HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa,, • lXOll • lVe_wport Lawyer Guilty1 . . On .. Ma.rijuana •Tax Bap~· .. . . VOL. '2.. Jt0.'1llo ·1 llCTIONL a PA•lt . • -· I * Teens Held • Ill Burning Family of 12 . . MOL Program $3 Billion Pact-Lost. -' • . . ,,._ By Huntington Douglas The Pentagon today canceled its '$3 billion Air Force Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL) project headquartered et the McDonnell-Douglas Space Systems Center in HtmliDgton Beach, Steadily increasing in cost over the original $2 billion estimate, the U.S. defense-oriented MOL project was scrub. bed after $1.3 billion had already been &pent on the job. Questions -as to the fate of MOL-as- signed personnel among 8,000 employes at the Huntington Beach space center are still open today, but the Air Force so far refused to say just bow many jobs will be affected. McDonnell-Douglas was one prime con- tractor on lhe system designed to orbit two men in a 30,000-ton, 72-foot-long spacecraft for 30 day s at a sh:etch. The other is General Electric, at its Pennsylvania plant, according to Larry Vitsky, assistant director of external relations for McDonnell-Douglas in HWl· tington Beach. "We can't make a statement about the effect on the economic or employment project would cost $3 billion if carried lG completion -$1 billion more than the original estimate of $2 billion. A combination of technical dlfaculUes and a reduction of funds already had forced a delay in the first MOL launch schedule from 1969 to 1m, Packard pointed out. · The MOL was to be 10 feet in diameter, consisting of twin modules -one a laboratory and the other eootalnlllg other (See MOL PROGRAM, Pa&o %) Coast Lawyer Ad1nits 'Pot' Tax Evasion By JOHN VAL TERZA Of hit D•llY P'llel Sltff situation because we haven 't been ablE:-lo Balboa Island lawyer Richard Higbie, assess all the details, Vitsky said after 37, has entered a guilty plea to a lesser the sudden announ~ment today. c~rge in a bizarre marijuana smugglina A launch for the project already was conspiracy case, it wa .. learned today. nearing completion at Vandenberg AFB Higbie, who Is a fDrTner Newport Beach near Santa Marla. planning commissioner, and a fellow Deputy Defense Secretary Dav i d defendant both will be sentenced In U.S. Packard, announcing the cancellation a' District Court in Los Angeles Monday. a quickly called news conference, ex-Court records show the guilty plea !ft· ' . ·-OAILY PILOT P'lllt9 .-, llkJl•l'(I KHlllw plained that Pentagon olficials concluded volved a May 14 waiver of a Federal the MOL's potential accomplishments did Grand Jury indictment charging can- not warrant continuation "'hen weighed splracy. against other deferise ,needs. In ttfe place of the Indictment the U.S. e said latest e,stlmate.s indicated the AtlorneY. substituted Information charg· EL TORO HUDDLE -PreSfdent Nixon and family cha! with high ranking Marine Corps officers Upon . arrival in Orange County for overnight stay en roU'te from Honolulu to Washington., COunterclockwise ... from Presider:K· are Mrs. ,Julie Eis·enhower, ·_Mrs.· Mary Hi se, Tricia Nixon, Mrs. Nixon, Brig. Gen . Henry W. Hi se, commander of El Toro MCAS, and Maj. Gen. Arthur 1-1. Adams, commander of El Tqr~based Third Marine Air. Wing. ~-----------., -Ing H1gb1eaoolliiyriiond DiiikfTeeter o! Orange with unlawfully acautring and ob- taining a quantity of marijuana without paying 1• • U.S. transfer tax. 1 Oruge Coan Weatller Tbe morning clouds should part early on Wednesday to allow a moaUy cunny day on the coast, wltb temperatures in the 63-78 range. INSmE TODAY Plans for an offshore airport are in tlte work..s for Cleveland. Ohio and a similar plan may be the amwer for Orange Co1t1at11'1 nirport hassle. Details of the manmade i.tland terminal 'are ota Page 19. .... " • • • • , .. ,, " .. .. • • Ml•le• ' MttMI l"tMI• 14 ,....,.., ....... J o.....c-w • Sldll ""' 1J.ll s.m '"'' ,.. M9r'lletl 1 .. 1. T"'"1Mll If _,.,. . -. 0111111 Wtltt. , • W.,M ..._.. 4•J \ PLEAD GUILTY The pair pleaded guilty to the in- formation on the same day, records Nixons Wel~o1ned Ba~k show. , The Indictment that was eliminated charged that HJgbie, Teeter, and Lyle Paul German, 35, of Garden Grove County Famili~s Greet President After Midway Trip engaged in a conspiracy to fly in 3,600 By ARTlf\JR R. VINSEL pounds o( marijuana from Mezico last !" #M·o.ll"t rlllf 11.tt November 5. German has yet to be ar· Greeted bv a mediwn...slzcd crowd .in- rested. He ls believed to "' som,..ber< in ' Mexico. ,...-~... eluding a MW• ..t.y waviig two •.. tiny The pilot hired to fly the illegal weed American Flags. the nation's. chief U· tnto the country, the indictment said, 1 ecuUve came home to Orange County wa.s J. W. Bagley, an undercover agent Monday, e.n. l'1Jllte back to the main of· !or tile U.S. Customs Service. /ice. Ironically, marijuana never dkl come Pmktent NiJon had ftOthinD' olfici1l to across the herder tn the alleged coo-. Nie spiracy. The Indictment lllted "a a.ay dunnc the brief, commute." atopover vegetable· 11.1bltance:' was ln the plane at El Toro M.CA.S, but shoo~ a re~ hands . that landed tartv Jut November at Palm .-Her a formal we.Jcome before fieadlng # • for San Clemente. Springs Airport. Tfie illron party left for W81hington at SUBSTANCE AUA1'A 1:40 a.m. today, after a la~mlnute chat Other aootte1 aa1d. thlt the 1Ubltaoce with a family who came to tatch a was al!aila, place:l 1111 tile plane-by Mn· aiilll(llO· · , ican narcotics authoriUes 1n Guadalajara "There !t 11.11 aomeone shouted Monday in a 0 premature bust." a.s Air Force One 1ilenUy.appeared in the German was the asserted buyer of the distance over lhe roUlng hills of the • 1see HIGBIE, Poge %) Orange Caul, trailing-'I smudge o! jet ' exhaust. The big ship touched down on the north- south runway nearly one hour past ht'r original 5:30 p.m. arrival Um e and taxied to a halt on ~e apron' before the crowd of several ~ed. . · Brig. Gen. Hehty W. HJse, who took command M tbe sprawling Installation only houri after President Nixon passed through Jul Wednesday, greeted the Flnt Family with aidea,,hls wife t-tary, and three of t.!.'eir aJx children. MomeJM afler.'the front door of the big jet opeJled, Pi'eeideJlt Nixon stepped out with a wave,io Ke..'leen often In Orange County, U... wa1 joinfd by b1ll wt!e Pal Toeether. 11>ey • 1tepped down to tile runway, loUond by dallgbter Tricit, then Julie and Dlvid Elffni-r. "Which one's mJrrled to t be Eilenhower kid and what's the other , • 'II ' ' ' •, , one's name ?" asked a reporter obvtouo;ly d!spa~ to cover an unfamiliar beat. . 11"' Hl!e' inlroduted his family lo _tile Nlxons, i.Oclu<Ung daughters Reeny, 26, ' and Lissa, l~ who had seemed fhtgety with Suspellhe earlier, but graciously ln.- 1l'oduced )D;y•., .. ld Judy. 111Se· to; lhe:r lmportanr W.ttors. • . ~ they 'were ad:om1.nn!ed by Maj. Gtn. Arthur H. Adams. who steps down Friday os Commander of tbt Third Marine Air \Ving, for a new Korea duty assignment . Scarcely enough Ur· elapsed betw~n arrival ahd depnrturc to memorlze a person's last name, but the President ll•Plled brlsJsiy to 1 rope cordon keeping baCi spedaton to meet follow Oran1e Cow!Uans. The public was lnv:tcd to see Ult Prai· dent arrive home · Crom war-an<tpeace (See PIU!SIDENT, P11e 11 Girl, Brother Face Charges, Remaiii _Silent ' ' ·PAJtKEilSBURO; w:, Va. (AP) -A teen-age girl. ao4 her ~ btotb'ef were arraigned here toc1111 ~ged .. wllh murder in conn~lon _with the house fbw. that killed lheir parents .and 10 brothers and sisters Sunday. Susan Balley, 15, and her 13-year~ld brother, Roger, were arraigned be!oro Justice ·of the Peace A. L. Rothwell. Bruce White, Wood County prosecutor, said the youngster1 were charged after Jnvestigalors turned up evidence of arson in the blaze. The fire swept through the family~• eight-room frame home in the predawn hours Sunday and authorities said it burned "like a piece of paper." Both youngster1 were so_lemn and did not speak as they were led into the court. They were accompanied by an aunt, a Mr,. Enoch of Parkersburg. White said the children were only being charged with murder of their father, Charles Bailey, 41. "We obviously wouldn't set fortli charges in all the deaths, so at random we settled on the father's na..'?le~" White said. The predawn fire whipped heh the family's small frame home here Sundaf. The only ocaipant to flee the flames was the children 's grandfather, ObJe, 63. Emmett C. Rousch, asalat.ant' state rtre marshal, said earlier that two persons had admitted tntentlOD1lly setting the Cire. However, he declined at that time lo identi fy those involved. ~ r Following the fire, Roger and Susan told authorities they escaped the fire because they we're sleeplng'ln a two-room structure behind the family 's .eilht-room house. , . They said they w'alcheCI helplessly as the names engulfed the house. Preside~t .. Flyiltg · Back. t~.'~P,~~l j WAsHINGTON' CUPI)-...; ~ti Nixon returns to wampm tiday. Jo •. bMef a bipartisan group of c;qngresa:ionatf · icader11 and tile cabinet •~ tile, Mid.,,.;, confermce with South Vietnamese Prest-\ dent Ngu1en .1 Van Thie14. · Air Fo<C .. O!lt b sc~edftied I<> arr\ve at AndMs Air J'orce base lite in the af.,,. temoon. Nixon will heHCot>ter t G , Washington where he wlll speak to VlC8 Prt9ldent Spiro Agnew, members of the cabinet and congressmen oo lbe IOUUI lawn of the White rrouse. An early evening presidential br:)ellng ol a blJ"flisan group ol _.,.. aJto, Is ectw:duled. ' . .1 1 Wednetda)" th<! Presldeftt lfiD tum "111 alltntion to LaUn Amelita. Ht "111 mtet . wllh Lalin Amerlcil)' ..,__, ml htfr a final rtport r-the 81)eC)ll l.llla America Coardin•Unc COmmlltee. ' . . . • ' a 0 I ~y PILOT s T....,, .Mo 10.1"9 Destroyer Crew~ Ftl~ies Meet ·After :Tragedy _..,.~. 'Ghastly Sight' of Collision Killipg~74."~gvy .Men RetoJd A i--Uta. ID ~ ... Qobl-, • wbo muled the~Zl,lft.taa rushed .to Ille uq J;. : 1:~ Gwmor'a Matt K Leo Huff, ol lle!n1r, ... w -'ii ........ u Ille UIS -allnoot ramJllOd U.S. D """'l"JPi ....... It 00 -Ohio, said be bad just go<ten off w•lcb Pr1ll: E. -1 d ID bana'I _.,., tine dl11 before 8'w ,..::'.lit: .... _.., -~ ~ ud was uniclobipo at the coJli,... ~"I _, -la 1--~for a . . any, be 1'slllied, bul Ille S.w ...-: ,..... ~11111--dlov<'-. -...... JOllll SEATI" ~ talned eoune u lbt Me1bo!11j1e tr-le4 when be saw the block llilk ol the 11111 *"-*le tUe dhow' ot'WW ft ~ wvrn. . . _ evasive ~ unUI aU ")lands Were Melbourne loomlng up Uke·a ~1r. U. Allltl 'a aftnfl ·cmier 1DIAS Anotbtr ship passed within 5t f6et-ordered to Collision posts. • ''He'li be glad to get out. .. said Hutrs I'., • b'tf! '" n1d::d lllie =~ 51 feM-cl u.e ~in tbt early •• Yml OOwn so fast it WU~ aunt, Mrs. c. W. Sumner. ol Ontailo, el• i 1 •I , =' ... dllll 74 ~-rrw:"DiaC ol MIJ' SI, ~ ~ Dell a. large wmber ol people true~ plaini.og that her nephew is due for ., .. , Uil ~lo ro!tlil la 1 _.,. dli<f aid -the Wrin&-her," !be Aus1ralian nova! _'Aid._ ~ neJ1 maolh. ta -_,, lie did mt ldmUIJ the ship whlcli...... Tc olbea who landed In 1-Jleaclrat Some ol the g?«llngs were tearful -a .. ~ _.,.,, liPl... ail I)' lollt tbt Evans' place1 in_ naval biltcry, 3:5G p.m. Monday after a lf.f..r .. mll'lt nne were 11.1brbd, but one wu torrid -p n..t OammilOllor Adm. bul lafcr:M -~d H w~ the USS fnxn ~ Paint Naval Air P•Qilq, 1be ind 1n1eme .....,i. lo dzown 1he otart G.J.B. Q"lbb awabntd three minutes EnftU F. Larson. ~ Li.kt the memory is less clear ar niite remaim al memory of six days earlier. befcn \o ntdi as the Melbourne ~ Evans in lq ~ . all. &iler Tender S.C Robert Crow, of ed tlrouBb tbe docmed Evans lite a C o m ~ u n _I c 1 l J 0 n s among shipa Gunner's Mate Rene 3tone, 2%, of Nokomis. W., could just as easily have batcW tbrcuP 1 tin tof. parlicipatinc ~ the subsequent rescue Andenoo. S.C .. wu asleep when be IUd-been on duty at the spot where BT 3-C Om of time -=ho ~ to I.be bottom opera.lion wbicb saved 200 EvMS denly Oew across the mom rnm bis P.ellly was when he and the other haDd:i was Boiler Tender SIC Lawrence J. oewaoeu were excellent. Adm. Crabb rack, hit a bulkhead and later found in the rorward section died. RftllJ Jr. 1i whooe tatber, 000 Cw> told lbe board headed by U.S. Rear Adm. himseU aboard lbe Melboume. Crow and his.~!'-" sweelbeart, Der's Miile Wwrm:e J. Reilly St •• 45. Jereme H. Kin&· . . "'The men fll the Melbc:9ne ftre the Anna Kimig, 11,-st<>O!f .,at ,the •. airport · ot mt Miartml.aD W1y, QSa Mesa, Were ~ difficulties bt!cre the greatest I've ever .._ .. ti a 1 d Stone. Mooda1 ln a ~i°'!!tr::. as was aYed. Evans was hit ? ''they gave. me (:Jotbea a&if &hoes and passe:nby sWect-witb· · and A"_. .investigation by Americaa and "I pmu not to allS\\•er,'' Adm. Crabb they gave ua beer to help UI 1Jeep." perhaps a Utue envy. Aml:ra6an n.c:'-a.I 1utbariliel adjoorned replied. Evuy Evans surrivor loit a buddy. He was uked bis re.actioa to the Moadl1 at smic Bly, the Philippi-. Ht Slid a messenger awakened him .. We were all good frieqla." he said, tragedy as tbe young lovers paused to resumJnc todQ' in tinppore. when U. three minutes before th ~ South China Sea ••on a boat SU feet larc, J*"H got to be breathe. !I • • Melbalroe is undergcinc coOisian repat..,_ trqedy to say the Melbourne IDd tbe eood friend.a. 1be nmmlrwlniclt the rest ''What colllaiOn'!," he m'u rm u red Moadl;r'a •t!di114q featund Adm. Evw Wert on collision courae and be ol. us dol9e.r." dreamily. Beach Teachers To Prevent Salary OK? . Teacben of llleJlan-Bexh Higb School Dbtrid Who stayed away from claues Monday lo • c:ooduct "penonal businea'' are now prepared to seek a "'5tniniDg onltt lo prevenl the board of -fnxn adopting its aalary idledule: Bake Sale Rai-ses $56 To Help Kidooy Victim Students al Vk1or1a Elemeotary SdJOOI tn C-mta ,.fesa have n1":t. and dc;mJted $56.10 to Mn. C:Olleen ~ for a kidney machine. 1be 350 students did it Wiith Dicke.ls and dimes at a bake We Monday aei..,. DOOO. 'nle children at Victoria School were in- structed to do the baking lhem!elves and bring the goodies to scl>ool Monday. This they did and so Monday the sale .... on. During lunch hour and alter school volunteer mothers sold the pieces of cake and cupcak6 ror a nickel each. Cookies • TEARFUL REUNION IN LONG BEACH Ev'..,1 C1'9Wm.n 11toma1 Keerna and F1mily Fi~kle Editing Station Denies Cutting 'Laugh-in' A<ccrding lo Carl Manemann, prul· dent ~ the 430-member DJ at r i ct Educaton A110Ci••ioo (DEA), a move is now lmda' w1y to obtain -the order by 7o:JO p.m. lonighl before the tllll1ea could set tbe acbedule during its regular business meellng. Student council members .at the school decided they wanted to 1eod a helping hand 1o Mn. Randall, '<\ Ibey wed fellow students to bake ceoties, cakes were scalped at two for fi ve cents. SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) _ A The 38th 1J I ah legislature was to By the end of lhe day the donations television station today deilled local rettive the "Flying Finger" award, a Should Ibey fall lo obtain I~ It means that the fight is om' 1Dd that the teachers will bave to take the 4 pm:mt aa1ary lncreue lbe board has offend tbem. wllh the poutbllity of a twc percent boost 1n lbe 1a11 rrom unbudgeted funds. If lbe board Ids · ...... blishlng tbe uWj -· °"' -will .... from 11,1511 lo lll,100 aonually, depending on cllsstfic•lkn Up 1Dllil. now tbt1 have wed 1« a _,.of 11.• ~ fll.lllO pi.. -tmpioyl! bellelits. According lo figumi releued by lbe DEA, 319 1ad>ers of the dlltrid'a 'ZI !llCU!ty membm parliclpal<d In 11 .... day'• boyooU. . At llariiia High School, II leacben ltlt lbeir classrooms with 75 at Fountain Villey High Schoo~·'lt at Westminller High School and II' at Huntlngtoo l!lkh High School cJiooaing lo be 0-. ,.....,. Pqe I PRESIDENT. • • talka with Vietnamese President N guym Van Tllleu, while his arrival June f was limited to Marine persoonel a c d . depelldenls. Based onw hat informed &OUTCeS say about hia feelings oo the Vietnam situa· t1on, President ?\1son seemed to single out those whose future hope of not fi&btirc such a war seems greatest. David Piper, 3, of Buena Park, had a rmny nose from the cool brttie whic h H:Ot threatening clo.ns scooting over the rugged mountains to the east and Sttmtd noncba.lant after meeting the Presider.. His father Bob. however, was im· pressed with the historic incident -In Piper family terms -and was particularly pleased lbal biJ wife and au four sons were there. DAILY PILOT ....,., .... Kw• ........... ---·-,,__ CAUH>IJflA OUNGI COAIT ..UILllHINO tcMPAH't Rol-t ti. w .. 4 .. ,....., ... ~ J•cli: It. c.rloy Viol ~1"91dftrt ... ~· -..... n. ... , ~ii ·-"''"''' A. M1rphh11 MMIMtnt EdlW --C.tt MfM: 1lt ...... '" ''""' ~ k«l'I: ttll W.t MlbN ........... ,.. u-hKtl: m ,_, •- MuntlPllMll loNl:ll• -.... ·-- 1 ENTERS GUILTY PLEA Attorney Rlch•rd Hlgbio and cupcakes. ·~ Mr.;. Randall has beon lfavlng kidney probi<ms and abe -lo rabe as.ooo for a kidney madlioe, which is needed to keep her alive until &be • can have a transplanL ,.,.... p.,._ J MOL PRoGRAM • mounted and the students had raised O\'er editing of the Rowan and Martin Laugh Rowan and Martin satirical skil, during $51. an average of 18 cents per child. The·gabtiS were sold out.· In Mooday night -which prevented 1'1onday's show for its passage o( !he ,.In. Marilyn Bean, a first grade Utahns from seeing their legislature mini-bottle liquor law during its session teacher, oversaw the project, which she receive the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate earlier his yea r. termed a ~·great ~s." The dubious distinction was to poke full She singled out the best cook in each award. at Utah's passage of laws prohibiting Ii· cateaory (cookies, cakes and cupc.,akes) "We were as amaztd as the public'' quor-by-the-drink at taverns while atlo\v·· and tbey were honored by the .stucknb. Vi·hen that portion or the show was not ing two-ounce bottles Lo be sold in certain Sharon Loughery arid Janet Trrrie broadcast," sa.id George i.;. Hatch, presi· outlets, such as N!SlauranLs. shared the honon for cake baking, whUe dent o( KliTV, an NBC-._fliliate •·hich Hatch said the program was broadcast TnMs Jones and Ann Miller cooked the carries the Laugh In show weekly. 'l'he "exacUy as sent out over .the network. beat cookies. Darlene Terry wu the top station was flooded with calls from irate We did not edit it in Salt Lake." He said uperimenta1 equipmenl 'l'be plamed preparer of mpc.akes. · viewers, be Said. the program originated in Burbank. launch vdlide was the Titan ID -• .:......:... __ .....:. __________ c..... __________ --'----------,.,.... p ... J HIGBIE. I •• Fourteec pilots -11 Air ,Foree, ;tpro rrom the Navy and one fnm 'the Marine Corps --·-ln•tralnq'lot 1be In MOL project. Tbey .,. ,_ aYaila!>le '°" Ulegal weed Mexko. The pilot, Bagley, other asstgnmenb. • was an empk>ye of Ta.lbna.nll Aviation ..-.. i .... 1 plans called for four »day Inc. 1t Orange County Airpor1. where, v • ....- '"""""' iaJd, his rvle as an under<o..,. MOL fligbb In the flnl year. agtlll wu cnmplet.ly tmtnawii. • PiCbrd uid In -"!'-GI the Teeter, tbe indictment said. was the cancellation : "In order to rtdo.ce ~ driver ol 1 YU to be used to pick up the _;. d;tf~ ~ and development ~et weed from ll.i airport. : signilicanUy, tt was necessarY Id. cul All '~ f'~-. the back drastically OD -smil1 pro-... llCU tn case mar never ~ ·-·--·--1e --~ -# ... _ 1---come to u,tit. since the guilty ptea ud grams or·"' ~·......., ~ U!9 .... a~• ~ wtJI repl..,. a trial • most c:ostly uodertaldap. " . Higbie and Teeter previously pleaded Packard said the canctllaUon would lnnocenl to the federal &rand jury save $1.5 billion from the budgets for charges. r.....i yeon 1~. t1lrnugb 1'74, ~ only Hl&bie, In an exclusive January m. several mil~ 10 the first yea . . . terview, told the DAILY PILOT thal he Packard .said most of the $S2S million coo1d not mcusa the particuJan in the requested m the propote4. budgel now , case. OM rtason. be "said, WU that the before ~ would be ~ to paY~ other men named in the cue wa-e hiJ ~ills already ~ and for ~- clients. lion costs and m order lo ~ Ali A few days liter be expressed op-Force unmanned ~ programs. timism. in the outcome in the case ad-In rtply to questions, P a ck a r d ding that "•e upect mne good i>e-1 estimated that .m. mlllion wouJd go ror Vf!rJ soon." cootract temunation costs and. $225 The cue at iresmt has been forward· million to complete projects useful tn UD- ed to a probation officer for investigation manned. space program•. . and findinp. The MOL program was conceived . in ~ ~ in the cue, Aslistant 1963 aod approved in 1-. The ob)eclive l ".S. ·Attorney Darrell w. MaclDtyre, was to orbit in space a 30,000 ~· 72.. since last January bas refused to com-foot long manned laboratory wtth a two- rnent oo the cue, except to relay new m~ }.;;ratary wu to be presaurit.ed trial dates. so that the crew could live in shirt-sleeve ~taclntyre was root.acted three times environment for as long as 30 dlyl. Wt month in querie1 on new trial dales Packan:I pointed out that technical dif- in lht Iona succeaion of postpooementa. ficu1tiu: and a reduction in funds He dixlooed nothing about the guilty the sclleduled plea5 or the prosecution's new charges. previously bad delayed Inmad, he Aid the trial bad beec l1uncb of the first MOL from 1169 to ...----1 "to some time in early Jm>e." 1'12. t""''f""..., He -sald the delays Increased the Higbie could not be reached for com-estimated cost of the progi'am from $l mmt today. bUlioo to $3 billion. Court r«Ol"ds revealed a sbilt in 1epl Meanwhile, be said, the Pentagon haa counsel foe the hlcbdor island lawytr "'accumulated much expertenct: ln un- three times. manned satellite syst.tms for such Originally Hig~;e·a counsel wu Marcus purposes as rt3earch, commwUcaUons, Tucker of Santa Monica. He was replaced navigaUon and meteorology" and has by Corona de.I Mar lawyer Georee Je!· "profited" from civilian space activities. fr ie.s on March 26. On ~fay 11, however, Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans Calvin Stewart of Hollywood toot ovir Jr. ~ disappointment 1t MOL for Higbie. Three days lalft" the ne9J fn. cancellation but said "lhe Air Force will formation and euUtY plea •·ere mtered do it1 best to carry oul the te.nninalion in into records. Stewart has represented scch a way as to derive maximum Teeltt throoghout the case. benefi1 from lhe scientific a ad lli1bie on Dec. 16, 1968, In a algned tecbnoloeical advances made to date." st.ate!Mnt of financial ability stated that his weekly income ave.raged $200 : that he had 1100 in cash on hand, and owned $1,000 in property. Hi: f1thtr, rormer Newport city ewn. cilman Clareoct "Chick" Hlgbie. prac. tices law at the same Marine A\'tnlle of. . fices. The ""'tencinl will be before Judge Jeue W. Curtis at 2 p.m. H11bit'1 ball .Ull A'mains al $25,000. Teet.er wu released on $2,500 bond, a sum which he att.tm~ed to have reduced last Jan. 27. The request wu denied, rerordl ahow, A bench warrant for German with a tag ol ~.ooo is 11i1t outstandina. Mine Blast Hurts 31 WEIRTON, W. Va. (AP) -Tblrty- worken wtre injured, two Kriously, to- day whtn an el"ploslon ripped through 1 furnace at the Weirton St.tel Co. plant ~· H.igbie Ruling Tied to ieary? Balboa taJaod lawytr Rlcllard Hlgblt's guilty plea nn the niatl)Uana tu statute might involve federal llw which waa Jul. ed 1111C11N11tullceal liy the1U.S. Supreme. Court WI May II In an 1ppeal by Dr. Timothy Leary. The coun. in n viewln& 1n appeal by the L.SD cullilt, naled him tnnocent, 11Jlnl be would have illlljecled llimltlf lo ... 11 lncrlmlnatlor had ... paid th! ltf».alHIWICt ..... the Ille&•' weed. A U.S. Attorney's Offlct . .,,.kesman Aid that It lln't clear wbttber lht new charge 11alnsl 1U1ble would apply lo lbe Leary cut. "Thol .. 111 be lor the Jud&• lo dtclde nu~ lttond1y1" be Wd. ,. . . ' . Jn futl I few s.hort WHkJ you, too, tan ICM JS.20--25 poondl 11nd be proud of fht w-r you k>ok. Ltdin. you'll be Weiring the - figllf'l-ff't'llling fill t1shion.s with pr"idt ttid confidenc:e. And. Meft, tht new t•ilOl'--sh~ svin will look 9re.tt on yw-once you 've rrdiscovered your wtlst. Don't pvt tt off-ttk• ii' off! Act MIW, lot speci.61 low reduc&d r1tn dvrlog · Holiday HttloNI fitnns Month. INCOMP~RAIU FACILITIES • H ..... a_. • FIMMh l0tk S... S•lw:ak:1 ,... IOOMs • Ultni ......,. • EJtctnnk: Mayt1 , ....... f1tllltt. • AeriU .s. ,_ •1..-s...,.1...s • ...., SIPAaAll FACILITr --·-" •Wlllrtpoel ..... ., ........ Fedllttes •Swht f.W M.tdr9n ..ALTN SPAS I HUNTINGTON BEACH Ill COSTA MfSA ·~\~· .. ,.,"' ....... ,"' )> ~· A<F 2< •·•C' OPIN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 'TIL 10 942-1451 11 &NAHllM ~ '\(1 \ ~IA (M ~l>.I> 8 '..l:O·O:lP 1 , • S49-Jl68 I\ ORA NG( . ' • ""l•~ l•• (IJ0-1441. • . JUNE IS NATIONAL FITNESS MONTH AS DECIAllD IY THE FIU! fllffl Flffl • £.1u:hrsh1 f11tures Frtel C r_o u P Slimnasrics and Swrmnastici to m.,,· N IC • o time limit on visits • No appc· you, 1ntmen1 ".~~ry • Separate ft- c1/1t1es for men • Se facilities f parate · or wtlfn~ • frte guest priviltiges • Un/irni1-~ hours-unlimited da""' ,,..., ,,..., , ... "'" TOUl!S & OfMOHSTllATIOHS AVAILAIU DAILY AT AU LOCATIONS . ' I l I I ! I I I I I I I I I I t I I c I I l 1 + I • i : 1 I • • ! •• I I I I/ I· ' I V< - I ~ l ~ t ( ( G clue All> ecut Moc lice I' .. , at l aft. G f . M Ht thet durf !cur Dist Go the wit!: thev dip I+ V: by ' ingti 'i>"' DI UC mec c. w .. with ·~ Sf ~ "'"' Higt Ac Bab f.a hl i.u. ..... "°" TM Sp High p.m. Dr. te~ co glvei and .,,... ma4 Fo """ -1·alet of 1 Fllln "A Utle ~11 """' thalr • I • I J -•• ... J. • Boniington B~•eh -. .'l'.;day'8 Fin l ' N.'l'. Steeb ... voe; 62, NO. ·131, ) SECTIONS, 38 PAGES . . . ' ' DAii. Y PILOT '9ltt9 ..,. 111~ ICetll .. r EARL V RISE RS -Edward Schweizer o! Garden Grove, his wife Suzan and the couple's two children Edward ~r .. 4, a.nd Sally, 2, got up early this morning in hopes of seeing President Nixon at El Toro MCAS. They got more than they bargained for as President stopped to chat with Scbweizers, who carried sleepy children in their arms. Countians Cheer Nixon On · Return to ~l Torp By ARTHlJll R. VINSEL Of ... n.lly l'Jllt fllfl , • Greeted by a medium-sized crowd in- cluding a little boy wav~g two tiny American F1ag3, the nation's chief e1- ecutive came home to Orange County Monday. en route back to the main of· lice. President·Nilon had nothing official to 15ay during the briel, commute• stopover at El Toro M:cAS, but shook a few bands after a formal welcome before beadini Gr aduation Ri tes For. Huntingto n, Marina Scheduled Hundreds of graduating seniors v.•lll don their scholarly caps and gowns Thursday during commencement ceremonies At.,,.all four Huntington Beach High SChool District campuses. Graduation exercises begin at 7 p,m. in the Marina High School Amphitheater, wilh trustees Ricllard B. Wilson and Mat- thew Weyuker scheduled to present the diplomas. Valedictory speeches will be delivered by Oleryt C. Bet\8rd, Jacquelin A. Ben- ington and Barbara S. Larsen. Seniar spe~~r" will be Christopher T. Leland. Dr."'Q.aniel G. Aldrich Jr., chancellor of UC Irvine, will deliver the com- menctment addre¥. Ceremonies begin at 7 p.m. on the WestminSter High' School C1lfllpUS 85 well, wltlr etercises ·slated for the athletic sta~um. . .. ' · S~l guests will be"'rrustee Ray M. Schmitt and Scott •. Flanagan, assistant suptrlntendent of the.. Huntingtoo Beach High SchocSI D~trlct. - Addresses· will be· delivered by ~ie Babcock, valedictorian, ~d M~s Chao, ~lutatorian. Following their pteserl· taUons, the 600 members of , the graduating class will reoeive dipkwnas from Principal Ferren Christensen and Trustee Schmitt. Spedal guests of th< Hunliqgton Beach Hig)r School cem;nciilies, scheduled for 8 p.m. in the gynJDUium, "ill be Trustee Dr. Joseph Rlbel and llUtrict s..,.rlo- lendenl r.ru F""'Y· c.mm..c.mea\ ·-will be glv01Jb7 V-an Richlrd'W. D<rby and 'SllUIOlotjaii Kristine E. DUIOll, l'relelltatlOn ., )be seo cllplomu will be made by Dn. Forney and Rlbal. Foilnlaln Valliy (\lgb Sdlool graduatlon exerclset art schtdUled for 7 p.m. ln the school ampbllheata-and will Include 1·aledidory !J)l!echtt on ·~ Challenge ol Today" by Sttte Beverly, Brenda Fillman and Vjrginia\Wibon. "A Phll090pby of S&n<Jval" wlll be the Utle o f another afdrtss by Senior S~ker Rex Fowler. 'II plom11 .,.. ochedulod lo be l""stnltd ly Dt. Ethan Fullmtr. assistant district tuperinlendent and John J . BeoUey, !balnnlO o( !ht llolrd., tnlllt<I. • tor San Clemente. l'be-Nb:on p&rtf Jtft for \Vashlngton at 1:48 a.mr today, dlt a last-minute chat with a family ..mo came to catch a glimpse. "There !t is," someone shouted Monday as Air Force One s!]ently appeared in lhe distance over the rolling· hills of lhe Orange Coast, trailing a smudge of jet emAust. The big ship touched dowri on the north· south runway nearly one bour past her original 5:30 p.m. anival tii>e and taxied to a halt on ~ apron befort the crowd of several bllD<lre<i. , Brig. Gen. Henry \V. Hlse, who took command .)f the sprawllrig installation only hours after President;' Nixon passed through last Wednesday.. greeted t.h~ First Family with aides. his wife Mary, and three or their m children. Moments &Iler the front• door of the big jet ~ned, President Ni!_on step~ out with a wave to be seen often in Orange County, then wa.s joinf'd ~his wife Pat. Together, they 1t.eppftl down to the runway, followed by daughter Tricia, then Julie and David Y.l!intiower. "Which one's mariled to t b e Eisenhower kid an<J what's lhf! other one's name?" asked a reporter obviou5Jy dispatched to cover an unfamiliar beat. Gen. Hise lntroduc<'CI his family to the Nixons, including daughters Reeny, 26, and Lissa, 19, who had; seemed fidgety with susperae earlier, but graciously in· troduced lf)iear-oU Judy Hile to lheJ important visitors. · 'Ibey were accom1. \rhd by Maj_, Gen. Arthur H. Adams, ""° Mep; down Friday as Commaodet of.-.&ht#rhird-Mume Air Wing, for .a uel' Kort~lduty aliignmtnt. Scarcely,enougb tir~ elapsed bet'A!ern arrival aoa .. depart~ to memorize • person's last name, but the President stepped briskly to a ,...,. cwdOo !looping back spectaton 1o -fellow <>ranee CounUans. • • The public waa. ln>/.ted to see the Pres!· dent arrive home irnm war-.and.peace · (See PRESIB~, Pace 1) ' ' : Hunt ington' Pla ns • $2 Rabies ·. Cl inic A l2 rablet clinic ~ by tile Notlh HuntinCion Beach Rotary Club will be held ln>m.'2 p.m. lo.l:IO-p.m.~'l'!nJn'. day, at ,!he lire staU.. '"' Ibo comer of ,Springdale 8!i<et and Htll..Cveniie.." l One shot will provide ~·for two , ..... c..t.per do( la ... -Rotary l're9tdellt ~lclt Hovick 11id th< June ~ ot rabies clWCI will be 1tbe last chance l;h111Ungton Beach dos owpeni <an ·hove lheli" Peta proteded at th< low prlct. ' NEw YORh (AP) -.Tbellocl."market cbed with a small loa In moder1te lrading' todl,y. (Set qucit'atlons, Pages 10.11). ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFOMllA ··--' .. -z J UESD,-\ 'Y, JU~ IO, l 969 -.. " ' .TEN ·CENTS ' .. • Pen.tagoii . ' -Drops Dougla~ $.3 Billion MOL C·ontract ---": Evans • Rising Co~ts · ·8a1·lors Back Home Bl d. • • · rune m 'Ghas tly' Sea Collision . Killing 74 Americans Tol.d A jeUiner carrying 153 Navymen who !.lepl or worked 1 week ago u the USS Frank E. Evans steamed into harm'a way lan=ed in Long Beach Monday for a joyous, but sober reunion with lov · ones. The dramaUc tale of .. :w creWlhen uf the Australian aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourr." helpl:-~~·v r:c.tc!: :d the .:'n- pending collision that killed 74 Yank r · , also began to 1-'old ln a hearing the same day, "It was a ghastly sight," !j&fd Australian Fleet Commander Adm. · G.J .B. Crabb. awakened thrte minutes before to watch as the Melbourne crash- ed through the doomed ·Evans like a hatchet through a tin toy. One of those who went to the bottom was Boiler Tender · 3/C Lawrence J. Reilly Jr., 21, whO!le father, Chief Gun· ner's Mate Lawrence J. Reilly Sr., 4S, of 2334 Minuteman Way, Cost.a Mesa, was saved. Jerome H. KinJ. W~ tbert dilflculUes before the Evens was bit? "I prefer not to answer," Alfm. Crabb replied. He said a messenger awakened bim throe minutes before ti· South China Sea tragedy to say the Melbourne and the Evans were on ecillislon colil'se ind· he rusht--' to the flq: brlcfCe. Dazzling moonlight made It so clear •llOlher shlp,..., ·easily seen l.!lOO ymla away, he testified, but the Evans maiJl.. talned ·eotme as the Melbourne t r i e d Strike Forbidden evasive action, until all hands were onleffil lo collblon posts. "She went down ao fast it wu obViou!l a large number of people were aboard her," the Australiau baval l.llficer said. To others who landed in Long Beach at 3:55 p.m. Monday after a ls.hour fiight from Sublc Point Naval Air StaUon. the memory is less clear or none remains at all. Gunner's Mate Rene Stone, 22. of Andenon, S.C., was asleep when be, 1t1d· dtnly flew acroga the room (rom his (See EV ANS, Pop I)· Court Injunction Keeps Beach Teachers on .Job A joint investigaUon by American and 'Australian r··:al authorities adjourned ~fonday at Subic Bay, the Philippines, resuming today ln :'.!ngapore. where ~ Melbourne is undergclng colllsion repal;1. Monday 's te$imony fe~tqred Adm.· Teachers were bact in ci.aet today at . President Cart Manemann. ·nea:otiaUng Crt1'-'· who revealed the ;a,:'i()().ton all •four Huntington Be~h DI~ IDgh cQUnCll cbalrm,n.Ray Cooper ·and other Melbourne almost rammed anotlier U.S, ~la ·. ¥-i!Jlt lo·make ~the)' wilJ olflcels, and DEA MIOtlal/JI& 'council . dislteyet" ~ d•Y! beioro lb• ·Evans ·==~."'~~~~°'! ,~~•I ,'PM, ~!!.~pr. dls111U ~ui1111vJotm ~,.,.. nQ.oul>. . Hiinlnt 1 ·· tb . a.Tit~,,~~.'.··~ .. ~.. Allml · ,.,.ft ..... marine maneuvers. ._· __ :.__ "Al>other Ip ....,..i within 50 ~ lur\her . ..rt ~"· · lfm:nrlk, Harold Stevens, Helen Miller, M I . t1ie ll~ in tlie ..,.,,. Tllo=\-:;~!( -de Luca, !lob Grable and lilck ~ • II." .tli> Aualit,-. lat. M llllt1 oil "1' . . • > r.nlQMM, lbe biilrih(. . i?"°' Samuel ,~. ft , ., , . 't4'oddldon the·~ Ulla ;O Jolin . iiiii. ~ lhe ihlp which iiiir· the Dlollfct Educai.il A I 9 0 C 11 l l o 11 Doe iWOClatlonl and aoo· John Doe !JI. ty toot the Evins' place tn naval hiltory, (DE.A) and Jtl 00 rhemben from "lbik· , }'nl info-.. 1 sources 1:.'.d it wu the USS, In& or caUln& or 1· iueJ.nc a atrike or wort dJvldualt. Everett F. Larson, home-portec:; likt the et.02f>lge,ln the nature ot a ltrfke." DEA P re a I de n_ t Manemann,, who . Evans in Long Beach. ,In addtU~. •Marini hu bee~ sched'JI• resum~ bil teachl.ng dutJea:. a,t ~artna ·Com m u 11tc1 t l 0111 amoni •hl1> qt June U before Jllllge Claude 0..1111, Hlgb School loday, could not be~ participating In the suboequent mc;ue durlilg'wl\lc:h ttie DEA will be ukid to for COl!\menL openllon -'"""' 200 EYMs '"°" CO"'!O• Why • pOmwient lnj~ COURT AOl'ION crewmen weno excellent. Adm. Cribb 11:~.dd nol be baued. The court action II apeclf"ically le"l<d told the board t.eaded by U.S. Rear Adm. .The DEA will a1ao be wed lo......, agalnat ¥onday"1 ltlche< wallr:-oot llJ!ll a Thuncil Studies . $12 Million _City E~penditures Finan~ matters took top priority In a special meeting Monday night of th:f Hun· tington Beach City Council !'hen ~n­ cilmen found thanselves mulling over the best way to spend some $12 million. . The lit!t '6 million -almost cash 1n hand -is for a parks system. Coun- cilmen hired the' flnn of Stone and Youngberg of San Francisco to handle the details of 1 bond sale proposal to ob- tain the money authorized by the voters on June S. A report ls due at the neat council meeting on means to &ell the bonds. Councilmen aUo instructed the rttreaUon and parlt department lo suPP1Y the names ol lbree top landacape arcbtteds who will .,..,_. Ibo job Of coovertlnl tlill Ii mllllon lo a IYSWn of parts. Recreation commillloners have ln- terYlewed oev<n l&ndlCape ardllta:tn1nd .,e apected thla ....-1o -...... 1 southland parts lo oee "hat tlnd of -" lbe land1Cllpe archltecta do. On that committee are RecteaUQa Commission Olalnnan Tom Cooper; Commissioner Ron Bauer: Commiss\()n. er Lee Mosteller: Councilman Don Ship. Jey and Jerry Matney, City Admlnlslra· tor Doyle Miiier; Citr Engil'lffr Bill Han'ge and Director <l Rectr:ation and Parks N<lnn Worthy. The second ts million ls for a civic center. Unlike the parb spending plan, councilmen u yet have no idea 1'here Ibis Jl1Clliey II e11nll11( llun. Councilmen aet Juoe 13 at 7:30 p.m. for a special rrietllnl with newly lilied 1rchitect Kllrt Meyer, wtio WU ~ lul WKk to cleslp the -c!Yte -ter. Attending th<~ will ba,npme"' taUv• o1 p.. wllitini J. lllor .. Co '"'11c1en ot lhe COiia Meu Clvtc c.ntet ant: the HunUngtan eadflc •tartmtnll on Iha beacll near !ht ifunlllliii!n .J!tach Pier. • , · · COluicilllilif "talrl they ll!l(IO I o detennlne U.. beol ' way .lo lln&nco. the .. -and curnntl)' 111 dlaalPt•I th< poalblllty of 1 Jo!n~ ,,.....,..1 wllb. the CC11111ly. or pil I local ldlool cllalrlcl. or •·-imtl COl'W*lloo· Eich could 1-bonds lo nlle !ht 'nloney to build Iba .. mlllleo ~ ·-· s.poy. meot of the boncla ~ ba. Jrom. JIM ceMTll property tu:._,.. . ii ' '· • ' • • , chorge1· ol "lnter!erlng wjth• the rqutar ~ailed minimum day May2t. echedule," of "coercing and ln· Despite ·Monday's walkowt whJch U.. Umidaling" actJon, of • • c 1 u s I n 1 volved 292 of the di!trict'a 497 tuchen dangerous · and IOUletlmes ch8oti sltua-accordinl to adrnlntatration llOW'Ces, tion1 at the acbools" and ol "posting clas•et we~e held at the Huntington unauthorized lthedules." · Beach, Marini, Westmlnater and Foim- . • , . taln V•lley campuses. COMPLAINT FD.ED SubllUtule leacheh, admirJstralorl and The complaint !'Is filed by Deputy counselor• helped in supervising the County CounleJ William J. McCourt for tZ.000 atudenta who were on ·a minimum the ICbool distrkt, which bu been day schedule. plagued by a teacher slowdown over a Only .-1nor student-caused Jncidenll salary dispute oo two occulons since troubled two of the campuses Monday. Ma; 29. Reports of toilet paper littued on the It alJo fnrlude1 char1e1 that the FO'.:ntain VaJley High School pounds and teacher · acUona ••resulted Jn a lack of a gfrl injured by a firecracker at Hun-- supervision of large numbers o f tingt.on Beach High School were turned ln st\ldents" and provocation of a situation by. princlpals. whereby the district could lose ·'2.4 There was more trouble at miWon ·tn state funds through the loss of Wes~···l~ster High School, where students school days. littered the grounds with toilet tissue and Named in the complalnt were DEA (See TEACHERS, Pa1e Z) * * * * * * Teachers Seek Restraining .Order to BlockP~Y. Swe . ' . . ' . ' . ~-"' th<· Huntftliion Be>ch High Valley High Scl>ool. '/O ·•l · Wealmlnmr School Diltrict who stayed ·away lrom High School &nd II at Hunlillgton 11 .. cb claues Monday to conduct "penonal H. h ScN.nJ 1.~1 to be bsent bu.sloess'' art now prepared . to ... "Mek a 11 f""' Cuuy:1 ng I , · restraining order to prevent tKe board M:anemaM said the bo)'Cott was used of .trustets from '8doptlng Its salary "as a means of gelling pubµc attention IChedule. on lhe schools and to make the pubUc Aceording to Carl Manemann, pre$J• aware thal Ute local community la not deiit of the 431Hneq)ber D I 1 t r i c t rnakln& 111 tu effort. F..c:lucator1 A!tociaUon (DEA), a move is 0 Jt was ai.o In protest 1gahist the utter ~.under way to .obta.th the order by dlarqard of the board for Ull,'' be added, 7:;iu p.m. toolihl bef'qre the tr»"-relenlq lo • special board o( - could HI !be aclledUle durin1 Ila regular mtellntl Salurd17 in which lhe DEA'• bullrioso rruting. 11--i..t 111aly ......,..1. -, .llallL.J!ll'l>!d. • .• SholJld Ibey 1111 lo lil>tain" tt, ll'meana _ lbat· Ille ftCht la -and lh&t the DEA mombm met II ..... Monday, teachen wtllohave to talce tlie f pme!!I · and -·.·unanlmqully ·1o. ao ~t ll 11lary mer-' !hi llo&id 'hu offeffil · ac1¥io1 ,loday and th< ,reot of lhe wetk. then\ -tbe -blllly ol • two ween• They 'fill •lit> ut the ..iJ!!liUitrltlon. to boOst 1n.U.-1all 'lri>m uhlftidpted fund1. ,...hedule Monday'• final eumlnationa If '!ht boa{d_ ICla on establllhln1 Ibo _t9 Thund17. 1110ry" lchediJ!t, the ~ will eern "11.rring adoption of !ht lllitfldledUle f~ .. .no to llS.700 1JJ11111tt7. d_e!lendlnl • b)o. !ht lrultees lonlght, JM teachen will on ct!,~!lbn· Up untll -Ibey ho'< coallnne their ~ lot 1119f•. pay ...... . lor. •'i:oit· of lrt.llO lo 111;.il plus lbniulh lb tsummer months. Howover • v&riop1 fl!lplO)'< """'111. ' ' no, di!lalla plans llan be<n formulated Ac<oJ:dlng II lftur1S -Ii)' the_ yn. • • ' -· DSA. m ~ of Oif dlilrlct'1 '11 Said. Ma-ann, "In l1ie ·Mil of th< "'"ft: ·-1 patllolpated in -,,,........ we ~ nlller not go off at de'• ~ ' lhe ~ ~We want lo th~ lltb ·thins ,... At Ma1D llla!i ~ • t.achen'lelt ~ We w1111' 1o Iii delltJirale •beu! · lhMr-;~4witltlii ,at ~ •tl". +, ·' '.1 1• \ • :..:1 • .i,. r-. . . ,, 4 • ~ I . - ' Project Cut Th• Pentagon loday ean<:eled Ila $1 bllllon Air Force M811Md Orbital Laboratory (MOL) .project headquertored at the Mclloqnell.Jlouglu Space Systems Center in Huntington Beach. Steadily IncreasiDg in cost over the original 12 billion estlmala, lhe U.S. deteose-oriented MOL project wa tcrUf>o. bed Iller l t.3 billion bad already beeJI •pent Oil lhe job. Qu~ons .u to the late of· MQ!,u. signed oersonnel among l,oOo empio,.& at the H untington Beach IJ>lce eenter are stUl open today, but the Air fOl'(!le .. far. mused lo say juol how maJly joba will be affected_ McDonnell·Dous.Ias was one prime con- traclor oo th< syllem dealped to ori>lt two men in a JO,OOMoft. ft..foot·lon& spacecraft for JO days at a atretch. The other ii General Electrtc, at Ill Pennsylvania plant, according lo .I.any Vitsiy, assistant dlrOctor o1 memal relations tor-McDocmell-Douglu in Hun- tlnglon Beach. "'We cao't·make a atateroent about the erfect. on the ~c or emplaymeat situation because we haven't been able to ....., all the details, Vi,lakr said Iller Ibo~ Rl\!IOllOc:emenl today. A ~ loi lbe pro)<ct alrucly was 11~ compleUM at VllZldeolJerB AFB near Santa karia. ~ De&mi .Secnlary _Da •ld Pacbni, annoancbii .Iba caneallotloD at a qUlckly ·called Dews conference, o:· plalned 'that Pmtagoo alfldala coodiJded the MOL's Potential acciJmp]ilhmenta,dld not warrant contJnuaUon ·when ~ agdilJlll other deleme needl. I He si.id latest estimates indicated. the project. would cosl 13 blllloa tt earriecl, to completion -.11 billion _._.than ·the original Olllmate of $1 bllnoa. A ciimblmitton· of technical - all<i ·• <eduction olo lwJdJ alieady ·bid forced a delay In the flnt MOL l..,.:h ocliedule from · 1111 "lo' 11'12, Packard pointed out. The ·MOL was to .be 10 feet in diameter 1 con:slsung of twin mqdulec -one a laboratory and the1other containing other experimental equlpmenl. . The planned launch vehicle was the'· Titan In rocket. Fourteen pilots -11 Air Force, two from the Navy and one frDm the Marine Corps -hove been in training lbr lhe MOL project. They are now available for other assignments. Drlglbal, plans called for !Our ltklay. MOL lllghts In !ht lint year: Packird said in ezplanaUon ot .the cancellation: "In order to redu_ce the defense research and development budget signlllcanUy, it was ·necessary 'to. cut back drasticaUy on numerou! amall pro- grams. or to term.inale one of the lar&er 1 most costly undertakings." Packard said the cancellation wouJd save fl.5 billion from the budgets for fiscal years 1970 throu&h 1174, but only ••.several milllon'1 la the first year. Packard said moat of the IUJ-mllllon requested in th< proposed b\Jd4el DOW before Congress. W()Uid be ~ "'*1 blljl already t,...~ Ind "for lil!lllllfit, tiai costs. 8"" In pnier tO P!"'1" Ali (See MOL PROGI14M. J: ... I) OrUI• I ' . , 'C.uc ' I Weedier The morning clO\lda 1hould part early on Wednesday to all01t a "'°'11y IWlll)' d'1 .n t11t co.st. with temperatura In th< IMI . . .. ranee. INSmE . TODAY ........ ·-'Ci"•**"' ................ ·--~··· a ... _ =-=... -~ »n .. .. I I • .... " .. .. I • • :::: ..... ,! --.. .. -.I .. " I .... ', .... -... . ... ........ ,, ,.......... 'I :::.· 4 ........... '~ --~ I \ j i I • ' • ----. ·-·-----·~---' % OAILV PILOT H • ·Threa·t SUperyis~~ . t 0 I I .. . Sunset Beach $t(lnd Br~ng• Reqa m"<ll'Ut'·. I llJ WILLIAM llEED bf .. .,...,. l'tlM ft•ff Troublea Jn the tlJ\y cooununliy of SUnst& Beach took on a new dimension to4a7 with °" threat ot a recall action aptnst Secood Pifbict County Super- v190f David i.. Bater over the fate of a mil< lonLstriP of· sand belon&ing Jo the SoUthmi Padllc-ilallroed Company. Nelrams ·oeot Ibis morning to SttJ>U' viJO< .~u.r to . .,... newspepen. tbe state Jiorney general and to the county district aUorney by E. A. Grant, 1851 Paciftc <:oast Highway, attacked Baker for the supervisor's alleged lack of action on the railroad strip. "Your. constituents have ~uested you bJ)t the builaing ol a ments along the Pacific Electric ri t of way in SUnae< BeaCb. "You have lanored th<St C011SUluent. anc1 -J*JtlonL v.U hi,. llllond builders to start construction. "J assure you recall action Is already instituted," asserted Grant's telerram. Baker and Grant were unavailable for cornmeal th.Ls morning. 1be problems of the tiny strip of homes along the ocean and Pacific c:o.t Hlabway have be e n mucb dl,s.. cuaaed cl late with the county Board of Supervisors and the Clt'y of' Hunting· ton Beach each considering what mig6t be done with the strip of land vacated by the Southern PacUic Railroad. Residents of the area want the strip converted to beach parking. The railroad company wanta to build apartments on the strip and has em· ployed a Beverly Hills f.irm.' Carlton Bullden, to a:et the requirta building permits from the county. Urges Private· Study Newport Policewonwn: Sex Belongs at Home By THOMAS FOR11JNE Of tile 0.ll'f Piii! $11ff Celeste Saundeni, Newport !\each policewoman, thinks sex education should be a private matter, not something diJ<Uised openly between boy1I and g~ls in the classroom. She aaya sex educatloo belongs In the home. U ft must be tautbt IJ\ school, she wanbl the teXel aeparaled for modesty and the approach low key -1tarting perhaps witb clilldzen walchini rabbits being born. Mrs. Saunders presented her vtews Monda)' to .members of a Newport Hartior Chamber or Commerce com· mlttee looking Info tbe feulbillty of a school ses: education program. Jn urging a keep-it-prlvat.e, go-slow ap-pro.:ch to teZ educatkln Mrs. Saundeni aligns herself in opposition t.o the frank, direct boy-gtrl exchange of sex opinion practiced In Anaheim High School ~ct.' Yet -ienb of such 1ex education pn>C!'IDll cannot aocuse ber of being naive about teenagers' sex curiosity. Mn. Saunden pimary UlljJnmeot with Newport Beoc!t police fer 10 yean bu been in...U.adon of oex crimea. CREATl!S BOND . 0 1 my1elf, ea a police ciffioer would rak eee WI ser education atricUy in the home," sbe said. "l found ·a heart.-to- heart ti.It created a bond between m.Y daughter and myself." _ "I would go aJoni with you tn saying tbe pllce for it i. IJ\ tbe home," uld Rt•. Philip MurTaJ, of the chamber com· mlttee. "But the beck of It ls Ute home doesn't do it in 9S pereent of the cases." "This is the pity," 18.ld Mn. Saunders. ''The drop out rate of pregnant hi1h tchool gtrb. The .........i diaeeae me. It's frightening." But Mrs. Saunders ts cautious about saying ecbool aex education ii the answer. "U It 11 taught II ahould be biology and anatom y taught by a professional," she said. '"Ibere are good and bad educators. A tiny minority across the country are arrested for deviation. I would be very uncomfortable having a tea~her who just picked up a textbook teaching my chlidren." GOOD BACKGROUND She was asked what she munt by a professional. "Someone with a great deal of background In child psychology," she said. "Someone aware of the hang.ups of this groop, who cao present the material comfortably.'' She said she doesn't mean It as a slam al the coaches or physical education teachers who now privately answo!r students' questions to lessen anxiety, but DAILY PILOT OIANGE COAST PUBLIStOMO (OMl"ANY l RoMrt N. Weed P.-.ldttlt '1ld J'ublllhtr J1eli R. Curl.., VICI p,_ldllll Mid o-.i Mltltttr 1 tliolfllS Ke....U l Editor' I I Tlio1111• A. M11rphl~• I ,..,._1111 Edl!Or 1 ;..lbett W. l1te1 Willitfll Jle1d A1Mdlltt Hlll'tll"""'" l!!tdl I · Editor City Edl!or ' H11itftftf191t ~ Offtct, I 309 5th Str.1! ~1lli~9 Addr1111: P.O. 101 790, •2641 I 0.-.. Offtces ,..,....,, k1dl: '111 We'll l•lllM 1eui. ... 1r4I Cool!• Miii: :go W.1 ,,., '"-' I LU!lfll 1...:~1 tt1 flll'tll •- I • • I • she does not think they are particularly well qualUied. Chamber committeeman T h o m a s Garvet sugguted that if the program were started at an early enough age it could ovtreome embarrasarnent. He said he thought yow\g8ters might react, "Yu, he's being told and she's being told, but they don't want us to aee each other." Mrs. Saunders said abe had never heard of students running Ol!t and asking each other what they teamed from the coaches. .. J tblnk they would accept the fact they are getting equal education, but separated for modesty." PARENTS OBJECT ·She said she thought parents would ob- ject to the program less if boys and girls 'vere taught separately. Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, comm Ill t e chairman, Sjid boy-girl discussion o( ~ex might be a lessening advantage. .. Students might come to have lesa respect for sex instead of mare," he aaid. Arthur Guy asked if she was referring to the Anaheim School District when she made reference to aalacioua content of sex cl.usea:. . "Yes, I am," she said. 111 don't think sex education should delve tnto it." She aaid 101 program should be aimed al tbe nonnal younglltt. "The 80philticated, unprotected child ii going to learn by his own devices at a much earller aae, '' she said. "Some glrls experiences en ~ck to a tender age you wouldn't believe .•. well, 12 or 13. This is because of an emotionally deprived situa· tion in the home." GARBAGE INSTltUCl'ION She said 1D her own uperience as police sex inVestigator 'only three cues stand out where youngsters might have resorted to deviate behavior ~auSe ' their only sex educatfun was "garbage can inltrucUon" from their peers. "But the peeping Toms, indecent ex· posers, those who make lewd telephone call.s also usually have records like malicious mischief, car tampering or burglary ln their background. It is the result of bad family stablliution . "I've talked to other investigators where the child acted out the sex act out of curiosity because he had sex educe· tion," she said. "I'm trying to be as fair in presenUng this as I can because I've kept no atatistics." Frem Pqe l MOL PROGRAM Force unmanned space programs." In reply to questions, P a c k a r d ei::limated that $'75 million would go for contract termination costs l'lnd $225 million to complete projects useful ln un· manned space programs. The MOL program was conceived in 1963 and approved ln 1965. The objective was to orbit in space a 30,000 pound, 72. foot long manned laboratory with a two- man ere"' The laboratory wu to be pressurized so that the crew could live tn ahlrt-lleeve environment for as long as 30 days. PackanJ pointed out tbat t<chnlcal dif· ficultiea and a reduction in funds prevlou1ly had delayed tho scheduled launcb of the first MOL !run 11169 to 1972. He said the delays increased the estimated cost o( the program from $2 billion to $3 billion. Meanwhile, he said, the Pentagon has 1'accumulated much experience: ln un· manned satellite systems for such purposes as research. communicaUons. navigation and meteorology" and has "profited" from civilian space actJ\llUes. Air Foree Secretary Robert Seamans Jr. expressed disappoimi:nent al MOL cancel.laUon but aald "the Air Force will do tt.s best to wry out the termination in SL'Ch a wa1 as to derive muimwn benefit · from the ldentUic • n d l«hnoloeJcal adva-made to dal<." Go ld Prices Soar PARIS (UPI) -Gold prices shot upward today on the f>..'uropean money markets following rises in U.S. prime in· tere5l rates. With new jitters ripping tho world markets, the prici o gold rose from $43.$3 t.o $4~.Sl an ounce on tho Paril market. A cold ingot (2.2 pounds> rose to fl,4$91 up $87 over the Monday price. ~ . ffinill lililo ~ Wliill 4> -dli area to lhi city. Councilmen hive: or:- dered a atudj o( •hat tht'city Par~ Authority might be able to . .!lo t9..t0\Y.I tbe problem. Residents of the beech community malntain~tbat ·they already are short of parklna spooe and tbat adding buildiJ1iS will ooly lnale tbe prqblem wone. Tlfn bava applied to Hun~ .~tor anneuUon action (In the coMltt~ t)i4t the city is willing to aid hi ·eoMne the problem. • · County supervisors are coosldering what steps the county might take to acquire the strlp, but both the city and county appear without funds to buy the land. The strip is zoned for apartments and the constructi6n company bas obtained bu.Uding pennits for an apartment de- velopment as. permitted by law. w From Page 1 PRESIDENT. • • taJkl wllb Vietnamr.se President Nguyen Van Thieu, while hi'i arrival June 4. was limited t.o Marine persoMel a n d dependents. Based onw hat lnfonned sources say about his feelings C"n the Vietnam situa · lion, President Ni1on seemed to single out those whose future hope of not fighting such a war seems greatest. David Piper, 3, of ~ena Park, had a ruMy nose from the cool breeze which sent threatening clo l'lS scooting over the rugged mountains to lhe east and seemed nonchalant after meeting the President. His _falber Bib. however, was im· . OAIL Y PILOT ,.,..i. il'f lltudl Hltalll*! HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS WAIT FOR START OF MEETING OUTSIDE LOCAL THEATER Movi• House 0¥1ner Maintain• Neutrality as Huntiitgton Pay Dlsput1 H1et1 Up pressed with th! historic incident -In L H N s :~~a:~..:.in:1 ;. .. ~ .. t:~ awyers ave ext ay From Pqe l ,TEACHERS ••• four sons were there. "We drove like crazy to get down here after he.aring the public was invited 30 I s ho l ho H le set 15 trash cans ·on fire throughout the minutes ago fllld kuowing it would take 20 n c 0 me ass day. minutes just lor tbe tTip," aaid Piper. ' • "We had a most diflicult time," said How did the Piper boys llke meeting \Vestminster Principal Ferren Chris- the President? tensen, "it wasn't pleasant Jn fact, it "Pretty good.'• said Ronnie, 8, "but ~a1 minds will lake the next setps In house, splattering glass over her sleeping was like a miniature Vietnam." why are you writing all that stuff down'?'' husband. AU was quiet and orderly on the ,.The First Family was standing in !he the running feud between Mrs. James Marina High School carapus, according to slightly awkward \Vcll-are-we-rtady'? lim-Brown, 9765 La Arena St., Fountain "If they'd just put a high fence by the Principal Glenn Dysinger. bo th at accompanies off i c i a I ap-Valley, and the Huntington Beach Union homes that border on the school that According to the latest information, the pearances, so President Nixon usher~d High School District. \vou\d solve the problem," says Mrs. teachers have not yet accepted the final them to one oI three waiting tiel.icopters. Mrs. Brown has complained to the Brown. district wage proposal which offered a 4 RIGHT TURN district for the past year about baseballs, But now it appears the matter will percen t salary increase with the possibili- Newly-designated Marine Corps soccer balls and other objects flying into have to be settled in court. ty of a 2 percent boost from unbudgeted Helicopter One, the turbojet chopper her yard from neighboring Fountain Dr. Max Forney, district superi"'" money, as well as health benefits. 'rbeeled into a right turn facing the Valley High School. tendent, said today the matter is in the However acceptance could be made bystanders and the rotor bls.dea roared as ., Last week a baseball took a beeline hands of the district's insurance company public during the regular business ' &he moved down the asphalt strip. • __ ... _.from the school yard directly to the and their lawyers. "and we plan to lake meeting of the board Of tnl5tees which ii Seated in the big centraJ, bay window bedroom window of the Mrs. Brown's no action except on their advice." scheduled for 7:30 p.m. tonight. secUoo, ~ Pr<,sideqt, wae &IJjJ 'f.afjng,tq :.cc:::._::.___:c,-___________ _:_ __ __, __________ .:_._~--- those wM CO'llld see tbrouib the eye-- watering rotorwash of the "Ii w i It helicopter. Earlier, the three cboppefs wt\leh would carry-the Nixqns, aides and Wllite House Press· correspondents had made the dry run round-trip flight tQ. San Clemente to warm up for the real'thing. Missing the Nlxons' Monday night at· rival, secuti,ties dealer E d w a r d Schweizer, of 10692 Keel Ave., Gafden Grove, broughl Ed Jr :l f. and salljl, 1, to see lhe President off. · -.:. The First Family W.i ilboUt tO board Air Force One when Mrs. Nixon spotted the hopeful Schweiws and they paused for 1 few friendly words. From Pqe 1 EVANS ... rack, hit a bulkhead and later found himself aboard the Melbourne. "The men of the Melbourne were the gree.test I've ever seen," s a I d Stone, ''they gave me clothes and shoes and they gave us beer to help us sleep." Every Evans survivor lost a buddy. "We were all good friends," he said, "on a boat 345 feet long, you've got to be good friends. The ramming made the rest of us cl09er." Gunner's Mate 3-C Leo HuU, of Denver, Ohio, said he had just gotten off watch and was· amidships at the collision point 'vhen he sa'v the black hulk of the Melbourne looming up like a :iPdoY-'. "He'll be glad to get out," Said Huff'9 a~nt. Mrs. C. W. Sumner, of Ont:'lrio, et· plaining that her nephew Is due for discharge next month. Some of the greetings were tearful, some were subdued, but one was torrid and intense enough to drown the stark memory of six days earlier. · Boiler Tender 3-C Robert Crow, of Nokomis, Ill., could just as e'asily have been on duty at the spot where BT 3-C P..eWy was when be and the o\her hands ~in the forward section died. Crow and his: Long Beach sweetheart, Anna Kimig, 18, stood at the 11.irport Monday in a passionate embrace as passersby stared with understanding and perhaps a little envy. • He was asked his reaction to the tragedy as the young lovers paused to breathe. "What collision'?," he murmured dreamily. Food Clerks Extend Picketing in LA LOS ANGELES CUPO -TM n.wt Clerks Union, Loca1 770, today began fir· tending lt.s picketing operations to in- dependent 'warehouses after negotiations in the lfiiay-old food market strike· lcckout bfQke dowit Monday. Locai _spokesrhan Joseph T. Desilva !:1! oftaJ!sfect~1:1g m:di~u::~·~~ were·broken off becau.$C! Rober\.-K. Fox, president -of the Food Employers Council, took a dlffennt stand Monday tban tbe ane be held when the talks rectaed Sun. dny nlghL JLI , , ~·-·:: L·: In Just 1 frw .tier! wetks you, too, c.n lose 15ao.25 pounds ind be proud of tllt wry yoa look. Ladlts, you'll be -•ring !ht new figur ... rwe11ing fill f1stik>M with pride ind confldlnct. A.nd, Men, the new t1ilor4htped svff1 will k>04< grt1t on you-once you'"'' rtdiscovtred ycurW1ist. Don't ~I it 0H-11k1 It offl Act now, for 1pec11I low l'flluctd r1tn during Ho!idly N1flontl fitMSS Monti!. INCOMPARABLE FACILITIES "' • H"ted Rom111 Swfmmlnt Pool • F1Ml1h Rock S.vn1 Rooms • Wlli~pool laflll • Ultn Modem Conditioning Facilillts • Rom1n Steam Roon11 • flectT'Ofllc M1111g1 • florld1 Sun Tan R1ttm1 • Conditionlnt feclllties • Swist fKlaJ Machines SlPAllAn FACILITIE~ POI MIN a WOMIN I HUNTINGTON RfACH l~~~J "'"IN "' Bf"rM . . 842-, 4S 1 II ANAHllM .. s1o 's '~t•CM .. ~lVO Ill COSTA MESA ; ,, .... ' , . ' . . ... '' 540-3::168 I\ ,ORANG£ .... ·-· ":~I "ll!lllA AV! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK , 10 'TIL 10 . ,. . . . ' .. ~. . ' '_' I' ' . . . 826-0381 630·2441 ~ .................. , ... • ' JUNE IS NATIONAL FITNESS MONTH Is DKWID IT THE ~ FREE! Fin! FR!fl fxclusiv1 ftt,urts frtel G r.o up SlimnasfiC$ Ind Sw1mnastics 10 music • No time limit .., . . your visrts • No appo· necessery • ('.-. intment •·1·11 ....,..rate t. 1 es for ,,,.., • Stpe facilities for ~ • ,rate guest P~'I ,., r IYI eves • Un limit. "' 11ou,._.,.,;rnltl(f ...... ,,..., ''"' -r•· FREE FOURS & t)fMONS1RA110HS AVAILAlllE DAILY AF AU LOCATIONS • II '\ • <'.• ·- ·'' ·;:~j .. "' ,., "'1r .... : '" . ' ' _,, : -~ •· " •• • • " •· ' l· • • ' • ,. • ' : • ' • ' • , • l , • • • l • • 1 . ~ i-· 1 • .. • • • • • . • ' • • ~ ..... ....., ~ ... :· ~. ¥ ' . ' " " " ., ~ •• • ·.· ~-• 1 • :~ ... .. • ~ '• ., ~--• • .,. :\' . i .. ' • * "'· ~. ~' ' ., ·- ' • . . DAILY l'ILOT 8 Crosswo~d P111.zle OC~ S1mpJan1 C..-eert ' . r Tom Sawye r1 Tryvuts Set AC~OSS :~".,.I.No longtr .:-t , Jt:.:.. lo ...,11o lud9t ... 4 Plact for ;,,., m1rrl19e • . Ufllllllny ., " 15 SIFdt ·-~.., 16 Su nglt •,, 17fft1llrallon 18 •1 o•tlh• point": -2 words ~-!9·Fl1Vorlng ,. mattrlal a: 211 Enduring " 22 Artlst's !• accessory 1 2J Att1ch dtJft , .,, tpuilS > togethtr :ii' 24 Lofts : 26. l~oblt • 29 Kind of ~ prorrt ,. 30 Current • • 11onth: Abbr. : ll ... 1., • .obll,lt.lotlS 3J Ont s sptrll· ual ttlf: ) 2 words I' ! 37 Give over • 31 Ht1v1 with "' great force i-· 40 Cause tct"bt less WOfl'ltd f ~fl 14 lbs. In I . Britain: ' 2 words i 43 Cat's name ; •4 Watked on " 45 Answer • · made at 14 " Across: ~ 2 words ' ' 3 • 47 Puttht 1roctflt1 to Ult 4t Kind of trlinglt 51 FtMlillnt ftlllll 5) SIM.lit Salnlt -54 City of · Europt 59 Move fro• a shut POSltlon 60 Ftm1l1 inlaill 61 "1Paclflc Charter" treaty: Abbr. 62 "King'' In In old •OY/t 63 P1oduct obta ined ftom • SelWetd fi4 8119/e call ' btfore lips: Vat. 6S Grttk letters 66 State: Abbr. 67 Bridge bids DOWN I Apostle lo Ille Gentiles 2 In addition 3 lllklt1 4 Tending to haig loosely 5 Soon 6 Shrub used In htdges 7 Rive r of Yo1kshlre I Riding on 1 sleigh Orchestra Carries On Without Soloist 9 Lttttt 10 f:Ytrtrttn: 2 .,,,. 11 Rtspond It Ult tllNI \ cloct r 12 rattr body 1 US...11 s~ludtd valleys 21 PtHldtntl1! nlctn•t 22 Gae!Jc 25 Pattoness of Qu•ec ProY!nce 26 Out of ont's •ind: lnfo,.al 27 Man's name 21Fw's...,.. 32 Young blrdt ll Wrath · · 34 Man 35 Continent 36 8•rber's · word 42 Pulp Ind P•Ptr source 43 L..,,,.. llllltvll 45 Resldtnt hospltal doctor 46 s .. 11 round ""' 41 Indulge In certain habit 49 fin 111 tricks In plquet 50 Place for sports t Ytn!S 52 Ptrta lnlng l to a r!Jltn_ SS UeClller• 38 h1 the near futur e 39 Too youn9: ranean port 56 81sls for decisions 57 Baslc unit of .,, element · 58. Ranoe so11nd: 60 Pie(e of Z WOid$ floor covering II 12 I By 'f9M BARLEY Of ... O.Nlr Pitel St•lt COnductor Joaeph Pearlman ol lbe Oranae Coast College Community Symphony Or~hestra received his DAILY PILOT "Euterpe" award Sun- day nl&!lt and a .woeful chain of clrcW?lltances made it seem to be a more than ap- propriate moment for the recoll\ltion ol the orehestr1 's dedicated leader. Trophy in hand, he had to tell hia: audil!nce that featured artist Sherri Gittelman would no! be deUverlqs: the group ol arias lh1t were to be a hlgbllght or lhe season's clos- lne pi:ogram. Pearlman eip1alned lhat Miss Gtttelman'a huabond had been seriously hurt in a car accident and he bad only ·leorntd Sattlfliay mornl111 thal the Costa Mesa soprano WOijld be unable to f\illlll her com· mUmeot. For the first time In his career, he had earlier commented, he had been unable to secure a replace- ment and hi& orchestra would have to -and, in fact, did - present the real of the pro- gram as billed. He did not tell hls audience that he, him.self, had got out of a sick bed to take hls baton for that final concert. Heavily doped and with eyes and no9e: streaming, he was obvk>usly determined to hold off the ef- fect.. of the Ou virus that had plagued him most ol the week and put on what was left ol his concert. Maybe Uiose Euterpes (his Sottietliing in Cot11mon Don Adams ("Get Smart") and Hope Lange ("The Ghost and Mrs. Muir") compare Emmies Sunday . after both won for best performances in a comedy ~ series. Both had their .shows cancel~, then .Pic~ed- ~===''==:!-~~P by rival network~. . orchestra drew a similar award) helped. \Ve like to think that they did for this dedicated ensemble and tts able conductor gave us a well rounded and pleasing concert that could be identified as "end of season" only by the d11-te. Q.f the p_roar.am, It has been our experience that we can look for and ex- pect orchestras lo b e somewhat on the ragged side in their late season offerings but this particular concert de.fled any such analysis. From the brisk, fervent open· ing bars of Gllnka 's "Ruslam and Ludmilla '' overture (there is no better pipe opener in lhe business) lhe college players went on to deliver what we must label as a rewarding and sensitive reading of two "'ell loved works. Perhaps the ireater acclaim should go lo their rendition or ?i-toz.art's Syniphony No. 41, the "Jupiter." in the light of what we felt was a close, painstaking reading of this complicated work. Bright and effervescent this r.t o z a r t might be but it has many demands to place on the orchestra that can not produce lhe devotion to detail that was so apparent Sunday night. This Is not to detract from the calibe r or Bach's Concerto in D Minor and spirited performances by t~o gifted members of the orcliestra - conc:ertmaster A d r I a n n e Gelger and Frtd Gillett. They took their places by Pearlman's podium to give us an Inspired and faithful reading or thl! 11 v e I y • animated work, a Ire at favorite In tod11y's concert halb. Mtss Gelger particularly caught our ear with some fine bow"'Work in the lovely seconct j;=;;;:;;;:;;;:=:~:::=;::::=;;::;;; movement of the Bach classic -largo ma non tant.o. This has bttn a splendid season for this Hne orchestra O'ltl and it wu a pity that such an 7tt I. hrMI ,,., unfortunate chain of lalltM '"'.....,.• cirewnstances should cast lts'I'-------..: shadow upon this I as t Ende Tonl9ht triumphant performance. Bui J .... WIMNlwn they were obstacles that were "RACHIL, RACHEL" splen¢ldly overeome and that i. C•* _ Pt• is· not, JM:Chaps, a bad note upon which to close this happy season ot 1~9. -Lei us not overlook another pleasing performance by the Chorale Sinfonia under the direction of Les Van Pyke in a selection of five works offered in the pre-intermission portion of our program. To our mind. "Battl e Hymn of the Republic" -the group's spirited, beautifully handled finale -was by far the pick of the ambitious pro- gram. Yan Dyke capably led his singers in this dellghUul Wilhousky arrangement, a setting of this old favorite that is new to this writer. ·/i1t· •l 'ri11rt' 1J}. '•lli"'"'. •/t·:111 •l/n,,J;, · -~7 · \ .... .. A GREAT ANO COURA - GEOUS nLMJ• ,.._ -l1l1 ""' . •. ; • M11.z1M JOHN CASSAVETES' FACES lmlff tr CCII!'··-• ••" Mozart's "Gloria in Ex- celsi.s" and Williams' "Slne Nomlne" suffered from a quality (or rather lack of It) ~ that we have previously com-,,,.. mented upon in our reviews of fll 1 ~•• Van Dyke's group -a tll\JClllf ·ll.AWI r.ARO!IAl!:·AllOTO :Diil AU STAii CAST "THE LONGEST. DAY" ... --"THE BLUE MAX" St.,11 Wodnolday ... r..., 1.-.i1 "HELLO DOV'N THERI" Barg•ln Matinee Wod....ctay, 1 p.m. FRIE 11,IDHMIMTI Atl1lt1. SI.Of; CWltl .. , noticeable lack of depth. .IMOOllH. llOllCA'l'llh. ~lfltl.QI Our experience with chorat1l;:::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=i:::::\~~~~~~~~~~~ groups is not such that we can Ir hope lo put a finger on jusl THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF TH~M· ALLI what might be responsible for this sltutlon _ 11 mighl welt be FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER • • that anothtr voice or two is • • • •• • needed to add timbre to this promising choir. • ••• • COAST HWY. AT MACARTltUR BLVD. llEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 e LAST TIMES TUESDAY e The·thjngs:'.w 7a~· ;·for~P¢PJlle~:.: ~ ~-·· ..... , . . ' :, · ' .. wi pleasure I Lilce g a cleposilorin · Switzeti.and an extra padte. 'of our monthly • Sii flQR THE FIRST TIME, ,. ]~ ,P.ROJEC!ION ON OUR 72' SCREEN " . ~. ·' " .. " " • " ~ •• :-<. . ;~ :t. ;i. I ... ' .- • • ' ' ' ; 2IO OcMn AllMue l tl(Unl a..dt, C.liforni• T1Jephont: 49,·7541 -... '-ilft• Httuel: 3 u...dl My "'-"l'trl(lllGM: ..... lMO • 4J6.1201 ••n ci,',,,.~t1: ICll N, fJ CtM!no II•"' .... ,,,..,_;<&f2·llt5 " l!!.agazin~ .•. to give friendi::"1: better picture of lw we1look and live inJl.la:geoning Orange linty, f.SA. ;_:; , t ~yna~ic srowth is an i;n ort~nt reason:Wby \ilr1 from all over the Wot d inve1t in Laguna: Federal Savings. They kno¥flhat Oranse CCunty'1 L1rge1t, FJrst and Strongest1ndependent Federal otfer1 them deep security and absolute max.inlum - retqrn on safe, insured savings. Tbi1 kini:l of in'erest looks good-even from the scenic ~lp1. And far-off savers at Laguna Federal Savings often btc:ome nearby neighbors. One good UtiriJi 1e1d1 to another. , DAY·JN lo DAY·OUT intere1t on all etcoutit~ . Be ••r• lo J•' your 1luJ111in1 cea'IUMOP•ti•• ' BIH11tc11af•J Jlelalllo1t-i11 10114 .,,.. .... al" •llocr-•truck "1 •Ire St.i. of C.li/,,,.,U. Co ('.,..,. .. Us'"'° ,..,..,..,,,,.nm.,.,..,,.. a ••• i ••• f"" tlree o//lce1, /ro• I••• 16. " . 1 .$TARTS WIDNISDAY oftlf_M!H~ ""'D --IH -ST• l ff·'"-t tfflftll t~1·uowrt't1111 DlfM fWl'I I "1'GOODIY[, COWMIUI' 11 IOt.INO TO H 'A 011£.lT succusr -· ContlnuoU1 S•t., Sun. ind Holld1y1 "THE PERFORMANCE . THAT SHOULD KA\t Wi>ll m OSCAR FOR· VAl!ESSA REDGRAVE !", l Ef'.!DJ TUESDAY r-VCnc.nt Canhy, N. Y. T/111•1 l'Jnacw ~u :>1ii1'·1ulur._ ~~~~~~~~;;~;;'.II '.lhelll09tnugnifittllt lllll!!lillllllllillllfdool . . lllo~Ullll!! ~au' MAT10NA1.n!M1l'tALC04'l"'OlltAno, VANFJS&\.REDGRAVE lBE LOVES ()F"l61\lllU" ;,,,,, ...... -:__ .... :...... Foc··x .. -~-,. ~ !,l!Ul.,9£! 1 JAMES FOX-IVAN TCHENKO . CW'uc GAll1.E VMEN J,EIGH .,,,.. l.f.~U E HO\VARD UJ.l\H dcUAVILIAl\'D ........... .,...., .. ''SAM WHISKEY" NOll'OIT IEACH • 01.3-ll~ Ends~ To.;ight Sten Mc9'"" 1. "BULLITT" Al10 Den Marth1 "BANDOLERO" tTAllTS Wt:DNISDAY n1 ••••••• '"" lllili!CIUMLI ..,......,._ ... _ M l't(~ °""fNIM'l8IOfif*' • ''-WI yrAf'/Jftfflft09.·IPUI Affft . .. ---GEORGE PEPPAKl' ..IUlll·ARllG lllCllAll' ICILIY. ••J#1n 1uH&Jll n"1 -· lil9I rr. .. • SMtlllt-r,_, .............. 1711 I 'Ai:Ru o• •Rn PARKING I JASON ROBARDS ~e )'. Killing ~iSter "'"' eorge!I Beryl Reid Susannah York Coral Browne ® ) EXCLUS.IVE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE ~ ENGAGEMENT STARTS WEDNESDAY .. ONLY DRIVE IN THIATRE SHOWING ' -· -~--------..------- J 0 IWLY PILOT H T11t,sd1y, June 10, 19(.? LEOAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LECAL NOTICE New Manager •Alt·1HS T 4"'5 SUl'EklClt COUllT Oii THE SUl'EltlOlt COlllT 011 THE p E p I h STATI o .. CALll'OllHIA 1101 STAT! OF (ALll'OltHIA .. o. ' • ugene lCCO 0 as THE COUNTY 0" OltANGI THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE been assigned as man-NO A_.,lfl N• A_.,1'1 NOTICI Ofll HEARING OM l'e:TITION NOTICE Oii HEAltlNO OF PETITION ager of Security Pacific f'Olt P RO•ATI! 01" WILL ANO 11'011 l'Olt l'ltOMT! O" WILL ANO FOR Lnn1ts T1!sTAME11tTA1tY Ll"TTE•s tEsTAMENTA•v National Bank's Hunt-J:''''-of DOROTHY w LAVI. O•ce• ... tdE1t•I• of tt EX R ANOEltiON, oec•a• ington Harbour Branch f\IOTICE IS HEREl'f GIVEN T1111 NOTICE ts HEREIY CIYEN Tiit! In Hunt'ngto 'B a h DOUGU.S I( WAl:LACE h•• llie'CI her•I• WALTER G WEINL,t,NOER II•• l•ltd I n e c • Hlltlon fw Probill• OI Wlll Ind !or lle•e•• • p"ll!Ofl lor or0011, Ill wfll I"" Cle succeeds Melvin M IHu...c. ol \.•"e" Tttt1.....,t•rv 10 Pill. for ls...,.IK• of t..~• Tnt1men1•"' tc 11-r, reh!r...c• 10 Wl'llcn is m1de '"' tN 11e1111o~. ref1"ric:' 1o wt11cn Is m1oe Suchan, who ha s been '""""' 11o11tt1c:11111••· 1,... 1n11 ,,,. 11..,. '"° for 1"'""'' per-tlcvl•"· •"11 IN'I tN 11-transferred to a d1v1-oiau of l'lffrln1I IN ''"""' his bffn 1•l 11\0 OllllCI ol .,.lrint Ille Ufl'lt "-• bffll 1 .. J-'°' 1Mt, 11 t JO •..,. 1ri 111e .. , 1or JUfl& 21, 1m, ., t JO • m , m thf sional assignment. ceu..,_ of Deoartment No l ol Uld cou•l•~ °' tHHrlmenl No l of ukt te\1'1, If 109 W E1-Mfl Shttl ln lhe Cllv awrt, 11 7t10 West E!\111111 Sltff!, In 1~~1 --------------- ol S.nt1 Ant. C1lif0r11I• CllY of S.nll Ant C1h'1>r1111 OalH ~' tf, 1™, Oiied JU'°" t lfft w E ST JO!-iM. w E $T JOHN (<Wnty cr.r• c....,1y Clerk (HAit.Ei c. MOltllEY WA\.LACI:, altOWilt a CllAIN l4'1 Wtll Wllllhlr llvd, .,.,,,....,., 11 Uw "'9nlffollf,, C1lif ftt•O ID 0...-Drlv1, Svllt' tt. T1I· OUI rn un N-1 .. fell, ~liMr,,11 ,t..ntr,..Y i.r P•H!1"11r Tll• w..nn Publl~ Ora~~e CC••! 01.tv P!lo! Pvtllliflotd Ortl'llt Co11t Dt<IY Pilrl J1,1nt 10, 11, 11, !tot 11«1 .. t lvn• i , 4 10. 1Ht 1c.i. 6t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAI, NOTICE T-tnn CEllTIFIC,t,T• 01' •USINl!SS !UP!llO!ll COUIT OF THI l'ICTITIOUI MAME 5TATI! OP CAllFOllNll POii '!'lie 1,11'1dw1!"*' does arUly ti. ls ton• THE COUNTY OF OllANGA ouctlns • bul1tleH •I m Y1~o>c!1 0• Mo NI A•4.11'1 1, Cotti Mew, C4illfornlf, 1,1;,,t,r In. lk NOTICE OP HEAlllNO 011 Pl!"TITIOl<I lltl-firm n.m• of JO.MAR EN FOi P•OIATl5 OF WILL ANO l'OR Tl!"RPRl5ES •l'MI th1f llld firm 11 tom-llTTARS Tl!STAMENTAltY Slostd of ~ kil-1,.. Ptl"IOll, wMst E1I•" of THEOOOllA J, VOLMER ~ In lvU 1l'ICI pleC• of "'ldtnCI h IS Deceistd fol!OWI' NOTICE IS 11ERE8V G1Y!N T1111 • Joe T l~ tn V•len(l.1 or, No , SECllRIT'f P,t,CIF-1( NAT10f\l,t,l. 11,t,NK, CoJtll Me$1, (•tlt f:r•U lormerl¥ Securl!Y Fl~! N'1!on•1 flint h•• p1tiid Jl.IM t, lM • filed tie•tln • Pl!ll!lon for protNtt ol wlll , Joe T Lew , "'IC! !or luu1nc1 ol Lttltro Tt1l1men1arv Sl•le of C.lllornle, 0<11n~t Coun!V to tl'lt pe11110f1er rtftrence lo wl!l(I! IS On June t, 1'6f, befort mt, I No11rv l'l\&Of !or lurtl'ler p1rllcular1, 111(1 !)111 Ille PIJbllc Jn •nd tor ~Id ST11le llM!•SOM!tv llmt tnd piece of l'le1tl1111 !hi llml h~ 1ppe1rM Joe T Lew kM\olln 10 "If lo be bffn I.ff 1<1• J""'e 11, ltff •I 9:10 1 l'ft , In flii ~ who$t ,,.,.,, \1 1ul>lcrl~<N:f lo me court,_. ot o"°"''"'enl No J ol t!\f wll!lln 1.,.1n1n'!llnl 1nO •ck1'0wle<tllfd llld co...rl al 1C9 Wt !! Eiflf\111 Sir~!, In ht e•ttui.d IM uome thl City of S1n11 ""'· t arlfornlt !OFFICIAL SE,t,L) O•lfd JuM • l•H M1rv IC Hf'l'lrv w E ST JOHJ-1 Noltrv Pub11< Ctlllo••" C11,1nlv (Jt•~ Prlnc:111! Olftce In lll:AIME I! GIOAS Or1t1tt CounlY 1JJ4 MIHIN Stre.i My COOl'lml1slon E •ol•U Stutll PIQMtn•, C11!klrnl1 t \OJI NOV ,I, lf72 Afterllen hr l'tllHM11r Pvblllh«t Or1119t Co1\t Ooll~ i>llot Ttl 12UI 7tt SHJ ~~JO, U 24, July 1, !'61 11G1 6' Publl1~«! Or•nvt Cotll tl1lly Pllol J..,..t '· 10. u. !H9 1im..i;t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL Ncn:ICE ' Plant Bought 0 rlVER THE COUNTER "':" NASO Listings for Monday, June 9,'1969 ·e~tf)l'11~ 1<11 ..... 1 .. r ~lltlJliffU 11 tlllll"t•lml!tly f .. M 1,.111 MASO. '•k tt ff NI IM;kl!N rttlll or m•rl!~,. m•t•Hwri w (•mmlMllft. Promoted --- ------- ·-.. ·MUTUAL , .. FUNDS ·A· -C- ' • l , ' ; ' ' ' .. I ' \ I I 'I •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ~: •• •• •• •• ~: ~: E: ~ :r. •• •• •• ~:r "" "" ... •• "" .. , "" •• •• EE •• •• •• •• ::::: •• '~ 1,1, l'I i, I~ 1g I~ '~"' l::r. '"" I"' "'' '" '"t 11, I"" ~:. "' "I' '" l•!I '"' '"' Intl '"' '"' ln11 In!' '"'' "' Int" lnl" '"' '"' '"' Intl Intl '"" ,,, '"'' Inti ... '" '" ·~ ·~ Ill "" m • Twdq, JU110,l0. 1969 H DAILY PILOT Jl • . Prices-Complete New York Stock E,xcbange List • List I I ' if! DAILY PILOT Tuesday, June 10, 1CJ6~ Trips c::aneeled llkgal. Charte~.s Hurting Tourists WASHINGTON (AP) Thousands of tourists face p()SS!ble canceUation of lhe.ir trips because they may have unwittingly booked passage on Ulegal charter flights I n Europe, according to Ci vil Aeronautics Board official!. 11We have rumors that there might be aa many Rs 300 charters leaving out o f Calitomla this year lo Europe which have aspects ol ii· legality about them." ac- cording to CAB member John G. Mams. "We bear rumors that as many as 100,000 persons may be moving on such flights who really ought oot to be moving under a true inte,rpretaUon of charter regu]ations," be ad- ded. The large scale of ques- tionable charter flight activity was aired officially for the first time at a CAB meeUng last Thursday arranged by the National Air Carriers Associa- tion to enable It! supplemental-airline members to outline major financial pro- blems of the charter industry. After listening to their woes, Adams addressed the group on "illegal type charter'5, particularly from Calilornia," that are giving the board serious concern. 1be airlines involved -sup- plemental operators mostly - and the travel agenls organiz.. ing the tours may be Jetting themselves in for c l v i I pena.IUes and suspenslons. There may be littl e recourse, outside or court ac- tion, for passenger~ who pay in advance for the tours that are disapproved. Last Friday the Board fe£used to waive rules to permit t w o supplemental airlines -American Flyers Airline, Fort Worth, Tex., and Trans International Airlines, Oakland, Celli. -to operat~ 20 ealifomia-Europe flights for the International Student Allain: Club, Los Angeles. S~lem.ental airlines itre penmtted to operate flights for charter groups,· but may not sell tickets or carry in- dividual members of the public. LEGAL NOTICE .... ,.., NOTIC• TD ca•o1TOllJ SUl'lllOI COUllT Of THI! STAT'I O" C .. 1..1 .. 0ltNIA l'Oll TN• COUNTY O" OltANGE The board sald the student rlub Charters apparently were made available to the general public by advertising that fail- ed to comply with regulatloni;, nnd nonmembers had been ac- cepted on the proposed flights. If the airlines go ahead and operate t.M flights in spite of the CAB actioC they become subject to the board's en· forcement musures. Last March the CAB forced another supplemental airline, Overseas National Airways of New York City, to cancel tl round t r i p trans-Atlanti1' charter Oights from Los Angeles p, oposed under a con- tract with the Goodwill Ambassadors Club. The board allowed the airline t.o operate two other flights for the group because they w~e scheduled to leave so soon that participants might have been tmable t'l make other travel ar· rangemenlll. "Very orten the carrier who is a participant comes in at the last moment and asks the board to legalize something which is illegal," Adams said. "If the carrier itself pro- perly polices these things, they should not have to ask th!! board to do this." Adams said there have been instances where the board has warned the .:irline well in ad - vance that its charter ~ gram may be improper, and y.et the airline has not so ad- vised the chlo.rter participants. "Supplementals who may be parUcipanls In charters have the 'Obllgetion to us to. police lhese thln(rS pr9perly, and not wait until they fall apart a,ncl then pass the buck to the federal government," Adams said. CAB Vice Chairman Robert T. Murphy commented that when lhei t: ls such a large measure of violation there may be something wrong with -the rules. "There ls nothing evil in the desire to iravel by air and I.(, visit ·a fc.reign COUlltry cheap- ly," Murphy said. He poirted out that Ure charter Otgbt regulations were written several years ago, and that on the basis of the .great amount of experienct: since then, the time may have come for a review. NI. A"tm '-;==========,! E1!1t.'ef NICK (NJKOl...AI) S1MOVICH,I """'"' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ille c:redlhlrt of fhl •bo.... Nlmtd CllCldent "'" •II ~ 119¥1"9 cllfmi •••Inst th1 .. Id dffltdlnt tr1 required Ill fll1 !him. wUh IPll lllt*Ul<T YOUC!llr1, In tPll Gfflce cil '"' cltrlt d fhl ·~ ..,uuld c:ourl, ., ta pr-I ttwm. with ,,,. ~"l'Y YOUChlri. IO tht Ulllllfl19"fd II llltt Cllllct ol 1'111' attorllrl, GERALD M. Hll.8Y, 1'11 So. '"itclllc' ColJt Htohwtv, SI.Ill• 20.5, ltlldondo a9'dl. calllwnla tarn. w111c11 11 ""' -lact' d NI-of lt..I ll!!d1rtl9ntd In 111 m111.,. -'•lnlnll to the 11ltl1 of uld aecedenl, wllhln l<lur ~ 1ftlr 1111 ti"I 1>Ubllc.llloll ol 11'111 nollc1. 011111 M.v 1'. !Mt. G1tf1111 01111 Slmovk h Adl'l'llnl1ll"1trl1 cil lhe E1t1~ of ltw •bcr<I ""'""" Of<;ldofnl Gl!llAl.0 M. HILIY, ..... Att.tMJ •I l.lw lHI SI ... aclfk C-1 Hlth•lr Slll111ltS. ....... IMC.ll. C1lfll'lll1 "211 Ttl: (UU J71.11tl """'""' .... -""'1111ttr111"!1 Publ~ 0rl"91 C.0.$1 D1llY Pllol, MIW 20, 11 and J-3. 1~. 1Mt 97'4' LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new nelghbon or know o1 anyone movina to our area. please tell ut ao that \\'e may extend a friendly welcome &nd help them to become acquainted tn their new surmundlnp. So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visilor 494-9368 Save 51.40! Now the Crow 1h gallon is easier to get hold of. now 511A9 (was sll.89) Now California'• most populu .half pllon comes co~ at IJl euy-to-pKk- Up price. Same smooth, ..-.ci.w. • Grtp-Jq llu4lle. Perfect .. • ariP for bt.ltaccd pouriq from int pour to last. • C-:::. 1ba. No taller 111 ... ~ , but hold.I I full .. _ ••Pt .. ,..arwr. Pnfcr;t '" pomil:1 CODlrol ... smootb, 1111 ...... ..,. n'et)' tlmc. .. • Old Crow -----·,.,Ml\IQ ... tf,lt"',.. ..... ,.,lPl .. '*'lft.lf, ' - I. ( " '· .. ' ANN ~VERSAR'tf SALE LOWEST PRICES OF il°HE YEAR IN EVERY DEPARTM,ENTAT ALL 17STORES - for soft smooth u"!.derdressing ... nylon tricot bra and panty girdle Famous bro~ds now at aavings. For your underdrt!Ung needs. a. long leg panty girdle, soft control, in white ~Ad pastels~ S·m-1, wos 6.00 3.59. b. bro w;th contour podding for n.oturol Hit end separation, 01st. colors, 32-36, comp. vel. 5.00 2.59.: - comp . vol. 5.00 to 6.00 2.59 to 3.59 may eo foundoMonlr,. '' •• ' slips of nylon tricol lavishly trimmed in lace beautiful and easy care ... peignoir sets of nylon tricot Select from mony 1tylet. fOf perfect underflt ::ind a fa,hlon right look, choo1e In eilher 1hort or overoge length. 32-38 1hort, 34-40 overag•. In pretty a11orted pa1t.I colOl"1, .... 9.oo 5. 99 mcry co doyw.ar linger!•, 21 ·-· lv1ciou1, flowin9 p•ignoi• 1et1, ot volutt 1ov- lng1. An 011orfm11,,1 of beouliful 1tyl111 t1nd col_D"t. In nylon trlcof, ond they're eosy core. In 1l1M 1moll, medium ond large. "'"'' ~0.00 lo 30.00 J Q, 99 mt1y CO t 1MpW90f, 10 may co south coast pl111, sen dio90 fwy. et bristol, cost• mo .. ; 546-9321 shop mondoy through .. turdoy I 0 o.m. lo 9:30 p.m. • • ' ' ' Adoria nylon quilted dusten with embroidery are washable, Our own brand du11ert.. In new 1tyle1 and colort. Choo1e embroi dered tr im. In lime, apri- cot, blu•, melon. Si1e1 P-S..M-L Not 1how111 long rob. In the 1ome 1tyle, reg. 19.00 14.ff .... l •• OO 11 .99 may co robes end l°"'no-w-ar, 53 MAVCO I I 1 ·. cl A .. M fl .. al a: ( ] 1 ti .. " D th .. th dl b: in I] u m ll w .. So ,. H B .. ta fr 'I\ H t le " ill p m ., " .. of r ti SJ b: 'II cl I - .. Foani.in . ~ VaDey 'l'edaY'• F ...... N.Y. ·stoelU -\ VOC.,62, NO. '138, 3 SECTIONS, 31 PAGES EARlY RISERS -Edward Schweizer of Garden Grove, his wife Suzan and the couple's two children Edward Jr., 4, and Sally, 2, got up 'earJY this morning in hopes of seeing President Nixon at El Toro MCAS. They got more than they bargained for as President stopped . to chat with Schweizers, who carried sleepy children in their arms. Countians Cheer Nixon On ·Return to El· .. 'f.o·r.o--· 1J ARTHUR II. VINSEL Of' tlli ""' lti'lff St• Greeted br a medium-sized crowd in- cluding a little boy wav'rlg two tiny American Flags, the nation 's cbief ex- ecutive came home_ to Orange County Monday, en route back to the main or- fic~ President Nixon had nothing official to say durln1 lhe brief, commute,. stopover at El Toro MCAS, but shook a few bands after a formal welcome before heading Graduation Rites J!or Huntington, Marina Scheduled ' Hundreds or graduating seniors will don thelr scholarly caps and gowns Thursday during commencement cerem.onie! Rt all four Huntington Beach High School District campuses. . Graduation exercises begin at 7 1).m. 1n the Marina High School Amphitheater, with trustees R1chard B. Wilson and Mat- thew Weyuker scheduled to present the diplomas. Valedictory speeches will be delivered by.Qieryl C. Benard, Jacquelin A. 8!n- ingkln and Barbara S. Larsen. Senior opeaker wlll be ChrlstOpher T. Leland. Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr .. chancellor of UC Irvine •. will deliver the com· meib?ment address. · ' dererno'nies begin at 7 p.m. on the Welt.minster High School campus as wel.1. with eieiocists &laled for the athletic stadium. ~Ill ll"'sts will be Trust .. l!'!Y M. Sctuhitt-aod Scott Flanagan. assistant superinluldent of the HIUltin(too Beach Hip sdlocil Dislricl Aldreiies: will be· dellyered by Debbie . ~ valetOctorian, ancJ Moses Olao, aal&llator1an. Following their presen- tations I the . eoo memben of the crattua'unc ·class will receive diplomas fro111 Principal Ferren Christensen and Tr\Jllee Scbmltt. ~al guesU: of the Huntington Beach Jtigb School ceremonies, schedu\ed for I p.m. in Ute gymnasium. trill be Trustee Dr ~ "Joaepb Bmal and District Superln- le;,e;;; -Forney. ~-~ 'wlll ba ~ bT'Volodldorian Rlchm!W. Dtrtiy · Mel 'Slllulal«iln Krislil1e E. Dillon. P1 .... nlrn·ot the 580 dipkJmas will be' majli bl' Ori. ,omoy ond Rlbal. F .... Vlillfl' HJ&b'Scbool lfadUIUOll .., -for 7 ~.m. Ill Ille ll!l'l'lllllluler and • will Include 1peetbes oo "'""' O>alleOse of 'redly"' .,, Stevt Bnerly, Brenda l'illmln llld Vltgtnl1 Wtloon. "A PhOooopll)< of SurvlYll" will be the Utle o I lllOU>or llddrus by Senior Si>f<lker Ru 1'owltr. Olplotnis 1te IChedultd to be presented by Dr. -Fulbntr, w!ltanl d15trfct '11jpminteodtnt and John J . Bentle.y, chairman of IJle.boanf•of tniNu. " ;or San Clemente. The Nixon.party left for Washington ar 8:40 a.m. tod1y, aft.er a last-minute chat with a family who came to catch a glimpse. "There !t Is," someone shouted Monday as Air Force One silently appeared in the distance over the rolling bills of the Orange Coast, trailing a smudge of jet e1haust. The big ship touched down on the north· south runway nearly one hour past her original 5:30 p.m. arrival time and taxied to a halt on :he apron before the crowd of several hundre<i. Brig, Gen. Henry W. Hise, who took command vf the sprawling installation only hours after President Nixon passed lhrough last Wednesday, greeted I.he First Family with aides, his y.'ift ,Mary , and three o~ their six children. · Moments &ft.er the fronl door of the big jet opened, President Nixon stepped ont with a wave to be seen· often in Oran~e County, then was joinffi by his wile Pat Together, lh'y !lcpped down to the runway, followed by daughter Tricia, then Julie ancl David Ei~enhower. "Which one's married to t i1 e Eisenhower kid an~l what's th~ other one's name?'' asked a reporter obviou'ily dispatched to cover an unfamillir beat. Geq. Hise introducPd his family to thr, Nixons, including daughters Reeny, 28, and Lissa. 19, who had seemed fidgety with suspe~ tarller1 but graciously in· trodu<fd lG-year-old Judy Mb< to lhe'r important visitors. r They ""' l<COmJ.,nf<d by Ma~ ·G.n. Arthur H. '.Adams( wbo*ps dOwn Frlday as .C<inmlnder o( Ille Third~ Air Wing, for a·;ie\v Korea duty· 1811gnr00it. Scarcely' enough tir elapsld betwetn arrival an<f departure to niemoriie a person's Im. name, .but .the President ~ brj.sJtly to a reipe cordon keeping back spect.ators to nieet fellow· Qranje Countians. .: The tn1blic was inv!tcd to see the Presi- dent arrive home from war-and-peace Ii!« PRESIDEl'!l', P11e Ii . H untington Plans $2 Rabies Clinic A ·$2 rabies clinic sponsored bJ the North Huntington Beach Rotary Club will be held from 7 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Tbur1- day, at the rn stat.ton on the comer of Springdale Street and Heil AVentie. One~ will provide protecllob fbr two ywo. Coot -per dOf Ir II. · Rollzy Pmldent Jock' Hovick said the .June O<rles of. nbl& clllllcs will be the 1111.cha-~lnPio -~ """"" cu 111., tllilr pou~ ar.fhe,lor price. NEW VOit": (AP) -1be 1tock market closed with a smalf toP In moderate tr1din1 today. (Set quotitlons, Pagu IG-11), - > I ED l1l.I O.N ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • ' JUESDA Y, JUNE ·1 O, 1969 · J , ~ TEN CENTS . ' Pentagon Drops Douglas $3 Billion MOL Contract · . • _ Rising Costs Evans Sailors Back Home Bl · d .. 'Ghastly' Se a Collis ion K illing 74 Americans Told A jetliner corrylng 113 N1vymen wbo slept or worked 1 week ago u tbe USS Frank E. Evans steamed into h3nn'J Jerome H. King. evasive 1ct1on, unlil all bands were .Weno there difficulties belore the ordered to collJston posts. Ev.:!n.s WU bil? "She went down IO fut It WIS obvbu rune · m Project, Cut "I prtfer not to amwer," A<tm. Crabb a large number of people were aboard way Ian~~ ln Long Beach ~onday for • replied. her," the Australian naval l>.ffletr said: Th.! Pentagon today canceled lta ·f3 joyous, but sober rtunion with lov cnes. He said a messenger awakened him To others who landed in Long Beach at billion Air Force M•nned Orbital The dramatic tale of '-~w crewmen of th:-ee minutes before tt South China Sea 3:55 .p.m. Monday after 1 t.f.hour Olght Laboratory (MOL) project hea~ the Australian aircraft carrier KMAS tragedy to say the Melbourne and .the from Sublc Point Naval Mt Station, tbe at the McDopne'J:1·Dou'a~ Spece .S)llf.eml Melbourr ~ helpJ·-~··· \:t.tc!' :d the :'n· Evans were on colllalon course and be memory Ls less clear or oooe remaim at Center in Huntington Beach. pending collisk>n that tilled 74 Yant rusl'>"~ to the flag bridge. all. Steadily incrtaalng In COit , over tbli: Dazzling moonlight. rmde it so clear Gunner's Mate Rene 3tone, ZZ, of origtnal $2 bllilon atimate, the U:.S. : · ~ ab> began to 1 .. "old in a hearing aoother ship wu easily IND 2.000 yards Aaderson, ~.C., w.u. l§leep when he sud-defeue-oriented MOL project wu ICnJb. the same day. • away,~ teStifi~ but the E.,am: mah>-dto1y flew acrou the -.room from bis bed after $1 .3 ·btWon bid already been "It was a ghastly sight," Aid tained etMJNe u · fhe MelbOume t r ·i e d (See EVANS, P• ll \ spent oo.~e job. Australia~ Fleet CommMder Adm. GJ.B. Crabb, awakened three minutes Questions as to the fate of MOL-a- belore to watcli •• Ille Melbourn• crash-Strike Forbidden !~81T:! ~ oms:c:b '::'= ed through the doomed Evans Uke a are aUll' <lpen today, but the Atf', For.ce hatchet throogh a tin toy. so far refused to oay ju.st bow . ....,. jabl One of those who went to ,the bottom c I • • K will be lffec~ · was Boller Tender 3/C Lawrerice J. ourt n1 unctwn eeps McDormell·Douglu WU one~ COD>-Reilly Jr., 21, whose father, Chief Gun-. tractor 00 the l)lllem e1gmc1 lo artill ner'a Mate Lawrence J, Reilly Sr., ~. two men in a 30,000..ioo. 71-f~ or 2334 Minuteman Way, Costa Mesa, .nacecraft for 30 days at a stM.cb. was saved. ' ... ,. A joint investigaUon by American and B h T he J b 'Ibe other la General Electric.. at ·HI Australlan ,··;al authorities adjourned eac eac rs on 0 Pennsylvania plan~ •cconliDc to LmJ Monday at Sublc Bay, the Fhillpplnes, Vllsl<y, -I director· of ufenll! resuming today in ::ngapore, where th,e relations for ·McQonoell-O;puglaa ip llUD- M!lboume·1s undergr.;ing co1lialoo repal:s. , · . tlngton.Beecb. -~onday'a testimony · fea~\ired Adm. TQ:cbertw~·~t·l&cl~~ay at Prtsldent Carl Manemrinn, ne1oUat1t11 "We· can't make a statement about\tbe Cra""· who revealed 'the :a,soo-ton , all ~our-H . tmlf.oR ~~h District Hlgb c~:.,r-11 chab:m~n Ray ~l?F ~oil oth~ effect' on the ·ecooomtc or ~ ~~llll!!l(d a • · _ oc: !i, · -*ke•W~ "~fl~ p-••"111)!\lil., ol!(~l!9" J>e<auae,.. ii, ... •1 ~lo =et?.!•· ''.l"!~~lh911111..o. ~. -t!>oY i--i--< ~· . ,.,.-.. lnclljdlng ti"1 I!-.. ~~! 1!':....~~:~. al)er m• .... m ~ · Supofio<;Courimtr,jptforbld d lnf ~~ger, Allin. ~1 Zd ,A'-fot 1111 project llliudJ WIS "Aiitllior p ..... )rllbin IO feet-f .... ,._... Wiil'llopplfil. '· ....,,.,,.., --. . .-. nioifn;. -~ Iii Vaadeilberf AJ'B 10 1 .. t -of Ille Melbain>e In the url1 '"'' .-....., lnJunctlon Wll l,..i Roboit'de Luca; 1'l>b ~ """·Dldt neu Sula Morla.· morniaC of Moy 31," the Auale Deel !alt Moadty allemooo by Superior Jud(e 1>1wc17, ' Deputy ~ ~ D a YI d chlef said dW"lnc the heari~g. ~. Samuel Pfebe:n. It s~ally forbids In addiUon the complalnt u..u 10 John Pickard, announdDI tbe NIDceJ!atioa 1t He did not identify the ahip Which near· the Dl5trld Educators A 1 1 o c I a. t I on Dee a9oclat1ons nd eoO ·John Doi tn-a quietly called · newa conference, a- ly took Ille Evana' place In naval history, (DEA) ud Its '10 momben lrom "atri);· . 1 , plalnecl 1ba1 Peatqoo offlcla1o ""1Cluded t>·•t Jr'"'-·1 sOurces •~.'.d It w11 the USS ing or caWng or · 1uc111Jt' a llrii:e or wort divlduaJI. the MOL't: po&entialraocaoipllahm.a!a did Everett F. Lanon, bomtporte<: like tbe stoppage tft the nature of 1 strike." DEA P re a I d e n t M~ann. · who not WatrJJ;'lt contlnuaUoo when wtJgbld Evans In Long Beach. In lddJtion a heartni baa been achecl.JI· resumed hia teaching du~ea ·~ Malina a1aiftlt other defeme needs. Commun I cation• among stups ed June ti befc« .Judge Claudi Owens, HJgh School today, could not; be rucbed He: said latest ·estima~ JncD~ ~ participating In the wbsequent reacµe duii-:g 'whfch the ' o'EA will be aaktd t.o for comment project would COit $3 bllllon U ,earned to operation which saved 200 Evl\nl show cause why a ~anent injunction COURT ACl'ION . , compldlon -fl bllUon more ~ t1Jt crewmen were excellent, Adm. Crabb s~· -··Id not be bsued. The court action is spectflcally Jev,eled original estimate of SI bUlion.· ·. . told the board headed by U.S. Rear Adm. The DEA will also be asked to answer against Mond.ay.'1 teacher walk-<JUt and I A cdmblnaUon of 'technical dif6cul• h I ...• ....1 • 'th th I te·-•--•Ued minimum •·• May 29 ana I rtduction of funds already bad c arges o tthe11u1n1 w1 e regu Jr ~·--\HIJ' • forced a delay in uie furl MOL launch ~h~uJ.e," of "coercing a n d Jn· Delpit"! Monday 's walk~l which in-schedule -1rom 1111 . to im ·Packard Council Studies $12 Million t1m1daUng'' action, of ••ca u 1 t n g volved 292. of the district's 497 teaCher1 polnt.ed• out • dangerOWI and· somett,nes chaotic situa-a~nling t.o .administration aources, The MOL.was t.o be lO reet in diameter lions at . the 3Cbools" .~nd or "~sting classes were held a~ the HunUngton cotisilttng of twin modules -one ·• unauthonzed schedules. Beach, Marina, Westminster and Foun-laboratory . .and. the other COntalniDg other lain Valley ci.mpuses. experimental equlprilent 1be planned COMPLAINT FILED SubsUlute t&::hers, admir.istraton: ,and launch vehicle wai the 1'1tan In _..1......1., Ci ty Expend itures The complaint was flied ·by Deputy counselors helped in supervising the • ........ ~ County Counsel Willl1m J. McCourt for 12,000 students who were on a minimum Fourteen pllots -11 Alr Force, two the school dlatrict, which has been day scbedule. from the Navy and one from the ~ plagued by · .I teacher dowdown over a Onl , st d t ... ~ I 'd Is Corps -have been in traininc for the Finance matters took top priority in a special meeting Monday night of the Hun· tington Beach City Council ~hen coun· cilmen found themselves mulling over the best way to spend some fl2 million. . salary dispute on two occ8lion.s since Y ~or u en ..::a~ 00 en MOL project. They are now 1valla!Jle for M, .. Z9. troubled two of the camptlffs Monday. other asaignmenl!. Reports of toih:t paper littered on the Original I lied f f It also Includes charges that the 1 Fc"italn V1Uey JUgh School grounds and P 81111 ca or our 30-dly The first f6 million -almost cash 1n hand -is for a parks system. Coun- cilme n hired the finn of Stone and Youngberg of San Francisco to handle: the details of a bond sale proposal to ob- talll the money authorized by lhe voters MOL Dighta: in the flrrt year. teacher actions "resu~ In a lack or a girl injured by a rlreciacker at Hun· Packard said in explanaUon of tht supervision QI large numbers of tington Beach High School were turned in caucellaUon: "In order to reduct tl\t students'' and provocation of a situation by principals. d f arch d &! I t ... ..._. whereby the district could lose ".4 There was more trouble at e ~ rese an · ve opmen ..._...., .., signulcant.ly, it wu neceasarY to Cul million In state funds through the loss of Wes· '-:11ter HJ1h School, where students baci drastically on numeroua small ~ school days. littered the grounds l\ Ith toilet tissue and grams or to. terminlie one of the tarief~ Named in the complaint were DEA (See TEACHERS, Pap ii most costly undertaklngi.'' on June 3. A nport is due at the ne:a:t council meeting on melDI to sell the bonds. Councilmen also Instructed the recreation and park department to 11n1pfy the names of three top land8cape ardlltecls who will oversee the )ob of converting thll $6 million to a system of parks. _,._ _,._ .A. ..A. A A Packard said the cancellaUon would >< >< '"' >< >< >< sava 11.5 bllllon !nm the bud(ets· for T h . s ek R 1 • · fiscal yean 1,,0-thn>ulh 1974, but ooly . eac ers e estrammg "if~~'"!l'::!t°:':::r·m1111 .. requtsl<d In the proposed budiel """ . . . befor..<:ongnu would.be needed to pay Recrtalion commisllionen have: Jn- terviewed seven I~ archlteetl and are """"1ed this wedltod to tour .....,.1 soulhlllld parks to ,.. wbat ldDd of work 0 d Bl k P Seal bills already Incurred ud "fonormlna-r ·er to · oc ~Y. · e u"'.:!'~'t~~~~Alr the landscape udritects c1o: . --'-·-~-On that committee a,. Recrt1Uon Tacllen of the HuntlngWn Dtacb High Valley High ~boot, 70 ot W"""""'"'" Commiuioo Chairman Tom Cooper: School ·District wbo stayed IWlJ from High Sc:bool ond !II 1t \funllnitoa, • ~ Commllsloner Ron Bauer; Commiulon-cla&ll!:I ·Monday to conduct" "peraonal W,h SchooJ choosing to be abaent. . er·Lee M01teller; Councilman Don Ship-business" are now Pft'J>4fed to seek a Manemann said the ..__.. We ·uied I nd J M tne Cit~ Admtnh:tra-restraining «der to prevent the bolrd ..... ,"""'. ey a erry a y,. of•-·~-from 1d~tlng 1•-salary. "as· a me1lns of •etUnf ..;1buc attention tor Doyle Miller; City ngineer Bill "'--...... 1o11 • .,.. Han'ge and Director or Receratlon and scheduler ~ ' on the achoola and to make ·the public Parks Norm Worthy. Accorting to Carl Manemann, prest· aware. that the local commwilty 11 not The second $6 mHlion is for a civic dent af tlie. 430-member DI 1 tr i ct makfo& Jta ta1 effort. , .- center. Unlike the parks spending plan, Educators AisociaUon (DEA), a move is ".It was 1lso tn prOtest against tht uu'er councilmen as yet ha ve no Idea whe:~ now qnder way to, obtain the ordei by disregard of the boafd for us," be: added, th is money Is coming rrom. Counclbnen 7:30 .. r.ni, tonight 'before the trustees refeJTing to I 1peclal board of uua:tees set June "3 1t 7:30 'p.m. for 1 1peci1l could aet the schedule during lb regular mee:Ung Saturday in which the· DEA'• meeting wllh newly hued architect Kurt 00..iness JT';~ting. latest salary propoal wu Ill.UT turned Meyer, who waa named Jut. week \o Should lhty fail lo obtain It, it means down. • design the new dvic eeoter. that the fiabt ls ovtr and that the DEA memben met 1t nooc MondaJ Att.ending the meetfni: will be ~n-tea.chm wuI,)'lave to lake the 4 perceot and ·1oted unanlmou.!lly to go bact to taUVft of the WllHom J. Moron , Co salary lncrwe the boald lw olfered ~ t<>!laY lpd tlie 1-.t 'al !be .i'ecir, bulldtn of !be Costa llaa QYlc Celit.T u-,. with Ille poaibllltr ol a two percent They will lllto ult' Ille ailnWllstl'tlloo to ,,.; the HUllUnlton P1idfle ~ -kl !be fall i,;,,. 11111iud1etec! !i!Jiils. reochedult, Monday'o llilal <WNnall<il. on tho beacll near tbt·Huntqlilli ~· ! l!Wie board .eta. .. _.-bllahln('lho ' lo Tbunda;•.. • -- Pier ' ' I ' .. laty' ICheduJe Ille teochtrf wftl Wll D•-'-•"-'Ion' of~ -•·-· l)e(ale-~ ~ uld • .ow. '""' ... \ tnlmll,:iolo·sU,llG"""'•lly,d~· byo;;·~· ... ~u;;:.:..ri!. '-.m111t Ille Wt-JlllJ IO ~ th'I OO'<luol-·Up untll _-ltlij ba10 contlnu< lhtlo quest for mon poy centtr llld cumntly .,.. dliitMlilll ~' Hke, for• ta•• of lf.91111 to llJ,IGll.plus lhnlbgh th esummer months, ""'"""· poalblllty ol a joint !'Oft" ~I various employe benefits. no · di!lnllt p{1111 have been !Mnblillod with Ille COWlly, ... perhaJll ·-ochool Attordlq to ngun1 rtltaoed' bJ the yet. • dlstrlcl or 1 non-profit COftlOl'lllldn. EaCh DEA, DI 1e11Chert of 1111 diotrlcl'1 "11 Said M1nemann, "In Ille heat at 1111 could ISMte boOOI to rai.se U\e~y W ,l•~ult, .membdt part•<::Jpa:ed In Mon. moment;, we would ·r~ther not JO off al build Ille II mltl loo <Mc: eenlit1 Repoy· doy'1 boycott. • tl\e dtep end. We wont to think !hi; lhlna ment ol the bonds would bf bom !be ' . Al Mll'lnl Hlah School; 11 teocllen left lh....,i.. We want to bl dellbr·te .o.at generel propert,y tu mt. ..., •JI thelr clulrooml with .'1$ at 'huntiin Jt. ". ' ' , , , , . lo - ». 0r .. ,. Wea"'81' t the morning cloud• ahoul~ part learty on Wedneslflr to llllow a· m011lly IUMY 'dq-on tbf: coast. with lemperatura-ln ~·the -cl).71 range. INSW E TODAY ' l 2 DAn.Y PILOT H • Threat To Supervisor Sunset Beach S~nd Bri~gs Re,~Jl c~'f..alk By WIWAM REED Of .... OlllW r1i.t Iliff TroublU in Ute tiny community 01 Suneec. Beach took oo a new dimension lodaY with the threet of a reeaJJ action against Second District County Supel"- Vi.sor David L. Baker over the fate of a milt long !1rlP. ol nod belonginlj (o tbe Soulhem Pacific Railn>ld Company. ~..,..,.. llOll! lhls morning 14 Super· visor Baker to . .area newspapers, the state atome) general lnd to the cwnty disirid attornes by E . A. r:rant. 1851 Paclftc Coast Highway, r• ~1 Bak.er for the supervisor's aJl . lack or action on the railroad str: . "Your COnstituents hr . you haft the building cf alq tbe Pacific Electric 1 in Sun.w:c Beadt. , ues1ed ,en ts ; \ray "You bave i&n<ftid ·these c~ .....•• i;s ...i thrir petitions. You have allowed builders to start construction. "I assure you recall action Is already instituted,'' asserted Grant's telegram. Baker and Grant were unavailable for comment this morning. 1be problems -of the tiny strip or homes along the ocean and Pacific ~ Hiahway have be en much dis- cussed of late with the county Board ol Supervisors and the City of Hunting- ton Beach each considering what migflt be done with the strip of land vacated by the Southern Pacific Railroad. Residents of the area want the strip converted to beach parking. The rail.road company wants to build apartment,, on the strip and has em- plo)'td a Beverly Hills firm_, Carlton Builden, to get the requirea building pernllt.s from the county. Urges Private Study Newport Policewoman: Sex Belongs at Home By THOMAS FORTUNE Of IM o.ur l"llM lletf Celeste Saunders, Newport Beach policewoman, thinks sex education should be a RriVi.te matter, not something diScussed openly between boys and girls in the classroom. Sbe says sex education belongs ln the hoine. Jf 'jt must be taught in school, she want.I the sexes separ~ for modesty and the approach low key .-starting perhaps with children watching rabbits bdng born. Mrs.. Saunders presented her views Monday to members of a Newport Harbor Chamber of Comm<rce com- mittee looliing into the feasibility of a school ses: education program. In urging a keep-it-private, go-tlow ap. proach to sex educaUon Mr!. Saunders aligns herself in opposjtion to the frank , d~ boy-girl exchange of sex opinion practiced" in Anaheim High School Diatrict. Y ~t pfoponents of such sex educaUon progrims cannot accuse her of being naive about teenagers' sex curiosity. Mn-Samiderl primary llligmnenl with Nowporl Beach potico for 10 yean has been bmlstl&ation of .es: crimu. CREATES BOND .. I •. myaell, as a )>Olice offlctr wpu!d rather .see this sex education atrJctly 1n the ~e~" she said. "'I found a beart·to- heart talk created a bond between my daughter and mystlf." "I would go along With you in saying the~ for it is in the home," said Rev. PhiliP ·Murray, of the chamber coin- mittee. "But the heck of lt is the home doesn't do it in 95 percent of tbe cases." ''1bill is the pity," eaid Mrs. SaundeMI. ••n.e drop out rate (,{ pregnant hlgh schoo1 girls. The venereal disease rate. It's frightening ." But Mrs. Saunders Is cauUous about saying school sex education is lhe answer. "If it is taught it should be biology and anatomy taught by a professional," she said. '"nlere are good and bad educators. A tiny minority across the country are arWit.ed for deviallon. I would be very uncomfortable having a tea~her who just picked up a textbook teaching · my .. ,,._ .. c.~~ .. GOOD BACKGROUND She was asked what she meant by a professional. "Someooe with a great deal of background In child psychology," she said. "Someone aware of the hang-ups .of this group, who can present the matenal comfortably." She said she d~n't mean it as a slam at the coaches or physical education teachers who now privately answzr .students' questions to lessen anxiety, but DAILY PILOT 01.ANGE CCII.ST P'Vlll.1$HING COM!',t,NV Robtri N. W11d Pr.Iden! i ncl l'ubtlthtr J•elc R. c .. .i.7 Vitt Preslllenl tl'ld Gtner1 Ma~a;tr Thorn11 K11vil IGl!or Thom•t A. Murphi~• M.tl'IH111t Edi~ >Jffrf W. l1ttt Wi11ilM R1t4 AUIOC:ltft H\llltklt'IOll hl<ll l!dllw City EdllOr H•9'fltlMR9"cflOffhe J09 fith Strt1t M11ll11t ~,.. .. , ,,0. lo• 7'0, '12641 "*' °""" .,...,.,. 1..01 ttll Wnt fl1n»1 h\Jltvtre (Ol!I Mui: U0 W"t 81¥ $tr"I L .. Ul'll •tKll: 22' F8"111 A~!~1111 , she does not think they are particularly well qualified. Chamber committeeman T h o m a s Garver suggested that if the program were started at an early enough age it could overcome embarras.!lment. He 5aid he thought youngsters might react, "Yes, he's being told and she's being told, but they don't want us to gee each other." Mrs. Saunders said she· had never heard ot.students running out and asking each other what they learned from the coaches. "I think they would accept the fact they are getting equal education, but separated for modesty." PARENTS OBJECJ' She said she thought pare!'Jt.!I wou1d ob- ject to the program less if boys and girls were taught separately. Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, comm It tee chairman, said boy-girl discussion or se1. might be a lessening advantage . "Stude.nts might come to have less respect for sei instead of more," be said. Arthur Guy asked ·u she was referring to the Anaheim School District when she made reference to salacious content of sex classes. "Yes, I am," she said. "I don't think sex education 1hould delve into It," She said any program should be aimed at the normal youngster • "The aophbtkated, unprotected child iJ going to learn by his own devices at a much earlier age," she said. "Some girls expe riences go back to a tender age you wouldn't believe .•. well, 12 or 13. This is because Of an emotionally deprived situa- tion in lhe home.'' GARBAGE INSTRUCTION She said ln her own uperience u police sex investigator on1y three cases stand out where youngsters might havt resorted to deviate behavior becauss their only sex education was .. garbage can instruction" from their peers. "But the peeping Toms, indecent ex- posers, those who make lewd telephone calls also usually have records like malicious mischief, car tampering or burglary in thelr background. It is the result of bad family stabilization . "J've talked to other investigators where the child acted out the sex act out of curiosity because he had Ses: educa· tion," she said. "I'm trying to be as fair in presenting this as l can because I've kept DO statistics." From Page l MOL PROGRAM Force unmanned space programs." In reply to questions, P a c k a r d e~timated that $75 rilillion would go for contract termination costs and $225 million to complete projects useful in un- manned space programs. The MOL program was conceived in 1963 and approvtd in 1965. The objecllve was Ui orbit In space a 30,000 pound, 72- foot Jong manned laboratory with a two- man cre1~·. The laboratory was to be pressurized so that the.crew could live In shirt-sleeve environment for as long as 30 days. Packard pointed out that technical dlf· firulties and a reduction in' funds previously had dtlayed Ibo scheduled launch of the flrst MOL from 1969 to 1972. He Aid tbe c!tlays ln<:rused the estimated cost of the program from $2 billion 14 $S billion. Meanwhlle, he sald, the Pentagon has ••accumulated much experience in un- manned satellite systems for !UCh purposes as research, communications, navigation and . meteorology'' and has ''profited" from civilian space activities. Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans Jr. expr.essed disappointment at P.10L cancellation but said "lhe Air Force will do its best to carry out the tenninatlon in st:ch 1 way aa to derive mulmum benefit from the sctenUfic a n d i.dinolOllcaf ""'"'"" tnllde 14 date." Gold Prices Soar PAR1S (UPI) -Gold prices shot upward tooay on the European money markets rollolfing rises in U.S. prime in· terest ratts. With new jitters gripping the world markets, the price of g1.1ld rose from fU.$3 t.o f4S.61 an ounce on the PariJ market. A gold ingot (2.2 )Xlunds) rose to •t,4~9. up $67 over the Monday price. Hunimitoo ilelda wll!ll io _..;... the area to 1he city. C.OUncllmen have qr. dered a study of what the city Parking Authority might be able to do to solve the problem. Residents of the beach comm11nit)' maintain that they already are short of parking space and that adding buildings will only make the probJt:m worse. They have AJ.>plled to Huntj:n'gton Beach for anne1.ation action on the coodtUon ~t the city ls willing to aid In solving the problem. County supervisors are considering "'hat steps the county might take t() acquire the strip, but both the city and county appear without funds to buy the land. The strip Is zoned for apartments and the construction company 'has obtained building permits for an apartment de- velopment as permitted by law. From Poge 1 PRESIDENT. • • talks with Vietnam~.ie President Nguyen Van Thieu, while hi'JO arrival June 4 was limited to Marine personnel a 11 d dependents. Based onw hat informed sources say about his feelings C1n the Vietnam sltua · lion, President Nixon seemed to single out those whose future hope of not fighting such a war seems greatest. David Piper, 3, of auena Park, had a runny nose from the cool breeze which sent threatening clo J'ls scooting over th~ rugged mountains t.o the east and seemed nonchalant alter meeting the President. His father Bob. however. was im- pressed with the historic incident -In Piper family terinS -and was particularly pleased lbat his wife and all four sons were there. "We drove like crazy to get down here after hearing th~ public was invited 30 minute.s ago and kuowing it would take 20 minutes just for the trip," said Piper. How did the Piper boys like meeting the President? "Pretty good," said Ronnie, 8, "but why are you writing all that stuff down?'' The First Family 1"IS standing in the slightly awkward 1\'ell·are-we-ready? lim- bo th at accompanies off i c i a I ap- pearances, BO President Nixon ushered them to one of three waiting helicopters. RIGHT TURN Newly-designated Marine Corps Helicopter One, the turbojet chopper wheeled into a right turn facing the bystanders and the rotor bl&des roared as she moved down the asphalt strip. Seated in the big central, bay window · section, the President wu still waving to those )who could see through &lie eye- waterfng rotorwasb or the s w i l t helicopter. Earlier, the three choppers which would carry the N!xons, aides and Wtiite House Press correspondents had made the dry run round-trip flight to San Clemente to warm up for the real thing. fi.1issing the Nlxons' Monday night ar~ riva l, secuclUes dealer E d.w.a rd Schweizer, Of 10692 Keel Ave., Garden Grovt, brought Ed Jr., 4, and Sally, 2, to see the President off. The First Family was about to board Air Force One when Mrs. Nixon spotted the hopeful Schwelzers and they paused for a few friendly words. From Page l EVANS .•. rack, hit a bulkhead and later found himself aboard the Melbourne. "The men ol the Melbourne were the greatest I've ever seen," s a Id Sione. "Lhey gave me clothes and shoes and they gave us beer to help us sleep." Every Evans survivor lost a buddy. "We were all good friends ," he said, "on a boat 345 feet long, you've got to be good friends. The ramming made the rest of us closer." Gunner's Mate 3.C Leo Huff, of Denver, Ohio, said he had just gotten off watch and wa s amidships at the collision point when he saw the black bulk uf the Melbourne looming up like a shadow. "He'!: be glad to get out," said Huff's awit, Mrs . C. W. Sumner, of Ontario, ex- plaining that her nephew ls due for discharge next month. S-Ome of the greetings were tearful, some were subdued, but one ·was torrid and intense enough to drown the. stark memory of six days earlier. . Boller Tender 3-C Robert Crow, ot Nokomis, Ill ., could just 11s easily have been on duty at the spot where BT 3·C P.eUly-was when he and the other hands in the forward section died. Crow and h1' Long Beach sweetheart, AMa Klmif, 18, stood at the airport Monday In a passionate embrace-a!I passersby stared with understanding-and perhaps a little envy. He was asked his reaction to the tragedy as the young lovers paused to breathe. "What collision~." he murmured dreamily. Food Clerks Extend Picketing in LA LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The Retail Clerks Union, Local T70, today began u · tending ii.I picketing opttaUons to ln- dependenl warehouses alter negoUaUons in the l~ay-old food market strike- lockoul broke down Monday. Local spoke8man Joseph T. Desilva t.ald the talks, being held under the auspices of the federal mediation service, ,_.·ere brokfll oH becauee Robert K. Fox, president of the Food Employers Counci1, took a dU!ertnt stand Monday than 'the one he held when Ult ta1U receued Sun- dal nlghl DAILY l"ILOT 1'11119 loy RVlll N~ HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS WAIT FOR START OF MEETING OUTSIDE LOCAL THEATER Movia . House Owner Maintains Neutr•lity es Huntington P•y Dl1p1i1te Heats Up Lawyers Have Next Say In School-home Hassle Legal minds will take the next selps in the running feud between Mrs. James Brown, 9'165 La Arena St., Fountain Valley. and the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Mrs, Brown has complained to the district for the past year about baseballs, soccer balls and other objects flying .into her yard £ro.m neighboring Fountain Valley High School. Last week a baseball took a beeline from tbe school yard dirl'Ctly to the bedroom window ot the Mrs. Brown's hou~. splattering glass over her sleeping husband. ''If they'd just put a high fence by the homes that border on the school that would solve the problem," says l\1rs. Brown. But now it appears the matter will have to be settled in court. Dr. Max Forney, district superin- tendent, said today the matter is in the hands of the district's insurance company and their lawyers, ''and we plan to take no action except on their advice." In just a few shor1 wuks you, ,oo, c1n lose IS-20-25 p0t1nds 1nd be prot1d of the WIY you look. l1diM, yot1'll be weiring 1h1 new fi9;t1re-reve1ling fe ll f1shions with pride ind confidence. And, Men, !he new leilor-shaped st1its will look greet on Y<lll-Onte you've rediicovered yol/r w•ISI. Don't pt11 ii off-teke ii off I Ac! now, for spect•I row redt1ced rites dt1rir1Q Holiday Nellontl fitnm Monlh. INCOMPARABLE FACILITIES • Flnnlsh ... S.on.1 ·-• Whl~poof .. "" • Eltctronk Mauage • Comllrionlnt fdltle1 • Florida 5"9 Tan • Swt11 FICW Machines SIPAIATI fACILITll! 'Olt MIN & WOMIN OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ·-· SWW&RIM NIAL'" ll'AI I HUNTINGTON BEA CH 1'~\ M ~•~ "' ~!A \fl 04 1 1451 Ii ANAHEIM • ~10 ~ ~l A U., ~IV•~ . , .. 820 -0381 Ill COSTA Mr -.A . ' ' . . . .. S 4Q . 1 l 6 R I \ OR ANGIE ··~ t •' f,lr AY' l).JQ.2441 10 'TIL 10 ~ .................. I From Pagel .TEAOIERS ••• set 15 trash cans on fire throughout the , day. "We had a most difficult time," said Westminster Principal Ferren Chris- tensen, "it wasn't pleasant. In fact, ii was like a miniature Vietnam." All was quiet and orderly on the Marina High School car.1pus, aceording to Principal Glenn Dysinger. According to the latest inlonnation, the teachers have not yet accepted the final district wage proposal which offered a 4 percent salary increase with the possibili- ty of a 2 percent boost from unbudgeted money, as well as health benefits. However acceptance could be made public during the regular business , meeting of the board of trustees which iJ scheduled for '1:30 p.m. tonight. JUNE IS NATIONAL FITNESS MONTH fllll I'll&! FIED ExclusJ" Fettur. ,.,..1 C r.o up Slimnastics • n d Sw1m~as1ics lo music • No lime limit on . . your VISlfS • No appo· 1ntm~nt ".~~,., • Separ1te t._ c1lrt res for men • Stpa facilities .fm wtrnen • ;''' QIJtlt privileges • Unlitn;re: ed hoo11-<1nfimitecf ...... , ... 1,_1 -1• 111f1 rou11s & OEMONSfltArlONS AV AILAllE l>All r Ar All LOCATIONS ; ' - • I I I ] ] w fo !l. jo Tl t• "' of Ft ·~ plo • Ill tio dlt de Ju Un nu OV• , "" lhl p.r Au •• 1 ·wil ol 'eqt ! Cle Ca J,yi Do c Cal Mil s .Sta Lil 8aJ Ma Let B Hu teat w!U on I w .rich cit!< .... w1t1 ,trot Ht -~ n \aun ... ' date ··"' -1rar Stni I -- .. Lagu~a Bea~h • • • ED1'1:1C1N • N.Y. Steeb VOi;,_ "62, NO. "138, 3 SECTIONS, ~I PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAi.IFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE I 0, 1969!. TEN CENTS • Honeymoon Over -. for Legal ·Meter . -Feeding By RIOWID NALL The honeymoon's about over. The moratorlwn on legal meter feedi.ig for dOwntown Laguna Beach parkers is nearing tbe end of the string. 'lbe city expects to receive and begin lnatalllni its new meter heads downtown this weei, about 300 or them. This meW:· -Thal.the co&t or parkln~ doubles to 10 • cents an ho!ir: -naj °"I'° who park for.more than two ~ In two.hour &paces get a ticket that cosll $1 U paid promptly. -A new ticket may be given for each additional two hours of violation.. Tickets can atack'·up on the windshield. -Shoppers will receive a haH-hour free parking fot .each token they receive from ' ~ IXOll Down the Mission Trail Niguel District Reservoir Set MISSION VIEJO -The Moulton-Niguel Water District has awarded a contract for the El Dorado Water Storage Reservoir to serve northern Mission Vie- jo and be located near Alicia and Trabuco Parkways. The, accepted low bid for the more than lwo-millloo-galkin reservoir and pipe in>in WU $Z11,1115 rr.., Teymedi Corp. Of Santa Ana. Completion is 'scheduled in F ... arylflt. 1be M.arguerltt Reserroir . under eon· atrudloo neor Saddleback is to· Iii C'llfb. pleted In Augu>I. e FU-•• Plan Set SAN CLEMENTE -San Clemente High School will host a &ummer recrea· tion program designed for physical con· dltioning, competitive games and athletic develapment skills. ' The program, which will get under way June 11, will be olfered to all Capistrano Unified School District. teen and adult males who wi.sb-to improve their level of overall physical fitness. 11Je gymnasium and physical fitness •re& will be.,.open from 1·1 p.m. Monday through Thunday and Friday from 1-5:30 p.m. The program will contlnue lbrough Auiust %7. e Male Cheerleaders MISSION VIEJO -Two male students ·will be sum>unded by 10 distaff ~mbers of the Saddleback Collegt cheerleading lquRds next year. Sophomores Charles Rawn o( San Clemente and Lou Pellor of San Juan Capbtrano will join veteran cheerleaders Lyme Broyles of San Clemente and Pam Downs of. Tustin. Other co-ect cheerleaders are Pat Cssella, a sophomore from El Toro, and Miche11e Foster, a freshman from Tustin. Songleaden for 1969-70 include: Terri Staffieii of Tustin and Sharon Addis of Lquna Niguel, both second year leaders; Barb Trapp and Leslie Mowers of Tustin : M.mreen .Demen of Misal.on Viejo and Leno Deszcz ol El Toro. Hospital Sets Fund Campaign A $500,000 fund drive will be launched by South Coast Community Hospital tn hopes that upansion constructiOR ca• start shortly after the first of the year. Board President John Weld said Coft- strudion st.art, originally sc~eduled for June 1, has been delayed principally by Jack of funds. The planned expansion of the 174-bed facility is to include addition of 126 beds and the .supporting ancillary services. Weld said, "Our upan.sion fund drive IU!·Yea( !alied)o ~the II m1IBon in private fund,, we fteed to qualify for feflrat aid under tbe ~mu:Ha~ Act, ~ &he sharp atrtallment l•Jl year in Miit liilladilil IJllb en the stale and fedlnl le.el midi govunmeot money unavailable in any event. ••So, even though the iteadily growing patient load is taxing our facilities beyond capacity, we had to postpone the buUding program." Weld said the hospital aulhoritles hope to qualify for a $2 million slice of. new HW·Harris funds forthcoming i n December or January. Despite several substantial gift& since the first of the year, Weld said the hospital is still about $500,000 short of matching the federal fund! sought. Meanwhile, construction coats have skyrocketed so that the actual cos.t of the planned apamion may run to '1 million rather than the $4 million originally llgured, Weld said. Said Weld, "Indeed, tt seems likely now that we may have to go into debt for the first time in the · hospital's history to secure all the monty required to com- plete the e.ipansion procram." Norman Vincent Peale President of Church NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (UPI) -The Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, known to million11 through his book "The PoWer of Positive Thinking," hia: newspaper ctil· umn and his close tlea with the Nixon famil)r, was eJected president of the Reformed Ch!p'ch in ~erica Monday nighl PeaJe wvn on the third ballot to bead the 232,000.member d~tJon. parllclpating mercllanls. - The new .i;yatem ls by joint agrerment of the DoWntown· Business A!sociation and city Officials. It is aimed at bath in- creasing revertue from meters wbicb now give an hour parking rqr • nlclde and providing the lure-of limited free parking for aboppers. - The city formerly banned meter feedihg Which productft .a muslcal·cars situation. Downtown w-orkers parking close to their,p!ace of work W'OUld go out and move cara to ·wipe off Chalk marks on ,their tir~. tci confµse :iU~ter en- forcement. The work force got soiiething of a break w~ Judg~ J . Parley ~mlth held in Municipal C~ !hat the intorcement _oas • was not legal Binet parkers wer9·not ap- prised of the meter-fe.edlng ban. Clty Manager James D:Whea!Jn said the city has worked • thls out ..._Ith the court. The ineters will bear a .dtCaJ tell- ing of the~llm.ltation. · For those who m\161 park d~. there are 36 10-hour meters (JO~ts ·ln hour) al the munlciPal lot rteOr The ... -· -· DAILY PILOT,....,.,,,. ttl&Mnl kMllW EL TORO HUDDL.E -President Nixon and famlly cha~ with high ran'king Marine Corps officers upon arrival in Orange County lor overnight stay en route from Honolulu· to Washington. Coi.tnterclockwise from President are Mrs. Julie Eisenhower,· Mrs. Mary.I-Iise, Tricia NiXOn: M'rs. Ni,xop., ·Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hise, conlmandet Of El 'lloro MCAS", and Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams, commander of El Toro-based Third Marine Air Wing. Council S.tudies Problem Of Drainage in Canyon Laguna Canyon is nature's natural drainage channel to the sea for the llur· rounding hills and watershed. The problem is that it has homes and businesses and a highway along its course. There ls a drai!f'age Channel too but not a large enough one for the big floods that occur every ftundred years or ao. Lagunans in the canyon who went tlTrough recent nood lng know this. It ls t.echnicaUy docwnented in a study prepared for the Orange County Flood Control District by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. City councilmen will take up the matter In a study session Wed· nesday night and hear a. presentation by flood control engineers. Nixon Schedules Briefing for Congressmen By MERRIMAN SMl'nl Ul"I Wlllte H-aeper1..- President Nixon l'iew home from Orange County on the last leg of his hfidway mission Tqesday to report to congressional leaders on the significance of his conrerence with South Vietnam President Ng\l)'en Van Thieu. Germans See Sex Frankly The report does not include plans for solution or flood problems, jmt technical information. to lltlide In zoning along the "flood plain•" or construcUon of flood protection works . · · The report not.ct: ''The ,Orange ·eounty Flood Control District proposed that a dam be coti· structed at El Toro Road however, funds were never authorited for lb con· struclion." The Alr Force 1 Jet carrying the preal· dent and his: party dwparted the El Toro Marine Air Station at 8:41 a.m. It wu dtie In' Wuhingion about 1 p.m. EDT. Nixon scheduled a meetW; at ~White House shortly thereafter ~th• bipartisan leaders or the Senate and House to di.scuss the announ~ 2 5 1 O O O • m a n American troop withdrawal from Viet- nam and prospeeta: fpr progress in the Paris pe.ac.e talkJ. Richly Illustrated Book Slwws All About It BJ NANCY KOWERT A1111tztat ,,_ ~ BONN, Germany -When IS-ytar-old HaJll .... b1c1t ID school thb WI the teacher will ~ him 1 new white boOk will! c:olorfal abstract plctur< ol a womb on the front cover. When be oWls flipping thn>ugh Its 41 rlchty illustrated pag.,, he'll rud frank detail about birth, memlruaUoo and ~ent.1'111 dllew:. He'll be provided also wltll • ..-...i ... nc:e IUlde .. birth c:oo- trol .......... Ho'll -~ pictures ol the mo- .rneol al ............ ond, turnia( .. -~:..;: md • dMcrlptioo ol - Tbe book, UtJed "Sa Atlu," was lauachecl.'J'ueoday b1 the Health M1nblry . u port ol West Gennanl''• efrort to up- date ... education. .~ Jt. at a news conference. &r1-ly Hellth MlnUttr Keele 6trobil, a, 11idlbe book II the moof'od- vanced officially sponsored sex text in Europe. In Germany. where li.varian junior and high school ser ttaching Is ltlll at the btrc11 and bites st.age, it's sure to catch many a parental breath. \ ~ book wu ordered tn a 1181 dirte- li ve Cnm ·state educatlm officials that "sex educaUon in 9Chool should con· tribute not only to helping young pert0ns ....,.u.. their qual!U.. .. -•od women, but also give them lnslght.s into their own 1e:111e ol. vatue.. couedence and the-IDmolro-.ldeclllool." The -.JI. Mii. -1114. II a book tbat 1<oCflrt &be .....,. tact.s and therolor< the -ill -for a dlllosue -)'GUiii _ .. and ll>elr -and--"'·" -. The U. chaplm art: blolfJlleal ~klpment, dlHerenoe between the sex· es. puberty and mellltruatlon, ferUllza.. lion, _.,ancy, birth. Rll·ractor, twins, melliOda · ol birth control, premature lerminaUon of pregnancy, s e z u a. I diseases, body hygiene. It ls in simple, short sentences, a rari ty In German schoolbooks. And it covers thoroughly and unblu.!hi.ngly every aspc!'Ct of sexuil development It says the rhythm method of birth con- trol "ii recommended only for women with regular menstrual periods." It calls birth control pills. "\be surest method ..• but can be made useless by irregular plU·taJdni." II abo If-figures on the reliabj!UY ol medumlca1 and dlemlcll methodt •. The boo!< publilhea .,,,..,,,.. pictures on outer physical effect.! of 1yphllia, and well as details on how it is contracted. Tbe publication comes In the middle of a growing sex wave ln-West Gennany. where nude plctutt!I are common on coven of high-6elling, re. 1 p e c t ab I e magilllnts that feature columna on aex. I 1be report states that piecemeal ·c0n- struction or the drainige change! In the lower portion of the canyon, through downtown Laguna, began in une. "'Ille channel bas been designed for I.he ~year-frequency flood .and will . be in· adequate for the 100,.year-frequenQ flood or the Standard Project Flood (a .1evere situation but one that could occur any time)." The report states that areas subject to flooding under condition.! existin1 -that wUI worsen u new development creates new water runoff -1nclude the business area of dow11town. !Alguna Beach, the sewage treatptept plant and· numerous connnercial and Private atructures u:- tendln11 to El Toro Road. 1t ... U111t1 "II'! addldon the Coast Highway at the lower limit of the 1tudy are9 !Will be Inundated." , ~ report statea that many are• hi\~ In the stream tied-have low liiuo.l'ry walls that may be clostd ror protect.Ion leaving them llke "an island witbia the flood plain." An official evaluaUOn ol the SUndaf meeting at Midway Island wa11 that Uie Uolted States and South Vietnam now have 1 ~ untied f..0:,\ to put' fortti in. Paris· on the ulttmate resolutioo of, the Vietnam War. , Nixon and Thiea were said to havt got along extremely well In their face-~face d.Ltcus.!iorui on a mutual position. to be taken Jn facing Hanol and the National UberaUon Front. - NEW YOR': (AP) ~The1toc• market closed with a •mall IOu In moderate trading today. (See quo1>tlo111, Pl&" 111-11). lt firmed somewhat from Ju moderate decline Mondly In reactJon to the boost in banks' prlme rate to a record l 'ii per· cent fT"om 711 per<ent. " . • l B!'•ken (formerly Danie'•) on ·the Main Beach. ' The 71-apace lot on Glenneyre -now. with five-hour meters ~ will have eome two hour,. some four , hour and aome to. hour meter1. Merchants ~ve estimated tbaf the downtown work force uses .ao1 llJ)ICeS' that In It.: shortage·Of available puking might be UJed for sboppen. Party' Flies BackTo~a~ To Capital By ARTllUll R. VINSEL Of .. ....,""'""' tlreeled by a mediUm-ail.ed crowd in-- eluding a little boy wav.lig twO . uDy American Flap, the nation's cblet·O• ecutJve came home to Orange CouDiY. Monday, ~D route b8ck to the main of- fice . President Nixon had nothing official to 1ay during the brief, commuter 1tqpoveli at El Toro MCAS, but shook a fe"! 1'and.a after a formal welcome befor· heading for San.Clemente. • The Nixon party left for Waahlngton al 8:40 a.m. today, after a lut-minute ehat with a family who came to catch • 1UmP... 11n.ere It 111," someone s)l(llated MonlSa.7 u Ah' For ... e One aJlenUy appe:aretti·the dllf n 11G1 over &.bl rolllnc· ldlll ol the ~ Cout. traJIJns • IDIUdce al jet exhausL , · · '!be big abJp touched down Oil the north- south runway nearl1 one bour put her orlglnal 5:30 p.m. arrival time and taxied to a halt on jie apron before the crowd of several ln.indre<i. · Brig. ·Gel!. Henry W. Ilise. who IDoli rommand Ji the sprawling k1}t;ian8t1on only hours after President Nixon passed through last Wednesday, greeted ·the First Family with aides, !11f .wU1 Mary, and three o~ their slx children. Moments {>fter tbe front door of the bl& jet opened, President Nh:oO stepped out with a wave to be seen often tn <>range Coµnty, then was joined by his wife.Pat. , Together, they stepped down to the runway, followed by daughter Tricia, then Julie and DavJd Y.l!enbower. "Whicb one's married to the Eisenhower ldd a!Y.I what's the other one'• name?'' asked a reporter obViou~f. di!patched to cover an unfamiliar beat. Gen. Hise lntroduc.f'd his family to the Nlxon.s, including daughters ~)', 28, aod Ussa, 19, who bad seemed Udgety with susperuie earlier, but gracloue!y in· troduced 10.year-oL:I Judy Hile to the!?. important visi tors. They were accom1. 1nled by Mij. Gfn. Arthur H. Adama, wbo steps down Fridiy as Commander of Lhf Third Marine Ab: Wing, for a 1lf!w Korea duty asslpment. Scarcely ~ Ur: elapeed betwetn arrival and departure to memorize a person'11 laat name, but ·the President stepped bri!kly to a r<ipe cordon keeping back tpeclaton: to meet CelloW Orange Countians. · · The pub lie was lnv!ted to se.e 'the Prest .. dent arrive home from war-a~ IS.. PRESlllRl'fl', PIP ti Weatller The morni111 cloud1 ahotlld port ' early on W~1)l to allow a mostly ·sumy day on ll>e cout, wltli temperatures in the "°71 ' range. INSmE ToDAY Plan' for an o//1hore airport are in tht workl /or Cltvtland, Ohlo and 4 1imitar pla:n mav be the onawer for Orat19t Cotmt'JI'• airport ha.lilt. Dctalti of tM mdnm4dt island ttrmtnat art on .Paf" 19.' .... " ' ' ' • 1•11 " " " • ' ' -l'? l!)JlV PILOT _ • _J:_ Tuddq, J1/ll' 10..1169, Medical -.R~vieW .SI fa po· Sch~ol ~ ' &ctrd -Gullks Plan$ fot Hospita_l''l)tiqict · .. A !S:man adv I 1 or y board w I l h of tM boon!. M&ldp llld lhe lloclY '""*1 • Allrocl ii. ~ •·~~n. reprexntaUvta rron\ each major com· -Awnse community I e 1 de rs of retired, president of teISuieW7'd St&;i mun1tY tn the 'South C:>{ange County area hospital proble.ma. and p~ president Laguna Hllls, Former ~ Board Sets ' Cash -Study . . , Rotanans; Edward G, Kopp, CS:plsttano hu,..~fo~ed . to guide planning of -Form a pool from which fulure Beach general contractor, president cf medlcll'~programa: for the area's newly hospital trustees familiar with the pro-Dant. Point Civic Association; James T. designated hospllal dlltrlct. blems of medical care can be recruited. Manion, El _Toro business man, ·past RepresentaUves are from Laguna -Insure that existing faciiipes are cbest president of El Toro Civic Association; &tacb, Misalon Viejo;.~ Nl&ue~&l serving th:fl area's needs. . Dennis P. Paquin, San. Juan Capistrano Toro, Su~ -~ /Wllii'"' · 4 -Promote and encourage hospital p-utility planner, past vice president San Actln& 1idlrd" ChlS:rmari Jl I c bard . portipg activities. Clemente Junior Chamber· of Commerct; Capistrano Unified School District· trustees Monday appoint.¢ two of their board's members to act as represm: taUves on 1 jqinl teacher-trustee com· lfllttee to conduct an on-aoirl1 study of- tbe ·district's finance. Mudge, a Laguna attorney, said the First regular meeting or the group will Da vid J. Phillips, Laguna Beach auto group was formed to provide beheldatMo~.archBayPlazaTh~rsday, dealer, director of Laguna coordlnatiDg and p~ among all iD· Jun~ 19 at a time yet to be dete.rmmed. Beach Chamber ol Commefce, and terested comniunlties (or hospital care. The new board's members are: district committeeman of Boy Scouts of The south county district was recently Richard Mudge, South Laguna at-America; James D. Rlvenes, Mission ~ by the State Advlsory tomey, active in Laguna Community Viejo stockbrok:er, director of Mou1ton-. Hospital Councll. lt tncludes South ~i Che.st and Boy's Club; Lee Austin Niguel Water District; James C. Thomas, Community Hoepltal in . South Laguna. Andrews, Laguna Niguel stockbroker, Laguna Beach airline pUot, officer and Plans 'have been broached also for fu· put president of Niguel Homeowners and director of Hilltop Owners Association : ti.ft ~lite facilllies-to ht built in the Community Association; Robert L . Richard B. Webb, Laguna Niguel outb'tnl attas. Dameron, El Toro lax consultant, presi-pharmacist, active in YMCA; Kenneth •·Our-primary objective ls to provide dent of El To~Laguna Hills Exchange Walker, San Clemente real.tor, president area-wide ttpreSClllalion. in coordinating Club, member of San Joaquin Elemen-of San Clemente.Capistrano Valley Board Lhe planning of comprehensive medical tary School Board; Thomas J. Doherty, of Realtors, state director of California caI'e:ProgtCU:O.• including add it 1 on a I San Clemente stockbroker, presider.t Real E!itate Association, director of San hosp1ta1 facthUes for this part of the elect of Laguna Beach Rotary CUb and Clemente Boys' Club and past director of county," Mudge said. past president of Laguna Beach Com· San Clemente Junior Chamber of Com· In a~iUon to lhe repr~entative aspect m,unity Qiest; merce. F!'°"'. Page l Robert Newhart of Laguna Niguel and Harcoort Bull of San Clemente \\'ere lhe ~d's choices. Formal approval will be given at the board's meeting ne1t Mon• day. Teacher representatives are D a n Geisy, Kenneth Foster aod Ai Pierce. Truman Benedict, assistant district superintendent, will ht . lbe district ad· m!nlstraUon representative. Trustees approved formation of the study commit~ under threat of a walkout by the teachers' association The committee will "consider salary· ad- j1;lStlnents (for teachers) hued op the fJSCal status of the district." The adjustments would be made after .the ~uly· at fJ.naliied detenninaUon ()f · tbe district's assessed valuatk>n. Non?!aUy, teacher salarys are deternuned by the board in negotiations prior to that> time so that the school budget may be figured. PRESIDENT. • • talks wllh Vietnam,..u President Nguyen Van Thieu, while his errival June 4 wu limited to Marine persoMel a n d dependents. Newport Lawyer Guilty In Marijuana Tax R~p Stringy Stin9e1• Lt .. Eugene DePaulis of Le.guna Beach lifeguards displays specimen of Jellyfish which have been plaguing swimmers of late at area ~c~es while D~bb~e ~ubrey, 18, gives t.he cr~ture a cautious poke. Stinging wound IS inflicted by tenJ:acles banging under body which floats on or near surface of water. In Capistrano, however, teachers sought and were given provision for open· end contracts~ That is, if tbe district finds that it has more money than it estimate.! Jt will have, increases in the teacher's pay will be considered. , Based OD whal informed sources say aboul bia fedinas l'n the Vietnam &ilua· tion. Prtddent tiixon ~med to single out those whose fufure bope of not fighting such a war seems greatest. David Piper, 3, of 9uena Park, bad a runny nose from the cool breeze whlch sent threatening clo'J'lS .scooting over the rugged mountains tO the east and seemed nonchalant' after meeting the President. J:1iJ father Bob, bowever, was Im· presied with the hllt<irlc Jncident -ln Piper . f8pu)y tirms -and was particularly pleased tbat his wife and all four sons were there. "We ·drove Uke cratjr to get down liere alter hearing the publiC was invited 30 minutes ago and kuowhlg it would take 20 minutes just for the trip," said Piper, Hw did the Piper boys like meeting the President? "'Pretty good.'• said Ronnie, I, ''but why are yuu writing all that stuff down?" The~Fitst Family ··as standing in the slightly awkward well-are-we-ready? lim· bo that act<lmpanies o f f I c i a t •P" pearantts, IO President NiJ:on usberl'd them to one of three walling helicopters. Ne\fly-dflign1ted Mai:ine Co r p !I Helicopter One, the turbojet chopper wheeJed , . .into a. rigbt turn faclfl& Jh(! bystanders and the rotor blsdeJ roared <is she moved down the ,pphalt strip. Seated Jn the blg..l=l!htral, bay winCfow section, the Presidlnt was Bllll warJpl· :o. those who could se• throufl;h th~ eye. ~atering rotorwash· . of : the 1 w·i f t helicopter. · Board Honors Retiring Trustee He has served the Laguna schools longer than any trustee In their history. Doing a little mathematics, fellow trustees calculated that out11oing board member Robert Turner had put in about 69 full weeks servlce to the community durinb hia 13 continuous years as trusttt. Turner was honored Monday night at Ben Brown's restaurant by ad- ministrators of the schools, fellow board members, fonner board member Don Tobin and wives. lie was presented a pla- que for his: service by the administrators. Turner, who chose not to seek re-elec- tion, has one more scheduled meeting before he steps down. I DAILY PILOT OllANGll! COAST "UallSHINO COMPANY Rob.rt N. Wttd Pr1t1Mnl tlllll PvlllLllltr J1clr R. Curlty \llCI Prwldlnt •1111 Gtne•ll Mll'll11r lhom11 KttYil ECl'lfar Thtl'll•t A. Murphl11t Mln.191111 Ell•l'O' Rich1rd I'. Nill L11un1 lltKll Clly Elflfar i.et1H IMcll Offke 222 Fo111! Av1, M•lllnt Mdr11u P.O. loi '''· t2652 --Cwt• Mtu: D W•I aev lrtwl ,...,_,, ... c:11, 2211 ""'"' ll1!bo1 eto11f¥1rf Hl#lflnltoll hKl'I: :.0. fll1 ltnlt ( II)' JOHN VALTERZA Of 1111 P.a. l'li.t Sl1tt Balboa IJland lawyer Richard Higbie, 37, hu entered a guilty plea to a lesser charg~ 1n a bizarre marijuana smuggling conspiracy c:::e, It we~ le~ today. HigbiC', .. :.o ls a former Newport Beach planning comm!Jaioner, and a fellow defendant both will be sentenced in U.S. DJ.strict Court in Los Angele! Monday. Court records show the guilty plea ln· volved a May 14 waiver of a Fedttal Grand Jury indictment charging con· splracy. In the place of the indictment the U.S. Attorney substituted JnfonnaUon charg· ing Higbie and Raymond Daniel Teeter of Orance ,. :ttt unla\~fully aC(luirlng and ob- taining a quantity of marijuana without payln ... ·· U.S. transfer tax. PLEAD CUD.TY Tbe pair pleaded guilty to the 1n· formation on the same day, records show. _.,,.The indictment that was eliminated charged that Higbie, Teeter, and Lyle Paul German, 35, Of Garden Grove engaged in a conspiracy to fiy Jn 3,600 pounds, of marijuana from Mexico last NoYembir 5. Geman has yet to be 31"- rested. He ta believed lo be somewhere in Mexico.· The pilot hired to ny the illegal weed fnto the COLµltry, the indictment said, was J, W. B.agley, an undercover agent Festival Artists To Meet Press Laguna Beacll's 180 artist.I eX'hibiting at the Festival of Arts this summer win · meet the press Sunday, June 15 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Festival grounds. The press day was Initiated by Kath· leen and Will iam Gee. ar( editors of the Coast Magazine and local gallery owners. Critics, gallery directors, several Festival board members and about 40 press representatives will attend the activity designed to "achieve a current insight into and evaluate the direction of art in the Laguna Beach communi1y, '' according to the Gees. Artists ' interviews as well as the gen- eral story of the Festival will be cov- ered in the July issue ot the Coast pub- lication. for the U.S. Customs Service. Ironically, marijuana never did come across the border in the alleged con· So far, the school budget has been bas-· ed on estimated figures of income. The exact figures will be in after July J. spiracy. The indictment 1tated "a vegetable subslance" was Jn the plaue M L d L ~~~~:~=:ylastNovemberalPalm asons to ea aguna SUBSTANCE ALFALFA * * * Capo Trustees Stt1dying Budget Other source! said that the substance Ob .1 la was allalfa, place::! on the plane by Mex-servance 0 F g Day ican narcotics aulhorilie.s in Guadalajara Trustees of lhe CapiJ!rano Unified in a "premature bust." School District gave thal district's pro- Gennan was the asserted buyer of the posed 1969-70 budget a line-by-line studY, illegal weed l 1 n Mexi 1 coT.allThe pilot, Bagley, The American Flag will be honored \V. Palmer. Monday. was an emp oye o mantz Aviation Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Memorial fiag Th d h 11. 1 fl The budget of $6.2 million ls about 12 Inc. at Orange County Airport, where, e ay as 0 Jc a Y been proclaimed percent higher than Utis year's, however, sources 68ld, his role as an undercover staff in Laguna Beach's Heisler Park: in a Flag Day by Mayor Vedder. All sc hool officials maintain that because of agent was completely unknown. community program sponsored by tbe Lagunans have cordially been invited to increased enrollment next school year, Teeter, the indictment said, was the Masonic Lodge 672. attend the prgonna by chairman o. \V. actual cost per student will be down. dwr!~~rfoomf a lhvanaltropobertused to pick up the An American Flag which has previous-Price. The lhboard of trustees is expected to Ce\I r e . adopt e 42-page budget as a tentative All tht facts in the case may never ly flown over the Uniled States Capitol Price said the ceremonies wiU aceent budget at their meeting neit Monday. come to light, since the guilty plea :ind building will be presented to Laguna youth. The Boy, CUb and Girl Scouts, the The spending measure will become sentencing will replace a trial. Beach Mayor GleM E. Vedder by Robert Mini-Mermaids, Job'a Daughters, De finalized in August when the district's Higbie -and Teeter previously pleaded C. Sourwine, lodgemaster, and ~trs. A. Mola ys and Boys' Club will attend. assessed valuation i! officially set. innocent to the federal grand jury 1~;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~· chnrges. I I Higbie, in an exclusive JannarJ m. terview, told the DAILY PILOT that he could not discws the particulars in the caae. One reason, he aa.ld. was that the other men named in the case were his clients. · A few days laler he expreued o~ timism in the outcome in the caae, ad· ding lhal "wt-expect some gOOd news ·Very soon." _., ~.: C. S. Beesmeyer Of Newport Dies Clarence S. Beesemyer, of 2888 Bay· shore Drive, Newpon Belch, a prom· tnent Los Angeles civic leader, died Monday at his home in Palm Desert. Mr. Beesemyer was a past president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com· merce and a fonn er president of a Lo! Angeles Board of Trade. Also widely known in the Southern CaWorn ia oil industry, he was director of Greater Los Angeles Planning Inc. Mr. Beesemyer is survived by wife, Phyllis Richardson Beesemyer, his son, Jay C. Beescmyer. of 18191 Blue Ridge, Tustin; his di-ughter, Mrs. Richard Marsellus, ol Palm Desert and six g:randchildren. Private services will be held at Pacific \1ie w Mortuary Park, Newport Beach, Wednesday. By Phil lnterlandl ·' 1<11.11 In just ' fr.v shof"I wetk~ you. too. CM IO$e I 5·20-25 pounds •nd be proud of Ille Wrf YOU look. ladies. you'll be we1r+n9 the new figure·revealing fall fashions with pride 1rid confidence. And, Men, the new tailor-sh1ped soits will look 9re11 on you-once you've n:discovered your waist. Don't put it ott-tek1 it &ff! Act now, for sped&! low redvc~ rites dvriog Holiday Na!ioneJ fitness Month, INCOMPARABLE FACILITIES • HNttcl Roman Swhnmlng Pool • Finnilh loclr SllN Rooms • WhirtpMll a.th1 • Ultr• Moclmt Concfitlonlnt fKRltlts • Otctronic: Mngg. • CondltlUt f1c:Rltt• • lomu StNlll looms • Florid• sun T• R_, • Swl11 fadll -11,AIAft PACIUTltt POI MIN & WOMIN OPIN 7 DAYS AWllK 10 'TIL 10 lllALTH SPAS I HUNTINGTON BFACH ••• ' ... ' .. ' ' ' h " 8 4 '2-1451 11 A NAH llM oll ''0 °~ A!A <.,""~,.; . . 820-0JO 1 I ll CO~T A M.l~A . ~.' ' 540 1 ioo I\ .. OA ANGf . .. .... --:-' "'""' ... -. . . 039 -14 41 ,• JUNE IS NATIONAL FITNESS Mom AS DECUllD ITTim Fl&! fllf! FlfEI ExdOlhoe , .. ,.... ,,..., G r o u P Sfimnasr., S · Ind wrm~tics to music • No rime limir ort visits • No , . l'OUr nee /lPOlntmenr essory • s ...... ci/·r 1 ·r-r•te f;l-1 1es °' men • ~. facitiHes for ~l'l'te W0tnen • Frtt ~ privileges • Uolitnit. F l'lovt"l-{.lnlimited da~ reel Freer , •. .BEii FRQTOURS& DfMOHSTRATIOHS AVAILABLE DAILY AT AU LOCATIONS- • . . ' ' -1 1 ' l J ( I ' ) \ J I I I I r I I • j , b .. s a , ~ " E E p t " n l r. , E F. ~ n i I r- ./ - ----------------,...---------------------------...,.. • DArl.Y mot :; F~.JJ'!: ,feu~I~,..,. .-MOL Progv.am., Cut -• Evans ,Survivors ' I ' Return to U.S. Douglas Headquarters of Cancekd Projeet Th.. Pentagon toct.y canceled Its $3 biUlon Air Foret Manned Orbital 1.Jlboratory CMOL) pro;. beadquarttred a~ the McDonnell-Douglas Space Systems Center I.ti llunllngton Bea . nearing ct1mpletion at Vamlenbct1 AFB ne~r Santa Marta. not warrllll conllnuallon _when welCbed agalnat other, defel'llle needs . A jetliner carrying I~ Navy men who slept or worked a week ago as the USS Frank E. Evans steamed into harm 'a ~a,y landed in Long Beach Monday· for a Joyous, but sober re union wit~ loved ones. The dramatic tal e of how crewmen of Uie Australian aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne helplessly watched the im- pending collision 1hat killed 74 Yank sailors also began to unfold in a hearing the same day. "GHASTLY SIGHT' ··1t ~'as a ghastly sight," said Australian Fleet Con\mander Adm. G.J.B. Crabb, awakened three minu tes before to watch as the Melbour ne crash· ed through the doom ed Evans like a ha tchet throug h a tin toy. One of those who went to the bollom was Boiler Tender 3-C La\vrence J. Reilly Jr., 21, whose fath~r. Chief Gunner's Mate Lawrence J, Reilly Sr., 45, of 2334 Minuteman \\'ay, Cos ta Mesa, was saved. A joint investigation by An1erican and Australian naval author.Hies adjourned Monday at Su bic Bay, the Phillipines resuming today in Singapore , where ,ru; Melbourne is undergoing collision repai rs. Monday's testimony featured Ad m. Melbourne allnosl rammed another U.S. Jewelry Robbery Sl1ootout Victim Remains 'Serious' Samu et Brucker, 65, downtown Santa Ana jeweler who was hit seven timea by bullet.s fired by a bandit remains in "serious conditiol}, but improving" at Santa Ana Community Hospita1, ~pital aides repc)rted today. • Brucker wbo engaged in a shootout last Thursday w i t h a holdup m a n in ti ~alloween ma sk was heartened Monday when he was presented "To Sam Brucker, Our Sravest Man, From the Boys of Downtown Santa Ana." The trophy was presented h y photographer Berna rd Djivre represen· ting about 40 downt o\\'n merchants who wanted to pa y tribute to the spunky merchant. Brucker returned fire (rorn bandi t Louis Asmond, 37, of San Juan Capistra· no, killing him with a shot in the chest. A second bandil, Arthur F. Kleis, 25, of Anaheim was captured two blocks from Brucker's Bro"·n Je"1el ers, 215 E. 4th SL He was arraigned Monday in Santa Ana Municipal Court on charges of attempted mt.ftder .and robbery and is held on, $251000 bail. : · Preliminary hearing was set for 9f m. Friday. ·~ \ destroyer th~ \tays beJofe the Evans disaster , during J.oint SEATO anU·sul> marinl} mane~y~~· . "Another ,ship J*!I~ 1'1Jd1in 50 feet· -~ feet -ot .the: Jdt:l~ti:rne ln the early morning of·' May~l," the Aussie fleet chief emphaslZed Gurlng the hearing. 'LARSON' £SC~PED? He did ·not tdelltif) the ship which near· ly took the eYarui' place lA,naVai historv; but informed :sources sald lt was the uSs. Everett F, !'..arson, liOme·ported ltke the~ Evans In Long Beach. Communication s among ships p:.rticipaLing in 'the subsequent rescue ope ration which saved 200 Evans crewmen were excellent, Adm. Crabb tolJ the board headed by U.S. Rear Adni. Jerome H. King. \Vere there! difficul ties before the "I prefer not to answer,·" Adm. Crabb replied. He said a messenger .awakened him three mini.Iles befo~re t&e South China Sea tragedy to say the Melbourne and the Evans were on collision course and he ru shed to the flag bridge. Dazzling moonlight mode it so clear ari0ther ship "'as easily seen 2.000 yards av:ay, he testified, but the Evans main· tained course as the Melbourne t r i e d ev<isive action, until all hands were ordered to collision posts. "She went down so fast it was obvious a large number of people · were aboard her;" the Australian naval officer said. To others who'Janded in Long Beach ri t 3:55 p.m. Monday after a 16-hour fligl'!t from Subic Point Naval Air Station, tl':r 1nemory is Jess clear or none remains <"i au. Gunner's Mate Rene .Jtone, 22. , Andersqn, S.C., was as)eep when he •:L" der1ly flew ·across the room froin I· rack, hit a bulkhead and later fo u· himseU aboard the Melbourn'!!. "The men of the Melbourne were ' greatest I've ever seen," s a i d St· ··they gave me clothes and shoes , they gave us beer to help us sleep. Every Evans survivor lost a buddy. SEE FVN IN SVN IN DAILY PILOT In a special Fun in The Sun tabloid ~ tion, the DAILY PILOT today off. \'acation and lravel informalion in ad· dition to tips for stay-at-home fun in tile 1.1"1 T•..,._,. NURSE DIES 1st Lt. Sharon Lant 1st W 01na11 Dies In Viet11a11i War As Nurse I\.illed SAIGO N (UPI \ -A 25-year-old Army nurse who "'rote her father she "wanted to help in Vietnam'' was !tilled when a rocket smashed into a field hospital, military officials said today. 1st U. Sharon A. Lane of Canton. Ohio was the first woman in the U.S. anned forc"s killed in action in Vietnam. Miss Lane suffered sbrapnel wounds in 1·1e throat when a 122·mm· rocket ex- 'oded near a ward of the U:S. 312th >:acuation Hospital at Chu Lai Sunday. Several women members of the armed ·ces have died in Vietnam, but froin lat the military calls no11hosti!e' causes. 1slly plane crashes. Lt. Lane's death >s officially listed as from ''hostile ac· n." Steadily increasing in ost over th e original $2 billion estlm te, the U.S. defens,e-orlented MOL proj t was scrub. bod after $1.3 . billion had already been spent on the )Ob. Questions as to the fa te of MOL-as· signed ·personnel among 8,000 employes at the Huntington Beach space center are.sun open today, but tbe Air Force so far refused to say just how many jobs will be affected. fl.tcDonnell-Oouglas was one prime con· tractor on the system designed to crb!t hvo men in a 30.000-ton, '12·foo(-long spaceerafl for 30 days at a stretch. The other is General Electric, at its Pennsylvania plant. according to Larry V!tsky, assistant director of rxlernal relations for McDoMell-Oouglas in llun· tington Beach. ''We can't make a statement about the effect on the economic or employment situation because we haven't been able to assess all the details. Vil.sky said after tile sudden announcement today. A launch for the project already \\'as County Traf fie Accidents Kill . 2 Youths, Woman Deputy Defense Secretary 0 • v t d Packard, announcing the cancellation at a quickly called news conference, U:· plained that Pentagon officia)5 concluded the MOL's potenUal accomplishments did He •aid 1.w.t ntlmatis lndlealed the projei;t 1.ould coot p billion II car'1od ta compJetlon -SL bllllon more !hall Ille origfrull esilliiatt or i2 bllUoD. ' · · JBS Befle~tion Solon: Welch Turned Me Off SACRAf\.tENTO IUPI) -Sen. H. L, well with Welch from strictly I manqe... Richardson, one of the Teglslature's new -<f!'lent aspeet." Republican leaders, used to be a member Richardson said he disagreed with the of the John Birch Society. But he quit. tight control Welch he.Id over the IOCiety \Vhy? to form a monollthlc group with Uttle i.1 was terribly frustrated," Richardson authority delegated to state or chapter told UPI in the first interview he h a s officers. granted to discuss his split with the socie· "When you hire people, you give them ty. "No question about it, Welch l\lmed some ·responsibility," he said. ••welch me off."· never was willlng to give up any Welch Is, or course. Robert Welc:h, resPQnsibility. I felt sUfled. l saw thinp t weaithy New England candy mariufac· \\'anted to do, b;Jt couldn't.•1• lurer, founder and president of the John Richardson slid he also dlsigreed-with" Birch Society. lhe generalized attacks the IQclety made Richardson joined the society in 1961 on persons and liberal organizations.. He and beciime a full time paid staff cietd an exafnple in the Bircb·usault on- member .. rising to state. coordinator. His U.S. Chie'f'Justice Earl Warren. · job w<is to recruit new members and help "I never have thouglJt, or do l)C(W, th&~. organize California chapters. Earl Warren is much"of a Su~·Court' But he quit the society in 1964 because Justice," he said, but he couldn't qree of "philosophical" differences with with the society's attack on the Wuren Welch. especially in the day-tCHlay opera· Court. • tion of running the conserva tive-orien ted "They came out of the clear blue alr. organization. with an impeachment proceeding,'' be Richardson, 41. is a stocky, friendly said. without consultlng local members former public relations-advertising ex· on the decision. ''I felt the society cfut· Three perso ns died Monday in Orange ccutive who likes to be called by his ed a posture of going off balf 'cocked.,. County, inch.!ding a boy 15 and a girl 11, nichname. "Bill." (The initials H.L. stand Hes aid the impeachment drive and as the result of traffic accidents. for Hubert Leon). severe criticism of the Warren court ap- The dead : The Arcadia Republican this session peared as though "we were attacking oar Gordon K. Norton, 15, of 2697 Main St., worked hard to elect Sen . Howard Way of Supreme Court as an inStltution that ts Santa Ana. Exeter, the first GOP Senate president part of ot1r checks and balances." Deborah Perlmutter, 11 , of La Mirada. pro lempore in 13 years. Way ousted Despite his disenchantment with the l\'lrs. Joy Marcelle Neimler, 44, of 325 veteran S.enate leader Hugh M; Burns, a socie ty, Richardson said he is Hproud" to S. Valley St., Anaheim. conservative Fresno Democrat. have been a member ·of a group seeking The Norton boy, son of Mrs. Kathleen For his efforts, Richardson was less.government and fighting Communist Torres, died at Orange County Medical re\v11rded by being selected Senate subvt:rsion. The rock et th at blasted the Chu Lai caucus.chairman by his Republican col· "I feel there is a definite need for a 11npl~x: also killed a Vietnamese child 1969 County Traffic 196& leagues, beating out another Way gooC anti.Communist organization in this irl w')undcd 2) Vietnamese civilians, a 94 Dealb Toll gg lieutenant, Sen. Clair W. Burgener of San country operated or. a aound and aenslble IJ.S. n1ilitary spokesman and a medical Center or injuries received when be was Diego. basis," he said. "l have an abiding dislike t.:1rpsn1 an. fl lruck by a car Wednesday while walking Richardson says his Birch membership for socialism and totalitarianism." "AU the pl'ltien ts were sleeping," said on Riverside Freeway , east of crescent has not hindered his polltica1 career. He ''I think a lot of Americans are in sup. ~nd Lt. Patri cia E. Carr of Louisville. Aven ue in Anaheint. is serving his second tenn in the Senate, port oI the concepts I Voice," he aaid. 1·;y. LI. Carr sharetl night duty \~ilh Lt. The Perlmutter girl was dead on ar-his views are still conservative but he ''but I believe most Americans are Lane. rival at SL Jude Hospital Fullerton fron1 doesn': belong to any volunteer political sensitive as to how they approach them." "\Ve \\'ere just relaxing before starting injuries received when she was hit by a organizations. Richardson estimated that wbtn be was 11 \l'ake the patients at 6 a.m., '' LI. Carr car while crossing Rosecrans Avenue and "I have a responsibility to the other state Birch coordinator the aociety :;aid. Ja!on Road in La Mirada. Republicans," he said, "l feel I have to cou111ed 25,000 members in California. He ··1 \Va s si\ling behind the desk and Lt. Mrs. Neimier suffered fata l injuries in use a great deal of discretion." said membership has since slipped. suTn.h h · 11 Lane was sitting on an c1npty bed when Santa Ana when her car went out of con· He says many of his opinions parallel "I'll bet there are five times as many e 12·page section touc es on v1rtua Y lhe rocket hit.'' iohe said. all forms of ~umn1ertilnc fun and .in· ·Miss Lane had ar ri ved lor d"ly at tl'e• tro1 and smashed into a utility pole on those ~spoused by the Birch Society, but ehxe·me,. 1 .md.bers now as there are membua," eludes d t !I ade he to r1 d " Warner Avenue near Salata Street. he and the organization parted paths on 1~'big ab:rg:i~~~nr~un i~ t~ ;~n equ i~ hospital April 2~. The coroner's office reported that Mrs. presenting them to the public. One of those who is atill a member ii ·JJlenl fot use al home or away. It's insid,p __ ,Jn C~lOJI, O~Jo, John Lane, her father.~ ·Nlemier died of multiple injurie s at Santa "There was no area of personal ef· Sen. John G. Schmitz (R·Tu11U11), the lliis edition of the DAIL y PILOT ..... ~-.• had wr!Uen him about Ana Commu!UtY Hospital an hour after fectiveness within the organization for leglsliture's •only aclmowlfdged John iiiif~iiiiiiOiiiiiiiii""'"'""'"'m.~~~t~h~e~c~ra~s~h-~S~h~e~w~a~s~a~lo~neiiiln~t~hei.iica~r~ .......... m~e~ •• "~h~e~s·a~id~·.·~·t~d~id~n-·t~ge&t~a~lo~n~g&a~t~a&lal..iB~lrciiih•Sociiii~···ty&d&ua'&'~P~•Y~••r& ....... illlljj -_:; ADVERTISEMENT CeU1d ·You , Advise Your Son To Be A Teacher? I I I .1. ·- -. :Would you be wi:lin9 for the head of your family to take a teaching position? If not -why not? Poor pay? Uncompensated man-hours? Little opport.unity for adv~cement? _Ques§!n~blo prestigt7.. -- If you couldn't ur9e a member Of y# .family or .convince yourself to enter tei11chin9, then who do you want to. educate your children,? Are you satisfied with just ''someone: else" doin9 a mediocre job to teach your children? Do you want dedicated, well -trained and rea:istic: educators wh.o will tackle the challe~:of educating your children for the world's changing demands? If so, please read thi1 ad. THE ISSUE OF EDUCATION IN -fl:IE. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL DISTRJCT RESTS UPON ONE POINT: THE SCHOOL BOARD STATES THAT IT IS REPRESENTING-THE TAXPAYERS BY NOT SUPPORTING COMPETITIVE SALARIES FOR TEACHERS -THE . JEACHERS FEEL YOU, THE COMMUNITY, WILL SUPPORT OUR POSITION. This issue hi!S now come to the public's ottention. The Board opperently made its position clear by the adoption of a salory schedule unaccep· table to tho teachor1. J eachers hew sou9ht to make their position knowo to the taxpayer by extensive meetin9s, overt actions and by offering the following inf or• rnation in. an attempt to communicate directly with the public. •We like being teechers. We like working with youn9 people. We like being dediceted to our profession and to our community. We would like to be suitebly compen1ated for our •fforts, •You have reed about salary ''ra ises" 9r1 nte d to Newrort.Mes• teechers. The f•ct is that we heve suffered otn annu• decrease in buying powar. Token r•ises over tha past few years ha ve fellen f•r short of the annu41 cast of living increase. The Boerd offers en everege 5.8 "/. increase for next ye•r's sel1r'y. Predic- tions •re th•t costs of living will be up 7 .S •;. by Septemb•r-4 net loss of 1.7%. •Newport.Mesa schools heve long been repCited fo r the exc•I• lence· of their program. The prime f..ctor ·eX"plaining ·this •xcel0 lance has been the high quality of the teachin g staff. It hei become elmost impo1sible to !Upport • family on • teachin9 salary. A man must either moonlight or esk his wife to work, 'or he must decide to leeve the District. More experienced teech- ers ere leaving for financiel reesons t his year than ever b•fore, We ere very cancerned wit h th e lerg• lumb er of excellent teachers who have elr•edy enriounced their Intention to leeve teaching, or thl1 District. This is a dangerous trend. • Our school board has chosen 7 other school districts es a b•sis for salarr. comp•rison and hef announced its 90•1 fo r our s•I· 1ries to-:fell in the medi•n for these 7 "benchmerk" distric ts, i:iagieli: Berk'eley, 1nglewo", o ;•ng.e, Palos VerdM, Pesaden•, Plac·1nfit end Sant&-Ane . However, our 1968-69 sal•ry sche· dul•-fell short of this inten'tion; it did not even· 1chieve this levtl of m•cliocrity: ~ - • Wh at is more impo rtant, people or things? The Board end Dist rict Administretion frequently acclaim teacheri ai th e mos t importent fector in the education of children. Their budget planning Jndic etes otherwise -money for "things " is elways •llocated first ; whetever money remains is inadequete to -keeP. professional selaries competitive. , ' •Teach ers •re expected to take the salary of• leborer and put in the houri of the executive. Executi ves work long houri but ere approprietoly 'comp•nsated;by e"s•lery f•r exc_eeding thet of teechers. laborers re ceive e salary com parable to teachers but •re pa id tima and a half for ev•ry moment of t ime spent beyond th• oiO-hour work week. • The •v•rag~ heelth. plan for a fa.mily of four cosfa about $524 per year, lh 1herp confra1t fo the avHage .timount paid by in- du1try for employee heelth insurence, the Boerd he s offered to pay $168 toward ee ch te11cher's medicel plan. Voters hev• •pproved monies for teac her health benefit1, but the Board hes never used them for this purpose. • According to re1e•rch, the remuneration for greduete study l" the Newport-Me11 District for units beyond the Bachtlor's De· 9re•, is the lowest ln Orange County end i1 in the bottom quart. er of all Unified Olstrict1 in Sou the rn California.· •If you own a $30,000 home in eithtr Newport Btach or Cost• M•se the cost to you would be $3.'47 per year to re1olve thi• issue and provide qu•llty aducation for your children. • W• esk thet the Bo•rd 9r•nt the rtque1t fo r officiel stete medf. atlon services lfreel in an attempt to reconcile our dlfference1. We b•lieve our requests •re rffsoneble; we ar• willing to ac- cept whetever th i1 imperfiel third perty recommends. ,• THE k>SmON "OF THE D<XPAJER CAN DmltMINE THIS ISSUE. Do you want t.o attract and RETAIN the best educators possible for you.!_ dtildren? Plea&e contact the following sclwol b'?ard members: James W. ~.eyton _'· Mari~n C. Ber~eson Selim S. Franklin Roderick H. MKMillon : Lloyd E. Blanpi1d J r. Elizabeth M. Lilly o ·R, ~eil steiements tc;> t~e Newport· Mesa Education Association, 735 Baker Street, Schocil Board. I ), Don•kl A. Strauss William L, Cunningham, Supt. Costa Mesa, ATTENTION~ • ' , • , ' I ' ·. ·I " ~ ' t -• I ' . . ---· ---~------------~ ~ ,-. ( ·T...t11.-·10, 1!6' ~"""~"'"'~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~.,._~~~~ ... •• 'Titae Noi Ri~ .. ID Zoo? Pope: Catholics Student 'Gripe•, Okay -R~agan Mental' Hospital CQnditWns Bl&ted ' Can't Join WCC DAVJa IAP> -. Gov. llo&pn! SAN l'RANCISCO (UPI) -Thr .. pro- tl)'S mlll eolltce atudentl hive minent authoritlt1 or. mmtal retardaUon lealtlnlata srieTlllCOI. foond paUenu at l!onoma state Hoopltal Amonc tbem, be told student in-· "are treated llke, and ._,....,uenUy lorvlnerl oo the .Unlvonlty o/ ... _, Callfornll at Davts radio staUon, be.have like, anlm•ls ln a zoo." are: A scalhlng ~ on condllloal at lht -"Lick o( contact with pro-holpital was made ~lie MondY. under Tbe Pontiff, 71, came to thl1 "Ronu:! of fe.uon Of note"""'° are more con-orders of Superior court· Judft I~ Protestantism" today at invita~on of the ~:!'=,.with re.search t b 1 n Eyman followinc a year-1onc J~ battle lnternaUonal Labor Organiza~in ClLO) -Failure by a ch 0 0 l ad· by a group of paUenta' parenta. ~ The inve&tigatorl fowxl a lack of funds needed to provide the most ba:&lc necesaitla for the cJre of paUenta. "A ckplorable 11 .... uon utated In that there wu a combination of inadequate linen iupply and laundry service. Thia created 1 1lluaUon in which rags were ueed for drying materiaj after paU!C_ts• totletlng, wi:ihing and \b•thlng," tyey \ sald. ~ lofty tw.. didn't ar&ue wb,e~ , ! she loUlld a· nven-foot boa con· olriclor in the family car al Spring- GEljEV A (UPI) -Pop< Paul VJ told the Ptotestant-domln1ted World Council of Churches (WCC) today he was pravln~ for an end to what the wee called the "scandal" of a ·dlvided Christlanity. Hut he at!d the Um1s wu not rtpe for CalhollCI to join the council. to observe its soth birthday. He lrecelveJ minlllrators to treat students: as ln--The report wu pr~ tor the State the smallest welcome any of his se\·en 1 divlduall. Department of Menlll· Hypene b)' Dr. trlp:s abroad since he became Pope. -A lack of interest by ad·' Gwlna."d Dybwad of BrandeJa Un.lvenlty: Patman Assails Interest Hike • field, Mo. Sunday. She parked the .l car ,;pt "'here It WH and wenl t abioUt her bu&iness on foot. Mra. Bombers Hit Reds, Thwart Big Offensive Jn a 3,500-word address to the tLO the ' mlnl1tr1ton In lmprovlng courses, Martha Adams, 1 nun!n&: profeuor a\ Pope made an impa5$loned plea for combined with loo much of an in· Univers.lty of Callfornla; ancf Dr. Ivy ' tere1t In putllng up new bull"1"'"•, M 1.... •= • .u.......... r ••· •-·-lat jusllce for working men . He also .... ..., oor .. ,., execuwve ""'~""' o "'"'" ..... -. I: The governor commented In an An 1 --~1n "•• '-·~• M ta! ~·arned that "the peace of the world Is at t..• hour and a ,quarter Interview that Re~:u~ a ... 16 '"'"'"''u· on en Heuee said the snake belongs to frl"'1s, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, } wbo went riding, with the Hessees .f S a I u r d a y night. The Morrises " brought tho boa along and forgot 1 to tai:e It home with them. • 1take" and appealed bt nations to end • was marked by frltndllness on both "The phyAcal plant of the hotpilal WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Wriaht whal he called the terrible evils afflicting • sides -a contrast to some stormy violat.ea the-)>ask: principle of dllpersal Patman, chainnan of the powerful HOUie much of the world's peopl~. sessions in the P8l5l with students acyd patienll are herded together in a BanlcJng CommUtee, today urged Pres!· . " r · who opposed hi• ecooomies and huge MM1tal fhlm a wide catch ..... nt dent Nl1on to w1'thdraw gov--nt Heavy security arrangemen we e in hard line a 11 a I n 1 t campus ,..,..,. ~ '<.& , .. ,_ eUeet for the Pope's visit and partly di ssenters. area. (over 500 mile!) so that many are depogita from banks that raised lhtir because of thi:s th«e was a crowd of only R d totally abandOh!!d by their famllle1 and prime interest rate to an unprecedented i ·' 1 ' • , 1 ' •• ~ 1 SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. 852 bombtr11 dropped nearly 900 tons of bo111bs Monday ;:1nd today on Communist f01ce1 whose nf • fensive in the Tay Ninh area 00 milu nvrthwest of Saigon has inflicted he'\vy losses on civilians caught in the ba cklafth of war. 300 al the airport when he arrived. \ eagan 1innounce a n e w pro-have no contact wll.h he outside world," f • posal to lftidge what he <:ailed a .. _ port · Id 81h: percent. Crowds al olig the routes o nils .. communi'callons gap "·lween hi'm tu~ re sa . lh h h ~ "One · · d 1•· h Ital t•· lh In a letter to the President, Patman, motorcade were sparse, oug e wa:· and oth!r offlcials and the students. 1 e inst e i11i osp • ,..,.y are en warmly applauded wherever he went. G Ed .., herded into hu1e barn-like ward.I, which, (0. Tex.), charged the boost announced h lh Wee I II h' f\e 11ald he and J.,t. ov. i·~l I .. "'""' Jt f •··11 b ks M d . y Jn his speec to e , a e ows 1p Reinecke would propose that UC .. n many cases, are J.l'Crc, o any"'"' es by the an . on ay was a co~J?U'ac of 234 Prolestant, Anglican and Orthcdoi of home, and treated like, and . con-that lhreatens to force the country mto a churche s, the Pope raised the question student body presidents take part sequenUy behave'llke, iuilmab In a zoo. severe recession. that has been under 1tudy for some t ime in meetings of university regents. "ln some cases, lhe rpost -profoundly Patman also called on the ad· between the wee and the Va tican : The presidents would not be reta;ded are 1Ull mJxed with the relative-minlalration to lnslruct the Federal "Should the Ci.tholic Church become a allowed to vote but could '"press lymildlyretarded ·, co n s eq u e n1 Jw, Reserve Board to cut off the diacount , lheir views. Such a plan, he said ,, · I b ks member of the World council ?' behavior deterlorate1, even tn case! privilege from he interest-ra1s ng an , L The Communist summer offP.n~·re nan<1 up again this weekend after a brief lull · with a series of battles near Tay Ninh in the Mekong Delta, on the ap- proaches lo Saigon and on the ~ast&I aru!I below Da Nang. The Cqnmur.ist losses Were pUt at 546 In the past fi:-ur days. U.S. losse1 were announced a1 19 killed and 99 wounded. d t now works successfully at meetings th t · d "In fraternal frankne ss, we o no Ct•n· where there was onm .. a)ly a _,,.nt!al for which enables em o raise rea Y · ft•· '· hi of the stale college trustees. & ... , ,..... .... sider that the question o 11'1: memuo;rs P i ....'.'~0:;!;;:::~~~~~:!!"£~~~!..~g'..:re~a~le::r~a~c".'.Jtl~e:::••'.'.m'.'.en~t.~"~------.'.m'.:o::ne::;y'.;. __________ _ of the Catholic Cburch in the World Cnun· .... .:!:.;.J....::,, r:· Thia 'Pf'tttv flag girl hardlv needs a figti to 1top the traffic. Mr1. Luella Holohan of Gnuld ValU11, Coto. ii onl'. of fit>t women who atop traffic for comtTuction tqui~nt uud to wt· Mn U.S. 6 into In~rita.te 70. • Tift Ma;rtin, who bas' an interest in law1 graduates from the eigblh grade in Defrolt Thursday. He plans to go on to high schooL "If my sight doesn't fail me, I might suet iny head into college," gays Martin, an 8l·year-old native of Austin, S.C., who bad to pick cot· ton when he was a child instead of going to school. • canon. City, COio. police """ed their i earch today for a !llotor· cycle, · while with red flashing lights: stolen from tbe poll<lt d .. partment Sunday. • Some 20 ,000 boxe1 of German candy have been sold in Britain In the pelt three weeks al aboqt $1.70 a box ...... ti.bout a quarter tot each of the seven candies a box con- tains. The Calidy I• ~upposed to · remove all traces of alcohol fumes from the user's breath, providing a possible way of beating the gov- emment'~ "breathalyzer" test for (d:runken drivers. 4 • ~.,""'A""",•"•°'•"'•a"rut"""vo:~:~;~sal;,;:;;· ~ ~ Minnal Pala.cc Park pond at Pueblo, Colo. with cirne poles Sundav but failed to hook a aingle fi&h. The VF'W slocktd < f the lake Saturday but oH the fish died victims of water 1 l Pollution. $ '1:91"""""':::::""" ... --;ic-~ _...::: -~--• l. low• St•tt Agriculture Secretary ! L. B.Lldcfy made a quick survey of ~ the skirt short.age in his department ..,. and then instructed 12.5 women em- • ployes to "use good judgment. in your apparel. Some o! the skirts were ridiculously short." Liddy said. ','\Ve got beyond the mini skirt into the micro area.'' North Vietnamese and Viel Cong un1tii lost 16& killed in lne Tay Ninh area a\orc, U.S. IJ)Okeamen reported. It wa1 reported from Tay Ninh that JO ch•ilians were killed and 22 seriously wounded. Another 400 were tr~ated ·nt t1ospitals. Thousand1 were homeless in four da)'s of fighting that dettroyed 369 houses and badly damlilged 31 olbtn in Tay Ninh ·nd itJI outskirta where there was hand to hand combat and air aLrikes by S ,utl1 Vietnamese and U.S. planes. The BU raids againsl Communist forces ape.ratinc out of the Cambridian jungles were the heavle1t in that provtnce since April 24 when the NorLh Viel· namese and guerrilla forces ~ pushatJ another offensive toward SaJgon. * * * cil Ui so mature that a posiUve answer could or should be given," he said . "The question. . .conlains serious theoloJi..-al and pastrol implications. lt thus requ ires a profound study and commits us to a way that honesty recognizes ~uld be long and difficult." At the outset of his speech, the Pope praised the WCC -which the Cathr,Jic Church conde mned when the wee w1 i; e.11tabllshed in 1948 -as "a marvclvus movement," and he noted how the "ret: and Catholicism have cooperated in· crea&lngly In recent years. But in a pointed remark. the Pope told WCC leaders: "Our name is Peter." Observers said this clearly was inl-:!a led to 1tress the Catholic claim that Christ named Peter as the head of the Chur<.:h and the Popes are all Peter's de!ll"t.n· dants. This haa been one of the prirl<"ipal barriers to reunion of Protestants and Orthodox wllh the Catholic Church. Vietnam Budget to Rise, But More Gls Due Home · WASllINGTON (UPI) -,,,, Unlled Stales plan& tp :ipend more than $1,000 per soldier next year equipping the South Vielnamese army -and if it pays off there may be more U.S. l r o o p wiLhdrawals. U.S. support forces includinc jct fl_th~~. .lltlicopters, S\ipply ·a rid transportation outfits, meanwhlle. would remaJn behind to assist the South Viet· ~ .'ll theY .take. Over the fighting . Defense. Secretary Melvin R. Laird said in an impromptu news conference ~tnn­ day the first 2$.000·man withdrawal an· oounced .by Prtatdent Nixon at Midwa)' will be "heavily, we~h~ed" with Army and Marine combat units. No Air Force or Navy men will be in· eluded, be :said. The target date for a further withdrawal is early August. anci the situation will be reviewed al regular intervala thereafter. · Laird refused to make any predictions, but his hope for the Soulh Vietnam ese forces was spelled out earlier this year when he submit~ • fev~ budget cul· ling Pentagon spending elsewhere but asking for ao increase of $157 million for South Vietnamese equlpmt!nt. This brought to $1.25 billion the total available for equipping the South Viet- namese during the year beginning July J. If Congres1 approves. Laird said the money would. 10 for "troop carriers, trucks. trailers, radios, night vision devices. and so forth as welt as guns and ammunition.'' Harriman Hits Partial Pullout WASlllNGTON (UPI) - W. Averell Harriman, chief U.S. ntgoti.ator at !he Paris peace talks during \he Joh"neon ad· ministration, said today President Nii· on's decision to bring home 2$,000 troops from Vietnam was a ""isappointlng withdrawal." He .said Nixon's Vietnam policy Is generally a continuatioa of that pursued by President Lyndon B. Johnson. "How can we expe<:t the enemy lo end their fighting If ""e don't?" Harriman commented at a confer.ence o f Massachusetts city and county officials. ..I see no gain in killing more of the Viet- namese and the direction for the ;;id· ministration should be to reduce the \llolence." Rains Cut Town • Ill Half I Golf Ball Size Hail Pounds Northern Alabama \ Sun, /lloon. T ides 1'UISOA'I' •10\1 IOw t!:o&t _..,,., 1.7 Finl llltill ';U t .m. $.1 Wl~llOAY ,,,,, .... • .•.• " 1·11 ··"'· l .t F!rot 11.... .. ..... ,.. • 1141 1.1"1. J.4 ~ ICM •••••••••• ., • 1:11 •·"'· l.0 ~COl\4 llttll ...... 7:0 ......... , 5.., IUllP 1·11 •"'· •th IM'"'· ~ llllM• 1 ......... kh •:1' '·"'· r11 L•ll 0. Ht • "'"' O .. ~ ....... J4ol'I' ·-,..,. ..,, ....klllt-tl U.S. Sun11ttor11 M•H. ,.,.,..,.., ,..111 •"'II 11._ wtl"lllt 1•1~"<11 .,.,.. .. II-. ""'"" tr'ld II-. •lllll'Wrn P!t l"' i.1e MWtY •tld ....... loffy 1o11 ... 1.,. ··~·...... -.,.,,,u .... '" "" .... •fld .... llv11...,.,_ ""'" '9'ctd to •i.ct l t"CllNI• 111 lfvrll Ill ""It 11-et MMlrt1. 0... , ~ Wllllfw (,_ llot-t•" DWrtlcrwlM lrWl'I !tit "'""'-.. •"tfon! <1l11t. l "" -"°" tvt en ....... .... ~ ,.,. • wfrlllt .. _,... llcJwM ICIWI ll'lt Wit"" ("'41; ~ .... Tllrtt .,_,,,, t 1•19 wt~ ~1KM ~ "-<« .., ""''" ~ ..... ,. rldlM •IWllMd IMO t "*'"ttln ltkt l'Nf l:utert• Olot., ... rlrle t NtY)' rtl" ·-· H1U the •!It ot tolt bllft "'111ft8 ce~1• a1vn m llOl'tht,.. 'A111Nolft1 tflf (°"'tlt!•ly U\'ll~ ,... t rtUl'lf •••• ol El P110. A fie•.,..,. tllw..st•P'I-• t um• 1.J lnd'let el ''I" on ,..,. lll11elti""O\lrll•"'-N.c.~ t~W. Mt Mt f9t. 1'e1111u•rotttl'e• -Miili ..... l rtt. AlllU<!Utr<llUI fl 61 AllCllOl'ttl e '2 ,., .OJ All111!• to '' ltktnli•lcl lll"m11·ck llllt llOIMfl (lllc1to (1"1:!""411 (1-ltllCI ,,._, !)el MOIPIU • Otl•o:t furtkl l'ort Wor'lll '•fl<">O Htl- H-lulu "-'°" 1(-1 (l!y t.11 "'-•• l• ......... Mltoml 1111,..\lllt~ Mlll~1"0111 Nt'W 0.11ttn1 ""' v.,. ,....,.,. "lt"- 0.it.ltllf """"' PtMI ltoblO PllllettlPl'llt ,,_,, ,_,.,, ·-..... Clt'r lllM Ill/fl' ·-kff•-1• ''· J,,111111 St1'""1 ,,,, ....... '"" ''" 01ttO S•n ,r,fnt!l(t !•nl1 l 1rttlrf Sil•llloo $t(lkt llfl '"'""'' Wft!llMl'Oll 7J ,, . " " • » ,. '' JS iS ~ .. 7l •o .1S 13 n n ~ '''~.OJ ti '' 1S JI .Qi ts 11 .n u JI .ot " " " . I I !t " .. u .. .. ., t i St " n ... • • ~ JI .01 1' JS h H .OS " . " " " . 7l ,. ·" JI S• .Ol '' St .It .. " .1111 ,, JJ II SJ ,, ,. ,,; .... •• 60 SJ .01 tJ JI It JS u Jf . ~· -n --u 1't Mod1IWAH ~::::::::i:--~-~""··- Durable Press Care on this budget -priced Even this thrifty Frigidaire Jet Action Washer has DPC for no-iron fabrics • Dur•bf• P'reu C..re. Gentle Wffhlrc action pus 1 cold water cool·down h•lp Durabl1 Pras fabrictr kffp their no·iron promlM. • Jet Action Aaitator. Creatts CJrf"nb th.at plun1t ciottia deep into sudsy w11t1r lot thorou11t wash in1. • 2 J1t·Away Rinsn. G11t rtd of lint Dryer, too • • Du1'ib6e Pras C..re. Propet temperature plu1 end· of.cycM c:ool'4own brinp Durabk Press items out ready to...,.. er put ..,,.., without ironing. • 2qd• Tl"*'· Select mtact dtyin( minutu. • Fine rn..11 0.Cron lint ICT'fffl. Ri1M: on the door. and scum '° thorou1hly there's oo need for 1 lint trap. • Jet·slmpte Mech1nism. No belts. No gears. No pulleys. No wonder it's 10 depend11ble. BOTH for $298~?.:r 2.Speed Jet Action Washer It • Bud&•t Price • Z Speeds. lerul1r pl•s Dlllcltt 11111na: for th• nm. bltlty I l11111ly WHlltr Medi. • Deep Actlo• A1lt1tor tor new dtep cl1111ln1. • l Jel-AWIJ l ll'AJ. • J1t·slm11l1 Mlc:Nlllam. Budpt.Priced Dryer has 2 Dryina: Cycles • ~ Mtlt cytle tor up to 135 ll'tl111.1tt• r,ius t No- Htlt OM fot nuff 111- •No-stoop D1cro1 ll•l SCl'elll. 11'1 f11'1t • 11111 door. • Dur.Ible Prus en. fl'rope:r temP11r1tvr1 pkia •nd-ol<ftl• ,,,,_ '"' ........ ~ DIM'libll !'fat ltMI. BOTH for $31 a•• Jat Action W1s1Mr with economical Small load Stttinc • StNll lo•d Settinr. Saws w1ler Ind dr:terrent lof lo•d.s of lllS.S.lhlll·US\111 'ire. • Automatic So• C)de. for heavlly solltd ltnls, Mlpln. • Dttp Actiol Acft1tor. t 2 Jrll~WIJ llllHs. Matching Dryer with 2·Position Fabrics Selector •l ets you control dryinc "htrt '° suil fabric. • Dutltble Press C«L Pftl!*' tem11trrture plus ~ and eftd.of<yclt silllll kMPS tlll 11t11s ill D11r11il1 Press ltell\5. • Ho.!lODp lint tc:rMIL BOTH for $34811 DEPENDABILITY I. SERVICE SINCE 1947. J 411 E. SEVENTEENTH ST. COSTA MESA Dolly ,.,; Set. '"' • #46-1'14 • ·"'' -' . , • • JEAN COX, 494-- ~,. , ... , .. lttl " , ... ,. I • -Mi~i-Merm~ids Long on -Ideas : ' ,. ln less than a year, Mini·fifermalds, junior members of Mermaids, Women's Division of Chamber of. Commerce, have developed a maxi-length list of accomplishments. Keeping the eye of Laguna Beach on beauty, the Laguna Beach High SchoOI coeds have been helping distribute Mermaid door b'ang~n which remind merchants and residents that beautification begins at home. On the reverse side of the door hanger, which depicts a -Mermaid \Valering her garden, is a check list of suggested improvements to keep Laguna beautiful. ' \ BeauWication is not the only project of the coeds led by MiJS' Carol Undsey, president. The teenagers also have been showing interest in com-. munity service by welcoming home veterans from Vittnam-at-Marlne1--'-""--'-- Corps Air Station, El Toro. . "After the men get off the plane they come into a room where they can purchase tickets to go home and make phone cans. We talk to them and give them coffee, orange juice or cookies. \Ve just try to make them happy and show them we are proud for what they are doing," explained Carol. The group also made a wreath of flowers and greenery for Memorial Day ceremonies in Heisler Park, visited patients in a rest home with Christ- mas gifts including handmade bed socks, helped with the Winter Festival and took 'p.art in Laguna Beach's Book Fair, ., · Officers assisting Miss Lindsey are Miss Debbie Chaplin, secretary: f ·. BEAUTY'S THEIR BEAT-Mini-Mermaids, junior members of Mermaids, Women's Division, Laguna ~ch Chamber of Commerce, have been helping distribute Mermaid ·door bangers urging merchants and 'rfsidents to join beautification efforts. Laguna Beach. High School coed Carol Lindsey (left) w-atch~~ as Sandy Shirey, junior advisor, hangs a Mermaid reminder. l\1iss l.arri Jo DqnJavey, vice presidents, and Miss Michele Vautier, treas~ urer. Mrs. Robert Burton, advisor, hosts the meetings of the coeds in her Catalina Street home the fir st and third Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. during the school year. Coeds wishing io join the group, 'vhich meets monthly during the summer, may call Mrs. Burton, 494-378! or the Chamber of Comm,erce office, 494-1018 . • " . " . Pi'!hlry~ S~ason . ~··''' ' 'OLA~~ 'f I 0 . . Tif:Jlfl 1 ·y ver .'ff., .,i." • !• ... • All lhe ·fisltliavt been cauciit, the bail is gon.e, and ll's time to pack a~y the old fi.ibmg poles for another year. The "fish,~; prizes in the Harbor Guild of Services fnr the Blind second annual Friendly Bridge Tourna·ment , all have b~en reeled in and will be distributed to the prize- 'vinniilg fish;etinen during an Awards Cocktail Party Sun. da"y1 June 15, in the Corona del ,Mar hcfme of Mr. and Mrs . George Weedon. Score~eep0r io.dln. N. J . Frank Jr.,JYhO ·rcportedly "real- ly knows the scofe,".named the winners as follows: Weekly, hfrs. Alvin CoX and Mrs. Jay, Beesemyer, Nohu. first week; 11-trs. John Wa'yne and ~Irs. Evelyn Sherwood , Nohu , second \veek; Miss Roberta Dunbacher and Miss Kathryn Hanna, Dolphin, thl.rd week; Mrs. John Richardson and Miss lJo ru- thy 'DePuydt. Rockfish, fourth week, and Miss Dunbacher and Miss !fanll;l, Dolphin, fifth week. ~ight winners were A-Ir. and Mrs. Dale Stewart. Flound· er: Mrs. Newell Fait and !\1rs~ Jeanette !\·lcCormick, Rock- fish; Miss Sue Ferrand and Sean Hegna, Ironsides; Mrs. Daniel Thompson and Mrs. Richard Steele, Eulachon: !\'Irs. \Vayne and Mrs. Sherwood; Nohu, and !\liss Dunbacher and 1.1iss Hanha , Dolphin. Overall winners will be announced during the party Sun- day; and all the top players will be re~arded for their "fi sh- ing" skills. Among the prizes to be given are round.trip tickets to San Francisco. The cocktail party, which also promi ses to be a "fishy" affair, will offer guild members a chance to say thank you to everyone who participated in, the bridge tournament, which is one of tbe major fund-ra'ising events sponsored by the guild. Playing "scaley" tun es for guests' enjoyment will be _the._ Retr.ogressi.v.e-F'ive Plus Two. AJI proceeds from the second annual Friendly Brid ge Tourtiament ,Vilt be given to Services for the Blind, SJinta Ana. ~. ·, PRIZE 'C ATCH' -~The "scoreke.eper who really knows the ·sc"ore," Ad rit. N. J. Ftarik Jr., tally keeper for the 'secoOd annual Friendly Bridge Tournament of Harbor Guild, Service s for the Blind,. shows round trip tielets:,~ sah Fr8ncisco to top fisher- inen iri the "fishy'r bridge tournament (left .to right)., the Mmes . Dale Stewart, John Wayne and, Alvin Cox . • Doctor's Wife Diag~o s es Own Troubles Before Clientele · DEAR ANN LANDERS ' Th< C.thol~ Oturch had the right Idea when they made a rule I.hat priests COY!d never ,, man)'. •I hope they don't change ll. And 1 now 1 Qiink the American Medlcal AuodaUoo aOOUl:d makt .a rule. Doctors •houJol 11<'1 be llk>wed to man)'. I've been the, Wile o( a physician for 30 yean. lnL J c"' vouch '8£ the fact that doctan make "the rottdst husbands in the world. Somehow I got the crazy ;dea lhat If 1 married a doctor I'd have so- meone to ldok after me H I became IH. What a ,Oke. tr a doctor 's wife or his chlldrtn, God 1orbid, get sick they can die before they gtt treated. The cktr&est Wn& I ever IOI from my doctor-husband In tbt way of rMdk:al attention was thls sentence, "Go loot In tbe lop drawer ol ANN LANDERS .. --· ' •1. my de.ik. There's all kinds or stuff In there. Take what you need.'' lf I.he children gel sick in the middle or the night he doesn 't want to call a doctor betause he hates to "bolher a frlentt." Our friends lfK. relatives don't seem to mind bothtting HIM however. \\''hen I was a dewey-eyed, · romantic coed I thought It would be wonderful to be married to 1 professional man. And 1 '· STILL do. A lawyer. -G.P.'s MATE OE.yt MATE: Y«Klr ltlttr should bt ;u1sw*td by a doctor's wife and I don't quallly.-flow 1 about il, glrls? Who out there would llke t11 play Ann I.anders for a day 11:nd 'respond lt thll G.P.'1 Wife? I'll print lht best letter. DEAR ANN I.ANDERS: I'm a teenage boy \Vho must rlisagTre with your answtr lo "Miss llendi'i Off" -the girl who punched her date in the mouth becausi he put his hands where they di4n 't belong. You said a girl doesn't have to • iiivc J guf a kiop ii~ the cbops In otder J.o tle''..,.er the message. You sLggested in- stead "ii few we.II-chosen words." . I'm ~ pretty cool hi gh school senior who has dated all kinds of girls and scored wllh severa1. I can teU you from experienct. that you 're wrong. Words don 't mean anything to a guy on the make. Nu mallet what a chick says he 'll keep trying, and more often than not he 'll gel "hat he wants, even afttr she h4' said nu. A few times In my life I've aottcn club- btd. When this happened I knew I was tn the presence o( a lady a~ she meant • business. So, Ann Landers, d o n ' t discourag e the little chick who Is Inclined to paste.a guy in the mush. One w~llop is worth a thousant! .words. -MAIMED IN MIAMI DEAR ~!AIMED' Tbul<1. fer .. ~il­ leretti11 point of view frora • guy wbo obvloally W had plenty of experlnce. (Got <illl)' 1.eelll left. Raddy?) YOllr potat Is well I.Ikea Mn.ever. A put dul dt"ods on the temperame1t ud P<IJIOU!lly ol llle M11 eo llle Mau. T1 1n httenstttve cl.-•• words mean ttUtt~. Tile IOly lup•1e IUI &<II *-llo ii llie Jnt11e 'le und'wlrlt, Wl9en a tMr' e. toua1en aadl a cla1r1e:kr 1H .._N be-o ilaft oeeordiijlf. CONFIDENTIAL TO YES, OR N0!1 ' ' Yes! It is better to err on lhe lide er ' compassioi1. You won't rearet this ; decjslon and you ml1ht well rearet the ~ other. GIVe"l'il or loae ~-••• Del I PY c clvt1 )'W wru.e. lotk •ti, ........ . ...,, to ' UM.le di& nper ........... ,; cheek Au Ludtn. Reid lier ~ ''Neekhlc, ud PttU.c -Dal an U.: UmJllf" Seid )'tw' " reqHlt .. ._ _. Luderl 11 cm ef Ilda MWJflf1r. '-__ ,It_ bt,... lld • ..... t '1llmp'4, se11-,... ......... ' AM Londen will bl &lid lo blip ,.. with your-problem•. 6encl-ihem~ blr Ill..--_,, Clre ol the !)AILY PILOr, ""~ I aeU-eddrtSRd, lllmped ell\'tlope. • J4 DAILY PllOT -. ' -Horoscope " I ~· . . i Gem ini': Widen ' A ~pea l . WEDNESDAY JUNE i i By SYDNEY OMARR tl>eater parltdpatlng I n charllab!e projects. Widen •P- peal, broaden borlzons. Shake off any tendency toward lethargy, depression. Smile. CANCER (June II.July 22)' New outlook necessary to popular -•o are aeckl-. achieve asplraUons. Friends \ Medulaie voice. p9opl]e teday are ln~olved. Romantic in- are partlcalarly .u.iUn &o • terlude ls indicated. Stress in- 11 _..,;ltlPllPl MCk. lace. T1111Jeoeck appan! l It , aoundl. • d~peodence of thought, action. \ Study T1111111 message. ARIES (March 2t·Aprll ti), LEO (July 23-Aug. 22), Accent on money. You gain U Cooperate in special projects. percepUve. Don't take thlnP Prestige rises in community. 1 for granted ln financial area. Don't feel you must do things Element of deceptiOn l s as they have been done in present. S e e personal sltua4 past. Express your own unique tions, offers in realistic light. qualities. TAUR US (Aprll 20-May 201 ' VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221 ' Reward indicated. Cycle con-Good lunar aspect today coin- Linues high. Fine for inlUaUng cutes with travel, I o n g 4 business procedure. You can't dista n ce communicaUoru;. skip essentials. Past obliga-Important to keep pace with lions may reappear. )'.QU_corrie <:or~~c;e. One farctway out on top -act with con4 judges you by what is received fidence. in writing. GEMINI (May 21.June 20)' LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. .221 ' Fine for dining out, attending Stick to facts, especially Jaycettes Beef for Barbecuing Celebration 'Golde n Staff! Provides Tastin g Wines from; five. caiuornia wine ries will be sipped and compared Thursday; Jwie 12, froJll 7: 30 ~ 9 .J>.m. by lhos.e-attend.ing a wine-tasting benefitln the . Costa Mesa GoU and Country Club sponsored by the . Harbor Area Fair Housing Council. 1.1rs. Matthew Fare Peerirrg Around ' . .. ~· .... ~IRS. RONALD REAG AN paid a visit to the Balboa Bay Club as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wratber. Tbe governor's wife earlier that day was present at the La J-labra Republican Women's Club's champagne tea. B. Whit~. chairman, oilers samples from an Aus4 trian wine dispenser to Robert Vircsik {left) and . Dr. White. Anyone wishing information on the bene- fit may call Mrs. Vircsik, 642-4247 . E_arthqu qkes Viewed By College Scientist Mem or ial Doy Tri bute Pa id By Mot hers A scientist's viewpoint about -LlVing With eauiomia· Earth- quakes -wiU tie given by Wallace D. Kl~k, associate professor of geology and physical science at Orange Coast College. He has been engaged as the first speaker of the ninth seWJOn ol A.iesa-Htu:bQ:lf Club. The group will meet at 10 :30 a.m. next Thursday in Mesa Verde Country Club. Bradshaw, newsletter; Donald Flight 19, Air Force Rhoades: Dale Hartung and l.1others, v.·as represented at Duane, Stepulis, typing and Veteran's Memoria l Services mailU\t1·, and Niels Pederson, in Westminster Me mo r i a I historian. Park by Mrs. LeRoy Ham- Others are the Mmes. Lauls mack, first vice president, and Chall and Alfred VanHoosen, Mrs. Stephen Lara, second vice president. Sta r Club Gathe r ing yearbook ; John Hoyt, publici-Mrs. Hammack and Mn. ty: Bub Bardsley and Nick JameS-Porter. treasurer. join- !lanson, rea!plion: G e n e ed members of Flight 12 in the Skawin and Ronald Taylor, Fish Fry parade Jn Costa reservations; Isabel McCon-Me,sa. Plans for a Festival of Arts dach, decorations, and Louis The flight . will meet next project will be discussed by Pratt, Christm as danct. '.fhursday in Hyde Parke Star Club members. Llguna I~ addJlion to monthly ·' Estates, Santa .Ana, for a pro-8-ch Order of the Easterµ business an d program gram of colored slides taken Star tomorrow night at 7:30 in meet.iq s, mem~rs have an by Charles Tucker i n Laguna Federal Savings and op~Nty to participate in a Thailand. Mrs. James E. Loan. wide variety o( activities Tucker, president, will preside The meeting is the 1ast for throu , cl~ ~ti~. They in-during °l~ a p.m. meeting. the club until Seplember, and where le.lat and money affalrt Fashions Newport Bethel ' ' ' • . i ' ' Y-oung women affiliated with ; Ne wp,o rt Beach Job's : Daughters, Bethel 157 gather i the. second and fourth Mon-: days at 7:30 p.m. The Masonic • Temple is the setting for : meetings. Informal Ion : regarding membership is ob-; tainable by calling M r s • 1 Walter Tuz, ~1755. : ., ' ' ,, . THEATER ANO Vagabond section members of pie Mon- day Morning Club. of , Laguna joined with Globetrotters of Thursday Morning 'Club of Newport Beach for a three- day cruise aboard the SS Prin- cess Ca rla. The group of 43 travelers sailed from Los Angeles Harbor to Ensenada where the ship docked for six hours while passengers enjoyed a lour ol Mexica n shops. Conducting her first meeting will be Mrs. Wllliam C. Holme!, and serving on the board with her are the Mmp. Marshall .Cowley, first' vice president .iind p r 0 g r a m ch&Lnnan; Harold La~, se- cond vice pres ident in charge ()f ways and means: Ed Schmok, third vice president and membe rship chairman; Robert McLare n and Wendell Adams. recording and cor- responding secretaries, and Edward Zielinski, ~re:!lSlJrer~ elude duplicate brufge, couples Mothers of Air Force men all members are urged to at- bridge, gourme t, wine-lasti ng, and worQen are invited and lend. Mrs. Phyllis Williams birthday club, dancing, may call' Mrs. Jean B. Mille r wi ll Preside and Mrs. Ethel globetrotters, tennis, golf and Sr., ~Z'l69 for information. 1 ~P~i~et~y~is~h:os:tess:_c:o:m:m:i:tt:ee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ theater. ch airman. At the meeting Globetrotters will report on their recent two- week trip to Mexico City, • HB txiothe rs CUernavaca, Taxco and Huntington Beach Blue Slar From there. the cruise con Linued south, c i r c I i n g Guadalupe Island before·turn IDg back toward Loi Angeles. Chairmen appointed are the' Mmes. Lloyd Baker, ·gene.rat activity; Allen Heims, cohf• munity service: Fred Svenson. phi l ant hrop y; Lewis Acapulco. Mothers, Chapter 2. stage Any woman interested In meetings the second Mondays membership in the club may · at 1: 30 p.m. in Lake Park call Mrs. Schmok at 54&-0968. Clubhou!e. - . ' • I • With Dad or Grad ••• SYLVANIA TV Sylvania a lways draws a crowd. Turn on a Sylvania next time the boys gather for a ,Saturday afternoon ball game. In ·black and.white or color, your Sylvania will give the sharpest, clearest picture imaginable from the 1st to 9th inning. -... - SPECIAL OFFER! Sm"t roll..about 1land aL no additional c:h1rre with Sylvanla'1 19 inch dlaronally mea"ured screen Black and 'Vhile TV model MY73G ~JJ.!.1 !"!een· Budret ~rjce. . $139.95 • Sylvania'• 18 inch dia1on11.lly :tneasored screen Color TV model CD50PL. Has bnilt-in \rnr and V~t: antennaB, $349.95 Syl•1nia'1102 square iMh ~ peraonal portable color TV. Has convenient eanyin1 handle.and built.-ia ''Ht' atid UH F antenna.a. AFC (automatic fine tuning) in!uree a 'flerfeet pictuu with the push of a butt.oft. Sylvania part.able color teleYi1ion 1l&IU' •t.JVt.tS A.lkfor model CB36, just $329.95 YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SUPERB SYLVANIA HOME ENTERTAINMENT INSTRUMENTS 41 1 E. Seventeenth St. Cost11.M•sa. 646· 1614 Dally f .f , Saturday 9·6 A - Charm . chac1I -~. , *-kfM~Jk 'PrL-1"-"' and · ' ·*-.& ~a1aM>. '7'oll•O" H•!h ~h·•I G1rft ' I +c~~tr.- ·10 Le ~so he; .Por ~ I 5 CWSIS START iUNE 16 .. I Sears I ....., __ _ COSTA MESA 3333 lrlstol St, • f hone 540·3~33 I v ] f~ .. In th m ! Wa for Re jo Tri 1 lwt ma of I Fel 1 -· 1tn pie •• s Hit tio1 di ti d" 1 Jui Un ma OYI 1 •r< lhr p.n Au •• I wil of 6QI 1 Cle ca· Ly; Do ( Ca Mi• S!.1 La Ba M1 Lei I Ha le! \\ii on ' r.c det ve• W\I tr- 1 m• ti, te< Int .. da I gri Sb I --,,, ------·· , -.. voe. l.2, NO. 0138, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PA6ES j• . ' . ' .. ,J .; . --. . • . . . ~ . ' T8tl8Y'• 0-. • :N.v.-staek8 , .TUESDAY, JUNE '10, 1969. \ JEN CENTS c .,. ti..,. . . \.~. -. -· ··"*" .......... '· I • \ \ . . . ·' . . ·~ . - HonAymo:o~ . I ~· . . \ ~\ O~er:.";~f Qf ·,~~ga.1 .. Meter" F ~eding By RIQIARD NALL The honeymoon's 4bout over. The moratorium on lt':;al meter feedi:ig for downtown .Laguna Beach parkers is nearing \he end of the string. 1 The city expects to receive and begin installing its new meter heads downtown thi~ week, about ~300 or them. This mean&-<----··~ ..... ··----· -That the cost or parking doubles to 10 • • cents ao b(lur. . ... , . -Thaf lho'le "!\!/park !or rnore ·Uaan two hours ln two-hour spaees get a Ucket that costs 11 H paid promptly. -A ne'f ticket may be given for each additionll two hours of violation. Tti:k;ets . can stack up on the windsbiel~ • .,.__ ." • -Shoppen will receJve a half.hour Ira parking !or each ''*"' U.,Y ~ve !r"m • ., 1xon ,;_;wn the 'Mission Trail" Niguel District Reservoir Set Hospi~l ,.. Sets ·Fulld ' Campaign A $500,000 fund drive will be launched by South Coast Community Hospital ln hopes that expansion· construction can start·shortly after the first of the year. MISSION VIEJO -The Moulton·Niguel Board Pi-esldent John Weld said con- Water· District has awarded a contract struction start, originally scheduled for for the El Dorado Water Storage Jllne 1, has been dela'yed principally by Reservoir to serve northern Mission Vie· Jack of funds. ' jo and be located neir Alicia and The pllnned expansion of lhe 174-bed . -.. . .. • wt!•IJ'!Ull( ~ts. . nie new aystem: .ts by Joint acreement of 1111:· Downtown "Busioeu ~Uon and 'clly.ofilclals. It is aimed al both In· crtlfinf revenue f~ .ipt\ers wliicb ft9'W' glv , an hour parking for a nlckl~mt proVldlilg th< lilre ol lbnited free parllng Ior-.ahOr~rS.--~ !1 • Th& city form.tty banned meter . . . -,. . . . -. " ' . !eodini.l'1!JCI! ~.., a. ~~ can situatl~. t5o~ work~ . parkirig clooe .lo ~ .ptjiCe i>I work would .10,out and fno~ •• RCJ-tO itit>< off ChfUt ilia·~· on .. theii.-tird to cCnfuae. .. meter.. en-forcement: . . 'l1le work. (o~ ·1ot sormthinl of a break when. Jildge•J. ParJev-Smith held In Munlclpal "Coort"thal tblm!ortement . . '~· . -·. . ·-•· > T - . . .. -.. . . ~ ~· .... -· • . . . --·-~·.oas . . . .. ... .. . .. ... . ... I . . \WI! ·not l~al since parnt.·wre not ~ 1 'prised of t~ ·Jjieter-f~ tiln.''" ·: ' City Manager James D. ,"Yheaton Hld Jhe · ~ly ha~ 'worked this oUt wilb. the court;_ 'J11e me.tel'll will bear a deeat·teU· J~ of the limitation. · For· thost who m4Sl park downtown, there are<36 lo.hour meters '(10 ctnts an bo'Ur) at the municipal ~ot near The . .. . . •• . •. . . Bre'a1cero rrori:i...11 Danlo'•> on the ·Mlln Beath. . Thel II-"""" lot' on Glenneyre -naw with ftve..hour meters ·-will havt aome . two hour, some four boW' and some 10. hour miters. r.rerchants have titimated that the downtown work~ force uses 400 spaces that in C · st\ortage QI. available par~ might lie'used for llhoppets. · • . , Party1 Flies Back Todari To Capital By ARTHUR ll. VINSEL Of .... Plll1' ... .., ,,.., Ureeted by a medium-sized crowd in· eluding a little boy wav'mg two tiJt1 American Flags, t b e nation's chief ex- ecutive came home to Orange County, Monday, en route hack to the· main ·of· flee.·. Ptelldent,Nixon had nothing offici&l to say dUting the brief, commuter stopover al El .. Toro.MCAS, but •lhook a.few hlll1da after.. ad ormal welcome . befo:--"eadtn1 for San Clemente. , Trabuco Parkwp.ys. faciliU" is to lnclu~ ,a~Uon of 128 beds . the accepted low bid for the mare than and the ~pportJ.n&·~ serv~. · . two-million-gallon reservotr and pipe W~ld !8i<!i. "Our~ ftl'!d drive nie !lil;Oll party •left for Washington at 1:48. a.qr. today, after a laat-minute Chit =:;:., li!N!1 ~ . ._ to ca1c4> a ma1n ,.., mi.111t'ltl!ftl-.r.;.-·"0n1>: 1~l 1iiiif<lil'TftU"k~ mllllolt .-. of Santa~· ComP,JtUoa ls-scheduled in ~in:Jlrivate funds ••~need to qualify for~ Feburary 1910. . I~ ·~d Wider Jw"~ Act. 'l'be M.argue,rite ~!'Volt under con. ~ Thet; the sharp cu~ 1ut ~ t~ ''~re It 1#1," someone· lhouttd Monday ... "".'""" ooe·~ 1_.,i JD the :.t:'ci::f;~1;~~~'!1TJ . · struction near'SaCidleback is to be com-public spendiitg bOtb. on th! ~state iDd . federal level made aove.rmnent money· pleted in August. Unaviiilable in any Cvent. •• Fitness Plan Set ~;~t evi:d~&l\:,,"':11 1~ · SAN CLEMENTE -San Clemente beyood ~pacity, we had .to postpone the · building program." , · · Higli School Will host a summer ~·-Weld said the hospjtaT.authorllles 'hOpe . tion program designed for physical con-to qwllity for a $2 million a1ice of new ditiOning, competi(lve games and athletic llill·Harria funds fortbcaming ·in development skills. December or January. exhault~ ' 'l'!le bli ship touched down oo the nortJi. south ninway, neirly one hour Put fler onginal f::to p.m. arrlvaJ.tfine and taxied to a ba1t on !he apioii before the crowd of Several bu~. 'The program, which will 'get under way Despite several substantial gifts since . Ju be If d t all c · lran the first of the year, Weld said the "" June 16, w 0 ere 0 apts G h"pllal ,., still about "'"",000' -tt'..rt Of . . ~ t .. ' ·DAtlly PILOT l"llt't. W ...... ~ _,. ~ • . -A·-- · Brti .. Gen. H..,Y W. llile, 'wi>O· looli command .,f the sprawling inltallation~ only hours after President NixOn J)al5ed through last Wednesday, greeted Ute First Family with ~eii; his wife Miry, and three.o~ their six children. 'l • -· Unified· SCbool District teen and adu1t f'IW ..., males who wish to Improve their level of matchtng the federal funds ao61bt. ~ · overall physical fitness. ; _ Meanwhile, construction ' P>Jll have The gymnasium and physical fitness skyrocketed so that tlie actual;ccst or £he' 1irea will be open from 1·9 p.m. Monday planned expansion may run tcf $7 million through Thursday and Friday from 1-5:30 rather . than the $4 million originally p.m. The program will continue through figurtd, Weld said. August 27. Said Weld, "Indeed, it seem.s likely 'riow that we may have to go into debt for the •• /llafe Cheerleadet'S first limo In tile hospital's history to secure all the money required to com· plete: the upan&on program." MISSION VIEJO -Two male students will be surrounded by 10 distaff members of the Saddleback College cheerleading squads next year. Sophomores Charles Rawn of San Clemente and Lou Pellon of San Juan Capistrano will join veteran cheerleaders Lynne Broyles of San Clemente and Pam Downs of Tustin. Other co-ed cheerleaders are Pat Casella, a sophomore from El Toro, and Michelle Foster, a freshman from Tustin. Songleaders for 1969-70 include : Terri Staffieri cf Tustin and Sharon Addis o( Laguna Niguel, both ~econd year leade~s; Barb Trapp and Leslie Mowers of Tustin : Maureen Demers of Mission Viejo and Lena Deszcoi of El Toro. Germans Norman Vincent Peale President of Church NEW BRUNO>"/!~ .• J~,J. (UPI) -.Tl>e Rev. Dr.)lonnan Vincmt Pelle, known to millions througl\ his book:"The 'Pp wer of Positive Thinking," b1a newspaper col· umn and his close l1el ,1fith tbe NlJon lamily, was elected. P.f'!Sid~ of the Refonned· Church in A\nerli:a"Monday nigh\. • . . Peale won on the third ballot to head tile Z3Z,IJOO.member denomination. ' . • ! See S~x EL. TORO~UD_C!LE:•-Pr'l'i\!ent·~ixo~ and fal)ipy ' M~ry Hi••· Tricia ;N~.141-s. Ni%o~, J)rig. Gen .. , cba:·wlth Higtj, ra_nking Manne Corps·c!fitet• i!i!>o.l!l Hebty· W,, Hile, conun&n'I!'~ of El Toro /ilCAS, and arrival in"):lra~ge.<lounty for~ovemlght sla)"!~·toilra -Mil};-:·Gen~ 'Arthur H .. .A~ilms,. coirurlander of El from HOndJulu '·:to Washth£ton. CoUnterclociwis~·. Toro-Dalied 'lb.ird Marine '.Alr Wing. Moments &fter the front doOr of the big je~ opened, Presidept Nixon .stepped out With t W:&Ve to be seeil often tn ~· County, then was jolnffi by hia Wile Pet. from President are Mrs .. Julie Eisenhower, Mrs. . .. . Together, they 111.C:pped down to , the runway, followed by daughter Tricia, then Julie and David F.l!enhower. · , ...... , . C-Ou·ncil Studies Proble.m Nixon Schcilule8 ' -' . . "Whlcb one'• married to th e Else~er kid and what;a the other one's nitme?" asked a rep<>rter obviou,IY, dispatched to cover an unfamiliar beat. · O~ Drainage in Canyon Briefing for . Congressmen Gef!. Hise inlrodocf'd his family to .the Nlxons, including daughtera Reeny, 26, and Ussa, 19, who had seemed fidgety with suspen&e earlier~, but graciously in· troduced 10..year-ol.:1 J udy Hise to their important visitors. ~ll!_~ ~!!YO!! ~ nature's natural dramap •cliamel to the sea for the sill'~ rounding hills and watershed. The problem is that it has homes and bi&sineases and a biihway · alona:· its cotii-se. ·, · • • lJ!jii:.o ls.a·drablag!'< cllaDnY log_b\il not . ,.,,."'1ous!> one f!"'the b1''floocb that . ~~ ~~!·ery·\ hundred yws· . or ao. wgunPJ . in r ttM canyOn Awbo-went . . . ,. Orauge , B MERRIMAN SMITH They were accom1 .. 1nled by Maj .. Gfn, through recent flooding know this. J,., wi.ii., "°"" lfl•mr Arthur H. Ad811U11 who stepa: down Friday It is technically documented In a study · from as Commander \>f Ult Third Marine AU: prepared for the Orange . County Flood President-Nixqp new home . Win&, for a 11ew Kor~a duty a.ss.lgnment Control Dislrict by the.U.S. Army Corps Orange County on the last leg or his Scarcely enough u~.. elapsed betwefn of Engineers. City . Q>uncilmen will take Midway mission Tuesday to rePQrt to arrival and depRrtUie to memorize a u'p ithe ··mattei' th:·a ~dy session Wed· congressional Jeaden•oD ill~ ilgni~ person's last .n.me, but the President ~liy: inicbt ..and "'"'-·a,preaentation by of ... conleren--with South Vietnam stepped bri1kl,.1tO~.a J'<lpe cord6n keeping: !loocf conttol ·enallii'ei.:.· ·~ '0 back spectators to meel • fellow Onm4• , , . ·p~Npyen Van.Thieu. . Countians. Tile report ddes. ll<ll· lriclUde plam for· Tiie Afr FO<Ce-.l°Jet·••~tri• tile "presl-The publtc w'u ln·<t'od. to set the Prest· solution of llood'problems, j\llt.tocbnlcal . -., • " iitformation~to guid'! ·in zoning along the dent and 'hi!:. ·party departe.4 ~ El Toro <tent ·urlve 1bome · fmm : waf-and-peace "flood 'plaini" _or constrpcUon "of OOod Marine Air Station at-1:41 a.m. It•was <~ PRBllDENTj·Page: I) (i-otection 'wor"\s. · · -• due ill ivillit"ogrona6oUt I p.ni.' EDT:---.----'--'------'----,.., Tiie. repbrt notes: !: · · Nixon scheduled a meeting at the White •·The Orange~ Col{!ltY FlOl?Cf Conlrol J1ouse shortly. thereaft~ 1'Jth .'bfpartisan Disµ:ict ' pr~ ,th_at a dar:n be ,,CQJ:t• leaders of ·the· stnl.te 'and ljoase to Weather structed at El Toro Road hO'fever. funds discuss the' ~ 2·t, o 0 .o. m a n R :,.hly Illustrated Book Shows All About It ;,~~tlo~~~er. authorized .for Its con· American troop wlllidrawal.lrorn. Viet- "-' The report ilates that piecemeal con-nam and prospects for progress iii the termlnatJon of • 1 e 1 u a I slruction of 1the drainage channel in the Paris peace talks. · , The morning cloudl chould pa.rt e!rly· on Wednei!ay to· ·auow a mosUy sunny dly on Ult coast, with temperatures in lhe 18-78 range, __. · . INSIDE • TODAY -1 Pia!" for 011 offah,pr< aiJ710rf By NANCY KOWERT vanced officially sponsored sex text in • pregnancy, l?wer portlOn of the· Cll'.IYOn, lhrou'gh An _p(flcUi.1 evaluaUon of the Sunday •-..... ,..,. Wrttff Europe. dise~, ~ hygiene. · 1 dcwntown Laguna,-began ln 19'J8. meeflng at MidWay Island WIJ that the BONN, Genn•11v -When 13-ye:ar-otd Jn Germany, where Bavarian junior It ,ii-In simple, short 1t11tences, a rarity ''The cbannel'has_ i......n.desl--i ,for t.he • 1 ~ ~ ''"h --~1 , ..... , •• is ~•n t th • • """ •• ..,. United Stalos and Sooth Vlelnlm now Hans goes bac:l<" IO school thiJ. !all the ~.._.... ~ sei ~~-.. ••r • • tn Aernran s<:hciblhoOU!, And It covers 2$-year-l(e<luency flood and will he m- teachet will band him .8 new white book birds and bets. stage. lt'i sure to catch · thoroulhly and unblushlngly~every aspect adequate fOlj the 11)0.,yiaf.frequency flood have a more united front to wt f!rtll :1n with cok;rfu1 abilrad picture of a womb m;;r. ~=In 1 j .... dlrecl · or ...;..1 development. •. or the standaril;Pn>J«I tJooct. (a s>vere Paris on tile uttlma\e ruolulloo'ol ~e on the front cover-' '·, 'un lronLJ1!l11jo_ediciitlori'"OlnCl'.i!s tut l .,ttsayslherhythm_meaid·olblrth·COD-situation ~t one ' -~at·.~ OCC1!' vi.~·l'{ar: '•, ,·: ·" '~' , . ~he starta Olpplng tJn:ough Iii 48 "sea edllcttton In ICbojil oliOuid coo-. trot ,"Is 1'commeoileO .,;ty for-women '"ti,!lme). rl Ila th . J;...,,,. ~; !'JO "~ ,)l.b\oa ~ ThleU•l!!!!' oat(~ bPe got ~~'/!1J 1='~ ..... ~= ": tribule not only to helpln,-,..n1n>•no•s with regular .-..t ~·" 11 calls , ~in~l:.itt.cl:iiu!f;':'JWr~ ..:." llia_t . 'al..j at,.P.el7 w0JJ I~ tliilt'.~•: I 1 011 In .th•. "'°'kl for q,..14,4, • I 1 O!Mo, ond q ai']lll<ir pl!Jn '!"'Y .. b• , I the an.nocr for Oronot" Cwnt11'• , airport' ha11lt. DetaiU of the : ~made ilJGnd terminal are 01~ Page 19. I ~ ... H _ .. • • ·-" --,. =-..:... • ,.,,...., ...... ... ' •• --I ·--• ..... -, .. ,. \ ==-·· • ._,. , ... t • .... '*" ........ , ... _ ... 1:':" " -" • j ~··· .. r-. • .......... "f' , • I ..... ...,. .. , venereel -~He'll he provided also _... thett quaUU.. .., 111"1! .and birth conttol pllb, "'the IUl<lt method .. : ' , Will •'"1th.las:-'c!OnJoptiie"':"""'~ ~="fa:r 'ii~.:"1 .J':~alr...1 with • quldt-ref<Z<D« pide to birth cm--. bell --.ive them ..,.......~!~ bot 'can. be, mad .. UNI ... by· 1m1ulllr-new ·water. run91f r-ll)clude !he tMistneis Llher\ltlon .Fron! ' . methods 1heir OWJI leDle " ~Jues; ~ •N, • , , -· .; 1 • .. • area of downtown ~· Bacl,I, the • "' tr-, · WI "1 i-oi.11>e ·• tlM1*!!-.IOllllloi,,...al~:~ p!IMatlitg. • sewage lreatmenl p!Ant ind-· ----------'-~)~ ~ ,J!.,' turnlllg to~. Tl:'!~-Mrs. slll>llei.Ai<l.11 'a'boqlt ' II also gives figuru.O the relis.bility of •cotruiterci&l .ind private ·~ ... S~le •Jllarfceu ~. he wlll ttld 1 dmflt>U<!n Jil sexual that "oilers \be .......,Y' facts and . '1!e~I and cb~cal"methods. tending to El To~ ~d. ·' ' . ,. ··' techniques.'-' • then!orf the -uat bull for a The"-t>'>blishes g-.e plctum •, ,It adds that, In. ~~dlUOn .the, COut • NEW YOR": (APf-Th<rlll>c~ market nie book, tlllld-"SR AUii," w11 dlaiope bet•'"" ,_,pe!ll'le abd t!le1r .., QU1er p\lysical ellec\s ol syphilis, and R1ghw1y at the lowp11tn)if'ol tbii 11"4>' ~ wltl!'a• 1mall ·~ In mo.derate JllMJ)Clled 1'ue!ldl.r by the Health Minlilry ~ 11111 ~ ... u:P.detalls_on.ltow11 il.coiitraded, area will he lnundattd.!'.: , . '! !lldf!li. tollay .. -(i!ee" qu()(ltlliltl{ 1pqes as 'part o1 West Germany's effort to UP' The .12 d!aDten m : l>iologlcat The pullltcaUon comes·ln Ute middle of : The ;reyort ~16 <~. mlllO' IJ1", ~U). ~ • I dale sex edQllon. ci.nelojimeqt. .iut.r-.hetween tile se•· a pvwtnc sex wave In W .. t Germany, 1 ~ )i tbii ··-"li!f ~"'!'• i!')I'• '· II llrntod 10111ewh1Llrcrn its moderate ~ It, et a _, coolerenee, es, pUhel'fy and memlruatlon. .lutlU... whm nude pictures are c•ntrnlill . on t:l' -tliit m111 tiO clOtid '" decllohlo11dll'. In retdloii to iho tioos1 In gr~ Health MIDiltor ~ tioo, -· l>Jrth, RH.faetor, ll!lns, .,.,. .. of blib..eWnc, r" pee tab Io P/Q\edlm\ leiY!nJ them Ulil> "'" Island banks' prime rate to a record 'l\I per· Strobel, a. Hld tile book is the most ad· methoda p( birth control, premature maguines tliat reeture colt1111J11 oo aix. wltl\ln tlie Oood plain/' CfOI ,_ 711 percont. . . ' ('; .. ·-"---- \ i' • .. % IWl.Y .I'll.OT L T .....,, ...... 10. lM ~------------..,,"'-;:;.;,;.;;.;"""c.:.;.:.;.._ ... _ Medical -~.RevieW Slal . ·d f ;apo~School ! Boara Sets · B<J8yfl-Gu.Uk&-Plans ior ·Hofpital~ii! 'i . ' ' • Cash ~fudy A"!J.inan ·adv Is• r 1 ·board w 11 h of lbeboltd, Mudie &aid llie.llo«Y would: rterestDtaUvu from each major cun· -Apprise COfDmunlty l e • de r a of mllilf11 lir thi'South Orillge County area hospital problem•: bu· ieen formed to flllli!e plannlna of -Fonn a pool from which fulure medical programa f~r the area's newly hospital trustees familiar with the pro- desipated hospital ~~t. · blems of medical care can be recruited. ReprwntaUves are from Lquna -Insure that existing facilities are best Beach, Mlatoo Viejo, Lqlma Nlgue~ El oervlng the area's needs. To!vo 5ao Cllmealo llill ~-HllJI:; --and encour14* h.,Pltal SUI> Actmc lioU.i, Cllalimiit R 1 c h , r d-' pdrtlni' activities.:. \ Mudie. i Lif1U!1i ·a~, said the Finl regular meeting ofi i/rou,, will :.tu WM fonned to p r o v I d e be held at Monarch Bay P a Thursday, . 111\1-aacl Pitonloc onc all In-J..,.11 al a time yet to be )ermined. terested coinmUnlUes'for hoSpital care. The.new: boa.rd'• members re: The IOUtb county district was recently JU chard \ Mudie, South ~guna al· es1a)Hshed · by the State AcMsory to~y, active in Laguna Community Hooplltl c.widL It ln<ludes South C-1 Chest and Boy's . Cfub; Lee Austin ~ liolpllaf In South Lquna. Androws, Laguna . Niguel slockbroker. Plaal have been broached al.90 for fu. put president of Niguel Homeowners and lure aalelllle ladlllles to be built In the Cooununily Ass<>clation: Rober! L . outlYUW llUL Damuon. El Toro tax consultant, presl· "Our-primary objecllve ii to provide deol of El Toro-Laguna Hill! Exchange · arta:-wide reprtM:ntation in coordinallna Club, member of San Joaquin Elemen- the pi!ani!ini ol comprehensive medical tary School Board; Thomas J. Doherty, ~ ~· locluding ad d I t 1 o n a 1 San Clemente stockbroker, president hospl1al facllllles for ·lbb part of the elect of Laguna Beach Rotary Cub and couafy;"'"Mudge ii.Id. past president of Laguna Beach Com· Ill oddlUoo to lbe·-laUve 8-' munily ai.ot; AU red ff. V..CTtll. .. w.ma 111111, retirtd, president of Leisure World Stan and past president Laguna Hilb: Former Rotarians; Edward G. Kopp, Capistrano Beach general co~actor, president of Dant. Point Civic iation; James T. Manion, El Toro iness m~. past · '.Jjres.ident of El Toro Civic AsaodAUon; Dennis P. Paquin, Juan 1Capllµ'ano utility planner, pa.st Vice preaidenf San Clemente Junior Chamt>er of Commerce; David J. Phillips, Laguna Beach auto deale r, director of L ~guna Beach Chamber ot f,ommerct, and district commiUetmaii of Boy ~ts of America ; James D. :,Rivenes, Miaslon Viejo stockbroker, dirtctor of oulton- Nlguel water District: James c. Thomas. Laguna Beach airline pilot, officer and director of Hilltop Owners AMociaUon : Richard B. Webb, Laguna Niguel pharmacist, active in YMCA; Kenneth Walker, San Clemente realtor, president of San Clemente-Capistrano Valley Board of Realtors, state director of Calllornia Real Estate Association, director of San Clemente Boys' Club and past director of San Cletnente Junior Chamber of Com· merce. C.plstrano UnlOec! School District trustees Monday appointed ~wo of their ~·· members to act U represeo- lativu on ·a joint. l•lcher-lnlltee com·' mJllee to' con<loct an on-;om, awdy of the i!bizlct's finance. ' , Robert Newhart of Laguna Niguel and Harcourt Bull of San Clemente were lhe ~·s choices. Formal appl'1lval will be given at the board's meeting nezt Mon· day. Teacher re~taUves are D a n Geisy, Kenneth Foster anct' Al Pierce. Trwnan Benedict, asaiat.ant district superintendent, will be the district ad- minlstraUon representative. Trustees approved formation of the study commiltee under threat of a walkout by the teachers' association. The committee will "consider salary ad· justinents (for teachers) bMed on the fiscal statl,lS of the district." Fr.. P .. e l PRESIDENT. Newport Lawyer Guilty • • Stringy, Sti1ager The adjustments would be made after the July at flnalb:ed ·determination of the diltrict's assessed val uation, • -Normally, teacher salaryi a r e detennined by the board in n~gotiations prior to that time so that the school budget may be figured. In Capistrano, however, teachers sought and were given provision for open. end contracts. That Is, if the dl.strid 'finds that it has more money than it esOmatH it will have, increases bl the teacher's · pay wilJ be conaidertd. talks with vtebwnr.ie President Nruyen Van 'Jbleu, while his arrival June • was limited to MarL1e personnel a & d dependents. Based on what lnfmntd sources say tboul bi! leellhp on the Vlelnam sllut· ti~. President Ntzon seemed to single out those whole future hope of not fighf.inl sacb a war seems greatest. David Piper, 3, oI Buena Park, had a ruMy nose from the cool breeze which sent threatening clO·l'1! scooting over th~ rugged mountains to lhe eut end seemed nonchalant after meetin11he President. His father Bob. however, was im- pressed With Ute historic · Incident -In Pipet . famlly terms -and WIS partkularly pleased that his wife ond all four Q'.11 were there. "We drOve like crazy to get down here .n.r· belrlq' lhe· putillc .... lnvlt.d 30 mjnaW llU' lbd ~ It would late 20 -)mt klr the trip," said Piper. llaor-did·lhe PiJ>ll' boys Ill<• m..unc the l'ttaid .. t? "Pretty pod, .. &aid ·Ronnie, I, .. but why ... ,... wrltlnc all that lluf( down?" Tllo-FlrJi·l'...ur· ,. .. , standing· In 'lb• BlighUy·awkward well-are-we-ready! lim- bo that accompanies o f f t c I a l ap- pearJP:qa, ao Prnild,'nt .Nixon UlblrOO them'IO._ ol!~ watUng'h.Ucopw~ Newly-=dflljgnlted Marine Co r p s Heli~ter-One, the tW'bOjet chopper wheeled into a right turn facing the b~ and the:rotor bi&d'8 ....,.., •• abe moved down the uphalt strip. Seated in the big central, bay window aectJ.on, the Preslddwas still wav~to those who could Ml Uirough the • e: watering rotorwash · of the 1-w I t bdlcoplar. Board Honors Retiring Trustee He ha11 served the Laguna schools longer than any trustee In their history. Doing a lltUe mathematics, fellow trustees calculated that outgoing board member Robert Turner had put in about H full wee.ks service to the community durlni hll 13 continuous years u trustee. Turner was honored Monday night at Ben Brown's restaurant by ad- mlniltrators o( th.e Behools, fellow board members, former board member Don Tobin and wives. He was presented a pla· que for his service by the adminlstratcrs. Turner, who chose not to seek re-elec tion, has one more scheduled meeting before he steps down. DAILY PILOT OIV.NGI C04IT PUllisHING COMl"ANY l•Mrt N, w,,, .. , .. 161n1 .,. l"Wl'llflW Jtck a.. c.,1.., Vkt """i.nt '"' "-" M9"ffll" Tlto1'111 IC••ril .... Tho11'111 A. Murp~l111 IM-lftf E!Gllw l ich1rd P. N1 tl L .. ..,.. ••tdl City IEdltu &..,..• IHcll Offlc• 222 F1rt1t Av1. Mtill111 Add1•111 P.O. lo• 666, 92652 0.-"""" e.t• Mu.r D Wnl •IY ''""' ~ ~: ltll Wat &1ttw>t k1""9,. """""""' INcfl: • "" '""' . . In Marijuana. Tax Rap . ' I lly JOHN VALTERZA for the U.S. CU1toms Smloe. Of""' Dlltr Pl• sllff lronk:ally, marijuana never did come Bafbo\I ii!ancf lawyer lticbard llll)lle, •"""" ~ bonier In the alleged coo-.. splracy. '!be Indictment llat.d "a 37, bu entered a guilty pit.a to a leaer vegetable substance" was tn the plane chars' in a blz.arre marijuana 1muuJing that landed early wt November at ·Palm c~ er:~. ft WP" Iearn'-ti today. Springs Airport. ,Higbl,, \:-'..o bl a fonner Newport Beach SUBSTANCE ALFALFA Lt. Eugene DePaulls of Laguna Beach lifeguards displays specimen of jellyfish which have been plaguing swlmmers of late at area beaches while D~bbie Aubrey, 18, gives the creature a-cautious poke. Stinging wound is inflicted by tentacles hanging under body which floats on or near aurface of water. Masons to Lead Laguna So far, the ocbool budget bas been bas- ed on '5timated figures of income, The exacl fi~ will .be in after July t. * * * Capo Trustees • Studying Budget planninl'_ commissioner, and a fellow defendant-both will be sentenced In U.S. District .Court in Los Angeles Monday. Cpurt records show the guilty plea In· valved a May 14 waiver of a Federal Grand Jury indictment charging con- Other. sources aaid that the substance Ob · f Fla D was alfalfa, placc:t on the plane by Mex· serva· nee 0 g ay lean narcotics authorltl'8 In Guadalajara · . · Truslees of the Capistrano Unified in a "premature bust." · School District gave that district's pro- spiracy. • German was the asserted buyer «,the posed 1969-70 budget a line-by-line study In the place of the Indictment the U.S. Attorney aubltltu~ information charc- ing Hilble and Raymond Daniel Teeter of Orange r.!th unlawfully acou1rtng and ob- Wnlnl a quantity of marijuana without payln• ·· U.S. ttansfu tu. illegal weed inl Meiif<oT. ~~~!~· Bag~y, The American Flsg will be honored W. Palmer. MoThndayb. f "2 ill waa an emp oye o .au111a.1iw. Avlation SatU:rday·at 11 a.m. at the Memorial ·n·• Th d ha lfi . 11 bee e udget o ~· m ion is about 12 Inc. at Orange County. Airport, ,where, . -e ay s 0 · cia Y n proclaimed percent higher than this year's, however.' soureea 11ald, his role as an undercover staff in Laguna Beach's He1$er Park in a Flag Day by Mayor Vedder. All school officials maintain that because of PLEAD GUILTY The . pair pleaded guilty to the ln- fonnaUoo on the ume day, recordl show. 1bt Indictment that wp eliminated charged that Higbie, Teeter, and Lyle Paul . German •.. 35, of Garden Grove en;apc1 In l,~pjr~cy IP ny J~1JJ,QO pounds .. of ml!QlJ&n•. frodi M_mco 11Ut November 5. German has yet to be .sr· rested. He is believed to be 90mewbere in Malco. . The pilot hired to f1Y the fll•B•I ....,d Into the country, the-indictment said, was J. W. Bagley, an undercover agent . . F estii5aJ, Arti.su To Meet Press Laguna Beach's 180 artists exJiibiting at Ult Festival of Arts thls summer will meet the press Sunday, June 15 from 11_~.m. to 2 p.m. at the Festival grounds. The press day wa s initiated hr. Kath· leen and William Gee. art editors of the Coist Maguioe and local 11llery owners. Critics, gallery direc tors, several Festival board members and about 40 press representatives will attend the activity de!igned to "achieve a current insigh t into and evaluate the direction of art in the Laguna Beach community," according to the Gees. Artists' interviews as y.·ell as the gen- eral story of the Festival will be cov· ercd in the July issue of the Coast pub-lication. L419111141grins agent was completely· unknown. community program spomored by the Lagunans have cordiaUy been invited to increased enrollment next school year, Teeter, the indictment &aid, wu the Muonlc LodJe m . attend tbe prgorma by chairman o. w. actual cost per student will be dmm. driver of a van to be used to pick up the An American Ftag wtUch. has Jltt'Vious-Pri The board of trustets Is expected to weed from ~ airpcrt. , ce. adopt -the 42-page budget as a tentative All the .facts in the cue may never ly Down ever the United States Capitol Price said the ceremonies will acetnt budget at their meeUng next Monday. come to Ugbt, since the guilty plea .lnd building wlll be presented-to Laguna yoUth. The Boy, Cub and Girl Scouts, the The .spending measure will become sentencing will replace a trial. Beach Mayor GleM E. Vedder by Robert Mini-Mermaids, Job's Daughters, De finalized in August when the di!trict'1 Higbie and Teeter .previoualy pleaded C. Sourwine, lodgemaster, and Mrs. A. Molays and Boys' Club will attend. usessed valuation is officially set. Innocent to , IP• fjdaral .,IJ:a\ld . F.f .1-;~'~· ;;;;;;· ·~~1;·~ .. ;;~;;~ .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;. charges. ~ 11 ,.. 1 Higbie, in an ezcluslve Janu.-:Y fn- terview1 told the DAIL'X Pn.oT ·that he could netl ~ildm:s ·tht ~ fn lttie case. One reasbn, he said, wu that the other men named in the case were his clients. A few days later be expreued op- timism in the outcome in the case, acf.. ding that "we expect aome good newt -'\'ery soon:" •. ~ . . -- C. S~ Beesmeyer Of Newport Dies Clarence S. Betsemyer, ·of 2888 Bay. shore Drive. Newpon Beach, a prom· inent Los Ange~ civic leader, died 1.1onday at his home in Palm Desert. Mr. Beesemyer was a past president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce and a former president of a ~ Angeles Board of Trade. Also widelr.- known in the Soulhem California 011 indu~ry. be was director of Greater .. Los Angeles Planning Inc. Mr. Beesemyer is survived by wife, Phyllis Richardson Beesemyer, his son, Jay C. Beesemyer, of 18191 Blue Ridge, Tustin ; his d.1oughter, Mrs. Richard Marsellus, of Palm Desert and six grandchlldl\'!n. Private senrices will be held at Pacific View Mortuary Park, Newport Beach, Wednesday. By Phil lnlorlandl • ; In ltnf I few ihOrt Wftks you, too, Ctn "* 15-2Q.-25 pc>unds t nd be proud cf the ~ Yoll look. Ltdle1, you'll be wtlring the new fi11ur1·revt1ling fill f1shioo1 with pride Md confid1nc1. And, Men, the new t1ilor4htJle(I Rifts will look 11re11 011 you-onca YoU'w l'l'di1C0¥91'ed ycur w1l1t. Don't put it off-t1ke it offl Act now, for special low reduced r1tn during Holiday Netlon11l fitneu Mnnlh. INCOMPARABLE FACILITIES • H11tt4 "°"'"' Swimming Poof • Ultrt Mod.,,. Condltlonlnt F1cllltl11 • lotnM Sfffttl llOOl'ltt • Flnnlsh 11oc• Savn1 looms . • Electronic Mnlltlt • FlorJda Sun Tan • ·-· llPARAft fACIUTll! roa-&WOMIH ·Ir, · "! • Whlrfpool .. ,h, • CoMltlonint fectlfflt• • Swl11 Ftclal - 11 ~NAHl!.M OPEN 7 DAYS A Wiii< 10 'TIL 10 4 • ' '' ' 'I,,_ " ~' ' 026-0)81 .. , 'IUJH IS NATIONAL FITNESS MONTH AS DIC1AllD .,,. ~ fllll Fiii! fllQ fx<I-..._ '-• Group Sfimnara s . •nd 'Nim'.*tk:s to tnus:ic • ~. time fimft °" )'OUr' "'"" • Ho 1ppoi necessa ntment cilitftt Z ;,., ~rite f• llciliH for s.p.,.,, . ~., -P"'riltges • u ,. ,.. ed hou n 1m1t. rs-unlimited days ,,..., fl"ttf . .BEEi flfff TOllU& OfMONSTUTIONS AVAIUllU DAILY' AT AU LOCATIONS • f • ' I ; - I I v - ] M ct ci b< D Ill " ff r ] ( ~ M cc of P: cit M di H le di Ii. .. p " u h' p v a' d' II L u .. H v " A ~ s d ~ n D b s 0 I • s .. ,.-, ··-~' Barhii. voe. ~.'No. ) 31,-j SECTIONS, 31. PA6ES --' ~ . . . . .. . . -• • RarsonS .. u~ \ :~\ \,. ' ..; .. - -'1 JERoME F. c;.<>LµNll --~·1•1t..r Over !he vj~s objeclionii of Vice Moy..-LindsJo7 p.....,, Newport Beach city, "'"""'lmen Monday night plae<d the city m . '"l'ecbrd in suppm of the be~ed Orqe Oiwi1y Harbor DistriCC -. ""<., In ~ lhe eclion, the cily abandoned Its ~ .. 1t~ of neu~ality - favO(ld__by -PipOOS -on the bsue..,_of Harlm:.District dlaolution.· -• 0..-• -, • . -CouncilmeD \OOtod "I lo I In fovor of a r...iutloft drallod -by Ed . Hirth. The molllb ..ii. ool Ollil' for conllnuan<e of-the lllrilor,ll!llrld, b\11 alao !..-Its ea• PMSkl!lc:lll'iDc:lude jurildictioo over the , developmeol.of loW>d. J>l!:U. . Par.,m:"" jGlfild b1 Poul J. Gruber In voting agalosl-Hlrth'• mollOJL nie~vk!e maYilr; hi a .._J'N!Jired state.. ~. ~ jhat ihe .;...u·s 'con- templated ·action ""°'1ld appear to be motivated""°"' by fear of lhe possible " ..... . ··TUESDAY, JUNE 10; 1969 ., .. -... ~ppyas City Backs -. eoonomlc c»nsequenoes lo.the city 11.the distrlet la d~ved, rather ~ con- &lderaUoe .of wbelber I~ II desirable lo ~ JQ lndtJl!'!l'kot apeclal lijhig dillricl ·wbfc.b bu Joni lloce COltlf!!lod the speclllc project ,for which it "" created." The "specilk: pfo]Rt""•was "lleVelop- menl m Newpod. Harbor. -~ Parions wd"U.. people of lb& .ow.ty al!ould 'have the r1&!>! tO' l!edde>blh --· the bJllol wbelher Ibey want the district contbtued. I>WoluUoe of the dbtrlct, urged by a majority of the County Leogue of Cllles, would rcquile sucb a county-wide 'Vote. 0 Jt also seems wrori& tO me to take a district which was established under a Harbors and N avigaUon Code and use it as • fr&mework .for • regional parks development," Pa.raons said. He added that through the years Newport city taxpayers have pumped many hundreds of thousands of dollars into the dlslrlct and, with the exctptlon of the harbor pat:vl, have receJved very lit-- tie In return. Parsom' views, however I railed to move the majority of his council col· leagues. They adopted the resolution with Jillie further ar&U111enl. It will be sent to the county's Local Agency Fonnation Com~ mlsaion (LAFC) in time for a hearing Wednesday on the dlssolution question. • l N.Y: Steeb TEN ·CENTS " . The resolution declares : "Through the yean alnc:e the cruUon of the Harbor District (In 11133(, ibi ctty, of .Newport Be~ ~shad a unique, van· tage point from which to observe tlie operalioM of the dlatrict In Newport Httrbor." M a result, says the resolution, "this Ctty Council has been lmpreued by the skillful manner in which the. district has (See BARBOR, Pqe I) ' County Hails President· Gro-ivd Welcomes Nixons Back From Mid'!-fJay By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .... Dt!IW ,II .. ltlff Ureeted by a medlum-$iud crowd in- cluding a little boy wavllg two tiny American F~s. lb e n.aUon's chiel ex- ecutive came bome to Orange County Monday, en route back to the main of· tiC<. President Nixon had nothing oKiclal to say during the brief, commuter stopover at El Toro MCAS, but shook a few hands alter a formal welcome befo:-· heading for San Clemente. The Nlzoo party left for Washington at 8:40 a.m. today, after a last-minute chat Teens Accused Of Fire Killing 12 in Family ~~--•• ~ f ~m~~i .,,,. ,, . ' ' \ DAIL l' PILOT ,_:w, IUcMrf KHtllw ' ' EL TORO HUDDLE -President Ni~on and family cha! with high rantung Marine Corps;offi.cers upon arrivaJ in Orange County for overnight stay en route from Honolulu to Washlilgton. Counterclockwise from President are Mrs. Julie Eisenhower, Mrs. ·Mary Hise, Tricia Nbo~, .Mrs. Ni>on, Brig. Gen. Jlenry W. Hise, comman••• of El 'J'.•ro MCAS, and Maj. Gen: Arthur H. Adams, commander of El Thro-based Third Mar!Qe Air Wing. Nixon Schedules Briefing for Congressmen By MERRIMAN SMITH Ul'I wtlllt HWM ltfptrhr President Nixon new home from Orange County on the last leg of his Midway mission Tu esday to report to congressional leaders on the significance o( his conference with South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu. 'lbe Air Force 1 Jet carrying the presi· dent and his party doparted the El Toro Marine-Air Stalkln at 1:41 a.m. It was ctue in 'washington about 1 p.m. EDT. ~~~~~~-::-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' , U~ges Private Study Newport Policewoman: Sex Belongs at Home By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tM Dlllf Pli.t Mlltf Celeste Saunders, Newport Beach Poilcewoman, thinks sex education should be a private matter, not .something discliSseif' openly between boYS ind girl> in the classroom. · She ~ya eex ed~caupn belonp tn the home. U)lt musl be,~ In ochool, she want.!, the sell es seP11r111ed for modelly and the ·-~ loif li'7· -slarUng perhaps --1'•1cbb!i ribblll being born. rather gee this sex education strictly In the home," she said. "I found a heart--to- heart talk created a bond betwffn my daughter and myself." "I would go~oll.ln....saying the place for it ls m the Dome," aJd .Rev. Philip Murray, of ~ chamber COOl· mlllee. "Dul the beet of·il )I ·the borne doesn'l do II In 115 -ol the""""·" ''Th11 is the pity," Aki Mn. Saunden:. "Tbe drop out rate ol ~ high (See SEX CLASSES, P1ge I) ' ~ ~ portnll al)d 10 -· and lilkra Stmdlly. ' SuAn Biiiey, 15, .and her 13-yeir-old brother, Roser, were arraigned before JuitlC< of the PeoC< A. L. Rothwell. Bruce White, Woo4 County prosecutor, aaid the younpterS were charged after lnvesuaatora turned up evldenct of arson in the blaze. ·The fire awept through· the family's eigtr,.room frame home in the predawn hours Sunday ana autboriUes aald It burned "like a p~ of paper." Both )'OWlgslers wert: tolemn and did not ·ape.all: u they were led into the court. They were a.;companled by an · aunt. a Mn:. Enoch GI Parkersburg. White said the chlldren wert only being charged wilh murder of their father, Charles Bailey, 41. "We obv:iously wouldn·t aet forth charges In an the deaths, so at random we settled on the faU'ler's name;" White said. The predawn fire whipped through the family's smAll frame home here Sunday. The only occupant to flee the flames was the children's grandfather, Obie, 63. Emmett C. Rousch, assistant state fire marshal, &aid earlier that two persons had admitted intentionally setting the fire. However, be Declined at that time to identify those involved. Following the fire, Roger and Susan told authorities they· escaped the fire because they were 1leeplng ln a tw1>room slruclure behind lhe famlly'1 elghl-room house. They "1d tbeY walcbed belplwly as the !Wnet engulfed the oou... Nixon scheduled..• meeting at the White House ' shortly utereafter with bipartisan }faders of the , Senate and Hoose to discuss· the aiinowietd 2 5 , 0 Q,0 • m a n American trOop withdrawal from Vie\· nam ahd prospects for progress In the Parii pet"' talk!. An official eva1uatioft of the Sunday meetin& at Midway Island was that the Utllttct States aDd South Vietnam now have a more unfted front to pm forth in Paris.'o.D the ultimate resolution of the Vietnam War. Mrs.' Saunders J>l"UQted her views Monday to member& of a Newport Harbor Chamber , ol commerce com- mittee looking into the· feasibility of a S<:hool sex tducaUOlfprocram.- Balboa · JJ~s' Club Site • • Nixon and 1bleu were said to have got along extremely well in thelr fa ce-to-face discussions on a mutual position to be takeil'ln f1c:f111.llaooi and the NaUonal LibeniUon. Fronl. I FnD. an official American viewpoint, there "'"' tlle.. 1ur111er cooclusions: -Tbe America11 troop withdrawel -·-• tlplllcant message lo Huol l!IJt the UDiled Sl.alel and South -,.. DOI l:lddlng about teyq lo -.a. level of c:ombll In SoulhWt AllJ. -'1111 lnlop roplacemenl "" dbcumed aome weeb ill advance on the National S«urity Council kvel ind the fltW dedlloa put ..,_the Nltoo-'nlietl tJbll an MldwllJ SmldlJ'. -'nle replllC<lllOlll ol ll,000 ln>opl, mooUJ mnbll men, II • "Oral sllc:t" of the Amtr1cm flltCO level In Vleloam, bQe('"" .. !pcreUlnr CJp&bllity ol Soulll, ~forces lo lol<e ~the tombat buMen, Nixon has no lnlenUon ot 111)' -0< maaive wlthdf11WJI lllCh " lo ....,_ b1a U.S. 1-or llio Soulh VtelnllilHe. ' I ln urging a keep-it.private, go-slow ap- proach to sex educaUon Mrs. Saunders aligns herself in oppo1itlon to the frank. direct boy·girl exchange ol sex opinion practiced in Anaheim High School District. Yet proponents of 'such sex education programs cannot acaise her or being naive about teenagers' sex curiosity. Mn. Saunders prtma,ry assignment wtth Newport .l!:elch polfct for ro 1w• bu 1been 1nvis'f!pt1011"0fln c:rimel. "I, myalf, u 1 police officer woukl ' . Foundation Aids " New Boy1 ·Club ' -The .J11111n lrvlne FoundJUon II 1116 principal coobj-ol fundt lo be UJed lo build tbe llartlor Arel Bon' Club'• pi_,t nri' clubhouJe In BJlboJ. chlb ex;c;;;;;;o director I.Gu YJlllonl Hid !O- da~ ,_ -111.000 to- ward the 1121,DllO building.. · • .,,,. -will be In the bent lelll~ lnla"esl unUI aiir plw ire finalized,' said Yinlom. . , I Must Await. State Ruling Bulldin1 1 9t1f ·Boy1' .Club facWtf. on public beach land near the Balboa Qcean Pier · 111n·t~golnj tO ~ easily done, even lh6usl) Newport, Beach. city o!llpials li~e the Idea. ' . Cltf Alll>rney ·Tully• ·seyinour told' """11Cilmen Moodly thal a ruling· will !Int hlye. to.oome frvm lb!! lliatc Attor- ney GeMnl'• -· . Al Wu<, be aid, la whedjer llDn' Club ,,,. of the lllild, wt>lch. lhe<cily '.floldl In lrust under. state tldelmli ..... ~.wwld be In JC<Ord111e< with the gnnL'. In llddillon lo lbJl,-Siymour Aid the city charter -"i -of lhe poople on eny ~r In IOue the land; •84l!UY Ito lhu "' ecre In size. The Harbor Area lloy>' Cklll hopea In i<qulre uoe of the Ille for a toHn 11 • yen kiits·lmn Jeue fee. lloy>' Clob. ORCUUve dlroc&or Lou v-.i told councilmen ,,,., 11 av.U.ble lo the f,OllO-member ~ orpniullon for oonstrucllon of a 11as;ollo clubhouoe Jull·~ ol the pier. l'lanl 'bl the one;~-lnchlde" 11!l'lfll· • shop, game room, office and meeting facllltlu and a amau, gymnuium. Il wOuld aerve an e1Umated 2,400 boys from 8 to 11 who Jive .on the peninsula. Two other clubhouael are now . .located ....t ol lhe Upper Bay. On Seymour's recomme:ndaUOn, coun. cilmen directed the city Ila!! lO seek on opinion from the 1ttM!ey•gelierll'1 office on the pi opoied U1e of the pfoper!y. Yan- lom ·Aid the club would pnwlde the stall with utlcles of iocorpor•U• and -matertal6. • · ·. •:11 we clear the legal hlft'dle, a. 'Aki Ci· ty . Manager 1 Harve1 L. Hurlburt, "this will be' on the bellot, maybe later this year.11 "So far the 1Uu1Uon Isn't ftf1 en- c:ouroglng," Hid Councilman Jiobert Shelloli. • "rt lookl Ilk• .,, 're In for • Ol'!\!r Joni "pull," agreed Councilman Ho-~1rd . J!Dttl'I, 1"/K> ope moolh •IO · won the ' ....,,.U'll~provil ol Ille "pn\jecl '°ln prln-. ctplt." • .. --------·-....... -.. ......_. ____________________ _ with a family Who came to catch a &llml!'O· ' . "There It h:," someone shouted Monday as Air Force One aUently appeared tn the distance over U\e rolling hills of the Orqe Coul, lraUlng • smudge of jel exhaust. The big ahJp touched down on the north- south runway nearly one hour put he'r original 5:30 p.m. arrival time and ti.lied . to a halt on :.he apron before the crowd of several hundreo. ·Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hile, who took command Jf the aprawliiia installation only bours alter President Nll<on paued through last Wodnesqay, gr0eted ·tho First Family with.aides, his ~e Mary, and three o: the.Ir .siJ:dWdren. ~ , Momenll •fler the front do0r of llie'bil jet opened, President Nixon ateppel ou1 with a wave to be seen often in' Oranei County, then wu jolntd b)' hll wife Ptt. • Together, Ibey s!cpped down, to, lhe runway, followed by daughter Trlcla, then Julie and David Y.l!enbower. . "Which one's married hr th• Eisenhower kid and whlt'I u.~: other (See PRESIDENT, P•1e Z) Newport Lawyer Guilty In Marijuana 'Tax Rap.· ~ ~ ~ ·~1-~~~·~111· -..rl>oaJ,ollad i...,.. Jllchlhl fllll>le, 3'/, ltJudnd I l'!fH1 Jiii W I -cltlllilal'~ ............. ~ c:::e, Jt Wt" le.mid~. m,i;ale,' '7!.o Js a former Ne'Wpo,t Beach plllllllng commissioner, Ind • fellow de!endinl lioth wlll be ""tenced In U.S. District Court ln Los Angelet Monday • Courl reconh show the 111llty pleJ In· volved a May 14 w&lver of a Federal. Grand Jury Indictment charg.lnc con- 1plracy. In the place of the Indictment the U.S. Al&omey atibslllutecl lnlormiUon charg- ing l!lal>le and Raymond O.nlel Teel<!r of Oranze \'.:th unJ.:1~·f·11Jy aenulrtn1 and ob- lalninC • quanUly of mttl)ulna without payl•-.. U.S. t:anafer tu. PLEAD GUU.TY Tte pair pleaded guilty to the Li- formation on the same day, records show, The Indictment that was eliminated charged that Higbie, Teeter, and Lyle Pa11I German, 35, of Garden Grove engaged in a conspiracy to fly In 3,800 pound!: of marijuana from Mex1co last November 5. German has yet to be !lr- rested. He is believed t.o be somewhere in Mexico. The pilot hired to fly the illegal weed tnto the country, the indictment said, was J. W. Bagley, an undercover agent for I.be U.S. Customs Service. Ironically, marijuana never did come across the border In the alleg~ CO!J· sptracy. The Indictment stated ·'.a vegetable substance" was In the plaue that landed early last November at Palm Springs Airport. SUBSTANCE ALF ALF A other eourcta said that the substance was alfalfa, placc:t on the plane by Mex· ican narcotk:I aulhor!Ues in Guadalajara in a "premature bust." German was the asserted buyer of the illeaaJ weed In Mexico. The pilot, Bailey, was an employe of Tallmantz Aviation Inc. at Orange .. County Alrporto whtre, sources said, hl1 role a1 an undercover agent was completely unknown. Teeter, the Indictment said, waa lhe drivel of a van to btruaM to pick up the (See HIGBIE, P•ge 11 * * * Higbie Ruling -Tied to Leary? Balboa Island llW,<T'-~ iUgbfe'1 guilty plea on the marijuana· tu statute might involve fedtral law which wu ruJ. ed IJ/lCOOSlltullon•I by the U.S. ~me eomt list 1\111 It In an Jpjlell b) Dr. Timothy L>ary. . Tilt COlirl, In revlewln1 '" 1ppeil by the LSD culllll, ruled him lnnac<nt, saylog ·he '(l'ould hive subjected hlmself to .. 11 lncrlmlnltlOI' h•cf be paid the flOIJ.an-ounce lax on the 111•1•' ,......, A U.S. Allomey'1 Oflke opokmnfn 11ld lhll It Ian~ cleer -the new cbarp 1pl111t llJCble would ll'PIY In the Lea#cue. ''That wlll be for the Judi• In decide next Monday," ht ukl. " ENTERS GUl~TY PLIA Attorney Rich1rd Higbie· School Budget OK~d LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The• Los Angeles City Board or F.ducaUon Monday unanimously approved a tentailve "811.1 million budget that raises the ta rate to a record 14.74 per 1100 of useued vJluJ. lion. NEW Yoli:: <AP> -;,,. ltott marts closed with · a sinall Joa · ln moderate trading loday. (See quot'Atlons, l'qes IG-1!). I Oraage . Cea& • Weatlaer The morning clouda lhwld· put ·early . on . WeQndday-to allow a mostly sunpy d~y GR , Ule coast, wllb . temperatur.. In the . 68-71 range. INSmE TODAY Plani for an of/1'1Me airport art in the work# for Cltvtland, Ohio~ond a rimUar plan ma., bf the annaer fqr_Ora'fge .CoJmtv'• airport has&lt. -Detal!t o/ the manmadt island terminal art on Page 19. ,. __ , ..... ,_ ---· ... =:.*"'• ... ......., -·---~--=· '' ' .. " " • • • • 1•11 " " " • • -. --.. " ......... ... Or .... c-wr .• --:t" ==·---,.tt -'n -. S""1. ·. .:. . -., .--~.-..-.. -- fl D.111.Y 111.0T N l....,, -~~M ' ' U€18t.udents -Get_~ Student.I who a coople of months ago forced receaa of the UC Ir.rlne faculty 's AcWm\e SIDate with their tactics of ~ out today have woo full voice in S.nife. in~!ll'°: stlldtonts now will be given the same prtvUece to speak as professors. They '+'ill not however, have a vote. Darin& the put ~ar. all studeni.i::: wbbed i:-.i:,-hive. regularly granted -Jo Academic s.>ai. sesslom':'But only two student repttRn- tatives have had the right to speak. Tbe students' pruence has been very ia•!i 1'11 llld 11 11me1 t11or 111.. ..~ numbered faculty. By applause and oc- casslona1 groaM or boos· the dissident student element has angered some pro- fessors an'd reinforced tbe vo!Ce of others. I A few weeks ago Gerald Whipple of the 1;f1ediCal school rererred lo them as "the howling .s:laque." Chairman . of Infom\&- tion am Co!nputer Science Julian Peldman complained that ·lhe1 were in· tlmldatlilg. Most professors altending Senate meeUngs have shown tolerance for the Sex Spelled Out Graphic Book fo r German Pupils BJ NANCY KOWERT .......... ,.,_ .,.... BONN, Germany -When 13-year.(Jld Hans goes back to school this fall th e teacher wlll hand him a new white boo!t with· colorful abstract picture of a worr.~ on the frmt cover. Wb .. be llal1a fllppin( th,...,, ii• 48 r!chly lluatiated0 pages, he'll ~ad frank detail about birth, menstruation and venereal disease. He'll be provided also with a quick-refennce guidt to birth ·con- tr-· methods. He'll see full-paige picture.s of the m~ merrt ef cooceptlon and, "turning to page 11, ,,e will rtad a description of sexual Uchnlques . 1be boot, tJUed "Sex AUu," was launcbed Tueldoy by the Health Mlnl!lry u part of Well Germany's eUort to up. date sex eclucatlon. . Preeentinc It .at a oew1 confer.eoce, l"l'dmotherly l!Wth r.ilnister Kaete Stnlbel, C, uld the boot i. the moot ad· vonced olfidally IJlOlllOred oa tat ID Europe. In Germany, where Bavarian Junior ••d hlib scbool ae1 teadllng i< aUU al tha FroM P .. e I PRESIDENT . •• one's· name?,. utid a nporter obvlau,ly dispatched to cover an tµlfarniliar beat. Gen. HlH hltroducf"d his ramily to the NlllCN,"lncludln.r dllllhten lleeny, 16, ancf !al, 11, Wli6 becl ~ed' ftdlety wtth aiUpenae urli<r, but gradooaly tn· troduced 10.year-old Judy lllee lo thU lmsmtam \IMtton. :.·· .• le .• -, Tbe1 m -""Ill by Ill!. Gen. Arthur H. Adami; who-doll'll Frldey u Commander ol tht Third Mailno All: :wine. !tr • --clttty aamc-i. Scarcel1 ....,P tho· elllpoed belwOfn arrival and 'depel1ure to meinon.. a penoo'• lut nami; but the Prelldent stepped briakly to ii Npl cordon koopillg !>let spectators to met! fellow orang¥ Countlans. The public wu Invited to see tJie Prts!- ~ent arrive home from war-and-peace talks wllb Vletnamr.!e President Nguytn Vtn Thieu, while hi' arrival June 4 was limited to MariM personnel a n d dependents. &Rd on what Wonned sources say aboQt his feelings oo the Vlt:tnam altua · lion, Praident Nimn seemed to ainlle out those whose futurt hope of not f.iihtin1 sucb a war seems greatest. David Piper, 3, ol l\lena Park, had a runny nose from the cool breeze which 1Mt threat.enin1 cJo.J'1S acooUng over the rugged mounla1ns to the east and seemtd nonchalant aft.tr meettne the Pretident. His father Bob. however, was im· pressed with the historic incident -in Piper family terms -and was parUcularly pleased tbal his wife and all four sons were there. birds and bees slage, it's sure to catch many a pa.rental breath. T°l'lli book was ordered in a 1968 direc- tive from state educalion officials that "sex education in school should ron- 1 t. ib11te oot onl1 to he'lping young persons recognize their qualities as men and women, but also give them ina!lhts into their: own sense of values, coruicl~nce and the need to make moral decisions.'' Tr.~ -result, Mrs. Strobel said, Is a book that "offers the necessary facts and therefore the essential basis for a dialogue between young people and thtir instru~n ~ pa_renta." - The 12 chapters are: blologleal development, difference between the sex· es, puberty and menstruation, fertilli.a· lion, pregnancy, birth, RH-factor, t\vlns, methods of birth control, premature terminaUon of pregnancy, 1e1 u al di.seaaes, body hygiene. It Ls in simple, short seotencts. a rarity in German schoolbooks. And it covers thoroughly and unblushinsly every a.spec! of amsal develGpmenL It aays U,. rhythm method of birtb con· trol "it recommended only for women with regular menstrual puiods." It calla birth control pills, "the surest method .•• but can be made U5elw by irregular pill-taking." . It also gives figurell on the reliability of mechanical and. chemical methods. The book publishe!I gruesome pictures 'm outer phylical effects of syphlUs, and well as details on how it 1.! contracted. The publication comes in the middle of · a growing It.I wave in West Germany, where nude pictures are common on covers of high-selling, r e s p e ct a b 1 e magazines that feature columm OD sex. iiAn.Y PILOT S!•tl "Mlt 'GO SLOW, MODE STLY' Newport Poli cewom•n Seunders otudentraail ~ lft lbelr,de&W lo win a vole& in facuJt, affairs. Some weeks ago, professors dedded to add non-voting studenl members to all faculty committees -about 40 student appointments in all. 'l'hen lhe question before the _Senate last week was whether to 1ive thole 40 studel\I> eqaal privilege of debate · ill the general facuJty mettinp. lo a surprise twjst, an amendment by Chairman or Organismic Biology Grover Stephens to extend speakiog rigbts to the entire slu· den• body pasaed. Only four or five haods were shown in opposition amoog the about 50 professors aUendiq the meeting. Am.Oil& the better lhan 200 profeuon wbo did no& attend are some who have stopped coming to Academic St.nate meetings because they are dlqusted witb the student damor and, they feel, faculty sellout. 11le now prevailing: voice was e J:· pressed by Assistant Professor of Organismic Biology Joseph Arditti, who said: "1"11 vote for the motion to make this a represenlative body instead of a private club. We need the revclutionary zeal of thP. students." In a more conservative vote, professon defeated i0nly 24 to 11 a resol11tion by Associate Dean of Physical &lences Bernard Celbaum reaffirming that pro- posals nonnally should be first reviewed by Senate committeel!I. He argued that matters Wert! being too often introduced ,on the floor and tbe Academic Senate wa.s passing them in precipitous action. An &nifY Professor of English Howard Babb backed hlm up, scolding that "It is morally ridiculous for this group to act as if committees are set up to prevent business· from coming to the noor. "Not that my vote means a god damn," Babb muttered. E'rem Pqe I HARBOR ... carried-out its functions In our city." It continues on in 1 like laudatory fashion : "The dialrict has proven its ability to do an excellent job in planning and developing the coastline for the benefit of the public." For that reason, says the resolution, the city: -Opposes dissolution of lhe district; -Requests the LAFC to launch a 1tudy to determine how beSt to l1!0l'ganiu the district so it can ''provide a conl• prehensive pr9ifam or reg!~l ,r~p.· Uott ... The proposed study would Include coDo s~eraUon of eJpandln.( ~e district's boul\dllrleslitifih do l!ll! Dail' e'rtlbrA& all of the colinly i and lncreeiln( iis jUri;.tlo- tion lo encompass "the plaMing, devtlop- ment and financing ~ county. par~. q well as countyharbon and'beach~s." The Newport resolution also requests: -A chfDie in the organizational, struc- ture of tha' district rommissiOn .. ., that county ci1* are rePrbent:ed. , ·• . -A ·cha.Jifle in the :diitriCl't'. name to reflect its expanded resp&..s'ibillUes. -Analysis of the Harbor District Impi:ovement Act, w.hlch established the agency 35 years ago, "for the purpose of identifying and eliminating jurlsdicttonal confllctll between the district and cities whlch ha ve harbors within .their cily limits." Parsons fl'UJllbled that Newport's stated lllpport or the harbor agency .. would be a kiss of death" for the district before the LAFC. Councilman Robert Shelton sharply disagreed. "Why wl)Uld Jt be the kiss or death ?" he asked. "We're just saying what everybody knows. The districi does benefit us.'' Parsons, however; again Insisted that the district has gone far beyond Jls original purpose. "We drove like crazy lo get down her" after hearing the public was Jnvited 30 minutes ago and knowing it would take 2D minutes just for the trip," said PJper. E'ro•n Pcge l OA\lY PILOI OUHGI COM1' "Ull1$HlNC COM,.AHY "•Mrt N. Wttd ,,.klwit ..... MllllMI" Jae• "· C•rlty Viet ,,_ldent •ntl Ct-" Mf!llllff Tlllem•t Ktt•il .. w Tflel!Wlt A. M•rplr.ift• Nolltfflnl IEGlrllf J.rome F. C•Uin1 fll-1 IMdt CIJy l!f!ler N..,.n .... Offlt1 2·211 Weit ltllte• leMlev1rd Mtllltit Aclilr•111 P.O. lie1 1171, t2••i --c .... MHt1 »O W..I ll'f' Sw.t L...-heel!: tn Forwsl AWnue Hlll'lfltlllOll t.K1'11 • 1111 'lr"l I SEX CLASSES •• school girls. The venereal disease rate. Ifs frightening." But Mrs. Saunders Is cauliou.s about saying school se1 education is the answer. "If it is taught It should be bioloiY and anatomy taught by a professional," she uid. "There are good and bad educators. A tiny minority across the country are arre.sted for deviation. I would be very u~mfortable having a tea~her who Just ~ed up a tu:tbook teaching my C..rfdren." She was asked what she meant by a professional. GOOD BACKGROUND "Someone with a great deal vf background In child psychology," she sai~. "Someone aware of the hang-ups of this group, who can present the materla.I comfortably.'' Sile aald she doesn't mean It u a slam at the coaches ot physical tdueelion teachers who now privately answ !r studenta' qutJ:tions to lesgen anJiety, but she does not lhltl lhey are particularly w1U qualiflec;I . Chamber committeeman T b o m it o Garver suggested that if the program were started at an early enough age it Cbuld overcome embarral.!:ment. He said he thought youngsters might rea~t. "Ye::, ht's belng told and lhe'1 be.inc told, but they don't want ua to !U each olher." Mrs. Saunders said she had never hear J of ttudenls running Ol'l and l.!!klng eaJ; other what thty lt&rntd from lhe coachts. "I think they would accept the ract they are getting equal educatJOl'I, but separated fr<r modesty." She Wct..me \bou&ht pa.rents woul~ ob- !•ct to the J>tOlfam 1.-.. U boys and glrls Wert taught aeparattly, Dr. Nolan Friaelle, comm 1 t tee chalnnan, said boy.girl dlscualon of ,.. might be a lessening advantage, "Students might come to have less respect for sex instead of more," be said. Arthur Guy a&ked if she was.referring to the Anaheim School District when she made reference to salacious content of sex classes. "Yes I am" she said. "I don't think sex ed~catlon 'should delve into it." She said any program should be aimed at the nonnal youngster. ''The sophisticatA·', unprotected child is going to learn by his own devicts at a Jnu .:1 earlier age," she said. "Some etrls experiences 10 back to a tender age y~u wOtildn't believe. .. wen, 12·or 13:Thls l! because Of an emotionally deprived aitua· tlon in the home." GARBAGE JNl5TIUICl'IPN She <aid In ber owa. exptl'lence as pollce ,.. lnvtsllgalor only threo cues stand out where youngstetl rni&hl ha t1e resorted to deviate be~viQr .. ~uae their only sex edu· ntion was "garhlee can instruction" frt .n their peers. '"But the peepin1: Toms, indecent e:r- posers. th08e who mike lewd telephone calls also usuall•· ha\·c records like m1Uclou1 mi1ehk ·. car tampering or burglary lo their J&CklfOund. Jt i1 !he result of bltd farr ·1y stabllitation. "l'Te talked to other 1rivesll&at9rs whm the child 1cted out the sex ·1ct out of curl01UJ because he had 1e1 educa- Uot1," she said. ''I'm trytnc to be u fair In present.Int this as I can bec1use I've .kept no stillstica." .. --...... -· . .' • • . ~. ·-----· -~ ... -~--- SE EKING .TIT LE -Finalists in annual Miss New- port Beach competition are (from left) Marty Moore, Bonnie Burke, Carol Neptune, Nancy Nep- DAil Y PILOT lt-'f ,..;... tune, Christina Rebard and Susie staub. Winner will be crowned June 29. . . ' From Pqe I HIGBIE PLEADS GUILTY ••• weed from the airport. All tbe facta in the case may never come to !Jght, since the guilty plea .lild sentencing will replace a trial. Higbie and Teeter previously pleaded innocent to the federal grand jury charges. Higbie, In an e.te1usive January in- terview, told the DAILY PILOT that he could not discuss the partJculan: in the case. One reason, he said, was that the other men named in lhe case were his clients. A few days later he expressed op- timism in the outcome in lbe cue, ad-· ding that "we expect some good news very soon." The case at present has been forward- ed to a probation officer for investigation and findings. ~, prosecutor In the case, Aasistant U.S. Attorney Darrell W. Maclntyre, since last January ha1 refu!ed to com- ment on the case, except to nlay new trial dates. Macintyre was contacted three times last month in queries on new trial dates in the long succeulon of postponements. He disclosed nothing about the guilty pleas or the prosecution's new charges. Instead, he said the trial had been postponed "to some time in early June." Higbie could not be reached for corn· ment today. C.Ourt reamis revealed a shill In legal c0\ln5el for the bachelor island lawyer three times. Originally mgf'le'1 counsel WU Marcus Tucker of Santa Monica. He was replaced by Corona del Mar lawyer George Jtf. fries OD March 211. On May 11, however, calvin Stewart of Hollywood toot over for Higbie. Three days· later' the new in- fonnailon and guilty plea were entered into records. Stewart bas represented Teeter throughout the case. Higbie on Dec. IS, 1968, In a signed statement of financial ability stated that his weekly income averaged $200; that be had $100 in cash on hand, ancj owned $1,000 in property. Hl: father, former Newport city COUD- cilman Clarence "Chic':" Higbie, prac- tices law at the same Marine Avenue of. . fices. The sentencing will be before Judge JeMe W. Curtis at 2-p.m. Higbie's bail still remains at $25,000. Teeter wa.s released on $2,500 bond, a sum which he attempted to have reduced last Jan. 'J:l. The request was denied, records show. A bench warrant for German with a tag o( $25,000 is still oulltanding. 11'1 lust 1 ftw short weeks you, too. c111 low 1)·20·25 pounds ind bl! proud of the w•y YoU look. ladi•~. yo u'll bl! W'eirlng th' n'w ligur1·reve1ling 11!1 fa1hions wilh pride •nd confidtf)tl . Arid, Mel'!, 11\ti n-l•ilor-sh•ped suits will look grtat on you-oflte you'v' rediswvered your waist. Don't put It 1111-take ii off! Act riow, lor 5P1Cial low raductd r1ll!'!o during Hol idey Ne lion•I fitness Monfh. INCOMPARABLE FACILITIES • H11ttd Rom.n • Finnish •otk S.UM Swimming Pool Rooms • Ultr1 Mod1m • Electronic MISSlfl CtMltionlng f1clllti1t • Floridll Sift Tu • ••an St.IM •oom• •oom• ,.,AllAn Pl\CIUTll! fOIMIN&WOMIN • Whirl]IOOf .. lti• • CoMltioRW.1 facllltits • Swf11 Fad.II -- • HIALTM Sl'AS Ill COSTA MISA . .,, Dou,ble ·Troub le. For Newport's Beauty Judges Problem: How de> you 11w • beauty queen In half? That could be the queslim when twla . finalists In the Misl Newport Beach con- t~ compete with four other entrants for Jb• crown during tile loth annual Com· modores' Ball at the Balboa '.ftay Club. 'I1lere are usuallJy five finallatl In tbe contest . .(Jut the identical twins, Carol and Nancy Neptune, 16, of 1020 Santiago Drive, entered as one contestant. The other finalilb, Hlected on tbe baais of personality, poise and beauty, are Bonnie Kathleen Burke, 16, of 2115 Arbutus St.; Marty Ann Moore, IS, of 255 Lu&onla St.; Christina Elizabeth Rebard, 16, of 1721 Candlestick Lane, and Susie Jeanie Staub, 17, of 1200 Westclifl Drive. Contest Judges say, if the Neptune twins win on June 29, they may have to call them the "MisseS Newport Beach." .. JUllE IS lllTIOIW FITNESS MOllTH ·as DICUllD ., Tiil @ fllll fllll llRI ~ '"''•• ,,.., G r o u p SJitnnaar , S . a •nd Wl'"?'5fia to music • No '""" fimit on . . YoUr • \'Jiits • No •ppo· 1ntment ~~ry • Sef>ar•te 1 .. c1llhe:s .for men • '-· 1-·1·1· •·-~fife ""'"' 1 1es rw Women • F Ooest priv;f...,es 0 Uni· r~ ed ~. 1mrr. hours-unlimited da '""r '""' rs. I HUNTINGTON AIACH 1~'8' MA.IN o• llA.,>l ''°"' '~u""' ''"'' OPEN 7 DAYS "' A Wiii( 10 'TIL 10 • . . e 41.1 -is1 11 ANAN(IM ~·· ti~("~,,. 816-0JU 1 " 'i40 JJ08 I\ ORAHGf • I" ~ •• ,., 10 '.1441 fUf TOUllS & OfMONSTUJIONS AVAl&AIU OAIL\' AT AU lOCAJIONS > -·--· • I .J J ·• ' 1 ~oi:. ' -!'I EL T cha~ affiv frOm from Prtsid Orange Midway congre!! Of his I Presider Thek dent anc Marine Gue in ' Ni.on House :!i Jeadf:n di!atss AmerlcE nam an Paris Pf An of meeting United have a : Paris o: Vietnan'. Nixon along e> diacussi· taken ii Liberati Cit· • Hu: To The 1 MesaC to a f1i .... Pl Jame Drive, Babcoc and he on the Costa intervit the Co! t:leclrol other n Selec aalayei -·dellnltl law rec The 1 ....... deeth ( ...... dlicler Olly ls curr ""ll a perts f -"" -NE1! clooed tradlDI 1ft.lll. . -~--·- '. .. - N.Y. Steeb . -' . .. 0~1.NGE •COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1969 TEN CENTS • . .. _....._ • •• NixonsCofileHome , Family Welcomed Back Fro~ Hawaii By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot , .. c»ur. r11• Miff llreeted by a medlum-sir.ed crowd ln- clucfihc a litUe boy wav~ two tiny American Flags, t .h e nation s chief el· eartive came -home to 0ral"l8e County '-fonday, en route back to the main oJ:. fice. President Nixon had nothJfll offklal fo say during-the brief, Cilmmuter stopover at El Toro MCAS, but shook a few hands afts. a formal welcome befo--heading for San Clemente. The Nlxoo l)lrty left for Washington it C:40 a.~ today, after a last-minute chat Teens Accused Of Fire Killing 12 in Family PARKERSBURG. W. Va. (AP) -A t~age girl and her young brother were arr&Jgned here today charged with murder in connection with the house lire that killed their parents and 10 brothers and sisters Sunday. Susan Balley, 15, and her 13-year-old brother, Roger, were arraigned before Justice ol the Peace A. L. Rothwell EL TORO HUDDLE -President Nixon and family cha~ with high ranking Marine Corps officers upon aqival in Orange County for overnight stay en route from Honolulu to Washington. Counterclock-wise Mary Ilise , Tricia Nixon, Mrs. Nixon, Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams, .commander of. El To~baa:td Third Marine Air Wing and Brig~ Gen. Henry W. Hise, commander of El Toro MCAS. Bru.ce White, Wood County prosecutor. said the youngsters were charged after investigators ~ed up evidence of arson. in the blau. Tne fire sw"ept through the family's eigh!.-room frlfnt home In the predawn hours Sunday· ana authorlU~ said· it blll'Oed "like a pitce of paper." from President are Mrs. Julie Eis::enh:::::o:.:w..:e::.r:._, ..:M:::.:"::.·--------...,.------------ Nixon Schedules . . . Bnern1g1'0rc...,_._,.- ... tongressin~n By MERRIMAN SMITH UPI Wlllte ....,,. ft..,... President Nixon new home from Orange County on the last leg of his Midway mission Tuesday to report to congressional leaders on the significance of his conference with South Vietnam President Nguyen Van 'I1lieu. The Air Force I Jet carrying the pres!· dent and hi.s party doparted the El Toro Marine Air Station at 8:41 a.m. It was due in Washington about 1 p.m. EDT. Nixon scheduled a meeting st the Wh ite House shortly thereafter with bipartisan leadtrs of the Senate and House to disalss the announced 2 5 , 0 0 0 -m a n American troop withdrawal from Viet· nam and prospects for progress in the Paris peace ta.I.ks. An official evaluation of the Sunday meeting at Midway Island was that the United States and South Vietnam now have a more united front to put forth in Paris on the ultimate resolution of the Vietnam War. Nixon and Thieu were said to have got 1long extremely well in their ~a.ce-to-face diseu&'lions on a mutual pos1hon to be taken in facing Hanoi and the National Liberation Front. City Treasurer Hunt Narrows To Fjeld of 4 The coilUnuing quest for a new Costa Mesa City Treasurer has ,been narrowed to a field of four. following withdrawal o( • one applicant's offer to fill the job. James A. Vivitito, 17561 Allegheny Drive, Santa ,Alli; said hi~ employer. Babcock £1ectronk:s Corp., ts expanding and he1will be spending increasing time on the road. Costa Mesa City Council members had inttrvlewed VJvirito , wbo is treasurer of the Costl·Meia-headquartered aerospace e1ectroftk:&.c6mponent plant, and four other men for the $100.per-month ·post. Se.lecllor. of a new treasurer wa1 "delayed " af\et one, lengt.hy executive .-Ion .,, the cound~.po!ldlng .. precise ·deflnltim of dutin for Ille post me state law toqo1re.-eadJ, city to fill.. i Tbe 'late 'R. c. "Cy" Rip .... t-·far 11 yean unUl.n~\IUC!deo death dilrlnC hi!art aurce<Y Marc~ It and \ru 1IOled !or doing hi& -k qulitlY and efficiently. • City Admln!tttal<r Aj1hur R. M~Kenzle Is cumntly dieckln( •llb olber c111ts 11 wet\ u CaU!ornla League of Cilia tx· per1.1 If< a guldellne !or appofn~ of ,,...,.,,...... \ SCMlc M•r;lelm \ NEW Y<m.; {.l,PJ -The atoct :i;1e1 cloeeCI wflh 1 small loSI In m ate tradllli li>dli. (Seo quot'.atl,.., A'eg's JB-11). .,e~pl~ Objeetlons Both youngsters were solemn and did not speak as they were led Into the t'OW't: They .,.ere accompanied by an aunt, a . . .., .. ~.-:.i:~~t.1.'i _ome I Q f fiJJ char1ed wjlh Jllurdlr of lbcir lalbor, ' . ) ~ .II. "°14n't ,.i forth ' Tala cbarlOS lo all. the deaths, IO al random Approved by r nners ;~d~ttled ~the falller's name," White The predJWn fire whipped through Ille · famlly '11mi:tll ftame home here Sunday. < Objections by 14 surrOllllllln( property owners to a four-guest: 'bbme . for the elderly In a rented house failed Monday. but only narrowly as the CoSta '-te,sa Planning Commission recommended its approval. • Petition signers weri careful to note they do not object to the gues14 or the home-for-the-elderly concept, but com· plained that the house al 391 Le Perle Lane was not kept up well enough. They said the elderly residents did not bother them, but the operation being taken over from Mrs. Marmie Blias by Mn. Beulah Baber was lowering their property values. The Babers have onJy had the guest home one week; however, and have cor- rected some or the problems of main· eoance, lawn care and the like already. The vote was 3 to 2 against the re- quired zone exception permit, with com- missioners Jack Hammett and Don Hout saying the business does not fit the intent of Costa Mesa 's ordinance on home oc- cupations. Commissioners voted 4 to 1 recom- mending city couDCil denial of a varian• ce application which would allow con· structlon of 70 apartments in the IKK&ll· e<j Golden Triangle area ol t!>t city. '111!> nquesl 'by Edilon! l\'. Milteiburg, ol '171 Faiitartno Ave .• bad lieen·1111 more lhln'once before, but wu·conUnued each time. pending completion of. a land use study .for that area. CUrrenuy·zoned R-1 for duple.I develop- merlt. the property Ues in an area to be bounded by three freeways and may be the metropolitan hub of Orange County in 15 to 20 year1. ln, other action Monday the planning commission: -Held for more at.udy 1 zone excepUon pennit aOowlng Mr. and Mr1. Jack Park, operators of 1 pre-school facility at 795 Paularfuo Ave., to in~se their enrolJ. ment from 45 to 75 chlldren. -Approved a zone·exception permit for Frank Tyrrell 1to conUnue -dlsplay of cut flowers and potted plants: outside a retail shop at 483 E. 17th St., for one year. -Approved use of a building at 87f W. 19th St., for television repair work by Frank Schroth, 2040 Federal Ave., Costa M.,., Fish Fry 'Replay' Reset for 9 a.m. Orange CoAst resldtnll will have to arise early this Saturday to watch the KTLA·TV teleca1t of1be11ig 14th Am'lual Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Liool Club Fish Fry Pll'llde. · The spectacular show -biggest ever -w:a origlnilly, to be 1bo'1\ at 10:30 a.m., but a Channel 5 time switch h!U it re-set for 9 a.m., according to Flab ·Fry Parade Ch"l""an CIUI Wesdorf. . 'Ille only occupant to flee the flames wat the chlldren'1 grandfather, Obie, 63. 'Emmett C. Rousch, uslstlnt state fire mi.rsbal, said earller that two penons had admitted' intentionally setting the firt. HOW!ver, he declined al that tlmt lo identify tbelse involved. Following the fire, Roger and Susan told authorities they escaped the fire because they were sleeping In a tw~room structurt behind the family 's e.lgbt-room house. They, said they watched helplessly as the flamet enguUed the house. 4 Sick Inmates Back Swinging? Four tick uimates of the Theo Lacy minimum security jail could justifiably claim today that someone In the county facility has been trying to make monkeys out of them. · They needed hospital treatment after they sWallowed a quantity of Symalyn, a tranqWliur agent. But all four have recovered and ·are back lD Jail,· it was reported today. Syrnalyn! A jail' ol!iclal explained lllat It is "norinall)'" u'sed for itljecliori Into laboratory monkeys. "We're e:rpecting'an outbreak of gorilla warfare any timt .now,11 1 'grlnnhlg Jail deputy 'commented. Germans S~e Sex Frankly Richly Illustrated Book Shows All About ft. · By NANCY KOWERT &6M:lltl!_ll ~ W""f" Strobel, 62, said the book is ~ most ad- •"""" oU!ojally 1~ Kl tat Jn Europe. . . In Germany, where Blvarian Junior and blgh -! ,.. teachlnl is lllll at Ille birds and beet '1qe, it's sure to cakb "Willi cc1orfu! ·o1>otra<1 pleture ol a womb mani a pereotal bl'ooth. on the f~ cover. T'Od'book wu ordmd ln a 1161-diree- BONN, G<rmaiiy -· w\ien. 13-year"'ld Hanl 1-b6dt \0. 'lebool 1hls fall Ille -wit"hand·lllm a ... whit. book ~ be ~ ,IUl'ft._11ll"lllh lls II Uve !tom· slale educaUoo olflc!all that r!chly ln8tralld -, lif'll ,...d frank • .. ,.,-eduCIU«I in ICbOol "'°"Id ...,. detail aboai ljlrl!I,-~!cm ind trli>rt• not only to helpllli ,_ ptflOllJ venerell d:lleUit-He'll bt provJded also recognize their quaUt.les a1 ·men a.net wllll 1 'l"~:reftrence ...... to bltth COO' women, but a1'o·gl9e than lhsights Into tr•• m~ ~ 1 their own 11n11 or values! oonacienct Ind He'll .. ·run-pictures IL !lie mo-11M deed to make moral decisklnl." m"'i of wnoepdoo and. tumiol to Pol• Th< -1~ Mn. Sirebe1. said. Jo a book 11, he "'1l nid a deocrljlllan Of 1t1111! Iba!· "offers 1bc --lacts and ~.· thmlore the ~al baala for 1 · The liDo~ ~lied "Sn Atlas," WU ~-bet .... n ,_ peoPit ud l!Je!r laonched;'fueoday by 1bc H-Mbilllry and (>Of<llls.' • 11 port .. Wtlt Gmnal!y'a ellort to Ui>' Tho chapten an: bloloSJctl -... -. -lo!>menl. dlf!mnoa bet,,_ !ill ""• Preaientlng lt 1t a newa conference. es. puberty and menstruation, ferUHza.. crandmoehtrl:t Health Mlnl#ter KRete: tlon. pregnancy, birth, RH·fldOr,.twtns, ( methods of birth control. premature tennlnatlon of pttgnancf, a e 1u1 I dlseasn, body hygiene. It is ln &imple, sborJ, senteoces, 1 rarity in German tc:boolboob.. . And it covers thoroughly and unblushJnily OVtJ7 aspect of ieiual dev<\or>m<i>L . II says Ille rhylhm metllod of birth c:on· trot "is recouarDended on1y for women with regular menstrual periods." It calls birth control pill!, "the surest method ... but can be made useless by lrrtgular plll-laldng... . II also gives.figures "' the rellablllty of mechanical and cbemlcal molhods. Tht boot publlshe1 gruesome_ picture!! "" outer phyalcal el!ects ol ,1)'11111111, ud well u details on how It 11 contraded. The pubUcallon comea In Ille mjcl<Dt of ' 1 lf'OW~ eu wave ln West Otrmany, . whml nude pletum are common on • <:oWf'lo ol. hlgHtl.ll.nc, r e 1 p e c t a b.l t ma11'"Joe1 tbat featura columns oo su •. with a femlly who came to catch a glimpse." ~·~It ls," someone shouted Monday as Air For(;t One allently appeired in the d~ee oVer the rolling bllls of Ille Orange Coast, trailing-a amudge of jet exhaust. The big ship touched down on the north- south runway nearly one bour past htt origtniJ 5:30 p.m. arrival tlllle and taxied to a JWt on !he apron befOre the crowd of 5everal tiundreci.. Brlg. Gen. Henry W. Hiae, who took command .>I tl\e sprawlizlc installation . , ENT&RS GUlti:Y,P.Lil!A· . "Alhl~y fUchlol!I ll -It .,_._ \.~ f.h r • J' Attorn~y Higbie . . . Guilty in 'Pot' Tax Evasion Rap By JOHN VALTERZA ot tM Dal" llu.t Steff' Baltioa Island lawyer Richard Higbie. 37, has entered a guilty pl9 to a leSser charg"? In a bitarre marijuana smuigllng conspiracy c.:.:e, il we~ letrnf:d today. IDiblt, \,'..o Is a fonner Newport Beach plannlng commissioner. and a fellow defendant both will be sentenced in U.S. Dictrid Court in Los Angeles Monday. Court neords show the guilty plea in- volved a May 14 waiver o( a Federal Grand Jury indictment cbargin1 con~ apiracy. In the place of the indictment the U.S. Attorney substituted information cbatg· Ing Higbie and Raymond Daniel Teeter of Orans:~ 1 :th unla,•:fully acouirlng and ob- taining a quantity of marijuana, without payir"' ' u.s·. , .... nsfer tax. TI:e pair pleaded guilty to the i.1- formaUon on the same day, records show. The Indictment that was eliminated charged thot Higbie, Teeter, and Lyle Pa1•l German, 35, of Garden Grove engaged In a conspiracy to fly in 3,600 pounds of marijuana frol1\ Mexico last November 5. Getman bas yet lo be :lr· rested. He ls believed to be somewhere ln Mexjco. The pllol hired to fly Ille lllegat w"'1 Into tt>e q,u,itry, the Indictment saJd, wu 4. w. Bagley, an undercaver agent for the U.S. Cu9toms Servb, · ... Ironically, re.arljuana never did come acrou the border in the alleged COO· spiracy. ~ indlctment ltaled "a vigetable sOl:i!tance"'wu in the plaue ~t landed early last November at Palm Springs Airport. other sourcu said that the mbstance "°·a3 alf&lfa, p1 .. ~· "i t>n the plane by Mex- (See HJGBIE, Page S) * * * Higbie Ruli:ng Tie~ to Leary? Balboa~ lawyer Rlchai<l lft#ble'a. guilty vtea on the marijuana tu statute might Involve. federal law which wu rul- ed unconaUtullonal by the U.S. ~upnm• Court Ian-May 11 Jn an ap[ieal by Dr. Tlmol\>y Leary. The court, In revlewin& an appeal by the LSD cultiJI, ruled him l-.n~ ,.ylii1 ht would have IUblected bimMil to atlf lncrtmlnatior had" ht paid Iba 1100-an-«lllCt taa on lhe llle11' Wffd. A U.S. Atlorney'a OIO.. apokuman .. id that h tan'! clur.wbether"lbe new charge a1alnal Hilble would 19Ply !Olbe t.eary cue. "That will be for ti. judge-lo> d<cldo next Monday,'' he 11~. ' only houn alter, President Nixon palNd thl'Ollih last Wednesday, ireeted lhe Fint Family wiUt aides, hll wife Mary, and Uiree o!: lbelr six. cbUdi-en. Moments <lier Ille front door of the lq Jet opened, President N)lon alepped out with a wave to be teen often in Oraqe County, then was joint'tt bf hil "1fe Pt&. To!l"lber; they . lj.ep!l<d dow1t to Ibo runway, followed by da1111bter Trida, · then JuHe and David FJ!ellbower. "Which · one'• ma:nied to t fl e Eisenhower kid •™' what'• tM other (Ste PRESIDENT, Pap I) Fair Board Tie Rejected By Councihn~n -Cocta Mt11 City COUncl! turned -a proposal for the formation -of a com- mlllee to wort with the Orqa <;oiiiit1. Fair 8oon! al a apeclal metlin& MoaUy. By a 3 to 2 vote, the cooncll defeated a suggeation from Councllmin William L. St Clair that would have created a com· mlttee tO "work with the fair board In a direct relaUomhlp on all acUvlUn which would neCessitate police and fire pro. ~on and the licensing of events: by our clfy, ... The -1 wff de!ealed by.the aiun- cll to "keep the cily out of the fair board'• "bUainea ... Sl Clair !ou&bt the councl1 until the measure wu defeated by_ uJinl. _'•we must let 'tbe board know · where we •IM<l.:~"e tJ..i utec!. ~ cOuncil .. tt ial6•tnport llverl thenl'takt~Dnaner by Clty..Altonley.BOJ E...i .... J~'• report diocawd pollce'~l a dHi IB sr-* a llldo1J14 II ,.0: -11 tha,t would ·lm p •• • 1 ...,,_ manlcatlons behreen Iha pollce "-~. ment ahd the falr boaitf. -...... • The come~ of Qie City Council was to·let the fair bOartl han!fle the poltdnc Of Its own events. "We 1hould Jet them come io us," Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley slated, Mesa Population Set at 72, 900 A nost coont by state offlclaJs puts Cost& Mesa's esUmated pqpulaUon at 72,900, city finance dlfector Robert Oman announ~ today. The rigure was compiled by the state Department of Finance and Is 'up 11!00 stnce the annual estimate was made JaG year, ral!lng the dty's return on~ California taxes. ' The city nOw stands to receive '11,QO rrom automobile registration fee 1. gc.soline taxes and other per-capita levies imposed by the state. · Doctor Criticized For Eye Transplant HOUSTON (AP) -'l'lle Hauslon Opb. thalmological Society bu-~lted Dr. Conra~ D. Moore, wfio recently perform. ed a controVersial part181 tl'anlpllnt of' a human eye. · A spokesman for the aoct.ety uid It acted in the view tti.:t Moore had engaged In "ophthalmic practice not itl keeplnc with the standards or this community ... Ol'Ofe Weatlter Tht morning clo.uds 1hould part early on Wednelday to allow a mostly SUMY day on the coast, with temperatures in the A-71 range. INSmE TODAY Pill., .for an •lflllorc airport are in the work.t for Cltvcla.nd, Ohio and a lfmilar plan mow -k the 41'.!Wtr for Orange Catmtit'• airport ha-4'8lt, Dttdflt of '.the man.made ilJand ttrmhuU arc on Page 19. Clenlf'M ,_ ---. ..,.. , ... ..... , ......... ·-•wt • ....., -•M-·-- •• • • -- T111sday, JUftt 10, 196' S -~--classe·s: Lesson ·From I.Jaw; . . . l . . ,: . .. ;·.Policewoman Says Sex .Instruction $JwiJ.ld Stay (ff Ho~ : · th'~·?· who cu -. -1 lhe. M.• teiW ml4e 'tf(-io-oiaiacJouJ _,;;,,. ell By TBO)IAS FORTUNE Of "' Pel~ ,., .... ,.,, lltl..i, _ s,under•, ·Newport Be~ch po-.0. thlJW su educatlen should be a-p;.rVat"e ' iliat\er, not So01elh}ng discussed oiieoly between boys and slrls in the classroom. ~ -·• She aays sex education belonp ln the home. U It mull be laUlht In lcllool,, 1111• wants Ibo _,. aeparlled Jor modelty and the . approach lbw ie{ -llarlinl perhaps with children watching rabbits being bom. Mrs. Saunders presented her views Monday to members of a Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce com- mittfi!· to0klng into the feasibility Of a school sex education program. In urpna:1 ll:eep.lt·private. 1o-alow ap- proach· to au education Mrs. Saunders aligns berself in opposition to the frank, direct boy-glrl exchan1e of sex oplnlon practiced in Anaheim High School Diltrltt;' Yet proponenta of such sex educaUon programs cannot accuse her of ·being naive about teenagm' sex curiollty. Mn.. Saunders prtm.,Y aut_..,t with Newport-Beacll police for . 10 years h11 been .blveaU,aUoa of sex crlmea. ~~~·~-~ . ~--·-~. rather ,,. this ez educaUon strlcUy' in co orta ly." . sex claaet. .: " ~ She sa!:i she doesn't mean It .1s a slam "Yes I am t' lhe :aid. 0 1 don't tblDi lite home," the s . ••1 found a heart-to-at the coaches er pby&JcaJ' .education Ml td~-dtlye !Dto 'JL" l ••. heart talk creat.ed a bond ·between my teacher• who now prlvatelY answ>r She IOJcl any progr.., ~be.- daughter and mysell." . students' questions to tessen anxiety, but at the norm&J'youngtttr. ·'·, · "I would go along with you In saying she does "not thlL.k they are particularly "The tophistica'" ", upprotected ebllil ii the place fOf it is in lhe home," said Rev, Well qualified, gOinl I'° ream •,bf bll OWll ,~at I Philip Murray, of the chamber com· Chamber committeeman T h o m a s m~.~ e&rlla' .,e.11 lhe aid, .-Sama Pb mlttee. "But the beck of ~ is the home G""'r suuested that U the procrarn expcrlOncu 10 blct to 1 -,.,,_ ~sdt do It la ~percent Of the cues." were started at an early enough age it woulda't bllleve. •. will, 12 er U. 1'llil it "Thil la the pity,11 said V.rt: Saunders. could overcome embarrWment. Hf! said beCltllt of an emot1oaally deprived lftut.. "The drop out rate of pregnant high he thought youngsters might react, "Ye::. lion In tht bome." school girls. The veneN:al disease rate. he's being told and she's being tcld, but She Aid In her own experience u It's frightening." they don't want us to s~t each other." police sex invuUaator only three~ B\it Mn. Saunders Is cautious about Mrs. Saunders said lhe had pever stand out wbere youn«•terl mlCht b1·1e saying school sex education 11 t~e hea:; of i:tudents runntna 01•t ~nd ukinl resorted to deviate behavior becaue answer. ea.h other what they )earned from the their only tel educatlon WU 11aarbq1 "If it is taught it should be biology and coaches. "I think lhey would accept the can inltruction" from thelr peers. anatomy tauaht by a profeaslona1," she fact they are 1ettlng equal education, but "But the peeplnt Toma, indecent a- said. "There are good and bad educatori. separated frr modeaty.'' powa, thole who mUe lewd telephone A liny minority ac'ross the country are She said she thought parenta: would ob-calla allo uaually have recordl like arrested tot deviation. I would be very ject to the program leu if boy1 and atrll malldoua mlschlel, · car tamperlnc or uncomfortable bavl.Pa: a tea~ber who julit were taught separately. . bur&laty in their backll'O\lDd. It 11 :be plcked up a textbook teaching my Dr. Nolan Frtzzelle, c o m m I t t e e result or bad tamlly 1tabWzat1oo. children." chairman, said boy-girl dllCUJslon of ~ex "l\te talked to other invau,ators She was asked what she meant by a might be a lessening a d v an t a g e • where the chlld acted out the aex act out profeSllorull., "Students might come to ha.ve les1 of curlolity because he had HI educa- "Someone with ~ great deal vi respect for ao instead of more," he aald. tion," the 1aJd. UJ'm trying to be u fair backsroW1d In chftd psyeholofD'," she Arthur Guy aaked if lhe was referring in prestntinl thll II I can becauae I've sa1". "Someone aware ot the han&-up1 of to the Anaheim School Dl1trlct wbm ahe kept no 1tadiUca." Balboa Boys' Club Site Must · Await State Ruling From Pagel HIGBIE PLEADS GUILTY • • • ican narcotics authorities in Guadalajara in a "premature bust ... German was the auerted buyer of the illegal weed in Mexico. The pilot, Bagley, was an employe of Tallmantz AviaUo11 Inc. at Orange County Airport, where, sources said, his role as an undercover agent wa1 completely unkn .. wn. · sum which he attempted to have reduced last Jan. 27. The request wu denied, records thaw. A bench wmant tor German with a tag o! llS,111111 ii IW! outatandln1. DAILY Pll.OT...,. ....... Water Pact Signed C-Osta Mesa Counly Waler District Director Mario Durante· siJmS hi• John Doe as Bank of America Trust Officer F. S. Morse (left) and · CMCWD Board Pr .. ldent Carl Stevllll• wait for pen. Under bank· district trust fund deal surpl111 land sale money wlll pay off $210,000 in old bond debts. Apparently first ever executed in California, Ille novel arrangement spells less taxation for water users. BalldlaJ 1 ..,. Boys' Club facility on pubUc beach land near the Balboa Ocean Pier isn't going to be easily done, even lMJc!> Newport Beach city offlcllll like the Idea. CHy Attorney Tully Seymour told councllmeil Monda)' tl,.at a ruling will firit haY1 to -come from tbe 11·ate Attor• ney G<der•l'~ .alflce. . Al illue,.be·Nld, iJ whether lloy1' Club uae o! the land, which the city holds In truJt under a slate Udelanda grant, would be In accordance with the granl . . In addition· to that, Seymour aeld ·th• city chariar requirel a vote of the people on any F-' to lelle the land, 1lilhUr Jess ttttn an-· acre in size. 'l1le Harbor Area ,Boys• Club hopes' tO acquire ua:e ot the itte ior 1 token 11 • year long·term lease fee. · Boys' Club execuUve director Lou Yaatom iold councilmen mocey ii avllllble to tho 4,00Q-.member yootll ora:aniziUOn for conrtrucUon of,• fW,000 c!ubbolile J\ill north o!the'pier:Pilns !or · tht ae•lt<irY clubhoµae Include a crllfll shap, pme room, olftce and meeting faclllUU and a. •mall IYJnllallum. Jt would aerve an utlmated 2,400 boy1 from I to 11 who live on the penlnaula. 'I\vo other clubhouau are now located wttl of the Upper Bay. On Seymour'i recommendation, coun· cilmen directed the city alatf to 1eek an opinion from the attorney general'• office on the propoled use of the property. Yan- tom aid the club would provide the staff with artJclu of incorporation and other materlail. "If we clear the legal hurdle," aald Ci· ty Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt, '1thls will be on the ballot, maybe later tbil year." "So far the '1tuatlon lln't VeT'f ·en· cour&Pc," aald Councilman Robert Shelton. · •1tt looks Uke we're In for a pretty long pull," illl"'ed cowicnman How a : • Rcigers, who one month aao ~ the council'• approval of the project 0 ln prin· ciple.'' ..... FreMPageJ ,, , . PRESIDENT WELCOMED • • • or\e11 namef11 Wed a reporter obvlou~ diaplltched to cover an unfamllilr bt,Jt. Gan. Jllat !ntroducl'd hil family to the Naons, Including daughters ReenY,.ll, and Lissa, 19, who 'bad sMmed tfdgety with suspen~e earlier, but graciously in· traduced 10-year-ol.:l-Jud)' Hise t6 tbe!r lmpm'tant visitors. They were accomJ.:lnied by Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams, who steps down Friday as Commander of tht Third Marine Air Wing, for a new Korea duty assignment. Scarcely enough tir· elapsed betwefn arrival and departure to memorize a peraon'a 1•11. name, but the President stepped briskly to t n.pe cordon keeping back spectators to meet fellow Orance CounUans. The publlc w11 lnv!ted to 1ee the Prelf. dent arrive home from war-and-peace talb with VJetnam•.se President Nguyen Van Thieu, while his arrival June f wa1 limited to Marine peraonnel a r. d dependenla. Based on what Informed sources say about his feelings C'n the V!etnam sltua · tion, Pres ide nt N11'on seemed to single out those whose future hope of not lighting such a war ~eems greate1t. Da vid Piper, 3, of lltJena Park. had a .• DAILY PILOI OftANGI COAIT l'UllllHIHG COM,AN'f llob1rf N. Wt1tl flrMIMnt Ind l"Ullllihlf' J.,k k. Curl'Y V1tol 11,..1•nt •ntl o.Nr• M.lllf"' Thi'"'' A. Mur"hh1• Mtn1•ln• Editor C .... M ... Offfct JJO W•tf l1y S+•••I M1 ilin9 Atldrt111 ,,0 . lo• 1560, 92626 o ........... H ..... flldl1 :1111 W•I lalllM loo.I!..,.,. l.lt'ilN 9"dl: JJJ FOf'ftf Awr.u. Hlll'lllllllOl'I .. l(lu IOf tlll 111' .. I runny nose from the cool breeze which sent threatenin1 clo1111s acootlnc over the rugged mOuntllns to the ea.It and seemed nonchalant after meettnc the President .• Nii father Bob. :however, was im- preued with the hlatoric incident -in P~r fa~ly ~Jin! -!ftd was parUcularly pltued tbat his wllt and all four sons were lhere. ··we drov1 Uke crazy lo set down here after bearing the public wu invited 30 mJnutu 110 and lruc.wjng it would take 20 minutes jUJt for the trip/' aalci Piper. Connell Names Group to Review City Positions Tite Costa Mesa Ci ty Council decided to appoint a three-man commi.ttee to investigate its met.hod of appo1nunent and review of city committee&, com- miasion:s and boarW at a special meet· ing Monday. The committee will be made up of a councilman, a ple.nnin& commis!loner and the city attorney. They will evaluate! methods of appoint· ment and review and their recommanda· tions will be submitted to the council. Councilman WU\lam L. St. Clalr, wtto Introduced tbt propo11I, noted ' "We are re-evaluated by a v• every four yeaPs and there 11 no reuon why our appointees should not be reviewed. This prnPo51I wlll alao rve 1ppllcaols • chance to be hetrd.' In other action, the council : -Unan imously decided to request 1 report from the citr. engineer prior to the movement of utility poles. -Approved a banner for the Y's Men's Club to publicize the Fourth of July Fireworks ahow. Approved the second leading of amendments to a CMta t.tesa citf ordi-nance relating to utrology, It wll come up for fine! action at the next councll meeting. Foundation Aiils New Boys Club The James Irvine Foundation Is th" flr lnclpal contr ibutor of fund& tn be used to build the Harbor Area Boys• Club's pn)J>Oted ne" clubhou!e In 81\bo1, club executive director Lou Yantom said to-day. Tht Foundation donated $&,000 to- ward tht 11zs.ooo bulldtna. "The money will be In the bank setlln• intttest until our plans ire finalized li aatd Yantom. • I Teeter, the Indictment said, wu the driver of a van to be used to pfck up the weed from the airport. Mesa's Summer Signups Slated . All the fact.s In the case may :iever . ReglstraUon for the Coata Mesa come to light, since the guilty plea ;ind ReCPeatlon Department awnmer pro- sentencinc will replace a trial. gram will be held June 11 to 21 on . the • Bake Sale Raises $56 To Help Kidney Victim Higbie and Teeter previoualy pleaded fourth floor of the civic center, 77 fair innocent to the federal .grand jury Drlve. Students at Victoria Elementary School and cupeakes. charges. ·The department will offer activities in tn Cost.a Meu. have raised and donated Mrs. Randall haa: been having kidney creative handicrafts, br1d1e. 1 r t , $56.10 to Mrs. Colleen Randall for a problems and she needs to raise $20,000 Higbie, in. an exclusive January lft. children'• drama worhbop, dog obe· kidney machine. for a kidney machine, which.is needed to terview, told the DAILY PILOT that he (lience classes, slim and trim and men's The 350 ll"udents did It wilth nickels kttp her alive until she can have a could not discup the pa.rt1culars-In the physical fitness . In addition, a boys and dimes at a bake sale Monday alter· trunsplant. case. One reason, he said, was that the sports camp and hiking and e:rploring noon. The children at VlcWrla School were In· other men named in the case were hil trips will be offered. Student council members at the school structed to do the baking themselves and Registration will be held from 6 p.m. to decided they wanted to lend a helping bring the goodies to school Monday. client!. ' 8 p.m. June 19 and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m, hmd to Mrs. Randall, so they asked This they did and so Monday the sale A few days later he· expressed o~ June 20 and 21. fellow students to bake cookies, cakes was ,on. timism tn the outcome ln the case, Id· r;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiijj ding that "we expect some· pOd new1 very soon." The case at present has bee• forward· ed·to a. probetion offieter-·for·.Jtmltipilon and !lndJnp. . '·. · · T.'l ~ proaecutor In Uie case. Aulst.ant U.S. Atl;Orney Darrell W. Macintyre, since la1t January ha.s refused to com- ment on the case, e1cept to relay new trial dateai Macintyre :iraa contacted three .times last mol\th 1n querlea: on. new. trial datea in the Jong aucces1loft of pGStponernents. He dilclOlld nothlnl ~!lour the suUty plea1 or the " prosec1J'Uoii'1 new Charges. Instead,. he said the trial had been postparied "to some time ii1 early June." Higbie could not be reached for com- ment today, Court records revealed a shill in legal counsel for the bachelor Island lawyer three times. Originally Hlg"'e's counsel was Marcu:s Tu cker of Santa Monica. He was replaced by Corona del Mar lawyer George Jef· tries on March 26. On May 11, however, . Calvin Stewart of Hollywood took over for Higbie. Three days later the new in· formation and guilty plea were entered into records,, Stewart haa represented Teeter throughout the csu. Higbie on Dec. 16, 1968, in a signed statement of financial ability stated that his weekly income avera1ed $200; that he had $100 In caah on hand, and owned $1,00'> in property. Hi-f&ther , former Newport city coun· cilman Clarence "Chicl<" Higbl~, prac· tices Jaw at the same Marine Avenue of· fices. The sentencing wlll be before Judge Jesse W. Curtl1 at 2·p.m. Hlabie'a bail st.ill remains at '25,000. Teeter wu released on P,,500 bond, a Police Probing ·Fast Wit1ulrawal From Deposit Box The alleged ~'1thdrawal or more lhan $2,000 dropped into the ni1ht deposit vault of a Costa Meu barik over the weekend is under investigation, detec- tives disclosed today . Police DetecUve Lt. GleM Walktr said lhe case lnvolvlng U.S. National Bank. 1845 Newpori Blvd., WU flnt nPOrted Sunday. llecelpta ~ ~ Mari.,t, 11$ W. 11th St., wtre Into the ollht clepooltory •lot u UIOll lnvoatl· gal.ors 11id, bul the ft,040 CM!. portlon wu roportedly mlalln(. O!ecks were no( llUo, lnvutl11ton sali!. . "Wa don't know U the de~lt vault wa! properly latchfd or not, ' Lt. Wal· ker ex pfained tod ay. Rumors developed Monday that J)l'O-ce~s from ·the 24th Annual Costa Me sa· N~wport Harbor Lions Club P'lsh Fry had been stolen tn somo typt ot bank thdt a1 a mu!( of the cast. Contacted shortly before noon, U.S. NatloneJ Bank Managtr P'l"lnk Zrtblec said ht knew of no theft or burgl1ry, but that 1 pl'Oblfm hid been ..,.n.cr with ill• nllbt dtflOlll va•ll -. lfl Just a ftw s>iort wtkl you, too, can loM . I S-20.2.5 pounds and bt proud of the W.-V Y'!llll leolt. ladits, you'll be weiring tt1t new figure·reuet111'19 fall f1shions with_ pride ind confidante. And. Men, the ntW t11lor.shaped wfti wlU look or111 on ycu-onc1 you'w ~llCO\lllr•d vour w1l1t. Don't .out it off-t1k1 It affl . Act now, for special low rtduced rim dUfll'l9 Holid1y Nalioql fitnns Month. INCOMPARAIU PACILITIE5 , • H11tacl IOft'llft • F1nnl1h lee" S.un1 SwimMlng Pool loom• • Ultr1 Modem • Elaetronic M1uag1 CoMffitnlnt PtclAtin • F•ldt Siii.TM • IMtM StNM IMM R.-. OPIN 7 DAYS A Wiik 10 'TIL 10 \ • Whl~potl ''"" • Conditionln9 Ftcffltit• • Swi11 Ftdal Mldalwe1 I ll CO'TA M(~A ~·~'"'"<•\ ~4 0 .JJ08 I\ ORANG I •' • ·~Iii!\ ft~! OJ0 -144 1 ) JUNE IS NATIOllAI. FITNESS MONTH AS DICUllll IY M Fiii! Fifi! l'llE! f.<d"'I" fee-r G . rlll r.o u P Slirnnasrics ., n d Swrmna.srics lo music N . • •0• time limit on VoVr VISlfS I No appointment "~.'Y • Stp,r•te fa. cll1t1es f0r meri • (.. ... f1c ll'r· lo -...r•re ' ies r Women • F guest privileges • Unlim~ ed hovrs-vn/imit!d da ,,..., ,,.., )"I. IRff FOURS & OfMONSJRAflONS AVAILMU OAILY A1 AU LOCAJIONS I • • -.. T""4i!, -10, 171>' s lW1. y 'l\DT :; Army , ·Nurse · Oie.s .in · Wtlr .JBS Befleeiion SA~:~I) w:.~~tL. Tw~~:1~~:.k ~~ Wamo Rocket Attack on Hospital Kills Jst W.oman in Actj.pn Rkhanllon, ~ ~ the Mglslitun'1 new Court. SAIGON (UPI) -A 2$-yellMld Aney nurse who wrote her father abt ''waMed to belp 1n v1e\nam11 was kWed. when' a rocket smubed into' a field bosp'hal, mtutaey officlllls said todoy. lit Lt. Sharon. A. Lane of Canton, Ohio ,_,aa tht'ftHt ·Mln.tri the U.S. anned lore<i lilied la aht"°1 In Vletn1111. Mill' Line suffered shrapnel wounds In the throlit wben a UZ..mm rocket~ el'· ploded near a wl!'.d of the U .s. 312lh EvlClllllon Hospital at Cbu Lal.Swldly. Several women mtmben of the armed force have died bi VJetnam. but from what the m.llltary calls nonhostUe ca111ts. mostly plane crashes. Lt. Lane's dtalb Congress Urged To Create Joint Oil Commission SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Senate unanimously voted Monday to ask Con.,.eu to create a joint federal-state commission which would develop safety standll"ds for offshore oil drilling opera· tions. It approved on a 34-0 vote and sent to the Assembly a resolution by Sen. Richard J. Dolwig (R·Athtrt<lO), which also aakl Congrt:SS to set aside proceeds the federal government recelm1 from mineral extraction f r <p m the outer con- tinental shelf for protect.ion. of atates· from oflabore oil ... pea •• Dohrig said Ill< dloutrous oU spill In the Santa Barbara Q)anntl would not have occurred "if we would have bad this kind of commisskin." In. a rebted action, the upper house unanimously 1dopted a resolutioa asking the federal government to negotiate with fortlgn nations which have fleets of oil tankers in an attempt lo set up a "clean .seas" policy. Sen. Robert J. Lqomarslno (ll-Ojai), who IJIOlllOred the resolution, said some foreign tankers discharge oil 30 miles out at sea. He saJd the discharge often noau toward land and damages the Calilomia shoreline. Realtors Talk Slated "The Changing Market''. is the topic of the I a.m. breakfast meeting Wednesday of("'tbe Hu11tlngton Beach Board·· of Rialtors at the Seacliff Country Club, 3000 Palm Ave., Huntington Beach. The 1;peaker will be Dale Townsend, real estate manager of the Los Angeles Times. wu ofliclally listed u from "hostile ac- t.ion." ll'he rocket , that blasu!d the Cbu Lal coinpkz also tilled a Vlelnal1$ele child •nd """'1ded is V!ttnam.,e d.uJans, a U.S. mWta.ry 1pokesman. and··a medl~al cOrplman. '"All Ute paUenls wer. sleepJng," s1kl Ind LL , Palricla E., Carr of LoullVIUe, Jfy. tt. CtJT oharecl night dUty with 1-t. Lane . . _. '' .. "We were JUS~ relaxing belore :1tarling to wake tbe:"'Pll.tenll at I a.m.," Lt. Carr said. "I WU littinc behind -the dest' and Lt. Lant wu Jittin& on an di.ply bed when tht rocket hit," lhe said. I 'Miss ·Lane bad arrtved for duty al the hospltal April 29. Jn Canton, Ohlo, John Lane, ber fatl\tr, said his daughter had written him about her duly the... ' "In her letters, she said she wanted to help In Vietnam," be said. "It was a decls.lon sht made by he?'¥1f and ·one·that I did··n.ot .quesUon," Lane said. 1'She volunteered to serve ln either South Vietnam or Korea." He 11id his daughter wrote she planned to rHollit for another year after her tour of duty in Vietnam. She had betn ln Vietnam slz ,..eets. - "She said !he just wanted to better herself and felt she could htlp 1n the service," he said. "She sakl she. •lso wanted to set other part:1 ol the world." Club Owner Covell Faces Trial Over Beach· Riot Controversial club owner Gilbert Covell ls scheduled to face jury trial today in what will be the second Court action aga.i.nSt defeodants allegedly inVolved in the Huntington Beach riot last April 20. · Covell, S1, of 14201 Locust St. Westminster, ls due in Westmins ter municipal court to face chargeJ of urging a rlot, ttfuul to disperse and resisting arrest. He ha! been described by riot du· ty officers u "a focal point" of a seething disturbance . that drew officers from many county dlvisJons or law en· forcement. Covell is the co-<>wner of Syndicate 3000, a teenage lrlgbt club in HunUngton Beach that l>as fllured in DWIY police reports. . Already servin& a 30-day county jail sentence for bis part in the Oil City trBcas ls a Garden Grove man who plead· ed guilty to resisting arrest and rioting. Todd R. Sveslos'key, Zl, was also placed on probation for the nex( two years. Other persons facing court action stem- ming from their alleged participation and SEE FUN lN SUN lN DAILY PILOT In a special Fun tn The Sun tabloid see- tioo, t he DAILY PILOT today offers vacation and travel information in ad· dilion to Ups for stay-at-home fun -in the ..... D.~e-12-page .. s~?'l touches on ~rtually alllorms of summert1fne fun and in- cludes ads te llin& readers where to find the big bargains in fun In the sun equip- ment for use al home or away. It's ins1de this edition of the DAILY PILOT the dates scheduled for their appearances are : --SCOtt A. r.1<£aske1, 19, of Garden Grove, charges of doting. assallit with a deadly weapon, f;;ilure to dlsperu and malicious mischief, June 13, Superior Court. . -Grq:ory Neal Wluln, La li1lrada. charges of assault with a dudly weapon, battery. rioting and failure to dlspene, June 13, Superior Court. -Robert W. Barke, 11, of Whltt.ier, charges of rioting and failure to 'di.sperse, July 15, municipal cqurt. -Gary WUkencm. 22. of Bellnower, charges of riotiq-ud-n!fusal to disperse, July H, rmmiclpal COUit. -Greg W. M~ JI, of 9* Nan- tucket Drive and Greg D. Hyatt. 20, of 22001 Susan Lane, both of Huntington Beach, charge.a -of assault with a deadly weapon, rioting ·and failure to disperse, July 21, mun1Hpa1 c:oui't. School Boundary . Discussion Set Trustees ol the Huntington Beach City School Di.strict will discuss proposed boundaries for the district's two in- termedi~te JChools at.7:30 o'clock tonight in the 1ibrary of Dwyer School, 770 '17\h St. Dwyer School Is the district's old-I~ termedlate 9Chool. Next year it will, be joined by the new Gisler School on the ea.rt side ot Beach Boulevard. Another ieport on state aid, nr the lack or it, fer purcbue ol school sites and con- atrvcUOn wlD 1'9o be presented. U!llT ......... NURSE DIES lat Lt, Sh•Nn L•ne County Traf fie Accidents Kill . 2 Youths, Woman Three persons died Monday in Orange County, including a boy 15 and a girl II, as the result of traffic accidents. The dead: Gordoe K. Nortn, 15, of 2tt7 Main St., Santa Ana. Dtborall. Perlmutter, 11 , of La J\firada. Mn. Joy Marcelle Netmltl", ff, of 325 S. Valley St., Anaheim. The Norton boy, son of Mn:. Kath1een Torres. died at Orange County Medi cal 19&1 COWlty Traffic IM& ff Dtatls Toll U Center or inju,ries received when he was struck by a car Wednesd11,y while walking on Ri verside freeway, east of Crescent A venue· in Anaheim. The. Perlmutter glrl was dead on 1r· rival at St. Jude Hospital Fullerton from Injuries received when ahe was .hit by a car while crossing Rosecrans Avenue and Jalon Road in La Mirada. ?.fr-. Neimler Suffered fa tal injuri~ in Santa Ana whf.n her. car weni out of con- trol and smashed inlo a utility pole on Warner Avenue near Salata Street. The coroner's office reported that Mrs. Nlemier died of multiple Injuries at Santa Ana' Community Hospital an hour after the crasb. Sl'.e was Alone ln the car. Turkey Youths Riot i~Ai!B\JL . (UPII -Tho111andl of students hurling pivlng stones and :P.1olotqv cocktails battled today with army troops and police at Istanbul Ulllvert!I)'. • Republican leadefS, used to be a member "tbey came out ot the dlll' btue alr of the John Bil<H Society. But he quit. with on Jmpeochmtat proc:<ecliq," bo Wh11 • said. without comu!U,,. loW mtmboro ''I was terribly rruettatecl," Richanbon on the dedsion ... r ftlt the toclety creat.. told UPI in the first interview he h a a ed a posture of aoiu: oll half coclced." granted to dl.sc uss his split with the aocle-He ta I d the JmPiachment drive and ty. "No question about It·, Welch turned severe. crltlcllm of the Warr.n court JP.. me off." petted u thouc6 "we wtre attactfu1 our Welch Is, ol course, Robert Welch, Supttme Court u an tnatitutioo that ii wealthy New England candy manufac--part of our checb and balarww " turer, founder and president ot the John Despite hJs disencbantment with the Bil<h Society. llOClety, Richardson said he b •prooc1• to Ricbard!Oll joined the IOciety ln 1981 hive been a member of 1 group aeetine and became a full time pald staff leas government and fighting Communist member, rising to state coordinator. HJJ subversion. job was to recruit new members and help "J feel there ii a definite need for a organize C1llfornla chapten. good anU..COmmuni.st organliation in this But he quit the society ln 1984 because country operated oc a sound Ind aensfble of "philosophical" dUferences w I ~h basis," he aald. "I have an. abk!ing diJUke Welch, especially ln the day-to-day ope'ra· far socialism and totalltarlanlsm." tion of running the conservatlve-Orlenled "I think a lot. of Americana are In aop. organization. port of the concepts l voice," he aa1d, Richardson, 41, ls a stocky, friendly "but I believe most Americans are ' rormer public relationwdverUs~g ex· sensitive u to bow they approach them." ecutive who likes to be called by hill Richardson estimated that wbe:n he was nichname, ''BUI ." (The initials H.L. stand state Birch coordinator the society for Hubert Leon ). counted 25,000 members in Calirornia. He The Arcadia Republican this smion said membership bu aince allpped. worked hard to elect Sen. Howard Way of "1'11 bet there are Ove times u many Exeter, the first GOP Senate president ex-members now a:1 there are members.'' pro tempore In 13 years. Way ousted he aaJd. veteran Senate luder Hugh M. Burns, a One of those who is tUU a member ii conservative Fresno Democrat. Sen. John G. Schmlb (fl..Tuat1n), ~ For his efforts, Richardson ' wa1 legislature's ~ actnowledpcl • 'Jplui rewarded by belng selected senate Blrch Society duel paiyer. · ' caucus chalnnan by his Republican col· leagues, beallng out another Way lieutenant, Sen. Clair W. Burgener ol San Diego. Richardson .says his Birch memberahip has not hindered his political career. He Is serving his second term in the Sen8t.e, his views are still conservative but he doesn·~ belong to any volunteer political organizations. "I have a responsibility to the other Republicw,11 he said. "I feel J have to use a great deal of discretion." He says many or his opinion! parallel those upou>ed by the Birch SOO.ty. but he and the organization parted paths on presenting them to the public. "There was no area of personal ef. fectiveness within th-"e organization for me," he said. "I didn 't get along at alt well with Welch from strictly a manag .. ment aspect." _. Richardton 1ald he disagreed wltb the tight control Welch he.ld OVtt the IOCiety to form a monolithic group wtth little authority delegated to stale or chapter o£flcers. "When you hire people, you give them some responsibility," he said. i·welch never was willing lo &Ive up any responsibility. I felt stifled. l 11w lhings l \vanted to do, bJt couldn't." Richardson said h! also disagreed with the generalized aUacks t.be .:;~iety made on persons &n<t. liberal or~aniUlionl. He, cletd ao exarD1>le in tht Birch ass1ult on U.S. Chief Justlce Earl Warren. "l never have thought, or do now, that Earl Warren 1s much of a Supreme Court Jwtlce," he said, but he couldn't agree Jewelry Robbery; Shootout Victim Remains 'Serious' Samuel Brucker, IS, downtown Sam. Ana jeweler who was hit seven times by ' bullets fired by a band.It remains Jn ' "serious condition, tM&t lmproving" at Santa Ana Community Hotpital, hospital _ aides reported today. Brucker who engaged ill a lhootout tut 'Ihursday w l t h a holdup man tn a Halloween mask was helrtened Mond11 when he was presented "To Sam Brucker, Our Bravest Man, Fram the Boys of Downtown Santa Ana." . The trophy wu presented b y photographer Bernard Djlvre repruen- ling about 40 downtown merehants wbo wanted to pay tribute to the !punky merchant. Brucker returned fire from bandit Louis Asmond, 37, of San Juan Capbtr• no, killing him with a !hot In the ~ A le<Olld bandit, Arthur F. l\lelf, ~ ol Anaheim was captured two bloc is' from Brucker's Brown Jewelers, 215 E. 4th SL He was •rraltntd Monday In Santa Ana Mbnkipal C-0urt i>n chfrgH ol aUen\pted murder and robbery and Is held on $25,000 hail Preliminary bearini was set for 9 a.m. Friday. / Could You Advise YoU~""Son To Be A Teacher? Would you be wi:ling for the hHd of your fomily to toko • tHching position? If not -why not? Poor pay? Uncomponsatod man-hours? Little opportunity for advonc:oment? Qu11tionoblo pr11ticjo 7 If you couldn 't ur9e a '!1pmber of your family or convince yourself to enttr te1chin9, thin who do you want to educate your children? . . . Are you s1tisfied with just "someone else" doin9 1 mediocre job to te1c'h your children? Do you want dedicated, well· trained ind rea:istlc educators who will taoklo tho challongo of oduooting your children for tho worlcl'1 changing demands? If so, ploaso road this ad. . ' . THE ISSUE OF EDUCATION IN .THE NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL .DISTRICT RESTS UPON ONE POINT: THE SCHOOL BOARD STATES THAT IT IS REPRESENTING THE . TAXPAYERS BY NOT SUPPORTING COMPETITIVE SALARIES FOR TEACHERS -THE TEACHERS FEEL YOU, THE COMMUNITY, WILL SUPPORT OL!R POSITION. This issue has riow come to the public's 1ttention. The Bo.rd •pp•rently m1d1 its position clear by the adoption of a salary schedule un1ccep- tablo to tho tuchors. Teachers h1v1 sou9ht to make their position known to the taxpayer by •xte:nsive meetin9s, overt •ctions end by offering the following infor. m1tion in an •ttempt to communicate directly with the public. <. •Wt likt bting teechen. We like w•rlaln9 with youn9 people. We like bein9 cf•clic1tecl to our proft11ion 1M to our community, Wt wouW like to be 1uitebly comp•n11tecl for our effort•. •You heve reed ebout 1al1ry "rei•••" 9rent•d to N•wport·Me1• fetchers. Tha fief i1 thet we havt 1uffered en ennual deer•••• in buying power. Tok•n r1ilt1 1over tht pa1t few yeers h•v• feUen fer 1hort of the ennutl coat of living incre11e. Th• 801rd offtr1 •n ever19e 5.8 Y. incre11e for t1ext ye1r'1 seliry. Predic• tions ere thet co1t1 of living will be up 7 .5 91. by Stpttmbe,._. ntt 1011 of l.7 r •• "' Newport;Mtsl school1 hive l~n9-been r•p!'tecl f•r -the ••eel· lence of.their proqrM'l'I. The prime fector ••pltlnlng this ••c•l- l•ne• h11 been the hl9h qu1lity of fht teechinq 1t1ff, It hes become almost i"'possible to support • fami~ on • te1chin9 1al1ry. A man must either moonlight or a1k his wife to worlr1 or he must decide to leave the Oi1trict. More ••p•rienced te1ch .. ers er• leaving for financial r•11on1 thi1 Y••r th•n •v•r before • W• are v•ry conctrned with th• l1r9• iumb•r of e•cellent teachers who have elready announced their lftt•ntlon to It••• t•1chin9, or fhis District. Thi1 i1 • d1n9•rou1 trend. • Our school boerd h11 chostn 7 other 1chool clistricts 11 a basis for stlary compari1011 and h11 a11nounced its 9011 for our sal- aries to fall in th• m•dion for th••• 7 "benchmark" di1t1ict1, 11am•ly: l•rk•l•y, lngl.woff, Oren91, P1lo1 V•rdt1, P11ad•n•, Plac•n+it •nd Sorita Ane. Howav•t, our 1961-!! _sel•."Y sch•· dul• fell short of thi1 'intention; it did not even echr • .,. thi1 lev•I of mecHocrity. , • What is mot• importont, peoplo or thinqs 7 The Board end Oi1trict Adtnini1tr1tion fr•qutnfly acclaim teach1r1 ••the mo1t importent foctor in th• education of children. Their bucf9et pltnnin9 indicates otherwist -money for "thin91" is always allocattd flrSt; whatever money remain• is lnedequate to ktep prof•1sion1l salaries competitive. •Teacher's ere 1xp•cted to take the 1al1ry of a laborer and put in the houri of the 1.1CeCutiv1. E••cufives work long hours but are 1ppropri1tely compan,eted by a salary f•r 111ceeding thet ol teaeh•rs. L1borer1 rtceivt • ••l•ry comp11r1bl1 to fe•cher1 but are peld timt and t half for every moment ol time spent beyond_the "40 ihour~work w•ek. · • n. av•r•9• heelth pl•n for • f•mily of four co1ts ebout $521 par year, In 1h•rp contrest to th• aver•9e •mount paid by in· du1try for trnployt• heelth insurance, th• llotrd his offered to p1y $161 tow1rd each teacher's mtdlcal pfan. Voters havt approv•d moni1s for t•acher htalth benefits, but th• Board hes nev•r u11d them for thi1 purpo11. •According to r11earch, the rtmuner•tion for 9radueft 1tucly in the Newport·M•s• Ohtrict for units beyond the Bechelor's De· 9rae, i1 the low•st in Orenge County •nd is in the bottom q~•rf­ er of aU Unified Oi1trict1 in Southern Californit. •If you own • fJ0,000 hom• in •lther Newport leach or Coste Masi the coif to you would bt fJ .-47 per year to r•solve thit l11u• and provide quality education for your children. • w. ••k th•t the loard 9rant th• request for official 1t1te m•di .. ation 1ervlc~1 lfr••I in ao ettampt to reconcile our differtnces. Wt hellev• our r1que1t1 er.• ree1on1bl1; we are willin9 to ac .. cept whatever thl1 ilnf>'lrtlal third o•rty recomm•nd1. THI POSfnON OF THE TAXPAYER CAN DETERMINE THIS ISSUE. Do you want to attract and RETAIN the best educators possible for your children? Pleme contact the following school board members: Jomos W1 PoytOfl Motion C. lorgeion Solim S. Fronklin Rodoric:k H. MocMillon Lloyd E. Bl•npiod Jr. Elitobeth M. Lilly OR, meil atatemtnh to the Newport· Me11 Education Auociation, 735 Baker School Boercl. ' I t ' \ Donald A. Strauu WiHiam L. Cunningham, Supt. •• Street, Colla Mesa, ATTENTION:- • - ~'.l'lme ·Not RI~ ' - • -, Pope: _Cath~li,~~- . - Can't · Join~. -w~cc • • .tii(knt , Grip'-.& . ,O.kay-ll:e~gan Mef!tpl->l{~sp~~l C'!n.dit.~ons1 B,lasted DAVIS (AP) .:_.Gov. Reagan • SAN FRAN.CISCO (UPI) -Three pro- say1 fllOSl college studeiit.s have minent autbOriUes or. mental retardation legjtl mate grie\11noes. round patlenti at Sonoma State Hospital' 1 ArgON; them, ~e told student i~1 • • • ' · ' • · t terviewer1 oo the Vnl\lel'sity of "ue t~e.~,ted llke, . ~ ~uently C41ifornia at.D.JvU. radio station, behave like, aplrna.IJ. ln 1 r.QQ,". ~ are: . , A 5Catblng report on condlttonar-.t the The lnvesli&• on found a lacl< cl f1111ds needed to i>n>.icte the most huic necesaluU for. tile care'ol pallents .. GENEVA !UPi) ..; Popo PiUI VI lold , ... -"Lack of cont.act with pro-hospjtaJ was made publlc·Monday w14er t~ ... ,... .. ...., ' .. ' ' . ' 1 • tbt Protestant-domlntled World COuilcll of °'urdlts (WCCJ today he' wu prayin g !or .. end lo ,11at the wee c11kd the The P.onUff, 71, came lo Ulla "·Rome ot rusors of note'! who are more coo-ordf)rs of .Superior ~rt ,Judge .\fidrt!w ProtestanUam" lodlf at JnvttaUcm·ol tM f cerned with research t,U n EyQlan f0Unwin1 a year.ion,: le&al batOe internotJonal Labor Orpllbatloor (ILO) leaching. ' -Failure by sch o o I ad-t by a group of paUenls' parents~ to observe' tt1· 50th ~Y.· ·He rectlo;t!J minl!trators to treat students as·in-· Ttie report was prepared for the St.ale "A deplural>le allljallon existed In.Ille! th,ere wu a combinaUon of Jhad~uate linen iupply and JaUndry ·se~vlc.e. Thia mated 1 1ltuatlon in which rap~ were uaed for drying material alter paµents' tollettna, w.as:hlnc and bathing," they said. "acandal" ol 1 divide!! ehrl1tlonlty. llul he aahi the Ume was not ripe for Citliollcl to joill llle cooncU. Bombe-Ps Hit the smal"lt w~ Iii}'. of bil •ven dlv.ld11als. Department of Ment.al Hfgtene 'by ·Dr. trips abroad ej.rtce lte bec~J> ... , -A lack of Interest by ad· Gunnard Dybwad oz Brandeis University: In a 3,500-word addreu-W tbe·.U.O the ministrators ln impro'ving courses, Mirtha Adams, a nOrsiil& professor at Pope made 10 impassioned plea for combined with too much of an in· University of California; and Dr. Ivy aoclal jllltk:e for wortina men. He also terest In pulling up new buildings. Mooring, execuUve director of the Lo&.. The governor commented in an Angeles Coordinating Council on Mealil - ... Patman Asss,t•Is futerest Hike t.tty H111ff didn't argue when ab& found a .Mve&-foot boa con .. atrlctor tn the family car at Spring· field, Mo. Sunday. She parked the car risht· where lt was and wen~ about her business on foot. Mn. t Hes~ Bald th.• s~e . belongs to lrleild1, Mr. llnil'Mr'I. ~n Morrh, who w,m riding with the He1Sees -Sat n 'r-d•a y 'n!ght. Tile Morrlses -Reds, Thwart warned that "the: peace .ol .$he. world Is al, boor and 'a quarter Interview that Retardatioii. -· -· stake" and appealed to llaUoos to end was marked by friendliness on both . "The physlca\ pifint of the hospllal WASHINGTON· (AP) -Rep. Wright what he called the terrible eYill afflicting sides -a contrast lo some stormy 'tiolates lhe ~ princlpk..of 41sPuaal Patman, chairman of the powerful House brought the boa along and for&ot to tU:e It home with them. . much of the world'• peoples. sessions in Ult. pa.st with students aJ)lt ~--~herded t.cileUMlr in • Banidni Committee, toclaY.l \D"led-. Presl- Heavy secuiity 1Jftl11eitenta were In who oppostd his economies and huge ~ , ftom a wide catchment dent · Nixon to withdraw government Big Offensive tf(ect for the Pope's visit and partly ;, hard line a g a 1 a at camP!ll •rea (O\ltr 'S(IOimtles) so that mony't are deposits from banks that railed their because of this there was a crowd of 011ly dl~S:;gt:~s.announced a new "ro-totally abandc?ne_{:I by .their families and prime· lnterf:st t:ate1 to ati unprecedented • :JOO at the airport when he atrlved. ., have ,qo c~ntaeJ .wit~ he outside world," Crowds. alonr the l'Olltes oJ: hit t .posal to bridge what he ·called a the report (Wd .• 1 r' . " . 8\.1 percent. SAIGON (UPI) ~ U.S. 862 bornbfra drappOd nearly ~ ·1on1.o1 bombo Monday <Jnd todly on Copnun1at force• whose t'lf· fenalVe in tbe tly Nlnh area liO miles northwest of SaJpn bu ln!Dcted he.vy Joases on clvWaDI cauctrt in tbt. bactlub of war. ... .... oTk ..... ,, communk:atlon.s gap between ~bn h 1 ••· h Ia · a letter to the President, ,Patman, motorcade were sparse, w-.oo&'' '"" wa:1 and olhl!r officials and the Students. "Once inside') e,t\(Jlpita, u.:y ,are t en , • ed warmly 1pplauded wherever he went. 1 He said he and Lt. Gov. Ed l heJJJed into1huge barn·like wards, whlch. (0.Tex.), charied the boost announc Jn his speech to the WCC, a fellowship ,. Reinecke would propose that UC .. in inany cases, are ,bereft oJ: any niceties by the bahks Monday was a conspiracy el 234 Protestant, AngUcan1·antt Orthcd<r.< ~ o{ horn~ •. and ~·~ed like, and con-that threatens to force the coontry into a churches, the Pope raised the qucsllon 'student body presidents take part sequentlybehave·Ule:,anlmalsln azoo. severe recession. that has been under study·for somt thne •·· in meetings of university regents. ·"In some ~es, '!the .rilpst profqundly , Patman al® called on the . ad· between· the · WCC and ·the Vatican: .. The presidents · would .not be retaoded are st.ill mixed wllh the relaUve-ministration to instruct the Fe0eral The Communist 1wnmer olfensh·e Oared up again lhia. weekend after a brief lull with a seritl!I of batUts near T1y Ninh in the MekooJ lldll. on the Ip proacbtt to S&lion and on the ·coutal areu below Da Ntng. The Cornmunilt looies weie: put-al. 541 ill Ille -put fwr days. U.S. 1oata: ,..ere announced 11 Jt killed and tt wounded. ..Should I.he Catholic Church become a 'I allowed to vote but could express ~ ly mildly retarded: c q,n 1e.q11 ~nJ I y , Reserve Board io c;ut off the discount member. of the World 'Courtcil?" their views. Such a plan, he said ~ 'behavior -dete.rlofa.tes, even · in c&se1 privilege from he Interest-raking bank!, "In frattrnal frankness, •e do :10t con-now works successfully at meetlnjs Where there was originally a potential !or which enables them to raise ready sider that tbe quesUon of tM membership of· the state collige trustees. ~ grea ter actueveme11t." money. of the Ca tho Uc Chutch in the World Coun.-1 ~~!!"!~~!!!!!!!"!~-~'SICl~~-!!""'~:O:~-~::::_:::;:::::::;,;:;.,;:......,., ~-,., ____ __:::=:::..--.,.----,---- ell iJ llO mature that a poalU\'e anawe.r could ar should be &iven," he said. "The que1Uon. • .contains serious thet'lloil~al and putrol JmpllcaUont. It thus requlrf!..il a profound study and commits us to a way that honesty recognize& could be Thia pr•tlv fl40 girl hordlv """' a rip to atop Utt trofftc. Jira. L11ell4 Holoh.an of Grond Vaiie11, Cola. U Oftt of five women who atop traffic for cONtruction t:qtdpmmt wed to 1Di· dtn U.S. 6 into lnteratate 70. Y • . , Tift M1rtln, who has ari interest tn law, graduates from the eighth "rade" tn . lletrolt .Tbunday. He , plans to go on ·to high 'acbool. "II my 111•1 doean't fail me, I mlpt slick ",1111. heed· Into college," says . Marlin{ ·an .al-year-old native of · Austin, S.C., wbo had to pick col· ton wbtn be was a child instead of aoiQg to school. • CAllOll City, Colo; police p~ssed thllt"' •Mrcb · toda)'-!Or 11 motor·' cycW._" Wiiii, wlll! rad flaibint lilbll; --lfiien lriliD tllt po1iee de- partment Sunday. • Some 20,CIQO boxes of Gennan - candy ~v• been .'!old Iii BrlUI!> In the pan three weeks at. abolit SI. 70 a box -1a~t a quarter fo.r ·eac~ of the seven candies a box con· tafns. 'nit ~alldy Is . supposed to remove all traces of alcohol fumes from the user's breath, providing a possible way of beatin~ the eov· ernment•s ''breatbalyi:er • test for I d!Unk~ drivers. . I"' ~;, ":~'. -.. -• . I A thowand 1/0ung1ter.s liMd Mineral Pd.ltJtt. Parle pond at Putb[o, ~olo. with cane poles su;;u,, 1111& folud to hook • • sing!< fli/I. TIU VFW Sl<!J'1ud " th• W..' .SoC."!flo1 b•t all Ill• I li.r~ dk 4 --1'ic:Um1 of ""''" poll•ltoll. . , North ~letnamue and Viet Cong un1t1 lost 161 killed tn the Tay Ninh are1 alo1•.c1 U.S. spokumen reported. It was reported from Tay Ntnh that 10 civilians were tilled and 22 seriously 11.;ounded. Another 400 were treated at 110 ltala. . . . ' -=sands were homelus In fOW' days et ftahtinc \hat destroyed 399 houses and bAdly dama1ed SI others In Tay Ninh "\nd ill. outakirta where there was hand to h_, combat and alt strikes by S.JUlh Vletn~ese and ·U.S. planes. Tbe B52 raids against Communist f(lrets operaUng ()tJt of the CamtY1ch1n jthtclea 1t'tl"e &he heaviest ln that province since April 24 when the North Viet- nameat and fllerrllla forct1 pushod another oUenalve toward Saigon. * * * Jong and dlfflcult" At the outlet of his speech, the Popt pralled the WCC -which the Catholic Church condemned when the wee was establlabed in lHI -as "a marv<'hius .. movanent.," and he noted how the \\'CC and Catholicism have cooperaled in· creasln1Jy in recent years. But In a Pointed ~mark, ,the Pope to!rl wee leaders: '"Our name is Peter." Observers said this clearly was lnttn led lo stress the Catholic clatm that Christ • named Peter as the head .of the Church and the Popes are all Peter's desr.ttl· dants. This: has been one of the principal barriers to reunion of Protestantll and Orthodox with the Catholic Church . Vi.e-~11a_m· JJudget to Ri,se, But More Gls Due Home - WASHING.TO!! CUPll -The Uolt<d _States plans to spend more thin Sl,000 per soldier next year equipping the South Vietnamese army -and If i( pays off there may be more U.S. troop withdrawals. U.S. support forces Including jet fighters. belic.optm. supply a rt d· - u.nsportatlbn ·ootfiiS, meanwhile, woul'il remJifl )olltnd· to •ul!t lh• South Viet- .....,. u -tlity take ·cvtr the figj1Hn1. "' Def~ Secrttary Melvin R. Laird said In an bDp'omptu news confen:nce Mon· Clay ~~~-li,«Kkoan Withdrawal an-noonced; by Presidll!t Nixon at Midway will be · "heavily· weighted" with Anny ind Marine-combo! 1111118. No Air Force .~,Nivy inm will be in· eluded, he said. The target date fM a furtbtr Withdrawal ls early August, and tht situaUoa will be revley,·ed at n:aullr Jnterval1 theft!after. Laird refused.to mate any predictions, but his hope for the South Vietnamese ,fprces w .. , spelled out .eai:~er thla year when he sub)Ditted 1 rtYbi4:1 budget cut- ting Penta(on 1ptndinJ elsewhere but as~ for an increase of $157 million for Soulli .. Vltlriomue ·equipment. if cOngress approves. Uird s1ld tht money would 10 for "troop carrieNJ. truck.5, trailers. radios, night vlmon devices. and so forth as well as guns and ammunition." * * Harriman Hits Partial Pullout WASHiNo-i~lN (UPI) -w. Averell Harriman, chief U.S. ue~uator at the ~~peace ta1ks durlnl tbe'JohniOn 1d- mlniltntion, uid today President NIX·· on's deci&lon to brln& borne ~.000 troops from Vietnam . WU a "disappolnUng withdrawal." He said Nixon's Vietnam policy Is generally a continuation of that pursued by President Lyndon B. Johnson. This brought to Sl.%5 billion the total ( a.vailable. for. equipping the South Viet- namese durJnl the yur bellMl!la Jul,y I "HoW can we expect lhl enemj tO end· the.Ir · ti1ht1ng if we don't?" Harriman commented at a conference o I Mwiach11setls city and county officials. "I see no gain In killing more of the Viet· namese and the direction for the ad- ministration should be to reduce the violence." . Rains Cut ··T9wn • Ill Half • ;; 1 Golf Ball Size Hail ·P-ounds Northern Alab~ma • C•llfonda ».i.. _.. --'IT flllr kl'IT 1n s.uthem Calltonllt tiW!tllo -tw ... 111111 • ..._ 111-1 .,... Mid "~ ..... "'. IH' 1-r1tur .. /11 ltle llOrtll •rMI M JI ......... lM; Ante~ ..W Yk111!ty WI' l•lr al'ltll sll"'llJ w1......, wtttl • h!.., of 15 ,at 1119 Clvk c.tltu. Low !Olllt~• & ~Ila lloltfl MOncllW Wll 71. T1lt Air Potl\/llen COlll'll! Cl\lrl~! f'llHrtcd 1"'11 """ 111 11\1 L"' A"l&-le• l1t1ti: ' fi.. beK""I ...Wt -II• 1u11111 %1~ ...... N rlw lll>Onlilll <l&ullt. Hltli. ,....., ""' t i, ll'le -"!• .._.,"'. -• '2. Till ~11lal111 '°"" mOllly tUt\11• wl!ll 111-. In !t>t ... 1t r-r """to. """' dtlffh -· "'""" wllll tu•tv fl' tWltldiJ. H'-,......Iv,.. .,......, 111 I.a.-,,.. 71111 11'1' '*""" ... ,...,. t fld "' ""' ~ .. Ill "" ....... ""laM,. IOUTHfl"I CAliFOllMIA -Vtr l· , .. , .... ~ •-.in. T'wl6tl' t fld I ,_,.... ft1t t_.;,. •""'-""-" ' ....... •"9•· ,,.._ ..,.., ....... • .. ' ....,,_. TMtOtT. Slltfllll>r .,,,.,.,., I _., Miii _, _.,..,. T11t•r _.,. j '" """' -w~. LOI AHOl'Ll'I Allf A -Ft1r arot .iftMtv .. _ TllotltU1 trot VIW-tlt,. L1twt T ...... r 1119'11 JI.. Hltll _ ... CO.UTAl. AN O INT'l'llMl!OIATf VAlL•YI -....,., flllt' l'_..,, al'ltll ......... ,. ~~· 1111111 • .. • ..... T~ ,_ "'11. WI,_ .. .... -· ... -·- Motlb' 111""" l'CMNJ a"CI WMN•T. Hi.r., U 19 61. w1,,., """i.r11 It l>t ••• ~-. Yt'lllf'ltlt~'I ,..,...,tlvl'ti r t 11 t t ~ fr.-ii I lllf!I OI ,. Ill 1C. lllllM 1- IHft h;rt """ .... S4 ft ts. Wi lt• ~""""' -,, . .,.. •. S•"• ~10011. J'hlef TUelOAY ''"' llw . • .• Uid: t 4 t .P ''"' "'"" ..... ,,lf ..... j.J WID"lltAY '"" ................. JJ,. ,,,.., l.f ,....,. "''"' .............. 1:4 •·"" ,,. ._.,. IM ... ,, ... ,, ... l :U t.M. f.I s.COM Mtll ........... 7:a '·""'· 1.t SW!I 111 ... 5:'1 1,111. Sth 1114 t .M, IMlll 1111t1 1: ... a.fl'I. '-" •in '·"'· ,.. ...., •-,... ''"' •. JUl'lll 1t Jvlr I JU"I U Jwrw U v.s. s ......... Htlt, ,_,.,.,, rtlft ,.,. 1tr-wlNll 1t1,,.,. N rh ., ll'lt s .. 111 ~ 1111 ·~·" 'l•l"t """ """""''' ..... ''"" IMt r !Olklw1"' 11i.m--. ""'"" .. ' 111 ..... t llll to.. lu1~,_.. "" fire.Ill le ala<• '""°""" 111 lrar11 .r INlr tlwft t i ,,.,..,,,. ON .• ...,..~ wit-... '""" llf.. tt11 l'l'ff1!owlo'lt ''"" 1!ltl W luM tf r9(lfflt "k'!t. Tiit ·-wu tVI 11'1 ,....,. "" """ "' • wllllt " ..... ,...... w.& ..,. W111aw c...ii: --Tiwte .....,. t1'1t wt1'11 kll1t11 '"'4'1!1'1 ""' 1tf' 111 w'llldl """' "" rlllllflt .. u,.... '"" • -llfllll'I 1-•t ,..., ,.,,...., o.... lllllrll\e • "-¥¥ n lll INffll. l'ltJI ll'lt 1111 et Mlf M ilt ~ (;tcltlr I ll/fl Ill MfWlf"" A1tb1Mt 11111 ~ifltlT '""'''" ""' t•lltllflll ,,,, f/l (I PtM. A Mt"" lt!ullllltr!Mwtt II~~ l ,J ~• f!I ra111 "' "" .. "''"'°""'-"'-N.C •• t l•Hrt I~ l•nl Ot1t '*'1, ·r-~tMru """'"'--· ·--A!Jt"lt ltkfnlifld •ltlfltrdl ·~* OilctH •• C"°'Cllll'Mltt Cl..wlllllloll -w Ot• Molrlt$ l>ttl'llt ll!ul'tll.1 For! Worfttl •m~ ..... -· Mani.,. • "-' C"'i' .......... l" Arlttltl ·-Ml'-"ktt ·-· H"' OtlhJll frlN'I' ... Morftl Pllllt Oal<lal\lll ....... P•• bbit• 111'11116tlll'llt _,, Pltttbllrttl ,_ ll•llll '"' "" ''"" ·-Jttra..Wlllt ''· 1. ... b 1•1"* Sitt lRt Cltr '" flint Stll F tt "'\teo $1t\!I ltrt.ra '''""" ..... ~ ....,_, Wt111!11ttt11 • 1 Mltll l,tw ''"· ti " ,, 4j . " 7S ti .. " " . " .. " 11 !$ " .. 7) 611 .7S " " n ~ jJ SJ .0. tf tJ 7) St .o.t 71 SI .n. II 71 .t2 n , 11 " . " n " . u " fl 4! II $9 M n ... . " 14 SI .11 1t SS n " .., -" u " ., .· " . 1J st .t1 71 $4 ,u •• .. .u " •t ·°' •• u ll JI J ,. ·" ~ " • u 611 j7 .01 U S• •• g u " " .. 1l •l. Tl Even this thrifty Frigidaire · Jet Action Washer has DPC _for no:iron fabrics • Dur•blt Prm Carl.. Gentle wnhinc Ktion plus • ~ w•ter cool·doWn help Durable Pre$s fabrics kffp their no-iron promile. •'Jet Action Aitt•tor. Creates curr,nts .lhat plunge-clothe_!> deep into 5Ud1y w1ter for thorou1h wnhtna:. • 2 Jet·AWllJ Rinses. Get rid of fint . ' Durable Press Care on this budget~priced Dryer, .too ~.DuraOle Prn,s ~re. ProPer temperM\lre plus end· of<)'dti cool·down brinp Dureble Press ftems out r••dy to WNr or put •way without k'onin1. • 2<YCI• Tiffi~· Select exac t df)'ing minute-s. • Fine mnh· Decron lint screen. Right on the door. •nd scum sO thorou1hty there's no need for • llf\l trip. • Jllf.·simple Mechan ism. No ~elf's. No gears. No pulleys. No wonder it's ' so dependable. BOTH for ·$298~?.:r . Modll W.utt 2-Speed Budeet.Priced Dryer has 2 ,Dryinr Cycles .... """" . Jet Action Washer with economical Small Ma1chin1 0ry.; Jet AellOI\ Washer at I Budget Price with 2-f)Osition Flbrics Selector • f'lowln1 H11t c,cle tor •P Load Setting to 13~ 111ln11t11 .pl1111 1 Ho· • Leis you control dr1lnc • 2 Sp't1d1. Rt a:ul 1r plus He8l one for flu0'£1&. '• Sm1ll load Sl"ina:. S1v1s heat 10 suit !Ibric. Oellc:•tfl setllfll !Of tl!e ll!xi· .. No-itGop ()aero• 11111 · waler and dele11enl lor loads • Durable Press C.e. "°Ptf blllty • f1mHr washer nttds. screen. ll's ria:flt Oii the door, of l11s·tti111-usu1l siie. temperltur~ plus oool-dowtt • Deep Action A1Jt1lor for • Durable l'its.s Care. Proper • Automatic So•k Cycle. ror and encklqtlt sirnal knps oew di•~ cltanina. temperlture plus end.ol-cytlt llenli)' soiled items, di•ll':rs. th• pr1ss lfl Duribl1 Pr1s1 • 2 J1t.Aw11 RillSeL cool40tm ••tp !tit pl'l15 IR • 0.1p Aclioll A(it1to1. ittms. BOTH-~for -13-1"8•• , -BOTH.for ·;343 •• . . ( _, DEP~NDABILITY & SERVICE SINCE 1447. • • ' 411 E. SEVENTEENTH ST. .: COSTA MESA ~lly ,.,; Sat. ,., • f46-1'14 ... • "' DAILY Pl~ f Kenne·dy,:T~urmond Clas'1 Over-~oU:g1asl~~~~~ •.:-:· >' \-. j :._ . ' • ' • ' hlfl l1>oul' the loter--n talklo(. wu lnvolvod In while an a1alnlt Comnwntam. Tllar-' __,, -Ho,.• .i..o, ceater for Ecooomfc I 'I'd n.mo.. I wtU bo &led to. u 0 dergraduote.) Thwmcmd mood added lhot Ille cenler Umes has Justice Dou~ hf\d •-•-• ........ ~ w b I b ~ of u •. "'--roa· au~ cooliooed hla s~h unlll bad CIA u W<ll u Parvin to dilqulilly hlm!eij uae ,,_..... -""-, c ""-.i •¥& •· ,..... r· ........ ~ bacldnc~ or controyersits on matters In Doualal "u a 00.... mOmber. porters, are you!· Kennedy lnterruP4ed aaaln -said 111,t Doualll which he WU Involved! Woold When he aot to .the name of x....., -No. I am able to Thurmond, In another of hla u lpruldent ol tlie Parvin • ~ •tor Iron(, s oa \~ . iJ'lle.tooO _ ...... " .... -........ • ..,. .. ..;1.r ' " ..__ (' twtU ...... , I' • F-WinS<me.. WASHINGTON -Sen . Edword M. Kennedy/\ (!). Mus>. lltDOd 11a1en1n1 from the !root of the Senate. Sin. Strom 'lburmond, (ft.S.C.,) was dellverinf ·a prepared apeech criUcltlng Supreme Court Justice William o. Douglas. Lalli> polltldail Jboo Fl.._, pro1101111Ce hla name comclly speeche& demandln( Douglu' Foilndatlca wu\I board m<m-· CarOltna, who iwl• boe' ill 'he -'WUlble to pro-...i,n.Uon, accuaoc! tbe Jurial lier ol the cenler. Dou&lal has easy wllh 'Ill< nop\,l&Uon of 1 nouncO'the ·iwl'e, Tllumond -Are you tryln1 of uanclatlon 111'""81> the reslp>ed hla Parvin post. dtstlJ!lulahed justice of Ille ............. .._...._ll•1tut•P \ 1be twn senaLors, one 36, the other 68, were almott · alone. The gallery w a s deserted. The aesilon was almost over for the day. Then It lioppeoed. Thutmond·'had been speak· Melbourne Probed by Navy Board SINGAPORE (AP) -The joint U.S.·Auatrallar. naval board invesUgating the col· Jision or the AUs:Lrallan aircraft carrier Melbourne and the U.S. destroyer Frank E. Evans, inspected the Melbourne today in t h e drydock where she is being reparied. Rear Adm. Jerome H. King Jr. of the U.S. Navy led lhe siJ,member team on a four· haur tour of the Austra1ian flagship in a drydock at the Sembawang shipyard. The board members refused Kennedj prooowiced J t fOr to ~t my pronounclallon Parvin Found.Ilion wilh an in· Finally, near the end of lhe Supreme Court, respond to him. ' (n .English, or are you holdln1· stltuUon. ln La Un America debate, this exchange took that quesUon! Then, midst abou.Ung and younelf up p an· EngUBh which be called "a weU spring place: . Tburmoad -1be Polrit ls desk·poundiD1, the lolloiring teacher! Att you an expert of Marxlat lhroucht and ac-~ .-How many Y<Jrs . he lhould not put himself ui colloquy took place: because you went to Harvard! UviUes." Wu JuaUce Douglu been on the poslUon wMre he would Ktuefy .. -Mr. President, What wu your record at Kennedy defended the in· the Supre:~e Court! have to disqualify himself· will the Senator yield! I have tt:arvard? stitution, the Inter-American Tltlrmo11d -Many years and, furthermore he should ~e f~ity with the in-(It was an obvious ttference Center for Eoonomlc and looser than he should have not put himself m' the posiUon d1viduals aboot whom be is to a cribbing ~iit Kennedy Social Studies. u a fighter been. (laughter) where what he is dolng d()e3 • not look right. QUIENIE By Phll lnterlandi Body of 6th Slaying Victim Discovered ANN ARBOR, Mioh. (AP) - A pr<tty, unidenttfled yoong woman, shot, stabbed a n d sexually abused, is the latest ~ctim in a cha!n of six slay- lngs near this college town in 22 months. Her mutilated body was di s· covered Monday on an aban- doned farm. Sherijf Doug!" J. Harvey said it seemed prob- able she and the otbera h a d been killed by the same per. son. He added that no likely suspect had been aighted. ' Since Aug. 7, 1967, the bodies of llve other girls have been found within a seven-mile ra- dius of Ann Arbor' home or the Unlv,nllY o( MichJgan. Two or the victims were et>- eds et Eastern Michigan Uni· ve rsity In nearby Ypsilanti and one was a student at the Uni- versity of, Michigan. The one death that didn't fit the pattern was that of J a n e Louise Mixer, 23.. a student at the Michigan law school from Muskegon, Mich. Kenaedy -Juotice llou&I~ hu been on the &l.preme Court for 30 years and the Senator from South CaroUn.a bu been one of tt\e strongest and most vocal opponent!. But the Senator cannot quote one example here on t h e floor, where he cu •be Challenged, during all the 30 years Justice Douglas has been on the Supreme Court, where he has had to dbquallfy himself from a case that came up because of prior kinda of activities. What the Senator Is saying is ''sometime m lhe future .•• " Kennedy has been In the senate six years, Thurmond 14 years; Douglas has been on the Supreme Court 30 years. Thunnond, 68, ts married to a woman 22. Douglas. 70, 1s married to a woman i5. ,,.._,,_' ...... , ...... ' ._ . J-.lllteC,...'' e-i """ . J ... L M•y M-A.loy -M--w-.. .,., .......... ' This is a list of concameCI panopls wno support t+.o 'iHchors in • superior school disltict - Nawport-Mesa Unified. ' ' QUALITY EDUCATION ' COSTS$ to speak io pewsmen. -~~ IJ. A , From the bottom of the huge L.......-::.:~;;,,;~;;..---;..· -------.---6~--Io_., coocrele drydock, newsmen "Your 'NO'a' an fal1il>I CG do&( eanl" could aee that the sharp bow of the.. shjp had been bent to -------------------- o.ne aide. Tltere were great iears In the steel above her waterline. 'SllipYard wor.ters w e r e &board · makillg preliminary tej)litrs, and· navy crewmen were . painting and chipping and carrying out their usual , chores. A yard spokesman tetimated the Melbourne Would be in Singapore for three weeks before returning 1e Australia for more el· Wnsive repairs. ~· 'The board members, who '.' Uew to Singapore from Subic ' Bay, in the Philippines, were expected to return to Subic Bay later today to resume lheir hearings: and inspect the st.em baU of the Evans. The forward half of the tkstroyer sank with the Joss of ;74 American sailors. Protesters Punished CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - A fa culty-student com· 1bittee, backed by a one-sided faculty vote, has expelled, mspended or placed on pro- bation 36 students actused o( helping seize Harvard's ad· ministration building April 9. Another 99 received warn· ~s Monday that involvement .in any further breaches of university discipline WOl!-hf· 1eed to their ~n1 pla~d on probation or ousted from the $.!dent body. Three students, previously 01) ',probation •.. were dlsmissed oulrlgh~ ' NEW TITLE lJIT LATE WASHINGTON (UPI) Tbe Labor Department tries to ketp its employes up to date on wbal ls happening. Monday was no e1ception. . In a memorandum, Arnold R. Weber, assistant secretary (or manpower, .announced the change in title for bis a.ssis· tant, J . Nicholas Peet. He said Peet would also have the title of· depuly assistant secretary · f,r labor. Peel resigned from the department last week. " I A Royal Guest Tricia to Visit Charles WAS!tlNGTON (UPI) - The little princess is going to see th::: prince. Tiny, blonde Tricia Nixon, one of the world's most eligi- ble girls, will attend the in· vestiture of tall, strapping Prince Charles, heir apparent to the British throne and one of the world's most eligible young men. Tricia. 23, just back from a trip to the Pacific with her parents, will visit Britain June 28 to July S. She will be a guest of U.S. Ambassador and Mrs. Walter Annenberg, '.assigned to the Court of St. James. She will be the Annenbe.rgs' guest at the tradiUonal Fourth of July garden party ·at the American Embassy. Tricia a1so will attend the Wimbledon tennJs matches, eat the traditional strawber· ries and cream with the other spectators:, and will b e hOnor!d at a dinner dance Ju. Jy 3, a private luncheon in th e country and an evening at the theater. But the mosl excitina: thing she will do surely will be to at· tend the investiture of Prince Charles in the historic gt.ly ruins of Caernarvon Castle Ju· ly I. There Charles will receive a ring, a sword and a acepter in-. vesUng him as the 21st Prince of Wales. Charles will be 20 in November. Tricia, like Charles, the child of a head of stale, nevertheless win atlend the in- vestiture as a private ciUzen. Annenberg will be President Nixon's officW representattv~. Tricia's Secret Service code name is ••111e Little Prtn- Ce.53." Steiger and Claire Call Marriage Quits NEW YORK (UPI) -The 10-year marriage of Oscar· winning actor Rod Steiger aod his actress wiff, eta.Ire Bloom, today appeared headed fer an erid in the courts. A memorandum of sep"ara· tion was filed Monday in S&ate Supreme Court for the couple, neither of whom was in town. Miss Bloom's press agent, Alan Ebert, said she left Sun- day for Meslco to get a divorce. Although lt had b e e n rumored for · IOme time &bat the Steiger-Bloom marriage was breaking Ufl, Ebert II.id his client's departure for Met· !co took him by surprise. He said they had been living together in their Put Avenue apartment on appam'lt pod terms and be thought perha~ they had patched up their dif· lerences. Th e memo-plus-Mexican· divorce · proctdure has ·bee:n a favorite device.for 90me Ume. A Mellcan · decree obtained under these circumstances has usually been acceptable to the New York courts. unless it Is contested by the 0 t h e r partner. Steiger, who starred in such films as: "'Ibe Pawnbroker," "No Way to Treat a Lady" and "In the Heat of the Night," for which he received the bat actor ~r In 1111, Is in Russia filmiac "Waterloo." Mill BLoom's screen ap- pearances included leading roles Jn "Ltme Ught," op- pOl!llte Charlie Chaplin : .. 'The Spy Who Came In From Ille Cold," opposite R·lchard Burton, and .. Charly" lrith Cliff Robertson. "Jllll o.11/nr to rtmlnd JOU •• , • with S~uthtrn Fed•ral you now tarn from DJIF-IN ft) DAF-OU'I' ~.-·,..,...-...,for 111e~101M1n . .• _ ...... .......,t.•5,,. ___ _ •nil S: 13% -compounded dlllly and held ... year• S.25'-on 3 -cerlllicot11 (multi plea ol SJ,CJOO) • Fondopl_ bet_n the 111 & 10th of tne rnontll ._,, ,,_ the fat • Accounts -to_$1a,GOD. SOUTHERN' FEDERAL SAYINC'l8 & L-OAN A880~IATION • laT. 1tl4 fCA0~---...... '-1115 7 , DU' ..... •T~4: "7t1 V...... ....... _..., • IMtii"!fOU lllor: tt ••If'*-" --- ' '. l • original wat ~· ·1 r ,•·. I J • ~ ~ ' ~ • """ ~ ' r.: ;. t! -·','' . t f ' J • • ' From Standatd 'Oil' Company oJCaliforni,a-a series 'of magnificent full. color scenes of California. A documented history of your Golden State. Ideal . for frp,ming; for binding; for teaching children their California heritag.e, • Different sets wee~~y.-42 scenes In all! An old legend said there w11 1 land "very nur to the terreatrlal paradise"; a land n1fed by a beauilful Outen called Calalla. Thia legeoidery lend became fact. Fl rot ~ettltd in . 1789, exactly,,200 y..,s ago -"'-~l)litoiri\r today aaC.lffornl•I To c:olNriamorite Ca.Jlfornla's Blcenlennlal. Standard Oil Company + ' or Calllo'"la la giving away free-with purchua-a beaulff.ul .aarlea . ' ' or original watercolor print& of historic Calllomla an.a. Tllera'lf ~ diflarent aata.wMwy-42 ocanea In all. Print ala t2 by 1e~ lncheo.1 Start your conectlOn to<lay. ll'&'Your Golden State ... your CahfOrnla.' From Slandard 0 11 Company ol California . ' . \nl.'11 • ({Dfill (C\m""""•~• 'l\nm Freeiw1th purchele ATCH~ON DEALEA8 ST~DARD~STATIONa-• '1 . ' <IDir ~mllj . / f I (In c.t!fomll ) ,- ' •• .. t I I • ' I •AILY •run; EDJToRIAL PAGE I Token Move, or Bi·g One As President Nlon ended bis lattst Orans• County visit IO<lay and headed back for W11hlnf(on. the sltnl· ficaoce of his troop-withdrawal •tatement •till ha• not been spelled out. It could have deep significance in the Paria peace talks -and it may be the tip of an Iceberg, a lip in· dicaUnf that we are secretly a lot clo.ser to meanineful ne(OtlaUon with Hanoi than has been suspected. But the withdrawal of 25,000 AmerlG"n troops now in Vietnam cao be viewed as in.significant so far as the over~aJl military operations are concerned. In !be first place, lhe President did not specify \vhat 25,000 troops \vould be withdrawn -whether they wouJd be fronl·line combat troops, or men in supporting elements farther back. Considering that on1y about 80 percent of the SSS,000 American soldiers, Marines and Air Force men in Vietnam are combat participants. the 25,000 figure could be very important -or very unimportant. Moreover. in viewing America's participaUon in the Vietnam conflict. it is essential to keep in mind this picture of exactly ho\v many troops "''e have fichttnc that are 8,000 miles a":ay: May ,.... 19e0 .. . . . .. . .. • . . .. .. .. . 635 Mar -1961 . . . .. ..... .. .. . ... .. . • J,llM February -1962 .......... , .. . . . 7,000 . December -1063 ••....•....•... 17,000 December -1964 .. .. .. • .. .. .. • . • 22,000 .June -1965 . . . . . .. .. • . .. .. .. • .. . . 51,000 January -1966 .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. 197,000 February -1967 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 410,000 January -1968 .. .. . • .. .. . • .. .. . 465,000 January -1969 . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 536,000 IUAlly. The fact !bat the President of the United States new on..Wrd of the way around the world to confer with South Vienamese President Ngyun Van 'Jbieu seems a far more significant indicator of the get.out· of· VJetnam movement than does tl1e removal of 25,roo troop•. Our Neighbor, Mr. Nixon It's pretty heady business for us Orange County folk -!be bustle, busUe and glamor that goes with !be President being our neighbor. By U1e time Presiaent Nixon·~ staff had gotten thina:s organized the swruner White House actually stretched almost ' the length of Orange County's coast· line. His place of retreat and family quarters were in San Clemente. Just up the coasUine. in Laguna Beach, the Pres· ldential press corps -the ·men and women who. con· sider and report on his every move -had estabhshed their own operational beachhead. · And farther up the coast, the Newporter IM be· came the working headquarters for the Prestdi!nt. Here the hotel staft had to take care of regular customers and carry on with a business-as-usual air while Pres· ldential helicopters were whirling about and while some of America's most important figures were coming and goinK . We'll see more of it-much more of it-this August when the Nixon family sr.ends an entire month here. Perhaps by then we won t be so struck with the self· importance of having our county's dateline a:o out to the world over items of global significance. ·•> Psrc!>olo&lcally and diplomatically, the troop- witbdrawal ts probably more important ll!an it i• ac· But, gee, it's bard to be blase when the President is your neighbor •• •irs HAfPfNf~, Boss. THE A~'S ~o FM IHAT THE fURNAC~S QUIT.'. Feelings as Firm As, er, ah, a Rock "I cart't ttll you how 1l1d 1 am kl see you back !run your ..,odwlll lour of LaUn Amtrlc>, Roclly, alive." "Thanks a thou, Dick. As I said to the prtss, 1 think the trip was a tremendoull &1ccess. It certainly produced impressive results.'' "Yes. ten dtad ind several hundred in- jured. Tell mt, Rocky, did you follow my jnstructions and open a dl1lop wtlh our good friends IOQth of the bcrtler?" "EVE1\YWRERE I went, Dick. I'd aay, 'HJ, there. good friend,, :M>Uth of the border.' And they'd u,y, 'Yanqui, 10 home'" "Well, It's a atart. Rocky. Tell me. how did you llke Bolivia!'' · • "Marvelous airport, Diet. 1 would have gone into ' town, but they seem~ to be having some aort of local festival. You Jcnow, fireworks, srrwke and sirens. Festivals everywhere down there this time of year. But 1 did see 5ome marvelous airports.'' "And the people, Rocky. You did sec tht people?" "Oh, thousands and thousands. Dick: And let me u.y they were all very wtll uniformtd and armed." "lt'a too bid you htd to call Off your tour of VeneZ1.1el1, Rocky." "Well, Dick, it's a nice pl1ce to Uvt, but 1 wouldn't 11aut to vlalt there. NOf. II your emtsuey." •·11 that a crack, R~ky ? Look. I want to make one thing perfectly clear: I ap- pointed you rqy podwill ambuudor to Latin America u a reward for your SUI>' port, htkewann tbouah it wu, ift my ~amp&ip lut fall to carry New York State •.• '' "I appreciate that. ft!Ja. '' " • • , Which HUbert. swept in • landslJde." "Win a few, Joe:e lfew, l 1h•1ys H)'." ''AND l WANTED to show the whole world that I bore you no grudae for call· in& me a born Joter 111d a has-been 1t the ronvention in Miami last year." "Well, you cert.I.inly proved that, Dick. senditll me down to South America alone in times like these." ''But to ~ perfectly frank, Rocky, I ~•n"t wxleratand why 1n intelli1ent man Ilk• you would accept a mission Uke th1t, knowlnc you'd do nothin& but provoke riots aDd Jnsulta." "Ob, I pt tbe ldt1 frGm a real slick politician, Dick. You." ';Mt ?" "Riehl. ftna. Don't you ramtmber your last IOOd•lll viii! doWll tlltn! They spa1 ii.' 'Bible Belt Funcfa11ae1atulisut' '/ · Rerun on 41 !ft; At lh• Reagan Ranch, ,., and pollti" are wedded, infamously -If you will allow a larse word. Darwin Debates ljar~;;!t;.­ •sh4U we .sau that the facts found in thf.i countru ore remarkal>lu similar to tM.se iH othtT cou'lJrit.s we've 1.1isited?' ou you and threw rocks ind Ike hid to alert the t~Jtet and call out the Marines. \"ou v.·ere a ·naUona! hero. It was the making of you, Dick." ''Ahah, so you still have your eye on my job, weU, I have to hand it lo yoU. Rocky. But all's fair In war and politics. No hard feelings and may the better man win." "You never were one to carry hard feelings a1ainst an opponent, Dick, if you could dump them on him. But I suppose now that you kl'IOW what I'm up to you'll canctl my final scheduled trip to Braz.ii, Parquay and UNC\JIY·" "Not at an, Rocky, that wouldn't be fair. Jn fact, I'm even IOinl to add stlll another Latin American coontry to ywr itJnenry. And wb.lle you're there ctve my retards kl Castro." Cklvernor Reagan, and his Intellectual chief of police, Superintendent of Schools Mai Raffuty, concocl.f!d a 1J10ral code for California school children so in· credible that it ha s to be rf!ad to be believed. Reagan and RaHerty"s hand.picked State Board of Education unanimously approved an ll·Pll:e report which rf!com· mendf!d, among other stunni ng prop- oslti,..,s. that the Bible's account of the crtaUon of the world be given equa l emphasi s In the schools with Darv.•ln"s theory ot evoluUon. THE REPORT was an outgrowth of the controversy about sex education. in the 11chools, which is viewed by the Rafferty. Rf!agan oamp as part of a "Red tide of Communist Indoctrination." The educ1tlon board claims it has no legislative mandate for teaching sex, but is told by the legislature lo provide '"moral guideline s" for California school children. The guldellnes, as approved by the education board, are a troglodyte mishmash of Bible Belt Fundamentalist afrlnnatlons. mented : "lsn 't It difficult to re alize that a trial of this kind is possible in the 20th Century in the U.S.A.? I think this case will be remembered because it is the first case of this sort since we slopped trying people for witchcraft. because here \ve have done our best to Lum back the tide lhal has sought to force itself upon th_is modern world. of lesting f!ve ry fact 1n science by a religious dictum." THE WAY EVOLLmON got Into lhf! eel was a splendid example or how the St.ate bo ard operates. It was added aHer Dr. John R. Ford, Reagan 's black ap- po intec to the board. complained that Darwinism ''has done much to take away lrom the po\vcr of God ." The Rev. to.1r. r ord. added. "It has been a greal step in taking awa y from the sense of morality of our children by saying that God cannot do the things the Bible says he can do." lf the H.ev. Mr. Ford sounds like De La1\'d in "Green Pastures,'' the board sounds not too far from a judge in drepest ~1issi~sippi. which is one of the tv.·o states "·hich still has an anti-<:volu- lion la\\'. Personally, I think bolh lhe Rev. Mr. Ford and the board went a bit far, and that the ir excesses will be rejected by men of common sense. What right. you may ask yoursclr, has the State to t.each my children in a science class lo actetit the story of Genesis? Burned Up on Sideburns 70 the ~tor: Th.•ee cheers for Garden Grove Uni fif!d School District for reaching thf! height of absurdi ty! The Daily Pilot's June 6 edi· tion oictured Michael "f.1uU.onc hops" Picker, a you th dressed neatly in clean. \\Tiite shirt. Ue and pullover, sporting a mode rate haircut and sideburns -a boy who for three days the district of rici<1-ls affirmed to be a good student with high grades. -, ' .\lailbo~ ltll~I '"°"' reade"' ••• *tltorrlt . NOf'fn•!IY wr1i."' t/\oukl convt• l~tlr ~Uatt in 300 won:ll or ll<IL Troe rl9ht 10 concl"I~ i.tte"' to 111 -ct ot elimi. nu• Utld oi r1tWrved. .A.II 1ene" m u11 lntluff 1l9N!ur1 •nd m•illr.1 llOd•t!f, but nt mn ,....,. bt ... 1111111111 "" re<1ue'1 II wthclenl ••IJOn It _,..,,. Hysteria Over '70 Census Instead of grappling with the ad· mltttd1y dllficult problems of teaching sex to school chlldren, the report in- troduces the red herring of humanism. Humanism is defined by Rafferty's thinkers as a "20th Century synonym for atheism ." Nei.rly half the report is devoted to 1 biUer attack on Hu manism. which Webster dennes as "A con· temporary cult or belier calling itself rell1lou1 but subatltulin& faith in man for a filth In 'God." Did they honor him for his diligent work and good conduct? No sir. that might encourage others to emulate hin1 rather than the aimless hippie or radical student protes tor. Instead they 've succeeded In getting the Superior Court to uphold thei r right to bar him from class because his sideburns "·ould distract his fellow students ~ that r<111 on vour edi torial page Friday on sex cducatlcin, written by Louise O'Brien, I v.·oultl like to make the following a>m· ments : Fi rst -as a college student. I bf!lieve from discussion with other students that pa rents are ''copping-out" on their responsibility for sex educa tion or the ir children. In \Vest€:rn Europe the kids are educated properly in lhe home as lhcy arc raised and there is no need for sex education in the schools, but in the United Stales sex is treated as a taboo (your !Ct· ler indicated this) and so ii needs lo be taught in the schoo ls. The by1lerk:al fttedom fi1httr1 ire again looae in the land. Their tarcet isn't the Communists this Ume, or the flouridation of water, or the World Court, or the United Nations. It ls the baleful cenalll snooptl" who will pry into our secrell and deliver us unto the Inquisition where we will be made to writhe in tor· ment and tgnomley, lectlng a11 privacy and naked to the crueltlts of nti.Chbors, enem'° and the rec1eral opporuaors. 1i1ore n .. are ~ng tokt per minute about the decennial cenlUI of lt7Q thin can eveu be covered by the 130 5tparate billa introductd by privacy prone con· g:re13men to render the ~s virtually useleu u a mtaaure of our naUonal life. Dear Gtorce: I.,., Solnc wllh l!lll 11rl aleady. Theo I called h<r up a COllPie al Umes NMI ahe 11u out. Then I 11w her with another man and she 11id tt was her uncle. It wam't her W>Cle. Since then rve seen her Sf:\•eral times with this gu y '''ho Jsn't her uncle and she's never home to answer the phone. You know what 1 think'! I think she's loinc out with anolher mon. SUSPICIOUS Dear Sllspiclou" You tnow what: I th1nk you've put your Onger right on what 's bap- ptn.inc ! Yep, wtth a keen and antdytical mind, I believe you 've aolvtd your own p(obif!m! You should be an advlcf! columnJst ! In fact. abolll 11% moro lelt<rs of lbal callbtt ml.JOU eaA bl lbls Id- Yb ,,,,.!Ml• -this wbole racket lm1 nur u moc1i !111 u P!llcklnc lbe cltldlloao .... CONl"IDENTIAL TI> TH 0 M ~: 'l1le h ii 11tlenl -quit wor. tYll1C aboul It. (1 ( J ~ J ~ ~ ;::~~~*"·I~ RjpK'Hl ~-~tn ,..,.,..,, .. ~ ... ·· ~~\~ - Lie No. 1 is that eYel)'1>ne will have lo I.ell with whom ht ah1ru hll ahowtr. This lie is based on a queatlon carried over from the lllO Ctl"llUB .. kine respondent lo answer whether or not he has 1 bathtub or lbowtr; and if It i1 shared with another hounhold. The word "shared" hu now been chana:ed to "used" to avoid indelicate implications. The reason for 11klna: thf! qutsU:m is vaUd. It 11 ont meuure or standard or aubstandanl bouainc and e I a t n t l I I knowledJt for ludlina houoln1 nff<l1. OUT OF THIS rkUculou1 dlatorUon has risen the whole camP11Cn to reduct the census to a mere bud counl This kind or known-notblntbm h11 to be taken serloualy Ulla year because the minority mood ta to nout the aovernment. Anyway, our 1y1tem is not without its ob- noxious al'td harmful privacy invasions, including the misuse or pollce records the computtrlzed credit lndu1try, humillatlng personal investigations, tipsters who discredit insurance policy holdetr,. and the mania for numberinc and cluslfying everybody Ute lnmatet of a prison. The bl.ale Ue about the ctlllUI II that it provides the (OVtmmtnt with a do1Sicr on each cltiaen which may be used a1a.ln1t him. No such dO&lers ellst or have ever e1lsted In 1110 years of ctnSus taking. The original rtcord11 ar e destroyed. A microfilm record Is kept for statistical purposes only and, under law , It ii not av1Uabte lO the Internal Revenue Service, Ibo Dlplrimlnl ol Justlct, or tn1 oUttr eovtrnmet or non1ov1mm1n1 •ttnc1 or pett:Oft or ff'OUP· NOT A SINGLE CASE of violation of censug secrecy hu been documented In 180 years. Jn an th1t time two ptrm>ns have t>t•n pro!ittuted for falling lo rf!$- pond to the census and lhtir convictions have not yet been suatained In the courts. The nffd cleuly f!Xlat.I for a mandatory cenSU1: a voluntary eenJUS would be a complete waste of time and money. It isn"t lhe individual who counts in t11f! census. Tbe census takers couldn't care leas about him. It Is the total sum of in- formation on income, housin& condltion.s, race, sex. manufacturlnc, COMtructlon, fannini, transportatfcia, rellaious bodies, mining, ace groups, population by sub- dlvlslons which is euenUal for operallon and plannlnc, public and private, In such a hilhly complei: society u ours. Income disclosure, held entirely confldentlal, is C1pecl1lly Important · ind there is no chance of runnlnc afoul of the IRS beca.qse ol such dlacloeurc. Lack of this information could parJlyze many covemment operations. If the ma11 marketing sy1tem on which the American economy is based lacked census Information ll would have to find a new IOU1Ce or flair out blindly in the d.ark. The social sciences would be «fUtlly at a loss. The problem is not thal the census asks too much, It probably 11sks too little. lofany proposed questions which would have sbed are1t light on the American condition were rejected as publicly in.acceptable. NOR IS THIS A CASE of di&eloslnc In· formation to some snoopy nel&hbor who might be 1ppotnted census enwnerator. The whole Job can be done by mill and most people wtll be able lo answer lhe questions in a htlf an hour, The govtm· mtnt i.s nol suddenly sicking the Gestapo on you. Back In 1890, and in fact up until 1930. the U.S. census was obnoxiously in· delicate and pryina. The proetdure has· betn reformed, the numbu ol questions rtductd and m1dt more perUotnt to con- structive purpoHll. Rttp0nslble public officials are worrltd by lhe poaalbUlty al a hoet!le r<lpOnlle to the 1970 ctn1u1 In the prettnt tt· moaphett. People who do DOt want vital statistical knowltdgc set baclt for a gener1Uon could help by nailing the ct.nsua:.lles when they hea r them. • • • --·---------- THE REPORT is A catch-all for U1e cl!ches of the: John Birch society. It is dotted with denunciations of the U.S. Supreme Court, the United Nations, men- tal health proerams, the Cal Board of Regents, psychiatry and Othavioral science. All these thing s are drqged into what was to be 1 discussion of sex educaUon in schools. Inatead, we aet a red herring with a bll: stlnt, called morality. This report, like m(llt of the large edueatlonal moves made by Rzfferty and hll boss, Reagin. is certain to do great hann to the educatlon•l process. It will be divisive. fl will rev ive ancient rell&IO\lS batrtds. The Reagan-Rafferty forcta hope it will dttract altentlon from the weaknesses of lhe administration. THE ASTOUNDING ltr about evolu· Uon will brtnc back unfra1rant memories of the Scopes trial of 1925. and the notorious Tenntssee "m<.inkcy law." John T. Seopta, a te1cher, wu brought to law becaute he t1ught the Darwin theory. acatnst the provisiona or a Statf! law which prohibited it. 1 'l'he State was represented by the fun· damentallst \Vllliam Jennln&s Bry1n, and Scopes by Clarence Darrow. Al the Scopes trial Darrow com· Dear Gloomy Gus: 1'ht Arabi are In the same boat as a 11mbler who )OMs all his money while 1ambllng In Nevada and then suca to recover his gam· blln( 1 .... ,. H. B. McD. Jr. I l \Yho·s putting who on? With such ad- mi nistrators and judges to uphold them, who needs SOS lo incite student demonstrations? I've never been a sym· pathizer wilh student revolt, but after to- day. I'm wondering. JOAN N DEVERE 1t'e're Cro1cllh19 IJp To the Editor : I am deeply concerned over the popula- tion crisis. Increased population pressure i~ resulting ii:i the Vif!tnam War , urban congestion. pollu tion , and riots. I feel · that th e Daily Pilot owes its readers more depth In Its reports on these problems, tracing them back to their prime source -popula t i o n pressure. It is also nectssary lo exercise caution In the printing of poorly researched stories about endlesi; food resource~ in the sea , farming or the desert&. and doubling, or tripling_ of the yield front arable ,Jand around the w o r I d . Demogr aphers 11nd ecologists agree lhe t the likelihood of greatly Increased food production within the nex t fitly »ears is i>light. Pleast let us h,_ve l!Omt well rcscar~· cd article.: on populat.ion -our biggest problem. RICHARD VENSON \Ve'U kee p our 111cs Opt''}. Mr_ Ytn· sen. Anwng tha 1trc~ dcio that came. across tht dtsk rtcc11U11 W<l$ an A.I' report that each .st c1111d in J969 .t9 bQbie1 ort born and 1.7 per1on1 die -n net world population gain of 2 2 per1oni PER SECOND. A.1lt1. gains 207,000 persons a dau. Africa and Lotin Americ4 13,000 a da11. and tile re•' of· tM wo rld 51,000 a da y. , -Editor rarental Cop-out To the Editor: In rt.sponsc and rcbutt.cl to a Jcucr \ I Second -An article 1n Look f\tagazine recently discussed a class taught at the Universily of f\1innesola -that not only opened the subject of sex -but gave a sophisticated view and was very bf!neficial to the students. Third -t.ooise O'Br ien noted tbat "let's pul sex back into lht home and marriage where it belongs." In order lO do this. it will be n~es.sary lo leach your children (or rather adolescents) about sex so that he or sh~ docs not have to ex· pefiment to find out'. As a solution -sex education courses in the public schools arc badly needed. Naturally, it 6a.s to be handled properly -but it should not be neglected -for, as the O'Brien letter states. "sex has been ;iround a long time, and you'd bettcir belie"e it's here to stay." \ RANDY SEELYE --~ Tuesday, June 10, 11189 Th r cdiloriai pag1 of the Dollt1 Pilo' seeks to it1fonn arsd ''"""" tdolc rtadns by prr1niting tllit new1paptr's opiniona a~d com- ,iitniory on 'opicf of i1'ttrc1t and signt/icance, Ou providing a forum f01' the eiprcntan o/ our recidtri' OJ)inion.t, and b11 presenting the divcr1e vUto- Point.s of tnfonn1d obttfWfl and spoke.rmert on topica of the day. Robert N. IVe•d. Publisher ' I ! I ( I 0 ls ~ sag Ber \\f0( • per .goo YO in • spe i1ar ing Mil • you Th< wi tl sev On• Cor t.a1 Wo he 1 ing It's Elo ~ .. hu~ liu his Sh< hor A the lrt EV arr is I .. the by ( wh firi mu ofb chr all. dis Ca Ke we nu1 wa sle wi· it. ] ' Re Ee Ur pu ge J r .. he wi "' bo ad • Tr sy le· ge sp Sil pr Ill le· 1u re se Of UJ m he " ,, c th "do " rt IE • I • • • • I ' 1 • ' • I • • • •(: ) ----·- N oguchiJ Decides ' -' No't to Te stify Chan.ces Dip program -an ioco1ne tax majority of M Is needed ror .• (.).; LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tn a Isaac's slatcmenl sa1d. Cow That Snores SACRAMENTO (AP) \- Chances for agreement O!'\ tdtc refonn worse~ today ~·ht•n a top Assmibly Democra~c leader raised tnll;jor objectivns to a $1 blllicn compromise tax revislOn plan. h.ike, "' sale<5 tax boosl and ,1 passai?P. <if a comprchenslv~ surprise move, ousted County The' decision to ·cancel loc1 I levy on utility services tax bill. Coroner Or. Thomas T ·. Noguchi 's planned testimony i;uch as uas and the telephone'. " It \vou\U raise the incoinc Noguchi did nol testify in his came as a shock both to .Democralic arrreemen t ,-, •n·' sales taxes an·' ntll"' " "' u u ·' own defense at his civil Martin Weeks, the ai;slstant needed for passage of lhc levies by about •t blllion, t·i Is a Rare Animal George Zenovich of Fresno. chairman of the Assembly Democratic cauclls said "I don't know .whether 1 can u·.~ with" three key sections of the massive rroposal by a lask provide fL•nds for $1 billion in service relnstatement hearing. county counsel, and to a large force headed by Assemblym"n property tRx. cuts. Noguchi 's· attorney, Godfrey 1 group of spect.ators who came \Villia1n T. Bagley (R-$an The J Id l · I I -h' M d to h~ar Noguchi speak. ltafael 1 pan wou a so 1mpo •· saac . c os1ng 1s case on ay 1•i think we have been led withlvild1rg of personal in-brought a three page state-, The liouse is ~ 0 -~ 11 coine laxes _ a feature lh.'l! astray ,~ \Yeeks said when told the entire herd, he found one Rcpublicau and a two-thin.ls makes it 1 he No. 1 rival of ~lt.Jf>I DE. fM '$EETHlt..iG WITl4 rncnt saying in part that that Noguchi would not testify. By L. M. BOYD OUR LOVE AND WAR man is studying the advice of that sage of yesteryear Arnold Bennett: "Make love to every . woman you meet. If you get 5 cow that snored . That cinched Republican Gov. Reagan 's tax CONfl.1Cf'5-AADA!.1ifL.f6AS.~ Noguchi "abhors the cheap Before the session ended, it. Cows do sleep. Only from '1:f * "tr U. i-'( ::r re!!ef o:ic~age. ~uccess whicll would come Isaac called Lt. Col. ~/i11iam one to {Ive minut es at a l>'mc, R · 1 1. 1 rom castigating a handful of Berner, an Army 11 i g ht T W • hh ld • eagan s proposa, 11· uc I his subordinates." ho true. But they do sleep. Mr. ax it 0 n ! s 0 boosts some taxes to I surge<ln w aided In the in- · percen t on your outlay, it 's a . good tnveslment." , • . IF Wagnon may be the only man zng tinnnrc properly lax ('l!tS, D1's1·t1ptio11 -lowever, 0 . Richa rd Capen , \'Cstigation of a helicopter in -1•· Uni·i~ States who ever 11 1 .a, ci1·il service com m i s s Ion crash in May 1968 while he '"' .,... ra s or a voluntary system of ·d heard a cow snore. 'thh !di 1 Jlrcs1 enl, ruled the statement was working with the National · YOU HA VE a literary scholar in the family, ask. said wi 0 ng or most workers. 0£ Schools inad1nissablc unless presented Transpor tation Safety Boa rd. CUSTOMER SER\!.ICE : Q.: c • s IL is before the Assembly l{C\'· as part of Isaac's closing su111-Berner testified tha t · specialist to state the middle • 11ame of the late Ernest Hem- ingway. No ca n do? It was ~Ii Iler. Do you have any other ompromise een ~nu~!indbTaBxati)on Conl!lliltec, L p d 111:ilio11. Noguchi 's h<1ndling of fhe vic-ffminine readers like me . iea y ag ey. a•v >lSSC Isaac said the decision not tims was "well organized -nam~ Tho ,-,, .. A Nol so lar Zcnovich ,.,-d I>" wo11l1I "•-' • cu n . . .. ._ -, to have Noguchi lestify can1e much better than we find ln as I know. Pretty name. rl'luctant lo support a onc·hali Sl\CRMIBN'I'O (UPI \ -A after a "soul 's earch i n g many other pl aces." WORDS -Do you regard yourself as a word worker'! That's somebody who tinkers with trick syllables. Know several of thm;e craftsmen. One is Rear Admiral W. V. Combs. He's our s eni o r t..anguage man in the Pacific. \Yord f workers who are ruth . he says, should find the follow- ing ve rse somewhat gusting. It's called 'In Fidelity" by Eleanor Graham Vance. And goes: "How couth the youth in husband form , .. Who never lies to roam , , , From where his licit love abides , . . Shevel~ and kempt a t home!" Where did your mother find SACRA~tENTO (UPI )-Gov. passabll', J certainly will sup-i·rnt sales tax hike advocat r:t hill stiffening the penalty for \\'Pe kend ." Jiiiiiiiiii"!i!iiii!i!iii~~i!!iii that one? . . . Q, "~tl' Ronald Reagan and the ·leg· port it.·• l•y the P..::ir,ll'y con1iniUi•t• persons repeatedly conviclcd The attorney said he fell ft.10THER, Mrs. Lottie Brown islature showed preliminary But he quick ly added, .. 1 un!c!'s tl:c $108 1uill1on 111 of disrupting or obstn1c\Jng tllat Noguchi's testimony could BUSINESS PROBLEMS! of \Yashington, D,C .. is a signs today of a possible com-don't tllink Lhal 's "Oin" to rC'ienllC is specificallv ~··t l·lasses at an clcn1enlary or have only 11 divisive effect on Dt'•-i'ti·-51 'c' ounselon l d~h t 56 · · · t " " ;1sidC' for additioi1t1l .i1·11 l" 1 · I h I d ~ 7 -· ~ grea -gran ,...,. er a age . promise over income ax come to pass. J don 't think " ug 1 sc oo was approv e 1.4.· the coroner's office staff. "Dr. I 'I sh ~ .. t th t 'thhold' g 10t·a l school districts. b th S t '1 d d 6 7 5 2 3 0 0 sn e a._. e youngcs w1 1n . you can devise a partial wiLh· Y e cna e " on ay an Noguchi Wiults the office to • great-iirandmother in th e Republican Assemblyman holding tllat's politically ac-"I don 't know whether I cun seut to the Assen1bly. beco1ne a 111odel for coroner's H•wn• 1• '* J l'M. t '" A Ha 1·1 w·11· B J he J · I bl " live With nn inco1nc ta • _;,,_ Th b S J ' fiv•. by .1..,..1n1nw11 coun ry. , ve no 1 e on 1 1am ag ey, t eg1s a-ccpta e. " c measure Y en. am s ~o~l~fi~ces::·~al~l ~o~'~'~'~l~h~e:_>w~o~r~ld~.·~· ~llllllllll!iititiii~!!!iii!!!lllll~ you ng great-grandmothers, ture's chief withholding advo· 1'he San Rafael Assembl¥· crease at lhis point." Zt•nuv ich r~. \Vhctinorc, (ll-Ln Habral.,- but intend to start one im-cate, said he may be willing rnan said every Democ rati..: s;i id. Ill' predictl'd. ho1vcvcr, prnvid('s a 111unda\ory 90-d:iyl mediately. Al the moment, to support Reagan's volun· leader he talks to "laughs at" eventual a:;reemcnt on H p!an, Jail sentence on a second con- know of no great-grandmotiler tary-only plan. Reagan 's proposal. ··rnavbe by the end of the 1 iction end a one•year prison younger than Mrs. Brown. "t have no hangup," he Ne verth eless. it'!i the first month." l<'rm for a lhtrd conviction PUZZLE _ Writes Ron said.I tin1e Bagley has gone so fa r The Bagley cont1111ttcc's lnll 11 ithout possibility of parole. A Brown : "How quickly can you "If SOJl\eone can demon· in publicly stating he may be proposes :1 10 percent :1tToss· {ourU1 or subsequent t'On- find out what is unusual about strate to me lhat partial ~·illing to accept Jleagan·s the-board in crca!'c in incotn'.! 1·ict ion carries a mandatory this pargaraph? ll looks sor~w_il_hh_o_l_di_n~g~is~w_o_c_ka_b_le~•-n_d~~p_la_n_-~~~~~~~~~~'-"-'-''----~~~~~~~~~t=w=~~Y='='='='=''=m=-:__~~~~_:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:__ ordinary that you would think ~nothing wa s wrong with it at all -and., in fact, nothing is. But it is distinctly .odd . If you study if you may find out what is missing. Who ·knOws? Go to work and try Your skill." Sub- mitted the afore -quo led paragraph to dur Language man in residence and he said, "Yes, indeed. truly a rare paragraph. Not even once does it use the commonest letter in the alphabet, 'e'.'" ALMOST TWO.TIDRDS 61 the men who commit suicide are over 45 years of age ... , EVERY TIDRD MAN - arrested in the United States is booked on a drunk char1e .. •. AMONG SHOPLIFTERS. - the girls outnumber the boys by 20 to I. COWS -A cow tllat snores when asleep ia a rarity. In the first place, cows don't sleep much. So little in fact, it has often been claimed by ran- chers that they don't sleep at all. This contention finally was disproved, however, by a California cow expert named Kenneth A. Wagnon . He watched numerous cows on numerous nights. but never was quite sure if they realty slept, or just lolled around with their eyes closed, fakin~ il. Then, fortunately, out of RAPID REPLY : Yes, Miss T., thal animal most carved in statuettes is the elephant, the words most engraved in metal are those of Lincoln's Get- tysburg Address. Your qutstions and com- ments are welcon1ed and will be 11sed wherever pos· sible i11 ''Chtcking Up." '1ddress niai i to .L. Af. BoyJ., in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beaclt, Calif., 92663. Reaga11 Suggests 'Student' Regents DAVIS (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan and Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke hope to cool University of California cam· puses by giving students a big- ger say in policy affairs. Reagan saJd in a studen t rad io broadcast Monday that he and the lieutenant governor will propose that UC regents seat representatives of student body presidents as nonvoting advisers. The State College Board of Trustees currently uses such a system. Reinecke, In a separate In- terview, said he also will su&- gcst that regents create a special committee to hear and study extraordinary student problems and grievances unresolved at the campus level. Representation of policy-set- ting boards has been a repeated demand of students seeking a greater voice in operation of their colleges and universities. Some want voting membership. p~esidents participate I n trustees meeting discussion<; a~ nonvOling advisers. "They can raise their h.'1n1 like any member of the Board ol Trustees and be called upon to express themselves." he said. ''They are involved in matters that are of interest tc them in tht discussion. "The final decision. of course. must be made b.V tht voting trustees," Reagan said. "As a matter of fact. we are going to present this As another ictea to the board of regents.·· Reinecke told a newsman..h\! also discussed with Reagan '8 tentative plan that \vould bypass usual campus level problem-solving procedul'es so that students could t a k e directly to the regents issue~ that w-ere not or could rvtt be settled by existing machinery. He said details of the pro. posed direct-line to the ~genL~ \~ere being worked out, in- cluding setting up a screening ptocedure to separate issue~ r.ceding immediate regent at. l.cntion from those that did . Reagan, appearing on an hour-Ion& question and answer session .with a panel of students at Lhe University or 1.===========.I not. California at Davls radio st.a- • lion, was asked what he was · doing to make sure the student voice was heard .. The governor noted that representatives of state col· lege student government OPPOSED-TO 'RED ROUTE?'· WRITE C.llf•nol• Hltllw.y tMwr!IH1911 ... lltlt -:S.u•"*"9. ~lit. New "Sleep+ Aspirin" tablets help you pop right off to Sound Safe Sleen I W'ITMOUT ,....,,,.,, .... , ••• L, .... " .... u. I (l,.el1J) .. ,A ,,_if..-• ...:: ,;,,.• .,.,, •••• ,, •• , ... ,, ••• h•• ,.rf•tff •-ar11U1t•.u,.r. t.t1t\lnt. 81 .. )" f•t1111l1 ••te• ,lllt• la .. , 0 ) Wit ''' ••I a.. ... Al)ef'w .,,..n l•bl11 I ,..,. •id• " .OIDd, Slup c•11Lal111 11111,..ie. ,.11-r.· rehwhlnr 11Hr. Ht 1t1Mr 11Hpl111 lle•lnr 11ptrh1. n11 e11rb1 tb •ii· l1b\1t1 olfer .. or• comfort .,. 11t 1ri11 1f tommon h11d•cbu col~!. •r• not h1bll·f•nnlnr! •nd 111\nor 1rt•rl1!1, rh111..:1111m Nt••r bttor• b11 t••rt bttn 11d1 11111tc11t•r 111d lll•n1tru-.I 1cllH 1u1d • e-bl111\1011 I• M!p 111 r-11••• p•ln-10 help 1011 11.., wii11 th111 , ... prtbl•• ., l lHpl•llflHI -ti dl1t11rb•J1tt11r1 liHplJIC ,.u •••kt, brinr Nllf•I 1tl1p 'll'ltho•t ll1bh· a. ,.i '"" 11 .. , tnlJM ,rtQ. f•rrnlnr dn111. N• prut rlpU111 b •111 ,tla• ''!'1111111 1U.r4tett •f ntt4td7J111t ••t for "At,.r-1,.ep ll1blt·fM'M 111 dni11. Ati~r-Sktp T1bl1t1 . l'•r 100"11••f•1l9fp l•tt u1uil11 it• b•rbltt1r1t11. Ytii po, •• dln<tM, ti ti 1IHp, •1k1 11p "bri1h~•JM ~ rup1,.. ,., fill ui.., • 111d "•llJ·lllle4" 111 d1ll.,d.,.7. ''" a"d ..... Hlr• • W, .. 1•11 O.ri111 llle 11l1lril JM art rditN •~r· A.,.,..11 .. , Mblet. ••Ul11 1t't. ,..,..ti" \I_,.-, I "'(ll I h1ptidltti1t: ~ ._.. cwln: U11I ... A• 111t1-•11ta111ln• •h\eh (lt1 A1p•r-lll11p br7,1 101 ll•lltr, 1 t.tat b7 •wtere) pr••t4 11 •«tt· l•1t1r 11"' tb111 ••11l"pi111 II~ ''"' 1a • a111! •-•f ph1n•b•rbl· let ''' 111•• ntr t.t.lt•a • , , retun t111. .. ,,, A1,.....lleep 11f!llld,11f1. th• p1rtl7 u1f!d bottlt and stt 1U Ill A 1.d1tl•• •Ith 1•11tk llOllri· f•llf ••11•1 lledt, At1r: fer A•Jtr> 1111 ll'1IP'rtl11 -ti ••Ip 7111 rtl•• l lffp t1bl1u 11 dl;l;llllKI. IOt. .. l A Security Pacific Bank Ready ReservAcco unt can brighten the nl tlSI monthly repayment schedule can be arranged to fit your needs. So why dampened spirits and help pa y for any un expected expenses. You simpl y no< ask for your Ready ReservAccounl Ioday. Only Security Pacific Ilank \vrilc a check ror ,vhat you need. If there isn't enough ;r·-.-... -.. "'~:·:~· .. •:.~,.-,·-------~.,-=.,.,""'t offers it, and it costs nothing lo open. AJ>provcd credit n1 oney in your checking account, the additio nal money =-~~ .. :r •. -('\ ""' is all you need. \\'il l be transferred auton1atically fron1 your Read y I ~":'. Through rain, sleet, snow ur ice, a Security Pacific HcscrvAccount. =.-=:--.• Bank Ready ReservAccount is the sn1ooth way to get out Repay the money all at one time, or a convenient .-..... ,...-.--of any rough situation. • • Ready ReservAccount SECURl,-;y PACIFIC BANK ' ' I (, • -. I •Ut¥• ... ·~, -'• ~ , .• r ) '! ''11."'1 .... , .. ,., .... :r3>-I".; I' '<f:1'1" ,,,., .. ,, ' t~t .. • ,,..,t ! !;::~ •rr:rr '..!~.'.'I - '\'! ' --" ". 'I.' 'I:'!\ .!•' .. .1'! • •I( :lf' -·-.,(,; ;"\ .... 'fl' ·~ ,.,._ .,. •hl•I -· ' • ' ·t • r ,- ' . • OAllY PILOT For The Record Meetings TU•SOAY llot•,.., Clllb ol Ntw-1·hl1:1o.1, lrvl"t CDUlllrY Club, 1'°'1 E. Co.ti H1,~w1v, C:or-Cl9I ~'• ''"' p.m Tol•l,....ll't'I Club, noF, 1(!1191 Tibia ~11111r1111. 'ft.n1m1,.,1~r. ' 1.m . Cosl1 MQa.NewpaN H1rtlot l llont CluD, WU Vtrll1 Country Club, Co.11 Mesa, •:U 1 .m. lfflboe 81'1' Llom Cklb. \lllla ,._,11\1, 1045 a1r1kle DrlYt , NewPON Btadl. t ··"'· SUI 8ffdl To11tm1!1tn Club, lCl 11: .. 1d1 liol.<11. I.CO Pac111t Cos! Hkll\W.'t, 5'1 lt1dl, 7 1.m. HunU119'Cl!I Beed! Ellis lod9e, l!.lkl Club. -' Oce111 Av1, H1,mll111ton 8e1c11, 1:31 ~!fl ~oc1e1., tor fh. Prt~Nlllon i nd EncourAfllM'lfl'll of l1rller MIOP 0111r11t 5111111.,. In -kl , Cotll MfW CNPIN, Col'"• P1rt. khoal. ?JIO Notre D111"1S, Cn!t ,,.._, J:I.$ '·"'· L.0.0.M. ~ Ho. 11 ... 4JS E. 171h St •• Cosl1 Mna, l :U •·"'· Ot11191 C...t ll'nal l 'rlm MeM L9"t, T-le 51\el'Ofl, 611 W, H-!llWI, Cotti Meu, l :lf 1.m. WEDNESDAY Biiie Ft-r ... -11er1 Clutl. MH• Vtnk Counlr't Ctutl, (0511 Mui , I ·-~ (Mii MH.t.Or1119t CoeSI LIGM (h,ib, Odla'• Cof1n $ho1, 212 f . 1111o sr., Cm." Mew, 1 •.m. Hllflfll!ltllrl-leKll ExchaMe Cl11b, Shlr'1oll ltedt IM. Hunl1111"°" loetdl. 12 -· W"lmln1ter 0.llmlll Clull, llr.int'I. Tebt. 1t1lM1••nt. Wnlrnlmltt. 11• --(Olll Mt.-Opltml1! Club, CO!lll Miu Golf IHI C-lr'I' Clllb, 11'01 Golt Course Ori.,., Colll Ml1e, 12 _.. Coi.11 Mew llolttY Club, COlll Mt-1• Golt Ind Cl)ll!'lftY Club. COlll Mou. t!-. W'"51mln$1•r E11Glllino1 Club, Ha'Pennv Inn, lol(MI lt•dl fllYd., WHlmlr>tle!'", 12noon. H1111H111IC111 '*-di Llonl Clu~Nor!ll, MeMloWllrk COllnlr'I' Chlll. Hunlinslon ktdl. 12:15 a.m. N.._. ,..,.. •~ G.-. vui. llMrirul, 10.tS ~ldit Drfv., N-1 llodl, 1t:IS •·"'· F-f9lll \'allft" Ex~ ell/ti, "'"". C011' ll•,_,.,., ltlSI 9eldl •lvd., """"'•'°" llMdl. U:lS •·"'· \Y ... mlMfW IUwet1l1 (II/&, H•'P-v 11111. 1&11 audl aM., W!!tlmlMlt r, 1):11 p ..... ltfarriage Licenses DEATH NOTICES • BEESEMYER • Cllol'lf!C.e $. ltttrmftl". *" 81yViore Dr\¥e, H--1 leech. O.tt of ~11h, Ju~ •. Survived bv wl!'I!, Phvlll1 lllichtn:llOfl """"""'" llewtflter, Mr•. lllldwn:I W. MlrMllllO. ol l'1lm Del· •r1; """'· J1v C. lttM!mver Tu1tl1u end olx 1r1ndclllld,.,11. Pr1v1'9 1r•-d CMt WO'ICft wlll be Mid ~nnd1y, • PM, Pe<:fflc View IMmelrial Pttk. D\tecled ..... P1clfk Vie.it Morl\l1rv. FRANK Ltll P. Frenll. JUI WH!rn!nslrr Pl.a, COiie Mell. SurvlvM by 1111'°" band, S.muel A. Ff'9nk ; ion, Rlclltr4. or Oek .. ndl brothe"f, DonP!el S1nder1, C-a.v, On:90l\l 1l1ter, Erne! E111· m•n, Portllnd. StrvlCOI, Wrdnllod•Y· 2 PM. Wnkllff Ct11pe1. Interment. Na"llOflll c.-terv. Por!ltl"ld, Ol"ftllf\. Wlllfdl" C ... HI Mor!11trv, M6·4&N. 01~. -ARBUCKLE & WEI.Sii Watcllff Morfuary U'1 E. I'm St.. Colt.a Mesa <41-UU ·BALTZ MORTUARIES C..On del Mar OR S.Hst Cetta Mesa l\11 ~U!f BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY ut Broadway, C11ta Me11 LI 1-343:1 DH.DAY BROTHERS Hunlineton Valley l\1ortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntin~lon Beach 34%·7771 PACJt'H.: VIF:\V >tEMORIAL PARK "'~mrlery e l\lortuary Chapel 1511 Pacific View Drive Newport Buch, CalUorula 5-«-!iot PEEK FAAllLV COLOMAL FUNERAL !IOME 71tl 6el11 Ave. We1lml111er 19345!5 ~ SllDTEI\ -TUARY ~-lff.U15 s..ao-to -· 8MJTll'S MOBTU.tRY 1%7 Mola II&. BnlillplluU L&MUt ---~~-.,... ........ -..-.... ..........-.....-.. -................. ___ ,.. ... ..._..._.,.... ............ !11..,._"'!0"" _____ .., .. _ --..-------·· ioneerGrads GRAFFITI Hearing Call.ed"on Sand :Pit Sqoob·bJ.e VCI Rites Set Saturday SANTA ANA -The counly • ....i pits coat Ille county mono The Grodina APPuls Board Simi, Bdn emphallied. Gradin& Appeal& Board wW ~ $100,000 for pumpin1 and 11 llmlted la lbe tcOpe of its In Thunday'1 ~bour hold the second ot ill cumnt pit wall rebulldJng durln& hearing, accordl:nc to its bearlnc oily the county'• c~se series or hearinas at 1 p.m. Marcrt h and April. <:ha1nnan, Robtn Bein, 1 civil against the owners a n d charter class a gold sa.!h. lRVlNE -Students of the freshman class when UC Irvine first opened lour years ago will be amona those graduating i n ceremonies Saturday. They'll be the fir!li non·transfer students to pick up degrees from the UCJ cam· pus. 'Ille public is Invited to at- tend the ceremonies which will include 1 fonnal academlc procession by the facuhy and music by the Irvine Wind Ensemble. ve property owners and ena1oeu operator WN presented. Frida1 on the Burris SaJ\d Pit, Mrs. Townsend were charged 1'be three-min panel m•r. The aand pit area has betn Kuchel, formerly of Anaheim, now a Washington, O.C., attorney, will be award· ed an honorary degree along with three others. Tbey are Charles S. Thomas, secretary of the Navy under President Eisenhower and retired presl· dent of the Irvine Company ; H. Northrup Frye, Canadian educator and literary theorist, and Kenneth Bancroft Clark. influential Negro educator and psychologist at the C i t y College of New York. • mile-long group of tx-by county building and Safety detennine only whether the pit mined 1lnce the early lMOs cavaUons north of Ball Road Director· F. G. McLellan Jr.. presently poRS • .memce to and tnOlt of it existed before ~aUeli~ the ~an;t• Ana at the request of the Board of life and to the sulTOUDding the county adopted rrguladon! iver in Anaheun ~a, Supervisors, wUb "conducting reslden:Ual properties and a covering sand and gravel Attorney for persons who an operation which en-bordering roadway, South operations. own the pit , land and ~ dangered life and property." '~ii!iiiiiji~iiijii:iiii~iiijiiiijiiiijiiiiji~iiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiiji~ Former U.S. Senator Thomas H. Kuchel will be featured speaker at the 11 a.m. ceremony on the campus green. DegretS to be awatded in- clude 600 bacbelori, 5 o masters, 20 doctors o f phUosophy and 75 doctors of medicine. Graduates will wear cap and gown and members o! the Suspect Faces Term ' c operator, Mrs. Mar Jo r •. e Mrs. Townsend coonteredlj Townsend of La . Habra, will with $19.5 mllilon in claims ha~e an opportuntly .to present against lhe county, the county their ~ases at that time. Flogd Control District and the During the January and Orange C.ounty Water District. .. ~ ~~ February storms last winter She coot.ended the trouble was "'m~~.w. and for weeks later, storm caused by the water district's waters seeped through the spreading program io the river. levee and into the pits river opposite the pits, which causing slopes to crumble and caused setpage and weai:eni.Jl& endanger some 400 nearby of the slopes. homes. o----.:....------11 Emergency wor• on the YOU KNOW Talk Slated YOUR CHILD VILLA PARK -Robert J . On NAACP WILL LEARN 2 Countians Given GOP Unit Posts Hill, a 1913 campaign aide to , TO SWIM AT ANAHEIM A ~ ahei templed to commit suicide im· Presideol Nixon, has been ap-For lrvme BLUE BUOY manoriginally-~nofki~ mediately after the killing by pointed as executive ad· I hln h,_ th t and · " ministrator ot' the Republican In Slaying of Girl ...ing his girlfriend in the heat of 5 as fl ~ roa wris · IRVINE -Herbert Hill, na-....., s. Wll "" National Committee. it was · J •-00 ta f th •'~c. a lovers' quarrel ha.s ·pleaded t1ona aa r secre ry or e -•· IMltN blelMI, announced today by com· National Association r or '-hi All•. Tat11 I See by Today's Want Ads • A. Gulbranaen Ora: an. WDe new: for the profnPonal or amateur mutldan, noun ol muslcaJ pleaslll'1: & enjoyment. e Afany top qu.alily wlp, curls all ot human hair, ' ' for th@. lady who wishes ln5t&nt style 01· variecy". e A 1963 Falcon 2-0oor :rr cyl Futura may be in )"'OW' future.~ guilty in Superior Court to Drag Race mitt.er chairman Rep. Rogers Advancement of Colored Peo-546 1800 lesser charges. Morton. pie (NAACP), will be a • Judge James F. Judge regent's lectuur at UC Irvine!=~~~~=====~====:================~ rd--~ H be~·-M-~'-p S Hitt, whose wife, Patricia 0 c~ u •wo ~~u• rogram et during the fall quarter. Brugeman, n , to return to Reilly Hitt, is as' Isl ant Dr. Hill, cur rent J y court June 26 far; sentencing secretary for community and distinguished professor o f and probation bearing on the SANTA ANA -A full pro-field services in the• Depart· American history at San new conviction of voluntary gram or funny car and fuel ment of Heallh. Education and Fernan® Valley St ate manslaughter. Brug em an dragster races has been Welfare, served as Nixon's ad· College, will offer at UCI a Iaces a possible state prison prepared for spectators Salur· ministrator in charge of all series of lectures on "The term of up to IS years. day at Orange County Intema· national campaign divisions. Black Experien~ in White Brugeman had ear Ii er tiooal Raceway by the March Morton also announct:d tht America.'' umuccessful1y p I ea de d in-of Dimes Foundation. appointment of another Dr. Hill, a Caucasian, has noctnt by reasons of insanity.. Tickets for the benefit event Orange Countian, Mrs. Zan been national 1abor :secretary But the Judge bas ordered are now being aold at $3,50 by Joyct Thompson of LI Habra, to the NAACP for 20 years. He that he undergo f u r l h e r car clubs throughout Southern as a Calilomia special a.!si.!· has lectured at numerowi psychiatric examination prior California . tant for the FOP National univer.!lties, been special con· to his return for sentencing. They may also be purchased Q:lmmittee. 11ultant to lhe F.conomic and Brugeman was arrested last at the Raceway Office. or at Mrs. Thompson was an aide Social Council of the United Dec. 30 and accused of the March of Dimes Orange to HEW Secretary Robert Nations, and )for the ~four straneling Mrs. Ruby C. Reza, County Chapter office, 1303 S. Finch during his tenure as years con.!ultant to institutes 35.0ffi~•~·Brugeman_•_t_-_M_aJn_s_L:..,_s.n_1a_Ana_. ____ c_alil_._omJ_c..;.•..:D_·,._1_enan __ 1:.go_v_ernor __ ._•_n_te_a_chlng.....;:..<i_N_egIJ>.::.:.._hi_·s1ory_:..·_11 Doctor Herbert R. Mendoia is ~ - He dooan't look.much like a doctor now, but he cauld\e som1 day.Could br: with t little of your help now,thatiL Todayhitneed1arelimplo. Like a lot of other diadvantqed kids in Ortnge County, he needs a ~job. Tomorrow it will be a different stoiy if be rtmains disadvtnlac«J. He11 get a lot more of )'.our help then -and you woo'l ha'r't to volunteer. Far the ~ect1 of kids in Orange County who Uw qa ftr ~row• -and make no rni:slakt, we haw. a IOt Gflblp ~ the aummer job ii their only way back to-a di< fall. The best chance they ha,. or bec:ollltl& 11i'C1ntribut ing citizens our communities netd. And· that'• Dot all. The summer job is a.lso their be.st ptOTJn& pOood. ·The place where they find out what it'alike eains a day's wqea. And what it means to Ute Pride, aelf<fe'Pft:l, 1elt-confllknt.c - and anoone ela'a trmt. 11-klda..,'t'ff<'/dilfemltfromyourown. They aren't..,~. tbeir hair im1t lll1 lonpr, tbek ambitlona• lllllller. What la dllllnnt la they h.,..'t had you•• parent, Or""'Y o(<hal-bp• you'w • •1>11 to"'" )'1lUI kid•-"'°"' hlct, lllty llaw:'n't sot any coanectioDac;ither,no influentW friends or relltiWI to mkt a spot for them. You're just about all. they haw aoins for them. You and that ummcrjob you can offer. Jt won't matter {o any of thete kids if' you're a one-man store or a aprawlina factory. What m1tttr1 i1 that you can make a job. Off et ill Dial 632JOBS. We'll he lp you fDl iL Orllwa cauntJ Mebo 1193 North Mllltr Sir•! Anaheim, Colllornlo 92803 at our everyday low prices FREE MATCHED SET DF 4 NEW TIRES SIZ[ lllG. "'' SAVE ,RICE ,RICE 6.SO' 13 78.00 SB.SO 19.SO 1.79 7.7S' 14 89.00 66.7S 22.2S 2.21 7.7Sx1S 89.00 66.JS 22.25 2.21 8.2S' 1S 102.00 76.50 2S.SO 2.46 8.2S' 14 102.DD 76.SO 2S.SO 2.36 8.SS' 14 113.00 84.7S 28.2S 2.57 Plu1 1tate 1nd/Of loc1I t1xe1 P"ce4 " tl'IOwn •l Gen.,•I Tire 1tore1. Competotl~ely priced 1t Generer Tire de1le11 4 >Spl1yin1 Ille Gener•! 1i1n. JET ·RADAN Radial UPTO DOUBLE THE MILEAGE' UP TO 10% MORE TRACTION ' 2 RAYON CORD RADIAL PLIES As low 11 s44ss 4·PLY RAYON CORD CIRCUMFERENTIAL BELT Jilus u.a Fed. £6, Tei, .. ,. U5R14 (1.l:li 1114) tubeless 'llfl/Wwlll. 111e•-111 t lltfltlJ ....... COAST GENERAL TIRE Ill W• 1M C....M .. ..... 171 ...... MtlJ AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE ,,,., IRdi IM'. Hutl ..... a..t t47•HI" GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1121 IM ... '-A'" Ml.Oii I [ i _ l • l j I \ ( .,.19 • : 20 , 2Z , J 2J • • 24 : 2• • ZI • ! lD ._ • 31 s '•.: ; 3} • • • )7 : 31 : ,0 . ·,. ~ ~ ~l ; ~ •l . ~· • ·'•5 ' . , r •. , • • • ' ~., • f ( :. . :1 .. ' '· , .. ' "' i) " ' . ' I ' ' •• .. " i • • , ~ ' I ' . ' I ' ·-• , 'Crossword · P•1zzJe .. ~c S11m)honi1 ~~t ' ' . . • ACRPSS 47 Put the ··1;f. Nt 'Jonptr gtoctrlts .\'1sttrd1y11.Pim:l1 Solv1d: Orchestra Carries On Without Soloist " 1-· • 16 tatJOlt' '"to •ua1i.1uc1ot .14 Plac:t fQr ••). ~ .,.,. .• .. i.-0,. CtmlOnY !; ~ il5 SlkSe--' ··11.1•Stfli eagle ... , 7 U:tlltallon ,, l"l9ftlht r,1111": · words .,.;it .fl1vorln1. • mater la I • 20 Enduring l U Artist's • ICCtSSOty ' ZJ Att~ch dra ft • an!1111ls • ·· togtthrr • 24 lofts • • u ll!:obl• • 29 11,d •f • proflf • 30 Cuntnl • 1 •. month: A~r. « · 31 Htvtng s '~.! obll~tlans ~ 3} Ones spirit· , ual stlf: t -~ ! 2 words • 37 Give over ' 31 Heave with • ~rrtt force • • ifD ause to bt • l1u worrlrd 1 ·Al 14 lbs. In ~ ,_ -··· Britain: ., 2 words : Cl Cal's namt • ~4 Walked on • ··•s Answer ~ _ ~· mad• at 14 , Across: ' 2 words • • .• ' • -~~ 17 to USt 41 kin• of 1•1:?,i• !lil Ft• I/It na•e ll s .. 11 Sainte -54 City of . EUl'9pt 5t ¥ov1 fro• a stiut ~sltion .60 ea!ia li , an l111I ' 61 "•Pacific Charter'' treaty: Abbr. 6Z "K 1'13" In Ill o llOVlt &3 Product obtalntd from StlWttd 64 Bu~lt c1ll bt rt tap':. Var. 65 Grte:k ltttrl'S 66 Slate: Abbr. 117 Bridge bids GOWN l Apostlr lo the Gf1\tllrs 2 ln·acldltlon J Mikita ~ Tending to · hang loosely 5 Soon 6 Shr11b used in htdQtS 7 River of Yorkshlrf 8 Riding on I sltlgh 9 L1tt1r lo Evergreen: 2 words 11 Respond to the alalfll clock' 12 lattt body ll S1111/ secluded v11J1ys t?· Prtsld1nt11r nlcba•e 22 G11Uc 25 Patroness of Qultlec Province 2' Out of on e's mind; lnfor11al 27 Man's namr 28 Foir'..s Pirtn« 32 Youn11 bird s 33 Wratn 34 Nan · 35 ConUnent )& B1r,brr's WO~ 38 111 .the n11r future 39 Too young: 2 words . ; 42 Pul p and P•Ptr sourc e 43 loatts' 111illfUX 45 Rtsld rnt hospltal doctGr 46 Small round •arlc 48 lndl/191 in t•llli'I hlblt .tlJ Win all tricks In piquet 50 Plaice for sports events 5Z Pert;iinlng to a region 55 Mecllttr· r;int1fl pllll 56 Ba sis for dtclsions 57 Basic un it of an element 58 Rainge sounds t.o Piece of floor covering 11 12 13 By TOI't1 BARLEY Of lilt Dally ..... , llttr Conductor Joseph Pearlman ot the Orange Coast College Com munjty Symphony Orchestra received his DAILY PILOT "Euterpe" award Sun - day night and a woeful chain of circumstances made . It seem to be a more 'than ap- propriate moment (or the recognition of the orchestra's dedicated leader. Trophy In hand, _he had lo tell his audience that featured artist Sherri Glt{efman would aceldent and he had only learned Saturday mornlng tNt the Calta M~ soprano woukl be unable to fu1flll her com· milment. For the first Ume in h~ career, he had earlier commented, he had been unable to secure a replace- ment and hia orchestra 'would have to -and. in fact, did - present the rest of tbe pro- gram as billed. He did not tell bis auqience that he, himself, had g'ot out of a sick bed to take hls baton for that final concert. Heavily doped and with eyes and nose no~ be delivering the group or streaming, he was obviously arias that were to be Y determined to bold off the ef· ~igblight of the season's clos-rects of the nu virus that had 1ng program . plagued him most ol the week Pearlman explained Uw.t and put on wllat was left of his Miss Gittelman's husband had roncerl. been ,ser)ously hurt in a car Maybe those Euterpes (ltis ~ . ~· , The-tiiiii~:'we ·~fltrlJlfoPftft::i. .. . ... ~;r ~lea~ure !'t;ke ."ending a .d.ep~;ti.r in . ·. ~, ' , ' • 260 Ocun Avenue l 1f\1Tlll S..ch, Clllfornil T1lephon1: 494-7541 _ ... ~ Mil...t :I "-'di -.Y Pl .. T~:4&lMO'• 4..,_1201 ton·~t1:eo1 N. l!fc.....i~o fl••' T•l<tpbo"': 492-11115 5.13% IN'TtltnT ,.Wwti. Claftllt •-.! ~ Switze'tland an extra packe"t of cu; mobJhly magatine ... to give friends a better piClu~e a! how W~ look and live in b'urgeoning d:ran8e County, USA. ~ ' I ' Our dyrtami c growth is an ij:nporl.anl reaso~ why slveta from -all over~the \"VOrld invest in tpsun~ l-~ederal Savings. They know that Orange·~onty'.s Largest, First and Strongest independent Federal offe rs thern deep security and absolute maximWn return on safe, insured savffigs. This kind Or interest looks good-even ftoJJt the scenic Alps. And far-off sa vers at Laguna' Federal SavlDgs often become nearby neighbors. One good thinir: leads to another. : DAY-IN lo DAY·OUT int'ere11t on. •II •tcnunl• • Re 11er• lo J:l!.I your ''"""in,; eo"'M~111oraiJtta llleenlen.niol Medolllon-ira 1oliil br•••• "' ,;,,,.,._•"Heir. "1th• State a/ cor~ ... u ,. ,.,.ff!fJrote ;u lll!a h11ntlred1h •"ni11er1att.'Oft••l• •I 1 OHr J.\re• 9//fee1, /rom Jurt.•.J6, ' . . . ... . . ., .. • ' ol ~%11CO!'ll)(ll•nd•~--JMt• ' ' ' -> . f '• l _ EO!li T ht ' -· Steft Mc .... lo "BULLITI" Alt• Dffll M•ftt• •"BANDOLERO" STAITS WIDNISDAT • • nc"-=;LAlll" ........ -fflOM ...-...... tlVM Mn ... ' •••f!ll'"-GEOll• l'IPHltlJ .BAJt IUlll5 'MCllUDKIUY. '.._WJll'! 1u11Ji&I l!r' ~·· o ~~ '. '1he ".,... eorge!\ 'Beryl Reid , ® Susannah Yorki . Coral Browne • I .. Tl/fldor, Junt ·10, 1969 'VAILY PILOT 9 Tom -Sawy er Tryouts Set ((\"'!• ... ~·'Itri• ~ ~!'!-.:=. R e a d l n 11 for "Tom Ends T onlght Sawyer," a childrtn'• play tol Mwl•• .,_.1~ lkMN '""'- be staged , at the Huntington "CANDY " Buch Playbouae, wUI be held Mk'-' c .... ton11ht and Wednesday at 1 "MAGUS" ~.m. In the "Dam," 2110 Main ST.Al TS WIDNISDA T t., Huntiniton Beach. o..w .._. I• RarW Keene fs directin1 "WHERE IT'S AT" the abow for youngsjer1 a1e 10 "THE BIG BOUNCE" and older only. A cast of 1S1';---:--:.-:o-:-:~-; characters is required w\thl ...i teen-agers playing tht adult roles. "ACRUT ANO COUltA- CEOUS FILM!• ·~ _, .. , , -Mt1nu1t . ' JOHN CASSAYETES' FACES ALL STAI CAST "THE LONGEST DA'\'" Alu G....-r.,,_..i ''TH.E BLUE MAX" StMts Wednesday Alu ...._," COllflllll.tl • __...... TOltf l...iell "HELLO DOWN THERE" "THE PERFORMAllCE ; 1· THAT SHOULD . HAVE WOllT!IE' OSCAR FOR VAllESSA REllGIAvt r' -vincn Conb)', N. Y:TTW..i· . . . Bargain Matinee Wedneaday, 1 p.m. ,llE lll'llSHMINTS Ad~lh s 1.00: c•lld so; • !!*!f•ll\OID(lllll r.l@o 1J1D~t1111m i V~~VE.MWVESOFl&\DOM · JA~ES FOX-l¥AN TCHENKO JASON ROBARDS EX CL US .IVE ~. ORANGE-c -olJNTY . . ' PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT STARTS WEDNESDAY DNL Y ·DRIYE IN THEATRE SHOWING " ·' I j I I JO JAILY PILOT s LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ' ca•T'lllKATI! 0, IUSINll•S i4N" 1'1CTtf't0US ........ CEllTIJ'ICATI! 01' IUSINl!SS TM ""°*"lfnH -<erfltv M It <On< FICTITIOUS HAlllll 11...:11111 • Mlt1tH ., "°° N•WHrl Clflltt ,.,... lll'ldl••!•l:Mlf .. cer,11r llt I• (-D•l\19, N-1 lt.ctl. C•moml•, under O...cil!ll • ...,.,_ at 106 Ortn:tt. He-1 lllt fidltlout llrm nl,.,. OI AOUL T 8N</I, Ctllforni., vndtr "'9 llc:!flbn t;:DUGATION INi TIT\JTI '"° ltwll Mid llrm lltrnt ot O'llUl:N'S AOUAJf T """ II ~In\--"' !tit '°''°"'1"" "''°"' C:OMPANY Ind IN! "''" !!rm It -........ -llf II\ lyll and ti.(1 OI rt •loH\(9 ~ G! lhe IOlloWllltl ~loOI\, - .... IOllOWI , llf mt In tu!! fnG Pl.al ot rt,klf.llte l1 f l D• J w ICoer.tt•. 1d "'"''"'°' Wtr. 1011o .... • ADI 'ic. Ne-t e.~n. Cthl JOl\11 8 0 Brl.11, io. O•tllff !I ' 0.1..:1 Jun• f , 1m Ns"'llQ.l1 8tt(~. <=-1ltornl1 '16'0 T, W l(GHI~~ 01tod MtY f lftt.' !TATE 0 1' C:ALIFORNJA, Johll 8 0'8rl ... OllANGE COUNTY Sttlt of Ct lllofnf1, Or1not C:wnty: °" JUIW • ,..,, Wf<l•t ....... N01&rY 011 Mf• ,, 196', -" ...... Nolt•Y l'vblk h t~O lo< ltld Stilt P•r.0111llV P11blk In en<I !or \&Id Sll lt , 1>9rtontll'o' ,._reo:i J W lr.Oltllltf' k"""'n to m• lo ..,l>O!•tt<J Jolln 8 O'llr~n kr.own to mt' 10 ~ ,.,. 0..,....,. wl'lo .. f!lmtl lo wt>serllltd Cf tnt ~'IOl'I whost ,...,,,. fl 1ubtcrlbed 1n IM w!lll!n Hotr11menl •n<I -0.l'lllWlfdol to lt•t wltt.•n IM!<urnv.I ind •tk"OW!tdll· •G 11, c•ei:ult'O "'' o.amt fc:I ,,. ••ttutt<I Ill• s.tmt tS.11) {OFf!CIAl $EAlJ M..rv hit> Morion W\nlfr~ Lou11t f Ou Not•rv Public -C111tor<1T• NOll •Y Publtt<1!11ornl1 Pr-<P•I Offl~ In "'"ntlOl l OUIN 1n Or in .. Counlv O•~M• Counlv fl'.v (ommlnu>n E1oltt• Mv Commlulon E~Plrto April t 1911 ' 0<:1 1. 1%9 fOul>llll'll'CI Or1n9<' (1>101 01!+v P1101 Pual1111e~ °''-(11111 01111 PHO!, Ju,.. 10. lJ, 11 11'11 July l. 1969 11« ot ~' 11 June I, 11. JI, 1'69 1C43-6t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE OVER THE COuNTER MUTUAL NASD Listing• for Mond•y, Juno 9, 1969 FUNDS Rt,,.._lll1w lllttHt>ittl' .,ei.t11ttt 11 1..,....!nM.l"1y t AM. lrtno MASD. Prkff de 1191 IMWe r.f•ll ff IMtll~ """'dlwoo ... -l'lllHIN, ""'r f • 1------------li ·~ "'·';: •HEW 'l'ORIC tA•l • ....._t'I -lttt )~,, 1i tw Vtrk ai.ca hdle!'M trlu1; llff lhrc '! -A- ~1:vM:ior :, ........... c: .... c::! IY s It _Hfb'Z' ~2!!fJA:J ·=::1aiw1 l~ l~ ~C~:loe~ l J),j J~ Mitt flt~. ny, lltii. J-t lnYetT GIWP, :t:£&'1.: '"' •tktd J"°~ 11ln I' 1i~ 1;~ rulct> 'lltt !Ml. 11lf 1n V•IG 20 dYI ~EW VO~K !APJ Ii.II ndl 11.eQ 1•lN -A,-It C I ·J! :~N .. i~~~' ••r,:d. =~'5"r.'i. U\l u"' 'Pf:t c n l'I 161". Mo Rte1>' •"' " ;;1::._ ~1=n" ~=-~Ju !.e !~ l'~ua ·"' u.i t Ir-""-\! ~v e 1 .'::1 i!l'!l ,,. __ •• • ......... o.-·. !lt\11 31\lo &<!If In 31•1:~ •wk ""' v.lflt N•tl-A ~IO(I. ll~l:tl<d Lab l.lt n"I ~ft ..... _ "I t ''"' 11'4 11~ IAnlV MCh I 11<. Vt Pk 161,\o 1 tllon 01 r llQ ~!tt.I 1 ll ill A "ll'icl J,liO ;llo -I ll• > o.e1~r1, Int , ''' ltlm Ind l~ 16 1t1 Dton 21th Jll'li re f' H I' 0 -, " p ·, J-i'c:me<:I 1 "°' ft 3 ,. + ~ "1 t Pf2:..t0 not 11(1u1i l••n••e-8tlKOI R 11 \ii nv. •Vb Fd I~ 11\4 ~ llvt 5 ...... •• fl(. .,. I ··~ •r ···' .... ~··r.1 tti -,., 9'I JOu llOIU l>ul •r• reo. l!le•Kh H » 11 • ., Mir 13vt 2~v. ""'M 111'1 1114 l~e PrtOH ,, ""'\di 1n't1 nll , ... ,~ ,44 • ..,, .Slj '"-kletl,... '° rti.en11tlv1 lflltr· 6e\r Lib SI 60 Kor 111111 11 17\0 MOIOI' Club l1ijj ltlJi 1~ MCur!t tlS le 4 fO ~ M IHI 10 1 I~ 1~ !veftfl pt'l • · :::,~.~!::.: •• 0! :11~1 ""'S: :r l2i~ E:~~~· ,~ o~ mt .. r·•::,,;,J ~ ~~ ~ <bid~·~~ toou":T:l 1:ri1 /g :3 l~·: =.7:i ,,. lij' 1~ fl" Tm =*~ ~~ ".!r~,:~ p '"" 11 '""'°' !llese 8 , I'll. •• .., 0•11'11 APel ·~ 10 ~·' ECllJ[l '3 JJ tt"-9111 MofldlYI I " •• ,. '11 AllMLlf 1..0 Vi 503.:. !'"' -1* l>lll ft Gfs UCllflll" (0Uld81 H1t 36"" 31 Otl CenT U ll HU FdPd 3111'1 !'""'-',\'. •,!'.J1.~,, 4'.~~·H A!?!'•'''..,'' Ct,.. 24--m-•!SGS .. l.19 "'"• bftn -· lklst11• E1 51'1 , o.t 1n16r j)11, i.. •1 Ga.o 11 5 .1i11vi;;1n • ;o ~T· """'°~u-F.~ndt·---Al~• Y:ii !Ji .! •m• •,,.. + 11n (1'11$1(1 (atllMll Ill' lloll lllH'H u .... U\11 Dvlp Am ~\tt 151'1 1-1• lbtv 32\/o ll'/.o ~"Ill•'" • • ... VI II\ "ll·-u :ti.' .... ~·~ !m 1 l ""' + "' llllt .to IOkl Ibid). nttr· lloo!M c J1 ,. 0-tY El 1\li 12 " $.:ltt """ J' A"'·t .... c ' . "" ...,. ... lit • l\lt -" P•I l .'20 de11tr ttlrou91t-60. C1Pll 31 311 Ol1rn CfV 19 2914 H•I St1 $v I S'4. ·~ '' lt ll 11 3J •111 11 21, 2l A GIJ 11 j 1 • TW. -~ Pl Miit J SO cul Ille <l•Y. Pr1«-llOWller t\11 61'1 01$( n 11~ Nl!OI p .-.. 1lh AU All'Wf 1.GI 1& CU'I 81 10 GI w.H A rtOC 11 Jf " .UV. ~ -!olllnRld IO do no1 lncludlt llrkwtv G n 73 Oocu!el JI «i HE""' Gf 201'1 20V. ~· 1112~1•.Gl ~u• K,o •,90J,12 ~~·~~ l 0 100 'i• ltflt -ololnht 1:60 rOt•ll n1trk\IP, llrown Ar 32\li ll'/.o Oo(IV Mt<J ~~ lt'I' t.IJ H11G 2~ 2'Yi ~IU • ~ •.fl 111 2 6 ' •.1! 1111 '-"' ,lOll JO 'o l"!l -Ill olt Ind SO. markdown or com-••u>h Bu 32'1.i 3J °""' Jotlft 115 UI Nlc:M1n F 3'\'t 31 Am 811• l )0 ,.,., \.;11$ Sl %2" U.21 A 1.e1--w 2 IO 12 1~~ l' 5114 + \Ii ~I In ~f( 2S • • c 8vtnup s l l\4 11'h 1)1'9w Hill 11 u H!tl• 8 36\111 31\11 ·~· '' n ,, n '"' .. ,·,, ' -'I' " "' ,. ' n11aou11;i, llucken 1'\'t 11\'t OOYkt 1)8 711h 291/i tllelt A 36"' ~11'1 ~ e~"ln 11 l6 1 ff ~~ ~ ·:::ti:~ ~'i'f ul t1 ~yt~ llll"'· 1~ :!: ~ ,0,• "> ... l>l'l.llO .... 1 Ol'P 12\IJ 11 llY•IMP F 22"1 11\.'il ovn 8tld u .. s No•Alll llH JV. 10\lo -... ' ..... ~ ]I)"' • "= ~ as ... l j""ew /llattager ~c"" El u 15 ca1wa1sv21v.H ovn111no H 'l:l l011oNc11 No 11 v.12 ~!!:!G0rfl\ '·"!"•'•o .. r1s 13'.s~1:~~ln ·:t ........... ! _ OWG•s l .60 l'W Atmt VR1 Jf 1111 .... CAmto 79 ll C>vrlron n 21 PEii• Oil S\4 ~ _., "~ IO Q.1 1 .o.i "Cll.D ..... .,., ... ' •9 ;r .. Pict ISg aAtt l1•S T4'Uts SG l'iOlp 21!h2,V.C.nnon M t4 M E1rlh Ilse 11 ll'h NP..,n G Ull1 U,,.,~ftu1 102'112)Knidll.Gmlt.21l~:il !1~1~ .l! ~~ ~ ij =I~ I 1.7f •• .,, "•••o•• , .... , r ' Alt Ind ' 'Pio C1~/\0l'I II IJ tli Et•• &he: 1nli U14 NW HllG ·~· 1014 l,;W l )1 -a ... L.taln1• 11Ol17 It ' -• ,,.. ~ ff .. Ol'l'lllEn 2 .ID SUPEIUOll cou • o,.-• s.. " 01< H p Eugene p I I Alrbfn Fe! 12\~ 11 conrttd 1 '"' Econ ub 41 4f HwPua s .. 21 111 ttv. And'oor Grvvp. Le~ 1ucti ''" 11.05 A td '"•A 1 n 11f, ,,.,• , -•• ., ~•,~pfl.i!._ 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA FOii: STATE 01' CALll<Oll HIA FO• • ICCO 0 laS •11>,rll 13'1.i ll"" Ap Int.Ii 12\.'il 23\1,j Ed!l<:I> $11 2111> 25V. Nvt.lr ll>h 3J 31 Cep J,n ,0,71 li.ttv 6,9( J,SI ~a1(ii Ii jl rm ~ . .,. om fy - THE COUNTY OF OR ANGE THE COUNTY OF ORANGE been assigned as man-Ako S!d 11 n, C•oll Sow ""' 23 Edllc svs llV. U\11 Dfllo Ari 161'1 17 ~':"'" 1,•,•,• ,",',lt!J! f~ l·~~ t· .. M ~;t-... j JV. ,,.. =u~ d i20 NO A-4JUI Ne A-41141 Aldon H"o 16\li C1P TKl'I 7~ I.,., El P1.o Et lllo 1-N! DlllO Wit l2'4 33\!o Fd l • '·-,.., ., l.IO t 71 •,{, 'ii -n WI'! E PO '2 MOTltE OF HEARING ON l"ETITIOH NOTftE 01' HEAil i NG OF l"ETITION ager of Secunty Pacific Atlco Ld 21'11 2~"' Carte 81 ,.,., 10"' El tlllf 11\o lt\ii O~t Scan S.l $1 "" IO 1' 1111 L.... UnlYI AIM''lr 'M ll'·' H" l" -_ ~.·kOOll .., ,.-01. PRO&•TE OF WILL AND FOii FOil PROBATE 01< Will ANO FOR Allt'll BeY ' , .... Carl•• GP 31 :)f El NuCI 21\lt 23'11 rmont nv. 13\fa ~lld I It 1.63 lrli S1yi.. F<I• AMS.ii 5Q •• ~ '4 '"" 079 LEnERS TESTAMENTlliRY LETTERS TESTAMENTAltY NatJC>naJ Bank's Hunt• AIJf";t Pep -~ f\l'o Cai HGa• l~ 14 Eiec::lcpy 13 U lier tP 70'11 11 ...!e~~ .. ?04 ~l 1' 91) Caoirtcl• '•>' »,, '•>' •"> -' 13.211 1 1'\l'o -l'I Of'llP $(;1 wl 00•0 ,"" W , ,,, " e I REX R A•"E•IO• O AllP Aero ~l. O"° Cen VIPS ttV. 1J EtlrlH'/\19 I lli!O Overl HA 29 JO ' "' "'' n . ,._,,di lU I'll I I l2l _,.,. Comoel Es111.o1 n• ~""" ,vt<•••· s1a1eo "' , ecea~-ington Harbour Branch Allied Eq 1ov.11 cent,..• :n :nl'l flec'C•P l•'.\l l9lll •r c11 11~1•"-,•,.,A'" 1..11 Mut h.Ul>.5.5AAJrFll![r IO u 32~\ 11y, J1u-1v.c-M1u11 t o "II Al"" Geo 19~i0:\lo (:narl OU 11 9'\!EICSyo O\lr J'~PtbO llr a+>,llll'a u B tilln.11Mtnh111 111 l~Am.i.trln IO llU 35'• U\~ 14''0 -"'(0flrtcC• 60 NOTICE ts HEll EllY GIVEN l ll•I NOT•CE IS HER EBY GtVEH Tn~1 1n Huntington Beach. Amada( l2V. UV. (1'\111 ltam 1114 19 El Dall 7J\lr JS'"' Pac FarE .O'Ai •IV. $1od<, 1.lf I.fl Mau Fnd 11.U 1261 ~!:!!. iil"' l ,, ltV. lt\lo ,, .... -Ii r: Edi• 1 ff oouGLASK WA LlACE n•1 !l1oC1nerelnwALTE R G WEIN lANOER II•• Ill"° Am OTll ?JYt 7• (htmold JV.. 6 EIModul 91" 9:\:o Pakco 10\':t llV.a~·Cp 6"6102M•HGlltll.191JAlA"8 1160 ll 611~ Ml\''_,,,, onEdls p/o •• t !1tlon to• P<otl•lt cl 1'1111 an~ lor llt<!1ft . PthliOll !Qr 1>roblte ol will •Nf H e s u cceeds Melvm' M. AmEI L•O i n~ n (llt • Ulll 11 19 EmPS Oil 21'U n 1 p acot l•l'l 11 '"""" 909 909"'8.u Tr lo,, 1169 ,,. an i~ 11$ SS~\ j5 ~ -"' 1111Eo11 i" A E oll.o ''''"< 1 0 00 -•• ! • an , 90('dl1k 11s 1•1Mlr-. 1,03'03 AC•n flf )J d a r1 2tl~ 'h E 1 ••> 0>t~anut>fle!le•\ltslam•nl•rv l(1 Ptll·ror b•~•n<t ot l.rt"• Tes.llm..,111"( 10 SU m •Pr ., II r •• -1>er11vC~60 il PkWY Ols 2,!.~2,•,~ •• ~"• >O">>•>"-o"''' 1.,,1 ,3,AA"/;,;'tm,~~ u 17\~ U~l 1 ','0 'c~ ,!'....,' 0 " 1 o "' ,. ·--1 1 chan, who has been Am Furn 11\\ 11•.r. cnr1sr s 11• 111 ..... ,v A• 11(o .,~ P111~v ,. ..-.. ... ,... ... ... -· ...... t10<\f!r. <fltr~nct o w •Cll • """ • I ~,1.,,.,er, •f'fertnte 19 wll Ch s rn.tlk Am Gtffl lt'>\ IO.,. Chtl'1 pf 100 105 f Brandn H l'I 16 P•vtll• U \lo l• OOfOft I t9 J n McOon 10 12 II M A 1 n I' Miit ].pa 11~ -\lo CO<ll'd pl•.lO '"'lher port1cu1oro, an<1 1hat tn• time •nd 1..,. turm ... ,.,11tu11n, •nd n.ot l,tll lfmt> transferred to a d\VI, Am Ht"' 161'1 11 lla<lel '"' 91.4 Eon Cp ru 6y, p Ol•L•a 6"' 1 .... ,11rOld s1 is 1' 16 6' MklA Mui 1 1t 716 A=t 1 :g !! 71v. 31"" ~t~ ... · Co11Fr11,111 1 Pl•<• (If lle1rlno Ill• iam• nu t>H:~ •ii •nd Pi.ti of lle•rll\fl '"" !emf llt l ~ lli m lnJtO 37 J'f Clll! VIA u ?6\0 EoYll~ Oii 16\'I' 11\.\ P• En111n 7\o IV. ,•.0"<,,k u 12 11 6S MOOdY Cp 16 62 1t.1' "';,'lry ,, ~ .50 VlO l;.;: l1r: ln. f1U COnNtlG 1 76 tot .Ju~• 10. lt>it •t 9 30 a m • •~ l'llt R I l<>r Junt ?1 1'69, ti '30 Im •• In Ille S\Onal aSS\grunenl . Am Me<lo 8-1 116 Cllil U18 1~1/• 1S Erlt Te<h 20 21 p1 G&W :I.SW 25~ • \ 10 lt 11 'lJ .,,, I• 13 16.ll A ~n I >l 3--30" 3>" • Cot\1 ...... r l t'O murtrc•om cl OtPartmtnt No l 01 •aid co~r1room cl 1>eo1rlmenl NO 3 Of "ld A Minns ll'h 191/, Clark Ml 7t tH!i Es1er1111 u~i 16 pf( llrffl l '14 ~•M<l In 19 7l 11 lol MOf"I-Ful'ldt ' '; ,. '" .., -ConPw pfi50 '°"'"' al 100 W Elollll> Slrtel I~ t~t City tour! 1r 700 Wn l e1·~1n '""'• In llltl-------..:; ________ Am Pipe 2S ?SI'> ClarlOl'I S.Y. 6 Fii C.c:o 9 9'h Pftrlels T B..., 1i C•Pll Inc 9 00 t 86 feolllrll II Ii U 2t ~ ~ls!lil 1 2• 26~ 2'Vi 24"'° -"' Con!Alrl. SO nl S•nlO Ana, Cllllo<nle '"' ol SaM• An•, Cat?:'~rnli Am SI Gob ('" f\'t Clint Mell 11 1' F1brl Te-It 9* 10\.\ I U lHOpeo Welh CC"lll ~S!!r 7"4 I 31 ,,_ 4.53 • M AD~:tV~ ~= It l~.\4 lJb'o + u Cont Cln i.20 AmSI Goll lJ llnton 0 3l J3\4 Fal,lld T' ~Pitn11 llEI lS 15'\llc~ "i' 11.t.SU,1J ln111r l.6.59'8AmEll>w1.51 ui ~~ 35¥1 ll(t-'llcontCopp lO Oattd May '9, 1~9 Doled Junt t 196f A"cnor Co 17 U'h low 2•'h ?5\ft F8•' .ar ~ j5 pep Wlfll l\li J hlM flll fllnd$ IF Fd H.15 2116 Arn Enkl i 21 30 ' -Corol Cp I to ..,, r: Sf JOHN w E. ST JOHN , Covntv Cle•~ Anl\euJer U YI 61'.4 clem111 e ' 9\'.o l<Hct IKlr 75 11 Ptrlnl ll 1114 ,a11111 u 10 1A,J2 Mlf Gm 6.JO '11 ""' E•D Ind n Jll.lo \• llV• -14 Ct (p pfAJ 50 coun!v Cit•~ Clo!ARLES c MOff!llEY Plant B ht An~tn CF io 1ov. 01 1n1 Fl"' n 11r lS Ftrr!nv 26y,, 1114 Potrlt st "" ,, om Sill. l ti 112 Mu OmGlh S.61 '17 AE•lno p1,.,, rl60 ;j,. ~!I.lo #!"' =114 ct Cp n1112'so WALLACE llRDWH & CRAIN 1410 Wt1I Whittler lllV~ ou,,a ••t•I• H .. .,., •5\l'o o!Qn Sir 27\11 11'1.i FedH Mii 20f 211 Potrgll .-VJ 19Yi Grwm 1 d t 14 Mu Omln 110912 0.S AGtnlnJ 50 1 IS3 2~•• 2l•ti 'l.Jl't -1'~ ~IMIH 11>o AlltrMYI 11 L1w MCIAltMllO, C1l1f, 90610 Ata 11\0 1l 25 omcet lO 32 Fin Stair t\lt 10\lt PMAllll pf n 11 lncom I •1 t 19 Mui Sllri 20 •• 121161 AG11ln pfl.10 11 Jl!o 1$\11 ~ -to ~on!Mot 'I Op Ill DoYtr Orlvt, S~tll 1t Ttl 0131 nl-:tS1' At<lfoM M ll 1J'lii Cm IAtol f \!o 10'1.i F11600 Cp Jl 97 l"hil Sllb :U'.~ 161/o C~PKlll J 4 3.71 Miii Tfllll 2..71 2..#1 Arn Ho!~! 70 71 111-'o !,Vt I~' nr o~/1 pf~ NewHrl I.etch, CalHornla At1orntt ftr Pt!+hontr AKRON (U P'J'J -Goodyear A•<l~n ptol •I •l Com c~~r IO'h 111'7 F1tG111 RE 261'1 21?f lllPI GI 1m ,lt'4 F•~Grouri. NEA Mui \1,$.1 H 71 A Hamt 1 IO ,, 11':0 %\If 5'Vo -IV. IJ" ' To h ~177 P.uOllshe<I Otar>Ot Coa•I Otlly Pllol, Ar~ MoP 13'1.i ll'\4 Coml Intl IV. 8\.0 Fst MllM' 26\lo M ... hQIOll Int 22\lt 2JV:i FU / 111~ 4 et WStc II n 1210 Atn i1oo 12 t3 :U~lo lS l5:i. + l'I on ti 6I .,,,0,,._ 0,,~. CMir Ooilv PllO! ,, •• ,, '' ,, o~• ••-•• Tire • Rubber Co Wednesday Arrow H 11 u om Ge• U 1t. 16 Fst 11...CP 1 1\lt Pict Pd• 6V. 6\11 .!."!!!,' 10 3'112 U "'•' hid U 3l n.n Amtnv11 i 10 ,•,•, 21~• 20l• 21 -" ont .... 11 ..... ... ·~ .Q ... 0.: Arvie~ 2J'o ?I omw Ttl 21''• ll'Jo Ftl Wff!F , .. m Plnktrln SJ"' .stl'I ........ d n:n 11$6 •1 lnvietl f21 191 AmMFOV 911 """ ll"• 231'1 -.. onwod ''°" l•n•J,t !O l'M• lW-69 • d th h (he .... cc; Bol 1' lO otnP A •Vt i Flldl:lf'lll 7(1\11,1\ll PQl'ler HK JD 12 (111.""IC•I 1•6120.4 ., Mc: Sitt I.Met Cl I'° 54 '"~ 111'4 ~-l't ooktJn11 '.50 LEGAL Ndr!CE announce e pure ase o l Auto Fl•• n 11 mp Com 36 Jt F1111111 Saf 21 2t Pro 111111 20 70\.'I co,~00•1 ll•ltn 11zs12 JO Am Mc1or1. 1/iO lO!ii lO\IJ 101'1 -"" oooerln l..ill LEGAL NOTICE Au1o Fl•• 19 JO mplr •nd ,. 1' Food!' Prp •'" 9'1.i wil'Yll kst ~v J.39 S.IP 0Bf""' 5 M 4 ll AmN•tG11 2 103 3Wo ll'a 31 -~i 0001r Tit l . ___ '.'.'.'.:::.'.'..~".'..'..'.'.'.'.:'._ ___ 1-------,.,."_"""______ Dow Chemical Co. polyvinyl Auto Sci f'1• 911• mp Mm 6Vt I Forasl o lll'I )IJA Prou Anal 111. tV. G" 0.. UM \125 vto • 911 5 ld. AmPflot Ott ~u 12"' 11'fl 12~ . OOQT pll l5 • ..,.., • Avtmco lOV. 10>0 mpl< Tch 22V. tl'h Fosl Gr•nl Ul'I lJl'I PubS NH 2P& 2t rw" 120 111 P4 Stk 1 S.l f 21 Allffrdl 'l'Oll 25 1'5 1'7 1'1 -3 -l•lld t~ CERT~~~~~T~~u~" .. ~~SiHESS :~:,E,,R •g~ ,t,.oL~~ri .. ~f. ~i~ chloride plant under con-:~~ cb.1 B a~ ::~'r'odt 3f" J ~~=:"'en 1~~ l~ ~~b~~.~o l~~ mt C~erc 11.~,~·~ !:' i = 1~ ~ :~ ~r: k 6~ i:~ rsi:? ~:t': + n oow\\~ ri; T"~ ul'ldefl'tlllf<I OIX'I C•rtllY lie !• ccn THE COUNTY OF ORANGE s lruct1on at Plaquemine La 8abbl!I 11'~ l?'h on Comp 15S\ lfllo Fkln Elf(_ """ 1• ..... Publ>h•s tt~ 22'h ,comst lld 5.36 s &l •G"""' 9 8t 10 Ill A Smalt I 911 '" !It'll 3!i',. 35\'o -'It orl11thB ISo I o J"'''° •O Ho • •Ba.,d AI ll..,ll111 Contraf(I "'IG11Frnlillllvll'llll2•e••<""< 6 7 ommonw!lfll"d•: •tWtsl 6191 • .UAmSoAlrlO 12S?1.r.56"iSi -~orGW2.50t duct np a l>Ut otu • 1 tnc • ' No. A·ll1'1 ( $4 JI _ h Good Biker M 1•"• 1S'h onrran 7"" H• Fu!lwl,,w f"• , p &t'i."'MH 57 58\11 Cap Fd lO lS 11.86 evwnn 26.1126 i1 Am Sid 1 121 39\lo 31 :J9 -IV.. oron•tln t 1 c ... 11 Mtw, Calllorn•I Ull<ltr !!if he NOTICE OF H!ARING OP PETITION Or ml 100 10 CaS , -lltl P11nl l'I• t ooo.r L lt•.r. !0"° Garllllll;I 11'• IFllt Purl!\' Sir 16 17\11 lllC.Om IGfl 11 tlH-e,,,.. 10.5$11 •1 AmStd Otl 15 12 1101/i \Of\'> 110 -1'1 <>Wit• .50 ! l<Ollt flrm nam' OI JO.MAR €N FOii PllOIATE OF WILL AHO FOA , . Gts $~( IS.\!o 161,1o POuo Cap I 90,, lnv•ol IOlD 11.2,Ntw Hor 21.612161 Am$teril 411 ?! 32\.'> 3111> 31'~ -1\lr O~Blk:lt 50 "f EllPRISES •net lh•t ,.Id llrm 11 (...... LETTERS TE$TAMEHTAllY year said It plans to expand G Alrcrt )0 10\lr Pvhllm• 111'1 19 ... c Stot;ll; l0.6' ll &S Ntw Wkl 14.13 11 10 A uoar l 60 26 21(~ 27\.0 21 -~ PC Intl l 10 0<>1t<1 ol Inf ll)l10wln9 ""'""" "'-E1!atf of THEODORA J , VOt.MER, \I I ttod bl l l G Oevlc" •l'I J Rad01nm?lVt :U\ll lfolll\A&ll l11 I.ts ewlof' 1•!117,JSAS\ll pf.U65 I "5'_. "5\'o "5\'<-1 r•n.tl60b ~amf In tull •nd plac• o1 r'slOfnce 11 as 0...:ea!.ld IC p an OU e I S C3paCI Y Gn Gllbtr! 414 4"' Ran'°' E I )I 3S CWITll C&O 1 '1 2',Q& Nor11st lj 11 4 13 Amiot Pi 61 I• 10'!• 10\lo 10''< -\i rGmPKn 'fg IOllOw~ NOTICE IS l-IEflEBY GIVEN Thoo by the end of 1970 PrOOuction G Krnotl(s •II> s R•Ydlm 250 2511 Comp .... 111519.51 pl! 25 10.ll AmT&T 7111! 111 "'~ s..~. S.ll't-1\" '::c!Hl~J.1 Tl .'' "O•-·• o '' · 2 Co l 1 GRlftl 1ov.1i.•••""''Xl\IJ 3'll'l tcmi>e1 11910.100m191 lhtll5AmTobK7 tol6'1lili~•J5'11-~ •,o •c-• J(ll tW va ,,._ • r 0 • SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL llANK, JS expec\ed to begon lhl' SUffi-un ams Geofel S\O •Vt J!Ecot £<1 $911> 60'/o Comp BO lg0t 10 tJ 100 Fd 1 .lt 12fl AtnWWlll S6 20 11~• ll .... 131'1 -• ~ooo">.., c ... 1. Mnl. (,iit t'.1611 !ormerlv Seeurllv First H•l!~al Sa/Ill 1111 Glf'IO'S 36\11 l7'h Rf'JI MIO• 30 31 Comp FC I "\I H 101 Fvnd 10 60 11.st AWWSpf 11J z r•.20 Ol!M June '· 1~9 Mod ,,.,,,,111 • petlhon tor oro0a11 o1 w!ll mer G1a11e1t '5''> '6\11 lltlaH cr ..0111 •l'h c,~0,.!.•,, J.t131 ,.",', Orie _,w, ms 16 75 u 15 AWWSpt 1.» ,, _ • ~'l .s/o .IO '"' T L..,. , ~"" to• ,..uante ol Lon,,. Tnti mfflllrv·•----------------1 Gle•Sll w .a..\'t .a..b Rllft' Siie 37 Jt C -.... • •N., U '7 11 U ll500 11\'< ii :1.\1"" f ~•alf cl Cahlornoa Orang• Coun1~: to tho P•llhonfr, rfl'erenct to wft!Ch 11• Globe llub 6 7 Rp&dw Elf 15'• 26\1.i Ont In~ 13 00 U.1:1 nhm IS$ t l.j AW prfl 115 ?20 1111 1 •1o ll•o -l'i nv of ~S on Junt ' 1•69, ~rore mt, • Mot•rv m•<I• 10, 1ur1her par11cu1~·•· •nd 1~at 1ne PI'OIDOted Got1n'1 13•r. ,.,,. RDbbln M n l6 c~sm 1".~ 5 '~ '21 Penn S4' '01 t -01 AW 111>f 11.1 1100 2:i;. 11'• "'• ·· ~Jilin 21 l>ub!.c ,11 •nd tor ~·d St•le.. Ptrwnaltv tlmo "'' 0,.,, _,,,Ilea••-.... ··-· '"' Gr11111 Con 20~ 21 1'1' oselon lSV. lM-? Ccrp LCO U11a11111 Pl Miit JG.ll 10ll Am Zinc 15 lJ Z•'IO 1'1o -1fo ununln ,llJb -V' '"'""'"~"-Gr•PhSGf61 6~ oy(Sllt 9 9:14 Cn!ry ap1Sot\631Pil!11 15.all,t1Amaftil:60 )1!121'•21 11 -<u nnDrlJ<l .10f ~o~•<e<I Joe 1, Lrw koown 10 mt to Ile IM:tn itl for' Jur!f 21, '"'· 11 t•JO 1 m , In Gr"n Mt 17 l)'~ R•H Stov J1\'t 31,,. c',',-w"i~ ,,o.~0, ,,•~,','•"'•Im 156 ,,)6 AmfK1nc IO ,E 1~• .Wlh SI + Vo urn ... Wrl 1h• ..e•'ICn "'"""f n•me I• sublcrlbtd le ""' covrtroom ol Oeo1rlment No l e1 Grnlld 111 20 n" RY•n Hm• J I :n 0 " .. " ..... , lo.a H •5 AMlr. Cn .:JO .. ttY> :tt'h 29'' -r. uu...-H l 20 ~~~ r;~~\:.i l~~~u,::,~1 ~11(1 ac'<;nowlt dQ"° i~~c c~~:·~i ~~n~ :n:s1 c~~,~~~l;i.-eer, In Two Orange Countians, Mrs. g~~v':I~" IM liJ i!:i,~~p l~ ~~ ~'1"1: a~ f::~~ ~:.:: ~:~ H c ::;:~)(11 .... ~ 1~i ~ ~t~· ~{? + ~ ~~~ 1 1 80 .0 ioFF1c111L $EALI o.ret1 Ju.w 6• lf ff Myr R w bb d Robert p G,....t" 111t1 1•'h 2s'h klnrnn El ,.,.. '"' Jt1aw••• lJ n "11 Piion 111v ll.6! 14,et Arn11r" ~ 0, n i .. il~ ~~~· --"a Mll•Y K Hl'n,.,. w ' ST JOHN na e an • G111r!I Ch "" I\' $(;h(llt 1~~ Hllo Oelt1 Tr t .2. 10 u Prlce TR -!2 ot li 02 Amil .l2 """ .. ~ .. G ld Tm • tO 01Yl4I Shr l" 1 l7 Pro 10,, 10 7t Al\lc.ond 2 so 211 •H'o ..ov. 11 + nOtlltv 1~ Notary ""bllc<•tlfornl• Countv Cit r'<; Sturm, have been promoted by G:u 'int 1l 1t"' Sci ~Id r," 10 V> OowTl'I 111 1 JI 1" Prt1vi-'nt s SI 6.0'1 ~~~~eek AO ~l(lol •21• •11\ •2~ +l'i i111 PCI. Prlntlp&IOttlct l" lllAfME E GIGAS Grrodv1>e 17 ll\/J kl ComP 5'h 6 Ort••l l15717S7 P'Vrltln 115112.a..A;..i"-"'tNSv 1 ll 3' 3J;i1~-\lt ~I~ o ranee CaunlY u1• M1Hto.. Strttt Southern California Ftrst Na· Ham cosc 19'.lo 10 1 tn<t ,.,.. '"' Orovtu1 U.t4 11.21 Pull\lm Funai · A d.'U 1 Jg 1; l~~ P, ~m ! ~ ~ .. V'.t MY Commlst oon Exa!rn lovlft Plotdff1, C1lllor11lt, tlUO Ha/Id VOit 6 0'4; >COii OM 1111) 7lV. Ealon&.H-lr<I• Ewlt II •113 5' A~ll ~ l2I ll 41 IOI~ ll • erco l>l'I 21 Nov :u. 19n AttorntY• ta~ Ptlllkintr bona! Bank. H•nover s 2av. lOl'l S<rlPP' H 17'n ?1'11 ~118" 11..W 11563 G.crt II 151._2:1 """ c11 47 l7'1t 36,,. 1111> _ 141 01rtnPL l '° Put>h•~"" o .. nge Coat! oauv Pilot Ttl (1111 ""'"" Hav<'fl Ind ·~ ,.,. Strlolo A a>.. t v. rwth ll 2S 11 " Grlh 17 011310 AR: $ ""'""' •• lGS 102 102\;, -l OPL nfll l .15 Jvne !O, 11. 71. July l. 1969 1101~• P11bll11\t<:I Or•nt• C1>1$1 Oallv Pllet, Sturm or Garden Grove has Hllll Mor, 2011< 21 $t1rle pl 11\o 111/o k~':!1 l~ ~I~~ :~~ ; ~ :·~ At~hOl~c I'° tt Sl'h Sl~ S'2l\ _, OPl pfO, .. June t, 10, \6 111ff lotl-69 Htnrtdn XI :l2 $EDCO 27 ?1:ir. 5loc:k lS ff 17 37 Vllta ll lt l) S.l Ar.iPUbS\IC I 2f 2Stt. '6>,i 2•'!0 -l!o Oftrt Co 1 been named Operations Officer HUI/WI\ II lf Sell (mp lSY' :M)'> Eblrst li6116 C4 Vovaa 10Q111 01 Adtnl OS 20 •137 :UV. 35 35'" -~ 0..IPWll \•N LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE HOTICE TO Cl l OITOIS SUPEllOll cou•T OF TH E $UPElllO• COURT OF THE STATE OF CALl"'DllNIA FOR STATE OF CALlflOllNI,_ FOR THE COUNTY OF OllAHGE THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE N1. A ... 1flJ Ho. A iUllt E1t1lt o1 STANLEY l , MAC MILLAN, HOTltli' OF HEARING Of' Pl!TITIOH DK•ll~. FO!t Pll08ATE 0 1< WILL AHO HOTlC E IS l-IERE9'i' GtVEN IO ll>e COOICIL AND FO• L I! T T E It S <::r~o!oro ot !hf above nemt<:I dKt!dtnl '1'ESTAMEMTAllY tlial 1111 Pfl'SOn. hlVI ... Cltlm• a~l"1SI ~ E1t.ie ol Heltn A, Wlll~'t' Ve!ltr, &ISO .,.Id <IP<:edl'nl ••• rf<lulred to lilt ll>fm, k-•• Helen A Veller, D•cea•ed will\ tht ~Mlr\I voucM..,,. In me o!llct NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tlla! o1 11'1• cl!ITTC ol tne abcv• ~tlllt<:I court or SK.u•llY P1c!Ue Hll••nal ll1nk h11s f•led 1o ar~I lf>•m, wim l/\t necti~•Y lle•t•n 1 i>etlflOfl l<:>r Probate ol Wlll and '110</tl'len 10 !M unoe,.Jvn«I at SSO COdlcll and tor lu ul"l:f cl lftlfrl N~1>or! Cen!tr Drlw. Suite 06, H•wl>Or! '""'''"""'",.,. to Ille Pttl!lot\tr-, ttlHtrK:t e~atl'I (alllocnla, wllle!'I I• 11• olec• ol !O wt11</\ is m•de lor lu•!l>tr pertlcu111 ... 1;,.,,1nns 01 tl>t underJl..-.d on all mal flld 11>1! Ill• hmt 11nd Plact ol he1rl11111 the i.r\ perle1nln11 to !he uta!f ol nicl <l•c• samt M > bttft "' lor June 10, 1'69, 11 <l•n•. wlt/\ln to~r mOfltl>o 111•• ll>t Hl'\I t lo A M , In !II~ courrroom el Of'<>lrl p ibl!catlon el !Ms f'IOll <• ""'"! ~o l or ••id co11rt, et JOO W EloMft Ollf<I ,..,_, 19. 1'69 Slroet, In I~ (Uy ol S•n!I At>1 Haioil A. Mac Mtll~fl C"tllornlo E•ee\llrlW QI !ht Woll 01~ J<.IM 1, t969 irf tll! tvo~e ,..,.,.., d«e<1-nl W E ST JOMN, County Clt rk MAllWOQO, SODEN I. A0KIN50N UllWILL I. WOLFE A!!Ornf~· •I ...... ~JJ s S•rl"' St . Svnt 1t2• Jst NeWPlf1 Ctn!..-Ori... lit A"•tlft, C•llf, toOU Jultt Ill Ttl. UUI ,t .. ltlt HtWH11 .. ac~. C1Ufor11!a AllOtHYt fOr P1llli.fttf' Arttrnevo fOr E•Kvtro• Publltll'ld Or•P'lh C1>1ot Otlly P1i.1. Publlsll~ Orange Coast Oto!~ Pllal, June J, 4, 10, 19"'9 l(lolMt J u"" l 10, 11 l•, 1'69 11US49 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I PICKUP CAMPER 069 '<>rd VB, F·250, redio. htol· ., a uto, t•Dlll., power ""'!nq 011d b•o••t. • OR COMPLETELY SELF.CONTAINED CONDOR MOTOR ,.. · HOME · I 1 For Up to 8 ' RESERVE NOW TO ASSURE OATES YOU WANT . .. REASON~BLE RATES • COM E lN OR CALL TODAY !=OR FULL tNFORMA TION ASK FOR MR. MA LCOM REID THEODORE ROBINS -2060 HARBOR BLVD. 642-0010 COSTA MESA . , Holm EP 6? u IQUOVeh 5211 5-l h euret ll77U05Rf'J>Tech 5916 ~,.a.rtnooSt 320 113 6~· 62'11 '2\'1-H1iDtlMnlt )0 of the Costa Mesa ofhce ~:=:~~'Fl• '~it 2: ~~~:n H~iP ~~'1• ~r" Em•rt Sc t.11o·n Revert 1s OJ 16 11 Z'::::rs'\~1 JJ jJt: ~l" ~o;. = ~ 8:Jl:t'1'111j'° Huck lJ'n II I""'""" H 15 " EIW'<llY 15 ca 15.0l llMenllll 'SS io .. .Vmr pf I 71 • ~ u u -'h o.e1111 Ml, ,60 located al 230 E 17th SL JO Hud BaY 101/.0 21'!. Sluotl ti~ 101/i E,nlprla 'u IO.IO Schu•ler 17 l~ 11.n Atml!Ck I 60 l-1 79\~ 71'~ 1tV. -1 0...n~Rsl .o • Hu~ PPA I? •7 Sort PaP 11'h 191'1 oultv 10 .a.. 11 •1 Scudder F11/IO~ Armil Ck wl 1 10 lt'1:i :>9111 -v, DnllPIY I 20.o thal city. He was 1n c harge of H"uoot Gas ~s.,.. 16'h SOGa NG U\ii uv. ~:!':~ Gtll /l ~ 20 " i"r1.itv ~ ~= ~·ll A•mCk pfl 1s 11911 s11'< s1 s1•1< + 11< 8"'RGr l.lG ur.1 P -1 n sca1wa1 16l•11 Evirit 111 16511715 l!lal U•aa_..ArmRub 160 n ~s u~. u,,.-\, 1<tco p19 oper ations for the Costa Mesa ~11:t"Gaw ~~ ~v. ~S~ l:~ tlv, ~~ exr,1or 21 u 73~1 com St un1va11 t~in'°i~ -~ 51j ~(; ~~v. ~11o = ~ ~~~~nt1 oo" I I 0 C B k Ind Ne! ""' 2J~l SW El Sv 171/, lt\lt Fl r!<I ll SS U 81 Sec Olv 13 35 I• •l Miik! OH I 2(1 211 ~9\o 41'1 ... ,,,. _ ~ I Ed p15 SO of ice o range ounty a n , 1.,101"' •'h 71 ~ sw Ga•Ca U'l'o 16~ Frm eMu 11 "11 " Sec e111r11 • n "u Al/IOlt p12 10 J " " " -1 1 s1t11 Ml before 1t merged W l th lntri•fd 1~ ,;., Si>ervs '"'" lO\lt ~fg ~;~n \; ~t 11 U ~ec'nl,,. 1~ :i 1tr, ~ ol}.rew &0, !,:ri~ !3,,, !~\It -+ ~ •• ~:\~ :i :~,f~~. t:.:: •I 11":~ n ~~ f ld F'und 17,M lf 96 Sel SHCS 11 55 lt It Aid "1 wg i Ul.• 3'~ jll\ -'II ~f.\Flnln .SO Souther n Cahfom1a First N<i.·1ntrmk n11t Pd 76 .11 FldTrnd 17162941Sl'ID11n 1701n01A1~111 .io ~ u~ 15"' 1~-v.g11rnln111110 in•B-Wiii! it ci S6'h SI Flnant••I Pr09rm Sldt 111enn A•soclnv 1~ 1 79•11 29;0 19~•-'I\ laSlllm 1..0 ttonal 1n March. !ntMlll 271.)1I VJ TV 1~, •'~ Oy"m 150 121S111ma 1169117fAtlCiYEI 130 11 11 76\0 26,,.-l~Ol•Sll ofC2 I"+ tklr 1I' 79, Fds -ll\• l~ 11\0u~I 5 II S S9 Sig Inv 12 IO 13 99 AICllYE ot ' 1lG 661A:r 66'h 66\lt -!~lo OltS Pl 01 20 I I !v 791' • s bo Fd 11'1\ iP tncom ) 15 Id Smllll e 10Jll 10JI) All Rich l to Jll 1HV. 'i~"· 1161/)-1\'j DltllPllCHI " Mrs. Webb, a 11unt1n gton 1 ~1 s~~ Of 19 v. ~~ T~~P•• 115 111 • ~ v,•,'!. ,n,1 10 DI s1w 1nvts1 10011on At11Rc11 1>12 1s 1:210 S91.1o 1" nv. + """01e1>a1<:1 •ab 1111 t•oe i. i~ Ti,,;er 11 i6 ~1 "' I l n 110 ~v•r Inv 1S U 11 l5 A lllcll ol l 6 2J (tl!J 2 O 11~\lt -ll'J OIGlororo .JO Beach resident DOW serves as lnt~~t ,1 71 Tiopan 1s ?!\O FJ1 lnGih 10 1111 16 s1Frm Gin 595 595 AtlAeh 012,eo o a2 IO'h 11 -1"" 01111nehm lll ' lonl<S Inc J? l• T•Sollelle iS" 16 F~l lnSk f li lOJ1 $1ate S! 1'2 llU.OOAl •1Cllt!m \ ,1 it..,. 27'o 111~-V.DlltonCoi $6 operations of[Jcer of SCF'NB 's I& s.o11111 10·~ 31 r avlo• w 111; Jl\lt F11 Mum lQ ss lo n Sttldrn~n I'd• Alla• Coro ~16 7Vo 1~. 1v. -.\\ g1-sc1 SOD , Jcb• FL 6-l> 1'.li Te• Am s...1 t n ~r' ':;al e 21 'OS Am Ind 12,., 11·1~ Av•er• Pl•• '' in: 16•1< l6V, -·~ 1...et 30b Lakewood office. J1c<1111n c 1•·~ is Th•rm .1i1r uiA u F1:I F:" 1):!;·u :n k'rt~ t~; zi.t1 ~:~,~ 1~ ·1~ I, l{i~ ll~-: ""0S~·~~::,. 1 .ro -,::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;======::; 1 :::::.~i:t l,5'> /630; t:::~~yl i1,l ftl'I ,F~~ G0•0o, 169 t ... Sttln Jlot Fu/\Os Av<o C~ 110 1$7 301U H'I< lb -t~ Ml ft ID , "" 5 8S 6Jt 811 110021..0 A\lc~ 1>1320 t &$Vo 6J 6S _..., mFd 10111 Jt,9en1 11V. 17\'o TUan lll.< IS1.lo Fovn<lt•i I'/~ t.n C•~ Op 16 6116,67 Aw:rv Pd 32 2 S1l4 5! 52'~ + V.. Oonntlltv .ao oceanograp~ic fun~ iac. A mutual fund investing in the development and use of the ocean and 1ts resources -----------Mid9Gte Dbh'lb.ten. I.e. M 1...-SlrMI N•w Ylrll. N Y, \11001 IPletM "6IOd -a P•Oipeot111 O" th• oc;t11>0t••Phlc fund. inc. Addrlfl Jlffv Ffn 10 IOI• Trtni Cs! &'It ~ Foursq n" 1• 211 Stock JS OS 1<,o~ •• SSCIYY FINAL STOX 10 euc Oorr Oll~er Kaiser Sr 67~ U'Vo Trtn• Ga1 21._ 21 Frankl!/\ Group . Sup lnG!/\ 711 •:Jl A......, Pa I llO 150 liU 159\o 16J +1"' OovH Co 4' K1l~tr DI l'll'/• ll Trine! 011 7lro Ill Com Slk 7 18 7 ff Suo g._ Oowel'I 2 ao K&lvat I•! 105 lr1n1a M lJ\1 l:Pol DN TC 13'11 u S• lnSmt 10.2111.ZJ -, l)r1VOC.~ l..O Kt~rn& T n n:r.i. Trr,nd IM JS\'• 76 Ulll , u r 11 Svntr Giii ll Jl 1/_55 g1r.c~ w l 3' 120 n:· 30 30'• -~i ~eHlnd 1 .14 ~=:~ .!"' .·,~~~~0,1ra ;: tt~ tncom 1~' 111TMA AP 2S617'07 ,:~o'Go,11r1 ,M0 7J • n•a 231/e-"" reur Pl2'XI KIPU'f&£ Uv. J7 Troalcn• 30" 31\> Frtedm 9 1J tJtle•ch•• l139ll16 BaltG olCl ytM i1:~ 1~·~ il~~..: ti Htr pf Ill K H Fib 1!• ?2" T I'd it~ 70, Fund Arn 10 5111 M Te<;llntl 105 1.111 ll•llOPl.i I 60 ]I 11.,. l1'o ll.Y. _Vo rtVfyoCp lb ir;rv., Ci•• 11 ' .u • u~l~!'.: u 16~ Gtn St<: n 2t 12 2t Ttcnost 1 ts , ~1111; T n 2 11 31 6, "'• Ul<t _ !'Ii ukePw i "° K!~5! PC 914 lDV. nArl Tl\ 33~~ ll'lo Gibraltar lS 17 lS 11 fecnnof I U t .u rbOJ{ l.lif 2t 11u, 16 17,11 + ~\ VPlen Co 'Ing El 9,,~ 10,,, vn Dollar 211,, :JO'lo G•,ouo Sec !tmp Gt,231J25t 1 rd C'fl is 'I Sl'h !l'; Jl~I -~ g~~~l !~ Kngt<'IP•'l'~2''"Unlllum Jl''•ll troSc f2510ll •OWtrM 11Jl.tS 1lclnt Ml ,J u 171, 11''o -'-' ,-· 350 Kirk co u :i.:. H \<> un McGll ioi. ll\'. com s1 1• 5615 n Tran cap t so 10.33 ,11; 01 2 50 1100 •m n'" •2''> -.,., <tu Oflt f' Knap V<Jfll :n ll Un ll:etfl ll'l lf\h Fu! Ad 9 59 lO n TraY E<1 10 .U 11 •1 1!' Mf<I 1) 1 l2~i 'j~• -!.; !uQ lt 66 Kor• ,,,_ 1111 us B~Nott 2•'~ 11 Grlh Ind lJ 01 ll10 Twenc Giii s 09 S,$6 ln<I •I s ~ 56111 5 '" -1J, " ':IGl>f2 10 "' • ' '~rvl>llcn 11'32036TwenC Inc J:U Sil 1 ln<I 015 6 UO llli 1il -4 uqLt 41>1 1 lMC Oal <lro 6\'1 US Crown tr, 11 Gyardn 11 Ot 2164 Uni! Mui 11 111 12 fl i-''o,<L'L000 .·"', 1J tS\'J t••• ' \If + YI Y"" In .561 Lant' ll'h lol"• US E~uel 211/) 2l H•m hdf u~avaU Unlld 11.o 1216 DA 11 ~eo 4t-. d"-'• , Dvn• Am «I Lencta In 6 6li US s..i,,, SS 56'11 Him Giii unavall Unlled Funck tVllkCIQ IC 136 16"• U '!" + ff Lar.e Wd 2•>-. 1~'• US Trkl •l II lolanover 1.U 151 Accm Jt$ 1,691••rlnos i 9 41 11> 111. • ~~ !.~r11 lnd 101.n "i UoPen.P 26 20l'o H•rbor 10 111121 tncorn lSHll6 ,1 'al Fds1 ~56 311;, :ie:;i. l&'h E1olePd'I fO l' 291'1 ffO.~ !%~_ ... E:l'iu;:•IG 6~h 6rlt ~J~h1!;'Ld :J ~v, Hartwell 17 7119 13 Sclen 1:61 t.~ tckman 50 JI n 11111 51'¥ -1 1•sco Co tO ~ o H"" ~::t ..,,. .., LP\lln Tn 11 11 val Ll)ev i 11~ IS H&C t.t~ .. ,. 11 91 UnFd Cftn • SI • lJ e~·~iPJ:1~ ff ~~ ~;: ;f • ~0, .. -t ~ :;ft;~lr l r; 1,~ol ,J: lHli ~ = ~ L...,.15 llF u•~ ?II"• vanc:t San 71 ' ,.,., He<lqe u II 16 15 V11tu Lfnt Funds IO(li Crk 1 vlO 31V. J1V, 3 .., 11/o t•t u111 1..10 1~. 2,s,"" 2.HW -v. lll>e Quit :MV 11' VWOOC'Nd 21~1av,Herll&ll• ]1J •GeV•I Lin 111 t611 ll(OPU so 20 J?h :12\'o lj'·-~ 11tKod•k I 161 1syz 15Vt +\~ LUI ' • ' w "*II R 11 80 H Mann 16 01 16 1S 1ncom 5 96 • SJ 111 mH •60 lt 15\o 2•~ 2 ~. + Vo 1tonY1 1 IO S1 31.. 3ra 31'111 -1J'o Lo_,)1.,. 1~,. ;1\ w:.i....t" p n 11 Hub'""" 9 to 10 a:i s..1 s11 '!M 't1 Be I How 60 59 1! 't'• n _, 1b1sc:o 111d l 260 l'l'' nv. 7:l\lt _,~, t.olt Cllll<IY f I\ W Atldt t'A 101' 151 Giii 6 H 6 1l \lanctS SPI I 17 9,69 9•1 lnl•rcon JO l l ~~ 11'~ -V. chllnMI .n ll I~ lfl'o lt\li -V• lOllE!r ll 70 • War\11 H 11 JS ' !SI In< 5 OJ J •S Ylndrb! 9 2t 10 15 Bemll Co 1 • :MU 3lV• ll'l:o -'Ii ckt ,..,OH .1' ?S SIV. SJV. S•V. LYncl! C l l\IJ l6 Wail\ NG 1911 70•,:. Imo C~P 10 9t 11 9S \langd S t4 t 38 &elldlx l 60 ~1• ..UV. lJOo U •lo -I\ EG&G 10 60 36 lol~ lf\IJ ..:, 'I> l .... ad GA.E n lJ\lt Wal Trmt n1~ ll', Imp G!ti I JI 'Ol Var lfldPI S 75 6 ?S BGndlx ol l x• 1~o 10\'o 70¥1 + " EIMus!C O'lt l~ 714 7'~ tv.; + V. Mecilc Ch 35 36 \'/ebb II:•• l~l' l~''> Inc Fnd 12 '1 U U Ylkl11g t 07 8 11 Btne!f/n 1 60 lf •,o,~ • "6, •.• , u•6" --~/ l'o~ M .. ,~ -20 lt'n ltJ.lo + "• • •00 '' •e 00, W OOO 'I'' >o'~ Inc FdB 7 lo I •• Wl MOrQ t t3 IO IS Benfl 01• 30 .,. 1' .,. it ~• t 30 161't 16 16 -1 M::ndl;IV S.l ... SS. :rn;;M lt''n"lll(leo/IO 1139125.loll•llSI In ll 6lllJl llfn FSo2S:t 1110 JS'~ lSVo ~-1,, ~!tlNet Ind S? 1110 13 ll:lti . , M~,,;m AJ 6'~ 6·• Wttl~ lief> 1Jt~ UY, In(! Trelld II 1116 i1 '(\:'ri;, Mu ~J 70 1' 97 t:~:::l tn lfil ~n ft~ 76"" ~ ' 1f.:~~Gl Jo ll 'I;" J;i,; J!'ll -''o Mangur 15~· 11>'4 Wscst Pd 11•• 11,i :~~&"rstk , ~f'~~ w:tt 1~,;'d ~ ri 1:jf 3erkPl'to n1 l• 2Jh 13\-. 2j't• -~-e11r1 on to t7o ~.~ n'h 1ev. =1~\ : ::~~ ~~ ,~ ~::~ :J.rte :~ /~~! Ins Inv un~v'all W/\lltflll ls 0916 •9 '~ Coro 91 '"" lllo l '• -''I Emer Elec l 79 J.l'I• s,•,~• Snit.+ v, 'M Sh!PO 30 ,,(,' W Publf"' ?ll• 7.'11 Inv CoAm U 5• 15 8' W!nd<t>r 10 1M l~,t7 lleth S!I I to nJ lllt 3J(o ll~o -1¥1 EmEI pf II t0 ,,> S3>1 l7 --IA \.lllYP• 0 •H~ ·~"' "'"" S•lt' ""' NII> Inv Guld 10 31 10 lol Wlnlftld 7 CJ 1 ~· gt:,~iJ~: 'ZJ n ~~ ~1~ ?~~ ='>.r. ~:::~,:-1~ ~ 11 ••t• B~· il~ -v. Mc0u•r lS J6 Wl'ffl W~ll 11''0 l7"i Inv lnOI C i6 '1l 16 fO Wl1con 168 I J'I 81•ck0k 110 xlf 6211> 62 ~l\lt + 'IO EmP0l'1 l liO 1 21~0 711_.. 2l''J -\.\. Mt<Jlc H l S J6 Wlnnba.<KI 11'1! 3811> Inv a$ 60• 11 " l(.09 Worlll l Bl 'U ~I~: 8~a1u, s). ;t 7~• ii¥; p1~ -Yo EmPOrC tot:o i llt'o 31\'o 31"'• + 'v• C•tr Sitt• ~~r;~~p f~ l~: ~~P111 1i~ ~~ oAILY PILOT WANT AOs ~~~~ ::~~5 1, 1ii,: i:: .• i:.h = ~ ~s1~7~~1U 't lll\le 1ll" ,uv. =:~ 1-'=============::=clMldte• • 61'> WY11ndot :n 11'1• O'al "'".5618 9e>tln• J lD J(ll ..-~ 4l .u1-i +1\.\ ~nn1$11U• · 64 12 lt'h 310,~ a Yt "~ •• lop } M!.,.,,st GT t6 21 varo Elec 6"1i ''° i U'tJ; 6oacas uo J6< n~. 10'1 12\• -""° "a"tG•• '111 11 1m 31 J' -t'& Bond Strt I I 2V.o 2f 21\(o + \4 O:SB Int 1 20 J1 2"-Ml'I ·~ + ~ lloQkMlh l 7t 6 25, 2S 25 -"' lulrt .» '6 2•~ 27¥< + .... _ Borden 1 20 n n11 lHo 32 -"' uealnt t.20 :W )l~'o )I'-' Jm :;;; I ' l or11W1r l 25 lt lO'!o lOVi JOlr -V• lllYI (!l 12 :x31 "Iii :H\I ~ ->\, 8orm1~F IG •1 :o·~ 2~~-2l\\ '. • O:fhYI Df'l •n "' n>~ ,,...., "' -% &o1 ec11 ! °' 70 lt~• 39\~ 30\11 • F.urofnd 20i:i S\ jl"• ?JV. "'" -1 aourns Int It 2t 21'!1. 2P. .. -l'o F.urol(I fn 20<I 1'~ l" l'" · Br•nl!Alr ~ XU 16;~ UV. 15 ~-''-EY•lllP 60b AJ Sl~• ~ J'll + ~' QrlffSI 2 ..Oa I 521/o 51 51 -114 o:vel'\l\firr• \I "'-' lt i,;, ~ + 0 Brls! My ll?G 1911 lJ\it 61 1/1 tl•~ -Vt ff•Ctll 01 tl 6 ltt.I 2t ~ .. , 6rls!My 11 2 • •31.r. •t>.< q1~ -1'~ F•l>ef' 0-1 • '.?'I i,;, l?V. + J • BOW Hal• l 11 .. •JI!< 13'4 -Ii.:. F1clorA 11 1• .SIVI Sl\'o Vt -•• Swrl'.t1 Pl A2 u u lo ,,,, .UVt -v. F•lrc!IC Sile 17• l'VJ U.•o 1 -"• BklvnUG 1 n ' :JOVo :JO ]l)Vt -v. F1l<Cll Hiiier In lS'• l!'' !!"' -11 Brown Co 11 iru U\o is>r. + \'I F1lrrnon1 1 11 nv, ' •1, ~ -·~ Br<iwn Co pf 7 1'h If\) lfll> -•r. Ftlsl11'! ,..0 17' lP'i U"llo lj -'• Bwft S/\1rP 1 U ll'~ 11 2 -""' F1rn Fifi I lO » 2~1/, 7'>~ 7 '4 -•o BwnSl\ot I 50 1 U ''< u u -t;. Fon,j"fl Int l2 U'o ll~l l• -'' l runswk 058 :n1 n io ?2'/.I n1~ -••"''west !'In lf 19'• "'" U\'t -·~ ucvEr 1 20 16l 71to '' 1"11 -~ F1r•llMf IOb 11 70 67 70 +10.:, 6uCld co .ao it 22Vt 72 77''o "'""""'' n •n 1t "'~ :HI'\ 1"~ -1 8udO• 11 61 " 171f1 11 11"1 _~.,., Fer!Mr i ,o " J1 ll~1 ll'~ -~ llllf!f•oru" 110 ' lllffi 34'• ).I\~ -1, tFE c•17 71~ l2~Mllt -1'~clc1P Bulo to '' 53 SJ\~ , ~t<JPIC F!tt 11 ,,,~ n•. nv. -.... a Ylll '95 2•1 11\li ll\11 -•4 r F'IC cfi '' • '5'• 'S 7S -•;, B~~R :f'Mo I JJV. 3' lfVt + 14 1:-IKl/a~P 131rls 11~ ~ •• ~;1 u~ ~ \'o llwrl Ind i .fO 151 lf,,_ lt\'o n~• + 'l'o "~SlnnS •O 11 3•l;, )J\4 3P4 ~·1t =~~m ·~ 11! 1m'~ ,~!"" 111!: +1~ F"KOSIT •s 1,. ln o 31 SJ -\ii 8sll(fn: j >11 I j t l• FM M1a In~ ?S U lJ'i l ' •·•oo-s• _ l j .. , i,,.. 37~, \' ~erro C., 1 •o 20 5~ l''I• ~ -'• w• '"" .-•~• " •-·~ ... re Cowl 1 jl 7 27 -1') -C-'<1ar!Drd ,10 31 n~ l JI -1, "ll>rtbrd .IO ll 37~' j' !l -'> 11 ~ l-1.., 3~~~ -''l •ltldt!M lAO lit 31'0 1\41 1 ... + \~ 210 ii~ fft; 11 -'' Flllrl!! 2 71 l71o J7 -•-. 10 JI io 31)1~ -1\lr Fln Ftdtr11<1 35 3004 ,.,~ !!. -v. 110 l!" ,,v.0, l0'4 •1 '' Flrfllne 1 60 II '°"" ~ -1\A olO ..., n•~ -Vo flltChrt 1 411 •\004 ~) ... l 'li "' -,,.,. 5''h ff\ls .stll> _,,,., F"t!Cl'lrt lAll U1 10~ lfV. .... -'• ''° Im fl1 j•t; -1"' gtt,. cy1 1oa ... w. wz "' _ \• ,j !!..\<'! n~ Jv. -no i~~s.!!.. f.%o 11 fi" ffv. ~ =·~ 1l! ~ ~ . 1·~~;1d " 26 1\'t fi "' . 3' '"" -• !mo~ Y t "' o "< '' .9t l"' lt\I l~ + "" ~nlkote I 15 7t "' -'t li 4"1'1 n ff -"Ii nt DIA~.SO 1"0 It -t _ ,• J,•v. li\' 73~ -1.'J nl~ 1a1 • rso '3Vi ..., Vi • '' .. v. gl'l -1\/o co.,1 u .fO'l4 "' -" ~~ \.\ \.\-" 11 s 10 ll 11 l'I Vo-~, ~ • H.... -1 ""'""'~!2 ,.. 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Clllt °"" DAILY '1LOT JI -~l--~-~· -~·"'---------' iJ J OAILY PILOT Tutsd01 • .hme 10. 1969 Trips Canceled I~~gal Cluir~r$ Hurting Tourists \V ASH1NGTON (AP) The board said the itudent Thousands of tourists face l'lub charters apparenUy were po!lsible cancellation of their made available to the &Eiltral trips because they may have public by advertising that fall- unwittingly booked pa. ssage ?n cd to ei>mply with n gulatlon.'I, n hts n and nonmembers had been ac-filegal charter ig ·'. cepted on the pro ....... ~ flight!!. Europe, according .t~ C1v1I ...-.u Aeronautics Board ofhc1als. If the ,oiirlines go ahead and operate thio flights in splt.e or "We have rumors that there the CAB action, they become might be as many as 300 subject to the board's en. charters leaving out 0 1 forcement measures. California this year to Europe Last March the CAB forCf!d which have aspects of il- legality about lhenl ," ac-another E.upplemedta\ airline. be J h Overseas National AJrways of cording to CAB mcm r 0 n New York City, to cancel t2 G-.. ~~a~!~r rutnors that as round trip trans-Atlanli1! many as 100,000 persons may charter flights from Los be moving on such flights who Angeles p, cposed under a ·c_on· really ought not to be moving tract wlth the G o o d w I J I under a true interpretation of Ambassa d".lrs Club. charter regulations," he ad-The board allowed the ded. airline lo operate twobecothcr The large scale of qucs-fli ghts for the group a11se tionable charter fl ight activity they were scheduled to leave v.·as aired officially for the so soon that participants first time at a CAB meeting might have been unable l'.1 last Thursday arranged by the make other tr ave I ar· National Air Carriers Associa-rangcments. ti on to en ab I e its "Very onen the carrier who supplemental-airline members is a participant comes in at to outline major financial pro-the last moment and asks the blems of U1e charter industry· board to legalize something After listening to their woes, which is illegal," Adams said. Adams addressed the group en ••If the carrier itself pro- "illegal type c b a~ 1 e ~ ,,: perly polites these thing!',' they particularly from Cahforma. should not have to ask th~ that are giving the board board to do this." ' serious roncern. l · The airlines involved -SU!>-Adams said there ha)e ~n p\emental cperalors mostly .-instances where the Jxtrd }ifs and the travel agents organiz-warned the tirline well in i ing the tours may be Jetting vance that its charter P · themselves in for c iv i I gr.am may be improper, penalties and suspensions. yet the airline has not so ail· There may be I ~t t I c vi.std thf' charter participarits. recourse outside"of cou rt ac-·''Supplementals who maf"bc lion, for' passengers °Who· pay particiranls in chatters. M:ve in advance for the tours that the obligation">to· us ·to police are disapprove4. these \,htnps properly r and ~t Last Friday ·the ~ard wail untll they fall apart anCI refused to waive rules to then p!ISS the buck lo th'e permit two supplement2.l federal government ," Adams airlintt"-·American Flyers r.aid. . ,, Airline F«f. Worth, Tex., and CAB 'V~ Chairman Robert Trans 'lntemaUonal Airlines, T. Murphy C{)mmented tb.!it Oakland, Calif. -lo operate when theit: is such a large 20 California·Europe flights measure of violation there for the International Student may be something wrong with Affairs Club,.Los !,\ngeles. the rllles. SupPlemental airlines . :\re "There is nothing evil 1n the penniUed to operate flights desire to travel by air and tc.. for c6art~ groups, but m~y --vi'Sit a ftoreign coontry cheap. not seJI. tickets or carry in-1 " Murphy said. divi~u.~fr·:'"members of the YHe pointed . Ont that tho? public~ charter flighftegl)la1'ons were LEG..U, NOTICE wrl!len several yearf ago, and that on the l)asis cl the gr~at HoT'll!I!: •T":·~~·DtT011s ~mount of experience since su1"111101l coullr OF TH~ then, the lime zpay have C{)me ITAT'• 0, c .. Lll"Ol:flllA FOii for a ,,., ..... TH.I: COUNTY 0" OllANGE •• ...,,,, J-i:~~""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""';I E1!1~ of HKlll; {Nll(OlAI) ,$1MOV1CH, O.Cu..o. E -· NOTICE IS HEllEllY GIV N to "'"' crl'dlton ol !ht .W... ....ntet dKedent "''' 111 Hrsot. ti.vi"" cl1!m1 111lnot the ... 1c1 c1Ked"11 1rw '""ulred to lilt 111em, with Ille _..., VOIKl>I ... In lhe office o1 IM cleft ol ti. atiov. entllled caurt. or to present !Mm. wllh Ille MC•M'Y vouchtr ... to tl\f: undft'l\tnld II t'l'M! office ol her iltet'flt'I', GERALD M. HIL!Y, 1'11 So l"tc:lflc CO.ii Hi,hw1y. $IJ le 'lQS, 11.danclo II.aid\. C1lltorn11 to?n, wllldl Is th• PIKI ol bulll'IH ol the u"'*'•klMd ln 111 .,,.,,e., ~1lnl"9 to IM 11111e ot Mid declldenl, wi"'ln l!;Jur mot!ll>J anrr 11>1 t .r1t Pllblkatlon ol 11'111 nollct. Oiled May 16. 1ff,, G1H..a 019• Slmovlch "'dmlnl111'1lrlx· of thi! E1!1le of It. IWYI l'lmH ikcedenl Gf:llALD M. NIL•Y, EM. Al11fMY 11 Llw 1111 S.. l"acfflc C-1 HitloWIY Suitt 2tl. • ..,.. .._. t.aMter~I• mn Ttl: Ulll 1114l11 ,. · Alfw"9Y fW Afmlnlslr1"l-Purit11~ Ora-Co.11 D1llY Piiot, N.IY 20. 21 IMI June 3, 10, IHt ,,,.... LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you t'la:ve new nelghboni or know of anyone moving to our area. please tell us so that we may extend a friendly welcome and help them to become acquainted . ln their new surroundinp. So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor Save 51.40! Now the Oow 1/2 gallon is easier to get hold of. 'I • ··- now 511.49. (was '12.89) ' Now CaH(ontio'• mo" \,QlD CROW popular hair pllon comts lo youat 'o CMY·to-piet. i, -up prio&. Same anoolh, mot1mt0ow. · I -· • Grlp-jq handle. Perfect \,~ sriP !or balanced pourina ,1· !rr &Ouaao from first pour to last. , ~ltaj N e eo.,.ct 1lu. No taller l n•ib..~~ thu a filth, but bolds a full \,~l. 6'fouoecs. ~~·'"-...... • ....._ l'O'lttT-Perfect ~ .. '!';!'4••Y po•ri•I co111rol ... 1moo1b, ~now ••ery time. • Old Crow ......... w .. oortd\-,.,.i.llowfleo. ' ! ' • • .. -----...,_.,___ .... --·~--·. . ·-· .. "~--·--,.., ----·-·-,.. ------~ --. ' I _, ' ' • • \ it' r • " -.. , ·:J \ • . I ' • . ANN IWERSARY ·~BALE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR IN EVERY DEPARTM ENT AT ALL 17 STOR ES .. for soft smooth underdrenlng ••• nylon tricot bra find panty girdle . . ,. . . . ,. . ' ., # •• •• •.. ,. • ~ ' I ' \ Fomous brands now et ' sovings'. For your underdress,il\g ne.e~. o. long leg ponty girdle. soft contr<>I, in white on~' ~,r;, s-m-1, wos 6.00 3.59. b. 'bro with contou< podding for·noturol lift ond separotion, osst. colors , 32-36, comp. Vol. 5.00 2.59. , comp. vol. s.oo'to 6.00 ' ' 2.59 to 3:,59 ... ' . " .. -; I ,. ' p ' •·-.~ ~ I ' •• ' (: f ' ' . I I I ' • \ • . . I . . "· , I • • • i -I f ' '· y .. • •lip• of nylon tricot lavi1hly trimmed In lac• beautiful and ocny care ... peignoir 1111 of nylon tricot Adoria nylon quilted dusters w ith embroidery are washable Sel•c1 from ma ny 1tyle1. For perled urH:ferflt :ind 0 fashion rlghl look, choot• In either 1horf or ov.roge l.ngth, 32°38 thort, 34-40 ov•rog•, In p,..tty •110r1td pa"91 col«•· •' ..... ,.. 5:99., A.' '\ moy eo dcr;....,H r ling.',le, 21 t.u1ciou1, ·flowing peignoir telt, at value 1ov- lng1, An 011ortment of beautiful 1tyle1 ond colort. Jn nylon t,icol, ortd they're easy c:or•. lri 1i1" tmoll, medium and large. · , w • .:. 2p.oo .. Ju.oo l 0. 99 , ·' may «i tlMpwear, 10 may co south coest pleze, sen die90 fwy . et bristol, cost• m~se; 546-9321 shop mondey through soturdoy 10 o.m. to 9:30 p.m . • 1 , ---=- Our own brand dvsferi. In new 1tyle1 and color•. Choate embroidered trim. In lime, apri- cot, blue, melon. Si'let P·S·M-L Not 1hown: long robe. In tk• tome 1tyle, reg. 19.00 14.H , .. 1~00 11 .99 mcry co robn ond loungeweor, 53 • MAVCO ·~ --~-~ ~---- ·Parties, . l Pre fac e I ' f ,, q1ad '1'd s.ad; Glad to be going borne o studied. Benita bopes to become a teacher ag:aln. but aa4..over ~vln1 the.if ~Amefi CYhen she completes her education. fam11tes and frlendJ ' .. From the island capital o! Thorsbavn, Tb.e mil)gli.ng' oft ~lions '.bed>lnes m re· .t \\•here her father is secretary for the apparent each tiJY ~ as Amefican 1'1~14 I Fisherman's UnJon, she also noticed the dll· Service students from four foreign countries., >' ference in climate. Jn her home land tern .. begin ·pr.ep4l~!_ti0MJ 1 (or th~ rettirn 'to i / 1 '. peratures are never wanner than 85 degrees. their homeland. · . , I / Clothing is similar in style, but much more "I hope to come back ll l can allord it. Jt is colorful here, she laid. ~~~-~t~o ~m~u~~:i~~.i.! / Dl ~FE RI NCES sighed blonde, •. 17 year-old B e n i ta The homecoming princess for Westminster Jakupsotow. · High also noticed a difference in dating. In Benita, who has been living with the ·~oy her homeland, there ls no dating until Aquirres and atlandlng westm!nster7 H!gh young people are older and they "go steady." School, will be re~rninst home to the .Vaeroe There are schoo) dances, but the girls go Jslan<{s. Chvned b.v Denmark. e.v are \vltb other girls, boys with boys, and meet there. located aJmost in th,~ center.~ of. triangle formed by tcNind, tlie Unit.e4 .ngdom a"nd \Vhile here she occupied her leisure time Nor\vay. , .\\'ith friends, going to the movies. or reading .. '1My .i\pl.eri(;q. tfimi~ w}ll the first thing when she wasn't sight-seeing. I tell abOut when) get Jt,o , " she said \Vitb Benita was guest of honor at a swimming her melodic .PanW> pc90 ., partv last Friday hosted by ber American Although she, bes .1fl ted,.San Francisco, family, Mr. and Mrs. Aquirres, and at- Sacrameilto, · San...l,:>le 0 and· Palm Springs, tended by both adult chanter members and nnd all the ·Soottit attractions visitors the school's AFS club. \Vlth other excban~e all find th t ·i· students from the Southland, she expects to usu y, . ·a &.:· eJOO• .exci mg ex-leave short.1.v for a bus tour of the United perience fO'r 8 · a \VIS simply getting to meet p~ople... . ·.; Sl3tes, and then home. Anxious to share her adventures with her ·FRiENDL Y eight brothers and sisters. and hopeful that And Americans· impressed her as a very she \viii be able tn return for a visit, Benita friendly people. concluded with, 0 But I wouldn't want to live "Tb., are lots of opportunities here: cars here. I still like my own country too much." "lr ·eve.fY)Mxly,11• she commented. "It is nice; lllere is much more going on ." • Benita confeued to being homesick oc- ·:i.sionally ("Chr.tmas \Vas the \vorst") but i"'1ere \Vas little time: for it. \Vhen she returns home she \viii have t\VO :':\Ore years of high school to complete before 11he '''ill be able tQ attend the University of Denm&rk. "School Is school," she shraR;ged, "but in my country it ts~J:?lore work. It is only re- ouired. until you are 14. and after that yon had better hang on or you get kicked out," shl!l gi.,~1Pd. In addition to Faeroish and En~Ji!':h . Benit.:1 speaks Danish, lcelardic, Swedish artr\ Norwegian. She also studied Germ'~µ., but ad·· mits she 1'didn't get along \Vith it." , . ~ . . ' GLAD AND SAD Benit• J11kupsotovu ! I . ' ~· .II Scholars in her country )'.!O into a combined hie:h school-junior collegt. but the· schools are sej>arated according to the occupation being JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 T1119M1r, ,_ ll. lfft IJ Pq• 11 AFS Stude Rf Hop es to Refu rn , ' .1 i Maritlcf.,.,:,L. ·etes Pablo . ~..--.... ~, ' . . Student and ad\Jlt meni.bers of Manna High School's AFS chapters will galber at 7:30 -p.m. SUpday, June 15, lo honor Pablo Navar· ro before he leaves for his home in Santiago, Chile. . . • Hosting the dess'.ert in their Huntington Beach home will be Mr. and Mr~. Potiald J. b-1ork, and attending _with Pablo· wl.U be "his American faritily, the Gerald Peasleys of Scat Beach. During a recent party celebrating the handsome AFS student's 18th birthday. he \vas surprised by a visit from his father, 1'.1ario Navarro, \vho joined the family · celebration. Atlending were grandparents, Mr. and ~1rs. John Jordan of Costa Mesa and l\lrs. Orville Peasle'y; lbe Peasley chitdren1 Sheri, 18 ; Matt, 16; Bruce, 14. and Josh. 9. Also present at the event "'·ere Linda f\.'lcKay and her !iance, 111ark Sneed. . "\Ve bate to see Pablo leave," said I\lrs. Peasley. "He ·has been so delightlul and become so much a part of the family that \\"C forget he's an exchange student.·~ · HAPPY TO SEE HOME Admitting that he will be glad to get ho1ne and see his own family again, Pablo still ,,·ould prefer to spend his remaining time in this country with his foster family rathe1· than take the bus tour back to New York. lie, too, hopes to return for a visit in a fe\v )'ears -perhaps \Vith his brother. Andre~. \vho '''BS a foreign exchange student in 1965--66. . . Pablo has-most enjoyed the friendliness or the American people, but he bas missed being away fro1n home. On the honor roll at Marina, Pablo still must complete one additional semester of high school before he may enter the Uhiversi· ty of Chile in Santiago. J-le plans to pursue a degree in civil engineering -the same career his father selected. "Schools here are much bigger -more ' ' I I • people," he explail~. "In Chile \Ve have Uie same sort or clasS?r.'. -first through 12th - but we have to stl¥1 everylhii'lg." Although he stuafect Spani'sb; French and English daily eve~ year, it surprised him that Americans 'c\ually spoke quite dU· ferently. ~ · SPORT$ ENTHUIAST . Since his ar;iival, Pablo h a s en· thusiastically participated in all sports, and broke the school's. record in pole·vaulting. Jn addition to trackJ he also \vas active in fo::>tball and soccer. "In Santiago 1here are not. ~o much sJ)orts," 'he contldled in hit dipp_ed accent. ''We .don't have~i the formal, ~gs. '1ike dances. We do meet with friendt and. ·have pa11ies ." j , . · The fifth o! nirie children In a motherles~ home, food -esf>ecially cereals ·-·seemed extren1ely dl!fereDt when be fint 8rrived ... , had to get used to/it -il took abOut a week," chuckled the handsome young man. Pablo. who aTied last summer was here during the politi t presidential cOnventions. but he didn't u derstand fhem until later \Vhen he studied Qlem in schoO•. . He tborou~hJy· enjoyed the· beach. \vhlch \Vas in direct cbntrast to his mountainous homeland. l WAITING WORD . Marina AFSJ chapters · currently are a\vaiting \\'Ord f om New York beadouarterl' to learn if Klr~ Gresham. son of Mr. and l\1rs. Richard G'esham of Huntington Beach. has been accept~ for the Americans Abroad program AFS 1also sponsors. Purpose of the American Field Service pro-- J!ram is to promote goodwill and uil· derstandinl!: on a people·lo-people basis lrr all the ~ountries of the world. Mari11a AFS chapters currehUy ere trying to raise fund8 to provide for an additional exchange studint next year. .,.. • ' ' } ' ' " . ~ '. Doctor's Wife Dia_grloses Own Troubles Before Cl,ientele ;, . he ,put hJs band! whrre they dJdn't business. So, Ann Llriders, don't Yet! Jt Is bettet to err OD the side ill: DEAR ANN LANDERS: The Catholic Church had the right idea when tbey made a rule that priests could never marry. J hope they don't change it. And now l think the American Medical Associatkln should make a rule . Doctors should not be allowed to niarry. T'vc been the Wire of 1 1hysicia11 for JO years anc. I can vouch for the (act that doctor1 make Ole roUeneit busband1 In tile world. Somehow I ,got the crazy idea that tf I married a doctor I'd llave 81>- meone to k>Ok after me if 1 became ill. \Vhat a joke. lf a d<JCtor-S wile or his children, God forbid, get sick they can die before lhey get treated. The closesl thing I ever cot from m1 doctor-husband In the way of medical aUentlon wa.s this scnlencc, "Go look ln the. top drawer of ' ' my de4k. There's all kinds ot stuff in there. Take what you need." tr tbe children a:et sick In the middle ot the night he doesn't want to call a doctor because he hates to "'bother a friend." Our triris an<i relaUve:s don 't seem to mind bbtberin1,HlM however. ' wtten I was a dewey-e.y~d. romanUe cded I thought it would be wonderful to be married to a professional man. And l ' .... \~ STILL do. A lawyer. -G.P.'1 MATE DEAit MATE: Ytar lttttr 1111uld he antwertd .,_ a dlcior1t wUe -4 I ••1t q11allfy. How no.t It, ,&rl1? WM eat tbere woutd lib .. ..,..,. Ali• t.aMttt for a d1y and mptM tt lldl O.P.'1 Wife? I'll print tM lltlt kiter. DEAR ANN LANDERS : l'm a teenage boy who must disagree with your answer to "~11ss Hands Off'' -the a:lrl who punched her date in the mouth becatlie 1 ~~ilii&'.""Xou .ifd. :p1 d&sn'i ttave to d~*I! the little chick ·who la Inclined compu8k>1i. You won'.t regret ~! give 8 gu)' a~iJop 1n·the chops in order lO to paste a guy In the mush'. One Wallop Is deckion aind you might well reiiret U)i! d II the Y t""' . worth a thousanc! v•ords. -MAIMED IN olher. ..1,1:r1 e ver mes.sage, ou s1..gges ..... in· l\llAl\I( stead "a few Well~hosen words.''. GI · L •··· bl .... · • i OEA.·n l\1All\IED: Tb1d1 for II In· ve .. .,. ~ m ••• w-• I 1111· rm a preJt,y cool hlglt school 11eniqr tereslins point of view from i IUY who give• 1• Wt UDtt look oat! Fw dpt i!fi who has dated all lrtnd1 ol a:irb and tbvitlily '~ Ud plenty of etperlence. bow '° llucHe tk 111per ses 1ale1.! scored with .tveraL I can tell you from (Got ioR\)' We<' leU, Buddy?) Y .. r point c!MC\: AIUI Ludera. ltad kr book ... ! experie.OC\. t.hat you"re \\'rong. \Votdl b 1fel &aAa Mwevtr. A crat deal ··~ .... Petu.s -... are diJ don't mean bythlf1g to a guy on t~ ct.pe,MI• • tile te•peramtllt and Umlb! ~ sad ,_. l'tllf8lll te Allpl make. N1,1 matte.· wh.nt a cWck says he'll ptl'MUlllJ of t'9e Mu 11 Ute MIU. Te LI... hi _.. tr tMI MW~• keep trylna:. and more often Ulan not he'll . u llKnslttve cl.•W!!I worU meaa ..&Jtl•f· e.c ...... st etnlt la clbi Nd • ~ i get v.·hat he "Vlf'lll, evtn aft.er she has Tbt 11ty lap"p tllat 1tt1 Omloall l1 t~, ldf.........,_ t1te..... ~ Wd no. &ha Jtn&1cl·le ~•nf.wtci1'. WJH,. 1 cttff"" '-"" Ann ~~. will' be &lad to belp t' ' ctOllen -I ........ Ille -Id be-A few Un1el In my life I've gotten club-Uve Ktri•C'>'· ' ·"' .. wlth ·your prob\ems. Send Lhem to her 1 btd. Whtn·t~ heppened I knew I wes in care ol lhe DAJLY PILOT, encloeinC ' the pruence o1 a 1ody lllld the mtllllt CONFID&NTI~ TO YES on NO~: aeU·addrtSMd1 ltat"pod envelope. • t• 1 1 ---L_ ____ ~ __ \.._~--=--'---~1.__ __ -"--~"'-~-----.-: I' • • I j ... OAttY PILOT . . . - ' • i-. 'I l Golden State Provide s Tasting Fare Win~s from .five 8alifornia winen~s will be sipped and compared Thursday,, June ii:-. from Z:30 to 9 .m. by thOse attending a· wine-tasting benefit iQ the_ Costa Mesa.(;olf and Country Club:spon sorl!d b.f the art?or Area Fair Housing Council. Mrs. Matthe\v B. ,\Vhite, chairman, offers samples from an Aus- {r'ian wine dispenser to Robert Vircsik (left ) and Dr. \Vhite. Anfone wishing information on the bene- fit may call Mrs. Vircsik, 6424247. Earthquakes Viewed Peeri~~ p;~ Co ilege Scientist Aroun·a A scientist's viewpoint about Memor io l Doy Tribute •Pa id By Mot~ers ,;..: • Livi ng With Californi.a· Earth-~ I ~ ' -·--~ wM .• ,_b Qiiiake~-?'ill ·be _g!ven by :;'f · .: Wallµ Cf'· 0. IOeck, tiissociatc ::, . 'pro(esior',.: oi, geofugy and AfRS: RON~t>-REAGAN ·· physical sciehce at Orange id a visit ~o the Balboa Bay Coast College. lub as guest of Mr. and Mrs.··: ·Hertias ~n enga(eilias fhe ack Wrather. The governor's fi~t ·.spe~r o(.'J.Jhe tri81h ife e~lier that day wa~ se8sm of :Jdesa-H.r Club. resent at the La Habra 2 J1ie g~gy,p w~J ~ IO ::J(t epublican Women's Club's ·-a.m. neil Thuri(Jiiy'Wfn\ Mesa hampagne tea Verde Country Club. , · Conducting her first meeting wilt be Mrs. \Yilliam C. THEATER AND Vagabond Holmes. and serving on the ection mem;bers of the Mon· board with her are the f\1mes. ay ~for~ Clu~·of Llgµna 1 ,Marsh~I. Cowley1• Jirs'· vice' oined wJilll Gl~otters :. of 1(G!sidi. and pt o g r a m hursday_!1'~o-~~·· Cli'lb oC th1iinn ; Harold llakln, se-ewpo~J.fle~ '.'' ,t.a .µtree-cwd v· president iii ·charge ay cruiie'aboati:I. SS'Prin-bit. wa ' and means ; F.:d ess Carla. Schmok, third vice president The group of 43 travelers and membership chairman: ailed from Los Angeles Robert McLaren and Wendell arbor to Ensenada where the Adams, recording and cor- hip docked-for six hours while responding secretaries, and assengers enjoyed a tour of Edward Zielinski, treasurer. Bradshaw, newsleller; Donald RhoaQ~s. Dale Harlung and Dua ne Slcputis, typing and mailing, and Niels Pederson, his!Q~~n. Otilers are the Mmes. Louis Chall and Alfred VanHoosep, yearbook; John 1-loyt, publici- ty: Bub Bardsley and Nick . Hanson, reception: Ge n e Skawin and Ronald Taylor, reservations: Isabel McCoil- dach, decorations. and Louls Pratt, Christmas dance . In addition to monthly business and program meetings, members have an opportunity . to participate in a wi~ 1_ varletr of activities thr~b club s~ons. They in- cludi".dupUCate bridge, couples bridgt, golirmet, Wine-tasting, birthday club, d a n c i n ·c .• globetrotters, tennis, golf anO the ater. ., Flight 19, Air For c e f\1others, was represented at Veteran's Memorial Services in \Vcstminster J\1 e m or i a I Park by ·Mrs. LeR oy Hain- mack, 'first vice president , and ~rs. Stephert Lara, second vice president Mrs. Hammack and f\1rs. James Porter, treuurer,·join- ed members of Flight 12 in the Fish Fry parp,de in Costa Mesa. ., ' ·· The flight will meet next Thursday iti" Hyde Parke Estates. Santa Ana, for a pro- gram of colored slides taken by Charles , Tucker i n Thailand . Mrs: James E. TucKer. president, will preside during the 8 p.m. meeting. Mothers olr Air Force men and worp.en ire invited and may call Mrs.• Jean B. Miller Sr., &46-2769 fo'r Information. ,HB M.oth ers 1exican shops. , . Chairmen ap~ted are ·Lile • From there, the ~ tOn-~~ Mmes. Lloyd 1lalle,;.lgenera1 • ·t.nued south, c i r ~;1 i n 1 t activity; Allerli', ~eirnl, ti. ,. i uadalupe Island before turn-munity servicd: Fred'.~Ye , gbacktoward!As, Jes:. phi l anthr ,_Y~~·. ··''is At the meeting Globetrotters wHI report on their recent two- week trip to Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Taxco and AcapU'lco. Any woman interested in meml>ership in the club ma¥ ?ll 1i1rs. Schmok at ~5-0968. Hunlin~n Be~ch Blue Star Mothers, ~i:pter 2. stag<' meetings lhe~cond t\•fondays at 1:30 p.m~f Lake Park Clubhouse. ~ ; It ! I J ._i I ,,, ... • ~ .. '.I a ea 1 -. Witb Dad or Grad ... SYLVANIA TY ' . . Sylvania always draws a crowd. Turn on a Sylvania next time the boys gather for a Saturday afternoon ball game. Jn black and white or co lor, your Sylvania will give the sharpest, clearest picture imaginable from the 1st to 9th in.n!n_g._ SPECIAL OFFER! ~n1art. rnl\-about stand llt tin add itional charge with Sylvania's 1~l inch diagonally me».surrd screer\ Black 11.nd \\'hite TV model }f"Y 73GY.,Big $Creen . .B udget ,,,.;ct:.. ; -. $'139.95 Syh·ania'!l 18 inl'h <liagon1'lly measu red :>treen Color T\' mrx:lel CD50 PL. Hal! built·in UHF and VllF antennas. $349.95 Sylvania'~ 102 ~quRr<' inch ~trffn per~na.I port.ab],_. color TV. Ha~ con1•enient carrrini; h11ndle anrl built.-in VHF and UHF antenna.a. A f'(' {automatic ti ne tuning ) i n1un·~ a l'f'tfect picture \\·Ith the pu~h of a hotto". ~~'lvania por1ahle rolor tclevi~ion 1taru at.J219.f$ AU. fo r model CB31>, just $329.91 YOUR HEADQ UARTERS FOR SUPERB SYLVANI A HOME ENTERTAIN MENT INSTRUMENTS 41 1 E. Seve ntee nth St. Costa Mes-646-1684 Dolly '''• Saturday 9·6 Horoscope WEDNESDAY JUNE 11 I By SYDNEY OM.\llR In groomJ111, illJll!l1bt Md<, lac,. 1'urtlea:eek "lpptttl 11 pepular -so .,. ,-ec~acet. Modulate voice. People today are particularly ttulUye to 1011nd1. theater, particip,aling In charitable projects Widen ap- peal, broaden horJzom. Shake off any tendency toward lethargy, depreulon. Smile. CANCER (J"'le Ii-July 21!' New outlook necessary to achieve aspir,tiona. Frlencb are involved., Romantic in· terlude is indicated. Stress ln· dependence of thouaht, action. Study Taunts message. ARIES (Merch 21·April 19), Ll!O (July 23-Aug. 21), A~nt on money . You g@in it Coopefate In special projects. perceptive. Don't , tak~ '\hlng1 Prtstlge rises in conimunity. for granted in financlal nu. Oon1t feel you must do things Element of decepJion l s Ill they have been done in present. S e e pereonal sitqa· east. Expre&s your own unique lions, offers in 'reallstlc light. quaUUes. TAURUS (Aprll IQ.May20), · VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 21), Reward indicated. Cycle eon. Good .Junar aspect today coin· Unues high. Fine for iniUa~g cldea with travel, I o n g • business procedure. You can't dis t ance communications. skip essentials. Past obllga: Important to keep pace with tions may reappear. You come corre11pondence. One faraway out on top -act with con--judges yov by what is received fidence. in writing. GEMINI !May 21-June 20): UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): Fine for dining out, attending Stick to facts, especiaUy Jaycettes Beef for Star Club Gathering Barbec1.Jirig Celebration Plans for a Festival of Arts projecl will be discussed by Star Club members, Laguna Beach Order of the Eastern Star tomorrow night at 7:30 in Laguna Federal Savings and Loan. The meellng is the last for the club until September, and all members are urged to at- tend. Mrs. Phyllis Williams \vill preside and Mrs. Ethel Piety is hostess committee chairman . Marit a Orr Newport Bethel :~ . ; ' ' • . .ci.-,,.,._ ~IL ~ ?f·A_ --.fl --~.& $7~~ ~~ ~~-t-C horm ·sc CH•I · o :ff.H.fOA4Jh. l'tL·t•CI\ and\ ::-J ·'!ff At ~qJ;~ '7ul'l1.~,. lhth tch••I 'G1rlt fq;.~. ~ for fl[ '1 -f c.-"!ifr(t.-a_l&~ ~ , ,f J: ~ I -~I ' I 0 le ~soh <; .Por # I 5 , . . . ---~·--~ i -- C!.ASS!S START JUNE 16rh I Sears I COSTA MESA 3333 Bristol .St. Phone 540-3333 • _t SARAH JOSEPHINE SHEWARD To Say Vows Sarah Sheward Brides To Join A champagne supper in the home of ?t1r. and Mrs. !\1yron 'Ashley Sheward of NeYlporl Beach was the occasion for the an- nouncement of the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Josephine Sheward to Alex- ander Torbitt Ill. The future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and·' ~1rs. Alexander Torbitt Jr. of Honolulu.. Trave~ing from San Franci sco ~ fete th~ betrothed couple were Mr. , a.nd Mrs. Ge~r<f· V. Thibault Jr., sister and brother:in-Iaw qf.. the fu ture bride. , · , Also ·present !or the festivities were the Messrs .. and !\1mes. Terry Sheward of Newport Beach. John Hooten, Allen Kelly. John Freitas and Allen Ro\vland, sister and brotherilll-law of the benedict-elect. Miss Sheward, a fourth generation Galifor- n:ian, graduated from Ne\'Yport Harbor High ;SCbOol and Orange Coas t College and a\- (Aflded' Arizona State Uni versity. She was a N3tiona1 Charity League Debutante in 1966. Her (iafice. a graduate o( Bremerton HiJ!h -School, Wa~hingt.Qq, received his bachelors d~e~ in Jntsin~.ss. ~dmib;isti:atio1 ,frqm the t:Jniyer sity of H~waii. For Community Service t ·Jun,ior 1 Ebells Lauafed '· Honored for their con- tributions to c o m m u n i l y service were two outstanding members of the Junior Ebe\J Club of Newport Beach. Mrs. Eugene Kova ch , second-year member a n d press chairmen, was the win· ner llf the first Chairman-of· the-year award. Mrs. Henry Slolsenberg was lauded as the member with the most hours -800 -in c I " b-sponsored comm unity service projects. Mrs. Kovach will serve as Orange D istrict press chairman, second vice presi~ dent of Junior Ebell. and han- dle publicity for Harbor View Elementary School and U1e Council of Arts next year. Oulstandin~ press chairman and winiier of the first ptace Thoughts Collected Suggestions regarding pro- gram plans aftt! chairmen for the coming year will be taken when San Clemente Business and Professional \Voman 's Club meets ton ight at 7: 30 at 205 Barcelona , San Clenfente. Mrs. L. E. Fraile}' will ac· cept suggestions and final plans and c h air ma n ap- poinlments will be made dur- ing a special mect?ng next Saturday in Mrs. Frailey's ·home. The gathiring tonight is open to all women employed in the Capistrano Bay are!\. The group meets the second1 and fourth Tuesday of each monlh. ' 'l·' Ancient Art ' In Exhibit The claSsic art -of ,C~ina p~i~ling will fOQ];piise t!m ex- h1b1t at Center"Str~l..Li~y, Costa. Mesa during JUQe.j!._;'. Artist Mrs. Beth Gillgs studied ' ai' the Minnea ' tis School .of .Art and aff1 tid 'vith \he : Minneapolis ·tP.Art Institute 'before n1ovin&ll to · Jn 1962.1 she lutned to ina award for her press book dur- ing Orange Dllllrict Con- vention. Mrs. Ko\'ach also was a member of a.11 club com- SUE ANN JOHNSTON Bride-elect Troth Told: At Dinner mittees and participated In all prodect~ to atqutre backuound. for her work In 1' publicity. In l\ddltlon to h~ work wlth 1 Junior. Ebe11, Mrs. Kovach l was klndtrgarten r o o m· mother for hir son· Cameron,· Ma rch ol Dimea chairman for Area B and treasurer of the Eastl)luff Baby-sitting Co-op. 1 She also ls l)lo\her of 20- month-0ld Candace. In addlllon ~ tO the hours devoted to Work within the! Junior Ebell Club, Mr s ,1 Stotsenberg .fonated more than 400 houis ln outside pro-j' jects. 1 • She was Indian Mildeu] president And preSs chairmari, assistant ~~nle leader, of·I ficer in the ,_Newport Beach Tennis Club Jn4 volunteer for ' March of Difnes. Sbe served , as health add\aafely chairman' llnd second' vice president for· Harbor·Viei!'Scliool PFO. I Wllhin the .~(or ·Ebell Club she served d~funior auxiliary advjsor ~ .. ) wadvisor 2nd youth emplCWnent volunteer \vorker~'S~ •J worked In the I Well lliby· Clinic, -Orange County M~ical C e n t e r ' s Prenatal ic and with the I TB mobile •X-ray unit. She served as club treasurer and r Orange District treasurer la.st ~ Mr. and Mrs. ~y.·rcnce M. year. [ Johnston of Costa Mesa an-Mrs. Stoisenberg was nam-, nounced the engagement of eel the Ebel! Club's \Voman-0f· their daughter, Sue A. n n the-year anti Junior Ebetl's. Johnston to Mark Allison Citizen-of-the-year last spring. Tho1npson durlng a forn:ial She is the mother of Shelly, dinner . party 1n the M1ss1on t, nnd Lisa. 6 Inn, R1vers1de . 1------, Those pr~sent 1 n c I u de d ._1ARITAL PROBLEMS! Jeromo H. Thompson o f can Rive rside and Mrs. Sylvia Divtrsiflcd Co11nselon Thompson of Riverside , paren~ ol the tiridegroom· 6 7 5 • 2 3 0 0 1-• and th I ii Htur11 1t ,. s ~.M. c ....... 0 er aJ1l y mcm-l:v1 .. by .... ,.lntmcnl bcrs of the betrothed couple. I ~~~=====~== Miss Johnston is a graduateli ___ _ of Corona de! Mar High School and was a student at Orange STITCHERY Coast College. She will attend California State College at Long Beach next fall to major ' in home economics. I Her fiance. an alumnus of Riverside Polytechnic High School a n d OCC no\v is , studying business at CSCLB. 1 A wedding is planned in. June, 1970. l lo111, Ti1Jen, Clowu and flciwert .•• A <ornlvol of fo11ey fwl'I. The K~tT I WIT f/., ·>X.h~. ·couwe. \'Ill! ·excbange we<ll!!P~ vo"" • · o'cf: 18 ·in s1.·-ew:s'P1\IJ.sl>yt~ii11i'i Church, Newport Beach. · , · Califo~ia! · i' :p~l'l'ltirtg· 'Under ·Instruct' Or !jj ~anta, Ana 'and.>·,B 'ce j ifOctavia f>ayne -at pt nge foa't, :eolJqe, Rutlv \i~. ble •)).:loyd; ~ Laguna Bea A !-~------------'---------' -tnember of Costa Mc i;, Art -;'League, :·Mrs. Gibbons jalso j>ainls i11 oils. Mesa Seniors Community Recreation Cen ter at Orange County Fairgrounds is the scene of 2ctivity when Costa Mesa Senior Citizens meet at 11 a.m. every Tuesday. Phon- 545-2tlZ SOUTH COAST PLAZA l ower Mill Ac;ro1• irom Woci!worth'1 ' l ri1 lol 11 tho S•n Oi.90 Frwy. Betrothal Disclosed Sherry Love to Wed SHERRY LOVE Future Bride Ring Moves Before Rites During a dinner party in their home Dr. and f\Irs.fl James R. Seals of Newport Beach announced the engage- ment of her daughter, Shercy Love and Winiam D. Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mr s. ri,faynard l J enkins of Huntington 'Beach. The betrothal also was disclosed during a candlelight ceremony in the Hollywood Presbyterian School of Nurs- ing \vhere ~1iss Love is a junior. The bride-elect was h;imeco1ning princess and a 1 songleader at Newport Harbor High School and vice president of her class at Hollywood. Iler fiance is a graduate of 11untington Beach High Schocil and now is attending Orange , · Coast College where he wa::i l ' selected Pirate of the Year.- He will continue his education on a football scholarship at the : Un iversity of So uther nl California. ======.' DO SINGLE GIRLS HAVE MORE FUN7 ... o"IY If they've met the RIGHT. MANI CALL S47·6667 -24--Hour RkONflng - Th~ bride removes her engagement ring from . the fourth finger of her left lfand and places it on lhe right hand just before the w e d d i n g ceThre'!lony. h d d 1:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~-I is way, t e wed ing ban , placed on the legendary vein LOCAL of Jove finger. later is "kept" by the engagement band. Nci other n1wsp1p1r 11!11 you mor1, 1v1ry d1y, tboul wh1t'1 9oin9 er1 in t+i1 9111!1• Otll'l'JI Co11' thin th1 DAi l Y PILOT. l In colonial days, the enga~e­ mcnt ring was called tP.e'1 "ket.per ring." "•ll•\T T'INGS TO GO NATIYl IN" HAWAIIAN SHO .. S Fathlon Island-Newport Center 1 OfMn Sunday l·S p.m. tr~~~ ,, Whe~her you're an Astronaut 6r an Aquanaut or just plain Dad ••• • • • 0 OMEGA COSTA MESA ,_ has exactly the watch you :need • \\"hy rlid Apollo A6tronaul~ ".-::r 01neg~ 'falrhes '~he"n tl1ey orbited in outer ~p;irr? \\'h; .do pro!cs~io11.il !ki11dil r1s ll'Car On1c.;a ll'alchC's 11l1ile explorini; <1Crun rl~p!li~! .\n<l 4\11~ lti\5 Oinrfla eho~c11 :;i~ offici;1 l li111cl..erper of lhe J '.J({l U!) 01pii.: Gn111r. in ~ IC'l.\i«o? In !)he \\ ..,, ll ... CUii ri.!i:1a~· ! Fol' lhe ~a111e rea:oon 1nillio11~ c:r n1e11 and ''"'11(·11 1:l1uo~C Onict;a lb 1hcil' pcr~uua l 1i111rpictc. 'J'l1 c 11nl'lll lia~ lr11n1ecl h'/ ll'u .. t 01u~~n \\i1 tcl1cs Lt:cau~c tl1r> arc pro(luccd \\'ilh the 111osl c.xactini> 1.-;ire 1" ii1~111"c 111axin1uu1 a1·cura~y 1111d lung life. )Ou needn't Lie ".n A~lrot1.a~11, an 1\qu111u1u1 or a .:S1>0 rts Hefcree to 11 c11r an Ou1ega, but~ )OU II agree 1t' go<i(L to <111 n a \\'alch of !uclt pro1c~ clcptndabilil}, :See our co111plcte Ou1r~a cvllecliou of n1e11's and Indies' 11"11\chl'! soo11, 565 to Ol'ei' !l()(K), HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER JO$TA MESA .S45·948S Open Monday, Thul'$d1y and Friday Credit Terms Available \ ___ - J ------,,.,...,-.....,, i ' ' PILOT ·P~ENNY . , ,., I -.. Pl NCH.ER Cl:ASSIFl~D ADS ·· ~· : WITH A ·-· NEW-LOW-·RATE I 3 LINES l TIMES 52.00 ANY ITEM $ OR - LESS e EACH ITEM . MUST IE PRICED e e No Item Over $50 • !ii!. Commer:~LJ=irms • • Ne Copy Ch•ittN e Ne Abbrwletiona e START MAKIN.Ci .Ml>N .EY NOW! \)• . '< • r~ .. CALL • 642-56:78 ASK FOR YOUR , • DArLY PILOT AD·YISOR AND ·Y.ou ·MAY -.e.i:iARGE tT! ' . . . ' ' • ,. I ' • ·" ' . • ·' ' ....,. .. ' 11 -----<L.·-----------·-------~--------- ' ( ' • . ' , 71 i , ' " • ; ' I • I I .. ' . DAILY PllOT .Ex:•Newport Aee in .College World Series By EARL GUlm<EY Cl•el .. llY l'llfl $1ttf As a prale~lonal baseball proslj*t. St.eve Shedd ls not near the top of the liata of, scouts who rate t.he high school and college talent .across the UolteiS Stites. ·· · A senior outfiekier at UCLA this pa~t season, Shedd hit an unspec· tacular .270 but had a .340 season as a · junior, He was named as a second 1wn selection lo the all-PacUic ·i:l&ht baMblll team. tle'll play }n coueae b1seblll'1 \Vorld Serlu at :lgtnntng Fri· diiy. ··1; • •• J was lnelli!~le · jjl.l firll IS games this yfir ~io 1cOutdn·i1et ofi \o the same aWt the rest of lbe Ptl)'ert did ," expla(lfS the former Newpart Uarbor Hl1h athlete. ,-' Nevertheleit, Shedd kept a careful watch on t~ pre baseball draft. "I really want a chance to try pro bail wt.ethtr l'm dratted or not," bt 1.ays. "I think any ball player who has any talent at alJ should give it a try. \Vlthout the pttMbre of schoolwork and play'ing eVerj df,y, [ ,think I would do well u 1 pro." S~eiid, who aharei 1 West Los Mieles apartment wJUt l.hree or his UCLA teammates: say1 he'll try to hook up will}. Montre~, since he Wiisn't dratted: "Rlght now MontreaJ, being an ex· panslon team. has only cne minor leque team. 11 a guy could make that club, you could find yourself ln the biC leagues oyemlght.'' He has been scouted by another e1- pa11&ion club, Kansas City . "Rosey Gilhousen, their chlel scout; says the Royal& will draft several UCLA players but he didn 't say which ones." SLedC: winces each time he thinks of his 1270 senior balling average. "It r~lly hurt because with a big average I would 've been able to com· mand a bonus. I hit .467 at Boulder, Colo., laat summd' but aot ofr 10 that bad slarl lhb oeaooo ~t UCLA."' Shedd and ,everal of his teammates traveled a~U over the U.S. with the Boulctet t~, from Florida to Hawaii. The Soll, rllO-pounder ls one of two ex·N'ewpcrters from the clau of 1954 who f.'Ompeted In sports at UCLA lhla pas( fear. Wade PearSOll wu a linebacker on lhe Bruin football tean1. Shedd's world won 't stop rotating if he doesn 't btc0me a salaried bueball player. An ~mies major, he plan• to become a stockbroker eventually. " ' I ·JQe to 'Buy Into Nevada Gaming? -! • IN WORLD . SERIES -Steve Shedd, former Newport J.lar· bor High player, will start for ; UCLA Jn the week's college \vorla series in Omaha. Shedd \Vas second team·; All·Conter. eoce for the Bruins. ~odgers Send t~utton Against :Philadelphia· ,..J "°t": ~LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tl's alrtady . wtMJ11e begiMing of June. The baseball .~son is t'A'O months old and Don tf'litj>rysdale, who is reportedly being paid d)' Joa ore thnn $100.000 by the Los Angeles ~i8odgers, is only J-2. .~The main reason for the slow start was tofft .-.h a t DrY1dale called a "deep.rooted .er ciain. right in here," and he polnled high on his right ai'm, near his shoulder. MW .iApril 23 rJte went on the disabled list .hll1>1 11>*1 ~ Dodger Slole JllM 10, DDll9•11; •1 PhlltodtlPhl•, 7'll 11.m .. KFI June 11.'Docl9eri w1 Phll•dflphl•. 1; J 11.m .. 11C'F1 ::.er •J1.nt ~I. DDOV~·· WI Ph ladth•hlt. 7:Sj P.m .• KF I ..+.f *'1d has since worked out slo\\•ly with the ~·tarm and kept his l!gS in shape by jog- A~g. The arm has apparently responded ,.~d · the big Dodger right-hander will be ~bock. ~n*"ll's coming around pretty good," he ..,..id. · .. The soreness is diminished and ·all I've got now arc some aches and pains, l:&J~e when you're in spring training. ~"It's strengthened and I think I'll be $J ,ilbl c to pitch again by the end ot next ~·ezk," he said. l":ut Tonight the Dodgers send Don Sutton, 8-4 , to race \\'oody Fryman. 4·2. of t he .°""l1hiladelphia Phillies. Il's the first of a """ thrce·i;ame series and continues a home stand tha1 concludes with a four-ga me set against San Diego's Padres next \Yed- nesday. If hc·s back on the schedule he predicted, Drysdale will' pitch duriog a :ieri es in Cincinnati that begins June 20. And th at'll be nearly two months since he saicl : "\Vhcn the good Lord says lhal's it, well, 111aybc that's it." 14"' '111 . '•'Halos' _Mm·phy ... . . . . : faces Orioles •-q:r • it'Jr \ BALTJ:h10RE (AP) ·-The California ,1 1,~gels, a 14·game away-from-home-loss- t!' 43lrin~ behind U1en1. tackl e the Eastern •,.,~vision leading Balttn1orc Or Io I es tonight. "'l''""'f'om Murphy. 4·3. \\'ill try to propel the .... Western Division's tail·enclcrs to a s2co nd ""i "ttrai1:ht \ ictory, b u t m:inai;er L e f I y 4"!11...-~~--'-'~'---"-"'C:.:....:C:.:..C.:. !.I ""I AHgel Slole l>t;t,. June IG, "'"''" Al 811\!mo••· j n pm . KMPC Jvn• 11, #oftO~I• ~! 8111,mo'•· •·Jl p "'" ll;f,\PC .rlei ... ll, Antell I t W11~!ntlon .• ~j p m. l(MPC ~tti" U, #onvtl> It W1l.ll~I01> 19.JJ 1.ni., l(N,PC '!,::t~1f" ll. Anp1, 11 W•Wtll'flol\ lC.15 • m. ICMPC ,ft I • !if' Ja;lllps undoubtedly is hoping that the jMM*ting slump of last 11reekend ii al&o a memory. ~ Angels managed iust live hits in 1' ~ gamtt at Cleveland. winning a one· •ter J..O in lhe second game of a double ._.der Sunday. ,. "(lnl1 slick fieldlni third bueman Aurelio Rodriguez It hitting with any frto' Jn lhe An&el starting lincvp. lm!lided In his lall. live hits are two ..-. a trlple, 1 blmer an<t a pair of ~ blUed In. WJ om~ Photbus, &-Ii .-HI bt 1'1urphy'3 moun ]pon<nt JonJghl. After ae twO·(AA'le set, lhe Angels _Ji'ye IJ10 l1tt travel«Jay Thursday, before ~a wtekerid ,., al \\Tuhlngton. l I STATELINE, Nev. (AP) -Joe Namath say~ he ls "a little disappointed" with the New York J ets, the team that gave him $400,000 to sign a pro football contract. Namath ·1a now out of pro football, at least he announced his retirement last Friday rather than sell his Interest in a New York City tavern. PrJ> , football Commissioner P e t e ·Rozelle said gamblers frequent the Bachelors Jll and Ordered Namath to sell his one-third interest in the place or retire. Namath said Monday lhe Jets supplied him with a list of unsa\'ory character1 wbo ~equented the bar tv.·o months a,o In Newport Talk but had made "no attemPt ~~elp since." Namath Is In Nevada to play In the wil'Klbreaker and mod fa shion wide "I wqs a little disappointed," added the eighth annual Harrah 's lnv!lalional Golf strlped pants, and twirle<l a drink in hls h!ro of ttie Jets 16-7 Super.fOiwl win over Tournament. The same Bill Harrah who hands as he answe rP.d questions. the Baltimore Colts. ! runs !he tournament runs the largest Namath said he contacted the district Namath was sitting in a We Tahoe gambling operation in the stale. attorney's office about hiring an oi( duly casino, 1WToundtd by new~111en and Namath 's partners for the tournament investigator to work al his New York bar gamblers. "1 did not do anythina: wrona," include a vice president of Harrah's, Bob after lhe Jets' IJ!port of gamblers seen he sald at leut twice. liing, and one of Howard Hughes' top there. He did not say whether they ever Only two questions put to the Jets aides, Ed Nigro. hired the investigator. Quarterback drew "no comment" repUes H.ughes, in addition to other things, Rozelle first contacted him about the from him: owns more Nevada casinos than any bar last Tuesday, Namath said. and gave Would he be interested in buying Into other man. him 24 hours to sell. one of Nevada's legal gaming operations? Namath played a rain-soaked practice Rozelle reconsidered last \Vednesday I-las he uke.d a Las Vegas ·bank for a round Monday. He \Vas cn the 1$\h hole and gave him a couple of extra days, loan to flnarice buying a caslno? when a press conference with him \\·as Namath said. There had been a report that Namath about to begin. "The first feeling I had was !o sell. I was looking [ox such a loan. He arrived an hour later clad in 1 talked with lriend~ and my lawyers and decided It was not fair, not right," said Namath. · "l just want to know what I did wrong." he &aid. "The big problem ls that I want to play football." .Reports that his decision to quit pro football could cost him up to $5 million dollars were accurate. Namath said . Nothing has transpired since last Fri· day that would cause him to change hi:s mind, Namath said. He :nd.icated his future plans extend only as far as a movie in July. Although he said he would like to talk to Rozelle, Namath held little hope such conversation v.·ould be profitable. "f dn not expect him to budge an inch," said Namatll. Deposed Laker Coach AAU-College Feud Won't Hurt U.S. Team May Take His Shots ' Bill Van \ Breda Kolff, th~ guy who coached the Los Angeles Lakers to a pair qf Wutem Division champ\ooshlps then 1 lost hb iob, will be giiest '"°er at the Yardley Banquet, June 18 at the Newporter Inn. His appearance at the annual event shouid add comldtrable Interest to the golligi. ort· ..,._ which are traditionally highligbted'-:by (I) George l'ardley·s presence anCt occasional raw 'jokes (2) presentation of the trophy to the Harbor area'li leading male athle te. It is not anticipated that van Breda Kolff will be saying many kind \vords GLl"ll WHIT• ·-••••11111oouuu11 WHITE WASH .....•........... , .. about one of his former players .•. a chap named · Wilt C1l4mberlain. It is rumored that Will had trouble taking suggestlons from the Laker coach. Therefore, the Lakers suggested that van Breda Kollf seek employment elsewhere, wh ich tbe ex-Princeton tutor did. He will now guide the destinies ()f the Detroit Pistons. Van has not been knO\\'n as a man to restrain his feelings ... which partly ex- plains wh) he drew 30 technical foul s last sea.son. Now he can spout ()ff with no threat oJ fine or technlcal. However, perhaps he'll go along with the lvy League manntrs he was ac· customed µ,during college coaching days at .Princeton and will decline lo say anything 'derogatory about Chamberlain or Lakers O'A'Jler Jack Kent Cooke. Thal would be most charitable on Bill's part. But it \\·ould also seem beyond the 1.:all of ,duty. Actually, the Spon!Orlng Newport Junior Chamber of Commerce ble\v the chance of a liletime when It hurried out and seeurec! van Breda Kolft as Yardley lipeaker. • It could have added e1-Anfe'ls' chief Bill Rigney to the pt'OKfam and made a great' double header. Or It could have had Chamberlain sharing the program tu Rozelle, Namatl1 May Hold Talks NE\V YORK (UPI) -Pete Roze lle, commissioner of profrssional football. said Monday night he'd "be happy'' to sit dO\l.'ri with Joe Namath and di&cuss the Jtluttion which forced the New Yo1,. Jets' star quarterback into reliremenL last week. • "I'd be happy to. talk to hlm at anv Ume. J advised hlm last Friday that ah ht had lo do WU, aet In touch With me ar:d ~·e'd make arrangements to sit do\li'n ant! talk," sajd Rozelle. "However, we atOI have the problem ,\·e had.'' Rozelle addt'd. relerrlng to hi~ earlier decis10n that Namath elth'r sell his intereet In h1s local bistro ot face suspen111on. Roaellt said that he had talked to tba Jett' oHklala but. wu not aware that Namath had aaked &hem to hirt: R m111n to Police his nightclub In ord'r to keep out I.be unsavory element. The commissioner made It clear that he h<lped t.be problem could be settled. "'I'd like to iee Joe Namilth play toot~ ball next ye1r," he said. 'laborate on all the thinp van Breda Kollf does not know about ct1ach.!ng. Short ClrC1,dU Fred Gt11, es-Compton High buketball star, bat beto named bead case mentor at the University of CalUornia, RJverslde. Goss replaces Dwain Lewlt, wbo baa been fiven tbe unlikely poalUoa of assls.. tant director or ad:llttlcs. ApparuUy Rfvenlde Ji 4-ct1tratJn1 lls sports program several ~e• fold if lt needs aa asliatant AD. ~I ls tbe sixth highest 1C1>ttr In CIF blstory aad played on UCLA. '1 1165 NCAA UUe team. The laraest offtrack thoroughbred training ctnter In the west Is being &et up at the Rancho California cen ter in Ri verside County. Nancy Bunnln11 wife of Detroit Tiger pitcher Jim Bunnln1, hat a baseball team o{ ber owa to worry aboUt. The Hunnings have nloe kids. Gymnast Dan Kinsey of Costa t-.fesa \\'BS honored at Michigan State Universi- ty when he was preaented ~tth an award which goes to Lhe member doing most for the Varsity Club. l\1ark Payge of Ne'lrpO(t· Bettll 11 a member of &be Cal WelArn 1olf team tournament at Ftrt WorUI, Tei. He 11 a sophomore aod aver11t1 71. Illa team was 15-1 thl1 Jeuo11. He wa1 lrviae Leape c•ampl.., at San Clemente Hlt:ll and alto 1tarrtd at Orange Coast CoUe1t. · Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club will N01' increase Its fees unW .the course is in better shape. Earlier an article had er- roneously stated that fees would go up Aug. 1. Gurney 3rd 111 USAC Standings JNDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Dan Gurney of Costa Mesa holds do\vn third place in the latest U.S. Auto Club's ~hamplonshlp point standings. Gu rney has 800 points and trails only ?\1ario Andretti (1,490 ) and Bobby Unser (895), Andrettl kept his lead despite hi11 se'w'enth place fini sh in a 150-miler at 1'1\h\•aukee Sunday . Andrettl picked up 1,000 points for win• ning the Indianapolis 500 on ~temorial Day. The Mlhvaukee race moved ~cond fini~her Jim Malloy and third place A.J. Foy! Jr. into the U~ JDµ t4Ul for the first time this season. Art Pollard picked up 300 points for winning the Rex MayS racr, but ranks only 13th of the season. UPI T1lt;>*l•r. Lmig·shot D1·aftee Denise Long , 18-year-old basketbaU star from \\'bitten. Iowa, \vho Y.'as drafted by the San. Fral\cilico \Varriors, demonstrates her skills by driving past the \Varriors' · Nate Thurmond. i\Ii ss Long. 5-11, averaged nearly 70 points a ga;ne last season and three times scored 100 or more poi nts. LOS ANGELES (A P) -The new head ct1ach of the United States' track and field team that will mett the Russians and British here next month says the renewal of the feud between lhe NCAA and the AAU shoulci not hurt American chances. Joe Yancey, 56, longtime unpaid coach of the New York Pioneer C1ub, was nam- ed Monday at the weekly meeting of the Southern California Track a n d Field \Vrlters Assoeiallon. Jn a telephone conversation from New York, Yancey said he wasn't aware that the bitt!r fight over control of amateur sports in America had been renewed. A long-standing NCAA rule says athletes who compete In meets not sanc- tioned by the U.S. Track and Field Federation, an NCAA affiliate group, would Jose all remaining college tligibili- ty-. Seniors would apparently not be af· fected. At l\1onday's meellng, Vern \Volh\ track coach of the defending NCAA champion University o( Sou the r n California team. said he had been warned the rule was still in ef£ect ana would be invoked in the case of the AAU cham· plonships at Miami June 27·28 . The first two finishers In that meet qualify to compete in the international triangular meet between the United States, the Soviet Union and the British Commonwealth July 18-19 here as well as other meets overseas. Ylolfe said If the NCAA ban remained In effect. and sanction by the USTFF was not given. college coaches 'vould probably 11dvise their 11thl<.!tes not to compete in ~1iami and thereby ruin chances for in· ternationaJ competition. ''There a r e so ma n y line freshmen. sophomores and juniors in college right now and If they weren't given a chance to make the U.S. tea1n, it would be sorely felt," Yancey said. •·But I still don 't thinF it would hurt our chances. I still think \\'e would ha ve a chance to beat the Russians in team scor· ing." Yancey. a Negro selected by a vote of 35 members of the National AAU track and field com1niltee, said he was honored to br. named coach of the U.S. team after so many foreign affiliations. Sports Clipped Short IOC Rebuffs Brundage \\' ARSA \V -New rules created by the Jntcrnal!onal Ski Fed:'ration (FIS) that allow skiers lo receive expense money and nppe.rir In c11:1vertiscments under cer- tain conditions have been endotied by the international Olympic Committet. The new FIS rules ban skiers from co1npetlng for money but permit them to reeelve expense money and pay for time lol!t from worJc . TI'lty also allow skiers to appear in ad\'ertisements if they re c Pi v e prnnission from their national federa· tlo"~ The IOC also rcbufred Avt'r)' Brundage, Its 82·)'CaN>ld president from Chici-110, by shelvin& his demands that twc \Vintt'r G1ur.e" champions return their gold mtrtalii. • DiTROTT -~tlckey 1..ollch wanted t.e> ijh'e his IS-hour-old daughter an initlul birthday presenl ~lo':'lday night -but hts teammates and the Seattle Pilots '<Wouldn't cooperate. ' Lollc h, niak lng his f!nit start since being hit by a line drive in Oakland li'fay 27, tied h!s own l'.!an1 strikeout record of 16 set only 2 1~ week s ago but the PilolS pulled out a 3-2 ,·lclory in 10 innings O\ er the Dctroil Tl&crs .. ri!EXICO CITY f Jneral services "·ere held ri1 onday for ~lexico'.s No. I te:1· nls player. Rafael Osuna, one of ;9 persons killed in a plane cras h near Monterrey \Vl'dne!lday. Althou.(h the rt':mains of tnosl o( the crash vict!Tn aboard the Mt.xicana de Avlaclon plane wert unldenlitinble. tht!y \Ycre reportedly "officiaUy identified" J1nd pln1.-cd in caa:kcts fur Individual funernl~. Directors of the tennis federation fin· nouneed lhat a bust of Osuna win be placed on the Chapultepec Tennis Courts. • LOUISVILLE -Towering Thomas Paine Monday became the llr11l Negro lo s.ign a letter of lnt:-nt to play basketball at the Uni\'ersity o( Kent ucky. He al@ will be !he talle!:l player in the ur.:i\'ersity'1 hlstory al 7·fOOl·I. • BRJSTOL, England -The American contingent, led by aces Arthur Ashe and Clark Oraebner, breezed to some e1sy 'ic:nrle~ Monday ln the rich W'Kk. Open Tenni& Tournamtnt'~ opening round:'- A~hc. bf Richmond, V,11., ranke<t No. I Ir. the United States, defeated Bernard Pevl of Franel': M , 6--4. Graf'brler, of New ''or k, No. 2, likewlM! scored a str•lghl szt triumph "'ilh " 6-4. 6·2 victory uver Onnle Parum of New Zealand. ·~1 ____ l ____ ~ .. ---\~~.~~-~~-~--- - Namath's Act Menaces Football You examine the behavior of Joe Willie Namath over the past week and you can onl>'. conclude that the gears inside Joe's skull aren't meshing properly. Incensed that the commissioner of football has ordered him to relinquish a part ownership in his New York restaurant, Joe has unexplainably become hy s- terical over it all and says he's quitting football. · Sobbing Joe points out nobody has .accused him o( associating '.with the garoblers w~o ~e said to f?1!9.Utnt his establishment and cries "pnnctple'~ and "gU!lt 'by a ssociation.'' OK, let's assume Pete Rozelle backs down and al- lows Joe to continue bis restaurant operation. And let's say Namath finds a gambler or two in his place and boots them out on the pavement. Then let's assume Joe and the Jets make it to next year's Super Bowl again and he has a rotten day and the Jets are bombed out. Then imagine one of those gamblers being picked up by poli~e on some cha_rge and -still piqued at Namath -clauns Joe took a dive. You would again hear Joe cry "principle'' and ''guilt by association" as he is sent packing. It wouldn't take much of a gambling scandal to cause pro football to flounder on the rocks. It is the game's greatest menace and if its greatest quarterback doesn't believe it, there's always the Ccn- tinental League. LAGUNA DEPT. -The bitter feelings betwffn Laguna High's coaches and the school's princi,.I, Bob Rffves, will come to e head tonight when they mfft with the .school board in • closed session. Four coaches h•ve quit already and if th• rut don't find syMJHthY tonight, look fo·r twO' more ·to t.11gn - Ed Bowen and Hal Akini . 1 * * * CLIMBING DEPT. -A Costa Mesa High junior, Jim Thrasher climbed ' to the summit 0£ M~ Whitney over the week~nd and planted Mes'a Hfgb's Yictory flag at the peak. · John Lowe, Santa Ana, made the climb with Thrasher. The pair tried the feat earlier this year and !ailed. * * * CHANCELLOR DEPT. -UCI Chancellor Dr. Oen Aldr ich, who is working himielf into shape for th• U.S. Masters Track and Field championships in Sien Diego later this summer, is competing in •II-comers mffts 1t Orange Coast College. A discuis-javelin thrower, Aldrich sayi he's trying to arrange a match at OCC with LA Times publisher Otis Chandler, a world class weight man at Stanfor4.in the early 1950s. CREW DEPT. -Orange Coast's crew didn't come close to raising the money needed to travel to the IRA at Syracuse this week but the.y went anyway. They needed $1 ,500 and came up with $150. The team members are either paying their own way or taking student loans to finance the trip. * * * DAVIS DEPT. -Ex-UCI basketb1ll coach Dick Hurdle Champ In Meet The Oranae County lovita- Uonal track and field meet bu \ta: third Olympic champion in the told IOday. Ht's Willie Davenport, who won the gold mtdal in the llD- meter hl'h hurdles at tbe Mexico City Olympic Games Jut October. Meet director Earl Engman announced he has Davenport's entry for tht Saturday af· terooon meet at El Modena Stadium. Now representing th e Houaton Strlders Track Club, Davtnport ls~a co-hoJder of the world record for his tvent at '13.2. The obtaining of Davtn· port was something of a surprise for Engman. "Wlllit had previously declined an Invitation to com- pete but when bt found out we had Eddie Ottoz of Italy and Leon Coleman signtd up he clilled mt back and !laid 'I'll be there.' " ., Ottoz is the pint-sized Italian who won tht bronzt medal in Mexico City. Ht's the Euro- pean champ. Coltman won tht bronie medal at the Olympics. He's the only man to deleat Davenport this ytar -at the: ?.1odtsto Relays. Long jump gold medalist and world reeord holder (29- %1h:) Bob Beamon has tntered the 100.yard dash. Btsides Davenport a n d Beamon, the gold mtdalist lin· ed up Is IOl'.kneter entrant Ralph Doubell ol Australia, Bill Toomey, the Laguna Beach resident who. won the · Olynipic de cat h ~on cbam· pionship in Mtxico 'Ctty, was lined up to compete Saturday but a conflicting· ,.speaking engage,ment in <?fotcticut forced him to wlthdrJw. Silvtr medalists to Compete Include high jumper E d Caruthers. triple j u m p e r Nelson Prudtncio of Brai il and Barbara FtrreU of Los Angeles in the women's 100. Bronzt medalists in addition to Ottoz art: Ludvik t>anel of Czechoslovakia (discus) and Chi Cheng of Taiwan in the women's 100. Tickets, priced at SJ.SO and S2 !or adults, art on sale at all Mutu.al Agencies.· Qiildrm's (under 12) duc:als sell.for 11. Soccer Clash Davis has hired two aisistants at San Diego State - Tim Ve:r.le from Tahoe Paradise College •nd Bart Hart, of St. Bernard High in Pleya del Rey. Veiie played under Davis at Glendale High in 1959. Eintracht Brunswick of Ger- many and tile famous Univer- sidad or Mexico professional soccer teams ·will collide at tht Uis Angtles Memorial Coliseum, Sundtly, June 22, at 3 p.m. • T...,, :i. .. 10. IM " Press Saints ~ardtr~ Nominees Marina May ' /As Spe~t Sunset T-eam· !l's not e"'ctly whit y.u ,.,.:., bo bu IU~ size the ft1I wben -~ -1d call letllni the cal "1t : :': -ciabt deJtb 'be.~~-<ancenlraled _..., or the baa to report that Santa 'Ille vfki... dlcln' liold a th!S 1p!in1 en 10dWC .. Ana Hiib wlll field the SUN<t sprinr 1.,,.. -Imtud -syatam to the bo)>a al - L<aaue'• fas!est football twn duetlnc a cIInlc for pwen!S ninr them thrwP ~ ,. next season oot nmaJnr a and boolten. ~·11 double up • '"' ollol BART CARRIDO I •· ... ~.. Coon ..;a a bard con-~· leanied it Ille -cl ... se<0nd wU ~ •-•-dltlonlq ,......,. Win bo(ln ill' "-pis condltloolq s.,t. j"f"-Coach Jim Coon .. ,. plenty of speed in h~ jtdl-flnbhed spring drills end he loved every atep of il. ·fk':s figuring on 1.a sprlz:lter Dave La~y to handle a flanker-back spot next fall and Joe VentimiJlia (I.I) to look for dayll&bl from a tailback berth. - '-88 Grid Dopes Three Players • • . . Hold Key to Fl:, Carrido: Class Plaver; ., ~n nyl he lnstruc1ac(Jli• plaJU• M .ell thty'il neeil'1tO know for thtir flnt 1ame Sept. 19 at La Puente and left conditioning to wait unUI fall. "This was a rtal tn- thusiastiC group -J think it voorked harder than any l'vt had at Marina." Fountain Valley Hli[I. !oot- boil coach Bruce Pickford surveyed "" sprini .football practicff aDd conclUded that next fall's Baron team tn!Pt very wtll stand or faJI Wilb 1111.~""" If the~ wants to tum out f• .. team. Raymond Is Top Eagle The Orange Coa'1. area has produced more than ILB shart of class basketball players - John Vallely, George Yardlty, asketball players -John V- Paul Ntumann, etc.-but pos· sibly the most exciting of the:-:i all is Bart Carrido, tht pint-si- zed former Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College star. He's a candidd.te for the George Yardley Trophy , awarded tach year to the Coast area's most outstanding atblete. Ca}'rido, only s-11, possesses liaJitnin& speed on a basketball Court and enough spring in. his legs to leap up and stuf! the ball through the hoop. He plays now al Cal Poly (PoIIJDna), where he retum11 next season for his senior year. There were skeptic• when it was teamed Canido would try to play four-year colltge ball after his OCC career. Too small. they said. But, Carrido was a starter at Cal Poly from tht lirst game last season and wound up the year with a IS.point scoring average. Listen to coach Bob Stull : "This tittlt gu y is really unbelievable. He's the one who makes our club go. Our fans over here really lovt him ." Carrido is one ot seven players off the 1968 Eastern Confennce OCC ttam to have been granted four-year school scholarships. He supplied the speed and daring for Costa Mesa's strong teams of the mid-1960s. The ZO.year-old cager wants to coach in tht Oran:;:! Coast area following colltge gradua· Lion. "Bob Raymond Is the type of kid with a lot of characttr -ht won't 10 out and die on you in a game." That'• how former Estancia High coach John Lowry describes possibly his best football playtr of last season. Rayroond has been Ont of 14 candidates nominated t o receive the George Yardley Trophy, an award presented annually to the Newport Beach-Costa ?.1esa area's most outstanding male athlete. A senior football-wrestling star at Estancia High this past school year, Raymond has been a ~a!nstay in Est.ancia's varsity football picture for thret seasons. "He's been a starter for me thrte y~ars and ht worked out with the· varsity when he was , a frtshman, '' say8 Lowry of tht 20>pound lineman. "Ht played offensive and defensivt tackle for me and was the type of guy who pro- ductd whtn it counttd. 1 can remem&tr our F o u n t a i n. Valley pmt hls junior year when we had two great goal lint stands in winning. 14-7. Tht Hims showed he was great that night. "And 1ic always played a art:al game against Loar.a. tbt clus teefu of our lea,ut. '' Raymond sllmmtd down from th! heavywtight class and won1 the Irvine Leagut's 194·pound wrestling cham- pionship this year. And nothing kept him from com· peling. He gashed his fa ce working out for one meet on a Wed· nesday and wrestled that Fri· day with ' six stitches holding the wound together. Next season will be Coon'• fourth at the Marina htlm and ht says the '18 Vikes will be the school'S best yet. "We have a weak point ln that wt don't have a ltated quarterback but we have that spted and the defense will be stronger nert season." The quarterback candidates are Rick Satman, up from the junior varsily, and Dave Campbell, last ytar's Bee sLarter. Last year'• starttr, Grtg Htnry, dtparts via the cap and gown route. Coon calls the quarterback match ID tven race so far. three playtrs. "We have three 1ood boys ovtr here who are. qutstiOD marks right now ," be says. "Brady Moore was our fasttst back let .seuon but bt tells me ht may move out of the district. BUI Qwnplon is a ltltennan lackit and center but hu a bad bacl aod may nevtr play again. "And Rick Hartsfield lei· ttred as a sopbomott last ytar but hurt a knee tn • gym class and might r:ietd surgtry. Those thret are very im· portant playen and If we lose 'tin · all we might be in trou· ble." Pickford's candidates played tht.k annual spring game He says the Baroni ~ be talented eooqh a t quarterback. wUb !Iva e starter John Svoboda, !ilalou and Valbuena all.,.._ lor the spot. Gray Top Prospect ForDiablos Coon· mom. 11 lettirmtn but only thrtt wtrt starttn in '68 -Lacy, VenUmiglia and lintbacktr,_ Dave Ttal. . In tht offtnsiff Unt, Coon 1 Saturday and scored a 7-0 win over last season's varsity seniors. '11'1e TD play was a G a r y V a I b u ena·to-Gary Htma~ez pass. Transfer Like m°"t of the CJr'llll Coast erta's prep fl t • coaches, MissiOn Vie}o'a - Dodit doesn't aet too ..... ovtr what happens-io--...S - drill!. "Wt looked pretty toml taill spring but we won't ..., much unUI we atart hi~ lt tht fall," ht says. ' To Boost SC Hopes San Clemente High School may havt acquired a football star via the lran.sfer route. He's Ja~k KOiata, a six-fool , 200-pound fullback and tight end pro&pect who played last season at Foothill High in Tustin. Head San Clementt coach Tom Eads was pleased with the newcomer's "''ork in tht just-concluded spring drill.~ and has him penclled in for a .starling ass ignment n t x t :;eason. Kolata playtd wt 11 in the le am 's intersquad touch game at the old San Juan Capistrano High field Saturday, won by the White team, 7.0. "The attitude has befit .... so \hat's bound to m.lb UI "We accomplished what we set out to do ln spring practict -we looked at as many players as we could. I think tht kids did a good job at tougbtr." practicing by working hard." Pickford would like to havt Dodge says if thtre .., • enough players to t~o-platoon of bis pl.iyers 'tho 1tbod P la hU: opponents but he figures spring workouts, it wu 11..Jt, he'll come up a ftw players !90-pound Mike Gray 1 r-short. ' ' "Som £ bo ill ha , guard. I e o our ys w ve Dodge calls Graf "my '*'· to 10 both ways for us -Dan footba11 player" and ..,a &ht Shaw can play ¥1fback and _ __, i.:t Ith~-~ safely, 11 Rick Piwert -1• .. t h&1u-w ter W ...,... sliould ra1t .. ID . havt to." League proopect MZI -Two· other double duty can· JJl the team's iJJriftl _. didetes are Steve Raupp and last Friday, the GOids bMI: ... Bill Kristlnel -Pickford has a sizable Scarlets, JU, with Don scoring on en IJO..yard ICftmo lineman in 22G-pound Ted Lid-mage run and Tom Be:NI .. don, · flut tht a>acb aays ht remaining Gold TD on .a 11- OCC COACH WINS TITLE yard dash. ·w Tht lone Scarlet accn wu posted by DtMll Hn&11 do, who scored·en • 60-yard .... thrown by Jim Davia. SPILLER DEPT. -Ex-Newport High and OCC football star Phil Spiller -now of the Cincinnati Ben- gals -is operating the Coast Athletic Club in Costa Mesa. LOOK-ALIKE DEPT. -UCl crew CNch Duvall Hecht and race driver Dan Gurney. Short Course Racing Opens at Fair grounds Baseball Standings Last year's Triton• were 1-1 but Eads sayS he'll havt more talent on hand next fall. Eads had been conumed about how his two quarterback candidates would fart in the Saturday scrimmage but ap- parently doesn't know any more now than he did last week. 'lbe prospects art Rick Geddts and Keith Gibson. Orange Coast C o"t tea e baseball coach B • r r y Wallace captured the California Outdoor Handball Championship'• Class A title Sunday by downing Frank Scotti or Santa Ana in the rlnals, 21-4, 21~. Mission Viejo wu S-J lllit year and Dodge bu -111-termen returnlng, all of ..._ started for hlm lut -. The starters: Mike ~. end; Tom Ber~. backt Sii JobnBOll, end; \!Ob~ center; Dick WnUtr, Oll'd. and Don Wilson, bock. Tbe quarterblck c•""•• are Ed Gray, • nblrllll varsity sub; Jim DaTia. 1(1 from the Bee team; Da&I Citro, a .halfback last ,...., and Bob Anderson. 1 I Dodgers in 14-4 Win; Pitching Duel Looms "ll's likt no other kind of racing -you have to see it to know what 1t's all about," said Jack Milne. a o ne-time Pasadena Western U n i o n messenge:-boy, now reputed to be a millionairt. One of the summer baseball Dodgers didn't belt any home He was talking about short track motorcycle racing which season'• greatest pitching runs but Jeff M;alinoff slugged he and brother Cordy will in- duels looms Saturday night at two triples aod Tom King ad· troduce to fail at Orange the Costa Mesa Park when County Fairgrounds this Fri· ded another three-bagger. Bob day nigh!. Lee Fisher's Harbor Dcxlger 1 .... vy bad lour RBl's. ~ . Some 35 riders will compete team faces Santiago in an The Dodgers lost l o on Swedish, Czech and English American Legion game. Anaheim Kohne at La Palma sptelal-roadt bikes that burn Pitching for the Dodgers Park Saturdav on an unearned metbenol and takt off like will be El ·a chucker J scartd rabbit s . The e1· s anci run in the ninth, 1-0 Fisher's h t I lightweight bikes have one Chuck Loset • r t c e n Y team is 3-3 in Orangt County cylinder and ere built only for drafted by the Seattle. Pilots. Legioh action. racing on an oval from a sixth The Santiago hurler 1s Burt ---"------------'--------- Blylevin , picked up 1as1 week SOFT SELL SAM ly MarYhl Myen by the Minnesota Twins. The Dodgtrs laced up their hitting boots Sunday and bombed Santa Ana at Santa Ana Valley High, 14-4. The NONESf 5'AM'.s USED CARS MA1t•ol DOotl•S 11') Lnetl!. o, u #MllftOfl, 111 P-111, 3b Le1vv. If Pvlt, d Mflw)MY,. l llftotd, d Fotftt, II ltll!I. rt llllMl'lt'11· rl Tl'O'l'll!ll.!2 SCl'loeltlll!', If Mlr'!lflo e Dini"'' c V1llfft, "' ;r.r..rorl, "' Toti II ., ....... 5 1 ' • J ] :t , j J " • • I ) l 1 0 l • o 0 I t , , ' 1 I 0 0 I :t I :t :t I I I I 4 e 1 I I 0 I I I I 1 I ' . ' . S I ~ I • • • • ,, ,, 11 SANTA AllA Ul ~1.....S., Cl L1P.-, 711 ......... -·" Mt<-· 111 Hlefl1. II IC .. I. ,, 111 fYlllll· .. •"-!"'~' t l "4•""""· rf Al1k'811, II ~rd·• Wrrltk, I MllllOI\ o Tei11t ,,.. f II 1'111 J • • • , 1 ' • l 1 I I I t 0 I ' I 3 I • 1 1 ' ' I I I ' . ' ' I I 1 t I I I 0 ' . . . ' . . ' 1 • • • l 0 • • • • • k_..,,~ H1tl!Ot :IOO 111 020-II '1 ft a..n11 AM OOll 001 Ill -4 t I 0 I to a quarter mile arouild. "Jmagint six riders at full speed hitting a flat turn - they have to broadsidt around and that's whtre the skill and the thrill CiJmes in." said Miine. Jack and his brother, Cordy, won honors in Callfornia in the 30s when there were a dozen tracks opratlng in California. They went to Australia and raced with success, then in· vaded England where in 1937 Jack won the world cham- pionship at Wembley Stadium before 80,000, i n c 1 u d i n g royalty. Lammy Lamortaux o f Pasadena was second, and Cordy Milne third. tt was a shutout for the Australian!! and Europeans that was hard to takt. Jack and Cordy own a motorcycle and auto a.etQCY in Plsadena. Jack thinks the Fair Grounds oval will be a succeu with racing every Fri- day nljbl He already lJ talk· ing a.bout lruitalllng addlUonal grandltlnds. The plant now stats ·1.000. NET TITLE GOES TO DUO Jo Darius and H a n k LelcbUrltd walked away with top honcn tn a Memorial Day weekend ltn- nia: toumamtnt held at the Newport Shortt Apartrr.~nl courts. Th<y won the Rlue nigh\ ti!le by downing Slllrley Reid and BUI Bwbom. Tim Macrea and Dtl Butera co~ ped the consolaliMI title. Fred Myers and Joyct Kupartk won ...i nigh! honon wllh a v1clory over Howard Kimball and Sylvia Dike. John ETntrlOn and Gloria Ro&er• took the con- aotaUon crown. NATIONAL LEAGUE Eaat Olvtsion Won IMt Pel. GB Chicago 36 17 .679 - New York 211 23 .:>49 7 Pittsburgh 26 28 .481 101/: St. Louis ZS 29 .483 11 % Philadelphia Ill 31 .3117 16 Montreal 12 37 .24S 22 West Dlvlsloa Atlanta 3% 20 .615 - Los Angeles 30 22 .~77 2 Cincinnati 27 21 .563 3 S. FranciiCO 29 23 .558 3 Houston 27 30 .47~ 7~~ San Ditg 24 33 .4%1 JO!~ ,,..,...,... •milt Cl11d nNtl 4, Cl\IQlllO I Ol'lly -~\llfd T.ny-1 .. _ Chlc.tH I~"' t-11 •I A!Wt1!• (il:eeel >!), "'"'"' SI. l oult CGltllon 1.JJ 11 (ll!CIMlll (CIDrllntlr >-1), 111t11I Pltllbu,_ f !Hho ~I 1t HoOIJtoll (Grtl'l'lll t-ll, 1111M Morr!,.11 fW-l·l) t i S.11 OJ. NO (IC"'"' t•), 11lftlt Pl!l i.chtll'l'll• Cl"1Ttrw1t1 S.2) •I l • ,,,,..... (Wloll M l. 1119111 ~ Y«', fCUdwtll l•J 1! $t1\ .. ~-1Moe1m1ldl: ,.,,, """' ----°'"-1! ... ,,.,,.., !'lltl!I ,.,_ Yor1t 11 SM l"r•nc:liu !I!. l.$llt ,, (llltlllllttl, "It'll! P l"*'"" -' HclUllllll, 1119111 .v....trffi _, 1111 01"0, 111tlll l"f'llt.ot•lt 11 LOI """..._ ftitlll AMElllCAN LEAGUE East Dtvl1loa Woa Lost Pct. GB Baltimore 39 IS :109 - Boston M 18 .SIO 3 Detroit 27 23 .SjO 911 Wasbtntton 29 29 .500 111h New Yont 18 It .491 12 Cleveland 11 33 .MO 1811 Wot DIYlslee Minneso\I 2t 2.1 .~ - Olklond 25 24 .510 2\1 Seattlt 24 28 .461 5 Chicqo 11 :18 .42' 8\1 Kamas Ch) 2S ll .tta 7 canrornla 17 S4 .333 11 1.~ ......,...._ ... it11t1t 1. Doi1to11 !. pt M IN I) ~ f, MlllMM!t J -IClllMI CMr 7, ,.._ Y01'11 1 ci-IMll " Olk-1 ()n!y -""'""'ltlt T ... T't.._ lcnton (C~llt t-1) 11 MIMMOll 11<111 J.O, 111tnt Kll'IMl (llf (l lllltr 1•t l 11 N•W Yft 111~ W ), 1111111 CIWN,,. tW llli.!'111 1 .. J 11 QllutO 11~1 I.fl, nltht lftltle (T1111ot I .. ) 1t Ottroll {WIJ. 1011 '-JJ, 111tM C.llltlml1 (Mll"'{l'f •II I f a,UltNN ,.....,. •11. 1111111 O.k!W I~ '~I •I WMhf"'1tn (Coltlt'lelt WI; nlP!I "Both of them played just about equally well," he said. Eads has 15 lettennt n returning from tht ttam that struggled through last season. QB Aces Excite CdM Grid Coach Corona dtl Mar Hl&h foot- ball coach Dave Holland says he'll havt mort depth next season and a aood ltt of rvn- nin,g backs but ht'• evtn more ei:clted about his protpreds •t quarterback. ~ . 'M'le candidates there are Keith Samutls and Gltnn MUler. Jloth 11ood out In C.Orona de! Mar's 1 .. ll tprlnl game !llandoff Saturday Ind both, Holland adds, a~ e substantially tmprovtd. "Miiler wu hurt last ytar and didn't play •but he look! like he mllht really help uS - it's qulle a 1urprlle. And Samuel• showed us in the spring game thlt ht'• really improved." Rick Petroa, Miller and Steve Morris 111 1 cored touch3.wm for the While team Saturday while Steve Judith scored lwioe • " d Samuels once for the BluH . "We were happy with the game," Holland Yid. Holland wlll have ltvtft let· tennen to work wtth In the fall ¥.'ho started lut year. -Th• ruMln( bacl<s he'• high on art Pelros. Judith and Jdf Cummings. Tbf: bt•l athletes on th& deftnslve ,Ide ire Jtff Richert (Hlel)'), Jell Goe!IU (tackle), Douc H 1111 ar d (llJ&rd) and Gr<i Carey (tu•rd). ' And Costa 1'1esan J im Canrleld topped OCC football coach Dick Tucker, 21-17, lS- 21, 21·9, for Class B honors in the two-day affair at San· ta Ana College. Fifty entrants participated In the tourney. "We'll hav& enouab tulft speed but we won't have U'!J blazers," Dodge nys. Bruising Baja 500 Starts Wednesday ENSENADA, Meslco (AP) the race Is Cbapola, ..... B -The brul!ing Baja IDO road ml1a down the ruqoj, Joi• race begino Wednesday witii Collfomla penlmula. llllal sl John Jobnaon, the I a n k Y the route is unpaved. perennlol wtnner In dane bug--• s 1 gy driving, In the fleld of J8$, J-. :18, ~ Pr •I ·The driven-on band".from _Valley, _C~lif., won fttl: u· thrvu8'>out 1be unlied Stales -..,.._..-.1u1-w1111 • Include Wally Dallenbach, who Corvalr-powefed duno bow: brle!Iy led tbll year'o IGO-mlle In last year•a Meslcan J,a. Memortel .1!11 r1<e at ~~ He !Jnlshed ftrst thr<e !im. to dianapollJ and j!ob Boadurant, · 'II a vtteran 1port1 car driver. the ~ao 100 1nd saya,he TIMn 11 . mocorc,deo wln tlilJ week. enttred a:"we11 u four.wheel Attbouch mo1t of the drivm drive 'vtblcltl end a t ·o ck Ult• heavy foot. a~ light car' paaqer can. A mutmum for the aancf.y terrain, Johnsc8 Ume llmlt or ID houn bu -la rudy wltii a macblnt "~ llilb ' driven Iavtnc ....... lq 1,1111 pourlds. Moot o! Ensenada at on....i.ute IJ>. lhe -. will wel(lt abOll tervalJ. 1,200 pounds. 'Ille ...,thenunool . ..._. of "My car wW wtlgh mort ..,.... .Uwi --I Itel ft Fish Report aboald be ltllrdy," bt Mid. •:Moot o1 1llo othen wtl M ta1llnC • chance of briakll( up," I J-buwon71....., u • dune bu&D' dra& racer iii the Imperial Valley clatrl olll last Mardi wu oveNll • n.-fJl 111o Lu Vqu Mbll .. lo Nevada. DO Slllfil Miii HAVI MOlll PllMf ... -~-~~. ,,....,,.. tM a1otn' •••- CAU. 147."67 • ---·-"":i • - - - ----~-· _______ _.!. _____ _...._.WllOZ=-==--:di..i:811i11-,......_-.:,___. .. ;.___-.ili I I STOl.EN1TREASURE -The "To Caleb a i\oaring Lion" 'episode of ''ft Takes a Thief," on Channel 1 tonltht at 8:30, involves Brock Peters and Denise Nicllolas, above, as security personn el of a newly emerging Alrican nation in search of ·a stolen na· tional scroll. • . Tl!LEVISION VIEWS Country Sound Wins.TV Spurs ' • By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -With pop .music virtual· ly the major :field for a financial bonanza in sh~w businesr nowadays, it is only lo~ical that the city of Nashville, Tenn., is bot television stuff. Nashville of course is the general headquarters for th'at part~ the pop1 music industry that special- izes in the country sound. And since this particular sound has .worked its way ·into much pf the more sopli.isticated pop music in show business, the logic fo r the city's prominence in video is even clearer. .:(HIS PAST Saturday, the first regular. weekly, prim~ time network video series to origii:tate in NastiviJle -the Johnny Cash show -arrived on A·BC-TV, an hour in 1ength. . And this coming Sunday, another Nashvill e entey, an hour-long program entitled "Hee Haw," wilf'elTlve on CBS-TV . 't'he Johnny' Cash show replaced, "The H~!ly­ wood. Palace" for the summer, and · Hee Ha w 1s also a vacation-time series -taking over the slot vacated by the canceled Smothers Brothers pro- gram. Come fall .. the Leslie .Uggams ~eries will. oc- cupy .the time penod. a lso with a music-and-variety formal. ' From the v ery t1tle, '"Hee H.~w_,'! ~nd ·f.r~m a look at upcoming perf~ti op. ~e series. it seeffif. p~ certain llial this show·wlll;sUckJiy and large, ' to tile standard, Jr;idltioiial countcy>Jt•tem mus~ . ' approach. The t'O/l<J4ts· are Roy Clark and "'Buck Owens. An'd fan S' or the ·smothefs BrOth.ers 'series· may well swallbw hard to think 1it is' be-Ing replaced by a show called "Hee Haw ." · THE JOHNljY CA~H show, on !he. other .hand, is a,country-orienied· program with quite oQVlously a different style, and a different gOal in 'm.ind.'lts'" purpOse, aside from entertaining, is to illustrate wh=might more properly be call~. co~.nlry-folk mu~ , the very music that has bad su~-enorn:ious im ton the more polished forms of the pop field. A lotk at last weekend 's debut made that approach verYkJear, · . Cash's program is, without doubt. the best coun- try music show ever offered on network television. The only unfortunate part of the premie-re was some gosh-awful comedy by a lady named Fannie F.Jagg, who would seem more likely to bel ong on a 'show called, say, "Hee Haw." THIS MISTAKE aside, ho\vever, the Cash show was very good. The produclion values were strong, and, above au, the star-singer-host immediately e-stablished him self as a man to be reckoned with on the home screen. He is th e Frank Sinatra of the country-folk field . Jf hi s voice is not naturally as pure or perfect in tone as some other singers, it matters little because he has what fe\\' performers in the singing fi eld have: Character. It shows in his voice and manner. He is a bi g. imposin g ma n wilh a look of reality and hard-earned experience about hin1. Co untry-folk fans know he is already a legend, and if you \von- der why. you might pick up his "Folsom PMson " album. Taken in sum, he is the refore no surprise when the \\'Ord s of his song s ring true in the way of simple, earthy poetry. A young lady guest on the premiere. J oni f\1itchell -excellent in her delivery, Jnanner and voice -al so sang "'ith a hignl y poeti- cal air. And 1 believe the \\'O rd s of th eir songs \vould make a worthwhile small book of poetry. D~tais tlie Jtfe11ace -·• • ( • PEANUTS ·--1 J ·-·RE.;'~ IT'S JUL RIGHT, M!ST\Jol SUT'IOW! -I >JEVUH 5AW ONE -aose uP-B,Fo'.' PERKINS JUDGE PARKER POW'T GIVE W. 1™.T SWEET- HE,\srf !YT! !llNC.E WMEN WAS #..\IZIE FROfrA THE GIFT !>MOP A ~!NESS Ffl:IENP'f. ,..-'\;:-t1> MOON MUUINS TUMBLEWEEDS IF I GIVE YOU THIS KEEN JPQ\KNIFE, Will YOU HEU' ME RESCUE MY HORSE?" MUTI AND JEFF ~·10 MUTT, f4ERE5 A l-ETTER F ROM MARK Noss MYER! HE'D LIKE TO KNOW +IOW Tf-\ESE COMIC STRIPS At<E MADE! L-ETS 5HOWfllM! I 'LL DRAW A PICTURE OF'YOU AND You DRAW 0 K ONEOFME! .. MISS PEACH t WISH I WAS~ TAltZAN. • N0500Y eve.: euGoi;ao iAf<%AN. so t BOl.1<;HT EARPLUGS FOR All .. i Atr:f TWO, -Y .. 6"1'1fit~ '5M,b.L.J.. ·~"• ....... ~ ... -. - ly Cliarles M. Schull By Harold Le Doux IUf \IOU ARE~ .!Ill I PID .. lF' 'IOU POMT BELIEVE WAS DRIVE M'-RIE-HOME 1 ME, \'OU CAN PHo.IE- AFfEll: WORK~ $HE WAS ~ THE II.AN :I SPENT GOIMC. 1N TME SAME. ·THE EVENING Wm!. --VTtEC.TtON-r:wAS!- • • By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan GOT ANY lllf/>S HOW TO DOIT? • ·-·-·--~·-- 'SEE,FIRSTWE SKETCH IT our IN PENCIL, LIKE 'THIS! . . ANDT+lENWE CAREFULLY FINIS!-1 IT ININK! By Al Smith FINISHED? I CAN"T WAIT! By Mell IEFORE '!Oii TAK! OFF OOI ni.-T ~ANT1'5Y, APE-MAN, LET Me l<l!!MINO '>'OU OF. SOMl!'THINl7: IF you WEl<l!!TAJ<ZAN,l'OBl!-WIE. • i I I ! I uo o rB mm""',....., -· ''00 8 Tiii 111 ""' (C) (60) .ktry CCI Hi"lll'iftlM It Allllttt'" (wtstern) • Dunphy '67-Bobby D1rin, "lallt Nltlatn1 " Emlly BIM.I. story -Cll WIJllt. 0 m,..,........, ,(C) (30) 111 ll•Cot!ftdntt offictr, ..mo II O stm A.11111 a.. (C) (90) tun·shJ •• 1 mun of tht tcd· ,. d1nt1l l!lllnc of 1 hilncf. WllM h1 U Sir O'Cled Mirrir. .. ...,.H ll-rtlurnt ho1111 to Alllltnt. he b 1sbd pf .. " (ad'll!ll.ll11) 'S2-.ltff CIUll· lo takt Mr hit tld )Db IS sheriff, dlK, Al• !ticol. (II) 0 I• Sn (C) (60) 0 .-.... 5 (C) (60) [Uflflt ID I LM lKJ (60) Orm1ndf ind Tbt F'tllltdtlphl1 Or· Cllestrl lrt f1ttur9d, (R) di latalt (C) (30) m IET fllllirlMI (50) "'HtpPf' Ml'lll (it(}) IWr lrWfla (C) (90) Yvu." A rtpmt perl'otm1nct tf ,... fD n.t1 .... (C) (30) *'MllSlc In 111rn fllturlq Fmdl ttltlrtliner Colot."' A look tl 111\1* th1t is con-Yva Monltnd Ind Tht Dirk S.lldtrl ~trtH Into tOloriul lmitt• th~I~ l•titl 1n 1f1ttro11ic Instrument IXJ Qvclle Anl1Mll (C) (30) ii) U11 C.lor P111 [st.I Pitl (30) al llPLM "'" (C} (60) g:30 0 llNIC Newstnice (C) (60) ID Vty1tt tt tltt Botta• ti ttlt S.1 (C) (60) !»@ Hunllty·l 1inklq (Cl (3(1) fil) fOtUI Ill S\nde11 (C) (30) "Ombudsm1n." Oocument11y on lhe Swedish 0Hic1 of th• Ombudsman. a oo m .... ,., "') €?) N11.idtrt 34 (C) (60) 7:00 B CIS C'ltninr """ (Cl (30) W1t1tf C1onk1lr. O WMrs Mr u~1? (CJ (3Gl ''" IJ Qt (I) -.., (C) (30) ~. Mf btcomll 1 comic ditlft ...._ Billy Ind T•y 11111 thtlr ~ to 1 nltaurant thtt turns out tt be 1 prlsh «11dh011M with 1 tllll\o tell to match. (R) u lHl rn m '"'° cc> <30) "[,.. tounter on 1 Jlooflop." Del Jen Ward Is 1c:cid1ntallr lhot by • 1ookit piilrolman whtn ht la mli- laken fur 1 bur(l1r. (R) 0 Mews (C) (30) lid Ml)'ll'L m11"""" Hip (60) fII H07 (30) JD;OO E)qt(j)&O Mlnidtl (C) (Ct()) Htrl)' RUIOlllf Ind Miki W11!1t1 rtport on the war In 811111. W1llltt m P.....-4 (C) (30) i1 in Ni1eri1, 11POftin1 Oii ttie Wlf1 ~ OO A~! (C) (SO) its cau~. ~tl1I IOlutiOl'll 1111 ----~~~--1undlllliol . __ ~ Miatu• o,.. Ho111t (301 "Thr wit h Bi1fr1. At tht Simi tllM\ ' Artlsl 1iid the Mirror -Riwell Con· Rt1$0ner ii mv«1n1 tholl mbjlctt nor. !di' .i se11.porhits br Go,1, in Bi•!r1. Politlctl 1nd mllitl!J .,_ ~ Cita111!, tv1nn1 1ild Konwttz. 11s .wHI bt1lnlll'VilMd. -· QJJ (j) Thi hid ,..,. (C) 130) 0 m News (C) (60) 0 il1J (]) !ll ~ .. CMtt (C) (60) ·o.,,.. IC! ,.., m ,,.~ • a. ..,. (C) (30> EE l)m111 ~llM (C) (30) "-7:30 II Ci! (i) llnc:er (C) (60) Thi lr1xlbl1 JlllJ witnnen 1 ll1nk rob- bef)' in Sl).lnls/I W1llJ and, 1ud- den!r f11tln1 hir· to p1rt of the loot, d1p01it1 ' fl'IOlll'J ad in the L1ncflf1' WllOI\. (R) 0 "(j) lll'lSIM '"" ICl (iOJ "Is Thul in""frvth Ko Bt11utt1'' Mr. EID USC. Mmlc flltN1! (60) Jollt Crown, head of th1 pint d9P:lrt • ment 11 USC. Jlosls • ISOlllii-'•· tm:ert. s.tlCtions lfl Tomtt SW. bod1'1 Sonall f111 Piano Ho. l , Op, ~9: Leror Soutllm' Son1t1 for fllM and Piano; and hul Hld'#tlr1 f.,.. loai••· IE M1ri1111 (30) Spotk wiM cli1 of mlOMu unless 11>:30 m film (C) (30) Bill JohnL Captain Kilt un pttsu1de.• rnent-@!! F1n1ste Ceninn (30) lul woman to uve him. OiM• Mui· daur plays Mi11nd1, • woman 1t. lentlul of Spoclt's 1biftty to mtn11llr com mun1e111 with tht Mendumn 11:.:1 B 0 0 Ill mm,._ (C) -lh• ai&tit of w!lich drives hum1ru 0 Alfl'llll Hitdletek in51n1. D1Yid fr111kh1m ptay1 Mir-. ~itk, hei ;ealous suitor. (R) 0 Mo.it: "Mr. llrdelllcu" Chor· !Of) '61-0sut Homolb, Audt'1 0 J1c.k l111nr (30) Dall:Oll. D @ (}Hll"" ""' 1Cl'160l m u.~~" (Cl •'f-in~lr, Twlnk1t. Littlt st1r1tl." Qt.-: .. Nt '• 'fw.t MIW'· With line and Pete tlow bJ, Julit (1ctventu1r) '57-John Ac1r, fltnny poses.11 t Hollywood starlet t1' de · £dw1rdi. ~ ·lht sll~fl' of }'Olml IC!ftsSH. (R) 0 Million $ Movit: (C) -JM Till Mtn" (ad~tnture) '55-tlerk G1ble, Robert R11n. J1n1 Russell. Ii})(}) (II (j) QI) 00 -(Cl · ll:JO IJ Mtvitl: ..,......,.. (m1sttm m Trutli " CH.qlllll* (C) (30 '54-fred M1cMuriay, "lllm NO'•k. tD P«IJ' Mnon (60). 0 ~ 00 er;) Ttfllrllt Dow (t) fl) TIM f.-dl CW (30) (R) 0 Mtvtl: "AllO'llllr Pert If llM 1:00 O bnt ''" (JO) Femt" (d11m1) '-4&-frtdric Mtrdl, Ann Blyth. 0 il1J CD !ll "'7 '"'°' IC! m DM111d O'Ctll111r (tJ m Hml (C) (30) . ail M1nt.1r Jau (C) (~ Vacal-1:-1=30 :!._ ~" 'Tt.Mtrt: "Swo1d Ill V• lsts Ctrmen McR11 ar.d Mii TOl:mt, pianist Etrl "F1th1" HinN end the Woocb Herm•n Olchestra IPPflf in the second epbodt tn • •ies on 1Z:45 fJ Morie .... o.di9" (mlntdrl the Tenth Annual "'°'1tny Jw '56-llH TrlVtfl, Alulllt Sil!L Festival. eJ Klppenin1 t G•C• (&O) 1:30 IJ 3 00 Rid Slitltt11 (Cl (60) S~1llon d1liv111 • rape1t recitation ol his inlerprelltion of \lit Pledae of Alle1l1nc1. Audrl'J M•dows. TM lettermen ind Tld Midi runt. {R) O @~ml•li • (C) (30) ~~·~~;,:~· ::.·,~'on· J~~~~ of tll• blu1. Ml)'S hi'• out ol sreen 1rttl 1slu hit' for $500. Reconlina; 1rti1t Kttty Llsttr b J..tllttd ti • bank ttll1r. Diutk Wood 11111turld. (11) 0 I I Pi CL;;( !Sips If Lw1 (C) (30} TonJ Mtrtin llosts. uooo-(C) m Fn.11 tilt ln&ld1 Out {t) 1:15 H Mwit: .,lltlr Y~ (dr1J111) •sg_Rich1rd BurtDll, ~rt JvrPM. O C..11unltp 1.i1t11 ltn tel l :lO 1J1: 77 sw.t Strip Z:SO m All-NIPt Aw. •'Ont SmtlJ Afternoon" •nf '1hl Grul '1lbtrt tnd SU1liw111." WED NESDAY 112•00•·.,-· 1.-.1 ~ ll1m tltiott, l'tl)'lll• COltu. DAYTIME MOVIES 12::30 ID *Cjy Wiit"-(JllJJtMY) '47-lrrol ftynn, '-'llQrMNblt YW' (dr11111) '~Dint Clar~. 2:00 CE ''C,.• H.ttaw" (llonor) '5Z- . l :OO O "l•dy If lwtnqut" (mysltf)) Don1ld Houll.on, N1llatla ...,,,_ ·lJ-81rb1r1 St1nwyck. l :OO O "ThrM Stnnpn," (mrKtfl) '47 O "AldJ Hildy ca-....... -Gtnldi111 f llz11r1ld, SJdlltf (~) '3&.-Mk:b1 ~J&: • G1Mnstrtt1. trldl l rt$11rL · P...it eM LMs .,, 4:30 II (C) "1111111'1 ti lliOINllim" (td'· 1:30 =.. (C) ~" (drtm•) '5&-¥1flturt} '60 -Robert T1Ylof, All· llon1T,Sch11ti6tr. Mri111 HM;ll. tl'tMry ""°'"· e JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qw11ity 'rinllnt 111d D•pendalll• S1mc1 fer 1111,. ttl111 • Qw1rl1t •f • C111lwry • PI LOT PRINTING 1211 wm IAUOA ILWD. NIWPOIT llACH ) _l~~~-L.~~~-'-~~~~~~~.&.-... ~~ -·.,---• .. T-. Juot 10, 1969 DAILY PlLDr JI A" port Solution?· Off ore Locations Gaining PROPOSEO ORANGE COUNTY OFFSHORE AIRPORT CALLED 'FEASIBLE' Design Consultants Con sider Ocean Terminal Which Utilizes Multi-Level Island Idea ~ ---fl;:IGH"f-eEeK--~ag~:_ CARGO ENPLANING DEPLANING LEVEL By JO 01 ,. As 9oes Orenge C Plans fo l'."1irport to VALTERZA •111 l'lltl lllff leveland, so 9oes y? $I -billion, offshore ve Clevelan d, Ohio - s i mi t to suggestions for Orange unty -are w:nl'lin9 ;·rong su ort in the midwest i;ity. A clust of study groups, both :irofessio I and citizen , thi.s week disclosed e re s u It s of "many years of !anning " for the Lake Erie supe onic jet terminal, which, . they soy, hould be built by 1980. Almos parallel plans are being consider now by design consul· TERMINAL DRAWING INDICATES MUL Tl-LEVEL USE OF OFFSHORE TERMINAL CONSIDERED BY EVELAND Ohio Planners Say Lake Erie Airport Would Start Paying for Itself After Ten Ye1r1' Operatio • ....... ·- CONTROL TOWE R OF PROPOSED CLEVELAND AIRPORT WOULD INCORPORATE ADMINISTRATION, OPER IONS OFFICES Government and Private Investment Would Be Used to Finance the $1 Billion Offshore Terminal - tonts for the County of Orang, as a possible solution to the prob, lems of airport expansion here. , Financ ing of the Ohio terminal, which opponents of offshof!• ter .. minals say is prohibitive, could be acco mpHShed by both government and private investment. Deficits wou\d be felt at first, but by about I 0 years ofter build ing of the first increment, the planners say the airport would start paying fo r it- 'olf effectively. Strong support for on offohore terminal closer to home also ha s come from the Los Angeles firm of Ralph M. Parsons Co., wh ich is design ing a simila r terminal for the state of Hawa ii. Officials recently told Oronge County airport commis1ioners that such a plan is definitely feasi ble. The least expensive m o d e of constructing a11 island, they said, would be • dike design . The bu lk- head-fill concept is the second· least expensive. -The Orange County offsho re plan calls for landin9 strips simi lar in design and length lo the Ohio te rminal. Included in th e Orange County suggestions is a plan by Corona del Mar developer George Free- man, who suggests an offshore island between ' Newport Beach and Hunti~gton Beach with iwo, two-fnile-long runways. In the Cleveland plan, su pport· \ ers of the lfshore terminal sty 11 • ,. is the onl feasible way to build . ,. •n expandable a i r po rt without creating awesome nois e, safetx ~ and land-purchase probltn\l- Since all approach tnd takeoff patterns Would be over ~ater, no noise problem would exist, pr°"' ponents say. • Besides the a.ir term1nal, tr1n1: portation services , electric buses , •. ._ freeways and moving sidewalki?'-\:. would be built to serve as acce1\-;·~·:·: facilities for the giant, l,000-pluk·;'•· acre complex. .. · · .., .. '. Sixty. six loading and servi-,...,.,.i gat'es are proposed for the Orange County version. Accessory equip:~ ... ment, loading dock s and structur•S · would be retractable. ~,j:: I I Runway groov ing could provide 1 positive traction for aircraft in wel~ I or damp weather, an d arresting ' j I gc•r could be_ bu ilt •Ion g t,.,._~ fr inges to eliminate accidents from 1 aircraft overshootin9 runways, ac.-I cording to Freeman: ; · ] J A dryair and seeding system ·.: ... , could allow for fog control, he sug: , .. 9ests. ...··. ~oth offshore plans call for II''''' multi-level i~land, with auxiliarY,·· .. :" facilitie s, parking and access road'S . entering the of fsh ore c6mpJex8S' ~1 ·~ II~~· from underneath. ,.;),"~ The offshore conc ept is bein~ s+udi ed by William L. Pereira an<i;~~· Associate s, consultant5 on airixir+ '"'""' plan s for the ~ounly. · . .;;.,~ .,-; . ..... YACHT CLUB, MARINA PART OF OHIO'S PLANS Basin Would Be Extra Attraction of Offshore Airport !. " , ..... !1,j. ·,1, Ill; 1, '" . ' . ' • >)• ,,., ,, OHIO'S OFFSHORE AIRPORT 'IS DESIGNED TO HANDLE HUGE CONCOURSE JETS Loading-Unload ing G1te1 Would Lt1d to Underground Hotel, Re1t1ur1nt1 UL Tl·LANE HIGHWAY WOU~·D PROVIDE QUICK ACCESS TO OFFSHORE AIRPORT 09·1ttdin9, Runway Grooving ind Arrt1tln9 Gear Would Offset Saftty Olsadv1nt1,.1 -- • I I ' --. -' ...... LEGAL NClr!CE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NClr!CE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI TO CltlOITOJIS T.cml SU,.E•IOa COUaT Of THI Sll,.•fUO.: COUl:T Of' TH• STATI O" CALl'OaHIA STAT• OJ" CALl,OltNIA 'Olt COllNTY 011' OltANGE Tttl COUNTY 01' OltANGI Ma. A-6"'4 Mt. A~U• Elltt. el CttANC'I' MILE$ LOTT, fiOTICI 0,. NU.alNe ff PllTITION ~MMd. ,,Oii: f'ltOUTI 0.. WILL AND NOTICE IS HEllEB'f' GIVEN !ot , ... ,CODICIL ANO l"Olt LIT T• a S Ct9111~ ol tti. •bo¥t ntmtd •lclt'fll ·TtSTAMINTAlt'f' ,...,, 111 Plf"IO!ll ~IVll'l9 el1lm1 •PIMI lt\1 '&tit. el •EN U. IC.ADIHG, DlcilHd. N ld 4'c;edwot 1r1 rl!lllllrfd te file tt>tm, NOTICE IS HEaEB'f' GIVl!N Tiii! wlth tht 11e«-r VOOOCM"' I• 1111 Mfke UOffA SOWElt 1111 tlltd hlr1l11 1 .wt~ ol !111 dfft; of lflll 1bon 1nllttfd COIH'I, or """ '°" ,,,,...,,. el will '"' eodJcU Ind lw tg ......... "'""· Wiii! "" llKISU..., 1au11Kt of Lelltf't T11!11Mnl1rt' to the \'Wd'llr1, ta IM 11nder1l•ned • t ••trll-r, ""9<it!IC9 .. wtlldl r. ..... '°" WALLACE, BROWN .. CRAIN, A!!o•MYI Nrtller 1Mrtle11llra. tlld tl\tl IN tilM ...., 11 Lt w, Sll!ft )f OoYv &ullcUng, Ill 11lta d ""°""" tl'll -lllf bte<1 tit! 0-Orlw, ,.._. Buell, Ctllfornl1, • Ju .. t1, 1Nt, 11 t:• 1.111., Ill Ille wllldt It Ille llltct of .,.,,lrlbs of 1111 ~ el 0.01rtll'lllll No. J d Nici unH,.:t1111d In tll IMll'lrt Nrttlnlnt to qurt, 11 *' Wut !I""" $Ir"'' In 1111 1111 111111 el uld tlK-1, wllflln four q!)I ·°' "" .. An•, U llfll'ril1. monttts tllw lhl Jlral PUblk.ttlOft ot thl1 Dtfld J-.. 1Hf. JIOflc1. , 'N. E. ST JOHN Oiied JuM I. !Nt. • Counlv Clfri: M•t'J M, Loll Lllll"OU», H•NDlltlOJll E.•ecutrl• DI ,,.. win AHD DINIMOOlt of 1111 tbcrll namsd d1efd1nt $ ... , lnll St.. WALL.AC•, •IOWN • CltAIN .. 111 """"'" " uw att. ,,,_., Ctlf. M' kltl It o....w a.llltJ"' Aft«Mn ttr Ml~ W 0.-Ori" Tll1 (JHJ .... ,,N "-"" ._,, Callfll'"~ll l"ubl~ Orll!H Ca.II OlllY llllot, Attwriey .... l!•KlllrlX ~ f, 11, 11, INf 10D-69 Putlll1Md Orl"'f Cotti DlllY Piie!, -------------IJllN 10, 11, 24, Ju!W I. 1Nf lGfl.ff LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ftOTICI OIJ IMTfNTIOM TO ENGAGE il't TM I IALI 0 1' ALCOHOLIC Sl!'t'IRAGl.I Nearly Everyone • 'Listens' to Landers • l .. , 4 2 ·-.... s 7 8 • D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F E D 6 4 2 5 6 7 , • • ' ' .. . ... .. • HOUSES FOR SALi ' HOUSES FOR SALi!' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! General • 1000 c;;.r.1 1000 O....r•I 1000 Gonor•I 1000-...1 1000 -------_JHA·VJ TERMS WE'RI WAVING THE FLAG SIX YtAR 1N£W. complete. ly redecoratl!tl, F 0 tJ R BEDROOM, famil,y rwm. l'l. bath home with 1~ plact, forced air heat and bWlt·in kitchen. Completely carpeted and draped, I.Ara• over • &lied double raraae with wash\111 fllCllitiU. 1S'x 3)' patio, fenctd yard • 1priJlklen. Only minutes Jrwn majol' &hopplrlE and IChools. A BAR.6AIN AT ONLY $27.950. JUST ANNOUNCED: • Bd M V d P tt 1-·11 . i .. rm. Hll er e acese er .w1 I IN COSTA MESA sell YA at $31,950. BeauU!Ul shag carpeting • Single story floor plan • Massive uaed brick fireplace •AU electrlc Jdtchen • Needs some work • Now under construction SlVEN CUSTOM HOMES FO• ... Tremendous buy. J "THE REAL ESTATlllS" OPEN . DAILY 2807 Europa Drlff from $28,575 I ' All our efforUI are ~- trated In the Newpt)-~ f!!· 'UlesNu6e~aftr., I WITH SUCH FEATURES AS : bor-C011ta J.lesa area. ,We • Fireplaces ~: ~~~: ."r:!&~~· '~ JllO MISA 'f'llDI DI, e COSTA MISA. e PH0M~146oltfl • 4LargeBedrooms • VA & FHA Financing e Wood Roots Unue to succeed here 1 1000 Gener•! 1000 Newport HelthlS Evening• c.u ><5-8823 Country Charm C u 1 l o m designed I i!!ii[iiiliiiiiiiiii!!iil I Spacious t bedroom fami.ly wtth brick front, 3 I' • h home. Priva.te master auit.e, """"'· 2 ...... "'· • 10 n macnab ...i"'"" ..,, with """' ered patio. Benuti· brick Ureplace and open full.)' landscaped Jgc. BAYCREST beam ceUlna. Lara:e Jot with lot. $33,500 -!OSI lush landscaping_ P1ay area d0\\'!1. Large 3 bedrooni home with tor children and charming 2D Profeuiona.11 To Serve You! Horse Lovers , formal dining room, large patio for outdoor summer living room, walnut panel· entertaining. Newport Beach ed den, elqant master bed· addttu. $36,900. room wlth fireplace & walk .In closet1. Bean1cd ceilings. Hea~ I: filtered pool. Ask· ill& S69.500. Cali for app't. Santa Ana 11'1ght" 17141 642-8235 66x200 with 2 bed· room home and a ,901 Dover Drive, Suite UO As1ume 6% FHA $193 Per Month Tolol Thia lovely 4 bedroom, 2 bath home bouts warm STQNE FIREPLACE It IUh carpet. ,aid :.-J.m dnapes! Oittrlful eU";;knt kitchen! ADULT OCC'UPI· ED & IMMACULATE in prestige area on quiet cuJ de sac street. Lo\·ely land· scaping! A GREAT BUY AT $2ii,OOO. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2190 Harbor mvd. at Ad1UU 560491 Open 'ill 9 Pl\1 Yes, • 20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers • Oversized Lots Up lo 14 Acre • Roman Tubs & Showers • In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORE SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES we have a trade-in program for information call COATS & WALLACE REAllORS • 1491 BAKER STREET ~141 COSTA MESA , CALIF. 2 car garage. Lot l !!~!·!N!'!"""'!!!l"!"'!"~h completely fenced: ! ,,,..~f;' ,.;,.~ c" • 1 ·' 4 BEDROOMS MESA DEL MAR Generol 1000 5112°/o LOAN l"-"c:PO=.O_L_T_A_B_L.:.:E::: Gen1r1I 1000 ' Unbtllnablt No Down VA this i& a qua.li1,y home With ceincnt driveway &: shake fOO'· Only J years old. SeU- ,r \Viii pay all buyer's clos- ing costs & will give you $100 to move 1#-9521 or 540.6631 "For A \Vise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. 6·t2-7'777 A 21 l'C 30 Rumpus Re>am ..with a giant fil't"place &: bar lhat Neats 8 -A 4 bed- room + family rm., 2500 sq .. ff, an total- ed. A Th' x 200' lot, A 20'x40' work shop for $29,950 -Try 10% down. J. K. Nichols Barrett Realty !-tonest Action, S incere Service, We're Proud to Serve Home + Income NpL Hghb. Dill 2 bed room complete- ly remodeded -f I bedroom rental -2 garages. Ne\v drlve- '''8YS -Inc. pol. $300 -$29,500. 546-2313 or 646-7171 5 .... ooms Meta clel M• 2400 sq. ft. Spark· ling clean, tile elec- tric kitc:hen--J lux· ury bath~. Enclosed boat & trailer i;pace. $37,950. Realtor SHARP 1 3 Bedroom • Plu1 F•mlly Room i):tra larae.bedroonu. Beau· :Wulb' enclosed patio, even a .ewlng room in this Jove-- Jy home. Extra& to nwner- oua to mention. VA. $21,300 1111!1\I I 111\0\ •'' 645-0303 8 UNI.TS Pride of Owner1hip .\ll 2 BR.g 1 bath, built-Jn ra.nae &: oven, ·Jara:e wanf.. robes. new ca~ts k dta~ es. Private patios. , 1860 Newport Blvd., 0 1' R1tr. 6,16-3923 Eve. 644-1655 Lachenmyer Ocean View Sit in 32 rL livl ng 80ATSMEN. L00KI room and see all tlie Pier & dock for 36' boal plus \\'BY to Catalina. Ab-charming "on the water" s~l~tely perfect con· home. Priced to Interest d1tion throughout al lo with attractive ha • v Ue coru;c us, near \\·ater carpets and d:Cor~ buyers wi~h boal!l:. $&3,:.00. ator drapes. Owner Offtts getbng a\vfully close, is working out or better get your.. in. area 11nd offers al Red Carpet Realty $38.500. Call AQyt1me • 675-6000 2Q2.5 W, Balboa. Blvd., NB 51/<t 0/o Loan 4 b2droom !llesa dPl l\lar beauty. Hui::l· family room \1'i1 h l'aised fir('plac(', srr. '(ice porch, frnc•1•tj yard. Nc\v outside paint. $31,500. LIDO ISLE Exceplionally atlr. custoni hohlc on Via Orvieto. Ideal for C()Uple or small family. 2 Br., 2 Ba., formal din. or family rm. lmmaculalc. SSl,500 LIDO REAL TY INC. 3400 Via Lido 6l'3-.'lllJO OWNER presents YES • We hav'" BAY· FRONT SUMME R. RENTALS· & very &pee· laJ ones!! * 4 bdm:is. private pier le slip. Designed for indoo~ outdoor Jiving • View, * Oxilce Peninsula loca. tlon (year round Jeue available, tool, pier .I: slip, 5 bdnns, 3~ baths + maid's quartcNi. * Lo\•ely hon1c in prime area. Excellent beach & pk-r, 4 brms, 3 baths. 100) \VestcliH Or, NB 642-5200 204J Westclill Dr. 646-ml Open Eves. $11,SOOI Short drive to ocean & ma· jor shopping. Cathedral type ceilings in living room. KIJchen with built-in range A: oven. Paneled garagt' for extra party room. 540-1720 TARBELL 29SS Harbor ---- -$23,S~MESA VE ROE Pa.rk like yard wilh cascad· Ing \vaterf!1Us &-pond. Full dining room, 2 baths. Built· in range & oven. Freshly painted. Quie l street. Walk To Collage You can u sume thil: 5~% Joan. $110 per month P & I. 3 Bedroom plus family room , 1~4. bath, hard\\'ood noon:. $27,500 1 llHI 'I I Ill \II\ Been looking for a place lo put· one? Here it is· Beau- tiful ramUy home in excel· Jent location \\ilh separate 18 x 21l foot rumpus room to accommodate regulation size pool table, plus plenty or room left over for enjoy· inz 'IV and the mammoth 1tone fireplace. Larz:e bed· rooms, 2 queen size baths, dlnirc room and separate room for office or hobby. 645 • 0303 Assume low JnterTsl 514 % FHA loan. Payments of GROOVEY 1183 per mooth, U><l"d' 4 BEDROOM "">thing. 5"bmll YOW' smaller home on our guar· It's vacant \\'I th an out • antee sales plan. sight custom made Wand WE SELL A HOME kitchen. Dow n payment'! EVERY 31 MINUTES moo 10 '"'bod':"'·, .. -·walker & Lee J'l'IOW In In 7 days. Go man go, ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 SCHOOL \VITHIN 2 BLOCK.5 3 bdmi -family room Large Yard Jn1mediate occupancy COLLEGE PARK JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-32$$ Courtyard Pool "Forever View" Ne1V Wells' plan 1'Cady for A~. deliv- ery, 4 BR 31,~ ba, fam rm \\·et bar. 19x32' pool. Bu.y no\V lo select colon;. Roy J. Ward Co. !Baycl't'sl Office) 1430 Galaxy Dr. ~-1550 2043 Westclill Dr. 646-m 1 Open Eves. CHARMING ESTATE PACESETIER MESA VERDE 3 BR 2 baths. service J>Ol'Ch, added la m i I y room', f o r m a I dining area, 2 patios. lmn1edi· ate possession. $33,950, ~COATS ~ WAL~ACE REALTORS -~54'46-4141- IOpen Eveninp} BUCCOLA BEAUTY Eastside Cosla 1.1csa Gem. , . This 3 BR + family 100111 + dining room hat1 a walnut \vet bar & fine wood pan· cllinb. 011•ner moving lo East Coast so let's sec what CASH WlU. DO. $26,950 Newport •I Vidori1 '4Ulll 4 Bedroom+ Family Room $137.00 Mo. Total This beautiiuJ 4 bedroom home has sep. family n'n., custom kitchen with built· ins, green shag carpeting, "'alnut paneling, Se 11 e r s have moved eu!. -leaving lt vacant. }furry on this one. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 HIGSON CONSTRUCTION CO. .l\1edallion Jlome Builcl"rs 8ayc:rest lar9aln 5 bdrm 3~i bath home in de- sire.able location. Owner moving East. ~1ust be sold. Arnold & Freud 388 E, 17th St., CM Realtors 64~n5.i Nursery School POTENTIAL. 3 BR 2 bath home, corner Joi, 130xl80' all fenced. Cal lfor details, Oi!111ni11 ltr111fy ti42-6j()() Real l::s!ate SALE:S~lAN NEEDED Need Information~ \Ve arc as clo.~c as you1· phone: & Anxious a40-1710 -Boat/Jr.ailer. P•r.king BeautUul adul! occupied 3 TARBEL L 295$ RarliOr f\IESA DEL l\tAR corner PL Newport Really & I~ Ca. -1842 Npt. BI'Vcf::-trd 54s-0588 Doll Housa SPRrkllng clean :; lx-droom or 2 and den home in dRndJ East side location. Just a f('w i;tep! from schools & shop- ping. $24,500-Let ~ talk terms. BR home • Back Bay k 61/ hon1c. Nr.at 4 & family room Largr Mesa Verde Colonial $31.950. Fallbroo l Ac possession 9111.69_ 329,750, 5 bdmls (2900 sq fU An· Cos.ta Mes.a 1100 DAVIDSON Realty Million Dollar View 107.: rlo\vn or subniil. thony pool home near gall !11ESA VERD_E_oo-,-,,.-r-'lo~t:.:J S.16-5160 EVC'~. !il9-1~ Nl'w luxury home &: income course. Farm style kitchen, I --~ --,g 5C5·5UO g. BDR1'1, l3f Ba. family PENINSULA-PT-. -2 BR +large. light · con· (BUrcinl!Nthlltlf) family & dining roon1s. rni. Fully <:rid & drpd. 2 Charming J Br. 3 Ba. hotnl". vl'rlablc studio. Sfrl,000 • UEGE REALTY Could stand redecorallng. fireplace&, covered patio. Lge. sunny patio. Nr. ocean lOS"a dn. Owncr/Bldr, (TI~) 15m,.,..lllUfW,CM 0\\'IK'r lrani;fered -ma kc 3068 Gibrallor, CM. & bay, $49.500 728-7113 oUer: S26,900 .Q\vner. 546-2626 Balboa Rul Eslete Co. DIAL 642-9730 INVESTORS ~ 541-51!0 700 E Balboa Blvd., Balboa AND find out about a greal (11Ur tinftN1hNl1t) COLl..EGE PARK -Spotless ~ 67J-'4140 buy. Just needs Tendcr.[.()v. LEGE REALTY J bdrm l'l bath. NICE! ---A~-~FRAME ing-Care. lt is a 3 BR Free-$19,950 1500AdamsltHlrtlof,CM. NICE! NICE! ASK I NG Modem 3 Bil. 1 Blk to dom home for only $18,950 • 4 BR Ir: fam r.1 .. Owner pre.l':l::~~==~~==:I S27,500. Agt. 646-JZ)S or • ocein s:p 900 · v.•ill go..Fl lAIVA. Rltr. eves. fers to lease back at s1ssl1 546-~ Ask for Bill. -·w.11<nif -cAvwo0D REAL Tv· ><S--0120 '" .. """ •' ,,.,_ OCEANFRONT ~~~~""'~""'"' Vaoant & lon""m' 6306 w c 1 11 • • KENNEDY Rend Rulty 645-2344 DUP'""X REPUBLfc Homo. 8 m" ready for lmmediatr · aa~ wy, NB ' -~ old. 2 story, 4 BR, 3 BA. occupancy. Spaclous 1 =-=~S;.:4a.;.;_l;;290;;;.=~=!..~~======-.I Near Harbor Hi CU.!ltom--bilt inodem on bC'st fan1 rm., retreat rm. 3 car living room with log 11 VACANT 3 BR • fam rm . beach, Booked lull th.i& sum-garagr . Cor lot: $43.500. By ~~~ .t:f~I~:' If you'v• found whit newly painted in l out • mer • 9.lways filled \\'inter 01~·ner. 546-4415 $40,950-10% down you 'r• looking for bit-in kit • brkfut bar -for excellent Income. Prie-1--0=PE=~N~H~O~U-S~E- ln tod1y's PILOT Cliisifi•~ Ads. e:.:tra lg BRs -2 ba. dbl~ ed low at $p.soo. = " Call or Come-In. \Ve Can Explain FHA and Veterans Plan. 2 OFFICES : · (rplc. $31,950 EZ temis. \V&lter l{aMC BY OWNER P.W.C. 546-5440 ...,.,. l BR Sl7,500. LO\V DO\VN -$26,S-POOL--833 TOWNE ST., C.M. You 1von't find a nirer Pool 0\VNER Mesa Verde bi· home! ill'avy shake roor. Cnldwell, lanker & Co. level. 4 BR. lg. famly rm, covered ~tio, bt'autUul 550 New port Center Dr. formal DR, 3 car earg. l017 healed I.: filt('rcd pool. Ne\vport Beach Cal if Komat Dr., C.i\f. 516-i597 540-1721> ,. ' * BY OWNER-POOL. 3 2790 llARBOR BLVD. 1700 NE\VPORT Bl.VO. MEET A FRIEND TARBELL 2955 H.,bor 133-0TOO '44-2430 BR. <t'P~. d.,,.. X-W. LR. Lo\\ main! )Td. $30.500. T OR 646-7171 '\i-:> THE REAL "' ESTATERS j Peopl• who U$l PILOT c1.,,;fi•d Adi to s•ll it•rn s th•y no lon9er n••d •round th•ir homes •r• nice p•opl• , . , they may •v•n be your n•i9hbors. Ju it pick up th• phon• ind 9iv• th•m 1 c1ll. Thia is just 1noth•r of th• 9r•1t thin91 1bout DAILY PILOT Cl1isifitd Ads , , they'r• to ••sy fa use.. • · I l ... 64f>-289j .. OCEANFRONT lmmed. Possession 3 BR home on cxce:llenl BY O\\'NER 3 BR llomeL 2- bc11ch! s,;.t,9.)1'1 3 BR 2 baths ,llrepl;ricc, cAr· E. sidf', 2-\V. slet-. Very Ire George Willl•mson PCllS, dra!X's. built-in.'!, dou· rranslcrahle JOMS 5!4.fi\-i~'.. l\EAL.TOR ble Jf•n1~e. 123,7j(I_ Need cash. 5~&-1059 -67l-""1~~-,.......,,.""'-,....,,,m..,,,15'4,..I W1lls·McC•rdl1, Rltrs.. M••• Del Mar l IOS = 1810 NC'\VIXIL1 Blvd., c.~l. I Medalllon Ham• 1 MS-7729 anytln1!:! Try This For Sight Buikler Nf'w on merkt1 ' bdrm ' Raynor Farmer A BIG SYCAMORE ""· 1on .. 1 01n1,,. 1oadoo Sll·llt9 Provide:s .ehadc! for lhi1 doll with cxlrM, 'po!le11 inside, hou11e W/hdl\'ll. firs. 51'% llo..,\'les.~ly manicured out· @ lntf'1T'sl. ~Id<", un~ ntat landKBp- fh f'ORTJN REAL'f'OR Ing, patioll &: Jl&htini. liOI·A We&tcliil DM~ '"'SJ.9,951>. . -----~---Ne"-'J)Ort Beach 6~2-.'"1000 , Bob Olson nur. ~ H N 3 $ I ' d t r a t ,, • r ,, ' c 3 ' ' ( ( ' J p ' G N - c I I ' • . • c ' t t I t E I I p t l D D ' I l I I I " ' ' t c I I 8 j I I I 8 I I I D B I I T I ' e II [ E I I \ ,I HOUSIS ,Oil SALE HOUSES FOii IALE• HOUSES ,OR SALE ,Mos•V•rde lllO Hunt....,_ lluch 14DOHuntl ......... ell 14N 3 BEDROOMS BY OWNER. 1271111 --2nd, • P&.••1. Llup famlb roam, 2 batbl.' w/w carpets. drap•a . d.lshwubrr, e • tr a eu~ boarda. tlteptace, 1 h a k e roof, double prqe. Guava, apple, avocado, o r a n i e lteeL~ SPKiOUSIJ Youn Lovely 4 Br 2 ba home with ser.atate dlnin& rm. 2000 sq. It. located expertly over 2 levela. $38,900. 675-4070. Stuart &: Robbins Realtors Collet• Pork 1115 BY OWNER 3 Br. l~ Be, frplc ·HUGE kitchen & f.amily nn, crpts, drps, $2'1,500 Xlnt financin&". Open Sat le Sun, 2658 Carnegie. 67J.8650 day5. 54.>2004 C\'tS. ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT New homes, ready to move In, in mile lrom beach. Finl payment up lo ao days after move in. T ... m, VA/FHA. From $22,990. CORAL: SHORES (on Garfield between Beach 962-1353 & Magnolia Eutbluff \ 1242 Huntington ... ch 1400 e NEW BLUFFS e 2 Br, 2 Ba split levtl Many custom features, all elec, etc. Lo\ve1t ma.int. Ir lease.. hold, MUST SELL • BY 0\YNER. <'.all Dick Dyer ~.ext 40l or .673.i777. Corona del Mar 12SO OPEN HOUSE Mon., Tues., Wed. 1-5 27DO WAVECREST BELOW MARKET Price red~ to SIJ. T:iO. Glen ?i.lar 3 BR 1 f. bath. 6Cttl.10' lot, wlw carpets, drapea, Takes a bJg do1vn pcurment or aubmit your down on contract of saJe. l.!lfMlf DAILY PILOT • lENTALS llHTALt U!I~ UHTALI Tl AL lttU11* "'4o'...,L• ·1t1 J11i UnfVrnllll~ . ~~ ,.,,.. u..fuFnfJt 1ll ..Wll ... ChMrlt . N•~·-·nill "..,..,, ....... me ~--'l ~ ...... ,..,_..... S1IOl-Pr1,11'1'1 ~ DOVER six... bay Ir o • t -_ ~-JPt -'I *-' J., be duplex, 1<1 u llEA1J'l'll'IJL, lun>llhcd COUllftY HOME borne. I Br, 4 S.. "°'"' • I/lo ij #' ~ W ,.N; -cpl.""" OJ<. -w/pocl. llMO. pot mo '''!' aJ;'$~ mur'~l!.,; 2 ~:;~·~ == 1142 ~~·:!:·.:i~ 1S!-~= l ·BR. ~(!uplex, 1 blk. ocean 6 latb Unit. J'acN ~, o o L OfAPIWf l.1'f:" CW._ n, ~ utwt)-niom llr- carpoo., -~ -· ~ !llll -e MSW NLUlCI e 1'0R SALE BY -°"""" ma! din .. n>om, 2 i;...,. bl,y: $135 Mo. )'early. dee blt·IM. UU/mo. ~ S Br. Ni .. .,c. Jer ..... 4 units. 2 • 2 BR, l BA A ck. On •ppnuim•ldy 3711 w. BaJblia Blvd. Aeut call Mn. Fv L111u ._.. 4111 tnd. .,.c. .-:r. llllte, d.1n 3-3BR. 1~ BA. 50-6l5S bea1.aUtld 1C.1YS of •vocadoi Lido Isle 2351 lay & l•llCll NICELY -t BR, J'M. rm. .__4bl. -· auto. --I '°60 l llm ... ln tho -bot 2'J4 VIA Ltdo Nord. $151» mo • Realty, lnc. tlD )'rlt'Ko pets. Oolct Joc :: =, ~~ ~~ ~For ~ ,nu-.: ~ h~ =· $4~~ rent except Aur wflicb is 901 Dover Dr .• rca Su.lte m '38-209S after 4 p.m. Oiurcb • ltbool a Corona .. _. ~ lnfonnation call Glenn $21JOO, WE 4--0920 or BR 645-2fXXI '1 ~ 548-6866 ••TALS del Mar Hiib-Shopplls Ce11ter, cor. olll Thompt0n, IMM7 . • ..... Uftfunl.... • QNLY PiO • =: .tu~~·u:: Eckftoff & AIHC., Inc... ========:(PARK Lido. S BR .• 2 ba., . 131"11~ Wsy, N.B. Drln Shop, *· 5" Liquor 1818 W. Olapman Av .. Summer Rentals 2910 frpl. DbC pr., Pool. S265 GIMr1I SOM 1~ fOr key <>ranee, cant MADGE OAVIS "2-7000 • ..... • Ca ........ Mer 5250 Al W••-r ' 213, 961.'4510 511.2621, Ev<a-wlmd, '3U127 HUNTINGTON HAllllOUJt 4 BR 13'15 -3 Bit. 126& """ 1 ~-l"!!!!~~!!J'!~!! Wale.-tront· .4 BR -· month. _ S II-'"""""-STREIT FllONTACH1 !: complete; Including linl!ns,. Ca.ywood Realb'i ~1290 •: On Beach Blvd.. 1480 Sq. Ft. Meunt. & Dllert . utenW, ullboat l prv • $20 • $15 & UP ~ Model hoole Ideal tor lnour., NEWBERRY dock. Swruner ar ~ Irvine 3UI Moatb-To-Montb ~~ fl.. RUr., etc. (Bet, Ka.te& and SPRINGS lease. 714/847..9645 Turtle Rocle: next to Uct WIDE SEUX'.TJON' Ctrrito.) SI c n a, lndscpd., City of Lektt WATERFRONT. Beautiful 3 4 BR 3 BA, fa tr Appliancea 6 TV'• avail. ON TEN AC\D '250 mo. 10650 Beach. Blvd. MAK£ YOUR OWN LAX!! ' mnn..ap ' ... _ ._.____.._, n-.....tt • -"~ • BR , ou..a-"' N-Jal. D\V •--2 ~ 3 1-~-.v ....,...,._,. 1 I S Blt. ~ A UllJ'lam ._......... al Miles E, of Barstow, on ,, -.... I':"'. ' lwv, 1..,, cal' pr HFRC f'llnrltuN Jtuitals Guy, Jndry liOat dOck. Wk. sm. lnclud club member-Fl1Jk:I I priv. patiol/Poola. RENT or leue, center C.M. freeway, EJv :.om ft .. .SO or ino. Sept oob' .. 673-7861 or •hip. Lease OK. ~ 517 W. 19th. O! SO.SW TtMll • c.o.ntn11 Bldlt. put. 3lllO ta 6000 sq It. r A beat, Acre1 adj to Lake Lorttn. 873-fTSB 1561 W. Lncll\, AnhM 17'-2800 t1zll anen. "'OOd floors. improved pan. Otlt~ tile N. portion ot NEWPORT B E AC H c.,.... tlol Mer 32.51 BEACH • YEAllL Y IO> S... Lano, CdM "4-2l1l lnr. 2 dbl "' _.. AU our jO acrn, ,........., .s. Be our-guest; delightful exe- cutive home. Too beaut. to Newport Bt•ch llGO leave, but owner tram. lm· 1;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [ n1ac. & tboughtfully plan- OCEAN VIEW ne<t 4 Bdrm. + family nn. 3 BR & den, hv.'d firs, eov patio, blk wall, close in schools/shops. $26.900. 4~ Cf loan. By ownr 545-3945 2 Blocks To Beach Niee 2 BR hOme + a t BR rental Will makt nice home or gOOd investment. Bf!tter call now. Only $25,000. waterfront home w Ip r i 3 Br, 2 Ba. ubfum ••• , •. S26S tMacArtltar nr. Cout Hwy l at 2065 Charle St. ()owner, 10 acres impnrved w/mod· dock. 4 Br, very elepnt. 4 BDRM. split·le~. 2'Ai 2 Br. 1 Ba.. untum ... , •. ,$215 MBMOl, 8.j, Rent all or ~rn. ranch houtt etc. Un- June, J uly, Aug. ('J).4} batM, 3 outside tun.cea. 3 Br. 2 Ba. widen •••••• $300 • I / I one . linilled, petfect water, 301 77Mm, eves. =·at Omma dd Uar. 1 Br. 1 Ba., Untum .• , ••• $200· Sparklini 2 bedroom 2 bath •PRIME Retail Location • GPM at ,8/J tt dt~st~ CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. '13-2222 Realtor 3 Br, 1 &. tum ........ $215 ll'OUnd Boor apt. DlffrfUI 11?'40, Xlnl foot l auto tn.f· ~:t ~•~bu ZlO n'. Sloen• 2 to 10; for summer IUU WHITI den-dinin& room AU elec fie. 1871 Harbor, CM ~-w Sil y.n ... CuslOm home with a v~w. w/wet bat. Mst:r Br. 15x17 Deluxe 3 bdrms. 2~~ ba. w/frpl. Loads of cupboards Beam ceiling, Kil. blt·ins & A: closet space: mod, kitch. all the extras. See thi1 al + lormaJ dining rm. $61,900 $42,SOO. OeLancy Real E1t1te MUTUAL REAL TY ! 842-1418 anytime S.11 Beach -1450 .,.. • • ~ uuulqt' on V('t ~ tt9UVations call 673-996 ~untlnffen ... ch 3400 RIAL TOR Wt.· lM Incl dishwasher. Rd., 7 mt. E. of school. For 315 E.,~ JUy., Balboa 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Patio-deck Ii: aaraa:e. 2 ahott FOR LEASE store 23x42. map & turtber details wrik LIDO hie 2 BR apt furn. 4 BR .. 2 BA, crp11, drpt, fen. 6'1>4630 142~ EYes. blocks to Ocean. Yearly Also oHice' space. 333 E. George R. Kreu, Lquna Beach 4 pier, prage, patio, ced. $195 mo-lease. l ml to $155. 2 BR. 1~ Ba, / lust '250 per mo. Available 17th St. CM. 6 4 ~ • 2 4 5 0 , Beach, Box 914, or Box "5. ~~ 2828 E; C:~ri'owy., CdM MdC, INCOME, TOOi Assume 5V4% GI 3 BR, a BA. New blt.ns, erpt'd, 2 [rplcs, redtC in Ii out. J...ri tam rm. $37,500. Owner. 430-4007 view. 613-.3948 ~an. 9fi3.-3t97 ' e\ec klteh!n, pool, :v~ July ht. ~ Newberry Calif 92365 3 BDRM, l" ba. 2' ml froril 1/15. Bier. Slt-t980 Bay It. Bt!;.h .. ~alty, loc. WANTED: Bu&intu loe. for , • 2 BR, den. 2 . baths. furn. .. ,~ ii--i.;.... 2 000 It E w tod ••-elect kitchen. 1 block to !!,ach.,,~pio. Mo. on )'ri)' be. 2401 E. Cout Hwy ., CdM ....,. ..... r pac ..... ._. store. • • • an "'---......,""""'-' I I A \, T T 2 BR. home,, ocean side ol beach. JulY A Aug. 673--03» -"" COit• Mele 5100 NEW• 3 BR. 2 BA., CJ1>ll, 1q. ft. up. 213JOl...ot28 WANTED To ~ froDt . RENTALS Fount•ln V1ller 341• drps. bltns. Garqe. S260 Offk:t ltnfll 6070 owner. BayshOtts, 3 or 4 Bft N'ear NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 llwy. Newly painted; pallo '"/privacy AND sep, rear bach. apt. A &:ood buy • Call to see? Houte1 Uftfurniahed ,.. HARBOR mo. * 6'13-6354 house under $15,800. Ptm.; HEIGH-HO C'areiree beach living nr. N.11, Yacht Cub &: also nr. bay swimming beach, at a bargain. 3 Br., l"-batM plus modem kitchen. Oldc1· but well maintained. BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Newport Blvd., NB 6'T:>-4630, 642·2253 Eves. LIVE IN NEWPORT Balboa Coves yr. 'round home. Sandy beach in lront, 3 Bd. 2 balhs, center pa. tio. Incl. boat slip close. $62,000 R. C. GREER, Realty 3355 Via Lido 673·9300 New Home Private cu!-de-1Jac street. 4 bedrooms 3 bath, T:J.Xl.2.J lot forever view of Back Bay. Delta Real Estate 6464414 DOVER Vlu.AGE. \Vestcliff, 2 l!lory condominium 2 bdr. 2~1 ba. $29,500. Own land. Adults. $195 mo. incl. ·ta.'!'e!. Patio, onurtyard. dbl gar., pooL Maint $25. Owner Bier, 646-1948 BAY VIEW LOT \Vith small beach)' cottage. Suit.able for huildini. Just steps (rom public swimming beach. BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Newport Blvd .. NB S7a-4630 642.7253 l:ves TAX DEDUCTION Duplex, Jurn., 1 blk. ocean & bay. $3500 yr. Income. r.!9,900. 37ll \\'. Balboa Blvd 642-U72 Owner/Broker BLi.JITS • Bay Vie1v, on ma· jor grttn belt. 3 Br, 3 Ba, many cust featutts. Low l.si?. $48.500 value, Sacrifice $44.950. 644...m.l BY Owner, Baycrcst 4 Br + drn or 5th. fm rm, 3 Ba, lgc patio & pool. Beaut . landscaped, price reduced 10 sn.soo. 548-4598 DELUXE Oupl~x. OCEAN VIE\V. $42,500-low dn. Ask for Naomi, Doyle Co. i>48-ll68. Eves. 675-1977 MOBlbE-HOME $19,000 Bayfront on Peninsula 675-3808, 675-3226 BAYFRONT bch. cottage, 3 BR, Bay1hoft' Pk. Lease hold Sll,500. 548-1391 Gene Robertson, Realtor 675-2440 2 SEPARATE HOUSES On 1 lot. 3 yrs, Gld. 3 BR., .'.l1~ be, each. Cpts... drapes & bll·ins. $64 .S.OO Orangp Coast Property l32 Marguerite ti73-85.Xl L>tuna. Beech 1705 , ---------C cl-·'· -·•y ~· --• FOR Lease luxury home 4 I BDRM • den. J...ae 11\lina; LAGUNA IEA H ~ "'u • ~ New England Chirm ~•ral 3000 Br. I: tam nn, trp:e, atrlw;n GREENS rn:., a'dults, be, :refs, i16:i. Air CendijienM llUSINESS .._ Towering sycamores beckon; 3 l'l!l. from bch, bet. Z lhop'e: Ir: wtt bar, $325 mo. ~ Mo. + util. 646-+!!00 ON FORES'J' AVENUE Fl,N.,A._NC=IA'°"L'-----I beam•, bri<k, "" ..... lli"" .~ ,_ 4 BR 2 BA. f--' • ..i Deak apacet available In -~-·~ '••-· ""· '"' L-n• Nl..,.I 37111 ·---~·-· ~·~•·· a: Bus. Opportunfflot 6* cllant; 3 BR home plus du· $250 mo. Lease. Aft 6 Phf -.... BACHELOR UNJ'URN, lallau -_ .. _ .. ..,.. ..... _ plex ~' block to beach, pri· 968-454.l EXIX: rssk\ence • 3 Br. ,l from $110 ---------1 prim• loc:atlo.11 ID downtown DISTRIBUTOR. va.te patloA, muter bed-GRACIOUS adult 11 v In I · 1A1W1a. Bee.ch. Air eondJ. Oil •~•• room fireplace, One-of-a.. $16S. 3 Br, 2 Ba. Condo. Ba., bl.b'll,, dah•h!!, ALSO .AVAILABLE Spsc.2 Bll,2BA.walk·ln tkmed. carpettd. btau.mulN~oit~AL G"',Uollll" ::: ~~· ~Toer will :~ll~~·i:.1~ = s:.a:s W!w S3lll: Hea~ ;!i! ~":'cu. ~:·= .:P:.oe.=· ~=-T•a: UNUSUAL OPPORTUNrrt Hal Plnchin &" AllOC, $2'Q • 2 BR. 2 Ba. uppu,.Bay 4 Br., 2 Ba., vi.w home. Cen~r. Adj. to SboPPinc -FarfllC A"f'e., rerv Jtads 10 And • rare UV: too. We are 3900 E. Coast "'''Y· 67:M392 a'"'van"'•_ -~/w~·~ .. ~,.:_, boat &lip Paeeaetttr area. $300 mo ,,.. 2700 PNo pets allowed Huntington IMch 5400 MW!dp&I l*rkln& kltl. liO :1'~~~~~ :; ~ util. 673-95U CK' 495-4435 eteraon Way, at Hu-,.. month tor IPlCli-Delk NEW LISTING 11% DN.-No LDln Foo i""=======I"'=-"'===== bor ~Adams, Cl>l1a ""' Excltfn9 Llv1119 aod cllaln a•allablt far 15. York: Gooraia,.,., Ftortda.' Colt. "-so -, •100 S Cl....,... 3711 546-0370 Bualneu boun uneriJll: They re ftil accepted, uztl.. Corona Hlghlands; Ocean· Owner will finance balance . '-"-'-;..-="---''--''"'•-•n In new apts, 1 bedroom, 2 aervitt availiJlle tor $lO. quc, and 11tUina-like eru,y. view: 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own at 7% on this beautiful cus· l!OME or b11.1iness or both,. 4 3 BR. 2 Ba. ~ view/ bedroom • 2 bath. All utDUi• paid except but because we are younr • thC~i:&rN"MApri;_iiN«XJ, ~m 3 ~";1 OC£A.,N VIEW BR, cov'd. ~"tio. 2\ BA, $40,000 hame. tmmed. pou. (llllnMIC1JOll $140 to $195 te.lepiocme and rrow1ni fut, we need • ome, noiv or appt. drapes, crPts, 'freah paint $215Q, Mo. 714/5'M29t VIUIKU Swimmin& pool, om. uuna. oAiLY Pl.LOT good people 10 be our Re1ltors Won't last al this price of 1 X .th 1-· ___ .,_0 --. _ --A'"""'""" "DISTRIBUTORS'' to """'' . u•500 pus tra nu. Wl ~· P1C-ktNTAL~ .,. ...... .,...., , .......... , .u ,....,._ ... ..,..,u.., 3006 E. Coast Hwy., CdM -· t~re windows. ~aJ for of.. "Apt1. Furnhhetf JUST c-"""G General Electrlc Appliance•. LAGUNA BEA.QI ice 11nd handle reorders : 61~1662 r PERRON '42-1nt lice or var. busineSRL At Vl'lrul.. Adults only. f91.9t88 In accounts . turnrd over to ~ I NVEST NEAR THE "=:=~===1 presentlti1ful1yequipped G...ral 400I H1rberHat..•t1Rour La Q•W a ts CE--S-F-ORRENT tncm. So, if you want a f • I be h• ~ Perl I , ..,, r Rip .,.,., •r .. p • OF Fl . b"''"'" of your own wtth ' OCEAN l Bk, 3',1; ba, den, 2 . .SY2 ACRES or au..., 5•-r· f!C or Rent.al Manqtr -16102 Sprln&;da1e St.. Modem. spacious, profeulon-tremendous income and • irplcs, 3 garages, 'tr~. UndeveloP«I )and. Citj of fam . rm. Gd. deal for a iiJ. $110. SPAOOUS Bach. Apl Mrs. Olriatie.men Phone 59'J..&421 •l on monthly buls. Avail '"""wth potentlal and can af. ~ be am/ceilinp, cb:atming La B tenant. Owntt 213-759--0GM wtw, utll ·pd. 1117·A CJnnamen Ave. . S/V69 Co t ct M La •·-home or use u ""'·pleX, or ;:una. 9 Jks, to beach. a ... _ I Broker ~ 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH, . n • . r. pp, ford an 1mmtdlate In- "'" Ocean views. Should divide 4 BR home 1 ~ bau ... , w w Celt• Meat FURNISHED I-Oo\vney S &. L Auoc, ?.1J.a· vestment of $3,000.00 and buildB:K~e ;;;.~Clot. into 13 lots. Price $40,000; ,cpU., dra.pe.a. bl.t·ina. .Near $15.), 2 8.lt f.plex w/w, &ar. (l block west of Harbor W\.'CI UNFURN ISHED ikm Viejo, &37-4911 start PART TIME, drop us SHORECLIFF l BR. 2 BA. 29% On. Attal sle~. ~PPP~ c ,· ~=Is. l~ ~ 5M1tlO 2 blacks IOUth of the Cptis. draper. bullliM. be.st 3Xi NEWPORT BLVD. a mte and \\'e wUI talk It ~1ISSION RJ..TY. 494-0731 San Dieao Frtt'lll.yl location, 1 blk to 5 Points C>ruccs suitable far Com· over. What can you klllC -.,. Quiet tree lioed ares by the $235/month lease. Co1t1 Meta 4100 Phene J46..1H4 shopping tie. from Sl30. merclal. Medical, Dental. Right • P.S. There Is sea. Fee simple, A~ to 2 LAGUNA-Canyon. 90• x 400'; Call 546-5440 P.W.C. ..,,!'!\'!'!\'~~"'!'~"'!"!'"'d TIOl Ellis, apt. t), 642--2835, Air-<'ond .. crpll, elevator doubt yoo.'11 IOvt' what )'CK& beaches. Under $50,IXKI. By rustic ;2-1ty. house: possible SUBLET 4 BR. 2•; BA, fam $~Q.QO )'~• ,Up -AVAILABLE JULY Ial S42-&103 ~PER SQ .FT. i.ee and hear. Write al unce: owner. * 673-3681 C-1 or M·l wne: $4,000 dn. rm, w/w crpt'r . frple, • 0.,-, "'*"· tnonth. 2 KJnr aized bedrooms a. CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS 541·~ OR 675--2464 CoJor .co-ordinates Corp .. t;. OWNER. Open Daily, 2 BR.. Bkr. 675-65111: f94..h6i R.<!1. buill·ins. Pool &: rec • Stullio A: Bach. Apbl, bath upstaln. Spaciou.s Jjv. 8234 Atlanta NEW deluxe oUlce apaees 235 Filth Avenue, New .I den, crpts, a pp l i an c es . BEAllfIFUL Ocean vtew facilities. Children 0 K · e Ind Utils A: Phone aerv. 1na-room '*'/fireplaee ii: ~i Ntiv 1.2 Bedrooms . Pa,y 320 to lDl 1q ft at Santa York, New York 10018 " Drps. 535 Hazel, CdM. home, 3 BR, 2 BA, lower Avail July 15 on t mos • Maid Service, TV avail bath down.taira. Blt-i.m, tlectrle enly Ana Fwy • Crown Valley AFFILIATE " 67J.-4869 Temple Hills Dr. by owner. "'~"~"~-~'~"°~"'°~·-"~'--1_4<0~-, 1 e New Cafe "-Bar dllhwubeJ',. 1arqe. Pool 536-3927 or S.W.2721 turnofi. 831·1«11> • .f99.4198_. CANDY SUPPLY .. , 500 494-~0 fl 6 CUSTOM 3 Br 'd kit / 2376 Newport Blvd. SU.9'ia5 and rten!atto" faeUities ln- L"-I 1 1351 "" · · .. ,ou a " en, w Pool-Washera-l>r)'ers 300 Sq. Ft. Office ROUTE .... ""' • e SUPERB view, f'll'!Wtt cusl. 3 bJtns. I..r1 home across from SJL, LARGE l·Br, clean. eluded. Adults. SlB5. 1st I: • Private Garqes COSTA MESA 646-2130 (No Sdlinr Involved)' '; B •·U/ d SL\ MeAa Verde Cntry Club. quiet; adults. Beaut. furn. lut month5 plUs $35 clcan-1 1 -LO'ts OF ROOM r. ""' tra e. .«XJ Eq. Least SJ25 IUO-iardnr ser. Nr mkfs: Washer/dryer, lnz chqe, F or ap. L'1MAC a Br duplx new Excellent income or cw " Cwitomi1uality 3 Br., on 51' 675-S59l ; 494-n61 Res. lmmed. occupa.ncy. 675-U45 garagt!.'i922-8 Wallatt, Cl\I polnlmcnt, 549-0674 palnt, crpt, ~. 'bllnl. Cemmerdll 6015 hout'8 weeklY w~rk (Oa;ya or i; street ro street lot J :Ca,r <refric I: wuhr opt). Le -· cvcnlhgt). Refillin& .I: col·~ garage. Lge. South patio; L1gun1 Niguel 1707 l YR LSE W/OPTION TO $145. lltautlful, lll'lt, 2 Br UNFURNISHED lovely 2 BR cov pa.Uo. Lov~y fnoed INVESTMENT lectlng rngney from coin op-~ nr. clubhoust le tennis cts. BUY Lovely 3 Br, den. 2 Mobile Home. 132 \V . apt. Upper dupJex, W/\V grnds, Gar "-boat park'&-('rated dillpe:n1en . In Coata S69,500. Cali for app'L I~1MED. OC('Up, "4·5 BR, 2;J Ba. Cpts, drp.~. bltins, frplc. \Vil110n, C.M. ·~n crpls, enclosed pr., no Sl40. Qulet. adJt!, 110 petl. 6 \lnit otfice.itore bldg., 6 Mesa Ir aurroundmg area. 'If WALKER Rlty~ 675-SlOO BA. buill·in kitchen, frpl, lg. $275. r..to. Refs re q · d, BEAtrr. Lgc. 2 Br., 1 ~; ba. pels. Infant ok. $1.SO mo. utll MT-«Ol years old. '20~ dowrMIWllf'r we est. route. <Handle.I lot, nn. for pool. 495-5637 _642-=~706~1~~-~~~-l studio, pool, adults. $l90 ~'!:I. •"'• BAlbe1rt Pl, 01. --.-.-Y-FRON_T_ Y.'lll carcy lit. Approx. 600 name brand candy I: I H0?.1E le Income o n : 1ou•a:r P , a ter S pm. "" sq ft 1, __ _,_01 v•c·-t for snacks). S1450 Cuh reqU.lr-'·h I Dupl· .... For Sele 197S DELUXE 3 Br. 2 BA. con-2310 Santa Ana 6«5-2933 ....... 2 b th WllO UV ... , __ .. A Bayfront. finest ....., oc, dominium. Nev.• carpetin;, SPACIOUS J600 ft. studio Deluxe 2 vcuroom, a w bu er ed, For ptnonal ln1C1-v ... w newly remod. 0 w n er. drapes. Pool & rec tac . .$2DJ New,ert lffch 4200 apt. AultA o/U, 3 Br. 2~S F ireplaee, crpt.s, drpa, bllns. ne Y · S ITH ln Costa Mesa area, send 675-3243 or 673-CroS flUPLEX $55,000 61,JJ?O In-mo ""'"'"· can Kl 6.6829 Ba. Pool, pry patio, eltt kit. $275. (213) 59U863 eves. JEAN M 1 name, addn!ss I: phone nwn· 1 terest. 514 Fernleal, CdM. It Ito be Multi State 1nc !l075 S. of hwy. 6/:;i-6044 Broker. 3 Br, 2 Ba. lrg liv &. tam, SINGLE Young Adults J..ux. RJ>. dln'g rm, trplc/S275 3 BDRM, 2 bath, privatr .. r r to · ., Huntington Beech 1400 ury garden apts with ooun-mo. 64&-S501. Cla.y A St. patio, ht!'ated pool. "'"ms E. Imperial Hwy., Downey, RENTALS S23S. Mo. 2272 Ru.tiers Dr. try club atmosphere and Andrewa. OOWNING Apts. can 962-1994 · Cali!, OOZ42 LIST your property Houses Furnished c .M. 54&-985.1. complete privacy. scn.rr'H 1 BR, priv pa.tio, all e1tc.liNii'E'11'N¥!1.~2fli,-j3~B~R~.~HiO.,Oited~•i[l:ZC:~=uzu,L=B:::L::iDG::zl.Zl:j ·=1f~ltRliiG;iilDiUAUliiRfiEf'"- with confidence ---------13 BR. crptl, fenced yd, 1tove. BAY CLUB API'S. Irvine at cpll drpa c ar p 0 rt sauna pools, ree nn. Hell Ir ..,........., C ON SELs~:~~s:1~ife1· General 2000 ~~~~ mo. After s p.m. 16th Ne~~ peReusiionsorlble '•hid!~ only~~~ Aieonquln. Mar M&-3U7 La & RESID!Et~~Qn• Frl&id~T: ~. cycle b , BEAUTIFUL ?t1esa Verde ------=~~=~-1 c u..·.,n, ......... tit comer 0 .,.,..._, ~ the tutest in the lriduatry. THYROOUURGH home. 4 BR. 2~'i BA, pool, 2$~~·~~~· drps, brick frplc. *NEW~.BAY)'R~T* 548-1322 Sant• Ana 5620 next to OMV rtduced 30 Frigidairea dn the wodl: Jonna! DR. den. Lease \Vinter rentals, 10\vtr duplex, QUIET Oelw.:e 2 BR 1: Dtn,. $14,000, $j. 000 \?r 40, 30 min, washers. Find REALTOR MEMBER S400/mo. 5 4 6 · l 2 2 o or '""'"""'"*.,.646-__ 12ll6-ccc*c-.,,-;:c I 2 BR, 2 Ba furn. A.nil Sept. 2 BA, patio, pool, near lhpr. * GAR~!tt. AP!S * , out how easy It la to own · Huntington Beach/ 546-0631 2 8~ Dplx, gar, drps, cpts, 6. $225. mo. 227 19th St .. Adults only. No p@ta . 2 BR, 2 S4S:.~r)' can. PllltlltON '42-1771 a payi~ laundry. '" Fount•in Valley s"P°"A"c'-'1o"'u"'s,-,2,_,bd-,rm,--_-""'-,v1~y itoVe It gardener. Adults no N.B. 6~W36. 646--55C ===~;;;;~===l~'::~:'::"':~:"'::':'::::~I Garden Grove, Sanl.a. Ana, " Multiple dee. yard & garage. 3513 w. pets. 2085 Tustin Ave, 0.1 4242 CLEAN 2 bdrm. c P t 1 . , Coiatal 5700 OFFICES FOR RENT Tustin. Oran&:e. Anaheim Listint Servic• Pine Santa Ana, oft Bol1a 3 BR house. l t,ii BA. Double _E_n_t_B_l_u_ff______ drapew, atove, refril"., enc. =="---------Modem, 1pack>us, prole11lon· Coin•O•MatlC 1, 8 and Harbor. Call for appt. &arage. Adults-only, -2 .,. ' BA I yd...lnfant OK, nope!s ~= Oc f nt Apls •I on monthly basis. Avail. ----<'f 67::._........,. SUBLc.• "' ;--;--ap . . - --~· •sn· fO -l/J/69. Contnct Mr, Lapp, Equipment, Inc, ,. MUTUAL .,....,,,,,, 646.3314 from 6/15 to 9115. Patio, 2244 State, &U-7472 ' v. -========= --===='="'====' I Downey S Ir L Assoc, ?.Us· 2334%. W. Valencia .. REAL TY --Pool, unens. dishes. Util pd. LARGE, clean, 2 Br. rana:e • D I Full rto 714 525-7133 ) _c_o_11_a_M_ ... ____ 2_1_00_ ~port leach 3200 Adu.It.~ no pets. SJOO. mo. t I-rtfrlz. N•w ept. Mature New e tlle aion Viejo. 837-4911 e n : t• 1n32· Beach Blvd. 3 BR on Irvine Avail 6115 NEAR. w EST CL 1 FF 644·1352 I adulbl.onl)'. Vie St, Ut $1«1. (714) 53'-4616 C.1. Ave Del Mllr. San ASSOCIATES ~ Huntl'ngton 8e1ch d I' I I 2 B -~-I fur $115. 541-2407. • (714) 5•"-1417 Clemente. 120· x I 00'. Expandina; Nal'I. Service Co. h 1210 $200 mo. 3 or 4 YoUllC e 1ghtfu , ge. r . g ... .....,n ...,,_ 4250 --• t ,. Newport Heig ts &42-1411 ~mployed men preferred. apt. Couple pref.: IOfTY, no Ceffne •I ""'r ~OJ.ET 2 BR. 1%i BA. Pr·JI&· 711 Octan Avcnut Owner, 4!)2..669j or 492--0386 :;",.:'~h n:,~ce 0 :n~o ~ '" NEWPORT HEIGHTS DIVORCE 545-2740 peta, no c.hlidren. CltiO Mo. CUTE lurn. studio apt. ltio. Gar·Adult.s-no pets, 2346 (l blks \V. or H. e. Pitrl lnduatrlal lentil 6090 opened in CM, Morr work OPEN DAILY LEASE Hal Pinc:hin le AS&OC. 675-4392 sundeck. 1 Adlt. no pell. Santa Ana. 5'S-0723 It.EAL ISTATI tba.o we ca" handle. Co. 401 Santa Ana Av,, ~1arine HI School, 70' <'OM>Cr 3 BR Furn. 4 BR. 2 atory. DAILY PILOT WA~ .ADS Slti, Leue, qt lfa.-ail i BDRM. muns. Fri(. ms Gentr1I ltf·I, OORNEtt 111 x 90 tn.inlDJ st home ofc. Pe,... Tutefully decorated earner lot w/block fenct, 3 lgeJ1 ~S4&-=21=00=======-"D;ial=:642.=,-56=:18:;,lor=RESUL==1'~=S~E='='=::====== 1 1 mo. No pets or child. lZ6 E. ---------.,-1 wtaao..-.. It. bids. 19th ·A ton1 l@l«ted mutt hPe ,. home in nicest residential BRs. 12x15' fam rm. Sell 1. Bay, C..)t Rib'. su,.m lent1l1 w...... 59'0 Wh.ltth:r, Of. st2-3400 24 good re(a, l be bondable. area, This lovely 2 Bdrm FHA or GL take aver 5%% General 20000.rtW•I 20'9 Generil 2000 Lo hr. 10,IQ) IT!Vest. In truck A home is immaculate. & hu v.'ith cash. SJ50 total monUlly ) 1 pa'f:-~t ~O. ~~·1:~ l=~ ~~ ;!;e~~~ l'lt·l Industrial Units equlpt, Start at $250 per wk. lush crpl'a, drp&..-ll& .lritch-_PJllnls. , , _ J Rernyood. 646-4098 nAh/CdM Call 133-l441 Ext 1%.iO fo l8 J)OO 111 rt. + substantial •hare of prof· :,; enw/bltns&:canbe..pur-BRASHEXR ·REALTV C.1"-0 Ji\'' f)__£ ~Q.e-I;:: --oo.: • bRobertNattrt.1;s Rltr., lta,Shooldretiam25,«»'t •• tha.sed Y•/ a kl\v down pay· 847-85.31 Eves, 431.J769 p\!;:I ~Q\J .~).'-(b JJ{,/ .. pBR lftlD apt..__jpj, _cpts. ™ w~a Cella ?tlka 64J...l41$ ,Jler p .,_For APPQint. pboil~ mont at m,soo . ..,_,.,.. DOWNTOWN clrJn, bltna, """· pool. -".!•~LA~N~D~L~O~R~D~S~·~l~~~~,_;:;~~~l~nt• ;-~~~~?o~ex~t. ~!61~.:: Balbol Coves 1215 \VATERFRONT-4 Br, 2 Ba, 2000 1q ft. Pier le slip. No. 50 Balboa Coves. $58,000. S2001 dwn. P & I $392. Mo. or make oUer. 529-8100 l BR \Vlth added den. De· tached , prage on alley, beautiful land1C&Pin;-. Cent- ral }OC. Lea.s than S2S.OOO lenn1 are wide open. Rex L. HocltH, Rlty. Ri11,~1 . -~N=D~D~~ $223 Tot1I ''yment BEAUTIFUL 3 BORl\l, 2 Lg 3 BR, newly painted, J3x haths, formal dining room, 20' p11tio, hugf' lot, near spacioua family &: Jiving ro-FV High. Sll,500 -.. • Dover Shores 1227 oms. Magnificent View! B)' HAFFDAL REALTY owner. S4$1901 8140 Warner, F.V. 342-4405 !========= RANCHO LA CUSfA. TUe Eaatbluff 1242 roof. Open btam ceilinp. 3 DU)FFS.WORTH $39.~ BUT MAKE UFFER.! !\1111t 1Cll View end unit "C" rilan ••11950 tq, tL 4 BR's. 3 BA '1, Rp. dlrWW. Uparad- l"t.i. lmmaculatel Call lrtn. White 67)..9060 or 675-6764 evea. Owntr/q:t. BUSIEST marhtplaet In town, The OAJ'LY Pl1DI' 0 .usUied •~Ion. S.w money, tlm, 6 eflort. Look now!!! \ BR, 2 BA. lonnal din.. lam. rm,· many extn.s. Wa.lk to bt:ach. By Owner $.11.tOO. Auwnt' k>w 1'1L\ 6~ ~ ·-GLEN MAR -4 BR. 2 bath. Newly • carpeted thnJ-ot1.t. dra.pe1: 1rz paUo, rr.any ex· tru. SH to apprtda.te. 9102 Gellytbuf'I D r . , HB. 962--1194 -Fiexlble tmns. l'ot O.Uy Pilot WllU Ms Dial 6-12-5671 .. Solv• • Simj>l• Scrcnnb!ed Word Puu!e for• ChU<k!• Adfts, oo peu 11211. 5'&-5163 FREE • .!':!:,NTI ~~.~VICE Lots 6100 Affiliate € PlJT.&lvrl, 2 Br. new cpts, °'"" ~ 0 leorrartge Stttm of the IOUt .::ra!NMd wcwdll b. low to forM four aill'IP!. words. INATNOW I _' I I I-I r _ IPYTED I l~ ~I T 01 01' I I O~*rd about a ilipj>ery l . . . . Chiseler: •1r1 eo1ltr to hold Ort' .--------, ttl by the toil than-him-.· rT,_l.,N,_NrA-rf-r-..--1j A Como'": th• "'""''' ~,:!_. .' I' I I I I :::v::i,:,::,~l:t:~ • :~~i~~~E~ITEU r r r . r r I' r 1 6 ~ifJ.f"EfORI I I I HIM I I I I I ·---.. ........... SCRAM-Lm ANSWEll. IN CLASS1FICATION 1000 t 'dr:PI A atove. AdultA, mo WANTED· One bedroom BLUFtLotlOO'fromPaclfic. * Partner * lfl!t11. 288:1 Atendom 56501 hou5e wtih yard. up to $140. Ocean, 20 ml. from Calif. le Light Mfr. &; dlStributkm. :ict 11 BR Duplex, 111'1·· elderly rTS-5633 Mex. at San Anton.kl short!I. Active w/$.'iO 000 ca 1 h It .. r -,,--,,-.-co--c::=::-;-;::-:-1 99 yr. leatn $'500 value .tot ' pref'd. No dop, c.10M! to Unru111 hoUBt w/aar i. !enc-•.-vi '4:Z...J-· m&N.Cement ablUty. Xlnl ' 11hop'1. au.-2720 ed yard for q . _....... '•-. 1lartlrc Ulary + share ot :. 646-2134 alt 5 pni BEAUT. Panorannc lot, aJl pro.fl ta. ShouJd net party 1 • ,..ewpert luch 5200 uW, Tustin. lm1 Vbta ltleeted over $.10 000 l11t 1:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J 4 BR houae to ltue tor 1 or 2 P:anoraln11..1 Owner 675--3:243 yeir. To arnn&e 'penonal i IHch 11............ yean on Lido hie. WW con. W'.l13-<l.10.'.i intarvitw phone 1 "'"'" elder buylnr. 6~'7 (n4) 112-2TIT " tu.mmer Ir year 'round. WANTED: p.rqe .for rent ~ • 6200 10 am ~ 5 pm Mon-I'd ~ lFronl Sl50/wk. In 1ummu &iJ...2225 flt 5"-2$71 ... fto S2»'mo. a. \IP)'Ml'b'. . 110 AC ot less nr WIJ'htt BUILDER· Cl&slorn ttt. J IKOKER • ..,.. hr llftt 5"5 Sprlnp: nr Omg Cnty Boy remockl A new comt. bl& :; ITMlSO """"11 Evts. Seoutl camp in N. San Est&b. office 10 yn. Bilbo& ' ' SUMMER ttntal Jtlftil U to J:Meao 0\1)', WW \"ade llJ.e 613-Sl500, eves 67)..lS&l _!! JltLY. W . 1 ltr., fpl, Sept. 3.--(WGmlln Kitch diar, w/ fine. C>Wner. SMALL Groc. 1tore jn U.S. 1 dlsh~·w. b1tns. ntwb' dee. prlv. No dilldren or pell. li76-JXI or 673-0lll res. am. Avalltble $80 mo. 123> 61Ulj() ....... 5 AM l t. 29 AC ll<>blle bn1 -sit;. ~· _213, - ll>:M'Y DAVIDSON NICE Room, •P· ""'"' •~ Cto>onL WU\ lod a111;Jf. ES?A8Ll.511EQ,. pnle.W. Shan Prop, m.9060 tr, t bl.k beta, mkt. kit prv, Orlnl!r 6'B-0303, rrW243 l"Ol.lte. 61 ttucb ~ equ.lp. UNrullNll!llEl) yrfy, ll'O. utll Inc. IUO mo. --Telloo over pymDll. IO ..,_ mtll\ •-hie. - tltloar 1"' ....-Colvin S. PVT. bOme, -roam; &<J. 'oo -... 129 mo. Near BEER BAR A PIDa. Walle In F~ 1Utr._ IQ.3ll9. 1oc. N.-Hts. Kltchan Lab l <;\l:J. 194-n<.! ,...i.r. a..io ti> ~. /'¥111'U'Ul. I Wl'm ... 4 prfv's. l30. -n.,\CE )'OUr want ad whert CM. Sao tor euh. ~ couple cinlJ. No ptt&. wm. la'Yow.MlDourclPIWed•t °"1 ~ kloktna: -DAILY CHINCHllLAS ntfrtd L: .r.. Alt MS-m Someona Wilt be looldns IOr PILOT duautedl MU417S Are )'OU lntm1ted! SOCK rr TO 'EM! 1l Dtal f0.6671 Whit.I ~ptw\111 DU'l'le+llne Visit our ranctt lf2.otSS • ' • • • I • • • i • • • . ! • • ~ • • • I . • • • • " ; • • l • • • • • . • • ·l ., ., :: •, • " • • ' ,. • ' 1; I I l ... I I • ... .... # ,._, •., .. ' ... I> •. "' ---,-· -.,., .. • ,.. ,. • ,, • ..,. I ..... ,..._,.i..• ..,,;-•• \.. ..... i. .. ~1• .• •.•.-• •••• -• . ....... ~· .:.· .·: ....... ; .. WANTED: oft-sale liquor r littn.w:, Orange County. Call: 642~139 ney to Loin 6320 YOUNG male puppy, part f.ennan SheplK'ni, \Ve 11 tnined. housebrim BJV\m &: ~Vic Ne11.'Jll)rt L!land. N bull mixed. female, approx. I \f, yrg, V i c . /:7airvie1v Rd. le \Vilson. ·~ay 30, 548-fl059 C\'CS Only Puppy round v i c , Newport Blvd, &: Bristol. * TIJE t'OIN O!EST' + Ra~ coins, set3, mail auc. lion, etc. 741 S. Ccast, La. guna Bch . .f94...5585. SERVICE DIRECTORY Appliance· Repairs Pom 6510 SUPREME Appliance ~­ pa.tr, Refrir. •vashcN, dry. crs._ Ton1. 546-1363, J,ii.£iC91 1mmedlale openln&s • re • DRAFTSMAN ""' WhMdyo ont? Whod4yo 1Gerf SPECIAL C~ASSIFICATION FOii NATURAL BOltN SWAPPlltS S1ttclll ltoi. Drui"'°""" & Att.ratlen1 l<O#IO e DreNmllruli • Alteratio1111 C\istolb ~ ,t~b.1~ tor experienced pereonnel v.'1.th thenn~et Injection m9ld e.."perlence. \Ve M:!d: • S years m~hanlcal draft. inf c.,perlence required. ?.lust ht able to make . complex dcitalltd dr11w· tnra, u \veil u tracln;, chlnci.na or c:omr>lcdna: them. •6'M«B* 1 e .SETUP MEN 5 Lin .. -s· tim• ._ 5 a...c~ ~u~U -"° 41U$1' INCi uo~ 1-WP\llt rttU nav. t9 ,,..,., ~IMt "°"' ..,,, Ill 1rt d., ! Alt.rot'""• M~S e =~NTliHANCE Neat, accurate: 70 ?1!· exp. • Ofl'E ltA TORS J-VOUll •M iit 1r.•11r '"""''· ~! ll11e.1 1f 1dvt rl.1•nt Tree S;e.:Vi~.. 6'10 TREES pruned, I-·~ ClA·VAL CO. · ~OT HING 1'011 SAi i! -'~"DES otn 'I'! ()pentnis are-on al\ thilts. .App)¥' In person or il!nd ttr- sume lo: PHONE 642·5671 17th & Pl•c:entl1 Coat• Met• 542201 To 'l•c• Yeur Tr•cl•r'1 P1r1cli1e •~ ' removed. 26 )'ft· ex p , S!Jmn1cr i:1 i\JotUCl'O on l)Jedite1TalK'aI\. Anttr. Oip- iomatic Corp. \\'ill lrd lge Cum homt I,: cal's lot• sa.ine berc. 6.t'.!· 7297 I,: 67'~3 Tax Shelter ner:ded: lnide S:?JOO land 1!<J iu rapidly ap. pl'C!'. aL'l!a for unit~. bc:h . prop. o\\UCr box 616 Tuslln l Paulson Tree S e r vice Lake Arrowhtad 1o1•aterfronfi (1't'e & cir, $50.000 val. P a.i ,m.;::"";======= t·ific Pall.sades ocean \'U lo~ !rte & clr, $27,500 \'tl. \\la.nt: llx:ome. Bkr. 54$-7711 ~Jll®at 3g· roomy, fast l!ailet". $17,flOO ''*I + older 3 Br. h.sc Cl\T. $15, 7::4 val. \\'ant' comm'l 01· indust p1up in 01. 613-0;';17 Ul!helltory . '"° CZYKOSKI'S Ou:l UhoL ~pet.n· Cn.tsma.mhip 100~ fin! 642-1454 Wl Newport m., c.~t. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Almost 1000 ac,. $2a(J l\I val. Jelt WentN,, Men 7o0o SO mi from dnt11•n LA, S. n1in from fwy on paved rd • YOUNG man desires job b!I'.·~ Beaumont & Oa.k Gltn:1 tra.inl'ng in cookin£, i:arden. 1't'd for ? ? 547·6469 Bkr. ~~c., for m in. 1\'a&es OLDER units, good wiite--1 .:;~::=-------I oil. $20,000 Equily. \Vant ' ~ENTER'S IIELPER. out. \\'JU exchange tor land, E.'Cpl!t'lenC'!d, Good rrl. CaJJ TD's, or ? Ralph, 644-2227 Erokcr &46-2ti'..:9 --------i:·Jot. Went.I, L•tlr 7020 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superleir Avenu. Newport le•ch, Calif. Equal opportunity emp)O)~r • lit A: F NOW HIRING 53 MEN An equal opportunity empJoyer * DISHWASHER !lull time } PJ-efer Clea.a cut YOllni' man y,ith experience, Apply be- tween 2:00 pm and 4:00 pn1, in~n. COCO'S 2131 WHtcllff Dr., NB -IOY'S ATHLET iC- AtJ. WORK ATTENDENT SACk'GR.OUNDS Knowledre of equipment & ACCEPTED apparatus wed In physical education &: sportS pro. La~ MTO\\•head waterfront free & cir, $5Q,000 \'al, Pl:I· l·ilic Pa'.isade.:; ocean vu lot ll'c:e &: cir, !27.500 tal. .van1: lnoomc. s::r. ~~S-7711 BAYfo'ROl\"T k dock 3 Er. :: Ea., val. S&!.aoo'. rOR 1·.o :s ll'OOsi9er lse/opt, or I rude for ?? ? No. 2 Balboa Co\'CS. 0 11•ncr 67:H331. •LAD\' \\'Ith t e en ar e LARGE t'Olt1PAN\' il'fTlS. Du~ include: stor· dauzh1er ~ position u EXPANDING IN l!li, repairtni:: I.: malntair1- full cl~ ho~kl!r:per in ORANGE COUNTY in&: 11ehool'a athletic equl;. !.Iolherless horn@, 5(9-0965 Salary ranre $447-$553 \Yrit- EXPERIENCEO Nunr:/com· TOP PAY tr:n test 10 be i:ivr:n J unt pa.nion. C.ook diets. Xlnt 17, 1969. Contact pel'80nntl ·"',:,::"~· ~E~':,,:.''"::,:.,· ~4>4-85<1;,.;.:~·;:_ __ 1 J.IU!Sl be ab~ to at.art im~· dtpt., Hunlini:;ton B e a c h .::: i .... 1 ... N" PERSONNEL UnJOn H~ School Disttlcl. E..'J'ERlENCED nurse-com· ... .......,. ~ 53&-9331 panion. Cook dietl. Excel· OP'F1CE FOR JNTERVIE\Y =c:::=------- lent 1~fs. E.xt 100, 4!M--&54i :P.!ONDAY &: TUESDAY. Ex P . \\'or k e r . o \v n 1,...,,.. ... n;;;4-;;;7;;;2;;;5;;;liiii-iiiil e FIBERGLASS e FOREMAN NEWPOltT BEACH \ ~LECTRO. •PLATERS with a mlnlmunl of otM! yc11,r ot caclJnlum plating 1es~1i· ...... P\tad a pply in pcr&0n HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avtnuc Nr:wport 1Beach, Ca.liL Equal opport\lnlty cmployr:r • M. .. r GRANT'S SURPLUS Now lnterviewi n9 SALES CLERKS Full Time Only E.'Cperienced preferred. bu1 not necessary. l\la.ny com· pan;y benefits. Apply in per· Bon only bt'hver:n 2 and 6 P.r.1. 1750 Nc1vpor1 Blvd .• er.! BUSBOYS D1y1 and Nights • DISHWASHER Days Apply iri pcrs'.ln REUBEN E. LEE 1Sl E. Pacific Cit Hwy Newport Beach S ALE S Pot AN, Appliance: \Voric irwktt, Pleaant 11ur- mundlrws. Oppor. to Ml- vince with l•rae Cl\ain Orr. 'Exe. llhJ'tinc • P'Y. • .. r1900. Call Gerry Wblte S40.C455. COASTAL AGENCY Ai mcn1ber or Snelltnc Ir ~lllng ll\I', 2790 Harbor Bl, Calta ~Tr~a Agenci••· Women 7300 Exec.· Se~IY. li1issiQn Viejo area ............. $500 n10. Seely, good typi•t. .!I o m r 1horthand •..••••• S~JO mo. Dental Ali5.ist, Garden Grove area .............. S"33· mo. Seery, no 11hocthand, llunl· ington Beach uea • $433 mo. RecepOonist, high cla1s beau. ty salon .......... $198 mo . 488 E. 17th St., Suite 714 Costa M6a 642·1'470 7400 ADVERTISING PASTE • UP GIRL: Flex i ble hours. sketching pro(tuciion, agr.n- cy procedW'C. To $433. 'Call Gloria 540-60J5 COASTAL AGENCY A member or Sne lling & Snelling Inc:. 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa Mei;ll FASTIDIOUS SEAMSTRESS Sought by yollng progrcs$ivc sailmaker In N.B. area. Top wai.-es paid for speed k ac· curacy. Previous experience prele!'red. Apply R i ck Taylor, · Coast Catama.i·an Sails. 817 \V. 17th St .. Ci\1 -IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Inspection & P•cking Dep1rtmtnt Slai1ifl£'. salary SJ.T.i Pfl' hour \Vilh automatic increa:i- cs. Apply: '"5-0831 'S • Pr of Hom·rin1mr.d &..bysittlnt .)4 !·2666 ('\'Cl!. 6550 1------TRADE: '5li Ford 1 ~ T~ Xc1'.'PQl't l!eig!\ts ld~·ely Z Br.. h')nlc in nicest resident- 1·1! al'l.':1. 1'!'ade $1~.000 r.i,llil) «n· inl'Ome or \1l- , .. nt ~:-ind. 6-~·!79ll h-ansportat!On. Good reler- tnl~s. 8S6-!i766 aft 4 J•p•n•S• Heusek-...,.--,-MOTOR HOME e BUllDEIS e lSSfMILERS 'for 1ellwti11~ fibet'lla."!.'!. CAREER Ol'PORTUNITY! cbopper run ~ 1ibt"1"1la~ J oin toda)'I taste!!! gru\\'in:l and hand layup departn1cnt. profession-Mutual Fund sales JrH.lus1da1 Clay Product. 187.16 Fibl:>r Glasli Rd. Huntington Sl'ach. Callf, ~locals, Vic Labrador Dr., BABYSM-rlNG, ~ly hon1c. f1d: 540-4438 all 5 pn1. I Nice play room I: fe~d in CK kitten with 11·hitc y:trd. Only lunch furnished. JIBWS and nose, found at Near \Vestcllft shoppinll :P.1. llsh try. Call ~.122 area. Call 5«-4531 {)..Tickets. 1·h· !Slh ST. NURSERY Sehl teacher & • Santa Ana Av<'., Ctil. Sun· As5t will bab)tsit. Toys, day 6/8. 646-4611 pl~1y111ate~. S\\'in1ming. Call ~---a.fler 6. 536-2453 UNO fo·en1ale Sia.rnc~c • '"'"'"°",.,--c---'--~-~ iC Brislol ' PauJarino. \rILL Baby&.it my home 5 GM. 54~1i6 days v.ttk. Peterson School AI.LET, \Vbite .t,'ront Park· area, H.B. Good refu. Loi, CM. Owner Identify 1 _,,.... __ l_M ______ _ -7 BABYSrITING, my home. 6401 5 moi1 SeaJpoinl Siamc~. lemale Y•/ rlca l\lcsa Verde area • 540-2732 * OULD care 5 days W<!ek, my home. l\lalurc 1rom11.n. &""-19.:12 Disap~arcd lasl urs. J.lrui sli!chrll ort \VILL babyl>il ou.r home from omach, n1ust be rcn10,,.ed 8 to 5. 968-2530 uili Thurs or fri. Shr n111y 111 I: ACtatch Jf f)j1•kcd ,Br.ick, Muonry, etc. lup. Call ~793 or CUM 6560 Animal Hosp\1al. 67J..Rl60 BUILD, R.l!model. Repair E l\IALE pup. Parl Brick, block. co n cr e tt , Shepherd & Bernard. BJ!; 1 trpnlry, no )Ob too miall. .. ·~111 v.•hltl! large pa1v1i S. Lie Contr. 962.$1} \\1hite tip tail. Lost in vir. of ~========= ,Victoria & f'tdr.ral. Li\llt' Builclert 6570 bo.v broken heart~. J:'iO ----------• Re\\'ard. 64Z..5761 or LI 1-1814 * CARPENTRY &_ GENERAL REPAIRS Call Dan 642-'ia05 aft 5 Pick Up FOl! ,11.,1 ... ''·" 2;;o CC 01· bi;::;c .. l'..:J ~·1~1 SI., CoiUL 1\lc.ill Apt 0 or 548-6315. Trade: Superb custom-bll Oodi:e Van Camper, aleep!i 3--t, one of a kind, Jo.-equity in l't'al c;ta !c. duph". o!· 1~:1- pJC.'I: p:l·f'd. No.":'n C'r.1!;:- 518-!llitil \VANT TRA!Ll::r~. Tl'adc ·o~ Olds 98 2 OR, HT. air. II p11•r, R/H, nt!w \VSIV, bcJ.1 Ills. I.ill str, XL'\'T COl\DI· TION. j36.}\31 \11'.:.:iA VERJ.H : 1-':\IR\VAY LOT ll JillC' OJI Alladtna Golf Course $59,950 or S acrta nr AJ·lina;con. ldeW u;;,oOo. Trade lor Btach· ~. Olvn- e!' 642-31JZ5 838-5712 · 548·iHS2 HOUSEQ.EANING. Ex p . Dependable. Own car. Don't 11moke. SU day. 6U-78TI J~'l:chanze $lii,OIXI equity in Domestic H•I' 7035 C~f t: l\-S area houst. will I ~..;.;;:;.;c;;.;;;.;..::;;o...._..;..= lr.'.'.10e-hack for I year for ;;.r..::s· S?-Jraishcr. 54S.1310 l1t'l.Jri' S -":\! aft 6 Pl\! Comm C·I appni; 3400 sq, Jt, Gd for Dr, &: Dtntist+ (1) 2 br, (:!I bach apts nr new ci,•ic cntr S.A. F.q. $69,500, ~yr ne1v. Trd/llnia. !J&.7218 Retired-don't need la.-; s~el· George Allen Byland Ag~ncy Employer Pa.)'s l"ee lOC-B E. 16th, SA 547-4.395 Chinrse llve-lrul. Cheerful Permanent. Experienced Far East Apncy &4:2-3703 Holp Wontod, Men 7200 Immediate openin&:s for men with . ex~nce In plumb. In:. c~ectrlcal. \\'all!, cabht· ets and fini!h • or \re 1vill train you. !\-lust ha\'e somr hand tools. See Rick. :!13j Canyon Drive. Costll l\lr:sa 642-9T:>S TRAINEE: Sharp, neat, hi.rd \.\'Ot'ker no!1!ded tor Frin~e ~ncJits. Sail boat No txperlen~ ne<:essary-·rYPfsT: Technical Publ. manufacturer. Send resume We b'aln . full or part time Good working eondilion~ & to Bo¥ i\I-631 The Daily Pi· Mutu1I Fund Advisors abovf' avc>rage benefits. lot, or apply in ptrson: 82ll Inc. ' Stai1 $~. Call Ann Willia ms Lanker~hlm Blvd., North Npf B. 1603 \Vr:stclill 642-64Z' 5~(1.6ffij • l-loll,Y1i'OOd, Calli. --1 S.A. L't!~ N. B1·nadwa.v COASTAL AGEl,CY BARTEUMll >t'-S'"i A mombor ol UWUI• ' •.. ----5,,.,n;,g & 5"oil'"• '"'"· DAYS . & NITES Apply In person RUEBfll E. LH 151 E. Ce11t Hwy. RETlRED n1a11; hOsl 3 1,~ 2790 Harbor 81. cosia r.1l"sa duys per Vittk 1n mO!'t lux-1--~=~~~-~~ Ul'ious laundromal U.S.A. GIRL FR I DA y ' Book lii odest salary. f\1u:.:t be kee p in&: I !;Ccrctarial l !iOber, responsible & gel sales. 9 to 5 p.m. Call for along wen 1\•ith people. Src appt. 962-3351 I store by Pa.ntry Mkt., Balter J . J . KNICKERBOCh~R al Fairvlc\\'. C.f\t. Then 1Buildin; materials anti call: John Briscoe after j carpet distrib111u1-s ' Pi\! 644-J.~; IS582 Beaeh BlvU, \\'ant industlial. t•on~tllf'l'l.·i· a.I, ineo n1(' 01· '7 '! ~·ubmit lo Oll'lll.'I'. t4:!'47U tr:r, l\'ant h .. 'IC free &: cir fur $3! r.1 ~q in'.! T·p!c:., Isl TD ti:•! s:;s '.\/, pool, ptinie lox, no \·ac, S ) rr old s.10-0001 HUGHES I Dept. Store l\lrnu. Thorough lL'l.lnlnr. Top co. na1ion111ide. career 5p'Jt S70C'!I. CaU Ger· l'Y \Vhi!t ,j4,G.S05j Newport B11ch , ___ _ P t F II T. Huntington Beech 1r or u 1me .. * * * * * ---------· SERVICE Dl~.ECT~~!_ 1 SERVICE DlltlCTORY Cem1nl, Cencrete •60:1 G1rclenin1 "80 e Concrete Or·~. patios c ir <.:onc:t-cte I,: blk lop ioa.11 lr.;. J:C":.is. Don, 6~:l.g;jl 4 • COKCRE'fl:: \1·01·k Ji!l lypeB. POOi rlecki &: l'llslon1 . Call 548-1324 ecU~l\I PATTOS• ANTHONY'S 64'1· 1941 -~ The Best, cost! no more : l::.'l:~rlenced. l\laintenance Budget Landscapin&" Graduate Horticulturist NEWPOltT IEACH hu ul';ent requh'C'lntnls fo1· SWISS SCREW · MACHINE OPERATORS COASTAL AGENCY A member ot Snellini • Snellinz Inc. :?790 1-fariior Bl, Costa !\Tesa *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! I ?llu!t have clean Calilol'nia I drlvinr record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St Cost.II i tesa __ I \Vith Torno experie.nce. Abil· ! II.JG~. TRAI~EE. P.es~u·' ity to do own ietupS i9 d~ rant. A Qi, 1\•1tr. e~·r:1;.th1~ JANITOR ~!AC OONALD 'S is hiring janitoiial help_ Prcfl"rred age.~ 4.i to 60. Expe1ience de- sirable but not necessary. Good pay, liberal fringe benefits, txccllcnl 111orking ronditions. Apply in pl.'r1011 bct11·e(!n :! Pi\J 10 5 Pi\f or ealJ 847-9100, allcntion of ?ill', Jack O IV)'CI'. l6SG6 Beach E\vd. t,IB'------- e COOKS e position now avail tor SE'\'eral TRAINE~ for s1atJ9t1~;1I antbitiouii men, 2Q.40. Fies· 11·ork. ll1gh sc_hool grad Wit h ible hrs, some 'ev<'s. pref. 1-cal Interest 1n mat~ .. s1a1·1 Car nee. Prestige y,·oi·k 1.,.ilh $330. Cail Ann \Vilhams. above ave1>age earnings. !ilO-re~~"i Oppty ror f\lanagc~ pos. \Vc COASTAL AGENCV train. •·or introd. lntervif'1v 1\ n1cn1brr of I call l'>lr. l\'lill.~ ~8.AA:I. Snrlling & Snelling Inc. '.!i!IO Mal'1>0r Bl, Costa MC'.o;.1 --I Ca shier /Hostess TRAlNEES: 23 yr ()Id r11'tl· rnotional advertisingi firn1 1~eds young 111c.n. Co1,1J)<lny listed on l~vo .stock ex· Espcricnc<'il i\pply cha1~es, nati~n1v1de TV. lf MANNINGS INC you are f!am1ng less than . ' ' Sl:i!l a lv<!ek, call for in-El Toro R~. (LeisW'C \Vorldl fo1mation, f.fon. thru f 'ri. l..a.guna Hills 837-lOl·l ~O aft.·6 P l\1 CAN YOU QUALIFY! ck I: v.·nu~ b!aglt, 8 mos. •A)mvr:rs to l\fat1he1v Vic. "'ave St., Laguna. Ca.Ii Nan· C1rpenterint1 l'Oncrcte &a.1ving It. removal '590 Stale Lie. *&42-1010 · U -coUff'. snack shop,; :uid 11rablt. Top do ars for top ., .• ·, •• 1.11 ;, d " .. .,-c, . roon1 s. t,ec s .\pply In pt"1'll0n DISHWASHER BOTH SHIFTS Could you spare two hrs. fl day for five days a \\:CCk, ii you receive SG:i for Jr! JI "-<J call J\lrs. Nrlson. &12~ -ey. "91-7909 I CARPENTRY co,,tractor1 S WK. Old black kitten, ~N') ~lL"°OR REPAIRS. No Job 6620 Nl!:IV 1&111'ls re -1 er: din G'. Comple!e la1\·n care, clean up by job or month, Free c~lin1alcs. • Vor mto, call 84t)..-0932 or 89:r.1995 GARDE N 1NG :collr:i::;c Studr:nts Complett' or mow and edge TY.ice a month or v.·cckJy 644-1693 men. a.ltrt, 1!.bl!! men. SB:iOO. C1ll Openings on i.·i. ;' ~.1J .Sec· ond Shilts. liel1'}' \Vl1il!! 5 11)..6(.6 COASTAL AGENCY REUBEN E. LEE .blut eyr:s. ''ic. Diamond St .. I TIX' Small. Cabinet in aar-ADDITIONS-REPATP.S Balbo.a Isl. 6 7 5 -6 61 7 · qe1 &: 0 lb e t cabinets. P.El\JODELll'\G Reward. 5-G-817a II no amwer leave Ocslgnini: I.: Plannina: A n1en1~; of Snellinr l; Snellin&" lnt:. :i90 Harbor Bl, Coita )Jesa 151 E. Pacific Cst Hwy Newport Beech Apply in Person ? SURF & SIRLOIN bc1 .• -4 Pl\1 tor an a/>'", [lOinlmcnt. I 5930 Pac, Cst Hwy SECRETARY, PVT. 10 Ad· J;STANCIA L ct t c r n1 c n msi ~t 646-237.!. a 0 . Ki!chcns-Ba.th!I, etc. J acket, Vic El Rancho Anderson Lfc'd I,: Bondtd. Fret est. R.l!iocation as.~1stance pL"O\'idcd. Assisl1nl l\rECHANICS, i\farine \i·ork: Newport Be•ch min., accur. typing, G1·r.gt; I Busy Beach~ide t'O. ~eds l\JAf'HiNTS'l· Si ll. Small gro1•.":: Ne1v[)(lr! men for repairing inboard I,: We Need Ope rators Engineering firm. To $j(J(). 1 Market. NB r. r ward ~ REPAIR. Partitions, Small A k B CONSTRUCTION 548--0220 Remodel, etc. Nite or d'l)'. ll2'J Paularino, Cl\I HUGHES Lost sn1al! hlaC'k Terri~1·1 'l.~as! Call Kl.'N 54()..4679 *545--4941 • PoodlC' puppy. 111:tlC'. \'\t· ll1g ~!ASTER carpenter, $4 per ADDITIONS-;--rc mo de!; e :'lfO\V • EDGE • \\'EEO. Prof. la1rn main l by capable Co1legf! students. &16--1134 NEWPOltT BEACH "'iln~ger outboard motors. Pleasant Dri ll pres.11 & Blall chard Call Glori11, 540-6ffi5 •"1 • y,·ork, top S$. $SSOO. Call grinders, packer & 3 1na. COASTAL AGENCY I Gerrv \Vhltt ~~0-GCJ.i ,.,, .• ,.,, ,,.,· .... .,~ A '''""tboc ·I I Reuiil :rocP.1'V. t'.'..'l:""'ricnce, CO.,ASTA' AGENCY " '"'"~· ..... u 500 Superier Avenue ,.., .. \Vcl>cr Speed Equip Co. SnC'lllng & Snelling Inc. N .. ~ C 1.1 d1.y or nirht shift. Paid vat'. A mcn1ber of :no So. Cenl(!r, San!a A>>~ :!790 Jlarl>o.1r Bl, Costa ~l1•sa Bc:h. f'l<'a Cn!la1', !lf;.'\·~>~120 hour. Remodeling·Repa.ira,, l'Cl1;50nablc; i:i;t l o 1 h c r "'? rA""' ..... 5..., ~"""" estimates, Then C at I OLIVE Grf'r11 Ladies \Valle\ u-t.<r"V'N:i "' ~ M?-2416 'Vic Bristol & Paularirm REPAffiS, ALTERATIONS ========== H•ulin• e730 owport a,..n, • 1 • ·n u '' x• 1 Op 1y Call • '~-"""'-'''----....;::.;:.: ! 1 s r i.: .... n P · Sncllin" I.: Snelling Int. 714: 517·2:10' -f I 6•2 8"0 -" LARGE Group mc>rlical Pl'il<" . Church. RC'w;ird. 673-'ll'JG CABINETS, A ..., 1rize """b C I & ·~·., r-1rpet Lay nt TOOL Bos of tools 111 2J yrs. exper. ~TI3 Repilr 6626 GENERAL HAULING & CLEANUP t;qual oppol'1.ur.i1y !'1np!oye1· -AI I,: 1'' I or &pp • • :>:: 2790 H'al'bor Bl, Costa Mesa 1'101'EL night auditor or lice n e e d s ei..periencetJ ' SAL~l\IEN GARDENERS a a! I 11 tan I desk clerk \l'ith esper. on I\ Ome n in all phases of front Ca.t"ttr opportunity with sinrle, for COll..!tal estate. NCR 4200, u Pi\1 to 7Al\I. oHicc. Baek g ;· o u n rl &. Capislraoo Beach. Rr1va,rd. CARPENTRY • npain . I-------'---- Call Blackie 499-1990 gtn'l fix it. Quality y..'OJ'k, CARPET VINYL • TD..E Ult female red Irish Setter 64U464 or 645--0415 Expert installation Sl.2 Ptr load. 962·68·16 a.ft 3 l; 11.'kend5. rrowin~ Co. Prefer esp'd Farmer type preferred. Cot· gd pay & 11·orking cond's. qUalifications: Box 1723. -men. Fast. fl~r, xuarant~ b.;:e i&. small salary. Good Ben Brown's ?i'Sotor Hotel, Newport Beach. 616 vie 19th & S.11. Ave C~l QUALITY Repairs _ Alten.· BLANKINSHIP FLOORS 548-J(MI 642-1403 :;,ll)..Tl62 l-tAULING, cl~an-ups, lots, G"aragcs, etr. Lfi truck, handyman. anytime. Call ' BOB 6-G-22,jG RE~IAUF:.Ar\T :'IJ li :'II T; + l°Om misiuon + p M s · b I •· \V · ~ k · · · )0 or a pens..,ner. nte Laguna Beach. 49'J-Xl71, i.:xP ...,.,1,, eook & .un:&m spot if you're loo·· APPLY Box p 419 Daily Pilot. l\I G t ,..... ~ lnr ahead. Top pay, rapid ::s:; E. 17th SI., Cosla l\Iesa r. a es Exp fry rook. part lions -Nev.· const. by hour DAILY PILOT IV ANT ADS! or Contract. 646-3442 lu1. C>e:~~tias '300 ~us. Opportuniti• '300 ' CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Man or wo1nan to restock new type coin dispensers \\•ith high quality package candy products. NO SE LLING! DEPEllDABLE P~RSON CAN EARii UP TO $800.00 A MONTH J Part or full time posi tions needed in thi5 , are.a. Req uires car, exchangt of referen· ces, S1'50 to $2990 cash, secured by inven· wry IJICI equ ipmenl. I Write for personal interview, giving phone /number, to : • STUIEGIC fUICJdS DEPT. 25 533 Sow1• 2tM1 West, Salt Lake City, Utllll 14101 . \ Drafting Service 6637 OF.SIGN Dno.fting. electro m~h P/C layout I: detail- ~. Ken Sr. 61i=J.llll LIGltT hauling, Jo'urniture, .-;ara:e cl!!an-up. t r a s h . 642-20i0 advancement. Co. y,·ill tl'ain. 464 s. i\la.in Sl Sa.nta Ana BUS BOY, O\.~r 18, late n1tc R.ceiving Clerk lime. 494-4898 • SinccrT. Top ori;. $7000. Cail ' week~nd!/1\ill develop into $390. Bcn!on'!li Cofftt Shop Geny \\rtiit~ 540-6()5j i\l:tn~·"'CmeJit Tr-·" ' full time. No r:xper. necess. Young: ma..tTied, stable. Call IJ.~ S, Coo:st ll11'Y, LB COASTAL AGENCV ltAltT TIME EVES. Apply in person Ho\\vd'1 Dan. l\fr:rchants Pen;onl'h.'I CAL FRlDA\'· Advcrtisfn.c; A mr:nli>Cr o[ I ' Jkslaurant, 4001 \\1. Coasl Agency, 2CH3 \Vestcli.U Dr., Agy. Ace u r a l e lyping. YARD/gar. clnup. Remove Sntlling &: Snellinr Inc. I $3 so h 111\'}'. Nc1\'}:IOrl Bcac~ _ N.B. 64:i-2770 Should havr pastl'·up eXPt'l" t..<ets. iv;y, dirt, tractor back ' """"" H '-I per r Gardenlnt. ___ ....;.•.;.•IO __ l=""=·~""''=<=d"1:.==..,,..=='="==J ... 1""' &1·uur B, Costa l\le.u. • ---e .... ,'.,~iK~llEoa"'• ;+-,,',!.~~-,._ LATHE & MILL if'nce. Start_ lo ~7. Call --_Draftsman ... $7IO. --_._. ~ • """'_..... ... .. ,....,, Ope11lto1·s wan1ed;-Also Jean Bi°O_wn ~605.> • CUI&: F.d~La\•:n H•u .. cleini.,. 6735 Sintple draitln.-, 111tch&nieal. Call S.i7·77S'.! htr. Sond cal ability &: draft.ing. Call SALES REP. COASTAL AGENCY f\laintenancc, Licensed "-'-""'",;;;;""~--.::."' Call 0111, l\lerchants Per. k:e E Dan, Merchants Ptl'6onncl l!.Xperie~ only. ,\ niember of ~~/&fi>-2310 dt 4 CARPETS. \Vindows, flnr, sonnet Ai:ency. ~'04.1 \Vest· L rutd Real state Sales. Aiency 2043 "·r:slcllU Dr. 9:;11 ......... erlAvc, Unit E Snri!ing & Snelling Jrn·. t .. ~. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt l"l Ori N 8 ,,. i -o man flff'ded !or im~iatt NB &15.2170 ' ·-...,.. ~'i90 Harbor Bl, c~ta r.tr~ AL'S Gardenfnr s er v Ic e . u.o e u ve, · . a-•' employment. New unit noi\I · · . , off Botsa l Dlllo1v, \\'stnitr 1 • • , , _ La.11·n maintenance, prden· \\'Ork Reas! Reh. S4Mlll Jo"IBERGL A S tool in;, s"lllnJt. \Vil! train, E.'XPERlENCED onl,y . ST.OCk CLER~ 1-lf liSEh.Et;P~R ~ ch1ltl In; k clean up. 646--3629 mold~, bondinr , b 0 a t R ~-H str:ady employment 1\•1th I • carr, llvC' in, ~1 ~ days. J1nltori1I 67t0 Ex rle ced nly ,-eur -•sens omes oceanographic CG. Apply I 4:xl per month to sl~rt. No Pl'ivlltc room t. barh. R1·fs. YARD , C I I! an up. Tree Io;:;,;"'°.;.;.;;;;_ ___ .;.;.;;.;.;.;; carpen~~~ 0 • Huntl"1ten h•ch 1916 Placentia., c.~1. expetCt! fl(!et;s:18J). r.ton· ;so 1\•k 1o1•/periodie ral.scs. S1?rvlC£', ""'v I awns , \V.ALL.5. \Ylndows, noon. 1974 Pla~ntla, C~I t~OO fiberalau molders 10 r 1 tl ay t ugh J''r•dar. Chance 5-11)-92!2 ~prlnkll"nr, rololill. 64&-SMS 4:&rpet.!. Commercial I.: --.. lo ar:tvanct'. \Vrilt Dally ·""=~-,-,.,---~~-P.S\dentlal. Daily, y,·ee.kly •,.J:.XP dlsh1\•asher "k\1 DOORMAN CLEANUP l\tAN, ovt"r 18. Pilot Box l\1--lli. LfVfo; In hcJ11: nm1herless JAPAN~~taniP.,ner _'!:'mblpl And/or ?i1o. 897-1300 fll"lper. tuli time. DEPEi.'I'· ltARKING ATTND'T Start 6 AriL No exp. \V\Jl 1 SllOE SAL"'~ hon1c. boy age 7. To 11tart 5el'V, ...... ,,..,._ <epenua e, DABLE. 4%-4891 FuUorparttime,dayoreve. train. Tl-IE ZOO, E. Coast ll'alntt A~ inl .ani8ger approx Ju11e &1. Send lrc<' rsl. 642-4389 Piperhaniini Benlon·s Collet Shop lie. CllU. ~river. Neat 1.p. Hwy I. f\tacArthur N.B._ retailei~ orn~~~~·s ~:!.:~ resume ~ refs B. Cook, 1500 CLEAN-UP Spedalisl! ~IOV· fl'aintlne 61.SO 133 s . Coast Hwy. LB pe~, re.ls. Call ~1700, \VANTED: Cltan cut colJt'fe LEEDS soo:e Stott', So'. Ada1n11. Sul!<· 20.1. CM ;;~!O:~il~·~ job I' 0 1 S H \VAS H E Jt wanted c.'<l 555, 4 to ' p.m. student iv/awn car tor put Coast Plaza. Contact 1'Ir. DRAPERY \\'ORKROOrit PAINTrNC Int Ii: Ext Lowest t xp'd. Apply in ll'lrson Blue BOYS 11. 14 tlJM eventnr delJvr:ry work. Phe.IP!!I Trainees · immcdiatt opcn- Johngon's Gardtnin& mntncttd prtcea. Full)f tns. Dolphin Restaurant, 3.1),j Carrier Routts Open 500 \V. Cout Hwy, NB TRAINEES. t"ul\ pa.rt Ing. Beach Drapery, 900 \V, finest equip., expert eve. SatWaetion lfU&t. Fr'N est. \!ia Lido, NB. tor EXPEJUENCED BreaJdas! I. tlrn.. COOR • FOU~AIN • 2'!.lh St., Crtl. ~ Plant'.11s:. clean-ups. 9&2-20l> J lrn \\.'ttka '73--1166 ' ·-·"· Be So DRUG Ct EXP'O Scn '1ce Station • fl.IL -...... acb, . t.aauna P"r:y Cook. No SUnd~ no DISH ~lACH ll'\E. T H E erk, pt time, 2 yn Yamauchi Garden Servloe e INT • E.'\'T, ANY SIZE lhnc. pttTl'lancnL Jloutb' DAILY PilDT nlles. Apply S12 \V. 19th SI.. zoo. \Y. Cos.st Hwy, & l\fac-min exp, nof. Co 11 r JC n frtt Landi;eapr: Co nsu.lttni JOB. Xlnt '6'0'r'k. refs. tree v.1lic + c 0 m ni I a• 1 0 n . &c.a:?1 C.\f. Arthur, N.B. Pharmacy 440 r l!lir Dr C.M • 673-llG& e e.sl. JIM "2-4669. Unllom11 turnl~hod. 990 I::. I SERVICE STATION Kennlll man, over l:i. ApplY 121 SERVTCt: tila.1ion at· ~540-4="°"°==~~-~~ EXPJ..:RT J ap&.nl!lil! ma.in-PAINTING, Pa.perln: 16 yn Coa.~t llw~·. !'l:B. 6-tMl!ll Entp\O).·Ct> Y.'!th experience in person. SPCA, 20612 La· tenda.nb <ll l\tcchinlc . BABYSITTER..;-> tl1Q1 '1k, 2 1 tenanct -W.B .. F.V. area. In Hu-bor arta. Lte A bond--S•rvlce/O•llvery--11.•antcd tor f>.ll pm shUt. pnm Cnyn Rd, lAg fk'h Exp'd, Call s.12~ ask ror M:h.I agt> chldrn. Ll,·r 1n 01 Call )fack, ~2 ed. JW1 furn. ~ ll30 week alter tralnlnf per-Apply 804 S, Cout lfl\.')', YOUNG man wtth lnHlatlve Cat1. out. 644-0781 aft 6 prn • J1pan11e G•rtfner NEAT, up. Painter, no ~. I-lard ¥.'Ork. Chevron station. for rettaurant work . EXP. SERVICE s 1 at t 0 11 PBX Ans\l't!ri"l: .-r, cxp'd ( Exper, c:ompl yard eervlce! drinldn&:· Oolltp ctudent. SeNisolt. 506 .U St. N.I . SALES?.tAN 4 c en er a 1 ~la& ~l~sman pa rt or rull·lime. Jll't'f. J.1u!ll he av11,il !or :111 Free ~~I. 543-1951, ~4 Low prlceal Stew 5'M3&9 SERVfCE STA .AT?. t'Vll Ii: helper for nU1'$1!1')', <X>OK. Oependable. Steady. Don JohllM!n Chr.vton, 700 i hllts, steady wurk. 5.J&.SSSI I ESTABLISHED 11u'dwnin& ,Pt Salary Ir comm. Tom _ * $4&.0724 * Small d\nnu bou~e eicpcr, \\'. 19th St., C.1\1. 548-9883 RN. Part lime 11.llen100111 for ) roule, 6T tnickil t,: equip-'laderlne. a.p.lr 6llO Sharp 673-.l320 rn TI m • fflica.le&"ttn SJ'illt-thlft. Cdr.I. 673-772'.? e YOU'NG man 18 ytan or Gc ner11t PracllUone.r·1 ol· ment.avallable. ~. e P.A'J'Qt PLASTEJUNO All ~RVICE Sla .Attmlant and man. 5 l)a.y5 wk. Set TClT)', DELIVERY drl\!h, Con1n1·1. older for Kentucky Fried nee. 548-1643 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, typei. F'l'ftf atimate •. Call ,?Uecha.nlc. Retr. Reqr. 1000 GS E . llth St,. ~osLa ~fc3* BhM!nr\nt •ho JI . Cf.LI Cllidten, 6.CIJ S. Coast llwy, For 0 11.1.ly Pll-Ol~W~,-,-, -M~, 11-11!: QIJTCKER ''OU SELL ~ E . eoa.,1 H\\')'. N.B. DAU.Y PnDr 'VAJ."\'T ADS! M~$'!73 Ui(l•na Ik-rC"h Dini 6tJ :i6iX fur Rl::.'illl.T;:; • J .. . - - ---~=:;zo=· ===::· .. ... •• . ' ' . J ~ \.,, ~~ . '.-.)JAl-:.. · !'.• .... ,;. ••-1 ~~ -· Tuf~y,~nfl0:1,,6'f ~Atl¥1'1'le'f' . . .. .. Htlp Wonted Women 7400 S-h ;}· '· ·' d ' bis variety o fi~e school~ ... c 00 s :.\ _.:!I~ \ . .,. could introduce '. . . . . . : ·,;.-;;._ ,·~~t.;· ~ -~ ..... ' ... __ , you to: rew tomorrow.~ *·Cafeteria Help • I' • ) I ' · t • 1 ." • , • ' .. ~ • _ '. \ • ·• ~ il'tl'Ol /u'the• lo~""' foo•-'•9ud'"9 tho Dolly Polot ns ru~ ·w'~ '·:\\' S .r-. :'~ ·V~'.r Schctols •n~d I trllctio~ Directory ','. . . . '. ' .. ·.. . , , : "~.\ :i.' I;.'. CALL 64 -5678, EXT. 325 ' ,• ... ~'i /"/ \'\T~ " '• • ..!..._.__£ -~ • " -----. ' Se1rs Costa Mesa Full Time I Cooking and all·around · txper&enct nee. ' . { Excellent Benefits •• ~ Apply in Personnel Ollicc I llonday lhMJ Sahrn::lay 10 A~I to 4 P~I • " SEARS ~oebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An EquaJ Opportunity Employer e EXPERIENCED e NEW ACCOUNTS CLERK UNITED CALIFORNIA " ~ \ 1 Gvremonl Schoof · DAY SCHOOL NON-SECT ARIAN . II i\ Summer Enrollment Still Open Grades 1.a . E~perienced Qualif,ip\I : Tf'echers ., e Phonic Re•ding e Besic Meth ~ En9li1h • French e Sociel Studies e Do il y Swimm ing ' 261 Monte Viste; Costa Mesa 646._I 170 for appt. BANK I 4G67 ~IacArthur Blvd. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii N"t'\\'J)Ort Beach ~-~ SEAMSTRESSES Exp'd power machine oper· ators lo 3e\V naugahyde boa1 C'UShions & canva55 pro- ducts. Top wages, pd holi· days, vacations, ins. Xlnt \VOrldng conditions. Apply Jack Cole· Co., 1763 Placen. tia Ave., Ovl. 646-24.51 EXEC SECTY $500 ~l lssion Viejo area fee 1-eim· bursed. Good skills, also Jee jobs. ABILITIES UNU~fITED AGENCY 488 E, 17th Sl., Suitr 22<1 Costa Mesll 642-1470 Anna's Pre-School -1st Grade ANNOUNCES Facilities for Enlarged Enrollment ltt!gister your little ones for: e A Full (fun) .Learning Program .. •l, ~ lAGUftA BEAEH ; .,'. \ , S<H~. OF ART & DESIGN ,-SUMMER I . PROGRAM SIX AND NINE-WEEK COURSES Painting, Printmaking, Ceramics, ~ife Orawlng; ·Sea '& Landscape, Rendering, Children's Art .. \Vrite or call for fr ee 13roc'hure 630 La9una Canyon Road 494-1520 ' " titEN WANTED NOW TO TRAIN. AS CLAIMS ADJUSTERS " , JnsurAnce ·~ves.tia;ators a.re b a'd I y ~eeded · due to· the ·tre~dous increase in claims re- sufttng from auto . accid~~ts , fi~~~· _ fl~.ods .. riots~. s\Oi"JTlS anP 1ndu~tn.al acc1dertts th at occu~daily .. )ns&rance Adjusters Schools ~f 1901 N.W. 7 Street. Miami. Fla .. cB.n lraln you tq .earn.~p money in _this fast n:-i.oving, excit- frig. action-packed field, fu.ll . time or part tinie. Work at your present job and stucj y ~t home then ' attend resident training -for lw D ' week~ at MIA·MJ BEACH, 'Flor ida. ot LAS EXPERIENCED e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME TELLER • Music e Art e Dancing e Creative Activi ties e Hot Lurie.hes & Snacks VEGAS. Nevada. Excellent, emp,loyment a ~· sistal'lcf'. For details fill oi.tt coupon an d matl ··-·· --io_d_•_'"_N_'o_O_b_lig_a_t-io_n_'· -------~ Afipr"Ovl'd"lor VCierans under NC\v G.l. Bill! ., .. e Ages 2· through 1st grade 222 Ocean Ave., I.aauna Bch. 494-6546 2110 Thurin Ave., Costa Mesa See Betty Bruce at mi.u Gxec Aiency for Career Girls 410 \Y. Coasi ff\\'Y .• N. B. By appoint. 646-3939 TELLER: New Ace<1unts. Girl who has sparkling per· sonality, varied duties, in· tcrtsln_g. To $~00. Ca!i Jean Bro1vn 541).6(t.}5 COASTAL AGENCY A n1cn1ber ol Pla11111td S11111r.ttr PTOffOl'll • Shlte Llce111H I S11pervl.ti Atn Z thr• 10 e Hcl b1 lt nc1d 1Yn(~tl Snelling & Snell ing Inc. • Sn•cki :?7911 Harbor Bl, Costa l\1esa --Gener•l-offiCe--e Hoffl•·lik1 •+m•HP~•r• Xlnl oppty to join growing 1 Newport Beach co. Good • Co"cr1t1 l 9r•11 pl•y advancement. Pretty oles. •r••' -111p1 r.,.i1•d $.jOO. Call Edee, :>46-5410 Jason Best • Cr11li•• 1c+i.,.ilit1 .,. ·t ~· eh1 646-1444 Employmtnt Agency 21ZO So. Main, Santa Ana GlRL r R10<\Y: Excellenl oppty with future, General office duties. $2.1. r11ise in 3 months. $400. Call Jciu1 Brown :>4o-6ro5 CERTIFIED KINDHGARTEN For prompt reply \\Titc !o: INSURANCE; ADJUS'FEHS SCHOOLS . De-pt. 1203 ' P.O. Box '176 ... El Toro, C&lif, 92630 Nam-. ........ -..... -~~······-· ".:tr~t '''.I.~ Add1'P'sl' ................................ .. ati .. '. ...... :~ ....... : Sta~c. .. : .. ~: .... . Zip .............. Phonf' ................. . Accreditcd hlcml>er'i\Jational l-lomc Study Council ,Barbara Lee H.afferl.y ' 278 E. \Vilson Str,f~~ .. ~ Costa P.1esa, Cali!o~_i~ •• ·' / : Chilcoat School of Typing 173 Del Mar Avenue Costa Mesa, California /)ear J\l i:;s Cliilcoat: ~ ! 1.. +. • ., . December S, 1003 5~3 .23j9 \Vhen I f irst. ltcarci of uour 111etltod of ieac/i iug "Jtcl that by corn in(} to yott I could /eal'11 to typeuirzte in 10 one holir lesso11s I didn't believe it could be done. f still .can:'t believe it. but tl1ot is e.xactf~ 1ohat 1 /lave done . : . ' 1 110.ve -2 children wlto al'c ·oot11g to ·take /essous from .!JOU becauRe 1 feel your rn.eth· od is far s11perior to ttle -method used in .our schools. ' ' • 'f. • . ~.>•' • I • ·~~~hier 'Gitt&~ Now F:'~ing GRADU.ATES! . . PRACTICAL N.URSING! Tuition refund plan7 Can earn while yo~ learn! .-, F·ulty .~pproved NURSES TRAINING INSTITUTE OF ORANGE COUNTY -On the job Hospi tal ir'aining - -Medi cal Assisting - Home & Institutional Car• - -Free Placem&nt - 4016 W. COMMONWEALTH, FULLERTON Phone 525-7521 Call now for . . . . "' - Summer Program • Grades 9-12 e Small Clas ses e Immediate Attention • Close Personal Supervi1ion e A·cademic1 required for . Colleg, E'1trance e Reading Clinic, S.R.A. (all age•) • SP.cial Summer Language Progrem (3 wks. in Mexico) e Special Aviation Ground Schoel Ccurse BRICKER-WARD "°'~""""'I' ' a3 Fai r Driy·'' .~9.st• .~!s•. Phone 540,0420 ., ~111 ~ ••o•. Medical or Dental Ass istent I .· .. , '~4LIFORNIA . . PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL COASTAL AGENCY IN COSTA MESA - 2 LOCATIONS . I l only-1oi$h ni11 h1tsba11d~."'elative, f.1r~a.-r--~ -.-. l!afferty, 1votl/d a d n p t your method of • filude11 t Lg.ans A meniber of ~Snrllliig &. ~Snell in:; In<'. !!i90 Harbor 81. Costa l\tc.-1a ifOSPIT ALITY HOSTE,SS ifi looking for mature \\"Omen •I to \\"eico me newcomers to the com munity, Must have • 1937 Church St. (1 blk. east of Newport above 19th) Phone: 646-3636 teaching for the schools bPfore 111y 3rd. ch ild is old enoug h In lea rn lo typeuirite . A very satisfied st1,tdc11t, Barbara Lee Rafferty typc111rlter, car, and be boh· 'j95 Paularino dable, Apply 285 E. f.1ain, lilC:br o· Day and Evening Classes • Lifetime Place111en t Service • For \VOn1en of ,<\JI Ages • Professionally Staffe~ f>e~tal Cli nic Open To The Public ·., •. ·· 1895 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA (714 ) 645-2922 Suite 7, Tustin, c al it. (2 blks. W. of 8ri1tol near So. Coast Plaza) Enc:br- 544.ti925 Phone 540-1919 ':::::::;::::1!1=:;:;::::::=::::::::::=;!1 ~:::::::::::::::::::::::=::::z:cz Typilt with"""ifuturel-11_~-::--::--:-:z::::::::::::::::::=j ~ Unusual opp1y now open \\'i ii top notch So Santa Ana Co. \VIII !rain Oexowrl!er. Start ·$tlb. Tu.1 r'Eifee, St&.5410. Jii· 90n Best Employment Agen· cy. 21:20 So. 1'1ain. Santa AM SECRETARY: to young ad- 1 , vertls'g exec. pres : Accur- ate typing, S/H. Book'p'g ~';"~',';,"'~;11 ~~~'.~. ;= Newport Air Associates Eni9Y ~utcess lnJ ile . ·' through Modern C~smetology coA~T!!"m!~~NcY Fllte School & Flying Club Snelling & Snelling Inc. _ 27!lo Hubor Bl, Coot• ""' I LEARN TO FLY . ~ SALES WOMA N. Ex·1 ,. COLLEGE 6 BEAU1'Y perienced in ladies ready to $500. • wear. Apply Mon thru Fri) from lG-4, .APROPOS No.1 (ftJtaCl"f AMl...,tel l I h t d d pd:i.ed j .. $1 ·2· . ~ .. For 6 Weeks Course on the HAMMOND ORGAN You ao· not have to O\Vn an instrument. (' Free practiCe 'liine availabl e. Register now . Beginners cl asses start on Tu es- dav. June 17th at 7 P.M. Excellent ·tea.cher. Also classes for secondary & inte rmedi- ate organ students. Sign up no'v & avoid . the rtish! Classes start Thursday, '!June 19th. FUN· ~NTERTAIK~~G-· KHOWijl)GABlf .. 27. Tow" • Cou•-·. ~""'I d of ers on y t e mos a vance , u • ~~ ua ... ,. Cofflpl1t1 Cout1• lnclu t s: LICENSED shampoo girl, Courses an~ Techniques. Your skills Rent Organs 40 Ho urs flight time in Colsn e ISO's w~th 1 d th t · · 1g yo u ~-P . ~ .. ·~ L'!:ewpo1 rt Beachll d 1 . t t· Cl b b h will be on y as goo as e ra1n11 Available ru r::a. r-v........,... 20 hrs. ue ins rue ion. u mem ers 1p. 2 Month 's free due1. lnd iYiduel in,fruction, ha ve beeri given. MANAGER small dres..~·sho1>.I teilo red to YOUR: ebility. DUring· T9rn, o/33, Xln\ dress I sports I • '""" ..,,,. 5:26-<136 '"'" OTHER AIRCRAFT AYAILAILE New Classes Start Each .tuesday of Course.'. SUMMER SEASON I at LOWEST RATES IN OllANGl COUNTY ~-54~ ~..... l earn to fly now -end h•ve fun! '°"" .., ~ COPRE' ·on th~ beac h ol Balboa CO.PRE' SCHOOJ. Announces SPRING OF 1970 European Study ~ro'gr1m for quelifying Juniors & S.nlors Testing for rall enrollment now ln progrcs5 . SUMMER SESSION JUNE 23rd thrv AUGUST lit . e Convenia llonD I Spani~b • ,\rt e Ty11in~ • RC'inedial 1-la th and English 710 East Ocean Front Balbo1, C1Uf.;9266'1 ph. 673-8610 ~--- [J .JJarl'i!ff STUDIO of CHARM And MODELING Phone for FREE Brochure tD "SECRETS OF BEAUTY" Summer Cklsses Now ~minq Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Cl\l!dte11'1. Course approved DIP!. by the Calif. Supt. of Public Instr. * Modtllnt and Television * Charm & Personal Development * Dramatics-Speech-Little Thectre * Special Coul'Sfl for Homemakers * Career Girls FLORENCE SMALES Director of Our State Licensed Modeling Agency 1519 N. Mai~. Santa An~S47-6971 1965 5'1nny Crest Dr. ISunny Mil• VlltDteJ · Fullertae Bt7-1000 Now Accepting Applications For The SUMMER SESSION r..,.r.., ,,.,,.111 Commencing July 9th, 1969 Regl1trallon July 7th & Itta •Approw1d for Vetoron• ORANGE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of LAW IAffiUote P.,pordltte Coll .. ol Vincent S. Oalsimer, Dean A St t lt Cki rltrtd Non-Profit ln1tit~lion Prtp1r,in9 SIY• dt nh for !ht Cililorni• Btr E~•mln 1tion. Enltron,9 Stv• d111h fflVll htv1 I Mi nirnvrn Pr1·lt9•! Ed11ctl1on or Eqviw•lt nl tt Riquirtd by th• C11iforni1 St1!1 ltr. Four Ytt r Pro9r1m in Pro9rtu leidin<J_I~. O. (Jurii Do ctor ) Dtgr11 Call or visit the campus (714) 531 ·8S81 1234S WESTMINSTER AVENUE SANTA ANA COME SAIL WITH US! -.. ' . - 'h OFF ON 'FAiiilLY RAUS · Leern to s•il on 26 ' Sloopt , Couri os giv en: \ BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE . AND ADVANCED Seiling techniques. .1 , Th 1t stude nt is intro·duced to the fu{'ld•rn•.nt•ls ; ~f stiling tboerd 26' Keel S1llbcaf$. He be- comet f1m ilier with fht boett response to th1 · movements of the helm end learn• th• b1s[c 1 t echni ques of s1 illn9 the bo~t to wi ndwe~d and ·before thi wlnd. CALL FOR FULL 1Nf'OA.:\1A MON' 1·u11 time. Stud•"' '~"'-R"'CJ'ister NOW . Re•litor NO.W I lnquiro lo• dot~ll• I "~•.~ . I ~.';~.·.L:;..0i::~~:;";,.:~, • Fir M••I•• ••d c-..., 646-29.19 ·Hammon~· 'Orgag _Studios I · I • S~ecloi RatH for Blvd It Hctl. H.B. 847-.4621 , omm-clal "· i.,._.ment Slll.Jents · · • · 1100 West ... ciflc Coast HlthWey •• cma ... ~ 1895 Newport . Blvd.; C.Sttf · Mffa 2854 E. CQ.1tt Hlghw•Y, C-oi'on•·"iil 'Mar.· ' LIVE-IN b a b yslltn l 1 2'l7 • BI I S ta • o' 540~'7 I .-. w• .. _.,.. ... , • 1 · \ _ • .._..!"' ' . . SOUTH . COAST . YACHTS IY)!Jsekeept!>r, prv nn & ba. Fer Co"'"'''' D1t•ll1 c.11 HOW I • ~. ' ,r tto , Ill ~n + "\/\IV 671-lfJO ·opH "'!IMMY.' .PrWoJ r..s. ·~ .. .-,__, 'r'~·n, ~-· ~ "'"· * 548-ml 6) 3 • 0 313 L,,,...,....,. .......... ....., ......................... ~ \Vhlte r.Jt.phant.s! 01n1e--a-Une1!,,,..,..,..,..,_.;.;,,;,...;;,,;,;,;;,..,..,..,..,..,.,,!~..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,o1 ., i' I ; • • • \\ l I. . . " • _x, ·-' -,.___.! .. ,i;...,,.!:. ~ . I " ' ., " l " 1' ' j I • • DAILY PILOT T.its411, .hint 10, 1%9 .i00_• IMMOVMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT I J_oas & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLO'IMENT JOBS ... ~M~ME_fiT MERCHANDISE ,OR' MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCH .. NDl~E l'Olt SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE ~ALE Af'ID TRA_DE SALE AND {llADI Heltt WantM H.lp Wanted Help W1nted I lS~c;!!h~oo!!l!:•!!l,,.~tr~u~C1!!io'1~_!7~600~5~c~h~oo!l!!•:.!.ln~1~t!'.!ru~c:!Jll!!o~n.!,7~600~1~~~;:-,;;.....;.:.;;:~iiOj<;;;;.;~~;.;.:;...;.":;~j' --UOO Wemen 74'0 Women 7400 Women 7400 I"' ~ 1·F;;";';"';"'i;'i;;'i!iwiiii~IOCIOFuiiii;'i"'i'"ireiiiiiiiiiiiiiill~OCl~IO; j ~M~i;iisc~•~ll~oow~us~iiiiiiiil~600~~-~~ll~•~---iiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiij ACHl~VEMENT lou thin ABILITIES? II - IUffllfS OLJUCLERK * * 100 "'"(~~~11!!~Rf~; :~~i'·,:~;cESS? LIMITED T IMEH NEWPORT TYPIS'YS .i:F;;h~"'1":r .. ~· SAUC~N SCHOOL Contractor Wants to Build hmedillely Newport Bffch KOGN. Ith County Fairgrounds T1arlnt Down Building to !Now lnt1rviewing \'1ria11 Oat• f.tachiixs, Jo.. ' • Make Room For Our New-Store """ In the lwi"< !""""' NSEAEOL, SESPARLATDTl1'e'sE WHERE THE PROGRAM FITS THE CHILD SPANISH •• MEDITERRANEAN COSMETIC SALES • ALTERATIONS • FOUNDATIONS • rial ~1plex, 1 ha. imnu~i· ato o•""'"'" 11" 2 """ •Ince MOTIVATION 11 1n inner force $75,0,00 CLEARANCE typists. Hou sewlvei & Mothers th•t grows with ft•lings cf 1ucc1st. • Game Sets e Dininiz rm sets e, Bedroom The-5l' Assi....,i;nenls al't' In Ca re ho 0 t e 11 I " t e C "l our pubtk:t'ion. and E.D.P n you ~l..i.re a w u, WILLARD H. SAUCERMAN, Ed. 0 . S? s 'V ng room :se s Orner uni s each dny and add_ to u~ Tel· .... 1758 .1 •Tables • Lamps • Recliner chairs • ))ec.. dfn.'1rlrnent!I, C.OOd l;.-fli~ I ·1 · \I -~ an11 y 1ncon1e at ie samr 1'=========.-'========= ot ative Spanish ch al.rs • Buffet w /china skill~ •nd prev\ous clericA! 1lme? s~hidulea coo~nlcnl I· M d " e p · FURNITURE AUCTION TUESDAY NIGHl \\Wk experient-e desired. for you, niocninss, alter-Help Wenttd I Jobs-·Mlrn, Wom. 7500 tops, e iterranean 1ctures • \Vrougbt \\'e oUer •rood sttu1ing sat. noons, evenln~s,or t.'OmlJtru:i.-Women 7400 Iron ary \1•ith an excellent bene-1 r ----------DUK CLERK No down -ter ms to mfft youf' bud141t - fit program includi'l:' 12 ~t~~ 01~,!~ 'i~k 11~:1 ~~ OUll'e • U -bank fine; Master Char g•, Bank of America. 7 P.M. SHARP!! FlJU TIME EXPERIENCED ONLY d"''I vacation durln:; the s t Sto o Chi ~. , ... or ""'"'"""' .. '· :::,~1"0"' '"" ' 0 • """'"'1~ ecre a ries CASHIER • Thi• s.1:'For $...,k on 1i~nc1 0n1y • Inspect EARLY I! you ha\•r l>N'n ACl'U~lon1- t.d to worklll&' "·ith the fin· f"SI clienlelc.> and n\f'rch11n- di~. you 11'1!1 eri.m· tht c.>-:cel!ent opporluniliC's 11nil rompany brneC\ts olftrtd by these positions. varian d1la Typi"sts APPLY IN PERSON As We Sell 9UICKL YI . . .. machines A \',\RIAN SUBSIDIARY 2721 Michelson Drive (Ad j. to Or•"9• Cc. PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND ALL OFFICE SK IL LS EARN ?itORE \VITI! US l..all;r ]U.\:Ury holcl, i;ootl 113}. a1y, J rl;iys. i\lust be e."Jl'!"' lcnced on NCR 4200. A11ply Jn person ontv. AOK Commission Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD Apply in person only J11!('l'\!if'l\S bl'tll'et"ll 2-3 Pi'll # 1 FASHION ISLAND 10AMto5 PM l\londay thru Friday The Newporler Inn I!!!!!~ : ... ' l Block West o! Beach Blvd .• o!! G.G. Frwy. Airport) I rvln!, C•llf. 92664 An equal opporrunity rrnployer i\! & F AU student position~ Jillrd. EqLUJ opportunity en1ploycr Champagne Temporary Help l ~!!!!!J!!!!!'.!!!!I .;;i, Garag• Sale 8022 ~CT.ETARY RECEPTION- IST: Unusual oppol1unity for gi.-1 11·i1h rXL't'!ption.il pcrsonalil~'. Righi girl wilt becon1c £.\:er. Sccrelary \l'i!hin one )'rnr: llrttuires f(lsl. arcuralc lyping & grn· era! ofliee kno1vled!;'.r. Ex- ttllt'nt 11·orkin:;: cond itions. To S500. Call Jean Bro\\·n }10-&}jj COASTAL AGENCY A men1her of 511('[1\ng & SnelHnJ:: Jnr. :!790 Harbor Bl, C:O,,ta !Ursa MAIDS - INSPECTRflSEl Lari:e lu.\"ury hotel. Expcrl· rnce nect"ssary. Apply in pcnon, i\liml King The Newporler Inn ll07 Jan1boree Rocul Newpol't Beach· GRANT'S GULF SERVICE SERVICE STATION MANAGER ~lust be OrRt>;;1' Co. ~sidcnt (or at lt'a~t 2 yrs. l\tajor oil company tra.lol~ pre~rtt<I. E.-.:celent salary I: company benefll'I. Apply in pc.l'90n it to 6 P?\1 al GRANT'S SURPLUS 1T.>0 Ne11'J)Or1 Bh'<l, c~r Girl Friday Ht: Bea,·h area. Or\f' cirl olficto. Sal11ry commensu- rate with 1bility. ABILITIES UNLl,,llTED AGEi\'C'I 488 r:. 17th St., Suitr t21 Costa Me.sa 6f2.147D S'l'ENO: Trainer, good ll'P ing, sho11hand technical fo1 Dept Jlcads, polt'ntial! To i~oo. Call Antt \Villlams, J.l0-6l).i,; HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH has lmn1edlatt openings !or HYBRID & INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ASSEMBLERS A minimum of six months of experience is deslrab!e. Openings are on 1st and 2ntl shifts. Please appl)t in person lo: HUGHES NEWPOR1 BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport Beach, Calif. Equal opportunity employc1 ?11 I.: }' EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRE'{ARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E . Coast Hwy Corona del Mar 67:1-9240 Equ~I oppOrftlnJt;y emp!oytr newport . perso nnei ., .. agency • Bend1 Assemble11 • ANAHEIM 77S W. la Palma II NEWPORT BEACH 3849 Birch Street -.. SANTA ANA 1616-F, E. Fourth 1107 Jan1bol'l't' Road -- Ne11·1x.111 Bearh Fur"lture 1000 Furniture -----------'--~ Positions imn1rdiate!y avuilablr at our J:::1~.~1- bluff B1·anch, for an I:::.- pcricn1...~d Teller. Please 11.11ply in r.irrsou :.>523 Eastbluil Dr., N.B. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK f'STA fE SALE COC'kta!I table, 4."\€, l'U.~lon1 n1editerranenn, orig. sria, saeriticc S250 ocv~r used , Solid bN•J1 8' sttt'I, best of- fer. S!ereo conso l e, A~l-Ft.I, ~I offer. Lamps, tlrn prrirs tlddf: · & !'.!Ids., ~787 or 968--2005 eyes. 6 ROSEriOOD • I: 11'alnut l'h.1.il'l! eirc:a ~so. S285: v.·nlnut tlinino: ·bble S51l: ~n!ll. TV console s1::;;, 30:B,a Gold·;nrod, c d r.1 , enter _by alley, upstairs. t.tOOEL home fiirnishing". !1crol'ators co.st & below. Country Club llome5. Cor- nl'r lie!! & Springdale, JIB. (213) 375-6666 GARAGE SALE JUNK TO ANTIQUE 336 A. Victoria, Ct.1 in rear 8100 NORGE Never dcfro11 t N'lrigerator -freezer com· bination. $100. El r ct r i c dryer. good l'Clnd. $3j, Table !: 4 chairs, $10. Alt 5 pm. """'310 01 small precision clc.>clro· mechanical devices. l::."=per- lenre prcle11-ed in .!SlURll parts assembly. Trainees c:onslrlc:'t'<I. App!v at STACO, INC 540.7345 An Equal Opportunity Employer Equal opportuni1y c:n1ployer IJ. W. Rotiinscn ~H•1 Ooenings for: 3 rms or furn incl all acrrs, lamps, pictures, etc., RCA Color TV /S\C'l'eo, $1000. com- plcle. S.16-riJ61 alt 5 rR!GIDAIRE Automatic 11•ashing machilll', turquoi!'C, need~ n1inor repair $50. S.I~ aJr 6 P~f AU.JOST oe1v Berk I in e KENl\fORE gas dryrr, GE recliner "'/ottoman, Ox· portable dish11·asher, Sol:i blood l'inyl $25. S.:."7-9:>83 cac:h. Both .:xcellent cond. ===""""'"'~-.,--,-I 54S--121:: COi\'VERTIBLE sofa bed, =~~--,.,..-. ---------- 1139 B•ker St. Costa Mes• *DINNER* WAITRESSES •Part lime Sales• like ne1v. $150. K.ENlrlORE Au Io rn at i l' • 642-4676 * 1l'll&her. xlnt rond. 549.3041 . Equal Opportunity Ernplnyer T-IRE·D-OF-LAYOFFS? II you are in1erc5tcrl in stC'ady employment as a secretary, 11•e ha\'~ the joU for you · lots of. variC'!y, plea~nl sur- roundings and e:<cellenl slaJ'lini:: !lllla1y. Good shor1· hnnd skills 1'f'qt1i rcd. Apply W•stminster School District 1,1121 CEDARWOOO '\'1-:Sl'i'III NSl'ER. CALIF. APPLY 9 lo :; P.l\I. HUNTINGTON SEACLIFF • C ountry Club 3000 Palm Ave., H.B. 53"8U6 e BOOKKEEPER ::-4 Days \1cek. S1an1p Dr.· Furniture 8000Furnitur e 8000 parln1en1. Prefer kno11•Jedi;:c: 1··==========;~=~~~- of :~i;s~~::~? l~l]:,•'1_trelj~! Equal Onr><>rtu11l1y En1p!oycr - -• ~ -~. • ~~ • ~ ii Real Es!ale Sales Restaurant ex~rience Experienced sall's1.erson for preferred busy San Clc1ncn1c oUicc. DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS So.,ish & Mediterr1n11n Fumitvre . All BRAND NEW • FOOD }'ree !clcphonc service. Jots (lf fiOOl' llnlC, listing com-t·•t . .y,..,.,Jorrane>n 114,_ $wile Ill PKI~ l'OW IUt.• CHrCKE" u1ission~ paid promplly. Gor!:~i 1~i~1,,.,·c.,.1om lull! Sola .. u~ m.it11inm L11M:•~S!i • ~ I"--~Ice 1! b1t.ull!ul toWlu tA tt Mlt.tll • lh .t l GAL FRIDAY: Arlv. Ag('ll• ~ J•:Jlcn C. t.1ahont'y Realty !'°""''~ D:.,1n1 S•t1 ·· ........ • · 111· .. 6-IJ pm l""·' ,. I ~llJ O•-EJ>d t111:11 11"11 Calfee T1bl11 .............. · 11·~ C)', fast paste-up, accur. ~· .. .,,. .. no. El Cam no Rea.I J!I Oec«•t•• ranre L•mPJ t•e. 1.i1.u1 ............. NOW ,15.ii typinl!. rapid grow'g Nf'\I'· 61:J..:B::o after 5 pn1 . S:in Ctt!mcnlc ~1>l•h M1"'11>t sw11 L1l'l'IDI 111.11 ut.tJJ ....... 11ow • · port Bl'ach otrlcc, To sr.oo. CLERK TYPIST: Sha rp girl or call collttt for appt A decorator dream house on display -3 0111 r.101·i11 ~·5." '"ith 1·'1:p<.'rirnc(! in purchns· 1 ===:"c.:."c,'-'::'"':..::1.::":___ rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (v12s COASTAL AGENCY ini:: and invoice oontrol. Jikt! OOUPLE To clean Me~ A n1en1ber or fi~res. 1375. Call J ea n Theatre 5-6 or 7 days per reg . $1295.00 Snclli~ &: Snelling JllC'. Ro-own :i'o..ro;,;) 11.'C'C!k, pennanen1, 8c<' P.!r. SACRIFICE $398 2i9o Harbor Bl, Costa t.lrs., COASTAL AGENCY l-t:u11ann, manager. 548-4701 • • • • • • -F .-mif9 Se"Cty-:-.§00.00-A n1en1bl'!r of l'l'C'!'.I for apJK>intmcnt or in-/rl:J MOHf.T ON. llEOU!llEO -WE (>.llllY OUll OWN .t.CCTS A top beach area co. is look-SrlC'lli~ & Snelling llW. ·q uil'f' t.lr. or tll rs. Hen-m m Ing for an arrracth·e gaJ ii•ilh 2790 I/arbor Bl. Cosla tote.VI derson al theatre, bf11·n 7 & I •• . FURNITURE good see. skills, grrnt po. NURSE AIDE TRAINING -10:30 ani daily, I~ lenlial and U1r C'O. wi ll re· An Xlnt opportunity for -fEACHER~S-A_N_D~-I in1bul'!le the fct. call lb f)('r.c;ons inrerestcrl in a SUB TEACHERS 1844 N t Bl d (at ra ine, hlerchanrs Prr!!Onncl h<•allh cal'C('r. 2 wk. trnininJ.': Sun1n1cr en1µloyn1cn! full ewpor V • Harbot alvcf.) A;cnry, 20.13 \\lcstcliU Dr., l'Ull~f'-no chnf'gl'. liniitcd 01· part 1in1c. Cuaranlc>ed N.B. 645-2710. openings. Seeking full lime, inronie. !"or appoln!n1cnt Costa Mesa only -JEWELRY SAI ES-Joni: !cnn cmployeclo'. Inq. call 83S-9.i57 9-12 an1, 6-'! pm. . Pcrsonrwl ~pt , II o a g • h 'T'l 9 W • S t & S 'T'I 6 Rrl11il sales c.'l:p. 5 days, Memorial H 0 s P 11 a 1 • BEAUTY Operator f 0 r £very N1g t 1 -t11., 1 • un, I 40 hrs .. S.'llary +, can1n1., Pri.':;hylrrian, 301 Ncii·port deluxe salon: Niguel lluirf!!!l!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!ll!!ll $35. * 84l-8llj NORGE-Automalioo:::_w_a,;--ho-o·, late motlc.>I, xlnt cond. $i:J. SI~ ·Sl 15 8120 SAVE SS$ on new Zii-Zag, Automatic slraighl sti1ch se\1·i11g n1achilws. Portable & cabinel n1odc.>ls. Ye Old Sewing Shopp<', Jj19 I::. Coast H1vy, Cdi\I. 67:.>-3663 l\'.:69 SINGER Will~ig-za;: & \1·aJnut ronsolr l\i akes but- ton holes, designs etc., S:i.2:i n10. or $3G.OO cash. 52G-661li Musical Inst. 8125 Guitars • A!nps • Drums :-l'.E\\' AN D USED 12 MAJOR BRANDS Also i\J.,nv ln1p">rts At BIG DISCOUNTS EVEl!YTllJNC L'\ i\IL'SIC Beach Music Cenler I Daily 12 110011 t.iU 9, Sat. 9-5 1740~ Beach Blvd. llhvy, 3!1) l ~~ n1i so. San DJego F'"'Y· Munt\ngtori Bench S·li-Sa.~6 * OLD-fo~hioned d1t1111 SCI. consists of Lud"·ig base & snart', 2 Liberty lon1 toms, 1 high hat & extras. • ~9·1-2157 * Pianos & Or11na 1130 PIANO SALE NE\V , ............... USED Grands e Console11 • Spinetir: Practk"e Piam s from $125 ................. , \\'AS NO\V Sta.IT Studio S44j $295 Knabe Prvv grnd S2750 f.!195 Chickering grand $2395 n725 Aeolian Grand $1595 Sl088 Bran1bac:h Grand $1595 $1085 Chickerl11g Cons. Sl395 $69j Lester Spinet $Ta9 $445 ~IANY · l\IANY -i\10RE Special Carlo•d Buyl NationaUy Famous Bl'a.nd S965 Consoles $722 hleditt \\'alnut, btlll'h lnel ~culd Music Compeny 2().1;) N. P.tain, SA S47.{)681 -GULBRANSEil""" ORGANS WURLITZER PIANOS & ORGANS Pianos & O!'gans Rented EVERYTHlNG lN MUSIC Beath Music Cenler Factory Sales & Service Daily 12 noon 'til 9. Sat 9·5 1740~ Beach Blvd., !lhvy 39) 1\il n1i. So. San Diego F\vy. Hw1ti11glon Beach 847-8536 ----GULBRANSEN Organ l\1odel , E. LikC' ll('W, Cos t izi-oo. sac. $1400. 67:i-43-W UPRIGHT PIANO NiC'<' condition, iood tone S12J. 6'JG.-S.IG3 ~~~t~~g G~!.__ 1500 Skin Diving Equip U.S. Dh•trs tank.ll fr.,, ••. $:i9 U.S. Divers l't'gUlalors fr $.JO • New Nylon lined Wet SUlls lo1v as .............. $.39.95 Cu.~to"'1 durk feet Cini 18.9.j AOUATIC CENTER 4j.)5 \IJ, Coast l·ligh1ray NC'11'port Beach 673-5440 ~!UST Sell 8'8" Chuck De111p s11rfbrt!. Sc1ni-J,':un, rcn1. fin. Aln1ost ne\\'. $7:> or belil of. COASTAL AGENCY A n1cmbc1 of For lop p:iying_ Tl'mporary Posi1ions sl'e Jane cargill in n"~ Trmrior->ry Dil·i~ion. 133 Dov•r Dr., N. B. co. bc>ncf1ts. Lawson 5 Jto\vel-Blvd NB Fashions. No. 19 t.lonarch ----~ · · -------- er~. rooC1 lluntina:ton Ccntel'. =='='=~--~~~ Bay Plaza, S. Lagunu. Furniture 8000 Furniture 1000 Pianos & Org•ns 8130 81C'YCLE-1'1an·11 10 .!i""ed, 11.B. Sl:::CRETARY: Statistical 499-2221 "'" ft>I'. 642-2398 Soellint: & Sncllirli Inc. 2790 llarbo1 Bl, Costa ~lesa -Credit-C•shi;r-[ ~ hour~ per da)'. 5 day ll'fi'k. PlC'al!anl personality, enjoy working \1•ith people a n d phoDC 11·ork. E.'l:perie!lCe pl"C'- f~n-cc!, hut not necessary. P'!K>llf' 1\l r. Do11•ninJ!, 642-3170 549-274l --- •• NEEDED Two Office Girls !\lust be able lo dri1·e typing for Erigi~ring Dept. -SPANISH Returned lrom HOUSEJo'UL ot furnitul'c. SARAH COVENTRY ha., Young staff. PteAsr1nt at-HAIR STi'L1~·rs l\('cdcd, l\lodel Homes on sale at Sectional, '"'in bed~. dbll' opcnjn~ for full or par! mospherc In S.153. Call Jean high 1..:>0ninils.~ion, Ru ss lcu than wbOlesale!.! Group beds. chest!!, n1isc. 688 \Y. 1in1e sales. t.lin. age IS. Bt'Oll'n :~O-fiO.).'l Thon10Mn Hair S ! y I i 8 t • includes beautiful 9 6 • • \\'ilson. C~·I Pleas;int 11·01·k, no invest. no COASTAL AGENCY 67H961 quilled sora & Jove seal. --~-------rlcli\'eries. ror in!ervic1\' LARGE: \Vood dt?Sk 5' x '.;1", A men1lX'r or MALE or lenia!e, cxp'd wool 3 Spanish oak demralor 6 r1 r a \V r r w/l)"l"'\\'r l!rr c:i.l. ~l40--0614/ 837-4749/ Snelling & Snelling Inc. presser. Apply. in person. t1>b1es, s11·~ or table lamps, table &. S\Yi\'el chair SIS. ENROLL NO\\"~ c'~'-'"""'~·=-=~=~~. 2790 Harbor Bl Costa ~lcsa Expei-t clcanel's, ::ri E. lilh wall placque. king, queen. 673-7162 ADV GIRL rR!D/\ Y: Good ' St. C.~I. or lull size bedroom suite ~~=-------i·anCf'd players. Join the APPL)' h' 1 a curalc J L I S. 5475 oomplete incl bJ,.. enrings. DANISH t.1CKlrrn davenport, 186 Ea'' 16,h "•. Jl:f8P res, pas r-up. r r •ga cty llAJRSTYLIST rull or p:irl ~.. d · ....._ · •R' I blo S.10 fun~ Register 0011'. • Be;::inners l'lass I e s s o n s . learn 10 play the orgnn. Six ll'l'Cks course, start in g June 7 at i :OO P:'I!. Guardnteed re&ults, $12. rrncli('{' organs avai\abl". Also rlaSSl'!s for more ad- 0 I p n c Ute• lu1011.·J mattress. linens & boudoir i.i.ir ..,.,. ... asK>i..., a · near new * ~1071 • --SKIS-ROSSIGNOL le. Stra.to, 200 cn1. niarkcr toe t: heel, St20. 6-14--0770 HOBTE SUP.FBOARD Scuba Tanks <l!!+-8212 Public Finance Corp. lSS L. 1711• SI., CM 616-~841 Co.ta ,·1,,, • Y 1. !:. g n. 0 ' ·· 1-2 .years legal rxper. Fee lin1c. Some lollo11·in<> prcf'd. "~"112• ll/\~1MOND STUDIOS " fl rsi?!c .hours;, -$~00. Call ncgot. Also frr job~. Busy shop. Xl nl 1~": lanips, Spanish l'Bk 6 pc ~<>-------~--2S.H E. Coast H11y, Cd~! i\-IOVL\'G, many house Jtcms. BOOKKEEPING Capablr Glor1r1. :>-l0.6(k)!1 ABILITIES ':i/;-,.3J8j dining sci pric:"t'!d "'se11.'htte Quality )(1ng bed. 11uilted. 67'.;-S!tlO Tab!c.>s. chail-s, lamps, TV & ~iscellan•c:•.::••:__~I~ pcrsor• aJi;o son1e Pho n c COAST AL AGENCY UNLl)tJTED AGENCY :-"-~---at approx. $1195.00 ALL comple1e, unused $98: 11·orth sta~. divans, hutch & palio wor\. &. typr. Gal 1\'hO JikC'~ \ nicmbec of 4.,.., ,. 171 S S .1 .,...1 lfAIR STYLIST. Esl. salon FOR ONLY s;m, $00 do1Yn. $25<1. Aft 5 or "'knds. 847-0lOO JUNE SALE,1!! ,\NALYSr. Fringe bt'nefits. 1 '"' ., 11 I., uie •• in Lido area. Sorne follO\I'-furniluft'. Llectrir boa1 C.'OST llCCTC. CLERK & beautiful!~ localed rncxlrrn i·nrit'l)' 10 $500. Call 1\nn S11rllln:;: & Snelling Inc. Costa i\Trsa 642-11i0 St99 per ,,P('k ' O:Jt 01 Blond drrsser 11•/min\lr S'.!5. faclory authori1.t'd c!l'arance n1otor . & tools. Co111ple\C' plan. To $~ii. Cal! Ann \\'ii· \Vil'iaiii~. 5-10-605:> 27:l0 l!arbo1· Bl, Cosla ~h'sll in:; pl"l'f. For appt., Si3-4JS6 state rredit OK. \V 111 Gag stO\'C', 6 mo old Xlnl of overa:;:r. 1~!11rn~ .~ <1rn1os H.O. train layour, boys blkC', Jiani~. :JlO-GrJj COASTAL AGENCY -Cost AC.::nt. Clf rk--EXl•:u 1 (' J f' p h u n-c in-PllH.'•' Ti111e piiHlO player. separate for quirk sale. 20th cond $30. 612-8:;62 Pinnos & Organs. Praclirr needs repair. p I cc i 11 0 , COASTAL AGENCY A membe1 of to '-"76 1crv1e1vrrs, 11·ork fron1 SCO ITIES._ .4:::6 E. 17th St. r enlury Furnilw-e. 9'!i2 •0 D d d' 1 r pianos, UC'iv ii•alnut ~pinr! \•iolin. orgun. Toys, ;ill A ,1,,.1 •. -,.,0 SnrllinJ,':,t:Snelling lnr. ·\bl 0 • .,~.1 ,,1 ,,, + hoinr. hour.~ lo ,·uit v.out· "M.aftertipni. Garden Grove B l vd '-' L hr("(' lntitionuso a, · • d,... rl · ""7JF dh "~""""' """"II bo Bl c 1 1\! , C' n lL.,._ llll' .. o __ ---------C _, ,... . r-.~:i to.9' 8 tt. Grt'at shapr, $7!i. 1500 pwnos, new"' u~r ,,rans bargains . .., or am ~nr\1111!! & Sn<'ll ing Jn..... ·'"" !Ir 1 • os a 1 i•sa ll , .. · · ~1 s1•hccJ ulc, Call bllrn--10=2 FXPERIENGF,0 an.1Cl1 ~-1'll}l!_~_Y~--'--v,,.·,," r ~-.. ·N.B. "~"..,,""! k dc1no Bald"'ill 0 l"&f!llS Drive:, C.l\I. " , --------~.n.. t:a _....,1:1·anie,-1. ('t'-· • ·>. ---~ --' 5 J0-6 S 12 C " ..,,.," .n o-.u.:i ~. ::790 ll:tl'boi Bl, Costa l\les:1 ~ttracl lv• Women. l'hants PcrsonnC'l 1\f;rney, ~l~~1l~·n SC ha fr r {.lJl DESI\ CL.ERi~ ltl · un ·;J ome really & lru!y on n1oncy * AUCTION * 110USEl\J::t:PER Scekin" An1h1r1ous, good pcrsonal1rr. :l0<!3 \Vcstcliff Dril·r, N.B. liG-·59a~eol!ect . _ __ Phone 6•16-74t1 In or call l'ft4: 530-5240 1 G S I 2 saving SALE!! Ge l in on 'I U f 21 ' • ~g_e_• , _____ 8_0_2 t"-. b;• do•I·. ,,.. If y " ,.,,·11 >"II or b•ov ptr111anr11t full titnr se .o tar, ovrr . :-;on1r 615-2770 General Office . -----"" ,... ·• o • " ..., einiiloyer, ROOll 1,or)(in,1 c.vcn1ngs_p1,-r. A\'rrage pa1·1 -SECRETARY--TYPE 60 .... r.-:pi·r.r,1cC'rl 111 Schocls0 lnstruct10" 7600 SCRAMLEJS 'li3 DATSU~ \Vaw>n. new ~~;';1~~~,!,~.tD~~,i~ 7i~~,~~ Auct~~= ~)1~~ ~:~ p.m. l'OOllitions l.:. henefits. I.II-llllll', s:19 11·k., full t1mr. KEZY Int· 11'1 au 1nunrdi-f:Cncral oHiN' dutirs. Call I Th N-~ t -K motol' s~oo or 0 t f c r . quire J!('1'i-onn«•l dept. llo;1g Sl2 1. No C:>.:Ji. nC'c. For ~ ·~ ,, I.!!1T11inr. )lerchants e e wpo.r ANSWERS t'11rni1u1·r. desk, TV, llA~1~tOND -~te1n\\'~Y • Wi"dy's Auction Barn '' ·• 11 al ~· pronipt inhud inll'rvicw alf' upenin.., 101 a scciclnry. p I , 0 A., School cf Business lun1ber. 11.'ll'i"erator, n1i."1"er, • ---' · • rn1or1.... o~p1t , 1~c.>wpo11 · · ..,,,,,, , , ., , , 0 '·"·'7.\' 1,,. l'l'SOnnr A,,.rn1•y :. ., ., " maha • ne .. ...: U:M<U r1anos "-ho·-• To•y'< Bid• .• 'l•t"\, "-call l\11 i'llills ")-l~-8550 ""'"es lh-On..:..· •., · "' '· -FF.\TURI::l.:· TlC\1' l\·heelbllrro1r, n1ii.c. .,.., '"' " .. "" DC!tt'h · ·' · 1190 E &11 lttl Anahcinl \Vest('hff Dr .. N.B. G4.>--27i0 · ... . nr all makes. Bes! buys in 2075~2 Newpopl1, 0 1 &16-868& · -R I' • t t · t · . " ' • Elc.>ctric Type1\'nlers \\'11nlon -Typed~-Outdo -l'i!li Baker :i.l&-.7178 So CA!il right here ~U~SES neftlod for prh·a1e ecep 1on1s • yp1s Arin. Uan i'II1trhl'll. BEAUTICIAN • Dictating cquiprnc.>nt lnfanl -PIN him 00\\'N lLU. i!ING, ,\uto Par I s . So-1~1ioT l\IUSIC. CO., SICK ROOM u Y· H.N. LVN . PR.AC· 1 Scll.l Beath area. wcU-groom-B ~ 1\ UT Y C JI(' r 11 1 o r to \\T.rk full tin1t Costa i\t('sa e Bru~h up Gl"l'"" .Sh. n...,.,.,.,,, •bo"I , ,i;p->'V ·~ N '' · TICAL \ID All h I~ 00 v•~ -"'' " , •• · fwnishingi:;, di~hc.>s, J)()\\'cr • .....,, · a1n, e Hospilal Beds e Crulcht's , • .' · Ii 1 Q, e~ exp. l)'pist-dictaphonc Jntervie1\·in:; fot' an ex-sa:on. Paid vatalions. C'IC. • ~1odrrn Office procedure o·h·,, .. 1-,· ... ,,.,••.·I-, to ho'd <-I A 1>lust ha\le f Call '",-'" ~' tools, elc. 417 Cos1a tvlesa .,.'\11 a na e \\'heel chaiflll e \Valkcrs re '':"..'lCeS. 01:f'r. salary negotiab\('. pt•1·ie11('(.'(f -0pemtor, Full or No rlientcle ~uire<l-nf'\V • Letler 11'rillng skills l'l.n er! by lhe liliJ than PIN ~Y hour. 612-!19j,j 1 California Arti~ts, ::11 ~lain par1 time. co·rona del i\lar grads 1rrl1...'0med. Ca 11 )'our goalR l'an bc-aehiev-hini DO\\'N." St. C.ltl. rnO~IAS Ell'Ctric o r ga n United Rent All RELIEF \•.anted-:l dav_ '· 2 ' Sll'l'I'!, S.S. !2131 43.1-1321 afl 6 Ptll. tif:;...-0(:6)! t.l<1l'""l'f 548-9919 t1I in II n1inin1111n of :I .~URNITUHL. t"l'f'.. ?-hl!<I II ith all instruction books. no IV ··•""'' " ' .,, -& Sa s:;.:-c. Xlnt L'Ond. \h"""',..hout · '-" ., · .. ' O!i' a " .. sa nites. Coinpanioi. 10 l'ldrrl)' f.!x...,.riC'lll"e<I ~'"-ir Ri<li• DR1.;A~l-Job-:-KC'C'l~)OOr in1-JIOUSEl<PR • con1panion. 11' erk'· rua.xln1un1 6 BUSIE!:J'T niarkrlpla~ In srll lea\"ln;::: toll·n. F't1 ' 1 •vuo 645-0760 . l"d Id C k 1· ... '"'"' ,,_ ~ • f N 001,.,, Tl>e D'!LY PILOT n1ornin... 8116 \Vlldwootl, CRll 540-6TI7 eves & 1vkell{ls l ~~~---~~""'-1n'·a i au·. 00 in;;:, 11e a~sis!unt Neu'J)Ol1 Beach porlant job a~ 1••iJe. &;. 111W1t h:11•c car & Jotal Nf~ 11Cl'""'" "!>:L.-01~ OIJ.i• " " .... ·c~, P . 1 . £o l lier houseuTk.. & .liOlne nurtAn: nrthorlonlle otrK'I'. Sf'nd 11111thl'r & e;lrn a 11·kly 20 hou1· \1't'Ck, Nt11'port lioffn1an ai 612-:'.870 fur Oassilied se<'tion. S a ve Circle, HB. 5:'.G-'i09l \VANTED exp.·ST'~j;IT I resurne 10 Box J\I 4J!i P.'l..Yl'h!'ck. 511-3854, 636-::497 Beach &1<1-328:i, S-J 11krla~s. full partic:u!a1'S. n1oney, time & effm1 . Look I TiTE QUICKER-YOtJCALl: SPINETS & GRANDS ~~~~l~=-in;r ~~~~ e= COCh'TAIL i::trl no load I Daily Pilot. \VO~IAN-fo·-f-,ll-t l-m c l\1r. Dunham TllE NE\\'PORT l ~'~::w~!!~!==:::::::====o.:_~TI~f~E~Q~U~ICKE~~R~\~'O;U~S=E=LL;:::_..====;630=:3620='====~ · 1 1 L' '· • SCllOOL OF BUSlNJ.:~s _ yr until 197~. $200 or best or-~~'"~CC or _tie r a .. u.l~us ~lATURE Receptionist for 1•n1ploymcn! in beauty ~Ufl-HOUSEl\EEPER \\'ruitl'CI. S::J Dovrr Di·., NC'i,·port Bch. fer sr.,._3909 aft 6 &: 1111di1. 1' iing. ~pply In per:;on _,. lin~ husy profc:;sional oUil'C in ply store. Somr beauty or No s ma 11 l' hi 1 d r t~ n ,:.:::.c:_::_cc_::;.:cc.:c:.:co::.c...::.= I ~~ ._ :"'\. f'lLTER )''or Do-Boy S11·im- Cocktall U)Ull£'(', 14J I::. d0\111town c.r.1. s.:; daily, beautician ciqi'cl required. fl.1on/\Yed/Frl. 5'1G-;;.J60 01' l::dUCHlio1la] Vat·aiion. 1 Slh '•,i'~ ' s TAR GAZ. ER 1( "'"'I' n1lng Pool. ~1 iscl parls. 19th, Ci\!. I ('Xft hrlpful. Phone ~IS-!i2S7 C.1ll art 7 11.n\. s3:~3 ('\'C!I. 5-19-1().)8 •gri_irlcr!I . • Sr Cit.~'111 k BAB\'SITIER C . 11 --------Chilcoat 10 ll'saon lyp1n:;: ,1 B.fCL\Y R.POLL.\K Liil.A Ratt l'Uf track&:. bi es. A ~ I ~n,)n,t l r 'f:OUl\l\EEPf.R. full lhnc. BANK Proof Oper11.tor/Co1n-EXPERIENCJ:.'D · Nr\vpc:wt·1 St~ILI Trial Vs~iin, 1;3 !.)('I ~ ::~'~,I M Yovr 0.,.,1,. .Adi•ilr c;.,;d• H !•t ,J ,-ti :;.19-0202 ~ar area on>· ,muture for l'C'lail O;JCl'lttlon. Con1nct 1 putcr Clrrk. Posl1io11 no 11• Reach Orthodontic olflt.('. il\lar CJ\!. 5 18-28:>9 'J::_ , • V .A ccord•~" lot~• .Sron. Y ... ,-11 iJt<reo" --UNICYCLE-- \\vinan yoor hoiiil'. I I. tunr ~Ii'. ~1c\'R\'. ~1~S-!131 •1, -t);-i £, a\·11ilablr, i11 Security J~a-front drn;k. Send re~un1c to --------!')'• 171,'1'7'.!! To dc•el.'P rnrr.i.oge for WtdnMdo'I, 1•:1t-•S-4G;'.~ 673-4474 7 · .,. POOR G1·11dcs':' S u 11• nt f' r ~' ,__ • $20 I tn !ii., COlita i\IC."<1 cine Na1lon11I Bnnk. S. La· Dally Pilot Box r.t • ..i-1 :it-•IJ.8\·i:t rr>od wn1d, 'orre~•ng to nurr""''~ t.G.6l·M-90 v C•<ulER d ----"'"'2 -'1'11tnri11;: 11011' 111•tdl. l!cn1rd I ·--• b h 6!',-2'iai arl 6 n.><• 11ante 111ature I NLl:.TI-sorilNine IQ-cart• for guna Branch. 4~ .. ,. I ;, AU ND rt \'~lp, all l~ndini:: tcuchel' IUSC ct'ed) .I': TAUlUS o your ._., .... oc "' ~•gf\. scot,10 "-'Oman. Apply lnpt'r..l)llll!l l'f'1111-1n\'alid l:id.v. L1•·r -in. TFl'.:N.AGEs!rtc.>r. n1yhon1r. dl'JXU'tn1r111~. \\'ill ttl\iu if .,,.,.01,.,1, 0 00 01,,,,1 .. ,. .::,~-~,•.11 l YN'rl i1 ri. .. 1 t.11 ,,~,,,,,...,r ocr,:1 ~:'"', Do" 1~ """o'--n1brr """'l "'" " " '-.....: ', ., 'll•'.tllt • ) 1lr,a11.,.W.:p. ~ •no:• • ..-.... "·' • ~ •0<0 """"'"-" • ·""' Roo111 k board. j day 11k, ncnr E:. 21st & Newport. fast. Huntini;:1on Bl'h, 64•1-ilG78 1-...; -l•lY.O 3p.....,,,.... L•ll• 6J Al<f•1 ,....,, E. Coul ·Jhvy. Cdl\1. 646-.:.701 C)I. Call exl. :l:i3. ~~Jl4ll 842-5565 =c==c==-~-~~ ~1•-16-20-21 , s'"" •L t• ,,.. h 6-7-11-13,'·_ . kl De ,P.IQNTE..<;SORI ' Pro&hoo1 B/:B-••·oiit 5Grtto11 .1s e. &~IC·y S6-S7.66 1...:; WANTED: Clain e ntal GRi\1T, racl. hc:IP,--Oprr.-dny~. DRMt.I Job -Keep )'O\lf irn· child!'l'n accepted 'I ea r GIMIHI 6 M1.,••i.a...J : $ '-lcl' 60VP SAGfnAltUS A'.uistantw:IUiKd.exp.only . .i;ngl needle -~!let'. u1ach-\VCU.IAi\I IO help c~ for por1~nl job as 11ile & round. Ages 712 li> )0. l.'.all : r;.i,,-·•'•": ~t'* ~;i:;~le !;!::.,, "-OV~2 .J a S484M4 Jlt1!14;(1'!1.612-2666 ¥.'hcel-l'hair palieot Ille 1110Uw:r & ean1 ~ 1.,.kJs 640--3706, J.ll..QG91 \;r:~<';..,.,(:~ '""' JtCould r.tDn.,·• oKn L~ MOT1:lER'S , HELP~R hi~1 \\~s i.: x fJ • d. h.i;f•11·ork, i o o d home l: po.ychcck. S44-38.M , ~197 VutC!:-prepU3t-~-,-1-0-r Qi 2.). 4,2, :?~:-!~~;;.," ~~~·, l-9-'ll·'llrf. school .enJOt, O\\n trans. I eockl11il~. Sm. dinnrr IK!U.o;c, 'l\<ag,•s. 897-9123 ~IATURE Wonmn f0ff1I07 -~ 26-20-34 11 o.,..,."""'"' ·~~ ;1 F.,.,...:>1. 1.36.aiJ.14 ~· ~•f rM ........, _ popular or cl11s.~1cal sln;n1o; Cfl 11 ro-1 •l y.,,.,, 7l 11 C•~••COIM """-'' are,1. u o ...-~--_ Cd)I. Ale11 . l'tl'!at. plr11~11.n1 . ~IEDICAL a55lslonl, fron1 rhlll In SA\VYLR H0i11E ~ginncr t hr u odvt11W'C:'tl ,..,,,. l• o.,.., 1 •• 1·.,..,, 74 N.edt4 ., •1 1 67~....... • -·•"•~1 15 1,, •\t .• ...i 1sv-~1~12 ""' MAID: t.a,vna R«f J>Oll'. .,...,,~. uifirc. Part lime.>, nlusl be C.'l.11616~716 training, G42-a:il2. "9-1-9340 1 )~"l "-;.n 16 Lt• •tir.,..1 ·~'i"'t J.,,,: 1, "1,~ 30llOS 5. O>ul llwy,. J..arun11 e HOTEL. ~fAl0:-ru!I hn;-, e'tprricnred. 646-1-1.'.il DRAPERY OPEHATORS ,-,n-V-1111m-leg90ns-al io 1-1; '1. t-I0.22 ::~.. !;~,!.,. ~~~:'.. ~ll-1 !'J-S'( &&ch. 4~200;; pJC!asant s1nTnUni1111;,~. i\IH. Donut netd" 11<onll'n No and TABLER ll"nll'r b.illet in~t111cliou b~ !I 2J.-35-8'.A< lt w..-~ •~fl t 79v_. ._ WANTED: Pitrt I I me • 494-119'. exp. Jlt'f•, Apply in pqrwn, ~G-l<13l ccrtillud \V.S.J, In my poo: LIO ?01...,,.....~ ·,o r.-IO!t •OUAllUt c.-!"I '' o.r...,. ~I C.-..f.l .. II .,._ /1'.N )0 ~ &\RMAID for nld'.I Ult.I• JIAIRDRESSER OC'('dl!tl ..., :. lilh Ci\I * \\IAITRJ.:SS-• (,'\'t'T' 21 ~G-tt067 /,!, _ .. ,,~~ '1'" "2'J..t"'" ~~0.,.1.-, r..11 ~ • ---~~V • ' 'JWith ~1 0-~.... 1)1-~I~ 'fl II \t * _.. ..--..,.-&!boa l11land salo11, \VIDO\V or sln(:lc.> l;i.dy to 11\/f! Graveyard ahlfl. Conlaet -Swimming Instructor-:;-. • "·t: 71 24 a-er-, ~4 Cone•'"'"' 14 Ol+..-l 52~9·68'. OtcE ctrt oUka uptt. rus. 675-42l2 or 6i~~o_r__ 1,1, Llh! houlW'kC'ffllnc, niusl btlr." Zhnn1l'r ti'\.1817 V('ry Ccrtifit-d. Qua!Ulcd & l~i-~~!-6' ;:F.."'..pi ;1 ~;:;'1 :!f:"'"""• tlf.n.1fA~ 6U-G42 GrRL rnIDA'' dri"~·~"1· ~ __ DReSS-OPERATORs-EXprrlC'1X'Cd. 54::-5.»2 vitGO 31-'••lfl(ll•• e1c""" •1~ "scu WAS'f'RESS, Ovt'f 71 Mali GfeaOr 'fnrht Corp. S.auty Oper•tor1 Top Salary. Cnll 646-.2;~ TJIF' SUN NEVER Sll~ on~'"°.:'/· M i ri i;~:;.,11,1u1 ~!ci.~.... U'.f':;QV :::., 1~ )j;~· Fun or pat llnX" 1631 Pla(.'(trttia, Cil l F'ull or pan tlmc, busy aliop, DEA\"J'AI. sf.:C IRE C J' T: C!ouifiL'<l'~ 11cl\on pu11·f'I' ·t 1 tt•t r. ~~¢«1 ~r.. ()90 ~·~"''1'1 l.S-31-31-~t' $1~ -MAIDWANTED-lltJ:, Bch. ~-611~ Sina.le, Zi 10.4~: -t~p. nee. Jo'or an ad to.Jt.ILN..'<>und ~l.A1-4'~ ..,\So'Voi>d ,e,A.l•u1C Ne.>1u-.il 1s.nul!\e t\'lllte E'JtpbanU:f ~7-H5 SOC!{' 1T TO 't:~I! + 546·3!XX> * lhr C'IOC'k, <ll1tl 612 .. 'irn. 6t·71·76 • ( I _::.=...::::::-::_ -.I --~""" -----• ' Ol,\~IOND Pirft'P.d earrinp. Cost $49.'i, sell $125. • 6T';Hlll • PORTABLE TV, 15" screen, Vllf'.UllF'. great condition, $.j(), bi3-Z706 aft . 6 HAIRPIECF. L~t. bl'O\\'n, hun1a11 hair. :la" f;1!I · Jikr fl<'W. 5'4>-091~ Qunltry klni: brd. qu11t«I. ('t\mplrtr, unu~ S!IS: 1\IOrth s::io. Aft 5 or "knds R.17--0100 1-fOBIE SURf'BOARO r St,11h8 TBnkJ 494--8212 Nl :\V ltenii~ton c.>le-\r;;Or re':. s:~'\ u~ 111'\ce S17. N~w Sri11n~11::: reel $10. li7J.-3348 Dl ALdil"C'l-:-t 642-567R~ C111trc~ ''t111r 1111. 1J1en 111 b.1ck ,nd ll~tcn to 11"' phone rlni;:l . . DIA¥0 3: io11( )1'cd ri~. 2 Cb "T, "'. H'jvt flJ $3IOO. , MU $SUI c a 5 1 m.3000 ' MlK., Wonj,{ 1610 t ~ ' l. :cliii · For furniture. appliantts. colored TV, sttrtoa and <1.n- Uques. Div o~ nlL?ht 636-3420 -· KITTENS, ml>ted ba1:. Havt had healthful secure 1lar1. \\'ant hom<' \\'/more of san1e. 64&-2SS& 6/9 TRANSPORTAT ION ., • TRil.NSPCRTATION T"!d31! ""Ill I0,,19+' DAll.T PILOT TRANSPORTA.!!£_N_ ~~RTATIOl'l ~H.£..QRTj°TJOf1 t'kAN5P,91 TATI ·~~'!!' Auto• 9600 Autos W anftd 97CO Used Cars 9900 UIM C•rs 9900 . VQL!C.$WAGIN · 'I if/). '1 WP ,,,, vw I .. $ 695 2 Dr;,ltJ1o, htater. Rid l.JC, VEPll'i I iltll, 'tt 'fW ... S 745 we PAY . ' • GHl'/RQLJT MUSrANG ' CASH ' -;-66 91EYIP!Jl-'l1:ta:~·~·t:'.: '" _, "" ' INd<I ""' .Caprlc. ' . U8l MUifi! t..ittlaa. I p.11 us for f"r@e itttlmttt. V..S, auto'M.adc,>ile\;lt'Y air. new lrt.na. • GROTH (HEVROl!T pcl'vtr 1trr., PdW•r brakl!'~. .-54 ~ • , ""'"' wlndowt, Adlo, hoal· ' I • ' ' Ask for S.lp lllanupr 112.U Beach Wvd. Hunllntfm Be.acb Kl 9-3331 -. --=,.--I WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR er, vl"Yt top. ~8N n 2. 'QI P.tUST,\NG,"jUck, rood $1795 1~nd. ·llUlt ,.11, • Jvnr twn. SllXXI. 5*-<QU -t!:Dn t~ a.tu,rANO '"F. mile.s ATLAS ~~:~n ~ ~y,.lnd t r CJIRYSLf;R -PLYMOUTH '68 SHELBY:;# soo! 428 ru 2929 HARBOR BLVD. \n. ConvmJil.~ ?ttUe oUer ! COSTA MESA 546-1934 $0-2170 ~n Pally 'Ill 10 p.m, l;;"=;;;;;======·I . . . '· COli!NE~ NE~O ACA~1-OLOSMOllLE :::·vw"•~. " .. '";.~A,v:,: CHEYRO T , we CM 1 i.1~ yau11 ... , 'O' •• 1 «;w···" ,.,. "....., Blvd , " ''"'"' have '"'""' '"" • •1 ,.. • '{, f Ill\ iHlo, lilflii, Ml/f '••t M 146-1"" down • II"" ha,,. no down ==~.:!.i'i'ml'<"''"""'"' •• •tll " · •"' w -• ... poymon1. • ir ,... • ..,, ..... ,. f!li,. ~u\ q iil'i 1, lllPJhJMiiff· 1 · 'IV~F~~~~~tY :::,"'.;...,,1, ,, """'»= ~,;ANctllo WS ~',!:"~"'i;,::''.'~'·...: ' . 1 I. ~/ !lil!OO mll•!. • · II . fJi)l .Mdld1 h!tll" ~ii!. ~AlD FOR 0 NOT 8'J.S03I F.a5 SPTS. CPI, ~ ' .flf: _F.xl:• " kl .. '"' , I t " rniehi:n o{Si ' Otn • * DI.It r'Jr. Ulmdf Part Slam•se • p.,.,;,~ I =:;:=:=:~;;:::::;:pt!Jil ..,_ hU , , v,; \P.,~ · $17t i I• •• 'IW ... ' 4fl I. J. SPOR CAR 001'G to V~tnap>. M"'I O.IW<• bolts ... , • , .. ,, Ul--11'11.S 6/10 ...... ':i · ol'd ·~ u.~ .. Bl d f'Utback hellter RYFlU aell padded duh, tull7 factory S WE BUY$ • FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES ,;Qf;J·arey ~llie shqiherd I 6" liP Ll•tcr 0 1-al ~ i .. avy "11i11 · uhlt sold ofiglnally Plitt ~f~y· ~ 6t2~ · P/S PIB a!r RIB t35o . u1 M . 1Uo., lemale, good &: ~ tr for approxlt'i'late1y $!5818.;R 68-~16 -.. 1ddr: ~~fiihl :!833 Jlarbor BJvd.· ' • · $1" ON. .-o. ..,_.. "'"""l ' o)'ed .... ,.: '""""' II ' ay -~ ' . @' . CENTER "' lmpal• . "' S.S. . ..,.,,,..., . Vfl:t1n11.nc11l ho1ne. 54i)..G831, ~-1:.~~~~31 ·--Lie. No. VL1'457 rond. New leat1, ~nt . Costa r.1e11a . 5'1p...4·t.'ll :Z2-1~u1nc Pay m ts . S239' 9 ·" . C.lot TV't-P'lo110'1-St1roo'1 I 'i1c1 or Hou•• full CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541 -45 31 • WANTED . \\'e need quality (no junk please). Furniture, co I o r TV's, slereos. appllance1, tools and office equipment. TOP CAS!l JN 30 f,'1inute1! 5.11-1212 * 893-0:i;;;) \\' ANTt:D: Drupe:,; 10 lit a 12' \\'lncknv, floor lo ttll ing. •JG.4063 \\'ANTED: Child's playhouie and cove1'ed sandbo:< 6--l!>-4116 FREE TO YOU PLEASE save these cats from the poond. One tiger n1ale lr l fcmaie:S. One free can food wlea. kitten. WUl deliver. 5.11H>T1J ~887 G-l2 Boat Slip Mooring !f036 $J7'9 °'-erhatil. Price 0 P' 11 · . '; Will Buy 1 '54 BEL Air O'llv. W/W ' FOUR tabby kittens, 7 wkl IP. 51;>.74Q.l !Ires, arig-1!11ll eng., orlglnal old, box tralnt'd. 6 catU! ot NEED Side tie for 23' boat rour \1olk&wai:en or Porsche 2 tone paint xi, 130< ol"l ti 'It Plusb Tax &; Lie, food &QCS .... itb each. ltlov-Balboa Isl or vie. can Gl&ry o~ ~ MGB "Easy to Reach ' ' pay IOfl dolllll'I, Paid Ior 230,000 milei~-1rat11 porf4. Payments lriclude tu •nd ing. 646--4297 6-12 213-24~ collect. o on the "'''Y 10 thfo Stach' OI' nut. Cali Ralph tion for $175. 644--0883 JlceNe and finance chara:es \Vt Are moving -5 nuffy 7 DOCK for power boat, 22· or ~ s ~ f.tG HA·RBOUR 6i3.Q900 .63 OIEVROl..E'l' Impala., on 48 months. A!'~ wk kltlel\!ll. De11p. nd lovlnj: Jen S2 pr ft, Water le elect ··~"''; S&les. Service, Parts ~r \VANTED: JUNK c AR s power, Orilinal owner, low credit. Serial No . 3317T9Zll- hms. Also spd. tortoise shell lum. 5'8-&tlB W ,P Immediate DeUvuy, VOLKSWAGEN, INC. TOP$$$. mlleqe, beautilul. Best of. IW!. f , 1 )'I'. 644.-2176 6/12 All f.lodelt Aulhonzl'd * 5-IG-5106 * fe1· O\'er $800. 6t:Ml!l49 U7-A u FREE Wood. Wooden 5iddJ. lolt·'Ylcht sales and St>rviee Virginia Pl CM n'1vers'1ty ..... ' C9'•rtl"""-9039 ·.•n~n~1 ~xi. p" ol' 67 18711 ""•"I• Bl·". 812-H:J5 Auto Le asinn 9810 -·--~-·-·.c·~~~ ...... n1act Laney or t.lar11n al • • ......,........, 110 oc ~ ~ ... ___ • 1964 CHEVY S.'i-Intpala, 4- the Daily Pilot. 330 w. Bay, BLUE\\' ATER CHARTERS 1!170 HARBOR BLVD. '68 VO' wrwAGEN FIRST TJME~ spd, 327. 8-track 1terco low C~I Saturday 611~ 27. Trojan, Poivcr L"'OSTA 1'1ES.\ Ll\J ' )..i!a.~ a New '69 for6 Monl~ mileage & very clean Sl.200 Old b'I 9 \\'EEK old kittCIL~. 2 white 26' Thundei·bird, Suil '67 Bf\ONCO \Vagon 4 \\heel & relurn wl!)l no obligation. or bell of[er. 536-4059 smo I e"1 one 1 i I er -11 riped . Sk;ppcr a\·aitablc 1).16..9000 dd\•e. 6 cyl., radio, healer, 310C W. Coul Hwy .. N.d.., Bug Oill P.lr. ~1a1colm Reid ~or ,58 BUs. couPE . ...-.i surf Housebrokrn very k>Yin&:. rear seat. Red \Vh!l "'hi1e stl-9«'5 ~0-1764 Fully factory fi!Uippcd. Full Delail5 N<>w wago:1 $12=i. '6 i'°"""'ST1CK • ,,a. 648-7304 6112 8io•fl Wanted 9050 hardtop, Sl,895. Call If~ Authoriied 1\10 Delller 1 v r.z 189 Ul-0010 SBIFT SJj(), 49-l-slOJ 2850 Harbor _ Costa M(lll FREE Brindle male pup, 3 9520 1966 fl!GB, hrd/!IOft top!', $1695 Fot'll Authorittd •62 lll!PA' ~ 4 0-;-, !IT, •ulo $40-9640 · • FIBERGLASS BOAT. 10 C•mftAts ' -. -y t ~• ' C I 2 dr !'T mos old, ho u s e b r o k e n ,.9 1vire v.·hls, i;howroom cond. o..casmg , s e1n I"••• R/H v , ~ "''"' OLDS 6S ~ ut 111s ~ or Jl fL \Vith or •.,·ithout I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I Th od • '"'• · ....,, 6"""' l 646-79Jl 6/12 inotor. M2-W1'9 I• :'::75-63::::::"====== ATLAS • ore car. s:Hl. 892-7J27 Auto PIS PIB 37,ax> m. GEIUIAN s II E pH ER D CAMPER nOBINS FORD Ori&. '""'" Ex"p\lonally ., ... AKC Reg'd. Bl•cl<. Nlobll• HomM 9200 . S•lu -llantil• OPEL CJffiYSLER -PLYMOU'nl 2000 Harbo• "'""· CONTINENT'AL' ~~,. p ,, Ply s!lso . tan,;, "'eeks. :)ol:i-4682 i~uthol'hed Det.ler 2929 HARBOR BLVD. Cos1R fllesa 642-0010'1 ---------:-10o======~""''I FREE to good homo, lomolo MOlll.f HOME Eld"'td•. ''"' Wlsd• '66 Optl K11dett COSTA MESA .,._l!l:W --.,-LEASE-.,-'6G CONTINENTAL. l •ll . PLYMOUTH pure bred SlameliC, no Scol$RW1. Barracuda Fas tbe ck Cou,,. Open Daily 't!I 10 p.m. .68 Cad~ de Ville, full P''T. pwr, lac air. Leather, v1nyl,l--------- papers. ~5-2166 6/12 $10,000 a· Cahovtr Low ~ ·l-!ipced, chrome \\'heels, ra-'69 VW'1 air, 17,!XXJ mi., $139 mo. to~. m~~ c~tcp, low '64 PLYMOUTH •LACK Siame5" thro"•back, S'199 di u N ~M= R '69 c"''"'B 2 dr ll·lop ni cs, · ' 0 w "r · llfodel # COO o. c.' .,_ .... ...,.. 1~1~1EDJATE DELTVE Y .._ r, , • 673-W.12 10 wk. old female kitten, $799 Bank rinanci11&: $86.91 mo. I""'=='"-"====== I l!'ailled. 54g..oggs 6112 -OR -Theodore $213 DOWN ·oo Con1lncntal sed., a ir &: CORVA .. IR·-Fury 9 P111: h:mEN·~s~-- 494-3581 llQU,'-:EBROKE.'1 494-3alll 6112 KITIEl'S: Gray & \\"hite long-ha.ired male; 1 i g t r male; grny ~ ,~. h i 1 c ~horlhaired female 7~.i wk.Ii old. 5-16-1833 FLUFFY tiger striped kif· $35,000 ROBINS FORD ~ $14.03 * 36 mos leather. 199.IJ n10. Station W•gon 1e-ns, 1 1\·ks. 642--0896 arter 6 2060 Harbor m~·d. o ~ Plus 1 final pymn t for S.OUTH COAST -· ·--v.s, autom11t1c, radio. Uealtr .. Pft1 6/12 HOUSE! Costa Meu 642-0010 ~ 1itle. Full 2 -. 24,000 CAR LEASING 'Gl CORVAIR ~tONZA. l1Iu..~I Oean! DOT !'121 . 0 ,. ... w. --Hwy, NB "A"''""~ ~~~I -,,, .. ,ll1&" to H. w a I 1. $995 FREE adarabl~ kitten!, 2 ' s ml warranty, Av ail onl y at .ION ....,,, .,........~ JWl'r blk, l gre)•, 1 btkl\\·hi!t. \VANTED: Good used d: T & M MOTORS _ ·-. _ Call 673-1182 6112 Come In tori.y and see }lLX-camper or sl~pcl' to fit 1!l69 o~"~p 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. Utftd Ca rt 990Ct COUGAR AT LA' s 3 'lONTfl old kilten, used to ury Uvlng: at down to earth 3.<. 'fon 8' long pick-up. ?>lu!<I " 5.14-22S I 111 Beac:h S92-5551 J " prii:es. Especially now dur· be in i;:ood con<!. & OPEN SUND A y llttf\ A (ARI llvtn&; outdoon, llve.ly gray Ing our clearance ~;i.le on n.~a!Onable. 6-IG-4QG:; ;.19.:;o:a t:xt. 6G or 67 ----,---nuu ' 'ti? X'R-7 Loadt-d. PIS, ClffiYSLER -PLY i\TOUTH 5 l\:17TENS n1ust go! 4 color. !:l!i2-M51 • 6112 all dis play model!-they're C-'07"7'0,-7'--== l!JiO ll/\P.BOR BLVD. '68 VW \VE C•IN flc'LI' ''OU 1apcs,. !<pd l1lnlrl, 11lt_ ~t 29z:1 t!ARBOR BLVD. J 1 f al re bk &: • ed . ed" I * 61 \T\V Caniper w/ne .... · I::xcctlcnt condition i11side k "' 11\· Vlfl)'I 1op I.II' $2:>9a n1a es, cm e, s I' rn . PETS ond LIVISTOCK pnc lo sell llllm ;ate y. motot•, lll'U' nAint, oversized ~=~CO=ST~A_M~E_SA~~ • 11 others have IUl1ltd you .-..:·,,· 67""'!3 ' . . COSTA i\l ESA 5'!0.1934 \vcaned. 612-4270 aft 6 P arks available Jn all areas ,... • out. honey cream ext., plush ....., .rJ.l 0J'l('n Daily 'Ul 10 p.m. 619 • , H bo tires, sunroo! & ';hapJ'>)''" 1.1UST SEW.. by June 14-1008 black Interior. $125' Cash down • 11 you have no down pni. Dogs 8825 DB~ 1 ' r persouallty -likes people~ Opel 1-\adett \Vagon. $14;,Q or dcls, d!r, or trade. lake loiv p3y1nt'nt e If you are em-'6.. VALIANT, slant 6, stick, rn~: Pink Pu.~syc.at is he1·e. Mobile HOmt Salts :\lake oHcr. 497.1316 -";";';';'oo"="'=·="="'="='=o= pynlnts. LB VllP l!H. Call ployed. CHRYSLER mags. ruM good, interior 8 wks. old, 1\-ell mannered. PU pp 1t1 I~~ Baker ~t. i. _ _ Bill, "'~'·I *.,, l\tANY ~IODEL<:; ------· -xlnl, $6j(I. 962-198: Al I " " red T , Ii '""' li!l!I if.jjafoo• Bll'd. * P>¥ TOPS"·• ~ ... e ~-'65 CHRY'1£1! 1-======= Jov~g }!~e~ ·~!lrJ1;11i SH~'·~' bl3c!VW~lt in~ll~ on aa.r All steel slM!ll~ Siles J: ren· 'vii Ml ~ruST sell '66 V\V, Looks ~. ~~s:;r~ri?~~r*"* .I " PONTIAC 2 GROf;N ca&:-i fr; f'~ ~!i .. ~~IJY,. af"~'m~~ C06la A~~ _ 11141 54().9~70 ~~ 1S\40~0 ~ :;;001a:,ry J%0 ,ior$p.fli.ri~!";.;Lu~;;, like nc11·. Xlnt conrl., many 093 5038 ..J.-SEDAN ___ ~ .• cl~·pt \'flse .• ~ ·f.{.~1, .~i~:·~e "v' IQ8Wlti 'l"Jilil ~-·Jf-PARK-c . .r... Budf A fnf. n;"'rq~ '1."P,rk. ~:;nt!~all&Be~~4 ~7~~ * Cf • ~ ~ .l\u1omatic. radio, henter, ;~7 LEMANS , , ora.nge. c ' ~· HP,y1e A@l!I· 10.0lt o ·Pod IFP•• Ill elejlf, · P@Jl, cool Costa Imported Au.tos 9600 f,'!ec~ni~~lf a:llJ . ~l!'UI !:62-9666 ·""===.-..,...=~= power stcerln::;, power brak· Bucket aeatt, factory air, · pets. ~ffl , _,8/,. J;!llOhe l(lff· ~r:;. p.m". Alelll.. ~;~' ti space a.dull 642-5191 '62 SIGNF.1' 2 dr, HT. $36. c1, air cond1Uon}ll£, (PKA· pv.·r sMTfl'lr,' l'l'll t1res.•xtnt · ', • f UNNYj" C'llte, a V 8-.. ! i U'ttl T . Fnl p·r. fil' ftll'k. Modelt 1 Sales office AUSTIN HEALEY ·~ PORSCllE T111l:'a ·It!. 'CG V\V Sedan, Desperate, mo., Stock No. 131. '62 F13. 614!. eondlllon lnslde • out, dlt, •. ,. green eyed k I ! !: 1• ~Uzer ~~I!~ 8 -~ lbetted at Park. Open 9 AJ\J .Like new, mu&I aell $5600 or l\1ust Sell, Leaving Sundl\Y, 2 dr., s:l:l.50 mo., stock No. $1195 Sl7S Ca&h or foret&n car. llun10'1~ ~ \l n J !l yr;' •hi1 AKO Nf. ehaR1p. ileu9 k:i IA f'~"'·' ~ 'IOBIL~' '63 SPRITE, '64 engil'll'!, reblt bes: o11er. 642--0609 Clean. low inlleage, radio,. 151. '61 T-Blrd P'f, zno., Take low PYJnDll, 'l.B TKR 675-5983 6/ 63.'h1S29 CG. ~Iii'~ ~s "' trans. -new generator, ~-· ========= ~~18belts, new clutch. Stor~::u.~42MOTORS ATLA's ~c::u Ken, 4N-8'173 01" BEA<'.Lfi/She!Ue. J I l ~ Q ™"'n;;"'"w";;ll~llflii""'"'•"..,.=""'=:~-n-• lf5(t WhittJer Ave. Ncecl~ work. 5-16-3585 RENAULT LlKE New 1907 vw Sedan 3630 w. bl s~. .= .. °'G=ro=-.-n1~,.,,~,..,~m~I-. Hd~ .... -.t pupdpwl • bExl ee~~Y pqil~ a illta; 'A&<C. II • b:Ela ~l!!lfl __ 714: ,6-12-llJO DATSUN am-fm, a ir cond. new tires, Sinta Ana 5.114 183 CllRYSLER _ PLYMOUTll · K a LA •• ,, '" 'I" 1' •~""' "' =Im .. ., .. _.....,.,._, il*y"i.." •''"'~.l7 2 BD, '67 RENAULT .~• m..,, opo c. '"'P"•-"· ' PLEASS r.;-1~14'--n•'I!' "'MJ·~!:,,...,, •fif~ ~ 11 two: brakci;, shock~. eng. ovi-w, 2929 HARBOR BLVD. black lnt., ~:U poll •• many ·~ • ~V@ ·.·._~ ••• , ' -· cm:~ -:: • f'\JP, ijrjJ!i. ~ w n Ing c;. R-10 4 Dr. Sedan. S1\U look~ Sl79j, 8424122 BUICK COSTA lltE~ 546-UL'W more Xtru. mu111 lei to • '. i:;.JOd h~m7e;Jf8!S! ~ Il l mtrsl'AND1N'G'rg7 Girmin Beautlftil *~~t park. '67 DATSUN nr.w. Ser. No. 58248 .• SIJTI. ]9(i!I VW Bur.. 13,000 miles. Open IYally 'Hl 10 p.m . .If believe Sl,OIXI. M'u11t ~l. '~ Dog. ~ _, • • -:·~'{ieP·. 9(~,1 ~n11 qlj 8.2632 Z\e1v Car Dir. 6*9307 Xlnt condition. o , ... n e r '64 BUICK Special' with ' AU: for Doug 548-6366 · ~ LAB/Get. Shep. IHtJIF I jtemisei.J!O. 84{:M _ f"QI\ a new J\1:otiJ.1e llon1r. in SEDAN transferred. $17:.0. 8-17-1464 !~=ia~~ ~\~ lo ~.~~~i. ·~ir~~7~rcik: FIREBlRD :68, 6500 ml. : ·; wk5. jld. Call r -fiQ9RIJ; -· new .Wult Parli:. \Valk to 4 speed. Full factory equip. SUBARU VOLT<SWAGEi"l, new engine ;-. c.t.., 1 k G new, $1~. Ownr acing P /S, auto, 6 cyl, radio, , ~.tS·71·12 6112 Cham~~ne. 6 1veeks, pure. ocean. sauna and pool. GoU pcd. TUP !J.t5. t trarui. Good transport&· 65 BtnCK "'."' ar ran-eait. 673-5260 or 673--0728 $2695. 631'rl885 FOUR£"'"" ,.,.., r.ollh1' 115. ;§-..!JiXI ~. S36'1nl $1295 Su&.-. , If "•· (1'f, !lo .• n .• '"".· 642-3413 Sport. 4-01 "" m, 32' hp. 4 on '"' •• J C I '"i ii ~ .. f;i -'iiEai@ I >!~-======= 1A1t· • ltll2' floor. $1600. 64!;.-0021. · '59 PONT., 2 dr. ,._.~top, nice co ts. a 1 ,.. ,,c-.i-,P-S-1'P sl~ {l•~·:' .. ,e..-rft.'1'1· lnc....attail Dfy.,.. 1i!!VW:--SWUoal. N~w tire•. , , CIIRYSLER 1965 ''3 0 0''. nd1. rlllnor ~r~. J200, "· lion ' --~ 6-?;, 001Jfi.: ,. F . "«!th Mfnj 'If~ -9215 ATLAS $ll.., p·bs ~ ) ,.cl11tcl1, top. $750. till lll,!fg:~lvtei a .A.l\.t-F'~1 R/H. lAndau top, excellent. 66-2062 ... BEAUTIFJll. 'i'l\llf•ffi1'"' . flfijl..,.lf, 61¥l1!! i""'. IWI ijJii~;ll-. B '·"' n" 001 _.,,., m_· "~'I~ '·"' ""'· prty. ,.;.9597 :ll" '" . Ilk• ne w. ~ ""'W .. w It h ~ I p • p t•.. il<l . -·-!"'~ I .,. .-.. ... "" -.. ~ llll@I!, ~ '!!-2448 .. RA MILER " :. kl" U m MinR" 619 ' u "vrzw ' • ites. slr. CHRYSLER -PLY?l10UTll llandl~ $4 : .. ,li:I ·w VW"ll,~ffil· e:<eellen~ MW i "'""'""' ,. :<J!l5!!'!!'-~"'""· "''! · 11@·""· bl Ii!•· sm. u 11-2979 HARBOR BLVD. +.·Tax. . LI · . ., """lllilln· "1111 "'" • ' :.. i ;="-· ~--" DODGE '' 3LONG'halqo·ifJij•l!ll!110 !AA if''"'' •1111 ~ COSTA MESA ,..,,,, 1000 w. ""-' !~ . ,a. ~ .. ~ ... u.~~w_,,,__ . -, •u RAMBLER • v.·ks. 1~ good fiArfltr1: 11$@ llV¥"1ti>dJe pup-r.les,'1!faCI[ oi' .. _____...~~··=·· n..... D ·1 'JU 10 "~ •, ' . ! '"" , ·,:;w•-. g9ilfl ~ If ~ ---'66 Dodoo Pol r1 . UV ' Evcly119 Otrcle, H:B: 619 Y.;tillt· afi ett ... !Slt fur f>Oo-I '-===---------"'t-<'11 81 y p.m. "'l....--vil ,.~ ~ "" "' •7,111 . igt•if' 'ii f i~ltf:t • a FO.tALE black & whitl' cat, die s~curity. cii 528-8188 Motorcys!•• 9300 '63 DATSUN -T~""TA,. ·™ .<!C!'ld,• 1'!i!m.' . 642-7' t ftlQ ij ~ l. t Cod nv., dl~~· .. ~~cl air, pwr wm.., Ambassador 990·2 Dr. -Big sedan. 96 hp. o\'crhead 'ITU af\ § ·~·&if A1 . ows, ......... ni? $75 C:Uh de i Hardtop ~e~rslo~~~le1.0 ~3381.)()~;9 "J.!~~~·.1 ~1~t~; ~ Sc~~;~~~.: niiles. ~:ie~~~s~lr.j~!~i~:· JOY.'.QJ'A ---:If 1t1t\ ri~ 'Q~'Jilll, ~!r:. "f."~11~ ~~~. f~~n~:r ~; 1~~ V-8, 11u1omatic, ~~cto~ ~ir, ,; , KiTIENS. Ca.liro, black i 5, 548--0977 Good ·&indllion. Asking • · "e. WF iii iri.i•·•t 386. Oau Ken. i&t9Tll or. power !!leer, ra 0 a er. ""'"""=~~=-;=;;: 2200 Miles. uDder lactory . . _Eves. selJ.12j i. :tt •:•·1i"'·i -"'"SitS:OO:U. -stnli , 11·hite. black Ot'Cked 11'/ CHA~tPION bred: ferniile $315.00, gill alter 4:0o p.n1. wan-anty. Bal Ir fine. S177j . 'frT R H 67 Seti, ............. ; ~ • $1495 :;:old, fluffy. 492·2362 6/12 English Bull. AKC M'g. ·@11·7187 Take $75 cash del5, or older $ SAVE $ xln;wc.~::~ :if;~ ~;I :t-J. '66 Sed ............... ' '68 CliARGER, alr, fr.', pb, NEED A summer playn1a1ei Loves childrl'n. 54""<>-29~ ly;;M=L\'lt'OIJ==<;;-;T"ra"'il-m-,°',1-1•r. cor. LB YNW Olil, Call Bill E xecutlw Cir. Sale 5.'ll-8299 '63 Sed. , •. •• ......... $$!11j land'u top, tape stereo. try a puppy. Collie-La.bra· AKC Afg han puppiei. 7 v.•kl. Cl~an, many }.."lrdS. Sl 9i ~:>.0634. Hurry Whllt Thty Laitl SOlltE EXAMPLES U?So. firm 5 4 6-3 3 ~ 3' ATLAS dor rnLx. 492·2362 6/12 .......... 6T.r0"J61 -16-7-,..------* 'G2 VW * l11ANY MORE TO atOOSE 54&-4118 ' __... ~tsun " L 40 hp dependable. SGZ. DELiv -• !"'-:-=;;-~-~-~ ON1': black kitten, a blark M&-T":iStl '66 Tft.W~WH, 500 cc a1111 •nt: I ' 897-1974 after 6 PM • $100 .c.iw '6.) DART, gd. cont.I ., engine CJ ffiYSLER -PLYJ\.fOlITfl tin d go I d mo 1 her . • GERTllAN Shepherd P\IP•· Immne !.'CitlA· Many c:<rras. Station Wa9on· t-\111. UUIO • EAsY CREDIT overhauled, e;ood · t I re s, 2929 HA RBOR BLVD. ~ 6·IG--0623 6/9 ·AKC. 10 ..,,·r.ek11, llltl:e boned. 6'n-7J5ll Qlf! &la-7110 E~ All original, ~ spd, dlr, radio '62 VW, xlnt cond . • '8 1"10. FtNANCINO brnke~. trans. 547--093J • C05TA f,fESA 546-1934 , j PUPPIES. s ,~ks. !ffi. ml~· S50 up. ~96-218~ '68 BSA 441, gd. corn! .. low heater, like new! $75 Cuh IMPORTS J\fust tell. $650. on approved credit '62 DODGE wag.,,V-8, Ril l. Open Dally 'til 10 p.m. '· d'I' 'ymn" S39 00 n'o 10•.ot A·YOLYO ~===*=..,,....=='=·===I Check with UI betoro )'OU l>ny air, PS/PB. •·••--. PRE.OWNED ·" ed brd, variety color/coat. AKC Toy 1'11\ite Poodles, 7 ml:nge, ,-nany X tr a :s. • · • '· ~ c rflll R47 l.222 """ ~... ......., · 962_~184 619 ivk~. ST:i 10 $1.25. lltission 54!t-lli§ VllG 014, cllll Ken, 494-9713 1966 Harbor. C.hJ, 64&.$3r.3 VOLVO 1•72•1"1 Be ch Bf ·,, 1030 Llnden Pl. CM 548-8439 BIG SELECTION .:· , TABBY, ' '"'"" 6 wk• Vl•jo. 831).219·1. I ''°'"6'"'HClll""'ll"'A"'~"'ijD,..., "s~n-,.~ ... ~1o-.. ENGLISH FORD -ro·vor_A_ ' Yu. FALC N '61 THRU '68'• ' • old. p 1 a y ru !. intell igent -BASSETT-PUPS-~Jodlficrl for dirt. Xlnt cond. VOLVO . 0 . A~O~.:s , , hsbrkn kitlens. 6~6-4297 6/JO J\KC. a-ta.7008 ~~~ !.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ IEIF.LAPQMOUARi!-~ w~:.;'~~ Jlll!!t • '6) FAt&ON Ftll:tJM_ • • .=-e •• .._ .• CUTE.CJ"a¥.I \\'bite.kittens.· ... -4 '68 ·ttt~-t01~ Bonnevllle, OR:A:NGE COUNTY'S NewfM-~-lflJNTJNGTON B""Af'll 2-Door, 6.Cyl. Auto. BRAN D NEW '18 Slgga • "' F rtt to good home. <Sunsrt TRANSPORTATION 3500 ml, RAlht &; chrome. VOLUME ENQLISH & O OPEN SUNDAYS e 673-4910 ~· l:leach1 . 592-1896 6/10 ' --pvt ptf'. l3..Jlt2 FORD DEALER --· -··--·· • • - 1 Lovable white anrl 1 Cham-Boa ls & Y1cht1 9000 '6:1 HONDA 300 Scramblcl'. SALES . SERVICE tS::OO Beaeh Blvd, \V~hnnst.r NEW 1100 ·u.1 COUPE.clc·Vlllc, 2 dr.. FORD 1 ::O'!i:~. fu~~ need ~ 3j' f!J!..;.;:;.i\'..;·~""!!-1-.,-, -~~~~~~er-1rir?ct:~fitwry ruicl\ti-"x~'~E=.~y~ -NOW o: .. o~SLP~~~ I :: ~f:: ~~~;· S2400 or ----·---'T .... ~, I .,~,: ·.: OLD Sofa -•mall ohJif• 311~~ltl1 '°''Ol"''j"'M""IAHA Fi 'l'fal!lilo•~•· t.\RGE S>;j,EC'l'lON · tWl, WllO ~;;"""' m T.....uo1io. ""' ~~:/~: ?i~">ii:::~, lr~:""· .im "'' 121> llO~i"-OllD l!J91YlO(i:[~) IMPORTS FREE: to-pxf M111t. f•m!lle &alle.v, rer1,. ft'~ 1ff·er. '&I ftONDA !jO trail bike, ~! lo6o IWW ~"~· 18118 1 BEACH BLVD. JOYOTA·YOLYO Ten·i·poq puppies. 19'1·1298 MUf f IJ iPl.P • C¥ll•nt cond. SlOO. COsta MesJ, 642-0010 Hunt. Beach 1474555 1966 llarbor. C.M. 64&930.1 after 6 R:m. •PA.e1t· e \'Abff a.ii.Es 4~ or 4~1~ 3 ml N. oI Coe.st Hwy, on lkt. '6!1 VOLVO 2 Dr. 142-S, I.de 1 ~~==~~~~= ADORABl-E kil!Cnl barn ' 3446 Via _Opo:1'), Newport_ '67 SUZUKl lSU ea •i3E ·or '67 TOYOTA Plrk VJ"I truck, Gl r, At.1-t'~t. many exlras! ._,ithout P.ai111. 11tubby 1.1an:i:. {213! 5.!17..s.;68 iTI4l 61J-li110 '?es\ oUer. Perl. {l1fltj. ~ ll•Aii &RI -'~'·'~',,'m~per="'"'ho=l=l.=1~16"9'".=~I S>port1:.-5788C•rs 9610 "=======;;==:·~~~'fj~~~iffi~l·:'°i~~~;;;;-;o:;f:"" t wk>. 43>-•rlO 619 pROTOTYPE • l ~ilif r to"'""" 6~7113!~~11· ! _:::::~l!'lt.r.';,,=-~~ * """"G • I' ·-MASKED~ Bantjili""W!fi .. Ind's. 8~i' dtngll)'t1 !J.' !fl ,~-HONDA -a-Uii:iiin. r-& llJAllll • ..,.--M--· -~~II 10,000 : '''"• ,, l•P s.1. ea11cp, ~uL "°"''·. 2111 9'>\!il> ~'Ii" Uoo., 10.im mf. ll!li-N•.....;;t l~i!ttt~ u~. '!'· TRIUMPM -·----· -i!iil jW"r ~ ": Tabby &. Bull. ~ 6(1J §l, S.A. ~ • • * 6'B!}"fTI t q e ~ij';i iaJ.I •u~,... & t ~ ;a,:r 5' ~; )iii. ;:;;:;::==#-=\;;;@;;=;;;;: I ed d u. 1008 TRIUMPH fl1K-3 S('ll· :? GOLD eilten.,. !II""'°""'' aNeed11 v.1lf'k: il!ISo: , ·-~·-•• Servi·-'-_.... 1 eJ P · k $1800 ~lease cj!I 616-2743 after s :1lf':>*9M'I · • •a~ ... . .!.J.iift SALES·S&J1VlGli:-~ARTS fire ronv. LI ~ l'lt!1v, • .1 p.n1. _ 6112 -;;0=~~·;"";=== ,. ... ,. .,...,. 31® W: ~~'' D'tY· · &1.J.-27M ., YR. 'Pit! W!lmtMIJ ltnlll4n "" stJ<ilim .,,,, ,.., °""''' I ~12.g.;fli~w""r' l'f!~o-t7G4 fem::ilc lo goocJ home u· :=.;=='----!ICls Sl5 and po a pair. Alllhorlzed MU Dealer children. 9.i'"2-8J.S.; 6110 11' O'DAY SPRITE 54:>--0006. 1829 Iowa St., C.l\I. 2 J..TI'TENS. 1 ~ 1 67J..tll4.--r- ..... ~: I ~ 0/12 P·CAT:-RACE·rN dy DOU ::Hllfr e 6"2.Jii6 • • "Wm . --11'-C•t•m•rlin * tll!>-1011 .. ~· Cl..lPPER et.ASS Sailboftl • D!eaPl I * 6'12-0948 11' Tr1U1r. Tr1ve1 ••2.s TEST TRAJLER, prop s1 v, 11.'el boJI,, wlr tnk, xtn 1111. $4001bnt. 961-&13 TENT TR.AiLER l!ln APACHE ja90 114~112'13 JAGUAR llnllsuoa,~let '615 A ~f""TI flfodcl A ford! 11ll standard coupe. $500 * '94-DXI I ·I· : " -· . ' J j • l t I ' , • • j I 1 t . • ' OAll:Y PltOT . . ' ' ' ".' t ..... •.._· .,, .,, . •, . ..,.;._,' 1'"1o\ . L - ' • • . '• ' cas111 ~ ·-.~:·~.!~ pr,,,re ,,.~o yourself thai FAD~D~l·SCOUNT PRICES • • • Jf~ • ' . cl're siili Ille lowest . , ' . ' . ~ . . : i" Sout'hern· California · ' . . ~.-.. · ~ ,' ·, ·, . ~ . Just cut.pvt the handi li st printed. ·on the. left or obtain one ·,from your, lo~cii Fad Market: Take this list to any-local ·major supermarket and fill in 'the information as ind icated. Then bri ng this same liSt to your ,Fad Mpf~e.t and fill in, Fad's prices. for the identical items. Total the two c0Jvm'11.s and see·for yovrs~lf. This comparison will .Mier con· elusive pro.of that FAb 'S DISCOUNT ·PRICING POLICY is the lowest in Soutliern Cal ifor n.ia. Tltr•>thii.com·pleted list into the Fad Mana· ger'';;~cl,:'yav will ret'eive,~1 :oo:rn cash ... WE'Lt PAY YOU TO co'MPARE!' ' ' '· • I; ; . . f. .. EARN .A BUCK & PROVE . ' ~ ' TO YOURSELF THA .T . . ·FAD DISCOUNTS SAVE . ""·--1 YOU MONEY! • ' " NO STAMPS • NO GAMES • NO CHMMl'dkS . • JUST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES plus 4 STAR SPECIALS . Wf CAHY • >.; • • USDA CHOICE OR FAD'S OWN "TINDIRFUL" IEIF GUARANTEED TINDER AND FUU OF FLAVOI "U.SDA CHO~ ' I SAOULDERACLOD,ROASTELESS s9r. USOA CHOICE Oil fAO TENDERFUl" ,,-BONELESS 98 ~• CALIFORNIA ROASl' t ECONOA\V PACI( l SLICED HALF PORK ~OIN . . FAD or FARMER JOHN .-l .ts. PAC GE SLICED BACON ' LEAN-DEPENDABLE QUALITY l FRESH GROUND BEEi' _l .::·.:"'" ,.., -~ ~S~r~ Special! ~ STAI SPECIALS or• extra savings mode pos1ibl• by 1peclol purcho1e from tlie monufot!Urer ond poi• 1ed on to you everydoy. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. th ru TUES. JUNE 11 thrv 17 STORE HOURS' DAILY -10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT.: SUN. 10 A.M.·7 P.M. MANHATI AN • 14 OZ. P'KG Alt BEEF OR All MEAT SLICED 59c BOLOGNA GOLDEN GROVE BLEND HALF GALLON DECANTER ORANGE 77c ~ui1u1iCilis~5.-'-·-..... JUICE . FAD'S OWN e 2 LB. CTN. .WITH EGG POTATO SALAD "F RUIT ON THE BOTTOM'' HAl, PINT CARTON Si•1 Morton'1 •frozen • 8 or. MAC & CHEESE • ii.i'El.ix.dtow E[sE a,2 7 c · • COLDGPOWER. SAVE l6' 69' -ac-YOllSON._ 21 t__: YOGURT "-' 15 OUNCE CAN • SAVE 2c KIPPY DOffFOOD . . . (N.,.,.,.,...,.,,...,.,...,.,....., ............... ~.,.,..,.,..,.,.,"'t"'~ll"ll~OM!:>'W'WY'WY.,.,.,.,...,.,"""')C LADIES • SL.EV I.Si-• REGULAR S2 .<9 ASSORTED COL<(RS, $\YLES AND PATTER~S 100°/1> NYLON . I $166 . STRETeH SHELLS · i ~; 8[3AM COSMETICS • S4LON QUALnY ~;N~;.;;y 8 3c at DISCOUNT PRICES! ~l 79¢ ~ISl !lf'AS ~CM ._S ~IPSl tClt.S o':S:\E.;l l'Q\V0£t , ~vf s1-1 .. oow ''°~ COlPt fTC. 48~ . ANTl,PERSP1~4itT : .•• _ • . 7 OUNCE CAN ........ " ... $1.17 • SANTAANA 2120 SO. IRISTOL AT WARNER COSTA MESA 2200 HARBOR ILVD. AT WILSON I I ,. _, . . . . . I • .. Dreaming dreams ~f travel, excitement, vacations, outdoor living ~na . . ell kinds of "Fun in The S~n?" Then this special section Is for you. f.ts . , . ' . ~ pages ore filled with articles, ads and photos to make .your sunniest or84~ome uu~ th• woeds,-°oA the-beach' or orryOUT~ pa r~. Look inside for travel tips. vocation ideas. ?toy-at-home $ummer fu.n. LAND OF ZION -'1'tMt peatelt -.., • ~ Ii the earth itleU u .tlda Ylew of Tmlplt fll -...,. ln Zion NaffoneJ Pmt, Ulab, pnma. 'VIMr ........ the Great White '11lraae (center) ttD4 .._ mwhe Indians Hunting for From the clllp e.,_ el Mz.ona and "'* .. .. E of Collndt IDd .... de.sert --el New 00, t h• ....... after you. · The AutomeWll 0. tf Southern CaJWema i....- that all eight maJer tllMll groups living Malla ....... 16,000-square-mlle I 0 Dllll reservatlon district Wlllt ,_ -the visitor-this sum...-• never before. Bastille Day Added To Cruise Calendar Interstate RUzzle . Slowly Takes Shape Tourists ~ Try -Bike Vacation This Year Did you return from vaca- tion lasl year feeliog more like ''having been taken" than "having taken one?" Same crowds? Same struggle for parking? L o o k i n g for something offbeat' and exciting this year? Good! Let's talk about a bicycling vacation. Family bicycling vacations are on the dramaUc Increase, claims the venerable Bicycle Institute of America, and its proof is the fact that many slates are developing Jong- .._. distance, marked bike routes to attract tourists -allowing 40 miles a day for the average family "biking it." Whole new worlds o{ ad- veowre open up to pedallers because they go w h e r e gasburners fear to tread. DAtLY rtA.OT Sllff , ..... 'l'here are well-planned trips ONE-DAY VACATION -Photo at top, taken from too, like one through Florida's sky tram which swings passengers high above Mis- palmeUo and alligator coun-sion Bay in San Diego, shows overall vi~ of Sea try, a "Mississippi Meander" World, land of the ''one-day family vacation." which takes cyclists for 170 Among Sea World's attractions are Japanese girls, miles along the Father of the one shown in undePWater photo, who dive into Waters with plenty of 17-foot-deep pool to pick up pearl-laden oysters for beautiCul undulated country, customers. Cultured pearl found in each custom- thrllling vistas and towns. He er's oyster -regardless of size -is his to k~. might consider the "Gold Sea World also has performing dolphins, trained kiil- Rush Ride," a long but ler whale and other .. educated" sea creatures. leisurely tour th r o u g h ---=""""'"""""-=---------------u California s o er L o d e country made famous by the Forty-Ninen. Dozens of other choic• bllludl lazy, hazy New Enc1lnd backcountry, Indians Hunting rf ourists pastoral Pennsylvania'• Amish (Continued from Page 2) country, or t o the Ozarks o f Dances at Mishonenovi and Lum & Abner. "" I · A · Or iza I I I "a p1, nz. gan t ons are n t ie business to plan bike vacations September -New Mexico for the most enjoyment and State Falr at Albuquerque, least expense. Biggest Is featuring an Indian village American Youth HOstels, 20 with competitive displays of West 17th St., New York City, Indian atta and crafts. •hich off era a f1.95 l¥kt Atlas ~ -Southern Ule ·HsUng.·more tbiD 100 mapped Tribal Fair at-Ignacio, Colo., trips from coast to coast, featuring dances, exhibits and ranging in length from a week rodeo. to a month and covering 47 • stales, 7 Canadian provinces Early Septem~ -NavaJO and parts of Mexico and the T~bal Fair at Wmdow Rock, Caribbean. '.('he A YH wlll tend Am. Labor Day Weekend -An- nual AU-Indian baseball tour- nameot at Parker, Ariz. Sept. I -Harvest and so- cial dances at Laguna, N.M. Mid-September-White Moun- iain Apache Trib:il Fair anc Roel«> at Whiteriver, Ariz., lnch.uiine Crown Dancts 10< -ottler-rituals. SepL 14 -Jicarilla Apach< Fiesta at Dulce, N.M. Sept. 1t -Harvest and so clal dances at Laguna, N.M .. wtth a fiesta at Old Laauna I PUN JH 1Htl IUH A Great 18 ·Hole Public· Course ~ Just off the San Diego Freeway at Culver On the Historic Irvine Ranch 18 COOL HOLES-72 PAR DRIVING RANGE "19th HOLE''-RESTAURANT Lunch -Your Favorite Bever09es • FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 833-1253 Special Lessons Available COMPANY RATES -TOURNEY or TWl-LITE GOLF Just-follow the San D'-90 Freeway te Culver Ro141 turn-off. Take Cvlv.r (in Univenlty Park 1rH) to the Rancho Entry. Or follow M1cArthur to Univenlty and follow University to Culver. · A 81Vl1JOPMENT OF GEOAGI ~M. MOLSTEIN & SOHf' • f tree Jt~MN ~•i• •rol~r ,. •' lepf. it .J.;.at';11t&JIMl''k 'Day trips. too, both here and F\oest.a Harvest Dance at abroad. Acoma. N..M. one "'' -ht. ·la/ic'est ' 1uebl~ I and coas1dered the "mother' t villap. ·~~~~~~~~----~::=~~=:~~~~~~====~:=~ ' ' -./"\.. , r • .! 4 Store Fuel for Boats . . In Proper Containers Each year, coun~ boat ftOerl Jeopudile their own and ot6irs• JiYes by c.-elea ltorage and transportMion of BlOtor fueJ. • Proceeding f r o m the premise that any cont.alner that's big enough is sa!e enough, boat owners rre- flUently rely on glass jars or plastic cans for rue? storage. Unfortunately, one can~. the other is combustible and can '-"8t into na~ under a hot sun. What is needed, for lafety'• sake, is an officially approved galvanised steel fuel caa. 1bele fuel cans are leak-proof and come equipped witb screw type caps and convenient pouring spouts. The metal fuel cans can be transported with confidence since daqerous fumes are trapped J.nside tJie closect can. AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE VACATION· IOUND F~MILY Here ls The World's Best Se'ling 35mm Fine Carr.c:-a System PENT AX ••• A Great Camera ••• See It Today BAKER'S ~---- TOGETHERNESS FOR THIS ORANGE COAST FAMILY IS A HOMEMADE 'TRAIN' Ron Price M1d Family Prepare for WHkend J aunt with Camper, Bikes, Dune Buggies . Family Carries All Behind Them .The Ron Price family or six home at 16251 Howland Lane is fully equipped for comfort is a real "together" one. in Huntington Beach. That is, aod convenience, Price says The Prices, lncludln~ four il's home five days a week. ~ family enjoys laking along youngsters, e n j o y c::m:)ing "We take orf every weekend equipment for cooking out.- nearly every weekend. h:.uling for some place," says Price, a doors aoo bags for sleeping s i x tr:lil bikes. a dun!! Lluggy supervisor with D u e r r under the stars or in their big and all their outdoor ge:ir tow-B r 0 t h e r s Concession Com· canopy tent. ed b:?hind a Dodge Sportsman c::imper on a home-made pany. ''The outdoors is the on-"One time this winter it trailer, 20x18 feet long Jy thing left ror a family this snowed at Uttlerock Canyon J,o,•e of the outdoors and ofr· .size to enjoy at a reasonable and we were stuck for two read e•q>loring after 5'!lt1ng up cost." days. We had a ball," Price cump is strictly a family af-Price is exceptionally proud says. "We enjoy camping The camping urge has been a family pastime for three years. Ron built the trailer himself after they'd bought so much gear that there was no other way to haul it all. WESTCLI Ff CAMERAS 548. 4935 WESTCUFP PLAZA "Because we all enjoy cam- ping and riding o ff • r o a d vehicles, we can't count the cost as anything but a long. term investment in family en- joyment," P r I c e contends. "We've paid for everything as we went along. The kids all have safety equipment. Tbey know alt tl1e safety rules. What's more they observe them alt." • foir for Ron and Miriam Price o £ his home-made trailer. It anywhere along the Colorado and their four youngsters: not only hauls the off.road River. Salton Sea, Lake .Jeff, 12; Jill, 9; Tocld, 7: and vehicles but carries all the Isabella. forest campgrounds, Kari, 17 months, who rides a camping gear in enclosed the coast or desert," he says. trail bike on a se::it behind her wooden cupboards. Although "We're equipped to camp mother. They make their the camper hauling the trailer m!>St any place we choose." ~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- IY ,OPULAR DEMAND WI OFfll THE FAIULOUS Ame CRUISER IY l.M.P. Out Front in Styling -Galley Facilities - Sleeping Com fort -And • Solid Comfortable Ride 'DESIGNED WITH THE FAMILY IN MINO 20' of elegance -Powered by 160 Mercruiser or I SS OMC FOR THIS ONE TIME ONLY PRICE OF $5,'45.00 AS SHOWN SU THEM ALL ••• 12' • 24' l.MJI. -lllN!ll -TffVNDftlUtD -FORMUlA HARBOR BOAT H·ouSE 13650 HAllOI IOULEVARD CAr.DEN GROVE (Harbor loufevard and Gardn Grove Freeway) -~.su.M.,.1.5 .... FASHIONED IN ALUMINUM Not for Years, Not for Life ••• BUT FOREVER ADJUSTABLE CHAISE LOUNGI With Whu l11 lulft9. Guarututl 19aln1t fedin9. SAVI $6495 $35.00 H.,t la the ultilfttlt In cuual and ,eohide fur11it11rt, fttltiontd In all •lulfllnu'" we.I.let! te +ht 1no1t euct~ ln9 1landard1. Y 011r choice of fr ame end 1lrap color& to match eny dacor. 42" 6 PIECE SET Temper.ti t lau to, J eble t ftd '4 ,heira. SAVI m .oo '14995 Come in and see our large selection of: e WEBER A STRUCTO BBQ e LEE WOODARD e SAMSONITE e HOMECREST e CAROLINA FORGE e MALLIN e CALIFORNIA SUNSl'T e THINLINI ALSO SEli OUR RATTAN end BAR STOOL SELECTION -TOWN & COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS 2 GIANT ORANGE COUNTY LOCATIONS COSTA MfSA DAl~~u,~~ to ' SAllA ANA 1706 IEWPORT BLVD. -sJ::]f:~~~0;.. 1725 N. MM~ 645•2400 Fm Oelimv lft Or•ftt• Co. '4J-8213 . ~~ ........................... ______ ...,. __ ....,; ____ ~!:=======~1 __ F UN IN TH& $UN Tuesd•y,..._. 10, 19't s Vinyl Gives Pools Safer Lin ing Years aco, praet1call.Y all in· ground IWlmmlng pooll were llDecl wttb canc:rete. And the disadvantages of this material often outWeigbed tbe pleasures ot pool ownenbip: heavy.gauge vinyl ol the type used by SP ARCO dealers never gets brittle 1n winter, always retains its elasticity, and oever softens or becomes gum.my ill the _ summer, ic• cording to Robert Tro1clair. manager Q!.. Secard Pools, 323 S. Main St., Orange. The color is in &be vinyl itself and never needs painting. The texture ii smooth and presents a soft touch to the body, ellmlnatlng painful scratches. It also d ls c o u r a g es algae ac- cumulations. Vinyl ls tough, but should it become cut, It can be easily patched -even under water. Not the least o1 vinyl's ad- vantage over concrete is ill cost. One manufacturer bas pointed out that new con- struction destgns u t l 11 z l n 1 vin.fl liners have cut the cost of larger pools in hall. Further maintenance economies are achleved through the need for fewer chemicals. Concrete -or "gunlte," as it ii called when sprayed - required periodic dr&inlng of :e~1t!.oo~c1:'t=: .let Fuel Run Dry PIPE THE STRIPES -It's cool Irish linen fash· toned into a striped-for-s\Uil.lDer-color dress that will go on the longest vacation or the shortest right- at.home shoppl.nf trip. Knee-length hose and buck- led shoes comPlete the fun..in-the-sun ensemble topped by a crazy (but practical) sun hat. Sony and. Sony. Brilliant double play combination. 01 rour rlchb SonY• stuMing 8F48W FM/ AM radio, a llttll powerhouse of lltellke sound. Its luxurious ~ hardwood c.abfnet CvelY modem) conceals solid state circuitry end a bis, ~t 5• f ront-mountld speaker, TheH..tooiLOOntt-.On-blrttm'Yf- or /ii;, special ~ tuning for eesy station selectlon, AFC switch for more eccurate, ....... FM, Touch 'N Play switches for easy-ai FM Ind AM, ~ slide rule dial. On rour ltfb Sont• oPtknl STMS adlptDrihlt transforms 8F-48W Into tu1i. bodied FM stereo. Thi STA-48 adaptor has Its own plug, volume controls and stereo Indicator llatrt. Just plu1 It Jn to 8F-48W Ind doub1t your 11sten1ns p1usure. son• 411 E. 17 .. St. DAILY f.t, SATURDAY M . e excessively, was abrasive, ~ . was expensive to install and At the end o1 a flsblng trip, carburetor has run dry. That maintain. stoop the motor by dlscon· way, say the boating Today's pool owners have necting the fuel line and allow· autborlties at Mercury out· found that durable, smooth Jng the motor to run at ldllng boards, there's no chance of vinyl ls far superior to con· speed until it stops of its own fuel nmnlng out In the trunk of ~ as a liner. A quAlity, accord, indicating that the your car. ·OUTDOOR Vinyl lloen supplied with all of SPARCO dealers' ln..grouod models carry w r i tt e D ~. LIVING llAWAYOfLR ........... COUllTYI 0-..... ltylt • TOP QUAUn' oua WINDOW AND DOOR AWNINGS RAW II 113 •• llCIUlll ALUMINUM eu11 • 1• mcna SCREEN PA 'tlOI lllGHT, YllUICT, llODBN, IWITIAI. • • • .. llMY atylN t. .. _, ...._ Planned for either large or small t... ..• c.-vlllt ew ......,......, .... fw 41,,.,........ mobile homes tool Durable, long luting all ~t~·~:.-·•~ ;:..:r ~" ,.::: I la doo tum11111nea. w ., ..... • $Mtl ,,,. iw .., Mlllllt ~ aluminum construct on, rge rs • • • com- =~. ':-!" • ;.,~ t:..~ • pletely bug proof. THI NIW LOOK FOR 169 CANYAI AWlllllGI • YALANCU • CUltTAINI Nothing Decorates Uk• Canvas. Beautiful New Colors & New Fabrics. For hom• ••• for bUsinessl ;.·. MAllUPACTUUD • INAA•j:lg... FAC'l'O&Y lltOWIOOM.. ---- 2202 I. MAIN ST. SANTA ANA 1141 ••• , -· llANCH ~Of•nl .. ICI,. . ORANGE COUllTY IWllll CO • ............ 0.-..c:..mr Phonea 179-6732 After 61 633-6714 f/1' . • " . .,. . ... ..... .•. .. • I I ~· ~., ..... 11, '"' FUN IN THI SUN A well•pped boat ls u important to enjoyable days on Ute water as is the weather, bu~ many pleasure boats these days a r • tometblng less than lhlpsbape. · It's a simple, Inexpensive matter to properly equip a nnall boat, suggests Ken Light, owner of Harbor Boat House, 13650 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove. First, make sure your boat meets Coast G u a r d re- quirements. 'lbere should be ·an approved lifesaving device in good condition for each person on board. For boats un- der 40 feet (which includes 95 percent of America's pleasure ·-· • tlflfl#fflWt#Wf/tliJl"--1 fleet), a le9t cushion, Ille preserver, ring buoy or buoy4l0t vest la fine, Jt ls abo a good idea to have a fire~ along, to an acceaible focation. The Coast Guard currently a p p r o v e 1 foam, carbon dioxide and dry chemical extinguishers, and, in eUect. requires they be car. ried on any boat with a closed space or compartment, such as a !ront deck. Your boat should hne some sort of bell or h o r n • Technically, boats 16 feet and over must carry a horn or whistle, and boats ovel' 2G feet a bell. But there are times when even a small rowboat will find a horn useful, and lt'1 easy to stow one of those band-operated, compressed air horns OD board even the tmallest craft. If you'r. OD the water between sunset and sunrise, your boat must be equipped with rwinlnc ll&bts that meet Coaat Guard 1tanclard1. Internatioaal llcbts are re- quired ln eouta1 waters and on the high seas, while lnJand light regulations are 1n effect on most other waters. Whatever .. optional" equip- ment (that ls, not legally re- quired) depends pretty much on how and where you uae your boat. It's always a good idea to have an anchor and line along, as w~ as an extra paddle or oar, small first aid kit, ertra fuel and perhaps a few essential spare parts and tools. Big-water boaters should have a small twe>-way radio. And even on the smaller in· land lakes and rivers, a portable radio helps keep the skipper posted on weather reports. Consider a flashlight , too, atar of t6e l'eam. • • for SCHWINN ~ DAD and 1f ARSlrr SPORr GRAD THI PEllfECT ADULT SPORTS BIKE! • 10 tpffd dwoillew a•ars • Sporta 1tyle hand .. l>ar• • Front' tlftd re• hudbroku • Twln-Stlk georshl~ controla 1" Mort and more actlonoft\inded ad111U art tvrntng to cycUnt GI their antw•r otbi nff<f for a FeQU Qt tHrclle progrQM. It'• fvnl And It'• healthyl Stop In ond let '" 1how you fh• complete Schwinn Mn• of new Rghtweight blcydet deal9Md for tht motvrt rider. Al your franchised Schwinn Cyclery wt have factory trotned .xpert1 to help you chOOM Y041f new khwlnn ond proptrly adjust it 10 you can get rht mott out of your cycltng' dO)'I ahead. SfA SCHWINN 420 E. 17th St. eo.t• Meta 646-n06 VAlllY BIKE l HOBBY SHOP 17071 M19noll1 •• w ... 1 M2-3777 e 545-03n and a few algnal nu,.. Ccim- pasaes IA alwaya laaady, .S a lilnd-opera&ed bilge pUmp: II good 1naaDCe ..._a lab' IUID OI' a boat Aall of water afta' a audden doWdpour. u you're boatfni through utifamlllar waten, bring alq the appniprlat. mapi and charts. These can be in· valuable. You're much less likely to nm aground when ,_ bow CM nlef·._,. or to DID • ol .. when JOU lmew bow far It fa to the next JDll'tu. OMIOllnl ~ ol the boat's ~ ls lltrlcUy up to the boaltt. A f h h t r ma n aboulcl rig bis boM for fisb1nc -rod -~ balt box. fishing c:halrt and .., f ortll. A boat camper llbollld have secure top and aide curtains to ~ ..... b daelta and lcltl-.r-.,.~ The Oollt Guard nqu1rea w safety equipw>ent, com· moo eense dlctates a few other ltems -and from there, the boatman sbou1d a d d whatever · will enable he and hil family to enjoy the wonderful world of pleasure boating. Get Special Car Insurance For Trips South of the Border More "Yanqui" motorist~ than ever are beading south of the border. encouraged by former President John- son's, strong suggestion to limit travel to the Western Hemisphere. Your car should be in top mechanical condition. Roads in the mountain areas are 30 feet wide and should be driven only ln daytime. Remember that speed limit signs are posted in kilometers -40 kilometers equal about 25 miles. Vaccinations are no longer required for entering or leav- ing Mexico. The only docu· ment needed is a tourist card, available at no charge (upon proof of US .. citizenship) from ~moo Consulates, tourism SONYTakeit Anywhere TV Sony's TV-900U, wi1h solid state circuitry, Is as easy to watch outdoors as it is anywhere in your home. The reason Is clearly seen: An 8" black diagonally measured picture screen. Furthe& more, this solid state set weighs only 10 lbs. Revolutionary circuitry combined with Sony !saki Diode and Me5a Silicon transistors assure sensitive reception (VHF and UHF). even in outlying areas. Plus a large speaker for sharp1 strong sound and a carrying handle. Comes in glamorous Dlack or white chassis. Trip with the light fantastic-Sony's TV-900U. SONY• take it to the beaoh take it to the bedroom ·@DAVIS RROWN .411 E. 1M St. • DAI\ Y t-t: SA TUIDAY t-6 COSTA MESA" • 646-1614 departments and airlines with fiigbts to Mexico. There's ooe lmporWit step that's todlspensable: special arrangements for auto in· aurance coverage while travel- ing in Mexico. Most American poUcles are in force only withln 25 to so miles of the border. Even in this area your American com. pany may have difficulty aerv- mg your needs, 1 i n c 1 American agents and claims adjusters are not allowed to operate 1n Mexico. Special Mexican coverage must be ob- tained before entering the country -stories abound of uninsured motorista who have ''done time" in Mexican jails because l o c a 1 anthorities weren't convinced they could pay for accident damage. This insurance is easily obtained. For instance, State Farm, largest auto insurer in the United States, has an agree- ment with Mexico's lal'gest aW> imurer, Seguros La ComerclaJ, through w h I c h State Farm agents in border states sell coverage (based on dally rates depeilding on length of atay) valid' in Mex· I.co. Thia policy Is available to an U.S. motorists, not just State Fann poJicybolders. Another ~ of insurance worth considering for your South of the Border vacation is ~tate Farm's "Go" Policy, which offers short-term a~ cident and theft protection. For less than $10 you can in· sure yourself for $10,000 dur· ing a two-week trip. This gives the policy holder $10,000 coverage against accidental death and dismemberment, plus $1,000 for m e d i c a I payments for accidental injury u well as $500 worth of coverage for loss of personal tffeds, etc. HARRISON BOAT CENTER , ......... ,. -) m· ew re, Id nd he ire r th ~p al ll• !l· ·e )0 in l• V• • IS :o tl >-e tf e 8 s d s '· '· e ~ t l 1 r 1 1 ) t I• .. -- _ _._UN.;...__IN_TH..;....l_SU.;;...N..;.·_ ..... T..;.u.;;...H~...,, .1w M, ltff ' 'New Generation' Map A •'.Qew teneration" road map? Why not? 'Ibis ls the age of "new generation poUu~·~ ••• "new generation ethics'' • • • and even "new generation travel,11 embod.led ln America's revolu· tionary interstate highway d1scard the . discipline o f T r a v e la l d e 1 ar. now carefully pre-planned. "can. available for the New York· nedl' vacations, preferring to New Encland l n t er-at at t see what each day will bring; network; I-ts, North CroUna· and they opt for a travel guide South C a r o 11 n a ; 1·75., oriented to tbell' route instead Mkhlgan-Ohlo-Kentucky; l·7' T e n D essee-Georpa.Ftorlda; ... of the traditional maps cover-1·94, lllinoi.s-Wlsconsln.Min- .lng entire states or rqlons. nesota; 1-80, c b 1cag0 • t 0 • system. 'lbls 42,SOO.mlle network of cross-country superhighways is only two-thirds completed and already carries more than ?Q percent ot all traffic , ~tween states. It will carry more than 30 million families ~ttl.ng out to explore the U.S.A. UUs summer, wbtther on three-week journeys or three-day jaunts. OFFRAMP GUIDE 'SKIPPER' AND HIS MATE PREPARE TO BOARD 'FAMILY SHIP' Mates Become Shipmates At Boating Craze KHps Growing Designed expressly for them Is a unique travel l\lide described in a recent issue of a national magazine as a "new generaUon map." Called the Travelaide, it includes a map focusing on Interstate highways, interchanges and feeder highways, plus a direc- tory that lists -by exit -in- Wife Acts In Keeping as First Mate Boat Ship Shape terstate accommodations such as motels, restaurants, tourist attracUons a n d recreation areas • T h f a map-directory Is available free at most in- terstate service stations. A separate Travelaide prepared for each oil company has that company's symbol imprinted lt ls becoming Increasingly dlfifcult for the man of the hoose to take oU for a day's f1sb1ng or boat racing and leave bis wife ashore to mind tbe children. schemes and accessories to in· crease convenience a n d pleasure afloat are important. FAMILY AFFAIR canoes, c a r t o p p e r s and at every interchange where it dinghies -all made of marine bas a atation, so a credit card aluminum. tbol~1'!bcanandalwfays r~~ exit It Is easy to nail down the o 11~ r o gaaoWl'C. reasons for the success of Today's "new generation marine aluminum. T b 1 1 travelers'' are unique in special modem alloy for boata several ways -they gravitate I n1. t""' d ,..., ' te: ~ cardrte tas6 and sat .. The vast majortty of in:-Denver; I-35, Ka. n 1 a 1 . terstate vacationers a r e Oklahoma-Texas; and th 1 strangers passing through an California freeways. area for the first time. Coupl----------- ing this with thelr pr'opensity•---------- for planning eada day as they go produces 30 m ii 11 o ·n navigators without compasses. They run out of gas, run into .. no vacancy signs," get lost when they leave the interstate and unknowingly bypass ex- citing attractions, restaurams and motels along the way-. HOW IT WORKS This state of affairs Is what a map-directory like the Travela!de is designed to pre- vent. Vacationers can be as carefree as they want ·-but when · they gel hungry or sleepy, run low on· gas, ap- proach an incomel.e~ed seg- ment of interstate lllghway or want to visit some ·tourist at· tractions, a glance at the Travelaide tella them where they are, how far to the next ult and what it leads to if they take it. Gone are· the days of the back-seat driver w o r It 1 n g himseU lnto a cross-eyed con- dition trying to navigate through a maze of red lines, blue lines, primary roads, secondary roads and meander- ing "roads'' that are really rivers. This "new generatfon map" eHmlnates the ex- traneous and seroes In "where the action 11." SPOT GOLF SYSTEM We even ..,." "'" ffW yM All THE $ GOLF BALLS YOU CAN · HIT FOR OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 .._..,. 2 ... Undt DRlnwOOD ·Driving Range lttween ... ch & Delaware en Adam• ...... = ........ -I 536-9146 With more than a million Americans spending much of their leisure time ln boats these days, the wife has also become the first mate of the family boat and ls, or should be, as knowledgeable a her husband in seamanablp, boat.keeping, ccmfort a D d safety afloat for her family. As in many homes, these come under the Influence of the women. Likewise, they are the ones who keep a close eye on the family budget and get most for the money spent. Choosing the family's first boat, or a bigger and better replacement, ls a family -effair these days. is 16 .. t-we'6'.t an ti .. es ,ong, ty of interstate ~~"'"'', • .._. rugged service. It will not "" .. "'6 ---~ rust,retainsf~shlnynatur~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Like the family home and car, .the family boot should be a source of deep satisfaction, pride and achievement. No longer will a battered old craft serve most American boating families. Styling, c o I o r Moderil marine aluminum 11 a boon to today's boating famllles. 'l1l1a year, they will be buying crui sers , houseboats, sporty runabouts with convertible tops and stretchout lounge s e a t s , sailboats, fishing b o a t s , finish or can be painted and can be shaped lnto pleasing Jines by modem metal-work· ing tecbnJques. In short, the seagoing housewife can depend oo marine aluminum to give her and her family a full measure of boating pleasure with long v l r tually maintenance-free service. She .can also count on a high \fade-in value when it eomes time to move on to something bigger. Have you visited the Island recently ••. ? Cl.1$TOM I/KINI! llJNWEMI We're lU1f openin9 Tn that lelfg~tful Nor· mandy l>ulldln9 ••• first acrou the bridge. We know you've visited our shop in the NEWPORT ART CENTER, but do com• and SH our new shop. You'll love ltl We custom make our bikinis, ccwer-up1, and ba9ies ••• or buy off our r1clc. We reany how how to flt. Pelon-pad1 or neither ,it's up to you. 30 fabrics to choose from. Can't mah• choice? Then bring your own f abricl • IRING IN THll AD AND Gn SUI OFF ANY ITIM AT llTHER IHOP. Ttnt W lttta C....., 2-400 WEST COAST HWY, NEWPORT BlACH, CALIFORNIA ,(714) 642-6316 NOW ON IALIOA ISLAND 126 MARINE AVENUI STOCK REDUCTl.ON SALE CORONA -del MAR TIRE & TEXACO 3601 East Coast Hyty. e 675-2~66 e Coro•• clel ~r ·' .-\' ,f "\ .· . . ' • I _...._. a Tue.Uy, JYM 10, 19't FUN IN THE SUN New Penney's Kitchen Shop . Serves Up All . Cooking Needs Just ln time for patio parties and other summer so1rees for which hostesses are looking for a new touch of sophlstica· tion, the J.C. Penney store ln Fashion Island bas added a new type of department. Called the Cook 1N Shop, lt features everything needed by the experienced, and not-so- elperienced cook. • It provides such unique services as a recipe reference library, a cookbook lending library, and a recipe exchange board on which fine home. town cooks can post their '1ake Me Along" FILM SALE Save 25% & Morel l uv whet film you thinlc you will need. Shoot • 11 you ·went. Return the unu1ecl film for refund or crecllt. l<ODAI PIOCl.SSI ... CAMERAS e SUPPUU e RENTALS V ANIMAN CAMERA favorite recipes. Typical ol the equipment to be found iD the department is a full range of carbon steel cutlery, cooking utemlls in everything from cast iron to copper, top quality cuUlng and pastry boards, chopping blocks and baking accessories of every type imaginable. In introducing its D e W kitchen department, Penney's l>UtJ>OSely avoided the word "gourmet shop", feeling that the term bas been much overused and tends to tie associated with gift items. In its true sense, however, the shop is surely a gourmet department. It offers a compl~te selec· tlon ot specialized cooking Take All Day .... tools. Jusl a few of these are: Charlotte molds, c o q u l 11 e shells, zabagllooe and quiche pans, egg coddlers, clam sbuckers, bean slicers, souffle dishes and ramekim, larding needles, lemon z e s t e r s • parsley miners and garllc presses, flambe pans and fon· due equipment. And for the customer with special needs, an order book contalnlng manufacturers' and importers' b r o c h u r e s ls located in the department so that off-beat cooking utensils can be checked and ordered. Demonstrations of e x o t l e recipes .and tedmiques for us· ing unusual cooking alds are also planned. Foods and spices also are sold ln the Cook 1N Shop. Cookbooks and accessories, such as spice and pot racks, bot pads and aprons, ~an· nlsters and some service pieces also are available. Tail Heavy? ttJ1 ADAMS H111ltlllftH 1eoc1i H2·5t5t The early bird doesn't always catch more f l sh despite the popularity of this notion. When the water is cold in the fall and spring, fish strike just as readily iD the middle of the day as they do in the early morning. Also, fish that stay close to the bottom. such as lake trout, are no kinder to the early morning fisherman than the man who gets 1 full night's sleep. If your boat trailer sways when you're under way, it Is probably tail-heavy, ol' tire pressure ls too low. Move the boat forward on the trailer, or ~ shift equipment forward ln the boat. ---~ l . I This Year Make It a . . . . . WORRY-FREE e CAI AND TRUCK TIRES • RITREADlf°tG • IATTlllES •MAG WHDLS ~ e CHROME WHEELS • FRONT . END ALteNMENT VACATION • WHEEL IALANCI • SMOCI AISOl•RS • aUAIANTllD IRAKE RELINE • MUFFLD.5 • nu TIUEING • WHlll. IALANCINCi BUIE lllSPECTION State Approved Station e CHOICI CHAIGI IUMIT PLAN • IANIAMDICAU , • MAS1ll CHAI .. ..... ,.~p&Mea."'9M. ...... ,, ........ ... ...., Mt-U41tr64M411 ~ .. l ••• I ' ~ ' EXOTIC SHOP -Madeline Futerer checks some of the unique stock of ne\v Cook 'N Shop department at J. C. Penney store in Fashion Island. Unusual foods and utensils with which to prepare them are offered in new department. AMF $329.U Value POOL TABLE $199 100% ll111cl11 lJllJUIMllkk BILLIARD TABLE Priced from • • • S29& .. S2fi08 23 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM FREE! . After x- Spedol, M.y l.W.S I• Stock ............ hUwry Tlble Tennis Top witll DELUXI Sll n TA· BLES and FREE lnst1U.tlonl SEE IT NOWI Ufttime G11rlfttltd SLATE POOL TllLES S369 FROM -____ IJ_Y_N OW AND SAVE --------·. ·---- open 7 Days 11 to I Call Now 532-1'92 •• ... ........ • ... ...... ...... ... .. .... 9 •• "' •• .-.., • ,. ............... , ........... .. I I TAKE Y()tJR OWN 'SH"ADES' SunglasHs C1n Make Fun in Sun Mot-e fun Take Sunglasses, Give Eyes a Rest • Remember the days when taking a trip required weeks, sometimes months, of plan- ning to get all your clothes and equipment in readiness? What a chore it was to prepare for what was to be that w~ll­ deserved escape from a year's grind! Not so today • . .since the arrival or the jet age, much of this changed, and travel has more land more become a fun thing Uult one can look forward to. One piece of lightweight luggage now easily harbors all the necessities of the modem traveler -the f e a t h e r I I g h t d r ip-dry wardrobe, the collapsible um- brella, even an inflatable rub- ber float. There is, however, one item that's too often forgotten and then most sorely missed, and that is a pan' of truly good sunglasses, which the traveler may not be abl~ to purchase In the desired quality or style at his destination. "Sunglasses should be part of the standard equipment o! every vacationer, because pro.. per eye protection against the harmful invisible rays of the sun is even more lmpartant than lhe protection of the skin, and permanent damage can be done to the eyes without It. U you intend lo drive a car any time along lhe way, glare pro- tection is particularly essen- tial," says Bausch and Lomb, maker of famous Ray • Ban sunglasses. According to this expert - and this seems to be a little known fact -a person's abili- ty to se" at night will be reduc- ed 50 percent (and up to 90 percent), after a few hours in the sun without wearing good SWlglasses. What this could mean to a driver Is fairly ob- vious. In fact. if eyes were left unprotected from the sun for say a week, it could cut down an individual's night vision for weeks thereafter, directly in proparUon to the amount of su n exposure received. "Vacationers in the moun- tains," adds the sunglass manufacturer, "should be particularly careful, because the thinner air does not filter out as much of the harmful ultraviolet rays. Only a fc.w minutes exposure here can produce an extremely painful eye-burn in some people. pro- portionate to their ability lo t:m." MARINE A COMIUTI UNI OF IOATS. MOTOIS, TIAILllS, TO FULFU.L ANY UQU,¥ .. INlS ROM THI Sii TTfll TO THI ltlMRMAN TYn IOATS. Full fa cilitiec lo h•nd le any of your boating probl•m• ffo•ncing to fit yot.lt budget. DE.ALER FOl EVINRUDE MOTOlS Ii IOATS. ARENA CR.AFT. STAltCR.AFT, CALIFOltNIA & THE FLED FIOM Steury Boats and Sabre Craft FOil INSTANT FUN • , • Alt Yot Do Is .Ad4 Wet«I WI IUY IOA TS FOi CASH • O,EM 7 IA YS M••· ftlni Sat. It. 1 S... t te 6 M.AltlNI HAIDWAU AND ACCBSOllU 411 Sovth H.rbor 81Yd., S1nta Ana, Callf. • (Ltuld ltlWffll s-~ ,.,_,, a ca.'"" .,.. flrtew•y Oft H•l'Mfl ~ . PtiONE -839-16Cf ·---.. -· FUN tN 1HE SUN t Pest Inspectors Get Share ·<Df ·Laughs Govenunent Inspectors do a noble Job tryinc to lreep hitch- hiking plant pests from en- tering 1he Uruted States in fn&its, plants and souvenirs. Sometimes tourists and others p r o vl d e unpremediLated humor u the mspectors ply their serious difficult job. A plant quarantine inspector tn Sm Pedro, Calif., )ootlna for pests in bird teed won- dered why the caae contaiDed frah water and seed -but no bird. 'n>e woman passen(er repeatitd only, ''no speek Enclilb.,, Then a parakeet the woman had stufied under her coat let out a loud squawk. Woman and bird wtre turned over to the Public Jleal\!1 Service. Altbougb some people bil lo cooperate, a few go overboard. .. ' ,,.,,?'klppr-·• ... Be au t y Salons .. WE. CHANGE "BUA ~pe you1· lia'hlened hair into lovely cu1·ls. We caresa the curls with "Nie~ Chanie" -no puoxide. In just 10 minutes your new blonde curls take on whisper-soft color-tone tbal lasta lhrouih se,·eral 1'hampoos. With no rub-off, no retouch p1·oblcm: we jll!t renew the color whenever you wish r , New.....-t Be.ch, C1lif. C..,a Mell, Calif. 1111 ~ 11v-. 17' L 17'1 ._ ...._., ...... ~· • ~Ir """" """" .,. .. " ....... ....., llOUl PU~S SHAMPOO $2 25 AND SET (Mon. thru Thurs.> • I Lon9 Heir Eatre) After 5 p.m., $2.50 Friday, S1turdiiy, Sun.tay ...••. $3.00 Cotta Mesa, Calif. l"6 W. 19'h Slrttt '""9llt '41·1?1• Onnae, C11lfr , ..... _... fountain V•Uty, Calif. S.nt1 An1. Cetif. 17911 __... M<l'eclden lo Sltfldtrd ,.._.•Be v-.. ~ Ptlm Clllltf' .... ....... ,....,. 54-7472 i I l • i , : l - r ... • I l r u Tu.aUy, June 11. IHf ,UN IN THE SUN Do' s and Don' ts on Getting Tall Swap Television, Phone. .. Travel and vactioo time can rays are stronger near water tum into ont long "skJn than in grassy areas; far game'' for those whose plans more hltense at blgb aJUt.udes; expose them to lbe SWI. Here mucbltrooger in the South are some "do's" and "don'ts'' than in the North. that could heJp you enjoy your S. Check the Timt of D:ty summer more: Are you an early bird? DO'• Before 9 A . .M. there's prac· J. Check your Skla Type tically no tanning actK>n. The ls your skin normal, sun-sun's intensity builds up rapld- Bt!nsitive or sun-resistant'! If ly between· 9 anti 11 A.M. normal, you will sW1burn Watch yourself from ll to 1 readily, tan rapidly. Sensitive P.M., the tlme o( the sun's skin sunburns easily, tans greatest intensity. Between 1 slowly. If your akin is sun-and 3 P.M. there'll be ln· resistant, you will sunburn tensive sunray action; after 3, &lowly but tan quickly. practically no taming action. J. Check yoar ~le f . Cbeck tJae Weatbu . . Where are you? The sun's Is It a elear day? You'll get •. _____ ...;,_ ______________ _ - r r I I l I SKIN DI.VER and SURFER WATCH Huvy duty UMd watch wlth a d1y ind date movement. THt9d to S ATM. Outer r im gives t im• around the world. Heavy vinyl str•P· Ab o available in gold. •1611• • $25 Value • • • In StHI HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BIACH 192..5501 • HARBOR SHOf PING CENTER COSTA MESA SU.HIS o,.. M.Ney, Tlle"'41y & ~ 'tll t p-. C'"9t lef"• A ........ ... ... ... --. -· .. the best l:ln. Becareful oo a hazy day; moisture reflects the sun's rays so avoid over- expos.ure. Foggy or ckiudy weath er meanS little chahce of · getting a tan. 5. Cbeck the RJibt SllJlscreen Product for You turn Into one 1 o n g "skin" If you prefer a clear. non- oily 'liquid -the cleanest, neatest way to apply a sunscreen -then Bronztan. Clear lotion ls recommended for you. One ol the most cf. fective sunscreens yet known, it dric,s rapidly so sand won 't stick -and protects even after swimming. Ir your skin Is dry or sensitive, you'll p r o b a b J y prefer a Cream Lotion which o!fers high protection and softens and moisturizes tender skin. U you're a true beach-nik, a quick tanner, someone who lives at the beach, then you should try Bronttan Moisturiz. lng Lotion. Use it the whole sun-season through to .smooth, moisturi7.e and soften sun-win.- weather-exposed skin. And it helps to prevent drying, peel· ing, flaking. DON'T1 t. ~t 0vtt• Ute Flrst Day Don't stay in the sun too Jong the first day. 'I1le secret oI a beautlful bronze tan is to take the sun alowly and sensibly. %. Don't be fooled by · a Hazy Day Don't be lulled into a sense of false security by a gray day. Your chances of burning are the greatest so keep you.r skin protected and avoid over· exposure. 3. Don't Sua At All IC SuperseuW ve II your skin has little pigmentation to develope a tan or if you are allergjc to sun's rays, stay away from il! 4. Don't Just Lie There -Do Somelhing! Take advantage of your S\Jll· tanning time with healthful beautifying exercises. Take along 'your transistor radlb and you can keep In shape to music! Fabric Finish May Save Your Travel W ar drobes If you'\•e orten wished you could take a washing machine along on your vacation, do try the ncit be!l thing: a fabric protector on the t r a v e 1 wardrobes of the entire fami- ly. One well-known f a b r I c finish, Scotchgard, is now available in handy d o • i t - yourself spray cans; It is said to make a world o( difference in keeping vacation clothing as fresh and clean as possil>le all through the trip_, S p r a y-and-go protection meana ~ spills remain on the surface of the treated fabric and can be easily blot- ted away with absorbent tis- sue. Greasy stains forced be- tween fibers can almost al- ways be removed with any cleaning solvent without leav- ing a ring, and dirt on protect. ed wash-and-wear f a b r i c s washes away far more easily. k~l4~>t ~' FLAnERING? PASSPORT PHOTOS WE DO THEM!! 4 Hour Service Available JO I XPOSUIH 1~! Color Slides .... 2.11 J6 lXf'OSUHS 2~! Color Slides .... J.4t Color Prints Just 19¢ "·' W • do our own thing • • • in our own color processing 'plant right here! DAVE'S CAMERA EXCHANGE . For ViCw of the-Stars If 1.be children are young, it might be wise to use a tent- trailer, bua-cam'per or pickup- camper to -start. This may prove to be mote comfortable for novice campers by keeping them off the ground. For older children and a wile ac- customed to the outdoors, a wide variety of tents are now on the market. Every consideration should be given to the length of your vacation trip and to whether you will want to spend all of your time in one camp-ground or take advantage of several. It is Important to plan the number and types of meals to be eaten. II you are on the move, you ma,y want to buy lunches along the way or stop at roadside parks to eat food prepared in advance. II you plan to cook all meals in one c;lmp, adequately c o o I e d stora~e space for peTishable food is essential. Cook stoves, water con- tainers, pols and pans, eat41g utensils -and things to clean them with -must be in- cluded. M o d e i' n batbroom- faciUties, including showers ar~ available at many camps_, but don't forget your soap, towels and toiletry~ US.E GUIDE BOOKS Complete camping a n d trailering guides are available for selectJng lbe right ~m­ ping area for your particular wants and need••-.~ for . helpful hinu directed al mak- ing the overall experience an enjoyable one. Sleeping bags are recom- mended for most camping purposes. They are easier to handle than blankets, and are manufactured in various sum- mer and winter weights. T~ smart camper will select m-0re than one.means of lighting his tent or camper, since there are. areas where fuel for certain makes of lanterns can't be obtainoo. One of the most enjoyable experiences a family can have these days Is a "No-Tel" vaca- tion -no telephone, no television. According to a ..:r e c e n t American Automobile Associa- tion survey, almost 5 million families in the United States enjoyed just such a vacation last year as they scattered to the hills. forest. aod beaches to speod aa many as 1$ nights in a leot, camper or simply "under the stars." Family camping has grown steadily throughout the nation during the past several years. Depending on the size of the family and the equipment us- ed, camping can be eJtjoyed on a relatively low budget. For the family to enjoy full benefit of camping life it is wise lo take it a step at a time. Initially, It is best to beg, borrow or rent equipment and t~ke a short overnight trip to get the feel o( outdoor liv- ing. FIND OUT NOW Besides letting you know just what equipment you need and what would be best to leave on the store shelves, such a practice campout might reveal just how well you are goiftg to llke outdoor life. The cliildren will be spen· ding-a. ~ of time ln un- famlliar .• s'\U'l'Oundings, and their adve~1ure can be added to by g~~them involved in the PlaDniJll•nd execuUoo of certmdlntlli.te chores. Take alonia Jt.w indoor and out~oor games for them to learn to pJay 11'1 case there's an acltvily Juli at the campsite. PACK RIGHT Most important, a(ter selec- ting the ~pment you will use, is the orderly packin& of your car or trailer. The l'QOSl fiustraUng ' uperience of a camping trip is to pull Into a campsite after dark and discover that you packed your flashlight or lantern in the farthest corner of your trailer. The first ~hing you'll need when arriving at a campsite -itod aft'.er you've fo_und that flashlight -will be equipment to set up tent or trailer. Next will come the stove, water container, food and, finally bedding. So pack Jn reverse order. The Ideal situation is to plan far enough ahead to arrive at your campsite in mid-af- ternoon, in plenty or time to set up before dark. Using a campsite guide and a map you should be able to plan an Jtinerary which I n c I u d e s several alternate sites in case your first-choice camp is filled ':IP.· !!!!:. iiiiiiii So T °" Lotlofl • Su11 '""' OlntmHts ~-e lothl1tt Caps' . Aho laue Chip & s&H GrH11 Stomps -SlltVINO THI HAlllOlt AllU llNCI lfJS - E .. . • FUN IN THE SUN T....U,. hne 11, 19'1 •• Cattle B'reedin,g :Ait{s in 1Trout ProdUction· ' Beef cattle are a bit large to vts campus liave joined with ls more fish lo the creek at the Im.I Pw.ites Brandl of stick on a fish book. but t h e California Resources less cost. the ~ ol Fish an<t Into .space A. ge :::the=y= 1 re==1=otng=--to-he_l_p _Ag_eney_to_lm_pro_:v:_etrou _..:...t..::..pro-_ _::·:_·w_.~...:..:_ln:..::...tbe::.:.=":.....;'slnea==--=ol~a.me.=-=:.:."Now_wt' __ re_trylog __ to California anglers catch trout. duct1oo by applying knowledge mus procbinc stock, the catdl 14> wUb the sclentlflc gained in a balf century ot same u beef cattlemen are.,. brediD& oPel'•tioos llvesttck Animal sclenilsts at the Da-livestock breeding. 'lbe goal says Alex Calboas. Chief of men use . ., Summertime: the uvtn• 11 u easy as the newest beachwear fashions. One manufact~t b a a designed a group of ~ swimsuits. featunng the ~ yet covered look. So figures will be In the fore for 1968. Suits don•t do much to hide the overwelgbt's extra pounds or to fill 1n curves for the underweight girl. U you•re overweight, you might start eating smaller portions right DOW. Low- caJorie salads and meats broil- ed outdoors 1n the least-fat- tening way can help, too. You also might wan& to substitute a gtas.. ot diet food for ooe meal a day. Metrecal Shake mlxes with fresh JDilk 1n seconds for 225 calories of l9Ulld nutrition. Use the left. over time '9 . keep active at aports, such u tennis. U you're underweight, you may bave trouble aYOI-the "scrawny loot" 1n swimwear. Wann weather makes your already-small appetite Ill but disappear. IO you I k i p breakfast. You could enjoy a quiet caa ol Nutrament for S75 calories. The same liquid food makes an euellent IOI>' plemeilt to regular meals or a caloriHdding mack. You'll want to try swlmmlng or few simple exerclsts to help you distribute the new weight attractively, but avoid anyth1og too strenuous. lf ake Capiera, It ·Keeps Your Holiday in Focus Today, the family setting off on vacation without a camera is unusual -or forgetlul. Instant-load earner-.,, flash cubes, and automatic -almost • everything make photography $0 easy that ~YOQe ~ happy Ptem6rles o · · To rn.tke . r vacation memorabl~ ~ d re· memorable, camera experts offer a few tips: corporates shutter s p e e d , focus and a 'ready' light. 2. Concentrate on slides. It's more fun to see them through a viewer (or, even better, a projector) than to look .at an album. And color slides are less expensfV~ thii cor.r ptint!. .. '"3.. U yoii, have a projector, M any eamera-happy fanilly should, get I.be ~ tbat can show (and store) lotsol slldel. 1. It ls fun to view the res u l ~ s 0 f s eve r a 1 Roun<labouts .. bold UJ! to one photographers. The vacation hundred. Thia makes• ~l­ comes alive again .:: as seen · b1e for you to set up an by dlff ereot members of the unin~ story -.uence. family. Therefore, lt'a a aood 4. Wb~ you _~ transfer idea to have more than one slide:i from pr0ftctor o r camera oa band, lf .possible. A viewer, clip a t.i.ny triangle carefree one for Junior ••• a from one corner of the frame. basic model for .lrlotller -Line lip 1.be notches. and the easy w --to ~ • • • alidea-comt-1 ~ aMle up. and a modern W\Dler ftr Dad,. '·.Above an. remember that ::.;_n'h-.~3m~11~ l ,.,. . .,, ATtO:> • GVJI uo~wu• ~0•' J· ~-~. ~--.. ----... ~~ ... ,I'• .... , ....... ______ _ .. SUMMER ·SWIMMING Pool Sale AT SECARD'S 323 So. MAIN ST.-ORANGE-Phone 532-1992 HIRI II A RIAL EARTH SHAKING SAUi Ill IT TODAY 24'x16' Doughboy Pool "'· Expandable Liner 4~, to 7' Deep 20 MIU LINER Only • SAME AS ABOVE KIT NOW .II THI TIMI .6" TOP DECK $599 -1 o·ooro· 1/i HP Filter · EerfW.-wlth back wuh valve. Ground pad, sur· fact 1kimmer, maintenance kit, FIJrANCING · AVAILAILE chemical dispenser. I Year Gvarantff SiCARD POOL • EXPERT l~ST A~LATION AVAILABLE tMasu,. Your Yard First -- "· . ,.. . ---· .. ~ --- I SS !SU -= I Ci == .....,_.._..._----.--· --------------- I ,J ' .. . ,, .~ -. ...._.,.... -..,,,,, __ -_ ...... ---..-..-. -·-·-,,....-----·-........ ------ FUN IN TJ48 SUN ' --·~ \. . . '""' . .. -. . . . -... · . . . -.' . -. ! r utdoor comfort •• -. . s.,.nd your lef.ur.· houn lft comfort In thlt .,.... ~"x '80" bed lfn ~ Cot. Easy to cmemble wtthovt foeltt. '°"" ~t 8'"" It ... 1tand aMUrM stability. Sturdy totton C.-In t.;loht vreen wttft yellow frino-and pUlow it water repellen\ anCt '9ll1h mildew. FoN11101t ltar-.,aue wat•• ~}.!~"~·~=·~ 2· .,-. -88 1wrf•ff1 • poeltlon 9 .. ,........ . Ptq • llttf• as.$5 per month I uu 1r .... CHAIGI m . -_., -.. . ~ 11ft for -..:.~a,._. l..rMcve toei Mt 3~44· . let l"cludt1 4', ltofnf ... •t .. t turner, forte ontl """' . • 13.99 .. . . Charcoal "9hter t . tvkl ........ ·-fw~rt..cu~I .39 Start• "ulck -·lturftl · • •IHn; No .,111 'equtrt ·. . .._ ....... . .. , t:tUNTINGTON BEACH Nf:,WPORT·BEACH •..:.. - LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR VENTURA ,I . -. . -.. -. . . , .. . . . . (, ... "' . . J