five yeara later for 1 projected ""°"" llinimlt produe<d only embarT"'1nent. .Jolm F. KOM<dy'1 unhappy meeting In Vtoaia 1'!th lflkito s. Khrushchev In 11111 falled lo• beod oU the klin crisis Isler ·that .,.. and the '(\l!ban mlsalle crisis ol October !IC. There are two contrasting meu:ures of the llinificance of the NlJ:on.nueu rntellng. One is'that the U.S. President ii willing to fly more than a fifth of the earth's "cittumference to ·tali with the leader of South Vietnam. The other is that the AmuU:an Prmdeot .ii willing lo spend only a few daylight hours on Sand Island wilh Thieu. In the Ught of the Mldway conference. tt.'a interesting to note t4-t the May 30 issue of Time magaiine bas been eon- flScated tr. Saigon. The sentence that may .have beer: most oUeriding is: "On the issue or interim authority in the South, the major stumbling block, the U.S. has given up Its demari:I th.It elect.ions-for a permanent government be cootrolled by the present Saigon regime." "-Tlie lloUy Calllonlaa, El CoJoa B«keley b much,.. the minds ol llOlllO college lllXlenu In thae ports. The radlcab see Jt · u a CIUle celebre .from ' which they can milk a little more pubJlc &)'mpathy and once again paint an ac· cusing finger al police authority. It ts regrettable whenever police and military units use more than the necessary force to maintain order. But under the conditions prevalent .at Berkeley, where liWetl, adorable little children climb on rooftops and throw ce. mtnt bloc:ka: and chunks of iron at the police and call them "pip," it ia not !Jn. poas.lble lo envlaioo a situation in wblch frayed nerves map under the tension and produce an ovel1'e8Ctloo. . More to the point ii the ca.ult ol the ccinfrontatioo which resulted in tbl casualties. NO MA'!TER HOW It Is 11lced, the mob · had absolutely DO justification for seizing and occupying the unlveraity~ pro- perty. That iJ not \be way claims to pro- perty are settled. TG"' grant so-c:alled "street people" the right to take over property anytime they please is to ertend that right to anybody else who hankers for a choice piece of real estate. That way lies anarchy, which is of course the . objective of the marauders. The mob's flim sy,.case isn't saved by any morrJ preaebm.,ls about how nice it would be to have a park at that location rather than a soccer field . Disc'rimination in Reverse "After all," said UC Berkeley chan- cellor Rbger Heyna, "our crisis dld not start bctause reuonable people from the street came tn to (li9cuss pc>aible uses of university land. , WASHINGTON -A atzOOI cue Is being made by l>uJlnoa lnt.l'Olls that the uaI ol f!d«al offlclals to enforce In· t.egraUon. in employment bu created a ,_ tvil, dlscrlmlnllloo against whit... The federal enfCU'Cen are accused of .arbitrary preferential treatment for bl&cU in direct contravenUon of the lerlDI ol the "'"' they are Called IJROll lo enforco. 'lbert ii ju!! enou«h lo tbll to warrant lnvatlgatlon and -ieos study of the -•lors o( the Eq"'1 Employment Op- portunltiec Coauni-. and the Office ol Fed<nl Contract Oompllanc<. · ' ' On the face of it Ulele agencies havt llllopted the aoc1alogjcal doctrine lhat ~ ol bad -fnUtled the black lo· 'tatitutlon In the fonn of lftferonllal -This .... hall!'! been-,....,...._ But there is no .doubt on tbl part of bwiineu me.n and ....,lractor? dolor bualness with the ftdera1 covemmeot of the effect of ex- ecutive orders an d admlnllfraUve decisions requiring them lo Initiate equal emp1oyment programs. TllB ll"Fl!Cr, it ls IJ'IUed, is 1o tm. poee quotg <If black employment con. lrary fe Ille lntfllt ol the Civil Right.& Act and at the rilk ol denying to whit.. their -1 ~ for jobl becl111e they -wtiita. Be70iid lhat the rqulstlool h~·-' an c:ontractora are IO vagutly -Ind the EEOC Ind the OFOC .,. ... -to •tllfy that maoy -panleo -_,"do no( -and -aot ~-ol dlocrlmlnathitr have ...... ineetlol fedenl requlttmtnt.. Co -llP -alllrmaUve job -ll'IC: ...... -•lfeir---tiljal ........ the unmolved I I f'eo, pniisol allo i!I . tlio'1ft&tt&r of ...... iw:r·-"' 'lnlort<d 'in. .,. ,,..o a.. .;,..,.;, eoun 11aulld Ir ............ bl .. 'nclal """'• -=~lllJc facllltles. 61 11111 In the hr .(Ila tlolt pla ..... bl .... da1Mli i. .l's• ... .-:.11 I , ·~·-~.,. :T'. ,,,..,,,, . , -:i,.,. ,., rr J;;"i-tt ""'4'_'#; .. i..~".,'11 . ' I ·llicha:rd Willc'»> ' ). ,.. I! . ·~ ",. ' ·( ·i:t It ' ;(.;. '; ..... < declared that plans must be undertaken to end segregation. THE ADMINlSTRATIVI actions on guidelines fer lntegn1tloo, busln& ol &tudenis, N~ job quotas are an n· tenslom ol the basic comUtutional doc· trlne and are of qUt:1tionab1t vaUdity. ~-IMereltl cllhn that what the two enfOl«mml qenclea are doing ls In fact~ forbidden by TiUe IJI, Sec- tion 7UI (J) ol the ClvU Rights Act ol 1964. Nothlnc:. coukl read more clearly than the language of this lt!Clion, lt tx· pre!lly prolllbits the (ranting o I preferential treatment to any lndlvldual or any group beca111e of race, color, rf:ligion, sa. or natlonal origin to correct any lmbalancn on ~ account.s in the wori: force. The enforcers get lll'OWld this provision by lnsiltlnc. lhal employen be "crutive" and .,.... tp ••affirinl:Uve action pro. Dear Gloomy Gus: Alter the)ou ol lhal dest107er, the iiup1d alnl:lng o1 the 1111> In San Franctsco, and tile Pueblo -we wonder ••• what happened to the U • .S. Navy! • E.M. and R.H. grams." Recall hearings conducted by Sen. Edwaid M. Kennedy with an enUreJy different purpose in minc:f demonstrated that employers had to prove to the federal enforcers that they were giving preferential treatment on the buil of race, although the federal agencJes "RAmER, they OCC11pled I~ declared their contempt for Iii legal ownenhip and annotme.«I their lntenUon to resist llQ' dfort of the Ullivenlly lo PoSSeSS IL We must recognize that for some this at- Utude bu.not changed." There's the rub -the unwillingness of a pampered minority, whose members denied this. -. have been rtared in an overly permiaslve ' &Ociety and h&v1: been accustomed always to getting their own way, absolutely refU.!lng to use democratic processea to achieve. their goals. Foret, tbe tectinique of the tyrant, is much faster and much euier. I THE ENFORCERS UNTIL recenUy en-lirely Ignored the fact lhat unloo prac- Uces tie .the bands of employert in work· ing out Negro job recruibnent...,'lhe whole blame was laid on the employer and he was denied contracts even though it wu found there was no discrimination on bJa part. .As the· Civil Rights Act is being ad· mini~ fn this rupect, lt coukl. better ·be. tilled the Negro Preference Act. Now a new bill introduced by Sena.ton Hart, Kennedy, Javit.s, Brooke, Scott and> otbm would gtve the enforcement ~Jen­ cies new powers, including the right of subpoena, ctase ond clesbt orders, and tht hula for obtaining'' an tnjunc\1on u a result of a preliminary lnvestlgatJon. IT C4N BE ARGUED that thlJ ls nec.ssary .In lhe c:ue ol companlu delibtrately attempting to frustrate the congresAIOllal pwj>OSe of , e n d I n I discrlmlnation In employmenL But It goes very hard on thole eompanles which do not discriminate, but -!ullJll the vague federal requlnmeoll ol a "creative program'' which In effect 1et1 up quotas to correct nclJJ lmbataoct. The problem here is one ol equal )lilllce fer the' -u""'U u the black worker. U Coalrea deslrtll to cfv• l""'<renc:e to !I-to comcl in. JUlllcos ol the put It lhould "be up lo Congress to do It and not lell to realooa adminlstralOra wllh their own conctptJ or raclaJ justice. The whole area between n o n • dlscrlmlnaUon and enforced lntearauoo needs to be more clwly defined bJ &he courts berore present practJCet bee'lme eoltenched beYolld r<dtmotloo. Thil ti>' pllel to Ille ocboolo.u ...a. . I In a dtmocraUc llOCletf one mull be Iftpared oceuiooally to li>le. Having lost does not give one the right to marshal .----Bir George ---. Dear Gtorge: I lr1ed slapping my boy lri•nd when he got fresh. He bu a book saying I am inhibited. 1be book Ays he should give wa.y to healthy lmpul!e!. I'm confused U to what to do. I don't want him te hep get· uni so fresh. but I doh 't want to be inhibited either. CONFUSED ll<sr Confused : • , • Belt him with the book and "Wl him tt WU U impu!a *' . Dear Geor(e: How can I mnove UKll8 small bill of (l'<tllelJ auch .. lettuce and celery and cabb&gt Crom 1. vegttable-btn dnlwer without hi•· Ing lo mnow.the drawar !Jun the cabinet IO ofltDT 1.0. Dear 1.0." Rtnt a mome. (Actuallr. the mall I get by m!Jtake -WU .. ~ to 10 to the llousollold Hint lad)> Is loll • molo lnl«esllns than 1111' owu mall.) ' --------- force: and take wlu.tever it is he wants. If that theory held, we might have had an usassinaUon and coup d'etat every four years right after the presidential election. What saves the nation is the willingness of the ~s to accept defeat until they cari, !>!'persuasion, become the majority. SO THE ••itreet people" were clearly wrnog in. ""'llPYlng Ille emply lol. It T l'ould be a mistake, ~ever, to ~Ueve lhat the "people'• park" IJ the !sloe. It lsn'L The Issue Is the ll\°"ller we have eruled In OW' ldobfroul wonblp of bigness. Russell Kirk may nol be right on many things, bul he's eminently correct in his observations on the behemoth lniversity where "students are little bet· ter than faceless globu1es in an academic tapioca pudding." We have formed massive tnsUtuUons which give the illusion of being "great'' centers of l!arning. But the human equa- tion bas been k>St in layers and layers of administrative bureaucracy, faculty in· difference and student disorientation. Students have a right to protest In legitimate ways aboul this treatmenL But they do their cause lasting hann by diverting attenUoa from the main issue tG such distractions as a 5illy fight over a vacant lot which only nsulbl in a harden- ing ol aWtudes Ind maka changes much m<n difficult to achieve. Sir Ronald Wi(ts Again All right, children. If you promise never to throw tbe cat in the wllllhin&: macbine ag~ Daddy will tell you one mGre story about Sir Ronald of Holyrood. Let's see, what about the time Sir ltoilsld vanquished The PoHtlcs? WELL, AS you remember, Sir Ronald and his faithful squire, Sancho Reinecke, had plunged d .. p lnlo The Tangled Thicket in quest ol The Dread Unruh. The twG boon companions rounded a bend and came upon an ivy-covetfld cas- tle with gleaming towers of the purest ivory. In the tilting yard, young men in helmets could be seen jousting with each other u fair maidens leapt in the air, sbouUnc. "Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah!" "Behold, Sancho," said Sir Ronald, hill manly voice choked with emotion, '"tis the ;,eioved University of my beloved people of Jll3 beloved Gokl:en State. How happy its inhabitants have been these many yean since I freed them from the evil 1pell o( Kerr, the Wicked Wizard of cal,' and thus restored the oanctlly ol blessed Academ.Jc Freedom." uvERILY, SIRE, )'OU1'1 WU a lutlng triumph," aid Sancho, admiringly, "for I aee not a lingle Unaulhorized Idea slithering about and ••• " But Sancho wu lnterrupted by a blood· curoting roai. Arni lrom . the Tsn1Ied Thicket on the left there emerged three dragons wtth long, matted hair and smoked·glass spectacles. "Down with the Establishment!" they roared. "Down with oppression!" . "To horse, Sancho!" cried Sir Ronald, his noble brow flushed with rage. "'Tis the Pollllcs. 0, U there Is one lh1ng I abhor mogt, 'Us Pol1Ue1. PoliUca Ire evil, filthy and rerradlng. To anns!'' , "Hold, sirt,T. a&id SanchG, nervously. "l fear you are too lnnoctnt and good to cive battle to PDlltica. '' ..'.'DY ALL, THAT IS holy, Sancho, I ~bf vaw' M'er· 1o anor Pollt!cs Into our fair Untvenlty," 1WOte Sir Rooald, revmnlly bolding aloft h1s Swlngln( Sword. · · And with . Iha~ he lhouled h1s lamed batUe r:ry -.. For Decency, for Purtty, ond for Juat Plain Goodness!" -ond ~ged the PoUUcs. A (l'<lt swirl of nox1ous ru._ arose amid uploslons ond crlea ol ''You're a liar!" and "Your latber't lnOUltKbe I" At t..i Sit &nald emerged-unscathed -just t: thrte more dra1m:s galumphed out ol the tblcftt on the righl But the.so were DNl, lhort.flaired dragons, roaring ••up wUh The Establltbment! Down with Dialdenta I" ------~ --· ~ •i b:~Art · ~oppe . I _J even I, cannot keep all PG!itics out Gf our University," he 11aid. "Moreover, I know in my heart. thal those dragons will not viola''! the sanctity of Academic Freedom." "You are right, Sire," said Sancho, ad· mlring]y. "For hark, the inhabitants are still free to .speak out just as .you would wish." And from the castle the voices of the young men could be heard. crying. "One, two, three, HUPf" and ~hose of the fair maJdens, "Rah, rah, sis-boom·bah!" "0 WHAT A glorious victory, Sire," said SanchG in awed tones. "Once again, by rising biurnphantly above politics, you have v.·an honor and gklry." "Yes, SKneho," said Sir Ronald, smll· log his famed Smiling Smile. "Honor, glory and, I Woold conservatively estimate, about 500,000 votes." Shorts Sloelbyvllle, Ky., Sellllllel : "The counlry Is sufferiftc from an excess al tol!l"MCe regarding ~gef'Ol.ls social changu. Instead of being 'undentanding' of usen of marijuana, or of campus lawbreakers, parents and other adult citizens should take a toUgh approach to behavioral pr~ blems. The President of the United States also hu to be concerned with Ulese behavioral problem!, for the nation is threatened from witNn by those who -want to destroy.all tbe ancient rutes"ot a decent IOClely.t' .... ·.iitiiiiiiliil-- Tb u "41 a y, June 5, 111119 The cdlfcrlGJ -of lllo lloflr Pilot •••kl to inform an4 ab lllau reodm bv pr11mtmo 11111 ...... paper'• oplnlolu mid - mcniary on topiCI of Mterut and 1tgn!JU:cm<•. bv prooldiftQ • forum for tht 1ipr1ufon o/ our rc..S.r" opl.UO..,, and bv pre1ntlng Ult dlwr11 ofN. point.I of tnfonned obstn:llTI" and tpoke.....,. •• top!cJ of Ille c1av. Rober! N. Wead, Publisher • ' t I G THE -Th6, WOllW and I should cheo.• l meaoa waist& And "' means . an au figure. ON ARM, Omalu a strip ed, "\1 ed me. of geU lessE'llC wind<>t the pU with I turn k in Eng than "set."; pusbin "The\ Ullden yoo be HIGH pollste boys c ON you're help. l one a olher need I wou!Jl. aware ter W dopa rbelorl preltm the U dlscov on av works on the absent lhe yo cus "Do a: lt ha "WHA can) give r Leona Lecpa ln!Alre WA Repul mttle< of he cover Demo 19111 c assist Jan the o ject i crea&i state "RI Ivory with I them for Ir relati S< It B, ta Writ pa pet Servi seer< "I sevei anycx had I said. Wr .. .. lng 1 '"'" enen "A Is dt p•pa vocili: d~ ~l •erjl :! ;i on.f 'lb h..r pa pi "t evco Looking,.· .to By L. M. BOYD Is convinced· 1)e . Is • bolb TllE FEMALE l'.IGtJllE-smarter abd itroplet ~. -Thia dlUerence betwteo a · •· .,._,_ _ _.,,, __ ,_: woman's waist measuiemeut . ua: ~ aays. , .. _. ~ · and her hip measurement: tD her. ~-wrestle with her, .. should be nine and a ball in· • • Q. BOW ABOl1I' A ches.-Not seven inches. That STRAlGHT · A:NSW.ER 0 n m~ Jlle's 'ti~ef thick".· 1his-what's yout CiiUQl op~ Wll!Sted Of • Stlaigb~hlpped.. nion at Jodalllan 'Wll!len' And not ~n _ih~: Th~ matecl.i,?'~ 'Al J· ,thtnk, ti's means she's tOo hippy~ SO says yulgair· - . ~n autbririty ,.~ the, female , · P.mits-Her:e•s one • ·t figure. · '· ' deb8te al"OW'ld the'·barbecl.ie ON HER• RIGHT FO!tl!-· ptti Sb<iuld t>o11co ScaD• jiubllc ARM, · ~ high~y traveleiJ par~ w it h closed-citeull O~ high ~I girl weaf1 televblon cameras? MCllJl\ed a strip of adhesive tape1abet.i like.. rildar sC:reen'.s· 'on ·hicb ed, .. Where Tom .Joned' touch· towerS~ NO: say some who ed me.'.'·. ·:V~UR ~CES fear Big .aro~r•1'. e,Yes: Y-.. of gettlJll aimct are slightlY say 90me Wbo'·fq:t. the muk lesse-oed .. if you look;.out the gers· i;no~ · · ... ' windows on the rlg~t side of TBIS' viAa JS the looth an-. the plane, l'm told. Has to..do niversAry of i.hat si&nificant with the fact most aircraft moment when 1Mt. Heinz pack-~um to .the left .... NO W-?RD ed.the first of his 57 vifieUeth tn English has mor~ ~~gs Honeradish .••• CON'tRAJtY ~an ... the 235 definitions of to previous report, the work set. .. '. • PUBUCITY BO~ "lady,. does indeed appear in ~ushmg: Ja~es Dru:r of TVs the Bible. Four tinies, at least. 'The V1rgini.an" chum he naps •. : AS A NOVELTY NOTION, underw~ter m s;ooa gear. Do 8 Dallas wig maker has turned YQU believe that .•.. IN ANY out a hairplece for~gtrls to go HIGH SCHOOL, s~y t h e marketing in. C o n ta l D s pollsters, far mo~ g.irls than curlers. boys contend they re 1n love. B RIG u T CBJ.LD-.'lbat ON JDRING HELP-Say Englishman Thomas Macauley yo~'re a boss about 1? hire was said to be such a brilliant help. You have two applicants, boy that bis most -·casual one a 25-year-old fellow, the remarks confounded the folks. other a man of 55 .. You o~y At the age of six, a ladyfrlend need one of the pair .. Which o( his mother spilled bot water woulE! you take? Wait, am on little Thomas while he was awar~ you can't d.ecide a mat· slipperiag through tea time in ter like that , without more the drawing room. The griev- dope on the . two. T. h e eel guest gasped, ••oh, you rhetorical qu~ons are JUSt poor boy, is there pain?" And prelhninary to ·reporting what the record sbOws 'Jbomas the U.S. Labor Deparbnent· replied, "Please -do not con- discovered recently. That is, cern yourself, m'lady, tne on average, the older man agony has abated." HO!" woul~ works a~ hard or harder, stays you like to have a thing like on the JOb far longer, and is that around the house to do absent rpuch less often than y<>ur crossword puzzles for the younger fellow. you.? CUSTOMER SERVICE, Q. ' ''Do o.striches bite,,eople?'' A. Your questions and com· It bas happened. • • • Q. ments are Wficomed· and "WHAT SPECIAL ADVICE will be wed wherever pot- can your Name Game man siOl.t i• .!'Checking Up.!'. give me to get a girl called AdttrtB! ma l I to L. M. Leona to say yes?" A. Sk,, a Boyd, in cart of the DAIL Lema will rarely show much · PIWT, Boz 1875, Newport interest in any man unless.she Beach, Calif.1 92663, GOP Launches Drive, To Use Against Dems WASHJNGTON (AP) -Tire ~publican Nation a J Com~ mlUee is starting a program of helping state parties un- cover material to use against Democratic incumbents in the 1970 elections, says the GOP assistant committee director. James N. Allison Jr. said the opposition research pro- jed is part of the GOP's in- creased tedmical advice to state organizations. "Rather than staying in our Ivory tower, we'll sit down with the state people and help them work out problems in, for instance, research, public relations, re·gistration, So Secret It Cannot Be Found minorities or subgrbs," Allison said in an Interview. ADOPT PROGRAMS "We'll adapt programs, to the states, recognizing you don't run a campaign the same way in Florida as in New Jersey," he said. The opi>oflent research wi be reserved mosUy for use against the Democrats, rather lhan l)elplng incumben\ Republh!an> fend off allaeu from cballenging Democrats, he said. There are 34. Senate seats up for election in 1970. U Republicans can hold their nine Senate seats and take seven away f r om Democrats, they can control the Senate. "l think Florida, Tennessee and Texas could pick up t~eir second Republican senatOrs this time," Allison said. The 38-year-old Allison is a political p u b I l c relatioos specialist who bas worked far Tex a 1 Repilbllcan Rep. George Bush and managed LONDON' (UPI) -John Edward Gurney's successful Wright wanis to sell dissolving race for the Senate in Florida 1 paper. to Britain's secret.· Jast fall. He Joined the nation-• service. But MIS is so al committee shortly after secretive, Wright can't (ind it. Rep. C. B. Rogers Morton, R- ••1 rang the deiense ministry Md., took over as chairman. several times but couldn't find . His hometown Is Midland, anyone who1d even admit we Tex. had a secret service," Wright At least two other new-ap- sald. proaches are being perfected Wrighl said the paper could fot:· the 1970 eleclions, ·Allllon save. British agents from hav-said. Ing to chew up and swallow Th~ GOP comn:ilttee is ex- secret documents when the pand1ng the listening program enemy closes in. .w.hlch Richar,d Nixon ~gan 1n "All they wou1d have to do his presidential campaign last Is drop the specially treated ye.~~e'll Ust.en to evteybody _ paper in a drink -whllk)' or black -"'tanls church -le is nice ,_ and swig Jt ·r....... • ' ., h --1..1 farmers, labor organb:en -e :»IU· not so much for tssue ln- "the pciper di~tves Im· formation as to seek wartable medi~tely ~be.~ 1L touches programs which the corn-a~ng Uquid.. . . mittee can adopt to solve prO' Sf!ne American military blems elsewbere," A 11i1 on serytces are already Using the said. -.. w~fF'-solvent paper, Wright "We'll ha1t follow-throuab satq •. He finally m a i 1 e d sessions and either· adopt a aar:aples to the d e re n s e penciq'1 Idea or g'*' Rother m~stry, which sent back a group to do it or tell the Jet!¥ saying "we'll pass it perM>n why we can't ·do on:y eifl)er," he said. · 'lllat's !he last Wright h" NO FRONT TIDNG helfd. And wlly doel . the '11'1 Jmportant you do ten pap!f dissolve? them what yoo think. We don't "Tha.l's so secret I don't want this to be a front thtn&.~' t veh know myself," he said. be added. '. .. ' ,.. -,;~'2666 HARBOR BLVD. . . " ' 546.i7oao COSTA MESA . ~ .. ·.~· ~ &OlYS 9to9. SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 WEBER BAR•B·Q 0 A ·1olid 'round thing for folk1 who lik• th•. h.1~,, • C0¥1r1d B•r-1'·9 cookinf. D Unit ut•I lt1• ch•rco~I, compftftlj porctfffRit.td tt • 9u1fd -.91in1t nt1t. ! .• 1 39ts MARBLE LIKE PATIO TABLE O El•o•nflv styltd .,, inch di1m•t•r t1bl• '' con¥•11i•nt ch•lnid• htight. 0 'M•rbl1-li•• top I• d•lic1t• gold ~,nd whit• ptft•rn, 111y fo.1111••· 2 ·79 . . . ICE CUBE TRAYS 0 Jumbo fr1y1 •*•'It to t•v• 1p1c1, ' D Ju1t twill te ' rtmo•• cub11. D Will n•f chip or br ... k. SILEN'I' SWITCH 0 Tho only nolt1 you'll • .,.,, h••r out of th••• i1 --· wh•n you'r• ln1l•llin9 th.in, 0 Grt•I for d•n or .nuu•rv, ·flt In Yth•t9 th• old •l!•Pft'r 0•11'1' out. 4i99' 4x• PRElllNISHIO AVOCADO PANEUNG D w.r,,, ••n• ..... c1do p•11•lln9 i1 '-.... ,,0'0 ... eci. ,.,,mi11~H •. '•nd. r•1dy to -P.1'' 11 pl•c•. O H't '''Y with .dh•'lt•• or m1tclli119;,i1il1 •• • 2',~•n ... • I•• ! -• ... SHOIS ·oN, MAW 1· ._:_.~-...... ·. -..... ( .. e * SQUARl 'DANCING .._.,;;.i· ~ FRtpAY; .. "'-·: "'~,Our t•lfij ;;tohtf'fo W·tll • dtcl•CI out 111. w••ttrn 9oir for tht 4•nein', 10 W91t your.k¥i1 •nd d1ndn9 tho••· 6ot .-mo 1w·ll ·9t.i•tt ~u•r• dtn~• ' c•llon; Rito 1M-lill Rowland .. , s, •. th• prot Jim:• 1M loin, in, ·thty'll htlP. lrint GNndm•, >--,.....\ &ho'll 'how •-"•ryon• • thlflg . ' 10 LBS. CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 0 G1•1t f11.,.or 11'1d 1rom•. D Not l:tt• "°riqu1h, dummy, th1 food you cook. thtm ••• o,: Mi.lie·,,. briqu~ •~ri.nt~ ••ft• w1r111tb wit+. th•ir lowP•· · .• ~ · · ·"' 1" ... ·5· 9 ·cL' . , . ' -. . ·:r •r two,. THE. WOWS N' HOWS S9UAIE DAN.CE CLUI -· --· -Wll· Give - FrH lutruction . * FREE HOT DOG. BA1t8ECUE _' __ Got tbt l•r·l·O 1111tok•d up for hot doggi••· Fridt'I( ni9ht ind S•turd•Y• Kid1 •ff•nd•d by th•ir p•r•ntl 1r• wtlcom• 11 flow•rs ifl M1y. (~mile rt•I wide •fld •·m .. yb1 you ctn who•dlt·••m• of K•rm'• own .amo~- hflit1!. . 'I' : .j · · · * DOOR P-a1iii · :-~. .• , PATIO" CANDs;ES · '' 0 Prtfty nit CO¥trtd c1ndl1• burri:-for h~tt~ ' CHARM GLO GAS -BAR•i•ta .. .. :... , .D.~!NiTUT.QN . 0 <Hflp k••P tbt ~u91 ~ •w•Y I yt1h,. •••Y from th• c1ndl• .nc1.,1,.,r:to· ·,nf.l ·-~•'"' 0 Choic•,of 1110r't•d ': .· colOn,'" . · ~ ' 39 .. ~. ,, --45 PIE~E · PL45T~r DINNERWARI SIT ml!llli' ___ "i:!"·"'-· • .,;t 0 Th• wor•t. . i"1·i., [ ' dinn1r 11t '' ' "~·;r,_,i · h1•• ind 1t1in r•1i1t1nt, 9u1r1flt1•d dithw•thir .. , .. ~-<=:>..-~ 0 Col'ri;t•ti t•f'lit• for •ight plut f;.,., "''-'''°"'' .. pl•«•-"---- -5''· · i ,··I·· 0 Com• w1tcii. th• ' ,in-1tor• ... "•"0111tr;.th~' ··tthl1 tr••f C•tf ll'Clll• t•I b1rb~11~1an<I •l'IJoY ·• fr••·llo't do9. 0 s,·, th• d•til F{id,iy ~1t. -sf.rfl"n9 .•+ 1, · lnd'on s.'tuifJiy from IO·fo <f. ;· .~ATl~-~·T·· < 0 Ci•mp Oft P•tio lift hit 20 foot co~d, 0 Nie• f.or p•tlol b•cky.1r~, or Popi •••• u11/oi1 it ·• cl1mpi on l'OOn•r''lnd .• ~. Y•ll ••n!t 9el It' out of th•-sic:lt.1 .• -·-·,~~2~<11'9"~ _, -.. .. ., ' • . ~ .. ., ... . . . . .. . ·..: ' " .. .. . " .. , ' \. . . , • . ~·. .. ' ' .r ..... • -' 1,'1' • } .... -.: ~·· CALPATIO SIX .. IECE LlYING 'aoor.\·:•llouit . .. 0 A 1ot of 1.,t!n9 bt11.1ty In h1M cr•~td wro119ht Iron f~•lll•t frt1ttd for. ru•t r••i1t1111•. All 1elld ~ucr• b•r, wtldH tefttfrucffon tliro119heilf, fullv •••ombl.d. ITh1t'1,10111ttl!ll'lf IR lhtlf1 who n1•ll1 to •P•11$1 J d1yt • P.11tth19 U to91th1r.I D C•'"lth ol ·10.f•,_cl11b .C~•lr •nd ottom•!'. "!Ith biu.ult t11ltt:d 1hrH_llH fOf'I'! ptclt1 O!lt 1t1•1h ,Off•o t.1t1 •• , 1ncf 2 ll'IH~ toppff •Ml t1til1I\ . . , b 5ttll'4 •t1Mh fqr COl'l'llMltYt l:iltf ~fott•ltl•,•n•l.lf~-··"~'·"'"'· ' _,. ' •· - ' ,,q its& /II) ;Id "ti 1o Jib .a 1~ "" ud "" \M. ~M '~ tA. ,q IA ,. !>& 1?1 . "" 'q '" l! .. l:f '>! • ,, ,() "} :; " u ,. ' .. ,& 'U .. ... " ... '" " 1 , I I I ,• f 11.111.Y I'll.OT Pepperdlne Cue • Boy Backed Away Before Shooting? LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Four prosecuUon witnesses testllled Wednesday tblt a 11- year-old boy appeared lo be backing away from a Pep- perdine College .security guard when he was fatally wounded on the campus last March lZ. when they were slopped by Lane. 'J1>e btarlng WU upected to conclude today. SF State's Hayakawa To Stay? I ; - > - PhR lnterfcmdt ''.jj 't! :Jr ·' ,_ GOP ·chiefs Clash on Tax . . . SACRAMENTO (UPI) jor D'erall tax r<lorm pro. Gov. Ronald Reagan and the gram,'; said the Tracy legislature's two I ea d In I Republican, "we would pro. Republicans were openly split b a b I y have to have withholding." today over state income tix One of the few Republicans wllbohldlng. Other GOP lawmaker•, long who-haa fought Reagan oo opposed to withholding, also withholding !I.nee the governor •ere modifying their stance took oflice 18 Auemblymari tnd abandoning Re a g an• 1 \:Uuam Bagley. now cbalrm.ln bard-line atUtude. • of the A.Membly Revenue and ,._ ~-•-Taxatlon COmmiltee. Today One 'of w~n, Sen. ~-h stepped the "~' -llurl'll"I' (l!.San Dtqo), ex ''I have updellber='1; ~ plalned: -"Certainly the governor's commented UDfa on o-'-'-. has jnfiuence. But, the governor's propcul•," be ..,.."'¥', told a newsman. "It11 much with the separation of powers, easier to badmouth a tu we have to ad as an in· not Lrtat thla package as he did the proposals made by his mm commlsslon chaired by Hugh Flournoy," said Bagley. Flournoy, the state con- troller and a llepuhllcan, headed ~ specl>I tax reform advisory comm.laloll created by the governor. Alter manta. of study, it recommended withholding. These and other major suggestions by the o:m- missloa were promptly re- jected by the governor. * * * * * * Demos Ask GOP For Budget Meet dependent body. ·This can be package than to write one." done with cooperation -but Reagan Tueada1 ~ S~CRAMENTO (UPl) -"Early q:reement on our not ruhhm••mping." ...., tax reform projJoaI; -Senate Pr1'ideol Pro Tern which he did oot name -u Mlemhly Democratic leaders propoeed bodgel cuts eottld "hodg""""ge" )deu. Ht want to ~ •-Uter with comtltute an '--~··t Ont The four, Larry C. Peters, 18, Cheryl L. Lee, ta, Rebecca Reynolds, 19, and Bernardo Lozano, 21, testified they were between 511 and 75 feet from t h e scene when the shooting occurred. All are student& at the college. SACRAMENTO (AP) -S.l. llayakawa, blaming ' ' t h e privileged st.udenls or the white middle class" for cam· pus disorders, says he wants Howard Way, for yeare flally .. -yuu &"• ..,&" '"'t""'_, oppoeod to w I th h o Id 1 n g , repUed "no" when uked U he ll<p.ihllcans to d l IC u 11 Step in resolvfnc -islue& Wednesday a b r u p t I y an-wo~ ~ 1 tu reform blD DemocraUc demands for $85 and in passing a budgd, '' the . --~ he Is .......... , •• to that included wlthholdlng. . Democrat& tokl M~••an. ''Well, that's Ill th_,, la to It, ex~ you'll be followed cll3 aDd ni«bt. 1aN11\.'1;0.I ._... ..... <& lll•u•Jey's commit.tee la million In cuts from Gov. --e relhlnk" his po11ition. Way said ~ Ron ld Re 16 blllio The letter, signed b 1 he hopes the governor will, writing a tu reform package • a agan'1 .t n As.wnbJy Democratic leader The guard. William Charles Lane, 60, has been charged with felony manslaughter for the death oI Larry Kimmons, who was wa1k.lng across a lawn with several other boys wheil. they were stopped by Lane. most to remain a.1 beid of San-------------------loo which is expected to include budget. Jess Unruh, Caucu.s Chainnan Reagan wasn't available for withholding. It will be unveiled The Democrats requested George Zenovich and Ways Francisco State College right now. conunenL But a spokesman next week. meetings with GOP represen-and Means Commtttee Vice foresaw "no ch'ange" in the "I hope the governor will taUves to "expedite agree-Chairman Robert W. Crown, governor's a d am a n t op-ment on the Assembly version recommended three members position. Cub Bl d ol the budget" ln a letter Wed· ol each party meet to re-Pit Snags 6 Persons _ Lane clalmed he slopped the youths to quesUon them and placed biJ shotgun on top of his car. He hu said he picked up the gun and was at- tempting to handcuff Kim- mOfll when the w e a p o n discharged. lie brushed aside ~port.en• questions about a eek in g political office, saying, "The task of making IODl.e kind of order at San Francilco re- mains lo be done." Assembly Speaker Robert a ame nesday to Rep u b 11 can the proposed culs. &AN BERNARDINO (AP) Officer Gary Adamson ar-Monagan for years was c~ PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti Assembly Spreaker Robe.rt T.1;==='======; -Al ~argaret . Feldmier, rived, lost his balance, landed posed lo payroll wilbholding. (AP) -A f o u r .: en g l n e Monagan. Hayakawa, named S a n Francisco State's· acting presi· dent in the midst of campus turmoil, visited the ,state Capitol Wednesday to teel:, ap- proval for some SlO.t mrtlicin in otate mooey to ail' fleedy state college student&, mostly OPPOSED TO 'RED ROUTE?' Tricia Selakls ana Torbert on a cactus and injured his He g r a d u a 11 y began Constellation Lhat dropped fn.. Lower house Democrats are Herrmann hiked from the right arm. moderating hh position this cei:ldiary bombs a r o u n d blocking approval of a n ba.se of waterman Canyon lo a Sheriff's rescue w c r k er s session. Wednesday' he left no President Francois Duvalier's Assembly version cf the road at its ridge Tueeday, they helped all six to safety ~~ doubt where he stands. palace Wednesday took off budget became cf disputes wtm Although I h e witnesses, teatlfylng at Lane's preliminary hearing before Munidpel Court J u d g e Lawrence E. Drumm, said Kimmons appeared to be backing away from Lane when Jhe_ shooting occurred, only l.czaoo said he saw Lane at- tempt to handcuff the youth. tumbled into a floodwater .two boon later. City officiah: And It isn't with Reagan. from CUba, the government with Republicans ever the cuts ~"";!: ~'C'....:": carvedptt. •sal~d~the~p~il~wil~l~he:_::fi:lled'.:'..'.in~.---"~l~fee:l~~:a:L:aa~part~~·:':•~ma:·:.._cl:amut:·:::;· _______ ~and::,:•:tu:_:rel:ann:::~P:lan.::::_ __ ,!::::========= blacks. Gov . Reagan voted a Their c:rtes attracted the ai.. - tentioa al Roberi Pealone, who telephoned polloe I r o m his home at about mldnlght. Kimmons and the other youths bad reportedly gone to the campus to play basketball and w"" leaving after finding t b e gymnasimn padlocked measure last year to provide $500,000 in special scbolarsfilp aid for the same program. Hayakawa said ideas he'd run for the U.S. Senate were started "by you guys In the news business." rutone then started waliing toward the crte1 • • . • and tumbled in the pit himself, fracturing his leg. At about l a.m. Wednesday, San Barnardlno police Sgt. Frank Lent reached the ICene -and fell from a !!Hool ledge, spra1nlna bis ankle. ' flne '"""'""' since 1818 'ANNUAi,;, ·NOW IN PROGRESS OFFERING PRICE REDUCTIONS U.P ~~;>IQ~~Q~a .. ; ... "·:\t(, __., __ ON SOME OF THE FINUT HOME FURNISHINGS IN AMERICA 3 large Floors of Furniture Va.lues SOFAS, CHAIRS, DINING ROOM, BEDROOM, OCCASIONAL, LAMPS, PICTURES AND ACCESSORIES. You'll Find Your Favorite Branda SALE PRICED INCLUDING HENREDON, BRANDT, JOHN WIDDICOMI HERITAGE, AND MANY MORI IF YOV'RE LOOKING FOR . THE FINEST-YOU'LL FIND IT AT DAVIS 9t30 A.M. to 9100 P.M. •• MON. and PRI~ OTHER DAYS 9130 to 5130 fine furnlt•re 1lnee 1916 1971 Len1••ach Blvd~, Phone 191·1347 . ' Near half. century of ,llrilce/Nellr half. bllllon dollars llrong IN I ERFS I THAN· BANKS, ~IN • Eam 5.38% on bonus accounts (In $1,000 multiples), based on our 5% c:IJIT8llt l61lliil rate plus the Y• 'Yo bonus, when maintained for 3 years with all Interest added. • Get Instant Interest day-in to day-out at The Big M. • For certain, your savings can almost DOUBLE In less than 13 years at lhe lllg M. • For additional security, your funds at n. Big Mare Insured to $15,000 by an agency of the federal government. • For stability, save at The Big M. Near half a century of 88!Vlce, near half a bl!llon dollars strong. • W.BT ARCADIA MO Wiit DuaM Ro9d T~44&4111f CORONA Dl!L MAR 1111 &ltC.-Hld••4 T_.,...., •. MUTUAL SAVINGS and laan u•cialian . ,,,... . .,_ ' I 1 J I .. ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • • I ' ' ' ' ' • • , 1 • < ' • • ' ' • ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' • • ' ' ' ' , • ' • ' ' • • ' , • • ~ , ' J • I ' ' ' < ; ' ' ' c c I pq; OU W\14°' • • DAILY '!LOT I) I I J I l l County Aides Feud on Court Jobs Study Ordered of Plan for Separate Personnel DePQ.rtment By JACK BROBACK Of , ... DellY ...... ,. SANTA ANA -A proposal for a separate personnel department wilhln Orange County's Superior Co u r t system. has county aides here in an uproar. ,., The proposal, which would vesUgaUon of the matter. The controversy oc:iginated Any new personnel depart-three weeks ago w b e n !f'~Dt separate from the ex~ PresJding Superior J u d g e tsting county Personnel Dep.utmenl would not affect Samu e I Dre I z en and judges, who are appointed, McCartney sought pe.rmiaslon stand for election and whose to fill two new court poaiUons sal1rtes ll'e fixed by state law. at higher salaries tbar-Hart's Supervlsor David L Baker called the proposal •itota!Jy unacceptable, a surre.ndering ol our ~ponsibllity." Also before the board for He said In the past job qualificaUons have betn fiJ:ed in conferences between his department and the court's of· fices. Freeway • Dedication Set Friday LETS BE fBlY lf you. hive new Mt.ahbon or knO\v Gf anyooe movtna \o our aru. p.1 .... WI • '° that " mA7 ..tend • frtendl7 welcome and help them to __ ... LA PALMA -A foUMnile tn their new IWTOU1ldlnp. sttttch of the Artesia Freeway So. (Olsl Visitor (Roote ii) will be dedicated 4t Friday al 10:!0 a.m. and will 4-0579 ~ .. 'r." for public use nezt Har6or Visitor "lf'5A80Uf11t.le 11\AT KID GOT OIJT ON K~ CHIN I ' enable court administrators to Cl• job qualilications and salaries for court c I e r k s, reporters, secretaries a n d other court personnel, touched off a spirited debate before county Supervisors, w h o ordered a &borough in· Nameld to study the pl'(lp0581 county Personnel Department and report back to supervlson tbouPt jUJWled. were County Admin.istraUve The court people got ap- Ofllcer l!Dbert E. Thomu, proval ol the two jobs -a County Counsel Ad .r I a n master calendar assistant and K~rper, Personnel Director 1 jury servttes supervisor _ approval wa.s a rewritlng of Tile four other supervisors lbe quaJWcations for the jw:y refused. to go along with ltl'ViCel'supervisor job. Baker's proposal that.both the Baker called this "an at· separate personnel depart. tempt to get higher pay ment idea and the ·new job tbrougb a new approach." He classification be summarily ln1i1ted that cou nty · denied. The new addition, extending from Bloomlleld Avenue m1~~~~4~9~4-~936~~·~~~~ eerrtt... to !leach Boultvard 1-in Buena Park, lengthens the Artesia route to 1 ~e slretch. It now starb at Lakewood Boulevard In Lakewood and extends to Beach Boulevard. William Hart, and Court th sal · th superviaon should set all Supervislr w 111 i am J. aai.arles. PbilUps said, "lt is most im· Nearly Everyone · For The Administrator Leslie ~~tat e artes ey McCartney. Personnel Director H a r t portant to clear up this situa- aald the court proposal was lion." Supervisors Alton Allen. "an attempt to override my William Hirstein and Robert office'• determination of job Battin vottd with Phillips to quallflcaUona and supervisors' order tbe study, with Baker ''Listens' Church Won't Offer Record Sanctuary to AWOLs Meetings BREA -Military A WO Ls will not be granted sanctuary in the Congregational Church here, the Rev. Charles E. THUltSDAY h inf d hi Huntl119lon Such Llon1 Club, Hun-Harlow as Omle "5 l1"910n se~c1111 Cixinl"!"v Clvb, lOOO parishioners. Ptlm Av1 .. H~nllngton &!Ith, 6:30 "'·"'· The Rev. Harlow said the Meuonlc LOO,t. IOOF" H I t I• h ch hich f •• W!llmlnt1fl" AVtno;t, Wfltmln1t.r, C Ur 1 W Or Ule past two p:~::f1c ··~,, Arth•eolollY Soc:letv, years has hosted more than &owtf1; Muuum, s.n11 ""'· 1::io 2,000 marines on weekends H:;:~ Ate• r001i,...1ttr c111L .. _. before they left for Southeast Vttd• Cixin1,.., c1ub, CCllf1 ~A:s:la, is "dedicated to meeting N:.;,~ Htrbor EHu Club, Eir.1 LIJIOvt. the needs of servi<:i!men" but :UJ6 V!d OPOrto, N-1 BKh, • added he did not f e e I P.11'. Amfl"iC.., l911lon Pll!ll 4SS, A.,,.•lctn Lf'lllorl Htll, 5'5 W. 11111 SI., C"'lt M(ow, I"·"'· A-rkMI Let1lon l'Clll 133 of Hu,.. llnglon 9Hch, "merlctn Leplon H.1111, Civic: Ctnter, H1111tll!lllon &ttch. I D.m. H""tl""''°'" 8HCll Jlmlor CHAN.BEit OF Commtn;t. Shtr1lon 8ffCfl lnl\, Hunllntlon aeed'I, I •·"'· Hunllfllllon lle1clo ll1rr1t~o No. 1160, 'V.iertns ol world Wtr I, V.F.w. Hill, lit Yor~lown ,...,._, Huntl11tton &etch,1:XI P.m. Founl1l11 Vatlev K!wen!o Club. F1 •ntcl1', 11151 Beech lllvd., Hun- llntton Bek!\. 17:1' o.m. FltlOAY Hun!l11tlcn &Ptcll Rot1ry C I u b , Sller1ton 8e1cll Inn, H11nll119ton Seach,!l:ID p.m. M.trlMrl lions Club, Slllft Shirt, n.i W. C011t Hkll\wey, NewPOrl &etch, sanctuary was a "basic need." He told his CQngregation members the question of sanctuary came up last April when two mari.n§ JJ!pn@£hed him seeking sanctuary. He said he spent the day with the young men and later drove them to Camp Pendleton where they voluntarily return- ed to duty. The Rev. Harlow, a fonner marine who served in the Sou.th Pacilic during World War ll, wonders why the marines chooe his church, but says he suspe& it is because of the community's activities with Vietnam-bound marine,, stationed at Camp Pendleton. DEATU NOTICES UCI Chicanos Urged 12:1! p,m. SMARKEL Mllclrtd S. Sn>trkel. 7117 H•rtlor ll!Yd., C:osl• Met•. 0.11 at ONll\, June 1. Survlwd by '°"' Edwtnl A. Smarkol, Cosll M.-stl molt>e!", Mt•. Htrrlel Sllleu 11.tlor, M~. Clare S.11u.>tllon, bolto a( CtPe ~y, New JtfKYI b~ '""' R11Ph J . smei, Tuckl!rto'I, New J!neY, F11r>et"1I i.H"Vk"' 5otl\lnl1y, 11 :30 AM, ll1ln C:O.lt Mew CNPl'I wltll Rev. Junes C lt'Cl\1£1 wood aft\. cJtllnt. lnt"'""1flf, F"'"I ~-HDl- IYWOQd. Dlr"fdlCI by 1111tr Mortuarv, 11'1 Sl/Pl!f"iQO", CC111!1 Mftt HUGH ES ~II' V Hwt>es. 71611 WftllV Dr .. Soulh L111Uflt . Dot' o1 -th. Jurw J. !.urvi"fd by 5!1lrr, Mfl. S.... Mun>l'IY. efld nlec:t. Loll Mur"""' b01to of Lllllll""· ~rvlce wlU bt held !n Sl\11"1-"°" F11ner1I Chapel If! Fort Wor!ll, T~~''' on Friday. Jurw 6. S~ler L-.ine 8e.a(h MOf!uery, lorw1rdln1 dlrecror~. SCOTI Wollt<:~ C. $(01!. !IOU . M•Or>0!l1 ""'·· w~1m!n1!1r. SurvlYtd b'f w\ft, F1rrl$1· thrH ~ono, Lee. Wtllt<t E. tlld De1n 1. Scot11 trod Pour grind· chlldrllfl. S1rvlct1. $tlu'r6-y, 10:30 AM, pftli. Femlty Colonl1I F11111Ttl H_ome. GUCKERT MtrY M. Gucker!. "oP 65, ol 2lll Santi Ant Ave., Cotl• Mfll. 0.le of d""'' June 1. Survived by lllJlblnd, Edwln1 "'"'" iO!'ll· Edwln, Jr., of AIHl<tl John, of COlll MIN, •nd JtrnH Gvdll'!'I, l'l1cenll11 lwo brof!>. en, two 111!"'1, •nd nlM mr1ncldlll- d!'lt\. Sefv!"5 will tis htld Frldly, 11 AM, BtU &roadway Ch-I. lntemwnl. H1rbot ltHI M-ltl l'tf11. DIA<i9d by Bell llrOldwl'f Mortuary, 110 llrotdwly. Co1t1 MeM. HOFACKER To Go Into Business mvINE -"We need a revolulior of ideas a n d thoughts in this country -we can't do it by violence. What good is a dead martYr?" So concluded Phil Montez about the problems of the hle:i:ican-American in today's society, at a UC Irvine gather- ing Wednesday. Montez, a member of the United States Civil Service Cornmis.!ioo, noted t h a t Chicanos must get into the economic system. While speaking before the U n i t e d Mexican-American Students on the campus, Extension Montez and Arturo i.~ranco, of Whlttier High School 's New Horizon program, stressed that the Mexican-American is in a unique situation and he should take advantage of it. "Our future lies in the fact that we can live in two societies," Monte.% continued, "in spite of the system we can speak Spanish as well as English ." "Because we can easily move from the Uniled States to South of the border, we should take advantage of that fact," he said. Montez said the Mexlcan- American can Involve himself in legitimate business: in Latin America and do well at it. To this . Franco added that, "We need more Chicanos lhinking big and going irito b i g business:." Ff't'd Hollckfl". 32! BIKltMll ltotd. Off s d Cos!• MeU A• "' .,.,, of deolth. ers tu y '"~ '· .,.;,.., " ""'· M•. "'" Holdu Man Mink, 1nd lll'othtf, Kirt Hfltld.ef, if bolt! ~.nk~~......Ufli...11 ...... 0 . ,B_ .......... _ ... r...... , .. ~r ==·-!~~!~~ :"~~,. ·n·~ ay~tife~·~~p' a""id""" 'F· ... i. ;·s··~t .. Front, NewPOrt 1e1<h. 01te o1 *-"'· ' J u..., ~. Survived by Otl""tflll. Mr, •nd JRVJNE A · tifi Mrs. Jclln o . s11rtr.weethfr. Sr., af -SCJ.en C No,.,.,.,lllt, Mh;r.rvins two '1'""· study of the life of Upper s l L N•nc., .ric1 an, 5'"--tt.e.-. of to e ater swt11 L111un.. s.rv1ce1. F•kl•v. J PM, Newport Bay will be offered SANTA ANA -Santa Ana Pldflc View Cht...,I. Olro:<fftl by Pt- clflc vll!w Martu1..... by the University of California WOODCOCK Gt.an A. woo11cock. ll'2 Chemin o. Extension at Irvine in its sum- F••· c0&11 Mn•. ot1t °' d"111• mer 1969 Marine Ecology Ju,... 3. survlwd bv 11u11Jend, H. P. police today are puzzled over the unorthodox tactics of holdup man who look $90 from a liquor store clerk early Wed- nesday morning. wooctcoc1<i ion. 1tabt<"t. a• c.,.r. Wor•·•ops MMll. PrlYl!e MNIC!I Wiii be lltkl l\.:>ll • 1vc11v. Wtdnesd•Y• wn1c111r Ch•P11· The workshop begins June Wntd!ll Mor!u1ry, Dl~IOfJ. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcllff Mortuary U'J E. 17th SL, Costa Mesa '4Ml!SS BALTZ MOR11JARIES Corona del Mar OR J..M56 Colla Me.. M1 f.UZ4 BELL BROADWAY !\IORTIJARY llt Broadway, Co,1\a Meu IJ 8-,1433 • DILDAY BROTHERS DuntlngtOD Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd • lluntlngton Beach 842-7711 , PACIFIC VIEW , •tEMORIAL PAM •"'"1\llf1 e Morlnl'1 Chapel S500 Paclnc Vlew Drl•e Newport Btacli, Callfenala M4 -Z700 • PEE& FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 78tt 8ol11 Ave. We1tmla1ier as-3S'!5 °)llEFFER MORTUARY 1-•• Be1•• •M-1115 SD aemente tlt.-4100 S!\llTil'8 MORTUARY 6%1 Mala SL Ouallngton 8e1cll. L& MISI 2..1. Workshop instructor Dr. Gilbert N. Bane Jr., assistant professor of biology at UCI, says the course will combine laboratory work with field trips. Hall-day Marine Ecology workshops will be held June Z3 through July 3 and an ad- vanced full-day workshop is scheduled for the week-ef...July 7-11. Or. Bane has been con. ducting 11 study of the Upper Newport Bay, He ls taking a complete in- ve~ry of the kinds of marihe animals fouod in the bay. Officers said Francis H. Mallard. 200Q Bonachon Way, Mission Viejo, clerk in the Canale Uquors store, 1611 S. Standard St., told them the suspect entered the store about 11:15 a.m. MaJlard told officer'! the ~ idd.lcated he had ti gun and then ourprtsingly paid for $1.40 worth of merchandise. 'lbe transactJon completed, the suspect grabbed $90 from the cash register and fled, but returned to the st.ore three times to order Mallard to get into tJie rear of lhe building and stay there. Tbe holdup man finally drove off in a car. Dr. Bane has published his findings in two books, "Tile Fishes of Upper Newport Bay," which appeared la!l rail and "The Invertebrates of Up-----------1 per Newport Bay," upecled to be released shortly. $2.1 Million Contract Set SAFETY PAYS SANTA ANA -County col- fer1 will be enriched by more than $35,000 ln rebate& from I.he state Com pen sat I on Insuranct Fund because of the salety record established by county employes during fiscal IRVINE -The Mym_IlllM7 __ ·,· ;;;;;;;;;;;;---Brothen Con9trUctlon COm-1 lofo•t11u111wt pany ol Los Angela bu been t1w1rded a $1.l million con-FAT OYERWEGHT tract for I.be construcUon of """'~ '° "' -'"*" • __.,, .,. • let ... tw ~ ulllll ~. eight residence halls . to IC" ~ .... "'"' ,.1 ., ,_ _., commodate 400 &Ingle student.I =:~i.,,: ~,.~ .... Nft: al UC Irvine. """'· Odrlrln ~" U.• 4lnd • -· • E Co UC! I 11,.,. ~., 1ta1 tor U.00. lo9ll 1r1 v . . I, V C e ..W wM1 ftllt ,._..,.i.t: W "'°' Mtltfltid chancellor for bllllness and fW' 11r1t rMM11. ''"' ,...11"1 "" r= fl nonce, said the two and ~ ,:u:::,:: 9::.i:."' ~~~ thrtt-story frame and stucco IHI -'"' "'" • .-r1t11 .. lrl'r buildings will be ready for OC· CIAWN>ID lllAU f'HAINACT In .d irno 1ttt .. ..,.... 1i...-M111 ~ '"'" cupan,cy m.J • • Tuesday McCartney came back to the board with the new angle -the creation of a separate penonnel depart· ment In the courtl system. approval of salaries." dissenting. EN'S SUI The Friday dedication will take place on the eastbound rreeway lanes at Coyote Creek Bridge in La Palma. • to Landers off! Forward Fashion and Traditional Models· Ughtweights and Year 'Round Walghts . ' . SAVE 44.97 'SAVE 62.S!J SAVE 67.50 es aft~ so '~-$12S. llllott .. • • SAVE36.66 SAVE38.33 EXTRA SALE BONUSl SELECI ED GRODINS SUITS 25% OFF, AND MORE 34 76~. SPORT COATS . "" . .... 1f3 ... 1/'2~GFF~ .. , --~ _ Reg.•so to tieo I MEN'S SLACKS ~,., .... 1J3,.1/2 ,0EF1 1, 2 & 3 Button pioc1111, Famous b!Mda Included. Men's Furnishings FAMOUS NAME DRESS SHIRTS ... $2.99-$3.99 Reg. to $7 -short sleeve, perm1 prnt FAMOUS NA"JE DRESS SHIRTS .. •4A13/S13.00 Reg.to$7.5D-long-whll0,cdors BE 11 ER NECKWEAR .•............ $1.99-$2.99 Reg. $5 a $8 .SO-Neweet atrlpea l1ld paltetN MEN'S HOSIERY ...•..•••.•... ·"-,,, 6/SS.85 Reg. to $2.00-anklet lll'ld over-tfM.call · HANDCRAmD BEL TS .••••••••.•. '2.59-$4.99 Reg. to $7.60-superb lea1hors BONU5-PAK HANDKERCHIEFS ..•.••.••• '3..99 Aeg. 18-peckago of13-pennap.--PAJAMAS, ROBES, UNDERWEAR, JEWELRY At big wlnd-41p reduction• Reg.t15 lo1411 Bell l.Oop and Tab-Walat 8lylea Men's Sportswear . KNIT SHIRTS! KNIT SHlml •.... $3,99.$5,99 Reg. to $10-fuhk)n colllrl Ind twtl• MOCK lURnE WOOL KNITS .•••• S6.9&-S8.99 Reg. to $14-IOlldo ... lltrlpet -·- PULLOVER SWEATERS •••••••.•....•••• '9.90 Reg. lo$22.5D-woot, Ollon acoytlco SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS ••••••••• s199 , Reg.'9lf7--... --I FAMOUS NAME SPORT SHJll'S ••• $.f.99JU9 Reg.to'8-oool......,..llylea I FAMOUS NAME WASH PANTS .••• $6.99-'8.99 Reg. to $13-Yllloty ol flllrtco GOLF JACKETS now ..................... '7.99 ' Reg. $14-porma-poplln r' Fabulous Savings on Women's Fashions SHIRT SHIFTS now ••••........ : •....••• $8,97 FAMOUS NAME JEANS FOR GALS ••• --;; •• 'Ut Reg. $15-fanwd maker atylea Reg.ti lf7-you _thla_ .. __ N~ FLARE PANTS , ............... SJ .17 Reg.·Sl1-oald Oolort,- KNIT DRESSES now ................... '15.90 Reg. $2.5---pol)'l$IO< peolota SUMMERY SUITS now .......... , ...•• '19.90 JAMAICA SHORTS now •........•.....•. t.Ut Rayon 1111111 olMI all!<-fabr1c:o Reg.$7----' 4-Pc. KNIT WARDROBE ...........•.• '29.90 lACE TRIM BLOUSES ................... SJSI Reg.$14--toc,-loob • ' OfUl),.,_.OWll» .. "tl .............. _..., __ 1111 • ...,_ •&.U'll ·--........ i._ ~,,- IROADWAY·ANAHEIM CENRR, ANAHEIM .e. SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MIU: • . ·-- • • 1 I ~ • I .. \ Je OAILV PILOT Coast W el.comes Nixon to White .ffou ·se West , -· " ... .. I, "" AMONG HIS SAN CLEMENTE FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS - President Nixon grabs for hands and was obviously eojoying himself as he created a Secret Service agents' nightmare by wading into DAILY PILOT ....... ff lM p_,.... crowd·s on hand to greet him upon anival at San Clemente. He arrived via helkl>pter at U.S. Coast Guard Loran Slatioo adjacent to his new home, the former Cotton E$t:ate. r ; '" • ' ' • ' t • " , LAGUNA DELEGATION CHEERS PRESIDENT -Laguna Beach coed boosters. the "Mini-11er- n1aids," \~'ere out in force Wednesday along with a • < . ,. TRITON lllAHDSMEN -Members of San Clemente HillJI School Man:lling Blind &tand at attention for arrival ol. Preoldenl Nt.on and bu family. Young ! 1,500 Coast Children Hail The President President Nixon arrived on schedule Wednesday afternoon at his new "White J~ouse West" in San Clemente and delighted throngs as he grinned and shook hands all around. And Nixon seemed delighted too on his return as a "resident" of his native Orange County. He said he 'll be back in August. "Hey, we Jove you !" shou ted children among the 5,000 persons who turned out to ~lcome the Nixons. The crowd included 1,500 children from Orange Coast school.s. "When I met Pat, before we were married, we used to drive down to the beaches and this beach at San Clemente was one of our fa vorites. Now we're · &lad to own part of it." The Nixons paid $340,000 last month for the old Cotton estate, a seaside Spanish«yle mansion with a 10.room main house and five acres which in- clude beach land. Mrs. Nixon, wearing a bright yellow dress, glanced at skies which have been typically overcast the past few weeks and remarked "Don'' worry, the sun wi II oonie out." . . ,..--• o.1.1LY pj{Of Wf'L"ff tt:nn4'1"' '. \·~·President told .b,is ntw neighbors, ·Laguna . High delegation which greeted President "We re sorry you """t· be abJ.e lo' get ~ N. · h.'.J · · as close to the house as you want" and 1xon on IS arnval ~t San Clemente .. More than promised "we wlll try not to travel too 1,500 coastal s~hool children turned out m all. much on the roads because then the Secret Service would have to clear them." • DAILY PILOT ...... '" lM 11'•-bandSffiet\ ,Wet'e called UJ??n . on short notice, to master intricacies 'Of "liail to the Chief," tiadition- al ctn>1r•llllal music played for U.S. president. l With them on tbe visit are Mr. and Mrs. David ~. thejr son-in-law and daughter, aod their elder daughter Trid>. President Nixon is setting up an e.sper- lmental pattern of dividing his time in California between his San Clemente home and a villa-office in the Newporter Inn at Newport Beach. Nixon wilt give the aTTangements a first try -y, flying by helicopter to and from the Newporl..-Inn, up the coast from his new oceanfront home. While a( the iM, Nixon is ezpect.ed to announce he will nominate Donald John- son, a former national commander rl. the American Le«ion, to be head rl. the Vet- erans Adminfstrition. Johnson, of West Branch, Iowa, ls the father of nine chil- dren and open.tes a farm supply feed and poultry busine£s. He woold succeed William J. Driver, who resigned u head of the agency. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon would confer at the New-poner with Jdmscin and Pete< J. Flan· 1pn. a special ...istairt ll!d talem scoot He did not say In ldvance wtrom Nb:on ls choosfn& or even the post involved. 1 The _,. m.:..tt,;.•~e;nned to opeod about Ill houn at UJe New· porter today and anln ., Friday lllin( a suite transformed lnto an office .. ZieCler cited UJe hotel's helipod as one reason hr Nlzon'• declsioo to test the ainngement. "It Is a convenient place for people to come in and Illy," he Slid. N11on wil1 ~ tMre oo Friday-with nine 'young men and one girl who art: serving on pilot advisory commttfees to state Selective Service systems in• Okla· homa, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi and New York. Also on FrldQ the President wilL ron- fer in Newport 9each with Robtrt Finch,· """'-'llry o! i\001111, education and ·wel· fire; And 'Btyce N. Harlow, 1pecia1 assistant !or ~ r<--; . . .j OAIL Y l'llOT fthot9 W 1" 1'•1• WAYE TO"SAN CLEMENTE THRONG -President Nixon scrambled up on the deck of his limousine to greet throng upon his arrival at San Oemente. He said he's "glad to be your neighbor." ... ~- l~ ~} :.• . .. . . .... DAILY ll'ILOT 1>Mtt"" It~ It ~ •' ARRIVAL AT EL TORO -President and Mrs. Nixon alight ~ Afr Force Ont Wednesday 15 minutes ahead of schedule al El Toro Marine Cori>• Afr. Station, f~llowed down steps by daughters Tricia ' ~uti.·~ ...,,.,..Jaw, David Eisenbol<er, • -t w E1 pc Jt se h• pl • Tourists Surround Palace It's Also Tough .·on Anne LONDON (UPI) -All 1be Queen's men ~ all the Queen's horses do the ubn0&t to lure U.S. tourists to Britain. • forces the royal family to come and go through a side or back gate. was "real," kicked him ln the sh.Ins. ""'""''' June 5, 1969 s DAILY 1'1LOT Jl DENT.1L PLATES 'RE,AlkS I RE~INES WHILE-U.WAfT WY COMPLETE ALWAYS CIEDR DENTAL SERVICE LOW TEllMS IN OUR OFFICE PRKU 11 But Princess Anne 11ys Jt makes things sticky atound Buckingham· Palace. The Pl&)ace g u ard smen themselves retreated n j n e years ago. An American woman. who later explained she waited to see If the statue tlke guarcbman at the gate The guardsmen in their red- coat.s and bear s h a t o 1 retrealed behind a tall grill fence. They left ortly London bo~bies i9day to man the gates against the tourist horde. • 'PENt'OTHAL CfJreer Corner Winner ! DAILY PILOT ll•ff ,._.. William Reed, Huntington Beach city editor of the DAILY PILOT, watches as Ed Danduran, 16, junior at [Qng Beach's Millikan High School, tries out new portable ~ypewriter he won for question on optometry to be answered in tbe J une 18 Career Corner co lumn in the DAILY PILOT. Danduran's mother a secretary in the Hu ntington Be&ch Elementary School District, encouraied he!' so,n to write th e \Vinning Jetter. Though· he asked about optometry he pl8as a c~reer in engin eeri_!lg. · ' Paint now! We' I pick WP the tab for the trim ~ RE: ,QUART TRIM ENAM.EL ~ WHEN YOU BUY 'p . lnex-Latex House aont Vinyl Miit Interior Latex OPEN MNlllGS Mon., Thur., Fri. Till 9:00 Sun. 10·4 , 32GAL TRASH CAN • 1 YEAR GUllANTEE • LOCKING LID ... OUYE GREEN $499 $6.19 Y·AWE INEX PASTEL BASF $7.95, POLY·ESTER PASTEL BASE $7.95, :frnyl Mlst0 Hi9h Hidln9 PASTEl BASE $7.95 FAIHfl'S DA~' JUNE 15 GET 114 A GREAT GIFT FROM RM*'SI • ~ WATER HEATERS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal. . . . $42 .88 30 Gal. $44.88 Gal •... $49.81 50 Gal. . . . $64.88 •, INSTALLATION AYAtL.AIU Tfll• q11tlttf fllBrMit_. 111u lltlt\ll w•t•r htollt'f' i. -:i;: .it11 NI-', fl!IW, It 1"9Ull'fd w. W. Mvt .. ,,,. dll)' ll'Mllli.ttin •lltltlt. 'If ""' w1111 • .-1~ ,., .... 1 ~"'''-llD!I Plr1'l in. cludfd, C.H b1 P'60WI -lnsM'll ltltl .. .,. •1141 _"99M, lnsJ•ll•llo!! .. v•IMHl!f. AU 1Jfllfk clolM 11'1' rn.•ltr plUITlllm· GAllAGE DISPOSALS 111-SINK·IRATOI> · MOlllMO.UI $31" -·~"·" OUIPllCI,,. ,, , .• ..... m-• .,, .... ,...... -... $46" ......... 011 PlllCI ••••• , , , M-.i Ml-4 Tr • .._,...._ MODl1.N0.71 $54t1 ····"·" OUI PllCI ••• : •••• .... ,,....,, ......... t When·Que<;n EIW.blth'1 IS. y .. r .. 1~ daugblet !!lowed up)r;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;ll to open a children'• center In CAMERA DEMONSTRA. TION (for Sleep) for &tr1ctions and Fllllngs the London ,, district o f Southw~ !Iii. Jean Orr and I-lot Ille • Mrs, Hilda Treamer com· plained. • They told Ille princess the hool of... -around lbe pala<e is so thitk they haV< -unable lo pt their children clase e11oUaJi lo see Uae chaqing of the guard ......_...-,. . "We've Juo! beard th e PENTAX · Line of Comtnts SAT., JUNE 7 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. . Jttnd." said ~ orr. ... '111 know W(ectly wen bow Ml. JIM COOK of Hon•yw•ll, Inc. will d•mon5trate ' dlfficu..lt It lit'.! said PrlnceU fhe Pentex Cemer•s-end systems of photography. Anne. "I c.•91.dd not l't"ln l __ m)'Hlf this • morning • ~ S.. TM Mtllco Enl•rwer Mettr & IComputer .. ~~ S,:"!f·~ts .. lbe VANIMAN CAMERA HM;,.::-::... ~fro;;;n;;;t~··iiiteslii. ~oli;ilbe~. ~-paloceiiiiiii;·;:i-~· ~~· !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . iiiiiiiiiiiiiii5·5-iiiiiiiii WELCOME UNION DENTAL PATIENTS e DIFFICULT CASES WELCOMED e PENSIONERS WELCOME e NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY e 36 MOS. TO P"'Y e .OP'EN EVES. A SAT, e SE.HAIL.A l'HONI U2-6625 ESPANOL DR TARR •UHTIH G;QH 81 Ilk CRIOIT DIHTl l T 16123 BEACH ILVO., HUNTINGTON BEACH NEAk EDINGER -GROUND FLOOR -MODERN All CON~ITIONiD OFflCE MEMIER AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OENTl~T­ AM!RICAN CR.EDIT DENTIST ASSN. _ Mo.ney Saving Values ~DADS ND -GRADS ,! I MEN'S DESERT BOOTS T .. e aD popular shoe for 1port1w•ar, l•isu ... and on the job. Gr••n, I r o w n and O.sert Tan. FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE 15th . MIN'S FllE SPANllfl UIA- M OC CASI NS FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL! SANDALS N>I fUNS AND WOMIN. Hur.d ... cls of Sandals in baautiful styl•s. Thongs, Strapt. etc.. Quality ltali•n lmporh.. CHILl!"S COWBOY BOOTS SIDS 11/:r TO 12 396 ! TENNIS SHOES HCfULAI 4. '1 SPANISH IMPORTS 396 ld•el comfort for lei..-.. outing and housew•ar. Choos• U9hl Tan or Brown. SANDALS 1111ANT5 S TO I , 338 ll.on9 .... earing canvas - tfull cushion in,ole. cu,tom .. rc.h. Non-11tid. sole,. Blu• denim, Grean or Blade. 196 WOMEN'S IJ1'1U HEn SANDALS 396 SANDALS 96r.. SNtdJ little st r a~p Mhclal.1ht wh ite and as.ar:ted colors. 296 Th• Sport Sa•dal made In Franca. Pad· dad insola. Non.skid 1ole1 and heel MEN'S CANVAS CASUAU 5891 ldlnl)er at Sprlnijdale Huntington leach-147·9125 10045 Adams at lraOiknt HuntlntfOn leach -962-9178 CNut to 51..0n Dr"ll FREE CODY FOR THE llDDIEI ,.... . - STORE HOURS ••••• WEEK DAYS 9 A.M.11L 9 P.M.-SUNDAYS lDA.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. ' . . . 1 l I ' • ]) DAl~Y "1.0T LSGAr. NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEED REAL PROPERTY TO THE STATE l"UltSUANT TO SECTIONS llll TH•OUOM DJ, ltEVENUE ANO TAXATION (00(, THE NO'flCE OF INTENT TO OEEO llFAL f'ROl"ERTV TO THE STATE IN ANO FOil THE COUNTY OF 011:.llNGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.. HAS BEE,. OIVIOEO ANO DISTRlllUTED TO VAllJOUS NEWSPAPERS OF GEN· EIU.L ClltCULATION PUIL!Uil!O IN SAID COUNTY, FOR' ,UILICATION OF A ~T\()H THEllEOI" IN EACH 01' SAICI NEWSPAPERS.. In #ill lilt ~ follow lnt1 1bbrtvl1!lont ·~wed for 1111 -•ds tit ~Ht llltm; Ac.-Acre or AO.S Adcl-AcldlllOfl Alll-M l111!l"' AP-Aalft1«'1 MIP PllUI Numbtr ,...._._ ,.__ E-Eat E ,.,_E1sttrlJ flC-..rld to lorih Eo:-£.o:celtl Fr~FrKtl-1 Fl-I'"' F"°'--#'r-IT Hw'f-HlthwlT lnc-t~lw lllf-ll!fifrt.i ,,,_,,'"II'-' Ml~lftlftt" or Mlt1111t ·--NE~Norti..t NEIV-fforttlffslllrtr .. .,...._..,...,.,.. --..,__...._. NWIJ' Nor'lnlftl1frty Ofl-ottk!.I It-.!• _ ... .,_,.,rt ·---RKt1ne-lt«1.,.u1-r R...,.,_.nubdlvi'llcin R._.~lvlllOll lt~R.llfll• All ,.,..,,., I• 1" T°"'"'htr. 5ev111 111d "'* WIHI " &Ill 8trMrdlno .... I nd Merlctl1n. NOTICE '1n "'rw•ni;• Ill llw, N ile notlt• 11 .,.rel:I.,. t lVTn 11111, an tt.e ht di'!' ol J~ly, lfiit, It flle llOUr II# lt:OCI D'tlod! A..M. DI ff\11 Qy, llltt 11.-r1!tned TIX Colltel'Dl'0 of ll>e C-11' ol Or1,.., 11 1111 office In 1111 Cltv ol S1n11 A1>1, St111 DI C.llfontl1, wlll ~ lo Ille St1t1, 11nll• -• rHeemftl, or 1n ln1t1lllYll!rrl .,11n " Ademollarl II lnlllllllll II Dt"Vllldtd by l1w, .... l'ffl ,,..,,.,. llerllllfl1'1!r ~!bed -""'ldl dlte ti..,. or ~ .,..,,. wlll lwovt 11apuod l•am 1'lf! di,. If !Ill wit ol wld ••-r11' 10 the 11111. The 1mount IOr wnw. lht de«! wm k IHWd will be Ille IOlll 1..._t due fDr -ld1 It w.n IOld to' Ille S!I~, lllcl 1....w..i ......,. Ht fDrftl Ill tklli.rs 1nd c:enll -lie "" cltKrlollon o1 ttie ••o• em. If !tit ,,,_rtv II ...,.,. 10 ""' S111t. ~ ri1hl o1 r.oemo11111 w111 1ermin.1t -.-r-••-e"' Ille or ~,...CM,,..,lllCe by 11'11! S111t. M"H~llea b'!' r.w, !flt 11).e IMlt .......... SOit 111lllorlt"r 10 nQl"ll! 111 nnts. • IW.eo Moll ..-.1111 in.Int In •nr -trom Ille ,,_,.,.,. Ml dttHd '' 'Ille Stt,.. AU l~llon concemlnt ~""'tlon, or 1111! 1,.11i.,11on DI 1n 1nsi.11""1'1'1 •l1tt1 el ~llarl wlll, _, r_,.11, be turnl>hed ~1' Oooo S. Mru~. CDll'llV Tu ColleC'lr, 111 Fin.nui lvHdlrt9. ~ Hort~ lroedw1y, P.O. ~ Ult, S1n!1 A111, c.11tw11i. mm. ~ tttb J111 "' fll Mir. "'' ,.. .,. ~DO# r~. T11 CDllKfor of o..noe Cwntf" Slit. fll C.l!foml1 T1ll-Pr-"• .. lie delllled I nd !hi Jubl«! of ttti. notkt i re 111'1111"9 In flll c-tr "' Or~ Sllll ol Ctll!Omi.t -~rticul•rlr Onc;rlbtd II fll liw.,., to wit: PIUlf'Ell:TV SOLD ro THI! STATE'l -~-~---------- IN T11E VEAll: '"' l'Dll: THE TAXES. LEGAL NOTICE .-.ssESSMENTS ANO OTHER CHAltGfs, 1---~-----~~~-0F THE FISCAL YU.II: IMU4 lfOTtCI! o~ TRUITl!l!'S SALi Newport Beach 0n Frra.,., ~!..Tit ::;R.t 2:oa o'clock P.M .. 11 ll••"SOVl!I front 1ntr1t1C1 of fM Or1111e Counl'I' Court 11Qwe, 1oc11t0 on C•t 1111 20CI block ot Wut 'th Sfrf91 I" the co. J Y l'f of Sin!• ""'' C1t!lor"I" SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL IANI(, I'S OU,., '" llGlnled trustee u.-r ltlt OHO ol 11'1111 No. u -Silt No. 2uo. AP ~7-Ul·IO, dlltd AutUJI '· IHI 11"1161 by RICHARD f.lewPOrl lt1ch City Lot 11 81k 2t, Wl.21 C. .BEASTON, JR .. tn unrt11n1td mtn, -"lo., t5 -S.le No. 27117, AP n.o.•10, r.cordlld on A1111111t 15, \Ht, 11'1 tiool! 1691, f'l11I Ach:I lo N~P01"1 Helllllls, Loi U Hte 703 flt Offl<l•l .Jteuwds In tr.. 0Hlc1 l ik 1 .. e 1.11 of "'' Counl1' Aet:ol"Cllf" DI Drt1111t '°"""'· S Clemente c11uorn11. tir re111¥1 ol 1M11u1t In lllt an "'"'"'' or 11erform'I~ of obllg1tiom MCVrtcl llltretrf', 1 Nolle. ol Oe11ull 1/ld City Eleetton lo ~!I U'1Cler Dffcl of Tr115t rwv. Ing beell rea>reltd 11 •rovlc:lfd for lw 11w Ind more !!>In lhrte "'°""" htVlft'I tlll>i.eci llna 1u<11 recor01rion. will .ell 11 PUbllc: l utllon lo Ille tl!tl'lftl bklc:ler fo• No. 16 -Siie No. )Uj, ~I' Tr 1u Loi II 11111; 1. 1n.u No. 17 -Slit No. ,,., AP T• UI Pilt" I.GI Z. t1.J6 S&-Gt~n. c11fl, .. ,.~ in 11w1u1 nioriev ot ltH! u,.11e11 s111n of Arnerlu 11 tl'll<t of Nit, ~1.01s.2s. w1tholll cv'""'' or w1rr1ntv e1111'6at0 °' lmolltll e1 to title, ""'"'Ion or en- Costa Mesa c • t Cvmbtll>Ces. the lftt1rnl COftV!'Ytcl ID Ind J y ._ Mid by It llnOer Nici UM of lni11, ln -lo lf'<I Pl"-/'l'f In Ortllft Counr.,., Slltt of C1llhltn!1, Cltscrllled IS: No. • -Siie No. S7.f2. AP 111·2tl·2t, Lot 1000. Trlct f(JJ, ln tM Cit¥ c1 f.le-1 Hlllthls Pot Loi ll', U.t~ Ne-I 8tlldl. 11 per m1p rKOl'IMO lft No. " -""' No. Jl'M.. AP 111-1').71, BOOll 2', •111n 2S lo » lndUllVe ol "'ewoort Kellhtl Po. lot 211. 51.'2 Mlsulll!llDUI Ml"' ln ll>e !ht office of No. 'IO -'91t NII. Yl'O, AP 11 .. 111·11. Ille Recorder of uld Coun1V. f r U17 Por Lot s S7.t• Stld n~ will Ill mtcH "' ....,. the No. fl -SI~ No. 60ll. Por AP l:Jf.. oblltl•lkln• H'CvrM bl' Nlol,dttcl ol trut1 131·11 llOrmel"lr AP J:Jf.IJl.OH. Tr ll6l lncl..01"' 111 to1h, t.l!I 1nO 1ll'P9nloe'I c1 Lo! •r SUl.Ol !rUtlM '"° of ,,.,., ,,~., c.r."tftl "' Hid Laguna Unified Beach School District oeea of truu; 111 1u<n• ex~ndfd undtr llW! ltrm• ot 111<1 CltPd of """"'' not Ille" r1t111ld1 1nd Sl,,15).15 remaining pr1nclp•! ol the note •l!C'wreO by 11ld om ol tru11, wl!h lni.r,,r from o,c:em~r 1, 1f61 ti In Nld nott l"ovlded. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL IANI(, '1!rmerly known _, SECUll:ITV FIRST NATIONAL BANI(, 11 Tn.itlM 111' C. S. Alltr:IGHT Aul1tanl C11hltf" No. H -~~ No. 1'J7. AP *1IO•U, Dl~d MIW f , Ifft. "'°" N" SE'· SK n Two 1 It '· 111.13 Pvl>lllM<! N~rt karllor News .. ,...,, No. t) -Sale No. 19)4, AP ~-llG-.IO cOll'lllnH Wll!> Oe!lv Piiot, Ntwoort Cf..,mtr11' AP 5"1IG-02.o1), ReurO of l&lc .... C1tffornll, May 22, 2t, Ind SU.--Tl'"Ol'I Ardltl No. I Loi it, J-Sit, l9't '2UJ l lt7.t1 Laguna Unified Beach School District Now Laguna Beach City Now Capistrano . Unified School District LEGAL NOTICE \ ' ' ., ' • ' ' ' " .· •• '· " colorful coordination for Father in Lancer's 3-piece leisure set Knit shirl, cardiga n and slacks, designed to wear together for a totally smas hing look .. The mock-turtle shirt in white with blue, go ld, green or black trim .. 10.00 Double breasted cardigan in blue, gold, black or while. 1 &.00 Checked slacks in above colors on while 13.00 ' men's sports'.vear 84 ' give Dad a matched sweate r set by, Edwards of California Machine wa ;hable and dryable Orlon®,aetylic in exciting leisure colors or' yellqw, grey, blue, green, or •gold. The while mock-turtle shirt's trim matches the solid color cardigan. The shirt S-X L The ca rdi~a n sweater, S-XL 17.00 may co men's sportswear 84 '• . " • ' ' • • > • •• ... , Van .Heusen .strikes yp,tl:ie colors '. ... .. :<' ~ • ~~ · fQ, make· a special saluti! to Father '' • Bright colors •• ;deep and vivid.hues establish a fash ion fanfare for deselvi ng 'fathers. Gold, rasp· beny, French blue, chocolate, green and grey • • • boll!. but never brash. Cool Dacron® polyes· ter anc;I cotto,n that won't toler~te wrinkles. ,.51iort sleeve 14 ~-17 7.00 Long sleeve French c\iff 8.00 Coordinated lies by Hui In big. bold regatta slri pes, 314 inches wide' 5.00 The coor· dinate shirt and tie gift~ for Dad 11 .00 ' • men's furni shings 6 • ·-'· :• ..... 546. 932 1' • •· " '" ',, ' +11~ I • ' ., ' ' ' ' I I I • I I l I ' i f I ' l I : I ' ~ .. .. may co south coast plaza , san die90 fwy at l>r*stol, costs mesa : shop monday through selurd•y I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m MAVCQ.,; ' . T • r. I , -----. • r •• - T - •• . . . ,.,.....,., , ... L ,,_. I hM ll . • County Fair's .I' A Family Tinle~·~, s• • 1..,, ~ . .. ,. It wouldn't be a county fair without the Dadys. • ; ,l 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dady of Cost~ Mesa have been prepartn' fl''-• • hibits for county fairs for more than·5() ye_ars, showin,g baked goods,,~.> /JO mals, ma~~es, fruits and vegetables, winning a host Of: prizes., --~-, Exb1b1Ung bas become-afamily attatr., too;;-since-cbildreJL...M ' grandchildren now exhibit in the fair along·.with them. 7.1 The first entries of the couple, in a Nebraska fair, were poland china. hogs for Dady and baked goods for Mrs, Djldy. -. Mrs. Dady was asked to submit rhore tha~40~quarts'of cannec;l goods for a sugar con1pany display one year, auct ·another ye&ti-the same com .. pany awarded her 100 pounds ·of stiiiJ~§ &prize for. bu pres~rves. · · What brings the Dadys back Jf~bit each YfJ&l' in the county. fair! "We love the fair -it's ~4ai'ittial 'tiine ol year for our family. We· think eyeryone Who can s1f:·Exhibit.·to boost our fairs," the Dadys say. And what 8.bout the . O~iplge, C.9unty Fair., scheduled for July 15-- 20 at the Orange Ccn1nVFairgrodndsq Wander through the e"ihibils and you'll most likely lip(' Something:· ffom the Dady home, probably with a blue ribbon allacl)e4. . E~hibitors/now are invited to sulimit registrations for the 1969 fair, according to. home economics supervi silr Mrs. Robert Cox, before the June 20 deadline. • Entries of baked goods, confections , preserved foods , table settings, clothing and texWes \Vill be accepted and many ~prizes will be awarded in addition tc the traditional first through third place ribbons. Among the prizes are a portable zigzag sewing machine, lingerie, . bakeware and cook-n-serve china. Men , women and children may enter tbeir wares individu.ally or Jn organizations, and winners in several sections wilJ)lave an opportunity to model their creaijons in daily style shows. Details for entering the borne economics competition and other ex· hibit classifications are contained in the 19119 Orange County Fair Premium Book tvhich may be obtained by Writing. v:l~iting or.calling the fairgrou nds. 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, t~lephone $4..5::11rli. • •" l:'\t.-....:1· ... t~.-.~·' } ·" . .~ ,.,.,,,. -. ' Tl!ADITION,,PASSED ON -Are.talents in cooking.and sewing inherite<l? It would seem so wfien talking to Mrs. Harry Dady (left), of Costa Mesa, M:rs. Gordon Harris of Orange (center), ·. her daughter, and Jane Harris, 13, the third generation, all pre-- partpg entries for the Orange County Fair Jajy 15-20. Mn .. Dady entertd her wares 50 years ago in a Nebraska fair for the first time, and has been exhibiting each year since. '-" , ..... • .. , ·. ~------....---~ ~·''-'"'~---·---:-----------!~:--------------------...,..,.....--~-----------------------i ---· .. ') .. . . . " HJ!ART AT DCC Mafle Hewes I School's O,Gt,for OCC Dean . . ' by JO OLSON Of fllt Oeltr ~II" lllff r.1arie Ho\ves won't be sitting at her desk at Orange Coast College next year as she h·a, for the past 21 year.$, but part of her will remain' because bPr heart is there. The gracious and attractive dean of w01nen··and coun selor has retired officially from her responsibilities at the college as of this month, so this past school year bas been a very no st.atgic one for her. In the past 21 years, with the hel~ of Mrs. Howes and other administrative officers, the college has grown from a faculty of 30 teachers and student body of 550 to a -giant insti- tution with 285 faculty members, .. 8700 students and a sister school. l\1rs. Howes ha s seen thousands of students come and go in her position. a!: c?u nselq;~: dean ~nd _teacher, and has be- come involved in their hopes and asprrat1ons perhaps far more deeply than anyone knovfs . From her vantage point as a spectator ·viewing the-pass· fng parade of students. she has seen a spectrum of student types appear and the campus way of life and attitude do an about-face. FIRST STUDENTS 11 Jn the early years\ there was a strong feeling of loyalty, adventure .and pioneer spirit. The students felt their impor· t8.nce in structuring a college and setting traditions. The first L5 Yefrs saw much ac{ivity, many events, ·great competition, and great college loyalty/' f\1rs . Howes thought back. "J;i;rom about 1964 all cQlleges across the nation have u•it- nessed a new phenomenon. Just .u the wo11ld 'P.:atriotism' i~ poo poohed,' such words a~ 'college loyalty' and college pride' have been rn.inimlze;d. Groups with identity, such as club.~. UDd it harder to 1ecure and maintain enthusiasm and depend- able·mernbers. . 0 0ff campus activity in small groups, unrelat~ to thr: \VhoJe college is more popular these days, anrl whatever is . . . I ·- 'in' is the thing to do ,'' she added. Mrs. Howes also said she thought that students are em- pha sizing "each to his own" and the "right of every individua l to think and to do as he wishes, without apron strings or adults' sanction, or tradition," because of the ne\v permissive- ness of the culture. DRE SS STYLES' CHANGE Browsing through OCC yearbooks from past years, ~he different dress styles that have prevailed through the years were remembered. by the dean with smiles. Mrs. Howes, attractively dressed in a lavender costume, said that in 1948 the coeds' skirt length went down suddenty to rtjidcalf from just below the knee, and the girls wore their hair shoulder length, waving softly. In the years around 1950 the girls wore ankle length socks and 'tennies, t and m 1951-52 the skirts, many very full, were below th.e mid-calf. Circie skirts with huge ruffled . petticoats were the· trend in 1953-55, and the men during those years \\'Ore brilliant Hawaiian shirts. "There were no dress regulations. up to 1956-57, but at this time it appeared necessary because some students were not · . using as good taste as students had in the past. The rules were '''ithdra,vn in 1966, except for 'extremes in dress and bare feet~· This \Vithdra,val stemmed in part fron1 the new tradi- tion of individual · rights." MANY AC COM PL ISHMENTS l.-1rs. Ho\ves. who has had a finger in almost everything that has taken place on the campus, has been an integral part o! t.he growth and forward look of the college. She rec-eived her bachelors degree from the University of Iowa in drama and her masters degree in drama and guid- ah~ f rom \1(,e!tern Reserve UniverSity. Further work was done flt UCLA in counseling and at California State College (SH HEAlltT REM AINS AT DCC, P•g• 171 • .I . Everywhere, Water, Water ·Wif·e Ha.s ··Too Much to Spare I ' DEAR ANN LANDERS' I bave a ..,,_ ?Stion for the woman wbo bad IUCb a ni.ble time getting he.r hulband...up in ie morning. Here it UI : Before you turn in for the nigh(, put a JI.class of water in the refrigerator. In ie momlnJ', when the klrd and master i1 1ppased to get up. call him oqce. Mike ire. he hears you uy ihe has ei:actly ret minutes to haul hb frame ,out of !d.,Jr he Is nOt up in three mtnutes, get ~ ater and Jet hJm have it, right in the SS'J. Offcourae, you'll havt"""An angry huJ· •nd on .YOW" handl lhd-a wet bed to ante bUt JOU'll never hJ,ve to call "•-timolrcmtbmoa. ANN LANDERS ril My bll.!band dliln't 1ptalt lo me lor a ""'* ofter I did lllle IO him. b\11 now, 30 )'tars later, it is one of the stories he likes lo teU bes\. -MADISON, WIS. DEAR MAD: 1'11 priodq ,_ 1eatr IMft_ll a,,ean 1'1.._t m1 e9denemm.. Aiq •U• wile ,...., It tey lldt -ffel' ,. .. lltr ewe rltk. I occepl M FN1 dltl!llJ I• ....... eali .._ ' . . ' I ~'----'-QI'_..,...,..._., DEAR ANN LANDERS: l"m a 16-year· okl glrl wilh 11f "unusual problem. I am dalinfl a boy who ii IJ. Ru already h,as bad 00< year ol collqe. I enjoy his 90m· pany a k>t, but I wonder Jr he enjoys mine. He does'all thoJalklo(. Lu( nl&hl, far example, I don't think l aald Ii~ ...,.__ It ....,. I WU noddinc aDd smllins~the whole time. Jt was all I COUld do to 1et In a word $UC}I ,u~ ·~Ul!.1~ ' and "Oh1" and "Tbat'•·gre.Ul' ~ ~· I don 't want Rex to think J:m stupid. DO you knoW of a book on the art of .c::on •• venation? lf so, I'd like to bUJ~ ll-· --Ofi$ lfOlUf,WEllDY DEAR ON£, You ddo•t \.ee4 'a'~­ the flrl of coevtnaUoa. lt loadl' • tlf )'OU have developed I far tnore ,im,ortht art -Ille •rl 'el• Utlenl•&-c.a. rr1tu.JaUoa1. And doe't WttJ allwt Rex &lllald.11 YM Ill a dnabell. 8etttt tt keep qalel and le liloqkt a fool tliu It opn. nar ftl<MI~ and mlioye all doabt. lo dance, own a &ood little bus.lness, have money in the bank and want. to 1et mar· ried . I've been looking strloualy for two years and have found nothing. but barniea, tramps, gold digger&" lame bfalos and psycboi~ • ~ are. the dectnt 'Womtn1 AM? Yoo'r" ihe tidy wllb the answers .. Pieue ten me. : -WILLING AND ABLE 6EAR WILL: Tbe "deot1L wome1" are aot rlve&ed to bar1&oolt watUag " be plcked 1p. W Ibey -·11oo11a1 -nd __ , .. . ' ... •un1&1. Tiley a1 ..... be,_ .-. . tilelr.,... -lo_,_,-· - ,..)<di """ ,.Ul!cal actleo ...... U )'OI waat 1 peach, doo't ltul hi 1 lem.oe crove,· Buddy. Unsure of yourself on dates'! What'1 • l'llhl? What's lfron&l Should )'OU! Shooldn~t you? Send for Ann ,Linden' bookltt '1DaUn& Dos ,aod Ilon'Y," enclos• Ing wllb your requ .. t'15 conll fu coin .ID<I · a long, sell .. cldrwed, lltamped enveloJjio. DEAi\ ANN LANDERll> \'m 31, 5 feet 11 lDcbel, 115, poundl, a 1ood bowltr, UU iitbeacileilr dU<llil WIUI ----Ann Landers-wUI be glad lo bolp-,... at Ille di~. 1'llen on pleol)' el with your proble!'l\11. Send them lo her In deceat -la olllcol, W!l<'1q ...,, la ,cart of Ille DAILY PIWl', 'llldOlial a p tdtooll, k&l'lll& -u4 la •11f4Wi, .. aelf·addreued, at.amped enveJope • • -~-.,..-..... ·--... .. . . .. .. -.... . .. " ' . ' '-· ""' -. r. • • I _._, .. - . . ' l Taurus: Avo id One • ~-·. • ;~With Money Problems • • • ' " .. ' FltlDAY JUNE 6 . ' . 87 SYDNEY OMAllR MOON IN l'ISCES porCendl : Hcellaol Uf for fllldq, plu- llq. Floe m... tw IANllPI · w.W I...,.. Ill .. wtlll a....,I : ......... ~ . ' , • AlllEll (Mardi 21·AprU 19): ~"Don't force tauei. Something ; , II occunitlg behind the soenes .: ~ -you need to know more. : ~Walt and observe. Cycle will ( ' move up. But, for t.odQ1 1ather lnformalion a D a analyio IL TAURUS (April 28-May IO): A friend with mone7 problem could play stgnillcanl role. Be gracious a n d sympathetic wttbout aetting involved. You have re1ponslb i llt le1 ·--· Rea!W! this -act accorclJqly. GEMINI (May 2b.June IOI: ..... ----.ii .. • Don't make important move without confiding in mate, partner. Some today are $Upersensltlve. You get o~ portunlty for promotion. But there could be legal com- pUcatiOns. Act accordingly. ir,-•)-Y.., . • • • • • 1 · • • • . CANCER (June %!.July 21): Good lunar aspect is com- plicated today, Means money quesilon is involved in travel plans. Ultimately you do get going. But be sure you know where, when and wby. And check the cost. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid e1.trava1ance. You want to impresa, to be charming and magnetic. But this does not mean you-have to --0ver- spend. Realiu this and save yourself money and em- barraument. VIRGO (Aug. ~pt. 22): Future secw'l,ty could be af- fected by decisions. Key is to separate fantasy from ac- tuality. Don't make mist.Ue of seeing penons, &ituation1 bnly at you wish they could be. Indian Maidens Rall OH to Campout ' luau , Colenc/arecl Norwegians .Go Native A Hawaiian event with a M.araaret Babi and Mr. m! Sca.ndlaav.lu fiavor la planned Mra. Bruce McCartney. for &atur~, June 7, by Also on the calendar fOr the Try&ve Lie J.Adae 90, Sona oC two eroups Is the Pacific Nc:nr11, and ttie Cout Vlking COaat Norwegian S i o g e r s ,f.aociatioo &Clth Annual a.... . Sao1erlest Au1. HI in the San. ,PQlyaesian d1lbea 'on lbe' ta Monica Civic Audilorium. bufftt table will be in-The N<irwegian Male Chorus tenpersed with favorite Scan-of Lol~Angeles wi ll host the dinavian di.shes prepared by event. lodfl· ud club members for Put presidents w e r e the 7 p.m. event in the. honored by Edvard Grieg Newport Btacb Ebtll Lodge 74 in Glendale with a Clubhouse. dinner and dance. Entertainment wW be pro-Anyone wishing information vkled by the Nill Johansson on the lodge may call Mn. Swedl.sh U\lk dfnctrs from Los Ray NH!Isen, 548-6888. Angeles, wbo,appear In nativ•I==::=::=::=::=::=::== cootuqw:>. Tbe l!TOUP pl1111 to travel thrCIUgb the Scan- dinavian countries in the sum- mer. Five new members will be initialed into the lodge during formal ceremonies J une 26 · conducted by Leone r d Wolford, president. Joining will be the Mmes. Inger Engstrom, C. B. Hanson an '• I.plRA (Sepl IS-Oct. 22)' iloft ... u approach ii best. Be diplomatic. Those in authority Rolling their sleeping bags in preparation !or .the 1 mountains tomorrow,· for a two-day stay. Mrs. are on your aide. There is annual campout of Y~CA Indian Maidens are (left Richard Lacock, chairman, has n1any activities really no -need to prove to right) Vicki Murphy, Donna Lacock and Mrs. planned including hikes, horseback riding, swim- yourself. Reilbe this -act in Eugene Murphy, of Huntington Beach. The group ming, cook~ut.s and graduation ceremonies for both graclow:, mature manner. -~w~ill'.:...'.r~et~u~rn~t~o~C~am~p".....'.:O~s~ceo~la~in~th~e'..1San'.'.'.'..~Bern~~·~rdino~·~~m~oth~·~e~rs~and'.'.'.'.~da~u~gb~t~e~n:._I :::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~~==========~~~~~~~============~ SCORPIO (Oct.':ZS.Nov. 21): lmmalure penous, children and others, may haVe certain demands. But you should Lake r long•range view. Don't ac- quieace mtrely for sake of convenience. H firm today, your lomomJw could b • bright. I SAGITJ'ARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Avoid exceu speed. March of Dime~ Conference Club Leaders Enlisted the prevention of birth defects. ~MllMl\l\AA!ll\1\/\1\llM'll\lt~ ;. ~ I I Control tendency to act on im-Area leaders will oe in· I pulse. Give attention to home, troduced to opportunities for property. real-estate transac· invo~vement in the prevention tions. Be original without o( birth defects during an an. being radical, Strive for new nual leadership conference Gallway also will outline two new community medical pro- gran1s which will call for the same community invol vement and action which brought about the effective use of the polio vaccine. dividual and g r o u p In· volvement. Leaders of clubs a n d ~ organizations who are looking for a project are invited to at· tend the conference. I ~ approach, . .• • next Monday at 9:45 a.m. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. The event. to take place in 19): You are forced to make the Charter House, Anaheim, ! decision because of is sponsored by the volunteer circ~ncea. Be receptive committee of the Orange to mood , trend. H a v c County Chapter, N a t i o n a I alternatives at hand. Don't de-Foundation-March of Dimes. pend on only one method. Be Dr. Joseph David, pediatric sure you have cboict. surgeon of Sanla Ana and AQUARRJS (Jan. ~Feb. member of the medical ad- 18): Social activity is em· visory committee for the phuized. Have a good time chapter, will show slides ii- .but dOn 't speak out of turn. lustraling the strides made in ~eanr be discreet. Many ideas the treatment of congenital are propoaed. Deal with most malformations . in bwnorctls manner. The county chapter suppo rts fISCES' (Feb. 11-M~ 20): the sole evaluation clinic In Cycle hi&h· But one in autbori-the county which provides the ty .. may be argumentative. medical team approach for .Stud tall; adhere to prin-dJagnosis of birth defects. ~pJu. Yotfwill receiv~ benefit Arthur A. Gallway, vice of any doubt. Put efforts 'pay pres ident o( the National <iff. · Foundation, will come from --JJ'. TODAY 18 .YOU R . New York to tell those at the £1HaA. Y ,_· you love your conference about the rol~ they and YP'l 1 are ar-might take in the health agen-te. Your voic8t aense cy's .programs of research. of drama are higbll&bted. education and medical care in . , YOU{ baby should walk our way. Because we know the way baby should walk. Straight and tall With good poslli'e: We have years of experience frtting baby feet And Stride Rite has years of experience making baby shoes that re ally fit and support ti ny feet. With all this experience, your baby's feet are in good hands. And in good shoes . --. --- ~ ' 1831 NEWPORT BlYD., COSTA MESA • Mrs. Norman \V a t s o n , chairman of volunteers service for the chapter and chairman of the morning session will describe the services of the group and sum- marize opportunities for in- ~!embers of Newport Junior Ebell Club will .se~e . as hostesse3 t o organ1z.at1on leaders expected from throughout the cou.m.y. Further meet ing in· formation may be obtained by calling the chapter office, 547· 6124. HB AAUW Announces New Officers , Topics The firsl insta\Jalion Jun· cheon planned by members of the American Association of University Women. Huntington Beach Branch. will take place Saturday, June 7, in the Sheraton Beach Inn. ~frs. Ralph Bauer will serve as president for the I96i..70 year, and also laking office wlll be the Mmes. WUll am S. policy, \Yill be reviewed for possible study by the branch . Luncheon will be served al 12:30 p.m., and tickets are $3 eac h. Additional infotmation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Michael Roach, 142-7216, or Mrs. Horner, 847-6393. Superstitions Gibbs. president~ect; Robert Superstitioos that have gone llorner, first vice president : out the window include the David Willette, second vice one that it Is bad luck to try president: Edward Burnes. on or wear briefly the wed· i:;ecretary, and Louis Freska, ding ring before the,..~ctual treasurer. ---· --~.:..:f-,(,.\)).1\,, New and pr 0 s _.P..(,_C ti v e Mote' setsfb1e is for each members also wift"'be welcom-party to try on the rings, slip- ed at the last general meeting ping them on and off to make of the club year. 1 sure thls can be done quickly Four new topics, intlUding and easily at the wedding. human use of urban space; ----------! this beleaguered earth-can Th D "I P'I t man survive?; the academlt • e 01 y. I 0 community. a new look on c· D t' campus. and American foreign overs <l,oa 1ng • "--~~~~='~~-"---~~· Early Summer Special permanent wave special for curl or body our fine st wave including hair cul. . s1500 .... v .... .................................... _,. • ' . I\ -I r. GOOD FURNITURE IS JUST THE BEGINNING ••• After Wr first •tore opened in 1926 we soon found that our mstomers required more than fine fumiture to mmplcte their home settings.· We then began to acquire additional wires and lcnow-how to make Bigpr homes t he· most attractive tiome1 . Tod1y our specl1l dep1rtments and workrooms lncJuda: • ~CAUfl'INC DfPAITMll'lf"-wfliclf ~ts th• fin•t arpet mlllJ In rite counuy. • CUSTOM DRAP!IY SHOf-whole we lwKJ. !Ailor ond prNIMf drapeti., d.,igned ospe- d ally for l'O'I• -. CUSTOM UPHOU1aY SHOP -whttt we m1nuloctw. ei,..,. Own Vphofsr.ered fumi· IU,. 10 l'O'lr 'Pfdllallon> wl do re"1pho/Jtary work. ACCBSOllY Slf()P -..,,_ -guinf m ... "'"' Md gi~ an ~ *"-'· fllll-ed from ,,, -· ,,,. -rid. LAMP stiO...-wllid> /ntJIJflpJ 11 ths ol /vnps, from unuwal impotU to lhc¥e of modesr pric~. for 41 YtY rS our desire to olllt OUf growing numlMr of SOuthland customers the best in '-fu rnishing ..,,,i.-lies reqtiirad oUTl<iloplng •heidOllili HmH by constanJ: teaming of new 5kil11 and continued 111owth on our pairt. ' t lNf HOME FURNISHINGS • INTER IOR DESIGN ' J.tL~ PASAblNAt Colondo •I El Molino POMONA: Holt, east of Carey SAii.iT A ANA Main at Eleventh • l • t! . ·-- ) ' ! -. . . ·. ., ,)-·il .. -. . ' . -.. := . ' . . . - . . r i . .. . . .. .. or . :"": .-·-:-.;: . .. . .- ............ ,, ." .. -....... ~- -DAILY PILOT Jf t.! ·Pearl Harbor Setting For Evening-Ceremony :. 'r The Submarine Memorial Chapel at Pearl H1rbor was the setting for the evening ceremony llnklng In marriage Navy U. Bllr)>ara Ann Onder and Navy LL Cmdr. Le9Ue Ronald Tracy. lace . .Jter illusion veiling wu attached to a camelot cap~ of1 lace and she carried orchids • and white roses in her bou- quet. . ' J Capt. Ernest R. Lineberger, Navy Chaplain, perfonned lhe nuptials for the i:taugh~er of ·Mr. and Mr!. StePhen A. Onder of Bfldgeport, Conn. ' and the son or ~,r. and Mrs. Leslie A. Tracy of Costa Mesa. The bride, given In marriage by her falher, selected an em· pir~ gown of 'silk organza ov~r satin and appllqued alencon Waist Watchers TOPS Waist Watcher s assemble every Thursday at 7 p.m. in Circle View School, Huntinglon Beach. FAIR F•1i, l•ir, f•clM •I. Tho1• lhrtt word1 1um up f1clor1 in oper•tion on the DAILY PILOT •41tori1I pl,. .... ry d1y. Mrs. Gary Lun~een -.yU matron of honor a n 4, bridesmaids were Lt. (j.g.) Nancy Cook and Lt. (j.g.) Sheri Miller. ' u. Lundeen was best man .. and swor:d bearera were Lt. • Cmdrs. Gerald F. Ryan, Nelson M. Prose and Robert•· !. Foi-est and Us. William R. MaeKay, Richard P. Foland and William J. Dawson. 'I1le reception followed ln the officers club. The bride is a protocol «· fiter for the Commander Jo Cllief of the U.S. Pacific fieet at Pearl Harbor. The benectict, a UCLA' gr11duate, is officer in chatge of the Coastal Surveillance Center, Da Nang and is opera· lions advisor for the Vitt- namese Navy Junk Force. Following a honeymoon on lhe island of Hawaii, the new lyweds will make their fimne In Honolubt. The frist modern cookbooli for picnics ond how to moke them memorable. , IT'S A PlcNfC! by NANCY FAIR· MclNTYRE A'l(AITING·TOUR -William D. Lusk , president of Lusk Homes. discuss~s a tour of decorator model homes with Afrs. Richard W. Nabers of Ccrona de! Hospital Benef it Mar, Albert Auer, vice president of real estate for the Irvine Co., and Mrs. John Killefer of Corona del Mar (left to right). ....... werW -· ·--_ ..... . .... ..... ...... -... --..... ........ ..... fNll ,,, .... 1805 Newport, Costa Mesa •vr w.a ..rtti et 1 ltll Stffft" HOUIS: till •·"'· '' S:lt p.-. fri"1 Tiii t LEARN TO SWIM The New Homes Previewed I AT YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA 642-9990 • • Tee Tattler Hoag . Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian's 552 Club will host an invitations benefit Preview Show of decorator model homes in the fifth unit of Lu.sk Homes' Harbor View Hills, Corona de! Mar nei:t Tuesday. grand opening Wednesday to•\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday, June ll·IS, in which ... • ' In •ddition to the e~sy-to-follow recipes, pocket picnic, c•mper coakery, the sportsmen's lunch box: •nd motel bre•kfe1t1, there. are picn ics cues, with id vice on· how to }>ick -~ ,ite; how to p•ck • picnic, the be.st end -letesf equipment, end, most import•rrl, wh•t not to forget! I bO P.•g•s ..• A William Cole Book $5.95 Pickwick Bookshops COSTA M.ESA So. CaasrPlaza 5411''"'2191 Eves. 'til 9:30 PALOS VERDES .~ Peninsula Ctr. , yr 541·2416 M. Th. Fri. 'til 9:30 SHOPS IN SAN DIEGO e CARI.SIAD_ e MONTCLAIR e SAN IE•NARDINO e IAKERSPllLD e CANOGA PARK e HOLLTWOOD I s e .. , :p;waawm (Editor'• Nolt: A column ol womon'1 loll voll l(on!I •!II IPPt•< f fltl'I W~f~ In lht DAlL'I' l'ILOT. To'"'"" 1co•11 hi!' Ille wffk, ple11t mill tnom to P. o . aox 1'611, Ccr1!1 Mn•. Tiley m•1'1 M rrcelvtd bl' MorldlY.l SAN J UAN HILLS KICKElt TOUllNAMENT-Fl\t1'1 A. !Ill Mmll. AIMrl H!I~ W•lll•rn HGl-s . .'1; F1'9111 fl, !hi Mm.,_ Clifford L1F.-..r. 5Sl C1rl P1ttt<'°", .M; FlltM (, 11'11 ~. l<tllY Cr1lg. 4'1 8atrY H!cti.<11, 50; V1rle Olllien. S2J F tlthl 0. 11\e Mma. G-91 ICeM, .S1 R111"0f\d Slv1. 49; ltklltrd lloos, "' Don 5mlll>. •• U.GUllA IE.lC~ ClllEllS -Cieu A. ttlt M'"", P1ul wni.t11. ~• 1C1r11 "'*'· "' •dam1¥ Sc.rlowm1t.,, ~; (llU 8 . lfll _,,_ CorN!llUS; T-Y. 11 ; Jem•• Wedi•~·· lol; Cll1rln Morrba1•, SI; Cllu C, Ill~ Mmn. Ev11111tllt1tt Chrl1llu?Wn, 51 ; lkt Wfollmcll'tlend, 601 Gltn McMllUln, 61. ltANCHO SAN JOAQUIN (LUI CH.lMl"tONSHI" -Ch.,... pl11111Jllp Flltihl. Ille Mmes. Rlo;h.ord v.,,..,, 2'UI L11w1vre. Thom1s. 77'1; RIY H1btHtlrer, 23111 Cll•I fl, '"" M"'", Cl'lolrle1 l ivens, 217; l¥1n S!Mrfl11, Gilbert ·~· w1m1m II••"""· 2211 Ct11r~ C1ll11!en, H. R. H<11•l1nd. m 1 H1rr1 CO'!l•m. n11 Cl1u o. llle Mmei. R1loll TrouhNn. Jll; T~om•s Moott. n5: John Scf'lwell•, 27'/; t11•- "'' M((h,irfl, tll. UtYINE COii.ST MEDAL PU.Y -CllH ... Ille Mme1. J1y Loro11ltY, 711 Mld'lltl O'B•l•n, n: G. M. Han111n Jr .. El'°" 11111e11, 1l; CllH I , ""' Mmn. Peul 11:11'1, 13; t1ow1rd Cir..,,,, 1~; Newell F•lt. Jol\rl D1vl1, W. It. Mlr1m1, 75; Clln C, !fie MmH. Jolln Poy11. tt: t1. J. !w1men, 1S; "•Ml R~ckO'!I. 761 DOii l -.ik. E"'Gr¥ S. MOoff, n1 Cl1u D, 1111! Mmn, Orvld ~lelds, 1': Ranlkl Wln!..,b\trn. Jalln JICobs, 11; Gil smr111. II. PUT· CASH IN YOUR POCKET- The preview showing will be followed by a five day public Women Building Bazaar A birthday luncheon aOO fashion show will celebrate the fifth anniversary of Orange County Chapter 91. National Association of \Vomen in Construction. A showing of kn its and a bazaa r will take place next Saturday in the Saddleback Inn, Santa Ana". A social hour will begin at 11 :30 a,m. and luncheon will be served at I p.m. The bazaar will be open bct"'·een 11 a.m. and I p.m. Reservations for the birth- day event may be made by calling Miss Kathryn Clay, 543--9740 or 542-3943. persons visiting. homes will tie askci:l to .contribute $1 to Uie , ...,p_ .:-+.-• /.Jf'..1-:J,I,,. .. : hospital fund. Cf'# P,,,.,,,..,,£, 3''-•IS~i{,/ffe4"tH4~ J'f'/JJ!l;~~ffil/,2:J!'). All proceeds from the t< . .J~·----= O' rJ) / preview showing ·and grand 42 A/"//,,? ,,I lb1J<3)Qb / ..£_,,_: IXiJcJ(, "l!tfJ/'1<// ,Y.f?-,..f1l .• sft,J!3l opening will go towards the Ol-ifft;L, ~ Ol(f"~........ ""'V1lt7T ~ hospital's "REACH years" campaign which has as its goal the construction of Hoag Tower, an 11-story com· prehenSive medica l facility capable or providing high quality care and treatment for the Harbor Area. More than 200 civic and community leaders are ex- pected to attend the preview showing of the homes and see the Interiors decorated by Ted von Hcmert, AID. Las Flores Collecting Galhering usable discards for their annual riimmage sale next Saturday are members of Las Flores Women's Club. The sale will take place between 9 a.m. and 6 p.nt .in lhe Odd Fe\lov.•s Hall. 226 P.!ain St., Huntington Beach, and all proceeds will be donated ·to an area philan· thropic project. Last year's HB Auxiliary sale resulted in a donation of $300 toward licholarship funds Twic~ a month the Ladies' for a Huntington Beach High ! Auxiliary lo Huntington Beach School student. • Sell un\vanttd Hems Veterans of Foreign Wars, Anyone wilh donations may P1e.o1• •end m~ to11••• 01 1T·s 11. PIC1"11c at is.n ..,c_ p1u1 ''• 't Post 7368 meet at 8 p.m. The cotltact Mrs. John Kay, 962-· S1l1'1 Tix (L ..... Reifdt~:s 6"'1 Plu1 JS< DI'• crd~r fOt m&lllng \Vith a DAILY PILOT I : first Friday of the month they ,...;5~94;::5~. --------, l'l••n• · ·· .. · .. · · · · · · ·· · •· ...... · ··••·••• I Clas.~ifit'd Ad. gather in Odd Fellows Hall for LOCAL L-"l<l'•,tt, ··1 .. ·1 ···~·1 ··~: ··-....................................... !..,' a business meeting and the r " .!"' .,., ,.a ... .,!~ ':" '-#" ~-~ •• '!'~.11 . ~ . th·•~•-the '·"··in u ..a... +II formation may be received by 9olnt •ft in th• t•••t•r 11. ;(It: Rtm111 .. nt~ ·~~;o~~· • ~ ~1e ,~:~:· ~~"'~:w-:::::~::~ !i• [.l.[~/y.'r~~\(6ro4'f.2ft•~5'6j;7p81.~1:~ VB~~~J~~iioJ :r; ff: :::.~~:;d~~'::~,;~~~ .c.;'3.<ol. •i~·~ 'CN;rge m1 i '61n~Amcrlc.1l'll ( I Mi1'11< Chirge 1,, leJcphoning Mrs. LeRoy Or1n9• Co11t ttlen "-•DAILY :-' i~~~~-~--~-~-~··;-;·~-~--~-~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~H~e~nn~aM~~·t~536-~3sat:·~~~~·~lliO~T.li~ . , I I I -. . . ' ' -. · ... . . ' ·-·· -~ . . ~­. ' . -. ! ;.; I ; ·j ...... ! ;; I :2 l •\ ·'· ·-.,, . :.· •'-. ' . ' . . : ~ •• MOBILE · CHEST X-RAY , June 2 ttiru 7 • • • Noon to a· p~ . in parking Tuberculosis? Emph~ma? area near Bank of .America ' Susp. Tumor? " Cardlovcnc? Mediastinal7 Other Abnorm7 . ... '• • . ,_ • I • • -~ -----,··~·'•"•"fl• •I~• --;-, --:;_;c--;:-;;:.::. ;:; ... ::,;::.,.<e=:;:::_:;,:--.::.:;;:;:;::;;:;::::;:::::;::::-::::i:'"':"::-::-.:'.'..,;:-.':'. .• :"..:l'.• :C-:::-7·-='='-:::-=-"'-=·==·"'--"'"· "::::'!--:-. "··"""'S:": ... e:..s"''"-""""'""·"'-~' "It'"''"' .,.,.,,,._,,.a.,""'"""''"·'""""''"'",..,''-'""'"''"',.,,,.,,_.,. __ =• . . ·' :i--.. •. _.lo .. -· ,. • •. - UPIT ....... : WAY BACK WHEN -Women Suffragettes wave ment celebrated its 50th birthday · yesterday, l.J . . ~m top of a bus before leavin~ for Washington in though the Amendment was' not ratified by three . llli1 1913 pi<:ture. The Womens Suffrage Amend· quarters of the states until Aug. 26, 1920. · Brave Suff rag~ttes Hono-re-d ... '! 1 BJ GAY PAULEY ;;JiEw YORK (UPI) -The '.iiinlnc c.1 the 19111 Amen<I· <ment to the Constitution is 'llmple -"The right ot oltizens ot the United States to ,,... shall nol be donlod or ll>rldged by the United Stales dr by any state on account of ...... It's called the Women's Suf· frage Amendment and yester· day was 50 years old, having been approved by the U.S. Sepate June 4, 1911. (It wasn 't unW Aug. 21, 1920, however, that the ...-at)' three quarierl of the states had ratified the amendment.) B e h i n d that right which women won in 1119-1920 lies one of lbe most milKant, most coura1eous, often bitterest, most prokmged campaigns for a cause ln the nation's history. And the battle is not over; Florida, for instance, only got around to ratifying the amend· ment last May 13 and sources at the Lucy ~ne League say New l\1exico still is Jagging. Even so, the ear I y Suf- fragettes were convinced that with the right to vote, women could change the world for the better. Did they? Are they? !Ibey have accomplished much in the half century, but the conseRSUS is th"ey still have . a long way to go. One of these women doers is Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, R·Maine, who says, "Women have made encouraging pro- gress. . .but not nearly enough.'' Mrs. Smith is the only woman In lbe nation's 100. n1ember Senate and is the ranking Republican on the powerful Armed Services and · Aeronautical and S p a c e Sciences committees. Another gowedul woman in Washington, Virginia Mae Brown, chainnan of I h e Art Co-sto rs With Books Interstate Commerce Com· mission (1CC), agrees with ?tlrs. Smith, "They ( th e women) have been responsible for many changes," she says, ·• ... but much still remains to be accomplished." , One or the women leaders who thinks that feminine ac· complishments in the last 50 years have been "almost unbelievable" is Mrs. Walter Varney Magee, pre sident of the General Federation of Women's Clubs ( G F W C ) 1 which worldwide has 1 1 million members. At Library Belly Friedan is less en· \ thusiastic. The author, who set HH Association Views Portrait Techniques ttie varied art works of of£ a world of debate on Mrs. Rock (Lois Under) Duit-women's role with her "The min will be displayed begin-Feminine Mystique" in 1963. nirig next Saturday In Mesa currently heads an activist Verde Library. group called the . National Mrs. Du llman studied at the Organization for W om e n (NOW). One of it! objectives Art Studeiits' League in New i!I to "outlaw" any discrimina-. York, Wcimen's University or lion in any way against the Philippines , Manila and women. Bay}or Un.lversity, Waco, Tex. What do the women who A character 'tudy in oil will be presented during the last meeting of the year for the Huntington Harbour A r t Association. Mrs. Betty Lou Nichols, noted for her technique in character portraits, h a s selected Mrs. Joan Molola as the subject for her· demon· straUon. The group will meet T~fonner art teache r has h u Off. •-works 1_ the Na· elped wi 1 the Suffragette at 1 p.m. tomorrow in tbe •1t:1 '" Movemen t "way back when" Huntington Harbor Be a ch Uonal Art Gallery of the think their voting rights have Club. Philippines, Jehinger A r t wrought? Members recently traveled Museum, Bombay and the to the Los Angeles County Art Museum of Nev" M ex i co "Well, v.·e've managed to M to showin 1 Gallery. change a lot of laws that need· M:e~m Craf=e~ of ~e~t H I sea•"a~ arc familiar ed changing," says Elsie Hill et =-r-w of Soulh Norwalk , Conn. Peru and enjoyed luncheon ln •"~·ghoul Orange Count• as uuvu J "But you know ," says this the pDery restaurant, The she has designed Christmas lively woman or 85, "the Suf· Egg and the Eye. cards with the N e w p o r t frage Amendment d 0 e s n • 1 DO SINGU GllLS Plans for a children's sum· Christfas Boat Parade as her eve n mention women." HAYE Mo. IE "UN? mer workshop will be theme " amx:iunced-during the bu!iness · 1 The Suffragette Movement '· ;i:'1l1 :~:.:-' meeting. There also will be an in the Uniled St.ates grew out adult summer program In Wal h Screens of lh• Anti-slavery Movement CALL 547-6667 ---~1 int and S in the early 19th Century. The -24-Heur Recwdl1t11 -uccwepo contemporary 1 concept that neither color nor ~i;iiii;iiii;iii~iiiii;iiii;iiii;iiii;iiiii;;~des~·~lflliiii;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5ii~ Before pu tting up window sex should deprive a citiien of j · screens make sure they still his or her civil rights was an are in gyod condition. ideal for which many, both If the~ n.eed repainting or a women and men, were willing touch-up. they are easier to to sacrifice. IF DRAPES . COULD TALK THEY'D CALL ••• , • S.ni11t t U •f Or•INJ• C•-11tv 540.1366 642,0270 1702 Newport Blvd . ot 17th Sl<eot Cost• Melli Sears SAVE 5 45! .Kenmore Sewing Machines You Get Both Quality and Savings with this ( ZIG-ZAG Console a.r. $104.95 s • Ow'reaats, u.tin 1titchea, 1ew1 on buttons, makea buttonholes, appliques1 monogram.!!, makes decorative stitches manually • f"ront mounted bobbin win.de?: cuts of! automatically when bobbin is f ull • 'ferrilic buy at this low low price ! Model 1201/9102 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears Shop Monday thni Satnnfay 9:30 A.II. to 9:30 P.M. SE~. R.ODVCJ: AND CO. SHOE paint if laid flat on supports. "We are the only class in Wipe off all dust and dirt history that has been left to ~fore applying the paint. fight its baUles alone," cried I-------------------------,,--------------- Screen enamel is best ap-Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one or The Great Orange Coast's , .. -.,,..,,:3'·"""'Dlf$. Thur. Fri. Sat. Mademoiselle --. NOW Over 300 pairs to choosa from, .. II dlff•f•nt stylas •.. No two .,.in •like • • ' All sampl1 shoes speciel priced for Three 0.1ys only. 1490 Innes SHOES plied w I t h an applicator the first leaders in both the , • ·• --~-• .,., av_ail~~e from .. ~~ur~yi~:r ~~uJm:~;• .. ".! >. f\.~(!. ~.f.it.·tt\->;..\~: 1:.~~"~'"\~i'/.:-1*~~~~· .. :~F""'~'if.'~" ;:JpetF~ -:P "1.'1/h"" ""· 1Uppt1" M1ll Acon11t fr•111 Wo itlworth'1J ' ' • • FllS THE FAMILY BEST SOUTH COAST PLAZA SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 540-7187 . -·-. nn 111m1., s.. DI ... Fwy. Toltphoo• s.o.1toa I \ ' - 3333 BRISTOL At The SAN DIEGO FREEWAY u .. w ........ , .... ..,,.c ...... ...._.~~konl«M.,«C- • • -. . ---. • • .• • ·-----.·· ---._. .. I • !"""""· J,pt s. l'Ht9 CM Auxiliary Closes Year OAILY PILOT l7, \ From Page 13 • . Heart Left at OCC • • : at Long Beach in admlnl!tra- "' Uoo. compllahmen1s are on Afrs. ·Howes' record, and to Ii.st U\em all would fill a book. The '.. Many achievements and ae- Everyth ing You Need FO i THI Wedding Cake LARGE ASSOITMINT OF OlNAMINTS • P•ns • S•paretors • s.u, • Doves • Oecoretin9 Tubes • Oecor•ting Books W,ddin9 lnvitetions, N•:r.kins, Champ•gne Goblets end Sri e's Books ~~e :JroJling fiouJe 2314 Nrqert •"4. T•l1p•111: ~1·57t4 c.te MeM, Ce.Hf. PEARL AND CORAL SAL E 14K y/g and Pearl Earrings $S.SO • • .. -·· . 14K y/g Corel end Diamond Ring $4 ZS.OO S1!1ct from our F1kn,1lou1 Collection of Ori111t1I C11lt11r1d P11 rl1, All Si111, Fr om $2].00 to $2,500.00. Al10 l1r91 1119111! t rtl'I' of A~91I Skin Cor11 J1welry from th1 M.dit1rr1n1111 w1f111. l11•11riou1ly Acc11tl1d with Di1mo11ch. June 2nd to June I Stli ,, WEINERT-CLARK 32 Fas hion Island Newport Beac h, California -644-2040- EARRINGS RINGS NECKLACES lltACELETS PINS SOUTH SEA PEARLS CULTURED PEARLS BAROQUE PEARLS OX-ILOOD CORAL ANGEL SICIN CORAL esteem In which she ia heJd by her co-workers and the rom1 place she occupies in the hearts of Ora.i.ge Coast College students attest to the sueces.s ol her Ute's work. What will Mrs. Howes find to do afteri reUrement to fill her days? A glance at the list oi projects ahead of her m: dicates that she is not really utiring, but beglMlng a whole new career. After traveling t h r o u g h northern United States and Canada, she will depart for the Orient, then for the Soutb Pacific next summer. When her immediate travel plans are completed, she will work on audio-visual tapes for use on closed clrcuit television in schools, hospitals and other facilities. Between taping sessions, she Haw aiian Adven tur f wiU pursue her hobbies of photography, interior decora· Dr. and Mrs. Russell M. Morgan of Huntington lion. copper and silver work. Beach were among passengers aboard the SS Lur- oil painting, gardening and line when it sailed for Honolulu to receive the tradi- collectlng costumes and an-tional Aloha welCOflle. tiques. ____ .;_..:...;__;.:;.;_ ________ _ And there will be friends and relatives to visit. Mrs. Howes lives within 30 miles of 10 of her 13 nieces and nephews, and she has made many friends in the area since moving to Ca1ilornia after her ,husband's death. Orange Coast College coeds have always been able to find solace in Marie Howes, sure that they could depend on her understanding ear and sym- pathetic heart when troubles came. Her advice to them, and to students not troubled but anx- ious for life to begin, is con- tained Jn a small pink-framed plaque that sit! inauspiciously on her desk. "Look to this day-For yesterday already is a dream and tonmrrow is on1y a vision: But today, well Uved, makes e.very tomorrow a vislon of hope-Look well, therefore, to Ulls day." Mrs. Howes' life is the epitome of the advice con- tained in that Sanscrlt writing. Her vision of the future has never dimmed, but she has never been too engro!lsed with it to take time to help her students. Help today far many students has meant a brighter tomorrow for them, and • vision kept alive. Her desk will be vacant next year, but she will never vacate the hearts of the students she loves. Council Off ice rs' to Conduct Workshop A cooperative n u r s e r y school workshop will lake place l>etween 9 a.m. and I p.m. Saturday, June 7, in the Clara Barton Nursery School, located in the First Congrega- tional Church, Fullerton. Sponsored by the Oran1e Courty Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools, the workshop is conducted for new school officers. There is a 50 cent registra- tion fee, and the event ls open lo the public. Mrs. Patricia Bucciarelli, trainer i n development.al kindergarten Jn the Richmond School, Fullerton, will serve as ke)IOOt;e speaker and there will be a question and answer period following her talk. In addition, there will be a continuous viewing of film sb-Jps which the council ls con- slderlng for purdwe and UJe in the 19 cooperative nursery schools ln the county. New President Pink and Gold Picks Decor Pink and gold will provide · ·her theme: the decQr when Mrs. Al Mrs. Stan Cochran, Beta Hackmeister is installed as Gamma's Woma~f-tb&-year, president of Beta Gamma will be the installing officer. chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha ~-seated will be ~ Mm~. sorority in Fountain Valley. Wdh~ Hewston, vtce pres!· Sile will be honored al a din-/ dent , ~uc)I: Canedy, cor- ner Friday, June 6, in the responding sec_retary; LmT>: Fisherman, HunUngton Beach. I EvaJLS, recording secretary, Love, c 0 mp as 8 i 0 n and George Keller._ treasurer.; .Pa~ Harmony has betn stlected as Mote)'.. chapl_am, and .Willilm Guthrie, parliamentarian, who will receive her 10-year pin. .HUNTINGTON PHOTO A first pearl will be awarded to Mt!. Louis Bacca, who ha.!1 completed a year of mem- bership. Installation Disclosed SUPPLY Woman's Club of Laguna Beach will close it! sea.son with an installaUon in the Woman's Clubhouse conducted by Mrs. Clifford A. L()ucks Clodnc a year of meetings that .o1'~ Ille blood nell M...Uy al 10 a.m. wUI be ,.-_~am. .the Coola M... Memorial ~--;-r---Wille--,....,. In Hospital AU%111ary. · , Gatheriq In 1bt bolpltal Se • and -!JI. cooler-. room.1 the -p -.. ~ .... will dllcua adding _, vlcea <Olllltl r.Jra. Wor- l<l'Vice In .the .,..inc lilt -nn al 141-•12. "". Oh• ...... C11111l1ra 67~·23 0 0 BRAID AME ·sa·oES AT DIS'COUNT PRICES!- do-it ..:yo ,ursel . you pick th ~ heel ... 1 you pick the bo ........... -. W ..... ...... -· .. ..., ....... ,. shoe! $11.88 · Pt8T' l'1e big silo& deoigner. D<ea&-<1p or dross•down'cur bo8utiful bMlt-lood pmp. Ready lo go en midi or "*1i low heel•-· I WI SPICIAUZI IN HAID TO FIT SIZIS AAAA to D -4 to 1 I SAV-ON SHOES 2300 HARBOR BLVD. HARIOl SHOPPING CINTIR I COSTA MESA'S 546-6ns • Never ,lt~OJA~,~' There Been -~~~·112;~ P~ ........ ~··· Mrs. nooert H. Hull, formet · · a Camera Offer Like This! If you don't like the movies y611 make with Fujico Instant Load, bri119 your _camera within 30 clays for a flill refunCI!"' Your first fulr color film ;, on u.J FREE proceuing included! You risk nothing . Buy any Fujica Instant Load movie camera. Diop in tbe FREE film cartridge. Press the button ... nothing else lo do. Elec· tric eye sets corect exposure automatically. When you project the show you'll Sff why movie making e_xpert1 .. "" Fujlc• s1 .. 1..-is the finest lnst•nt load Imm movie systtm ... the sba,rpest, brightest, most color- ful movies you've ever s~n. If you are still not completely satisfted just bring back the ~ameril and sales slip for a full refund . Fujica Instant Load camera prices atart at Jess than $80 . '"This offer ill for a limited time only and mQ be withdrawn without notice. FUJICA"t~:~T c Slngle-a) HO URS: MONDAY & FRIDAY 9 to 9 TUES. -wro. -THURS •• SAT. 10 to 6 HUNTINGTON PHO TO SU PPLY 18519 MAIN ST., ·HUNTINGTON BEAClj a.47-6411 i, -------- publicity chalnnan, will take over presldenUaJ duties from Mrs. J. W. Lansdell who wtll become first vice president of th• group. Other new officers will be Miss Helen Unger, second vice president, Miss Nell Moorman, CO""POOdinll secretary and the Mmes. Thrift G. Hanle•, reconling ...,.tary; Georgia Amer, treuurer; Norman S. A lezanJ.er , flnanctaJ ..... tary;. Edgar Aitell, dean of chalnnen; FI ore nc e . Robinson and Jes.ste Dungan, hotue director>; Kim Ellis. rentaJ director; tciUis Underwood, ways &nd 'lneans chalnnan; Edith Sawlden coordinator to Junior Woman's Club, and Mn. Faye Bentson, associate. - Beach Babes Every Wednesday al 7 p.m. "' members of TOPS Beach Babes convene at Huntington Bt:acb High Schoo1 for pro- lfllllll- Classes Open Now! ........... H-AIM . HAPPY H, .. , • hl,P'f w1••111.I. Sftrt It ~ r,.11 1111 th1 WEEK· 'IHDlR S.. tN DAILY PILOT • -Friday, June &th -Saturday, June 7th . $199 $299 $499 TABLES Men, Women and Boys 3P°!o to 500/o OFF •• LADIES DRESSES ISi1es 8 to 201 e CUSTOM !Half Sl1es l SUITS & DRESSES j ISb" lZ '/1 to JZ'/11 FlilDA } 9:30 to 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 to 6 P.M. OPlll DAILJ f:JO. f.00 l'lllD.(Y T1L ''" IN COSTA MESA IT'S DRflA,...TM8NT eTcm.. 1116 NIWPOIT IOULIYAID • a.nkAIMrkar-1 Ma•hl' Chlf1' .._Cl'°" Cerio-he PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR Lt.ST ENTRANCE - • f 1 J - J 1 I • . • l • . . • • . ; . . -. -. ' • ' • • . . ,, ' 11 I j I ·~ I I' ' I I /! I I I • f OJJl Y PILOT $ OVER \THE COUNTER ltflW H't U..I M• C.. CllMP*• -A· I~ 1r.,a ~ '1 '' +" ~'!l·-----..'""'!,.. .. ____ .. _____ 11-------.J..-.~!'t:i~"'·\l; .J ;it ~~ f~ ·.~ f _llfJ:M al IN,. lOJ 1iJ'• --. . ·:;m· Ill ;;~ ~ "* +1 V.. NASO U1H,...,,., WeilnMcNy, June 4, lfff H1w voaK '"'"!·• ....... •~•• ig.,:.r i 1J. !i~ fl1i11 r.=4 OAIL T l'ILOT ,. ..... " 1.H l"IJllt MIW Ywll s•· •t"*'" WIC•; ltYl.ri I.II I il -.... as ltltff lllW 111 111r ...._,. It wi Libs •• t A.M. ._ Jtua. -A-/;cl.,•"' 'l I '.4 uu. 1 " -_V:,w~7.~';,~111.~. :;·,· ,..:~·::,i..,:~ ~~"!'., t, 'Rr~~ ~ e:i~"~ 'l! ~ f f.~i ftl.~.:!i lir .. lfi !:~:: • 3.'t. :ta =Tu ~w ~.la ' !ffl l t * :t ~ .. 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"[it 1 Knldt • 1 t ,11 Sc111 .P '° T11111111 blA 2' AA!rFll[(. .to :i ,, •ff ~ ~~ }; =J' Fu A I. t.n lt'.11ldt Glh I ifll'SP rtnonl 1)1\o 1414 T1wett1 1311.i 1ll4 ~ :1\1<' f ;"" ftv. t\ 1, 11\ro lt -\Ii u I 10. 10.tl Intl ! l .25 -TTElt Tl"~ 2114 T1Ylor W 71 73 •-1~',' 0 n• ~ <>>'• <> '' -" 1,tt I." Lu •IOI 1r1 NA 30'11 JIV. Tex Am$ul t 12 ...,, II• --,.S. 7,il '?:'r. ti ,1l Cit IW. ltV. IWrm Air 12\.ti lJ\.'t ~ : J·tf 40 V. ~ ~I~ 1fi ;,-,, 37•~ 32~ -'-5' ,ft ~·JD Lit. r: . t.: ::t tF::E = :illft Tm~~ I :m; ~ ~~ t}} .l i n.~ -\t 1, 1~ ;~a 1~ ~h~ = ' I Llnl '.31 '", Cf IUll 1 Tll111 lf\ti lFlll ,, O..lii 1:!: • !ml" ~ .t IL • ! ~ .... "! '.:!~ .,.,' t " ' ' 'rii" "'irff Flh; lntcol llY, I \Cl Tri ... (fl '\lo ~ wredll .. T .-.. _.... .., 11~11od< l :II '"" ~Ji! Pll:wy DI• ti H Tr-... 20,,., Ml~ A Seier 1· I Ii -~ lOil 11t\lr 1.lf.~ 111\\ 'Iii ~G Fd l1 1P11 j)· 11 11 P.uln' P 14\/o l~V. Tr•lld OU I t Am 11o1 0'9 11 ~,Z f2\\ = \?: '°,. 3211! 29:z JI~ -, \l 1111111111 1'1.M Mvt 1,731 .n Pewo,. 12v, 1,v. r......., M. 11\\ ,~., Amet.., l.2.S m 12.~ '''" ,~ + • --IPll Inc: '· 10:12 """''" f.IW ·"'" Ohtut ~ 7111 Trend tnd ""' µ,-Am 01$1111 I "" TO 1U ll'lli '114 ,1\4 -" IPll Shr 1, l.$3 Mau Fl'ICI 1 .f,l j:l..OS 1"1 E111ln n~ I~ Tr1eo l"d 33 VI AOuilvt uw J 2'~ 2'~ ..... rlO ~ f!il'e 4ol>to ..... *"1 Sllr 11. 'm°' H G"' n.u J.n "' G .. w, """ Wi6 T11u1r 1,\11 51'1 "°"•• .,:u. 17 ~1'~ lJlt 1414 +·\\ or, ffil 1~~ f,';l :.::\~ ~h111111ne u . : M1u Tr ll.a >j.'5 Ee 1ar11e lt l:Ml TrGPl<M 2"4o 31)\o\ AtnElf'w 1.so •• ~·y, .. Vt ... _, , ll•l•n 1s ..... u.v.a1es .12 .n P.MrltW T 1nc. '' r,,_ Fd 2'I :t0".11 Am EN:• 1 .., ""11o ... ~ -•• 111 ~ 11 ~· ... -" Beu Bott..._... .. A...as Com Slk l·" I.If ..... u.n11.n p-El IS I~ U11lltc ,, IJl'I Am £a:p Ind J: 'II"' n"' R ... +r · 1# I ... {!,.. 1!111 .:.-:·~ v••• UV••~ Grwlll .. 1 1.• 10." 1 .n Pait w• l "'i t """ n. 331\o 3-IV. A~lnd """' ,,,. 1 7, 14 _ v. ilS ~ ,,!Ai "'"'" _ v. ·~~ l·Sl f,n MklA Mui 7.11 ,K l".,1111 I~ IS U11 Dollar 31 U A 1,.. .5D 60 m;, 2~ r,~ • ., ... SPK11I A J. Mf/0#1 CP 11.02 IUO l"etr1t St '5 4" 011 lllllm 33'ii 34\o\ nt11 .,,~ 11 36Vt :i. \lo+ Ill 1: tY. Rl'I ~YI =1k Canuleverod homes on Los Angeles' hillsides Is c on-and tremors are concerned for they are supported · •M Gt-= NioeQ''• 1s.021'-4 1"11ron .,. ""'u11 Mdill 11 -111'1 "'"Hol" . "° 11n· ,,.... ...... -_, .. Funtl ,,_,1 u.n Morlllnl Ftin<h: '"" Adt ... ffi: 74 Un 1t111 17-'I 11\'o A ~ l Ml "' ~~ YI~ Yi; ..::r· , fl\). ~ ~ !_1~ sidered"one solution to the periodic destruction of by steel girders planted deep in the ground and Fr°"' 11.01511.ru Gtw1t1 1t.a 1s.'1 Phj/ s..b uv.. ul ~Note"" 2'"11 "H«n• .,· t ,~ II~ ~ .... ,, u~ _ ... ;, 16, ~ 31~•' "'' $'•''·, 'In . b d I'd b h b ch ed l h . "bell" f bel h lhl"llld U..5'1 U.U l!ICOl'l'I '-'"' J.OIPh In GI ' ltVtU rown I I~ "m HllSP 2:l ..--. ,. .., »Vt ... 4 .., Sl 5.5 houses ~recen\J;ears y mu s 1 es roug ton y an or o eavy Jron s ar ow t e sur· Chem1c11 11.1120..., nwr 1.M '·"Photon inc 2' 2Ai u! ..... e1 tt n,,., Am1n~ 1.io 502" !!..4!' ~ 21* _+>,, ,11 ~:1. "u-l:?. ~.,., ... "'. · liff d llin rted t face. C0Jonl11: MF Fd 20.1121.11 P1C1 Piii '"" •1111 v ••' 5$ SllV. AmM ·" ..,... ..,.. i:w.. IM :lSu .--. 2~ heavy Qi.nfall. e c we gs are repo o E ..... 1,., s.M '·°' MIF G111 ,,ll 6.te ,,'*"""' ~YJ '° u• 111L cw.~ MWt c '-" 1,,", .... , , a,.:i -, -, ¥11 04 O.•• '•"• ,~U': 1~ 12 .. __ "',, lh f,ff I all b '!di fa I'd Grwffl 7.3' 1.0: IW; OmG?ll 1.76 6.26 _, HK JO ll\IJ l)p '"'""' ""' '»* Am MotOrl 15¥1 ....-. It\; \lo ....... _.. ..,.... • be ainoog e sa ~~ o u1 ngs so r as s 1 es ven1 1..n '·"Mil 0m1n 11,,., 1u, Pro Goll' 21 211,1i u1111 $hl.lll •Vii 11 "'""'"G•s 2 11 JllVt ,,.,., ,,.,., .,,.._., i.toa 43.,. uv. 43.,.. \.'lo ------''---~.,.,,,,---~-------------------~---------------------l';l""""''c n .t4 l'-.ll """ft Shrs 21.1111 21.0I Pr(lll ,,,..1 1111 114 Ill Intl J1y, ,,,,., AmPllol ·'"" lU ,!..~ ,!.~ ,ll. :..:.~~ c-Y~11 1 .-: ~ mi. 3'2 ll'\lo :-: ••• OTICE ComSI Id SM S '1 Mui trvs~ 2.12 2M f'ubS NH a'lli H'.• Viol l.Oo:Y l:N 14\lo Alt...-ch .:IOI :JO .,,. ...-n i-•--,. >> -· _,,, '3'" LEGAL N CornrnMWllh F$: Nl!!A Mui n.a. 11.10 PubS NM 'Afo"ll 27~ 11"1(1 s.11 21,,., 711'1 Am s .. 1 1 t 29 21.,. 29 y,.........., 1 ,...,. '"T ., ··•·· C1p Fiii ll.00 11.ot N•I WS.c jl.32 11.25 PS NC1ro 1"'-161'1 v Wl:J/Jlld 2m tl"\11 Am Ship .60 lJ.I 27>~ :lSl'I l7U ' COOPT 11111 .15 102 ?~~ l:t: ?~~ ;..:··: hieom II.ti 11.'2 Net 1~2.5712.57 l'ubllhr1 2'•4 2~ Wtddel! R 76 11 A Smelt 1.90 111 m4 ll 3514 ~ C~lllncl 1.)0 .._ __,. '" N S b · z Your Money's Worth 1nv1s1 10.3'11"'"'''' 11.J.1 •.mPurtNC •v. 11'iw111W111 P •~··~21v. ""'5oA'r .10 222 s2v. '''" ~-t\.-'J ~:g~ 2~ 31,1~2:it: 2:r .... +,v; LEGAL NOTICE ....... Cl"ITIFICATll! 01' I USIM£SS FICTITIOUS NIIMI! Tiie undtnl9nltl dell c•fllh he 1t con-lll1i1<flnl , M l,.,... et 210 E. 111h Strff'I SUlll U, C°'hl Miu, Ollltlfftl1, untllf t11s tldltloon firm n1m1 DI SELECTED IMCUST•IAL l"•OPEltTIES Ind th.II "kl flrfl'I 11 ~ 01 "" 1a11ow1nt --"• whO\t """"' In tutl Incl Ditti of rn\denell I\ m folklo¢ :S.m c. Tt\llla. ""1 •rrtr ""'·· H.wPOfl a,ach, Ctllttfft1 .. D•hld MIY "' 1Hf. 5"" C. TNbtl STAtE Of CALIFOll:MIA ) COUNTY OF OltAHGe I • Oii iw,y 11,. ltff, btfore me, • Mottn fl'\lbllc Ill .,.i fOt NJd lltfe, -.er.n11llv •-Nd SAM C. T•UIO ltllo-w" lo me IO bl thl per"°" ""'6M "'"" ~ 1ubscrlbtlll " !hi wHl'llll IMI~ anti 1d<nowleds- .ct hi ea:~..:r "" .. in.. !OFFICIAL SEAL) l""IY J, MICholl Nolert PubWC • C1lll0tftl.t Prlnc:lpll Offlc1 111 Dr11111e CO\lnlY MY C-lulolt £xPlrtS Mrt 11. 1t10 l'ubtlsh..:I Or1nt11 CINll 0.11¥ l"Ullf, LEGAL NOTICE e'I" ym 0 s1Ddl 10.11 11.11 N111 s.c : · P ••""!" 11 Yl \IJ w tt•.a. ""' 11 MSA1r 1n.10 :1 s2 51 51 . c 11 :n , 29..a """ m1i _ \'• .V Cwtlll A&B l.1J l,t7 B1l111 11..ll 12.31 Pvrll'f tr ' I~ W1rlh H l~l'i ll\o\ Am Std 1 ~jJ ~ lf~ .01.4 -"'c:W~ "-5. ll 1$111 ISYI ltl.4 + ~ ... C&O lt,t• :ID..11 Dlvlcl l.17 SA fl'irtn.....1 11"" lfY, Wtl Trmt . n 2l\ll Alll Sttll ·" 11 12 JI"' 11"" -\II ox_._, --..,.,. '"""' -Cwllh llond 5.to '4$ P'Due CU 1\11 l\li till NG 20 ~ All'\Std 11U.71 ll!V. 111 111Yi -2\lt ~ •-· ... •• •• ..... ...... .. ,. >•••••-• S 0 ,.,0 -·-"'' '"''' ... _ '"' 'l"" ,.,,. 10,,_ ... PClnll \,70 10:. 3t>Ji lllo ll\'1 .... Q k T k T ll °"':.t 1o:m1(t; 1ni-.fk ~1J .:E11~"Eli7'~::Z~11t1non 1~1~Am'"""'i'J.6'"r M ,.i 1tv. I~ 1~:-'V.&-'" k..,f. 1~ m! ftv. ~.U=~ For'BofA uac ery a es 0 c ..... ped 10.1111.01 Slodl t.6110.JOA•Ydlm 2•1'1Sl WtlUftfM !' ~~T ..... ! .. , ·,~ . .Sfi\11 ¥~, ~ .... -t~Ct~~i: b .. ' ~ ~ "+-ll ' Com• Fii 11.212.0f Grw1'h 10.fXI 10.9' •...-rnd C• H\11 SIY, Wells Reh Ai 1 .. m -.. .,. 361'1 ~ _,, .,. ~ owt I 1 11 _,. -:IM'o .. ~om1tk 5.f5 I.JO Net Wtsl 6.U 1.M RICOW E" 43"" "'"" 1(11 Pll lt 1'\'ii AmWW~ ..Sfi :W l:W. 1) ..... 13'\(j \\ :_,,a tor 21 U V. 13"" M4;, +w. oneord 'H.tt)t.t2 ~ft! 77.1127.11 ll:er. NI'" '3"1113.c\/o Yhln NA llVo 1~ A W5Pf 1.lS JlO l•V. lfl.4 lt\11 ~ rwnlll 2 . .60 xr.3 .ii-\ 61111 il\4 -Ht ons Inv lJ,37 li.P NIW Ent 10,10 11..f1 Ill •It Cr •I .Q W•l11 Mtvl 1-"" jl\ll AW llff 1.25 JlOCI 11\!i 1~ lN ····· tll z pU 20 tUO 10 4f 10 +I SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The world'.! largest bank - Bank or America wlll henceforth use • n•• tcademark. The symbol blends the Jet· lers "8" and "A" into a con- temporary de:iign w h i c h resembles the form of an abstract bird in flight. The bank said that the new trademark Would emphasize · ••forward thrust." It wi.11 be used in all the bank'ls visual communication! and the· new design will be incorporated in· to the world headquarters building here, now in the final stages of construction. PHARMACY TOPICS Oll¥ll '"' s." ·"'New Hor H.l&H.::lf "IWV Silt .Q!,'J .u Publllh 23 4 AW 4.1pf 1.43 "°• 'm M.~ ia .... ~TS Cor11 :"' 29 21~ 20l,I. 21 0 f C V . . Corp Lii 11.52 I II -Wld l l.tl 11.V 1-.dw Ell ""' """ W•lll S1i. 21 .. :12 "m ,.,_Zinc: 1• 25;~ ~T.· -. ~ Udthtr Co lf 1... \JI\ ltlt :..:.·"' ancer 'f pt'fms ~~ C~ 1tf.1t!i = 11-: ::::: :::i:. M fi•.t. nu. W~ ~ .... w.: 1;.'1,K>Crw:.-"J -fi .~ ~ St,.•• !,_, --~. ~:l~npf~;lS J ~ ~~ ~ :!:. l1 ~ II Crn W 111 ll.$1 14..JI IJl'I t .lt 11.211 ll:or<";dle t 9\0 Wlt1:d T 1 SYI 6 ...., " ·"'" ,.., ,....,, •H• mm1 1111:1 JI l6lii ~ »>;, -._ 0.VHh M JS.SCI IS.JO t.11 '"" Jtuu SloY l1tl 31,.;i lie l"L :12\li ?JI-\ ~p h"ICC " 2l ~ ~ '5\4 + .... u ,,..n . 11 ,, 3''t l6~ :ino + ~ Ole.II 1nc 11.n u .e1 100 Fd 1 .. n 11.3' 1tv111 Hm1 31"" 34\'o ldW !11 4'1'! i\i """PX erp lSt '~ ll~ d -""c~u t:.P,.,' 1 ~ 11'" 21"-11v. •• . . . . 0ec1-1r1 l .211'.61101 Fund 1e.l'tll.7t $$1 Cqmp 2'1't 21"1't 11"1dot :12 22YI Alll•ld 2.• 11 ''" ~. '1\li ·····Curt wr A 2 s 3'1't :u 3'V. + 10 By SYLVIA PORTER sometime during his hfe and Ot:U• Tr ..010.31:1 wms 1,.0t11.0t SadUer ll'4121.10 Yer• flee 4\l'J ·1 ~m~.322 ~ ~i ~R, ~~ })~ :..:.·;,.,~u11r• ,.,1il0 3' '~ .01'. -4t,,., + v. Today, more than half of all by present odds only ohe-third DIYl\h"l~ ~-I!! t" N.ii m 1~:" 1;:0c'I •QUA :a rm ._ ~hH~l ._, ,.11 ~· ~ M: -:-.~ c~~:~ i".:o 1: t2 ·1!~ .l!~.:: t: oi these will survive it many r.:',.,1 17:n 11.. "=t ,,g .t.P · ~ ~ 20 ' """ 2"" 2m + .,. 0-cancers can be cured IF they • rwo::t 1LM 1J.o "' Miit 10.11111.10 ~A •20 .ui """' 2ra lm. _"' - are diagnost(I in time and people are qui le un-E~•l•n ....... f{~ ll.12 ~r.:1n1 \\:9.if:~ MUTUAL ~tl:,,i2i n ll~ ll l :i: 0... RI• 1.ri m 21 ... 20 '°'" -..... treated properly by surgery, dtsen>tandad d bly q~· to suspect f: 1ffi 111' ~:St 1~~ 1f:ll ~fM!~ ,·t 1t: 15 i5 1i: ± Ntt §E~I= ~\IJ r, n: }f,} it~!~ ~~t 1 rea presence. S1>1<;111 1'·" u .34 P!or1141r ll.n 1!.1' •• ,, .••. _. , ,, ,.~ ,15,,. 25 ... + .k ,--, , , .... •'" "'" _ radiation, chemotherapy or a stlldl 11.1• n ." Pl•n 1nv 13.M, .11 A,11.,.""0S~ 131, ,.1; 311,ji »°'i\ + ~ .~ pf,,15 1f: 104'"' 1<u,. 1o.1" + .,. --b1'n1t1'on J these. In many SINCE THE cancer quack Eber11 u .121•.20 Price TJl "• .)025.XI FUN·DS Armco$! 1: lO 61 62V. u· -• ~•YfnPL 1.60 ' •• 7'/!li 7'!;. e·-•. ~ ,_., ~ . ltrel H.tf II.XI Pro o.n 10.tf Armco Sil "" 11 32 3114 1>o11 ... l"L P1A j·" j ~ ~. type' 01 Ca·-·s, such as sk•'n can be a devastatingly ex· merv Sc ,,.10.Jl roY!dnt l.l4 •.o5 Armour 1 . .0 l~ tn• sm '4-~ PL p1c .to 1 00 YI ~ _, •--· • dr · 111!1'1¥ U.30 U.XI ur11•11 11,53 U..P Armr Ill' • 75 l MVt 6'~ ~ °"'~ Ca f Ml ~ u '-11'1 + V. Or Cerv'·cal ··~r, the odds pem1ve econorruc a1n as "'"'IM 1e.11111.112Pu!n.,,,Funft: ,,3tek ,·'° .st mo 11~ 11:i.i.+·l'IO.JPwL• 1.• H ~~ n~ f, _,, ~· ll d EwllY 10.6& 11.11 E<11111 12.t:11•.13 ,, k pfi.1s 1•1• Sl'lli SJ n f I Mn! l lt '" >D .,, better the t we as a e v as lat in g I y E<NU Giii n .31 21.11 i;..,.... u .CM 16." """" 1111 1.-.0 ~ St! CS14 .f$\'> + t1Arr' .«r 1 311& 31'1.lo rn t ~0 ~~t;v:r cases ~~ bev~~e~f dangerousti;ysical threat, be ~!:!1 1n l:ll 11:m f.::.., 1::~ 'i~ NEW voll:I( '""l£•st She 1• 15 ~, .. ~ ·T° ,J mt ~ H2~ -!tee 1"1" 1~ !t\.il !~ !.~ +i:t h is qujta pr Jy in my sphere E11plor 27.9' 1'.JJ l11vu1 7.71 •.<r -The to11tt#lnt bl<ll E°"' Lib C 4 Alhld OU I.ft $fl' ,», 0S> OO ~ +, 'Pf.! m' ~ •• il•• ~ .. :t'''. t ey are detected early and "f' • F1lrfd tl.n lS.10 v 1111 11.121,,01 .,.., ... eo -'•· ec1tcb s11 U14 u A.r>Oll l'f:l.40 05 cs + ... ... • .. Jt , 1 as a columnist on personal Frm llMu n .11 n .n va~•11 10_,, 11 ... 11ot11 ...,pa11-. bY Edvc S¥1 1•u 1v.. Aud Brtw 11 1~ l-"Mi u 1\ -ntJal¥ 1,20. ..,,,. :it. "~• a~ CQrrect y treated. . Th . Foci Grlll 1',ta 16.1111:11> Ttch 6.06 6.61 rhW 'N11lon1I Auocl· El p,.., Iii 1 ...... IS Alicl DG 1.20 54 .UV. " ... ,.4 + \lo Oenll:Gr 110 lt ~ 20\to N\4 -Vo Yet. (hous'"ds • of canc•r economics. us here are the Ftd C•P u .tt u. l 111Ya1e 15.2• l&.66 111on at Secw1ttu 1 Nlte 2ll 21 A•!ldTra~ .40 11 u v. IP\ u~~ -\'o OerfCll P ·a ~ l 61 &t 42 + ·~ k 'd t ' u· he Fld Funcl 11.ft 1',4' RosMthl t,n 10.62 0.1len Inc 11'9 I N"cl 24Ya 25\.'J ~Inv 1.411 S ~ ~ :IG".i ... ~· "°"'i ti :!ft'o lt :tt -•,~ victims continue to refuse or ey gu1 es o spo mg t Fiii Tr1111 11.11 X1.1t Sdws1... 11.• 11.10 "°' ecfu,1 fr'•"'"' e1ecicVr-1'"" 1,111 "' l'f'EI 1.:io 'H 211'1 11 ''\(o + v. dll .40 ts 2~ ""' '"™ . . . q • Fln•nc:lel f'rotrm: Scvdtl.r Fur>cl~; tloni t1o,11 .,1 r"" E11"""l9 114 t Ate !\'El .. l llO "Ito 6'V. 1161'1 -1 ~ d pfJ..50 4 H ff 9' postpone to a fatal denree uac · Dy...., 1.1• 1.a 1111 111v 11.11211.21 rftlfttil!Ye 1n1.,.. Elle c .. 31,_,... "It Aid! l.IO 110 115 1:11111 llM'I +RO SIMI .llO 25 11u. IN 1~ :.. .., • F' "-th lnckr<1 S.2' 5.U K11w Pl :KIV. ?l'AI •ltr 1>tkni • llf El c srs ,~ 1\li A llch .0.75 1100 ~ ~ S.... + "-fer .lO l'O '5\'o 44'A '' i <o legitimate treatment and to 1rst, you must a.now al tncam 1,,, 1 . .u 1C11¥•r '°' 11• •PPl'mtlm•le1Y s El 0,11 7, ,. "" ltlch p1 l • m 2111~ n1u t',. o,Jrt~ w1 1' ~ 30\'. JCl'll ~• seek instead the services or any qualified specialist will in-"':,~~. 1f".;; l~~ ~=-I~'" T ~~ '~~ ~.1~~s\llhkh ~U :,..~ci'1~ 2~ ,l~ :11:1~~-~ ,',,~,' ~1 ~~~ ~ -,1~ 08:,.,' •i::-:rF,~111 1, .. -~ ~l 1~ ~~ ~~I• ;z I. · f th J bl d I I d d tit I" G!h 10.3111.31 Ke lwood 'II ll hi¥ bffn w•· Mr!IV tv 51 411 A 111 Corp ,.,. ,.,. ,.,. .,. -6' 771,'o l' 21' -\\ e nars o e cancer quack. tn var a Y con uc s an a r Fst 111st1r. t.n io..u Ki~1 & E 1&t~ ''"' c11..:..i !•stPcll • r:rwv Re l'\\ 1 Aur~ Pl•• a; 11v. 11v. 11·1..~ ..... g11 .f' c1 u ~7'-< 1•41 ~7>1 t •,~ all, estimates the American tests for any cancer a t • a ~:l ;;'~u111!· _!12 1~:ri w::~:r [,\~ ll"" ii"" ~~ier Cbld>-,,.~~lii °"erl~n l' 1~ :~:.,....,~ 1':! in l~ l:~ l~ .:.:..., g~~~1·r. ~~ ,f~ ,re ~~; + ~~ Medical Association, $50 recognized hospital or clinicFlrt •~-'> .. ICtyt!PC 10 10•1 1na• tt.rf111911· <1UllV0il 17 u .... :vai~r:,lolt 2,l l~v. r~ ~i2"'gm~"'1o·""· 274053j;¥.'1~1.s"~ .... -~ h '!j Flft II 15.1l •... itm. El t>.li 10\li tM ~IY Prl·a Erl. Te<t! 21 71v, • vu , · n > J3 ... ,, _, ,,, " '' n , m illion is spent each year in and e WI plan a course of Fl• G111 1.11 t.lf 11:1111sP1 '"' ll\~ ,,,,., f10/ • 1 .... ~;.,. Ester~" .i ,, A~ 1J ·40 311 111, 11" 11-~-\II gii~ ·;: "14 R -" the U.S. Jcr phonv cancer tests therapy accordina to the ~::..:.':', f::; t:: ~" c: .. , k~ 1;~ ~!~"-" ;"~ F:i,rf"f. 1:-,gu A•on P11 1:11 67 lYYJ 1ss UM +N 1ntnc1 .!ot> J! ~f\• ,:,~ i~:.:. '• ' fts of th t •., Founti 1l.2S 14A •• 17\lo 17\r; 1t1IHIOr'l F~lrllll T N 10 8.-llntv .JOti lff 77V:i 7' ''' ;;...21,1i and treatments. And too fre--resu ese es . F••,.11" Group; LMC 011 ~ 6¥> ...,,1 caf-p 12 " .. -~\41 Soll'> -DlstSuti i.ig 1; W,; ~i~ jEM(? +i~ I h B h k ·u Com Irk 7,35 1.15 LMUI nv. 34\0J Ac.m. £1 ''\lo l)\:i F cl tclt 1, ~ l •bcll w l.:M J;\Ul! !r. "~l,'. ~30:-'.'! = ~ O~rPllP~~ ."IO ' ~ quenl Y, lige SUm5 Are Spent Ut l e quac WI : ONTC \J.Jl 1'.11 Lantl\,111 S•lo llA Acme VAe 31 'llY.I F.,.>1119 2114 WOllT .llS 11 • ,_ 1J .. _ ... '~ 1.0711 (4 n~ l!f"it \~ +'I' b f , h'' ed Id I ·1•--N llh rf , u1n 1.30 1.co L•ne d 2.~ 2w. AF H&P ,.,,., ,., FldN Mii 2.u ' •,"••,.1?9 T• i 60 11 mi,. v. ,.,,., +1 Y rig ~n e er y Cl i«:ns -e er pe onn recogn1z-•ncom 1.s1 1.1;1 L.lr. 1,... t\'> 10\11 Ir Ind • ,..~ 10 111 s.aw 1ov. 11,,., tlG ...... i20 • ' t "' ne 1T · l 11 1 11 who are already.on the biink • ed tests nor be as50eiated with Frnc1m •.:w 10·2"1 Leh Co.I• 6'111 N "-1brn Ftt "'"• 1;"" P-1111o1 i'-u " :=P1"r"'1:1: ft !~ ~'I'll Ira -~ r c.. ·~~' ,1 " '' ~ t1 • Funtl Alfi IG,13 11.72 Ltl1.111'9 G U 6t Allll!'ti 1~'• lt\W F•IGI" E t7 2'f rbO 1,l " 1t'f" 121~ 12•• -lo hm 7 . .io ff l'Y.• 13'~ T.I'' of bankruptcy and who may 1 recogru"zed hogpltal or clinic Gfl! $tc IL.i 12...i Ltvl11 Tn 11 1' Ale• Std "HV. """Fit Mtte 21 21,,., .. ~ c1t E iv. iii. llil~ +1 r1....c1 "° i """ «YI '"I + •1 lbr•lttf If-" 11.1<1 L_I, I F 1'14 'Hllll Aldon '6 16'~ F1! lt•PC1> Ni 7Ya k l m lr.u I Ill .-esllncl 1 40 '' 36 15 3/'lo -+ '• not have the d.istase to begin -although the tests he does roup s.c: Lib E<111lt '°"' 21v. Alie• Ld ~v. t•YI 11 wutF '"' 1 ::n1c rrt2· 1 lffi ""=YI §)Jr 011."20 11 i dv. • ..., -1, . . A1'1'11 S< •.3110.J• LUiy IO\li llV. AjlH ·••v 11>>• IOI-\ Flld<lll'I ~ 21V. 11 ,_,,.,. J 1 -17'\ -... fvlCO lb .P llVt •11: ~' with. perform will invariably pro-com s1 1i..11 ,,J, Lfltlllw ""' 1~,, iew '"~ ~ ,.\ Fllthl s.t n'A nv. '"' Ind Sol 111,1, \~ .or.;._ v. .,.... 1.40 u · 11.,. 1 .,. ~ WHY DO SO M." d . . Ful "'d '·" 10.57 LPl't CUM1¥ ,,, • ..,.. Alld "''"' s•• , ... FoodF Prp I llli •It! Intl pf J 51 uo Ill IQ _,, .... Cp " 21~i 21 l -" ,....,. Y uce a diagnosis of cancer. He irtti 111d 2i.n 2i ... LllG E1r u 21 ,,111111 £• 1a•• 1 v. Forr1 0 """ :w •uschlb ·rr 11 j!t. "lt "" i :,: P<in1 2"'°" 141 ll'J 't• 111 1 ~ -~ .. ., TERRY GRANT, "·"'· Americans fall for phony very well may advise against rtJt,':,' ~'.!°'/~Ji k(,.dchGfE ~llo t'~ ~111~ j;'• n"" t~'"1 3!~~ 3j :~~'<:~ :SO ~ 1 '• ~:~ n::: ... " ~°Ci f.~.so :i!' ~= J1~ h\11 ! ~ "• can-r c es In · f b' y to 'f H•m 1w11 5.53 '-~ M101c Ch 15 3' ""' ore1 -~,,, ,4Vr Frtl"IChcl lflJli 111'1 ur1~ I JI ll>:'li •1..,. •11Jt -.. '·1~.01 ~ g 30 -" ..... ur -r g1ng rom 1ops ver1 Y cancer -us-H•m G"' 10.0t 11.03 11 Rtl'f u 1m AmEI t.•ll iO:u. uv. Frlllkl c .. 13111 uu. 1 g~i JI 11 -i,s ,.10o .os ,,..., 1Yo u~ :t v. In countrit?S where pumpkin "coimic energy" boxes to ing the ezcuse that "it will on-H_...., 1·" 1-» Mi•ndt1 Sol 5Jll""' Ex"'" '' •tYJ F-'" Eiec m... 2,..., ell ctsd'' 2 1 ~-101" 'fi:w, ..... Lt 2 'ft *"' ff "' 1etds lll'C consumed in abun-WOrthie•• toru'cs -and by SO 1 d !he " n:r:lt 1:1l J:.lt ...... o;:i:, A• lm 11''" Am Furn 12 12V. Fmkl ltl't I~ U'il ~ ·~ lll ~ r,u ""' ''.f.IJ. 3.7~11_.A~ 1131 ~)? 21\~ ~~:.:. !... .,.. Y sprea cancer. htc iew lJ.3' 15 tl M M•nllll ll'o 1~ "'m Grw, ~'V1 :'fl"' P-ull\llew 1v. ' Kl Dick .10' 50v. .so ·-~ + "' 111 Am .«1 0 ,,.... "'" fN + 14 dllnce. there arc no prostate doing, postpone urgently need--BOAST THAT he has Htclte 15.15 11.61 M II rower •,•, ~....., f:.ri~ 1' ~~ g:~11~~ uv. l!:Z h•"c'',.,i" ,,!', fi'"• '•'~ fitt .:1~ -E-F-dl&ordeni. d h' I . w.rn"' 3.U '·" Md ShlPO .,, Am Medi !? ,, a A!•ctl 101.\ 11 !1!; ,.. " ... ::. ,., + ., .•. _. • • , e treatment w 1ch CQU d save many well-known patients -H Minn H.2111.tS M•Y•r o .. ,,:~ .u•V>,, .1.1inrs 1,,_., 1'l\ o ..... 1ees ,,. J\'J tldfi.m '° 7 5 ts" • +il ,~. "'~" .~,, l! 27"\:, 1,?~ ~ -• '"' T 0,. 1u11NESS I 1 '"e·r 11 ' . I di l'•l . I Hlltltlmn 10.,111.os MtOU•~ ,, .,... Am Pipe 2-'ll. '''-' Gn GltbllrT ' 'Ill •Ii ,_ " l' I"' 11 71 IQ!, o 2''>~ ....,.. -"' cl ,f~~.:us fllAM« on thl' avcragc, you osl' lu 1 ves. inc~ ng po 1 .• .. cum:; 1 • awyer 1 s, "iii f: t~ tU ~=~~o!!: :: llv. AmSj Gob 7,,. t\I 11:1,,.11a ~ f"' el 1111~,c0n , 1 v. 121~ 1 ,,, +·ij, :::OF• 1 jf, ~ m. i!l! + v. ' ... ~-··--ctr!llY ht 111 ~ to 1 I,; oz. in '>'"Pight per hour NO fewer than Se Ve 0 movie 3C ors, Wrl erS, e C. "'• C1P 11 .17 IJ.14 •lo~• , m AmS G ol 11 ll Gii i Est lOVJ l Yi ~I• Co I 21 ~-J.t'~ J.tl'o + :tf •diJtll j 40 a ~ 11'~ t"" """'«. -· -f I I Gth l..52 lch Ar.ch<N"CP 17'4!1 .. G.atel ''" 1 1.o.1.40 15 ~' '5'~ ~ ... illCodl .. I ,_.. 14'• 14''• ,,,.;.,._ eudll'll • MklllH et U7 Govwr_.., c~11 o s ~I'· Federal agencies, including (This, incidentally, may be 1~ Flld u .09 11.-ff ~ldl':• C•• 1f.! 1, Allhevspr w1 •7'-• Gino's »VJ 36\lli ""'1" ipi l u "'• "'• ~• -I.ii .~onY• I-"' ,, :19.... Jll,y Jtv. + ,,,. MUI ~lfamlll. !Jllldtr 1111 lld!liolll firm • • th Pub!' H I'" Serv' od f U .--. '"""' CF r11 llt ltrfell .UV....... !F in 1 M 11111 ,71-9 "6W "'VI -"lo bhct 11111 i • IO 191~ 19~ _ \.'i .,.,,,; fll i'HllLIPS CEMENT COM~--NY e IC ea loll ICC a per ec y true). Arc1lt N .uv ..... ~ 11•'11 w lS\O l6\li enl!F pfS..50 I 10 1'1 1'1 -I chlil'INll 77 " lt ... 1~. IP.ti .: .. Intl !hit uld tlrm 11 comPQitd ti lllf "Dada" Is Uf'.ually said be-fort' (he • f O O d & j) t U a _ pr O d UC e testimoru'als Arn Ind ~( !I'-. Gtclbo! llub ' t lenllF pf•.JCI m il ~ 11 + l'1 d<trdOo ti 43 illo S.b 54\'o -~ - tn tu11 •nd " " In• to a po·-'•r a Ansen M 12'" n;, Gorln's U 1:W. enF Soll.SO ·~ \~ ~'Jo -'Ai lll~Bros' I I Jf.' M ~ -tallowl119 ,.,_, -mama, O'>'" ·u" -Ad · I I 1. f ( • -II nts h Ari!"' elillf ~· 41 G••l>ll Ctrr 21 'h '12\li enauet '• ~. V. +ll'o G&G 10 10 ~ lol'Ai +1 pi.teat rnldtl'IOI 11 •• tollaws: rncc for "d", not for a pre· rrun s ra Ion, are now con-rom onner pa e w o p f'k MllP 111t 1'\'• Gr•Pll sci 65 " -uet '" 1e ''t'< 3111 1 1:1t •• 1 iMuslt" 0911 ui ~ n , v. .. , D.c~: !!~1~~ior~.~-Wlll\ln. No. fcrent..'l' lowards the father. ducting an extensive survey of claim he has cured their 2 romotefjf. ~~. H ~., ~~1? &~= ~l ~"' lr' :~~:a er.~ Bi ~;~ ii~ 1;~ t ,z ~: ~ ~ t},,,, ~~ ~ = tt 01ttc1 ,.,,.. ll. ,,.._ "SuscepUbility to He a Ith cancer. No reputable doctor -.. Ai cc BPI :;o .1011 Grinnell 1:w l)t e 511 "'° ''12 3'~ "'' ;ev. -.. ~ ktlnM•I ·1nd 9 l''"' l/• ;;lq ~" Ch.llrlft E. 1"1'!1111" • • \ 1, Auto P'l•1 ~ ~ Gr1N1 Pn :W\lo 35\lo :Z: 'ZJ 1f ~i1 ~ ~ -IP•IONG -1 l~J :12 2 "'t+·u STATE OF CA.llFOA:HIA l ACcordlni:: to Ike pub 11 r F'allacies and Misrepresenta-advertise I hJ!...,u.J-,~~-lt 'ill ~ -.uto SdLJ:~-~ =·~fl~ 1n:; 1'.:io )t U "\11 ~ 63 = \'. n~: C:.1 .~'°. 1k ~ ~~ +I~ COUNTY OF ORANGE , ss. H Ith s r I 87" f {ions" whirh ., ... ~ ••• •·-.-· ,,, __ ,. .......... r · ·.:-~ -lllDOUIS....j,j ,_ ·~'" it" """'till! -~ .... J ,,.~,.IL ~--•'.h'< ' -.... 1•, 1 .... bflon mt •• Nolt..., ea (' v c r, . •• .o ·II-"'"''" :r ~ ~ -~" .,,....,..,,_ ... __ a s ·,,,. , .. ,_ . ' ' ,, ' • . -"'' ... . a'.ll.t • ~ Publlc 111 Intl for .. Id $Ille, ..en.ont '• 4".!:ll~_f :ol; , ~~r·~" • 'OZ llC illl'lW ...., !11bb,H 12111 11 rod¥ne l:At ll\li lnt l.'HI n1 4''111 4 V. ''~ + ~ E~fl {20t> 21 4'"11 ''J'1 """" _ 1.., --'" f~ -· ~ I"' =-~ers. pro'nt about ho's lamo"• pa-"'111!( '"" ,.,.,. u n erb l\lo iv. lh + _,.,.,,/j-· "" 10 ,,; Tsw· -~ ••• ~ ·-. •..S ~~,_,ll,!\11"·~:·1"c..:' -.~ . By he. time Mean w hi I e ' sa-the tienl,. And, il y'ou look behind 9•lrd ,,, 1rn 11'"' Ham Cose lN ll!Vt l1C11 m 141 71 7lV> nrn. -1'.lo ErnoDl1t '1.60 2~ l't'/J 2s-. n -., .. ~~no'!"-:i:: ti--~u,.,!,"f.:;.un;.~. •"" ~;('J.ef:~~thh~grl' ;~;~ ~~ American Cancer Society, key the testimonials carefully, you Mesa Off1·ce li'u .. f·t:~ re 1~ =:=·~J 2:1'1 3k. c;:0"'1 ~,. J 1~ 3f..: i;~ + ~ ,e:r~ ~.~ ,Ji it~ ~·\ ,.1~ ; ~ .... -..... \,Jt"<1t1 nu-h J <> 1'11llr M lto\1 7111> H.-nd Vot 11Jt 7\'o f~ $1rS I ' I" j?it,'0 21'" , . E C tob l ]IV, JlVt Vt , , 'o'''c' .. , •E"'LI l"L reasons are the cancer.vie-may find those quoted died B1,...tk 1m1•v.Hr111 Mer,21 22, ... 1:1W•r 1.!j 'f 1t1 JI 1·~+'-' """1M1n ...o llt" '"'' 2•"111-lh w.,..,, K. Henrv , • t1m s ear of 1ncLLrability, fear shortly alter they authored the Bir'~' ii:-. 1''4 HlllllVTI 11 It Edis '-• .io _,,~ itVt -\Ii ""••&w u 2 Jtl'> Jt " :.:. ,,., ..... "' ""' . , f . "l11ln " l~ 1' Henrldn XII-\ 32.,. ..,F . l '* ?]._.. 13'' .. I"°"' ot•.U I 1S. IS. \Sol -1 ,...,.,..,, Putilk-C.IU0<nl• of the h>'gh cost of treatment. gl .. ·t·ng accounts of thei·r Terry Er kin ~ .. : ... A ... 9~""' 311" 31"" H•lm £,. u " ~rns inc s f4"" 24~ 2'V• ... <RrtGas 2-H ' 31~~ 311~ l™ -+ '' Princ\pll Ollkl '" Yell'""'· fe\•f'r, Jong thought s e, a~ ..... ·~ e111t 111e ·~ 11 Hocw.r 21111 t1 rmn1f-.1r .so • Jm lS\'o 1~ -v. s& inc 1 20 11 21'"-,, 1 .. Orlll9e COlll'llv _ _. th t f f th ( of di I ltlm l'ld l~ l HOU$1 Fii . ~ l\li r 1s1 2·• 1' Vt ffi~ Sj"-1 + \' E11Ulr' .JI(! lS 21'1 27\o\ 27 .. -+ 17 MY c°"'"'i"1on E»l•«t finish.,., by e ayman, ear o e prospec rl ca cures. vice president First National a111eD1 tt ll'IO 17"; Hutt ''"' lJ , Mw 1,70 111 6 ~ .:114 , .,. +1..., £no•n1 '·'° ,. ll~ J.t~ 34i,i, _ .... itn claimf'd an est imated 200,000 suigery, fear of radiation _ Claim, y,·hen challenged ' 81rlh H :;1 < Hue • ..,. '° ''"" r 1tM.l'. pf\ " ""U' " """ -~' Emw1 cp .11 n 3,v. n•1o :w1~ + v. l"ubliJ:::· ~·-'-' 0•1 .... Piia!, lives in the e11.rly 60's. Im ( I . f h f h Bank of Orange County, ha.! ~l'j?.~-.7, ~ n ... ~:::.:~.~ fi14 ~!..... =ii .. ·:,., l: :: ~VJ ~···~.'It ,em,v,1,,r·!t lg ~;~ ~~ ~:~ +i~ M'' 15, 22.,, '"° Jun1 s. u 6, '""'' trea en . n VJew-o t e act to put is t'reatment to a .___ oted t f, rd S<>fl ~ u Hunt '" 2tVi ,,"" l""'"uG 1.77 l j lOHi 30,,. 30v. -1111 E~•""' 1.,:.·,:;;; 2 ,& 16 16 M•• n. n. Jl,lrlf s. 12. '"' 9115.10 • • • that one in four· Ii v Ing scientific test, that he "won't v=n prom o m anager o l.!f"V"' 1v. '"" Hv111 31\(o n rown to ts'4 u•" lJ~ + "EY1mP 60b .u SJ>ii soii s1 +2"• . · 11<.,-•os ~,,., .,.,, /1111 G&W ""' 21 rown to P1 J lN 1rv. ,.,,~ . . eve..n1ili 15 20\o 1t 1 ' -,,. LEGAL NOTfcE Americaos ~·ill develop cancer get a fair trial" because the: lhe bank's Costa Mesa branch "' Et 'loO ·,,, 1111 N(t ""' '' awn si>.•1 1 ~ 21\0 2 21 -v. £•te110 '·" •lJ ~ tt'" ,,,.. -\<o "'OTIC! DP' IULI( TIAllSFll!ll: NOTICE 1$ HEllEBV GIVEN TO THI! CllEOltO•~ OF ltar Sl•r!eY· Tran1f1111t, lhtl I bulk ltl "lflf I• •boo.JI lo bP nl~ bV Tr•nsl~ror, who• bus!neu ""'re11 I• 141' W1rft~r ... wi .• In ll\f C!tv ol Founl1ln V•l1o:v. CO\lnlY at 0••119t'• Stall DI C1llforftle. Ind 111 of -~ MIMu n1mes anti atd•nws llHd wlftlln lllrft' Wlrl Its• NSI, to tar •• 11.r>own " For modern service V.'lth old-' Bo I f\eo')<t !AO I~ lnlolK 1 I ls.hoe .511 ] U\11 .... ~ .i\11 -~ Fibe<ft WI I ~"' l7h 32'1 ... -1;, f.sh'·oned -1•rt•sy. bn'nd medical establishment ls pre-and ' .. _, Sallinger hu been Bwl~t c •ll-'I :MU, llllr1rl!d ' .... r~. ··"'11 "'ll il·· ,n,v. P.i,• + ~ F11;1otA .17 1' St Sll'o Sl'!'o -v. "" '• • d '-• • st his '"od Qr .__.,T lkll Cap;! "JN lnl Cnlt Ml ll\li ..nEr · •• .., .+ ... Fl<lorA wl I 39'h 39\'o 39.,, •.... Your pr-escrlpUo.ns lo: M'JIT'L PROIUMSI JU h.~ again meu1 . 1 at~ t •~-1 tow11'e• i·.~ t-t. 1...:11 sv1 1J\6 1• C• · ,,.., 22~ -""F•jrChC .so. 1.u ti -,,.~ -1~ ~ ~ h h lie '" d ' 1 e ev "" o aSSl>lUllft manager. Brtt.Yn G 1' 11 lntrmll 13,.., 1,"" co P1 5 rso n11i 77'4 nv. + YI"'' rc1t Hin... "' 16 1m is\io _ ~ , c-1n ' ~ e may c a nge u1e me tea Th Brown J.r :iu' :ll"li t1tBt wm 11..i 1n4 ~11t1 .'4 u ~"' lt 1t•.1o -t1o FelrmG!!t 1 J! U'4 ,, 2, 'AllK LtDO 'HARMACY Dlw-lfl'' Couosolon establishment to test his pro-e announcement was m ade aru.i-•tr nv. 33 nt Miit n " u!O'fan..il·10 1J v. fm ~~ +·"" Fi1rm111 pf l 1 25~ "~ 25'& .::·1,i;. ,,1 H t l ..... ••• -b C I E Schroed the Suck•¥• J~v, 16'h ''" Nctf lD¥i 31\o\ al:t. '111eme ,,, J 12v, 1"' l\ F1111111 A ,.,~ u•;, 13 ll f" "'ti 6 7 S • 2 ] O O duct -then either fail to Y ar • er, 111rnup s 1' u i.t. int SY1 ,,..., 31 ~· ., ll 70 \.\ ,, ,, =" F.,.. Fin 1.:11 x:n 22~ ny, n" .... H -It h 642 15l0 tleli 1 I 1~ . ~lntil F 2' ''lii lnl SY• ..r l• It Intl 1' SJ Milli ~ ,.,., ,,., F-1"1 Inc 1A \~;, 19\Ai j' ~• \\ •w "' • ver a samp e or nsl.llt on bank's prtStdenl co1 v111'>v ?N ,,,., rnt ,._ u 16 ::"rrm 'it 1;i ll'll 33,, JJ'" = "FMWnt Fl" :111 20v. 1N m 1"' "" w1,~ d 1 · th , ....... -...i:•: -, ""'11Vt l"'9>Ct v t1 ... · 60 u n4 111:1. 1,,~ +~ F•,.hMf .• )I nVt 131111 ~ -:-.; · ,.r•n••t•ee. ••• • .,. s1 .. 1er, kl wenw "==============-u1rn.11n. Trerisltret. wtioM 11tnlneH ••1 · dfHI IS l?ll So. NrN'-f, I~ ll\f Cll'f or es erune I!! log~ O..V<JUJ\.tOIU Both Erskine and Sallinger -M •• .. Ion!~ tnc:,, ~, "··~ hft "" l,711 ' ''" 2A ' ,, -•\ Fecltlt:l'1' .... S1 ,,.... ~ 2'111 -Iii> h''mself '""*' I 12 as !...SoU," ,• ' Buti....sll ... 12 )R; JI ll -1\11 FMIMM ).IO 11 3"Ni ll'lt J2 .... · were 1·0 main· of" d '" 111o tu .... L . ,. FldP.c £1tc n1 "'" 7'I ,.,111 +"" uce a • ,., 111tA n '' •cqul11 c lA 1,,. --F Pec: r.1.u 10 16\'> ?a1-. ''"' .... ' !st t' k 1 Or ~•Pll s-21\li 23 •m Wit 1'lili I~\ II ll l I :Wt' v. FedP•P Ill I 10 "'·• 311/o ll'.IO -I'!• s.n11 An•, Coun!Y ol 0r1...,~. s1a1e GI C•llfornl1. nl It'll lo11owlll9 dtscrlbetl P91'111>11 •'-'"'of Tt•n,!eror, '"'"'II: All 11Kk Ill trld.,_ fl>'t\lr"S, _..._.,I •ntl 90Dll wrn Ill 1 art•ln Stntl(t s1111o11 bor.ol,,.... known 11 lton T~~ll<O s..,..,,ke •ntl tocllecl •I t47J Wltllfr Avt .. In tM CllY of Fwnt1ln V111t-r, c.,.,,,1y ol o~""' Sl•lt of C1Ufornl•. 1'111 1rwt lt!<tl ,.,._.,,. bulll lr1n1ff'I' w!!i bl! can- 1o11rlll'M'l'ed on or •lie• Jullf 2S, lKf, mrou1h Esc•-Mo. 11!2J..M. 11 Slate E"'"°"'' Inc., 11 3105 F!r"tone aou1ty1 rd lfi 1111 CllV or S0\1111 G•ls!. c-tr llf LOI """""' Sll!t llf C111to..,11. 0AT£0 MIJ :M, I,.,, Willer H, Ulrlbt.n. Tr1t111t<ee ~llbli.tll!d O.-enee Coell D•lh' Pila!. J.,... 5. Ifft llMI"' LEGAL NOTICE Famil y Wee~ly Now in Ou~ Family: . --- WE llR£ PLCASiO TO ANNOUNCE TMAT MARVIN 0 . ROTH MAN HA.S llE:COM~ A SSOCl.t.Tt.:D WITH OU"- SANTA ANA OFFICE -- SALES REPRESENTATIVE BLYTH & Co .. INC. • ,,,. ..... How '1•6. Ao...t ... eolll r.tli.t c-t $1...t , .......... 1010 N. Majn Street Telephone 541-5123 m in ra ion wor n ange ,., Tedi '''" ~ •m11br 12.\11 l)Vo 1,'! 1 Jo 1;h 11 ~ -11f'CIS1tnS .60 it .m ...w. l4'lli ... ~ 1.-1'1. 11 10 10¥ Jtrbltfl• 11'.'I II Jl~ llV. Jlln +·;A FedOSfr .t 5 116 JI 31\lo JI +.,.., prior to the C1Wi1f11e. •r'-r Gt> l?VJ 11\"t JltfY Fds • 11 "' nwc_iJ· 'Iii 37,,_, + "'li Fiii Mtt '"• 11 u 1''11 ""'-"" .. IS NGH 13'0. l<M 11_lw _ St 67 60 f:I U.... !k -"1 F....,.C.. 1.4 17 !S~ 5S 5.5\lo _,_ Erskine joined the bani two m vlfl's w-11 "'' ~, , •,.'""•'"'., · m; I'" ~--""~~ .10 •1~ iw. J6\.'I :i.v. -""" entru J2VJ :tl''i I ~ 1. 110 3\11 \ 1 Vi . •• Fltltkl"" I.• t lU 31V, JI .... -Vt Years ago after five Y••r• wi'.. ••t on 1.,t ,,.,. cam st 11.n u .J! ~ I 11 + Vi Fi11""1 ' 13 .i )t1\ m~ -~ 1o11 hm Lt"11 17'~ 11 $tc 01• 13 . ..i ll. \'I '~ IOl'i ..... Fin "'°"'"' lt6 n 30 !IO:\lo t' another major Tecional bank. ='0'1:11 ~·~ 1:" SK!K ~';'11 ::E ::~ u ~ [ :-:.~ ~~~ 1'.6' 1~ ~-.. ~~ ~ ... "' Sallln-r entered banldng hi er1.1 t• 11v.. 11ec "'"' 10.n 11.11 1, ~ -ti; F1tNCY 1.1111 1a3 .. ,,., 111'1 '' + V. 8 " , 11t11t S 1:6 1)'t ~I SP«S 11.05 lf.T.I .;! ''~ 14 l -+114 fstHStr ..SO. t !If 3t !If -i.. directly after graduating from 11•1,1 pf 1~3 ~111 •ii a.a" 21.01,1.01 ·'" 4 !i=-~ Flldlbdl 1... 4 st St ff ••.•• N 11~1 I~\ f\~ S!cle 11.31 11,)i JI .., ~ -.. FhdlMrl WI I Hiii 29'4 21"11 -1 the ebrask1 Te ache rs 1111 u1A 2~"' l'""" s1wm• 11.16 12.N " ~l'I i\t ~ + \l F111terS< •" '7 21•. 1n, 21~ ..... College four Y··-1go Ulr. Ul8 ~' ~ SI• Inv 11,,, 1L17 • li" fl Ill+ YI Fllmlllt . l ,, ... IP.. l•l'o + -~" . 111'11 Mt n 1:; ,,..., Smtlll B II.Ml leA " Fnntttoie 1 ti JOVt ~ ""° ····' Erskine is succeeding ~1 J 1.i.,,, , s 5'\ sw 111¥ftf 11.t1 n.oo 1!t := 1 .:..:-1, Fn'" "'""·" 11• ,, •• ~ ''"' + .. · · l!nl M<'1I 11 12 ~--Inv U.7'17.21' Ji ~ _ lll FN11t llfll1.2$ l «II~ AOlll .OYI -1 Starner y,•ho is retumino-to !11n11111 o l!\41 JJ\6 tFnn Giil 6.ot '·" '" \ · -+ ~ Fii""'' -' ' uo .:iVt 63\.'J u•1o -¥i • ·-e " 2l 15 tilt $1 ~.00 '$J.7' '"'q \ "' FM! E C:O.ll 191 42•;, «I'~ .iy, -I the main office whtrt he will a1em111 E 116 t Sltedn\•n F•,s 1 I 141 + 1' Pit G•s ,• 111 '1"-21.... ll\lo ..... , \ . olln• Fln1 '-~ 3'\IJ Am tnd I ,.., '-" Vo 1 -1 Fie Pow .$2 11 l 7\'I 41\lo 411.4. -"" be Y1ce president 1n ad-aloft Slr "l1 n t:i.uc 1·j't t.IJ ' ul'o • -l!' FllP'wLI i.• 111 ~ ,,,.. '°" f" mlnJstr1tion. ~~'~·t fl ~"' Slel~·-... FWu'",' -lj . I~ I~ + t; ~~t.~ lf ~ m~ m: 1· om Clffr «1 a 111 21 .67 t .tl 1VI .-+ "'"lual" 1'113 1 " " .,. .-I"" •.• "" c .. ~ 1'-" 1·~ I . ,,.. TleW .1. :Jt tS ,4 .... " -. ...,., On 1516 11 Stoel\ lS.15 lj "' t W FMC. Ct .'5 'l lit 7'\'o ~ lfo qmw Ttl 21v, 21 \.'J sup 1~111 f,tl . 'IJ I~ ~ FMC pn,H 2 iw ltl;l ... ..i , .. , Ti1nes Mirror Cwm.. ,, •N ' su.r •• -,. f'ood1"1lf ·" 11 :H 2~11, ''"' -•a r.'":trcr,::. tt ~, ~4.~ r • .jJn ... ~ ~ 1~ I fl ... !·~~=i: ~n ·· l~ ~f ... ~ ==: m• Mll't ~~ ,.....,,. Mi YI Ito _ "-" Pf?.)O I ~~ 30\~ ~ + ~ Pays I 2J"-Cents .::,,,:! 1 ii ':~ r:i ~7:'f ::: 1 H "~ 1t ~i:'-F~:~c fR. t ~l ff!~~~ ft-~... "'" .on lfl'Jlll r1 rm r-_ ~ '} ,,~ ij + « AttWlll ... ,, 11~ n 21V. -.. LOS ANGELES -Dlrecton ~ ,fa 1.a ~~ 1!'. lw: si ~ JD\11 + It~ ~ 1 sl ID! 1~ }{U =1~ or The Ttmt1 Mmr eo hlYe ~~ ''"' ,,l\ i, • 1:1' ,, ~· i:: It =1U ~=~, ,~ ,Jr ~ r,~ ""F--+~ ' • ..... Co :W » Ill:. • .f{ ~ V. -V. FrvthCP 1.10 '5 Jl!lt )J:I' -1~ declared the recular quarterly ·"' ... ~ ~ .. l, lP ~::ri.1 l,jf: . ~ \fl : ~ ,_ 11111 ~ d ' '. dividend of u~ cenll 1 share =~· ~ t:" l~ A'=."~,~ I·!! " 4? _+~file c, 1,jl IQ '1141 M~ ~ -Va on the common stock, ~bit •"' °Ir 111111 J!" ~ 1Hl 1 :Mi 1 ~!t ~"" ~i: -'l AF c., ... 1tt 16 ,_,... tJ\i l ,. June 24 to lhlreholdm ol .-n•..:i, H ,.• u~·rc111 .: .. :.. 11 il1i IS\' 1_f\'o .:.;·" AF &~·~30 lJ 11ff,'!, Jm flt " 11'11111 1 .. ~ tlwl..ffttF"""'*l I '5 '5 4S +1.i. I .,,H I I! § record June t. 11.a 1 1N 1 ,.._. U11 s.!f 'I ..,i' ~~ "~ -1~ ::.ir1:.. s " 311? ~fi\,:: Acquistti<Mi o1 ... ""12 ~ , I.I ~~,, i:1; it t rt·~ .,.... n,, + "" '-"!:f'dAJ .r. 1 1~ 3:~ "R: i , Vtneer, hie .. Seatt l 6, ~~iir l!tz~,\~ ~ .. 1 ;~1;· J ~"' ifJ H,~+~ •;~·~ :w f, '' I Walhlngton, abo WU ~ El :r l~ vi!dl ;.n I: IJ Im ~ H~ ..: .,, = c., 1l ! ?:~ e~ = ~ :::. ~:;.~r:~n! ir:,.~~ fiv. D\\ Iii~ r1:: tf:~ ~ $i ~ jVi ; :: 11~" ~~ 1i ii" E: i~ ~$;~ MJrror. The c 0 mp. n y -= ir1'61J;."' it:r"..t:" 1 :n l .1~ '"i .,. ii 38~ .~:t ,,,.J~ nf'JJll ·1 •. , • '°"' Iii nuf '" nd ,. oa ,. t "' 11'11111 . ,;1 '°'• '°'' 11·~ -I) ~B•nc :r. ' ,".," " ft!li ' ma actura p..,wood a ,_ .,.111011t . 1;. 11'11111 11. 11~ Iii i:" Jr~ ..... 11C•bi. '"Qo w" 14~1-1 u .... ._ hardboard. The 1961 salts " 1~r~ tr :i= 't~ 1 : ~ Joni! Jr~ + ~: ~, .\·ti -11 U'" ll~ Jltt ft~ wtl"t $11.t mllUon. Eer.:"1tc tm T .:m · ~,. -u'' J" =;,~ i".:"'1~ ,;i ~ :!1• ~~ tS" . - ·~ "'" H1ll Hilt "'" "'" """ Ho• "'" ii•" "'" Htr1 +i~r. Htr~ t11rl ... "' H•• Ht~• H4Z1 ,K, Heir Hel' Hell He!~ Heir l#!r "'" t1~ Hen Hes• ~,u\ •• I " , .. "' Hal~ eoll• "' ~ Holt· "~ "'" [' " " -~ "~ ~: Hw Hw "'" ~::: .... ·t~ •' .... , ""' Ill • . Ill c ~111 111 ' ••• ••• . ·~ "''' lndi '"" "'" "' tndl Ing' ~· I~ ·~ ''" lnl t I Me IMI-... lntF In!• lnll-'"' '"' ln!I I nt~ "' I nt~ '"' Intl '"' I" "" Intl 1~n In!" il T t.~. "'"~ ., "' "" Inti 1;1• "" lntt ... " I •• ~· \~\ 11e1 '" ,. l:: ,. . 5:; '" ' ,~ j,, • .... r.: " ,. '" l~ !! ,, .. ~: ii e: ~: ii ~ r. ~ l: "' ·~ • • ... I:: " .. .. .. ,, . tt t•.t ·' .,. ... ,.~ ... ']"', l." • n Ml n1r:11~ dj • n IMI ~~'I"" G ""!:!~ ~~"']~''\Ji &o "~ ~!I~~: GT1!EI . GTll I ' Gen Timi Oen Tlr1 II Gtnnc:o lM /"'Pl• l •Cllk 111 PKJI wt K pfl,,_. G9t-r.11 GtttVOll .:J11 GtllY .r<;" Gltnl .IO Gl~tll In G>cld LtW .19, ~llltllt 1.-IO mbel llr 1 1en Alllen l1n.ll 1>11.25 G~I Mttln GIOllelln .IO u-ir1t.1t 1.12 °""''1"' .u Gord. lvA .2i GouldNe i...i f Kt(o I.Sil :~tml·':o 1nlleC ~11 -C11nl!t • t.«I GttnlW l .«1 GftYD•t 1.70 0 1 A&P l.10 '6r1Nt!r 1.Ue GINaPtp 1.-IC 'GINarP pl.40 GI Nor 11;, J GI Wnl Finl GIW!'llnli ,90 GWl111 1>11.81 GIWtM'lln .60 .Gr1t11Gnl .ff GrttnSh I l1I Grtvllo<;lld I Groller 1.60 GritmnAl•c l .GuH MO 2.llO ~II 011 1.$0 H l!l!lr<:H u111!11 pt.l'll GIUl:tt Pll.lO GvllSltUI ,ff ,GullSU pti.IO IWlfW!nd .olO Gu11W pf1.11 Gul!W P13.SO GuUW 1rl.U GullW ptJ.1S G~llO!I lr>CI ..... DAll.T PIUT • I \ I ~ ' , r I I~ I' I I l I I ..... -· ........ JI OAlliY. Pl\:OT ' l'hilrsdq, JUM 5, 1969 . ' ' . ' . '. • r . " . . ~ . . . t • •._l<o'~'"\.'j l, 0 I .... Giii DAD·. A POLAROID . . ... \' ' ' . . .. '• ~· ·> . l -~I ' ~ '" , ' ' ' '·· ... · ...• OR PACK CAMERA . '' ,, , w.'Jli.\Mii! ·ro:R. . '~ . . , • • • 4 ~ '' " • ... THE ~: · :~ POLAROID ' " .. " . ' ,r CAMERA . . GIRL · WILL BE IN · . ' OUR STORE .. ON fRIDA Y·, JUNE 6 6 P.M. -9 'P.M. ~ ' . SATURDAY, JUNE 7 11 A:M. -s ~,M, SUNDAY, JUNE 8 1 P.M. - 4 P.M. TO . ' DEMONSTRATE THE . ' THRILLING NEW LINES Of FAMOUS POLAROID CAMERAS • FREE ALBUM w /3 packs of Polaroid Color Film $367 ' l r u:mr- I' ' ' ' ( ' t l •" ., " . ... , " ij i ,, " • " ' :, l [I ~ .t I •I ' ~ I I• ••• OUR fllNEST ••• .. ' r MODEL 330 6488 CHARGE IT ! • ' f I ' ~ \ !} I ~ ~ MODEL 350 ~e)l:ceptionel c.em1re for -color pic.tur11 in • rni". utt':lileclc erid white in >J1conds. 01luxe styling, ren9• eni.:versitility. Superb 1l1c.tronic j,ho~ogriptiic. m .. ·chtnisrn. Single window, Z1iss llcon ren9•1 end view. finde'r thet folds ewey wh1n not in use. Comfort •bl1 'ev1n wit h 9li1se1. El1ctronie timer th'et "b11ps" w~en pictur• is reecly. Four ex posure· ranges. Sherp tripl1t lens. Brushed chrom1 finish~· ] V4 -"x-41/4 " prints. Most of th1 f1etures of Polar~!ds !inest cem1ra et • ·much lower price. WE HAVE THE INCREDIBLE COLORPACK II COMl'ARE AT $29.95 . 4287 ' CHARGE IT I MODEL 320 CHARGE IT ! MODEL 340 CHARGE IT ! 2200 HARBOR BLVD. Corner of W ilson a nd Harbor COST A MESA • •• r • ~· i: t • • " . ' . • I, ' "' ~· " t , " " "' ~-:.' .. "' '•1' ~ 1 ~.i ) .. ,, ., ,, ,, ., . "' r: • . ..: "'" .... ·• it l ; .. " ., • 1 .. , , .. ' "' • n;. ·,:: ~) ,,. • . . • .. • • ' .. . ' • • . ., "' • " ' ·• ! ... ~ ' • ~ .. , • .. •· , . . • • th lie ta II ..i .. ,, • ~ If . . Q,11 "' ' Iii .. ... lit ' bh I ( .. ~ ... .. ... s Ila oil I f; [ he Pit .. l Ix ~ t Do "" .,, 116 I ' I I IOI Iy WI "' ,, ,. , -th< ru . , • •• "" bll . ol Re '"' lit Dt Im I "I re "" .. Ht tilt "" ca "" Gr " .. . .. .. .. "' ., To "' .. ... ., •• ... ~J ... ,. Ml ' --·-----~--.------------------- • Wills Quit For Sake Of Pride MON'nlEAL (AP) -Maury Wills will ,_, a few days before deciding where ~is nm at.P will be. WWI, 3&, pulled a stuMlng retirement """""""1 on the Montreal E>pos -y night with all the deftness he lonnerly displayed ta nab a doubl .. play ·ioll in hU National League heydays. Howtve!', it was a !Ubdued and some- IP'hat emotional Wills who faced a news iooMenOe Wednesday u he attemped " aplain the ....... behind lli$ -n"11 !tom a · falli?J ball club that roportedly is ...W htm -$1!,000 ""' 11119,000 ih!S ...,.,. WIHs said h Is his p<lde that bu ~him 1o·...;::llhelter 0. -all'• roludtiry -Jts;. ·' · '!t have speili· II ,..,.. In bueball ed pnjoy<d 10 ...,..... _,.,,,,in the major ~ •• , Wms aid. "Now I feel it nee- ~ !bat l leovt the game. • Baseball has been the greater part i. me . for m(lf'e than half of my life &nd 1 wish to retire before the measure If · succesa that I have ·been able to realize is funher marred." ~ is one thing that has avoided Maury· thi.! ~. He was bogged down tr.f:lh. a .198 average. Re had 12 stolen -with the infant ~. l<>w1ll -In · the Natlonal l.oque . . . ~ a°.decade.-eight ...-with be Los Angelet ~r1 and two wtth ~-Wills blcame the ~t. steal· "' in modern bueball hl>t017. Re .swiped Sil <luring lli$ uner, l>dudlrig a modem 'majoi' Ieogue mark ~ 104 in 1962 .. lfllls brought his fiying . feet ta the Doitger1 midway through the 1959 sea· '°" and helped them win the ,,..,...i llat year and again in '1963. 1M5 and !JM, Davis' Error, Weis' Glove Drop Dodgers NEW YORK (AP) -Al Weis speaks IOftly and carries a big glove. Fortunate- ly for the Nf.w York Mets. Weis' glove wu a lot surer Wednesday night than the one Willie Davia was wearing. weis made an almost unbelievable play to ~ a ICOftlesJ Ue in the top of the !Ith Inning qalnst Los Angela ed · Ded,,er Shde ii" = " Molllr11I. 1:n •.m .. Kr:I 11.I P n VI MenlrHI. J·U •.m., KFI 6«I i{. '" -.rrHt. li:SJ 11.lft., KFI f ) !hep the Met.s pushed over the ..;mtng run in the ·bottom half when Davis made ' gianWlzed boc).boo 1n ctn\er fi~ld. The 1.(1 Victory Wal ·the Mventh 1traigh1 triumph for New' Y~ matchlng the Jongest winning streak In .~ club's history. ' I Jim ~ebvre oP'lled °" °'Iller hall of the 15th, with a double iriG Ploch bitter Ron Fairly wallied. Bill Grahart-ran for ~ebvr< aiid iDoYed0 lo !l>lnl u Bill -!on:id F'airly. 'l'Jllt 'I!rou1b1 up Davli as ·the Meis jiulled theli lllllela in for a play at the plate. °'id! dlopped the ball ..,. tM middle. "ll hit the bock of 11111 liove."· Aid" N:liever Ron Taylor. "Wbea. it .did. I thought It wu by far a htt. '1 "lf It didn't hit Taylor~ it was through,'' aald Wels, who wae playing HCond base. He lunged for the ddlecled ball ond -off.balance ta the plale. "ll WU tbt grtatffl p\Jy l'fi: evel' ieeft oft In)' tum I've ever played for," alJd catcher J<rry Grote, who shClrt·hopped the tlirow ed alapped the tag oo Grablrkewlb. toe Mff~IS N8W YHk .. ' ... ,. .. ,."' """"' rt 1 • • J • IM1"hoft, .. J • I 'W.Dlftt. d .. t • • A.-d S I • .. IHt!w, 1• 1 t t t Gaf'Nn. A I t I ~ II' '4 t t I C.JeMI, If s I t ,_.. .. a 4 I t t Kr........ 1• S I I ~1'.:'""" 4 I I t S...W... rl S t t ,, .. I t t ll.T1ytw, jlo I I I ,..,..,, tt f lO,...C Alt l l1-., M ' t I t w.11, 1' I t I , ~ldl. 29 J t t I DILi-JI I t I ........,,.., t11 J t 1 :t , "*'W;'f', 11'1 I I 1 or•rl{Wtlr.. • I t I I Olll. "' t I I . ....,.,, ····~,. ..... llC.hwr, • 1 {I I " °""9(, tf I t t it ,,_. ' .... .1.Mllltr. ""' t t I I Mchtl\. ' •••• .. ......,. "' . . •. . ,.,._ ....... ~ '• I ' . T .. 1 .. u•1 ·Ttt111-6flfl OM wt wt. wlrln""' '1111 KOfW, I.•~-MM ... OOI 000 -1 ,,..,. Yfft .. tot 110 .. IOI -I • • . .i.-'· . TfilrMof, ,. 5, ~WI ', DA!l.Y ~D:'1' ·J·J •• ··~~Iii,s . HQj>es . P:iiiSli in. Cl-~sb Mt:/' U, ~ tlaleated llfy Buffala In Iha , 1ri19 ljltnnia lla)4tpn of the United Staiaa --.. motdl. 'l'lle oelt day )le 10< the victory In lil!O. IOanled wlih VJce+ uruua tor t11e in 1111, 111 --~In& with .....,. ~ vlcloiey, ~ thtn oo Mt:/' U, ht ·trroiao Aotooli> Palalor: wblfP<d ~~ l!IU ~ ~; 1-f; ~,lt';1"\ll,..JJ.tbe Wlmlol-trlumpb wllb M, ~In 1l'9 fllth Ind dtddlni maldl. ~~ °""" u,ro<teled lo tennll n -a lreal .......,t tor Ooima 11111(' Ii~ · his aompatrfoll and·~·mark!!d jliem u a, ,OOlill!llad 4bree bl& )'tan u a teonis d~Dlle·~~ JW. \he<:cttp~ lr"""all •llP•.'ll;itauthlim~a. He won the tlilt 1'* .._... · • · , ' . · ·11il'.'lt.& ~loci&le tilJ8lal dioal •>Ont Or my Jut amblu.n; 'in tennis pliiOl!;lp aiid Uiree' umes, from 1811'19!3: wu &o beat Australia,'' Osuna Mid. ••t•ve be wu Piel of the nallOl'lll intercolle&late ahrm;,wanled t<> win the ·!llogles • , """nJlkt doablot taam. WlllU,illili!a. l>olt )<al Citll. h a ' .:' ·~ ).1he iloal lour yeara, Q!una ~·" L >f -· 14ine·he lllltlll in intem&donaJ °'"!'!»achieved allier.,... . ...., ao-. ·J...,.. .. Utlori. lle 'limited hlnloell:ta ~nll. llao, Ko lletallii! the firit' • ~-ti ed the Davis Cup. Mexican to Win the U.S. men 's slqlea U.. Fir .... the pa.st two years, he haJ been on tie at'Forest Hills, N .. .Y., in 1$63. the public relaUona staff of an American He was a member_of lhe cbampk>mhlp _ ~ C1lmpany and spent much of blJ men_'!, doublol le'IJD al ~linbledOll· ·~ tlti><.t!"lslde ol Mui<o. tim~· When be wu. onlj. 2;1, he ~ • ··1' . .U-Uner wblcll.crashed was on a '" . ' Ul'IT ....... ALOMAR CASHES IN -Angels; Sandy Alomar is safe at first Wed· nesday nig~t as Detroit first "!cker Nonn Cash i6 pulled ol!'tlle bai by a · high thro\v. Detroit won the game in the 10th inning, 5-4. • domallc filghl and was 1 Mtllcw tla A vladoo 'NI )it. n., cr'l!fl occurred ill the Trot ,Plcol Mouataina. The cruh and Oouoa toot the beoclllna ID AuJlrollan ---Bill Bdwardl,. P<tlldenl o( u.. 1- 1'nnla -.11oa iJI 4uttralla, said: "!Jn evoryooe ei.e fa AustraU. leonll. I wu lffevoilsl1 ;lboclted to bear Iha new1." . • . . Neale l!'l'Uer, a l<l'mOI' Wlmbi.;.,.. champion,. said. "11Ua WU a dreldful blow to all mmia:· pll,yers. RafMI WU alw~ .. ·-t competitor 1111( • "'>' lair mewhallYed lor .hb tennf," Thf0..W.ltu lul beard !Na.~ 7;11 a.m. as tt1 approached Montm'ey GD a oon..top ru'gbt from Mexico City. The pilot waa told Monterrey alrPQll wu cloeed because ot. bad weather and he could not land. He headed norlllwtal, and made ne furtber racUo comect. Rosewall, ' ~verRisk Rep~tatjons ' PAlllS (AP)·'-Rod Laver llOd Ken Roae.Jwil,·two of.the world'• top tennil •tars Ova' the 'Wt ·def.de, '"4lle" their repulaUom against two rising y o u n g prize money winners In the aemifinals of the French Open TeMia Cbamplonahlpa today. Laver. 30, &oe .favorite for the first Prt"!' '!f ,f/,llM!Jaced Tom Ol<ker, the 25- fW'Old· ~.~an. R<>aewal~ M;. -· o1 th e Ulle lost year, bad ta play TIJl!1 Roche, wh!> la 11 years his Juai«, Okker, baUilnl lt out with the threa AuSlrallana Io r lb<. Utle, is the big ravorite wJth the erowd at the-Roland Garroa Stadium here. , He is bidding to bec9mt the fint Euro- , · pe1n to win the FmlCh men'• a"OWD &ince Spain's Manuel Santana in llM. Austcatlans have won it each· year aince then -Including ~ In 11166 ed ft.9aewall last year. .. Okker, then an amateur, was the fir&t man to topple Laver after ope:n teM.is -had been loausurattd last )'!ar. But thai · wU a two-sip match at Queen's Club., , . ' the warmup tournament which precedelf Wimbledon and which always produces a crop or u1>;9tts. Since turning pro, QJtker has played Laver twice and lost each time. Roche eliminated Rosewall from the first open Wimbledon last year. Rosewall has s11id he might retire this ye ar if he wins Wlmbldeon -the big title he ha1 never won. Meanwhile the United States' hopes In the .women's singles were reduced : Wednesday to one -Nancy Richey of San Angelo, Tex., the defending cham· pion. ,........., i ........ ' 'IOOL OF ·FANS· -Mexico's· Rafael Os.une l• mobbed ~y~'J'asl M•Y 25 after he defeated Austnilia's Qil~ Bowery in a I/li.,.!J:uP' .ertrnination mate!> in -Mexlco City. Osuna won the 'United 'stl!te! .championship at Forest HUis in 1963. He died Wedru!odlt7.:i1>cW·i!r• · liner era~ in MeXicq. · · •· ·· ·.')J ·', His F .. lend Reealls · ...... Tennis Was Secondary. To Osu114's Ea:mily. Life Mr1. BUiie JUD Klng, the professional f~m I.orig Beach, went out S.S, 6-3, to Mrs. U:"slty BOwi'ey of Australia. F.dltor's note: Lais Soares, a 1tarr favorites at Wimbledon, Forest)lllls ml llooemary. Casals of Sao Francisco wriler ill.JM Lallll Am•ricu ~at every~ wbere.lennia Is played. · crilhed to ,a ... 2,·.u defeat by MQ:. Ann at ne ~ Press, ~· • ~ .. , ' tt-'Wai not only the victories,·tbe. uu.. Johee or Brltatn. ' rrieud of ~Ml 0t11n1, Mezlco~s No. 1 ~ the glory tha~made Osuna such~ a That Jell four previous French title leUil ·p1ayer; :trbo wu beUtved ktUed popular figure but his sport.sman&bip, his: wtimt!t'I tn the limdftnals -Miss RJcbey Wedn..,.y,.la •jet airliner crull la Mex· joy of living, his frlendahip ~ to ptay Mn.~ Matgari!t Court of Australia • tco; Sttin!li 'tells in Use followtaa 1tory everybody in tennla. • . · . and Ml'6.1Bawrey to face Mrs. Jones. aome·or die lhDJs "0t:un1 told him hi re-He had a special rapport with the fan1, Tthe &lrla had a rest day today. ceiil ireeld. the players, the officials of the -. workt-· \ "I'll keep In.tennis always." ba llld, By LUIS SUAREZ • NEW YORK (AP) -1'My family life 1'helplng Jn every way 1 can.,, Afwr 54 Loss t.o Tigers comes Pnt now," Rafael Osuna said just °"""·with Mario IJamu, -a Jll'O, • · . former Mwcan champion and Oluna'1 . ' ; I I f, I l --~-----------~~.--· a {e'I' dayt ago after he ~ed Mexi~o t_o ill Davis Qip teammate, started a f£w A' .icng' e:Ts~,-,::..p-:~1.en··---2,~.aamrt~re·kft( fl~~s.;::~~~~~ii~icy~~-~ . ; l V • \.:J" the 11nunaesf. 4 months ol"' was .\{lerthe ~lctory over Australia, 0tRma ".¥~ . . .., . · commented 1oyful ly: · .: . .. . , . . • , _ . scmlr.?ilted', ~ork1ng as ass1~nt dtrec-"l bad almost everything 1 couJd ask of ' 'nM! atliforn'-.~ efn6art1Xl their Cle~and, sending Jim McGlothlin, 4-3, aCaJifomla kept scra(ching back, finat-lor of marketing fq~ an American tobac· tennis : double~ champion at .~bledon, fint roed trip; \Jndtr iJew rDi»aitr Lefty a~inst Dick ~~. 2-4. • ty tying a in the MVenth tnntna: 00 a ~ co C1lmpany in Mexico. singles champion at For~t Hills and~ Phi.Ill ltb their JJri.. ~ home We wen in fNer1 ball game we two-run single by Tom Satrtano. He was willing only to play in the Davis this ¥lct:orY. over Australia. ••M~~ d--.:.. ·' · '; played," said Phillips, who took over Bill Freehan drove in the winning run Cup tournament to help Maico·and·tt!I ·~.only thing 1 didn'~ win wu the ....,....,..-n _,, , , ""' Rigney at the st.rt of the home lln&leo!·lJtlc at Wimbledon. 'ibe upcom1pc. D:lld.•triP ''*i ~ ~-series. "And we played much better ball off Hoyt Wilhelm, (2-5), with a sharp younger players. . .. But ~)'(IU can 't have everythinr, .can te1s JQyinl ,four in.~· two in ~that caromed off second bate-''I loveterutls,"Os\ptaswd."lhdlhld yov1" ., · BaJtlmott, ~ In JW~ ed Angel Slcte ' · · man 8an!l1, Alomar'a glove ta allow i wonderf!Q. .. tell!!ia life, -i..1 "°' Pdob1 C/!M!«. 30, al)d hb)~11utiM·blood ,.Ue · foor in MilinleotL-'De1 CGDW home to ~= 't."=-1' 1~~.:;:i.._::4't:; .. ~ ~TE J:: T Dkt Tracewakl to xore want to go through the rlgon·of tf"a\ft'ling , 1· Leille1•n AmtJicAl\~)-from·San J>i'1o, p1a;y U .earna ln 10 days. · '. J-.1. Ar11•fl '' c_..,i•nd lt.1..t:u •:m..-~Ml'. ' ~Jd .ran for Kallne stole aec· all of the tlmt. from ~ tournament to w.ere· ~~·~·In Mellco· Cit.f Despite los~ ~ world champion than we did tiefore. 1Jke tonight, We ond. and;WfllC to third on a Pu~ ball. another. _ ... ·:R ~. =~: ~ t.:=.~~:.eJ:: l)e!ml..w-y H lri ll Innings, Ire<>< bo<incing back."· · · · F_redltl'i!.tamash bounded high m the "lbavenewinterem·lnllfe:M)rWnUr : R81!"1!""10r. ' .• .<· ' J'.b~ ~$be W-holM itand ''very wi';J. ~J~t-Cg~~~~ ~~ )t= ~ to flnt~i ::: la~amblmg first, my boob, my proles!ion. ~' -:_ · • · . ~1~ ~Can't beiitN1 ~happened ~·' runs~tted-in in the game •. and ignited .iyou !mow. JI times out of JOO, when Osuna was graduated in bu&~ ad. to~ 'l4.i;i• OeuM;;sMdfiedDeldaly. "I IA.St time 1ht: Angels went on lhe road the game-winning rally in the 1~ yrlth that h~ 1he ball ends un at his ministration rrom Soul.hem. Clllfornla ju.s;t.an' 1>eµevefW. .... .1reauy on thlt they came back 0-10 and manager Bill a one.out •Ingle feet,'t Pli.UllJ)I mused ... , ctn't blame wheu he studled.on·a te1:1m.~atstUp pl~ •• , ·. . • J t ' ' . I r Rigney wu fired. 1bey ..-n· Frida>:, in It Was bts fir!t _ appNrance 1ince .in-him, thoulb· We wouldn't have won lhe and left to beco1ne . the;· (l'f•~ ·\tflnia "~.fen us Witl\'.'a~J:>il ~' the way. ba _,_ .A. * juring bis snlCle SUoda)', --wo fl«I! -him,!' --imyer ~ .Me!Jp r•nd ~J>lg~al~Qll llid.'' d •JI n ., , 1 -w w ... , . .. . , \ 1-" f·': · ' ·r .... . .. . I . .. I, ~" .,. .... O.faOIT CAl.IJlotlNIA ., .. ,, flrtt .. ,.,.. St11~1ty, .. 4 I I I AJLo!Nr, 1'11 I t 1 I McAvllf,., ·a J r 2 • JOl'IMklfM. d ' 1 • t Nllfl'll'Wlo d 4 1 2 t F rllt'll, 11 I I I t Cll!M, " ..... • 1 ' lt.idle(Clll. If ' t f • Tr~I..,, ... t •I I t lt.-i. 11J J I t W.""11:1n. 11 I I 1 I A.lt ... rl;wr. a J I I . CINI. II> 4 0 I I $11trlfn01 c J I I ''"""'"'' c J I 2 I M~lll,flrl I I , wwt.p s o t tVou,rf .f tt ~ • I I t t l rll!lt'I. II t t t DICllOn. • • • • • II!.,,... • • 0 • MlkWca. p9I 1 I I I ~. _. I I I ~ • I t t \I IC.t1tvm. • I t t Hl(l6. _. I I I ~t., • • • t Wlllttfl'lo JI I I I Tlll h 21 111 1 T"'ll U t4 Oil'"!I ' 2'1 M 1111 1 .i. I ' (,tllforl'lll ' 110 0\0 •• '":' • I -F,.,I. OJI-•-· °""911 t, Ctlllorri'lt t. l.01 -Oftro.lt t, C1tuem1t 'II, fl -IC111M, A. ltOlfflt\lll. &l1111ty, NOflt!M. Sl -T~I • ' -""''""' It~ '" -51trlilN. ~1-. 1' ~-· ... ••-so ~'"" • • •· 'l ,! ,r ~ 1 I · .. t .. J McMehel\ rw,1.a1 1 • •• • I I I &NM! l ·I/) 4 l I • I .• ::;.~ ~·~1 ? l ,1. ·I ; WrllJl'll I llt•t 'Wl_,..m 11...Wl • t 1 I 1 J WP -Sw-. Jll -ktl'ltN. TllM -I : .. ~-M.W. ' Tired. ol ·Being Calle~ Ni{;.~~~1='~f~i;: \\' AslUNGTON ( AJ'l -Le< Elder 11)'1 tourney .formerly wu callecj t b • baa been fl>e targel ol radii ta1111b from ooe l~tjnr calllornla and l)ey u.e .are mariJI N•=:: "°i:ld be Pegncola Open. . ~I~ li'.beUJi. ~·Niger or Slid.~ would,lic dllfenmt1'Ut yw, =~~I:; J:. oeoeaiarJ ~~ "Tllen an lol4 ol Nfll'V p1a,.... who mb IJoY," be sal~.'"lt~ jlllt come ta 1 "•Weu,"we'll let. u tlllilp baveoi b1" backing. , wauld do nal .,..n ,,,; Iha tour," Elder haad. I haveo t lll1d anytlllilf-tbla provecl, Tm Jult nol IOl!>i ID•fo back." Elder, one of the few, Negroes· on the said In an Int.view. "I can name a belGn ilo\ I fiel'J,:va held! R undvneilh Elder wouldni· 0 ld'e n t 11 y · tho pro tour, a1Jo Ill'• /lclal la.Oil al llO!Jl• whole UI\ ol them, bot they don~ plaf lolig enough and belfeve It lhouJd come ta tout>uunents Ir> TeMUSOO, bul be flnill> o( • the tournaments he's played In becl.1111 theJ can't aet the bricking." a head." · · • ' 1, , ed 'leCOnd lu t wffk In, tM M."8pbia Calil~ t enoesoeo· and Florida h,a.v e Tim. .,. now JO l'l-w1>o ara ...,_ ";n>ere.bava ~ ~ i(r\proy~ Open. ......... 117,ioo. , :. • , _,.....,."""to' Coillldar bypullria .-.np1an .. t11aPOAP<91111Vill-ool '!"me l\f the,Rla<U ar•·Just,aik!ao , llJ..,..riodifllri ... the -lhlt ~ti:' ' ·; · ' cl!ldfor OlarU. Sllfonl llOd lilt ll<Ple•, [h;y ~er Wtrt," 'he Ukl "ll'a r..u, , aome,y .......... ~ iii> bis.ball aod ' the r&-,..r'<ilcfWublopln\on diflnlte-~ llflf<>rlf; Peta. QUI llOd l!Owlrd hard· 11>1''11a ta pliy In the Souila. ~ thrft It awiy, &JI 'be said K ••' fy'wljl l!'j pl«i' ln 'U.. ¥~~In -. -......... and Geerp CaJllGRla 11,Jult• ~Jn-.Ot-... rlldOU, l'!'iflnd.~allqwed blm 1 P.ln.acoJa, f'la., 'beci~ae. ht u;1,1 tbt / JohMon. • *Un.,·~p ire lmPrQVed, f!m Ju.\ fl'ff droP.'. . .. •· , '.t racial blu by the galleries ii the worst Eldir said he plays Uo!Jt It going to Ulp il)O&O tournaments," Elder · Eldor 1ald tome people in IDe &ll!.J he baa eocounleted. Thi lolooaanlo tooroamao111yearbutlalourorflveht d "llllked.looonieoflllei-•li dll.tirMd•lth'llie'rullb(, ' . . ·., ' . . . . . ... -- Q Do\11.Y PR.OT State Meet Favoritism J, .. :To Romans Los Anc<la qaJna the !I.Ile. . '11111'1 how the acrlpt reldl !or the !Isl aMU&I Callfomla !JltmcbolasUc Feder1• 'tl"1 lltat.a track and field meet 11 UCLA •Friday and Sllurd1y. Compelitlon pis under way al 4 Friday 'With trials In all events except the hro- .,,il<. Slturdly's champlansblp llClloo wJll !begin at 12:30· p.m. in the fWd evenb !with the first running test gelling started at 2. Los Angeles High School, which walked aw•y 1"ith LA City honors last week, ill: a !strong fa\"orite to replace Centennial as team champion.. The l\oman!' hopes for a state title, !however, rest largely with a quartet of talented athletes -Robert Pullard, llJames Butu, Al He.arvey and Ronnie Welsh. · ~ • ·Last week in the City final!, Pullard lbroke Paul Wilson's n at Io n a 1 in- terscholastic pole vault mark or IM~4 en he cleared 16-7. The Jett-handed Pullard will have to be o top form in the state meet when he s up againsL. defending champion teve Sm!th of Sooth Torrance. Smith vaulted l6-4 1h: three wee.ts ago in be CIF semifinals and should give Uard quite a batUe for the state UUe. Baxter. wUI re0ew hls rivalry with ga Park's rueco Slncbei ln the 890. sanchei was rated as the top 8llO man n the state until he tangled with But.er be last two weeks. Buttt nipped ancbei twice, each time lowering the Angr.les City ncord. He ran 1:51.0 ast week while Sanchez had a 1:51.3. He~rvey ran a Wind-aided 9.4 100 arller ir1 the seaaon but then was alowed y injuries. However, he rtgained his lut week, wllmin1 the _City title in .6 1lver the slow East Los Angeles ollege track, edging teammate Welsh. elsh came back t.o win the 220, just head of Hearvey .• Welsh and Hearvey make up hail of lhe mans' 440 reltY t~am, which is one of e favorites in the baton race. 1 Los Angeles' cblel challenger probably .,.n1 be CIF champion , CenteM.lal, with arina, the Orqe c.out aru's only te meet entrant, rated 11 a darkbor1e. Joe and Tony Veritimlglia, Dave Lacy Jim Gaughan make up lhe Marina ton team. One of the top races on the state card ts a rematch in the two rrile between Ruben Chappins of EJ:celsiOT. the def en- /mg distance champ, and El .Mod.ena's Dave While. Chapplna broke a CIF record two weeks ago, running 9:00.8, while White was second in 9:01.t. CIF · Spikers Picked, Await City Rivals Defendtlng 8tate champions Reynaldo Brown. Steve Smith and Ruben Chappins head the list of CIF graduating seniors who have been invited to participate in the first annual Soulbtrn Califomla in- \•italion all-star track meet, Saturday, June Zl , at Cerritos College. The meet, which is being held •• a benefit for the Sunalr Home for Asthmatic Children in Tujunga will pit the.top CIF spikers against the cream or Los Angeles City Schools. Ttie CIF team was selected by coachea ~ Fornliin of Long Beach Poly and \Vltlle Williams of Compton. Brown, an Olympian hlgh jumper cut of Compton High has woo two straight state titles and will be shooling for a third this • Milers. M~y I Go Under 4 Minutes 87 EARL GUSTKEY Of "" o.llr .... "'" Orange County may have Its l1fll eub- four-minule mile at El Modena Stadium Saturdly, J tme 14, at the Ot:ange County !JlvitaUonal Track and Field Meel Meet dlrtdor Earl Engman made that clear today as he released lhe mile field for the meet "'1be race itself ls a touup, but there s.houldn't be much doubt about the ~. '' Engman said. "We have seven runners who are all very capable of breaking four-minutes and you'll probably be able to cover all the finishers with a blanket. It really looks that close." Heading tbe list is pint·siied Sam Bair, a gradua&e atudent at Kent S\ate in Ohio. Bair ran hill fastest-ever mile Jut weekend in Berkeley (3:58.4) even though he was boxed in most of the last lap of the race. . Bair's previous belt waa 3:59 Oat. Another potent entrant is John Mason of the Pacific Coast Club who completed his collegiate career last year at Fort Hays State in Hays, Kan. He ran a • :00.5 two ,Weeks ago. Ji mC r a w for d. fro mtiny llardlng College in Searcy, Ark., rea1Jy hasn't had a good test outdoors this season but has a 4 :01 in the books indoors. He 's considered a strong 1'.ront runner. 'The remaining four entrants are close time-wise; Dennis Savage, Westmont CoUece (4:02.0); Mike Mullim, Southern California Strid.era (4 :03.2); Georee Scott, Pacific Coast Club (4 :03.3), and Rick Carr, Santa Monica Ath1etic Association (4 :03.4). "Ho:w's that for a great mile1," Engman asked. "And we're not through yet We've got our eyes on a couple more boys. We'll see bow they do this weekend.*' Engman has already announced that the .incredible Nelson Prudencio o( Brazil-the man who broke the world tri· pie jump record three times in one day at the Olympics-will be on band. BOUND FOR WASHINGTON -Golden West College's two track slandoots, Jim Seymoor, left, and Don Shields have signed letters of inteDt to enroll at University of Washington. Seymour was nmnerup in the 440 hurdles and third place finisher In tlie 12.0 blgbs in the state Jaycee meet. Shields was third .in the'. state big~ jump. Seymour'• beots were 52.0 and 14.4. Shield• has cleared 6-11. Despite hl.s great leaps, he bad to setUe for secom.. place behind Rmsla's Viktor Saneyev's 57--0%. Prudencio b one of five foreign stars signed up for the meet. The others are distance stars Ralph Douf?ell and Ron Clark of Australia, F.ddy Ottoz cf Italy and Ludvik Danek of Czechoslovakia. . Wilson Heads TowardL~ Kings' Post LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Kings have said they will an- nounce at a Friday morning news con- ference who their new coach will be. Spett1lallon grew stronger today that that man wouJd be John Wilson. Wilson, coach and general 1nanager of the Kings' Springfield fann team in the American Hockey League, was reported headed for Los Angeles by his w!fc Wednesday. She said she didn't know whether her husband would be named the new coach of tbe National Hockey Wgue team. However, she did say that ber husband. would be staying at the home of Larry Regan, 1eneral manager of the Kings. And Regan said Wednesday Wilson was "very definitely under considerallon" as the new e<>ach. · "I think he's a lerTific man, myself," Regan said on • Springfield, Masa., radici lltation . "I lhink he's done a terrific job For Community Ambitious Swim Menu • Set for San Clemente Angels Draft .523 Hitter From Kennedy NEW YORK (UPI) -The AngelJ W"1l A new athletic club has formed for aebool'a bubtball team went UlroaP aa !:s ·~=ggeonc:t~i~~gb re:~~'!: swimming and aquatic sports at San ea"-alate of !t 1ames wltbout a win -..,..., free agent bueball draft meet1 ..... Clemente. 8nd most Gl the ICortl were la the .. -a It's called the Edgewater Beach Club ·'Ibey selected shor't!top Allan Barmls~ clalllltcatloll of -· ter of •--•-•-•s K•"-'-u1 ... School. of San Clemente and replaces the South • lnlUal ~~" ---• • ...,. Coast Athletic Club. Ped.lpi tht key to the Lobos' The si1·foot, 175-pounde.r ha'd a aensa- lncluded in the highly ambitiow: pro-year of com~Utlo• Dea Jn their school tional year, hitting .S23. He was scouted Dou.bell is the world record holder and Olympic champ at 800 meters and Clarke holds five global marks from two mlles to 10,000 meters. Ottoz is the European champ and bronze medalist. in the high hurdles. Danek, former WO<id record holder, iJ the bronze medal winner in the discus. Tickets for the meet are on sale at a11 Mutual Ticket Agencies. The meet benefits the Children's Hospital or Or~e. Area Drivers Shine in Races gram will be lifeguard dory racing, crew record for ~ Ut blgtl burdlea -'3 by every 3ingle major league club. racing, paddleboard racing, rough water HCondJ OaL The Angels bad the No. 5 selection.. A handful of Orange Coast area drivers · J g di·v· g ~--•-g turned in fine """rformance.s in the retent ocean swtmm n , in • ;,wuw.uw ·* * * Baseball's No. I pick was ' ..... Beach r~ (pool) and long distance ocean swim-UUIJ6 Santa Barbara Road Races. ming. Hlllllington Beach Hlgh SchOol's gollers Wilson's Jeff Burrouchs, 'JI b 0 was Dick Hayes of Huntin~n Beach was u that's not enough - a long-range placed two 00 the All-CIF team with John promptly snapped up by the Washington the only area winner, taking the formula program includes a division for ccm· Senators. Vee 20-lapper in bis Beach. pelilors 40 years old and oyer. The 18-year-old, a right-handed batter, The most 'exciting race of lhe day ln- The !'~ event « ··'eduled Junt U at slands 6-foot-1 and we;,.i ... 200 pounds. volved four-time national champion AJan Ul>~ .,. :IUJ fffffffffff,llfff '&'"" JM f 10 a.m. It's a balf-mlle pier swim at Ult nie Houston Astros of the Na'iionaJ o son o Corona de! Mar and bis racing San Clemente pier. There are three ROGER League, picking second, lap""" Jam" teammate Milt Minter of Simi. d. · · r ,.lo I""'" Both men drove Porsche 9lls and b'ad· 1v1s1ons o compe 1 rs. Richard a 19-year-old, 6-7, 220--·~ ~ the I d · The groups are lifeguard&, 17 and under CARLSON ,......~ ~ ea 15 limes with Minter finally and stroke. .rlghthanded pitcher from Lincoln H.S. in hipping Johnson by about one foot at the The !alter is for swimmers using '**•***"'**·*****"' Ruston , La. finish. breast, back and fly strokes. The teams picked in inverse order to But Patterson of Costa Mesa was se- h Uil I J P cond in the G and H Production race tn P~esident of t e . ou s 1 · B • lheir position In the standings at the his Fiat while Tom Kornetl of Seal Beach DanicJson. Head swim coach s en . r· · h. · lh r· · h I th 1=• w hln"'-r·1 · · Cumnlings of San Clemente High School. Billing and Steve Hayes 1his 1ng.1n e 1rus. o e ,,_season. as l!i-' was was 1th 1n a Lotus m the Formula A, B \Yaler polo will be tutored by Santa Ana top five at Monteclto Country Club lD San-1a.st 1n lbe Am~rlcan League and Houston and C ~ace. , Vall.,;<P.:" .!:.Wll~" . . . ·111.·I\"' . • . _ ·.-~ . 1as~· e, Yntlk@i!'~. , . Hunlin~? B~ac~ s .Ed ~~P~};'. . .,. .. , . weekend. He has a best of 7-3. He also at Springfield.." Springfield was fourth """""'"".tj!;f"'\,rt· rt ;,a·.-.~·~-o--~~rul.Jast. . Ibo .AHl.'s E • ,, f'bA U' ~.l.l..,, ~~ ... ~ I ' ')li;"",.';;i ·~· ~~·"'"' ' c..Wns. last season. ' ' · All eni;Bl;b musi oeAAU'liiem~'t't(tl;,.'il'lffi' \!, · l~~it~l•if Oili'!li--,_,,~ ·' •l.!irf ltaafM!t'~t.'~<.l'!ll\'~J~~~.ae:.g_-J>oiiMair:lini! D iPliifl;,. •" I ng was s , ay · mgm;, racing compeUtilon. He drove a Porsche. 0,appins. a two-miler from Excelsior. has won two CIF crowns, as has Santa Baibara shot putter Sam Cunningham, another choice on the team. COmplete list or entries: iQo.....:wlllie Robinson. El C e n t r c ; Pairick Miles. La Puente: Clyde Emery,1 Santa Ana Valley ; Ben Rico, Workman ~ Steye Gibson. Lakewood . ~Bill Sims, Whittier ; Vince n l Buford, Centennial ; P.!iles, Robinson, Git:ilon. 440--Sims, Bob Langston, P.tillikan: Rico, Jimmy Love. Compton. .._Langston. :ri!ark Franek, Buena ; Hut Merrill. Bishop Montgomery, Vic· tor 'Moore, Complon. Mile.-BOb Somesan, Lakewood; Decker Underwood. Sooth Torrance; Steve Huac:erford. Channel lslands ; Art 1t1an- jarra, Redondo. Tri:-MJk-Ruben Cb:.ppin" EJ1celsior; Fred Ritcherson, Salesl;.n: Hi ~n t.1eJia, La Habra ; John Mendez, Artesia. lJI HH-Zack Donaldson. Compton ; Mart Low, PomoM; Rod P.1cNeil •. Ballhrin Park; Dum>e Johnson, Santa Moojca: 11aac CIJrlls, Santa Ana. 1• LH-Bob Stockton, Long Beach; Lo,., McNeil!. Jobnlon, CUrlls. Hilb Jump-Reynaldo Bro" n, Conqltoo; Wayne Bradley, Muir : Victor AUl'.tlD. Long 1SelCh Poly ; Joe Bradley, c..itl>too. PM Vault-Steve Smlth, South Tor- ...,., Dennis Gingrich, -mud; Da.-Gray, Claremonti JiljJr.e Sampson, La Habro. · 1"l"I JumJ>-Troy Lya; Cllhedral; Geolle TnmlltU. Conlonnlll; -Reed. Mltlr ; Wealll' J..-, Kennedy (8-); Mike ll1ll, ~ Ctlrtls. SllOt Put -Sam Cunnb>Jlhoint Sant• Batbo11; Kerry EaltoU. Serro: Sleva Laui!aito, LUewood; Pal Marr1y, LowrtlL ' ... .. • Others reportedly being considered for the Jl(lflt are Punch Im.Jach, fired recently as coach of the Nlfi..'s Toronto Maple Leafs, and Hal Laycae, who coached the Western Hockey League's Portland team last year. * * * * * * touled and were apecled In be plucked early. Los AmilOI Blgh School'& vtltm'e ln'-· '':n11ty Hports wltboat senM>n or }9nJon U1is past year baa been • bu.at. First, the FouaLl.fo.'Vlllty·bued Playla1 a aecond place tea• from y•ur owa k•&* lB tbe ctF finals ap- pean i.:bt lite ldu of deaUi. Half Century Ouh Lauds Anabtlnl rtpped S11n1et League c!uun· pte. Suta Aaa a coaple years Nck la Uoe CU' AAAA loolllall 11Dw. Now 11'1 ~ Amat lm1in& llle trick 01 St. Paal for the CIF AAA buebaU Ulle. NewportBeach'sLawrence" Amat I01t twice to the Angelu Leque cllamps hi dte regular seaion. * * * Jim Lawrence, former football star at the University of Southern Call!ornia and now a Newport Beach resident, was honored this wee.k by being named reci· pient for the 1969 Haif Century Club's DisUnguisbed Service_},'\fard. The namJ.haired n·Buena Park Hieb ace , was given the award at a special luncheon Tuesday at use. Only one person-and usually it is not an al.hltle-receives the award each year. Lawrence, who'll be reporting to the Ntw Orleans Saints nell week and who ls d\te to be a father momentarily, was responsible ror founding the USC branch ,of the Fellowship of ChrlsUan AthleleJ. He wu alao cited for exemplary COD- duct on and off the field, his 2.S unlvenl· ty srade average, and hit three-year foot- baU conlrlbuUon to SC. He '#u named back of the wet.k In SC's cmne.frorn·behlnd win over OregOI'\ lot aeuon. And In 1963 he WU aclected •• Or11111e Cowtcy ~er or Ult )Ur. JIM ·LAwRIHCI!' \ Reliable warctt aay Qua.rti HUll wreaW.1 coadl MJb Meeb will be the new coach at f\tartna Jli&ll, repladn1 J'ck Kennedy, * * * Notes on Fountain Valley Hiab's ·.\ •et.emal problem with the dlicw:: One HunUngton Beach SChool District official, when appro~ Oil lhe subject, says there' was no specif:ic written rule on the bin of the discus Jn the district. Another official, when queried, aald he couldn't undttstand why the Barons were forced lo compete without the dlllCUS. Tbe matter Is due to comt: up before the district '°'"' wllh Fouritaln Vllley High School ASB prtlidenl, Doug Goclbt, lNding the attack. • Jt leell\I if the HOOD la 10 WllWate of • tbe Barona' problems, a.s lndlcatecl by • ' couple cf lhe board members, perhaps lD- ' 1'rtllod portles lhou1d all down an~ write a lew letter& In the boar'd polntlng ~ " out the 11queeie the Barons have endured , In the lrvlne League when t1ie discui Is • • thrown. The llcJditr!, with lhe No. I pick, took a catcher, Terry McDermott, 11. of SL Agnes }ligb of West Hempstead. N.Y. The only other California piaren draft.. ed on the Ont rvund wtre Jon Buley of Redding, by the Glanb; and Charles McNotl, of Royal Oak lllgh In Covina, by St. Louis, and Gene Elliott ol c:.amar- illo lllgh, by San Diego. Williams to 49ers Compton HJgh track coach Wlllie Williall'\S bas been appointed assistant spike coach at Cai State (Long Beach), the Bclml has lllUIOW!Ced. Wllliaml, 21, was a former prep quarter-miler at Compton Hlgh and was a track·f~ athlete at San Jose Stats. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE &st Divldoa WLPcL GB CHICAGO SI II .IM NEW YORI< 25 23 .511 I I\ PITTSBURGH 25 25 .500 t \> ST. LOUIS 24 26 .4111 IGIO PiiILADELPHIA II 21 .211 141\ MONTREAL II 35 .239 111\ Weat Dlvllloa ATLANTA 29 It .!04 LOS ANGELES 26 21 .571 CINCINNATI 26 20 .565 SAN FRANCISCO 26 23 .Ill HOUSTON 24 %9 .411 SAN DIEGO 24 20 .444 -·-Htw v.-t, l.-s """Mi t US INl1119a) CflUft S. ~-• II. I.Wit 4 Atllfllt J 11\ 3 31\ 71\ I Stll '"'--.. MalltN91 t "" ~ a. ~~-' .. _ 11. L.e1111 ctonw; 4J ., HwlMn 1••r ,.,,, , .. 1 °""' ·-MMdlllfll. ' .. ,..... ._ c1t1e•• "o~ Pl~ •1 A11 ... 11, flltpM SI, Lfvtl If H-l'oll. 111tfll Htw Y91'k •I St!'! Olf90, fllfllt M•tttll llt .._ °"*""• """' Plllltfttl!Mt 11 Ml! l"fanc:llce, 11ltfll • , .. AMERICAN LEAGUE --BA1TlllOBE · - BOSTON DETROIT WASHINGTON NEW YORI< CLEVELAND w L Pel. -37 JS .706 31 18 .648 26 21 .543 27 28 .481 24 2S .471 14 3l .311 Weal Dirialw MINNESOTA 28 20 .!il3 OAKLAND 21 22 .132 CHICAGO 3l 23 .471 SEAT'IU 23 21 .451 KANSAS CITY 22 21 .!JO CALIFORNIA 16 II MO . ........,.. ..... CflluolO 7, ..... l M-..OU f,ftl .. Yortl2 W•"""'10M .S. ~ City 1 a.tt"'*W 6. Olli:IMll I Clt\ltltfld 10. S.ttll • Cltt'rWI I. C.I~ 4 flt ........ , T•J"•••-No IPft'* t<Nldwi.o. ,,...,.. .. _ W•ttilrlf'M •t M'-lt', 1119111 OM._ It Dlttnllt, ,...... C1lllom .. •I Clwtllond, Ill ... Sf•nll •I I l l""*" 1119'1t CfllCIOO .i NtW Y-1:, llilht Kff!MI City •I '°'"°"' """' GB 41\ Iii ll\\ 13 19~ 111 5 • I~~ fl"""'"",."'"'"'"" .. ..,,..,...~~·•"'"~~,_,,....,,..,,...,...,ii<imliill;;;i., .. ""'ill .. 119'"' .... """""'"'"'"'1' .. "'""'"'"""""''"'..,""' .... ,..,.,.,,,...,,....,,.,,.,....,.,. ... ..,,..~~·!~c ... "'!~'•!"~"•••~""""•-·w~••••••• ... ~·w'!::w~o!'":!'~'~*'_.~,..,,~":"~..,""T,.. } Preps, .Jaf!!es • t • ~ ... 106 Days ·fu .Go ForGridOpe ·ners .•f -' One-hundred and sl• days from today will mark tJM! competlUve opening of;' the UM Cootball teasoo for ~.a Orange Coast area h I { ll schoolr, p~ the three area junior colliiges. , "Sept. It is the big day ·and for the convenience of DAILY PILOT readers, a complete list or schedules for all area achools i.s printed. lnte~tlng intusectlonals plus the conventional league 1lates give an advance lip on weekend plannlni (or the grid conscious. The n1ne.wttk campaign will conclude Nov. 22 after which state Jaycee and CIF (prep) playoff rlimlnatioru will get under v.·ay. COROHA DIL MAI Sept, )0 . . • • II Ne_, Sep!. !7" ................. 101$1 Or1r.dl Oct. • .............. . IEd llfn Oct. 10 ............ II Fountoln VIiii~ OU. 11 .•••••• ,. .•••• ,, •.. •I f(l1010oll1 Oct. l ' .................. COlll MeJI Ot'. 31 ... ,............ l-• Nev. I .• , .. .. .. . .•. I! $,l V1llty Nov. U .. . .. . .. E11t nci.I Hom. time> t i lllvl!hon F~l4. C05T,l M(5,l S!PI. lt 1t O<ll>M S~PI. 1' . .. ... .. . . .. . New-• 0(1, ' •• , • • • .. • •• ti E111ncl1 Otr. It ....... .•.•. ... .. . lot11 Oc1. II ........... . F011n1tln V1!1ev oc:t. J• ........... 11 CorMI .xr Mt r OU. ll ........... . 11 ElllilOll Nov. I Mnnoll• Nov. '! I I 5A V1l~Y H-11mct 1r 01vi<11on F!'ld IOISON 5,,1, 10 , . . . 11 lt Qulnlt Sol. 11 .. ..... H'lln1;nt111on leKl'I Oc:•. J ..• .• .• ... 11 coron1 d•I M.tr oc:r. II ............. ..SA V1l!tv Oc1. 11 , .•• •••••• ••••• , . II lotrl Oc'f, l! ............. ,. . II Ml9110H1 OC:I. JI ................ . COS/I Mes• NOT. 1 .. .. .. .. . . .. 11 E1l111<!1 N.,... 14 . . Founr11n Vi lt.iv H~ 11mu 11 H~nl'1>ulon 811<11 ISTANCIA St<>I. lf . . , Tu11ln s~r. 11 -II PKllkl IB0"-1 Grmde) O~!. ' .. Co1!1 W11 (Or•n"' c .. sr) ,. I Oct. t .................... -11'~1.-,.rll Oct ....... ~et.FOO!llm !Mlulfrl Vltlol ' Ott. '11 ·•·••\• .. •·-'•···• ...... Tu1tl11 Ott. U .•. ,.~·; .. •·:·········•I Or111M 1 Ocl. U .................. Mi..lafl \lltlo Nov. 7 .......... , ••• It Sin Ciemtnlt Noo. l' .......... ,., ..... :Et M""- M••tMA !91. n ...... , ...... ., ti y PuenTI Sept :M .. ; ........... SPt,1111 Tott11><1 Oct. J ..................... Ott l'ueblol 0<1. II ......... 1 ••••.•.. •I Wn !.,n Ocl. " ................... $lifll1 ... ... O<I. 11 ............. , ........ M._.-t OC:I, JI ........ _. ..... ,." A ... helll'I Nw. I ....• : ........ "ul'llillfll., aeacll No•. 1' .. ,. ••..... 11 Wel!mlftOll1r H-omH 11 We1lmill$ftt ~Tll ort $#!. " . .. .... . .. s.1111 Alll Sepr. H .. -.. .,. ............ loYilll 0(.t, J ................. 11 Llittwo.od Oir:I. 10 ••• ,. •• ,I I l -kec.11 Wiison Oct. 11 .............. '. .... : •• s. .... 111 Ocl. !4 ............... . .. , 11 l'lus II (1(1. lei ....... ,,. .... I t l lillCIJ Amil Nov. I ....................... ~r. 1'1ul NOY. 13 ............... St. Anl'l'lonv H-11tnei 11 S1nl1 An1 $l1~iurn MISSION \lll!JO . SUlf. 1' .. .. .. .... .. s.ddlt01cl< I Seo!, 7t .. _ \11lley Cllrl1lll11 Q(I. l ....................... Focllllll Oct. ti .................. tr Or1Me Otl. 11 ....... ,. ........ 1! Et MGdM.1 Od. 11 ........ ·, ........ , ...•.. Tu111n Oct. J I .................... at L1gun1 frtov. 1 .................... \1!!11 '•rk Na•. I' .. . . . S.n Cllln•nlt NIW,OllT' MAll8011 S~t. 'HI , . , ..•. : ..• 1 .. CIW'Gfll d11 M1ir Se:>!. 71 .............. _., CDlll Mn• Oc!. J ................... Stnl1 A,.. Ot:. I! .................. 11 ""•llt!m oc:-. 11 ................... wnrm1n1ter Ott. 1' ...... , ..... , ..... 11 M1r"'a Oc:. ll , .I I Ft!l!lroolC Ne ... 1 .......... , ...... 11 Wutern Nav. 14 .. .... 11 H11n1ln'1on Bllldl HU!>t: '""" •I Dllvldsan Fllll • IAN C\.lMINTI' S!-1>1. It .. .. . 11 NtH $!•!. U ................ 1'1t111 Sl>f'lnas Oc~. 4 .............. 11 El Mocttnt Ocl. 10 ............... t i VIiii '•rll Q;'. 11 ....................... °''"" Ck•. l t .. .•• . . ... .. .......... Ftllttii" OC:l. l! ..................... •I Twit:,, N~w. 1 ................... Uieun1 No•. 14 •• .. .• 11 Mfukrn v1,1a Wl!ST'MINSTEll S~Pt, n l akewOQ6 ~£Pl. 7t ............... II El ltndlO Oc~. ' ..................... We.11em 0c1. 10 .................... su111 A~• ()(t. 17 ....... _ ........... II Ne.....,rl ()(1. 1' ......... ,. , t i Antl'lell!I Oc:. 11 •...• , ..... iolu1111r.a1on .,,ch Nov. 1 . . bi. Nov. 1' . M1rln1 SAOOLl!IACK AllMl,d Pa/Ma GOLF •, .... w...-. ..... - a a CHANGED BALL POSITION CAN VARY SHOT HEIGHT There is on'e very simple w1y to change the height of your shots. H you neje:d • high shot, merely play the ball farth1r forward than normal in your stanct -mort toward your left fbot. If you wish to strike a IQwer shot, simply play the b11\f1rthtr b1ck in your stance, more • toward your right foot. Use your normal swing rt· g•rdless of the position of your b•ll at address. The shot tra- jectory will vary autom1lic1lly· as a result of your ball position. Th is occurs because the c1ub - face loft at impact is determined by the Position in your swing path th at contact is made. .. C l"t '°""· -aw-. l!l!ill IRON OUT THOSE IRON SHOTS! Arnold Patm1r'1 booklet "H11tln1 th• hon''" 1iw11 ch1mplon1hip tips to help sh1rper'I ,ou r iron.shot !1chniqua. S.nd 20• •lld • st1"'pod, ro!u1n onvoloia to Arnold P1lmor, in 1;1r• afthll noWtpapw. Mater Dei Gridders In lntrasquad Duel l\late.r Del High School's an- nual Red and While spring football game rompletM the Monarchs' spring drilb tonight with kickoU set for 7:30 al Santa Ana Stadium. A preliminary game between Bee footba'n aspiranls gets under"'9ay al ~:30. Coach Bob Woods will have l\1arv Bain and Rudy Estrada coaching the Red team \vhile Joe O'Hara and Bob 'Vigmore control the While team. Last ye11t's Red team won, 48-36, Complete rosters : ... Ari A1Vtr•¥ 1101, illM AH~IOll ntl, JllcNn1 a.dr.wllh 11'11, MIM a1~1oro UOI. John BrllOteft ~•JI. I ab 0.Llfl!;cionl !Ul. NK;lr. Pl k!1no !!.SI. ROil Dlc!PI 151j Toti'! rl\trd (I). Nick Fll10fllcfr ~\l llkll H1ya Ill'' Ptf• "$'' J • turn-It•• I' "~ j P•I iv...~ . Mlk' Min II , GIO' M11mtord 16C!I. Oc!. II ................ ·" N111noll1 Oct 11 ........... 1r s.n11 M1 v111111 ""-" -· " '""""""'"SOUTHLAND Se:o1. ;i .......... Gro~1mll<lt o.,,. NllllY 1u1, Jim H.,.ry llJJ, Don 11.ov 11•1· Rkll Slltldon /II), Gt•Y Roy Ill • llldl Toelkn 17/, Miro Wltdirl'lgll ~'31. 8 111 CIO\lflll !JI, ~fOicl JllMntJ (ff • Wiiii• o~lkl:~ 1'/!'\).' i~'Pi g~c~~~ ~l : 1s1nr1 ""' $ltd!u111J Oct, !J .......... i t L.o9rl JU P1t1111 ) Nov. I ........ Fovnt1ln Vil~ Nov. 7 ........ . ....... EllllM Nov. l' . 11 CO!'Olll !ltl iv...r HOMC tlrrle• 11 D1vldson Flellf FOUNTAIN VAlll!Y Seo!. 1t . • ..... 11 lhnc~o "''"'It"' s""· 11 .............. G•rlkn Gro .. e Ott. J . .. ... ....... . I! M111noll1 oc:r. 10 ............ , ... Coront lie! Mir Oct. ti ............... 11 Cost, Wi.t Oct. H .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. $A lltllrf Nov. I ................... 11 E111"1:11 Nev. I .... ..... ...... 11 lt11r1 Nov. )4 • • • • .. , • E61M:lfl Home •trne1 •I Huntlnpron 8ttdi MUMTINGTON &lAClf Oct. ' .......... , ., ....... Ch1ff11 Oc1. 11 ...... 11 Coll"• ol Ille 0tser1 "''· " -· ----·--·-""" ""' TROUT PLA NT Oct. lS ...................... bvt Nev. I ................. .-Mlr1 Ces!1 , Nov. t ............... ,, .. t1rl!ow Nov. 15 ......••.... lmp•rl•t V1llrv Nov. 2'I .. .. . tl Ml. ~n Jtclnto H-Nrntt ., Mission Vlll lo Hil~ GOLDEN WIST Seol. iO ,., ...... .. Ottnaie Co11I 5Mt. V , ..... 11 Mr. S•n An!onla Oc1. 4 ............... 11 S1nt1 An• oc:1. 1/ .......... •I S1nlf t1rt>1tt O<t 11 .. ... .. .. .. .... bvt Ck.', ;S ......... •! EIS! LOI An'M't~ Ocl. JI ........... , ltio Hor.do Ne... I . LA Ht t!nr N~v. 14 . •I lo. An~~'•• Cl-.. Mlrlt Dunn 1 , Mtrk Gillin I! , JKlo. Cullie 1121) T11m GrHO.• Jll , Cr1l1 "M1M011 o• . TIO Htllli ld '° . Sob HIUl'ert (11)\ I'll Helll~ft n . s1, .. J1cUan \" • J im ~ 41 . "' <~If' U M1rl0· Mele ,., , Mtrt 11n (241, Jlon Munl\ ~ . Mllo.1 ''NI !Ill. -Tom Sllulll (Jl , u>-nlt Wolll<lewlcz C~I. o.Ml1 Strno ~ 5r.c>~l!fl McEU!oott f.0 ) L1r,..,. e 11'0), -""" ll1ll\lr.1r (4 , i;,.,19 ~OUtt (71). CIF Cage -.-5,1%9 DAILY l'ILDT %3 Hole-in~Iie Drough,t . Ends, ' . . Millikan Three Bagged at· Santa ·Ana Wins CIF Long Beach Millikan - seven timU In the tilth lnniq Wednesday nWJ!I al ~ Sll\dium and burled Soni• 'f'cle, 9-2, to win Its second F baseball championship in the last th.rte years. Ool!er1 at Santa Ana Coun· try Club broke 1 nve-month drought on ho I es -in -one recently with three aces In a space of slx days, Fred Werder broke the ice last Thursday with a L78-yard effort on the par-three filxth hole. Werder used a four-iron to accomplish the trick. He's a member of the club's board of directors. Playing with Werder were • Harold Caldwell. Denny Evans and PGA profe~lonal Ray Hanes. Two days later it was Paul 1 M. Clark Jr. of Annandale CC, playing e a guest ol John Kelley, who aced tl'le same hole, using a fi ve-iron. Also in the quartet were ~d Gould and Bob Hoyt. RAiph Mitchell . 73. sank his second hole-in-one of h.is life Tuesd11.y on the 148-yard S('- cond ho le. Mitchell, a southpaw , u:>ed a four-Iron. Rancho SJ Twn quartets lied for rirsl place In Saturda y's event for the men's club -a best ball of fou. some. The team of Gordon Imler. Emil Koehler, Wayne Wilson a nd Larry Smith com- bined for a net 55 to tie Joe Paioletti, Al Vagnerini, Herb Martin and Norb Palicki . Three strokes back was the team of Jim O'Connell, Marv Johr"-On , Bob Lopez a n d George Sheetz. Costa Mesa Jaclr. Rice led all com- petitors with a 72-12-60 over the weekend at Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club in the National Goll Day event. A stroke back at '12·11~1 . was Dan Radabaugh followed by Les Jones (79-1~4.), Jack Brown (78-12-66 ), Gale Bouk Stars Get ('1$-MOI) and Boll Ray (jf-10. 68). ' Others were Slf.:n Brown (80- 13-61 ). Dick Hllztman (79-11" f1),-Ray SheU '(7'-1118 ) and Jim !{lgglnboq>anl (81·13-68), la • '..'ones" e'vent for lhe women'i club i.st week, Dorothy <;>'Le:ll'J, was the A !Hghl wlnlier with •• 11·1$-7$ (121>1 !Ollowed' by VJ Ho&kiM at-15-13-'11 (S<\;). . B night acUon was won by Bev B;>tllstonl's 92,zi.70 (31 ). Joyce CapJ.is was second with a 107-~ (31);), , Marian Voss won the C (light with her 10&-32·76 (36),, A dinner dance has been slated for June 14.. Further in- formation can be obtained by ca!Ung 540-7200. /tJeadoUJlark Ron Hampton utilized a four-iron on the 156-ya rd seventh hole at J\.1eadowlark ror a hole in one. It was the second time he's done the lrick -and Uie first time at 1\.-feadow lark . Seacliff Ge nt Meacher led the low net contingent at Seacliff Country Club Saturday, with a 132 over 36 holes. Bob Mansfield was second 'A'ith 134 ahead of L e s Rosenthal's 136. Low gross title went to Jim Tollef so n and Jimmy Thompson. each st'Ming 153s. Art Brownell followd with a 15.i. Beverly Cummaro look the blind bogey in women's club activity recently with a 63. ~lesn l' erde The championship field fo r the men's club President Cup championship has narrowed to four with semifinalists due lo pl ay by Saturday. Finals are Sunday . Left in competition are Tom ruco. John Farrell, B 111 Schulte and Greg Karman. • ~ two ttrokes back. .;., Ued betwten Keith and Jacki< N,eaJ and Joe •Q\I Lila Yurlta and ~ (°':Jrsomt .of Pete tn41lol l't.-I and Keith and Mynle MacDonald. Bob Littleton and rc.n -C.bb combined for a 11 Saturday in men's paM,nen best ball ac- llvit,y. Second wu captuted by Alfred Nichols and Vern Thomas. Sunday'a best ball of mlled foursome event was Ued at sa betw.een Del and Betty Hamre and Jim and Irene Beck along with the team of Joe and Lila Yurka and Tom and Pbylli!'I Liken. 19th Hole A crowd of 7 ,141 showed up to watch the came, which was preceded by. Blnnlnaham•• 1,0 win over Monroe-for the LA City Schools crown . Millikan wu down 2-o wbeo lt erupted for Its fifth IMiac outburst T1>e Rams flnlllltP the season with a Zl-1 record and acottd 42 runs in its Ov, CtF playoff games. Santa Fe, second piace finisher in the San Gabriel Valley League, wound up 17~ DO SINCOLE MEN HAVE "'OU FUN! Jack Gerhardt d e feated Ra' h P nk he 39th ••• only If ttt.y've IMt p age opp on t mMthtf the lllOHT GlllLll hole in a sudden death playoff for the men's cl ub President CALL 547 .. 6667 Cu p chaqipionshi p at Green1~~iiiiii24-Hour Recer4ln,- river Golf Cub. II Tim Ankersen fell out of a three-way tie after 36 holes on the first hole alter regulation. Chuck Banks, Dale Porter and Harry Burkey followed . Green Rive r CC is ope n lo the public with 18 holes after the winter nooc1s inundated lhe course and kept it out of action for the first half of t})(' year. The ninth annual Celebrity Golf tournament at Mardi Air Force Base Is stated for June 29, The fifth annual Sports Broadcasters Celebrity golfi tourney at San Fernando Valley 's Calabasas CC is &<:beduled June 15. Area Splashers ]\fake Olympics Two young Orange Coast area swimmtrs have qualified for the Junior Olympics swim- ming finals at Santa Monica Municipal Pool Saturd ay. Just In Time for Dads Day e MENS WEAR e 1 SALE 20°1' .. 50'1• off! *SWEATERS * DRESS SHIRTS * SPORT SHIRTS * GOLF SHIRTS *BERMUDAS *SLACKS l W.ii '1WMrl * BELL BOTTOMS *JACKETS * U,S. KEDS *TIES& BELTS *BOYS PANTS & SHIRTS Sllop larty f9f hit ......... CARD'S MENS & BOYS SHOP 333 E. 17th St, Costa Me•• Sepl. I' . 11 Lt tUbrl No1. 21 . . Cvprt., 5•"· "' . ........ ., 1!0:~(11'1 Homo .. rnt1 11 Cc•.,9' Co'SI Ou. l ............... • ,lno11<:irn St -.•, iO I! Goldin Wut Ck.I. 10 .. .......... ... 1! LI Ol<"n•a Sc·'. n ...... •! CVi>~~• Ocl. 11 . .. •• ........ .• 11 w.,r.rn Oc. 1 ,.., .............. Lk ·Htrhor (k!, 1i ............. S•n'I A<11 fie:. II ... -........... ot F11llorl<111 Following by cOunty, are :;6 Southern California, Inyo and Mono streams and lakes scheduled for restocking lhis week with catchable size rain- bow trout by the Department of Fish and Game. The. DFG Ci!UlionS that noodinc has mode some Inyo streams in- acecs:sible and ~ that a I I scheduled plants are subject to \Yater and road conditions. LOS ANGELES -Bouguet Canyon Creek, Crystal Lake, Jackson Lake, Legg Lake. Little Rock Creek', Little Rock Reservoir, San DI mas Reservoir, San Gabriel River East and North ForQ. Two ·oil Cit Y, ·Flashes \ The team of Paul and Louise Robinson and John and Juliene Ado1ms netted a 5S to take the best ball of mixed foursome ti- tle Friday. Maureen Taylor, 11 , of Hun- ti ngton Beach. and J e f ( Stevens, 10, Newport Beach, will repf'esent the Orange Coast YMCA at the meet. I .... llMI tile P-.c• H- Oct 31 ........... I I WP:;lrni~•:-tr NOi'. T •••• ,.,... .. 11 M4irln1 Nev. 11 N~porr LAGUNA ·-····· ......... Kl!elll .................. , Br11 O:'. •11 ................. 511111 Ant Oc!. )J .... .. ..... .. , 11 Cerr!!os No1. 1 ,. .......... A.II, 5.in Antenle Nov. 11 ..... Si n Dt.iff Mesi Ne ... ' .. .... l>vt Nov. IS .. • " ... " ... I t s.~ Di91o ! " 0 ' • ORANGE -Trabuco Creek. RIVERSIDE-North Fork San Jacinto River. · Fifteen outstanding ~lcNamara y.•as a rirst-tean1' All-C IF selection while the. Troy duo won third-team honors. NO MONEY DOWN 12 MONTHS TO PAY t"-...... _.,...., .... ~ See the Mobil "Cushion", "Wide'' and "Premier" line of tires. SAN BERNARDINO -Big Bear La ke, Cucamonga Creek. Deep Creek at Bowen Ranch. Green Valley Lake, Gregory Lake. graduating seniors have been . named to play on the Clf' Southern Section 4-A all-star team in the second annual Southern California All.Star High School Basketball Classic July 9 at the Forum and as the DAILY PILOT reported six weeks ago, Huntington Beach Hlgh 's duo or Mike. Con- treras and Roy Miller are on the team. The CIF team, which will be coached by Compton 's Bill Armstrong, features siJ: All- CIF first team choices, three second learners and a trio of third team selections. Rounding out the CIF team are Dan Anderson (6-2), ~uard , North Torrance : Bud Fabian (6-4), forward, Notrl' Dame ; Doug Howard (6-6), rorward. Paclflc: Ev Fopm11 (6-3), center, Bellflower: .Joh n Siege (6-1 0). center. Notre Dame: Bruce Baker ( 6-6). center, Torr an ce : Tom •fanson (6-4 ), forward, Long Beach Poly: and Lee McDougal 6-5) forward , Centennial. 775 x 14 MobU M-1 BLACK NYLON COAD TUBELESS -• ruggitd workllCl9J lire. $1370 •l>091:•1eG 1.tll"O price, iilW SJ.20 1ocl11 ,.,. plWtlltot.,. i-lht l ask about "TIRE-IFFIC" 1 BONUS DEAL! I thought I saw a Pussycat , "' i i j , • • You did. You did. Th~ PU117cat i1 • deJicbtful ..... -..._ ..... -that mixa up lhout u aaick •a cat. Thia national · wiMlnc drink it ma4e: witha:=ol~INtanl~M'~ ..... ...iEar1yr.,,_ Han-1 .. .;th Tht "-"' .... pi.,t.I. • 1--· CwTy Ch osen As Tar of Year Bob Curry has Geen named "Tar ol the Year" at Newport Harbor High School. curry. who starred in f()()\. ball, wrestling and baseball. won, the honor after outlasting nlne other finalists. Others considered for the. honor were Stu Aldrich, Kevin Buller, Doug Dovey, Bill Durkin, Paul 11olmes, Bob . Keigh, Bob Leavy, Eric Lin- droth and Doug Smith . In addition to Armstrong, Compton lligh will b e represented by 6-5 forward Larry Hollyfield, the CIF Player of the Year, and first- team guard Lewis Ne!son l&- 2), The ClF squad. in addition to Contreras and Miller, fea tures three more Orange County players -guard Brad McNam ara (6-0) of Sunny Hills, forward Tom Gregory (6-2) from Troy and center Soott Magnuson (6-10) of Troy. he deserves a - SCHWINN FOR SUMMER FUN THE YEAR AROUND GET THE BIKE THAT COVERS GROUND! e STING RAYS • RACERS • TANDEMS • CUSTOM ACCESSORIES e DOMESTIC & IMPORTED BIKES P.S. We hive 9lrls mochl1 tool ? ~ ,. . ........ 420 E. 17th St. --Costa Mesa (~tween Tustin I. lrv1M Avu.) ' r SET OF 4 -*54-All Mobil Deffrrs 11$el"tt .. ristit to tslllbli~ lllM' own prices. In last year's contest. the Loe Angeles City All-Sta rs .~ged the ClFers. 113-108. • TENNIS- Wilson • Dunlop • Davis • Pennsylvania Tennis Balls Bancroft Doz. 7.50 BA SEBA LL SHOES SOX MITTS • BALLS Wilson Xl11 Duly Tennis Balls Doz. 7.95 BATS • UNDfRSHIRT1 Mens Tennis Shorts • 4.95 lo 13.95 LITTLE UAGUE SHOES • Mens Tennis Shirts 4. 95 lo 6.00 CAPS • MASKS MENS TENNIS SHOES 7.75 8.95 Mens ·Tennis Jackels 8.95 lo 19.95 . Tennis Dresses 13.95 • 14.95 • 16.95 LADIES TENNIS SHOES TBINIS SOX "'7J5 c. ..... • • 95 • 1.2S • 1.45 7.95 • Raleigh Bikes-Parts Tire1-Tnbe&-Acce3sor~s Pike Repairing CllST PROTECTORS VOWYBAW SOCCER BAW PLAYGROUND BAW ' WATER POLO BALIS TOHERBAW GOIJ BAW • .Piii& PC11G· BAW _ff AllDBALIS & GLOVES BASKOBAW • BACXBOARDS · NETS • GOAIS • usmuu SHOES .. j t • •, • --· _______ , __ ... . .. DEAD ENDERS-The original ''l,)ead 'E!id Klds",1n this 1,939 pboto we.re (Jrom left) Gabriel Dell, Huntz Hall, Billy Halsop, ·Bernard Punsley, Bobby Jordan and Leo Goreey, the leader, \vho died r.1onday. Always Tougl1 "Kid' , Leo Gorcey Couldn't Shake l1nage By TOM TITUS Of Ot• OaJIY l"ltill Haff f<Jr tv.·o generations of Saturday afternoon moviegoers, he symbolized the spirit of rebellious youth decades before the advent of the shoulder-length hair and the protest sjgn. His trademark was the crumpled hat and the frac· lured New York dialect-and he could no more have broken out of this type-cast mold than John Wayne or Gary Cooper could have played fast-talking villains. On Friday Leo Gorcey. the leader of Hollywood's "Dead End Kids" and "Bowery Boys'' and the eternal urban adolescent for more than 20 years. will be burled, four days ~fore his 52nd birthday. He \Vas too old (20) for the role \vhen first cast as the tough·Lalking gang leader in Sidney Kingley's Broadway play, "Dead End," in 1935. ~ut he played tt'lis part, or a varia- tion of it, through the next 20 years. creating ·a character · unique in American film com- edy. 1·0 movie audiences of the late. th irties and early forties he ~1·as··'S pit," the leader of the Dead I-;nd Kids, who wore a felt beanie and talked out of San Gets Francisco Prodiiction of 'Hair' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI\ - The American Conservatory Theater today announced il was cutting its \hifd San Fran- cisco season a month short tn make room for a local prll· tl11ction of ''Hair." ACT will co-produce the rock musical, opening in n1id· Augusl at the Geaf)', v.·ith Michael Butler, producer of the Broadway and Los Angeles versions; Tom Smothers, com- edian and television producer : and Marshall Naify, San Fran- cisco theater owner v.·ho unsuccessfully tried to stage .. Hair'' recently in Acapulco, Mexico. .. Hair'' 1,ril become the final pkiy or the current season for ACT subscribers. It begins prc.vic'>'·s Aug. 15, with opening r.i:ht scheduled Aug. 29. In addition to culling ACT'!i present sea:.on short, the n1»~ical 1till reduce t be rcpcrlory con1pany to a one- theater operalion during thC rirsl three months of its 1970 ~ason. "Hair is scheduled'~ through March at •ceary. ACT hopes to begin ils fourth season in January at the Marines Theater and resume its tw1>-theater operation 1n April. -------1 Crossword Pt1zzle AG~OS S ' > JUNE 1 9 AM 't;l 10 PM ••••••••••••••• JUNE 2 THRU JUNE 6 10 AM 'til 1 PM ··•·•··•···•··• JUNE 7 T~RU JUNE 20 9AM 'tll 10PM . S.t. 1til 1 AM ••••••••••••••• JUNE 21 TltRU AUG. 30 8 AM 'til Midnitt Pr!. & Set. 'til 1 AM • J)isn~yland ' Son of Se~ari~tl . ·~ '. To.. Make Debut ' doubts about my acUng," he . Said. ' ·~··-""I !!!!!5¥Ytii POltl w;n,a :tliiiiiititl • Aho 0.1n Martin James Stew1rt Raquel Welch "BANDOLERO" "He thought 1 was crazy to leave school, but r was going through a period when I Couldn't face It. He was 1n London then and g o i n g through a divoree, and he con- ,·inced me to come oVer there and get into drama school. J think he just wanted to have me nearby.'f Mike met an Irish girl who was working for the BBC, 1narried her and returned to New York for another try at acting. He returned to ct>llege, then landed with the Min· neapolis Theater Company, playing character roles at $85 a week. He left the company at the end of its tour het~ and within a brief time landed the role l.n "They Shoot Ho~." Two Big Features An • All·St1r Ca1t I• "THE LONGEST DAY" .... George Peppard Ur1ul1 Andrffl ,, "BLUE MAX" Now Showing Mlcheel Ce!" Atrtltolly 9 1l11t C•dic1 le"Jn ,, "THE MAGUS" .. l.. -----. ALSO PLAYING-Tho lllg Ono-FOR ADULTS ams Aav.w .\'obi Bnnb·ldml &mi·JcnsUbm .km lbbl· .... 1'ldllai·l&vJ Sl:rr.;., E-.a ....... __ ... f ~s~, itScanuy. "°'*1"Hciogiog. ,.._lore!: ond W.... '<dl.rft Corp. v--' A~~,~ Candy , ............ CAC .l!l• Elvis PrnlfY COLOlt ''CHAlltO'" OoHrry-FrldlJI" Fi9hl Tldtth l'lew on S11tr S'f:CIN. NOTICE ro OfJt PATIOllS . ~;,•,r:::;-:=:::.::.:~ .'' cW1•i11 ., ,_, ~ -... ~ J>l•llltll•~ ···~ I ·-... ··-·· I Jolin WIYM · "THI LOHClDT DAY"' Frt~-S1n11r1 COLOR "MONE IUT THI llAYF' -·1 _.,_ 1 A1·1271 lt••--1111 Ftt A•11llU ~-Dr•~· ~h•'lev W!nl.n, Stel .. $1•v- "THE MAD. ltOOM'" COl Olt J•cti: P~t•nt• COLOll "'THI DUPUADOS" . __ .,_ --11-mme..tlN ,., A411llt1 I V~nt•..,. ltta~...,v~ COLOR ''THI LOYD OF JSADO•A" l'Ureo.lfl l f'l'IOr COl.011 "Hean Clll•M::: I ' .. ' PAULO 14S.U 1J -------I kltftc:• Fklltfl Al lh: lell Cll#lrl!on l'lnton COLOlt "PL..4NfT OP THI APES" ~ \ ~ "' WAR N FR ..................... " ., • • ......CK • At" •u.11 • • .. UNTINOTOM •IACH • .. ,.._ ~HEl;D OVER POSITIVELY ENDS 'f'UESDAY P.t.WllM,,...~ illCIDT l~'l'T'Zfllliu:ml lM:YSide oltbe t}4ountain "A FRESH AND STlllULATING FIUll'.'-=:.:'.r.I..,,..,. TEDDYixJus<. ..ntroDOllE BIXEL,_ t;i. ...._..~•.-;nnm• ' . ~ . THE GRANDEST (INEMA Of THEM AW SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT St1rt1 Wednesday for 2 W•ks Only -WINNER OF 10 OSCARS ---inclUdlnv Bott Plduro • flltST AND QN LY SOUTHl -N OUHGI COUNTY SHOWIN• IN NIW 10: PlOJICTION • 70 MM fllM IS i TtlES LARGER • l'l!ESUITED IN FULC--SCREEN SPLENDOR 'WALL TO WALL" PICTURE WITH I CHANNEL SURROUND SOUND 1a ............ splnidor...'llle-mpl&a.l~em! . OM>Q~ __ ...,...-a • I ,, 7 -·-- I n111 8&C,.........,. All• ............ LoitMI ......... P1tct 11111 Jib• QutnthL Ill -It) (30) PEANUlS 1'1 \' l '' .,.~.~.11.t~"'~c: ··"'""_;:_:...... ___ _J L3~~;;.:f~-~.J-._ ______ _. 11111ntt1 tllli toM witllMI to • •111· STEVE ROPER JUN[ 5 '"' .. "' ....... (C) ""' ........ •• , ......... ., CQ (IO) ·-... """ (C) (90) r-.... :Cota,-MN MN ... , stlotft. $11Dfl'lf b ud, ~II -Gnlll· wild l(INlll • • D Sir O'CW Mow1r. "f't111dl Ciwtn .. IW llWI" (comedy) '53 -Donrild O'COllnor, GtM Lodtllrt. Ymtt flualf. &'J I"' (C) (IO). m•...,..,C60> m._ It>-<"'> ''" "'''" '""*'·'"' "" llllu. Johll DlllMI' 111111 BM B!Dy IUlll. (R) ·-(C) (10) ,., -lflfl M}djy D9will .,. rtApldt tor I l().n:i11ftd ~ blttll ti. IWHn Joi Drtlllle ud M1r11 Frallkl'.-. 0 1HJmm-CC> (10) "Mlrl'Ol'. lfltf'Of Oii the Wiii." Sim dls:<n'111. with todorl'• btlp, tNt I litl!t YlllltJ In I ltlllbllllll Clll 11 I lonl WIJ. (I) m--CC> C>O> ..... , .. Ult (C) (60) ., .... 'bhlln (~) (!!){})--It) (IO) ....... ""'.(30) "Looi! Aroirnd You.• Miid QIUllq ~phi the fotllll ,1nimlls 11 they come olrt o 9:00 A 9 (I) CIS 1\mUr Mlwle: . hlbernauon. · ~ TN...r' (&USJ>t!IH) '64 ii) Um telor -"' Em Piii (30) -Uu1111 B1aill, stU11f Whtt111111, -Kl'LM ..... (C) (IO) Roddy McDaw1ll, C.101 trnllf. An IW .eklf II olftred Sl0,000 bJ • lnyw ,,,. a '"" "'"••"' cci 160> (B ..,.. " .. """' .. Ille ... (C) (IO) 9 00 HlllllltJ·lrinkllJ (t) (30) fill Mort !or Y611f Mo11t, i:Wl "Mgi117 M1tt1rs." Mtt1on M11sh1ll tllks with 1 budeet txpert 1boul 1ett!n1 l!I0/1 Ollt cf 11dl family dolln. 9 ()) m Ntw1 (t) (30) !D Motld111 34 (CJ (601 7:00 fJ C1$ (v1nln1 Mm. (C) (30) Waller Cl'onkile. o .wur. ,., LIM? lC> 1301 m Pmword (C) {30) 7:30 Q} (I) Hlah 111d Wiid ~C) (30) f2l) Plqin1 tlN Gllltlr (30) "Grttll· sl!eves. Pitt I." lnstruct111 ffed· erick Noad ccmbines Ille elements of sighl·1t1dln1, countin1 1nd cllcrd· production 11 students begin lo play their first $010 piece-1 v11· ilon of "G1ttn:slteves." /8 (j) Mdl11t'1 HllJ (30) m True Adventure (C) (JO) a> D1ea11 HoUM (Cl (30) o a@"""' "'"' tCl nm Thi Matan lrlnlY bta1, 01!1 ol the most !eared 1nlm1ls on the Korth American continent 11 Ute subject ol tonl1ht'1 show. The Cllffl· eras lllllow the huaa fellow 11 he goes about his unfettered dally 11f1 in th• hllh d8'lrl wilds ol the sttte of Chihuahua. to lllvt hi!Mllf commlt1td to 1 p.s)'Clll1tric: hOSflitll In ordtr to otl· lain intonMtioft lrom 1 psychotic ,auent (lllJ o 1111 rn m ""' " "" -(e'j {OOflo Annt Wol'ley, Doncw1n, I Godfrey C.mbrid&• and ltlnlt Kazan ,,. .. @m El M~l!Oe &!1 loct (60) ''M1n111m1nt Se/Vieu -DR·ll." f fr!d11 1!1d Gtnnon Wllfk In Eme1 11:ency Conbol Center followi111 the 1~1ssl111tlon of Or. M1.rti11 lllltlei K1n1. (R) Q NIWI (C) (30) I!) 12 D'Clott: HIP (60) ID I'll (C) (21/z ~r) "TM Yioltnl Universt." PBL c.amtlU visit obstl• vatmie1 throu1hollf the world. Ptrl- Slll. qu1urs, lnlr1·rld p lulH. red 1l111!s, ne111Jinos and cosmic rays com• under u1mintllon. As· trcnomers also recunstruct 1 POr- tl~n al the universe on 1 PBl .10und stage. 10:00 0 0;1oom n1111 M•rt111 fC) {60) DNn'• JYestl 1tl Din Dlill)'. Glofil· Lorin£ P1ul l1nd1 1nd DOii Rice. (R) em-cci c60l D tlll(JJ !ll -1;.., 1., if) (60) "Abortion." A fnn~ ltlldy of !ht ontt-wfllsper1d-aboU1 lllUe that h11 become 1 ma)OI' -..dat question In Arntritt todiy. 0 MlllMI Dillll (30) il:l"'"" <lOJ O ~OOl!:l"""' "''" tCl (60) "Flag of T1uce." A Wyandctta 10:30 O Mwlt: (t) ''Oiwt a.blr" (16- chiel'1 tr11st In Daniel Boon• Is venturi) '41-Errol Flynn, Frid M1e- )eopardized try an ambitious 11mr Murray. 1enet1I who has orders lo mo¥t the m -~ !"" Bin Johna. indlans ~ Bill Smith and Mort \"'' <JUJ Mila 1111SL CR) ' t?I F ...... _C... e "" ·"'" nm '°' ~cai :.,:::; ,~',,,'::,3.!. ""' o o om m m -It> ctriot R1intra decltks to 1!10¥t his R Allrli Mitckodl Cllslno from San Tineo beclllM Sis· m l llrl Clm (C) m Mowlt: "31nnpr Ill "" P'f..r (myl!ltl)') '53 -Paul Mun l, .101111 BY!·BYE, IW~TY BIRD/ 'TOO lJAD M CAin SPEND THE i:MY 7'0tl6TH6R UP THE!fE1-8llT 81JSINUS IS 6'1$/NESS. PERKINS . . v JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS ter Bertnti. Is 1lw1ys interf1rtn1 with his 1111. Naturally, Slat.tr Bt1- tr!l11 contM up ~tit 1 wnd xheme lg m1kl Clrtcs chln1e bis: mind. lorrlna. I Ll-1--' (R) IHI CI> ID 00 9 CIJ ilowo tCl 0 MilliM ' lllfrrit: "\JMlnllrtd SillrJ'" (rrrysttry) '5Cl--O.n 0ut'Jtl. Gile storm. 11:30 IJ lilt'6e: -J1ll ...... ....,. l!iip Tl'ICI" (mystery) '46-Unt m Ttsa • ~ (C) (30) Turlltl', JohR Gttfield. 111 ""1 •-160! O ID 00 11.l '"""' -tCl m --tCl <30J ""' Rlndelpb, of r1dio alltlon KG FJ. hosb 1 di~»io• of lducation1l triles In !ht bltck communftJ. Sdlool boerd lllfftlbefS 11'111 C:Ort- etrntd parents concentrlt1 on tile tffl!Clt the failure to pm recenl Millool bond lat1e1 wm hm "' tht o l!1l CJJ m "" '""" <CJ m ltoMW O'Coflllllf (t) eommurlity XhoolL ' }Z;J(I m AdiN ~ "SICftl YM- @E "'"" (30) tuft/' . ,,,. IJ 9 (I)"" 'Ii!'"" .(t) (60) 12:11 a --.. _. - -· 1M"'90ner It rld ta"belfm Hitl (iav.nl1Jr•) '55--H•Y• Hirtrllt,, Ed· ~) hn 1x1ped frCNn th• YUl111. nrd Mulh•rt. e z...1.., <30) D @ (}) m Tlllt Gill (C) (30) 1:00 D n. Slew lllillltl11t (C) •'lft11 Swenth Tim1 Around." Don D N.., (C) H0Uln1rr'1 flch boss, l1d1 Marpre1 W11thert11, w1n!I to m1kl Don her m rrt• 111111 l.W. ht (C) KVtnlh hultl1nd, ind Ann Muir objod>. (R) m -tCl cioi 1:15 8J lrklll: .,., ...... ..,.. (!trim•) '56--Glnl l11T)', llrb111 H1l1. D C...nltr , ..... ~ ('C) t1!l MET .... ,..... (C) (90) ''The Sitlfri•d Idyll.'' ~ dr1m1tlc rt· crfftlon d Rk:h1rd warnu's xan· 'dtlotll klft 1llalr with thl wife ol hii belt· Mind, colld\lcfor Hans '°" BuelolJI. Thi prorr•m com• the l:JO m n..,... ,..,, )'Nrt from 1162 to 1370, lfOlll pcw- erty In Y1tn111 end ullt In SW!tztt· rand to livin& off the bounty of 2:30 m Al·Alrftf Slllw: "Thi Prtmt 'It 0lftld Kini L~I ol Bwarta. Mlnllt•" tnd ''l.ldJ WiUI • limp. .. , fRIOA Y U:JD m ..,..,.. cm111•> '53-Ml'lll M11111nl, RosNno Brett!. DAYTIME MOVIES ~-oo m""' -Colo" c.,.111> '5l~tllll Sldnper, st1111tr .. Mf. 1:00 U (Cl ...... I 41iltdl"' (tollllnc:I) ·4~uN111 O'H1ra, Com" WMt. J:OI II "Wt. llJ ..... .......... ..... -.. -~--(COii• (-... -........ ... . tdr> '4' -bf Ml'llM. Gklttr ll'M. Jollll lllb. "'°""' •• • ... .... .. ~ (Cll9- ............ '""' {"'lllcll) ..,, '60-Sit ,. , ..... hr! '40 -AllCll r.,.. Frid llld11my. tm. MIVl'lll O'Klfl. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu1nty Prlnflnt 111d D1p.M1bl1 5e,...lc1 fer fl'llfl th111 • Q111rl1r 9f I C.11,.,,, UI I WOT UUOA llff. NIWPOIT IUCH TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF MISS PEACH fv'l'l>ll£ '\'~OIA~ICIAN~ Of A11>eP.l'A Jl'f<T tlf'-f" .. • • " ,, . . • ,, lilli' y WllV DCN'r llTH· '/Of) MAK~ A WORMS/ M/!ANl/J~FIJ/. Val f!QITll/• LA:t.'/, fJ:~CW TO I }l()-&000 '30Cl)J. 130CZ#Cs! J. ORD/!RP !... . -" I "I ~· '"8 .. Q . --· • By ~ohn .. Miles By Harold Le Doux By Fe~d Joh115an By Tom K. Ryan ONE RIGHT AN ONE LfFT il ii By Al Smith IVE StllFTEO )OUR LEG "THREEi\MES NOW! By Gus Arriola DAILY PILOT i SELF • COMMITMENT -Lauren Bacall, above, plays role of head psychiatrist in a hospital where Roddy McDowaU, abOve, is patient in tonight's rqo- tion picture, "Shock Treatment, 11 on Channel 2 ·at 9 p.m. A rnat(er of one-million dollars is involved in the plot with stuart Whitman and Carol Lynley in the cast. TELEVISION VIEWS Movies Not For Some. By RICK DU BROW . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Some television otars seem naturals for the movies. Some don't. And some surprise you. It has surprised many experts, --for instance, that C1int Eastwood, a likeable video cowboy in tbe old "Rawhide" series, has emerged as a very bot and hi gh1y-paid movie star. The belting, when "Rawhide" was on , was that the other headliner of the series, Eric Fleming, was a surer thing for motion pictures. FLEMING, however, was a philoSophical and skeptical fellow, and told me several times he wo\lld really nev~r convince himself of the importance of show business, except as a financial source. He did go into movies, how eyer, but.his life was cut tragically short when he drowned while mak· . ing· a film in Peru. Rowan and Martin, the comedy team. have Jong seemed a natural for movies, but they had no particular Cocus outside thei.r very funny nightclub routines. and their past motion picture exposure was aimless. Now, however, with their huge success as stars of "Laugh-In," they are .sharply defined in the pulr lie mind. And there is great industry interest as to whether their new movie, "The Maltese Bippy," goes over well. , THERE IS NO qu .. lion that Susan James, who appears regularly in "The Name of the Game,"·is a rare find, a superlative coriledienne, with big film potential, That was obvious from the time she first appeared. The question now is how long she will be tied. to video, and bow much that tie to the medium will affect her freshness as a mot.ion picture figure. - And, needless to say, the question after that is what kind of film property she will be given. She has the look o{ endurance as a motion picture actress, and someone ought to be plotting her career care- fully even now . The worst thing would be to use her up on television. DAN BLOCKER, of "Bonanza. t1 i"s such a na- tural for the movies that it is amazing no one has been able to,lure him out of video with a series of film of(ers. He also has the look of endurance -the quality that wanru; the cockles of a movie execu· tive's heart, Blocker is, of course, no stranger to moviemak· ing, b~t what I am talking about is a series of films with him as the focal character, perhaps playing a running character. He has such a massive personal identity that this would seem almost natural. MANY VIDEO stars are already movie names, among them Dean Martin, Fred MacMurray, Dia- hann Carroll, Doris Day, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, Brian .Keith, Robert Wagner. Red Skelton (once a very good film performer), Jerry Lewis, Eddie 41·, bert, Raymond Burr, Tony Franciosa, Hope Lange, and Jackie Gleason. Others, however, just haven't made it in movies, among them Carol Burnett and Robert Morse -neither of whor'n was showcased. properly as a result of badly-conceived motion picture roles. And then there are video stars who just don't seem the kind that audiences would make irito movie headliners, among them Bob Crane, Jim Nabors, Robert Conrad and Jonathan Winters. Dennis the Menace . : .. •. .. . , i • • 1t"-•• I II eAl(y Pll.OT _______ T_h_urldn_._J_un_t5,_l_96_9 r .. -Battlefield Shifts Campus Wea pons Also Di fferent • 8ACllAMl!NTO (AP) the Democrallc nomination ~ running the~ schools and their ~·· educltlooal bat.. aovernor ill lte8, wu arrest courses. ,~~ lbifted and IO bu at San FrancllCO St I t e The majority, according to :. ~· College. the poll, didn't approve of fte tumu\eot I c e n e -He WU leadina • procession violence but were not silent 'teaaloo. atrlkel aod violence-ol students from the campus about dissaUsfacUon wllh the 'bu lllO'IOd Ulla 1Uf lrom th• at the time. ~-to cUy 1trtiet1 and NEW HEAD way lhe1r campuses were run. •from a few mllllantl armed The new head of Clllfornla's "I believe very strongly in a 2ttb rocb and .ucb to college trustees llJS militants society of rational order and "lbouundl ol. otben. ttude:ntl need support ot nonviolent reasoned progress," David and ncmtudeata, ~with student& to 11.1cceed. "It is our Warren, a Long Beach State -. task to aee that we don't drive College senior, told trustees Virtullly half ol. the more them over through over· last w~k. than ltl» pencm arrested retctlon and rep r e s s i v e OLD ANSWERS sinee the unrest began last retaliation," says Chairman But he added: "Perhaps the ~ are nonstude.nt.s. Daniel H. Ridder of Long old answers need to be ~i~~v. Reagan -wllo has Beach. reconsidered. The times have ",J111qulled the NaUooal Guard An As!oclated Pms count changed." '1fll. of Berbley following more of most California campuaes •At Berkeley, nonstudent a.an two weeks In the city to sho ed z "7 ts · I t ._prtftDt violence _ assures " •'" arres since as "street people," 1 t u d e n t s , ,.Catifomiana: be will send the September -including 1,259 campus admlnLstratonl, the cl· at Berkeley in the recent ty council, the NaUonal Guard, ' t ......-.. there or elsewhere lo "P I • p k" d ~ .. ......,.. eop es ar emou .... ra· sheriff's officers, regents, let· .quell future disturbances. ti 7HI mAHCil WOG.O .. MR.MUM Repeat Drunks Now " 'Beating the Systein.~ ' Sub!lanUal numbers Cl f facing lhe courts. driviftl antlil occur at nlPt: repeat-offender d r u n t e n "The cilendar ts 10 jammed 50 perctnt' between I p.rn:. and drivers in California are that olfender1 are funneled mldrdtht, and 28 percat through Ille courta dal'•, and lie\"""' -•~•·•t.and 71.m. "beating the system'' in court JJ _.... ..... the drunken driver otfem.e Can driven by drunken by being tried and punished 1.. IUel on the hue of a minor -en are ald:·Neorl,y 40 par· nlentJy as fi.rst..Ume offenders, traffic violation instead ot the cent ol the vehiclea were JO a University of Southern / serious crime It i•," the USC yean er older. Calilornia research 1 t u d y project director said. · '11le great l!l4jortly of the shows. Despite this problem, Biahop convicted drunkea d r 1 v e r • In a prelimtnary aamp)e contends, much can be done to were claalfied u labonrs studied by USC researcben, improve lhe court process In and unskilled workers. "But if 36 percent of a total of rn of. order to make lhe defendant we say that dnmAn drivers tenders w e r e erroneously more aware of the seriousness are only from lowt!' economlc sentenced with minimum fines of the oCfense, o r d e r groups or mlnoriUes," Blabop when in fact they bad been rehabllilaUve t r e a t me n t said, "we're foolln& ouratlves. convicted previously (or the measures, and even predict Drunken driven came from same offense, 80me of tbem the likelihood of the defendant every aoclal strahnn and oc- on several occasions. committing future drunken ClJpalion. It is noted that the According to Jack W. driver offenses : minority group drunken driver 1:. M be issued ttie withdrawal ons. ter writing citizens and the order, Reagan said: "lt ha~ But at Berkeley and other governor were embroiled in a --==:.c..-=-....:.:__: ____________ _ been, is now, and will continue camp u~. administrators battle over an illegal park. B i s o p, director of USC's ''The i d e a I arrangement is more viaible \o the law In Resea rch Project on the would be installation in courts more heavily-patrolled ghetto Drinking Driver and Traffic of an onllne, direct contact areas than the Caucaaian Safety, the problem lies in the with computers at the Depart-suburbanite would be ln bis courts not getting information ment of Motor Vehicl"' and area, where there are fewer on the past records of drunken the Slate Bureau of Criminal police. Often, in lbe wen.to-do M be the policy ol this ad· em p ha• i z e that many At San Fernando Valley !ministration to provide to nonsludenta were arrested: 11 State College in Los Angeles, ~ authorities w h a t e v e r ol the 2Z at Stanford, 281 of 683 blacks seeking power and .iat.e assistance may b e at San Francisco St a t e education threatened violence neceuary to enforce the law College. not far from the $40,000 homes and protect the lives and pro-Public and private colleges of white suburban Northrldge. ,)lel'ly of_ our citizens." have taken action againSt JOINED DEMANDS 'tROVIDE HELP nearly 500 students, with And in San F r a n c i s c o , No Insurance Provided For Homes on Hillsid e drivers in time to guide the I d e D t i f I c a l I o n a n d community and auburb, when dispensation of justice. Investigation. an area reaideot is ap- "The terminal in the court· prebended for drunken driv· lIE~ IN CUSTODY building or nearby wouJd give ing, he is merely sent or taken "This .ha~pens. frequen~ly virtually Instantaneous print· home without being arrested." and easily, Bishop said. oot.s of information about the Persons with three or more "When a drunken driver is ar-defendant and his past driving drunken driving convkt.lons 1uspenslons, expulsion or I L · Am le ". And last week the governor f s e v e r a a tin· er an 'LOS ANGELES (UPI) _ A ~te of cities as well as cam· tnes. groups from the Mission lot of people around the coun-~ wben he said: "In any APPEAL MADE District anti. blacks from the I . ~Uon whert violence is Rldder's a p p e a I for Fillmore ghetto joined in sup-try got the idea ast winter l""'such that local law er>-"firmness and justice" applied port of militant s tudent that half of Los Angeles was 'i forcement says 'I need help, to an unknown number of demands for an Independent sliding down hillsides in the . J'll provide that help." about 350,000 studeut.s e 1.· black Jtudles department, an worst rainstonns in almost too j Students, former students, pected next fall at the ethnic llu.dies college and ad· Y~ woman in Iowa wrote I ghetto I e a d e r s , ministers, University of California, state , mission of all minority group her married daughter that she 1 passersby and one Negro colleges and junior colleges. mtmben who apply. was postponing a v 1 1 i t I former candidate for governor How many of them will be San Francisco $tat e 's "because I know you wouldn't , was arrested and booked since involved In future demonstra· borderin~ streetcar tracks and want me to see Los Angeles 1 September in campus lions-peaceful or violent? Berkeley 1 Bancr9ft W a Y like It is now." disturbances. A Gallup Poll May 26 said 1ldewalk staked out no boun· Figures just released by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, San that a nationwide survey of dary between campus. violence engineers reveal that actually Francisco Negro publisher and cantpuses showed that the ma· and community preseurt and 25 houses in the city and 19 ~~="===cc=ess=f=u=l ="=n=d=id>=te=lo=r~J=or=lt~y=w=an=t=a=bl~gg~e=r="~Y=in==lunn=="=il=. ======~ others iri surrounding Los '/jour :J.rien J/'I Sto re OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY 'rBPPJIR SELF. -CLEANING GAS OVEN e NO SCRUBBlllG e NO SCOURING.... • NO HARSH OVBI ClliNER IBYIB! FEATURING NEW , 1 Angeles County communities were destroyed or severely damaged by slides. Nevertheless, that was bad enough because there is no in- surance whatsoever available to homeowners covering slide damage. And if your house is condemned as unsafe. the owner also must bear the ex· pense of removing the struc· ture from a hillside. NINE KILLED Nine persons were killed in the Los Angeles area by the mudslides, Jive of t h e m refugees who had t a k e n shelter in a fire station in Silverado canyon in Orange County where a wall of mud crushed the building. The peril of disastrous financial loss and injury or death has not de t er r e d building in the hills. On the contrary, fam i lies are scrambling into the foothills to build structures perched on cliffs so dramatically they look as if they would fall without any help. Others are moving into homes evacuated by those who have bad it W!th slid~. In one development in Newhall in the suburbs, a dozen new homes were ba,dly damaged by slides. M fast \s the previous owners moved out, they were snapPed up by families willing to take the risk. available for commercial use rested on a Sunday night, he record and criminal record if had an average of tt. 7 arrests to keep up with the popula-may be held in custody unUl any. ' for crimes of all kinds, about lion... the next morning, then ar· haH of those alcohol-related. I raigned. He passes in a line IDEAL F ACILIT~ . . An estimated l,OOO peop e a be.fen the judge, who asks "Incorporated m this ideal OFFERED SAMPLE day move to the Los Angeles how he pleads. The defendant facility would be a prediction When the USC project fll.. area so that the building boom ou.ld f 'sh f 1..1-is something· that 00 even tight says 'guilty,' and the case is capability tha_t w urru ered to pl'OVIU'llll a l&lnple of disposed of with a minimum I n f o r m a t 1 o n about the 254 convicted drunken drivers mortgage money is baiting. fine. There may not have been likelihood of the d r l v e _r with rehabilitation treatment BunJ>INGS SAFE enough time for the court to repeating the off_ense, his on a free.of-charge, voluntary Yelverton also points out oblain the driving record from potential for becoming lnvolv-basis, only three percent that the new cliff dwellings th e Department ol Motor ed in a crash, and guidelines agreed to participate; 71 per- are among the safest of all Vehicles. for rehabilitation measures." cent did not reply to the Clffer; buildings so far as landslides "The offenders in t h i s Development of such a 18 percent had given fictltlous or e artb termors are et1n-category learn quickly that if prediction model and analysis addresses to the court or bad cerned. Construction regula-they are arrested for drunken of rellabilitative treatment are moved and could not be con- lions are extremely severe driving, cb.ances are good that goals o( USC 's 1les.earch. ~ tacted; three percent refUled, and the canUlevered houses they will be processed through ject on the Drinking Driver and d. that three percent, one have girders going deep into the court as first offenders, and Traffic Safety, being con-percent of the total ample the ground ·and anchored to saving a jail term and ducted under a $~50,000 three gave what Bishop termed heavy iron "bell!" far· below substantial money in fines. year contract with the 'l;J.S. "plausible ezcl.lleS" u to why the 11.1rface. "It is obvious that this Court Department of Transportation. they could not parUclpate. Almo6t all the homes in the action has little effect on the Other preliminary d at a "It appears that m o 1 t city lost Clr damaged last offender because he is beating samplings of the USC project drunken drivers will accept winter were more than 20 the system." Bishop declared. indicate : rehabilitative help only U It la years old. An ordinance pBM-Among the problems com· The vast majority of con· forced an them by the courts ed in 1963 has such strict con· dilions far grading and con-plicaling the dispensation of • victed drunken drivers are or adrnlnistrative e d I c t , ' ' th junice in drunken driver between ages 26 and 511, most Bishop uaerted. struction that damage to ose cases, Bishop acknowledged,. of them between 31 and 40. The USC project director built since that time has been is the "tremendous" work load About 78 percent of drunken 'Said tile tre.atment given the very small. thr bo Says Yelverton: ee percent w aereed to "One thing people just don't participate consisted of two realize i•~lh•• , ... wint .. ·• Early Ind;.,, ns Li'nke~ extended group ther a py rainstorms were the greatest ........, sessions conducted by Dr. since 11184. Jn one place there \Villiam.F. Hill. a psycbokcist was •inches of rain in a mat. with USC's Public Systems terofweelts .. _ To Bronze Age Times :=:;: ~:·,~ ~ "It's 10methlng Ii-an project. s :.h-reported the earthquake. You know one is 1 -.,...., golng to come along even· COLLEGEVILLE, Pa. in Columbus. Georgia, in 1966 participants agl'Md generally I but ·ust 't t · that the sessions were helpful tua ly you J can s op (UPI) -New discoveries in· Indicating the Yuchi tribe, and c 0 n s t r u c t 1 v e for everything because ,Ql that. ""';cale that lhe Mayan, Inca vastly different from other hab'lit "' of ••-•--• It's the same with: a tremen· vu-re 1 awon r.11e wwa.en dous rain. we may not have and Aztec cultures of Central American Indians, migrated driving offender. another llke that for SO America were the center of from the south across the Gulf PROJF.C'l' AIMS years." the Bronze age world, ac· (If Mei:ico after originating in Under way since 1917 1t RE.FUSING INSURANCE cording to a B r a n d e i s Europe. He said the stone has USC, tht Research Project on Yelverton, like many others, University professor. signs identical to similar the Drinking Driver and Tral· is critical of insurance corn· Dr. Dyrus H. Gordon said writings found on Crete, on fie Safety seeks meana to : panles for refusing to provide Identify potenU&I dnmkin any insurance for landslides. peoples from all over the Aztec stones and on early Mi· driving re-offenders as wtll 11 You can't gel it no matter world immigrated to the lands noan hieroglyphics. those who are likely to be tn- wbat you an willing to pay. from Mexico to Peru long .......-The Yllchi st.ill exist in volved in eerious crashes. There is currently legislation before the first Indians ap-Oklahoma, he said, and they Identify potential drunken before the California Senate driven, and those who are seeking to demand th at such peared in 300 A.D. He said celebrate an ancient festival likely to he involved·tn aertous insurance be made available. early figurines show the heads that is described In ei:al't crashes, at tht time of Uctnae Companies c a n c e 11 e d of Scandinavians, P..1editer· detail in the Bible -in the application and renewal. policies en masse in 1958 after raneans, Negroes and 23rd chapter of Leviticus. Evaluate old and develop the infamous Portuguese Bend Japanese. Gordon said the h I g h new I n d i v i d u a t coon-. landslide when more than 100 "Ancient American history civilizations of early Central termea.sures to. reduce and homes started slipping into the as taught in our schools might America resulted from im· prevent drunken driving, and Pacific Ocean not far from the just as well be about another migrations of Afri can reduce and prevent serious present site of Marine~and. planet, because it is com· Negroes, Scandinavian Vlk· crashes. STAY CLEAN Many o! the homes are also In areas which are exposed to brush fires in the summer and fall months. The fires bum off the vegetation, leaving the topsoil barren and subject to soaking by rain. MADE STUDY Charles A. Yelverton. a geologist for the cjty engineer- ing department, has made a study of the winter slides. He also has some viewpoints as to why people go on ·nesting in . Yelverton said every eng1neEr pletely divorced from any old ings. white men from lhi; Principal i,. •. ~ ..... ...._.,.. _.._ -~.A•· . and geologist In the state knew world ties,"· Gordon ~aid. Mediterranean, and AinlLS, a project is SeymoUT 'Potll'"C:t, -:~ .... ~ that the project was on a slide Gordon said his view is sup-pre.Japanese population still M.D., professor of psychiatry • ct. .. ,. fro"' • c.•111o!•t• lino •f •ll•fl•W l •PP•ll r•i.t•I c:a-. ~ ... •llK'll •••• 1~ Clfllill'• .....,., .--w MW Ml•· .... ..... L.t T..-11 Wini Vllllf 11JttM11 ........... _..VI "e IO MOllY DOWN -. 36 MOlfltlS TO PAY WE DO 1815 NEWPORT ILVD. OVEN LINERS! ~ New PERMA·t<LEEN Oftn linlf'I fa.tun mirKI• cab· IJtic fln11ll t hat cleans it1tlf contlnaouslf •ben tl'll ONn Is Jn use. $22988 Our Own Financing Our Own Serviclnq Our Own Installing PHONE 548 • 7788 SALES ond SERVICE COSTA MESA • the hills. ••A lot of them have come here from the flatlands o1 the middle west and they are delighted by the spectacuJa.r views. The views are magnlf1· cent. "Then, too, you can get up out or the smog and out or the heat which can become ter· rific in the San Fernando Valley, particularly. "For another thing, there is the price. An acre of Oat land in San Fernando •Valley will sen for, maybe, $30,000. In the hills it is around $10,000. Also we are running out of fiat land and much or what is left is going to have to be made by LearY area and that the developer ported by documents found in evident in northern Japan. at the USC School of Medicine. either did or should have the ruins of Carthage and the Gordon said the earliest and d i r e c t o r of the known it, too. early M i n ,o a n civilizations ¥tee, Yucatan and Peruvian university's ~ I n 1 t i t u t e of The case of one.Los Angeles referring to colonies founded wr'itings refer to white men Psychiatry and Law.· · couple is typical pf experience in some vast land with with beards. who came from The first year of the projecl with a slide. They have asked navigable rivers to the west. the East. t.106t of the early was under a contrad with the that their names not be used He reported for the first history was destroyed by the St a't e of Ca 1 if o r n I a betause they are involved in time deciphering a stone found Spanish conqui3tadores. TransportaUon A11:ency. llUgatlon. ----'----'-------------------------- BOUGHT ON HilL They bought I house In the hills overlooting S u D s e t Boulevard, surrounded b Y homes of movie stars and celebrities, 14 years ago for $24,000. It was a small home but a bargain. Its value, in fact, had gone up to an estimated $50,000 by this year and with a mortgage of less than $10,000 remal.nlng. they had an equity of $40,000. On the night of the heaviest of the drenching storms; they discovered water would not come from the faucets. The next morning, as they were lying tn bed with the rain still pouring, they noticed that an attached building aeemed to be moving slowly"uphlll. They jumped up and discovered it WU lhe ~ which WU mov· Ing -downhill and toward a steep :m.roo1 slope. The ~ has still not slip. ped over the edge but it perches there as if it may at any moment and the cily has condemned It as unsafe and ontem::I that oo one may oc- cupy it. The owners, as a con· sequence, have hed to move to an apartment e.nd pay rent. The bank lnslsb they C(ln- tlnu@ making payments on the mortg~p;e and the counly in· •i•ts th•y .... llnu<! poying their $900 a year toes. Pre pare d t o Ce lebrate These Boy Scouts o! Costa Mesa Troop 339, all prood pain>! leaden, bad barely enough lime t<> pose for photographer before leading their patrols on asaault of large cake (center) In celebrating honors garnered at recent 0.1 Mar District cnmporee. Scouts and their patrols are (!rom left) Joe Pallo, Plnetr .. ; Kevin Platte Wolf; JeH Halghl, Cougar; Bob Pallo (senior patrol leader); Saltt Thompson, Falcon ; Rick Boose, Cobra, and Paul Fisher, Flaming Arrow. • ." - ~. Junt '· 196? DAILY mor • ' Orange Coast Area Vital Statistics . REG. SIS? SAYE $JOOO ISYR • UNCONDITtoNAL GUNllANTEE. Blrtlu ' f;\~r FINANCING '~"" IN~TANl CREDll JllN SIZE MATTRESSES HEADBOARDS $350 :.~:[ . IF "'-11$ ,, &"";.<,:'~. l!CX s3 9 SO s YR. GUARANTEE . srr (~~~~~ ·~i~:f ~~~~f 2 FOR 69 ( • COMMUNITY EVlNTS LION'S 24th ANNUAL FISH FRY PAU.DI I: CAlNIYAL COSTA MnA CITT rAll JU.NE 6°7-8 AMy De.,.i11e e TV e T~e Midw•y e QUff11 Co11t.1t e l•ily Cpnt••t l•ttle ef +he l eM• e '69 Mu1te119 end 2 TONS of FISH Soy "HI" Te Ow M•ry ley .. lft: 5"111 01kllt1'1 Jtl• lt ClllllH'llla'I tlln. Tiii '-"""' "bwt'' 11 Aceevrrt\J'll 1111 IMnllloll. Miry tulolln 1k Cit '"" ltll1n .... 11..,. ,... llrtnell --"- Thi• Mt ..... tt hfo 11.....,.. .. In llMI ti- lt ..... ••Id .,.,,. , .... Ylll'll 1p,recl1l1 lltr c .. ,,_ ... frlMlllllly HrYk• wlllt9 fOll •1•11 .... NOW! DIVIDENDS PAID FROM DAY·INTO DAY·OUTI Neighborly. That's what the nation's largest federal is! We're local people, from our manager ta our tellers. And we're anxious to publicize ell local community activities. It's our way of matching home-town·friend llness with the efflclentaervfce of the nation's largest federal savings association. It's why we have been winning so many more friends·ln C&lilomia every year since 1925. Stop In and open your account now. Earn Imm day-In lo day-oot. In addition, funds received by 10th bl any monlh earn lrom.lhe 1st when on depoelt al the end of Iha quarter. . 5.253 :g~~~NT: (Available In multiples ol $1000.) Earns V• % bonus e·ach year above' regular passbook rate when held 3 years. 5.133:~:~~~~ 5.13% annual yield on Insured passbook accounls when all savings .and dividends remain a year, If the 5% current annual rate Is maintained and compounded dally for a year. mvorees -a. CAllFORNIA RDERAI. SAVINGS MM C~ti!«Jm!~ .. F.~!!~@!~§@y!!Jg~ • NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd.near Adams• 548·2300 CLIFFORD M. WESOORF, ASST. VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER ' , ANNOUNCING I See by Today's~ Want Ads ' • Music Fantutique1 > For the true DWlh: Jowt. heft'• an un~ M-8 tape reoorder, FM lt1Plt amp, turntable. (the • speaken, and "*'1. 4l- ..... Oniy 1325. and w..t. much men. AllO snlt for the rnualclaa In tit famtly, with ~ n:tl'&ll. "' e Status Seekers: ·1 A 1 month old ~ Maltese, AKC, beutifll 11how quality, and JofWs dilpolitlon. Tndy • atai. symbol par actlleDClll e Lontl,y HOUie? I. Th~ u!ult -.... care tor YoJr ':ttcl boat while )'O'I tree or WOl'r')', 1n ... ,. for 11.1mmer Jodsinc. r ( ·I ( Solid State* Trans Vista ® RCA Color TV HAii m FOi 1171 AT AN VliUIEYABLE tow PRICE En)oyon ..iting new high in ColorlVperformance with RCA's new Solid-State color lV chassis! New ;;·,·~, '.:. :...::.:;:: f~IY, S!lD!l-S!Jt• ~:Y!IF. tun~rs!•newly-desfcned J)iji(~,·-"•-. '~_,_ cln:uit, adv1111Ced new color brllflonce· and solld state d--1abliftyl Contemporary SWivel CCl\Sole formro conwnlence. THI'~• ..... GW-MJ,27 ..... 295 ........... -Swing into '70 .with RCA New Vista · Color TV Portables E...,. ... ..__,llCA .. .....,,...._lV ... fam. --ICid~ chnlll.Sold .... Coeor-.. blllzer, l ·set VHF 11M ....... llultt·tft VHF/UHF **••m. Compacte1bl-t. ......... --,,. ............... llM17 w-. ............ . ~stort at s27ges Preview '70 at • I T•L•Yl810N!APPLIANCIS • _/. . . I ""411 E. 17th St. • COit• Mna ~64 .. 1614 Dally 9.9, Sat. 9°6 CloHd 51111 • . ' t ,,. ' ~· I I J • . f . ; - -·" 5 ·6 .7 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L' ·A s s I F 1 · E .D 6 4 2 -· 5 6 ·- 4 BDRMS $23,500 SWIMMING POO!lo ..................... !!!!!!!!!!!!~.I 2350 .lq It, 4 BR with tie~ = . a.nlte" tamJiy room, 3 -Car -prage:, ' ~ve ·bOmt, wet bai, Rady for enter-· A RARE FIND ' -· $45,ID). The clune1t home ln New- port Hts. Yoo cOuld eat off the 11<"" of thl,t ihlnn!ng 26;o ., ft, 4 !!'!t, fonnal 3 ~ 1 % ·bath homt. dlnlng room, 3 car pra.ge. Rt!i_tic ~ck ·w deep ahag }!Is & tiers ma1ter b¢· • catpet ·throUghout and a room very large entry with terrlfic co~red patio area balcoiiy, &: a rd en bath. with a 1u bar=b-cue. Rear ~7.500. alley · accn1 and a large • =~~~= ~~ l'-w1='. and boat ownrn. $33.500 ~ ~ -J --· 10% down. COMM'L HOME U>clted pn bUQ"str'eet, Price · jut! t<ductd 11~500. Call lot details. Ohly ' $38;000· Located-on h\ll'e lot -three lt'Jl81'&te tlJoies 1'itb p0at, can it a triplex H yoa, want. but whatever )'OW call it. :you'd better see It. .ORANGE COUNTY'S · LARGEST ' .293 E. 17111 St. '41 liM • ' IN\.'t ~,:~,ii r'-J ' ' .. . REALTOllS 6'1.J.4400 r----- 'PERRON :1 t •• ·.~· ., •• 4 BEDROOM MESA DEL ¥ftR· * '42-lm Anytime* Enjoy • li'"'< on • · qulet · 3 BEDROOM srreet, Beautiful &lh1panel· li""tnli'"'<AfAmtly~; $18,750 b1t.in., trpk, n1 ... , ... bocl< IN COSTA MESA )T. Good ilnancing. 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Just rigbt for a starter homt. Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644:-16$ Low down payment and h montN,y payme)l;U • Jess lac ' eimyir !'::. ·=.:~:::. .. ~ ' ' 4 bdnn • famUy rooril JEA~ SMITH REALTOR 141 3255 ;«ii E. 17th,. Cotta Meu. ,;o .. ... .. ·: 1!( "I (C!i}A)'f) ' . •t•" ... E ...... ..QOll·• 11111 1UCCOll·IL\UJY -;z ':"lf!: Id '' !. , , • " r LSlt\J t .• ..--, . . . Colt• MtH . * * * "'° * * 1 BR. mit.r:d CM. 1!oom "" Jlupl"' • • • -DRIVE BY: l6I Hamnt... .... ' ! ' I ; '. ' • . ! ' ' J " ·• •J _, ' ' .. .. ) ' .. ") : : .. s . .. ' • . • ti ' ··- A °" ... pa\ ~. uu baU .... tire qUl °"' Pr\ 541> -. P. 'l1!e MOI 4 " :; ..... -""' 511>1 ... BR -<!fib• ..... .... , ed • MW Lovet "I"' ,ft. • JM! Sq mu IPot ·BA, Pm 133,0 NoVi .. µ1 °""' ~ ~ -Con lkt ..... -Aa Goe . .. , ni. .. .... IUI 2901 1 17Mt v with D + " poo~ Delta ON-A" St In HJ DI -din rn ... patlol, """" -r 31!!" ...,., cu.... extru "141. iiiim jlr ... ...... .,_.~~~~.~.--.. -.".-.-.-.~ ..... -.~ .. 1191.• .. •_•.~.· .. • ...... • .. ••• .. ~.~-""':"" .. ~~""' ... _ .............. ·.~ .... ·.-..... ~.-.... ·.·~~.-.. -.~.--_ ........................ ~~ .... ~~·.-.~~~ .... ~~~::::::::-::~~~-::.-_~.::.-~-... -.-....... -.:.-:.-·..,;;.~·;·--.li - • l'lllndor, •;:;s,iI1i,..~-:-:-:=::-r '!J!:!!P,BM'f ,!t!!H!§.P.oa ~I .• J!(!USU~ IAL~, ., ~··· • . llN1'.~ . . 'l'J.!~LS llNTAU -rA , •• -· Calle Mola-, IMI Hwit"1~! ........ "!!I~ ...... 'i4cic! oo .. NI ~·~~ I~-~~ ~ 'fj, 111 ~ · ~JI~ --~ ~~ -II ..wa C.111.Y I'll.Of st ~n_.iw-,"' ; • , . I • ,, COlfl ~-f -~JDO 1111 ... , '"""" :pl5 o .. ~,.. ~ O 461q ""'""'' 0 , • .5300 ... ,_, ....... = ::-.__~1j?-lri · ft 1.y 2''eo·M· rr lrtT d o11r,2a..·-.... ··. LGl .BR.2 '•4.den.-$ilililiY--·Ltmi! ,. I •• Sl'Ol\ES'for, .... Vlllop .... ~i::Ula.--""'": ~\I ,, >Ii •• •• ~ _ H • ~fl patio,trplc,chlldnlilam.I HOMEor,bulntllorbotb.• uar Cfllt., lndry • .,...,, .VX1 ..... .,.wttllmm!aueJDOS~lll•1Dt . ~eenter1 cor.crttl := ~~~ .• ,.,'X,-••3 Newhoina, m'111<>moveln, ~mile ~-·.,._ " ~:.,r~z,:; --~im.m.u1.3 ':..=-;;n.f•~ :;:_::.-~":': =~.u'.~~; """' L;, .... M ~ --· ~ from bildl. Flnt poyment up to 80 days Rontolo i. Slioro 2005 .,_ x ... rm. -ac. ,... -~ lledl M0Q BAY aAJ8 APi-a. ,.. ,... •• 11oo1 .upi. -~ Shop, •le. ... . ! .;:: ~:!.'::l... alter mo,., In, , lute wlndow1. Jdeol l<r .r. · -, · CHAml,\l< .,.. .,._ .-1<r ""'· ' ':.. , , , •·--:o_·~' , , -, " . . . CONSIDERATE pnde_. flee or vt\'. ~ At 3 811; 2 BA. ml. o.m bOocb. c;..,. -ol ... ~-, ................... •-At W .... r Z131 111.a!JO -~$··-·2 -• Totnw vA/F.AA 'I'~ $22,HO. "'to •llano pleuont apu<. -•H~llllly ..,.ippld -new, 211 cu ,(lot.. "' ·~ = ~ RENTorleuo .,..,.,.CM --,., • IO 0 . :. ·cnRAt .. SHORES ~.· pc;:" .. ~~ fOl' .............. -·, -all ICh<\i>li. !IC-ll<I • L-:.:.... 41115 ........ _ Lhl-0000 to ICIOO .. It. rA .... ~ -~.· _ .'"'!: -·--tam. rm. Gd. <teat 1or ..... s BMM "' ~ 2 m1 hi. · 1n !!"'""~ · -.. --~put " 1 (on GU'fiela bel~n Beach & MIJDolla "''--119 ""' ,_,,L-·215,~ •. t...t;.ino,..,,..,>rllw. NICELY 'fUtd.2 'BR.2BA. ...::,.~;i!.~· 2 """2db1.U......, • ..U MiliO .. Mor, 1105 . • , . "'-!If., -SUBLET I BR. Ill BA. -""-1'114 ' ,'1Jl$ Yllf l'lo ..... Cl>oiotlo>o ..... _.o· , $lfS ' at 2l65 Charle St. o.mer, -ilN ... .....,._. t6t~l 353 .. !l!!toort a.id. 2200 rm. .. , ............... ~ " -alleJ:lp!ni, .......... ' ' -·as. Reot all .. ·---=-. bW!t • .._ ""'1 6 recP.-alnValloy MIO RINT•••" .. 9wbm111rpo01, ...... auao. ""' ..... ·~-c;I.lqon..l JIR 2 FOR ~ ., BuutilUJ ladlltle• .......... ox. '·' • +-' ...... ,... . --" . "s~i'~R~l~l~T~F~R~ONT=~A~0~.-1 .. ~ . . -oiot....4 ·-• M' ·-~~ ,. ~~·. O•n/ Art. ~ 1225 Hun ....... -h 1400 -· I er. liouu AvaU July 15 ... m ':_~;. Nall"'.'!!..,~:_,C ~ U!)furo..,_ ~ Elactr1e APl>l\a"'t• On Beach BIYd, 14!0 SO. n. ) ./... -~ -vtldock. Summa nntal or 1eue. S250 mo. eo-t• ·· ~-+.-• ~. ~ "Genenl . · .WMI~·~~ Modtl home Ideal - ~' · W • LIST --rty wUI . CONldu YfU "-· J BDRM. .... 6 -. pallo.14?-' ' La~ A- 0 1Ulr., e•• (Be' u!~."."'.':; ',~, •, . 1111 Tllli .+a .•. d~I• Ith'-··~ b-~•--•~-·-·-t -r • ..,,.,~ -, __ _ ,; • '.. . -• -• w -klonco ~· --. -....... ,_ .. R• .... I w-• Ni.... ..... 'RINT • 111oz' I , .. s.. cm-1,..i 61••• -.. ACJOUIP'·~~s et ter; ~'.t~~ SELL with',,...,_. DOVER Shara baylron.t qujttd. 1S9 Mta Dr. $140 ~ ~ 1'"'. 3 R._.. ,wnfture 1 Pl)one SEl2-&Cl $2$0 mo. 10550 Buch Blvd. ~Ololi "'*: J ""'1. 2lill ~ Dr. J>rlced, slonol al<lll "'""" • Br, • a.. """' &0-48!8. · · ~ ,.._ • I Ir. 2 $20 $25 &: UP ' ~ iiEDROOM 2 BATH. • .....,,. • ~ ~ w/ rlrh~ ·You must...:, Ii! lMROUGH -patio, 70' ,,,. .. ,. dodl. ;::". 'y::1: "JO S... bl"" di h "!hr• "· FURNISHED A • PR11>1E lletall 1-tlon • pallq, -• ""' ,...,._ °"'9'12 ·4,s.t/S... ' ' Yol.IR moo ..... ~ 1i!r.... _.. ~ "f.IJdrp. ~· ..... ISllO. -11>11>--lleatall .. UNttniNISHED 11Xf0, Xlnt *"'' ..... tnf. 6 ._.~ 4 ':'i ~· . . ' . ,.RIAL TOR MEMBER 213/1!6&3., ~ -3 BR J BA 1'lm. np1c. """50. 5IJ.Ul.5 WIDE ~ -Cp!o. dnpoa, bWlt!ns, best llC. 18'11 -· Clot ~, .... -~"\)li ~L ., ·~. 12'1! H ... ll ..... _, Wastcllll 2230 Cl>!>, ~·-~11 -1 ••· S.n clornon'i. 3710 -~ Do~t . .... ..... ! ...... 5 ""'"" ,,,-,.,.....,,,=,--.--=~· r;ftt. ~/l;.n).plt«d ---:-(. ", -Fountain V1IS.y . . 1586 -,.,.e&-3949 .·JIFRC hmttun Rent.all shopplnc etc. frOm. $'1.30. F~ LEASE •tore 23sf2. ftftplaeil bl.Jup ~·,rm. •·4 ~riao3 tlathl IMUltft* YG. Womarrteachttwanta to 4 BEDROOMt~ Jn Mea 3 BR. 2 Ba. Ocean """'· 511 W. 19tb. CY . ~ '1'101 EUlt. ~t. D. 60-Jm, AliO otrlce spact. S3! E. .... ( ~·~ By e B.L ltll/bttU!ut rm Ll1!1"9 Service ...... If, lovely Mme.1P5 Venle. 301~ W""'l<d· Call $40,000 Mm• ... Jmmed.-. 1511 W. Lndn. .1Mon n-.~ · 1:nt> St. CM. 615-2!50 , ... 1 nur. .... •f.P'll~ ~·· ·~ .,., ' .. n., ·' PrtnelPalt tab'....t 11, 9 SO. •Prime lite .I: condition. , H. SAM JONES . , . , Pi5. 2 Br, J .Ba. W/W, drpil. · • 82J4) Atlanta .. ~ .-• .....,,,. &%'ll loon. e CUslom bll ·l}'ft. qo 8 , E,oex. "'-7645 ' 54th1m '· ' !260. Mo. nWf..4291 CHEZ ORO. APARTlotENTS 50-&iOI ~,~;, ••• ,· ·•PLUS,'.1'1'..U•'fll.500 ' REALTY Irvine 2231 NowportJokllr"·.'ttOOD1na Paint 3740 :~'to-. -N"'l·21ledrooma·Pall Olflco-ol 4!070 '':'' ' • R. c .GREER, Rnll>' .. ' • BR. tun -;· ' I • • ' electrlo ...,. ~GUNA HACH ' , •• . PliC-11•'· ..... i•·· ~Via Lido rn.&100 3" Main •treot 211 ba.. N::' ,!:";.~,· t '/ z ~ View, 3 Br. 2 Ba. $125. 1 •• "''-• ·-11/0, '"""39n or 5.16-2171 •.• r ~-d"'~ .,. ' ... ....., . ~ ·~• • -· rm. .,..., c1rpo. bit • ..._ 1'efl1r, child .o.K. a..U Pool·W---......,.,.,__ ' 'l'l!e "".""~ ••·m. In ... ' HU(ll) ...... ~ch Ro>:lt. Avail J.., 20 to AU( TOWNHousE II" fenced ~· $235. Mo. 1/15. Bllr. -' Prini. ~....... Oii l'ORE.V/ .\VENUS reaa: :erae1 ililt&t. area. Irvine ' 1231 ·5¥'-2161, 200NLY @ $300/mo. SPlJT·J..EVEL 3 Bdrm. ~ 496-58'15 ', 2 BR Duple;( PHvas. Yin!. DtU: lpaetl_ avdablt ., .... , ~ ... ~~·lo= \f!LLAGE 2. 3 BR. 2 ilA. DESPlRATI !BR +atriumll<velTo,... ""th Unit.,.._ poo ~ .<tNTAL$ · •. :• ~I• Mtoo .' . 5100 patio, crpta,..,;.. lloalod ::::..:.:::=.-.,.~ ·:~ Ctrpeteil. ~peod a: f~oced. Atrium Hanover mode I. OWNER ~ buy VA FHA house. 2 be, trplc, comple~ carpeta, !fn.Pn, ~..-..,. ,AptL Fumfthed ., -l BR 1: den, Ip Hv rm. ,.uq ,JXlOI. ~· ~1540 . • Ltcana 8eadL 4tr _. ~: All ~ •1-~'t _Jut bis ~X~vall. ~-or cash'+ 2nd. 3 BR.JC lam ))' le beautifWly tumi&bed, el~~°*t., G9Mr1I .. 4000 a: prden. nr &b>p'r .• ~ 3 BDMJ; 2 bflf!;. privat. pa. --. ~ ~ .~; price .f/I ~., ~000. v •• ,..., rm 111 .., .,..,._dbl> ·Avail June 1 to Doc t@ Bay & ... ..., · .. -.. uvmo. pretet .... llo, 11eai..1 ·poo1. ......., -T•• .... ~· 'Jb-·~ time. CAIL ••. 70"i' car.: lot, 1 bloCk' .$325/mo. a.... U35.. ~ Bach. apt. all pie. 33$% RocbMta' Awl . • Call~ . --....: J')wtlp • ';""T• ==< Re~ Eltate Eutbluff 1~~ s.nce.-.llo&tdoor. 808 PETTIT, R11ttor Reetty, Inc. elec ,kitchen., avail ·hOW. -~" 2 BR. 2 BA. Blt111. =.:,:..._ __ ::-~ l't , -. ·, BLIJ1TS.WORTII 3",!00 BRASHEAR REAL TY cm.rum 9!11 "°"' Dr., NB Sul" 121 Bkr. ~'!' ~ .~ BR ae w ....,,.,,..,.,., Clpll, • w -lar -,.:::'. . IV OWNIR BUT MAKE OFFER! li7-8Sll Ewa. 4!1-31&9 • 66:00) · "':v... ~ , . 1 • cpta/tlrpi,.1 bl'-'1m. Quiet, Adults* 839-flE -- Bit 1" bath, italnlesa &tel Miut sell View end unit "C'' $lt,200. 4 Bedrm Huntl~ INch 2400 · Cotta. Mw 4100 Adults.: No ~ $135~mo. .. . ::::::--:-.:_!:. hlllt.m ·'--,.,;-•A_·. plan w/1951J "I· It. 4 BR'•• 3 $1~ •· "-~ * 3 BR dbhH , 11_., ,_ ~R VIEW $JO OQ ....I. 5'M5IO • •· S.nlo Ana 5620 ~--"·••-.,.·::: . ....,.._ ·--. w•-·-, BA' ttp. din' UPIJ'8d. •t ,.. ,._.,,n ' -' uno: .... New 2 Br den, I bath wa. ... ' Uifi' _,.._ ... ......_ ..., N'f' ~"~~ar: ed.'immacu1at~·Ca.1.1Mnl Payment. inclodel every. ~~7June15UIN Ftttplace, 0drpa. luxurY en.,,.;_k,inonth·7 ··~BA:~8!:-=-*GARDENAPTS* .U adlltlel ......... "".!'!i =· ~ .. ~ Prac . , .":,!' , White-m-a>&O '«, 51M1&f . =· 2 bat;w. ~ electric O crpta. dilbwuMr. Muter e Studio I: Bich. Apb. AduJia orJ.y .. ~o P • t 1 • 2 BR, 2 BA. Very ~-W4V ~y PD.OT . ~. ed ~ ~ ~ ~ '~-Owner/&if. . , shu~!:. =ti~e c=. Summer R1nt1.. 2910 au:. :;1 ~b~ble e lod Utils le Phone erv. 6'6-6M2 • ~l.525 zi2 l'ORl3I' vDflis 564445. ""·· " . ' e NEW ILllFfS e 511% loon. :;.,,.. ceU.U. .. Pvt ~ ·: ~: ~m:·~ avail. l.ar1o •1 _.,, -Coastal 5700 LAGUNA ~ 1....,;;1w1 V ... · '~-:2 "'1eo"""' "".°.\r Many 142-4691 'TARBELL. ~:UN 4 ~ duh -· pool. 1464;25 23,. N..._ BMt. !llUl!li , fdt • .._ nW o.c. SU5, Mo. • -~-J ·10Ul'S ,.,,_~=._-,.·=·· PQWNTOWNH;B. a>mplete; lncludlnr .t"'-..,..962':imse..._ NEWLY"'"""''''° 111,ch.:""""P· ·· Be1chApls QIEEl\Y """""".-. ., Lovfl1. •Br 2 111 bomf with bold. MUST SELL • BY 3 BR -added family room, utenalli, &JilJxiat It pry PARK Lido. 3 BR. 2 ba., apL 1nc cptl, drps I: uW. RmECX>RA'\lD. 2 BR. bl.tr 1 • • ·=do~ ~r;1!': ':..~""' 111tpq9.tt d1rWw rm. ~ 14. owNEa. Call Dlck . Dyer hardwood ,floors, bla:: 3 car dock. SUmmer or Jorwer frpl, Dbl. pr .. PDol -roo. 6Q..MOO or 543-0197 lm. refl1&. New cpts. drpl. . . New· .. Deluxe t.lcoa)o. From $65. MecHcal ' ... ~ ft. lciblid.upertly owr I 533-4456 ext 401 or,m.stn'., p.rap A ;;.n;sp on alley. lease. 7141~7-9645 MADGE DAVIS ~?m> !VU ;~~ ~S~ Ba, blt. (7r4) 536-4616 .Wt. $115. 488 E. 17th SL, at ~:~~· = r-e::... m::.... BEA~:~:~ Rox ~· -~ Rlty N :.~IR ~BE/~ Nowport,Hol1hta ' nJ~ ':.t:~~· ::~ •. di:::: Ina, New crpla 0 A ..... No , • g1~= lrvlna, CJI. Owner.~· ·::.:: ASSUiliE" ~.Lou: Sharp J BR, ~~ BA, CU9l drps A 847·ll2S w/prv dock. Excel. ~ 3 BR. detJi.cbN ~ sar'1 i* mlrt&. ·WUber/ctr,.r.'. pet.a~,• !'it~ 56-6C2l QhlbW. otk. B. Pler) Otfl~-~T UBL~ ;;~ .,. ~ llOD·~; ~ 3 BR.' 2 c:rpta. 8% loan. By Owner Fountlln Valley 1410 June, July, Aua. <n4) bllnl, Mt • 1r1r , lt'Cd, ,arace. 1922-B Wallam, CM 2 BR Ddan $1415. Pf-.pa.&. I · madal. Medk:al Dtatl1. ;.: ~ BA..,~ rm; RandL 6"W310 , 17S-m3 J21S mo. 64>-2552 BEAtrr. 14o. 2 11<.,.lll ""· ~.::......,,~ta. 2:111 R t_L_iST1 ATI Alkond., crp1a. -,.,,.. .Pm-1211/mo.Priood1owa1 PAR.TY ·HOUSE CJ,.EANBalboalleachUntto. • '""""· ...,,:at1u1t.. '$1911 .' --r:-·-. -.r• · 35cPERSQ.Fr. •·0 $33,000.,--·. j:oro,..·dol Mar 1250 Gani.. "'""'" 6 family so..,,. 2 to 10; 1<r """""' Unl"""lty Pork 323) 2310 s.nta Ano 04>-2933, 1 BDRM. «Pll A drpo, 1>1\, Rontolo Wio\tod . 5990 MJ.sm OR ~ ';:l! MOvtNq .~ ·•t GI L . . ; room wtth-wet.bubw:rlooka reservaUons call 6'l3-S9t5 -i.e... S Bd?n\. i90 ... CLEAN, fl.Im. i.da. in& I: prap. Adults.• m . NEW deluxe 'office IP&Ctl 1tl,l! t 4 !ID~;. ,J" SN. ' -• • • un heated I: filtered pool. 4 BR ll5 E. Balbol. Blv .. Balhol. YEARLY . ilr UW& included. No pet&.· pell. 6£.!lM. ATIONAL 0 11 Co, 320 to 1D> IQ tt at Santa Qwl, '° «bk. "~hp'·I, Coron• _dtl Mer ·3 balhs ,6: all the creature" UDO Isle J BR apt turn. ~ =-~~ = , ~ l .BR. Carpet&. dnpn~ lnd'a1tr lal rep1e1ent&-Alla FwY 1: c;rown V&llq ,churahe&.' ~9fl0 * ~ t.avei,3~~ ~ :ne· oomlorts aft· YoUl'B with ~A: pier, &araae, petto,· all elecirlc kl~ double REOECORA'Jij Up.ta.In 2 blt·lml .S125i·Adld~, bet ,_ta.: ~~ \LDIQrniahed ._ ~ti. 831-1400, 499-4lJI. . -~ , · -._;1»·· -• . ::.nt m:'• beif~ C&Jh to the low intere1t Vle.W. 673-3948 oven, table top 1t0ve, near bdrm apt. n.50 Appt only Gar, ~ iev9 1 or ,.~t,. )',ear leue, 15'a5 Ol'FICE. «' small 1,N;;;•;;;•;>Jiei+;;;;:;;;_;;;DO;;;Och;:;i;;;· ;;;;1;;;2111;;;. J 15i311 HU&e" ht'e.trd &. filter-FHA Joan. $234 ptt montb .. 1 AL) UCI. &hoP»ina eenta', San • · *~* ' one~· ~Pobl~~ b•'••, downtll1wn Hubar I' od pool with lols ot dedcing, lnclud" all. -Unlvmlshod D .... iWy., -A pools. ~ ~ 5200 ~ BMI. ldnl lar R. E. ete. :w: • .... -. :"• ';o~· -~ Co-..... r ... HY( Bnnd ,_"'""""with all TRADEWINDS RL TY. 3000 w ......... _..,.,.after Newport .... 4200 .• tlEW DILUXE •. -$85. Monlllb'call SC-0212 lllfP nvu n new electric built-ins dish-847-8511 Gen1r1t 5 p.m. By Ownt5 833-2'm . l Br 211 ba • lor 1eUe Mu .... Q,A " dau&hter 13, 300 Sq Ft Office her and 1a1ge ' YEARLY LEASES AV.AD... • • ap-. , . •'Ould like ·to share your • • ~·~~ 3 lied~ Iii balha; mod-';'~ ··with l""'l .:::"'· L'fUna INch 1705 3 ML ln>m bell. beL 2 lhop'g Irvine 32311111\-1 ba. -L fur, p;o ~ lj)&C, .•• llil!te, dlli ...... Jor ......,.., l'JWr COSTA MESA ~ em .. tr~ w / blt·ln&~ A _.,,.~ . . can . eta. 4~.aod.-Jd.· · ~ -i~im: l ba. v~.., UnL W ·rm. If dbl,.'.'PJ'IP, auto. tucber, woman lfvln1 •"l'C, wlm~{•t $3f.!loo. • :=:"'~ '=1~ EMEllAl;D. 'IA Y: : '250 mo. •i,...., ~ I "." 2 BR A oea. Bll·lnl, J ""· J BR. J ho. u~ PlO .SO.. -~-Pool 6 alooe. N"41 prtv, , ..... and lndVllrlol P..,. - -• on1y' 5 BR, 4 BA on cuI-dwac 91!18-*1 " · ' 1 trple, wet bar. Avail. Jtme 3 BR, 2 ba. turn1abed '350° rec. u-. _ Hr~ Catbolkl bath •• Write P. 0 •. Bax .lBS, An. bfil 'R~J lof ' COOL B~UE with mognlllcont o c •an ll80. • ,Br, 2 Ba. Ip. feaccd 1 on l•ue $265/mo. BliAA WHITE. Real,..... ~A~ A 0.-Solvanr, Calli. ~ OFFICE & YARD •• , . · · • DeJ1t -.,;,..,p..., mid view.~ ymt,:;.,,, deck: )'&l)I. w/it """· ch\ldttn . :l90l Newport l!IYd .. N.B. · <ii OHLlr 'Plo e .e 1.ANQLORDS e ......, ....., ..-. s.nta ~ C.. irilh lido .ittr. 3· Br. daulc r-• •-• ·!J'!.=""'-· · A Peta O. Bkr. ~ 3blt~~-+ ~ ";".:!'" ~ l!1M630 ..,._ Efta 131"71 Amlpa Wl¥ N.B. l'llEE JIENT.U.·IERVJCE ~-~~ ::!,!' alrft~ 2 llatJo -·,,.,......Pl. 11hnpllctty and .. ~-:; .•• ,_ . panellod !amUy IJ&s. 3 Br, .111 ho. fenced @'"j;\s/~;;;··Qulck.. . SINQLE Yount Adulll Lux· DELX. i.;,... ,;..:,_ ; DD J --" ~. -"I -· Tile rod, 1tucco. Newr Pnce to this towne home room. te beach & park, ¥Ucf, R/0, w/w, avail now • ~ my garden :c:th COW':t-BA. Wb' ~~;u.:::::,11 Untum. hol&le w/p.r A: .fenc> Ideal for • contractor, Full rtnWd. Offettd furnished. Lock I~ leave It, then ~ Owner. Residence 4!N-52TO Bkr. !i3f..6980 . 3 BR 2li ba neu park I try club a here an<f cloec:. 2 bib 'io -.;;;;:..,-, ed )lard foe doc.· c:c:~·:n ~~ ~-,. IUltR WHITI. Rltr. turn to• world apirt --u ~ M2-S4.1 $180. 2 Br. Condo. w/w pool, frplc i,. blt·inl P'15I ~-rci:mf~ ~~ ml.II. w.uc to' tido lhop'a. · ·•21U•att 5 pm · mcq tntarmation "" "J • ,'ft:~,:· e~.:_!;r• )'OU don"t like BLUE, don't llh ACRES drpl, pool, childlien I: petl nto. on 1 )T, leur. ~ Aftfl lGlb Newport ~a.ch a area. Pbont &a.J'15 I anj 3 RES. empL-studenta: wk call K. W, Small. ;.1.; 5.:w•.. --call. ua. ~'ll call )'qll. $500? UAdeveloped land. City of 0 .K-. Bkr. 534-691». · Jlp'e 15th. (71') 66-0550 · to 5 ,,m.. Eves and wkendl ii*· or apt: l..iiwia. DaDa Edchoff & Assoc,, Inc. .117t~ dn. Laguna 9 Bila be · 67Jl.l969 P&. or.Hunt Bch: 536oG68 . lilt w. Q;)apman Aw. --=-v• . . L 1 Hal Plnchln & Assoc. 0ce .. ;.;._,. ~ ,,!;: Casto MoN 31~ 3 BR + alrlwn. Jmm&c. DECQJIA:!~ PAD.;.1 II<. AV(oll. j ... L'! BR. 2 BA. whrifll, Gonce.., turn. Onlwe. Calli. ;::: aaw A' 3900E. C4ut Hwy. 61>-439'.! Into t3 '10ii~Pib ·$40,lioo; 'FREERENTAL cond. 2 ... bit.Ina A 11,k ~7/L ... :vm.-""'· C<Pll.drpa.$1151eaa.Open ·-In ~ ...... 541~·.,_ ...... ~ _., ~ V INCOME, TOOi 29'll Dn. t.: ttat slftper, . Avail by July 15 on 1 yr 1' . !II?> ~ ·12$2 ,llllarla Wu. 6$-7481 after S1:ll p.m. ·~·~ "'th •••' • bedroom J both J BR. "'""'· ocean •ide of MISSSIQI!' RL,J;Y. . 49W73J ' • SERVICE leue. 12!S/mo. loll· Bluff 4242 i>h. CZ131 98tA1l39 ., BR"""' lo .._ .., 1 or 2 Commemal IOI.I •. '.. + ~ for tenru1 court, H\\'Y-, New~ painted; pano . for example. 3 bedrooms 2 • , 3 BR. 1% S.. watertrnt. yean on lJtlo rate~'WW coo-,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 • ~ pool, boll.ta • trailer, • w/pnvacy AND sep. rear SUPERB vtew, 'TIP.wet' cust. 3 baths $225.IXI per mo, can .N~ 3 BR. AttractM:lrplpa SUBLET 2 BR; 2 BA, apt crpts, dtpt. !!l_(-tftil. &dltl. IJO &Ider btl)1nc. 6'lM1'7 FOR· I ""SE :~ Delta R.eti Estate "64C• bach. apt. A &ood bUy • Br. Sell/trade. ~In> Eq. : ! a~~ t!ci:-U :.. tram ~/15 to .9115. Patio. . Pets ,,.S, $175 •. m.mt FAMILY 4 adllll _... S St . ~ r.i • ·~~~--~·~--Call to llf'le! 67S-M91; ~7161 Rea t· • •=-..s;. . Pool, linf:Tll, di&h8 Util pd • "_.... • nD0 Ill ft prqe BJdC. CID ·-:. .. ON A ~I>:' qulet W~ld Gene Roberbon, Realtor LAGUNA Canyan. 9Q.' q•: aired. l yr IN.le @ S2l5/ "'Adultl no pet&.~ mo.~ NE4R OC11J1,. uner 3 BR. 2 2 Ba. bo1M on or u. bet.ch. ~ mvd. 4 double doors, -. 81. In !Winer Elem. liNpL 675-2440 . ruotl ~-· ,.,..,. ~ .... • OB'~I COUNTY'S mo. Avail. Jul> L J3S2 . . • '~· fri>l<,'.i!O $2!50 Mo. AVOJI Xlnl rt!. 8'llM861 ~,..,Month.' -· .;::, Hi t>i&l. rte •lit)ple, heavy ' c "V• • -e """""" June 1ltll. -.n28 COUPLE ta ID rent ' '7$.81. $.nil na. I ..... 1bob ..or, ~-Uv nn, . NEW LISTING Cl <r M·l ".'"'' U.000 dn. LARGEST 3 BR + 1bium,. J ho. """ ~-.c;. __ d-• u. • • In UC1 .,.":_" cd,""'135-1.532 ·' '!'!"!''!'i""!!"l"~!!!B"!tlli ' din rm. tlect. blt·lrni, 3 BR 2 Cottina Hl&hJand•i 0 c f,a n Bkr. 67S«Bl. 49f-7161 Rn. 291 E 171h St ttt ttM· ended" thnloUt.. trplc I: '-VfWMI ,_.. mmr CUO Corona clel Mir 1C.t. ·Aw Del Mar, 8aJ'I -~~ Ba. "dtan. eptJ/drp. •. 2 .~~~ 8RFUIJ. 2 Ba. Yoo own L19un1 Niguel 1707 3 BR. ~n 2·aa.' 1..:.. fenced blt·lnl. ch>lce loc. Avail roz"! 2 BR.. trpl. Ground Rooms for Rent. 5995 ~\e. m• lt 100•. . .. ,;:. patios, do( run. $42,500 by, "'"'" ... JU. Price $44,0IXL . • .... Aur 1 on 1 yr leue @ tl"oo!-. Near shopping. Unt ., Owner, ..,._ cw m-w _,. (l'M)Q' SU-159' CORllN-MARTlN IMMED. oa:up. '"5 BR. 2'ii ~ "!i:;.1o;-~=.eyi S300/mo. Sl&O; tum. $175. Adult. only, ~· .,,_. SUMMER f!n~ .rune 15' ~ M·l lot, aood c. M. 1ocaHon. .~ .... THI! llllFFS R .. ltors BA. INllt-ln kitchen. "1>1. If. l"t O.K. Leue. mo. Mo. BOB PETTIT, Rultor , "° !"la. Ownen/a((.. · • -· Scpl 3. <W0tnen) Klt<:h 50 , 300, ~ 113.lGO. .r l Bft • 2 Ba wtth comtt lot 3006 E. Coast ~wy., OlM lot. nn. far poot &--5637 water rum. n4: '755-9233 ' . -~-Hal .Pinchill I: Allor.. 67S-C392 privl. f'i3-m«t"bhm 9 AM A Sullivan 5M-6761. ~ view • sPOclous 1..u.._ 6'1$-l61i2 D loxao For S.lo 1975 4 BR. lam rm 2 BA. ,;.ill, lalbOa Island 2 ~DRM, Doluxe, all alee. lltl n:ff Adiu 1 · , -~ Oalklm earpts, drp1, other INV EST N~R ~' up · ln& pl.iu dlsh.;;hr. SlSS/mo~ Store or office, w/w carpeta. blt-inl kitchen, pool. WUU. l A: 2 BR: l"ul'll 6 lh*nl NJ(!E J\.oom-for •mplayed lndudrl•I Rtntll '6090 ... ~ ... extn.s.Handytopool.Otm. 0CEAN3BR.3%ba.,den,2 J)UPLEX S!Jtm $IA% 1,,. Walltowall-tsA:"-....... S1!iO Bkr 6C-955i5 eourt.prace,e.xcelJ.e-nt .._._1 _ • ..___.-....._ ~SU. weekly. ..-....... _, er $'1.,500 &M-0771 frplc&, 3 gar&&U, t.ict, ' -r ... _. · ' condltkin (213) 210-4223 att1 ...-• .,.... • i''' ... paUU9.'cvuu. ~ INDuo3i~ t1111t $8) . be am/ctllinp. channina: terest. 514 i'emle&f, DIM. Fenced yd. m-9563 FOR LEASE: Sba.rp 3 bdrm, 6 p M. ' T.-. ec.rtn11 DflL put-· mo. Yml apace available. 8LUJ1FS .~ JI)' view' on rna· home or uee aa Duplex, or s. of hwy· 675-fiOM Bn>ker · 4 BR houte Mea V~ 1 2 Ba, cpts_ A 4J'pl. 1'rJ!lc, · t1zW sr-n. . GENTLEMEN • V~ Bead\. * ~ 724 ::-eu*'~M~~. 3 ~ build %nd bbme on 61& )oL RENTAL~ . •-~a. Bltna. pew)y~."'~ l:!Ji:w.,~U~z:al1Y,.~ ~ 2 BR ~ultl 4 .1 c~ no . -· ·~ fie. -:µti!& ,fblj{ijl W k7 ~;;.s , '~'~'"°' -~..C-M!!;liic ~~n--~ 1:W:ll£ Ill f•lw.t'~..,. Aiii:k;l",\'911-~ 6JI .fu:r~ -OwT. • _../'mo~= .... •.._ IW.. -'L... • e1 ';:f!. • ' "-'-1'"'-"-... ~ .,._ -':!:c "'" • .-5. 1'6'2526 15th. 133-JOl7 -· -•• ,,,.., • . . 1:;:;:;:-;.,;c;:,.,,....·:..,;,·,.,,;· T~C DUPLEX _,., 2000 • . ...... rrsWllM>ERnJLtbo____ 5991. . ;;'."~ REDUcgp$liiiilow138.150 So. ... Hwy,2,Br.bome bi~ . DUPLEX. $J.50, 2• ~,R, Corona dol Mar n50SMAU. furn Bachelor a · !n~,...,.,j BeauWul -V-OIJ. ~., 4 Br., 3 Ba .• tam. d!D, around"•unf'ly patio; chH:cy BEAUTIFUL Mesa Vtrdl ~. drpa, blt-!J1a. Prlv. UW pakl f75 mtmth pt. ~ "...tfted Ada, Cbllck OUl!SJ" HOME de-Ac lot. Walk to M-. :=;: I uttl/Jaun nn.iTolal >400 1q. studio apt. w/dedl:, $41,500. ~-4 BR, 2\S BA. pool. yard. Gar. Adults. '46-1969 OIARMING 2 Br. 2 Ba. . *m-'18'2• · , u::: nowt . U..GUHA NiGVEL . Verde Country Oub. Price ""'• fl ~ Vista &aya.· e>wner. Ortftf• C011t PNptrty torma1 DR. dm. Leue 3 BR houle. 1% BA. Double home, Jtdrfc. 6: bitn. stow. · · Seledtve ruem for a loveJ,y rlcht,•t $1&.250. ;,. ffff~1.50;.· 332 Marguerite ~ $400/mo. 546 -1220 or pn.p.Aduitlon)y. #15 Mo.. '-· m..on Cotta MIN 5100 Ctet• MIN . s1oo ·bic>me. Owner and ooerator ~-"$41-5111) -~ 5 BJJ.. ·4 BA Ivan Well& Mme iiARBOR VIEW Hilla. Lusk :stS---063J ~ol eve/qt -' ~h.. 2 p~ :v:: · !-°r=-3' ..,. with lf,taM«. yd. tam rm, bomrllo": ,For aal< bJ ~-noral ·-~--•I ·--•I . -'.. polnbnenl. , llll-""1-llll fl."« M -~ ~ Im-<>wnu. J Br .. 2 belt..~ ------8«61 or 1117457 Mlllt D\ed~ftntt.$67,!IDO. T\lltr wi,y. t44-1119 .. · .. , • . • ,....-: 13W115Wto!Qs tfl 5 l"D· -· s ~~ ~ . . · .CONSTR.UCTION:JIJ.ST C~LITINO 1....,;. p11p1rty 4000 ~r,o~ :.° = ~ • • Dl!LIJXE Duplh. OCEAN SllORECLUT 3 .BR. ~ llA. 11'11 'O -'12 ~Q.9 VIEW< $0-.... Aall Quiet,,.. lined .... by the \!:a I,' . pq•., . HOME FOR Mex. .. San--· ~":.r 11r. N.omt. t>o)ole ·eo. ·sea.l'eelltnPJe.Acce11 to2· SoltteaStmpl&SenmbWWordPua'""f ~-----~ . HO.._., ·?!.!f·~~·fthlt . ..:-<. ·-------·-~~ u~-·~·""· ey ,. 01 •~--u1-ua_blft · · ~ -· _,,_ _,., ·;;;;;;:;~;;:... =."."'. ·--6'1W61ll • ,__ nwn1~ · oui• · ffatl. .... wlth eon11 m1. c-i -· .11 ....... 211 ;::: .a.,ttont 'On'J'tnbiM 0r:':':'mh=r'wor1a::: ... 1 • '3 ~;J "Wb home, motel,-..ftm9Ckl ,Pr•1ent .::;: .-,-Lido Ille 1351 1ow .. '"""'""'•mo•-m. LUXURIOUSl&JBIDROOMAIPTS. clou·ml ·noat ··A""' -,11rhw1-borptn. i:;; ITURIVE I ·---.llndat$1l,950.,--:;'] No•ijort Hi.ip!:O 1211 JUST. LISTEDI · • 1 ~ e IJI0¢0111 <0blnato Moomt ' a ~ '21 ~' ' Ou-. Bdrm. • conv. I .1 I r I • Dis--.• Ga#en A Sattlen .. ..:,. . ' ;:. NIWl'OllT HOHTS. den lamllY ,.,,,.. .., .... . ,. •Mammoth mut•r P'\ ¥.,b!o . . , . NawilRRY • . VllW I itrw lot 111.000. I A IC 01111 I • r:;::.,,. • .._._ u.tnr SPRINGS' Set t1t1o tm-1 1IMr -LIDO REAL TY INC. • .. ~,,.., -·--..,_ City: ti ~-• ..... loll wwtit uT.iiiO 3400 Via Lido'' ,,,_. I I r I '. ' . ';i;~; .. a;;;;.'.... J L .... .ft' I MAKE YOOR OWN LAD flldl. {Bit. J k. 2 ldt.chlnl. . • • . . , ~ · , • '! f ~ ,_., : • PJ llih<E. ol "BlnlDw. on a. -. . .....,. ....,,. Lon OI' ROOM , · ·' won -· -'-· Elv 2000 It.. AND ........ -· .ii °""'"' '1'11111> 3 Br .. <NI It' ICOTIS . I . , I ' ~· ionlos ........... "-'~ 11111 .. Loire Lor-. ~ 111ot7 '*"*"' 3 -pl .tnOJ .. -lot, J Oir • 'MM, ~· • ltlRTJll llllAL10R · . ""' N. --ti .,, ---$11,llO. ....... -· ,Loo,. -.... , I I I r -I.If ~ who'• "lor· llAlmua ' ' ' 'Jill'•r' . . 17111-A Wootdll! ll<lw., --fl) ocnt, -.. & -~ -·" ~ · " nr. d-A -di. · • • -' ~i:;:. ltii>lao:for-In a · ~...., ; M._t 8-11 • -10 . ..,.. ....,_ '""""'" ~ • 119.sot. ciJi ""app'L . ICYLOON I . l!<oltal ... _....Vn..c;llr1o-. S-:·L."'-J.• ~ "t:i:'". ~ ..::;, :: ..... ~ . WALK1Rllllty.61MW .• I I I' I I· e'e-tir:::.:--~~t:~· . Jll741\C.........;_ 1e..ooo.:·~ii1;•r.:.~~·:~~~111~ ~:; '71'1{1rv • Huntl!'f'-?leocll 1400 •••••• ""'-'-... No.Shalow. ·' •• .., • ..,..Aw.,Ceol•Mtta · for-ol•al."., bo'll•· flObjoct toiiij",.. 1111 II. "',;: -n Pait Of<. 141;w• 2 ·11..a.• TO ll'aaal.. 8 . (1 block -t:,, HoitiOr.Jil.d. . O.-/brl1r .. ..._ _..,. .., scmr v• .,. 'Ml ....... Pl~~~slETIE1$ IN ,. r ,. 1· r r I 2 Woct., IOUth ~~~Ba tllqo ~) t na &\LI 8Y OWNDl Rd.. ' ml -g. " ...... ,.. :: 11._:c-12u~-2eR;,,.,.+.1--• ·-2-2811,IBAA -·---- wlTJ:l!FllONT-o 11<, 1 Jla. ';.";;w. wm mu. nice...:;; 6 W\~~ u.ttits. j :I I I I l · I • ::J11~ iii =t' r!. ~ ~ ~ ..,-aq ft. pta..A· tllp. No. er IOOl:I Ufynbnf-nt. Bttter .., .. ,.,. ........ _......._ ,.,.. ..... 11M , , , tDwn. na DAILY PD.al' Nff~tJ; canr. me •w so .,... c.wt. 111iooo. Clll now. Oftb1 S2S,OOO. '~ •• • arwHW .aa.. · ~ IPt u YOUR AD JM a AE :--.:,~~= 11o. ~~~=TY SCRAMLITS ANSWllt IN CLASSIFICA1ION. 7900 ' .,.,, -· _, ..i..i.a !:;::~.:t'i*' U _ r-.-.~-~-~-~,....·-.,..;.;;;..;..;;~.;;;;;,~ ......... ~ . ..,.!~~-·:·-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~!_laii.-.~ ......................... :.:-x:~_~".~¥=El;.::..:::~:J ~,.._;--...,_.-...-..~1 • I --o.t.11.V Pit.Of . ·1 ,_ Pl~IAL iOSINaSS_. l'INAHCIAL . ~10 National co. need1 "dJltribq. ...... _ .. ,,_ .. ~ area. PelWlO .elected must be ~ to devOte 2 to 10 hrs. per week (dqs or Wl!I) to mak1! VtJ')' }tjJh eamin&1. You ma,y bep )'qUt ptttellt position. No aerur.. ·No ~enge nec- eg.ary but must pe ~e. 0Jmpat1y wUl teach. We JDMtwtlh8'nlt>nAPl"W· al. SlB.50 cub reqUlred (se- cured). Fm' immedlate in- terview In your area lend name, addml • phone number to: ''DISTRIBUTOR DIVISION" P.0.Bcx!l' -Calllomla 91769 * * ' -·· . 'lf -S!IMCl-DllllCTOlY SERVICI DllllCTOlY JOIS & l'i\PLOYMtirt JOIS 1,'~YMINT JOit& l~UIYMl!JT JOIS &"IMPLOY ,lll: Carpenter"'9 • '590 P•p0rhongl0g Hele 'VJ .. ,., .. ~· 11 00 Kolp WMltdi ,,..,/pie Help W•ntod, Mon nOO. Help W1ntod ' " 7400 • ' ' Painting 6lSO 1 • P.. • • ~ . , ... WOfJ'ln CARPl:NTRY r:&tetrontct We b&ve an Openlfta In tbe ~·-------- MINOR REPAIRS. No Job PAINTIN<HM 4 Ext '-'1 -ff u ~·ff" E s ...... ; "' ClnNla1lon l>epo-.,, "COST ACCOUNTING ' , Too Small. C.btoet 1o 1.,. contn.Cled · . .....,... Fully'°' ~ * DlannASnER 1• bellfnner. """' 11JUatlo" CLE~K .ANA~YST · qu I: otbtt ceblnets. SaUstiJ.cdon ~r.,Vfte eat. 1 .. (fufl tlrn.) tnl;aht be k!eal lo? a youna: Small 111anufacturltw A en- 568175, 11 no antMr leave Jim Weeki 67$..JlG& • NIWPORT IUat ' · " , ma.n Jus.t wt ot I.he m.Wtary atneerin&. compJly re11'u1m me at M5437l. H. O. • INT 1-&XT,1 ANY SIZE ' • Pr-tier cJtan c:ut )'OWll man aeMce who ls ~ for lndtvd~ to UMpl' C09f AMerson JOB. Xlnt 'Ml~ l'W. !tee l'IHda with experience. Apply be-a, Job with a tuture. Good •ceottntin& dutie., inctudfnl :::::. REPAIR, Partttlona, ~all est. J rM 642-4669. ELEC• tween il:OO.pm and 4i00 pm, 1u.l&ry and !rl.njft, lncl\1<1· direct labor diltrlbu~ ~"!'~'7 Remodel. elc. Nile or da,y, PAlNTJ,NG, P~ 16 )Tl in pet'IOD. Ing uge of J com)latlY auto. mainteftllnce of lnvutory · '1} Reas! Call Kt.N ~ tn Harbor area. Uc I bond· ~tact ,George Hanlin&:, cost records &: WOl'k In Pf'O> "· -MASTER carpenter, 14 ..; ed. Reb luru. W.2356 TRON ICS COCO'S . Circlllatloa l>eoutment. ""! ""''"'°''" MUil be alie hoW-: Remodeling·-NEAT, exp. ""'°"'· no D•lly Piiot to ........ """' ,.porb - Got? _,___,_\__, '"'-" ... .:.. , 330 W .. Bay St. source data Colleae tNmr Whoddy1 Wont? Whoddy1 ..,__or !l3WIOO """"'"'· ~'l" '"~•L TECH' NI• 2UI W11tcllff Dr.,_NI °Cocla Mooa. CaJU. 1.,. ilJ acco,,;.tlng p1"fcnod. SPECIAi. CLASSIFICATION FO~ REP'A!R!, -41.TtilATioNs Low pdcel! s"""' S4M5l9 '"'NITOR . AM TRAINEE Work ._,. ·'" accot1Dtff.c, NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS CABlNEl'S.,,.,, •lte job FOR Erleriol' palnllntl caJJ ..,.. and on ott.,. mochtoeo ' Specl1I Rate 25 yn. expe:r. 548-f7l3 ~. Reference1. CIANS' MAC~ DONALD'S . ii JtlrUW Saluy plus COMmlulon, Ya· helpful Salary open. Pleue S Lin• -5 tlmel - 5 bucks CARPENTRY • .repaln -Janitorial help.' Prifarred cation, sick benefll'I A' re-send re5uriie to or 11M>IY at •uLES -~ MUJT iHC\uoe aen'I fix It. QUallt)' work. Pl•l't•rJn9 .. Rep.Ir 6880 agea ~to 60, Eqlerl~ de. Urement plan. Cood oppo; SJA(O IN( ,__,.., ..,._ -. '° 1"'• ,,..... • .,.. ""''"' ~ iU-8464 or~ for compontntc tett and airable but net ~neoeuary tunlty tor qualllled man. \\e r • ~YOU• ~:~: l"~ll -,;j.:,~ .. ~rllt-. •PATCH PLASTERING. All production 1upport, A mini-Good piy, liberal· trin&~ wiH train. Tf'.e Sin&tt Co. PHONE 642-5671 c..-nt, Cone-. 6600 ~Free estlrna.te. Call mum ot one ~ et recent beiiefl.q. ex~llent wfll'klng Tm Edina:tr. Huntington T Y T ·• r' p -•I Ad •••• .,_ ind ,..._, ..i.. .... _ Is condftV.h• A-~ in Beach Shopp~ Coente:r, HB o Piece our ,_, I lrmu M .... i~'A expeknow',::;::C, of -~ betw;;f2 ·P&r"'~s ~ See Mr. Fe?Taro, 12 M-1 a.bops In 2 Ult-up bldp on Placentia, C.M. \"alue $1.S0,000. Trade part tor pmperty. Balance? Call owner 548-1542 • Concrete fin:, patke ele. Plum bing 6t90 ....... C'l. --BUS Lak2: Anowhe&d wate.rtront Concrete & blk top sawtna. ----,.,-----I id '•late drcuitey 11 de:atr-call M7·9UIO, 1ttvitlon ot BOY I tree A cir, $50,en> val. Pa· Reas, Don, 60-3514 PLUMIJJlQ'G REPAIR •blie. Mr.Jack~.168ti6~ DISHWASHER cl.tic Palisades ocean w lot, DRAIN Cl.EANING Blvd, HB ' Over 18 free &: ctr, $27,500 nJ. • ~NCREI'E wwk all ~2387 or 540-7217 Ope:ninp are on lrt I. 2rid BARftllftfft APPLY IN PERSON Want: Income. Bkr. 543-Tl'll ~s~~e~ & C\/-ltam. r-~P°'L"UMBIN==;;c'""°'REP="'AI=a:-l lhllt, IUIUUC I Oiolce 4-Ple:x. 11> 3 BR 2 ba No job too .!UDall BOB'S BIG BOY 13) 2 BR I ba. E"•Ule nr • CUSTOM l'ATIOS • • 642-3123 • H U G H E S DAYS & HITES lS4 E. 11lh st. 17th SL Income $535/mo. concrete sawing 6: remoYaJ 1, Costa Mtsa. 1139 liker St., Cost• Melo 549-3041 e TELLER e EXPERIENCED • • ' FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Fr1lidaJzo IB mln. cycle " the futelt tn the lnd_ustry. 30 ~atres do the work of 40, 30 min. ...Wrs. Find out bow eu;y It b to own Wlll trade good vacaUort trailer, reaJ10n.able apace rental for small plot or land. Mt111t have water & electridty. 548-C831 $'5,500. TRADE'" yo"' 3 Sia" Lk.*812-1010 Sewing . 6~• NEWPORT BEACH STOCK CLERKS e PROCO I' o'4 BR bome. AgL 54&'580 Chlld Co,.. 6610 ""' Apply In P"''".° $450 per monlh lo •tart. No OPEfV.T II. e I TOWNHOUSE3Br.2l,Sba. --------eore~i>esf:ations 54XI Superior Aveni.le ' blKDDI ~r,· .llf experience ne'eeuary. Mon. UNITED CALl,OltNIA S9CXXJ eq, in 50xl 40 R-3 lot w/jd rented hlle, next to Garden Gl'O\'e Civic Cntr '= HS. total val $20,500. Trd fur unill or ! 547~ Bkr. Beaut. appt'd. Priv, patio, WILL-bab)'!llt June thnl •646-6446* Newport Beach, Calif. llUUll.ft .C d&¥ through P'ridQ. Cllance BANK -' pool: nr. bay, Val, $32,500, Sept. my ho_me. Warner It. -;====--==;-:-·! to advance. Write Dally for T.0., car, camper or ? ? Sprlngtiale V1c. 846--0S<H Alter•tlons-642·5845 EquaJ opportunity employer 151 E. Coa1t Hwy.. Pilot Box M417. Owner 646-fJ654 Neat, accurate, 20 Yl'L exp. M It F Newport Buch SHOE SALF.S m a nag e r • -laundl,,. Garden Grove, Sula Ana. Tu.tln, Onnp. Anaheim SIX U n I t • apartments Highland Pk. '7 yn. old, built -ins:, air • corxi, cpt1, drps, Will trade for lot in Beach Otlea:. 213-796-lllO CAREER trainee. America'• Wunt TrH Service 6910 retailers or women's ~s. TREES pruned, lopped & OPPORTUNITY! LEEDS soo. s1o... s.. -57~--~G~bi-.a~Co-n-,,.-,.,-. ~All~ 1 _Con_1_r_ac_c1o-'"---66--'-20 power. VER'i RARE (ser-ADDmONS.REPAIRS Coln·O-Matic Eq~l_.i, Inc. 233t1' W. Va!enol& ial #149) $3500 value, trade REMODELING for furniture or 1 642-5243 Desl"1ing' 6: Pl&ttnlri& removoo. 26 yn exp. MANAGEMENT Joto todaya futesf """"'" C...t Plaza. Conlact Mr. . Paulson Tree Service profea:lon·lhhal'J'-d .alel•i:Pilol='-"'======= I U.ke Arrowhead Magnlfi., cent 5 Br, • Ba on j'O).f e&e &: lake. View, $125,(0)'cle.ar, Airplane or boat trade. O\\'tll!r (Il.C) 459-3103 or 337-3169 SlS-7234 TRAINEE No """"""'° "" ,.,.. r We fraln • IUD ., part -Agenc_IH, Women 7300 or -4~0 Kitchens-Baths. etc. HONOLULU Hawaii • prea. lJc'd 6: Bonded. Free est. tige home w/lrr pool in A • B CONSI'RUCTION U hol F"UDerton 71.f: ,525-'1!33 MOVING; Complete baby shoe brCnzirl& o u t f i t. Includes show ca.se I. , mounts. $150. takes all. 540-1998 Do ~ want more hxome? DESJGNER-BUILDER Will trd. $26,ln> eq, E-lide Business Operation It equip. Ullita w/$365 mo, spendable Estab. 10 yn. Balboa Island, inc. for )'OU1' dear home. 673-6500. C!Vl!S IJ'B..1$1 Owne:r/bkr. 646-3750 An~~? Wild '65 Ilalian sportl Car, v· It ranch .A .. , .. .,., Cmvette enr. 370 bp, 2+2. 11 our ~ Cost $10,CQI new, Trade for SMALL Groc. ~tore in H.B. late jeep, carry-al) or Vol· re1. area. Available: $80 mo. VO wag, 546-5387 leaae. 213: 69&-9880 Sportllne J>ower ~t .. 18' otfsh)re 110, tully eqWpl, trlr. Xlnt amd. Trade for late model car or income property. 837-86&1 Kahala area. L e a 1 e d • 1122 Pau1ar:tno, CM P stery 6990 Excellent training program $72.500 val-eq. $42,000. Want "°=="*"545-4911_.,,..,,-*,.,..,,..,.,...1 c:'ZYKOSKI'S CUst. Ubol. • • .for 8: excellent ~Hon. S. cal. prop or Inc, 646-0732 ADDriiONS. r em o d e I • European Cratsmanship OUr_ • uruqUe ?danaa:ement qt. reasonable; get o the r 100% fin! 642-1454 Train111g Program follows a Lake Arrowhead waterfront estimates. Then C • 11 1881 Newport 81., C.M. well planned, comprehensive •-• clr l50 • "' p 847-2476 O tchedule, •• prov!de1 )'OU the ... ..,., ... , .ooo v • a· J BS & E"!t\PLOYMENT best opportunity to develop clfic Pallsadea ocean w lot, J qWckly into a responalble free &: clr, $27.500 val C1rpet L•yln9 & ob W1nted. Men 7000 executive in Consumer ru.- Want: Income. Bier. 5'8-77U Repelr 6626 CARPENTER'S HELPER a.nee •• .Interviewing 11 a 43' ?1-1'.athews F/B yacht, twl'I CARPET VINYL TILE E.'l(Perienoed, Good ttf. C8ll major part of t~ non-teU- lmpe:rial eng. Full e1ec w/ Expert installaUon Ralph, 644-2227 \na:, aalarled position, alp. $50,000 clear. Want BLANKINSHIP FLOORS SSO:M home, bus. or amlr. 642-140.l 54(}.7262 Job Wanted 1 ...a.. 7020 Uben.l employee ~netifl boat. 546-8030, ext 4M 894-' -,-and regular lalary 1nc:rea. ,-,..,,,...,,....,,,,----.,...-, 1 Drifting S.rvli» 6637 COMPETENT conl.cientkrus ea based on )'Ollr PI"Oll"l!SL Sailboat 38' roomy, fast woman wishes to contact K1gh school graduate. sailer. Sll,500 val + older 3 DESIGN Dndtinf, alectro employu Who need& ex- ._.. rnecb P /C ~t 1:· detail· --' -"-"''-... _. Br. hse CM. $15,750 vii.lo t'<'-4 ....... ~~ secre. ..... .,, Want comm1 or tndust. tng. Ken Sr. ll9l bkkper, Girl Friday who prop in CM. 6134il7 isn't &fraid of w o rk. PACIFIC FINANCE 19921 Magnolia at Adami Huntington Beach Mutu1I Fund Aclvlaors, Exec. Secty, Miuion Viejo Inc. area •....... 1 .... $500 ma. Npt & 1603 Weatclitt Sect)', good typist, s ome S.A. 1212 N. Broadwa,y shorthand .......• $450 mo, 517.a331 DentaJ AMisl, Garden Grove SALES TRAINEE area • .... · • •• •· ·• • $433 mo. Nationa.i Co lookin& for liWi Secty, m shorthand, Hwit· to cover Or; (b m,. Groc inlton Beach ares . $433 mo. exp pm. Q, W. • ~ Reception.isl, bib claas beau. Start at $6500 Call Mr ty 18.lon ·" •• • ·" • $398 rno. Rlcharda ~ • 488 E, 11th St., Suite 2Z4 COASTAL AGENCY Costa .M.,. 642-1410 A member of ~lllng " Snelling !no. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Help W1nlod Women 7400 DUNCAN Bui. W1ntld 6305 .... * * * * * ATI'R.ACTIVE, capable ,"!l"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!"!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!~'!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!I qerdenlng 6680 49J..400'1 NURSE, Healthy, ~nial. in· tel~nt. If interest, in- tegrity, and companion are prime requ\sl~s. . p hone 494-5490. Ref.s. Excbd. DISHWASHER BOTH SHlm Applyln ........ SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Poe. Cot Hwy 19:n~~ ~~· Newport ... ch Equal opportunity employtt 1-r;D:1<1suH:i'-iMAU.c"'H"'l"'N"E;--I Immediate openings for youn1 woman will : part!clpafo wllb time and ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCtMENTS money ln a roing boutique, ind NOTICES •nd NOTICES woman's appan:l 1 ho p , ---------I ------'--640-5 bf!ach area, that needs ex, Lost 6401 Per10n1l1 panalon or ope r atln1 ----------r·---------eap!tal. Submit particulan to Box 1'1·701 Dally Pilot WHOEVER. lound a male * DIVORCED Himalayan cal on or .,., ANTHONY'S 646-1948 The Be:rt, cm;lll no more! Experienced Maintenance: Budget Larxlscaplng Graduate Horticulturist 2 Ill-POWERED Saleswomen to work on <X>mmilU>n &: Wary. Bax P667, Dally Pilot, CM MOTOR HOME Money to loin 6320 V1sta Del Oro in the Blutta: y I , EXPERIENCED n~ on May 18th or 19th, I will •• t t Your Fault panion. C.ook dleta. Excd-Immedia•-operung· ' for .:._ give you a Sdlnauzer dog For recorded me~e that 1 t f Ext l <B 49+850. "' '""" who I• -for her "'11 clumge your W•. ALLEN BROS. en re'-' .wtlh experience In plmnb- •BUILDERS e ASSEMBLERS will CALL GAL Friday -E x e e • lrlg, electrical. wall!, ct.bln- OPERATOR Union scale. Hospital, aurst- cal, medical, dental plan, paid vacation, overtime pay. Apply In person. How•rd's Rntaur•nt «m. W. Coast t{wy., NB Man.&gnnent Tnlineti PART TIME EVES. ASSEMBLY TRAINEES Excellent Elec- tronics.firm. Ex~ cellent working conditions •nd e""' ployH1 benefits. 3029 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meu 546-2033 Equal opporhmity emplO)la' CLERK TYPIST Alf!rt rirl.. production ~ trol office. Typinc, fillrw. po1ti~ Xlnt w.vrJdnc eond's. itlcludin&' all bene.fitL CALIFORNIA Injection Molding 200 Br:luJ Ave. • ' Costa ?tlesa 54&~~1 An equal opportunit,y employer *KEYPUNCH OPERATOR One to three years npert.. ence, second &bltt, MGllllQ tbru Fnday. ; Contact Pat Yolawn • COLLINS RADIO CO,. 19700 Jamboree Rd. • N..,_Beacb WAITRESS F'uIJ time, l'l'IOl'ldr1p, ~ MnL Experienced preferred_ Appl)> between 2:00 pm and -4:00 pm. COCO'S lt:l • 2nd loam for qulck cub. Bonow OD )'OOl" pro- perty eq without dilturbina: Y'Qtll' low interHl lat TDs. Also buyrn for 2nd TDL S.'lliler Mortgqe Co. Inc. PLAYMATE If you SANTA ANA G11rdtntr1 Stvd11nt1 Secretary Mature skill.a: and eta and finish • or we will s3 50 h 2165 Fairview Road 2131 W111tcllff Dr., NB ' please call 6"-0719 547-6667 working way thru. coll~e. j~ent. ~7306 train you. Must have mme per r Costa Men NCR Operator -I TINY YORKY male 5 moa., Exp. Lle. Ru.! Terms harid tools, S@e Rlck. 2135 11 11 ExoeJlent ~Bu.eh Co. 4 lhl. ~black fur with SfUDENTS • cotlep A hi PHONE 646-4200 Domestic Help 7035 Canyon Drive, Costa MeH F,quaJ. opportunity employer Pleasant working oondltion/ Servin& Harl;lor Area 2D yra. 336 E. lltL SL 642-21n 54.5-()61] LAGUNA BEACH exduaive fl2.. duplex lot, north end, few 11teps to acenlc co\'e beach. $35.000. Will trade for income. Owner. Prin- ciples uni,. Wrilli c/o DaUy Pilot Box M 353. Money W1nted 6350 tan rnrkgs. Very friendly, achl-lmJ>fOft )Our con-* HOUSEKEEPER OR '642·9758 Call 547-7782 Mr. Bond top benefits, $S4l mo. Cd no •• ..collar. Sinct 5 I 2 7 centratlon A: memory. Start NEW l8wns re. 1 e e d i n g . '""l':~!'!!~:'!'~~'!"!! Licensed Real E1tate Salea. •--O Edee 546.5410. Wntmittster. Reward for now to prepare for next Complete lawn care, clean C'OMPANION available !or INSTRUCTORS man needed !qr bnmM!ate '""iluty perators JASON sm ~l or infor. No questions semes~. Leam self hyp-up by job or month. Free family ca.re or single lady. employment, New unit oow Experienced openi.l«s need· Employment Aieney asked. m..3467 l10l!is. You'll be gl8d you esUmate11. For into, call Excellent relerences, drive. Mature, fOtma: adult, looJdne selling. Will train. e'd at a rapidly growi"" fll"llt 2UJ So. Main, S&nia A,. I • did. For information call oA"' .... 3., Avail. now. for a:ood fut1.rtt, ablf! to meet F •-H 1 --• GRO\VN Male Siamese ca., Ml-4614 O"l9"'1,I<! •or 893-1995 HOMEMAKERS 547$1 the public, Apply in person. our -•sons omes c au ...... on located near the SARAH COVENTRY hai altered. Wearing red collar, CUt a: Edge Lawn H l"d H Ith S Hwntlneton Beach UCI campw in Univ~rsity openinp for Ml or _,.._ vie 1.lagnolla &. Adami, HB. BACH seeks eirl to exch ten-l'ofalnh!nance, Ll~nsed Chinese live-in!. Cbttrful O I ay ea pa '61-4500 Park Shopping Center. Guar-tJme 'Sales. Min. .,. ]S: , Reward. 962-4708 nl1 lessons f o r dancing 548-4808/&!~.2310 aft 4 Permanent. Experienced Costa Mesa e HUni.:-0 n Bch I ----,==~' antee, Cormnl..uion, Paid va· lessons. 492--0386 PV'l!!I. ...'6, DOORMAN cation. can 833-0270 Pleasant work. no inW:st, nO LOST : Diamond Engage-DlclCs Gardening-Rel. Far East Agency 6f2-871Xl BOYS 10 .. 14 PARKIN~ ATTND6T BEAtmCIAN . deliveries. For intm.1eW ~::ro!~V~~ 0 ~11i Announcements 6410 de~u:.i~ ~~';:'~l.ra Geo= 8J': :::ncy Carrier r:tea Open Full or part tJrne., day or eve. to work full time Cmta Mesa call 54G-0614/ 831-41'9'f P·•k •-·-~ -"" 106·B E. 16,. SA .. 7 ·~ , --··· Beoch, ._._ , ----lie, Calll driwr, Neat ap-aaJon, Pa1cl val:l.tions. etc. S..8'!-8950 ii , WANrr ~.ooo l•l TD·-build' ----· -~-·---~------ASI'ROLOGY ,., ____ , now AL'S c-~-nln s I .... ..... """"""" ~..... au. .._..... -·-Call ot I ..... I $5 .-w ,. ~ .. ...., g erv ce. pearance,,Q.IO, Gff..17001 No cllentele requlred-riew r •res~-o 1 &: architect design b>me tn Black & white hl!agle, 8 moe. formlna:. Summer &eulon. Lawn maintenance, garden-ENGLISH Nanny avail. im· DAILY PILOT ext 555, 'to 6 p.m. grads weloomed. Ca 11 Several top co'a in beach HB (near Lake n... .... , Answers . to Matthew. Vic. beginners/advanced. Fo r 1 ...... &:: clean up. """ .,629 med. Ex c e I. I o ca I. 642-4321 --' al wllh ~ l"" .. 11. '"6 u=-.> Fl BERG L A s t 0 0 ! Ing, Manager ~9919 area tle.:u a: s •"""" ' $55,000 mortgqe v a 1 u e. Wave St., Laguna, Call Nan-info call 675--6661 Da,yg. JAPANESE iardener Compl ~"";:;::"~"';::n:;ce~•::;·=::;Ai~'":;cy~642-8~~7~03~1---;.iAi;.-£si<Er;___ molding, bonding, b 0 at CREDIT WOMAN skills. Some Fee Pd, (>JtOo Responsible party. 536-6118, cy, 494-1900 675-2140 aft.er 6 "'-· d ndabl • -E fee Jobs1 c·" Loraine M_; Rl'V. .w.o;pei', epe e, H I w ·-· M noo ~ --·Mlh. 11 h carpenter. xperienced only, Retail credit &Y?Wtrien"" pre-...... . er JC a VI .. ... 'Ii !> Th .. d• ... .... Wt .. ·fil 'd• fil I 2 iii ll ·°' . Ill ,. A e: Pl T< c d 'S B: !! I y , • ' J v I I ( • • &tl-9805 DOG groom.Ing tools in * mE CX>IN OJEsr * ~ 6 t, 641-4389 1 P •nrwu, en opt-...... ..,. w AUTOCOAST ~..... .... chants Per.!iOnnel Aaeriei ANNOUNCeMENTS brown owrnl&ht ca.se. Back Rare colra, sets, mall auc-CLEAN-UP Speciallit! ~tov· ~~:ast~oo~~~ , 1974 Placentia, CM = S+day~~~~.40 La~ ;: WettclW Dr., NB.~ ~ and NOTICES ~--~ ~~'~· .... A,pt N. CM. tlon, eBclc. 741 s . Cea.st, La-tng, edging, odd j 0 b.. NOW HIRING + oommlsslon + P.M."s. BAKERY HELP. WW train son'" Jeweler;, 65 Hunting-r---;o-....,-----1 ' nicwwu • .....,...J..W guna. h. 6'--5585. Reasonable. 5f8...fi955 APPLY il nee. Full time. Apply loJ'I Center, H.B. Housek:Mper : s. Found (frH Ads) 6400 8 WK. Old black kitten, grey SERVICE DIRECTORY 333 E. 17th St., C.OSta 1t1:eu. morns. to Paul Tague, EXPERIENCED TELLERS 2 hrs. a da.y, lite worlr: • ! 1 blue eyes, vie. Diamond St., Johnson"• Gardenina: 53 MEN Snack Sho d k YOUNG m&le puppy, part Ba100a Jsl. 615 -6 6 81 • Appli1nce Repailrs Finest equip., expert care. 464 s. Main St., Santa Ana P Baktty, 3444 E. Full or P.L Ume. Apply in ays a wee $100.00 ..J:..r "~ J German Shepherd, well Reward Perts 6510 Planting, clean-ups. 962-2035 ALL WORK PUBLIC -~'-"-.-·~m;a, . _ . . _l ~q:1 .. -~~~:d"U~ ~;au'.~...:.,:)"-.~'"'"'- tr&Jne:d, hoose:brlcn Brown & ' Yamauchi Garden Servlce BA~Vrf/9~ ~.-.if~ pro-1 ool ueslfner to $IOO 3444 Via Lido, NB. 64a.27'i0 estclill Drive, N~. white. Vic NeWJX)rt lsla.nd. Person•ls 6405 e AUTOMATIC WASHER Free Landscape Cot\5\lllim!. .. :: ~ ~ ~,. -.•· ~UJonal ne:wapaper report-2 )TS. college + 2 yurs exp, equal opportunity employer 673-&l.55 REP~.lN e.~lmlM' ... ,,..._,....,... .., -lrf&: experience to lll!l'Ye u call OM MerchMts Pnnon-SAL.ES W o MAN . Ex· GIRL FR ID A Y, book', $-~~' v~ ~1:"'-~ '~···~·· ., ui.-.,., . ..,. ' .,,., . .,.~ ... ~-~1~' -·J• .... ,"" d ' LARGE OOMP•""' Jr. Ac:cro11t ExeeuUvt with ~l Az'ency 2043 Westcllff pericnce:d in ladie• -·dy to keeping/ 11ecretarial. Mon, Jo.}_, .... ·~~ . , • r· ......:.~.7~,-,,,.,. , -,.t•1'1'1"'1!' · 1''":""'1' · ·-• a ..... n11e G•r ner ..... ,... ..... w~ • VJC-'& 'Plat.enba, f1"1"" StJPRE'ME Appliance Re. Exper~~mpl yard service! EXPANDING IN l,)C8! P.R. Counseling firm. Dr., N.B. &G-2770 w-ear. Apply Mon thru Frl ~. Fr., 9-5. AP 25-35. ' CM. Owner clalm or tree to OU. pair, Refrlr, 'l'Ubl!n, dr,y. Free est. 548-7958, 546-072-4 ORANGE COUNTY 838-7497 MAINTENANCE "lnan. Ex· from 10-4, APROPOS· No. 96J2'13SJ IKNJ~•;,,,,,_ aood home. 642..s&:n d . en, Tom. 546-1363, $47-6691 !-===="==="==== SALF.S ~ needed at once, l per. in all phases of apart. 27. Town & Country, Orangll • · ~ FEMALE Puppy, b1k with H1ullng 6730 TOP PAY / men to 'WOl'k eves. No ta-ment npair far ·apl com-* RECEPTIONIST * Huntington Beach whL mar""'"'-Hu an •P. ' MICHAEL SCOTT Babysitting 6550 =="----':= ve•bnent, no e:ipert.,..,.. p1.,.,. Write PO Box '68, Part time. Age 19 lo 25. WOMAN for lull tl m • petite big as it is. Vic. HAULING, clean-ups, lots, Must be able to start lmmed· Good car neceuary. Cali CM, Calli., 92627 Accuni.te typing experience. employment In beauty aup- Fairview/Baker. &18-2733 BABYsnTING, ·My home. ganges, etc. Lrg truck, iately, CALL P ERSONNEL Mr. Flaherty, 526--6616 ' EXPER. Service itation at-Schock Boats, Newport. ply store. Some be:aut.y e1r MAS'ous Nke play room 6: fenced in handyman, anytime. Call omCE FOR INTERVIEW * EXP dlshwaaher I kit tendanL Apply: Richfield e 673-2050 e beautician exp'd requind. SlBERl.AN Silver HuU;y, vie ·-..oi n..1 .. I···-• -·-•-•. BOB ~A:: """""' 'IONDAY • TUESDAY EP Call aft 7 p m ~• -Jamboree Rd il Ba.ytlde, ,. ..... '"''"Y ..,,..., Lllol-.i .;-;-;;;;;--;::,,C.•~=,=,-== " "" • helper, !ull time. D EN· Station, Harbor il Hamlltol\1, EXPEFUENl.:E..n _ Ntwport · · ~ NB. Call to id en t t fy , Born to ~1r. & r.trs. W. G. Near We:stclitt shopping YARD/gar. clnup. Remove 774-7251 DABLE. -494-4898 CM Beach Orthodontic office, BAN'KProot Qp@rator/Qmi. 67>13'9 t-lai;tow of Fountain Valley area. Call 5@..4M8 trees, ivy, dirt, tractor back EXPERIENCED only _ "Benton's Coll~ Shop f · 64s.55S8 front desk. Send resume to put.er Oerk. Position no 1' 'TI'Ebi<;;;nt,;;:;;;;-p.;;;;;y: I ~o~n_:J~une~3~. ~6~10..~IB~IJ~"\Cf:!;"~L~ I WILL Bab)'lit my home 5 hoe, grading. 962-8745 fiberglass moJden 1 0 r 133 S. Cout Hwy, LB EXP'i) Serv1ce Station . full Daily Pilot Box M 354 available, at Securf1;y P• LITE brown terrier puppy, A-·-._ ...... t .... .i.. 1 1 wllh E $700 cific National B&nk, S. L.. male. Found vicinity Baker LICENSED .....,.., W't't"" l;'"ll:te:r.:>n School Cle•n Up and H•ulln9 s~ emp oymen Project "8ineer time, permanent. Hourly BABYsrrrER. my hbme, 5 iuna Branch. 499-222-4 • F'alr.1tw. C.rtt. Friday SplrltuaI Readinp, advtai atta, H.B. 'Good reler. $10 per load. 64~2528 ()(t'anographlc co. Apply Medi ability know drafting Wap + comm Is 1 Ion. dl,YI 4:Jl • 9:15 I 1bll11L 1 -="'ii~""';:.::..:;c,;o::=,,._ 5/90. 67!-4028 on all matters, 108 S. El .-!?36-<1='-'"""-,-~~---1916 P lacentia, C.M. + 2 rn. ~U*, call Dan UnHonn1 furnished. 990 E. art. 12 • 2:30. Call 615-0857 OFFICE -CASHIER BOSl'O-· --N-bw-,----.. -.-Je-m-,-1,-.' Camino Real, San Qemente WILL babysit days my Housecl11nln9 6735 U..OYOS NURSERY MerchalltJ Pe:raonnel A.ten-Coe.at Hwy, NB. 6444131 before 4:30 Part Time-Apply in P~ I" v l 492-9136.. lo AM·IO PM home, \V, Newport lln!a. \Vanted: Exp. landscapen 6 cy 2>43 WettcW1 Dr .. N.B. STUDENTS DREAM Job. Keep.,..,,,. im· -B1ACK STREET ' approx. 'I'll yn. c · .SPECIAL S2 READING Refs avail. Call 675--0857 CARPE:J'S. WlndoWs. fln, sprinkler men. Sal $6,lXXJ •• ~2770 Ideal ulC!S job. Work.......,,.. ....... .... , ,.. b ., 'w·il-e • .., ,aa:hion Ialand, NB Fairylew Rd. &c \Vilson. ... etc. Reg or Comc'l. Xlnt ~o .rv~ -~ .... , May 30. Ms.-6059 e\-es only Attra ctive Expert ~~='°"~-''-'°-·~----work Reaa! Refs. 54841n "°'()()) yr, Call for appoin~ ONE Alert upholstel'l!r hours from your home. mother & cam a wkly Housewives & Liilla YOUNG female. Collie. Vic. YOUNG WOMAN CHILD care 5 daya wee:k, mY 646-7«1 trainle: Apply In pemn to We train, 714-879-71&4 paycheck. ~. 636-3497 F.am $$$'1 part time. ~ TUst1n &. Santa IA.bel1e, dancer wW teach you all home. l'ofature woman. Ironing 6755 FRY Cook. wanted,' pUt J ohansen &: Christensen SEMI-ReUred man for sales * WAITRESS * Over ZI 10 am lo 8 pm &60li(: CM. 66-8259 lale!t •teps, c.an Arda1J ~1932 --~-----""'-'I time. Top W'agl!a. Rancbo 898 W, 16th SL N. B. A rentall of trallen. Apply Graveyard shift. Cont.ct ~12ll2. 17W51'1. ...• l~i:iji#jfi~;-;;miie-;;;~17"~:W~:~S!ll~-4SJl~'..:';·IO~PM~~ SU1o11\fERF'llnforyourlOds. •••••a••• I San Joaquin GolJ OJane, (corner..l6th1Monrevia)' at MESA MOTORS, 1628Mr ztmmer 673-Cl9'T1 GIRL Fridq -Gn. ~ lfl.UFFV PY Wn&le eat. AITRACTIVE •llm "-~-Toy a, -1 ... -• ._ rwlm· Ifl.ONINGS done in my 18021 Culver Rd. near UC . DIS H WAS HER wantrd Newport Blvd Ccsla Mesa , work. SIH not niq'd. c.11 Red colla.r. VM:. Green .,....""' 1......,., ....... .., hon1e. Excellent work, C?X· A1ik for Wayne 8J3..0ll2 • • BABYSrrTER w1U1ted Bal. 1 \Wley .. il(i2...391f Y.'OUld Hke to meet mine. Day or week. 53&--2453 i;:ellent referencta. You ' exp'd. ApP!y In pel"!IOn BIU8' EXPERIENCED Breald'ast & Peninsula 2 tine eona. Must or appoint. ~7'35 or ge:nUeme:n who enjoy out· deliver 6 plck-up. $1 per hr. FULL TIME MAN Dolphin Restaurant. 3355 Fry Cook. No SU?¥1a,yz, no be ft~ble. 675--5256 l-'96>-3948""'~;-,-,,-,,-,-,r....J. F !: MALE 1 Si am ea e · door aclivlli@L 40-50 \\'rite Brick, Muonry, etc. Costa ~ll!!lll, Newport Beach for nlghlL Apply Union Sta· Yla Udo. NB. nitea. Apply 512 W. 19th SL, \\'C.MAN to heJp car for Oiomla'l.e poinl Del Cerro Box 1'1415 Dally Pilot. 6560 area. &t2.-858l ~~~1 Newport Blvd. a:x>K. Dependable. Steady. CM'. Bi!!~~morn~ed·wee"'! wheel<halr paUe~~,lt , *""· scs..2l85 \VIDQ\\1ER w/ 2 chlldm (5 • • •••••••I 6.XIU Small dlMtt' house uper. TRAINEE Cook. General SA ' •••g159 "~ hsework, 1ood Wll ' & 10). emrlyd; Chriatla11 BU~LD. Remodel, Repalt IRONING =sER=vi=o:~=sr=A~A=Tl'=:=ru=-=n~-a:1 Spilt.shift. CdM. en.-.Tm HeJpeor. Apply tn penion • • area. ,_..... wakes.. 897·9123 t Lott 6401 home \\'ou1d like to meet Brick, block. c one re t e, Rea.a. l Da.y Serllice Pt Salary & comm. Tom DELIVERY drfvtr. Comm1. SW1M Chalet. 414 N. DRESS OPERATORS HSKPR. Uve-in. 5 ~ ~ INJtJR!J> Calleo lemale cat, lady for companionship. ~~ti;;°lt no Job, too~~ 146-4100" Sharp 613-3320 Bl·ueprtnt 15 h 0 p, Call Newport. NB Top Salary, Call 6t&Zlfi6 rm .. TV, 2 child. NewpQI bOb-tail. vie. Wt I 1 o n , Wr\te Deily Pilot Box M 418 . "1RO=N=1-N=c--°"'&'-''-aJ=1<-ra-.,,!io-n.-. HI-Fl Olmponent Sa1uman 541).9313 RESPONSIBLE perM>n to C ff A t RS I D E Dental u-Bch. &12.-JMO TbaJll. le CUpden Wy. LB. EUROPE & back -S300 • 8u1lnesa S.rvlCll 6562 BrlJ1a: own hangf!rs. Trainee. XlnL future. Call AUTO Mechanlc: For service operate parkina lot sweeper sllta.rtt. Experienced.' Atel:w:;;.,.ANTED;;:;;;;;,::.;:P,.,art,,..-""1"·-,-~ ,,.,-1 &A-7116 Round trip jet_ June t• thru 540-00'75' Mr. Van. 646-8897 • •talion. Salary I: eomm. nlthts. full time pe.nn, 21 to 26. H.B. area. SU-491l maid for nict bu-. BLACK to white male doe. SepL \. ,,._.... PROFESSIONAL "l)>plrc: !:;========= WAITER 61S-'6M 546-1197 DENTALSEC/RECPT . Call Mi.41112 Vk wave st. Lquna. ALCOUOUCS Anofl)'mCIU ne11t, accurate, prompt J1nltorial 6790 Karam·1 Restaurant SALESMAN I: cene.ral Kennel man, over 35. Apply~. 25 toe. Exp."nec. MEDICAL uWtant, r.i Rftanlt Nanc:r 49f-7909 Phone 542-72:17 or writ• lo eervlct, proofrf:ad. mlnorw ·-=------,-, -501 30th St., NB helpu rar nurwry. In pttwOJ\, SPCA, 7Q6l2 La· * 54&-300l * oU.ice. Part Urne, m~ ·ti I ___ ,_ • _.._..._ P.Q; Bmr 1223 Coata Mesa. «lillna. dictation, IBM Ex-A \VlndoW&, oora. DRAFTSMEN, •-ml n"~. • &..l~l'l'Pl-4 • IUn& C'nyn ftd, I '"' Bch \VIDOW or alnrl& l11d)' to experienced, 6-4fi...4461 ,..-_.., _u:o._ ecutlv.!. AC-SlO'J carpel!. Commercial " """ ... _. VW"V•• - (med •lml $129, "Ondcr'". COUPLES. 'Ina:'"; 'cnelyt rt:sldentlal. Dally, ""cekly for pt lime draftlrC ln No. SERVICE al.Ilion attendant CX>U.. MEN, Summer work. live-in, Ute hou~kceptni. LICENSED 1hampoo ctrt ~ 67S.Q3S, f'1l....ffOO. New in an11? Join the P1nl lullden 6$70 and/or Mo. 897-7350 Huntington Beach.. 842-I"88 over 21. 2801 l;. O>t.at 89.1)', Scholanhlp opp, S1~ '>l>'k mutt drive:, !'!:(. 5J&.3S52 top pa.y, Newport Sliu! Pt.ACE 7dJt wnt md wbere" to tun• plt!allllft OON'T JUST \\'!:;ti for .ome. YOUNG man wltb Initiative C4M. ~ ruar. comm. Call M:Z.-1403 GRMT. Fact. be.Ip. Ope:r.. Atta. 64.Z-MS7 Ibey 11'1 looadlW -DAJLY -::-.::'•""'.,.."'='"":;.::1,;•:..,,..,..,,.. * CARPENTRY thing to lumls:b your home for l'tltaurant w or le · FULL T 1 me de:llcatesstn TRUCK Driver. m1111;t know srcl needle: • spec macho l'oJANAGER amall drelHbop PD.OT d•.S&dJ IGn J'ar Dal4' Pilot Want Ads .t GENEIW.. R!:PAtRS' ••• find !Pftl buy1 ln to-545-1686 ma11. !.Qays wk. See Te.rry, Oni.np C.OUnl)', mu.st be preMers. 64:a.2666 o/3S, Xlnt d~a / ..,orti' WMit ........ , DualaU. ow I0667ll flit' RESULTS cau Dan &Q..'™'5 att 5 day 's Outilied Ack. Ol.a1 &06S7I b RESUlJl'8 -E.. lfth St., Coeta )Isa nllabl•. 666-2700 DAILY PIWI' WANT ADS! wear~-52W13li ~ , ' I ~· ' -. a.EJUclt: ·CLERK TYPISTS NEWPORT llGBITl y lllfDED ••. PUBL IC NOTICE· • Typists arian Dita Macf\lnes, Jo. cated tn the lrY1he lndmt. rial complex, hu lnunedl· •~ openlrwa: fo r 2 clerk typllU. Now lnte~iewing • R9fll'O ~ COSMETIC SALES • Secretorlts i . • •• Assetnbl9n These lJlia:nmtntlJ are 1n our pqbllcation, a11d E.D.P depe.rtmtnts. Good lypln& ~ lkills and previous clerical EXPERIENCED ONLY • MTST Op«aton ruu. TIME • PIX OpMaton work experience desired. U you have 1*n aecutorn. We olle, a food sta.rtiaa Ill. ed to worlrinc with tbe fin. ary wftb an excellent bene-~ cl1entele a.net m~ lit Pf'OIJ"&lll includq 12 dile, )'OU w\11 enjoy the . days V¥2tkln durlns the eiccellent opporlunlUes and first year of employment. comPMY benefit.I ottered Ylriln Ull by th" ..,, ..... m1chines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY Apply in penon only lntervlew1 between 2..S PM #1 FASHION ISLAND Work when I who ... you w...tl INTERIM PWONNEI. SERVICE 415 E. 17th St. Co1ti1 Men, Calif. '42·7523 2722 Mlchol..., Drive EXPERIENCED (Adi: to Or•t;'ll' Ca. PART TIME · Interviewing Airport) Mon. thrv Fri. Irvine, C•llf. '2164 • • ·• TELLER I •.m. lo ·5 p.m. An equal opportunity Equal opporturdty emplO)'ft' emplo,.r M • F UNITED CALIFORNIA i~"""';i;ii"'"'"'"""""•I BANK .Electronics HUGHES MAIDS - INSPECTR£SSES . SEAMSTRESSES u.,... 1""""' "°1.i. E:cpert· ence lleCffArY, NEWPORT BEACH pPeninp ~ on lit & 2nd 1 ahilta Exp'd power machlne ope11o Apply in person, Mimi King HYBRID & INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ~BURS HUGHES • ~~"..'.:. "~ .. .=' 1::' The Newporler Inn ducts. Top wages. pd hoU· days, vacations, ins. Xlnl 1107 Jami>otft Road wolking CODdiUons. Apply Newport Beach ~ack: Cole Co., 176.l Placen.1----"c..;..==.-- tia Ave., CM. 646-Zm EXPERIENCED Equal opportcmtiy employtt DKOIATOI Gm CANCE!! Atioil Of 11, WXUIY APAITMINTS Spllillll & Mt'diterr•• Fumitult • All 'IUND NEW --~--·-""; . • ......... a.; .............. '!. ... . """"""I·~· .... ". .......... I .. ... . ................. . ... --tll'lf. .............. """ -T ,_~"110:-Ui.Hj'"""""'-· ~ ~ ... , ......... , A decorator dream t.iuse on displey - 3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish fu rniture (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • S398 MO MONC't '*· l l QUIUD -WI' CAA.lllY CMt OWN ACCTI. mm RJRNITU~E 1844 Jlewport Blvd.11a:. ...... , Cost1, Men only • l"'Y Mith! 'TU t-W.._, Sit. & S... 'Tl 6 ---------------. JOBS I EMPLOYMENT JOBS I EMPLOYM!Nl Jobe-Mon, Wom. 7500 School•lnstructlon 7600 DESK CLERK CASHIER - Larie luxury hotel, good sal- ary, 5 days. Mlllt be exper- ienced on Nrn 4200. Apply in person only. The Newporler Inn ~ Days week. Stamp De- partment. Prefer knowledge of stamps. APPLY PERSONNEL OEPT. Fashion l1l•nd Newport Beach Equal Opportunity Empt~r newport . personnel a9ency Profasslonal S!lrvlce for the employer and the •pplicant, 133 Dover Dr:, N.8 . '42-3170 549-2743 * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! Must have clean CalUomla driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL Costa M~sa Profe11ionol Employment A11i1ti1nce COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snellin& I: Snelling, Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, CM ~ MONTESSORI 1: Pft..School children acoep~ y e a r round. A&es 21ii to 10. Call: 6*-371l6, 5'1.sl97 VOICE preparation fo r popular or Cla.alcal slngin&. Beginner t b r u advanetd training.~ - Educational Vacatior. 4th graders • • • Sr Qtlz;ens Chilcoal 10 Jes.on typing Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Mar C.M. 548-~ THEATRICAL 7900 SCRAMLETS ANSWERS Virtue -Oaken -SID.le - Colony -CUCKOO /.JI optimist who's ''tar- eore": He looks tor ea. tn a CUCKOO clock." MERCHANDIS! FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOOO UOUIDATORS FOR BANKS-FINANCE 00'1 E5rATES.MODEL HOMES QueUty Furniture Blinka Can't Deposit Fum. They Demand C•shl R19•rdl111 Of Lo11 I Sponlsft.Modltorrano•n Maple-Mahogany· Modem Brand name bedrooms I. king or arzy" ai:.e box springs le mattress. custom ma.de IOfa.s I: love seat~. exquigjte dining rooma & hutches. Guaranteed frostfree retril· era.ton:, color TV'a, late mo. del waahers le dl'Jft'S a.re all on sale at sacrlfice pric. •• BUY ANY PIECE OR HOUSEFUL Warehouse Siie • . VALUES NEVER BEJ0RE SEEN!!!\ Teaiifng Do~ BuDdlng-"Must Be Out Right . A .. way •••••• Contractor Says. SALE-Stock ANOTHER LANDMARK. GOING 0 H d 0 I TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW BLDG. n an n y * SPANISH and MEDITERRANEAN * AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!!. No Down, Terms To Mfft Your luclf9t. lank Finonclng, Master Charge, lank of ArMrlca or Store Cha...-. ONE OF ttiANY ., SPECIALS olso motching coffu tabl. ond commode-same price TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST ALL • • • • • • • • • •• • G1m• Sets • Dining.Jloom Sots • Bedroo~ets • Livin9 tRoOm-Sets • Corner Units • T1blos • Lamps • Recliners • Decorative Sponish Choirs • Buffot w /chino tops, Mediterranean • Pictures • Wrought Iron • CoffH T obits ·•Commodes • EVEN. THE BUILDIN61 * Room Groups at Terrific Savings! * APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA, PHONE 5.41·96'0 DAILY 9.9, SUNDAY 10·5 -12 yean same location -I01119 OWMn -------------------------·-------·-- Furniture 8000 Furniture VINYL rocker, hauock $20. Wood tbl. le 3 chl"I. S1IJ Gd. tltt1 -15, 14, l1 u ea. am Santa Ana. St., Apl D. CM. , MAilOG. drop teat tbl, tu1tom pad, 4 upbol. cha1rl. Xlnt. contt. ,JlOO. After 5 pm m-4915 I 8000 Garage Sile 1022 Gor•IO S.lo ~'"'' ___________ ___,, _________ ...... ___ =~-----· ·---::-,ir ' • . ~ DAil Y I'll.OT ~4.-5,. lM ._, ll'OltTATION TV,Nll'OUATIOH -AUSTIN HEALEY •••• ·--·ft·-··LI! AUD rn•ftl!~ .c~~~.].Oll ~ FREE-o YOU --·~ -~ ~ .._ '~" l-·-,...,.--....,.'--,,....-iS.1"9,m 90,0 ,,,_..yclet t:IOO Imported Aul°' l600W-C,~ MOO EXQUJSJTELY Muled. StllAYcat...U,-i:va• PRl.SUMMIR ~I RONDA900s'crambler TRANSl'OllTATION Ulild C1rs 9'00 lllO l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiimmiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pitt -kl It" -....,,. ...,. au "" NOW OI< DISPL.\Y modJllid for dirt Knob1>1•/ ''Lwt--Y-------. 0.-k F u R N I T u R E ~ ~ =.i. "t: l!!i'" ~~.;.. ~ ~~ ~ :::::: = :-t .. :;.~""s.a":"':u'::: tabl ... ""1 top -· chain, o:wT 6/S ~.,~ l/S CXlRONAJ)() ;y ...... $1U15 "'- docks. Must be clcand at \\/!; Are IDC)Ylrw. ~ PLEASE-comt 6'JetP.I Wt ORDDl NOWll 1--.*'°'SEM;;;-l;-;:CllO;;:-.PP=ER;;;-•-:-- wboaelale pricn;. To ~ mother A $ betutlful kittena haw only a few ~· lt}t of CX>RONA.00 30 1956 BSA.A 10 B50 cc Rdluilt roorn for new shipment I ~lovlnc bomtl. Weantd Ute un1ea we can ftDd: a S..v. on &mos tb:la weekend F"lint· ~~ ca J l 1,dte.r 4 Publlc weloomc. 208 A u c T I 0 'N • \nod.,.., delcr1ptlons home,~• att 3 \0.._, looJ SABOTS,Now,c.mpl<i.126:; j>.m .. * . m.:!9511 Newport Bhod, CM SU..7383 . ~' 6n hatred kittens. CT3-&tM sn Ne=~~t Hia~o y AM A JIA_. Ric Bil' at VICJ'QRIAN 1 et t e tt & 2 -MALE . kittens: 1-bor.mcy WOULD you bclUve' a dart-• Scrambler, late '66 good AUmll-ltWEY '67 MERCEDES BENZ '56 M.cn.-edel l!O SL. $825. mw tires. palnt. ttblt' q ., 61f>.7S29 3000 Mk DJ AM/FM radio, nr. nu radia1 tlrft. (THF-M,,._ TJ9) This sparldltli blue "" conv. must be the most im-1---------· 1 maclllai. MK lll anywhere. MG UIN'.D, '6) Ve.ry low mllcq:e. rllV..,..I~ $2999 matc:blna' cha.in $'100. Heavy I ball of lft)' A-white Dutt & ing Dif:god 'puppy? Pllrl $54ll:-<i>nd. Inc. helmet' $(@. blond Birds ~ maple -J.-clwns).. hut cu <Id I ) .. , cocker/Dacblwtre h a l r , f" ~ Jim. !':,."5-"':,;.,::':!;,, t;;',~ THURSDAY NIGHT ::"' ~ .. ~ "'f,; = nallf c "':i; 21· FiG Aux';'5' ~"'1<&'°"'6S0"',00"'cc""-cc"™=""'-1j"70-.-,":: BILL MAXEY Bti'&h~ YeUo""V t1nlah. reconct. like n e W. D:oeptSol)&lly cliiari & eound car at a low pJ.k.t.: (lfK~97 ) $899 =· :::!. ~t~m·c~ 7 30 p M SHA. ·RPll ~r:=:~te ~:'::':.: :OC~1 :p!~~~~~·:?i: =·:::~: J!',st Hon-!TIOIYl6!T!AI ~!~\et<ly .. .-: • • I •• hom•. ~2!06 616 c.11 \ ll20 2:'6Jtea°"""ritci".':.i ""'s~:\111 ml. llUI BEACH BLVD. 811.L MAXEY ~ 2 IJ)(>RABLE amber w/ · Make oner 9B2-0m Hunt. BtKh 147.&555 S.wlnt M1<hlM1 1120 ¢L kiltent,. 6 wits old. BEAtrrtruL Pur•bred LVNG tate 2 wb Sac '67YAMAHA80Trallmas !mlN_olCoutHwy.on Bch I ITIOIYIOITIAJ Inspect EARLY w e a 0 e d A h 1 b r k n • slame1e Sea.lpolnt kittena a is ·64 •westwlnd a,. aia!: Street/trail. l ,OOO mt. i;;;: I "'======="' As We Sell QUICKLY! .... .,,. 611 =• ....,,. 110 .. ch. ""°' .,.,.., mo.,.., .a11 6T.l-06'9 BMW 1ui1 BEACH Ill~;. SAVE SSI on new Z!&-Zag, CARPENTERS "'Ol'kbe:beh. 3 equip, lncs. new 2.5' ott YAMAHA 80 Trailrnuter Hunt, Be.ch 147~ Automatic 1tralght stitch lg. drawer 1, needs Cop ll25 &hate mooring kff')al• Lido Oean, many Xtras. SJ.Ji '68 BMW 1600. AM/FM 3 mi N. of Cout 1-lwy. on Bch ..... ,. machl"" ""'-'ble AOK Commission Gallery "'-"""'· 644--0224 after hie Joe. 12225. 6T>368S ... 67>am ..... SWuool. "'"' '67 MGB & <ab!net models. Yo Old 5o>J 61S p Upp y 833--0386 oood. • ~ Sewing Shoppr, 35lll E. m2 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD •======== R<l•t w;th oover ~ wU. ~ _,.,. TQAt Kittens. 2 on.nre. l Id 'I 1 · -Trailer, Travel 9425 DATSUN w~Is. Excellent condition. ca.st Hwy. CdM ... ~ I Block West of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. blaci<. 0.., 1, "'-'· 6 mo. • • • c white male Spoocl--Skl Botts 9030 1-:---'---"-....C.-"C 1009 SINGER with zir-iag & !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! Sandbox trained, 7 wks. C.OCke~ Pu r people TENT TRAlLER. 2 rms. Ont)' 3.1,000 miles, We, GJ:IS. walnut CONOie. Makes but-548-2462 6n (esJ>tti ), Must se_u 12' RUNABOUT 35 h manua]J.y toldlna: Xtra hvy. '67 Datsun 623· $lltS . l600 becau.se we have too maey Johnso ' P can ..... ~ t ....... .. ton holes, designs etc .. S5.25 Pianos I. Org1n1 1130 M11cell1neou1 SILKY Black 1:· white kitten d $10.00 to rOOd home n, remote controls, vas, "'"""' s .... _e ~ Station WG.CJO .. R Holiday 1969 Hari>or Blvd. l ~mo;;:;,· =•r~$36~.00;,:cuh:;~· =5$-66:=:;16:, 11-;;;:;;;;;~;;-;;:-;;;;;;;;; . I wants Jo v In&: home . p~ 962-1007 alter 5 p.m. • co~plete ref In i s"'h. ed . $225. Ewa or wk end II Costa Mesa 64U023 PIANO. OLD UPRIGHT 3 PC ldng inze BR set, new Hsbrken, ~aned, shots. Trailer. $700. 643-5495 833-Cl544. All original, 4 spd, dlr, radio Muilul Inst. 1125 RECENTLY TUNED $175 $450, sell saM>. Frplc set w/ 646-7647 6/S OtrrSfANDING Je. German 14' SKI Boat I: ski eqnip 1;1968=-s"po=ra"mas,,.-"t,-r-cK~lt-cl?='A' heater, like new! $75 Cash 6.1 MG Midit'I. Excellent e646-8463e screen, basket &: tools. $35. Shep. puppy. Parents on Mer Marl!: 75-A eng Elee. long compl self cOnta.ined dels, pymnls $39.00 010, cond. New 5eat.s, ftttnt DIG Ovations' Balladeer • 1----,l°'N"ANTE;"o"""--New set of 4 cha!rs. scats & GOOD home needed. for i preml&es. $30. ~1·9936 after starf. Ir controls.. Xlni Cond'. $2195. Will trade in on Pm'. VHG 014, call Ken , 494-9773 overhaul. Price • Pe n . backs: red, $4. 2 BR hang-kittens, l. Seal-point, 5 p.m. ;s.so 536-8015 perty. Call alter 4 PM '67 DAJ'UN a-ta-7404 Glen Campbell1' Choice; SPINETS It GRANDS Ing lamps no ea. Girls gra,ylwllt, long fluffy hair. LAB Retr. 1 yr, male. obe-• 548-7478 ' .I --,.~56~M=G"'A-good-,--cood=-. -1 lndestrucl:ible a1 a bowling 63S-36al bicycle, lrg size $10. Deep 10 wks, trained. 673-401') 6/7 dlence trained. o .. a .... for SMITH BOAT RE~AIR , . Drafted! $600 or ball, exciting as your firsl fryer $3. !WZ-3171 AFFECTIONATE female field Owner tr~~ Flberglaslng A: pamting 15 ARISTOCRAFT Lo Liner. SEDAN best offer. 673.-2330 strike. Strike It rich with Hi.Fi & ,Stereo 8210 dog excellent companion -· Free Est S.7-5453, 546-5556 Top oond., brakes &: Xtraa. the amazing b ti -sou n d ---'------MOVING. Pond fish, all for• older ,._.son. Good CHAMPION bred female $ll50. 549-0022 or 642-6923 roundback pitar-easint, TABLE s Brand kinds: and sizes 35c to $10, r-· English BuU ARC reg lo T II fullest ever to play. Other ~!Sears Si:~~~ t 0 n e. water Illy $5. 26" Schwinn watch-dog. 548-9583 617 Loves cblldre~. 545--2951 · •t rt trs 9032 Trucks 9500 guitars from U7.95. LaWst kl .,_~ k racer. 2 sp. SlO. AMF bowl-4 KJTI'ENS black & tiger, '3 • 1---------'-- groups on CUSf)tler. C&Met-2-tone Bl Brn. ~a er, ing ball & cue $8. UHF male 1 female Please save Afth•n Hound Pupp .. 1 BOAT ~Uer with winch I: 1955 GMC '*' T pickup. GD:! te player radio $39.50. 4-Speed$70.Call6TJ--074l antenna Yagi $6. 1949 them' from 0 tbe pound: AKC reg, good quality apare \\heel, 450 lb. cap., condition. Call after s, , .... ., 00 all Instruments PACKARD Bell stereo con-Republic, et.I. &U.-4809 342-lOO& 616 * 962-9989 • alm011t new. Re as on. 96S-ll?5 """""" to.I Xlnt nd $95. 847-7447 "==-=-=,.-,,,,---,o,,,-by qualified profeaiona1 e. co · BICYCLE, Men'1 10 speed DADDY ii allef&ic to Lamb IRISH SETTER Pup1 56 FORD panel. New tires, 4 speed. Full factory equipp. ed. TuP 945. $1295 ATLAS OIRYSLER -PLYl'l10UTH 2929 11ARBOR BLVD. mwslelan. The 1'tu1dc Man 642.-29'16 Peugot, 27" frame, hardly Chop. BeautUuJ fluffy "'hite 9 wks, AKC. s.q.sos;, Bo t M • t 9033 brks, radiator It 62 en:i;. on Balboa Peninsula. 813~ used-more like new. Chaln cat w/black tail Please &:ive BASSETT PUPS 1 ••n tntnce Xlnt cond. $650. 543-3622 E. Balboa Blvd. 673-5261 C1mtr1s •Equip. 1300 lock, interc~able kata him a good home. 494-1586 AKC. 545-7008 YACHT Maint. paint, ·62 G~fC % ton, V6, PB. PS, 1 __ o-'"'-";;D;;".,"<o'c;;'t'i'ilol;;;O-'pc..m_. Guitan: • Amps • Drwn1 LEJCA 35 mm, Rolleicord inc. $80 or best offer. All 6, MASKED Bandits. Kittens, varnish & "'OOdwork. Quali-A/C, R/H $900. 543-5372 or '69 DATSUN <X>STA MESA 546-1934 MGB MG Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Models J1 rtt1p o11 31t 11 p Ll l'l ,; NE\V AND USED box camera, xlnt cone!. call £3>.l43'1 ar 639--0755 calico or tabby _& buH. Hones 1830 ty work, :reas rates! 837-4104 Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead 12 MAJOR BRANDS Focu. ........ t '°' Rolleicord. KNlmD FABRICS \Vh.ilc face, chests, toes. · 548-9736 to.63=rn=EVY=~p-, .. -1 ~,.,,-,~k-,~uto cam eng .. dlr, ~ spd, radio, llOC w. Coaal Hwy., N.B.. •·· M t A .. ...., ~9965 •6/6 BEAlJJ'IFUL 7 )'T o Id • heater, \\'SW :ires, loaded! 642-9405 S40-176t A.,., any mports l 54&.-6366 gelding p1UI' some tack. JACK'S Electronic Service trans. $675. days. 673-6255, 2200 Mile s, under factory Authorized MG Dealer BIG DISCOUNTS ..,.FOR SALE AOORABLE puppies, 6 wks. Kids heartbroken $350 or Electrical repair, remod, eves It wknds 673-0693 "'arTanly. Bal tr fine. ;ins. ~~~c~~~=--1 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Sporting Goods 1500 Remnant&, samples I Mill old 3 white, 1 brown, part best otter. 548-0lTI • new lnsta.1;1.atlon. SC-3329 1969 FORD% Ton Taite $75 cash dels, or older '68 MGB 2 To Choose D-cb M s'c Center -"--------~ Sat 0 I • I 2 Husky, 548-5896 alt 5 MUST SACRIFICE! car. LB YN\V 087. Call Bill Both are covered by factory UV8 U I BICYCLE-Man's 10 speed, enul . n Y a.m. o PM I 616 2 BOX stalls with cmral I: 1 Bat Slip Mooring 9036 546-0957 ft 5 warranty. One is black. One p.m. 979 Baker, Costa Mesa. box stall wth shared corn!. -a ·'"""634~~~· =~=""'== I is \vhlte. Each is fully equip- Daily 12 noon tUl 9, Sal. 9-5 near new i65 p. F. c 0 11 i er TO GOOD home 0~ S.A. Hgb. 54Q-.5289 NEAR Pavillion w/ ac· 1969 DATSUN 1600 Convt. peel. Each car is in show- 174()( Beach Blvd. (Hwy. 39) ""'..,.,"*.,,.:64.;:S-;,1=::071.;:;_*..,.,...,7: I Encyclopedias w/bk. cast!. stripedd lemal~ kd1t7t en~.: TRANSPORTATION commodate 16' boat, $200 In Jnps 9510 Fully equip. 6,flKI miles. room condilion. I'ii:miso,SanDlegoF'wy. BRA ND Ne w H obie Neverused.Yrbkforevery 'veane lttre.ine, weefUj advance June thru Dec, , r 67s.-53Maft5 Huntington Beach 847-8536 surlboard 9'6", Best offer. yr until 1975. $200or best or-old. 53&-661.0 alt 5 Pll.f 616 Bo..tt & Yichtt 9000 then renewable. \Vater & 68 Jeep Wagonee 546-5318 fer. 675-3909 aft 6 &: wnds. PAIR AKC Iona: coat elec. 673-4303 4 w~J drive, one o~r. ENGLISH FORD FENDER Piggy Back1-::==:====== Ch'h ahuas free to ~ .37' F/B Express ,64 low mileage, absol~tely like Bandmastc1 Amp with 21 • MOVING: Complete baby 1 u 6"""' 3 PR NE\VPORT slip for rent. new. V-8, automahc tran&-1 ;;;~~;::;;::;;;:::;~=~ cw;t 15", 35 lb. Jenson Miscellaneous 1600 shde bl'onzing o u If it. home. Approx. wgt. 6 lbs. IVATE Priv. Pfll'king. $2.SO per ft. mission, power steering, I' gpeaken. $250. 540-4088 or Includes shcnv case & 968-l045 DOUBLES Up lo 35' sail wlnamiw power brakes, laclory air, ORANGE COUNTY'S 962-5636 * AUCTION * mounls. $150. lakes all. SIAAIESE blue point female. TS 225's. Onan, aulG-beam. 642.-9202 warren hubs, heavy duty VOLUME ENGLISH 1968 Fender Busman 2-12" ~19'J8 Born Christmas, to good pilot, TV, etc. Electric FREE use of 50• slips in NB rubber, overload springs. FORD DEALER Heavy Duty. Excel. CorKI.. FRIDAY -7:30 PM IB~t elec tyvewrlter $37.50. dogless home. 962-7898 611 gallM"u· s"'r"B· EH/SCO.,._LD r. for oceasJonal ' use ot lS 1o Lie. No. VLF457 SALES -SERVICE $300. or best offer. 1113\~ W. JUNE 6th · Rcmin&;ton 10 key add'g 3 FLUFFY kittem are look· 53' power or sailbt. 673-3233 $3799 '69 MODELS Balboa Blvd. NB Lovely Bedroom sets. divans, mach. $ 3 9, 5 O. 149-G lng for happy borne. Pis caU e PACIFIC·YACHT SALESe or ~7257 Immediate deli~ Yamaha, 4 string Bass chairs, chest ol drawel'S, Rivel'Side NB. opp o 1 I 1 e 61'3-lOTI. 6/S 3446 Via Oporto, Newport NEED S1de tie fDr 23• boat LARGE SELECTION Guitar, nearly new. dinctli's, lamps, pictures. Greyhowxl Bus stat. Adorable puppies l2µ) 597-5568 (n4> m 157o Balboa Isl or vie. can Gary Theodore $100. * 642-i8'i8 aft 5. cocktail !ables, Color TV, BARGAIN! Memben:hlp in 64&-1071 30' CHRIS Craft, laPttr&ke, 213-245--4{119 colleet. ROBINS FORD FULL Lod . dnl Foodarama sided by sidi.>, Newport Biaeh Tennis Club. 6/7 min screw, f!y br'ldp, dual l-~~ANTED==~30=-5=:-,•~ set wig ms, f . h -,;;--.:;::---,=:;;--::;:;=I con-•-, •lee ~•-ra·~. • W ' LIP ·id ·i bal " XI re ngerators, sloves, \\'as · $700 you pay tranlfer fee. ...., 1 uvui •-cu-._,. ....,... Pri p Z1 l an cym , '"tras. nt ers, gas dryer, i;url board 642-3417 aft 3 pm. OLD Sola -small chi d's Great Marlin fiahil"l!J' boat. 11' Beam. v. arty cond. $150. 546-6163 dresser. 122 Turquoise, Bal Southwlnd ''-"-· T•.rmlnal • 61$4392 ANYTIME • arid ~tUCH J'i.fORE~ ! ,......,,. HARMONY guitar, lovely COJ\tE BROWSE AROUND SALE-Furnishillg!I, mi 1 c' ts.I JslA....i N G 32 213 HU !\loving oul of at ate. I•=· ;;-;:-=:::;7-'.:::-;;::= ....... o. · : loat-Y acht 2060 I-I.arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 lone, "''ilh cll5t'. Cost SO?, WINDY'S AUCTION FRE~ lo rood ~me. Female 3-3434 Chirtl-9039 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 asking $35. 494-7696 e\·erylhing goes! 213 12th Tern-poo puppies. 897-1298 14' WOODEN boat for the •• 1910 HARBOR BLVD. '67 FIAT 5 PC. drum set, blue swirl, SI., HB. 53&-3976 after 6 p.m. "lixu-upper" • no motor • BWEWATER CHARTERS COSfA M.E&\ ISO Coupe FIAT $150. 2075~~ Newport Blvd. 90 YARDS Gt>ld carpeting DOG, mixed b~. approx. 8 $100. 15• boat trailer-sood 27' Trojan, Power '67 BRONCO Wagon f wheel Special wheels, 4 spd, dlr. Mike Slain 494-4871 S.10 pm Behind Tony's Bldg. f.fafls $3.00 yard. Good condition. mOli. Part Chihuahua. Good condition-$125. 6 7 s-o 8 o s 26' Thondublrd. Sail drive, 6 cyl., radio, heater, plush black interior, AM/ Martin 12 l!trlng guitar, Cosla Mesa * 6'J6.8686 962-T~ Mon, Wed,· Thun. with children, 56-2653 6/5 v.reek nighta 5-9, Saturday Sldpper avail. StS..0000 rear seat. Red wilh white FM radio. $l2a Cash dels or 0 12-35, Uke new! With ~=O_P,_E~N"D=Al~L~Y.,.•=to-•~~ I 646-3621 Tues, Fri, Sat. CUTE mall! & . female kit-and Sunday I a.m. to 8 p.m. . hardtop. S 1 ' 8 9 5 . CaU older trade. LB VllE 743. case S325. Call 897-5173 * • MIXED BAG *.\lo DIAMOND 3 row "''edding lens. \Veaned &. trained. 14' RUNABOUT, 40 HP Mobile Homes 9200 879-6088 CaU Kl!n 49i-9773 or 545-0034 ring, 2 els T.\V. Have apprsl 9963 615 ~"-·de ~ ll t CLARINET Householdandpersonal S2000. sell $500 cas h. 54&-..,,.,, ... ,u · ._ct ~n con-BAY HARBOR Cimpers 9520 '67 FlAT 850 Spyder. Xlnt Call aft 6 pm, 545-1540 items., including Honeywell G73-3600 TWO. 1 wk. old kittens. one dl~k>n. New custom cover, M bile Home 5 les j;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;, I mechanical eond. PilMI I Or91nt 1130 Ill land ~~ fth •·tt blk ...... _.. painted bottom. Fast, dry 0 e 642 9421 * e .:::n .• ru-.e w .... eryD =~w=to"N~D'""P'°~---,-,.,-amna=· -s. white, one /wht lu"~· and safe. Best 0 f I er I Ca.1111. Loma Roll-Away .,. -case.~4 x 5 film hoklen, 646-4987 815 L"'>C ~all 5,30 ·~-ton Mano. r. llomette. CAMPER "'bl •·· ""' 1 Cost $495, sell $125. .,,~ .,.,,., ... eonve.u e .....,--'-''O 6 ADORABLE kittens. 1 Kit • Prestiae • Sahara Sel•I • Rentels PIANO SALE stools, polaroid swinger cam-* 67>-1111 * week,, old. East Bluff. t.1'UST Sell 20 ft . Performer ALL SIZES Authorized Dealer NEW ••••.•... ·-·--·. USED era, maple c~st and mirror. ./ Will rent my Newport Beach 644-1006 615 boat. Jn/out drive 'v/lrir, NOW ON DlSPLAY Eldorado • Four \Vinds G __ , e "·-··I e S · t ca!! and bowling: ball, full ?<.IET/\L DETECTOR -;;:;;i--:;:,-;:;;;::::· -;;:;;;;:;;-; Full 8' stern. See lo 1••• "·k St "·-ud ,.., 1115 '-"'""'cs 'pine 5 wig and case, maple bed by the day. Call 548-04.'.iO 6 \VK. old kitterus. Penian I: -iate! $2250. 675-4098 .. '"' ~ er • Scotsman • ,_.u,.c a Practice PWios from $125 Sittmese rnill:tun:. E~: , , . , 'l.i block East of Harbor Blvd. 8' Cabover LQw As • , ..•...•••.••..•• \VAS NO\V !rsme'. dishes, bed spread, HAIRPIECE 644-292B 615 67 32 Chr:bi CorinthtaJ\, fully on Baker S799 Starr Studio $445 $295 rug, bird cage, utensils, and 4;1. bro\\'n, human hair, 2S" l;;o,;;;:;;o-;-:-;::::::;-;:;;;;;= equip'd. like new l2000 tor Costa Mesa jn4l 540-9f70 Model # 6tXI Knabe Prvv &rnd $?r;i0$ll95 other ilems. 9t6 Park Ave., fall · like nei\'. 545-0942 2 \\'HITE &·honey colored equity. Call da.)'• 737~1h==='"'"'"""'""-I Theodore Otlck<riog IJ"•od S'l395 ll72S 1.og,., Bcaoh. <>t-9822 ========I mat• kltt•n•, 10.,. hair<d, 2 Mr. OW<o. Nigh" 543-2434 GREENLEAF PARK ROBINS FORD Aeolian Grand S159& $1088 Misc. W1nttd 1610 monlhs old. 83&-4493 6/5 ROTOTYPE & 1 t in clear, clean, cool Costa -- lll;A!;,,••-~ -k P a c ? 1 ~ Mesa, New 92 llP&Ce adult 200) Harbor Blvd ._,..,.,,._.i!F!!ltlP!!'"""'""'-· 1,.·~~-!"·~-!!"'°'i"""l!""'-""'(J,-.;.,"'\._...,_.,_.~-. ...._ , , . KITI'EN, Female, blac · 2nd's. a~· dlnghys, 12 tri park. Models&: Sales office Cos&a Mesa siz.ooto Chickering CoT1J. $1395 $69.i ll ;,C WE PAY~61t~-~».) ~t~~~~ ... b _a~ ~ ~U. 2117 Soulh Lyo\ n Ji£:alrd at Park. Open 9 AM'""'""'"!!!!!""!!!!!"""""""' FERRARI •67 Ferrari 330 GTC Gorgeous red 2 place w/ black glove leather inter. nf multiplex radio, po'ver ='~!:: a~t:d:e~ on a new Ferr.tri. Must see & drive to ~lleve. J1rtupoll S I I C I d B I fa h" w· -4 KITTENS to &ood h<lmes. 2 15' LARSON 1968 \VI 65 hp ACCENT MOBILE camper or steeper to-Ut1.989 ~, ~~~~~:ANY -'~~R~45 CASH M!Mr.fO.) ..--·-~:!(. Sft..eim -~,. 1'o~6"'PM. ol • ;,WANTED: ~ used N'!:r!ny ;~::u. .. B~a~ S IOn ICJS male, 2 female, 10 wk1. old. Mere. Ntw cond. Cust. HOME SALES a• Ton B' long pick-up. f.1ust ~-··­~L,.~, Beach Music Center $965 Conr.oles S7n Trnd It Y.•eaned, 64&-1403.6/6 <IO\'er $1<195. 54()-7308 1750 \Vhittier Ave. ~ in rood cond. &. Meditt \l•lllnut, bench incl. * Pennanent Curi Paue.m FREE Beautiful, long haired 10' GLASSPAR ding:\, S hp Costa Mesa TI4: 642-1350 reasonable. 64&-4063 * Can he washed like fin! F I ·1 II •••1322 aft 5 · Gould Muiic Comp.ny lingerie or u1·n1 lll't, •PP ances, kltHes . ........ er O.B,. <>¥'• $225.. ~14 Santa FOR• new Mobile Home in 1964 CHEV Pick Up, 9!~' 2Q45 N. Main, SA a47-0i81 *Lightweight. 2 oz.! colored TV, stereos apd an-P~I. 6/6 Ana Ave. 648-977T 548.ssoo .new Adult Park. Walk to roll-a-way, chassis maunled, GULBRANSEN * NEVER affected by tiques. ADORABLE Tiger striped ocean, sauna al'ld pool. GoU air cond, self contained, ORGANS 11·eather or humidity 06J~J6210ht Kittens, 1 male, 1 female 7 Slllbolta 9010 course: 536-ml f.11.ct air, \vhite/~en, good WURLITZER * Sho11•n in home or shop wks. old. 545-3749 6/6 LOA 17. fiberglas eruislni NEW ~fOON 3 bdrm, l ex· cond. $1795. 545-3048 PIA OS G N 2 FLUFFY_ Black 1: "".hite ilaop. Bu.lit by Sidney Co. in tensions, S36llO. u n furn. * PAM-TOPS * ~A:~: R!t~ R.<imona.~lcClintiek $ WE BUY $ 'kittens. CaU after 6. C:IM. '66. Hu new Mercury 6 hp "7-0684 Alt 3 pm. All sled sbells, Sales I: ren- EVERYTHING IN MUSIC l07 22nd St., NB fi73-5.S20 615 motor, sleeps 2. clean. tals. $149 up, Buy factory 6T;>-IDl $ FURNITURE $ FREE k1ttens to kind home. $1650. call eves 64M488 Motor Homes 9215 direcl 1010 So. Harbor. SA. OFFICE safe, desk SiJ. APPLIANCES 2316 Delaware. Huntingtori 23· ERICSON sailboat, new. HOUSECAR Sleeps 4, fully 1963 ~ T Chevy truck Ir Pl)'\\'OOd panel saw, 2 cut . C•l•r TV"1-r.•"•'-SfH••'• Bch. · 6/5 Lots of ex.trait! Will ~t al aelf contained. 1nc1 u des Camper. QUlCK SALE! 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. &U-9405 54D-l 764 Authorized MG Dealer FERRARI Newport Import• Ltd. Qr. 11\ie County's only aut.boJ'- ized dealer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 W. Coast H\\')'. Newport Beach 642-9405 54~17&4 Authorized fl.fG Dc!aler JAGUAR oti saws, table saw. Cheap. I ~·~• •r H•1u• fl.ill 4 FURRY kittens 7 wkl. 2 base pri~ $3,995 Private ltonda , 90. $4,500 terms. Make offer. hctory Sale& & Service Cash register S33. 4fXXl !b CASH IN JO MINUTES male 2 female. Housebroken party. 83&-8654 1&193 l1emloek. FV"531...m7 * 673-4281 • '62 Xh"E Red Rds. Best offer .,., ..... 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-S Forklift, $700. 11,·,' Ton '59 • 541 4531 • -........,--to a sandbox ~7850 6/S HOURLY RENTALS -'67 TOYOTA PM:k Up ovtt __...... 1l:4 i:~ :n~i~!~.) ~:~ 15~m~~m:t ::!· 2 M J XE D SanlOa-Beagle * Rhodeit 19'1 * Electric Cars 9250 w/camper $16$. 546-0339, 84&-1190 """"""'°" ""'"' ,.,..,,. e,;.,01 Pl,._,, 3 0 3 0 w A N T E D popp;.,,, 4 mo. Plbabrkn. Fuo Zon< Boat Co. Balboa •MARKETEER ei<?otric car •642-4616• MERCEDES BENZ WE'RE neck in o•tr new Bristol, C.M. St9-0788 We need quality (no junk 141-t734 6/S 28' \VOOD Sloop Inbd, do.ca, ·It chl~. New paint. $325. C Rent•.. 9522 store. Bia; Celebration. Bl& -G:-:A-:R-:D:-E-N_&_Y_A_R_D please). Furniture. color ADO~_. h~':J~~en ~~t ~iJasleal at S4700l &6-1118 •mper ,65 Mercedel' Bani Sale. TV's, Sten!OS, appliances, black ttt:ns. e iver. : * EXPLORER * 220 S.E. Every possible extra CLOSEOUT of COll!Ole P ian-• llfowers • \Vttd eutteni tools and oUice equlpmenl 963--0520 6/S LIDO 14 Na. 2756 All race Mini Blktt 9275 rl lndd. Aulo trans, full pow-• Tillers • Rffiovalors TOP CASH ~===-,.-.,-.,== By week or month. Luxu · ., N at savings to ...... $400 E IN 30 Minutes! 4 KITIENS, nice I. lovable. gear. New sells BIC fbr&:, MINI-Cycle 68. ~ f!X Sleeps 6 Seit contain-er, AM. FM, Sunroof & air : CLOSEOtn' ol Baldwin over-• u"'n"•'t"ed· LaRew"ntvaoA""1m1 ·, .,="'=·ll12,,_~*-893_-05.'il=~ 3 ~nths, box traU1ed~ cntrbni .. rd. 846-1165 $1250. cond. Best off~r over' s120: :,· l,.lmlted . nomber Call •'°b""1 •. · M~.':"". ~~.;m·m·~ •• . .ta:e pianos at aav!ngw to $349 \VJNOO\V -Lou\1 .. 42"x42", ~ 6~ COLU!\IBIA 29, 1/3rd In. Cost ~'i. 540--0146 today. ..., .,,.. ~--= .,v a.osEOUT ol 1861 Organs 710 \V, 19th SI., Colla Mesa or could be longer FREE cute kittens, hall tcrcst . Top. co~. extna. LEISURE RENTALS to be be:I st avinp to ·········-S2J6 64~760 646-4063 Siamese 6 \\teeks old. \i·c~n-$.1000 dn. 642-329;), 613-T'llJ. Motorcycles 9300 (TI4) 642-6ru C714) 837-3809' No down OK. S yrs to pay. Qiiu;;;11/'GG,,.--;,;;;,rlboa;;;:::n1;;:;-•s.,;7.·". -;;,65'~ I \'¥'ANTED: Drapes to fit a ed It. trained. 549--3261 6/6 17' 'TIUSTLE, excepL cond. , ' J1rtupol'l 31111po n •, 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.8. 642-Mffi 540-1764 AutOOrized t>.IG Dealer OPEL 61 OPEL Sta. wagon. Xlnl motor & tires. Needs paint. S200. 642-6759 aft 5: 311 PORSCHE '65 Porsche S.'C. Champagne yeUow w I blk lep.tber inter. AM/FM, 'elect. sun roof, chrome Wheels, el<'. 3 other S.C.'s lo ellclMe. J1flllPLl ll 31I11po11 c; 3100 \V, Coast I-fwy., N.B. 642·94!6 540.1104 Authorized MG Deel~r '66 912 5 Speed Red w/blk interior, AMJnf, chrome wheels, fog lam.Pt, etc. Recently re-built, per- fect condition thru-0ut. 7 other to choose . J1rtup o11 31111p on •, 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 546-17&4 ·c_~'l?!iMi') ~~"" • -'"''" '62, ODIFIED ng ne, ISM mi. Red lacquer, radial!\, like lll'W. Best offer. 213: '"""'"' '67 Porsch• 912 Coupe Ebony bl~ck w/ Tnal(:hing blk. inter. AU Porsche ac- cessories incld. ~ h r o m I! v.11eels. fag lampe, coco mats, etc. 3.others to choose J1rtup o11 31111p Ll11 •) 3100 \V, Cast Hwy .. N.8. 642-9400 541).1764 Authorized MG Dealer '6.1 PORSC!iE lfW.S, red w/ blk int, rehll eng, n e w pa.int, 1''t.1/AM . 544-8479. Porsche'•~ 1962. 1969 Thi! finest selectk>n of qu.al- lty Wlt'd PoMIChc's ill So. Califl)Mlia . 33 to choose from . WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Honda $150. 1953 Dodge, 12' \V\ndow, floor to ttilln&:. 1 JET black, l Siamese, }'u!J race equip. $1250 66 TRIUMPH, 500 cc D·--81-ltt: 9525 1ilJ Newport. c.M. "2-&484 ,........ c.i~ .. .....,., __ .. d""· 6 "" ,_ 1•• 5 tmmac cond. Many extras. 1::.•;;.;;;"•:...;;..-='------.... -,0ND fio.,1--. &"""trans. $100, See btwn &. .,............. tral1~, <.'U ,._..,., peppy, "'""""ma u::r pm. ....., 350 ~--~ lllO ""--a.-•L--ie-I '1111) \V "---· 1-t NB ~ • __.......,-·,. 8 pm. 2543 Santa Ana Ave., * WANTED * ......-eks aid 615-4120-""i .,,.,_7 ......,-" .,,;,-o:.Y1:li Dune --..Y -~ • · · "-UiUjf Wy., • • maha • 1lll'Ci 6 .-I s*J101 C~1. e BABY PRAM e . KIT~ New all, 2 mutnl'~ '67 160cc HONDA Trail with Bodies !mm 110. Quusb 6'12-Ma> 54().l?M J1 rtt1p lil I jl1 11plli I.• cl all m-'--s..t ..,_ lfl -n;;;;w::=::-,-:=;-;;,,. VERY renUe female Ger. radrw gear. cover i. IQ" .. _1 t 1100 . 1,,__ -M~. ~--,.u ~,. Authorized MG ~·----· BORG Warner. ·~ T-11) o(j()()D CONDITION _., -• 111: me m1 """ MW .U.YIU of6'1'" '-''""'UC .... .....,....,.. So. CallL r1ctrt hen. --.-.. ~ ~u $Mp, 1 yr. old. Prefers $750. 673-8117 e"MOC ";., .. _ or-·., •• -·" • SlUG, LaPu: Dune BUUY .68 PO"~'~ T•-Ol2. ............. ~•SJC ~. transmlssion ..,ith Hllf'St t -ag """'Is. 548-621)2 fill -~ ....,."'"" ~ -6'" ~• -u ......., · FR een e .,.. 26' SLOOP lleepe 4, head, Supermarket 3623 W Warn-• ----------1 Like new, must r;eU ~ w lS07 N. M&tn. ~:k1~~tarplu1n' •'1 h.,!,! ·.116"1 EE TO YOU FREE to good hOme mixed plley, tuii saU. Xlnt cond. SUZUKI 120 trail sm. 1.tini-er SA ~. ~n Sat. I -best oller. 6(2-«i()IJ - SUta Am. or rmi".u1-fi011. ..._. Ger/Shep & Collie puppy. itutrt se:U! 962-412i bike 5 HP $150. Botb $400. ~n. nfOMAS Eledrtc 0 r Ca n :;:;;;:;;;-=::,-:--,,-,== PUPPIES. Part G e r m 1 n 54&-3955 616 l I" O"DA y SPRITE 962-5720 Rove VW 'U Porsche 911 Coupe w1"-d lNtruodon books. !ONY tape recorder, TC-105, Shep., part Collie. 6 wkll. .. _ _, 'GS 306 HONDA Scrambler SHOW CARhl Sand S r tD Irish 1reen w/bUr. inlcr. new Sl.25. l\farttn guitar, 00. old 548--0fm 6/7 MALE Gennan Sbepl11'-Ju "-613--1114 $300 trad lor ~ wle.wryt 1'i· e e chrom!" whrcls. fog lamps, ~ ~~ ~~ 11. Sl.50. 642-7106 \\'IEMARANER _ P.tale, 4 Somoa, 8 mos. MS-@44 615' P·CAT. RACE·ready bike. ~e bel}eve. 64+0!&4, "5-0680 etc. F1awlc"5 in every de- WURUTZEfl baby srandl pl-t .x t storage shed, suitab~ yrs, Good w I e h Id r n . ·~~~old. V~% • "2-3776 • '6"' BM 650cc,. A·l Wpe, Imported Autos tall. 2 others lo choose . .no. $350. Good 10nl. far tack room or plarhousc. 842-ll75 alt. 6 p.m. · 6/7 ;;;;;.,;-.:7,;·-'.,;;;f,-'·~::-:;;:-~I 11' Cet1m1r•n many Xtru. Sac. $T:J0.1'-'='------- 'Coll 518-ml _m=. "'U<Jll6=:;:t=-:-=,-,... FREE klllona, moth<r bob-TOP .... Will hdp •I• • • m1on * 6'J5."'8S .,.... ~ AUmN HEALEY UPRJQIT PIANO Quality kine bed, quilted, tall, 2IJ73 Monrovia, Costa klAd. 842-4825 6~ 20' CUPPER CLASS '68 KAWASAKI 17S eornptclle, unuM'd $98: worth f.l esa 646-42.l't 6/7 GIANT Cactus plants, )'Otl S.llboAl • Cheap! 1 Good condltlon '63 SPRITE, '64 ert1tfne, rcblt Story a ~ $lS5 12SO. Aft Sor wknd1 8,lt-0406 BEAUTll-""UL long haired id:llg'i;.rn'4'1~t;433;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;;6;;1Si.l::;-;;;<;;<;*;-6l;;;;"°"'<;;:;c•:.:-::o::::-l,,,.,..;;-_,64;;::. .. ::'54:-9'-:::=;:-;'.;: tran.'!, new if!.neratot, $450. 5A.cDO after il:IO «I SQ.· yards. of btlae k!Ucns. ~130 6/7 KmENS. "''l:aned, auorted, 26' ENDEAVOR ftw;11 sloop, '61 BSA ~ &d. eond., Jow•1..:.N;.;<Cd;:=•~•='Otk'°".=....__===-:= 1 f'or tiiiYJIGlt W• Adi CU'ptls. xlnt cond! Mill. Call 1-'0UR Fluffy frlKIQI frilly 1n1all ~715 6/6 &OOd cond. Shock built-w/ mile•, many x tr a•. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Did ... ~ms free fclbn ~ 611 OAil,.Y Pp.Dr WANT liiS! mooring $4,000. S4M370 '4&-.17.f6 BRING RESULTS! -- J1rtupor1 311111011 ~; 3100 \V. COl!oitl llwy. N.B. 642-9-105 64o.t764 a=IA"RG=.E;-::yoor=-::w=an=t•a::d;-,now=c. I Aurtnrlzl'!d f.1G Dcalno ,. . ··"' , I I TRANSPORTATION Imported Au1" 9600 . -- PORSCHE '69 Porsche 912 Ter91 4,000 mUe1 on this local gem. AM/FM, chrome wbee.ls, bumper IU3,~,etc.1 etc. Sand beige w/ black lnler. Fac.tory wa~cy. Sbow· room condillcn. 3 ~ t'u- ga's to choose; 1967 &. l9M's. J2rll11JOrt Jl111µorrs 3100 \V, Coast llWy., N.B. 642·9405 540-1764. Authorited MG Dealer + ''5 CONV. A Jetnf'Nll p.int, lop & ~. AMII'¥. Muat sell. 646-UW RENAULT • Thutld11, -5, 1969 • DAILY PILOT TRANSPORTATION Imported Autos TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORlATION TRANSPORTATI~ TRANSPORT£!,0.!!._ TRANSPORTATI R ATfON _ J fRANSPORlA rlON _ ' . lmoort..r A---Im....... -Autoo-W••IM-9700 C-AMARO--Ut4'1.C:...-u...i C·~-:-99IUl1!ittS•rt.-"°° --TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN CONFIDENTJALLY ·rt t;:Aiwto. a cyL ...-DODGE OLDSh-:OC:IU 'I l I 1,, --------1 We Pay~ for 1 body work. S850 ., . TOYOTA (OROllA '69 '60 vw CAMPER '" vw·. F°"'"""' sno~· °"' m"""""""'-. 613-'IOOI . ' h 0 -..... Uy -ul<\I· ~~y PAIO FOR OR NOT 'A CAMARO 1W4' Spcxl·UI • '66 DODGE l • • ~·~·"utcalu!L_~ :.::=..'il:.'~:. $21J'DOWN B. J. SPORTSCAR ~M~~-~· I CORONET :6t-~CU1WSD .. W • ~lbb~ = tn~ "":.d P!M7'1 $41.0! • 16 !"'< CENTER-· \ " .''-1 '1t •tomatlc, · nodlo alll1 ' + · HllS . fDlJ,y .,_uipt, inc. air ·cood., $1 1" P;!Us 1 ~ wmnt tor 2133 ~.Blvd.)' CffEYROLft beater, powt:r ateerlna'. <RIG • o.llc•tH to ••r ,.l\cy, radio, w/wall tire~ doted IC~~·-ml'!,T;. ruJIMnty,M·'AO'!.T·O~ROOOSy .. t Cnota M .. a -811:1) P•SPTS,.1CPE, i •• " •""'· Ooty 3800 actu.'1 ortg. • WANTED: JUNK CARS 1964 Cl!Jvrolef $1395 DllllJ4 loal1& ll'l!tlt "' ttu, C.orioo,.,s.,.,i ... 1.1,..tt,\ mile., (Yll.'<800) • ·m c;,:don Groye Blvd. TOP 11$. 54~06 * Mallbo -r Soort ~ ' ' ' :...d!t!b. I • , -• ' $2049 s su.2284 at lle¥b mS55l * ....., •le4', _., bk>., ATLAS Sift DN. $65 Mo. · .A -0, OPl'!K'65 ~VW. AY Auto L•asln• 9810 faclDey air, Hu economy 6 • • • mB BILL MAXEY 'v P -------'"'---~· eyl. engine. Cherey red with ath.TSLER -PLYMOO'I'lf '< • l. ,.J • FlRST TIME! b<lge buck<t "al&. opent· 29#1' K,\IUidll BLVD. • ' , I "\JY Owned by little 'ole paln(u Leue a New '69 for i Monllll Ing ~c. ,Driven 44,000 <XlsrA MESA fM.lSM Tl91YIC>ITJA! from Laguna et.ch. xlnl .l return with no ob!Ptlon. careful miles. <:rrV 659• A 1 ~ o..u1 't.p 10 p.rn. Plash Tu: I: Uc. 11881 BEACH BLVD. &.-~66B~ :::·.,:,t~ .... d~tii:;; ~~:,:,"Rold tor !lnes129s.oo l '6'~1'9lar1 fa>'m.nti tndude ""''"" Hunt. &.Hh 147-ISSS COSTA MESA prvt part;y. Call Ken, CM-SM Cbw., "dlr, 1-ct &Ir, pwr win. !ice:n:; -:'on1t."°'A= 'ml N, ol ()out a..,. ... Reh --------1~.~;.:vw;,;;.;;eu;;,s.;::;·_:;~:::; ... ,.::.~c:..;.::: F-~ -A.~~ JOHNSON .. SON dowa. "'"""'' 115 Cub d"' _ ... ··"•' N -·-.. ''7 VW ~ '""..,...... C<,......,, .,.... ~ U C S SO LOT or take torei.-car ta trade. = .. ~·-o. ~11-.u.----:::==:---I braod MW tire . '67 -L<utar S,..tesii SED. AR • --JOYOJA Ail' ClndiUoned, )O" mllet. R/H front ~t w/nxny Th11d1re 1941 HARBOR BLVD. PynmtJ $.19.86 mo. LB YNW ? RUICK i.,. .. •l'<l Q\J ICr ;~·. ; COSTA MES f, LEN HUTTON one "'""'" AiisOlutelJ< mtnt ba ~ llhol"'' hanlmocl<. ROBINS FORD 642-llSO ~ Ken, '9l-m3 "' "' RENAULT Da•ph..,, $ SAVE $ ,,,.,m1on. Ltc. v1.om co1".m.i F~ -· Re-'"~ --ii&ED A CAR,---.. ... ==-=- 29,000 ml, new tu.a, radio, ~ "·b'· Qul•k ... , ·~ ••• ~ -~.,.. '64 DART GT University Oldsmobile an"" .,,.,,....,, .. Mi. ..,.. wtllt Ill.in a J.,..r. t .,,.., N.,._-~ • BRAND clean, one owner, $215. Executive Cir Sile • ~ .... .,.~ "" """ ' _.,, 'W'r O>sta Mesa 6G4ll4 We Can Help Youl 6 QI. Powr aitetrirw, auto. 842-4756 , Hurry While They L1 itJ . IiU• , 1·""'=:· ======l ""' L!'ASI ,.,,, • U othftn have turned you matte tn.nsmiak>n, radio. ..., _,,,. \• down • U )'OU have no down heat Uc OML 195. '67 RENAULT " L • -...;;;'~· VOLVO '66 CadC!><d<VW..luJlpwr, ..,.,,, .. l .Uyou ... tm· "· $997 1 •·• , Hi• ..... I ,_ air, 17,000 ml, SU9 mo. ployed. R-0 4 Dr. -.ian. still 1oob iw-' Ulll(J 642-"3 '69 Cougar, 2 dr, H·~ Many models to choole from ~ lSI& Harbor Blvd. 2850 Rubar CO.ta Mesi. oew. s.,_ No. 58248. $1377. IHPOR,TS '61 VW VOLVO 186.94 mo. * * C.11 Mr. IJlmv C:O.ta M.,. 612""'3 540-"40 1_N::o::w::Ca=' =Dl='·=646-=93UI=== I 'fi6 Continental Md., air • 193-S031 '65 DART, I{!. oond., enalne 1 · Tc:iTOTA·YOlYO Excellent condition lrt!lde & leatber. $99.75 mo. ' OYerl\auled, &ood t Ire II 1964 ~ V'3, auto. W• i SUBARU l!Mi6 lwb'"• C.M, 646-9303 ""'· hooey cream oxt., pl"'h NEW 164· SOUTH COAST 61 NOMAD Wagoo; """ """"' i.a... 547-0933 ' buckela & comole, PIS, BUICk NEW · 1969 black interior. $1.Z Co.sh & CAR LEA,ING Clnd. Auto. tra.na:.. new ,61 oo00E Lancer 6 L RAH. Tac. Imm&c, $119.). Subaru of Calif. SUNBEAM ~eb, '"'" ., tnul,, • tak• low NEW 1800 300 w Ca\ H NB .... mz .,...,, eood Unis. $450. • cy • 546-6<17'1 I lnc.-Retail Div. SUNBEAM ALP-'67 ~:::"~ VH• 194, Call lfNOW ON DISLPLAY . . . wy, .:-~~~ON Wgo Belaltt, ·:.t ~968-=-·~~;...ia!r·~ s2444 $1297 POE tn~ Hi• ,,.,: 1 UIOd Cort 9900 R I H, w I w, ortg own<r FORD ow"'1'. $915. 5'8-6658 . Opt.equip $30. Freight$14.50 1968 VW, auto, "'ft UUl(J -• 46,000 mi. trlr hltela. lla~li~i:~ ~ic!~;:'J.50 s:;:."~thor~.re s:ahroe eh:~~ S:o~~~a IMPORTS ~N&D A CARI .~ .... ~"'0 -~ 1w1> '67 fORD ---~~CK.AID . OlDR YOUIS TODAY (UVE400) Lo1v miles&: low ....,,ui,, _,_ I llXXI \V, Coast l·liway, N.B. price. 1965 VW. Ivory. Xlnt cond. TOTOIA·YOLVO WE CAN HELP YOU hyd, fct air, p/1. poait, '55 Packard, auto trans. OUI 0"1 NICO 6tJ.0050 * Sto.2733 $850. 1966 lia.rbor, C.M. 646-930.1 e u others have turned Ytlu am/bn. Xlnt concL $2795. FAIRLANE 500 GT l'Wll eood. &st otter. $1799 * Gf.1.2389 * down e U:youbavenodown 839-6369attSPM va, automatic, radio, beater, se-.830'J $TAITAJ '62 vw, xtnt cood. Sport Cars ___ ....;,96.;..l;.;·o """"''"' • U ""' "" em-1902 CHEV SS. lull ,,....,., !>OW" -"""" brak· $ 1 7 TOYOTA TOYOtA '65 LAND CRUISER BllJ.. MAXEY Muoi sell. $650. -~~-MO faot air, wblte I .,... •~ air oondtllolllnr. (lKflS. PLYMOUTH 77 * 673-0443 * '64 CORVETTE Conv. PfN, ** "U'U"" DELS interior wry clean. Prioed 1DD9), 1961 VOLKS. Bl,,.,, '""""''· P/B, 321, 4 "'"''" RAH, TO CHOOSE FROM ** b<low bl"' book. !J62..M63 $1995 ,67 PlYM' OUJH OlDR TOUIS TODAY f TIQIYIQf TIAI AM-FM. Xlot cood. Beat oU". ~102 alt 6, • , . Call M,, Ulmor CHEVY 3 pe<d. '83, 18881 BEACH BLVD. * 641-2389 * * 893-5038 * ·~lck oo ii...-'$:195. "'61 ATLAS VALIANT Ora ... County'• Hard to tell this red llO m.p.h, 4 whee l drivc fun car from nev.'. Excel. cond., with rear seats, Hi Flolation tires, wide rims. {HPG@.i) H '69 V\V Sedan 3000 mi. $1995 Antiques, Cla1sla 9615 Michipn Aw, · C • M • AutomaUc --~-1-t... .. ra-LARGEST unt. S.ach 147..a555 5t9-36lJ ... ...,, .. ,...._...... .. 3mlN.o!CWO!iiiy,oo8"1 ~-"-Wf!..~-fe-• -~~ '57 -D--UAL -G· HIA '62 SIGNET' d,, '!"· 136.. amYSLER -PLYMOUTH dlo, ... ,.,, <TWB WI SELErTION vw.~• ·~~ n= ~·~~ mo., Stock No. lll. 62 F8S. 62 IMPALA SS 311,.""'"" 2929 HARBOR BLVD $1595 · "!'. '68 vw. Black int. }leaders, Convert. All power. 44,CXXI mJ. ~ dr., $31.511 mo., stock No. -t.. RJH, W/a/•, Pis. ,....__A MESA ••• ;_, OF rn~'~:~~pe. late' "'~""8-9'&3_·™=-radf=o.,....,>lak=e:-o-:ffe"'''·, ?JJ·~~·z,~ ~ ~.::.c:_!;.lii::O::~smo .. ~==-;:: : ~~ ;; ;:;;:." ATLAS JAG.UA. RS 1964 VW, R/H, fi1.ust sell. ~~" \V "t St -•" ~~ '67, 4 gpd + elec over drive, $800. fir best o!!er. 21.8 48 st. A Sharp Model A Ford: """"' • .,. · NN" a"MUalor Dl!W w:<UKI, Galx. 500 XL. 2 Dr. H.T, OIRYSLER -PLYMOlTI'H . $1799 BILL MAXEY wire \~:heels, low mileage, NB 642-0161 1930 &tandard coupe. Santa Ana 531~183 tuM-up. $2XI. O·w n er, VB, auto, PIS, P/B, tura:. ·2929 HARBOR ! ·VD. 1nint cond. $2595. 499-2359 ,67 V\V r;quare, :XL.NT oond. $500 * 494-8200 ~ with matchln& bucket 1eaU. COSTA~ 546-1934 ITIAllYfOITlAI tiS TRIUMPH. MK.J Spit· Blk wired int. Check lots. '38 BUICK Clusic Model 41, BUICK 'It BELAJREt 4 dr, air, P&. Very clean low mlleqe car. Open Dalli 'til 10 -p.m. VII M '¥" fire conv. Like new. $1800. Buy at $1800. 49-1-2515 Sedan Special Xlnt eond. auto, netr tire\ Jo mDetce. 8Q.S349 $7_ S '60 Fury, completely tebulll 18181 llEACH BLVD. =,.._=""'====== '65 VOLKSWAGEN Varle"1 1425, 714 " 5'6-llOO '64 BUlCK ·sl>'Claf with Orta°"""'• Xlntt -9 .00 '""""· dll&) quads, ..... Hlll!I. B.acli au..asss VOLKSWAGEN s.1500 Good"'""'"'"· Extra Autos Wanted 9100 ""'""" v.& '""'"' Seo to CHR-YSLEI JOHNSON & SON f.!!, ~ =.:1;"'::?: j 3 fl::ilN, of O>ast·Hwy. onBch titt15 & mow ch a In•· -appreciate. $!'.OI. 548-8584 USED CARS SO. LOT •2463 . ,. TOYOTA c,~ Crul=, 1'67, '67 Whit. VW Bug, .~~astbai:k. Rad~. dloc WE PACY ·A· SH ·~~~~cu~';;;".,.. 4 on '65 (JIY51Bt 1941 HARBOR BLVD. '65 PCYMOt.ITR Mopu 383 '65 IUICll POOLE'S FINE USED CARS 4 \vheel dr, hardtop, Warn x:t s':.~ brakes, clean. !162-9683 after floor. SlliOO. 645--0621. · 642--1050 :!'~ ru..pd cam• El.ctr• coupo. FuU power. hubs, $1,995. Call 536-6610 6 pm. ,62 BUICK Jnvicla Wqon. . SI.DAN '67 roRO Country Sq .. ·g .,... ... ne headen-456 DOSI. fact.ry olt coM, ~Cl· aJt 5 '68 V\V Conv. AM/FM, -'-~==C7'--I Full P"m' & air. Good Automatic. n.cHe, beater, pus wp., Powtt-• A/C, $1200. 545-6111 420 BILL MAXEY 18,000 ml. Xlnt cood. Xtru * '62 VW * 10< und can l tn>cks j..t cood. J""', ;n"""6 ...,... ,_,,,....,. btU· ~!":... wtlh ....... trlJn. '& VAUANT, alant 6, atlck. $1795 11850. 549--0022 or 642-6923 40 hp dependable. $625. _,, ,,_ for ~ ~-·te. -()'KA .....,..,_ m•,.. _, .... __.... ,_,.-..._ ,..... """ ,.....,,.. a......... '63 RIVIERA. Air, vinyl top. es, air colld1 • ---· ....... m;.....,... ........... ,. __ ....:,. ____ _; r:=v=r,..,,=o:=....,.11961 VW Bug. 13,000 mUe~ 89'1·1"14 al1'r 6 PM GROTH QIEVROlfJ low mU. Imm•~ Prv ..... 6Hl. '66 FAJRLANE GT 335 HP ldnl $650. -lll81 . 11 ITIOIYIQITIAI Xlnt _ coodilloo. ow"" 1964 VW, reblt '"'" """'· Eva.. 6#-1S4S $1195 ~-~ ~ Amtttcan '87 VAUANT Jlloe new. 4 dr., '65 OLDSMOllLI b • .,..~.,,,.,. ---·-"'-""'·I.I transferred. $l'i50. 847-1464 $850. or best oller, mwt Ask fur Sain u ...... _ • ._ ~ ti cyl., ltlck. $1ZO. Owner. 4 !loot H.T. fodory 1tr, 11881 BEACH BLVD •. 1964 VI", o-· •-si.,..... ~u: ~ --, l82ll n--..r.. ~....,.... Call m-2180 P-•r ,,,,,,.._ 1 ~•k•1• ,. .,..... ... • ..... .I' ;: ~ DIVU. ATLAS '89 MUSTANG k>aded. 2700 -:::========!•"'"· IMOY '"·" . Hunt •. Be•ch 847-ISSS 6l2-<!l4.1 8 AM to 6 Pld, '5 VW BUG H""'"'"'"" Beaih CADILLAC . ml,.-... f>Hh. 63MIU • $ 3 m; N. of°""' Hwy: oo Reh alt" 6030 646-1'05 11005 675-24<• I 539-1115 Kl 9-3331 «'"''I'll ..., PONTIAC 1395 -,WE=-=p""A"'Y:-o:CA:ciSll:r:--&;;h' Cify-C1dlll1U 11 amYSLER -PL¥>f0t.ITR "' roRll °""'~ 8'dln 10 _ I--''-----• Imported Auto1 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE PURCHASE OF: The Family Room. IWIY f1m lly thcMd h1wt • fsml!Y earl Comtomible M•linl for !he wllole family , •• prtctical. good IOoks that WIM't IO cut of style , , • adY9"Ced -cinettilll, •• all 11lriyt JntWlor, teCnn1n·1 "bucket se1ts, 4-sl)ffd 1lick ahlft,. Bt .! new cir two-car t•mit)'I • I I' °Flat124 Family Sedan The whole family will enjoy the zip of Fiat 124's high-output· englne1 •• the smoothness of a 4-speed synchrcr m~h gearbox ••• the security of 4-wheel disc brakes .... the c.omfort of reclining front bucket ~eats. Fiat Is fun! Fiat 124 W1tao'1 . FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 Will Buy * BlG msrouNTS . 2929 llARBOR BLVD. pua. wzn .. PS, PB. AIC, ·'. '65 PONTIAC " '67 MUSTANG '65-'89 CADILLACS' cosrA MESA ·5411-~ ~. cood. S0-191<1 -, h F t Air tD "... Convort. 4 •P'9 , r•~no, AU Full Power-ac . Open Dally ' 1D p.m. •'65 FORD Countey Squire Citillnl 2 Dr. H. T. ho•hir. TXS 16J '69 "' vw. ............ 1619! '"'" """"' $1290 • $, 995 '68 Sed. .............. Id COMET * Ml~ • VI. '"lmnaUc, radfo, h<ator, '67 sect .............. $3795 _ power •tffrl.nf, power brak· II--------•I '66 Sod, .............. l2l9tl SHARP •es Comet 0mvt: '57 FORD u, (Tll.T 420l 'I>'! Sod; .............. $9!11 Gold, wllt1' top.-$650. M..t GOOD CONDmON ""'°"" $1395 SOME EXAMPLES .ell. 21'.11 Cryttal Balboa MANY MORE TO rnoosr: llland ' MERCURY • $100 DELIVERS AT LAS '6' TEMPEST ~ c,., RIH, ovte., P.S., ''"'"' 1lr c••N.lltl•n· lllf. I STD 1771 $1595 • EASY CREDIT 1962 M • 48 Mo. FINANCING CONTINENTAL •n:ury amYSLER -PLYMOUTH : Your Volksw~ or Porsche on approved credit Custom Monterey 2 Dr. H.T, 29'29 HARBOR BLVD i.-------11 & pay top dollan. Paid for O\eck with Ullbefore you buy + VB, PIS. P/B, fact. air, OOSTA MESI M&-i.s34 '61 CADILLAC i Or rot. Call Ralph Cadillacs 847·1222 1965 Continental 58IXO act. mt Thia car 1s ln Ope.n Daily "tll 10 p.m. SM. DoVllto, Full powor., 67>-0900 17281 Be ch Bl d I Dr N1 prioet "' ladory """"""""' coodltfoo for the '"'· ,;., < HXS 7421 lllll'ORT> WANl'ED I y , &Ii.' pobble ..,.. wt t b ,,_.,.. ..,...., Ltc. . '67 LEMANS $995 i Oran&e Cotmtiet · matchlnc leather Interior. No, OZMOOO. Bucbt aeats, factory air, BILLTO~~<JrA w.,.:,:~Bea\~'81.,.i. A °"'s'lll<UJ')'2095cu0·0PFB340 . $875.00 ~n::...~:u.~~ :: :·-------II 18861 S..cl> Blvd. HUNTINGTON BP.ACH • JOHNSON & SON 1115 Cash "' '°"'"" car. + '66 THUNDERlllD H. S.acb. Pl!. Ml450ll e OPEN SUNDAYS • JOHNSON & SON USED CARS SO. LOT Tw low pymo~. lB TKR +'"'°"' '1' ""'· ''11 pow· l!O::=i':::====='--'===-:-oc.==9.600· -USED CARS SO. LOT 1941 HARBOR BLVD. 595, Call Ken, (94..9773 or +•r, "inyl top. XLV 4fl Imported Autot 9600tmported Avtol 1941 HARBOR BLVD. 642-711SO 54.>-063• f $2795 ELMORE LaNJest Exclusive Toyota Dealer Anywhere! I! I laNJ .. + s.m~ FaclDtles · Largest ·Selection IOCIQ llU CAii • ~ C011f1Tf • . . ' 15300 BEACH BOULIEVARD WESTMINSTER · Tile~: IMO!J12 642·7050 '67 ME:RCURY 9 pallS White '65 GTO only 7,000 ml. Hdrs., •+.-------y "·'· Pk Stallo w d magtl, s p c c • suspension. 1 • '58 Cont. conv. M Ill '69 lie. .........,ey n gn., re bl""" tn • 11 i 65 SKYU.IK d Ix In to tra ~ r .. " .., " many ' ~, ,fd~-.. ~~~ -~~ Sac,.1 ~~· P\\T. more Xtras, must see to t4 dr. Ar.rtom1t!c, powor ' ~;~~~;~ ~IC·. ;:~:.~n~~:J~.-~r1'. ·10~ ~~$, '.~;,:'.!' ~· cood. 13295, 67J..OL'l4 '63 PONT. Cnlafloo 2 Dr. V-1395 1961 CORVAIR Monra. Just FULL Power 63 Mere Colony 8, H./H, tact. stick, stcreo + tape. Thls week only $600. '-------I cverhnul@d, call LI a.2843 Pk Wag. w/trlr hitch &: 642-7871 Aft. 5 + '67 IMPALA_ evenlnga aftB 5. wiring, Orig owner w,1ll sell I ==""'~-'-:-~--. 1+ ,61 CORVAlll $3XI. Good for, S50 above Jow book. ~67 GTO Spon toupe, 3 lpd iH.T. Cpo. Ar.rfo .. "• RIH Q ·transportation. 175•6634 ~3 stick, 400 cu lo quadrajet, (ICK9ti61 M"STANG :::.~68, 6500 ml. $ 1995 . '63 a>RV.\IR. Gd. clean WI!' ) -••· 1).-------ti .. • P/S, auto, 6 cy 1 ·-· 1' cond., ••to. new -. • BOSS 429 $2695. 63S-U85 ·''7 CAMAlO ~ ~ ~ Many extru, Black JO. I ========:ltH.T. Cpa. Ar.r .. ., Ps. F1ct. COUGAR Call 60-1199 alt' pm. RAMBLER "" UH; ITFX 7Hl ------SACRIFICE! JJl)ll Mua..... $2295 ''8 COUGAR . ~-cyt837~~ l"•000 ml. ' eic;~M VI, automatic, r.dio, be.II.ta, __ .. _ factory air condJtkmlrw, low, low milts. CWFL «lGl, $2795 ATLAS -.....,,. '61 nmu '63'• '68 SHELBY GT 500. 428 cu ALL MODELS in. Convuti))le. Mab offer! FROM $295. 56-2670 • • • • '61 MUSTANG. Sac. bHt of. BRAND NEW 'tl!I $1998 lota of goodies. 847-3813 • j ttrcMr$m!.289V-lwtth ~ -oLD_S_M-OBILE ~·,di"~.,..,. 'M FOID WAeON C11try squlro. Full ,.wor, faotofy air, IOQX7JJ). $1495 '67 lMUA ¢po. Full powtr, fomty 1lr. !TOI 19tl amJ.~~~~ 1·• -,-1-964--0-lds--642-4022 sa~91 ~~MESA -F-85 OJU.. 2 Dr. H.T. VI, ·~ Am"1<an,.. .~I ~R-... A•-1e1 ' Open DdJy 'tD lO p.m: automatk, P/.!11 PIB, tac. urea, tt, ,..., pl.Imp. 11n1 -...,..,.." NOW'S THE TIME FOR 9Ul.CK CASH THR~UGH A DAILY PiLOT t.ory alr, whit. wttb red • looks good. Quick Ale, t.""tl" f•d •• 1,, ,..... ~ eeata. A l!)OttJ abarp I ;:$500:=. ;:'!13-J423======11•t••rfllf, ,~, he~ , Utt:i. car. l\AG'60. I. ii SIMJ$,7 I 11 995 . '$1295.00 T·BIRD . '. JOHNSON & SON '66 T..SlRD LIOdau 10,000 ~~~~~::J~~·L ~~~ ~~"';;.I ;r::: 234 E. 17111 ST. '42·l050 -. BUSIEST -tn '83 T·BlRD, All..,_, air 541•7765 town. 'l1te OAll.Y PltDT cond. AMIFM radk>, 36.0XI Qaaifted ltCrlon. Saw inf. )$0. fiT.l..-0«.3 . 0,.,.1 1 ..,,. a ...... "'°""'· time .. ,aort. l.ooll nowt!t WANT AD DAILY PIJ.Dr D!ME.A. LlN!:S. You can Ult them 901 E. 1st ST., SANTA ANA 542°8801 '°',.....-• ..,.Dial lb;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,.11.-==========::==========:=;.-·-~~~~~~·~toall~"-~~~- '!IS T-BIIU>, aood runnlng condlllon, new battery, 01ftftr,. UJ>llObfery, ~ '58 T·BrRD $225. New paJzrt. ..,. tftlll.. I Kt.._ l • ' -~---~-"o..-..---~..:...----'---------a.'-------..... ------------~-="'".,.""""""'"-"'-:...!-....,\;;l! -_: -·-~ .... _,.--~ ..... I I 1· • • •• • • . -------------~-------=,,---"""7-:---......,....,....---r-..... ----:-r"'~~·--- ... - ' . . ' . ' . ' . ~ . •11~··,.. ; .... ,... . --. ' : . •,' . . . • .. . ., . ,., • • 0:.-- . ' • .. " " . . \ ' ........ ... _~.~ 1.: •.... ,~ " ·~· ~ • • :-~ \· •'A-' ..... • w. •• ~ ..... . ~-n\l -u :n ::_; __ .· , . _, ' . ' ' 'SAVE '30! • kpee(I blowe.,low, medium lllld·bigh two 4-way adju•tabl• louvers for draft;. . . ,,: . \ _· ... .. . .,. -·~ ' I SAVE 2 OD Seoond Tire When You Buy. -1st Tire at · Sear8 Everyday Low Regular Trade-in ·Price Wide Guard Fiberglass ~lts, Full 4-Ply Nylo~ ·~gular Trade-in Price of $27.95, At One-Half Off, Get 2nd Tire for only ••• ·' .. 6.50xl3 Tube! ... Blackwall, Pl'l' i.02 F.E.T. Kadi And 2 Old Tires WIDE GUARD AND .SU.ENT GUARD SEALANT 40-MONTH GUARANTEE . ' • Tiibelea BIActwalli .· . --·? ~:s~~: : =~~ 1 ~re : !ffi 1 m: 7.75x14 I $32.95 I 1&.48 I 1tj7 I !)4~ 8.25:d4 I $35.95 I 17.98 I t7l7 ·I .-z.« . --· Tabeleas Whitewalls . ' . 6.50xl3 I $30.95 I 1s.43· I 15.47 I 2.0! 6.95xl4 I $31.95 I' lS.98 I 15;fr I !£i1 · 7.,sxu I $33.95 I 16:911·) 1&.9'1 I 2:14 '7.75x15 I s.15.95 1"17.t! I 17'91 I uo - 8.2/ixt~ I us._95 l 19.48 I u::; I g 8.5!i:d4 1.9°!' ' 20.98 . -~ ••. ' 8.85xtt I $44.95: I 22.i§ l ti;i7 I.US 7.7:xt5 1 $35.9.5 -11m 11:.J7 1--·m 8.1 x15 i38095 r t · l .47 I · . 8.45~i5 ' I $41.95 I 20.98 J 20.97 I £17 · 8.55xt5 I $44.95 I 22.48 I 22.47 I 2.90 9.00xts I $47.95 I 23.98 I 23.97 I iR 9.t5xt5 I · $47.95 I 23.98 I 23.97 f 2li ~About_ ~~venien~ Credit-~ Our Best Woven • a& 4 . 6'1-~"'1 .. ,,,,,.,,.,.~,, ... ~-~~'1;~,/'-'{'14'~) We Can Fit M0st can at this Low \ free cimllatiou 88 • Acliuat tomPer.tw-.. to automatically . .~\:Bin \emperature you ,.Ject · _ . .• ~ously-"Rllt ~rs- •· Ghree ~~ .die-caat be'UI front • Three-dimensional fabric, elegant hand- • ~1D1ta•-1Jy _under dashboard .y;:rz1 tooled scroll design on vinyl trim , · Eii<~-~~~. lion .. • Outstanding value at thia low price I ·~ Ask AOO.t Seor1 a.a-iml c.Mll Plui , . ·, ¥ ' ' 1, • • • .., ' ,_i, • I ,~ --· .. - - - -iii ---.. - - -.. ~ ... --·-... · .. _/_ - -----... - -_,_ -·-- --------..... -·--, I . ~~TA~l00,521-4530 a"'°"1t'Gl3"3911 lOHGlllACllHE5-0121 ..:oWEM262 · -SANTA_lr-'"8111 UfUilitftS.1'27 I ~ ,_ 340-0661 , GW«>AI! Ol 5-1004, a 4-4611 OlT!Uofc & toTO AN 8-5211 fOMCNA ID 2-1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 MHfA MOMC.\ IX '°'711 Y)llll' PO M-461, "4-2220 11 blP!lii!N! _6-2581, NE 2-5761 HOUiwcioo HO 9-5941 ORANGE 637-2100 MHfA -Iii 7-3:171 SOU11I CbAST l'WA ~3' UIP-Pl ,_,,.I .. G:MNA, ~11 IHGLFllOOO OR 8-2521 ,,.._MU 1-3211, a 54211 • TOllNG 5"2·1511 '---~---------~---~-----_____________________ , Sc·;.t rs "Satisfaction GuarallleeclorYourMoneyBadL" .... FHIX~CD. ' ' t • • •