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1969-06-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' -. ·ec r ' Harbor Tearhers 'PhOnt Physiei~ Draws I 10 10; I 1Retnrn to ·Classes ' , ~ . . . ' ' ter Mass Walkout I.enien~y Refused_ . -. -. .. ,. Tearful Reunion t• ,- } ' ' . . ·r Harbor -Teaeners Back ••• Ill School· Ul'IT ........ 19 ! 1 ~1 ·,I .') 1 f . ., I '1 • '. *!\ :1'i' ~ &ted • ,J Y . , .';I. • t J'"l , .•• , I .... r · I 1· , / • , :ror -Villa ' . ' • Office Meet -' MESA FATHER, SON EMBRACl: AFTER:SEA C~SH CPO Low ronco Rolly,.Son ·u. <l1l ,Joma Moot ot Tr1vl1 AFI By THOMAS FO R11JNE assoclallon leaders' elplCtaUons, and to-A telectecf· panel of advi&m: Oil or .... Dllfr iot11111att day 'they attributed it to JntlmldJIUon on America's mlUtary di-aft-nine men and Home io G • "" r•eve Teacher• wett back in the classrooms the part .of tht school idministration. one girl -conferred wJth President Nix· of Newport-Mesa schools today following Bart Hake:, execuUv'e secretary o[ on· today at his Newporler Im1 hi!ad- walkouts at 14 of 36·scbools Thursday. NewpOrt·M~ EduC!ltion ~lion, quarters to tell it like they say it is. The return to classes. didn't mean th&t said Leacheni: felt order1 to principals to They now serve on pilot advjsory .~mo teachers had given up hope for salary in-take down names of those teaching only a mittees to Sele.ctive Service sYstems in creases greater than the achool board has four-hour minimum day Wert "unjust'' Oklahoma, Iowa1. Michigan, M.issjsslppl · offered. They were waiUng on the out· and "intimidating." M W ' Talk Ab T ed and New York City. Fivt: of the 10 are . eSU1l OU t OU.t . l Q, g y come of a special board meeting tonight Superintendent Wllliam Cunningham college students, two are tn high school, to consider their latest requests. said be gave principals that ln&truction two are in ~rentlce training and one ' -• · --:--· · Thursday, eorona-del Mir Hllh School because "the board wants to know who wofki for----uie Ofllce of EcoOOmlC' Op- By !tR,!.~~ ~-,~~HSEI: to ~~~t.'t•-u ~-ded ti-f was paralyzed when 74 of 106 teachqs did not fu]fill their regular contractual port1.1nity. , · ....,,... .... ,. ev ~ Y eMQI to ts am-boycotted ell.IRS the whole day. At 13 commitment." ., Nixon invited them tO his villa Office on Home from the sea .which look his ship. lly as wen. other schools teachers dismb1sed students He said be did not know what the board lne mate son and 72 other sailors to its floor Confirmation came through a call to f""""' classes for other on-campus ac-WO\lki do with the information, bul grounds of tbe Newporter • Inn at th d Co t M n -kl nd th t •-d t k Ch ' f •vu• Newport Beach. some 25 .miles. north d. ree · sys ago, ~ s a esa career ve a a no ooe """ a en 1e tivities during the afternoon. trustees had been advised by the county his new oCeanfront home · in San Cle-Navy man refuses to discuss the tragic Reilly's reserved seat ·aod his waitlpg , The aMW of protest at Jess. than half the · coonsel that i( they ever decide to take 1 • II. · f h' 1 d g1 t f ·1 finally •--~ •~-1,., mente. He · is commuting by hellcapter co ll!IOn o 1s vesse an a an arri1 Y .-..11~ uia.c ugence men district acbools fell short ot teacher legal action .''""'" would hfive to have HELD' tN SLAYIMG A tr I. · ft · •·d d ~~ ts ... .,. \• between, the two sites. · us a 1an aircra carrier. '"" ma e uw"'r arrangemen .. documenlatiOlll · Panther L-ynen1;..~'. Nooneanswettdlhetelephonetoday at His other Navy son. Lt. (jg) James · The .f~llowiog schools look_ part in the HEAll 'VIEWll the home of Senior Chief Gunner's Mate 'Reilly, 23, of Charleston, S.C., was Phony Doc Gels pay protest activi~y Thursday :. , '.,' Preis Secretary Ronald 11. Ziegler aakl Lawrence J. Reilly,. ff, of 2334 waiting with a civilian son Jerry, when Coroaa d~l .Mu Hlg'-Seventy-four of p th'· A .' t d thePn:sidentwanf.e(;ltohear:theviewsof Minuteman Way, a townhouse unit where the senior enlisted man aboard ~ Evans 106 teachers boycotted. Students were 8ll Cf r res e · the. young, people on the workings "of the the Navy family has lived five years. flew into Travis AFB near Sacramento. J., w~ told to remain . 0:0 campus and advised advisory panels and their vin' o( the way ·'f"'t"'~ .... ,.. --.. ~~~A<i:·~·~~tllM a . -. _ .. 8-.:t!iii_.,. . to 9tudy, h<M'ever ·.~~.e wu a steady ~~ } • SeJectlveSuvkeoperates. ·-·¥~iiiiimably-lifum~oii-'8!-11i.--ha~'folcl'liii0ftel'lr t!i~rs belq'iflliar . ""' '. • v ·~ .i;!:'.,,.,~,~m"9\\ll,'!'"'~'"'~!1..~... 'un .· a Y&g!!'. ~ ... lovlll!l lo_. with Nixon were:· sinking of the USS Frank E. Evans' his f'ther was not expected uriftl mJd· I . I . ..... room n-nour-a~ natl' r -.-~ -~. ~. ~~a '., ); ... ~.,?Uh»..:~_-'. r~ard .ection followiiig, lhe crash with· monimg or noon today. n mpersonat1on p.Eotilncla Hlgb -AJl.buL two teachers f SA p. Ii . ·, Mi .. .''.a'iliiil6iit '~ WiMliiil"WM!• the HMAS Melbourne durmg South China The lucky survivor of the mystery sea went 00 minimum day and classes 0 0 Ceman Clinton, Miss.; Marvel Long, 20, Bay Srp- Sea maneuvers. . · collision and hla two remaining 10M ar· Bv TOM .BARLEY dismissed at 1.15 j l_1\. ' t111s, Mia, a student at J~kson .~tate Newsme.n waited tfi,ursdaJ, IJ Orange rived at Los Angeles tntemallonal · Ol 111e ~" •1i.t ttllfl ~ewport lb;boi fflp _ Scbedtde ac· . By J,\CK BROBACK ~ege, Jackson.' Miss'.; Hat,old StudlcY,. County ~1rport ror his ~ 2:~ Airport at 3:45 p.m. and drove home lo Phony Jiir.s\clan .Robert Ervin Brown ·. celented 90 claaes Ovt.f. it l:45i p.m. and Of"" o.11r •••·staff . 26, New·Yor~ Cltyi a \veterM apprenticed p.m. amval aboard an .Air c;:autorn1a .~ Mesa fl'Ofll there. , . .~~ni1;.e.f~ltyo. ~. 10 J~ ~ed~: ~ (See TEA.CBEMt1 Page Z) A Black , Panthe r party leader Is In • as an el~;; ~~·.Green, 20,. New· fl~t ·frorr..Oakland; origmaHy intended The 11-i ear Navy veteran 'flas 30· days' , ~ lro unwitting hea'rt paBent.s at. a • custody today and two others sought in·• ; York. City, a youth worker employed by .-------· ------. Jeave befdre reportir1J back · to Long Fullerton clinic. massive manhunt, suspects In 'the street-the Office~ of EcGWomic Opplttunlty;' ' A. Beach·Ntfat Station. rrom which he and · superior eoUrt Judge BY.ton ·x. Mc· N V k T • corner shooting murder' of SBllta Ana's Also Debra 'And~) 18, Lansing, Or-ge -Coast Lawrence J .. Re.illy Jr .• 21, sailed March Millan brushed aside repeat.td pleas Jor e W 1 1.l Or· ~·'1 et:S 1968• Rookie Policeman of•the.,Year-c , l MJch., student-at Soutbwest-Sexton High 29 on the ill-fated destroyer. leniency Thunday and impoeed \he No one knows why Patrolman· Nelson School: :Jon ~'gte, ~·~iill',ldich., an A joint· investigation of the collision has prison tenn for two of the felony counts S J N h A. Sasscer,, 24, was kllled, other than apprentic:e rn&chJne repamnan ~ Larry been launched ·by · U.S. and Australian on which the pieUdo "Dr. Gkmn Foster" lal' 00 &mat . because be wore the lawman's badge. McKibben, 22, Arilea:, Iowa, & st~ent at • naval offiCen to detehnine how such 8 was convicted Jut May 17. The een-Picked up at bis home Thuriday night Iowa State Urllveraity; aohn LJ9yd, 111 w~er. I tragecty ~ on ,a:tt_,nlit oJght with tences are -conctimnt. I Q F b 11 and held on suspicion of C90Splracy to Des Moines,, a ~.dent at ~ke Unlversi· extensiye elef::troni~ navlg;tionaJ gear. · nere;y Public Defender Lawrence nits OOt 8 , . commit f11Urder and murder ls Daniel ty; Klng ff~g Uim, lf,''l:.awton, Okla., a There'll be' cloudy aki'5 for ~ The Z3,500 i.;o 1u.~ &lammed into, 1B.."atck ey .urged tJhudge ML cMJ811111atl\e·rmto 1111,!d 1.flchael Lynern. 22, ot 1527 , w. 7th t., hlg~ school grad11:1t~ enterin1 .~klahoma blc parade, but yw can enjoy ~ . • .. _ Evans _1..ra:;:_ ~te -rg......., ~i a 111-mon coun Y Sa ta Ana University in the. flll, and. ;John Patrick ~ of th Fish Fiov under a blan-u~ •u-•I"' _,.. '"'' --• five )'eO" proballon was adeq\!ate NEW YORK (UPll-Slar quarterback n · ' , Lil ln""tori II Norm Ok'~-,,.~ · e ·,;.-o; • maneuve~ by tbe llfl':I" vesiel,'.tllllng aentence for the client who 11coMfd" Joe Namath, Spo'rts• swlnglniett bach-Lynem ls reported to.be 11lleu~t ,of ,k &> • • an, .. iuw~, an ket of sun this weekend~ with te:m-74· men, With on11-one body recovered phy1iclam at the Fullerton InterT1al elor, announced bis retirement from pro cpmmu nlcations" for the locaJ Black O lahoma University~ . peratures rwdgi.n&'itbe .70 mark. lrom the warm aea. Medicine Clinic 1na the Orangt CoUnty foOtblll today , rlther than bow tO an Panther party and bu been arruted Also scheduled 'to confer with Nixon at INSIDE .ftDA.-Y · Chief Reilly wu asleep In his quarters Medical Assn. into believing ~Y had a order from pn> foothill conunlssione r twlce in recent months, once forurrylog Newport Befcb were Robert ~: Finch, , .:.. _ ,,, !'~.lh!:.4;12:.!:_m .• ~~Dt octaJrred_,~ tw flight cardioJ~ in their !flidst. Pete Rozelle to sell b!J lnterest in a a concealed weapon and latu for a secretary Of .health, educati>n and -It':"c'ould ha:Ve-~e1l-,Ji7H'!''..t4i!lh : , wffi,fe tfti IQn bili':Sflljped>o~ "P )'e&J'.11 Bu~kley recallecfhis argumerifs befor& nlghlcfub:Ruzelle deteribt:d1 -a "hanl· failure to di~rae. ,,:.· welfare (HEW) .... and Bryce N.)llrlow. or Sth, but it WO& Juni'6th, 2$ -· 1o 'serve, 'flth"'Went,(dcni(n' at hill· '"engll'I\ the jitry that the ~pectacled . Blnn1!1g· out . for ·certain undesirablte." . S1t. Ralph CUriale, In chaJge of Jn· I Whit~ H~ uslitant ror COlllf'tulonal ttears 000 today <that Gen room watch ·atation. ' ham1 Ala .. man had known b111 llmita· 'nle New York ~etl quarterback, wlth vcstlgatlon, said an all-pcln~ bulletin Is relations. , Dwight EU:etll~r gaue th; During a 'press conference ln the lions throughout his five week, 50~ tears In ·his eyes, mede the announce· out for the two other men believed to , TheY we~ to talk abOut fl~~ the pos. 1ignal thoi launched the. great· Philippines WedntsdlY: QiieC Reilly said .at the clinic and that ~ ~ver ·~~ ment iat the nightclub and imlsted "I have-been with Lynem wtlen officer IUon of assistant lllCl"etary Of HEW f~ eit· tnoodOn of'~cU·tlme:' o.~, the crash sounded.kke • giant can OJ)ener to step beyond them in· his treatment rl ~:11.~nb!itneth'.'f =n·:=': qi~~ S.asscer was shot to du.th near midnight l}ealth -l. a mJlter ot controyersy ~alnce , 1944. Page 10. ~-~~i..:"out'~-~lolttbe--1:_,a. ·~iif·tliat the•'-· had bee•. any.dlfler.nce"' .• ThursdayaLtho cdtne1"0flllltlandlrd 1 =-~~~.,~p(j;:a:.~~•lnlllaMI. _,,. n -•-,. ~ ... -w ~ -'"'' IOOk II R<llol1-quk:klyiioldanewcciihfer.r.c. slreets. ·.•-• ',..w.~-,,,.~J/f ctl ~<lot'·h'~ lda'l!iiilir =:::: • ..: =.:='it 1Df...UO.. ~· by tho i=.~umthll.l~~~!Oiw .. G1bllownandCOllflnnedh<hlddellv-th!1'~::,.~~nrM.":i...:S,.111s,/.~1 1 so;i .. · :.·Olio, !-1·" c.-. ,, 1,1\>11 ,..,.., " M urv1 .. _.~·-~~-~upt th only two of the 14 counll fteed b7 P,, ertd the ultbnatum to Namath to teyer ' Chief Edward Allen and hb: fellow .of4 1 ~r ... 1 .. 'no 'annowC.ment fl a · ,.......,. • .. "'__. ,,.,, e uuu•flllll WlQ -.... o e • ..A--i.en Southerner-an tm......_.v, all .interesta ln the .club ot face mipeno ~~ . ' -. •• '' tMIM "-::;: heltaipter aircraft , carrier \1 SS ;;';" whrn he •mow•trlted &~ • skin tnJm P'.f'Ofealoul football . Ht called 1 fictrs as "a fine, decOelttd ~ell." oomloee f?'" the PGlt, wdul!'be m8;da k>--•-...,: ::=-.... K<anarp, wldc:h ll -ilt home to ;..i _ ...... and cUnical ~. the .---0 .,... -SJ1.CUl'lalewould1<lew1»delaill-on 1 day. • , • J='"''" .. ,. ,_ n Long BU<h. . !tom the ;;;;:;.. box. mado •nilalorall1 by Namoth and added, the other two-,._.., "'""" -tell Dr.,lltllry A. Kilalnllr, NbO!\ I ~al =.•1t:,.,. :: = "·': Naval 1uthor1Ue1 l8kl 1'lunday that .But Buckley'• a~ls for the »-yeaf. "I would Jike to ,W Joe Namath play wtiy the police IUlpeded Lynem. assistant for n1Uonal ..:arJty .tfatn. ....... • • .,.. ,...., .,.•;: Chief Reilly waa flown home due to the old defendant brought Chief Deputy ~ football very much." Lynerii. was arreated in April on the flew to C.llfomla from Wlllhinaton :::'!'' .,.~ w•"'"" family tragedy, while the 119 others District AU~)' _l~mes Enrlg-ht to his AddlUonal It.Or)' in 1Jports teetion, concealed weapon chars• after a police Thursday nl&hl to meet ")th the Pm\· (See REDLY, , ... II (S.. 1,DOC"l'Ol', Paa• I) j page 18 today. ~ ' (See POUCEMAN, ,.,, J) • ' dent. f • • I , ----·+•~---.. - • s 1 . I DAILY PILOT -·NiXoll Plans to Spend *1f i:!Nqg1,1st on Coast ! • I • t llJ lBllOM! F. COWNS ................... 'l1le cent.. cl r.... -.i power will """ lo~lbe Clnot• c .... lo AuciW and -... r..tlie <ftllrelDOllCll. Preoldeal Niui> Aid Thunday at bll N-Im vULt In Newport llMcb: "This II our Ont appear_. at wbet will be the Summer Wblle -In Auguel. 1'And in Au,uat we will have a schedule of the same Intensity as in Wubingtoo D.C.'1 ' Ron Ziegltt, the pmldeol's pms llOCl'ttary later lold the DAILY PILOT Nuon was not referrinc specl.tlcally to ~ Newporler Inn as the Summer White Jlouae.· The. huge hostelry on the bank of Upper Newport Bay, however, will share that role with the Nb:on ramify mansion In San Clemente. "I don't know where the President will be "*"1iDI -"' bis time," aid Ziegler. EaCh plact, he indicated, h., Its ownunique_.,... 'l!le lime will prol>ably be spilt up behkien the two. as now, he said. 'Ibe bm will very likely ae.rve as the presidential office cornple1. It is serving that function now. In anUclpatioa o( the ant mooth stay tater this summer, Newport Mayor Dortif:n Marshall tbi.s morning wired the President that the city is "ablolutely delighted" at the prospect.. She said the city is ready to assist the presidential staff in any way to prepare for the slUft of pnsidential power between Newport and SonClemtllle. . nie city of Newport Is alrtady much Involved In security measures at and around Ille Newporlor 1 At least ooe doten 'Pollet orfictrs hive been pulled oil ...war duty to back "' the Sacral SorvlOe. 'llllt is close to Ii peroeDI of lbe Newpon police force. Some are platnclothesmen. Their iden- tification ls a green and yellow stripped lapel pin in the ahape of a torch. Uniformed oUicers are stationed on root'topl: aroand the grounda of the Inn and In the drivew.,-s leading to the Villa S&n Remo, where.the President's party ls staying. Motorcycle officers are stationed at both ends of Jamboree Road. And on a hillside opposlte the inn's main entrance *** *** *** Nixon Set for War Talks Coo~ Routine Business S (!hedule at Coast Quarters By MEIUUMAN SMITH "''"' ........... ~ ~ fn:m hll dual headquarters in San CJeinente and Newport Bet:ch, ~ N"°" bu decided to go ahtad witb. hit Midway cm!ermce on Vletnam w?tb Utile comidenitlon for critical storms beginning to b~at in Washing-'°" and other parts of the world. 1be chief executive goes about a reJati vely routine business scheduled today with little outward evidence of coacem 011« what be mlgbt discuss in the Midway I.slands Sunday with p,.,. idst NIU)'al Van Thieu of South Y'tetmm. '.lbt WllUe H<me resident expert on Vietnam, Dr. Henry A. Kisslt!iet, arrived In Sctutltem Cal~omla Th,,,.. day night, but' tbe l'n!sldent did not confer with him. 1.-d, NlDtn -t the evening with his tami& at their new home la San C-lL . . Through news re ports and private cables. the President wu well aware or u~liclted advice and comment coming from Capitol Hill and other world cap- itals. His Sunday agenda for :P.fidway,. Mv.·ever, was worked ouf before he left Washlnfton for tbe West earlier this week. There was no sol.id evidence his approach to Thieu . had undergone any last-minute shift "-direction. As for Nl>oo 's position oo lroop with- drawals •nd coalition aovernmmt in South V)elnam, his senfctr advfMn bold that bfi stand was well atattll and public, and lh<y doubted any dnmatic tum-around-« for um matter. &ft1 dramatic specific annotmeetn<lll-would develop qu ickly from the Mldwaf meet. iog. So far as coold be detennined at the West Coast Whi1'e House, Nixon's po- sition had not changed since May 14 when he told the American people: f'rOM Pagel "What ltlnd cl ,.;tlemen will permit the South Vietnamese people lo tf<IM- mine freely their own politkal f\nlo\t? Such • ..tlemat will require lbe wi1JI. drawal d all non-Sou.th Vietnlmele forces, l.ncludtle our own, fro m South Vietnam and procedum for politi<:al choice ihat gi._ each signmcant l!""'P. in Sooth V1etnan. a real opportunity . to ~lclpate 1n the polil'icaf ·rue of the' nation." POLICEMAN •.. officer had stopped him and a juvenile on the str<et. Lynem mu.eel to take h~ hand out of his pocket when ordered and a IW'Ch revealed a Jkaliber revolver, lully loaded. . Two -later be wu again amsted when about fl> Negroes sta1:ed a ••stand- in" on west 1st St.rttt.. Police called the ptberlng a "near riot." Lynem and eliht otlten were amsted for Jalllttg to tfflpene after bein& ordered to do so. Officer Sasscer was shot about 11:51 p.m. shortly aft.er he had radioed bead- quarimt that be WU lea~! carto "questloraa~ol ·.1• Mirlrtes later, police were called aa the car's ndio by Louis Martinez, an am. bulance driver whole home at illlM w, 3rd SL la jull a In Itel ln>m tie ocent of the shoollnfl. . ' ' Mariinez told poll« be was awakoned by a gunshot and bean! Swcer call, "Please~ me . Somebody help me." OCC Crew Plans To Wmh Cars For Team Funds A bentfrt car wash to help pay the way for Oranae Coast College's high-powered crew to compete in the Intercollegiate Rowing Aslocla.Uon's race at Syracuse Unittnlty will be held Saturday. Members of Shell and Oar. the OCC crew team aUitliary, will be in the College Shopping Center. Hatbor and Adams. Coat.a Mesa, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No set fee is requittd only donations. and ali procttda will help get the OCC conUngent -the only junior college crew team invited tii participate -to the race. The OCC team le1Ves Monday for the clauic event. in which they placed highly last year a1aimt junior vanity turns from the nation's m0&t respected four· year achoo!!. He said the officer was unable lo speak when he reached his side. He gave ftnt aid and other patrol cars arrived in minutes and took Sasscer to Santa Ana c.ommunity Hospital where be died at 11:31 a.m. The coroner's office said the bullet. A .3kaliber or larger, struck the officer about ooe and a half inches above and to the left of the navel, severely damaging the abdominal aorta. The slug lodged under the din in the officer's back. MartlneJ: told officers a large number of Negroes UJe 3rd Street, especially on Wednesday night when the-, El Salvador Recreation Cent.er is open. Officer Swoedtad been oo the Santa Ana police forct for 17 months. He was a native of UPP#' Marlboro, Md. He joined ~"' Navy 111. liM and setved ·IClur YW'tf 'n;;;.i .ol ljlelDi lly!q Jteli~ mllSient in VWnain. In 1117,'lie was IWatded I special air medal for aiding in the rescue of a downed pilot. His body is in Smith and Tuthill Mortuary, Santa Ana under 24-bour police honor guard. He is survived by his wife Lynn, 1I, of the family borne 11155 Dino Lane, Garden Grove. Funeral ar- rangementa: have not been completed.. Erom Page 1 'DOCTOR': .. feet In obviOU! anger. _ "This man was on probation from a coovicUon in federal court on char.es of masquerading as an electronics expert at General Dynamics when he took this Fullerton job." the bluff, burly • To some, at home and abroad. this ~t a U.S. blessing oo a coalition government -if this turned out lo be acc-eptable to Saigon and the southern populotlolt. To . otben. notably lbe Na· ·-Liberation P'mtt (NU'), tt .... .. ~." T1Ueu bu been camPliln- lng throU.!Jt tM·Orient agaihst tbO idea "' cnalltion. . The feeling here on the colorful coast of Southern Caliromi8, where turf- ~ ~ ~ hippies wearing nme-rmp go 8lmast unnoticed, WU tha t Nhoo· bad stated his case and would not depart from it sub.!tantially Sunday on Easter Island in the Midway group. Nixon wanted to get as many Amer- . lcatl !""!!!'" ... of Southeut Aaia .. quldty 9 PQ13ible, but on his terms and not 1he terms cl the Viet Cong. In tloo to lnberi~ • war, Nixon did nnl Ille ' "'"f>Otl'ibllity or 1 ~· vacuum into which fntt<rS· • ietnam . could pour. The Pr'e&ldint's plans today included an e•rly morfllng helicopter nigbt from . San Clemente to his new office: space at the Newpofter Inn; a meeting with HEW Secretary Robert Flnclt. and a session willl· a groue of young Ameri- cans selected as a pdot study group by the Sell!Ctive Service system. He planned to return to San Clemente In the Nrly afternooo and leave S.tur- day far Honolulu, which will serve as a gathering point for hll senior advisers beJore they fIY off together to Midway for the mee<mg with Thieu. From PGfJe 1 TEACHERS ..• prosecutor rapped out. most students watched football In· "It makes you W-Onder in days like lersquad gam~. this with missiles flying around all over Costa Meu mp -About 70 percent of the place that we allow men like Brown teachers left lhe.ir etas.sea shortly after to run free and do thi.s kind of thing." noon. In the confusion most students went Enright said. "What I want is to see horn this man sentenced on all counts al'ld • Ene~lgn Intermediate -All students for those prison terms to run consec· released from class last hoW' and a ball. uti\'ely. "Accept the recommendation of Buck-KaiKr lntermed.l•te -S1r teachers ley and the probation department (for 'ft classrooms early. leniency) and before long we'll have Air. Uncoln htermediate -Sizty percent Brown back among us rracticing some ·1t of class last hour. new kind of fraud-and dread to think Rea htermediate -About half the v.·hat he might tum to nert," Enright ·achen leJ't class. ~ sitl<~7.UOW jeep. Police rifle mar-n are·1latioaed there, keeping an '1t on the area and chasil\8 aw41 all oa'9okers. 14!Ui\'hllt; mOll 11ctM\ll* at 1be Inn are golnr on as ~. with few tr.me problems an!f ~ly le• 1peclaton wandering -for a ilope ol a ~ at Pnlsldenl Nl~nmo alwoys -a cir to 10 from ooe p1ace · 1o another on' the &f'OUndS. The President anived an bGur earliu this morning from San Clemente. His 8:40 a.m .. beijf!OM toocbdown time wu IArgeJy dlctaied by • plans to vlsit With dozens ot young students, many of whom were from outslde the county. The Presiffnt's press aides said one of the subj'!d.s be wished Lo di.l!cuas wltb the at~nts was Vietnam. IJell-bopplng will apparenUy conUnuc to be Nixon's styli! of travel for the durallon 1of his visits to sU Clemente and -.111n1 im. ctinf-in.,.. - Ana. The chief eseculfve bu been hoppln& 1-I!>< oJj! Cottoo Estate ..... i,y d!o!>PV to, the Newportor !rut since his arrival Wednesday and these ! .. minute flights will become routine. "We will have a schedule of the salllfl irltensib' Ill we have tn'Washi.ngton," lhe Pmidtut .. id In reference to his JDOlllh. loog planned vlalt during August. Traditionally. summer White HoUses have been spots for both work and play, hut the . '340.000 horn! bought from the widow o[ the late H. H. Cotton will re- . v,,, ....... CRANSTON, MUSKIE 'CRITICIZE FURTHER ORJLLING Senators Pouring Trouble on California'a Olly Waters Salvage of 'Goodwill' WrecU Gets Uriller Way 1 • By ALMON LOCKABEY 0-1,, l"Jltt IMfltot 1!''1'-" Salvage operations on the 161-foot schooner Goodwill were to begin today as two boats from San Diego were sched· uled to arrive off Punta San Antonio, 200 miles below the U.S. Mexican border. The Goodwill lies in some 25 feet or water on Sacramento Reef near San Geronimo Island off the Baja California a>ast where she ran aground on a trip from Cabo San Lucas to Ense:nada Moy 25. Diven aboard the two salvage boats will search the shaUered hulk of the 229- ion steel-hulled schooner in an effort to det.ermine the fate of seven of the nine Americans known to have hem aboard the GoodwW when she crubed on the reef. Two bodies have already been recov- ered. One was that of 15-year old 1l m Smith of Fountain Valley, a crewman aboard the lll·fated vessel. The other body, that of a man believed lo be between 3S and SO years old, llad not been fdentified this morning. Both bodies were recovered by Mexican fLSh-- ermen some two miles north of the wreck. Coast Guard officials said It ls possible that others on board may have been trapped in their bunks when the Good- will went agrOund. On board when the yacht hit the reef was the Goodwill's Owner, Ralph Larra- bee, Newport Beach, a wealthy South- ern California industrialist and machine shop owner. main Jull • flome • The Newporter Inu has the 1ttractton or an adjacent heliport for setUng the ' pr11idfmtlal turbo»t' .. cboppq'"' d.o w n almost within waltlna; d1Jt.uce of his workshop suite in the VWa San Remo. Nl>oo bu ~ Utr11 fllll>U 5inc<o ar- riving and thr<e mnre aro scheduled before he leaves Saturday foe a Midway Island conference with South Vietnamese President Niuyer. Van Thieu. Seleclloo of the Newport« IM was ap- parently abrupt and usiaWrt e:iecullve manager Edward In'1e 111d bonkinp wtt1 solid when White House aides called last Sunday. "We bad to transfer 20 guesta: to other bolds, .. he said. Union Oil To Resume Drilling. Soon ~ . WAS11111GTON (AP) -The U.S. GeologiCal Survey directOr says Ulllon Oll C:O. sooo wiiJ begin drilling new, shallow wellt tn the Santa Barltor• Cbannel around Us deep well which blew ~t]ut Jan. ZI. . The drilling is the second step .....,. niended by a fft"d<nU1l &Clentlflc pone! to dHI with CUltillold • olow leakage from the blown well under the platform five miles offshore from Santa Barbara. 11ie well bubbled thousands of gallons or oil intG the Pacific for 11 days until plugged. The first step, catching seeping oil in tent-like underwater receptacles, was under way when the panel reported last Monday. The survey director. Dr. William T. Pecora said in an interview Thursday that tnienor Secretary Walt.er J . Hickel probab1y would make no decision on large scale operaUons on Union 's lease until the effect of the shallow wells, and of sea-bottom cemenUng, can b • evaluated. But two Democratic senator& char1ed the panel with failing to conduct an ad· equate study before concluding th~t further drilling was needed to atop the 011 leakage. Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of Main@ called the investlgallon, "cursory, casual and insufficient." Sen. Alan Cramton of California said it was superficial. The senators In a joint statement Thlll"lday urged Hickel to reject the panel'1 recommendation and make a thorough inv..U,1tinn nf the 1*aMel by "a group~ot tnaepende!tt aclefttilts who are not B.MGC!ated with any oil company or with the U.S. Geological Survey." The panel appointed by Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, President Nixon's science ad· viser, bast!d its conclusion, lhe senators said, on only oral evidence of Union Oil and Department of Interior employes. Cranston said he does not question iechnical competence of OuBridge or the panel members, but complained they did not conduct UWr own investigation of the leak cause or seismic condiUons. The senator said the panel met only once and reached its recommendations in drafts circulated by mail. Pecora said Geological S u r v e y engineers and Union Oil Co., probably would agree "within a day or lwo" on the shallow drilling program. He said only "a relatively few" wells would be drill@d, far below the plaUonn's full capacity of about so. Drilling each well will take a week or two. ::Dining Special t:.=':> .. t. ~-~· added. . . , TeWlllle htermedlate -All students 4£'l'""1P~*"""'.. 1 • ~ if·~.:·1 tftt ~W:wf:-c.~~·:,: J..reJ,_.,~ .... ~~I~ ... , . :i!.Er\n"'jb1'° a-am~ffis Wholi! r~TI! CSonr--""SC-~y'.-:·~~ · · · )_ -~~1-·7.>'~-~ of deqielt-he readily pdmitted to that-Adams Elementary -Filth and sixth ....,_, ..... Heall•etw .._. andd I doubdot lwi het.herh.he has ewr earned graders start@d lasl period physical "-fn9 .._. .._.. ,....., a" ecent .ar ~n is career. education a hall hour early. c.... MeM But I don t think.~ m.~Y ~~ t¥,t _ CM-a *' JtJ•r Gc@aJ.ary -Four CAUN>IMIA important to Brown. Enttifil. aaded. I te:.:chen left cl OltAHGI COAST l'UILllHIMO (CIM,AHY kohrt N. Woe• l\ol'll•t A. M1i1rp~i110 Mt-• t•ltw - ·think it's something" deeper. But ifs assrooms. about time we did something to st.op Undbergli ~mentary -Seventy per- soctopeths like Brown who do things cent on recreatJot\ last hour. like ste.allng planes and flying them. to .P.tarbten ~.ntary -All ~tudent! CUba and then coming back to find dismissed lo smg1ng and drawing last everyone making e•cuses for them. part of day. "What are we supposed to do now?'' Pomoaa Eltmtntary -Tw~thirds of Enright asked. "Do we just let ~fr. teachers taught shortened day. Brown walk out ol this door after pal· At a11 other schools teachers taught a Ung him on the wrist and telling him to full day. forget ll?'' Enright did not hesitate tG strongly criticire the Orange County Medical As.sociation fer operating a system that "made it easy" for impostors to obtain false credentials. ''I don't doubt that there's hffn a lot rl. las:ity on the part o( tbe docton." Enright said. "But that is not tht point today-our action must bt t'o en.sure tha t thJs DllD tfoes not fd I lecon<f chance." REILLY ... WOQJd lppattntJy rtmaJn aboard the Kearsar1t. The vet<ran sailOt' "1lo stayed In past rttiftment age to look after hil 11-ytar- old 110n •W observt hls 4Sth blrthday with hi.I wife, two wmvtni: sons and the widow of lA.wrenct Rtllly Jr. next wi!tk. Obaetve I!: fl'rhaps the proper won!. 1bett wW bt little celebration. Anaheim Tot, 4, Drowns in Pool A four.year-old Anahdm boy w•s drowned Thursday aflvntJOI\. in the backyard switnming pool at his home, the Orange County Coroner'• Office nported. Gary Ltt Parker. soa o1 Mr. and lllrs. George Parker of 10141 Hearth Lane was dead on arTlval at Garden Park Hospital at 2:33 p.m. The mue boy'• body wu found In t11o deep end ol tbO pool by his mother, GJ<n. da. the corontr'I ofUct 111d. The rwlm- ming pool was (enced and the mother coUld not erplain h°" the boy cot through the gate and Into tht •·ater. --· ~-·------- • Frtnch Ov•l Difting Tab! •• Si11: 56"138" .$J1f. Arm Chtin, $69. wcL Side Cheirs, $59 • ..di. Pa inted finish White tnd Green. ltelien Pede1ttf Dining Tablt. Sizt: 44"x44". Din. in9 Tal:./1, $159. Arm Chairs, $6t. Side Chairs, $5t, Printtd Finish Green and Whitt. Both Strven Shown are 3611xl9"xll" High. $Ut. ttc.h~ EXCLUSIVE OEALEltS FOR: HINREOON -DREXR-HERITAGE 90 OAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TIRMS AVAJLAILI ON APPROVE> CUDJT .. IWl'ORT BEAOt 1727 W-flff DI'. 642.:IOSv Of'lll RIDA Y TM. t IN1EllOIS LAGUNA BEAOt J45 North C-H...,. P1of111JONJ lad...._ O.i9Mrt A•1ll1ble AID-NSID ONJJ ....... , 'TU. ' ,.... , .......... 0.-.. c...ty .... ,,,, ' r • • .. I. I ' I • 11, ' I f ' 1:1: I ·' I · ' t I I • '• 11 11: '' '' '' I ' " '- ' N.Y.S~. ' ) ' -, VQll. ·62, NO. 135, 4 SE~TIONS, 42 'PAGES · .''.'FRIDA¥,,/l/HE •6"r ~~ · · • ' • ~· II TEN '¢ENTS -<' 'T -r I. , ' ~. ·v,,.,..._ ' ' > ' I . ' ' I • ~Onday • ' ' • • • J Clnsses to Be M·aintailted Despite Walkout · By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 "'-0.11.-Plllif lttlf Administrators of the Huntington Beach High School District will try to maintain a regular school ·day Monday, despite a teacher threat to walk out if their pay demands are not met by the board of trustees in a special session Saturday. · ~ "We are prepared to trialntaln classes with wbate.:!f staff we have." Dist. SUpt. ·Mu Forne!J said tod~. "We .an re- . ' quired by law to provide 17S School•days per ytir to qualify for state money and ' our intent is to carry out that · re- quirement." The District Educators AssociaUon (DEA), which represents most -of ·the district's 497 teaclien, has prombed to leave all classes e~ty Monday if the board does not accept their proposal of a 4 percent wage Increase with a Z.8 per· cent boOllt from unbudgeted 1110nlu. At, 3 p.m. Salu{day the hoard ol At Newporter Inn ' tru~tees 1Will consider the demands In a public meeting on the We:;lminster. lf_ii:h School campus. ' · · . If an agreement is not reached, DEA President Carl Maneman , a mathematics teacher ~t M.arina ijigh School, intends t,p hand In teacher •Jsned slips lnformJnc trustees that teachen will take "personal leave" from cljWts ~onday. · "Historically this.board bas not reacted positively to this kind ot pressure, u wam. ed Board Praldent John BenUay, wb.,. Nixon, Youths Talk Draft DirkHn took exception to Finch's in1llal choice for the job, Dr. John Knowles of Boston. ztegler ··u.id no aMouncement of a noniinee: f,or the poat would .be made to- (or Sunday.'1 Midway Ulland aummit meeting with President·. Nguyen Van Thieu of South Nietnsm. ' I I flve>memllor board ·bu-offeied. ·the · teacpers a flat 4 percent lnCreue with tb'e possibility Ot another '2 pefcent boOst this fall . He referred 1 .. lhe JlllllnUal leacher waiiou.t 11 "I 1hrtlt," adding that "this type of arm·twtsling device is un- profe11ioq11." · · • ·. "I think by their use of lt ·they are abandoning the 'meet and confer' polley (See TEACllERS, Pip Z) CRANSTON, MUSKIE CRITICIZE FURTHER DRILLING S.nators Pouring Trouble on C1llfoml1'1 Olly W•ttr1 · A selected R1nel c¥ advisers on America's military draft-nlne men and one strl -conf<rreci with Pmident Nix· on lodly 11 hla Newpiirler IMC htad• ~uarten to tell it llke they llfY·H la. They nOrterVe on pilot.~ com· mil.tees to Selective Sen1ce 1Yitelnl in OkiahOma, Iowa, ~an, MlaiaJppi and New York City. five Of the 10 are college students, 'two are ln bigb. school. two are in apprentice training and one works for ihe Office of Economic Op- day. . ' ' ' Dr. H'eriry A. Kissinger, Nixon's special assistant for national security affairs, flew to Calilornia from· Washington Thlirsday night tO meet with the Presi· dent. l'oUowing a Newpor-ter Inn conference Thursday, Ni.Ion announced he was nominating Donald E. Johnson, 45, of West Branch, Iowa,' a former national · commander of the Ameritan LegiOn, to be veterans administrator. He also nam~ ed Johnson to head a presidential com- mittee that will review federal benefits offered returning Vietnam war veterans. ~=ybtviled lbem to hb villa office on City Attorney Declares He came here to help Nllcin prepare New Drilling Planned; the grounds of the Newporter Inn at Newport Beach, some 15 mUea north of ' Senators Raise Protest WASHINGTON IAPl -The U.S. Geolo~al SurVey director says Union Oil Co •. aoon 'will ·begin· ctrillliig new, shallow weD1 •in tlle sirita Birbara Chiiinel arouiid 'its deep well which blew. out lait Jan.· 28. l;be drilling Is the se<ond slep recom- mended by a pres!~ential scientific panel to deal with continued slow leakage from the blown well ut1der the platform five miles offshore from ~anta Barba'J'a. The well bubbled thousands of gallons of oil jnto the Pacific for .11 days until plugged. The first step, catching seeping ail in tent-like underwater receptacles, was under way when the panel reported last Monday. . The survey director, Dr. William T. Pecora •. said in an interview Thursday that· Interior Secretary Walter J. HJckel probably WQUld make _ no decision on large scale operations on Union's lease unUI the effect of the shallow wells, and of !;ea-bottom cementing, ·can be evaluated. But two Democratic senators charged the panel with failing to conduct. an ad· equate study before concluding that Boating Victim Funeral Slated further drilling was needed to stop the oil :.=w H:c::.1:~,~·\~· =.: Recall p etitio its In valid lelkag.e. , . betwffn the two sila, · · · :~~=~·~= ~~gry Ronald L. ,, •• ;,said lo.. ~-~ oovnU ~Uon ~hlle ii~~ie, four um.:,:lht . insufficienL'' ' · · · tbtJ>reslit.ntwant.edtobtariiW\iewaof ;., .. ..,, • ...,...., number wbo voted for . Mr. sen. Alan crantion o1 Cll\!lorrii• sa1a 11· • ~~an the W01kinp ol lhe ·PeUQona aubmltted for lhe .~ ol ~u...,.,.,.,. ~on Nnli>c waa 3Upttficlil. · ad~paiieJsandthelrvtewollhew.,.. F'ti'nta'la Val ley' Mayor llObert ~.pell~. ~.~··"fbe•·ll·1, .u~-··-~ Tb 5<1-~-ates. I =.,.. -~ Co "-~aid -• "' ?_,_,. ro~ e senators in a joint stalement Thole invited to meet wllb Nixon were: -.er --unc~uen ~ Auguetine Jr. and Robert L. 8&UOM Thursday urged Hickel to reject the Bernard R. Blackwell Jr., 2-1. Jaclc10n, · Ind JORph Coumges were nt" would: rtpreaent the i:eCaD movemtDt ~ panel's recGJ)lmendation and make a 'M,\u., 8 .i!Jdept ~i Mi.ssiuippi College, led Jnvalld Thursday by City Attorney ~ou~. - thorough·investigitton of 'ttle channel by Clinton, Miss.; Marvel Long, zo. Bay Srp-Ectw,in .~artln.. , Sauone aaid today. the case would p~ "a group of independent scientists Who ings. Miss., a student at ·Jackson State "We'll &o to court to prwe they are ~bJy'be Wed in Oranae CoUnty Superior ' ' HELD 'IN .SL~NG'-·· P~ty . . . ~\ Panther Ar.rested tn toµ Slaying ()f SA :PQJiceman are not associated.with any oil company College, Jacpon, Miss.; Harold Studley.. valid," said reeaU lea.der Eugene Van Court Monday. or with QM! v.s. Geological ~W'Vey.'1 26, New York City, a veteran apprenticed Dask-this morning. By JACK Bl\OBACK The panel appointed by 'Dr. Lee A. as an electrician; Jesse Green, 20, New Martin's decision was based on the size r ~ Of""' D111r Pllft ,..,, DuBridge, PresidMit Nixon's science ad -York City, a youth worker employed' bY of replies made to the recall charges UJUDl y Employes A' Bl1ct :Panther party leader ls in vi.ser, based its conclus.ion, the. senators the Office of Economic Opportunity; which were attached to the petitions custody today and two others sought in a said., ori orily oral evtdence of Union Oil Also Debrii. Anderson, 11, Lansihg, when .circulated door-to-door. musJve m&Mluili suspect.a: iri the.atreet- ah<l Department of Interior employes. Mich .. student at Southwest serton High Said Mart1n, ••xerox cop t es of a Reach Agreement comer1 ahootiDg murder' of Santa Ana'• Cranston said he does not question School; Jon Bogle, 21, Lansing, Mich., an newipaper legal notice does ,not con-JNa Rookie Pollcepian or the Year. technical competence of DuBridge or the apprentice mtchine repairman: Larry 1titute a faithful reproduction 'of the No' Jine 'ki>oWa tvh:Y Patrolman Netaon panel members, but co,mpla.ined they did Mc;Klbben, 2%, Ames, Iowa, a student at replies." On Salary Hikes A. Susetri :2( was killed, other than ni>t condtict1 their owil investigation of the Iowa State Univenity; John L~d, 19, He refemd to the slze of the. re~rodUc• · , becauJe be wore the Jawmp.n'1 badge. lea~ cause or seismic conditions. Des Moines, a student ·•t Drake Univtbl· tioni saying, "it is a well known fact peo-. . Picked up at·bis home Thunday nl&ht The sen'at.0-s~d ·the panel met only ty; Ktng Hung Lum, 19, La~ton, Okla., a pl~ d~,not like and tome cannot read fine An agfeement has been reacbea ~g ahd held on lllSptciOn Of corisplracy. to once and reached Us rec'ommendaUons in hlgh achoo! graduate entering Oklahoma print. for a 7 .2 percent general sala!1 a~ d comn)it murder and ~mer· Is Daniel drafts circulatfd by mail. U!llyeraity in the fall, and John ~strick The l~w required ~rt recall petitions, frin~e benefit increase for ,more ·~thao Michael Lnim.· 22, of ·1521 w. 7th"St., Pecora said Geological Sur v e LtVlngston, 2!, Norman, Oklahoma, an when circulated, must have, a copy of the 7,000 employes In Orange COllntf (ovem-Santa ADI. engineers and Union Oil Co., robably Oklahoma Uatverslty student: reply ot the accused.attached.~ mayor men( jobs. . ' Lyiiem lJ reported to bt "lleutenant or would agree "within a day or tw:.' on th! Also scheduled to confer with Nixon at and both .city councilmen h;ad Jssued full The agreement which I! almost certain mllinunications". for the local Black h 11 d ·run· · · .. Newport Beach were Robert H. Finch, page, muneograpbed replies and then ' . , Panther. party and bu bee arrested s a ow n ,f vrogram. He tal~ only a secretary of health, educaUon and later placed legal notices, as required, in fo be aP,proved by t'?e. ·,Board of twice' in . nl , Uts . f nr . . relatively few wells would be drtlled, far welfe.re (HEW). and Bryce N Harlow newspapers; . Supervisors Tuesday was announced to-~ ~on 'once . o ·~ ~~~~ :c D~~;~~~b f:~IJ cacrctitk of White Hou5e ~l!tanl for conlressionai Martin claims that recall backers day by, William Harl; county' personnel ~~:~a]~pe~=~ &11d later, or a •eek ·t w a e a relaUons. . sho~ld h~ve copied· the original replies diredor and John H. Sawyer, general ·Sgt..~ Curiale, in ~arge of ·tn· 'ti. or wo. • • , . • They were to talk abo4t filing the pos-harided out by the Mayor rather. than the Associatioil vesttgation, saJd an,:all-poiilb IXilleUn is The program of 1.DJectmg cement mt.o ltion of assistant secretary of HEW for newspaper legal notice which was · · out for · tbe two other mem beu'eveCI to Funeral services for boating victim oil-lea~ng ocean bOttom cracks could health _ a m~tter of controversy since verbally correct, but printed In much Cott ~ tht county will be $4.3 ~Dion hllve been wlth Lyq~m , when officer Timothy Andrew Smith 16 will be held start w1thl~ a few days, he saJd, and be Senate Republican Leader Everett M. smaller type. ~v~r ~ present ~yroll of $61 million. Saucer WU shot to deaUJ riear' n1.l.t SS, s ·. nd J d completed in two to four weeks . "I'm not really worried about this a ary increases a one account for &.I Thursd t the , f Rtt"tt 'ai>d 3rd I I Saturday at 9 a.m. al unon a u e A third step authorized by Hickel Ip-de\tek>pmeht," Van Dask said · today, percen~ of the .current payroll and non-11treets ay a ~~r ~ I . CaMµtollcSmiChtuhn:h.r 1.-.. Sta Mariana provesareview,alreadyunder:wav.~of ~·· _ ~· l~'l'm ~..:.tbeai m\IStbe.ltib-: salarydems .. 4percent,Hartsaid. • ~·du-~" ·-. 1 I . r.. • 0 """' an • tarihuake -~·-~ _w..,.,~ -~'i "I -.,, 11'~..,'lllliUt.-~o.•1 '"--.ll!!!iWllldilr ~. ·--·---~ -,~.-:-$"1,!w.~,,1!'.l'~~itl ". ' -• ·-.. '' ·---. In a' prepUed •;lli e' f\:"'~•~TOl<fea;eTu!!'year In ein?1G'e Chief Jwari;ljlen and bb fellow of. -D~ .......... ___..._-, HlckeJstillhss·under,1t~ihtMJ1,-On G Ch aaid: , . salaryand~·5illary1tems. flCersaa"a flM-.wn-tedpoak;eman" ~ ~ will be recited toni hl at Dilda last tJiree recommendations: , '1'. . Ull arges "This is another •desperate attempt by ~·total mcr~ase la!t year w~ $3.45 Sgt. CUrial~~releiie·no deta~ on Brothe~ Chapel at 7 01cl~k and I. -An-attempt through an oil Wit'hdrawal the three incumbents to deny the citizens ~llbonh but Hart ~stened to -pomt out the other lviO' suspects' iou~t nor 'tell ·• terment_wjH.~1--SWli CathoUc programtofmdoufhowmuchthevartous . A Santa Ana ma n has been indicted of Fountain Valley the ·rigbt ·to remtYe at1 t e county _ s about 620 more whx.,_&bt.Jlf)li~·.IWl~.Lynan 1-r-~-cemetery in Long Beach Satuidi,Y:--~Mt~ctl· f nilected. • -on 16-,coonW .oL vio!it!Di lhe~~ral lat~~trom.of~iot ~p stue ~ti!_~ -~O:~~ .. ~~~~~et!'~~=~:-i~·~ _. 'i.)'Dlln wp_me~·-~ A~ On Uii ' - -nrnu on o pressµres at al!J~ls Gun .Control Act o( 1968. w, lOcJ~~T~ai -mDe .. -rater,'~eoncealed weapon"'~e-ifter--a·police---and injection ol water.at oil'is witbdrawn U.S .. Attorney Ma~ Byrne iaid Thun-"The purpose of appending' the not1ce · ~ (See POUeEMAN, P1&e .Zl ' '·• • ' I ! I I , I ' ' DAl\.Y 'll.01' lll'f ....... HEAOEO FOR NEW JOB V•l"!Y Schools' BNubler to pre'ieiit si.lbsidence. 1 • day that Brookes Kent Hanson, 21; ill the and the answer, t6 .the recall petition' is overtime, tuition reimbune)11f:Dt,• n.e Wl" "" · , -Pumping Qut all 'the•oil'in the· form· first .person·tn Southern Call!ornla to be quite' clearly' 1tated in the election code grieyance ~·and hollJSay RDJlcy: • • , . ;. atton as: efft.ciently and rapidly as poSBi· charsed with · illegal• intentate llhJpment as Ming for infonnatiOn purposes. Since '.l'fanslated to ~tyi taxes, If all of $4.3 0 " d ~-·led··~-the million In lncfeased pay··• ~-o'" !\'... ran• ... ·.' J •••• • •••• • C.u.a . ble, a process Pecora said would require of, !tuns under the act. each petition ha D...., u-=-_, e~-. . ~ u~ua . .,. r-. some 200 wells and take JO to 12 yean. Han,,on was indicted of shipping fire-act language as well u the answer, that tagged dii'ectly to a tax Increase, the arms to various persons · throughout the purpose wall served. amount wouJd be about ff million or 12 ·United States ~uriog December, 1961, ''Oneonlyhastoreviewwhafhas6een percent or the ~tax ·r1te bated on· a Stoelc. Markets ·~· Id and do · ~. th ••-· · formula of 1-cept iii.tax ratt.r.is( eql!lll· ' and January,.,.,.. 311. ; ne"" ese uu~ men.over . $33.'lOOO .., .._ • The act for b I d s delivery to a the ·put two mohths to under~tffe tng · • · n ea . ..,er- commoo carrier for Interstate shJpment meaning of this latest maneuver. Flrs.t Hart aild SaW)'e~lsald the agreements NEW YORK cAPJ..,. The sl11Ck market lumbl~ to · a sizable. loss by the cl0$e to- day aft.µ-s\linlrig'OUt With a minor gain. (Ste quotations, Pages 20-21). of any firearms destined to any per!On our motives •ere questioned then it was were reached aflef ~~ 25 m·eetlngs There'll be' clOudy skies for the IP licensed As a dealer. importer,. i;ulges1ed· that .we were COTJl>miltir\g act5 over a period of three "months. Such blg-piNlde, 'biit You ·can ·enjoy the . manulacturer or collector of (ireanns: that would 1ubject us to civil or crUninal llei;'.otialions are required by· a new state · rtst of the Fish Fry under a blan-law effective last Jail, 1. , · , ket .of }UP this weekend with tem- perallll'el· qucjglnc the 70 .~ '• • 'l'alcet SU.te Post p · · h , k Boo1__ INSIDE ' TODAl' -. .. -' . ". ' '.ape~' ac ' ' 'JUS It could"" .. b•en June 4th • . .. or 5th, but it 10CU Jftne 6th, as ASked. by Li.hr~'. veers • ao• todav, thot c .... 1~ ~· '"'"'.'::, :, ,r:~· or:~· -y.,_ ·· , '' ~· ;, •• !Vi1 . ., !·Jt.i~. • •1,,··.· ·"£ • ioe.~t1"1t't!, "A , ~· -rl 1 tHc. Page IO. , • • Dr: E4inlrd w. llod.foi". • . -.i. 1'llli relftl, >Wilt::i"Jll .. !'r.: "11\iVAl.!r......,..:-. a tOidier &!Ill• a · Ll~,;.wa11erA i ~ ; .l..JI..!' '\11 n," """'-t§ r '· , • tendent o1 Ille Fiiunl~-.. V.n.y hOill' bler hol bem a ln~LP..~ .Iii IN! i>Hncloal. \fn'' t!it · Paramoo;.t '11'!1fled rst.t;J';;'ld i,e dia6!totiea at'•;r innt.' : 1 ~ · •,:J • ii"1!Mt • '~' • Di.strict (or seven yean, resigned finest a pl r l ( of FountM ,.)ralley's Schoo{ Dittr1d;i · ~ " ·similar '.to ,.,,., inatn n~-·. ~!"He~ .1-c.mic.,''°'-"'.' .. ! =--• Thursday nigh!. . heritage.' ' ~ His ~ jqli, 81,ld .9Chool ~liclals, ..,. ~~, :r ", ~ The 4'·year-old ~UCltor wtll ' )eave Since Dr. Beaubler ca.me-to ~ f'oun· nvolm "I lhrfe.yt1r ~ltudy ~&necf" at po0tn~!_Utol~ ttie.l~x..contal~t;Jlbe = ... -,.':t '' ::= .,.... · ::= the. dl!trid lhti auntmer to beoomt taln Valley School 'District In 1962 l)t :,Pndln«i waya to eylhlate JN~. tn • co C\;U\111 MJuli. boO~ as weU as •""''*"'"" o.• .,_ Mlflttll ... dJrect()t of A ttalf: ptOjeCt l'ef tVl)IJalt has .beeft credited with ftwnefOQI edUCI· ' ~lttn~tary schools. The StuCJ~ .':S rtldln& m~l fot: the ·~ngsttraJ~ t. r=t 1 • -n ~ .: ochqols. He will ,....In Iii' Fcilmtain tlonal _,_ wl)lch have "'1ied the 1~bl' 'lht catllonlla EtlriMn A-t ~ f(' JI p.m. to\1 j,~.. "' .._ " -• Valley until a repl~ Is found. d 1 itlricl naUonal recocnlllon If'.!'"""· -... Admfnia\r1tor1 ~ . l ·~.,, thf# 'l'hiJrado,i;'cloaed·~ay ::::;::. 1l ::'!' ::;-,.U Scllool Trutlee Fra,.,.. DClnovan ac-ence · •bou\ IO achoo! dillrlCti,"""°g!I· mt Sa~, and.Ill!'• I i.m.,flll'P'~·· -,,.. · cl(lled the ,.icnallon on boba11 ol 'tbe More cominC. Jo Fouziliil Valley, oul . -'· ', , SUnd~.1 · • · . ' > , .,J " ... ~ .t.;.·~ ' ;I ... "\ ' • l • • ~. - " ' -_,,!¥J, J ... 6.1169 ~ixon Pla!Y'· to .SpCiid 'All ;August ' I I ,, .. . . . .... on 1J JEROM& F. COLUNS ........... .. • ,,,. -"' ""' -.... wtll lhlft lo lbe Oranp QlaSI In Aupl and remain here for the enUre monlh. P-1 Nixon aid Thund1y al his Nnporljr hm •1111 In Newport Beach : "'1'11 ii our first appearance at what will be lbe SUmmer Wblte H-In August. "And in August we will have a schedule of the wne intensity as in Washing\Oo. l>.C." JIOn' Ziegler, lbe prealdeol's prtis oecrt11rJ liter told lbe DAILY PllDr Nixon wu not merrlng spoclllcolly lo the Newporte.r Inn u the Swnmer White -'l1>e huge hollelty on lhe bank of Upper Newport &y. however, wiD ahare iba& "11 Wllli °" 'N!son lamlly 1n .. ~, "I •'t-\,..;;.;!Ill~ be ..,... ..... .,,,;.-;t bla IJl\lt,'_' zi.cior. Blill ........ bli1e1 ...... own wilque l4fv111tii.... . Tho lime wlll ...,Oobly be split p between tbe l\vo, as oow, he SI.id. The inn will vay likely serve as the presidential offict4 complex. lt ia M!rvlng th1I f\lnctlon now. In anUclpatlon of tbe oae month stay lltor lhb summer, NOW!IF M1yor • llcnen •Manhall this lllOl1llnf wtred tho Preoldeol thot tho city Is "1blolutely delig!tted" at lhe prospect. She said tho city ls ready to assist the presidential stafr in any way to prepare for the shift of presldenllal power between Newporl and san~14. , Tl!' cll1 II N~ It llmd1 llllOCb 111...iv.4 Ill. --II uid ~IMll · · Al .. one -Poi!<o olll<c'I bayo been pulled oU reguilr duty to back up the Secret Servk:e. That is close to 25 percent of the Newport police force. Some are plainclothesmen. Their iden· tiflcation is a green and yellow stripped lapel pin In the shape of a torch . Uniformed officers are stationed on rooftops tn1und the grounds of the inn and in the driveways leading to the Villa San Re.mo, where the President'• party 1s staying. Motorcycle officers are stationed at both ends of Jamboree Road. And on a hillside opposite the lnn's main entrance .* * * * * * * * * Nixon Set for War Talks Cool., Routine Business Schedule at Co.ast Quarters 87 MERRIMAN SMlTB UPI Mlt9 ....,. ......... Ol)orlllnf from his duo! beldqull'len in San Otmente and Newport Beach, P-Nlxoo has decided to go ahead with bis Midway conference on Vietnam with liUle consideration for critical storms beginning io break in Wahing- ton ud other p&rts ol the world. n.e chief executive goes about a relaUftly routine business scheduled today with little outward evidence of concern over what he mtpt dl.scuu in the Mldwoy lsllnds Sundly with Pres- ident NIU)'ell v.. Thieu of South Vietnam. • The White HOUR resident expert on Vietnam, Dr. Henry A. KWiJller, arrived In SOUthem Caltfornll Thun- day Dlg!>I, bul tho Pnoldlnl did ·oat confer with bbn. Instead, NU:on spent the evoolnl wllh b~ family 11 their new home 1n San Clemente. Throup news reporta .llld priv1te cables, the Prealdeni Wat well aware of un.solicited advice and cominent coming frnm Capitol Hill and other world cap- itals. His Sunday agenda for Midway, however, was worked out before he left Washington for the West earlier thi.s week. There wu no solid evidence his approach to 'Ibieu had undergone any last-mlmrte lhil'l of directk>n. As for Nb:on's pos1Uon on troop with- drawals and coafition government in South Vietnam, his senior advisers .held tbat h1I stand was well stated · and public,. llld Ibey dollblod uy drlmalic tum-around-or for that matter, . any drlmlllc opoclfic lllllOllllCCllld Salvage of 'Goodwill' ' Wreck Gets Under Way By ~I.MON LOCKAREY Del~P .. ...._..,._. Salvage operaUom on tne Ill.foot schooner Goodwill """ lo beSin todly as two bollJ bun Son Diego wore lofled. uled to an1ve ott·Punta San Antonio, 200 mlles below the U.S; Jlnk!.an border. . Tho Goodwill 1jos In -.2S ;foe!. of water on Sacramento RMI nev _San Geronimo l.!land off the Bala California coast where she ran aground on a trip from Cobo Su Lucis lo -da Mayll. I ~-'L Diven ~d tho lwo ,.iv., -;. will seorcl! the allattered 11111< ol lhe at- too steel-bulled. odlooner In .,, eflort to determine the fa.te of. seven .of the nine Americlns known · to hive beta aboard tho Goodwill when Ibo crubod on the reeL Two bodies have already been recov~ ered. One was that of 15-year old Tim Smith of Fountain Valley, a crewman aboard the W-fated vessel. The elber body, !hit of a man believed to be between S5 and SO years old, bad not been fderttWed this moming. Both bodlea ·were nc:oven« by Mexican flab. ennen ane two ~inlfea nOrth of the wreck. Caul Guord of~ls said ti II pQatble U>e~. pm-bllvc. "-. Id' · · · wilfn tl!e ~·· I . . : f --. . . -' Oii tioord when tho ylChl hll th< reel wu &be Goodwill'& owner, Ralph t.arra- bee, Nawport Belch, 1 wulthy .... µ.. em Clltrorota loduslriall!I and ml!chlne shop owner. From P .. e l POLICEMAN .•• officer bad stopped hlm and a juvenile on Martinez told police he was awakened the street. Lynem refused to tab his by a iUilShot and heard Suscer call, develop quickly from the Midway meet- ing. So far as could be determined at the West Coast Wbite House, Nixon's po- sition had not changed· since Ma:y 14. when he told the American people: "What kind of settlemtn will permit the South Vietnamese people -to deter- mine freely their own political fut'ure? Such, a setlement will require the with- drawal of all non-South Vletn.tmese forces, including our own, from South Vietnam, and · procedures for P>lltical cboice that give each significant group In South Vietnam a-real opportunity to portici!'."le In the Polilical tile of the nation. ' To some:, at home and abroad, this meant a U.S. blwing on a coalition government -lf thla turned out tO be acceptable to Saigon and the southern populatlon. To others, notably the Na· Uooal Llbention Froot JNLF), II WU "llOClellle." Thieu baa been camJ>liin. Ing tbrou1h the Orient against the iclea of coolllloo. The feeUng here on the colorful coast of Southerri California, where surf. boards and male hippies wearing nose- rings go almost unnoticed, was that Nixon bad stated bis case and would not de)Jllt from ti substantially Sundoy on Easter Jsland in the Midway group. Nixon wanted to get as many Amer· ican troops out of Southeast Asia as quietly u po&ible, but on his lenn.s and nOt lbe Wms of the Viet Con(. In addition to inheriting a war, Nixon did not want the added responsibility or blame for a military vacuum into which forces from N«tb Vlftnun could pour. The Prftldtnt'a plans today included ' ::a elf_ly mcmUnl helicopter flight from ·· at tf" ~~ i·o hb: new offict space ' attlhi .JtlWPl.l'!er IM; 1 meeting with llEW secr.t1r1 R~ Finch, and 1 Miiiion with a · grouP. Of young Ameri· c:w 1elecled u a pilot study group by the Selectlve Service system. He pl~ to return to San Clemente In the early aftemoM aod le.ave Satur- day for Honolulu, which will serve u a gathering point for hiJ senior adviaen before they fly off together to Midway for the meetlng with 'Ibltu. Frona Page J TEACHERS ... hand out of his pocket when ordered and "Please help me. Somebody help me." a search revealed a .22-caliber re.Yolvtr, He said the officer.wu unable to spetk set up by law under the Winton Act." fuDy loaded. when he reached his side. He gave first Accord.Int to Bentley the teachers may Two weeks later he was q:ain muted aid and other patrol cars arrived tn not be within their legal rights to ask for when about 40 Negroes staced a "stand-· minutes and took Sasscer tO Santa Ana personal leave en muse and may be in'' on west lat Street. Police called the Community Hospital where he died at ulUmately held in violailon of contract. gathering a "near riot." Lynem and e.iaht 12:'2 a.m. The teachen:, on the other hand. con- otbers were arrested for failing to The coroner's ofllce said the bullet, a tend that they are entitled to two days d1spent after being ordered to do so .38-callbtr or larttr, struck the officer personal leave per year. Offleer Sasscer was shot about ii :52 about one and a ball inches above and to Bentley charg~ that the teachera are p.m. shortly after he had radioed head· the left of the navel, severely iiamaglng too concerned !'Ith themselves and are quarters that he was leaving his patrol the abdominal aorta. The slug lodged forgetting the:1r obligations to the . car to "question a couple of pedestrians." under the skin in tbe officer's back. s.tudents, parents and the. entire educa-.. ,_. 1 M · Id oil ,__ Ilona! system by considering 1 walkout. nuu11les ater, police were called on the artinez to lcen: a uu-ge number "They're forgetting about the student!: car's radio. by Louis Martinez, an am-of Neiroes use Srd Street, especially on in the classes and they are the ones who allJ,I )'lllow jeep. Pollot rl!la JUI' ....... ... 11111oaod tlllro, ............ tho ....... clllltng IW'IY 11! aoleOan. MilnwllUe, most acUvltles a~ the Inn art lobtl on u usual, with few traffic probfemi Ill<! surpriBlngly rew IJ\O!!lators Wanderinl -for a Hope of 1 pOek at Pr~ldent Nixon whl> alwajs uses a car to go from one place to anothir on the grounds. The President arrived an hour earlier this morning froll'I San Clemente. His 1:40 1.m. bell!'9pler touchdown time was largely dlclalod by plans lo visit with dounl of y~ lllldenta, mllll' of wbom were from outaide lhe county. The President's press aides said one of the subjects he wilhed to discuss with the students was Vietnam. ll&li-bot>Plnl •Ill IPPll"tnl1¥ -ii .... to ··Iii-·· "11t!a1nl"" tho-or his v~IJ lo Sia Clemoolo llld resultinJ preu ooces In the Harbor Area. The chief e1etutlve has been hopping from the old Cotton Estate mansion by chopper to the NeWporter Inn since his arrival Wedoeiday &nd lheoe lttninule flights will become routine. "We .W have a' tchedule of the aame lnlaol!IY os .. have In W osblngton," the Prealdtnt uld 1n refamce to b1I month- lon1 plaoned visit durlnr Augusl Tracllllooalljo, -White H .... have been lpols lbr both wort llld ploy, bul the '340.000 home bollPI from tho widow of the late H. H. Cotton wW re-- ' DAIL V P'IL.OT Stiff l'flsfw MRS, BROWN SURVEYS SCENE OF LATEST INTRUSION . Hu1Hnd'a N•p Shattered by LIMJ Drive -T ' I Vesper Services to Open Marina Graduatiop Rites Graduation festivities for Marina High School seniors begin this Sunday with a 4 p.m. vesper service in the school am- phitheater. Rabbi Morton Fierman, professor at Cal State-Fullerton, will be the guest speaker. A reception will follow immediately after the service in the Marina cafeteria , with famlllu:, friends and faculty members invited to attend. At that ~e the Senior Plaque will be dedicated. Commencement exercises for th e graduating Class or 1969 will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday in the amphitheater as well. Guest speaker will be Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich , chancellor of lbe University of California, Irvine. Representing the elm as valedic- tori8.J1S will be Jackie Henington, Cheryl Benard and Barbara Larsen. AU have 1naintained a straight "A" average dur· ing their four years at Marina. main Jull I homo. ' ,,,. 11t.,..111 bin llu Iba llllodlle of an adjacent heUport for aettlng the presidential turbojit chopper .Q.oo w n almost within ~alking distance of hls workshop aulte in the Villa San Re.mo. . NJ1on bas made three flights alnct. ar- riving and three more are scheduled before he leaves Saturday for a Midway lslaod conference with South Vie!nll!leSe President Nguyer. Van Thieu. Selection of lhe Newporter lnD wu ap. parenUy abrupt and uaistant execuUve man.,er Edward Jn&le said bootliiss were tolld when Wbite Hou,,e aides called lut"Suoday. , "We had to transfer 20 g-. lo olher botels, .. he said. Shattering Experience Irks Coupl.e .. Shattered glass oprinldinl ....., the bed is nol a pleue.nt way to wake up and Mr. and Mn. James Brown of Founialn Valley are willing to go to court to prove it. Several times in the past year the Browns claim their serenity has betn shatt<rod~. baseballs, soccer. balls and other ob flying into their backyard from a jacent Fountain Valley High School. Wednesday nigh(, however, l\'as just too much. Mr. 'Brown was aleeping in the bedroom at the rear of their home at ~ La Arena St., when a bueball hll lhe screen on lhe wiodow, llDlobed a h?le in the glass .pane and thrtw broken glass on Brown's bead and face. Brown was not Injured. be aays, but was somewhat shaken up. The baseball was knocked into their yard by Larry Duncan, who claimed he was a professional ball player, but re- fused to give any other details. School officia1s have listened to the BroW?'' complaint!: for the past year, but say they really have no contrnl over who uses the playing field after school hours. Dr. Paul Berger, erincipal of, Foun- tain Va11ey, says a high fence near the Browns' home and thai of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willadsen -also plagued with the same problem-might be a solution. But district officials have not said ii the fooce could h,, put in the budget for this year. -· : · Meanwhile Mrs. Browri states lhe Is ready to go io cour\ to aue for dam- .ages and an lnllction against the llµntington Beach . nioo lfiJh School D&trlct to force into a st>?utlon. She already ha" one suit in court, Initiated one year ago, for damages suffered when struck on the head by a baseball. Both sides are currently dilcuallng the maUer, but Mrs. Br(lwn baa atated she wants the problem solved, and in court ir necewry. Dr. Berger paints out the school wu there before the homes. Mergers to Get Look SAVANNAH, Ga. (UP!) -AUy. Gen. John N. ltfitchell said today the Justlce Department will automatically scrutinize proposed mergers involving any of the nation's 200 largest corporaUons. ltfitchell warned the government "mly very well oppose; any merger amon1 the top 200 manufacturing firms or firml of comparable size in other industries." ;})ining Room Special bulance driver whose home at llOt W. Wedneaday night when the El Salvador are ."1Ueci11£" he •aid. ~-'!f"ili','1'!'-~-~-~ifll"'·'i:'·~~<.~-l(~-i'i.....;:;: iifoM1lnzj-'\' ':' -< i!iciciliiJt, --orncer SWiif bad been oo lhe Sonia day, 11 1s possible thll lhe studenls, as ' I t ' __J _ ' DAILY PILOT ••b•rt N. W••• 1''9lld1nl •nf l'u811.i.t J1clc .. c.,i.y Viet p,_kllnf 11'1111 GIMr .. Mliw .. r n-·· K,,.,n liOltor Th'"''' A. Mu,phln• ...... ,...,.. ldllO!' Afb•rt W. l1t.t Wllll1111 ltt4 A-1119 Mllt'ltiftlton &Mell IEOllor City 'fOltor H•ltthftH .._. Office 30t ltfri $tlo11t M•lllnt AJd,.. .. 1 P.O .... no, '1641 o..i.. ....... , Us;ps ' ... t•n-lftl-w...-.. -.. • ...,.,.,. (.setl M9M J 00 W•I ._,, SI,...! UM!,_ hlct\I n1! F._. 11- Ana police forct for 17 months. He wu a well as their instructors, may have to native of Upper Marlboro, Md. He joined ~'suffer" one more day since it is within the Navy in 1984 and served four years the trustees' power to declare a makeup ~ost of them flying helicopter mlssJons day added to the end of the school year. ULYl,tnaf!l. I!' 1967, he . was awarded a _Comj:>ounding the school district's spodal lir-modll .f.,.aidint In lhe reocue ht1daclre-ow-1Jie wagecll!!Me ls""that o.f a downed pilot. . lludenls at all four high scbools will be His body Is In Smllh and Tuthill entertnc their final eumlnallo"-' beiln_- Mortuary, Santa Ana under 24-bour police ning Monday. honor guard. He is survived by hil wife The loss of a school day would require· Lynn, 21 . of lhe fomlly borne lll51i Dino lhe rNCheduJ!ng of all flnll ti· Lane, Garden Grove. FUneral ar· aminations and possibly many of the rangementl have not been completed. traditionaJ aenior actlvit:les, perhaps even ccuim.encanmt uercilel . Novice Swimmers Signrips Slated Signups--lor~the-1999 Watminsttr Recreation and Parks D e p a r t m e n t Novice Swim Team wUI be taken between JO a.m. and noon Saturday at the OCC Crew Plans To Wash Cars -- For Team Funds Westmlnsler High School pool. A be clll sh hel lhe All youngsters between 7 and J7 who n car wa to p pay way canpass !ht Standani lied ~-.... ~.. for Oran&e Coast College'a ~·powered """" pqou· crew &o Compete In the lntm:ollegt1te ner's Swtm Teat are eli(ltiie to joln the Rowing AuoclaU<>n's race at Syracu1e t•am. Curnnl Am1teur Athletlc Union UniYmlty will be held S.turdly. C AAU) swim card holden an nol eli&lble Memben of Shell ind Oar, th< OCC for the novice program. crew team auxiliary, will be In the A regialraUon fee of •12 will be char&ed College Shopping Center. Harbor and for earb chUd. For farnilla rect&tmna: Adams, Costa Mesa , from to a.m. to 4 more than one child, tho reo w11r be p.m. reduced Jo $10 for tJch addJUonal awlm· No set fee Is rtqulred only don1Uons, mer. ' and all proceeds will help get the OCC W0<kou1J will be hel4 at 4:30 p.m. Mon-contlng"11-lhe only junior coll•I• cmr day thr®,h Friday beglnnlna June 11 11 1e1m Invited lo )>ll"liclplte -to !ht roce. lhe WHtmlnstor High SChool pool. The OCC tt1m tt1v,. Mondoy for the Swimming compeUtlon with neJallbor· clwlc event, In .,hlch Ibey pl1C<d highly ins clues In Orante County have been lllll yur .,a1n11 junior vll'llly 1e11111. ~uled t\'try Satuni1y, beglnnln& .. from the naUori's most rupecttd four· JUM 21. year acbools. ~-- j_ Fttnch 0¥11 Dinit19 Tebl•. Sis•: 56"x'J8" $21t. Arm Ch1ir•, $69. Md. Sid• Chairs, $59. ICICl. Paint•d finl•h Whit1 arid Green. lt1ll1ri Ptd11t1I Oinin9 Table. Size: 4.("x44". bin· in9 T1ble, $25f. Arm Chairs, $6f, Side Ch1in $Sf. Printed Finish Gree" and White, 1 Both S•rv•n Shown •r• l6"•19"11J I" Hi9h. $Ut. ea ch. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENRIDON -DREXEL-HIRITAGE 90 DAYS NO JNTERUT-LONGER TEltMS AVAIUBLE ON Al'PltOVID CUDIT NIWl'OltT IEACH 1n1 Woot<llff Dr, t42·20SO OPIM MIDAT 'TtL t INlERJORs Profe111t1111J lntorior ' 0..1 ..... Anllobte .\ID-NSID LAGUNA lfACH :MS Nerti! Cots! Hwy. 494-6.151 OfD N.llA l 'T1I. t ..... , .. """' .... .,, 0... c.-, .... ,.u I ·----------------------------·----------------....... r~"1. Ju" 6, 1'69 DAILY PILOT JI v~,·e~eated ~ '88 ' -_:_ 13 f,ounty ; B'acheler to Test Spikers et ' • • t ',SJ' !.-~~~. P~&OLF ~v~ Olymp.ie-Ch~pions -· \.--I \ .... .;~°WM-... -• ~ MAKE YOUR GRI~ FIT' YO\IR HEEDS Clarke in 2-Mile ForPrelims ,;ln"Hl1<tln1 the type of 1011 In Coliseum Meet Satiirday &rip you wish lo .use, first CO M· L_ed by Kansas' fabulou:J CqmpetlUon 1s expected to sider whit you want to 1c:om· Jbn Ryun. the field ls poised llleUme best of 3:1U, lnd New Yor't A.c.'1 Barry. Brvwn1 4:tlo.l !ail ~· really opios up an 11reaay at MOdesto · and Berkele.11 Army's Bob 1laf tnd Trtq ISmlth, . Fk>ridl T.C.'1 Jtek °BacbeJer, Mesico•1 Ma r Io Perez, Uolvtnily al Tau El Puo'1 KGT}',Pettoe, -Joltn Ketutedy, Allaoat Sta1e'• Jerry J-. """ Arm:I'• Dou1 Weibe all In !be , .... ".Jlnheoten Jocl< Baeltaltr, ---·a. top t......ntr ht , ·)II.'. hot entend !be Oronge ' Ciliml~ltaUonal track meet i'!"Ud. res to c&ve world rtoord· , Ider Ron Clam hi! stifles! cball0t1&• S.turday • """"""1, June II at Fred • l!etly Sltdlwn In Oraoge. .~; !.lache)er, who runs ror the ':Merida Traclr: Club, has won ,,\.eJA:ht races this 11eason at , . 4iltances n.ngin& from one to • "1lt mila. ~ .. -Like Clarke, Bacheler con· · Sldera bhmeif better at the .,!oaier diatances, but baa~ . iJr;orded I 4 : 01.1 mil> and Draftee May Get Pig Bonus be fierce thls afternoon when plish. l 'think a ptfer should in readtneu1 tor the 30th An· 1:11.1 In the two-mile this the top hlglt sdtool trod< and "'P«l tt1o thinp from hie &rip. nual Gollseum • Gompton 1tuon. fteld athletes from throuibout ll •hould (I) hold lho club Invitational Track aod Field ClarM holds Ute world mark Calilom!a, Including a · from firmly, ytl allow f.-m of Meet S.twi!ay evenin1 at Loo for two miles at l :lt.I alq Orange County, converge on movement, and (2) unjfy the Angelea Coliseum. with four other records at UCLA for the prtUml.nariea of hands so that they .nn return Mfft dlttdor Ru 1 ly Ionaer dlstancea. the state championship. the clubht1d squ1r~y to the Harl.Ind has lined up a ttar- Bacheler, who la now 25, ts a Today1a acUon getJ under ball. studded coot.ln&ent of top U.S . late comer to trick. He didn't way at 4 pm. with the top Three basic types of arips and foreign athletes, which tn-- •IWtolt!c lleld. • . ' ' ' The IOIO-iu9 ~· exeelleml Un&uP."1rillt -· Morthter, • ~ Dt!lonol hero after Onlaliltic l<iurth In the Olymplco, b&Vht& WO. botb ttart running until hls aenior three fmlshers from each heat are shown tod1y. In lllustr1-eludes za members of the 1968 year of high 1ehool I n qualifyine for S a t u rd a y ' s American Olympic team at Mk:hlj:an, but sWI recorded finals on the Bruins' swUt . Mexico City -inctudine 10 4:08 .oo . 1:56 times for the Tartan track. tion #l WI hivt the JO.finger medal winners_ and 12 who mile and two.mile. Top county hopes for blue arip, so named b«ause all 10 r('presented foreign countries Ba('heJer attended Miami ribbons are miler Terry Lamb fin1er1 touch the clubshaft. In the same competition, three University in Ohio and of Bolsa Grande, and two! This arip &ives maximum club of them winning medals. blouomed Jast year when he miler Dave White oC El control but minimumunific.Uon The hammer throw is the •·-·• spot on ... Am · Modena of th•· h•nds. I'd recommend It Belmont Stakes Tops Weekend TV Sports &I IM:\I a WK: encan . first event on the program, 1lorse ra"'"" has one or ita Olympic team. He battled bis Lamb ha.3 the fastest mile only for people with rtl1tiv1ly getting under way at g p.m.., blirest da'°Ys .. Salurday and way into the Jinals of the 5000 time in the .st.ate this sta.JOn, Wtlk h1ndt. and lhe JOO.yard dash stir\! CBS television wW be on band meten, but became Ill and 4:10.4, and should have no Th• lriP i111Hlustration12 is ,,__ runnln •· t 7 30 h i we· I evenLOS a : · to relay it to millions of was unable to compete in the trouble qualifying for the t I ntlrk>ck 1rip. It unifies the Olympic (old medal winners viewers. finals. finals. He's Jn the first heat of However, BaclJ:eler a n d the mile, the weakest of three art Willie Davenpart, high Majestic Prince a ti empts to Clarke aren't'. the Only athletes races. His best is neatly six hurdles ;. Bob Sef!gren, ~le become the first horse since cap1.ble of winn,!,n& the Oranie seconds faster than anyone vaull; ABol Oeb Beaman, ong Citation in 19'Y to win the Tti- County Invitational twO mile. else iD his race. jump: rter. discus (his pie Crown -the Kentucky Heading u;e . tlat ot .Marina' H!&h's 4'° relay handsverywell.but1llows-only ·fourth Olympie victory); ind Derby, the Preakoess and challengers is lotmer' Klnaas team~ the on1y entrant from e ight fingers on tht dub1h1ft. Bill Toomey, decathlon. now, the Belmonl Stakes. Univenity distance al:e John ,the Orapge Co{lst are~. will be It will take I person with ltrq(lg Of the silver m~atists The airing starts at 2 p.m. Lawson who ·whipped Clarke . runntn~ lJI the ~d heat hinds to tfftctivtly control iht' Col,iseum..compton will hav,e Jack 1Wh ilaker and Eddie ' "*'' f'•l'll for flllli ""'' .. "l..:.Z: l rlple "-'n lldOoW". Olk 1;a1i. tfll r.:e lbtlf. 2_ P.-1'11,_.(tl Cl.. -l'GA GOL.11 -I lls.Ml fthiwft o-t. AMI ........ dly 1111111 tamorrow IAtn Miii..,..... CC. ChlQM. 4 ,.m. UJ CT -FOOTUU.. - UC\..A -"'""*' 111 tlrlll ........ MUlotl wllh I to-mhwll ..,,,.. T .. Hll'""-Norm111 Dow, OM ~ mlll.ftldl In Wnlwllod. s "·"'· 111 CT -w1oe WOttLD -to-rnlroult •.view er .u ..,..., u.a. a-Golf tourrwr, •IM' l'llm e-.. ...._ INiy _,., hallMd ... CIVIi ~ •~ren KtiMln. J ,.,m, ISOF -FUT80L -ll.lldllr de suuor llt Mu.Kcl.I !:10 ... m. !SI CT -llLLIA,•OS -M llMSOll Fib vs Cir! Jtll-. 1t p.m. l:MI F -IOXIEO -( ..... dt II ,...,.,.. 111 Mnkl.) In an ~r meet last :against a palr ·of swUt San club with this 1rip. Ryun, ISOO mete.rs; Larl Arcaro. Ute last jockey to ride 1 You're ll-yean-old, ~·ve February bi Los Angeles. ~10 area quartets-Lincoln Tht ovtrl•P arip in i!lustra! James, 400; Erv Hall, hll a Trlple Crown winner, will SmMby jua He has '-"-co"-'·a"·g -~SI A11-•.ti.... lion 13 is mv' choice for tht ~urdles.; and Ed C&nz\hen. call the action. ••• • .,... (!I CL -BASE"...., I t been made blaebal '1 No ueen ......... i.e. Wl 911\1 • · "6'""'."'"'· ' hi h f th u s ...,.. ... , c1orw11n11, Didi: 1!1 -""'°' ' on the mile. this season to Tom ,Drelllng wHl re .. Jace avtra1ecolf9r.ltbtstcombinn g }Ump, rom e · ·' Saturd•u'a nationally w111sm111111cM11c~. -.:. ·idralt cho~ aod the club ~-'Id "· Jim G " ... 1· f th h d team, plus ~ Miller te•· •• ~"1--ba ... "· ,,.. at _ drafted· you, the uul up 1.1.1a rpttd and, if his aughan as the Vites' un111c1 ion O t 1n I with (Jamaica) 100 and Ne••,... .!'C~o.xu ~ 11 game J! 1-1ai:: it:• 1,l cT _ ~ltM:K MIEIET _ 1 1'bblqt0n Senators, are talk-perfQl'1JllDCe ·last week in the No. 3 man. Gaughan came up .club controt. Tht vast m.jortty P d . 1 (D • .1) t 1 ~· Cincinnati-Oucago came from 'l~.:-.°'i::,v~~ ",,-:_1c11miCr::"'ti I · te f $100 000 Ke~ G1mes in Berkeley ls with a sore leg in practice this of golfers use \his 1rip. . ru encio rui • r P e \Vrlgley Field. Gametime is 11 111e '-" c1u,....,., ll•'IN). 1 I ~u!nfor ;n: ..... 4 ' any indication. it's worked. week and will be unable to .. e 1nr ...,n. _,_..,.., Jump. a.m. over Channel 4. 1115,&ii,mw.\'~~'o,;, r.o~ ~~1;; ,!1"As a twl L , ,___ Lawsan clocked 3:59.S. compete. Bronze medalists lnclu~e The $ll$,OOO Western Open c~.,~h!~·01 CT_ NFL ACTIOM- ·."C...i..epltd sat ~k. you VI'! u=n LaW90n told meet director John Carlos, 200, and Lud_v1k from Chicago com'! on the "Tr..r c111 n ,.,, Flllltlltl"' ,__ ..Al--"\: Earl Enaman that he's set his nd,.':un5e k ( C zec.hoslovakia..), tube at 2 p.m. over Channel 9. ~"::l"lfld'ttt !11':1":' f'~:"'.:.Wt;k ··~,1~ch way do you turn? sights on Clarke. Lawson M ho s • f , · l N CJ ...._ . fool•" 1111 '-11 111 .....,.__ ·!~::''If the Senators are talking figures U he can·stay with the arat n emi tna. et ass Other Olympians rrom the Channel 5 carrie! UCLA's u~...t·(i:..~~1;-,~.To bell - that kind of money, 1 think Aua&ie .for seven laps, he can U.S. squad competing Satur· sprin1 football game Saturday d•5i:,:;·d~3'1~1 To11.os -lhllo•• , he'll . sign," uys Jeff Bur-out-ilct. him lo the tape. day night include \V:ade Bell, at 4 p.m. Tom Hannon calls 7,10 ,.m. nii cT _AQUA"'°"" ~f'QUghs' coach, Long Beach Anoth'r top challenger is H • hl • h f T s h du) d Tom Von Ruden, M¢1 LI~ the s~. N.~~~ f!!':i~ ~·=~ ·:l\'llsoo'1 Gene Rowland. Mike Mllbley ol the Soothem ig ig . t 0 ou, rney. C e e , quori, Bob Day, Tracy Smith, Sunday's Angel-Indian game !:<':l::l~"''"'"' .._ • ... "~U "tbe Senators. caJi aign Calitomil Striden, wbo ls DOW Jack Bacheler, Leon Coleman, lronl-Cleveland ~11 be carried 1:lt ,.m. Clll cT -Sl'Otl:1' ao- °RIOPPN•.m• wh h"t *this rated as the United States' top Geoff Vandentoct.-·Ron. by Chumel 5 beginning at t :30,,=w:;':;":;;T;:-;;:;"";::;;-;;:;"';;;;-:=· =;;:;; . ~:·~-.::-he'll :e ~ club's steeplechaser foDawtng the A marathon four-hour battle and Ralpb.Mear defeated Bob A aeria of five t"'°"""'k Whitney, Reynaldo Brown, a.rh. A tape of the Compton" '· "-tt."-• Id bot! b by <I. all retirement of Gecr&e Young. for the men's doubles ch.am-Carmon and Ralph Cahpman, tenn1I instruction .c I a 11 e I, John" Pennel, Casey Cariipn, Relays from the C.Ollsewn •J•a-o_,, pa us 1 Rounding out the field are piGnship highlighted the an-:ipomof!d by the Costa Mes Dave Smith,. Jay · Silvuter, ~ night will be ahown I , "P,~e. John Kennedy and Dici: Woelk nual Newport Beach Tennis 'i• U, ?-5., doubles . recreation department to~ Gary Carlsen, Hal Connolly, Suriday on Channel 2 at 12:30 I ~,;, I'm definitely interested in of the Striders and Joe Lynch Club's Adoption Guild tourna-n women• action, youngsters eight years and ~1ark Murro, and . Fr.ink p.m. : signing if the price is right," of the Santa P.lonica Athletic ment. Ann Heck and Nonna Ket· older, teen·agers and adults Cove lli . ·The menu: I ·"!Qrroughs s a Id Thursday, Association. More than 1,000 fans showed tenberg nabbed the A flight will be held on the court at Additional foreign Olym- 1 ~~~rs after being selected. Tickets for the m'et, which up for the semifinals and crown ·witb a 6-%, 6-4 win over Estancia and Costa Mesa high pians Include Mike Fray (-Saturdtiy I 1 b · '.tjurroughs, who struck out is being: tield as a benefit for finals of the ev,nt which rais· Pat Conger and Dodo Stan-schools. Jamaica), Pertti p 0 us i ,1:,:._•,jm~11t~.; ~~~~r~ ~ ~ c::t!r~::: ::rn'f~'n.io~~ Harbor Greens .tennis club II .".fl'tJ~ three times in 75 at bats the Children's hospital of ed nurly $7,000 for charity. dring. Registration for the first (Finland), .lose Neri (Mex-Kubri> ,..;~•sld• 11 WrltltY F1tld. 11.11,,. ,1 mirin& the season, had a Oran .. e County, are av•'lable 'Dale Jensen and Frank Molly Murphy and Elaine stssioo, which starts June 23, ico), Erkki Mus 1 a ka r l clMd<: w11h1~'°" 11 M1-11. Jim ing •du\ts. 'a] hil · I ·~ ~ McCabe finaJI th J d · !lmMon. S11\11r Kou••~ mlli:osld1 In . speci ting seu on with the at all Mutual Ticket Agencies. Y won e ong Demon took: ·a straight set will be held on the courts at (Finland), J u 8 n Martine.z •i-ni ... lefl. ""' ...m -••'-lmt .... · I. -senators when the club was in match after dropping the fi rst win over Sue Price and Alice of the Costa Mesa civic (Mex ico), Mohlnder Gill.Singh , ... II\, 121 cL-•EL.MONT sTAKES -l•hr _. ........ t.cnhlM , 11i;"'A~aheim three Weeks ago. set, 5-7, lo Dick Meteer and Thompson, 6-2, W, for fliaht B center, 1'1 Fair Drive, June 19 tlndi.a), Byron Dyce (Ja-;;-~:,.111~.~0: ~tt:~n:=l "'ki.u~~ -1 ·am ti11111fal ... .._ i : Coaches Nellie Fox and s a 'Merwyn Miller.· .Jensen and honors. _from 6-1 p.m. and June 20:-21 rn.liCa). aod . Frank 'Murphy · H""""*' H11t lf"ou~ •t ''" ,,.. .-, • ...,Wayne Tenrilliger threw ba· pr1ntJer McCabe toot the final two seL<s Pat Kraft and Mary from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Ireland). ,-· Pinhmlta.i ... .._. -'" ,.,_ 1 ting inetice pitclles ot Bur--_,, and the tlile, 1$-13 and 21-19. Trilooolf outllllted So 11 y The let f<>< taeh tw...,eek '!'Jte li>t of prueot aod'plst ' DO SING~ MIN _. -· . itlbp for 30 minutes tmd'r Stieve Farm.er and Pete Borftrva' and Marie Mallty seuton. which fe~1 classes Natkmal "AAU · a'nd UCAA HA.YI· MOii PUN? ca-.. Man hi ... 111 ,_ I\; the watchful iye of manqer Q 'ts CM Petenon woh tbt men'a A ln.fUgbl C, ~7. 1-3, 7-5. Manda.y throogb Friday, la~. champions is a 1 r o fm· •.• -.ly If...,. .. l'Mt -· N• Wt'9llelr ..._ '· nc1 W"illiams: Ul flight with a &:-', +&,. H vio-BUI •. and Barbara Wright Each tw(MIJ'eek COUl'lll -,rill pressively long-18 htft wm ........... thl RIGHT Oii.Lii Ctll l4Wltl hf 1 \ l· lfiurroughs bit seven balls lorJi over 'I1utd "Moitgomery topped the rolled doubles jn feature a morning c I as•· AAU titles and 13 ace cor,ent ...i CALL 547.1111 .. _..,..,., l.t.i..... · / -··over the fence and another and~ae O'Connor. . fiight A with a M, 7-5 win starting at a o'clock and even-or e1-collegiate champs. .. ~H•ur l.K.,lllnt-2700 ,...,_ _c.n .._ J half-dozen bounced off the Brian Springer, 28-year--0ld The·B.flight tiUe went to M. 0Vft' Pete Berwick and Wjnnie ins sessions begionlni at I and Ryun, who fint ran 1t1'=====================:!- .. 'well . head track coach at Costa A. Copp and.C. E. Dltt.oe, who McCoy. 7 for working adults. Compton while ttiD a pttp atl" M h I h trimmed U!My Linborg and In Jli0 ht B It was Bill Re .. btration for the fou• East Wlch'1ta Ka"' 1·n 1~• ,. '.'He does not have ou'"l""-esa High Sc 00 • as resign-R E C bell .. a • • · ·• ~ ~ .... ,.. . . amp , «, 6-2, 6-0. ln Rosenso. hn and Sally Moore succeedina sessions will be and ran 3·59 O that night -.i:,.a ,~ or an 011•·•--..1:-g ed, the DAILY PILOT learned th C n· ht G W lk " · · ' • "'·-e t'="' LOSl.iU•~ e 1g ' eorge a 'r who won the title with a 6-3, 3-held on the high school tennis holds world ncords of 3:51 .t , ~A~du~ ht bd~ hav1e1. an exclusively today. 6, 6-3 victory over George and courts Saturday mornings July for the mile, 1:44.9 in the MO, ,•...,...,,uui tni at, Wi WIU He signed a contract this J.fary Hunter. 5and19 and Aug. 2 and 16. 3:33.1 In the 1500 meters, and 1 said. k I t h t p I Verd B B Dick Frazier and Sally Vic-A..iditional infonnation about formerly held the American .,,f'JeH re.ally liked Ted," wee 0 ea.c a a OS es uggy ugs ~ . b-land told the DAILY High School beginning in • tor won the flight C honors by the program is available by two-mile mark of 1:25.2. .aun downing R. A. Florewtine and calling the ''creation depart-~Arizona State'e Chuc ti; -PILOT September. Springer is just Sue Case, J.2, 11·9. me nt at 134-5303. LaBeni and defending meet I '.k· ''I drove him down to completing his 'second )'.ear at Open Meet champ Sam Bair of Kent (O.) l' .. ~im and he was pretty Mesa High, where he ran the Track Club both ran 3:58.4 lasl nervous about It all. But cross country and track pro. T • • B l l • Saturday at Berkeley's Ken- Wll'f"t i'85 ° w"J t~f ~akin' grams. Dune buggy bugs au poised iJUllnll U ring nedy Games: John Mason. 1 .... ii:zm eereatly w:medeup~0Je "It was a tough decision to to invade the ·Anaheim Pacific Coast Club, did 4:00.5 make d I .11·11 hav at the Modesto R e I a Y s: 'told me he thought.Jeff was as an e some Convention Center th 1 s D k Th ' w k d rese,vat1'ons about Jeav1·ng the ar is ee en Liquori clocked 4:00.I In win· fine a hitter at that age as weekend for the National Off. •r at "els J had h " ning the Martin Luther King ••~sever seen." "'e ..., ere, Road Equ1·pment & Rac•"ng G I h " s · ·d "b t f k ames at Philade p ia; and • illlams was apparently not pringer sai ' u can ma e Show, beginning today and N e r i . M e x I c o · s 1 5 o o I · his · d I of B more money at Palos Verdes ·nd· s nd Currito Rivera, the 17-year· the throne here Su nday (June Jone in JU gmen ur-and all this teacher trouble v.·1 ing up u ay. recor'dholder at 3:41.6, Is ta· .:fOl.lgha. Rowland say1 every h Over JOO off.road ve)iicles, old matador wllo was the I) at the downtown bullring bbed ready to go 3:f>8·or bet-~m.aJor league scout in the ere is getting to me.'' Including dune buggies, sports sensation of Mexico City's with an e x t r a o r d i n a r y ter. . ,iSOuth1and had made Bur-Springer will not be head buggies, sand dragsters, streel winter season this year, will performance that won hin1 AddiUon or Murp~y. who -~ghs their No. 1 choice. coach at Palos Verd es, and beach machines and other make his debul in the next cars and tail. usually runs the 880 and has a .-,,..Burroups had knee trouble although be will assist in the specialty vehicles will be on scheduled bullfight at 4 p.m ., Making his firsl appearance1liiiiiiir.fiiiiiiiifiir.iiiil during football season last fall track and cross country pro display. June 15 at the downtown bull· since returning from · Spain,1 .axid underwtnt sw-gery in gr.ams in addition to teaching ring. There will be no corrida Leal hypnotized bi! opponent November. metal shop. Free films will be shown of this Sunday. from the opening capewc;rk '··:·He started the season A Cal State (Long Beach) Mexican dune buggy races. Rivera, son of Mexico's until his perfect kill. , ~t half~peed and is just graduate, Springer coached at The show will also serve as great Fermin Rivera. took the Facing a crafty bull that ~ fully re c ov ered, ' ' John GieM High in Norwalk the jumping off point for the Mexican capital by storm as a unhorsed the picador, he )lowland says. for four years before taking Baja 500 ~ace,. starting June nov illero la;it summer and won s~ared p I ac in g banderlllas '-.'That's why he didn't hit. the Costa Mesa assignment. 10. Tecbrucal 1nspect10~ for his promotion to matador. ~111th fellow matadors any homers but he's got plenty In two years he developed a the cars In the ra~e will be Because of his immense Guillermo · f\1ontes Sortibran ,.~ ... ~~~.Zii'~·-°'!*8 'W.:::_:•4~~~en~,r~po u.la rit , ).~. frc.c _and Chucho ~lorz~no. A.II ~"fOOk'·'liifn"'ifP!.O'c.t·t'O"(le-Di'. a 1:57.5 hall-m1iet, Ralph . . · ~--.-1. .h:,~rS.m~~ • 'Jtpbert Kerlan and WIS told Dean, who qualified for this _Ooe or_ the vehicles on young bullhg'h er wt r;oe. gl~lr .... fn(ifvfdfilaf1ij)praa·tfi·~·S"'tl'.f ~ 1 t& boy's knee is sound.'' year's CIF finals display will be the $7.000 sand away at Plaza El Toreo on tas k. r -·----------------· ---racer belonging lo 29·year--0Jd June 15. Bul It was• wilh the muleta ••14' Larry Minor of Hemet. Minor s ix bu 11 s r r om thal Leal showect hit mastery ,,,i,:FT SE.LL SAM and his machine are un· Mimiahuapan, now consid~red and knowledge o[ ~la 11 te-U ly Marvin ..,.... · defeated in three years of Mexico's rmeat b ?' e e d 1 n g cond lo no one in Muk:o. _ .1 ~-r-..;; ______ .,.,,,,, ________ .:...., _d.u..r>e.b~ggy racing. r"inch. have been selected for Standing motionleaa in the I · ·•·'Tbe'iuw has a fiber(la!S -·RiVei:a'• debut. . center of !lte ,rhti. heo«!J ---------------jeep body and a rtar·mounted Alfredo Leal, called the several iong ~stance pauea, - .. ·.:t'D w TO 1\tJ.P Ya/, DfAfl, BUT rvc GOT MY ai!N SfRJHG-QtANIM~ nrorcr.'' 35'kubic Inch C h e v r o J e t "Prince of Bullft1hUng" by and followtd with sflries lll\ted engine. fans, strengthened his hold on right and lefthanded pasaea. Show hours are from 5 p.m. to ti p.m. Fridtly, tl a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and from II a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. Adm ission 11 $2 for adults, $1 for children 12 to 16 and r.hildren under 12 are admitted How ·They Stand ire,. RACING DA.'fE MOVED BACK • < The ·~rtln' dale· for motorcycle racing shows al Orange County Fairgroundii tbla summer bu been mov· td back one Yt'Cek. Originally slated to Mart today, they're now ached· uled June, 13. Puadena brothm Jack aod Gord;r Milne, fomW!r In- ternational bike ractrs in tho' U.S., Australia tnd England, ore promotl"' Ille races. NATIONAL LEAGUE Ea1t Olvl1lon Won Lott Pd. GB Chicago 35 .U.6 .686 - New York ~· .521 I ~': -Pittsburgh ~ 25 .500 9v, St. Loo~ 24 2'I .17l Ii Philadelphia 11 21 .3'1 m > Monb'f'.al II 35 .m 211.~ Weit Dlvl1loa Atlanta 29 19 .804 - Loe Angelta 21 21 .571 1 Yi Cincinnati 26 20 .SM 2 S. Franctsco 26 23 .131 3\l Houston 25 29 . 4Q 7 :>an Die10. 24 30 .441 8 T .. 1n •• ,,.,., Clnckwltfl ICIOlllllfl( W) 11 ChltlfO 111o1h1M11 •n """'°"''"' f~ J.21 It At11"!1 (Jervll WI, nlfht St. Lwll llrlln ~) 11 l+lul~ {Wl1Mft...,.,,r111~ N"' ~ f""""7 '"4) 11 S.t1 '* tff IJ. Hi.m WT, oWtill Menttwtl CJ. It~ 1•21 •I L• AllMIU flu""' Ml, 11!1hl l'M .... lllfll1 CW11t J.•) 11 "'" rr•tt-(IKO (f'lrl''r 7>S,, llltfll ---------------- A~IERICAN LEAGUE Ea.st Olvlllon Won Lost Pel. GB Baltimore 37 IS . 706 - Boston 31 ta .646 4 ~ Detroit 26 21 .543 S* \Vashl~ J1 28 .481 11 New Yorlr: 24 28 .471 13 Cleveland 14 31 .311 lt\la Weit Dlvl1I011 Minnesota 28 20 .583 -• Oakland ~ 22 .532 2\2 Chicago 21 23 .477 S Seattle 22 28 .4SI ' Kan!U City 22 21 .4t0 fi ~ Callfornla 16 31 .MO 11 \la T .. ,.,., ....... W1 tfllNI011 I,,..,.. 4-11 11 Mlnllft0!1 (WoodflOl'I ).Jlr nlfhl 0.Mlllld ILI UHf"iwt 1.cll 11 Dflr611 (Wiiton , .. ), llitfll C1llfon'll1 !Mu,_., l •U 11 Clt~1l1N1 ClllJ......-1~ t .. ), t1it111 k,, .. (kt! )..J) 11 l •lllll'IOtl lM<- "'''" Ml, 111fht ChlcffO l'tl~o '"JI 1t Htw YOl't. ((I""""" 1·t!, ""M ~11111t cur !"4a•111~ 2-JI 11 l111I011 !CUit '•21. nlfM Next to you I like Green Stripe lxst NOW s5u USHER'S GREEN SfRIPE '=--,,!111·-""""'···d----. Since 1853, the !!J'.iiinll light Scotch ' ;Ti ·- I I l I ·1 ....,,_. _ _,,,~:::::;::~,--_,, _______ ----------...---:===---;---===--:----=------===--------~:!""'::::="'=--.,.,,=...,.. .. --.... -.----,. ---!-... -~ • ----······ ' ti,iJl Y I'll.OT H 1rld'1. June &. 1969 L!CAL NOl'ICE FueJ Pact ' ==~c-==----1 LONDON (UP?J -jjrltain'1 'lour Money's Worth 1\:~~;t,li\MT1= 't~l:itA'~ ~lomic Energy authority said ~ l!.~.'!" cot<iCE'r'~i Jt. 1Nt 1l wijl tpter 1 joint venture ~ ,.. ~""k"l:r <A ":t if'~ ·~ with' GUif 011 Cot,>. o f -~-'"'t' ~"it' ~fl:: Plttsburfh to product and sell •' Tiit ,,.mlt.n. cleterl"" 1• nuclear fuels in t h e United Increasing ,Costs ......... s.-. IU. , .. Uftll States. ~ -:tit -... ._~l---;LEG~AL;;---;lli:-;;OTI=c:::E--1 -=~rMll:o .. -,..,..,J, ___ --:==-----1 el ... •ICOl'ltl1<:1 Ol' 11uMn1 ,..,. ....._ 11A1t·1111 I I ! P41U4 ... r • Wlrle (loM fldl e11tT1111c.r.n o• COlt:f"Ollt.ATIOM ~ri."'U"~.mtt nw ltW•M:• 001.,.. 1u&11111&& vN0111 By SUL VIA PORTER 11 llllY nit 1 ,..,.lfl .. 11~ ,-ICTITIOU& ftlNll otrlc9 "''lw O..r"-t ~ Tlll!' UNOIEll&tGNlO COlt:~llATION A hidden but poltnt force ........_. C'"lf'91, wlflllfl • °"" ...... U'l'ffl7 11'1411 II ~ -...ctlllt 1 h. · ..,.. .i:.,. Ate-th• ..,. _ _. ""'•~ •--.rwrmb bl/llrlqs 11 '* w Li pus 1ng up"1r cost of living in -,""' "°""· 11~111111 '""""" flit""' "'""'""· sun. 311 0 ,1 ,;,, ~• ......,"'-' "" ''"'· T~, ,,~ ... 1a.• c1u,.,n1• under ""' ·-u·!.-.. _ · year11 to come wi ll be the • -ll<ffl&lllt ...... "'t """ ef ' .... ~ """ -1 ~r11fri. 'f,,.. form of ""'"''' et OltANCE f"l...A$MA CENTB 1111111 11'1411 • g diff be ttoJi -~ tie 11t1111M4 1rom 111~ e111c1 o1 fht 11-ot will nirNrt1io11 1111111 11, ..,111• growm crence tween f'-0-.1'11o\enl. d 111t Pltce of bonlna1 11 '' 1111iow.· lh •-f f · -""f"4rebD•~ ~ IMMUNO.&C!ENCE CORIOll~TION c num ..... r 0 SC enusts our -... ... ~1r o~-..._ 't:.•;,11 1il111v ••lol llD.l wu1hl•• lllWI.. Lot Ant11t1'. economy needs ao1d th' .1;.."'T."lllt ll1l'4t C1mornl1. ' Oiied; Ml'/' Tl. 1M , 1.-·1 bl h " . IMMUHO.SCIENCIE CORPOll.lllON numuc:r ava1 8 e-t e sc1en- LEGAL NOTICE tr.om •• "'·AW•, tlf ic talent gap." Preiildl!ll --------------i!COlt:I". S~LI n--ause OU . t"f" -·' T-ttin STATE Of CALIFORNIA I De:\:: r sc1en I IC lnu SUf"lltaOJl eOUllT 0,. Tltl COUNTY 0 11 OJl.l.NGIE > .. technological manpower is not l"tATI' 011' CaL1•01t:Nll. 111011 On "''' 2hl d1, of M1v, 1"', be-10111 TMI COUNTY 0111 OtlAM•l mt, I N"llr"f llul!Uc: 11'1 ,,. "°" Will""""' keeping pace with 0 u r HI ,4-'21.. 1'Y •"" St•~· "'"'°""''"" •PM••N Tholn11 ' d nd f teTlcl Oii' 1t•A1tttto o,. f"llfttl'ON M. 411Mr 11-11 '° nw ._ ti. .,.. Pre.I-eeonomy s ema s, costs <> "°" ".0.ATI 0" WILL AHO "n t" .,,. COl'Pllrl rion "''' •Y«UIM Ille products r.ang o·ng f. 0 m MOl.OOlt:Af"HIC eOOICIL ANO "Oii wtthl11 ll'llln.imfnt or1 lltlwotl of file cor· ' l.1TT111:s TlSTAMllHTA1t:Y -•tlOll t1M111111 NmN, ,,.. .e11;-ieo. automobiles to TV and cover· ~ el JOHN T. iWAHWICK, e11 "" "" ttwot '4Kll ,..,_.,loft •~t<utect Ing a myriad of modern lleic:MMd. """ -· NOT1CI!! s otE 11:e 11v GIVl!N ,..,., WITNESS "'' 111no-•na s~.1. necessities and luxuries will '4AM(V I(. DOUGLASS ""' llltd !Wrtln I tOF"FICt.IL SE"'L) 1· b •-h ....,.... 1or •rlltltte ., w111 '"" Cti1r111 11:. w111e11 c 1m ....,yoncl t e real value of ~k eoo lcJI •NI for •uu•nc:• o1 N"''"' l"utlllc-c1111orn11 the producls. ~ Tt1l1mtnll>Y lo tro. IH!lltloM•. Prlnclptl Off)(t Ir! ,.......,. IO """lcll ls m•clf ior lurllltr Or1ngf Cou""' ''IT'S A CHAIN reaction -tlc:ullrL Miii '"'' ""' 11,,... 1nc1 "''C4' My c11mmlst1or1 Eulru who.ch wo·11 be felt d'-eclly by ., "'"""-"" U""' lla1 bo!tn tr! lot Jl/n! O.C. 19, 1'11 ., n. IM,•••:» 1.11'1 .. 1,,,..., '"""'"'""' ,.. tubl!1!\e4 o, • .,.e C11s1 C11Hy 1"1101, you, the U.S. consumer, says ti.lr11Mftt NII, ) of s•ld rourt. 11 7llO ~v tJ, :)Cl, June'· U, IHt 1007-49 w.ee Ei.11111 '''"'· 1,,"" CITY"' s1n1•1;~~~~~~~~;;~~~;;~~Dr~.~E~m~a~nu:;:•;l ~P~i~o~r~c~,~p~r~e~s~id~e~n~t ....,,., (1llflltnl1. °"""": ....... '· , ... W. IE. ST JOMH, COll"l'Y Clerk, •AIC•lt, Sl'IELY a WILLIAMS -"""9 MllN &I,_ .......... e11Hw1111 .......,...,,.ttln-r. .... ,._ illl*i.tMd Ortntl Co&u 01llv llllot, ~ " '· ll. 1Mt 111t24t LEGAL NOTICE .... ~ CIRTll'\CllTIE 01' •UUNlll P:ICflTIOUS NAMI! ,,.. 11tM11r1lg.....:I do ''""' ·~., ··~ CDndUctl,,. • llu1IMH ti 11l1 lttltllt~ SI .. ~ MtM, (.elltornlt , llftdlor n. Ile· ti"-,.,., ,..,,,. of C I. C EQUIPMENT CO . ...,.,...._, uld llrm ;, ~of Th"' lollowlnf M'1o0fl'I, wtwn• n•"'" In lull t fld •leal al te.llletlct .,. '' lo!low1: I Alke H. COlwtlt, 11)1 ltt .. lt~ II., Cosho Melt , C..0'°'1119 L• J. Cole:, IJ1S S1ni. AM •~"""'' Coda Miii, Ct1"91'111-•. a. ... ,,,...,, .. 1fft. Allot H. Colwltl l90 J. (.tile 11• of Ctlltwnle. °""'' Counfv: °" Mrt "· '""· Mfont ...... Nol~"' hMle 111 w .--.w si.11 • ...,_,,.., --"" Alluo H, Colwll I. Leo J, Cell --fol IM to M fM "''°'" wllo&f -•r• 1...tN.crlbttl "' tl'le wllfl!n ~ ~ ind acknoW!edted lhtv uecuted ... _ (0,l'ICIAL SEAL! Miry K. Htlll'Y Notary Publlc-C1!!1tml1 Prlncl~I Orfltt 111 OraMt County My C°"'"'luiOft E.,.;plr11 Nov, ,~, nn l"ubllllleoil Ort"" C.ttl Ot llY Pllo!, Mt., ,., n. JO •nd Juf'lt '· lfft tJ7-6t LEGAL NOTICE caRTIPICAT• 01' •USlltlEiS •KTITIOUS NAMa ,.,.,. ........i,MCI nr C•tfltr IM 15 -~ I ""''-If 1100 "-t''-r 51., <:.-~. C.tlfof?lll, tll'llllr #It flC- flts.. firm "'"'• of' COST4 Ml'SA IUllORIU W 'llllt i.aW firm h _,,. --., ""' "-llowl.. --· whlM -fll f\111 •llf 11IK1 If rnldllW:t •• -.1 ... : PEll:ltV e. .f..NOll:fWI. '51 W1lfl11! st,, N......,ort a..d\. beHd "'" 71. , ... ,.,,,., •• Andrtwl •tet. "' C1Uflor!ll1I .,.__ c--tv: lu 0. Mff 2f. 1Hf, ...... """' I Heflrl' P1*1c Ill ...., !'Or H id sui., .,.,,_1111< -f'lf f"ERRY I . AHOlt:FNS ~II to .... to t,. -""'°"' '11111oll ... IM II :IUtlloulbtd to ""' within IMfr\llMtll I nd .0.-ledoed llf t•ecUttd 11'11 Mmt, (OFFICIAL SEAL! M1r"1 I(. MenrY Nolf" Publlc-C1!ll0tnl1 PrlflCll'll Oll'lct In o. .... c°"'"'" M~ C°"""h•*' E~plr,,_ No~. 14, 1'72 jlublli.h..S 0 .-...1 Coail 0111'1 f"ll11t, ....... J\llM '· ll, 1(1, '"' ,~, Why LEASE your car for 24 months until you've tried . it for 6 MONTHS? Makes sense, Cloesn'f it? It's our low 1'9et- •cqu•inted" offer. And there's never been 1nythin9 lik9 it in car fe1sin9 history! Now you c•n enjoy the luxury of driving 1 fully equipped, new 1969 Ford of your choice -for six months-at our low "get-acqueint- ed " rete. You make just six low monthly pay- ments-then return the car clean end un- damaged without further obl ig ation. Offer 9ood for limite d time only. Chock th .. e low monthly rates: r.111tDS •.....•••••. SIJt FO•D S9UIU •.••... s12t IAl~tlllelll I ll ,_....._. ..... ) GALAXll •• ,,,,,,,,,Slot LTD , •. ··•••• ,. ,, ••• Slit tOtlNO •••••••••••• S10J MUSTANQ. •········· Stt All cin ......... Wilfl V.f ... ~. Mite. lrau,. llft'N' t1'trlnf, rfflf, """1" w•Ut 11111 wti..i •l'K•, I" CALL MR. MALCOM REID FOR FULL DETAILS NOWI 642 -0010 FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM THEODORE ROBINS FORD ... LEGAL NOTICE ~wonder" industries are being built right noW ... tnd lnt<tltmt.IC fimi~ 11ch as Dt1n \\'ltttr a. Co .. "" ht!lpiac prot"lde lbe financial muscle to m•kt them a ttaUty. All the way from Lhc ocean ftoor tQ outer •pace, new technology is changing the world we live in. crcatinJ new jobs and opportunities. nus growth often depends on the "8.lc of corporate 1ceuritit5. And thi~-is 11.n 1rc1 where Dr:ao Witter can offer c~tensive upc:rienol_ Last yeu, Dean Witter llctcd as manager. co-manager. or major participantin 347 corporate under· writinp amounting to cl<m: to SS00,000,000 in new capital. Thi~ is jlW one more reason why 'l''C lii'ly ••• l'oa •re clo.u to nu.n wAo k1t0w w.kn >'Oii bl rat M'itll,,, DEAN WITTER.« Co. JNCOIU'OllATED N""1wr N-Yorlr Stoel: r;,.c,._,,, &M FNMW.• L4MA.qelM • Nn Yri• c~ ffret1ton R .. Ogdelt. Vite Pre.sidtnt rlncmtl41 Plata .550 1Vewport Cen1ff DrlGe, Newport Btach Tll•j>hotte: 6f4-ln2 . ----- • • • • • PER MONTH . ' -. • ·-... 4W..J ... Wa..t- . ' ' • • • • • ; • , • • • • • • ! • • ' • .. • .. .. •• ,, " '• ... i· ., •• " ,, ' " " .. .. " ~ '· .. ' " •• • " •• ... • ' " •• • " • "' ' '· ,., '· " '· . .. . , . . . \~: '• '· .. .. ... ,. ' . '· .. • ~-- ' ' frldol', JUM 6, lM . . . DAILV moT J1 H .. New York --Stoe k Exchange List ' \ \ ' " I r-.-6.1'69 • ae-•le Cla•• , . . i') ·1it®~h.ds '.1lac~. • I !T ' •. t"• I ' ' ' • • ' . ' '' '• ' ' Stitrts -Sal"4rday P.resident Cup:·.· List~ o.ver ioo • To C.ut Water A~ilen~ . .Rate . • •. t .. } .~ " . · , ti :e~ing. Ne~t f.0,r· IJ'Qat .OF.ra!9r~ !~ • ~..!.,.~~:_· ' I '• ' ' • ,. ,/~·' ! 1 •·.:t tl,~ SACRAM -<"f::, -."-· r.port Its Oacllags al !be.open-grou~ that ulUmatejy C<>!1J4 < .Wili! \IOU't* t!"lnt,"tlit, Demoa;lllc ,. LOs lnl of the 191' legishoture. be upal)ded, Walker ~. oo bl1'ulllil' ol l1i 11 , 1 AnitltS. w to do 00rnetbioi Collfoml1 -has nearly that ev~oung pertoo .,.11p · 1·11tr1N~ occldCnt ue::,;·•oe , •""'" · -r tnln<d and , · ' wu~ :tr Jn boot •-'L ..,... • · ' " w .. u~ 'A """'·"'""'. · 1SOOOO ,....._red boats ~, • ..,,,,,.. ~Al""'"1 over)'ooe l!f'!I ...._.aroN ~AP) -~:jlr1~-onw1ter., .·' ...-. : ·. lngcanptk. _ " .... ,-• ~.cu.J"-'" ' . lleltl ol Ol'er 100 speed boats Sen. Geor1• Danielson b RiSbtrt c, Walker,f itir~tar 'fbei would gel a cerilflcale w!"' ~ ..........,._. I" - . . ' I ./ I · ;llJJiltlQilon Ti •lands, ~ from lhr®ibo<it .,the eas1trn' apon1Qtln1 a ~ution. to'be '°': the . ~ Harticb '""'1 of complellon lrom · II/'*: a ~I~~·~' •'.~: Coaat's moot ooteC1 UnlledStat~ts~led,bere censldefedbYlheSenatesoon. W.lertralt 'Oepar\ment, aaid C0\111<, but It woold not ·~ 'uolal~"beiald '·, . • !; &llf!'ta1-ienled yochl roce th~ weekend ior the 380.,....,!· . · for .•1.~ "qi; the ·!""'. I?; . J>OM ~ iirP-\s ne..,. , mandatory. Walter said; ~t.F;=:;=:;' ·;;::;;';;;-1 Newport Boat Line Acquired Elgin National lodustries, Inc., of New York announced today it has entered into an agreem~ to acquire Lindsey Plastics of Santa Ana, builder of the fiberglass Newport line of sailboats. Herbert S. Cannon, chairman of Elgin, anoounced the agreemen!. F i n a n c i a I details were not disclosed. L. Alon Schaller, prealdent of EJ&in, said .. the addition of Undaey wUl solidify Eli)n In the Jtisure lline market as a primary source. ol ~h power and ull cralL He added that Lindsey will be run initially as an i~ dependent subsidiary _of Elgin under the overall supervision of Elgin's Hurrioane Boat subsidiary. Richard Lindsey, president of the Sula Ana firm, will continue in that capacity. Hurricane is an established producer , of fiberglass power boats in the IS to 21 foot class. UOOsey's sailboats range· in overall length from 18 to 41 feet. Latest addition to the line: is the N'ewport-41 froDJ a des\IJI by the lamed 'CIUdlln ~ Cuthbertson ai>d CISI''" whose famed Red J..ut (. lledline-U) .... the 1181 Southern Ocean Racing Circuit. Retirement Announced HILO, Hawaii (AP) -The o c e a n -ra$g Catamaran. Aikane, t>eached on the island of Hawaii Thursday after a tw~week cruise from Redondo !leach. Calif. Owner Ken Murphy. 1 Los An5eles automobile dealer, says the arrival ended the Aikane's 12-year r a c Ing career. The catamaran is going into tbe off.shore cruise business. LEGAL NOTICE I WDI get under way Saturday nlng of the PttSiderit•s £up· · llCfSISe!~t CJP.Fllltors •. • • h&'Vt ' gotten (ar , in' t~h.•i ·~it would give them aom~ll with the sailing of Newport Regatta. IO"'~,~~~~~~f,,! "The num~ ot licensed Iegla:tature "because they b8.ve "" Sta'\Us as boat operators and HarbQr Yicht Club's famed Nine classes of boats rang· a;. boats and crowded condilioos been very emoUonally oppoted 'eventually we'd have an adult HARRISON ··"'·• classic. Ing in-Pialoo-displacement • ,..._1'!-l-CAA'1'-~™ll1. _QI....?~~~ and the Jn. b~. bOat operators In lbe stale. population or trained -It -........g from 145 Cubie inche$ to 7 -CR:~EPY 1Hl~'5 ! • . creasmg-iulfil,btt--Of ac ~J'llef."fffl ti8t ft.~iiiG"a conthfu'oua piogrm." r 'nit; 39-mile course from utfes will bfi fighting.it out, for -t-· .. setms to fequ:lre that we ex· an· Unwarranted upense ·for-Danielson, a· formef Navy AOAT CENTER Balboa Pier to Point Fermin the $30,000 President's Cup amine the J?fOblem to the slate to enter tnto llceri.s-nian, said he's llways been in- and back to the Newport Pier and $5,000 in cash prizes in the determine whether there Is a ing; that the problem isn't terested in the problem of will be for yachts rated under Saturday aod Sunday race. Ill., Petti's Pet of Ventnor, need," Danielson said in an in-that great and, u a matter of boa(ing saftty. The idea for Miss ~eiser, a 7-litre N.J., and Sayonara IJ, the terview. , fact, we here in the depart· bis resolution came fl't'.llll en the Ocean ~cing or Cruising hydroplane from Colwnbus, de.fending 7·Utre n a t I o D a I He wants lo find out U hav-ment can more or less editorlal broadcast on a Lo! Club of America measurement Ohio, will be baek lhls year to champion from Elgin, Ill., are ing better trained operatocs, st.ibstanUate that thiJ year Angeles radio staticin ~BC in rule and will be the third race defend' its class championships ot!>er top boats. e~ted to through liCensing, would help there is a sharp decline tn in~ April. · of NHYC's Ahmanson Serles and try for the grand prize ;n enter the competlUon. · cut the accident rate. juries.Md fatalities in relation "We require a driv.ers of sis: races. the S~ay afternoon finale . The 1968 natiOnal winner in Danielson hun't ·made up to boat registration," Whlker license for an automot>ile," with the other top boats in the the %6& class, the Wa .Wa Too his mind Y~ that liceu.Sing is said. Danielson said. "They aren't Yachts in the Pacific Han-7-litre and 266 ·cubic-inch of Gladwyn, Pa.,' has also the answer but "I suspect we The state has an education quite so huardous. You get dicap, Midget Ocean Racing, cl1ss_es.-' ~registered. for tbe _e_vent, will find that there is a need." program in coopeiation wj\h out on the high seas or a big Rhodes-33, PC and Luders·ll The ·Loni .Gone of Worth, regatta officials sald. The study conunittee would the ~t Guard and boating lake and if you don't know ' ' . classes will sail a shorter ____ ..:..;'-------"'--------------------- course around Emmy oil der· rick before finishing. ' . . ' e 1..a •••• .. .,.,.. It •wc•ld O•~•l•llf """""' c.ttr, Oa,._ •-I • Hill CMf'""" Ave. 11 1..-ldl~MI" C,-'Y ,...,,,, .. ,.... ........ The race lias long bet.a a classic for the ·Rhodes.31 and PC classes as tbt,y 'race on 1 boat-for.boat ' basi! agaiMt each other. Both classes are among the oldest one-design groups on the Southern California yachting scene. Tht Huntington Tideland5 was conceived many yea~ ago as a race that would give beach-sitters along the ~t a chance to view the yachts in action. Under normal weather conditions the boats tack up the b e a c h, working close insliore to take advantage of the weak curTents, and brtak out their colorful spinnaken for their run home. Mi.}or trophy for the event WU dedicated by the ,Hun- tington !leach Chamber or Commerce. Fint yachts will get away from the slarUng line at 11 a.m. Festival Mini-sho'v On Saturday .;. pne-day "mini-preview" of August's California Intern&· tional Sea Festival takes place iD u.g Beach Sablrday w:hen two aquatic sports events a staged in Long Beach Harbor. The Kalifornia Outrigger Assn. bolds its flrst of four summer regatta programs starting at 9 a.m. off the Cher· ry Ave. beach, a.ad Pacific Offshore Power Boat Racing Assn. stages its B4·mile Rum Run m starting at 10 a.m. off Belmont Shore Pier. Both organizations will be Lnvolved Aug. 1·23 when the fourth ann~I Sea Festival presents 18 individual events in Long Beach. A fleet of 15 boats Is ex· peeled to race in the Rum Run, a sprint to Malibu Pier and back in which Van Nuys industrialist Bob Nordskog is the defending c h ampion . Nordskog will drive America . a 27·foot Magnum h u 11 powered by a trio of Johnson OSS outboards. Challengers in the offshore l~.'2"-'s · Acrylic Knit·' Shirts e _,,., " llSCtml'NICI ~ $188 FuU falllloa· •d Vird• A.co ryl\e b.it1lllrt. 111'111te, bllC'k, t•ld, •live or oy1I bl11e .,,1\h ronlrt91.· illf color "" lllOl't turtle· -· e D9 Mll'Mf' aholl.-t11rMr S'-"lolti ("'1tf, CMtt Mall e 11111 I Mdl 11¥11. • Atllllf~.......-·-II ' . , • 1Jm: ·~ 11. at w .......... ..,_. • .,.. c.-r, ..,_ .,.¥• e 11MI V1111Q VW 1t C .. ..,_,..,..,. 1"N11, .,,._ ON~t . e m II'. 17111 11....C-h Miiii "'"*" Cllftt. C..t1 M... • s3497 Cassette Tape Recorder wl .. ACAMphr $2697 ............ hlf .. c1i ... ~~!"" $497 llltnd el 2"< p.o-lrattr &: .,,.._ ta•~ ((IUOll. • Sne0yer60% Hazel Bishop Cosmetks , _ _. ...... _ ...... .... .__ •11.--..... _ ..... .,, .. __ .... _.., ···--- 'J ' ' -Skippy Dog Food Wlfl<A• 8' f'-•WJ ... lc l .. I .. 'I" Mennen ........... 69c e .1wt W. Ml ..... a1111 l rtltl SI ......... C ...... s.t1 Alli ' e 11'11 Maelltlll St. 11 Tl..,._:Vlllffe c ............ ,!fl Vl lft'f ...f e IMca '""' ••llttr a111•.....tt•lllltfll ._. ,... ....... c.tw, Hlll'ltiflttltl I . ' ' ll'Allnlmu ~$29! Dart S111111U OU ft,. ' h lt.41dj11t1lil e_ llltlffJ, nn9d Joot ·~~ .......... Self Adhesive • Carpet Tiles •h••-·'39' . ...,. ........ , ............. ,._ .-111. r ••• Cll JliQf. "9cb. •tlktlc:k ta,., RHl111i Mlila1, 111ildew.Cl:eaa Wllll •1ewua 4f -·""':-Cd-~ ... - 100',i(, ; ..... , •• s ....... of ..... W.U 1at11 .... mhgs • _.,.._ $679 I popul1r eoJ. ' :t~ . 'fot'l'I~. llew3"Wllllli Men's Ties '611 te '800 Yal111s! ltl C-99c .... l ritec.t•••r wetct. ..... .......... ,....., . 68c '115 Excedrin .. • • • • . • • • . .............. -"'84 'I" Maa Pewer .•::':'::'. c ..... 11 .. ,, .. Dlcerater Pieces ~t.f-·$399 --lnc1udu !;pe1\~ Wood, Gllll• ii Wro1t1llt l ru, ...... Illa II !."°;". ~~$495 MM-..,2.-• Sasel-2·11 . ...... ...... , . 69' $ f o C ,h••l1,11 A111s u11•1•h 1..,1Mrry flt la. WM a ..... • '"'"'b3'$1 ~".~:99c 11 .. ~·.~ Brlk<r q.ual· Hy In d ioke 247 oflf>lllht n. . JIM:!. yetr. c ~•T1,1U.TR o' aus1H•ss class will include defendinR 'ICTITIOUS HAM!! ....... 1111 ...,...., 68 .. 11 ,,,, o .. 1ea. ta 4--· • r ,:tJ~";.!D~IH~!!ll!!!e!JXt•o.:•'-"•!'• •..:•:• :· ·=·~· ~~ct"~';:;;;:;•:-tl'"'f''"~""~"':;;_;:"fi. t-<L 4nc • $11.ftY•a..I $3.ft .... , •ss1 Tu.YI ~ TM ul'lier1l•necl dll cerilty ~~ •r• POPBRA champion B 11 l !ol'ldudlne 1 bullM5t 11 1t1 e . 111~ C f M · d I R · s1ree1. Cottt ""'°· c.111ou111, undtr ~ ooper o <1.nna e ey 1n 11ctt11t>uS 11nr1 "'"'' o1 1A1111·r$ Spooky U, ·a Rayson Cra!l $ANOWICM SHO" '"" th11 111d tl•m 1, power-• by tr•'ple Mercury clll'llllCllM of the tollowl1111 "''°"$. wllos' cu .,.IM!1 111 tull end JtlKn o1 re1ld•11<• 1r1 1250 Super BP outboards: •I tollowl: NO•MAN G. SLATTER, 1 1l1 P.1aury Fortney of Newport G-..1n T•rr•a1, en.•• ~u. Jlarbor in Zenor Z i p p e C1tltorl'll•. w.v 1. SL..,TTE11 . 113' c11rie111•• {Bertram hull/supercharged Te<"rlt«, COii• Mne. (11lklrnl1. Ford !· Ed DeLong Jr or $3.Jt CrHlit Carll Currl1trt , ...... $248 ho ldt JO c r • d I I c1r1h. $1 .4tYslvet CletlM1 tr.th $1ftYsl. Deis•• S"9we llh , .... .,$,66 llkt vinyl ijn(;..1.ct Lens ;;:;;:,99c pt,:.i:.=·$·7"9'.9 ~~~:~a$"'2·•11 • :::i:.~~ t l11rett1 en s, 1111'-ltr. ,_ • .,, .,,_air.-99 ll1bter. lo ·re 1t .• ,_......, $JU Sehl k hljM M......., C BollAJ~ r.~. •••• ,.,.,., 1~ no c . . . • . . • . . . . . . pr!l'td . l~Slst..,.... WI .... 59< Wlntlex. ~ •••.••. 6 ftr 'I llH Adee 111 ....... Dtr.,f MIY :M. \fH I · '·'~''.t¥:Mi~>~::l.,"''"-~1!.<> .• •i... _ .:;,, • .,.,<lll~.l\i!nlL> -!•·, Sil<:<WL .• 1ll 1,., "~ ,:~ cli1(0r'll1•~ :•~, • • <)11• cma,.11~,~~HY;'iiF\3 1~-,,_ t,~,·l~, 10:~ ,-i~~99c ' • ' ! • I o6,.""M~i:'1~l .... before ""'' • Nc11r1 Pll•irboer ~ot~hild rbof llNe•A'JlOrt Publk 1n 1nc1 tor ••Id s111t. "''"°"'11v a r 1n •1.unde a s ( qua •-rttl NllOfftl&ll G, s11~r 1...i Mtv 1. Craft/supercharged Fordl. Slatlw ~11 lo 11\t lo bt lllt n rscn1 "'"'°"' "'"'" ire 1U1111:r!bed 10 "" wll~· Spectra Ill a nd Thnn· 111 fM!rvmenl and 1c1tn-'tdtN ihtv derballs will be racing for the •...wtM !lie ume. f' l ti ' h R Ru !OFFICIAL SEAL) 1rs me 1n t e wn n, a ~=:" ,~~~~~11 ... nia -final shakedown of new boats l"r111t.,..l'Otnoe ln -and equipment.for. the feature ::T~"r~ Enlr•• event of the Sea FesUvaJ, the Mt~ 11. im fifth annual Long Beach Hen· Publlthld 0..-C-1 Clllly .. u .. JvN ., 1J. ,., n. ,,., 10,.., nessy Cup classic. - I See by Today's Want Ads • ?llusic FantasUque ! For lhe true music lover, ht'~'• an unbelievable J\t.IJ tape rttordeJ, AMI· FM mpY mmp, Garrard tumtab~ I~ best), i;peaken, and many l!'X:• tru . Only $325. and warth much more. Alao areat tor the musician In the family, with 90Und~fect exbu. e Status Seeken: A 7 monlh old ftmale Mal.We, AKC, beautiful •how quaUty, and lovinr diipoliUon. Truly • status t)'mbol par exCl!'llence? e t-'Yllou•" Thia adu1t k acht:r will care for )1Xlr houlle or boat "'lille you vacation, Ott et -.'On)', In exchanre for. summer lodging. '•"...., Sc.Its lln Scetdi l'rlc1d t Y•ll }DWt l Ulla 011r '''ef!dly low prl~• orf4.U . BIG "40th" TOY SALE '1"1•'"' ·-.... ll•r.d:J df1•7 7 itliq .i,ta in lllod di!'-•I011, aftd llrll< l\ttolnn. 1 .. ltt-'t"2tlt. ....... ,... I-I-QC .... ..... u "'" $ 2 77 1~~~~ $11' .t n.ia tor rk _..,_ 01• r-11111 ""'" .. , .... _. l 11•Y.&.M1•twc1m1M. 1111••• ·-99c· , ..... . . $ftlValR! Mealq• Fh•l .. led 'l"P ....... ~ .......... Nefftlllf't .. ,, •t l~t ,.,, •It ••11f -. ., ......... ............ w ·~-'--M" $ 55 'l"hlu• Plak ... 1•1al ror "" $156 ·=---.. -· ............ • • • t • • ' I I I 1 :~ I ' ' I -·~ •r .. -.,,. ------f · . ,\ ·: • • • . . :-;)?.l?iO•n'taiD.r ¥-a , "• , UPI]'.._ . CRANSTON, M\ISKIE CRITICIZE i'URl'HEI( D~lttlNG Sonolon P04lrl119 Troublt on-C•l11'~1·0lly,Wotor1 . \ ' . New ·Drilling . P'liin'ned; . Senators Raise· Protest ·~r-,·~ ' . WAsHINQTON (AP) -The U.S. ~1.·Suryty~C~r:~ys Uj1ion Oji '!<>· oiiil!t ~tj>eeln•~J-~~w.;thal!!!" · welll' iQ · ttie 1 San\& · Barb8fa• •pharinel ... ' l . j •• ~-11' d~p well wbicb l:ilew out last Jan. as.·~ ... Ttie'dtmjng 'is the~ step re<;om- mended by a presldenUal scientific panel to d,eal with cOnti.nued s!Ow leakage from the blown well under the platfonn fiVl! miles oHshOre from S8nta Barbara. The well· bi.ibbled thous'ands ·or gallons of oil into-the P~cifi~.for U dafS until plugged. Ttfe-firsf.,step, catcblng seeping oil in tent-like underwater receptacles,· was under way when the panel reported last Monday.' · The survey director, Dr. William T. , , ·s further dt!1l!ill was needed 11>• stop the oil I~~, . .....c.~.~ . ' ·~ .'. ~~ca11'1 ~ .. invt~J.iOo,·''ctn'iory, casual and ~'11 . • ... ~l Sen. Al.. CnnsjOn ol Ca1lbn1a said it wis i:NPtrliciaJ. · · The senators in a· joint stateinent Thursday urged JUctel : to rejtct the panel'• recqmmendatlon ancl ~~ a thorough inveStigation of the channel 'by ''a group or independent scientists who are riot associated .with any oil company or with fbe..U.s. Gtolo&lcal,Sw:vey." The panel appcilnt.0; by .b.;. Lee A. DuBridge, President Ni%on'a 'acience ad· 'viser,, based its conclusiop,~ the senators sakl, ·on only oral evii:lehce •of Un:iop ·Oil and Department of'Inlel'tor""erilployes.' P~ra, µid in an interview Thursday "that lhterior Secretary Walter J. Hickel ; I proj>abty would make no decisidn on large_ scale operations on Union's lease unUl the effect of the shallow wells, and of .~a-bottom cementing, can b-·e evaluated.. . Cransto'n sai.4 he d~ not question technical cornpetence ot OUBrldge o'r the panel mt.mbers, but complained they did 1'ot conduct their oWn iqvestigatiim of the leak c'u~ or seismic Conditioiis. The senator nid the. panel met only once and reached its reconunendltion.s in drafts ciri::ulated.by mea, Bat• tw.o Democratic senators charged the panel with failing to conduct an ad- equ8te ltudy before concluding that Boating Victim Funeral Slated P~ora . said Geological S u r v e y engineers and Union Oil Co., probably would agree "within •,day.or two" on the shallow drilling program. He said only "a relatively few" wells would be drilled far below the platforrh's. full capacity of about 50. Drilling each well will take a week or two. The progtaril or lrijectihg Cement into ' • . . . oil-.leaking ocean boUom cracks could Funeral services for boating victim start with.in a few days be said Od be ' ,. '· I• , t I , . •••• ' . ' . . ' . t• • . ' ' ' l . ' ' .... ' . . . . . "f' • . • Classes to ·ne Maintained D~spi1'3 · Walkout Bf RUDI NIEl>Zl!lllll Of .... Del"''*" lteff Administrators of the HunUngton Beach Hl&h School District will• try .to mal,ptai(l a ~Iar schoo.I day -Mopday, despite a teacher threat to . walk out if their pay demands are not met by lhe board of trustees in a special session Saturday. ' ~We.ar<..Pf'pored to maintain 'cWMS with whatever staff "' have." Dtst.,'SUpt. Max Forney .said . today, •'Wt are re- quilod .by 11jr to provide 175 'school days lrullHI wtn -..111e demands ln ·a · tnHnel1\bOf .--.i•·bas ',offered the ""''"'"° to qu~lly for 1tote money jnd' pu~lfe meeting oo lhe .,..tminm,r Htgti' , .... i:.n 'a ftat·4 pen:ent mer....+ wttll our Intent ts to carry out that re-Schoot•campus. ' · • ' '""~·· · · · · · · quirt:ment." If an qi'eement is not reached,' DEA the ~ty of another 2: percent boost The bi.strict Educators AaociaUon P1-eslctent Carl Maneman, a mathematics this fall. (DEA), whiQt rep"sents moat ofi the teacber at·Marinlltigh School, intends to He ref_frred to the .-potential teacher districl's;ff'I teacheil: has. ptiriilllod ,to . baocl In taac6lr slped '11ip0 in!«nlfug wa!kl>!il~ "•'threat ," addfn1 that "this leave aU" Classes emptY Monday 111 the trustees that teachen will t.:dte "persona,I type of ann-twisUng device is un- .bpl.i,f ~not a~t .ttleU:'PfOPOl:ll·I)( ·a leave"• from c:la!leS· MondC)'. , · · profeuiqnat.1t • • 4 ·percent wage increase wilh-a-2,l -pe.1*---..!!Histork;all~thil-~hu-Mt-reacted--.!!J-think-by-.Uleir-uae.-of-it:._they-1re cent l>oost from unbudgeted mpnies. positively to. tbb: ldndfof prt11Ure,1' warn-ablndanfnc the 'roeet l and confer' policy At. 2 p.m. Saturd,ay · the board ol od Boucfl'raldent John Bentley, whcise · (See .'I'EACllEBS, Pop I) . ' • ( At NewpiWter Inn ' Nixon, .Yo.uths Tallt Qraft . \ . . . ' . . ' . . . TAM selected · .panel ;Of.~ •dvlsert on America's mllitarY dralt-nint men and one girl -Conferred with Preaident Nix- on' toi!ay at his N~ Inn l><ad· quarten to tell it like tliey ssy It la. niey now serve oo pilot .adVilory com· mlttees to Selecllve ·Service ~ in Oklahoma, Iowa, MiclllPn,: ,M~ppl and New'Yort City. F.tve..olrtbe~tO}are college student.I, two are in blab ,.1, two are in apprentlCe. ~~·anct •orie works for the Office ol Eecmmnlc Op- portunity. . ' Nixon lnvitecftbem·to his villa alflce on the lfOW)dl of thO N~ Iiiii at Newport Beach, aome 25 mlleo .north of his ..... -...an1root home 1n ·san. ci .. -te. He . i. commutln( by belki>pter · be~lhe two·1lteo. , 1. . f.,;''. . ·'--!'' ·. ~~ llEAlt·'l'ISWI ' •• . ·u!'Pr~~~~~- . tlie .yomft l!!PPlt mi lhe worlrlJio ~llie ad......,..l!.lifll anil tllelt Vlew-.lflbe1'ly Selecllve aomce operates. 'Those in~ to meet with Nixon·were: Bemar:d• R. Blackwell 'Jr., 21, Jacklon, MIM., a student at Mlaslulppl C-OIJ'8e, Clinton, Mis.I.; Marvel Long, 20f Bay Srp- ings, Miss ., 1 .student at Jacksolt State College:Jackaon, Mtss.; Harold Studley. 2f, New ·York'City, a veteran apprthtictd as an ele(tTician; JfMI! Gree~ 20, New York City, a yooth worker emplpyed by the,Office of Econ<imic ,OJ>portuntiy; Also 'Debra Anderson, llJ, Lmfsing. Mich.,' Student' at Southwest Sexton lfigh SchoOI; .Joo 'Bogle, ·21, Laming, Mich., an apprentice mtchlne repaJmian; Larry · McKibben, 22, Ames, Iowa, a student at Iowa State Univerllt.Y: John 'Lloyd, 19, Des ~toines, a student at {)rake Untvenf- ty; King Hung LUIJl, 19, Lawton, Okla., a high school graduate eriterlng OklabOma University in the fall , and John-Patrick Livingston, 21, N~ap, Ok~a. an Oklahoma University student. Also scheduled to confer with Nixon at NewpOrt Beach were Robert H. Finch, secretary o( health, education and weUare {HEW); and Bryce N. Harlow. White House assistant for congressional relations. They were to talk about. filing the po&· ltion ot assistant secretary of HEW for health -a matter of controversy since Senate llepQ~"1 Leader Everett M. Dirk~ took exception to i'lnch's lnlUal c~ice fer. the j9b, Dr. John Knowtts of Boston. .. . ( Zieg1U1 Aid no announcement of a no"11.nft 'for Uie post would be made to- day. . • . Dr. Henry A. Kbslnw, 'Ni.0.:s 1p'oi;al aAiitarl1-1or ·""'onal MCUrlty allaln l t-. . • lle!f" to; .~~pmta frOl1) .·wul!i!gtan ThUrsclay nIPi to meet wit)I tbe.J'rai. ·•·~. . ... He' calne. ~ "to' beip' Nlloo pj..pore . . ' . . . . Recatl' Pettttons .. lnvalid . -:~. ?~.[. f~~;J.v..;::-:i1;.~~ !~ 4~~;~~~~'fttfQ4~; .. !t!-.1' ~1'~ . I"· a,IT£ait·amlU:': · ~WllllO'"''".pr~~tbo ~,~:~~.,.~~~ =-~.t~· ··::a- • 1 • £'/l i i ' '"ld .f~ .. ~ .... l:til(J!ltilktif., • .·. . ' ~. 1 1".o,li'1n•; ·~1-l•.1,.,_ ',\'.oii DJitl!°.'thon ulil-'a~·;.., Sch"""lfOltr . lijd CoclOCllin• Doneld Aupstlne ;ir. Ind -L. ·~ F!'f"'d 1nd 'J~.c:oun,ges·'!"" ru-wouljl.~t !he-recall ~.ln f~· lnvalld 'f'lla\'ldil' bi ·ctt1 ftfNf><Y court! < .• · , i • '.... ' t , , · .E<l1!'ln ¥~, · · , -~ tod~ .. lhe,c~ 111D111d,Jlf'!' "W.om ,;o· to •.ciml to RfOVe !hey .,, ~ ~~ In or1111e .Count:!! ll\lperlor ·valid,"' 11tn:recall leader Eugene Van •'I · · ' Desk this mom'-". · By JACK BMlBACK -"'Ii, or 1111 _.., ""' ...,. · Marlin'! dec:lltp\\.wal ~~ Ot1. ,the oize Co E J • of replies made' to the recall charges Ull_ty mp oves· A• Bl1Ck Panlher party leader" lo in which w er e attached to the petitiOM J Cllltod1. today. """l)l'o othei> .llOO&)lt In a when circulated ctoor·\o-door. R mwlve nianburit; .o\ioPects in lhe lir<el· Said Martin, "Xero:it c:o•p ! .. ol • e. ac. h A. gre .. e. m.e. n. t . -lhootiiirmUnler-'of 'Sarita Ana'• newspaper .legsl notice does,.qot .~· 1"8, Rook.le folictma,i or tbe. Year. sUUrt.e a faithlYI reprOOUCti9'D-. of the No one lmqW! Why Patrdlmim Nelson repfiei~"' . On Salary Hikes' A. Sas8cer, 24, 'WU !kUJed, other than He referred to the 1ize of the reproduc· · • because he wore the Jawmon's bidge. tlorci saying, "it is a well know11 fact peo-Picked up it hls .home Thursday night pie do not like and .some.cannot rue! fine Aa ag~ent ha&; betn reached ca!l}ng and held on suspicion of cimsplracy to print" f(>r .a 7.2 ·percent general aa1ary ari:,d commit murder and· murder·.11 Daniel The law r~ulred t¥.,t recall petitions, fri!lge benefit in;crease for. more.: th~ Mlcba~l ~;· 22, ol 1527 _.w •. 7th St., when Circulited, must ~v, a Copy Of th~ 7,~· emploYu in .Ora'pge c:oU.nty govern-Saitta AM: \ reply of the accwied atta.ched. ~ mayor ·ment jobs. ~~ b report~ to be "lieutenani of anti both city councllme11 had baued full 1'he agreement, which b alm'ost ~rtain communlcatlonS!' for the loc'al Black page. mimeographed replies and the'n Par¢ber party. and has: been ·a~~~ I le laced I I ti ·u required .,. to· he approved by the . Board of ••••-a r p ega no ces, • twlcre in rec.-ept ~hs, ~ for. carrying new'sj>apen. ' Supervisors Tuesday, was announced to-a co~led. wtapon -and later for a Martin claims that ' recall bacli:er.11 da~ by William Hart, ·eounty;1pei'sonnel fallu~ lo di~perst;. . . should have copied the original replies director and John H. Sawyer, general Sgt\ .Ralph . Curiale,. in charg~ of. m.. handed out by the Mliyor rath_er than the A.!soclation. ' vesttcJtion, said '1' all·points bulletin is newspaper legal notice which was . Cost th . . out for the two other men believed to verbally correct, but printed in much 0:: e county will be *4·3 ma~lon ha-.:e, been with Lynen\ when o(flcer smaller type. over . present, payroll of •1 million. Saucer was. al!ot to dealJI. near midniaht "I'm not really ·worried about this Salary increases aJone account for 6·• ·n.Ursday at-the corRer of RaUt · nd 3 d • _,_ devel9Pme'1t," van Da'sk said today, per~nt of .the· current payroll and non-streets. , a. r ·. ama--Aiiaw-IM·,..."'li"~F~~··~~·.;,-S8~1i¥™art•oJ1~~-~~, ; ·,,v1. Jn a prepared statemeni, Van .t?ask 6· .perctn Increase last ~fnmi't.oye Chief Edwafti;:AUen IAd bu~ I Ti~ Andrew Smith, 1~, will be held completed in tWo to fo~ weeks ,._a SafQnt;'.Y at 9 a.m. at SS Sunon and Jude A third step authorized by H1ckel •P- caillolic Church. · . .V!i!'Y~J.!.~Ytew ~,~ . 'f&~!tiii~if~~~~~~"1't~ 11wim schcloner Goodwill crashed south of Sen PP;c>Pl18~~ .precaut10 ~ · Di. . H1cket !till has under 9ludy Ute panel's ~ry will~ res:lted tonlgbt at•Dilday-last three recommendations: . BmlN>rs ·Chapel at 7. o'.clqtk and in--An atte.rrypt through an oil w1tbdrawal te'~;Rt will be at ·i'.11 Souls :Pitho~c _p-o,gram.._!o find ou_i~oWJlluch Ute VJriO\JS On G Ch said: salary and'DOD-lalary .Items. ficers as "l'ftfte de4tcated1»!)llcema n Ull a. rges "Th~ Ir another deaperole ~tempt by The total Increase last year was .fl.45 Sgt. CuitoW•.ioutd1re)eue Do detaU •. on the thr11< Incumbents to dec1y the clthens million, but H"!1 hastened ·to pofnlc!iJt the other -two suspecta sought nor \eu of.Fountain y_alley~ ~ to remove -that the oounty has -about no----!~ ..-why· th~J10liCe.1allpeCted Ljnem._· , • ceinet.ery in Long Beach SatUrday. otl JevP.li are interconnected. -Reduction of pressures at all levels ·and dnjec,tion o( watei: u oil tsirithdpwn lo:prevent-su~idthci;.-... -- . :-~rilP,~ ;"!'t all lhe oil 'in the form-ation as efl1oentl~" 1nd rapidly as possi- ble, a process 'Pecor11-said would require JOme 200 wells and take 10 to u: years. .-A Santa Ana man bas been lndJcted on 18 counts of violating the Federal Gun Control ACt of 1968. · " .,. .. , U:S. · AUorney Malt-Qyme ,aid Thur .. day·that·B~es Kent Hanson.-21.-is the . first ~son in Southtm CalifOrnla to be cftarged with 1Uegaf iiiterstate thiprnent of guns under the act. HaMon was indicted of shipping fire- ann1 lo various persons throughout the Stock M•rkei. , United· states during December, 111&1, -...,.-=;::::~;:;.:::-::;:::,.;. ;::.~·=-==--"~,,;7,~~ Id I deJivery lo a NEW ·YQ{U( 1<AP)l-~ stock market common carrier for interstate tb.ipment • tumbled to ~· . .U,bJe i,. by the c1.,. fo.. of any fiream11 deatm..i to any ·peraon day after starting out with a minor tain. 1')t Ucetwed u a dealer, imlporter, (See quotatl0t1s, Pages »II). manulactur<r ..-collector of firearms. th•m from office !lii'Oiigh'"'.ilile prOCeilOI ,'~Zi.1:a~""" J°~r1:~;them~ L.Y,ll'"ll W,• ai;reile<! .In .April on tho la-:· · i 1 d uch' t•-en ·. • conCealed 1'e8JIOC! !h.,.. afler a police "The purJ>OJe of a.P~nding the noUce nc u e s Lll:luS as auto mileage rates, (See POLI~ J'•• 11 and the answer to t)]e :r'ficall .. pet.IUon is __ o~e~e. tuition reimbtirsement, · n.e..w --:a. ~e quite clearly stated In the e\ecll_cin code · lriivance prooecturea and holldav pciliey., as bein& for infonilcdtoo pc>rpooeL Sinco ·Trlnalaled·to<ounty 181.,, lf~ll 0!*4.3 each petition had stapltd thereto the -el-.million in Increased pay and benefits 1!at act language as well as the answer, tbit · tagged directly lo a tax incr"ease, the purpose was aerved. amount would be ati:oot M million C!f 12 "One only has to revl~ w}\at bu been percent cof the tax rate bited1 on a satcj ·IJld done by·-three min O"!r fonnula;<>f I-cent in tu rata.rat.oe e<jiJaJ. Coll.It th< post "two monlha (o undmtllrld the Ing 1333,000. weat.11 ... meaning of !JI.it tales! m.-ver, fJist Ha~ an~"!.!~ •all_ the agroe[lienla • -~·u • c•"-•y skies for ·~ ourmotiv•,wer.qatltlonedthenttwas were .reti .u.1.e1-•~t 2$.meietl!Jll ·1-,-oe 'Y'l:U \.I.RI ouggeated that ,,.. ,..,., ~tilnc icts ove.r a period of three ·months. Such big parade, but you ·cin enjO)' the that would subject UI to ·clvil or crl.ininal '111<~ot1faUons alre "!IJ utred ·bY a new st.ate r8,ltofof111t1the <~wFftee' ~ .. ~~tha ~~ • • \. • · : IW e fectJVe ut. an. l, a "-a1;1N "' ui;:nr __ _c_~~-'.l....~_.;·---'-'-~---~---'~-.;---~1-ll£[alam"""lglng lhe .. mm.._ ...... __ DAILY P ft.OT St.n ...... HEADED FOR NEW JOB Yollq Schooll' IHutMar • f ,. Take• State Po•~ ·p · · · · ' · msmll 'ffiDAY . , ·· . -.· ~ _ · .a:tpefb~ck Bo.oks 11 coUld,,... been June 4th V 1·1• 1 Sch l H d Q. · • · · " ,. • or 5th, b•tlt..., Jtmt 8th, 25 ·--~·\ . . .e' y' ' -. I • ' o· 0 ~· a· -.. -~ ~ ' ~ ~ ·u · :m;il:n . ;A~ked bV,'.f.ihrA~v . ¥!.,"{;~~ ~;,·=· .1~ G~; • 1 ., .. ,. •• . • .' .i.; "··~~' :.::;.f·.:if.·.·•·q~:·('i · ~.t(lllt l!ii!ii~M ·r~t;lll-ea~ 1 ""'· _ •• t-• •• • ...t'"ril).f' t;, ;:1 _.. ,,.!.,•i.t• .... • Paperback~~lktt..vmn . · ~.t~,of11U.tbtw:~JjiDaw, .._,._, .. .., • .' · .···. ,;. .. \ ·. ~'"'"j~1:'.~~·1 :.· •.::• ... ),'t ' ·• :a ·ot ·1the ''Hunttncton·1.,8Qcb ,'Ltbnrj 11Q#P,o0fl0 . ...: . llf, .-.-.... W. -bier.r:.suoertn-bOord wl1b regret · ~~ s.au '1!8u6ttr ~·u' 1·fNdier'oncl ' ~onthe.,....ol~8cho01.' ....i.· 1 .. d•nfoF UI; Fountain v • ..., School bier bu been • ·ir::~f.;;,e.;. ~ t~ l!rlnolpol;ln the ·p~ m:r.: '" lilbtada_!,!lltA:r1cillnloq'1alc!l11~ i=." ~ e"= ., Dilt.rict lar 1s e•,. ea"' ·~n, resigned flntlt s 1 t r I t of. rounttln· Valle.YI ! "Bi:Mo( Dfl!itr'k:tr --t t--1 , 11Mrn "~ be ettabUlbld a&.tla&.lnftllr 1 ~ "; """' ::;::• " '11nlncl1y-J1!pt; • ·• heritage. . I , , • ffli iW*' ~·'•ill ' achoo!~ .fi. limilor .. to lhe main librlJY. He:1llo . ~ ' •' ::I:'"" ,.:; · The 47·1'1';~ 1edllcotor wll) leove 8laoO Du 8Nubier came .:.a < volv9'·!1>'~Jtit' ~ 'idiilicf· 1t ll!illlOd tlUI tllat th4 ...,......,talnl • "'1t -""I':. " 'l ....,;-~l: the cllatrict mil --to -ta1n v~ School Dlltrici '.lii:<Jla· •·'l!!lclli!ll.'fm•(to etalueie•·lel!inlllt"ln .callectl!ill :Clf , ... -. u ... ,.u,.. • ....... , .. --............. director" Ol ,o 1tato prolecl ,Ml ev1iu1!f bu"blell·credlted 1!ith'.........t'edi ' <'ii=·· ;~~1Ln..111iM1t '§ r...itllli.~ tile~ , · -.., -• school1. He wtli remam ·1n FClllDtain tional'14V.neeoWhlchhav ."" . '•~ • ~ ,,._,)Ciillfern!l;·&loldon · . ~l_lloop ·~·llP.m>''totp.m., :.':J1 1oi • ;: = ~ V1lley ..nu • replacerntnt Is found. . dl!lrict national recognltiolf .IDP1 ~~ · A11 .. _ _,, •ocladon, <-wl .....,. llnJuP1~ ~)'rldly ·==. · ,: ::1 g '•. _: School 'l'nlltee Fro11Ct1 ·Donovan ac-lence. """'alloutlO llCbool d1'll1dl throuib-and8aturday,aftdop!otaon. tolp.m., ..,... •• cepted tht ·mlpaUon 111 beha1I rl the Before comln1 lo Fountain ·valley, out t1te·1tate. • &lnday. ._...._ ___ ,..... ___ .__.:..J 1' ~ ,-~ • • I . . -• -· --~--=~~~·-'.':""~~ .. .,·.~·~. ·~-=..:-:::::~·::.~. ":"."'..-:.::.:::.::-•---,··----~-·,,.,.,.,.· ~·'·"'·~-':':!_.,_,..,,. ... ,.. ...... ___ • ______ .;. ____ , ' J. I ' " -. Nixon P.lans -to .. Spend !\lI--:.11-tugust on Coa.st 1J l1lllOllS 'I'. COWNS • .. ~·.,.--.· ,,_ _ .,P W!d.,.... wt11 ahlft to the Oraage COoll In A\ICUlt and remtln bere for Ille •Ure ._u,. Prllldeia& Nllioo Aki 'lbunday at bis NWpor\er •IM· villi In Newport Beach: ''11>11 !I 111r llnt appearance II •bit wW be lhl-Wblte lloute In August. !'And ID A\lill!l.D,$P hive 1 achedule ol the llDle lnteallti u Iii 'll'uhlnitoo D.C." Ron ZlfCler, 1hi -ldeot'1 ll'llS aecr<111Y lallt told tl>e PAD. Y PILOT Nlxoo wu not i:ofoninl 1peclf!cally to the Ncwporttt lmf u the Summer White llouae. The huge hoetelry on the bank of Upper Newpcrt Bay, bowev~, wW share lbat ~ iwtlh ... """' famll>' ..... In ... a-te. . · "l doo1 lloow wbln Ula Pr· ddnl 'llW bt ~ -·ol • 1111 111M." uld Zloelor. p1aoa. bl lnl!lcatOd, hU Ju own unique advantq11. The tlmo will pr-ly bt spilt up between Lbe two, u now, be uld. 'l1le inn will very likely serve as the p~Jidenjial office corqples. It ls serving t6al tunalon now. , In lllliclpaUoo of the ooe montll stay later this summer, Newport May.or Doreen Morshall Ulb mOOlinc wl"'1 Ulo' Pnlldeit . that the city ts "abrolutely dellghted" at the prospect. She said the city is ready to assist the presidential staff In any way to prepare for the shift of pceaidentia! power between Newport and * Sift 0.-i.. . j olu I ,.U....ojtop. Poliee ria;'.l.:.:..., · lloll ......... wlit _...U, --to( Tllo •~9' Newport ol!ad1 m\ICll .., •11004 U..., ~ .. .-•Ille bt NJJa'utrte., ...... IW lhl dmallen 1n..iv. IA -IJ ......... 11 111\1 ana'llld clwlng away 1lJ'~n · · UOllld 'lhl NoiparW. ~e most acUvlU" al tl>e iM 01 hb Viol!\ J<> San Clemente • and At a.ut 'cm dalen police ofllcera hive ltt.-"*' o~ as unial, with feW traffic resulting Pl'.tll conferences in the Harbor been pulled off rtgular duty to back up problems and surprllln&ly f~ spectators Area. the Secret Service. Thal is close to 21 wlDdeiiiir fboiit !or. I hope of I peek at The chld execuUve lw been bopping percent of the Newport police force. Preslde_!t NiJ:on who ,1,,,-ays u.ses a car to from the old Cotton Estate nianslon by Some are plainclothesmen. Their Iden-go from one place to another on the chopper to lhe Newporter Inn since his tificatlon. is a green and yellow atripped grounds. arrival WedDeadiy and these lt-mJnute lapel pin In lhe shape of a torch. The President arrived an ho11t earlier Oighll will become rouUne. Uniformed officers are stationed on this morning from Sa"n Clemente. His "We wW hlv1 a acbedule of the same rooftops around the grounds of the inn 1:40 a.m. hd~r touchdown time was inteoaity u we have In WuhUicton ," the ind In the drivew111 leading to the Villa largely dictated by ptaps to visit with Pmldtnt ll}d ln reference to hll montb- San Remo, where the President's party ii douna of young students, many oC whom long planned vil1t dwips August. staying. were from outside the county . Tradtt!onally, IU.l1lD\tr White Houses Motorcycle officers are stationed at The President's press aides said one of have been spots for both work and plly, bolh ends or Jamboree Road. And on a the subjects he wished to discuss with lhe but the $.M0,000 home bl>Q1bt from the hillside opposite the inn's main entrance itudents was Vietnam. widow of the late H. IL Cotton will re- * ~ * * .. Nixon Set for War Talks Cool, Ro utine Business Sc hedule at Coas t Quarters ~Bju~~_!N=" Operating from hJs dual headquarters In San Clemente and Newport Beach. Pnoldenl Nilon has declded to go ahead with bis Midway conference on Vietnam with lltUe consideration for critical storms beginning io break in Wuhing· . ton and other parta ol the world. · 1be clUef esecuUve goes about a relati~ly routloe busiDiess scheduled today with lltUe outward evidence of -over -he mliht dlJaw In the Midway !Jllndl Sunday wilb Pres· Ideal Nsuyen Van 'lbltil of South v-. The WhJte ·11ouae naidont expert on Vlelnom, Dr. Henry A. K!Jslnger, arrived Jn Southern caJllornla Tburs· clay nilbl, but the ~ cJid not confer with-hbn. Instead, NlJon spent develop quickly rrom the Midway meet- the even1ng with his family at their ing. new home ln San Clemente. So far as could be determined at the 'Illroutb news reports and private West Coast White House, NlJ:on'1 po- cables, lhe Praident was well aware of sltion had not chatJged aince May 14 unaolicited advice and comment coming when he told the American people: from Capitol HUI and other world cap-"What kind of settlemen will permit itals. His Sunday agenda for Midwa y, the South Vietnamese people to deter- however, was worked out before .he mine freely their own political future ? le~t Washington for the·--W~ar.llu---such-a·<6ill6ment-will require the with-~" week. 'lbere w~ no solid evidence drawal of all non-South Vietnamese his approach to 11ned h~d undergone forcts, ii:icluding our own, from South anx, last-minute sblft ol dtreetloa. Vietnam ·and procedures for polltlcal for Nixon'• ~tlon on troop with-choice that itve ee:ch significant group drawals. and coafition government in In South Vlelnam a real opportunfty to South yietnam.,. his senior advisen held part.icioate in the Political life of the that his ltand ·wu well Iii'" ~ nation ~. publlo, and theJ doubted 'IJ>Y drunatlc · , turn-around-or for • that matter any To some, at home and abroad, this dramatic 1peclflc annouDCm1e11t-'woutd meant a U.S. blessing on a coallUon government -If this turned out to be Salvage of 'Goodwill' Wreck Gets Under Way acceptable to S.lgon and the southern ,populatioo. To others, notably the Na- tional Liberation Front (NLF)1 it was "nonaen!e." Thieu hu been campalgn- lng lhroogh tl>e Orient a11lnst the Idea ol cOllHtton. The feeling here on· the colorful coast of Southern Callfomla, where surf- boards and male hippies wearing nose- rings go almost unnoticed, was that Nixon had 11i.ted bis case and would By ALMON LOCKAREY O.llr •111t ........ ...., Salvage operaUOQI on \ne 161-foot schooaer G1Jodwlll ...... to begin today as two boats from San Diego were acbed- uled to UTive oil Punta San Antonio, IOO mllea below Ule U.S. M<qdcu border. The GoodwUI ~1 111 M!ftl• :Ji fee\ of water on Sacramento Reef riear san Geronimo JaJand off the Baja California coast where ahe ran ~ oi a trip mm Clbo san ,~,to ·r:- May 25. 1 ' Divers aboard the two salvage boats will turch the shattered built ol the 22f. ton steel-hulled ICbooner in an effort to determine the fate of seven oC the nine Americans knowft to have 'been aboard the Goodwill when &be crashed on1·tbe reef, not depart frmn it substantially Sunday Two bodies have already been recov-on Euler Island in the Midway group. ered. One was that of 15-year old Tim Nixon wanted to get as many Amer- Smith of Fountain Valley, a crewman lean troops out of Southeast Asia as aboard tbe 'ill-fated vessel. quickly as po11slble, but on his tenns The other body, that of a .man believed an~ not the terms ot. the Viet Cong. Jn to be between 35 and 50 years old, h9d. addJUon to lnherillna: a war, Nil:on did ,not been fdtnUfled this moming. Both not want the added responsibility or bodiea wiue recof'Vtd by Mellcan fish· blame lor a dilltary _vacuum into which ennen aorDa ~ miles north t( the fOrces fnxn Nortb V1etnaft could pour. wreck. t:lj '" c • • , I . ' I The l'nlldenl) i\'!~•r. Included Cout Guin! Offlclals said it i: ~le fan early ~ flight from .that others oa boai<f may. hlvt btan .s.nU!CI~~ ~ hb new ol!lce IJll•• traP* In their bunb whe!J the Good-It e ·-.. jlUll~er Inn ; a meetlng with wlll nrt.1.,...,nd. . HEW 8ecretuy Robert Floch, and a , aes.s1on with a group of young Amer:i-On-board when, the yacht hit tht reef cans selected a.s a pilot study group by was the Goodwills owner, Ralph lArra-the Selective Service .syitem bee, Newport Beach, a wealthy South-H J····• · em California lndwtriallst Ind machine e P 111u~ to return lo San Clemente h In the early afternoon and leave S.tur-.s op owner. day for Hooolulu, which will serve u a Front Pllfle J gathering paint for hill aenlor advisers belore they fly off together to Midw1y for the meeting witll Thleu. POLICEMAN •.. F ront Pege J officer bad stopped him and-a juvenile on r.tartlnez told police he was awakened the street. Lt.Ynem refused lo take his by a gunshot and heard· Suscer call, TEACHERS .... hand out of his pocket when ordered and "Please help me. Somebody help me." a search revealed a .22-callber revolver, He said the officer was unable to ipeak set up by law under the Winton Act.'' fully lOlded. when he re.ached his side. He gave first Accord.ins to Bentley the teachera may Two weeks later he was again llTtlted aid and other patrol cars arrived In not be within their legal rights to uk for when 1bout 40 Negroes sta,ed a "stand-minutes and took Sasscer to Santa Ana personal leave en masae and may be in" on west 1st Street. Police called the Community Hospital where he died 1t ultimately held in vlolaUon of contract. 1atbering a "near riot." Lynem and eight 12:32 a.m. The te&chers, on the other hand, con- othen were arrested for falling to The coroner's office said the bullet, 1 ~nd that they are enUUed to two days cllsperte aft.er being ordered to do so .38-callber or larger, struck the officer i;ersonal leave per year. DAILY PilOT ltaff ,-.. MRS. BROWN S\J RVEYS SCENE OF LATEST INTRUSION H!W>olld'1 N•p Sh•tt•tod bv. Line !lfive · • I Vesper Services to Open Marina Graduation Rite s Graduation fesUviUes for Marina High School amion: begin this Sunday with a 4 p.m. vesper .ervice in the school am- phitheater. Rabbi Morton Fierman, professor at Cal State.Fullerton, will be the guest speaker. A rectptlon will follow immediately after the service 1n the Marina cafeteria. with families, friends and faculty members invited to attend. At that time the Senior Plaque will be dedicated. Commencement exercises for the graduating Class -Of 1969 will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday In the amphitheater as well. Guest speaker wtll be Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich, chancellor of the Unlvers.lty or Calif-0mla, Irvine. Representing the class as valedic- torians will be Jackie Benlngton, Cheryl Benard and Barbara Larsen. All have maintained a 11tralght 11A" average dur- ing their rour years at Marina. pilln Just I - The ~·wporior. Im 1111 Illa lllrlciloa ol an ~dj4cent . btllport for setUng the piesidential IUfb<1l,ef ChQp(iet" d o w n almost wllhln walking distance of his worUhop suite in the Villa 8IJl Remo. Nllon has mad l! three fllgbts slnct 1r- riving and three more are scheduled before be leaves Saturday for a Midway IJ!an~ conlor<nee wltll Soutll .Vlelnameoe Prealdtnt Nguyen Van nlieu.. Selection of the Newporter Inn wu ap- pare.nUy abrupt and uststant executive manager Edward Ingle uld bookings were solid when White House aides called last Sunday. "W• had to tranJ!er :O guesb to other hot.els," he said. Shattering E xperience Irks Couple ... · Shatlered gl8'3 1~kllng • .,.., tfle bed ls not a pleasant way to wake up and Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Founialn VaJley are willing to 10 to court to prove it. Several tlma in the put ye1r the Browns Clalm their serenl(y has bffn shattered by baseballs, soccer balls and other objects flying lnto their backyard from adjacent Fountain Valley Hljh School. ' Wednesday night, hoWever, ·was just ·too much. Mr. Brown was sleeping in the bedroom at the rear of their home at 971$ La Arena St., when a baseball hit the screen on the window, IPlUhed a hole in the glass pane and lhrew broken glass on Brown's head and fa ce. Brown was oot Injured,· he says, but was somewhat shaken up. " _ The baseball was knocked into their yard by Larry Duncan. who claimed he was a professiona1 ball player, but re- fused. to give any other details. School offlcia1s have listened to the Browns' complaints for the psst year, but say they really have no control over who uses the playing field after school hours. Dr. Paul Bef'ier, principal of Foun· lain Valley, says a high fence near the Browns' home and thaf of Mr. and Ml'"!. Lee Willadsen -also plagued with the 1ame problem-might be a solutioo. But district officials have not said If the renee could be put l in the bud1et for: thi.s year. . Meanwhile Mrs. Brown states she Is ready to go io C'OW1. to sue for dam- ages and &flt Injunction against the Huntington Belch Union High School District to force them into a solution. She already has one suit in court, Initiated one year ago, for damagu suffered when struck on tbe head by a baseball. Both sides are curren tly disc:ussin.J!: the matter, but Mn:. Brown ha1 stated she wants the problem solved. and In court lf necessary. Dr. Berger pointa out the school wu there before the homes. · Mergers to Ge t Look SAVANNAH. Ga. (UPI) -Ally. Gen. John N. Mi tchell said today the Justice Department w1u·automatlcally scrutiniie proposed mergers Involving any of the nation's 200 largest corporaUons. Mitchell warned the government ·"may very well oppose any mer1er among the top 200 manufacturing rirms or firma of comparable size in other industries." Offictr Sa.sscer wu shot about it:S2 about one and a half inches above and to Bentley charged that the teachers are p.m. shortly after he had radioed head· the left of the navel, severely damaging too concerned !Vith lh~m~lves and are quarters that he was leaving: hill patrol the abdominal aorta. The slug lodged forgetUng thel.I' obli1auons to the car to "question a couple of .......,...,,.!ans" under the skin in the officer's back. s.tudenls, parents and. the entire educa· !"'......... · M tt<:ml system by cc>ns.1derlng a walkout. Minutes later, police wen called on the artlnez told officers a large number "They 're forgetUng abbut the atude ts car's radio by Louis Martinez, an am-of Negrnes use 3rd Street, especially on in the classes and they are the ones :bo J)inin g Room Special bulance drlvtr whose home at 1804 W. Wednesday night when the El Salvador are suffering," he said '!toli';i";.w1~,~b ~.JP!f: a_ fe~ fee),, f~e .. scene Recrea.Uon Center Is open. . If a teacher· walkout 'materializes Mon-~ · · ?.k.~~~~~n1 ....... _; ~W""~.~~••i&•a•a-0a1 '*"* .... •n••YM ...... ~ ... ·~ ..... ~ • DAILY PllOT Oll:AHO• COAlT l"UllllHING COMl'ANY Rt_bert N. WHi P'mkltnt 111'111 PW.Utlllr Tllofllt l K11vll Eoltw Tholl'ltl A. Murphi11• Mtt,...11"41 l!dllOr All••rt V;I, l•t•• WiUit ll'I R••i AMci.i. MU1111"'1on ltf(f! Editor Clfy Edllw H• ............ Of'fta JOt Ith Str11t M•lllllfl A44re111 1\0. ••• 7t0, •2641 I OIW°"'"9 -t~--1-~ ... e11 1 mi w..·t e.ltlM 11eu1n1,. 6ite-Mi'N rm W•t-••v •'""' ~ ._,.,_m,.~ Annut • • Ana polTce forte for 17 months. He was a well as their tnstrUCto~; bave· to · naUve of Upper ~arlboro, M4. He joined "suffer" one more day, since it ls 'within the Navy In 1964 and 1erved four years the trustees' power to declare a makeup ~ost of them flying helicopter ml.!Jsions day added to the end ol the acbool year. m Vietnam. In 1967, he was awarded a Compounding the school district's special air medal for a.iding in the rescue headache over the wq:e dl.spute is that of a. downed pilot. &tudents at 111 four high achoola wlll be His body · Is in Smith and Tuthill entering their final examlnaUoru: becln- Mortuary, Santa Ana uDder U-hour police ning MOllday. booor guard. He Is survived by bis wife The loss of a school diy would require Lynn. 21, of Ule fomily borne lll5$ Dino Ule re-scheduling of all final •<- Lane, Garden Grove. Funeral 1r-aminatlons and possibly many of the ranaements have not been completed. tradtttonal senlor activtUes, perhaps even Novice Swimmers Signups Slated Signups for the 1969 Wtttmlnster Recrciitlon-and Parks Depa r tmen t Novice Swim Team will be taken between 10 a.m. and noon Saturday at the Westminster Hi1h School pool. All youngsters between 1 •nd 17 who can pass the Standard Red. Cross Be&in· ner's Swim Test are eligible to join the team. CUrrtnt Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) swim card holders are not ella:lble for the novice program. A registr1Uon fee ot $12 will be charged lot each chlld. For famlll,. rtglsterlng mon!I -thin one child, the fee will be reduced to $10 for each addttJonal swim- mer. Workoull will be held al 1:30 p.m. Mon- day throua:h Friday beglnnln1 June 11 a\ Ule Westmlnater High School pool. Swimming competition wtth 11elpbor· Ing titles In Orange County have bHn rcht<luled every Saturd1y1 be&innln& June 21. ' commencement eiercises. OCC Crew Plans To Wash Cars For Tea m Funds A benefit car wash to help pay the way for Orange Colst College's high-powered crew to compete in the Intercollegiate Rowlnc Asaociat.ion'1 race 1t Syracuse Unlvenlly will he held Salurd11. Memben ol Sh•ll and Oar, Ille occ crew team auxJUary, wW be in the College Shopping Center, Harbor and Adams, Cce:ta Mesa, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No •et fee 11 reqillred only don1tk'11, Ind Ill proceed& will help pl the 0CC conUngent -the only junlar coiltl• crew team Invited to parUclpata -to the race. The OCC tcam leavea Monc!lj' 10< the ctaWc event, In which they pieced blihJy Jut year a11inst junior vanity te1.m1 from the nfUon's most rtSpected four- )'ear schoolj. '" . • Frt nch Oval Dining Tahl•. Siza: 56"xl t" $219. Arm Ch1lrs, $69 ..... Side Chairs, $5f, l9dt. P1inted finish Whit• and Green, lttlian P•d11t1I Dining T1ble. Siz•: 44"t44". Dln- in9 Table, $259. Arm Chairs, $69. Side Ch1irs1 $59. Printed fin ish 6r1•n and Whit•, loth Servers Shown tr• 16"•19"•11" High. . $229. etch. EXCLUSIVE DIALERS FOR: HENltEOON-Dltl!XEL-HlltlTAG• 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TlllMS ,AVAii.AiLE OH APl'ltOVID CllfDIT • NIWl'OilT l lACH 1121 w-hff Dr. '42·211SO Of'lll ..... , ,., ' , ·INTDIORS LAGUNA llAOf :145 No"h Coall Hwy. ..,,.,, ... ntl lntlt'W Dellprt AvaR1w.-.AID-NSIO OPIJI Nit• T "l'IL t ,._. , .......... ., ..... c....., .... ,.,, I I l \ f I l ~ ' \ • I I I- ! ! c _j I I t ; Beadt • ' . I l'od9'• .E I ... - voi:. 62, NO. I 35, 4 SECTIONS,. 42 fA&ES ' GRAN6E COUNTY,.CALIFORNIA , . ' ~'°"Yi JUNE ~. ·1949 · : • TEN CENTS • -A .-..... 1 .l, ,f, ·, 'Mystery Not,ce' Cltl.ifils''·tagUn3. S:CJiO:()l~:CtiSis A ne:.wlJeUer which clahna there are serioul morale m:t salary probl., in Laguna Beach Unified Sdloo! Dlslrlcl has been pubUahed by .an unldentlfied group. Titled "Know Your Schools''. the publlcalion states it is the product of a group of local. "Pl!Cnta, cllizeNL, teachers and students•• cobcer;ned with resolving problems 'and fact finding. " The mimeographed leaflet Includes a Laguna Beach Post Office box number and a subacriptioo bWlk. OU ·oown the Trail Work Under·W ay On El Toro PX 'EL TORO -Ground Is being cleared at iHoro Marine Carpi Air Station for $1.5 million po5t exchange that is to be com- pleted by summer 1970. It 'f'ill consist of tWo parallel tW<>-story bull(Ungl!l ·separa,ltd by an open ~all and Jlnke<l·by eovm!JI ·podeatriin' cieCU.. The '11.eoi......,. fool Jacllily will Include a a:eneralshopplng arta, barber and beauty abop. laundry and dry ~eaners, -a cafeteria. a garden .shop _ and other cust.<mer servie.s. e Teachers' Pa11 Set IRVINE -Summer elementary school teacben of the San Joaquin Distrl_ct will be paid $1 per hour district trustees have decided. About 50 teachers are involved. Kindergarten through seventh grade classes will be taught. In addition to the other teachers, trustees approved employment of four kindergarten teachers to work half-day fOr two weeks In developing a kin· dergarten curriculum for the upcoming echool year. . . "AJIPllrenlly the JI<oblem• bet...... Ille faculty and adlninlstration are extensive and consilt of very Jmporti.nt lasues relating to communication, m u t u 1 I understanding, and profeasional prac· tlces, involving pel"ha(>ll one-third of the 111¢.1 '1"!"<11 teachen," II ,1a~, • 1~ ~~ to a wlous tnor~e p_roblem alfedlng .. the · eetlre • educalloolll II· m"""°"'. Queationed 1boul the Jetter, Dr. Wlllilm Ullom, dlllrlct wperln\aldeot, . said he felt overall morale of ttachtn at The pamphlet quotes .1"7.gj ~ ~ diltrld ,d1-i.·Jonll.h\ tbla ~. ". the hl&h school ls good, but said It Is cur· prepared by the CallfOrnli. 'Teacher's VllCim lild the"'pamphlel rti"en to tbe' renily affected by the oalary neplaUons Assoclati'I' (CTA)· in COOII\lrinl-the .ralkr or """""iage of the ~ ~el ao· ~ the cue In other dlotrtct&. ~ .• district 'to 41 other unified . •pen\ "'! Ajaril>a,blll dou not, pcilit out ''Teacliers would lilre. lo lolow where they d~icl! In I SOutllern C1Ufornfa with • Iha! CTA ll(una -show th1I tjrp-J)lld sland," he said. averqe daily attendance' liorD 2',ooo ·to -~ teac~rs 're 'tOurtb ·1rom·Ahe'. top Ullom said he understood the new&let--4,000. 1mona the U dlatllcts. · ter ls put out by about 20 peraona. ",l , "We find that we were t~st or next ,to S~ ,uJaria,. ~. llid,, are .. njn,th think the majority of items ar~ ·untrue the Jowest in the percentage of, our acbool from the . top and average ' J..11~ •.• oi are not. documented to the a ... budget spent on teaCher'i ulatles.!' the aalariea are 2lnd ll'AOftl the a d1ltr1dl.' 1eo1· tlley .should he," he said. newslelllr slates.. II "11 UriJ -!bl The J11mplrlel llaleo 11111 p;ladpill~ . . . 'l I '. ! . ~ . . ! . . salaiieo.....,..17th In 'the O ·dlalrldl Jal year and claims Uie pri'nclpalsTeCeived' a· 23 percent increase in salary. , Dr. VUom._sa~ ~e increase Wa• 13" perctnt Which. I.deluded · ex t.r 11 ad·· mlnistrative piy during a traMition pe~iod WbeJi 1' f!<W pr:inclpal ~as wOrting wtili 19 fffOllll irindJlll ""° ~. M)lillod, IJJCf 1lll0m. ''I ionc11"1e uiot ~".talµI( •""'11 a. 111 perceot In· r • • ~ , , ... j •1 I . I ·.' l • \ ... ·i,. I ' • • · ·s'. ' . • 0 · ·o.. . B· ··· ·~, . " ra-· . - I ' •<; f ~' . ' . • ' T ' ' . . HE~D Ill SLAYING Ponllter lynom Panther Arrested In Gun Slaying · Of SA Policeman Nixon Tells ' Formation Of _ Group By JEROME F. COL!JNS Of Ille 0.llY. 1'1111 lllff President Nixon today aM~ ... at the Newporter Inn in Newport Beach the establishment within the S e I e c t Iv e Service System of youth advisory· com- mittees. , ·The ·announcement followed • meeting of Mr. Nixtm with 10 young ~pie who have se"rved as members of expi!:rbnenta'I aclfisory comm.Jttees for the past several months. , • , White -HO-. aides sa1)I Jlre ._....of lhll e"""imenl "4s er1c•urf&e4 !Ile Ptt•ltterit to exietlif' t~ J1n>gr1Uj>Jr,lil'IO. . states.' !'llli oiparde _ .... "' 11\e DiSlrld ol ~bia. New York CllJ,1M--• Virain Islaitd.s, ~erto Rlro, the Canf.' Zone and. ~am. " \ "Each of the51 commiltees will wo1 throogh.lhe slalo director of the Seledh Service System, giving Ila vlew1 an. recommendatiMs on the way in whlc: the Selecl.ive Service System cQnducts it operations,'' Pres.! Secretary Ron Ziegle r said. • -' :. • 1,: •• N,n;yp1i.0Tst1111 .... ' ' • I • ' . ' ' " + • PRESIDENl PRESIDES AT MEETING OF YOUTH. ADVISORY, P~El Uj NEWPORT . Followlni H.,i.llo, Nixon M-11 Youtliful AppNjiff\ to S.llCllw k!'Ylco. It i9 etj>ected that the membership of the advisory commitleeJ will be chosen on the basis of reeommendatioru: made by outside institutions and groups, such By JA~ B"'°BACK as high schools, universiUe3, and youth Of "" °"" '11" ...., organizaUons. Zeigler added. ' • A Black Panther party leader" in 11w .. anWonnalivemoming .... 1on Ant.i_-war Gr_'Ou_ ps o· . ' 'Kin Sa''£ a·· Id cuolody today and two olhm !Ollght In • for the Ptts!cfenl with the 10 yDIDlg -:. ~ .w. .n_ e_r, s. ' . ' .· . •.-:e . ' e. .' massive manhunt, suwects In the strett· pie he called to Ws Newporter Inn offices. sh .... 11 .... u..AA"'OfSantaAna's Theynowserveonpilotadvlsorycom~ pi.-n Prote'st '' .. · ' -··, . ·.I •. -l .3 I~·. ,·· ,.-comer ........,<& mu.a~ mlttees to Selective Service systeins in W. . , • : . , • 1968 Rookie PollcemAn o[ the Year. Oklahoma, Iowa, Micbigan, Misslulppl · 1 ·' ,' '' ID' · 'L ' · 'B B 1 · · ' • Swim si,nup• Set No on• knows why Patrolman Nelson and New York City. Flve ol the to are B f . . N. . agun· a ar urg ary MISSION VIEJO _ Swim class A. Sasscer, 24, was killed, .other than college student!, tw~ are .In high !ehool, e Qre . ·~XOn .-'.' . . . I I Uo 1~ th -summer recrealion because he wore the lawmmi's badge. two are in apprentice tralnlr1g a~ one 1 , • •• • • • '. , •• •. , • • .. • reg s ra 1:1 ..,r e . . . . . works for the Office of Ecmom.i.c Op. tJ v· {rtlm of ' ' ' pi:ogram at ~lsslon Viejo High School Picked up at his home Thursday rught. portunlty. .. ~ · 1ttnam .war grou~ · Mge A burned safe and,.,. b IT ·owner's ){ete· st;479·.:.. S3 279 In U.S. currency. will be he.Id this Satur~ay from 9 a.m. to and held on suspicion of Cilnspiracy to Nixon invited them to his villa ofUce on ana Los Ahgel.eti counties !'ave.announced nephew are ~ custody"~ LlgU?11 Belch Jl 000 · in;~, ~.20 , P,~oll' cbecU 12 noon in the ~mnasiui,n. . commit murder and murder i.s Daniel the grounds of the Newporter Inn at plans lo. slsge .1.,demonstr~tion ln·-$U police today in~ the tiWest_igaUon Of a th~t'hid alrea<ly been slgr.M. ~r~Bfur:eb~~ r~~~I: aw~I ~ ~;~ Michael Lynem, 22, cf 1511 w. 7th Sl., Newport Beach, some 25 miles north ol Clement¢ .neer Pnsldeat Nilon'• D,w $4,000 tavern .burglar.y .. I • ' I ,11le · detective said· Guerin ls the ~lasses have not been filled. · ., Santa Ana. his new oc~anfront h~me In San Cle--home as.he .Prepare9 to depart iSaturday · 1 WlliUarn c;::harles GQe.l'ltl l{J, 2.1, of 200 ~phew of tavern owner J. e r o~ m • The classes will begin on June l6 and ,Lynem is reported to be "lieutenant of m.entr.. He 1s COf!imuhng by helicopter morning. . · , La .Brea St., Apt. 4, ,'!IS' ¥rested on Stevenson, an .attorney with a San~ Ana .11 be h Id daily from 9 am to 1 pm communications" for the loca: Black between the two sites. Lcafl ts h be t t ci"" suspicion of bural•ry~ at his home ,flnn.,Stevenson Is the attorney who wag .. W! e 1 in1tnin. from 1_s JO Panther party and has been arrested Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said e ave ~n seq ou annpun ''6 ,Wednesday by Detectlve:Alex Jimenez. ' ed the , spirited' legal battle of the with ~at:o; ~ .11 ~ h ged fo twice in recent months once for carrylng the President wanted to hear the views of a 9 a.m .. gathering •t · San Clemente Accomp'aniecfby Gueiin,·1aid Det. Sgt. Barefoot Bar wfth the city when the city I P1m1 • 1· ee 0 ~d "'1'8 50c !n•-fA~ a concealed weapon 'and later for a the young people on the workings of the Beach Stale Park which is -about three. Vic Sagan, Laguna ~lice Wednesday Wis detennln'ed 'to close· the formerly a sw mmers un er , ..... .., .,. dvl 1 and the" 1 f ... red In Pal s r1· ••~ 1· · I t · ...:...1 dulll. fall\lfe to disperse. a ~pane ,s . U' v ew o 1.u~-way quarters of a mile from Mr. Nixon's reeove m p ngs ul'C m umg po~ ar-!"~ en_n~ 1!1.-.. a 6~~ will ~ ~Lor all •.1e $p. ___ I_\!~ Curial~, in ~~~e of i~ Seleetive Serv1ee operat~.. . seacli,[ l~.tn , .. , . 480-pound safe stolen May 1,' from The ~gan said a complaint would·i:>e·soa~ht . ~· •h.u\>ot;;o.li.'!'~~ ......... ~~ ... ·tr.~·r.w.~i,~ .. ~m~m,,_:-~~~~~:.::.:::'.::llftJ<.....,41.•~~r~~~M.....~.:;:!:i~..!:.~!~~-~ will be ten lessons m each session. have beeii with -Lyne:m wben, officer Miss.~ a student at Mis!l~ipp°I College: ~lancl of La.a~ Beach~ the Peace Ac· ~gan '"said the safl! wu buri~ beneatp They day aft.Ir. the . "'7. 19 crtm~1 e Year Pl•n St•dled Sassctr was shbl to death near mldnl&ht Clinton, Miss.; Marvel Long, 20, Bay srp-t1on Councll OC Los ~el,s and 'the ,a newly blacktopped ~l[eet 1n. a ne'f 1poUoe ~ 4-;~,t\td, ~n ~ .. to,,a1a Thursday at the ap~ of •Raltt.~ Srd ings, Miss., a student at Jackson Stale Orange ~ounty •Peact and lbqnan rughts 1Palm1Springs sU.~vlsion. P8Jqi. ~prlng~ ent:>' to the office con'taln(ng the s,d1 streets. . 1 · . College. Jackson, Miss .: Harold Studley, Council. · · , mu.nlclpJI Wf?f~ ~ wlµl a me~ which Is 28 lnche 'lquare.1The burJfaTI the dead·offfctr was named "Rookie of 28, New York City, a veteran apprenUced Police au~ .. 0!¥fo~4~"~i'r1t~·~ .. ~ rP.~ri. ~IJ!!~~ p_~irlt the Joca· _had __passed thilough a walk-through IRVINE -Study of a 12-month school year will resume after summer vacation. trustffs of' the' san ·Joaquin E)ementary Schooi ()\strict JVere told Wedriellday. The report given ,by lrµsf;ee Philip Bradfield of El Toro, concerned a con- tinutnc study initiated by the Tustlri Union High School ·District. RecoQl• mendltions from the study committee will be fontroomlng, Dr. WUlillD Stocks, district administrator said. U1e -Year" ·in 1968 and,.~' praised by (See ·N1XON,~P11e.J)·' Cl.emente. sala NI itfPfiti\en.t ·tiif nJ;e:t 1 £ion·°" dfi WP #le atree:T,.aa~ qle detec.. refrigerator. -l • i ·· .t • • , Chief Edwa~ AUen ·and hil J~l~w of· with Bl~nd and another re~senfatlve .tlve. ., .. ·1 .· _j _:~L ~-'---.. , 1 .. ftcersu"afine,dedlcatedpo~man." S k M •· an<! advis;ed.'them ol. lhe "le&&1 and-pro-Sagan sald.lheJoc&.& ... ~ ol r -· ' Sgt.cUrlale'wouklreleasenOdetailson ' toe -•rftets per''~det~.fora~r&uoi •..• :the 11fci= had beeri ~.open With .Mt O..an•e 1 " C..n the other two suspects sought nor tell fl.1umy said. ''We told them what they acelyJene-torch .and tht COP}ents wer.e why the police suspected Lynem. NEW YORK (AR)__. The stock.market couldn'.l-do .. and--tbey-agree -D1lsaini1 ....:.._ ' · ,' : Lynem was arrested In April on the tumbled to a sizable loss by the cloee to-· guidelines." He said the representatives ~l'\I from Uie~sqan-ufd, concealed weapon ~harge after a police day after starting out with a minor &aln. of the anti-war group estimated they · 1 !See POUCEMAN, Page II (See llljOllUOllS, Pages 20-21). could muster 1,000 lo I.1'111 pe..-. Nixon to Stay on Coast All Aµg~st ' ---. Tbe cenl<r ri free world power will 1hllt lo Ille Orange coast In Aqua! and mniln here for the enllte .-h. President Nixon sakl 11M'lday 1t hi• Newpcrrler IM villa In Newport heh: "Thia ii our first appearance at what will be tlle Summer White HOOIO In Afllllll. "And ln August we will have a ICM.dule of ttM· s.a.me intensity aS in Wuhbiston D.C." Boo Zlqler, the presldenl'•. preu oemtary later told the DAILY 'PILOT r Nl11"1 WU not referring speclllc11ly lo the. Nnpones IM u tile.-White HouM. • Tiro llltJe hostelry on the bank ol Upper Newport Bly, however, wW thtre lhat role wilh.TuolfliOo.fanil4' maJIOion In San Cleneoa.. ,.. 0 1 dlll't know. where lbe Pruidenf win be speni11n1 pfost of bis time,"·' aakl Ziegler. Each plac;e, be Indicated, has II! . own unique lldvrmtqa . The time will ~Iy be splil up between the two, v low. Ile Aid. · .'Tbe Inn 11111 ,.., fllrelJ ...... the prea'ldenllal alflce eompln! II ill .ervlng that function now. !JI lllUcJJ)llloo or ihe ;.it monih slay later thia -· NewJlllrl f#tYot Doraen Manhlll lhll moniJns Wlrid the President 11111 the c11J II ·-Jy dellghted" 11 the Jll1llll"i\-She said the ·ell)' ;, ruciy to•-I'~ pru1o1on1111 'sill! In any wlY to prepare !fr the shift of • l!l'Ulden~•I power ti<IW..., Newport-and 1>dlh -.iid< ot Jmbonnli>id:-Allcr .. • • San Clemaete. hillside ~i. the inn'• n1a1n -The city of Newport Is already much 11its I yelJoW:jtepJ Police tlfle•marlrln'Mm Involve!! In aecurtty m.......,1 11' and are slalloned tiler<, Metplng u eye on the around the New-porter. area and chllfnl1 away '111 oftlotlbh. · At leaat one dozen police offlctra have MtanwliUe; mMt· lctlvUiel It &tie l\nn .. been pulled oft regular duty to blck up are gotilg on ·U uaull,· rih 1ri1 traffic the Secrit Service. Thal is cl,.. lo 2i proble1111 and 1urpr/Jl11flY, f,W, ~ pen:ent ·el the Newport pollca force.. Wl""""'1i 1bollt (et~~ !If I =.!.. II Some-. plainclothesmen. Thel!1ld'!)·• l'retlcla!f.Nlxon'who_,r;. ll*~i'<> Ufk allon I! a green and Y•ilow 1filpp0d , gGi .lrDl'l!•u pliij:0,1o ,. ~ iiio \apel pf11 in lhl, llhaf>e Of I torch.' ~ ~ , ~ • ;, .t.·~ ..!1r':!'~...:=·~11~o:' ;,:; !M.~~l;l'~=ti Ind Jn the .driveways Jeaa_ing to·Uil \!ffia1 ·1:41); a-.;:~1tollcbllDwn tftni .... S.n n.mo, where the Presidanl'1 plrl)', 11, , largely d~ted !>i: f111J11 to rJ>!!. 111111 s1ayt111. • doleN <I """'' ltud<nlx in1ny cr1. ~ Motorcycle oflicera are llalloiJed' atr . <illo'AuGl!s1\ Pl\4 I) , "" ~ • • ' ' • ' ' ·--~ . • ., f ..( . • ' . " ,. ( . , • , There'll be cloudy 1kles for the •big Pl!rade, blll YJ111 oan1e.njoy ·lhe rest of the Fiah Fry under a blan- ket ol sun tthli -,.ee-end wlth tem- peratures ~ the 70 mark.1 I • 1 -I ' ' . INSmt: TODA\' It .could Mvt bttft Junt 4th or 5th, b•I It ..., ~""" lhh. 25 1/tOTt' 000 {odof, that. Gtn. J>uiifhl ,£.,••liotNr. gcHI<• '""' , llQijaj tllot , la)lnch~' the ll"to~ •Cit> iiwcm'on of aJl.timc: J).oa., :1941., PIJQ< 1 o: , , .... ". i u, ....... . C•lllln,_ f ......... ....... +I ""'"' . . "~' ..... -~ CllMlttM -. Jl-0 ~-z 1t c~. ~ .• ..., _,. ....._ II Ill.Ill t>tl '-.....itr-;.-. ,1 .,_,. . . It-" 1 ..... 1 ... IWI t>• ............... =:.-. ~! !==-..: AMI~ II ........ •4 .... ''::C .... w ..... ,, _ ... -... L I • •I .. • • • . ·----J a llAll.V Pll,Ol 1; FrldU, Ju~t 6, 1949 TOro Flights ~an?t Be Altertid lb-JACK Cll.\PPELL ., .. __ .,. a 11 .... -1o ..._ Madno ' OirJoc· fllcbt pallernl whlch at Umes ~el military llr<nlft from El Toro , swee over~ Beach. ' Wal UM response of the former OOllll1lllldlol ~ ol lhe El Tbro I IWloe Air Slallon, Wllllam P. Thrash, to • letter from Laguna Mayor GleM E. Vedder. :Vedder adviled lhe Marines of com-, ~ be ·hal received about the .... ... ..... from mllltary aircraft, • • ~ ~ lll'ID& ... ~ .~,... l!al anu lill 11 llJPI Ud emv maloc a.fart ~,. f • '!1'0 -llliOd ljlll u ~. lht lllgbt pallont for ~ qperalln1 f11>m the !we during lat< hours be chan1ed '° Lquna's resldenUal area.a are spared the jet noile. In response, Thrash said all Olght pat.- t<rrui for aircraft using Che ba!< are ln· trlcately fntenmtn. "Tbe patt.trua are lntrtgr1ted with many oilier llllDtial pallen>I and tt ii . !!II~ lo comtamplale a cllallp 11 llalo ... Geo! TbrWi llld. ..:'o::a.i:-~..:: ol nearby -lllal. lt wam1 ahr'1I so. When lhe Marine Cof])I Air Station, El Toro, was opened in 11M2, tt was in an isolated area. and the operating aircrltt were smaller, dower and less noisy," the general said. Gen. Thrash said requirements of na- Uonal aecun.y influence all operations of lhe-. He oald that u much u pooalble, Jets !Mfuna Hunts 2 Officials t ~ ••• ,• I ' bOMd II dio air .tlalloa allck ID u 1;111 ., ...... ·•:• ..... _. ... allllmlli ~ ~ 111"1 ..+.a..,_ oi llio af-l{o ... •11 ,.m· the lnconvenlence ~ and UIW'e yeu every ellor\_ ll mide to operate •1 an ablolut. mlnlril11111 ol dillurbtllce """1Slenl with aafety and uoedltloua oi>er•Uoua," Gen. 'l'bn!h aald. Since r«tlpl of lhe'littlr Gen. Thruh hu been ualpd lo VleOiam dllly. Brig. Gtn. H.,y W ._1 m;e 11 l)lw omunander ollhebllt- B<!-ndit Dead, Pal in Jail After Gun play Dragn'et Yielding Results "'fT ....... . ·MESA FATHER, SON EMBRACE AFTER SEA CRASH A Halloween-masked bandit w h o emptied his seven-shot automatic pl.stol into a Santa Ana jeweler as he fell mortally wounded himself is dead today and his alleged .part.qer is jailed after a wild, wetienHtyle shootout Thursday. The man slain during an abortive Sl,100 stickup tolled by the intended victim was Identified as Louls Asmond, 37. whose last known address was ·m San Juan Capistrano. Samuel Brucker, 65, owner or Brown's Llluna Beach'• draa:ne.t for a oew chief ol poilce and a ttCJUllon ciln<tor ha> yjelcled a &ood caldl. City Manager James D. Wheaton said he has received 16 complete applicaUons, seven partially complete applications and 12 inqulries about the police chief post. Ile tonn>d all the applicants "hill> caliber" men. "It Is very encouraging thJt we will be able to fU1 so well this position," Wbealon JiaJd. For the nauuon dir<clor po1t, II •P- pltcat!ons have been recelved and elfhl more are in proctJS, Wheaton said. The selection proctdure for both posts will whittle down the number of ap· pli,tants to the one person belt qualified, Wheaton said. He said he will begin a comparative ranking en all ~ applicants after all forms are In.. He ' plans to reduce Qte number of meD considered down to eleht or ten to be interviewed in a day-long aesslon. After that, the top ranking men will be Investigated l'"rlOll&]Jy by lhe <lly manager.· Retirtng -police Chief Harry Labrow will participate in the selection, Wheaton said. 0 1 plan to go to the community where they are and lalt to the people all over town, that's rully the only way to do it," he said. An apPolntment wUI he-made. if poosl- ble, before Chief Labrow leaves his job July 11. , CPO L•wr1nc1 Rtily, SOn Lt. (jg} J•m11 M11t et Tr1vl1 AFB Dome to Grieve Mesan. Won't Talk About Tragedy By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tflt DtlfJ ,, ... S!tff Lt. Reilly, a public Wormation officer, had told reporters three hOurs telore tha1. his father \\'as not expected until mid· morning or noon today. Jewelers, 215 E. Fourth St., is in serious condition at Santa Ana Community Ha1plW following lnlallslve aur&1cal repairs. Fro11l Pcge 1 NIXON ••. Warrant Out for Youth Home from the sea which took his ship- mate son and 72 other sailors to its Uoor three days ago, a Costa Mesa career Navy man refuses to discuss the tragic collision of ,his vessel and a giant Australian aircraft carrier. The lucky survivor of the mystery sea collision and hl$ two remaining sons ar· rived at Los Angeles International Airport at 3:45 p.m. and drove borne to Costa Mesa from there. Santa Ana police capturod Arthur F. Kids, %1, of 1811 S. Huter St., Anaheim, • • about two blocb from lhe.,..,. and sald .. an electrldao;_~ Gl'IOll, ~ New he was carl)'IJ!c 1341 bellned laken from Yarjl Cly, ·a JOiitb Wor~ emp!Oytd by the..... ' '. .. .. Olllee".ol BcGooallc Opporlunlb>; In Assault on Officer No one &MWertd the telephone today at the home of Senior Chief Gunner's Mate LawreDC:e J. Reilly, 44, of 2 3 3 ~ Minuteman Way. a townhouse unit where the Navy flDl\IY bu.Jived five yu.rs. The 19-year Navy veteran has 30 days' leave before reporting back to Long Beach Naval Station, from which ·be and Lawrence J . Reilly Jr., 21, sailed March 29 on the ill-fated destroyer. K1<1a wu boolood "" auapidoe o1 ai.. A!lo. Debra -.... 11, Lam!nJ, tempted murder-Ml armed robbery Midi., -.1 at-~ llllh mmmlD8 from tbO 10:16 l.m. lhooloul Sc:beol; Joo Bosle. U, Llnlln(, Klch., an with the Jooctime.Santa Ana jewelry and 81J11"111lce · mccblne repatrman;" Lany· loan shop owner. McJCibben, zi. Aina, low~· a lludeot ai Que1t1oo1ns ol BnJ<Ur and his wife -Iowa -8tale Uolverally; John LloJd, 19, who ran acrearnfDg from the rlort! after Des Moines, a 'student at Drake Unlvenl· the gun battle -bu led poll<e lo ty; ltlu Hun1 Lum, II, Lawton, Okla., a. reconstruct the drlmaUc incident Iii hiP idiool 11iiluata eoltrlng Oklahoma detail. Unlyertlly Jn .the-fall, and John Patrick They say two men entered the atore. IJvfugston, 21, Norman, Oklahoma~ an one armed and • wear1J!i a Hollow... Oldalloma Uolvenlty mxltnL mask whlle the Giber'• lace wu hidden Alao lld>edullll tO CGllfer with Nixon at by a ...i wool ak1 ~and be carried no Newport BeadJ wme J1obert 11.-Floch, weapon. • _.iary ol hlallll, educatloa · and 'Ibo unarlned bandll.~~ma ...itare (HEW); and Bryce N. Harlow, money from a CUii bol and.£.r'":"_;' ~ Wblto Houae aalatanl for coocreuJonal dllplly cues, whlll Ille' ' ·-latu relaflonl. 1-when he 1aJ dead oa the floor --wme.lo ta1t .-""·· lhe. --kepi BnJ<Ur ii 8(mpoipl. t~:i ua11tan1 ·-e1a,.Y';,i"1111Wf.r . bultb·'-a maltar of --aJnce Fro• 1"419e 1"··• f;"t!:n 1::.~JJb~~i'> POLICEMAN . • • =:.for,:?~;! Knowl:: officer had 4Q.. ~a JuU"" ~;' 'loiwoold ~~ the lt'reet. LYIMIJ). tefUled to !Pe: h1I' 'ft..~K.-Ki/oJ.,er, Nllon'a..,..I hand out of hil .poi:ltel wben onlerod ml .....t.."i7or naUonal aeeurlly llfflirl • -........,. a .2kallber motver, fleW to Cllllornta from w.........,; fully loaded. Thursday nlCbl lo meet with the 'Pieal-Two weeks later he waa apln "!.'""'1 dent. ~~ about 40 Necroes staged a stand· He came here to help Niton prepare 1n ·Ol1 wut lit Stree,. Police called the for Sunday's Mi~way Island IWTimit gathering a "near riot." Lynem and eia:hl meelill1 wllh President NauyeD Van others were ·arrested for falling to Thieu of South VJelnam. disperse after being ordered to do IO. Folkiwlng a Newporter IM con'1-ence Officer Sasscer was shot about 11 :~2 Thursday, Nixon announced he was p.m. shortly after he had radioed head· nominating Donald E. Johnson, 45, of quarters that he was leavinc his patrol west Branch Iowa a former nl.Uonal car ~o "question a couple of pedestrians." ~ander c:t the American J..eaioo, io fl.~tes. later, poU~ were called on the be veterans administrator. He allo nam· car s radio by Louis Martinez, an am-eel Johnson to head a presidential com· bulance. d~ver whose home at 1804 W. mlttee that will review federal benefits ~~; ~1:,,~ few feet from the scene offered returning Vietnam war veterans .. Laguna Rotary Gives $200 to Saddleback JC The Saddlebacl College Scholmhip Fund has received a $200 check fri>m th• Laguna llills Rotary Club. Dr. Fred H. Bremer, president of the college, accepted the check from the · club"s president-elect, Stewart Cun· n.ingham. Fro11l Page 1 AUGUST ••. were from outside the county. The Pre1ldent'1 press aides said one of the 1ubject1 he wished to discuss with the students was Vietnam. Heil-bopping wUI apparently conUnue to be Nllon'a style of travel for the duraUon of his vlsits to San Clemente and . I Lquna Btad1 police hsve seairecf·• • • wllTlnt for tbl arrest of a YOUlll man who ~ uaaulled a police officer durin& U aliercaUon In wlllcb a crowd Impeded lhe olllcer'a actlvlllel. Det. Sal Vie-Sa1an aald a warrant ha5 b<e1l I.wed for lhe_ arrest of Crall Douclas Wlllllmt, 11 of, Beaumont. The warrant .la ior allegedly 1111ulthia: an ol!l<e< and ....... and bat<ry, said the Phony Doc Gets · 1to10 Years lb~TulJ)ersonation ~MIARL!Y I •tt .,."' '''" ''.\ t Robert Ervin Brown muat ·'""· '. ' to 10 xean in atate prlaon let laliely practtclng medicine '"1 IOI ....nttlni heart pollentl at I Fullerton •il!lic. Soperlar Court Judi• Byron K. Mc-Miiian brualied utde repeated pleu for Jef'deney 'nlurldly and tmpoeed the prison t'efl'\ fOr, two of the felony counts on which the DSeudo "Or. GleM Foster" wa1 conVScled last May 17. The sen· tences are Concurrent. Deputy Public Defender Lawrence Buckley urged Judge McMillan to ru le that a six-month Ct>unty jail term and five years FOl>ation WI! adequate sentence for the client who "conned" physictans al the Fullerton Internal Medicine Clinic and the Orange County Medical Assn. Into believing tliey bad a top flight cardiologist In their midst. Buckley recalle<fhis arguments before the jury that the bespectacled Birmlng· ham, Ah1:. man had ~ his Jlmlt,a.. tions thr()ughout his five week sojourn at the cllnlc and that he never attempted to 1tep beyond them Jn his treaanent of patients. He intimated that the jury had been' well aware of that fact wheil It took 111 hours to return felony convlctlons on only !wo or the 14 counts faced by the soft-spoken Southerner -an impreulve witness when he demonstrated his med· !cal knowledge and clinical know-how from the wit.ne.u box. detective. Poltee said Officer Larry Galat was struck on the neck by Willi&m1 Wed. nesday nl1bt. but not injured after he at. tempted to search Williams for weapons. The incident occurred in the Canyon Acres Drive area, police n.ld. Officers aafd residents cf the area surrounded G1lat and prevented him from pursuing Wllliams. .They said Gala! ordeied the crowd lo ~ unsuccessfully and wu men- a<Od with a Dashilgbt and guitar held by unidentified perlOQS. Sqan aald Wllltams ls believed lo be 1tayq ln the Canyon Acres area. Summer Tennis, Swim Programs Signups Slated Preregb(ration for La 1 u n a Beach summer swbnming and tennis claaaes will he held thU Salunlay and the next Saturday, June 14, from t a.m. to noon at the Laguna Beach High School boys' l)'m. Swimming clwes will be held daily during weel:day1 with the first session starting June 14. Classes each Jut 30 mlnutes and run for two weeks. l\flni· mum ,.ge i1 six years. There is a $2 fee . The program will conclude Aue. 21 TeMis classes begin June ts. Each clus meeU during weekdays for two weeks. Cla.ssea are open ror beginnin1. lntennedlate and adVaneed studenta. Fee it $5 and the cluaes art limited to 8 people. Program c:oncludes Au1. 12 Durlnf .....-..tstratlon. pa-.. are allowtd only to ttglater themselves and their cblldno. Naval lutebtienoe offtcers h &I\' e prtsumably banned di!ICUJSlon of the sinking ol lhe USS Frank E. Evans' forward aection following the crl!b with the HMAS Melbourne during South China Sea maneuven. Newsmen waited Thursday at Orange County Airport for his scheduled 2:3a p.m. arrival aboard an Air Callfomia fllfhl Iron: Oakland; originally Intended to be secret. Secrecy evldenUy e1tended to his fam- ily u well. Confirmation came through a call to Oakland that no one had taken Chief Reilly's reserved seat and bis waiting family finally learned intelligence men had made other arrangements. His other Navy son, Lt. (jg) James Reilly, 23, of Charleston, S.C., was waiting with a civiliat1 son Jerry, when the senior enlisted man aboard the Evans new into Travis AFB near Sacramento. Sleep-in Slated For Boys Club The Boys Club of J..aguna Beach will hold a sleep-in Frida, night, June 13, ro·r boys 8 through 18 yeah; old , . The program will consist of a movie , swim mlng, game3, a marshmallow roast, hot chocolate, story telling and breakfast on Saturday morning. The cost is $1 per boy. ~ meeting will precede a weekend campout that will be scheduled in one of the state parks. Boys attending the 5Jeep-in must pay the fee by June 12. They will need swim trunks, a towel and three blanketa or a sleeping bag. AtteDdance will be limited to 1~ boy1. A joint investigation of the collision has been launched by U.S. and Australian naval officers, to determine how such a tragedy occurred on a moonlit night with extensive electr<;inic navig r.li'ln21 gear. The 22,500 ton Melbourne slammed into the Evans amidships despite emergency maneuvering by the larger vessel. killing 74 men, wrth only one body recovered from the warm sea. Chld Reilly was asleep in his quarters when the 4: 12 a.m. c.ecident occurred, while the son he shipped over two years to serve with went down at his ep room watch station. · During a press conference ctn the Philippines Wednesday, Chief Reilly said the crash sounded like a giant can opener ripping metal apart ·and he followed a shipmate's voice out to escape the sink· ing section. Survivors were picked up by the Melbourne and transferred t o t h e heJicopter a,ircraft carrier U S S Kear,arge, which is s.teaming bo~ .lQ Leng Beach. Naval authorities said Thunday that Chief Reilly was flown home due ·to the family tragedy, while th.? 199 others wou?d apparently remain aboard the Kearsarge . · 'n'!e veteran sailor who stayed tn past retirement age to look alter his' Zl-year- old son will observe his 45th 'birthday with his wife, two surviving sons and the widow of Lawrence Reilly Jr. next week. Qt.serve i:; perhaps the proper word. There will be little celebration. Unions Okay Contract PORTLAND (UPI) -"Bil four" lumber producers and the two bia: timber ·industry unions announced agreement to- day on new contracts covering nearly 20,000 workers. ;})ining Room Speciaf -,i(M''r11"1· 'i'.:,;p~.,, ·otl!!fl" m."o''3lll$4~~~~·~1r.l!'llfi...:;"~~ ... 'ff'-•'· !I • , Ana. ' · · · · ... • ~rvl~ ;:,1·a1tM ... ., __ ,,,..._ The chief eiecutive has been hopping , ,. . OltANGI COA•T l'U•LISHINO COMl"ANY leb.rt N. Wet4 Tho'"'' Keevil EClllOf Tho'"'' A, Mdtphin• Mll\lllllt l!!lfltor •1chtt4 r. Nill l.1eu111 l••dl Cltv ECllrtr Llt11M .._. Offlct 222 Ftr•tf Avt. Meillrit M1h•111 r.o. ••• '''· t26&2 ..__ . . - from the old Colton Estate mat\llon by dwp.,.r lo the Newporter Inn alnoo his Saturday for arrival Wednelday and these 14-minute Olchtl will become routine. "We will have a schedule of the ume Mr E • }d Intensity as w_e have in Washington," the ' _ _ _ ~S!_ ~-!1. 11_1~.~President said in reference· to his tnonth·- - -t'· ~ Iona planned visit durtnc August. TraditionaUy, summer White Houses have been spots for both work and play, but the $MO,OOO home bought from the widow of the late H. H. Cotton will re· main just a home. The Newporter Inn has the attraction of an adjacent heliport for setting the presidential turbojet chopper d o w n almost within waJkine di.stance or bis workshop auJte In the '/Illa San Remo. Nixon has madP. three flights sine.: ar· riving and three more are scheduled before he leaves Saturday for a Midway Island conference with South Vietnamese Prslcitmt NStJYm Vatr1'tiltu. selectlon of the Ntwportor Inn WU ap. partnlly abrupt and uai1tant t1ecutive manager Edwanl Inale said booilncs were tolld when White Uoute aides called tut Sunday. "We had to tran.srer zo guuts to other hottll," be said. Mergers to Get Look SAVANNAH, Ga. (UPI) -Atty. Gen. John N. Mltcbell said loday lht Juatlce Department wm aulomaUcally ICfUtlnile proposed mergers lnvoMnr any ol Iha naUon's IOO lar&eat corpcntfons. MtmOTial aerviOH tor ?i1rs. Gtrtnlde Enfield waJ a professor of speech. the Paclfic View Memorial Park Chapel m Corona de1 ~far. Mrs. Enfield, 1 Laguna Beach resident for 34. years, died Wednelday. She wa.s IS. She lived at 201 Cypress Drive. Mrs. Enfield was past president of the Laiuna Beach Chapter of Pen Women\ a member of the Colonial Dames, a facu ty member of . the stairs of both the Unlverstty o( Southern Califomla and UCLA and a member or lhe Church of Religious Science. A pioneer Jn vene choir ..,...,.., Mn. Enfltld alao WU kMwn II a pest and author, with ,.veral boob of poetry to her credlL Al the two unlvmllltl, Mn. Enfield WCI a proflllOr of optach. Mn. Enfield II survived by two dauthttrs, Mrl. Ro)' Tho~an of South Laguna and Min VlraJnla Enfield of lhe family born• Jn La111na Beach; a IOI!, John Enfield Jr. of Laguna Beach; th.... lrandcblldr<n Ind four lfOll• 1randehlldren. At lhe memorial service, lhe Jttv. Henry Gerhard, mlnillar of lhe Cburdl of lttll.lloos Science In t.quna Baadl, will ofnclat<. The famJ!y bu IUgtlted memorial donations lo Iha C>urd> ol RellglOUJ Sdence. . ... ' Fr."ch Ov1I Oinl"t T1ble. Size: 16 .. xJI" f2'1f. -Arm ·¢hfirt,•Mtr _.la. Sill•-c:Mtrs, ..$If. _ _.. lt1U1n P1d11t1I Dining Tebl1. Sit•: 44"x44". Din· lr19 ..... f abl1, $219,-Arrn .Cheltt ~$Hl.-Q1W.,- P1lnt1d fi"lth White ind Gre1r1, $Sf. Printed Fini1h 6r1en and Whit1. , Both S1rver1 Shown •r• 36"wl9"11ll" Hi9h. $llt. ••ch. ElCCl.USIVI DEALI~ FOii: HINlllDON -DlllXIL-HllllTAGI 90 DAYS NO INTIUST-. LONOlll TlltMI AVAIL.AILE ON APPROVED CUOIT NllWl'OllT llACH 1727 _,, o.. 6420IO __ ,.,., l'tof1-I ~-LAGUNA llAClt D•fs:MI JU North C..lt Hwy, Aftflallla Al~ID -,.,.., 'nl , . _,.,. .... _., ..__ .... ,,.. .. - Ni:Xon .Cool · • • f., I ' ' Btlore · Trip. ' ·~ ~ . ' ' ~~Midway • • • J. ·~ f • • ' • • . llw:Ml!lUUM~J! SMM'll "·'":1 1:...,,,~ ..... ...,..,. ol .ORor~tlni 'flo!\i lilJ do/al he'adqU.rjer• In 8'n .Cl~nte ~ 'Newport , Btacfl, he.id.'!l;!rixan' bu decided to go 1bead with: bll MI"''' ._,..,,nee on Vletiwn ~ 11tt1i . ~lion r ... criUci1 alOriil, ,llcglJlnin( '9 ~ruk In &4hinl· tofl· Qd othe.r parts ol. the world. '.J'b9. ~blef _ e1ecutive ,._g~ •bout a relllllftly -..uline. busintss. sch'!'l•I¢ toda.1 with" little outward evidence of cQncem over what -he rnlght discuss in the Midway Islands Sun~ay with Pres· ident Nguyen Van Thte1;1 of Sooth Vtelnorn. ~ White HouSe residtmt expert on Vietriam, Or. Henry A. KWinger, arrived ln Southern California Thurs· dar olght. but the President did rot confer with b.im. Instead, Nixon spent the evenll!B with his family ,at their new 'home ~m San t:Jemente. Through news , teport.s and private cables the President was well aware of unsoli~ited advice and comment coming from · Capitol Hill and other world cap· ltals. His Sunday agenda for Midway, however, was worked out be.fore he left Washington for the W~ ~arlier this week. There was no sohd evidence his approach to Thieu had undergone altY last-minute shift or direction. . .\J for Nixon's position on troop with- drawals and coalition govtmment in SqutJil Vietnam, his senior advisers held that bis stand was well stated and public, and they doubted any dramatic tum·aroun~r for that matter, any dramatic specific announcement-would develop quickly from the Midway meet- ing. So far as could be determined at the West Coast White House, Nixon's po- aition had not changed ·since May 14 when he told the American people : "What .kind of settlemen will permit the South Vietnamese people to deter- n1ine freely their own political future? Such a· setlement will require the 'vi th· drawal of all non-South Vietnamese forces, including our own, from ~uth Vie tnem, and procedures for pol1t1cal choice that give each significant ~roup in South Vietnam a real opporturuty to participate in the political life of the na"tion." 'fo some, at home and abroad, this meant . a U.S. blessing on a coalition gove'rnincnt -if this turned out to be aceeptable · to Saigon and the sou them population. To others. notably t~e Na- tional Liberation Front (NLF), 1t was "nonsense." Thieu has been campaign- ing through the Orient against the idea of coalition. The feeling here on the colorful coast of · Southern California; where surf- • boards and male hippies v•earlng noSe· rings ·go almos t unnoticed, wu that NJ1:cm had stated his case and would not dtpart -from it $UbstantiaJly Sunday on Easter Island in the Midway group. DAILY ,llOT Steff '"' .. PRESIDENT JNTROl)UCES DONALD E. JOHNSON Nomination of New VA Chief AnMunced in Newport Nixon Nominates Fifteen .,. For Arms Control, Peace President Nixon. In an announcement Thursday from his \Vhite House West in San Clemente, nominated 15 me n to an advisory commillee on arms control and \\•orld peace. Among the nominees is former secretary of state Dean Ru sk. Other former federal officials amoni;i the nominees are retired Gen. Lauris Norstad of Toledo, Ohio, former supreme allied commander or Europe : C. Douglas Dillon. former .treasury secretary : and Cyrus Vance, former deputy secretary of defense and a Vietnam peace negotiator during the Johnson administra~on. Also nominated was f o r m e r P<;nnsylvania. Gov. William Scranton. He was among 14 of the qominees new to the General AdVlsory Committee of lhe, f.!.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agericy. John J. McCloy of New York City, com· mitt'F. chairmitn during the Johnson ad- miniStr1tion1 re!Mns that pqst. The appoifitments rtQuire Senate ap· proval. The committee advises the Presi- · r1ent, secretary of state and the direct.or of agency on arms control, disarmament and world peace. Other nominees : I. W. Abe I, Pittsburgh, Pa., president or t h e Steelworkers Union; Dr. Harold Brown, Pa~adena, Calif.. preslduit . of the California 1nstitute of Technology and• former Secretary of the Air Force; \\'illiam J. Casey, New Y.ork,-aulhor, editor ailci lawyer; William Foster, \\'ashington. first director of the ACOA; Ke rmit Gordon, Washington, president of the Brookings Institution. Also James R. Killian, Cambridge, Mass .. former special assistant lo the president on science and technology; Peter G. Peterson, · ·Winnetka, Ill., chairman of the board of Bell and llowell : Dr. Jack Ruina. Cambridge, Mass .. prOfessor of electrical engineering at the Massachuselts Institute of Techbolog arlti 'fl>rmtf'\l)resiqtnl ~t.the In.sUtirte, fdr Defense ~lyses 'and John Archlba\;f Wheeler. of Palmer Physics Laboratory, Princeton . .New Jersey. Oil Drilling · Resumes Soon 'Senators Cranston, Muskie Oppose Reopening Wells WASlllNGTON !AP) -Th< U.S. Geological Survey director says Un.ion Oil C;o, soon. will begin drilling new, shallow wells in the Santa Barbara Channel aroun d its deep Well which blew out last Jan. 28. The drilling is the second step recom· mended by a presidential scientific panel to deal with continued slow leakaae from the blown well under the platform five miles offshore from Santa Barbara. The well bubbled thousands of gallons of oil into the Pacific for 11 days until plugged. Tbe first step, catching ,seeping oil in tent-like underwater receptacles, v.•as " under way when the pariel reported last ~fonday. The sufvey director, or. William T. Pecora, said in an lnterView "Thursday that Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel probablf would make no decision on large scale operation! on Union's lease until the effect of ijle shalloW wells, and of ~a·botlom ~cmenling, can be evaluated. But two Democratic senators chargi:d the panel with falling to conduct an ad· equate study before concluding that furth:er drilling wa! needed to atop the oll leakage. Sen. Edmun(t S. Muskie of Maine called the investigation, "cursory, clsuat a.nd ... _ CRANSTON, MUSKll CltlTICIZE•,FUJtTH ERiDJULLING , " S....ton Pourl .. ·T ...... ., Cilllornlo'1 Olly Wottro . Insufficient." Sen. AJan Cransto11 of California said it \\"SS ;;upcrflcial. TI1e senators in a joint statement Thursday urged Hickel to reject th~ panel's recommendation end make a tllorough Investigation of •th.e channel li' "a group or indeperv:ient scientists who are not associated wi'h any oil company or with tbe U.S. Geologttal Survey." The panel appointed by Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, President Nixon's science ad· vlser, based Its conclusion, the 1en1tors said, on only oral ·evidence of Union OU and Department of. Interior employes. Cranston said ,he does not question technical competence of DuBridge or the panel m(;.mbers, but complained they did l)Ot conduct their own investigation of the lr..O ause or se~s. ~.:'"~!lCf--s · -~~~. once and reached its recommendations In i.rafts circulated by mr"'. Pecora said Geological S u r v e y l'11gincers and Union Oil Co., probably .vould agree "within a day or two" on the Mallo~'drllling_prngram. H_e: &aid-only ~a re ativeTy few" wells would be drilled, far lr!low th< platronn's full capacity of - : bout 50. Drilling each well wUI take a :ek Gr two. ,The program or injecting cement into !-IPaklnts ocean bottom cracks could art within a few days, he said, and be mplc:ted in two to four weeks. \ third step authorized by Hickel ap- ..ives a review, already under way. -0f ~·lrlhQuak:e hazards and application or :·pp!'$riate precautions. -Hickel still has under 111.udy the pane.1'1 last Uu:ee ncommendatJons : -An attempt through an oil wlthdr1w1l program lo find ou( bo;w much the various oll lev!!ll are interconnect.Id. -ReducUon ol preauns 1t a11 StvelJ and lnjecllon of water aa oil 11 wilhdrawn to prevent aublidence. -Pumping out all the oil In the form- ation as efficiently and ra,pidly· as possi- ble, 1 ~ Pecora u.ld would require ao~e 200 We~ and take 10 lO 12 years. China Accuses Ru~s TOKYO (AP) -Red Cllln1 cfllrged to<loy that Sovill "-hi .. find ICl'OOI the Manchurian border Ind hive ... 1 hundredJ ol mnared vehkl• Into Slak!q Pn!Ylace la the far Nlrlhwut la lnddeuta "atill occurrln& Incessantly." • L DAILY '1tOT <J lvvine &:ran.ts ~Listed ~ . ' . . 49 Charitable Groups Share in ~indfall ,Jaints lrvlne Foundation grants for' tMt, totaling IS,703,012, are divided among ff c.,h a r l t a b I e. organiia.Uona throuabout Ctllfornla, it was learned to- day, ' The largest single contribution or the foundation this year was to ,(he Clare- mOnt University group. 'M\e colleges reCefvect li mG,000 grant for the Honnold Library. Tbe name of the recipient of the second largest gift, lt00,000, has not yet been reteued. Organiu.Uons receiving giants over ,.$50,(l)O include: The Harbor .Area Boy's Club, 185,000: South Coast Community H05pitll, S75,000; The University or Southern Califor.nla, $75,000; The Sa\va- liOn Anny, $61,0oo, and Boy Scouts of America (Orange Empire), $53,000. Grants of $50,000 were made to private colleges and universities In Southern California. They include : Occidental. Ch1pm1:1n and Whittier Colleges and The Unlve~lty of RedlanC'I. Other $50,000 contributions were made to: Memorial Hospital at Exeter, Orange Coast YMCA, Boy's Club ol Tustin and Children's llome Society of Los Angelea. Grants were received by : Services for ' , . , . the Blind, '40,000; Orthopaedic HOl)))t>J, ll0,000; Southern Ca!ilornlo Collqe, 115,000; S)'lllpbony Assoc. or Orange County, 125.oqG; Laguna Bea~ Com· munily Players, $25,000, and W Verne College, $25,000. .. other ·donations of more than $10,000 Include: Orange 'County YMCA Camp Commitlee, $16,500; Hemophilia Foun- datlOn of South~n California, $13,600: Unlvenlty laterfalth FoundaUon, l lJ,000; Orange County. Calif. Partners for ProgrtP, $15,000; Orange Co u D t·y Association for . Retarded Ch 11 d r e n , $10,obo, and Assistance League of Laguna Beach, $10,000. , Grants over $5.000 lnclude: Santa Ana YMCA, $8,500; South Coast &pertory, · $7 ,500: Orange County Federated Com- munity Chest, $7,500: Children·s Home of Santa Ana, $6,000: Lyric Opera Assocla- Lon of Orange County, $6,000, and the Santa Ana and San Clemente branches of the Boy's Club. $5,000. Junior Achievement . of Southern California received $4,100; Coro Foun- dation, $3,600: Orange Qlureh Service Committee, $3,000; Orange County Heart Auoclatlon. IS,IOIJ; Orange C o an t J PhllharmonJc-'Soc:fety, S:Z,500. RouncliaJ QUI the contributions, Th< Amertcao Red Cross received, 13,000J American Sunday.scflool Union, llOO: Bi, Brothers of Orange County, $1.5001 ,Desert Trail Boy Scouts of America. $3,000; El Centro Boy's Club. $3,000; Bfaille Institute of America., $1,oop; Crip Pied Children's Relief, $1,cm; Orangf eowity Epilepsy, 11,IOIJ; Ph n n e 4 Parenthoqd As.wctation, $3,llXI, and Tuberculosil and .Respiralory ~ lt,000 ..• Gomulka Raps Mao MOSCOW (UPI) -Wladysh• Gomulka, head ui Poland's Communist party, today attacked Red China and told delegate's to the wor~ Communist sum mi~ that ch4Jnnan Mao Tse-Tung Is nal an active fighter against imperialisll\ conference ao1:1ref!S said. shop her e or at home for custom draperies and save dur in g our June anniversary sale let our experts come righf lo your home and show you the beautiful fa'bdcs · now !pecially priced, t.-ke accurate measurements for best looking draperies. ·'•,"''.;:.;;,,,• .<4_,,,,._9··---,..-,.,,-, .... _ .. '"""""'' . -' . -, -.... ~.q-r~-=-~,..,.._4["'':. ~·, ./")t4)'~"i'ill'fil'h'lilllihil•.i. ...... llj;l~'l,.j~ . -___..1 -·"'-'-•' • • • ·.;,:.z~+-·-...1,-... ~~ • .,...:.......1:.;;L_ 1.U"J.~..,l- Self-lined, self-insulating fabric , white or flax lanes. Reg. 2.59, 1.69 yd. · Rayon/acetate antique satin in a great color selection. Reg. 2.49, 1.49 )-d. 'Self-lined rayon/acetate a'ntique satin, wkite or flax Reg. 1.99, 1.29 yd • I --H~avy~exLure.c.1sei:?el!! fia9ri~i_I! l!-fasbi~col~ . = R~g. J • .i!Y,,,. "-'1'.!1.--=-~-~ ___ ...... Texlured drapery f.abric with iiln unusually soft finish. Reg. 2.99, 1.99 yd. "8· 1.99·3.49 yd. 1. 2 9-1 . 99 yd. Call your nearesl May Co and a decorator consullant will bring you samples. No char ge, no obligalion for al·home service. may co custom fabri~s .11 . m1y co 1outh eo11t pl1r11 11n dl190 fwy 1t brlsfc,, cosf1 rn1s1; .546-9321 1h•p_ rnond1y thru 11turd1y 10, 1.m. to 9:30 P.·M· . MAVCO · • • . . -• ••• -lrt ... :.-----~ .._ _____ ... ..,. .... I j 1 • ' '."' l&YPP.OT ,~., ... ,.. ..... , The Earl el Aylnford WU thrilled by tbe present he received from tbe Royal Air Force -until he.triocfto get it hollle. The present wls "" ll'!on Tw!n.<tlgine Voletta airplane' tbe Eul sold he wanted and ~ RAF said be could have. But tbe plane today was al Binn· inham Airport, live miles from his home. The Earl .aaid he was lhink· ing. about bulldozing an 800-yard airstrip on his estate -for just oiie landlng. • • • J-a Floros, 27, of Barin· aa, Venezuela gave birth to triplets two on dry land and lhe third in a oanoe. Police said Jooefa, wile of a local fanner, had tbe lint lwo of her three ma1e children at her home, and was being taken by canoe to a nearby hospital when third offspring was horn . • Skinny-dipping is-out the-st dal/I ai Detroft'1 downtown YMCA. Th< UfegWJrd 1' a lady • .. Thffe 1Dt1'en't enough males to go around, 10 l ltDGI hired," 10vs emruly, 28-year.old Mr&. Lvnne· We:o:therholt. "8t1ide1; tfOU've htard about the law against dU · crjmination becc1o111 of 1e:, ~n't you?,. • ·--Skipp r . ' 'I ~ • l • U.~. Destroye Bel~'v~~ at Fault in ·co~lisio!' K:illi~g t7 4 · . a1 u-. Pnss hten•M.oul Philippi..,, 1hiuiiamini ~rd the uss· Involved. A Joint 11.s.-Allllrallu ~ ol •• ,# ...,.._~~•llif ._ mJl!!!I· '· Kear•arc• with inOll <i;Jhe 1te 1urvlvws lnoullt'1ltglnnlac M"1Cla1 In siibit .., ...,,. ..,,11 ....... ..........., lleoo.. · Nol W>lll'llli wu abOard the Auslrallsn of his"'"· He !old a news conference' will tiy lo ~ne how the tealrqedy · M""". of ·lllam wUI ,_ '*"""""" aircraft carrier MelbOume did the •kip-"My first ~t was ,that eithe.r we ~ ... ·~,·I~·· ....... the _,,_were. befm·,~,~iol Uhl ~na,.al . per of the USS Fronk E. Evans realize · had been lorpe4~ 9t mined. The reason ~ •• -.,.. ..... '"• ~·~ · olllceti ...i llltll! ~ _, ..,. the twn sh5ps: had collided. wu bee. ause of thf: Oaah·ol llght [ aa.w. A dlu11111~.d1~!""',,.,ln':f.slmu' .!"""11 ~~~; v~. . 4111. •NII"*" d 1 r In a "It wu like a· bad dieam," Cmdr. Ill not I lo e I did "" .,N ..., 9' -.• .,.... ---·~..,J ...... ~-_. •·•· ........... 00 ~on wu apparen m · ii ;,, · · ..... ,. .. -... ··~ -__ .,. -.. ...., Albtrt S. McElmore aaki today. not realiie .. it until J was aboard the :1:rJ·:lrn':'a U: u:-.ati:ct 'Orpnba".-: .. · , The ooW4ion Tuesday morntng caught MeltJ;ourne. roblem ·more dlffleult," SI.iv~ Aid, Tbe.rellib)e ~.Mid the Evant·•P- McElmore in bls cabin ln the forward aec.. T~ Evans aippper 5*1 .all he recalls ~f P The Evaf\I wu one.of fiv.:' detbO,tn . 1*"tDllY ~· ~ 0»1"8f,I ltl":bam Uon of the · ahlp. The bow sank two the impac t was Qiat he ha4 to force his fanned out ahead oi the Mtlboume . lollowbic.S&ritnWa'1 order to tab a new minutea after-the Melbourne 1llced the way through shattered iteel in hi.I cabin trying to detect .ubmartnet In an ,,;. politioa. 'Jt reporlldlJ crOllecl the Amerkmf datroyer ·in tWo in bright .and found htmstlf in tbe,water with 10me tisubmlrlne w.vfani"drlll. Steven.ion Aki · Melbotime'l'boW fnlD rlCbt to }cit, 'wttb moonllgh~. · crewmen. A bolt from tbe Melbourne the destroyfrs ranted from 3,000 to 10,GOO no Ume for lb! carrier to nald eo&blloo.. Seventy-four U.S. sailors died 1n the picked them up. yards ahead. . Accordlni to ~ .,._, U:S. N.-vy tragedy. Later he arxt, St,eveDIOf!:. who had met "Jn accordance wilh the pn:cram, olflcen, ~were tWd in brt~ the Capt. John ·P.-·~ievenson of the earlier in the weei before the maneuvm aircraft were to be operated from the . MelboW"ne bd4ae ur,..u; , the Melbourne was on the bridge of hil lhip, began, embraced each other and "We J\1elbourne ... I ordered the FrlPk E. Evlll.I twice to cbanP,' com"le Cot no aalllng fully darkened following a aeries said to each other 'I'm sorry,'" Evans to move frof'J'I her~ lta· . ,.uwer. GenerallJ llcb wanW:iP ~.,e or tricky z.i.paj maneuvers 350 miles McElmore said. lion to a position 1,000 yards uter:g ot 1 made by bridlo!to-brtdae telephoge or by aoutb o( Sai&on in the South Ch}na Sea. Steve.n10n's badly damlged ship p.illed Melbourne to prepare for rescue ~a·· aignal P&bts-· · • ·· • Reliable IOW"Ces woo refused to be Into Singapore this morning and he iuUed tions," Stevens said. IM1ng fll&bt o}>eratlona, when a car. further idenU!Jed told UPI the Evana was a statement to newsmen that the wuther "It was ln the course of this maneuver rier ·is lauacblnc or recovtrlrig planes, at fault in the .colli.s.ion. They said its was perfect and• he wu In '1act:ioal con· that the collision occurred·," standard ~ la that smaller lhlps bridge did not answer two commands trol" of his ahip at impact. The U.S. carrier Kearsarae brought mull taJce evqive acUOiJ to avoid pttti!1 from the Melbourne to change courae. His wu the· first official account o( mOlt. of the 199 survivors of the Evant in--in the carrier's •IY· Jn Navy parlance, McElmore arrived in Sublc Bay, the the collision from high-ranking, Officers to Sublc Bay tltiJ morning. They got a the Evam was the "burdened" vessel. Reth Step Up A tt_acks Prior To 'M.idway' bloody Omaha Beach. * * * Sea Heroism After Ships' Crash Related Portions of South Report Some Violent Weather It was held Jn a recreation chalet that the French government has constructed just below the· cemeterr where 11 ,000 American soldier• are buried, and within Callfond• • -·--; rtl[YIEW OFESS.AWEITHEalUllEMI EWr TD J:ll,..Jll. EST '• 7 .,, MILD£. !!O . · ,_.... it•ttlt'• s~~s <'0 °'-""''::.;.r:::) '° , :· · ~_';\ i'·. 0 l. TflOllTl.J ;.; 111'1" • .. ·~ ... T"'..:.¥:> :'•:·:::=?:'::~_~:= · -. -~ ,--,"°~~•5 ~ s ·... :..... ~-. •l•t0•- 11.•o•T• ,,. WAIM •PIW[ATMll fOTOCIST® ~ ~,·,,.1 '--l Coastal MltM .... """""" '°"' iloulll wl!!I !\try '"""'*" Wft9111n.t ..,...,, Mi.to. 7' •• o. 11'1...,. ~"' •o '° " -l'IO"-.., • .......,.. ._.111,. t•lllt8 ,, ..... """ ol " ,. "· 1111AtM1 ...... -•Ill,. --n lo !'. Wll'rf i,m,.r•IVrt "'' '' ftottfft, S11ft, M...,.. Tides ,11.IDAT ''"' "'"" .. •·» ...... t .J tllnl low .. . 10.111.m. t.t JATUllDAY ,!I'll 114111 .... .. .. )IC I m, •I ,lrJI 1tw ............. lO:t•tm.OJ ~ """ ., .......... J:t• '·"'· '·' l«OM '°"' .......... 11 !"2 ··"'· 1.6 I•~ •IMt S:.O •·"'· Ith I!~'·"'· M.-........ S.IS U:n •·"'" 1"•11 Lltl .. NIW Plr-it •• J1111t U Jwflt • Junt ft J-n V.S. Su1M1Mar11 SMMft 1111111 ll>uftdlnlle""'' -. "'-"'...S ., ~ MiOWHI 111d ltM NOl'lllM1t !o091' fl • WMr..,jM ,,... .terou lhe Sovllll'•HI "l&rtod iv.IUI J11,.. -""r l9r l'IGll 1K11r-. 1t11""'n "'' 1ioce1tv ~.,., "' "'""'" ..... •lrh -rty '1'1•-r1tf1 "' 111 111(11 NClll"dliol 11 Mlem~ HOnllt'"41 •~d O""'-luctl lfl 1 11•.f!ollr ..,.. +.<!. l fVflt•lck. Gt.. r«nN -·~ 11'1(1'1. . lrt·t • _,.. -!Ml ..,~~" dvrl"' t1101tnt '"""" "'"' Clll•foll,_ • 1Clllftlff11of11 °"°"" qm-1 ...... Ci.• Ion ei.o .,_,.,.. m0tt !Jltll 111 111(11 ol .,l(lolll llofl, T~ lnttrlor of ,,_ '#ft! r~ •be<tt' ...,,,,.r ~r11u,... •NI "" $11111!1 .... '°"'"'r:' '"'°"" '"41· 1~~ "ffr _..., 111'11' rwcord iowt T~urli:lty ,.,.,111111. £1r1,. mof!ll!lf l1mHf1luN1 r1nMd lrClfTI tS 1! lnt.nlttlon4!1 ,11!1, Mlnfl., to 91 1r N...i'"-C.111. AlbUQ!ttrlll,'t 11.W.0..~99 All1~11 l•k~r.J!~"d 111 & lflf rd< ll•tl~~ Cl!lc.teo (lnr.ll!Nll c 1,.,.1 • .,. oenwt °" Molnt• Detroit E11,_• fCll'l Worth Fl'"ll ,,. ..... He111l!OI\ l(o.,,_s (lfy 1.•V"" I.•""""' Ml•lftt Mt""°'llkM ""'""""°';, Ne• Of-• ._y ... Hof"' ~1'tlt ....... ........ ~-ll:ab* 1"111 .... l ... 1- ~ ....... . ·--~J41Cl!y ll:flf '""" ·-h<r•-'• SI. \,"°"lt s,11ne, kn OltM a.n lln.nc.!Ko $111111 ''""''' 5••"'-... _ Tl'lorlNI W111111111011 • ~ " " .. " " " • .. m ~ • .. ~ .. .. N " .. '" .. .. " .. n " ~ u .. ,. n '" " " " u .. " " .. ... .. " " " 'I\ " " " " " • " " " " " " " " .. • A u .. " .. " .. u " " " • " u • " .. " ~ " .. • a • • • .. .. .. " .. ... .. ... "' .n ·" JN\' ASION· RECALLED -Story, Photos Page 10 the sh11dows of a ravine beaches where the first wall made. up from the breakthrough ltamburgers and hot d_ogs '"it.h baked beans were served. to 700 guests, in- cluding British, Canadian and French cf • fictrs and their wtves, who enjoyed the American cookout. Many Amel1can flCflting units held reu- nions hett arter cblNred lril'I fnlm the S t 1 t e 1. Scores ol old 10lditn were 1ecomP,nled by Uoelr wives ind chlldttn •nd thol'O<lghly enjoyed tellln1 them how it really was ~ yMrl ap. While a vut majority o1 lhe battle scan hive been ttalld rrom both the <OW1try~de and lhe landlllg belches. It did not take anyone who w11 there lont to recognize "X marb Ult spot . " txcept that &M sun was 1hintn1 the w11:1lher wu qulte ,slmllar to the. vtclcus larKij.n& U years ago -the wind was bloWllll and the Eofllah Channel w11 bolling up ,.hlt_pped !I..., that made ...,. ol the ladles -.:k jull tookln1 al thel!I. Scie1ice Chief WASHINGTON !AP) -The board chairman of the N•Uon•I SC\enct Foun- dation says thert Is no scientific evidence that smoking marijuana Is l'larmful or addk:tlve. Jn fact, says Dr. Philip Kandl,r, the In· formation available now indicates the op. poslte may be true. "lt l!I our puritan ethic which says we. shouldn't do .this rather .than lcltnte which 11y1 we .lhould not: at the mo- mtnt." Dr. Handle' told a HOUie 1p- propriallonl·fibcoJl1DlltteO In testimony relaued todaf. · Handler 11kl1t ltlll ttmalns a lclenUflc problem to decide wbethor mutju1n1 11 danpt<IOI lo IOClll7. Ho UkMed It to alcohol ind aald 1 lliml1lr d<dslon _,Id havt lo be mMlo U akobol bad just been dbcovertd. • Slmllar 1tatement1 touched. ofl 1 con- tro.,ny In 1117 ....,.,, they cam< from 1 top ht1tth o1nda1 In the Johnson Id· mlniltraUon· · ' Or. James l... Goddard, a commll&klner of the U.S. Food and Drug Adplln!Jtr1llon, said thot1thatas1¥1ysf. clan. he wu not utlafied ·that medical jUl!Jllcatlon ~xisted lo pro hi bl I the use of marijuana. All Smiles Central figure in Profwno scandal thal rocked lhe British Government in 1963 Christine Keeler is all smiles during a rec~ption for actor Steve MC· Queen (rear) in London Thurs- day. Asked bow •he spendsher time these days Miss Keeler replied, "I just mess around in general." Air-sea Search For Missing AF Plane Continues ANCHORAGE, Al.,ka (AP) -Al leait 15 military planes a_nd two Coast Guard vesaels continued searching tbe western Aleutian Islands tod ay for an Air Poree reconnaissance plane missing with 19 men aboard. Sgt. Larry Helmer:ick, public In· fonnation officer for the Alaska Air Com- mand at nearby Elmegdorf Air F~ Base, said today's search was to be qn- ceotrated near Amchilk~ .Island, where the plane was located when It made its · last radio communication. Its last estimated position Thunday was 150 miles east of Shemya on what was described as a routine flight from Shejllya to Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbank!, Alaska. The Pen_tagon sajd Thursday night the plane, an RC135, is powered by four turbo-fan engines and carries electronic reconnaissance equipment. The Pentaaon said the RC135 was not shot down. ., The missing plane's ml53ion may have fnvolved checking Soviet radar and poss!· bly Jl!.onitoryng Russian radio com- munications, but !here was no official word other than that the fiight was routine. WASHINGTON (UPI) Def- Secretary MelVin· R.·Laird-accused the NO{lh Vietnamese .government tod11 ot making contrived propaganda tn.dcaltJ instead of proVidlng legll!rnate nldeilce that American war. prisonen are being treated humanely. I' I In a statement issued at the Penfaaon, Laird said such broadcasts "are a feeble gesture"· •nd "no substitute for the humanitarian guarantees that we are seeki~." ~ "If Hanoi wants to demonsltate to the . world that these men are belnc treated ' humanely and ~re recf:lvtng proper ~ 1 medical tr"tmont, II must pennll In-• I sped.ions of p~·war campt by 1 f: .,l!JlpartJ!I -:-• ~ ~ ' ~ 1,: Navy Lt. Cmdir. John s. MCCala 111, • 1 ... of the prloOoert and lhe ... al Mm. John S. Mee.in Jr., waa q.-by Hanoi radio Tbund11 u uylftc. "after I WU captured, I wu taken to a pPttal In Honol where I ,...i.,d 't'frl fOOd mtdkal &rutment.... ~ Oilier Comn\111\lal b~ bHe -1tlrib\lted lo SCI· Arthus Colmlw, M1J. D1vld Evenoo, M1J. 1111ntonc1 ·Jam,. Merrill and Cllldr. Jerome De.Ion, alt . listed u Pl;l-. of ""· The broadcutl appear to be ln '"pon>e lo Lalrd'1 1tat..,..t M11 II that thtre Is a "se.rlom · que1tion'' whether prisoners are rect.lving humane tre1tlnent fu" North Vietnam . .. . l - j ' I • • j I ,, Malt A . 11111 . ~"'""""""£ l illtUHlllt ' AW.\1111 ll Ii I CD WIN! A FREE FLOOR COYERINI FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE OZITE® CARPiT.INO I ' OI i aoBBINS PEEL 'N $1i'DCK ·.· ., . . . . . PUT 1111C FIOllT ONE-PC.HESS ··•t -3'' ,.., .... .... s•..w ·•.._tt.ri ...... ,,, ..... ,.., ..... ,.. .... ,. _ ..... ,......., .. "'. •••IMnt pie.I•> .. ., .. i• ..... "'"'"'"' ... ~ ...... •Ill,, .. 1 .. 20 IALLOI POLYI TUii.COi !::.. ,291 ---I .......... ..,.. .. y .................... .... ., ,W.tk tlttlt ..... . ..... ..,..... .......... . ,..,,..,....-.1w. ~...,._,. ---c0tw .......... ,..: .... 1.1tM CUWIECK S*UlSlllTs 97c l .17 ••••• .. ............... "". .... ,.....,. •••llloirtl hll ... _... ,, .. -·· -... -............... •• ...... ~...,. ..... • ...,_. ...... 9"t ... _..,,. ....... SllRCHIYLOll 1111.S'••· '' UT11.E lllLS WIDE· ' fEISLACKS PANTYIOSE-SWUIDS ' ,.7 ~ 1.6'' ,,~ .... 97c • i .tt •• 1 •• "•Ive ~ • · j .. .... . . I . . . ··-uw -s ... .IJ~ fwriflc. ll•lfi1 s ••• 42"' ... , ..... .., .... ... ,. ..... flflt~ =-~~ ... -.:!'·: , ........ , ............. ltr ri••'-.,._. ....... ,,..,, .... , .... k. wMi ........ .....,. ••••••r trl••· c11t .... ,,,_ .... , ,..... .......,.. . .............. ~ " ................ .,. . _ ....... pl•k.·,......,. I .. ,..._,..,._ ....... ,..,.,, a .. 1c. 11 .... -.... w .. 1w 111o ~ ......... "' • wmlCOUPCNI •1 ... ·....., ........ ~ •. , ....................... . cM.n. A 11l1d5ff ........ . • ....... 11, .... WITH COUPON • ' ' ' ; , 'I ' ~-··· J • -'--. -' . -.. __ .... _ • , I D.\D.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE i Draining .Ocean's Floor We \l!USI deijberately r!•l! deltroytna tho coasmne of Santa :e.n.ira for the next 10 to JG yeara In order to "save'' IL Tba appears to be the unlque<\ogic and 1111pl .. sartt prescriplloil ct the special preeldendal ·panel lor '°Iv· Ing the Sula Barbara Channel oil pollution problem. The jeeel, beaded by Dr. Lee DuBrldge of South Laguna, this week urged thet the Union 011 Co. be authorized to drill up to 50 welb and complete oil producticiji from Platform A off Santa Barbara .. Platform A 11 where that infamous oil blowout, nccurred last January. The black muck 11 still bubbling from the ,slte ot the rate of 2,100 gallons a day. The 'DuBrtdge panel says the eltuatlon calls for punching more ,boJes to "relieve the pressure" of the oil beneotb the channel's geOlogically unstable ocean floor . · This escalated drilling program ( uiert! are now 1.l wells around P!atfonn A) would fo on for 10 to 20 years, accordinC to "'¥ of ~ scientific adV!lors. By then; all the oil W!JUld be gone, It )I bOped., · · · "It woaldn't IO!ve ·a thlni.'' says Victor C. An- drews, presld~t of tho Coastal Area Piotective League, an Orange Coast anti-oil citizens'· group. "lt·would just compound the problem by 50 times." SomehoW' this reminds ooe of the ancient out· moded medical theories which automattcally· ordered arnputatioo for damaged or lnfectod body members, and musive bloedln~ to·cure Uitiorn¢ allmmti. · There LI no question but that the Panel of 11 e~rts, who came up with the recommenilation are b1gbly knowledgable people in the matter., But this really underscores how relaUvely crude and undependal:ile our techniques and expertise really are in unClerwater oil drilling, and how very limited our knowledge is. The experts have said, in ettect, that it is better • .• to keep drilling.-altboµgb It would se'em'to iliic ~Ste;' wt th each new drill-liote. Would It nos ... -r to try to control the natural leakage and leav\ tbtftgs as they are? .Through the years, those underseai -«alls bad not nlptured seriously until the sea bottom as punctured by drills. Quite obviously -and this Is eiainly implied In the panel's decision -oil technology 1s too limited to allow drilling in Californi a 's coa stal waters, whether here or in Santa Barbara or anywhere in the state. This is earthquake country. It is no place for oU· shore drilling. • 1 On the basis of existing information, the panel's recommendation is hardly welcome -or acceptable. A far better course would lie in ending all drilling offshore. Can MS Be Conquered? Multiple ,scleroils, lhe crippling killer that allacks nerve fibers, afflicts an estimated 500,000 Americans. It u;ually ·picks on the 29 to 40 age group. The 1969 Multiple Sclerosis Hope Chest Campaign is under way in Orange County, In the Laguna area it is headed by 0. W. Price, whose only son, a career Naval, O#icer, was a victlnJ of the disease\ Pn>gress1'ar 'been made hi researtfher>' iiead.d by. famed Dr. Jones Salk to detetmlne what causes tho condition. The group bas with drugs pested a similar disease in animals, -. . The important re$earch is hampered by lack o{ funds. Those who can give should. MS can't be conquered any other way . ' ' Finding _.Good Dear Glo0my Gus: r Skyscr~pers 'No' on Sex Education -. ln~Uk~}:!:_._ ' ---t Can Pierce. . Firs.t, Strengthen Family Dig De~per- By EU.SWORTll I. RICBARDBON Mlidllu . Nei1hborhood c..,,.1atloml Cllul'U Llpna Bed "Dig deep enough ill any man and ycq will find somethiqg &ood," said St. Augustine. "Dig deep ~" and just l)nd lhc opposite ls lhc mood ol modern man, ''you'll be sure-to find somethlni bad. Look at his bad motivations!" Some time aao. Ott poet Geol'le Ster!~ tng died by the violence of his own hand at the age or 56. Why did ne do it? He was pOpular, a man of wealth and of Social position. Why did he take his own -life? . One of the writers on the edilorlal page of the New York Times that day after h1s death ''dug" a little but .dfered no clue, Only a suggestion. ·Hei suggested that-a psycholmalysl might lie ab!< to offu.an explanation. It seems a Utt.le unnecesary to employ an analyst for all that one bu to do is to read the poetry "-George Sterling. There is a melancboly strain of pessimism thal runs lhrouab it, unfolding absolutely no faith in' God. (Read his ''Testimony or the Sum.") "------=-__ ,... ' llaven't heard Inf lrli>'" In Lo, C\Ull. MJaion Vltjo or Leisure World about Iliat 7f1T thal keeps • ,landing at El Toro -the blae and wb!te one,with the big eqle seal OD the aide. -R.R. M. Tlllt ........ ,....,. ,........ .,.._ "" II llWllr .... ft ... .. ....... • ,.. .... ... ,..,,. ,. ............. '~· In medicllle. H the eye ls purely scien- tific, then the sclenUat will tell us that a sunset is "ethereal vlbraticm in wave lengths rancmc fnm -to .G00072 centimeters caused by the refraction of ligfit." But 1f the eye is 1 poet'• eye, such u Lew Sarrett's, then we have something different. "God is at the anvil, beating out the sun: Where the mollen metal spills At his forge among Ule hills, He bas hammered out the glory ol a day that 's done." I KNOW .WHAT Y.!Ml ~ thlnklng now? SoD1:f: of~ have been ao stet!ptcfla-:Wr studies of P'Yctioloo that we are SU1piciGus even of the tlOOd that s'ooc1 meo do. You uy they do lt·ln order to gain IOcia1 retOIDltlon. 'Ibey 'do lt la feed their own vanity. Take tt far enough and you will ccmclude: that z-is lalnled with IOlDe evil Relnhold Niebuhr bas di . , our at· tentioo from the Jove]y fragilnce of the rose to the thorny stem of the rose, as H1S FRIEND, Upton Sinclair. said that thoo&h he might destroy its beauJy and George Slerling believed lhat the our appreciation of it. To be sure what universe was running down like, a spent Niebuhr says is true, viz, that "aU Man's Soul Adfnifation f9r great clties, and for manifestatio111 Of their magnitude, Is an old . human (ancy. It Is expressed Blbbcal1y, In awe of Babylon. . It showed in London in the last century, and In New York in this. It Is showing lO- day in Tokyo, which just issued a new stati.ltit: 11,360,000 people. The American manllestation of a city's bigness it the skyscraper, which has spread from its birtbpla~ in New York to many foreign cities. Tokyo has no skyscrapers, but Sao Paulo is second to New York, and Joseph Stalin erected some preposterous towers before he died. SKYSCRAPERS necessarily follow ex · ces.sive land values in cratnped spaces like fi.1anhatlan, but admiration fer t.bem. in the mass, for "skylines," is a dill.A1M and suprflcial, 'londtr, Iha! •'!'rlf'ff• their true me&nq lft ~ adhd~.'r·' No land value (in a Don com~ve society), but bloated eao JmpeUed S\alio, and he apparenlly bu oome """1vlni confederates in MOICOW. incltldlhc ooe KonstaUn Derevtyev; architect Of \lie city council. Comrade Derevlyev ii dedicated to a high-rise boom to leave you speechless. He says Moscow wW build "houses" of 500-600 stories by the year 2000. He must mean apartme!Jt ~ingS, because there is no office bui~ding demand on this scale. clock that needs winding; ~t in a gooitneSI is tainted with some evil." But rnillion years the earth woold be cold. tbe opposite of that is also true, that in BUT A to-STORY apartment house'.b •·So what difference does tt make what the most diabolical action to which evil goiJig up, and the arclUtect says Plana 8re we poor insects do?" asked Geors:e Ster!· men may tum, we can find some good. defhUtt r« a 1»story building by 1980 · Jesus nw it in the woman taken in (Empire State Building, 102 stories). lUJ ~ell, if we look at life as an ~t adultery. Ht saw tt in Peter, vacillating, 600-story building1would be over a> milt would, then it· is ju.!l: a qoeatioa of run-fickle, impetuous • , • but be called him high. ning up and down one ant hill after Petros, Rock: "On this rock I shall build Doubtless Comrade Derevlyev has been ' another. If we look upon llft as a matter my church." burrowing in housing stau.atia, becatllt a ol glands and nothing tnort. 1U that we DI« tt man! Dia: deep eDOUgb and you severe housing shortage has been a ma· dim •·-·u ·• too' jor Soviet hea4ache for decades. It has have is biology or 1 nl en-.., course WI att 1"' · fairly humiliated the comrades to confess #~-~A_*':F e;Piecci ·· orlli:l;;t~~~~~~::: • functionaries don'$ deserve adequate housing. It's just that they can't get it. To the Editor: Sex education in the schools. NO. This ls a very private, personal, delicate sub- ject. It should only be handled with care and be the responsibility of the parents. , You can believe sex h'as been around a Jon'g time, and you'd better believe it's here to stay. 814 let'• put su back into the !\OIDe llld martiage where it belong•. I'll vole (or~ a clua of weU-&roefmlng and hygfene. I've seen a lot or kkls around the arta who needed a good bath. Maybe when they can grow up and can wash themselves, then is the tlme to talk about adult life. l 'M SORRY, Mr. Editor, but I think these World War 11 babies need a few good spankings. Ont big place to straighten oul the mess -pot the pants back on the father, put mother back in the home. Have families again. Too many tlred·from- work mothers, too many children coming Mailbox . -' ,, LtHltf"I U"Oln ru.c:tera trw .,..awnt, Ko""tll'I' wr11fn M»uld CCllVIY !!Mlr men-11'1 JOO -n11 •r Ins. n... rlgllf "' ~ It""'' "' Ill ..... u et l ll"'j. nttt libel K rtservtid. All 1ttter1 m111t Ind...,,. tltnef1irt ""' mtlll~• tddren, but n1ma mav be wllhl'llld on '""'" If wttlcltftt rwuon Ill -.-.ni . ingly free from teen jargon. The letter demonstrates how well a high school student can do -and that alter all, all is not lost. Unfortunately, it exposed the sore point that most of our children, to our ex· , perience, have not learned in school to write a Jetter anywhere near that well. Most of us would be in a better mood if the general run of students (83 percent 1lf them) could write a Jetter 68 percent as well. · home to an empty house, too many THE LETTER was interesting. It quickie: dinners. Make the house a home, deserves an answer. There are many make the marriage wann and devoted, subjects for one reason or other which and a family u it Is intended. Thal is might be nice if we could include them; -where sex education should be. • however, there is incre..asing evidence Let's show ~ rut of the world we are that what we really depend upon our •lroog, proud, clean, inlellil"ftl-and full -schools lo teach is nOt being at all well • of respect and palrlotlsm. communicaled to our youth, - ·n·s eisier to Jodi: out CommutdsU to · There is also the problein of pinched start with then get them.out af!er they're pockets.· Wt have been shoving off more in. So why take i. cbance. ~·a tum and more ol our parental respoDSibflities around and look at things right. onto the schools. It is paai time that we Something Is wrong. Could it just be off.Joad those things aild participate with possible that Congressman Utt is near the school! to ht!l~.lhem git beet to their right (about Communists being behind tasks. ~ sex education coursu)? If be is -then It is obvious that acept)or a un it or what? technical facts relaUng to a full -course in Thm ho" do )'OU -ttart straightening human physiology, anatomy and hygiene. out the mess! what most have termed "sex education" •• LOUISE O'BRIEN is family bosiness. 'lbb is lnie for ,all grades through high llChoOI, even 11 lbme families do not do well wllt\lt. Another Vok"e To the Editor: , The quality of a yOl,lflg high school atudent's Jetter (Mlilbot, May 29) on the need !Or su education in our schools, was Interesting. It wu well organized, the theme well developed, and surpri,s. JOHN P. SHALLENBERGER Ann Sollled It To the Editor: Hurray! Ann· Landers bas the so"lution to the problem of sex education. For those parents who reel Incapable of teaching their children the facts of life, and for those teen-agers who feel they have been inadequately informed, there is a book by Ann Landers, "Ann I.Ander• Talks to Teen-agers About Sex," which is available for t>O cents, the proceeds of which go to the retarded children. Ann claims she deals frankly with VD in this book, and you can be sure it is factual and full of good "common sense." HERE wtrHIN reach of all is the means to inform our youth about this im· porlant part. of their lives without extra expense to the taxpayen, many of whom are against having sex education in the schools. Plus the help to retarded children that , will result from lhe sales of the pam· phlet. (See Ann Landers column in the DAILY PILOT for May 22.) Here ls a simple solution to the whole controversy. But it is probably too simple le. be acceptable. MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN Ret•olth1g T11rn To the Editor: I couldn't believe it and I read it·twice more, .your story on May 31, "Mes.an Charged with Defacing US Flag." Cail it reaUy be true that a law enforcement of. fleer peeked through the window at 8l1 · West 171Jl Street, Cosla Mesa, Calif •• and saw an American nag with the word "Revolution" .fettered on it? And then ap- prehended the artist! I checkl'd my copy of the constitution and sure enough freedom of l!ipeech Is guaranteed excepting specifically writin& the world "Revolution " on Old Glory in your living room . (Revolution has been forbiddt!ll since '1783 by those in 1uthori· ly.) . Having served in three wars and hav· Jog picked up a rew combat ribbo111, it ~rtainly makes me feel secure to know Costa Mesa is not going to tolerate such dangerous and seditious actions as secreUy writing the word .. Revolution" on our Flag. Keep up the good work. SAM WARY, JR. ·: 1 ~,·z f~' ,.,, ... ~ pie on the stage. ') You may do pretty well with nudies the The unw.illingness·to charige one's mind The architect has his answer. ts usually characterized as 11stub-But the answer "Js delUSory, as-We well That one .can cet 100 much-Of a good bomness" -but most stubbornness of ::now, when we look arOWlt.I us. tiling has never been more solidly shown this .sort is roole.d iJl. the fear that if one than by the current national fixation on opinion is changed, like buildlng blocb: WITtr US, if.s aUfumobileS: T 0 r:tblic sex. • · ... all the olhers will subsequently tumble automobiles, a high-rise is like catnip to a Somebody once said there are three down, and a whole philosophy of life will din&~ to their opponents, ought to stand cat. The Russians, too, will presumably things that all men do in the dark -get have to be painfully rethought out. up lo their friends more orten, for a have some automobiles by the year 2000. born, have se:r, and die. • • • . public man is more likely to be betrayed Mosco~ streets are broad, but not bro.ad This is as it should be. The average man is unable to by those around him than by those enough to contain a tenfold rise in street The malaise we are mired down In Is distinguish between boldness and against him. traffic. The world is alread)'. an ant-hill In sometime!. called a "sexplosion." This is rashness, and therefore he is unable to • • • India and China. To deli&rately invite vulgar, but accurate. understand that when the professiona l IF PERFUMES smelled anything like congestion in a steppe city like Moscow, Dirty films, pornographic books, and a daredevil is "Laking chances." he is at their names, there wouldn't be a bachelor is to invite endless woes. legitimate theater where anything goes the same time taking every precaution to left in the country. short of actual portrayal of sodomy, are minimize risk of accident, unlike the • ,• • HQW DO YOU GET food to ~ thousand wlli us ..s neyer before. And all under amateur. • The futility of human endeavor can be people in.one giant building,1>e<!PJt who the. 'pharlsalcaJ label Of combatllng · ' ' -~ o1~ seen In the fact that al 2 a.m., in a poker already stand in JOac queues ·ll ~ CfUOl"Shlp, and 'lretlnc man from .an- Pol!Uctans, \\·ho arc so P•vw stan-~ losen are still playing -marketst-What-do )'O\I; ~-upper-:-clent Purttanlcal-bonds. aplN:t one another, while the winners 400 floors in a IOl).flour buildh\i, It powu • " - Dear George: J see-your column n1111 in the Lu Vega1 Sun. I'm golq tow Yeps. Can you tell me anything about roulette? ~ar McGee: Roulette Is a yjcJous circle. However, the oddf are fair. Just waleh U-sandwlclI joinlJ. Some gal asked JQe lf J wanted m,y ham· burgtt with or wltbout onions. I toot wilh, the lrill came up °" dou-ble GO and I !Oii my French fries, too. have pleaded "an osr1y day" end gone fails! 11 I! not on11 a mailer of in. lT'S GETl'ING to be too much. borne. conve.ruence in inh~ ~. but ot 1 llke a Jood ditty atorf 'u mucb as the • • • imminent peril We race lhe aamc pe(il nut man. I like tp IDlb: fun iif Al, You never htar of a man belna "ahead 'as we soar Into air mldt. Ohty for eagles. \thlcb !s a aeM ny Of coping wfth ill d his qe'• until be'a already dead, and The high-rise city ls alttad,y self· mysteries .. tbus no further threat to those who arc defeating. it solves one or two problems, ll«. about dirty atori• I was tlught behind theirs. ahd begets a hundred savake and Jn-when young that you must not t.e.11 them • • r durate problem:s. rt It mult1pfles ft will unle.sa the Wit uceCds the smut. One of Odd how oflen It's the aame men who stranale us al l, one by one, eve~ ln the five blue Morles I hut nowadays meets • preach the virtues of Independence, In· worker's p1otradise. lhls ~iblc norm. • ltiltlYt and hard knoc.lu, who leave the And as for: m&kina: fun ol sex. the Ntw largest fortunes to their sons, lhus de-Q Smut ia quite the oPPOfilt. It laku 1t1 nylnf th•m '"" 1 ... umahie benelils ol uotes -.ilh aboolulely mortal .. r1ousneso . dtprlvation. The new smut exploits sex for • • • teonomlc reasons. You cannot take 'Ibe phrue doing somtlhlng "for Bart Sloan, Oakland -"Politicians anything more seriously than that. hours on end" must have ~n invented never have enough courage to r&lle tues In matters of obscenity and pro- b7 • aew 1kitr, durin& 1J1 elecUon )'tar. Wonder why?" no&raphy, there are two words UJat must ' I \ 1CJiarle8 McCabe second and third time, if you keep firm ~,. _ ,.;__ __ _ ~ __ tokth~_principJ.e,of sho£ldn_g for ~oney'1 ' · · sa e. -..... ...... But the public, besides being resolutely be held In mind, always: public and dirtyminded, is also re.wlutely fickle in pri\·ate. the matter of the fobidden. Wht!ll the forbidden is no longer forbidden, its cur· rency drops to the level of the Gennan mark in the early 1920s. If you are free to do and see what everyone can do and see. these things are no longer dirty. They are, in fact, no longer commodities. . NO SANE MAN can deny to any in· dividual his right to think such thoughts as he will, and perform such acts as he might, provided they are done in the pri vacy of his home , or some other private place. • I ,-------------, Public is another matter .. Jt 1is m ~• de!ense lo 1BJ1 that nobody ls qilllPelled to go_to a•public..ezhlb!tlM.J.atendeclJ,g__ _miiiiiiiiii arouse, but not satlafy, 1m1al' ~- Many • man bu aone ,into a theater .to scofJ and• N)'Od to lftY· And !l1'1lJ' another man, or woman. hu gone into a theater out ol rather nebulous curiosity, and hu ha4 his -u.wu .. IS.'llUiled merdlessly. ll I! by Ijowcommoap~ee lhal obsctn~ ly exlm In the . mlnd Qf the wliness, whether he be the autho< o( the -enlty or the observer·Uiereor. The performer Is gujllless, usuatyr numb. EVEN o~ can becomt • bore. That Js the direction in which we a.re moving. Tn the end, the New Smut will kill Itself. Of course, )'OU can J*k a theiter In lhi& Umo by limply l"'Ulnl nude p«> • Friday, June s. 1969 Th• tditorW paoe of thi 'Dtrii11 Pili;it lftb to inform and atim- ulatt r~r1 by prt1mU11g thi.t newsi>aper11 opiniom and com- ~ntary on topics of fntertst and iignt/iconct, b11 providing a. forum for the ~:tprrssicm of our readtrt' opinJon1. at1d br J)f't1t11·unir the di0trst vf~ pofntl of fn/ormed obnrver• and tpoke:men on topics of tht doy. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I . -. JEAN COX, _,, JJtlMJ', hllt " 1 .... · .. ' P• II .. Blooms Boon For Contest IC it grows, it goes, is the theme of Riviera Club members as they prepare to compete in their club's annual hat decorating competltion, . Chapeaux en Fleur, next Wednesday in the Balboa Bay Club. As in former years, members vying in the conttst are asked to foUow only one rule-all the basic trim.of each at hat must be of floral or vegetable in origin, either fresh or dried. "No artificial flowers or greenery should be used, although an 'bccasional artificial prop, such as a miniature figure or structure, is permitted, 11 explained Mrs. E. M. Johnston, publicity chairman for the group. She said this year's panel of judges has been selected because "togetlier they prese nt a wide knOwledge of the arts." Tackling the difficuJt job of screening the bonnets will be Arthur E. Briggs, bass-baritone singer; John Weld , a lectur.er, columnist and world" traveler, and Diana Nies, artist. Awards will be presented to the most beautifu1 , most humorou5 and most original bat, and contestants will parade their offerings to background piano music provided by Mrs. Briggs. Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. will follow an optional social hour. The hat revue will take place after the short monthly busir)ess .. meeting to be conducted by the club's new president, Mrs. Watson Jarrett. Mrs. Carl W. Adams, program chairman, will direct the hat competi· lion . Rivierans de siring reservations for themselves and guests · may call Mrs . Vasco Batscbwarof!, reservations chairman, 4~317·before · next Sunday. iof.INET ADORNM1'NT -The Mmes: Arthur E. )3~iggs, Wat.on Jarrett and Qilbert Hodges Jr. (left to right) raid the ·garden· s~ ing toppings for their bonnets. They-are pr~paring to comp~te in RIVJera Club's ·aiinu.a'Chapeaux, en Fleur to iake place nexl Wed- nesday In the· Balboa' Bay Club. Awards in three categories will be presented at the \ml decorating compelittou . Amigas Disclose Garden Plans Las Coffee Las Buenas Amigas Aµxiliary to Family Service -"s- sociation of Orange County has revealed plans .for the. construction of a twe>-story building in San Juan Capi· 1 strano. The .first fund-rai sing project of its type to be sup- ported by any of the association's auxiliaries, the facil- ity will house a coffee garden center in addition to of- fice space and shops. Mrs. Ronald Birtcher, who turned over her presi- dential duties to Mrs. Glen Drown during an installation .Juncheon in Mission Yiejo Country Club last-,fft>nday, said the· building will be constructed adjacent to the Bank of America in Paseo Real Center. Built in keeping with the Spanish architecture of the · city, the coffee garden will feature an attractively land· scaped patio for outdoor serving ~nd a spacious room for those who prefer to enjoy their pastries and coffee in the midst of an art exhibit. The coffee garden , in addition to being a haven for coffee and art lovers, will be used for bridge parties, art shows and · other auxiliary activities. The auxiliary members therefore will devote th·eir time and talent to serving and maintaining the g.ai:den center and arranging for art eajlibits and other grbop O>·.""-•·""'----• • . ,, ---. ' .. ,.,_ .,,. ~=" •,> -'"""'\;Y,YJAO,-{ ,,.:.. •4'.!-i'lf<'--\"f\-r r -«-V~)~,\'l"jf>.. .:,;..;...,i.:;:;;...,s;qo;or,.,..--~ . Other new leaders heading the group for the. new year will be the Mmes. Skip Moorhead and rurtch,r, first and second vice presidents; James Heim and Don, ... Divel, s~retaries and Diana Lautman, treasurer. . Recently the auxiliary amended its ctiaftel'~ in , order to increase its potential membership. Wol:nen • President . . . Takes Post . . Emerald Bay resident Mrs. J. M. Shea will be in11talled '' president of Laguna Beach . ' P•nl\ellenic, during a luncbepn meeting tomorrow in Irvine COast Country Club which will follow a social hour at 11 :30 a.m. Before handing over -praide'nUal duties to the new . 1eader, Mrs. Harold. Ives .of Emtralil Bay, outgoing preai· dent, wUI review ·ac. cooiplishmenta made by the group durinJ: the past year. Others takmg office will be the Mmes. Clyde W. Plielps and Willlam O. Bird Jr., first aqd .second vice presldeutl: Arthur J . Hagge and C. Francis · Pearce, recordina: and correspondlng secretariet, and ·William A. McCart b Y, treasurer. In addition to the in· stlllatlon ceremony, a _pro- gr~.m .~eat;~ll~~~~(i·~~ .. W. L. DQoley will ntr the. 'entertainer who w,l 11 perform Ioli. music . a n d ballads. Mrs. Fred Hughes JS in charge 'of lunch·eon ar-rangements and Mn. Mildred -S~p.:...1§.meruJJt>nu:h•ir· .. inteiested in joining the group which supports the Fam- ily Service Association, an organizaJion devoted to help. ing ''families in stress," may obtain further information by calling f\1rs. Drown at 493-4085. . RESPONSIBILITIES SHIFT -Mrs. 11arold• Ive<, who will tum over her duties as president of Laguna Beach Panhefienic to Mrs. J. M. Sbtii tomorrow practices . taking it easy. Meanwhile Mrs. Shia li 'lacklfiig the paper work. 1'ehinci' ~er new job. The install a- t.ion luncheon . followinll a social hour at 11 :30 a.m. will be in Irvine Coast Country Club. · • man. Otheri assisting . with p I ans are Mrs. John ·H. Aahley, fl.trs. Phelps and Mrs. Ro): lit. 'Iborou1hman. · . . Doctor~s Shot May Find :Arm of· Law · .Hq~ling . ·Him to Jaji DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1 don't want to make-any-Wible bul-l'd.liU.lo.iooW..il.~---- have a justlflable complaint. ~- I went to the doctor last week for a fl abot. The nurse whom l am aceustomed to aeeing in the office was home Ill. The doctor introduced me to hll 14-year-old 90'1. He appeared to bt a very pleasant lad. "Tom Ls going to bt a doctor," _his father said with Wlderst.anda~e prktt. ,;He's leamilll lo give shots." Then the doctor handed the needle to the boy. l wu so stunned 1 jwt ut there. 1be boy djd indeed give me lhe ahot. • ANN LANDERS [f] ' Isn't I.here a law lo protect patients from this: 90l'1. of thing? My annual physical el'am.JnaUon comes up nex\ 11K1nth but I'm afraid to ao back. Please tell me If the doctor Is conducting his pracU« within ethical limits. -APPLETON DEAR APPLE: Oii!)' trllloed penon1 ·-.. ,.,.._ .. .m 111o1s. 11 aomdlllq Uil S-wroo1, I.toe docto< wwlll U.. -tlatlte '"' • bendM malpraclfee AIL Wllal. M did "" llJPll' •Ddllfcal ud -lajudlctou. I/EAR Al'IN LANDERS: I'm a guy - 2%, good build and what )'OO ml(bt call m all-around athlete. Ever since l was a kid J've heard people say I'd bt great looking if it weren't for my shnoz~ I've been ci.11· ed Eaglebtak, Durante, Oa Nose and a few other namu. P.fy big nose never bothered roe and It still doesn't, but nDlf I've eot _a_glrl wt» keeps bugging me about getUng plasUc surgery. She says J 'd look like Kirt Douglas if I had a str-1ght, normal 11.ze nose. Honest, Ann, it isn't my life's: amb!Uon, but secretly I suess I'd like It. ' M)' one big hanaup 11 the ribbing I'd gel 111<! l"Y• -:ould Ia1.JLon mo .llll doomsday. What do you thlnk? ~ -BORNEO DEAJl BQRN:.ll ....... , tMq-~ )'OU bal:t It t .. "p)'t'' -p, llaf, p. Of ~rse )'Ou'd get a royal tllllillc: Mt tt would lirf for Ont1 i week ir twt, *Ma they'd Ure of dte ••llJecf Ud &Ilk Uoat 10metllla1 tJae. , ' l 1e111e yoa'd really n~y a .....a Ila• nose, IO m)' lllvtce ii p MeMI _. pt one. ~ • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thia momlnl l opened {he brt1d•bo• 'Ind found W a pecan· roll, an overripe ~Ulanl; a 1Uver of cake, a plastic baa, two moldy oat.meal over •· Ne tWt wmt1 keep ...,.,alike; cooklu artd an·emptyilaUCel'.i No bread. · · aid obvl•IJ JOV mo&ller tn't _. ~ l'm a·wH::ldw who 1hara ~n apartmiert •1boueteeper. Atcc pt tbtl ftd diml ~· wjth m)' mother (she's 13 and· I• good I> DOI -I .. c~; ftell I"" -1iot4 bealtb.) I work ·an11 Mother Ila)'• home ddoP llU tM lnol Mr,' -R and keeps "°"""If you can WI JI that. younetf ud NJ' ..wq. I I I've lold ' her rePea~tr that, aloppy ,.(lcobol 11 00 shortcut to social auccess! houseketpln1 . uts on my nerves. She tr you think you have to dfu;t' to bt -0.- .. )'s. "~. 't be iuch .... ·o", m•ld." .. ed b fri·~-• the I '"' 1.1\111 .. , 10 , cept y your ~-. g e. ac- Lut night ltt bK a .fe'!' words about Read ''Booze and You -For Teenagerw the bread box. Mother , Keuted . me of Only, '1 by Ann Landers. Send 35 certs tn being crlt)'<le.. and obsealed with· coin ud i lanl, ••-· ltlmp!d unimportant deialll. /iril ll envelope with )'Ollt request. · ' Ann Landers win' be 1la:d to help )'OU ' -TIDY l~ MOBIL& witb YJll!r probiemt. 8end then\ to her In- DEAR TIDY• M-' . •!lwft1 , ...... Ol 11he DAILY PlLOI', enclosin1 ~ bard .. Ullo,~~~'~ ... ' ftll-addraaed~~~~ ~···· I • \ • I j I I 'I -... ·~ . ' Fr141f, Juot 6,1969 , • · YES·· Opens Monday Horoscope . . . ; . : I ,_., ' ' I N ' ~ -.. -• • ' '.l + Juniors Join Teens l'n Search for Jobs· Sco·rp10: Avoid e·)\Cessive Dr.lh'.king . ·~ ···t .. ,.1 • SATURDAY. '""°''~• A'nlld .-1n home.· 'rben 1 .. ,.1 =. UiOn ,.._ • ... ror .n. whO moans .......;:-....,, """ "' -... • .... ___ d 1_,,, ' UUJ ... ~ , WtfMll. $lifli!I llrtfldtf9 Ind .IO f:*'lfto 'JUN. ~ 7 ~ . ,........... llhoUI )'<JU p!l>Ceed ..... mucb to you. Evenlitg Is • • -.. _ -·· ....... Ii ~ '.l•nt11' (Nov 22 ran1e "'"" alic ' I V'L"°"-' s.~n..· GrMd,_.'"""11 .... BJ IYDNllY. .OMAJUt . ' ..... ..,.., • • · ..,..... f • • ~J:~ ODe. 'ltlfti'H'ft.YM ,,p,Y.19l!tl,c ~~~~;"'Bu~ II~~~ (J:.i ~b. IF 'roDAY ~ YOU@ ' ; .,. " ·'"''-'' 'l'be IUIDllltr mootla are here apin, and Harbor Area teenacm are ever-preoent question, what 1111ll I 4o? Ai!:J)~~(~Now~ .-..-.canbe"9tved· ·dealing wrn..•~laUves. ·/:;. =~: J~~ t~: th~· ,•arvs5!"M~~)i CID take tnldltive. You set · by proper rest and a:ood food~. find some restrlctiom . are lcoow ·)'OU but . few do. By ,• ..., .thw' .. 'i...t ' that ooe 111r1 wa to keep teeua b and out of. trouble to ;;it. ~ 1uquner jol>f, :Le Junior Ebell ci":b of Newport Beech tbe.lnab. One -._.i Emo1iorJ1 are bm>lved llld ag Ulted. Be~blehrbindl·· October, inaiiy of your de.ires ·r;,,..IGHT·•~· )'<JU ...__ .n.. T·•e ••· Is the cppoolte !U. Activity Ing new-fromA freedom. Don't will be lullilled : l J • •. \, lead ":""b:'f;:i.J. ~ •111' cllUdi"f!l lavored. try too m;';iial once, ' CML 541~ .. bu YES ·to the cblllmge. 'l'be club once apln Will lllff a Youth Em~Sel'Ylce with • ~ beCIMlng nut Moaday and cooUn•lng AJi&uat 15. beiftl domlneertnC. CAPIUOORN ' (Dec. 2Wan. . PISCES (Feb. i~~arcb 20):. -;:;:"""";;;''~' 1~1::'nc1~""~,..~~~0~,..,~'""'~,,~,M~';'~o:;,.:;::w~,~~: ~=·2+-~H·~°"='="="==ill=~=~ TAUllVI (AJlril :111-May.36): II): Ycu ""'1 !Ind yourself Money Is accented. Decide1r E1<:t11ea1 for tbe1ter acllrity utillllol dilay tactics. Don'I what to .siieoo, save. Be awire C<ll1DOCied wllh funckolalaa. feel. .,.Uty. Necaaary to or assets, dellClls. Some Be aware al fine ,pqatl,l lliafPleo eut condJtJon at changes may be -.r. detalll. But don~ perD,111 ~ ma; come to ·u.. new ofllce In tbe A"'8 Boys <lalt, ·stf Oealer St., Coota Meoa, l!etw-3 and 5 p.m. the lint week and fnm t a.m. to 1 p.m. Jm1e 18 tbrougb Aug. 15. 'l'be olllce staff will anawer questions · by telephone at MU47f, or llfn.-4ameaJdurar, club youth -~ ~ be C@lled at 8ff.Oe87. ClliJIQa of.•tlle c:ommlllllty are.remlndllll.lltkeep,the jolHW!ag teens In mind when looking t.or help In~. lnmhit, hounwork, sewing, llWIV!ng, yanlwork, garage c1..,,ui1, or llpt Cllllltnlciicm. ·='I'll, 14-:111 Yem of age, IUl ~· .netaunmt and ot11er.po11-ticns well, Mn. Murar .&!ta.. • · . JUnlor Ebell Club ill'l'ltei •proepeolive employers to' say YES to· .. teenagers· so Ibey can have a ~.,. 11U11111er. ·• ' ' otben to -you. Re: eval.oate y.our Ol!D ..·-. '· == (May 21.June JO): Soc!al activity lncreua. Sc do ~ Ycu have more cbolcto. Laqbtilr once apln -a part al your !He. One -bid dlaapproved al --· """ lllealnp. CANCER (.rupe .2i.Ju1y 22): Accent • -.career. Mlbitionl. You can'fbicl W011al= pralll fl-"""'°' I ~-·,faml y .... loved ..... Smile -"""1111 baril. . Ll!IO . ,(July D-AllC. 22): Good .._, ~ hlgbllgbt.1 vicotlan tram. Yout Jm. a(lnatlan Is active. You sre . creative and ean write, map 1 c•mpelpa. Key ii to loot bfyond -cbolaclel. VIRGo ·(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): THE N·E·W L9.9J<. . ' ' .. , . We hav• tfie lar9e,t selactlon • of FALLS • • • WIGLETS • • • CASCADES • • . aod WIGS in Orang• .County. M&nr pre ... : styled for you to try on · CASCADES s1495'· . o.m•·•~~~~~~Sw1, ~• i $26.95$36.95$49~95 I 'WIGLETS SALE! I All ls !IOI essy to comprehend, -lally acllona cl mate, potlner with reprd to money. Be fair but Orm. Live up to rapamlblllty. I-oz. SAVI $6.00 .. '..~.: .. $3'.H. ··! • l'I•"""· 5A VE ·$9.00 ...... $6.95 Wins Wings UllllA .(Sepl. IS-Oct. 32): \ Aceeo& a m.arti•&• ~--,'!Ti:~~ •--Bui doD'I bo l<mPW Into p-emalUre -. Finish c:urrt!D! nilgnn<eiil . WE SPECIALIZE IN STYLING 'SERVICING REPAIRING . 21/J·n. SAYE $12;od ... .$t.;s · 'i WIGS •· FROM ~~.rtd 160 Ti.di $2996~.:!:!. '200 Cu1to'" M1d1) Ti1dl, Awarded the 111 Yer wlnp Oii an AmerM:an AUliDo& mwardeu Is Mill Rary Marie Len· dry, daughter of capt. o"'1 Mrs. Robert E. LIDi!l1 of Hunllngton B•cll. HONORED QUEEN IOOllPIO (Oct.· 23-Nov. II): 'study tan m PEV RoUnd oul ellarls. Be ..... al what :iuo wailt and wboro yco ping. Aol: quootlans. Many are m o r e thin wllllna to ROBINSON'S i WIG & HAUTY SALON I . ' mafftt! ~ U•D ~to-M1~~ $tN9t ·: HILL::EN S.~ARE •• ........................... .1 ·Gardeners Awaiting I nstol lation Polli Phillipa Tenor, Flutist Perform For Chamber Conceits_ ITMIP AllDCOIMCOwaDll -MM_ ...... __ .. ,.,.,. ___ n--.. ---~·• wwwr .,mna_,_ . .__.,._ .,., .. ._,., -...,t--... ~ ............. Alo ,+ ·-· ....... -~,...I iLW-o -ALHM·~ Al. .. JOI 1MI AlWM•KM COIUCTOI Ralph WiIUams, teDOI' and Robert Lqerqu1st. plenlat.. ··-----.rn-Jobn Laprqullt,. ftut1lt. wfll 'Jbe tenor and flutist are ~·~ n• lmtallation ceremoo1u led perform ln 0rmp County mariben: of the U.S. Army l.OOll-.--.. -..-_,. byMn.PaulT,Sllviul,newly Chamber Cmclrta' -Bml and U.S. Anny Ox>n.111 ""n,,..._""'-•• .. "',..... ·~-I ,.._.. .-1u1,_....,~ elected dtrector of Orqt -at :JO p.m. 'nmdQ, and lf'8 atattoned in ... ~Tllt9~,..,,,,. ~Dlltricl,G.,,W.C!ubs, June 10, ln Callfomla -Wllhlnctaa..D.C. -N·" __ _ Inc.. 1'D1 dole m:itber llllon CoDece at Fallerton"a rdal Prior to bla:. eobj ID the ..,I.NII,_,.., llllmlD ""'"-- for South Cout Garden Chzb haJI. • .ervlCe, John Laprquilt, • -... ~............,.,_ 'WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE Wednesday. June 11. Tbe art1sta wUl be •eWed Colt.a Miia retldeat, wu a .... HU.M.S,"' s.ts. Members and guests will by IJ@omd llDcald, J11a1at "-' performer In the ALL-AMlllCAN OllT•T We oha-fOW' ,.,,...,. 1n Ibo patio o1 none and member a1 the 111J111c: dollnber -.. Wllllaml, • ,... Arch BaJ Community faculty at tbe collect IDd gnma of Oberlin College, ;=.-:::::.·•-=.., .. .,;,. .... .,,,.,. hairintbeaew Cluhboole for · their annual . hu earned a muten "----loMCllllCM.,._---'°° · ~ .... ·~ at 1~io -•·---00£1-curl look. .--wu,;;uic:vu •· p.m. fru:n Vile Unfvenlty. _,.um-., ... .,. ....... .,.. ~.:,O ~ Road Map ·Tips 1\t program wili include =~::.:·~-=:=:;:-:;, We color your hair led by .. _ n-•• Sco'tt and .... by Schubert. Mourt, J . ...T n.ts. '"'---'th Fan'"' •-ne IQJ;:,. nuuu How to Read a Rold. Map S. Baell; five new IOIJ&I for e•m.oe.-. 4.oo. · "' .... --.. altemcon lestt.!ties wlll in· ~" be ••· b._. al ~ -'and flute by Donal R. for '-·u"' and elude a prize given !or th• WW -IU ,.... =·· .............. col""-f·-·· """ ., moat•muslngt..cootrtvedhat. Vera Stottlemyer, ad-... ~.a .... ~ -.wty M~KUS 'STAMPJOUINA1 )us•--.·--'--. ':1 minlatratlve 1at1Cmt d. Stan-member. and introduction and IUILllHID OUAITDLT .... ~ w aJIOr 'lboletobelDSt.aDed, follow· dard OU Co. ol Callfornla'a varlatlonl on the IODJ, .....,.,.,.¥11.•.w: aMn•. '..,lefor-w , Incled ~~;a~~ Women'• Procram when lhe "Trocbe Blumen'' b)' a.,...oa~.1.00 -J ., ... - will "'Include ~ 'j; a n addNMI Family P-1 ol Scbober1 for 11n1e and piano. , .,.. "-· 1.00 111D1t fla#ainl AUdmon. pmldenl, aod tile Americl. 1be )tlbllc Is ttmted to at· ·-·--•.o.o..•.OO ·1.oo1c. Fer Fanci· -Bernon Glbbe and Jolm 'lbt meetJna or Orqe teod the performace. tone co--all . r ... -'DI-u-..._ TW...,..i. STAMP NIWI ... ~. Kmtey.-pre1idents; ~·,-~ u-~~ G11but Young and George SI. wtll!Uep1-ln81rGeorp'a . .,.,_ ..... __ ......,.. the gray, high· . Jean. -..ie.: Rebert ~Y ... J:!'::.·~ Tuel--Choral Group :.ft-·~.;."".:::-.,,. li-~1snatunl smith. treasurer, and Roger l'UllCIMl:W:l.00•-·> !"" Holden, hostess chairman. -Every Monday at T:!O.p.m. . . color,makeeevon ' HIM. TARZAN. YOU. JANE. So swing a rit11e, baby. Rings. clockwise: Smoky topaz. S75. Sea horse. $120. Cobra. S90. Leopard, it 25. · Center: Twisted snake ring. enameled, $100. SLAVlCK'S J ewelers Since 1917 18 Fashion Island Newport Beach -644-1380 Yoyr Ch&rg. Ac~ounl WeT~O~ -Banl<AmtrJurd, M111ter Clltrgt:, -.... Ope11 Mondc:iy, Frid111y •"'11 t:JO p.111 • S'k1J1P'" Beauty Salons · . Book Group members o1 the PrGipecllve rJl:L dulihairloolt: ~~~i:~~101Jprit~~~1~~,,._. • .-~~ai'1t~;i_~R~:~~ ,~,~-:-~~ ~Aiii: ~··!!'·!::· '(!"~~~,~~ · · · · ol Newport BeCh l'rleods or Viejo Hlglo School TbClle In-,., .... i'i :'DL.'.~ , b·''tliy. s~. ·al • In New Mexico the Library p-tile ~ lmoled In joining may call .• -..... ... ~--· Wednesday ol tbe month m Mn. Wllllam Recht at 137· oolon to tone lf;Mtrlnen;;;;;;!Jbr;;;ary;;;;•t;t~O;a·;m.;;;~~;~;7;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~ Albuqueniue, New .Mexico hl-i.edhair,too-w• tbe~,~~~ dlncc:erem~~ · ortopveyoarhair·an ~~f""Gc11ooco1 '~~Will Give You"f Shoes-;.. -:=h!!::i'."''-i -ol tbe nowlyweds are Mr. and Jira. D. V. Mon· , tooth ol Newport Beach and :JJ~ n ~ t ' Mrs. w. P. Baldemoo cl La ~couple are honey· e ew 00 •. moonl!oe Jn Europe and will make ibetr home in Corona de! Mar In the !all Bolb are araduates or ucr. JUNIOR MATINEE Sutwdciy, 2 pa. "THE TIME MACHINE" 4 CAllTOONS . . Vi$it Any '5' Anthony Shops And. Our Staff Will Advise . • • ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY. Corona del Mar S COlemlllNT SHOPS l ·l401 E. COAST HWY. Coron• d1I M11· ••• 673""4'40 • lOI VIA LIDO Nowpo.t IHth ••• 67l-1620 e 74 FASHION ISt:AND Newport lkoth ••• 644-7511 e 1101 IRVINE AVE. Worltllff Pio,. ·CHOOSE - fROM ALL THE LA TEST STYLES Rostylo you• •Id 1hefffeth1 nw reund Ioele:. · CllAM HAit TINT. SHAMl'OO AND SIT $5.75 Anytime -Most Cases C..!1 Moaa, Calif. 1n e. ll"ltl find Mt'rf .. t Clllltr ,.l'IOM 54Mt41 Coota Moaa, Calif. noo "'""' '""'· ._, ... ·--Coilt Mote, Coll!. 7'6 W, lfl!I I""' "'*" 6-G-»M ALL SIATS so. N .... port Booth ••• 141-405! , ROBINSON'S F•1hlot1 ltl•nd lrin9 UI yevr probl.., •nd wo'll 9lv1 your 1h .. t • flllW look, Artesia, Calif. 11111 l"lllNW Ora-,Callf. '"'*·Cit-,_,..,,. Fountain Volloy, Call!. ,,,. Mtflell• S•nt1 Ant, C•llf. "" ..... f•lrv""" ,..wi.w c..,.. Fountain Vallay, Call! JOt1 •"'*' '' lvc;llll V1ll9y C...-r Nowpori loodi Mertllt ·-· '""" .......... vm ... c..w.r --· ,lllM ..au ""'"' ..,,,,,... I ,. I I r . • r -- ·Saddleh·aek I .. ' :VOC..~2, NO. ~35,A SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ' • • J • ORANGE.• COUNliY, CAUFOR~IA I ' •Mystery ·N<ltiCe' ClaintS A' nenletter which clam;, thm are ....,... morale and selary probltms In Laguna·Belch Unlfted School DisUict hai; been. pub1labed by an unidentified group . Tillld.-_!!Know Your Sc.boob"• th., PQbijcaijon ,ltates It is the product of ;i group of lpcal "~ls, c~tizertl!, ~ea~e~s and stlJ(l.ents" concerned wtth·resolvin3 problems 1nd1fact (indii;ig. . 'Ibe mimeOgraphed leaflet includes a Laguna Beach Post Office box number and 1 subscription "b1~. ' . "ApparenUy the:probl~ bet-Ille faculty and adminiltraUon are: exteDll•e alll! ·cona11t of ~ery import.ant issues relating tO communication, m u t u a I understanding, and professional prac- UCes, invOiving·perhapa Orie-thlrd of the high scbool leacher11," it states. It iieffrs to a serious mofale problem aff~, the entire, educational at- mosphere. Questioned about the letter, Dr. ~illWn Ullom, district superintendent, said.he feH overall morale ol teacbus at the !Ugh school is good, but said it ls cur· renUy affected by the salary nqottetlOOJ •!I is the caae .in other ·districts... ·~achers would like to kno'W where they stanct,"'h' 'slid. • ' Ullom said he understood the newslet- ter ls put out by about 20 persom. "l think the majority of items are ·untrue . . . or are not documented to the ex.· tent lhey should be," he $Bid. ·· _ ....... • I • •••Y'•. F•••I N.Y. Steeb . J ' .l .. I ' " . . .. · 'lEN ieEN:l'S • ., I • : 1J , , • ,. , Laguna ·s~liooJ :;CriSis ' ' ..... -•• .' t • ; • • -t f J , ., ·~_,l: ;~ \:• ... out Down tlae M •• lSSIOD Trail Work Under Way On El Toro PX EL TORO -Ground Is being cleared at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station for $1.S million po3t uchange that is to be com- pleted by summer 11170. · lt will consist of two ·parallel lwHlory builW~s separated by an open malf and linked i>y covered pedestrian' dtclrs. Ttie 75,000 .square fool facility will lnclllde a 1ene.ral shopping area, ~~r and beluty 1ho11, lauhdry and drJ cleaners, a cafeieria. 1 garden ahop and other ... . " . ·~ ~ 0 VIS -. . . HELD IN SLAYING 'P1rither Ly"""' Nixon Tells . . Formation • Of .Group . By JEROME F. COLUNS ' Oi' .... 0.llY '""" .,.,, ... President Nixon 'today~ announced at the Newpor:ter Inn in ~ewport Beach the establishment within the S e I e c t I v. e :Service System ·of youth advisory com. ntittees. • The·announcement followed a .meeti~I of Mr. Nixon wilh..10 )'OllJll people who have sttved'ai memben Of experi.ment8.1 advisory~committees for the past"Sevtral mpnthl. _ .... , _ ft~•--u .. aides' ··"'111ie · • ,•J nunc. Oii . ...., _,,_ - lhil· experiment 'bu ~ tllo ' Prosldent to utOpd the •FfOgrW to ol! ,!ii_ · .. _ .. lllf·~ .. ,_...,..~ District ol Colum~ia.'New York"Cl'ty, the Virlia· hi>lldl, Puerto Rico, the· C-' Zbne Ind ~ • · ~ .,, . f ' ' "Each · of"these ~mititd' d wor\ P th A d through.~. ~director of the Selective an er. ·rfesle Service System, giving Ile viewa and CU!tomer servies. e Teacher•' Pay Set -~ ... " . ' ' . OH~~ ... I I • ,. ' ' .. ,. ~ ;-' , ,· I • recommendations on ·the way in •yhich rnV1NE -Summ.er el~mentary sc:hool the Selective Service System conducts.its ~ -~]< leathers ol the San Joaquin Distl'ict will Jµ Gun, : Sl':lying OJ?CraUon.s,'' Press Secretary Roo Ziegler , , • ('., .-, , , , . . . , ~, . . be paid $8 per hour district trustees have • _,,. sa~t·is eipectei:I that the membership Of \ , · 1 i ,.., r, l ' 1 1 • •.1 t.~" , . • 1 : 1 ., J '1 v, 1 : • ~~ • , • •• 1 · !' : 1' • • ·, f • itA1tT !1~or t~il"* • decided. About 50 teacher• are involved. Of SA p oijceman lhe advisory rommittees l>ilt be chosen ; '' ,: .• ~~1$1'i>1!"_~;~~EJltils AT' "".'t~",Qlr;~1#Q.Y~~R~ 1'~~1:.':1i,i' ~.f.o~T'./' ' Klnde(garten through 1evenlh gr~·e . . on the basis of r8coramendalions made . ,fol......,..~t,.N~"~~Jftd• Y . 1to. H(~ ,S._rv~ • . . •, clasuswillbelaughl. BvJ,("CJt"B~Bi'CK by~~~ide2~~tut~my!sgroupsand,s~ 1 •' r ., ' ··:i '.:· ! ·," , .. '. • r··· , ·_,,.,,,.}1' ·: ; , 1· ,'. .,, In addition to the other teachers, 'or "" DiH•fPIM 11.,, as .,. scuuu • un versl • 'you •· • ' 1 • ' t l 1 I · · organizaUOM. Zeigler added. · •· · · ~· · ' • ~ :. " • · • • ' '· 'f '" ' · t trusttta approved employment ~f four A Black ·Panlhtf' •party leader · Ls in It .wu an informative morning session A' .. ~:.... ' d -. £';, . '' ,• :Olm' .. · ·e·· r". '.st .·.1<;"12';!.~.' .'"S, 'a' r·e· '.·.H '.Jl'd.· kindergarten teachers 1.o work ha11.-0ay custody toc1ay.aftd·tw'o otbers sought in .. ror the President with the 10 young peer ·~~~ r. tiY,a .. _ups-· 'R.111 el for two weeks In developing a kin-· nhunl -'• 1 ... t t pie he called to his 'Newporter Inn offices. . , ' • > • mus1ve .n:a ~ ~.,... ....... n .-.in:: s rtt-, ' • · ' L • • ':.. ""~-t. ' . 1 ~) •. r ·dergarWi tut:riculum for the upcoming comer sbOotlb_. gJD\lnie.r.of Santa., ·Ana 's Theynowserveoopilotadvlsorycom-pt.:.n: fr.O*;.;.t ·.J .. _, ·-~ .:..''., • ' /t;!,.:·---.~.r ~· 1 ~--; •. "i' ·-, school year. ~ _ mlttees to Selective Service sydem.s in m · · ~ ' .. · ··~·'(".. , · ~ · · · . . , 1 · , ~ • • $,.,,.. s11nup• set 19:. i:,:;;.~1':~y .. P~~~~~~1"" ~~~a=\·:~·:;it~cF~~:"~f ~~~i:f~ B ' ~." '. '. i~. . · ' · Jn 1 o ~.;na Bar, B1:i~}ary· · .. . MISSION VIEJO _ Swim class A. Sasse<r, 21, was i<!ll~,. other than college students, two are .I~ blih school, e10re )i•JXOn . ~ U. . . ~l; . registration for the 1WM1er reereation because he wore the tawmnn'1 badie. two are in apprtnhce training ~ one · . . 1 • : • • • • , ' •• ~ ~ , • • in:ogram ·1r~isslon Viejo High~ School Picked up at his hoine "nturaday night ;;..~~if;; the Office C)f ~c Op-~nll·Vietnam Wir ~Pl trmn.Orqe· A burned safe ·and ,a ba·r · •r·s we~ $4,4'1t'.-t.~·;,.,279 Jn U.S. cumney, will be held thlS Saturday f~m 9 am. lo and held on suspicion of .. conspiracy to Nixon invited them to his villa office on arKa tot Angeles CO\lritte. have ahnounoed nel>hew ar1 Ip c;ps~y ~ Lqui1a S..~ :$l.t06;3n1 ~ iril 1n ~yroll •cbecks 12 noon in the ~mnaslui.n. . conmiit murder and murder ts Daniel the srounds of the New porter Inn at plans to stage , •: demp~tratlon tn ~an pol lee today In Ule lnvestlgaUop ,Of , 1 th1C hid alrilJfd)r' \l'elFIJ.grteel.. · t 1;;!i r~glJ~:~1~~ rr:r:. ~01~ aw~! 'ii th~ Michael LyperJ\o 22, . cf 1527 w" 7th St:, Newport Beach, some 25 miles north of Clemente . near • P~ideJlt.' Nixon's . new $4,000 tavern butg~ry... \ . . " '..1. I • The 4~ve,,,. .~a.Id .i. Gucnn. Is lhe cl~sses have not been filled · ·• San~ Ana. ( · his .new , octanf ront home In San Cle-home as.he· prepares to depart Saturday · William Char}es Gu~~n III, 23, ,of aoo ~ew f ,.1'•eth ~ner J e.r o m e The classes will begin 0~ June 16 and Lynem Is reported to be "lieutenant of mente. He is OOf!lmutlng by helioopter mominJ. ' .' · . , ~ Brea .S!f' Apt. f, was arre~~~,qn Sfevensob,,.~ al~h, 'ftl0i a ~ahta•An~ wilt .be hekl dally from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. ~u;unlcatlons'".;lorh the~~ Bl~~ bei-;:,,; =·~~ald L Ziegler "'d LeaOela have ·been ll'nl out aMounc!nl ~=Y. ·bf ~:!l:i?. Al~x ~~.e · T~" ~~ttoi::J." ~.w~:. ' ~r. rr~a~-;;·~~~1'"~50~~E'g~s!: ~·:~!i~:~~~:::·:r ~;.,,~! :::: ~;;rem,~ ~e~fr~~g~1e;st~ :i.~h·:~1;:i~1: !":b!":~ ; va~:~~~ur~~~~~D1 . ~~:. 1e1Jl;J~t.ct:. ~:,q;;~~ :dtll:.uruners er • n failure qt disperse: • . . advi~ry pane~ and their view of the way qaarter1 of a mile tn>m Mr.· Nixon's : ~~ tn JPalm SptlnA:~ ill~· ,,,.. ~ M:Cmll spot. QN)~-t 1 ::'"""·~~----~·-;ilio:!-....._"...,.ai.,,Jn .-ii,o~ --""~-~'4'1!,~.....__"' ~" ·~~'4-.J."-:------.j;~~~-~-• .-"· · ~~·~1 • grOOjit"Wlth ..-1ee-ofli~·"tOij~~TtiC:'~-·-vt?~ftt8tiol'l;-sani""RlraU:poffift-'~·~·l'lrr-;B .. ~"""1'fi6ie(bMMl"[Oryieei tnm1flllli were: -TbJ,Cz¥Pirwere··1~ .. l)jo:"~t . La v (. . .. ~~~~ . . I j~ thil "lild ldetcU~-. :~ {_ will be ten lusons in each sessiari. out for the h!o .other men believed to Bernard R. Blackwel! J~ .. 21, Jaebon, Bia . cl Lagdna Beach u U..Pe.ct Ac. . Q.'};!1/)a· &he '\_, ., bu •l..4'.i. .f th . !· 111ey ·~-'1rr;~ the-;u • .J 11 crimt. have been with Lynem when. officer Miu., 1 atudent .at Missmlppl College, nc. . ·., , ., ~ · I.,..!"' :~,.-was ~ rr:; .. •~a l .• 'M1 'P'Y~ to afu e )' e•r Pl•K St•olled Samor was •bot to ~th near mldnighl Clinton, Mlsl.; Marvel Long, 20, Ba1 Srp. )i~: ~¥Pe~}---= · ~'-"~"'=..,.~~~: f='t~. Ji~c..1tim'.i01 tl\e '!,le ' IRVINE -Study of a 12-month schOll =y at the corner of RaUt ~nd lrd . ~n:~~~~~~~.~~:~~u:::~ ~: 1 • ' ' , ' msm~pal ~~~'itiU\,~·~~;. 1wblcbis26'inches•MJum' 'lbe'burglais year will resume after summer vacation. The dtad officer was named "Rookie of 26, New York City, a veteran apprenticed Pollq! 'ChJe(...,_~~~6-~ ~ · detedof.~~ P:vPc>~.~~~~ l :"rl ~ ~lhftuP.1.a. . .wilk~ trysteea.of 'tbe 'San 'Joaquin .Elemeiitary tti. Y.eas'!.! in 1911 and.wU.~by... ··,{See'·NIXON,?.,..·J)'--01'1Def1~A\d:.:aut-t"I',~ '""-~"'3n,irtd.~iJ . ~ ... Pr.,.._·~-_, ~~'-~ ·_._,_.,:: ..... ·, _ School Diairict ,..,.. told Wednesday. Chief -anl, Allen and ,his ,ftJ\ow of.. with Bland. and· another repraeatatlve . tfye. 1 -, d , " ::ti'.(_;~' · i. -· --· The report given by tn>stee Philip flc<n as "'a fine, cledlca~pollceman." S le M le anc! advised them of-= and pro-Sa(an -Ille ~-· .. , !" BradOeld of El Toro. concerned a cori· sgi .. Curi ale would release no details on · toe · •r eta per" guidelines. for 1 · · tioh. l • : the_ late .bid~.~ ~ 'In OruP ·-; · .... Ceaa& ' tlnuing: study Initiated by the Tustin the other two suspect! 90USht nor tell MU~y 1aJd, '.'We lold u,em.w~at Jhey , &eetylebe· ~ 'fK! ·UJ• ~te~--ere .. Union High School District. Recoin-why the police suspected Lynem. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock ~rket couldn t do and they . aaree to t1ie IJ)I~. • , . i·. 1 mendalions from the study ·committee Lynem was arrested In April on the tumbled to 1,ai.za.ble loss by the clote to-guidelines." He said· the i:tJ>fe9ent11tM,s . . ~iN, fr9~-~ ,~e; s a;e sai~. will ~ fonhcoming, Dr. Willlf.Dl Stocks, concealed weapon charge after a po&e d!! afler s~1rtingpout wilh2a minor gain. of lthed a~~·Wt&r_lfOUPto ... ~estlm1~ th~ . ,1 • : 1 dl1lrid administrator saJd., ISte POUCEMAN, Pp;1e %) <~e quo.tat1oos, aaea 20-1). cou mu1wr ,_ ,,_ per'IODI. , · •1 .. ,. ·· ••• ·,. .. . : , · · · · · , Semor&, Await ; , ·, Coa:s 1 t All Aµg·~st: ·e~~1~~~~.;~~,:·;. . . . '-. . : On Sillidiy ··1···· Nixon tQ-: Stay on The center of fl'ft world power will shltt to the Orange Coast in AQIJUll and rem.in bue for the 'entire montll. Prelkient Nlton said Thund1y at his Newporter Inn villa In Newport. ilMch ' "nil ii our Jlnt 1ppearance at wMl will be the Swnmer White Hou8e in A ..... "And In August •twill haw 1 pchoiot. of the game intensity II in Wubinlton D.C.'' Ron Ziegler, the pruldent'1 press secrtllry later told IJ\e DAU. Y PILOT Nixon w~ not "referring 1peciUcaJly to the Newpcrter IM u tbe S\lmmer Whit.I -· The hqe holtelry nn the bRJ1t or Upper Newport Bly, however, wUJ lbare that ---- • • rolt ,wlth-the-.Nlx~ Jamily mansion In prealdenilal power between.Newport and both~· of Jirnbone •Roid • .!,¥,OQ,a .' ' , ... •. · •i . "l • 1 sao ctemente. , ·, s. CleP1<Ute. • hllWcte oppoojte t11e 1no11' ~ ~e lia«alJ ... •t~..,.. fol:,....,,,,. 91 • "I >!oJl"l lalow where lbe Pmlden) will The·cily ,ol Newpott is alr01dy much ' sill a yelliri jeep>; Po~· iNllbuie>1 · th€ IAlllWi-.. ·-· .... ,of be •Pend inc most ol hY '!Im.,"' aaid lnvoive<I in oecurl\y mea...,.., at and · ar.,IOllofioi! f!liie, i · · .n..,, ..... tfie 1• timl-..-. fll'....., 11-t · Ziegler. Each place, 'I" \odfcated, hu lb around Ille·~· ha 'l"J.;."i::~~~· 'p.iri:ln'lh'lnlBaolhid.:8.k p11 4 '1d own unique adv, -At ~eot Cloun pollce olflcfn ve1 ...... .• , .,..;.., ~.'" Im "bt lltffio ~owial Unj; b'•• 111etlmewtll,, bes~ up been dollregutarduly~.lllck .u!!, ... , Oii,&!,...,.,.; ~"'"'°', · 'IJ>lma!n toille ..... RIW111 • betW..,.illllwo,ao-; ,.Jd"; • ttie ... krvlce. That le c1-~ ~.,, ·~ • • · blo~'111>1'-<~Blf-r-' ftie ._ -.i... me ..,.. n ~ ...:..-ti the Newport police " ' rt{~' .._~ii • ~--1 · ., •• • .....,_ I • ~· '::" .. :o• , • <>:::C-;, .. ~.. ' ' . . ~ ~. ' ...... ..,, -·~ ~"!:.,;i-•• ·-'*. 'pr;.idtllfial™compie ,ltJiaerV """"' .............. _, " , ft~N , , ,.. !">•Olltnh;, ·-· : •. tha1 runc11oot·,_;• . .I tlfical~ II a...,. IOd yellow, 'rO~· , · ploCe If ~ ~'1\i" . Slniql:I• ...,... Into-U..'bl to l rn antldpatlon of the one month atay lapel pui In the ohapa ol a : _ , ·rL _. 1 · ",i., tri{, '1.-...... • ji~·~;· llil"'*l!""':.IJ.O::.•ID'tllit 1 later this .......,, Nriport Mayor Unll<irnled 'cfllcen are ala o11 J)lO , ""!" Wl~ff,~ ·-· lo l>lice '"l'nllnPd VG! ", • Doreen Marshall this Rlomlng wlr<d the rooltoPI around the &TOQndl °'' In~,. thl1 ml>rnl~'"it\ SU Cl-~! 1lil 11111> lleY.i(omllllao ,fO ~\na, I Pmldenl lllOt 'the city to •:ablolutely and In the driYeW11ye leading to "{Ille i[ti( 1.m: . ...., ~•Mll'iiU · tho · loi ilie 'lflldlloU ,wtU ""the delighted''. at the l'""ptCI. stie aald the San Remo, where the Prelident'• I~ • ltifoly d -J11!i11J ·l'I 'lllJ\,:,llli Riv,' llllm Editl11ol , ~f city II ready to adlst the presklentlal 1teylng.' "-I t 4C11it11o of,~ cpl,\; l!l#tyol'~ . an ~h ' Wlid '!)r, lllJ • 1taffin1nrwayto.prepar1fortheahifta/ Motorcycle otlicera ~e ~:er..,. '1·;·~~'·. ·, ~,. '~)' :-1, :~·Gtfy ~.~~ t I --~-:;;-/1. ,, t • ..... .. sl f ,. •. ' , ; ' : ~ .... I,:.,• ."I j 1 .,, •·M". ".°:•• -t._ 4 ~I-~' .. ~,.. ·": ;~~} "~"-"°'"·! ·1 ·~ ' ,. ... '• }, ' ... ' ! -' I DAii.\' I'll.OT r . Fr14ot, .i.. 6, 1"'9 T-0to Flights €an;~·lne · Altered . h . JACK CliUPIU. ................ . . U iel ......... to dllnp1 Marine <lor"Po fllitit patterns which at Umes hrinl Jet miJltary aircraft from El T°"' · ,,_. ovor Lagwia Beach. 11bat ••• lhe re!pOnlt or the fonner t CMVN.ndl!JI aeDt.r&l of the El • T.oro Marine Air Station, William P. Thruh, to a le!W from Lagw>a Mayor Glerui E. Vedder. • Vedder adviled the Marines of com· • plUD be bu recdvtd aboot th• ..... " ....... DOi!e from D\llltary airctaf~ ·~ .. ' 'eipicl•Jli' ._Ill' .. -our~ not Pl90llcol ill 1oe~ a cbup 11 u.'l U.., lalo a\ nill>l W lllllY....... llilo llm4." ~.'l'lnlti llld. ' ', be1ort da ., -r "' • r· "l Wat"1 M cua:f1111w liraWt ' "---.~ --~ , .. _, u· lh': , .. _ .. ooe•'l•IJ a • nca • r1rtl222t11 no ----poa •• -ol nwby·--.11 w•~ olw17a flight pattorn for planes operaUng fnm so. WMn the Marine Corps Air S!atloo, the base during late how-s be changed ao El Toro, was opened in 1M2, It wu In an Lqwla'a re.aldential areu are spared t.he boJated area, and the operatlng alrcraft jet nblse. were smaller, slower and Jess noisy," the In response, '"1rash uld an !Ught pat-genera] aakl. terns for aJn:raft uslng the bue are in-Gen. Thrash aaid .requirements of 111- tricately Interwoven. ti(Vl8.I MCW'it.y·lofluence all operatlon1 of "The patttrm are lntnaraltd wllh tbe bale . many other ta1e11tl.ll paUema and It ii He aald that u much u poalble, Jets Laguna Hunt• 2 Officials blood ..... ----·:;:= ..... lo •:• -"'"' •• -llftnlt may ontve &Ill'-.i ........... . .. ,11r npet the inconvenience Cldled and 111Ure you evuy ef/ort 1' . mode to -""' aL .... abaolUjo inlolmnm ol dlaturbance COl1llltenL )11111 ·aatocy and expeditioua operaUons,1' Gtn. 11lraah ~ aald. r Since rocaipl of tM ·!titer Gtn. Thruh bu -·uaiaooc! .. ~leln4m lllty. Btti. Gan. llonr7 W. 1iJ1t Is 110w commandtr ., Ille-. ' ·Bandit Dead, Pal in Jail .. After Gun play Dragnet Yielding Results Ul'IT ...... MESA FATHER, SON: EMBRACE AFTER SEA CRASH CPO LewNneo Reily, Son Lt, (j9) Jamas Moll at Trovl1 AFB A Hallowefti-masktd bandit w h o · emptied his seven-sbOt automa,lc pistol into a Santa Ana jeweler as he fell mortally wounded himself is dead today and h1s alleged partner is jailed after a wlld, Wfltem.style shootout Thursday. 'Jbe man slain during an abortive $1,100 stickup foiled bf the intended victim was identified as Louis Asmond, 37, whose last known address was In San Juan Capistrano. Llsuna Beach's drqoet for a new chief of police a.ad a recrtaUon director h8" yielded a 1ood catch. City Manager James D. Wheaton said he has received 16 complete applications, seven partially complete applications and 12 Inquiries about the police chief post. He termed all the applicants "hi&b caliber" men. "It la wry encouraging that we wlll be able to filJ 110 well this posit.ion," Wheaton sa!d. For the recrutlon dlrtctor poo~ II ap- plicaUom: have been received and el&ht more are ln proceas, Wheaton Wei. The selection procedure for both posts will whittle down the number of ap- plicants to the one person but qualified, WbeatOQ said. He said he will begin a comptratlve ranking OD all the appllcants after all fonns are tn. He plans to reduce the nwnber of men ccm1dtrtd down to tll:ht or ten to be interviewed in a daY·lon& session. After tha~ tho top nnk1nf mfft "'11 be Investigated -11y by the city mana1er: Rellr!q police Chief Harry Llbrow will participate in the selection. Wheaton said. 0 1 plan to go to the community where they are and ll.Jt_to the people all over town, that 's reaIJ:i the only way to do Jt,'1• .,. laid. , .. An appointment will be made, if pol!!· ble, before Cblef Labrow leaves his job July 11, • Bo111e to Grieve ·Mesan. Won't Talk About Tragedy By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of llM D1Jty 1'1191 11"9 Lt. Reilly, a public lnfonnalion officer, had told reporters three hour:s before that his father was not expected until mid· morning or noon today. Samuel Brucker, GS, owner ot Brown's Jewelers. 215 E. Fourth St., is in serious condiUoa at Santa Ana Community HosplW following Intensive Slllllcal repairs. , From Pege 1 NIXON ••• Warrant Out for Youth Home from the sea which took his ship. m,ak son and n other sailors to its noor three days ago, a Costa 1\-fesa career Navy man reluses to discuss the tragic collision of his vessel and a giant Australian aircraft carrier. The lucky survivor of the mystery sea colli!ion and his two remaining sons ar· rived at Los Angeles lntemaUonal Airport at 3:45 p.m. and drove home to Costa Mesa from there. Santa Ana pollc:e caplured Arthur F. . Kleis, 25, of 11161 s. Hwr SL, Analielm, about two blocks from the ""'°' aod aald he wu wrying #II b<llfl<d taken from the store. ~-. 'I u ao electrletam .I-. Green, 20, New York ClL)',,il .YoUlh worker -lc!Yed by the Office ol Economic Opportun!Ly; In Assault on Officer · No one answered the telephone today at the home of Senior Chief Gunner's Mate Lawrence J. Rellly, 44, of 2 3 3 4 Minuteman Way, a townhouse unil where the Navy family bu lived five years. The 19-year Navy veteran has 30 days• leave before reporting back to Long Beach Naval Station, from which he and Lawrence J . Reilly Jr., 21, sailed March 29 on the ill-fated destroyer. Kleis was boobol oil &Ulpiclon ol ~t tt111pted murder ·tiid · """"1 JVbi>el'l' at.mmlng from pie Jt':U 1.m. lhootout with the longtime· Saela Aiia Jewelcy aod loan thop owner • · QueRlonlng of 'Brucker and his wile - who rao '"""'mini from the ston af1or the gun battle -bu led polke to reconstruct the dramatic Incident ID detafL ' They say two men tJ>tared the atore. one ann<d and wearlDC a llolloween muk While the au.•s face wu hidden by a red wool ski mall< and he carried oo weapon. · The unanned bandit atarted lflbblng money from a cuh box and jeWelry from display cases. while the other -· later Identified when he _lay dead Oii the floor -kepL Brucker at gunpolnL ' Fro• P-.e 1 Also Debra ADdenon. 1' '•uing, Mich., student at Southwell Sexton ffl&h School; Jon Boele, 21, LUalna, Mlcb.; an apprentice m.tehine repainriu; Larry McKlbben, 22, A:tnel, Iowa. a ltudent at Iowa Stale Unlveralcy; John Lloyd, 11, Des Moines, a student 1t Drake Ulllversi-: · ty; King H11111 Lum, 11, Law!Gn, Okla., a high IChool 11racloate eoterlng-, Oklahoma .untvenHy In the laJI, and .John fatrlck Llvlnpton, U, Norinan, Oklaboma, ao Oklahoma Unlvenit)> a.dent. Alao lch«luled to confer wllh Nhon aL Newport Beach weni BobemR Floch, . -etary ol health, education and weUare CHEW); and Bryce N. Harlow, White Houae ualltaot foe congreulnnal rtlatlonl. They were to tall< about flllog the poo- POLICEMAN t. ltion of auistant aecretary of HEW for health _; 1 matter pf controversy since Seoate llepibllcain lteodet Event! M. DtrU.n took ezceptlon to Flncb'a lnlUal <I>!*' lot lllf Job, !Jr, John l"-IU ol e e 1 ~ ~ no announcerDent ot a olfl6er had stoppad bin> and a jumille 00 ~· '" the pool would be made to- tho -. Lynam mused to laU ·hll' Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Nlion's special baud out of b1a pocket when ordered and aW.tant for naUonal security affairs a l8lrcb revealed a .22-callber revolver. flew to California from W~o~ lully loaded. 1buraday nlgbt to met! '11th the' PreaJ. Two weeu later he was again arrested dent when about 40 Nerroes sbi;ed a "stand-He c1me here to help Ni.Ion prepare in" on west .. lst Street;, Police called the for Sunday's Midway Island summit gathering a near riot. Lynem and el.gbt meeting with President Nguyen Van others were arusted for falling to Thieu of South Vietnam. dlspene after being ordered to do so. Following a Newporter hm confertnce Offk:er Sasscer was shot a?o'1t ll :52 Thursday, Nixon announced be was p.m. shortly after he had .radioed head· nominating Donald E. Johnson1 '5, of quarters that be was leaving his patrol West Branch Iowa a fonner national car to "question a couple Of pedeslriam." commander ~ the American Legion to Minutes later, poli~ wen.called 00 the be veterans ldmJnistrator. He also~- car's radio. by Louis Martinez, an am· ed Johnson to head a presidential com- bulance. dr:ver whose home at l804 W. miUee that will review federal benefits 3rd St. l! JU.st a few feet from the scene offered returning Vietnam war veteram. of the 6hooting. Laguna Rotary Gives $200 to Saddlehack JC From Page 1 AUGUST .•• " . Laauna ~ police have oeiured a warrant for tbe arrtst of a 1ounc man who .-rtodly uuulled i pollce officer during an altmatlon In which a crowd impeded the olilcer's actlv!U... Del. Sct-'Vlc Sallll said a watrant bas been blued ·~or tha armt ol Craig IJouilu Williams, 11 ol Beaumont. 'Ille warrant lo !Or alJtcedly aasaulllng an ~ and uaault and baiery, aald the ·Phony Doc Gets 1to10 Years J:µ lmptrsonation ,~,Piii BARLEY ' .,..., ,, ... ,..., Phoay Robert Ervin Brown must ltl'Ve one to JO years In at.ate prison '" lalaely practicing medicine oo 103 wnritttng heart patlenll at a Fullerton clinic. Su'perlor Court Judge Byron K. Mc· Millan bNlbed aside repeated pleu for leniency 'Thursday and impo15ed the prison term for two of the felony counts on which the pseudo "Dr. GleM Foster" wu convicted Jut May 17. The sen· tences are ·concurrent. Deputy Publlc Defender Lawrence Buckley urged Judge McMillan to rule that a six·month county jail tenn ind five years probation was adequate sentence for 1he client who "conned" physicians at the Fullerton Itatemal Medicine Clinic and the Orange County Medical A.Sin. Into believing they had a top flight cardiologist In their midst. Buckley recalled his arguments before the jury that the bespectacled Birming- ham, Ala. man had known his limita- tions throughout his five week sojourn at the clinic and that he never attempted to step beyond them in his treaanent oi patients. He Intimated that the jury had bten l'he Saddlf:back College Scholarship were from outside the county. well aware of that fact when it took 16 Fund baa received a $200 c~ from th• The President's press 'aides said one of hours (o rtturn felony convictions on Laguna Hilla Rotary Club. the subjects he wlshtd to discuss with the only t"·o of the 14 counts faced by the Dr. Fred H. Bremer, president of the studt!nts was Vietnam. soft-spoken Southerner-an impressive college, accepted the check from the Hel.i·hopplng will apparently conUnue to witness when he demonstrated his med· dub's president-elect, Stewart CUn-be Nixon's stvJe of travel for the duration ical knowledge and clinical know-how · ha · .1 from the witness. box. detective. Police said Officer Larry Galat was struck oo the neck by Wllllams Wed- nesday night, but not injured after he at- tempted to starch Williams for weapons. The incident occumd in the Canyon Aern Drive amt, Police said. Officers said residents of the are• surrounded Gala! and preveoted him from purlll!ng Williama. They aald Gatat ordered the crowd to dlspene unsuccessfully and wu mtn· aced with a lluhllllrt and BUltar held by unldtntified ptnons. ... S1gan aald Williama: ts believed to be staytna in the Canyon Acres area. Summer Tennis, Swim Programs Signups Slated ~1tlon flX' Lag u n a Belch Sumrnfl' s~mlng and tennis cluses will be held thil Sa turday and tbe next Saturday, June 14, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Lagw>a Beach High School boys' gym.' SwimnUng classes will be held daily during weekdays with the first sessioo starting June 14. 'Cluses each last 30 minutu and run for two weeks. Mini· mum agt iJ six years. There is a $2 fee. The program will conclude Aug. 22. Tennis ctwes begin June 18. E.ach cla.sa meeta during weekdays for two ..eeb. Classta are open for beginnlng, intienntdiate and advanced students. Fee ii '5 and tho c1...., are limited to a people. Program ""1Cludea Aul. U llllrlng f,rcrogiatratioo, pa-. are allowed on y to register tbelnaelve:s and their chlld!<n. ' Naval Intelligence offtcen: have presumably· banned discmllon. of the sinking ol the USS Frank E. Evans' forward section foJ)owtng the crash with the mus Melbourne durioJ South China St a maneuvers. Newsmen wailed Thursday at Orange County Airport for his acheduled 2:35 p.m. arrival aboard an Air California flight fron: Oakland, orl11nally intended to be secret Secrecy evidently extended to his fam· Uy as well. Confirmation came through· a call to Oakland that no one had taken Chief Reilly's reserved seat and his walling family finally learned intelligence men had made other arrangements. • His ottier Navy son, Lt. (jg) James Reilly, 23, of Charleston, S.C., was waJting with a civlliua sOn Jerry, w~n the senior enlisted man aboard the Evans flew into Travis AFB near Sacrunentt. Sleep-in Slated For Boys Club The Boys Club or Laguna Beacb ,wiJI hold a sleep-lo Frida'y nJg:ht, June it, fOr boys 8 through JS years old. The program will consist ol• a movie, swimming, games, a marshmallow roast:" hot chocolate, story telling and breakfast on Salurd"l' rriomJJlg. The cost is II per boy. The meeting will precede a weekend campout that will be scheduled in one of tbe state parks. Boys attending the sletp.ln must pay the fee by June 12. They will need swim trunks, a towel and three blankets or a sleeping bag. Attendance will be limited to 15 bo)'s. A joint investigation of the collision has been launched by U.S. and Australian naval officers, to determine how such a tragedy occurred on a moonJit night with extensive electronic navigr.li.,nal gear. The 22,500 ton Melbourne slammed into the Evans amidships despite emergency maneuvering by the Jai'ger ve.ssel, killing 74 men, with only one body recovertd from the warm sea. . Chief Reilly was asleep in his ·quarters when the 4:12 a.m. accident occurrtd, wh~e the son he shipped over two years to serve with went down al his engine room watch station. During a press conference in the Philippines Wednesday, Chief Reilly said the crash sounded like a giant can opener ripping metal apart and he followed a shipmate's voice out to escape the sink· ing secUon. Survivors were picked up by the Melbourne and tr8nsferred t 0 th e helicopter atrcraft carrier VS S Kearsarge, whlch is steaming hoine to Leng Beach. Naval authorities said Thursday that Chief Reilly was flown home due to the family tragedy, while th.! 199 others \vou!:t apparently remain aboard the Kearsarge. The veteran sailor who stayed in pa.st retirement age to look arter. his 21-year· old Son will observe his 45th birthday with his wife, two surviving sons and the widow of Lawrence Reilly Jr. next week. Observe i:; perhaps the proper word. There will be little celebration. Unions Okay Contract . PORTLAND (UPI ) -"Big four" lumber producers and the two big timber industry unions announced agreement .to- day on new contracts: covering nearly 20,090 workers . ;})ining Room Special DAllY PllOT "-·.,,-. ~~---4·<s:J ,1,,,! 4W;: -< . or his visits to San Clemente and ,,. :.p.··~ ~,~.... I\.,._.~ .. ;. . .:_~~j.;:.~~-~·:..;;·· .. ;·~ ... ,., -, . v-Ar~~~ chief e~eeutive h: ~n ·h~ppin~ .. ~e1-\1tces~~,~1~ ... ,,.;.; ' OltAHGI: Co.uT f'Utll$HIHG CONil"ANV flab•tt N. W••d J•ck R. Curl•y Yiu l"ra!Otftl •nd Gt111rt1 ~~"' Tholl'l•I A. MurphtM• Mtf!Mf,.. ECllllllr lt111<11 a.1m City Edl!Of Late ... .._. Offlu 222 F.tt1t ...... M•ilil'lt Afldr•lll •.o .••• '''· t2•S2 ..__ COii• Mut1 S3D w .. t ,.,. tlf'Wt ,....,..., ... di~ ,111 W.1 .. llJN 119,,..,,,_. Hwtll,.,_ 1t1d11 .. lltl S!tttot •' from the old Cotton Estate mansion by chopper to the Newporter Inn alnct his arrival Wednesday and these 14-minute flights will become routine. "We wtn have a schedule of the Same Intensity as We have iil. Washlfigton;"-the · President said in reference to his month· loog plaMed villt during Augutl. Tradlt!Onany; 111111'lmer White Houses have been spots for both work and play, bul the $340,000 home bought from the widow or the late H. H. Cotton will re- main just a home. The Newporter Inn has the attraction of an adjactnt heliport for setting the presidential turbojet chopper d o w n almost within walking distance of bis workshop suite ln the Villa San Remo. • Nixon has madie three flights sin~ Ir· riving and three more are scheduled before he leaves Saturday for a Midway Island conference t.'ith South Vietnamese President Nruyet\ \tan Thieu. Seleetlon of the Newporter lnn was ap- parently abrupt and assist.ant executive man13er Ed"anl Ingle said bookings were 10Ud when White House aides called wt Sunday. "We h1d to transfer 20 iuesta: to other hotels," be said. · Mergers to Get Look SAVANNAH, Ga. CUP!) -Atty. Gen. John N. Mll<h<ll aakl tod1y tho Jultlct Department will automattcally ocrutlolze proposed mergen Involving •"1 of the natlon11 200 largest corporaUons. Saturday for Mrs. ~ngield • lifemorlal services for Mrs. Gertrude Enfield was-a profelSOr of speech. the Pacific View Memorial Park Cb1pel in Corona del r:1ar. Mrs . Enfield, a Laguna Belch resident for 34 years. died Wednesday. She WU as. She lived at. 201 Cypress Drive. ~tn. Enfield was past president of the LfWJna Beach Chapttr of Pen Women, a member of the Colonial Dames, a faculty member of the slaffs of both the Unlver11ty of Southtm California and UCLA and a membe r of the Church ot Religious Scieoct. A pioneer In ver1e choir, lpelklnc, ·Mn. Enfield al&o wa! kncwn as a poet and author, wlth several books of poetry to h<r cr.dll At the two unlvtnlU.., Mn. Enftekt wos a professor of sptach. Mrs .• Enfield is survived by two daughters, Mrt. Roy ThO""'fhmln ol South LaBUna and Mila Virllnlo Enlleld of the family home In LaBUna Beach; a soo, John Enfield .Jr. ol LaBUn& lltaeh; three lfltlddllldrtn and four .,..t. arandchlldrtn. At the memorial aervlet, th• Rev. Henry Oer!lanl, minister ol the Chur<h of !Ultitoua Scltnce In LqUna Beach, will oUlclate. The family haa 11111ested memorial donaUons to the Chun:h of RelilJloua Science. · • • Fnoch Ovel Dlnl•t Tabl._ s;,,, 16"xll" $219. Arm Ch1ir1, $69. Mtk. Side · Ch1ir11 $5f. eocls.. P1intM flnl1h w.iite i ncl 6r1en, lteli1n P1cle1t1I Oinin9 T1ble;.Site: 44"x44". Din .. in9 T1ble, $Zif, Arm Ch1 ir1, '$6f. Side 0.1i1'11 $Jif, Printed Fini1h Grein •nd White, Both Servers Shown tr1 lb"xl 9"xl 1" Hi gh. $1Zt. t•ch. IXClUSIVI DEALlltS fOll: HIN RlllON -DlllXIL -HIRITAGE 90 OAYS HO IHTlllEST-LONOIR TERMS AVA1LAILE ON APPROVED CREDIT HIWPOllT IEACH 1727 -·"" Dr. 64MOSO ....... , ..... IN111101$ LAGUNA '!EACH l4S North Coort Hwy.· ,,,.,_,, .... .....,.., D11I~ AftftaWt · AID-HSID Cll'8I ...... , "' ' .... , ...... -" .... c...,.. .... 11&.J •I 49...,SI " I i,"" ,( • Newport Ba•·hor -·. WC!l:. 62, NO. 135, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PA6ES • . . • • ' IXOll Youth. Draft Advisory Group Set Nixon . to Stay. on 'Ille ..Oter of. r... '""td power will s1J1ft to the Oran&• CoBll lo Auguot ~ nmain here for the entire: month. President Nixon uld Thunday 1t his N.wporter IM villa In Newpod Beach: "Thia ls our first appearance at what wlD be the Summer White HOllle br August. "And in August we will have a ld»edule of the 1Bl1le lnlenalt7 as In Washington D,C." Ron Ziegler, the presl<lent's 'pre.u &ecrtlll')' later lokl lhe DAILY PILOT Nixon Wu not "'ferrlng specifically lt> the NewporW Inn u the Swnmu _White 11ou ... 111e huge hostelry on the bank of UPI"" Newpod U.J, however, wUI share that . \.I • • role wltll. Ibo. Nt.rm.-lamlly. manalon lo San~ -t · -~ • "l<loni--lbo--1 wlll be sjieodihg -of 'lill time," -.. 1c1 Ziegler. Each pl-, lie lodlcatecl, bull! own unique ~es. Tbe time 111D pnbably be• spill up between tbe ., ... ~ .. -.id. 'Tbe lml wW _, ... ,, _,. u the Presidential omc. cmnplu. 11 ii oervina. • that function' ...... ' ' ' . In antfdPtitlcin oflthe 'one month llay later thiJ IUinmer, Newport Mayor llol'<en Manllall thll momin( wlrtd the President l!!ol.. U.. clty, iJ "aboolultty .dtlighted" at the proepect. She nld the city 11 l'Udy to aallt the pmta.nlfal stall ll> •Y way to prtpare lor the ahlf~of " - • ' ' ' .. • .. .· COW1M! :u1ai If they ever dOclde to iake letal lcUon they would !\ave to· bave ~-totlon. 'l'be follawtng oschools tool< port in -the. pay prol<Ol ocUvity '11>.u)iday: •• . ,.,__ · tOI' tel-. bo)<cott~.' Sluclenb • ...,.. • tokl Ao remain on cl.mPus and ldviled to study, hoWever thete wu· ~ .steady -'froill 'CIDlpuo until --ad-J""'110d an hoor -~ a hall W\J':'lt I p.m. . - Coast All .Aug~st ' . ' . r ... ' . ' • • '· -... ' ' -., . ·-Jllp -AD but two· \elcben went on m:lnlnwnr day .and • ~ -at 1·:11 pm. . . N..,... --· .;. SdWO•le ac-celerilad oo .-..... at l :II p.m. Ind --watd>ed 'loolllall:. ID-tiiiquiif ..,,... , ~-lllp-Abolit ·71,..._i;OI -left tllelr -ollol1!1' alter ndiin. Ja·the '"""1llll!n --·Wedi borne •. Elllp·llflrme••·-~~ 0 . . .. . • Teday'• F ..... N.Y. Stoeb TEN CENTS ·released fn1111 C:lua tut hoot and·a ball. 'llaller lllM-le -Slr teacller• .tell diairooms.early. ~ la!<n!'edlale -Silly perceot ouHl·eli49 faol hour. ... , ...... ~~ -.About hall Ille t"'cliei'Sleit clia. · Te'lllUle -edlale -AO student! rf)!Flld lo bUd ·coacert list part of ICbool day .. AU!OaJ_-.,tary -F~th and dlth ' (-TUClll!ll8, Pqe II ' ra 'But World · Siate . . ' . . . ·.. . . ' . . "' Not . Ready ·for It~ . . . . . ' . I • •jctUt ot toilcb" With tbe younpr pnera- t.1on. . '"An answ1r to that would lnvolvt my penonil · fetllngs," he said. "Gen. Hershey was not discussed." Lloyd said out of the lllks with the President emerged two disijQCt po1slblllUes: . -Amendment of the draft law so that boya .lurnlng ti need not regt.tar for the draft wJt1U!> 11Ve•day1 or-their birthdays ''of else."' 'lbe chanlt WOuld call for 111111~~·~ once a.maotl\. At thao 11111 ·Seli!CtiY~ Service. ·Ud N1ned FOtcea -~ wolild advise PotenttaJ . ~.of all J10ISU>l• alternaUvu Jn. vovm~.1mllll..,.~ , . -·!17 in . '.-(SW~~ oru.- • .. 0 • • I , I '!AILV I'll.OT H F1tilq,.JOql 6.J"' . . ~a~ther ~~rested ~~.::S~ .. ,, -._! . 'rllt..•~ 1u1 Plllod ~- . I a ~41.! * •• wrf.-f• 1. . SI . •PR ·--•IJ-! . '-'.... n .. o ice . ~x~n-e· Jlitiiaci-... ::-~: . , M.lillwJ ·~ tJ 1'1', ~-·-:I"' 117 JACJ( ll!IOBACK .. "" Dlllr """ "'" A Bloclc Panther party leader Is In cuJl9dy today and two othen ,..ght In a maaalve lilanbunt, ~ In the street- ...,,., lli!>otl111 murd<r of Santa Ana's l• llooldo Pollctman of the Year. No one bows Why Patrolman Nelson A. Sassctr. 24, was killed. other than because he WON!: the lawman's badge. Picked up at his home Thursday night and held on sU!Piclon of conspiracy to commit murder and murder ia Daniel Michael Lynem, 22, cl 1527 W. 7th St., Santa Ana. Lyne.m ls reported to be "lieutenant of commWUQUons" ror the local Blick Panther party and has been ~arrested twice ln recent months, once for carrying a concealed weapon and lat.er for a . !allure to disperse. Sgt. Ralph Cwiale, In charge o! In· vestigaUon, said an all·polnts bulletln Is aut for the two other me.n believed to have been with Lynem when officer Sasscer was shot to death near midnight Thursday at the corner of Raitt and 3rd &treets. Tb< dead ~ ,. .. nariiecl "Jiool<J• Or dllllill6aed to llnlllll llir'~ wt the Year" In lllt and w11 pralaecl bl · ~ ... o!-dayEi.onea••-' _ TW ..... '• o! Cblel Ed'Ward Allen and bis fellow o • -' uura ficers as "a fine, dedicated policeman." leachera taught shortened day: .. Sgt. CUriale Would release no details on At all other schools lc:acbera taught a the other two suspects souaht nor tell full dlf. why the police Slllpected I.ynem. TEACHER STATEMENT • LJn<Ql WU .~ Iii April on the Tho Corona del Mar teadlm who COllCUl<id -chlrle ofter • police stayed home· 'll!µrsday Issued a llale-officer had stopped him and a juvenile on ment saying they bad voted unanlmUly the streel Lynem refused to take his to return to class today since "it ls not hand out of his pocket when ordered and our purpose to dis""pl the educ. ational a search revealed a .22-callber revolver, ·~ fully loldecl pn>eeu o! our studepts but to enlllt the Two weeks later be was ag.aln arrested aid or the communlf.)." when aboot 40 N..,... atai:ed a "stand· Said one o! the teacbe~ Ken Koury: in" on west lit Street Polfce called the "We do noi'. believe the board speaks lllthtrbJ&_.._ .. ~r rM>l'' Lynem. and eight for the public. No taxpayers have ap- oth•rs were amsted for leillnc to peared at the m~ dis· dlspene alter being ordered to do '°· pl,...ure over teacher requall. fie • O!!lcer Sasscer wu shot aboot 11:~ our adlon will -llllte the -publlc to p.m. ahortly alter he had radloed heed· speak with us/' · · qu-~--that be WU Jeavlni his not-I Teachere 1lnwgbout the dlllrlct have ~~· ~ •• befl\ Wed by their -to carto"questlona.coupleofpedutr1ans." cont'ribute $10 each to a fund to enllat Minutes later, police were called on the public support through .newSQ&per ad-- car's radio by Louis Martlnez1 an am· vertisements. bulance driver whose home 'at 1804 W. A teacher.to-private citizen telephone 3rd St. ls just a few feet from the scene campaien was to begin today. ol the ohooting. LJm'Ell REQUESTS Council Delays Motion At the ap!Clal 5:30 p,111. boaril meeting In school dlstrct offices at ISO! 11th St., Newport Beach. board members wtll re- sPOftd to a letter from teachers asking three things: Backing Harbor District Newport Beach Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons is balking at city endorsement of . the contimled em~ -~·possible expansion -o! the ()range CoomtJ Harbor District .. At Parsons' request, city council""" have postponed action on. 11 wcposed ..... 1u11on dec14rfng Newport'• support o! the beleaguered harbor 1geDey. The resolution, becked prliw:Jpllly by Former Wife Claims · Maxwell Owes Her $2,306 Councilman E4 ijlrth, atSo urres enlafge- ment. of the district's ....pwibilliles to include lnland'port proJ• The ,d!Jtrld ii.-~" ia Cbarte of '()OUDty 1boreline develoPma>~-- ln Par&ons' abeence last Wttl(, c00n. cilmen agreed at a study sesalon that lhe resolu!.ion should .be prepared. Hirth succ ... y argued that the city should al>andon Its official stance o! neutrality on the Harbor Dfstrld dllSOlU· ~on lsaue. That Btance had been utged originally by P'"1""', who was the city's representative on a League of Cities COZI\· :tnittee that recommended breaking up ·the· 34-yar;old district as ~ taxing agen· cy. • Wednesday nlgbt, the resolution, writ· ten by City Attorney Tully Seymour and Hirth, came l)efote the councU !or adop- . ti.on. Paraons promp!Jy protest..i.· Whatever Glenn Maxwell may. get ff'OITl ••1 haven't had a chance to study this," the ~ up bis tern~ aecorid he uld. "f/e're adoptin& llOlllethlni here marriap lo ''l:,~ J!'Jlll!Allyado -:: Ind that I pei:oooallyJllWe _, ..,,. 1\nn a _recen\~rtht ttn;tnmcatedtliat~e feelings aboot. I Wasn't aw~e.,tt _.J -A salary scale ranging from $6,800 to 114,239 per year -higher on the top end than the 16,80!) to fl3,800 scale adopt..i by the llCbool board. -lncreued dlstttd C<Kltrlbuilon lo medical lnau.rance coverage. -~uae of a mediator In negotiations. Board Prest•t James W. "Blll" Pe)'tolt Aid he 'does oot think the board aboald 'riopen .oerouattons. 'llMo boorcl ldopt..i lalary llchedule, he said, "iopraalta • llgnlllcant el!or! on the part o! the board and the lupaytn. I hope ·we can COllVey tbls edaquately lo the teacbefs ... Piiov!Dt llADE Dlllrid ' o!!lclalr lald the approved ullry lncreues WOU.ld llvt teachtra on the average an '847 ralle from tl,581 t.o f !0,431 per yur. " Teachers aren,'t paid weekly and don't wort all y,ear. but lf the raia were clivid- ed between 11 weeka lt woold be fll.30 per Week. Not all teachen would receive u much of an 1ncrea.se u tbe averq:e and the teacllen proposal would parllcularly benefit those teac:hera -the ooes with the moot ytara -"""«· The least r~. any cme teacher wouJd .receive would bo °"!"t $IOO over the year. ~ (.f':--.... , • pickings will be lean -his fonner wife 11 coming up tonight apparently determined to have a piece'!! "l haven't:,,.,~ ~ n opportunJty to rl.. It. ' ..... ~·~· .. • w Amelia J ........ ''tdsfioll cl/lbnl,ln ~ ,. .. .I tier be'1ulecl.,.; •f ~ nam1riC!iit formier blrber'lh•t '"A c ·JDne?· \ _ 'I\ y Muwell atill °"" her SZ,3116, on the • lllrtlt uk;;.i..,h.U.,.. that would be flme 0 , V ears Doc Gets agreement reached when their marria&~ enough for the ·reaoluUon to be adoflted was terminated. That 1961 divorce ln and --nted to lhe coo ty' Local volved, It.Ile states, the payment to her ,... ....... . n I by Maxwell, 41, of 104 weekly payments Ageitey Formation Commission oft' J.une ol $30 each. 11. The LAFC on that, date will. conllider Superior Court Judie Hannon G. tl;'e ~e of Cities request to befin Scovllle'1 only conetnion to Maxwell at a d1saolutlon proceedings against t h e recent pre-trial session was to grant hlm Harbor District. the couple's two ti.a.ts -the tG-foot "There will be enough time," assured "Marco Polo" and th& ta.foot "June Mayor Doreen Marshall, another Strong Bug", suppo;1er of the resolution. He refused to allow the bankrupt The vote te> delay acUon· -was barber's plea for $1 ,600 a month from the unanimous. · considerable eamln,gs of his actress wife and he ordered Mu.well to rttum valuable painUnrs and several !tam of furniture to the 1Jdo Isle home he sh1rtd with the 47.year..old widow of actor·pro- duee.r Dick Powell. Maxwell was aho ordered to surrender the 1119 Cadillac he was driving lo Miss Allyson. His plea that he used the car for job bunting was rejected by Judge Scovtlle with the comment: "you can·t afford the car." Miss Allyson married ~faxwell In 1963, divorced him in 1965 and remarried him In Ul&fi. Their separate states of togetherness have , court records in· dicate, been marred by frequent disputes. A hearing on the former Mrs. Max· well'i petition has been set for June 13. From Page l NIXON • • • ly; King Hung Lum, 11, Lawton, 01\la., a high school graduate entering Ok1a!foma Univenity 1n the fall, and John Patrick Livingston, 21, Norman, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma University student. Also scheduled to confer with Nixon at Newport Beach were Robert H. Finch, secretary of health, education and welfare (HEW); and Bryce N. Harlow, White House assistant for congreuional relations. In lnipersonation llY TOM BARLEY Of tM 0.11Y Plllf S!tll Phony physician Robert Ervin Brown . must serv~ one to 10 years In state prison for 1alsely pncllclng medicine -On 1m: Gnwtttlng heart patients at a Fullerton clinic. Superior Court Judge Byron K. Mc· Mlllatt brus~ uide repeated pleas for le.nlency 'l'hw'lday and imoosed the prison !enn for two of the fefony counts on which the pseudo "Dr. Glenn Foster" was convicted la.st May 17. The sen- t~ are concurrent. ~euty Public lle!ender Lawrence Buq.iey urged Judge McMiilan to ri1le that a six-month county jail term and five years probation was adequate sentence for tbe client who "conned" physicians at the Fullerton Internal Medicine Clinic and the Orange County Medical Assn. lnto believing they had a top flight cardiologist In thelr mldst. • Buckley recaUed his arguments befortf the jury that the bespectacled Blrmlng· ham, Ala. man had knoWn his llmlta· lions throughout his five week sojourn at the cllnlc and that he never attempted to step beyoDd them In his tre.atrntnt of patients. Campaign Keac'laes New High ,.;..,.~• DA ll V "11.0T lt9ff ,Plleto Backers of Renee Gould, 16, a candidate for vice president of the Senior class' at Corona 4eJ Mar High ·School, think their candidate fib; the office "to ,a T.': To Illustrate their point, they had a helicop- ter fly over the campus \Vednesday and drop tea bags to students, who were to decide the questton today. ·- 'Protect Bea·ch Accesses,' Laguna Council Urges A resotuUon urlin8 aovermnental aaeo-1 position to do so, to take steps t.o pro- cles lo "provide and proiectpubllc acceu vide and protect public a~u to the to the shoreline" wu passed uninimously shoreline, and to obtain beach lands for Wed!-1ay night by the Lai\1111 Beach the public domain whenever possible." Clty Council. ~ of the ruoluUon 1rt to be sent Proposed by Vice-mayor J b 1 e p h out to all the a:overnmental aiencies who O'Sullivan, the measure avolded direct may have an h;iterest ln the county mention of the controversial Salt Creek ahortllne. matter, however, the resolution may County supervisors abandoned the last touch a few expoeed nerve& on the portion of Salt Creek ·Road more than a Orange County Board of supervisors. year ago to the Laguna Niguel 'eo:rpora· O'Sullivan said tn dllcuuion of the tion. council action, that the idea for the Legality of the abandonment of the resolution came t.o mind as he was road wblch provided near access to the writing an article on the loss of public ac· large S:alt Creek beach betWttn Dana ceas to the Salt Creek heach. Point and Three Arch Bay bas been 'lbe arUcle by the tona:-ttme surfer was challenged by Laguna Beach attorn ey highly crKlcal o! die Joss o! Salt Creek W!Ulam Wlleonn. 1ccess to the IUrllng area there. Counc;llman t1larhon Boyd, who made The ret0luUon states, "Wheieas the the moUon to accept the· resolution, said shoreline and beaches of Southern • that the .Wue certainly goes farther than the Wilcoxen 'Case. CalUornia are the mos\ valuable natural Thia 1• _._.. the . resource of the region and. • •. the ... one-.. open to COUDC1l to shoreline can be uJed for a variety of push for treater public involvement in purposes such aa recreation. conservation the lhorellne, .J:M! nld ... and .opm ipace.· •• and the access to the -"Let's hopeJhat ourloelghbors-"11~ not lborel!M i.. dlmlntllllng in reopect to !he · just io«IV• ~ Ille! tbls raollllion," lncreuing popu]atjon, · Boyd said. _ "The City Council o! Laguna Beach .. , .. aµ 1eve1s o1 goveroment w11o ... in • Summer Signups OCC Crew · Plans To Wash Cars A benefit car wash to help pay the way for Orange Coast College's high-pov.·ered crew to compete in the Intercollegiate Rolflng AssociaUon'a raoe at Syracuse University will be held Saturday. Members of Shell and Oar, the OCC crew team auxiliary, will be in the College Shopping Center, Harbor and Adams, Costa Meaa, from 10 a.m. to f p.m. Slated Saturday Registration ror summer e v e n t s spoosored by the Newport Beach Depart· menl of Parks, Beachu and, Recreation will be conducted from 9 .a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. . Registration wUI be at four locations: the Community Youth RecreaUon Center, Mafiner's Park, Eastbluff Park and the department's City lja)l of!lce. Surfing, 5Wlmmlng, satllng, fishing, golf, and gymnastic lessons will be of· fered as well as a full program of arts and crafts. Two Alabama Convicts Held By Mesa Police A 'pair or southern prison road gang escapees who found life softer in th11 Harbor Area are cooling their heels ·in Orange County Jail, picked up by Costa Mesa police ·Thursday and Alabama- bound today. The pair were caught at separate locao lions in Costa Mesa and Newport Beac~ after authorities in Jefferson County. Ala ., notified local police. · Booked into Costa 1.fesa City Jail anti transferred to coonty facilities prior tc extraditi on were Carl E. Brantley, 20. and Henry E. Chand.Jer, 24, who escapeC t.Ogtther last month. . Costa Mesa Police Warrant Detail Of· fi cer Dick Bersch and Patrolman Te( Wilson said the pair had been staying a 1035 W. Wilson St., but each was pickei up at work. Brantley, who was serving time foi .grand larceny, was arrested without in cident at 1810 Port Abbey Place, Newpor1 Beach, where he was on a house-wirinJ -.job. Chandler, setYlng aterm for J)Oiises.slot of burglary tool!, was taken into custodJ working at a fence c;:ompany at 760 W 16th St., Costa Mesa. Police said Olandler identified himsel as William E. Cooley and Brantley claim cd lo be Ronald Ryan, but a telephon1 check with Alabama authorities lrldicat~ otherwise. Police sai d the two men wer'& evldentl] staying with a relative of one, which Jet Alabama lawmen to ask local officers lt investigate. Pompidou Leading PARIS (AP) -Georges Pompidou leC provisional President Alain Poher 58 per c~t.to 42 percent today in the first publi1 op1n1on poll published since the fl r:ii round of the presidential election las Sunday. • ::Dining Special They were lo talk about flllng the pos· ltion of assistant secretary of HEW for health - a matter of controversy sl.oce Senate RePl,lblican Leader Everett M • . ,..,"""1,l!i!~°t:'~~~~~·~J'~I~ ----· .::.Fr!!"_ P,••":. ~r-.-•--1-;o•lo~.t-·>Wll· "U~~ Bo6ton. DRA];YTI • OAANC)I COAST PuaLl~INlt COMl'AHV R•Mrt N. W•tl f'rnkM11t t nd l'ublltMr J11:k ll. Curl1y Thom•' Ko•¥il IE di tor Thollllt A. Murphl11t Mllll•lnt EOllor J oromo F. Colll11, "-" •••ch City Ed itor Nnptirt .._. Offk• 221 1 Witt l•lbo• loul1 .. 1rd M1lli11t Adclr•H1 ,.O. ••• 1175, •2663 ...... .,_ (Oii• ,,.. ... ! -W..t ,.., '"'-' LI~ llllC~: tt3 FDNll ,l.¥tnut HuntlnllM .. KJ11 • 1111 Slrrfft Ziegltt said no announcement of a r .I. • • • nominee for the -post •'Ollld be made to- day. Dr. Henry A. Klastnger-, Nlxon'a spedal _assistant for national 1ecurily affairs flew to California from Washingto~ Thursday nJght to meet with the Prtsi· dent. Fron&. Page l AUGUST ..• were from ~ulslde the county. The President's press aides said one or the subjects he wi5hed to dlscuu with the students was Vietnam. He~·hopping will apparently coDUnue t1> -be Ntmn 1 style of travel for the duraJ.lon of hJs Visits to San Clemente and resulUng press conferences In the Harbor AttL The· chief executive has been hopping from tbe old Cotton Estall! mansion by chopper to the Newporter IM since hL~ arrival Wednesday and these 1._.minute flights will become routine. "We will have a schedule of the same Intensity a.s we have In Washlnaton." th e President said In reference to hll month· Jona planned visit during August. Traditionally, summer White Hould have been spots for both work and play, but the $340,000 home bou&ht Itom the wldow ol the la te H. H. Cotton will re· main just a homl!. studies on th~ fonnaUon of an an volunteer anny. "The -Pri!Rltrit was very receptive to this," said Lloyd. . President Nj,xon, In his Statement, said : "Established institutions of all varieties are under attack today, especially frotn young peopl& -for being distant and unrespo~lve. The selective Service · System bas J:;ieen a major target for such criticism, for it often seems to bt particularly remote .from the influence of our young people. "It Is myi'lope that a system of youth advisory ~ltees wW rautt in a bei. ter lnfonned and more responslve draft mechanism. And t hope that it will dispel illusions about the conscription process now held by many of our youna:er clf.lUDL" -..;.. ---·- Mr"Nlxon spoke o! num..,.,. advisory commlueu !ormecl by the -~ and , past administrations. "But one thing we have not had Is an advisory group mode up o! )'Ollllt people. Th.ls admlniatration belJeVu that thls deficiency should be comcted. Wt believe that those who adrnlnllter our drift l1w1 lhould ayetematic:ally 1ttk ad· vice from youfli'people about. younc peo- ple, ·• he &aid. He aald until ''I nternational clrcumstances'1 make creation <Jf a volunteer armed force pracUca.I, '"ft must exert every effort \o make the Selective ~Ice Syllttm as lair end eqllitable as possible." fr•nch Ov•I Dining Tabl1. Si11: 56"xll" $219. Arm Chair1, $69. eKI&. Sid• Cftair11 $If • ..._ Palnt1d finish Whit• and 6raan. Italian P•d•,t•I Dinin g Tabl•. Size: 44"•44". Din- in9 Tabla, $259. Arm Chairi, $6"9. Side -cfi1ir•1 $19. Printed Finish Gr••n and White. ,. Both Strvtrs Shown are l6"xl9"x)I " High. $229. e•ch. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HlllltlDOM-DltlXIL-HllUTAGI . ' 90 DAYS 110 lllTEREST-LOHGllt TEW AVAILAllLI ON APPaOVI'! ClllDIT NIWl'OIT llACH 1727 W-lf Dr. 642-2050 °"" ,.. ... , ...... t IN'ralou Prof111l1nal lnftrtw o.1,..., Aval~llSID LAGUNA BEACH MSllortl!C-Hwy. -OPP flJDAf 'Tft. f "-T• PM..._ .. ._.. C.., 140.tW . .. ' 4944551 I - • "''' -~";\,=i AW,\10 11111 > WIN! . A, FREE FLOOR COVERING • FOR ANY .ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE , OZITE® CARPET.ING I . 01 ' ROBBINS PEEL 'N S'ii'U~K · Pm 11111c non Olll·PC. HESS •:•,.• 3· 77 v• •• .. .,. ,,..., •l•tt.ri .... . _pkc•4-............. .. -1i: •• 11,.u-. .... . ...... ". , .... ., ..... , .. ___ ,, h• _,, •••• ,.. .. 5-.,...ct., u ......... ., ·~ .. 10. 20 IALLOI POI.YI .... ~. .... -112•1-..... ·I ........ -I ... ti .., ... •"9dtt .................... ,-, phl\lk ......... , ,..... •"""41• ... .... I .... ...,.... •• 11 .. l.tMnl· ' wmt coUNN I WITll COU:POfil ......... ,1 ...... .,, fill 1. •l tlt k•lw•. ,.,.., ........... , ........ ... ... ,.... ........ ,,41 •• -UMlrt• I Wftil COUPON .----.lie IALL P .. llT I .,,.._.,, 8 · COLOI PENS I ·ltc ,~ ... -"'•• ' . Wml COUPOK I .... -.. T•rrific t. ...... .,ClitlJ. 4re11. '"'•••• writl•1 I kll ,_ .. ,... 1. _.. ... "'"'· .... u •• ,...,. I LIMIT 4 W1TNCOU..c»N I UTILE &I-LS WIDE "» . ...,.-=~ . ' LEI SLACKS '-t 1a'9W t ... tlfk IMlkr Ort.' <Hrptlc •• ..-1,. .. ..... tWdi. ceWN .... • ...... ,. •rf•lo c ..... \\• ... ... w... ...... btfr, ... _,_ .. _., ... "1911 a .. 1i1. 1.6' ,.c V•fu_, I '~ .• ... ,,., ~ •••• 42 ... 11 .. 1.n.•••1t• ,_ .............. , ... ..... IMH,_t,,.._.., ...... .. ....... _, mw-• ,.,,.. .. • ........ i• plH,; ,., ... u .... -.... w •• , w .. ' ' , •• ,A •••. Of 1• MAllY, MAilY nUu •• iALI ...... ••• ··••nAcULAt n'llm T .r• ' ••P .Wl'.111 ZODYI COll'f'Mll•I c••rr .. y-•AlllKAlllRICA••· ......... ••4,11111 .. U~l'l:l~I - , ,_ • • • '·" ; . . . . ' . ~ DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I ' . • Draining Ocean's Fl0or ' - We itaust dellberalely rUk destro}'IJll the coasutne of Santa Barbara for the nut ,io U> 20 years ln order to '1aave" lt. "' \ That appears to be the unique lo'1c and unpleasapt prescriPlloil of the special presidential panel for oolv· iJ1i the ~ta Barbara Chan11el oU poll_uUon problem. The~el, headed by Dr. Lee DuBrldge ol South Laguna/ this week urced that the Union Oil Co. be a~thorlzed U> drill up to 50 wells and complete oil pn>ductlcin from Platform A. ofl Santa Barbara. Platform A is where that inlamous oil blowout occurred last January. The black muck is still bubbling from the site at the rat~ of 2,100 gallons a day. The DuBridge panel saY:s · the situation calls for punching more holes to 11relieve the pressure'' o( the oil bene*th the channel's geologically unstable ocean iloor. This escalated drilling program (the're are now 15 wells arJ:nmd Platfonn A) would go on.for 10 to 20 years. accordiDC U> one o! the sdentilic advisors. By then, all the oil ~ be gone: It II hoped. "Jt Wc:ful4n1f solve & .. thiJll,'' ·says Victor C. 'An- drews, president of the Coastal Area Protective Leaguf', an Orange Coe.st anti-Gil citizen11 group. 11lt would just compound the problem by 50 times." Somehow this reminds one of the ancient out ... moded medical theories which auU>maUcally ordered amputaUon1 for damaglMj. or inftcted body members, and massiv,e bleeding to ci.J.re tnterilal ailments. 4" There ·is no question but that the panel of 11 experts who came up with the recommendation are highly knowledgable people in the matter. But this really underscores how relatively cnide and undependable our teclmiques and expertise reaJly are In underwater oil drilling, and how very limlted our knowledge is, The expertS have said, in effect, that it is ·better " :Findi~g~ Good Inside Evil: ·Dig Deeper • I 1ind the opposite is the mood of modem Jllan, "you •n be sure to find somethlne ·bad. Loot at his bad moUvatlons!" Some time ago, the poet George Sterl· -tn& died by the violence of bis own hand ~t the age of 56. Why did he do it? He -wu popular, • man of wealth and of :SOCial -position. Why did he take his own life? : One of the writers on Uie editurial pace ·of the New York Tunes that day after his )leath "dug" a little but offered no due, Gily a suggestion. He suggested that a ·psychoanalyst might be able to dfer an .uplanation. It seems a little unneceaary ~to employ an analyst for all that one has to do is to read the poetry of Geora:e ·Sterling. There is a melancholy strain of _pessimism that i:uns through it, unfolding ·absolutely no faith in God. (Read bis "Testimony or the Suns.") ms FRIEND, Upton Sinclair, said that George Sterling believtd that the universe was running dow:ti lite a spent clock that needs winding; that In a million years the earth· would be cold. "So what difference does it mate what we poor insects do?" asked George Sterl ing. Well, if we look at life as an Insect would, then it is just a questlon of run· ning up and down one ant hill after another. lf we look upon life as a matter of glands and nothing more, all that we have is biology or a rudimentary course Dear Gloomy Gus: If MAT'1 hor"' (GU> May 29) will 'eat O'US, may.be be could graze them in the Newport Center ~ ;.,. (main~))'..the' efly) 'ii\d cul !Ian . . yer U]>ell!e, tor · tHere they sw~ the cuttinp out in the street and haul It away. I pl!_ tt (avoritlml. ln medicine. If the eye is purely scien· tilic, then the scienUst will tell us that a sunset is •'ethereal vibration in wave lengths ranging from .llOOOIO lo .000012 centimeters caUled ~ the refracllon of liebl" Bufif the eye ii a poet's eye, such u Lew Sarrett's. tben we have som<thini dilfmnt "God is at the anvil, beating out the sun: Wbert the molten metal spills At bis forge among the hills. He bas hammered out the glory o( a day that's dont." I KNOW WHAT you ue thinking now! Some of us have been 50 steeped in our studies of piYChology that we are auspicious even of the good that good men do. You say they do it In order to gain social r<eognltlon. They do il lo feed their own vanity. Take it far enough and you will conclude that all goodness is tainted with some evil Reinbold Niebuhr has diverted our at· tentlon from the lovely fragrance of the rose to the thorny stem of tt.e rose, as though be Jn!Chl desboy its beauty and our appreclaUon of It. To be surt what Niebubr says ii true, viz, that "all goodness is tainted with some evil." But the opposite of that 11 also true, that in tht most diabollcal action to which evil men may tum, we can find some good. Jesus saw it in the woman taken in adultery. He saw it in Peter, vacillating, fickle~ impetuous ••• but he called him Petros, Rock: "On this rock I shall build my churtb." Dig it man! Dig deep enough and you will see it, too! U> k p drllllnj, although ii wciuld seem to risk disaster with each new drill bole. Would it not be better U> try to trol the natural leakage and leave trtlngs ea they are? rough the years, those undersea walls bad not ru_ptu ed s~riously until the sea bottom was punctured by dr ls. • \ Qui obviously -and thls is ~lainiy implied In the panel' decision -oil technology is too limited to allow drillin in California's coastal waters, wh~ther here or in Sa n Barbara or anywhere in the state. Thi is earthquake country. It is no place for off- shore d illing. On the basis of existing information, the panel's recommendation is hardly welcome -or acceptable. · A far better course would lie in ending all drilling offshore. No. 13 for Newport The Newport Beach United Fll!ld will re'lch for high stakes during its )96~1970 campalgn, beglimU!g next tall. And oobody has anytb!ng U> lose. The United Fund benefits 26 social, health and wel· fare agencies serving the residents of Newport Beach. Next year it will aim to maximize its benefits by in· creasing its present budget by $20,330. Meanwhile, the fund's goal for this year, $184,928, remains -a f~ thousand dollars short of achievement. Without more community support, the goal won't be reached. . · 1 "The Newport Beach United Fund has never failed to reach its established goal in its 13-year history," said a fund spokesman. Citizens of Newport Beach can make 13 a very lucky number. (N) Skyscrapers Can Pierce Man's Soul ~No' on Sex Education First, Strengthen Family / Admh'!IUOn ~for great c'tles, and for manifestatio111 of their magnitude, is an old hurb.an Janey. It is esprtued Biblically, in awe of Babylon. It showed in London in lbe last cenlw'y, and in New York in this. It is showing to- day in .Tokyo, whlcb just islued a new. statistic: It ,380,000-oeople. /: l r~ t ' The Ameri~an manifestation of a city's bigness it the skyscraper, which has spread from its birthplace in New York to many foreign cities. Tokyo has no skyscrapers, but Sao Paulo is seeond to New York, and Joseph Stalin erected some preposterous towers before he died. SKYSCRAPERS necessarily follow ex· cessive land va1ues in cramped spaces Ute Manhattan, but admiraUon for 'them ' in the mass, for "skylines," is a childlike and suprficial wonder that overlooks their true meaning In buman activity. No land value (In a non competitive society), but bloated ego impelled Stalin, and he apparently has some surviving confederates in Moscow,·• incl\lding one Koiutatin Derevlyev, architect of the city council. Comrade Derevlyev is dedicated to a high-rise boom to· leave you speech1ess. . He says Moscow will build "houses" of 500-600 stories by the ytar 2000. He must mean apartment buildings, because there is no office building demand.on this scale. To the Editor: Sex edueaUon in the scboOls. NO, This Js a very private, personal, delicate sub- ject. It should only be handled with care and be the responsibility of the parents. You can believe sex has been around a lon~ lime, and you'd helter believe "it's here'to ttay. But let's put aei: back into _the hom_.t.and ~qe wheuJIJ>e!on&•·~ I'll vote (of I class . of well·groomirii and hygiene. I've seen a lot of kids around the area who needed a good bath. Maybe when they can grow up and can wash themselves, then ls the time to talk alx>ut adult life. I'M SORRY, Mr. Editor, but 1 think these World War II blbies need a few good spankings. One big place to straighten out the mess -put the pants back on the father, put mother back in the home. Have families again. Too niany tired-from· work mothers, too many children coming home to an empty house, too many quickie dinners. Make the house a home, make the marriage warm and devoted, and a family as it is intended. That is where sex education should be. Let's'sbow the rut of tbe world we are strong, proud, clean, intelligent and lull of respkt and patriotism. It's easier to lock out Communists· to start with then _get them out after tl'ley're in. So why take a chance. Ltt's turn around and look at things right. Something is wrong. Could ,it just be possible that Congressman Utt Is near right (about Communists being_ behind sex education courses)? If he is -then what? 'Then how do you start straightening out tbe mess? LOUISE O'BRIEN A"other Voice BUT A "'5TORY apartment house Is going up, ind the arcltiject says plans are definite for a 12()..story bulkling by 1980 (Empire State Building, 102 stories). H.is ~story building would be over a mile To the Editor: high. The quallty of a young hlgh school Doubtless Comrade Derevlyev has been student's Jetter (Mailbox, Ml)' 295 on the burrowing in housing statistics, because a need for sex education in our schools, severe housing shortage has been a ma· was interesting. It was well organi%ed, jor Soviet headache for decades. tt has the theme well developed, and 8UfPriS· fairly humiliated the comrades to confess • Mailbox · ~ <" For those parents who feel Incapable of ' . teaching their children the facts of life, and for those teen-agers who feel they have been inadequately informed, there is a book by Ann Landers, "Ann Landers L.n.n ,,,.,,. t"Hderl ... wttcorM. Nlwl'n•IJy wrlltMI .,_,11111 '*'""' ltl•lr rnns-Ill lOO word1 or '"'"' The rlft'll '9 ~· lttteMI le Ill 9"C9 tr e!lml-'lllM Ubtf Is rtM.,.ld. All lltto!tJ mull lncluele "9Mtw. _.. nwillllW tddreu. but Mma ""'Y W wl!Nlllll 911 r9111HH U 1u'lflCitllf ._ W _..,...,, Jngly fret from teen jargon. The letter demonstrates how well a high school student can do -and that after all, all is not lost. Unfortunately, it eiposed the sore point that most of our children, to our ex· perience, have not learned in school to write a letter anywhere near that well. Mosr of us would be in a better mood if the general run of students (83 percent of them) could write a letter 68 percent as well. THE LE'M'EI\ was lnteresting. lt deserves an answer. There are many subjects for one reason or other which might ht nice if we could include them; however, there Js incrtaaing •evidence that what we . really depend upon our schools to teach is not being at all well • communicated to our youth. There Is al90 ·tbe problem of pinched pockets. We have been sboving of( more and more of our parental responsibllities onto the schools. It is past time that we off-load those things and parUcipate with the schools lo help them get back to their tasks. . It is obvious that ei:cepl for a unit of technical facts relitiD,g to a full course in human physiology, anatomy and hygiene, what most have termed "su education" is family business'. 'Ibis ls true for all grades throUgb high school, even if some families do not do well with it JOHN P. SHALLENBERGER Ann Sol1Jell It To the Editor : Hurray! Ann Landers has the .solution to the problem ol sa education. Talks to Teen-agers About Sex," which is available for 50 cents. the proceeds of which go to the retarded children. Ann claims she deals frankly with VD in this book, and you can be sure it -is factual and full or good "common sense." HERE WITIUN reach of ail Is the means to inform our youth about this im· portanl part of their lives without extra expense to the taxpayers, many of whom are against having sex education in the schools. Plus the help to retarded children that will result from the sales of the pam· phlet. (See Ann Landers column In the DAILY PILOT for May 22.) Here is a simple solution to the whole controversy. But it is probably too simple tc. be ac:ci!ptable. MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN Re1Joltlng Turn To the Editor: I couldn't believe it and· 1 read it twice more, )'qur story on May 31, l•Mesan ~ged with Defacing US Flag." Can it really be true that a law enforcement of. fleer peeked through the wintklw al 133 West 17th Street, Cost$ Mesa, Calif., and saw an American flag with the word "Revolution° lettered on it? And then ap- prehenQed the artist! I checktld my copy of the constitution and sure enough freedom of speecjl is guaranleed excepting specifically writing • the world "Revoiution "on Old Glory in your 'living room. (Revolution has been forbidden since 1783 by those in authori- ty.) Hay;.ng served in three wars and hav· ing picked up a few combat ribbons, it certainly makes me feel secure to know Costa Mesa is not going to tolerate such dangerous and seditious actions as secreUy writing the word "Revolution" on our Flag. Keep up the good work. SAM WARY, JR. that their socialist experiment has h G B ~ ilif! _ _J always been wretchedly behind in living fl G.. ..0 ~ -v.--1Tli'~"~tw-~.;;-;;;~·~.e;;:.-:::,t\""~~!!DO'"Fa:Q. , ¥u~ ""· ttn~ ·. v "3'-· x-·u~""'-i <:>~ . functionaries don 't deserve adequate ~ r ·· 'J - The unwillingness to change one's mind I~ usually characteriud as "stub· bomness" -but most stubbornness of 1his sort is rooted in ttie fear that if one opinion is changed, like building blocks, all the others will subsequently tumble doi,1•n, and a whole philosophy of life will have to be painfully rethought out. • • • 'l'he average man is unable to distinguish. between boldness a n d rashness. and therefore he is unable lo understand that when the professional daredevil is "taking chances," he is at the same time takln& every pruauUon to minimize risk of accident, unlike the amateur. • • • Politicians, who an: ao proud ol sta.n· ..---B11 ceirie ---. Dear George: I see your column runs ln the Las Vegas Sun. I'm going lo Las Vegas. Can you tell me anylhin1 about roulette! McGEE O..r McGee ' l!Dllleue is • vicloul cltcle. Howevtr; the odds are flit. Just Wltdl U-SIJ1dwtcb joints. Some pl .-me ti I WIDled my him· bwpr wflh or without oniooL I lool< with, the ,nu come up "' -b1e 00 ond I lclll my P'rendl frlet, too. , • ding up to their opponents, ought to stand up to their friends more often, for a public man. ls· more fikely to be betrayed by tl].ose around him than by those again§t him. • • • lF PERFUMES smelled anything lilie their names, there wouldn't be a bachelor left in the country. • • • The futility of human endeavor can be Ren in the fact that al 2 a.m., in a poker came, all the losers are still playing qaimt one another, whlle the winners have pleaded "an early da:t" and gono home. • • • You nevtr hear of a man being "ahead of his age" until he's already dead, and thus no further threat to those who are behind theln. • • • Odd how often It's the same men who preach the virtues of Independence, ln- IUaUve and hard knocks, who leave-the Jaratst fortunes to their sons, thus de- nying them the inesUmable bentflts of deprivation. • • • 1be phrase doing ~mething "ror houn on end'' must have bc:en invented by a new skier. houslng. It's Just that they can't get il. ' The architect has his answer. But the answer is delusory, as we well ' now, when we look arount1 us. WITH US, ;t's automobiles. To automobiles, a high.rise is like catnip to a cat. The Russians, too, will presumably have some automobiles by the year 2000. A1oscow streets are broad, but not broad enough to contain a tenfold rise in street traffic. The world is already an ant·hill in India and China. To deliberately invite congestion in a steppe city like Moscow, is to invite endless woes. That one can get too much of a good thing has never been more solidly shown than by the current national fixation on : lblic sex. · ~ Somebody once said there are three Ulings that all men do in the dark -get born, h&ve sex, ahd die. This is as it should be. The malaise we are mired down in is sometime:. called a "sexplosion." Thi! is vulgar, but accurate. Dirty films, pornograph.ic .books, and a legitimate theater where anything goes short Of actual portr1yal of sodomy, are HOW DO YOU GET food to $0 thousand with us 4 never before. And all under people in one &lanl building, people who· the pharisaical label ol conltialtlng already stand in lone queues at food c::ensorsbip, tnd Cneing man from an- markels! What do you do In the upper cieot Puritanical hoods. 400 floors In a tJGO..Oour bulldlng, If powtr fails? lt is not -on1y-a-,,,811er~ m.-IT'S_GEITING lo be 1oO much. convenience in lnhwnan wirren1 but o( I like a Sood dtrty story as much as the immJnent peril . We fAce the ~ pertl ,next n:ian. I like to mate fun ~ se·s, as we roar into air made only for eagles. which ~ a useful way of coping with il.s The high-rise city Is. already self. mysteru!s. '' defeating. It solves one or two problems, But, about dirty stories, I was taught and begets a hundred savage and In· when young that you must nor tell them durate problems. If it multiplies, ll will unless the .wit t:reeed1 the smut. One of strangle us all, one by one, even ln the five blut stories t hear nowadays meets worker 's paradise. this senliblc norm. Quotes Bart Slo111, Oakland -"Polltlclans never have enough courage lo raise tilts during nn election )'ear. Wonder why.?" And as for m1kln1 fUn ol atx, lht New Smut ts quite the opposite. It takes ae1 with. abiolutdy mortal seriousness. 1be new smut exploits se1 for economic reasons. 'You cannot take anything more aertously than that. In matters or ob!cenlty and pro-- nography, there are two words that must . " , .. . ~· • • . ' ' -Char"'8-McClilie . . -. . . ... ... ' ' ,_ -,. be ilcld in mind, always: public and private. NO SANE ~AN can deny to any In- dividual his right to think such thoughts as he will. and perform such acls as. he might, provided they are done in the privacy or his home, or 60!Tie other private place. PubJic ts anolblr, matter. It ls no de!tn1e to llY Ulat nobody ls compelled lo I" lo 1 plbllc exhlblllllll ·in-od to arouse, bUt not satlsfy, 1ei:u1l desirt. Many a man bU goM into a, tht1tu to S<Off and IU)lod lo prey. A'nd many another 1:t1an. or woman. has gone Into a theater -out of rather nebulous curtos:lty, and has hid his stMibWtles assaulted merclles1t)'. It Is b)i now commonpl1ce that obscenl· ty e~I$¥ lit the mind oI the witness, whether ho be lho ituthor ol tho obsctnlly or the oblerver thereof. The performer ls guiltlea, UNlll] mnnb. • EVEN OBSCENITY can become a bore. That ls the direction In which we are moving. In the end, the New Smut will till ltseU. Of coune, you can pact a theater In tttls time by simply putting nude pee>- pie on the stage. You may do pretty well with nudies the second and third time, if you keep firm to t~ principle or shocking for money's sake. But the public, besides being resolutely dirtyminded, is also resolutely fickle in the matter of the fobidden . When the forbidden is no longer forbidden. its cur. ren cy drops to the level of the German mark in tile early 1920s. If you are free to do and see what everyone can do and see, lhese things are no longer dirty. They are, in fact, no longer commodities. Friday, June 6, li69 The editorial page of the Daily Pflot 1t1k1 '&o infonn end iti m- ulatt rtatkr1·b111'f'tltntina thU -newspaper'1 opiniom and c:om.- m.mtarv on topfc:1 of interest ond 1ignJ(iamce, b~ providing • forum for the: e~re1iia.11 of our naden' opinfant, ond bv presenting the diotrst vitw- pojnU o/ informed obiervtrs and spoktlfnt'n on topics of the doy. Robert N. Weed, Publisher ·- I ' 't t h • t• d • h ,, .. d Bonnets. t o Blossom · ( ' • T • • ' • THE HUNT IS ON ·-Out scouting in their g-ardens, friends' gar- dens and neighbors' gardens for fresh flowers will be members of the Lido Isle Woman's Club, who are preparing for the annual Hats in Bloom con test. Mrs. E. Terrance 1\.1o!an (lef!) and Mrs. Decorating 'F ore' Invitational • • . ~' . There'D-'.bi no 'fresh aow.,. I.it .to idsU.rl&,!i~ opot~ol color-to --thrgardena ottldcnale-afterntir'l'Ueiilay, 'bu! the blossoms won't have disappeared entirely. They will reappear on· cllapeauX' which wU1 be worn to the lunch· eon ~ of lbe Udo Ille Woman'• Club by club members, who have beln!OutAli"!'tin( In ~r cardens and Ill• gardens of friends for the in<>Ct exquisite 61 blooms. ~ . According~·• pjctllj'esque:trllllltlon DOW 20 years ol , cl~ mem· • -i;er.-cree(e has of lresll 11.Wers fo•·ljl• Hals·,in Bloom ot st once ·a year,. ti,~ o •\lpulatjon bei!ig· l!l•t U.•1 use ,!resh owe ~from Ljdo '$l1 gaiileni.1 .That Is DO. •iAall· t .. k !"'wever befa of·the noiabl small Size of Lido gardens. . \ ··A ids•wlll be •glvM for the moo( beautilul, most original and mOl't,h orous flower bats. £ · ' Begiimlrig • new cltib lradltiqn, which members hope will loin the hat 'conte~ in' longevity, a new mus!Gal.play by .Mrs. Ral~h\'l'an· 4o\V!kY apd 1\frs. Ra,lpb Holden, "Tbe'Gep.eration Gap," will be pre- sented fo)lowing the hal•conlest. ·cast Jn. lead rotes -iii• Mrs. George Godfrey, Joseph Gaudio and Miss Robyn Holaen. arid others· in the cast .are the Mmes. Robert Wolfe, Stuart Swidler, 'Melvin R!chley Jr., Hugh Cripe and John Hoskin. . . Also on · stage will be James Hitchman, Cameron QuiM, Hank Qujnn_ apd Miss timore Reday. • , • , Additionally lending their talents wlll be Mrs . Ladislaw Reday, I director; M~. Jack Marshall, costumes, and Mrs. E . 1\.1organ Quinn and M11. Tandowsky, musical background. Still another highlight of the.day wlll be installation of a new slate of offic,rs, lleadtd by Mrs. 'Richley, incoming president. 1 ' Servlngjon the new board will be· the Mmes·. Robert Brown, first vice president; Armen Sivaslian, second vice president; Edward Hayes, third vice president; 'Robert Paley, recording secretary; Alfred Quinlan, corresponding secretary, and Marshall, treasurer. Festivities will get under way at 11:30 a.m. with the traditional punch bowl, and lundleon will follow at noon. Accepting reservations are Mrs. Ted Hinshaw and Mrs. Harold Phillip<. ·. Melvin A. Richley Jr., .outg9ing and Incoming, presidents, -have sighted a "find" for their chapeaux.! The floral parade will ta•e place next Tuesday d\Jring th~: club's ·1uncheon meeting. •. . . ' aEA ANDERSON, Editor ,,...,, """~ Utt · M P• II All Super.st·i.tidns C.as.t .. to t.he Wind .s 1• • • " • Casting all superstitions to tbe wind are members of Costa Mesa Women's C1ub, who boldly selected Friday, th! 13tti as the dat~ of their first ways and means project ' of the new club year. · ' Well, they sort of cast superstitions to the wind. Just tD case, the cautious planners decided they would. not use black cats and ladders for decorations. Jn case there might be a little bad luck, they · will counteract It with rabbit's feet and other good luck charms. The event will be a luncheon • and c'ard party in t h e "' clubhouse, and supervising the plans ls Mrs. Willi!lm Goodwin. Tickets,. a~ $1.50, may be reserved by caDinc eJther Airs. Goodwin at 545- 0051; Atrs. Karl Jordan, &42- · 1413. or ~trs. Edwin Mastuno, 5~~- Mn. James Calla, president 11f, Orange District, California l~ederfttlOn of Women 's Clubs, installed new officers. n:i~ I•.,. "" - Mmes .• 'Ra l p·n "-Lit efield,'"' William Cl~gern alJd ~in1 WITH If LITTLE 111' 'Cl!< li;UCIO -''1'1111 b k ·C•t '' (loolt' ~esa Women's Club for -they will continue vie< presi<!ents; .Ar l ~ u r and .the-.date cl .Friday; th'e 13th doesn't li!em tb 'jilimjijg the !!hf ways and mean projecl which wU1 G~~~ and LEloyd1·RobMlnson, bollier •. (lefl, f&f,tlilil) the, J;llb.,, ,Phillip .Hay, .wn •. , fM! pruented on thi1 date. . · · · s.,,.,., ... ~.es :. · · · <l!='re. liam Goodwin i.nd William Clegern member-a of treasurer, and Arthur 'Crooke, · ~ ' There is a limit to \vhere-decoratioqs. should--be placed for a golf tournament. 'fhis seems to be the thought of Mrs. \Yilliam Entriken who is improving her ~ame \Vhile ignoring Mrs. Mich ael \Vasco and Mrs. John Adams (left to right) as they scatt er posies on the links. The eighth annual invitational \\'ill take place at l\lesa \'crd~ Country Club l!·tonday and Tuesday, June -9 and 10. parliamentarian.: ' Compll!ting the· board as ct)ainnen are the hlmes. Dwighl Grosa, house : William Kermo4,e, membership; O. Cbarles Adams, rentals; 'Jl'1 1111 ba"djes, plnil and eintstertis. Lee Wadsworth, 'coOrdinator; and A. H. Small, caruornla Alfred Schunke, amenities; _ history and landmarks. Arthur Miiier, arms:d forces Others are the M m c s . and veterans; Robert McKen· George Pugsley, ~urtesy; DeMurl T~. decorailons; Raymond Russell, d Int n g room; Cleve Schultz, echoeai William St. Clair, hospltallly; Franklin ?t1yers, music; Jim ·Curran, pcbilclty: M0asturto:· reservations; Louis Ko z e 1 , scholarshlps.1 ahd Holbrook Mulford, religion and In!pira- tion . . I Doctors DEAR ANN LANDERS: I don'l want to make any trouble but I'd like to know lf 1 have-.a justUlable-complaint. T went lo the doctor last week (or a Ou shot. The nurse Whom 1 am accustomed lo seeing in lhe office was home Ill. The doclor introduced me to his 14-ye&.Nld son. He appeared to be fl very pleasant lad. "Tom is going to be a doctor," his father said with understandable pride. 11He's learning to give shots." Then the doctor handed the needle to the boy. t was so stunned I just sal the.re. The boy did indeed give me the shot. 1t_n 't there a law to proiect patients from this sort or thing? li!y annual 1 physical e•HmlnaUon ,comes up next month but l 'm afra id to 10 back. Please . I , > J Shot May Find· Arm of : ·-La·W Hauling Him to J.ai-l . . . ' . ANN LANDERS ~ My one big ha"iUP iJ the. ri)>bin1 I'd · · get. ThO I'll'• . WOljld iay ii : 0n 'me IOI ---doc>miaiif. Wliiliao you tlihili . tell me If the doctor Is conducting his practice within elhlcal limit.s. -APPLETON DEAR APPLE: o.Jy trained penoas 11tould be permitted to 1lve lltotl. J( somethJ11 had. 1ooe wron1, Ute docter woaN bve bffa Hable fer a beauthl malpH<lke nil. Wllal lie dlll .,... ldpi)' unethical aDd mtlt ln)aclJdtu. l • DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm a guy - 21. good build •nil whal you mighl call an all-around sthlete. Ever since I was a kid I've heard people say I'd be great looking ir It weren't for my shnoz. I've been call- ed Eaglebeak, Durante, Da Nose and a: tew other names. My big nose qever bothered me and It still doesn 't, but now ·11vi! aot 1 girl who· ieeps buggln1 me about 1ettlnl ptutic. surgtry. She aay1 I'd look like Kirk Doqlu ii I b<d a straight, normal size nose. Honest, Ann, .it lan.'l 1"11Ue11 ambiti'!"•'but 1eereU7 I guess I'd like It. ; ' , ! ~BO~EO ~11.fl<>M: u Ille ~;tlobo1 .-. you back 11 Ute ""'1•" -Pt IMJ, p. Of cour1e you'd 1et 1 royll rtm.c i..t H ' "·ould last for Ol'lly 1 Wtek • ftrt,.. dlel they'd ttre or tH 1nJed1 _. talk ..,.. so111e*ln1 t~ , .. 1 1ea1e JON'd ttall1ea.t.yia.-..11111 nose, ~ my ldvtce Is 1i .._. _. pt one. . ' . " • of·coke, a p!asqc 11<1, twq mp~ oatmeal· , ... , It. Nt tn·-·...., -"-· . Cookies and an em ply oaucer. No bread. aad o1>"""'7 1..r •-lm't .,... o( i'm a~ w~ shares· 111 a~t • '°'1MllieePer. Aeetpt llM fld tat Monf • wilft my mvther: (she'1 ID and In aced 11 \.ot ib"!l 11 ....... Wllea,.. -llto lie'alth.) I work and M<!llltr otays home tblap Ilka Ille brad, ·bu, -ti and keeps lloula,.U y01I dm call It tllat. ylllrHll aDd llY ..wq. I've told her reputedly U\at 1 lloppy Alcohol ls no shortcurto Soelal,auccess.1 housekeeping gets on my 'ntrves. Sbe tf you think you have to drint to be ao- uys, "Ooo't. be ~h an Qld malil." C.ptecl by your friend!, get the facfai Last night we had 1 1-, won!t abouf 1 Read ''Boo~e--.nd Yru -For Tel-r• •· b d bo Mothet "" ~ f oni)',"'by Ana LI~ Sead IS cents lrf t.~ rea . 1· , 11;cu-""' 0 coin arxl i io.c. 11U...tdrUled, .llampe<( being crazy .. lean llM · obleaed w!tll .enve"'-wltll your nqaeot. Wllmporllnt dellill. Am 11 . ...... -TIDY iN MOBILE AM Landero wlU bt .... to help y_ou • • • • I t· -r . ~ ..... with your problems. Seftd ttiem to her. In DEAi\ TIDY• M.W. ... ntollJ ... ol the DAILY PILOT, tnclol!nc •ant 11 tr•, .,........., -tMJ .• seu--....ii. 1 ltlniped en•elOpe. , • t I I '1 • I .. , --~ ....... -·~ ... -.. ~ .... --...... -------~-~~-----.---:--:--:-"."""---.-""':'":'""-.,--:---.,,..,..,.....,.o;-~~~~.,..--..... .,..~~~~.,..~~~-...,. .... ... ,,_ .. . .. . ~· .. • Horoscope YES CJpeniMonday' I _, -' ' ____ . J uniors _loinJ-eens : Scar I . . . ' In Search for Jobs> 'J'!i• llUJl\mer ~ an 11ere· 8Pin. Ind Hatbor Ana leellli•ra are as the~~. what alllJi I do? ~ICOflllll~ ~:.,,~ aure way lo bep tams bulY and out of IJollble is lo belp! jobl, the Junior EbelJ Club of Newport·Jleech bas aald YES lo Ille challenge. . \ Tiie club once aia1n will llaff a YOUlh Emel Sentce with plact!l1ltllll begmlitng nut Monday Jll)d c•111l!Mtng ADcall 'U. AJiplic:anU may come lo the .,,.... omc. In the arbor Area Boys Olub, UC Center St., CO,Ola M-. betw-3 and 5 p.m. the tint week and mm 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jiine 15 ~ Aug. 15. 1 •.. • The office stall wlll answer qu.Sl!om by tel"llhone at 8c.04H, o:· Mrs. James Murar\ club youth cbaliinali, may .be Called at~ Citizan• of Ille. comnumlty areremlndocUo keep the JoJ>. 'g teens in mlnd when looking for help In boby-s!Ulng, lnmlng, hoq!ework sewing, moving, yudworl<, farage cleenlng, ot-Jlght Clllllltnlcll<n The )"CIUtha, 1 .lll y-s of age, fill office, re<taurant and other posi· tions eoually -.en, Mn.' Marer idded; The Junior Ebell Club invites P"'"l*'tive emiilo1er1 to say YES to are& ~-IO they CD have-a produdi'Y'e ,111111Dl'!"• , • Bethel Installation Told Wins Wings Awarded the a II v er wings of an Amc1cell Air-atewarden Is Miao llory Marie Len- clzy, danghter of capt. ond Mn-Robert E. Lladry of Hunllng1loc Beldl. ·Gardeners Awaiting 111111 Pall! ·Pllllllpo became ---IAl'!JIO Beach Betllel lie, J 0 b I Daugbten ataged· Its --... mlu11111 lastalladon of of. flc<rs IDCI c:hofr -with a Bi-ms ol Spring theme. Taklna part In the ceremoey wen the MWes LeaJey n.,,. niloD, Mary Kindel, - -""' Mary COIJlns ...., wUla Mn. Jeu ~ --; WUllam Kenned1o .-11e panllan, IDCf•Mn. liml'Kellof..bOtratlcm- Olbe1' --... Ille -Teri Thomloo and 5uAn Lowe, oen1or IDCI J.-im-s; Sherrlll K<IJor, plde, IDCI Tracy Osenhauch.. mmhal. Appointed officers· are the MIMN Dawn Penna. Edris llllboam, Kalll1 Corder, Jan PaneJ1, Sborrle 8,lllerl1old. Debby Egan, DlaM Colllm, l.Gldle P a t.n a m , ltlc:d. Aaderas, Anne Stew 1 rt, Joume ~. Laura · ,....-, llm-Tboi--IDCf · Alice DmlO. Cb i Ir members ... LDrrl Kelloc. Julie PeDeUer, Marl Newman and Cocmle La Port. HDNORli> ou•1N P•HI Phillips Tenor, Flutist Pe~.qrm , For Chamber Concerts I nstall-9tipn Ralpb W!Dlaml, ....,. IDCI R<>berl L&prqubt, planlll. • ROBINSON'S STAMP AllD COrtl COWCIOll NMS"' 0•-' IW ... ....._,,_ ____ __ _ ,__Wlft" .. ----.............. -..-.. em>_ .... -.-.,,~ ·-"".,.· ' f ,., . ..,. .... ,... ,..._ ........ - ~~~, ... · .... -· Ala..AMIUCAll Iii.Mia toe fMI ~lllCAMf-.ucfOI 'Jobn" ~ flutllt. wUl The tenor d flut1lt art ~y ............. .. Jmt•llftion ceremm1u led perf«m Jn 0rap County mnbera of the U.S. Army ..... -. ........ -.-...... ~r:-Pad T. Sllvtul, newly QMm-W Cmcertl' prw. Bind and U.S. Army QorUI ::..,.:n:.:-==:.. db-ol onnp -1111:• l"L ~. IDCI .,. stationed In ·----cam&J.~GwdlDClabl, JUDl"it; bt cm.Ila ltllle WMbtnitcn. D.C. ' ..-N • .....,...-r m rtmtu lni:.,wllldool--Collep 111 Fullonoa'• ncltal Prior' to Ids....., In Ille ------fer loath Coat Gmdea Club blIL sentce, Jobn Lq1rqa11t. a -• ......., - ' ••• w w-.:i-. J-II. 'Ille -will bo ·-Colla Maa .-. WU I ............. LtJ. Memben IDCI 1\11111 will by Dmuoad lthQ!d, J11-* l,_i performer In lbe ......,. • ...,. own CWiW in ... pi& ti. 'l1irte and member ol the Diiiie =:t1!'! coriceril.ol ,_.~}t..:.! ......_ ,_ w 1Uo •--Arch B11 Community facult)t at the collep a'nd ... --Vl.l'a"uu --~ ...,.., .... ...,.....__ Onbhcme for their annual hu earned a m.uten dqree --..-.---. '°° pollncl: l-Ill IJ:lO p.m. from Ylle UDIYenlty. ~...;:,i:.:J: Road Map Tips ~~..u;~ ~ ~.:::.. Sco..\t ~ How to Reed a Rood Map ; .!Ive lllW -for clode a pru. p..n !or the will bl Ille llllbjoc:t ol Mra. -ad Dula~ R. molt •nn"'"ll'f ccmivtd hat. Vera St o t tlt m 1 • r, ad-Mkfwlell1, • facaltJ: ..... ,-·~.:.;:: ,.. .. _,..,.... . ATn,fJ. --- C.W .......... 4.00. M~ 'tt .. P JOUINAI. tulUIMID~Y -to be 1mt1·"ed, ~"---.. ,,...., .. o1 81an-member, IDCI IDCI ~ ... l\IUU"lll' dard 00 Co. ti. calif«'Dla'I vartatlam Gil the IO D 1 1 __., u.i.w1 w '"· =s • lhart bnwtMM meeting Women'• Prosram 1'bm llhe "Tndm B I am• a ' ' bJ , ,..,_<a->. uo ~"7ti!:, ~~ ~olllllan .-Famll)' hod ol Scbabirtfarllatoandpiw. •-fA-UO WW ....=::: • .\meriCL 'J'bo .,..,UC la lm1led to Do ·--........... ·-· VI_.. IDCI the 'Ille ineedq ol "--tend tbe per!.....,,...· Mmel.llemoaGlhbllDC!Jobn r--"'-u~ ~-· ITUIPMIWI Kuml;y, vice pr. 1 l de D t I ; ~"""" fiUUQU Dll&rlctl A"° M9& n.u.wrMM Umt<O Giibert y-1DCf Geor-st will tab ploce .tn .str Gearp'a .i-, -; Rob~ri smor.-. ~n•hllm, 'fllea. Choral Group :."-·-=:;.-.:::::,," Smith. treuurtr, and Roger day',JimeJO,attOa.m. . ..-... s.oo .. -., Holden, bootea -.:halrman. Evtey Monday 11 T:lO ·p.m. · ' Book Group momben ol tbe l'nllpectlvo ~ r ,..,,_1_ u,....-ad Allio vo11ey eiapter at sweet __ . ~ _ ""'"""~~~t.., ·a-~~r•'i.t'=~"'t ~-~.-- '"New Mexico ~L9o1':-' .!:u,~ ~William~'"::. -. • ' Albuquaque,-N°" lfalco"..;Marlnon;;;:;;;:=Uhrary~~~at~l~O;L~m;·;;;;~~~ll;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ w• Ille ..W., for the Wed-ii dlnl....,,.,., llnklnt! In msr· , ~ r11ea .Pati1c1t. .\DJ\_ -A. ~~:.-Gollq o1 ~ Will Give Your Shoes. Panmll ol the newlywecla • • are Mr. and Mrs. D. V. lftn. toolh o! Newport Beacli end Mrs. W. P. Balderston of La Canada. 1be couple a r e honey· mooning In Europe ·and wm make tbclr home in Corona del Mar In th• fall. Bcltll are graduates of UC!. JUNIOR MATINEE Sala •IV• 2 p.111. "THE TIME MACHINE" ' .. C.uTOONS .... ALL SIATS - :Jke new ofoot! Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise ••• ALL WORK CHOOSE DONE PERSONALLY. Corona del Mer FROM ALL THE 5 CONYllCllNT 5"0l'S LA TEST STYLES 8 3401 E. COAST HWY. Co.one del Mei· , •• 671-46<40 ~1tlyl1 your eld e 3433 VIA LIDO tho.a +o the new N-po..t le•ch ... 67l-H20 reund look. e 74 FASHION ISLAND Newpo..t '""'--.644-7151 lrf_!'ll UI y.ur e 1101 IRVINE AVE. W .. tdiff Pleu probl•M •ncl we'll ' Nowpo..t 1 .. ch. .. 541-4053 ,1 •• .,..,, ...... e ROllNSON 'S Foshloo hlond ........ k. Newport leech - WE SPECIALIZE IN STYLING SERVICING REPAIRING We 0'ft.ye the l1r9•st selection of, fALLS • , , WIGLETS ••• ' ' CASCADES • • • •nd WIGS in Or•rit• Cou"ty. M•n7 ,,._ . · 1tyl1cl for you to try on .. CASCADES s1495 FALLS. o..i.MI ·1r Ml Wit ..,. -S26.95 $36.95 $'49.95 WIGLETS SALE! 1-sAft $4.00 ___ $J.ts H'•-SAVI St.00-~'5 2V2-.SAVI $12.00 __ $f,H WIGS .. i WICO 1.. IEAUTY SALON maf Ae j 15"D' .:7'"' 1ttwt • HiLL.GllEN IOUAAI!. -- 'WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE '\Ve 1h1pe your hair in the new soft-curl look. We color your ~r with Fanci·tone · for beauty and )mire. Wecolor- 117lefor~ -~ /.ook. For r-i- tone eonn all the gray, high - lights natural color, makes even dull hair look 9J11t~'k~~ ~ffifs~- coion to tone hleoehecl hair, -- or IO gin yov hair m nltn-high-foabion hue.J Came -theml. CllAM HAIR TINT. -sHAMPOO AND SIT $5.75 AnyUme -Most Cases ~· Calif. COiia Mola, C1lll. ,,,. .._, 11'7 •• '"" .,,... ....... ...,..,. ... Ir QMtw ,....'11oWlt , ""*" ...... , ' "" .. • • HIM. TARZAN. YOU, JANE. ' " " So swing a fittle, baby. Rings. clocltwioe: Smoky topaz. $75. Sea horse. Si 20. Cobra; $90. Leopard, '125- Cent9r: Twisted snake.ring, enameled. $100. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 t 8· Fashion Island NewportpBea ch-M4·1380 'Your CMrgt A.ccount Wt lcome --~kAmer!Qnt, ,'!'NJI ~ """ OP" MHClrr. Frlct.y Rril f:JO p.a. ,,._~ S'/cijlJ1~ Be a.ut y . Sa.lo ns Coota -,,.. Calif. ~·· --CO.I• Mau, C•lil. * w. 1• .h'ftf . ·-- A""11, C1llf. IDll '*"-Or•-~.'!!· , ... f-1ln V•lfey, C1llf. ""'' MlaNll• S1nt1 Ana, C11if. n9t Ho. ,,,,... .. l"•lr'Vlew c.... Fount1ln ~1llty, C1Hf. 11111 Id .... It hcllf V1l11¥ Ctillfll' Manrt1 hllc:« C.... --·--..... ,_ --· ,.. ... u ..... .,. .... • . - . yor. ~2. NO . .'135, 4 SECT.IQNS, 41 ~AGES . . \. . By THOMAS FORTUNE Of .. Mltr "*' ..... Teachers wert.1 back in the classrooms ol Newport.Mesa schools today following waltouta 1111 ol.36.achoola.Thursdll)'. 1be retvn .to classes didn't mean that teachers had given up bope Ice aalsry ln- creaaes greater than the -I bOud has ollered. '""1 w<n waWng on-the ...,t. - ...,e ol a speclal board m..ting IOnlght· to consider lhetr"latest requests. Thursday, Corooa del Mar IDgh School . . ' . • IXOD 1711> """' l ~ ·l '· "If> I I I f _ _.__ --- ( ~ ~ ~ t I ,,j I • ' 'But World , . ' . ' By JEROME F. 'Cl>LUNS 1 Of .... tMlllJ ..... .,.., .;.. President Nixon. declartd today tblt ft remains hls Ii~ convi~ that the rnllllaj'y draft sbouJd be aboillhed • 11111 , .,... ••it Is not poutbil .. to effect thia ;..t, JI under preoent --wnces:·· · · , th~~":7:E • ~""""'' 111!1 Iii.. . ro11ow~~·~-·, -bl•"f .: ment ol yoatl(' A4vl!Or1 ' • wtttiln"the' sei«tl'ri"'' ~"'.e,~~~ """"1Jttedwlll :..aist·Imi>l·'°@' ; (Ille mnw-•. ll)'sUm. 1· · 'I . 1'111 ~ .... ,,._ l'ilot·-.S, c:ammJtteti•told I picted prds dlafer" ' ence lhat the President hu daefr i;upport for a lottery syttem for ' tbe draf~ followed by. evertuoleslablilhmoiit of a profeSl!lional, all volunteer 11m1.1 ~lo • ~.· ... ; . . .-' -: .-fl' . . . " •. h-; _,_ i • \ .. ' ·• , . ' r . ··a; .. ""': ·. -' lo • ·~ ~· l '' . ) ., . Johri bloyd, 19-year;Old Drake Univua:I-.. ty student, :was principa;I 111>9~esman for .. ' r ' ' ;,,: 1 • , ! the youth.r, who met with the Prealdent • ~· -· HERE'S THE ROUT E FOR SATURDAY'S FISH FRY PARAD E this ,morning,. .1 1·•·• '".·.._.1".·.,,. ';., .• ·-, •· -·~.J1.··· ;•-":\·'"'err ,..-·-I'!_: Mesa Fis. h F·ry Car' n:val "Our c:ooae .... Is In very ddilllto ' ..,,,, '1>8ato111r;!!Usi~1( AT'14l1'6iito :C1PlvlilJTJ:\=· DV . ' y "Mi•.t:'llt'~RT ., ~. ' : :.i~~.; " armagreemy," ':'!.~Lloyd.1 lot1ery llld IJ'Ofealonal , : . ., v' • _.. ·' fo•i..;.......,;Nla.,·~ iUtfiltil • 'tl..SO~~::~•t •-" ' ; " ~ ,:. ;:, MIU . ~-, ; .) •I ·, .,1, .... , . · ' ··iT--\;-• f •' .c1 ~,.·.,.'l,~~:;i___;_ r~ t.., _,.,,,. .c., .. ; u.......r IO:;;;::J -a.Ji.-&I:'.. ' • .-....-;•• -·~ _,. ---,1' ' " • '· '• I , __ ""• • v1w WU llaw 'w1~·\M cmuP •' r .. ·; ;; J, , ~·, • , : . . 1 · ·' ,,{·;~1;'.)b,.;i-!)~1:-\ .1 . r • ; belleved Gen. ·Lewll }\· llenbey, who · , . · -.. • • • • ' All Se.t, f,o Go To.' nigh, .~t.· ~~s.i'~!~~~~~~ NiXQ.n S·eis.·Yoi,;th'Pitnels' 'Cyc~is~:·~!!>'pped ' . tion . .1:i'''· ''····r· r • :.J : .. ,1:· ·1Jn· "'une··~}.~"-:4 .u1·t · "An amwtr to tbat·would 0inVolvei my ·~ JiO'r ' H · · ' ,,, · pe'lQhal teellngs,'1 he llld • .-.. Gen. · ' 1 ' : · 1 · · · .' 1 l 1 · ' 1 • • • • • • Thecamlval lsa1Jset,thec00k!areup (Full detalb 'ln today's Weekender.l HersheyWasnOt·diicuued."Liayd nJd F' .. rnt'.: . f ··:s :) :: . '1··d· .. ·•'; .. TfMl~~.lna:wM'ei~ood ·prbad .. . to batter, the booths· art loaded, the ff!g)ilights of·the ·cl\aJ'jtabJe event will out' of the talks -with the President . or, .. ·.'.Jr.a t.' ·, ~·y· s· .. 1-·,,,,m.· . , .11\lC .. e' '. ·:. ~~.~t_··Uu. · .. e·1.c .• :~.,_t 1·~.-~.-r.h'e-.w·-..... ap;;i.hll'.,.:_. queen conte~tants are primping, tbe be the dally carnival, the glint Saturday (See DRAFT, P11e I) , lt't/-II ~=--~ ~;(.,..,,, 1 ' bands are tuning. the daoc_ers ~ unkink·, , parade,·which will be telecast. over· the . , . . . , . . , . , , , (r~ be.~ by. ~r-,~ehl(:le .after .• Ing ~heir ~·and the big shaw is about to Southland next Saturday, and the Sunday P-•1'.de, nt NJ.xon· today ... · nounc: ·• it hi font ho I S ' Cl . atoPP.IPc Ill :time tor•·lralffc,ight.. . .. begin A • 'G ·-t• r;u s-new .ocean r . me n an .e-· . RO&eif D. Haa,.z1·:,o(, 2017 Fillmore In ia<I, if you're reading the evening Miss Mermaid-Miss Costa Mesa beauty Utl.-tVllr • rO UpS the N"'~ 111!1 I~ Ni~ eych !h~ m ..... He ts commuting by, hellcopter . Way Ca.tio Mm , haWmr • said hO '. paper before 5:30 p.m., .the final pageant. establishmUt: :within: .lhe 'Se l'e ct_ 1 v,e · 'between th.! two ~ites. • · · . ' ~'t sf.op m..&w ,When. ~lice ·"'q~. countdown is under way for the 24th ~n-Scores ofprlzes:ire at,o waiting to be Pla p Sefvice SyiU!fn of. youth idviWy com •. ·. Prtss SecrttafY .Rona~ L' .. ~11£r saJd ·. tlo,ned·ttioae ~volfed ,ht-~e i1c.c\lfent op . nual Costa Mesa-Newport Harboc ~IO!ll wan during frequent raffles including a U rotest rruu....1. , :,;:; . , , , · the·Pruidentj,mied ."lbear.!J>ii,~Je!'I of . ~\~.ab~au\Arlao ~v.p ... , ' Club Fish Fry. 1969 Ford M11111ns 'whlch ·..,.. ~n the , The ll1!10U11Ce11J"1t·l•lj0wed ·a·rneetlng . the Y'.""K1"IiJe·on u,,,war,ldi!P al;the, .y~~'.~r~~·..;,~~:, ·;;.;:;:, =~ black all p.rn. Sunday. B efore Nixon al ll!r. N!xiiri J,Oi1i.1o ·l'Ui\nc'P,iaJ>le·irhO lldvtaory.panelalllil their yieyal Uturay Away·-·~ ~· • : '.f" Phony Doc Gets Tonxalfilharereadytoga .. the . '' ' ha.V•ller'!edU ·ilienl~or ... ~·· Selectlvelie,..Jce•_,ita ... '.:. '. on .. 111e-a1Jih·imld'. .' ".tl>e criddll a1Coala Mesi Park bePtnlnl at AnU Vletlwn m f Ono advlsary ·commttte.. lar •the ~.llO)'oral 1'ba¢ lnvlll!il!Omeet"'ii' Nt.oni,,.,.e: 6 ~ ' .,.,;,cMr, ' · · 5:30·p.m ... today, with a wealth of otber / _.~-~·~>rfnlUps ~;··~ ·· · " · ' · ~~llW1~;.·l)'feo"u~~~· ··# ,_ --=~ ·--~-~~,~~~"'-· ". ' #-"$. ~ . -~.~ •• ,. -j"(, • ..l.~~ pp ......... --............ --.-, .... ..,...,---. .. '''"-'-' . ,.,,,, ;<il\i.fu(ofl!ie"·illi'H.r.v'"!:'"'"'"' -·uf . ent encouraged 'th• . C11Jiton, Mlu.:,lolarvelJ..anl, 10,'J!aj.llli>-. l --~-, ',"" ., Clemento near' Preoidint'NlxOll'I .... Presldenlto.e*.n\lthe'~toal)IO Inga. l\!lsl., I ~:at'/acltijla ~toio ' ,--~·. ~ I I 'personati'on event• olferlngx !or lamlly ~ hameuhepttpamtodepu!Sllilnlay llatu, with -ate -.mx·ln ·the ' CollOJ,!JJ~-.Jdj,?~iJlt!4~· ·1-' -. ll ID torlainmenl u drawn up by Lions Club " Dlllrictal~(·Klo!r·Ycirk~"";ai:!"·n-r~;~'"',...n aJIPtenll¥; . , ' '' ' '· officia1s is included below and broad! morning. Virgin Jsland*·'-PUfr1o11!\lcO,~ttie··Qail:cl · as&n.e1edrk!tan: JHl'e Green, ~-New / · I. ed . , D"LY PILOTY Leafl~ts have been sent out announcing Zone aild Guirii. • '" • · " .-~·-Yorl(CJty,·a.yout~ 'orker e1'npl07ed. by 1 Phony physician 1'obert Ervin Brown must serve one to ' 10 ~years in state pri!on for· fal!ely .practicing medicine on 103 unwitting heart patients at a ·FullertQn clinic. Superior ·court Judge Byron K. Mc· Millan brushed aside repeated pleas for lenienc:J Thursday and imposed the prison term for two of the felony counts on which the pseudo "Dr. GleM Foster" wu convicted last May-\. 17. The sen- tences are concurrent. Deputy Public Delender Lawrence BuckleY urged Judge McMillan to rule th1t a six-month piunty Jail term . and five )'ti.Tl probltl111. ns. adequate aentence for me client who "conned" ohyxldam at the Full•rlo!I lntemll Medicine Clinic llld Ille Oraille Count,. Medical Assn. lnto ,~ving tliey had a top flllht wdialagisl 1" th<lr midi!. Buckley recalled bl1 arguments before the jury that the bespedacled Blrming· ham Ala. man. had known his llmllll· tioni throughout his live week sojoum at the clinic and that he never attempted to step beyond them in his (ruanent Of patlen!J. Doll't . ; out tn in todays tu th . S Cl 1 ' · · , • th . Offl 'f E •mJ 'Opport II • ·· r Wffkende section . a I a.m. ga enng at an emtnle ''Each of thes1 Committees wlll 'WDrk e ce o . conu , c llJl y; ~1 , ' ' Wea~r . . r FR.ID"Y . ~ach State Park wh.icli Is about three-throug_ h the. st_ate dlr.""'"r .otthe SE:l.:.,tlve ->-. )90 Debra .\!'Id~ ... • -18,., .i:.. ~aiJ:lg, ' · -~ S -,!,.. " '1 b t d 1 ~~•Iii t ·~·~-m h : Thefe:'li be c1..::.·;.w skies· fotlthe-5:30 p.m .... Flab Dinners. -start sei-ving qliarters of a mile from Mi. Nl1on's Servi~e yste.m, giv ng Jts \'l~ws ~nd : " }c ··.' u en ~ <t•:"""' wea. ~-'"'AMH' 8 ·~ I bi& parade, but -you' can en)O' y the 6:00 p.m ......... : ...... Carnival, Rides seacliff estate. recommendations on the way 1n ''hie~ School •. Jon Bogle .• ·2J, l.an~1n1..M'?-· an . 7:00·p.m .................. Band Contest The groups were Identified by Robert tht!: Selective Strvice System conducts its apprenUce mccQrne ~airman;, 4rry.: 1 rest of the Flab"Frj'unct~r a blan· SATIJRDAY Blan<. of Laguna Beach a! the Peace Ac· operations," Press Secretary Ron Ziegler McKlbben, ZZ, .Am~, Iowa, a: student at , ket of sun lbls 1'eek!nd wil.b tem- 10:00 a.m ...... Carnival, Eihibits, Rides Lion COuncil of Los Angeles and the .said. . , _ _.., -· 1owa, State·urttve1'11ty; John ~·•ti, peralurea hudetng t6e~70 mack. 10:30 a.m ................. 2:hour Parlde Crance County Peace and Jiwnan Rights It is_~xp!et.ed that the membership of Des M~ a student ~t Drake Un1venl· ' 12 noon ...... Fish Dinners, start serving Council. the advtSOI")' comnrlttea will ~-cbo:sen -. (See NIXON, P• I) 1 :00 p.m ............... Vlaion Screening·,. PoUce Chief CW ford Murray of San on the ~ of ~r~qi,m.end.a~oill made. 1:30 p.m ... Gwen'1 Studios of OanCt and Clemente said hia department bad met by outside mstit~tlons and .~ps, IUCh • 1. • . Mad<ling ,with Bland and another. ttpresentoUve as high ochaals, unlveralUes,,ai><I youth OCC ·Crew ,.Plans l 1Gllp.rn ....................... Drawing llld..i.Jaedllfemolthe"leaaiandpro. oi:pnJiaUOOl:Zelf.ltt..add«I', _ ' 4115 p.m. .......... Dorothy Jo Dancen pOr''.aUlrjellnei lar a demamtntlao. It wu an lnlormatw. ~:....ton . 5130 p.m ....................... Drawinc · llam.faald,J'We told them ~they ~'l'.: the.~~~ ·w~ .l!<O' · "8'l5p.m. .................. Stage Sli6w """1dn't ~ and ·they .~ __ °!l.~· .-~~~,N , , l'"1 , .• : 7, 15 p.m. ... -"W'uw.r al Band Contest guldOUnes. "' aald· the ~ ..,.., "'f''·"' !Mlvla!lrJ , ....... .a,DO.f .m ........................ Dnwiq ol the ull-war _, .. !mated they . -·tO:s.~· ll)'ite2!!' In. ' IUNDAY aiuld -1.000 to 1.-penapri' 'otllhomi; .Ion, oupil, llJalsall!Pi II """ """ .. Carnival, Exhib\11. Rid.. Murray 1814 bis au department .... 14 Ind. New'Yorl ~· ~ ol Ill< 10 ""'" 12 noon ...... Fish Dinners, start serving have the demonstration u 1 d.e r collt;e ttudents, two art In hi&h scbilo), J :00 p.m. . ........... f• '(iii® Screening ~rveillanc:e and ~at ~r ~ apn. ·two .are in apprentice tt~tntnc and one 2:30 p.m ......... ~., •••..• ,Baby Contest c1e! "oukl be .vadable: if needed, l ~~·. f!'f 9'e, 9ftice ~ ,Economic .~ 3130 p.rn ........... 1 .... Beauty Contest '!)le plckel<n plan, they annoir,.le. to pOrt.unity. -' .. . 1:30 p.m ....... ,, , . ,., ......... Orawlng mardl ""·the beach below lhe P(Wlde~-,N11an Invited t~ to.hi• vliia olftce on • I : u p.m ...... , .. Ar,.. lllgt>M Jlapcers· llal 1111rnmer ljm1e and to mardl frOlil the · the grounds' of the Newpal1er Inn at a,oo p.m ..... Drawing far Grand Prlu-•. parli to the 1•1!! !!!.!he estate, Newport Beach, "'9•·21 mlla north al ....... . ~ -· ._, '*' w· 1 ·c··· ·, .1:0 a8n" ars r: •. ' . . . t· . -"" L I A•bi!lleftt car.wash ti>'heli>='way : '"' °'""" Coall Co80llt'• h , ' -: i:te•r• IO compete in ' lbe• In~ 119wing AAOC~li!>n'• r~ • ., ~ l U'n!Yer'1ty wiu ~bell! Sililnlay.. · ' Members al Shell and Oar. the ·occ · crew team aullllaryt' wtU tie In the' CQllege . ShoppJng 9~~er1 Hil'bor. •and / Adams, Cosla Mesa, from Ill 1.m. to 4 p.m. ' , .... 1-~ Cook · Toliight; Fish Fry's ' . . a ' • Dcll .ht · ' -g ' I ,' ' . . , • " • ' . • L ... . . • ·- I Doll~ y PllOT c Nixon Blans to 1.:Spend: ... ·A11l )\ '_,gu~t ~U-·. Coast r ' ~ . • . , 'll>o .a.~.O:,;:-c.:':lil 1=. W:U • _:·i1c1C111 ..• 'f~-"hm.ol ~~den ... t ~~-~~~<!°N,.H<ll!'•..;2', qiwur~, 11 ·and are1 Cd. 'dlaltnr ,,..,. ill ~-'bo T~~ II lfHll for "' durauin 'l1>t t;:.!' IM !las Ille .ilri<uon' --111111 -iii ---lo··~--' -........ --~--.... --~moat--oHlia lo; ·II." · -,,lo 'llin Q : 1 ~c-;--<1-• llilll**t b •llllif liia ":e1'!!!"!!_ --Zlqler.Eachplaco,htbidlcated,~ulta Atleul.one~pollceolfl<enba,. art m,·;. N ...W, ~-/n.tnffle • ....-,, )np_ln_tbo_ .,_~ 1141>0.fat _clq>pel' dowa ~.--. .,_ Aid -Y al his own uqlque 1i4vantq11. · • iMlll ·~ .tft -~ f1J1r to back up • Newpo!Ur Inn vWa In N'"1'0l'I Beach: The ~ Jrill .prabably tie aplll up the Semi Servtct. Tbat 11 clou lo. IS plo~ iriCI •W"prillngb' few •J*lalo(s Atta. ' • . -almolt within waJ¥nr d\at&pce of his "Thll ii our flnl appeuance .•I wbat wlU bttweeit the two, u ..,., he eald. perceni of the Newport' police fOTCe. ,..;._,about for• hope of a peQ at Tbe chief ...CUUve haa ~ llopplnl wotbbo_p •J&I\< fll.llffif""'1 R'IJI<). ~ 1tht&unmer While House 1n August. The inn will very likely terVe 11 the Some are plainclothesmen. Their iden· Pr~dent N~on wbf alwly~ ~'~to , fram the Old Cott.on Eatate ttianllon by NI.sou -~mad~ thrM flights •inc' ar· _1,,' And ln Aucust we will have• schedule presidenUaJ office• complex. tt Ls serving tificatiori is a green and yellow stripped ao from one· place to ~er on the chopper to the Newporter :t· his riving 'and three more are scheduled QI .lht ume Intensity u in Wuhlnctoa that .funct,ion now1. -lapel pin in the_ahape ol a torch . grounds. •· • Urivti WednMd11 and~ lknioute before he I 1 S.turoa if r a Midway D.RC. '• · -'·-lo anticlpatian of the one month stay Uniformed ofiicers are stationed on The Prefldent arrlved an .. earlier fiithts will blCome tGUUM. eans . . • y 0 on Zie&le:r, the presluenl'I press later, this summer, Newport Mayor rooftops around '1le gropnds of the inn this morrilng from San Clemente. His • r.we will •blve i. schedule of lllDI Island C1:1nfereoce with South Vietnamese lteret.lr)' later told the DAILY PlLOT Doreen ManhaU th.la: morning wired the and in the drtvewajs leading to the Villa 1:40 a.m. J,ellooPter t~wn time was lnteralty u we fiaVe.ln Wuhln~" the President Nauyen Van ·Thieu. Nltoo w• 90I nf~ apeclflcally to Prelidonl Iha! Ille clty Is "ab,.lutely Sa"IRemo, where the President'• party II lortely dictated by-'piaaJ to viJlt" "1th -Prelidelll llild1n7'/-ta Ill moiith· Seledloo of the "j'IOW]iorter IM "" IP' \ tbt Nft'porter Inn u lbe Summer White deli«bted" at the ~t. She said the 'staying. { · dozens of yqtml 1tud&nU.,mar.y of whom • lon• planned vl< ~J;jfUlt, '" parentJr abrupt and auistt.nt executive ~ ' ' city 11 ready to uii1t the presJdential Motorcycle officers are stationed at .,re froin ouWde tbe county. \._TraditfonaUy, .amm.t Witte OURS man .. er Edw~ Incle Aid boottnp v The lluge hostelry oa the bani of Upf)'r st.aft in any way to prepare for the shift of both ends of Jamboree Road. And on a ~ Pr.esldent's press aides· said one of fiave ~n ipots for •both work and play, were solid when White House aides called J'ftwJIO!l' Bay, however, will abate that presidential power between Newport and hillside opposite the inn's main entrance the ubjecls he wllhed to discuu with the but the $S40,000 home bought from the last .Sunday. role with the Nlzon family mansion in San Clemente. sits a yellow jeep. Police rifle marksmen st nts wu Vie~.. 1 wid()W of the la1-H, 1ff. Q>ttqn will R-"We had to transfer 20 guests to other Sa.a Cllmente. I The clty of Newport la already moch are staUoned there, keepioi an eye on the lltppin1 wilt apparently conli{lue: to -. just 1' ho.De.' i ·boltls," be laid: · . Panther Arreste1d ~ . I . . 111ldget-Beadled, Fate of Mesa Helico~s • In Police Slaying Vp ,in Air After Meet By JACK BllOBACK Of .. ~~'*'"•". A 81oclc Panther party leader la Jn custody today and two others 'sought In a mualva :manhuo~ ._ts In the street- comer shooting murder of Santa Ana's 1918 Rookie Policeman of the Year, No Gile knows why Patrolman Nelson A. Saucer, 24, was killed, other ' than becaute he wore the lawmnn'1 badge. Picked up at bis home Thur.sday night and held on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder and murder is Daniel Michael Lynem, ~. cf 1527 W. 7th St., Santa Ana. , Woary Coat& Meoa City Cooncll mem- bers emeried from closed-door talkl oo the preliminary $5,978,115 municipal budget early today, expecting to pre· sent It a week from Mondsy. The fiveolk>ur conference was an exec- utive sessiOrl, since it dealt with city employe salaries, as weU u ordinary operating cost.. ability and search-and-rescue operations. 1'ie eye-ln-the-skv choppers could be leued for Ciosta Mesa. police use, as well as being bought oilirlgh<. Mesa Agriculture Students to Show '· Two Alabama Convicts Held By Mes~ P.~lic~ L,..,.,. la reported to bo "lltuteninl ol _,.unlc:allolll" lot the local :11- Plllll>O< part,y and baa -.....W lwloelnnceol-,. ... fot.....,mc • ·a,. ~led "flP*i · ;Dd lalor far a . fllllp'I to dilpent. ~' ,i Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said tOOay that ~-11 changed from the sub-mttled requesll 1 and the only majo< queo Ion la the fate of a pollce hehcopter patrol program. A public -will be I<! for Junt 30 on the 1•70 Dudget at whidt time At Junior Fair A 1>lir ol aoulllenl -~ told Pill escapees . who found ut., tofter In tbo Harbor Atta ..-. coolln( .tllalr beell Jn 0ranre c.un1y Jal~ plclced up by eom Me,. pollco TbW'lday and Alabama· bound today. ' The pair were calllht at teparate loea- lion1 in Costa Me~ and Newport Beach· after 1uthoritiea In Jeffenon CouDty. ~ Ala., notified local I>Oll!.'e. Booked Into c-Oot..Jl(ela Clly Jail and lranafmec! to COllllty ladllUes prier » tx!ndltlon , were catI E.· Btantley, IO. and 8-J B. ·CbalidJer, '¥• Who llClpad logelller fu& .month. • • Coat& -Pollco Warnn\ Deloll Of• lictr Diet Btnch ..... l'~· Teti WU-lllil tbo pair °b;i _-,.,...It 103$ W. WO-Sl, loul. mcb wu -lllclco!I a6 ---'-\ • up ·--~ ' ·~,,',_ -. • . ' Briader, who ... -~ un.: Ol' grand ilreeay, WU amalad wlthciut In• cidllll at 1110 Port Allbq Pllce. Nowport Bead!; ..... ,,._ .. aa· job. .,1",I~,:, -~ Chllldler, eervlnil fmn ol burslarY too~. ,wu taken hi c!lltOdy worklnl al a fenct company ,al 71111 W. 18th St., Calta Mea. / Police llld Chandler ldenUfled hlm..U ., WWlam E. Cooley ll!1d Brantley claim· ed to be Ronald Ryap, but a telephone check with Alabama· 1uthorities indicated utherwise. Police said the two men we.re evideoUy 'laying with a rtlative of one, which led Alabama lawmen to ask Joe.al oUicers to lnvestJgate. -t:i * * Southern Police Season Language Mankind Is fast progressing toward a landing on the moon -but despite all the electronic CQl'Tlmunlcati9ns gear involved -some traditions never change. Like tn the Deep South. Costa Mesa police Thursday arrested two Alabama prison camp fugitives, alerted Dy a teletype notlflcatlon from lawmen in Jefferson County. The criminal tenninology therein was fine but the lawman on the other end of the Jine added a little southern seasoning. Follow was lied "foller." . DAILY PILOT ' OA>.NCE COAST l'\laLllHING COMl'AM"r R•Hrt N. W114 Prnldtnl Ml Pllbllshtr J1c11 k. Cutl1y Viet l'r"ldtnt Ind Gtn1rt1 MIMftt' The"'•' K•1•ll EClllOI' Tho"'•' A. M11rpki111 IMn"l"' lflter C.n M ... Office llO W•1t l1y Slr•1t M1 ili"t Addrt1111P.O.1011 1160, •2626 --""""°"' lttdl: Hll Wtll l•tbol lovlfYI~ LI..,.... .. Kiil m Forell ...... _ tlunll,..ltll 1Mcf11 u 1111 ""'' ·. SCI. Ralpb cui1alt, In d>iip ol .... • vtlUptioa, aid U all:P,Olntl: ~ ie ~ ') '" :' , U,I ,.._..., out far the two other .,.. bellit'ed to -• ,-i· • · have beti! wilh Lynein -,ofl!cer Ml-"ATHER,'·SON Elo\IRACE AFTER. SEA CRASH 6aaacer waa shot to ~th near.~! CPO.t._irance Rally, Son Lt. ljg) Jam•• MM! al Travla AFll Thtll'Sday at the cotl!Or of lllltt 11n( ltij , <. ,0: ltrettl. ' <'l" ~ ' .~ '"t·'.: it~ ' 7be dead· officer w.u named 11!\_io~ tif u~ . G e the Year" ih 1911 inl!; .... pra_~· br. • ..... I e to r1eve CbleJ Edw..-d Allen lllld hJa, fe[li!w o • , ,y_.L...,.. . 0cm u ·;a ane, dedicated poll~... .. ·~~ I 11g1: !l¥rilla w~ n1eue no dllllli on · -· ~ ~~po===·"'""lt~ Mei~ Wo~'t Talk About Tragedy J.ynem WU amated ln April.Jlll""tha -"I " """"aled w-charse afl<r 0: Ift>llca -" lly 'AllflRJR R. VINSEL eftlClr.bad stopped blm and I~ Oil • Of .. : .. llr l'lllt IMff tbo '.lllrtel. L,.em refuaed to tlb ~bJa • lfcmtfroalthO"RaWllichtookhlslhipo bud Out qi bla .,..i.et when ordoi!dtand '.matt "" lild 12 other eallon to !ta floor a -mealid a .2kaliber ri\ooller~ ·-day& ap, I Costa Meea career fllllJ·~, ".'. · i N"1'lnl0 -to diJcuJs Ille lrqle Two with ial!t w:. l(i!Q ir.:..d 1>iIItd>n f cf'!: ... esstl and a atUt when about 40 Neer-otar;td a "atand· All'lraltan aJi<¥I rcarrter. -IJI ~-Pollce called tha Ee:.....,...i tht ltlephone today at · emaft~I ' ,.~.Cble/Gunner'1Ma1t j for f~;. &o~ 111" y, 44, al 2 3 S 4 , ·" · to do.to.• ltemantJtat: ,..to\Vllhouse unU where ;~ the Navj famltyJlfa llved five years. From Page I TEACHERS. •• Naval tnteIJJ&rence offictrs h av• presumably banJled dilcllllSion of the sinking of the .USS Frank E. Evans'. fOl"Ward section following the crasli .wttb thi HMAS Melbourne during South China 1JTader1 atarted last period education a half hour early. Sea maneuvers. phy1ical -Newsriien wl.ile.CI Thursday at Orange Coron dtl P.lar Elementary -Four teachers left clusroom.s. UndberP Elementary -sev~ty per· cent oa racreaUon lalt hour. Marlaerl Elementary -All ltudentll dismisstd to singing and drawing last part of diy. Pomona Elementary· -Two-thirds of teachers taught shortened day. At all other schools teachers taught a full day. County Airport Jor. hll scheduled 2,J> p.m. arrival aboard an Air California flight frorr. Oakland, originally intended to be secret. . Secrecy evldenUy ezt.ended to his fam· ily as well, . Conflnnation came through a call to Oakland that no one had Uiken Chief Reilly's reserved seat and his waiting family finally learned intelligence mtn had made other arrangements. His other Navy son, Lt. (jg) James Reilly, 23, of Charleston, S.C., was tile Evans amidships despite emergency mane:uvertnrby the lar1er vessel, tllllng '74 men, with only ooe body recovered from the wann aea. Chlt!l l!ellly ..... asleep In hi! quart.n when tbe <f:ll a.m. atecident occurred, while tht son ht aitlpped over two yeara to ""' with 1'ent down at hB engine room wa&ch ata.Uoo. , , Durinc a preu eonJ'erepoe ill the Phlllpplnes Wednesday, Chit! R<llly laid the cruh IOWlded like a giant can opener ripping metal apart and be followed a shipmate's voice out to escape the sink· ing section. Survivors wete picked up by the Melbourne and traNferred t o t h e helicopter aircraft carrier U S S Kearsarge, which is steamin1 home to Leng Beach·. Naval authorities said Thursday that Chief Reilly was flown home due to the family tragedy, while th.? 199 others wou!d· apparently remaJn aboard the Kearsarge. The vetenn sailor who staytd la past nUrement aae to look after his 21-ye.ar- old son will observe hlJ 45th birthday with his wUe, two surviving 90DS IDd tbe widow of Lawrence Reilly Jr. next week. Observe 1' perhapa . the proper word, Therf; will be little celebraliob. · PoHoe· Ch1ef Roger E. Neth wl.11 have to persuade councilmen to go for the hel· icop program. A study of law enforcement needs for the t'Ollling year shows police will need either the h~licopter program to keep up or three patrol cars and 10 more officers. If purchased outright, the one-year cost for two helicoptm and three patrol- man pilots would be Sl90,000, but only salaries and maintenance benefits alone would be paid out the rollowing years. Figures from Ollef Neth 's office put the cut at about sza,ooo for those fol· lowing years. The big advantage to lawmen u!ing tielicopten: is versatility. a major drop in certain offenses, speed, maneuver· Students Holding Bake Sale for Kidney Victim Student!li at Victoria E I e m e n t a r y School , in Costa Mesa, are holding a bake sale 1.fonday during ~h hour and after school to raise morey 'for M~s. Colleen Randall , who ~ ~ fteed of. J?ttia1 medical treatment tiiecaase of a .~ kidney. The children will be preparing ooolcles. cakes and cupcakes Sunday to be sold in the school multi.purpose room Monday. ne proceeds of the aale will be' donated to Mrs. Randlll, lltll Pamell Place. ' • • Mrs. Randal\ will need 125.000 far a kidney machine ta keep her alive until her cane..,,.. left kidney can be replaced with I transplant. Her rtPt kidney WU removed In 1917. CoN Mesa High School agrlcullurt stuctenti will display their livestock and plants and show their farming skills during an annual Junior Fair on the campus Saturday. · . Demonstrations and ezhlbits will be&ln at 11 a.m. following the Fish Fry Parade and conUnue until 4 p.m. A ma)ority' of the school's 180 agricultur e students will take part, according to John Boston, agriculture teacher. On display will be sheep, cattle, calves and ornamental horticulture. Student Future Farmers of America will participate in a tractor driving con- test and be the nperts in • parent CM- tesi to identify agricultural products. The school farm is behind the gym. nasium at Mesa High, 2650 Fairview Road. From Pagel NIXON •.. ty ; Kirif Hung Lum, 19, i.,wton. Okla:, a high,'~~) graduate entering Oklahoma Univmlty in the fall, and John Patrick Livingston, 21, Norman, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma University student. • Also scheduled to confer with Nizon at NeW}IOTt' Beach-were Robert H. Finch. : secrdtarf ·or health, edUcation and :.w~lfih :(HEW); and Bryce N. Harlow, White House as&istant for coogreaalonal relations. ' They were lo tallt about filing the pos· · ition of:ass,istant secretary of HEW for health - a matter of controversy alnce ..... Senate Republican Leader Everett M. ' Dlrkm took uceptlon to Finch's lnl\i.ai choie1 for the job, Dr. John Knowles of llostoo. Zieg. said no announcement of a nomlnte fa< Ille post would be madt lo- . day. The CoPona de! Mar teachers who stayed home Thursday issued • state. ment saying they had voted '.111animously to return to class today since "it is not our purpose to disrupt the educational ' proce ss of our students but to enlist the aid of the community." waiting with a civilian sOn Jerry, when the senior enlisted man aboard the Evans flew into Travis AFB near Sacramento. Lt. Reilly. a public information offlctr, had told reporters three houn befon that his father was not expected until mid- l 'J)ininfl Room Special Said one of the teachers, Ken Koury: "We do noi believe the board speaks for the public. No Wpayera have ap- peared at the meetings to express dis· pleasure over teacher requests. We hope our ictlon will stimulate the public to speak with us." Teachers throughout the dlstrlct have . been asked by their association to contribute SIO each to a fund to enlist public support through newspaper ad· vertisements. A teacher-to-private citizen telephone campaign was to begin today. At the ~ial 5:30 p.m. board meeting in sChool '"d!Strct office! at 1601 f6tfl St., Newport Beach. board members will re- spond to a Jetter from teachers asking three lhlngs: -A salary scale ranging from $6,800 to $14,239 ~r year -higher on the top eod 1han the $6,800 to Sl3,800 scale adopted by the school board. -Increased district contribulion to medical insurance coverage. -Use of a medlator in negotiallons. Board President James \V. "Bill'' Peyton !liaid he does not think the board should reopen negotiations. The board adopted salary schedule, he said, "repruents a aignilicant effort on the part of the boml and the tupay<rs. I hepe we can convey thil, adequately to the teachers." District officials. said lbe approved salary increases would give teacher• on lhe average an '847 raise from $9,~l to Sl0.438 per year. Teachers aren't paid weekly and don't work all year, but if lhe raise "'trt dlvld· ed between 52 weeks it would be Sll.:SO per week. Not all teachers would rtteiva.as much of an increase as the average and the teachers proposal would particularly benefit those teachers -the one1 with the most years experience. The least raise any one teacher would receive would be about $$00 over the year. inornlng or nooo today. The lucky survivor of the mystery sea collision and his two remaining sons ar- -rived at Los Angeles lntemaUona1 Airport at 3:45 p.m. and drove home to Costa Mesa from there. .The 19-year Navy veteran bu 30 days' Jeave befor!; reporting back to Lona Beach Naval StaUon, from which be and Lawrence J, R<llly Jr., 21, aalled March 29 on the ill-fated destroyer. A joint investigation of the C1:1tllslon has been launched by U.S. and Australlan naval officersf to determine how such a tragedy occurred OR a.moonlit-night.with extensive electronic navigr.til'lnal gear. The 22,500 ton Melbourne slammed into Fron• Page 1 DRAFT ... eme rged two distinct possibilities: -Amendment of the draft law so that boys turning 11 need not regllter for the draft within five days of their blrthday1 "or else." The change would call for mass regil1tr1Uon once a month. At thfJMI ...,Jons SelecUve Service IJ!ll , ft.rmed Fon:es penocmef '""1!d ad!llt 'potmtial draftees of all possible altemaUvea ln- volvln& military service. -PartJclpaUon by youth commiUees ln studies on the fonnaUon of an all volunteer army. "The President was very receptive to this." laid Lloyd. Prealdent Nixon, In hia statement, said : "Estf}>li&hed institutions of all varieties are under attack today, especially from youn1 people - for being dlstant and unresponsive. The StlecUve Service Sy1tem has been a major target for uh crlUclam. for it often tetml to be particularly remote from the Influence of our young people. t I Ft•nch Ov1I Dlnln9 T•'l•. Sii•: 16"xll" $219. -Arm Clwiiri,_ $69. e.cll. Side Chairs,_ Sit. MCL _ lt1li1fll PH1tt1I Dlnin9 T1bl•. Si1•: 44"x~4". Dt,... int Taj,I•, $219._Arm Ch1Tn, $6f, Sid• Ch1tn, $It. Print.cl Finish 6r••n ind Whit1. . I P1int•d-fini1h White •nd 6r••"· • NEWPOllT llAOI 1727 W-llff Dr. 642a!O --•y.,.' loth 5,,_..,, Shtw1t •r• 36"• lf"x) I" Hi9h. $22f, uch. ,. ............... .. 0.ls•i Anlla~lt AJD NSID Pl.-·t• ,,_ ... rf ..... C.-, -.1H1 • • ' I ' I I I , • • . ' • .. HIU'I ZODYI N1W NMOllA ITOUI 1"4 IAR HOLT._YI •0 ,..,., . ... .. "· CD • ., ' 1111 ' ~"'""""/, aUllOUlti AWAIO 11 "I WIN! A FREE FLOOR COVERING FOR ANT ROOM IN TOUR HOUSE · oi1TE® CARPET.ING '· 01 fao&BINS PEEL 'N $'ii'0(CIK{'· LIT TllllC FIOIR · llE·PC. HISS .... -~.97-7 ••lue •. ' ...... ,_, ...... " ...... J _pMce4 .... ._..,...,...,. "fek •114 ,... ....... , ... 1•11Ml'ltpl11.1~ ... 111 111111.-. t1"f"9' ... PM••• u._,,,...,,~t9to. CllWIECK · e' •j : SWUTSlmS . '" 97c . ' . '-...;,.. . ; :::: .:rJ:=.:.= '' ................ _k. ....... , •1141 ........ ................ ...._. ~ .. ...,., ... ...... ,......_....,. .. ft~~""~ • . lllLS' OILOll ' . SWUIDS .a.tt ,., . ' .. ,.. ' . ,~ 'r, ~ '-,,,.. '~ .;.., .,..... • ..,,u• ........ .... wltll tMdr; ...... .... . •-•ltr trl••• Cit-. ,l•k, ...... ..-. .... ,. whlt1, ...,..., i t• .. 1~1....,-'-' '"'A•••••• IHllY, MYY 11w1 •·•••~ -•• T1111 11t1n~cu.,.. ~· : I , •OP 10111 ZO.YI COllYMIMI , CllDIJ , .. ~·· •A9'1' ... CAl!ID· .. • .... ·~~9'111·~ UiUT.I '. .. • • • . ' . ' •' •• -----'~ " • ' • . - • • ' I • ' ' . . . • I »AD.Yi . PILOT EDITOBL\L PAGE I • - lliainin Oce an's Floo r -. We l!P>ll dellberately risk destroYh!& the coaltllne of Santa liiarbara f1lr the nut IO fo • years In order to ••save"'1L That ppears to be the unique fo'~ and unpleasant prescriptloil of the special presidenqai panel for solv- ing the lJlulta .Bprbara Ch•IUll'l ioll pollution problem.\ The ~I, headed by Dr. Lee ·Dullrtqe ot South Laguna-1 lhiii 'Week ur'ged tbft ttbe Ullloti OU Co. be authorizell lo, drlil up to 50 wells 'anti complete oil productioa from Platfomi A·off Santa Barbara. Plallonll /. is where thaj infamou• oil blowout occurred )ail January. The biaek muclc ls ;uu bubbling from lh.e .site at the rate of 2,100 gallou a day. The DUBridge panel says the ailllatlon calls for punching ·more boles to "relieve the pru1ure" of the oil beneath the channel's geologically unltable ocean floor. . - This eacalated drilling program· I there •N oow I~ wells arountj .PlaUorm A) would io on for 10 lo 3l years. accordin& to d111I .of the scieo~ adyloon. By then, all ·the oil ~d be gone. -It' ls· llo\!ed-· · "It wollldo't ~ve .a : imn;,:• qy1· :Victor C. All- drews, preoident of the Coellal Area Protective Leacue. an Orange'Coaat antl-<lil'cilizens' .croup."'!! w9Uld Just compoW\d the problem by 50 timU.''" Somehow, this reminds one of the ancient out- moded medical theories w)l!ch autoniatlcally ordered amputation for damaged oi iDrected bOdy members, and massive bieedlni lol"11te"ihi.mal allinentl. There is no question but Iha! the pabel of II •'.IPerts who came up with the• recon,menClation are highly kno\vledgable · people in the matter, But this really underscores how relatively crude and. undependable our techniques and e"pertise really are in underwater oil drilling, and how very limited our )mowlod4e is .. The experts h•ve said, in effect, that it 11 better " to keep drilllllf, althoulh It would seom·to 114 dllUter I> with each new drill bole. Would it not bt betlep to. tzy' to conllpl the natural leakage and leave thin:!' as they are? Ttirou.gh the year~, those undersea w had not ruptured seriously untµ the sea bottom was· ctured • by drills. ~ I Qµite obvio1\5ly -and this Is pi ·n1y impli< In the panel's d"l'ision -oil technolo)ly is too limiled to allow. drillhtg in California's coastal waters. whether here or in Santa Barbara or anywhere in the state . Thill is earthquake country. It is no place for oU- sbore drilHng. , · On the basis ot existing information, the panel's recommendation is hardly welcome -or acceptable. A far better course \vould lie in ending all d~g offshore. Fish FryThne Again · It's Fish Fry lime aia1n this weekend aod iJ you have bad fuil at ao) of the 24 previous Lions 'Clflb ~· travaganzas, tbls one will be even a bigger winner. The key .event of Costa Mesa's most famous-Com- munity event is, of course, the Saturday parade. And this year that parade, because it is to be televised for presentation later, bas drawn more entries than ever before. There will be bands and floats galore -in some cases a!Jriost twice as many as in previous'years. . All three days,.'1.ions Club chefs wUJ be servijig up the thing that mad«; it so famed in the first place -the fish dinners -8.s compounded so many years ago by One ' · of Orange Cpunty's famed chefs, the late Supervisor Heinz Kaiser. · . There" is something for everyone at the Fish· Fry,. Don't le't your 'family pass up the chance to be a plirt of it and aid a .good cause at the same time . '· -• \ (Cf. : ~inding GQOd Dear ·' GlooDry-- Gus: Sk,yscrapers Can Pierce 'No'J ~ Sex Educati on Inside Evi l: ' Dig Dee per· ., Jly ELLSWORTH L..RICllARDION • • ' Mlolller Neighborhood Coalftl•&Wul Chrcll , ' Laguna Bed ."Dig deep enough .m any· me ,,a · will find · something good," aaiil ,t\. Adgustine. "Dig deep ~· llld juol r:;.;i" ·i' 1"l j ~ ' 1,. >: tf ' ~~· .. . .. ~ . find the opposite is U)e mood of modem min, "you'll be 1urt to fiiiif dnethln& bad. Look •t his b8d motivations! " Some time ago, the poet George Sterl- tnj died by the violence-'tf his own hind at--tbt age of 56. Why did he do it? He wis popular, a man ()f wealth and <lf social poslUon. Why did he take his own JifG? One of the writers oo. lhe 14ltorlal page of )he New York Times that day after his deatb."'dug" a litUe bat ·offered DO clue, on11 a suggesUoo. $: 1·~ tut a psjchoanalyst might Dt tiili to. off• u explanation. lt'secms a little unnecessary to.anpl<ly an analyst for all that cne bu to do is to read the poetry of Georgt Sterling. . There ls a melancholJ It.rain ()f -peSaimiam that rt1ll5 tbrougb'lt, unfol®la; absolutely no faith in God. (Read bii "Testimony of the Simi.") ms FRIEND. Upton Slncla1r. said that George Sterling believed that the universe ~·as running tdoWn like a spent clock that needs winding; that in a million years the earth would be cold, "So what difference doe! it make wbat we. poor insects do?" asked George Stt:rl- ing. Well, j ( we look at life as an insect would, then it is just a question oI run- niJ;!& up and down one ant hill after ·another. If we look upon We as a matt.tr of glands and nothing more , an that we have is biology or a rudimenW'y course ; . 1 U lhe city la IO alrl)d of bavlnf . 1bli ciowdi, whJ don't we cancel the Fiah FrY •s well as Ute Pop FtltlvaJ? ~ -N. L. R. Jn medicine. U the eye Is purtly sden· tifie. then the scientist will tell us that • SUDll!t is "'elbereal vibraticm: in WIV• · tenrtlls rlllflnl from .GOGCMO lo .0000'12 centimeter& callled by the refr•ction <lf .li&fJl'' But if the eye ii a poet's eye, such as LeW Sarrett'1, ·then we !lave ,....Uiing dUlmnt. "God is 8t the anvil, beating out the sun· Where the molten melal spills At his forge ammg the hill1, He hu hammered out the gl<lry of a day that's dc>oe." I llil9W WHAT )'OU ato thillkin& now? Some ol. ua have been llO steeped ta CJUr atudJes of psycbolOI)' that we are ouspiciowl ..... al the fOOd that gOod men do. You Ill' they do B In onier lo gain !Ocial ""'ll'lllon. They do It lo feod thelr own vanity. Take it bi enough and yw will coodude that all goodness ~ tainted with some evil. Reinbold Niebuhr bas diverted CIW' at- tention from the lovtly fragrance of the rose to the thorny stem of U:.t rose, as thoogb be migbl destroy lb beauty and (IUJ' appreclation of it. To be sure what Niebuhr says is .true, viz, lhat "all goodness is tamted with some evll." But the <lpposil.e of that is also true, that in the tn()St; .diabolical acUon to which evil men mAy tum, we can find some good. Jesus saw it in the woman taken in adultery: He MW it in Peter, vacillallog, fickle, impetuous ••• but he called him Petros, Rock : "On thi1 roct I shall build my church.'' Dig it man! Dig deep enough and you will see It. too! A Few Pieces of. Mind The unwillingness l<l change <lne's mind Is usually characterized as "stub- bornness" -but most stubbornness of th.is sort-is rooted in the fear that if one.... opinion is changed, like building blocks. al~ the others will subsequently tumble doWn, and a whole philosophy of life will have lo be painfully rethought oot. • • • The average man is unable to distinguish between boldness and rashness, md fherefore he is unable to understand that when · the professi<lnal daredevil is "taking chances." he Is at the same time taking every precaution to minUnlze risk of accident, unlike the amateur. • • • Politicians, who ar~ IO proud ()f 1tan- ~--Bii Gee,..e --. Dear Georae: I 1ee y()UJ" column runs ln the Lill v.,.. Sun. I'm golnJ in LQ Vegu. can you tell me Ul)'lhlna about l'<IUlette? McGEE Dear McGee : Raaiello ii a Ylqoua &cit. However, the oddl are fair. Just walcb ti.-11ndWkll Jolnh. Some pl aobd me Ulwlllled mybam- bwJer with or -onions. I .... •Ith, Ille 1111.-up .. -hie GO aod I loll my "'-" fri ... loo. . . ding up to their opponents, ought to stand up lo their friend,, m<lrt often, for a public man is more likely to be betrayed by those around him than by those against him. • • • IF PERFUMES smelled anything like theifnain,es, thett: wouldn 't be a bachelor left in the country. • • • The fuUUly of human endelvci can be seen in the fact that •t 2 a.m., in a poker game, all the l...n aro 1!111 P!l!'in& against ..,. another, while tho Wlnnm have pleaded "an tart, dt1" and gone -· • • • You never hear ()f 1 rnan being "ahead of his age" until he's alrudy dad, 1od thus no furthtr lhreal to thoae who are bdUod thtln. . . . ~ Odd bow often it's the ume ...,, who pr<ach lhe virtues of lndepeodence, in- IUatlve and bllU bocQ. .who lean the larg•t forlllnel to their ...,, thus de-·~ them the ;.,..ttmable benefits al deprtVltion. • • • The J>hrut doing somethina "tor hourt: m end" mu!t hive betn invented by• ne• 1kier. . L' . -. First, Strengthen Family ' Man's ' Soul .Apmlratiori for great cities, and f<>r man!festatklns qf their magnitude. is an old bWl)&ll · fancy. It I u """"""' Blbllcally, 1n· aw'e of Babylon. t.t showed in London UJ tlie last cen{ury, and in New Yort in this. It is showing to- day in TOkyo, WbiCh jilst· isiued 1 new llatiltic: 11,360,000 .people. The American manifestation of a city's bigness it the skyscraper, which has spread from its birthplace in New York to many foreign Cities. Tokyo has no skyscrapers, but Sao Paulo is second to New York, and Joseph Stali11 erected some preposterous towers before he died, .. SKYSCRAPERS necessarily follow ex- cessive land values in cramped spaces liJi:e "Manhattari, but adiniration for them ' in the mass, for ''skylines," 1$ a chlldllke ind •iuprficial wonder that overlooU their true me~g in human activity.- No land val111 (In .a non cmnpetttlve society), but bloated eg<l impelled Stalin, and he apparently hu some surviving confederates in M03COW, including ooe Konstalin Derevlyev, architect of the city council. Comrade DeTevJyev"is .dedicated t<l a high·rise boom ~ to. / leave yoo spe<chless. • He aays Moscow Willlballd "hou~" of 500<00 stories by Uie fear 2000. He must' mean apart.'Tlent buildings, because there is nO office building demand on t,hi! scale.~ ' ' BUT A SO.STORY apartment hooM is going up, and the arcbitect says plaiia are def!.nlte ior a 120-story building by 1980 (Empire State Burlding, 102 ,storlts). His 60()..story building would be over a inile high. T<l the Editor: Sex oduc1Uon in ~ oc1!'f.la. NO. This Is a v·ery prl9ate, ~ ... ~ate. sub- ject. It should only be Dand~ with care and be the rupon.11Dility of.t~ parents. -Yoo can beUeve set: has beeri around a · long Ume, 81ld yoU'd better be~ve it's here ... alay. Birt lei's P,t sex baclt Into the bom&--and marriqe.wbere it ·beloogs. . I'll vote for a clau· ol well-grooming and byglene. I've seen a kit of kids around the aru who needed a good bath. Maybe when they can grow up and can wash themselves, tben il5 the time lo talk atx>ut..adult life. I'M SORRY, P.fr. Editor, but I think these W<lrld War fl babies need a few good spank.Jngs. One big place to straighlen out the mess -put the pants back ()n the father, put mother back:. in the home. Have families again. Too many tired·from- work mothers, too many children coming home to an empty house, too many quickie dinners. Make th~ house a home, make the man:iage warm and devoted, and a {amily as it is intended. Ttiat ls where sex education should be. ~·a show ihe rest of the WtlrJd we are strong, proud, cjean, intelilgent allfl full al <espect aod palrlojhm .. It's easier \o loct out Communists to st.art with then get them oot alter they're in. So why take a chance. Let'1 ttirn around and look at things right. Something is wroog. Couhi tt just be possible lbat Congressman Utt Is near right (about Commwllsts being behind sex education coursU)?~If ,~e is-: then what? • then how do y9u start· straightening out the meu? LOUISE O'BRIEN Another 'Voi<!e To the Edltm: The qualily of . a yowig hlg)t i<:bool aludent'a letter (Mallboi, May 19) on the need for sex education in tJUr school!, waa interesting. It was well organized, the theme well d~veloped, aod surpris- . L..ntrt "'-,..,,..,. .,. we'ICll!M. NOn'fttllf wr111 .. Ulol/111 C'OIW9Y fltllr ma.a-b• * word1 Of' 1aM. The rliltrt '° Clll'Mleilllt llttwt1 '° 111 _..:. ., •llmJ. Mle llMI II rlMrwd. All lett.n ITIU9L. blcludl tl•Mt\lr. ..... !Miil .... ,_ bvt _.,_,. - •m.r.ld • l't<!Ulsl If llUffkittlt ...._ II _,..,t. ingly free from teen jargon . The letter demonstrates how well 1 high school student can d<l -and that alter all, all is not Jost. Unfortunately, it exposed 1he sore point that most of oor children, to ()ur ex· perience, have not learned in school lo write a 1eUer anywhere near that '1'1tll. MO!t of us would be in a bet1er mood if the general run of students (83 percent of them ) could write a letter 68 percent as well. THE LE'ITER was Interesting. It deserves an answer. There are many subjects for one reason <lr other whltjl might be nl~ if:we could Include them;· however. Uie,e ii Increasing evidence that .. hat , we teally ~ -"!' schoc>ls to teach is not beinl 1t all well communicated -to OUI'. fouth. "-' There Is also ~ problem of pinched pockets. We have been ·shOvina off more and more of our parental ·~billties onto the schoola. It is past time that we off.l<l~d those thin11 and ~pate wi~ the school!: to help them let bacl to their, tasks. , -• It is obvious that except for a Unit <lf technical fiefs relatmg to a' full course in human phy&loloi:Y, anatomy and hygiene, what moat bave termed ·"Sex educatloo''' is fainily 'business. Th!f> ii ·~e' f«. all grades through bl&h school, even U some families dO not do well wlthJ L ' JOHN P. SHALLENBERGER . Ann Selee• It To the Edit()l': Hurray! AM Linden ha'a the IOlUlion to the. problem ol 11a edaca\(on. For those parents who feel incapable of teaching their children the facts of life, and for those teen·agers \vho feel they have been inadequately informed, there is a book by Ann Landers, "Ann Landers Talks to Teen-agers About Sex." which is available for 50 cents, the proettds of which go to the retarded children. Ann claims she deals frankly with VD in this bOOk, Ma yoU. can be sure it is faclUal and full <lf good "common sense." HERE WITHIN reach of all Is the means to inform our youth about this im· . portanl part m their lives without extra expense to the taxpayers, many oI whom are against having sex education in lhe sdloo~. Plus the help to retarded children that will result from the sales of the pam· phleL CS:ee Ann Landers column In the DAIL'! fnm for May 22.) Hert is a simple solution to the whole t..-ontroversy. But it is probably too simple f(. be acCeptable. • . MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN Reooltin9 Turn To the Editor : . I couldn' betieve it and I read It twice · moit, your .story on May 31, "Muarr Oiargod wllb Delaciils us F~s. • Can tt really be true that.a la'!f enforcement o(· Iker peeked through the window at 833 West 17~ Street, -co.ta Mesa, Cal~ .. and saw an Americao nag wtth. the word "Rev<llutlon" lettered Oil it? And then ap- preheniled the arllst! I checked my copy of the ·constitution and sure enough freedon;i ol spee.th is guaranteed excepti11g15pe6fically writing the world "RevoluUon " <ln Old Glory in your ?ivkii room. (Revtllution has been forbidden since 17&1 by those in aulboJi.. ty.) • Havhig served in three wars and hav- ing picked up a few a1mbat ribbons,. il certainly makes me fef.I secure to know Costa Mesa is not goinl to tolerate such dangerous and· sedlUoUJ ac,ions as gecretJy wriUng 'the word "Rev<llution" on our Flag. Keep up lhe good work. SAM WARY, JR. ' Doubtless Comrade Derevlyev bu been burrowing in housing statisUcs, because a severe housing shortage has been.a ma- jor Soviet headache for decades. It has fa1rly humiliated the comrades lo oonfess that their soci~ Uperiment · has always been wretchedly-behind la living space. ~ It lm't that the proletar~t ind petty. functionari es don't deserve adequate housing . It's just that they can't get It. The architect has his answer. ;PornographyCan·BeaBore But fht': answer is delusory, a:s we \\.'ell ·.now, when we look arounc.. us. That one can get too much <lf a gQ9d thing has never been more solidly shown th8l,l by th~ current Jl!ltional fixation on ----..,.. ... ,.7,, ' -Charlu..McCA'be ·- WITH US, it's autoinobiles. T 0 1blic sex. automobiles, a high.rise is like catnip to a Somebody once said there are three cat. The Russians, too, will presumably things that all men do in the dark -gel have some automobiles by the year 2000. born, have .set:, and die. fltoscow streets are broad, but not broad This is as It should be. enough to contain a tenfold rise in street The malaise we are mired down in is lrafflc. The world is already an ant-hi ll in some time:. called a "sexplosion." This is: India and Chi na. To deliberately invite vulgar. but accurate. congestion in a steppe city like M<lscow, Dirty films, pornographic books, and a 1s to invite endless woes. legitimate theater where anything goes -short of actUll portr11aJ of sodomy, are HOW DO YOU GET food lo lO thousancl· · wlU, us "' ""1er be!Cft. And all . Wlllor • people in one giant buildiJli, pe0ple wllo 1 the p.'larlsalc1l ~bei of eombl)jinc already staod In tong queues al food ceiisonhlp, llld fretln1 ~ f1"ID an· mart.u? Whal d6 you do in lbe uppet" clent Puritanical ...... ' . 400 Doors in • IOO-Oour-bQilcling, if po~ r 1 falls ?· It Is not onl, a. mailer o1 in-IT'S GETTING to i. much. . convente°" in-inhuman warrens bt.it of t like • good dlrtj' story as much 41 the Imminent peril. w~ fa<e !ho ...,;e peril nut man . I• like to mah, fun of -· as we aoar into alr m~de-only. tor eigles, which b a useful way ol co,lac with ita . The hlgh·rise city' ·is already .. ~. mymrtes. dtfeaUng. It solves one r1 two problems But, about dlrty 1torils. I wu &aught and begets a hU~ savage and 1n: when young th8t you rrml nal tell them dur1l e problems. If it mu1Upl1", tt will unleaa the wit uceecb ihe llDQI. One of stran1le us all, one by <lnc, even ln the five blue stories I het.r~oowldjys meet. worker'• paradlae. ~ sensible n<rm. And 11 !0(,9111Wlg fun al sex. tI\e N•• Smul 11 quite !hi oppoolle. It tak'" "" with absolutely mort•I serloosne1SS. ' The ne" smut exploits se:r for economic reason!. Y<lu cannot take anythinc more serl<lu!ly than that. Quotes Bart Sl<lan, Otklud -''PoUUclans never have enouah courage: to r1t1e t.u:cs . during an tlecUon yeu. Wonder why?" In mat ten of obsctntty ·and pro- nography, there art cwo words that.must ~ 1 • - ' be iield in mind, always : public and p>ivate. NO SANE P.fAN can dt':ny to any in- dividual his right to think such thoughjs as he will, and perf<lnn such acts as he might, provided they are done in the privacy of his home, or so~e other private plac<. PUbllc '-1 ac:iotber · m1tttr. It la, no. de:ense to ""1 t!llt noiJodl' Is eompeDod · to go to a I'll>llc eshlblUon lnl<rided to arou.se, but bbl 11Ulfy, .aual desire. Many a nlan ....... into a theater lo acalf and st.,...i lo ""1· And many another man, er woman, bu gone into a theater oul al raU. qloUs curlo<lty, and hal had bis • ....tbllilla 1111ulted mereilesslJ. It Ia by now comcnoc>l'lace that obs<tni- ty utat. In lht iDind al tbe wlinas, wbethu be be Ille -of the "-ltJ ct ihe .-Ver thmof, Tllo performer la .,.uu-. UIUIIt/ -' EVEN OJlllCENITY can be<omt a bore. That Is the direction ln which we are moving. · In the md.-lho New Smut will tin ltMlf. Of coune, you c1n pack a theater In this Ume by •Im ply putllna nude peo- ' pie on the stage. You may do pretty v.·ell with nudies the second and third time. if you keep firm to tl\e principle ol shocking for money'1 sake. But the P'Jblic, besides .being resolutlly dir1yminded, Is also resolutely fickle in the matter ()f the fobida'en . When the forbidden is no longer forbidden, its cur· rency drops to the level of the German mark "in tile early 1920s. lf you are free lo d<l and see what evt':tY,One can do and sec, these things are n<l longer dirty. They are, in fact, no longer commodities. , 1 1 • _...,.W-"·-~··· ' .Frid,.y, ~une -~· 1969, Tiit cdltori41 IJO(lf of ti\> Dolly Pilot-Heb to ·inform and sttm- ulate r,eodn'I bl{ prcsentina lhi.I nt10apaptr'1 opblJonl and c°""" mcntorw on topfca ot inW:rtsl om! 1igni/icante, b11 providing a foriM for th• ezprc11f<m of ouf-.cuodcn' opiniMU, and br prtffl'lting the d,\J.'trst tMw- poinll of inform.td <lbsenJtr1 ond IJ)Oktnn.t'I\ on topics of the doy. Robert N. Weed. Publi•her ./ l I ' ~ ;PIP,' Priees Blamed Apartin~llt Boom ----.I --• • .Seen .for Beach By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of l!lt Oelly P'lltt Stiff Birth c o n tr o I methods and high )Wn payments on new homes have >Uched off an apartment building explo- .on in Huntington Beach, says a city ide. Accorcting to Senior City Planner ichard A. Harlow young people are 1oving to apartments in droves, causing :i unprecedented high in apartment con- ructlon and planning. The city alread) has . approved plans tis year for the construction of '3,680 1its with another 2,118 in various stages ·planning. Whal i.::. causing this mass migration om single family residences to the lartment hou se? Harlow believes "the pill'' has caused >unger couples to wait longer until arting a family. "They used to start 1milies when they were 21 011 22, but to- iy they're wailing till they're 28 or. 29," ? said. REFER FREE TIME "These young couples without children ould prefer to have more free time ancl >artment living affords them that," he 3ded pointing out that younger couples m't like to be encumbered by main- ining a large house and paying high xes. And a lot of young married coupk mply can't raise the $3,000 or more rr Jired for a down payment on a new >me. Interest rates have skyrocketed to an 1erage of 8 percent. boosting monthly KISe payments on an average $33,000 Kne to approximately $:ioo per month. :>artment units. in comparison, are lalively inexpensive and rent for an ;erage of $175 per month , Harlow said. The city planner explained that every 1le the interest rate goes up 1 percent. e monthly house payment goes up >OUt $25. ''Jf you go by the idea that one fourth you r income should be spent on hous- gn.this rnran s that a house owner woulcl l\·e lo earn an extra $100 per month .... each time the interest ra~~ JotS up 1 per.- cent.'' EARN $1)00 Harlow pointed out that UIKler th.is fotmula a man buyi.ng an average home with $300 monthly payments would already have to eam a salary of $1,200 a month. And there are precJous few young coupll'.s who have that k.jncf of Income. He added that Huntington Beach cur- rently has an apartment vacancy rate of 1.5, meaning that 9U out of every 100 apartments Li the city are rented at all times. ''There just aren't enougn apartments to fill the demand,\' said Harlow, "and srnce builders are in their bu!Jnen to make money, they're out to satisfy the demand." Yet even though the city ls being delug- ed by applications for new apart'llent c:omplexes. considerable pressure is bei ng put on by homeowners who don't like the idea of )arge scale apartment units going up next door. "Not too many years ago the rents in these places were quite low." Harlow disclosed, "and the people Jiving in them were of a lower socio-economic level. l lomeowners thought they w e r e transients." • DIFFERENT CATEGORY "But today the apartmenl·renters are paying a: much per month as those who bought single-family resjdenoes a fe\' · r ors ago. We are now dealing with a dH- . ·rent category of apartment people." Local school dlstricls have voiced their concern about the influx of children, even lhough most apartments are adult. oriented. According to.Harlow, the school district arguments are not valid, since a recent ~ tudy shows that apartment projects do pay their own way in taxes for the number of children living in them. Despite school district and homeowner protests, apartments are going up everywhere in the city. In fact, they are goi ng up at such a rate that Harlow pre- dicts when Huntington Beach reaches its ultimate population of 270,000 in 30 years, 50 percent of all residents will be llvi.ng in apartments. DAILY P~l>T Sta" ....... 'THE DEMAND IS THERE' Huntintton Planner Herlow Leary, Family M11st Face Sept. 3 Trial CallfornJa gubernatorial aspirant Dr. Timothy Leary, his wife and 5on must stand trial Sept. 3 in Orange County Superior Court on charges of possessloo of LSD and marijuana. An argumt.r't Wednesday by attorneys for the well-known former Harvard psychology professor and his family that they were subjected to unlawful $eatch last Dec. 26 in Laguna Beach was quickly rejected. Judge James F. Judge ruled in the absence or Leary, 49, his wife Rosemary, 33, and son John Bush Leary, 19, that there was more than sufficient evidence to proceed with narcotics charges against the trio. He ordered the Learys to face Jury trial. An earlier pre-trial session ts scheduled for Aug. 21. Judge Judge told attorney George Chula for Leary and attorney Robert Law for Mrs. Leary and 1he doctor's son that statements made al the time of arrest by Laguna officers amply justified his re. jecJon of Leary's plea for dismissal of the charges. Nixon Concerned f ()r Vets \ ·Asks Be1iefit Reva1np . in, ~ewport Press . Co11,fere1ice- By.. JEROME F. COLLINS Of tk D•llY P'llet Steff President Nixon. in his first press con- •rence at the Ncwporter Inn, Thursday llled for re-evaluation of veterans' ~efits for Gis returning frem Vietnam. Speaking on the lawn in front of the m's Villa San Remo, the President said ~ was "shocked'' to learn Vietnam ~terans are not taking advantage or lucaUonal benefits of the current GI Bill • the same. degree as did World, War JI 1d Korean War returnees. He said Donald E. Johnson, who stood ~side him, would have the "prime !Sponsibility" of dcveioping a new pro- ·am for today's veterans. The President irlier today nominated Johnson, a 44-- ?ar-old Iowa Repub!Jcan, to bead the eterans' Administration. "I have found to my surprise and >0ek, that the number of veterans 'tu.ming from Vietnam who apply for ~efits under the GI Bill is much lower ian after bot h World War II and the orean conflict, 'Vthe President said. ~ - ''This means somethfng is wrong.•• In an earlier statement issued by the While House staff, the President said he is appointing a Presidential CommiUee on the Vietnam Veteran, which will assist John son in developing ·a new GI Bill. Its members will include the secretaries of Defense, Labor and Health, Education and Wellare. "I have directed the committee to report to me on the present stage of benefits for returning veterans and recommendations on how these pro- visions can be improved or redirected,'' Mr. Nixon said. In addition, the President said he has directed the Bureau of the Budget to begin a general study oI returning veterans "with emphasis on those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds." lie said one of the questions he expeets the committee to answer is "How can we design a program to help those veterana who need help the most -the un· dereducaied. the ill-trained and the hitherto underemployed?" DAM.Y '"-OT ltefl ,..... PRESIDENT INTRODUCES DONALD E. JOHNSON Nomfftatfon of New VA Chief Announced in Newport •' I Johnson wm replace William J. Driver, who hu resigned. John.9on. «, ls president of West Branch farm Supplies lnc. and is a fonner national commander of th{ American LegJon. West Branch was the birthplace of President Herbert Hoover. Johnson was graduated in UM6 from lowa State University, Ames, Iowa. He served dur- ing World War II with the Third Army in the European Theater. tn addition to bis association with West Branch Fann Supplies, be is president of an accountlng and business management firm and of a poultry company. Pres1dent Nixon announced Johnson has had considerable experience with the f~deral 1ovemment serving as an ad· v1sory member ot the President's Com· missionn on Civil Rights from 1958 to 1960 and since 1967 has been an executive con- sultant . to the Office of Emergency Preparedness. Slain Youth's Mother Sues · Mesa Of fices The mother of a 1$-year-old boy shot rdown by police while fleein1 a Costa 'Mesa camera shop burglary bas filed a Sl52.000 wrongful death claim namtni three officers who fired at the suspect. Mrs. Heltn P. Ellls 0£ 2011% Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, wants $250,000 for Joss of comfort, companionship and future support by her ooly child. Sht also asks $2,000 in burial and other expenses to date, stemming from the March 15 killing of Sltphen Stubblefield, in the 500 block of West 19th Street. Tix! youth was ordered to bait several limes as he ran from Cortlgan's Cameras, where a burglar alarm alerted police «> a rooftop break-in which was OCCUITing. Police said they could not tell in the midnight chase the ace of the nettne suspect, nor whethtt he was armed, so Sgt. Bob Ballln1er and patrolmen Richard Johnson •Dd George Wilson opened flt't'. Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks ruled the tragic death jost1flable homicide after a week-long probe of the facts. · Coronet'• lnvesU1ators said it w11s Irr.- possible to <ktennlne by blUtatica tests which policeman's 1luc pierced the vic- tim 'a cbes_i alter he had been hit once ln the ie,. Named alto In the claim by Mra. EIU. are tbe County of Orance and the State ol Califomja, where lawmen follow the basJc 1Uide ot abooUnc Jt a IUlpect fledl\C I felony crime tune when be refUHI to bait aft.er adequate ordera. Someone JftMl!l with Stubblefield dur- 1n& the IOpblltJeated buralarY fled the SctM In a dark car, but poltc,-have been unable to tract down any a~plJct. Frldu, J1111t 6. 196~ s DAILY "LOT 3 Irvine GFants Listed .,. f I I 49 Charitable-Groups Share in Wind-fall James Irvine Foundation grants for lMt, totaDna $2.703,012. are divided amq • c b a r I t a b 1 e organlialiou thrwahciut California, it was learned to- day • The laraest slngle cootrlbuUon of the f oundatlon thls year was to the Clare- mont UnlversJty gf04p. The colleges received a $500,000 grant for the HoMold Library. The name of tht recipient or the second largest gift, $100,000, has not yet been released. Organtiatlons receiving grants over $50,000 include: The Harbor Area Boy's Club, $85,000: South Coast Community H~pltal. $75,000: The University of Southern California. $75.000; The Salva- tion Army, $61 ,000, and Boy Scouts of America (Orange Empire), $53,000. Grants of $50,000 were made lo private colleges and universities in Southern Catlfomia. They include: Occidental, Chapman and Whittier Colleges and The University of Redlands. Other $50,000 contributions were made to: Memorial Hospital at Exeter. Orange Coast YMCA, Boy's Club or Tustin and Children's Home Society of Los Angeles. Grants were received by : Services for the Blind, $40,000; Orthopaedic Hospl41l, $30,000; Southern Calilornla Colle&e, $25;oe>G; Symphony Assoc. of Orange County, ps,000; Laguna Beach ¢om- n1unity Players. $25,000,1 and La Vtrne College, $25,000. Other donations or more than •10,000 Include: Orange County YMCA Camp Committee, $16,500; Hemophilia Foun- dation of Southern California, $13,flOO; University Interfaith FoundaUon, $1%,000: Orange Coun~ Calif. Partners for Progress, $15,000; Orange C o u n t y Association for Retarded C h i I d r e n , $10,000, and Assistance League 0£ Laguna Beach. $10,000. Grants ovel' $5,000 Include: Santa Ana YMCA, $8,500; South Coast Repertory, $7,500; Orange County Federated Com· munlt'y Chest, fT,500: Children's Home of Santa Ana, $8,000; Lyric Opera Associa· ton of Orange County, $6,000. and the Santa Ana and San Clemente branches of the Boy's Club. $5,000. Junior Achievement of S o u t h e r n California received S4,100; Coro Foun- dation, $3,600; Orange Church Service Committee, $3,000: Orange County Heart AssoclatJon, $2,500; Orange C o u n t 1 Philharmonic Society, $2,500. Rounding out the contributions. The American Red Cross received, $3;000; American Sunday-School Union, $300: BJi Brothers or Orange County, $1,500; Desert Trail Boy Scouts of America, $3,000; El Centro Boy's Club, $3,000; Braille Institute of America, $1,000; Crip- pled Children's Relief, $1,000; Orange County Epilepsy, $1,500; Planned Parenthood Association, $3,000, and Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease, $1,000. Gomulka Raps Mao MOSCOW (UPI) -W l a d y s I a w Gomulka, bead of Poland's Communist party, today attacked Red China and told delegates to the world Communist sum· mil that chairman Mao Tse-Tung ls not an active fighter against imperialism, conference sources said. -· ...... sb op here ~"-. .at"'bo~a. t c .c1 asJ.om,.~ta~ri9.~# ..... ~-~ . ~ ~·-t~!t~4:f.· ... ~ .,.~ '~~ 1.ti•1 and save during our June anniversary sale Let our experts come right to your home and show you the beautiful fabr ics now speciall y priced, take accurate measurements for best looking draperies. Self-lined, ~lf·in~lating fabric. white or flax tones. ~ayon/acetate antique satin in • great color selection. Self-lined rayon/acetate antique satin, white or flax Heavy-te)(ture casement fabric in 8 fashion colors. Textured drapery fabric with an unusually soft fini sh Reg. 2.59, 1.69 yd. Reg. 2.49, 1.49 yd. Reg. t.99, 1.29 yd. Reg. 3.49, l .49 yd. Reg. 2. 99, 1.9' yd. ·-1.J9 yd.1.29-1. 99 yd. Call your nearest May Co a.nd a decorator consultan t will bring you samples. No charge, no obligation for at-home service. may co custom fabrics 11 , mt y co south C"fftt pine, 11n di990 fwy at l>ridof, cost• mest; 146.'32 I shop mondty thru 11turd1y 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. MAY'CO ---. 'ltt111q, Junt 6, 1969 Skipper _.:Fells ' .~n·aa · '. ·Dr~~m.'~:: · '· .. U.S. Destroyer Bel~ljed at Fault iJJ, C,olJiSion Killing ·7~. . Philippines, thiJ lll<!'Jl"'-sboard, the· USS invqJved. A joint U.S.·llultr~n bOard ol q~c~~~"o(~ ~ 1ie;i Cllling i'' . Kearsarg~wlfh lllOll'ol th• 1111' survlvon lnqlilty ~Mon&y in•SUbJc Bt.J., Jwme 011'10 i'*'!'.lJOiic~ Untt. · By Vatted PR11 tnieriladonat1 The Earl of Ay1e1ford was th'nlled by the present he received from '!he Royal Air Force -until he tried to get it home. The pres.ent was ab 'J.1-fon TwiJHngine Valetta airplane the E(t.rl said be wanted and the RAF said he couJd have. But the · plane· today was at Binn· inham Airport,1five miles from his home. The Earl said he was think· ing about bulldozing an 11()().yard airstrip on bis estate --for juat one landing. • • Jostf• Floret, 27, of Barm· aa, .Venezuela gave birth to triplets two on dry land and the third in a canoe. Police said.Josefa, wi1e c,f a local fanner, had the first two of bet· three male children al her borne, and was being taken by canoe to a nearby hospital wh~n third offspring was born. • Skinny-dipping is out these days at Detroit's downtown YMCA. The lifeguard is a lady. "'There weren't enough male& to go around, so I was hired,'".says comely, 28..year-old Mrs. Lynne Weatherholt.. "Besides, 11ou've heard about the law against dis· crlmination became of sex, haven't you?" • One of the proud parents at the Auburn (Ala.) College commence· lnent this week looked ju.st like Oscar-winning actress Susan Hey .. ward, and thet's who it was. She was ttiere to see her U.year-old son. Greg Barker, receive his vet~ erinarian's degree. ''I'm just a mother who wants to .see her son get his diploma ," Miss Hayward said. • Not until he was aboard the Australian aircraft carrler Melbourne did the skip- per ol the USS Fran): E. Evans realize"· the two shlpe: had collided. "It was like a bad dream," Cmdr. Albert S. McElmort said today. The colUPon 'Tuesday morning caught McElmore in hi! cabin in the forward sec· tion of the ship. Tbe bow sank two minutes after lhe Melbourne sliced the American destroyer in two in bri&ht moonlight. Seventy-four U.S. sailor~ died in the tragedy. Capt. John P. Stevenson of the Melbourne was on the bridge of hl~ ship, sailing fully darkened following a serlea of tricky rlgzag: maneuvers 350 miles south ol Saigon in the South China Sea. Reliable sources who' refused to be further identified told UPI the Evans was at fault in the collision. They said its brld1e did not answer two commands from the Melbourne to change course. Mcltlmore arrived in Subic Bay, the Reih Step Vp Attacks Prior To 'MitJ,way' of his crew. He told a· ntw'1 conference : will try tO.~ bow-+the Ma trqedy -Many of theih1 wW f~ qttesUoning "My f~st lhouaht w .. ,that either we ~ .. ' ..:..~ •• nlgbta .••• ahl-"'ere ~~ t!>e ~ lbr ... Aq!Cfl!:lll naval hadbe<ntorpedoed,ormlned.Tbereaaon ~ ""'-· ' -r ~ · omceraanll · AUllrallll\offR:mln- was because of the Oash of light I saw. A fully darktnid In ~ulated warUme con-, vesUga:tl.ng . the colllsion du r l ft g colllsion was not epP,arent to me. I did dltionJ ~nd ateamlir •' 11 kr*' carrying maneuvers of the Sou~ast Alia Treaty 1. ·1 UI 1 00--.3 ·~ out a zig-~ or series of coune changes . ~!1~:e~" I un was a iu-u ~·e · designed 'io tiJab 1Jae 11.1bmailnel attack OrpnizaUOI. problem more dlffieult," Stev~·•aJd. 'Mle.•rtllable' IOUlCJ Wei the Evans ap. Tbe Evans skipper said all he recalls 9r• The Evans .was one ot five deatroyers parentJy falltd to complete lta tum the impact was that he had to force his fanned C)jJt ahead of the Melbourne, fo~in& StevenlOll'I order to .take a new way through shattered steel in his cabµl trying tO dettd submarines in ·an an.o pos1Uon. 1 It reported!);' croaed t.he and found himself in the water with some lisubmartne warfare drill. Steveneon nid Melbourne s bow ~ tight \o Jett .• with crewmen. A boat from the Melbourne the destroyers ranged from 3,000 to"l0,000 no Umie for the camer to avold collislon. picked them up. yards ahead. According to theit aource1, U.S. Navy Laler he and Stevenson, who had met "In accorde.nce with the piogram, officeri, were told · in 'brteflnga the earlier in the week before the maneuvers aircraft were to be operated. from the Melbourne bridge urgently signaled the began. embraced each other and "We Melbourne . . . I ordered the Frank E. Evans twK:e· to change course but gol no said to each other 'I'm sorry,' " Evans to move from her screening sta-answer. Generally such warnings are McElmore said. tion to a position J,rx» yards as\em of made by brtdg~brlc!ge ttlepbooe or by Stevenson's badly damaged ship pulled Melbourne to prepare ror. reacue opera~ signal lights. into Si ngapore this ~ng ind he is.sued tions," Stevens said. · During' flight operations, when a car- a statement to newsmen that tht weather . "It wu in the course of this maneuver rier is launching or recovering planes, wu perfect and he was· in "tactical con· that tbe colliSion occurred ." standard procecJure' Js that smaller ships trol" of his ship at impact. The U.S. carrier Kearsarge brought must tahe evulve actJon to avoid getting His was the first official account of most of the 199 survivors of the Evans in-in the carrier's way. In Navy parlance, the collision from high-ranking officers to Subic Bay this rnorn.ing. They got a the Evans wa11 the "burdened" vessel ~~~~~___;;~~'°--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * Sea Heroism After Ships' Crash Related Portions of South Report Some Violent Weatl1.er Callfomia Coastal . - Nltlll 11111 IMl'ft1!1f low <Jtulil W!I~ l'le1Y tl'!(>r-11111111!""' ,...,, Wltll, 10 to U. Wln<b -i~rly •o to 16 ~'Ill!~. Y111iel'tllV'$ ~mMrllUt9' r In I t d frDm I•"'"' O! U to .st. lnltl!d ffm· otrtlU>T rt"ff wt' 11 lo .\f, Wiler fem,.fl!\I.._ Wll ,, ft,ren, S1111, nJoon. Tide• l'l.IOA'I' llllf'rf Ntlt . 4:M 1.m. 1.1 ,ll'lt low •·· 10:11 •·"'· ,,, JI.TUI.DAY ,1nl Ntl'I •• .... ",,, J;G 1.m, '·' ,il'll ltW ......... .,, . IO;JI 1.m. 0,J ~ llltll ......... ,. 1:11 11.m. 1.t second loW ... ll:d •.m. '·' t•11 ll lMt J:O • m. S.h 1:02 11.m. ~ ttltn...... S.lt '''" ...... hit l.1\t •• ,.,. "Int •. J\lllt jl J11pi/ I JV"" tt Ji, ... ;l U.S. S11111111ary Shewtn 11W ttw~ -.,..,. wldH;or1acl If! fht Mlllwe1I .,111 the NOl"l!'IUll ICNy II I w1rmlftt '''""' ttron 1M $aull\e.U m1rkfl1 ~lul June Wftll'N!r IOI' mos! l!xl!loni. ll1lnf1ll WI $ !CICl11'r hll'IW In ~lot• 1111. wun ,...r1., "''"'_.,.,. o! '" Intl! morWCI 11 Ml1ml, HD"""11eH •NI 0.yl-811cll In 1 1!•.r.111o1r "'' 111<1. 8•11111wkk, Gt., 111cordtld owr '" Inch. T,._ -~rllOttcl Tnul'ICl1., du1!"' wloltflt lltOl'l!'ll nt•r ci.111on, 1 '°"""'"'"'" °"'fllo -nwn!tv. Cltlf• IM tlto ~ IMl'I f!ltll tft !llCll "' •r.c:l•llaliof!. Tl'lw lnltr!or Of !tie Wf'\I re<ol'dtd l bcwt "°'""I l""Dftlfuf'ff Incl ltlt 1&111'11 tl'ld Soo.oltl-1 ...-ltd l'ffo$.- 1110• nt1r 110<"m11 1fffr rKtrfl IOwt T~Vtllll'r mcir11htf, Elfi't' m!lf111nt '~"'otr1tvr11 r4~ frll"' 1~ ti lnttrn1110,,.1 l'•lll. Minn., •c t i •' N«dlft. C1\~. Te1t1.1te rat1rre• - Allt1H111o rQ11t Anc~ortoe B1kor111o:d Bi1'1'11tC~ Boi" llOSIOA C.~lc•'~ Clf!Cll\"1!1 C1tw11nd Otl\Vtr tl'U MOiM' ~roll '""""'~ l'ort Wef!~ Frt'r>O Mo!'"' Wai1ta!Ot1 K1n111 Ctty l" Vttl l L" ~ -""• Miami • M11Wt~tfl Mln1191H'11\ New Orl"n' NfW York Nor!~ ,.,,, .. ...... ....... P•~ •lltoblf>I f'lllladtll!fl\1 Pllet"I• Pltt.W~h _ .. fl:Hlll C1"!' fl:td '""' .. M her•-"'' 11. Loult S1!111t1 S.11 OllH "" "••l'ICht o ""'' lti1Mt• k•"'' l<'llllt!'l!I Thttmt! W11~l11tlet1 Htlll L1 .. l'rtt. n 39 53 0 .Cl " . .. " " " .. " " • " •• 11 II ,,, ~' ., ~· ~ " Ii !J . " Ii St " . M » 11 ., .. ,. ,°' 11 '' '' ·" •-n .u 11 SI If 5.1 ., ., ,, 5! 16 ,II fl !! t} ~· " » " . lC6 12 ,, 19 11 SI ,, 63 " . II IJ JI .SI ,, . t l !1 " " ... . " n " 'II ., '" ,, u " ... ·" ·" ' INVASION RECALLED -Story, Photos Page 18 the shadows or ·a ravine beaches where the first \\·as made. up from the breakthrough Hamburgers and hot dogs with baked beans were Served to 700 guests, in·· eluding British, Canadian and French of· llcers and their wives, who enjoyed the American cookout. Many American -fighUng wUt.s held reu· niori1 here aftet-cbartered trips from the s t a t e s. Scores of old ·soldiers were accompanied by their wive.s and children and thoroughly enjoyed telling them how Jt really was ·25 years a10. While a vast majority of the baUle scars have been erased lrom both the c01mtryslde and the landing beaches, it djd not take anyone who was there tong to l'tCOllliU "X marks tbe spot . " Except that lht IWI was shining the weather wa1 quite stmllar tO tht vk:lOUI landlna 25 years aio .-:--the wind wu blowing and the English °''Mel w•s bolling up 'ffhlte-capped waves that made some of the taditS 9'aai<k just looking It them. • Science Chief WASHINGTON !AP) -The board chairman of the Niitional Scien« Foun· dation sa.vs there Is no scientific. evidence that smoking marijuana ts harmful or addictive. In fact, says Dr. Philip Handler, the in- formatJon available now indicates the op- posite may bt true. "It ls our puritan ethic which ·AY~ we shouldn't do this ra.lher than science which says we should not, at the fl'9" meit,11 Dr. Handler told a ftoute ap- propriaUou subcommitle,e in testlmony released todl)'.. ~ . Handler stkfit still remains a scientific probltm to cteeidt Whether marijuana is dan~erous to' society, He likened It to alcohol and said 'i. similar decision would havt to bt made ir 1lcohol had just betn dlscovtrtd. Similar ltatemenl3 ·touched oU a .con- trovtfsy in 1981. wt>en they came from a top health official In the Johnson ad· mtntstratlon. • Or. James L. Goddard1 a commluioner ol the U.S. l'oocl and Dru g Admlnlstretion, said tMn that as a phy~f cia n he wM not. satisfied that medical justification erlsted,to prohibit tM use of marijuana. All S1niles Cen~ral figure in Prorumo scandal that rocked the British Government in )963 Christine Keeler is all smiles during a reception for actor Steve Mc- Queen (rear) in London Thurs~ day. Asked how she spends her time these days Miss Keeler replied, ''l just mess around in general." ANC~ORAGE, Alaska. (AP) -Al leas\ 15 mliltary planes and two Coast Guard vessels continued searching the western Aleutian Islands_ today for an Air For« reconnaissance plane missing with 19 men aboard. Sgt. Larry lielmerick, public in- f orfnation officer for the Alaska Air Com, mand at nearby Elmendorf Air Force Base, said today 's search was to be con.. centrated near Amchitka I.stand, where the plane was located when it made· its last radio communication. Its last estimated position Thursday was 250 iniles east of Shemya on what was described as a routine flight from Shemya to Eiel son Air Force Base near Fairbanks, Alaska. The Pentagon said Thursday night the plane,-an RCl35, is powered by four turbo-fan engines and carries electronic reconnaissance equipment. The Pentagon said the RC135 was not shot down. The missing plane's mission may have Involved c~ecking Soviet radar and possi·- bly monitoring Russian radio com- munications, but there was no official v.·ord other than lhat the flight was routine . WASHINGTON ' (UPI) -Defense Secretary. Melvin R. Laird accused the North Vft!l'ii'll.m~se government · t01fay Of making contrived propaganda broackuts instead of providing legitimate evidence that American war prisoners are being treated humanely. Jn a statement issued at the Pentagon, Laird said such broadcasts "art a feeble gesture" and "no subl!Utute for the humanitarian guarantees that we are seeking." "lf Hanoi wants lo demonstrate to the world that these men are being treated humanel)" and are -recei.ving proper medical treatment.,, it ,must permit in-- specUons . of prj8oher.or.war camps by hhpartial groups,·~ he-said. · ~avy U . Cmdr. John S. McCain llt, ont""of the •primen and the son ot Adm. Jot'!n S. McCain Jr., was quoted by Hanoi radio Tbursd&y as ~ying, "after I wa.s captuttd, I was taken to ~a hoe:plt.al ·1n Hanoi w~rt 1 re<?eived very good medkal treatment. ''t; other Communist broadcasts hawe been atli;lbuted to Sgt. Arthur CotrTiitr, MaJ. DaVkl Everson, Maj. Raymond James Merrill and .Cmdr. Jerome Denton, all Usted. a.s prisonm of .,.war . The broadcasts appear to be in rrsponse to l..11ird's statement May JD tha1 there i~ a us2rio11!il question'' 'whether prisoners are receiving human• treatment ln North Vietnam. T d • u If b n ~ ~ s ~ • l I< I t n ' l t c t n l ' ' I ' t I r ( r f I c ' t I ' ! F c l d v r d r t ( ~ ' ' t c @ ' t F ' ! ' I ' I • - j Nixon Asks ' . ' More Cash .. r rldaY, Jullt 6, 1 %9 DAILY 'ILOf $ Solons _ "Get Berkeley File ' . ' BERKEL£Y (UPI) -The la additloo, lnlormallOa "' -. lllll lo more than IOll rocudl ol ll10N !ban IOI) 11 eWdogl l1'0UP' --lo -lnfonnnlc them thot i • ~-NASA:· WASUlllGToN (UPI) - The .. space budget,' currently doWn to abbut '3.t 1 blWon 11' as"l"'ault .prepara.to ,1and on the mooo, must cllrnb 'back to Ill former level <ii .round jg • bilUon .a year, the Nlxoo ad- ministration believes. lludenll Ind 11 11U<len\ or-the committee so thot a lnlonnatlon them had gone lo pulialbi>-wtll-lle-tumedt-jiiii:iiiiiii~iii~iiii:iiiiii~~iil~t-'--tf--OYer't to the. ,Mc:CleUa 1 .. \ 1 comm-by the Univenlt)' 1 Dr. 'l'llPmu. o. flble,' since April 3 admlnlslfalnr of the Nltional Aeronautics a n d Space Admlnlstr1Uon (NASA)", told a House Appn>prlatioos subcammtttle an i.ncreue to the old "IS billioo to 16 billloo level'! will be neces.siry in tbe post.Vietnam period to keep the United States· tn· the nm-· ning with the Soviet Union 1n continued space explorat.lon. ffe.aaid he does not conskler the two nations in a "race" but tbal the Soviets are spen- ding on space 111 ai~ficanUy higher percentage" of gross national product than the United states. The actual outlay is about the same, he estimated. U,.T ....... Ethel Visits Grave ol ~= °!!'~'bn.t ~Stamp Man .scvs: &llllOllllCemeol 'lbunday min- utes after a federal judp reru...i to halt the compll- ...,., Judge Robert Beck· ham denied without COIDJDtlll • tult uldo( lhat the «Jiil• mltt.ee's subpoena be declared unoonslltutlonal' Ind void. COME ,FLY WITH US , , , to Exotic Lands ••• on the Wings of stamps! (No ·reservations necessary. C'mon by.) FAIRCHILD STA'.\11"" 247-F Broadway • Laguna Beach • [714] 494.054' 0J)tn Nooq to S::JO •Closed Wednesdays I: Sundays Edmund Faircbitd • Walt Mc:nsch. CW0 USPtfC Rct. 'lbe suit had been filed by an attorney an behalf of L«al 1570 ol the American Feder- ation ol Teacl>ers, the Aisocl- atecl Studenll ol the UniVtr-sjjy~ol Cal~orn!a, the RadlcaJI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Students Union, Ind ~ 1: Individuals. 11 asaerted that compllanct -the suboommlttee sub-poena would cause "immedi- ate and trreporable harm" Ind that the -ol the siibpoena II to "harm Ind intimidate." The McClellan subconunlt· t'ee is officially known as the pennanent subcommittee on investigation of die Govern-Smart '. He got no commitments from appropriations members, On the first year anniversary of Robe\t F. Kenne-- according to a transcript o( dy's death by assassination, Ethel Kennedy kneels the closed-door h e a r i n g ment -Operations Committee ' of the United States Sena!<. tional cemetery early this morning. A .Memorial It expects t'e open bearings Smart girl, · guy, Mass will be held at his gravesJde this ev~g. June 16 on campus disorders throughout the nation and has subpoenaed student rte· ords from at leut a doien universities. published today. And two _:h:::Y_hi::"::s~g~ra.::.v:•·:_S:h:•:...:.Vl:.".::.t::ed:....:th::•:...:•.::it..:....:•:.:t..:A.::r::lin~gto=n:..N:.::•·....:.· -------------------- members warned Paine he coo.Id ezpect a cut in funds rather than an increase if the first American lunar explorers plant on the moon any flag e1- cept that of the United States. The agency has been con- sidering whether the Dag of the United ·Nations might be hoisted on the moon as a good· will gesture. Six Tatars ' In Moscow Protest Six Arabs, Israeli Die In Oashe.s TEL AVIV (A.P) -Arab commandos from J o r d a n made three raids into Israel Thursday night on the second anniversary of the six-day war the I s raeli army annOunced. A spokesman said six Arabs and an Israeli sergeant were killed. The spokesman said the Israeli soldier was killed when U.S. Renews Lease On Bases in Spain WASHINGTON (UPI) -period Ind Fulbright 11ld the The United Slates, alter agreement included a loan to months of sticky negotiations the Spanish government from the erport-imporl bank for with Spain, has agreed to weapons purchases ' in the lease military bases o n United States. Spanish soil for another two A formal signing of the lease years. e:dension was expected within Terms of the agreement a few days un1esa COngrea were disclCRd Thursday by volct1 objection to tt and votes Sen. J. William Fulbright after to strike rental fundsJrom the the Senate Forelgn Relations foreign aid bill. Committee he heads met Th t ed tod to d behind closed doors with State a appear ay · e- JAC.~ AND JtLL ARE OVER 1'HE Ht LL pend in large part on whether Department o f f i c I a I • , In· Fulbright and other lonptan. --===='--- eluding U. Alexis Johnson, ding , opponents of the pact stanford University partia]. ly complied earlier 1n the -k by giving the -mltiee lnfcnnatloa. on stu- dents involved in campus dis· order who bad received federal aid Ind thole who were dlsclpllned. The llCbool thus gave up information oo 39 out of 90 stucknts in whom the subcommittee upressed interest. The information turned over· by Califoniia will include the . names of 72 pel'9(D anested last October In the occupation ol Sproul Ind Modes halls. It also will Include' recmls ol 21 persons repol1ed to· the Aca· demlc Senate last February by Otaneellor Ro<er Heyns- .......,..,ly lnvOlvlng th e Thiril World Liberation Froot strike on campus. Smart buy MOSCOW (AP) -A small his1mit intercepted a band o( group of Tatars staged a Arabs near the Mandassa public protest in Moscow to-Bridge, in the Jordan Valley. day of Soviet treatment of The Israelis reported killing their minority group. Police two members of a three-man dragged them off. •A~pted I Four Tatar men and two guerrilla team inu;.i ... ..., n women unfurled protest ban-the Negev Desert 12 miles tmdersecretary for poliUcal were satisfied with it. · affairs. Although the A r k a n s a !I In recent months Fu~t Democrat refused to disclMe had. wag~ a quiet ca~paign exacUy how much the United aga.1i:ist it. ~e hued bis op. States has agreed to pay ror position mainly o~ ~ argu- the right to operate two air m~nt that the agreem~nt. bases and one tubmarine bue bemg negoliaied bY,-".l~:::it.tt .. . S . b •• 'd '"· fi general oo IJIS!rucllOM lrdrn . In pam. e --~ l!Urt .. ~~-Departm ........ could Mexico Plane Victims Take one sip of its marvelous mildness and you'll ' s3a9 north cl. E1atb about two hours ners on Mayakosvky Square in later. . . agree: there's no/ downtown M~w. The ban- ners Called -for the return of Another band of commandos the Tatars to their home in the was discovered after it cross-- Crimea, from which Stalin ex-ed the Jordan River near the pelled them. Another banner Danliya Bridg~. 1.5 miles north demanded freedom for dis-of the Dead Sea. Tb e sen• Pyotr Grigoryenko, who i4>0kesman said four Arabs was jailed for his efforts to were killed. Hunted in Dense Fog smoother whiskey than Sunny. Brook at any price. was well below the $175 we -u:: Clftt million oller W a 1 hi n gt q n ~ ~"!11:n ~"1 a•.~,•, U.S,. portedly d . "'t •.com ent 'lo dela'ld-the re ma e Iii e v e r ~ Spani!h . government against ~ ~~NT~t:~ :::: =~~.~.~.~In the su·NNV BROOK made 1t up ·~};ak Hill" A relative of one of the 791 I ' help the Tatars. The army said Iii e v e n weeks ago. . internal and fOrelgn 111ttack. · Ther:e were reports the Lwo When he eni.erged Thutsday today and ste.ried in a blinding victims of the downed Mei:· ican airliner wu I e d , &llllWY 110111111srum co. CUii'. ow10. IUllQn1m1111°. m GWll IQtULUlllTI. U." 4/1 tf. fog the collection of 79 ~es _ _:v~om~iltnt!~:,:· f~ro~m~th~e~C~lm~P·:..._...:===================;. The protest a p p a r e n t 1 y persons, including th r e e caught Soviet authorities off children were slightly injured guard. The Tatars stood un-by roCkets from Jordan which molested for five minutes exploded in two border set- under the mpsai\'e statue of tlements in the Bei.san Valley. poet Vladimir MayJkovsky The ·casualties reportedly oc- countries had settled on $50 f h 1· 'th Stat million over the tw~year rom t e mee mg WI . e from the scfene o( the Wed· · Department officials, nesday crssh of a Mexicana Airline! 727 jet ·Mamie to Star while a crowd or about 200 curred a\ Neve Eitan and WASHINGTON {UPI) - gathered, staring at this rare Hamadia. Former President Dwight D. display of defiance. The anny,said rockets from Eisenhower deeded hb farm Then two poHcemen, sup-Lebanon hit the setUements of to the government Nov. 27, proted by burly men who Kfar Glladi arid Tel Hal, near 1967, with the condition his apparent I y were the Lebanese frontier, but widow could live there six plainclothesmen, moved in. caused no injuries. ' months after his: death. They tore the four banners -==::.::.:..::::::.::;:.. ___ ::..c:.:: _______ _ from the !lands of the Tatars, inioned their arms, and tusUed them oU to a private room in a nearby subway sta- tion. What happened to th e Tatars after that was unknown immediately. BRITANN.lA RULED OUT 'M S1UHG1 WOILD • f!ILMUM ____ ...., Fulbright said he found the new terms "much, much bet· tei" and addtd that the agree- ment bad "been changed very aubstanUally. '' Greeks Hunt Escaped The victims included pr~ rnlnent Mexican a n d ln- temaUonal figures. The bodies were reported hanging In-piec- es from trees and brush over an area a mile-and-a-half_ squall!. None Was .een intact. "It's terrible," Rod o If o Pallarres, in charge o f recovery operaUons for the Red Cross radioed from the mountaln. "There'• too much fog. we ATHENS (AP) _ Alezan· can't distinguish any large dros Panagouli!, convicted piecef of the plane, except for I a wing.'" 'Assassin' of trying to kill Prem er Money, papen ahd clothing George Papadopouloa, h a I were reJ)Orted scattered all escaped from hi! military over the face of the mountain, prison, the government an--'-d in nounced today. caught on bru"'' an The 30-year-old e x • a r m y crevices. One recovery team private, arrested last August member was arrested by his when he tried to blow up the oolleaguea when they sa':' him premier's car on a seafront th.rod a 100 peso note in hla road, made his g e t aw a .y pocket. 1 rte rs a n d Thursday night. Sever;a repo . LONDON (A P) -For years, the audience every summer at the f i n a I Promenade Concert at the ~~ • .-~~~~..t.tbl~. season singing two salutations He was sentenced to death, relatives of vlcti~ ll J ~;!i'k~~~rd :~~ go up !lie £1 regime and for desertion; T1>e mountain without I u I d e s . to British •might -!'Rule Britannia" and "Land of Hape and Glory," the latter sung to the best known of Sir Edward Elgar's "Pomp and Circum· stance" marches. The British Broadcasting Corp ... ,_whicp now spon~rs the 7~year-old summer series, an- nounced Thursday night that this year the two old favorites will be missing. "Times change," said the BBC. with Southe!n Federal you now earn from D~F-IN 2'0 DJIJf·OU'I' which means your funds eam for the full time they are In the acco&Jnt • 5% current annual rate oama 5.13% When compounded dally •nd held onoyear•5.2S% on3yearcofllllcat• (multlplea _cl $1,QOO) • Funda pieced -the 1ot & 10th of the month earn from the 1st • Accounts lnoured to $15,000.. SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS & 1.0AN ASSOCIATION• EST. 10t4 HrAO QllPtcf: -Wlltfll19 ""9 .. Let-..., OU-.J• • T.,ll'ZANA: tint V91111M atvd,. M$49!' • HlnmNIJTON l t:ACff! •t Hllrl.._." c..r .... , .. 7 ' . JJ military tribunal gave him 18 Search ,.rtie1 went· out look· I ye.an in pr ison for his ing for them. 1 assassination attempt. ~unday Ru~n V a de z Since then he bas been held liiwooped bis helicopter down in a series of prisons. over the side of ''Three Peak Today's announcement from Hill." . the Ministries of Justice and "Nada, nada. n~~a (nothing, · Public Ordet, said Pana:goulis nothing, nothlng),. he mumbl· "e~ last night from the ed over and over again on his prison where he was held." return to the base camp at the NoW A«optl"'l Applcatlon for tt.e Summer S..... C-•<lot July flll, 1 Ht UNIVERSl1Y ' COLLEGE OF LAW ' An Affiliate of Pepp1rcUne Coll~• ...... a-..~ .................... ~ ... '-"·' ....... -........... '""4ol a...... -~·.._....., ... ~,_ ... ,_,_....,_ ........ 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(714) 61'U900 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Bill Y •Its In~. 32f52 Vallo Rd. 499-2261 -HUNTINGTON llACH Harbour Volksw19on 11711 hoch loufovord 1714) 842-4435 ,. I I .. I ,. • I I I .I ,1 •I KIDDIES' PAIL I ..,.. _ _,,·• SHOVEL sn 1 .30•.14.!1 Yalu• WITH COUPON I C.terf•I• lhlnlf ...... 1 ....... . -·-- IO·LB. CHARCOAL I BRIQUETTES . ••·4·7· cl .. ,.. I WITH COU,ON • Am•&i ... lew ,,,,, , '" ,;.,.,,., '''""'" ., ... , ... , I llMlfl IAO • WITH COUPON PAK Of Sii i SMELLED HOOKS I --~--"'-~ .•. "alue "'"' . . ..., WlfM COUPON LIS•••·· T"TIPAm ·I ••• 1,5c I sin 1 WITICCOUPON .• Helf11 w"lt•• ..... , llld9hl•• )'9•1' ....... l., •• ,,,. .. -I llMrT 1 WlfHCOU,OH ZEBCO CLOSED FACE I SPIN••& REEL I 7.oo 267 .. ,,-.,.. I . WITH COUflON I ....... l•IMe 201 ... e1 nel .... .,,. llMIT J. • S\.'J" hl9h, •"" .ii.. ,.111 ... 11111111, ...... . ....... ,. ,,;•"' I ,.,,,ty,.11•. l11p•P 1h•-rp lt•lt• 1 heltlh11 h .. 1111 tletl .... ....... ... ..... fll11t1•11I, A1Mr1etl. , . .J,ool:: _. . llMIT6 P.l.ICS ••• , •c•1-....... 11 I ••ti ·-· ,,.... <•-,,,,. •lllil u ... , ·1 , ... ,, WmtCOUPON WITH <OUPON WITMCOUPON •ORWALK IMPlll.l.l N"'Y, AT 11UDllAICll L sourH 111m Ar CMlllT --..... SMOOTH, EASY I SPRAY PAlll I "' 29c 1 "•I•• . . . I , ................ ; ... I ... ...... ~ ,.1111 ..... ,...... .... .. :::..::. ww ...... . • . --..... - . • . • WINI A PRINCESS OCEAN PARTY CRUISE GRAND PRIZll 15 DAY CARIBBEAN CRUISE PLU$ MDT 3-DAY .PARTY CRUISES ABOARD ' PRINCUS CARLA OR PRINCESS !TALIA WIN! VIA PHINCES S ClllJISES I A NEW YORK HOLIDAY FLIGHT WW UNITED AIR~l l:~S irr IJ.!.S&Ji.IIJJ.J:i -•1-; f J.J.S(J{·li!J·l!i 0 ~ STARDUST I NOmDI PLAYllll CUDS I FAaAL TIS$1E .:~:.Ille~ :;::9' wnH cou"lf! i WnH cou~ lritlt• et phtMhf• oleck1 with •Hr•cti'r• I "••ii"''· LIMlf 4 DICKS WtfHCOUl'ON " LP REC-ALBUMS I ~9·7~: -AUTOMATIC .II 4-SLICE TOASTD ·ll ..... ,~'11 WlfN COUPON I Gho• Ce"'plteU's .. ..... 1,•i•tl I Ml11tl".,. f«tl• Mell4a trl• wi1h I ...." ...... ltMtf 1 I.I.CM WITlf COUPON I value """' WIT-" cc:Mn.t II . . RIDO•DO .RIACH . ........... AT DIVOtllSNtll NAWTNOINI ll'f'b. AT so.•AY c·1~T11 IAlnAANA •••l•I eRO't'I R•RRAJn( CAllOOA PARK POUllTAlll VALLIY LO•OUACH llUllTIHfON RIACll NAllOI ll\'D, At IDtNGll 101 COYOTIS,Sll'llNG &WOODIUff • GOLDIN W1'1T 6 IDINOI• " ...... AYLATtnM1mrT CHAPMAN a AOO«tfUIST SAN FllN.l.NDO 11vD. Af IUl lANIC fOPANGA CANYON llVD. Af 105COI f us ' • HER L 0 . R4 h•· ..... . ' .. SI • . -·, HIRl'S ZOl!Tll -l'OMOllA ITORll 1444 IAIT HOLT-Tl ... CD ! • WIN! ---~- A FREE FLOOR COVERING · FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE OZITE® CARPET.ING OR ROBBINS PEEL 'N ~'ii'O~IK{" ~: SPUT TUNIC FRONT ·ONE.PC. DRESS .... 3· 77 value ...... , .. ,.., , .. " ...... •11 .. . ''"" ...... , ...... ,..Ml••,. llflli ••• 1""-• ......... . ......... , ""'· . .,......, .... . .............. 111 ••111, '""'"-'"· ,..,., lihM,lrMlll. l"te 20. 20 IALLON POLY I TUSH CAMI z.17 1291 I'; .. ,.. ~l '#ml COUPON I ' '" H .. " .. •,-.city I ................ ., ,..,~ .. ·-·· ..... -..-. •r '"'· I M•• 1..,..ritltt IWI. UM',l' WltMCOUJON /' CREW NECK SWEATS•RTS •.17 97c .,., .. a..,. 41"-1 .,... price .... ,.,., ... _,,Mm hH "' .... rill -k. 11-•Ml ........ W•1"'9W. cett.. 111 ..... ••hi, .. .,. ...... ..... ..... ,,., ... ... , .. ,11-·~ • • LmlE lllll.S WIDE l•LS' OILOll ' · SWUIEIS ·2, ... 1 •1 'll..._"'::r1. LR SLA~Ui ..... ·-·•i'IW '"""'• •••lrJ Ortell" ....,... .. ,.. ..... wtttr. tWck ...... ••4 ...... 11, .,, .... , .... . fH•k, ··-· -.. bltr •• .._.JJ whl .. , ,.,.i, a .. l" :•~~:. 97~ • I ..... ,~, .............. ... '" hre I .. iMcU Wftll ••• ,,.,, ...... liRt. ,_ ... , ,,.. .... ,.. .. .,....."-111 ,111k, ,.,.._., 1111111, -......... ., w .. ·-· ,. . IOYSSl&a ... ~,n11.n· ... 57·· .. ..... I ''' ·-~-· . . ' ·--~~-···' . .............. .... , .......... ....... .,. ... , ~ .... . ............ ...... .,. ........... .. llMI , .... ,, ... ·~' IUIT A f'9 _Of THI Mn, MAlrt ITUQ ON IALlrHRI .. Tllll IPICTAm&.AR IY•L , I , lllOP WITH ZODYI COllYllll•t can1T .. Y08• ......... CAB ••• IOMI OUAllTl:tl• LIMl'.'I~ . . - , • •• • • r 1 • • \ ! ' .. 1 ' I I J I ,\ I ---- f DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE) • ' High acllools in !ht Huntlngton Beach Union Hlgh School Dlstrlct are currea!IY faced with a crisis that wUI affect tar more than just the teachei:a who 1"•nt more -Y and the trustees who say they don't hove ntn-• · Even more dHply aflected, pernps, are \b• thou· sands of )'<lllths in the schools who can't leem .ii there aren't telcbors t<> teach' lhem. The poHlble wldeapread consequ111ees of a fUll·scale teacben walk out are ob- vious. But Who ls to blame? Obltrvers are hard put to find an aMWer. II teachers are isltlng for JDOl!ey lhat simply isn't there, then bow ~caD e ilillrict meet""tb~r demands? On the oilier band, lho district board of trusiees seems to have taken a rather hard line on bargaining, pemaps leaving tile teachers witli no tactic but a walk· ouL Latest proposals Indicate the teachen are willing in accept tht district's ofter of a four percent pay in· crease -If the diJtrlct ofllcials will give them any ex· tra funds the district earns above !bat listed in the in· come portion of the budget. The teacben want.D1011ey the district Isn't sure it will receive. Teacher• are willing to gamble, but the trustees are. not. . Most ciUzem sympathize with teachers' desire for better pay. They handle a rough job and al times even buy school J1!8lerlala from their own pockets because the school diJtrlct can't provide evel)tlllng. the ~Line : But where do we 10 II the teachers Jeevo tho clu .. roorp.s? The only clear answer is that a setilemenl must be· reached, and reached soon. Teachers are showing a wUUngness lo comproroite, more at Ibis time than the cllstrlct. Neither side !• completely wrong, but now it'• time ~or those involved lo use reason, not ptidr, as a bargaining force. Stubbornness on either side can bring disaster to the district. A Neighbor's Show lfantington Beach-bas· il•· jusUy famous Fourth ol July Parade -certainly one of Southern California's most successful community e'!'enls. Across the Santa Ana River this weekend, neighbor- ing COsta Mesa stages its own big community event, the annual Lions Club. Fish Fry and Carnival -and Huntington Beach an.d Fountahi Valley residents might well drop by for fun and fish. The Fish Fry opeos tjl!s evening and runs through Sunday, bUt its real crowd-pleaser is the Saturday morning parade. Parade-lovers teethed on the Hunting· ton Beach Fourth of. July , extravaganza may well !ind it worthwhile for fun and CQmparison. ~d of. course there' a the tttinf ~at made it famous to begin with -the 11sb dinners that have won renown. It's an event for the entire tamily. Wby not cross the river and take it in? Finding -Good ins«k Evil: Dear :Gloomy Gus: Skyscrapers Can Pierce Man's Soul '"No' on Sex Education Dig Deeper By EWIWORTB L: alCllAJlo9oN -. ~dgbboriloocl c-ci-es1111oo1 Qorq ~ Lapa• ... ' ~Dig de<p eJIOUllh ID any' man ml you will find something 1oocl,.. 9*· St. A!'i"stine. "Dig de<p eoqulb" ind' lust find lhe oppooito Ir lhe maod ol modem man, "you11 be """' to llnd ~ bad. Loot at bia: bid motiv1tiom!" Some time ago, lhe poet George Stor\. Ing dled by the violence of b1r .... band aHbe age of 56. WbJ did he do ltf He was popular, 1 maa of wealth ud of ..Oal posiUon. Wby did be take b1r own life'? One of the writ.en OD the editorial pqt oHhe New York Times thlt day liter llll dflil!ith ''dug" a little bul offered no due_, only a suggesUon. ffe IU&&est.ed tbat a p;fchoanslyst mljbt be obit to offer an e~lanatioo. It seems a little unnectU1JY to .erJ1>loy an analyst. for 'all that one hu to. do is lo read the poe~ -'!Ii Georle Sl:J:rling 1 IJ'bere is a melancboly stnla of ~imi>tn lhat runs lhroulb tt, unfoldlog absolutely no faith· in God. (Read his .. Testimony or Ute Suns.") HIS FRIEND, Uptoo Sllldair, ~d tbat George Sterling believed tbit the universe was running down lib a tpent cloct that needs wtndlnc: tbat tn a million yean the earth would .be cold. --~';<')"'61--..... -Wliat we poor insects do?" asked Gei:l'ie Ing. ' Well, if we look at life as ID insect would, then it is just a questka ot nm. Ding up and down one ant bill after another. If we look upon lift u a matter of glands and nothing more. Ill Ulat we have is biology or a rudimentary coune HUIJliniton Beach voters can't .come up with a two-third! major- !ty f0< ocbool bonds -but they can for city para. Whal d°" that tell us about ounelvet? · -MRS. B. L. K. 1n m,edicine. If the eye ls purely scien- Ufic, then the acienlillt will tell us that a wmet is "etben:al vibration in wave lengtlul raqlng from .OOOO!G to .000072 cebtbnet.en clllled by the refraction o( llgbl"' But lf tbt'eye is a pdei's eye, such as Lew Sarntt's. then , we have aometblng different. ••God is at the anvil, beaUn1 out the aun ; Where the molten metal spills At his forge amoog the bills, He bas hammered out the glory of a day ~t'• done." I KNOW WHAT you are thinking now? Some of us have been so steeped in our atu<Hes ol. paycbolol)' that we are llll)llclous even ol lhe good that good n\en do. You ny, ·they do it in order to 1'"1 IOClal recognition. 'Ibey do il to feed tlielr own vanity. Take it far enough and , you ·will conclude that all goodness L5 tainted with aome evil. Admiration for great cities, and for manifestaUons of their magnitude, la an old human fancy. It Ir expmaed BJbllca11y, in awe of Babylon. It showed in London in the last century, and in New York In this. It ls showing to- day in Tokyo, which just iS!ued a new ttB:tiSUc: 11,360,000 people. fl{ "tc !'< 'I. ' The American manifestation of a city's bigness it the skyscraper, which has spread from its birthplace in New York to many foreign cities. Tokyo bas no skyscrapers, but Sao Paulo is aecond to New York, and Joseph Stalin erected some preposterous towers before he died. . . -SKYSCRAPERS necessarily follow ei· cesslve land values in cramped spaces like Manhattan, but admiration for them in the mw, for "skylines," is a childlike and suprficial wonder that overlooka their true meaning in human acUvity. No Jand Value Ctn a noa competitive society), but bloated ego impelled St.alin, and he appar:ently ~ some surviving confederates lll Moscow, including one Koostatin Derevlyev, architect of the city council. Comrade Derevlyev is dedicated to a high-rise boom ,to leave you speechless. He says Moscow will build "houses'' of 600.aoo stories by the year 2000. He must mean apartment buU!iJngs, because there is no office bulldin1 demand on this scale. Reinhold Niebuhr has diverted our al· tenUoo from the lovely fragrance or the rose to the thorny stem of the rose, as though be might ilestroy its beauty and our &RJrecil.Uon of it. To be sure what Niebuhr IA)'I ii true, viz, that "all goodnea 11 taiDted with some evil." But . tbe oppooito of that IJ also true, that in BUT A ~TORY ~partmen\ bau>e IJ the most dlabollcaJ action to which evll go1~ up, and the architect aaya; plans are ...... ~ __,_ def1n1to.f~-· Ul>-story ........... by 1980 men .u .. T tant1we~e1a-....-ne~.-.---d . ·--r:x·-· ,., . . ~ . ,............'6 Jesus saw it in the woman taken in (Emp e ~te. Btiildi.ng, l«G storiea). His adultery. He aaw it In. Peter, vacillating, ~s buddmg would be over . a mile fickle, impetuous , •. but he called him high. Petros, Rock: "On this rock I shall build Dou~les~ Comr~de Derevlyev bas been my church." burrow1ng 1~ housmg staUst.Jcs, because a Dig it man I Dig deep ·enough and you ~evere housing shortage bas been a ma· will see it, tool Jar Soviet . ~adache for decades. It has fairly bumd1ated the comradea to confess A Few · Pieces of Mind that their socialist eJ:periment has always been wretchedly behind in living space. It isn 't that the proletariat and peUy functionaries don't de5el'Ye adequate housing. It's jU.!t that they ·can't get it. The architect hall his answer. The unwillingness to chance ooe'1 mind Is usually characterized as "stub- bornness" -but most stubbomneu of this &Ort.is rooted ill the fear that if one opinioa is changed, like buildiili. blocks, all the others will subsequently tumble down, and a whole philosophy of life will have to be painfully rethought out. • • • The average man is W'Jable to distinguish between boldneas a n d rashness, and therefore be is unable to undtrsbtnd.-that when the professional daredevil is "taki.nc chances," he is al the ume lime taking every precauUon to mpilmlze risk of accident, unlike lhe amateur. • • • PoHtlcims, wbo are to proud of 1tan· ,---B• Geof'9• --. Dearo-&•: I -,.ur col,_ r11111 la the Las Vqu Son. I'm golJll to IAI Vcau. can ,.. t.U mo ..,iblll( about roulelle! McGEE • Dear McGee: , Rouletto Ir • Tidlul dido. Honv~, tho __ ... lllr. Jml ... tc11 !bole IUdwldl jollll:- gsl w.d me I! I wantod 1111 "8111- burger wl\h .,. --I -with, the .,w Came ......... ble 00 and I IOll mJ J'nndl lriol, too. • din& 1$ to their opponents, ought to stand up to their friends more often, for a public man ls more likely to be betrayed by those around him than by those again.st bbn. • • • IF PERFUMES smelled anything like their names, the.rt wouldn't be• bachelor left io the country. • • • The futility of human endeavor can be seen ln tbeJact that at 2 a.m., In a poker a:ame, all the )osen .re still playing against Ol'lfl another, whlle the winners have pleaded "an early day" and gone home. • • • You never hear of a man being 0 ahead or his age" until he's already dead, and thus no further thrt:at lo those who are behind lhein. • • • Odd bow often it'1 tM aame men who pttach tbe virtues of lndependen«, In· iU1tive and bard knocb, wbo ltave the lsrgest forllmos to their sons, thus de- nying them the inelllmablt benefits o( deprivation. • • • The pbr11e doln& somethlna "far how'I on end'' mun have betn Invented by a oew 1kler. But the answer is delusory, as we well know, when we look 8l'OWlti us. WITll US; it's· automobiles. To • automobiles, a high-rise is like catnip to a cat. The Russians, too, will presumably have some automobiles by the year 2000. Moscow streets are broad, but not broad enough to contain a tenfold rise in street traffic. The world is already an ant-hill in India a~ ~hlna. To deliberately Jnvite congestion In a steppe city like Moscow is lo invite endless woes. ' HOW DO YOU GET food to 10 tbou'8nd • people in one giant building, people who already stand Jn long queues at food markets? What do you do In the upper 400 floors 1.n a 600-flour building, if power falls ? It lS not only a matter of In• convenience in inhuman warrens but or imminent peril. We face the ~e peril as we 8Gar into air mlde only for eagles. Tbe high-rise city is already oelf· defeating. It solves one OI' two problems, a.nd begets a hundred savage and tn- durate probltms. If It rriulUplies, it will strangle us all, one by one, even ln the worker's paradlat. • Quotes · Bart Sloan, Oa.,lud -"P'ollUclans nev~ hive enough courage to raise taxes durin1 an· elect.Ion year. Wonder why?'' First, Strengthen Family To the Editor: Sex education in the acbools. NO. This ts a very private, peraonaJ. delicate·sub- ject. It should only be bandJed wJlh care and be lhe reoponalbWty of 1be parenlr. You can believe RX has been around a long time, and you'd better believe it's here to stay. But let's put sex back into the home and marriage wher.t It beJoogs. I'll vote for a class of well-grooming and hygiene. I've seen a lot of kids around the area who needed a good bath. Maybe when they can grow up and can wash themselves, then is the time to talk about adult llfe. I'M SORRY, Mr. Editor, but t think these World War II b4bies n~ a few good spankings. One big place to straighten out the mess -put the paqts back on the father, put mother back in the home.' Have families' again. Too many tlred-from- work mothers, too many children coming home to an empty house, too m'1!Y quickie dinners. Make the house a home, make the marriage warm and devoted, and a family as it is In.tended. That is where sex education should be. Let's show the resi of the world we are strong, proud, clean, intelligent and full of respect and patriotism. It's easier lo Jock out Communists to start with then get them out after they're in. So why take a chance. Let's ~tum around and lOOk at things right. Something is wrong. Could it just be possible that CongreS'S111an Utt Is near right (about Communists being behind sex education courses)? U he is -then what? Then how do you start straightening out the meM? . LOUISE O'BRIEN A11ot her Voiee To the Editor: The quality of a young ltigh :school student's Jetter (Mailbox, May 29) on the need for ' sex education In our schools, was interesUng. It was well organized, the theme well developed, and aurpris- Lttten fflWll ......,. --· MDml•llJ' wrl~ MDuld conv., n..tr rMts.t• In JOO ward• ot ltll. The rlttlf ta _,, .. ltttlirt ta flt -ao ot 1111111- fl~ llbtf It ~'°"· Afl ltlltrt mutt lnt.IUIM 1'8Mtur1 Md rnalU... .u,_, Duf ~ m11 r,. •lll'lhttd '911 f9<1WS'I It tuffltltnf ,..,_ • -!'Int. ingly free from teen jargon. The letter demonstrates how well a high school student can do -and that after all, all is nob Jost. Unlortunaiely, It exposed tbe sore point that most of our children, to our ex- perience, have not lea.med in school to write a letter anYWhere near that well. Most of u~ would be in a better mood if the generaJ run of students (83 percent of them) could write a letter 68 'J)e!Cent as well. THE LE17ER .,.,.as Interesting. It deseives ·an answer. There are many subjects for one reason or other which might be nice if we could include them; however, there is increasing evidence that what we really depend upon our schools to teach ts not being at all well communicated to 1our youth. There la also the problem of pinched pockets. We have been shoving otr more .aP:Cf more o! our parental responsiblliUes onto the schools. It is past time that we off-load tbo.se things and participate with the schools to help them get back to their tasks . It is obvious that e1cept for a unit of technical facts relating to a full course in human physiology, anatomy andJ»'&!ene, What most ~~tez'med" "aew edUCillOn" b family business. 'Ibis is true fot aJI grades through blgh achoo!, even if som·e families do not do well with IL JOHN P. SHALLENBERGER A1111 Solved It To the Editor: Hurrayl-Ann Landers has the solution to the problem of sex education. For those parents who reel incapable O! teaching their children lhe facts of life, and for those tee'n·agers who feel they have been inadequately informed, there is a book by Ann Landers, "Ann Landers Talks to Teen-agers About Se:r:," which is available for 50 cents, the proceeds of which go to the retarded children. Ann claims she <!eals frankly with VD in this book, and you can be sure it is factual and full of good "common sense." IIERE WITlllN reach of all Is the means to inform our youth about this im· portant part of their lives· without extra expense to the taxpayers, many of whom are against having sex education in the schools. Plus t~elp to retarded children that will result from the sales of the pam- phlet. {See Ann Landers column in the DAILY PILOT fo11 May 22.} · Here is a simple solution lo the whole controversy. But it is probably too simple lo be acceptable. MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN Rellolti11g Tur11 To the Editor : I couldn't believe it and I read it.twice more, your story on May 31, "Mesan Charged with Defacing US Flag." Can it really be true that a law enforcement of- ficer peeked through the Window at 833 West 17th Street, Costa Mesa, Calif., and saw an American flag with the word "Revolution" lettered on it? And then ap- prehended the artist! I cheeked my copy of the constitution and sure enough Jreedom of speech iS guaranteed excepting specifically writing tbe -ld4' Rewiutlio.-jl. !!"'-ow, Glory, in yOur 1ivh)g room:· CRevolUtlon 1ias beeO forbidden since 178.1 by those in authori· ty.) Having served in three wars and hav· Ing picked up a few combat ribbons, it certainly makes me feel secure to know Costa Mesa Is not going tO tolerate such dangerous and seditious actions as secretly writing the word "Revolution" on our Flag. Keep up the good work. SAM WARY, JR. Pornography·Can Be a Bore That one can get too much of a good thing bas: never been more solidly shown than by the current national· fixation on public sex. Somebody once said there are three things that all men do in the dark -get born, have sex, and die. This is as it should be. The malaise we are mired do\vn in is sometimes called a "sexplosion." This is vulgar , but accurate. Dirty films, pornographic books, and a legitimate theater where anything goes !hor\ of actual portrayal of IOdomy, are with us as never ~fore. And atl under the pharlsakal label of com~tUng censorship, and freeing man from an- cient Puritanical bonds. IT'S OETTING to be too much . l like a good dirty stoi'y as much as the next man. I , like to make fun of sex, which is a usetul v.•ay of coping with Us myateries. But, about dirty stones, I wia taught when YOWli that you must not tell them unlesa: the wit exceeds the amul One of five blue stories 1 hear MWadaya rneeta this ltr\!lble norm. • And u for maldni fun a( oez. tbe Nnr Sma\ ls quite lhe ·opposite. It tat" sex with absolutely mortal Mriousness. The new smut exploits aex for economic reasons. You cannot ~e ·anything more seriously than th1t. In matters of obscenity and pro- nograpby, there are two words that must ............ ~.;'l"'l"'""''~~'\ i ~ ' " I _ Cl~ar•e,s ~~C~. \..t-' 'I!<~·-..::... ... ~·- be held In mind, always : public and 'f>rivate. NO SANE MAN can deny lo any In- dividual his right to think such thoughts as he will, and perlonn such acts as he might, provided they are done in the privacy ol hi.I home, or 'some other private place. Public Is another matter. It Is no ' dtfense to say Iba! nobody"ls'<ompeUed to go to a public el<hlbitlon totended to arouse, but not saUSfy, sexual dtsire. Many a man has gone into a theater to acolf and 1t.ayed to prey. And many another man, or woman, baa gone int.O a tbeatu out ol ratber nebulous curiosity, and has had b1r ,.nsibUIUa assaulted mercUessly . It Ir by now corru;;,glaco tlurt obocenl· IT emts ill tbe ol tho w1-. whetber he be tho author ol lhe obsc<nity or lhe -.Ver lhereol •. Tbe performer Ir .,.Utleu, UIUllly numb. EVEN OBSCENTTY c&n becom~ 1 bore. That is the dlrectlon 1n which we. are moving. Jn the end, the New Smut will kUI Uselt. or course, you can pack • theater 1n this time by simply puutng nude peo- ple on the stage. You may do pretty well with nudies ihe second and third time , if you keep firm to the principle or shocking for money'• sake. -· But the public, besides being resolutely dirtyminded. is also rc.wlutely fickle in the matter of the (obidden. When the forbidden is no longer forbidden, lts cur- rency drops to the level of the German mark in the early 1920s. U yOu are free to do and see what everyone can do and see, these things are no longer dirty. ~y 'a.re, in fact, no longer commodities. ----- Friday, June 6, 1969 · The editorial paot of the Dm1¥ Pilot 1111b to infOfTll. and 1tim- lt!au readtn btt pre1,.n.iino thU: MWIJXIPfr't opinionl and com- mntarr on t.opfct of m~e•t and .rignl/ican.c:e, by providing a fOTUm for the e%pr1uton of our readct'1' oplnlona, and br prtleftting tht dtVtT.te vitW- poinU of informed observcrt and 1poktnnen on topiC$ of tht cloy. Robert N. \Vecd. Publisher • •• " tt ,, " c 0 i' e n ,, 11 s ,. n s n 0 " r a b f• r. h t f 1 s c t ' ' ( ' t l I • ··CHECKING .• gp, •.. ~ . . . •• • • • # ·-·~. . . . .. Wlfy : .Are· · Chtlbhy ' W oµien Rom aritlc? By L. M. BOYD WEIGlrl' AND ROMANCE -Why ladles who are overweight seetp to be more romantic ,thitn &1ceedingly thin women caii be explained scientif~x...now1 l say more romantic to. avo d offeoding. Could say sensual. Or sezy. Doesn't matt.er. Overweight ladies usually eat plentifully, enjoying their meals im- mensely. That ls far less often true of thin women. In a lengthy Study1 of •2 wives, Syracuse scholars discovered recently that lhe women who most cr•ve ·snacks · are the same women who most crave masculine affection. The overweight, of course, is not what causes th& women to be romantic. It's just a sign they are so. · IF YOU WANT to keep your baby boy quif!!tly fascinated for about two hours, madam, put him in his high chair, dip his fingers in molasses, and hand him a feather. • . . REPORT COP.tF.s IN some Tex as medical students are spiking their lady friends' Ji. quor wilh an androgen known to be a romantic stimulant. •. RARE. IS tl)e whimpering pup that won't. prompUy fall asleep il you put a c\oth- covered jar of hot water into its boxbed. · BATrERY -''Why do we refer to a pitcher and catcher as a battery?" inquires a subscriber. In telegraphy, a transmitter and receiver used to be called a battery. Exactly 100 years ago, a sports writer worked the term into baseball. Sportswriters have..done more to tasty up the language than anybody. After them , headline \vriters. · · CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. • "I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself for pick· ing on Sen. Strom Thurmond just because he married a young girl." A. Come on, lady, l wasn't picking on old Strom. It's just I hate to see a fellow start a whole day's wort in the afternoon, thal's all. .... ' Q. "CAN ¥OUR N A ME GA~lE MAN confirm my obsefvaUon that a)rls called Marlene, no matter bow they spell it, seem to fiD"ln iDd out of love very easily?" A. He can. That is because a Marlene tends to be pretty emotional, he says. When she faJis in, nobody loves more. When she falls oat, that's all . EQUALITY -Nobody of Italian extraction s h o u l d forget it was not Thomas Jef· ferson, but an Italian named Philip Mazzei who originated that ringing rbetoric: "All men are created· equal." Ex- cept Mauel didn't say it that way, quite. Two years berore Jellerson inc<irporated his im· perfect translation, the forego- ing, into the Declaration of Independence, Mazzei said it better. In the Virginia Gazette. under the pen nam e of · Furloso: he wrote : "All men are by nature free and in- dependent ... equal to each other in natural rights." THE ANTI-TOBACCO MEN now aver the lady who smokes is twice as apt to lose her teeth at an .early 'age aS ~ lady who <1oe1n't smoke. , •. TO ORIGINATE the word "chum," England's students long ago shortened "chamber fellow." ... WHEN YOUR JET reaches 530 miles per hour, bear In mind you're traveling exactly twice as fast as the mesaages transmitted through your nervous system . RAPlD REPLY : Correct, Miss Marilyn, a b a b y porC1.1plne is indeed born with all its quills. Now what do yoo think or that? Yo ur questions and co1n· rnen ts ore welcomed and will be used whtrevtr pos· sible in "Chtckina Up.'' Address ma i I to L. M. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Bo:t 1&75, Newport Beach, Calif., 92563. Finch W urns Grads Of 'Prote st' Back.lash LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Secretary of Health, Education and WeHare Robert H. Finch says cutting off federal funds to strife·ridden universities would only play into the hands of radicals who want to close them down. He a\110 warned 2 , Sao graduati ng student!: at the Mutiny Case University of Southern California Thursday t h a.t E d P I young extremists are creating n s; ane a "political backlash" that thr eate ns youth and D fiDtt feS"·~~ •rifVeishles "• "" •· • -• e 3 "It is time for hard core . FT. ORD, Calif. CAP) - A militants to .realize that ~ack· five-man court martial panel booted tactics create 1aci· begins deliberating today tile booted mind!," Finch said. case or 14 Anny privates ac· "We see political backlash cuse~ . of mutiny in the today in the abrupt standatill Pres1d10 27 case. --The prosecutor, Capt. Dean of the movement for. an 13- Flippo, urged in his closing year-old vote. We see Jt in the argument that all 14 be found startling red uction in the num· guilty and argued that ~on· hers of Vietnam veteraN1 who dilio~s. in the San Francisco use the GJ bil~ We seTe It in Presidio st~kade -where the the defeat of bonds for educa· allege~ mutiny took place last 1. 1 •~ 1 el .~ · th Oct. 14 -had no j>earing on 10n a ev_,, ev , .. ,... J~ e guilt or innocence, rash of. pr~posala for pwutJve "The government doesn't leglslallon 1n ~~e states and In accept that conditions in ·the the _Congress. . .. Withhold. , . • l . Taxes Says .Top Group . SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A bhie-rlbbon Assembl7. ..... mittee today recommended a 11 billion tax reform pn11ram you ·wouldn't believe. • ~ t.mong other things, It . Jn. ~ tile .sales tax by a tylf Ceot oo the dollar, clO.tes "rich would be raised by lowering man" income tax loopholes, the capital e&ins writHlf and bfkes taxes for oil 4fOP'I• from 50 percent to 25 percent. panles, churches, baab . and Sources said the total state corporatJons. ' ' savlnp from closing theat in. In return, It provides f301 come ta xl~les wo,dd ex·· millloe -for schools, -_cood_Ul!l.ml!li<>!b _ . homeownen• property tu.ea, gives rtoters a break and takes over coun'1 we\,tare costs. v , · Also includet,i is state In- come lax withholding. .,. The ,proposal is eXl>eded to e.DCOUQter stiff oppqsitf.on - including from Gov. Ronald ,Reagan, who ls adamanUy against withholding.~ A bl-partisan group of 1ix assemblymen t b re e Republicans and t b r e e 'Democrats -came up with the proposal. It presented the package t o d a y to an ''Assembly Re Venu·e and Taxa,tion Tax Reform Sub- committee." Not aU members of the group agreed with every aspect of the report. But it is expected to comprise the bulk of an "official" ~mbly tax reform program which the subcommittee will write. The withholding praposal ls for mandatorY deductions from payrorf Checks -not voluntary, as sug1ested by Reagan. 'Mle state assumplion or all county ·welfare costs would save Sacramento 1322 million. Thill, presumably, w o u 1 d reduce local property taxes. t.«al govemfl'~nt, however, would continue to admlnlster welfare programs, w b I c b would be financed by state and f~~!al gayemments. A brand new tax would be levied on the tncome of non· religious businesses owned by churches. The pre se nt $750 homeowners property tax ex· 1emption would be increased to 11,soo ·in 19'10.71. Thia would provide Pl'C!P'rty tax relief worth $234 million. There also would be a special break for low income renters and senior citizens. In addition, lhe state would provide counUes about SS million in p a r t I a I com· pensation for losses under a new state open space land pro- gram. All this \\10Uld be financed by, among other things, a 10 percent increase in the state income tax. Bul two more bracket!: ln the income tax rate would be added to collect more taxea from ·high wage earners. 'Ille total raised by the lnm!ase is estimated at 1190 million. The lax credit for a married couple filing a· joint return would be increased from ~ to 16&, ~n..-·c: _.:::~ii;.:"...:: would be apped from $8 to •u. This would help lower and middle wage earners but would increase taxes for high income taxpayers. . For a person earning 110,000 a year and owning a $20,000 home, the property taxes would be reduced by about $100. But, after all the other new taxes, his total reduction would be around $70. Approximately $90 million ~AI\. Y ~ILOT !) Debs: Noguchi -Good Coron er; But .. 11 . . . ----'------ LOS ANGELES (UPll - Supervisor Ernest E. Debs says ousted Los Angeles Coun- ty Coroner Dr. Thoma s 'Noguchi , was "a f i n e patholos:Esl -he'd be wanted anywhere in the U n i t e d Sl!tes." However, he added uthe lSSlle is whether he's a good admlnlatrator -not whether he's a good pathologist." Noguchi, 42, was fired from his P~,000-a-year post by the Board of Supervlson !ISi March 11 after county ad- mlnlstrative olficer Lindon S. Hollinger presented a list of charges aeainst the Japanese- bom palhol011bt. Tesilfying Thursday before a County Civil Service Com· mission hearing requested by Noguchi, Debs said t h e supervisors acted on the allegations presented by Holl· inger., He said HoJUnger told the board 0 he had a number of people willing to make sworn statements" in suppart of the charges against Noguchi. ~bs also tesWled he was "not particularly" satisfied with Noguchl'a performance during hi! probationary period in offic:e. 1'8ut," he said, "we (the boird) went along hoping things wt»Uld work out" Debs called Hollinger "one of the fjnest men In pub'licJife .•. and said, "I don 't belle~ be WQUld discriminate agalQsl' anyone with malice in hi! · --· h•u;t-'~dmltted under qu.,. Wrinkles Removed uon1ng that he hid told a in 3 Minlltfi meeting of the county's E!-N°" ...... u.111e 1e '1911, 1trvtAt.. , - ficl ••• ~,,_,_ Co Klelllllk, WllTll!k wlllcll Wiii l'tfl'lfW ency cutu .tA.vuuiuy m· 'l'Olll' ••lnll1tt ltmPOl'•,or 1n M• , "'111-m1ttee. and few days before vt• .,.. ..... w " 1 "*""' ~ ••· N~•chi .... n..-..i .... t 61'1UOne VEAL .. 11111'9(1111 ,. Y'OUI'" ,.,..,...., ..... • ·~ loll& -v ....... """'" ..,., .,.. Nell ........ kft who Cl'OUed Hollinger .. would iM .,,..,.. 1111...,,._. .. the lltM. ,_ be sent to Siberia." ::U.:."'." ~~ :11.=-..:i ... 111 • ~.!.:~ However be said. the com· _., MU Mf•n1.. " ,. Mti.li.d I ... atlf rMMO\. Jllll Ptt\11'11 ll'lt ~ ment was. made in jest, bore IO )'OW dnlffltl. O!T ltl!V!AL TO~Y no relaUon to the NruJl•chi ANO LOOI( YOUNG•• TONIGKT, t.11 "&y 011lr Dor : case, and was taken out ol. CNwtent<• •.1 1'111-r context. 1* """""' •holll.-M•ll ~ 'HW A GLAD GRAD LIKES •.• BOOKS FOR HIS PAO! Tile Bookst a ll •n 1. "" "· c .... w-,.,_.." l ....... TM,._..•H-1 * * * Will Rea gan World'S First All-Electric City " ., • • stockade were so horrible that Finch said he 1s utterly op- they drove these men to do posed" lo feder~ lnterye.ntion what they did,'' said Flippo. and control ol uruv~ties. He The defense contends that warned against a blud1eon overcrowding, lack of sanita· ·approach that~W:ould .cut off all lion poor food and the fatal federal a a s 1 l't a n c e to Get His Way On Taxes? Swal_lows Pride, Relieves Pain lit_h Gas_~~ sboOnns of 'Pvt. Richard universities that cannot Im-SACijAMENTO CAP) Bunch by a 111.,d during an mediately quell disorder." Assembly tax writers agreed T .o1'e Winneh""O, Mssoun," nati.on- alleged escape attempt bad "Thia IOl't of indlacr!minate today that Republican Gov. ~ .L.#Cl6 put the defendants under such. action might well clooe down ~~,· .. ~n "!!-~t~ .~~ta··' ally pub1:.....:.--:1 as the first "all~electri'c" mental stress that they could some lnatitutJona aJtocelher," uc ~og p...1;wn .. ~,..., .. w ~ not tell right from wrong. the former C 1111orn·l1 ~~ ... ldlng. In the I o_w er city' has granted a 2n eaf firanchise Alto1ether, 'El GI prisonen!I lieutenant governor said, "and ""'"' v-y sat down and sang "We Shall· thus aerve precisely the BuL the governor reiterated • Overcome" and "America the purpose of the _most virulent .his oPJ>Olltlon to ~y pl~n that ( to their local gas company.. Beautiful" instead of obeying amon1 the student utremiata. would require all worier11 to a 111\lnl's order to proceed on "Indeed there eould not be pay their Income t. x.. In a letter to all property O"'"ers work detail. an extortJon weapon better throuah payroll deductloN. · 'YYA.& The cl)lrjes ol 7 mutln7 suHal to the .... " -who ~h!t:.:=•d .... hi• a conununity" official explained the ~':e:J.iol~ • .ul '1 :"'rm~ ~1!':. the politics of con-Reagan'• blDI llblft some of _ • ..:....L Pre . usl h .wrote Lak prlsonment. • "The ledtral government thel-· costs! strv<if.....-, lromlndtheotherp-lSWllUlo V10 y' e ' e Three tried earlier at San cannot play 'cop' on the na· ........ K."IC' •v- Ft1ncllco received senlences Uon'• Cllllpuael· It should not. petty tai to tbi ~.u~~:.e Wmne"'"'"'O had taken grea· t pn' de in of 14 '15 and II years. ·'I'bele That role ii toWb' at odd1· al19 1 •ti up a • ..,. ,_,, 'LJafi1 lat.r' weecr uodowettdre wlth our noUonl' lrldillon of wilhhotclt .. Qll<m. being the world's.first .all-el.........:c city' • later weu reduced io-tw'O autonomy for our inltl.tuUons --'.tf.Q..U~ years each by lhe Army"• Ill hlgher educoUon. · HAPPY-But th th "ty Juda• 1dVOC1t< ....,11. "It would COllll!tutt • ..,. over e years · e cornrnuru A fou-''" •u lried at Ft. "-ep toward ff'-1•• ·O U r H.--• • • •' I' y -..lfiH. 1' this mistake ' IWI .,. .... WI. S.1rt lt "' reffhrit tti. Wilk· came to rea 1ze was a Irwin. Cilli., Ind stven four unlvtnltles,inlo _ _..,.,,,,,,,,. llll>ll lo "' DAILY m OT , years. .. lit mold." LEARN TO SWIM AT YOUlt OltAN(WE COAST YMCA 642 -9990 ,As the nffkia1 describeq it; many of the women preferred cooking and~ heating with gas and, iii fact, had ., never used anything but gas except:~ for lighting. , . ~ ·" ... Contributing to the switch Was the~ fact that in recent years the gm rom- panies have made · tremendous advance- ment m Providingtiie finest, most modem service to the home owner. ' -. ' ' • ! • l i , ' • . • . .... -:::"-· .. . . "" . .... ~ ,-..... ~. ~. ----~------" --· I I • • .,. ..... __ . ...----· . ·-••• JO, OAILV "'-GI frld4Y:-6,·1'lflt - <:treatest Invasion in HistO~Y::, ~~, Years Ago ~· 'i: .... ' . - ' . ,. U.S. TROOPS ESTABLISH CONTROL OF OMAHA BEACHHEAD OF NORMANDY INVASION FOLLoWING ILOODY ASSAULT -- REAR OF CAEN CATHEDRAL 2S YEARS AP;t.RT BRITISH WAGED BLOODY BATI~E FOR CAl!lf 1 : l y CHAltLIS I . FLINNElt , I, IJnltM Prw11 lnte~ol Omaha, Ulah,'.Gold, Sword.,Junc>-landmarb of a 1eo1raphy of .• doalh and ' '.milestones on a srut cruaad_&--w~re etcbied h)to history on June 8, 1H4: D· D-,y. . ' . !),Day l!llgbt have been J une 4 or 5, or in May or even in the, fall of _11142. The operation might have been dubbed Sl~1ejl~r, or Roundup, but it W&f finally called Overlord. . . . · ' · ·Because of ahifts in strategic and political situa• ~om &?Cl availability of men and hardware, D·Day wu mr~uue, · !M4. J Because •the weather was bad on the 4th and 5th, D-Day wu.J une-8. · . · After receiving a favorable weather for.ecut fol' the nforjiing of the 6th, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "w~ll. we'll. go." Then the general played bridge to pau the remaining ~ours. ' ~ ·On Juoe 4, '1944, the clouds over the coast of .France ·darkened, thickened and lowered. The winds ·and 1eai in the channel mounted. · Field Marshal · Envin Rommel. commander of . Gennan Army Gi'oup B oC half a million men 1tning atong 800 miles of coastline, drove home to Germany. ~e had decided t.o .spend. the day with bis wife on h er birthday, reasoning the allies would never attempt a channel crossing in such foul conditions. And he was rigbt~but only for the time being. The first allied troops committed on O..Day were already disengaging from their parachute shrouds shortly after midil.ight of the 5th aroU.nd Sainte Mere Edise, France. · Tel\ days before D-Day, to preserve security, the flow of mail was stopped to all U.S. bases in England. England was a fortress, a depot, a launching pad, a boat ramp and also a stage used to play a drama in· volving phony troop movements and fal se radio mes_sages to confuse the watching, \vaiting Germans. Britain's facilities included 20,000 square feet of CO\•ered storage and shop space. 44,000 .square feet of open storage area, parks for 50,000 vehicles and 163 airfields. Resistance was heavy. The men under Rommel 's command had poured concrete for emplacements. min· ed beacties to· maim attackers, strung barbed wire to tear bodies, constructed undetwater obstacles to break up boats, built walls and du.I! ditches to stop tanks. They also planted in the open fields 'vhat became known as Rommel asparagus-stakes to discourage glider and airborne landings. Fourteen hours· after the beginning of D·Day AdoJf Hitler held his usual conference. lie ordered his commanders to throw the invaders back into the sea. THOUSANOS LAND IN NORMANDY _But i_n the 48 hou~s after D-Day opened. there \Vere 1n France 107.000 allied troops, 14,000 vehicles and 14,500 tons of supplies. The British 6th Airborne Division landed 5,300 paratroopers nine miles inland behind Gold. Juno and S\vord beaches. American paratroopers (13.000 arrived in four hours) landed behind Utah and Omaha beeches •. Some fell as much as 35 miles off target. hilany lived on· ly a fe\v moments after land.in,!! in··France. Delivered by the 9th Air Force after midnight. the American troops '"ere bound by a then common ditne store device, a clicking metal toy, which when pressed between thumb and forefinger. made a sound ap- proximatint? a cricket. Bv orearran.e:ement, Americans identified their comrades by a click-click, which was ans\vered by a double click·click. ·The Ameiicans al so \Vere supnlied \vith SlO worth o! French fran~s. ,And a replica of the American flag 'vas SP,\Vn onto their right sleeves. These men, clickirie chPdren's toys in the darkness, and their Rritish allies, thrc\v a curtain around the beach~s and isolated the landing zone from the interior of Franc~. FORT IFICATIONS POUNDED Before the troops stormed the shores the fortifica· tions had been pounded and strafed from the air and raked by shells from the sea. The big guns were aimed from the British battleships ·Rodney, Nelson. and Warspite. and tht: American battleships Nevada, Texas and Arkansas. Before the beach assault, mines\veepers darted in- to the approaches, and rubber clad frogmen attempted. to dismantle the under,vater obstacles 'vhich ranged from as close to the shore as 50 feet and as far away as 250 yards. At Utah, 36.250 landed. at Omaha. 84,250, and in 1 the British-Canadian sector along Juno. Gold and Sword beaches, 83,115 men plunged for land, dotted by seaside resort hotels. But these seemingly innocent pleasure structures housed German forces that inflicted 4,000 casualties on tho~e three beaches. Omaha \vas a concave strip of inviting, but deadly sand, SO to 300 ~1ards in width, ending in sharply in· clinin~ bluffs which were "'ell fortified. , , Men of thP. l st and 29th U.S. Infantry di vtsions stormed the bluffs . In the 60 miles from Cherbourg to Caen. the casualties total~ 10,274, including 2, 132 dead. But the beeches were held -and the beginninl of the end of Hiller's fanatic powe·r bid was assured. FAMED NORMAN CATHEDR AL IN CAE N NO LON GE R SHOWS RAVAGES OF FIGHT GIRLS° NOW PLAY, ON OMAHA BEACH, ILOODY L;t.NOING SITE FOR AMERICANS -. . • ·-· • • Y~~ihChoppedDowu .Fullerwn Nears Judge Backs Sideburns Ban SANTA ANA - A Superior C"1rl judge bu UJlheld 1he rl&bt of Ciarden Grow Unified School District trus\Jfa lo bar Mich I e I "Muttonchops'' Picker from clasael at San- Uago High Schi>ol. ' Judge Claude <>:tfens took the brisUing "Mtittoochops'' controversy off hill court menu We<lnesday ·wflh a .ruling lhat \vu balled by dtllchted school district offlclals as a "shot in I.ht arm" for school ad- ministrators seekin&' to draft and impose dress code stan- dards. The law and motion · jurist ended a six-hour hearing spread over three days by determining that a wrtt. of pro- hibition filed by Picker's father was without inerlt. lie agreed .wit!J school district attorney Jolin Powell that exaggerated sidtbums of the type worn by ~ 17-year- old student could prove to be distracting to fellow students and create a "disruption in educational processes." Picker left the coortroom to announce that he will enroll at Cal State Fullerton in tbe fall and that he will join the left wing Jack London Society when he regiSters at the north county campus. "I'm not particuli.rly bit· ter," be said. "I'm weU aware lhal the Jack London il!"'P Is a front for SOO (Studt.Db for A Democratic Society) and lhat suits me fine, espeClally in 1he light of what we heard lh~ morning. "The SOS has Its faults,'' Picker sa!d, "but U't the on1y group capable of tl(ecf!!>« Ibo changes necessary ln oar ~ dent life today -1he ....iec1, changes that must )e rtf11 Qb.: vious to anyone • spent lily lime in the courtroom." Picker will be gradualed · thin month from. Santta10 despite the fact that be was transferred to a conUnuation school in lhe district shortly alter the furore sparked by bia sporting of a Gladstoolan growth erupted. District officials affirmed. U1roughout three days ot testimony that Picker was a good student with h i ch grades. Their only tangle with the boy, they testified, was over his refUsal to shave off or cut down the whiskers that gave him his nickname of "Muttonchops." Judge Owens' decision ls U· peeled to encourage school of· ficlals to crack down on other Santiago students who are said to be affecting "Muttonchops" styles -most of tbem, it is reported, in the wake of recent publicity of the Picker con- troversy. Anaheim Blasts Bill SOCKED IN CHOPS Mlchi1el P icker Boosting Police Pay Judge Set For Parley In Monterey TUSTIN -A bill passed by a State Senate committee headed by Sen. J o h n G.Schmilz CR-Tustin) which DEATH NOTICES SALYER Wll111rn F . s11.,.... 11:13 LMUlll Rad. l111Un1 ll•dl. 0.11 d dffl!I, J\IM 4. Sur'l'lwd by wlk , ltuth. ll1111rv WH rK'ltfd Tl>u.W.Oy, 1 ,.M, R"ultm MI A• lhli "'°"'1119. Frklty, 10 AM, bolh II sr, C1!~rlM'I C1lholk Church. lnt1.,..,.11r, Good Sllep,,.rd C~m•!trv. SMHtr U twl\I ... Cft Mo•· 1111ry, DlrMtco. LA RUE CtiarM Oniolllt LI Rut . 111 N. Vi• Alll..nllf1, l11u111 Hlll1. DUt of cjqlll, JuM !. Slln<l"9d by WI~, · Neille. cl Ille "Orne: ION, llobtrl. of FuJi.rton. Ind Sl1fllly, LI c .... d1; """' 1r6nfdllldA01 1nd ton:. -1· 1rlolldd!JldA01. s.rYkn, ltlf1y, "J:rid.lv. 11 AM, .. .elf!(; Vlroo ~. O!l'Kttd W Plclfk vi.w ~''" ENFIELD ~ E..nnl. sn ~ Dr .• would place a minimum pay platform under saJaries of Califonia Policemen at $10.200 a year has been called "asinine" and "ridiculous" by Anaheim city councilmen. Cooncilmen h a v e unani· mously approyed a resolution condemning the proposed Jaw. They were informed. that the bill , S.B. 1414, had been passd by the Senate Locat GOvern- ment committee and sent to the Sena te Ooor. Councilman Fred K r e I n voiced the "asinine··· deserlp- tion of the measure and he was joined by City Manager Keith Murdoch who gnmted, "ridiculous .'' SANTA ANA Judge Hatmtm G. Scoville of Westminster will be Orange C~ty Superior Court's reprttenlaUve at a two-day Domettlc Relations In1Utute set for Friday and Saturday In A1onterey. """u,.. ....... o.i. "'ci.1t1. Jw11e ~. South Toro Survlwd 1W clelltll""-M'11. lltY T~n, ·$0Uttl lNUNh ind M... Vlr1111t11 l . Ellfleld, LHUlll Judge Scoville will join judges from throughout the :1tate at the se mina r , sponsored by the Judk:iaJ Coondl of Calllomia. ~ named to the co untJ'~ SUper1or Court bencb.N1e currently prtddes over 1he dOmestic relation s depi.rtinent. leitdl; IOl\l.. Jr:iti11 I . El'flttf., Jr.1 :p · ""'"' 1r1nddllldrtrt ~ tour Intl· 'PD' la truiddllldrfll. Sero-ICH, S.IVrdfJ, l ns PM, P1clfk View Cl!•-'· ll'l\lflll!lfftt. P1cifJc vi.w Memcwlel P1111. Olrte11d by P1cltl(: V .... MO<IU<lry. s t d 'tlmolhy And~~h. Att II, of uppor e ll:Jd 51nl1 ~Illa. F1111nteln v111,.,.. su.-.llflod o., ,~renlll. Gordin_ v. •l'lll EL TORO Count .. Plan G"'1kll"9 51!'111111 -bnl!Ml'1. llpn 1nd' -"I • 11:_,., sm;1111 1111tn, ••rHr• smun ning Commissioners h a v e 1nc11 JIXlllll i\cltrNI 1r1nOmo111e1i. · · artl I val lo lurl 0.-r 1nd Ju! 1 Smllh. llc.1rr, given p A 8ppl'O a Fr1c11.,.. 11in1t111. 1 PM, 011oi11v ''°~" ' 'P I an n e d Co m mwllty '"'-'-Rec11>1"" Ml•1.. &alurdir. ' Development Plan" m· !be ,.,..,, SS llmon & Judi C1lllollc c11urdl. 1..,.,..-111, All s1111i. c1111ot1c south EI Toro area. C,.,..ff9f'f, lont 8HCl1. F1!1ier Tl'IOl'l'lll 01110.11n1. 01.-.ofd 11., 011111r ero111-A revised plan, submitted by ~ ... Mortuirv. the Alscot Development Co. of Scheduled for dilCUJslon at the Monterey meeting are aspects of child cUstody, child support, child vi1Uttion rights, property and alimony. AIJo on ' Pentagon I Talk Slated RICHARDSON Jim~ w. 1t1cttatd-. um Sorn:ll Mission Viejo, calls for 420 IRVINE -"How to Limit o r .• G1rden Glow. s.irvl"l'fCI Irr wilt. acres to be devoted to single the Power of the Pentagon" P<!to'fl two N11111llte1'1. SylYla M!lcll-will be Jh · f aJk b 111 i nd J•YM Ann 1tlcll..-dtol'l1 brolll-family homes, apartments and e topic o a t Y or. Er11tt1; 1111«, N11111t~1ct11rd1aru a 4-acre rommercial area. The Fred W. Neal, Claremont taJr 9faf"dctllldren 11111 -trtll• 1r1Mdl1111. Strvkfs, Tuetd•'f· • AM. apartments and rommerclal Graduate School professor ol PHt ,-, ... 1"' c.iot11a1 F-•' Home. t · I · J JI al laU s •·Jur Mm11..., .,.wslllt """1cn. Tue.•r. area were e m p o r a r 1 y m erna on re on , .,. • 11 AM, ,, V•"'"-nt """'1n111P1t1on eliminated by t he com-day afternoon at UC Irvine. CM"tttn'. WM1 L"M """lff.. 01rK1· • · din r rth N al' talk 1 1 30 1 e<1 b., Plltk F•mu., co1on111 F-••' mw1oners pen g u er e 1 a : p.m. n H61ne. study. Room 101 of the Physica1 BERGH Location of the development Sciences Building will ~ to a °"°'"" TtoerH• "'9h. m w. El in Sa Di nlhl lin f I h Nortt P........-• .,. l:ICIMldlll1. Former is north of e n ego mo y mee g o _ e ... 1110!'t'lt "' eor-"" INr. °''-°' F ·lh,.r side of La American Friends Service dnfh, Ju"" s. s~nf....,. bv llutbllld. reeway on e1 (" H•rrv E. •~~1 · bra#Mn, Fred Paz Road. Committee, Southwest Rqlon. C~ 0en•1 •!JO w,11,, Cw-1------------------------"-·ll ....,..,., H1111tlneton P'it1t1 1IJ11n, ~. Vic.IOI Phlll!w . 1(1"'''11 •l'ld M"'· ' .. r---------------------~· Fr111k Llm1, EM:Glldlcto. 5-trvlcH, II ...... ' , •. "~"· '""" ~ ·HUNTINGTON the M1st11". N-1 9Mdl. Inter· ""'"'· Plcll1C VI""' MlmOrlll Patil. Mrt.. a.11111 -1 metnDlll' ol N...,.._ , 1>ort 111111c11 Ebt!I c111b. 11111 Mortu-PHOTO 1n. 251'0 £. COlll Hltlnrr•'I' Cor-onl .~·~"AR=~~~·~=:c=~~.-ww~u--.11w.S~U:!P~P~L:Y..:.. __ .cQQ.J~~"""~ Westdilf Mortuary I-r U'1 E. 17th St., Cotta Mtta -BALTz MORTIJAlllES Co,_ dll Mar OR Z.~ Colla Meaa ~D ,...., BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY ID B..a4w11, Coata M•aa uwas DlLDAY BROTRtllS Rnttaato• VabtJ . Mortury 17111 Be1<b BIYd. B __ Bel .. SC.'ll'll . ' I .PACIFIC VJd . \IEMORIAL PAU flometery e Moit1ary cu,.1 ' i 3111 Pldlle \llew !Jli,. _,...-,~ 114-1711 ' I PEU FAMILY COLONIAL l'IJNERAL 8011£ 7ttl -""-·--· .. , Wilk MOBTVUY ._.._ - .. a..... -· .... dT ....... 1111 ----~ _ ... _ •••• lbll ••• J ., ... BOLEX.155-. MACRO ZOOM __ .... .... .,_ -and Jntra.lJce. Utt ~Flt'# dlmeMkn kt mo'tle rNkin( ••• the poulbility of ahootlnil; fnm·one inch lo infinl\y with• wt 1oy itCC.eSS<lfiH. WilhOUt "'1 .,.... ci1I setllnP Come In aid $et this unlQUe Cll'l'lll'I find watch !ht u:clting demomtrltlon fllm. Learn how to shoot clos,e~. title'S. make opcJcal diUol~ tr•1'1· tlons M'lll c::qw post tints or ·~ ..wt the unique Mullitri.t. And don't f(qet to ask let )lolr fret (OJl1' Cl the 8olex l SS . Macnlloom tRp eJfdl I« ~ and mor• lnlercstlnt moril fl~ ...,.., ..... 111: FACTORY TRAINED IXl'ERT WJll Deucwtr.-te '" Ow lf'Wt S.••-.Y· -7-11 ....... ,.... ' .................. ...... ,. ...... ""'" Airport Decision 'YES MAM We do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest ·prices! D~N 1S CA~PET SHo,p 12--of--1 42' SOUJ'H MAIN --..... Coming· Ju11e 7 ORANG& ·Family ~ek:{y My Life As Mrs.:Bobinson Crusoe By WEIDY VEEVEBS·CABm This fascinating article tell• the stOl'J of a for- mer New York heiress who lives with htr family 01 o-""lost island" 700 miles from cr.ilization. ALSO e SOMETHING FOR DAD -"Give Dad The Un· usual" offers a Wt or far-out gifts for Father's Day. e SPEAK TO.DEAD? -Clergymen and scientists discun pl'OI and cons of aplrltul! phenomena. e ARE YOU MISMA TCHID -Quickle quiz helpa you see ii you ana your job art right for each other. All Coming S.lurdly in lhe ,: I DAILY PILOT I MILY '!LOT JI LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE" LEGAL NOTICE • ~ ................... ;;;;;;;;.: ~..;;". ·-· ·= 2 $ ... ~-to.it~<;. •• t.1¥ .... -·.·.--~~;;;;.;:-:.;::;.t•;;;::;;--:;::;-:_::_::::_-:.::.-:~~.......,-= .. --:--:----------------------- • • • -· I - • . . . --.. . . • . ' If• ·I .. • ·~· j •• .. • ' \ • ., '· •• >:· ' 1.-··.t.,., .. ;,~ ·.·,·~ . "4 . ' ' • " With Lots·of Fashion, Fashion;Fashlon ' ? • AND YOU'RE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN US FOR THE GRAND OPENING FESTIVITIES! . JUNE 7th all day . The folk rock band the Prufrock will be there . , . Free Cokes •. ; Z Pair of Hose with every purchase ••• Informal Modeling ... Your chance to .register for a Free Color TV, •• Fun day ... June 7, 1969! • r - ... " . " t ,... . ' . . See the store within the store I The LANZ ZOO, featuring genuine African Fun Furs . & Suedes - A complete swimwear and active · Sportswear section -Spectator sj)ilttsw«ar and dressesr--' . YOUR COMPLETE FASHION WARDROBE IS COMING TO FASHION ISLAND JUNE 7th ... • • ...: '· ·.·lf?i . of California, Number 15, Fashion Island, Newport Center > ' , . , ( . • I ~ / .t • '1 I I -- . . . . - • • • L~agu:e ~Waites .te:s.:cue • • I JODI! H HASTJNC;S, 6a.t.n1 ,rillw, ..... ,,. . • ,. .. ;.-.... FSA Office O~ns . Eotbu.~asm Basis ~ ... .. . . ·~ For New Auxi1iafy A 'nucleus of 25 enthusia.stic women will form the HunlinJrop Bei,~h Fanuly Service Association Auxiliary currenUy being organjt.ed 'by l\fl'S· •• William Geiger and Mrs. Waiter W, Cbaramzi. i The public will be invited to tou• the new facility ·during an ·°""'1 house taking place between noon and 5 p.m. Wednesday,"June 11, in the Town and Country Shopping Center, 18582 Beach Blvd. ' Primary objectives of the auxiliary. will be to inform the commun• ity of the facilities available and provide educational material, with em- phasis on education and service rather than fund-raising. · Fund-raisinl 'projects will be confined to a vOl\IDt.eer capac1tr. in· ••g envelopes and serving as chainnen for United Fund, and stafllng a coffee wagon with proceeds lo benefit FSA~ · ' Membership in the new auxiliary will be open to anyorie interested in fostering the development of healthy individual and family living, and during the first meeting it was suggested that meeting attendance be man· datory unless an individual is excused beforehand. Other objectives which .have been discussed include the auxiliary's promotion of Plays for Living; sponsorship o( a trainin~ program (or prospective undergraduate social workers, and the formation of an area "hot line" for youth which will be staffed and 1uperviaed by these trainees. The new or~anization also will compile in one cenira1 locatioil a com· plete Ust of available community resources including Head Start and Cafl!olic Welfare. •. · ' Additional information regarding member~bip in the auxiliary may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Geiger, 962-7348. Appointed to head the new office and offer couns.elin'i. service-to men and women with family or marital problems is G. P. (Pat) Camey. Carney. Who did undergraduate work at the University of Oregon, is a graduate of the University of Southern California. • ... ~ .-. . PlS!llling to ft11 the coffers for •ummer baseball · lµp plies· are members of the Hunling!llll V81Jey '.· llitue ~gue. <;as~ astiore to make preparations for a Shipwreck ·oance are (left to , right) Mrs, fred Nesbitt, Mrs . Bill Casey,· Mts. Jeff 'Schaefer ,apd Jim ·Willard·. 1 ·Tickets for the dance, taking place from 8:30 lo )2:30 p.m. Saturday, June 14, in the Huntington Beiich Country Club, are $2.50. each. Mrs. Lawrenc,,-WOO'.Ciley,1.'5 chairman, and assisting are Mrs. G•f}' .Moullet and Mrs. Bill Casey. FSA evolved when the Orange County Council-Of Comritwtity Agen- cies realized family counseling was the biggest gap in social work services. Friends Mirrors Reflect · Changes . ' . Do blondes have more fun? Members and guests of the women's DiVlslon, Fountain Valley Chamber of Com- merce, will have an o~ portunlty to find out when the . new orga.niuUon meets. for a wig party ·and salad bar luncheon beginning at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in Tamura • School. Arranging µie meeting are Mn. llldllrd ·Wilhelm • and • Mrs. WllUaln Hiyea. Th< ll.ri1"3i meeting ta open to the public, and there wlfl ·be no admission· charged.· . . The next .bustness meeting of the group will· take place . Wednesday, June 18. in the ' city's civic center. The meettng will convel)e at JO a.m., and· the opportunity to become' a charter member of the division will conClude with this. meeting. Area women in-· terested. In membership are , Invited to contact Mrs. Hay~. 962-4735, regarding dues. Tbe second anoua t Halloween barbecue which will - take place. in Octqber ·now is . . • ' • • --beillJ planned. lt-wlll·-be . ~""-. • I . ooii.....t ~y .. UIC.·~ pen · Book on New .. Chapter i ~Y Ch11nber .o1 ·eommerce ~ • -· ~ wllh the assistance of the New officers \nd a newly refurbished building' · ·Great Book& dtlcussion group. ,.ill 'me.t lil!tbe ·now :_ w · presage an active year !qr Friends of the Fountain facility al 9:45 a.m. Wednesday,·Jline 18. '.'Golden or:.::~'"::~fO::~~ lli;tl\irR1~ENITlilG'.WfTH WloS•..,. l:b'anibig hai~ colors and styles are (left Valley Library. New board members who will· guide Notebook" by Doris Lessing will' be reviewed with and the F 0 u n tat n Valley to right) Mr&. Edwin Booth, Mrs. Donald Blakely and Mrs . Richard Wflhelrrl, the group are (left k> right) Mrs. Lorin Lam.men, Mrs. Donald Dudrey leading the di~sion. Mrs. firemen will prepare dinner members of the Women's Division, Fountain VaUey Chamber of Comme~~. recording secretary ; Mrs. Curt Burnett, vice presi-James Schendel is chairman of •the ..,.group. · and conduct a Little Miss' The wigs wijl be displayed during a salad bar luncheon tomorrow in Tjllllura dent, and Mrs. James W1 Dick, president. The 1 Barbecue contest. \ • ~bool. ~ ' ' \·~0,~--·1 •• .. l ·-Fr~~~Arrlh of2 .1 ·L~~'.~:l1autrng .. ·Him .;,.to -. Jail • . j Doctor's Shot May I DEAR ANN LANDERS : I don't want to make any lrouble bu} I'd like to know U I have 1 justifiable COft1Plalnt. · J went to the docJr last week tor a Ou shot. The nurse ~ I am accustomed to oeelng In the oll!Ce wu home Ill. '1'11' doctor introduced me to his tf-year~ld son.. He appeared to be a very pleuant lad ... Tom II going to be I doctor," bia lather said with understandable pride. "ffe'1 teaming to eJ.ve shots." Then the doctor handed the rieedle to the boy. l was so stunned I just'ut there. The 00,. did Indeed give me U>e shot: Isn 't there a law to prolect patients from this tort ol thing? My annual physical exarrUnation comes up next month but I 'm alrakl to go back. Please ANN LANDERS ' tell me if the doctor Is conducting his all-around athlete. Ever linct I was a kid praCUce within ethical limUs. I've heard people say I'd be great kloklnc -APPLETON if lt weren't for mf shnOl. I've been call- DEAR APPl1!:: Only trallltd penw ed Eaglebeak, Durante, Da Nose ·~ I shoa kl be permitted • live,'"°"' If ~=rm~::Sit :Tit !~sn1!ibu~~~ ":i~:r.·. bf t' 111>e ... ~ · I've rot a g!rl who keeps bugging mo w , .. _ about gelling plasUc surgery. She aay1 mllpract:. 111lt. Wiii• .. dkl "" lllgllly l'd look like K1rk Douglas if I had a une&blcal ....... ~cl-.. straight, normal size nose. Honest, Ann DE.la ANN LANDERS: I'm • guy -It iln'l my life'• ambition, but secrel!y I 22, good build and what y0t1 might can an guess I'd like it • My one . bil hangup i• the. ribbiJ!i I'd get. The IJUY• wbuld lay It on me 1111 doormday. What do you tliint! -.. -BORNEO ' . D!AR·IORN: U tbe .,1y 1111q llot6t( you baek ii Ute "1111•" -p, My, p. Of coune 1tU'd &el I l'OJ'al ..... "" I woald l< f« Mly 1 week w •~ ._ tbefd Ure of tbe 1ub)ect ad .... --I tomttlll•1 elle. I 1enH ;0.1 • "an' eajtf •..,... U nose, 10 111.1 .dvtee ls 10 -... 8' cet one. ,; ~ . ' DEAR ANN LANDEJ\s: Thia n\Clnllllc • I opened the bread bo« and found 11111 1 peeaa roll, an overripe blnw, 1-1llvtr .of cake, a phutJc bag, ·t'f'o molcly oatmeal cookies and.an .empty 1aucer. ~o bread . · I'm a widow who 1harcs ·an apaft~t with my mother (she's 63 and ln good health"':) 1 w.ork and ~other stays home aOd keep's hodse, If you can call it lbat. I've told htr repeatedly that sloppy housekeeping . gets Ori · mJ nerves. She siys, "Don't be such an Old ma1d." • Last night we had a rew words about the bread bo~. Mot~r acoised me of being craiy-clean and obsessed wltb unimportant details. Am t? .' r TIDY IN MO~IL~ DEAR TIDY: Ptfolhtr• are awfollt bard &o train, tiapeclally when itfey •art • .. ~ • .:i over IO. Ne twt·wmta Mtf~r lllllt, and obvloualy y!Mlf'moattr la'& .-.. ·-~r. A ... pi.tM.fMttllltJilri! ii .. 1111oo1 ta.._. WM ,_ rm bl~ lhlap liU Ille ....... .... -I yoonell ••IOJ· -.... ,. Alcohol ls oo ~t'.to iociaI ~ II you think you haYO'tqdttnk lo be e<pted by your !rlenlls, _J et !lie. Read "Booze and You •..: for,.._... Only," by .\11• Ludfr1 ....... -., coin aqd a long, selloaddrtued, atamP+i .... enveloPe with ynu,...riquest. " j ' ~ I Ann Landers' will bt 11oct to help y -JVllh -~problems. ~nd lhe'l' to her , ... of the DAILY Pllm', lllelollln( seU-atitlrC3sed, stamped envelope. 'c • • " ' . ,.,, t M DAii. v I'll.OT F~. JoOI 6, 1169 Hqr~ 1;\1 I · ' t1 r • • . , , . YE~ Opens Monday • Juniors Join Teens In Search for Jobs • -Sco~pio: Avoid ~Excessive Df,\i h ~ing . s..\TU.llC>AY JUNE 1 • ., ll1'llflSl' cCJll.Wl ~ aid. AYOkl extrtrMS in home. Then ~ ~ -U., ' Buy ilft tor one "ho meanJ =:: .. " bl~\ ':"nd ~ ~':: -"-"" .............. should )'OU ~ 1'WtloJt&-much to )'OU. Evtninf is a 1o !)tllrl' . ., ~DAIL v -... -. .. ,..... ,.., ' _, Uc • 'fll'-bl. a.i . Gr*lll I a1 .. 14Cl'l'TARIUS (Nov. 22-range~· ~1· '~ roman ~' • ~tfoi)l '1-'v ,N·"•l• , :.•\ Doe.1 SI): You coold use • AQU (J"* »Feb. IF TOl>AY IS YOUR -. • .. "moli.U>ar ....... "lodoy. But II): S on slat '1ipe, 'BIRTHDAY you-ar e IJt. •DO . LI Ml,Jf The 1ummer momha are here again, and Harbor Area teenagm en as~llle ever-pn!Hnt question, what aball I do? . ABllil (llan:b II· = ......... Wlbeoolvod dealing with relatives. Y~u trospective. Many thin k lhey / :HAYI ~N,f-Ajllllll)i c,.io llll!L _,,.. = -~ -• --' food. find -~~cU-· are ~-d .., --. y.., pi nat-•--e ,_, -. ~w you bul few o. By ; ... ..i ~ lbl 1nolal. Oil wllo "!IPlllCI • Ire lmllvod and ao Jllled. Be feipomtblt lp l1'JldJ-Oclobei, many of .your d"lr" tho' T: Li that one •ure wa to keep teens bua and out cl tr.Ju•Ie Is to help em ~summer Jobi , :l:e Junior Ebell Club cl Newport Beech has said YES to the challenge. ,... ........,. lllJ. Tille lbl .Ii ti. ·-11• au. Activity Ing -·found free!lon11 ))on, will be fulfilled. , . CAtl. !547'"'67" )Md _; be tan:iefU1 wtlhoat wtlb ~ ~· try too much at once. To tll!d out wtio'li T\ldev 1or v1111 111 -24-HIMl'r Recordlnt- The dub once again will sl!lff a Youth Employment Service with placement beginning nezt Monday and <:onlinulng tbroullh Au~_¥· · Appllcants D1llY eome to the new office in the llatboi """' .Boys Club, SK Center St., Coeta M..a, J>etween 3 and 5 p.m. the nm week and bllill damDlirtnl-. ..~ (Dec. 22-Jan. PISCES (Feb. lf.Mareh 20): "'°""1 01111 lovt, order sv.._., am.rr1 T4'la1111 (Apll My a): lt)' 'Yoci mti/ find your..U M0t1,ey is accented. Decide -iar -ICll;rllJ Ql!Jbln1 delay lactlca. Don't what lo spend, save. Be aware .....ter wllh ~; .1.i P.ilty. 'N_.ary to ol assets, deficits. SOme Be'....,. al 11ne· poiall,1 lllrllplen out condition at changes may be necessary. from 9 a.m. to I p.m. June IS through Aug. 15. • ' The office staH wW answer questions by telephone at 642-0t74, o: dttalll.'But don, perm11''liiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9.ill ct!Mrw te -.,..net -· M• evat11·at·e you r own Mrs. James .Morar, dub ywth cbalrinan, may be calle4 at Mf.Oe87. Citizens cl the community are reminded to keep the Job-•eelling teens in mind when looking for .help in baby-siWng,,lron/ng, boulewort, lftlng, moving, yardwork, farage deeninf, or Jlghl Clllllltuct,iOIL 'lbe YOlltb•. l 20·yeu1·ot are. fill office, riltalll'llll IDd -posi- tions equafiy ;well, Mrs. Mum added. · . The Jmµor Ebell ·Cjub .inVltM p~ve ompiofCI to· say YES· to area teenagen M> they can ~ a produclive ~r.. , ' . . Bethel Installation Told ' ' Misa Patil Pbillipo beCame honored ,quoen -Lqana Beach lletbel Ill, J o II I n.u,blen Biiged lla 4lth ... milnn111l inataI1atioa ol .of. ltc:m, and choir with • llioaomt ol Sprln& theme. Taking part In the cemDaay were tbe 111.s Lesley Jlei>. ....... Mary Kindel, Andrea . Alldmrl and Muy~ CollJm, alq wi1h· Mra • ..I. -.. =:.=,~· Bile! 'Kellotf, narration. ·Otber-oill<er&sre the -T<ri 'lbomm ad su..n ....... -and junior princtSIH; SbtrrUl KeDoc. guide, and Tracy °""""""' marabaL Appointed ollicen are the -Dawn Penna, Edris Hllboum, Kathy Con!er, Jan ca= (lfoJ II.June Ill): · SOdll cll•ll11n<:reaoa. So do uiNMtuaW. Yeu have men ·m /)/)_ THE N-E·W · aflie ~ LQQK cliiJioeo. .......... qoln ~ .... : .• : ... : .... ':.~ ... =·rt;"', al your life. ~ ,.:i:·..,.~~ C411CD{=ll=-~ Accent CD>em'W, y.., can flnd""11 al ali'•lnlnc llftlll -·-1-llat . not · to al-lamlly .. --.. odW: lmd Gael. . Slnllt --11 ll hmll. Liii> (July -... :12): Good -upeCI blcbllgbll · .-uon tmoL Yciur lJD. •lljla!lllli 1'·-y.., ... q-1ili1l'r• Ud-ea wrtfe, map ' -· Key ..... lool< ~ mi-obllodea VIJIGO (Aq. l$&pl. :12): ~$,-"' ..,.,,,.._, -al mate, piulner wllh rqmdtb m-r. Be fair but firm. Uva up lb re111oolilllllly. · Lilllu.:.(llepl. »-Oct. ~)' Accent CJD. m a.r rt a.11 , pa-.blp dealJno with the pubUc. Y. · tnllaeitce ... -. But don, be~ Into .......--Flilllb -Ullpmetil -llCOllPIO. (<lei. :IWfov, SI): ...... urn . ---. out -.. """' fll .- yaa -ad where ""' ... : r '" • '• t J. i ., ~ 'I WE SPECIALIZE IN STYLING SERVICING REPAIRING I -..,-, .• ..t '> Wt h•v•~tf;e largest selection of FALLS ••• WIGLETS ·' •• CA~CADES • • • •nd WIGS . in Orant• County. M1n7 Pr•· stylecf' for you to try on . CASCADES '1495 FALLS . ~·NI 11" Ml · Wit Ml $26~ $36.95$4.J~ WIGLETS S~LI!! 1 ..... SAYI ·$6.!)0 .......... $3.'5 I 'I•'""-' SAYI $!.00: ... :.$6:95 2'11-u. SAYE .$f2.00 .... $9.'5 . WIGS i Wins Wings Awarded the s 11 v er wings cl an American Airlines stewardess IS Ml.H Rory Marie Lan- dry, daughter of Capt. and Mn. Robert E. Landry of Hunting1xm Beech. Panely,, Sbeme Sattm!leld, Debby Epn. Diane COiiins, LooJ.se P u t n a m , Rlccl Anderson, Anoe Stewart,. Joanne Kennedy, Laura ToWnsend, Martapne Tbornlon and Alice Davies. C b o I r memben are Lorri Kelloc. Julie Pelletier, Marl Newman and Connie La Port. HONOREO QUEEN Patti PhUllpl &Olll. Mt --· Mari:r are m o r e th;; willlDI to ROBINSON'S i Wlli " llAUTY _SALON. I mallie ~ JIO.D ~3;; .. lttwt : 1 Hll,.LGREH SCIUAJ;lE C.l•Mle.I ' ·Gardeners ·-Tenor I Flutist Perf q~rn Awaiting -. .. ~ . For Chamber Concerts SIAMP ANO COIN COLllctdlS -C110111111r"a__,__ Al. ,...,.co.I_...,._-.. _,.._._ ... , ....... ... wiiym STQD. ·~-"°"' ::,::.:;r.:m·= 'a'l l '.l~o-M_UT_ _,._~01 ... -.vc,....., ALWMlllCAll MtUa toe tHI All-AM•"'" cOilEaat: . ..................... ...: I nstal lotion . Ralph Willilms, -and ~ ~ pianlll. Jobn LqmJulot, llulllt, will Tbe tenor and flulllt are .-..... wmt.._,,.,_ ~·~oTMIS WE FLATTER YOUR ' . . 1nota11111on ... .,, ...... led paform .111 ~' Coi"'1 · ""'!ftl!m· al the U.S. Army by Mn. Paul T. lilhlas, -I)' Chamber c-tl' ,._. hldtand. U.S. Amr! Olorua eleoted -al Oran&• -at 1:111 p.rn, ·'nleldlJ• and~ 1lat!oned in Co1m1J D11tric1, Geden CUiis, June to, Ill Callfcir'nla · 8tale. W'""lqtoa. D.C. 111o., w111 c1o1o -.-i Colleae at FuDertm'• recital . Piliir to ·his en1ry 1n tbe f<r ·Saath Cpost 'Garden Club ,ball. -· Jobn Lququllt. a w~. June u . Tbe arilsts will .be,..-Colla · Mao mldenl, wu a .. _ ......... _ .. .-_ •Oii: ST ....... -""""Oolo Sf-S •-IM7~ .... ru...,_ tl"MCl""TJ ... -a _,,'"'8 .,. ... "'" •• ,_ """ -•• _,.,V«I -I.All 1.-0 WITD ~ ... -r .. .....,._ """"-IMOITI AU """lU.91..C, ltf S.9J. COLORFUL SIDE Mcnben and -·-'• wi!L by -·· Klneeld, "'""'" · ,......_. performer In the , .-11 -~-........,.. &.....-• ALWMEllCANoutnr We1ha,...-ur -In the patio al 'niree and member of the lllllllc d!amber concerti. Willlaml, 1 r ' -•~ "•• C II I · fltO.UaPniwr-~••a• L -!-m· ·Len-~"" ~ ommua Y fac:uty at the coDe&e and gnduate of Oberlin. eoue,e, ., __ _....,._.,.,.. llEr w "" ctahhrme for their annual bu eatned a mulUI degree Mftatc.ttt ~ ea'MMo '°° 10ft-eurl look. poUoct 1uncbeoo at 12:30 p.m. • from ·Yall Umveruty. "'""'EMT•·•·.,._·•-, -.will be pro-~oad Map Tips Tbe .]ir<ifiu> wlli Include :::"::='::"'.;:.:"~. Wecoloryo~hair ~ .. by.::m:-~ aoap.~"Schubert, Momt, J . .,..p-_n-.._.....,,.-·:::·=~·c~'""T.:'"t':i~:l'·~.li'-.....,~ ' "l;!l~»""~"""''·•l'· .... ~vllles will i;· How lo Rt..!. -Map-a--.c:::-.. --~::-.,.,. ..... ~'C:.llr;''.'"""'-·,·.r L~UIJ<P'O .•;;;:· -· will be the 1Ubjecl ol Mra. -~ Out< by Donal R. .,.. elude a prize given for the Vera Stottlemyer, a• MJcbelily, a collq:e faculty M~llTAMP.IOUINA\ Couple Married · In New Mexico -amusingly .-lvedlla!. mlnislra!ive -ol Stan' ""'"'"'·and -and PUllllMIDOVAl-Y lmtre. IJ'ecqlor'. 'ftlale to be lmtalled, follow-dard Oil Co. of• Callfonla'1 vlriatlona Oil the I o D g • -· UVL•• ..-n\11, 111&e for TOfl1' •• 1111 a abort business meetlng Women's Protrram when abe "Troebe Blumen'' by :1~<11...w.1.oo -·-----.i lei! by Mn. Georse illlwlins addresses Family Panel al ~.f<rflut.andplano. •-'4-.2.00 •--.. will Include llllsa J •• n America. Tbe pablle II Invited lo ,t. ,,.......,.. ....... o.oo look. For F-· A-. prosldenl, and the . Tbe meetln& o1 Or11111• lend lbl performance. -Bernon Gibbs and John c.wey.m. Hondo Dlllri<tl . .. .... NIWS .toDeCOftll a)J-KimaJ, Tice pre I i de D t I ; will tUe place 1n Sir r.....__,1 .,'° PM11 IU.1.l9ftll.ftl!Um 11G .. L hi-" Giibert Young and George St. ~.... h I -.,..,.-.. -. UIT-we gr•Yt p • Jmi, -; Rober I Sm«1ubonl, Anaheim, Tiies-c ora Group --' ........... -.... lights natural. SmD. treasurer, and Roger daY, June 10, at 10 a.m. ..---•J.OO•r > llolden, bootesJ cbalnnan. Every Mondly at 7:111 p.m. color, muf:o nu ·Book Group momben al the ~ve ~ dullhairlook • AU10 Valley C1i1P1er al Sweet ........... "':iil Tbe Book Dilcuaalon Group Adallnel con•• In lllaion ' -'Vibrant and of Newport Beach Friends ol Viejo lllib Sebool. TboH in-....... a.:.n::.,.-healthT,5....:.1 the Library gather ·the laal 1tnlted In Join111C 111"1 call ...,..... Wednesday of the .mOalb In Mn. William Recht at 131· oolon to tone AlbllquenJue, New Mexlco,_;Marinen;;;;;;IJ~br~ary~;•1~1;0;•;;·m.;;;~Vl;3'/;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 bleached hair, too -Z~..U:~ °\! ;:ttl ,A~ ortogiveyoarbairan _ ria&O Plilllcla Ann Montootb ultra·higb-fahion hue.) and Mlcbse1 M. GoUong o1 Will Give Your Shoes ••• a..-del Mar. C--.them!. Pareall of the newlyweds =.,111roi"lt..::t ~~cltMa~ :J~ n ~ t' Mrs. W. P. Balderston or La ea;_ds· couple are honey. e ew 00 • mooning In Europe and will mate their home in Corona del Mar In the !alt Balb are graduates of UCI. JUNIOR MATINEE 5111• dcry, 2 p.111. "THE TIME MACHINE" 4 CAiTooHS Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise • • • ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY. Corona del Mar S CONYINllNT SH°'5 • l401 E. COAST HWY. Coron• dot M•o· ••• 61! .. 640 • l Ol VIA LIDO · Newport IHch ••• 61J.1620 e 74 ·FASHION ISi.AND Nowport k•ch ••• 644.YH I e 1101 IRVINE AVE. W•1tcliff Plau CHOOSE FROM All THE LA TEST STYl,ES llHtyle y-eld sh.es to the new .....d loek. CUAM HAii TINT, SHAMPOO AND m $5.75 Aft7Um• -Most C&!ts HIM, TARZAN. YOU, JANE. \. So swing a little, baby. Rings, ckx:kwise : Smoky topaz. $75. Sea horse. $120 . Cobra .. S90. Leopard, '125. Cent.-: Twisted snake ring. enameled.. $100. SLAVICK'S Jeweklrs Slnce 1917 18 Fashion lslend Newpo rt Beach-6'44-1180 'l'O<Jr Ch•rot A(CO!Jnf WtfCOIM -BtnkArMrbrd, Mtsttr Clla~ .... OPff Mo11doy, Friday ntil t:JO p.a. ,; , --. ' -. Beauty Salons > Colla Meoa, Calif. Ceot1 Mooa, Calif. ,. ,..,.. ·"""· 716 w. "'" '""' IC4Mft .... '"""" 604»6 ' -- ALL SEA1S 50¢ Newport leach ••• Ml .. 05l •ROBINSON'S N1hion l1l•ncl lrfnt u1 your pfOblem •nd we'll t 1•• your 1hoe1 OMWIMk. ,. ....... Calif. ............ ............. c.i. Or•-~· , ... Founl•ln V11I•y, Calif. 1ml .-.-11 Fotnt•ln Vollov, Calif. JO'D I'd"-' tt 1-;,&w "•"'1 ("'"" New9'ort B•'ach --\tllllW (MfW --· """' '"' ... -- • LOUISE llBONS To ~1rry Dec~mber Pla ns Told ' ' Dr. ancUJrs. Henry W. Gib- bo"l Ill ~ian Francl&co have •lll10W1C"fr enaarement of t' their daler., Lo'Ulse S.nford Gibbons Peter Gregory Walter, . of Mr. and Mr!. Ralph J. alker of Newport Beach. T~e ~e are both recent graduat!s of the University of the Pacv._lc. Ml,. Gibbons, • f I fl b · aeneratm Californian, was a m.,.~~of Spurs, Mortar Bolhl • Delta Delta Delta. Praenfl she ls d o i n g graduaE • work at t b e Univ~y ff California, Santa Barj>a . Her and attended achools Jn :san -M'arinO and tonw Beach. I A December wedding is being plann'\!. Spon_sors Celebrate Although tile final count on proceeds netted from lhe sixth annual PeacOclt Hill National Hone Show will not be known for aome Ume, sponsors will treat themselves to a victory -celebration anyway. Because the show this year drew an increase of 250 en- tries, planners unanimously have termed the benefit as the "best yet." nie celebr~ion will be· iA lb' /onn of i< funcheon next '!lmday in th> Newport Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Smelser. Mermaids Beckoned M·ermalds, Women's Divllion or the Laguna Beach Chanlbt:r or Commerce will elect and install officers dur· ing their lagt meeting of the seuon in the Tower1 rutaurant at noon ne1:t M · day. . ._ _ - ' .. . -. Mrs. Robert Tllnierwnl in- troduce a slate 1ot officers and Bob Clark will lipeak and show· films on ,the ·Welcome 1 Home progam ~for U.S. Marines returnin1.from Vietnam. ·-... 1---L 1 ~(~~' -,•:ni:tiVt :~JH-..,..._,:... -<~rflCtpa. In he program, and ac n1 ... to Mrs. Pete Fulmer, preeldent, many other · an!a orglnhations ,htVe betn invited l<>_ ~nd a represen- tative to ~ luocheon to learn how they rnay enter into the projtct. ~· . Reservatl may be ob· laintd by cal ing tho cblJilbeT office, 494-1011:--, Disinfecta ts · Dlstnfectants u in the la~ must kil bacterial withbut leaving a y resid!Je which might be h.,P.ful to tllc sk.in, and without cban&lng the color or other properties of the! fabric . ' Among the most effcclive di1infectants are I lq u i d chlorine bleach and pine oJI.. The Daily Pilot Covers Boating •• . .. ------ Frldl:I, .N111 6, 1969 I • ! . . ' . • COLLECTOR'S CACHE: DECORATOR MIMERALS, GEMS AND FOSSILS. Nature's objets d'art: rare minerals, gems and fossil SP.l!clmens, ,-· ' r '"' specially 'selected for home decor, will be exhibited and for sale in our Newport store beginning Monday, June 9. From the world over, here are nearly 1cxXii specimens: bright blue azurite, green malachite, selenite, petrified woods, fossils of the earth's first living creatures. Some mineM -. have been cut and pon shJ?d, tyl~ny, in their natural state, a_re of gem .quality,such as.jade and.amethyst. Assembled to ·delight the·eye ·and pique t~e ima.gination on tables; as cent~rpiece's, on bookshelves. You'll be amazed at their versatility. Most prices are from 5.00to1,()QQ. Mrs. Lucile Bradley, noted mineralogi'st, will be-here to ansWeryour questi<lns. Browse ai your leisure on the lowe;.Lever; Newport • • • f I ROBINSON'S NEWPORT· ....... .,,. ... , . .. .. .. ' • FASHION ·ISLAN·D • 644Q800 ' ' .__.. .. • • llAIU'9 lf I I ! I • I -· • l • l • I ' .~ ...... I a . -.-.. -1 Starts Saturday . SlttM 11111 M1nl!!, In I""" looki .. prfnls, ""1idl 11111 pUids. A """'8 cdleclion ol ..... )'llU'll kM. Ulr.t dlll COlllll plaid .... wllhalllllg-.-In Ila I IO 16.SMI --.tJJOI015.llG 6.99 maya>~101 our own Ado1ia panty hose A111-lftll:ll £llfon, Aa111211:x• Md! nrloft or tlal knit panty i-. nudl ....._ ...,2.50- pair 3/5.89,1111.8 tflZ'/ CID hmil:y 1 Baby AristQ<:rat sleepers Oljlpnl ~ d Slitldl _,, Wilh W::t-•-Mllrp:t:a.ilfmW.... .... w 2.29 ,,.,Clll:ofl' ..... girls' sleepwear collection a-lla!M• "' .... ..., ... pajlfllll, slal ~ ""'"' shlftl. +14. £l1lo 4.1111 2.99 nilf Cll ptl' 1111~ I A 79 . . sunny cotton dresses from a famous maker OIOOse .... •'-* ~ d ... stiles Clllbillllll ._ ......... llhlplll -IO -i..I • -.. .................. "' --·-19.99 ..., Cll btaill IPJS !A • toddler gfrfs dressm Aprq111fd£-rd; , .......... lfld lllal. fllr-Ollllll md pal\; I . .... uo 3.99 white ruffled -Allclillrri9111tlll:ld_, _ _, Wllilecny;511930 ... ,.. .... -1o.m S.99 51'8f Cll Ye.-n. 'famous name puise acct ISOl'les ~ ..,,..; ..... 111!1 r-11. iu.- Flne ...... lri Nd, .............. ....3.50 1.99 -rm..il....,plilt25 ·• seven eighths suede coat with !Tiink circle collar Ellprl1 Clll2I of choice suede 'Sfdns, richly .... .... Wflh bud ·~ collnd. ""'Niimi Rmldl or Pam Mint....,_ .-orllela:! In ml!ees Ibis I IO 11. J'l!8. 96.00 : 79. 99 ................ _ _, ..... _ .. ........ . rrtr/ CID baolevard-103 ' SlllWJ' strapped sandal . is # ...ilil wllh ... cf .... Ian 1:111.l!lat, ........ ,.ilow.p!M. . """.00 8.99 "lll'Cll~--112· lllSlc pump In fJYe colors ,.. wllh a ftJU£lf IOe ll5d a. lolr lal. ....... _.. .... lllldc .... • •21.00 16.99 • _,CIG ... dllm .. 12 ,. washable polyester suits in patterns, solids Two-tone tacquanl pilllems, pr.tty pastel solids. er.a .,..... k~ mad>ine .... , .. .... d:y poiyost!rl TW01'le<e 14les In .. _.,, ,ellow, peadi and ..... l.2CL reg. 30.00 21. 99 mtY co co.srnopoll!an shop 96 lace trimmed bra and girdle In a lowly Brown frost. wllh r-6.00 bra, 32-36, a.b.e. 10.00 panty RI~ 1,111,I. rig. 6.00 and 10.00 2.99 and SA9 may a> foundallons -44 easy care travel coordinates P•Jarnas 111<1 clusllr, in nylon tria>I. WW • _, d:y. ltoR. ,eliow, aqua. »44. • reg. 6.00 ... 4.59 ea. may co Sleepwear ·10 come find the biggest savings of the year in e~ery department of every may co budget store I , . boys' aaylic lcnit shirts EaJ-mv ecry1lc ...-. "" .... ::sD IUlde ll)1es In ._ IOllds 11111 1111ZZY 5'lpe. &-18. Reg. 3.99 2.99 bors'-m. ~ Wllshlie mock turtle velour shills Mtn'• -...... mode ... 2llCI:. short ..... for all -· c..t lli"8 ............... s.«L. .... 7.99 5.99 ,,...., furnishings 806, emiit Wiishire Calvert no-iron bedspreads Ruged ....., con1s that nuchine '"""'· newr -1 inlni"lo Twin or fuU Illa In • wldol ,_of CIDlon. ""' 9.99 7 .99 m. .aptWl1ohlrt, Monlcllft, ~ boys' Tarleton sport shills Our_, T""*'"' pe:-ll pm In a ~of Aiftii"' CIDlors. All slat"' ... siza 1110 1a. Rl:I-:z.n 215.00 lloy$' wear 822. llK!lll Wllllille men's perm press casual pants . Find ti.I In b 011trr1 wm'llld Colarr. 1t1 waU1 -a I04:Z. ... , ... ..._ w.. ric. 5.9N.99 II Pl!£f. 2.99 save! Calvert satin draperies Antique '"""' -In while Ind deccnto< eden. Sim 411"xl0" or 48"x36" io,,.. '°""' ... -prtcodJ Rog. 3.99 3.39 818, _,. Wlhhire, Mohl:lalr, Carhtiod • men's luxury alligator shoes '""""'"" '""" llaly. Handsamt llltplDIS In b1adl or llwMll "'-llyle. A "2't .. ... Reg.19.00 59.00 men's shoes 823, ~ Wiishire Calvert insulated draperies Our own c.i..ns, I01Ut.tred apimt .., and cold. Textured, foarn back, sin 4&"l<S4" bg. ot a ...... Rill-6.99 5.89 818, exc<pt Wlhhlle, Monttl•lr. Ot1oblrl mey Co south coast ple%e, san iliego fwy et l:iristol , eosta mesa; 546-9321' shop"Tnoncley through seturdey .10 a .m to 9:30 p.m. ...... . " . ' . ' men's Tarleton walk shorts . OUr OWll 1'"""""5. trim wallt s1ou 1t1 1111· idi'and plaids, ... penn.-.... poly.o t<r ond CllllOll. Rq-.. 99 3i99 " !win size white Calvert sheets ' twin ~ na1 or fitted lxAIOr1"' .n,.,,..;.y wfdlil ...... muslin. fitlld .... ._ eldc m110is. Reg. .2.09 • 1.69 803, .. ~ Wllshi~ Mon!dair, Qlfsbod save on Calvert bath towels HelYr quality ClilOn ........ dainty - print of. wide doolc:e 0 -sol1dt. llalh ~111124"1146". Reg. t.19 . 99c MAVCO ' NILY nor; Jf • St arts Saturday . LOWEST PRICES OFTHE YEAR IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT .ALL 17STORES ' . ' ' ' Tahitian Rose towels ••. blooming beautifully Plush cotton ......, Imm Springmoid with the chotm of • trcpiQI pnlm. Combina- -clplnk. IM11tPJ, H..ilOWll 16"xl0', 2.3Q, 1.a. w t ...... . ZllSl"llllllllMl.•4.IXI. ' 2.79 ""YCll> ..... 30 Puny• polyester blankets ; •• Sot is ~ .._, ,.. -""'*' ·-. NJ. tonlmld. ve11aw ..... .,-.-or bli&·'hlnllli. li'l!IMll'tl.'9,"9. • cbiJle llae,"" 10.99 8.99 mayco~41 . boys' double breasted blazer The ""'51 pop.C. Ioele far ,oung fosllion. pl-.V..-.lwdala ....... lllnnll .. blul, Pd. navy, 8"12. ng. 23.aQ,.tUL 1.wa. .... 21.00. 22.89 ...., ... ~-14 glass top cocktail table Oster 8 speed blende.r with ice crusher unit 8 pushl>uttons m•lc.e •II blendi .. jobs a srwp. S cup-, dvw i-. '*"Y dulJ.-o..i. ................ ......... _,,_ ' ...... ;39 .. 99 .. !!Wf·CDtllilll ...... WWW74 115 piece stainless flatware set 115ploca1Mkafor12 .. _ .. ..,.. ........... ,..dlllbdlW ........ _ ............. S-IDwl ng.29.95 19,99· may co...__ 29 boys' Van Heusen sport shirts Bllafil ... eolidS and ...... in,""""" lvp~wldl ........... Wah \Im ..... ,..,_ ...... . Rg.4Jl0.5,00 2.99 may"'"""' bnl!hliip 23 Mediterranean recliner now at savings Three positions with handy tv vlewi,. an- ale. Yinyl _._i in chokle of colon. 11u1-'°" 111111111 llodr. PK'dod -fl ·1 wd , ......... :hml .... C.. .... ,...,,..., 129.00 ,...,Cl>,_.,,. 144 textured nylon pile broadloom tndudol lr*M#on Md dlalcll al 2 Cllll>- -• •--... Tlleaipllll .... ..id ..... -.-.. 10 aalors. .... ,.99~,.i.: 7.99 mayco--••32 ' . S•piece redwood barbecue set v.;.. 1111 • 4& Inch ......i umbiollo 111i1e wtlhtaar I -CllnOll llWI • Al .. <flllllllll's • 1 llllllODd. ltlllrlll .... $4.99 44.99 may co polio....._ 146 Vimie 5-piece dinette set 35"x24" .,._ .... IDp ·-ft) 42" with one W 4 lll*M chall!.. Ccusod ift Maybrooke Deluxe suit of .wool/silk sharkskin flitler5 with .ti slimm ing fir. One and 2 but· ll>fl models in plaids or solids of blue, li>fcl, , otn.ordlllcooL ThesehandoUo1•sub .. -••fll6nnlsMp.: 79 00 ' "8-100.00 • • m8' co,,,.,,., llilM 21 Mayb~ori coats The new tummet silhauet;te, slil'l'IMf, trim· ""'· l(Ql•d b'/ 2-builon doUt ...r ll6e _,......, spilllld Olb1 In~ pip. reg. 60.00 49.00 may co men's sponswear 45 Surety matelasse bedspreads AJk:otton, machine WiWble, • ...., Ned ....... Antique wfliie« _ ........... 31.99 ~ 24.'9. """ JU9 ..... 21.n "tlo24.991W1norrull 19,99· may co bald'1111141 crystal wine font now on sale Oyslll wine IOl'll on • hondsame "'°""'t ., I 1mort Midi1ern_, .i.5lsn ,,.. g0ld-1ea1 . -a.. ""' ~ 3~xf>O'"•Jlo". ..;~ ·:::.~ ~)~~·~:;~L?.4il}tla .•··s---.W .. -. .. men's bolcf.color dress shirts W•rm new mlon, cool short s'-5. No iron l>ocrul,. po1,.-and CllilOn. -- bonJ, ~ µ.., -· ·-Simt 14Y..o 17. . ... ' , ' . ftW;S'.bo . 3'99 cha_. Clllar"""" J li.lilll& ·~t'. ~ ~;=':"':~'·~~~~ ... ~.,_~~~.fl· f>.·-:·,;;\~111>!• • .._ ... -~ ""'189.00 159.00 "'"'"' bnftin 144 ""'"'_.."" .. 6 ... • 1 .... ... \.;.,'' '., ..... 1!0-95 .. 89.P!> . 8'CIJ ... I aoi ....... 17 I>_ '\ ·.' '. res.15.oD 10.99 moyco ...,.__ 29 . come find the biggest savings of the year in every department of every may co budget store Calvert 52"x52" tablecloths :.i-=:.::, :..'i:t. = :;: .. """"' R..1.99 2.99 831, ... WllsliR, Mdn1cl&ir, Carhbld . . • summer dresses at a saving _. Ila$ 1G-20, half sitts 141>241'.. """' - -........... """"'16 ~iiiilked .. ; I RIK. 9,')9 6,99 junior boys' summer pajamas f'nl ••Ill 111 d maam. avalllble fn Coit°' middy .;t.. Vlllod cdort to clloooe J.7. Reg. 2.29-2A9 1.79, 2/3.50 dillchn's -aoe. """"'Wlhhlre -"' .. save on misses' jamaicas Find lhem in wh~. bladr, '"-piiik, blue ot lodln.,... Wiii ... ahans, 19!1.fbta. 11-1& .... 2.99 2.29 girdles and panty girdles Find ""'°" In rtylel for fMity lltln l)pe, ~ figure need. v-Cllocs Iii lhe group, SM-l·XL Reg. 2.»S.'9 .1,99 gird! .. 819,'0ll<i!IJI Wt1shlrt save! junior nylon bra-slips- All flmoiis ..... nilooc .,..aied With irlMs, Find lhen1 In oiza 32·36A .nil 32· 388, at• sMng. Ros. 3.99-4.99 2.99 • lingerie 802, except Wilshlie · misses' blouses and .shirts Al it. jlOpllla 11J1o1 for wi:Atf. A pt v.Mtoi, In.,... and ...-.1or o8-' -.Slm:IJ.3& ... 4.Mw 3.99 . . . "'°""""' aoo, eaiit Wllsl",. .... girls' jamaicas, knit tops ' ·n. jatM(as_ In ~ ..... pllids. sr..v' -bM • 11 l!llid~ -1poo. s111J.14. ·· Reg. l.Z'J.1.69 99c ea. . . ., ' ' airl( -824, -Wlflfin. colorful new fash ion scar\les SUMs on the "11!1'• -in _... loshior1 cote.. and I Uemendous M•Y of pcfnls ;und f•trlts. """2.99. 1.49 I m•Y. Co 1outh co1st p1&%1, sen dl190 fwy at l:irl1tol, coat• mei1; ,46°931~ 1hoP. monday throu9h 1aturd1y I 0 a.m to 9:30 p.m. -. . • . ----'----• save on misses' flare-oants r..t • ........,. c:olledioll w IOlldl, plaids, ..... Zip4ronl llylm, -lolrlc:s. Sim6-16. P.q. 6.99, 4.59 spol15W&lr eoo, tlOClllt Wltlhhe girls' cool summer dresses ' Colorful p1n1e11.-., lho eccl I far .. IUIHlayo aMsl. All ~·· .... 7 .... UllllftlUp. · R ... 3.69 2.99 ' .. ' save on. misses' panty hose Sleek all-in<>ne panty rW, -- for .petim, .-age and iall. Miao -.. nylon. Reg. I.Si 1.19. ~ 807; """""'Wllshite . . ' MAVCO , : I • -~-.:..-~ ... --~----'I ' JI Mll.'t I'll.Or r.~. Juno 1. 111• Rozelle's Ruling Forces NamB;tli to Ret~re • • JOE NAMATH Incredible Fans Still Back Expos t!ONTREAL ( AP)-The advertismitnl in large black letters, stood Dul in the middle of a sports page. "OUrs is the only city in the world," the Expos' ad said, "where you don 't lose a fan because you lose a game." Even now, after the Montreal Expos of the NaLional League have lost 11 con· i;ecutive games, they seem to have trou- ble ici&ing their fan s. The Expos dropped their 18th straight Wednesday night-313 to the San Fran- cisco Giants-but there were 9,510 fa~ at Jarry Park for the game. carried on the French-language television netW<1rk of the CBC. The defeat bro'ke the record of most consecutive losses by an txpansion team in its initial season of action. The New York Mets held the previous record of 17, liel in 1962. On Tuesday night, when the EJ.pos went down 9-3 to the Giants to tie the rkord, there were 19,399 fans on hand. Defeat. even under the best of circumstances, often is bitter. But in th.is baseball mad city they even stan d to cheer a foe for Cilnlributing lo the wreck- ing of their home club. '' l look aboul me and just shake my head in astonishment," said Jim Fan- ning, general manager of the Expos. "There is nothing to match the devo- tion of these people. "They are the talk of the league. And, you know, the unbelievable thing is that when we lose a game many people, in- stead of to.ssing· the usu al jeers or barbs at anyone connected with the team, ac· tually come to me and encourage me to keep plugging: They actually fttl for us." Recognition of talent on the opposing !Side was clearly shown Tuesday night in .a tong standing ovation which greeled Willie Mays when he stepped up to the plate for the first time in the game. He _.&.ot another standing ovation wht':n ~ -1...rJ··~~~bD home run o\ler the fence into the ~.:r • r-)eft.field "seats. '., The Expos have been averaging more than 15,000 fans for each home date and or\1y on a few occasions have they shOwn hostility toward any of the Expos. On one occasion, Maury Wills, tht': !'lhortstop who decided to retire earlier this wetk, was booed when he· ca'me to the plate. He grounded out and· the boos rose again. But later In the gaml', Wills made a great play in the licld when he stabbed a· hard-hit grounder, turned and made the throw to first for the out. YOVTH ADMI TS SETTI NG FIRE VANCOUVER, B.C. 1AP) -A 16-year- <lld youth has admitted setting a stable fire that killed 21 horses at Exhibition Park Race Track, pnllc;e said Thursday, Police said no charges have"been filed against the youth, who had been doing odd jobs around the track. They said he now is in custody on a breac!Y of pro- bation and ls undergoing psychiatric trl!alment. TrainCr Jack Russell, 48, suffered a fat.al heart attack ' while helping free horses during the' blaze May 27. The horses kiJ\~ rwere valued by BriLi1h Columbia Jockey Club officials at $80,000 and the building at $60,000. Would Rather ,Quit Than Give Up .Nightclub Interest -. . \ NEW YORK (UPI) -Joe N"'!'"lh1 star quarterback of the world champM>n New York Jets, announced his retlrement from pro football today rather than bow to an ultimatum from pro football com- missioner Pete Rozelle that he relinqulsh llis one-third interest in a nightclub. Namath, 26, fiVf'-year American Foot- ball Lupo veltftn who led the J"' lo • stunning upset over the Baltimore colts last January, also cited hi! chronic sore kntt.S as a .rtason !or giving up football at the peak of his career. The former University of Alabama star announced his retirement in a news con· ference at the nightclub which figured in Rozelle's order. Namath, crying wttih! making his stun· ning announcement, was surrounded by 200 reporters, radio and television nl'wsmen, who had been summoned to ...... ~ the 11J&b~•b <a.liiors Ill): 'DrtJsecl In •ale WtOdbtt-and blue "'1rt open-.i ~ nect, the Jell' •tv uid lie .... gl""' • ilbolco by l!oJell• lo t<ll hi3 bosineu or be 1111pended. Namath said RoJe1Je •lolol .!'\D! ljll nllbtciub had be .. uilder ~bJ the FBI and was coos~ a .. barilotJ(' for "certain .-tr~" . .. , ... , --..... u.·1eoey~ quarterback aald. "I'm innocent, but because I'm 1 football player, 1 am being forced to do something against my wishes. I am not or ever was associated with gamblers but that doesn't seem to make any dllference. "I talked ~~Wamy.fricnds and gave th!! more ~ thin anything else ln my1 lite, ud 1 leet rtl.lring is the only right lbb1t to<41o." ~ • ' Jn answer , to a reporter's question, • Getting Ready for Fra%ier Jerry Quarry's face reflects the pain of r eaching for peak physical condition for his 15-round heavyweight champi.onahip fight with Joe Frazier June 23. Training at G)'OSsinger, N.Y., Quarry wa s caught by N111111th 111.d be hoped the 15.0le could be ,,..lved. "Football ls the thing I :love to do most," Namath aald, "and retiring ~ the laat thing 1 want to do." U ooc player can be •crcd.ited wi~h ,-peedin& the merger or tlle National 11'\d American Football Leagues, that player -w ... !I~ ...... by -Jet owner David 41SoMy~' Werblin for the then-fantastic sum or $400,000, Namath proved the attraction needed by the fledgling league. The native of •Biaver Falls, Pa., also led the Jell out of the AFL cellar and from days of 5,000 fans in the stands' to sellouts at Shea Stadium, tulminating in last season's championship, Whatever Namath did in pro football was surrounded by color and often con~ lroV<ny. Hi1 brllllant 1'85'1ic brlJlllbl the Jolf playtni respOClability, wtule his !>rttUe, damaged• --the repson why he was ruled tr In •the draft -made eveey play lraugpt with the -ibility be ml&llt'be badly, f$r<d, , . . Hit personal lite has been, U anything, evco more coklduJ, aa 1bt ~ed tbt rW!nc -tf f"Obibl)' tbe '"mnctnl'<ll" young bachelor in/sports. Magazines which ran front cover pic- tures and stories on his football prowess also carried more stories about his "pad" on Manhattan's east side with its white llama rug and about his after-dark social activities. football prowess. Namath went from the bottom to the very top in 1968. At the beginning of the season, he couldn't get untracked and 1t the camera here working on the heavy bag. The fight ~ill draw one of the largest gates in years, with ,1>:romoters talking about.upwards of 80,000 lhee.ter seats being sold in Southern California alone. one strcleh went lb: 1trtl1ht 11mes without throwln& a klacbilown pass. J But then -sp>rtJnc a "Fu Mancho"-. . droopy mou.atacbe and beard -be cot ~.:_ to high gear llld pltcbod tho Jet.I lo their ... first American Footblll lap cha.,.. pionshlp. ,;. ·• The IP"'llshl wood In cm him o1 uie. SUper Bowl. In tho --.a.·~ at Miami, Namath blandly slated that Ille Jet& would beat the heavily favored Col~;: the National Football Leaguo etuunpl-. The COlla were heavily favored to.&tie., the NFL Its third straight victory ovtr.; the YOWll AFL In tho. three Y'"'I tl!e league champions have. met. '" '.:. But Namath, pitching paues with pint! point accuracy and calling plays Ukc1•· Houdini, led the Jot.I lo • 16-7 upoet that rocked pro loolbaU • Rosewall, Laver Zip Into Finals • • • .. . • • ;.• .. .. ' PARIS (AP) -The old prolesaloi!al duo of Rod Laver, 30, and Ken Rosewall, 34, outmaneuvered younger opponet!U Thursday and shot into the final of the Freneb Open Tennis Championship1 for the second straight year. . ... Laver, top favorite here far the fiut prize of $7,000, demolished Tom Otter, the %>year-old Dutchman, a •rookie pr&; 4-6, 6-0, 6-2, 6-4. . Rosewall, the defending champid'!\ mastered Tony Roche, the 24-yew-eld Australian left-hander, 7-5, 6-2, 6-2. "· . . . Rosewall defeated Laver in lhe flnal·lt the Roland -Garros Stadiwn la.st yeif. They will fight it out for this year's title on Saturday. .,,. Laver again showed Ns ability to lift his game at the right time. This w• the third match he has won in this t~ nament after losing the first set. :· - Okker, who has .played brilliant ten~ throughout the championships, began ~ match well but faded against hia ei;. perienced and wily opP.Qnent and eveo- tually made a Jot of errOrs. · ·' The Dutchman; running as fast as ever. gained three service breaks to Ltvet1f two in the first set. A vital game was Qii9 sixtli, in which Okker !lit a dauling: backhand cross~urt s~t and went cm'. t9 bre11.k: Laver to Jove. , . • •• Th.at wiped out Laver'• early lead aiid made it 3-3. Four games later Laver 1av· ed two set points before losing the &et with a backhand error. .. •. ,. But that was the point at which Lavfl' turned on the heat. • ;l. Wills Returns, Plays in LA ~ngels Battle - ' Littlk ·Mo'· llMf1ttmfz-ifa'f~Trihe"Tonighf Sports In Brl~f • In the next 14 minutes he utterly destroyed the Dutchman with att services, scorching backhands a !'1:1 rocket-like volleys to win the second i;et 6-0. After the first game Okktr woo only three point!. ..,. 29 BEXTER .J>A R '. '" . .: .. AT WESTERN OPEN L0s ANGELES (AP) -Maury Wills is coming home but the rumors that he'll join the Im Angeles Dodgers after "retiring'' from the Montreal Expos are apparently over. Wills will wear an Expo uniform. . 'fh'at wo:is tl)e substa,nc~ or an an- nouncement 'Thursday by Expo General Dodger Slate Junt '· Oo01e-r1"' Monlre•I, f:SS '·"'·• KF1 ('401 Julll' 7, Dodeen YI Monlrt•I, J:SS p,m,. llFI 1...0 June I, ~I YI Monlre•~ l!:SS p.m .• IC:Ft (IMO) ' J~ne u •. Dodt••• "' Ph!l..i1-.11r1, J:SS '·"'·· ICFI , .. , Ju,,_ H, o.d;tr1 \II PMl1dt!Jlhl1, J:SJ P.111,. l(FI IMOI • June 11, Doo9111 vs Phil9delPlll1, 1:JS p.m., kl'I ""' Junt 11, D<ldgtrt "' N1w Ya•i, T:JJ •.M.1 l(FI (MD), • Manager Jim Fanning. He said Wills will rejoin the Expos in lime for tonight's • game with the DOOgers as the leatnl!I open a three-game series. Left-hander Jerry Robertson, &-2. is to pitch for the slumping Expos against Don Sutton of the Dodgers. The Dodgers· and E1pos are in the. midst of losing streaks, although the !>odger skein is only three games. The Expos, however, have dropped JS ~traight. including their 11th, 12th and llth to the Dodgers in Montreal late Jut month. ·Sharman Halts Rumors _ DAU.AS -Maureen Connolly Brinker, who thrilled the women's tennis world in th.e t950s with her overpowering game, was ·in the intensiv' care unit of Baylor Hospilal Thursday 1fter undergoing surcery for a stomach tumor. "Little Mo" was the darling of the. ten- nis wOrld from 1951through1954 until she injured a leg while horseback riding ttus ending her net career. She· won lhe Wimbledoo and United Stat.es titles three ti!TI$s each and in 1954 acored an unprecedented grand slam, wirlning the U.S .• Wimbledon, French and Australian championships. • LOS A~GELES-Coach Bill Sharman of qie Los Ant:eles Stan of the American Ba;;ke!b"1J Assoc~ation. squelc~ed Th!J!~ daj' .l'efM>rU he might ~ the neWliOss of tl\e ·rival Los Angeles Lall:ers. "The fact is I have not been contacted nor has \her!; been any offer to move frOIJl the Stars. and l must emphasize I am very hapj>y in the ABA, with my team and 1 still feel Lbere is room for both the. ADA and the NBA," Sharman said. • DETROIT -· The upstart American Basketball Association may be down, but the National Basketball Association isn't laking any chances. The league ls expanding to IS teams for the 19ro.71 season. No sites were announced for the new clubs. but speculation centered on Cleveland, Kansas City, Houston and Portland, Ore. •• ROME -Fiat, the giant of Jtali1tn auto makers, is reportedly about to absorb the Ferrari racing car manufacturers, an Italian newspaper says. The Rome paper Giornale D'llalia said Thursday that the merger wOOld be an· nounced witllin five days. • CLEVELAND (AP) -"They have got to hustle or they won't play for me," declares Lefty Phillips. the new manager of the California Angels. "I want this team to play aggressive baseball, battle and claw for that single run . So many young players are so afraid or making a mistake that they won't take a chance." Phillips, 50, joined the Angels as direc- tor of player personnel this season after being Walter Alston's chief coach with the Dodgers. On May 27. Bill RigQey was fired as manager and Phillips was named to the job. ·r Al the time of the switch, lhe Angels had come home after a 0-10 road trip. They stood 11-28 on the season and were d"ead last. Loseth CHICAGO (UPI) -Frank Beard IPd Billy Maxwell were the front-runners heading into the second round of ._ $130,000 Western Open today, but only four strokes separated tht top 29 players to indicate a neck and neck race for the midpoint lead. All 29 challengers bettered par of 71"'6n the 6,6?4 yard Midlothian Country Club:in the first round, and IS others equalled . par to stay in contention, and with dry weather Friday, there was a good chalke the field might rip the links open In <he second round. Beard and Maxwell each missed:-. deadlock with the 11-year~'fd cou(ie record by only one stroke in their first try at the short but soft layout whlth features heavy ftlllP, Small undulatfng greens and tight fairways . The current record was set at 65 by Bobby Locke in the 1948 Victor Open. -• c •( .. Drafted Two Orance Coast area baseban players were among 14 Orange County prospects selected Thursday in the major leagues' free agent draft in New York. Laycoe New Kings,. Coach DETROIT -National Basketball Association owners decided Thursday to award penalty shots after five team fouls in any period, instead of s11: • Estancia High School's Chuck Loseth, a pitcher, was tapped by the Se11tlle Pilots on an early round. The remaining Col.It .area player picked up was Saddleback College catcher Don Sweetland·, who was , • drafted by the Dodgen. ', ' INGLEWOOD, Calif. (UPI ) -Thi': Los Angeles Kings held a ne\o,·s conference to-1 day to announce the hiring of Hal Laycoe, hiihb' 1uccessful minor league coach and a former National Hockey League def_., to ..-.cl Red Ktlly. • 1 t..,,c:oe. 41. was coech ol iht Portland ; ~-ln the w.w.m .Hoeltq League ' for Ill ,.st nine years. In that 1pan, the ~ won Wltl1 regular aeason 1eqm uiles ud two-Leit>r P1trick Cup pJ.,.a ........ Ktllr, who foJlond up a brilliant NHJ, <:&n« tlf II yem-a by becornin1 coach or the ~ Loe: Aheetes major lca(Ut ,,.._.JID Jll'I, r'lil\Jed Tuuday. His contrad wu nearly up and he --- • \o,'asn'l expected to be rehired by owM:r 1956. He was with the New York Rangers Jack Kent Cooke. · from 1945 to 1947, the Montreal Cana· The Kings threw observers off the diesis from 1947 to 1950 and the Boston track when John Wilson, coach of the Kings' Springfield (Mw.) iann club, ar-Bruins from 1950 to 1956. rived in Los Ange.let Wedneaday tUcht-Ht wu the. coach of the New His arrival led to ~ concfua'4m 'Ulit ..., Wtltmlnlter Royals tn the WHL from was going to be hired to succeed Kelly. t9Sf to I9S9 and coach or the Victoria But Wilson , also a former NHL player, ~ars In the WHL in 19»$>. Both was only called to Los Angeles to huddle tc~ arc now defunct. with La.ycoe. Thf ~1tcled L&ycoc, .who 1tre.ws Laycoe, whose-Portl1tnd teams-posted 1-posiUonal-t!Ot:kcy, a.ya be lik..ts tough 362-202'66 over-all record, wu offered the chaTienges and thif -·plus ~a lucrative Kings ' post \\'hen Cooke got his franchise contract -caused him to 1ccept Cooke'!! but rejecttd it. offer to come to a club that seemed lo He still had ntxl season left on a thrte-lack inspiraHon under Kelty. year contract at Portland. ' The. Kings won 31 games In their first Laycoe played in the NHL from 1945 tct year and only 24 ttlia past season. • Henceforth after five fouls by a team In any period jts opponent will get an extra free throw on either a one-shot or two- shot foul. • PHILADELPHIA -Barbara Jo Rubin, th< l•!'UMkl glrl jockey from Miami, Fla., was 1UghUy injured Thursday when Ramagcn, the horse she was riding, stumbled, throwing htt from the saddle in the fifth race at Liberty Bell Park. A track spokesman said the sliglltly boltt. S.foot.f, !~pound.. girl t.11 when Ramagen apparently caught the heels o? another horse. Or. Joseph Tursi treated l\Uss Rubin for slight l1ct:ratlons. He said she will re3t for several d~s. _J CH UCK LOSETH Drafted by P ilots • The Angels put the ann on a county • J player on the first round -shortstop : f Alan Bannister of Anaheim's Kennedy , ~' High. He Was the firth player selected in : the draft. ~c...'I-' AMGm~~ a-k.J!!!....'fr l(f!IMly, ~!'"'' = , *',( ~It. AIMIWholl NOit ' ir&~tft·~ ~'\<~"':..!!;" i:. hHlt*ll1 Stt,,; lhrwe'ft:' 1111 l't111., J'!Wtn. 0.M.:tl~'j~I -:~..r· ffi::=: === : A~~ z9rl, II,~ Hi.ti. ...Wt ,. I "~TA --.,;;.,;· Ht\tiilt, c. 1111-.o "ltll• " G1rcl1 l'O'ft. O.t,K NO -T S.NI! n,"Plt( H .• Ottftll • ~J lk• Loot°11ii( 11:1~'lM11L~~ltfm1 ... ,..,_ ~ < ltMll , t S.\lt-" Hieft; ,.,.....,'"· HOUSTON -Lt'" E1-. t . 'Nt$lwl'I Hltll, lftllll ... ~. l!111CAOO (UIS -~ Ht111tn, "' W•ttrn tUoll. ·•. A,..l!•lm. KANSAS CITY -l(tlffl fo\ec"ll\tlll, ti, l.Mrt kith. L Antt.elfl"l '..., Hetti\, lb, .. nll AN CellfOt, JEA1! E -L•tth, t , " , - • ,, u """ •• ~ .. 1111 = ~ .. 'dis m . :r aid i.., "" .. ) 1 1 l• 1 . th w In lie ... ... v • ... " ti' .. ,, \\ B ~ Ii • !tJ B 0 • • d • $ ) .. ·' v t • t l , ~ ~ I I " ' j I l l I ! s l . . l1~·,,~ied IB -'88 j I BciCHel.er to Test D,ULY 'ILOT If. Five ~(}8 Olympie Champi0,n 1s I~ ,Cou~tx Spikers Set lllAllt:.YOU• Giit~ · A1Mlt.Pat.w.t-&DLF t ------.. - Clar.ke in 2-Mifu > In Coliseum Meet, Satur.d~y; V p· )!:__ _ ' ' ITT YOUll llEEDS I' or rellllllS In 'Hlec~nl the tYP• of 10lf ., 1rip you wish to .use, fil'$( con~ Led by Kanau• fabulous CompeUUon b expected to sider whit you went to accorft... Jim Ryun, the lleld ls poised be fterce lbb: afternoon when pllsh. I 'think I IOlfer should In readiness ror the 30th An· Unlltllea Joel: Bacbeler, 1:31.1 In the ·t,...mllt this the top bllh school tnclt and oxq1ct two thinls from hl11rip. nual Coliseum • Co!)lpton -·· top ttlkl1llr In -· 0.ld alhlota from tru.uatiout It fhould (I) hold tho club lnvitaUooal Track •nd Field ._, 1111 -the Or.... Clarh holds the world 1111rk Callloml .. I~ IS from fi'"!ly• yet allow f-of Meet S.turd>y •venior 11 Los Qlmlr lllvlllliooll.tnck -· f0< two m1leo .i 1:11.1 o1oo1f Oruce County, ...,...,.. on movement, and (2) unify tho Angele• Coliseum. 4iid . llalno lo ,ilvo "'"1d with lour other r-.ls •t UCLA for Ille pctllnWwia GI hands '° !hat !hoy will rolUrn Meet dlroctor" R u s t y ~ IIGG Cl.,U'l114 lonpr dlltallCll. lhe stain dwnploaahlp, tho dubhNd squarely to tho Harland has llne<J up a star-.un.t dMUenae Saturday Bacbeler. who ii now 25, ii a Today'1 •ctklo pta under b1.ll. studded conUngent of top U.S. ~JC:-114 It Prea late coiner to track. He didn't way at 4 pm. wlUt the top Three basic typg of &rips and foreign athletes, which In-~ In 0r-. star\ ,,...... unlll bis senlo< tbno llnlahen from ucb hell '" shown tod•y. In Mluslra· clud<s 18 members of the 1968 -'lachtler, who tuns for the year of high school in quallfyingforSatuTday's Ames:ican Olympic team at r.rOrrida Track Club, bas 1'0D Mlchlcan, but stl.11 recorded flaals on the Bruins' swift I Mexico City -including JO .... ~·-4 OI ••• a .. Jim f .u._ "'-... __ -~'-tion 1 Wt hawa th e J O·finger ....... fllttll wua season at : .... =-es or YJ1:: .i.u-ww .. ...,... · ..... b medal winners -and 12 who "dlltml.ranibii from one to mUe and two-mile. Top county hopes for blue lflp, so nam-u ecause all 10 represented foreign countries lb: milts. • Bacbeler attended Miami ribbons are miler Terry Limb fineers touch th• clubsh1ft. in the same competition, three · :Ute Clarte. Bllcbeler con--Univtnlty in ()bjo arid of Bolsa Grande, and two. This .erip Ciwes muimum club of them wiMing medals. tlderl bhnte)f {belier It the blodomed Jut year when be miler Dave White or El control but minimum unification The hammer throw is the ' ... . .. llfetlme best of 3,51.1, ~ pt .• '.M~. uil ~r New Yo~k . A.C.'1 B aT r y • /.lm1'I , loi! ~ •,• ~ Brown, 1 .. 00.1 last wefftnd., •-•th• .......... ~C"s· ,....., really spu:ee Up an alreed)' 1 ~·u "' ... ..,......., ' ., ~ ~ stunnlnc fldd. .., Jla(he.ler, Mmoo· .. ~M~~l • The 5000 me1nn hll UV>lher e!ftl, Unlvenlty GI 'l'eill'EI excellent lineup, with ~'• Puo's Kerry P-~ Marilou, a veritable -I John Keonedy, Arlaou -'i hero lfttt Onbhin( foullli ,Jn Jmy Joblkl. md , AiiQ'i the Olympics, hoving -hoCh Dour Welhe all In tfie .,_ • . . 1 Belmont Stakes Tops Weekend TV Sports lqtr diltlncil, but bu earned a spot on the American Modena. ' of th•· hands. I'd recommend it f' t t th J»CCll'ded a 4:t1.i mll• and Olympic team. He battled his Lamb has the fastest mile only for peopfe with relatively ~!:im:v~~~n waye ar':';:'. Horse racing has one ot its •-way into-lbe fmab of the 5000 time in the state thls seuon, weak hands. and tfle 100.yard dash starts ~~'::iev'1:fu~ -~~::; ~ mMf il'lrt I• .1111t fllltlll f~ M ,.,.. Tr!,le er-""*"'· CM!; ~ Ulbi !ht 1.C. ltttll, Draftee May Get Big Bonus· meters, but became iD and 4:10.4, and shouJd have no Tht &rip ill illustration #2 is the running events at 7:30. was unable to compete in the trouble qualifying for the th e lnterk»ck arip. It unifi es the· to relay it to millions of finals. finals. He's ln the first heat of OlymWplil~ goDld medalrtwinnebl rhs viewers. However, Bacbe.ler and the mile, the weakest of three are 1 1~ avenpo • g P.tajestic Pi:-ince attempts to Cl&rkearen'ttbe ·~ly;atbSetes races. His beat ts nearly aix bur.dlo ; Bob 1Seagren, -pole becume the first hofse &ince capable of ~ the' OiQse · semnds faster than anyone vaull; !}ob Beamon, long Citation in '1948 to win the Tri· County Jnvlt&t!ooW !'!"mile. elie In hil """· Jump; . .Al Oefter. ,diicus (bis pie Crown -the Kentucky Heoding Ute . I \i.t of Morlna lllgb's 440 relay hands VlfY Wiii, but allows only fQUrt1J Olympic victor}); ond Derby, the · Pt<akne!s ••d clWle,ngen fa·fopner~ Kanaa team, the Qflly entrant from ti&ht fin1tr1 on the ctubihlft. . Bill Toomey, decathlon. · now, the Belmqnt Stakes. Unlvtftity ~ ~ce :John the Orange Cout aru,will be It will t1ke • Ptirson with stronc Of t h e silver medalists The airin~ starts at 2 p.m. Lawson wbo Wbi~ darke nmnin& .in the seCood beat h1nd1 to tffactively control the CQlisewn-Olmpt-On w:ill have Jact Whitaker and Eddie 2 '-"'· ltl CL. -PGA COLI' -lllS.OOI Wnlw+r °""· FIM I .......... ll1y a..i tomorrow from MldlotlllM CC, CttlUIO. • •.m. 151 CT -FOOT•ALL -UCLA .-ltlf'ou9lt lh tlntil ...... ~n ..... wilt! a tf.M~ -· T91" .. .,._, Not ...... °"""• 0. ~ mlkaldot !ft WrslWOllll. 'ra· 111 CT -WIOf: WORL.D -JO. .,..,i.w .. _. Wlllll'1 U.l. 0-k!Ut,...., •lllo film c:M,. tr.n '""" holtllll by (,..,, ~ •no+r Nill.Oft. J ... m. (lA)F -l'lffaOL -(1.udle "' sucear 119 Mt•lu.I J:lll ,,,,,._ CJI CT -llLLIAJtt>S -Mlnne"91a ,. ... YI C•I ......... If <1.m. llO F -toXIEO -(A«tiO "• .. lert\1111 llt Mulo.) in an indoor , .rMet1 ~ •ut agaimt a pair of swift San club with this &rip. . . Ry11n , 1500 meters;. Larry Ar~. the Ian jockey to ride Y February in LoS Angeles: Diqo area quartets-Lincoln The 0Yerl1p 1rlp in lll ustrl ·' James, 400 : Erv Hall, hi~h a Triple Crown winner, will Sunday j st~-e ll-~:'!_~1~·-n~ou~ye He haS been cOncenttatthg and St. Augustine. lion 13 is my· choice for the hurdles : a nd Ed Clrulhers, call, the action. t :JI •.m. !51 CL -•.a.SEU.LL - Ju dr-lft D-~~~ '.:"' ... e":':. .. 1 "lub0· on the milt! thll aeason to Tom DN!lling will replace avl fa&• aolfir. It best combines high jump," fro m the U.S. Saturday's 'n a ti 0 n a 11 y ~~15m~~~J::t~~i.~'end~r::'tfe.-~ th t dr-lftedce MN -lcb build up his , ..... ··• " bis J1m' Gau""·· •• the v1·i.--• unification ot tht •1nd1 with team , plus Leruiox Miller 10 a you e .,......., --u •uou ..., a.ca t• J , 1__ televised baseball game is the i1,30 oi cT -TllACK MEET -w-1.1 ......... Se tors ' talk performance last week ·in the No . J man. Gaughan came up .club control. The vast ma)ority 1 amaica), lOO, and NeQUn Clnclnnatl-Chicago game from ~':r;.'o'Bos~!,?,~YLi:'''l.~ckm:~1i::!'~t ........._..,.. DI 'are -Kennedy Ga~ in Berkeley is with a sore leg in practice tlW: of ~fers Utt this 1rip. Prudencio {araz.il), 1riP 1 e Wrigley Field. Gametlme is 11 ,,,. LA coi.....,m (11,.1. in& in terms of a 'lOO,OOO any indication,· It's -w-•·•. w~'-and will •· unable to jump. 1 p.m. 191 et. -l'GA GOLF -Ullll for afcaing .... ~ ic..,. ..,.. .•~'"'Nol"-. Mow. • .,.., a.m. ovtr Channel 4. 11 u.ooo w""'" °""" 1rom Mldi.t~ '.~.As a stQdent. ·you've been ~~~~ !;!!t·5·dlr~or compete. JohB~o~rlosm,<!,alist,· ands ~d~2~ The $115,000 Western Open '~;~h:-:.·12, CT -titFL .a.cTtOM-.......,..,. Uff" IAW.UU l.UMI ---~ g,;~ .o.w vu. from Chi ........ comes OD the "T""' (I ll It ,.,.. F ...... 11'' ~ '9!'\""t"-'" at . ""'· Earl ....... .,.,,.n 4 1. ... "''"'I .J h11' Danek (Czechoslovakia), _..._.. upo11 """ JmPKt fl/I f1'll -., ""' ....u•-..... uc "'" lube at 2 p.m. over Channel 9. u .. 1M11 s111n. ll!Cll.odl"' •-ttc ·.'rWbich way do you tum! sl&hU on .Olarte. Lanon M ho s • f • l N Cl discus. 1001-Clll "°""" it •ti ~. '-~If the Senators ore talking figures il he can ltay with the arat n emi ina et . ass Other Olympians from the Cllanne1 I 5 Uc:arries UCLA's u/,.Z·~;,.i.:~::..,0,~.'o """" - that kind of money, I think Aussie for $evep· laps, be can U.S. squad competing Satur· spring ootba game-Saturday s '·"'· 11o11 F -TOROS -< ....... he'll ~sirn," Uys Jeff Bur-out-kick him to the tape. day night include Wade Bell. at 4 p.m. Tom Harmon calls i1e1'.:~.:. ~~~ -.a.QUA Sl'ORTI f'llllhs' coach.'' Long ' Beach Another top challenger Is H • hl • ht f T s h du] d Tom Von Ruden, Marly Li-th~ sliots,. N.~~ ?;•:i: ~.:~::..C.~~ WtlsOn's Gene Rowland. Mike Manley of the Southern ig zg 0 ourney c . e . e quori, Bob Da y, Tracy Smith, Sunda,y'•,Aueel·lndian game !~·~~::..'."" rapldi.. L-l•la!Mll _,.,._ u the Senators can sign California St.riders, who is now J ack Bacheler, Leon Coleman, from C eve &:nd will be carried 1,30 ,.m. 1n1 CT _SPORT Sl!T- n.-. m.. _ who hit .589 this rated as the United States' top Geoff Vanderstock, Ron by Channel$ beginning at 9:301-::w:::'::;'"=T=-:::::''"::::;,_::::;="'=-='·=· ==::; =".:he'll ~ ••· club'• steeplechaser fon.......... the' A marathon four-ibhour baUle and Ralph Mear defeated Bob _A series or five two-week Whitney. Reynaldo Brown, a.m. A, tape of the Comptonrr ~ un: ...,...... for the men's doU lea cbam-c and n-1 h Cab te .... ;. :R ... -·c11·0 I J hn p 1 c c · Relays •· the c.1· H bo heJt paid bonus baby d all -retirement of George Youn1: pk>nahip bightigtUd the an-IDnOD na p pma{l, · , ...... .,,., .. u n C a S S e I , O enne , asey arr1gan, u om Jseum 0 r r lVne· Rounding out the field are nual Newport Buch T . 1-41 2°', 7-5. sponso~ byd l!!!_.C:.,.°!,ta. Mesa Dave Smith, Jay Sllvester1 ~:dly .nitnwil112be shown -~I'm definitely interested in John Kenned;y and Diet Woelk Club' AdopUon Guild emus Ia women's doubles ..action, recrta on ev-...... nt fo r Gary Carlsen, Hal CooooUy, u a)' oo. ne at 12:30 Greens .r-""• if the _._ is r1..w ,. of the Striders and Joe Lynch nt s tourna-Ann Heck and Norma Ket-youngsters f:lgbt years and Mark Murro, and Frii'* p.11). ....... .......... ...... of the Santa Monica AtbJetic me • older, teen-8gers and adults Covelli. . The niel'lu : tennis clUb ~lftghs ~~ .. ~ d l~undoyed ' Aslociation. upMor10•, fh~~ l.~~!,~1~bowanded tenberg nabbed the A flight will be held on the court at Addilionat foreigQ Olym-1 Salurd•• .-u• er -... ae _, · 1lcktt& for the meet, which utc ~u1.una~ crown with a f-2, M win over Estancia and Costa Mesa high pians include ;11:\ke Fray ( ~ .1 • • 1 b . .,. .... ho k f'·-•-f ,._ t ~•-• · p t Co and Dod S hool · 11 •• ,,,., (O c;;L ~ a.t.~c:•.t.LL -c1n-A new privet• tennis c. u .•:f"urrou •• ..,, w struc out ts being held as a 'benefit for uuu.:1 o ... ..,. even w1uu1 r11s· a nger o tan· SC s. Jamaica), Perttl Pou s i cll'lfl911 •' Cttkiwa. cw1 Gowttv, Torr• i n Coste M•s• for fun-lov-oA!y three times in 75 at bats the Children's hospital or ed nearly $7,000 for charity. dring. Registration for the first (Finland), Jose Neri (Me:r.· K.111>ek"m lk11t111·•• wr1111v Fltld. R•ln- diiring the season, had a Oranie Cwnty, are available Dale Jensen and Frank Molly Murp'by and Elaine sess ion, which starts June 13, ico), Erkki 11 us 1a1' a r i tlllek: wt1hll'l91on t t MlflMIOtt. Jim ing •dults. ~l_al bilUng aeuion with the at all Mutual Ticket Agencies. McCabe finally won the long Demond took a straight set will be held on the courts at (Finland), Juan Martinez ~':.,,~1r!~"'°" KDUI•• "'1ke•ldt 1" New cMrtl -•• 1.-i"' ,... [ ~ra when ·the club was iD . match after dropping the first win over Sue Price and .Alice of the Costa Mesa civic (Mexico), MohlrXler Gill-Singh i •.m. 121·tt.-sELMONT STAKES -lecllet' _. ... ..., .....,.. Anaheim three weeks ap. set; 5-7; to Dick Meteer and Thompson, &-2, 6-2, for flight B center, 77 Fair Drive, June 19 (India)., Byron Dyce (J a. -.!~h~.'c":' ~~t:k':."l~1.mk~.~~ -ltl••• t.1•tlhl cl11!1 a.... ::l;o.cbe. Nellie Fox and s • Merwyp Miller. Jensen and honors. from M p.m. and June 20-21 maica), ahi1 .Frank Murphy H.,.wooi:f Hfilt •eun mlkn 191 •t at.. ,,. ....,, [ Wsyne Tenrilllger threw ba~ prmger McCabe took the final two aeta Pat Kraft and Mary from t 1.m. to L p.m. (Ireland ). . Pnf•l11'4 11 MM whit ti,. tine practice' pitches at B~ and the title, 15-13 and 21·19. Trifonoff outlasted S a 11 y The fee for each two-week The l)St of pr:C$ent and past DO' SlNGLI MIN _. ......_ I ~ for 30 minutes andel' Slnve Furner ud Pete ~ and Morie Molley ses~on. which features classes N•tional AAU and UCAA HJ.Vi MOlE FUN7 c-M-$11 ,.. '1$-watdlful eye of manapr Q "ts CM Peterson won the men's A m gbtC.~ij&J,7-5. MondlythrougbFriday,is$5. champions ,is al ~o .im-, ••• -:t.ltf'Mo(V9met 1 ••·Ne lllrWlea ht& '1'cf Willlams. W ~~ o"'v~ !_~• ~,:_,';;tom'et t~ anthd arb&ra Wright Each twC>Week course Will pressi;vely long '-11 hive ,Yon ~"I ; . ·-IGHT OlltLSI 1 Celi'Ms..utJ t. . ot..~_. ____ -""'· i..:. ... _,._ .... , ... .au.au .. -.... ·.1 "tr,,.. .. e mixed doubles in feature a morninc clas·s AAU titles and IS are cumnt CALL '547-6667 M..._...lp ,.,.,_,.. ;.DUrJVU_.... m~ RYen u.u:i and aear~·Ccmnor. fiight A with a ....... 7-5 win s•·•·t1 .... at I o'clock and even-Ue-' t ha li\rer the fence and another B · """e ii title went to M. ..-,, ...... ,. or e1-cti e·• e c mpg. -'2f.Mevr ltM:erclll"t -27M ,...... -c.... .._ half-dozen boanced off the rian Sprin1er, 23-year-old ..... over Pete Berwick aod WiMie ing seutons beglMing at I and Ryun; . who first ran alf:===========-=========== WI. , · head track coacb at Costa A. <App .and c: E. Dittoe, who McCoy. 7 for working adults. Corgplpn while still a prep at M High School h . trimmed Lenny Linborg and In flight B it was Bill Registration for the fou r E""' Wichita Kans in 1964 • 4 'ffe dots not have outstan-esa • as resip-R E c pbell 4-6 6-2 6-0 I ~·. · ·• ._., __..... or an ou•·tandtog ed, the DAILY PILOT Jeained th. c· 0•!flht G, • w' lk. n Rosensohn and Sally Moore . succeeding sessions will be and ran 3:59.0 U~t night, , mo .. ,,.....u ~ e . , 1g , eorge a er who \Yon the tiile with a 6-3. 3-held on the high school tennis hold.!! world records or J :Sl.1 arm but be does have U eiclusively today. fi 11 3 ·~-Ge nd rts s t d · J I r h II · h 880 ~ .... -: .... bat," Wiiliams He,,·~ a con~•ct ii..:.. , v-vi ........ , over orge a cou a ur aymorrungs u y or t em e, 1:44.9 Jn t e , ""~ e...... 1o1 "~ Mary Hunter. 5 and 19 an4 Aug. 2 and 16. 3:33.l in the 1500 meters, and ;~~elf really liked Ted." week to teach at Paloa Verdes Buggy Bugs Dick Frazier and Sally Vic· Additional information about formerly held lhe American fttwland told Utt: DAILY High School beginning in tor won the flight C honors by lhe program is available by two-mile mark of 8:25.2. downing R. A. Florewtine and calling the recreation depart· Arizona State's Chuck S'JLOT b September. Springer b just 0 M Sue Case, 6-2, 11·9. ment at 8.14-5303. LaBenz and defending meet ' "-""''I drove irn down lo comp)etinc bis second year at pen eet champ Sam Bai r of Kent (0.) ~eim ind he was pntly Mesa High, where he ran the Track Club both ran 3:58.4 last nervous about it all. But cross country and tract pro-T • • B ll • Saturd ay at Berkeley's Ken· Williams has a way of making . •1 uana U r•ng h M you feel looee and the two of 11',~m!. . Dune buggy bugs are poised &t 11 . nedv Games : Jo n ason. • them really warmed up. He It was • tou~b decision to to jnvade the An ah e 1 m Paclfic Coast Club , did 4:00.5 . make and I stiU .1\4~ . · · ""'.::'-::::'".:l' at the Ho.de~!• .J!.c.J .u_s; toJd.lllOM ~ Jef!~·· •'r-v._;. -N'MellftBl'~'~---.-"---u.l._&._ft~ •-ft''/'..... ·J::-:. ~~~~a~ \~. <Je•~. thsl •1e w great kid! .. Iha~ here," -kend Im' the Niilonli'<ilf. UU1fi .l rilS ,,,., eeAen ning the Martin Luther King it's ever aeen. S-'""' 1.1. "bull -i. Road Eqwpment & Racing . .Games at Philadelphia ; and Willi ........ ·•-·-!• DOI ... ,...er n ,.. can m-e c_oi..-, ........ •ng today and ~ . ..,.-.. u.~ lPl Verd "'IU1't' ............ Neri, Mexico's 1500 !alone in his judgment of Bur· more mon~y • a 08 es winding up Suftday Currito Rivera, the 17-year· the throne bere Sunday (June recotdholder at l :tl.G, is ta· %fJUlhs. Rowland says every :~e ~111e~~.~~:r .. ~ouble Over 100 off-road vehicles, old matador who was the I) at the downtown bullring bbed ready to co 3:·58 or bet· .-jor league 1COUt ID the .. . · including dune buggies, sports semation of Me:r.lco City's with an e x t r a o r d i n a r Y-ter. ·~thland . had ma~. Bur· Spnnger will not be head buggies, aand dragsters, street winter season this year, will performance that won him Addition of Murphy, who 1reughs thei r No. 1 ~ice. coach at Palos V _er des, and beach machines and other make bis debut in the next ears and tail. usually runs the 880 and has 8 .. :rJlurroughs had knee trouble although ht will assist in the apecialty vehicles will be on scheduled bullfight at 4 p.m.. Making his first appearance during football season Jilt fall track a_nd er~ Ciluntry J>!O-display. June 15 at the downtown bull· since returning from Spain, ·~d underwent surgery in grama In addition to teaching F 1.1 .11 •· h 1 ring. There will be no corrida Leal hypnolized his opponent ·;rp~ ber metal shop . ree 1 ms WI VI' 9 own ° this Sunday. from the opening capework f ~··Ya~ ~rted the season A Cal S;att: (Long Beach) P.fexican dune .buggy race.s. Rivera. son or Mexle-0's until his perfect k.ill . • Qout bait-speed ~d u just grad~te, Springer coached at Th.e sho" will als_o serve as great Fermin Rivera, took the Facing a crafty bull that ·Rtw fully recovered,'' John Gleim High in Norwalk the.1umpln1 off point for the Me:r.lcancapltalbystormasa unhorsed the picador. he ~~land says. for four years before tatin( Ba1a 500 ~ace, . starting June novUJero last summer and won shared p I a c i n g banderillas "'Ibat'a why be didn't hit the Q:lsta Mesa assignment. ~-Techll;kal inrpectl~ for bis promotion to matador. "'ilh fellow matadors .any.bomen but he's got plenty In two yem he developed a cars 1n the race will be Because of his immense Guillermo Montes Sortibran .'of power. 'Ibe Houston scout 9:32 two-miler, Greg Beal, and Id at the ~nventlon Center p 0 p u Jar It y, t,000 free and Chucho Solorzano. All ;~ffK>k him up to LA to aee Dr. a 1:57.5 half-miler, Ralph turday ltatting at I a.m. photographs of the handsome three heard ovations for their ~rt Kerlan and was told Dean, who quaWled for this One of the \'ehlcles on young bullfighter will be given individual approaches to the . ;me boy'• knee is sound." year's CIP' finals. display will be the $7 .ooo sand away at Plaza El Toreo on task. 1;·~ racer belonging t-0 29-year~ld June 15. But it \Va s with the mulell. Larry Minor ol Hemet. Minor . s i x bu 11 s fr o·m that Leal showed his mastery SOFT SELL SAM ly Ma"ltt u...-:r----------'"---m..:...,1-• and his machine are u~ Mimlahuapan, now co nsidered and knowledge or bulls is se- defeated In three years of Me1ico 's finest b r e e d i n g cond to no one in Mexico. dune buggy. racing, ranch, ba\'e been selected for Standing motionless in the ,, • • • - -- - -·. The buggy hu a fiberglass Rivera's debut. center or the ring, he gave jeep body and a rear-mounted Alfredo Leal. called the several long distance pasaes1 JS4.<:ubic Inch C h e v r o I e L "Prince of Bullfighting" by and followed with series linked engine.-faq!, -~en~ened his hold on right ,and--lefUfanded passes. Show hours are from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. to l l p.m. Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $i for adults, $1 for children 12 to II and · children under 12 are admitted free. RA.CI NG DA.TE MOVED BA.CK 'rhe starting date for motorcycle racing shows at Orange County Falrgraund.s Ulla summer bu been mov- ed back one wttk. Originally alaled to ltart today, they'~ now lcbocf' uled June lJ. p---~ .. k •nd ~ llUnl, ionner, lerootlonal lllR.J'ac<tLln !he U.S.. Australlo ond Eniland,lart promoliOI tho roces. / How They Stand NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division won Lott Pct. GB Clllcsgo 3i ii ·"' -·New York 25 2S .511 11\ Pittsburgh 25 25 .500 91,~ St. Louis 2f 27 .471 11 -Philadelphia II 23 .391 14'~ Montreal 11 35 .23121 1;1 Weit Dlvtsloa Atlanta 29 19 .&Of - Los AngeJea 21 21 .571 11,~ Cincinnati 26 20 .565 2 S. Francisco 2e 23 .$$1 3'ii -25 29 .413 7 Son Di<(O 24 30 . 4ff 8 ·---Ctnclnnltt (C191111'itet N)• ti (llic.N ,~ .. ,, . ,~ lN!oeN S-'l •I Allt n!t U•rffl t41, """' • St. Lt11Ult ll rllft Ml ti """"o" (Wllllfr Wl, 11ittt1 /\llW "'"' CGrln1,.,. •-4) t i k " D1' et\! CJ ~llkrtt J.11, 1111111 ~I (J. Jtol:ltrbtn •n al Lo1 ~!!Mitt IMllll M l. +rltttl ,r.11 ... i.tll• {WIM Ml •I Stll Fri "' clKe t~fY 7'J!, 111"'1 Al\IERICAN LEAGUE Ea1t Division . Baltimore Bos Ion Detroit Wuhington New York Clevclar1d Wo. Lost Ptt, GB 37 15 .706 - 31 18 ,646 41h 26 21 .543 8~ 27 28 .481 ll'h 24 21 .471 13 14 31 .311 1911 \\'eat Ulvl!!lon ~1innesola 28 20 .543 - Oakland 25 21 .532 2~ Chicago 21 23 .477 s Seattle 22 26 . .sl ' K&nsQ City 2% 18 .440 f 11 calllornla 16 31 .Mo 1 in f ... .,.. ........ WKllll'etGn !Moe" +I) 11 Mlnnet'fl• IWood1o+r J.11, n1tttr 0.~Mtnol (Lt11Hlltut 1,.1 11 Ottrol1 1wu .. n •·•I, l'lltM C1IHor11lt (Mii"""' l 11 11 CllYtltl\CI ll:!Howor!ll J..I), nlllll 5'•11t !It>!! ,.,, •••• 111,,.,..., (Mc. Hally ..Of, nltM cttlc"o cPe!tn •·n ti New Yo,k fll~ttnt•"' 1·1), nl1h1 l<•l'lt•• (1IY !HHllw.W ,.,, •I •••on !C11 .. f.I\, 111.ii1 Next to you I like Green Stripe best NOW $5U USHER'S GREEN SI'RIPE t=-""'~ Since 1853, the 2!i&inil ll1h1 Scotch • • , ' • ·- s Fuel Paet LONDON . (UPll -lliltaln's Atomic Enor11 •uthorlty said it 'flll enter •· Joint venture with GUii , Oil Corp. o I flt1>bor&h lo J!l"l(luco and aen noclear fuels in t h e Untied St.ti<.>, Vo11r Mone~• Worth I , S-0., 1ts. 1tl U11" a t-a:-i5.!'9..m:;l-~-:-LE=a=AL.,.,--N~OTI~~CE=-~-I .._!!L.'-'!l"~!ru.!,~1~~~==,.,.-~~ Increasing Cost,s • '1"r••:.:r ~ ·. •:t:i:· · i. WIN 4"-Flft Cl•TtJICAT• OP CHl"Olt.\TIOfll i-1 ttw DO/JIM •u11M•ts UNO•• By SUL VJA PORTER ---~~ PICTITIOW NAM1 :-:I..': II THe. UMDEl&Miflllo coaP"OttATION A hidden but poteot force • 11 ... Mr• (et1tfY' '9'1tol " " conituct1ne • ...... i..1 Ing I _,. fl!' t11e ..._.. IHWl'l'C .. ..__..,..,. ..,..._ ,, 1• w. u .,._, ng up our cost of Uv n :.,ftrtl ttM.,;..rf/Nfll//Jt":Jy..,, A-. SoJlt. 311 • 0 r•n••· years to come wiU be the -~!;~ L ":. ':lti. ~::O~:;:.·~;::r.~~::' ... ";:: •~wing difference between .... ., ...,. .,,~ ,,, ... -ef Moll CO..W•tloft aM ltt.....,.... &'" . <IHI itlto ef Ml-II .. fllH•w•: •t..~ 1..-f ' 1·~. u. • 1.1.WUNO-ICIENCE COlt~llATION. UR! numucr 0 sc1en 1~ our M°". ScN&:~" 01tl'f' •1111t. ltc wi1o111te •1v11. Le• ... ,...i.,, tt0n0roy nteds and th e ,,_ """ -1tn-4t ~="~t, 11. lfff. number available-the "sclen-IMMuNCHCIEMCE COltPOIATION LEGAL NOTICE ~=;"· Miier, tlflc talent gap." ------~------11co1tP, sE.t.LI Because our scientific and T-tt211 STATe. OF CALIFOll:NIA ) SUl"Dtoft COUllT 0,. TM• COUNTY OF OMNGE I '' technological manpower is not STAT• o,-CALJNllNIA "Oii Ort ~ JI•! M w at ,.,._,, lMf, i.ttw• TN• cOUMTT °" o••,.... ,,,., • "°''" l"l>blk In ~ ,.,. w" C0\111-keeping pace with o u r ... .A.'41114' ,., Mii 111!1, -11'1' •-rH TPlonwl, • d d l f •Tte• 0,.. NUlllNO Of' PITITION M. A~r knowft to mt to bl tllt Pfetl. econom y s eman s. cos s 0 "* ••at.An o" w11.1. ANO..,., • ltl9 cor-•rlon lll•t utcvtec1 111e products ranging r r om MOl.OlllA,MIC CODICIL ANO l'Ofl wlllllft lfttfrlln'lellt en blh•H Of ,,.. CD•· a utomob1·1es to TV and covor-t.an••S TISTAMINTAllY _.."°" 11Wr1ln NlflH. •nd l dttl0Wlfid9. ~ d JOHN T. 1w11NWtCIC, foll " ,.,. IMt Midi ICff'N'ltllo!t uecvted Ing a myriad of modem t..111r 1t1e..,,.,.. \ I NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVlli:lf """' WITNESS~ "-"'..,,. lhl. necessities and ururie!l will IU.HCY I(. DOUGLASS ,.., lllH ~In • !OFFICIAL SEAL) climb beyond the real value of "'"9ten for Pf'Oblle of wlM Ind CP19rlel R. Wlclfon ...,.,_..1c m111c11 .nc1 f9I' bW•n« . .i Hot..., l"W11c-Q,1H.,1111 the products. . .,..._ T•lemlf'ltrt 10 !ht Mtl!loner, Prlno:INI OHlce lft ~ kl wllkh 11 m10. ,., fllr111t1 or111t9 C-IY "IT'S A CHAIN reaction ""'1lalll"" and "''' "'' tlfM ..,. •l4c• M1 ~mi.11on Eulr11 '"hich w"i I •-felt d'·ecUy by , fl ............ tf\9 Wml IMI bltll te'I f9r JllM Off. lf, lf12 " U UC: .. f:• 1,., tt ,,,. 1.111 .. 111 tt1e f'Ollrtf'OOM af l"utJllllled 011111tt cont D•ll'I' '"1•1. you, the U.S. consumer, says W:.. ~':ii":.i ~;_:,, flflft --..:= ~Ot ·~:1·""~'~"~,.~·;-~;';';'~"~"~~~"~"..,;:=0r:;:~· ~Em~~a~n~u~e~l=P;;;ior~•;·=p~r~es~l~d~e~n:t . ...,,.. c.1""""1.. 11 oat.o: ,,_ 4, ,..,, W. E. ST JOHN, Coonl'I' Clerk. •u1tn. Sl•LY & Wllll.-MS -..,.., Mii• '''"' ..... NII. c. ....... i. ... ,..._,.. frw ,,tOllMW. Tel:.., ... , ,,..,...,,,... Or-t!otsl D•ll1 •lie!, p.-'· 1, u, ,.., ion.ff LEGAL NOTICE .. WM CIRTl,-ICAT2 o,-&USINlll ,-ICTITIOUS NAMI: Tiie °"'""llftld do artltY tM1 i re ~ I bullnt:ts 11 2137 llllelefl SI,. -C.. Mew, C.IHwnll. undlr "" lie> Mltoul '""' 111m1 ol C & C EQUll"MEffT co. Md fNt 11kl """' l' --" 9' the lill'IDwl"' ,.._, whose ntirnet In full -~·-ef rHldlnCI ,,. I• follllwt! Alkll H. CoMll, 21'2 R1l11t/I St.. °"'' Mau, c.111or1111 LAo J . C6JI, 1m s..nt1 AN AvtMlt, Cosfll Meu, Cllltornl•. o.w Mt1 14. 1Mf. Alla H. Colwell LIO J. Co~ Sllte ot C1llfcll"nl1, O••M• Countv: °"' Ma1 ll. Ifft , ~tort ,,,., • Noi.r1 ·~uc 111 ,,.., fer w td :s1111. H •IO'\llh• : ._ ..... .Afk.1 H. Corw.11 .. LN J. Cole ~ lo IN kl bt tM "''°"' Wl'lo$e .,.._ 11t M.lbscrlbld lo tllt wltlllfl In- ''""""""' 1nd tdtfOWlfdsef ftll'/' tJIKUled .. N _ (OFFICIAL :SEAL) Miry I(, HtMY Nollol'Y .. lltlllc<.llltol'ftl• .. rlnclNI Off1et Ill .,._,,..,,., M1 CMwnlulcwl E.r,.. Mow, H. lt12 ,..,..,... o,.._ c-t 011?Y .. llot, •"""' U. 1'1. )I I NI J-'· lfft ff1"" LEGAL NOTICE Cl:RTl,-ICATI! 0, &USINlll l"ICTITIOUS NAM.I TIW llnd9l'tieMd ... Ctrllh he II CM- ~ .. I lllltJ-11 ll'DCI SUHrlef St., C..-Mtu, C11""-nl1. .,,.,. flle tlc- tfllous flnn ftltN ol COSTA Ml!U. &UILOERS IM thlt uld fl""' la -""""' .. ,... t.I...... --· -111 fllll Ind 11llH Of JH1dl!ICI M "'lows: l"EllY &.. ANDREWS, 15' Wllnul !.t,,N_.,~ Cl'IM Mlt 71. "" ,.torn' .............. !.t ... °' c...Mwftk) Or.,.. ClllilidY: >• °" Mil1 21. '"'· ....,.. """ ..,,....,. PWflf: ...... "" .. w Sfttl, --·"' ....... ,., "IRllY •• AMDREWS ll-"' ---""'",._..._Mmt ft 1 °'r1'>H h 1flt within 1'wlnrfMlll •"' ..z.,., .... d ht IJllC~llcl .,.. w,.,., ''°""ICIAL SEALI MITT K. HeNY. Nolll'Y 1"11bllc>C111tornll l"rlllclP<ll OfflC9 In OranreC-IY M" Commll11M Ex11:lrn NoY, 24. ltn l"IAl!lsMO o.._,.. COll!t 0111'1' lllltl. Nw'I Ill.. .tu... 6, IS. '°• 1Nt lnHf LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE C•RTl,-ICATR o,-I UJIN•IS l'ICTITIOUS NAM• Th.-\lnd~ltned .., urtl,., ll'le'I' ••• anductlfll t binlnni 11 1(217 Edlll'1rd1 .$1., WnlrnlMlll'. c;1111orn11, \lndlr !!It fidltleul film lllft'll If Ll!ARN ANO PLAY PltEKMOOL ..... ttllt ,... nr ... II _,.._., of Ille follow'lftl --· """--In fllll 111111 PllU. ot m-.-'" -fllllows: Oonild 5lllldOll $lvlWt .... ""'""" ll'111i!ne hvltln. w.n Cort Drlvt, H1111- 'l1111ton ltKll, Cllifofill1. Otll!O M11 It. lNt, Clontlf '1!tldon Sllllten VIYltlll P, Sluhon ""' flf C1IHoml1, o ....... Cou,,.,~ °" J-$. ""· ....... -• .....,., ~ !ft ..W fol Mid Sltt9, ~11Y _.. OiMll SlleW... lllllloll •nd ... ~ "'-"•1ill11t Slullllll ~ " -,,,, bt "" -Whost """'" '" .W.C•lbttt .. ~ lll'thtn '"",_' •NI t d\llOwlHa· 11111 "'" IXICUfW tM 1-. (OFFICIAL SEAL) Jiff L Jebtt Ntt1ry ll11t11k<111tor11\1 .. r1nct"1 Offlc. In ..._ """" My CGIM'lll!.loil Ex.W• M.lrch '· lt7J llvlllltllM °""'" C..111 0•11~ ··~ .......,. 6. 13. 21, n, 1Ht 1n11,ff LEGAL NOTICE ' Why LEASE your car for 24 months until you've tried it for 6 MONTHS? Ma~es sense, doesn't it? It's our low ''9et· •cquainted" offer. And there's never been anything like it in car leasing history! Now you can enjoy the luxury of drivin9 a fully equipped, new 1969 Ford of your choice -for six months--1t our low ''get-acquaint- ed" rate. You make just six low monthly p•y-· ments.-fhen return the car cJean and un· dam•9ed without further obli9•tion. Offer good for limited time only. Check these low monthly r•tes: T·lllDS ....••••••.. Silt CAIM-el'tl .... ) FORD S0Ulll •••.••• SIZt •ALAlfll ••••••••••• SI" TOllMO ••• , •••••••• Slt3 (11 ......... ...,.., LTD •••••••••••••••• Slit MUSTAN• , ,, ••••••• Sft All un toll...._. Wllll V-t ..,1111, , ..... trttl., ,.._ ST_,lfll, rtftl, .till• .............. IKI. CALL MR. MALCOM REID l'OR FULL DETAILS NOW! 642. 0010 FORD AUTHOlmD LIASIN<i SYSTEM THEODORE ROBINS FORD FILS ~-.... -20ao· HARIOR IOULIVARD COSTA MISA 642·0010 l'omorrow\ttwonder" industries are being built right now • •. and ln•tlt!Mftt ftnM, l9Ch •Den ~ .. C:., ... btlpi"I pro-.i<lo ... ~ 1m1~ to make tkm • 9"tity. All the. 'ftay Crom the ocean floor to flUttr space, new technology is changi ng the wotld ~ li~e in , creatina: new jobs :\Dd opportunities. Thii growth oftt.n depend• on the sale or corpor11c aecuriliel. And this is an area where Dem Willr cu ofter extemivc ...,-w,;;a. LMt J"lf, Deaa Wittu • acted a,, mina£ef, co-manager, or major participant in 347 corporate under· writings_ amountiaa to c~ to SS00,000,000 in new capital. Thi1 is just one more rearon why we say ••• l'O."n clo• to'""' wAto k"'11f wAit11 :tOfl U.'ftst wit A ••• DEAN WJTTER ic Ca. lMCOllPOIUlT'Sl) M_,_, N" T..l.,_l: i.c-.,,. '°11,,..,._.i..,.....,.,_.H,.l'«A:•Cll~ i rtnfon It. Oodtit. Vlu -Pruldtnt SjO Ntwport Ce1u11r lJrive, Ntwport Beacl1 Teleplume: 64.f.2292 • • • • • • • .. . .., .: ...... -:: ·' I J •• .... /I • • -. ----- • " -.. -·~----.-· --' . . . . ' • t ~ -, . .. ... - • . ~ • • ·Rresident '(o,.C:ut ;\fater t\eel•ent Ra~. • ~ , z;t· ,. ,, ~ :if· I ' O' .. :J ? ....... • ! t~ ~ . -~ :~;':f~~,1{1~~~1-ltuf.,,~t,~· q~ ;.Lis,~s .. ,_ .... ~ ~.·•'··• , • .,,, .. ,.-.,~. •.r t~· •·' ·;·:Sifi.if · ,.i_: ... ;:! rtlii:~:r~~~·~ Ot fr 100-·~·i ,\ L~ft~iu. 1¥.~~t ~W: ll..oat1)per.a~rs.. I .i, ·. SAC~· (AP) .:_,,:., .;.i..rt ita·i~ ai the ;,:,;..;;nfii tlial ~y l ~·'•ll;} ·~~~-":=I • ·,,Democ!1111c·-Jrom.Ui.1''iic of the ·ltio leglatatqre,,, · 1 :,&e~hdod; Walker~. ao ': babllllilli.bf p fc;dddlt.J "~ 'fr.' •t , :t\1 ~ y W~l!iTON (l,P) -A Angeles wanls to Clo IGl!ltthln.I · that' every young fll'"'°""'wllo • ,...........,1.a,t: about podriy liall\ed ahil C4JJl~a .now hu n~ty. wanu training in boef blql'!\-: 8'.~IOUS ~.:~. · Tldeland.s the -.... -'t '\ ..J'f ·, .. .f·~:t..~•' · · fltW'·~1 .~· llJd sJiee(I boats ~· ,\! ,, , , • 1 from, thOKlgJlllut the eastern1 1 .ur, ~ ~ 1 mllll ·noted \united Stat<• iS >xpectec1·..,,ef ~;'1N~tf~~ted Y•~t r~ce \his wee~eil(J :r~f1the tit~~~ I.~ u.00 way• S.tun!ay ning of •the "°"""W~hl\Jp• , " . with 'tbe sailing of Newport Regatta. -~:::-,; · · · · -. : · 1 .!9 ._, · ;:·,. \,~kl~.df~".frs"7~.waw. j 450,000~~ts. ... in1can~tlt. ··. -~ '•, ' ~"'T~ri-* ,. · 'sen. George t>ante!IM'l:;.. •Roll¢ C. \lalker, lnroelor , n.ey would get a &tt111e.if'1;"1 •oil>9"~to.:1'~ SPQDIOl'int •~~be ·~.,of tbe ~ ~s-9. of coroplelion trom ·19'1Cb~~'.. •,~ iv~,;,~ ·~re.· ~ed'\I;'. the ~~e 400n> .'l!'~~"~"'l!.~iij/. course, 1"" U would nof•'"f;fi· ~·~· ~..i,:~' ~·: ~be~Alf~d~; ~·1 ~· , . 1 for.,,a .sjud~~~!. tJt!, rief!I '.~. bjlol ~,p'Ofl'!Pll nmr,,,!"...ialott. Walker~· , •. ' *~cense ,ttoaJt~a,1\ ........ 1 ... ~~; ~\f\far ''in 1,.tb.e · ·'.~"It wouta give them,IOfll.t · • · '"nle nwilliii' <i• u_. l~atille'"~ theii>a:!"'.r.-os u boot ope<aton and Hatbor Yacht CIUb't 'famed Nine .classes of,boa,ts "rang-~~~~·~-~;,,;;;.g+-J aailbl& claasic. ing . iri. ,pistQn displacement • &tJG:Off ! t CA).l'f ~t\.~t> . . from iq -cubic inches to 7 CReEPY 'ftt~<S ! • The 391fti~·f course ,from,. litres Willi.be figf\tiJlg it out for--"-'---"------- Balboa. Pier to Point Fermin· the $30,000 President's Cup and back to the Newport Pier and 15,000 in caSh prizes in the will be for yachts rated under Saturday. and Sunday race. Ill., Pt:tti's Pet or Ventnor. the Ocean Racing or enusmg· M1:ss, Budweiser, a 7-litre N.J., and Sayonara II, tfie __ 1_ _ • • hydroplane-from Columbus, de(encting 77jt«: national Cl.ub of Amenca measurement Ohio, will be back this.year ·io , ch;¢lpiOI] ~',Elgin, JJI:, are rule a.."ld will be the third race detendttS 'c(asS>cha'mpionships \oijler ·'top ~ts · exwcted to of NHYC's Ahmanson Series and ·try tor the~ grand prize in enter ~h~ CWni>etiti~n. ·. · · of six races. the'.Suri~ay , aftem~n ·!lnale '.J'he ·11168 .nltion~"w~r in Y .u. 1 th p ill u. with the 1o(ller l•p boals m the th,~ 26f:~il\>S;,theWa Wa Too • &\;IUD. n e ~c c ~n-7·lif/e-if\d' 286 ·cub,ic;inch of,: Gl~wyn,: P'a,, h•i. •lsO dicap, M1dgtt OceM Ractng. cla.Mes. ·; ..;... · .~~~e:f:i ;"fqr~., tne · ~l• Rbodea-33, l'C and 'Luders-11 ;,., ; LilOg G<ine. ·01 \Yorth, r'iJ¥tla:i>I~~~ sold., boats and crO'Wtied coadiUoas been fll'Y 'eraotlonally .oppoM!d 'i..eVentually we'd have an adult of water now and the ;. In-by bpat Operators }n the $late. popula\j.<m of tra~ people creasing. ~ber Qf. accidents ,"'Ibey feel t!lat ·fi ,wou'ld ~ and.a.continuous program." . aeems_ to--.rtquire that we ex-an urlwa:rfanted ·e~nse for · Danieteon, ,a tor.mer Navy amine the ' problem-to tlii state to enter into· lictl)S-man, said he's always-been in. determine wtietl>er there la a ing; that the problem Isn't terested in the probJetn ol need," Danielson said in an in-that .great and,-aa a matter Of l>Oating safety. 'I1le idea for tervJew. fact, we bere in the depart his reaolution came from an He wants to find outJf .hav-. ment can more Qr' less editorial broadcast on a Loi ing better trained· oper.wn, suWrtantlat.e that this year Angelei·radio station KABC in through •iicellsing,I would help. : tl)lll'.e is a si<alp decline ill in-April. . ' · c1,1t the .acci4ent rate .• , ·: . jui'les and fata,lities in reliition "We r.equire a dri~s Qanielsoil hasn't rrfade"up to boat r~tration," Walker license fcir 1an automobile,'. his-m~nd yet that llceftatnril ·said. Danielson ·s:aid. "They aren't . the '81\Swer but "I suSpect wii ' tlte state baa an education quite ao ·~ous. You get will fiQd' lhat there is a~neei$:" ~am in cOoperaUon with ou.t 'on the bigh seas or a bi~ The Study committee · ~ ~;coast GUard and boatinl: l~e and u· y'ou 4op't know HARRISON BOAT CENTER ,_. . '' ' cl..,.. wUl •soil a llhor'ter · .. · · · -. • J . · · course around Emmy oil •der· .. -' · · N~wport • . , . . ' . : .. -": S . ' . ' ~ ' rick befor~·fbiiJlilng. The race baa · 1ona:. been • . . ' ' clusic for the Rlioiles43_·"Sl)d . ' PC classes as they rac.<e on.at &at Line Aequired Harbor0UBivd~~~·i ·~Edinaer • nit ".,.., ...... ....:...,.., Siii ..... -~. Cetl• 'M.M --• , .. a ltlttlll :An. ill ••1No-01nllMllll s~ cw .... Olll'Mn ONVI • t • i1u1 hKll '1'>1· . .t °'"""•. M•ll!!t'••• tMCll i , "' ' 1 ~'• ..-1 ~Av .. 111 .,......,;.. or_,. Ciluflty Plld. .. ,.-. GN.,• ' ,;; • 1:.m • ....,.,.. ''· '!. w~1111i.-w"""""'" c ..... .,,fM .,..,, ,9 1• w. •~"9r _. •ri•fst.....adlftter c.,. ... s ... ,. ,,.. • e llptl \'11'*¥' View ol,CM""".-1! ..... h f't11:1e, GllrMll •'9'fl 'e 17* Mflllllll Sf. •I T .... 11 .... VI ..... Ctnttll'. '-Ulll Viii..., ~ e ·in 1 . 11"1 st.-C""' ~ s~ C14111ter, C.ttt M.,. ' ' e -...a .-14.....,, 11¥11~.nff .. ttfl •Ndl SMJll'I .. c..ior, H9111lftlltlll f boat~for-boat~ b._asiS'. a1ainst each other. Both classes are among the oldest one<lesign groups on the Southern c.itfornia yacliting sctne. . ,'!be Hunllngton Tldelallds Elgin Nation.ii Industries, Joe., of New York annouDCfld today it has entered into an agreement to acqu.ire Lindsey Plu1icS of .Sonta Ana, builder of.the libe•giass Newport line of uiUJoats, Helbert S. Ca nnon, chaimian df Elgili, announced the agreement. F i·n an c i a I details were not disclosed. ·was cooceived man1-years a8:o··u a race that would, giye heac!Mitten aloog lhO cout ! chance to view the yachts in action. Under Jiomlll· weather ~ - L. Alan Schafler. president of Elgin, said "the addition of Lirubey will solidify Elgin in the leisure time market as a primary source of both power and 1ail craft. He added that Lindsey will be run initially u an in- dependent subsidiary of Elgin u'oder ·the .overall supervision of Elgin'! Hurricane Boat aubaidiary. Richard Lindsey, president of the Santa Ana finn, will continue in that capacity. Hurricane is an estalllished f"(lducer of fiberglass ~er bolts in the 11 to 28 rOot class. Lindsey's sailboats· range in overall leJl81b from JI to 41 feet. Latest addition to the line is the Newport~l frgm a desiin by lbe funed Canadian delijplerl Cutbl>ertson and C.ian, · wb~ famed Red Jacker~ Rediine-U)'won the 1111 · Southeri:I Ocean Racing CircllU. Retirement conditions ~ _boats tack up the b e a c h, -working close insbor'e to take advantage of tb:e weak currents, and break out their colorful spinnakers for their run Mme. Major tropby for tbe event was dedicated by the Hun· tington !!each Chamber 'Of Commerce. First yacht! will get away from the stmtinc line at 11 · a.in. Festival Mini-show On Saturday A one-day "mini-preview" or August's California Interna· ~ Sea Festival takes place Iii Long Beach Saturday when rwo ·aquatic sports events are staged in Long Beach Harbor. The Kalifornia Outrigger Assn. holds its first of four summer regatta programs starting at 9 a.m. off the Cher· ry Ave. beach, and Pacific Ofrshore Power Boat Racing Assn. stages its 84-mile Rum Announced Run III starting at 10 a.m . of( , . Belmont Shore Pier, . . · -.-~ . .-'"""'"" .---Bot.._.,Q~-si ~B~~,_ ....... ~.,..ftl':1"'1''•'~V--".lfrfWTVrl\'Uk1;" 1~ -WOCn oc ea n -racing Cala~aran, fourth annual Sea Festival AJtane, beached on the island presents 18 individuat events of Hawaii 'I!tursday af~er a in Long Beach. '\wo.week ~ from Redondo A fleet of 15 boats is ex· Beach. caur. peeled to race in the Rum Owner Ken Murphy• a Los Run, a sprint to Malibu Pit:r ~eles au~ob1le dealer. and back in which Van Nuys s~ys t~e arrival ended the industrialist Bob Nordskog is Aikane s 12-year r a c I n .g the defending c h a m p i o n . ca~r: The catamaran . is Nordskog will drive America. go"'!' mto the off-shore cruise a 27-foot Magnum h u 11 bu.smess. powered by a trio of Johnson LEGAL NOTICE ClllTl,ICATt: 0~ IUSINlll •1CTITIOUl NI.Mil n. ...,.MM11 do cfftlf., ""'' ~rt ~11111 o bln.IM11 •I 1'1 E. Hlh Sirwet. Cosll Mui, Contorl'lll, vndfr the fletllleln """ name ol 8AllltY'S SANDWICH SHOP •nd !~II tlld fl•m Is ~H of ttle fOllowln• Pff1QM, WM•f .,.mes I" 11111 •nd pf1ceJ ol re5lden<:t ue ., fellows: NORMAN <:.. S\. ... TTE~. 11 1 6 Gll!M9•'" TerrKt. Ceil• Mt'3. C1!1forl'll1. MAV I . SLATTER. 113' Gltnfaglts Tef"rlQI, Co.I.I Mtta, Cel!~ml1. Doted MoJ 26, lN• M•., 8, Slitter H~ G, Slatltr Stoft ef C•lllO!'nl1, 01'91'1tt C01.111ty: OSS outboards. Challengers in the offshore class will include defendini;t POPBRA champion B i 11 Cooper of Marina del Rey in Spooky II. a Rayson Craft powered by triple Mercury 1250 Super BP outboards: f\-laury Fortney of Newport Harbo1 in Zenor Z i p p e (Bertram hull /supercharged F'ord ); Ed. ~Long Jr,. of Burbank .. 1n Spectra I 11 rcampbell/tw in Chevies); and Peter Rothschild of Newport Harbor in Thunderballs (Aqua Craft/supercharged Ford). · .. Ol'I '°"Y 27, ltff, b&lore me, • Not1rv '°vbllc In •nd ftlo' wlcl Sl•te, IM!•oon111, _,., Normefl G. S1tlfer 1nd Mey I . Si.Jlw k-10 Ille lo De lltt r.eraont ....._ Mmts 11rt Ml!llCrlbed lo ""' w!lll· ll'I lnlnvmtnt Ind 11d!n~ thfy •x.caMd'the WtM. (OFFICIAL SEAi.i £1Ml'ICN' E. Aco111 tlet•l'Y Pllbllc.Ct1llornl• Pl'llldf<ll Offlce In .,_ '"'"" Mr c.wur.19sloll £~11tlrf1 ,..., IL ltN PuWw.il ,Oiwlwt Coat! J""' " a. ... n. "" 0.>1., ,.11 ... Spectra III a n d . Thun- derballs will be racing for the firsl time in the Rum Run , a final shakedown of new 'boats and equipment for the feature ) event or the Sea Festival, the fifth annual Long Beach Hen- • . , 1~ 1 nes!IJ .Cup classic, . I See by J oday' s Want Ads • ~1usic Fantlstique! !-~or the true music lover, here's an unbelievable ~1·8 tape rworde1, Aht/. FM mpx amp, Gattard turntab1e (the best), l!Pf!aken, and many ex· tras. Only $325, and worth much more. Alto areat for tM musician In the tamil).', with sound-eHec:t ....... e Status Seekers: A 7 month old lema1e Maltese, AKe, beaut!M show quality, and loving dbposllion, Truly a 1tatus l)'?llbol par excellenct! e 1.Gntty ~? This adult teacher y.•ill care for your house or boat whl~ yoo vaca.Oon . tree of worry, ln exchulp . , 111; •rs••'• . · Acrylic Knl.t. · Shirts . ' ' .. ~·· --- C0111fort tUn'-ed lleod. Side- bti.r!ll triN!Def' ~deu. '4" ~ .... , lixef 50Clgars .. $34'7 Cassette Tape Recorder . ' wltliACAHptw ·sneQyH~ · HGzel Bishop · · Cosmetics $2:697 ............. , .. ,, ...... "'" ... $497 paKI lrlteC. ..... r W.tdl.._,, Skippy Dosi Food tAIR(AN Mcc-..,1.-• hlMl-*2•11 . 69• ea. Sweeta.;~.. ~ c fl•k... "-a.-99 $1'1 Schick •• !".":~~.. c • ..,,,..,~3·o"$I ..• . . .,. ,.,., ~ ,ll . Sll.ttY-- -1.lt•Y- Plup-loto $J 9 tl1orett1-9 I I Sb It t. BooAI~ ··-•!trill ............... Bead. JI... ' ~-·""·99c t,ln.·k ... ~·cter.:. ;p. ........ ....... Alono »odemd& Cllt, t!ll)" ..... "'"'$287 t·e ·rt•lf rue. s1\• prietd Sl.4'Yalu.1 W•l•t Fi•1tla l si .. ~.e WI.._ S,_,.IHiltMI SJ.MY ........... Cl-innh WM• ••-• lf5~9~·-=•::•:·:•:·:·:·~~~~~":;:l'~• •::•:•::•:• :· ~~~ "'"!."I',._ ., ..,:'';".i.C.llwn :~t11:i:9ac ~~~!::99c. $ •. ,.;.-......., ,., ........ , ........ ~.T~~-::68c ~··.7:i ~l 98 .......... "' .Stlf AdhesiYe ,. ca.,_., tiles.. . . , .............. 3, ... ' .... ,,. ... ,.., . . . . . , ......... ,,. Pol~l witJt r••• t'OtlliGlt.baclts, jjfff·litltlr; U.P.. Rt11ilb -.in1." n i1dew.Cln11 ,..ilh '•tuu• e>r witer. °* _ ... _ · °""·freell tl· on brand cook· l~·· .,_.....,. ,.,,,, , ..... Ut • fer •1 Bin Aitec =:::ii , ......... . !2 bri1tle1. o ... i••c-•'-" ,11~Ctt11-m. 1,1 •1• ,. '•'""' ........ ,.,_ 49 ........ ___ ..;._a,;;'';;'"";;;;;.. ___ , .,. -u_.., • -~ ofl. '-".efl _...,.. •• Gaul• P1d1; Mial Kltlo------'---..:;:~.:..11 _.,Ori .. • Sw..rers ''""''~"'" 99c ~~:;; 66c •1.ro. v.1 .. 1v..i-.... • Perfc«ot. P&f\.. tell ror '4-2$. ' Aid htStrtlt-. •• • t11l\11, BlqatJrt CAllllAlllTJLI $798 . ·. E .. pren S!Jl• in Med,itt:rn11-$9"" Pai1ateU1 l::Xtnt. ' I • • s.t't e111 Bl1tk. GnoctfullJ tbitd. • 1 .''"' T'.P•· '' Or 011 •~ie 111 llnl b it II',.... ' alltcb With Jae tm11L S.nk· · witll 1&5fffe C!OrdW'oY ~Rreci: M"ltnU•s. bel\tle~C.Olon. cu111WD. wrouaiit 'lroii look.· Fullo-t Scethllu " s ...... • -·"i '"""' $439 ~ .,..... ' ~I Prlt11d. ·-l•Wt t t)l11 om' "'~411. )ow prk9 .,, .... BIG "40th" TOY SALE . . ........ S.llp 'n Sllft . ' ' .... ,, .. $688 loebet 1"dt. IJ 'n.tL. ·s'"'•••• .. ., ..... l•15" •p1 Y•I. Wttwrmiiilli-. ' liitw.r. ~-99' , ..... - .., 11~S...•k Ill Lido dtti(ll. witll tlllo l~ IOGll: l llt•l'1 liaiie, ••fetJ rtftl. s. e, 12 a-'' Ot.lbCl. ror summer kxlrtn1. '~;.:.~~"°l'~~"'!'~~~":''.""'-~~-"'."'---..!f~ .~·-... ·---· .-. •• •\> .... ..,.. ·i,. ........ .. -. • ~ • t . . • ~-.."!'~"'",' ...... [O .... "'l!mlll!ll!l""_ .. ____ .. ________________ """""" ... ""'"'!""'""""-•"""'!l"--... ------~-!""~::"""-~-:--::c-=----------~-- " . '' " ' ' ••• "Where ' ' ' to \ go • ••• What • • to • • ' ·~ ' ' i' ' ,,. 4 ..,,. _ r ... , • FRAGRANCE OF OUTDOOR. COOK(NG witE'fS THE~A~P-ETITE . ~ ., __ ,. -. -. . . LAST :V E.AR'S SWEE~STAKES WAS WON-iv GARDEN GR.~~ FL:o~~R CHILDREN ' ' ' . ' L!ol.l~.'.. Fish Fty L~ll4:$. Big···:~atch -... ..... • , ' , ,., • ' ' t. I ..._, ' "· -..... .. . .;. A · •Float adt1 Ban(! Entries _Double(f,'for'.P,ariide; 'ChaniJ,ef 5;to:1(over Events Big is ~ word fol" the . 24th ~l Costa Mesa-Newport ~bor Lion! Club Fish Fr,. opening tod~y -from the grand maraha11 ol pi.:;.saturday parad, him&elf to the co~ bene(its for local youth. . r .,... Balboa Island's bou:ijtilully-built Andy Devine will ride herd on·lhe giant p8.rade, wbidt doubled in float , and band entries this year d11e . to KTLA Channel .5 teltivlsion coverage. ~ not among the · estimated 100,WJ wbo Will tum wt in ~:Harbor Area for ' the p'arade ' or other Friday· · ~· ev..is pay see wbal --.-r"<.' .' ..... \ -"·"' f.·•· they missed at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, ;June tertainm«it and scores of valuable prire! 14'.on televJ.slon. , with a drawing every hour,-netted $25,00I> Parade Olainnan Clll;f .Wesdoff ~ys 24 lasl year for youth'. wotk. bands and 24 floats . are ~tertd·· in the Lieu Club manber.11 and their familie.11 procession thrOugh ,town, wUb crews began seu.ing up the Fish Fry operation videotaping it ,oQ West 19th Street aL in lJle park l&!lt Wednesday, preparing Pomona Avenue. · booths and the barbecue-kitchen area for Headquarttred at Costa Mesa Park, w'eek~ use. , the big soiree which originated 24 years 1£. the logistics aspect ol planning meals ago has added up to $257 ,000 in donationii: for 10,000 or more persons is any in· to various Mtrbor Area youth service dicatlon, such local year ' r o u n d orian.izat.ioM. ' pUrveyors of 'sealood as one Mr. H. Sal~ The three-day community event, ~· and Moby Dick may as well clcl6e up fea\l!rlnl -~ wie QI • fapU/ en-and ~ llshing ... • //.~-.;.;.. "t: ..... ~.·-~-~~· '~"·A~ .~-:..i.:.:..' ....- ' - INTERMISSION- ' . New Name, Same Pete WEEKENDER . INSIDE FEATURES Wh<n 'South Coast Repertory llfll the curtain . on its summer musical, · "1'be Threepenny Opera," later this tnonth there'll be • ·:u.onyw·ood acµif', ln the leading role of Mac the Knife. Tbat wouid be one Peter ~aiOn, w1i08e star _has beea-on the peen! for !\'< ·last couple years both in televlsiotll lacl in live drama. He's a YOWli' · man in ~ hu'rty who'U star in bis own video" ~iet next season. But trace hiJ ca- reer back' a few Fiesta Vmqe, ... ·a lively sPol Yeafl, s w a P the J aeon ror his real 1'-hert color, mwilc and iaiety will surname of o.tling, 1 reign, Js being opened at Knotl 's and you'll (Ind a Berry Farm in Buena Park Satur· · h om e town boy, day, June 7. Shops lo purvey a born aiid rabed In ~ a variiMv of 0ltem1 from paper to NeWpon B e a c b, t ' • .,.,, , -'li--.1!1111'.•'l,---'I·"'~ ' ......._-"""11-linrtlie-open-markel~ .,..._.,. ... • " nlng to. make a lg ,., •• JAIO". Jlfa<o on Lah of', the Flowers. • dent in the 1ho,.bl% dodge. E.iJy California Spanlsh architec-~ Jn . f1et, com.Ing to SCR ls a sort of Mire oJ adobe builainp will dis-"return, ol th-~ prodigal" for Pete, whci ,lil)guish the Village. Set story on perform«i .In four productions for the Pqe 24. cor'npa'ny bac~ in bil amateur dais. Travel .. f11e %f !WI,,_ ~· Pare U GlldtloF• PqeU Repertory audiences saw him in "Ser· jeant Mttsgrave'1 Dance." "P,.laytlo)f of the W~t.ern World," "A .Moon for the MbbelQlten" and the Beverly Hills pro- duction of "Red Magic." By TOM TITUS poln~ out. "\Ve've'·been 91'fered a thrtt- year conlr¥t by~ E_µropeao TV network, so the show wnr defiJtitely go;eomewhere next season. I've got a· five-year contract willi the serieS." . Jn "Tiger," which-will.bes~ iri July as a feature movie, Pete plly1 the role ol a young vetfinu1aii w b o atrtves in :Virginia with hi.I. ,br'id~, two orang\Jtans 1 and • ~pound bengal Iii"· IJl Ille flrsl1 episode; the U,er.1oes AW<L:wllh the monks~ • ' ~ -l • ' ' also a familiar figure at the Lag\ina Playhouse wbere · he appeared i n "Rashomon" (for which he won a Victor award), "The Zoo Story," "A Man for All Seasons'' and filled in for the injured Frank Keith in "The Roar of the J~realf:·. paint, the Smell of the Crowd" on ab- breviated no~. ' This summer the-annchalr audience can catch hi• act on a few summer reruns, includl"ni,i epllOdes o( "Here Come the Brides" "Daniel &one·• and "Judd.· ' . . for the DefenN." He • received · 1 · "WREN J FOUND out &bf: series wasn't prellmlllary Emmy nomi91tion for . bis_ going to &tart fl.lm.'hc ·""'11 ~her, 1 role,ot an accuaed boplosexual on the J~t· got the urge to do a play aa:lln;"'"SIYS 1 ter show, but Jost nut when the list \Y as , Pete, who has rolled up, ~t impressive cut from 15 to three. ' atring Of 75 atqe shows ht we .last seven f ti of bi ~ 8 ' "YoO .... ...on. doinrr , Typioally, he's keeping tµs hands u. . s ye rt. · -~· -,, • this. summer witb more ·than on·e nothing but rilms. · theatrical project When oot In reheanal "I'd kepi llTIDueb_wltll SC:R alter f)_efl._Jor...!'threepellO}'.:_apera," <!• ~ -arovoe---n1~1n P.UtY ~~nt+DePi'l~t, four days a ·week wltb Theil~ West; ·a told, me, Ibey were. dO~. ;nireepenny ~P attem!>U1>f to'll,tng Shallapeare in oP.ra!' so I lifd \ wantod .\O·do Mac tlw\ Park to !lie ·gti<tto ... ., of ~ H•tb," Pete recal&. · ' Antetes. ' "ll'.11 my flnt Brecht play ·and lt't a kit . , .. tougher than I lh!>uPI 1111'.'l'ld ""'' he Ill THAT capacit,y,. ·be'• kee~lng h,. goes 'Oft. "Brecht 'doesn't d y el/ery\wng voc~I chords ln ahape by rehearsing he mum and he _ doesn't mea'n ae~ou. /rom . "The Mos.le P.~an11 -~ everythfug be aays. Then'iit(ii, he wrote , "II~ I~ the Shade" which be'll pwenl"' Mac 85 a bald. man tn JUI fortiea :... 1 rnusiCal program opening JuJy 2 and although be'• never b een played that running all summer. ··Th~ 1969 Flllh Fry menu included two tons of fi4h, two tons or cole 11aw' • half ti>n ol~pm:ato chips, 400 p«mds of coffee, nj.o,-e than.l_S0,000 soft drinks and one and ooe·llall foJ1i of hamburger and holdogs. ,Jlu.ndreifs Of home-baked '))ies and cakes w!ll also be on !be groaning board, just the thing to polish off one of those herty $1.50 dinners, be!ore sampling other ·delights. ' ·' ·TheSe -\vhl/e not 'recommended fm. n'ledt;1tely' aft~r eating -mig1lt include • ' " UP, UP, AND 'AWAY,i ' -.. "' Such West ~t Shows' ~arniva:I ~ahlres · · , a; 1he!.:sty· l>iver, 'Zipper, or other · beauty lo WestrtJ1nstl!r,.pagcant .0Hlclals 0&.redevil'rldel, opening at 10 a.tn. Satur·. · noted. . . · d/l.v and S1;1nday. On the other hand, a contest 1n Which For t8e· less datedevilish ly Inclined µie babes are of both sexes -and the ltiih : Fry . .' visitor, the annual MW differ~e i~·I~ marked -wi~ be~~ l\1ermald and Miss Costa Me$!. beaulv . ed Sundt}y. m thJ perk, for ·chiJdfell ·Ill pigelint ·saturaay at I p.m. in the park ltl~ to two years old. · rillgtlt be a nwst. M.ore than ZOO ~bles were registered J eontestants signed 1Jp 'J)l'iOr to the .. fpr, the c.onf.est during the ·1968 ·~1sh F1'y Tuesday · deadJjne include Pat Mangels. Pr;tP,Uiti<>r;J apd, al,th<>ugh ~ went- 17, Hilly Talman, 17, Suzanoc Ros.s,.16, . lo a seled; ie~, 200 ~ o£ parents. knew She Boydston. 18, Sue Platte , 21, Dianne they had a winner.· ' : . ... Ross, 18,' Johilny Rotalsky, 18. Jayme . O!}e.of the· hlghlights of tile annual Fish· · Bbyd, 18\ Deborah Youmans, 171 Sande Fry is a -drawin~ Swidily ,for the gr4hd I.ease, 11; M~rllyn Brooks, ur. and .Ellen prize; .a. ~969 Ford Mus1tang and the Win· Evans, 17, a real array of doUs. nlng bcket·holder need not be present to- : itiss ~lerri111:id and· ttiss Costa w.~ accept the auto. may turn out to be the same. with a The Fish FTy is officially open late thiJ Wardrobe worth several huadred dollars afternoon, when dinners go on sale at a't stake, but then again th ey might not · 5:30 p.m,. wUh the ~how line remal~g 1Costa MeSa will definitely be ·open until 8 p.m., while noon to 10 p.m. 11 represented by 8 local girl at variOus · .Ule Sa~~ay.Sunday ~edule. functionl during !he coming year, but the Telev1SJng ol the, Fish Fry parade. Miss Merin&Jd title could io·to one ol Toornamh>t-or..Ro6e, fastuon nes:t week• several ·entrants from otlier nearby may. even bring an: increase in ·the size cities. ' · .and scopt! Of-the 1970 event, Lions .Club. . MlM Evans.:Jor iri!l tance, Is ttiss Foun· leaders hope. . ,.- taln va11ey. s,nd comes from that city. In any case, oner thing ·seems·c;ertaia: while Miss Boyd Is currently the reigning the Fish .Yry woo 'I get any sma!ler. ~-~ eekend H!ghligh~s . ' ._. ' ' ~· .... , ,., TRAY.SL. FI L;¥ -;'Incomparable. "Greece:"• a . ~oUdll picture narrated by Col. Joh~ _Craig '!''U b~ shown· 1n. t)>e. Orange Coast College Audilonwn, 2701 ,Fllll'VIew Road , Costa Mesa, June '6 at 8'p.M:This evf11t, spo':lsor~·bY the .Newport , · Harbor l<iw~i~. Club, was. rescheduJ~, ~:Om a .preV?-QUS 1 ~l~., when electrical trouble al.the college forced ca~cellatiqn of ·the film . 'Jlckets· ~l lbe d~r . .-, TIMI ·Veahlftl , Page !f · Live .neater Pace !.f Oo1 'N' Alloul ' . -Pqes~l FROM SCR, Pete migrated t o Hollywood, ~ed his name and began &Dlfili>I ..,,. plum f1J<!I ahols . Iii teltvisiol•seriu._He also starred in ID ambitlow: st.age version or Thomas Wolle'1-novel1 "The Web and the Rock." wa.y. I'm puahlng the 11e µpa bit to the The SCR mul1cal ii planned for a sum· earlf 30'i." mer-long run too, which Mil ~Vt·Pete Ut:. · • New name or not, Pett wAJ find tie rei1 be!Me be, roes blck. In IWJnt of . SYMPHONY -The Doctors Symphony Orchestra of Orange CouDty is presenting "A ·summer Festival of Mush~" 1~ lhe Chapman..:.Collei• >,ydilorliim, SatUtd"1, June 7 at 8:15 'J>.m. Dr. Arthur !l'owat'd wllfcoli\lucf1Jie progMI!f. jTlckets at lhe door."Funds ·ao·to Scholarshlps. t,'Chtmhi de Ferit Pace %7 Reya1 .BaDel Pqe ll • 11Cbe" to 0pen Galde to ~ovlet 1 < • • '. enliword PW!< __ ,_,_. . . ~ ..... Pq:e SI ; ••1e zs I P1ge ti : •ace a I Ctmles • • I'll• !t I Tv Vien • r: . ' . . Par~:it I Tdevbloo Loi Pa1e !I ( Then a year ago lie landed the ~k whfc h couhJcatapuJt him 11*1 prorriineMe on the klbe -the 'lead lo a lllm called "Tiger. Tlaer:: the pilot !qr a projected .Tv Mrits' WU go lnlo lll'OdllClk>n·lhil~oll j wttb an eyi toward • mldftason •Irina on NBC. "That'• still tentative, th0011'." Pete hlmself performtni bl an am where be't the earner&. in the fa11 in. what m&.J be a been remeinbeift ' fram. c:bUdtloqcL He -Vain attempt to keep hil actw. from gmr up in N<wport and oltended IChool bolng llolen by 1 friendly U1er named through Harbor HI~ then spent lwo Sultan. years At Orange ~ Collep before "I've 1lw1y1 been· a little leery ·of , t1nlsbfn1 uP • et · ~ · Ttcti· in anlmal.!I," be ·11y1. "I ~ver eve~ hid a PitllburC)l. • • pet idO&· 'Ii"" the)>'•~ rot me working • with: a quarter-ton U,er. But you ao IT \V,U ./<T .OCC whtro. Pelc Joo!< on throligh a IOI ol ttainlog before !hey 1tar1 olJe 11f hl1 bigtlt mutlciil ·rolU1 ,\hit (If thmlng, a~ I've learned lo love hlm." Prof.-Harold 11111' tn "The Mu•lc Peter Jason h<ipes the fecllnt... ~ ~fan '' during the iummer ol 1963, He .. _ ~-;.i·( Vi ' ..:::::::-;~ ··~~-"" -. . .. ·•. . '. • WAYN E Ni WTON SHOW -Singer ·wayne 'N~wlq.i, ! ' and comedian J,ackle Kahane will be playing a, return ln- s•iemenl al Melodyland Tbeatte. 10 'Freedman Way, ·An• he1m; Saturday.and .Sunday, Jun~ 7.11. They wlll do two ·ahowa· • , ea;b1nJ&~~ Sa!~nl~.~ and 10 r .m.; Sund~y 5 and 8:30 p.m. . • s:J o..1i1e to, ~··· P•u• 2~ ' ~ . • , l • • "" . - • • • •·"!. ·' ~". -, op~ .. --~~om tand:·t~.--~n~ • B1 VERNON sq>TI' · lJPI ~ C.1111 ,• l ' • • BOU.V1Joo0 -'Ille ldejlllCiio .rang . llld lbe ........ ,aplaif'd 'diore ..... • . • call --. -~ F)'ank McQortllf ._ ..; Git line: "We are sboOUnf in our siJtb com- try over here. The picture is coming alOl>I beeulifully:• McCarthy Is producing "Palkill," the film blogapby of G<n. George S. Patton, in Spain. Italy. Greece, Morocco and other aotic pllces. A ~e Brigadier General, McCarthy'• ~ for makinl ·I'•~ ton•1· life Rary' ve lmpreuive. He ·was military MCrebay lo Gen. George C. M4rlball durbii World War U. and came lo' -'lbe color¥ Patton lhraugb bis -llOll with Mmball • nr trrieDed io all..,. the war u.eaters with Manball." llc!CartbY related. "and of all lbe olllctn ill the army Patton WU the OOit who captured my 'imagination. • . -, --lllmboylllC)'. lo the Qj,,.. ~ -~ • " ":':be ":t ft: -who~=~~ i~ ~'Ille -i-Malden"."' '!"f ~-, ' -of bolb.made "And l'lil,a...,a V 11", bbn>llle most loler· I now .. -. 11 -..111,. k -·· ~ man of t be) M~ Aid_-lpilo, war.' • Unlift most motion pictures about McCar1lly bind World War 11, McCarthy will relal< the actor Geo fje C. story of a man rather than overwhelm ..... sc.n Scott f~ the title alldie.nce1 "ith shot and ahelL I.le. · ' "Pflloo " wblch McCar1lly Is producing . ··Scott bu studied Patton so carefully for 20th Century-Fox, ts a departure for tt is bard .to believ~" be said. "Ht even lhe former military man. • -i to bis own denwt without consulllng ru. ......,t film credib Include "Tom us and had special caps made for llls Swift," '"lbe American Male" and "A !:II>~ 'P!t,~:.* tobacoo atalned ~far the MarTied l\!AJI." "lit a11o played tbree -of Authenticity, be aid, ii the keynote for Patton over and ov~ aiain, copying bis "Patton." ~ IUCb, Patton's fa\l)t!: as gaturea: and mannerisms. · well as bis biumpbs will be lftlE!Dted on "Scott bas become so mucb like-the screen for the late general'• admlrerl General that after one scene I wu and detractors to mull over. trembling with disl>elld. He saluted ez. "We have faith in what '!'f:'re doln&," actly like Patton did, a salute that was McCarthy coocluded. ••And with Scott different from any other." doing such a tarific job we believe we've In addition to McCar1lly, the military ii captunld the ......,.,. of General George I • COLOR ANO MUSIC ABOUNO IN FIESTA VILLAGE "I wanted to do this picture because of well repraented in lending aulbenticitJ Pat.too." ' TRA'1EL Merida: Mexico's Bit of Y esterdny By STAN DELAPLANE MERIDA, MEXICO -While Mexico jumped Olto Ille Twentieth Century, tropical Merida is uleep somewhere in a Mexico of yesterday. The >mate homes of the Conquerors have not been ri~ Md out for boulevards. Many streets are still :obbled. Shops cl~~ in· the warm aftem~n for a three- ~our siesta. Thei:,.e ... is a slower pace down · here where the Yucatan Peninsula juts into the Cnril>- ,_,_ The people are Mayas. A milder person than the Indian ol lhe highlands. * The Yucatecan has been cut off. He doesn't lhiDI< ol. himself as Mexican primarily. His speech >as a different quality. The hotel today gave me pMOS for dollan· at the bank rat<. That's unheard of on the tourist route. Hotels take a bite out of_ each exchange aild then run it >ver to Ille bank for a quick extra profit. . * IH A HALF HOUR yoo can run down to the nnn Ba!MI beeches at Progreso. The best •llrimp in Ille sea. And Yucatecan beer is splendid. Fly to Ille ill8nd of Cozumel or less well-known Isla Mujeres. 'lben'a a fine Mayan market. A few antiques scattered about. (Two vintage wind.up Victrolas wi111~.) Last nigllt I went to an elegant home furnished by -who bad gooe Jfild in France before the tum of the ceotmy. Great gilt.framed mirrors. Carved tables cov.....t with hand·peinted figurines rigbl from Watteau. It takes 42 servants to keep tt.I: and the enormous prism glass chandeliers dulled. ThBt's living in Merida. * Good betels at $10 double. After Mexico City and Acapulco the restaurant prices will astound you.ltans at l to 4 pesos. (8 cents. 32 cents.) * ''Since w•'ll bt driving a rented car in England this summer( ~I'd li~e to find the nicest p.l!rf •• ·:1 Sou1h of London. Kent and. Currey ari where the Romans built their Villas. And they had all the choice. There's a problem of running into summer crowds. The Shakespeare coontry around Stratford ls just ~ mob~. S:o is the country around the cathedral cities like W1nc.bester. Naw if you go up to Ille lake distrlct, 40 miles below the Scottish bor· der, you 1'.ave beautiful country. For some reason It gets very few Americans. ' "I . k * mey pie up an antique vase in England hive it boxed and carry it on the plane by hand: 11 there any way I can go through Customs without -'"'it?" Galdete .Fun Berry Farm Goes South .Art Tour Schedu'led • in Laguna ,Of Border J\JNE I TRAVEL FILM -'Ille Newport Barbar Klwanll Clul> Is Bright colors. m a r i a c b i preleDUng "Incomparable Greece " narrated by Col John music, constant activity and Craig, June I, at I p.m., in the ~ Cout Collqe aucll- torium, 2101 Fairview Rold, COila Meea. Tlcltela •uo for fun will be-awaiting-visitms .to adult! and 75 cents for ltudtots, avtilable at °" door. the new Fiesta Village at Phone Mf.2163. (Thll Is a racheduJea lliOWlni moved from Knott 's Berry Farm opening April ZS when electrical troubles cauted the cancellation of itsdoors·Saturday,June7. the show.) . A bibute to the rich MeJ· • J1JNE t ican heritage in our.California JUNIOR TEEN DANCE -The Junior Teen Club of West- hilltory, the Village will ~p-minster will 'bold a dance June I froni?:38 to 9:30 with the _ 1 ·the •• ;~ and and · "Cloud 5" band the featured muilc. Studenta e( intermediate ure ~., gr eur school age who attend Irvine,. Jolmlon, MoGarvln. Stacey of fiesta Ume, all the Ume., . and Warner Schools in Westminster are ellgible to attend Early Mornia Spanish the d..-which art held in the Community Center. architecture of adobe JUNE U buildinp, tile roofs a ~ d FISH FRY -Tbe annual Fish Fry and Carnival spon801ed beaulilully han<l-<lecorated tile by the Coeta Mba·Newj>ort Harbor Lions Club will be held walll will be featured. in Costa Mesa Park, lath SL and Part Ave., Costa Mesa, Open markets and specialty on June I, 7 and I.. Activities will include a carnival, rides, .~hopo will line the Lake of U>e band conlal, parade, dancing group1, and the faroed fJBh F~~ A • vWie\Y of jtems f:f dinnq. No_ daafge Jor admission to carnival but a dona- from Po\teiy and paper bon of•$1.50 i. aD:ed for dinner. AU ftmds go to Lions Club nowers to straw ·bats and youth and iight-saving projects. dre9:8t1 will be sOld. Visitors . lVNE. M .njay watch I pottery maki!r, a OFF ROAD -BACIN~ SHOW -Home made vehicles rug. ~silhouette' cu~ •. a. flower ged' f~~wbeel ctitv9' .. can, trail bites.and.sand ctnlsters ntaker.or a ceranuc Jeinler a.t w_UI be d.iJplayed in' tlie National Off-Ro.cl. Equipment and work.. ,R:.cln&: Show in the' Anabeim Coovenfioo Center, June 6-1. Tbe ornate!~ tiled Fiesta Fin tree films elso will be shown during the run. The ~µla e~;;J~ * authe!l-hours are Fri., lune 6L S-11 p.m.; Sal June 7, 11 a.m. to 11 ·, . Aztecf~tain .p::ol.,'and ,an.,. JWW!:,11, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets, $2 for will the central pomt for adulta, tl for children' 12·16 years; under 12· years, tree. much of the acUvity. Phone l.QS..5000. 'Ibe Village Cantina will JUNE 1-1% serve I variety or Meiican DODGER BASEBAI.L -Dodier Stadium, 1750 Stadium ~~ .. 1~~Ylend ~U: w_ay, Los Angeles. 0.-Y g~ start at I p.m.; Nlgbt pmes .,.. _ at I p.m. and TWHiigbt double bead.,. at I p.m. llo!fcera- tioitJ and life to Knott'• VI EIJ>Oll June g.7 (N),. (D); Phillies Jane 111-12 (N);'Mets, newest attraction. Strolling June lS-14 (N), 15 (D). For licket·infcrmation phone (213) musicians and dancers will 225-1411 or ticket agencies. entertain guests along. the streets. JUNE 7 Children will love th e SYMPHONY CONCERT -The Doctors Symphony OrcJles.. animals at the . "Eaquale de tra of Orange County is presenting ''A Summer Festival of Animates," quickly translated Music," ln the Chapman C611ege .Auditorium, Sal June 7 at th Schoolh f ' th . 8:15 p.m. Dr. Arthur Howard will c:oaquct the program of as.. ~ -ouse 0 e SbubeJ:t and Hfyden with Natasha Yule as vocal soloist. Animals. 'Ibey also can en~y Tickets, $1. by donation, at the door or phone 1-633-169&. an hourly show 0! the da~cmg Funds raised go to the El Modena Service Center Scholar· puppets. The Fi~. Village ship Fund. JUNE 7 ART STUDIO TOUR -Tbe Affili1tes of the Laguna Beach Art Asaociatioo are sponsoring an Art Studio Tour, June 7 from 1.s p.m. lo Ill< artlab' studios. Tbe fund ralling event will vi.sit Moteu Abel, 'Vincent Farrell, Roger Elllllz, Lou -Romeo Reypa and Tbe William Salyers. Dcmation, $2.50, will beodil the Laguiia Beach Art Gallery and may be purchued at each etUdio entrance. Phone 494-6$SI. JUNE7 TEEN CLUB DANCE -.Westminster Teen High SChool Club dance will be held Sal, June 7, frc:m I p.m. to midnight in the Community CerUr. Featured band will be the -"'lmin' Bunch." . J\JNE ?·I - WAYNE NEWTON -Melo!lyllncl 'lllealn, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, is presenting Wayne Newton in a return engagement, Sal and Sun., June 7 and I, for two perform- ances nightly. Comedian Jackie Kabane is on the bill alao. Tickets, $3.50 • $4.50 at the box office or any ticket agency. JUNE7·1 FESl'IV AL OF SOUNDS -Talented )'OUDI Soutblind per· fonntrs will be beard June 1, 8 in final playoff of Festi· val ol Sound! at Knott's Berry Farm, on Beach BJvd. in Buena Park just south of the Santa Ana Freeway. Shon are scheduled for 2:30, 4 and 5:30 p.m. Sat., and Sun. in the Wagon Camp area. JUNE ?·JULY U HORSE BACING -Thoroughbred racing at Hollywood Part, Centm-y Blvd. at Prallie Aft., Inclewood is ~ . uled Tues. -Sal. through Jul,y 23. Poll time.weekdays 12:45, Sat., '1!15 p.m. $50,000 Inglewood Handicap, Sat., June 7. JUNE' COMMUNITV S~HONY -Tbe . Oran&< c.st ColleC< Community Symp.oi>y 'OrcbMra, Wider the baton of Joseph Perlman, will be heard in ~rt. at I p.m. June I in the college auditorium, 2701 FairView Road, Coeta Mesa. Tickets, $1, will be on sale at the box office on the evening ol the performance. JUNEI SUNPAY CONCERT -1lle UC! University Orchestra with Pelu Odeg1rd direeling, will perform in Room I'll, Fine Arla Bldg., Sun ., June 8 at 8:30 p.m. Works of [)ebuasy, Bar- tok and Mozart will be bean!. Admlsllon Is In<. ' JUNE 11-JULY II PADUA lllLL8 PLAY -1lle Padua llills Theelrt il·pre--, senting "Serenade on Veracnu," with authentic music and dances from h.texico, through July 28, at 2:30 and 8;30 p.m. on Wed. and . Sal Adjoining the 300 ... t air-<Ollditiaoed theater ls the Padua ~ room where the playera entertaia during lunch and dinner. Mexican and American food Is _.. ed dally , except Mon. Padua Hills: Is located on Padua Ave., three . miles north of Foothill Blvd. in Claremont. Pbcme l-62U288. mascot, "Pipino," a charming liWe burro, will stop to have his picture taken with the children. . Sound effects from every New Vamp Part For Tina Louise corner of the Village will help -generate the f e s t i v e at· Hollywood -Tina Louise The Musical Muse • Wooed and Won. • • Gold Records A Habit Doesn't It seem logical: If you earn one Gold Record wlth a song, then why not make a new ncording of the aame song and get another Gold Record? Never happen, you say? Not usually, perhaps, but the Ven- tures did it with "Walk, Don't Run." aceounting for two bf the 30 million record sales the instrumental group has made in the U.S. alone. Set to appear at Melodyland June 17 with tpe Classics IV.__ Utis is a group that continues to astonish. the record industry by . repeatedly d o i n g u»- precedented things. Of their 3ti albums, an ac- complishment. in itself, they all have tnade the n3UOnal pop music charts, five were once listed simultaneously, and ancther five weren't music albums at all: they were guitar instruction Jlbums. Each year, the Ventures: art amoog the Top Ten oC BillbOard College Favorites, they 're the biggest semn, record artists in Far East history (the Be.atle1 notwithstanding) and th i ~ year, they . placed Numbei Five in the Playboy poll of U. atrwnentallst favorites. · These are just a few of thf "whats'' in the group'• phenomenal history: t h e "why', will be evident· when they appear in person at Melody land. Tickets, at reduced prices tO accommodate the younger au; dience, are available for thil one-night-only engagement al the Melodyland boxofflce, by mail and at all agencies, I doubt it. That's just the kind of package u s Customs W'a.Dts to look into. I never saw anyth~g go throogh Customs, nailed , taped or tied they didn't open. • mospbere. Monkeys and par-, plays a vamp again -the rots will talk to the guests kind whme figure drives men from their cages. A Spanish mad -in the W a r n e r serenader will sing to his lady Bros.-Seven Arts comedy, across the lake and the con· "The Good Guys and the Bad crete Senoritas on the bench Guys." Tina became a will invite passers.by to sit Broadway star In the role of with them and have their pie-AppasioDatta Von Climax in Live Theater Lure taken. "Li'! Abner.'; f::~~--~~-----~--~ 1. No more 59c tomatoes! ''Room Senlce'' ~ No more 39' leHuce! No more 29' cucu ... lters! A zany comedy about the 'mad, mad 3<l's will be on stage 1 at South Coast ll<pertory. 1827 • Newport Blvd., Costa 1'tesa, l.hn:Uah June 7. Performances W Fri. -sun. at 8!30 p.m. Res· ,1 ervations -46fi-1363. .Euterpe, according to Greek mythology, was one of the nine Muses. Her special interest was mu1ic. Now her name adorn• special awards created by the DAILY PILOT to be given annually to tho1e who woo and win the Muse through outstanding performances or service• rendered in the field of music in the local area. Tom Barley, DAILY PILOT music critic, will select the re- cipients after observing the area's musicians at work each season. Euterpe winners for 1968-69: ·~ Teldtr Trap" • A runantic comedy by Max • Shulman wiD be on stage at tbe-S.U·c&emente Community r lbeater, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, ~,(;lemente, Fri. -Sal.; Jurie I and 7. Reservations -)-. "D7la•" A biographical d r a Ql a pretented at Laguna P~. 311 Ocean Ave .. I.quna Beach, Wed -.Sat. al l :IO p.m. tbrollgb June 14. -·--494-8061. ........ If Spria1" An EnaUlb comedy on stage 1t the lllmtinglon Beach PlaJbouoe,2110 Main St., Hur, thllim Jleach, Fri. -Sat. at ~-847·1631. l :IO p.lli., lbnJuih June 28. --''47-1631. un. •• * ...... 'Ille~ .....ioa of Jnlmar ..,_ • -plctUre. ,,m be .., llqe al the Open End lbtator, lll$ VIiia Way, ~ Juoef,_aod 11 ''IO p.m. Aamluiom Frte. ' . Goodbye Mexico! . California ... ~ ate .... r The crop J.1, .. in_!.,..JJte flavor is fantastic! THE PRICE IS RIGHT! FIX A GREAT, LOW rtlCED TOSSID SALAD CQp .. ~t c_. aod_ -•I _ I•••••••• •1-·• • • • • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • UIGI llNG a SAN 01100 a IClllRG a • CHERRIES • WCllMBW • LETIUCE : • • • 39cn.. : 5,... 1oc : 1oc ... • r-'"1.PMIT -3 l.1$. • Limit s • Limit 5 • Wllil tllh c..,.. a With this C..,...n -a With this c..,,... a ·····························' Coupoot Hplr• ,J .. e 11, 1'6t Theie S resteurents are femous for good food, and they serve "fre1h vegetable•" from NEWPORT PRODUCE. Try them end teste the difference. TM Ardtes. Dlllmaft'l Aley WW, lerblllrft • rite lly, hrkshfrn 11 tlie Slly, and over 200 otheri, petronite them. - HOW ABOUT YOU CALLING US? PHONE: 673-8715 NEWPORT PRODUCE ' 2616 Nowport Blvd. on the Ptnlnsula • ' . Outstanding Ser~ice J•an Tandowsky, Vic.• Presid•nf, Oran9• County Philharmonic. Soc:i•ty -outstanding -Service Jos•ph P••rlm1n, 0 r • n 9 • Co11t Coll•ge Community Symphony Orc:h•stra Best Concert Organization or;;;;; c;ast C~lf•t• Community Symphony Orc.he1tra Best Single Performance UCI School of Fina Arts (for April pres•ntation of "C.tulli C.rmina" I • 12 • 1 l JEAN JANDOWSiCY JOSEPH PEARLMAN Congratttlations to all four winners of the first Daily Pilot Euterpe Awards for excellence in the field of music. . . ....;._...:...._.-... __ ..;:.._.....:·~--""'~'..;;;:;;;::::::::::::!:!'.~~~~~-=:::.._::.......:....:_....:._;;:.' . I • • -·-·~·-' .. ' ------~---------· ( Se A sl ing port Sea Imp med new in gs tain am equi WU> in a dow look que thei to t and the yom teei: COUI mai JoS< Bia• ed I cow - ''ld11, Junt 6, 1'69 OUT 'N' . ABOUT NORM DAILY l'!LOf U ' .,. \ STANLEY ORANG E COUNTY 'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT C LUB A N'D ENTERTAINM ENT SCENE Sea Shanty It's a colorful name but certainly a misnomer. A shanty it isn 't-il you stick with the literal mean- ing of something twnbledown and ramshackle. The completely remodeled Sea Shanty in New- port Beach might more appropnately be called the Sea Villa , or maybe Sea Quay, "?"S1denng both the imposing new appearance and VIew. And newness doesn't stop with those things im· mediately apparent to the eye. In addition, there's new management, menus, personnel and furnish- ings. Jn short, about the only thing that's been re- tained is the old moniker. PICTUR E WINDOWS The restaurant's extensive renovation includes a modernized kitchen, \vith all new fixtures and equipment, installation of ceiling to floor picture windows in the main dining room, and decoration in a nautical motif throughout. With the artistic view provided by the new win~ dows, the decor is singularly fitting. Diners can Jook out over one of. Newport Bay's most pictures· que sections to see the surrounding wharves with their multi<elored fishing boats and canneries. • Right away the comparison is goipg to be made to the fishermen's wharf areas of San Francsico and Monterey. And let it be said thOse fair cities to the north offer nothing in excess of what's here be-- yond size. From sunrise to sunset the location teems with the palette and paint brush set. Skippering the new Shanty operation are a couple of. top pros in the business. They are owner· master<bef Bill Peters (Perino's, Berkshire's, Josef's}, and manager Tony Golsarry (Reubens, Black Knight, Josef's), veteran restaurateurs back· ed. by more years of experience than eittier cares to coont Dlqitt JlnrBr lJuu .- 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 673-1374 CAJ1RING f<IR All OCCASIONS Now Appearing • • • MICKEY & KURT DANCING TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:30 p.m. · - 2 a.m. SUNDAY AFTERNOONS . . From 3 p.m. MARK DAVIDSON TRIO MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL PRIME ~· . ~· .... · KENNY'S BACK Kenny Rustell has taken over duties as head bartender. He is well-known to many locals from such previous poSts as the Chef's and Newporter Inns. lie recently was in Europe on a venture. Out 'n' abouter's initial foray into Peters' culi· nary art proved overwhelming -from the stand- point of both delectable food and the quantity of items we endeawred to consume. The temptations are many so watch it unless your appetite is gargantuan. • ~ From among IS hot and cold appetizers a de- cision was made in favor of mushrooms ltuffed with oysters, $3.50. Served in a sauce rich with spices and cheese, il was truly a gourmet delight. One of the three most expensive appetizers, if the other 14 are on a par one must consider sue~ cessive visits to work through the entire list start- ing from the top with marinated herring in sour cream, $1. Several of the others a re shrimp cock- tail, $1.75: fresh oysters on half shell, $2.35; baked •luffed clams in the shell, $3.25. • MORE THAN SEAFOOD Si.nee the Sea Shanty is specializing in seafood cuisine, ilJul not exclusively, 26 entree possibilities were finally narrowed down to one tliat would give a cross sampling. It was medallions of beef on sauteed eggplant with African lobster tail, bear- naise, asparagus tips, $6.75. Again. one of the more expensive items, but worth every cent. All was cooked to a bsolute per- fection: the beef capped by three large m ushroom tops, so tender it could almost be cut with a fork, and bedded on eggplant as flavorsome as any we 've ever encountered. OPEN FOR LUNCH ::;:;;"• 11 :30 to 2 p.m. DINNERS ~~" 5:30 to 10 D.m. 9!~~C~ !~U;ANT 540 • 3641 c.n.r ••••••••• & ....... c:... ..... Allo lw L ..... a-c• 4f4-lt11 ENTERTAINMENT IN JHE LOON GE FEATURING MARY LOU TU IS. THILi SAT. PIANO-VOCAL STYLIST NHiHTLY NOW APPEARING • • • RENOWNED ,HAYDEN · CAUSfY TRIO featuring VOCAL STYLING$ ,, JOSIE and the P iano Artistry of CHARLIE Ni tely Except Monday 3201 E. COAST HWY. e CORONA DEL MAR For Reservation -Call 67.S.OUO IN THE LIDO LOUNGE BILL McC LURE DUO 5,00. I 0,10 p.m. -Mondey thru Frfdey 8:00 p.m. • 1:00 e.m. -Sunday LOU NORRIS & The JERRY ROSS TR10 8:30 p.m. • I :lO e.m. -Mondey thru Seturdey Meke e night of it-Dine in the beautiful MARINE RESTAURANT 644·1700, ext. 55-4 for res..-vatipn1 . ' ~· . -11 07 Ja mboree Rd., Newport Beach • ' OTHER CHOIC ES Perusing the dinner m'enu at rapdom, other prospects noted for the ne~ .outing here . included crab or shrimp curry on··white rice, asparagus tips. $3.50 ; red snapper almondine, boiled potato, glaied vegetables, $3.95; sauteed scallops, tartar sauce, boiled potato, leaf spinach, $4.50. Still more were northern abalone steak, bear· naise sauce, asparagus tips, '4.95; Sea Shanty special, puree of cioppino sauce sauteed with crab's legs, shrimp and scallops, $5.50 ; prime filet mig- non .. mushroom caps, $6.50 ; broilf9 whole Cali· forrua lobster, drawn butter, $6.95 . All dinners are served with a choice of soup or salad. And there's a nice selection of desserts for anyone who can go that far after a meal here.· ll:JNCH IS SERVED Lunch at the Sea Shanty can range anywhere from a hamburger sandwich, shoestring potatoes, garni, $1 .25, to fresh oysters, Benedict or Floren- line, complete with soup or salad, vegetable and potatoes or rice, $3. Otller entrees in the latter category include sautced filet of sole. meuniere, $1.65; sauteed mahi mah!, almondine, $1. 75: broiled chopped sirloin, mushroom sauce, $1.95: poached finnan baddie, boiled potato, $2.50 . There al so are three other sandwiches, two low calorie plates, and foor egg and omelette dishes. The same ·Jist of appetizers· offered at dinner pre· vails on the midday bill of fare too. ~ The Sea Shanty, located at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Lunch is served daily from 11 lo 5, when the dinner hour commences and runs until midnight. The cocktai1 lounge remains open until 2 a.m . Suggest you hurry on down before the word gels around. l11H• tr.• l I :JO •.111. De.-tr.• 4:10 , ••• hny nupt S111ftr NStllttr 2607 W. c-1 Hlpway -Newport -646o0201 -JOSEF'S- D1x1EL"ND BAND MRY FllDA Y AFTERNOON FROM 5:00 to 7,00 P.M. CAL IOS~ TRIO , , , f p.m. to Closl119 e LUNCHEON e DINN ER e LAT E SUPPER e SUNDAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN 67J.118D VILLA ROMA Speclafld ng 111 ttaffa• Dinners • HAVING A PARTY , A ~ATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our ste.f!derd sp•ciel spaghetti dinner consists of our clelici ous meet sauc• encl meet bells, topped with im· ported .,.rm•••n ch••se, en cl includes our delicious gerlic toest. Ne •i1lt•1 to we1lt witlt our di1po11\il1 1lu,,,.lnu111 cont1l11t n . N• .. Mf •f 4111Mn .... pri~T• .. Mfy. 100 -$145.00 ' -$1.70 . 51 -72.51 4 -.... ZS -J,.ff J -J.tl 11 -14.10 I -1.45 445 North N•wpo rt Boul•verd, N•wport Beech Op•n 4 p.m. -12 p.m. Ml 6--4929 Open 7 D•ys DON JOSE' -pr...typr-m- The Exciting SANDRA ALEXANDER DUO DANCING FRIDAY & SAlURDAY 11 to Z P.M. ENCHILADA & TACO .......... $1.30 CHIU RELLENO·ENCHILADA .. $1.45 . e COCKTAILS e ' ' .,.,. , • ~I' .... " 9093 f , Adem1 (a t Magnohafl!unl. Mc~ ff2-7'11 · Don Quixote's • The unique Ma~g's. ~ration at 24031 El Toro Road, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, comprises three restaurants-in~ne. ~ a consequence, out 'n' abouters have a choice of as many completely vu. ied services. Leading ofi is Don Quixote's where an Intimate atmosphere, quite elegant surroundings and excel· lent food combine to produce a restaurant and cock• tail lounge first-rate in every particular. Next is Granny's Red Skillet, a kind of CfR:'/, country style coffee shop geared to provide the set- ting for that "back home" flavor. Rounding it out is Manning's Cafeteria leatur- in~ quick, wholesome Jpeals. A large array of d~ lic1ous selections always offers many possibilities here. ON~E AT A TIME We'll highlight these latter two at future times and dwell on Don Quixote's for this writing, Even though the' beleaguered namesake knight may not be one of your great literary favorites -mo8t un- likely on the part of anyone who's read Cervantes' masterpiece -if you quest for good dining adveno tures, lead on with or without your Sancho Panza. Only 10 erttrees are offered on the dinnet menu. but they yield a well-balanced and highly aelect choice. No taste will be left wanting with the vuted options. • All are served with choice of. soup or mixed green salaS with bleu cheese, tliousand bland or vi!l&igrette dreMing. PRICED RIGHT Prices range from a low of $3.10 for f1'0Wld sirloin steak, broiled, served· with balfed potato or rice pilaf, m ushroom sauce; to $6.25 for two Items: Australian lobster tails, oven broiled, served with Continued on Page 26 Difti~wersR ...... :~;:::74 • e DlNNEA • lmAUIANT AND e SUNOA'f' •ll:UHCN • COCKTAIL LOUNN e LAT~ SU,.Pt:R • DINING OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SAND HOTEL UP JOUTM COAIT Mle NWAY LAGUNA l l ACN. CALll"OttllllA rrancois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE Femous For FLAMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -Closed Monclay HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFOR NIA 111 51 BEACH BLVD, 142-1919 FAMILY RESTAURANT 2200 Harbor Blvd •• Cost• Mua I ~ (K Marl Center) 642-1274 I COMB IN~ TION DINNERS OR A LA CARTE DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL IMPORTED & DOMESTIC BEW -. IJrlMy 1h • I.Ill. .. t:• """ .....,,..."Ct: .. ti• •. ~ ··-~ ..... ., ..... •:• •·"" ........, "'"' fllwllUy 111• '·"" ..... "'"" SUP£RB DINING SPECIALIZING IN STEAKS, PRIME Rll s.m .. -', .... WITH ACCOMPANYING ENTERTAINMENT Now Appearing , •. SANDRA LEE PIANO, Ot~AN, SONG STYLIST AND VIC DUO IASS a DlUMS M....s.t..-l:JO.l:JO 24031 El TOfO Road Leisure Worht L•9uria Hills, Cal K. R•tff'ltllon• I J7.0t4• •• ....... .... -T • ' I I I l I r • ~---.. -----. ---------·-~-------------------------------- 'llM.Y 1'!1.0f f'rtd1y, June 6, 196'1 Ile FLING onorAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS .A - DANCING * HAP HALL .DUO ... ,,..... •""'1 .... Thr. tin SH. lt•r-M•sa The•ter ~ ·!· ~ }iying Sutler DINNll SNCIALS •• , $e'"4 2 te 10 p.v lw llMliM: S.•p,..,. S.lad, Cholco of Pototo, loll & ......... htMtf. MONDAY ..• '-:>.l!d lf> FRIED CHICKEN •...........•......•...•. $1.l9 ~ TUESDAY ... FISH It CHIPS, Helibut -·················· S 1.19 WEl*IESDAY . , . TOP SIRLOIN STEAK, U.S.D.A. Choko •........... $1.89 TMU•SOAY ••• PEPPER SlEAK, Served oYer Rice .................... $1 .lt l'l.IOAY,, , • llAINIOW TtOUT o< SWORDFISH STEAK -$1 .49 SATIHIDAT • • • .. JUMIO SHRIMP ....... ·-····-··························· .. ·• $1.89 SUNDAY • • • " HEW YOIK STEAK, U.S.D.A. Choice .............. $2~19 CHILDREN'S DINNERS Fried Cliielcn, Drumsticks ( 2 J French Fries, BeYerage, Dessert .. s ... , •r s1iu •. 99c Fish mid Chips. 3eYerage, Dessert .. s.u, •r s11ae1,. 99c 51Mci•la not urv9d on Holiday• or Holiday Weekond1 3101 Newport BIYd., Newport leach-Open 24 Hrs. ..and kids like Mr. Steak, too :lnce they've been .re, you won't find 1 small fry dragging it heels when you nllorrhaving dinner -) at Mr. Sfoak. ?Y'll have their own lcial menu that they l punch out to make Ar. Steak mask. Ifs ior them and their e hands will be busy le they're waiting, <c:arioas thing, moot llltslea\fe Mr.Sleal< ~ that their wee s brought them out !&ll Incidentally, we •t serve liquor. LITTLE JACK HORNER STEAK Chitd's sll!! steak Ml¥ed 1 2 wtth Ranch House Toast. 9 French fr~ potatoes.-• CHlCKEN l,ITTLE Thtee piacos ol chicte. (a tf1ii9h !e~~~~~99¢ To Js1, French, !tied polatoe.s. • SNOW WHfTE AND THE 3 SHR IMP Three large Shrimp, R11nch Hou!M! Toast, g 9¢ f1cnch flied polatoes. HUMPTY DUMPTY BURGER Mr. Std beefburoct" • sc1vcd with oencrovs po1uon of Froncn lues alld garnish. SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALL Hardy Italian spagheltl 1 s~ and 1e5ty lnf'11tba 1ts. ser"l'Cl'I 'I' w1111 roll and butter. We serve po1t/ons for grownups, tool -,,., l'"•l .... i.. It! Wlht!ll ('*If M•M ~, .. ,la · · · · · r11 111Y0 • • n • .. . r; Ill ' '" "''• ----- •'· ... WE~KENDER Contlnu.d from P•G• 1 drawn butter, lemon and baked potato or the steak and lobster combo, broiled p~titc file mignon and JobSter tail \vith bak~ potato. PRIME CHOICE You certainly won't go wrong with hat's billed as the restaurant's most popular item -and jusUy so -prime rib of bfef, au jus, served with cream· ed horseradish and baked potato, $4.85. A full bone cut is available for $5.85. Another sa vory dish is the brochette o! beef. picador flambe ; tender cubes of marinated sirloin. silver onion, and bell peppers broiled and served on a bed of rice pilaf, $4.10. Completing the menu is broiled swordfish Almondette, $3.75; petite filet mignon, $4.65 ; roast Long Jsland du ckling, $4.95: choice top sirloin steak. $5.35 ; New York steak, mushroom cap, $5.50. Dinner is served f.rom S to 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday, a nd from 3 to 10 p.m. Sundays. A luncheon bill o! fare is also served from 1:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Saturday. COCKTAILS Don Quixote's cocktail lounge, open from 11 a.m. to 2 a .m., is always a good bet for some of the area's top--notch entertainment. Just opened for an indefinite but what appears to be a long and suc- cessful run is the exceptional Sa ndra Lee and Vic Duo. . Open to the Public Newly Enlarged Popula r_._, __ ,1 LARK ROOM Entertainment Nightly Tuesday through Saturday THE FABULOUS GEORGE and LARRY DUO * BANQUET F.ACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAIL y MEADOWLARK coun.try club GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH. Co-Owner1 1'l82 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH Coll 846·1 186 or 846·1416 Vina Harmer Trio Mike Jordan Duo Sunday Monday thru Saturday 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER B•tw•n Buffum• • Bro1dw.1 Al'llple P1rklng R-atlen1 •044-2030. Th e Jolly Roger PR·ESENTS ENTERTAINMENT IN T~E LOUNGE THE JIM DIFFIE DUO SENSATIONAL GUITAR SOUNDS & VOCAL ARRANGEMENTS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:30 p.m. -1 :30 1.m. SERVING Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Combin1tion STEAK & LOBSTER $49.5 • 2300 HARBOR BLVD.· Costa Mesa 540·8535 OUT 'N ABOUT Sandra, a raven-haired beauty who bears more than a little resemblance to famed ·balladeer Bu!fty Sainte-Marie, is a triple-- threat performer. She's equalJy ta1ented and en~ tertaining whether dis~ playing her forte as a pianist, organist or song stylist. It's perhaps in the lat- ter vein that she co1nes across the most memor- ably. And emphasis must be placed on her artistry as a stylist because the vocals are in a di stinctive class o( their own, origin· aJ and atypical of any , existing songstress. Vic ably backs Sandra SANDRA LEE on bass and drums. comparably "at home" in abil· ity and showmanship on both . Appearing from 8:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., Monday through Saturday, sev- eral sets of Sandra and Vic 's fine diversion is the ideal way to cap dinner at Don Quixote's these nig hts. l\'lr· Steak In one of the most functionally designed and executed alterations we've ever :s;een, fi.1r. Steak Restaurant in Costa Mesa has added extraordinary new banquet and special meeting facilities. By the use of sli ding divider panels, the restau- rant can no\V be partitioned off to provide one large f1 /) YJ PHONE 646-5880 C..l I~ orron NOW IN NEW LOCATION 6600 W. COAST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH DINNER '1.50 ~ OPEN ,::;~:~'. FREE PORRON OF WINE WITH EACH DINNER THIS WEEK·END Entertainment Friday, Saturday and Sunday Dining with An Ocean View ·SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES * * * * FROM $3 .25 * WAYNE GABRIEL Gu it 11 ri1f· Vocal 11 t l :lO to 1 :JO TUGL thru Sat. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONt: 5l6·2SS5 Jl 7 OCEAN AVE. HUNT1NGTON IEACH Qyerlook ing The Pa cific Ocean At The Pier ARTISTIC BAYSI DE .DINING AT THE COMPLETELY RENOVA TED Featuring Newport's Finest Selections OF SEAFOOD CUISINE LUNCH 11. 5 DINNER 5 • 12 COCKTAILS 630 UDO PARK DRIVE NEWPORT BEAC:H 675·0100 Huntington Beach l OWN & COUNTllY llSJJ IMC~ l lN. •H·fflJ ~ Costa Mesa HILLGl'l:EN SQUAii( BEHIND lEXACO 5TATION ltU 11th 6 Senti An• ~l·lftJ ilLD'S PDRllDN HALF PRICE (Children undor 12) ~HDNE IN ••. ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE TO TAKE OUT ' i ' ··:r·=-- private room, which has a maximum seating ca- pacity up to 100 perso ns. Or this space can, in turn, be divid'ed by half ag~in to come up with two stnaller rooms accom1no ating as many as 50 people each. IT'S MAGIC \Vhen they're not in use the panels can be rolJ- ed back into an area so small one wonders if there's some kind of magic in making so much wall ~is appear. The marvel increases when close examina- tion of th e paneling reveals a seemingly very solid surface. Actually these panels -in a handsome beige that blends harmoniously \Vilh the restaurant's decor -are mSde of sturdy oak and represent a vast improvement over many of the older types still in use. Ki c,kof! group making inilial use of !vlr. Steak's new banquet facilities was the board of directors of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber also is 1noving in again today to host its Red Coas ts Committee a\vards program here. AVAILABLE TO ALL .l'vlr. Steak's a miable manager, Hank Schierhold, reports the new facilities are available to all groups, be they service clubs, civic, community or church organizations. And take it from·O 'N' A, check them out if you're shopping around for a meeting place. I-lank also has a special banquet menu for lunch or dinner meetings planned in the ne\v rooms. TRY DINNER TOO But if the only group you're planning on feed· ing at the moment is the family, i1r. Steak is still one of th!.! area's best spots to take the whole clan for a delectable and reasonably-priced meal. It's located at 2267 Fairview, Costa f\!Ie sa . Real Cantonese Food e1t hert or take home-. STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st pl., Newport Beach ORiole 3·9560 o,." YHr ltoYnd Dally 12·12 -Fri. o"d Sot. 'tll l a.m. J. J. MACK ENTERTAINING NIGHnY TUESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY SERVING SUNDAY BRUNCH Along with Our Regular Menu 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (i\cro~s from the Arches.and ncx.t door to Villa Nova) 642·4298 :l!l I " " II " S--" II " " 11 " 1!J h • I L:J .. .. .. .. GRAND OPENING .. .. S11pre111ely Beautiful .. .. I .. .. I :: .. .. ''l\'e JJ1•0111i.se tJtJ11 goorl food and ser·vice''' Po.L YN ESIAN FOODS -live Enter+.,inment Tropic<11 Cocktails -Steak-Lobster f<.l FOOD-TO.GO • •, '/ ,{ f al 1p•<:i•I di1<:ou11h! t ~ ea au1·a1t :: 89b l ADAMS AVE. Phones : ~U~T t NG'TON BEACH 968 -5050. 962-9115 fti1 li!J 'J C" " 11 " " 11 " t"' I 13J HARRY ZEVTN P~ M'. -Mll!Mt DR. GIOVANNI IM A SllUJ.l lflQITQ.U8 am1E DICK STABILE AMD HIS OlttHmu Slltw T'-1 l ilil 'tlllll 11 J.wiNr •t 1:111 .,...._~n~NMMU ElfltltTMltMtNT Cwt( S2 Plt .. l'(ltlQf( lfClUOfS ~liOSllbft, DAllC!it!I MD &HOW ltsmAfTN KCmtl '" llOT •tln)t• • 1 m~ m'nn GRAND HOTEL ' rRtrOMAJf" Wl'I' i.}l!AlltllC ACllOSS f-IN 01"'"'1.UID i -C • --•.I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .... 'y h F . . n d u a IT i ' ' t; ~ , ' ] . ----__ __.__ ____ __:_ _____ ___,=;;;;;.;;.--..-. .............................. __ -"" ....... ...:----------- ,. [T] S~'!f!!~~~ Ulll wtlR COAST KIONW.lT trnWHlllT 111.C" (J'l4) .,.....,, ........•........................ , : {~&'~-~~ CaribeRoom : • e. PRESENTS • • ENTERTAINMENT -DANCING • • PEDRO 'ALVAREZ • Presents The • • REFRESHING INTERNATIONAL SOUNDS • • o I • LOS f ABULOSOS PATOJOS ' . • • • • • • • 21112 OCEAN AVE. !Coast Hwy.I-HUNTINGTON IUCH-536·1421 • • •••••••• ························~· ~~~1\~1\; ~~·f::11. ; I Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and now Huntinqton leach areas-- Newport Beach and Costa Mesa Call 646-7136, 17th & Tustin For the new HuntfrtCJton leach, CC.II 847-1214, Beach & Heil :5t~· .-' ,J.~ . "~ .. . - - Coast Actor Peter Church of Corona del ~1ar startles Joan van Ark wi-th a bed marriage proposal in the French farce uChernin de Fer," now on stage for its American premiere at the Mark Taper Forum through July 20. Royal Ballet . Appears • m LA Four American premieres will mark the !0th annjversary transcontinental tour 'by Lon· don's famed Royal Ballet from the Royal Opera House, Co- vent Garden, which lm· presario S. Hurok brought to this country first in 1949 and on subsequent visits. The programs for t h e per(onna,nces scheduled for Shrine Auditorium on July 2-6 will be drawn from these new works as well as from the in- tern a t i on a 11 y renowned repertoire of the company. Nureyev, ls "Pelleas and Melisande." Nureyev h a s choreographed a one-act ballet adapted fron 1 Act Ill of "Raymonda" with its sCore by Glazounov. In additicin to guest stars f\1orgot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, the principal dancers or the Royal Ballet are Dean· ne Bergsma, Svetl an a Beriosova, Monica M a s o n , Merle Park, Georgin a Parkinson a n d Antoinette Sibley. Male dancers are 01\IL Y CRUISES BEGIN JUNE 14 FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642-4321, U.ST J PIR,.OllMANCISI "ROOM SERVICE" Tiie llllorlon A-le .. fCJJU Co-.dy 1:)0 p.m.-Thlrd Srtp Tllll'lr~UU-1111 Newptrt.Shld., C..!1 Mtta SOUTH COAST lllPllTOllY CMILDll!IN'I THllATlll · Winner JAcaj~!J1Y Awards BEST ACTRESS· Katharine Hepburn. WINNER• "BEST PICTURE OF THE YWI" · -Mt•"""" r;i,,i trititl _, X>fEPH f .IEWlf-AN AVCQfMIAKY~ P€reR ~ ·KATHARINE. OTOOLE ?~ HEPBURN . 1MMJ1111 POU. lHE UON IN WINTER ::!';.~~ RESERVED Sf.ITS NOW AT BOX OFFICE Ol IY MAR! OCLUSIYE OllHliE Tlclllt.,. 1111 11 s.. ~~i.rMt01Htk c... u1 SI Iii! It. COUNTY IEWvtD 1.11 lil•MI T'lcbl ,,._..I"'--~ 1LM#4HI S£AT E.NGAli£MElfJ • 11 .. 11i.a902 "' '"' _, 11,,.... ~ ~ TONIGHT AT 8:30 a!Jftus CENIURY 21 .. . . . ' . • tlUNE ~-15 SPEGIAh OPENING FIES'l'A Among the new ballets are two created by the troupe's director, Sir Frederick Ashton. They are "Enigma Varia· lions," a romantic work, which London critics descrilr ed as a masterpiece set to Edward Elgar's score; and "Jau Calendar ,'' with Richard Rodney Bennett's jazz composition as its Inspiration. Another "first" created by French choreographer Roland Petit, especially for Da me Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Anthony Dowell, De s mo n d:i.=~~~~~~~~~·~"~,..~~.....,~ .... ~·~,,~,...,~.,,,_~~-~ : Doyle, Alexander. Grant . 80 AT UA '-STA" THl!ATRR L 8 AN<ll!:L1!8 Stanley Holden, Do n a 1 d Macleary and Brian Shaw. fUN I FIREWORKS. DANGING ~·how J?Onve ch ande4 siDC8 )?0D W8P8 last; h 8P8 ••• You 'll ~el i,t the minute you walk B·--QA 1..awro Wl10' lntoFrestaVillageatKnott'sBerry ub au IC .110 DO• Farm. D Here's a whole new idea ••• New Fun ••• More Fun. There's dancing every night except Sunday ••• starting at 8 p.m . in the most delightful surroundings you've seeri. The gaiety at the Plaza, the Flower Boats on the Lake, the color and activity at the Open Market Stalls will all go to make up some of the gre aiest fun you've had in years. D We're still at the ' same old stand. Fiesta Villadea,Euott's In Baena Park -----=:=...:::===:..=..==~------~_... ....... YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of · Tropical Fish & • Supplies in the area.· N"J LH.tten 211•. WIUON, con.t.M•tA (oft F•Lnltlr# R•., Ml-1'Hl 171·G, ll:hott"llclt Dr. -N.....,_, kKll lii.fllflll '"" Poa~ Otflal '4UDi lFlMK ~11'~~~~11 flnt Di11i11i1 Sinct 1965 380 1 f.AsT Co...sr }ilGHWA'( CoRONA D1;1. MA•. CAuFORNIA PHONE! (714) 675-1374 • 571 S. MAIN, ORANG!! ._, 1 • '4:Z..3,9S 1a-SUnday) Go Out To Dinner This Weekend ftMEM ftE&TAUltAN'r Continent•I Cuialne Cockt•ila Serving Luncheon and Dinner Monda11 through Saturday. Closed Sunda.us Open for Private Parties Onl11 We •re loc•t•d next to the M•y Co, in South Coest Pleia . JJ)J S. lrl1tol "' C.... ..... 540.JMO ~~~~~- ,~~!J~· ALLAN WOOD ORIGINALS IN THE "ZINC" BAR ~ SONN IN CORONA DEL MAR . .. AUTHillTICAlLY lllU:ICAll WI SUCClST TOU DO ttOT DllHK THE WAnl ' LOCATED ll< • ;; PIOITI TAll.OUTI DUJIHTFUL UlltCIU ._ ... DlltMEIS. IJO.J.51 AMUICAlt rAYOllTES, TDD ANAHEIM 6S~ IUllm'AdelREY 81.WJJO 801 s. s.. .. c.llep . 1•160 p_, ... , OOSTA MESA 6414161 TOllaAl'l<Z S'10-06Q .US £. S..•1! I Ill Jl:l10 Jla ....... CLENDAIZ 66U600 WEST oovmA t39-3400 3280 Glm .. )e Ill•._ IMS Z. ~ ...... ,. ........... .... -... ::; ... ; __ .._, !--"-""'""'·"-"""' _Cll ______ ..:::::_ .. Now Show1ng Mk holll cm .. Aftthny 91111:11 Ce1ullt e hrtff I••· Shew S~rtl 4:45 Cltflt. Snlldcrr fro"' J P·"'- FrH P1rkin9 FINAL SHOWINGS . • .. '. " .J JllW"Oll llACM -• "-.,..,.,_ .. lekltto U4• ha. -Ol , l ·IJSD LAST WEEK !~ SffVf: MCOUf:fN AS 'BULLITT'. SECOND FUTUll DUN MAITIN JAMl!S STIWAIT U9UIL WILCH ··"·BANDOLERO" tl1e-01esa • F . • · 1'r ,...I .,-, ,· •~.:::-:-····· '1;.- Nf~'IPQRf AND HARBOR 1f~ COSTA ~~f)f, TWPHONE 541-1552 FOi INFolMAJlOM TWO GREAT SHOWS AN ALL STAR CAST Irr "THE LONGEST DAY" 1110 George Ptpp1rd James M110n Uraul• Artd resa In "THE BLUE MAX" NOTE WUlt DAYS ON I SHOWIN• : tLUI MAX Ji11 LON•m DAY t :ll C.."•••• ... khlrtler ,,.. I P.M. -s.., ....... a P.M. STAm JUHi 11 "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" ~ AND "HELLO DOWN THERE" ·. •• •• •• =· DAllY PllGT rrJda1, June 6, 1969 ';he, the Jtlan mar Sharif, above, enacts the role of Dr. Ernesto ::be" Guevara in 20th Century-Fox's explosive drama, Jbe!,'' which opens at Cinedome 21 in Orange, Tburs- 1y, June 19. "Oliver" will be seen beginning June 18 ; !be twin Cinedome 20. Crossword Puzzle .ACROSS 41 P1rt. to U.S.A. l Photo-43 Brought qraphtr's forth young ntctsslty 44 Vtry, 5 Shut very e1111r f0t'Clbl1 <t5 Shellfish 'Vent1u1l1 46 H11d11tar native ltt111 4 lftlDdy 49 Top ll'lan 5 Half: 53 Friend COlllb. fora 54 lltlah - 6 Batttl)' Abbr. terminal 55 - -an.II: 7 Molhtr's 2 words oft-used 56 Fabric word 57 Rtctfp!s 8 Rom1.n poet at sports 9 Grrek tvtnl headband' 58 Is In dtbt Q Did work 59 Busln t ss at the mint place ~ z Expr1ss . 60 Frlghttntd Rfitf ovtr 6-1 Not one: l Undfrstcod!'': Dial, ? words 4 Soft drink 5 Rural ar11: Informal 8 T1llr:ln9 nonsense 2 Dwelling units l Banqtlt't 4 kind of "" 5 lirttl'. lttletS 6 Blealsll 7-nolre: Bugbe1r 8 Supollc:att .9 Blgi ;0 Part " 17 of 1uto chassis , 3 DO'ON l l ose vlt1Utv Z Mash lt nlbllc:lc 3 Fish 4 Slertc1typt molds I Forclblt pushes 6 River land ing place 7 In tht middle of I Occupying • •central posltlOR • • 6/6/69 9 Goulet 37 City of vthicl• Ontario 10 Canad• lrrrt, 39 Gullible for on• · person: 11 Rotary: Sling: Comb. farm 2 words · lZ-TliOujlrt 40 Froth at 13 Swiu canka the •outh 21 Inquires 42 NHL lZ Raise player 24 Bird 43 Blazed 25 Quee11 of -45 Flume 2& Kind 46 French: of family dances tmbltllt 47 Forget to 27 Exact ll'ltntlon likents•· 48 Mr. Martln1 !8 Condescend 49 Talon 29 Standarf of 50 Rlvtr to the perfection · Mississippi 30 Sfmple altbl: 51 Unusual 2 words person: 31 Rapacious Slang desire 52 Given lo 33 Electlleal prying unit S4 Ottoma11 36 Kind of :... Emr.'" approval .J11 off ctr • 11 -12 13 T1(Kl l'\ NOW AT BOX OFFICE. OR BY MAIL' --:.:.::: .......... ........... e.. ••111111t. ·--.:;:'== .. =:. ,.,.._ .... -- .PClUllVl! 'ORANGE ·COUNTY RUUVEll S~ ENGAGEMENT TONtGHT AT 8130 • TOllllllOWATutla-JOPll ...... ..., r .,.. •• ,... .. , _, n.c.1m•11 • --... -......---.....--~----..---~-----~---~---------------~---·---.. Your Gulde to Movies 'Bounce' Heroine 'Mad (Edilor'r Nol<: T ~II mol>l• gufdt II propored bl/ th< filf111 c:ommitr.• of HMbor CouncU PT A. Mn. John. Clark it prerident end Mn. Hart SwtHSJI b commfttfle chairman. It ii •ntended & 4 f'eftren.ce in determining suitable ·filma for cert.am a o e oroups 41'td tDiU appear toeeklJI. Your t>Nwa are •ollclted. Mail U.... to Mo- vie Guk!t, care of the DAILY PILOT.) ADULTS Stella Stevens "' and Sl1elly novel of tbe old IOUth during Wioten. the Civil War era returm to Tiie Mapa (R): Nicholas the ocreen. Clark Gehle, Vi· (Michael Caine) lakes a vian Leigh. teachiag J>Olition on a lonely Tile Loa1est Day: A Greek Island. He meets a historical, d o c u m e n t a r y strange old man aod his guest drama of the D-Day invasion, whose identities keep changing with John Wayne and Henry as reality and fantasy in-Fonda . terchange in a bewildering and weird adventure. Ant h 0 n y None Bui The Brave: A Quinn and Candice Bergen tense World War 11 story as lso star seen through the eyes of a a · J apanese soldier. It relates plays a lraveUne folk·slnger who iaterrupta the boy's solitude. Ted Eccles · ts the boy. Oliver (G): Musical \ferslon of Dlcken's classic about an orphaned waif cast 1nlo the teeming squalor of the lower clas.5, who finally escapes to the elegance of the upper class. Mark Lester, Jack Wild and Oliver Reed. * • * 11le Prime of Miu Jean the experiences and conflicts Brodie (M): Engllsb made of a troop of U.S. Marines and The lettn imm«Uately film, with Maggie Smith in the Japanese Army p 1 at 0 0 n after the tttle indicates the starring role, as an eccentric marooned on a South Pacific rating oiven the picture bu rachel, ..... NA'TICNAL .... """-~ Foieii.E ....... , ........... MN11J ACRI' 0 ' ,11111 PARKING ~, ~~ ~e J Killin The Bir Bounce f R J : Melodrama of a demented heroine. Ryan O'Neal and Ltigb Taylor-Young star. bat captivating teacher at an Island. tile /tfotion Picture Code. Edinburgh girls' 1cbool in the FAMILY The Motion Picture Code -ALSO ..._ mid.OOs. And Rating Prooram may I I I 1jlfer I s .. ,,~ eorge~ Tbe Blue M1:1: Drama about an arrogant, scheming young World War I Gennan ace who relenUessly pursues and engages the allied pilots in battle. George Peppard. Cb.:.~~~~~~~ley ~~;:£n!.~~1~t~1~1;::=~=~c=~~=',"=;=ulpa=;,=:=th=e=mo=tion=.=.!I Jf.P &tars as a gunman gone development company, takes --~ .. "· ~, ,, ' ~ ' _, . . Beryl Reid , ® 1 straight who is forced back in· his family to spend an ex-Nm~,,,_. & "91199111" to the outlaw world. perimental month in a D underwater hou se. Tony Ran· · Lua/11i Susannah York BaDJtt (M): Steve McQueen Is Bullitt, a San FranciscO police detective. He ts assign· ed to protect a Chicago mobster needed by politician. Robert Vaughn, as, prime wltriess in a Senate crime hearing. Uoa ht. Wlotu: Clash of two <fall, Janet Leigh. strong·willed monarchs, King Henry , 11 of England and bis My Side Of tbe Mountalu Teddy t:.;cltt queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, (Gl: Wistful, Channing film of "My Side of ~ Maufttol•'' ii" . "''t· "· . . ' 11~~~~~~11 Cacal Browne ' WMWMN-.::_-_. .... --..... ~ makes a brilliant, explosive a 13-year-old boy who leaves -Pius- drama out of fragment& of home to spend a year alone "H.ilo Dow• hre" 12th tu b. t P t with nature. Theodore Bikel si,,,i....., Tony Rtn<1111 ceQ ry IS Ory. e er (anll!\UOUI $11., SUI!. From 1:30 prn O'Toole and Katharine Hep-,:;=~~==~==:lil~=~~~~~~~~Jll burn. [j" Raebel, Raebel f s MA ) : THE MOTION PICTURE Bbona Sera, Mrs. Campbell (M): A U.S. Air Force sqitildron returns for a reunion in 8n Italian town they oc· cupled 20 years previously. An enterprising matron tries to cope with three veterans each of whom believes he is the father of her daughter. Gina Lollobrigida, Janet Margolin and·~ }-al\'!0<d. _ Joanne Woodwar'd is· a CODE AND RATING neurotic, terise and restless ;;pinstet school teacher trap· PROGRAM CaDCty ( R ) : Uninhibited adaptation -of .sex-crammed novel about a baby-faced teenager who yields to a lpng succession of lovers. Ewa Aulin. - · 'l'be Killlnl of Sister George (X): A love triangle <lf Jes- blaDI conve)'I bOth comedy and pathos. Beryl Reid plays a :aging, heavy drinking, actress. Tbe Loves of Isadora (M): Vanessa Redgrave portrays the controver!lal and free spirU.ed ·dancer Jsadora Dun- can. Th< Mad Room (Ml: Psychodrama about a girl whose happy life Is interrupted when given cuslody of her younger brother and sister from a psychiatric hospital. ped in her small town world. Sam Whiskey (Ml: Widow wants to recover gold bars from a steamboat wreck and put them back into a Denver mint. before anybody misses them and_ ~vers tier_ late nus68.iKl'S only fall from grace. Stars Burt Reynolds. Angie Dickinson and Clint Walker. Tbt .Sand Pebb1ts: Story about the crew of t h e American gunboat, San Pablo, set in China during the politi· cal unrest of the 1920's. Steve McQueen. Richard Crenna, Candice Bergen. T1'ENS AND ADULTS Camelot: Lavish, romantic, dramatically moving screen version of Lerner and Loewe musical retelling the heroic legend oC King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. Richard Harris, V a n e s s a Redgrave, Franco Nero. Gant Wltb l'be w I D d : Margaret Mitcbeli's brilliant gALA BENEFIT PREMIERE TUE~DAY, JUNE 17th. ·~----lf'ONIO"IOIY---~ Providence Sp1eth and Hearing Clinic jAffill1ted With Thi Childr9n'1 HotpiUU . Jl'or 111rarm1tlo" Clu-•:at,.,10 _ WINNER Th• Motion Pictur• Cad• •nd R•tint Adtnini1lrttion •ppli•• th• followin9 r1tin91 ta filrn1 didribut•d in ths U.S .A. Pie· tur11 r1!1d G, M or R qu1lify for th t Cadt St1I. ~ Piclurtl r1 ttd X do nal t•.;tivt • S11I. Th• r1tin91 1pply to pk tur11 r1l1 t 11d tfl1t Novtrn• b1r I, 1961. Piclurtt t•lttt1d bafart th1t d1 t• 1r1 daJcrib. ad 11 pravlou1l'I' I GJl1t t nd/or SMA I. (il-Su9g•ll1d for 51NEUL ,1udi•nca1, mB-Su99a•Hd for MATUll •udi•nc.•1 (P1r•ntal dis- c.ration 1dvi1•d). (fil-RESTllCTIO -'•"•ns under 16 not 1drnitt•d, un l•11 1ccotnp1nitd by JM''"' or 1duJt 9111ttJ• .. ~-...... f6 .... iadflllttff. Thl1 ,,,-,,, shic.tion may ba highar in carftill tAll. Chaclc thatftt or tdv.,thi119. • ~ r .. 1,.. • 6:00 .-10:1s , •IHI et l :IS 01dy r:: *HEY KIDSI *~ ~G-P.AL SHOW SAT .. 1 :ooi Doa" M!Sftl~ry Lewk "SAILOR BEWARE" Pllr5-Certoa.-CaJ!lldlt1 Frff G-Hllt lop ncl Mare! l lttnt Sert. Shew A11ywltere! HELD OVER Pnltmty lacls Tlftlcl•y SPECW. NOTICE TO 001 P111011S ,JllWIJrlt~ I .. T;;'t~~;;;;:~r· 1 Fri"~ Si111tr1 COLOR "'NONE IUT THE IU.Yl" -~· 511·1271 ......... ...... """" RKornm111dt'd For Ad11lhl V1~enft Red9r8ve COLOR "THE LOVES OF IS.ADORA" €!1Mbfll't T8¥10t COLOR "SECRET CEREMONY" ·---54S.llJJ kltnot ,kllOll Al Its lnll C!11r1ton Hes1o" COLOR "PLANET OF THE .APES" Steve McQueen COLOR "S.AND PEllLES" fl\l't!INGJO't Bl~CH WARNER WtfMrW ... ·-• 147°lstl I Ht tnt "1!dtr 11 wlll bt 1dm1111C11 Lel9h Ttylor·Vour19 COLO R "THE llG IOUNCE" C~rrcll Ba•er COLOR '"THE SWEET IODY OF DEIOl.AH" Tony lcnHlall, J.,... 1.efth Jim lock-. RacW., McDawall PUN fOI AL~! &ACADEMY AWARDS PliMIOL'llflltllm.-m lDEITlRADSm llOllltl'lol' CQ.l*P0\1£S-•llll.DS"fmml• UJNEL BARTS _Q#,,Sideofthe CfF.IJ t)loailtain TAKE JN A MOVIE THIS WEEKEND ROD THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALL! FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• • •• • ••• • ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. * . NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT Starts Wednesday for 2 WHks Only WINNER OF 10 OSCARS Including Best Picture FIRST AND ONLY SOUTHlRN OU.Heil COUNTY SHOWIN• IN NEW 70111 PROJECTION "-. • 70 MM FllM IS 4 TIMES LARGER • PRESENTED IN FULL SCREEN SPLENDOR "WALL TO WALL" PICTURE WITH , $ CHANNEL SURROUND SOUND ln..,,snmasplnidor...Tht-Dllglli&a:atfidlft-' ~QSE12NICK'S -O'MlilttWlt.T lill!llM.ll'9 .~ ... -·CJARKGABLE VMENLEIGII LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIAdeHAVILLAND VANESSA REDGRAVE -Best Aclre11 GRAND PRIX WINNER CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 1969 · "THE PERFORMANCE . THAT SHOULD ""' HAVE WON THE • ':l o~~~~: ~. REDGRAVE !" ~ -Y.llC'tli1Con1t1: N'. Y. TllllM • "THE ILLUSTRATED MAN" • '"'t;, ai;; J'"'' 1111 V11tftn, I·"'~ .... .... 1111 cut I~ ''"I'"' ... '; ll!I"" =1."1 iii~ 7:00 IJCIS Will• I I= 1, •. """"' 1:: "''I! ) im OU ...... -Maril 1e , ..... ff!' I II Anpl$1 l!ll"" a:oolia' •tiO)li zl aua I:': '"'" 15 Tho R '"'" Vt" Tl trouble: '"" " .. ""' '""' ... " l!ll• ... ~ no..., B~ -"' ~ """' clalllfl '"" .. "' "' llE' .. t:JOfl~ l!i (S .... "'"". _,., t11ina, Stlnle: '"" atl•- m.i. , .... 1!111 M -· .. .. .... """' Ill •• ,..,ac; .,,... -11npl plot. in Y" ·~ ,, .. •""-o• ·-YI~ Vinct1 Jon1U 1qvl1 em• ~'· , l!ll • 1•10 m• er1 UOJI~ ::::;. ,.: MH1a,. 11:1011~ (""' ·r1;y. !: Mi ltlO ll)A '"" 11:451111 ,.,. "'" 1001! l:li fl l (dran '"" l:lOGJl ,, ... , ''"!!!! -m e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Ou1flty "l11ti119 '\114 D•pe111l•l.le s.,,.1,, _ fot 111•N tlllll I Q-1rttt •f I C.t1tllry. PILOT PRINTING lnt. wnr IAUOA ..... MIWPOIT llACH • • PEANUTS STEVE ROl"ER MISS PEACH I I '"""'· -"' 1'69 ly Cllarle1 ht Wik . . By Harold Le Doux YH,Sll .. 11.1.LAMO, IAAVR ~NONE. ~ M.V llSIWESS •• IMtl iUveE-'t'OI !IMOILP ICtilOW THAT UIC.IE'S IN TWI ' 1.0MV WAITIN6 FOC'«>ll! I 'fHINK WELL, SHE MEAllJ AIOIT ¥OI TAICIN6 liWllf OIT! By Ferd Johnson . y.s, B!JT "THAT POoSN1T OUTWEIGH ALL 'THo Dl5.ACN,ANTAG~5 Of LIVING N~.A~ AA AIRPORT· By Tom K. Ryan AllSOLUTaY NOTHIN' • By Al Smith "TWENTY DOL.1.AR.S ! ~corfTEM OF COURT!' YOU OON'r PAY~E FINE i'IERE NOWI HI'S tefN /fr 'Ml f.Ull.4ff PAILf AGAIN• I CAN TeLL tY 'THE G~IL1'Y LOOK•ON Hlf FAC~ ••• ly M~ QUEENIE ''The"' It i-again-that loor, low, wolt-call·lik• · whistle." TELEVISION VIEWS Two Abortion Views Shown By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The two diametrically op- posed. viewpoints on the subject of abortion were explored, intalli,ent!Y. and effectively, on ABC'• 0 Sumtner Focus , &eries Thursday night. The hour starled with twD women descilblng the circumstances under which they were fo~ed to seek · illegal abortions. The well-to-do married wo- man went to Puerto R1co for a $700 o~raUon by a qualified doctor. An unmarried college student D8id $90 for the services of a midwife, and was ilf for some time afterward. SHOWN ALSO was treatment given a woman who underwent a Qlerapeutic abortion in a hospital, pe~slbl• on more grounds under recent laws, In some states. This contrasted sharply with a report on a treatment center for children sl,lffering brain, hearing and eye damage because their mothers had suffered from German measles during pregnancy. Crux of lhe controversy, explored by statements of a Roman Catholic priest and in arguments over a proposed bill -defeated in the New York legis- lature, is the position that abortion is morally wrong, taking the life of a human, and that human life begins at the moment of conception. THERE WAS nothing muc)I new .to illuminate a well-covered subj ect, but the hour was well put together, · CBS has chosen to fill the Thutsday night bour formtrly occupied by "The Jonathan Wmten Show" with reruns of the Bri-ti.sh-made zeries, 11The Prisoner," first seen here. as a summer replace- ment two seasons back. It Is a beautifully filmed, tboUghtful series about a mysterious village. An important British official, privy to many secrets, has chosen to resiDI his post "as a matter of conscience." Thereupon lie is kldnaped and winds up in a picture-postcard vil· ' Iage where life 11 pleasant, completely regimented and from which there is apparently no escape . THE SERIES obviously is a message --a sort of cosmic, allegory, but as a TV series it s.uffers from two rnasslve Oaws. First, the message is difficult to fathom -its producer recently issued a guide for viewers. A sample explanation : The village ''represents the real and unconscious world of civilization today. We are all prisoners without bars." RECOMMENDED WEEKEND viewing: Saturday -"The Johnny Cash Show," ABC, 9:30-10:30 p.m. EDT, premiere of a country-music summer series. . SUJl!lay -Emmy Awards, CBS, 10 p.m . to con· clusion, annual television awards show, live from Hollywood and New York. Dennfs the Menace ANDY HAS ANSW~RS I • . • • • • • • : • I . ., .. • • • • • • • IT'S loo'I .· BIG' . .. --------·-- • ..,_,,,~' .... -· ., • --------. WESTINGHOUSE DISHWASHER SPECIALLY PRICED! : HERE ARE BIG, SAV·l.N.GS . : :·FROM TH.E:.HAl·eo·a· AREA'S:• BUYTRISNOW We$tingttousli GJPnit~n~~ PAY LL~~~!!!-~'!!!~~~ !~~~E_R: '\; ·1 • . LATER Built·ln 'oisHwasher llo4!I SIJK2D • Single dial timer control •• Self.cleaning filter • BIUa porC'elaln·on-steel tub, n•t plastic •, 'Multi-levet washln& action • ·OUat· deternnt dlt' pensiirs • Pt'ate-Wafifljr set-' 1ing •' larie'S:flverwaf, bnMt • Tel!')t.CQping top.rick • ' • tllWIST •.UHIOM eoLOl "HAIVIST CiOLD" e tllW ADNllAL A.UTOM..t.TIC DOOi CLOSllS e CANTILEVll S~lLVIN& e Gl~NT FOOD STOIAG-1 CAPACITY e A~TOMATIC ICI MAlll GIANT 22 CU. f.T. CAPACITY Only $419 COMPARE AT 499 .95 ke Maker Installed u:::;;;:;; Ho Char9e 2 Days Onl.y . . . ' ADMIRAL DUPLEX REF~IG;, COMES IN 31"·33"·36"-4l -48 · Exchange lnst•ll•t10n $25.00 NO DOWN PAYMENT·! .. SAVE! WESTINGHOUSE ·Laundromat AUTOMATIC WA-SHER · & GAS DRYER D - . . Modol DDUS -· • Stack in just 21• of floor tpace •·Five 'drying-tempera· tu re selections including Auto Ory/Permanent Press • Auto Dry/Permanent Press, Damp Dry and Time Ory Cycles on t imer • Reminder signal ba zzer • Interior basket light • EasY-to-reach lint collector • Balanced air flow system • Multiple exhausting-right, left or rear • Safety door swi tch • Porcelain enamel ~~basket. BUY NOW ':> PAY ONLY $4.00 WK. . STARTING SEPT, ht . • Stack in just 2-r ol ftO« space • Exduslve "Welgh-To· :::===:::;:==~ Save•"r• door _,,lghs each I! , --.iashlpad,tells hCM"rnucH h'qt ~,._~ ~ water and deterwent wiU do \;1l"V LJK, 1 D\Ji each load best • ActUally R101 ~ and -. _· saves enough to wish effry ~!f ~ .. third load free! • ExclusiVe d tiaum Y tumble-action, Multi-speed deoll. 'c°"':;=.,-,.1 wash in~• Five water fem- perature selections -3 for Permanent Press • Regular and Delicate wash cycles • f ive position water $8Yer • Three rinses-1 spray and 2 deep rinses • Interior basket light • Safety door switch • Self-c~atiing porce. lain enamel wasft' basklt • ' .. A.utomafic lint ej er. . ' No .Down Payment! •• No Payment 'til Sept.! jW,A .~.I :WEST I Nil H·O USE ''Frost -Free 25" Side-by~Side Refrigerator -Freeier ~ BUY NOW .. @ PAY s49s PER ONLY WEEK • 25.2 cu. ft. capacity • Hui• 322 lb:, 9.16 cu , ft. capacity freezer • Completely frost free operation • Only 35'4 in, wldt • Decorative panel 1fronts optional • Ice cube server and 2 ejector trays • Automatic ice.mak&r -21vail· able eS an optional add·on now, or buy it later • New WesU.nghouse power econo· mizer • Twin juice can dis- pensers • 7 -day fresh meat keeper • 3-temperature ad· justabl• butter conditioner • Westinghouse sllm-wall de· sign for greater inside storage • New caotiJevered adjust· able shetves • Utility storage compartment • Removable egg container • Twin vege· table crispers • Adjustable refrigerator door shelves • Glide-out adjustable rollers • Automatic door doaer Model IUK44 Wminghouse "Frost Free 14" Refrig?rator • 14 cu. ft . capacity • Com- pletely frost free operatio,n • Automatic ice maker optional -makes 11nd stores over 7C>q party-sizeicecubes! • 12l·lb. frostfreefreezer •Full-width, full-depth shetves • Full-width vegetable crisper • Bu ilt·in egg storage • Butter server • Magnetic door a:11skets • No coils on beck. 248 88 Starting Sept. ····· . ' • ••••••••••••• HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER . • •••••••••• : . c,1os1N• ouy: . . ·E .. ·2 2300 HARBOR COSTA MESA ·. DAYS . ONLY! FRIDAY 9am•9 pm SATURDAY 9 am-6.pm : ALL 69 COLOR ·rv: : · GENERAL e ELfCTIU • • . AU c -.ZENlrH -RCA • • A1 FlOOR MODELS • • COST.NEAR CO • • Musr MO Sf-IELOW cosr • i ...... ~: .1:1: .~o:uM:~! :~~~ 1 l •••• ,. • • • " I • \ • •••••••• Ph•"•' 5.t0·7131 ' 1 . . - • I --....,,....---~---------------------'"""""""'_,.,... ....... ,..,.,,..,..~I;'" ................ "' .. I '· -•' .---.D~Y I'll.Of -Sf ' .. -. FrldaY, J,.,.6, 1~ . . ,r f.()·fl,I) .·SALis .·. .. . I . lHiWay 39) , . HUNTINGTON BEACH I: OPEN 190\~··10 10P.M.-1 ~AY$ ·... I. ·ORANGE ,CO' s •. FA.STEST GROWll1G FORD. DEALER " FORD'S am1• IDEA . · ::· 1969 -MUSTANG $99 Dowri $71,30 36 Mo. 'BRAND NEW ~1969 CORTINA . '$1888 . 199 ',·~ .,_ * 159" ... J6 MM. ' . . . l~ND . NEW 1969 . · TORINO G.T. ' . . . -. . . ' :$25·11 . 199 1 ... 1 * 1acr.s I• c..n' ' · '. I' M". BRAND NEW • 1969 GALAXIE 500 $2488 •99 !:::. * On ~..., !JIM C!Wlt '"'' Prlca + Tu 6 l kenM . . BRAND NEW 1.969 198 '""' * 11111.H lw .,._ . • ""' ,, Me!- ... SUPER· SPECIALS § · ~'.~· • 1969 THUNDERBIRD : $6·33 1 $35 Dn. § . . . · · · $35 Mo. S ' 'l--"'~.._ ...... . I l'M ~ lilt! 24Mos. § $49·Dn. § . . . I 65 ~~~!~~~~~~Op seats. NMK 402. · · .... . ~ =~~1:S~~,,. .. ~r=':'t·-~!tJu~ ~=-Hi~~J-.i:,·~·t:.~~ .. "!Ul~~ $98 8 $49 Mo S "'c•D. ~. cru1...o-JM11c...., ..,n., ~·.ti.e llftllr. .... __ "'....; .,.,.,. .,,... 24 Mos §t tum •h1n•lt. r Oll'l~,r39"'~. •· fllll't ..,.!ti.I. t; 9!"""! ~ wt111ew•111, . . '67 MUSTANG ii nltop ,_$ __ 9_8·-·8 ~;,~~~ ~. $99 Down s3· ...•. ! ,,. ·a· . ;~~:~!;::~~~~,; .. ,er, . . 36Mos. § $122.75 3" Mos. · . --1288 $64Dn § . . - I 65 I~~~~~~~~~~~. $ . . . :;M~: ~ : '.'BRAND NEW 1969 . • IRAND NEW 1969 '6 7 !~~~ .. ~.~~-~~n~r warranty avait. TMG·005. $1288 m_:: ~ .. · FAIR.LANE· ;· · $1888 :2M~ ~-FIRST OF THE 111'$ -· _$2· ·-2. ··88·· ! ~: S I 68 ~~~!~!,~!!!~~ .. $6U'0• § AT 1eeo PRICES • . 36 MO., ~ IT'S,l uriu GAS -Mmrict<;,,ko4 199 ;..., * 'JO"· '"' new ear warr. avail. WIE 960. GOOD CREDIT DOWN PAYMENT A PROBLEM? ' I!•• one of our ma"J ·ilnMCt pilftS, Our bulgtt couMJlon· will holp yo• orr1ng1 paymts\h ·11 thlt ytu rnlght ·weU tffonl tht Ctr er' truck ,of, ytwr cttoict. .. • SPECIAL PURCHASE A Speci1I Purth111 gives us the opportunity to offer )8- 1969 GALAXIES -FAIRLANES .& MUSTANGS wilt! LOW, LOW ·-- § ft rlv1I the W..port1, 9i¥tl you 1 btf. Do-:16 M". S ttr MOh . ,,_tkll ur. M1ny people "'• l •• a. l 1etn .. wi ...,....,. Mllt~..crHlt ""'s~ won't put. an 1xtr1 c1nf Into M1Ytrick ~ l'rtllJI 1tr ~--lllCI ~ .. llr, llKk~I'. dorM -..-... Mcau11 lt'1 all · tfwt. A b11lc Maw-•nd cowt111v 111111.1 •• llYlan WM'1 ~ •m ~ I tnd vlJ,on,. "'J..d1hl110 wHl'lff• ·,,,,. t 1Wt1f • ~ tr ck 11 ~ thn 1 ~sic car;. w1P1r. · I I • ! I ( • ' ) ' I ' ' . . • l i ! . • " ' c I $$ $AVE i -I I ·$AVE $$ WAGON ROUND-UP .163 CHEY. Bel Air Wp. V-8, auto., p. steering, ne"w silver blue finish. JJV 973. '64 DATSUN Delx. Wgn. · 4 speed trans., bucket seats, wsw tires. OTV 948. ·'65 .FORD R111c• Wp. V-8, auto., poNder blue finish. NOY 679. I 65 ~OQ~~e~r"?.~.s.:~·.,. cation special, NHE 911. . $588 $~ .. :. 24 Mos. 888 $4SDn. $ . . , $4~.!"o •. 24Mos. $1388 .:~;~ 30 Mos. 1-----. $63 Dn. $1888 ·::.;; TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS I 62 !~~~.~~I~,~~. ~a ir cond. R&H, all orig. YPT <4-29. $388 :::;,_ $388 Fin. A nil. $4-88 AYIU. Fin. $588 !5~? $45 Dn. $45 Mo. , .. 24 Mos. $888 $45Dn. . $45 Mo. , .. 24 Mos. TRUCK DEP·T. 'SPECIALS '59 !~~D.!.1 ~.~~~!"' . portation. 95SS813. '58 CHEV. 1h·T. P.U. 6 cyl., 3 spffd, excellent cond. L9128S. 1 60 ~~YE~y~!~·~ unit for building or maint, trades. M96S21. · I 63 r.~R~~.~ .. ~!.~ for camper. J.52090. $388 Fin. ···~ $488. Fin. AYlil. . $688 1 ~;.~ . 24 Mos. ;64 CHEVi % l Pici1p -.$12'· '818. ::: l)n. · lo~. bed, 4 spc(., split rjms, . .. . . ,_Mo. step bumper. l26028. · . . 24'Mos. I 66 ~~~~~~~!.1n fact. can> . . per. Aato., ·R&H, big engine. 1 T52809. . $1888 $63.Dn .. .$63 Mo. ' -'· . 36~ Use one of our m111y w1ys to f....,.c1 yotir new or used car or; tr;vck lnclud Ing ••nli of Amtrlu, Pnittcl Clllf. len1c: or Ford Motor Cridlt Corp. With your Apjlrovtd Crtdit. . ' . I' ,l'-l',' • ,_,·~'~(• • . OllWAY ,,..: .: : ,.. f .. . . • •' ·-··· ··---~ • • . ' • ' I· · I t ~ • · ., • • r -~·~-... --.-~ .. ,~.~~"i''""""°"'"""'"'·"'"'"'"~-"'oa:.-1"&"0"'<;4:"<'1'F"·"'""'"'-11"¥¥, ...... l-U!Jl""'i"'"'"4~0 ... l .. 0'"-"I ......... $"""¢-4 *"""""' _______ .,., ______________ ,~---- Houas"itcltt. SAi HOUl•S l'Olt SAU HOUSH F;OR IAL• HOU••• l'Oll SALi I HOUIES l'Olt SAL• ....... 10D0Gtneral I e _1DOOGener•I 1• a....... t• General 1•G-ral A~· 1011General ,. Bay »& leach· Realty, Inc. BJ.I /IETIER /BUYS . ~/B . CORONA DIL MAit OFFICE NEWPORT IEACH OllFICE . . CONTEMPORARY· ••• S Bedroom, 2 Bath WESTCLll'l'I -tntenot eonsclous7 Then don't home. Shallow lot with 120' of frontage giving overloot· thiJ very attractive 3 bdrm. home. you plenty of elbow room. An Inspiring Ocean Room on !arr• pool·slu corner lot for expan· view from Kitchen and Dining Room. Fee land sion. Extra large living room & all new kitchen. (you own it) in Corona de! Mar. Price $49,500. Reduced to $48,500. OWner's health re!ISOn for ARTISTIC SETTING •• •. On a tree shaded 50' sale. Please call Mrs: Fay-Eves. ~. lot just l'h blocks from Ocean Boulevard. You BIST DUPLEX IUYI FIW·STIPS TO OCIANI will be Impressed wllh the rustic almospbere, s bdnns. upper unit - 2 bdrms. & den lower cau.dral ceillng, used ~rick fireplace. 3 Large unlL Swecllsh flnplaeu. Price reducec! to $49,- Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Price '69,500; 500. Please call Harold Arthur-Eves. 64W287. IRVINE TERRACE II ••• An oxecutiva home ON.LY ON.E LEFTI OCEAN,RONT. B,t.LllOA with f . Bedrooms, 2 Baths, huge Famlly Room PENINSULA! Open daily 1-5 p.m. 1358 E . and Dining Area -Plus an excePl!Oaallf ;well Oceanfront. Four bdrms. & den. Price drasU- landscaped heated & filtered POOL. Price of cally reduced for quick sale! Please call Mrs. f75,!J09. · · Fay-Eves. 54&-696(1. OWNERS LEAVING FOR HAWAII ••• Anxious FOR EXCHANGE I Approximately $31!,000 equi- to sell their choice property on Seaview consist· ty in three CondominiW1U1, Newport Beach. All ing-o1 a 4 Bedroom and a 3 Bedroom home. The rented. Submit on Glendale or Harbor area. pnce is right at $89;500, but will couslder any Please call Mrs. Fay. Eves. 54M966. THE HOUSE OF 'EXCELLENCE ' . ' ' .. •"' on Ille~ at f.otillla N19111J;"' ......... the blue Pac:lflc: frolll on elevation ·of 335 ~. This 1rchltecturel gem of st1inle11 steel, white concrete I bron11 plate glass, is e triumph in con· t.mporory design. S..i~ in I '163 by John Gelbroitlr, AIA, H • showcoso exhibit for the Portlond Cement Co., Jon•s & Leughlin Stainless Steel Division & Pitts· burg Ploto Glou Co., the HOUSE OF EXCELLENCE is o horn• of timoless beauty. Primary emphasis is on the spacious living & ent1rfainm1nt areas of the h'ouse, the terrace. poof, polio & loi.d1Ctjiing. There are 4 bedrooms, 3 boths, o lorge f•mffy ;oom & • tremendous lower level with l•undry, garage, free11r & stora9e areas. Fabulous view. of mountains, sea & surf. For sale by owner at $150,000. Please Coll: (7141 496°3139 reasonable offer. . BALBOA POINT DREAM HOUSEi DPtn dally MAKI! OFFERI 11 , •• Choice corner R·l COro-1-$ p.m. 318 "L" Street, Balboa Pol1!t. hnmacu· na <W Mar home. 2 Bedrooms, cozy Living late 2 bdrm. home. 2 secluded patios. ·Jleluned!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Room with fireplace, modern Kitchen. Located ceiling living room. Outstandiilg location ..;.. out· I' a short bloct ti;om Ocean Bouleyard and Beach· standing prlce-$37,500. Please call Diet Tryon G-r•I IOOOGonor•I 1000 Gonoral es. $57,500. . -Eves. ln-7999· 1jjiiiijjiijjjiiiijjjiiijjji-iiijiiiij~jiiiijjjiijjii-iijjj -------llaV Ir l111Cli Rlalty, Jnc:. lay .Ir leach Realty, Inc:. II WESTCUFF • M7,a. C..ot 11...,,.,, ColM 901 Do..r Drlva, Suite 121, NB ·Sales through the Multiple Listing $41,950 67~ · Evo. 5411161 '45-2llOO Service of the Newport Harl:ior· ~'..i~': A>;:'.; Gen.r•I 1000 General 1000 Ge-.1 1000 O.ner•I 1000 Costa Mesa Board of Realtors """' uvm. ,..m with beamed ceilinrs and mu- tot a 1 e d $21,012,995 for the first "•• used brick --· 1.;;;::;;:=:=: DOYEi SHOUS 6 BR. 5 BATHS Nl!W-2-S.TORY MESA YEIDE Owner transferred .. must aell lowlY 2 •torf home, 4 BR ~ baths. den &: dlninc room. S!l,900. VI Ewl $llt,MO Frank James Rltr, 5tMl17 · DAVIDSON RHlty ~ Eves. 5t6-81S9 ____ ]_ ------··· 1000 Gonor•I 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFDS: OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 415 BAYSIDE DR .. N.8. A rplendid address. A lovely 4 BR. 4 Ba. home with huge fam. rm., bayside terrace, large private patio, .pier, 60' dock. $110,000 Chuck Place · MODERN AS TOMORROW Spaciow, sparkling ·home W/Vif,!W or Bay. Wmding stairway to upper story. Garden entry. Lrg. den w/wet bar. 3 Bdrms. - formal dining room. $87,500 Mr& Harvey REDUCED FOR 9UICK SALE OPEN SAT .. SUN. 1 ·5 1064 PESCADOR, • DOYER SHORES 4 Bedroom, 3 baths, formal dining rm. Fan· tutic view. BeouUful pool " patio. 3 car Blfage. lmmsc. & privacy. $82,500 Mary Leu Marion OCEANFRONT DUPLEX · Oistom·bilt modern on best beach. Booked full this summer -always filled winter for excellent income. Priced low at $77 ,500 Walter Haase 2 UNITS C.D.M. -$69,500 Large 2-story Colonial 4 Br. 2 Ba .. fam. rm. & pool. Also attractive 8 Br. smaller home. Live in one, rent the other. Corner lot 45x 118 Chuck Place OPEN HOUSE-LUSK 3 BR. Fam. rm. w/lovely ha rbor view : 'vtr. soften· er, pro!. landscai>ed. Cpts, drps. Slop by 1027. TILLER WAY, C.D.M., Sat .. Sun. 1·5. $47,950 Harli.et Davies REDUCED S4,000 3 BR-POOL WeotcUffs best buy! 3 BR. 2 B• .. lam. rm.; on 1~. corner lot w/sep. feuced play yard. Spenilh Provincial. Now just $44,750. See U.! Joe Clarluon DOYER SHORES Graciow waterfront home. Panele<l den w/ frplc; Din. Rm .. Pier & float. Owner leaving area. Wantr offers. Will carry max. 2nd T.D. Mrs. R1ulston HAMPSHIRE CIRCLE Diatinctlve home, quality buil~ 4 lg. bod· rooms, 3'h baths, form. din. rm., family rm., spacious patio & greenhouse. 31h car gar., also basement Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL. IANKER Ir CO. JM NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT IEACH . m .. l PETE . BARRm preAnts PRESTIGE · AREA -POCK!TIOOK PRICE. Immaculate 3 bdrm., 2 bath home near Dover Shores. Dream kitch- en with many cupboar~s. large family room. 1311 Estelle Ln. Open Sun. 12-S LIDO ISLE -Delightful 3 bdrm., 2 bath home on Jarge corner lot with sun· ny paUo, maximum privacy. Realtor on premises Sat./Sun. 1·5 * 522 Via Lido Soud. KINGS ROAD -·High above the Bay. Tremendous view f.rom living room win- dows in' the 2 bdrm. & den borne. Shel· tend patio & garden. Well pric9d at $43,500. BAYCREST BONANZA -Relaxed fam- ily living. 4 bdrm., fanlily room, formal dining room & panelled den. Anthony pool enhanced by lights & speakers in yard. Central vac. system, garage door openers -all the extras for comfort. Call for 11ppolnlment to see. OFFICE OPEN Silt. & Sun. PETE BARRETT REAL TY 1605 Westcllff Dr.,-N.B. 642-5200 -~------HERE'S YOUR DOLL HOUSE It'• got to be the cutest house on ~ market with 2 big bedrooma and a den, built in kitchen, !lrepla~. wall to wan carpet, 2 pt· tios. double garage. Immac- ll;!ant -re adj to be 1Ived In, ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. '4"4494 Sunny 3 bdrm with shag carpeting &: plen- ty of room to live. Lo- cated near school, Ji. brary .l shops in a quiet Me s a Verde neighborhood. Drive by at 1633 Minorca. A1king S31,9'50 (we Also have a 4 bdnn in similar condltlon, similar loci.· Uon &: 5lmilar price! I 4 m, onths ~f 1969. This repreHnt. s Nioe famlly .-"'°"' 0"' -.. to lovely enclceed patio, '634 unit sales. List your property B•igbl .._ kitchen .,...,. With a Realtor today. =_ 'n~eove~M~~ J COURTYARD POOL AND "foreyer View" In Do\>tr Shores. 'rand new plan by IVAN.WELLS to be completr.d early Aug- ust. Buy "°"'" Ii: Meet )'OUZ' own tiles, colors Ii: ~t· .... 3180 "' It ol llvln& OftL · 4 Bdrm ! bl.tbs plus pow· der room, 3 car 1ana:e, ol ........ Step down Uvinl "tOOm with hi&b beamed ceUJng. Rlch- b' Jianelltd family room • ONLY $22,500. Build on front of lot &: have fun ~ modeling 1 bedroom fixer- upper at rear. Own your land &m0ng mcxlern duplex. e•. Bicycle to Big Corona Bee.ch&: Stsfe Park. Walle to stores while your children sakiy play % bloclr: away at Commwdty Youth Center. AISume ex1st1rw ~! with ,."""' fireplace k 2211t17* walk·in wtt bar, J..ar&e U.. Eve"l"-Call 6n:fill.6 land kitchen, ~te I~~-·--·-·~~~- bttaldut "'°"' =· ..... Newport Heights ed pool. This ..... .,,ui w.......n1 GI Loan 182.00 mo home ·i. truly an invitation No qWlliflni, assume 6% b'a. Jara:e lot tor privacy. A home wtth Jots of charm and warmth. OUr exclusive. SUb. r.\it your smaller home on our guarantee sale plan. WE SE(L A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 Westclitt Dr. 646-7711 . """' .,,,.,, fll&DOM SPHIAL $18,950 ! hlrm tti.t 'n!eds palnt I: poliah., Out d town ownet says, "Sell Pronto", Paint your way In. 646-8111 to elepnt liVing, Welcome! k>ln. do' you want open Roy J. W•rd Co. beam ceilings, brick fire. ''=====z=:= (Baycrest Office) pla~. hardwood floors, art I 1 1430 Galaxy Dri_ve ~~ •tudk>. or aueat ro;om. boat WATER. FRONT or trailer accelS, ivy cover- ed patio located In NeWport Helghta ! Then call today. PACESEmll MESA VERDE NEWPORT BEACH Probably ~r q:aln will you find sucb a FANTASMC 3 BR 2 baths, servi~ VALUE with au that thll porch, added 1am 11 y onen! ! PIER and BOAT room, forma l diflUw: SUP! Bizy this duplex furn. ORANGE COUNTY'S area, 2 patios. Immedl· lsbed or not, with u little LARGEST ate posses!!lion. S33,950. as ID% DOWN. Low 7% 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 • COATS 11nancing available. SUPER i "'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiii & SHARP! earpe1s an11 ...... uc5A VERDE WALLAC! rs! Double garage! Walk to m'"' . . REAL TORS au shops, but just sllp out This Immaculate 3 BR lam-546-4141- of bed. and fall in the water Uy home can be yo~ "by top.n E lngl) or climb in your boa.ti I An assuming 5%% FHA LOAN. 1 '"'""'""!~!-~:!""!!!!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABL-"E: VALUE A must ace to appreciate. 1 · WOW! at only S59,9'50. A1king WE SELL A HOME $26,950 WHAT A VIEW EVERY 31 MINUTES Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 Built right on top of a moun· Walker & Lee 32211owA sTREET ~;~_":~ ~~ ... 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open 'til 9 P~f --- PEl=ll=ION ~ ............... ,-:0 • 1518 Dolphin Terr · Juno 7th & Ith Spotless 2 BR, 2~~ ha, den, elec kltchen, PLUS huge covered boat·port, min. land. SCAPe maintenance. WATERFRONT -ME. SA DEL MA-R Quiet "'"'"'· "'" "° tnJ. tic or parking problem. Elf- beam ceilings,, delux kitch- en. aun deck. a beautiful home only 4 years old. Ask· ing $37,500. SIHhed 11> $J9,500 CURT DOSH, Rullor 1730 \V, Clout Hlt:hway 642-6472 Eves, 6T»f68 ==--=- MESA DEL MAR \Ve'll be hol.dlf:W 0 PEN HOUSE, Sat, & SUn. 1-5 at 2Kl3 DRAKE AVE. 3 BR., family rm. plus maey tine .-.. a.,.n 3~11 East Coast HY.'y. C.orona dl"J ~lar 6i>l745 5 lfl O/o LOAN -view tn>m 60 ii "" W I lio. -Pier and dock wilh • k To Coll• room for 40 ft boal 3 Bed· You can auume tN, 5'il% rooms, 2 baths, spic and loan. JUO ~ month P a L "11*1' condition throuabout 3 Bedroom pru, 1&.mfbt sa,soo, can be seen &ey· room, 1 !i bath, hardwood time. lloon. $27,500 645. 0303 OPEN 423 FRAJICISCO O THE l<EAI, "\.. EST/\Tl:R::i ·"· OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 £lmientary school within 2 bloclt:s, deilehtfUt ate a, ltrge yard. 3 bdrms It tarn· iW room. 287 Nassau. Col.· ..f~e Park. ABOVE BEACH Sot/Su 1·5 °""' • ,,._ VIEWS. , 4 lodrmt • fomily ,_ Jl!AN SMITH REAL TOI ~5 Bil, """'· .... 'ha, fonnal JEAN SMITH, din. nn. Stm:aed tor add. R-i...r --Normandy _... 400 E. l'ltb St, Costa Mesa ~. "~ ~ -~ '41 ms Owner AIDlo9s ·~ •~-• ~ -~ ~ E. 11"'-O>cta M- at '"'"· Sltl.900. MAKE OF'P'ER.. 3 I: fun rm. OPEN HOUSE USE: )'l)W' er lo ~ this i!le-M~ v~. 2 baths, bll·ln SAT. A SUN. 1.S p.nt 3 bdr, 1* beths, beam-oven, ratWe, l3:ial1 liv nn. :ZSOO OCEAN BLVD. ed cathedral etlllngs. gor. frplc, I&" )'Ud, sprWders. Corona del Mu &'00\IS 1wimmlng pool, Eaat· Sttps to sbopptna, Price Welker Rlty 675-SIOO skle C.l'if. $29,900. King.. 124W.9SOC • HllRRYl 541 ye DAILY PILOT WANr ..u>SJ ~arn~R~<al~E.~ta~it'=. ~Ml~'-'!)ml~j~P~. ~·~· =:--:-~~~~~-BRING RESULTS! Wblla .. _ ~ lllll IG4r1t lor RESULTS • ORANGE COUNTY'S LARO!ST 293 E. 17th St. 146 4494 On 32 unUs; approX, l·blk Commercl•I Bullcllng to beach. Investment • tu 900 aq. ft. ot1 big 50Jtl.50' Jot. shelter, Gnm multiplier 6.9 1.olled protesskJnal. N 0 w hued on existin&" income. UKd as a beaut1 1hoppt . F'lex.lble ~nns. A I k In I A J l equipment included. $31),WJ, Fact s.hel t apoa Neat Bethel TOWl'ra Ir Villa ttql)eSL Sbclpplng Cenkr 6 ca.n be Reef Cerpet R11tty used tor 5tUdlo, med. lab. Call Anytime • m6IOO etc. A real value for $22.500. ""5 w. Balboa Blvd., NA Emlo Clowlond, Rltr. 64>-0IJl ~ -11 lmmecl. Possession GI NO DOWN 4 BR 3 bath!, fri'>lc, dbl 3 BR 2 baths .fireplace, car-nraee. Cpts/driis. Laree pell, drapes. buil l-lns, lkru· comer Jot, Tmmed, occu- ble 11:a111<>:C", $23,7'""...0. ...,. •o:n J.fOVES YOU Wtlls·McCerdle, Rltrs. pan..,,. ....., · IN • f\JIJ price $24, 750. Cenco 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. Rlty, &42""22 t!¥tt. ~ ' 543-7729 anytime !!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1" I DAILY PIWl' W .urr ADSI • I . ... . ·- HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALa Oonor•I loaoo..-•1 1000 GRAND OPENING SAT.· SUN. 12 to 5 2701 WAYECREST HAllOR VIEW HIW Be our gueot !or a preview of this dellgbUul executive home. It's too beauUful to leave, but owner bu been transferred and must sell. Everything is immaculate and thought- fully planned ip every detail. 4 bedrooms plUJ family room with wet bar. Master bedroom is 15 x 17 with cozy fireplace. Loads of cup- boards, closet space gal@.re & )llodem kit· chen plus llrl• formal ~I room. '67,900 Ill.LANO REAL ESTATE 2828 E. Coast Hwy/Corona del Mar 673•3770 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND K ... thl• handf di......., with you .... -Mii u y.u .. ~untfng. All tM -.tt.M llsted billow are 111..crlMd In ,,...,.... fftaU .,. atlvertklnt el..w,_.,, In t.iay's DAILY PILO'I' WANT ADS. Patrons Mowtnt open houtes for sale or to nnt a,. urgecl to Ult' svc.h lnferma- tlen In this column MCh FriUy. (2 Becl!ooml 318 .. L .. Street, B8.Iboa Point 645-2000 (Daily) (2 Bedroom & F•mily or Den) 2800 Ocean Blvd., COtona del Mar 675-5200 (SaL & Sun. 1-5) 1518 Dolphin 'l:errace (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 · . (Sat. & Suri. 1·5) 13 Bedroom). 522 Vi a Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 2141 Vista Entrada (The Bluffs) NB 644-2370 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) 20131 Marina Lane, Huntington Beach (Sun. 1·5) 421 Cabrillo St., Costa Mesa 548-9500 (Sat. & Sun.) 155 Monte Vista (Easlslda) CM 642-1771 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) ll Bedroom & Family or D,n) 2612 Redlands (Back Bay) CM 546-5460 -< (Sat. It.Sun. 1-5) 1363 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB · 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun.) *500 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shores NB M2-8235 (Sat. & Sun.) 1318 Estelle Lane (Harbor Highlands) NB (Sun. 1-5) 2813 Drake Ave., (Mesa de! Mar) CM 675-3745 . (Sal. & Sun. 1-$) 2568 Carnegie (College Park) CM 545-2094 (Sat. & Sun. 11-5) 3228 Iowa St., (Mesa Verde) CM 642-1771 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 10Z7 Tiller ~ay, Corona del Mar 833-0700 ; 644-2430 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) 9143 El Colorado Ave., Fountain Valley 962-5960 (Sat. & Sun.) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 · (Sun. 1·5) 287 Nassau (College Park) CM 646-3255 (Sat. & Sun . 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 1018 Nottingham Road, Newport Beach 642-8285 (Sat. & Sun.) * 1064 Pescador (Dover Shores) NB 833--0700; 644-2430 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB . 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun.) 2114 Vista Laredo (The Bluffs) NB 675-2101; 548-4166 (Sun. 1-5 ) **50 Balboa coves, Newport Beach 529-8100 (Sat. & Sun. 8-5) -. (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) tt415 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sun. I-$). 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 640-1550 (Dally) 1380-Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun.) 2479 Fairway Drive, Costa Mesa 646-2819 (S at. & Sun. 1-5) 1358 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsula 645-2000 (Dally 1·5) 1518 Antigua Way (Dovei: Shores) NB 646-3255 ISun. 1-5) 2841 Irvine <Back Bay) NB 540-1720 (Daily 1-5) 423 Francisco, Newport Beach 643-3255 (Sat. &Sun. 1-$) (6 Bedroom & Family or Den·) *1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun.) CONDOMINIUMS (2 Bedroom) 2400 Elden No. 15. Costa Mesa 642-1771 ; 646-6927 (Sat. & Sun. I~) DUPLEXES 14-07 W. Bay St., Newport Beach 675-0000 (Sal.,.!-$) *,.., • HC --- u IE re ~ ti; re 0 w w "' 01 P< b; q1 w b: Cl re te vi C; $1 he le 81 Or ., a\ he I!!!! Yoe Sparl in pi catk. ,,.,.. -mai kite~ -fam i bics. kho °"' actic Col ..... a. " OPEi _, I P. \\ Ser Call: I !!!!!!!! ANO buy. .hg< dom 'frill 5'8--0 c Al H CM. $~40 5!~ I.lie --F .... 911Xl it· ' . Boll 1Gl I ...... Near 't 50I E ........ \\IOM .I:.. xlnt ~ + • • ••• DAil Y l'lloi'' ~' •HOUS!S l'OR SAL! HOUSES POil SALi -, llQUSES l'OR SALi! HOUHS l'Olt SALi ~~\J.~1!$ l'Olt ~LI HOUSIS l'.OR W.I HOUS!! fo!'J!'.A~! 2 General 10000-ral 1000 Ge .. ral IDOO ~0.;;;;;;no;;r;;el;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;00;.-0_ ~lo ~ , ••. l!IO ~No~w~r,ott~, ~lleoch~~=~l20tl~~~~ten~·~=~~~~~~~~~~11L~1~1u~!'"~l~N~cll~;~l10S~:f FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES ESTATE Ultimate in gracious family living & enter- taining. in this beautifully decorated 5 .bed· room ho1ne y"tl1 large living room, richly paneled fan1ily room with brick fireplace. Exceptionally lilrge patio surro!-lnding be.au- tilul heated • filtered pool. View from all rooms. Oveiv .......... , .. , ........ $100,000. Open Sat. & Sun., ' 1536 Galaxy Dr. FIT FOR A ROMAN EMPEROR We proudly present this Bayfront mansion which recreates the aura of an Imperial Dy nasty. This 5 bedrOom, 5 bath home situated on a 120 ft. of Newport Bay, cpmplete with pool-house containing Lotus Baths, Sauna baths, massage room, dressing rooms, a uni- que property completely custom furnished without regard to cost -is offered at $42.5.000 by appointment only. DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT Charfning 5 bedroom home with large Jiving room . formal dining room, enormous mas. ter bedroom ; sunny breakfast room \Yi th vie\\1; handsome exterior. Asking $125.000. Call to see. DOVER SHORES . J\rfagnificent custom ~uilt home, 3 bedrooms, ~'h baths, family rm .. exquisite \vall cover· ings, large terrace with oversize pool, wet bar. ............................. , $159,500 Open Sat.. Sun._ 500 Morning Star Lane SAVE MONE~ -LOY.. INTERESl $7.000 Price reduction on new 4 bed roon1 ho1ne on one of out quietest streets. Just a few lots from Dover Shores. 6.6% Loan. Builder's close·out at ............... $72,500 Open Sat. & Sun. 1018 Nottingham Road PRIME VIEY.. LOl Large lot in exclusive Dover Shores with pr1 vale association beach. Architect's plans available !01 impressive 4 or 5 bedroom home. Fo1 information call 642-8235. CHILDREN'S PARADISE A courtyard entrance welcomes you to this spacious famil} home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths & a large ta1nily room overlooking ~Iariners Park & Library. $46 ,500. Call for app't. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPAN~ 901 Dover Dr., Suitit 120 642-1235 Vacant and Ready Sparklini; clean anrl localed in prime Ne\\'port Beach lo- cation. 3 Bedrooms. 2 balh~. panelled livin;:-roon1 \1•ilh wood burning fircpl.1cr, for· mal dining area_ Spal·ious kitchen and :-cparatC' i;cr· vice room. lll¢r rustom family room for fun and hot>. bies. Walk to i\larincrs School. library 11nd . park. Out of 1q111n 011·nrr wants action. $31,50(~ "For A \V;se Buy" SPANISH Open Sunday 1 ·5 1836 Santiago Drive E:1.:citing 4 hdrn1 31; bath \\lclJ;41' built home in Dover Shores. Uniqtl(o 11trium wilh retractibW roor & adjacent we1 bar for indoor-outdoor entertaining al its best. Separate 2l x 2r rurnpUS room. Luxuriou!>ly cat-pcled draped l.r. landscaped. Pan'. oramic vle11•! J>riced to sell Ow·ncr lcavin;::-Brf'a. C.Ome see n11U<c offer. PROVINCIAL \Vnrml> Inviting pine pan- ellOO home on se<.'luded 7Clx Jj()' lot. Custom built 3 bdrm 2 bath, 2 family rooms 2 patiO!I, + poor, Only S40,9flo. Roy J . Ward Co. '{Baycrcsl Offict'J • FIR.tr Time Orte~ Immaculate 3 bedroom' hGme On choice East end kleation Cheerful living roon1 with brick fireplace~ ope:ns un!o compar:t private patiu 1\•lth .11cpi up to sundcck llom,e· h1 nicely dccoratN A1wJ in beautiful condition Pt·IL'Od to ull al $!'i7 ,500 Call Joe. o:"ef'l\18011 Rea. 613-0188 "4AR•Olll BIG FIVf EAh'TSJDE Costa J\tcsa. 5 bdnn 4 bath luxury home v.ith 26.30 . aq fl, ileated I: filtered pool with automatic J>OOI li\\'f!eP & automatic clo- rinator. Relax 6 enjoy this modem '"'llY to live, $47,500 Newport at Vlctori• 646-tlll 3 BEDROOM $1B,750 IN COSTA MESA JLlSl right for a starter home. Low down payment and monthly payments Jess than rrnt, Buy today and tilart building your estate. 101\l\I 1111\11\ 645-0303 4 BEDROOM MESA DEL MAR Enjoy Jivlnr on i quJtt street. Beautiful uh· panel- ling in living~ family n'IOl1\, blt-iru;, frplc", nice lge back ·;>'rl. Good financing. 1860 Newport Blvd .. Ci\t Rltr. &16--3928 Evt. 6·1·1·1655 Lachenmyer Outstandin9 5 bdnn. 31~ bath Bayc1<est home. All lllf'£e rooms. Lovely master suite. A home of M!8l character for the young exet'Utive with growing family. Arnald & Freud 388 E. 17th SI., crit Reallo~ 646-775.'i Meae Del Mar Corn•r Room for boar near park &. pool f BR 1~ bath. 10~0 do1vn v.•iU handlt" this one. ~46·5110 {near cintm1 ltie.1rtl OUEGE REALTY lSCllAdlr'M It H1rtw,CM. Colesworlhy & Co. 143(! Ga.Jax> ~&-1.>50 I 4 BEDROOM j ~~~~~ MESA VERDE BAYFRONT APT. BAYCREST Beautiful Brick Colonial Custon1 built home Beautiful ne1v carpeting. J..o.. Visla Del Lldo. Pie1 &.: slip caled on QUIET cul-de-sac available. Enclosed 11:;ara1c. ~tree.t. Has a large covered $28.500. & enclosed FRONT P ATIO, Geor9e Willi•m1on even J'OOn1 for boat or trail-Realtor er. Excclltnt val u c at 673-050 £\'es. 673-1;;64 Eu~~'.!~~-1 ~~;i~~oJl•'"*llllY< MQOlR.N' LIV,»IMG ~~:0u ~ 3 BR + Iamily room ~U$.01»1 Ow"'°, M2-211S s lied~; 1•.+ balM: mod· Oceu m.,,..; Should diftde , + dtnlnc room. ha& a walnut , .,.Jd:SA ·DEL HAR m kitchen w. / btt·lnl: A · ~w-homes. ready to move tn, 1f.a mile from Into 13 lets. Price MO.ICll: ftt bar &: f~ "'ood path 2 .. ""1Y 5 BDRM, '3 bath. \vlnner at $!7,900. ~ beach. First payment up to 60 da.Y• after ~ Dn. A real illeiepeT, cWnb, O\\'ntr movinc to Want to a\! -=boo1a.1 1 -m0ve In. ' AllSSSION RLTY. Of.OT3l Eul eoa.1 .. ""' ,,,,. ""'' . : By owner. "' .... ,.02 An Exlr1 R l i ·1 , CASIJ \\/ILL OQ. BY Q\VNER:l BR Homes. z. • LU T•rm1 VA/llHA. ll cem $21.,tol 4 BR. 2 BA, panoramic ocean, $26 950 E Id •1v .... v-. ,_ • . view, Ire lot, frpl., lam rm, 1 · s c, r · -..e. ...~ ... Goes with this allr 3 Br Th B ' h cpl.I, drpa, ln&Kk/out.slde tn.ru.terab)e b.ns &%..&\;%. 2 S..lh hM'lt. PeniMula Pt.' e· ea• bar. v.·cn lndlcpd. $12,000 Newpert Need ca.sh. $48.1959 ' ' Tile · roof, stucco. Nnc1· ·' ~ ' eq1d\y. Con1\der exc •et.. OWNERrP09J.. ~ renttd: OJteted rumlshed. (en ,a,..kfturtt 1 mil• s.,.tb,..-' Alf•!"•) r9r income units. Owner· •• BR, crj>ta,'<1rpo, l'·Ws LR, BURR WHITE, ltttr. . ' ' ' • <S4-J!04 Low ma.Int yr¢~·'°°· . 2901 Newpon Blvd .. N'.B. SUPERB I Victerll * '" 2195 * 675-4630 Evia.' '42·225J Cerena·cftl Mar Ocean view, 2 Br. tum. 646-1111 &SIDE, 3 Br' llqme 't. 2 apb, • ___ ..;''---------'-----1 home, 10'i~ Down or cuh lo moom• 1358. 12~.ooo . SP•CIO,US· G.I. Loan Ll'ST yOllr p-rty Joan d""'°un1. Principals o ,..-nu/bf'9ker. lit;..3"JSO "" Corona clal Mar with confW.9'c• only. Call o\9ner 3f2-46C6 -. Bdr m+ Family Rm C·:? home It comm'I. bldp. COUNTRY LIVING Lovt\y' e:ice<iutive pool b.ome. SELL with proh,. SUPERB vif!w, Mwtrcust. 3 S J:/-t •/o Loan $28,700. $4,000 do\lm. 557 Clatt to parkt uhoOli; &: \\'llh 3 bedrooma, 3 bll.lb1. slon.I sic.Ill Br. Sell/trade. SJS.000 Eq, Se . n&I. t 11 Plumu, Of. Eves. MS-1f9'J hoivback ridlhf. <rraclous £1tirant nwli:r bed1wm , THROUGH 675-0591: 4IH-7l61 RH. nsauo • \ln. Y l'OOlll entl')'V.•ay oJ>(nlnc to ""ann 15.(30 .. Huge, ~attd I: filter- heavy beamed ceillnis. e;1.;. Mt•• Dtl M•r 1105 ra.mily rm; Distinctive o~ ed pool V{itlt Iota or decltina:. YOUR LAGUNA Canyon. 90' x 400': qulsitt planttni, built-in bar.1 _.._ ________ beam oeilU.a·add Charm to Brand new kitchen with all REALTOR MEMlER rustic Z.1ty. bou1t; pouible =~epa~~orpa~Qi $2aXI ON no clO&inr costs, this larre. f bdnn. home for new -electric built·ins, dlsb· Huntintton lffch/ Cl or M-1 zone: $4,(0) dh. liure he.a.led: It filtered pool. huae 6% ~I k>an. 4 BR 2 ':,;our famil11. ~.llO. 15.').(: washer, and laqe panlry. m::.unfaln VaUoy Bia. 675-6591.: $71'1 Ro. \Yaterlall + fisb.pnd. Tn>pi. ba. $28,500. n w n I Art PROPERTIES WEST Anyone wttl!i '6000·cuh can Multlp'-1 L-un11 Nl,uel 1707 ~ 1QZ8 °a•-ide Orivi assume this low interest GI Llsllnt Service "'• cal paradise. S4G-1720 ......., .. TARBELL 2955 Harber Nc11,'Pt:lr1 Beach loan .. ~&-8681. Princlpala i IMMEi>. occup. 4-S BR. 2~S M.1.i· Verde 1110 675--4130 only. PAUL. JONES BA. built-In kitt°bt'n. frpl, Jc. INVESTORS SP~ClOUS'P~ce iet ter ;-·· --·1NCOM~,TOOI REALTY J=''='·=""=·=fo=r;pool=·.,-===I O>untr>'aub 5Crlf:s. 2 story GROWING ROOM 2 BR. home, ocean side ot $1t,tSO f BR l lam ru., Owne1· Pl'tc- fers to le~e back at S185 for peripd of year. Rand Realty 645-2141 Nursery Potential- 3 BR 2 bath home, corner lot, 130xt8o• all fenced. can for dcta!ls. Dania1lraltu 4BEDRM-:-$21;50oT Sparklin& br!s::ht! 2 baths. Family room, Like new car-- ~ting. Cu 1 tom electric built-in kitc~n. ~1720 TARBELL 2!S5 Herbor h!EREDITH GARDENS. f pedroom Kplit le""I, 3 baths. fan1ily room. 3 car garage, l\lovc right in v.ith 10~ rlo111n. Boggs Rl1r. 962-6631 bcaut11uUy landscailed ".j You ca? lose ~ c~n HwY. Newly, painted; pat\o 17'31-A leach Blvd. Duplex• ForSa'-1 1'75 pa'.Uo. Qilldren's f'llll.)' yard and ~QJOY 15 m1nu~1 .qUJel w/privaey AND aep. rear Huntington. Be•ch JllJPLEX sSs.ooo &~~ '"' It. &@pafatfl. tlo" yard. ~ BR In tins co~temponry·so/led "-ch. apt. A &ood buy • 147~12'6' ~ tercst. Slf Fernleaf, CdM. (f\rel)lace In n~asler suite! 3 ~ hed1 1:oon1 Baycreet hi'>me Call lo see! -~~ _ balhs fam nn foi·n11'J din JUl!l " block; lront fulu1-e Gene Robert:tan, Reallor sv.·1.-01 LOAN s. of hwy. m.6044 Broker. riu decorator 'i n s PI red Park l.: 1\lartna? Trarist~rr. 675-2440 3 BR l~ beth, carpeui, drap. ,t.£NTALS .. ' ·n -1 1. edo111nerwilll'Onslder$5,000 cs, 1;. mile to bea.dl, you Housel Furnished flrepla~ t 11.~r 11· tin, down £ti' San Diego home in IRV.NE .Terrace Executive own !hf: land. Large c}Jl-dc-1----------1 quiet cul:.ac-sac slrect. By '"'"''''"' Home, 3 bdr or 2 bdr k k 13100 d 1 Gen-ii 2000 As "1' •' J ' · 1ae lot. Ta es 01\'11 o .... O\~K!~. SUIT}e · "·2 '" ~n. Hal Pinchln & Assoc. s_tudy, 2 .batl'I!. r·looded wilh t"liotlna loan with pay111ents Pr1nc1pals only: S 4 l , 9 "0 . 3900 ~. Coost Jl\uu 6"5-09:' lixht, !>taut d e co r a t e d , or 11::n. .,..,. month including ~1 .,,. 'many extra featur es. .,..,,....... REPUBLIC HOME C I de S $42;500. !l!S Bonn~ Doone IL'" OR '"' oclior will U ca~ be.ck a 2nd, OR 1ut>. ' . , . • • ac TeITact. 6'2'~7312 by owner. ..,, \\ant Jor no ~re. This home l ~ V E ST NEAR TIIE mit on Jinanci.1'11 .. has every~ from cUBh· , . • ioned vieyl floors to atcb.l· Lot + Back Bay vle1v New OCEAN 3 BK, 3% ba, den, 2 ~•-3.111• Imp tectura.lb' deit(l'1ed custom f bedroom 3 bath, 75."'125· Jot, frples, 3 .. garaa:es, .~k, -T!PT11311'"" patio, \\'et bar, formal din-room for boat I: trailer. be an1/oeihng1, chamunt; mz. breakf.sl room. 11!.pal'-~lta Re;il Estlh! 6464414 home qr use u Du~lex, or SHORECR!ST! ate faniily room \\itit lii;e----build 2nd home on bll' lot. place, f BR, 3 ~:l\s t i:int i B T.~1E BL.UFF~ BP.OkER 8~ _ 2 11\orlcs, 3 bathii, j>ant.ry, master bedroo1n ivilh Jar,:e -. R & -Ba \\l~lh co1 ner. lot "4 UNITS ~ 2 LOTS'' nelV cai'Jlt'Uilg, fine land· dre&!>ing room. 0.11ncr scU· ~~~vi • '".,c\Ouds feehhng. X1nl fnco.me Close !o shop. .11cap'i~. Nea.r ()(.1'ag, Fine lilr · at Jos.~ $49,700. .... ..... om carp • rp.~. ot er ping. Jwit . reduced $3500. 6SQ GI loan • sm pays , , extras. Handy to pool. Own. , . every1hirti:: er $oll500. 644·0771 The prrs!lurt' on? Phone Rex ·L. Hod9' el Rlty Ul 11QW!1 BLu;~rs . Bay Vie\V, on ma· CANON REALTY 675-Ja81 847-;2,'.i:l.} • BEAUTIFUL l\tesa Verde home. 4 BR, 2i~ BA, pool, foLnl&l DR, dt'n. Lea.e S"tXl/tno. 5 4 6 • 1 2 2 0 or 546-<l6.11 $2T• 4 Br, 2 Ba, enclolled patio, frplc, children A aml pet. 'Bia. 534-6980 I Rent•ls to Share 2005 CONSIDERATE g:enUe,vom· a'b to 1ha.re pleau.nt apart· ..., n1enl overlooking .t:merald Bar, pl'ivate room A-bath, for summer months. $90 plua electricity. 494-5330 * * * * * jor ..... bolt, 3 Br, 'Ba, RUSTIC DUl'LEX 2 B1--~s , .. ··-·ch many cust features. Low _ v.rl. V "9 ..;;,o;~~ ............... _l lse. US.SOO value, Sacrifice So. of l~wy. 2 Br .. home bl!. New-port-.Uc 200 OCEAN FRONT 1 BR, <:enter of C.~f. Room for Dupltx • . • $16,250. DRIVf:' BY: 554 Hamilton TlffiEE 1 BR rentals, inc.· $310/mo. $31,500. Room .for morl!'. DRIVE BY : 1%.'i .An.1hein1. l BR. R·:Z lot, Rcnls for SlOOl mo. Sl2,500. DRTVB BR: 185 E. \\'ilson. NU rus1on1 hui\r with cl,.an 2 BR on re a r. $32.500. DPJVE BY: 174 E. Ulh. C.M. w.. havt iever&l R·2 Iott $9;$00 l up R2,&50 sq ft of R-4. Try 29•,;, dow11. DRIVE BY: 2099 Placentia. 01 PLEASE 00 NOT DISTURB ABOVE OCCUPANTS Lockhert Co., Ree1tor1 569 \\I. 19th, 0.1 646-2301 * * * * * COLLEGE PARK • SpoU~ 3 bdrm 1%. bath. NICE! NICE!' NICE! A S K I N G $77,500. Agt. 646-JSa or ~ Ask for Bill. . $44 930 644-4...'>65 around sunny patio; cheery P•c•,.+ter ·11r91in RE~U~ stUdio apt,' w/dttk. $47,500. The Wl~U'-Over h 0 m-e In f Br., ~ ~~N~;;,~d~ Orange co.~·· Proper~ ?>fe.aa Verde's finest afiea. util/l&ull rm Total 2400 sq 332 Marguerite 673-8MO f ~R 2 batll. lari:t famll,y ft. 325 Vista' Baye. °"1.'ner: 3 BR, 2 BA, drpc, ni.11, Nice 2 BR horile + a 1 BR rental. \Vlll 'niake: nice home or C'OQd Investment. Better call nCr.v. On1y $26.(lOO. MUTUAL REAL TY 8·12·1418 anylin1e roo.m on bis '2'2xl00'. lot full y eves 646-l()42. bltns, fresh paint, shake ca.rpeled, draped .l fenced, · roof, lrg patio. Open llou.se DESPERATE Al t at a 111on'I last lon.r 5 BR, i BA Ivan \Vtlla home Sat, other days hy appt. r- price of only _ S:li ,000. va. wit~ Ir. 111.ndsc. yd, tam rm, 673-39<W OWNER, Real buy VA, FHA. can/. See ·a.ny timt. CALL patio. Job trans. nqs im-or cash+ 2nd. 3 BR. lg fam H•til"e Re a I J::slalt ml'1:1 sale by owner. $67,500. HARBO.Tt VIE\:_'l.J Hills. Lusk 1•· "-Id d' " bomf'V cw f r I b rm, ·' .... cpls rps, llln· .. st0.1151 (open .evesl. &lJ....6415 wkdays til 5 pm. 1 • • 0 sat ~ waslX'r. 70' CQr. lot , block •!!!!!!!! ....... !!!! .... !!!!!!!!! .. IDEI UXE--O\\•ner. 3 Br .. 2' bii1h. 93J f boa ', ~ Duplex. OCEAN Tillr:r \\'ay. 6 4· 4 -11 6 9. ~ncR•A, s' HEI A.d"°'R· "RE.ALTY . * IY OWNER *· VJE\V. S42,SOO.klw dn. Ask $jQ jOO v Meu Verde decoralol'll hvo for Na,p1ni, Doylt C o . ' · 8fi.>i.\:t l+:ve~. 431-3769 irtory eutern 1l)'le b.omc. 54S.-ll~. Evts. 67a-1977 SHORECLU'J:~BR, 2 BA. - 4 Bedrooms, 3 bath.!. used MOBfl..E HOl\IE $1',000 Qulet tree lined area by Ille ' $·~$t1,23D07 A: .•Monllodthrm "~-k •--ily • , __ .. se1. Fee simple. AcceM 10 2 ~";' ...,.. room, m , .. VI-.. S.yfront on Penh1sula duuna: room, used brick ter-6~ _ 675-3226· beaches. Uridcr $50,000. By e11.yments includes every. 4 BR, lrpl, patio, lawn, pr. t ~S BA. June 15 to July 19 1225. wk. Aiao winter $250 mo. 1P \V, Oceanfront, N.B. 673-2300. FOR LEASE -Beautiful Baylront 4 Br. ho u a e w/dock. Summer rental er will corwider year leuc, Best location. 00'4002 DOVER Sborea bay.fr o nt home:. 6 Br. 4 Ba, 1arrt patio, 70' private dock. $.\2)0. mo, OD yrly lse. 213/180-50U or-213/785-C333. Corona HI M.r 2110 ract, professionally · land-' owner. * 673:3681 thine. 2 baths NI electric ac.aped. Immaculate. Be BAYl-''RON'T bch. cottage, 3 built·ins. Attractive \vood A1TRACTIVE 2 BDRM plUI' l\lre to see ()pea Sfll & BR, Bayshore Pk. Lease Bilbo• Penin1ula 1300 1butter1. Sharp ~ clean. ruest quarters, frplc., prtv. " HUNTINGTON ·HARBOUR Sun 2026 Le~no Dr c· l\f hold $1 3,500. 54S-7391 • 5't.c;1. loan. patio yard, adults, leue sw.om ' " . . BEACH DUPLEX 1424'tl TARBELL 119'. 673-3285 3 BEDROO•is BY OIVNElt Newport Heights 1210 Only l block 'lo the ocean. W:"."='.:IH:'.f======cl . . " · . Good lnvestmta;it or Jive In Fou'ntl.ln. V-ll1y 1410 "tc $2700 dow~no 2nd. $26,900. CHEERFUL HOME k """tout. 3 Bil 2'b11. + 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;:;1vG. \Votnan t•cher wanta to Larre family room, 2 baths, • BR l. ba ~j 000 w/w carpets, d'rap(.&, Nil.-e 2 bdrm., dining rm.: "' ' · ·• ' · 5\~~~ LOAN share lg. lo""IY home. dishwasher, ext r,a cup. ft'PIC'. Dbl. .rarage on alle,y. ~~, Newly paln1~;'4 yr old, 2,000 _"-"==·., ..... ='=="==;=='<"= bOards, fireplace. sh a ke La.rte bl.ck yard, fenced. _,._~.., sq. ft .. 3 BR,:.! bl.th. lam ~ roof, 'double earare. Guav1, ARking $25,ooo: ~ , 1 ~ J. ~ rm, f50 sq. ft. panl'd 1ame Huntintton Inch 2400 apple, a vocado, or a n I e '•' rm. crpki, drpd, Jr( lot, tteeA.. s.&5-&t46 ~'-' .L Near NB Poat Ofc. 646-241f prof, l1.nd1epd, 1prinkln 1i * 3 BR, djshel 6 linem In- -.,...._ bl k wall. Payfnent (prln-duded. Avail June 1S thru lM?tfAC. 4 BR, 2 • 81., dbl.-W..... · I I 1 1 • •--) ·' Aug Jj. 968--0'10 frpl., niee yd, \\itti b.10ck R E A LT Y Lido Isle 1351 c1pa , n eres ...,.es Oh•Y -;========J $235 per mo wf SS,000 dn. ~ wall, v.-alk lo 1 c hoo11 . Near NB POlll Ofc. 6to-2U4 BV OWNER $32,(5(1. 9143 El Summer Rent1l1 A1Sumc 51.4~0 loarf 1 ~~~~~!!!!l!!!!l~~ BEST Of LIDO Sln I mo laxes Incl. Jmed. • ./EXTRA h 2 bd 1 C.01or~do Alie, lV. 962-5960 291 occup, ).Je1a Vtrde by l1lbu C.vea 1215 i arp rm pus REDECO.RATED 1'.tontittllo · Jam. rm. Profe1s1onally dee-- Condominium, New carpets, 1-•-""'-'-·--------WATERFRONT-4 Br, 2 Ba. orated. DelightfUJ In e11ery $ Waterfront 4 BR home PARTY HOU E """''"'' 1nc1001,,. '"""'· Carden kitchen I: ' family. utensil.,, uilboat I: prv new drape•. 3 Bdnn (2 + * 2479 Fairway Dr. * 200:) sq fl. J>ter &: slip. No. detail. ~000 denl 2 bath. Call owner Eastside f BR, 2 BA. Cov 50 Balboa Co,·es. $38,00J 54.>-2944 for appt. Pa t i o ' s h a k e r o o I ' $0000. dwn. p It r $392. r.10· ./ Jl\l~ACULA TE 3 Bdrm. -COLLEGE PARK dishwasher; f.rplc. c r pt, or make oiler. 529-8lOO · plus. dn1, rm, .on Jo11ely V\a Orv,eto. Avail. completely rOom with v.·et bar overlook.!l dock. Summer or lol'll:er heated & ID!ered pool. 4 BR lease. 11f/8f7..ss.6 al .1801 Tradc111inds Lanr OPEN HOUSE Thi~ \Vl'rkcncl ... 3 Bedrooms. 2\• Baths Fon11al dining roont PancolC'd t'an1ily Room \V iti> Profc>~sional Ba i $26,900. Call no1\· as th.is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'" popular plan 1ril1 sell fas!. Fallbrook 6112 Ac 4 BR., 2 BA \v/plzyhouse 546.9521 or 5-'IQ..6631 . S27.000. Assume Jrg loa.n drpi;. 5~ 'iii GT. 129,900 * furn. il desired. $55.950 Un... 646-2819 81y1hor11 1225 futn. 3 bAthB Ii all the creature N E \V l> 0 RT 8 EA C U comforts are yours 1vith \Vaterfront home. f BR Cash to the loY/ ipterest 1v/prv dock. Excel. atta. F'IIA loan. S234 per month J J·" A <n< unc, wy, UC· ) Million Dollar View 298 Princeton Dr. 54&-1729 I OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·!'.i includes •1J. 771H1773 Eloquent yard plus , ¶lr Chi'drrn's \'ard Pl'iccd lo :-ell J. K. Nichols Nl"11· Ju.xury hotnc 1., incornc --~B:,.Y: _,c:O-,W:...;NE:.;P.. 2 BR + large light • con· OPEN HOUS~ vcrtablc studin. $51,000 · :'i BR. like new, fan1. rm., 10'!0 dr1 , Ownrr/Blclr. 17141 fin., gar. 1·umpus rm., 5%, ~ 728-7113 t'HA. $29,900, 976 Paularino, DREAM-LOcATION CM. 540.3&1! SPKiously Yours This Wee~end Only Ov.·ner showing ln1n11tc, Lovely 4 Br 2 be hon1c \vllh .1 BR :l bath honic at separate dining: rm . 2000 aq. 259J Bayshore Dr. Prlc~d ft. looat¢ expertly O\'Cl' 2 right! '\'ou mu.~t set" it~ ll8 Via X•ntht. Cllarmln.r 4 Bd1·n1., den, 21.;. .baths; on big ~:;· lot SS.'l,000. TRADEWINDS RLTY. IM7-8.i\1 1 BR w/largc llvlne: room1 , :____ deck & vlew, churning, SG3,9.-,o R Call: Jack S<::ro~gy --:-::=:-· :-':..':..II:..•:..• __ Rc;'I, 64·1·2250 .. BED RM· 2 BAT H Move in rond. Spaciouii 3 BR,ASS '=u"•"t°'E~5"'ll"%~1oan--; ~ro-.,~,,-, 2 BA; \Vestcliff shop'r area. Br., 1% Ba., fam rm. Encl. O\\•ner. $30,95i:l. 548-9500 patio; bltns, dlJc. cpt. Blk. 6'1j, Gt ASSUME. 4 bttlroom, frn::., tplc. S27.!i00. ~2-lfil4 lamily t'OOm, 2 bathii, $%23 IS YOUR AD IN a.Assl. per. mo. Pftl'S all. Boa::ii FIED! Someone will be- Rltr, 962-6637 looklns: fr It. Dial 642-56'11 DIAL 642-9730 ANO find out aboqt a Ct'l'al buy. Just needs Tendcr-Lo11· • ing..Qire. II is a. 3 BR F~· dom home for only $18.9:1() • -Ul go fl{A/VA. IUlr. ('\.'C5, :;t8-01'10 e KENNEDY OPEN HOUSE • DAILY 1-l PM AJ 14.1 YORh."J'O\VN LANF;, CM. &<' seven ho1ncs froin Sn400 down. 2 • :t II 4 BR. ror sale &. n:'nfal inform<¥· don caU lleritage Real Es- !lte 54().1151 fopcn c1·<'sr I PENINSULA PT, ~ value! 3 Br. hoTTl«! en :JIX100' lot, Enjoy beach llv. i1':! $42,500 Balboe Real .E.st•I• Co. nt1 E. Balboa Blvd~ Baltm 6~140 $22,5001 N11.tural briclt patio 11·i1h gas fired BBQ. Secluded rear living room 11·ith fireplace. Family roon1. Built-in kilcfl. C'n, 540.1720 TARBELL 2!55 Herbor Gener1 I 1000 Genor•I $©\\JUlA-L£t-~s· Solvt a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzl«-for a Chuckle O Rearronge le"9rs Of the ,;--..,,..r-:; lou' Krombled WOids b• low lo form fou, Jimpl• words. IRUTAGI I r I I I' IBEGOY I I r IT A ROA I I I r I Comm.nf oboul ·a playboy: "A1 o goy ·he knows his cols and sure <On ta11c a girl in1o 1000 A STEAL I , Near Bay. 3 BR. Partzy furn. .,,., pri« or 131.500, I,.. S_Y_P_P_O_L--~, • -.· •-~ 1 I' .I I I . I 8 ~ti:: ~rli-dt:V ~ • .• . • -• you d9'l'lllop lrorit ..., No. 3 b.!ow e "\~~.~~.um"™ r r I' !'.' I' r I i> ~\?~~~·•mi .. I I I I I I· I Evere!l H, Michatl1 Rltr. 507 E. BallXlll. Balboa..6'13-6880 \\'OMAN R.E. Brolltr I ~ 11N!dtd. No exp ~·d, :dirt llql)r opply. 548-ol!IXI a h. 6 pm. Cl_, .. __ ,~ ..... SCRAM•LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION, 9000 ,, ltvels. $38.900. 675-4070. ~pen 12 ... S•t/SUn LIDO REAL TY fNC. Stuart le RobbiM Realtors 3400 Via L1tlo · tl73-8S30 CHOICE Mtsa Verde loc. Irvine 1231 . , 4-BR or 3.BR, don, 2 BA, VlL!.AGE 2. 3 BR, 2 B~, ..... NEW LISTING! cabinet-panelled car., many Atrium Hanover m 0 de 1 ~lotlcn1 6 ycat old 4 BR, other custom 1,atutt1. Prof. Many Xtres. Avail. immed convert I dcii, ac1vlng I'm. landscaped. Top co n d . 131 000 l !.3.-289.c · Ne\vly ca1·pctcd. Beautifully thruout. Call owner ior ap-' tiled. f!'ntcy ~ dinlne rm. point. S45-l446 Eastltlvff 1242 SiS.:500. AS.Sm.IE 514 Loan. Sharp Call for Appl. spacious 1800 aq. 'ft.,3 B_R, 2 BLUFFS-\VORTH S39.50& W•lker Rlty, 675·5200 BA, family rm, ~h. Bt.rr P.1AKE LIFfER! PJTJ.$203/mo. Priced lo1v a t f.1ust 1ell Vtcw ~nd unit "C" 'L-DiS 0' ROOM- $33,000. Owner 545-0GSC plan w/19;;0 sq. ft. 4 BR's., 3 Cu11tom 11uallty 3 Br .. on St' P.lOVING East-Owner must BA'•, sep. dirilng .. Upend· street· lo lill'(!<"f Joi. 3 Car seU! 4 BDRt.l 1'.4 BA. ed. Immaculate! Ct.II Mra. garage. L&e. South patK>: Close to 1chll, 1,h p • 1 , While 673-9060 or 67"'a-57&t nr, clubhouse It: lennla cl.I. chUrchn. $23.900 * .St&-7308 eves. Owne'r/a,gt. · $69,500, Call fot app't, e NIW BLUFFS e WALKER Rlty. 675-Sltt Cellete Park lllS 2'Br. 2 Ba fi>!lt i.evot. Many 75' ON BAYFRONT 3, BR &. d hwci fl cuatom features, all e:lcc, Unwma.J -:.J scp, lots older ti bt:"' 'all .~· ~ ate. l.owest ma.int. & lease-honie on 4.i' lot • rutsl hlC. ·•PA ti!'i I ho I\ ;,,,,, ~sc 4,~ hold. l\tUST SELL • BY &: pool on 30' lot, 2 Piers/ &C: 1 9 pa. ~'" ~ · . " OWNER. <:all Dick Dyer slipis. $22,;,000. Gt loan. By ownr. 5-t5-394a 5.13-4456 ext 4.01 or 673-5m. R. C. Gh.l!;Er •. Rc11lty BEAUTll'UL BAY Vl.E\V 3355 ViR. Lido 673-9300 Nt!wport Baich 1200 "' roR'·oNLY $53,900 IAL\fACULATf. 2 BR. frple dwNIR~· 3 BR, 2~ BA, cu~I. drp1 It + Gue11f Rm . 2 B1. bl1ns, TltANSFIRRID crpts. 6~ loan. By Ownt ,JIC.'f' lif' le pint. "<lnl Lido • OPEN SUN. t.O 644-2370 localliln. $5,00l down , nt4.Vl81"A LAltEOO e Bv mVNER• Owner. fi'2'5-502! or ~7709 THE BLUFFS • Newpor1'1 Luzk 3 &. 2 Ba., Wn. rm. • nbt· be••t conununlt)';· f $42~. 644-G.'ll9 Hvntlnttoit k•ch 1400 Bi. AUnt QODd_ On!)' S.U.91XJ. -· • --·---SEMPLE REAL F;STAT!! Corona' dol Mar 1250 OPEN HOUSE .2513 E_. Cout. l,.W)', Celli Sun. l.j 67">-2101 , !tl-41N Etct, NEW LISTING 2012.!,Marilta La'I'\ rw A • ..... I -·' w lltf Corona HIJhlanda; 0 c e 1 n $22.i~ vu ~•'"""'et l'!ltc ..,. s BR 2 Ba.. You own •".ff.A. V.A. ' St. lnJ\~ ~ • Npt. tht 1~ r~t rim. mooo 01 • Ki Dill. .. M slriiplc, heavy cortilN-M.AlltTIN . Auume t:l(Ctlltnt fi~~ VA ah8ke roof, J*Ut)Jed Uv rm. loan J bedroom. ~till( din .rm. t4ect. b~·,!:11•1 3 81\ 2 R••ltors th~hout vacanl Ba. clewti . .' qti/drpf. 2 3a36 E. to.st llwy .. Cd?it 1---;:,,.-'·--'--'--- patlot, dof"Nn. $f2,000 b)• 67&-1662 Sacrlflce/De1per•t• O\\'ntf' MW591 BEAUTitul. comer db1""10t • BR ~00~ Sl~ by O\t'OOr For Dallt Pilot Want Ads + 2 htea s. ot Hwy, Owner. Haffdal lltlty 142.4405 °'al "'2M11 $31,500. 111-4119 While tif!phantlJ Dtme-1.JllJI! 2100 sq. fl Tahitian 1 atory 1paclous, 3 blocks to beach on corner. Palio, Cncl. real' &. town. 494-5873 eve }'~. '\Yilh boot gate. 4 BR, 21 =CL'°'t,;"·AN=°"B'"a1= ... -~ .. ,..,-,.,..-ou'"n1.,.1~ •. I BA, fomil. Dr .L dinette off • bbllt·ln kllch. Spac. Liv. rm, Sleeps 2 to 10: ~·summer l1un. rm. It 1naster bedrm. reservations call 1173-9945 Custom drapes Ir. CJllt. llS E. Balboa Blv., Balboa thnlout. 3 ml.n. _,.San Dieio UNIV. Pk. 3 BR, 1111'1 home, treewy, 6 min. to beach. complete. July lB-A\Ji. 17. $31.17:i !lex. tc~. 6""'~ Nr pools, shopping cntr, etc. }oan. Brookhlll'llt k Garfield Call for Info. ml217 atta. 494-1954 , .,.su~.-.-.. ~E-R-..,-.-,-.-.-N-• .._--1 L19une leech -1705 GOOD INVESTMENT Com,.,.rcl•I BuUdint Island w/live In ma.id. 4 BR "'fW'ldeck $200 week or $7(» mo.6T;Ml363 ' ' LIDO I~ • Fine.at. 3 BR, 2 : BA nicely furnished . 67S-5023 or 67a.7709 c;enter ef L11un11 511·Blvd. tront.aae to Ramona sr: Nexl lo Elks Cub. $60.000. Leased, $500 l\tonth. 75'. Blvd. Crontl.a:e, next to Albert10n's market.. 2 Larae stores plus penthouse apt. Parklnf lot. Lo\v malntcir ance. A btl)' at $1,10,CKXI. ~:~ ;y.t..i TATa ... ~ N." ~t l{h,,ay, Laauna B;each UDO liile 2 BR apt furn. Beach&: pier. aaraie. pado. view. 673-3948 . • 1 AL!I Ho-Unfvmlohed '' O.nar1I 3000 3 l\!I. frem boh, bet. 2 1hop'1 ctn. 4 BR. 2 BA. fncd. yd, $250 mo. Lease. Art 6 PM 968-4:)41 •. S180. 4 . Br, 2 Ba, Ire f.enced yanf. WI \\', drps, child~ It PelJ O.K. Bia. 53MSBO $185. 3 Br. ta.. hi, rllllOf:d ya.rd, R/0, wl w, avail now """· -4M.7511 $180. 2 Br. Condo, w/w ' ., .... "LD· IA Y """' poo1, cltlkh<n • '°"' Uftli,~ o.~. B)a. m.'980 5 BR., 4 BA on euJ..dHael========='I ¥11th mqnlticent; o c ·e a n c..t• Meta ltOO vn. t..arre yll'd. -sun didt. ---------1 2 pjlloo, 1 tinoplattl, hlll" OlreLX $1!0. 2 ,BR, ..... ltv~ room Mntll~ fam.iJ)' drps, bl.t-lnt. Priv yard. f'<>Oin. Prtvi.te tie.Leh A park. ear. rouple• onl)'I 645--19&8 ~rwr .. Resklcat!t m mo •3 BR. tsfso. Avail July ri. o~~ a.tum Call aft 6 or wkndL auiicE yOur wtn1 ad now. 1 M2..56QS DAILY Plt.OT,VANT ADS! Nffd a Gan:lenatansJil! ' ' I. I • .. 1 " .,.,......,_ ...... _ ............. .. "*"· ... 41, ?M. '·"' tll!NY: • • , AU. ,.~•n AL> llENTALS • J ~ P-loh•• ' !f*. Uftlurll-~ Uftlu,..-,..._ lhlfuml"'°"' . ~ -'1M 011 I el '4000 ca..... '°" Noo,.tt ...... no0 Hvnll ...... lwll S4CIO l~HO~ao:iii": .. ~ .. ~ .. ;: ... ;;;.;i,;,,;;:";, .. 4, S'mgle • UNT • <ftlW ·~.. • I BP. .... I WU -....... )la., _.a_ -I BA. II ,. ~-VILLMI '~~ • ... it. NH< CID!.-, ~ c-t-. fnllh ,.iat l I SCl1rUl'fttnll'l""W t I: 2 BDIW ~·or 'un. f'etP. . adlt.. $140 Mo: )lalllln-;,;:w1•1r.pio. $20·$21 Ir UP """·~dll>wllit....u s.-1"'2.atts., . ;, --l!lml ... 0(. y --tw>tolo ... ~·· -paUo, -I BDRM. I iii111. pr\-.... il><:e or ..,., """"-· At oung WIDE SELECTION 1111 ...... """*" -Uo. "'-"<! -: · " prttt;nt It ii tull1 equipped AJ'>plianca A TV'• avtU. 1rl atoraae &.ta. Heated Call 9IW9M ~&iNalll illll:lp. Pullet tor No Stturit)' Deposit pool, , •ur,u. . -~· 2 BR, ) BA. BI t n 1 , -:nrn-o::.~~· A.dults 51~19':"1c:nh~~ =. .. pr:~~,~·=~~~ ... drpl. sueu:r 4 BR, 2~ BA. lam • 1¥1 W. l.AC:ln. Aiihm 774-2800 Adultl, no pelt. rm, .,.,w CT(lt'r, trple, L 1 1 'l •-• ilk 2 lt,4 &;w1w. clrps, THF! CALIJ'ORNfAN $ante Ana 5620 built.Ins. Pool • rec uxury Ji Pl e,, • • pool, blk to ocean J:lrolrer PhOM 5*-2727 t•oilltit•, Chlldr., o ii . bedroom apartments, 534-GIG. 3 BR, Ill Ba. ,w,ICl1ift~ * GARDEN APTS * Avail July 15 <1n t moa furnished· and un,fU:fi.. -Ii=...,,;:,.-,,,.,--;,;--=;;-1 crl>ts. drpa. bll·lfts. ad1t1; no -2 BR, 2 BA. Very cletn. '"'" l2JO mo. ,,.._140> nlahed, with c6mplo\e SUS. l llr, "'1"'· drp•, RIO, .. ,, >"I> 1115,, g15.:r¥ :146.1525 1 8R 3.roorn cottage, bl1 .privacy anil landscap-~Ba~~K. av~ SEAR oce&nrltPPll" 3 BR. 2 REAL ESTATE yard new decor. um pd. ed country club a~ Ba,-irpk, lte '250Mo: i\ftD Gtineral. ____ _ ll3D/mo. s 4 o-2 s 4 6 <ll' mosphel'f' including Cotte MMe SlOO June 1Bel. ..... 2121. i; • 5'5-G94 $750,000 w o'r th of OCEAN view, S Br bt1uuio'OI Rent1l1 Wanted St90 2 BDRM.'"" cpts i drpg, recreational facilities HARBOR apL ,300. n\O yrly be. Cal RETIRED u:ec .t. wife wish v.'Uhet/dryer. R,. f • ~ designed and operat· Fou, Rltr. 642-3850 leue, yr or lolTCer. delwc quired. 1~ J.le1a or. Sl40 ed just for t 1 n g I e UNruRNISHEO yrly, S150. ocean vw .APt. cueat house 6U-486S. , people. GREENS Other yrly ~wa. Calvin S. or any a.rtilUc acoom .• funt 4 BR. tam. rm., 2 BA. built· Fou Rltr 642-3850 or unturn. . Mw:t be very "" p1 .. •'"'"""· ""''""'" GARDEN GROVE · , · ci.an. w.ll marnt•. """' Wall to ....0 crptl • dn.pn. 1l100 -.. .-•• Avt. BACHELOR UNJ'UIU(. 3 BR, 2 BA, elec bltint. w/w rtfs. Rtply: L. Gleuon, ,.._yd,531-9513 -frOlll $110 opts, dtpo, ~-nr """'-51f6 0akdal0, Woodl•"d (f Bib. W. Santa Ana Fwy.) i:uo yr\y. m-s504. Hills or .. i.... .... 213: 341)..1964 ' 4 ii hou.le Mffl. Verde (nf) a.MOO ALSO AVAil.ABLE .,...,. ... area. B11ns., newly dee:. ~ l. 2 I: 3 BDRM. ~1 BLOCK to beaCh. 4-BR. 2 INTERNATIONAL 0 i I Co mo. Avail June 15th. call NEWPORT BEACH Heated Pool&, Olfld Care &.. Avail. June lSth. $300 ind u •tria l · ttpresenta:· alt.r '. "•"-'"""" Center, AdJ, to --~Io. 67l-4220 evt/wknd -, live wanlJ WlfurTUshed house ..r.r-~ Inilne and 16th St. Doubl (71<> ... ,, """'"" No pets allowed , (II' apartment. year ltue, 3 BR houae. 1~1 BA. e _.......,.. -p I w H E11t lluff 5242 .... : .... 1 --·-· ......... • -Adultii 0~1.. .,.,,., e enon ay, at ar-. one ............ ~ ........ .xl\O"' L<&" pn1e. · ,..,.. Furniahed f\.todelt bor Ii •dams, Coat& Mesa runa or Dana Point area. 646-3.111 Opon n.11y ....,.,, e NEW DELUXE e 4'9-382'1' Immediate Occu~ncy 3 Br. 2% be. apt. for leue,1.,:;:.,c~~--~-~ 2 BR'1, patio, fenct:d yard 4' 1arqe. Reuonable. Inquire at 384¥.t E . 16th St., CM Incl. 1pac. mitr. iulte, dln OOUPLE desires 2 bdnn hlce South B1y ·Club NEW SPANISH nn . 4 dbl. caraa:e. auto. or apt on <ll' nr beach for Ap1rtm1nts VILLAGE APTS. door opener avail. Pool Ii permanent residence u of 'M111 Venle 31101 ====:::::====;11 A 2 BDRM. Fum or un-rec. area. Nr. C.tbollc July J, Pn:ier Corona del ==-------1 · Oiurch Ir: school &:; Corona Mar. Contact: R. Hadden • ROO In M furn. Afr.cond, dahwhn, 1t11t Gray if D VA HoaplW 4 BED h1 hoUBe tu. Cwt• Mltll 4100 clean'I OYt:rtJ, patio, break. del Mar Hl&:h. • · · • Verde. 3017 Clykln Rd. Call fast ban, private fundecks, e ONLY $260 e Albuquerque, New Mexlco. ""'3218 NEW SPANISH ht "°""' ''°""· """d m.rn ""'•"' Woy. N.B. WANT TO BUY/ RENT .. •---h 3200 VILLAGE APTS. pool, ,......,, ,,,,........,, ========IEut Blutt ,ooly., 0 , o bdrm , ... ewport --1 & 2 BDRM, Furn or un-Sound proof wall!, walk in Cororit del Mir 5250 homt. July posttsrion. 213/ j;;;;;;:.;;;;;:.;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;; fUl'fl. Air-cond, d1hwhn, aeU do.els, co~red CIJ'P(lr1. 47f.m97 8/1 TOWNHOUSE SPLlT·LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2 batb Unll Faces p o o ~ """"· ...... -· elec blt·lns, $265/mo. Pl~ call Mn. F1y kt, Ir leach R;11f)o, ls.--- ~90f0oveFDr., NB Sulle 126 iti-2000 .;-\/ti. ~ LEASE-HARBOR VIEW I New • 2. Br. den, 2 blllh. Fireplace, drpe, I U x UT y crpta. diah.wuber. Muter IUilt. Oval tub, marb&e !c:ntn. tee-LR, dinlnc. nn 'W/open cellln&:. Pvt park. club bouae. pool. 646-«iZi days, 962--20'JG eve&. PARK Lido, 3 BR. 2 ba., frpl. DbJ. pr., Pool $:265 MADGE DAVIS '42-7000 2 BR, w/w cpta, (rplc. drp&, refrig, ~. ms. AduJU. No pets. Bolu Ave. 00-4441 clua'1 O'lel1I, ..UO, break-Adults, no pett. • e LANDLORDS e !:", ~:._~ .. ~~ THE CALIFORNIAN ~-v FREE RENTAL SERVICE ·--Phone 546-2727 ~ Broku ,,,...., pool, l&tm&I, b&r-b-ques. ... Sound proof walls, w.lk in 1 BR. priv patio, all elec. Untum house w/1ar &: f~ ck>teta, cove~ carport. cpts, drpl, c ar po r L ON TEN ACRES ed yard for dog. Adulll, no pets. Re1ponalble adultl only, No 1 A 2 BR. Furn 6 Untuni 646-2134 aft 5 pm mE CALl.FORNIAN pets « dilldren. $110. Frplca / prtv. patkJ1/Poo11. COUPLE Teachina: in atta -·=P.,_hono,..,...,,....546-_,2,..12_7 __ 1 ;:,548-=ll22,,_-o-=---I Tennl1 . Contllt1 Bldlt. put-need 1 or 2 Bedrm. Apt. or $30 00 wk-up-"!MAC. 1 BR "• w tlnr """-HS< CdM. or L&e. 64>-0359 -• • cpts/drps, bit-Ins. Qu!tlt. 800 SPa 'l.ane, OdM &H-~ WANTED: G~ for turn. •Day, week, month . Adults N b 1•••1 t"•-...... ......_ .... H • Stud.lo k Bach. Apts. ' o pe • >..w mo.1 •"~.·~l!!l~!!"'="'"'~·~~~!!!!•!!wyil!I ,~ ... ~-~~~ln~,~!J~a~r ~~" • Incl Utils I: Phone ¥rv. 548--0560 615-:74811 alter 5:30 p.m. • Maid Semct. TV avail. QUIE"I' Drluxe 2 BR a Orn, I / I 4 BR house to leue for 1 ot 2 • New Cale &: Bar 2 BA, patio. pool, near •hN. Sp&rklln&' ? bedroom 2 bath years on Lido hi•. WW COD- 2376 Newport Blvd. Ma-9755 Adults only. No P e t • • around noor apt. Cheerful alder bu)'ln&. 673-6197 NEWLY Remodeled Bach. ;;-=='=.,.,,--==-,,~I den.dlnlnr room. All elec. WANTED single a:araa:e for apl inc cpts, d1'pl Ii: util. s.PIJT lew.13 Br, 2% Ba, bit-Bit.· ins incl. dillhwuher. household 11torqe. Rent or l llO. 6(24400 or ~ ll\S. New crpll t.. drp&. No Patio-dlck &: 1anre. 2 abort le~914 eves , pcta. 2885 Mendoza 545-6(21. blocks to Ocean. Yearly """"'""°""'~--~~ lease $250 per mo 'Available FAMD...Y, 4 ad1b:., need 3 Br. $125. LARGE l·Br, clean. 2 BR DrlllXe 1145. Pr-patlo. July lst. · 2·Ba. home on or nr. beach. qUiet: adults. Beaut. furn. Gar-Adults-no pets. 2l46 Bay il Beach Realty, Inc. Xlnt ref. 675-4867 Nr mkts. Washer/dryer, Santa Ana. MS--0728 sr.,.3000 a:araa:e. 1922--8 Wallace, CM I BR Duplex, gar1 .. -elderly, 2-&07 E. Coast }I\\')'., Mt Rooms for ltent 5"5 BEAtrr quiet l BR, newly pref~. No dogs, close to dtt, adults oVt'l' 35, patio, .shop I · 548-2720 8albN 5300 SUMMER ttnlal June 15 to no pets. $145. 2151 Oranre LOVELY 3 Br home, 1~~ Ba, -~-------1 Sept. 3. (Women) Kttdl Ave. fully crptd. Close t 0 GRACIOUS adult I l v I n g . privt ~9140 btwn 9 AM I Newport Hei1ht1 3210 BEAtrr. Lee . .2 Br., l~ ba. everythirw, $180, S46-0l.16. ~~~2 !~: 2 BA. walJt-lnl::'::l======== .... _, -~·"-..,..,, uuoic .... ~ & ocean view, s • -............ -2 BDRM. crpta " drps, bit. pool .._ boat ar 67 .... ,_, 3 BR, detached double pr, 2310 Santa Ana~ int A: praae. Adults, no • tps. ......,.,.,,., Guetf Hemes 5"' .bllns. boat_ A .lrlr ....... FURN 1 er. lllll. "" .... ..... ·-!!•ntl!IJ!on Booch S40o 'GUEST HOME mo. &la-25S2 2l3S Elden, Apt 6, att Mer. 1 BR IX'dn apt. fpl, cpts, LAGUNA NIGUEL Irvine 3231 drps, bltrui. patio. pool. Exciting Uving Selective 1ue1ts for a lovely ::.:.;.;;.::_ ____ ..::..:.; Newport le•ch 4200 Adl ts, no pets 1120. 546-Sl63 In ne\Y apts 1 bedroom 2 home, OWner and operw.tar FOR LEASE: Sharp l bdrm, NEW SPANISH bedroom • ·i bath. ' R.N. 2 vacarW?ies, private 2 ·ea. "'" • d'P" Frplc, VILLAGE A. PTS. Nowpott llNch • 5200 $140 to $195 bapo~~;.:.:••~ oall 10' •P. .wt-in.1, um~r1ity Pm nr ,UCI. $27S. Mo. Avail June 1 I: 2 BDRM. Furn or un-Swilnmizl& pool. &;"m, Aun&, 495-5,5.53 (If 837-7457 1::~;,th.;·=.,..==""='=·=awn.=='==~I ~~.~~ :~~ fJSH, SURF, SWIM G'::°'r:i~1e=·Appliance1, Income Property 6000 fut ban, private fundecks. Adults only. ht ..,..... '""'"· "",.. "fa '°"' 0 "" tront ""'" Lamplighter Aph. ~STSIDE ' BDRM. .. ....... ~ 2\1 pool, ........ .............. BEAC1;1 APTS. 16102 '"'"'""' St. CLOSE TO TOWN bathl!.., 3 outiilde terraces. Soond proof wall$, walk in Featurinc pnvate clubhouse, Phone S92-M21 3 • 2 Bedroom 1% bath 1tu- Heart of Corona del Mar. cloaets, co11ered carport. heated pool, •unu, private 1--o-===~'°""=~-I dios. • \Valk to We1tcli1f $400 • Adults .• no peta. gate w/24 hr 1ecurtty guard, 2 ~~~io~TJf, shoppiD&". Enclosed a:araaes 673-2'l22 Realt(lf THf. CALIFORNIAN Medite.rn.nea.n adult Jlvins: on alley, • s.il,950. Chvner CHARMING . 2 Br. 2 Ba. Phone ~2727 2 BEDROOlt1S. 2 BATHS . ,.._,_ UdNFURNbulSHlll~D .... I will help finance. I born~: Re.frir. I: bltn'7. ~~!·~ .. YEARLY LEASES AVAIL. ~g:_~~· ""~:i'blk to 1~s~~ li~~~-111• ~ Mo., be. .-u 1 BR. l ba. wtrfnt. fur. $ZO ho I t -ruo· \Vall-wall SHAG Carpeting, s PP ng e c. .. .. m • • C'\>e/agt 1 BR. l ha. View, Unl. $2«1 7101 Elli. •Pl O r~" .,..,. 8E'M'ER lhu "'w 4 BR. J BR. ~ unfurn. S300 GE blt·I"' with ,.trig"'-• · · ~--• ---l BR. . · ....... t., .. _.. ·~= &tor Ii: d\1hwuher 80-8303 646·7171 • ~ pl.u1 f.amily: Lu.sk Harbor ......... ,_. -HU , ---.,.-"""==---v. ,____ •~:n M Incl BURR WHITE, a..Jtor NTINGTON CHEZ ORO APARTMENTSr PTS ~e~Re;;;' ~ired. · 2901 Newpoct Blvd., N.B. 8234 Atlanta. 6 A • 673-2222 Realtor 675-4630d 642-2253 Evet PACIFIC New 1-2 Bedrooms· Pay Well mainta.lned. Encioltd ====~==== I -711 OCEA.i'f AVENUE · elec'trlc only . garage&, s62o mo. income SINGLE Young Adults Lux-(3 blks \V. or H.B. Pier) 536-3927 or 536-21'17 FOR.TIN REALTOR Huntl·--•-1ch 3•-ury •• ~,. apts ''''th -·· (71 ,,. ..... , ~ .._. .. u " ...,...,,. 4) 53&-4616 • 536-1487 Poot-\Vashen-Oryen1 1701-A \\'estcliU Drive 3 BR ' BA · 1 •-· h try club atmosphtn! and 1 ~~~!!!!"'!'"'!'""~!!!!!• I Pdva1, Gar"'' N, .. ....,pf Beach.. &l.2·5000 • . mi. rom ""'ac • ""'mplete pri\'•"" so•-11 i; ·~' aln 21. '"BAY CLUB APTS''.' lrv';'.',1 DELX. lower duplex. 3 BR, 2 XISt Ile\\', s car a:ar., ..... Jt-.tMAC 2 Br duplx, new 12 BEAtITIFUL furnished near all schoolll. 962-ll41 J6lh N~vport Beach. BA. newly dee., wall-to-wall paint, crpl, drps, bJtns, apts v.•/pool. Sl800. per mo J BR. 2 bath townhotJM>, (TI4l 645-0550 cl~ts. 2 blka to beaches, 2 (rek_":: • ... ~ ~PJl _\.C ~ ..... ~~ 1'°":-~ ~ buht·ins.. Ct'pts, drps, pa.tio, min. \Valk 10 Lido shop'g. cov patio.-' !.Ovlty rnced Ctw1ta ).le~'P'"tdt'D.tr.: fittplace + extra.s. 962-lMS DECORATOR'S PAD, 1 Br. area. Phone &t2-1615 9 am grnds. Gar &. boat park'g. ly Pilot. Stereo, coklr lV, nr ba.y. to 5 pm. Evts and \vkends $!40 Quit di'· l ~~~-o-,----c-=--;--= 3 BDRM. 1~ ba, 2 nU from Ava.ii 7/L L.w. 67J....3i>40 613-8969 · e • a "'• no pets. E.SIDE: 2 homes & 5 apta. beach $210 M I 1 .-;;,.,.:;;.,.;-;-:::::-:~;.;;;= b""';;:.::=...,....,.=~~ 847-4401 Inco1ne 1743 m o n t h I y • ~TJ4oi · o. on yr y 8e. 2 BEDRh!. l..arre Apt. Furn. AVAIL June 1. 2 BR, 2 BA, B\' Owner $28,900, 5~% 3 $56,000 or trade $26 M eq. =========I Yearly $1!i0 Mo. 673-80&8 crpts, drp1. 1185 leue. Open bdnn, 2 bath, ~'OOI. crpts. f <Ir c I ear home. _L;,.,..="";;;..;N.;.l;::l.;.UO;.;l _ _c3c.7.;.07~1 Eeat lluff 4242 ~U: (~) ::7~1.aria W33. covered patio, bit-ins. Near Owner/brkr. 64&-3750 .. Editon Hl&:h. 962-7995 FOR SALE BY OWNER. ~ r::..ence d·.;:~·r~ SUBLET 2 BR, 2 BA_, apt Cotti M.u 5100Cost• MM• 5100 .. units. 2. 2 BR, 1 BA .Ir. from 6/15 to 9f15. Patio,llF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~\l,'~·3~B~R.;_;l~'i~B~A:;,· ~>IU~~1o:;~·==: apt/drp. Beaut Ww $300. Pool )' d' ~-Util pd , 1nens, 1s .. ,,~. . c°'=.rna.==S0-=1%15===== I Adults no pelt. $.175 mo. Business Rent•I 6060 -644-u:i2 -S.;;.n;.....;C:.;lemo=-"nl;.:;o_-"37:..;.;;10 ========II STRE~T FRONTAGE -c ,_, u_ 250 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING ,~ 3 BR. :i Ba. Ocean Ww, orene -.. m11r 4 ) On Beacb Blvd, 1480 Sq:" 1-'t. J40.CMll home:. Immed. pou. cozy 2 a& frpl, Crou.r.d hlodel home ideal for lntu~ $260. Mo. n4/544-4294 floor. Near ',~;--. U-I, ~ Rltr,. etc, CBet, Kate lla a '"'l'l'"i& " Cerritos) Si r n s. Jndscpd .. Dana Point 3740 1160; furn..,Jl75. Adults onl)'. HARBOR HEIGHTS $250 mO. lM.10 Beach Blvd. =.::..:..;:;;.:;.. __ ..:.;..c; "" ..... °""'n'"'" our • .,...,,. • Hal Pinchin Ii: A330C. 675-4392 3250 2 BR 1 ~, BA, cptll, drps, blUns. ocean """ nr beach. $175 Jae, aduloi:. 4!1&-3SU I FOR LEASE store 23.,-42. 2 BR Adult1 &: l child -no LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEDROO~ APTS. Alsa office space.. 333 E. I pttl. Avail. July 1 s I \71h St. Ct.I. 6 4 :; -:? 4 5 0, $300 I mo. 673-7975 eve1 le-I 5., mo • Fireplaces • Spaclou1 cabinets .,..............., J O..plaJtff Unfurn. 3975 :'="°"'='=======ii • Dl1hwaaher e Ga.f!ers a: SatUers \VANTEO: Bus\neu Joe. for FOR ..ie by ov.'l>tr 2 Ch1 • =:: muter p.a built-Ins liquor paCking !tort. 2.000 deluxe duplext-,. l or both. Huntf~ ... ch 4400 e 2 Bathroom• • B&lanced power livinr sq. ft. up. 213/431-0428 Gd. return. Will VA or Huntineton H•rbeur e eentra' forttd •Enclosed parkin1 FHA. lm-7350 or 4!&-lt08 2 en •-aterfront, boat slip alt heaUn1 e C&rptta A drapes 1 BR, -. drpo, -l!AfTDAL RLTY IC-fflS lloW A prdener. Adults DO pda. m Tuti.n Aft, Qf ~tNTALS ~ fumlohM 0..-al 4000 113$. --lllclJ. ...... "*' JdtcMn. avall now. .... -. 1>A1Lr PllD1' D~ JJllEI. Y• ~ .. them ... ,... ..--• *'· Dlol -bY-Adlll·-··-T -.... JooltliW llr It. Dlol- • ~10 SINGLE Youna Adults Lux· ury 1arden apt1 wUh coun- tty club almollphett and romfllece privacy. 9)tJl'H BAY Q.UB APTS. UlDO OIAPMAN' Avf .. , Gwden Grvw <n-11 &3f.3030 Lotvna-4705 JfJCE!.Y IUm. 2 BR, 2 BA, Sl?S )'11)' No lets. ~let loc ~d:S alttt 4 p.m. LEASE' only $350. Ocuntrcmt :I BR. AU tltctr1c. No pets. - HARBOR HEIGHTS :J.our RentaJ t.tana1er-'.\tr1. Chrl1t11:nsen JI 17·A Clnna~ Ave., CNta Met• Cl bloc:k wat of Harbor Blvd. 2 blocks 1outh of tht San Dlti• l'rffw1¥) , P!Jono $46.lOM NOW'S THE TIM~ FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5671 I • ' Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If ·v ou Have Any Of These Things A . . DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Gult1r 3. 81by Crib 4. EIK!ric S•w 5. C1mer1 6.W- 7. Outbo1rd Motor I. SterH Set 9. Couch 10. Cl•rlnet 11 . Refrlg•r•tor 12. Pickup Truck. 13. Sewing M1chlne 14. Surfbo1rd 15. Mtchine Tool• 16. Dl1hw11her 17. Puppy 11. C1bin Crvi5er 19. Golf Cott 20. 81rometer 21. Sf1mp Collection 22. Dlnotto Sot 23. Pl1y Pon 24. Bowling B•ll 25. W1ter Ski1 26. Fr11z1r 27. Suitc11e 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. licycl• 30. Typewriter 31. l1r Stools 32. Encyclopedi1 .... 33. Vacuum Cle1n1r 34. Tr.,.1u1 Fl•h 35. li'ot Rod Equlpm't 36. Fil• Cabinet 37. Golf Cluln 38. Sterling Sliver 39. Vlctorl1n Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Sllde Projector 42. L1wn Mower 43. Pool T1blo 44. Tires 45. Pi1no C6. Fur Coit 47. Drapes 41. Linens 49. HorM 50. Alrpl•ne 51 . Org•!'I 52. Extrcycle 53. R1re Books 54. Ski Boo" SS. High Chair 56. Coln1 57. Electric Tr1ln SI. Kiiton 59. Clltlic Auto ~. Coffoo Tablo 61. Motorcyclo 62. Ac~rdion 63. Skl1 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66, Dl1mond Watch 67. Go-K•rl 68. Ironer 69. C1mplng Triller 70. Antique Furniture 71 , Tape Recorder 72. S1llbo1I 73. Sport. Cor 74. M1ffrftt, Box Spg1 75. lnboord Spoedlioll 76. Shotgun 77. Soddlo 71. Dirt Gomo 19. Punchl"I Bii 10. Biby Cerri ... 11. Drums 82. Rmo 13. Dnk 14. SCUBA Gar -~~'.!;l,l;f,.'."'.'.J~.~~JAJlV ti!J"~l'..E'-..J'li."~Oua.cl,.,~~~s~ :~ ,,,.,,..,,._ be tumed into cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD . . so • 0 0 Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) DAILY PILOT WANT ADS /" Will WORK FOR YOU! Get In . On The Action Today! 1 • ' " -~ '• ., WE S l~oo, ; • . " , DIAD ' • veu t " I • ... .,. J • • ~iMI· 4 ~ ... .\ HOU! -·"' ~_c!gA I -··. -· ........ ·-· -..... U.UOA _,,,, MYC•I ~SMO _,, _, ... --"""'"' IQlllle &MIC 'I. OAITOU ··~··· :-.: ... '°" l~"f ISL '''° ti! .... ... MVWTllll• ..... ,., ... ,. .. ,.. ....... , •'*•n UlllOI~ .._,, .... -..... .. OUT 0 .. -"" """"' '#llTMI MIDWA1 SANTA 1 INllTA l Dl#,MGI TUITIN NOi.TM Atu.H•I• llLVll' HAVASU ............ LAeUN.1 Ull9VNA IAJI CLI IAlfJUi c.uoom ....... ......... ...... SAii 011 •tn••• ftOOSll --...... ...... RENT Ho• ..... a .. ll:INTAL COSTA• MllA D MUAV eol.LI• NPl'OI NIWl'OI N .. l"OI tA'l'IMO ..... ...,., UIUYllt lltYIMI '""' . .... , ., llYINI tooo•" IAUOA IAT di LIDO II ....... MVMTIM l'OVMT.I SUL I '°"" • OIJAMOI •• IJfnTMI MIDWAl 5ANTA COAnA L.AeUN,1 lAIUMi IAM CL ..... tAPlm ..... IJVlltl Y¥ATll , .. _ OU,LI) M!'fl • 7---------------,... ... ..,...,,.. _______ ,.. ____ ,....,,..,...,..,!'!'I,.. ... ,... ... ~. ""'""""""_..,,......,IP""'""'~":'~"~e~-.,-,t"<"""l'"'r"'•.""""'"'-·'~ .. ~.>~<IT"'<'i • ·: :.--;· -• • .., , • , ~-.... ~ ~ ....... --· -·~-..... .. .... . " . ' . * ' ---..--· ...... ~ Pliaa11 Ate Opell 1:00 a.ia. -5:30 f1.m. 9 to N~ S.t.nl1y 0-d Sun<l1y _ 1 . DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 . \ ' ' . . WESTMINSTER &'NORTH COUNTY DIAt: FREE 540· 1220 r~dly. J ... f, 1'6'1 DARY I'll.OT l~lim-11!""'-.. *--* ... -· .. -·*" AHNOUNCITtllNT'it-:--'-~!!!~~~~[il!!J~~~~~~ • y * * * 11111 NOTIC1$ . . '"!T!ltll! qso HMill"' .. , , , .. ~"" I'-Adil .. BABYsrinNa ..,. ........ YARD/pr. - srbREs roo; lauo Vlllso ~ • -lemale cal, lull ot part time, _....,..: -· Iv)'.,.~~ 1"d\ ~lnr Cuter. car. o1 EI ..,..,, ' Yl'I old, Vlo 2lll ' l"' old ror oompUlonehi•-boe. -JI 1 'Cunlllo" Me-CM. block. Goldelirod, CdM . 'Yellow1-Dl' .. Nr.8rll!OI CIMn\11\.:"HoulJnt• Slllt&ble O.U .. TV. -.i,. ..,,.._ ' l -r; CM. 540-J.!81 110 per - Dnt9 Shop, etc. Ste lJquor SM. Blaclc:'Jl(lpp,y, White on BABYsrrrINO, My home. llAL ISTATI ................ __ ....... :,,"':.,,"':... ay. 213; til.&UO ~~· = r'u~.:"'~: ;~. ~;11•: .. L= !1-!"Jnfnt .Hvnlln"°" hod. $40.1220 L19un1 11Nch 494.f466 RENl"oc ,...., center C.111. 616-4543 Neer W~lj<llll lhopp!nr CARPETS, Wtndowl, an. --~ -3000 )o-6000 sq n. FA beat; BLACK-A -Tan~t-e·P.r·l~r _m_o,._Call 54&-d538 etc.-Rel or Otme'f.·-Hours-Regulation1-Deadlin11 · ....,. Doors, -park· temale. Ii• ID. v1c o.v.; WILL Ba~t ,..1 bom• s """'R<ul·!l<b. 54Mll1 llJAOJll1 Adv.rt ... ,. el'IOlll'J eheotc tft•lr •• t1ll1 •NI ,.,.,.e,...,m•dlataly • ..,..,. .. :·~dbl.O:e ~~~ = W • = ~...&• = •.::~itt. Call to C::, ~~.~= ~Z: lnnlnt ,67 ~ • ., mlMl~Jt-THI· DAILY PILOT -ll•IMllt,. W .,,.,. tfl!f te 84MfJJ. as. Rent all or • int.. I _, 536-6734 · 'tM extent tf-Jl'lttlW.1"1 Utt adwrtltlf!'•nt oel'NCtly ont trme. one S C:LASSIFl~TI N FOR F J.!!t; ~ln~ t ~r:' ~~ CHILD care 5 ttayt week;~ &o~lo.f 9&~ :!. • oiADLINI FOil COllY AND.1t1f.l.11 l;90 ll.M. ttw. ,.,. W.re publii.tfon, uotpt t.r • PJUME-Ret&il Location.• NATUlltAL s,!°ltNRa SWAPPERS area. S«S-2166 home. Ma~~ =t ~,e:~ y ~ ' WMktnd Edltl• iM Mtrtd•1 MOtl•ns whtn. t109fng tlrnt I• 1:10 P.M. F'rldQ'• 17X40, Xlnt foot 4 auto trati 5 Llftet _ S ~T!-.. ~ S bvcL. _.._."l deliver a pic~p. $1 per tir: '" tic. 1811 HltW, CM .. L"' -u--'N -'r'•U MUIT HAW'' KILL NUMHRI Whitl kllllna ... •Ill ..... ., 111ul0k rtatfte. &f6.66S4 •ULl!l -"° MUST lNCLVOe """'------..:c;;;c Brick, Matoftry, etc. Calta -e T ·· 1 ........, ,... ...,. • .,..., ' 1-wtr11t Y9W """ "" m-. WHOEVER. found 656." area. 642-8581 t '· IMi IUN tt mtll:e aJf"IOtfd 9f U.t kll .. •umlttr glYen you lty Ytur N Ulitr ft a-voua"""' • ...,., ......., _, .,.. 11 ......,,...., a male vu• • • • • • • • • VtrlflOltltfl .. J"M"-•tL • Offfe9 Rlnt•r 6070 ......o'TMINCI FOii UL! -Tll~OEI OMLVI Himalayan cat on or ne9if !,~~~~~~"'¥~':='!' PHONE 642-5671 Vlal> Del Oro In the "'""' BUILD, ll<mocl<I. !!<pair &W11'1 .tf•rt 11 Miid• t11 kllf ~ oorr.ot a ntw ad thrt Jiu '*" •rdtred, but we .ea• LAG\INA BIACH To Place Your Tr~er'1 P1radlM Act on Ma)t" .18th or 19th. I will Brick, block, co n c r" t e·, Janltori•I • , ,~ ·1ttt1uanm..t.-.. '•1ttltll~a• .. ••;;..nM11nth•,.,.r. Air Condftlonecl aJw you• SC!ma~r ~ crpntry,nojobtoo1maU. WAILS WindOWI Goon. ;,I , · ,QN FORES"t AVENUE 12 M.J. ihope in 2 tilt-up Lake A!Towhead waterfront who la grlevlng tor Mr Uc Contr. 962-6945 carpe~. ~ , .,. Mll·A·Ll~I ~· •r•atrW11111H In U~ '1. mall •rat anr •n• 9f our of'nct&. Odle IP&Cft ualllb&t tn bldc11 on Plaeentl.a, C.M. free & clr, $50.000 val Pa· PLAYMATt if )'iiu will aid tlal Daib' • ~ . ._ ~ NO ,...,.. ~,., • ~ aewelt d1iof bal\dins at \"alue $150,QOO. Trade part citlc Palisades ocean .vu lot, JlleU!l 'call ~9 Bu1int:11 Service 6562 ~/: M;. m-'135o ~', DAILY Pl&,.--l'Yla.tha rittrt to .... -....... It, MftMf'., Nfute '"'" actvtr----iOcadoo la downtown tor properey. Balance? frtt' k cir, $21.SOO val. TINY YORKY ma! • .... y• • ' . -_., ' :".'::.:.. n-~ •~ ~ Call ··-•••m• e "'°'·• PROFESSIONAL ~-Ing; porhongl •. , 111e..wt,, W W .... ,..., ltli ,.... and regulatten1 without prftr notJM. .._ ..... _ .u-llllWP vw-.. ..-wu. Want: Income. Bkr. 54&-1711 4 I"-t-1. ......... "'--'· fur w•'th .,, Pl "II • ....,, ~ "1a\;ll. neat, accurate, pf om pt 1 ' Mall Ad l'tlll ... 111'1. N-rt •aoh, Callf. timed, carpettd, t.IUtUs,d WW -•· ~ tiO Cho.ice .f.Plex. (1) 3 BR 2 ba tan mrkgg. VerY, trif'ndly, . ..... ml ·l'P'.:!o~ln~l~I~!_-_._...:;::::! ,. pu>tled pvtltlootq. Two u.~ •---vaca n (3) 2 BR 1 ba. E'side nr no collar. Since $/27 service, proo ' nor,. f :.' entranc.: J'rartast OD trailer, rellJ9ll8ble space 17th St. lnoome •i:'Jot/mo, Westminster. Reward for editing, dictation, IBM Ex· PAINTING lilt 6 Ext Loftss CLAtllPllD COUNTERS are 1outtd n ftlltwm1 F A •--~--nt&l tor small plot of -ecutlve 84J..61D7 •• .2 pr1 ~m-orest ...., rMr -to '" $5.5,500, TRADE for your 3 rel. or in.tor. No queaUons • contra.cu:u ott.,.,.....,. " Mundpal ~ kU, '50 land, Must have water A or 4 BR home. Act. M6.s580 asked. 892-3f67 lld ,.70 Satiafaction par. Free ~ -., ----~ -~· electricity -Bu ors -Jim Weeki -,,_ .. l • .-munw ..,... ,,_ • TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~ ba,. L 0 ST : Diamond En.cage.-111,,..U\W , ~ ~ $9000 eq. in 50x140 lW lot Beaut. appt'd, Prtv. patio, ment A Wec:ldq rlnp, * CARPENTRY e INT -EXT; ANY ~ aervtc9 va1WJle !ar SKI w/&d rented hse, next to pool; nr, bay, Val. $32,500, Wea:tminllt« Memo r i a I a: GENERAL REPAIRS JOB. Xlnt 'work, n1a. All utDI~ pDt ucepi Garden Grove Civic Cntr '= for T.D., car, camper or '! r Parle. Reward. 893-4645 Call Dan g.u.1505 aft 5 est, JIM "2-4669 .. telepbooe HS. total val. $20,500, Trd Owner 64&.fJ654 Blackk'-•t»te'beaflt,.l ·mot. PAINTING, Paperinl 1611' HOUSES FOR SALE . NIWPOltT ..... NTI a1t auCT•te.u. M4I DAiLY PILOT ' tor wllts or '! 547~ Bkr. ST Dual Ghia Convert, All ~rs to Matthew. Vic. Carpentering 6590 in Harbor area. Lie • ~ ..,.•ut. 1• :,~~:::~~HOila = ::~~~::NT l•NTAU :: 222 FOREST AVDlUE SIX Un 1 t • ape.rt.men!! powe r, VERY RARE Cser-Wave St.. Laguna. €all Nan· CARPENTRY ed. Reta tum. 642-2356 . . 11 :Jft :.~u. MA• ~}= u, .. ••YI ... ~•ny 'Y PAllt tW 'LOOIU utt LAGUNA BEAOI Highland Pk. 1 yrs old, ia1 #149) $3500 value. trade cy, 494-7909 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job N~T: exp. Painter, ~~ IMU va•o• nit •AST aa.u,P :: =~==~~ .. :~".~~·:ii:.~=-"79 f96..M9I built • ins, air • cond, cpl!, for furniture or '! 642-524.l 8 WK. Old black kitten, grey Too Small. Cabinet 1n car-~· 0 College atude CQ&.U•• PAlllC 1t1t COii.ONA Dai.MAii ase •11•,11111sN1Nt ""OIEERY Air-cond officts, <fr1Jg. Will trade tor lot in or 494-5270 ' bluP.eyes, vie. DlamondSt., agea &; other .cablnell. Lawpnc.e1. Steve5t8-A =~ ::::n ~= ::;'rfu.111os = ::::::tN~••vicas ::: Mahg sound-proof walls, Beach Ctiea:, 213-796-1210 HONOLULU HawaU. pres-Balboa l&I. 6 7 5 . 6 6 8 7. 5454175, 11 no antWer leave • R f ~- :=r.:.•au ;:: 1.1PO tM.11 43111 eu.D1N .. D11C1N• "" aooustic ceilings, e I e v, · Arrowhead M·-•f; tire fiome w/Jrg poo1 in Reward. mar at 646-2372. fl o. Plasterint. ...~ MVC••n 1121 •AUOA ISLAND .... OU.SI "" balcony. Fram $65. Medkal Lake • _....... V -L-1 L d JURED r .H I ale --·-IAYfllff•I 1m ~"!!1'..!.",:C:.~.·~,c" :', ::·r~UM• :;: suite $85. 488 E. 11th St., at cent 5 Br, 4 Ba on l'Q1f cse . AAJJUa area. ease • IN Loa.UCO em cat, Alll,ICl'IOb • •PA'l'Ot PLASTERING At otitt•111tt0aa 1ui UAL'•~=-4tlll HbLTH Cl.UIS '111 Irvine CM. Owner &'B-Q;?4 I. lake. View, $125,000 clear, $72,500 val-eq. $42,000. Want bob-tall, vie. '. W 111 on , REPAIR, Partitlona. Small types. Free ntimata. 'Cad Wwnn.1'' 1111 LO ... •UC:" ... HAut.IJillt, . ,,,. ' · Airplane or boa.t trade. S, Cal. P"'P or inc, 646-0732 Thalia, I: Cupnen Wy,.LB. , Remadel, etc. Nlte or day, Sf0..6825 · •t ::::..;!,~':..":' ;: .. -•• • •• • ............. .... HOUllCUANIN• ,,. 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. Owner (n4)' 459-3103 or agt. 494-7316 )11eu~~· ~Call~~KEN~~-~~~J;~::.~:===="";;;;J :1••• IUI .. It IJill-Ta·~·.!'.,!COUTltl• '7U Offices aultable tor Oxn-.......... 69 "!""" 1,.. WllTMINSTlla 4A, -,,.. .w1~.i. Lake Arrowhead waterfront BLACK &; white male dog. MASTER .. •-nter, S4 per1,p~l:u~m:b:l:"ll:!.. ___ ...;;;;:-=J WTILUl'I' 1MI MIDWAY CITY .. ,. lllON, °"" ........ aa.. ,7. merdal, Medical, Dent&l.t----------f.ree & cir, $50,000 val, Pa· Vic Wave St, ·Laguna. hour D~H-Repaln 1~ . •• ., ••• n:auca IUI SANTA ANA 4''9 lllOJilllN• '7N Air-cond., ttpt&, elevator' Do you want more income? Citic Palisades'ocean vu lot, Rewud! Nancy 494-1909 642-64o!t;'53i'Xi : PLUMBING REPAIR c~ Dll. MAit 11't ru~:. AMA N•l•HTS. = :::~u.~T~: :: 35c PER SQ .FT. Will trd. $26,000 eq, E-side f • cl $27 500 al DRAIN CLEANING l ·~IOA ,.NltUULA ,,. o:A• ,,,,.,,., OR ~ .,.. unila ~'"° nd bl ree "' r, ' v . BLACK female Labrador REPAIRS ALTERATIONS •~2387 or ••• -1 I Co ••• T ' .. COASTM. ' .,.. INVIUT TUM......... ,,. ..........,,,.. ,,..,.....,.,.,, w,_.. mo. spe a e w I I Bia ... 711l --·u LAGUNA ••ACN •• 'Afllnt•LU. ' ,,,. in t cl horn an : ncome. ·......,. (med !lize) 5/29, "'Cinder'', c.ann.~ •-··_, ..... job tt:o ~'i:':~ :: LAGUNA NHIUIL '"' , ...... ., ••PAia. .... "" NEW deluxe office spaces ~:A,:-u~~ e. 43' MatheWI FIB yacht, twn Reward. 6'f3..6235, 6'7l-4400. 25 ;:""::-.... ,· ,,,~ ~ 548--671.3 PLUMBING REPAIR a.\l.tO.C llLAND nu UN ca.•M•NT• .,,, LANDKA•IN• •nt 320 to 1200 sq ft at santa1::.°"·::.:.:::~· .:..:;:.:..:::..__ ,,.~. """ • No· ~b too 1rull I :=;:::OO: =~• = ::::.1.1"::11!~. :: ~"!:':." 111ecac = Ana Fwy & Crown Valley Wild '65 Italian sports car, 1jperial eng. Full elec w/ I 6405 CARPENTRY • repaln • e ~ • -• ' JIOUNTAIN VAW'Y MN CDNDOM ... IUM ... -.,.!!',•..,•.""""---~ --~L 831-1400, 49Ml98. Corvett.e eng, 370 hp, 2+2. :.JM· l50ho •000 .clear. ~!.~t Person• I gen'I fix it, Quality wort.I===========.: ::-.;-:~" ;: RDlrALS PAI;;, ........ - --15xl5 OFFICE OI' smaD Coat SlO.lm new. Trade for ~!· ~. ~t O~&lm * DIVORCED· 642-M64 'or 64s.:oo5 Sewtni .. 6 OMDIN ••oVll 1m Aph. Unfurnished 'ATIOI ..., business. downtown Harbor late ittp, caJTY-all or Vol· ,...,.. uttte ••ACN 1• Hlf••A1. ... ".~~~PMY .. --""-BlVd. Ideal tor R. E. etc. vo wac. 546-5387 Cement, Concret. 6600 eDtt:aamakini • Al~.ntlo!i(I utcawooo •• COSTA M•tA •1• _., .... -sa.Hbollt 38' roomy, tut Yes It's Your F•uh ---'----~·-~· · Cuatom DeaSa:na CMWI•• coUNTT ,,. MIL\ v••D• . 111t :~,.:~.... = $85. Moi;ithl,y call 6C-0212 Sport:Une Power Boat, lS' sailer. $1'1',500·vaJ + older 3 For recorded meuage that • Concrete nr.. padoa etc. •646-6446* OUT oF cou""' 1• lflWPO•T ••UN ,.. f'OOL 11 avic11 "'t 300 Sq. Ft. Office _..,_..___ JfO, •. n .. -·'pl, B CM 15 val .~ •• °"' oP ITATa u. .-wHIT M•IONTS mt POW•a ,..1., .. 1 nu ,,_,.._ ........,..,..,. ,, • ....,. C\i... r. hse , S ,750 • will cban&e your life. Concrete & blk top aa .... ,.. Alhratlons-642-5145 ""JillTOll ,,11 IMlWPOllT '*"'·' -PUMP s11v1ca mt COS1'A MESA ~ trlr. Xlnt cond. Trade for Want comm'l or indwit. CALL Reas, Don, &U-8514 N at accurate 20 )'ft. exp. :=~~Wt: 1:~: ::~':~~~ PAlllt = tlOO'IHt .... te model Clll' or income prop in CM. 673-(61'1'_ SANTA 4NA • ffiNCRF:l'E work all e ' • IAJillTA ANA 1"' lACIC u.Y m1 :f>,:O,~,i:;...... !.': Industrial Prop. 60IO property. 8.17-8664 Retittd-don't need tax shet. 547-6647 i.. ..... s, Pool decks A CU&tom. TrH S.rvlce 691~ IAlfTA AMA NtTS. , .. u.n ILUPll' .,., AlMODILIJillt, ltlTCH•NI '"' HAVE ~-. 9/10 v~ -1~:,~• i:: ~=:oiLMA• ;: :=.--' ::: OFFICE & YARD krt N.~F':nc.1coaC: :·;":;\~r~:~~~ CallMS-ll24 TREES pruned topped Ii ..... MTUITl• ,'""' IA'Y llLANDI Alt ... , ... MACMIMl ........... ffft Fe-~ --, --1 ...... H-1, ~ • cl..,, $15.000 ' ba.l 0,0 M pool prim loC C7 p. l • CUSTOM PATIOS • rem~. 26 • yn ex·~ ANAHll .,. LIDO tsl• U!ll ••PTtc TNlllUo ...... etc. iM! l)\.-.:1,1 '"'""" ..-~ __., -~ U""' °' ..... . . ~ . Jo a co~te sawing I: removal Pa···-n Tree s er v l c 111.YlllADO CAlllYOff IW MUMTINOTOJill tl:ACN-.... TAILOllUN• ,,,. Ana with 800 sq ft air condi-WANT beach unit!. Bkr, no vac, 8 Y,l'S old 54().600]. State Lie •842-1010 '"""' HAVASU UJI:• ,.,. ,OlllfTAIJill VALL•Y Mll TlllMITI COMftDL .. n tioned ottice. 2000 .. ft ..... 499-1990, 494-5488 dys. • I will-··· ....... ., . 638--7234 LAeUNA MILLI 11'1 IUJOA ISLAND lJU Tll.IL C.-11 ,,,. Full!-----------•-• ·~ ~===:--::====::; O ~· •• ••, •",.'u<1•, ',,..., '"•'• •,•,•,•,•. "",.. TILi. ~ a _.,,. m1 Ideal for contractor. HAVE: 24', Cabin Cruiser, Almost 1000 ac .. $250 M val, yQur trust again. CDntracton 6620u ;;;;pholdtry 6= I ..... LO Ta•• ••llVJC• ,,. price ~.ooo. A ....... _ • ..i~t-A·l -·-·. ll5 hp ..... , ma-80 I ~ d LA 5 1 I •• 99Q ..... CL•MllNT• 1n1 OllANH COUNTY s• ... -·-•ttt _, ....... ..., ~... '-V<ll.I .. ~ m uvm ntwn • OVe you. ""'JUAN CdllftANO 1n1 0A11on •11ov• s.1t ~;~~\,..11:, •• ''" lng 6%.% loan of $27,000. For rtne enr, $3000 value, Trade min. from twy on paved rd. Steve ADDmONS-REPAIRS CZYKOSKl'S Oat. lJbol. CAPIRU.HO IUCN 1Fll Wl:JYMIMIT•• .. It waLDIJillt "" more infonnation pleue f -· , , ,, , btwn t>--umon1 • n-• Glen.1====~-.,,----,. REMODELING European ~----bl• ·1 °""A POIJillT ,,,. ••DWA'f' cm "1' 0 S EMPLOYMENT or prope. '3 «' · · · • ·' aat .. ~ '"''" ............. tMut•D '1• ...,,,.,., ~NA ..,. J B & call K. W. Small. Cal 675-1909 Trd for ? ? $17"'469 Bkr. STUDENTS • college I: hi Deli;nlnl: &: Plarmlne lOO% fin! 642-!454 , ::"o~~= ~;: ~f" AMA "'''"'' :: :: :~G::: =-" = Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. Summet on Morocao on OLDER unit.. rood write-:~~~~:X,~. s':; Uc~~=~tc.est. 1881 Newpo~ Bl., CM. ! •n11110• COVWTY 1• cOMTM. mt JOI WMTSD. 1818 W, Chapman Ave, M~ Amer Dip off. $20,cm Equity. Want OBS & EMPLOYMENT l'IOUS•• TO•• MOVID 1• uevNA ••ACM 1711 M•N • WOMS• 1111 Qranae, Calif. •---tic .--. Wlll ....:. 1... out. wm ex...._-tor land, now to prepare for next A • B CONST'RUC'nON J I COllDOMHllUM ,,. LAMMA NIOVlL .,., DOM•nte MIU' ,.. WU. .......... "u -... _......,. semester. Learn self hyp-1122 Paularlno, CM b w -· --. ..,,Lax•• '" U.LI "" 'Ull ca.aMaNTI mt A••Nciaa. .._ 11• 541-2621, Eves-wlmds 538-59T\. tum borne I: car.: tor aame TD'a, or '? *''" ·~* Jo in.-, ,~ Atlt.ln'MINTS PO• ..... -IAM JUAN CUllTUM• ms "'"" WMIT•O.... ntl M·l Level lot in prime here. 642-7297. 6'13-5323 Broker·646-1629 nosis. You'll be glad you 11'W'""tOPU RENTALS DANA ll'O•WT ., .. A••HC•••·---'* did. For information call ADDmONS, remodel, CARPENTER'S HELPER ' · u_ ..... Fum11•-• REAL ESTATE, ""' ....... -,,. manu1·1. area. 15711 x 300 :.. * *. * * * 541-4614 nuv... 119111 Joa~ • •-· ,.. with 2 BR house &: ~ car ~ 1-c;;;..:;;;;,c,====--reuonablt; get other Experienced, Good nL CaU •ltt•lltAI. -Gener1I At•NtlU..MM•--'"' 7 s CMl!!!!~!!!!!J!!!!!!!J!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!'ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!! LICENSED estimates, Then Call Ralph,614-2227 r lletf'TAU TO SIU.I• Hiii Tll:IPLlX. 91c. "" SCMOOU 6 tNSTllUCTIOIM 1• garg, 865 W. 1 th t., • COIT• MISA 11• coHDOMINIUM '"' JD• P11•,•llAlM* ,... 2131861-7660 REAL ESTATt BUSIN!SS •no Spiritual Readinp, advice 847~2476 MIU. 0•L ""'" '"' 11•NTAU wANT•D ,,.,. TM1AT1:tc.t.1. '* ;========'I FINANCIAL on all matten, 1~ s. El Job Wanted, Lady 7020 ~.::11t::111t ril: ::::0:0:11•:T = MERCHAAND01SETRAF00R6 Commerclal 601Sd--Ges----"-'-'-1-----Camlnoiteal. SanOementt C1rpetLaylng& - NIWl'OllT •••cN tt• MOTWu. n:A1L81 couan ..., SALE N Mount. & ft---rt 6210 Bus. Op-rtunltlei 6300 492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM Ren.mlr 6626 COMPETENT conaclentiot111 NllWl'Olll ... n. tilt •um NOMll ,,,. FtnlNITUlll ... -,.-SPECIAL 12~ING ------~·-----1 woman wishes to contac1 N•l"OllT IMOllU 2111 MISC. ••MTALS mt 01''1Ca ,UllJillJTU•I 111t 7 U jf ~-•J I · r•nn JN L TILE -··•· tA'f'IMOll•S uu INCOMI '"o'••n ,_ OlllFICI •ClU•M•NT •11 " ~ Cl COVE View 3 bdnrul 2 FRIGIDAIRE WANT To v.;,. a Bible class "-"UU""ET • V Y • employer who ·~ ex-· ofv•1t 111.0111 1IV aus1t11s1 ••o,111TY _. sTO•• 1ou1•M•JillT •n Professional Bldg. • · • r-· Expert installation pered., reliable secrefarYI dTCa.1111• mt n:AAL•• PAiiets ... CAllll, aUTAll•AHl 111• Corona deil Mar • 3 lots baths, built-ins. pool, in-JET ACTION or Prayer group in CdM. BLANKINSHIP FLOORS kL-t-..r, Gtrl Fri""" wbd , uiuv•111m •A•• tt• 111t1N•n 11•MTAL , .. ••• •ou1,.M1:NT 1111 1pect. make offer. Palm l:'wol~..tatr. 18 min. cycle ts Have not been able to find lllU\o""' ~ ••YINI ,.. o,,IC. llllfTAL "" MOUSl.MOU> .MOOS .,. 2 for parking De .. rt .... -·1 • ·~-Cd 642-1403 540-7262 isn't afrald of w 0 r k. UU: •AT 2241 tNDUSTIUAL PllOPllTY .... u.ut• u.a.a em $220.000 • grotll incorM ~ the fastest 1n the Industry. this type of group In M. 493-4097 I •AIT ILU'' nn cOMM••ClAL Ha ,UllMfTUlll AUCTION •S o'MI 116 ·~ 000 -"'" .. __ .J, 30 Frlgidaires do the wo~ir Mrs. Lyle C. Cutler, 506 D ltl -I 6637 . !llVINl Tiii.AC• 2MJ INOUITllAI. •INTAL "" APPL.IAfltCU 11• ~. • ...... .. ... DallWC Avocido, CdM. 67~7929 ra "'' <11erv ce -NURSE, Healthy, genial. m. coaoNA 011. MA• '"' LOTS ,,. MTIOUll 1111 GOOD Exchanges, R. E. 6230 of 40, 30 min. wuben. F1nd n· u intere t w I tAUo• "" """'Has 'u' 11w1111• MAcN1N11 11n out ~ eal)' It la to own Attractive Ex-rt DESIGN Dndllng, electro le igent ~' •AT ISL.ANDI "" cn•U• ••OVlll '111 MUSICAL IMITllUM•MT .,,,. REAL ESTATE LAGUNA BEAOI excl111ive ................... _. -mecb P/C la""'•t A detail-te~ly, and c:ompualO. n ... LIDO 111.1 1111 ACll•A•• ,. ,IANos&oaUJC• 11• • p..,, .. ,. .......... ,,. YOUNG WOMAN JV-n ......,,\lite phonr IAUOA !SUMO IJISS LAK• l:LllJillOll ,_, llADID .,.. 353 No. Coo.st Hwy ft2.. duplex lot, north end, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, dancer will teach you all Ing Ken Sr 675-1191 p me • ~,-B, NUlfTINftDll ••ACM , .. ll•SOll'Y Pa0f'1an , .. TIL.YllKlte .,. Laguna Reh fM.'1513 few step& to sctnic cove Tulltin, n.... ...... Anahe' • • 494-5490. Refs. Excbd. FOUMTAJN VAL.L.l'f' Mlt OllANGI co. ••ONll'T'f' ,., HM'I • •T•••o a1• .......... ..,, ll'D latest steps. Call ArdeU ri ••AL 11AcN · •• oUY OP n•Ta. ,110p ,211 TA•• ••co•o1111 me beach .. $35,000. Will t:gade Coi"n•O•Mati"c 213: 591-4531 1•10 PM Gardening '6IO 2 HI-POWERED Saleswome LON• llACN -MOUNTAIN. o'i1•11T· •nt CAMIU.I. IQUIPMlNT .,.. Cl, Ave Del Mar, San for income. Owner. Prin-to work on commlasion • CM:ANOa e;ouNTT ~ su1oivnl0Jill LAND u1t NO••Y 1uPPL111 ..... Cll.!mente. 120• x: 1 on•. . ,_ nl ·~ite c/o Dally Equln--.nt, Inc, ATTRACTIVE slim blonde Wary. Box 1'667, ~"" NrTA ANA ,,,. lllAL lRATI SllV1C• •t'IJ IPOllTIM• toODI fiSlt Clpl't'I U y. "' I"'"'''"' .l.la.U.J" :=~~"rJ: :1: 11.a. EXCN•i«t• ,,,. ••HOCuLA•s. ,,c0,11 '"' ~. 492-mlS or 49'2-0386 Pilot Box M 353. 2334% w. Valencia wou1d Hkt to m e. e t ANTHONY'S Pilot, CM, f.AMT AHA HlleMTS _. •· 1. WANTlD &Mt MllC•LLAM•ous .... IFull;;.;:~erto:;,:;~·==-=11~<='~5]5.;:=.;1!3=:! gentlemen who enjoy out· ENGWSH Lady, ex•nurte, cOAJA.. ,,. BUSINESS and MISC. WAlfTlD .. ,. lnduttrl1I Rent1I 6090 R..E. w.~· 6240 door activities. 40-50 Write utUNA •IACN ,,. FINANCIAL MACN1w1av •• ,,. "" n..-DESIGN~BUILDER Box M 415'Dally Pilot. 6• '·1948 , wants job u Travel com-UtUNA •••u•t. "" LUMllll ,,... M 1 OORNER 12'1' 90 Business Operation " equip. .... -panlon, or office work. Can IAN ca.aMaNTI 2111 IUStNllS OPl"OllTUNITlll '* :L~~~ MATalllALS ~ • 900· 1 bldg 19thx WANTED To buy from Estab.10 yrs, £Whoa Jlland, WIDOWER w/ 2 childrn (5 The Best, costa no more! t)'PC! a little. cau 536-3647 J INll 'UAN CAPlmANO 11'11 IUSINas• WAlfTllD .,. A I '"" W/ .. aq. t. . le owner. Bayahores, 3 or 4 BR 673-.5500. evn: 673-1551 k 10), emplyd; Chrlatlan Experienced Maintenance . C~J'llTUNO IL\CN tt• fflVllTMINT _,.,,..._ '"t •• " Whittier, CM. '4i-3490 24 houee unda $45,000. Prin-EXPERIENCED nurae-com- Deily Pilot-Classified '. CLASSIFIED INDEX . ' OAllA POINT ...,"• ::::~M:O,"lo':lfTllD :: PETS ind 1.IVESTOCK hr ._1.. nly ... , .... ~ ...,,..., home wou14 like to meet Budg!it Landscaping panion. Cook dieta. ExceJ: , a1v1111101 COWMTT P•lllONAL LOANS utt PllTlt euauL -· c1....,. o · ~ONJU Bui. Wanted 6305 lady for companionship. Graduate Horticulturi!t 49W$U-_ 'll'o¥ATIOM ••JillTAl.I me , ... LllV I.DANS mt CATI I ..,. INDUSTRIAL Unit S60. per BUSINESS ancf Write Da.ily Pilot Box M 4161.,--"---'--~=:..lrc·~··~':'"""i"~·r.Ex~t~llll:::',~~7.;'. .,,,,,:~It COftDOMINIUM IHI COLU.Tl'U.I. LOAMI UM DOOi -mo Y n1 vailabl .t.'l"T'RArT1V11'. • GAL Fri••» E Dli,.UXll lllU•M. .,. llAL anATI LOANS .,.. Noa.s•• ..,. . a ~Ce ~"'~""' .... 1!· ~e.l~CIAL '"'"''";<'"~~-..-C:l'.p.&.b-1• EU'ROPE,,f back. b)O. ~ -xec. _Jil L _..,,~..,_!;;.-·~VfiQcf""ll!i~~·"-""'" . . . 9-.U n·g wdman will Roundtrlp·Jet-Junel41hru ALLEN BROS. SecretaryMaturesklllsond ""E'=s •••••••U Bus. Opportunities 6300 partlcip~te wi~h time . and Sept. 1, S48-6646 judgment 540:-7306 MN1i.t.L-1:m 1'\11; "1t Lott 6100 money 1n a going boutJqUe, Gardenert'Studentt ColTA MllA and NOTICES ~':~'=IN• POOLS :: CANDY SUPPLY woman's apparel •hop , ALCOHOLICS Anon>;nous working way thru college. ·0om .. tlc Help 703$ 1 :::! =~o-:"ll POUND '""" Afll '"' AW'NINOt .nt Beautilul Mesa Verde cut. ROUTE ~ach area, that needs ex· Phone 542-7217 01· wnte to Exp Li Reas• T c•L•H , ..... It LDIT ..... V...:ATIOMI IHI pa!Won or 0 per at in' P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. • c. . erms * HOUSEKEEPER OR ===~ :ffi.N :::=i:c~M•Nn = TRANSPORTATION ,.. ~~: 6:m~al~u: ~~= EX~~: 1f:"co~1!7~ hn. capital. Submit pirticulan COUPLES, singles; Jonelyt PHONE 646-4203 COMPANION available fot -..... -INOlll llltTHI '41t IOAn I YACMTI ) to n ... M--DaUy PUot N I ' J In tb . ::;::::-;--,----.,..,--1 '"-"" ,.,. or a:-r. lady, N ·• FUNaULS '41t IAILIOAn tilt right at $16,250. weeikly work {day11 or eves QUA •u• ew n atta. o e swine ..... ....., "~ IATIMDllll ,AID otlTUAllY '411 POW•ll CllUISllll "" -.ini ..... a. u--.i-money to fun • pleasure NEW lawns re . a e' d I n ·g. Excellent retcrencea, drive. '#UTCLI'' ,LOllllT1 641s •OAT n:A•L••• ..., _ _, from coin operated diapen-Money to Loin 6320 • 635-9291 • by job th __ DD¥•• •MO••• PUfllaAL 0111acro111 '411 s•1•D--$1t1 •o~TI "" &545·5110 •~-& .. co ........ 11; .. Complete lawn care, clean Avail now. utnVl:llllT'Y PA•• CAlO OP TMANll "" ao-.T MAINTllflAlilCI taJ ... lerl in Costa Mesa k llUl" BACH .eeks &id to exch ten-up or mon • .E .""' HOMEMAKERS 547.fi6Sl ...,., Y IN M•MOl:IAM _., •OAT U.UNCN1M• ,.,. GE REALTY _, ..... ;.,_ ........ No .--"l .... ht A 2nd loans for --1ck estima.tea. For Info, call Ch•·-II·-•--. ~--·• llM:lt IA CIMITlllV 1.0TI '411 MMINa IOUIP. tnf Mlllill--.al '""'"""'& .......... M:Uu.. ..... niS Jessona· f 0 r dancirlr 846-0932 or 193-1995 ,.~-11• .._~.i.w • ...,. II.UPP CIMaTall'Y Cl'Yll'ff; .. ,, IOAT SLIP, MOOllM• '"' (Handles name brand candy cuh. 8orTDW on YoUf pro. tesaons, 492.-0lS& eves.. Permanent Experienced llj:VfNI , •• IAC9 ClllMATCMUll ... IOA'Y •••VTC•• = ·k anackll). $1650 total cub perty eq wttmut dllturbinii Cut" F.dp Lawn F~ Eut Agency -64U7ll1 ==: OIL MAii :~L •AAKS :: =~ ::~;~ ,.. BLYFF Lot 100' from Pacllic _requiJ'ei.For.pertonal illteJ-)'OW" low Snterert lit TDa. 6410 Maintenance, Lictnlled . r l •AT llLA•D• su1 AVIATION ••nae• ..., '''"••• wn ,.. . ocean, 20 ml. from Cillt A view In your area tend Also buyers tor 2nd TOI. Announcemtnts 548-4808{6'5-2310 aft 4 GeorEmge ~,• ByP~• F ...... .ey ' 'r,,.."· .. 1sa.a,1• ••o n:.t.v•1. ..-•OAT MOYIN• _,... Mex. at San Antonio lhores. name add-• p~ nwn· Sattler Mortiage Co. Inc. rwJ~ -.,, j .. ---..... = Alll TllANt•o•Tl>TIO" ... IOAT ITOllAll "" I •tleM val ..... • ... _. "'--.1-··--.... ·-· 20 -. ASI'ROl.OOY Claases DOW AL'S Gii.rdening s e I' v Ice. lQG..B E. 16th, SA MT~ ·-· -AUTO n:AMlf'OllTATNMI .... 10.-TS WANTWD ,... iliJ yr, eate . ...,,.,., oe -ber lo! .:ic.-vuw n&l" IU"' J·~ I I s lo La mai t natlce -....a-ltUftTIMOTON tlACM ••••• N .... ICll ... AllH:ltAlllT flit $4900 642-7788 "ROUTE DEPARTME·-·~ E 170. St onn ng. ummer seas n, wn ' n e • "-""°' ENGLISH N• .. nv avail. tm-' NUNTIN•TN JillAlllOU• ... •••MAN ... TUTOftnte ... l't.'YINt l.lltoJilll ,,. . . l'l I • -• • belfinners/adva.nced. F 0 r tng .. clean up. ~ me d • E :x ~~"'1 • 1 0 c. I • ;;~:':~:c~ALL~'f' :! SERVICE DIRECTbRY =~• =.;• "" lh ACRE Back Bay. View. P.O. Box: 2938• 6C-21tt 5'S--06l.l Info call 675-6661 Day!, JAPANESE gardener Comp! Refettncei. Agency 6C-3703 • NlOIM eltOVI )1111 ACCOUtfTIN• -tKWCLlt :1J Horses OK. 64.2-f.424. 2364 Anaheim, Calltornia 92804 675-2140 after 6 Expe de lldabJ '======"='=== I LOtt• HACM ... A••n•nit s•nica .. llllCTlllC CM:I ,,,. Redlanda Dr., N.B. MOVING: Complete baby Money Wanted 6350 11erv. r, pe e,I' olt.MI•• couNTY ,... aJ'l'LtMra ••••1u. •-..,, MINI •11ta1 ---·-nn * TIIE COIN OIEST * tree est 6C2-43l9 Halp W1ntecl, Men 7200 : ~ANA a.• AP,..A111n n MOT011cvc1.•1 '* S. A. Hgh~. ~· lo~ A-1, 60 shoe bronzing out flt. WANT $35,000 lit TD to build Rare cow, sets, mall auc- Mt'iWA:'m: :;: ~~ .. :;. =· ·~=-~.": • '"Ill" :: x 115, Jeftl, owner Will car-Includes lbow caae A· all architect designed home t lon, etc, 141 S. <:out, La. ~~S~~ o't::· EXPERIENCED om, &MTA AMA Nl .. KTS • AU1'00 s.et ...,. T-. 11&. .... AUTO YOOUh• aou1r. "If rt $10,650. Rltr, s.u.9569 mounts. $150. lakes lll. ln HB ln ear Lake Park) Bcb 494-5585 ' ' • fiberglau molders 1 or · CWT AL .,.. UilVllTTIH "" Tu.IL•a. Tllna. ..u ~1998 $55,000 mortgage v a 1 u e • cuna • ' Reuonable. S48-&l55 steady employment willi ~ t:= ::=:'t = _:r~,:.:~ = ~u~i:,u. """' = Mount, & DeMrt 6210 BEAUTY SALON-rent gpace Reapon.ible party. 536-&38. SERVICE DIREC10RY J~n·s Gardening oceanographic co. App~ ; ~:JJr.":i"'' :'i: ::::=:~. ••vKu ::g ~=~•• :'t! NEWBERRY • I: have your own btuineu. M2--9805 . Appliance R1pelrt f'inelt equip., expert care. 1916 Placflntia, C.M. : ~~"'°""auai = g!',..~._. ===-•~'::A':' :1 SPRINGS ~!_~ ..... UULNc::cot~mple ANNOUNC&MENTS Parts 6510 P~an~,~~·~;:FRY ·Cook ·wanted', pad ~ COICDOMINIUM -CA•ll'•NTaa"'• •• 1~T•o ....,.,.. ,.. City of Likel .. ~-=~. • area. and NOTICES amauc en time. Top wages. RanchO j 1UflUX•• v••uttN. ..,. C•MINT. ~ ..,. SH•T u.u ,.11 _..... • AUTOMATIC WASHER Free Land~ ~ltin&: San joaquln Goll Courie, I RINTALS CKILD ~.... ........ Ult MTMU•I. CLAISCI t'11 MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE diiNrmLU.S Foond (Free Adt) 6400 REPAIRMAN • 673-1166 • W21 CUiver Rd. neat ua .• Apta. FurnlthN =~•••• :: = ~~~~°°' .:: 20 Miles E. ot Barstow, on Are )'OU lntertste<t1' 646.$848 Ja1NMH «;1rdner, Ask for Wayne 8"-0112 : •Miii.AL .. CAllPft LAVI M ......... ..,. AUTOS WAN'YID .,.. freeway, FJv ;Q()(I ft., 30 v••t eh "'""-YOUNG male puppy, part t-...... I . "' -•--1 • =.A MdA 4tt1 """9•111 -MllW CAlll "" Acres adj to Lake Loreen. 1111 ou;r n.n ~ German ShepMrd, we 11 SUPREME Appliance Re-...,....,r, comp ya llCnR.~ SERVICE STA ATT. Full 6 1 --~·:-UClil = ::...~r:a.YtCI = = ~-= Offering the N. portion of SMALL Groc. store ln H.B. trained, hou1ebrkn Brown A pa.ir .. ,1~, WUl'jefS, dry. Free eat. 548-7958, 546-0724 Pt Salary 4 comm. Tarn , . our 'O acrc1, re11erving S. rn.. area. Availablt $80 mo. whlte. Vic Newport laland. en. Tom. 5t6-l383.. 547-1681 EXPERT JaPflD'lle main-Sharp 6'73--3320 i !-..----------'------------------1tl acrn improved w/mod· Jeaw.•,213: 69IHl880 '7J..8t55 tenance H.B.. F.V. area. HI·FI Component SaJemnaa ' em ranch ..,_ etc. Un-WANTED; olkela •~-l!o"'"'llll"ll 6550, Call l>lacl<. !4M4<2 ~· Xlnt 0.-. CeJ1 HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE-HIDDEN · DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? lted d 301 ......... SWERIAN Silvtr Huaky, vie ;;.(..::; • #~ -I um , pe ttt water. Uoeoat, 0ranp ,~. Jamboree Rd a: ~. WIU. babyalt clay8 my , • r. Van. -· . · GPM •I IO tt depth. Price Call; -. -~.. Id 11 ~~ w N l:!!vflne 6730 WAITliR • 11• ~ 1L _...... bal 111 TD i,D, ...au to e n I 1.. u.nne, • ewport atta. _. _ s:;'bj;; ~ .. ';;d'i,,1 220 ft: ~EERBARlPma. Walk In 61>-13j!I ' R<ll avail.· Call 67>-<1857 GENERAL HAULING Kontn'• R..iauraot ·u frontqe on Silver Valley cooler. Cote ta Whlte~t. BOSJ'ON bull mixed, temJ}e, bd<n 4:30. & CLEANUP llG1 30th St., NB I Rd., 7 mi. E. of achooL For CM. Sac tor cub. 5*-3343 approx. 1~\ )Tl. VI c. WILL bab)'8tt •. MY home. $12 per Joad, DRAFTSMEN, Semi ntlred1 map A: ~r detail3 wrltt IT'S heh houtt Ume. Bia:· Fairview M . It Wilton. Scl'IOol..qt. No mm than 2. ~ an. 3 & wkend1. for pt tlm• drafthls in No,. Georae R. kreu, L&pna pit sdectlon ewrl See the M&,f 30. ~ evft onl)' !'iOc hr. f45..mt HAULING, dilJ'HiPil, lots, Huntl'llton BC!'ach. ~141S • 1 Beach, Box: 914, or Box 155, DAD..Y Pn.or Clualfied WJEMARANER, aboul 3 SU~fMfR Fun fer Your lddl. garagn. etc. Lra tru_c~1 YOUNG m&n with Jmtiati'Y9, Newberry, CalU. 9236!J section NOW! . n'IOll. old. Vlc. Pac. Cout •.'o y 1, playmatfa, swim. bancf¥man,~ 1111Hma. c:alJ lor n:staun.nt war Ir f White eltP"antl! Dtme+Unl DAILY fiLO'I' WANT Abs1 fttwa,y, NB. U S.9729 ming. Day or week. 53$.2453 008 66-2$ 54>1688 ' j t I • • 4 @t @i.es pp zy o . e.':j , l•~-'··-·•.19't . ;~!~!!~~~~ • a i'lllll'I ~&' llllPLOY!mtt' .IOU a Wt; .. ,.11111..... .IOll i'IWWYMal'r JOIS & 1M,LOYMINT Ml~HANDlll llOI MllCHANDISI l'Olt -. =:+' W _ • · 1 ~ -SAU -· TaADI r ' Ml.I AND TltAOI •-· .....,... • r· .............. "1' ... w-.-.,_ """WonNtMoo.7100 Hllpllllll._-, .._ ..... w.-. '·~ ~ · ...,_.,.,,_7'0IScMoi..tnotructlon7. r •I J I: " • II• ••• aa -• '6e ' · • 74lt . j\CHIMMIHT io. thon AllLITllst 11ow ~· o:-:::= •• o.NCY ~~~ ~ • ; .,.. ... CL111-0· 1 -~-r...:-:-: :1•=CESS? , , Liim"b , tilt!! sa MIN EQUll'MINT ....., Juot wt.ol tbe mlll...,. ' ~ f! ild Im " Alk'WOIUC • ~!~~·!..n.. ~ .. -: ." ~ -::~:;. TYPlm . =~ ~=! coa1r~~~:ao!! a:,t~,, ~ l MQIOllOIJlmS 1 <-for ..,,,. PC! ~ leelOc> -'WHt•t THE _,.,.,_D.. Moko It-For o..r Now Shiro . MXZ1"1m 'll61.-f7lt. •utY 1, 19111> tnr.,. of• -.... , e ,1100P viria. 11111a .,.. b.., ., """ ''"""""'M ATS JHE CHILD .-SPANISH ·••-MEDITIRIANEAN •I u I • TOI" PAY ' .. ~ ..... to •tart inlmcd· ~·-.CALL~ R tcJnlCE J'Oll INTDVIEW •llOND.A.Y 6 •Tl:Jl'a)AY, ~ ' 714-1251 .... ---·--1 MOTOR HIM ~ ' e UBS -• ASSIMllfRS CITY OF NEWl'OllT BEACH Requires 11.S. d~ or G.£.D., 2 )'?I. recot exptrlenoe in publlc con- tact work. Experience in operadan ot ndio • tt)e. p bone communieation eqlllpment i. blchly dt- olred. Aj>ply • .. l'ulon· no1 om.., a"' Hall. 3300 N....... Bl..S,, (n4) ITWl33 bdare , 5 p.m. Monday, June 11, 19G9. ~~~ .. '-~"--~' ca!Od 111 ll>t inlna i..d .. ~ --· -~· Ol"lllATOll • r1a1 -11p -• alnco MOTIVATION I• en lnnor fwco $75,000· CLEARANCE · ·~·91.::.~. UNITID CALIFORNIA ate -·for 2 clerl lhal ..... with fooll ... of succoM. e Game Seta Ii Dinlng rm Mia e lleclmlm ~,. __ Calli. • MNK . it!:~U.t+...±.-.t .,. 111 , '1\11~~~ H. SAuClaMAH, Ill. D. sell ·• l,lvblc l'OOQl .. 11 e Corne1' units " ~and E op Toh 541-17H e Tablu e LamPir e Racliller chalra e Dec· .D,lJS H \V ),.SJI E•I\ •won... ' qor "" :'Iii . ' ' . oratlvt =•h chairs • Buffet , W/chlna "'1>'d. Apply Ill,...... Blue 3029 Hart.or 11'/ll. --"· 6<IOd ,,...,. Hf,' .... ~ . ,.. , , · · Dolpbln --· 3355 c .. 1• Mo.. · llllfllt """ """'°"' .dmtaJ ., .. _,.. .. 7_. It+, w.-top*, M terrahean e Pictures • Wrought Vlt'Lldo, NB. • 546-U wodc -• "'91red. , -. -: w-' 7400 Iron We otter a>iood •tarthw ~ : ,;,~ , ..,. •, , •. f Ne tlown -twtnt •t1 IWt 'f9Ut' budllf - •-1" w--..,. w1111 u -..... -· 111m..,s · bonk fine; u., .... ~·-..... ...,. ~ ·-· k ....,,..-• ·-Eq\IOl o-i, emJ>i•yv at _.. !Ddud"'" u . uv1•"f1 nwill-.:liJAcHl'NE -., ~a:,;;;:-~~• •· Eloec. Sec,,., ,._, VleJo do1t ,,....11on d..... !be · ~' SALESWOMAN . . • Thlo, c.1o l'oe Stwck ..... H•-' Pnly • aru ............. $500 mo. !;_~_!0.¥.!. pm )'flU ol·•~pklrmenL llWl'Ol1 Mat-..---~-.; ,..-~· -,- Seely, pod typkt, •om e ~·~ • .I.JI Sal.uy~UI ~Yao "'°""""' ........ l4lfl mo. &lu&bt hi' """" ll"Cftal"' YlrllD1 -· , N ' I ~ ·• • " cation, olck o.nelll. a, • .' Dental Auilt, Garden GJO\'e ullnwMr 1n. N.B. area. Top • ow· n1wmew1n., tittment plan. Good}oppar- . . ttt& .............. Wl mo. .::!!!.~~ .. ~!:.: mlChintS COSMETIC <•LES wtunie."'will""-~~---, * DISHWASHER ...... "' tl>or<hand, Hunt· __ , ro~--·-~ "" -~ ·-inlt0n Btac:h atta, $433mo. prekn'ed. Apply R lck A VARlAN ~TR•fnlARY • Co., 7T17'Ediapr, Hmttnc-(full tlmol ·~-·~ ·~ c1aa ..... -·~ ~-· CatamaJu , • .,.-·--•· ·• ~-·•-, __ ,,_ ·~··-~-·-· ·~-· ~ 2722 Mlchol..,, Drl.. ·EXPERIENCED ONLY ~· ~•~ --·--· ~ Im!Dedlate opVli.rwl fir mtl'I , ty aalan ••••• : ••• , $3!18 mo. Sa.Ua. DT W. l'fth st., 'CM (AdJ. too,.,._ Ce. H.B. See Mr. FernM Wtth experience in plumb. Prefer c\ftn cut yOWIC m.an 4111 E. 17th St .. SUite 224 MS--mlD Al-"') SCHOOL TH.Chu betw. z; It ·' ~; .... dectrical. waDa. cabin-Wlth eXPlriebC:t.:. Apply be-Costa Mesa M2-147D TRAINEE • ,..... • FUU.. TIME • _ eta and tinbh. or we wm tween 2:U> pm and 4:00 pm, Phone &:: order desk. Xlnt Irvine, C•ltf. t26M ' ~:ina runboat~ :::m:_ Fumlture m Fwmiture IOOO , tram .>'O'L Muat. haw 10me in per.on. Help Want.I opport\mlb' with dynamic An equJ. opp:ntanlb' U·you bava been accustam-642-3951.'after a pm.. ---.:..· -~---1-------- " ·-foo1a. s., It"*, 21.15 w-7400 -..... ,,.,,,., Soulll •m"'°"' M A F ed ., -,witll .... fin. UOIJIDAJORS E JrQ U I s I T E Spenllh .t ~ Drift, Ollta Mesa COCO'S --------Sa.nta Ana, .frlendly ~ Ch!rical est clitntela. and mm:ban. Joltt Min, Wom. 7500 Mediteman re t u r n a d 1 MU"l5t , L..pl s.cty to $711 lll'Ol"ken. $325 mo. Call dlR,._ )'OU will enjoy the from l'a1odel Home1. Eaitun 21J1 Weitcliff Dr., NB ~se iovel)' wlllattotntY111~ the Edee, 54M410. PRINCl.PAL CLERK excdlent owartunio.nofita ~.~ MrK n ICM' _ roR BANKS-FINANCE CO't brand names. c 0 m p let e ; COST ACCOUNTANT Pl'&eh &IQ bapp...,. PQ JASON 5EST $498 • ~ per month company ~ UU l.l,g(ft ESTATESMODEL HOMES housefuls ot q u & Ii t y .t ~ County Mta. Min\. JANITOR the placement fee, and )'OU Employment Apncy ($$23-$638 reoc:mmended by thil positkm. Quality Fumlture turn t tu re , Klnc' me <. mum 2 yn exp preferably only work from 9 to S l 21m So. Main, Santa Ana Jul,y 1, 1969) CASHIER B•nks Can't bedrooms, lull or twin, r :W:e a:,11. ,!;!~;'I ~to::N~·.s· ~::: ~~ ;~~ie: 1~· fa: GIRL l'RIDAY CITY. o·F ' Int::~,in~.~PM Deposit Furn. • cus~m q1uilted aotaab&1 loYe ---.. C&raill for :furthl'r lnforma.-We a.re expandlnc out ta.ell-#1 FASHION ISLAND They Demand Ca1hl seaQ, amps, ta e •, -a. exi-Bu; St M nzw:e. qe145 to 60. Experience de-tion at 642-3870 itiei. Great opportunity for NEWPORT BEACH l..ar&e lwi:ury hotel, aood W. Regardltll Of lossl beautiful dinln& room sets I l! Send retume I: alal)' re-aln.ble but not ~celUJ')'. ...i ..... 1 oma.n. .Run front off. ary, S days. Muat be expero. It--l-L u.-..1 6 chain, Auto mat l c -' ~ to Dall1 Pilot Good pay, liberal fr1np Newport i:~ ~inc (accuracy • Po&itlon in Finance ne.. EXPERIENCED ie:nced on NCR coo. ...-n INl'"....._iterr•rw•n refrigerators, washer. Saw tllolx: M 330. benefits, excellent woridJW PtrsonMI AfMc:Y must), lilt: bookkffplns 4 pa.rtme.nt ftQU~• H.S. PART TIME Bra~Je.~ 4 bundl'eds of dollan from ; INS. TIJ.ICTORS condition&. Ap..,. "' ..,.... 833 DOVER DR., N.B. -.. .......u ... van. -uatiM and • ,.,., of • • • EL Apply In perlOll only. kinr °'""' ,,,. box·-· orig. price. Full prloe ..... .. -· --~ -::U""::',~". ~:i!J:~ ::; Beauty o-rators e"' of dullet, !"e ... ""'"' ........... clttlcaJ ... T LER The Newporter Ian • mettr .... <Utlam ..... Will .......... T•rma. BUY Sat IOOd t.mire, able to meet Mr. Jack Dwyer. 11866 Beach ExJ>ttie~ o~..:tors ind-tor apPt: 5t0-1!5C =~ ::oo.~:; UNITED CALIFORNIA IOlu a: kwe 19ts. exquisite ~~u~ ~ AOK O' '1be pubUc. Appq in penoa. Blvd. HB "1 at a rapidJy srewinl' tint payable, Apply to etty BANK 110'1 Jamboree Road dinin& rooms il hutches. 172 Garden Grove BL: HoWay Health Sp• 1----1-ftllftm----claar salon Jocated. oe:ar the Ste Betty Bnl9t at ol Newport Bea.Ch, City N"""POl't Beach Guaranteed ~ refrlc· Westminster,(% blockW..t Colla-. Runlhtton Bch BA ·-UCI ........ "' un;.....i"' m fl "'"· Pe"°""" Offlc, • 222 °""'Ave., Lt...,. Bch. J. w. Robinson ........ color TV'•,"" mo. lrom the "'""' ol IIeub •ftYS II. If Park -C.nter. Guar· I••• WAC 3300 Newport Blvd., ,,.._ H ~,_ ,__ ~.t ~"t ~--~ .,. Blvd. near G.G. ,,,_.,.,, -DAYS & NITES antee, .Commlaion, Paid VII· "" '5'· Newport Beach. tnt) •• -..-•""Wl'nw: -i on ... e a ..w....,.. pric. Open 10 to 9 Sun. 1°" cumr ""'""Ope cation. Call 83l-02'IO ......, toreu.a Glrlt m<633 o.ro,. > p.m. •Plrf Timt Slits• eL BUY ANY .PIECE REPOSSESSIONS ,__,_~~So.•·-··· Apply In porlOn BOOKKEEPER $600 ClOW.Cou!Hwy.N.B. 1bunday, Juno 12, 1969. SEAMSTRESSES OR HOUSEFUL In exoell•ot-co ndlllon . -.-~ILOr .._..... Able to ta.kl! boob thnl l!n-87 appoint &t&-393!1 ATI'RACI'IVE, ftll aroomed , 3-4 Days , week. Stamp De-. Beautiful IOfa. ise. a.a.tr .....,,, 111a1a1 (, W ancial itatement 4 co. will Secrttary tor Gener a I Exp d power machine oper-partment. Pftter lchowleda:e Warehouse S1Je $49, sofa &: love seat ;179, s •I"---=~==---UUIUI ""'°""" '"' fee. con L<>-INSTIUCTIESSES Manager •I .. 11 known .,.....fo --•boat of mmps. pc bedrm set 189, Klllr tlal SAl..E9IEN nine, 1derchanta l'f>t50nnel Youna:, matun!T &iris able to Company in Costa Meu.. CUl!llons I: ca.nYUI pro. APPLY AOIC bedrm. set n 49, Box sprinr ). Career opportuni~ wt t h 151 E. Cot1t Hwy. Agency, 2043 Weatclilf Dr., m~t the public. MU1t be at· Must be personable and ducta:. Top WllU. pd boll· PERSONNEL DEPT. 7122 Gardtn Grove Bl. • mattres1 S9 ea'.. Kinr me :: ~~~ J?refe• ... !-~"",...'.~, __ Na_wo'pori~=Bo='=o_ch__ N.B. &45-2'1'1G tractive wltb a rood figure. betv.'ffn the aae1 of 22-35. daya, vicaUons. ins, Xlnt F•shion Island Westminster (~ Block West $25 ea. Sell all or part, -•---"""" 1 · PART TIME Office work. Apply In Jlel'IOn Mi n i mum requirements, worldna conditions, Apply Newport Be-a.ch from cornu o1 Beach BIVd. terms. Buy all or pa.rt A.OK ·f.· 1n.i,~lon + P.K.'s. CAREER 8:30 l dally .. AJert &lrl wtv:: Holiday Health Spi lbortba.nd 100, type 60. Jack c:ole Co., 1763 P1aot~ Equal Opportunil;y Employtr near c .G. Fl'ftwa)') Open WarehoUM, Tm Garden SU E. 11th St., Coda Mesa OPPORTUNITY! works wlth fiaures to write Col References ttquired. 1lrls ls Ua Ave .. CM. 616-2"'1 n.. .. 1 (sf f r.1 J.0.9, Sunday, 10-6. Grove Blvd., l1I bJk. Wmt of t ... s. Ma.in St., Santa Na orden 00 ~ accountina: ta :r.re .... Huntln(ton Bcb an excellent opportunity for BANKING llH I e .M IS SPANISH Returned from Beach nr. C.G. Frwy. Open ... Jata todl)'I tut.I O'O'Wlnl machine. We wlU traln. JEWELRY SALES a oompetent younc lady who Poaltion Immediately avail· Model Homn on u at 10.9 Sun. lo.G. t llanqement Trainee ~eakin·Mutaal Fand Plea Year-round job, mln. are 24. Retail ..ies ap. 5 days, deslrl'I pmna.nency It pro. able foa Experienced salesperson for Ina than wbolesa.lel Group MAPLE Desk t:. chair, ec:Jfee ·• PART TIME EVES. .:~or~ S4>nat 40 hrl, Salary + comm., f~ssional crowth. Outsta.n-CREDIT CHECKER busy San Clemente~. includet beautiful 9&'' table, occasional tablel, '.t Mutual Fund Advl--BEAl!I'ICIAN co. benefits. lAwson'• Jewd-~:Ing ~ure1:e.~~lts pi! at our NewPOrt c en t e r ~~!lte. ~ ~:: quilled IOfa fc }ow 11eat. twin bed, Simmons box • $3.50 per hr. Inc. -· ~ ·~-~Ii( PfuUldtime Co&tlota. l'a1esa. ~rsB 6500 Huntington Center, SaJa.ty commenaun.te w/ Branch. PJeue reply at . misslom paid promptly. s Spa.nigh oak decorator spring & mat,tttu, 3 ~pa. N B :wuun. a vai.:a. 111, etc. · · ----' · 1, ~ "JO M 550 Newport Center Dnve Ell C tt.bles. swq or table lari:ipg. rugs. upho . r o c .. e r , "' It . 1603 Wettcllff 84Ut22 No cUente!le required-new L\RGE Croup medica1 pnc-e ... ..,.. •• ence. ,,,.,..... on-SECURITY PACIFIC 162~nN~. ~a=rnoRe~.7 wall placque, kins. queen. Coleman stove, skis. misc S.A. 1212 N. Broadway ands welcomed. C a 11 lice needs ex Pe r i e n c e day tbru Friday. 54&-6682 NATIONAL BANK San Clemfflte or full iize bedroom suite items. 3:00 Ogle, Apt D, CM Mr. Bond Real FA:tat. SU• r' mu ftleded for immediate ,P ~ment. New unit now -Wiil train. ,t. ...... -s ................. . --h·•·· llMch .1-_,.,: ... ~·-~.---DOORMAN ,ARKING ATTND'T . Full er part time, day or eve. ; Uc. CaW. drtwr. Neat ap. _ pearanc:e, ref.I. Call su-1100, 1., ext 555. 4 to & p.m. , , SALES ... needed at once, 2 !• men to worts: ew1. No tn- r ftlbnent, nc experience. Coocl car nece..,.y. can " Mr, Flahttly, 526416 . * EXP diahwube:r &: kit • , helper, :full time, DEPEN- DABLE. 494-411:98 Benton'• Cotitt Shop 133 S. Codt Hw,, LB "'1>:7"-:<-:""'7"""'-;-,..,..,.,.... JBERGLAS t ool tna, "l. mold! .. bobditW. boat ! CUpl!fltt:t. Experienced onl,y. 5C'f-833l Manager 548-9919 women in all phaaet of front MAIDS _ eqtW opportunity employer or call collect for appt complete lnd box sprtnp, (OU Tustin near E. 1'lth St.) . AM TRAINEE CREDJT WOMAN otti<e. Back I' o u n d A <n<> ....,,. ma....,, linent A -CORNER !able, olal bench, s.i..,. ,... -.... 11etan ""'" ....,..... ..... -'-"""' -lm. iurlllUllll:rrtt llJRSE AIDE * 1am.,, -.u • .. arm1 ............ -. .... ,...., -......,. A ,.. '"'""· 5 ..,. _., ., hn. Newport Beach. llUr'UlllU&I DRIVERS * -,., priced ......_ drop lea! table w/ 6 tide ttreaet-lllan. Good ............... Salu7 + beoeflts. Law-SARAH <X>Vl:NTRY bu If you. are internled in: No E · rit •I approx. $1195.1» AI.J.. chain a: 2 arm chain. but-twdt7 lor -.. ..-p 'l's Jrwelers. e Hunttnc-opeitlnp for fWi or -""' * Prccreulve patient care ~ ftU .FOR ONLY -,$20 dotm.. ·k t. Brown-Jordan pa t J o wW tl'aln.~=· ~ ton Center, H.B. time .... Min. qt a Lust lwan"y ~hotel, Expert. • Service education N~! $4.99 per · .•• ,. out ol furniture, lamps, pic:tDftl. '1Trt F.d41aer, Hunthicton E>fPERIENCED 'ttLLERS Pleuant work, no invest, no ence nectsMJ'Y'. • Excell. workinc coniJ'L Must baye clean ~ state credit OK.. W 111 675-6656 Beach Sqtptns C2nter, HB FuJl . or pt. time. Apply In dellveriet. For lnt:nview Appl,y in perlOO, ?lfiml Kina Oll Orance Count:Y'• lara:est drivini reoard. Appl,y ~= ~~~; ~ i-6 ::.=,;R,;OS;;E"w"'oo=o::-&,--wal-,-11d See Mr, Ferraro. pel"IOll Bank of America, call S40--061U 137-474&/ • extended care ho111ital. YE.LLOW CAB CO. chain circa 1840, $215: SALES TRAINEE 3444'Vi.a Lido, NB. 84'1-8950 The Nlwpoitei lift 546-M50 186 E. 16Ua St. g::: c':!:· ~ "1~9: walnut dining table $50; National Co look1nc for man ..,..i opportunt"' employtt SALES & LIGHT oroo. • .,. Radlo-T tltphont Cosla M... Set JO.<, Sun 12-5 Come ~n;1h TV "'°"'°'' SU>. to cover Or. Co, tli!n'. Groc * RECEPTiONIST * in fuhionable Lido jewelry 1107 Jamboree Roed . COUPLE To clean Me1a In or call (714, 5!)-52«> 363~~ Goldenrod, CdM, exp preJ. Co car • comm. Pa.rt time, Age 19 10 25. atore. Jewelry experience Newpot\ Beach Dispatch Gfrl Theatre 5-6 or 1 days per D k eD k e enter by alley, upstaln. , Start at $6500. Call Mr. AC<IW'l.te typlrc experience, neceuat'Y· can for •P-25 or over. M!Jit kr!ow local week, permanent. Sae Mr. •• 1 . •• 1 . Desks FLOOR to ~Ulng white Richard• 5tl)..flt4 Schock Boats, Newport ~lnlmt!., .. n~._r.ennanent poal-EXPERIENCED a~a. ApPIY in peraon. Hamann, manapr. 543-C'lOl Filing cabrnebl, oUic:e chaira; drapes, coven aid& 111 ar. COASTAL.AGENCY e mm e t10n. ~ YELLOW CAB. CO. eves for appointment or in-Must sen all at sacrifice. 9' olive grn couch, Danlah Snell .A member ol EXPERIENL"J:;O Ne.wport SEXRE'I'AltY. Growina: food e ESCROW e 186 E. 16th St. quire Mr. or Mn:. Hen-~en \V=O= ,. ~ modn. ~1718 . 1n& ~ Snellil:w Inc. Beach Orthodontic office rntr. nd1. ed. 1iri with SECRETARY Co1ta l'afesa derson at theatre, btwn 71. ~iblckWesttrorn~·~; 2 CHERRY ~f aa:na.vox 2190 Harbo1 Bl, Cosla. Mela front de1k. Send resume u; limited S7H, typin&" a: sen. F•m•I• Secty. 500.00 I JD:30 am daily. or BEACH BLVD .• NEAR cabinets szo each. Antique DISH MACHINE Daily Pilot Box M J:;4 ok. exp. .:;,1eU811t ~~ UNITED CALIFORNIA A top beach area co is look· t/ HAIR STYUSI'S with 'GC rn'Y. Open 10 to 9 Harvester tab I e SIS. OPERATOR DRYCLEANING/ lilundry ~~i. ~=t s BANK In& fo~ an alir_act1vt.1al with foilowillg, 1ntert!1led 1n a SUnday 10.6. , ;;673-<:;,;.,;:;"'i:':;:,--,,=-70-.I Union scale. Hospital, sural· attndnt. Home-like armos., good .ec. lk:ilb, IJ'Mt po. change to increa&ed earn-ESTATE SALE HOU.YWD. aingle bed cal,. medical, dental plan, Bal Isl. Day, Conun. SALES W 0 MAN . Ex· 3141 E , (Nit Hwy tenlia.1 and the co will re-ings. Beaulitul large Won Cocktail tahle, 4x6, custom fra.me, qltd. spread Ir paid vacation, overtime Pal'. 774-231K> perlenct:d in la~ ready to Ce cltl lmbune the let. 'ca.D LI> in Laguna &ach. 49f..502l. medlterra.nean, oris. $350, bolsters like new $35. After Apply in peraon war. APP4' Mon thN Fri ron• M.r rain!-, llkrcbants Ptttormtl Tuel, Wed, Thura, 3 to 5 aacrilice $%J0 never wed. 5 673-4915 -~!'~9:1: 1:~~~ :;m1 ~~ APIµ>POS No. 67J.~ Aaeocy, 200 Weatcliff Dr., pm, Mr. Joseph Solid bnvn 8' tect'l, belt of-HURRICANE lamp $50. • AlfrocoAS'I How•rd·1 R11t•ur1nt 4001 W. C.oUt Hwy., NB •fr 1974 Placentia, Ori •• BAKERY HELP. Will tnJn DISHWASHER .. U n.c. Full lime. Apply '"JN;;.llf.I f5 --morns. to~ ~ -.tiJi. M aft. 12 2:30. can &15-(157 • Country,~ Eqtpl oppartwdty:emDloYI N.B. ~2770. · EXPEDITER For •pedal fer. S~reo con a o I e, Black velvet piano beDCb ~=~;~ '::...;:?~~t~yoor . ·~-='-. -•~,;:.,.~~~~:t~~'~: ·--">'•"''"~ ~ · jiirtrilf,....jOb u wife 4 Co~ 'enced VINYL rocker, huaock Q> . . -!IChedule. Call btwn ~2. a· b1'Lft1'es MAjlCn Apply a: personal data. to Charle1 MOVING \\'ood tbl. ~ 3 chn. ... "Gd. 9~ "Bil1ii'1. "">:. Apply In Po•ton 'TC!>ut Hibwy .. CdM SURF & SIRLOIN EXPFA Service atation at-5930 P•c. Cat Hwy , , tendant. Apply: Richfield Newport Be•ch Stalion, u.,...,. • Hamil!Dn. BUSBOY & • CM DISHWASHER .:; 646-S558 -. Oftr 18 .J. EXP'D Service StaUoo -fuU APPLY IN PERSON time., pmna.nent. HOW'fy wqe + cornmi1 1 ion . Unifcrml fumlshed. 990 E. Cout ffW)i, NB. 644-4131 SEMI-Retired man for Wei Ii: rentals of trallen. Apply at MESA MOTORS, 161.8 Newpcrt Blvd, Costa Mesa 1 EXPERIENCED Brealdut I .h'/'Cook. No -"' -nita;. Aflll1 512 W. 19th St., BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th St. Cost.. Mesa CLERK.SENIOR Wdine South Santa Ana Co. Top benefilJ. congenial co- V.'Orkua. $502 mo. Call Edee. 546-S410. mother &: earn 1 wkly Marilyn Schafer 862-5957 MANNINGS. INC. H. Barr JeMlen PO Box .. ,..., paycheck. 544-3854. 636-Jf97 CJrllimife() El Toro Rd. (Leisure World) 1566 NB CaliL ~ Kenmore Wuher, itudio bed. tires. 15, 14, 13 $4 ea. 2622 \VAITRESS C'-· :n \VJ.ITRESSES. Full &: pa.rt. , .. _ llil! ' ' ·• Woodward wrought l ro n Santa Ana St., Apt. o, CM. * ~ ':~ Apply in pel'80n. SwiS& · agencv -una . 11 • 837-lm4 WANTED: Hair Dreaers. furn. lndl11. l Persian Orlen-,c;:~cc....:..::,;:;.c:o..c=,;;c:.:.1 Graveyard 1hift. Con.act Chalet 414 N. Newport Blvd. U ORDER Taker 1 women, Newport r.tea. Expandlna: a tal throw rugs, mild. MAHOG. drop !eat lbli, Mr. Zimmer 67].{l9'n NB Quality PositiollG for giri1 over 19. Day 1 or 10 year old l&Jon. Full I: 968-2844. CU!itom pad, 4 uphol. chain. BABYSITI'ER wanted Bal. Q··"'"ed A -i: eve1. part or •·u lime. part time. Follo·..i--fer-Xlnt. cond. $100. Alter 5 pm GIRL FR 1 DAY, book-......,, p.,..can1' 1" ""'• ... " * CUSTOM made 90fa 14' 6'13-4915 Peninsula., 2 tine .m1. Must keepinl/ .wcrttarill. Mon, '8S E. l'Jth St., Sutt.~ Pleua.nt wor¥: no exp. nee. red, but mt necemry. sectional; pair o1 elera.nt '°"':,,;;:~-~---~I be· reuonable. 6'15-5258 "Wed, Fri, ~. Aa:e 2.S-35. Costa Mesa 642-1470 SaJ. $1.65 "hr. Call 547-ll23 Comm. &: benefit&. Call dWn: tndtwaod d r um NEW Beige &: brown cwcb BABYSI'ITER needed, my 96J..!35l before 6 PM 673-7159 for tnte!vlew. table; tall table lamp: din-for sale, $7$ ~me; 5 mominp .,-eek. J J KNICKERBOCKER . HOSPITALITY' HOSTESS is BE All TY C pe ra tor HOME WORKERS.(enwlope lng roon1 set. X I n t -===*='94-3585====*=== I s .A. area. e-9759 ' Hu.ntlngton Beach 1ookinc for mature women Interviewing for an ex-addn!seen) needed. .Send cond-X1nt buy! * 644-2195 -IOIO DRESS OPERATORS HOUSEKPR • com"''""t...n. 5 lo welconie newcomen ID perlenced ·oi>trator. Fut\ or wU-addresaid envelope to LE ING . ..._ Office Furniture Top Salary, Call 646-2766 days, must have ~oca1 :::e co~unJty . ..:iu~ 1:;e part time . Corona del Mar TOP DOLLAR ~Vgarag~':7;. ~~··g:. S1EEL company rdeuea refs.· Lldo Isl. home . wn • car, · aft 6.PM. 6'13--096i Box 356-CCG,Oaks, Pa. 19456 n:>thina OVtt $25, 8261 Hayes 1urpltl11 ofijce furniture. Ci~l:;;.R ~~~~aJ;; ~ .. 8-5 "'kdt.fs,. Mr. ~~· ~~.:. E(: !'1~~'. ,/ CARPET Q.EANER, ex· MALE or female, exp'd v.°Ool Cir. H.B. 968-3565 e Filt>s e Desks e Oil.in. 21 26 H.B M2-GU Dl,lnha.m 5f4.'9'JS per. Apply In per 1 o-n, preuer. Apply in penon, Quality kine bed quilte<J etc to ' . art•. ASSisrANTS to top Newport SE.CRETARY Weldon Carpet Service. DT Expert cleantn, 333 E. 17th conwh:.te, 81.aed Pa: wortti lkMAHAN'S 7724450 DENTAL SEC I R EC P T. Beach hair stv!ilts wanted. · Lquna Ca.n)ul Rd, J.,quna St. C.M. $250. .Ml s or wtmdl, 8C'l.ot06 ~ s. Anaheim Blvd., tn sqte, 25 to 45. Exp, nee. Guaruteed Alary. KEttT KEZY, Inc. ~ an banwdj.. Beach. 494-ttlO or 56-4323 HAIRSTYUST fl.&J1 or part -Anatieim (alonplde .$.A. * 545-3000 * TEMPIEl'ON HAIRS'l'Y(, ate 0~ for a IK'ttfalY. CCK:KTAJL sU1 no food ttme.,Some followire pft:fd. ATTRACl'IYE Dinette •t. Frttway at Katlella) QI. • RISPOHSJBLE penon to ·o;rtrate ~ lot l1W'l!Ptt nlChtl. Ml time penn. WIDOW t!f sinsle l9dy to ISI'S 6f2494' Send rtsume to KEZY, Inc., eervice for the Fabulc:WI Busy ..shop, XJnt loc. very 1ood condition. 4 cbdn MACHINIST live-In, lite hou.ekeeplna;, WOMAN for lull t I me ll90 E. Ball Rd., ~im. Fling. ApPly in penon Flin&: 675-3385 $25. 875-4419 Offict Equipmtnt IOI I We Nffd O,.r•tors mUAt drive, rd. 5J6..J:l62 Attn. Dan Mitehell. Cocktail Lounge, l45 E. W"'~Eo Cl _,, MAPLE round table, 4 JA!!!DN BESJ' Employment Agtncy 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana Drill prns &: Blanchard employment in beauty aup. ~ putty c:Ook '= l9th, CM. '-"~ • : ean cut ....... ege cha.in, 2 leave1. Needs JB~f Electric typewrlttt B lrinden, ""'Cker & 3 me. GR).fTl ~-!_.•1ct. help. ()per..:· ply store. Some beauty or Exp ,_, -'-.... ..t student w/rlWfl car for part retlnlahlnc $40. 646-6595 model, factory reblt, all 511-1791 .-• sng •i=u ~ ~ spec mac... beautkian exp'd ""CJUired. · uz 1.vun., r-: EXPERIENCED Food A time evening dellwry work. ....C:-"-'"'--'-----1 "'w -~· 1-. ••• ·-Keonel man. ew:r 35. Apply chini1t traintt1. pl'e88e1'1, 642-268) ,,.._,, ' ................ time. 494-4898 500 w. Coast ff.....-, NB MAPLE twiA heels with box ...... ... ~ V'U"QOllV \Veber Spttd Equip Co. uu. a.ft p.m . ...,_,...,,. ~nton's CoHee Shop cocktail waltl'ffl. Rancho ~~ $S0 bl peTIOn, SPCA, m.2 IA-310 So. Center, Santa Ana WAITRESS Ex P 'd , BANK Proof ()pen.tt?J"/Com-133 S Cout Hwy LB San JoaqUin Goll t\nine, PART Time piano player. 'llr111P 4 mattruses. . G1ra19 Sale I022 pna Qiyn Rd, Lac Bcb nt 547.2595 cocktalls. Srn. dinner houM!, puler aen PotiUon n 0 w . ' lB02l CUiver Rd . near UCI. SC»trIES. aa E. l'Jtb St. I Call 644-l7l9 ::;:::.;:!::.;::;::__....;:::=,,1 COOK. D!pendahle. SteedY. LATHE & MILL CdM. Alert, neat. pleuant. ava.Uable, i.t Securtty Pa-IJVE In help; mothl!rless Allk for ~tb,y. 83J..OllO QM, after 6 pm. NAUGAHYDE & W a In u t FRI & SAT, ianae Ille, lmaU ct.Umer house exper. sn.-1122 olflc National Bank, S. La· home, boy age T. To start NEED np'd woman wl refs EXPERIENCED OWJ' Ottoman $15, Walnut clothes .l houRMld Items. "Spat.adft. CdM. m..'1'722 Ope$A'L,E$Rt~p~ BEA\M'JCIAN with tome 1una Brancl\ 32224 :e~~ i'::. B~.S:: lol' occulonal day ume · DESK CLERK exec desk $15. 60-65n, 295 Sherwood SL, C.M. " ' :Y drtwr. Comm'I. followina: tho not neceanry. omCE .1 &sHIEfl Adam1, Suite 203. CM babylfftq ln my homt. Phone 646-7445 CAN'T Store. Solid birch din-REMODELING &\LE ~. 81....,nnt 1 hop . Call 9311 ~":r~w~~I E Gd . commls!km. For ap-Part Time.Apply in~ NO Uabl ..i..t f« lit 641Hllll lng tbl. seats &-10 $60. 2&lO CliH Driw. Npt Bdl ~ ~ oU Bolsa "l Dillow, \Vstmir polnl Call 84'1...fll.64 BACK STREIT ~~. ~ ~id care. ~DREAM Jcb Keep ~rim· School .. lnstryctlon 7600 «T"'>-128'1. ll1 ftlh St.; NB, Sat I. Sun ~f PM t~ itriO llledlanic For Rrvice STOCK CLERKS BABYSITTER wa.nted Mon. ~ Faahlon Island, NB da)' wk. W. June 23-Aua:. portant job u wile & • ROCK Maple 2 nltesta.nda JE\VELRY. dlShff, 15 U. V h mtlort. S&lary .._ comm. 50 11tru Fri. in my oon1e s. Houaewlvti & L•dfes l5. 962-8939 after •:!O pm. mothe.1 1. earn a w1tly MONTESSORI • Pre-School $25 ea, dbl. drtRI m, Ol"!lnirl'$J.(. Thun. nt. Sat. " ~ ~~.:"~M!!: Laguna, t mo. 499-2641 alter Earn $S$'s part time. C&U SJTI'ER M ho Tue paycheck. 544-3854, Q6.3491 childn:n accepttd ' Y f!: a f headbrd. ~. 968-1645 9-S, 510 M&riuerlte, CdM. 1iiliiiiiiiii1AG1f.•;;n;;e;;,;;.;;1 day throuah Friday. Chance 6· 10 am to 8 pm ~ th1'ougb s.r... t::Cio S:'XJ~ TEENAGE lbi for ba.b)'lit· ~io&~t~ to lD. ~: INTERESI'tNC oval cben")' GARAGE SA.LE tw Mll'ltl')'. to advance. Write 0..U)' e HOTEL MAID, fUll time, 645-D>'l, 8'13-85'n. Own tranl. $Z. i\ft. S:3Q, tl1>1. Full time. plclcg dining tbl. 48 x S2, 3 JUNK TO ANTIQUE ...,,. • Pilot Box M-417. ~t IUl'TUUlldinp. WC ........... -·-... ~ -675.2396 VOICE prepantioa f. r r· tea .. -es.' $35. 968-M3'T 336 A. Victoria. CM ln rear * 4tWUI * UU\ol• .__... .,_,,,40 popular or cll.sic.J linl:U. . ....._ at.flrndaDt SHOE SALD man aser whttl~ patient. l ite DRAPERY WOIUCR.OOM MR.Doaulnffdawomen.No ~ tbru advancld SOF~BEDS45,2euychak1 GAS drytt, dinttte 9d. 4 -&. C..C Kn, tralMa. Amarb.'a lupat BARMAID .. all lhif'tl.. hlnrvrk, 1 0•0 d borne I: Tralnen • tmmedi&te open-exp. nee. A~ bl pawm. ~ &G6512. $IUO $25 ea. l(d. cond. 1527 Nwpt. maple Capt. chiin.. Tanbtrn ~ • 11 mailm or women'• ab:>H. 410 Ocean Aw •• 1-IB Wqa. D'f...f121 .... 8MCh ~. toO W. 1Z E. 11th CM Educational Vac.Uon Ctb Bl\ld., NB. 54$439 trtr., mile. 50-'H!! :'S: ,..ae '8Uclta8ell LEEDS Shot Stien. So. __ ...;*:...:1.::11.,:11211::::;..;*;._ __ IMEDICAL aalstant. front l?tbSt.,Ol.541)...MM NA1'JJ\EWorna.nforllto1 an.den, .• Sr QUz:iem t.llCE new Bad Otvan ISi, RECLINER.htd<-a·-• ... 1111111 ...... TtnJ, Out Plaza. Conta.ct Mr. HAJRDRESSER needed ofllce. Part time, mU1t be HOUSEKEEPER. w •" t • d lhlf't tn SAWYD HOME. Oillooat 1D ~ 1yp1ns Couch. 2 cushW)na $50. Chair hou.ewarea. "mnanta. Iii •&.talL.Oilll&Meta Phelp. ~ Balboa.INnda.lon. expertenoed.&IM481 N o 1mall chtldren Call6t6-67l.6 Schl.Trlal~113Del 117JO.&G-Gn .TunJpero.CM.M&-0886 ~!~:~~~-~11.~Ex~-MEOIANIC. Marine txp.. 675-4232.«6'75-3'101 LICENSED ahampoo lirl, P.fon/Wtd/Jl'rt ~ bt DRAPERY OPERATORS ~tar C.M. SM-28 rfAL. Prov. chest, bed, ntsbt ESTATE s.lit 212 ~ ri. • I ..,.. ·a..-&. prefd Olt wlil train auto MAID WANTIO top pay, N411wport Beata eves. 54!>-1008 and TAaLER POOR. GradeaT summer 1tand, mattreu, IP~ • Costa 1wtes&, off Fa1rvW1"1 ft: CJI._. mecha.Nc. Can coll4'd t...aU "6-74t!li Atta. 642-Q.57 HOTEL Typinc, PBX. Pt 54$-1431 Tutorin, now avalJ. JterMd IJl)teMI. m-«m Rd. Fri., Sal. SWtday. • j W; • WJ&•• A:t10""'8d Marin&. 'n.4 • GIRL FRIDAY MANAGER ln\l.U drea.ahop, time, UPM TO '1'AM, 1'f1·1HOUS£KEEPER I N u t 1 t, teadincitacMr (USC end) DOUBl..E Brus bed, 2 chests M..\G • 1leel whHI• rm! : • ,... ..,, PJttia11: pert:r.1 ..::m:.;..:.m;:;;;·-=~-~-Mac Grep Yacht Corp. o/35, Xlnt dRSll I 1porta cf"1 Ii: Sat. U wpm min. mU1t be under so. 613-0951 rrnphaals on p hon I c •. of dra1~r1. hair d~r CaJI • V.W.'•. Good tltt• • • p Wllf .. DetlllUh t lS3l Pl&ctntia. CM \\'tar exp. 52"'1'36 evt.a. ~l'HIO Corona del M&r. IK-4l5'1I btf 12 or an 4. 6f8.Ct!I Rtverilkte t>r., C.M. I .. • ' • I • ·-• --~ • • ! " ' I I I ( . ' •• : I t • MO .. M1 WI lri ... "' •• ... "" Ct l1f "' In "" E. ~ ""' Ch .. "' Hi Ml 6 p ... ... .., .. w. .. ii'ii "' .. "' Sk en c.: 3P .. "' .. ... ... •• de ... ,. "" H. RA Ll I "' 2' 11 1: .. .. Cl SIJ ... In "' M• .. w m " "' NI G• y , .. .. Ci " 0. .. ... DI m SA U: !< T' " SK .. II .. If "' " ~ If 8 ii to L " ~ ;:; II " .. c ii " " • (ij .. ~ A fi ~ a ~ ---~-~...,, ____ ...,..,. ___ _,_.,...,.. ___________________ .... __ _,,.... ____ _,..,..,...-~~-·--..... -----··---~----•' ......... Iii lM Ml~ ... ~ M1~111101t ,,..~ ... ,o. IM11tCHAH01J1o1101t MHl;tWIDlm''"*' I i:Re~ TO yoii m""a'A•-1 • IALI A I SALi AND TIAD9 IA,LI ANP-TllADI SALi AND •. , SAUi AND T1IADI ' I • • ' ...;. a :Yacllh fOIO a..t lli,.Mnit.. Mllofffdoo ' .tlllll . ,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,:::•:;:ICI::•:_:~,.: . ~!!iiili·~ll~l~1;·~-;;-"';;'"::'"';";;• ;;-;~l~IU~ Mlt,aRau-. ~ Mlo.llM11•.1 •••• ~ -i.::;. ";.;,.".; '7' Piii -'fl SLIP ~ ~ ;;., ":; a •dt &i ...-; ! """"" -Back -· -~ ........ l»l~-a .. --~a •J PRIYATI ............ boat, 1Ato111>11Da:o11rt-.411-1,. · .. ~. •-w!UI 1 * AllCTI""" * ~~·~ -.,...."° -· ~~ QOU~IS advanc< June tin Doc, ~ Jul 6 -, I __.,... -• Ult 1'wu1ot, ~· -· .....,,. -· .. arc 3 lovln&. lco>c 111tn -w.., wac.r 4 --• -.....,. ... -·. U", SS lb. J..-I ........... 1 .. ..W. ~ ~ ldllonl. -117 TS 225'~ Uto. elee. m41113 . , o..r 'llllO -·.it • I , -.u ~ .... ~·· .P.RIDA'C -7:30 PM -~ .,. .. WOULD'°"~ darl-pllo~ TV, 11<. Ellctrlc nua; «II'"""' ta·NB AIO ---.!· -JUNI tl+i iqc• llO «boat-~· f, •-Die..... a, -· .. rrr. l{/C .-. "" •PC.~--~ iiii lwlrl •-•· n~~ _.. ···--call 115-11'7 « . -~,~~·""""" Part MUST ti SOLD lor ooculoMI"" OI '5 to HONDA IO 8erambl~r, DE<t1AATill' 1PS (AIOIA1IQll · Of rll WXUIY APAill•m Sp '# , ...... , •• ,....,.. All ...... lllW -................. ~.:.~ ... -~:::."::---~- . ...,.~·~:.:::::::.7.:.:,.,·"'"'. I , ::'!'Q'lil,.,., ..... _,, eA decontot dreirn house 'Oii dlsfllly -31 , rooms of 9090US Splrilsh fuml1ln (WIS' reg. $1295.00 - : SACllFICE • I I I • I $at81 • • • ...., .......... -.. tAM'r """' O'MI '"!" ·I mm FURNITURE ! 1844il~port·Blvd .... ::,~, ' ' Costa Mesa only hwr!llllll'll t-.... !lol.lllL "'' "' "' ...... _,, ~ • -~---•1,,1U•-~-coc-~~wtrw hair, ' 5.l'JIO'Wl'f'arl&ilbLrra..a:tl 410dtf'Ndjor..W I SUD. • '• l .... cWn. ~t °'~ .......... ·1·5 P. --~· •• Coll!·~ Femait,_J'"lb' _u!_l!.._ ePAClnCY4~ ~ ~1251 -'--~":-am.w - _ .. 1111·• = = ~ ~la• w/bl ·':'"'< -Ill C:: ~r.n•~=ro • wllritD, ,. tn ~ ,_, -aqor. ,.._a oN.. 11• J\:cadlr1111& lldtd. ~ lldt, ::0 ~ y.: ;'~ t GROWN call; S yr, J', •· BOAT 8L1P ""'°'" _ _ , • ~ ,......,._ -·•-a1u•4r..i.., dlop-pt -· t.,. M. SCIAMLETS m-2JD.alllt4Awlceod *SEllMlttJPPEk• PIANO SALJ • .... ... -· --. ' ~ calla>, -""""' NEEi> Side .. lor 23' boat JM --· IO llO cc Rdl!lli I NEW ................ USED alld llUaf IDIE!! ~ ... ~':'~•fbu~ 111• . ....,m 619 ANSWERS Balboa"' «vte. can Gary .,.loo, $1'1$. Call aller..4 CJl'ID .. °"""'" e..,. COD ~ AROUND FUNNY, cute, av a 11ab1 e . m.JCS..a1 ('Ollect. p.m ... ~ .... --1rom 1~ wi•rs AUCTIOll' ~aft'"{ -..... _., e,.. •11 1•••· G••1ar -·-·-Aorta-• w.11<rg»1<,. SJ;IP. Y•11•u,. e11 •.•a,• •••••••• , .......... WAS NOW f"' . pm. Humorou.a .l u 11 l q u e. ~ SE'RfAr. U' Beam. Prlv part.y ScnrQW1 1aN ,.._ pld ~ ~ 11""1 ~ = 201511 Ntwp<rt'Tllvd. Misc. W-1610 !1W983. Sii o.z\'.;nt about a r>J&1boy' e m.43G 411YTua: e -· 1.,.. -fA Ollclminc ,..and '2Sll5 Sltl5 Behind., TOQJ"a 814&. Mat"b MASKED BandltJ. Kitteoa, .. Al a 1\1>' he knowa hll oa~ ~ ~ ' Aeolian Gtand IJlG5 ll(lll Col .. M,.. * -· ' calleo "' .. ~, 4 -and .... ean talk a sld i.11> loef'Yodit 'tT HOND.\ .....,._ ·'°" -b Grud $lJia; Sl1'IS OPEN DAn.Y 1 11> 4 W. PAY MORI White ""'· ebaaU. -a SERIAL." • Ch..i.rs fNt w. ,;,.,, IWtr ...... ~ """· $U90 $895 ··•'MiXED ·BAG •• CA' SH -118 A'n'ENTJON ·Yachtmu. BLUEIV•TEk CILIRTERS Dlzt -.. mnL ... Lfftn Spinet $'159 =$445 ADORABLE ~ I wkL will crew power or aall' ... tr Trojan. ,.,.._. Call ta.m5 &fttr I I'll 11 MANY • MANY • MORE ffon•hold and p • 1' •• D. I . old s Ritt, 1 browe. part Ha~ Alatnlia. South 26' 'nlunderbtrd. Sall 1951 · •• s CE nCAiil ~ Spoclal Carlood Buy! -I_.,. ,_..... . ~;""· -aft • ...._ -.., « '"· 61<1-a..n. "8-8000 Illl8 HO a: lh'afe Nationally F.._ Drud ~ ":":" ,;;.:,"' = ,.,. --· -· Ill Call """" Bovwn. -CAL .. lor OOllTER &:!Ulk. 3071!111 St.,,,. $915 Conoolea 1'122 -bar -~ two -..i TV, -and ... TO GOOD --64M942 Bui. M>-0010 Pl Day • alto W11k tilt(1on Beadl. Aal > • .,! Medltt walnut, bench Incl. •loolt.polarokl..,u;..cam. tlqun. atrtpad flmalt k1_tten1, 14' WOODEN boat .b' the *16415f• _ YAMAHA m Tfipml • Gould Mu1ic Company era.,~ebestandmtmr, Day or nl.cht weaned A tra1nld. T 'weeks "!~'_.no motor. 'Cltan, ma117 Xtru,; . ~ N. M&lo. SA' 517-0681 -alld bowJtnr beD, fltll ~ old. S3&-<l10 aft & PM 118 $100. 15• boat ,,._ -la ....... '2111 l1S<M1 GULBRANSIN -~ -~ ~ PAIR AKC lonr coat condl.....US ·lu-oao ,.... .... ,.. , ..... CUI, maple -. Olbuahuu ,.... n!DP. M. s.tun:t.y MftDllC HOii Tral..,, Trani ~ ~=~~. :::"M..i"::.~ $ WE BUY $ ....... A ...... -.: .a: __ ; ......... ,.... ""!"'.. TENT TRIJLDI. I ..... PIANOS a ORGANS· otlier I,,_ I05 Pui< A.... $ RJRNIT\IU $ .._1045 'tT D' °"" Oldnlblao, lUlly Cj0 000 manoall> foldllw """ ...,.. P1ano1 & -Rented 1-Jleaeb. -APl'l.IANCU KllTENS. mhecl bl,r. Haw equtp'4 lib -lllOO tor 'f , canvu. - -~· .loo EVERYnllNG IN llltlSIC TYPEWIUTICR OR ADDIN~ ~-•--• had beallhtol ....,. ltart. aqulty. can ..... 'Qt-<l!.'11 ' Olt 1215. .,_ ., wkaol1 "'--r-Silo .. · "' -TY'._... .. .,_,._..., Want home w/m«e Gf Mr. Owen. Nlchts Nl->at - -l3.l-G5f4. ! ""' ........ MAOmfl: need cltaniair! I '1.e. ., H ... F.11 •.u> -1&. $35 000 "" -----.---DELUXE -wuher & a ..... U...: •. Cenfe, f Cl..,,...p 1 p e c I a I .., CASH IN. II MtNUTU ...,.. --t,, S. S. POOPALONG, pride of r 1968 -Kit li!i' MOVING Sale! Sloe pillow ....;.,., ..._.... 13 mo -WI l'llUHo -$'1.liO; ad4's mad!. • • 541 ... S-3-I • BEAVTIFUL ""11& kltteno tbe -ftolt. ~.42. lonr, o!mpt 11U ~ back 901& Stoo, ~ I~ oval old. both tor $JOO. Pkn1er A Service SS.~. cub rer. (msalJ,) "11 h b 1 u • •ye 1, Call 531..-Z HOIJ.fb W95. Will ~ tn ,_. Marble coffee t able $50, IOttntr A conditioner, 2 ,,.. n!':;~ =tll 9., Sl.t 9.$ $lb.50. nu inclds a I l' w A· N T E D boulebroktn. .... 111 beats 90 0 KJ perty, Call after' • ~ttt: Ir: rold Meditem.nean old, make ctfer. lb'drdUe 1760& a.d& ~. OfWJ' ll) ~·c. · al1ed ._. minor adj. 3 LONG hi.tr any ldttena, .10 Sall 1 O:lme 111 todQ and Re Jwr·l .:;546-;:..oTm=----"""-I triple dttuer, mlmlr, 2 rute boU. 125. -1123 11! ml So. SU Dteao Foy. :.=...""· "" de!. & P/U, We need quallty Coo Junie wD. to ""°" bomea. 11$1 PRE-SUMMER SALE .,,.. llvb!r at "°"" ., earth i; ARJSl'O<;RAT 1.o ~ stand.I S200. B ft pool tablie 12 CUT IT GE Refriprator HllJ1t1rwtoa Beaeh .847-1535 Machine a"'t~ u 11 ~e 1 1 plea9), FunUtme, co l'o r Ew\yne ctrde, as. 619 NOW ,ON·DlSPLAY Jrice1 ElpeailJb' now du:r-Top cond,. bnkls A Xlftii: f;,.!""sso".'" 0:.1::"' ,J Pemct coalition, 100: JUNE SALEH! 1-.,; i:,......., ~.... ~ TV'1, -. ., .... ...., SIAMESE .., .. po1n1 tamoJe. CORONAllO "' ...... ~ "" .;., . .-..._ _ 00 ·lll50. -.. ao •-dresser, 2 nite ltand!t $50. gu..1221 so.mi • toala and amc. 9Qldpment. Born Oailtmu, to pod CORONADO 25 .•••••• $4195, an dllpll.y modti..-tbey'ft . • Schwinn Tandem bik• 175. MAGIC Cl1el Renre, near Factmy aulhoNed -.._ ===-~-~-=I TOP CASH IN 30 -I -Jane. 96>-1f!ll 6IT CORONADO 14-. ..... 111,115 prloed to ..U lmmedlal21>. Trvcb - Canqpy bedlJll'tad A canopy new, w/crlll. ckd • timer. of. ow:raae, ~hlml A ~ O= = :::':" 2 :: m .im * ~ PUPPIES. Part Ge rm a• ==iJ Pub avaJlabal ID all areu * .68 DODGE VAN ·t . $10. 2 bar slools $10 each. 6t6-03t5 aft 5. • Pia.nos • Orpns. Prlctlce otl •w. t8b&e llw. O.p. WINDOW· Louvn C''xC'', Shep., ~ C.OUie. 6 wkl. Sa~ on deinOI th1s .ftuend lay H•rbor UI'' wbetlbut, va: ADJl?'J) A1ao many other items. All ROPER ps nDlf, 32" wide, :=: ::: aW::: c::! Cub reail1ler $3S. 4000 lb or could bl: lorllft'. old 54l-:QIOT 6n SABOTS New Complete Pll5 MobH1 Home Sa... tqlllp. fl9810l2I06 .• in excelent condition. Sat i tun width oYtn $35. It d!mo Baldwln . 0rpns r:oddJft. fnlO. l\i Ton '58 , 6t6-m WID4ARANEI\ • Male, 4 2912 W·~~t ~ 1425 ~St. ' $2'11 ~ &un. 10-6. ml ~b SL, Wardrobe $5. 615-fM2 re.ity A: truly on money Cbevy, stan dump bed. WANTEP: Drapn to flt a yn. Good w I c b 1 d r n • Newport Beach * 16(110 % block·~ot Blrbot Blvd. plua tu, A Ua. " Eut Bluft. 644-llM Kerunor Aulcmatic Wuher aavtnc SAU:!! Get in on PJywOOd I: lumber at comu 12' Window, !loot kl-ceutnc. i0"22'15 aft. I p.Dt. lft LOA 17' flberzlu ~ an Balm $15 dawn ~·Pl'· NEWLAND SCHOOL $50. Good. woricirw candition. the bis dWs at: Briltol Plywood, 3 0 3 0 ~ FREE kitw., motbec' bob-sloop. Built by Sidney Co. tn a.ti Miia (714) sett10 48 mqntbl oat 'J MUSIC BOOSTER CLUB 67>-2347 Will delivet WAllll'S llAU>Wl!MIItJDIO Br1ltol. C.M. 5IM'lll * WANTED " tall, >m Momvvla, Colt& '"· Hu new 111mury I hp SADDUl~Ckl -· will "" to Band • NEW dee. Xtru. W9 Newport, c.M. -MOVING, ....... -1-.. • BABY PRAM. ..... ......,,, srr molor, ~.... " dean. GREENLEAF DODGE. ' : Oxiir 1!:*' material Ir; equi~ Crata:!Jwt;r ri .. · bt-st o1-HAMMOND ·.~ •. "\-Tabla, ~lamps, TV a: GOOD mNDm<Jrl 98U9U m:.JJ.mnJI. kq haired $1850. Call eva 6Q...4al • ¥ 1401 N Tmtln Santa .6.:l. =-=l:~:o. C: fer. 90-&T ·-ma· new •mid ,._ 9tand, dlvan1, hitch A patio WANTED: F'!)d hklt a bed. kittens. 5a-5l30 &n COLUMBIA Defender 29': PARK 54· 7 .,. '"'1 ·~ · • --HB. (GI ·-~oRE Elec "-· ot. aD mUea. Best ba:1s in furniture. Electric boat up to $50. FOUR n .. u.. 1..:-i... ,.,;11.. sleeps 6; 30 HP lnboud,· ' · • ~• · I Hickory .....,II<', en ~._ Al:ol•-• ~~:1· So. caHt rtplt heft tor I: taolil Cmnplete >M4!f ,......, ... "'!I -J.- M.r Wnt), Sat only t-5 PM er, XLNT condition. Taite SCHJODT .llUSIC. OO... mo • . wm.-~* tree felinea 5'0-60lt2 511 full racing &ev i: extru. in deer c1"n cool Costa '&f. fORD ~ T P.V. a 6 PC twin rock maple bdrm otter. m.73CI 1907 N. Main. ::!i, train ~t.t ~ :?'· ---FIREWOOD 6f6.6'rrs 6/6 lW6-60t7: 49f..7735 Mna. Ntw 92° wac. Adult H.b. cruiltomalle. OS ti: , ,., comp; $300. Ladi" ADMIRAL req. llidin(, llanta Alta vtoltn re....... .;,:_ :n 'FREE TO YOU -nd LIVESTOCK 23• ERICSON oailboat, new, Pork NOW OPEN! Mobile · llr 1'lm, IWO. ~ 5 d ......... • .... _._bl 1be1 Door ' ' ~"1'" r• • • • Lots o1 extral' WW lell at Home Dilplay Modela A a wk til IOkt. Now. "'° French Prov. wr ~ _,_.. e wa. 'nt:OMAS ElectJ1c or 1 an l!UPfns. 2573 l' 0 rd ham WE AN movln(, SJ)lyed bue prtce si,985. Private Salel omce )ocated at Park. 5'8-3»14 , """" lrultwood $31). White 1tarap. Clean. $CS. 51&-4293 w!U. all .. _ b>ob. Drive, C.M. mo""' A 5 beau'lful .,..., Cata N20 -· """651 OPIN . ~ PORD Pick Up. Md ft&UI Fttnch Prov, chr $'10. WHITE aputment I .I i e $)50 Xlnt OOQd. throughout * AUCTION * netd kMtw ~ m wa1mit 11ar I&>. AD A·l rclri&erator. Call .... 2152 can· !WMnT ..., 4 """"'; • ,.eaned BEAtmFUL Pu re •red WESTWIND 20· rlaJI lloop. 9 AM TO 6 PM "'"""'" cond. Mab Olllit DM"d. 549--0n9 eves. WURLITZER baby snad pl· U 111'1wm1111 or bCf7 • trained. For dtlcr1pttoos Sllmnt StaJpoint klttms t d~, motor, Incl. new 25' 2176 Placentia, Apt C. Ck. lllNIBIKE SIO, Small ,,.;t KENMORE Electrtc Dryer, -$3S4. Good tone. liv•......., • 1'" call ll<-2l1I 111 _.,, lharp, llO each. oU ohore ,,_,,., 12.000. A((OO MOlllf l;;;i"6-0700.'-;i;i=....,__,==f-lll boat $70, 12 ft ftber&:lu boat late model, x1nt c 0 n d Call 541-1DI Abctions 1'r1dq 1:30 p.m. % BURMESE kittnw, I wD ~T 675-3685 or 833-0386 '156 DODGE Van X1at Ot'J and outboard motor $125. $50. '* 847-&115 Windy's Auction Bern o!d. bllck w/ bunnne '* SIAMESE JCl'ITEN * SABOT No. 5783 (Steve HOME SAW $00>. M&-6.UI .ntr I ill Drop leaf Ma.pie table $45. KENMORE A at• mat i c UPRis•-· ':"'a-~:; n.blnd T~1·n~ ~-11. ~7~~ tree to ~ MALE, U WEEKS Willon) full n c. i•&r, teak Sat, all day Frl. 6 $ta. J Skia--ski-boots. odds and '"''!I • ....... """"" a.. -v -... -, .... nc. --01111 $20 * 6*078t trim. Xlnt cood. $ 2 T 5 , '62 GMC 1i9 ton, VI. PB. ends. 2689 Santa Alla Ave. !~':8tiii. ~e34~i:· xlnt 548-0343 after 4:30 2075'i» N•"PQlllt,' Cil---2 ADORABLE amber w/ 6ff..2844 1750 Whittler Ave >JC., Ml $9m 5tl-6.112 i. C.M . .....,.,., PIANO. OLD UPRIGHT GRADUlTION ilPiCiAL wbl. kltto.., I wb old. "-• 1125 HOURLY RENT"• ,._._ M 837--00I ·~y ruNED 11-Tti1s Week! Staft'dard w,eaned A h1brka • ....,, * ••-•--ig·,-· ...._,,, Ila :;;,.;;;:ii:====:-:::r.:I 3 PC BR furniture, 1 lrg ex-A ti UIS ll10 ~''"' '"' ~ 'IS CHEVY Panel trQdr, 1 tit p&lldolable,lqS.J!.<loe, -•.-q,__ ______ .:;-.-;::;:;;:::•:=---1\ijN!•rbs'from $1T.IO, m.mti l/T PUPPY Fill>ZoncBoatCo.Ballioa 714: 642·1350 trw.im.-m4il.I 'frUher, lawnmower, basin, LARRYMorpnSpedai.OU WANTED =so~.::so._: TdM Klthm. 2 cnnp, 1. mo. aid, 1Mack!wbile mu. LIDO 14 No. :ms All nee evaAwlmdarn-al .1 ..... ~~l&Plo~NB.~ .~ tables. roll top desk, chain. SPINETS A GRANDS from $55. Ct~ trotn ·~ °!!_~ An&Gft.7 -Ooc:br puppy, Lows~ par, N_n sails B6C ftq. ~~ b30, l. BR. '67 DODGE Van 1n1e11,~r u.i..-__ ,.,, 1.1•-.. clocks..Mw;t ~--cleared at 635-3620 , '25. All ~leane-d A ::.:"!: ..... _ .,. ("P9"i'n, tk!I). Mlllt ..a cntrbrd.,rd.-.UJ5SIJ50, _, • ...,,,..~.w acen c:on4. $1&!0. Pl'W. Mon. wholeale. prioel. T~ tD&b CONN Caprice e I• c t.r i c cuannteed. ICMllJ ........... .., • becau.e •• have too mu)'" COLUMBJA 21 l/Srd Jn. ldt c:abUla. turn., llelPI 4-ty. 913-XMO or ~ 8' SOFA, p>wer mower, room tor new lhipment. orpn Sacrifice $351). ca.u GOOD home 1*ded fer 2 dap. $10.00 to pod home. tere t Top ..:....-extru. 8. On NnrJQt BQ". Multi. 1 ,_ _ ... at -... desk, chair, ottoman. area Public Mlcorne. 2 4 21 SG-'lic • 3 PC. kiJW ~ BR ~t, new ktttl!ftl, 1 &n.1-potnt,. 1 Phone .1(87 afttt 5 p.m. $1~ ctn. ~..,m-1'111 ~. C213} 'J'9'.l.U14 MU;r•$AcrtD,(i,~ rugs, lamps, hi-fi, util. Newport Blvd, CM 548-'1383 $450; Rll ~ Frple 91?t w/ gray/wht, Iona' fluffy hair. BE AU T, mi D l a t u re VERY dMn lbtT 2 -BI>, Ml-0957 aft 5 eabinet, misc. ho us h Id ANTIQUE Coll .Item. 1850 Hi-Fl & Ste,_ 1210 llCl'Hn, buktt • tool&, $35. 10 wkll, trained. 673-4010 617 Sctmt.uttr puppies, g wb IT' 1HlSI'LE, aoept. cond. rvp. dr]i.. awn In 11 ' Items. 6341 Ba1moral Dr., Victorian couch A cba.lr, New eet of 4 chain, 1tat:s A AFFECTIONATE f e m ale old, AKC tta champ stock Full nee equip. $1250 Beautiflll adult park •--fS'O H B 0 '7 -comp I et e I 7 -11ored. PACKARD Bell stereo con-bl.des· red $4. 2 81( hang. --' ' 5M-4GS alter 5 pm. •-• .,..Pl 1 ' • O'J .........., ... hi& ~ ' $10 · Girls do(, excellent companion -GG. -l632 _; RADIOS. TVs. Mans Bik'e, 536-3339 De. Xlnt cond_.. -bicycle :.r size :o Deep for older penon. Good ovfsrANOIMG Ja. German ~ Nreew ~~::is: FOR a new MobU. Hcme,tn 'fl BRONCO Wqon 4 wtiMI ' Linens. dttsaes; ( 12-14 l FOR Sale: ANTIQUE NEE-642--. frytr s,3. 142-317l • watch-doc. MS-9583 111 Shep. puppy. Parents on .~ ~!7m new AduJt. Park. Walk to driw, I~ .• nd~ ......,.., lflllc. ltem1. Cabana• OLE POINT CHAm. $35. l220 ' 4 KI'ITENS black. ttser 3 PNM1-s. $30, M7""8936 after ··--· U t..-0,U. ocean, A\IDl alld pool. Goll .rear .eat. Red wltb Wlillll AarlnuNo.3633LldoPrk ™911 Tpkeconlera M?VING. hnd fish, all male lfemaJs Pleue.;,ve 5-.p.m, '6' SLOOP, 11eiep1 t. bead, c:our.e,531;:.ml lmdtop. 11,1111 CelJ Dr. NB Fri/Sat. ~VER=Y,,.-old""'·--~,_",,_..,_,..,~,-.,---ROBEllTS -T kinds and' aius 35c to llO. "·-m' ...._ •the _ _.. ™-..rt-le plley, full ail. XlDt cond. NEW MOON 3 ~-2 .......... ' ,....., .. lEQ,.--~...... •1""" &Jlf! water lily $5. 26" Schwinn u ... uvu• ~· ,..,~.............,pupp s,blackor Must·lll!!ll'9SM128 """ ... • ex , 2 QU~ Anne •'de chairs. i-ug 6x9. Very aood eoncL Recorder. $250 WU «JO. Us-. racer 2 sp $l6 Mo!F bowl-Ml-1956 f/8 white; are eligible for ~ · rensiont, $3900, u n furn. 56 ~ CHEVY V.a. ~ 1 Q.A. desk, 1 7' velvet IOla, S150. Ml-1890 ed 12 Jn. Bff-stS ing ban &. ca~ $8. UHF DADDY is aDerp: to Lamb die lttllrlfY, fl) 528--8188 l I' O'DAY SPRITE &f7.(168f Aft J pm, NEW. Sell ot tra d • 1 Hedanan cocktail table, 1 French Prayer Clock antenna Ysgi $6. 1941 Chop_ Beauttful ~ wtd~ 'rol' MANCHESTER puppy, 673-f1.14 J.Ox46 ANDERSON 1 Br Xlnt ~ 411 'I'llatlb _ A"!t,. wrought i,ron pa~set.P.J: KI utn atter s Came,..1 & Equip. 8300 Republic, CM. N'"'4809 cat wlblack taU. PJeue ctve ltlnale, 3 months old. $50. P·CAT. tu.Cl-ready cond. Beaut. interior. Sp """~=~~~..,.,=-! ~-a~~te,~T ' LEICA 35 mm, RoDeicord 7%' F.G. Dflwhy. oua $6. bim a aood hamt. 4"-1581 * 96W720 * e 8'2-3178 e n!nt ~ CooJer 6'2-af 1953 JEEP ~ta Wq, 4 W.tJ. Sewi'!! Machln11 1120 box camera, :dnt oond. l\i hp Se.qull mollar' *' 5 KITl'D:s 1'DUlt &O! 4 KEESHOND M. 15 n'IOI. 11' Catamaran :ii=-::a~ inilll ~ ~~c!'~a~~ SAVE SSS on new ZJa-Zac, 1'0CUlpOt for Roll«kord. Le. roU-1op-, desk $ 7 S, main, ~ JlmDI. hltnrn I: AKC· shaw 41Ul!lb', $125. '* f46.l07l * Motor Homes 9215 • Inlaid wrilins table. Lam... Automatic -otltcb 5IM3lll . ~ jQdp 1 -$'15. -llM2'IO aft t llliM!otl · 20' CLIPPER CLASS HOUSECAR SleePI 4. fully Rocroat'n Yohlclos 95) Contemp. Ital chail'I, '62 ~ mac:hineL Portable 5DOrtl ·-ISOO ;::c .,.L';,:-* Taltin,, pm. I/I · C0We stud AKC Slilboat • Cheap!! .U conta.tned. I n c 1 q d • • - Mer. Benz 190 Se d an • A cabinet f11011ek. Ye Oki ;a;;r" l Lonllie ""119 and 1 a.m-Nolma1 ~-S50 * M2-09a * Honda 90. $4,500 tenna. '63 IXDNOLINE Van. ~ M>-1512 -Slioppe, 3519 E. Blcia.i.Man'• lJl ,j,..d, QUIGG ...-,.. IC. '615 = ~· DIOd ~ e516 996159 26' ENDEAVOR lbgl1 ~oop. 163113 Hemlock, FV.&31.m'/ =-bed :.:::r:·"'"' ',.._.., ~·~"4 ~Hwy, CdM. 675-3953 near new Hand& Jl.50, 1153 Dodre, WEIMARANER female. Kood oood, Sboek built· w/ · • $lQ2S. • • Women's ·clothi~ i&' "-fer, M!WiGm·wb-~ .-~~~m~t.,, __ r trans. =tasr.!Tve~ Adon.hlt puppies Shots. AKC, ·$15. Call after mctting $4,000. tf6.437o Electric Cara 9250 n ' .... f men'• clothing !ll 42, odds-n. :i~ ~· ~ ~ ~table· 5 x lG; s1afi.:an. ~'13~ · ~ ''<11-."-·· .')-· .-"· ~~o~fir · ~ • -· ' ·, ~;, ... ~ ~--.~ .. Hw.v.L,.-t__ruri LOY}f.G \:'W. _ ~ . ~· ends ot tumlture It es. ign1 e .. • hque 60 yn old $1195. MO\'DllG: "'-lete ....... • ---·i:na JlllUll ·traner, .ncarry -~"l'ta. _,,.~ .. ~!..-· \~ /;·~cY,/,l&:!.,".~.~~·~ ~h hooaehold £00ds. 328 Colton, mo. or $36.00 cuh. 526-6616 83&-3022 ....,,"" -....:1 OLD Sofa ~ ,.,amau . child'• Ericlilh &n. AXC ftl. extru. $99:5. 6'7"...5527 room. Twu ownen, father&:· ;ff lH~'~· ~"'1'.!?'7.l ~' NB.-Musical Inst. 1125 BRAND New Hobie =udu ~ o~f.lt,; dresser. 122 .'1J'qUOue, Bal Lofts·"ddldren. ~2951 12' KITE north sail full aon. Ham nabbed antique Piclcupl.I' Cabowrcampll' ' GAR AGE Sale CdM. IUl'fhol(rd 9'S". Best oUer. mounts. $1!iO. takes .U. W. Afghen Heund Pvpp111 oover, htway trlr. , Xlnt Interior, carpetifw, hand Sleeps 4 • stow • ~--. Household items, kitchen DIG OvaUons' Balladeer • ~ 5t0-JJ98 FREE to aood ho!nt.Sl!male AKC rea &ood 4Qlllt;y cond. $8SO. MWSff. l'l\Mle cut:talns, new ,.int, water •UJ>~ • &11*: • IU • appliances, prden toolA. Glen Cam ... M.11.• Choice; Tmi-poo pupp-. 197~1291 * Boon * ' lqgp.p. rack, e x cell• D t elec1r1c llifttl. ~& 1port'1.eciulpt.'«:De8ola, ~ KING·O·LAWN,powu att.lpm ' SUPER&.fl:Wte,141,w/trlr, rnotor.4N-451! ette .• Stlrtm.4Sfr 00! (""""'" llllhlandJ) :::.s:~:::: ;:~ Ml--l6CIO ......... n" !runt eald>er, ADORAB;,,; ...... -"'::.~~PS Xlnl ooodl~. i. '61 vw .Cut ..... , .... Ol(li, $2H.7 ~ m.4093. '° Set & Son. etrll<e. Slrlk< It rich with GARDEN & YARD ,..,_ ...i tne. 3 hp, $95. wltlxx>l .. u.. •tubby >Wix. ,....., new -. °""'""' . , GARAGE Sale: Sat I.: Sun. .the am.uinc b11-1ou n d e Mowen e Weed cvtttn u~~ ......... ....._ __ T wb. 494-2070 119 HorMI. ll30 !?lld Ski loafs 9030 tires, W'OOl • ''b&ppy' $81 dn. A• pr. mt. Maple bed room set roundback rultar-easiest, • TIDers • ReDOVaton •uv.._.--~ ,..,.u ... m .. wNY KnTEN Female, black. :!: W per90nalll;)i • lllrDH people~ 41 moathl on w/chesl, drnBer I: mirror. fullat ever to play. Other cuds 25c each Lamp ' 12' RUNABOUT, 35 hP Make otter. 491-1311 ... a~ credit Dinette,., w / •chair,• aultan trom 117.95. Latat • u::i;d R;;_ AH lhadesrf'~~ .-= tbrow .. •c:,f ~. ~':i.,..~ ..:Ii: Jolwon. remote coo..,.. •MARKETEER .•lectrlc.., SADDl.llACK'. misc!. 30iiT Lottn Ln., C.M. ifOUPI on caaettes. ea.et. a. · S-PUPPIES, 5 wkL sm. mix· $300 tack inc. 548-46SO complete ref In I 1 b • d . &: charger. New pU.nt '325. DOP.ft.E SAT .\ SUn lD-7. 18061 Butler, re player • radio $39.50. 110 W.19!'!,.St.;:,~ M~ SAL&-F\ll'nillhinp, mt 1·c. t'd brd, varle\y color/coat. PONY lrllft, 411,., pntle, 6 Ttaller. $700. M2-.5495 , 645-2.UI · , .., • Univ. Pk., lrvlne. 833-<U. Leuons on all lmtrwnenb _,_ Movinl out ot. state. 119 old 1100 14' OUTBOARD, llO hp • Ital N, ~Santa~; TV!!ola •21,f"' -."'·~ --. nu~ :;;ml;:,'."';;',. :.:-= S>:AR'S .....,. ~!' 135. -_, 213 l2lll .~ ~ ~ -• ,.. • • *....._" Joh--. U-20 houri. Mini' Ilk" '275 141 •,1~'tt . ~ -S4BBE S.,.115, -·-St.,HB.li1W171 -uu-.~-~ -· Tralkr -beortnp, t:;;d: · ' 11..,,.. .., Balboa ,..,-. 1131! $18. -""" or ., 'YARDS ""4 cupotlns male,, ...... ,,lJl -.aid. MIOX·llaDI wlUI oom1_~} Call .0.00, MIN "' !IOce, ex . CA ... -, SKI' ,.._.,___ men'• .Wts.. E. Balboa Blvd. rB-5261 _.., • -·ss.oo yard Good eondttior .. nm• wuned .... 1• 111 bmt 1ta11 wft1:·~ ~.. cond.}8fst oa..-over $120 RIF:'.91t' -~ ~ ="='"=--~~=~I -•-,.;_ Wed --~ ~~ ~ ~~ .5 .... op. M>-5289 14' SKI lb.I • lkl eq11ip, ·Coot.$& uuo<. •-loo •~la . , •"Omen"• dttsses. water GWtan •Amps• Dntma !!l>NY t1pt neordft, re.~ _,_ -" , ·-~ ~~ ---• ~ -Mer. Marie 7$.A q . £3eC. • ~ .. • "9IW9 ~:.r~~i "~ 12 ~C:01=os :,·3~~ auttar. '°" o'::n ~·:!;~in& ~~ '°'1322 .. ~ ~ t1v..,1c:k IMO =.~troll. Xlnt o>nd. Motwcyclet_ noo ~Four~ 11).4 ... Vilt& C&jon. NB Abo Many Jmpon. At Q<allty .... lfed. qdi<d, ..... 2 cb T.W. Haw awraJ FEllA1E -~will .. eat. aucKENS. -...... SMITll BOAT REPAIR .. TRIUllPll. IOll cc -• -""".. MOVING ,_ S.,sboru to BIG DISCOUNTS -· -198; --· ..U 15011 ca 1 h. 2 "' old 11> ..... Jane. -& nllblta. Babl<e 4 Fib<-A palntlns ,..,_-. 11&ny eztru. r Ca-LR M ,. Aspen. Trearw"t ~111tion of EVERYTIJING IN MUSIC IZO. Aft 5 or wlmds M7.otQB .,,.... V!I)' lovable ••• 8131 . l/t older. Allo eqff. 5*-m Fret F.at ltr-541. 541),.$358 m.1350 Da)ol m.ruo EYa ~ .. ~,.,, !!':'.~,:"os;c, Beach Music Center i SQ. -.. ..,.. RUSSELL '"" board ,. • ., ADORABLE ~ atrlpad QUAIL, ·--·111 -HONDA Tnll with ~1, .... • ~ ~ , . ..,...., .int -1 $00. can -,..,_, excel cond. Kitt•no. 1 male, I -T -tor -.1.,11w.or ... , Trallort 90tt htlm<L.llJlO ml., W. -· ROllMS FOR•· Bayshoru. 6f6..6t75 O.lly 12 noon Ull t, Sat. 9-5 515-ml nm. Alk tor Dick 673--3052 wks. old. 545-3'Tft Sii eattnc. SI ea. 54M678 $325. 53lr8lf2 <r &a-M •'f . • u FAR-UP ROOF SALE ·.., IT«>I Beilcb Blvd. (Hwy, ill) DOiJGHBOYhOl21ahdtll UNICYCLE ONE block kitten. • bladr TRANSPORTATION l!OAT bsllor w!UI winch & SUZUKI uo traij im. MiJ!I-2il6o Harbar ~-..1..- IDp ol Fuhlen GaUcoy, 11! ml.,_ llan Dlqo ,.,,,., !Ulor $00. "'••II"' -$» and 10111 n1ot ber. 9IOO --450 lb. ctP. bike~ HP $1li0. Both $I00 .. 1Colta. __ ..... _llllllll ___ .. ~ Laguna.: •63 °'">"• SUitan. Huntirwton Stach Uf.a5311 dttion. ~IQ f'l').2'106 aft 5 ~ l/t ..... & .Y1chts almost JWW. Re a• on . 9ft.-1f11i 11 . radioA. bellyboard, heaVJ 1961 F IDT 8awn i-tt b FREE cu• kittens. llrll1 ltf-14{7 WANTED: Good used ncordl,and ••• 497-UJJ e ' HOBlE SUft1'1'0AltD I' EXTRA. 1turd)t crt, Siame1e 6 weelm okl,wnn-12'WHALER '61 31115 HONDA Scrambler. camperordeepertDflt• EXERCYQ.E. Fibertls-bait !'!!,vy Du..,ty. HExceJll3L S°""w· Seliba Tania paid $95, .ell SM. Qlif. ed .._ tn.lned, ~ -,,. Tniler-seats-cover ._ .... Maintenance 903I ~ or-trade fOr smaller ~"-.Tan I' io.w--. Kmt -·or t Oua', ~ • 494-3212 farobe $35 545--t309 • --~ 111 ..,.., hp Evt-~-. 673-1163 · ....-.. , _ be ID ~ ~ • tank, dothes. d Is h f'• B&lboa mvd. NB . , ...., .. ,.._. ;:::-.. ·=--=-:-:--.-:-:-! ,_ -• pines. port. TV. P91aroid LOVELY Uphob:tertd fan DIAMOND Pierced ean'll:lls. l JET black, l Siamese, PROTOTYPE I.: fac t ory YAQIT llainL Paint '6" BIA. 9cc. .,.A.I lhapt, rttlO'WtM, ..... camera. etc. 433 MornUw Yamaha, 4 strq Basa bad: chair $45. 2 WDOda, 4 Cost $495, sell nz. trained, 1.:uddly, Pf'PJI)', I Jrd'" 1\9' ~ 12' trt vandlb a woodwork. W rm11;1 ~..... lac. $1!0. 1':; p.uf .. TQPS •* Canyon, CdM. Sat A: Sun. fl~uitar .:= i:;, S min. A ks PJ, 5tl-4l36 * 615-4111 * , Wetks old. llM1JO ~ bUU rboat•. 2Uf South 14'0G bi wen, nu r a t ' • I tn.40IS aftlr "s. . AD lteel ..U., Salls A .,.... CLOTHING, Auto part a, ''* . AIR eoir.nnoc. 1 corn-SURJ'80AJW 8'4'' ioocl $25'..'. VERY llfttk .._., ~· St, D.A. ..._, ....,,. ~ W KAWAIAJCJ. 1'11 t:ai.. $18 up. "'1' f:lctwJ -dlabff power FUU. 111 Ladwia dNmJ, ...-tor'GA"CllG......i ,_ twla ..,..iulr,""' Shep. 1 'I'· old-. -14',JtUNAilOiri -Xtn• 1Aal'S -Ao;;;;;; Good_.... dlrect.-lo.-,~ ...... •lo. '" c.oi. -Zlklfian c,mbal. Xtna. lllllt ..._..,._!fl. 5111-ll05 az ,.n $3&. -, ........ -lllM20I 818 cond, 40 hp _. etac -..icaJ '-11', ttmod. .... 1913 I! T Cbe¥7 bvc1t I ...... c.t<. · ""'4. mo. -NICE .._ • cbaln. 2 ilAlfiEii Cardlll -FltEE to IOOd --otar1. --. lllll or lld. ---5IM32I • iiiA 411. .,i. -. 1ow ea.-. QU1C1C IA!ZI GARAGE Sii" """'quallty jARJIONY llUitar, ioftl1 leaWI •'Good ..... $00. lliaa<I __ . .., <Mlsi..J 6 Qillla -· --.m,al!Gaft·S,00. u.~ I I'' -• -,_, -Xtraa . --·' odds a tndl, somt. tone. with cue. o.t 167, J't'flla@;aWSIO. ~ $.15.~ 546--3955 l/l1BOITON WllUer s;lii t' ...,..M qup. ~ 59-lM _+f'D-Gll.ir fllo-L Set 6 Saa. Cl -23&. .... DIWT liilr ..i..,., °'°"" PORTABLE TV, 15" ll<fttn, KITl'ENS. •'e&n&d. ~ ft-....... l3S4. Can '62 JOHN SON '15 HP oa< 'Q TIUUllPH Boooevllle, ~ TOYOTA Pldl 1J'1 AYOCUo, CdM CLARINET •all, ~ VHF.UHF, creat conditioa. •mall 5J6..C'i15 tit be 1t1l rilled m.-Xl68 board. AH electric controls !SOD ml. J11i1a1: a dlf'omt, w/CJOllPll' n• f ATt:q Stlel.. Antiq1Je1 A Call aft I pm. 545-1540 645-2017 $90. 67)..2706 aft. I 1 Calico A J butt colortd ldt. 11' CROSBY outboard, Mere + v:tru, X l ft t oond $325. pvt pt)'. &G.mt •64J.4'Mt ... June 1-1 bee-at JO NO matlel' .,_t tt it. you PORTABLE Rem In Ito n J:lAlRPIECE . te11.1. 7 '"kl. 6*2$1g "611 SO hp, fbhlne I Akliflr. ~ ... '61 YAMAKA 250 Enthn, 11 IL Cana. A ~ JSiiL ........ ""'· B -can •U It wlU. • DAILY ltend "'"""'· atnt -I Lsf. -., taunan ..,,, Ii" LAWN ~. Pldl •• at -· Im. Mf.1433 I HP Liiier I>Mm ,. H,.., w. -· ~OOD mL. .... I"' U""" ,..... M • llr. Ill -llr. C.11. PILOT WAHi' ADii ICa7I -· -fell , Jib new. -m Da1iota, C.11. 1/1. Wlttlo Eltpba•I Duty $121. m,1431-Call -Mt. port. Claan. - • ,, ' .. .. --... ~ .,....,,,._ . . .. •-·...,.·~~~~~'~------____, ...... ~.""!:.~--•+• ·-·--,=:'.'<""''..±!!_~ •-•••:+!l"t;61 £"!Hi41ilil!OiiUUSttU£IttEIEt'f$fd'.G!iSWP& q R:.-Zh 101.cPSSX a s :a.:.:4'4¥Je set .4 l\iilE < ••co ~• - ~~~!_!"-_ _!tDO!! ....... , ... ,..,.. •Hew '69 Dodge* hlnU, w-Camper RAT -....... -. --------cttt waM-lll.Pf>IY • .tuve • '67 FIAT • 11\de •bed. SUL No. GOS Str. ISO COupe Na. 19121"245. Speclal wheell. 4 ltld, dlr, $3397 plush black interior, AM/ PWS TAX A UCEN'SE FM radkl. $125 Cub dell or SST Dn.. 197 Ptr Mo. older trade. lB VHE 743. .. Mal, on Approved Credit Call Ken 4~ or 545-0634 'Gl;NE 0'HARA'S SAbDLEBACK ·~'!Tca1"°~· Xlnt DOD~E * 612-9121 * l«D. N. Tustin, Santa Ana ()pen T days 9 to lD 547-9381 CaMPlt Rent•lt 9522 FERRARI MG MG JtD60 '63 Brlahtyellow--Uke new. Ex~ clnn A IOWd cu at a low price, (IIK49T) $899 BIU MAXEY !TfOIY!OIT!AJ lml llEACH llLVD. Hunt, BHch 147-8555 S mt N. of {))ut Hwy. on Bcb *EXPLORER* 8y week or month. Luxuri- ous. Slee~ &.. Sell contain- ed, Umtted number, Call todoy, '67 Ferr•rl 330 GTC Gorgeous red 2 place w I black glove leather inter. FM multiplex ndio, power 63 MC Mld&tt-Excellent windows, 6,500 actual mllH. cond. New auta, recent Locally owned A; 1raded ta ovuhauL Price o p e n , on a new Ferrari. Must .ee 5'5--7404 Ii dtive to believe. ========= LEISURE RENTALS cn•1 6C2-fl6lt, cnotl 831-3800 Du .. 11"9111.. 9525 Dune Buggy Show S•I• J2 l'ltl p 0 l I J\itlp Lll i ~, Bodie• from $149. Chassis . from $249. Om>me roll bars 3100 W, coast Hwy .• NB. 514 95 Le.Paa Dune Buggy 642-94<6 540-1164 suPe~t. 3623 W, Wa~ Authoriied MG Dealer or, SA. .....,.., O..n Sa' FERRARI MGB MG Sales, Service, Puts Immediate DelivtT)', AJ!Moleb J"! t'lll p Lll I .~1 11\PLll I'• J:i'lllPLll I 31111pu11•, 31.C(I W. Cout Hwy., N.B. m94!0 •""'"" AuthOriud l\fG Dealer PORSCHE '66 Porsche 911 Coupe lrtsh green w/blk. inter. chrome wheels, 1or lamps. et.c. , Flawless in every de- tail. 2 otbel'I to choose. • J -r lu po 11 3 1111p o11~; 3100 W, O:ut Hwy., N.B. 642-st«i 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer DON'T JUSJ' WISH tor some. thin& to tumish )'OUt home • • • find lft&t buys ln to- PORSCHE 'ff Po<ICho tll T•rw• ,,000 miles on UU. !OC91 pm . AM/FM,.,.,_ wbeels, bumper l\l&f'd&, -tic., etc. Sand .... w/ tuck lntu. Factory warranty. Show· room condition. S other Tar- p 's lo choale:, 1967"1: U88'L J2rtupot 1 ~l111ptll'l~1 3100 W. Col.It ffwy., N.B. 642..9405 M0-1764 Authorized MG Dealer '65 Porsche S.C. ~ yellow w I Nk leather -lnttt. AM/FM, elect. aun root, chrome wbeell, etc,'S other S.C.'s to choose. J2 rtupu rl 31111por1s 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-Mffi S40-17&i Authorized MG Dealer '66 912 5 SpHd .. fl TllUMPH I ii '69GT6+ - It ~akes boys out of men :1.~~~.!4.~!l.0:..1 'ltlitll hldt a J..-r.,.I tMr Kl,,., -,_....,_; • 0 to 60 in 11 .0 seconds • 6 cylln. lleated, toa:-!ret rear window e New ti ders • 4 forward 1ynchromesh gears flow-through ventilation e Rack.and· t ; : • •-w~1 =· ·l~=~:y ~w·~~:LlroR~A i •::D i • SPITFIRES • GT.-6.'s · ·• 250's • TR-6's SUn. N....... lmportl Lid. 0.. anee Cow:rtT 1 oo1y autbol'-dATa Oeuifted Ada. l ~ported Autos MOO lz:ed deal.et. !100 W. <:out BWJ .. N.B. S~SERVICE·PARTS &C2-9e 541).l'lll n-s Buch bouM time, Bia:· Red w/blk interior, AM/FM, chrome wheels, fog lamps, etc. Recently re-built, per- fect condition thru-out. 7 othrr to choose. FRITZ WARREN'S • 19~9 1· i BUICK I $2444: AUSTIN 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Au.thorbed MG Dealer aest .elect:km ever! See the J2 rlupo11 311npor1~, 0 '60 AUSTIN CAMBRIDG'E 642·94~n'POrt ~·~0-176' DA.U.Y l'tL<1I' WANT APS ?~Yn N~.' Oaultl~ Au~zed MG Dealer l=o='BR""'IN"G=ll=ES!ru==TS=!=,,.;;-=~==v=w====-SPORT CAR CENTER $165. 646-2887 AUS11N !:!EALEY AUSTIN-HEAuY .. 67 3COJ MJt Ill, AM/FM radio, nr. nu radial titts. (THF· 739) 1bis sparkling blue eonv. 111ust be the fl\P!lt im- maculate MK Ill anywhere. Very low mileage. $2999 BIIL MAXEY !TIOIYIOJTIAJ I lml BEACH BLVD. Hunt; BHch 147-1555 ml N. of Coe.st Hwy. on Bch '63 SPRITE. '64 enrW. reblt trans. new ienen tor, $450. -'"""· "46-3585 BMW '68 BMW 1£0J. AM/FM tape. SUnrool Xlnt cond. * 675-3334 DATSUN '67 Datsun Station Wagon · original, 4.1pd, dlr, radio heater,' like riew! $75 Cuh dell, pymnts $39.00 mo. VHG, m1, call, Ken, fU.!'173 '69 DATSUN led&n. 96 hp. overhead cam enc .• dlr, f ape!. radio. JAGUAR JAGUAR XKE mnv. Immac mnd. Must ae.1.1. $1750/offer. "6-6ll2 '62, 3.8 JAGUAR Srdan w/2 xtri mounted snow tirea. S1425. Prv prty. 6f4..27f2 '62 XKE Red Rds. Best offer over Sl850. St6-0.13!1, 846-ll!IO KARMANN GHIA '62 KARMAN CHIA conv, very clean, new top Ir: clutch, rebuit eng, low mileage, $995 • .f99.-2359 '65 Mercedez Ben:r 220 S.E, Every possible extra lncld. Auto trans, 'Ml pow. er, AM, FM, Sunroof A: air cond, Abllolutdy lmm~ able. ?ifust be attn l driven to be believtd. J1l'lt1p n1 1 JI 111 p t1 ll •:, beater, WIW tlrH. loaded!' 22CI DIESEL '68, like new. m Mlln. under factory Air, auto, FM, wht w/ blk warranty. Ba,1 tt> fine. $1TIS. int. Prv prt;y lf.500. 8 am-5 Take $n cash dela. or older pm.. v.itdys tl>.6161 Mr. car .• LB. YNW <m. OJI 8W Brandt .......... ~======o=== · .ENGLISH FORD · ORANGE COUNTY'S . VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES • SERVICE '69 MODELS lmmedla te ddiwry LARGE SELECTION . Theodore ROBINS FORD MG '67 MGB Rdsl with covtt I: wire wheels. Excellent condition . Only 33,CO> miles, Uc. CHS- OZI. $17,5 ' Holiday 1969 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa 64U023 PLANNING to mover You'll find an amaztn& numb!r of homes in today's OaWfied 2060 Harbor Blvd. Adt, <lleck them now. Mesa 6UOOJ.O mE SUN NEVER SETS on ·~· ..._..,Wlu=: -~ ~1-' o -Ousilled'•,L,= .: SOC!\ r-rnJ""Df!1·•,,.,.l~ · Cft&)~i-,...·· 1 9510JHps LAND ROVER Now In ••• ORANGE COUNTY! r "'l'ho.re"' are over 500,000 LAJ'ii>.ROVERS . openting in 160 countries. They a.re used by 29 of the world's armies and 35 of 1111 police forces. Fleelll of LAND· ROVERS are purchased by large con- struction firms, oil companies, etc. for ~nry all over the globe. AVAILABLE for fMMEDIATE DELIVERY . 1JST DRIVE l'r TODAY! at FRITZ . 'WARREti'S . ' SPORT CAR CENTER ntL ht SANTA ANA 547.0764 • -. HARD TO FIND '68 '68 '68 124 Coupe $2595 IWll ill I 850 Spyder $1795 IWIC •111 858 Coupe $1695 lYTL J71) .'&1 850 Coupe $1495 ITYV Jiil '&7 1180 Wagon $1095 lYTM 111) Lew ........ ......,.., ... 11.Ta41 •Alpl1M1 100"/e f .in•nclng A'v•llable, 0.A.C. B. J. Sporfscar ·Center Inc. 2W Harbor Blvd. Cotta Me11 5.40-4'91 9600 AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH TllE PURCHASE OF: · 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-940.} r 54{).1764 Authorlzed ?ifC Dealer '62, MODIFIED enpie, 15M tnl. Red lacquer, radials, like new. Best <lffer. 213: <39-55<2 ' 710 E. 1st, Santa Ana 547.0764 OUIOPILPllCll STA.IT AT $1777 OIDEI YOURS TODAT Orange Covnty't lmportid Aut~ , 9600 Imported Autos 9600 '67 Porache 912 Coupe 1,::,;::;:;=:;..:.=::,,_....:.= Eboey biad< w/ makhlng PORSCHE SUBARU TOYOTA blk. inter. AU Porsche ac- c::essories lncld. c h r o m e, 1--------wheeik, fog lamps, coco '68 PORSCHE 911. 5 &peed, mats, etc, 3 olh!n to choose Weben, Konis, rad i o , LARGEST Subaru of Calif. TOYOTA t SELECTION t ~~:~·~,;.~~: ELMORE I JAGUARS i J1eluport 31111ports am/fm, other extras. $5200. 642--4158 after 4 p.m. '63 PORSCHE 1600-S, red w/ blk inl, reblt eng, n e w paint, FM/AM. Sf4-8479. Handling "49• J>el. $1390.50 ™<JO Be h Blvd W • t + Tax and License ~ ~tmnstr • COMPLETI SALIS A~D IOOI ~! Hl~l!, BIIL MAXEY • SUYtCI DIPAITMINT ,,J:,. W, Cut Hwy.,~~i.. RENAULT Authorized MG Dealer 1--;:_-:;,;_:,;..c.;;, __ _ '68 PORSCHE Targa '12 '67 RENAULT Like new, muat sell $5600 or R-10 4 Dr. Sedan. Still looks best offer. 64l-OiQ9 new. Ser. No. 58248. $1377. DON'T .JUST W.Sii lot some. i ~ i:.i °'= !:: ~':'.:'. !TIC)jVl§ITkil d"Y'• cass!li<d Ada, 18811 BEACH BLVD. t nrE QUICKER YOU CALL. Hunt. Beach 847-1555 • POOLE'S FINE USED CARS TIIE QUICKER YOU SELL 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Sch : '65 IUICK 9600 tElectr1 coupe. Full power,i Por1che'a, 1962 -1969 New Car Dlr. Ei46-93D7 The finest sriectton ol qua.I-OIARGE IT! lty used Porsche'• in So. California. 33 to choose Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos Fictory eir co11d: NC I· from. J1r lllP Llll 31111pllrl ~· 3100 W. c.out Hwy., N.B. 642-9400 54().1764 Authorbid MG I'.>ea.J.er 9600 Chlcl-IYeri o11 1:1nnof ••11 tired b11g1. He i1 •11+01 il1d not lo, Mit- ter of f1cl h1 chec•1 end rocheck1 hi• 111ed 1:1n. Send1 th1m thro119h 1uthorit.1d cli 11ic where theY 911 · th•t f1mo11• 16 point-ch1ck-11p •nd 1ny r•p1ir1 needed. Then h• ch•ckt ind rechec•• them 19•i11 •rid then 911111 whet7 He pul1 them in the peper! IP.S. If e 1!1119 i1 too tired to mike you hi ppy , •• he 91h 1old to 1nother d11lerl 420 ' : $1795 WE SELL LOVELY ~ BUCiS : '65 OLDSMOllU 14 door H.T. F1ctory elf, pow1r 1hoeti119 I br1U1 1o11to, IMO.Y 1461 i $1395 " t '67 MUSTANG 'tC011¥1rt. 4 1peed, fl'die, f'""s1995 it '66 TEMPEST Cu1torn cp•. R&H. 1m P.S., f•clory 1ir co11ditiort- i119. !STDl771 : $1595 : '61 CADILLAC iSed. OeVill1. f11tl power., -f1ct. oir, IHXS 7421 J.: $995 i , t '66 THUNDElllRD +F1ctory 1ir cond. Full pow• er, vi11yl top. XLV 491 / $2795 _,,_.,~J~-~~ .. ~~ ,_,,\ .. ·~ • ..,~ •• ~ •. ~'...,..,,>..-?.. ' ? ,','10' .... · •.'• t '65 SKYLARK r, Awtom1tic, pewer ;.¥ ' • 'f:l"ik· The whole family wilf enjoy the zip of Flat 124's high-output engine ... the smoothness of a 4*Speed synch~ mesh gearbox ••. the security of 4-wheel disc brakes .,. the comfort of recli ning front Low, Low Prices On These SPECIALLY PRICED BUGS! ··~· i ' '·!!.~'· • $13 5 ' i '67 IMPALA • :H.T. Cpe. Awto .. PS, R&Hi .llCK9Slil t $1995 i The Family Room.·· [Very f1mit1 1hould hove • f1mily cir! ComfO!j.lblot se1tint lor the whOle famil)t •• , proctic.11, rood looks 1"-t WOtt1 to ovt of •t1'e .•. Mt¥1nc.e<1 ensineerirtt:. , • 1H vin,t lnteriM, '9Ctininr bucket seHI,, 4-S4)Hd 1tidt Miift. h ! ..!!!!!.£!!: ~ f1mi17' \ 11Flat124 Family Sedan ... bucket seats. Fiat is fun! Fiat 124 Waoon How dOe8 Flat do It for the price? SEE THESE AID OTHER FIAT MODELS CALIFORNIA SPORTS CARS 901 E. 1st ST., SANTA ANA I 54Z-8B01 • '68 VW BUG Uc. No. VIM 289 Don't MW Thl1 ! $1690 ·~ !",.,!!GI Radio $1300 '65 VW BUG 1'64 VW Sunroa1 Lie. No. PBU 246 Lie. No. TXT 141 "C<llor Me Red" Striped &: Beautiful $999 $099 't~ !"oM~~: 06~,~~~~ c,r1 Radio ' "Your Best Buy" $899 $990 '66 VW BUG Lie. No. SOC 851 Radio $1299 '63 VW BUG- u c. No. JKP 044 Radio $899 '59 VW BUG Uc. No. GWF 380 "Wow!" $390 1970 HARBOR BLVD.:::: 673.0900 Ext. 66 ' ~,, . (!/})\ 549-3031 Ext. 67 Ir 6B ' ' • •:Hl, ~:.. ~~.~~~~ '"'·i ei,, RIH. ITFX 76tl : $2295 ' . . ·- : '64 FORD WAGON .C11try Squlr,e. Fvll ,ower, tf1clory 1ir,' IOQX 71 ))/ : $1495 t '67 RIVIERA •.cpe. Full pow.,, f1clery 1ir, ITQI 1991 i $3595 t. '66 CAPRICE +"-vlem1tie, f1cl, •ir, pe-.r t •f11rl119, r1dio, h11for f ""'$'1995 i 234 E. 17111 ST. : 548;.7765 • .,OP1N17hn&-...... !/J/XJ&Bu1cK •I ~' I UIC• CO Q1>1I~' COSTA MESA -· .- .. ·., ,,, 1' 'I BJ f! 111 Hpi ,,., - IE: Hur -11!1 TOY AID)<> • UI ,.;lh --.... mlle B1 L1 Ill Hu !ml fiffi 4 w: hum alt ! .;._ ...... SU~ -coov cuv: """' BI ' I! lfl Hur s .Jiii : -Tiu!: •fi .• -mint 1:, .... , = ,YI -'61 v -'91-: v 0rt1 v AlC, mob '61 ' clea: vlny PLAi -PILI """" lm1 - I ... • -~-·· ----------------------------.-------.----~··------------.·-·~-· -r ' -· , ..... --~-----.. ..... . :-.. .. ,,~ ~ .. , • . .~!*ON• J)lnt •• , J.W.'1 • • ,OMl,'t,f,fl.01 • T!Wil~ltTA!f9r . TRIU~SPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIOtj · ~~~TATION ITRANSf'ORTATION TRANSPORTATIO!!_ .~N!~!?RTA!I~ T~!A{!dRV;J 1!1!~ ~ .• • l11p11tei1-HOO Imported Autot -Sf!!' C1,. • '9oll0 1Autos Wini..! 9700 Autos W1nttd t7oo Ueod Cira . 9900 lmPortod A~ Hltl.;po;t;;IAUi.. W , , .'JOJOTA ~ VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN ·~,~~~r[".~· !'~: wz PAY . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l ,.., -~ ,_.. -PAY CASH 'e8 Karmln ahla lll99 • TEMmD 1Y 'loY~~ ~65,1 .. ~ '65 vw· •.• ""'' .... r. llU-0102 alt.. CASH "' Radio, l)uter, TEX6'so • 'Wl>OUISfR ~~t:~~f ~~q•;;,~~=~~5 ~":4a'""~:::~ ~~~:E~ vs'.:!€!~ =~TllOl[Y][QJI .! llAll? lllJd to ten""' ...i '° "'·P·" P~ Calll<en. ....m Convert. All power."'"'° m' 6R01H ftlnlftftllT ' c· u"""OLET VI, ·~~~~;.:""· 11__ SEE "EAN LEWIS' TODAY! • 4 ·wheel drive fun ear irom ··59 -ar. . . . $ -6,5 · »<Int ccii>d. Very ..,. (S.tlal' un; flAllU-· .n• .,. . ~ --• ,_, -_., . nl!W. Excel comL, with tt&l' YW. 1968 VW, auto, #149) $3500. ~ or et-.• Uarbor ~Blvd. Radio, bl<t', VB, 4 1peed • $ .. eeau. m :notation tira, 2 Dr. Radio, heater. · 8600 ralle1 $1995 .. 577U ' Aak for. SU. M•Mrr , . O.,Uii ~· • 54\llll EitmO • '69 TOYOT'• 17-• .i.ld. rim.. (HP0415) Llc. VEP135 Eves. ~ A Shu!> Model A >:WI . lam ...... llMt. . -'D 1'ord $'99 • , A PIOM , • ~ • $1799 '61 VW •.. $ 745 '62M"'l'·~·~ 19.10 ,._ ....... , ·m.o~Dolich\ .) Aufo'Ct1il"9 ' 9110 VB, outomatic.tn.nambaJon. e ... IAVIN•S e . • , ' 2 DR. Radk>, heater. "' .. ' $500 * -FIRSr TIME! • ..r.;; ~:~ : mcUTIVI CAR SAl:E NOWl11. BILL MAXEY '62 vwLl• LPM529$ 795 1964 ,,; mooR/H 3 : ... , sell '38 BUICK Clauio lllodd 41, CONFIDENTIAL!:. y u. ... a Now ... "" 6'1c•ttlla NJ powor .. landlu top, air • '" TOYOTA HAIDTOI'. ·'·-·----$20lt · • · • • • • , · Sed011 Speclal. )Ont """"· We Pay Mo,. For a return with 110 obllptlaa. •es Ford """1'9 w...., 11181 • 'H VOLVO SIDAll, AlllOtoallc __ .. _ $2tn: • ·"1,-r=rlM?V(J"""""' ... :1v::T::..IAJ~ 2 DR, heater. Lie. HDR3U ~&:.ot;e~t oUer. 218 411 Sl $425. n4 -53&-llOO Foreign Or Sports Can Call Mr. Malcolm Reid 1or • Air • I .:'·~ _ '63 YW , , . $ 895 9701i PAID FOR DR NOT Full Detail• Now • CHANEY'S • 41/.2'/• BANK FINANCING • ~';!'. ::.:;H ~\~ :;:·v;· ~'."$· '9ts VO.LVO. ::::'":X CARS I. J. ~:~1.:CAR i_.~ ~~~~~E:. : w1 Nl:;-:.•~tN : VOlvo TOP SS$. Th--.J 100% Financlrw No Problem • POl OUR LMOI USIO CAI. DIPT. • J JDi N. of o.n Hwy. on Bch 2 DR radio, heater, OWY235 * 546-&06 * 2833 Harbor BlYd. -or• Most Credit No Problem TOYOTA '65 Ghia · · 51295 NEW 164 NOW'S THE C...ta Mel4 I ,_,I R~l!~!'~J.D ·~~~ ~ ~-~::. : DEAN LEWIS : .. Radio, ... ,.,_ T8X645 a Wll luy ... -· -.... '66 YW $1395 O>oln .,,,. -o 2 dr., 132-mo., •~ No. • • ' $ SA VE $ · · · Nl!W 1800 TIME FOR Your Vollt>w .. •• or Ponche ,,. LE.UE. ., ISi. '61 T-BUd 137. mo., • ....,,. • Exec:utlw C•r $•1• 2 DR. Radio, heater SVAl03 NOW ON DISPLAY ' & pay top dollin, PaJd .tw '68 C&d Cpe de Ville, full pwr, S1oclc.No. 142· ~'P Ceunty T.,.._ Vofn .....,._ ... Mlf ' ljurry Whllo They Lull '66 YW · · . $1495 " L • QUICK CASH or Mt. Call Ralph air, 17,000 ml., $139 mo. G-MAC MOTORS • 1966 HAllOI IOULrvARD, COSTA llt9IA • Ll.,;I Futboc~k, heater. RYFW fQJt .emy THROUGH A IMPOR~ANTED '69 """:':;.',!:: H:lop, Santa:: W. Ill Sti.u.m:i I••••••••••••••••••• UlllO INPORTS Or&nKe ~u.. '66 °""11ne11w ...i., a1r " euSIF.<r . ...-1o YOUR AD REACHES DAILY PILOT 10P S BUYER leather. $99.?5 mo. town. n. PAILY PnDl' 68 972 HOMES EACH WIU TOTOTA·•OLYO BILL MAXEY ll'OYO'tA SOUTH COAST Clanlfted , ......._ S.w ' ' TOTOTA·WOLYO 1966 Harbor, CM. """""' WANT AD 188&1 ""'"' m.,.. CAR LEASING .....,, -".-. Li>ok DAILY PllDI' WJoNr ADS I "" o.., Plot....., MO lj66 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 CHARGE )'OUr want ad now. a. Beacb. Ph. &n~ 300 W, Cst Hwy, NB ~2182 mw!ll Dial 6C2.srrB for RESULTS Dill 6GS1I b llSSUU'I TOYOTA (OROllA '69 .., ~~~ ~ :::;,'!.,. .. _ N-C1rs 9100 N-C1rs 9800Now Cira 9100 N-Cira 9800N1w C1n 9IOO-C.n ,_ . ' HA•R ~·· • O'hne" to call this a Uled car. Beautiful beia:e .;th blldt -In~ &lid VOLKSWAGEN, INC. OJlly equip~ Inc. air OMd. Autltal1zed radio, w/wall tioe1, tinted S&lel and s.moe ' slus. 0r>1y saoo &etuaJ q . uiu 8-h mw. -miles. (YRX890l $20,9 ~TE~Y Bank Financing BiLL MAXEY $213 OOWN $44.o.l * 36 mos !T!O!Y!§!T!AJ ~u":. ~ ~~~ mJ warranty. Avail only at 11111 BEACH BLVD. T & M MOTORS Hunt, BHch '1474555 8081 Gard'" Gmve mw. !miN,<ta:..tHwy.onBdl 53&-228' at Buch 892-SSSJ. riSYOTA Land Cniisn', 1961, OPEN SUNDAY 4 wheel dr, hanltop, Warn '67 VW . hubs. Sl.995. Call ~o Air conditioned, ·low mil@s. .it 5 one owner. Abeolutely mint conditlofl. Lie. Vl.0472 SUNBEAM SUNBEAM ALPllE '67 Sparlllinc orl& .. atrato blue conv:. wttb wire w h • e 11. ==-==""==--,.I (UVE4(8) Low miles It: low '67 VW .square, XI.NT cond. prior. Blk w/mJ inl Check Jots. Buy at $1800. 49'-2515 $1799 BILL MAXEY !T!OIY!§!T!AI Ifill BEACH BLVD. Hllftt. llo1eh 1474555 S.mi N. ofo..t Hwy, on Bdl • '62 vw * 40 hp dependable. $625. 897-1974 aft@r 6 PM 1964 VW, reblt eng. Mags, $850, or best oiler, must Rll. 642--a;28 '67 White VW Bug, xJnt cond, $1550 * 54&-1396 * '61 vw TRIUMPH Ex"'o'"t condition ......, & out, honey cream ext., plush 'l1lJuMPH GT6 Coupe, late bl!J:k interior. SUS Calh '11, 4 11pd + eltt over drlvt, deh, dlr, or trade • take low wire wheels, low mileaa;@, pymnts. LB YIU. 194, Call mint cond. $2595. 499-2359 Bill, ~ 1968 TRIUMPH MK..J Spit-f'·"' .. ~vw=~eonv-.-AM=1rn=,1 fltt: conv, Like new. $1800. 18,000 mL Xlnt cond. Xtras 844-2768 $1850. 549--0022 or 642--6923 CATALINA STATION WAG. s4197 2 Seit Station Wagon. Ch1mp19n1 with gold interior. Decor group, turbo hydr1• m1tic:, push button rad~o •• remote mi"or, deluxe belts, power lt11rin9 and br1lt1s, tinted 91111, AIR CONDITIONING, white wolh. 1252369Cl2218D I THIS PRICE SAVES YOU -_, ~ .... . UNLESS · YOU'VE . GOT -- SOMETHING AGAINST SAVING . A BUCK! ... llAND NIW LE MANS $3·2'66 Htrdtop Coupe. Cameo white with red lnt•rior. 350 engine, turbo hydr1m1tic, push blltton radio, d1lu11 111t b.lts, d•· luxe wh11I difcs, console, rower 1t11rin9, tlntid 91111, "!hlt1"\icfe wal tir•J. l2l7179ZI 202161 · • '. ' ,VOLKSWAGEN 1968 VW Bug. l3,000 milos. XJnt condition. O w n e r "°"""""'· $1150. 847-ljGf • '61 VW Bus. Must sell. Gd. 1964 vw Clean & Sharp cond. 9 pass., 30,00J mi. 642--$U • 8 AM to 6 PM, 891'-1863 after 6: 30 646-1225 •i VOLKSWAGEN, black. •57 VW needs minor parts Orlf1nal owner, new tires. $150. ' ' +64MOJJ• * 5.11·1318 * '66 VW Sq. ~k, AM/FM. VOLKSWAGEN, new engine AJC. g ply radlah, coco 1: trans. Good transporta. matt, Xlnt cond. 546-3415 tion $500. &lz..3473 '61 VW ltdan, 21,000 mi, clean. perf. cond. Radio, vinyl inl $1695. 497-1626 ' '62 VW. SUnroot. New tires, clutch, top. $750. Prv. prty, 846-95B7 * OPEN SUNDAY WE WANT TO BE YOUR VOLVO DEALER Wf Pl£D6E TO YOU • • • 1. Complm S.r.tco Foclllt1-1 .- 2. L1rtMf P1rt1 lnwntory 1 Foctory Trolnod Service Personnel 4. Gre•tftf Selection •nd Inventory For Immediate Delivery PLUS All ORGAllZATION 100% ORBTED AND DEDICATB> TO YOUR SA TISfiACTIOll. I )LIXIBLE FINANCING AVAILABLE FRITZ .. . ,WARREN,'$ • , ~RJ. CAR CENTER • ¥ • I tl 1:. llT,, , SAlqA ANA 547 .. 764 '-"--------'. ·------.. EACH AND EVERY "CARVER • CARE • CAR" CARRIES OUR ' EXCLUSIVE 100°/o WARRANTY ON MECHANICAL'. PARTS. '64 VOLKSWAGEN 2 Door 11d1n, '4 1p11d, r1dlo, h11t1r. Orl9i111I 20,000 ml111. IOWC 700) . $1277 ~~~E '67 COUGAR H1rdtop coup1. v.1, 1utom1tlc, r1clro, f111!1r, p1w1r 1t11r• ing. IYtiC 6561 • $2377 ~~:t. '67 PONTIAC LeMans Spotf Co11p1, Y-1, H.,dr1m1ti1, power if11ri119, r1di1, he1t1r, w+ilt1 well tir11. (TU' 1861 $2277 :~~€£ 0 '68 MUSTANG CouPI'.· 1t1dio, h11t1r, 1ufom1tlc, pow1r it11ri119, f1 ctory11fr. (WJ l'l69l . '68 PONTIAC LeMans 2 Door . H•rdto p. ,Y-1, 111tom1tlc, r,w1r it .. rlng, r1dlo, h11t1r, w!iif1 1ld1 will tir11, foci. 1rr' c1tldition, IWFft IJ6l $2777 ::t. '68 VOLKSWAGEN lu9. 4 •P•K h111111'1l•llo" •ltli r1dlo ind h11t1r. fXDC 1611 $1777 :~ •. ROY CARVER'S · SERVICE DEPT. IS OPEN MON. THRU FRI. FROM 7:30 A.M. TO ~:00. THE SALES DEPT. FROM 8:00 A.M. TO ·9:30 P.M. EVERYDAY. '67 PONTIAC, l1M1"1 co11y1tfib!1. V.f, hydr1m 1tlc, pow1r 1f11ri11ij, r1dlo, h11t1r, whit1 1id1 w1ll1. IVCL Jll) $2277 ~~. · '68 PONTIAC GTO v.t. hydr111'11tfc, power 1t11rl119, ,._.,, Itri•••, rMlo, hti1t. '"WSW, fodo~$31'77W~~~--. '68 PONTIAC L..M1111 4 d-., h1 rdt1p. Y-1, h..,tlr11111tl&. pow1r dffrilllf I brek11, r1dio, h11f1r, WSW, feet, 1lr ••ltion. CYTL 610) $277-7 :~. • ----~~---· ~-~-~~ =--'- • ' • • " • --~--~ ---:---------- ' . • Dolll.Y"ILOT • ·~ r....,,-6,1"9 • . .. , , • , -1, • , , , TIOOBMflTl&i llllHSl'ORTATl&I (~TATION TllANSl'OltTATION TllANll'ORTATIOH TllA .. Sl'OllTATION TRANSl'ORTATION TllANSPOllTA'l'ION Tt!ANSPoltTATION ...--.-...----~--...;---------------......,----~------------------------:----------.----------;.:..:...----"'-'-~-----,.,,.,,-, -Con ffOO -c.,. ffOO NeW Coro ffOO ,._Coro 9100 ,..., Coro 9100 -Coro --Coro 9100 -Coro • ·-9IOO NowCoro · tlOO· 1WE'RE•NUMBER ONE •••. AND BECAUSE WE'VE SET NEW SALES .RECORDS,WENO.JFHAVENEWSALESQUOTAS. THAT M~ANS WE HAVE MORE NEW CONTINENTALS, MERCURYS AND COUGARS · TO SELL. IT ALSO MEANS ... ~ __...._ . . THAT:WE HAVE MORE PREMIUM TRADE-INS TO OFFER! ' D'®®@l LINCOLN HERE IT IS -! The ease11ee of elegance. If 11au are for Continental, then lohnaon & Son la for 11011. Greatest •election, finest 1er1'ice and terms to 11011r requirement•. Johnson '$ early offerings Executive Car Sale Ouhtanding Lincoln-Continental5 at Outstanding Low Price5!! In ~eeping with our. policy of selling ••ecutive cers four times • yeer rather then onceor twice, Johnson'• offers e good select ion of extr.emely low mileage •••· cutive l incoln.Continentah et extremely reduced prices! here Are No Finer Trade-Ins Than Johnsons. Look At These Fine Resale Cars! 1968 CONTINENTALS ] to choo1 .. from. All' complt tely luxury tquipptcl, Auto. tr1111. i ttdio, httftr, F•clorv Air Com!., pwr. 1!1tri 119, powtr bttlr11, power wi..,:lo .. n, powt r 1t1I, l111c(·e11 roof1, •k. Ver_y low .,.;1,, I b.1ufifullv m1in· t1in.d. l uy1r r1c.1iv•• the \1l1nct of th1 111w cir f1cl0f1' W 1rranty. Attr1cti"• eolors. IILH22 I ) P'rice1 .... , $4995 1967 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE B.111tif11! onyx bl•dr fini1h will! whit• 1011 •nd whit• individuflly •dju1l•bl• pow1r 1e•h, fully luxw'y •quipped. Auto. fr•111mi11ion, AM .FM r1dio, pOW•t ll••tin9, pow•• br•lr11, power wiiid ow1, f•clory air conditioni119, tilt 1l••rin9 wh,el, 1u!offt •lic •P••d ir;1111· lrol, Sp1c:i •I purch•1• from Ford Motor Co. Driven only 14,000 mila1. Cu1lom •r rt<:tiYtl btl1nc1 of n1w ctr wtrr1nfy. Lie. No. OKC 030. $4195 1966 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Stri~in9 A•ctic while with b!1ck lnleriDr ind bl1ck l111d1u '""'· Fully lu.,,..y equipped, 1ul•. tr1n,., RIH, PS. PW, 6·w•y 1e1t. l1clory 1ir cond., etc. !SMOIS]J $3395 1968 COUGAR XR7 COUPE For Your Con1'enlenee In Bu11ing Your New or Vsed Llneoln (Mere• too), We Are Opell On Sumlat1•· 1966 TORONADO DELUXE l ••uliful Roy•I "1•roon fo ni1h witli "1•lchin9 interior. Thi1 sup•• cl•1n cir i1 •C!uipped witll tile fin •1I. A.T., RIH. P'S, Pl, 6·W·P'·1•1I, P-willdew1, f1clory 1ir cond., tilt tf1•rin9 wh•1I, Sliow1 exc1ll1nt 0111 owntr cere, 16.000 ,.,iJ11. WYWSll. . $2595 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE Conv1rlibl e. l11utlful J1m1ic1 Yellow fini1h w/bf1ck interior i nd bl1c• lop. Auto. lr1n1., redio ind h11l•J. F1clory Air Corid., pewer il1erin9, power br1k11, pOWtr windows, •ft. Driven only 10,000 ,.,il11. Th is ouhlandin<J ci r could be 1e1i(y mi1t1k1n for b•1nd new. l uy1r •1c1ive1 !ht b1l1nc1 of th e "'"" ''' Fie· lory W1rr1nly. Wf'Cl 66 . A!lr•cli"• 1e1fD1"1 furquoi1e ,.,,t1llic fini1h with P1 rchm•nl !ei ther butk1t 1e1h ind bl1t k l1nd•u roof. 6.5 Litr• v.1 en9in• with Iulo. tr1n1., r1d io I h11!1r, pow•r 1t1erin9, power di1c br1k11, F1clory Ai• Cond. Th i1 b11uiilul t•• d1iv1n only 12.000 ,.,;, •nd buyer rec1i.,.11 the b1l1nce of 1h1 new cer F1clo•y W1,,1n· ly, WQW)~). $32.95 $3595 USED CAR DEPT. 540 • 5635 l ... [L n 00©® [L 00 • ©®OO'if HOO ·~·oo 'if &\[L· 0 ffifil & [ffi [\ ]][ D ~ ~ [pa © (11J [ffi:,Y D ©@illJ@j £ [pa ! 2626 HARBOR IOULEVARD1 COSTA ME ;A • ~ 9900 U1ed C1rs · 9900 Used Cars Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 UllCI Coro 9900 Usod Con 9900 u...icoro /ED A CAR! WE CAN JIELP YOU BUICK '64 BUICK Special \\•ilh famous V-6 engirw Stt to appreciate. $900. 54&.3584 BUICK CHEVROLET CHEVROLET DODGE DODGE 1968 BUtcf< Riviera: lov.· ---------•61 NOfttAD \Vagon; , '66 Docfte Pola r11 mil' .. " I "'"''"· '""" 1964 Chevrolet •,:.; FINEST SELECTION '68 CHARGER. ,;,, "· pb. c.mv .. d~. faot ,;,, P"' "'"· sh&.f11. Only $400 over low cond. Auto. trans., landau top, tape slrrro. dOIO.'S, loaded! STa Cash dell 8 It others ha\•e turned you down • U you have no down peyment • If you are em-....... blue book. 673-4487 Fri aft ltta,libu SUper Soprt Cpe. brakeR, &ood tires. $450. S2750. firm 5 4 6 -3 J 4 3 • or take foreign car in trade. P I b,_ SilS-1625 '62 BtnCK lnvicla Wagon. 5, all day Sat. ower s ttr, power 1\6., ~ ---------~18-4118 Pymnts $39.86 mo. LB VNW Full po\\•er & air. Good factory air. Uas eronoiw 6 COMET o 25 '66 '67 '68 ,65 DAHT d nd -386. Call Ken, 49 .. 9773 or ** MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM * * •••• Call Mr. Ulmer cond. $650. 531-362G ·~!>TBPU!SCKPISBky!F~k. ~ 0283R. cyl. engine. Cherry red uith ver • • overhaul~d~ ·,..~ ·; ic;~1~ S.15-ffi'i.4. 1 • I · · ac air. . beige bucket seats&. opera!· ., =..c;,,...., ......... ,...--1 '68 RIVIERA. Air, vinyl top. V-8. Xlnt corn!. $ 15 5 0. ing console. Driven 44,000 SllARP '6.i Comet Convt brake~. trans. 547-0933 '64 DART GT low mil. lmmac. Prv prty. 642-7161. catt!ul miles. OTV 659, A Gold, wlnte lop. $650. r.1u"S1 c d•11 h '61 DODGE Lancet. 6 cyl .. 6 cyl. Power slccnng, auto. Ev ... 644-1549 '63 RIVERIA, '1! pwr., fine"""',, "'"· 208 Cm1'!, 8'100. a I acs lo c OQSA from ""'' 1ra ... good..u~4W>. >.'!/~~--~ '!' ~.: ~. JIUB 1of. a~vi~ tor ~e~her a: e. at s, AIC, $) ~.00 Island '" ,".ff , . ..,~>:;, .~t:r," ·'""'' '. _, ~ f'15!~~-W&-nr.rl" J.yo-1-ne".itir, Lie Om, i9a ""'li<ffim:r';.m~;l;1p1i;;;;;"r'>itf00ii,~is~ill~!;i.;;_A,.,d;,, .•. Duyfl;,;.,·..._ ~~~"'·":~~'.<i~~pj• · ' ·1ot"''1'"' "ll'"''°"'"'~ ,.,.,.,.j,i.,.;;i.~A' r I' ,.,.,,,..., "'' "'"" " eus1Esr m.,-k;'jptaoc m $997 * 893-5038 . * town. The DAILY Pnm = ia.a ~ '"N~ CJt >Un \..UnllNENT L to .... n. The DAILY PILOT Holiday 1969 llarbor Blvd. Q•tdied Rc&n. Save to ofter your aervlo! NOW. '6.l BUICK Skylark Gran.. USED CARS SO. LOT • 8 '6 7 OLDS Oassilied section. Save Costa Mesa 642-6023 ""'"''" ttme A elfort. Look DAILY PILOT WANT ADS Sport.<01 "' ;,, 325 hp"'" 1941 HARBOR BLVD. 1965 Continental 6 ELDORADO vtsr• caut5H mo~Y. time & effort. Look rnE QUICKER YOU CALL, nowt!! Dial 642..5678 floor. $1600. 64>-0621. 642-7050 4 Or. Full power&. lactory loc1I G•r, on• own••. ~•ct 1ir. t Pcm Stotlo11 w.... T10\V!'' THE QUICXER YOU SELL !=========-'.======== GOING lo Vietnam. Mu~t air, pebble beige iv i I h fu ll power. ,tereo ••d•o, new F1ctory i ir, lotd'-d ! I UMCll Can 9900Used Cars 9900 CADILLAC sell matching l"athC"r lnll'.'rior. ct r w•rr1nty, XCJ ~61. 2 to Lot4il '''· TEX 947 GRAND OPENING WE SELL USED YW's ·oNL y ,100°/o Unconditional Guarantee 90 DAY ::r: UNCONDmONAL GUARANTEE Al.L OTHERS 20 DAYS ' I 0°/o DOWN O.A.C. "OPENING SPECIALS" WI IUY-SELL-TRADE IONA FIDE . MOTORS 2116 HARBOR BLVD. .c, ....... , 645· 1113 .... ,,.'Wcsl' 10 ._, ... ,, .. ,,. ' Beach Ci'y Cadillacs * BIG OJSCOUNTS * '65-'69 CADILLACS Al)-Pull Power-Fact -Air '69 de Ville ............ $6195 '68 Sed, .............. S4695 '67 Se:!. • ............. $3795 '66 Sed. • ............. f..'895 '63 Sed, • .. • • . • •• . • . • • $995 SOME EXA~1PLES J'\1ANY t.tORE TO CHOOSE e $100 DELIVERS e EASY CREDIT e 48 J'\10. FINANCTNG on approved credit Chf!ck 1vilh us befot'e you buy C&dlllac.~ 847·1222 17281 Beach Blvd. 1 Ulock S. of \VantCr on Beach Blvd. llUN'T'INGTON BEACH e OPEN SUNDAYS e -CA MARO '63 Impala • 327 S.S. A ""' '"'""' '" • PFBJ40 ''''" from . $2 7 9 5 PIS, PIB. olc RIH. 1350 $2095,00 :1~~"ume Paymt•. JOHNSON & SON '68 CADILLAC USED CARS SO. LOT COUPE DE YILLf CHEVY II, 1962 2 · 0 r . Automatic 1-ownr. X 1 n t 1941 HARBOR BLVD. 1D1rk blM•, bl1tk •inyl top. cond. Ufl!S no oil, never 642·7050 dtrk bl~• 1,,,.,,, int., f1ctorv =====~~~-l •ir. lo•d•d w/1•fr11, Loc •I l:M-en dented or wrecked. '67 CONTINENTAL, lact air,"''• ntw '''• w•rr1nty, WYG Ph: 673-1"53 full p\\T, 11terl'O tape, new 577 '&t STATION Wsn Belaire, premium tires., $ 3 5 15 . R I H w I w orig o~'Tler &12-4P.i3 arter 4 p.m. 46,000 ' mi. trir h l t c h • '·M"""Co,..,7t.-oo;-.-,,-. 7M"""'!I~! ~ . .,~lit. '65 CADILLAC '65 FORD STATION WAGON One own••• 11,000 111il•1, •ir • co"ll, E1c1ption1Uy fin e t•t. RYF .495. $1745 646-3523 Sicknes~ must sell. Sac. SEDAN DE VILLI '68 EL CAMINO 396-350 turb &42-8249 John Silvtr bltck -.;nyl top, bl1ck '66 CHEVROLET hud, let air, p/" posit, ·-========"° ! ' · · f · ,, -11tn1r 1nleroor, 1ctory tir. STATION WA50N arn/fm. Xlnt cond. $279j, CORY AIR Lo•d1d w/1•lr11 I lncludl"<J 9 p•isen''" t ir collditionin<J ~all 6 Pi\! "'"" ti'r11. Ukt ntw! RJG 000 Locil '''· SJR l0-4. ONLY ·~~::~i~~o:~;: '!il~~;~~.'Vi~~w:,:s~gn~: '2795 $2049 sn-.5i7 con. trade. 536-2'l21 1962 OIEV IMP. S.S. full pow· rr, fact air, whlte/atten inlerkn' Yl!l')' clean. Prlcetl below blue book. 962-8463 '63 CORVAIR. Gd. clean cond., auto, nc1v tires, bat· try. Rill. 642--4300 CORYmE ALLEN '50 CHEVY V-8, clean. New '67 CAMARO, 6 cyl. ncedJ muffler, 1hol:ks, t t r li s , --------OLDSMOBILE CAD.LLAC bod ¥ w or k. I 8 5 o .. l2501offer. 61S-5!jt). '6'7 CORVEITE 471, 4 •t>d· • I meehanlcally good. 673-7tnl ,59 Che\ll'Olet Sedan 3l.000 fl.ti. AM/FM. pwr. '6' CAMARO, att, pWr b/~ Bel Air s:;o. w!odo.,,. 51""''"°'" '90-1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY discs, radial, dlx Int, l!,00'.I 6r;>(l(l23 * 673.JM& dlUon. $3,295. ~~ Ews. ml. Immao. <94-613' ,16 CHEVELLE SS. 396, --LAGUNA IEACH ""68 CAt.IARO Rally Sport 327 ~Mu.ntz sin-ea, S.W pugea. COUGAR 494 1084 • 547 3103 Slk. Mu•! "" muned;.1e110. l!<oo.,..._2223 '61 XR-1 Load<d. PIS. • • $l950 .. 675-1242 DIAL direct 60-5611 Qwp Tapes, l1Jd contrl, lilt St ntE QUJCXER YOU CAU.. )'our ad. ttwn sit back and wht, vinyl top. air. $2595 • rnE QUICKER YOU SELlJ U.ttn lo 'tbl! phone rin&I Ca.II 67~ ' ------------- " New Can 9800New C1rs 9800 OVER FACTORY INVOICE EVERY JAVELIN, REBEL OR RAM.BLER Offer Umited To Stock On Hand Good Only Thru Monday 6 / 9 The Action Store For Gre1ter. $1vlngs RED CARPIT SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR HOLIDAY AMlllCAN MOTOll Siles & Service SA.LU Of'IN 1 DAYS AND IYININ•S fOI TOUI CON'flNIPICI 1969 Harbor, Costa Me_sa, 6'2-6023 -" -·'--• - Gabe. ~~ Very c BQSM .!OH USE lMI .. ' • CADILLAC ·NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE . . ,•, I •.~ ,1' •. i- ON DISPLAY AN~ READY FOR. DELIVER.Y. TODAY! . ' . IH8 CHRYJLIR 9 _.... Tqwn ,•:Couolr7 .._ J(al2e JelJow with -YIJ>yl ll1m. Full -· air condl-._. ....... 1111--. low -(V'lff71) 1967 CADILLAC S~LE Coupe DeVIDe. Phantom blu• with bluo Jutber $,3 8.8 8 lzitariar'e•PUD poww e(l\IJpment plus factory Ur "f""l-Ono °"""'· IUJA307),_____ ~C_I 1967 OLDSMOBILE Custom Dtlta 4 Door Hardtop. Spanhh 10vtt wttll matddns ln.W. Automatic. P.S .. PA. ~ air condl-white -...... fUERf?ll) 1966 CADILLAC Coupe DeVDJe. Autumn 1oJd with black vtnyl WP and 1old cloth and leather interlor, Full pj)wu, factory air conditlonlng, tilt •teerinc wbffl, power door locb:, etc. (J6296459) ,_ 1964 RIVIERA l'owda blue with malebJDc -bucbt .. ts. Full power and factory a1r condition· ma, manJ' extru. (HGl856) 1965 Bill.LAC Coupe DtVIDe. 11oya1 bloe exterior with .,.,. clttn1 cloth and leather b)tarior. 1'ull powm-, · factory lllr, tilt Ind telHcople stemna:, lbowa except:lorlal low mileqe. CPGN&63) ... SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $1555 PRICI SAL! , $1999 PRICE ., oveR 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • THIS . IS THE KIND OF AUTOMOBILE YOU SHOULD OWN! 1966 CADILLAC Th• very popul1r Coupe OeVHle fin ished in lo"':•ly c .. shmere ivory with bl1c.li padded top end bl1clc leather interior. H.1 all of the C1dil11c 1cc1s· sori11 moat p1opl1 went including full power equipment, stereo multjpl1x1 tilt and tele~copic s~1ertn9 wheel, pOWer · doii locks, fWili;~t sen• t1n1I plus, of co9rse FACT-ORY AIR G::ONDI-· TIONING. This is •bsolutely f\1wle11 and hes only 28,978 ect4al miles. • 1966 · TqR~DO Custom. Bladt extedor1 With bJlck. vfn11 ·ln-- •tetjor. ruu ~ fact.7 ar oond.J.ti()ft.o me.· tilt steering ,,httls, power door locks. 1aw mneaee. csLV334J 1. 967 CADILLAC Sedan • Di\'b.k. Normandy blue with black vinyl roor and blue cloth and leather interior • 1'111 'power~ .factory air.L. tllt-telsccpic wheel. . ~ door locks. AM:..--. (VDrl85) • -~ . 1966 CONTININTAL Goddoa &old with &old lop .... 1ol4 Jootber interior. .run PQftr and factorJ" air, 1tereo ta.Pl!, local, ·oni owner. <SVY710) 1967 RMERA Forett green exterior with black vinyl In· terior. Has full power equipment plUI fac\ory air conditioning, tilt 1tffrln& wheel (TSI>dll) 1968 CADILLAC Convertible DeVille. Black with black le&tha' interior. Full pown, fact.orJ .tr, Wt I: tele- ICopic wheel, at.ereo. CWD!W9) 1963 CADILl.4'C ' Coupe: VB, ·•UtomaUc trariunlaion. rad.Jo and heater, power ateerlng and brakes, factory &lr ~nditlonlng. 'Whlte with blue •cloth Interior. • • SALi $2111 PRICI , ·I SALi .' ""':" I' $2444 PRICI SALi $3222 PRICI · SALi $4999 'PRICI SALi $888 PRICI -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESOA'(,.JUNE -10, 1969 . 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY 'thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY •• ·. Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Hci~r Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • ~-.~-~:-.. ::P.-"'f'].;.1<e'· ,._., ''c"·'"~"' -·5 -48•9 IOO •, -· . - U1ocl C1,. 9900 Utocl-C1,. 9900 --~----'-"-PONTIAC PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMBLER Utocl C.rs U.od C.rs 9900 Ulld C1r1 9900 Utod Coil 9900 Utocl C.rs 9900 Usod Cort 9900 ;=.;;:;;."----'""'" FORD FORD MllCURY OLDSMOBILE PL Yt.10UTH -------FULL"""" 63 Mere Colony • • .llllfD A (ARI '65 Gm Oltly 7,000 mi Jf4n., '63 PONT. Cat.Jin& 2 Dr. V-'67 LEMANS PRE-OWNED 1963 Ford '67 FORD Country Sq., 9 Pk Wag. w/trlr hitch &: Y m; • map, ''p e c. suspenft:>n, 8, R/H, fact •tick. stereo Bucket teat&, factory air, BIG SELECnON Gabe. 500 XL. 2 Dr. H.T. pa-. wp.. Power &: AIC. wiring. Orig owner will 8ell BRAND NEW WE CAN HELP black int., 4:11 poll.,' many tape. Thill week only $600. pwr 1teerin&, nu tlrel, xlnt ''1 nmu '88'1 V&, ~to, PIS, P/B, turt. )'tllow wttb Mahoe. trim. for $50 aboYe low book. e If other1 have turned YoU more Xtraa, 'must aee to 60--ml Aft. 5 con4ttlon ' bls1de A out, d!r, . ALL MOOD.I witb matchq: buckiet stab. ~7232 548-3713 '69 MWS down • U you haVe no dOWn believe $1,000. Mu1t lell. CREAM putt '63 Pontiac, 9 $175 Cub or (orelan car. FROM $2915. • VUJ" dean Jaw m1Jece car. ===~=== ~ent e U l'O'l are em-AM b Dousr548-8366---PM1o-Wta.-wbUe-/ bbM TU.-low'-Jl)'IDllCI; 1B TKR. e~ -• • • BQS!<9 • • MDC.URY_ _MUSTANG -e.as SP.IS •. CPE. ployed.__ FIREBilUl '68 6500 mi 0rtg, pvt "'1 Bolow blue •. Call Kn. 49Ml13 "' , BIWll> NEW '• llJltl $795.l)Ct . . _ Del""' bolt. front • ..;.,, ** MANY MODELS-. P~tD.' 6 'ey~ iodlo, .bo\* Imo 14&-l"3 -. e JOHNSON.lr$0N , 1962 Mercury SACIUFlCEI 1966 Mustang. padded dub, fully ractmy TO OIOOSE rnoM ** 121195. 631-1"5 DAILY PlLOT wANr IJJSI 80CK rr TO 'Dll ~.; :USED CARS so. LOlt ~ • ..,1~ 2,.~ "J: ~ '1it:; 36,ooo mi. $';';.;•~-$65 Mo. I * ...•. 9eau3·5M0r.3Ulm8 "*· . . -...;._..., .,;.-,,,,. 1M1 HARBOR BLVD. 58000 •cl ml. This car t. lo '65 MUSTANG 6 cyl •tkk $2399 S TAR G A'JIEK1< '-I< --.... .U..7050 outdaDd1nc condition for the Good eond, new titt1. $950. ~'.!!!.!.!!!C,:::..:;:.:;B CLAY J.. MWOU 'Ei6 FAIRLANE Gr 335 HP 4ilertmlnatinc bu)iu, Uc. Call 14,._2956 ·so Fury, completely rebuilt ~ AlllS 1 GoJIJ.t 1:/-uo .. 390, Hpd Inell _.. _ __,~-No. OZMOOO. 85 MUST•~G 6 •-•· •·dJo • engine, dual quads, torque .,,,..,21 M Your Oolly AdMtr .,.,211 £a 'M American. Offldfjft• new " __ , $ _.. ....... ..,. no. , fll•----L-•-• -V-Aircirrlinf lo Ill• ilor7. · -J21 •-~11, ~·--.., .. _ "'-· ..-, 875.00 Plu1h TU & Uc. . ...,. ""'"'• new llpnw.11tery APL lt • d _,, .... .,.. -·-~--~ eood. coni1 Balboa Isle. n-.-•--• and (over"' $600 invested) .,15 ~2"' To dewlop meu;oge for Sotur try, wt a b*I IOOd. Quick _.._ ·69 MUSTANG ....... :mio JOHNSON & SON 615-005 'u~1:.,10:::::,, ~-.. ,,..,.., ~ · ,,...... n<>l""""""'.,.ond'"'""......,." ....,, . -, mL. abawrm. ..... UMIG '68 SHELBY GT 500. 428 cu of yait Zodiac birth t9'-ICOaP90 $500. a-sG3 evA. USID CARS SO. LOT lier on t8 months. Approved '65 PLYMOUTH Mopv 383 1Hdlfl 31Toi..t. ,1 ...... or ~-tt 2le, . 1'41 ttAlllBOR BLVD. · ~vu1lble. Make 0 1 cttdll Serial No. mti'9zn. w/quad. Hl-epd cam , 2A ll'Affdoftaf ao...t f ... RD 1961 FORD Gllaxy 2 Dr. 60-7151 6351. jardlne headers-456 post. 3i:: ~~, tlM'°•· ~ ":"°"...:....11195. '62 MERCURY.-· fully OLDSUftlt'LE u . 't -Sl200. ~11 l~ !I~... =~ '66 FORD ~ .. Sedan 10 equipped, Pl. pb. ut6 trans, ... v.... n1ver.s1 y ·~~· :~~ 6In::ir: ~~ ~~ ~~· .. , .. , xlnt ....... 11"' -3 1964 0'-'-l '°""""' .. ~ ......... pus. Wp .• PS. PB. AJC. tone. N~ t1rel, brak'tl, nn x nt. $650. 9G2--1981 · lOPocmltinO '40Mat 70Fin-t.I Jd. cond. 60-ae& muttlen, ..... wlft watft F-85 CUtlau 2 Dr. H.T. V8, OIJ"-ob·11e '67 VALIANT like new, 4 dr., ; 5().$31 l~~="" ~~=--~~ '$5 FORD Country Squln, pump A tmet, 1te1np automa~, P/S, PIB., fac-Ulfll b cyl., IUck. $1250. Owner. CAMCtl -1r~G1 ........ nn x.lnt cond. $1215. Tbennmtat. a.ttery new tor)' alr, whli. ·wtth red Call ~2!.liO (-' ~21 t;~ ~¢:. ~r::... * NT-4250 * ,..,... '=" 'trim.. minor ~.~~~="7 lharp ml Hartxlr Costa Mesa '"'68;-;;P"'L°'Y°'M"o=u~T.,,H'"°"GTX= ~AlY22 l'~ ~~ ~= iii roRD Sto---· -$129500 1146--loaded! ae.toUor. 1-1~ 11-""'°' 71-0anelt 111 eotlnt)', \ 'f1 MERCURY t pus White • • 1r 968-1551 * C.$-69 '''" 49 V.,.. JtM * -* Calco1'"" Slltlo< w .... ...i JOHNSON & soN -ron.-v.-. ..... W·l========-1 @"° rli!" rn:.. :n:o:• . ,::.-dlk. Int. ulo ......... _ -bucttt. ... cooaole P/S PONTIAC M.Y» 22 Mc1 52Thm 120.•tldfWll • '" ltlMhoN l'lcllvp 1111 ....;... ;,;:" ,;;i;; USID CARS SO. LOT MH. Taf: rmm.c: SU93'. ...l.n "'-"""" 1>vw """ $lllO. -.,.,.. -·-Rill. 1M1 HARBOR ILVD. 5'MOT1 '61-.-LE-MAN--S.-ll_k _ --.:,"" -~~ ~= Ii=" l1j. ~~ '57 PORD AIC, nob, --port 642.71511 •OldlCUU...wttblyrbll muat .. u. Beot • .'11'::'. 1~11 ~~ ij= :ie ~ GOOD CONIJin'tOH ...... con4. aM.11MlN 'M Cl1Jt.AIS. Ur, 5&.IXM> auto leut ol $W.96. blp. 642-fi8S5 or 64.5-2'.m ~~Z:: ~It ::1n illll ,..,, • · DIAL-MMlll, diOllf 'ii U.... W-Dlllll. --· OrillNI 1"1-518-lllOI 85 PONTIAC . 4 dr llT. ,,_ tOUft '°--.!.• ,_ Id, -oft -1111 Bis Ont. Odanl -1--1115. -DAILY PllDr WANt Alli Cat.Jin& ML N"' ..i... .,'°'Gd ®.u-()~ ... ,. .. ,,.,,. u.. ... ,..._. •Mt-ma•" i. OIARGEm • •BRJIC.~ '-' Prlv.pty.m-MBO '---~====\@/============~-- ' '· ' I --------------=-~-I '51T-B1RD$111.-sd--; . Kl._ • , ' ', L I I I . , ' " ., ' ... . . . • I ' NOiTHING TO BUY! JUST COME .f ft:E~' IN AND R ~ G I S T E R. P R 17; E, _, . . . . .... ' ORA WINGS EVERY SATURDAY · : ' • ' · · ' •, I 1 ' FREE USE ·OF A · DELUXE. CAMPrR ·FOR . ONE WEEK ~-~ . DIAGNOSTIC , CHECKS 1111111W" .,,...,.._..,,. dlQ".,.... cen -lllllM .. s.,...;,. ·c.1~-. fk'fl , .... oi.e-it1c Ctfltel'. OWl'•t•.•~k"telb ....... Jtty. "Jl911111ty' end ~ DtM .... y-1-wl*"'f _,y. 4 .... •. · ' ~Chetb'Tole .01¥111-FTHI AT 11 A.M. YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. . overt· 30' ·:PRIZES lN ' ALtl 1 1' , ' ! . ' I '!' .. I , ' ' • • " " ' ~ SINCE.1921 ••• Y oUr 9enerou1 p1tron19e •nd .confi- . / dence in our dealership has made us proud to be a part of Orange County and it's phonominal growth. Thanks to our countless friends for a wonderful '48 .years. Theodore Robins, Sr. WE'VE PULLED · THE STOPS FOR JUN£! . . ' . . .. . ~ . . .... ' . ' · SUPea· .. SAYINGS ·~ER .YOU ,TURN ••• YALliAILE'>·PR~S FOR THE GROWN-UPS • • • KEEN STUFF FOR THE KIDS ••• 1rs "0UR''tt$GUT, 'MYIN'Esr'llRtRDAY 'PARTY. 'IN Al:MOST JiALF A CENTURY OF · DOING. IUSINESS IN THE HARBOR AREA! COME IN, HELP US CEL!IRATEI . . . !FORD . " . ' ... . ' ... Buy GOOD SELECTION ••• . . ., · .IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I . . : BIG 8 FT. FULL CAB-OVER. BARRACUDA ·CAMPER! . e ... 1 ... ""' ,....., ............ "" .... z . ...w. . ._.. : ........................ Ne~""""· .... ~ .... ':" HM, ... 91111 ........ I •. iNlli M, 'tffetlM Millei ~. w .... hctwy-*'!n4 ..tt.t ..................... , . w.._ kl: .......... ,_. .................... ~..__,.,. , .. ·i .. .. AN~IVERSARY ' . ·.'SAVINGS on MUS'l'.ANGS ·BIG FORDS· TO~INOS . ' . . THUNDERBIRDS· FORD ·TRUCKS! . CHECK OUR PRICES . FOR JUNE .BEFORE YOU BUY! • I . ' °' \/1' .. . ORANGE .COUHTY'S Off LY . AUlHORIZED DEALER '!·~· .Lar4e. lnwento~ ·Of ~it*· 'l9'1 For · · Immediate ·Dellwery. Six only -New ,J ~ ',-(-o l I I ._ _ ,· 1.968'1 Now Slasliecl -For lmmecl~ Clearance! DRIVE A NEW 1969 ENGLISH FORD! , '66 BUICK $1495 '66 oIDs f·85 • $895 LeSebre. Full PO"'!•r,, 4 Dr S d v 8 t ' . ' fec:tory air. 2-Dr. H.T. · · 1 j 3 ~69:J~j 16!1i)u o. · IRPM1601 _ · _ .. , ,, . , ~-~.:.;_~~---~1 :::·~· ;::...~·~·ot:;·::::::~·~·:::::::::~;;;;;;o:;;;;. '68 FORD Cu-.to·m '4-Dr. v.1, euto., bleck with white top. (IJSIZI 149121 '65 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury 2 Or. H.T • Gr••" wlblack int1r • YI, '"to., PS,.IYXS46ll '6"' VOLXSWAGBt Sunroof. Fully .-quip. pod. IOR<ll '65 CORTINA G.T. Powder blue. .Equipped. INRP6UI '64 FORD Sqf.lir• w•gon. R&H, •ir C:onclition., P.S., 9 pe1s. 1!0Yl471 :~:.~~~(Custom. $1595 Auto .. PS., R&H. lTRJ. '-.. . • 053) I • ... ' $89-5· ,64 DODGE $ .. 6· 9:5 O•rt 170 2 Or. Equip· . ped. 6 cyl., I PBY6051. , • , . ._ , ' . $9-95 :~~.~l~~~~E~H. $1 .7· 9" ·5· , Low mil••9•· IXSP8641 ·~ ' ' ' . . . ' ' ~~-~~~~~.y .,,, $) A n ,5· · a u to., R & H, WSW. • 7.. INFY92BI $895 ~~0-~~~l~'0"0mr $1095 pl"'. WSVf. IROJ426l . NG . P~'~'""""'·O::· ~»:;;!:!!! ~~ ~ . . "$' •. 1 IMPORT BUY! · H.T. lmpol• 'of-Dr. v,a. CUSTOMS, 'ft GT'• · * .. stAilON WAGONS. ..to., P.S~ .;,, RIH. V-1, auto., R&H, P.S., WSW. IPBY2041 PRICE .L1rgo S1l 0 1<Ho• ,~-~.Au,...~ •ncl ·F,pu~ Spoods. IUKU1571 . · ·µs~ ~ALL; .tfEW'.'+8'•1 ' . ·. l----------~---------- NO TRUCK PURCHASE NECESSARY ! . Lrmltod number 11 Flnol <llirl!flCI Prl-1 '68 . CllV,ROl.EJ $21·95 '65 FORD $109·5 RENT YOUR VACATION . HOME ON WHEELS Yw eo '1¥119" you Wini, ,..,., ........._ you -nl wit ·wt ~--_,.._ whln you !Wit I R 0-.. l'~'c.nper • .Condw ""°"" ........ ' ' REASONAl~E RATES RESERVE .EARLY j Mellbu 2-0r: H.T. ·Y-8, Gel. 500 4.0,. V-8 , P.S., · • ! ; ' eut~., P.S., RIH IWPC· auto., R&H, factory air. UAU YOUR CAR CDMl 'TO THI .llll . . IXEYOlll . . FOR ,, MONTHS LIONS CWI 24111 ANNUAL h-s our '°"'• "Gfl.ecqu1lntfd" oll1r. AnC lllerr'1 ~ ....,. •ll'fl1'1nv Ilk• " In <•r 1H11no hl1!0fY1 C.I Ml". ~!(Olm R.id lo! o.ltlll. 'Llmlllid ,,,,_ MO. FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM . . FISH FRY PAAADI AND fARNIYAL ~ MO.. 'City r.irti•.h.. 6-7-1 .... --TY-MW---, .... _..,.....,_..,._.,,._ ._._.,,-.. ....... 1 .......... '67 MUSTANG .. ·$1:3.95 '6lotfVROW V-1, ful •quipped, eir . Nova Convertible. Auto. jU':r6Jjnclau top. metic, R&H. INR~4931 • •·--•• _,,,. ___ .,. __ ·-·--· -r •• ) -~-.. ~·, • l ........~~-::::...-:;.I!:-~~-