HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-14 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa•• :· ... . ~ • .. • • " . . . ·,· • • ' t ~· . ~ ~· . ' . .. .. ', ' .. ' •· .. ' ·' .. • • • ., -~ -~-Tr - , .. • • • "t:and _elight ·Killer~· hOOse • • • • - ' : SATURDAY, JUNE·l-i, ]969 ' . • .. • • . .' . ,, Nudie Bar Owner Wins ' Big B~und in Court Fight . . e ea ? • 'Nixon. ~ H~spital' Slated For San-Clemente Site Builders Ask ' President's Okay on Name By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ttMI O.I~ Plllt Stiff Grading at the site of a six-story hospital and medical center complex within sight or President Nixon's new San Clemente summer White House is under way today with actual construction set for later in lhe year. Announcmneilt of the long-needed facility came Friday from Congressman James B. Utt (R·Tustin) who was ap- proached for help by four Los Angeles physicians involved in the project. Tentatively tilled the San Clemente Medical Cent.er, the principals in the facility asked Utt to ask the President if he would agree that they could name it Nlxoo Memorial Hospital in memory or hi~~li ·fiUid< a.-in~ .,. in- volved.in the slx-building medical center, oak! O<mrad Epl~, public riliilODS aide for lhe Tustin l<~lal<lr. . · ~it site of the new San Clemente Mechcal Center ls on a coutal b!ll about U.... miles from lhe newly purchal<ll summer White House and quite visible rrom the .estate. Murphy Adamant 'Highly Dangerous' Killer Goes Free On Clerk Error By TOM BARLEY Of fltt DallY 1"11•1 Sl•ff "Cand.Jellght killer'' Robert Willard Liberty is at liberty today and all because of what was described in Superior COurt as a "stenographic mistake." The 21-year-0ld Westminster man, deacrll:bed as "highly dangerous" on his commiual two years ago to Atascadero State H~ltal, walked out of an open ward at Metropolitan State Hospital, Norwalk, five days ago -an event that did not become public knowledge until Friday's court acUon. }'roJrecuk>r Al Wells" drew • Judge Howard Cameron'• attention to the "clerical •ITII:" •t lhe ~ot:Wlllt_fadli\)t. He npfaiD<d-tbal il had•been Intended to mart Libe'rty11 rue 0dlacharge~to c6utt" bul 1...:retary'a ml!undmtandinc led to it being endoned "dllcharged" -period. The bunt ls QOW Oil lhroqbout Orange and Loi Angeles counUes for the tenner machlniat who was the central figure in ' one of the mosl bizarre murder in- vestigations In Orange County hiltory, Liberty wu accused oo Jwie 4, 1966 of the murder of Mrs. Marcella Landis, an attractive brunette with whom he shared an apariment at 1382 Westminster Ave. in WestnUnster. Astonished officers found Uberty genUy strumming a guitar and humrru"'ng whlle the body of hia strangled victim lay on the living room sofa. "It looked for all the world like some far out funeral service," an officer wu reported as commenUng at the time. "Tbls crazy guy had candles burning all over the place as if he were conducting some kind" kooky-last rites.'' Bo1h ·Liberty and hls victim had been patients on previous occasions in the menial ward of Orange County Medical Center. And 'both. it'wu dllcloled;hllf ' attempted to cOmmit auJcide' on more than one occas:lon. Judge Byron K. McMillan sublequenUy ruled that Liberty was insane and un1ble lo wist in his own defense and he 1e11t (Seo KILLER, Pqe II ::, TDE,d -.J:et Port Shot ·Down Hlih q1 tha~civtllan jell _.ling oot ol • Ormip County AhJ><ri mJ&hl !hare runnya al El Tor& MC;\s to eue' noise prob1'nu In Ille 1W'S allead ..... today to have been officially shot down. Mark a rdefinite kill fer that idea. says Sen. George Murpily (R.calll.) in response to requeats for ~ definite answer. , Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce President Jack Hammell and Planning Director William L. DuM have received word from Murphy'& Wuhlngtoo olllce on lbe pr_..i jolot ..... The L'OllC<pt .... • &UQl!lled In lhe Pereira Maller'Plan for. -Orange County A viatloo and bu-l>e<n allJilled by county dllpervloors and heartily endooed by COO• ctmed Harbor Art1 agencies. ' Unless a dr1stic cblnge develops, they can forget aboot Ilia! Idea right now, slnco Sen. Murphy aaya lhe Marine• ve du1 ln at EL Toro and don't plan to fraterni.te with clvllllD ah'Ctaft. ~ Research Into lhe propooed use of El TAlro MCAS by civilian 1vlaUon aurtng the. years before a New Orange County Regional Airport CIQ be developed reveals just who makes the decision. "Tbe law pmldei that for ll1Y military bas< to be ao used II la neceaaary for Ill< i .. ' cogniunt mllJlory authorlly .. _, .. &UCh Ule,11 Mtlr'Ph1 "'* Dmm md am.· melt. , Martoe Corps 1uthc<llles told Murphy they have ablolutely no intention of Ill•· Ing such coment now or ever, he said, which means the I.slue 11 vlrtUalty dead. 1 "Any dlscuasion 'of Ille oubject 11 lhe present II academic," Murphy concluded In his letter malled June 4 ind announced by Hammett Friday. The P.,..lra avlaUon study aayo Onnre County must hive 1 MW reltonaI aJrparl to "Placo lhe oven:rowded flcility near Colla Mal, bul lhll .may be IO to U years awl)' • .o Six Perish In San Diego Copter Crash SAN DIEGO (AP) -Five Navy men and a civilian are dead or mialng In the crash of a Navy helicopter oo a mercy flight from the attack carrier Constellatit>n to San Diego. Two bodies were recovered before an air-t1ea search ~ed at sunset Friday. The Navy·said the big, tUfbo.powen:d helicopter crashed and sank at 1 a.m~ Friday seven miles off the coae:t, after picking up a sertou..Iy Injured sailor who had been blown olf lhe ConatellaUon'• flight deck by a jet blast. Seardlers found lhe bodies of lhe pllo~ Ll Richard A. Fll:slmmona, 28, ol Ma- rengo, m .• and PeUy 'Officer 3.c. Larry R. Peterson. 2'1, of C2iarit<m, Iowa. Among the miss1111 wu the senior medical officer of the carrier 1 Clpt. An- drew W. Stevemon, 45, of Corooado, Olhero ~.were Ille ,Injured ai~ Dr.-5eaicLOdel:_.A:riaticm Machinistt1 Male -F." Dean, 47, San Dieco: Lt. !Aonml~ .. Gou Jr., 29, Ill< C<>pllOI, ol Atlson, Tex., and-Wayne Zarling, 35, Chula Vbta, Calif., a civilhm technJcat representative to the Navy. «:out Weadler Huy sunshine will greet the Father'• Diy celebrants Sunday w 11 h temperatures sllghlly warmer. edging into the lower 70'l. ' INSIDE TODA 't' : It .... • .1!10Vlng •ipcri•nt< when humorilt H. AUn Smith dtcidtd to moue ttfter 2$ par• ""4 founil an attic full' of pon;. phanalia. s .. F!""ilf Wceklv In toilol/1 DAILY P/tOT. ··--( ......... ...... ·-::.:-l' ... !. •• -=~:::O:'lt'!:.':~;:':.:l':=:i:===::-::::-::::=:::=:::::::::=:::::::--:-:-:-:--:-::::::=::•=-:::-... --...,., __ -.-.. -.~--.. '··-· -·--~----::---~--.~" --::-. .-. .-.--.-.· .... ' ... . ... .·, -r-• T-,..··---...... -.. -........ ~ ... •• • ••-••--•-• -~--• .... --• ... ·-" " . .-... $ · S1wrd•J, June l•, 1969 • ... .., Plllt IMfll , J ' . ' rili~~~ivada campus po.-, lie . el . Ila!> · M•I•!'"_ found 74 marijuana plants thnvmg amo~g the flowers growing around Morrill Hall: As yet nobody has admitted beinf"tlle gardener. • · · ~ . Frlilay uie 13tb was nothing com· !!."""!. to Thursday the I~ for ~· Mlllor of Elmira N.)'. El• m ire Pof1c• Chief 8trn1rd Dein•m· bor 'l"!d be was awakene!I by noises 4nd1 t:>und the 17-year-old youth b'lding Jn a shower in t?e bathroom of the chief's home. Mill- er \\tBS charged with burglary. • " ' Tht British Ministry of De· fense spe1lt ;144 gtUing rid of thrtt Wttd.s. That's what· it cost " to stnd wetd<ii.sposal ezpcr' Tom Carlistt IOJeei vp the side of tht AfinUtTJI. « Building ht WhitthaU to pluck three sn1all el<W'berry saplit1gs growing from crttticts. • As ''M•riorie Dere,", she had few equals piloting 500CC motor- cycles as a trick cyclist on the c•waJI of Death." But as Mrs. Doris Smlth of Hertford, England, she is having troubles convincing the British Ministry of Transport she is safe on the highways. Mrs . Smith bas failed her motorscooter license test 16 times. • . ~ -- By JOHN VALTE!\ZA 01 1t1t o.JfJ Pl'M St•ff Dusted by a .fresh wes\erly brecie mov· ',IQl'\111'\"' --tll•lr ...,,, coi:ooa·del 'IW Hijll 'Sdlool'a &IO-memlier,'CllSI· ti' Jtlt ~ 1"""1 ·-· deep. tlli>ughta f""'1 tbree of Q1o1r peers OI\ the ..,.""' 1of tw}tbt •. ~ ud the very · ~alioa they Were a part of. '"-!&raided t u . ran '"unu.Sllfll'• a"d llandmorl< c1>111, die ,.nior;~ud l>t~'" fiUn tbelr 'piliicip81, Leon Meeks, ~ 'Cited some ot·the uniqueness of the Class ol 19®. Jury Weigh~g Insurance · Fraud ()barge s ' It's back to the jury room loday for a Superior Court jury that had been unable lilte Friday to reach a verdict on the validity of fraud charges against five in· surance salesmen, one of them a Newport Beach resident. The panel went into deliberations late Thursday following more than ffve weeks of testim~ny on the opera~ons of Regen· cy Investors Inc. of Encino. They must rule on the guilt or innocence of five Regency representatives accuSed or ,being involved in a "phony insurance" opera· lion that bilked lnveslDrs of more than $2 million. Awaiting lhal verdict arc Cleo Marvin Johnso n, SI. of 901 Kings Road, Newport Beach; Roland K. Marsh, 38, of Redondo Beach ; David h1orton Kane, 37, of Bever· Jy HJlls: June Virginia Adams, 25, of North Hollywood and Harry Louis Hib bard, 58, of Anaheim. ~leeks reminded flle. h~ndreds of parents, loved ones and friends that the clas.s had "double-almost tripled $tU· dent involvem1ent in student govemmcnt. It ... • "....• ..f. .-, "They also are the lint p class to, have proved the fe88lb1Uty, of, I theory put lnto practice in ~ ween,tbat the matter of dress should "be a student.. parent issue instead or I school ,en- fDroement problem." he $4id. The seniors heard add"'8HI from three coeds. Valedictorian Kathryn Lynch. SalutatoUan Cynthia SJ)t'yers and Jane Miller. ~11ss Lynch sai4 there are two ways of reality.•• looking at graduaUon ceremonies as a "W¥,lher in . a t,~. or in a ~uman graduation from somethizm or to being, $le said, th11 e~nce 1s the IODlethin& ~· 1 .., \. moat Import.ant part. Tbls 11 •what does ,, • , • •. ~ ~:. t ~ not change. . , we rnust loot into Up to DOW Wt have been involvyu tn·~e • oorselves, for that ls where the1 true P,roJect ol leOrnlll( hoW !o. ll'1, ihe ,.id, reality Iles." Fron! hero oo ~ we .,.,...., ~ reallJe,, In the most Informal. of the throe ad· the way lo Uve. f ~-• 1 .dresses Miss Miller flayed her peen wbo She said it WU kbponut &hat parents. "spend hour after holir lookinl for~ do,not try lo•l\lide ~ gf~. "but let lion in the quad." .'---. i .._ 1 f us ~ver OQ. C?"r ow~ 1 She cited trouble among he~':kl Mlss SJlienrs ~)Ci~ ~tp.l,p& eOOt· "stemming from the Idea thAt if mon amimg 'hef-clasamates : 1•Qi.iaUties, one basic purpose to high school : that ls, good and bad which are essences of basically, to get out." OAIL Y ,tLOr St•ff P/lttt • She apotoglzed for another problem.. "We can 't really appreciate 50l1'lethin1 unW it is too late." Rllldy Job!ISOll pmonted the clw a ..W trophy case to be wtalled In ~ foyer of the school &Ym· - The late allernooq ceremo~ besides belni pw>eWated by ' choral aelections compOsed ~y DeUo Joio ancJ.':¥aughan'.- Wllliams,-,had 1pecjll efl;cta , frolO several P'fll•r jets· a Pe~ d 1 it• ove:rbel.d. • 1 • :..~ Speake'rs: Palaet several Umu, waj~ for the noise to subside. • -. ,,,._ ~-"'fl 1 NUDlE,.'.B~. . ;~ :~ • , . •• • "'f ' I • lions Involve !lie ApartiMiJ A-Go-~, foot other ~ty ta•• )Yhich ~'!@ aneP!Jy . atqed the ,controversial '!t terjalnmenl 1 · I · ~l , 'J'he judn c~ruu1 ,w&r\)ed r.ruelll that any pre-trial performances in whieb his artists were found to be nude or "evading the purposes or the ban" by the use of exaggerated merkins would bring Uie tavern owner back into court. ·-..; Jud&t OwW· luued ·ii!s rullnC Iller) bottooilen bar enterlalnel'-!l'IPPlll'~ donnod lot ..,.ful Jnai>e<llon &l>e' . ~fUbber ,..dtvicU ·UM<I by inanf <i. · taVem artists. • ~ · But ODlores Deanne Sins was carefu,Dy lnlb'uctod by Judge Owena tl\lt iilie WouJd batten down her controveratal hatches onJy in the preisence of poU6e matron Janice Sparks. · Both girll retired to a back room for purpoees of the-matron's inspectiou. _,., Newsmen were not allowed to be preseAt at what Waif felt to be a revolutionat) cDUrt. innovation. ! FOOLED CUSTOMERS , Vice officers, male and feritale, h~ earlier testified that bot!\ Miss Sins aad Ruby Jean Curtis wore full-body falsiO in dances staged wi}ile the court ed.if was in force and that lheir a~Cf! did not conceal everything frorq t~ af- diences, · l Eli1ninated from the trial at an early stage was Jack Bernard f'ollis, 54., oI 508 E. Ocean Front, Newport Beach. He served five days in jail, was fined '100 and is present.ly on probation. Judge William ~1urray has presided over a trial in which testimony sup- porting 20 counts or grand theft and con· sptracy has been olfered, The five defen- dants are the only remaining members or a group of 21 insurance salesmen indicted by the Orange Count'y Grand Jury. COJ!ONA DEL MAR HIGH GRADUATES HEAR PRAISE FROM THEIR PRINCIPAL-' For the Cless of 1969, No Dress Code, More Involvement and Jet Noi se at Commencement Carol Cybulski of Laguna Beach; ooe Of Maselli's most PGpular pe(formers, wits sentenced to 500 days in jail or a $5,0® fine wbile the hearing wa:; 'getting ur:ld• way Thursday. Miss Cybulski's convicti~ on 10 counts of lewd conduct and obsce• ity stemmed from bei nude frolics at tlie Apai-fme'nt .A-Go-Go. •. • All five are accused of selling to Southland residents -m~ of them in ·Orange County ....: niular Jlfe lnsurDce policies which were represented to be hlg_hly lucr.~Uve pr<!,{il sharing eontr'acts. Fron• Page 1 IULLER ... the apparently uncaring Westminster man to Atascade ro "for an indefinlle term." The Regtney gr<llp distributed' the policici under an agreement with the Nebraska National LUe In surance Co. It has been stressed before and during the Brenda·Broob,: 5, of BeverLy HiUs trial that Nebrasll Lile has not beth in· Dr. Fred Linder. assistant supcrin· ll'ndent of Metropolitan State Hospital told the DAILY PILOT Friday thal Liberty was a "good patient" at Atascadero and that "he cam e here with a good report." takes· time out from kindergarten volv~ in the defrauding of investors. work dt 1E! Rodeo School to fee·d Regency was compelled to refund m'ore "TwitChedy," Q wild rabbit which WOI • than $6SO,OOO to policy purchaser3 last fo~ by htr teacher ond taken to year following an investigation of its ac- school. The rabbit charn1s the young· tiviites by the California Department of Liberty, he said . had been ruled to be sane and nO\V able lo face murder churgl's. tie also stated that Lib:!rty was a patient in one of the facility 's ''open \\·ards'' and could have fled at any time \Yhatever might have happened "in the nature of a clerical error." sttrs. with its abiLitu to stand up and Insurance. lake food from an eye-dropper. ". The Rome Zoo bas fiUe<I out a bus with 20 ·cag'es ahd is taking monkeys, eagle!ii, llamas, porcup- pines and dther animals to schools '''hose stu'a.ents live too far away to visit the zoo. • Britain's new tax on pet foods affects lhe high as well as the lo\v. Member of Parliament Ronald Russell says be \vanls "Doggy Bags" introduced in restaurants at tbe House of Commons so diners can take scraps home to their pets . • A convoy of son1e 20 British . .\rmy vehicles rumbled into Peter Lewis' garage in Ardleigh, Eng· land. for gasoline. They took 2,000 gallons. Lewis prompUy gave them 10.000 Green Trading Stamps. DAIL\ PILOI ~ .... " ............ k --_,..., C.0-CAUPOlNlA ORNIGI COAST li'UllllMtHG COM~l 11:-"'t N, W"4 .. ,.,..,.... ... l'ubli..t J1clt l . C.rl•y Ylct ''"l*!lt -c;.eMra1 ~Nlttr Tli•M• K .... n HW Th•11111 A. M1~,hin1 ,,.,_..,.., t•f1c1t -(•It lt••MH Dt """' I') l ll•H' ........, -.Cfl: Ziii .,.,._, .... l oi. .. v•<t '"'"""' IMMfl: m. ,_1 .. _ Mlll!tlltltlllol It.al: 3" Sl~ '""' 365th Jun1p for Gate SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -An uniden- tified man became the Golden Gate Bridge's 366lh' known suicide when he vaulted ovtt the r'ail during Friday's morning rush boor. But \Velis holds very different views about v.·hat might have happened at Norwalk. "This ii. not the first time this kind of thing has happened and I firmly believe 1h~t the declaration 'discharged' is being used to CO\'er this kind of escape," Wells ~aid. - 75 Ne~ Cot1nty Pl1ysicians G1·aduateFro1n UCISchool Seventy-five ne\v doctors, graduates of the UCI-Califo,rnie College or Medicine. S\vore to uphold a medical code of ethics in a I-'riday night vespers ceremony held in Orange. The doctors, led by top student in tti(• class. Mrs. Diane Wara , were to gradual" in ceremonies at UC Irvine today. rilrs. \Vara is one of 11 in lhe countr;; and the only woman in California lo graduate at the top of her medical class this year. tter:frost;und;""William-"-Wara,.·,_, also graduates with the class. for lhe first lime new doctors swore either to the Oath of Hippacrates, 1nedicines traditional code or ethics dating to four centuries B.C., or to a n1odern \'ariation, the Declaration of Geneva. The tlippocratlc Oath admonishes doc· tors not to perform an abortion or give poison to anyone rcouc~ling l'arly death. The Declaration of Geneva. on the other hand . ex.horts doctors not to pern1il considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing in· lcr\·cne between duty and patient. Dr. David Nielsen, Newport Beach in· \emal medicine specialist who is pn!Si· rlent of the County hltdical Associalion , administered the oath and the declaration and asked doctors to indicate their assent to either one by saying, "1 do." In a *>lemn momtnl, Warren L. Bostick, dean of the medical college, told lht' graduates: "Abo~·e aU medicine must have com· pJstlon. Al a physician you are in a posi· lion to do much harm or much good. Whatever you do i\ will bt subtle and out : of sight eictpt of 1•our Conscience. DAILY PILOT ,..,. ,...,. OUTCLASSES MEN Med Schoof Grad Wera Therefore. you musl be morally strong." Senior Class President Ch.Aries Zipkin reminded graduates to be socially aware. lie said they pledge by lhe oath lo do no harm of commission and that lhty must also do no harm of omission. "Tite temptation to aim few' a pracUCt in Beverly Hllls will be gre1t," ht seid. "The GeneWt Dectar1UQn ls a symbolic Pled&e to people of, small mtans that mcdlcine will not forgtl them." ·Fam I Ix aod frl<ndl . attended the \'tspar" ~ony. Maxwell's First Wife Clips · Newport Barber Former Newport Beach barber Glenn Maxwell suffered a further setback Fri· day in his bid to extract a litUe financial com~nsation for the breakup of his mar· riage with actress June Allyson. Maxwell, 42, was recently denied a·plea that he be awarded $1 ,600 a month alimony from the considerable earnings of Miss Allyson, 47. Judge Harmon G. Scoville's only concession to the bankrupt Maxwell was to grant him custody of the feuding couple"s two boats -the 40-foot "Marro· Polo" and the JS.foot "Jutie Bug." . If the fonner barber makes any money out of the two .craft -and 'he faces further monthly · payments •on both lavishly equipped vessels -then he himself is almost sure lo come in for a little clipping. For his first wife got the nod from Jutlge Scoville Friday to trim Maxwell with a $2,Xlti lien that is outstanding on an agreement the couple reached at the lime of their 1961 divorce. Amelia J~phine Maxwell successfully claimed that that amount was outstan· ding from the agrttmenl drawn up by the couple -a contract in which Max- \vell, consented to pay his wife 104 weekly 1,205 Receive Diplomas From Orange Coast ... Stopping l)ne by one to pick up their <11plomas and listen to the acclaim of parent§: and~!rlends, 1.2G5 Or!ll}&e f;A>ast College ·graduates Friday night paraded through goalposts of Pira~ Stadium. Beyond their goal of the last two years. an Associates of Arts degree, lies the future. Frnm two out of three graduates the future holds more schooling at a higher institullon, College Prl'sklent Robert ~foore said. The future for the other·s is in a job they are now technically trained for. Student Kermit Christman spoke on the theme ''Do ll Now.'' He advised graduates not tG shrink from Ufe but to have confidence in their own uniqueness. "Etch in your mind a picturt or fulfi~l­ ment," he said. "Take the uniqueness that lies within you, study it and develop it. ADd make a habit of doing it now. Wasted lime is the stuff life can be made of." Jean Sturdevant. a dental hygiene ma· jor with an A minus grade average .and Robert Seymoure, a dletelic& major with a B plus grade average, "'·ere recogniied for out.standing contributions to student government. Dr. Moore sald the graduates represented n subject area majors and that thdr avuq:e age lS 23. More than 50 of them, he said, eamM the1r d4Wee& totillly thioo.gh the: evening college.· • payments of $30 each. Maxwell married the widow or actor· producer Dick Powell two years taler. She divorced him in 1965. remanied him in 1966 and is currenUy acUvely·engaged in an effort to shed the one-time barber for the second time. Both marriages, court records amply indicele, have been marred by frequent di~tes between Ptfaxwell and the J,.ido Isl~ actriss. ~ A-Jlysori has again taken up residence at the sumptuous home at lOl Via Genoa from which Maxwell wits recently ejet.ied. That hassle resulted in Maxwell's dismissal from his post as Miss Allyson 's "personal manager," a job which ensured him a 10 percent cut of her substantial earnings. British Actress Dies LONOON (APl -Martita Hunt, the British actress who won fame in London and on Broadwiy for her portrayal of eccentric ladies, died at her home here Friday. She was &9. I Dist r i cl attomey's representalivet earlier buoyed by what they hailed as~ favorable "bottomless" ruling fron1 the Calilomla Supreme Court, made no secret of their disappointment at Judge Owens' ruling. PLEA LOSES News of the high court edict filtered through to Superior Court during the-first day of hearing into charges againrt Maselli. The Supreme~ rejected, 5 to 2, defense attorney Ron Steelman's plea for blocking of court action against Maselli on the grounds that it wa.s un· constitutional. National Guard .. ·l Band to Perforuj A rriusical program by the Ca.Ur~ Air Nattonal Guard Band 562 wW ~ presented at 2. p.m:, Sund1;1-y, in. ~ auditorium ol Huntington Beach ,Hi'f' School. / ' National guard band members mcrude performers from such grOtJps as /,tie ti Angeles Philharmonic, the Liwrerile Welk OrcheStra the Stan K'eu_t<f.'1 Neopbonic OrcheStra and the civic Llstit Opera Company. • Sunday's concert is sponsored 'by tbe Fountain Valley Music Booster CJu\), Admission is free and the public ls i9· vited. !i ,. " , I ) ' ·' - ' ] b " c w ,, fl Ji ~ )j ~ b ~ h v ~ ft • 1 J n h I - I -' •eeliend ' ' r • • -' I ' . ,,, ... • ' . \It's f''lag Day ' ~Security guard Emmett Flynn and Brenda Fishbein, 3, Anaheim, ,:·admire replica of early American Dag which will fly today, aJong "'1vith other flags of historical interest at Costa Mesa 's South ~oast .::Plaza. Flag Day, celebrated annually on June 14, observes anruver· fSary 'of the adoption of the American flag in 1777. ~ixon Hospital' Planned .,, " Near· San Clemente Estate ,-,: . .: ; -: .. --r~· 111 AR!llUR R. VINSEL Of ... o.ur ''"' , .... Grading at the site or .a six-story hospital and medical center complex within sight of President Nixon's new San C4tmente swnmer White House is under w_, todl9' With actual construction set fo!r ~IA Ille year. Announcement of the long-needed 1-.,miy came Frldoy from ~n Jimes,B. Ult . (R.-Tualin) who was •!>' =for help by four Los Angeles . in..Wed in the.project. •TOidai"'1J ; Ulled tht Sin Cltmente Jldlio01 -\be 1Xll>doals jn, the fldlll1:• uit to-ut•the ·President u lit -id ..,.. that they coold name It -·~-Hoopital In memory or Jiio>pol'ftU. No federal fullfs or interests are ln- vMff'ln, the-all-building medical ce.nter, :oid Conrad Epley, public relations aide fgr Ille 1\dtln lqislator. . "It-lel!med as long as we had the 1n- ' NIXON'S GIFT . F08 CLEMENTE WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tricia Nixon offera a•'riddle about·~ Father's Day ~ tht first !Omily plant lo give Iii!! Prillclent SUnday. :'II'• blggtl' than him and has his nime•;iL lt'1,IOIDSblna be .hu never .,,, before-ad 'Jil!tlfi w:UI' ~vei1qain ... 'Ille alily other due 'l'r!eill' ,W!>uJd g)V< Is' thtf, G1e '11!11 II "far. oor _. bOOle" in Saa. Clemllftt. l . . . ' ' ' form:iUon we might as well release it," said Epley, noting that Utt's services had been asked in approaching President Nix- on about the hospita1's name. A presidential suite will be included in the medical center, should Mr. Nixon or members of his family develop a need for care on visits to the San Clemente mansion. .. They haven't brought in their cost estimates yet," Epley continued, "but it looks like a $20 to $50 million project" Fir1t construction work on the center -the ooly sudt facility below Sooth Coat Community Hospital. except for the USMC Camp Pendleton diJpensary - will include the main six-story, 256-bed boapital. Other initial features will be a US-bed convalescent hospital, a three-story clinic, an office-complex and three-story high parking facility, according to Congressman Utl. Principals in the hospital project are doctors Charl es Bartell, Donald J . R. MacNeil, Paul Evans and William Dodge, who began to develop the idea alter a visit to the area. Utt's spokesman, Epley , said two of the physicians were land-shopping f o r homesites when they realized the need for a south Orange County med.lea! center. The facility bas been In various fitages of planDlng and preperalion for foor years iad hulbe endonemenl of lbe 'San ~ lledleol Association and"""th Orl!PC«dJ dvlc leaden. EXid< ott<·ot .uie· nevi San. Clemente Medical Centeri'is .on"-coastal billiabout -miles from the newlf purdwed IJUllU!Jel-.IWle ,l!Oliae ancj ijulte vl~ble from .the estate. • .. • y ·SA TURD'A Y, JUNE 14,. ,1.9"9. . , • . . • ., . ' . ' • ' JEN e&rrs Cl,erical Error Frees Dangetous Westminster Youth 111 TOii JIAiu.gy. Of ............ "CljrwDelilbt Wer" Robert W11lard Liberty la. al llhetly lodoy and all bel:auH of , Wbat WU .delc:ribed • 1n Superior COurl u a · "atenocrsptilc millake." 'Ibe 21-year-old · Westminstet man, deJCl'ibed as "htgh]y dqerOU1" 'on his committal two years aao to Atascad!ro State Hospit:a1, walked out of an open ward at Metropolitan State Hoapitll, ltlurph11 Says No ' Norwlllt, five .i,y1 qo -,1111 ·-that did Doi become public -Jodp until _.,., court -. i:n-utor Al i We!Js <flew Juqe Howard Clmef1ln I atleDUoo lo Ille "c~irlcal errof0 a~ the Narwalt flCDity. He ezpllined tbet ii hljl • lnteoided tJ> mark Liberty's rue ··dllchlr,e to court" but· I secretary's misundentandlni led to it belns ,nc1oratd "dlec~" -period1 1be bunt ls now on thnJuP.out ... Orana:e and Los ""'9lel counuea '"" 111e·1ormer machinist ~bo was the central n,ure in Toro Jet Airport. Plan Sh·ot Dowp . High hopes that civilian jelt oporalln& eemod Harbor Area qenclea., out or Orange Counly Airport might UDl'31J • drutle ehange ,de~, lhey share runways at El Toro MCM to ease can lor1et about that klea rlgtit now, since.Sen. ·Murphy uya the-Mariner.are noise problems in the ytars ahead letm dug ln at EL TOro and don't plan to today to have been officially shot down. fraternize with civlllan aircraft. Mark a definite kill for that idea, says Research into the proposed use of El Sen. George Murphy (R..Calif.) in Toro MCAS by civilian avlaUon during response tG requ ests for ,. defmile the years before a New Orange County answer. Regional Airpart can be developed Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce reveals.just wbo makes the dedalon. President Jack Hanunett and Planning "The law provides that for any military Director William L. Dunn have received base to be 90 used it is necesaary for the "Tbls crazy guy had CIDdlea bumlnc Ill OYel" lbe place u If be·wen .-nine aome tind ol. kooky last rites. 1• lloth. Liberty 111!1' his victim had been palienltn >D .,.v1oos occulona·•ln the mental ward ol OrOlll• County Medbl Center. And both, jt WU d:iacJoledJ had attempted to commit suicide on more than one. occasion. Judge Byron K. McMiilan·"'~ ruled that Uberly wu 1-..,i unable to assist in hi1 ewn dd"en.e and be 1ent (See JCUJ,ER, Pqt II . Six PeriSh -. . In San Diego Copter -Crash SAN DIEGO (AP) -Five Navy men and a civilian are dud « n,t1llinc in the cruh of a · NaVy be)t~ on • mercy fli&ht. fn>ln the .. ._ttaek .. eorrjer CoMtellaUon Iii San Diego. · Two bodies were recovered before an air-sea search ended at SUl'IBf:t Friday. , , The other victims were listed as missing at sea. Tbe Navy uld the biC.:turI»t>owered helicopter crashed and ant ·at l · a.m. Fridoy seven miles off the cout, after pkking up a serlously'lnjured !all!r who bad -blown off the COnllellalkln'• fllghl deck by.•· jet ·blMI.,' • word from MurJ.>h_y's Washington oUi~ copizant mllltary authority io a:ment to on the proposed JOmt use. , such use," Murpby'Wtote Dunn IDd Ham-ClollLY PILOT'S..,.~ The concept was suggested m the melt. HOlilORED aY OCC' Seard>en fonod the bodlea of the.pilot, Lt. IUcblnl\A. Fimlmmons, 21. iii Ma- renco,• Iili, Ind· Petty Ofncer J.c. tirry R. P-rl, of °"1lm, Ion. ' . Among0 ilii mliif'*w'ii llie" -lD!'iical O!!leer,-of Ille eorrler, ~ Ar. drw w •. 8'ilmrm, ts; Gt -o. :irdo, Perei~a Master Plan for ()'lllllO Cowlly -. Madne i:orpo :rut1>or;ifilf = . . <>Utll lnt;Cl , ,. Aviation and bu been ~'Ir~ ~II · . "" • · l " ~ ' wpemacnandbelrtily..-C•efW'W'ef. ~~J:.00or. , llid. 'J ~ • :, 1 ''-::,. · ~~1\\':~.~~-~ M.-. · oj. Beeft -·-: · .; ~,,......_ .. .....,_ or,;,.. <Ml ·~· *" .,, .. l\laf4 J~r.'Dan, ~.""~·Lt. T B . ad pr9on111 ·-·~ bided ~~~, • WO rig es 1n·hll1ettttmai1ec1jimetsiid~ 0 · ' -..1! 1=114 'S. Gdn,,J< .... 1111 . o1 "-''la;, aildc ._.. :15, Cllula .VIiia, caill,, • dtfDan · by Itammett Friday. utsta.«Utng Of 9th Infantry The Pereiro av)atlon study says Orange rep"e&entative to me Na'J'. Cause ol Cfle IJllM . Sea Sprile msh •at under investlplion. Leaving Vietnam From WI.re Services SAIGON -The commanding general of the U.S. 9th Infantry Divblon said today Soulb Vietnamese forces are now ready to take over in the northern Me- kong Delit Imm lwo of his brigades lljal are going home. other mill~ observers nre less optimistic and 'Jiffierred to "8lt a!ld .... It was announced Friday nlg!lt that two 9th. Division briga4es, -1,000 men , along with a Marine reghne1tal landing team from the northern provinc· es, about 7,000 men, would be the first units to leave Vietnam under a 25,000- man withdrawal to be completed by the end of August. The U.S. Command did not announce lhe specific brigades or landing team that would leave. In the war, Communist commandos invaded a U.S. artillery base overlook· ing the A Shau Valley and kllled seve n American Gls while wounding 23 others. The camp's defenders found the bodies of 31 guerrtllu at dawn, 18 of them in· side the barbed wire perimeter. The lOlst Airborne Dlvialon base, nam· ed Fire Base Bertchesgaden, 1its atop a jungle peak about 380 mllea oorth- easl of Saigon, with a commanding view of the A Sbau~Valley. Headquarlen eald Ille Coruruunisl lint opened up with a mo'ri.ar attack and then about 60 commandos charged, hurling satchel charges and firing.antitank rock· et.. bdote· dawn. County muit have a new regional airport lo repllct the OVtrcrowded facility near Costa Mesa, but this may be 10 to 12 years away. Jet noise foes and other concerned agencies had hoped to negotiate SC'.11\e in- lerlm arrancement for UJe of ~ Toro MCAS, while the idea waa bitterly op- paeed by the Slddleba~ Republfcan 'Alleml>ly. •. Costa Mesa City Councilmen ha.Vt en-- doned ~~-upro­ pooed in ljlpllcltlons r ... · ...,..._ lUlhit lo Ille Pldllc -;..a.. hoping preaure will '""" ..,.,._ of the' jet Jlroblem. Seminar Ahead For Pilot Editor Thirty-one newspaper p u b 11 s h e r s , editors and chief newa executives will at- tend a two-week seminar at the American Press lnsUtute at Columbia Uolvenlty In New York heltMing Mon- day, The pnllJ'll1I will lncllllle dllcualon of --edlllnc and ruanopmeill with empbuil OD content, wrltllig, roporting, per-I and -electronics. Members will spend conaldenble •time ~ and IDalyJinf -1> oCher 's new.p.pers fnlm Ille -.,.int of readlbllily and, effldenl _.!!<». 'lbomu Keevll, edllll< ol the' Orange • COM1 Dally Pilot; wtU1>e pll'tlCllpallJ>j In tbe teminar. Citizen of '69 Mr• .. Jooeph Beek.of Balbol.hland i. South Vietnam the Orange Coast College Oulslandln& Cfiiu/i of 1989. Jilts. Beek. a reaident or the Harbor Ridicules Cong Ar1a· since 1021, wu. honored, at com· mtncmient ·ceramonfel 'In L e It ii r d - Stadluip on the occ campus. Friday Paris DelD""ftles ·~ .• ''""'6 .312'WU aeJected for the:Jmor'~a· ... •;. or¥e1vk:;.;rt. eootri-~,~ .. -=<UPa~=r­lioli:at Ida( 1nter..t 1n u.e~ -toll\; • (liiloy oi 11i1oc Memorial HcioplW (Jct: .irW."l, dlaml-Ille ·Viet. 00ac:t . pcVYllflul sa1a -' · ..... ~ revolutionary govd nment as an allt • ~ ·r 1 Beek· groupthathasoo~ho<lle. A n~tive ·of Cali om a, ~r'· was ''It is a government ol•no fixed abode born m Hueneme before it. bec~e Port , , . an ellle government that lives tn Hueneme. She moved to this area 48 the jungle," a Saigon goVernment mribA.. years ago~ has never left. J'QQ.n said. "Wh3t d~_it._co,:itrQJ ?'~-=- After ra1~ng .lbr~. sons, Mrs. Beek He said it would make no difference became active 1n c1v1c _ wor~. She has In the peace talks. be.en •:member ol the sCholar.shlp. com-In contrast. Communist diplomats In m1ttte of the Assistance League for Paris said Friday the Viet Cong'• ne\f many years. and is a long-time rnei:nber government had gained strength at the of ·the Orange Coast CoUege Citizens negotiating table lrom diploma Uc recog~ Adviaory Cmnmittee. She has been acUve nition from the Soviet Union. in the Newport Harbor A.merican ,Fleld The Soviets joined u other Conupu.. Service chapter since Its beginning 12 nlst natiom in reeoinlzlng the prny:isioo. years ago. al revoluti~ government Friday. She' ls a member or the board of the CzecbmJovakia gave its recognition Fri• Family Service Organhalion of Orange day nlgll~ · County~ a rboard member ot the VllWng The Commtmlst diplcmW aald tbl Nunes Aaocialion·of Orange County; a Vlet Cong could·now act as a SOYerelgn hoard inember of Big Brolherl Auiill1ry, governmenl ol the lalb.t111lead ol u and·•'ditrter metnl><r and presld<nl'for merely a ..,.elllelll. two .yeafi of the womens' auDUary .of The South Vietnamese spokesman Jfl< ~!Membltial Hospital. •bled II was only propaganda by the Viel Cong. .:. • I • ~over Kids Change Views "The polnl about the Commllllbts 1; lhfLV!er can be all different rorms." a Soutll Vietnamese spokesman said. "One day they can say they are one party and the next day they can break up into two partie3." ' ' l'OJJI\ YEARS l!ATIR ~··, UCI, OrM !)r~ytl"!' 1' , • • Four Years at UCI Alters Students' Outl.ook By THOMAS FORTUNE or ,... ,,_, P111t swr Four )'earl .,0 when • WIS a begin· ning ftelbmln at lhe bnna new campus or.-uc lrvfne, P111¥!11 -wd: .. "Long hair °" •. !IOy ~i:I of lm- "'"!'dY· I ~ woulditi "trh\ lo date a boy wbo liaa no mart conlrol over hll per-1 llablls Ulan lbaL" Today lbt plans to marry• Youns man wlih tengthf l<>cb. · -OI· UCl'1 first ltudenu Jillke Gra.yltOn, was asked back in 'September, 1115 about tbi war in Vietnam. He said, .iii thblk lt11 rigbt \hat we are there." Now he dl0Skler1 the war not jllltifiod. Tl*< are.dwlCes tllat four years and • caUeco Oliue.UO. hove WfOUllll on the "covtr kMI" of a OAU;Y PILOT .1peclal 8'ctlon telling •bout the -Ing or the UCI ,campoa. • MIA Wood and Gr111ston both grlduale .Y , . In ceremonies on campus today. One-factor In their being accepted lo graduate third of lheJr charter clusmala four adlool years ago are graduallng with them. Boeh tmdtrwtnt •·change In polJtlcal Tw..thlrds fell by the ,.,.,..,.,, tramfer· philooophy, M!Jo \l'.ood In high ICbool ,_ campllgned for Coldwater, but upon red tlaewhere or have a gradualioa date turntnc ti became a re g I 1 t ere d still In the ruture. Democrat. G~. when be came to Mias Wood, 21 , a Huntington Beach UC, wu uvery strongly ~lated wt~ resident, it receiving her degree In the John.9on administraUon but wrott: ~n bl I I I I She"ll '"'• h-.._,_ I~ name of Eugene McCarthy on his oogc~ scences. . "''"" ""'· ~ .~ ... 1N<wember. h~r~ raance ~ J"•cobel . ~l (o,a,Sd.~-, :;, ~~' ~ame an ac11vitt nor took Uiil.,.,..lly gndtuole oc~'1<PIMW,.llze'.N, ·l'iit 11\d<inonlfrationl whlle,~UCL·BuL pumle_a PhD ,I/! Pl)'d\o1'fo') .. /;-'' " • · ~ ~e liivoived lhll year In Mlllng Cra)'Ston, D. <f.o'la. Mesa, 'If {etiii' •" up' p~ea within, their deparlmellll degree In chtmlltry and wijl goiiij In folhclllty 'evaluaUon by llludentl. September to the Unlvenl\y •Or,goi\; jllsl Woocl who iook counea two for graduate scliooL lie, <e I e cl I t i quart«t ol ~ jwitor yur at Berkeley however, that he May1be: • . -~ UYIJof ltudent actl"'"1: • Both studtnlt ......., C "Yoo·Just1bonl~k>look11J100·ltu averag,. and-feel Uii ,beln(,a valulble -·lo IOclelY -,peoo , deparqn.nt 1! trvjDll (JM COVEll<Ull,• Pop!z), ~ ...... ~· J . .. 0r .. ,. Coat ........ Hazy .1ulllhlne-will greet .tbe Ialbtt'li i>IY celebraoll Sunday w I t h temperatures aUghtly warmer, ~ging Jnto the lower' 70'1. INSmE TOD!\ 'l' It wa! a mouing upericnce wh<n hu!!10l'ltt H. Allt!I Smilh .Ucid<d to ..... •fkr 23 II'"" •and found an aide J.U of ,,.,... ~~. -;,~~~.~ Ste."FbnJ~ W•i'"W' In · · tOdaV'J DAILY .Pltv'I'.· :.=r " --,. .. -" -..... -.. -.. --" ·="· .. =:-, ... ,. ~~ .. :•II -ll ; , -... , ' ·~ I I • • • UDmttsll1 i!f ~evada campus !'!>- lice clllef loll ti\a'-lound 74 marlJuaile plapts thriving among the fiowef.,frow ing around Morrill Hall .. "As ye nobody has admit!ed beiog the gardener. :·· ' . . Ffldaftbe !Sib was nothing com· E•red. to Thursday the !~th for DoUtl•i Miiiet of Elmira, N.Y. El- mlra 'Pollce C~lef Bernord Dom""1• • ber .aaid"-he was awakened by noises an<! foi..ind the · 17-yi?ar-ola yotith hiding in a showt?r in the bathroom of the chief's borne. Mill- er was charged with burglary. ' . ~"z;"~"'f ... h.-~·ri::• ~:~;:,~~I frnte spen t $144. getting nd of thf'ee wetdl. That'1 what it cost 1 to send 1oeed.4i&posal expert l TQ-fR Corii,11,t Bp feet up the side i ~t. ~b, the M(ni,;try . Building in miitehaU to pluck three small elderberry saplings growi110 from crevices. • As ''M•rjorle Oi1r1," sbe had few equal& piloting 500CC motor· cycles as a trick cyclist on the ··w,n of Death." But as Mr '.· Dori s Sm.tth of }1erlford, England, she is bavln~ troubles convincing the Brili Ministry of Transport she is s e on the highways. Mrs. Smith has failed her motorscooter license tes t 16 times. • , . Brenda Brooks, 5, of' 8eveT'1/ ·HUis takes tiru out tram kindtrgarten 1vork at El Rodeo School to feed "Twitchedy," a wild rabbit which was fo1'.nd b¥ her teacher and taken to ~chool. The rabbit charm.s the young- sters totth its ability to stand up a11d take!! ·food jrOm an cuf-d ropp eT. • Tb,e Rome Zoo bas · fitted out a bus ~wlth 20 cages aod is laking monkeys, eagles, llamas, porcup- pines and other animaJs to school s \Ybme students live too far away to Vi.Sit the ZOO.' ' . . • Britain's ne\v tax on pet foods affects the high as well as the )O\Y . Member of Parliament Ronald Russell says he wants "Doggy Bags" introduced in restaurants at the House of Commons so diners can take scraps home to their pets. • A convoy of some 20 British Army vehicles rumb:led into Peter lewis' garage in Ardleigh, Eng- land , for gasoline. They too k 2,000 gallons. Lewis promptly gave them 10,000 Green Trading Stamps DAI LY Pl LOI .....,.,...... " .......... .. I..-.... ........ • ....., ....... CAUPOINIA OltANGI COASI l'UtL15H1Hll CCM"AN' lebtrt N. W11J ............... ""'l!•l•fl J1,\ a. C•rlty Vici Pra!Olflt ..,. ....,.,., ,_.,.,..," Th111111 K11¥ll .... Th111111 A. M•r11hi~1 MIMlll!f l•ller -C.lt INH: Pf W.111 ... , i•f'tt\ ft........, -.oi1 nu *ft! 1tlbN ...,....,.,,, '--kldl: m l'll'ftt •-~ hloUI; M ilfl Sll'ffl at C.dM -o~rad ate·s • '1,; I ; • .. ...,_ ..... I: ' ~ .. ,~,.,. ~ ... • 1 .... It 1raau&lfOl'I certmOalel as a - ~ from something, df to government." "They also are the first senior ylass lo h8'e prov«t·!he feasibllilJ of ,a theOry put into .P!'llctice In recent weeks lh't lhe matter of i:lress should be a student parent Issue lnStead of a school en. foroetneot· pf'Qble.m," he !aid. 'Die seuion heard addre.sses from three coeds, Vallitfetorian ~1thryn Lynch, SalutatotJan Cynthia Speyers and Jane ?l111ler. , tng. • "Up to now v.·e have been Involved iJl lhe project of learning how to live. she. said. "From here on in we are going to rea.lW: the way to livt." . She said it was important that parents do not try to guide the graduates, "but let us dllcover on our. own." hfiu Speyers a.lao cittd something C1Hn· mon among her classmata: "Quallties, good and . bad which are essences or . .. ~~~er:~ a tt8 or In a human being," she ,.id. "lhta essence la tbt most Import.ant part. This is what does not change. . • we must look inlo ourselves, for that ls where lhe true reality Iles." Jn the mo.<1t informal ot the thrte ad- dr'esses MW Miller nved her peeri who ·'spend hour alter hour looking for educa· lion in the quad." • She cited trouble among bet l'll1ks ''stemmlng from Lhe idea that there 11 one basic .,..,_ to hJih school : tbat Is; basically, to get out." , l 5be yo1oetae4 for allO\her P-· '; . "We ean't re1ll,Y appreda!e 10melhfni' until it ls too late." Randy Johnson presented the class gift , a new trophy case to be installed ln the foyer of the tchool i)'ll'I. r ... ,.. .., The late afternoon cerem , besides being punctuated ·by ch<>ral-.. lectlooo compcsed by Delio Jolo and Vaughan· Williams, had apeclaJ effects Jrolj\ . &e.veral ~ jets speeaint overheld.. "' • ' ·: ' s~ pUllld several Umei, w~ for lhe_ IJO!se to subljde. ;i Jury Weighing Insurance Fraud Charg~ \· . F.r-Pi~e ·1 , •· ·H: It's back to the Jury room.tod.Q" for a Superior C-Ourt jury that had been unable late Frida,. lo reach a verdict on tho validity of fraud charges ag.\inSt five 1n- s1,1rance salesment one ol them a Newport Beach resident. The panel went into deliberations late Thursday rollowing more than five week s or testimony qn the operations.of Regen- cy Investors Inc. of . Encino. They must rule t1n the guilt or Innocence of five Regency representaUves accused of being involved in a "phony insurance" opera· lion that bilked lnvt!tors of more than $2 mlllion. Awaiting that verdict are Cleo Marvin .Johnson, 51, of 901 Kfugs Road, Newport Beach; Roland K. Marsh, 38, of Redondo Beach; David Morton Kane, 37, of Bever- ly Hills; June Vtr,inia Adams, 25, of North Hollywood and Harry Louis Hib- baro, 58, of Aoahetm. ' DAILY ll"ILOT SllH l'~tlt Eliminated from the trial at 'an early !It.age was Jack Bernard Follis, 54, of 508 Er-Ocean Front, Newport Beach. He served five days in jail, was fined $250 and Ls presenUy on probation. Judge William Murray has pres.ided over a trial In whlch testimony suP" porting 20 counts or grand theft and eon· splracy has been offered. The five defen- danta ar:e the only remaining members of a group of 21 lnsurance salesmen indicted by the Orange County. Grand Jury. . CORONA DEL MAR HIGH GRADUATES HEAR PRAISE FROM THEIR PRINCIPAL For the Class of 1969, No Dre11 Code, More Involvement •nd Jet Noise at Commtnc•ment All five are accused of selling to Southland re.sideutl -many or tbem in Orange Counti --reiular •life i,nsurance policies whlcW~ wtrt lJreprMented to• be highly lucrative profit sharing contracts. The ~y ll/NP ~l!'lbllll!ll< JI!!! policttP11iiW .ti .~ ~·'1'11 Nebraska Natlonal lJfe Insurance Co. Jt has been stressed before and during the trial that Nebraska Ufe has not titen In- volved in the defrauding of investors. Regency was corilpeUed to refwld more than $650,000 to policy purchasers lae:t y~ar fqllowing an)nvestigation of its ac- Uviltes by the California Department of Insurance. 365tb Jump for Gate SAN FRANCISCO (APJ -An unlden· tified man became the Golden Gate Bri_dg:e's · 365th -ltnown suicide when he ·vaulted over the rail during Fil~ey's mo""°'. ril~ti . hmrr. · From Page 1 KILLER ... the apparerilly uncaring Westminster man to Atascadero "for an indefinite term.'' Dr. Fred Linder. assistant superin· tendent of Metropolitan State. Hospital lold the DXllJY PILOT Friday lhat Liberty \\'as a "good paUent" at Atascadero and that "he came here with a good report." Liberty, he said. had been ruled to be sane and now able lo face murder charges. He also stated that Liberty was a patient in one or the faci!ity's "open \\'ards" aod cou.ld have fled at any µme \vhatever might have happened "in lhe uaturC of a clerical error." But Wells holds very different views about wha t might· have . happened at Norwalk. 'i'L'hia i.> no\ the first time this kind ot' thing has happened and l firmly ·belleve that the declaration 'discharged' Is being used tp cover th.is kind of escape." Wells sai4. , 75 New County Pl1ysicia11s Graduate F1·om UCI School Seventy.five new doctors, graduates of the UCI.Californla College of Medicine, swore to uphold a medical code of ethics in a Friday night vespers ceremony held in Orange. The doctors, led by top student In the class, Y..irs. Diane Wara , were to graduate in ceremonies at UC Irvine today. Mrs. Wara is one of ll in the country and the only woman in California to graduate at the lop of her medical class this year. Her husband. William Wara. also graduates with the class. For lhe first time new doctors swore either to the Oath of Hippocrates. 1nedicines traditional code or ethics dating to four centuries 8.C., or to :i modern varia tion, the Declaration of Geneva. The Hippocratic Oath admonishes doc tors not to perform an abortion or gl\"t• poison to anyone requesting early death. The Declaration of Geneva, on the other hand, exhorts doctors not to permit considerations of rtliglon, nationality, race, party politics or social standing In· tervene between duty and patient. Or. David Nielsen , Newport Beach In· temal medicine specialist who is pres!· '1ent of the County Medlcal Aasociation, administered the oath and the de<:laratlon and askeci doctors to Indicate thtlr assent to either one by saying, "l do." ln a solemn momenl. Warren L. Bolt.ick, dun of the medical 1.'0llege1 told the araduates: "Above all medicine must have con1· passion. AJ a physician you art In a pos1- Uoo lo do much harm or much 1ood. Wllatever )'OU do it will be it.abtle ind' out of sight ~xcept of your conscience. • " D,t,LL Y l'ILO'r sti ff ,lltlt OUTCLASSES MEN Mod Sd!ool Grad Waro Therefore, you must be morally strong.•• Senior Class President Charles Zipkin reminded graduates to be socially aware. , He said they pledge by the oath to do no harm of commission and that they muat also do no harm of oml&slon. "Thf! temptatkm t.o aim for a pr1cUce In Beverly llilla will be ,ereat," he said. "'The Geneva Dtclar11Uon Is a symbOllc pledge to ~ople of sma11 means that medicine will not forget tbtm." . · Famfly and frlendl aU•nded the vcspef-.: ceremony. Maxwell's First Wife Clips Newport Barbe1· Former Newport Beach barber Glenn r.1axwell surfered a further setback Fri· day in his bid to extract a litlle financial compensation for Ute breakup of his mar· riage with actress June. Allyson. Maxwell, 42, was recently denied a plea that he be awarded $1 ,600 a month allmony from the con.Siderable earnings of Miss Allyson, 47. Judge Harmon G. Scoville's only oonctssion to the bankrupt Maxwell was to granl him custody of the £euding couple's two boats -the 40-foot "Marco Polo" and the 18-foot "June Bug.''. If the former: barber makes any money out of the two ·craft ~ and he faces further monthly p•yments on both lavishly . equipped vessela -then he h.i11U1elf ls almost sure to come In for a' littl~ c_llpping, For his first wife _got the. nod from Judie Scoville Friday to trim Maxwell with a 12,306 llen that is outstanding on an agreement the couple reached at Lhe time of their 1961 divqrce. Amella Josephine Maxwell successfully claimed that that amount was outstan· ding from the agreement drawn up by the couple -a contract in which Max· \veil, consented to pay his wile 104 weekly 1,205 Receive Dipl,omas From Orange Coast "" Stopping one by one to pick up their <!i plomas and listen to the acclaim of parents and friends, 1,205 Orange Coart College graduates Friday night paraded through goalp!lflts of Pirate Stadiun1 . Beyond their goal or the last two years. an Associates o! Arts degree. lies the future. From two out of three graduates the future holds more schooling at a higher institution. Collegt President Robert Moore said. The future for the others is Ln a job they are now technically trained for. Student Kermit Christman spoke on the Iheme "Do It Now." He advised graduates not to shrink: from life but to have eonfJdence in lbeir own uniqueness. "Etch In your mind a picture of fulfill· mcnt.1' he said. "Take the uniqueness lhat lies withln you. study It ind devek>p it. And make a babit of doing it now. \Vasted time ls the stuff life can be made of." Jean Sturdevant1 a dental hygiene ma· jor with an .A minus grade avera,e .and Robert St<ymoura, a dleteUCa major with a B plus grade average, Wut recogntzep for outstfndlng cOotrlbutl9fl! lo student government. Dr. Mooi-e said lht gra·duatee represented 72 subject area majors and "that their average age ls U. More \ban 50 ·or them. ~ said, earned their degree3 totally throoah the eYenJn1 college . ,• payments of "$30 each. Maxwell married the widow of actor· producer Dick Powell two years later. She divorced him in 11165, remarried him in 1966 and is currently actively engaged in an eflort 'to shed the one-time barber for the second time. Both marf1ages, court records amply Indicate, have been inarred by freq\J ent disputes between Maxwell and the Lido Isle actress. Miss". Allyson has again taken Up r'esidenct at the sumptuous home at 101 Via Genoa from which Y..faxwell wa!f recently" ejected. That hassle resulted in Maxwell's dismissal from Iii! post as Mi.u Allystn's ·~personal manager.'' a Job which ensu~ him a 10 percent cut of her substantial earnings. British Actress Dies l.ONDON (AP) -Martita Hunt, the British actress v.•ho v.-·on fame in London and on Broadway for her portrayal of eccentric ladies, died at her home here Friday. She was 69. · ., COVER;''JOps •• ~ ' ~ . t- ple Catt enouab to iel invOlved. ft 14 ~ to formulate 1a group coril:cl~' ~ br1np thllia lnta l!'rapecU•• f« thOl!f · not lnvo1vea." '· • 81!1 •be _tl!Jnu ;actMst ~ta are ~; · matqre m their uplratlonl .. ,,..,.. lt;t. difference betw""" seeing • IOmethlaf wrong and understanding the re&IODI for. it," •he said. • Grayston • reniarked, "Peopl• say thO reall,Y militant • students m . a •nW! minority, To,.,j extep!., thaf ·ili~:¥. people dotl'~ . .-.;a)~~ '11·~.I~ majority of student! have a llW. ii( too. .. "Like me they're just not Iill..li~t enough to stand up and start shoutinf: about it." . , He said It is unfortunate that often tegltimate gripes are. not looked at clole- ly be<:ause they are included with absurd demands on a, m,illtant's llat. , Mlis Wood ,&aid she ,has aeen • lot el token efforts 1on·the part of the facul~ and administration ln dealing wUl1 students. : She belie.Jee than "when things m brought to their 'atLention they ouaht fo do somethlog :about It rather than dra~ ing it oui tnto a long battle between Ut}: two patties involved." -: Regarding her fiance's long hair. ~ said. "My attitude toward personal right has changed a lot. It doesn't seem-99 long lo me, but my parents giYe him a· hard ti1ne." .• Crayslon said he thinks the U.S. got f'rt. to Vietnam because a takeover by the Viet Cong would represent· an eeonomiC and political loss in the Far East. ·• "People'. have tried to rationalize thi! war by appealing to the ideals on which this country is formed," he said. "To II certain exl~nt w.e aPC fighting for lh"C freedom ol the South Vietnam~se peopM;, but that, as far as I can see, is not our reason for being there." Grayston , whose father is a bricklayer ;ind very much '"'anltd his son to go to colleg·:, said, ''Ob taining a degrtt is quite a thing. It requires four years of very hard work ." r.hss \Vood sald, "We had a higher at- trition ralt than probably necessary. The Jirst year they tried to flunk everybody out to establish a reputation . hl'm very, very happy with the educa- tion I got," she said. National Guard Band to Perfonii . . ' ·! A musical program . by the Can romie Air National Guard 'Band ·562 . will bt? presented at 2 p.m.. Sunday, in thle auditorium ol Huntington Beach: HiF School. . : . ~ N"ational guard band members lnclui: performers from such groups. M the U. Angeles Philharmonit:, the La..tr~ Welk Orchestra. the Stan• Ke nt 0.,, Neophonic Orchestra and t.1¥! Civic Light Opera Company. Sunday's concert is sponsored by the Fountain Valley Music Booster Cluh. Admission lS free and lhe public is tii· vited. 'i I ·---~ .. ---------------- of .MESA'S 0MOSICAL MESSAGE -Valedictorian Gina . Kreibich dispensed with the usual oratory when her . turn to speak came during Costa Mesa High School commencement exercises. Instead, she aSked. class- mates Katy Kircher, Belsy Langston, and' Melissa Purcell (from left) to deliver the message in song . .They sang "I Shall Be Released" and "The Road· Not'Ta}\en ." ·SENIOR SPEAKER-Christo- pher Le I a n d of Huntington Beach's Marina lligh Sf:hool .urged fellow students to free them5elves from the system· through love for mank ind dur- ing his commencement ad- dress. ' . . . 'P 0 M-P 0 US CULTURE'- Cheryl Bernard, another Ma- rina High School valedictoHan,1 saii1 present society is "creat- ing a pompous culture'' and foresaw a revolution of the "original intentions" of the American system. ISSUES CHALLENGE-Mary Guiel, Costa Mesa High School salutatooian, challenged t h e .Class of '69 to "dare to seek a ne\V world" by giving of them- selves. BARE BACK, BARE FEET -Hunting!.., Beach High ~bool 5enior slips something a bit.'J;hore for- mal over her backless mini-dre;ss prior~ tO joining tide ot march for -1969--commeocertieot-exerci.&eS at- Oiler campus. The wearing of infonnal .attire und~r fonnal graduation garlJ is not unknown ~ong the Orange Coast. J \. ! G-r~duationsg MUSICAL NOTE-Costa Mesa Cligh School Valedic.torian Gina Kreibich stepped away from microphone in favor or musical m~ssage. (See . accompanying photo.) SPEAKS HER MIND .-Jackie Bennington, Ame.rica's JWlior MiS:;, la&hed out cigainst ma .. terialism and called for a so- ciety res ponsive to free think .. ing during hel-address at Mar .. ina High School graduation. :Tlij.KS OF IDEALS-Barbara Larsen, one ot three valedic- torians at Marina High sthool commencement, asked class- mates to '"include in our pos- sible dream the hope of .. what things could -be." ' . l?AIL.'f,PIL.OT, ................ ic...... NICE GOIN' SIS -Costa Mesa High School setjior::Cweii· Kiil~. '• kisses little brother, Bruce, 6, after he presented her with c010rM. le is in celebration of hei' graduation. G.Weh' receiVed .fiVe leis; .all flown in for the occasion from her native Hawaii where presentation· of flowered necklaces upon graduation is traidiUooeJ. 'I DAILY PILft ............ PRETTY HAIRY -Valedictorian D~hbie Babcock discui~ btr speech prior to Westminsier High School commencement w!th•cws- mate Brian McHugh. He helped her write speech bu\ was·not allowed to participate in rites because h& didn't meet school dl-ess reguJa-~ lions governing hair length. He got his diploma anyway. · Cats Still T. am·;.A:,: . ' · ,.::::; " I V Cals . no matter what dog-loVers think, are not wild anJmals. Newport Beach city councilmen made that clear th is week as they adopted a new law requiring SIS permits for wild animals kept Jn the city. Dale Wullner, a West Newport resident, fretted about the proposed ordinance. "Does Uris," he asked, ''Include cats?" "Cats," said Mayor Doreen Marshall. "are domesticated animals. 1"1s is for ·wtJd animal$ only.'' "The law .is to keep the public from . ' ·~ belni: e'ndlngered by exoUc btMts M being imported," add<d C1ly .\ti.iili'y Tully Seymour. · "A $15 pmnit'wqn'.t proyXle aJIY.P'D" tection against wild anlmAJ1 , •• .Aid . . ' Wunner. "The fee b to cover ·the coet d. In· vesligatlpg just how wt'! 1!06. - are,'' replied Mayor M.lf'lliall. . r "That's okay UM!n," did WaniMr. Tiie ~ -.·(~ •• ajjjffiid unantmooaly. . • that ts f This means the Mariners peo.pl,e and .t/ulirJ>roven . . , ~OU'fl ~ prot_e~sionalism in matters_ of finan~e. 1t;1n~ns . • . . · Mariners people-to.people.interest u~~ur". · ' security ... and l'ylariners.wise inves\nient~fyou~ money in the pr.ogressotour.communi\¥. :~ \ . .. • Join your neighbors and open a Mariners ~p, account, today. Remeipber~ F~e.~ly-insu~;: ' savingswlth tfli\ nation's,highest~.Qfln\erest. from day in to day out. A1s0 f~ T~lers, · · • ' • •• I Cheques and free·.safe dei)\lsjtt:ioxes. I, ' .• • --.,. --··-. ' . ........... pee ........ 4 ... -· .. ----.. ;;-. .. ;,;;,;,;;,;;_;:;:; .... ;:;=;.;~.;:.;,., ....... . ~ Hll. Y PILOT Pulpit and Pew ~ af U.. cao..lic 'f outh O!po!Atlan'I day Cll!IP tbJs -will be ''Catllorn!a: .. I a ~ Celebration." ~-lilclud!l!I ....... en!ll, -· ator1u and field • tnpo; •wm reOect naUonallty bte~• and cultura of Coli(ornla'I early ..iuers. tbe DCIHeCl&rian procram will be lield ii trvtne Park, July 7· Ag. I. Coltlng PS per two-week period, the campo wlll be coo- dolCIOll • Jolooda,y • lbroull> Fri-ci.,. 9'1.111: to·S p.m. Fee wlll Include .... trUlpONUoa to from -p sltn and field --· -mllk ·OYO '1'ohfrt, arts and materllla and COUNtlor loaderllup. Jclf.t' and glrll •Bed 8 through 12 yean may be ftatmrod by wrlUng CYO Day Camp Olllc<, 1400 •W. ljlath SL, Loo Angeles, Calif. 9001' Of by calllng the cemp dlncldr in · er...-Coonty CYO dlllrlcl office: 1"The Joy of Fatherhood" la: lbe Utle ol Ibo amnon which Jomes E. Piercy, minls1<r ol ,,,.. a.n.11u C1mc•, m VletGrla Stre<t, Costa Mesa, will pruch during both the l :to a.m. and 10:40 a.m. wonhlp Hn'lctl. His 111<111(e during lbe Vtiper Service, 7 p.m. la "What ill the Lord's Day?." Loni.time members of the COit& ft(ua P·t 1 r .1 q • a r e Cllardo, Mr. Ind.Mn. Elmer Clrd o1 santa ;;.. ·l!l>lghta, will be lionored during ·the 11 a.m. worship service Sunday at 1734 Orange Ave. Card haa accepted a Potitlon on the facul!J of Portland Com- munity College, Oregon, and the couple will establlah their mideoce: in PorUand. Mn. Card is founder and president of lbe United Fours- quare Wom•, tntemaUonll mlsalon 1Upport organization of the denomlnaUoo. She will r<linqulth her olf'ICO to Mn. Karl Williams o1 Lakewood, vice president. A b\d[et supper bomd by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Cook of Corona de! Mar tonight alao will honor the couple. Chun:h memben: and friends of the Cards are invited to both events. St. Job.a the Divine EpUcopal Cll.,,,h, 2 O 43 Orange, Costa Mesa, will observe communion at both 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Tbi8 will be the last day of aprJng section of church school whJch wUl have its annual pie· nic at Atlantis Park 'from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. The ETC will meet In the evening. Vacation church school will be helcj at the Presbyterian Chardl of Ute Covenant, U50 Fairview Road, C:Osta Mesa, June 11 through June 27 (Mon-- day through Fridayl from 9,30 a.m. to noon. Classes will be available for chlldttn entering kindergarten thll fall, lbrou1h thoae wbo bave complel«I olsth srade. R<g!stralloa fee 1' II per child. ne l"lnl u .. 1111 M- Clmrc~. 2'121 Seventeenth SL JlunUngton Beach, will con- duct two worship services Sun- day at 1:31 and 11 a.m. Ba~ tism will also be celebrated. The Rev. G. RuueU Shaw will be preaching on the topic ''The Brotherly Life." C h u r c h School meets at 1:30 and !1:00 a.m. with classes for all age.a:. Nursery care ls provided. The lnquirers class meets at 10 :45 a.m. and the youth groups meet at 1:30 p.m. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Greene will attend the 90th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Conference to be held In Este.! Park, Colorado. Dr. Greene, pastor of . Warner Avenue Baptb:t C II u r c b , Warner Avenue at Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, is a member of the Bethel College and Seminary Board o f Education. In Dr. Greene's absence, assistant putor, the Rev. David e,. Wood and other special speakers will fill the pulpit. Speaker Council of Twelve of the Latter-day Saints member, Elder Gonion B. Hinckle7, will speak 11 the Huntln·gton Beach S I.a k e Confer- ence, today and Sun4 day In Westminster. Hinckley is coordina- tor of the international missionary program of the church. The Rev. Wood, will prtach, "The Arrival of the Gospel" Sunday, 11 a.m. and the 7 p.m. service, he will speak from the third chapter of I Thessalon-- Netc Putor A reception will be held for the new pastor, the Rev. Connie Salios, and his family at Harbor Trinity Baptist Church June 22. 3 p.m. He suc- ceeds the Rev. Robert Hess. M o s t recenUy PasU>r Salios directed a young people's mis. sionary group. lans on the "Rtsulta of a Dy. namic Church." "Holy Ground" ls the s~ Ject of the 10:45 a.m. sermon (Set PULPIT, Page 5) Love Seals Bible Society In Mod Stance By LOUIS C.\SS!U The staid old American Bl· ble Society bu ahocked a few people ~ delighted many more by busting oot In a mod, mod mode. To demonstrate that the Bl· ble is for ever'yone Including today's hip young swingers -the soclet.y has begun publishing, passages of scripture on "loVe seals" and Jn p1ycbedel ic-c:olored pamphleta. THE LOVE SEAL'!, which can be stuek on envelopes Uke 1tamps, are going Uke hot cakes. The society haa already t11med out 81 million and has req~ested for at least 40 million more. In uninhibited combinations (lf pink, orange, green and blue, with lettering reminis· cent of Sister Corlta's draw· lngs, the seals proclaim varloosly that "Love Is Kind," "Love Is Patient," "Love ls Eternal," 1'Love Never Gives Up," and "God Is Love." Eac:h of the five mottoes is 1 quotaUon rrom the Now Tata· ment in lbe modern English translation which the Bihle society calls ''Today's En1llib Version" iTEV). THE SAME mottoel In the same joyous colors adorn the cover of a pamphlet whose text Is the famous 13th chapter of St. Paul's first let· ter · to the Christians of Corinth. In the TEV transla· lion, it includes these worda: "Love ls patient and kind;' }(lve is not jealous, or con- ceited, er proud ; lave ls not ill-mannered, or, selfish, or ir· ritable; lave does not keep a record of wrongs ; love ls not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; its faith, hope and patience never fails. Love ls eternal." YOUNG PEOPLE w h o recognize this as good "hlp- pie" doctrine may be surpris· ed to learn from the society's seals and pamphlet.a that It came originally from the Bi· (See LOVE SEAU, Page ll ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? '" FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH ••· 1. c .1 Fairview Rd. At Fai r Dr., Costa M.H 9 A.M.~hureh School 10 A.M.-Worshlp Di=•• I 01111111 a.,,. llWe StMr .,...,. "'"'9 _,....,Ci•... 141 .... 611 HARIOR TRINITY IAPnST CHURCH 1111 .... St ... htrriew, c... ..... '"· c..-....... , ...... Sunday School 1:45 a.m. Mornmg WorsbJp 11:00 a.m. Baptllt Trainln1 Unfoo 8 p.m. Evenfne sefvlco 7 p.m. WodDead17 Bible Stud7 & Prayer ........... 7,00 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6N HAMILTON, COSTA MISA '• S11nJey SchHI ••••••• t 141 Moml119 Wot•hl, • , , • 11 :00 Trelnli.t Unlo11 •••• , , , •• 6:00 E.onlng Wor1hip ••• , •• , • 7:00 I Wod. h-0111111 s,,....;c, •••• 7:00 ' ...... '4Z.t111 N....., ... ....,. Ann.w. ' UtQQ~ITY ,IAPTIST CHURCH .( iara I , .. PAUSADa ID. SAHTA AHA HIJ•Hn au-.. .. KHCIOI. .................................. t 1• A.M. MCNtMIH WOllPllP .............................. , .. , 1i A.M. SVllllN• WOllHI'° .... , ,, .... , .... ., ............. r l'.M. MIDWtaK :S•IYICa WtONISDAY ............ , .. , 1:Jt l'.M, WllllM ... Ac-. ........ CIHlt'dl ,.,.. IU-lm RIST IAPTIST CHUICH .. _,_ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1' I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IUNCHD OP TMI MOTHll CHUICH THI PllST CHUICH OP CHlllT; ICllNnlT IN IOSTON, MAISACHUl'"1 "GOD, THE PRESERVER OF MA'N" Subject of Lesson -June 1~ Costa Mt11 -First Church of Chrltt, Scientist 21IO M1111 Yt'Ne Dr,, C.-. M-Sc-, Sckol-9:11 A.M. Cllorch s.mc.-11 A.M. IHdl119 1--. 2110 M ... Y1r4I Dr. Huntington Beech-First Church of Chrl1t, Scientist 110 0 11 .. Cltwcll I. ._., Sc .... 1-9:10 I: 11 :ot 1eM1111 1".....t1 o on .. Laguna Be•ch -First Church of Christ, Scient ist 611 Hit• Dr. c•.-11 & Sdday SchMl-t1JO I 11 100 ............ 214 ,....... Aw. Newport Beach -Fint Church of Chrl1t, Scientist JJOJ YI. Lido CMfcll & S.it4ey Sckol-9:11 I 11 :ot ...... IM-. JJ1 I Ylo I.WP Newport luch·Second Church of Christ, Sci1ntlst 1100 Poclflc YJ1w Dr., Co~H Ml M• C~h & S.Mgy School-10 A.M. ..... ., lo.._.2NJ I. Comt Hwy. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH W1tcom" You. IT. JAMii. J2ot VS. lN9,' ~ lffc• S...., ~-l 1JO. t :OO, 11:00 T....., 1 O:JO -n.nclily l:tl , .... H..,. t.c• ... & ftMll.t s.r.tc.. ~ \) 1....,, tlle Irr. J• P • ......., II: ........ 11le Irr. hrhl Cn: .. Phone: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sunday" 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9,30 Holy Days as announced All •K91 w~c ... locter, n. ................... Dfth -,.. .. '44.o46J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9,30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Ylcer, Tiie k..,.. Jo• W. D11tt11410• -Phono 541 .. 12' EPISCOPAL 1 , ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1 1111 St, M Cfoe"4 UM -JCl1 MSt el "''" Ptllftl Hunllntllll .. ,di. Clllllnll• TIMI • .., • .1-c. Clltr, .... .., Sund1y Servicu 1:11 A.M. """ c""'-'"' ,,. A.Mo P•mllr IW'llCI a Cll!,11''" 1111 l'.M. aw-• Sci.I r:• P.M. ~'llc••I 11111 A.M. Mtrnlno Wenl!No ,_, Qlll'dlm• N-ry (11'1 '"""..,. First Assembly of God Church 146 E. 22nd St., Cosio Mesa 548-3761 M. C. Cro"lc, Pastor R•y Nicke1011, Minister of Yor.ith ' I · I Newport Harb or Lutheran Church 2501 Cliff Dr. LI 8·4200 n. ..... ,,_ •. 11a1 .. ,...., n. .......... J. l •Mfledilr --Wwtll!ID ltn'tco ""'" f1l•t:• 1 ..... , ... .,. kMM ...... f 1U.11:•• '·"'· w'""'' ...,,1m .... ,,. ... 111• Nursery care available at all services WEI.COME Lutheran Church of the Muter 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phone OR 3-5022 1:45 A.M.-F•mlly Wordill~ I 9:45 A.M.-Su11d•y Ch11rch School I ll 11:00 A.M.-FostiY• w.,.111, NlntfJ ........... CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH l\.Ussouri Synod 760 Vlctorlt St., Cott• Mesa Loth•r Y. Tornow, Pa1tor 541 5404 W'"lll• lw'l'l'*Sl l :tJ a 11 A.M. SUl!Uy k:llMh t 1M AJIL .t.11un •IW• C11u1 t:• A.M. CHllmAN IUMIHTAIY SCHOOL '4WIU PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mei• V11d1 Drive l l•~•r Streit, Codi M11•, C•lif. ANDIUiW Cl. ANDRll50N, Piii• Morn1n, wan.hip; t :CO, 1:30 I. 11 :oo tund•r Schoo:ll: 1:00, t ;30 a. 11 :• Pri11e1 of Pt•e• luth1r1n School -Mist E1th1r Ol1c.n, l'r!ncip•I Offic1 Phon1: 649·0521 School Phon1: 549-056! Wo lollev• 111 You , .. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH l"""'t4N a...tlSO 17411 M.,..U., P. Y. Victoria &: Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa ,,._ ,, ...., MllllllW AJJ are cordially invited t(l attend the church servlcea and enjoy tile privileges of the Reading Roo!DI ICHIDUU OF SllYICIS s.~m SctMtol •••••••••••••••••••••••• t :Jn 0.111. Iii 1259 Victori• St., Cott• M•1• I 646-4652 1:~~.l"M. I I Attend the church of your choice on Sunday ..... .,_. H ...... Ml ... ,_, Suitdoy School •••••• , •• 9:JO Mor111,. Wo,..hip , , •.,, 11 :00 Yovt\ Mooth19 • ,, , •• , , , 6:00 l'royor Sot'lico •••••• , , , 6:JO E.,011i119 So,....ico , •••••• , 7:00 ClllN Cars PN.wM AT ALL SllYICU D...S•H.,._ 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.ll ......, w....w, .......... 10:50 ..... & 7:00 ''"" Church Choir -Sheril P•ul11 n, Dir1Dclor YWton Wetc.• -Nuwry Aftndallt :~~~~~~~~ A Cordie! W eltome from Ytullll Ml11lflW llj S1rty Wlnllls ........... l 1M •.M. JTATI uc1Ns1D r•a.scHooL-htir w1111.-. Director / ·-"""" .. .. .. . .... ,,. '·"'· ,,.... ... w_..,, ........ 1fi• •.m. YNlll .,._,. ............... , I o.M. ........................... ''·"" ...,..,, Aw .. llMI ti ol IOn'tc:a 142-2421 Nursery Care Provided 1 , 14M771 14WJ4t ~~~~~~~~~~I CHURCH OF CHRIST 1:===="-=' "=...,='='=·==·=~ill 287 w. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA H RBOR REFORM TEMPU •nwlEN HAllOI ... FAllYllW I a A I SUNDAY MORNIN6 lllLE STUDY , , • , , , ••.•.••••• 9:45 AM t' f FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I I I' I' Mein & A.clams .Streets 1 ' Chu1ch of the D1ilv Word NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH L-D. Plldtlf>t# Mllll1ter SUNDAY MO•NING W0'5HIP • COMMUNION •• 10;'5 AM I ' mff rng • SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP •....•.•••••••••••• 6:00 P.M. I St. Jim•• Episcopal Church WED NESDAY EVENING lllLE STUDY •.••••••••••• 7:l0 l'M 3209 VI• Lido, N1wport Beach NURSllT CAH PIOYIDrD I SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL o .... O. M~4 D. •· H..., I ••••• •••HAID 11. ICIN O 1'01t lNl'OlllAA1'10N1 CALL •rw+o Hunt ingto n B•ech I Morning Worihip I l :JO & 11 :00 AM llib1o Sehool • , , , , • , • 9 :~5 AM [ Youth 6roup1 • , . •.,, 6:00 PM Ewenint Wo,.hip , , ••• 7:00 PM Mbli.t. AIMc~ Ma.lltw I Phon8' S48-5711 Day or Night "~ .... , ... N•••"' '""h ~~~~~~Ill GLAD TIDING s 11 !Senior t 1111-lulldlflgl If== l ;'5 A.M. '""'"' Sohool CfNTRAL CORONA DEL MAR ASSEMBLY OF GOD ·-''"' onws _ w ... _ , ··""" I Nun~ C1r1 PrD¥1deo II 1n 11:rvltQ 10:00 A.M. D•~oli o"•I 51rvic• i BIBLE CHURC .. H ·~~~~111 OFFICI!: .. W, Colt! Hlfl'lwly, N.I. ,//// • '.~II Phllnl : """Sl 11 Offlc.t: J;U.lllt 0111 OtYOtlon-J.».t5all DIAl.oA·PU.Yll-'46-o6J9 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS. SCIENCE fl NIWMrt a .. dl Ml1Tlller ~ .. U111tW ctlem ••Ill ... ~ .. LM Mt• SVNDAY SEJtVICE . , , it AM Mlrlbltt' .... •lbefl '""-'• l.S.~F. Gltl~N CKAPIL Or1noe (Ol11 YMCA. UDO Vnhlrnlty br. Emphuizing: 11ft 1'b1n of &od The Ptnon of Christ • j The Power of lht: Holy Spirit Sirnd.y School t A.~1 ( Mominf Wonhfp 9 Ind 10:30 Mt !."ttnlng S.rvlc:e 7 PM 'ii!UflCH 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach ('/1 llMl W•.t HM1 HP1ptt.lt c.; \; ~· o..,. ! ~ 1 SUNOAY SERVICES -10 • . t :41 A.M. -l•llffy Sc"•'· ••l'Nff c•re for 9"" ..me .. T"-t1 .. lfl'lll""-l'•llr - '464620 ., M6°11'6 k111 Mllltr, M.ic.tl OlndW 2 ; '1 10:10 A.M. -''TI!o llHlwolllpt Wsrlt of tfle Holy s,lrlf" :l _. 51rmo11 by P11tor +. . +"' I 1:00 l'.M. -................ Who ..... GP04 .... --Attnictlft" -5•rrno11 bv P•1tor -'' \ llY. WINlfY l'IATNIY THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1Jbo• hl•nd COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHUICH 115 ... ,.,, 615°0950 S:lli l11for11l'I Worah!p f :]O lr•dition1I Wor1hlit & Sund•y School Co1t1 M•t• FIRST UNITID MnHODIST CHUICH 19th St I H1tbor lll~d. Wor.hip l Church School 9:30 l ti AM 641-7727 Co1t1 M11• North MESA VERDI MnHODIST CHURCH M111 Verdo I l1k1r St. 549-2719 Worship & Church Sehool 9:00 I 10:30 AM H11ntlngton l11ch H11nt1119to11 lo1dt-Norlti COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHUICH 6662 Hoil A"•·· .142..4461 Worihlp I <;~urch School t I IO:JO AM h·.,1n-E11t Bluff UNIVEISITY MnHODIST CHUICH lll·llll 1t U11i~1r1i ty Oriv• Wonhip I Church Scliool 9:10 A.M. Log u11• l11ch LAGUNA IEACH MnHODIST CHUICH 2 I 6J2 W••loy Dr in 1 So. l.o9un• Worahip 9:10 l 11 AM Ch11rch School t :JO AM 499.3011 N1wport ll1•ch ·. · GO AHEAD! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;11 Thundey l lbl1 Sflll!Y ,: •nd Prl)'lr 7 PM Nurttry du1ln1 Hrvlces ~~.. .. . I ~'Ii I °"' Weoll Dell--• l.tt, -J1ly , 6·22 .r,. -. ~ ..._-. hnlc" TMS. tttN Prl. l :JO P.M., Sc-.,, 7:00 P.M. ~ -~~ 111·~~~~~·~"~Y~"'~M~•~ot~l•~9~,S~•;"~~~•v;;9;~lO~A~.M~~~~~ill l~ /AA~ ""' 11; FIRST UNITED MmlODIST CHUICH ' 2121 17th St ••••• SJ6-l5l7 CHRIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 1400 W, l1lbo1 llvd'. 671-)105 SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! n.. -""' .... 2:10 Afm-11 s....tu .. CAI.VARY CHAPEL ............... NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH IMI Clllt Ortw, H""'1 altdl ..... Wiii ftwf Cllrlllllfl Lrn. lllllltl 91•11 T~ , .. lluo1r'lllt .__ M111lc, (1lv..., Cl!-.! II •• '"""""°'' ,......_, .. CINrdl wtol,_ "" CMI _, .. ,_ ........ It -.l!ff, ..... 642-6713 646-9512 -..J/a,./,or , Ckri6lian Ckurc/i J ·:OP HIWl'OIT IU.CH-ID'9t. ... J litiMlllil 111 .. .tf H_,... ll111•l•t SdlMI fJI L 1M St,. C... w .. Church School -9,4s A.M. Wonblp -10,4s A.M.m ".....,Core"""" l'hone: 67S.J98S lllDlllel': Dr. D. w. MCEiroy ST. MAlTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH 1111 • .;.t .;...... t ................. . UNIVERSITY PAllK SCHOOL J .... ,.. ~· ~,. "91""'1tr '•rlr WollliWt , ... A.JI. •••· H. Nl•nn•""-P••t.f IJJ.IJll A fuQ Youth Progmn Cm. of On.n~ and .2.lrd. St. COit& Mn.a l'1:$!0t H. E. Jone, IFCA Mbr. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL 1 •• ~==========~I • 1:1 u-c•ld ., I 611 HELIOTROPE t RELIGIOUS SCIENCE w-.-10,00 A.JI. '" ' I 410 10th St., H11nti119ton l 11ch 1 C•1rd Sdloe._10100 A.M • Phon• 516-2120 I Of, Piii .. G, _,,, Mllllllw I Adult I Youlli S1rvic1-Miii Slllr11r StlMI. D.c.a. I It :00 A.M. 673-40()0 \i~~·~··~m~~··~·~~~M~l·~·m~·~~1~~~~~~~~~~.'I 1 ::;;~.;:: Adventis~1~~es John Sh•wm•••, l'•1tor lfffll S..,_ laptllt Chrc• Pho111: 141·•19• 12712 CN-.,...., Pmw.y I S.W... kNol •••• 9:10 AM A. l . R1w•on, l'ottor JI ~ W...... ll·OO AM Ph1n1: 4t2.JtJ6 .......... •• • ........ .......... 9&Jt AM ,,.,_ ........ • W-4 • 7:.11 PM ....... W...,, , • 10:11 AM HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wll1on, Cosfa Mesa Y. L HllTWICl, him CAIL GIJrfTIY MM704 Ml.,_ of MM SUNDAY SERVICES t :41A.M.-111HMy Scff41 ClaMSf., .. I..., 10:50 A.M.-"A •eal Fotltof'' S•tmo11 by P.1tor ':00 P.M. -T•wtlri s.nice 1:00 P.M.-''Steps to CMftfll .. " S11m111 by 1'1t11r COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL P,...lct!MI -I(..,... ..... -• .._....., -CW C .... FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH t040 Tslbon A ... CT..,. I M ...... I. JIOUHTAIN YAUl'f UNIFIED SERVICE • S11rtdoy School 9;31)--WOASHIP • IO:JO Wonhip I Totth &N•p• • '1!0 p.-i. H'"'" jlrHTdod •t 10 ''"'<•• A ~ ~ -Vl.-S Ani Atwnt "*-Ml PRAY FOR PEACE I I s .,.,rc-.I -t :JO I 11 1.m. • • N11n•ry thro 2nd 91•d1 . 11 Wo,.hip I Ch11rch Sche•I Ch11rch School -,:)0 1.m. 9 I IO:JO A.M. ~~=========~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Ch11rcli Presbyterian 20112 M•l"•ll.I fNNr .U-1 H•lllltf .. IMc\ ........... o. ,....... ............ S...., W....,: 9:11 AM C._.. ldiMl1 10:41 A.M, ~ 20112 ,.~ ... St ....... t6M940 Church of the Covenant 2150 ........... C.... .... lrucs A. .C11rrl1, P1ttor ,....,. .... Glmdl s..I: t :lt , •••• Ml-4>04 ,, St. Allchw!s Presbs.n Church '""'·--...... . CHAILIS HRlllT DIUIJllPI , PASTOI ....... a...w..1:1.t:Jtlll ... Mf.TI47 St. Mark Presliyterian Church c..... ...... ,.. ......... MN. c... ..... ........... 11"-,.., ,, • ,, • W......, I CMrcli Sch11t 11 AM --=,..---.,,....-==-.... __,',... .. -'-.,---=-....,..__, I Community Presbyterian Church . t 411,......, ....... (.t 11141 St.J, LllttaM .... ' DALLAS TUINll, PAITOI Wonhlp • l :.JO I 10:00 A.M.-Cluirch Sc""1. t :H A.M. 4f4•715S ,. ~.~~~~~--.~~~~~~--~,~~==~~~,~~,~.~~~~~~~T~~~~~~~-,~~·'--~~~~l ~~~~~~~._. -· al VI E II ,, VI f< p T " • C• p h h· c: d q " ti H H h . 9 71 . a e c d lo 0 ~ :L q 6 R R ·A li h ~ • l 1' T b n d p .h 0 0 p G • ti n c ' c . • s n E d E • L d n : t : r : l : I : l " I ' i l ' I " : t : ) I 1 ' 1 1 ; I I ' '1 i I • .. ! I i I l ' I " ' ' I · I i.: 'I : ' ' ' .. .. . . +-y y ~ I I t 5 Pulpit and Pe.w (CooUnued from Page ti at llarbor CllrQttaa Cburch - which metb at H1rp er Elementary School, 4.25 E. 18th St., Cosla Mesa. Church school is held at 9:45 a.m. and worship follows al 10:45 a.m. Fathers' Day will be . featured at 1-~ouotaio Valley Presbyterian Church, 9 4 2 0 Talbert Sunday when two of • the fa thers in the congregation will speak. 'fhe service wlll comn1ence al ll a .. n ., preceded by the Sunday school hour at 9:45 p.m. The 7:30 p.m. family Bible hour will be marked by a chalkboard talk, as we ll as au- dience-p5rticipation in n1usic, quizzes, and sharing. "Some Fathers I've Met'' "'ill be the sermon topic for the First Baptist Church o[ J.lunUngton Beach Sunday. The Rev. \VilJis J . Loar will bring hi s mes.,.age to both services, • 9:30 a.in. at Peek's Chapel, 7801 Bolsa Ave .. Westminster · and 11 a.m. at the Huntington Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange. Church school is held at the downtown chapel at 9:30 a .m. for both children and adults. Sunday evening service, 7 o'clock, will be •·Laymen's Night'' with guest speaker, Dr. • Leon Hilton. ' The annual faUlcr·son ban- • quet will be held next Friday, 6;30 p.m. at Peeks Terrace Room. The speaker wiU be R. S. Little of No rt h -American Jlockwell Corpora- tion. His subject will be "Outer Space." Church Family Night to honor the Rev. and Mrs. • Russell Shaw will be held June 23, 6:30 p.m. at the First Unittd Methodist Church, 272 l 17th Street, 1-funtington Beach. Those attending are asked to bring main dish and salad or 1nain dish and dessert in ad- dition to t.1 bte service. Coffee, punch and rolls will be fun1ishcd. . Further information ni ay \Jr. obtained by calling the church office at 536-3537. Pastor Vincent Gottuso will preach ,;The Man in the Glase!!-at 11 a.m. worshi11 services Sunday for Ch urch of the Crossroad11. The church n1eets at Paciifc View Chapel. Corona del Mar, and provides child care. Spiritual Lltr Sc mi n a r, sponsored by the Chu rch or ncligious Science of Laguna Beach. \.11ill be presented Tues- day and Wednesday by Roy Eugene Da vis. Four sessions will cost $IS or $4 per session. Lectures and times arc: ·rues- day, 8 p.m. "Reincarnation ;ind Your Destiny;" \\'ed- nesday, IO a.m., "The Journey SEALS ... (Continued from Page 4) of the Soul;" 2 p.m., "The 11-teanlng of lniUation and In- ner Ll/e of Spiriti" 8 p.n1. "UViog'. in the Ma s ter Consciousness." Davis was the per.~unal disciple and student o f I-' a r a1nahansa Yogananda, founder of the Self Realization Fellowship for four years . Jtonald White, r e e en t l!,raduate of \Vartburg Lutheran Seminary in Dubu- que, Iowa, will speak at 8:30 aud 11 a.m. services for Newport Hvbor L u ~ b t r a n Chu rch, 2501 Cliff Drl\'c, New port B~ach. Vacation H1- ble school stalf will be 1n- slalled during the ear I y service·. Preaching "The Poor and the Rich," Dr. Philip G. A1ur- r<iy will speak at JO a.m. services for Corona del A1ar C o m.munlly Congttgallooal Church, 611 Heliotrope Ave. Summer church school begins this week with classes at JU a.n1. Child care is provided. Fanlily picnic will be held by Newpo11 lJnily Church • following the 10 a.m. worship service to be held at Senior Citizens Building, lf>th and Irvine, Newport Beach. The Rev. Loren Dale Flickinger will speak on "Aim for the 'fop." 1'he picnic, beginning :i.t noon, will be held at Cost..a J\.1esa Park. Those attending should bring lunches. Coffee, punch and ice cream will be provided by the Sunday school department. A quartet from Baptist Bible College of Denve r will be guests al the Sunday e'o'ening service, 6 o'clock, for llun· ti ogtoo-Va lley Baplisl Church, 9779 Slater Ave ., Fountain Valley. Vacation Bible sthool begins Jlvlonday from 9 a.m. to noon daily. J\loruing worship on Sund<iy 11•lll be held at 11 a.nl. wiU1 Sunday school at 9:45 a.nl. Nursery care is provided for all services. ·The youth groups meet ut 5 p.m. on Sundays. "Get Out or the Circle!" is the title of the sermon lo be delivered by Dr. Charles H. Uierenfield Sunday. at St. Andre.w'a P rts by l t r i a n Churdr. 600 St. Andrew 's Jtoad. Ne"'port Beach. I-le voilt preach at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. ser\'ices. A special commissioning v.·i11 be held this Sunday for young people slated to leave soon on the church's summer ''deputation" nlission pro- gram. The Rev . Joseph Mcshane \Viii preach ''Like as a i''ather" al 9 and 10:30 a,m. SCr\•iccs Su nday at Mesa Verde United J\.1 t tho di s t Chu rch, 1701 Baker St., Costa A1esa. : ble. Some of them. the socirty A team of sixteen high : hopes, will be sufficiently in· school students from Central l trigued to sec what else the Bible Church, 23rd St. and : Bible contains that may speak Orange Ave ., Costa Mesa, I ; to their needs here and no"·· Thursday f ~ r "Operation · About 750,000 or t he Arizona,'' \vhere they will con- t pamphlets are in print. They duct six f>-day Bible schools t and the seals can be purchas-for the children of mlgrant I ed for no1ninal cost through workers in Stanfield, Casa i local branches of l he Grande, Coolidge and Eloy, • American Bible Society or Arizona. : through churches which order Members of the Arizona ~them in bulk from the 15.'l-teams arc: Sandra Barker, ; year-old, non-profit society. Douglas Balcome, L. G. Cox. 1~ For a limited time, sheets of David llanlon. Martha Hesse. t Jo\'e seals are being offered Barbara Jones, Ellwood Jones i free by the Christian Herald l\1yro11 Jones, Kathy King: ... MR.MUM Ran1os, Brenda Torcns , Diane Sanders and Cathy Whalen . Accompanying the teams will be Mrs. Juaree Burnham, Mr. Archie CampbeU and youth director Ri chard Reed. The group will return June 22 and will present the results and highlights of ';Operation Arizona" lo the congregation at the 7 p.m. service. Lul.beran Church of tbt Masttr, 2900 Pacific Vie\¥ Drive, Corona del Mar, will hold an 8:45 a.m. worship a t the church and a 11 a.m. service at the congregational picnic on the John Crean Ranch. The ranch i!I located near the San Diego Freeway, between Mission Viejo and San Juan Capistrano. The con- ~regation will enjoy a pot-luck dinner at noon in addilion to other plans. · Dr. Wm . n . Eller will deli ver a message · •Th e Beginnin g or Wisdom'' based on Proverbs 9:7-10. 9:1-10. at both hours of v.•orship. Vacation Bible school will begin at 9 a.m. Monday. Classes ~'ill be offered for ages 4 through the sixth grade. TI1e su1nmer schedule at Re1 urr tctl on Lulhtran Church. 9812 liamilton Ave ., lluntington Beach, includes Sunday church school, 9 a.m. and morning worship, 10 :30 a.m. Nursery care is provided at the 10:30 a.m. hour. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley wilr"speak on "The Setting for Our Task." The Cong·regationat Li f e Emphasis Survey Committee will meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Educalional Building v.•lth Edmund Foehl of the Lutheran Laymen's h1ove- mcnt. S1turdiy, JUlle 14, 1%f/ -DAILY PILOT 1J Ameri~ in RQme Se~s 'Long Wi.,lte.r' -IT••..-t { 1 ~'\i ' oi ~vm flemoriol Jlerk , Tht So111hlmuts llfoSI &oidiflll M1morials PITTSBURGH, Pa. (AP) -JN DEBA~ durlna the MAUSOtlUM • COtUM&UJUM • CIMPllY John Cardinal Wright, named 191l-IM$ Vatlean Ecumenical abtlterecllTREES f h by Pope Paul VI r«enlly lo Council, he emerged 8! a con-hr_~ 000r-·~-~.:v. _ ORLD the highest Vatican office yeL servative on doctrinal matters ·-.; .......... ~ ....... ~ given an American, sees world but a-liberal in favoring Chris· ..,..._ ,....., ..,,. _, o,._. Christlanity entering "a long ~ Lian unlty steps wU.h the'l-'-~-----'------------.!!•--wlnt.e.r" of de c re a a i n g Protestant churches .. greater1 ,, ___________________ _, membership likely to last Into Church involvement in secularll the 21st century. world issues, and a sltong In an interview on problems stalemtlit in defense 01'11.,,.,,o"'u"'y'"o""F"'l"'H"l"'s'"-w=OR"'·""L"o·"·-Js-.. -.--.n------·-o ____ r __ facing churches in a changing religious liberty. .,. ... -"""" society, the S 9 . ye a r. o Id . ··~ history o~ ~~isUanity Pittsburgh bishop sakl he 11 a bi.story of crisis, he said thought the religious ebb during the Interview at his would be followed by a t~pal. cesid~nce. "It's .a reflowerlng or stronger Chris-hi.story of ~rrung to certain tian discipline and vitality. polnts o!, fervor and then level- celebrated at the 8 a.m. service and morning prayer will be read at the 9:30 a .m. service al St. Aflchael's and All Angel&' Episcopal Cbu.reb, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. The Rev. J ohn Rogers Davis will preach "SacramenLs and Bridges" at both hours. The summer church school program f 0 r kindergarten through the sixth grade will begin al 9:30 a.m. Sunday. The summer program is a joint er- rort of the Fellowship and Education Commissions of the vestry. The E.Y .C. ( E pi s cop a I Young Churchmen) have made a cash contribution to Susan Mozze, the kidney transplant patient. The E. Y .C. earned t h e i r contribution through the car wash. Preparing to leave soon for mg off. Rome to head the Vatican The cardinal said that! Congregation of the Clergy, =estant, Orthodox._ Jewish, ,.,.here he will adn1l!ilster rules u, ~uddhlst, Sh1n~o and governing priests the world Zoroastrian ~epre~ntauves al over cardinal Wright also an Istanbul 1nterfa1th meetlngl said.' he aUend~ last Februal')'. all · snn.ke "w1lhoul excepuon" -Religion generally, in lhe ""v . Orient as well as in the West, about. a slowdown In mem- is moving into a periodic cycle bcrsh1p growth. of decline "1 THINK we are destined · . lo see a shrinking of numbers -C.ELIBACV 1~ a n1ajor and, as a consequence, a much factor tn _the ~ropp1ng num~er more disciplined, much more of Calhohc pnests, alo~g with alert, much more vital. much a modern w~ve of exc1tell_lent more responsible Christian and . enthus1a~l for things community." ouLs1de ~he pricsth~. But no He blamed this on a change In the rule 11 expect.ed. religious indifferentism that -The self-defensive f~hng sees all religions as human that .caused A m e r 1 ~ a n opinion and speculation rather Calhohcs to e s t a b l 1 s h than as matters of obligation par?Chial schools had been and certainty. lading, until rece_nt. legal ~leps How long before what he to throw out religion entirely called "the eventual spring" from the public schools made arrives" I C_alholics ~twice about en-"l su~pect U ,will be a long, ding t h e 1 r Church-school time in coming," Cardinal system. Wright said. "I don't think A heavyset man who fur · we'll see its arrival in our cen- rows h.is . bl~ck eyebrows ~nd tury." purses hts hps wh.lle mulling On problems of celibacy he answers to questions, Cardinal said. ' Wright is one of on1y a few "I. don't suppose there was U.S. Catholic bishops with a ever a moment wh en normal doctorate In sacred theology. n1en didn 't ask themselves how prepared tttcy were to Lamplighte,.s Search. give up what all other men desire." ··1 would suspect th a I. celibacy is no small part of the problem ii only because it always has been," he said about the decline In prie!lly youth. For Fiesta Royalty The Lamplighters Youth photo of each entry is needed. Group of the First Christian The proceeds from the Church. San Clemente is voting will be donated to the searching for a king and Child Guidance Center of queen. Costa 1'.1esa and the Orange They are looking for a boy County Crippled Children'.s and girl bety,•een the ages of Hospital. ty,•o and five to serve as the ' royalty for the La Christianita candidates already in the YOU111 IS now caught up in "preoccupation with where the action is," the cardinal added. He said another factor was a current and valid "wave of enthusiasm'' and "rediscovery or·excittment" about political. scientiflc, ~nomic and cultural aspects of modern life. F iesta. running for king include: Don The King and Qu een will be Landstrom, 4, San Clemente; ----------- chosen by penny votes cast at Alex Haynes, 4. San Clemente; ~;l:\.C....,.::~. various stores in s a n Michael Richardson, 4, San ,&;.~ ~ ~ Clemente. Every child entered Cle'T'enle; Michael Lune, 4, : (j / rn.f i1t/-- on July 19. Michael Ga r r I g an , 4, ~125 r:. coeii Hwy. Entries for the contest will Capistran~ B 1 eac 8 h; TChl om ates co1°':~i.:,~ Mir IN .. IE DOOR PRIZUI * 11,IM.M-lD home furnishings or decorators service of winners choice. * MEXIC0-1\ound Jct Air Trip for tv.'o and sl1 daJI in Maico City. * llAWAll-Round Jet Air Trip for lwo and &even days in Waikiki.. * SAN FRANCISCO-Six Ro11nd Jet Air Trips for two and three days in San Francisco. * SCOTTSDALE-Six Round Jet Air Trips for lwo and three daya iA Scott.sda.le, Arizona. 'lUS: LOADS AND LOADS Of OTHU FINE l'RIZES FOR THE HOME SEE i OVER "OUT OF THIS • WORLD" 300 EXHIBITS! Featuring 1pectoculor Decorotor Rooms by Southem Collfornlo's finest de1igners and home furnishing 1up• pliers . , . See for the 1st time in Orange County! .. • The fobulou1 Whirlpool "Kitchen of the f uture" plus the Wh irlpool de5ignecl "Space Kitchen of 2001" In the Southern Counties Gos Co. exhib it section ... The oll-electric "K~tchen of Todoy os compared to the Kit· chen cf Ye1t&1"doy" ... The fonto1tic "Portable Amono Rodar Ronge" ... in the Southern California Edison display .• , Another l1t for Orange County i1 th• Space Exhibit that will be displayed with the coopero· tion of NASA .. , a nd over '4,000 square feet of orig- inal art exhibited by Southern Co lifornio's moat popu· \or artists. Show Hours: 5 to 11 p.m. dolly • Noon to 11 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays ANAHEIM CONVENTJON CINTIR .. Weit K•tell• (•c=ross Jnm Dfsaeyl•Dd> Spon10r9d by: The Oron9e County luilder1 Al.In. ond fhe lulldlng lndulfry Attn. ef Orange County. in the contest will ride on a Cap1strno Bea.ch ; Thom as [ , C(d' 'VJl4Jr noat at the parade to be held Sl!lert, 4• San Clemente: (';. Oin11•r1 E~tr•o1dl11•1• be accepted untll July JI and Stephen Pie , 3, an emen . .. ~~~~ · the coronation ceremony for Queen candidate!! are: Hollyl-------------------------------- the victors will be held July 13 Pearson, 4, San Clemente; The Rev. Roger G. at 4 p.m. Nineteen children Tini Marie McKeand, 3,San Betsworth will be preaching at have already entered. Clemente ; Lisa Marie Pettit, both the 9 and 10:30 a.m. Randy RoberLs. 26395-B Via 4, San Clemente; Rhonda services at Community United Sacramento, cap is t r an 0 Roberts, 2, Capistrano Beach; Mtthodlst Church, 6662 Heil Beach, is accepting entries 'Nni Marie ~1cKeand, 3, San Ave., Huntington Be a ch . from Laguna. Dana Point, Clemr:nte: Becky LI om as, Church school classes for all Capistrano Beach and San 3, San Clemente, and Tracy ages and nu rsery care for the Clemente. A black and white Fitzgerald, 2, Dana Point . very young are also availab\e,1,::~~~~~~~=~===~========;1 at both services. At 7 p.nt. the Methodist Youth Fellowship groups for young people from 7th through 12th grades meet in the chureh social hall . A membership training class for adults will be held this Sunday evening, 7 p.m. in the pastor's study. Child care will be provided. New members wi,tl be received inlo the con· gregation June 22. C ommunion will be ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH l~orp•r ... il u11dM th• 11011proflt lews •f the St•t• -4 Cellfenlll• n • reU1le111 .... ed11 c:ati•"' •rtnlmJ .. Me1a Eest Building 145 Ea1t 18th Street -P.O. Box 802 Costa Mes•, C1lifornia 92627 Golden Anniversary Special SAVE I Magazine lo anyone who Joice J\1iller, Jennifer Pit- 1 ~·rites to: "Love Seals. 27! lman, Tim Quiroz, Sa m : Easl 39lh St., New Yorkl;======================;ll J un e, 1969 : Ul016... I ! TO DATE. the society ha s ' received only 20 letters lron1 l people who are shocked or of· i fended by its new publishing J venture. • The va9t majority of cor- ; rcspondtnts share the feeling i of one Sunday school teacher • who wrote: ! "Wow ! You really are slir-' l ring thing!! up at the Bible I ·society. I congralu lalc you on . the fine art work which just • goes to prove that religion can : keep up to date." : Even more gratifying to lh<' ' society was a postcard from 11 ; young man : I , "Say man. y'all got any 1 more of them cool st.a1nps ; about Jove7 I would love to : have about five batch~ of • th em. Whoever did this ont b1 : reall y with il" • you KNOW YOUR CHILD )VILL LEARN ro SWIM AT BLUE BUOY ' A-4 5• win'•• 411•1•, l•lbo• hl•nd, ...... AMII, 11111.tltl 546-1800 Now Open EVENINGS and SUNDAYS RS SALONS 70 Fo1hion l1~ond, Nowport Center, 6'44-215 r 95 Town & Country, Orongo, 5'41 -664 1 .. ---------------- DEAR FRIEND, ft is with greet joy end" enticipetion th•f w• ennounc• the First Sundey S•rvic:• of th• Ntw ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH to b• hold S,,doy, Jun• 15, 1969 1+ 11 :00 1.m. et the COIN Mna Wom•'s Clul». cor. of West 11tll Street & All1halm in the City of Cost• Mtie. (Just two block• WEST of·Herbor Blvd.I Or. Ern•s+ Good, en internetionel teechtr end ltcturer will bt the minister of this NONDENOMINATIONAL church. He i1 ebly essisted by two ord1ined minist•rs, the Rev. Frtdric: Fellet e nd th• Rev. Leonerd Blossom . Ev•ryone •••rchts for the Truth of l ife end their rel•tionship of lov• or God, The Power of love is lattnf end weitin9 to be used within each o·f us. W t cordielly invite you to join u1 In le•rnin9 about th• Trust th•+ sets us free by lovin gly puttin9 into practice the principlei. We teach the "Trutli of 8tin9'' •n eweren•11 9ain•d through th• correl•tion of lew1 of scienc•·7 ini ons of philosophy.end revelation of r•1i9lon appli•. to hum•n needs end th• espiretions of men who is God'1 mosl m•rvelous e xpression HERE •nd NOWJ This hour will chen9e your llft. You will learn to truly llv• in the NOWNESS of lif• end dicc.ov•r who you ere •s you become · a nd BE more effective in a ll of your reletionships in everydey life. Wt look forw•rd wltt. 9reet pl•••ure end love in our heer+1 in •••ing you with us on Sundey, Jun• IS, 1969 et f I :00 •.m.; th• fir1t of whet wt know will be e long •nd joyous essocietion. Ample perking 11 •veileble •nd in the Fell W• 1h1ll comm•nct our Sundey School pro9r1m. Sincerely y_our1 in love tnd Strvlce, ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH ONA GALLON Help us celebrate our Golden Anniversary. Pick up a gallon of frosty, delicious A&W root beer at 25¢ off the regular price. Our celebrated root beer is a taste treat the whole family will enjoy. The offer is good from Ju!Je 15 through 21 at your _A&W-an Island of Refreshmer1t. A & W ORIVE~IN 2855 HARBOR BOULEVARD '' ' ' I l ' I 1 • 6 OAILY PILOT Porno Sheets Flourish in High Profit Market Morality Vndermined,·Lawmen Say By FREDEIUCK ~I. WINSffiP Vlhe4 Pre11 lalt:rnaUonal 1 "Get your pleasure now before It '1 busted," stiouls the newsstand dealer one hJoct from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel as he openly peddles the latest example of a f a 1 l·growing, ·nationwide journalistic ptlienomtnon, pornographic weekUes. Pleasure, a 24-pager which sells for 35 Cents, contains pictures of ~xpliclt, close- up nudity and intercourse and articles La11ored for sexual devianls a n d 1Sadomuocbists. Its personal ads help boy meet &lrl, girl meet girl, and couple:!! to arrange orgies. It serves as a gazette fo~ the sex revolution generation. "Whatever your scene," boast !I Pleasure editorially, "you'll find it in plea.sure." Such hard-core pornography displayed hext to the New York Times would have been unthinkable a few years ago when ti ·oneer underground publishers were lied into court for merely printing the ly four-letter word not included in the test edition of Webster's. The 75,000. E, culation Berkeley Barb, dirty old man the porno weeklies, has been blishing only foar years. THE OPEN SALE of pornography In ew York is rivaled ln the western world nly by Copenhage:n and London. Every al sanction against pornography for dulls has bttn abolished recently in ark after years ol permissiveness. ffhe Danes belie\'e the public's appetite for pornography wanes when it is no fooger forbidden. tMost Americaru are far lets tolerant of rnography but not organiud sufficient.- to fight it Their c~tf fear Is the effect Jb( such publications on their children, for N>c legend "not to bi!: sold or read by Enons under 21 '' on the cover ol some the most ctfensive weeklie! serves re as a come-on than a warning to jl'Ollth. . t Psychologists arc not entirely sure of lthe effect of pornography on young peo- ~le, but Dr. Eugene E. Levitt of the In· ~iana University Medical School warns lhat porno publkations' gross ex- j1ggeration of standards of sexual ;tiehavior leave young men with a feeling ,:of sexua l inadequacy. This could later iprevent success in marriage, he ~ys. ?· SOME OF THE t.abloid·size weekly newspapers that have popped up like evil nnushroom.s in a half dozen U.S. cities ~ave been "busted" -swept from the triewsstands temporarily by court actions, :111most all unsuccessful, and by zealous \pollce. But most quickly renewed publica· I ion or have been replaced by other porno •sheets. Since porno sheels are big business, J1ighly profitable to both publisher and -dealers who get to keep as much as JS :cents on SO.cent issues. they are difficult •\o eradicate. Screw claims to have lured 1 cittulation of 120,000 ln a few months and bu added a neWlletter tiUed Fondle . Pleuure has started 1 Pleasure Book Of ~· Month Club. Law enforcement officials realize it would be hard to put porno sheets out ol business on the basis ot their textual con· tent in view of the U.S. Supreme Court's green·Iight rulings on w r i t t e n pornography, girlie magaz.i.nes and nudist publications. But-the battle to ban pie· tures of genitalia and sex acts may still be won in the courts, unless pictures are also drawn under the protective umbrella of the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of ezpression. "Obscenity of this kind, however, undermines the moral health and fiber oC everyone," says Kenneth 0. Conboy. assistant Manhaltan district attorney in charge or obscenity prosecutions. Danish law enforcement authorities would con· ~ Most Americans fear the effect on c b 11 d· ren, hut Denm1ark helicve!i the public's ilppetlte for porno- graphy wane• when it is no longer forbid· den. ' test Conboy's opinion, pointing out that since pornography has become freely available in Denmark, the public has become increasingly hlase and porno deale rs are going bankrupt. TKE BERKELEY BARB began using four-letter words In 1965 and the Village Voice, an old-established New York neighborhood weekly, followed suit the next year. Explicit illustrations are the most recent addition to generally badly written, edited and printed pages that rail against the v.·ar in Vietnam, the draft. and college administrations, whlle obviously seeking to titillate. Among the occasionally le'i'·d weeklies devoted to new left politics and the youth revolution are Atlanta·s Great Speckled Bird, the Los Angeles Free ~ (FREEP) v.•hich limits its pomograi)h)o to the classified columns. the Berkeley Barb. the relatively In often s l v e Underground Free Press at the Universi· y ot Missouri. Chicago's Seed. Kaleidoscope, and Second City, Boston's Avatar, and New York's Rat. The Great Speckled Bird, Underground Free Press, Seed, and Avatar' have run afoul of the law but the cases were either dismissed or the publication found not obscene. Obscenity charges still are pen. ding against Berkeley Barb Editor Max Scherr for attempting to distribute an issue containing the picture of an orgy in· volving members or the MC 5, a Detroit roek group. THE BARB, however, has won such ac- ceptance that there has been public con- troversy over whether or not public libraries should subscribe to the paper as a meaninsful social document. But Mrs. Gladys O'Donnell ol Long Beach, presi· dent or the Nationa l Federation of Republican Women. found the Barb so revolting that she said, "I couldn't sleep after 1 saw that thing." Mrs. O'Donnell urged all women to slay out of downtown Long Beach as long as the Barb was openly sold there. Many women's groups and civic action groups have used as their main argument against pornography the theory that it excites violence in depraved and sexually maladjusted persoru1, leading to assaul~. rapes and murder. This has not been genera1ly confirmed by psychologists but those engaged in the suppression of pornography can give concrete examples. "A 26-year-old girl came into our office recently," said the Rev. Morton Hill, president of Morality in Media in New York. one of the oldest organizations in the field. "She said she had been at· lacked in the doorway of her apartment building. Her eyes were black and she was very beaten up. She said she fought the man arr and when he ·ran away one of the pornographic weeklies dropped out of rus coat. She thought there v.·as significance in this." THE REV. MR. HILL believes New York's district attorneys "have rendered the public a great service by moving on the pornographic press but I hope they can be more effective." He claims the public Is far from apathetic, judging from the enraged phone calls received at Morality in Media, but it often does not know where to tum. His organization ru!· vises protesters to call or write their district attorney or the police com· missioner. John Wilcock, an editor who pioneered four.Jetter words in several underground weeklies, believes the porno sheets will win out as they have in Denmark. If sex can be portrayed on the stage and screen -and inroads have been made in thal direction recenlly -then why Is it obscfme to do the same in publications, he asks. f,u you can depict any part of the lex act, where do you stop" WilcoC:li asked. "To say some part of the act ls more obscene than another is patenUy absurd. I ttllnk we will eventually have complete freedom to print whatever we wish. Alter all, the public doesn't have to buy erotica, but obviously there ls a demand for it. Wilcock underscored this by pointing out that Screw "started from scratch and reached a circulation of more than 100,000 in a couple of issues without pr1> motion of any kJnd. He believes this Ls a journalistic record of SOl"U. -11111 I I~ I I_ Mtultna 1tatement 11111 ---\. ~-.-. _, . Review ot Encliltl poeb M1rlju1n11 bill finde a..,..t LAMPORT GROPES FOR GAY VOTE s.. I"' ,_ ..... _ ..... ••.• -u ... Granddaddy of underground publl· cation1, Berkeley Barb began using four·letter words in 1965. GOP women are among groups trying to get It off newsstands. Much more serious In content, Los Angeles FrH Preas generally steers clear of obscene material, but its classified advertising sec· tion permits explicit language. It is sold on newsstsands throughout Orange County. RIGHT TO DISSENT Has Dr. l(ing's Word Gone Astray? Tn my opinion there Is nothi ng more dangerous Jn our national life today than the beginnings of an attempt at a philosophical justification for law break· ing as a means of protest. By this 1 mean the violation of lav.·s of undoubted valid· ity, like those against trespass or assault, to get attention for a point of view. Here we as lawyers have, I am con· vinced, a responsibility that we have not so far fully discharged to challenge and rebut fuzzy, fallacious doctrine that is being heard too often from some un· dergraduates and some faculty voices on our campuses, and even from some pulpits. THIS PROBLE~l began with the very sound position taken originaUy by Dr. r.1artin Luther King, Jr., which was this: There is every justification for a non· violent disobedience to discriminatory laws whose constilutional validity is open to doubt. That in this case the doubt \\'as From an address by 1-1. Chapma1i Rose, pr esident of tlie Cleveland Bar /\ssocia!ion. well rounded was held by the Supremo Court in due course. To disobey a doubtful law in order to test it.s validity, with a recognition that the legal penalty must be paid if the law is upheld, has always been the right or a free man in our society. But the next step, taken not by Or. King but by others, has led many people astray. Their heresy is this : Because they con· demn the Vietnam war on moral grounds, and because the draft sends some men to the Vietnam war, they dee1n it prnper lo disobey the draft !av.•. But there is no real doubt about the validity of the draft la .... ·; it has been sustained O\'er and over af(ain. justl!icalion for disobeying a Jaw that totally outrages one 's conscience, if one were willing to pay the legal penalty, THEY \VILL say that \Ye nave always recognized a special status for lhe religious conscientious objector. People will point to the war crime trials after World War II, which assumed a duty to disobey orders to conunit the crime of genocide. Finally, people will cile the American nevolulion. and other revolutions, bot· tomed on the right to overthrow a regime that has berome intolerable. ll \\'Ould take all evening to reconcile these things-and I shall not attempt It, though it can be done-with this obvious truth : In th e complexities of modern ci.,,ilizej Life. no one can be allowed to ar· rogate to himse:U the choice of which la\vs he \Yill obey and which he will flout. .------Our Han ho San f'rn11ci1co ------, Monday Syndrome liere begins the heresy: You may disobey a valid law because you disagree \\'iLh a related government policy. You then wrap ii in Dr. King's mantle by call· Ing it civil disobedienCf!. ~100ERN \VESTERN ci\'ilization, wllh lts miracle of producUvily, depends \\'holly on assurances given only by a system of lav.·-upon predictions that pro. pie will perform their conlracls, that peo- ple and their property can rely on certain minimum protections. that free speech is for everybody, that violent minorities on campuses or elsewhere will not be allow· cd to coerce majorities or other minorities, that changes in the rules can be made only in acrordance with the rules, and so on. Goya Club: New Horior For Alioto By ltERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -San Fran· ci.sco's ~1ayor has a way of lighting fires at Ci ty Hall that is typically Alio:o. \\'hen a dept . head isn't moving fast enough, the Mayor phones him and says: "Congratulations. you ha\'e just been elected to the Goya club.'' "Why, THANK you . ~Ir. 1\-tayor.'' replied the oUicial. "Uh -what's the Goya club~" "!l's an acronym :' sa)S the I\tayor icily. "ll means Get Off Your , . :• NO \V THEN. On Pacific Ave. the other day, I 33\¥ an auto accident caused by a tourist \\'ho su<lden\y stop- ped dead in the middle or an in- lerSCC"tion as he craned his neck this way and that. lie was looki ng ror a street sign -of \l'hirh this poor· undernourished, o,1·orld-r c n o w n c d metropolis has only ONE per corner. I mentioned this becau se this is !he l.hlrd lime in ii ytllr I've seen an ac· cldent caused In precise!~· thi s man ner , . , What we need - and I realize rn1 becoming a bore on the subject -111 al least two sians per rorner. and ideally, four. Hello. l\fayor Alioto? COOgr1tulaUoN! You have jusl betn elce1<od to Ille G<>ya Club. SPIUNG IN San Fran.cisc~: could 1nyl.hing bt lovelier, this side of a Greek tale? SaiJboab on the Bay, pe1> ple in tennis wtiltel heading for the coul'UI, pretty gtrls In convertibles with blown tof)5. I took young Christopher Jn tow and headed for Golden Galt' Park. Two police offi cers on honel were cantering alon~. look· I q jUt r.111. At Ille O>lldren·• Plaflround. ft went Into that big dark -old m<!TJ .... rouDd &nd rode the "ooden borSes. J111t us a~ four hip- p1.. with ttlltlle Q<I. J ""*5 If you're atoned, the tnffTX·eo-rOund Is a toad trip, .,p<etally It )'DU &It on 10 ostrich and gaze at a roosttr. Stooed hippies going 'rourxl and 'round and the two officers nearby on their real horses. llERE WE ARE In the Shoe Circle at the Ci:y of Paris, where a gal tries on a pair or boots and then has trouble gettlng them orr. "Let me ht:lp,'' \•olunteers I\1gr. Dan O'Brien, who gives t11.·o mighty tugs. And orf come the boots, fol\o\\'ed by her stockings ond panty girdle. TV PRODUCER IM ri.fendelson and Clifton Fadiman were dining at the Clift night before last when up sailed a lady v.·ho said to Fadiman : "I know YOU, you're Oscar Levant." "Sorry," ::;iniled Fadiman, .. right prngram, wrong bod y." If you'\'c forgotten ''Information. Plc::ise," greatest of the quiz shov.·s, forget the whole thing. "BLESS 111M !'' The quote is City Planning Otrector Allan Jacobs. ;nd the obiect of his beneficence Is Don Pnt7.ker of Atherton, young Pre$. of l hc llyan Corporation. When Ja~ rompla ined lh rll the prOpOSOO Hyatt lluusc hotel on Nc>b HUI "will cut oft loo much of the sky" ti share your mystlflca.tlon). J> r It:. k er VOLUN· TARJLY lopped JOO feet off the hei&hL "Dien tum.·· If PEOPLE likt &:!nator Dolwl1 keep lr}'IUW to ~'ater down amendD'lents to save the Bay, what we wind up with I! a watertd-down Bay. It's a Bad Day for Workers By Dr. O. TOD MALLERY The '"Monday Syndrome" may not be familiar to the 93 percent of the nation's active physicians who devote their prac· lice to "patient care." However, physi· cians in industry, employers, and their ,.,,orkmen's compensation Insurance car· r\ers have long been familiar with a st range phenomenon in the calendar pal· tern of incapacity following occupational injuries or diseases. No matter whal day of the week the disability begirui, the pa· t.ient usually gels "''ell on Sunday. Is this a medical syndrome? In one sense it is. because: lhe term of in· capacity-for compensation purposes-is determined not by the patient bul by his physician. who certifies v.•hen the cmploye is able to ret.um to wDrk. This pattern is the single constant, al· tach.ing to all occupational disabiliti@s, without regard to their nalure, severity, or duration. lt Is universal. And, as 111edically there ls no such thing sis a universal syndrome, we .must categorize this one as social rather than medical. ~I ANY PHYSICIANS may nol be con· sciously aware of their preference for Monday as the first day of reco'M!ry. They probably lack the faintest idea that the tendency to defer return to work to the y o n d e r side of the upcoming weekend adversely affects the employer's insurance costs -and, much more than incidentally, his production. Nol long ago, ~ injury claims from the files ot ~,RIQ)',!!r,1 _ J.,nsurance of \fausau -ranglng from one to three wttks duration-were analyzed. These in· jury claims weM! selected at random, and were oot weighed in favor of any one In· dustry or one section of the country. Out of these. 500 injury clalm1, n per- cent OCOJrred on Monday whlle roughly lhe same percentage took place on Fri· day . Yet, regardless of what day of the week on whlch they were Injured. claimants lhowtd a marked tendency to return to work on a Monday. The study •ISO uncovered a number of Interesting sld~ffeC\S of the "~1ondizy ~yndromc." MOn<l•Y and Frlday were both day5 when llltrt was an lncrea11e In l_njurles. Why should this be? Why are more peo- ple. hurt on Fridays and on Mondays than on other weekday1t Dr. JHaller11 is 111cdical di rector of Employers l 11su ra11ce of \Va1!.SaZL, 1Va usau. \Visco11s111 . Reprinted fron a the Orange County .r.fedical Associa· tfo11 Bidle tin. THE lllGHER Friday Incidence may be due to cumulative fatigue . built up over the \\'eek . Monday's high injury rate might be reasonably attributed lo the fncl that ne .... · employes usually arc in· troduced to their jobs on that day. JN ANY ONE case. slretching in· capacity to the end of a week already half gone 1nay seem like a small matter. But consider the matter a little more closely. If a man who has llad three weeks' disability that should actually end on a Wednesday gets the rest of the week off, his benefits are increased 19 percent. If an actual two-week incapacity is stretch· cd from a Thursday to the .next Monday, the cost iucrew is 28 percent. If a v.·eek's genuine disability Is ex· tended from Thursday to ~1onday, the cost boost is 57 percent. or every five employes who. after one to three week~' actual Incapacity, are sent back to work on Monday by their attending physicians. three are getting benefits of the kind and degree just mentioned, If this is the national pattern-and we tee no reason to doubt it...-lhe loss of pro- duction is simply enonnous: to say nothing about the impact on loss ratios and insurance costs. SOME PHYSICIANS reported they !cit they wert doing I.be tmployers a fa vor by returning injured employees: on Monday. They believed employers were beat set up to have employees come batk to wor~ on the Urst day of the work week. There 11re employers · who tell us jurt the opposite. Some big firms say they have a large numbtr of nonindustrial ab8entee!I returniitg to work on Mondays. Vacationers usually come ~k on Mon· days. They Would J)rt~r to have those returning lnJurtd employes spaced out as much ns possible, to prevent rush- work and congestion all through the planl, from pcrsoMcl of!ice to assembly line. --------- BUT OTHERS have then gone a long step farther, to the position that, because there are evils on the campus or in the ghetto, ll is all right to bring pressure to bear for their correction by breaking and entering, by occupying and holding buildings, by trespass, by malicious destruction of properly, by assault. and by interferins forcibly with the rights of others lo go about their lawful atrairs . I know of no one outs ide the SDS or certain other extremist groups v.·ho would uphold the ultimate proposition stated this baldly. But the other day the Presi· dent and the Attorney General both asserted that it wa s only a tiny minority on our campuses that was generating this turmoil . Then !he president of one of our well· kno1vn colleges felt called upon to advise the President of the United Stales to ex· pcct the unrest to continue until the President and others of his ad. n1inislration addressed themse!Yes more effectively and massively to the in· justices in our society, including the poverty, the Vietnam wor, and the In· equities of the draft. In the context, it was almost. but not quite, a prediction that illegal conduct would continue on the nation 's campuses, and almost, but not quite. a justification for It. I DETECT something of the same af. mosphere in the calmnes.s or some of the ecclesiastical reaction to the demand of James Forman for half·a·billion dollars in \Yhat he calls ttparatlons from the American churches. He has backed up this dftmand by the threat lo disrupt church activities. · As Erwin Griswold said In a lecture on dissent at Tulane last year : "I cannot distinguish in principle the legal quality of the determination to hall a troop train to protest the Vietnam \Var ... from the determination to fire shots Into a civil rtghll leader's home to protest in· tegrallon." Similarly, I C8MOt dl&tln1utsh Jn prin· clple the legal qwilltr ot Mr. Forman'!! demand from lhlt o( lhe rackctttr \\'ho threatens to damage a dry cleaning establl!hment unless the O'i''Tier pays pro- tection. To put ll thitt "''OY oversimplific."i the Issue; but I think a little ovcT'!lmpliflcntlon I! nttdcd. People wHI 58Y we have alw«ys rec0&niied the mor~ u distinguished from the legal, ,. I Our motivation to build a better world should not and does not derive its urgen· cy from any sense of guilt. Visiting the sins of one generation upon another is dubious religious doctrine. It has the further vice that it impairs the balance and the wisdom of our response to the demands of the disadvantaged. The urgency that we feel derive!'! and should derive from the fact that for the first time in the long history of mankind upon this earth. this materialistic society of ours has acquired the material means to abolish po verty and hunger, at least in our own country ; and justice requirts that if 've can do so, we must do so. OUR URGENCY derives also from our national sense that we are indeed our brother's keeper and are lherefore obligated to help him as far and as fast ~s we possibly can. As a nation we can do more than we are doing, and we J?llsl de) more. Dul if we yield to the demand of any gene.ration or any group !or speed at the cost or raimess, speed at the cost or trampling on the hard-won equal rights of others, speed . In short, at the cost of lav.·. then, on the brink of success in the age. old struggle of mankind with poverty and hunger, we could indeed see our progress brought to a grinding halt Salurtlny, June 14, 1969 The Comment l'age or the Dally l'ilot .. eks to Inform and stimulate readers by presentinJt a variety of com- mentary on topics of inter• est and significance irom lntormed observers an d spokesmen. Robert N. WHd, Publlih• • ' " " •• .. •• 0 • • c •· • '" ,. " " " 0 • .. ,, • ' " '• " ,. ' • • " ' ' ' " • , ' • ' • • • • ' ' , , ' ' • ' • • • ' ·opi1iions Uncerta.in On 'New NLF' Role WASHINGTON (AP! -The ha~ claim~ its poliUcal arm. Viet Cong's establishment of a the Natiollal Liber•tiorl FrorH ••pr ovtsionaJ revolulionary was a party aulhentlc&Jly government'' ror South Viet-represen•ina the Sooth Viel· nam has observers differing ... '6 widely on how the develop.. namese people," but did not tnent will affect prospects for call itself a government. a negotiated peace. An optimistic )nterpN!tation Some experts now look for of the enemy move • rrom serious bargaining by the fonne~ vice presideOl• HU.bert enemy resulting 1n progreM at Paris. Others figure the H. Humphrey, who ' iaw Hanoi-Viet Cong team Is dig· evidence that both tJic 'saigon ging in for a long, hard stand, regime and the Viet Cong dimming chances for any were b~deniai their nnH1ical forwarrl movement soon in the bases. r-r negotiatiom. Officially, the U.S. position HOPEFUL SIGNS Is that nothing has changed in "These are significant and the Viet Cong lineup except a In my opinion e1tre.mely name. The allies thus raised hopeful signs -which should no objection Thursday to the tell us that tbt ~nces or new "govei'nment" succeeding reachina a Degotiated political the National Liberation Front settlement in Paris are at North Vietnam's side in the brighter now than they have Paris talks. bee.n tor a long Ume," B•NIC!Gp! - Leo Needs To Obiain Privacy SUNDAY JUNE 15 By SYDNEY OMARR Lunar pot!Uon exee:llMt for fishing, plutlng. Center 1e- tivltle1 around llome, family. Many t"ay set new look at wllat wu famJUar ; Utert Is ezcltement of rtdl1covery. ARIES (March 2l·April 19): Many look to you as uample. Be calm, cool and objective. Responsibility you feel is not your own -can be handled diplomatically. Then you earn .......,, Junt 14, 1969 Magnificent New C:apitol DAil. V I'll.OT 7 DO SINGLE MIN HAVI MORE ,,UN! ........ If ........... the llOHT 411Lll CALL 547-4667 -14-Heur._...,._ -Somelhma lftwl..J -CHOC·UKS are comlnt-• 11, .. -.... ..-----IOllhP-.M•M'I. .. Gwft ••ctrlc-wltlni -JOO ... !Moy? Seo ..... ht th ...... 0,,. pon..itySecttoo. S0:\1E AGREEMENT Humphrey saJd. W a s h in g t o n ana1ysl3 Some others speculated that respect -and love. An artists rendering shows the estimated $65 million for its construction at east end ol. Capitol Park for turning present, 100..year.old domed atructure into a museum. STARS Sydn., Oia•"' i• 1111• ef tt.. ....,Jd'1 '"''' •1tr.rorn• Hk c•hfl'1H1 11 111111 ef th DAILY 'ILOT1 tt••t f•1t1,.1. generally agree that: the Viet Cong were attempting -The new group is run by to raise themselves ta a par the same people as its 'th ••-•-· TAURUS (April 20·May 20): twin·towered design from proposed new California Be witll relatives even if it re--state capitol, which is now being studied, in high secrecy, by a joint legislative committee. Plans call predect~r. holds !he same w1 w~ """1gon government in a legal sense so they could goals and is bound by the better trade off with the South same links to Hanoi. quires short journey. Day•/-----'-'-..:...__:,;_ _ _:e. ___ .:.;...::..:.:.:..:.:.:::..:..:::::...:::::_ _____________________ _!:::::::::===============.! features aclivity, travel, Ideas and slight confusion. Not wi se to attempt detail work. Plan whole areas. Accent charm. ..... A practical aim by the Vietnamese in bargaining for • coalition government enemy in announcing creation of the government now is to A more pessimistic ap- strengthen Jt.s bargaining posi· praisal came from analysts tion at Paris. who believe the Viet Cong, by -More Ume Is needed te> announcing its government det.ennine whether the enemy and the members in it, was intends to move next into a forming a harder position more flexible negotiating stan· from which ii would be mo're ct or will stick to a rigid ,...d~U~f~ic~u~lt~t~•~•~•~go=ti~at~•~· ---, posture. These conclusions fall short ol explaining why the enemy picked this time lo claim fonnation of a government representing all of South Viet· nam. Previously the Viet Cong ON THE TUBE For tht b t1t 91,1idt to w1'tt t'• htppt nin9 on TV, ft td TV WEEK -d i1tfib1,1ttd w ith t h• Sttvrdty t dition of tht DAILY l'ILOT. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE COSTA MIU. 5ANITAllY DISTlllCT O•ANOE COUNTY, CALIPOllNIA NOT!Clf INVnlNO alOS NOTICE IS HEltE!IY GIVEN Illa! 1Mled ~ls wl!I tit rt(tfvtd by l~t City Cl1rlr, on ~r..11 cl lht Cost1 M-Sanl!try Dlllrlct, on or b<llort Tue61y. 1111 ht d1r cf J11tr, 1~ 11n!ll th1 hour of ll:ot A.M. Clf 111d IHtt. 11 ltl1 Cosll Mt11 City Hill. 11 Fair Orl~t. Cosll Mett, CtUll;lrnt.. PropoMls for f11rnlN!lng 11! l1bor •nd maltrlalf, /or !ht con1tn,.ctlon Pl I 11w1r mal", • 1awotr ll;lrct m.ln ind ntocatlon of ••lsllng 1!t(lrlc1I 1nd vent 11cllltln w111 b<I ol>tl'tCI In PllOllc and rffd 11Pud In lht council Olambers ori 111d ll1y, ti llr 1bDu1 M~ time, or Ille City Clwl< ot Mid City, Tiii -d• "MESA OlttYE SEWEii RELOCATION" ll\Ould IPPll• Pn !ht en~tlOPe. Tri. Wllrk wlll comlt.1 of l11Pn»:im1hlly 350 L.F. of I " Y.C.P. Sewer M1ln. 490 L.F. of 10" C11t lrvn Foret 1.Uln, J M-• manhol8 Incl Giiier lll'PUrltritnl -· A •et or 1111,... 1nd 11>ttillutioo>a mar b<I obt•ifled •I me ortk• ol 111« City Cltrll It n F1lr Drlvf. COiii Mr..t, C1lll<N'nl1, uPCft I deposit Qt tlftee<> (IS.00) 00111r1. An 1clclUlon.I cri.rve of -(1.00) OClllr will bt ITlldt 11 Nlndled by .... n. PLEASE MAil !oEPARATE CHECKS. Etch bfcl 1lla ll bt mlOt on lht propot;tl lorm 1nd In tlle manner ,..ovldH m 1111 contrKt C1oc:11rnent1, and .,..U bt lcCOl'l'lp&n+od by 1 certiflld d'llcll er <a'1!1er's bcncl or 1 biO bo<'ICI 1or not le>• thin Hn (101 Ptr cent of :tit """""! 11! lht bid, made payable to me '"'"' Mew $anU1rr Olnrkl. Allbrtvllllon• VHCI In the schedllll ol predetermlntd •t9t rtles In c.n\unc· I-"'1111 IPIPklYtr INYmtflll liSlrd In IM r;g/11 htrod COll.flNll 1r1 ieletltllied 11 1011o-: ph "' 11111,ir pd 11er d..,. PhW per ll011r workfll pdw Jle1' dlY -ntt<I php lier hOUr NiO JldP Hr di' Hid pllw/11 Pl!' l'lo\lr W'llrltld or 111ill phwt,, ...,, dly -riled lt1 01111 PSlll per •lrtlpht llrnt llOl/r w w- osltlw Hr 11r1l11n1 lime hour -nttcl 11w trots ...,.,. ""'"" "' •trtklht time. hour paid tw 'IOlll "'-11sthw/P per slr1i9hl time !'lour Wllrloed or 11tld Pmd "' ITlt<I IHY EJTlp!Oyer l>iYmtnlti olher ltltn tllost ltem!1tcl hlf'elfl, ts delil'llll In St<lion 1113.1 Qt tne UbOr COdt, •r• "' bt paid In ICCOrdl<Kt with The 1 ...... Of "" coll11e!lv1 bo"l!t lnlng '"'""""t tppllctOI• 10 Ill• 1y.,. or dtuUlc1llon ot lh• workmen or mtd'llnla employed on tl>t prllltc:I. Overtime, SOJnd•v• ind llPllll•'fl -not 1111 lh1n ll'i limn lht btslc hourly rill> 111111 appllcablt 1mplov•• paymtnls. Tiit llPlld•'fl 11pon which 1uch r•tes 1h1U be paid 1/1111 bt •II llPlld .. ys rt<og"fnid In !ht COllt(HYI bt•o•!nlng •11r•t-m.,.: apptlcaOlt to lht partlcul1r cr1lt, ci.ssl!lcl!lcn or tyPt of Wllrkmen em- PIOvtcl on ''" pro!t(!. Ccple1 of 111 collt(!lve btrva!nlfWI 1oretmenh r•l,.!fye 10 !ht wor~ •• •et lorlh !n lht 1for1mentlon ed Labor Code art on lilt arod 1Yt1l1blt tor lnsf>ll(11on In me olllct ol tlM OeptrlmeM: of lnd111trl1I Rtle!ions, Olv!•lon cf Labor !.11· loslla 11111 ll:ne•rch. At!entlon Is dlr.cr..i to S«:tlon 7-1.0IG of lht S!•nd1rd Speclfk•llans 11rovl0· Ing fOr "1\ployme11t ot 1pprennce. pn tht -r-. Every such 1ppren!lct lhtll bt palG ror 1tarod1rd w101 111ld to 1ppr1ntkn llnder the reQ\tlttiaN Qt 111« tr..ie It wnlch ht I> •motoytd, lnrarm.!lon r1l11lve Ip 1mployment of 1pprtn!ke• 11\tll be obtllr'ltd trom !ht Olrt(tor Qt the 0.111rtmtn1 of tnd111lri1I Jltlloticrls, who I• 1119 AllmlnLllrtl!v• Of!1c1r or !ht C.lllornilo Appr..,tknhlp C~ll. ,....,... " !lie prpyJslon• at S.Cllon 1110 Qt lht llbOr Collt of ''" Stitt 11f can10rnlt. !tit !lot~ of Oirteors 01 lht Colli Mftl ~nl"ry Olttrlcl of Or111111 CtNl\ty, Ctlll<N'nlt II•• •Kerlllntd tht gtntr•I prlYllllnt rtlt ol WIDll Ind f'm- plOytr PIYmtnli for llttllh Ind MH1rt. YKl!lonl, pension incl simlllor pu.rppsu 1n tM courily In which lht -t II lo b<I dol'll' to be 1• tallows; l11k lllt'9 Ell'llli.ytr f'ty1•1•t1• Mr f'W......, Cln li!lcltllt1 N 111111 W YKllilHI f'-11<1 $111fltll LIMt I 46 Aslll\lll pl1nl -lnttr 1.21 Atlll\lll plillnl forenwn ,,,J Carpenter ~ it Cement M•son ! 16 Cll1lflmen Ind rodma~ !.46 Cll!Krtre 11r •spl\111 1pr11dlnt mtellanktl ltmplng 1r linlshlnf ,,,,.cllln1 0111r1tor $ 6f Orlwr Of dump true:~ 1S vcb "' ... ~.11 ,. s.u •• ... "' '·~' ,. \,,, ... or mcrt w11tr level, 1l"'llt unit or combln•!lon of vtlllcles F'tn(t ffKl'Dt Gracie cht(ttr lf\1:r11mentm1n Miiiar 111tr11I OPf'ra•or Ptlnltr -l>ru•ll Ptrty dllef Plumt.lr ll:t!n!Ortll\f lroriwor~er ll:o!ler opera tor R11bbflr llrad. ll11wy duly ec11,1!pmenl -••tor S<tffd cptralO• S~!plotd1r -rttor. "'hetl !ype ll"tr '.\;, ydl. up IO trod lncludl<19 n, v<l•-~.Y S~lplollcltr oper~to<, whtel lypt ovtr IV. yVs. JO(; pllW/11 JOo: ptlw/11 ~ """''" lie Pf\Wf P JO(; pllWft> Jilk ptow/p JIOS phW JO(; pf\W/11 JO(;. pllw/11 JO(; pf\w/p 711( pllw 30c llhw/11 10"" otow .JG! pllw JOo: phwfp JOc pf!wfp J0c pl\W(ll J0o: pl\W/11 Eltctrlcllon lk phW Trtc!or IOllCler 01>1r1tor, 111 !ype, lOc pll"'/f> Tr1oe10r ooerttor with _,, :Jlk pllw/11 ~111c11men:s '46 TrBclor Oflr•tor -drJO type. JOt p!IWIP IMftl bulldo,er. t1mppr, 1ertper, ~nd Ollsh lrlc!O<" ! 71 Trtndtlno """ch!nt QPer1tor UP lCk pllw/p lo 4' de-p!h CIPl(lly m/1j. rlllflt S ~ Trtt1elllr>0 ....a(hlnt Olltfllor •vtr lCk llhw/I' ,. dtplh ctpaelfy mfll, rtllnt J 5' Unlwrul f'QllJ....-1 OJ1otralor. lOI; llf\Wfll o1t0ve1. blckl'MM, e1r19n.,.. ci.m. Mell. dtlrkt, clerrkt btr91. cr1,.., plle llrl..., t /ld m11Clt"'9 """'~ ln,...,,..ltll Gr,.. l..thr 4 U Air corn11t'1.or Plll'IP Gr o-r•ltr -••for •.lH AtJll'ltll r•k•r and 1- ' 2-lll Asplltll tl'IPV'tlotr 4 :.U Con<rtl9 <urtr. ln'lfltr~iou• """"brlM 1nd form 11ll<1r 7X rf/t.W(P 2.k pl\w/11 2X lll'IW/11 'tl Orlv'I!" Pl d11mp lfvck leu 11\t~ SX llll•/O • yOs. w11tr level • 11 Drl..,,r DI clump truc:lt, ' v<ls. 1>111 ln1 tl'llft t ""'1. w•l•r ltVll 1 tJ Orlvtr pf !lump truck. I yds WI leH Ill~" U v<la Wtl!r lfv•t •.ol O•lver ol ll1>mP truc:k, 1l yd1. Sk pl'l'w/O bvt less 111•11 16 v<I•. wtt•r levtl i U O•!Ylr ol dump truck. !6 \Id•. 1k llhw/p WI leil ltlll" ll yds, Wl!r< ltV1!1 ••I Entln .... 11!1er. al;n•l-11 311< llf'rw/11 4 ?<IS F'lftt tr ..... r. hl;llWIY tnd tlrHt :lk f)lfW /p 111vlng, airports. •IHIWIYI incl •lmll•r llNYV C0111tr11<:!1Pn • ns G111ne1 """' 1'< """''" lOc phwlo lOc. l'llW/P nc plow 11 6c pf\wfp JO< pl\w/p 30c pl>W/p 'k pllw lOc plowl p lCk: pllw/p JOc phwlp lk phw llk. pllw/11 l:N pl, ... 2Sc """' lOc pl'lwlp lk pllw/p 30c phw/p lOc pllw/p 60< pllw/11 60< Qtow•p H< pllw/p 5.5c """"'" 60< plow II 60c phw/p "' .. . ~ .. . 60c phw/o 60c phw/p Sk plow 60c. pllw,p 16'1io of ;w .10c pllw 60< fil!w/o 60c llh•/P 60< ohw/o 60c phw/o lSc """''" lSc: fl'IW'll lSc fil!wfo He: llf\W/11 nc pllw/p 1Sc ftt•IP 60cc ottw111 GEMINI (May 21·June 20 ): Conct!ntrate on b u d g e t , money. Utilize experience to obtain legitimate bargain. Feeling of restriction is but temporary. You get what you want -but not in sudden fashion. CANCER (June 21.July 22): You break through te> real pro- gress. What you seek is in view. Be willing to reach out for it. Key is to be ad- venturous. This can be a meaningful and wonderful day -make it so. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ob- tain needed privacy. Be discreet. Bring family circle close. Get backing of those who really are concerned. You do not need accolades. You re- quire understanding -it is obtainable. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Se pt. 22): Good lunar aspect today c<>in- cides with chance to give pleasure to loved ones. Get rid of groundleS! fears, doubts. Take a chanct. Expose your emotions. You'll be glad. LIBRA £Sept. 23-0ct. 22)' Stress on what you want lo achieve. Ambitions are highlighted . Accept responsibility. You have what you want, but you may not realize it. Think. SCORPIO IOct. 23-Nov. 2:1): You can finish important task. You get what you need through written word. Study yo ur paper. Read, write and outline formula. Keep com- munication lines clear. SAGmARIUS (Nov. rz. Dec. 2:1): Delve into the hid- den, the obscure. Answers are obtainable. Key is to be in- dependent and curious. Aik questions. Don't be satisfied with superficial answers. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan . 19): Spotlight on marriage, partnerships. public relations. Much comes your way. Handle apparent dilemma with aplomb, be receptive -don't try to force any issue. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21l-Feb. 18): Stress moderate ap- proach. Keep resolutions con- cerning work, health. Give special attention to pet. Repay those who have performed special services. PISCES I Feb. 19·March 20): Creative urge may cause restlessness. Don't confuse being in love with love, with loving an individual. Realistic approach pays dividends. Know what you want and need. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIR111DAY you are a warm, trusting individual. But many misinterpret your motivea. New rrtends, different environ· ment proves beneficial BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE •ti He•vr duty rtP1irm.11n•1 llt!Pet :IOc "'"''" • .w L•rlnt DI 111 ,__l'lt!1111c ploe a pllw/p ln<llldlne ..-r pip.I. drtln plpot, lSc: llllw/11 \. ... ,.. ... ,._ ......... ,._..,,,i Mel lncludlnt "'""""l'OUNI Hit 1 US Mtkllll .,.,. c111tldn1 l'I •" "' ... ,,._•;__MA,.;..TT_•_E_s_sE_s __ •.1 ___.,lk '4P9 '°"'" • ,, WllW .,. ...... 1"t ..... ··~ SJc pltw/11 A.Sc ,.,..,II -.,,,,,..,, MA TI'USSIS .,.... "" .. 11w1s ft.In.,.. , O.J w.,... ., 11n11."" tf\ldl •rtvtr o: ritrwt11 1.k """''11 • ""w/11 BOAD • llOMD • '"" 1tlltllt "' "°' O-llMI .,......, ..... I lJ Wtltf' ti' """'"""" ~ dri¥er 1k r/trrl/' .tSc: p!lwfp «k """'Ill ......_.. ,._ --(lo, Giii t1llOM •nd tver ~ ...... ,._ u.-111111 L....-... ,...,... S... I UJ F'I,,_ 1.k pll'lw/9 Uc f!lrw/9 251: Jif!W/11 'IU Llbortr~•I or Cooulrvi:lloll 2X pttw/p 1Sc p/frwfp nc ,,,..,II ULw+.r .. , 303 Thi <ontrtc:lwr 1ritl1 w.• onlY "'"'llnltc:fvrlod -r.rlllJ ,....llC41d In tllt Unll'ld llilll'll1' I 1 911tn 111111 11111¥ ,,,tnUfl(tll•ld 1111terltl1 l'M"""ld\ll'ed 11'1 ''" Unlttd $tetft. """\.. ____ ..; _______ ,, ,,..,,ti.tty 1n fl'Olft mettrllll produc:tt tit !ht Unl!M Sleltf. In lllt Pl~I .i • UPHOl..STERY "" (lll'llrl(!. NI bid of\1!1 IN c-IOtrtd 1111'-U ll It ml'll• 1111 I ~ltnk fttm l'Wlllt.flell by•~------------. lhe Cos!t M-'-""''Y O~trlct tnd ts nlt<k lfl ff(Grdl<Kt wllf\ tfM ,,..,lt/elll or "'' ..,_,, rlCIUl•-11 Etc~ bldder nwt! De. llc-ed •nd •kl ll"e<lllllllltcl '' Ill'O!,tl ... W lolw. TIM Sottd °' OfrKltr1 ti "" COlll M(!tl hnll•'Y 01!.trkl ,.,.._ ~ •Jo~t ~ ••lf'l:l •11w or t it .id) O.ted· ,.,... lt. 1 .... IV OllOEJI OF 7Hl COSTA MESA $ANllAltY l'll~TJllCt nJI. OllANGE COUNTY, GAl.1,0lllNIA KfltM ltlMA Mesa Upholstery Uberty 1·4781 IJH NIWPOIT ILff. ' FREE TICKETS to Walt Disneyk CHICK IVERSON'S GALA PREMIERE NIGHT at Fox South Coast Plaza Theatre The Fox South Coast Plaza Theatre will premiere "The Love Bug" movie for the first time in Ora nge County, the night of June 25 at 8:30 p.m. Chick Iverson has bought the entire theater for this Gala premiere and would lik1rto share this night wilh his friends and neighbors. There are 1000 free seats available. This hilarious Waltllisney movie wi/I delight adults and children alike. This is how ii works, and it's simple to rel a free ticket. Just fill in the coupon below and send to Chick Iverson •.• all coupons must be In the mail no later than midnight June 16, 1969. Each coupon sen t in will represent two seats. II more coupons are stnt in than there are available seats, then a drawing will determine the lucky winners. You will be notified by mail if you are a /ucl<y recipient of these seats. Buddy Hacket, Dean Jones, and many more star in this fun· filled Walt Disney epic of "Hell>ie" the Volkswapn. A Gala night with all the premiere trimmings, dillliblries, stars, and "Herbie" will be a Joni remembered night Only those with special Iverson Premiere tickets wi/I be admitted. Send in the coupon today ••• absclutely no obliption except to pick up your tickets if you are a lucky winner and have a good time. r,,-:::::::::--------------------1 445 [,Cont HI,tzway I Newport Beleh, Clllfomt. I MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! \) I I undarstll'ld thts: coupon "1h be t lft!ble fer • dl'ftfnr of twit tk:btl to Ive~ ,.,.mlar. nllttt of the Walt Cflnl)' produdlon °Tiit t.owi Bua" •t I I th• rox Sout!'I Coast Pf11'41 Th•ttr• June 25, 1969. f I I I NAME I .\OORtSS I I I cnv ST~TE 21, I l ____ ~::::::::::::'~=~~~:~~:~ ____ j l>«rtltfY 1"1111. Jlll'lt 14, , .. 1Kt 1u1..,L..~~~~~~~~~..ll·------~------------~-----~--~--------------~~--~~~~~~.-' , . I • I' 8 oAlL V PILOT S..tu~ J~ 14 196~ I ; , .................... """'""'"'"""'"'"''"'"""""'"'"'"'"''"''"''"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"""'"'"'"'"'"''"''""""'"'"""'"'"''"'"""'""'"'"'"'"''"'"'"'"'"'"''""''"'"~"'"'"'"'~~~~~~~~~~~-,~~~~·~~~~~~~~...------......... ---. ............ ...-.. ~ . , --....... ~ ----..'r'"'* ..... " '" ' " '" " . "'""' ~ ......... AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE • WEW{'S-AND YEAR'S ..... \ ..... , ........ _ I SaturdiJ' Juiw 14 l96t HIGH, LOW, CLOSE • DAll.Y ,,LIIY f • ... ... l\1utual Funds Bid and Ask I' 1 l , J 0 DAILY PILOT ~lUrdiJ', Junt 14, 1969 Aten La1ader• Crowning Glory Just Too Much DE.\R A'.\~ I.ANDERS: l know you must gel many ~ trocn mothers who write about the1t son's hair. I am w-riting abollt m>: daughter's .. \\'end:_\· ,~ 16.. l~tr hair is straight as a stnng and hangs ctoei"C 10 tht nlkktle of her back. It's nice chest- nut b.rw-n.. But u·s only hai r. Jt's no sP1un gold. ®COSTA MESA ONLY! Wend)· -.·orsh1p• lt She J ~1:;'~.~.b~~~·· ~i.:.i-:;;;.:v~~~~11r~,~~· SPECIAL PRICES FOft SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST ii. \·es. I said \rtins it . On ung there hk.e a dope for 1 s1 ,.=====;""'""==~===~=====..,====..,..,==""'==============""""""''""""============'""=="" tbf: 1rorung board v.;th minutes, l paid lhe check and1' ---- "'ax paper I 'd be SC'ared It'll, 10 de.1th lo 1 rv such a .'\'hat do you think or a stunt. But \\'end,-says all lr~end who w,ould pull 3Uch a th . I d .1 11-. 1r1ek as that . -STR ANDED e gt.r s o 1 -s a "'00• ~!ANDY der. \My haven't burned . DEAR MANDY~ Girls who their t.ars of(. prowl tocktail lou.n1e11 usually What is a tnolh<'r to do. find fellows who will seUle for AM~ I hate to Stt a girl placr tnytbin& lhal bas a pul&e. Wby that much importatlCt' on her are )'Oii 1urpri~ you g:Ol left? hair. It's neustath1g. Is thert' If the fellow bad picked you, something I can say to rny you'd btve left bet strattdtd dauthtu to maU her set how I'll bet. You botb sound like misplaced her \'alues are'? couplt of dollits to me. Please advise 1ne -and lhoosands of other mothers are in the sa me boat. UNGROOVY DEAR ANN Our 17-year-old son is trying to ::::::-..:::::: go steady with a girl who lives ~ 19 miles from here. He had his ............_-._.___-----.;::::_ DEAR UN : Ignore It. This, too, sllall piss. driver·s license taken away ro.-a small inl<aclion. (Mean BOYS' BASIBALL SHOES DEAR ANN LANDERS : !\:ly girlfriend &nd I were having a C1lektail in a very respectable lounge after work on Friday. The plact was crowded as usual. An attractive guy was sitting alone in a booth op- posite Ull. P.ty girlfriend notic· ed him right away and said, "That guy is smiling at me." I thought he was smiling al me, but it was hard lo tell for sure because ht was a little cross- eyed. police officer.) I am worn out driving the f 4 4 boy to see his girl every night. Sutadofl Otaly! l also have to go get him. There are several nict girls High·lo11 oxford~ .in .. machlnr. ~'ash.: v•ho live in our neighborhood 11b.le cotton canva.s. Court~gr1pp1ni.; b I h d .1 f I thick rubbt>r solC'll. 8%-JO~. Jl-2 and u e oesn care or any o 12%-6. Charge lt. Reg. j .96 them. Why do boys always go,.,,==========-=========== My girlfriend ~ u d den I y decided to go to lhe ladies' room. The minute she left he gave me a sexy wink. Just as he was getting up to join me my girlfriend returned from the ladies' room and sat down with him. From then on I might as well have been on the moon. for out-of-towners? What can 11· do about it? TIRED DRIVER DEAR TIRED: Stop cbaul- fe urin1 the kid. Make a pedestrian out of bim or Jet him use public transportation. I'll bet he'll find a girt who lives In the neighborhood when he bas to get there and beck on bis own. W~tn romanlk s 1uw;e1 tvrn la ,...,.., tmllrKl!I JI 11 kwl « d°'ol'ml.t.lry? S~llll fcH' -baolci.t "Love or Sex •1111 "low to Tt ll IM Differenu," VY Ann L.-1. Enc:klle I 1-. 111.......a', lt'll·l<fdrHHd l't'lvt'I-'"" J$ c.-il1. lri <Oln wlll'I l'OVI" re<M,,..JI. LEGAL NOT ICE KODAK INSTAMATIC CAMERA LEGAL NOTICE 'Ul'ERIOlt COURT OF T"I:: TI! Ille 1bov• lltm•O Dtt-1nl· 5T,.TI:: Of' C.lLIFOllMIA FOii Y ..... , dlrK'" lo lllf ... rn tnt C~•k T"I. COUNTY OF OllAMOI. ef fllk tourt 1 "'"lltn o"°tclino In CASI. NUMllilt 0-flM& , .. _ le 11'1! """"'-IM t>rOll'OM "tllli! 'UN.MON' Viti.I II\ ~ 1bov1 e<>llt~ Kl;on ,.Ull!I\ OENNl5 C, FERll !NGTON, l'l1lnllfl VI Tl.N di•• I ll ... the \HYie! en YDU a! troll LAUllA I' FEl"ltMGTOH, Det""41nl ~~O...:.'i...~"!11:~M;H1~"':v ·= c:C1~~i~1A ~ ll'lt r::.,. ;.r:.:.,E o.:!. " lerwcl th~• ,,..,,. Y ... ltt not!hll!'ll 11'1t! 11nl1•_, Yl>U oa I\\• y..., ltf lltff'bv •ltK1t0 ID 1111 t Wtil· I ..,ftttf, •tlfl(:flJlyt .... ,,1 .... u ld Dll ll\• mi DllHll ... if\ , .. llOflSI to fM (-la!n! lift wm I•~• luo:l9mt"1 for '"" mont• ..,. o1 lt!f 1tiovr Nmed 0111n1;" wll!I IM •am-,,...,."""' !" 11'11 come11ll\f •• cllr!< ol II•• 1bcwt ..mllleocl tOllr1 11'1 lti. .rill'"' _, -1trecl, or will IOlllY to "'' tnliUN •dion broutllf Mlll\lt y°"' lt1 ••Ill C80ilr1 tor .,.., otllt• ,.11o1 <Mn'ltn<IH !,, lfl• covrt, .. 1"'i.. TEN dtY• .tt.r "'9 .. ,..1,, ~flt D11 YOU ol ltlll -1. If M"'N wiltlll\ Vw !NY wet nw tll"lu o! a" erlornev ~ 1bo\ot "'"'" countv. or wllfllfl TH!R-.., .... ,...lier c..-.ed ... ..t"1 I~ _... TY O.y1 H ~ t btw!!ort. •lalnt lir lflll ................ Suth •''-You "" ~teb'f' Nllil1" 11>11 .... i.n you .,.. toe -·""' -.. II-. 1:..,.. Hmn ... Hit I ... rlt11'1'1 ·-·I~ ·~-1 ..... hi ., ..... In ltll• ·--.... 1111.,. • -11"'" •ltl"llll .. 111 ..... lud...... for • ..., ""'9dl!'9 i. 1t1t ~lolnr. mo...... ..,. 01me11n ~ !ft tl>t com. o.i.t1 Mtv ~. IN•. pltlnl ti 1rlslnto -a111tr1d, or will fSEM.I ell91Y kl !ht tourl to<" ony oltler rtlle! M. HAMLIH dom•ftdoed lfl tl>t _,,,i•lt1!. Cl-ot ll>e abllv• .. nl<llll'd (...,.!, y.., ""V .... llll Hvlct ol 11'1 ellorr'wt I v Jotn Cll'mto en .,.., ,...!!tr contWCttd -..1111 Ille con>- Oe11111y ci.l'l Dl•ln1 or 111;, 1w-.. S11tl! a ttoorNY •OIEltT H. "UCKl'lrtP.t.Hll.11 11>1Ud l>r tOMuli.d W!lfllfl 11'1• ti-Hmll AflwMY., t.1.. 111rl'CI I" !hl1 wml'l'IOI\• !{I< 1111,., 1 wrlHe<1 lM Mtfnt A-olt1dl"' to "'' Clll"'PlllM. CW.. ,......, Clillf9rt1lt (5[Al) T•t f'141 '*nJ1 W F. ST JOMN. C\ft~ ..,,..,,... fw Plelt1llff ~v w11111m P. J(l<l•• l'llblhlWci OrtN• Coal! Dl•IY •Ila!, O•outv Cir.\ ~\,I.. 11, 2t onct July I 1t1t lll•·lt JOHN(, SAL YE•, t:1t, 1Ml WHICUff OrlYI NewHr1 ltec~, Celi!, t?U. ,..,_, .... l'loifllllf • Tel,: !11') .......... Putt!......, Ore,,_, t~•1t 0111¥ Jlilot, J .. M H , n.,. •net Jwly .s. 1Kt 111~ S1n1da11 011111 1397 Reg. 11.31 . . . 17.76 -·- TURRET DESIGN SPRINKLER Sunda11 Only He-avy-duty 1urTtl sprinkler adapt<: lo four sprinkling Pfllll!'rn~ for lawn and garden covrr1u.::r.. Sav('! REG. 7.81, PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE'. SO FT •... 1.9' ' •LIMITED QUANTITY, NONI: SOLO TO OEALt:ltS ~"1 120·30 GALLOll SIZE PUSTIC TRASH CAN LINEt.S WITH HES I I ~ Sunda11 Only! 237 Reg. 2.91 Polyester cotton in solid or pattern fabri~. Pl!'rn1a- nf"nt preu. Colorfast. Sanforizcd.'!l ·--- NATURAL WOOO FRAMED FULL V·IEW MIRROR Suuda11 Only 233 Reg. 3.94 Full-vie"·· 16"x56'' door mirror has two -inch width natural wood frame. Charge It . Everylhing Just For Fun BOYS', GIRLS' PLAY CENTER Sunda11 Onl11 2988 Reg. 48.86 Monkey seat sw ing ; trapeze with ropes; airglide; 4-rung swinging lad- der; 5-rung swinging pole ; 2-passen- ger lawn sw ing ; swing; 8' attached sli de. 6' 2" Wallace FOLDING deluxe BED S11nday Only 944 • 1 O" TEFLON* COATED FRYING PAN COOKS wmtOUT FATS, OllS Suaul•11 Oaly J37 Rq. I.77 Teflon•-coated 1tttl. No 1cour0 Ins . LADIES PANT DRESS Reg. 2.88 2•• Sunda11 011111! Sizn 8 to 18. In varied prints llnd styles. SIX PACK FOAM CHEST Sunda11 Only Ideal for picnics & out· door fun. (Nol as illustrated) 68~ FOLDING PORT-A-JON Sunday Only! 'I'hill all steel fo1dilll fremf'd portable toilet hill ~nlo!Jr pliutic seaL Complete with dis· J)Oli8ble be1s. Save.! J84 Reg. 2.91 AYDS CANOY ••• THE EASY, DELIGHTFUL WAY TO REDUCE S11nda11 Onl11 f 9~···· Net-.Jtht Reg. 2.14 Vanilla or thOC'Olate mint. LIMltliO 0\JAMTITY, HOlrl l SOLO TO 01.ALlllll 1 b • ti h ti p y ,, ~ • h } l I. a 0 p b Ii y 1. l r. d t ~ I l l l ( ' ( Real Estate Questions ond ComrMnt By Realtor Randoll McCordlo Why ere so many people up1•t today •bout the little bit of extr• interest they have to ,_y in order to buy a home? The same person that complains and claims that seven percent Interest on real estate Is ridiculously high, propably has an account .tt a dapertment store - this interest, we know, run1 bttwten 11 perctnt and 25 percantl Besides, look what our cars cost usl So tell your readers that interest they are paying on real estate ts relatively very low. Mr. C. C. Newport Beach It is difficult to argue with your type of reasoning. A four-door automobile fully equipped with radio, heal· er. automatic transmission, and white-wall tires could have been purchased for $~.090 in 1956, according to the /\utomobile Club of America. That car today has a trade-in value of $125 to $200, depending on its condi- tion, figures show. In comparison, if the average family trades for a new car every two years, a house costs only about one-sixth as much to buy and finance over a 30-year period as ALL the automobiles a one-car , family w!ll buy, finance, and trade over the same period. As nul- lions of familles can testify, new houses purchased 10 years ago have been bluechip investments. Inflationary force3, continued urbanization and land scarcity, and an expanding populatio n all i n~icatc that the 1956 to '69 experiences will be repeated in the next decade. W• are plenning on selling our hor:ne. Really, why do we need the services' of • realtor? It lffms to me that there •r• • lot of you reel estate people in the bu1int11, there must be a good reason for it. What do I get far the commission I spend? N.S. Costa Mesa This topic was recently covered in the Real Estate Newsletter published by Mission Savings and Loan Association. The article in the Newsletter reads as fol· lo ws: "Advantages of a realtor service for the home- owner who is about to sell his property are many and varied. Listed below are seven reasons why properfy owners need realtors." 1. Selling real estate requires skill and experience. The real estate salesman is in a much better position to move a property at a fair price than is the average O\\'ner. 2. The real eslate salesman knows the market and \Vhere the prospects are. 3. Acting as a n1iddleman between owner and buy- er, the real estate salesman is able to negotiate with a better chance of reaching an agreement than if the two inleresled parties sat face-tcrface across the same table. -------., • S1turd11, Jun< 14, 1%9 O.\ILY PILOT J J Lido's Baker Heads Society Housing Boom Due? County Making Up Time Lost to_ Rain Appraisers' •• Rained out in the first quartef. Orange County's lonf- aw.alled hciusing boom should materialize in the remainder o~ lhl8 yur. Harmon R. BWr Jr. ol the inventory of two years Lido Isle was Instilled preai· ago. That lnclud~ fewer lhan dent of the Society of Rell ColJ<ce ol SI. 'll1omu In Mln- ne&ola. He la In h1a !Uth iar ., directer of the Pasodella Toomament of RoseJ llld la serving his .....,., • iar as chairman of that orcanlu· Uon's prtiS ~tion com-- mittet. 1,000 new tract home s. Estiiite. Appra taers, Loe Employment growth and in-Angeles Chapter No. t. at the migration of new famllles con-Jwie JO meetlna:. - tinue~ to be the strong~t ln nie Society of Real Est.ate That forecast was released this week by Advance Mortga ge Corporation's Economic Research Bureau. California. Appralars ts an tnlemaUonal This seems certain to be prolesalonal organlzaUon of Serving as officers of the Society of Real E s t a t t Appraisers along with Baker are James L. Bryant, first vice president; Paul L. Man- kiawici, second vice prai- dent ; Grant E. Bricker, secre- tary and Pete J. Maga, trea· surer. The bureau estimates at least 3,000 starts w e r e postponed by the first quarter bad weather. On a seasonally adjusted bas.is, housing ac- tivity declined 33 percent from the fourth quarter of last year. Orange County's best year speclallstl in the valuation of ever for s p a r t m e n t con· reaidential and lncomei>ro- struction, Gibson a d d s . ducing re.al eslate. , Apartments made up 45 per· Baker Is a 'member of cent of all permits issued in Lambda Alpha, the n1Uooal the first quarter, their highest HEADS APPRAISERS rea1 estate economics fraterni- sbare ever. Lido Isle's Baker ty and a graduate ol the In the existing b om e1 ___________ _;_ ___ ...::. _______ ..,.. _______ _ Even a depressed Orange County housing market is one or. the nation's biggest, the Bureau points out. It ranked eighth in total h o u s i n g pennlls. It should move up to fifth (behind MI am i -Fo rt Lauderdale, Chlcago. L o s Angeles and New York) in the last three quarters. One reason for anticipating a second-half boom, Advance P.1,ortgage area manager Earl H. Gibson pointa out, is that this ·is one of the few areas in the nation which does not have a shortage of either con- structioo money Qr final mortgages. Builders will put on an extra elfort to pick up the starts they lost in the rainy season. Vacancies are at an all·time low at 2.1 percent countywide and are still dropping. There are only 8,500 available homes and apartments, less than half market, Gibson reportJ, prices are creeping up an average .of one percent per month. On the nationtil scene. lhe United States will pass a hous- ing milestone this year . More apartment permits will be issued than house pcrmils. The trend is a I read y clear-apartments aceounted for 48 percent of U.S. pcrmils in the first quarter and ro per- cent of pennlts in lhe five largest markets, according to the Economic Re searc h Bureau. ftl,.._ ~ o,_ II e.-. te' p.a. 2JtJZ Hl'"""9t lltrl" . ' lnltrlfr by Htd tllQl,.,.rr, Ltll"lll a .. cll LAGUNA MESA c0MPANV P~ .... Vln'A DEL NIGUEL ----......-11 Superlative Homes /or the Luxury-Mtndfll Come to Laguna Nlgual and vln tl\eu bl'fftht1ldng ~ new nomaa de1lgned for g,.cion llvlng. Chooae frOm 1lx ~ ' exciting floor plans to cuatom nt your tamll)"a nMdt. ~ Seven Story Garage Set For Center Prices at Huntington Show $2,200 Increase 3 a.• Bedrooma t 2 • 3 Car Gt11911 • 2~ lllhl Ir. ;... ·1.a.oo F•mlty Rooms •~148,650 ,, 153, 750 "'.$ And. llKhtde.:I In tr.. p1k:e of your NW .._ 11e !MM llD.~ l11tvre1 , , , ~1lf~~~:r .. r h , t • fronl Ylld L.andtetPlrlll • '9<111~1tr1 • IJdt Y1rd ,_, FiiMI.... !. In the past 14 months, prices importance o a new ome as ~ , • You1 Chol111 01 10044 Nylon oi Acr-11c C••Pltlrlt 111 LWl111 "-· of h · H t' l Be h Ob · l Olnlng "°°"'· kd1001M, fl•!lw1r •n4 Dre11!119 Are• omes 1n un 1ng on ac an investment. v1ous y, Yhit ,Ull Ill .in•n -... ,1,.. ltl w-i m Crin,.._-. The largest privately owned sulxlivisions have increased as h l · 1· lj~~~~==~~:~-=··~:::· .. =-·~~::·:·•~"=··-~~~~~!=~~ ome va ues are apprec.ia 1ng y....,_.. m~ "1·1111 parking garage in Santa Ana much as $2,200, according to a rapidly." is being constructed by report released this week by Segecstrom Center at a cosl First Ameri ca n Title The reporl contoins price exceeding $750,000 on a site insurance Company. Sant a ranges, sales data and other adjacent to the center 's $5 Ana. -pertinent statistics of 1 4 million, ll·story Sout hern A comparison of prices al single-family subdivisions in California First National Bank the time of First American's the Hunt I ng lo n Beach Building, aceording to Gene March 1988 residential sales marketing area . The survey Mor iarty, dev elo pment survey with those of the same was completed May 15, 1969. manager. units presently selling showed Despite the price increases, The seven·level, scissor·lypc average price increases of figures Indicate a low in- parking fa cility w i 11 ac· $1 ,3UI for homes in the $20,000 ve ntory of available ho1nes, commodate 300 cars with it~ -$25.000 range, $2,ll32 for those with unsold, completed dwell- offset nine·foot floor·lo-floor in the $25,000 . S 3 p, O o O ings pegged at only 3.8 per- construction. Completion date category and $2,186 in the cent. Those under contruction for the two and one·half acre 330,000-$40,000 bracket. remaining unsold totaled 56.6 parking garage has been set Dale J . Post, assistance vice percent. Overall sates averag- for November I, 1969. president in charge 0 r ed 2.3 homes per week. ~lore than 110,000 square marketing research for First First American TI t 1 e1 feet of space is involved in the American, said that "due to Insurance Company prepares\ one-half block Jong structure increased financing, material residential sales surveys and that will incorporate IS.foot and tabor costs, the average other statistical report s ramps in contrast to the FHA financed home selling at regularly as an aid lO lenders, average 12·foot ramp width $30,000 in March 1968 now sells builders and others engaged in v.·hich will add to the ease of for $32,IM. This means the re al estale .r.ctlvity. entry and ex.il of large cars. home buyer must pay $486 ad··------...;.----11 Co nnected diceetly to the ditional down payment and Gloomy Gus Tells ii SCFNC Building by a $39.69 more in his monthly handsomely appointed lobby, payment. FREE BARBECUE SUNDAY,· JUNE 15th HELP US CELEBRATE THE OPENING Of OUR NEW MODELS. 1,487 to 2,332 sq. h . of UvinlJ Area from 529 ,250 .AND YOU OWN THE LAND! THREE TO SIX BEDROOMS, TWO TO FOUR BATHS .• A MOMENT FROM SHOPPING, SCHOOLS AND SHORE. NEW UNIT JUST OPENED - Good Seledlon NOW! FOUR SEASONS HOMES iUagnolia & Indianapolis HUNTINGTON BEACH -PHONE (714) 968-4508 ' 4. The average buyer is timid about talking frankly to the owner. l-Ie may shrink from bringing up criti- cisms that must be answered before a sale can be made, and he may be too proud to di scuss financial resources or to ask for the terms he needs. the parking garage will pro-"It also proves effectively," As You See if vide access to the tower's of· -~h~•_'.c~on~l:".in~u~ed~,_:·~·th~e~inc~re~a~s~in~g!_ _________ _...!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fices by high·speed elevalors. 5. The owner is inclined to be sensitive. He resents criticism, and his interview \\'ilh the prospect may end in a hotheaded argument rather than a sale. 6. The realtor broker knows how to advertise prop- erties to the best advantage. 7. The commission paid to the realtor Is nominal for the advantages or having the sale in th e hands or ·an expert. · In the long run, it costs the ou1ner more to act as hi s O\Vt'l agent than it "'ould to use the services of a good realtor. EDITOR 'S NOTE : Ra11dal R. f.l cCardle is ait investn<c11t a11alyst~ president of the Real Estaters, a college lecturer, a director of the California A3socia lion of Real Estate Teache rs, author of "Real Estate t/1 California." Send your questions and comments to Randall R. /.!cCardle, clo tlie DAILY PILOT. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. CALIFORNIA HOUSING STARTS 1966-1969 THOUS ANOS Of" UNITS ,,, 200 "' .,-SEASONALLY AOJUSTED ANNUAL RATES 150 ~ I I ti' , - ;• •·. . ·· ... , .. A •~I ~ ' ·-. .. • I 125 • !'--.-.. 3 MONTH ' • • " 100 7 ' .. "" • • \ ~ t I 0 I I I t I I 11 ' 1966 MOVING .t.VERACOE . I • .I I/ 1 I I I I I ~ ' 1 ' ' I I 1111111 1 I 1 I I l I 1 11 I I • ' ' ' ' l!iT 1968 1961 Housing Starts Rise Sharply D.uring April Exterior panels of the garage will be sand·blasted and col- ormatched to coordinate with the overall theme of the i:iCFNB high -rise tower as well as the existing Buffum 's Store for Men. The Southern California First National Bank Building is part of Scgerstrom Center, a fou r-block area devoted to the developmen t of com· mercial projects and high-rise ofrice buildings. Leasing is bf!ing conducted by the owner- dcvelopers. Two Firms Sign Leases For Complex Thalco Uniglass Industries and Micro Electronics Testing Laboratories have s I g n e d leases to occupy new facilities in lhe Irvine Indu s trial Complex, 31()1).acre industrial park on the Irvine Ranch. John A1urphy, lIC president, announces . Both companies will take occupancy about Jul y I. Thalco Uniglass Industries, a division of United Merchants and Manufacturers, Jnc., is a distributor or reinforced fiberglass products, The IIC plant will be a branch for Thalco, which was est.ahlished In 1946 and has headquarters in Los Angeles. The firm will occupy a 15,()()0..square-fool bu l 1 d Ing being developed and con· structcd by the Donald F. Shaw Co. W. Ji. Daum & StaU, Los Angeles, were brokers. Houatn1 start.a In California TMe sharp1y In April. reaching a H.asonally adjusted annual nit of '/lll,r11J unlit. according to Bank ol America ecoMmlN. Micro Electronics Testing Laboratories, a division of Oatatron, Inc.. is an In dependent tester of semi-con was parUcularly evident In ductoi components. The lIC aJ)flrtment con.rtrucUon, irt hi h ·11 be Ml • dicating lhaL tund:I for ~h facility , w c wt cro' bUildJngs a re ·mor? readily central west cout laboratory , avallablt than for .slngle-raml· will employ 24. A11cro wlll oc· ly homes Howevtr' rlalng In. cupy 72:00 ICl\W'l!I feet of a temt rates tnd 1 e v e r e 12,QOO.equare foot b u t l d I n g being b\Jlll llld dev•loped by .moneta.ry policy are expeded Blrtchtr Pacific Co. of SanUI to continue to exert con· Ana. Micro is presently local· siderable pressure on the sup. ed in Santa Ana. Th.ls is the hllhf!t level reconltd since. early I~ ... nd 2t pttcen\ above April 1988. 11la rtCOvety was caused prlmully by the backlog ol build.\tlc: permll1 accumulated durtac the w.lnter months when houain1 1t1uU wt.re severely mtraJned by the wet weather. The climb ln housing 1tarl! ply ol mort&lll!• fuodl '°''-::========;! future construetion. 'h TURN ON TV WIEK lt••I'• y111t1 h1n1d t• wh11I'• k•ppenl11t bthlMI' th• h1b1 -•••rv S1turJ1y f11 '"• DAILY PILOT. . For the remaindet of this year, the economlsla e~ct housing atatts ln Clllforn1a to decline gradually u n I e s s significant casinl'I occurs In money markela. l=========='I 1 . +HOME SELLl;RS! + u.t your home with Walker&: Lee and you have the world's largest reJI estate finn at your dltpOAi + We'reOnOurWayto a World-Record Breaking Time+ for '69 £-Announcing ~ The Walker & Lee ~ 2nd Annual Record Week Contest }!>- JUDI 22·29 425 Walker & Lee Salesmen and Women are out to break our own World's Record Now by Selling 155 Resale Homes in One Week 425 Opportunities Per Day to sell your home 425 Professional real estate men and women "".ill be working for you to sell your home. 425 salesmen and women are out to break a record and turn the "Looker" into a buyer. 425 Reasons why "THE ONE TO SEE IS AT WALKER & LEE!" ,,,.,.. ••• ._. 1 .................. ~ ....... ~ .... , ..................... , ..... . \969 I SS ~~56\LfE M~M~S S@lD ~ ~ OIMIE W!ErE ~ 84,000 homes sold by Walker cli Lee wit$. 28 years of dediea!M servloo CAU YOUR l;'IEAREST WALKER & LEE OFFICE -A BIJYl!ll MAY IE WAITING FOi YOUI CALL ADMIMllTMTllfl • omcu 17141 771-93511 ANAHEIM IUOIA PAIK CAIDll llDtl -· ~ MOIWIU IUCllD umu 1714l 522·215& at41 53~7753 01411!7"771 12131 421-5411 12131-17 17141 772-0075 ANAHEIM ctlll MW HUlfllHITOM IUCH IAlflA AIU UlllQ llfACH OllUU LINCOLN MAINOllA 0141 M~9491 17141 8'2-«ll 17141 M&-0022 LOS AITOS 111111 417-6341 171•1 521~131 WT FVLLlnDM lOS AlAMtm TillTIM 12131 59M493 ™-·-17141 llJ·llll ~131 43~1564 0141 Ml-6411 l!Oll-cm= l t , J ! DAILY l'l\.OT S1t111'daf; ~ l.4,11969 Lover's Qua1·1·el Susan Slater gives boy friend John Moran a healthy piece of her mind in lhis scene f~ Son~ ~ans', original play "The Haunted \\'OOd," openrng Tues- day at the We stminster Con1munity-Theater. FCC Chief to Guctrd Free TV's Freedom WASHINGTON (AP) -Pay television will be yanked 'off the air in any area where il begins putting free TV out <if business. says Rosel H. Hyde. chainnan of the Federal Com- munications Commission. Hyde said in an interview, however. that rears the pro- posed authorizalion of pay·TV would spell the end of free programs are unjustified. In two months, the FCC has re~ived about 150 letters from TV fans who believe - as opposition advertising sug- gests -that frte TV is in danger. Last Dec . 13 , the FCC issued Tickets Set For 'Fella ' At Coll ege Pifail orders for the sun1n1er production of "The ~1ost Hap- py Fella'' will be accepted by Orange Coast College begin· ning July I. The show will be slaged in the OCC Auditorium July 30-31 and Aug. 1-2 al 8: 15 p.m. All seats are reserved at SI .SO. Orders will be filled in the order in which they are received. Friday and Saturday nights traditionally se ll out first in lhe summe r sbo11i·s. Good seats usually a r e available on \\'cdnesday and Thursday nights. The show. described bv director Jack 1-lolland as iiil American folk opera. v.·ill be the most ambilioos show musically the college has yet attempted. Top flighl singers are needed for the majo r roles. as well as fine musi- cians for the orchestra. Ho lland said lhal the ~how has a l<1rge cast, and that a wide va riety of actors and at- tresses are needed. The major roles requi re fine singing voi~s. he said, but the smaller roles do not. Auditions will be held ?\ton- day at 6:30 p.m. in the OCC auditorium , with tailbacks scheduled for Tuesday a nd Wednesday evenings. QUEENIE general nlles for permitting pay-TV service, in which a broadcast signal Is transmit- ted in a scrambled form that can only be unscrambled on the home TV set by use of a rented decoder. The rules take el.feel June 12, but this does not mean an immediate stan on pay-TV. An appea l by the National Association of Theater Owners and Joint Committee A~t Toll TV is under consideration by lhe Distri ct of Columbia Circuit Court of Api)eals, and the FCC has agreed not to authorize any pay-TV opera- tions for 60 days after the court decision . The National Association of Broadcasters also has ex- pressed fea rs that pay-TV could eventually force free TV off the ai r. But the FCC says lls rules are designed· lo prev~t J>8Y"1 ·rv from "siphoning" pro- grams away from .free TV . They will permit one pay-Tv station each in areas which already have at least {our free commercial TV sig n a Is available, not counting educa- Uonal TV. Asked whether pay-TV, once established, could continue if an area no longer had the re- quired four other signals, tlyde said the loss of a fourth commerical stalion in any area would be an "automatic disqualification" of continued pay-TV in that market "We could even put them on a one-year license if we wish· ed. to provide more frequent review of circumstances," he specu lated. "but I'm not sure lh;it 'Yould be necessary. Three years lthe normal life of a broadcast license; might be enough .'' This didn't satisfy a spokesman for the NAB who sairl "The rules won't v.•ork. The FCC will either alter !hem or abandon them. Either V,'f! slick with lhe present 1 svstcm or we'll wind up with all-pay television.'' Hyde bridled at the thougbl. lfyde said the concerned parties will have to have con- fidence tbat the FCC will do the decent thing. By Phil lnterlandi ''Really, Jfr. parker. isn't there enough unrest on tfie campuaes without bringiTig il Into the office?" • Llttlt' Fanfare 'Cowboy' 'Sleeper Of 1969 Season? By VERNON E preaching its messag1 quieUy HOLLYWOOD Pl) _ and elfectivdy. I ts message? \ Ever; year or so 1 otion pie-Love even the least of the ture· erupla in v 0 1 c 1 n 1 c lost, the scum and the losers J>Oiiutardy without the usual because they are human l':::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::'.11 Hollywood ranfare. beings too. I. ·nils year it is ''Midnight,~::::=:::~:::~1r.:=========111 Cowboy." It doubtless will be ll NA~GENUtAL~Al'IOf 1ne wt o1 1969. New vork fo=·x'·~=-= critics already have praised it __ .~ with lavish superlatives. ... oi.. ,,_, •.....,. -.2711 A! might be expected. It's not a family film. Its rating is ACRIS 0' FREI PARKIN• "X." The film is a story or two .small-time hustlers lost in lhe souUess canyons of Manhat- t3n, d~icting -often with humor· -the cruel in· dlfrere.nce of our nation's mightiest city. HELD OYER -7lt '-..... 6:41 -. .. l ...... fA .. ' • Now--.. 'T...., • :l~ ' \ '~·- ""A GREAT AND COUL\- GEOUS FILM!" 1 ., . -l ilt ,-. · Ml(U•n• I . , , , "Midnight Cowboy" stars Dustin Hoffman, the little ac- tor with the big nose and the huge talent. ... I JOijN CASSAVET£S' "The ) I F 8~ss If Hollywood's anleMae are on the beam, the film will be as succtssful as ' ' T h e Graduate .. which also starred Hoffman. Young people especially will be attracted to '"Midnight Cowboy." They will admire the acting of Hoffman and the stunning movie debut of Jon Voight, who plays the phony Texas cowboy drawn to the big city. But these same young peo- ple will dig even more the (rankness or the language, the brutality otcity life, the pitiful homosexual scenes, the tendet and gentle relationship that burgeons between two essen· tially innocent losers, Ratso Rizzo (Ho.ffman) and Joe Killin ~ " ..... , eorge" I Beryl Reid ® Susannah York Coral Browne • Pin "FACES" WI .. Joh11 Morlrt ad G•• ltowl .. d1 .·.~ &'_, !!a ~' ._ ~ ,,,,,__ ... ) CAPUCINE • ClltJDIA CAllDINALE Al.BERTO SORDI • J£AN SOllEL . MONICA ~TTI • RAQUEL VIElCH Buck (Voight ). Curiously, the picture wasl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I di rc'Cted by an Englishman, I;: John Scheslinger, v.•ho has given Americans a unique view of certain of their numbers in need of com- passion rather than disdain. In one respect "Midnighl Cowboy" -from \Valdo Sall"s screE;nplay and released by UtUted Artists is a 1 testimonial for. losers. A Texas dishwasher and a consumptive New York drifter I hope to hustle the big city with the crippled Ratzo acting a.s ~,..,'MnM;Ni[l)(-j•3 ~ <fi1j) NO ONI UNDO " • INTNI WITHOUT rA.1t1NT __ ~ATTIC ALL sun-s1.so .MW'~·~1Mi!!1t-~Moer>N lFOR lllE FIRST TIME: MAN AND WOMAN AS THEY REALLY ARE! ft1idiAEL-llElfiA- ~-.CQlOll • ..-... ..r:lltCM Rlltl wsun . Fiii FRmY ~~ • an ineffective agent for Joe Show Tl'"" -"ATJ'IC .. 6:15 •d 9:40: "HELGA" 1:10 ORlr Buck, "the best stud ever IO I';::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~'=;! leave Texas.1' 1;: Drearily their hopes and for1unes dec l lne. Th~, establl.shment wins, as it always seems 1-o do. Perhaps a! it always will. Unlike ''The Graduate," which "ends on a note of possi- ble hope for the future, the final scene of "Midnight Cowboy" is a requiem for the world's losers. There is much in the film to JONI WATKINS INVITES YOU TO YE OLE INN COCKTAILS AND DANCING VKKl'S SWINGIN' COUNTRY MUSIC l'l.ATING EVERT FRIDAY I. SATURDAY 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. 23761/2 Newport Blvd , Costa Mesa 642-2826 offend lovers of "The Sound of ,. Music." Prom a pot party to l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I E sex scenes -homosexual"'andl;: otherwise -and nudity. But that's not what the picture is abou t. \Vilhoul a p u blicity trumpeting campaign, this picture will . by rrd of mol!th, spread across the land 111 ,... sc:r ... 1p1H4er , , , tM r1101t "'°'111flcHt plct•,. ... ,1 Clarti G•ltl• -YI•..._ t..lth "Gone Wllh The Wind" C..ti•• •• "-2 ....... SAT,, SUN., MON., TUIS. ,., tttll flH ..... 11, , •• .,,, S.A. FrHWrt et CJi.,IHlll 547-6011 Pett-lllHkr 11 will "' IM •dr11ltt94 nfew •c•r11,.11i.4 t.y ,.,_ ., -'•" , .... , •. '"""". Fili-SOUTH COAST lllll€Rll PLAZA THKATllK CORPORATION Sin oteco Freeway 1t Brfstol • 546-2711 Saturday Matinee at 12:00 Open 11 :30 1.m. • .,. F R E E FUN SHOW P"sented by "BAKER BOY PRODUCTS" ..... "DAD'S ROOT BffR" Ou r Ft•ture "Stowaway in the Sky" r AND 3 CARTOONS Bring your bottle ctp and &aker Boy wrtppers. You m•y win valuable prl111. ROY GORDON, your fun master will be here In penon ' ~ow•~-• • "THE Btp' IOUNCE" lf9A Q'Neil loloOT-·Y- ~----WO~UlAED •V ----Providence Spnch ind HHring Clinic (Affili1tM With Thi ChHctn1n'1 tio•ittll . ,.,, lnlo .... •llOR C1ll-13 ... 4110 BEST tl PICTURE .,,..,,; Of THE YEAR! " .,. WINNER &ACADEMY AWARDS CQ.IMl4 !'tlllltS-.,Jl;IUUS l'llXl.CTOI. LIJN[L BART'S -PACIFIC-1 jC!!~lil!j;~' FllAtlE•·OUA••Y FIOHT TICKETS ON SALii AT THE IOX OFFICE NOW! ACADEMY AWAllD WINNER STM MtQUIEN "BULLITI" DEAN MARTIN "THE WRECKING CREW" JAPANISI MOVIES fYEltT TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUit PATRONS THE JOICTUAES LISTED IN THll I OX MAY IE CONSIOE•EO •Y SOME TO IE UHSUITAILI'. 110• CHILO•EN AlllD YOUNG EOPLE -AND 11:1'.QUlll:E JOA•ENTAL OISCllETIOl<t, "RUN, .lNGl'L, AUN," "l IN THE ATTIC ," ''WH&•E IT'S AT" COHTllAltY TO ADVEltTlitNO •EYONO DU• CONTROL A,.0 Af'f'EAAl,.G ELIEWHEltE YOUNG l"liOl"LI: U,.DEA II (NOT ltl WILL NOT •E AOMITTED TO l"ACll"IC THEATAES TO SEE THI! PICTU•ES LISTEO IN THIS IOX UNLliSS ACCOMPAHIEO I Y JOAAliNT o• AOULT GUA•OIAN: ' HE KNEW TOO MUCH • 50 HI HAO TO OllEI AICHA•o WIOlitA•I( LENA NO•N• "Death Of A Gunfighter'' J•MlS STE,WA•r , ''Shenandoeh" llECOMMINOED "Oii ADtlLTI •ID HOT CYCLE llAHC - TNl•STY FOlt VEN~EA NC£ "RUH , ANGEL. ltUN" Chrl1tophtr Jeri.cs y.,.,.. Min"o111 "l IH THE ATIIC" JOE•IONS UHDE• U WIL L NOT IE AD- MITTED UNLESS ACCOMPANll!D IY f'AA.· ENT D• ADULT QUAlltDIAN. .............. ~•e••••••••N LAS VliGAI 11 WHlilll THI! ACTIOH !St DAVID JANSl•N , OOH AICl(LIES "Where It's Al " AOO ITllOI.• "Th• S.r.,.1nt" Plll:JOHS UNQIA lf wtll NOT IE ADMTT· TIO UHLE'S ACCOMJ>MfllD IV PAlll'.NT Git ADULT QUAIDIA •• ••••••e••····~~······•••e9• • A wn .. Ot.'f' FUtlllY D1AMOMD THl,.TI OltJON W•lLIS Ultlt.llA ANDAUS "The Southern Ster" . jfftlNt\ ..J ltOCIC HUDSON CLAUDIA CAll:OtHALI --"A Fine Pair'' ALL COLO• SHOW ._,., .. ,,., .. ,+. ifi+e .... ff•• .. •• $175 lA"F HIT QF TMI •lAI!: - J1rryLwl• "Hoek, Lint & Slnk•r'' plu1 -... ~=..i PIR i\'OHIV J>OtT1I• CAILOAO "'•r Lovl of lvf •11-ACH • • AT t:u.1• • tUNTUfGTDN a•aCM • a•?--•OC EXCLUSIVE PREMIERI PRESENTATION "A YlllY AINNY, IMMINSILY APPWIN& llVl -~-C-,.H,,.f_ ' . .... ______ _ NOW THRU TUESDAY ""!"!"" '"'a =:,. . • 1!!1- Also Rod St•ig•r In nrhe Illustrated ManH EDWARDS---- CINEMA THEATRES.. ___ _ "Pr•ml•re Prn•nt•tion ThMt•rs" STARTS WEDNESDAY Let yourself .. glow. f, t~ i Vanessa Redgrave 'The Loves of Isadora' Alto llod St1lg1r in ''The-Illustrated Min" STARTS WEDNESDAY ' ' .A ,, u. ' • D " " " " " • c " v • • • " • 0 " • • 0 c • c F < " " J ' 0 • ' c " ' c • ' • ' ' • " " ' v ' ' ' c ' ' ' • • < ' I ( ( ---------------------------------~--~---· •~ -• • r r r • -- Sa.turdly, June 14, 1961) DAILY PI LOT 13 ~ffeetings 4long the Orange Coust~ DEAT H NOT I CES ANDERSON taur• L\K¥ """'""""· JU» Hollv Drl...,, Soulh L1...,.... 5~1....:1 bl' cl1111)1'1tM', lletty L. MUfllh'r, S.11!1 Anl Heignto: sls~r, 0111 C. Falrllell, So<rf!I L"u'lll; AtlPI Wll5Q11, Ntbf1Wt1; ind lhrq, eran<kl!fldre11. Sf'rvl(tt, MClllCl1v, J\11'111 16, 11 AM. P•cltk 'lllr# Cllei>el. Dlre<leol Ill' PKlllc \lltw Mort1.lllrv. SMITH 11..,.;111 M. f&ob) Smrlll. Allt 60. .,, J2U MOnl1n1 Ave., (0511 MKll Dale ol cl"lll, J~ U. Sllrv1ved try wlft. Marlorle G. 5mtttu d<IUvftm , J111et l . Smllh; 1l1ter1, Eveivn Leopold, Mi i· 'IOUrl; Miidred MecG11!r1, lllkooi.; Mar· Ille cor ... MewPOrt lh1<h1 L1ur1 Wit· "•mt;, NeWPOrt 8HChl bro1Mr1. Fre<S G Smltl! S.n FtrNOndo, and J t l'MI w·. srn111i, 11r11. Servltn . Monoc11v, J-16, 811tr Cllt Pll. 1'20 E. Cou1 H'lthWl 'I', Coro... dtl Mllr. IMtrmen!, Hlrtlor Rnf .oMmcrlt l Perl!;. 111111 Coron• '"I M.r Mor1wry, Dlrecto~. TAIT illulh '1ul T•tt. lj.()I Seur9e0n, S•llll A111. Ol!e cl d<l1lh, June 17. Survl•ed bY _,, lt!cMrd P. Tai!, L•tune Nl9vel1 ~nd 11• erenddilldre". Grt•tsldt H•· "!tn. Mo...:11y. JU"-16. 11 AM, P• ell!( Vlt!w Mtrnotlll PM'll. Olrttlt~ bY Ptcfllc Vll!w Morlu•rv. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Wea:tcHff Mortuary U7 E. 17th St., Cotti A-te11 .. ..- BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 3-KSG Costa J\1esa Ml 5-%424 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broldwa11 C01tl Mela . ti l-3U3 DILDAY BROTHERS Hantlngton Valley Pilortuary 17111 Beach Blvd. · Hao~on Beacll ~au.mi PACIFIC VIEW !IEMOIUAL PARK Cemdery e Pilortaliry Cb1pel 3500 P1clfJc View Drl'e Newport Beaa, Callfonda .... ,,. _ PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL l'UNEllAi. 80146 ' 7"1 Bolll Ave. , W~J,m.111111' lt3-SIU ,ut:FFER MORTUARY IApna BeQ UWAI Su Clemale •MIOO ' ' SllllTH'S MORTUARY •. 1%1 MU.~'- l' lluntington lkacll LE HSll • ,.,~ ,,,. Wading Pool l••11111r11l1-Lir1e tllO~gh for ttie ~hole "Spltsh loving .. familt lo enjoy. Ma need ~:~t::.~~~~~ ~,"' 2""" 9"''81. tetlrve OOPll!l a.id . Uf!ly ~ner. 8 .... "r Wading Pool "FaiT)'laH~ Q"llEAl - two1i~gsolvinylll'itk vffY 3 98 ailorfot print Ideal for the 1 ttlddler, Complete witll 1'!--• - pair ~it • ..,, •• 2 ... Wading Pool "S1p1r Maflu" .,. IDEAL -tlirte rinf ""' ol erollrlssej Yioyi 6 98 witll plen of room. Eich rirlg Is a ~ifferent color. Repair kit illCluded. • ~el panorama ot color in a lossy C "111 l••" •t ltEAL -1 ll 43 ~nd emOOsstd ~inyl. 22" Swim Ring 111 IDEAL -Choose from lbree 5gc shapes witll calorfol "C!own" desirn. Made of ~i~yl. . "Floating" Baby Seat ~ t1itll cloth btlcklt seat. lip ft· 3 89 ~ sistanl lloats without aid. .. '"" Blue spetkled loam plashc. • CHILD'S Swim Trainer 'Big Dipper' Brighi orange col°' float, rotp1oof ~for beach ind nrlon belt with pool . _, 27" f) nic kel plale d , . wide 01 sper.. heavy duty hard· ·· kled 1oam ··1. 98 . '2':98 "'Hisallex" h:l1 ClllUtf 3.M 11 ll. Siu 2.29 "Absorbine Jr." wit~ Pres-0-Matic 9gc Aoplicator . •• ,. 1.45 • ll. "Marezine" for Travel Sickness. sgc ISc 111 11 · 11 Tails "Murine" • fqr Your Eyes, 111. 1.39 45cc "Preparation H" SUPPOSITORIES 1 98 2.19 111 If 24's • "Celasil" TABS for JCid control. 1 88 2.11 lll't • ' Mlllti -Yitamins SAV-Dlf lraR• ••• Chew.tll!, ~~~Hawed tab-1 69 .Re1. 2.4! 250'1 • "Kaopectate" for """"'' oi lSC diarrhea. l.1911 tr. "BAYER" Asp irin 77c 9lc 100'1 NnoNG1 Sponges tM FINEST ftr MIT ISi ••• Stlltt, stn .. tf, Mrl ••s1rl11t. lls'l ctltfJ 11 MHit• sli1. AIR FRESHENER . K"/,' t•1 1lr l•sl•1 •••s• .. ,,,,, as S,r 11". Antrt1• frl JTllCll l1cl••l11 "U11t11t1•." 1~~ 4 , .. 1. 00 r ··· .... Cat Food "llb '1 Matcll" -ltts 1' lifltt, Tna. Ttu I CMUH, 111i11tt .. h r. 1~1 00 Can 1 • ''Arrid'~ mu DRY ANTl·PIRSPIRANT Spray DeodMHt Sttpt '*' 24 lllws 1.29 I 1r. Slrt 66~. "Pursettes" ' "Fiddle Faddle" Grut crunchy clusters nl li(lpcorn with Virgini1 peanuts, coco~ut ~ip or 1l~nd w1U1 the lightest ~Ind 3 F age ot gla1e. 0 l ie 1h 1.-. R ' .. . ---~--... ... ··------·~-f ..... ~,1----.. .:.,,. 1' ....... ""°'!---.. _ ....... ...... . .......... ~ ··-..: .... -,, -;ii~.}~ • • "l;llDl~UIK" Sunburn Cooler For soothin1 relief ol sunburn! Stops pain for hours. 1.71 I IL s,,.,. lie J u. l•li•• ~~...:.:.:1.5::...9 -~.!:.:...J!_. ___ .. "PEIF ECTION" Folding Syringe llk!al for vacation alld lrnel .•. com- plete with littings and carrying use. Guaran· 1 29 t!ed by SAV·OIC. R11. 1.U • ---" --·· 6 ~-------·---·---··· "PRO" Scrub Brush "H11•l1.ez1" ••. it floats! Modfrn des ign in new dee· orator colOl's. II does 1 real "old· lime" scrvb job. ••1. lie 5gc 'I<• suntan Aids ·s.1 Ban " IH • &IHil ll TAN • Tnli'l lttlOI u::::.c'tl Rerular or ertf1.,Drotectiv1 • Doep T•!•lll Oil 2.00 .. Yo11 Cl1lc1 ®~ITTri®~@~~I f Fa berge. "Brut" tor MEN ¥1. ••• t iter sline •• , 11t1r •M•tr f¢ ... 11t1r •IJIMll ~ For Ille most lt\8SQl line 1raduate you know! Stun· ~•ill aift bo"d in hand· some 1ilver·nashed bot· tle·veen deco. U II. "I~~· 0111! .5.50 .. tilt W1...,n FUE COOL-RAY POLAROID' Sunglasses Ortly COOt·RAY POIJ.ROID Siin· glasses have remart.allle POLA- ROID lenses !hat s!op 1eflected glare. 1s Demonstrated on TY. "Sunswept" .... ~ New slee~ shaping with 9 based turvtd lenses. In Jlde Green, Black or Terr8]11n with Gray Lenses. Kills f lt11, lier, Ticts COit-UY PllWOIO ·s1asw1,t" 4.98 "Scratchex" I · 7" Ash Tray - Cut cryslal gives 1 lot of real elegance. Goes with any Oetor. 88c ~ "PRO" Bowl Brush "'$Jt•'1·Cle11" ••• why not U$e 1 P1elly bowl brush? Choose lrom dee· 2gc orator pastel col· ors. R11. 49c Choo~e hl)fll !1n, last110Q- able co~ts 1n assortetl ct1lorful desi1ns. Stt in· strutlion1 in bo~ of ';Ttmpons." 1111141 1.33 GIGGULS Frozen Treat Assorted flavors pet lxi• , . , put in r1ee1er -!rttie em and eat 'em. l o1 111D 111111111 llE YOU f -·--~ -------· Dish Cloths ElCELLO -l.irge siie wafl\e weave di~h 10~1s in colorful plaid J • 77c design. • P1ktf2 : -=·-- r-·----·~ .... --.....-.. Dish Towels \\ EXCELLO -large 15 • 27" ab· sorbeflt red Stllpe towel with BBC herringbone ..,eave. P1k If 5 -·-' - r-··-----~-g ~ .. ·------·------- ..,._ . ,_ ........ AUTOMATIC ACTION llUSN for TEETH I. GUMS ~y SQUIBB Quiet, genUe, up and «iwn IC· tion 1ets teeth rulty elea~ ••• ltaves your mol/tll plusan!ly t1"glin1. Sl11hrl 12.88 11,11c1 ment Brushs A!sott!d """ •rrd QDc textwes. • a-,,. If 2, ~ ' ••• , <; I "Elwo,W'.~'Ayds" -111 7: .. ':::ec1er1. DRUG STORES delicioos low cal· OPI"' AMt•l tPM -7DATSA Wiii' •w•~nlll'l•-ori1 YitJm!~ nl DMMllllO"-mloerol "'"' NEWPORT BEACH ms \'Vllf ao111-'OJI llYINI '" WISTCLI,, PlilA t11e,.t.s1·1n1vtf1. HUNnNGTON BEACH '.(IN•D•u 2:49"· 4:29~ HUNnNGTON BEACH ;~~:::i lltl_I ___ ._ ____ .,.. ______ • - S.1U1rd£y, Junr 14, 1%'9 Law Suits Flying • Ill llaig Open Aftermath By JOEL SCHWARZ Of lfll Ditti l'IW llalf Scotch .., lbe rocks. That:a nol a drink, but It's a description ol a trail ol law suits ovu unpaid bills artaln,g trom lalt. October'• Hai¥ National Open"" GoU' tournament held Jn Costa M,.., Right now the law suits are rlying f~than golf baJls on a driving range. At last count two suits had been filed and a third was expected to be filed no later than ne¥t week over bills totalinit $56.llt..a owed to 39 creditors from all over Southern California and as far away as Las Vqas. The bills, some or whlch have been partly paid , range from as much as $18,rn to as little as $11.&5. 1 The series nf law suits runs like this: 1. On Feb. 14 J,le:sa Verde Coun try Club fi led suil against Ri8ch MtClinton &. Co., Inc. and Arthur K. Sues. Reach MtClinton. which is an ad- 1·ertising agency representing the Haig * fr * Lessons to be Drawn Fro111 Haig Misfire A number or lessons can be drawn rrom the Haig National Open Golf tourna· men! heJd last year in Costa 'ft.1esa and !he tangling series of three law suits which have follov.·ed over a number of unpaid bills. Thtte stand oul: L Golf tournaments aren't money makers for their sponsors, particularly during the first yur. 2. A tournament like the Haig can't be thrown together in eight or nine Weeks .. J. And the future of the Haig tourna- ment in Costa Mesa is dead. Arthur K. Sues, a veteran goU pr<r moter who served as tourney coordinator of the Haig for Reach McClinton & Co. 1nc., lhe sponsor , and is involved in three laws uits over unpaid bills, thinks the event was far lrom a disaster. "Anyone who has any experien<:i! in golf should realize it was a success. We only had eight or nine weeks to put it on. "A golf tournament is no different than :>, new restaurant. You have to educate 1 he public to what you au trying to do ;:ind that takes time," Sues says. "I never saw people work any harder than the volunteer staff at the Haig. '"The unfortunate thing about the tournament was the attitud e or the sponsor (Reach·Mt'Clinlon ). All they v.•ere interested in was making money. ··A sponsor should look for money and sucei!SS, but also for the exposure th e lournament gets and community in- \"o\vemenl. "The perfect example of a golf tourn- ament is a ma rriage of a city and a i;ponsor -both get something out of it if it is handled right," Sues said. "A 1ot could have been done with lhe Haig tournament if it hadn"t been for the altitude of the sponsor. "The whole thing's a real shame . The eity was ready for a tournament and it 1.:ould ha\•e been beneficial. {Ste HAIG, Page I ~) Two Ex-Angel s Trade Places, Head for PCL CHICAGO (A.P l -The Chicagc \Vhite Sox traded pitcher Sammy Elli~ to the Cleveland Indians for pitche r Jack lfamilton Friday v.·ith both being assign· ed to Pacific Coast League clubs. Both are former Angels. Al the same time. the \\'bite Sox re<:all· cd pitcher Billy Wynne from Tucson to \\'hich Hamilton, Tribe reliever, was assigned . Ellis, a 22·game winner for the Cin· cinnati Reds in 1965. was assigned lo Cleveland"s Portland farn1 club. With the Sox' Tucson affiliate. \\'ynne h3d a 5-4 record and a 3.48 ERA v.·hilc completing 4 of 11 starts. Hamilton had an 0·2 record in 20 Cleveland relief appearances. The Sox acquired Ellis lroin thr California Angels Jan. 20. but he failed in an expected comeback v.·ilh a current 0-3 piark in 10 games, including S starts. Scotch Company and Its United Stales Importer, Renfleld Importers Ltd . , sponsored the tournament. Sues was the tournament coordinator for R e a c h McClinton. 2. O!t April 24 Sues flied a declaratory release in San Diego against Reach MCcUnton saying he wasn't li;ible for the bills. · · 3. And either today or uext v.•eek Costa 1'1esa Golt and Gountry Club will file suit agains t Reach McClinlon and Sues for $8,337.13. Costa Mesa taxpayers ·won 't have to foot the tab for the unpaid bl!ls ac· cording to city attorney Roy June. 1 "The city has no legal resJXlnsibility for \be debts. We had no control over who brought what from whom," says June. ''According to our contract, Reach 1'1cClinton was to pay all the bills and make the prize .awards. The only thing the city v.•as obligated to pay was any dif· ference under $75,000 in tournament in· come. "The city was not a sponsor of ths tournament. We were merely the hosl ci- ty and the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club and its owners were the host course," says June. The tournament was held las\ Oct. 2118 at Mesa Verde Country Club under a con· tract between the City of Costa Mesa and Reach McClinton. Everything went smoothly enough until the tourney began. Then ga,lleries were smallt?r than expected and the proceeds didn't reach anticipated levels. After the tournament the monetary problems cropped up as bills began lo roll in. Rea ch P.1cCJinton, which assumed financial responsibility for the expenses v.•hen it signed a five-year Contract with the city to stage the tournament, assertedly refused to pay many bills, .saying it hadn't authoriud Sues to con· tract for various services and equipment. Of the three law suits, Sues' against Rench 1.tcClinton appears to be the key one. Sues who has staged a number of other ' Bu es Seek Title Call Pil.ot for Cre ·w R esults • ' Special lo the DAILY PILOT ·<1 SYRACUSE, N.Y.-The darkhorse of just two days ago is now lhe front-~ running favorite to win the four-man C<Jmpetition this afternoon in the lnterC<JI· I\ J legiate Rowing Assn . championships on Lake Onondaga near here. The one-time darkhorse is Orange Coast College which boldly entered the ' varsity C<Jmpetition against the nation's finest C<Jllegiate rowing teams. • Coach Dave Granrs four-oared shell goes to the starting line at 1:45 p.'m. ' against five other schools, the A11T A team and Cornell, along whh Friday 's repechage heat winners Rutgers, \Visconsin and Georgetown. DAILY PILOT readers can call 642-4321 between 3:30 and 6 p.m. only today for the results or the chan1 pionship race. ' The Pirate team of cox'n John Nielson, Rocky Raun, John Flynn, Len Warnecke and Brad Shoemaker went into Thursday's heats seeded fifth. How- ever, the 0CC freshmen and sophomores stunned the rest of lhe senior-domin- ated teams by easily posting the top time, 7:02. The Sues defeated top-seeded Rutgers by nearly two full seconds in the ; third heal and second-seeded Cornell won its race in an unimpressive 7:15.0. -· Beman Leav es 'Fat Boy s' Wallowing Behind -13 7 HOUSTON (AP) -Deane Beman, a slight one-time amateur champion who hit! popcorn balls of( !be tee, carved out his ~ond straight sub-par round-a 69 -Friday for a J&.bole score of 137, three-under-par, that broke up the threatened beef trust or the 59lh U.S. Open Golf Tournament. Finishing late in caldron heat as a playing companion of the slumpridden W ashingto11 Ho111e Run s Trip Halos, 6-2 WASHINGTON (AP) Frank Howard and Bernie Allen Hit home runs Friday night. pacing the Washington Senators to a 6-2 victory over the Califo rnia Angels. Ho>A·ard, who hit hi s 19th homer in the seventh inning. also scored a run in the third whe n three two-out infield single!! sparked a three-run rally for the Senators. Hank Allen si ngled the shorlstop Jim l'regosi \Vith l"'O out in the third and A 11g e l Slate Ju11• U, An11,1s al W•1hlntl0", 10;15 11.m .• ICMPC JUnt 15. Angels 11 w1 .... lnOIOft, 10,,s "·"'·· l(MPC Ju"• II. An9el5 •I Minneso!•, S:SJ p,m., KMPC 1-loward walked . Mike Epstein bounced a ~rounder down to firs t baseman Roger Repoz that look a bad hop off his glo\'e for a single. scor ing Allen and sending llnward to second. Ken McP.lullen singled sharply to right lo score Howard. and Bernie Allen boonc· cd another dO\VTI to Repoz and again the ball took a bad hop for a single, scoring J::pstrin. W.l.SH1ttGTON C.l.LIFOllNI& .. ' '" .. ' '"' u..-.c1 ' • ' f.l.lomt•, "' ' • ' • HJllltn, rl ' ' QJ<>hm!Q<>e, cf ' • • • FHO ... ltd, II ' ' ' IO.m•ro, H • • • • e ow""1!, ti • • • 11Ft'"90$!, .. • • • EPlll•"• lb ' ' 1RticM•Cl1, If • ' • Mc1".Vl1", Jb ' lR-1.lb • ' ' 8.1.l~n, '1> ' , ... ~<>lhtel, lb ' ' • Cvlltn, 'b • • • ovos1. •I ' • • • e,.,,•m•n. n • ' 1s..1r1-. ( ' • ' ' C•H'IOVf , c • • • Go'o\Gkl!llln, o ' • ' • P•M:Yl l, o • • • OBorbon, • • • • • Hmphrv•. o ' • • OEFi•htr, I> • • • • H•lm1n, 11n • • OLJC>hn'l>I'!, P~ ' • • • HlaQi"" p • • ON~1hllrn. p • • • • Ttltl .. . " • Tlt•I • ' ' • Ct llltr"l• . " ... •• 1-1 Wt1hlntl•~ "' . " 1 f ~ -' E-A,Rodrltvt.1. OP-C&!llorn!• '· W•1h!11tt<w> '· LOB-C~lllo•ni• •• w • .ri1nt1on .. Hlt-1.Allt-n t•l • F Howtrd 11u, lttPOI lj). ~l!l-".ROCl•lt11tt. S..vo-Hlftln1. HIP-41r Ptl(11tl IA. lllod"'9.itl). 1-ltU. A-'.tu. Arnold Palmer. the 30-year-old former \Va.Iker Cup star from Bethesda, Md., nailed birdies on two o( the four finishing holes for a one-shot lead over Bob Murphy and Miller Barber, a pair of Mr. Five-by-Fives, tied at 138. Unlll the 5-fool·7 1h inch. 100-pound sophomore pro, who hits woods o(f the fairway while most of his rival are hit· ting four and five irons. regis tered his ~core. the tournament was turning int o a beer Barrel Open . Murphy, a jowly 214-pounder with a spreading paunch , lacked a 72 to his opening 66, complaining of distraction from news photographers, an~ Barber, stubby, bald-headed and nearsighted, fired :-. 71 to go tw<runder-par. Bob Ro~burg, 42, a home pro with a 4S. Inch waist line and a baseball grip, ~urg­ ed forwa rd with a 69 for 139 and beefy Jack Nicklaus slammed out of the do ldru1ns with a 67 for 141 that sent cold chills up the spines of the other con· tentlers. Barthes Shocks Graebner • BRJS'fOL, £nifand (AP) -Pier" Bartber, French touring profess1 ... 1, lamed the big aervtce of U.S. Davis Cup It.Ir CJark Graebner, lo.I, 6-4, Jo'riday and aurpdsi.ncll_. ~ved Into the final of the .West of Eo&Jand open tennis cham· plomllipo. B1rtbel nut will face 34-year-old Ken ~•II, who mutertd f e 1 _I o w • Australlan ROY Emerson '°'· M in th• oJher .emifinil. Graehotr ""' boea lmpreui1·0 her• llil• v.·eek In lht buUd·up for '\Vlmbledon, whkih starts June 2.3. The New Yorker failed to rtach the ptak against Barthes, however. It was not a good day for the United Staltl. Mrs. Margorct Court of Australia downed Mrs. Billie Jean King or Long Beach. Calif .. 6·3, &-J In the flnal of lhe ""'omen's sing les. 'l'h11t 0>uld be a rehearsal for lha Wimbledon womcn·s Utlc round. Mr!:. King ha s won the Wimbledon crown th ree yean In t row and ~trs. Court i:o; rated her strongest cha llenger •. The Barhtes.Craebner battle was a duel oC big services. After an early ex· change of service breaks in the lirst set 1hc two men fought it out until the 17th game. Then Craebner. who had hAd a 3et-polnt against serviei! three games earlier. double..faulted h\·ice and missed with a volley. The Frtnchman clearly was superior In I he aecond set. golf tournament.a Includ ing the San Diego -Andy Williams Open, the Amei-ican Airlines Astrojet Open and the Mickey Wright Invitational, claims he Md authority and approval to spend the tnoney. · • '"Tile whole •problem slarted when the money from the t.oornament didn't come in," Sues told the DAILY PlLOT. ''They are using the dJstancc between New York and Costa 1'1esa to discount these expenses. The sponsor, not me, is liable for all bills incurred. This was i;peclfied in the l'Ontract wlU1 Costa .r.1csa. "'They (Reach McC linton) are ques- tioning expenditures that brought. in funds, like the printing of programs." Sues said. ''Nobody from the sponsor baa checked into what really has gone on." Sues clai.Jm that no money WaJ spent without first checking with Reach McClinton and getting the agency's ap- proval. ··we didn't have enough lime lo set-up purchase orders so we used ·a verbal system. There were always two ol ua on .the telepbooc whet! w~ uked f~ ap. proval ' .• "Our voluntetr,w&!kera were not Jl)ow. ed to order anything •1tbo1J1 !Int choclt. ing with me 01! Rqnnie ftelr (fonntt co. operator ol the Costa-lt M:e!la "Gou and Country Club). Th!ft we'~ tell each otlftr about the request and check: it out wilh lhe sponsor. 1 "We weren't spending somebody else's n1oney without their permission. They turned us down on some items like sta- tionary for the tournament and gifts for all volun teer commiUee directors." ~ii Dougherty, a v~ president or Re.a.ch McClinton who terVtd a s cti~iqnan at the OOicial. Spon!!Ors tom-. mtt!ee at" the tourqamenl. told'tbe· DAI· L-Y PILOT be never heard o(Sues' suit. ' "It'-. not true lhlt an ~ Wel'f clearetl through WJ. ·t can l Ji vt yoU any example!,',' he said by. \e:Te~. from New York. "You'd bittei-1.cbeck Wt la"'?)'e111 in Los Ali~eJ~>I'." ; '_ .i,, ·· 'J11e Jaw 'flrm aJiO said il·Rntw notMni ~ ~ ' .. of Suea' IU!t IDCf that the aUomey on !ht Mesa Verde ex: case ls on vacatJon aad won't be back for several ween. Sues also claims mJIU' of tile opemes were 1pproved by Doughert)l("in ptrtOll ,_& wetil)' meetings in COila Mesa. 1'The site and rental of bleacheia fGr spectators were approved by DoUghtrtJ: at. the golf course," Sues said. . , An oCUciaJ of Costa Mesa CC, who ._., ed lo remain an(lflym~. substantiated Sues• ch~s about the bleachers. "I was there wbea Dougherty looked •t the bleacher locations ind l heard him OJ{ the order for thero. The meeting was specillcally beld for that reuon," he iia1d. "l have audits showing that our e1- penditures at the Haig were les.1 than tbose 1t most other tournaments,·• Suea: said. "Off the top of my head I'd say we bad expenses or abwt $100,000 plus the pune of $110,000. Previous Haig tournaments at La Costa had e.xpeoclitures two or three times higher than at Costa Mesa.•• Carlos Shoots~· far 8.9 100 In County Spi~ef est Today . BEAMON THE BIRD Bob Beamon, Vlho set an unbelievable \vorld record of 29-2 11'.! during the Olympic Games, will compete in the Orange Co unty Invitational track and field meet today a t Fred Kelly Sladium in Orange. First race is at 2 p.m. Dodge rs Po st 1-0 Triu111ph LOS ANGELES I AP) -1\lan Fosler 1nade a second inning unearned run stand up with a scven·hitler. outdueling Jerry Koos111an in pitching the Los Angeles Dodge r Slate J~ne 16. Oocl9tt1 VI Htw Vor11. J IS P.m., KFI J11M 15. Oodv•rt VI New Vor~. n ·" P.m .• KFI JuM 16, °"""" VI S..n Dlll90, ''" 11.m~ KFI Jv"" 11. Dodotn ¥1 S..n Dle90 (11, 5:55 11.m., KFI JwM II. Doclttt1 ¥1 S.n Dino. 7:55 1>.m .• KFI J...,. ,o. Po0t1rs ll Clnclnnetl. 5 P.m .• KFI I"'' JllM 11. DOOlt~ 11 C:lrw;t"""tt 1;1$ p,m, K I (U!l June n. Docl9et1 11 crnc1....,11I U). 10:10 1.m .• KFI Dodgers to a 1.0 victory over the New York f\.1ets Friday night. Foster, beaten by the Mets in his last start. bad unly one shaky moment as he won his first game of the season against four losses. Jerry Grote singled with Ed Charles nn second ba se in the fifth, but oulfielder Manny Mota threw oul Charles at lhe plate. The Dodgers, shul out the last two nights, picked up a run off Koosman when Mota singled with one out and took second when right-fielder Art Shamsky bobbled the ball. With two out, Jim Le- febvre singled him home. Koosman, 3--4. gave only six hits before lea\'ing for a pinch hitter in the eighth inning. HllW YO•k 1..01 JlNOlLIS tit t II ~ 1111 .. IMlll ll I 0 t G WI"' H "'" d o 1 • ltu•.ell "<' c;.r.,.11 111 • O l O Pi•~ ... lit C J-,11 101•KCllcO t! lll•m•\y .r l 0 I a Miii II Kt•n1peel lb l O I O Sl1tmor1 111 c ... rlfs lit ~ t e o Ll'ltlNft )b Grolt c l O I O TOlbD"J c !(-"'"'"" 70 0 0FM .. r t M~ll!n jlfo I 9 t f D!l1pr 0 000 .... " "" • 0 0 • ' • 0 • j I I I ) ... l l ' 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 I 0 ' 0 0 0 f I I o It l•Ylot p o O 0 0 To1•1 fl t 1 e Tait! lO t I t '-!tw VOt~ 000 000 OOf-6 LOt A"fle!ti 110 000 00•-I f-S1W1m1\y, OP-LM ""'"'-' :t. LOl-N.l'fr Yo .. f, L• Afllltln I, !8-(1\•rl•'-T-l;ot, A-)0,oq. AU SSIE-ACE-World record holder Ron Clarke of Aui;tralia will compel• In loday's Orange Cou nty lnvil.aUonal, .,. By JOEL SCHWARZ Of ftlt e>elb' Plitt SIMI An SJ time in the 100 Olis afternoon at the second annual Orange County Invita- tional track and field meet? Why not? ~iers are made to be broken and !he man who says he's going to be the first runner to crack nine seconds in the century -John CarlO!I - will be compeUng in the all.star charity meet at Fred Kelly Stadlum in Orange. Carlos is just one of many Olympian! and world class performers entered in the meet which will get under way -!t noon with the hammer throw. The pole vault and javelin competition gtarts an hour and a half lat.er with the first running event pegged for 2 p.m. Olympians joining Carlos ln the meet Include the Au stralian middle distance Location of Fred Kelly Stadium DIRECTIONS SladJum is located on the grOUDd1 or El Modena Higll. School in Oran1e on CbapmlD Ave nue , eut of the Newpert Freeway. and distance trio of Ralph Doubell, Ron Clarke and Kerry O'Brien, Italian hurdler Eddie Ottoz. Braz.ilian triple jumper Nelson P r u d e n c i o , Czechoslovakian discus thrower Ludvik Danek and Chinese sprinter Chi Cheng along with Americans Bob Beamon , Wade Bell, Jack Bac helor, \Villie Davenport , Ron Whitney, Jay Silvester, Harold Connolly, Ed Caruthers, Joh n Rambo, Reyna Id n Brown. John Pennell. Rick Sloan. G;iry Carlsen Frank Covelli and Barbara Fe· rrell. · That Impressive list of Olym pians walked a1vay v.•ith three gold, three silver and four bronze medals in Mexico City. Even so. Carlos is the individual stan· dout in today's field, IJAS RUN t-FLAT The San Jose State speedster already has run a wind-aided 9-flat 100 this SCa!OO and has a legal 9.1 to his credit. However, Carlos has said be's going to be the firsl to run under 9.0. Ifs hard lo dispute Carlos because he's been named the oulslanding athlete in six previous meets he's competed in \hi!' yea r and he's the unofficia l world record holder at 200 meterll in 19. 7. Carlos' chief competition in the 100 could come from Beamon. a man who's primarily known for his jumping ability. Bea1non, of course, set a world record of 29-2 ',i while winning the Olympic long jump gold medal. However, he has plent y of speed with a 9.4 clocking and could push Carlos. Carlos and the other competitors will be running on a unique track . lrs com· posed of compressed steel slag. OLYl\.1PIC RDtATCll J ust about every event ha! a world- class entrant, but several more stand out beside the 100. The 120 high hurdles will featurl! ll re.match of the Olympic battle between Davenport and Otlot. Davenport, a co· holder of the world mark, won the gold medal with a 13.3 effort while hls Italian rival came in third . Also in the field i! Leon Coleman, t.he only man to defeat Davenport this year. In the 880 , Doube\I, the co-record holder for 800 meters and the Olympic champ, will face Felix Johnson of Prairie Vle1f A&~'I College, who has the world'• s1\•iftest time this year at I :46.5. In the hv~mile Clarke will take nn Bachelor , "·ho's undefeated this year in eight race!. Clarke holds the wor ld record of I: 19.6, along with three Ol.ber global distance marts. In the field events, Beamon and Prudencio stand out in the long and triple jumps, but compelltioo should be fierce in the discus and high jump. HOLDS DISCUS RECORD The discus (eatures three. or the lop 11x finishers from the Olympic game.s. Dane' Is a former record holder and copped tht bronze. medal in Me1ico. Slh•este r owns the world record 11t 22f.f and was fi fth In the games while Carlsen was sixth. 'l'hc hiRh jump Is loaded with 7.foa1 performers. headed by 1llver medalist Caruthers and Brown, the three-tlmt 1tate champion. • • ' \ i I' I I i I t ' t ) f c < r • ' I I ' ' 1 ' ~ t I I ( ' • ' ' ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ' .. ' -----~------~-----------------------------------,··------~------~------------------' I HUNTINGTON''ENTRANT -C. W. "Butch" Maas of Huntington Beach will_ be wheling Tony Waters' 225 mph top fu~t dragster in tonight's March of Dimes benefit race at Orange County Inter· national Race\vay. Funny cars will share the evening's program with the fuelers starting at 8. Golf Tops Weekend TV Bill The most extensive television coverage in the history of golf will be beamed this weekend as ABC blankets Jiouston with a giant task force. The nelwork bes assigned 23 came.ras and more Jban 250 persoDJlel including a record seven commentators - to handle the project. Viewing ijmes are 3 p.m. to- day and 2 p.m. Sunday. Call- ing the shots \vill be Cbri!I Schenkel, Byron Nelson, Jim McKay, Bill Flemming, Bud Palmer, Jimmy Demeret and l-larry Longhurst. The Orange County Invita- tional track meet will be shown as a delayed tape Sun- day by ChaMel 2 at 12:30 p.m. The meet takes place Satur- day afternoon al El Modena Stadium, starting at 1:30. Today's baseball feature is the Baltimore-Chicago game from Comiskey Park. The Angels are on TV Sunday on Channel 5 from Washington starting at 10 a.m. The TV menu: Today 11 •.m. ('lCL -8A~~l!ALL Bllllll"Clfl 11 Cl!\c!IPC. Mid<eY Mlnll~. r:urt Gowdy, Tony Ku~k mikellia II comlli.9't' P1rt<. 111111ncheck: Cl"'1t1l1nd ~1 Ml11nescl1. J im Slm9;;on, Sandy KM1x rnlknlcle 11 8locomlnvlon. l P.m. (flCL -U.S. OPEN -Chris :'\cll6nk11, lyron Nelsen. Jim N·tK1v. 6111 Flemm11111, Bud P~•m;.r, J•rrv oement tnd Htr<V LOnQh'"I' link$1d• 11 C~mplons Goll Clull, Hw•ton. 4 '"'" UJT -JAi LAI -From Fonton P111clo, Tl!u1nna. 4,30 p,m. (1l\T -G'JLF CLIPS -Hl1,.llt"fl of U .. O~n to dale. J p.l"l. UJCF -1NOY 50G -HIQhllOl'll$ from tl>e l!rlt~'lrd. S p,m. tSlCT -BOWLlrt,-; -Ttd Hofl,,..n, 81l'd Horn V\ Don C1rltr, o~v'.,.~'T'iCT --w•O!O \I/OR.LO - O••l'ld Prfa or :::ndur1f\C1 r.!I" J1clllOl'I, Cl'lrl• EtO<W>mi>~I, il~ll Ill lr•ciuldt ti LeMan,, Fr•r>el, I• 2~- h";'r~•.c~U!F -FUTBOL -!L IKl'I• d~ ~ua:or <a Mttllo. I S::IO p,m. !$!CT -l!'LLIA!lOS -M!nne.ot• F•\• v•. • .t leD"!r. 10 p,m. 13.I F -BOX GO -fAtt .. lit 11 M .... 1111 lie Me><l(O.) Sunday 10 1,m, UlClL -8,t.SE8All --"'~ tT Wt..,lnpfan. Ole!!. Enoer11. Oe•• Wt ll' m!itt1111r 11 l(f'l\ntor S!tah.tm. 8atttr ~p: 10:30. !2:>0 .. !'I. (fl CT -rRllC;( "i\Ef." -0••~ •• Count'/' lnvlttHOl\lt. :tKk \•/M:i~u:· R.I~ 90llO!l lnd Diet: Nrok ' 1'1~~ t. 1,1 lt~M~NFt~~·1014 -">.111-111 'nll"Mf~r -~ 11\d+Vl~U~I Ind tl!tm llCMf~t Of 811!1fr.ore Cortl. ' p.m. (71Cl -u .. Of'E'4 ·-r!f'lf 110!~1 ~ Cl\,mpl-atMI C•ul• In Hou1tt11. c.nrt1 5cllenk1t. llrron P..1110n, Jim Mclttr, l!lud l"a!mer, Jlmmr Otmeret •ml Htn,... Lono~1r1t ll'*11t1e. 3 111.m. (4la' _,AUTO RACE -h\d\I• IVDI IT\ldllMI rt>Ct t0mt¥>l!.,,.t. ~m. ClllCL -CELT:8 G)LF -.s 11ttrl' ll'll'IVll cn1rtty Mlh. "lrm llr, Dcoll Ltrncnd fl111<11cr. tr CtlltlllNI CC In Jin Ftmtndo Vlll'e), 5 p.fl'. ().IJF -"IOlilOS -!Pt:r,1 M lorOJ_dt M,_•i(~.1 •i:io co.m. 011 T -!1"011:':'$ SET -Fllma. lnf9f¥ltw1 with 1'om Mii-. ,Kessinger Ties Record CINCINNATI !APl -Don Kessinger of the Chlc>go Cubs titd a NaUonal LHgue record for sllortltopo Friday night by going through hi• um! coost<:• lllive aame wltbout Ill error. The mark was set by Johnny Kerr or lhe New York Gi1nt11 1n J.:- The major league record Is 53. established by Chico Car· rasquel of lhc Chicago White Sox In t9SI. Dragsters, Funny Cars Baseball Double Bill at Raceway Standing s Top fuel dragsters and~ful)· ny cars will ~ the sam~ program at <>range County International Raceway toJdght for the first Ume sinCe the' All- Pro Championship Series last'. winter. The occasion is the March of Dimes benefit program ~jlh the organizaUbn, receiving ... a share of the.'f•te:teoeipts~ "~ OCIR general manager Mike1 Jones pointed out that this Is the only etpportunity drag rac- ing fans will have to view both Albacore funny cars and I.op fuelers on the same card at regular prices. Ron Hampshire of Reseda tops the fueler agenda when he shows up with D e e Caspary's new •machine . 'I1ie tunny car feature is the ap~~ce Clf_t.he Denver-bas· ed CJ9Ugar'of Earl Dody. Costa Mtil1s Sfeve ·BOv8D~ recover· ini,lrom burns he received in a Phoenix accident last month, is another entrant. An Anaheim funny entry & the Bad Bascomb's Ghost machine out of Bill Tbomu Ilace Cars. The Long Beach- based Pisano Brothers have a. car entered, as does Gordon Mineo of Huntington Beach. Dick Hardint of' ReSeda ha s trained his sighlS on Chuck Poole 's 12. 6.7 second--J02.82 mph wheelst.and re tor d . What's more, Harding will make the attempt go I n g backward. - He has turned the driver's seat of his Ford Econoline pickup around to face the rear window to give himself a bel· ter view of the rear wheels. Qualifications slart at 2 p.m., elimlnaUons at 8. AMl!AtCAN LIAOUIE E°'ST w ' '"· ll11!imare " " ,JOI !!c.ston ~3~ '° .6•l OtlTrol! . " ·"' W•llllMtlOn " " '"' .... y"" " " "" CllY&ltnd " • Wl!Sf MlnnnaT• • " 01~1.ne " " !.Httle " • C~iCtlO " " Kans11 c;1v " " C.lltornl1 " • FlllJO°'Y'S AESULTS fhl!!,...,o,. $, C~lt•to l ClrY<'land f, Mlnnesal1 • Dotroit 6, Ki11S1• Citv O W1s~inQtOn 6. Ctlllornl1 t 0..kltnd l , lot.Ion I Setttle J, Now York 1 Totd1r'1 G1m1s ,, . ,JU .~ll . ~. -~•J .•11 ,,., •• • ... " " 1'\1 ' ' " ' 11'> Predictions UCI Cage Team Gets U11der Way Midwest Road Trip O~troll (Wll1on 5·5) at l(an11\ CT!v !Ntlson •·•l, nlqht Cle~l1n!I (Ell1wer!~ 1·0 1! Min· M~IOIA (K11! t.0 ll tl!lmort (P1tm1r 7·1l 11 C~lce110 {John '·IJ Se~!Tle t ll•rb~r ?·1) 11 New York (Bu..0.cll 3--ll, ni1M D1kl1"" COiiom 1·31 ti llDt!on (Cuh• t·J> C•lllornl• !llruntl 1·3) 1! W1th•n1tor1 (Colemon 3·ll Th is is the time-of year w he n alba core fishermen m a k e appointments with their soothsayers, await the tell-tale pains in their f00t· ball knee! and rtad their tea le.aves. Albacore season Is shortly to begin and great prestige UCJ has released its 1969-iO will open the campaign .Mon- basketball schedule, which for day . Dec. I al the University the second straight year of Nebruka and two days features a road lrip that pits later travels to the University the Anteaters against major of Colorado. college opponents. The Anteaters return home New coach Tim Tift's club Saturday, Dec. 6 (or their falls upon the angler who cor· Varsity Schedule recUy predicts the arrival Ott. 1 ,, N•br11k~ home opener against Cal Stat.c 1 Los Angeles ). UCl the n meets San Diego State. coach- ed by ex·UCI coach Dick Davis,' in the Aztecs' gym Saturday, Dec. 13. time of tbe coveted fish. Ott. J .1 ca1cr1110 Dec, ' CAL STATE CLOS ANOELE!.l One who has made his alba-D"C. 13 •' si n Dito• s1•t• ed. ti · G ~c. 1'·7'·1' UCI TOUJltN..,ME HT Irvine is entertd in a rugged NATION ... L LEAGUll! EAST w L l"tl, Chlt1qo " " '™ New Yftrlc " " :351 Pit11bur~h " " '"' '" Loul1 " " .•6• P!'lllJWIDnll " " .l., Montl"HI " " .16' WES'I' "!11n11 " " " •• LOI A.nqo,.,.\ " " .511 Sftn Frar>el1to " " '"' Cl~~in""ll " " .Sll Hou•'"" " " ·''s '" o ... " • .•lD core pr IC on IS eorge J111! l Jot-INF. l(fi"NEDY COLLEGI Newcomb, who operates Art's · J1n. ~ CAL STA.TE (FULLERTO NJ tournament -It's own . The F1111o"Y's 111Esu1.1s •• ,., 10'" ll''• " " ' '" ' .. "" ' -d' ' th B 1•--p J111. 1• 1t uc 11:r~e,.,lde .....-n Ing 3t e 8 .,.,,.. a-Jtn, 11 1! (II ~o)y (Pomoft.I) ucr classic features Valle y Chlta90 ,,, Cl11tln ... 11. 11e inninti ) Vilion. J1n.2).2i ti UC Olvf1 TOl!rntmi!nl J1n. 31'.1 S ... N FERNANDO VALL EY "My guess is it'll be STATf" around the first week of July Jin. ll C ... L POLY (SAN LUIS bet I OBISPO) -make it ween JU y 1-6," Feb. J 11 °'"~mtn he says. Ftb. ' SAN JOSE ST ... TE • Ffto, lO UC SAN DIEGO •'The water conditions are Feti. 1J .1 Cit Stitt !Fu11tr1on1 fairly constant now and suit-M . 11 cH..,PMA.11 ( -·I .. !!!>. 20 UC RIVER!.IOE able or a I~ ·Jood early Fn. '1 CAL POLY (l•OMONAl ru G n r lly I•• lb Feti. 1) STANISLA US ST •"IE n. e e a , ·~ a acore Feb. 21 8t sin "'''""nc10 v111~~ Stftte come between the last weely "eti. 21 11 c11 Poly (Stn Lv11 Ob1$!1ol State, Cal State (Fullerton), San Francl•to '· ~MnTrttl 2 L~ AnHIH l, Naw Yot~ 0 Northern Arizona, Chapman . P~n1d~r1t1111 6. Stn 0 1e110 1 Cal Poly (Pomona), Tahoe Pinstiur'h 1. A.t11nt1 1 po 1nn111111 Paradise and Occidental. HOUiton '· sr. l-°"1• 2 TMI,'• G1111n Newcomers to the schedul e l<GU1ton IG•lffln 3·J! •I SI, LoYlt include San Jose State (at UC! ic1r11on ~-11, 1110M F'eb. 6) and Cal po J y c111c100 1Hell1man 9·l) ti Clntl~n•!I ((lonln~er l·I) lPomona) al home on Feb. 21. Ph111<1tl!lhl1 (Je~n'°" 1-0 •• sin OitlO {S111torlnl l ·ll. n11ht UCI will be shooting for a New Yo.-~ 1s1•v•r t-Jl •! Let third consecuti've tr•'p to the An1e11~ !Drv~a1 1t 1-1>. 111oh1 Monl rtll (W-Mr l·lJ el S8n Fr111• in June anti tht"'lirst week of July." .r Freshman Stbeda1e NCAA's college divi s ion c1"° <BG1111 ,.)) °' • <"'-$TATE <',.,., "ANGHES< I ff "'""" ..[$IQ,,. •.O) '' P1tt1burt~ Bill Craigv•JJ:-·ajbacore ex· pert emp!oY,ed~y the !!tate Fish & Ganie •Dept .. agreu that the pi'esent water tem- ~tures are favorable for an e&rly albacQre run. -'· ..... ~ p ayo s next season. , 11:111, "''· "''" Ott. 12 ,, O!'antt '""'' Dec. 13 11 Stn Dle<lo s1,1t ------------------------Jtn. l PEPPIEJl.Dl"IE Jin. 1 T"l"T SOFT Jan. I CA.I. STATE (f"ULLEJl.TC>tfl SELL SAM By Marvin Mr-n J111. 10 11 Lol'OI• JM. 1, ti UC 11.lvtn!W J111. 11 11 Gii 1"9tr tl"om0111l J111. l'fl CH ... PMAN Jin. n 11 UC S.11 Dlw1e Jin. '' LOYOLA J..,, lO SAN FEJl.NANOO V"LLEY ''But if the temperatures in Southland waters reach 70 de- grees again this year, it 'll STA"llE CAL l"OL Y IS4H LUIS OllSl"Ol send the fish nor1hward. Al· Jin. n bacore prefer blue ·water in Fllto. 4 •! Ch1-111 the 60 to 66 degree·range." Last year was regarded 11 a "fair" albacore season by usual standards. The catch wa.s 1.29,710. The hl&h mart was set in 1962 when 229.314 albacore were boated. Art's Landing his announc· ed a change in jt.s boat sched· ules . The atannel Isle will be an all-day boat starting at 3 a.m. daily, the Frontier be. comes a thl'f!e.quaner d'1 boat at S a.m. and the New· FllO. • 11 UCLA 1"91). 1t UC {SAN Oll!;GO\ '"-b. l! 11 P""'"rdlnt ll'e!:I. fl CH ... l"MAN .... 20 UC JUVElllSIOE Fib. n CAL POLY {POMON"l Feti. tJ 11 C1I $1t!e (l'ull9rtonl 1'111. 27 ti Stn FWTffflofO V1Hfv Stilt Fib.• 11 C1I l"ol'r (Stll Lult Obi-) Marichal Sets Mark porter makes half-day excur· SAN FRANCISCO (AP)_ slons at 6 a.m. and 1%: 15 p.m., Juan Marichal became the plus a twilight voyag< at 5:!0 best perC<lltag• pitcher In P·~~canb ttp!>!U his boats ba&eball history Friday nlghl are IQ1glng ~ ban counu as·he.hurled the Sari P'rand&- on the afternoon and twnigbt co Glants past the Montrul Nn1. Expos 4·2 with a 1lx-hltttr. _.P.avey't freelance boat t.tarlehal, 7-2, boMted hla c•· leaiies at I a.m., 1he three· T eer recor(fto 177·79 for a .nr quarter day boat at 5 a.m., percentage after entering the S"Al..F'SMti'J1S /NVE'5TM E"NT CJ.U& ..:.~=-. ' IM /!Af Pf JJI H DUR ST/X.XS, l3QI fM t;OT TOO KEEN ASOVT 00~ TRcASURER S1UDYINli- TRAVEk fOJ.DfRSf" tile half-day boat at 6 a..m. p:1Me tied with former New and 12:30 p.m., and the twi· York Yankee ace \\lhitey lighter at S:30 p.m. f'ord at .690. Ft1rd was %3&-106. -------------------- Sitturdai, June 14, 196? DAILY PILOT Jr; 1 . HAIG. •1• {COOdhtd ,_ hp Ill "I only hope ihia situatloo :troa't leave a scar on Orange County oo that lt b afraid to try to stage another tourn. ament in the future, •1 be says, FIJTVRE NIL AB (or the future o( the Haig tournament in Costa Mesa, it ~ nil right now. The +clty was willing to con· Unu~ lts five-year contract with Beach-McClinton if cer· taln conditions were agreed upon, but the advertising agency was cool to the Idea. City attorney Roy June said COsta Mesa wanted a full·llme tournament coordinator t o start working on the event Feb. I and all outstanding ac· counts incurred during the first tourney to be settled. "The city was 'villing to sup.. ply the manpower to run the tournament, but we were com· plete novices and needed pro· fesstonal help. "{ was insistent that the ootsantding accounts be sel- tled. You can't go into a se· cond year without settling your bills," says June. The city attorney said he received a letter from Reach- McClinton saying their tour· nament plans were uncertliin and they "nat refused to pay up." June says he 1.has written many letters to the ad· verti.sing agency about the ruture of the tournament. Most have gone unanswered. REASON TO CANCEL The city al&<> asked for a meeting with agency officials when they attended t b e Tournament of Champions at La Costa in San Diego C~ty, but Reach·McCllnton never responded to the invitation. "I feel the city had adequate reason to cancel our contract for the tournament," June ~aid. As far as making money. it's doubtful if the Haig ever would have' reall.!ed any great return to the city or Reacb- ~1cClinton. "Few go I f tournan1ents make a profit," says Stan Wood, who handles Southern California pub liily for lhe Professional Golfers Associa- tion. "The ones that di 1nake money are the big three -the Masters, the United States Open and the PGA -and they have year·round star f s . Several other tourneys like the Greater Greenboro (in North Carolina) are huge community projects and manage to shO\V a profit," \Vood says. f'inancial statement.s on all or the tourn aments on the pro tour are not available, but Wood doubts if many others make money. Anteaters Ai1nounce Polo Slate UCl's water polo team, already recognized among the naUon's best. faces another bruising schedule tor ·its 1969- 70 season. Irvine polo coach E d Newland released the schedule today, showin,ii: the Anteaters playing in three m a j o.:: tournaments and playln~ I he likes of UCLA, USC and Cal State (Long Beach), 111e Anteaters were 25-2 last season, losing only to national C'hampion San Jose State twice. Irvine is 40-6 over the past two seasons and 69-16 for the four total seasons. The schedule : SH'!. 11 ()(t. 1 OCI. l ·U UCI TOURN ... MENT "L UMNI 1t NOf"IMrn Cliff. Tou•n1m1nl Oct. ' CAL POLY (POMONA! Oct, l~ CAL ~TATE !L°"'G !!fACHJ Oct. IS II CJ! 5111, (~ufleMonJ Oct. ll·tl 11 All-UC Tourfll,.....nt 1t UC IU~tn.Jde Oct. 21 UC SAN Dll!GO Oct. 21 11 use Oct. n 11 St~ l'"trntf!do Y•lley Sl•M Nov. I 11 UCL" Nov. I USC Nov, 7-t If Stnl1 ••~rt Tt11rntmef!I '4av. 1J $AH Oll!GO STATE Nov, 2'·tt~ NCAA Toul'llfl'Ml'll 11 LO/Ill IMC/I 14-1 Choice Wins Race !NGLEWOOD, CalU. (AP) -GameUght, •14-l longshot, woo • d~vlni tWl>leqlll flnlsh over favored Moat Hort in the 115,ooe !eature •I Hollywood Park Friday. The winner, carrying lot poundl and ridden by Dan<11 Velpquu, returned 129.40, Ill and f7 .20. Gamtllght raced th, l 1·11 mUes on the utrf I nl :U w. I t • Tardley Non1inees '' ' ERIC LINDROTH JOHN YULE Lindroth: Best CIF; Yule · Captains Sooner s .. • Ill tf there were ever any doubts about how good a ~·ater polo player Eric Lin- droth was, he cleared up the issu e completely last Dec. 10 al the Belmont Plaia Olympic Pool in Long Beach. There, Lindroth staged one of the greatest indi vidual performances in the history of cir~ v.·a ter polo competition and his Newport Harbor l-ligh teammates won the CJF crown by smashing Lakewood, 9-3, Largely because or such ex· ploits. Lindroth is a: candidate tor the George Y ar d ley trophy, awarded aMually to the outstanding athlete of the Newport-Mesa area. ''Eric is a great competitor and it really showed In that championship game -he was really great,'' says his coach , Bill Barnett . "He scored fi ve goa l s himself and passed off for three more." Lindroth was named the CIF's co-player of the year. He a c h i e v e .cl AU-American recognition in the sport for two years at Newport. Although primarily known for bis ·polo exploits. Lindroth -who will attend UCLA next year -has also distlngul5hed himself In swimming. He was a, member of two Bee relay teams as a sophomore which still hold CIF records. ··Lindroth is really a com- petitor," sums up Barnell. "He had a little trouble at lhe beginning of the CIF playoffs but when it came do~·n to that championship game he was r~ally some - thing." While the Orange Coast arcl!r has produced an abundance oc flrst-rate basketball players. very few of them have been o( the "big man" variety. ;. One exception is John Yul~, the 6-8, 210-pound center who guided Corona de! Mar to an Irvine League championship two seasons ago and who last year was the standout performer for the Oklahoma University freshman team. Yule is a candldate for the George Yardley Trophy, the wiMer of which will be an- nounced at a Newporter Inn Banquet Wednesday night. The presentaUon is made an· nually by tbe Newport Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce to the Newport·Mesa area'1 outstanding athlete. Fo ur teen have been nominated for the honor. Yule began hb basketball career at Newport Ha rbo r High School but trinsferred to Corona del Mar et mid-year in his junk>r' season and be- came a star. He was named to the a!l-CIF and all-Jrvine· League teams. A strong rebounder, he dominated play beneath both backboards for coach Bill Bloom. Yule Ugures to make ft name for h imself ln mldwestern basketball circles next sea90fl. He had a banner season on the Sooner freshma n team, averaging IS points per game and 12 re- bounds. He's regarded aa a strong candidate to start on the OU varsity next campaisn. Three of his frosh teammates also averaged in double figures. Millovich Moves Again;. Takes Grossmont Joh By ROGER CARLSON Of flllt 0.11'1' Plitt S11fl Dave Millovich, who had ac- cepted a posiUon at Newport Jlarbor Hlgh School as swim coach just a few days ago, has resigned and accepted the role as swim and water polo coach at Grossmont Junior College in. San Diego, the DAILY PfLOT learned exclusively to- day. Ing coach Bill Barnett for water polo and MUJovich for swimming. The water polo teams, under Barnett have won two sucCesslve CIF cham- pionships. "We're now in the process of mak,ing a decision on which way to go," Gage added. Angels Offer Speci al Ra te fl.1i1Jovich will be responsible for developing th e enlire aqu atics program with the first competitive season slated for the fall of 1970 in water The Angels have announced polo. a special summer-long ticket 1 "I'm really enthused about offering to high sch o o ii. Advancing to a junior col-students. legc system is what I've Beginning June. 23, any high always , ... anted." he said. school student can attend a His first task \viii be in game for SO cents upon directing the building of . the presentaUon of a student body school's _poo l. card at gate No. 3. fl.-fillovich .had re s igned The offer is in effect Mon· rarliet in the year from days throuib Thursdays for Corona del Mar as head swim the remainder of the Angels' coach to seek other employ· home schedule, ment· alter a personality clash ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ on the Corona campus. ( Jules Gage, athletic director at Newport Harbor Hiib, said, "We hate to Jose hlm. We would have had one of the m01t potent aquatics prt'>- grams around." • Newport had intended utiliz- LOCAL N• otlior 111w1popor tills you 11t•t•, •r••y 1'1y, 1bo11t wh11'1 t •lflf oft In th1 tr••t•t Or1 nt• C•1tt thtt1 the DAILY PILOT. FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL * -"' .. llttto .... * ....... ._ ... "' .tc .. lildio , ---- •395 lfltl, All Aoot...nM Most Hoel, i.t favorite, paid $4.20 to place and $3.4G to l SPORTS "100" 63"'6-2LL7•• show. Wlngover returned $10 - for third money after ae'ttlng 1,__102_1_s.a ••• '.".".o_,._••-•.1v.d._{;.1.11_k_._•_. •.'.'"-•.k_h.;•.™.;>_.11 the pact unUI lhe stretch run. - l • • . . ' . · ·t1ased'on 4z,mo. \inanti09 • w.ith '/> down ·payment. ' l •-, . _,. '61 VOL:&SWIGO .. .. , " ... Fu)ly factory •'ll!iPped· VG! 189. ~ 51695 '66 RAMBL£R A.,111....., 990 1 Dr. KOldloP • V-8, automatic , factor'i air,of.wer ,steer, radio,~htater. Sil \ . 51495 '64 CIEVROLET STAT!Oli WAGOM V-8, automatic. ~er steering, radio. heater. PDB 281. s995 '65 POllllAC ' .. . ~ l · '· · : . -· .NEW '&9 . · PLYMOUTH :VALriNT . 2·.DOOR SEDAJi S.r•I #Vl2J A9E-149919 . '66 CBEVROl£f· ., '64 PLYMOUTH Capllc• Fury t pus. Station W1gon V-8, automatic, factory air, power V-8, 1u1omatic, radio. heater. st er., pO"-'er brakes, power wi n· Clean! .001 921. dows, radio, heater, vinyl top. SBN 712. 59 95 51795 . '64 FORD '65 MERCURY cofll!T 404 GM.Alli 500 SlDAM ,l.utom11ic trans., radio and healer. V-8, automatic, power steering, ra· N6( 830. dio, heater. POD \57. •995 •895 .. '65 CIRYSLER '63 MERCURY sedan . . . A.utomal'te, radio, heater, pewer COfllil SS 2'l steering, pOWtf brakes, air condi· Autom3tic, radio, heater. PMP 528- 1\oning. PK.'. 614 . •1195 $795 '61 DATSUll '66 PLYMOUTH St din IUlY 111 V-8, e\Jlomatic, radio, heater. lSP COUPE V·8, au,omallc, poY'er ~teering, ra- 4 speed. full factory equipped-lUP dio, heater. lRl .420. 945 . 867. •1295 $tS9 5 51295 ' •• - I ' • ' . TOP .QU~LlfY . usEo .:res , · Pl-YMOU.TI SA·TELITrE 4-DOOR SEDAN ' .. LUXURY ·Ei . w;,,,, v-a, VUtPPEo • ·llliu; '"'•111a"-on,i.rlid" . , . '"" ""' .. 10 .•• _,,. er ,1 , •ie•te · ~ 1ter1n· r, po,. ' ,· 9 A .... ! ·t,,;. at •n .. ·/,; • lru/v .'-I• Un .,, • " Ille /lfice. "••br · · . y ''"' Lictnse -•WfH Bil, ,. "" • • • • -------·-------""!""---..----------------~--~~-·-~~·----------~---r-~ ~-..-,·-~~--. -· . • .. -.. ·~·-· .. ,._., ·• ' • ,/ ' I ) I' . • .' • . -... ·1 ... • .. "' ::.";-··-. ' .. .. . ... ~ . .. .,. • • • I .. , " America's-Favorite-Fttu~G'ar-- . •' l . . . . . ' 't • .. I.~ ... ... D.NEW 1969 . . . I~ 'RANGER CAMPER SPECIAL! J11t$TO~K , •. READY: FOR J_MMEDIATE DELIVERY! All , lhf. "Hard-To-Get" Model$.· h1ch1din9: q re w Cab • 4 Wheel \ . -, . ' ' . .. ' . Qri~~· Ra!!t.ier • Custom Cab • Stamkard ·Cab • Broncos • Chateau WDCJOns, And Plenty Of Camper S~ials. . --. - PLUS ••• A HUGE' SELECTION OF .. ,.;,;,,~OfHER NEW:J~69 ·FORD T.RUCKS . .. . ' BRAND· Nl-W 1969 ·, '-~ .. ' ·~ .. MUSl·ANG ~ • s· . ... t"'i .. " '\ \ \ . ' '• FAstiACK. ar. Z·DR. HARDTOP • PWS TAX,-..'. UClllSI' . -. • \ • I ,I I -' ' . ' ' ' ORDER NOW AT 'THIS " LOW, LOW "DUN~ONr" DEAL" PRICE ! BRAND NEW· ·1tt69 2-DO . , .. . . ECONO~Yi-SiPAN FAL -CON ... -' DUNTON'S LOW TERMS sgg· +:ix .s53ts Llcens• . , ) . DOWN MONTH' 41 MMthl Ftn•nclnt on AHr"911 CNdlt thru C.llf. Fundlftg. , , , BRAND NEW 1969 . ' . . ; ""is••••oo••oo••H••Hi. ' , . 15 fXECUTIVE .~~~s .... · ,~, .. ~.~ e,4, · ;a,f..._f..I · · :I .. .__ -. ~ AND . DEMON_$T1b,TORS AT " ~~ . ,Jlrl:':;'wet -·~ -. . , ~,!P!lil'Y CM~ .. _..:J-+ ~ ',, ~-~ ,. · • .~ " II , . --1 ... ,f Olt.,, LTD : ~I -..si.· ..... t·:ik 'I • . '! .... ¥·~ ... ~ ' •·lfaiiop ~'t!.~ .:_ w1 .. ~~:. :.;..cioly. ~T_,-·.'c:.rm,... . ··1 . · . FANTASTIC SAVINGS Todoy." TIM ...i .. 1 ..,m,... oo 8"t~...i. · ' · 1• e G ... TOP. Compen -AH steel ..... ~ to 6:;6", • -,. COMPARE OUR PACKA-GE 0 PRICE! J T-llRD's -LTD's -GALAXIES DUNTON'S LOV( PRICE $2 -:4 -4-DOOR SEDAN '· ·\ We feature the BEST at the LOWEST, PRICE! . FAIRLANES And MUSTANGS . . ............................................................ . PLUS TAX AND LICINSI ORDER NOWI Whit• W•ll Tlru I wt..1.ceven·Optlo .. 1 , . t : A 'Dunton Deal' •• Your Guarantee of the Best $$.Buy Anywhere"·, . . . . . 48 MONTH . FINANCING , Av~11D1o Thr.pugh Calif. Fundl~g on.Approvod Crodil CHO OSE FR.OM OVER 400 CARS . & TRU·CKS! ...... . . , . . . ' . . ' . ' . . . . ' '• .. .f!ICK ~·OUT -THE : ONE YOU WANT ••• GET A DUNTON DEAL AND DIUVI . IT ·HOME!·. _, ,·. : -' . . . .. . . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ~61J THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP '66 SHELBY COBRA GT~:$0 : · . ·eV-8, AUTOMATIC, FA~ORY AIR, RADIO , HEATER , FULL POWER. Lie. No. ERY ,OCM • '65 FAIRLAllE 500 SPORT COUPE , V-1 •. automatic transmission, p•o w • r st9arint, rad io, heiiter: buc.ket 1e1.h . RFL 135 ; '. -$1195 .. ' , '68 .COUGAR XR7 . ' H1 rdtop, "V-8, automatic,, factory air· pioWer 1teerii19, racfio, heeler. PGF 261 '67 FALCON Future Coupe, 6 cytinder, •utometic, p.pW • .,. 1teerip 9, radio, heater, low mil•-•9•· 4lf' 496 . '64 PONTIAC -.Bo'nneville 2.'dO'or hardtop, V-8,. autl!-' metre, ~.ctory e ir, ~ower .1teerin9, bre ke$ and win~Ows, radio a nd heeter. FNB 98l '67 TOYOTA CROWN 4 Door Seden. A1r conditidnin9, •utomatic tran!- mi,sion, radio , heater. VR A 039. $1695 '63 CHEVY UL-AIR 4-DOOR 6 Cylinder,· stick shift, radio, he1ter. l ie. No. RPP 773 • FASTIACK. V-1. 4-SPEED, ·,tdR cONDiTld NI N'G , R,1<010, HE ... TER·_. CHROME WHEELS, SPORT DECK REAR 'SEAT. RSY 11 7 : , ' '67 VOLVO '65 MUSTANC .. , Hardtop, '6 cylinder :sttc.k;.redio.~a'nd . . TZR 486 'heater. NOF 595 · · • • · ' . •' .. . ' . . . ' $1495 . $9~CJS:. . ·. ' . . ' . . . ''64 .filUNDER•HiD . . '66 FORD . . ' ' . -Country Sedan, V-1, a utom et ic:, power J. I-. '·:H.,.,lDTOI' ·.·, ·"V-1, eutometie t renfmissi'Orl',, f1 t tory·eir cOndit ioning, full po"'!fri r~cU01: heater. steering,, radio, heater, SL W 111 . :ORO 154 .. 1' . , • ,$•1:1.95 , I . ~1295 . f I • '' J . .~ . ' } ' . . ..... . . . • • JI DAll.Y PllOT SatlWdlf, Jwne 14. 1'16t \ Hello there, boy1 and girls. and welcome to another Satur· day in Uncle Len's Comer. Well, now that school's out for another year, Uncle Len hopes all you kids won't be so busy with your summer •c· tivities that you forget all about your poems, jokes and drawlngs for the corner. JUST SO you don't forget , why don't each ol you mai:e a note right now just what you want to do for Uncle Len next week -and then remember to do it. In next week 's art contest we'll celebrate the coming or summer, which arrives on the scene nei:t Saturday. AU sum· mery drawings will be con- sidered (or the Kennedy hal!~----------------------------11 dollar, with hnagination, u usual, the key word. And let's see il we can get some newcomers to the corner nert week. Why don1t each of you te-11 one of your friends about lhe contests and see how many entries we can get in each category. HONORABLE mention win- ners in this week's art contest are: Colin M 111 e r , Huntington * PRIZE WINNER This week ·s contest winner is Lynne Thomas, 8, 18291 Foxglove Way, Irvine * Any child under 12 ~an enter ~ncle ~n's Art Contes_l Here'~ all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51.h inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your o'vn work. (3) Put your name, age ~nd address on back of drawing. !\-tail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa :P.1esa. Winner will re<:eive Kennedy half dollar. Buch; Ricky Darga, 6, Costa l---------------------------~1 Mesa; Cary Miller, It. Hun- tington Beach; Alan Bravo, 9, HunUneton Beach ; Jonnie Rae Locke, 10, Huntington Reach ; Robert van Riel, 7, Costa Mesa, and Craig Thomas, 5. Irvine, CATS Cals are so curious, Friendly and rude, Sweet and kind; Some have long tails And some have short , But they are all cats . .t. K1t1ntll1 '"" 6'111r _, ._ Miry Gt11lt f1011, tUU lurWn•tlft LIM. HuntlfttHon •""-~· ftr , ... WIMI ...... try In !flt ,,..., 1M ~ c1n1 .. 1. M•ll JOll• -•r st.no ti \,l~lt LMI. ... IUl. C.lfl M-Ctll ..... 11, SeMI pw .......... t9A.t ..... . 11.-----Carof~ Corner·----- RIDDLES AND JOKES C./• ()mp c.-Deity l'Ret, .. . 11M. c:.. ...... Cellf. """' .. net~ • »"""""' 1ef of ,,,., Wtrflll .... EIKJC'"'911e kt ~"' 1..llk•llk. 1t• '· of SI. CtlMtlnr... Clftllrlo. C1Mdt. fof 1111 -'*'1 A.rt pastearlzed and llomog:emtd milk dlfferot? Here we have two great big words -pasteurized and homogenized. Somtlmes we find them both on the same container of milk. This gives oor lint clue to the question. Ir they mean the same thing. dairies would use only one of them. Slnt-e they use both words, then pasteurired and homogenized must be dif · rerent. When great-grandpa was a young fella they drank the milk as it came from the cow . 1L was delicious. But nothing in this world is quite perfect. ()Jr brOW?H!yed cows do their best but their rresh milk needs a few improvement!. The most important improvement is pasterurizing. This Is a must. Another improvement is homogenirlng. This g i v e s everybody a fair share of the cream. When you know what milk is made of, it's easier to understand why they always pasteurize U and why they almost always homogenize it. As you know, a glass of milk Is a whitish drink -thicker than water. The liquid part is pale-pale blue. The y,•hitish color comes from zillions of tiny-tiny fragments floating and suspended in the liquid . Some of them ar! miniature scraps of body-building protein food . Some are minuscule blobs of creamy fat. Vitamins and minerals also are dissolv ed in the marvelous mixture. As a matter of fact, milk has samples of all the different foods that your body net<fi. The milk from the cow barn goes straight to the dairy and this spanklng clean factory makes the necessary im· provement.s without ruining the delldou.r navor. Milk con- tains a lot of bacteria, tiny liv- ing things too small for our eyes to see. Mosl of them do us no harm and ~me are very good for us. But a fC\\' bac- teria are dang erou!> gl'rn1s that can make us sick. The fresh milk is inspected and If it has too many germs. the hwy dairy peopte ~fuse to buy)L But this dots not hap-pmratten. The strained milk is put lDto the pasteurizer and llloWIT, slowly healed. There are thermometers , tbennoUtl and other gadget.a le _,,,. the hutlng process. .Boainl would form a ale.Im and ruin the llavor. So· the milk itll ., bot and no botttr. ll ""11 at th1I temperature for • while and lhon 1radually eOols. '""' heot kills th• llr1y ,..,.,. 111t11out 111Wna the ro11 ti the milk. Poat.urlzlng Is I mutt beca(JM lt mikes our milt tale and pnn lret. W1-• -"' /reoh milt tt.vxlt tor 1 wh.lle, 1ta creamy partlda noat Jo the Jop. Somo • people use this top milk ~s cream in their coffee. But this takes away a lot of the richness. The milk in the bot· tom•oi -UM. ~einer is ralher lhln. The-4alry Solves this pro- blem with a homogenizer, This machine hums while it works, pressing and forcing the milk through teeny tiny holes. The rinc holes break the cream blobs into smaller bloblets. Now they are too small to squeeze through the other particles in the milk. So they * PRIZE WINNER Ca rol : What's history? Uncle Len: The story of man. Carol: What about the story of wom- an? Uncle Len : Oh, that's her story. -S'-".., P'1mllert'"" r, r1H L• Or1M• Clrcl• F ... nltlft \11111~ Dear Carol: \Vhcn does J."'riday come before Thursday? ·AJ•UO!f'!P •lU Uf :.1•M.Suy -Ltlllt Shlllrr, Hunlln•l9n •••<II cannot float to the top. Dear Carol : \.Vh at has four eyes but can't see? Homogenized milk stays even· ·idd!''!''!W :.1•.¥.su" ly mixed right down to the last -M•rt Guitifltn, Hu•11.._,.., •••<" drop in the botUe. Be sure '----------------------1 your milk is pasteurized for good health. It may also be homogenized so that everybody gels a fair share of the cream. Crossword Puzzle 'Ille sparkling clean dairy does other interesting things. Some mitk goes into a whirling separator that separates out the cream. The creamless ntii:ture is skim milk. It can be made into cottage cheese and some 'people like to drink skim milk. Most or the separated cream is churned to make golden butter. Some is sold to make frothy whipped cream and some is thinned with a little milk and stirred into coffee cups. The dairy also has driers for separating the floating particles to make powdered milk. AndJ SfndS • Wlf'i. •oo1t A!llt !a 1•"1 Wil1on, AQt ll, at C~•tlcll!t. North C1rcfo•1. tor ~~' D"'11ian \\'ho aoswer1 for Andy's 1·0J. umn? Tl would lake a long. long time to count all the J>CQple who help Andy to ansv•er the questions for his column. His friendly helpers are qualified experts in doie.ns of different realms of life. Some y,·ork in labs, others are e x p e r t researchers in various nerd s. Some teach in colleges and some are doing graduate work. One works y,·ith the space prorram and another i~ a y,·ealher expert. Last "'er.k, he consulted with a fellow ,,·ho .... ·orks with a big paf>tlr con1- pany lo learn the la1est ori paper-making. This ,..,eek. he consulted with a lady from lhe C;11np Fire Girls. When .... it comes to in· ronnation for the column. nothing but the best wtU do. A lot of the basic material os found in books and science ma1aiines. But you can get this stu(f for yourselves and Andy aima to include those el· lra biU of inionnaUon that most othtr people forget to io- cludt. For thls reason . he gathers lhl" malertaJ for each topic from an e.rpert In the know. The actuel column i~ wrilten by Andy who tries Ola hardest to do a perfect job. But, like everybody else. once in a while he make!i a miltl.ke, Altc!r all, nolhln& in thls world can be absolutely porlec~ ACROSS l Part of 1 golf club ft Batrtl p1rt 10 Grand -··· 14 --· fimta 15 Pilasttr lb Having sound jud~ent 17 Modify 18 Manner 19 Ex hale 20 Otnamtnt 22 Come logtlhtr 24 Qutbtc's neighbor 2!i Uriprincipled ... 27 Kind of police forte 30 Fighter pilot JI Kind ol benefit 32Naval Yt SStf 37 Stopping place 38 Not all at onc e 40 Kind ol l&UCt ~I Naval vessel 43 Fruit 44 Kind of note 45 Football pl11tr: 2 words 48 Canada's lormH Ext. Ari airs Minlst'r ' " ------------ Sl Fathff or a stnorita 52 Is pltntHul 54 Noted comtdi111 SB Historrc part of Europe 59 Mis' M1qtJ! 61 Equine sound 62 Th is: Sp. bJ Source of luturt officers : Abb r. 114 Bird 65 Caribou's relative 66 Gral ·••· h7 G.1ucho's rope DOWN 1 Ont with tlit: btst drt:ss lng <OOm 2 Marsh: Comb. 101111 3 F1 cully 4 Those t:njoy· ing libt:rty 5 Ot:ntist's conct:rn Ii Bt without authority: ) words 7 Pronoun I Of the ear 'I IC.Ind of pie tu rt 10 SuHtr from tht htll --~ 11 Gambling l1ou se rulr 12 Dram atist ~ instruction 13 Ending used with a1ti and baro 21 Bit of ract lract info 2l Kind of train 25 Hard-to-find ptoplt 27 Abbreviated foolnott 28 "---of your llp!" ' ~ Weight units )] Good urd ln stud poktr: 2 words 34 Sm11131tct of Ian 35 Tlmt to tat lti loottd 11 3.8 Part of the body ' b/14/69 1 39 Ch l!drtn's gamt 42 In name only 41 Unusu al 4f> Anima l 47 Ont in· dulg ing in rouv/Jhoust play 48 Master of Agr icultural Education: Abbr. 49 Make Itel ashamed 50 lay 53 UnapptllZ· Ing 9fUb 1 55 lbStlt character 51i Wtlghl allowance 57 Feminine name !tO Female s1int: Abbr. --- PEANUTS ·-- ,. STEVE ROPER MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS HERE'S THE JAOIKNIFE I PP.OMISED YOO FOR HELPIN' ME RESCUE MY HORSE, U'L FELLA!_ffiJVIN' THAT C!JNWIS AN' INDIANS CAN WORK T'GETHER IN MUTUAL HARMONY, TRUST, AN ' UNDERSTANDIN'LI -c-., r--1 MUn AND JEFF EVERYO~E SHOULD -HAVE ACC!DENT 1NSUR:ANCE,SfR! GORDO ~lf'l/P.SO-1HE CANA/ll\I f FAINllO • .~ ACCIDENTS +IAPPEN! HAVEN'T YOU EVER MET WITH ANY ACCIDENTS? .. . . .. NO, NEVER! A HORSE KlcKED ME ONcli AND 'TW01)0G5 BIT ME IN TtiE LEG! ly Charles M. Sell• By John Mile1 I'VE oor TO HI.VE TNl5 OIJT WITH kATHElJ NE~ I CA,N'T 00 ~ UVIN6 Ll lCE THIS~ IF SHE IS It.I LOVE WITH SOMEOtolE ELSE, SHE SMOULP TELL ,...e .. _ ,,.... .... _ --- ... .._.... - WELL, DON'T YOLl CALL Tt10SE AcCIDENTS ? By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith No, THEY DONE IT ON PURPOSE! r , ; PO 7J.leV TAKE ALL OF IJS """ .SV'K4~S? ' . ,, SAYS //l!l<tf. 111.Ar .so;.11'7 l!OOIAS ARZ @@@[ff) FOR Bl)!J.OINC:Sf I I I \ I ( t I I I \ I ' By Gus Arriola • ;· ... "THI!)', .. "Tll~'I Ir ~L.leVE STRUC1VRAL STRESS! I I I r ' I ly Mell r • I .. ----------------------------------------~~------~---~-~....----............ __.,__,..,..,._,..,__~-··-·-···...--· ... ·--·· ........ -.... ,_ ~ -~ .. -·~~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1 ~nerat 1000 General 1000 PETE BARRE 11 presents Three New Exclusives 5¥o1'/. LOAN -Take over this outstanding loan on this distinctive 4 bdrm. Baycrest home with family room, formal dining room & wet bar. An unusual floor plan built . around a sparkling pool. designed with fam- tly-Uviog . in mind. A truly gracious home exqu'is.itely decorated. Fabulous financing! WARMLY WELCOMING -in a quiet set· ~ing in.Newport Heights. This 2 bdrm. home ls situated on a large lot with a separate guest house - surrounded by well kept gar- dens. \Ve invite you to see this at $27,500. WESTCLIFF CORNER. Adult occupied. A particular home for particular people. 3 bdrms. dining room & family room -PLUS pool! Heavy shake roof & used brick, low maintenance yard. All appliances included with the home. OFFICE OPEN S•t. & Sun. PETE BARREIT REAL TY 160S We1tcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 1000 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 General tOOOGenert l 1000 General IOOOGenerel 1000 General 1000Gentral 1000 ... .._.._.._.._ .... .._.._ __ 1~M~A~TI~L~A~BO~R~DE~,.R~e~alt~or PROUD? You Bet We Are RANCHO LA CUESTA homes at Brookhurst & Atlanta in Huntington Beach opened UNIT lil on January 24th -sold out by !\1arch 20th. On June 1st the last bo1nc in UNIT IV \Vas sold. UNIT V IS NOW OPEN Priced from $24,995 lo $34.200. Sales ollice open dally 10 to 7. Phone 968-2929 or 968-1338. ;G,;;;'";;';';;•;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;l:OOO:;;;G;;';;";;•;;n;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l 000;;;_ G.ne r •I 1000 OCEAtJ FRONT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Located in the center of the COSTA MESA JNDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Six year old, 2.- 000 square foot building presently used as a plumbing shop, easily adapted to many in- dustrial or commercial uses. Three private offices. storage room plus large shop area with over head doors. Property completely black-topped and chain link fenced. AN IDEAL BUY AT $33,250. Present financing can be assumed. 20' x 24' GAME ROOM EASTSIDE COSTA MESA -Three Bed- rooms. Dining room plus 20x24 recreation room with Benjamin Franklin fireplace. Will easily accommodate pool table -sliding glass doors to patio and large rear yard. T\vo separate single garages. Full Price only $22,500 -Excellent residential neigh- borhood. See this before you buy. VACANT • LOTS * R-1 Exclusive ST. HUBERT WOOD $15,950 * !i-1-1 63x300 Ideal for small industrial Unils . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE Th.i s beautiful 2-story Bayfront home with large pier & sUp, was custom built to the architectural plans of the owners. 4 Beauti- fully decorated bedrooms, dining room. Priced under market at $135.000. Call: 642- 8235 ANOTHER FINE LINDA ISLE baylronl home, open Sat. & Sun., 14 Linda Isle. Priced $135,000 CAMEO SHORES Ocean & jetty view from this exciting 5 bed- room home \vith beautiful swimmin~ pool & natural rock. An exquisite home which your friends will envy. $95.000. Call 642-8235 DOVER SHORES Absentee owners wish immediate sale. $15,· 000 Reduction. Perfectly lovely, expensive--!Y decorated home with the finest of draper· ies & w~llpaper. Large, beai:ing citrus trees & beautiful rose garden. Priced to sell at $99,500. Open Sat. &: Sun., l:J63 Galaxy Drive. General iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 1000 General laoO f:G;:;'";;';';;•;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;OOO;;; General j NEWCOMERS l=c=oM=M=Et!C=IAl=I 7 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA HOMES FROM $27,950 Forced air heating & fireplaces Fences, gates & front landscaping Heavy shag carpeting & draperies · Complete-ly f•::-::ished 2 bd- rm. home + guest apt. incl. color T.V. 811-in's, ri.:1:el- lent condition. S A N D Y BEACH, lmmed. oet.•upa.n- cy -TOP V ~LUE 159,500. WESTCLIFF OWNER SAYS SELL • Re- duced over SS.000 -\Vonder. ful family home, .f bdmlii. 2~ baths, Jge. liv. rni. fam. rm. elect. bit-In's, Healed & filtettd POOL, Jaro:o.i. Imn,ed. poss. • ?.IAKE 01'~f'­ ER • $49,500. * NEWPORT BEACH: Corner lot, 11, block from Ri vo Alto Canal, I 1Ji blocks from RICHARDS MARKET and shopping ... $25,000 * BALBOA ISLAND : Corner Ruby & Park -60' on Ruby. Ideal location ..... $42,500 * C-2 75'x360' HARBOR BLVD. frontage thru to back street ............... $75,000 * R-1 (restricted) 241'.! Ac . OCEANSIDE. UNBELIEVABLE-,-. 1.;;======;;;I $.S50 Down FUA. No closing costs buy!ii a 3 bedroom, l lh bath home. Look at these extru! Washl'r, dryer. re- lrigerator. Built ln bar for entertaining, Complctt> sfer· eo and speakers. Custom drapes throughoul. P I u s lhlck, like new carpc!ing. ALL TH IS FOR ONLY SlB.900, FULL PRICE. GI $600 Down. First con1e, lirst srrvr. HURRY~! TWO ON LOT EASTSIDE. Newer 3 bdrm1 & older 2 bdrm, detached 2 car garage & workshop. Ex· terior recently painted. ror the Executi\l'el moving lo N•wport B<ach -'"" PROPERTY Ivan Wells' home oU· ' rB maximum modern ron· niences, highest quality \'Orkmanship & a Panoram· >'ie View of 1111? Back Bay. One ot thl' largl'sl 4 bdrm J ~hath homrs avallabll' in the 'desirable Dovrr Shores al't'l\. rge family roon1 \l'iih v.'el bar. AU electric ki1ch- l'n with view. \\'ith or wilh· 'out oool. Roy J. Ward Co. (Baycrest OUi<.-el 1430 Galaxy 616-1550 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Af"TF.RNOON I 1812 Iowa Street Sparkling clean 3 & tamily ' room in !he popular J\fcsa· · J\leadows section of J\1csa •Verdi'. Upgraded carpeting. & cor Jocation · owner mov· ing out ot stale! S..6 ·5880 Cntar ~ theltrt) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adlml alHartlor,CM. A charming 3 BR "ship shape" home on large 84x 233' C-1 lot. May take 14 renlal units. Owner 1vill carry lsl TD of $32.000 i4_ 1~'/o. Drive by 1919 Ana. heim, GI & call to Sl'e in· side. $39,500 Ne wport •t Victoria 644-8111 (anytime) •aycrest Beauties 4 To Choose From •I & 5 Bedrooms Sli2,500 to $79,500 Amold & Freud 388 E. 17th St., 0.1 Realtors 64£.7i;'i5 Hotpoint built-ins & luminous kitch. ceilings Large closets with 2 shelves 1 & 2·Story \vith 3 & 4 bedrooms Electric garage door operators OPEN DAILY, 2348 SANTA ANA AVE . (Between 23rd & Santa l••b•ll DAYS , 642-3960 EVENINGS' 642-5106 Priced to sell at only $5.000 lot. SPANIS·H HACIENDA NEWPORT BEACH INCOME FOUR 4 uni! bldg!, \I'/ 3 bdrm. f"' ha!h O\Vfl('T'S unit J"':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:j each bldg. excellent location . Gross 135,700. \Viii sELL one or ALL. Quaint Living Room e FORMAL DI NING ROOM with MASS IVE ARCHWAYS· a clas- sic kitchen with \YROUGHT IRON b~eakfast nook . INTERIOR DECORATORS FORMER 1-IOME with hand fitted wall shutters and ex- citing hanging lamps! Two bedrooms plus DETACHED DEN FOR TEENAGER OR INLAWS WITH PRIVATE BATH. ASSUME excellent $21,100-6% FfNANCING and pay !156.00 total payment! EXCELLENT EAST- SIDE NE IGHBORHOOD FOR $25.950 ! General 1000 G9ntr al 1000 UNBELIEVABLE !! $850 Down FHA. No closing costs buys a 3 bedroom, 1'2 bath home. Look at lhe~ extras! \l,'asht"r. dryer, re· frigerator. Buill in bar for entertaining. Complete stcr- ro and speakt'r!I. Custom drapes throughout. P I u c thick, like ne1v carpeting. AU. THIS FOR 0 NL Y $18,900. FULL PRICE. GI SliOO Do\vn. Fi~t come, first serve. HURRY!! UP, UP AND AWAY To \Is hilltop location. where a met icu!OU!I European fam- ily has kept this beautiluJ four bedroom home in mini condition. Enjoy a dazzeling view or our scenic Pacific coastline. Owner anxious. Reduced to SJ0.500 -Make offer. "C" THOMAS, REALTOR ACRE· UPPER BAY 224 \V. Coast ll"'Y 511&-5.i27 NEWPORT .BEACH. Two bedrooms. 134 Newport Beach, Ev<'. 54.1·5643 bath plus guest room -offering country at- -HORSE-RANCH mosphere and a home for your horse. Owner has architectural plans to remodel and en· $28,950 TOTAL PRICE large into a rambling ranch home. Why fight Included in this 4 bedroom, th d Ch k 2. balh home, are all built· e ~r~'Y . s -e~ this property's numerous Ins and fully f'lll'PE!led wiih poss1b1ht1es. Priced u n d e r surrounding NEW NYLONS!!! Almos! homes at only $71,000 -SHOWN BY AP-1;~ ""''~ ol campll'tely 1evet POINTMENT. ·1 land. TWO STALL BARNS WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 76..~ Edlngrr 84241;>5 or 340-5140 Oprn E:w:<. 3 HOUSES-:-f b ig lot - swim. PoOI -Eas'tside .. 4 yrs. old. $47,950. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST Only $2',950 REAL TY CQMp; * 642.1771 Anytima * For Lease Neat 3 bdrm 2 belh 1n •I· tractive Huntington Beach location. l year lea5(' OK. S22.l/mo. lpe>!>Siblc option to buy I. !1(6·5110 ("'af cinema \hobtl LLEGE REALTY 19)) Adams It K11bof',CM. -4 BDRM· $22,500 :? bath. Cw!IDm features. Llkf' new carpeting, All l'lectric.: bu 111 In kitchen. F'amlly room. Fireplace. ;t4().1T-'O TARBELL 29ll Harbor WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES 1~G~."~.~ •• ~1 ===1ooo~~G.~".~ •• ~1 ===1~000~1 Walker & Lee ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646,4494 ""' TACK ROOM. ''"""· SALESMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED Ir you yeam ror C'ounlry liv-,:.•••••••[ Ing \Vilh gorgeou~ view of surrou11ding rollini: hills, 646 0555 you'll huny 1o no! n1i11s thls • 293 E. 17th St. 644-4494 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU SELL General IOOOGeneral 1000 l Here Is Opportunity For Baycrest living at a sound investment. Separate master bedroon1 with inside gar- den in master bath. 2 more family size bed· rooms and bath. Forrnal dining room and family room. Garage workshop, electric door opener. Hi·fi piped throughout. Cati us for an appoint1nent today for this ·out· standing buy at $57,900. Eastside Shake Roof Charm 3 bedroom, 2 baths, dining room plus large paneled family room with wet bar and \VOO d burning fireplace. Dream kitchen has built· ins and pantry. Room y back yard with tree shade(l patio for summer fun. $26,950. FOR A WISE BUY COlESWORTHY & CO. 542-7777 FrH UceftM tr•l11h1t •' L•111bl ... k'-o•I frM Salft-t1dllp Cl91Ht l11t9Tftted h1 A 1.-Eat_.. C•rHr7 Cctll fof i•"*""'- 7682 Edinger s1241o.; " s10-;140 MESA VERDE --~O:.:"c....".:.E:._'°_":._·~--1 This immal'ulntc 3 BR fam-Workin9 In ily home can be yours by assuming ~% ~ FHA LOAN. Irvine Complex? A must see lo appreciate. Here'11 a big family pool Asking handsonie shake roor beauly near Corona, rninutes from 220 E. S~Yefttefttfi St. the heart of Oral!S\C County?! IE. 17th St. Shopplnt Ctr. J Very attracli""f', Lo1v Down financing, 220£.llti '46& COSTA MESA WE SELL A HOME '// f 'k . EVERY 31 MINUTES you 1 e our friendly service Walker & Lee Ev•ning• c.11 545-8723 or 646-1050 homr in outstanding neigh- borhood .• 3 Bdnns, family room and dining r oom. Close to schools and shop. ping and 5 minutes to free- ways. -$35,950. 27911 Harbor Blvd. at Adams =========T-========= ~>tf>-9-191 General 1000 General 1000 Open 'Iii 9 P;>.f -------- --PARTY POOL HOUSE 3 Bedroom FHA Resale ~~;l:~ ah~m~a~~1 ~!~1:; Newport Hei9hts l=:::::::::::i:::::::z::::::::::;~ j $141/mo pays nil. !i BR + thP ~ummertime parties. 182.00 Total Pmt • 546·2313 • 646·7171 -------·--ABSOLUTELY ·omm--··l•t rami!y room I* balhs, nc,v. .. ...... "c Secluded In lhc heights, this EXCLUSIVE-OPEN HOUSE ly redecorated, huil t . in ln cvt'ry detail. llugr '''in-home has high bean1 crJI. 1'-lEREDJTH GARDENS, HB. SAT/SUN from 1 Pr>f kitchen. nt>3.1 nll schools. dowl! over:Jooking entertain· ings, stone rlrep!ncC', hanl· By owner. 2700 sq. ft., 4 927 Coronado Drive Only S25.io0. ll eritnge Real m:,nt _al'l'1•·1~indg-si7~ master v.·ood noorll, boat acces~ to bdrms Jg kitchen, separate A1traclivc !iihake roof 4 & Eslille 540·1151 Copen C'Ve!!) BUI c inc uc ~· ressing room rear yanl, covered patlo. formal dining room, panel· family 1-00111 at t·orner of j:::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::=: and hath with A ''Roman" AsKume high GI loan al led fam nn ,virh built-in en-Sc1Ta \Vay. Room for boat, ------111 b. BretHilul location. 6'k -Won't Juli!. LIDO AREA APT. Roon1 for boot or tr.iilcr in tertainment unit. Cathedral trailer f'\r. Oosr to shop. living roon1. Corner Jot wi!h ping, ci.:c:el. tenns, E·Z lo Bay vi~1.o, ov.·n your own; over-size yard. A must see~ boat or trailer entrnnce. l buy. spucious I Bdrm. Bltns. Cu~ $3~.500 ·GI N?,1DO~N. Sub- milc from ocean. $46,500. ton1 lurnislled. Pool, bont mil your sm.u rr ,,omc on 962-7374 ~ 5.t&-5!80 slips. Sl4,500. r.·lay lenSI? our ~uarantre snlr plan. <r.e¥tinerNthtatrtl yearly, J.350 P",. 'Y!onth. WE SELL A HOME Experienced RE LLEGE REALTY Wa lke r Realty 675-2676 EVERY 31 MINUTES Sa le5man lSOOAdlmlalH;irbof,GM, w lk & L EXCEL. aJMMISSION -GREAT-POTENTIAL a er ee 001 IV 191h SO C •1 \\!OMAN wilh R.E. Brok•r'• °" · ·· ·" · ~ H m on 80xl85 lol I blk Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. r,.i~720 lie. needed. Speciality ol.ticl'. 0 r . · · 200 \Vcstcliff Dr. NO ei.:p req. XLNT OP-to automobile row. Parking G-1&.ml Open Evl's. for camper trailer &. boat. PORT. S.18-4900 Bliler 6 FORTIN REALTOR Is Your Ad in our classifieds! pm. liDl·A \V~tcliU Dtivl' Someone wtll be loo.king Jor • KEHNEDY ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 HUNTINGTON BAY :\ RR JI' BA To11·n HouSP. Pool. club, shopping ttnlC'r. 5 min to beach $19,500. Payments leAA than rent. Q\l,.'nt>r 548--0587 DAil.Y Pn..<rr WA.ivr ADS! DAILY Pnm WANT ADS! Newport Beach 642-5000 it, Dial 642-5678 Wh:He t.1erhants '!' -===~==~~~~======:...::========~--=="~====== TODAY'S BEST VALUE •BEDROOM -1800 SQ. FT. -30' EN· CLOSED & CARPETED PATIO. Qu ie t cul·de-sac street. This hon1e Is our pick of available homes to be the best value today. We think you'll agree with us. This home has automatic garage door opener, large patio & cement areas, water softener & beautiful landscaping with 35' trees. The floor plan provides a separate formal liv- ing room, private master bedroom suile, children's a rea has bathroom with twin sinks. Please call 546-9521 or 540.6631 for in- formation on this exceptional home. 1000General 1000Gener•I 1000Gener1I 1000 General 1000 G•Mrll 1000Gener•I 1000 General 1000 WHY NOT GET THE RED CARPET REALTY • Integrity Above AJ I • Po\verful Advertising e Knowledgeable Salesmen • Inter-Office Referrals No. 2-Wattrfront SDp for l•-tt. loat OPEN SUNDAY I to 5 -No. 20 Balboa Coves Choice '''alcrfronl home vdth slip for 36 lt. boat ~andf IX'a ch frontage., 2 ~arge bdrm., 2 baths, sp11.cious Jiving room v.'lth fireplace, F.A. hrat. lm- maculatf' throughout A i;ood value at ~.500. Quick [I05SC'iSion enjoy a full summer here -----------·---------- b . ' SPECIAL SERVICES • Geographical E xchanges No. 10-Pler, Slip, Waterfront This lk livln~. CVCIJ" ml'mbt"r o( your family "·111 love this sparkling 2 stnry hon1t-. Nt1v caryctlng enclosed lanai bulllin kltf'hr n, huge patio. Very cooperative own('r ln\C'l't'Sh.'CI In good San DiCRO or Paln1 Springs trades or tru!!l dt;"l'd'>. $64.500. The numbt"r to call is 675·6000. No. 11-4 ledroom Year Oki, loycrest When you want ttHi very best In area. 1dzc and espcciall.y terms -This is it. Only l year old, 2500 sq. ft. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. SpacioU!I throughout. Quality ca~l!I. drapes, \vrt bftr, 3 car gara~. $74,900 with $49,000, 6% % u.~umablc loan. Owner transfef'T'C'd. You're gain -Act quickly. No. 1 Z-IDYn t In Tt.• Fvtur• With thit quality ln«>me pmduclng ~an front duplex or a pa.it or them. Uvc upstaln in 2 bdnn unit. 1ct big lneom,. from 4 bdrm. dou·nstall"I unit. Sure fl~ proeedurt. for buJldlns: 11n estate. Q\.\·ncr rlC'xiblc on terms like lO'C dov."T\, The price L'J $80,000 Dur•llcatf" next door could be added ~ pni.:kas:e. Want more Info "-II M''" 675 6000 nco fla'ilmr PULLY !TA .. 11 • 11:: LllRl"liJ. l l NTAL Din. RIALTT u i>iuJ t " I I t .ULYPILOT SPOflSALe HOUSES FOR SAL E wouSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES .FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOii SALE HOUSl!S 'OR SALi - ' ~0..~•~ll~iiiiiiiiiiiil~O~O~D ~O..~-~-~ra~liiiiiiiiiiii.;1aoo~110~-~10;r;a~I ;:;;;;:;::;;~IOOO~lhl~~,.~r;•~l ;;;:?:;;;:~1~0-~DO Chnerel Open Housa Sat. 1·5 34111 Oc.1n 111..t., CdM OCEANFRONT; view of jftty. Beaulllully appointed 3 Bdrm., 2 bath & den home. 1000 Gonoral 1DDDGt..0ral 1000 Gtner•I 1000 I ~~~~-~--1 1 I SledrMm· . IN COSTA MESA Now under consfrucliori SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH SUCH FEATURES AS : • Fireplaces • 4 Large Bedroom• e VA & FHA Financing • Wood Roofs • 20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers • Oversized Lots Up to lA Acre • Roman Tubs & Showers • In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORE SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES Yes, we have a lrade·in program for information call COATS & WAI.LACE REALTORS lit! 1491 BAKER STREET 54M141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. * * * * * * Open ljou11 Sat. 1·5 620 Jumlno, CdM Custom built, spacious 2 Bdrm., den-library, frplc ., 2 baths plus separate house for in· come. On 2 R·2 lots. Owner will finance. * * * * * * 2 BDRM. home, frplc .• family size kitchen plus a fully furn. 1 Bdrm. apl Reduced to $44,500. ORANGE COAST PROPERTY 332 Merguerite, CdM 673-1550 Beat Up ·House For Sale 4 Bdrm single story Mesa Verde Pacesetter that needs some paint & polish. Structural· Jy it's sound & there's beautiful green shag carpeting but lrom t!iere on ..• WeU, you take a look at it. Owners will sell with e.x~ cellent financing. Priced at rock bottom for quick saJe. Truly a sound investment! OPEN TODAY 2007 Europa ......... $31,500 THE MOST OUTSTANDING BUY IN IRVINE TERRACE Beautiful Patio Garden Immaculate Home. $(2,500 1430 SERENADE OPEN SAT. & SUN. l·f Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 Marine, Belboa Island 67S.3J31 Open 'Ill 9 Every Night "muf\7n-6e~ea~ · ZllO MIU., •••• DR •• COSTA MISA • PHONl 146·1990 Gentr•I $184 Per ?1-fonth INQ.UDES laxe1 and , lnaurance! Ca.n't beat thlt • price on such a Jarie home \\'ilh 2 "Queen" sized batbl aOO. large yard. Only $1,200 cub ~ulml. , WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2™3 Westcltrf Dr. 646-mI Optn Ew-8. 1000 Nursery SChool POTENTIAL. 3 BR 2 batb !!!!!!!l!!!'l"!Fo~u;nttca~in;;-\v~a1di1;,,;- Gener•I 1000 G•naret 1000 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1000;;;;I High $26,000 I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 1 H\gtlly rated Fowitain Val· OCEANFRONT ~";:~7.'; ,::·.;:- CAPE COD llanla •~atty JU&t a few steps to your oWJ) sandy beach 642-658'.I 1• OPEN HOUSES SAT /SUN 1e, High School o;,,,,,, MARKET TESTEO SELLERS only 2 block! away. Rustie 11 OCEANFRONT LOTS BALBOA! 27'x95' Ea.th. $31 ,250. Last big piece of ocean frontage available. G re a t possibility !or hotel, motel, apts. or duplexes. For furtller information, call: HAZEL JONES, A11oci1te LOUIS W. BRIGGS, REALTOR 673°8110 673-4037 1~==~~==~ • styling with board and bat-ANXIOUS FOR YOUR OFFER ten facing and tons of stone * 4821 CorUand, CdM ...... Price Reduced! trim. Picturesque ''English Ocean View, 3 & Din ........... $5,000 Down Pub" bay windows. 4 cozy * 1831 Tradewinds, N.B ... Price Reduced! bedrooms, 2 baths, big fam- \Valk to Bay. 3 & Fam ....... , .. $4500 Down ily room with fireplace, ul- t ra modem kitchen with all HAL PINCHIN •"111 • '~'· s"""""""" ., homes ol far gre11.ler value. ,\ND ASSOCIATES \Vide open GI Ol' Jo'HA terms 3900 E. COAST HIGHWAY Only $26,IXXI full p1·ice. Sec today. Call ~~~~~~~67;5.4;392~~(a~n~yt~im~o~)~~~1 645·0303 Gener el 1000 General 1000 - 1000 ~~~~~-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;~1 B/B Gener el 1000 Gen1r1I --------1 I Olli \I I Ol \O\ "l/'l r ~ from this benutl!ul home wi lh 4 bedrooms & 4 baths Co1ta Meae • 1100 2 Dens + dining room . A lovely borne in A magnificent setting $150,000 Call Wally Hallberg Res. 644-4787 14ARllOR 8 UNITS l Brm FiXer Upper J ust tttOnea C·l $5,000 buys equity. Rent paying off $16,500 bal (Ii $160 PITI and water. This 66 X 110' lot backs to paved alley In hu.gh ?1-lkl Center on W. 19th und probably worth $26.500 \vJt:10ut house. Paint outside, get $175 or remodel for bw;lness. Over $600 yr Prin. credit not as is. A solid buy. Lytle Reelty 593 \V. 19th. 5-18-9494 Generel 1000 Generel 1000 OPEN HOUSE 1,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: I s u NOA Y 1.5 PM Open Houses COLLEGE PARK SAT/SUN 1.5 FOUR HOMES 2 Stary Prestige 4 Bedroom • Pool A picture of perfection n!Stl· on large rorllC'r Easlside BAY CREST • Pride of Ownership All 2 BRs 1 bath, built-in range & oven, large ward- robes, ne1v carpets &: drap. es. Privale patios. NO DOWN GI OR FHA TERMS DWGHlfUL PACESETTER Jn finest Ml!sa Verdr ~a. close lo Adams l!'!ementary 11Cbool. 3 large cheerlul tx:lrms, huge well landscaped back yard cmpletely sprinklered, Covered patio, G o o d ll!'nn11 $34. 750. Jo.. co:n ~ WALLACl REALTORS -~5 ... 6 ... 4141- (()pon lvonllljll) $20,950 FULL PRICE 2607 Ocun Blvd. 4 Bedrooms, 2 full baths. (At Foot or Dahlia st~O Plush carpets & d r a p cs ffiRONA DEL MAR throughout. Double Garage. Unobstrucled view ol all CUI-de-sac strttl. \Valk to boats enlcrini:: r i• Jcaving lhr. schools. GI no cash nl'Cded. · d · I $lOO Of' .t f nd bl I !arbor from this ehghttu pos1 11 ~ u a f' or 'J'ri.Jevel homr. Enlertainirn: la_kc over 5-.i "' FHA loan ls a pleasure in lhis most with payments of $124 per elegant Jiving room wl!h month, d. 1 · p t' n. k Th WE SELL A HOME a Jo nmg a i?"'......,c . ere arc 3 largr Vle\Y bedrooms EVERY 31 MINUTES and convertible nen. Laad: Wa Ike & L 110' ol. lnmlago oo """'" r ee Blvd. Fee land fyou own It) 7682 F.ctingcr PriCt': S98.500. 8424455 or 540-5140 ON POPPY Open Eves. CORONA DJ:.:L MAR Sl/4°/ •. G.I. Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 Ba!h S119 Moolh pays all. R-2 lot; Ocean View hmr. Pt'rlect 2 Br. home. $20,000. faniily home wilh Dining Pyramid Exchllllgors 646-2629 Room and a qllil't residC'n· 287 Nasseu Road Move in now~ 3 bdrms l ~ bath home. CIOl!E' to schools & shoppi~. DOYER SHORES SUNOAY 1·5 1518 Antigua W•y Will tease option this beau· tiful CU$l"om VIEW home, approx. 3500 !Q ft of grac· ious living. Owner rommut· in'g to Bay area. For appt. caU JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3255 l!d on manicured park·llke lot . P riv'.'-cy ~revails here! $46 QQQ grounds. Impressive 2 11t0!')' 3 BR units v.·1th garages &. 1 design with 3 bedrooms plus private patio!\. Live in one J ui:t placed ?n the n_1arkel, huge mas!er bedroom suite & rent the other 3. this c)(ctptlonal pride of with prlva1e balrony. Step. $62 000 O\l'TleJ'!;hip home should he down fa n1 j I y recreation 1 iwen im mediately. P1iva te room and ('.e nter island (100/o Down) cow1 yard enlry, beautiful kitchen. 3 delUXe baths. E.'<· yards with room for a large 1B60 Newport Blvd., Cl\f Rltr. 6~&-3928 E ve. &11·1655 Lachenmyer pensive flxturea thru -out. Newport pool, and acceSK for boat or Maintenance free yard with at ln!.iler. Submit your smaller 1--.A"B"O"V°"E"'B"E"A"C'H"- hoo•o heated pool a"<I patio V home on our guarantee sale _, lctoria Occ11.n & Harbor VIE\VS. 2 area, The location is ..,....at. plan. ... -646-8811 WE SELL A HOME Bit., <.-onv. den, 2 ba. fonnaJ The price unbeUevably Jow. din. nn. Slressed for add. For a treat see today. Call (anytime) EVERY 31 MINUTES rms. Handsome Normandy 645.0303 Walker & Lee homo w/be•"t. ..... ha,.,. 4 Bedroom walled garden. Can assume 2043 Wes lclUI Dr. at 61!i%. $l~.500. Nantucket 646-ml Open Eves. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1·5 132.00 Ma. Total 2800 OCEAN BLVD. IOKl\I LOl\0\ ,,,~-_,,/ ':.;" Nttds paint ·but has eXlrll large rooms, 2 baths. Fiaa· slone fireplace -and big R-2 lot. • OOSe to schools. ln1mcd!af(' possession. Just $25.000. \-0 THE REAL '('_~?TATERS 646· 7171 • \ 546·2313 4 Bedrooms NO DOWN VA . l':!~~~'!!~~~~L-~Wh'.!!l~t•;,.El~•P~hM~~:.''...· ...:_:_ 1 lial corner ~vi1h 120' front· 1-Rgl!, 2 car g<iroge \V i th OWNER 400 E. 17th, Costa MPse Assume ex is tin~ 5~ Joan no 1S18 D I h' J Cott>na de! Mar _lfA_S_E_O_P_TI_O_N__ •""'""""· lovely 4 &d.Wm 0 p IR err Walker Rlty 675·5200 2 Bath home with built-ins, OPEN Sat./Sun. 1-5- forced air hc11.ting. Double June 14th & 15th The "oversized" home in-. clud. 2 big baths &: ta.rnily : room, elect. kitch., cozy 1 fireplace & ~paclous yard. LoYll!'st in price-cl "400 Plan" ; in to1vn at $29,000. Flt.A ! ll?rn1s, loo~ llcrltage Real Estate 540.1151 fopcn eves) Geneiral 1000 Gen1r1I 1000 loads of storage cabinets. f1==:=:=:=:===========::::;~1 Reti1ing couple selling belov.· OPEN 1-S garage. seller very anxious. SpoUcss 2 BR, 2'~ ha, den, ONLY $18,950 f Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: 2°STORY SPANISH-POOL Baycrest's best 4 Br., form. din. rm., fam. rm. + sep. poo1 room w I connect. bar. Custom elegance tbruout. 1st Time offer- ed. $134,000. Joe Clarkson UDO ISLE-OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5 108 VIA HAVRE S BR. home. Great !or lrge. family. Fam. rm. w/wet bar, din. rm.. swim. pool. Large patio. 50' St. lo St. lot. $117,500. Mrs. Raulston OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-5 415 BAYSIDE DRIVE A bayfront beauty with pvt. dock for 00' boat. 4 Br., 4 Ba. I-luge fam. rm., bayside terrace. Sandy beach; sauna bath & much more for only $110,000. Chuck Place BAYCREST -JUST LISTED Parklike gardens & tall trees surround sparkling home & pool . Discriminating buyers \Yill \Yant this lovely 4 bdrm., 31h bath home w/lrge. fam. rm. & formal din. room. $74,500. Mrs. Harvey IMMACULATE-4 BEDROOM Prime location. 3 Bath home. Family room & dining rm. overlooking beauti!ully land- scaped yard & patio; courtyard entry. 3 Car garage. Room for pool. Under mar- ket price, $63.750. ~1ary Lou 1'--larion WATERFRONT WITH SLIP Charming home with slip for large boat- sandy beach, too!! In private community with ample parking -see this now at the low $53,500 -Terms. Walter Haase EXCLUSIVE NEW LISTING-THE BLUFFS Popular 2--Story "E" Plan. 3 Bedrooms, family roo m or den . 2 baths. Lovely view of greenbelt. $41 .500. Mary Lou 1\.1 arion EASTBLUFF APARTMENTS Prestige Apts. Xlnt area. N'pt. Beach, 1 \~ mi. from Newport Ctr. Rare investment opportunity w/good return. Mr. Reynolds DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT Gracious :Z..story home "'/3 Br's., din. rm .. paneled den w/frplc. Wine cellar. Pier & float. Owner leaving area. Wants offers. Will carry max. 2nd T.D. Mn. Raulston COLDWEU, BANKER & CO . 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Nl!Wl'OltT BEACH ,, market value al $49,500. Bay & Beach Realty Inc. 67S.3000 2112 Windwerd L.... Don't wait. f'lre kilchen, PLUS hug!! l\10 VING & ANXIOUS Only St!XX> moves you-into covered boat-port, min. land. 3 BR home on large Jot. Adult occupied 3 BR hon1e. scape maintenanre. Needs .,,,;..,!. F11A appraisal RWLY VERY SPECIAL! SEE & MAKE OFFER. this Channing, near new, 4 ...,.... BR JI' BA 1 w II Slashed to $39,500 $19,000 -Veterans $750 DAVIOSON Realty ' 2 ' van e 11 home n ·n rm gam CURT DOSH R II down, $174/mo. includes "'~"'° Ev". 642-4951 lnun;<>tl~t" fl;,.., .:;.,:j ORANGE COUNTY'S r ea Or '"""'iple, '"'"'"' & "''"· THE QUICKER YOU CALL. Inflation!! $69,150. Own/agt. LARGEST IT.ID W. Coast Highway Ernie Clevelend, Rltr. 2407 E. Coi.st llwy., c.dM 3 BR, J \~ BA. 6'to FtfA Small equily, $135 mo pays all. 656 Surf, CM. 6~2-3184 -==CHA==R=G=E=IT=! ===THE==Q=UI=CKE==R=Y=OU::SE:IJ.:::i: .... :1:1:2 =======:29:3=E~.~17~th~S~t.~64~1 :44=94~1&42-647'2 Eves. 673-3468 645--0181 Eves. 64M579 r JusrsTEPs To~--.""""""""""""'"....__ RE SALESMAN -OCEAN & BAY •BY OWNERe Open Houses THIS WEEKEND RHP tflh """' 41,.,,.,., ..etti ,.. ttih WMbi.4 .. p• 90 •••• 111101~119. All tM locatloM lhtftl ..... -1etcri1M4 111 .,..._ fftolJ by -'""ttshtf •l- wller• 111 tMey'• DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Pcmo"• ll1ewl119 .,.. llo•lff hir sol• or hi Nflt .... 11r9" I• Hit •ell l11hnmrtlo11 In tlilt col•-.-• frtdcry. (2 Bedroom) 401 Santa Ana Ave. (Newport Heights) NB 642·2799 I Open daily) 318 "L" Street, Balboa Point 645-2000 (Daily 1·5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) Cdl\-1 642·6472 (Sal. & Sun. 1·5 ) **20 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 675-6000 (Sun. 1·5) 224 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 675-3000; 673-0554 Eves. (Sun. 1·5) 546 El Modena, Newport Beach 64S.'(17l (Sun. 1-5) (l Bedroomj 1100 Berkshire (Westclilfl NB 645-2000 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 656 Suri, Costa "J\.fesa 642·3184 (Sun. 10.5) 1993 Meyer Place. Costa Mesa 548-3097 (Sun.) 1430 Serenade (Irvine Terrace) CdM 675-3331 (Sal. & Sun. l.S ) 2033 Poloma, Costa l'vlesa &ll>7171 • (Sun. 1·5) 4909 Bruce Crescent, (Lido Sands) NB 675-4130 (Sun. 1·5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2568 Carnegie (College Park) CM 545-2094 (Sat. & Sun. 11·5) 3068 Gibraltar (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2626 (Open dail y) *2510 23rd Slreet (Back Bay) NB 646-3255 (Sat. 1·5) 287 Nassau Road (College Park) CM &ll>3255 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 1830 Park Street, J.luntington Beach 536-4698 (Sat. & Sun. to 5) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 54-0-1720 (Sun. l.S) *1126 Goldenrod, Harbor View HUis Corona del Mar 673-= (Sun. Hi PM) 1307 Marion Lane (Weslcliff) NB 64&-0009/54-0-2858 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 2568 Greenbriar (College Park) CM 64&-81111 (Sat. 1-5) 230 Virginia Place (Eastside) CM &ll>881L (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 2607 Ocean Blvd .• Corona del Mar 67S.3000/54fl.8868 Eves. (Sun. 1·5) 3228 Iowa SL I Mesa Verde) CM 642·177 1 (Sat. 1·5) 1866 Rhodes, Costa Mesa 546-2313 2828 Drake, Costa ~1esa 546-2313 (Sun . 1-5) (Sun. 1·5) 2915 Ellesmere, Costa Mesa 546-2313 (4 Bedroomj 1162 Charleston, C.M. (Sun. 1·5) 548-3209 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) 9102 Gellysburg Drive (Glen Mar) HB 962-6194 (Daily) 1018 Nottingham Road, Newport Beach 642·8235 (Sat. & Sun.) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 · (Sat. & Sun.) 1338 Antigua \Vay, Newport Beach 675-0000 (Sat. & Sun. 1·5) *341 Westbrook, Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sun. 1·5) 1438 Santiago Dr., Ne\vport Beach · 675-4130 (Sun. 1·5) {4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2084 Goldeneye Place (Mesa Verde) CM 546-4415 (Fri. & Sun. 1·6) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) tt1358 E . Oceanfront Balboa Peninsula 645-2000 (Daily 1·5) 1518 Antigua \Va y (Dover Shores) NB 646-3255 (Sun. 1·5) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-l!235 (Sat. & Sun.) 2341 Irvine, (Back Bay) NB 54-0-1720 (Daily 1·5) **415 Bayside Drive, Ne,vport Beach 644-2430/833--0700 (Sun. 1·5) 2112 Windward Lane (Baycresl) NB 54().8112 (Open 1·5) 2479 Fairway Drive, Costa Mesa 646-2819 (Sat. & Sun. 1·51 *1920 Kewamee Terr. (Irvine Terrace) CdM 675-3000 : 673-0554 Eves. Sat. 1·51 1902 Leeward Lane (Baycresl) NB 54-0-1720 (Sun . 1·5) *423 Ogle Circle, Cosla Mesa &ll>7711 (Sat. & Sun.) 2826 Francis Lane, Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sun. 1·5) 363 Vista Baya, Newport Beach 675-1130 (Sun. 1·5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Don) *1538 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores ) NB 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun . I *108 Via Havre (Lido Isle) NB 644-2430/833-0700 (Sun. 1·5) *304 Robinbood Lane (Eastside) CM 64&-81111 (Sat. 1·5) 20~a1 .. r1 Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 54().-0556 (Sun. 1·5) 1081 Corona Lane (Mesa del Mar) CM 546-5S80 (Sun. l·S) APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE (2-2 Bedroom & 2-1 Bedroom) 514 Avocado, Costa Mesa 77fl.9350 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (I -4 Bedroom & I - 2 Bedroom) 109 43rd Street. Newport Beach 546-1168/67S.1977 (Sat. & Sun. 1-5) ...... * .. w.,.,.,.,., ..................... WANTED Charming 3 BR. 3 ba. home. 2400 llCJ. It. of leisure livi11& in E"Jo th ""·l· r 1· prestige area·, near .,,.hools, Wanl to make $2000 your ~" Y e am~ .. 1 1er; o LV· ""' first mont h? want all ~ ing on the Peninsula Point. shopping & freeway. 5 ready buyers you can han· $49.500. BDR.i'1. 3 bath, fireplace, dle '! \Vant an active fast Balboa Real Estete Co. total electric, rose covered growing oUice? The catch? Josephine \Vebb, ReaJtor patio, ell this for $36.500. ' You have to work and like 700 E. Balboa Blvd., BaJboa Will reca~t living room. ~ •140 For more infonneUoo call to v.tirk. 11 you're yuung. , ___ _c"_c.c'~=--- gl"Cf'dy, and not afraid to go S BE ORM + POOL t 546-82l6. after listings calt Dick Berg BAYCREST PRIVATE party will pay or Nadine, 962-2421. Conli-Exclusive area uf hoines. S5,000 cash for your equi ty dcntial. 2200 sq, ft. of lu:<ury & in income, condominium, lmmed. Possession con1mcrcial. mobile home, beauty. Family room. 3 ho1nc or acres. Below ap- balhs, Luxurious bull t-ins. praisal less titan 7 ~4 no Gorgeous contour P o o I. poin1s. Orange or San Diego 3 BR 2 baths ,fireplace, car-Huge Jc. E st a t e siled C.Oun1y. 646-3389 pcl.s, drapes, built-ins, dou-grounds. 540.ITlO bl•""""· $2.1,750. TARBELL 2955 Harbor FOR SALE Wells-McCerdle, Rltrs. B O 1810 Nowport Btvd., C.M. FUN LIVINGI Y wner 548-7'129 anytiml! rifodrrn 3 Mnn., l block lo Immac. 2 story home with fl ·~~~~~~~""' I S?3 900 pool 3 BR. den, Eastridge NEWPORT HGTS.-CAYWOOD REAL TY fat. $19,500 6300 \V. Co:iiit II \\')'., N.B. 646-5533 -------Lovely area. Spacious bed· 548-1290 rooms, cheerful living room ~::::::l:::::::l:::::::l:::::::l:::::::l:::::::l:::::::l::I 4 BR, 2 story $31,500 cnhanC'l'd by wood burning • Open Sat·Sun, FHA $2W mo fireplace. 2 car garage. MESA DEL MAR 1162 Charleston, off Fairview Large valuable grounds. 5·10.1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 3 BR 2 bath. hard1vood fln; Fannie Price, Rltr VA/ FHA/Conventional 54S.3209 Real Eslate SALESMAN 1~~~~,~~---9 Il.\'l, :; BR. 3 BA + pool NEEDED Rand Realty 64S.2340 and guesl houM: $38.950. Prlncipals only. ~. 548-83.'IJ Newport Realty & Invest. Co. .,...,...,....,....,....,,.,. .... l.~2 Npt. Blvd .. CM 54S-0588 SOCK IT TO 'Eri-1! General 1000 Genera l 1000 Gener ii Solve a Simple Scram.bled Word Puzzle for a Chuckle 0 l!ot0rroflge the 6 xrambled words below to mok• 6 1h11p1e WOfdL Print leften of eoth In lb rine of 1quoru IRYNCAN I' I' I I ITIGHAL I r I I I ·1TAGNIC ' I I I I I Doctor: ll's mo1t essential ~Mc.;.,U"'°"L~N'-0.:,..C:.., __ -I 1hot you refrain from doing L . ...JIL.....11-LI _.I_' ...... 1-' ~:;~.work during the next few Patient: Yes, Doctor, but 1 8 ED LI It IJ's my llv;ng. ~ .. =:1~·==1=~=1 ==i===i =~ ~:!~: Oh, ore you o Patient: No, • -a -. IBUTSEO 6-15 • A Compt.I• ft..t chuckle qu~ II I I I I' V bv lillll'lg In th• mluing wo1d1 • . . . . yov davtloo from slip No. 3 b.low. & PtlNT NUMSEl!£0 I' lETTERS • __ ......... ...,.,,_ ... 11 I' I' I' I' I' I' r I I I A I I I I I I I SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN DIME·A·LINE 1000 \ H4 ~ Co -w To at "' 2r • kl w ~ "' te M "' ... ' . M Cl "' "' ta ,, o, Ml ,, rr Ji • 1• ,E< p d d I'. RJ o: " " • 01 ,, • K * B L ., l I C· I • 5 p 9 M • ,, p ,, p I: N ' I E 3 J .1 ___________________________________ .., ____________ ..,.. __ ,....,. ____ ,.... ...... ~~~·~--·___,,---.....-..._ .... ___....... .... -......... -... -.... -. -· ............. -~. \ HOUSIS JIOR S.ALE -r HOUSES·FO~E -HOUSES FOR SALi T Co1t1 Me11 1100 Coron1 dtl Mar 12.50Coron1 del Mir 1250 We Know It's Tough To find a Wie 4 BR home At LAST YEAlts PRJCE - but we have It, 1750 ll(( fl Z Pullman bath•, g!'llnd piano sized Uvlna room. elegant kitchen with Uouble own. Walk lo all school&. Priced ~II below market with no down VA or low down F11A tenns. CALL JACK llAM· MONO S-W.11:.1 Hcrllage Real Estate.' (open evo!.sl. FOil SELECTIVE SWINGER OWNER MUST SELL! Fabulous 1-story home by noted artist-de. signer -Complete privacy -the home has lge. living rm., sep. dining, 3 bedrms., 2 baths PLUS 2 separate guest apts. Every· thing is shiny new, in im peccable good laste -for the discriminatir1g buyer. OPEN SUN. 1.5 617 MARGUERITE (Or C•ll for App't. 67~91) HOUSES FOR SALE - Herbor Hlghlend1 1235 Gorgeous 4 Bedroom l bath \Vlth exquisite carpets and drapes, • Kllcben will xatlsfy mol~N lo n d e 11 t ct.reams and landscaped in • proffflklnal s t y I r. Sur- rounded by be•uWul home!!. • ~.500 Owner W'lll hdp uoam .... \o THEREAL \""'-ESTATERS " .· . 646·7171 • 5416·2313 MO~ERN LIVING New homes, ~eady to move in, lf.i. mile from beach. Flr:;t 'payment up to 60 days after move in. Term1 VA/FHA. From $22,900 The Beach (on Brookhurst l mil• South of Adams) 962. 1353 :, BR. 2 story, 2100 sq. ft. Colla,• Pirk 1115 Me. s a Verd(' Pacese:tter. N•wport Be1ch 1200 University P•rk Close to Uch, ~J mi lo goU 1---------- LI.do Isle 1351 H_u._nt_i.n.nton Baach 1400 1237 • c·ou1'!1e. Jill~ 11.ll extras~ Fab-BY OWNER 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ulous lndscp'g \\'/ ba!'.'k touu. l Br. I~ Ba, frplc • HUGE lain. Oose 10 all sc:hls, l:ol· kitchen &: family rm, crpts, le1:e. frwyB. 540-0556 drp&, $27.500 Xlnt Jinancing. OPEN l!OUSE Sun l·S Open Seit & Sun, 2J68 2038 Calvert Ave. Carnegie. 6U.S650 days. 5-15-2004 rvcs. 4WM•• Ole. 637-3930 i -~F-IXER-UPPE~ 3 BR. Vacant. ft.2 Lui. 1969 FULLERTON AVE. 3 BR & den, h"'·d firs. rov tMthO, blk wall, close lo .schools/shops. $26,900. 4~ GI 108.n. By O\\'IX'r. ::i'l;...3S6 Newport B••ch 1200 $15.750 -10<,0 Do1,·n CHOltE AREA '?ill: ~IR. ROBJ.NSON Quiet st.rttl. Cozy :l Bdrm., Davis Really 642·7000 dfu.ing nn., fireplace. Gar· l\tESA VERDE corner lot. 3 aK'e on alley, extra parking. lg. BDRi\1, 1~4 Ba. family l..llrge fenced yard. Asking r n1. Fully crld & drpd. 2 $25.CXXI. fireplacei;, coverC'd patio. 3068 Gibraltor, Ci\I. DELUXE POOL $26.900 Owner. 541).2626 Prime area. J Bclnns. 2 Baths 2479 Fairway Drive & dres.<;. 1m. Large Liv. rm. f.:astsidc 4 BR. 2 BA. Cov Kilchen blt·in~. Pool has patio, s hake rool , htr., special cover. la1·gc rtish\\'ashcr, frplc, crpts, tl<'(;k ai-ea. VA appraised al drps. 5~ ~O GI. $196 PIT!. $31,CXXI. ~·900· e 546-2SI9 OCEAN VIEW RBPUBLJC llt>n1r. 8~ ltlOi. Cu~tom home i1·i1h a 1•i('11·. old. 2 ~tory, 4 BR, ·• BA, Df'luxe :: bdrn1s. 2'~ ba. {am m1.. retreat rn1. 3 car Beani ~iliiii:;-,Kil. blt·ins & ga~e. Mesa Verde Cor lot: niany e.....:u11s. $42,500. W.500. By ()\vner. 516-44.lS EASTBLUFF REAL TY PRESENTS 2 ON THE AISLE 1. Surround yourself in Sp;in- ish charm • 3 Bdrms. 2~J baths: spiil·levcl, on choice comer lot ovel'looking spac- k>us greens • lilt floors, gor- gcoWl \1·aJI <.'OVerings plus many cus101n e--'<!1-as. Below replacement CQS\ at $38,tGO. Act pronto~ 2. Dl"lighlful Dolon's • major greenbelt location. Quiel cul de sac • 3 &Inns., 21i baths, sPlil·level: 2 patios, \VCl bar & loaded 1vith rtec- oni.tor's extras. Step:; to Pool. $39, TJO; on low lease· hold. Call us for other Bluffs exclusive. listings. 2414 Vista Del Oro NE\VPQRT BBACI I 644-1133 THE BLUFFS Expansive Bay V iew ' Popular ''T'' n1odcl • 3 Br, 212 ba, crpts, drps. 6~. loan • By O\Yl'ICI'. 64.;.2370 OWl\.'ER ~1esa \terde tri· ~(j) ~ lovel. ' ~R. lg. fam;y rm. 4'rul#!t. WESTCLIFF "''mal DR. 3 '" gacg. 2017 ' £ A l ,7 CONDOMINIUM Kornat Dr., C.M. 54&-8597 6-2414 * BY --0\VNER-POOL. 3 Near Npt. Post Ofc. 64 $35,500 -Open Sat-Sun 1·6 1309 Corn~·all Laflc 499-1806 BR, crpts, drps. X·Lrg LR. OUTSTANDING! Lo1v maint yrd. $30.500. $29,500 BY (}.~rner, Baycrest 4 Br + * 646-2895 * den or 51h, lm nn, 3 Ba. lgc 1 ----.'-..-'-'-----l ~Vcstclifr, Dovrr Village 2 patio & pool. Beaut . BY O\\'NEH. 3 BR I-Ionics. 2· sltll"' Condon1inium. PM'S· J landscaped, price reduced E. side, 2·\V. sit!e. Very lrg tii;c. 1111ic1 arc11 . In t'OUrl 10 s73.SOO. 5-18-4~ lran~fcrable loci.n!I 5~~'6·~~~. yilrd. Neat· shopping. n'Slau- Nced cash. 548-lOj!l ranls. Like lll"\I'. LLL'iUrious REDUCED $2000-Now $38,150 ASSUl\IE 5:14 % loan Sl::l n10. 1·arpcled. all M!Uipt, \\'est. 4 61·., l Ba.. fani. din, 3 bl'. full din rm. J.IS-3007. inghouse kitchen. Bc11u!ilul util/laun rm. Total 2400 sq. 1993 l\1eyrr PL Open Sun. private p.1tio. 2 bd1·ms, f,. 32'1 Vista Baya. 0\\•ncr- 1---~---'-~~~-I df!'ssing 1uon1, huge closets, c1•cs 6~6-15-12. C·2 HOME & romm'l. b!dgs . '.!'~ ba!hs, f1rcplaC'c. EncJC11;· BLUFFS -3 BR. 3 BA $28,700. S:i7 Plumrr. C.~I. h -• f'd :! t:ar garage, cah..... 1v I B·a y \'I e w on \\·Ute 646-5632, cvcs. 64G-1492 ... _ 1..:.:.:.=:::..:.:.:.::..::.:_:_c..._. I pool, ctri::a11t clutinuusc. gt'C'Cnb!'.'11.Stcps to p o o I . Z> BR, iam rm. fin. gar. rum-terraCt', Sauna. Own land. Cu.st. additions. Ste a I ASSUME 6'h% LOANS J be(hwm, 2 bttlh, former modt'l homt. ~lome h a s btJ1t1 in wet bal', double ovens and k>ts o( e"1ras. Owntr anidou.s. Only $35,500. 2 bedroom. 2 barh l!nd den. bcautilully dK-or.ited. ilin· itnal landscaping. }"P $32,950 ,) bt>dmomS:-2 1 ~ baths, 2300 sq II., only 2'11 years old. J>riced at $34.500. • red hill REALTY 18068 CUlvf'r Dr .• Ttvi110 OPEN 9 Ai\t.8 P:d 833-0820 E•stbluff 124l $42,500 DELIGHTFUL 3 bdr :1 ba, Lusk·huilt homC'. on quie1 cul-Oe·sac. Large Ie.nc. ed yard, fain 1•m. din. rtn. !deal home for gro\ving fan1ily. 0\\'llt'r is Pnsadena· bound and cager 10 sell. Pc11•r DohU~. R<'al101· 6T.rj(X)3 ~.L~u7.F~F~~~w"'onn=~1 ~~~,,~.50C"'""" BU'r r-.IAKE \lt'!'EH.~ J.111sl sell Vic1v end unit "C" plan w/19:i0 sq. ft. 4 BR's, 3 BA's, scp. dining. Upgrad- ct! Immaculate! Call Mrs. \\'hltc 613-9060 or 675--5764 eves. Owncr/a~g~l.7==-;;;­e NEW BLUFFS e 2 Br. 2 Ba split level. ~1a.ny custom fe8.turc~. all elec, etc. Lo1vest n1aint. & lca.~e. hold. MUST SELL • BY O\VNER. ('all Dick Dyer 5.U.4'156 ext 401 or 673-Sm. Irvine Terr~ce )245 LARGF. 4 BR lun1ily home, heated & fiUcrcd pool, sep 1•hildren's play art'a. l'IG.000 Bkr. 673--2306 or 6iJ-1355 pus rm. 5~ Jo'HA. ~29,900. Assunte Joan. 01v1lCr Bkr, $44,500. owner 644-426.1 ;C;o:;r;o;:n;:•;;;d;;•;;I ;M;';;';;;;;;;;1;2;;l~O 976 Paularino. 5'10-36111 616-1948. 1(1.)5 DovC'r Dr. =~=~~~-~=~ 1;==========· 1 OPEN SAT & SUN 1.6 DEl.UXE Duplex. OCEAN llOs 1-...:c..=._:c.c...::_.:__ __ VIEW. $42,500 • low dn. BEAUTIFUL VIEW BAYfRONT A' k foe Noom i. Doyl< & FINANCING, TOO WANT Sl/4 O/o Co. 548-116&. Eves 677J..19TI -2015 Galatea, R 'd t O I x DP.LUXE Duplex. OCEAN Irvine T•rr. 4 Bedroom bcau!y 'vith huge •s1 •n up e _.. VIE\V. S42.S00.101v dn. Ask O~n Sun. l·S family room 1vith raiSl'.U Jii•c. c r-- placl". Has Sl"Lvicc porch and UPPER: 4 BR, dining room. for Naonii. Doyle 0 · Crcat bay & ()('('an vie Iv fenCf'd yttrd .• Nr'v oulsitk Jiving roo111. Mllarlun:i . &: ;,.\8-llS!f. Eves. 67~19i7 hon1e \1•ith 4 &inns. & big paint • $31 500 -~nbeli!'.'vab-tlcck. LO\VER: I BR, living f.10BlLE l-IOUtE Sl9,000 pool. O"'™'r 1vill ca.ny part Jy '-'a3Y to'buy, rooin, dining roon1, solarium Bayfront on Peninsula of financing. &: deck. J::xcc!len1. hnanc1ng. 675-3808. 67~32'26 D•Lancy Real Estate \Vilt trade ror mobile park "°========o= 2828 E. Coasl lhvy., Cdt.I or for land zot1erl lot' n1i> N __ •_w_p_o_r_1_H_•_i_g_h_l _• __ 1_21_0 :..,.,.,....,'~'~~J~17~0!!!!!""!!!!~ Lu.le park. S90.COO. 54s.7111 • s46.231a OPEN SUN 1.5 CUSTOM HOME N·Ew LISTING • . 107 Edgewater St. Corona Highlands; 0 c ea n Try This For Sighs Newport Beach Individual design 1vith brick view ; J BR. '.! Ba. You own ------LOTS OF ROOM Culi'lom quality J Br., 011 51' street to &tree! Joi. 3 C.ar garage. Lge. South patio: nr. clubhOOse· & tennis els. $69,500. Cll.IJ for 11.pp'I. WALKER Rlty. 67$-5200 JMMACULA TE. 2 BR, irplc ·I-Guest Rn1. ~ Ba., hltns, IX"I'.' l'PI & painl, !11lnl Lido locatiort. 15.000 do.,.., 11 . ()wncr. 6T:.>-S023 or 67:r7709 Huntington ~~h-1400 2 BEDROOMS $13.500 F/P, $1400 1no\-e-in • ~lier pays f'S!'.'row & all qthcr costs. S138 per month Including ta.\~ll. Carpl'ts, draprs, rlM:1·1ic built -in range, oven, hood. fan, ;ar- l>og!! disposal. Therrnosta· licaJly controlled forced air hl"ating, double garagr v.·ith boal door, fcn<.'l!d & land· scajX'd. Vacant. Jnui11Mli!il<' occupancy. PRICE REDUCFO $43,MO. Fornier rnodcl hon1r. 4 IM.>drooms :l~y baths, heat- ed & filtered pool, 11ir run- 1litionf'r. Exisrin~ 6';;, FHA loan. J car garagr. 1'!JYJ:;~•em1 ,, I :::, 546-1101 LI ST your property w ith confid•nce SELL with profes· sional skill THROUGH YOUR REAL TOR MEMBER Huntington Beach/ Fountain Valley Multiple Listing Service ~ R.E. by McVEY 8894V2 Warner Ave. Fountain Valley 545-0458 ---WANT LOW PAYMENTS?? !!et'C''s a FHA loon "'ilh $1!7 Total Payn1cnts, anyonr can as..~urne and qu111ffy. Sharp, oldrr Calllorni11. llon1r . llUgl' Lu!. 3 Quet'n sized bed· rooin~. Luxurious b a t h. Doubl<' Gar.igl Ec>licv•• n1c, you should SN' this o n c! Priced at S\9.500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee SELLING?? Last year Walker & Let' cs· tablishcd a world's record of 154 l'f! salr hon\CS M>ld in one w<>e-k, This year. start· ina: June 22, v.·e'1-r out to break our own record. Call us no1Y lo lisl your hon1e so 1,1 r 'll havi? so1n<'lhing to st"ll. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 76.t! Edingrr 8.\2-415.1 or :YJ().:il,IO Open Evc1. SPRING FRESH In Glen t.lar on quiet well k<'pl rul-<le·sa<'. 3 Bdrrns, 2 b11th!; • Carpels and drapes an.-f'X<.'l!llenl. • A must see at S26,950. 546·2313 • 646·7171 *LOOK HERE* A.~sun1C' !hi!!. 51~ "! FllA .!1•11'1·1 for SSOOO. 4 hr. 2 ba fµ. FAU. Pa1io .(: BBQ, Or· an~c 11·s., t'UnlC'l' lot. boat g1Jlr .t n1UC'h n1orf'. S26.500. Principles only. M2·1656 -NO OOWN GI $223 Total Payment Lg 3 BR. nt.'\l'IY paintt-d, l8x 20' p11l10, huge Joi, near FV lligh, S2:>,500 HAFF DAL REAL TY 1\74(} \Varner, F'.V, 11.;~41()5 RANCHO LA CUESTA. Tile roof. Open beam ceilings. 31 UP., 2 BA, lorn111.I dln., lam. r1n. n1a ny cxlra_c;. V.'alk to bc11ch. By ()\1•ner S31.9CX;l.1 Assun1c low f'JIA 6·~i ';C 9til-OO'l9 tr 70~2 BETTY-DR!Vt:; SJIXJO 1!11-no loan ll"f' 0 1,ncr "''Iii hrlp finan~ Ne11' \\·/w · drp!I -llf'1\•ly pain!NI Bl1-in:>-blg fncd yd-l'A hl"11t Hkr Ownl'r S.17-ll').j.1 89J-4 l!'i2 GLBN JVIAR -4 BR. 2 bath, Newly carpetl'd thru-0ut, drapes. lrg p11tio, rm;.ny <'X· lras. See to appreciate. 9102 Gettysburg 0 r . . HB. !)62-619'1 .. F'\e)(ibll! ll"ntlS. .f BR. Bolsa Park Home. Crpts, drps, s prinkl t'rs bltns, block feo<.~. Close to Douglas, schls. shopping. By Owner. 897-2166 Fount1in V1lley 1410 NE\V, By 011•ntr, 3 BR, 21~ Ba1h, 11/\V Ctlr'pt'lS, drJ~, hlrx:k fcncr. t.tnny !'.'ustom New on rnarkrt 4 bdrm 8..1=-~~-~~~~-galore· :l bedrooms, 2 baths the land. Full price $44.000. den, fonnal dining. loaded :i1.o',i• tf!A, 3 Br. l ~i Ba. ·large Jiving mon1. Covered CORBIN-MARTIN 7682 Eding('r fcalul'C!>. $31.500. F.uclirl & llt2 .. 11:"15 or 54(}..1110 Ta1ber!, nr fr1vy . 91iZ--0•17!l \vilh extras, spoUcss inside. ¥ S26.:iOO palio wlth built in BBQ. Realtors fla'.l·lesslf 1nank·urcd oul· 2:i07 Holly Ln, 3 Br, cqty Close to Harbor Iii and side, uniqnt landsropin~. pa-SS,700 o\l·ncr mo1:ing, carry grade schools. $33.SOO _ 10~6 3036 E. Coast H"'Y·, CdU1 Oprn F.v1·~. STRATFORJ> 3 Br. niodcl tim & lighting. $39,950. 2nd. Also: For 1n\.·cs.tme~I dO\\•n will carry. 6i5-1662 Bob Olson RH.r. 5.JG.~O or exchange. Ul8 Un1vers1-13."'-8~R,.:...~d-re-a~m'---h-0-.,-,.-.-...,-m-.1 ty, 3 Br Condo. pools OPEN DAILY 2·5 --A-S~SUME 51;~;;-,--hon1e. ts nloc; old. Pool, S1vilch your f'QUily ! r om lnclscpd, corner lot. ne1vly "back horrir'' i1110 this rlc-1 =""='"="="='-=O=w=""='··=-=·=""='=,11 i;:ant 4 BR 2 ha hon1c. Full carpr1in& & llt'8/X'S. clrc kit. lan1 rn1, ulil rn1, fil'f'· plll.C.1', striking p;ilio with r.1o:otir plan\B. Only Sll!9 n\Onthly inf' all. t.latch the rqui1y ol $11.700 and save n1on1·y. d N $38,500. 232.1 Easthlulf. :1 Br. pletely redecorate . cw Condo, SJ0,000, 1 c ased, cpts, drps. Has e,·cn·lhing! trouble.free lax sheller. A. $29,950. By owner 546-725:>. Cle.vidcncc • R. l\.1cl.eod. V d 1110 675-6041. Mesa er e =:.::-.:..:..:.::.:..--= HE I GH·HO PACESETIER NEWPORT HEIGHTS OPEN DAILY 401 Santa Ana Ave. 413 Acacia, CdM 3 BR, 2 bath, 2 8lory, fenced yard & fruit trl'f'S. Chvncr 673·9'121 EXCITING, 3 BR, tlrn and dining rn1 , honll' 1vith lge svw'inunlng pool antl uulst:in- d1ng outdoor recreational area. 1126 Go l denrod, Cull for appr 0. D. COLE S.18-4811 Realtor 6l· .. os.10 3 Big bedrooms, slate rnlry and )"()('k firepla('(' .• Spot· less throughout .• You nnisl ~ee !his beautiful landst'ap- ing. $.1il.9j() Easily finant:· od. Cerofree bcat·h Jivini: nr. N.H. \'achl Club &: also nr. hay s1vimming beach, at a ha.rgain. 3 Br., !~4 baths p!u~ niodern kitchen, Older bul 1r!'.'ll n1aintained. Tastefully dl"t.'Orated con:1cr hon1e in nicest res idential area. This lovely 2 B<lnn home is imm11cula.te. & has lush crpl'g, drps, Jrg kitch· en \Y/ bllns & can be pur- !'.'haS!'.'d w/ a lov.· down pay- ment 11.t S..?9,!"..00. 642-2799 Marbor Vit'w Hill~. 673-2'122 POOL TIME 5 46·2313 • 646·7171 BURR WHITE REALTOR :!901 Newport Blvd., NB 6i~ .. ~6;l0 642·1'153 Evrs. BAY VIEW LOT-Balboa Cov•s 1215 SHORECLLFF' 3 BR, 2 BA. 15x43' pool, heate1·, filter, Quiel tree hnrd area by thr diving board + 22x24' add· sea. r·ce simple. Access to 1 t'(I family roo:n. Spotlc~~ly beaches. Under $::,0,000. By i:ll'lln throughoul. 0 n I y O\\'llE'r. * 673-~1 S.13,95(1 . hell<'r check lhls SJl ,:;oo · 2 UNITS • 1 BR onr' \VATERFRONT • 4 Br, 2 Ba, hou~e "'ith fircplaci·, ~tudio MUTUAL REALTY \\'ith small bca!'.'hy collagr.. 3 BEDROOfi'lS BY O\\INER. Suitable for building. Just $2700 do1\'fl-110 2nd. 5.26,950. ~tcps lron1 public s'vimmina: l.erge ramlly 1'001n, 2 bath!;. beach. 2000 sq ft . Pir.r & slip. No. apt. g. clouble gur11J!C. Phone l---"'~"~·'~'~":..::""~Y~l~in~"=--~ Balboa Coves. SJS.000. 637-3002 or 835-;.466 DIVORCE $2000 d'.l·n. p & I $392. !\lo. I ~Cl~l~A~R7M7.IN=G~~D7UP=L~EX=-:-:o, or make offer. 5~100 doublr lot . So. of l{wy. ?l.larinc lli School, 70' rorncr Jot w/hlock frnt'\', l l~c W/W """''· d"•"· BURR WHITE d1sh\vasht'l', ex Ir a C\IJ)- 011·ncr. $58,500 673-4169 BRs, 12x15' fain rm. &II boartls, fireplace, shake roof, rlout!r J?aragc, Guava, 2901 Nc\\'port Blvd~, NB REALTOR 122Q apple, avociido. orange 675-4630 642·2'l)J Eves BEACH HOME tret"s. l:; 9 8 ~1yrtlewood. BJ\YFRONT ~IOBlLE J BR 2 bath, fircplac:c. built· ~ HO~tE ins, 2 patios, double. ga~. W ER 2 Br, cabana. 11:, ba. frplc, w/v.· carpeU I: d rap cs. BY 0 N \ nvail boat sllp, adll secHon. Drive by 427 Lugonia, NB. CUSTOi'YT REPUSLIC H0i\1E Community clubhouse, pool, $27,950 -low dOlvn . Genco ON BEST VIEW LOT OFT· J:amc area, r.lc. \\/ill trade Realty Co. 642-4422 Eves. ERED. 4 BR, 2 BA, SING-up or do11'n for fum or un-S.W.3505. LE STORY DES I G N, fum Laguna Leisure \Vorld 1 =ro=R-SALE~~~.,-~o~.-.,-,.~3 PHONE 5'1~2144. or hillside Orange. Co. Bcdroon1. pa.tit>, garage. MOVING East.0.l'ner 1n11st llon1c. 5'16-73.11 Coro mun i I y flOO( &: sell! 4 BDP.i\f, 11!4 Bfl . 200 Steps To Be•ch playground, 2 blk~ from Clo~ Io schls. sh r · i::. Beautiful 3 brdroom 2 bath ocean, Nev.'j)Orl Shores. 242 churchc!I. $2.1,900 * 546-'iJOS llOnll', deep shag carpel t.: l.ugonia, NB 642-3286 expost'd b r a m ceilings 1227 Lido. Isle 1351 $51 ,950 EXCEPTIONALLY AT- TRACTIVE L I d o ll<lm''. ideal for couple or small family. 2 BR., 2 Be ., fom1al din. or family rn1. ln1macu· la!!". $69,000 CH/\Rt.tlNG, l \s story tam· ily llOmf' 4 BR., eonv, den, 21!1 b11. Lge. \iv. rm./for,mal din. rrn . f'aci ng ~lrada ;Jj' Loi. College Park lt15 1hroughout, 3 land~aped pa.· C.:..-----'I tios. fireplac:c, all built·in BEAUTIFUL 3 BDRl.'1. 2 $99,500 4 BEDROOMS kitchen, do u b I e a;arai:e. bath.,, formal dlnlrig room, CU S T 0 flt EXECUTIVE Dover Shores 41h Bedrocrn has been addrd $32,500, &t2-.'W!ll spacious family l living ro-HOME. J BR., den, fo1111al \\·ilh separate l'ntranct! and * REDUCED * oms. f.fag:nificent View! By din. m1 .• fnm. rm. 3 Ba. bath. Be.auU!ully deckf'Cf owner. ~l Prifl'lt! 60' <.'Omer ior. pool with aolar heat. $33.500 THE BLUFFS Lido Re•lty Inc. • Easy Terms. 'O THE REAL ""'-ESTATERS '' ., ·, 3 BR It 2 BA eomer lot, Westcllff l230 3400 Via LK!o 673-88:JO Vil'W I: spal<.'OUI (ecllng.1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. CHARMING 3 BR. 2~ bath Custom carpts, drps, o~r exiras. ilal>dy pool. Owner ON A Lovely quiet WestcliU bome; wet bar: sunny 110Uth 644-()771 St. In Mariner Elem, It NpL patio. l;i, Block to best 141 500 I N S39 '~ HI ~.,. ~-ol-pl•, ~avy brach. Lido's bel!I bu)' at 54"'-2313 • 646·7171 , va ue • ow ,......., ..,,. r~ '" ... .., 7 ~ XI "' ahake roof, paflt'lled !iv nn, $5 ·"""· nt terms. \''ANT A 7\'o • ""''7 0oc10, OPEN HOUSE d' 1.~ bl! 1 3 BR 2 Immediate Posseuion uv/'\l~ in rm, e ._.,.,. . ns. SHORE PROPERTIES lw~l fbai"",""'• 1~~i:·c:;lt~ D~ ii~'·,!,~:~· L~!. Ba, clean ept11/df!>S . 2 673-9060 GTh-5'7&4 Eves. 7'" pallofl, dog nrn. $42,500 by gubstanllal down payment. \\'c!tclilf are11, J Br. 2"' ha. o••ner. ~I~ UNUSUAL SET.UP Hu pttrchued a new homl' l\la.ny C'xtru. Prlc(' ii.-tatly Bayfront -2 Sep. k>lll . older A-11.-anl1 actk>n! AAklnc; redu~cl. Owner k'avll'C • BUSIEST marke.1pl1ce In hotne on 45· lol . guest h~. f17,500. All offers will be SAYS Sl::LL? Roy E. George town. The DAILY PILOT I! pool on 30' Joi. :z Piers/ co~Tdered . Ask for Bill Rllr. 540-2858, 6l6-0609. Cl!WWed section. Saw lllP.l. SZ2l,®. 6'6-3255 or 5.ff>..205~ A&:I. DAILY PD.oT WANT ADS money, time 6 effort, LooJI R. C. CREER, Realty \Vh.ile elephants! D\mN.Jfne Dial 642.ft b' RESULTS now''' · m Via Udo sn.9.100 FHA or Gf, 1ukc over 5~~':·0 with caioh, Sl~l(l to1a1 n10. pmtl'!. BRASHEAR REAL TY 81741;):!\ i!:VCM, 131·3769 TilE GOOD LORD STILL LOVES THE \VOHKING t.IAN Shaq1 3 BR \Vllh l'lcctric buill-ins I:. rlishv.·a.sher al $15,900 full prict. PHcific Shores R<'ally 847-8586 or ~1:16-88!).I Room for Boct or Troiler J RR home. carpcl1, drapes. hun:h\'ood noo1'S, la.rtt<' lent:· rd y11.rd . Pl'i('l"d rlghl a! $20.900 GI or FHA lc.>m1s. . MUTUAL REAL TY &42·1418 a11yliml' Transferred Leaving a.rc;a lnimcdiittrly FiorkJa bound, ?.tusr *111. Delta R•al Est1te 616-+11~ 3 BR, 2 BA. den. Many xtra11. Xlnt 1amily home pr\Ced lo JIC\I. 1330 Park St., H.B. 536-4698 BY Owner, 4 BR. 1~1 b11, new cplll, dhl. ~r. A!l.Sumci 6~ F'JiA loan 847· 7002 DAILY PIWI' WANT ADS! ;. Seal Beach 1450 Assum!! 51;,o;. GI 3 BR, 2 BA. N!'.'IV bltns, crpt'd, 2 frplcs., 1'Cdec in & ou l. Lrg fam rni. $37.500. 011·nrr. 4J04097 1475 3 BR., forn1al rl in rm, den. Cry11ta l & marbll' pullmBn~. Beaut. lndscpd 1v/ hlock Inc. Camper le. boat 11tora{('C. Nr. F rwys. By Oll'llt'r $52,000. 5.14-877 • Westminster 1612 EVERYTHING HEREI HORSES TOOi Lot i1 232"330 rronllnJ: on ,. n1ajor s I re e I, Gorgrous hnme 1vith \\'Ork ~hop & ft pool. Gigantic rer.reation roon1. Big in!·Onll' fro111 the hor!ics. Lcfs tal{t• a look 111 I his? Rex L. Hodg•s, Rlty I 847-2515 L1gun1 Beach 1705 FANTASTIC VIEW Dccomlor's O\vn cha1ming Ir different homt!; liv. rm. 11'/lrplc., family din. nn. v.·t frplc.; 2 ~mllrt BR's &: 2 Ra Jh1gr den 'vl frpl. A d~­ light ro ~how. $49.500 · SEE THISI A rurr 0111>Qrtunlly 10 acquire chur1!h. ~"uitable fo1• mt't'I· Ing tiall or lltlle thcalrt'. Scats 13!'1. lla<1 cqufp'd. kilch., ;,er front. Ql()ice North e:nd J(I(', S60,0<XI !? .e:;. M ... ~~ J;;.J N, Coa11t lfl"'llY· l..ui;unn Bt>aCh 494-7511 --SUPERBl-- <k't'~n v1e .... ., 2 Br. rum. hme. 10'/.i Down or c;ash IO )Qtin tJIM»unt. Prlnclpala only. Cllll owner 842-4606 OIARGE IT! PAUL WHITE CARNAJIAJI -e.. IT'S THE SOLD THAT COUNTS! $20,000 to $24,999 I VACANT FOUR IEDROOM !\'car &hopping a r t a , E.lstsidc location · zoned R-4-Roon1 for mo~ uniL~. 2 bath home-blt·in kitchen-2 car garage-full prlct only $24,950. Call for showing. 546-5440 NUD TO SEU. NOW? LET P.W.C. DO IT LESS THAN 2 \VEEKS 3226 Colorado C.l\t . 9..14 Junipt'1'0 C.l\I. 212 Loyola C.J\I. 2083 President C.A1. 2960 Royal Palm C.M . 411 Lenwood Dr. C.1.1. IUY LOW! This overlooked 3 BR +· Fan1 Room value Is one of today's best beys • funo- t!onal floor plan-has l % hatM-electric bll-in oven & ranee. Service porch- fireplact-v;/w cpts 8r draJ>("s. Fenced yard. Ex· cellent locaUon-n e a r schoob: &: shopping-now only $24,950. Mak" of- fer 546-5440 I $25,000 to $29,999 I NEAR WESTCLIFF CENTER-NEWPORT Bl"autiful 3 BR homf' v.•i1h hardwood lloon;, \Valk lo school & ~hopping. 2 hal hs, spacious 11 v Ing room, fireplact'. l'cnccd rear ye.rd with lovely (.'OVC'N'CI patio. ].O\\'l!!ll priCt'd home tn llarbor liij!tuands · only l28,500. Call 'for showing, 51~5440 FEARLESS· FRUGAL- FINANCING 4 Bedrooms + ramUy room + built Ins + 2 baths. 2 slory vacant. Ex- 1ra larg<' mast!'.'r bedroom 11·ith b a t h ter. race kitchen . 1 1 ~ ycar11 old • VA appraised at S.29.'iOO \l'ith llO down pay. mcnt lo GUalified Vet or low do11•n to FHA. Priced al 129,700. Anahcin1 5.16-54.)0 SMART MOVE REAL FIXER Ui'PIR J.1ust sell as is • It's dirty And neglected needs paint and lots of clean t.\P • VA repoS!i<'ssion in t.1esa del ?>lar 3BR-FR. Excellent floor plan· 1~ bath.!· bit.- in kitc hen -dishwasher. Fencrd yard. Brick patio -a~ is for S2fi,OOJ · S$O do11'11 payment S 2 2 l month. Call !or show- ing 546-5440 ASSUME 60/o LOAN No extra cost or change of inte.rest. 4 BR • with nearly new w/w cpt.s • over 2(0) sq feel of living RAMBLING RANCH In choice Eastslde loca· lion • 3 BR + f'R . larg'" living room • used brick frpl • v.·I"' 1·p1s -r drapes. Sparkling kitchen -wi!h bit.Ins . 1 ~6 baths- stall sho\\·er. Solld waln11t \\'Ct bar in f11.mlly mom- 11hake roof-only S26.%0, No do1vn to Veteran • ?.l in. F'llA -call no1v 546-5,140 lfl a new home -lovely 4 BR + F./R • in l\Tesa Verde. Bca u ti'fully l andscaped yard - sprinklers Iron! & rear- rock root motll"rn • 2 baths · all electrll: bll·in kitcht'n, 18x21 11 v i n g roor11-firplc. P r i c e $27,500. EZ term11 546-5440 ly $25.500. 1-lurry 546-5-140 I area-2°'~ bath-stall :<1ho,1·er· huge m a 1 t e r bedroom wtth b a I h • Spacious L/R \Yith alone lirplc-monthly pymnts ! only $173 Includes all. Ol)o OYER $30,000 I '.t IRING YOUR KING SIZE IED!! It 1«·\11 fil v.ilh room to !!pare. \.\'hal'B more. this 4 BR · 3 bath homf' has the !arr.est kitchen in Mesa Vl"rdl" · or counre. bil·ins - home has 2640 i.-q feet • 50 fee! aluminum covered patio • M'N'f'l'K"d In room. Shake roof w c 11 landscaped. Only $39,500 • liurry! a.iS.j.110 lnternt Conscious? ,As111me. S l/2 °/o Loon then inspect this 4 large bedroom e,'l(l"CU!ivc home in Nr"rport B e a c h : (ie.~li:tned for C'asy livin~. Trtrific ki1chcn 1\•ith all cil'Clric billin oven & rangl', dishwasher, e:-;- pcnsive lilt'd lops & splash. extra l a r g e service room, 2~4 baths, lraHic free living rootn \\'ilh fil't"placr, I a r g e family room \\'ilh fireplace open~ out to patio with f i r f' p It. Separate 14x10 formal dining rootn. You 'll not fine! a nicer ho1ne al only $53.950. CALL NO\V 546-5-140 QUAINT · CHARMING V.'ilh 11. definite personal!· ty. This older 3 BR + family room homr l'I dif- rcrent. Choice Newport B«'ach location n e a r Harbor High. Spotless condition Thruout. t'an. tastic 18 "< 20 sunken fan1ily room v.·i!h rock wall + hea11 h. Spacious 1Jv1ng room too, 1~·ith \\•/w carpels • quality drapes. Separalr dining room 1vith beam ceiling. Brlghl kitchen. Park like yard 1vllh C'OVCn!ci patio, rrit~ll right at S34,000. IO'M do1vn. :;46-54'10 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Excrllcnl 2 bdrm hoffic with hardwood floors. Just off Cliff Driv<' 1vi th possi· bill1 y or Bay & Ocean vie1r. Double i;:ar11ge & double carport. Boe\ park· 1n1. Assumable 6* 'ffl loan only $32,750. Call for showin1. S.;&.5440 SPANISH HACIENDA Lovely J BR .Ir. tara:e lam. room home in Costa Mc$8. Walk lo all school.I & shopping. Distinctlve tl le entry, 23' living room with firl'place. outstan- :l:ing i.itche11 v.·ilh built.In •Ven & range & D/W quality carpets & drapes. 1 ~ b.llh, stall sho"rer. Ai;klng S.'.0,9j(J • E Z terms. 546-544LI MASSIVE MASTER BEDROOM 1vi1h tis own · dn!Bslng room + bath. 5 BIR 2 &tory • f.1esa de! Mar • l m1naculate homl!: just listed • J baths'· over 2~00 sq feel ol living area. Sparkl ing large kitchen • with electric oven +· rarige. • Brk Bar • traUle free liv room. }'i.rpk:. \v/w epts k custom rtraix:s. Park-like yard· sprinklers. Boal space, Only S37, 950 S4&Sf40 I POOL HOMES r REDUCED $1000 This. quality, 2 story 3 BR + den + faniily roon1 rur quick sale. Ea 1 tr l d g e. E11talr. 2 story Con· lcmpotlUj' 3 BDRM., 0 Pn & F'am. Rm. & POOL~ 21i baths· n1arble pullm11ns. Enclo!'C<l front patio courtyard open ceil- ings, slonc lrpl. extra large fa1nlly room: COOL POOL Gl'C'11t for entcr1aining. Lovely spotless 3 BR + la.n1ily roon1 hon1c In l"ho ice \Ve~t cll fl neii?hbor1l0od. 2 blocks lo main shopping center. 30 foot heated &: lighlrd pool. ln bcauliful land11eapcd cera1nic tile k 11 e h en setting. Great k 1 t ch e fl w/mb;ed asl1 cabinet. all with "'ails of cupboards electric:. built·ins. Trcmen-hll·ins doos entertaining. Rear yd ., heated pool. Mr./Mrs. dressing rooms., garden lights!!! Priced to sell at only $36,500. SEE 1'-UR SURE! 5'1fi-5.140 dishwa11he.r. :Z bath.,. This warm And friendly l10me is priced t1g~t at $~~.950 • compare & buy 546-M40 J IDRM. + HEATID POOL :! hedroom mom. Mosa + famnt Verde • owner translerred. \Vants quick, sale. Newly palnted tntet•ior • all l"iectric bll·ln kilchen dlshwashl"r. 1'4 bathi"! stall 11hower. 14x20' living room • frplc. custom • heated pool • with aulOmatic awtepet'. Nf'1v gold w/w cpts, Price no~ $27,500. !ttake offer 546-5440 Fpen Hou1e1 ••• Sun. 12130 to Sa3ol 304S V• lurn, C.M. 2 Blk.s N. ot Baker-I blk E. F'aitview. (rm for trlrl O\\·nc1'l! have spent lhoO· n.nds on l.hlB 4 BR home· new w/\lf cptl' just lrn;ts.I• Jed • 6 mo. old 34 ft. An- thony heated pool • slide • pensive decklrts -oow 40 gal. waler heater • jW!I palnled ~terlo and tinlsb- i:"d Interior. Aftn-all thlJ owner ii tram;ferred and must 11tll. 2 ba. bits of coo~ • lC.lnt locaUon. Atk· Ing SJJ.000. ~ 425 Lnwood Drlwe 'i Blk E. of TusUn · 1 blk So. 171h S11 Price reducOO Sl.200 tor quick sall!:, Va· .Putt • 3 BR + FR • iv:wly ~rated I n terior. Ru.stlc moden1. N e a r Jlarbor H.igh, Extra lg bedroom • dbl fireDl•ce • blt·ln. Now en!Y $30,750 .. 'EZ tcrmr ~ 17217 Sooht ........ "°"""''" Valley 4 BR Owner lllUSI tell.' 1" baths · w/w cpl• • drapra • JW'it repaintl!'d. Slump stone. encloeed patio + 19.rgc unfinished bonUl room. Will tell no down VA • or min down FltA. Onl,y S28,450. San J>\e$O t'reeway taJte Mapolla off ramp north M&-MfO PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN -Realt9 Co. 1093 IAKER STREEt, C.M. ' ..... 546. 5440 ' ;/ ·' ' ! I · 1 ! 1 ......... . . ' .. . . . . . . ' . ' ' . . .. • • .. -...... .. -.......... . -. .. ... . ... ~ . . . ... EN ALS RENTALS l\Ell'TAL) RENT.ALI RENTALS -Furnl-Houses Unfur nl1hecl Aph. Fumlohod Aph. Unlvmlollocl ..... , .. Unlvrnlohod ~na ... ch 2351 Coll• Pork 3115 THIS NE\V E.XE<lJ'l'lVE COM-FOR 1..eaat, aupuior bomt, S OLDE INC TO N 1: w po RT Bn. 2 BA.. family nn, ieW-tlOUSE BEACllr Wlnl<r 1.... 9 Ing rm. 122>-,.._7823 ""'-'- monUut. from Sep\, 10 10 BELONGS TO A. BYGONE June l!), Lldo Isle Noni, New-rt •·1ch 3200 ER.A. Located In the heart· ,..--1aJld of 1 •-·-·· Rlvllll"I. ~I. 119 pier 1.nd ~ip,I ;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;; .._ ... -tumlahed. 3 bdrm.IL Con-I• Coutlint. SUuattd on b'eC! veta~ den l baths, newt.)' B / B sh&ded 1round1 Ii sh!!ltettd ,.:..,, ,,..., ,,~ . by high brkit wans, in patio ~oovated. vwncr .,,........,...,.. TOWNHOUSES aan:ten settlnc that atf<mfj 234 VIA Lido Nord. $1500 n10 ADULTS ONLY ! 3 bt>d- a SCENIC VIEW OF TllE ~nt exc:ept Ai.ag whlch ill rooms, 2% baths. Split· OCEAN .t CATALINA 1$.. $20XI. WE 4--0920 or BR ~vel CarpeU, drapes & I.ANDS. 0-4547 bulll·lm.. 3 car 1af1it. Fao- 'I'HE ANTIQUATED 3 BO-·-r:s pool. $265/month. RM . FLOOR PLAN, Is rem· L19un• a.1th V05 ALSO Cool• Maee 4100 1 .c~..,~·~,,,..~~jjiiiiiiii5ii100~I N..P.rt llffch 5200 NEW SPANISH 11 2 BDRM. -""""" VILLAGE APTS. HARBOR clotc to ....,.._ v .. c1, 1185 1 l 2 BDRM. Funt or un. mo.. No chlldttn, no pets. l\tm. -· dohwhn, .. u GREENS 64:h1978 ,, .... clean'1 ovens, pe.Uo, break-""""-"'"""'======- fast bars, private twidec.ks, Eid Bluff 5242 lrg 5torage cloletll. f:le•ted .BACHELOR UNFURN. pool. saunas, bar-b-qUf's. fro $110 e NEW DELUXE e Sound proof walls, walk In m 3 Br. 2'il ba apt. for leue closets, covered carport. ALSO AVAILABLE Incl. tpa.e. mstr, suit~. di.o Adults. no pets. 1 • 2 & 3 BDRM. rm, 4: dbl. 1arase, auto. TllE CALIFORNIAN Healed Pools, Child Cant door o~ avail. Pool A Phont ~2n7 Center, Adj. to Shoppl~ -rec. area. Nr. CathoUc No pets llllowed Church I school A Corooa DLX. apt. spac. 1 BR, Ideal for bachelor. $120. 1993 Church Sr., CM. ~S-9633. 1100 Petenon Way, at Hat-det Mar Hi&h. bor & Adams, Costa Mua • ONLY $260 e M&-0370 837-871 Amlp Way, N.B. inlscent or another lime & ADULTS ON LY! 2 bedroonis NEWLY crptd 1 Br. furn. place. Mustve liv. rm. in LEASE bt:aut mod 2 Br, 2 baths. SpUt-level. Carpets'. L.rg rms! $13r. mo. 523 lMMAC. 2 BR, patk>. garage 1 ,C~o~ro~n~1~dieliiMe~r-~5~2~S0~ "GR.EAT llALL D.EmCN." v le v.•, co 1 o r TV , draprs & buil1-ins. '..I car Bernard Sf. Apt o, 642.-6904 Semi-retired adults only. HAS COVED CEILINGS & WlU~r/dryer $250. mo. !MO 1ara.g"· $2'15 month. l BDRM fu UTtL PD Avail. immed. n tstrno. HEAVY \VOOD BE.V.fS. Trmple Hills Or. ~11).-8811, Bay & I-ch rn, · 646-2276 or 646-£,626. ....: IS Fll.TERED TIIBOUGH -Realty, Inc. 2 BR, 2 liu., patio, trplc, 1l,t ore• WHERE SOFT SUNLlGJ.rl' eves 49f.-0404.. -$100. 64&-~ or M3-3333 ~ TRANSPARENT s Ky. OLD Spanish chann, Jge .4 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 Newport Beach 4200 crptll, drps, newly dee. 1255 LIGHT. GRANDIOS. L 0 G BR, ocean ~· patios, Innt 64~2000 Eves. 548-&166 Baker. $150. 540-4358 BURNING FIREPLACE. ll'ees. nr hlj:h school & l"!'~!!!O!!""'""""""""''"' I NEW SPANISH QUIET 2 BR, 1% BA. Pr-pa· ON TEN ACRES framed by rough hewn tim· beach, app 1 ac~. 300 a.I .• TiiE BLUFFS on the Bay. VILLAGE APTS. tio Gar-Adults-no pets. 2.346 l &: 2 BR. Furn &: Untum hers ~ mantle. FORMAL yr lit'. $400 ino. 494-3112 50' deck wtawnlnr & glass 1 &: 2 BDRM. Fum or un-Santa Ana. S4S--0728 Frplcs I prlv. patloa/Pools. DINING RM. HAS BIG • !-nclo.sed gazebo. Charming tum, Air-cond, dshwhrs, 1eU ·""""'=---.-----.--~-,----I Tennia -C.Ontnt'I Bids!. put- 8 A Y WINOOWS OVER· Lag~n• .~igu•l-~707 patio ~H din nn, lge mastr c.lean'g ovens, patio, break-1 BR grdn apt. fpl, cpts, ting rreen. LOO LCO:r.no B t n-I 2 f .___ drps, bltns. patio. pool. 900 &>a Lane, c.dM 644-2GU KING THE BA .. ~-LUXURY area, 4 br, 2 ba, ea' '°Ex\ e . .-~csenl y Br, 2 ai;t ~. private lundttks, Adlts, no pets $12l. 546-5l63 WIOCEAN VlE\V. July Aug or yearly Walk to . pansion to l Br, den 1rg storage closets. Jteated (f\1iicArtbur nr. Co•i;I Hwy) Rnnodeled kitchen, opens to beach. OM.er m.Mu le 3rd .Ba. $425 Mo/or $500 pool, saunas, bar-b-ques. 1 BR Duplex, gail:., elderly olde fashioned drudiery & · w/add1Uon. 644--0837 or SoWld prooI wallll, walk in pref'd. No dogs, close lo l BR, pa.rtiaUy furn. $165. R"Wing ~m lhal overlooks Summer Rintalt 2910 ~"~'~-'~"'=·~--~---clO!!ets, covered carport. shop'g. 54S-2720 f.1o. 600 1 ,'I Acacia. Sat & the patio terrace. TH IS LOVELY Nwpt Sch home, Adults, no pets. S~P~Ll~T~-1-,v-o~l.-2-B-,,--new-o-p<s-", =Sun=~-======== UNIQUE, OLDE HOUSE NEWPORT Beach; 2 to 5 avail June 23rd. Back yard Tl·!E CALIFOR NIAN drp!i! &. stove. Adult~. no ltA.S BEEN COMPLETELY BR. Ooean It Bay front, pool, 2 blks to ocean. 3 BR, Phone 546-2727 pets. 2885 Mendoz.a 54>5421 RESI'ORED. Has_ IM!W Door Lido , OI' Balboa laland; fncd, cptll, drps, bltns. $3001SJ=N°'G'°L.E~Y~oung--A~d~ul~u~Lw<--REDEC 2 BR, reir1g, bltins, ~s. carpeting, decor-$150/wk., up. Also yrly. mo. 847--0163 ""' •"""'" ap•-with .....,,ft cpts drps no pols 568 W atin&", etc. U you have been Leues avail. Bkr. 615--4130'1;:,-;;--;-;:--===~~~ _., "' ........... ' ' ' ' looking for an older home 642-48)6 N E A R W E ST C L I F F try club atmosphere and Wilson, M5--0760 w/character con!'lidcr this delightful, lge. 2 Br. garden complete privacy. SOUTH 2 BR -2 BA Studio. Drapes. al ' * READY NOW * apl. Couple pref.: aorry, rx> BAY CLUB API'S. lrvitM! at cpts. pvt patio. Adult!'!. tZ13) Balboa 5300 Huntington Beach 5400 $31 tSO FULL PRICE Taking reservatlona lor Jum pets, .no children. $160 Mo. 16th Newport Beach. 592-52'l1 or 548-8301 T ' 1 off 2 Br •Pt, nr ocean. Sleeps 6. Hal P1nchln & Assoc 675--4392 l--;-;=~('071~4::,I ~"'.;5--0550~~=~ erms open o er \Vkly rates 312 l3rd SL 1 BR duplex. Quiel, malure E "t' L" , REAL ESTATI Genar1I R1nti la W1nted UCI 5990 STUDENTS & FACULTY •~ faced again with a hol.is-1.ne shortage, We a.re asking lhe community to l11t &ey a.vllilable rental,, summer or Yl!-ar tOUnd, with the hous- ing office, Please c a 11 mell Jor a listing form. SINGLE pro!essional nWI "10+ wants clean modero furnished apartment. June JO occupancy. Will L'Onsider &harinc new home. Recur- rent travel, discreet. Any beach area, prefer Corona <lel fl.1ar. 646-7000 R00~1. gentlemen preferred. Pvt. balh, entrance &. patio. Lhiens. cleaning. close to fv.'Y & all facilities, nr MISSION REAL TY NB 615-2032 DUPLEX av~il/July l. 3 br, *NEW BAY FRONT* adult. Ref. 263.1 Orange, XCI lnCJ IYlftCJ 9S5 &I. ~'ii Hwv., Lai::una · · . 2 ba, bllns, incl. dshwshr. & \\'inter rentals, lower dupJE'x, Sunday. :>18-8007 In nc1v apls. 1 bedroon1, 2 Adams & Brookhurst. $85. Mo. 967-4173. Phon 17141 4•• •731 WATER.FRONT. lkautiful 3 frpl. t block from beach. 2 BR, 2 Ba furn. Avail Sept. bedroom _ 2 bath. 1 Y"tWV BR Duplex, Newport Isl. 672-1158 or 12131 242-9371 6 .,.,,. ""7 19 Quiet, Dix. 2 BR. apt. $140 $195 · -~a. ino. " th SI.. Adutls only no pets to PRIV BEAtmFUL Ocean view Garr. lndry, boat dock. Wk . 2 BR. w/w, cpts. frplc. drps, N.D. 6T:.>-023G. 1777 Sa 1 A A ·64~ i:<=~2 S . · room w I k i I c h c n home. 3 BR. 2 BA. k>v..'P.r or mo. Sept only. 673-7861 or relrigerator range $16• 1---~ru=RN=l~SHED=~--r n a na ve. ..-...... 11·imming pool, gym, sauna, Pr 1 vi Ir g es. Employed Temple Hills Dr. by owner. 613-17511 Adultll No Pe· 64i-4441 :i. 3 BR Deluxe. adults, no pets. recreation room. person. $75 J.Jonth. C.~1 . $42,500. 494-27116 aft 6 CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. · ;.,. Bachelor apt. $100. 540--0154, 548-3481 or ~11 General Electric Appliances. 642-3167 "GUN Can ""' 673-9086 6-6992 Adults only. 1 .. ~n=c=E--~,-._~b~I ---...... A yon."" x 400': Sleeps 2 lo 10: for llJmmcr University P•rk 3237 -==========-I Utt i:om or .... e room, rustic 2-sty, house; possible reservations eaU 673-9945 Coton• dil Mor •250 -Lamplighter Apts. convenient area, TI2 week. C-1 or M-1 zone : M,000 dn. 315 E. Balboa Blv .. Balboa 3 BDR 21Ai ba, family room, 1----'-'-'-"-C:.:.--".:;:;:; Newport Beech 5200 16102 Springdale St. 642-1758 Bkr. 675-6591: 494-7161 Res. SUMMER house on Newport view! Lease. Refs. 833--0104 LOVELY Phone 59'1-Mll SUM~fER rental June 15 to SUPERB view, newer cust. J Isle w/live In maid. 4 Br &1 "'af="='='=•=·m;:·=====o: New 2 BR tum dplx, util, BEACH CH"""EZ"""~o"R~O;;::~A~P~A~R~T~MEN=7.T~S' I Sept. 3-1\\'omen) Kitch Br. Sell/trade. $15,IXKI Eq. sundeck S200 ,vk or ssoo. 'j i 32 gardener tum, ad1111 only. 8234 Atlanta p1 iv. No children or pets. ~1 494-n61 Rei. Mo. July, $700 Mo Aug. rv n1 38 ,s.,300,;-;-;m~o,. ;:6~73-~7~975~':--,--;:-:-:---.--New 1·2 Bedrooms. Pay 6 673-9140 btwn 9 AM & 1. 5 Cl t 1710 675-0363 TW1le Rock next to UCl SMALL Bache!Dr, cktse to AP·ARJMENJS electric only LADY or student. clean Jrg ,. emin 1 OPEN Sat & Sun. nn lor t. 4 BR, l BA. tam rni, crptg. beach. Refrig only. $85. 536-3927 or 536-2727 BR & closet space, prv J.G. Lwc. new family home \\lkbt rates: June, S75; July, DW, stov, 2 sty, J car gar * 67J...6904 * FtSlI, SURF, SWIM Pool-Washers-Dryers Q bath. u!il. Nr. Golden West wtth view of ocean & city. 2 $90; Aug. $100. J20% 36tb $325. lnclud club member· 1 B~ rear. Carpets, drapes, "In yuur own front yanl" Prlvalc Garages college. $65 mo. 893-8173 min. from San DI ego St .. N.B. .ihip. Lease OK . 833-2929 refrig., stove, 11 u n deck, Featuring private clubhoust>, 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH, PRIVATE hath & cntranC<'. freewy. 4 BR. 2~ BA, many CHARMJNG tum 2 BR 1~ SHARP, Univ. Park. 3 BR, 2 garg. 713 Marigold, CdM heated pool. saunas, private FURNISHED &. Qu ie1. Call Thelma 540-0608 X Full d • gate w/24 hr security guard. tnu. Y_ "1>1 • . BA •Pl overlook!"" Emerald BA, ca?'pt'ts, dr11""s, built· UNFURNISl-IED Or 673-1180 d --' Pre Will .... ,..... Balboa lslond •• 55 J\1edilerranean adult living. ;;;c=:-"'"-~--~~ ra~. sug" area. Bay. SJ50 mo. 4~ inll. $27S.lmo. least'. Near -2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS Cpts. drapes, builtins, bc:"it FURN. ror gen!., refrlg. 1 considE'r rental In resp. pat· SUM'!ER ~-nlronl l'=U=CJ=. Im-=='°'""'===== F'ROM s=. location, 1 blk lo 5 Poinls blk rroni hca"h. N•••·po•I ty ~·ner 714 . t9'-3811 " • ~ • \YATERFRONT APT <..JV sho · !ro II"" '" ' · braut view, Newpol1 Beach. on Bal Isle. July Ollly $125. INCLUDES ... • pping: etc. ni ""'· Bearh 673-4m aft 5:30 P~1 C1pi1tt1no Bl•ch 1725 3 Br .. 2 Ba. * 494-1296 Coron• del Mar 3250 _w_k_._C_•_ll_Gc.73-'---"9388=----\\'all.wall SHAG Carpeting, ~:Is, apl. D. 642-2835, '--'---------·I AEACll 0 -1••• I 8 $'~ 2 BR H GE bit-ins with rcfriger-.-.._... ._e, s pa . UJ ouse, excellent coud. AVAIL. Sept. -1 or 2 bd. .............--8-AYFRON_T __ 4,000 SQ. FT. 1veek. Fenced yard. Adulll only. s.250 mo. * apt. adults.. S12S &. Sl60, no ator & dishv.·asher PLUS OCEAN V!EWI Newport Beach. lil"J-1084 67f>..3291 pets Ph. 647-56.\l HUNTINGTON Oelu.'l(e 2 Bedroom, 2 bath · lam I I~=='-'-------FireplaCf', crpts, drps, bltns. Nice fly dup ex -Capis-BALBOA 2 BR. •IPll 6. olt st. 2 BDR apt, Corona del Mar PACIFIC sm. f213) 592-58&1 ~ves. trano Pali&ades. 3.Br. 2 ba.. paR'g, 100' to heh. $160/wk n 75Jmo. avail July ff>. G•rden Grove 4610 7ll OCEAN AVENUE ea., w/ha.rbor view. incl util. 6'1?--2153 675-673'1 or 673-5l09 3 BDRM, 2 beth, private CANON REALTY LIDO ISLE_ F1netff 3 BR. 2 ====°"=='=== SINGLE Young Adults Lux-13 blks W. ol l-1.B. Pieri patio, heated pool. 675-3581 83G-11n BA nicely furnished. t:funtington Blach 3400 ury garden apl.s with coun-1n11 536-4616 -5JG.1487 Call 962-8994 675-502J or ~7109 FO try club atmosphc~ anc1i """~~~!!!!"!!!!~!!!!!!!!•l3 BR ll~ ha, cpts, drp~. slv, Dani Point 1730 R lease or sale; J bdrm. complete privacy. SOU'Ill NEW SPANISH refr. Sl75 mo. Oiild ok. ----------BALBOA -Inexperudve cot-Hunt. Beach Immaculate BAY O.UB APTS. 13100 VILLAGE APTS. 962-5178 or 4.'!G--5.174 tages. Weekly rates July, adult-0ecupied honie 2% ha. CllAPMAN Ave., Garden 1 & 2 BDRM. F'um or un-DANA POINT! August, Sepl.MS-3158 stone front and , fireplace. Grove (714) 63&-J030 furn. Air-eond, dsh1vhrs, self LOVELY 3 Br. 2 ba apt. Brand 2 f ·1 tud" 5" "' GI 1 11 -2 clean'g ovens, patio. b"'ak-crpts, drps & new ire maker new am1 y ' 10 RENTALS ~ io oan ca ""--8006 rcfrig. 2 patios. 842--5705 duplexes 1vith 2 bedrooms HoVMI Unfurnished v.•knds or aft 6 pm Lagun1 8e1ch 4705 fast bars, private fundecks, Misc. Rentals 5999 t.fOBILE Home unfurn, 2 Br, lge liv nn, stove & refrig. Use of heard pool, no children or pets, i125. Incl uW. 890 W, 15th Sf, N.B. &1&-8115 CJRL over 21, 1vantl'CI lo share beach apl. C a 11 673-794 1 be.f. 2:30 !Joyce, 67".-1633 eves) GARAGE Single. Cur or storage $15/mo. El Patio, !30A, Broadv.·ay, C.M. * * * * * * Whaddy1 W•nt? Wh1ddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rate 5 Lines -5 times -5 buckt A:ULEI -AO MVSl INCLUOI'!. 1-WIWlt YOU IWlv• to lt•ot. ~WIWlt "°" wen! In lraoe. ,._'l'OVA: phoN etUI/ ... eOd~ ~ llrit• of 14Vtrflllne. I-NOTHING FOii: SALi! -TR..,OE$ ONL'JI PHONE 642.5678 To Pl1c• Your Tr1der's P1r1d i1e Ad Tax Shelter needed: trade $25,000 land equity in rApid· [y appree. area for un i!s or beach prop. Owner Box 676 Tustin 54~-3666 !!VI'S. l"ree & clear 2~2 acn:'t 2 mi 1vcst of Antelope Valley FV.'Y &· Ed1,·ards AFB plu!'I ? For down pa:,it, units or GI or F'HA eqtys. 499-19'18 Sl.000 e<iull} in 1968 Ponti- ac Firebird , Trade for equ- ity in house or Jot, beach area. * 714/ 496-1300 * 43' l\lathews l"/Byacht, twn Imperial eng. r~u11 elec w/ alp, $5();\1 clear. \Vant $50~1 hm.. bus. or smlr. boat. 546-8030, .x434. SM-409~ San Qlego. J BR. :.! b;1, month to nionlh rented $175 Equity $6.000. Wanl local area, duplex or IJ'iplcx. Madge Davis PJtr 642-7000 1100 si:1. IL steel bldg for trailer. boat mfg. on JI!.. fenced acre nr Redlands fM' -T~~~~ :;;.:~Is, etc. Retired.<Jon'I need tax shcl· ter. \Vant hse free & cir for $38 M eq in 2 T·plex, 1st TD ba1 $:\8 l\t, pool, prime loc, nova(', 8 yrs old. 5-10..6001 Will trade, Aug. Beaut h<>rnc ir. Burtingan1e v.·/J Bit. :J BA, den. pin. rm. Spect bay view, for accom. on Bal. Isl, Ncv:por1., Celt-II. Xlnt ref's. t4ljJ 362-1212 1vk days. 8:3()..5:00 Almost 1000 ac .. S250 .i\I val, 80 mi fro111 dnt.wn LA, 5 ni!n. fron1 fwy on paved rd. bt1vn Beaumont & Oak Glen. Trd for ! ? M7-6469 Bkr. Lake Arrowhead 1vatcrlront free ,l'c cir, $50,000 val. Pa- cific Palisades ocean vu Joi lrce & cir. $27,500 val. ,\'ant: Income. Bkr. 548-ml llome on Altadena Golf Course $59,950 or 5 acres nr Arlington, vir11' $25,000. Trade for Beach area. Own- rr 6·12-3025 838-5712 Exchange $16,000 equity in CJ\1 & NB area house, v.·UJ lr.ase back for 1 year for 32'-3S' SporUi sher. 548-1310 before 8 A;\1 aft 6 PJ\I Comm C-1 apprx 3400 sq. ti. Gd for Dr. & Dentist+ (l J 2 br, (2 1 bac:h apts nr new 1·ivic cntr S.•\. Eq. $69,500, S yr new. Trd/units. 836-7218 TRADE: '56 l"ord 1.; Ton Pick Up 1-"'0R J\lotorcycl.?- 250 CC or bigger. 120 21st St .. Costa Mesa Apt D or 548-6315. Large houS<' + income + room to build, on goU coorse. Trade for !ree I. clear land or submit. l\1adge Davis Rllr 642-7000 Newport Jleights lovely 2 BR hon1e in nicest residenl· ial area. Trade $13.000 equity for inronie or va· cant land. 642-2799 6 Units, Santa Ana, inc. $600 Nlo., value $49,800; 1vant lgr. units or land .. or ~m. home. Sub. oilers. Py- r.u!'ud Exchangors. 646-2629 Lev!'! lo! IOl\'l'ring pines, on cxehisive Golf Course Rd .. Lake Arrowhead, t'OR tri- ple.'!( or 1-plcx, Costa MC"Sa area. Fortin, Rltr 642.5000 Trade: Superb custom-bit Dodgr Van Camper, sleeps 3-4, one of a kind, for cquUy in real estate. duplex or lri- plr.x preI'd. Nomi Craig 548-9661 Lake Arrowhead .... ·atC"rfront free & cir, $30,000 val. Pa- cHic Palisades ocean vu lot, free & cir, $27,500 val. \Vant: Income. Bkr. s.m.n11 l:: bnus rooms. LIVE ON l $395 LSE or opt Exel lrg storage closets. Healed NEW 1, 2 & 3 BR. Heafed & GARAGE _ storage only. SIDE; RENT TH.E OT~R Gener1I 3000 Hunt. H;bour, im~ac. n~ 1 BR. apl. 2 blks to dwntn. pool, saunas; bar-1).ques. sauna pools, rec rm. Hell & Close lo riowntown Costa 1' * * * * * SIDE. E~cellcnt financing. -Jg cust 3 Bel + everything completely reclec. c r Pt• Sound proof wail3, waUc in , Algonquin. Mgr 846--3137 r.-lesa. 545--0032 evening~ 'i!~![!!!~~~'!!!!!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!'!~~!!J!~!!li~!!!!!!!!!!!I! I Prlced _RJ,ght: Broken;' co-FREE RENTAL BOOK pvt beach gdnr & wt pd :~ro1·,vi~~· rur'a.irce·~~~:. closets, covered carport. 3 BR l% BA. F/P, RJO, GARAGE 11'a nted for REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ~ration invited. Coar! Real sharp 3 bedrooms. 2 TI4 _ 84~ · · SI G5/ d 1 1 ,_ Adults, no pets. re.frig. washfdry, cpt/drps, storage. Near N.B. 0• C.', !. G I H11vay to Al caz.a.r then l Baths Electric built in.IL · mo. a u 11 on y. re.,.. THE CALIFORNIAN $1 75. 64&-2414 John 64&-1460 ' " eneri General bk>ck north. Carpels Drapes and re.frig· FOR LEASE; 3 BR. 2 BA, requ. 54&--2917 or 497-1556 Phone ~2727 * 646-1146 * ---------1 MODELS OPEN era.tor. i.ease Sl6.i per mo_ walk to beach & .schools, OCEAN FRONT 2 BR. clce L B h 570 B -;_;•:;;•;:.in;_;•:;;":._:_R:__•.;;•::;t•:.:1 __ 6:_:0:.:6:;;0 Industrial Prop. 6080 WE $225 per mo 968-5!23 ~10D. 2 BR Penthouse typo aguna llC S Income Pro-rty 6000 -1 .;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;~I EK·ENDS 10-6 w lk & L · • kit. fireplace, deck, pvt ,.... STORES For lc:asc Village a er ee 962-5959 beach. year lease. avail. upper. Beaut. carpets & 2 BR., on ocean side with E "d Shopping Center, cor. of El D I F S I 1 3 BR 1% ball 2'l1 June 15. Also a :l BR SUM· drapell. GE Refrig.,. stove. Vi{'W, $2'2.'i yearly lse. asts1 e Triplex HIGH INTEREST!! up exff or a• ~15 7682 Edi"""l'r · ~. 01 Sell-cleaning oven. Sundeck. A . Can1ino & J\.lcndosa, 0\1. ''"" Capistrano Lan" INr MER RENTAL al S2'25 wk. l\1r. Hoyler ~1331 ttra.ctivc studio uniU. 2 Suitable Food lo go, TV, Cdf\1, 514 Fem.leaf. $55,000. 842-445.1 or 540-5140 Brookhunt • 11-n-anJ. 492-81161 Adults, no pets. Sl7S yrly. Wm_ Winlon Real Es•6 [e Bdnns, l Y.i ba lhs_ -Top lo- o ro.-oc "" v...~ le~. 64.2--3666 .., variety, Dress Shop, etc. Contract of sale 6%% In t. pen Lvrs. n&S/mo. f714l 492-3285 REAL ES cation. ~ Jusl a step from ~-e Liq""r sto'' r0, k">"· Cl BACHELOR apt. in town, SPACIOUS 1600 fl. stud"' l ~·(E \Ve!lclitt shopping -G.,.-= "" ... A. evidence-R. Mc:Clcod $275. Yrly rental, 3 Br. J BDRM. !% ba, 2 mi rrom clt1'an, modem. p e r m . "' General Ai \Vagner 21:!; 981-6510 675-6044. du~lex, faces ocean, wtw, beach. $ZlO. Mo. on yrly lse Mature person. 494--6775 alt apt. Adults over 18, 3 Br. 1-....:;.:;;_;_;_o.:_._____ ages arc enclosed .• $41,950 nUPLEX $55,000 61 , '"'· •~ children O.K. Bkr 534-6980 ~~,, 7744 · JO 2~ Ba. Pool, prv patio, Rental• Want·' 5990 -Owner will_ titlp tinanL>e. FOR LEASE' store 23x42. 11 ff' u.. ....,.,.. s.m. sep. din'g rm, lrplc/$27S .u Also oflice space. 333 E. terest. 514 Fernleal 001. $135. 2 Br, 1% f!a• to~nhse, 3 BR, 2 BA, mi. from beach, DELUXE 1 bdrm sul'll;leck nio. &i&-5.iOI. Clay & St. 17th St. C»l 6 4 5-215 0, \D ' THE REAL \"-ESTATERS S. of hwy. 61:>-0044 Broker. v.·7w, RIO. patKI, children almost new 2% car gar ocean view. crpt. $165 lease Andrews. OOWNING Apts. B / B 54S-5J08 0.K. Bkr 534--6980 neJU" all sctic'.io11. 962.-1141 ., ti pd 4~2807 '-' I , •• •I • /'', Office R1nt•I 6070 Not on Ous 5 acres in Ea~I Anaheirn. 6',~ note may be assumed. Located on major st.reef in prin1e industrial arl'.'JI. Full price only $92,500. Jo'or more information please call K. \V. Sn1al!. Eckhoff & As1oc.. Inc. 1811 W, Cllapma.n Ave. Orange, Calif. .>11-2621, Eves-1vlrnds SJS.5971 Ap1riments ClLEAP Rent! 2 acre farm. J i========= u . . YRLY. W . 2 Br., fpl, F Sal 1980 RENTALS J!ishwshr, bltns, ne11·ly dee. or • Br hAe. storage shed. Avail Fountain Valley 3410 Apt•. Unfurnished $235 6X Scheduled gross, Prict I.4 6123· Bkr 534..t980 FOR Lease luxury home 4 BETTY DAVIDSON \Vante<I to rent -t ?' 5 lxlnn. furnished home, on or m;ar bay or ocean. Very nice reliable family, excellent referefK'es. 646·7171 • 546-2313 3 UNITS NE\V deluxe office spaccs l~~~~~~~~~~~I -160 plllll units. l\1ax int $120. 2 Br, fencd yard, stove, Br , r r I tri.Ge -:.:;na;_;:;r~e~l ____ ._:5~000"-' 675-3658 Shore Prop. 673-9060 ~-•·· e k "~• ..-.. ... amrrn. rp c,a um -Please call f\irs. F;iy 8 ,., •. Also 40 & 50 units. reu1g, gar. ro er -"'°"' &. .... -ct bar, $325 mo. 968-3692 Clev•dence • Jt. 1'.tcLeod 675-6044 Costa Mesa 3100 Laguna Niguel 3707 ' Rl!NTALS I YR LSE \V!OPTlON TO ~ Houses Furnlsh.d BUY Lovel 3 Br d n 2 4 Br .. -Ba .. view home. 1-----------1 Ba. Cpts. ~. blll~s. ~le P~ces!1 l!'r area. S300 mo + Rlnt1ls to Sh1r1 2005 S275. Mo. Reis re q. d : ut1I. 6j3-9541 or 495-448.l 642.-mil HA.VE 5 BR 3 bath house, San Clementi 3710 furn. 'Va.nl mature nian 10 CUSTO~t 3 Br. den, kit w/ ----~"-"---=-:.;.; share $16.J/mo lnclud. util. bltns. l.rg hon1e ac:1'0s~ fron1 3 BR, 2 Ba. Ocean view, !'>G-2623 or 67J..<666. f\~esa Vl'rde Cntry Oub. $10.000 home. lmmed. poss. GAL 30 share 2 BR 2 ba t Lease $32S mo-gardnr S<"r. $~. Mo. 714/544-4294 v..itl; same Pri Pai a~ ln1med. occupancy, 675-1245 nicely furn: HB !163-3°1:1°' :t BDRl\t, 2 Bath, Lg. Fam. Duplexff Unfum. 3975 WILL share my home v.•i1h &Rm.1Pool &Bm_•1h~t . rieivr 0P1t. IMMAC 2 Br, new pa.int t--· 'bl ti <rps. UI l·ln!'I, rp C, t d bit I ( -&' _., .... ponsi e gen emen. kl $JOO ~1 642_2n 8 crp s, rps, ns, re rt&" 494--3469 Laguna Bch &pm · · 0· v.'85hr opt). Lg cov patio. J llR. 2 Ba, cov'd patio, dbl Lovely fnced gm:is. Gar & Newport 811ch 2200 gar_ new cpl5, & paint. boat park'g, Sl40. adlls, ID- -~--------1 AdlUJ, no pell!. SHNl. Mo. fant ok, no pell. 847-4401 OOVER Shor" 1 ba.yfront Call aft 6 p.m. 548--0136 HB. l~e. 6 .Br, ~ Ba, large 2 BDRM. 1·rp1s, drps. Carage l-.-.-..,~T~A~L-~5------ Pf.hO, 70 pnvatr dock. no pets 2 children OK Aph. Furnishocl $1000. rn,o. on yrly \St', ' ~7'"40 21l/7B0-5013 or 213/785-6.'UJ '"""'"'°"""""'"-'--'-c=~--' 2 BR SltOtmo. 1989 Charlr Gener•I 4000 LOVELY, Fully fum . priv. C1'.1. HoullC" c. No pl't~. j homt: J Br., 2 Ba., dr-n : child ok, &12.1159 or &IB-7017 $110. 1 Br, cl()f,(". to ocean. llncrns; utU .. aardencr pd, 4 R Nicely furn. Avail July lst. Moe. only. 642-5770 J B , 2 B1.1, ept11, d1'1is. hltn $. Bkr 5.14~9R) SlG(I. includes 1 a r d I' n e r . • . BAYFRONT I: dock. 3 Br. 3 6rr>-3ll l $1 3:1. 3 Br Tnplr.x \V /\V, a.. $500. Mo oo lac opt. No. frplc, avail no"" Broker :i Balboa Coves 6Th-4331 3 BR, 1 \.t Ba, hugr-fenced [iJ4-.6980 owner yd. Driv~ thru dbl gar. S200.j~========= -r ,-•100-~839;;'--~Tn~wn.::::iS=L~54~8-"922::i':::;·,iC~!o!1t~1~M:::! ... :!!.,~~_.::4~1~00 AUC. or yel!'ly n!nlal.13 BDR 2 ba. I r lCd • ...i -turn. 2 Bdrm• .. ' '"' $30 spill·_,, adulb only. eall ~1'· dbl goc. $180. W. .00 wlc. Up alters PM~ 67a--I827, 6TH:E7 • Dt,y, Wttk. month. t BPR. l ba. end patto. $175 DELUXE l br. home with 36' e Studio&: Bach. Apts. nio )'eady leue. Point area. pool. Lease $2Slfmo. • ln~ Utus & Phone sc;rv. caw-~~!(21.!~J~-~~':,.,.._,,l,====""'=='=""====I ·Maid Servict. TV •vail. ~ • New Ca.It & Bar t.aR. ~ l bit. OOMQ • /Ml.II Verde 3110 23i6 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 1 -.,; 11!15 Mo. r-rtf.. • $125. LARGE l·Br, c:lean· , -~"!'· 811 ... 81 ""· 3 Ir & famtly Rm. ~"'' ·•·•~-"''"1 , • ..;_ • RENT e 3 Rooms Furniture $20 ·$25 & UP ?-ionth-Ti>-Month Rc.ntals \VlDE SELECTION Appliances & 1V's avail. No Security Deposit ltr"RC Furniture Rentals 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 1568 \V. Lncin, Anhm 774-2800 BEACH . YEARLY 3 Br.~ Ba. unfum ...... $265 2 Br. 1 Ba. unfum ...... $215 J Br. 2 Ba. wi den ...•.• $300 l Br. 1 Ba. Unfurn .•..•• $200 3 Br. l Ba. fum •..•..•. $215 BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Nl'wport Blvd .. N.B. 675-46.10 642-2253 Eves. Costa Mn1 5100 NEW SPANISH VILLAGE APTS. 1 k 2 BDRM, Furn or un- lum. Alr-rond, dshwhn:. sell clean'g ovens, patio, break- fast bar'I. privale fund ecks. lrg 1ton.ge closets. Heated pool, 11.1unas. ba.r-b-ques. Sound proof walls, walk in closets, cow-red carport. Adults, no pets. nIB CALIFORNIAN Phono~27l7 UNFURNISHED lovely 2 BR •pt. Up~r cluplrx. w/w crpts, enclosed nr ., no pets. lnt.s.nt ok. $l!i0 mo . utll incl. 13:1 Albl!-rt Pl. CM. ?.fngr Apt 8, •lier 5 pm. CHANNEL r ront one BR apt, priv heh, ptJy tum. Sg l adll, no gar. Yrly rental 675-1902 UNF'URNISHED yrly, $150. Otht:r yriy rentals. Calvin S. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite U6 645-2000 Eves. ~ FOS$, Rllr. 642-3850. WlDO\Y v.·ith 3 II ma 11 BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm apt, children needs low rent couple only. No pell. \Vin· housing in S.E. Costa Mesa. nilred L. Yoss. Agt 6(2...3850 64&-8127 Costa Mela 5100 Costa M1 .. 5100 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HEIGHTS Jour LUXURIOUS 2 & l BEDROOM APTS. ~18.ces • Dishwasher • !\1ammoth mast.er """°°ms • 2 Bathrooms • Centnal forecd air heaUni HARBOR HBGHTS • Spacious cabinets • Gatrcr!I &: Salt1er1 sa~ built-ins •Balanced po~·er living • Enclosed park!n11 • Cll.rpets ' drapes Jour Rental Manager-~trs. ChrlsUenscn 3117·A Clnn•mon Av1., Cost• M1s1 -Cl block wet! ot Harbor Blvd. 2 blocks &0uth of tht Sa.n Dteio Freeway) J unit pride of ownership 320 lo 1200 sq ft at Santa. bldg .. no dcfc!Ted mainten-Ana Fwy & Crown Valley 11ncr, Bild no vacanciC"s sintt lurnoll. 1131-1400, 499-4198. built. Large 3 br. Owners LAGUNA BEACH unit v.·Uh private sundcck. Air Conditioned Apts. B & OwnC"r's have ON FOREi'l AVENUE llrcplaces, all have built-ins. Desk spaces avllilabl' In Pric(' -$41,500. SPRING INVES'I'MENT CO. newest offict! buildln& a: prime location in do\\intown M0-9517 Laguna Beach. Air cond~ PRIVATE party \Vlll pay tioned, Clll'Pe'led. beautilul $5,000 cash for your equity paneled partitioning. T w o in inco1ne, condominium, entranclll: Frontage on commercial, · mobilr home, Forest Ave., relll leads to home or setts. BeloN ap-Munclpal parking lots. S50 praisa.l less than 7'7o no P'!I' month for sp•ct!· Desk point1. Orange or Sa.n Diego and ch•lrs available for $5. County, 646-3389 Bwiines.s houn answering =E~X~C~E"L~L~E~N"°T~----1 service •vaiU.ble for 110. TAX SHELTER! All utllltie11 paid except telepl-.one. 16 UNITS deluxe equipped, DAil..Y PILOT 20x-40' heate<I pool. Asking 222 FQRESI' AVENUE $175,000. Tnrom" over $22,000. LAGUNA BEAOI Pacific Shores Really t9f.9466 5.16--8894 E""'-536-3240 ~O~F~F~l~CES FO_R __ R_E_N_T 5 Neglected Darlinp Modem, spacioUll, professlon- 4-.1 BR + 1-2 BR .scp hoUl!es aJ on nionthly basis. Ava.ii Oil ir /\.. TLC. will return 811 /69. Contact :-.tr. Lapp, $72'").Sjj(} 010. Asking only Downey s & L Assoc, Mis· $43.500. Drivf' by 2414 Santa sion Viejo. 1374911 Anll then C'all Jo llanl!Cn, Rtlr 64&-8226 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. Offices suitable for ntir. FOR Mle by OWnt'r 2 CM _ ... •• 1 d 1 mercial, M\....,ical, Dental. Vt: wee up exl!-11. 1 or both. Aif.<'()nd., erpt&. eJev11tor Cd. ttlurn. Wiii VA or PER SQ FlfA """....,.Jo 35c .FT. · u•.,..•.i.N or -199-l<IOS Ml-5032 OR 6~2464: FOR SALE BY O\\'NER ..-S f Offl 4 unlhl. 2 -2 BR, 1 BA le """ q. t. Cl t'OSTA MESA 646-~130 J..JBR, l"' BA. 548-6155 Business R•nt1I 6060 NOW'S THE STREET .FRONTAGE TIME FQR On .Beach Blvd 1480 Sq, t't. J\lodel home ldea.1 for 11'15Ur .. Rile., CIC. (e.t_ Kat•lls ""' lj)UICK CASH C.ml"') Sir•• lntbcpd., THROUGH A $250 mo. 10650 &•ch Blvd. Comm1rci•I 6085 NEWPORT BEACH ld<'ally locale<! for ruturc de. velopment; 94 Ft. on New· port Blvd. Close to bay & ocean, $95.000. Owner may tr11d<'. 640-C PRDPERTI ES WEST 1028 Bayside, NB 675-4130 OFFICES FOR RENT Modern, spacious, profession· al on monthly basis. Av•il 8/J/69. Contact ~tr. Lapp, Downey S Ir L Assoc, Mis- sion Vltjo. 837-4911 lndustti•I R1nt1I 6090 M-1 tndw;trial Units 1250 to 16,000 sq ft. C. Robert Nattress R.ltr. Costa Mesa 642-1~ NEW lndui;lrial bldg, 2500 .o;q, fl. 9c per ft. 1639 Monrovia, CM . 67J...9017 Lot• 6100 LAGUNA BEACH 2 J.ols Crrrit<ll! Dr., 1rnc1 2:JJ1 Temple Hil\Ji. Shi11egle. a.U)loliieatC!d, uru in, st pav- C'd, $19,00J, $6500 cash. Buy· er 11..uumr exlstln.w; TD"•. 5 Lol' Rinimck C, Rd., f'ec. 19, $21.00), $9000 cash, Bal can be negotla.tod . f'or fur· lher details, Ct>ntacl S. S. Fnlnklln, lOT E, 18th St .. Of. 5''3·22.51 or ~ eW!. R·l P rime Lot. ({l.'l!i\ Mes,'l's ~1e!IA Verdr IU'f't1, 155 X otii X 132 126. WE SELL A HOM! EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee 2300 Nr mkl~. \Ynsht'r/dl')<er, a.lt.o. Mm& Vtr*. Cea11, For 1uu·age. I92lB \\'al I 11 c e, OOMFORTA8LE boKh hie k-ue $250. 1st and I a 5t 1~C~-'~'-==----­ ..._ .... Pton. Now-~ month + cre.inlfW deposit. GORGEOUS IM!W 1 8d $135. 1 BR, prlv palil), all elec, cpb, drps, car port . R"tPoJUlblc adu1t11 only. No peta or children. $lut. "'8--1322 Phone~I034 • G364l20 • DAILY PILOT 21'JO llarbor Blvd. a l Adams • PRIME Roioll 1-«•tlon • >·1~9191 wtd¥ rt91!1"fttionl. ...... PettlJWfll RnltY Acth•lty rm. pool. tauna. For Dally Pllol Want Ms .l m-~ '37-3930 -""'--"-'""'-"~'-· _ .. _2--8670_• _______ 0_•_••_...uo __ ,.-",-- llX40, Xlnt foot Ir 111110 tn..I· W ANl AD Open 'Ill 9 P~f fie. 1871 llubor, C fl.I DAILY Pfl.OT WANf'M>S! 1..,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....I '"'-....,.~·~~~~~~~~~~-·---=::=..:::::::::::.:.:::_. = BRING RESULT!'! I a Lt "' M c R ... •• b F I T• fi d ( It -B' f l I c. ' ' I F • c " ' ' • ' ii ii 0 " ' ' ' ' ' ' t t ' ' ' ' A --~~~ ~~?• "' --••• 4-•~e'""'-'""·"~'~""'•••• ... ,."'•••••• '""'"""·"' ,,.,...,., ... ,.,.: 4•>~;aoro a¥4RO~o.~oss:-: o•>••-• •Ofn,a,0cos1 •~·-•-••"'"'•'"'••1,...: '"'"'"••••••"'"'•--••~••••T• •~"" __ ,...,., ~o,·•~•~• --~•·• •··~•"••••• "'~·~·~·•·•··,.. .__. ..... _.,,___,_. . .._ ........ _ .... _,,_ ..... ~ .. -· ................. • --• · - s......,, Jvnt 14, l96q DAILY "LO_T 13 SERVICE DIRECTORY \ Joas a llMPLOYM&NT Joas a IMPLOYMINT I Joas a EMPLOYMl!ll'floll a IMPLOYh\INT I Jd1s a IMPLlh'lill t ·, REI!~ ~5TATli ANNOUNCllMINTS SlltVICI DlltECTOltY • • • • "'• ..... _.. "'•• """Help Wonted, ~noo 1· Help w1nted, 1t1on'7toGH•1t'wooi.d Mon 7200 Help Wonted, Men 7200 ., Poptrhonolht ' · pointing 6150 - OtiM<rtl tn4 NOTICES l-.;..;..-------1_:;,;;;;...;.;.;'-'-'.:;,;;;"---ll rlck, Masonry, etc. Loto 6100 Fwnd !Frtt Ad&) 6400 " 4S60 ATil!.NTION BUILD, Remod<I, RopA~ IUILOIRS URCENT!! A&lna 86\V Brldt. block. co11cre1•, Enf\n,.,.. ENGINEERING ~· Apt. Sltr., Cmla coci<er, \VU 1wlmmlng in crpntry, no job too Jmall. Mesa, Room for 46 + unlll. the E. Bt.y. Now at Hwnant" Uc Contr. 962.6945 C.11 !or d&tt.U... Perron Soc. &: may IOIC life today./'='"-''=='""'===== Rt'alty 642·1171 Call 4'-t-Wl2 C1rpen .. rlne 6.590 ft.2 LOT, DANA POINT YOUNG n1ale puppy, part CARPENTRY S8200 tIRJ-t ~an Shepherd.... w 111 ~UNOR REPAIRS. No Job of96-1542 evts tr&.1ned, hou&Cbrkn !frown fl: le========== j white. Vic Newport lsl.an!l. Toe-Sm&ll. C.blnet In IAl'- Acroo"' 6200 173--3455 lll!• Ii o t he r cablnetJ. "' I ==~,:,,,~-----1 5of5.8175 tr no aflS\ver leave BY OWNER acre;-;; GUNSM~KE gray male kit· lll5& a·I 646-2372. JI. 0 . bf:tv.·~n Bakei· It Id It ten, white nose, f~t, app 9 Anderson 6 e wka, Colony K 1 t c h t n • ===~--~~~-Fresno 1 ml. from fv.')'. 00, 1 .. ~ ..... Bch Cirul 497 1005 MASTER carpenter, Sot per $200 per acrt'. 536-3864 .._ ... _ · Y -hOur. Remodellng·Repalr.i. Take over pymnb. JO Acres BOSTON bull, mixed, fe~e. 642-8409 or 536-3900 no rio\\'rt. $29 mo. Near aF~~ro~. lRd\, "·'· \l~l1 c ' REPAlRS, AL TERATtONS Lake &: Cit 894-of743 .... rview ·• · 1 son. CABINETS. ... u $lz · h I ~,..;::::,'=':.c:.~'~·-=.:..:.cc:._ hlay 30. ~ eves only "'"'Y ~~ JO TRAINEES }'ry cook, win-, . :lJ yn. cxper. a~S-6713 d ~· p u· FOUND black " grey kitten, QUAWTY Do ·-Alt ow man, mar . .,..... ac .IC bell around neck. V 1 c . '"'pau .. -era· Coast Hlw~. H.B. F I I A Cd '' lions -New const. by hour eme11 ve., . C _ ..-•• 42 '~ 1o... or on .... ct. ~ R E W d 62•• ·~ ~·-==~~=-~~ • ' an!e ._ FOUND: Small female Blue· REPAIR, Pll1ition~. Small BUILDER'S t led · t s · . Remodel. etc. Nile or day, reque_,, wan po1n 1amcse rat; vie. Reu• Call KEN 54G-t679 INT, 1.: Ext. P&lnll.11& ~ E.x.- JlC!rt \Yorkmanahip. Rtu. R&.tes. Ue. & Ins. call Chuck 645-0809 PAINTING, Int. I ext 2 UnlYttlity 1t.nlon, 3 yn exp. Re1p.1 ntat, dl'fl'D- dable. m..nu. 492-4432 INTbUon P•intiu& 12 yn Bay area. lmmed ~ce. Call Bob, 648--M46 e PAINTING, reasona.ble, free estimate. * 41H-8238 • EXT/Jnt. pntg. Aver rrn. $20 + iOOd pain!, neat \\'ork, Joe rets. Roy, 847-1358 PAlf'ITING, Paperirig 16 yn in }larbor areu. Lie & bond· ed. Refs lurtl. itz..2356 NEAT. exp. Painter, no drinking. College sturient. Lo1v price&? Stevt 54&-1::.19 R·2 or resldential lot!\ in Harbor High Sc boo I . · · -Plastering, Rep1ir 6810 Palisa.de1, Dana Pl. area. 642-i66111fter 5 p.m. C t C t 6600 B•-'7" -·i om •• 77 emen , oncre • GENERAL AUTOMATION dedic•lt:d to automation lea.~nhlp ••• ENGINEERING TKllNICIAN Experienced In digital circuits, preferably • \Vlth a computer background. Should be skilled in the operation of DVM, oscilloscope and signal generators. Should also know bow to breadboard and to read logic sche1natics and circuit diagrams. \Vith these capabilities you wUl assist a SYSTEM ENGINEER in the design and doc· umentation of computer control systems. You will also build and check out prototype circuit.! and subsystems, as well as conduct integraled system test procedures and docu- 1nent the results. Apply in dence to: person or send resume in con(j.. G91ERAl AUTOMATION "'· """""' ......,....1.11 LITE TAN Shcp~rd ! Yn;: CASI{ QUIO:-nef'd 3 or of 1nalr. chokr chain 1'1ea. l'OI· • Concrete nrs, patios etc. e PATCtr PLASTERtr-;G. All 706 Wost Kotello types. fTce estimate. Call Br, G.I. or FllA houu near lar. Vic Colll'gc Park, C,i\·t. Concrctt &. blk top awing. 54(}..Q2j Orange, Callfornl•. 92667 here. 499-19-1$ ~S-2.Xll Rt>as. Don. 642'"8514 -. PROJECT DESl~N ENwlNEIRIJol~ Requins experien ce tn1 desien of h.rdraµJic servo systems and c;omponent1. such as ac- tuators, servo valves or •olenoid valves. Desires strong capability ln servo system dynamic ana lysis and/or fluid syste1n stress analysis. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER Must have experience In mechanical/hy- draulic field . Must be able to make manufac- turing cost analysis, quotes and have strong background in castings, forgings and other manufacturing processes. CADILLAC CONTROLS Division of Ex.Cello Corp. 11&6 WHITTllR AVE .. COSTA MISA. 646-2491 An @qi.Ill opportunity rmploy!'r Help W1ntM, II.en 7200 Help W•nt.d, Man 7200 SUSIN&SS, ant11 FOUND Sian1ese cat, lite e CONCRETE v.·ol'k ;ill Plumbing 6890 ''!!!!:!~~!A~n~'!O!"!'!l !o!p!po~'j''"!n!i!l>~'!o!m!o!I">!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!! BOY'S ATHLETIC FINANCIAL brown with black: markings typcf;. Pool deck.!i &c custom. ---~-----~-ATTENDENT -in Cdi\1 area. 6?l>-ti632 Call 548-1324 PLUl\1BLNG R£PAll~ Knowit'dge ol f'QUipmt.nl & CAREER OPPORTUNITY! lu1. Oppertunlti•s 6300 sr-.1 PAnROT on Penn. Pt.1--.~c"u"sm="M,.-P~A~T~l~US~e~ No job 100 sn1all Help W1nted, M.-n 7200 Htlp W1ntH, M•n 7200 apparatus wed in phy11lcal C H 0 C L I K S Miramar & B e 11 e v u e. concrete sawlni: & removal • 642-3128 • education & sports pro- • 675-6170 art 4:00 PM St11le Llc.•842-1010 -----·-----I ·----------1 grams, Duties includt : 11lor· ~ d I R_ o_m_odol, Ropolr, •tCO f.tANAGERS: i"",· "palri"" &: -·lntain· i\Ian or \\"om.an ne ....... e n F'OUND C.f.t malr Pek:· GRANT'S SURPLUS -~ -~ .. _ this area to become par! of inRest izold, lull rrown. Call C1rpet L1ylng & * IF you need remodtlin{>. CAN YOU QUALIFY ing achool's athletic equip, the greatest ca_ ndy dlRcoV· "'b 2140 Rop•ir 6626 Salary ranae $447-$55.1 \Vril· ~~ paintini::-or repain, Call TO o t t t '-I J trya!ncechocolate~ Th!seX·l~=o= . .:::.,-.------.1------~---en es o..,... gven une t-iting ne1v idC'a ii S\\'t.ep. FO.UNO _S1eme&t' ca!. Vic. of CARPE..i'. VINYL • TILE Dick, 6-12-179? EARN 17, 1969. Contact per&onnt'I Join tod •Y• fastest O"OWinl protesston-MutuaJ Fund 1alet No eXperlence nectSU.T'Y' We train · tull or part timt Mutu1I Fund Advisers, Inc. ing the Counll')'. Be the flnil PlaCt>ntlll & llo:-;p~ roarl. E.-..:pert inslallallon EXP all 1y1>es ho111c rcpair:o; $11 500 Now lntervie win9 rlep1 .. Hun tington R,. 11· h in your area to bcconie part Cnll to ldrnl. 54~~S3J a.ti. 6 BLANKL'ISHIP }'LOORS & imrrovr1nent~. Call Seo!· ' Union High School Dis lricl. TRATNl::J::S: 23 yr old pro- of this 1•c1')' high profU bus. VERY sick male Of' \Vh cat. &12·1403 alO."i2G2 IJ(', 64:i..J09l S LES C S 536-!IJ..1l 1notionel 11d1'rrlising firm Npt B. lli03 WeatcUll 642-64.22 S.A. 1212 N. Bro1dway 54'1'-Sln lness . ExtrC'mt>ly hil!h p1-o. on Rrdlnnd!'I ofl 2:lttl Back -As M:n~g)::; With A LERK "IAClllN=IST~,--,-,,,.-,-. --~1 n llN'd~ youni: nirn. Cnnip;iny Cit!. can bE' N'"fllized in this Cay 642-4421 Drifting Se~ic• 6637 Sewinq 6960 tr11iccr lath<'.~. RJ1n.drlll!! & lisl<'d on hi'O stoci. c:.:· Nationally ad1 r1·tiscd PIV-PET Pitrean hurt v I c DESlr.N Dnlfilng, e;;-t~ Dr essmaking & Mc Don a Id's r11n.... Cnpablr nf ~r•·upi;. ··hanges, nation\\'Jdf" TV. H duc.t .. Part llr~e OR full 11~" Bristol i, Paul11iri~. C...'I. m<<h P/C la-•t & detail· Full Time Only Ex11('r. in n11.chinin& lrw'01l('I you art: earning less 1h11n pos11ian1 available. Onl.Y sin-CaU to ldcnt ily. 540-6lO!I . • J-M Alterations Th 1 , L & Stainle!!. Strei. F.xotic si:i0 11 wct'k, call for in- cere need apply. Requires a : . . ll'~. Ken Sr. 6T;rUSl 540.&170 Ci~ryN;~;>"R~st:~~=~~ i::xp<:"rknctd prtf<'rred. but l\laterlall! lfl<' .. :>4~9425. P.1r. formahon. P.lon. thn.i Fri. small i?lve&tment of S!l'Ja.00 LARGE Rabbit Vic. tiicsa · --e 0ressmak1n& • Alteratiorui CoUin. >~qual Op[l0r1unily ~O u 6 PM to $2,995.00. Jnvtstment re-Venle CC area. 540-3926 G1rdening 6680 Custom Designs Ch•ln not nl'et8l!ary. Many com· Employer 1 ====·~· ~~--~ turn can be realized vcn-·---~-----*~* LOOK AT THE FACTS: pany benefits. Apply in per· CLEANUP 1'1AN, over .18. ITT JUSCO • TURRET LATHE OPERATOR/ SETUP Ntw V.'8$!f' ralc~ lo take t lle-ct w·ithln the month. i ' I EQUAL OPPORTUNlT"i l::MPLOYER l 1~ DALE \VAY. l cosrA MESA, CALIF. 9'1626 I t714J 5-6-12Sl • • -----11 • Cttll CONTROL I • AmNDANT • 1 ~1ust ht •hit> to ready b!DJ of mattrial, kl"tp 811tlltieal records and havt krlowled111 of nqrmal lrwJu~ttial toolJ and supplirl'. Cadlllac Controls D1vi.•!on ol Es..Celln Corp. 116' Whittier Ave. Cost• M••• 646-2491 An pqual opportunity employer MATURE -SERVICE COM· PLETED, Exp'd ln factory production, H.S. or College \\"ood9hop •nd ~n. ehrrru. try riPsirable. Job dl&Cri~ I lion: e B.'\th ml:oiini! of pl~tlc• e Filli~ k handlina: mold1 e ~!ripping part!\ e \Vei1:htin&: l'Ompont>nt1 for mi:dnc e lns~cting l evaluatin& noU.hed partll e Assiitin& in 10lvi111 problems quickly, For lurther lnfor· Lott 6401 Average hue salary .. $9000 son only between 2 and 6 f.1AN lo help la<Qt with old Stll1 6 AM. No exp. \Viii maUon V.'rile National Sup-ANTHONY'S Tr•• s ... -.-,·.· 6980 A\·e~e bonlll! ...•.. $2,~ P.M. houll't.' carpentry "' fixing. train. THE zoo, E. Coast REWARD A t oaJ Sil MXl Re•110nable wares. 646-3774 Hwy ' MacArthur N.B. pliers Corp., P.O. Box 566, . vel"llc;c o · · • · · · ... e Ar.silt.int: to wood dept. KINGSLEY MFG.CO. (Phone for aopointmentJ 546116 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. 1-feirloom dian1ond_ d1nl'll!r 6AL 19 8 TREES pruned, topped & _.a 7200 Include phone number ,vith ring, loat Sat 6/7 vie. ti.font· .,... 4 ft!:movcd. 26 yrs ex P . Some managtrs !"am l'1'".>0 Newport Blvd., CM Help W1nttd, Men 7200H•lp Wint-, Men requel!I. gomery \Vard pkg, lot or The Best, costs llO more! Paulson 'l'Tee service as much as $1;),000 1-~--------1 Fantasie In. liunt. Sch. Ex:pe1·ienccd f.falntenence 638-7234 Ato~FTLtATB 64().j908 Budget Lllndscaping CANDY SUPPL y ILO~ST=,~,~,k~-.-/~P-,m--,~,."l~e. Graduate liorticullurlllt , R~UTE_ ,,,.,1 honey & white color;' •ns. to IN o &U~ng ln\oh.u name or Paco· \·ic. 16th Pl.,1.N~'E~-l~V~i-.---_--· Excellent 1ni;:on1c for few ' a\1ns re see d 1 n g. Upholstery 6990 C?..\'KOSICT "S Cust. Uhol. I::t1l'Oll('lln CN\1smanship 100' a fin? 642-l4:i4 ls;;J Nc1,1'port Bl., C.~f. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT l\ICDONALD'S OFFEP.S: -Starting salary l.l! ?i1an· ngcr-Tralncc SG;;oo To S7'"JOO -Profit !!haring . paid var11· lion, IHI' Insurance, 11nd full mr.'dica\ plan. -Tn1ining time to n111nni;:!'r l to l \1 yf'a l"!. h~urs 1vcekly woi·k tDnys or CO:ta l\te:""· Re 11• 11. rd · Con1rlet.e k111·n t''1.l'f'", t·l;au evenings\. Refilling ,t. <"OI· &1~-7548 ('Vt'J<. up . by }Ob o~ n10.nth. }' rt.'I' Jtcting mor1cy from coin op. Ol:IVE ~rern Ladies \\lallct cs1.1n11111.oS. f~r 1~1!0, call crated dispcnse.rl! in Costa Vic Bristol k Paula~ino g,16--09~2__~9.,..l ~ .. --- i\fesa & swwunding area. Church. Re1vard. 673-T.\56 ALLEN' BROS. Job Wint•d, Men 7000 Interviews Monday \Ve est. rout.e. (Handles Lost female red Irish Setter GARDENERS STUDEXTS June 16th namt brand candy & 6/6 \"ic 19th '= S.A, Ave CM v.·ork1ng v.·ay thru c:ollegc. YOUNG Christian man, 21\. F 9 I snacks. $1450 Cash requir· 548.J041 Exp. Lil'. Reas. G4&-420l ill'&ires rvt or 2nd shift rom •·r:t· to p.m . ~d. For peraona.I lntcrvie1v ALL \\'hile male. full gttl\vn e MO\V _ EDGE * \VEED. \\"Ol'k for 1n1n. 2 yrs al day J , Ja k m_ Go!ta Mesa area, l('nd cal. namt "ll-1e.rty" \'ic. Prof. la\\'11 main! by capable l.'Ollegt time. Call Jim after ump1n9 C name, address & phone num· Do er Shofl!l! NB 645-1725 College students. Reas! -'~·~"'~';-~131;;'====== Motel her to Alulti·State lnc., 90Q v ' · Kalina Brothen &4&-1234 ~ E. Imperial Hwy., Dov.·ney, Person•lt 6405 J L d Job Wlnttd, Lidy 7020 2llO P•cific Co1st Hwy. Calif. 90'2-12 apanes• 1n scape _ Torr1nce, C11if. ·n1ank You, DesigDCr EUROPEAN lady. Excellent __ :.c;:_:..:::.;.:::c_..:..:::c.:.:..._ Allred \V. H11nry For Plans &16-Cl.181 '-'du c alional background. JET ACTION and CUI & Edl'.:e Lawn \\"orld·travrlca. Tri-lingual. FRIGIDAIRE Frigidaire 18 min. cycle Is Erling D. Olson hlaintenance, Licen~d PleeMnt pr r 1 on a I J t y the faslest in the lndu.stry. for rloing and being r'\'rry· ~8-4.SOS/6'1~7310 aft 4 desires ri o ~ I ti o n as 30 Frigidah-es do the work Uilng a a:OOd iather should , , • . . :.-; <' c r r ! a r y / Comp1111ion ·'• and •-. 11,, !hlnk , ..... , AL •, GRrde_ n1 ng S e r v 1 ct' . of 4-0, 30 min. 1vashers. f'lnd uu .....,. uu""' rd 67~i117 cvr~ out ho\v cai;y il is to O\\"n thc "Grtate~r· !--8-11~ ~;i~te.nar:&..i~ en-~=x~-=P=E~R~IE=N~CE==o~N~,-,.,-.,-,~00~n=-,. • pay'."" lo"<<d~. HAPPY ing c a UJl. , XI • " ., T pRnion. Cook dict5. nt Garden Grovt, Santa An1, FATHER'S DAY YARD Cleanup. rce refs. Ex 103, 494·8541 Tustin, Orlll&c. A11ahcim Uous: and Judy service, new I 11 11• n s , Coin·O-Matlc -----!iprinklcrs. rotoliti. 646-5848 Equipment, Inc. 23341A. \'I. Valencia F'ullerton 714: 52a,7833 Happy Father's JAPANESE •"'"~' eom•' lil!rv. E:<pei, dependable, Da•! ''"' '"· ..... 389 1 CLEAN·UP Speciell.sl! P.fov· EXPERIENCED nurse·con1· panion. Cook dlet.s. Exttl- lent ~Ill. Ex.I 103, <19i-8541 F AM.ILY ironings, will pick up k dtliver. $1 .50 per hr, 96'1-3"' CANDY l!Upply route, part or . . ing, edging, odd job 1, rull' lime, days/t\·es. Refill Gf'Ort:e N. Chnslian!Cn Reasonable. 54S-69:i5 J1panest l-lousekMper & colleet money lron1 coin and Fred Strauch 548-5182 oper. Dispenser!\ in Costa STUDENTS . COll!:'ge k hi ~· John~·s G9rdenin11: !\Te.a &: \'ic. No sclllng. sch! • impro\'I' Your con· r ine~t e-quip., expert cure .• SlWO Tore! c.ash req. $<'111] centr>llion & n1emory. Start Planting, clean.ups. 962.2035 name, atldres8 & phone to: now to prepare for next Yamauchi Garden Service Route Dept.. P.O. Box. ::S·\6, se111e::;ter. Learn sell hyp... f'ree Lando.;capc Consult.in& Anahcln1 92803 nosis. You'll be glad ~-ou • 673-1166 • ShopplnCJ Center For Leos• 24 storrs in Nr11'po1'\ Er11rh Call Division of 11\ghwa)'S 213/62().3514 bel 8·11 Ai\1 thru June 18th only. did. For lnforn1elion call EXPERT JapanPS<' ma.in- 541-461~ lf?nance ll.B .. f'.V. area. LICENSED can r.tack. 812-8442 Spiritual Re.11.dina:s. advice Japantse Girdner on all matters, l~ S. El Exper, comp! yard sr.rvice! Can1ino Rea.I, San Clemtntt Free est. 548·795S, 54G-0724 NURSE/Companion for lady ~·ho \\'lshcd to travel. Exp. sn.ma btwn 8-12 Pr.of HClUSECLF.ANING . f; .x p , Dependable. O\\n car. 0on·1 smoke. $18 day. 64:i..7871 Domtstic Help 703S Gcorgt Allen Byland AgC'ncy Employer Pays :r~ lOC·B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 JANITOR ~tusi l)f' able 1,.. 11·ork lhird ~hHl, 10:~0 PM !o 1 AM. t.lulil be ablp 10 do grl'lf!ral pl11n! 11.nd uffiN" clranlng. C1dlll•c Controls Divi:;inn of Ex·Ccllo Curp. 1866 Whittler Ave. Co1t1 Ma11 646-2491 An equal oppol1unlty f'n1ploytr STOCK CLERKS $450 per month to start. No experience necessary. l\ton- day 1hrough Friday. Chance IQ advan('C'. \\"rite Daily PUot Box t-.1-417. * l\NO\\ILEDCABLE person ii• Hi·>"i (.'()n1ponrnts. Sales trainee. Call Mr. Van. bctwren 2 & '1 . &1&-8897 F1JLL T im e tle!ica\e~en nH1.n. 5 Day.~ \~:k. Sci! TelTy. 495 E. 17th St., Costa Mc6a MECHANIC Joum!'yn111n n1echa.roic, ex. pcricnct Fo1•ei.gn or Domes- tir. Onr or lhe oldC'i>t F"or- r1i:;n car service rirpa.rtm('nll! In Orlll1ge Co. i'"lat rate & 1111r1'l!inty work $9.00 J)('r hour, PH . l>Rsl'f.I on 50150~1.. l::~!:'C'llenl 1101·kins: c·ondi· lions. l\luRt have o\\n hand tool.•. Cah Krn '19·1-977l or '.>45--0&34. WANTED Ra•I Est1te Sal•sman Tired of aiUin& on tht aide track watehlng the main line run! Join • winner, t.1ake more money with lrss frusrration. Call Rantlell McCaJ'tlle 54&-231.1 !or con- lidcnlial inteorview. .i\IOTEL nia:ht auditor or rlnsk t•lrrk 1vith expel". on NCR 4200, 11 Pi\I to iA?ll. gd pay & working conci"11. Ben Brown's Motor Hot('I, Lngun& Beach. 499-2271, !\Ir. Ga!c~ J r. Accountant $100. Accnts. payable & receivabll! 2 yMJ. colll"gr, l'all Dan, l\1erchenl.' Pl"reonnt:'I Agen. cy. 2043 \Veslcliff Or., N.B. &1'."r2'1'70 REAL Estate Salesmen v.•hy not sell 11 be trained in the hottt'st area-iiuntinglon lkach. Cnll Phil hicNamct 962-4471 Villageo Real Estate fRAINEES. Full or part llrne. COOK· FOUNTAIN - DISH i\IACHJNE. T II E ZOO, \V. Coe.!! llwy, l l\;1ac· Arthur, N.B. e e DRJVER CITY AUTO PART~ 2072 Placentia. C.~f. 49:!-9I3&. lO AM·lO PM ESI'ABLISHEO gRnlenina: d · · Sf'ECIAL f.! READING l\1AJOR franchisr r11·r .u1; -~--~~----I route, 67 trucks &. P.qui~ ict cream & rood service. Attractive Expert ml'nt 11vailabl{'. 543--0952. xlrtt Joe. 0111C"r lnlere~!~ YOUNG WO!>.fAN * Expert J1panes• ~·INESf \VORK 6·l&-03!M Chine8e llve·lns. Cheerful Permanent. Experienced Far East Agency &12·8703 YOUTH WANTS JOBS ncl'tssitale scllina:. 01\'1ll.'r. duncC"r 11·HI 1c11ch you e!l M3-fi681 lalc~I steps. Call Ardell 21:;: 391..1\538 1.10 P~I H1ulin9 e730 remodel A nl'\v (.'Onst. bui;. NOT rei;ponsiblc for an)'lc.;..,;,.;.....:... _____ _ B U I L O E R: • Custom re.~. Estab. offke 10 yn. Balboa debt~ other tha.n my 01\·11. GENERAL HAULING Isl,. 67~. C\'l~ 67J..la.il Robert L. Opalek 1815 \V. & CLEANUP SUBLET or shlll'I! jcv.'Clry Balboa 81\'d. NB 6/12/69 $12 per load . slort'. 811.l. Isl. Suitnblc· ALCOHOLICS AnonytnOUI 962·6!1'16 all. 3 & wkends. gills, repain, etc. 546-72:11 Phone M2·721'1' o.· write to HAULING, clean-up:i, Jots, 11m. P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. prage1, etc. Lrg truck, OflNCHlu...AS -handyman, anytime Call Are you interested! Announ~ments 6410 BOB 66-2256 Vi!.lt our ranch 642-0465 ESTABLISHED gardening route. 67 trucks & equ.i~ men! available. S4s.-091'Jl * TJIE C'OIN OIBST * YARD/gar, clnup. Remove ~ coiru set1 mail auc. trees, ·1vy, dirt, tractor back tion, etc. 7-11 S.' Caut, t.a. hoe, gradinz. 962....816 \\I ANttD: oU·salf' liquor lictn!!t, Orange County. guna Bch. 4~. B & G Hauling Servic• SERVICE DIRECTORY Rcaeonablc. ti42·l40:t Call: 642-'ll:l!I 81byalttin1 6550 Houstcleanin9 6735 =====~======--~~- I t Q o 6310 BAB''SlITlNG n1v home CARPF.'l'S. \\'indo1vs. nrs, nve1tmen PP r. full or Plll'I llml'. 1~·cr.kdriy~: e!c. Res or Co1nc'l. Xlnl lST MGRTGAGE. 20·~ dis· 4 y<'ar old f or ~m· \1-ork Reas! Re.rs. 548-'lll l count. $10,000 111 8% intere~t ra11lonship. Vt'UOMftont Dr. , . payable $100/mo. 10 yr. near Bristol & Baker, Ot. Interior Deco~•hng 6737 p&}'Off from PIP tscroii• 54rr1481 ROBERTA·s I n 11' r 1 or with 25'Ri cash tl01Vn. Call DA y Qrtld Cart. Vicinity of o c t' 0 r 1 t 1 n c & Color l'1r. Stil!r91'n '1'14-646-0231 "5 Bristol 4' Edingtt in Sant.11. {' 0 0 r dlnating. ]-1~. --6320 AtlA. Well rquiptli, lcoc'Cd 1-879-~ Money t• Loan yard. Hot luncheii k af· I=-'==''====== 6790 ,,.., .. 2nd IOl.N for quick tetnoon a:naclu. Ages 2 4. J1nitori1I ... ~ M&--1m 1---------cuh. Borrow on your . pl'()-\VALLS. Windows. fioon:, petty eq without dl5turbtna NURSERY Sehl tl!acher & IJ: Co rclal Ir )'OUr )ow Interest lit TDt. A11t will bebyslt. Toys. en~ ital ;,~e 'ftlkly Abo bu,ytn for 2nd TDs. playmatts, s;;tmm~nt. By ;:-n':t1:: f.I~. m-~ " :;.'\!tier ?.fnt1pgt Co. tnc. ~d3y~~OO'~ho~"~':..· '!536-~2'~!3:'....._,-:,'='='='="=====- Sarvin&" l!arbor An11 20 yn. \VlU. beby1it our home by P1tp9rhintint 336 E. 17tt. SI. D&)', hour or night. p1•ntl 6150 642-21TI ~11 H.B. are11. e !)68-2530 e l--'-n-'g'------ ANNOUNCfMENTS CHlLD cart 5 day1 week, m) PAINTING tnt • E.~1 Lm'•cst ind NOTICES home. ~tatul't' \\'oman. conll'll.clcd price11. ~""ull) Ins. &IG-1932 S:tt\J•faclion lf\IU. }'rff al. Founcl IFrff Ads) 6400 PLANNING 10 moYC? You"ll Jhn \\'tek!t m-t166 nrn.TLE. med. slic. Vic. find an tmax:in:: nun1be:r of • 1:~T · EXT. ANY SlZE Keswick t.anr, H . B , homes ln todll.)''s Cltiasltledl ,JtlB. Xlnt 1\·0rk. rers. tree ~ Ads. Oie<:k' them now. c11t, .JIM 6~2..t669. .. ':'i.!!.f> W1nt•d,_Men 7200 EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. NEEDS * ELECTRICIANS *MILL MEN * CARPENTERS *CABINET MAKERS *WELDERS * GENERAL HELP * LINOLEUM MEN *CARPET MEN Overtime -D1y Shift hlajor mC"die;il l\Jld life. ln· surancc, paltl holidays, paitl vacalion and many other l'Ompeny benc.Dts, APPLY TN PERSON 3011 Newport Blvd. Costa Mata, C•lif. *DRIVERS* No Experience N-ry! Mutt have clean C&lifonUa drlvlnc record. AppJy YELLOW CAB CO. lS& E. l6tb St. Col!t.a All!ll PERAlANENT: Muld Opcr1. E.'p'd. 110 SJ.00 hr) Trainees ($2.2.) hrl Coni M9kCrll. Exp'd, (IO $3.SO hrl TrnlnecK ($2.00 hr) PRECISION CASTINGS O~' CA.Llf'. INC. 2CMof Place.nt.la. C.M. "' If yov'r• I Y•U"IJ po110" willi n9 te work or an 1duh loolri119 for 1 willilllJ work•r, lho10 f;... Ori n•• Cotli t ree f\Of'l•ll'tofil ., o u t h 1111pl1v1111nl co.,ltll Ct /I help you. YOUNG rEO,Lf.: lit• .,, Wtlfl "'• ltflltl" illl"Uf•rt•-'' ftf ltti • ..,.,,.,.111o1. ADULTS: C~tdl With lfttfl tlfllt!"I ... . ... , .. "'"" ,.., l•wn. • 1lrl ft cart It!" ytur c11uc1 ....... tr It!" YWflt -'"°' w.-lfl -11\f ... tlM , ...... 1,-rtlllllfll .,.., ca" tffl!'. HARBOR AREA YOUTH EMPLOY- MENT SERVICE ! Spon1ort d b1 Ju .. ier Ebt ll Club 111d A11i1· l111c1 lo••U• of New• pert l o1ch.I Olfl,11 In C o•trtl l r111ch, lev1' Club of tho Htrbor A••• Sf4 Co .. t1r Sto11t-Co1· ft M111. 011'1" t '·"'·to I p.11'1. M1n41y throY9h frl· 41.,, Jir110 t 6 throvth Alff. t5. T1l1phe111: 642· 0474, SOUTH COAST JOB PLACE- MINT SERVICE i Spon11r1d lty Stvlh Or1119 0 C111t .fMCA.I OffTct1 11 4f t f1ro1 t Av t . • L•9w11e l11ch. 0pl fl f f ,1!'1.-llOOfl tnJ 12110·4 p,11'1, M1ad1r1, Tu11d1r1. Tli11nJ•v• 111d frlil1y1. 'hone 4f4·llJ], FOUllTAIN VALLEY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SE~VICE I Spen1o•ocl liy S1utll Co11t Ju11i11 Worri111'1 Club.I Offict i11 N1rr.e"1 Offlct, Fountain Valley Hi1h Schoel. 17116 l w· tht ,d St. • ~ey11t1ia Vil· 1 • .,. Op111 10 .t.11'1.•1 '""'· M111d1v lh,euth Fr>day. Phon1 f 62-J441. HUNTINGTON BEACH YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE I s,.,,,.,.d by Ellit A~·· nu t l •11"li1t Chu•ch,) Qf. lic11 t i 11l1 Elli1 A¥o .• Hu11tin9lo~ l11ch, Open f •·"'··' , ..... Montil•v ihrtuth F1lii11y. 'ho111 141·6067, HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIOH SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB REFERRAL SERVICE fSyp1r .. 1t1d bv Reb1rf M1rfi11, dlrocltr 1f wtrlr o~p1rionc1 otl uct lioR, HwntiRtto11 l11clt Uni111 H;lh Schiel Oi1ftlct.I Of lttt t i 190? • 17th St•••+. H1tat l 119ten l11ch, Opt 11 I 1,,,.,..t1lO p.m. Mondty th.1a119h Fri • "''" 1U 1wll'lmor. Ph111 e ili·l ))I, CALCOMP IS COMPUTER GRAPHICS J·Dby ,,rcomp /'lotter C1!corrill' 11 !h t wo,lc1'1 lt•dtr 111 Cornpul•r Grtph· ic Sy1 ltrn1. A1 !ht 1111 of cornpultrl cof'll iflUf lo 910w, •• doe• th , m•rk tl fo r 9re phic cli1pl1v dt· wlc11 ... t nd •• c .lea mp ;, the m•l•t dt¥1lop1r of this •t11•til1 1q11;prri111I, w1 l.1¥0 1njoy1d • ph1nom•"•I 9rowlh. A1 •n 11•rnpl1: Our 11lt 1 ¥olurri1 h11 intr11i1d 400 'I'. t ine• I t65. ,,.,; w1 h .... i"cro111d tur R. I D bud91I proporlion1f1ly to m1of"th1 ch11t1ll<J• of new p•oduch ,,.,; •ppll• ct llon1• Thi1 1•mt ouhl1ndl119 11'•09re11 h11 b11n 11fl1ct1d in 1dw 1nc1m1fll opportuniti11. 1f '(OU '"'"* to btcomt 1 m1m~1r of lh i1 win f'lin'!I t11tT1, with 1 ltuly dyn1m ic 1nd uniqu t cDrft ll'l"'I"• join C tltornp t1J1vl Ouhl111ci"i119 c••••r •Pll'••lu11ili11 t litl ••: Systems Desi9n En9ineer To p1 rfor"' 1y1!1rn1 d11i<J11 of lnlt •ftct 1quipmt11! to ad•pl C1lco111p 1Jlotti11'!1 t quliJmonl 11 tho new '!ll nt rali a11 of compul111, M111I htY• oxpl ri onc t in Ji9it1I lo9ic •lld ci•tuil d11i9n 11 cemiJUltr l'fl • l•rri• 1 ,.J t/0 1quill'"'•"'· Rtquir11 I S or MS in EE. CRT Desifirn En9ineers To p1rfer"' 1y1l1rri d11iq11 ,,.J d1¥oloprn111l of X.'Y d1111 clio11 1mplifitfl !rri19111ticl for t tlhod1-rty tube tl it ll'lty. lt1q uir11 I S o• MS in EE i nd l ¥••11 11p11i1nc1 ;,. 1n1le9 f11cl.b1 tk .,,.,1;1;,, '••i9n i nd d•vt lopmtnl, Sr. Mechanical Enfirlneers 15 er MS i11 ME with S y11t1 or mor• tll ll'Olit"'' in ll'l t ch1ni1rn1 , d11i9" 1n1ly1i1 1f p11iph11 t l ctrn· pultt 1quiprritn!, i.1, mo9n1llc lip• lttn1po~1. 1Jrinlt t1, plollt fl, etc. Computer Service Enfirineers To rn1inl1in 111cl rop•i• di9it1I compul1r i nd ••· l1ti11 9 momtry 1quipm1nt 11 C alComp cu1IOll'll r loct1'on1. Mini hawo 1 11'1i11imurn of 1 y11r1 loch- nicol 1chool lr•inin9 or collt9• loYtl EE c1ur111, two v••rt 11p1ri tn'• in tolid 1!1le circuihy, dit ilel lot lc, rol1ti119 l!'lln'll''I 111Cll lrou~le1h•oli11t ctll'I· "'''citl coll'lpult r oquipmon+. W t htVto 1p111iflfl ;,. L11 Ang1l11, Mou.ion t "d Now Ye,lr. St l1ct1cl t ppli~111h wlU rocti¥t on.hi nd h 1i11t111 •I full poy ; .. An1htill'I bo9i"ni11t Jy11t )0th, Electrical & Mechanical Draftsmon ~oquirtl ll'tlt hilJh 1chool !<1!111119 i ncl rt ct lll ••· p1ri1nco i11 !ht ptt p1•1ilon of Clltloil d11wl111JI fo• 1l1ctre·11'11ch1nic•l •11utpmt nl. Muoi be f111'1ill1< wlrit febrictlien ind protil uc+ion l tchniqwtl 1114 •now Mii 1p1c;1, E•ll't1i111c11i1 in dr1wln9 1cht rri t l· ic1 tnd PCI l1vout. Computer Operator Pr1f1r ••potit flCt on tho Q,E.415, l•p1,i111ce In otliior m1Jlu"' It l1r91 1c1l1 comput111 wlth m19· ll tlil 1.,. 1/0 ,,,.,1.t.t •• JOIN CALCOMP - SOON TO BE IN ALL NEW FACILITIES CALL, WRITE Oil VISIT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 305 N. lt\ULLER, ANAHEIM 635 .. 501 CALlFORNIA COMPUTER PRODUCTS. INC. A11 1111111 •PP••tunlty 1mpl1v•• 1111,• 1 t•O 111111 •• ftll'lllt '"'" .,,1., -- BEFORE NEED COUNSELING \Viii train T\VO llll'M .to :loin our stall at PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK \\'nuld you \ikP lo \l"ara this fine profeuion? Do you h11vP pmotional maturity'!' Oo you llkt 1a\king to peoplf''! PHONE: "'4-11212 SALES PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLOR II you have the •bility I · desif'I! lo 11.·ork with people in plrasanl l!UrroundirlJ"ll t: hav~ had salt's nr public rontal't exptrlertC"e we •!'I! 1 lool:lni:: ror you. We will rraln. Rapid promotions. Good management OPP;'Y· PotenliaJ SS.en> to Sl0,000. Call l\ir Rlchar9s Mgr. COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snellina: l. SneUlne:, Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, C.P.1. 540-&o55 POLICEMAN $667. to S809 • n10nlh Agt 21 10 31, up lo 35 with approved rxperlence HEIGHT: 5' 8 .. minimum. \VEIGHT: in proportion lo height. PHYSICAL RE· QUIREMENTS: High school 11;raduate, valid Calif. oper- ator:o; Jiccnse, U.S. citlun. File application at City H:aJI, 8200 Wcstmin~ter Ave., Weal· minster. Calif. t>elore July 11, 1969-5:00 PP.1. Written t-xam July 19. 1969 (TI4) 1193-4511 Ext. 2Cfl Production Control EXPEDITOR ~!Ul!I havf! ovf'r lhru yrs. mc,'l!nt experiencf': in chine shop exped!tin11:. m•· C1dill1c Contrt11l1 Oivlidon of Ex.ctllo Corp. 18" Whittler Ave. Coat• Mes• 646-2491 An f'(!ual opportunity employer DESIGNERS & DRAFTSMEN P~ple v.·ith heavy l'Xperl· tnce in rotall111 equipment 111.re urgt-ntly lll!f!ded by pl'OfT'l"SslvP aircraft mm· ponrnls m1nuf1clurer. F..X· Jlf'ritnce In flll'I pumps. elf'C. triC" motol'll, ind fa~ ill dt:- slred. Bil company bl!Mtit.s ~·Ith 1mall company atmm- phert. Rl!ply Box M 632, lht DAILY PILOT. Day or Nlirht C1ntOMM Sty l• CMlc Appl.,)' in perlOO Wu Ben'• 33.1 Ha.y1ide Dr1vt NPwport' Beach ffiv10: Sta Attendant amt f.1l'Cha.nic. Rt.b:. Re.qr. m E . Coa11 Hwy, N.B. BOAT SALISMllN * 6'"2S& • .. ' .. , . . ... ' . .. -. , -. ' . . . \ -... . ' ... . . ' .. ' " " " . -· )It~, Jun! 14, 1'169 • , • .. , J • qy • ilOil &·EMPLOYMINl JOIS ... EM,LOYMIN1 ~OIS;& ,iM!'LOY!"!M" '°" • ~YMIN't .... ~. JOlf&}rM,~O'f1t1rNT JOIS & ~LOYMiN! l~Hll~p~W~""~'Ci~Mlin.J~·~· ~~;~ • · ·, 'i'.~1", '•>' '• •• ' • I "1 '' -' Hol' W•ntod c ' -. • 11e.:;.t~~·· '~·!\.<"'. l'Wa wJlhW·Dl~,.t.i "schOolt>IMtrvcti.n 7600 Schooll-lo1trv<tl90'7600 ':!"'J'w.f, ~ ~ ~--W~t-$-~ '111111~ W-• , 7AIO '. • ·~..ci,Mlf ~· ;-1 ·..... • , , . • 1~ Mi\CHI Mi~. -. · , ·~~ •• TCHJOR -· ;· .. ~4r~. ,_;.. · -\ . , -tllRAi;N ; 'H-.Ult~ ~i:~~~:m~,'ri,~::J~~m: ,. -.-~.~.tj/f • FIRE IEMEllOENC'I'. Jo "'v11a1 ~lit * 1 ·'c' LERI S62G-$754 Piir:Mon~ .. $~..';' · '· , Enroll '!"W fw 1111 torm • l o th Ope t • ~ • EQUIPMENT • lndU.ef·wlth u.; f,... (~ '"' l M..t bes· J~ C RM ' · .. a • .... ;r-11ffnlor ":, DISPATCHER . ' moot maoufaduret of ' $667.-#U. July 1, IllJlt). lipot wl ·~ SAU E ~N SCHOOL 11 . , J $562 ........ per'montt) flutomatic val)":1 ... t&nd ~ , , , \ • ~no.. 'ea · :.a( ' KDGN . Ith ·Courty f1l'1reund1 Ii · Must lie ~rienced 'on ,Nn'e\.'Ja~ have • ·-m'""'""'~nc1..i'tor coou.b. " ••' ·~)'l'l!ltil•"'~" . 'l!ll"C.Of =-.11:~IJl\:I ' · !l'!*k own tOO!s and do own M1up$. • ~,.ma. JulY 1, 1969> • DRAFTSMAN ' !:;:-. u!W.~ ma· NEWl>Olt'I' BIA-CH' E~~;~:~~-·Allo i..; y.t~ERE 'THE PROeRAM ATS THE CHllO • , ... Mill Operator CITY OF Appointmerlt 8.bove lira\ '~~k Ior.' Jant CaraUI, sinct MOTIVATIQN Is an Inner forqi NEWPORT BEACH J years mecb.anical dfl/l· SECRETARY .tep possible for ~i-_ Newr:rt that grows with fHlln11 of 1ucc .. a. I , 1 Mwt ~ experienced on numerical machines. control Ina experience requirlid. any wen qualified ci.ndi· ' WILLAll H S ~d D Requires ll.S. diplonia Must ~ able to makf' dates. POiit-ion lnvolwa Personne Agency D • AUCERMAN, • • . . ,, , or G.E.D .. 2 yrs. recent complex det.til~ draw-Adminlrtration of Refer-, 833 Dover Dr •• N.B. Tel: S..a.1751 expttlence in public t"Ott-ings, a.a well •s traci!11', Shorthand 80 wpm. Type ence Service for Main EXPLORER tact \VOrk. Experience in changlnf or completm1 50 wpm, on electric IBM. a.ad Branch Libraries. operation of radio • telt--them. Minimum ttqulttment MOTORHOME· Phone commun.lcation M.L.S. from a.a Accredit· CORP. Drill Press Operators ,, ' Holp W1ntocl Wpmen HolpW•- Wom1n 7400 Must be e:xperie~ced on alt types ol drilfs, have ow n tools and do setups. A1inimum three yrs. experience. ""'lpmeol ~ highly d" (lA·YAL (0, KE y p u NCH od Lib...,,, School Apply """· .\pply to p,.....,. belore 5 P.M., Friday, ncl Office, Cily Hall, 3300 June 20, 1969, to the Per-- Ne\vport Blvd.. cn4J 17th & Pl11centt. OPERATOR1 sonncJ Ottk:e, 3300 New· Needo Good typist W/IOftle knoWI· *' eda:e ol bookkeepinc. $2.00 ptr hr. Phone for interview 546-lll)O, J. c. ~enney Co. Fashion ~stand Newport Beach MAID. pt. tlm~. ·ea1f ill * person; Huntill&tOn Sllorel Motel. 2100% Ocean, H.B . • • ·-! Tool Grinder L· Minimum five yrs. in close tolerance grind· ; • -ing of high-speed and carbide tools~ ' ' " Hone Operator j. ; ' Mu st have minimum of two yrs. experience ~ on Sunnen Hone. I ' l .. I• 1' CA.Dl~~C CONTROLS Division of Ex~Callo Corp. 11'' Wflilni.r A•e., CMt• M.s• 646-2491 673-6633 before S p.m. Costa Mesa port Blvd., Newport Monday, JUlle 16, 1969. 548-2201 Bff.ch (TI4) 67J..&i33. GARDENER GROUNDSMAN NEWPORT BEACH Divcrsi!ied Jand develop1nent company is seeking some- one to &Mist in maintenance of commercial properties. Job dutif.'S will include clean- up of oot8ide areas and gen- eral gardening assistance. An eQual opportunitY employer HYDRAULIC PRESS OPERATORS for molding rubber parts. Top earnings. Speciality Molders, 7 1 2 YorktOwn Ave., }lB. Part·Tim1 S:»-9 PM Deliver health guides while takinz small orders, Sales exp. not nec'y. 968-3284 betw. 5 and 6 pm ONLY. MAN, experienced, to fry domits &: assi!t bsker full lime. Set Mr. Rlch&rdson. Trotttr's &:Cery, 2 3 4 One year experience d~ sired. Day shitt. \Ved. & Thlll'I. oU AND 4:30 pm to 1 am shirt available. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 J1mborH Rood Newport 8e11ch Equal opportunity employer CLERK TYPIST Excellent fringe benefits Cedilli1c ContrOls DivisK>n of Ex-Cello Corp. 1166 Whlili•r Avt. JR, STENO Cl.ERK ~ve englnemng tinn • Minimum 1 yr »tenorraphic and general Clf- fice "'Ork -€xctllent op.. portul'lityfor com pete n ~ young lady in a busy, con- genial offict. Salary open. Contact Personnel M Cr . 548-1123 . SALES WOMEN NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Hou11Wl~1 &. Mothers Can · y9u spM-e a rew boun each day and add to the famny Income at the same time? S'"bedu1e1 conven~nt for· you, mornings, alter. noons, evenings or combtna. ti0111 ot all. Work in a fun •tore under the finest o1 conditlona and top rupervi&. •ion. No experience required. Ex· 1',orest, Laguna Beach A"' .-.u•I oppotlunity •mploy•r cCllent benefits with gTOIY· IS,,CE,,Clt"'V:.,:l..;C,,:E::S_::l::.•tio-'. "n=.::att_:condae-,_n_t. I---~~==~~ I l"''l!!'l!'l!!'l!~~~~~~~~~~'l!!'l!'l!!'l!~:!! j inl oompaoy. G"voyanl •hill. Apply 2!00 * CAFETERIA Coste M.s• 646-24'1 For excitjnc new· fubiOn store in South Coast Plua, Costa Mesa. App Ii c·a n t mllllt be thoroughly ex- perienced In ready-t«>-wear. Xlnt SllJar)' & comm. Apply il'l pet'&Oll. ALROE, INC APPLY 1N PERSON j H•lp WantN, Men 7200 Help Wanted, Men noo Call Jil\f BALLENGER ~;,~t Hwy ,NB or call HELP al &C-03.:t>, Fron1 g to s. l\londay-Friday YARD salesman, over 21, 5 Sears BOOKKEEPER-GENERAL BE A CALIFORNIA GffiL Long-estiblished engineeripg Take a good look at this job! firm dellires General BoOk- There aren't many like it. If keeper (experience) all you are an attractive, phases bookkeepiJ\i:, job ac- Pl;NNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 1· • ITT JABSCO PRODUCTION MATERIAL HANDLER Pl-efer some experience in manufacturing raclli- • ties, Operates fork lift. Good benefits and v.·ork- 1 ing conditions. ' EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I. 1485 DALE WAY COSTA 11ESA, CALIF. 92ti26 l 1714) 5-6-8251 I ~------ ITT JABSCO CLEANER, DEBURR ' Prefer some Iactory ex- pel'ience-handling mt'!· als. Good benefits and workina conditions. ! EQUAL OPPORTUNITY t EMPLOYER I 1485 DALE WAY COSTA MESA, CALU'. 92626 (TI4) 54~~ I NOW HIRING 53 MEN I ' ; ALI. \VORK BACKGROUNDS ACCEPTED J. W. Robinson Has opening for: TV SALESMAN Experienced Foll time position. Excellent company benefits. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. Fi11hion lsli1nd Newport Beach Equal opportunity employer GRANT'S GULF SERVICE SERVICE STATION MANAGER h-fust be Orange Co. resident for at least 2 yrs. Major oil c-ompany training preferred. Excclf.'nt salary &. company benefits. Apply in person 2 to 6 PM at GRANT'S SUR~LUS 1/;>() Newport Blvd, CM e FIBERGLASS e FOREMAN (or gclcoatiflt:" fiberg!aM, ckopper gun & fiberglass and hand layup department. Fringe benefits. Sailboat menulacturer. Send resume to Bo.'< M-6.11 The Daily Pi· lot, or apply in person: 8211 ITT JABSCO JANITOR (Second shitt) Prefer experil'.'nce in care <1f industrial ollicts and facilities. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY El\fPLOYER 1485 DALE WAY COSTA ~fESA, CALIF', 92626 (TI4) 54.'i-8251 AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HELPER $491--$605 Per Month ( Re<..'Ommended $536- $051. Effective July 1, 1969J CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Requires completing ot 8th grade and one year Automotive Experience. Apply before S P.!1.1 .. Thursday, Jull{' 19, 1969 to the Personnel QUjce, 3300 Newpor! B l vd .. Ne1vfxnt Beach. (7I4) 673-663.~ J..ankershlm Blvd., North '"''""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'I J1ollywood, Cali/. Assistant Manager MOTOR HOME e BUllDERS day 1veck, some mechanical Costa 'Me•• expcr. RED-E·RENTALS. - 2167 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Full Time AUTO & BOAT Cooking and •ll~i1round UPHOLSTERER. Top pay, experience nee. 40 hr. wk. Call 642-3789 e EXPERIENCED iervice ala· tion attendent. La n k Io rd ftlobile, 3001 Bristol, C.M. TRAINEES 1''ry cook, win- do1v man, ma:r. 504 Pacific CDast Hiwa.y, HB. Excellent Benefits • An Equal Opportwllty Employer Apply in Personnel Office Monday thl"u Saturday 10AMto 4PM SEARS Help W1nted Women 7400 Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL ITT JABSCO CLERK COSTA MESA An Equal OpPOrtunity Employer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY yaung, single, mature girl ling billi coun , ng, payroll, (over 21) with a good sales etc. Salary open. Contact pergonality, we have an Personnel Mgr. 54g..7723 opening on our exclusl~ - "Ca.lilOrnia Girl" Sta!l. You Cost Accnt. Clerk lOAMto 5PM ?t1onday thnl Friday All student positions filled. Equal opportunity employer * * will meet intelligent people to $476 I~~~~~~~~~ & represent our firm . in Able lo use calculator + ,_ _ _, Ex u .n ,__. M ADVERTISING your wci:u atta. ce ent exp., c ......... ine. er- pay· with . complete frinie chant! Per'IOnnel Ai&ency, Se,cretarv/ """"fil program, induding 2043 W<alclHf Orlvt, N.B. T your· own d'e 11 i r ne r' • i ,;645-,::,.:21::7:.:0:..., ___ ~--B kk wardrobe. ·Hours on a ELE;CTRON'IC ASSEMBl.-' 00 eeper regulor rotatiooal bam, full ERS No ,xperion"' ....,.,. , time. For appt, pleue call. sary. Srnall plant, day sJUft Rupon1iblt~ • top .. vef (TI4) 642-6337. like.co Corp. SENSITRQN INC. po,•ltiOn for sharp,' ti1k .. See BeU;y-BnJCe at m6,,lxec Agency for Career Girls uo \V. Coast Hwy., N. B. By appoint &tG.3939 ee NEEDED 225 PaulaTino Ave. ch•rge' girl Must··h•ve Costa lifesa, Calif. excellent skills incl,. INTERESI'JNG Position ahorthtncf; h•ncfle lite m.eetlng public. 21-29, at-bkkpg; billing. Under tr a c Ii v e, Ull('ncumbered 30, Call 1Si1rbera. (714) Car furn, salary 0pcn. 642_l9IO. 642-6198 To assist In I.he billing / accounting dept. of a i.mall pump company. Previou~ experience and typini desirable. UNITED CALIFORNIA Two Office Girls DREAM Job • Keep YoUr im· portanl job as wile & mother &. earn a wkly paycheck. 54c4-3854. 636-3497 WOMAN for full t i m e employment in beauty sup. .P!Y •tory:. ·Som~ bea~ or beautlciAn 'exJ;'d required. e • µpERIENCED -TELLER- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK EQUAL OPPORTIJNlTY EMPLOYER 1485 OALf.; \VAY COSTA t.1ES.\, CALIF, 92626 tn4J 545-8251 KEYPUNCH E:i..-perienced operators needed for par! lime \\'Ork, either on regular schedule or "on call'' basi~. BANK MUllt ~ 21 and ab)e lo drive 3141 E. Coaot Hwy Corona cl1I Milr '7:1-9240 Equ~I opportunity employer EXPERIENCED e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK APPLY 186 East 16th SL Costa Me11a · Call a.It 7 p.m. 833-0093 BANK Proo1 Operator/Com· puier Oerlc:. Pollition no w available, at ~urity Pa- cific National Bank, S. La- guna Branch. ~2224 . ' . 309 t>.lain, ~runt. Bch. ' 536-8811 Equal opporturiity employer NURSf AIDE Bkkpr F /C to $650 lmmed opening. Xlnt 1mall Newport Beach co. Ideal 1vorking cond. Know NCR. Call Edee, 54~0 , Beauty Oper11tors U yQu are interested in~ Full or part time, busy ahOp, * Progressive patient care Htg, Bch. 536-€114 * Service education Employment Agency * Excell. working cond's, 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana WOMAN to belp care for CaJJ Orange Counties largest CAN You QUALIFY" wheel -chair patlent. lite extended care hospital. · hseWork. good home .Ii: Could you spare two hrs. a wages. 891-9123 ___ ..;S:.c4.:6..:64..:5:.:0:_ __ day for five days a week, if --"--'---'----ADVERTISING ARTIST ""'U receive •~ for it?' If so LAUN 0 RY help, all J~ .,..., Due to expansion the Pen-call Mn. Nelson, 642-8560 dep.artmentJ. Will train if nysaver is· a cce pting JASON BES!' bet. 2.-t PM for an a~ fast. Huntington B c h • applications for part-time 222 Ocean Ave .• Laguna Bch.1.,cpo_i_nt_m_e_n_l. ______ 842-5565 __ c_______ l..AYOUT, PASTE-UP &: 494-4546 PART·TIME HELP Fishing Rod WrapPers PRODUCTION. Exp, pref'd. Retail gry:icef)' ex~rience, NEWSPAPER INSERTING Experienced. Top pay, Apply in person Wed. thru day or night shill. Paid vac, (LA·YAL (O, LYN APPLY IN PERSON Browning Mfg. C.o. Fri. Pennysaver. 15 4 5 e ASSEMBLERS Please call Mr. Chard 548-2201 insur etc. Xlnt Oppty. Call Immediate openings for men RH or DAIL y Pl LOT 1919 Placentia, C.M. seun Newport Blvd. C?o.l. for appt. 642-8620 with experience in plum!> G E N E It L IN ..:.:=:c::.:,.::c;:::..=:::.. __ ing, eleclrical, lvalls. cabin. , 330 \V. Bay, C.~I. · A SURANCE Ftm•I• Sacty. 500.00 RETIRED man: host 31), et.s and finish _ or \Ve \\'ill 17th & Placentia (Californi• Lic1nt1d) Experienced chair side AG ENCY GIRL. Must be A top beach area co. i& look· days per week in most lux-train you. l\oiust have some Costa Mesa ass.istant Newport &ach experienced. Salary open. ing for an attractive gal with LARGE OJ?ilPANY urious laundromat U.S.A. hand tools. See Rick, 2135 Relief .. I to 4:30 p.m. orthodontic office. Send 548-1185 Mr. Gibson good sec. skills, &reat po- • EXPANDING JN M~est sa1ary:bl Mu&st he Canyon Drive. Cost11. ~fesa An equal opportunity resume to Bo.'< M 418 WOMAN, part Urne Summer tim;nbt•i·~-~-th, 'iee"° .. -~,i,ll ,":: ; ORANGE COUNTY so ...... r, respons1 e get 642-97":>8 employer Apply in person Daily Pilot. job, nights. Mu st be at lea.st ..... ..., U!l: Ul1' .....,.. • ' alont well 'vith people. See '"""""""""""""""""' 18 w· •-11· Do t H In M ' ---------1 General Office $400. · uicu~ 1 nu ouse, ta e, erchant.s Personnel I ' TOP PAY store by Pantry Mkt., Baker SALES J luntington Beach U 2947 Harbor Blvd c M Ag""'Y ~·• \V••lclifl ~ at Fairview, C.M. Then Convalescent }lospital Type 60 exp. in tteneral o · ., · · ........ ' ....,..... "" '"''·• call: John Briscoe after s SECURITY PROFESSIONAL 1S792 Delaware st., H.B. lee duties, call Loraine, YOUNG Atbact.iVe girl, n _N:=·8;:.·..:fi45..:'c:m::c:o:..· ---- Must be able to start immed· PM 644-l307 GUARD EMPLOYMENT Merchants :"ersonnel A.gen-yTs to 26 yn, full daytime • BOOKKEEPER 1 iatety, CALL PERSONNEL ---------COUNSELLOR cy, 200 WestcHU Drive, employment Call 642-4007 ( OFFICE FOR INTERVIEW l\lanae:emen1 Trail'lf'e Jr you have !he ability & c:ibilities Newport Beach, 645-2770 ask for Lloyd R1staurent experience '~ MONDAY & TUESDAY. PART TIME EVES. MUST BE ABLE desir to work 1vilh peopl pref•rred J.-Mon, Wom. 7500 Gellir•I Accountanl Including all aenttal AC· counting funcliont in a small mfg. co., audit of ac~t· ing machine tuns, journ4I entry preparadon, . peyroll report_, & control. CUb di• bu.rsements. preperaUon ot monthly financial &: .1~ cal report, Assist con~r in dept. planning Ir: 1pecial as&gnments. Related t~1'­ !ence required. Knowledge of bOOkkeepini machine OP. era.lion helpful. APPLY AT STACO, INC. 1139 B•ktr St. Cost• M11i1 549-3041 An equal opportwtity employer · ITT JABSCO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLIYt Preier tomeone w i t h mechanical asaMlbly ex- perience. Good benefits · and \vorking conditiorts. EQUAL OPPORTtJNITY EMPLOYER 11\fale or Female) ' ' 1@5 DALE \VA"f· ,. ~ COSTA ?t1ESA, CAUF;..92626 (fl4) ~1 Production Helpers To 11·ork on assemb)y ot 1:1mall electro . lnechani· cal parts. Previous ex-- perience assem hlY. work desired. but not manda· Lory. CALL 642-2400 ask for J im ltyams. evenings; 546-0319 Servonic Division or CULTON INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 1644 Whittier Ave. Costa Mesa, Calif. Equal opportunity en1ployer *COOKS* EXPERIENCED and NON-EXPERIENCED positions open Apply in perton I n•12s1 TO WORK ANY SHIFT < ' r•nl1'm1'te:>.. EXP pastry cook • • HOTEL MAID, lull ""'" • FOOD 1 ..,.. in pleasant surrounding~ &: u U Exp fry cook, part plelllllJlt SUITOundillgs. 1 0 PICO CRAFT $3,50 per hr, Apply ~~~c1ha!xr!~!~c:r".~u!1:~ a9eOC'N Ben~:~~ C:~~op * 494-ll96 * CHECKER R·EUBEN'S l Assemblers looking for you. \Ve ,1,ill 1 WAJTR&<;S, Exp .. over n . 1.11 pm Quali!y Positions or 133 S Cout Hwy LB I · K ~ coco 11 Cadillac. Controls train. Rapid promotions. Qualified Applicants · ' . App Y in person, ona 613-2930 after s pn1. 'S • Carpenten Call :,.i?.7782 l\lr. Bond Division or Ex-Cello Corp. Good management oppty. 488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 HOUSEK.EEP~ ~ child Lanes, 2699 Harbor, et.t ADVERTISING ARTIST l Experie nced Li~nsed Real Estate SaJes-1166 Whittier Ave. Pote11tial SS,000 to $10,CW. Costa Mesa 6·12-1470 ca~ hve in, 51.,i days. * \VAITRESS * (.~er 21 Due to expansion tile Pen· 1555 w. Adams ·~• Li"ncoln Avo .. Cyp"''· n1an needed for immediate Costa Mes• C.1!1 !\tr. Richard.~ t.1gr. Private room & bath. Refs. Graveyard shift. Con:.act C . =» COAS $50 'k I iod' · nysaver is accepllng ap.. osta Mes• :1 __ 1_be_~~ind_rc•h•~y~,:-~"'tu_or~Y:,;-"-'-'-1 ~~~o:.~~~:· t~~:~. unit now An eq~!=rtunlty AT!~m!~~rNCY B= :i::r =~~r/~1~~ " w~C:S2~c raises. M~.R~~;e~PERA;~':sn t!~b~~.· l~AJ~~P tln~1--R~ES~AALLEES'~SM~TE~A~NT~E~-1 \ Draftsman Four Seasons Homes employer snell\ng & Snl'lling, Inc. available. Previous experi-~LES LADY C20 t~ 451, full Top Salary. Call 646-2766 PRODUCTION. Exp, pre1'd. I Huntington Beach YOUNG ·eci . 2790 Harbor Bl, C.1\.1. 546-605.i ence nol necessary. Apply time for children s store. Apply in person Wed. thru "'an I c d. Bea<:h ote .. WantcdSmal. Prlol r Uie.xper ~ect's· 968-4500 Ing lo ""Omr..,.k .. i~_. ml ""1 wluill-at ~urlty Pacific Nation-/,pply: BERGS T R 0 MS D~AL2~ EC /5RExpE C p T . Fri. Pennysaver, 1 5 4 ., established la yrs. Ap. UJ')'. o ce, pnmar· .. ""'u or u re al Bank South Ltruna BABY STORE, Sot Coast Sin&le, :;i to 4. • nee. II t be f 'lly residential. Richard ll. BOYS 10 .. 14 with rapidly ex Pan din r e EXPERIENCED. Branch. '499-2224 Plaza, C.M. • * 546--3000 * Newport Bl\1d._ C.'1. ~ ~w ~U:tarea~~t ::::! I. ,Oclctd, Architect. 54S-8818 Carrier Route3 O..,.n PLASTICS FIRM. $1.85 lo SI~ For 4 h" .. ~n FULL Charge Bookkee,_. m'••o'oo splo·t. \". s•--- ' GARDENERS •• '' .,1 ant for ,.-st.art. NEW ACCOUNTS DENTAL assistant /secre-EXPERIENCEDMedical ''"'1' c uu ... • .--""' -'" ...... .. -nn·-nt bas" s ""• multi~. exper. M 111 t Foot•, 67" ~,0 or ........ . 26."J() S. Grand CLERK tary Laguna Hills -Leisure ~ptionillt & front of-.--....... .... >U&J <MIU .rt0"\1U\I' [-single, for coaJ1tal estate. LagunA Beach, So. l.afuna UNlVERSAL FlLTRA~N World '"'· All phases ma.a· fice girl; Radiology office, wk-odd hn. 64~ have ret.s tor recent CPA REAL ESTATE ·Farmer type preferred. Cot· OAJLY PILOT 1•• e.iq>er., ~e or outside. ,1 ~ &: small salary. Good 642•4321 2650 S. Grand UNITED CALIFORNIA terM, $415-$500 1lart. Re· Newport Beach. 642-6464 LADY to live in temp .•. lite Salary commeruurate with SALESPERSON -SifR-Vfi:ESifi'ffi'iN-1 ---S~·~n"'ta~A:"na"___ BANK sume, P.O. Box 10915, Santa HOUSEWIF. E Wanted 9 to 6 hOUsekeeping. must drive. .. ....... ri ......... ~.n "-. "--. Opening for aggressive, ~·job for a pensioner. \Vrile SERVICE STATION Rf ·~ •••2 ....,..,.._ ........ ~ ......., uu -,, n.llln h b .,. __ p 419 Dar P"\ SALES~1EN -Ana . 92TI.l . Replies strictly T U ea ' Wed ' Thurs ' ::':::;.· =~::...:=·=-===~ ri'lond 64S-0710 New po r f ungry ut sincere person. I _,,. -iy 1 01 • Employee ,~·iTh l'XJ)Crienrr nf d<n"-' U' -MEDICAL RECEPT Bea-.. Good commission. f Io or Car('('f opporluni1v "' i l h 4667 ~faeArlhur Blvd. co 1 <.UU. 1ttinin1um. Clerk and o 1ee , "'' HANDYMAN & Cl IA UF· 1vanled rnr 5-12 pn1 i;hitt. "' "''" '"" lime. Center ol Corona deJ • ~-A 1 ""' S ,..__ gt'01\•ing Co. Prefer exp'd Nl'wport Bea<:h 5~0-'1424 FULL & Part tin1e-womcn work. Ph. O"l~l7 Write P-491, Daily Pilot f F'i".oVn for local driving. pp y .,.,. .. "-V<lRl 1-h"l'· SECRETARY ?.l11r. Confidential interview. ( .Live In. Privatt' roo1n & Chevron stn1ion. men. Fas1 rloor, guaranteed Consultant to $575. for Jc\\·elry store. Previou' A-IAID: Laguna Reef ftfotel. GENERAL housekeeper, 5 EXPrRIENCEO ~Ir. Canon 67:>-35&l I .. lh -1 bl lddl ,_ tr11n1nision ..j.. P.f\f. ·,, experience not necessary, 3M(l6 s. Coe.s t Hwy., J..a1[Una hrs daily _ 5,vt>dlsh, ........ lish 11;1 · .---.~era Y in e ag-Project Engineer $700 APPLY Dept. hl'ad for financial l 40 Im; we<:k. Beach. 499-2005 or German. 494-6170 ..... ,,. Ptrmanent, :1.o flour, 5 doy \VAITRESS. C 0 CK TA IL I ced. No drinking. RereMJ'ICl's ~fr<:h ability, know draf!ing. J:l.l E. 171h St .. Costa r.Jeiot r~to1r planning, good IYP-Apply in person ,v eek posilio'l available. \VA IT RESS. C o ·o KS 7'eQUirtd. Call (TI4) 612-8619 2 yrs, colli'.'gr, C"all Dan, 464 S. ~la1t1 s1., Sant;1 Ana ing + ligur" appituck, some Kirk Jewelers EXPERIENCED Part~timc EXPERlENCEO Me d ic a I Newport &ach. hrs, 10-.12 BUSBOYS. -QUAUTY CONTROL t>.fl'r<:hants Pel'liOnncl Ag<'n-S college required, will train 2300 Harbor Blvd. medical IMUrantt. Write Auilflant lnatructor. &: 1-3 Pl\f, Top lSlaiy. Wrill' apply in pcnmt , MANAGER 1.')', 24ro \l1estciift Drivt', tore Mgr. Tri1inH ri~ht_ person, ~~lee pd., call C011ta r-.tesa P-®. Daily Pilot * 64>2922 * Box M..f90, Dftily PiJot. Newporl Grotto ~ m••N••:wm· and alum N.B. 645-2170 $500. Loraine, ~1erchants Pttwn-ro·~•, ma·"--operator, """EIUENCED 0 e n ta 11 .:::::..:::.~c.:::=-'-'"'-'--........ \V "'---t H~ N B ~~ a e r.o 1 p ~ c e SHOE SALES manager Exttllen1 future ror l'lght nel Aa:ency, 20U WestclUf . P . L .A S T ,I C S Sailab;. sc~ .... 501 29th St., ~i.itanl. Write Box M-163. SARAH CO"VENTR'Y has ' .ltW.I ' ~298 '"•' · • ~ ~~333 Lt do trainee. America'• largest man, r.1111 Lora lTlt'. Mer-Drive:., N.B. 645-2170 Jr\)<'Ction moldinc opers. or Newport Bnclt. 67:>-1823 -0.UY.~t . · openints for full or part -,T°'E"A""'c,;7.'-ii;=.,=:--1 .,Cudnc. NB retailers or women's _ .. ____ <:l\ants Personncl Agency, * EXPEl\lENCED trainees. 0veand·r ~~~~~8 Ml'YT'Ura•s AID . SUMMER HAIRDRF.SSER ne-tded ttmtl'I .... .;.~....:..... Mi, j!·ln~. 1..,8· SUB ,TH•E•RCSHANE,RSD ... IUQ 2()13 U'eslcliff Dr., N.8. w for day ' ''"'.... ............ v••'"f'I~ •• -• • .._. ~ ,..., Y"'"'• --, LIMmen Eq. Q,ly LEEDS Shoe Store. So. &15-21Jt1 . AITR.ESSES * AWlY 8-4 p.m. Oranre O>un-Exp. _U.S. .enkn'. L1ve--m. Balboa laland i;aton. dellwrlett. For lrttetvkw Summer ~t ~ NJ XJpt" "9tY' for rlaht man. Cout Plaza. Contact Mr. Night Shifts .•• Un.\on HouM' ty Plastica. 350 w. 18th CM 1125 mo. (213) 346--41at 61;>-032 or ns.3701 call S40-()614J 837..fTC9/ or part tlmt, Guaranttrld c:be:ta Met. Atrlttiean M~ Phelps Se:Vice Slation Attendanl, Hosp., sutaical, MediCl.I, I:. • WAITRESS, OVU" -21 BABYSTITING ?'l'I)' home, 347...-iocomt. For appointment tort' DMler. Jim Sothen. EXPEIUENCEO: SE R V n1ghl11 only, over 2.'i, must Dent.. Pla.m. Apply tn RN for tr ... serv1ce. tdocaUOn FUD or rt time Lquna Cnyn. Ip e.ncl yd.1S..:A::l:...E::.S::l.A:.....O-Y---la_d_i.,-w-.-,-r, call 833-9551 ,_U Am, U pail. • ...., MM, STA A11'. n.. •. m11n & Nigh! be exper.. good Pit)'. in-p e. rs on H 0 \VAR 0 ' S in 262 bed extended care 54~ . fnfants to S ,n. 4M-6823 ___,.._ ~ oontives. i>trnuull'!nl. Apply H.ESTAURANT, 4001 w. hosp. Sallll')' dependent on ao1ne experience p~fcrred -HAIR STYUSTS nttdtd. ,!--w. MACHINIS't. n\an. 400 E. 17th St.. Costa in pc_N;On, Norlh Cou:t Coa.'lt Hla:hw!ly, NeWpOrt edu<:. and cxper. 1030 \V. LIVE-IN b ab)' a It t e. r .A. BABYSrrrER 6 -di)' week ~tM~ ~~.-•,.11o 8 d !..,Mkhhl1l'llo111 1 .. HTholg~mpaonComHm•i~~lo5n.t 1 R 1 i"a't '. -(tlftie ot mal) MCM. ~hf.II, 1342 N. ~lit Hwy, Beach. \Varner, 546-M50 housekeeptt, prv rm It bi. at m.f' houM, .,.,..., ""-" '"" ... Non mUkarf. Mm:kit'I ' Ma-e Sl\JLING IN h'TRUCTOR• Lag Bch Clerk Typist to $SOO. BABYSITTER. r.·1on thru ~ef-'J, * 548--2070 &:J3.:1050 FR 0 NT DESK 1 it l , 673-«161 I' ·pm. ·Jtllit )loGnW Ave., SJ>t.ml COAST YAOITS b.IAN for bakrry cleftn-up Good w/IJa:ure11 • Ilk~ nuin-Fri. ~fy hOme ~lesa Verde EXPERIENCED Slnilt' Nte· SITI'ER Wantll'd m,y home $ med I<: a I/ d r n ta I exp. --,;EX""'P"ER"I"EN=c=ED:---1 S.A. 5«).18 UOb W, PAt:lfic Coasl ll"'Y· "ork, about a hrs/dlJi 6 her typlna:. 10 \\'Ork In mar· area. 545-8012. Call after 1 dlt Operalon:. Appl,y: 325 days/"'k· Own trans, Resume to Oaily PUol Box DESI\ CL.EfU<. I (%) SERVIQ: rtatlon at. NA Ask for Tony, d ;i s/wk, s'" ~ Mr , kellng dept, eall Loraine, p.1n. or all day Sat I. Sun. W. 18th St., CoslA MeN. 642.-3261 M 354 Phone 646-744~ tendants (U )( e ch a Pt c ~ SAJ,;,ISMAN Ii: I* n er • I Richard~n. Trotter •• J\lerch11.nls PtrMnne1 A.gen-PBX Ans\vcrina 11er. C»(p'd BAJ\MAJD, pairl Ume. DRUG Oerk, :l yn min oXP. • OO~lPANJON for e.klerl)' HAJR STYUSF. Eat. Won + Exsi'd. .c..JJ ~ -aik tor btlpl!r.., mnel'Y· Bakery, 1J4. f."cnst. Lacuna cy, 204.1 \\'e&tcUU Drive, pre.{. :r.tust bt avail for aJI SCOITIE.5 ref. Collqe Pharmacy 4·10 person, e~ and niJhta. ln Lido area. Some tollow- 1 Call. ~ . • •· -.on.c * 81.'&Ch N.R. &G-2170 •hlfb. atead)i work. 5:16-3881 436 E. lTlh St., C.l.f, "'*Ir Dr .• C.M. ~i80 -+49'l-8861• Int pref. F'or appt .. 6T3--4186 ' I " , •••• , •• ·-·· • ··-·~ •••••• , •••• 4•• t ' • • ~ .10J1 & IMPl,QYM1"1,_.., ,,.., -Dt,,..,.llt_.15-:-1<~~..,LiN..,.,,..I,-.-. ,-... -·· w-. 7511 No Item o. ... -$25 TICHNICAL. AllTlsT WOMEN'S attu 1k1 booll, °"""'"'. i!ctoDe.• W -.. -Tl-II SS. "5-lm • _____ ,, ___ ---·,-~·~ • . r • -... # .... -. ro.-' il tttbnle1f ardlt wltb SKI blrldinp, rope tow &riP. e.91rience lft.-11,yout., lnk A ~r SS. 548-"6206 I 5}. JMt@up of e~~ ~-· . · Cllp-llaD\ps 14 bOob "01•1"'1 W: .j •ll ;:· ........... f.. •· ~ d!'<W ... •Ma ... t.6thDbJ reporu, A limow· S3 t~ go.2932 .~. jtf~ n I~ of re~ A 2 1CE Cre&rl\ ctWn. heart iJ~ fttftmn bu-•at IC. ... ._...,, .. -·hie. dellp •lo\' patio "' incl9Dr> ICltldc-•If 1'11. After July 1, .... will be I• s~ e&d\. N~ t1tab ind -.. .. I • .. .. ~I .. ,, ; • I On.nae--·nd brow ~ qtejl ,t-2'90 M~boa patpt. ~~ r POJitSbtE 't"ftllne 1 par t,a LAWN Q:lain $~ Bar top SS. USED wool carpet 10 x 15. DELUXE Ba\ir tiatb!Mtte, BABY (\lndtun:: ;25 fD1' all. 0CC Dt:nlt.I 'Witlila tint, ru t ·s)a: 5 O A n t •• ;t' Drive:, Irvine, ~Ir. ~. MEtB.ON.bMit E;tlctric $12. sheet metal $$. Oi1 filter:' SJ, 8'!}C~s $1 •. 50 • i 5 ~ . 2 5. $10. Neon dt&k lamp $5. Bar exacUy lib ntW $10. Pad-Plazyen. hlcti. c: h ~ I r, and aecond.~~wieqi' 'bt.thn>oni .;,.~ 0 P. •-~ P Send rt1Ume1 & aaluy ft. Sid boot&, Molotor 1izie 9 p, 6V coil ·SJ. -wnpr muf. ~ .~1. Spl~l t?o1a ll~ tet .$5. Mabap.r\y ded C:at-..lftt ·#.-Rockinc bathioehe-ahct d r tl'I 1 I n t $6.5Q..$10.50 wW iiell lor pink bathroom ~ ; ~ti to: , , . . ~ Arrtiflue cmoQ-·1 tand $S. 11tr $20. Zen,lth 31 NDIX .M and lip. 50 lb. ~ ~ill tatite '1op .._. 645--Z'l:f , Intantse..t fl. 9C-119S t&b!c: eombl111Uon, 1 o o d ~ IAI~ vmt Bathroom II*» . ...,: " -DYMAMIC SC11NCI Black marble tor .t.lreplace kU $5. ~ St. fur coat S:25· Fonnica 'IWIN beds $l5 each. 180 PLAYBOYS OOc each. cµnd!Uon, 894-3907. 1131 $10.50 tor ss.. Two complete G1auwve'10c $L h'O C'aO P .o,. Bo.'t 668, MoproVi~, Cal SlO. 66-2932 • FLASll for Af'8\ll C -3 .:Q up. Miacdlarwous. 1!391 Re:tri.attttor, no handle, bu! New heaUnc pad $2.fiO. 2 Camphor, W~tm. ~tt u~ 12-l4 x 15 Urt1 p ·each. rocr 9,1016. Attn: A:R· DeLellls. CLOTHES Zic • S1 TV tabli!S camera tl. Flash Io r Avalon Ln., H.B. ~~00 works $10., Dinette table &nd Antique Spanilb lamps cost 3>'' CRAF'I'SMAN I a w n S5 each. )JI Ill ~ CDn-cl\rome cbairs 11.'° •acti. EQU&J opportwiit)" mlllloyar 35c:. 50c, Foot stoOls U.'Hot ~"lib c11Q1en 50c. DEL.UXE, F1onl petio llWing 4 chain $12. Vacuum $363 pair, •II $25 each. 1 spremr lite new $1. 20" dltlon. HS-¥., 1.. Maple end 1able ~ Nrii ' plate $1. T&blei $2. Puts« 2. We 11 e,r n EI e ctr I c and caoopy . S?O· Large cleaners '3. Lone cbHt or Beer keg ff.SO. Shoe af'line Craftsman PQ\\'e.r rotary FISH Neiling. Mavf 48 x 30 flrepla« 1oolJ $3.et), Glrl~a Petitions lmmediate11 2)c: • 25c l.amps $1 • $2. telephone 1ype headsets $10 bathroom medicine cabinet draWJ!ta SlO. Lawn moWtt buUtt ~ blew Cant shirts mower 1>111h catcher rood $15. Ma(l8 4 Jor $1. "Old" dftuu $1.50' ucb. a'1Q available' at our Eu't-' Shoes 25c.' 8'.by Cha~ 50c. each. Rabbit· ears anlenna with .attacbM. mhTor ru. $3. Divan~tlO. Uhed drapes coat S9 • ..U lL'Duteh clock conditkm S2i B.t:D Power POutatt "Pont1'c" l'ffl SlO. with •lecrric f9UMtrie .. bltill Branch, for an Ex· $1. Pressure cooker st SL 546-6J>6 6'73-6:b or Gf+.1642 S8 . 'a pair. Girl Scout $1.5'.I. Electric alarm clock edge~ trimmer with 100' Nf:Y)' pe& coal, ai.ze to po. Ydlo\v •tboMr O&d&ln at peyjenced T!!llM-. , Ttieycle $3. Dishes lOc • 140 LB tw' 1 i be r 11 a • • O~lNG Table 'With round uniform, aize 12 $5, Music SU.O. Port~ TV $15.-me SU. ' pair white ~ Roren ·~te ~ $7.50. Sboppln&' &rt SOc. vaulting pole Sis Guitar $15. mlrrci, matchin&' bench &od lllc-25c. 992.No. SPureec>n. GultatUO.. «J Dalis. musical cape cod ndfled curtains Br.UE Chip boob' $3 each. 5 for tiaht SU.50. 540-l§l4. Ple&se •t.ply ln ptrsOl1 Books Sc· SOe:·ROom. cooler 61~1340 nlrbt 1tand us. ~ sol:ld Santa Ana, S47-89n ud ~ :50-4S. Plastic 48" lenith IS. 1 )'dlow ball-tt. ~ Irie~ 'tU~ Sl,Cl 646...f'llt:-' 3DIM-Coolldp NO. 2$23 Eut Ill( Dr .. N.B. S5. pjcb.ft $2.' Camtta with 2 MAPLE rockinr chail'I .S25 door SlD. Scrttn door J5, OF!FICE desk $25. Fireplace flower po~ S5 ,uh. Modern fri~ 28" curtain SL 4 phil(,g Tv. ~ bilie, needl 15, ca.ta llfefa ! Sl!CURITY ••cJ•JC fl.ash $2. Pattttns lOc. Hair . . Bia' k and hitl: rJ' \Vindowl, l la.tte, 1 nna.11 $2 logs $12. B9i-2352 mural Pl.lDtlnc. 125. NN' ~ 5f" \l.'hlte lbett cur-wot1f $8. S(M;nl _J SCHWINN atrl'• Wke.!1, ,.. ,.. .i-·er •• """· Toaster S1. e;ctt. c w eo.ch ""' Cli!! Or NB IUlda1s $2. F'D;ril.lbire $5. ta.ins $3. Twin bedapreact · SH 111., •-~-·-NATIONAi,. IANK Pillow. 2:;. Sal M. 388 S25: All eooc:l condition. LI ' ., · · POTTY chi.Jr S2 2 double Lamp SS. Elec-trlc tarif ~can p,rlrft ~!_ ..,'~¥~ lfllfa ;J25, ci 's:iittz•";.._ -· Broadway, cOeta' J.tesa. a.till in AM 548-41).51 . sinks SS each. 1 bi&:. 1 small. !oothllrush $1.!iD. Water pik iultable 'tic;y•a· room $2.$0 \..fMllr .,......, Cu.tom, mattnu . • ,., '!'i .... _ ... , ..-. ...... •mploy•r FOUR new r-...i.-... Jout P~ET With caae_ S3. 546-9990 ... x-·· -lamp M Child'• ............. ·"th ,· lo lit 1tatlon '11r1.got1 SlS. 2453 wreuabt Iron, Medi ~, ......,,,._...op....,, • ..,,,..,. BOY'S •"-,,. 1w•a-,. "°" ~-• ·d --k -•-1 1 •• .. ._ -_......., ._ ... , Norse. AV!! C.., "-•"'" $2 SO taoh. ~2004 •un ''" ply tires tor VW mounted on ""'." ies u.• ·""" es IUe ..,..., SOUD Walnut •tand with 2 Vibrator $3. Police leather chairs $2.50. Antiqued head· .., · .-.. _.., ' · ' WONDEa.FUL oP,pcniunll)I coat, iize •7, Sl. $3.. Books 1967 · f2;i each. 20291 "Ntce -red wqoo $3 •. Man: shelves l.nd dni~r $1.50, S*'. Mirror Sl. 3 NelU'U board bookcase 51" S2 NYLON Carpet, jrood thape DRAPES. I' X 96", btlae;'ii, for lix 'j"reuive young for befinners 50c ~ nj New • Bayvi~ Avt, Santa Ana 1•12lec~_c_~lbnl "'Edi _<Obi pieces Sweaters-: $3.50 each. RCA jackets, new cost S32: each, Elrctric fry pan $3. 12 tru1i n.oo )"ltd O:>ttee table S3J 12' x 46'' champape J4. people to esm a new pro-pitch· back $2.SO. E don Hef--t!l. 5'16-3443 ,, • .__,a.;a..,.,.td' '13 HI ft: .. ~barn, Ht-Fl record player $5. Sec-aeU $5 each. 4 New Edw_•"'. s juice &:laa&es 60c. Size 12 Medicine:,~st $5. 549--1695 646-5601 -.t feeslon. 7 hours ol trainin& track with two ~ cars 6 " goop mo s ... ......,. ·na1 • ' - f«{r,l ho!,U' of ~:ol'lr !n beauty U. Toys 50c • $2. 833--0s&:; 1 i,t HP electric motor, Single 'and ~at for &h.,.,inn bike tiO •'each ~15. 'tV ~mote velour l\.\1eaten medium maternity dreq, tops and l HP electric motor po. BLUE Chip 1tah'ijl9 S3 ...,. culNN field 496-9'36 cl ..ton .... lt7 646,,5503 --=--h Boo'-1_ .,,._ control $20. Doll hlgb chairs and large S5 each. 1 new slacks, sold separately or Gfrl'a bi~te· .U,50. Tape Many books. ~ '-i • • os. DELUXE-built.in ice box for l'I~ ' -"'""". e~c · . ~ <.--..u<:. $1 each. Salt and pcper mill De1monds medium 11vealer &JI, rood condition $20. recorder' ST.SO. Yoi.iuis chair ENO t.ablu n e v,, r~ OI ·~ l:::'"::::Mond:::="'=· ::::::::::::::-1 trailer or camper $25. POLAROID camera model Ladies capns &LZe 12, r~ $2.50. Knittma" machine, S6. Men's trousers s 2 , Boy's wool sport ja kf!t · SS 548--1569 S69 E. 19th St · T • 84, "19 soo, 3"" x 4"" picture, col-each. Ball be.t 25c. r--uet to'>': Su·•·-p $5. Radio $2. 1 8 50 , c •1ie · • · ., Wlllnut $4 each. T •J Sc I 7~ ._ n 11 $2 _ """" new ._. Bedroom lamps S3. •u...... .SJ. ·.Boy I ~ ove_rcoal C.M. bedsteads $2. Set .,_., l<I heels-ftltnactltift ~STEP end tablu no J*ir. or or black and whltr, com· set · 968--.w~• Night stand S2. Electric can lazv plutic decorator tree \\.'lt50.h 11~1 l1nh1~ 11ze g 2 A1't.A.S Tires S10 uch RCA Encycloptdiu,$4. ...._,j Educational Vacation · Stb Platr pus mirror $10. 12' x pltte with '(lriginal leather BOlmQUE Of 1irh' and opener and sharpener S3. 520. I punching bq se:t SlO. v",·_._ ~ 546-005.1 Ptleaa stereo S10. Re-cord sta BAB y L.J NE crib ~-eradua Sr Cithe 18' blUe-lft'tn ru& $10. 30'' x case, wink 1lght and ~sh womtra' dttsses and ac-Walnut double bed S25. Hilb 20 Girl's dresae1 $5-$25. ·~ • • · ns 16" mattress, wash ab 1 e gun, all ln mint CC;>ncbtiOn ce&IOries .50-$1.50 f"ach. heels $1. Eleclric moron $3. Women'• coau $ 5-s 2 s. VIN . $3.SO. Rttord 5c-S1 · kantwet mitb.'tu Sll. • Oillco9t 10 lel!IOll typing $'l5. Minolta iubmmlature 302:i Killybrookt' Ln., C.M. Oventuffed rocking chair Men'1 Nunn-Bush shoes MO G, must sell name Women's ck>thinf 1nc-t:l.50. carpet 9 x I s· . Sehl. Trial Le•-n. 173 Del &nap.on print eovu $10. mod I l6-U ...... 1r t brand clothes 50c • S4. Mtn'1 .( .. 1 dttu pantS 60c. ~...:.,~.-._'. •. "' ""-•'-. ~ 141--6319 camera t . _..boxe weekdays SlO. Patio ~ SI. ~7 S2...SS. Greeting card 1 , Saturda,y ....,..,w,uu•u.a ...,. ......... Mar C.M. 5'W8S9 or_pune she in orl&inal BABY u; .. h chair $7, .Delu'"f" Beach. C.M. an Y t Im e Xr_nllll. S2-S5. Picnic irup-" ·• 1012 \\', Balboil ColJere books J 5 c -S 3. 15 • $4.50. Tablts SL2$ ~ ' . POOR Gra.des! Sb. rn m· er G~E. w~r $25. Pu&!) ~ $15. 35rnm Acc_ura enlarger baby ba'tli n. Baby car ;~t 548-3596 plieS ac-2;,c. 1 'l'rtt plant SS. Blvd. B Flshlna pcM, 3 reels $3.25. ¥hTor U • Toutitr -. Tut~ now avail. Reml!d metal diaper pail $1. Walker • F' 4..5 lens. ~ new $25. SJ. Llne-o-lype SS each. Ski DIVERS Mask and snorkel Dtcorator pillO'.\·s St ea eh. J PIECE sectional, blue-Do i h o u • e $10. ml Dlabn. $5. Dishes 10s;. · readma:. teacher {USC ~l $5. Infant seat $4. Pla,ytf":X 1047 Prtaklio Dr. C.M. boot $.j'. ~3 Tennis racquets $2.SO each. green, ROOd mndltion .$10 Bushard, H.B. 962-2572 stand $4.50. ,Ooubie empbet.S on p b on 1c1. nurser set $4. 540-2732 M&--OTI4 1 · ~I Prf!::S'°: ~~"! 2 Palm tree plaants SlO each. :? gallons NEW paint BROWN tweed d i..v an , board $7.50. Dr & ft' 644-4678 RE F R J G E R AT ,0 R S25 FORD Falcon parts $1 • $5. REFJUGERATOR . Cross top each. Ironing board S3. inside Datwall color old m&tchiltg ' otton\an S 2 5 fl~ s:iSO ~-: .. DRIVING LESSQNS. i 1 t v.'Orks. Green couch SZ,. M 0 n a r c h d y n a m i c S?5. 50 .g~ wine barrel ~~e ~:;;~a~ Movie screen Sl5. 300 silk gold. Paid $8. Sell for s;;. Maple btdatead, w a Io n $4. Oodt, ~ ~ ~ tuaoft free! Dual control C.Orne:r butch $2.f.~. ~ microplnne, new $20. rord SIO. ~ K~g size bedspread! Throw rugs Sl each: 9 x 12 tits 50c each. Games $1 546-8758. 10181 Ha I aw a wheel head end, oxen ~f" Poinsettia, Corant,dlt caft. Patieril, JocaJ m. frames $2.50 and S3.50. Twin aulom1'tic t,ransmiss)on $15. orchid S5. avocado $5. Hx6 pad $5. Maple wall shelf $6. each. Leavei; for dining Drive, Huntln(ton Beach foot ' Ind '$25 Map{e desk S'f5...2564 ~ lti'uctcrs. a-Altro Drivinr head.~ JJ._ <; ~ r 0 rn,e Jeep body partS Sl • $15. 312 area. rua:s. 1 .blue-green, Ektenaion cord seb 49o-$1. table, Mw $15 coat $85. DOUBLE maltttu a n d c=halr $1. 64l-8661 'J:\\'.O"ttfHaen,ton; 'Doth School 136-0T;tl table and 5 ~-#). ~j~I Ford .mQtor, complete $20. l _while-gold, 1 window24x&:l Adu.tls and childttn's boob Zenith Oceanic radio $25. springs, SPOTLESS $25. ROCKING.,.chalt U Coffee Sl;5 "al'I(\ '2CJ, ' ' QUALIFIED Public School wall swl.mmiq pooJ, .12 rt. x Chevy floor shift $10. Chevy $5. Trunk $4. Boy Scout 10c each. Wqon wheel twin Hardware, tKlwieware and 847-2125. 17676-A Camuon table n .!50 C:.:b\net doon atioml!ave .radio, ••.e.t T~ will tutor children 3 -~-SJD.SO. Lawn.1~ $25. truck bod.Y" parts $5 • $25. back pack used once $12. bed framl!I ST each. Large mor'I! undtr $2S. 5208--B HB lnd dtawtr1 50c ~~ ext. minor 'ftpi.., $25." • ' all qes in~ borne du:iint SMe ~WI ·SOe. °DreSMr 343 Chevy motor SlO. 3 84l-l301 planter box $5. Maple pie-Ne Pt u n e Ave., N.B. plywood lT x 3S piecu SOc. birdlcqe."4' " 8', QI. iumnter Call 962..&3u \vilh muTOr S25. W~n speed Chevy transmi11ion STUDIO Couch $8. Vacuum tun frame Sl. 6ill-92Gl 6'.5-0673. Sal/Sun 10--S S T U 0 E N T desk $10. TV • radio $20. ~1443 rard _lllrrltf.l)le· $5. . ~bl~, ~tendJ to I feet $15. m. 6 volt ba.ttft')' $5. 12 volt • cleaner $8. Dlahes lOe-$1. u·phol1tl:red chairs $ 2 0 • SURFBOARD excellent con-hancln& lantp WI.th dlf MONTESSORI I: Pre-School Nbt Sunday. '512 W. Chap-battery $5. Saturday at-Pictutts 2Sc--tt. Scattrr rug SAT-Sun 9-5 Mlrmr 4 x 2' SNAKES, King $5. Gopher Dinl!tte set S25, Sofa SlO. dltion. Speed' skeJ. 9 , 2 .. S25. $15. $UD1and e"vef· 211 children accepted Ye a r l!\&n. Orange • • ttrnoon •er SUnday. 2586 SI. C.Oin colltetlons $2-S:ill. tramf"d $4.50. DraJting table $4. Whip $3. TropicaJ flsh: Golt clubs SS. Rocker SS. Call Jean.. 64+-l'H3 Dr. e .M. tf)..6348 1 roUnd. ~ 'i,s tu 10. Call: TYPEWRITER $25'. Elt\ctric Santa Ana Aw. Table ndlo $4. Tatb: lamp $6 .• Typewritrr $.20. Kirby Ccngo and. CUllvlct Cldids Patio table $4. Chairs $2 and LU""""INER -• and fit. H' A'W_A JI AN' u 1, -. I "6-3106 "'1"69f 11 ,._ ,...._ attilci.-~nts $5. Indoor -fancy fUppies n. pair. more Sl • $20. 136 Top.u, ..........., MN""D '. fan $5. T~ and small ELECTRIC Guitar. ntw, · ,J't0"1),)"" """'" 34~253 Balboa Isle, Sat.SW!. tl~ ·~ for boat or car. (multicolored f •' t ~ • rf' Swimmlnti .ln1trYCtor \11omen's clothes 15e:· .. $1 . cost $98 sell tor S2S Eire· ROCKS, roC\tS, rock&, agate ~o:'~ S2 .. La~th Susan U &12-fi883 gourds) no. Cc 1 tu at Very, ~rtified!_9~_al!Q.e.d A Jev,;elry2.Jc-75w Lumber, 2 trlc gullar case, fur. lined, and jasper 5c lb. Very nice · · a r J!Ji" car-AQ ARIUMS S5. 10 gallons. CHILD'S desk and chair u.ronp, me 16,~tJ. Expe_~~-~ ~ 4, 50c: eatjl1 Plyv.'Ood., St new $10. Amp, like new, miner!l collec:tion o Id ~~ $2. .;:~ ~· c.otftt Swing .el large $15. MT--0492 ST .50. Child's rocket $2. 2 OU.. t.!er"f!UUtt. and l~i:!'.: 833-<1585 • ' MERCHA.NofSE FOR .lhttt. ~ails ~.can',~ N. cost S45 M!ll Sl:i. Scuba Bisbtt Sl. $25. Saeuaro trtt es ass e' AUTOMATIC \Vuher, rood Toy boxes S2.50 each. Girl's Pl!ta pugu, moun ...... BELT maaaq:e tin S•L& AND TIA.OE Erigllah, Santa Ana licket 3 zipper, med. S15. skeletons. big or litUe $10 Sc-$2. Chip and dip bowls condition $25. 962-4186 cltlthes size 10-12 50c -Sl . platt S12. 642-6983 $20. Twin bed ~ "" each. 548-2657 50c-$2. Rugs 50o-S2. AM H Siu _ 5 shoes like ne~-.. 50c • BEU. and HOWdl, heavy "'*table bed _., llD. ~ .. ~ , AMPLIFIER, commercial Shoe 1inns 8-9~~. 2 mo old, trm Sc-ll.50. Dog house P OTO Equipment. Garage $1 :il04 Seashore Drive Apt lo •-·~ -l'urnitute IOOO •""'. l JiP ''.""'' ·•-·· "" ~. Wrap around swim mask LARGE sto .... ,,... locker tilled l&le, pri9ate· na .. h •• su-8 · ' Special I, mono ta Pe bed with MJO<ten frame ...., ... ~ uu N ·-~ SS. Ping pona table S25. 1967 ,.... .., ..... B. NB recorder, z speed, 3 motors Mecbcinf" cabinet With SPANISH Returned from motor $'25. 1 electric _out-· $!. ~26?.6 Sa>. Picnic·tab~ S1. Chairs ~mary Pl.. c . M. projector, i;uper 8 movie: EXCELLENT used carpet $25 MiCf'Op~ sz. Coat ror $5. 4 ft. roui.d mirrol' Model Hornes on salf: •t board motor, new $25. 5 KNEEBOARDS. Btl.lyboards, $3. Tables .;t.. Low •at·SS. 646-4129. 2 1toves, 1 at $25, l camera., rerular 8 projector, 9x20, l0xl4, lb.12, 1,.. ht and $300. MH933 o-1.:-ra·--· $3. -· leu than wholesale! Grnup Sagu.ro tree skeleton1 lot ~S20. Shaped blank sai. 1'169 Tustin. 642-2890 at sio. Tegular camera, twin lens dark colors, lOc square fool ii;& .. ".,,.;;, SS. "".- lnclQcSu beautiful 9-a '• lamps, 1l01'\'tr pot_s, \'f"l_'Y 6'10" surfboard S25. BEDROO:.t: set.; Beautiful DARLING Snakapoo'1 pupa :'!::e Sund~ only all day. 284 Knox St CM 6 to 7 l!Vtn-~~~ ~u ~:ti: lainps $1!. Llvlftl"IW' ~-"'1 -R·u-t aofa I: 10ve .est. un~ual and be, ~~tiful, b11 499-415,l, South Laruna b!Ue, comp11!1:t double bed Sts. 5 oak chairs $5 each. 2 n pman a n d inp .-,,., ;spaniab oat deonn.tor ~little SlO. 2 ,~ flex tub-S]O. Double drcuer $22.50. '1 dUUng m0ri1 tables S'20 each. LampllOn, west of Beach. ---------W.sbtt, very rood condition ~vt~:.1;"PI tl'ibles;.,..... Gr tablll lamps mg, any len&fh :iClc fool. CB V~R ~ e: ~: drawer desk $15. Night Small blltfet Sl5. Tel elock '1752 Belgrave Ave., G.G. CHILD'S Delk J2. Child's !;5~ ~~ ~~~ = 800 x USS. e ~ rw ~ pl&cqut, klnl·· quaen: radlc, _Vf!IY hjp. quallty $25. aieuon-like new-847-4401 stand $7.50. Lam1>1 Sl • $l. $5. La.rat kkl's l\'i.&Qn $8. LIKE NEW: Sunbeam elec· electric orian ts. Girl'.1 bike for Kenmore or wttlrlpool $2. ~ .. adjt,11table or full lh• bedroom llUite 548-2&5l MOVING-Mu.st ~ii. Coffee 1169 Tustin, C.M. 642-28!!0 Philco AM rad)o SIS. Brown tric broom no. Eureka $9. Modun wall clock $4. a11tom1lic wUhel" S 8. Water ski tr. Snow llds ~t• 1Dd bcDr 1ptjnis. J PIECE eectional, blue l!lble, cherry inlet, $25. IOna SOFA ,$25. Chair Sl.5. New and .Uver fall SU. Ad· vacuum attachment&, com-S!»w sled $2. Pick Nick '84l-811S' ' poels ST. Sid .m.s JI .. m11ittftu. linens • boudoir floral $15:eaeh .. .£46..1>202 size mattres~ and box <1eoon.1or coveting. Small juatable bed frame S.S. pl@le set s1.50. Working 16.. cooler Sl. Pool lamp.1 S2.50. 1WO h. 1 bl 11 HalUcn.ft r,cetv!T s'e1t laJnpl. Spa.Diab oU: ' P: BRO\VN 8)"111.hetic wi& with li))rings, tufted headboard drop lea! dining set $'20. 1769 Drelllf"I, 16'4, 7 Sc -S 3 • Admiral. black and white Bathroom scale S 2 . 5 O. m_alc ing a e mps, shQrt w_ave S2;5. MOvie ' dininc &et priqe4 e111~here 1tand $5. 54o-6129 and 1tool, StO. Twin mi.I· Turtin Ave. C.?tf. 642-2890 Drapes S2 pr. Curtains 75c TV, table model S 2 0 . Cowboy boots $3. Gcr;mim ~I S5 ~1;o P~n 0 UO jec:tor table, ~ ·tard _ at . approx. $1U5.00 ALL gfzE 6% beginnlnt tap shoes treu box springs, metal each. Corduroy coat, beaver Volumes 1 and 2 0 t leathf"r panls outfit S1.50. er ·. ay filing dn.wt'I' •. Jepl FOR. ONLY $399. $20 down, $3 :>40-6129 frame, $1.50. Double i;izt SUNBEAM mixmasltr $3. collar $20. all in &:ood con-SI en 0 s p t'f 0 , ma.chinr. Carpet $3. Book.'! lOc. Toys Newport Bea,~. p 0 ck e t b;O o k.... an $4.99 per . .,,_Hk ," out o! · French Provincial head. Electric ta.lier brake control dition. Blue Chip book.s .ahotlhand ·textbooks • s2.50 lOc. Step ~tool 75c. Radio $2. DAVENPORT and chair $20 mage.zine1 20e. ·-ear itale credit OK. W 11 I LIONEL electric train set board S5. 2 naug. chain ,.50. $3. 113 ·HP electric motors $2.~. 642-5380 each. Call 494-3960 before 5 Clothing SOc. 410 Emerson Double "be!:!. complelt' Y.'ith ps. 6'5--0077. a86"toWne j ~te lorqulck l&le. 20th $12. White bathroom sink 2-24" bar atools S2 ea. 2 $2(1.50 each. Coil overbid 4-6.50 x 13 4 ply Delta.Super p.m. C.M. off Tustin dreiaer $25 ' 2 chest qf C.P.f. • ·:~ Century F.urniture, 9 1 1 2 S 2 0 • S m I t h C 0 r 0 n a Da.ni!ih modem c h a i r 1 sprinas $2. GP.f truck heater Premium tubelell! nylon Gas ~ Carden Grove 81 v d .' typewriter. excr.llent can. (green and aoldl good $3. 6/a-0625 tires, 25,000 mile WlUTanty. MAN'S 10 speed bike $25. ALMOsr Electric rotisserie dra~rs $10 each. SCRAM LET' Garftn Grow D~ 10..9, dition $25. Boy's suit . upholstery S20 es. Alum. One thou.sand mi wear on Ladies'liteweightbikeS?5. brol.ltr $25. Electric deep ~~'sfoOo~w::i~io:~ ' "' ' Sat 1Q.C, Sun ll4 Come brovm, size 11 • like new $8. chaise lounge and pad, DINE'M'E table, while $.20. 6 them. $12.50 each. Paid SlOO Tufted olive Mia S25. Anti-fryer S7. Pole lamp SS. 30 k"tc~ aieta S2CI and no Cc!· s inorcaD <nu S»-5240 Ladies dttM, size 16 · $3.SO $8-cha.ise lounge no pad, $4. dinette chairs. orange $5. for them, 1522 W. Anahunt que oak dresser S25. diipcaable diaJ>!rs, •ize m 1:e tabel and 2 end tables ANSWER· ' , MOVING: sp. piano, stereo, each. Blouses Sl. 64-2-8477 Vinyl circle chair S 4 · Antiqued credenza $25. 20" Pl., Santa Ana. Kl M23'1 Pi-latching beveled mirror S2. ~ trailer hllchf"s: 1-i6 SlO Pttirroni ·$5 and $2. 2656. I aasorted chain 1: t8bie1, BIKES, Stingray S2l 3 speed Cylindtt bird caie (ahnost Black and white TV S2S. HEAVY Duty. 100 ft. ex· SJ5. Baby'• bed s e 1, Pontiac Tempest, 1--63 Ford A-frear) Newport Blvd. Cranny _ Ali&ht .-<A~ livtna: room tulle, dining ~· Rqular SlO and $13. 16 new-) $5. Built-in Pl range 67J...G512 tension cord $3. Swim firui, red/blue/white, 6 year drib s,.w. S8 each. Car lop car-5"-2134 -Colu.mn -Brldlt·-oin.; , rm. •u.itl:, : b:inns, one like Df"W $10. 842-7153, top, aqua enamel, automatic EGGSHELL carpet, s x 121,i lize 3-4 SJ. Hi-Fi speaker SIS. Crib mattress $10. ner, fits all standard can _ 1 AM a BARBEk __ --~ . ttfriC. Othtr v a 1 u a b I e HB burners, new transit u.lvage $10. Oranae occasional. chair SJ. Reconf pla.wr VM, u is Drtuer $10. Toy chest $5. er S. W .. SU. Hand lawn Cock radio S5~ P'laatic beb)I Doctor: It's ~ :3 . ttem1. S.-21M MALE ·~1hile Samoyed, 6 co~ c h i P P e d $25. $5. P~ with frames SI $5. Rtrords 'lB rpm IOc Girls' pink dresser and mower with catcher SlO. ~ tub $1 car . Md, S2 Good tial that you rtfrtin l'o!0DEL wrne fUmi!hin&L months Ol.d $25. 20S5 Thurin, Norwe@n I a m I n t l e d • $3. Wondtr hone $2. each. Paper back books bookshelves SlP. Good lawn ft. Mae SI.SO. Aluminum playpen 18 Vw ~ tirt $1 doina: headworit durb!a: Decoraturs cost l btlaw. C.M. hardwood •klis and poles 541-0626 Sc-1.0c eacli. Bar stools pair mower $15. Child's wood beet kea: $3. 968-367S Jump .ei'.t S3 2 old t&shloned ntKt few day1. CounlrJ Cub Homes. Cor-COUCH $10. awr S5. Mat-adult !li.ze S15. Child's $8. TV 21", SJ). RoUer &kales SJ $8. Electric kitchen wall sided Y.'agOn Sl . .SO. ctUld's LADIES 26" 3 speed bike lamps s:r e"ach. CocJc.a.poo Patient: Yt1, Ooctor, . ner Hell l Sprin&dalr, HB. tn:u, double bed and 5301 1'te~vlark Dr. H. B. and SlO. Bike JJ" ss. 2927 clock Sl. Parakeet and cage trike $2.50. Sleeping oot S2. 416. Sln~le speed 114. Boy's puppy $15. 548-5921 it's my llvina. J' {2131 3'1>6666 springs $6. Typewriter $20. 2 842-1012 Peppertree, CM. 546-9092 $3. 545-2982 Roll-a·way b<!d SIO. Playpen 24" ~Ike $10. 6' car J~e SAT and &Inda~, Ju~ 14 and Docto;: Ob, are yoy · ' OLDER Type tumiture, din-iingle bed_1 with springs $15, LA \VN 1110\\-er 16" $10. car GARDEN w a t t r I a I I , 4 BRAIDED chenille r u g ' Sl.50. High chair S3. Antique cam~r SlO. Brown OC:· 15th. Sf"t 3 elephant& ST 4 scbolar . ' pi •• -to:::: Baby alk 12 top ca.rrlt!r SlO. 842-3079 round top trunk S25. Swing c a 11 o .n & I cb&lr SlO. piece fishill< ,.. "".Gold Patient: No, r AM a B in&: room, douW.e bed1, etc. _,."""n .,... w er · fiberglus bas.iru;, largest ls brown tones, 9 x 12 $15. set $3. Tetter-totter too::. Rot!sser1r 11 kt-new $20 · •m BER S,_,,, & -~-. P"'ne >Ion. Platform rocker $6. 642-22'73 BOWLING •-•1 $2 twl bed ·th ~ ·"·uo ""0 2985 "" .. ·· · cup and Saucer S2 Elecb-tc -;;;;;.m;;;'":::::::;=:r:r.iil ..,. ........ D&I ; n 3 feet diameter, w1 pump """" COnui n. =a-Clock radio SS. Scire $2. 2? Packard-Bell com· collee maker S5 2 Beam Al'fI'lQUE occaiional cha ~ FOLDING dining t.ablf' $15. frame $4. Redwood k>ve $25. 642-2932 BRAIDED chenille r u 1. Portable stereo r f" e or d b1nali?n HI-Fl, 1V, radlc, boltlei SS ei.th. Canliter S23 .Anliqut telephone • ·~···-----~ ~· -·. --"··~··--~· __ ..... ~ -. -... --'"'""· ··--·--···~~ ulfed Scotch-ruarded, $12G. clothing. size 12 • 70, 25c • 847-0072 with box, 25c each. 540-4'125 Good condition !168-298.1 under $25. Saturday/Sunday ~s muior repair S~. ~ box Sl.50 t&nisten $3 or all tlque end tablie $15 •. J.fat~ll'IC love aeat, S75. $1. Men's suits, lite '4. S5. 35 MM Argus Alrqulp alK.le ORDER ct the ArTow. Indian PORTABLE washer s 4 . 1743 E. Ocean Blvd, Balboa Killybrooke, C.M. 54>-2835 for $6. Baby. canie:r $2.SO lawn mower tu. An 5.11-3032 Ladies cklthu, 1ize 12-14, trays 65c each. 962-1593 beaded cowhide re r a 11 • 548-2407 Pen. Point 6'1~ TAPE Recorder $20. camper Car bed $5"POtty caalr SOc. geld quilt hTN .l .5 MAPLE Twin I: dbl. beds, 25c -SL Jim Grant Ave. 2 BIKES Sl5, SJJ. Paperback shirt S25. OlaP« $ t O. SWIM Jina SJ pr. Men's and WALNUT veneer end tables ice box $5. Sink $5. S 1al. Swlnr wlth stand $1 Old Miniatui:t •tn:eo Chrsts, desk, dinette, I capt. C.M. booka .10, .JJ. Coats Sl. Authentic Navajo drum $25. \\-"Omen'• clothes, children's 2 for $6.50. Overstuffed oc-'''tlter can SS. Studio couch mirror SS Clothing 5cXllc. the be1t )'OU e¥l!'I' ~ chr1. sofa. tbles., lamps. 21" TV good picture $15. '60-'61 S I u d ". parts, 390 ""le, llth and 1'ustin ;::._13_ •-•-~ss Pol• caslonal chain 2 for ST. S25. Ann chair stt S6. OlahH ~·kitchenware JOc.. each. Flol tu, rier $111. Mo&I. 142-<i.. 546-3573 nothing o'"' $2'. Tn>mbone A,._"• ;;;;;_..,. ~ ~;;,..,...,, Cbe•t of drawer> $8. PaUO T..,hn;color mov;• projeCtor llD 1338 S. Bak.,., S.nll T Fon! ..,.. .. .,,~ ·1 ROCKER. $20, Mapie comer S25. Case $10. Scuba tank MAPLE bed S15. C.OUet table odd piett,, ll·SlO Bar and chlliµ lounge $2.50 each. TV $15. Arps C-13 ns. Train Aila. ct1110l'!H SJ •• sz, MOdel , 1---0-1-111-E--•• L-l_N_E __ I table GO. CoUee table $25. valw S25. Small fins SZ. KO Sl5. Pair big lamps $15. •tools S15 Tnulic C2 \\'ood $5. Gtty leathtt occasM>nal litt. $15. Vacuum sweeper S5. PARTS f 1~7 thru 1963 Ford pu1a $1 .... S:ZS.JAil06 -}'ri!nch Provincial c=orner Topper motor • co o t er IS Cha" 1 2 5 --Una SOc. White vinyl 15 chair $5. Danish modern oc· Stutttd chair $5. 1 6 6 1 1 or 1 1 0 0 .._ , c)otlnder records $2. Antiqtf No' Item 'Ovaf $25 $25 • lab! enalne m. n...i •• $20. Trans Lamp · ir · ---cuional chair $4. Beige Labrador Dr .. 54()..3642 M 0 rt 1 lol n ° r . ~ · •••11 clock $25. 21 ,.... 1---------1 ~.:.,. ·..:nlnAo. ;.!;; with ovmk;";;'k;. Noth;ng Col•man •love $3. Worl< Woman's bowllntr btlll and '"""'couch and matching BRAND New crutches w;th Comple" -"'8' •"!' '''" HamHIDo poekol "'"" Iii PAlR Salem i\1aple bunk bed f7 cl! $%5 M2-tel55. 7343 bench $1. Picture frames SI. beg $4 Twin beds S10 Games chair $20. Larp round "''ood drums SU.50 Complete front 1914 Karotene tall lllbt ~ "om•• neari •.. new Sl5 chairs .SO ea · Tup. ewer · 1 Metal book shelf n. 390 SOc-$1Records25c59 Ford ... , .i ....... pad.1 SB .50 . Toutmutn drumi$2.'15 ·eachFro_ ''""' Gwlt•••~·•··-r= Y pen.'&ft 25c • $1.50. China Santa Cara. F.V. n..1 tllh ,_ .. -·-Un ........... $1 e.acii ........ ~4 tJam!I lame lop Sl.50. Cirls ~.t:• $4.50. Electric cottee pol _.._,_ ..,;51, each ..... ,......,.,,., ... __, •. each. 5 drawer brown lOc • $5. Glus %Je • $5. ..,..e. '"-' .... 11.tta. ;;~tor S2 ... ;;~ .• ice size 6-8 Zic -$2. Ladies SS.SO . .&lad dressing server rear .. ..,......., .... Earl).'. ,brua lamp $15. walnut chert $2;i. Brown Silver $2.50 • -. Iron to:::: RCA Older portable TV SlO. 20" STINGRAY conV'tttible •hoes site ~\SB 25c each. Starter S&.OOGenera.tor S&.'6 .SS tt.wlVer.'lilte neW 117.X ... ln"t ~-uet -. Pair _.. ..,. Sf"an mower SIO. Po<Mr Ill 2 ··-•-·t d, r n akatl!I $3. 351 D Avocado, $2.50. V\V carburetor $4.!50. VOl.t.qe rqulator $2 ~ COil • • 22 . , 0 vu ..., Touter $5. Yardqe 3Sc • ... ... ,~ m 0 O::ista ·Mesa. &46-3386 Dishet 5c -$2. Brand new Siu! 1-3 ibotl weddtna: drtu · · shield 1891 • miol"'r SJS. 11.t'P modem l&mpa S2a. 5 S4!A> a yard. Yam 25c. 1-t mower !rotary) SlS. Boy's Danlab bar &tools $10 each. loc;k with keys ss. Electric $15 $1.$0 Electric '[Vind ~ ct.Ud'I cMlr i I drllv.'tt birch be.by chnl ft. -··---·nt ~-lbtl SOc. ailt roller rink 1katr1 (5%) &l&-M80 SINGER portable' sewU. sldll~I SJ, rron . I l. $20. Lona" while fonnal · wlptta, cemp~te SS Qu~ '~2251 ¥ 214 ·W W ker S20 u~"I! .,... ~ Bookcue f 1 t a I n e d machln.: $10 SCS-1243 Lawnder short 1'otmal Sl4 assembly complete Si S'lftfo. . • ·' ~ #>.:MQle roe · Picture framet 25c .. S3. maple) SS. 147-~ UPRIGHT frtt7.er S 2 5 • · Saturday/Sunday J.5. 1809 'With .malchlnz lhctl, aih Ing wheel $2 Windshttid arjd C.M. typf vacuu~Jn-d~ Women's clothes S2 -SJ.,O. Refriftrator $20. Washer DINING table and 4 chaii's, \V. Balboa NB (2 blncks 7~$3.50.545-6134 windows 5'0't·$2 .SO la.dies tachmenta · · Tools 25c. $15. 11852 Orange DISH WAHS ER G . E · $20. Electrle dryer $10. 2 good condition S2S. 646-6176. eoutb Newport pier) 1 Headll&ht, aealt.d beam I! fine-cOndltiOn. tin RA maJlle pidUtt SlO. Maple Tree: Lant. T\tstln. 138-744l par.table/rood conditicn 12J, be.rreJ carburetor and 980 Oak St. C.M. IR •-RHESUS llk>nkey, Jin! er • 15 .•. J"-•I"' --· ·..t; -•-~--box ml-~. Now . . 12" -~•ble TV -$12 B OS, While' £A:bta Finches ad·"t or 1--·• owner each Head. comph!tt!i-•f?,$0 -. ... ·• -.: ri,~;J:"'beit rra.,;~~~;j:;stable VW dunebligy exhall!t $15. ~Fotd ra~u;t; Ji manifold "28.1" $5. 362 E . WEST BEND 580 6 HP tlS S1. each. Can $4.8-1497 MOn ea; lo ~"'r";, 1acr1n~ Horns r:ic each· ChrcMe JA41n . taney rldlnc • . · for twin er double bed $5. Tl\'O .slot . Clll'S and •c· &alnle88 stet!! built Jn 20th C.&f. 548-7862: Briggs l Stratton 4 HP Ul lhru Ft\. S15 (value $50) tnCludeti trim 15c-50c. 4.900 x.15 tlre11.. 11te 7, $4. G!tl'' .. rtM Stereo •Peaker S7.50. Pair c:t!UOl'les with careying-box eounter top elt!Ctrlc ra.nte DOUBLE bed $10, Mattrtu FklureAC:tnt l-lthl.1, complete ts" PORTABLE TV $25, chain, leash, canying caae. 1-550 x JS. rood u:so eaCh chap!! $5'. Electric-ble~ twin bediptt°ad~ $8. P.faplc SlO-. VW rear bumper J:t· and matching oven sz. Ad-S25. Sprlnp ~. ~3 Orange with bulb S2.SO. MG-4644 6n-7!Kl, 9331Ai w. Balboa AJSo ls.rte 6' x 5' x 12" eaiy Electric jig saw 16" thtct-t $3.' Reoords• lk .. ..Am~ twin bed, corr\plete $2.5. Tape recorder no. 646-2295 Jus!Able bed framt' $2. 21" Avt!, Apt A. CM 646-0160 VENDING machine, a skill. to assemble and mow=, only with mot.qr P,J;O..~ ~ S20, Genwdiretofd *nD.t tun ho BOAT 12' glassed S 2 S. no. S49-2S38 vacuum. Uke'. new. ·~ ~ DouWe ancl •lnifSit Solid maple cap I a In ' I ANTIQUES .50t -$10. Pie· RCA T.V. $5. RCA deck GE ll'Ot'I $4. Ottn form $5. &:ame tor at me or Tr a 11 er to i I et $1 5. -t .,, ~. ' now ~. ~-M u ii cha'b-8, r'll!ar new, made: In rurts 25c • 45, D!Shet IJld radio SlO. 147-7011 Coffee table SS. ~ profll In bet!!' ban $10 each. E _, ---AUTOMATIC wu•-r ~1 ........ -•~ _,,.,,....,,.. "" -·.,... ~ "" ...,_. vaporator .. """f"r .-. iin:: "'"' .., ............. a""':'· 338 E: ,MPeen printl.IL. •Cold Swt(l:t!n S25 each. eo11 s ... houtehold lteiN lOc: • ~. movlnK Mon. l TWIN beds sa eech. 9• aofa -··;JO chains ss. 96l-t392 condition $2S. '169'' w. 20tb ........ ....., .,.... .. c """"· li1aple l'lep tnd tab&l1 Bed1preadl, twins &nd ~ day Brown m_ Upbolltered· ch&ir SS. ~1 FORD An&Ua $18 2-8" St. oll Wallact St. JN. St. Coista llO.,~te <lh&ir ... US each. W&lnl&t cfuk S'J). b1e Jl. $5. Quilts S1 • SJO. ru&n Q'.I, n:'~~ ~ Table and .cbaln. $1., Slop balklo art whttl tz 10 SPEfri bike $25. Girl's . SOtmt 'AM.DUCAN T'l'U d1abet 5c .. 20c. 64Wi86 F'uther me,tbw, deltn a. Yama~a Co~ qlne ~ 3 Stlpera)o $20. M1n'1 3 speed WHALE Galley pwnp f.al!Ct!t. llArd ., fto~'S28 54S..al2 ~•nlll 25c. • • HOIJDAY. Imm m 0v11\ Stlrlan.Y bike SlO. Cirt'I = r:::: = :· nt~~.:....~~·-TV """ HP Olnton S:U.50 2\ii RP bike sa:i. 536-m8 Likie M.Wbo.~11ceJle~ LARO~ whee~ ~s!x ~dtlu.'f... .. t umdl,built.fnll&htrndft' llboa5e·$1.'!.r:Unew Ta.blcir $5each.IO-el7 . ~••n.--...: -JM.'ObeonllOSaturdarOftb' MOVING; Cold1pot C&l'QPttO!' slee . 35 l 'tramedk»llhedfii..Md .......... -.:.....~. ~ $1).. ~ rp.UIJlh)tdt sold bl'aided·•'OOl .nc, oval MAPLE . ~ 829 r..ne St. r"t.b1&.ntor, c r 0. I· I op DOG ffouat, • pt up to •ncl -1 SS. ~ btd Of \Pi~. . d'lnette Or 6elk c::haln. Uk i3S. Campi 50c • SS. Tabin ~ bible $1S. BELLY bom:I S20. 2 Pl-h' 4 CYUND.ER wattt pump frtem' $25. 9151-as2 lbll. $20. S46-2Ui ,,..,,.,;'/~ aprirws SS iron S~ tJpe.. ~ n t 11 QtW p flO, La r St! St • ~ Dfa~I $2. 133 Mor.. ~~ha~: ss~S:: bay'i ,let.th« bmrc doves erwtne $25 M6-46f4 U' SICJJT, flbtr&IUI $25.. RCA Whirlpool wuher SZ. itaJIH 5Gc eacti ~ ~. ~-':,. · tabltedottltl l!'nd Mpkinl p , riltO'fm Lane, CM. M>411'2 stand ft. Clrd table SI. $4. Boy'1 bar and •'e.lrhta 57S-121t 10.nJ Pua Dr .• Huntln,ton $3.! Round 3 lhell &'O*f91a Dtl «tJ .._ .. ""CU " "" !or Ix., .,._..., M"" Jo-1 ~ •-1 S3. Latre canvu IUltcaze ~ ·YAMAHA tn&tne Pl Beach 9U-6'70l -'N~· 1• ,. Atnl',llt$cr is , 8oltt DI • t -"" •~v R _.. oc: P Utility lablt $2. Bed&prt•d $3. je:t~mAtle SIS ooUee ....... COPTEE Table-and 2 tod "r"' ""-'IJ' MW m-?l.., :' ~h r;ulte.r ,SU.M. M i qpmi:s: Men"t. '11.'0mtn'&, dhpee UO"w x 60Wi'' h $12. lftfl'/Whlte SS. Curtainl si percoktor ta. ~ 5T FORD Analia donn't run t1J>Je1 $17.SO. ~ • COCKAPOO Puppy, Ytt1 mowtr $ZJ. m & .wrll•, "1'· aboe: roUn *'"' w1di ciit ciiUdnn~1 zc • sz;. Batob-q, MltOhl"A'. valance $3. OU Lamp $2.. Olabt lout11t $10. S4S-45'4 O L O Mc d e I c; I b a 0 n datllt«., eurly, male, only Ot.t SlS. Broq:le ~ .... t MW, still In bO:c: $1$. CVved White drapes lOt"w x Si&" h fnmc $2. Lantem $2. nash CE r'l!~lor U>,: Ironina , retrlgemlor In \l.'Ork1nc con-$15. ~ BEDS SIS IAund!'Y tubt-SlS HP proptlltr .$1; lbOlllltli wcodtn rrull'ot lllad bo .... ·1, SlD. lolltehlnf, valance on camera S2. TeleM."Ope $2.!iO. ~ .. ,,11-,15!, ~-~ ... ~~~ f'Orm ... !!: ""ea'•'""i-i" 1 ?,.6"Chlo1nan& dllk>n no. urp rrttztr UNlCYCLF .. C.O.t $31, newr Ootfffl table $2'.!I> Compo1andt wlve alld flttincl.SS. larrt $i\. V~. lar,.r stuffed board includin& rod SS. Wattir :tu; 75c. Plctuttt rt. .,.. ,.--,, ~ ,....,,... _.. .... .... SS. MS.--880'1 ltd will sell tor $10 ~ J)t1' 100 It. 'l'&ble dJ bk ~ P•ada $10. ~ Jrvtne, C.l>f. White drapes 139" x 92\l JI Ppalas !iOc. 45-reeqpls IOc. $5. Stools SJ. TllO ShaJim.lr, bowl $15. Moen Fauctt SJ:;. needs IRI C!:Vft, u ' ·' 1 11; u ••• ,.' and .,_d $5 Cane eNlem '• •,-r 1;f • ' 15. '•'ncycle $3 S4J..093J Dlshe Z'ic Tl 3)t C.P.11 84Q..1068 Work bench 3' wkle '1'6" PRINZ automobile need• ~ ~~. S: .. ~::""' .,.. _ _,,, 118 $23. 21 ~ CHEST M drawm 1VhJfe -, s, vases . ,f!P,I • '·-'-"IES q··-'IN ··-~-~with 4 ...._.,_on each enalne worlf $25. SptdAl JO' SURFBOARD $2!5. fcott ""'~·· -·-· N~ ,Blid .. ~"'" '. fbfn'lica loP :ag in. wide x 311 JIG and plans for bulldlna: Jelftlry 15c:. P\anits 2;ic. """"" _.. '? .. ...., • ..,.,.. u1 •·~.... 05 1 t bu BAiJ11tJUU u Vlllt. car or C.M PU.• Dldt . tn flish Urawtri Sii . w. wooden nctna: Sa.bot S23. Hat1 25c. S2S RedlaDCb -ltt. 14~1.8.\$3-Ji. &si..2890.. 1kk! µ>, St.c1' duitra $3 fool.I and partJ ~J and Sl .. •mos nrwl no boll $$'5 ~ Don:t,tlstr,abmalQlf M 6'J.4D · A~·•,. N.B. 310!'J 1769 TuaUn. C.M. . each. 20l 3llth St .• N.8. np&ir manual no. 136-7846 dlnt11 ..=:::'..::::·=:..· ;;;;:;;;.. :::.--,--1·=-'-"=:;.;.;;.;;.=.;...~· ' .. ,._ ........ --........ -----~·-:-c':"'"~,.-.~-,,.-.-~-,---~-~-~-~~-~~,..."?-... --.,..-------------.... -.---------~ ........ ---... --....... .,.., ........... ..,., ,,......,.. •. ~---.,- ilCRiiiNiiift"il)"Riii;il'ii&iiifil.;rEU.--7'DIDHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE 1'011, !itl&llQIAHDIS. l'OI l'ITI 11M1 LIY15TOCK TllANSPOlllTATION TllANSPOllTATION =:-=-=~=::::::~;=::..::::;.:.=~;1-~~· AND 1'.llADI $ALI AND TSU.DI SALi AHO T1IADI ' 'FREE. TO. YOU -·-:,1~;;;;:;;;;;;~~;•1~ IOOO,urnllul'9 IOOCi MIKOll•-... --"·-·--· :...' ..:.'~::.:..:" ~;..111.;_ ___ .:.,..;;;ll;:l0::1• _•_"_a_v_ .. _""_· _____ 1Marlnolqulp. 9035 ~~,,~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ] ~ a:;.,t.,:"" ~~ = sPORTSMSHFJtMAN! c!!'mTti!;,0 ~~ ... :'~ 14 DAYS " lEf J! 1. M,!?.~ -...::.,-;i.,: ~ .... ", ~~~.! =.lu.11u-uu hnMacula!1'3s~1116t '""' • ..,.,, ..,,, ·""' ll<bti"' double 4rtf1er .w mimlr, ~ 11i1fJt ~ Wlta .,.__ chatra. I n 1 tr u m e n t 11 2 nlahl ltanda, double mat. old. -..USS .. SlANdE ........ ')oint. control t'tylna: brid&e CX· w in d I h I II I d I, inboard DICOUTOl Gm CAllCIWTION Of 11 LUXURY APAITMINTS S,.,111! & w-.. n fumltwrt SPECIAL OPENING $AT. 'lo SUN. TH<lllg Dewn Bulktl"9 to lrtu wi box. IClrinP-. ';s.ut'' Dltda a 11ome wta. • T Wffkll.J'5t*Mllt finale ~.,,~1 ~11~::. ... v.s-,::_d~ transmtwon a.nd pa tanka. P lwd ~" Jo-•-US. * ...,....,.; .. ..,... ....,.. • Abo hardwU'f!. All ntw ac .._ bJAck ud ·~ mdJ~ er tldlt · falho., baJt Wik, traJllMI atock. Reuonable ~ Mike Room r<o. Our New Store SPANISH ** MIDmRRANU,.- whtt. 11" COMDle TV ,pod couialt. ~ -... step tc SI e N ' condidon 915: Sien Kea-bzWn . W • had i1tib,. em ~ .. dkW.~' tnt=! i.eav!r; 198'1 EVINRUDE 5 HP, no more c»nv. port a b I e ~ en.t ALAsicAA = an•. mutt Mll! shift. Overha~ t h I s All llAND NEW $75,000 CLEARANCE • Wood game sels from $169.95 • guar . mattresses ·$19.95 • Spanish dlnelte .. 1 $69.95 • 3 pe. Spanish bedroom sets $99.95 e Spanish !able lamps $12.95. d~hwuhu, e._.io l ysar BtAll'l'IFUL Wl\i-1 dot! -)~~·<::.~:: JOHN GRANATH "'''o'" 18" 8 F'ibefll"' old, $125. 5301 Mtadmtlark male A l ltm&lt, Vtr:v al· colorinl. tttat fam.U.V dop, YACHT SALES dlngto. S85. Both tor Sl50. • ' .~:::: :.::; ....... ,i:li.r..o.• 1W.:·1a ... to11t.ts1" ......... . 'W ' ' ... .,............... . I , ,_'ill:". w.!11. · .... ·· · ~II Dr. lm, SU-IOU fecUonate, need 1 e v I n I &ltnclly lovinc euy to tor 1ppt. phane 8'13-3670 I =013-4303===-=-~~="' FAMILY T It EA 8 URE home. -o.r., Dr., ...,,,, i>.rr.ot ;bow -· l'Rl·SUMMIR SALE CHRYSLER Outboard IO HP HOUSE ~ El Camino htJ H.B. &Ill Sood far breed in I · NOW ON DISPLAY with rtnwle and dlrt:ct con· •I UfMll ... ~.HI ......... . Remainder of Huge stock at terrilic savings! No dawn -terms to mfft your budget - bank fine; M•st•r Ch•r91, B•nk of Am•rlc•. (forml!rly D St) James ,.....,... .... --i p d'-,, _ _. ... __. ~ -"• trols. Extra prop. ustd 8 ci.-,._ "na.L ......,. ua .., lab-•-. .... ~ pure.,...,,,., -CORONADO 2S •••••• 13195 •-·,,, 19611 -·'el el-~-Town -"'l'l'· ....::nter. Tu•. t...-... ..... ~ nft -· -,...,... II~ "''""""' A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (wes reg. $1295.00 U7• w q .... OM -·Che -· ................ t'ORONADO 2S ••••.• $4995 , ..... ·~""' ,.. __ .. ~A .. ~ Selling now ~ used orl&fnai> 111,., one """"' Np I' U I' I' I E S OORONADO 3' 116 995 -" ~~. -· ~ or Star• Ch1r99. . of l&mous ~t1irn.er1. putltl 6nly. ~ 6119 ORDER NO\V!! ' EVINRUDE 10 hp, remote, 14d~5, Jirll, chlldrtn s, ap. CALL &C-38:90 tor U~ moat 2 • I 'II/Wk old male ())cker CORQNAOO 30 tank~uip. Salt or crade SACRIFICE • . • • • • $398 • Thia Sal• For Stock on H•ncf Only fr PJft · B&p. ahoea a: an-beautiful and adorable kit pupplt1. $10 each, Save on dttno1 this ~·eekend $125 or 3-:i l\p. ~73&f l l ques on ~ent. le 3 • Phone 1162-1097 SABOTS New Compl •-~" ·······----·--·---- tlO ,....., Ott. lllltUllU!O -Wf tAA•T OIJ• 0WH ACCTS. 832--0272 ntl. o~. 1 black • ' I!.., ..,..., 60-3690 6/lS 1',~ YR c1d nWe Gemwi 2912 w. Cout Hi&hway Bott Slip Mooring 9036 CAS Stove, l twin bed sprlna:s. carpet rm-ex. 2 dlnln&" chain, bird caae. lamp, metaJ plcnlc table, 4 purses, bullet, S\V ndJo, 1786 \Vi!atmlnater A v • , Costa Mesa B I W, Ire)' le. W, .arid all Shl!phetd. AKC. ah o t I . NeWPO~ .f,lf:Jch * 64&$10 DOCK space nl!ar Pavillion erey, klttl!N; lntelllcent. = ba e ktround 37 F~ Express '64 Sl.75 per root, max. length amuaing, b o u a e bro k I! n AJ:h 3 PRIVATE 17 ft . l\finlmum 6 months. mm RJRNITURE ' 1144 lewport Blvd. H.~:'.. 11.,.1 Costa Mesa only 611J..S883 6111 '9 •• Hound Pu,pl" DOUBLES ~303 2 DARLING Box train@d ktt. Companion and show. Qlty. TS 225'•. Onan, auto-t·.~·w=Amf==D~.-. ~s~;,ie~u.~.,-,~lip tens put Peni&n, I wkl AKC rer. 9C-99B9 pilot, 1V, ete. Eli!cbie for 24' po~r boat. old. 014f92 S&han Ln. ff 9· REGISTERED Dahnation. &alley, tetra:. H/C 100....er. Call &44-0802 897-6937 eiJ.6 2969 Mendoza, Costa Mesa. MUST BE SOLD OOf-'K tor power boat 22• U yoo will ael.I or buy 9 to 5 OR J..MXI ePAClFIC YAOIT SALE.Se · or * AUCtlON * Sewing M1chlnn 1120 T•l•Ylalon FREE to IOOd bOml!. 2 3448 Via Opo leu S2 pr fl. "'atrr &: tlec1 &Ive Wlnd,y a tr. a:enlle .rrtY and white kit-IRISH Setter, AKC champion (21JJ m .,=-=t-1{1l' Newport furn. 548-8418 hory Nftht 'TH 9 -We4., Sot. & Sun. 'TA 6 --''------1205 1969 SINGER wit~. zig.zag & \\'81nut console l'l1akes but. Ion holes, designs elc., SS.25 n10. or $36.00 cs.sh. 52&6616 RCA Vlclor cOlor TV $99. \Ve have several le1nporarily in stock, fully rccorxlitloned, some with new pictures tubes. Terms low u $8 monthly. Henderson'• 1877 1-larbor, Of. 548--0155 A,uctlorul Frld.Q 7:30 p.m. ltl'll. 10 w~kB 014 m&le, 10 wkl, aired. Tenns.\!.::::C,;;;;-~~~<~l~67J.~Ll~1D~\':==:="':'===':::'::,] Windy's Auction Bern 60-f719 611.i ~ 12' ALUMINUM Boat Boat Strvic•s 9037 ---------------"========= I I M-I 'l. AKC Black Fl!ma.le p-.. •-Xlnt condition. $135 Beh nd Tony's B dg. Mat'l hervi.-..,,n. cat fftOI, old • .........., 847.7389 Sl\fml BOAT REPAIR 20T5li Ni!wpoprt, CM 84U686 baby need a new home. 3 Months old 1$35 OWEN Flberglaslng & paintinz f Pvmltur1 1000 G•r•t• Sale 1022 CIRAMIC KILN $75 GARAGE Sale: Sale or Mualc•I Inst. 1125 Co 548.586..l lradt. apt ~(ze ranges, ---------1 3126 BARBADOS PL, C.M. 149 Bay, Apt. t allt;r 5 PM •893--3306e S 1966 25' V.G. Cone!. Fret Est 847-5453. 540-0056 For &a.le Sat 14th 0-5 p.m. 2 CM OUTSTANDING 1.s. Gnna.n • ~~nen etc. marine ~adio'l=========• I •TABLE &. chain ST.SO, nifrlas., Honda 50 cc, Gultan • Amp! • Drums .tep table $2, foot stool SJ., tables, chest sel' & many NEW ANO USED Step atoal $2. 54fr7597 misc items. 2426 Newport 12 MAJOR BRANDS RCA Portable T'V 16" condition $35. box 1prlngs $15 ea, 2 In. NJCE lookint Iona haired Shep. pupa. Pll'ftnts on Sac. '4700. S49--3895 lo•t· \' •cht nersprlng: mat $15 ea, l bdr kittlfll, C wka. ohf to a aOOd premltt1. PJ, 147·9936 26' S'I'EELCRA.!'"1· inbrd. Chirt•rs 9039 s1.1it $20, l cM!r SlO. home . Aft 5 p.m. AKC Toy .... hite Poodles, 7 Nttda woril. $2950. I----"'----'= BRAND nl!w Penn Sfnator M.2.-1322 6114 wka. S75 to $125. Mlsaion * 546--9390 * BLUEWATER CHARTERS ====-;o===0 I 12/0 marlin fishing reel, "JINX" 11 Shtpherd/IJUlky, Viejo, 830-27M. S JI 27' Trojan, Power att>l\OOM lll!!t SSO. Llvin&: Bh1d, C.M. 642-MOO /\IM> i\lnny Imports At room $95. Good condition SURFBOARD blank, JR. BIG DISCOUNTS 548-IO>t Hf.Fi & Sf•reo 1210 never u1'td orig S90, $35. 14 mos. old, !'lad lhota, flll, TOY Poodle puppy, blaclc I boltt 9010 Sk·p"pe' Th~ndilaebr1blrd, Sail 673.(0)G kwea klds, and need! a new mall! ARC S weeks KITE No. ~. Like new con. 1 r a\a e 646-8XlO M2.-M54 tolf club•. ladles . size 16 EVERYTlllNG 11\ J\tUSIC I i· BROWN '•"" rolon;at d oth... """ I adde r. Beach Musk Center IOfa nice for den. $2;>. spcedl'l!!11rl t."Ourse. books, 5J6..6I& misc household Sat l()-3, BEAUTIFUL GE !'leroo, 3 V ENE TI AN GI.,. home. l38-4A38 6114 e 548-4064 e dl tlon. Blklnl blue mist blue CAL 24 for CllARTER Dafly 12 r1oon rill 9, Slit , 9-5 sold originally for S269.9j, d k bl k , S.lO Day $180 \\'ef'k ll · chandeliora·, 6 lamp, 25" LONG hatred black ca1lco CHAMPION L.-..1 female e.c • ac boot strip. Hard -_ 2142 Alller Pl. Cl\;!. T VELVE't Sofa, 2 Queen ~ Ann 1ide cha.in A desk. Ml--a«J ~87 17~04 Bcat•h 81\·d. Hh\'y. :?9J epossesa1on, ass1.1nle pn1L<>. ..,.~ I * 816-29:7 * -do"n D -• · 1815 diameter, 22" '-ng. 1·~s. female kitten. Pure whi~ '11'.. .. nsr. Bull AKC .... xai • t'l!!da.r rudder. 4 pai.·t 1 GARAGE Sa.It' • Sat & Su n 11; rni so. San Oil<;o f\vy. "" .. · · l.lruap 5• 494-3684 ' "' "'' Iona Ir: short haired kittens. U:V~ children. o:•:: ~ vana. $675. 714/488-7188 904I 136 Topaz, Balboa Jsland. Hunt in"ton Beach 847'<'36 Newporl, CM. 548-1788 o .. ., •• -.r-•;i;;o• Boat Sto•o~ " -av. o.w-t'I093 6117 S<bM'JE PUPPIES COLUMBIA Defender 29': --i 3 twi n beds S5 each, 9' ; .:ica il.5. uphola~ Chair Student desk. rocker. uphol. Sling"l•nd o-·m Set 40 \VA1'T AM/FM stereo E.X-PAINTER now teachu, ., 1 30 ---=----- chn, gnlf clubs, vintage Sl!IO or milk~ "offer MK60 Ce lcstra spkn, wlnut quality painting wktnds. FREE KITI"ENS BlW m&le, AKC, tema181, 2 mos. j~eps 1~-HP lnboard; BOAT STORAGE "' ... "" radios, fonnlca dinette set, 644{)l5S encased sel. $295. 642-7726 vacalion. 1''ree e 1 ti mate wh. fem, Or & \Y malt. •531-9854* racuig rear & extras. Sail or power up lo 3l' rup. paUo tbJ. &: chn. -=~""-'""""'---1 646--4519 or 54l)..(l(l62 Hlbrkn. wnd. Oft~ bet AKC Af&ban pupp;es 1 wkl 646-6CH7: "94-7735 Fenced yard. New por t f P.uus l!acb a~ a.nc1 WUri!, 11.Dtd, ·wkte and lon1. On.sir-. Call &&>-22&1 couches no. Much more. VOX, Elec. Violin bas1 ~~ 3SJ3,te':...;~~~.~.:.., J.PFI · BLACK W·'nut Pr 0 ct Ice 5 5117 $200. • ' SEASICK Allor s e I Ii n e Ba,ytront. Monthly rate! lo-$180 -With Case ..,....,. ,......, ""'~ .,,'-".,n " .. aall"---1 V •·-21 elude MOVING • Baby ~ip. N t Be h piano $1&5. Gold colom!'bed LARGE ~dalre ~ 646--'r.119 uua • en .... "' • trlr, · · · household items. good ul!Cd 613-Sl2"l ty,•por ac divan. Nau1ahyde brand ator w/bottom dttp treeiit. ERM.AN Polen:: 3.9, all equip $2595. Use of Hoist retr td bl new $US. ~ Xlnt cond, except broken • G Snepherd pups, 962-2136 · Launching ., 11ti Y ta CA, misc. Pi1no1 & Org1n1 1130 Cam•ras & Equip. 1300 --'-----handle. 494-2157 6116 AKC.10 Wfll!ks, Jute boned, 19, LIGHTNING d Call Anthony'• QUiiic,, kir. bed, quilled, ... i.; ......i 196; """' I '25@. Aft $ or wknd1, 847-0400 Sat 6/14 806 8 I IO n • c-..:.:..c.....:.:...:..=--'-'-' CRAIG 4 track tape ~k ~. $50 up. 496-2184 . • ac l&l.15, 839-2281 Eastbluft. GULBRANSEN STEREO Rea.lisl camera, Sa •'VI SUMMER Fun. s adorabll! ,;:;,;;;..,:;:::.::;~==~ traili!r, · .with goodie1."=========cJ ORGANS flash attachment" &. car-mpaon spear EUn .pAJ. kHten11. 2 Black short·hair, l GERMAN SHE pH ER D SJ.500. 5 lo 7 Pti.J Or bef 101• P!~IO\\~tt~g· r~~ts :::i~~ WURLITZER ryini:: cases, s~o. 494-3960 r:~.~.gear U.$15. 67?-8714 P.fa.lt ese grey, 1 flutty, 1 ~s5 :;ks~~~ack Ii .Uf 673-9039 ore Boeh W•nt1d ··! Offlct lqulpment IO 11 90SG ~ 10 key add In 1 tbl, type11Tiler, din'g ,,,,1. PIANOS & ORGANS bcf !"i pnl REFRIGE TO tiger-stripe. 646::8405 6/14 ,=::..:...::.::=::..:.::.;=::c__1WES1WIND 3l' &ISM sloop, * FIBERGLASS BOAT. 10 macblnes; add, sub, multi & 1967 Ro sema r y , CM. Piano:\ &. Organ1 Rented RA R, $40: twin HELP Find a home for kit· LOVEABLE Dachshund dln&fiy, molor. incl. M1v 23' or 12 ft. 111th or wlthou! " cttdll bal, Sl04 va1 • $69.50, 616-412!\ EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Sporting Goods 1500 beds, S15, composl, 1.7 load. ten.<1. 2 1hort-halr cal.loo pups, AKC, black & tan, 12 oU shore moorinf. S2.000. 1notor. 642-2019 -• .. 10 left. ,.,.·er 100 adding ANTIQuc·o al -------543-3627------ten1. 1 lobby b" ti Yl'ttka. 897•7297 ~3685 or 833-ms& V•JY vw ~. IJU • furn · Skin Diving Equip --UNICYCLE Mobll H macblnel, ~culaton. ~h clothing. Hi-poster go\. mpl. Beath Music Center U.S. Divt'r!I tanks fr ...... $59 $20 546-9965 6/17 .H:.:•::.·=-=------=•13:::0 26' ENDEAVOR fbi;l! sloop, • omes 9200 tel•·· type ters at OW· Viet. \\'a1. bl!drm aet.s. 423 u.s. Divers regulators fr Soto ADORABLE puppies. black -iOOd cond. Shock b1.1i,lt. low prices. &l.2-8811 Snu2 Harbor Rd. N B . Factory Sales & Servil'e New Nylon lined \Vet Sails ==='T:l-=2T~OO~al~t=6~--I w/whie markini'S, 5 wks. e MUST SEU.! 2 beaut Mooring . avail S350 0. GREENLEAF DeJUR Grundl1 Stenorelt!! 54&-74TI Daily U noon 'til S, Sat 9-5 lolY as ........•. , ..• $39.~;; PORTABLE lV, 15" 1ttttn, Call after 5 p . m ., Shi::Ua.nd ponies. Susie. l yrs 64&-4310 : ' traNCribl.nc machine, used 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy J9) Custom duck reel Cins .• $8.95 VHF-UHF, great condltion, 846-<1975 6114 old, bridle le u.ddl!! incl SAILBOAT 16' SKIMMER l 3 tlme1, $DI. 4~ Appll1ncft 1100 l !t mi. So. San Diego Fwy. AQUATIC CENTER $40. 673-2706 &ft. 6 P.101HER cat "4 kitll!ns, noo.~supr, 7 yrs old $60. trlr.' all equip., dac la.ii!: PARK AM~uoan.ph -Elliott USED llotpoinl rtbigerator Huntington Beach 847-8536 4535 W. Coa.!t Highway QuaJJty kini bed, quilted, U1JOrted colon. Frtt to 9fi2-9S40 good cond. 67l-2527 with auppllci, service apt aize 1 year old, like new Open Sunday 1 to 5 Ne~-port Beach 673-5440 complete, unua~ $98: worth iood home. Call ~2981 BEAUTIFUL .t year old filly. HOURLY lt£NTAL.S I '17~ SS7. Tenns $6 mo. Used AL\VA\'S A BUY AT SURFBOARD, B'l" S 2 j. S2SO. Aft 5 or wknds 847-0400 after 5:30, all day Sat. 6/19 Penonallt.y plus! Sacrifice *Rhodes 19'a * u-·-~hold Goods I020 Maytaf wuheni, I u 11 y Gould Music Company Good condition. NE\V Grolier Encyclopedia FREE To iood home 6 !tte~~~ must take btst FUn Zone Boat Co. Balboa rTVVff recondiUoned S99 pay only PIANOS _ ORGANS 962-&170 10 vol. plus new book of adon.bli! kittens a.ut'd col· COLUMBIA 29, I/3rd in- $8.50 mo. See at Hen-fl('\\.' 11.nd used knowledic. 2.0v, w It b on, befntt 10 and after 6. TllANiPORTATION teresl. Top cond, extras. f1U., Sat, Furniture, lamlpS, dtl'!on's. lB'77 Harbor, CM. FULi.. wrl suit (med.), bookshelf. $225 545--0223 Call 494-2&35 6/16 9000 $ltn) dn. 642-3295, 673-ml plcts., tea elrt, record p yr. 548--0J5.5 cuarant<'fii fine used organs mask, finl'l -E."~Uent lolhl & Yichts Tender Must.11ng, d 1 x, =,..-,====-~-from $375 conct .. $50. Call 847-3928 HOBIE SURFBOARD 9' NEED food, ahelter for SABOT Ne. 4144, rood cond. reverb amp, MU;c. items. GB AUT0i\1ATIC washe1i<, Baldwin·Gulbransen· Scuba Tanks abandontd 1kinny yellow DISCOUNT Marine cata101 Full n clng gear & dolly 3IXl!I Reya1 Palm Or., Costa m In I-basket, 2 spd, \V1.1rllt1:er·Conn-Thoma~ Miscell•n•oua 1600 494-i212 manx & m&llese £: i,i.·ht klt· aave up to &lo/~ on finest incl. $350. 548-lli6 Meaa. 54µ795 permanenl preSll c y c I e. 76 pianos must be sold -·---...;..-'----' DIAMOND Solitaire i,i.'e<Jding ten. 540-'183 until 4 p.m. known .brands In marln!! LIDO 14 \vith trailer. New ,1~========~ I Rcpo911Cfised, assume pmnL~. new and Ul'led Grands-*HOUSEHOLD* set. Co!!t $395, iell S15 cuh. % PERSlAN Kltten1, they electronic~, hardwart, yacht sale11, rigxinsc. In1n1ac. $890. ! o., ••• s.1. 8022 no d 0 \\' n. Dunlap's. 1815 r•cu1.so!l'.'S·Spincl11 • ,, h' • R 673-3600 Are beauUl1.1l. Please take cear, fiahing gear, all IC· 6'ffi..J781 or O:•O 70::.• in clear, clean, coo1 Costa Mesa. New 92 spaee Adult Park NOW OPEN! Mabile Home Display P.todela & Sa.lea otficl! located at Park. OPEN 9 AM TO 6 l'M ACCENT MOBILE HOME SALES • Ni!WJIOrl Ctif. 548-'1788 NtlV \\lurlitzer spinet~ $j69 .• oor mac ine ug ---------the •·t the ba 1 cesaortes for power or sail. .rto-...,.. J STARTS Mon .. 16th, 1~7. GE DRYER, electronic con· Gauld Music Campony shampoorrs • RoU -away SE7 ol r1np: engaa;ement It m """ore Y ve o For your copy &end $1.00 to~ 40, con1pl~te ract equip. 1750 Whittier Ave l Hun4rl!!4s of itema. Furn., Lrol. Best '69 mode I . 2045 No. Main. SA 547-00!1 beds • Cribs&. playpen.~. wedding; neveT used, Orie i'O· 548-5927 6/16 Dlaeount Marine Supply Co. lJ\C!I % oz spin. Duel instr. C t M appllanct.1. antiques. rup, Repo~Mlon, a ssum e E 0 United Rent AIJ ~t S200,atll$12S.SC8-6'137 1 ONLY. Abyaalrdan male 2'30 w. Coast Hwy . RDF/RT. 213/356-1430 OS a ftCI ~ saddle, lite fb:turea, v:orld pmnts, no down. Dunlap'!!, NR LL NOWI TIO W. 19rh St., Costa Mtsa DIAMOND Cocktail tine. kitten. Beautifully ticked. Newport Beach. Ca.lll 92660 1200 cc Myers Manx loaded, 714: 642·1350 f 1lobe. 1ame1, c Io the•' 1815 Ne•'""'rt C.M. !148-7788 Beginners class I es son s' 645.0760 Have apprsJ $675, sell $250. \Vi!aned & tr a In ed . 0 UT B 0 A~ D Cr u I• er Mull Sell. Gri!!'At buy for Ofl.{"'""'~~'!'!!!!'!"!!!!!""'~ f t ta dishe ~,.... learn to play the organ, Six ===c,,.c...:;,,,,:,c:____ 675-4.lll 646-4698 5/16 n. r l =~bll!a~ 307re~lde~: "LARGE Gi!neral Motors ~-eek11 course, 1 ta r ting ATI'ENTION: Marquette ---------Glasapar 18' Seafair sedan. xlnt cond. 548-74n MOBILE HOME CdM Fr i g Id a i r e refri1terator J ulll!! 17 st 7:00 PM . tune·l.lP equip. llke ne w. CERVITOR Beer Oispi!nser, G&RMAN Shep~rd. female, Priced for quick sale. 1960, SABOT. flberalasa. Make Of· i. GARAGE SALE Ve' . .',>. rd cond. $32. 546-5465 G1.1aranteed ~suit~. $12. snap.on sir chisel 8t. Jmpact Coppertone. Holds half ki!Q:. 5 mos., iood with children, Xlnt cond. Twin 35 bp fer! Exce.llent condition. $ O " P1:actic-e organs availablC". \\Tench. Jet air-<.'Ond. equip. SIOO. 546-2815 BEAUTIFUL. M5-0U1 6116 Johnson motor. Xtras incl. Call alt 4:30. MS-1990 1 ,000 t fiat l /l4 * 10 AM..fi Plt1 f"RIGIOAIRf: Autom11.tic Al50 cla.,sell for more ad-& stock. 7·UP mach. and HAPPINESS is ha.villi' your depth &0under, bait ta.nk, 22' STAR Sallboat. Xlnl • 385 Walnu1, Cos!a 1'teaa "·ashing machine, turquoi.M!, vanCf'd ploycrn. Join the other misc. call afler 6 .M,;;.l;;1c"'-'W=on;,;l;.;•;.;d;_ __ l;.6;.l-'O very own ki tten. One 7 wks, ship-to-shol'f' radio. $1375. cond. D!!luxe trailer • :,.loving, Many i!ems incl. nl'l!!'d~ tnlnflr l'C"poir S50. run! RegistC"r now. 897-4837 another 1 yr. ~2614 6/14 644-CM39 Sl650 LJ S-5982 : furniture, be.by furniture. 549--0'lSJ art 6 Ptl!. HAMMOND STUDIOS J\fcGREGGOR Golf Clubs WE PAY MORE MALE Kittens, 7 wk5. old EGG HARBOR SABOT _ ALL GLASS -OR - $35,000 HOUSE! ; aquarlum1. c~t. cvinina: El.EC dt')'('r $90. \Va.sher $8.j, m.t E. Coast Hwy, Cdbi 114) &: bag. $60. Japanese c s 9698 Robin Ave. F V * San 01!(0 * DACRON SAIL NO. 2322 ; jars, toy1, loob, etc. etc. T\\;n mattreu &: springs. 67~..-8930 Lilhophane China tea ~I. A H 962--0422 6/14 2 DAI 'Ei"1 Hbn Displayed $250 646-6759 ; GARAGE Sale, Fri, Sat, Sun. IIollY"'d frame. JUNE SALE!!! gold/hllnd painter! $5 0. KITI'ENS 6 \\'ks old to aood ~j TmDJ<I n GU~ S~~~ LIDO 14 No. 2775, iood cond ~ J1.1ne 13, 14. 15th. 1320 54G-70Zi Port. ma~w.ge Ible $50. home. 494-7431 L ac u na ~•van r-acu ~ Full -cing gear A yard. Ccme .ln. today and see JU."!"· , • ,~. W N 8 Co Facio"" authorized clearance w -0 1 , ... ,. 6 m ' Shelter !·'and Dr • • I nnt .... a ay. . . ntem. \VASHER/d-•r, • " , l 0 n> I '' I • d I-~-~---·-·-----Beach /14 """" "' · dolly incl n300. 548-7116 U~ 1v1ng at .do\\'ll lo earth , pee bdrm"'· bunk bed,, 2 ·~ .. o overage, re urrui « emos Kl'lB LL F 1 1 1. 71•22•7~5 p--• r. au d box• opro'n•• & m a l t ,. Imperial matched turqouise, Piano~ & Oraans. Practice " A COfllOlc piano. f"r. or urn ti.In!. •PP iancea, PUPPIES. 1m&IJ ml x e d .. " -SNIPE 1 k h 11 1 nd ....... · ""'peci Y now ur- •d nc1 p · .,. ..,1 t 1 · t Prov. s!J'll'. 18' upright r.olortd TV, stereoA and an-brttd, Duffy, varitty et col· * IMMAC'ULATE * 23' . '.Pan u · x nt co · ina: our clearance sale on Bedrpread11. kit misc! & Pcbb~. Cdi\l :4_237;· ..., ~i!::: n~~; &"·~~tG~~':rs fret.zcr. Heavy duty bench tlq1.1es. • ori. 548-7087 S/14 TROJAC cab Crsr, 150 VS, ~~s ~5-~ cond. W/Trlr. all display model&--tbey're , clothes, sizes 8 & 10 68 FRIGIDAIRE C & demo Bald1Vin Organs vice. 1/3 Sack ceml!nt mix· OR,v or nicht OLD Sota mall hild' s-s radio, dURI batteries, · priced lo sell immedlatl!ly . • GARAGE "·'· , H•'d• a bed, 1.1stom al er. 16' rxt. a)uminum lad· 6"..: •..:20 -1 c 1 fut!) ""'mp•, fi~ x, etc. ISLANDER 24 l''ull Race Parks avaUahle In &ll areu · ~ 1 1 I •1 b · 1 " ly & lruly on money -'"'"' ·-~.--,·., Bal •• t bed . m P e r P " o 1 c de..., •:.o A~"-1 · ...., • ......... • FrJ••e, o . co·-n, .. ,., •--•·, custom extras, dinghy & Bay Harbo• 1, drl!!ul!n. cha.ITS. xlnt · savlnc SALE!! Get in on •·•· .,.....-.w 1-• ,,... v-.: ...,,,.. -•~• •·b .1 . dlllhwashcr. Cherry top, .... •<m:A. 646-2389 mooring. $4600. 549-0057 Mobile Home S•les ""'"'"• .... y 1 ems, swing, front load SlJO. 646-6888 the big deals at: 4 llX.15X15, 11nd 2 8-4SX15 $ WE BUY $ #•-hike . 1 a wn mower. WARD'S BALD\VIN STUDIO lires Rood r.t1ndition. $60. WANTED: Home for 4 '67 32' CHRIS Corlnthilll, LIDO 14 _._ ]425 Bakl'.'r St : dlshwuber I: misc. Sat KENJ\10RE A u Io m •tic 1819 Ne\\'JIOrl, C.1\1. 6'12.$484 Desk 4x6 "'ilh glass cover $ FURNITURE $ * d 0 r • b I e k 1 i. tens· fully equipped, like nei,i.• New hand trlr. 673-6732 1.i block East of Harbor Blvd. • June 14, 9·5. 221 E. 21st St. "·utier. xlnt cond. S50. 6 r.to. old gTI?en nvlon A 646-7971 61.14 $2000 tor .....,,i .... CalJ days on Baker •,, (OU NpJ Blwt "1'T. -"A"-n2J9 ""'°"'°'13>°'·-·-*~'-"-~_11_;~-1-L\.l\li\IOND • Stein\\•ny · ·-·v APPL! NCES al ~ .. u v C l\1 ..... .,..,,.,, ~ maha • nei. &: used pianos carp("! 50 yards $2/yd. C•l•r TV't-Pl•t1•'i-Sle,.•'• FREE lo aood home. Fem e 737-0051 P.1r. Oll.'l!!n. NlghtJ Pow•r Crul1•r1 9020 osta csa (n.4) SC0.~70 •'PATIO Sall!: Full me aota GE Refrlgrrator in good con· of all maJces, Best buya ln 817-00.):I 1 'i•c• •r H•in• Fill Terri·poo PUllPl.tl. M-1293 54&-2434 VACATION be11ch lrAlll!r for l_ bed, 1mall appliances. Many dltion µ(). Private party. So. Ca.Ill. rtght he~. LAl\iP. Table, Patio set. CASH IN JO MINUTES &tier 6 p.m. 16' BLUEWATER Gl8;Uboa.t, SCOTSMAN SPECIAL Perm a~ en I i.nexPf'nsivr f othu itema. Sat. June 14. 10 Call 548-0iM SCHMIOT P.fUSIC CO., Dl'e:i;ser. Orienta) r u 1 , • 541 .4531 • 4 \VELL mother@d kittens, 6 5(1 HP Mm:. electric, fUll homt", l5 · Pallo. fenctd Ir, AM to'!' 2693 Riverside Dr. "w""n1n=LPOO='°L-_,A-,~1o-. -w-.,-h-er. 1901 N. Main, Studio Bed. '68 washer. wkl. old. &C-78&3, 406 E. Coast Guard equipment, Ult , yard. 1~ blk lo beach. ' CM Late model. Xlnt cond. $6;;. Sa.nla Ana 968-2844 & Mi~c. itllm~ w A N T E D Bay CM 6/14 trailer with easy-life $1~. 23 John Allmand, all ila!a, Newport. $1300. ( 21 J ) .. : JUNE 14 i 15, Kenmore dlx 847-allS . HAi\ti\10ND Organ. Spinet 2 SALE-Furnishings, mi sc, s CUTE playful kittens, 6 &G-1408 hardtop cru.Lser. lSO hp in 696-7691 or 548-5204 ~ Wlhr/dr, t'Nn bdnn &et. 2 19 CU l,. Freeier. Good con-keybd, rull pedal, new, Moving out of st ate, we need qu&llty (no junk wkl. old, "'<f:aned Ii trained. SOAT slip wanted for Cal 34' " out. $4900. CaU S4&M55 LIDO Penlmula, 3 ~XII ·, ~ dfvana corn ping PCln&" tbl, diUon ~. 756 Qnter, Cl\1. \\'1lnu1, Leslie spkr $S50. everything goes! 2U 12th please). Fwnitutt, e ol 0 r 5-63520 6114 Allbo&L Contact Mt 1 . 31' CABIN cruiser mint furnished. Larae en1c patio, r: Qt.Ina, pies. misc. 2794 S<IS-209l 67l-7DJO St, HB. 5.16-3976 TV'•, itereoe, appll&Dcet, BLACK temal!! poppy, l .wka. Carttt l3&-f687 behft 5 pm, cond sips 5 fully' equip· exclus1ve area. 544-8970, ii:~ ~nzo. C.M. ·•'=,E=oc='E=w-oo=D~-,,-,-,-,-nd-I ~rn"o=M=-As~=a~...,~lrl~,-o-,-.-,-.· I =s~E.;.A.;,U;,,:T1=1"'·u"'L..::.A:.:m_bo_r_haz_e tool• tnd office eqUlpmenL old, need• a kM1ll home. or 831-Ml9 after 5:30 pm filhuW " Pieuure. 111', eves .l 'A'l!!ekerxls r.i CDUCH like nrw S<ll50. range wl!h .irriddlt. Ex· i,i.1th 11.U Instruction books. mink coat, fing~r tipped, TOP CASH 1N 30 Mlnttttll lil-<l851 5114 14' FIBERGLAS over wood. lath. rdt, S7.IKXI. 962-4392 VERY clean 10x47 2 DD, ~., maple rocker $22.:iCI, 9xl2 cellenl! iso. 541-0626 $350. Xlnt cond. throughout. paid S'ZjO(), sell for SJ.250. 531-lm * ~ 3 LONG ha.Ind kittens, 6 50 hp Sett with elec. atart-18' CLEAN Lklo 8 a Y rup, drps. awning 1 . ~ pink c:Mnllle rui $5, other AUTOMATIC \\'asher & Gas Call 540-6n7 eves & wkend! ~14-8771 WANTED: Child'• pl~boule wlu. old. Read.)' 1tJr kwina: l.nc battery. First $250 takes Launch, $900. Balboa Yacht Beautiful ad1.1lf Park . ~ mite. MJ...llTI Dryer both for s s o, SI LVERTONl: Organ \\'ilh ROLEX Solid gold man's and revered 1 and box home. &4i-a308 6117 all. ~7 BasllL 673-82S2 ;;'""-..-,,""'=:-;,cc--c-~~~ ART Garage u.Je. Ceramic lll!parately $30. 54;,...13111 chordlli 6r pedal•. Very little 1\·11tch, gold &ncl. Lik~ new. 646-4116 2 HALF Penlan Beautil!~. 9 1961 23' To.lly Craft Cabin -· --TRAILER for ss.lf', J5' x ~· pobl, paintJnas. prinl!i & F!tIGTOAIRF: 5~1.5(). A.pl. use. Orta. S39:i. Sacrifice! COB! S.'i75 l'lllC. 6~ \VANTED: TRAJLER FOR \\•k!. cit!. Pf:rlOl\allty pl1.1i! eruber T/O drive. Navy top Spt1d--Skl lo•ts 9030 l'li!v.'ly painled, P I 11 l'I I I c -othen. Sat It Sun all day gu t tow s:.io. J?S9 Tus!in. Sli5. Call ;"1&-~90.l. 1~ IC 14 501 Nylon gold 14' BOAT Box trnd. 53&-9606 6/17 w/ coveni. iu. c on d . plmbg, cabana. cptd, $2400. W( 1>1~ CoUina, B&lboa Isl. 6'12-2390 BALD\VIN Acro~nic French lll'ced c11rpcl $50. 548-2001 BLACK Kitten, male. ShOrt 847-3371 16' GLASPAR, ~ hp 548--4983 aft !;:00 ~ GARAGE ult: odd tables .68 11 C"Ubic fool AdmirAI Prov. Plano. Crnil St150. Sell 642-9261 hair. ftte to good home. 22' GLASSPAR ~~~ec atarL $i'75. lOX50, 2 BR., in quit:!, 11dult folded bed, ar.t mist. upr;ght lrff'zt!r. t:x-. Cond. $69:i. !\Ir Riggs 646-4494 or NE~• 1 . FREE TO YOU HoutebrokelL 546--0623 6117 3 yrs, fam/fiahlng, loadrd, park. Cpl!! .. drapes. M1.1st 2173 RaJl!l&h, c .M. $200. 54a-.o223 "'" _546-~~71"-;9;,;·=-----t'.Xercyc e. puig pon1 perfeci, sacrifice! 16' FIBERGLASS boat.~ hp sell, make oUer. " ,10 ,_, 611, ~ lable, ncl. paddles. balls, J LOVABU: kitlenti, 3 tipr ••" ""'"* motor• trailer . S500. or••• .,. ~~ Alter 2·.30 P'f ' :... ..-"""" Upri0 ht . XL.NT CONO. ~ both 139 95 -"A" ......,..,, 2 ADORABLE "''P' white 1 ""-· "...._ -OJ '""'"""""" " """ .. ._, . . .........,.,.,. "u ' • striped l 1 black. 331 '"""'"ta reas ofr 642 2969 'Gl ....... ~rruRE, ETC. Must Antique• 1110 Beautifully relinished. F 1 M 6 ""ka lo """' home 6"• IJ' INBllD. ~--~·-. M··.-· -FOR a new P.fobile Homo J o1 '""'""~ FOR Sale: 1 u r f board , ~1~;, H.B. 0 "' etll Mata St., C.M. ''''' ...,.......,..,.. ,.., ·•U lei.vine tnwn. Fri l Sal --''-----..;,.;c;,.; * 96U732 * .,.,... o.oo tel!! to apprec:. Best ofler. 16' OUTBRD, 75 HP, aki/ocn new Adult Park. WaUt t momJnc, ltft WlldWOOd, lS Dad lnt'd In f'rontitr "u"P"R'°'JG"HT==-Pi-,"',,.", '-,"ood-co-nd . ~~!!I GNS, 9'10" 7 PUPPIES 5 weeka male ctrl'E 1 wk. Old ~lxt-d Plil.P. '73-9931 or 60-f'm U$1!, bait tnk I~. li \\'hi trlr, oetan, nuna and pool. Go! Orde, HB. 5J6..7091 Relics, runs, Civll \\11r P11 lnttd. f\fflke olll'.'r. "" :i and fem~e variet)' pies frtt to .... home. ;LEAHMAiliiii'ii~fl1~o·~·~ex;c.~ooo~nd.~J:;:11~pJ~1~u~l'l5~50~548-0535~~~=l~'°"""~~·,i53$-~2T3~t~~::..=;:· GARAGE SALE ltema? If IO, wh.y not do ~"6-l97S "rllEEL Chair in eood con· R41-UT6 611C 548--2365 11/lll L '··-•~""' ~' SPARTAN I fl •UNI( 10 ••-QUE your Dad'1 Da,y 1hop'g at --.,,====~--ditlon only $25. ""':,.;:.:.:.:. _____ = U OLEANDER Inn. 5 to 7 alum. ''*"· 1\befa--Iott Malnten1nce f03J • 1 ffP" ' • ~" H t M · A ""' UPRIGHT PlANO «,• , ~u: CUObLY cutr: kittens, I '1''k1. fl hl•h, •ink • ~Ito. You aacrtnce 133-2174 Furn, Privatt' beach fl m J;. Vldoria, CM in rear e en ann1ng· nt , 24~o ,....,...,J<.N • ,, wn Newport Call Su 673--SS!M Ni!wpt Blvd, CM (rear) Story l Clark $19:1 LIKE New G.E. dishwasher Old. hlk/wht, t r a Inf d . di& MS-.$2S •st UNIFLITE 23' Sport-JAl.'K'S Electronic SerAcfl ' n. • &b Bottlf:~ I n au I a Io r a 542--9251 -..=,--*"";,:>-03';,:::.:':::*c:__-~ 962/7392 6114 ,;::;·='=;;::=.=,.,.--;::--::::"' fi.aher extru, low hrs. Electrical repair rt:mod.. • · -..==,...,==--,-., S75. Lat'i'fl naua:ahyde liv u etrrE pupplt• to aood -.· ... ~·· .. ,. ·-~-"a•~n. ~... ........ Motor Homes 921 elotMla. mile. Sat and Sun ANTIQUE ha.F\lln; lanip: PIANO -Gulbl'1.nsen spinet nn chlllr $40,' 642-M80 HAPPY Helllt.h,y k 11 tent. home 64Sa7230 ••_, ~ ,.,....,. .., ~ aL'I S:. Wllaiol\ c.o.ta Jiltu. hob.nail It. th1.1mh print & bl!nch. like Tlf'w. $.SZJ. \Vea~ A. housebroktn . .:=:::;:'::·.:.:::...:.:::..-~~., t2' ALO~ SLOOP U-rf I I 903S NEW 24-wkte 2 bdt &: den itl •t. Su. Tbola A mile. ahllde. bras• bast.. Gone ----•.,51(,.~;'°';;'=*;_ __ DIAl\10ND \\'eddlng r1111 M'!t. M3-4815 11/lT FlVE 1dtttna. real cutt! "Clwlc". Top condition.""' ne qu p, bath CT11td. draped, SlO,!M. ~--lit Del .. __ I "nd I \\'orth $150, u.crifice Ji;Jll. 2 BLA,....-' ._ -·hlte ~-•• to About 5 wka. ~04 Sn4 •o.• ""'!! ~ •• !I II 9olt -.-.:. ....... 1'' th the 11i·1 •mp, misc. \\'AJ\'TED '5.16-.343J -..n "" .. a1""'"" $17,500 b'r. -lfEUfSMAN SEAT ......,, nanet. 1.1nt. by the OOlta llflL 6"15--1526 SPINL'TS It GRANDS ' good Mme•. 6.fi2...8043 5/16 'ITS tn4 LIVISTOCk 32' rou.Y, Ii"" d'""· chromed. new Sta, No. 12'1. SJll.-7686 ::===-.:,---,,,.--SURFBOARD 11~1', ~Int ·1 uv SACK Docc-'!il~ Stwlnt BAVARJAN chiM, &8 pca. l"'==~"':,:.:..JG>I=;,_--conct . only S49.95, Itts El TOP Soll '1'1ll help dlt &nd • I'!_. I IMA Sipe I. FIB extru. Inspect uptiol.tle.ry. 646-3794 II I 922 ~ 6. m1lc tttmt. 1112 Hand palnttd 1100. UPRJGllT Pl~no. Bcaut1J1.11ly Camino C.1'11. 546-:ii<M. lo.ad. &U-4823 e/11 r-eft, -nerl --.... a.nd otter. BR .fi94..3916 '112 JOHNSON n hp outbn:I. _:._ye .. S "'°""°"'· CM ~'IMt M!>-87T4 n-finlshed. $l;;(l. rr·s BHch l'loWICI time. 811· GREY A: \Vhlte kitten, 6 FULL Grown ' babita. 14' SAILBOAT Dae. Sharp! IJI elt<: contral11 + l!!Xll"IS. 2 SCHWINN btke11. hays 24" iTEE£ ~ 'fttrfl., drtif• OUNA, GLA~. MISC. fr s.t: .. 11m • &eat selecllon ever! ~ the \Vel!ka old. 962-5703 6116 Offtt-. ducks. c l'l I ck en 1 , 16' Super G Gluspar, P.itte Xlnt cond. $29S. ~!)..()(162 A 26". $25 A U'l. Good con- tint equ'~ tooll. otbtir' Ptincipth only. P IANO WANTED DAILY P'n.-OT Qualtl&d BLACK k1ttcn, 7 wk a, turke)'I. tulnrta hen~ ra~ lOOO clean. 613-l916 OAn.Y ... n.ar WANT ADS rllllQn. 64G-2Gt0 548--2681 :., \laf"v.Ult llttn&. 5*4020 *~* f21J' 877·103.\ Pvt Party w.cUon NOW! hou&tbrokt.n. 4~ 6117 bltJ Ir. c.,.1. M&-t.m CHARGE yO\D' WIJ"lt ad now. BRfNG ~LTSI SOCK IT TO 'Ehf! ,________ ~"'-';,,;;;::;;:;..c:.;,.;;..;;;;_~·-""c;,,;.;""""""-".;;..;.;;..;..;_ • , • • l ' 1 " Auto S.rvicu & Parts 9400 ' S2 FORD Falcon big 6 Cl. engine $75. 642·9261 VW Motor, Complete $12; * 548-15(11 Triller, Tr1v11 9425 ·~ FIELD & Stream, sleeps S Canvas &ide room, clean I-"""'""'~~~~'""~ Gd. C.ond. * PAM-TOPS * 15• $500 646-2896 All sted shells. Sales &: ren- ''N~!MR=~o~o~Cam-p_in_g~Trail--. -er, tals. Sl49 up. Buy factory u.sed twice. aleeps. 6. Hu direct, 1010 So. Harbor. SA. stove, tank &: add-a.J'OOm. WANTED: Good used camPer 842-7239 or shell to tit 196'9 -%. ton ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD Dl!ALER SALES· SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Thoodor. ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 MG '63 MG MIDGET Bright yellow finlih, recon- ditioned like new, .xception- ally clean and soond car at a low, Jow price. Just rlcht for the new graduate. CllK· 447) $899 ' TD.,. TRAILER. prop stv, ice box. wtr tnk. xtra rm. $400/best. 968-5673 long bed pkk-up. Must be in BIL[, MAXEY good conditio n &: FERRARI reasonable. 642-3526 T:o~CKSS~ 1C:: ~n~ N~F~!~RILtd. Ox-ITIOIYIOIT(AI £non-ca.hover) Lge picture ana:e County'• onb' author-18181 BEACH BLVD. '68 DATSUN % ton PU, window for dining. 1977 lzed dealer. Hunt. Beach 847.aSU Trucks 9500 R A: H, w/1/w tires, Ton-Newport, CM SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3 ml N. of O>ut Hwy. on Bch IX'au CO\lft' It rear strip •-~.,~,~Dodge-~S-po_ru_m_a_n _ 31~e~~a~wy. '61 MGB Ro•dster bumper, only 6000 mi. Must completely equipped camper 642-9405 540.-1764 Deep ebony black with full ~"-"~· ~54~5-563~-'------I xlnt cone!. 548.74n Authorized MG Dealer blk leather interior, wire 'SC FORD JA. T P.U. 292, -'·660-"vi"v"eam=:: .. =,:-.---;Co;:m=p.·1°========1 wheels, radio, heater, etc. H.D. cruiseomatic. OS tires. eqp'd, Xlnt cond. Mrs. Tap-FIAT 6,000 actual mile1, factory air horn, $USO. Reduced S2S pan, 846-«J66/675-693.5 p.m. warranty. Showroom condl. .11. wk tll sold. Now SllOO. FIAT •67 •= Spyder xlnt 00· ••• -1 EL Camino cmp•, '1ps 3, 1-o.N • n, ~i .. 5 mechanical cond. Must sell dinette, ice box, jacks. Like $l300. 642-94n . '55 FORD % T V-8 R.H., custom int. Asking $600. 1030 Linden Pl, C M . ...... ,. new $500. 842-1612 Camper R1nt1l1 9522 '68 FIAT 124 Spt cpe AM/FM, Pirellis, ca I I 642-4997 aft . 7 pm. J2rtuport Jl11tports MUST SELL THIS WEEK * EXPLORER * '69 %. T Ford. 54().-0687 or By week or month. Luxurl· 646-8058 pr\ pty. ous. Sleeps 6. Sell contain- OON'T JUSI' W'~ for ao~ ed. Limited number. CaD thine to fum1sh your home today. '58 .FIAT. Nev.: eng., .tires &. 3100 w. Cout Hwy., N.B. paint. $650, will coruiider all 00.9405 540.1764 offers. 642-8380 Aiithorized MG Dealer ... find"""' b""' In to-LEISURE RENTALS day's Classmed Ads. (TI4) 64U611, (Il4) 837-3800 THE HUB of activity for 11-rusr aell '69 MG-BGT service busineaes • · · the British racing g re e n ' Oassilied Ada. D~ 642·!16'78 am./frn radio. 5300 mJ. Xlni to offer your &erY1ce NOW. cond. 675-2422. Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 MY Body's a mess but my 1-==========:=::::::::::::::=:===========:;I engine a good. ·ss $100. Ir e 540-2262e FREE AUTO AIR CONDITIONER WITH THE PURCHASE OF: FIAT 124 FAMllY SEDAN l ri11t lt•clr tll• fu11 of feir.ily 'tl.,.i119 witllo1.1t '•11fi119 •II• ftlftl~ bu,9et. Your ftet de1 lt r 1111 fit yeu iflto • fo1.1 r-door telft11 or wt9011 t11d hit low Fi1! pric11 will It•"• you ple11ty of ca1h for 1ummtr fu111 l otlt f111'1ily Fiah 1r1 fully tqulpp.cl: ~wheel tlitc J.r1li:11, 4-t,..d 11icli: 1hift, 911-1qu11i in9 0119i11et, wa1h1bla ¥!11yl i11!1rior1, r1cHni119 'ront 11att. Cow.a i11 a11d 11li: u1: "How clo11 Fiat d o it f.or tt.1 pric1 7'" FIAT 124 FAMILY WAGON CALIFORNIA SPORTS CARS liOI & 'M .... WllHrA AM .........,. 901E.1st ST., SANTA ANA 542-8801 '49 MG Touring 63840!9 64 MGB • GOOD SHAPE? $1200 ~ Beil OUer • 673-5888 • MGB MG Sain, Service, Parts Immi!dlate Delivery, All Model• J2rtupo t t 31111po rt•, !100 W. Cout HW)' .. N.B. -51().116< Autbariza:I MG Dee.ler '6.1 MGB, hard A aofl top, wire wheels. new radio. 4 new tires. Fantutk: oond. Catt 4:9f-Ml8 btwn ~T 1966 MGB, hrd/90ft tops, wire whls, 1howroom cond. .,,...,, MORRIS WOODY, $375. Convertible Coupe, $195 2--door aedan, $273. Pri pty. &14-1171 OPEL '66 Opel Kadett FH!bockCoupo '-tpeed, chrome whttt.s. ra- dio. Uc. No. SPM88S $7'9 Sd-3031 E•I. 96 or 67 1910 IWU!OR BLVD. OOSTA MESA • • .. ..... _ -· . -.... -.. ·~ Factory Authorized Dealer For ' OPEL and JAGUAR CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! BRAND NEW 1969 STATION WAGON 300 turbo-hydr1m1tic. Power stHrJng, power br1k11, FACTORY AIR CON· DITIONING, Sonom1tlc: radio, white wills, cu1tom u•t cu1hion1. NO. 434~ 359Z10946. 53688 '69 ELECTRA CUSTOM 225 ELECTRAS -WILDCATS -RIVIERAS -LE SABRES AT COMPARAILE SAYINCH ' AOON , '66 CAPRICE '66 Thunderbird '65 OLDSMOBILE '66 TEMPEST '65 SKYLARK '64 FORD W F1ctory air cond. Full 4 d oor H.T. Fact. ,;,, Cuit. cpa, RIH, 1ulo, 4 cir. Aulom1tic, 'power utoir.tfic, fie!, ,;,, A p h owat •lttri1111 radio, powar, ¥i11yl top. tX LV 1t t1r. l SIMl71l 4911 $1995 $2495 '67 RIVIERA '65 BUICK c pa. Full power. fac· El1ctra coupt, Full pwr, orv 1ir. jTIQ l ttl Factory air con,. I NCi 4201 $3495 $1695 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1m IMMllKATI DIUVllY pwr 1la•tln9 I br1li:11, P .S., f1ctory air coMtli· 1uto. IMO'f'l46l tioni119. ISTO 1771 $1395 $1495 '67 MUSTANG '61 CADILLAC Co11,.1rt. 4 1paod, t tdio SM. 01Vill1. Full powar I haatar, ITXS 1611 feet. 1ir, IHXS 7421 $1795 . $795 See Us At Fashion llland This Frldav Ir Saturday WITH THE FABULOUS OPEL GI •t1erln9, rtdio, lt1at1r. Critry, Squirt. Full fwr, f1c torv 1lr, IOQ)( Ill OtGV 414) $1195 $1295 'U IUICK '67 CAMARO l1 Sabre. F1ct air con. H.T. Cp1. Auto. "· powt r tfffr I brali:et . Fact. 1ir, Rl H, CTFX. IHYM411 l 769 ) $795 $2195 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION Complete Salu •nd Service O.p1rtment Open Mon. thru Fri. B a.m. to. 9 -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. · . ---""'~ • • Siturday, June 14, 1%9 241 ~y PILOT llmporiod Auh!< ''°° ,lmportod Autos TRA.NS-"OJITAll~ ~Sl!ORTATION . T_RA~NS-'-" ... o"'.'R_TA_T_l_ON-:-:-''cl-TR_A_N...;S_PO...;R.;.;T.;..A;.;.T;,;.IOH""'-,.l.' .1...:.T:.;RAl'l:;,:.;S;.::F.'::;O;,;.RT;,;.A.:..:T.;.;.IO::;;.N,:_;.;.T.:.:R4:::;N.:..:S;.;.l'O=RT;,;.A;.;T.;.;IO;,:;N;.._1 lmeerto:' Autos '690 lmporled ut•• 9600 lmpOrtod Autos 9600 Ulod ·C•rs 9900 RlNSPORTATIOH 9600 Imported Autos- . I : TOYOTA ! TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN . VOLKSWAGEN . -V LYO Ul(E--N,-w-1_96_7 _VW_Sod_ao 1 -n-n_-,-l'1-TE-VW~~~-··.-"--Y '67. oivo ' iBIIL MAXEY Good r u nn ing $125 t..16-4961 • 11.m--fm, air cond. new titta, ""uu...,... ~ "c.n k -•--•-hi Bank . rtno.neln& brfl es. .."""'""• ene. ovr . 11195. 84Z-S42'l $213 DOWN $44.D.1 '* 36 mos : ITl§IY!OIT !AJ 11111 BEACH BLVD. VOLKSWAGEN FOR A GRADUATE Plus !,.,.. pymnl for Tan '66 vw Exel, Cbnd. ""'·" ~·ooo I ~ mJ ~•t liUe. IJ IW 2 yt, -Hunt. BHch 147-1555 N. of.Coast HWy. on Bch YOTA Pick Up trock. camper shell. U69S. * 6424676 * TRIUMPH I • '68 TR 150 $2695 "~yl. Rdstr. Brg. blk inter. ial, AM/Fr.1. Beautiful ul. Must set , 21.vw • .,.. e.r ml wa.rran!l'. Avail only •t '67 VY' 5unroo~ fully ,eQUipd, ~ p.m. 642-5333. T • M MOTORS ii<>wdr blue, Sl.500. Ull I ±~=-::=-"c-:-;-,-,..,-« cataJina. Apt 6. La$ Bch '63 VW. New v a 1 v e 9 • $)81 Garden Grow Bfvd. AJ.ftrM vinyl int., good ., .... -~ at •·aoh -m 1 v.w. 66 .. BUS" condilion~ ....,.. O PEN WNoAY Like ne"' $1500 Priv. Pty •~2839• 5t2-511B Eves & wknds '68 VW • '65 V\V BUG, new, new Excellent condition · inside & '61 VW Square back, 1 bbe d 1 kers, •• ru r, ua spea ~-out, honey cream ext., plW<h owner, xlnt oond. cherry u t d 11000 ce en con · · black interior. $125 C.a.sh red. 54S-74TI 499-1886 or 499-1394 dels, dlr, or trade -take low VOLKS\VAGEN. new engine ~1955=~v~o~w<=s~W~A~G~E=N~eo=--nv-. pymnts. LB VHP lM, Call & trans. Good transporta· $200. Great for dune buggy· Bill. 545--0634 tion $500. 642-3473 Jl("e(]s brakes. Call 962-1628 -~-=~=---·I '"' v lk Suo-Mon. 1966 V\V 1300, 3900.l orig. mi., ,,.. o swagen perfect cond., white with REBUILT ENGINE $800 VW '65 Convertible, light red interior, incl. snow or Best Oller 646-3431 blue, super clean. $1050. Prv chains and ski rack, S1250 Station wag ' . 4 Door. Th.fl blue grey e~l!!rlor wi th blac~ bucket seat lntertor 4 speed is the one you've been try. Ing to f"'1!. Eci>tlQmlcal an.j room.v vacation co.mfort. . $1799 BILI, MAXEY !T!O!YIOITIAI 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. B11ch 1474555 S mi N. ol Cout Rwy. on Bcb. p 1800 Choice of 3. All ready to go. Low as $1799 '65 V\V BUG -good con· parly. 83'1-792'6 495-4933 IZW483 100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 94(1.) 540-1764 s: Authorized ~fG Dea!Pr UMPH '67 GT 6, spoke ls. brand new tires. w mileage. $2350. 84~2188 di l ion; r a.di o, ne w '°'·•""'•vw""°-,.""'1000==:-:::.,:::-ff 646-9301 Dir. .,.. ,new eng._,gu ·• VW \VESTP ALI A upholstery, $900. ;,3&-0372 new int., stereo. XL.NT CAMPMOBILE p 0 p -Up '69 VOLVO 2 Dr. 142-S, lac 68 V\V Squm-eback. Ex. cond. cond. $1250. 673-5634 Top, like ne'v cond. orig. air, AM-Fli1, many extras! Extras. \V!lM'. 12000 mi. '65 vw Sqback variant. New owners "'ish they had time 54!'r-5788 ?flake oUer. 646-:3307 tires, radio, perf. cond. c'':,..::"'"'''=''•-•_•_!14-<>1,,......,08~~--r' ·s-u-SIE=~,,.~-m~ari<~e-lp-lace-~ln '63 VW Very Good Cond, $1195. 536-8965 '66 vw, Seasand beige, town. The DAILY PILOT 4. '64 Roadster, red /blk in t, VJOod dash. Orig. r. Very clean. 673-0948 Clean Must st>ll $800 '57 V\V Camper, '64 engine AM/F~t rad. & tape. Blk Classified section. S a ve •642-7106• GS'lS or make ofler. Must int. $USO. 642-8140 AIL 6 money, time &: eUort. Look sell 546-4067 PM now!!! Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS 9~NewCars 9800New C•rs 9800 New Cars 9800 New C1r1 ANNIVERSARY: 48 ' WIN! FREE USE OF A DELUXE CAMPER FOR ONE WEEK THEODORI ROllNS, SR. THEODORI ROllNS. Jlt. SINCE 1921 ... Your g•nerou1 patronage ind confldtn<• In our d1altl"" ship ha1 mad• us proud to b• part of Or•nt• County and it's phenomenal growth. Thanks to our countfHa frl1nd1 for • wonderful 41 ye1r1. THEODORE ROB INS, SR. WE'VE PULLED THE STOPS FOR JUNE! SUPER SAVINGS WHEREVER YOU TURN ••• VALUABLE PRIZES FOR THE GROWN·UPS ••• KEEN STUFF FOR THE KIDS ••• IT'S, OUR BIGGEST, SAVIN'EST BIRTHDAY PARTY IN ALMOST HALF A CENTURY OF DOING IUSINESS IN THE HARBOR AREAi COME IN ••• HELP US CELEBRATE! ~ FORD BUY GOOD SELECTION ••• OR RENT BY ECONOMICAL RATES DAY, WEEK, MONTH. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Super Savings on $1,500 ,000 of New '69 Fords! ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS on Mustan9s -Bi9 Fords -Torinos -Thunderbirds -Ford Trucks! Check Our Prices For June Before You Buy! ORAJIGE COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER ! Lar9e Inventory of New '69's For Immediate Delivery. Six only -New 1968's Now Slashed For Immediate Clearance! DRIVE A NEW 1969 ENGLISH FORD! ENGLAND'S NO. 1 SELLER, AMERICA'S NO. 1 IMPORT BUY! CUSTOMS * GT's * STATION WAGONS. La rge Selection of Automatics and Four Speeds. LAST CALL: NEW '68's! Limited number et Final Clearance Pricesl BIG 8 n. FULL CAB-OVER BARRACUDA CAMPER! $799 FULL Complete wltn l ·burne' •IO~e • .SO.lb. l(e box. 2 doubte t>eds. l1tr"e w11er !en-. t>ll!~ne enO •ll!<:lrle-11gM" fil>f!r gles• ln>ulallon. •ln~ and drain, delu~t mallr•u", llftllme b.Jked tnamel. We ere a factory 1u1Mrlzed ou!lel c"ater for Elc!Orado, Four l'llnc!J, Sco11man, B1rr1cud1, Ml!ll!'iorrw, Sun<1l11, and Gem Top. PRICE NO TRUCK PURCHASE NECESSARY RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS YCl,I go where 'fl!U w1n1, lllV wl\¥e you w•nl wllhotll 1t~«l11ln or rK· etv1Hon1 ....ti1n YW rent I l:otil~s O.Tu~t Pickup C1mper or (OndOr M~ tor Homr. RtfoSONAILE RA TES RESERVE tfoRL Y 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP $1795 4·Dr. V..a. autom•tlc:, P.S., •Ir, R&H. (UKU157) 1968 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2-Door Hardtop. V4, •uto., P.S .. R&H. (WPCl31) 196' BUICK LE SABRE 2-DR. HARDTOP $1495 Full power, factory alr. (RPMl60) 1968 FORD CUSTOM 4·Door $I 195 V-1, •I.Ito., black w/white top. (IJ51Z114912). Police Car L•a1e. 1966 OLDSMOllLE f..85 4·Doo' SEDAN V-1. auto. (334696M41,61l). Polle:• Car L•aH. lt67 PONTIAC TEMPEST HARDTOP Cu1tom. Auto., P.S., R&H . (TR JOS3) 1965 FORD FAIRLANE 500 HARDTOP 2-0oor. V-1, auto., P.s .. R&H. (RHH72S} LEASE YOUR CAR FOR 6 MONTHS ti's our klw. "G!l·l(qualn!ed" offer, And lt\er1'1 -· bleft 1nyl~l119 llkl II In ce• ll!ft1lng MslO•VI C.011 Mr. MllCGlm Rlid !Of dtlelll, Llmlt'llll lime only. FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM 196S FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP 2·Door. P.S., auto., R&H. (ROMl76) 1964 FORD CUSTOM 4-Door SEDAN V-1, air c:ond., auto., R&H. Lo mileage. (YWS416} 1964 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Auto., P.S., P.B .. •Ir c:ond .. R&H, (JJV910) 1964 DODGE DART 170 2·D00< Equipped. 6 cylinder. (PIY60S) 1968 VOLKSWAGEN SUNROOF Automatic:, R&H. Low mlle•ge. (XSPl64) 1'6S PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY HARDTOP $895 2·Door. Grffn with bl•c:k Inter., V-1, auto., P.S. (YXS462) 1965 CORTINA G.T. Powder blut. Equipped. (NRP612) 9800 I e.11'1. tot '''"' ti,Co1t•ffl S.t I •.M. t. f , ..... Sua IOJ.M. ... ). ~. I PARTS & SERVICE HOURS 1 •·"'·to t p.111. Mo11 • 1 a.'", to t p.111, l•••·~ PARTS ONLY I o.1t1. t• 6 •""'· Stf -· ' -------------~~-""'---~--·· ~ .. \. __ ... ~ -.. _ ....... VOLVO ' VOLVO CADILLAC '64 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE NEW 1U Lo ml1 .. 1 owner, Xlnt cond. It ~m.lum tires. Must sell NEW 1800 this weekwd, Sl675, NOW ON DISPLAY 642--0787 FINEST SELECTION Over 25 '66 -'67 -'68 " tu LtmU .68 C:!~~R! ·~ Cadillacs to Choose From IMPORTS R/11, PS, yellow w/blk TO'YOTA-YOLYO int., Heart attack, must sell. 1966 Harbor, c.M, 64&S303 "'' pty ~12 '68 ELDORADO '67 OLDS '67 CAMARO S.S. 3 spct, 2,000 VISTA CRUISIR Autos Wantwd 9700 miles on reblt engine $1950 Local car, 011e owner, feet elr, t r-St1:1ri• w .. o• ----642·1942 · full power, 1tar10 r1dio, 111w f1ctory 1ir, lo1ded ! I WE PAY.·. 1-=========:l'c•t werrenty. XCJ 4tl . 2 to Lo,11 ,.,. TEX947 CASH CHEVROLET "''"' ..... $279 5 ;68,~-vyG~~m!;~ $~,!!~ '68 CAl;>ILLAC · for u5@d ears &: trucks Just call 111 for tree estimale. interior. Immaculate. New COUP! DE YILU. , '66 MUSTANG GROTH CHEVROlfT car trade in. o .. ,~ il1ue, bl•ck \'inyl top , Ask for Sales ~ 182U Beach Blvd. • lltmti"<lol> Beacl> Jq 9-3331 J2rtuport 31 uqJ or ts tl•rk blue leether int., fec lory •ir, loaded w/e.-fr1t. Loci ! c•r, new cir w•rren ty. WYG. '" 11111, bucket 1e•ts, file.,; Pr1mi11m lire1, locel cir, imm•c11l•le. SLY 556. O nly 311)) W, Coast Hwy., N.B. '65 CADILLAC WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR 642-94!S 540-1764 SEDAN DE VILLE Authorized MG Dealer Silver bl.ck vinyl top, Olec\: '66 CHEVROLET NEED A CAR? le•ther interior, f•ctorv tir. , STATION WAGON Wt Can.l lelp You! loedid w/extretl lnelucling t pe111n9er, eir ·conditio~tn\ ~~S:~!~ ~g;:.~t~~::~~~·;279~5GOOO $2'649 Costa :P.'Iesa 546-1200 Many modelg to choose from ~c-=o=N=F=1D~E=N"'n"""'A~L~L=y 1 * * ~~~3autm" A.LL EN \Ve Pay More -For MUST sell 1963 Chvy Imp Foreign Or Sports Cars oonv, V·8, P/s, good concl. PAID FOR OR NOT S690 or best otter. Also BSA . B. J. ~:~:~CAR ~,:_;~nda "'1-make .u.,, OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC 2833 Harb<" Blvd. '67 CAMARO 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY Costa Mesa 54114491 VS • 4 spd -Big eogme • All LAGUNA BEACH -~=~~~=~--i extras -VAC25.1 WE PAY TOP $2297 DOLLAR 64~9307 rn,. 494 1084 • for good, clean used cars, ·55 CHE\TY 301 cu in; bal. & • 547-3103 all makes. See ~eorge Ray blue prntd. Clean, many Theodore Robins Ford xtras $500 Aft 5 . 3 o 2060 1-Iarbor Blvd. 646-8TI4 • ' ' C.M. 642-0010 ·===-:-'°"'-o=--,.. '62 IMPALA 4 Dr. HT. auto UMd Cirs 9900 UHd Cars trans, R/H, V-8, good trans ---------Will Buy car. $500. 892-7327 Your Volkswagen or Porsche '64 I MPA L A. Ai r con- & pay top dol!ars, Paid for ditioning. Pis V-3 auto, DODGE FORD or not. Call Ralph R/l-1. Ken. 49-1-4509 '66 Dodge Polar.a 673-0900 '611 El Camino 396, 4 s~ed, Conv., dlr, fact air. pwr win. '64 FALCON, low mi!eaK'!. Air conditioning. Automatic transmission. radio, nev.· tirc>s. 545-3015 U.iPORTS WANTED very low mileage. $3200. dows, loaded! $75 Cash de'11 Oiange C'..ountles 494-9494 bet 1 & 4. or take foreign car in trade. TOP $ BUYER 57 CHEV st A WAGON Pyrnnts $39.86 mo. LB YN\V BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Good condition Sl25 386. Call Ken, 494-9773 or 1963 FOD F airlane Station \Vagon. Clean. $700. Prv party. 54S-3875 CM. . 18881 Beach Blvd. • 545-5980 e 545-lXi34. H. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 CLEAN ,59 S . '°'ti8~C~H~AR=G~E~R-a~i,-p-,-,b~ tation Wagon V· · · • · • WANTED: JUNK CA RS 8, auto. R&H, $125. 548--0581. landa1t _top, tape stereo. '65 LTD, Blk. AM/FM Xlnt cond. Must see to apprec. Cati aft 6 LI S-8616 TOP $$$. 946 Senate St. µ750. hrm 5 4 6 -3 3 4 3 , '* 546-5106 * 54!J-4ll8 =========ol'55 CHEVY, 2 Dr. harlop. Auto leasing 9810 Body xlnt, runs good, '62 DODGE wag., V-8, R/H, dependable. $390. 646-7953 air, PS/PB. Asking S600. --.,.-:--;L-;E;A~S;:E-.,.-:--1 ,1~96tJ~C~H~EVY~J2~doo~< °'::1m.'."::po!~a 1030 Linden Pl. c~t 548-8439 '55 · 2 dr Ford $95 • 5-1&-2644 • 2520 Fair.vay Dr, C.M. 1969 Olds Della 88 Royal, 2 lg. rear tires. mags in front FALCO-N dr I-IT, 455 cng., turbo-hyd-$275. 962-3781 '55 2 DR. HT. 292 eng., reblt auto trans, new tires, R/H, xlnt cond. 64&-2158 to, air/tntd gls, pwr wnd/6-.~57~CHEV==y~,=--... ~,-.~$2'>=.I '62 FALCON STA \VAG 4 way st landau top, 5 new Good · · · '51 FORD pickup with '54 engine, perfect run n Inc cond! $225. 6T:>--252!1 Fl t • 11 1 ,_ t r a n s port a ti on Dr.Runsgood,lowmileagt". res one w s w rs. ......,e 642--38l6 6-14-ll5G $118 mo. '66 · CHEVILLE S.S 396, 1969 Cad Cpc de Ville. p'.11' bucket seats. 3 spd on floor, FORD wind, 6-1vay st & dr Jocks.1,~11~200~. ;.•;.64~2-~1982~-,-,,,..--J;;--;:;;;;;;---;;;-:::;::--: tili str whl, air coOO, soft. '62 CHEVY SS Impala Conv. '56 FORD VS, radio & ray glass. AM /FM, \V/s/w. 327 eng. Orig ownr, $500. Realer. Good tires $100 See MERCURY Lse $165 mo. cash or best offer. 642-4834 at 587 Yorkshire, CM. COL PK. 9 pass Sta wag. Air. new tires, power brk A r. window $550. 642-6666 '63 MERC. \Vagon. Big On!!. *548-3TIJ• S700 SOUTH COAST '63 CHEV NOVA. 6 cyl '65 FORD Station \\•agon. CAR LEASING Automatic. Very Oean! R&JI, p/b, p/s, new tires & 300 W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 e 646-9094 • brakes, xlnt cond. 846--1133 rmsr TIME! '&1 CHEVY IMPALA, 1 1965 FORD Cortina GT. exc. r ___ M_U_S_T_A_N_G __ Lease a New '69 for 6 Months O\VNER, 37,!XXl. LIKE cond Bargain $790. '66 MUSTANG, air-eond, & return with no obligation. NEW. 642--0<106 96'2-9612 Pl I b. 6 35 ooo s, auo, 1g • • Call Mr. ~alcolm Reid for EL CAMINO. Navy, '67, 283 '64 FORD XL t-:-Top. lac air. mile~. Privnl.e. $1 5 5 0 . Full Details Now 4-spd. Xlnt cond. Pwr/B, dlr sacrifice. LB 01\IB 395, 64&-7800 wknds only. Ford64~~rittd R&H. $1800. 644-470.1 l..,'~"-~9777~3==~-~-l\o1UST SELL 1966 f.lustang Leasing 3ystem '59 CHEVY 4 Dr. Sedan, 62 R,<\NOIERO, good run-Ycllo\v w/B!.ack int. AJC Theodore auto, $200. ncr, lo~. car. R/H, auto, $50 Pr. steer . .11,!XXI mi. ROBIN S FORD * 962-6321 * di,. 545--0634 • ""'68' • 11000 • . 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 I '·6.1=G"A~L~A;7X~IE~C~ou-o71<y~Sq~ul-re J\tUST sell '65 Mustang, V-8, CHRYSLER exec. Coud. must sell. !\fake clean, ne\V white \Valls, ~-------l1 .•;f;!'~'·~M~;.-022J~=====~c="'='~ke=:,o!~~='=-;Col"=l =67=>-:~:5:2=.i 1968 CHRYSLEl't 300. Real I ~ Used Can 9900 sharp! 9,000 miles. fully Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 .;;,;.:.:..;:.:""------automatic. Owner 646-36951 'jiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil * WEEKEND 0'61:>-1100 II SPECIALS* COMET e '66 Ford Fairlinc 500 sta wgn, n p\vr/ai r $1799 . • '67 ·Chevy l mpa.la roupc, '60 CO?wt~ Station W~n, auto, pwr, SHARP $1895 goo:ct engine: Su r t c r s e '65 Rambler clas~ic wgn, dchg~L $250. T e r tn II \Y/air, r'Cducecl lo $11991-="'=·='-"='====== e 'GS Pontiac Grand Prix, 1 • landau + air, CONTINENTAL special at $15991 ------- 8 '65 Falcon station wa-n. '66 CONT. Fu!l pY.T. tac air, auto, $11W9 leather. vinyl top, many ex· Special or the day: tras, Jo\v miles-24,000. 1 e '67 Olds Toronado, owner. 673-90.i2 full power w/air, S2S95I-========= 100'/c n NANCING OAC Pacific Coast Motors 14061 Beach Blvd., Westminster * 893-5038 * CORVAIR '62 CORVAIR. Like new, n1any xtras. $325. or o!r. Pvt. pty. 642-3157 CORVETTE BUICK 1960 CORVETTE, both tops. ---------ne\v cng. 31,; hp outbrd, like '68 Buick Special new. 673-2527 ~an, V-8. au~o. ell!·, fact. .61 CORVAlR MONZA. ?-.fust iur_, pwr str. Right r:om sell going to Ii aw a i I . Leisure \Vorld. $12a cash 536-7091 del. or take foreign csr. Call ~====°"'="""'= Ken, 494-9773 or 545-00.14. '64 CORVE.TIE. Conv. P/W, '62 LE SABRE ff P/B, 327• 4 speed. RMI, . cream pu · Best offer. 642--0102 aft 6. lo miles. Very fresh. $600 orl========= be•t .. ...,.. COUGAR •62 BUICK Special conv. PS,l--------- PB, auto trans. $600 or,.best 1967 COUGAR XR-7, offer. 84~ll52 auto, iir, PS, disc '65 RIVIERA. all equip.. brks, stereo t • p e, very clean. Ndii body wrk, white w/blk vinyl top, $'100/be•C 642-8584 $2450. Prl ply, 714-546- '66 BUICK Riviera Al\-f-F~J I rnd. air cond. llke ne\v. Lowl_,;25=7=·======-= Blue Book. $2350 644-2448 DODGE CADILLAC ---------rl960 DODGE, 2 Or. Good ,64 COUPE d~ Vll!c, full 1ronspoi:ta7t1on. Best oUer. ))O\\'cr, (lit. ~1ech xlnt. r~•~S4:.c,,1""°===-.,-.,..,.,.,, i1wo. 540--782Z 1966 CORONET. It Ali 0 n DAILY PILOT WANT ADS W&i\ll1, $1375. 842--2776 BRING RESULTS! \Vblte el~phant.al Olme-&.Jlne ' GROTH CHEVROLET STOCK REDUCTION Shop from Our Big Inventory of Mor• Th•n lOO Ute Model "OK" Uted Cari. All Makff & M9del1. '66 FORD Galoxle Sport Coupe $1299 V·8, auto., fact. air, _P.S .. R& H. Really cold air & runs like a dream. Enjoy »our vacation in a real S\VJNCER. STL120. '6J MERCURY Sport Coupe $599 V -8, auto.,· P .S. A Jot , or car her(' for the money .. Excellent cond. It's yours for ·$30 down payment & $30 month. FLR336. '62 CHEVROLET 1/2·T°" l'lckwp $599 6 cylinder. Stick. Lots of miles left here. Runs real good. 15 MORE USED TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM. 1<15743. '69 EL CAMINO c .. tom l'tckop $2999 y .g auto., P.S. Loaded with xt:ra.s and' has been driven only 250 miles. Save hundreds on t his one, 865A. '6J PONTIAC Catalina Sto. Wag. $999 V-8. auto., R&H, P.S .. P.B., ract. air cond. Real cold air cond-. Take the . . \vhole (amily on A vacation and enJoy it. KlP918. '62 ALFA Rome"1 Roadster C/V 4 speed. R&H. Cherry red .origi.nal JacqueT fi nish. black top & interior. A real cherry. Hu had exceptional i;:ood eare ln- &idc a.nd out. FYB902. '67 COU~AR Sport Coope $1999 V-8. stick shift. RAH, P .S., vinyl top, tinted glass. Cherry red orl· • glns.1 lacquer flnbh. Unconditional monC'y ba<;k gua_rantee ln writing if not completely satisfied. VRV814. ·n PONTIAC LeM••• Sport Cpe. $999 V-8. euto., P.S., tact. air cond. Ex· ttllent condition iMlde out. Un· conditlonl\I money back guarantee in \\Titlni::: 1r not completely satisfi<:'d. An "OK" car. F'LK'lG5. GROTH CHEVROLET 18211 Buch Blvd.-Hunt. Buch (Hwy. 3'1 54>1163-0pen 7 Dwys 'Tll 9 P.M.-147-683' -· TitANSru~YATION .. ANS,ORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9IOONtwCora TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION S.......,, .luM ~. 1969 DAILY -If!' TRANSPORTA TIO"'N,,......°"T"'liA'"""li"S"'PO~R~T~lr.T~1o~N,,......-T""'RANSPORf A TlON ~. New C11'1 9800 Ntw C1r1 9100Now Cora 9tOON.w Cara HO~'I '· . ~· ,,..; ' . 1969 COUPE DE VILLE Full J)O\l.'Cr and factory air condiUonlnr. AM-Ff.1 radio, ixrn·er door locks, power trunk opcnl'r, All leather lnterl&r and padded top. (J9104235 ) • CADILLAC 1969 CONVERTIBLE Full powtt, factory air, dtal oondbrt S9ta:, tllt wheel, ltt"n!O, f;J" door locks, crulM control, twll t MDtlbd. automatic dimmer. leather , terloc. A~ aolutely loaded. CF9131493) , SALE PRICE I NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE PRICE 1968 CHRYSLER 9 passenger Town & Country wagon. J\lluzr yellow "·ith saddle vinyl trim. Full pov.·er, air conditioning, luggage rack, tilt sttcring wheel, Jo1v mileage. (VTP971) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Phantom blue with blue leather interior. Full po\\·er equipment pluit factory air condllionin1. One owner. (UJA3:i7) · 1967 OLDSMOBILE Custom Delta 4 Door l-lardtop. Spenish 1ilver 1vith matrhing iJ:1ter1or. Automatic, P.S .. P.B., factory 11.ir condlttonlna:. white 1lde walls. lUER4791 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Full pov.·er, factory air. Po\1·der blue '''ilh blue top and matching cloth and leather interior. Very low mileage. (YPS138) 1964 RIVIERA Pov.·der blue v.·ith matchina: vinyl bucket seal!. Full power and factory air condilion- ing. many extras. 111GT836l 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeVillc. Royal blue exterior \\'ilh mat- ching cloth and !rather Interior. Full polvl!:r, factory air, tilt and telesco[')lC steering, shows exceptional low mileage. (PGN663) ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE $4444 PRICE SALE $3888 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $1555 PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM .. • 1966 TORONADO Custom. Black exterior with black vtnyl ln- icrior. Full power and factory air conditlon- inI:. tilt ateerln1 whttls, power door Iockl, lO\V ml!eagc, {$LV334} 1967 CADILLAC Sfllan DeVille. Normandy blue with black vinyl roof and blue cloth and leather lntl!:r1or . Full po,,·cr, factory air, tilt-telescopic wheel, P<>'''er door locks, AM-FM. (VIH785) 1966 CONTINENT AL Goddess i:O!d with 1old top and 10Id l«!:ather Interior. Full PO\\'er and factory air, stl!!"to tape, local, one owner. (SVY7l0) 1967 RIVIERA Forest green exterior \\1th black v\nyl In- terior. 11u full power l!:quiprnent plu• factory air condltlonli;is-. tilt stel!:rin1 Wheel. (TSD498) 1968 CADILLAC Coupe O<!Vllle. Pa~tel blue \vilh \\'hlte vinyl rQQf and hluc Jc1tther inledor. Full power and factory air conditioning. AM·FM radio. tilt slttrln&' wheel. Local one owner. (V'I'P093) . 1963 CADILLAC Co~pe. VS, automatic transmls1fon, radio/and he~ter, i;iowcr ~teerJn8 and br~kes, factor.y '1r condlUontnr. White with. blue cloth U\lmor. SALE $2111 PRICE SALE $3777 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE SALE s4999 PRICE SAL! $888 PRICE -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------- MUSTANG 1967 ?>1US'(ANG hard Io P, P/s, P/b, air-cond. Private party 673-8279 OLDSMOBILE • • lltAND NEY: '69 CUTlASS F-15 SPTS. CPE . Deluxe belt1 front &: rear. J)added dash, fully faclory "quip~. $199 ON. S6S Mo. sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area OLDSMOBILE NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa PONTIAC -------- 540-9100 PONTIAC ------ Used C1rs .. 9900 I UsMI C1r1 9900 PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMBLER '67 FIREBIRD convert. A-1 '67 LEMANS '60 RAMBLER .c Dr, cond. Lo nii'•· Under 1var· Bucket seats, factory air. Good condition $200. r'nt. Auto 11tr, nc1v tirei; & pwr 1teerin1, nu tires, xlnt , •&tZ-2313 * R/H. brks. Bes! ofr over low book condition Inside & out, dlr, Ownr 546-1428 $175 Cash or foreign car. '5.5 ?'\ASH 2 dr H.T. auto, air, '60 VENTURA. Good tires. Take lo\Y pymnU. LB TKR Good ~~~ * Power 11tecrlng & tJrake1. 593, Call Ken. 494-9773 or I~=======;;; II $300. 54&-2884 "',...,.,.==--,--,-,=-...,-,,,.,-- SOCK IT TO 'DI! '65 CTO only 7,000 ml. Hdrs., STUDEBAKER map, s Pe c · •W1pension. SENIOR Citizen entering black int., 4:ll pQll., many rest home must sell one- more Xtra11, must see to owner '57 Silver Hawk Com· believe $1,000. Must sell. pact. $200 Exec. throughout. "/u'°"k°"l"o"'.i=lou"i·,,",......,..-~,.,.--,,.,= i See to appreciate, 2110 '67 FIREBIRD like Tll!:W fo•Jorldll SI., C, Hunt. Sch. am/fin air cond. full pwr. 536-3502 new tire•. r.tust sell. Make I<========= II ofll!:r. 826-0170 da,y1 (213) 434-1640 afll!:r 6 pm T·BIRD RAMBLER MEET THE AMBASSADOR FROM AMERICAN MOTORS WEEKEND SPECIAL BRAND NEW 1969 ..,.,,--$3286 fully •q11lpp•cl Including •ir cend., V·t , •uto. fflllll- 1110210 IOAND NIW '" UMILIO $1998 '""6 NOT 4-111 "'· I • ; i • 1 $2399 PRE-OWNED BlC SELECTION '61 ntRU '68'• ALL ?t.10DELS FROM- 'SG T·BIRD LANDAU Luxury. comfort, & clul every pabl power extra dak brtc. A/C. •lem> tape, low book $2200. 673-7475 aft 5:30 '67 T·BIRD. 4 dr. Cold with white Landau top. Still on wty. Fae. J\.lr, be•t otter ()W.r $D'15. 642--Cl98 BIG DISCOUNTS On Ali Brind Now AMX • JAVELINS • REIELS • ltAMILIRS Plush T"'"' & Lie, Payments Include tax and license tnd finance cllarse• on it& nionth1. Approved credit, Serial No. 331779ZJ.l. 6.151. PLYMOUTH '68 PLYMOl!TH Roadrun.ntr. Auto,. Pis. Taki! over paymentJ. M6-07C3 after 5 PONTIAC e • • • BR.AND NEW '69 $1998 '57 T·BlRD, near pttlect cond. $1995. 1'10 Marcus. NB673-1975 Tho Action Store For Greot1< So•l"ll HOLIDAY AMlllCAll MOIOU Siies & Senlc' SALIS OPIM 1 DAft ANI IWNINM University Oldsmobile '63, T·Blrd all pwr, aft condo 1 ownr, $5'!15 finn. ~.ml HD CAlPIT SIRYICI l'Ol YOUR CAR fOI YOUI CONftNllJICI ' 64 CUTLASS, V-8, auto. P/S, bckt st~. tach, R/H. Xln\ ~cond .• $1095 or befit. 546-6077 ., 1969 H1rbor, Cosl1 Mes1, 642-6023 · VALIANT i • I - • I • I f. 1 r ) I I • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • re • I • • • • • : • • • • • •• ~ . ·-· --,--------------~----------------~-------=-====~-- ~•turdl1, Jvne 14, 1969 . . VOLUM E DISCOUNTS, SAVINGS AND SELECTION s3~000, 000 OF INVENl'ORY 600 N1W & USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM --· ./. -- • ' LAIGIST SIUCTION ·Of CHAIOIJU TO CllOOll .. OM IN SOUIHlllN.CAUfOINIA NEW 1969 CHARGERS .,-Bucket seots • Hideaway headlights • Fun vinyt .int• rJor • Nylon carpeting • Ree r deck spoiler • ·Full r~~ instn.men!•tion • Bumper. guards • Ash tr.y light • H.D. ~rings • H.D. torsion swty ber ••• 1969 DODGE COROIETS TOTAL PRICE + TAX t. ,LIC. Total Mthly. ryml. IMMEDIATE DEUYIRT ...,.,.II.. Ind. t•J a. lk;, ... fl!I. d!ar'li!IK on. tlWI. on -· tiirlk ~It. • ' I I I I .1 I ' I j I ' J , DAILY PILOT ORANGl COUNTY, CAUFORHIA _,...._, .... _......._..... J u ttf J ~ l 2 6 9 TV'S "GOMER PYLE'' Jim Nabors: Countcy Boy Goes Mod Ask Them YourseU 'o• r1!frolf •· BUJV!fr, [I ,, ...... ,~ r•r..._ar_.., ...... .... ,. ,.. v.s. ,._, OI· ~ ........... ,,.,... .. ..,, ii~ lnT aua'I II h uetl /or ,.,,,,, .....,,.,,., .,..,.,.._p_r ........ s.c,_.,lr., c..w.6•r•, If .C. e It does DOl belong to the Poe& 06oe. Ho~er. the law llata that ii may be aeecl onlr fOC' .mail Consme enacted the law to prnait tbe pl.aciemeat ia maiJ. bose. of materials which had llOl s-e tbroucb the mai18. Thia helpe to pret'Cllll thefts ud aoaaaifonaed ~ from having a~ to mailboxes. 'oa BOB BOl'B .... ia ........ .....,. .......... ...., .. ,.., an.... ...... ,. .... ,.._,-e. r. B.,,..., A .. ~ .... e Lt. Lou W• from CoJumbia., S.C. His mother reoommendecl him. FOR ll.4lUIN PEUJl¥S, Dindor, S1. Lot&U Z.. .,,,.. ... __ .,.die k.a Vo••-41-11111 BUI, ,.......,/f.O. .. •There are many well-groomed anim.ak, but I baYe never conducted a conteet to tee which ia the beec. The lemur IDOll· ke,.a. for example. laa.e 1pecial groomi.aa teeth to oomb their fur. Moe& aaoakeya bne near .. igbted eyea th.at allow them to eee the tinieat puticle of clirt in tJ.eir hair, then pick it oUt wtih their finsere. All tbe big cata groom tbem.elYea with oomblike tongues. Prairie doge aad chin. chillu keep their fur clean by rolling in the dust and then shaking it free. f'Oa ~ ..4D.4MS, Director o/ IAe MU.1 rue u die fWl8 Nlae o/ .U cM U.S. ~ _,..._, ..eA '41y1-IJ«rry CoU- ....,, RINr U,e, N.J. • 8ued OD 1968 production, appros.i· matelr Sl million. FOR JONATB.4Jli FINJ'ERS a ... ,. "° ,.. _,_,.. ..,. "••llf fa alaere, .,,...,, •••• yo• cl••e yo•r •"'-' ..... -..ii ..... , B .. ~ ii ••• .,.rf.efl1- ,4.,... E. r ... ...,. 111, c•,..,.., '"'· • I alwa)'8 say .. bang in there, gang .. be- came it means ""take it eaay." lt'1 just another way of tdlina e•erybody to alow down and live a little. 'Oa BBUSlrl' IJ. UYSSD, O..../Al-i·..._,. Nn1FnV~ ...... ,.. ......... ........... ~,_,. .... .. . ......,, . .,.,,,.,. CMrdoa .. ,,.,,,,..,_,_,. ,,...., c-.. ,...ow. • n.e atudellt'• hit,IHchoel reoonl, hf>. siuial with the aiada ...... 'nais re- ~ ia oftea atated ia ca._ of tliie tludeat•a rank ia da-. A ....... ~ ea. lraDce ex••"'•doN are reprded u ia- poltaltt, tlley are a aecoadUJ &.dor. The )91'iKipal Jahae of tbae tlelb is to cne .,.., COllUllOD ~of aa applicaat•1 perlonauce in ftlatioe to other etudenta. l'OR IJOFIS UJBlf, llaeW C....iuio"er .. .-.... say ...... ., a:•pe•--/or ..... .............. ~­..... ~,,,..,__,,_,. ta~ aw • ..i, YL • Major leape clnha CUl'f air-tta.el iaauraace for their teaaa. T'her haft .. di. aaater plam." whereby a club wlloee team is 1091 in a plane cru1t ia ratocked with players (...,. other clabL roa aDDNn D~CUllEW, COM.Ji•,. I .... ,....,,..,,.. INN "' .... ,.. ...,.,.,, .. ............. ll ... .,..... ,.,. ............... .. 1W-D. If., Ad.Ade Cily, NJ. • I actually atuted my career al 19, playing 111tall clube &Del mouataia re- eorta. I continued until I waa 28. then went into legitimate ehow buaineea in order to better support my family. I b.ad alwa19 regretted leanag my priauy iD· tereat of comedy, aad it -.. iaerilable th.at I bad to try &pin. 1t•1 great no,ir . 'OR JOBNN'Y llArlllS •• ,, ,,.... ""-' Olla u.w ,.. , .. pe4 °"" • .,.._ ,...,.. ... /ii.,,,...,,_ R.kle.anl l..UUy, .4.6..,,. Pfri, N .J. • Yett-but I waao•t aapy. I wae jok· ing)y trying to proYe that I WU atil1 in good pb19ical condition, 90 I hurdled the grand piano on the &tace. .......... Q,_.,.._ ... 11'., y __ ......... Ilk ... _ .... .... -, ........ F I • ...-,... fn'p ...... lflll*'-. ..... ...., -• ... .... .. Aiill ....._ Y...-, • ..., .. ....,. 6tl •-· .... A ..... "9w 1' .... N.Y. IMD.. Ye_. 1* al 111 I d o ... ti .. Ila .... •-.... -..... WHAT~ WORLD! Netlws w. ,..,.....,. The young are the nCltMs in our new tedt.-io6ogi· col land; all oitW 25 -en forelgnen. accontlng to onthrop o'°9fst Margaret Meocf. ~ up in a totaf1y MW wortd, young people don't wont to a,. '°"' to ~ old and will MWt ,..... to It. F. student ...... Or. Mead IUSJgeltk 1) the IOlulion must be ct.....ac ...... to ..... tv; 2) ... caton should Make a list of student ............ to molt of them but _.. tOftle fw COM:et1IOM. Kettle of fWI · A gtowing port of Soulhern agricultuN ii catfish fanning. Yes. you 9'0W yow own fish as y01U would alfatfa 01 toy beam. Some 18,· 000 fannen wtfl •II $20 million wonh of catfWt orown on 53,500 acres this par (3,000 pounds of ftth per aae). A parasltia:ll dbecne collect "white ~ piew.nlild catfish fanning be- fore, but GAf ~-c:cRM up with a .... • that ~ It out. Now --A ,> ~,,. ,_,,.and tmall lry wet* acnaoe de¥oted to catfish is eJ(fMtd9d to double IOO«t. fonnen let 'fiOl tliU&eft fish their "fields'' Of hotvest the fhh en ony other aop--except, cn you Might 9'M9· from a boat. Tonsorial Clues Comedian Gecwge Cartin, who wean moderate lidebums, commented on the foct that .-y IWt are wearing moN hair tt... ~ '1 s1af1ed wearing sideburns a coupl9 of yean ago," he told Fontlly w..tly . George Carlin '1've always been a blt aheod of fashion trends. Now I haw ct.v.loped a th80fY on wt. type of w choow which hair style-o lftUllache and beard usually indicate o Wt-of-antw stance politically. Sideburns en found ...en on many Nadionary, right wino bull. nesllMn.'' U.ht aecl Ufe f'Of yean we've been hearing that too mudt IUfl eavMt lkin cone.er. Now we learn lode of natural teght may ClOUM serious ailments too. In fact, Ruukln sdentish have stated that if skin ii not exposed to IO- lar radiation suffidentty, "disturbances occur in the phy••aical equilibrium. This c:ouw fundlonol diwden of the ~ system and vitafftin D defid.. ency, a weakening of the body'1 de· fenw and an oggraw1tion of dwonk ditecne." You ClOn't 'Win. Geel Helps n.o.. . . . The mother of Miguel Aleiandro, 11, the older son in the new mo¥ie, ·~" r8Cl9ntty told us, "We are a retigious fom. My. We wsy 'la bendid6n'-that's a Pu.to Rkon ~ we haw to lecr¥e each oth· .,, ewn when we go downstain." Mikey (his nktnome, pronounced "Mile~, csn altar boy, IOid he prayed for the patt ""'Y nevht. Moth • en '1 told him to hold off a bit; so many were ~ out for it.'' Miguel: "lut I got k.n FW: "Did JOU ~ to thank Him'r' Miguela "Y__. think IO." Family' ~ die NI••• u Ma1 1a.. JMa 15, 11111 YatU• S. DAV.OW,.,-""" ~ .. 1£1 llClll llMI .. ciw.t llOllGll W ,.,.w+r Ma IYAM •---. ..,_ W. PAGI ntUSPIOll ..._eMQ OW...-MAllRa N. .... IQUI A,.,,,,...._ ...,... .. _,DIDAmria&eM111 ..... lf.......- ~I._,... ---A~ll-..r -.I L •MD..,..._ ... ._~,,....,. .... "..,., OIH-: ... I :a::..._, ..... YM ='-~. ~~ "'~"' ... ~ ........ :::.. ,,. ....., ........... ':';t:''1. .. .. ~~P' Usm:~•.c..,,._ ... ..__ -·-• "°" , ... ..,_ ........ ~ ........................... ,.,.., ................ , ,_,, °'' I h I ... ci.. • A NruA.t~ ..... .... .....,OI,_ .. , I I T ,..__ .._Y .... M.Y • ..-. @ "'9, MMY wml.T, INC. ....... _.... a axasc:a• £¢# ----· ... ._.,_.._. ----.. --.:~..: SAVE 10c wtteft JOU bu1 OM of theH Kel'°lt'• assortments at ,our 1rocer's ()c. .. ---·· ~ ;_ ... ._. ______ ..._ ., II I What We Can Do to Stop Skyjacking Armed guards? A faked Havana airport? Will these schemes thwart dangerous air passengers? By JOHN H. SHAFFER Adntlnistrator, Fedetal Aviatioft Adntinlltratfon T HERE HA VE been 44 sky- jackings of U. S. regis- tered aircraft since 1961, as of this writing-18 in 1968 alone. Most were forced to fty to Cuba. Astoundingly, there have been no tragediea related to this air piracy. But the public has a right to aak- how long can we play the odds! Here are some facts about the problem-and ita possible aolutiona -that have been obacured in much of the day-to-day press coverage. Since 1961, 24 peraons have been arrested in connection with the U. S. skyjackings. Of these--and they in- clude four juvenilee and four aervic~ men~ight adult.a are now sening jail terma up to 20 years: the juve- niles are in reformatories or deten- tion homes; and the servicemen have been court-martialed (after their hard-labor terms, they face diahonor- able dlecharse>. One person wu ad- judred inaane, and 11 others are atill awaitln&' trial. TM fate of skyjackers, once they get to Cuba, is aomewhat of a mys- tery. From the aketchy reports th.at are available, it appean they get lea& than a warm reception. They are aometimea put to work at hard agri- cultural labor; at the very least they are placed under surveillance. There are indications that the Cu- ban government does not condone the akyjackinp, nor have the Cubans made propaganda uae of 1kyjacker1. Along with thia ia the encourag- iq aim that the Cuban government now permita skyjacked planes to re- turn from Joee Marti Airport at Havana with pusenpn and crew. Previously, the puaengera were bueed to Veradero, where a smaller U.S. plane had to be ftown to return them to the U.S. XeanwhJle. the sky- jacked aircraft flew hick from .Joee Marti with only the crew aboard. The problem ia a fruatrating one. Bow can we atop akyjacklnp ! The most obvioue aolution ia to have the Cuban government al'ree to return the akyjackera to the U. S. for proeecution. Air piracy carries the death penalty; u such, there ia no atatut.e of limitationa, meanina that a akyjack:er still can be tried in the U. S. no matter how many yean it takes to &'et him back. Since the U. S. and Cuba do not excbanl'e dip- lomatic recopition, tbia eolution be- comes a delicate matter. It 11 being pursued, however, by other govern- ments which do have diplomatic rela- tiona with Cuba. To ..,._,. for a moment, pilot.a from otber nationa-eome of whoee planes baw been U:yjacked-recent- ly voted to boycott thOM countries which refuee to return skyjackers. Pilot R. D. SMitl clnlOutnda luno •kfjo.clur ~ llf'natU '" OGbiA. Short of the Cuban government'• return of skyjackers. the next..beat aolution is to p~ent the skyjacker from boarding the plane in the ftrat place. In this reprd. the Federal Aviation Adminlatration of the De- partment of Transportation bas taken this action : 1. A taalt force on hijacltinc bu been formed at FAA to coordin- ate all anti-akyjacldng eft'orta, not only within the parent Department of Puanagen from •k1j~kM. p{atte returw to U.S. CtutmM at GifJH>rt lft Miami. Tranaportation but also with other Government acencies plua the airline industry i t.eelf. 2. A akyjackift&'-prevention sys- tem bu been fomullated to include devices and tecbniquee. Among the tecbniqUel ia a paychological study of the cbaracterietica and behavioral patterm of alcyjackers. We believe we already have found aome impor- tant clues. 3. Field testinl' of a weapona- detection aystem ia to begin. It In- cludes some "hardware" already ln use for other purpoeea. One of the main· reaaona for the fteld teata is to determine if exlatinr ayatems are applicable to s)cyjacking prevention, or whether entirely new equipment must be invented. To have these sys- tema work in laboratories ia one thinl': to lee how they react in a true airport environment is another. We .. pwpoMly vague on spe- ciftca of our teatiq program for two basic reaaona: We don't know how well the aya- tema will work under realistic con- ditions; and if we explained all their functioninp, a skyjacker could alter hia plam acconiinaly. But one thing ia clear. We are giv- ing top priority to these prevention e«orte in order to aro from field tf'•t- ing to Mtual uae quickly. In weapon• detection, the major problem ia to be able to det\fle an actual weapon from an innocent item. With 150 million airplane paaaengers a year, it i.a impractical to seareh everyone without adversely affecting the airline buaineu. Even though there are 170,000 airline ftighta a year originating in Florida alone, akyjacklnrs take place an over the United States. A number of propoeala are not practical For ex.ample, an armed guard ian't likely to ahoot it out with a ekyjacker at 30,000 feet, no matter what weapon the akyjacker bu, eepe- cially if paaaengera or crew may be badly inju.red in the fight. Another di&'l"M8ion. There ia a mis- conception about bulleta pierciftl' the fuaelap of a plane. In itaelf, thia ia not harmful becauae aircraft are built to withstand punctures and broken windows. The danrer comes when the bullet h1ta an electTical or fuel line or vital controla. Ullnfl a fake airport would work once and that's all. Beeidee, skyjack- ers often use headphones to make sure they are beaded for Cuba. Tranqu.ilisera, gas. and apraya are chancy at best. It is a fact they work instantly on some people, slowly on some-not at all on otbera. At leut aome of tbe a)cy jacken are emotionally or mentally dla- turbed. Trying to overpower them might lead to irrational actiooa that could make innocent people victiDll. For tboae wbo have auch a atronr deaire to go to Cuba, tbe U. S. op- erates a daily airlift out of Florida. One. word of caution-the Cuban government reeenee the ri&'ht to re- ject any and all individualll ~DI such ftighta. Maybe that is why we don't bear too much about &kyjackera once they reach Cuba.. Perhaps they are not considered desirable. It is not unlikely that the Cubans may even suspect them of being spies. The ....... ncy 'of skyjacldnp is leeeening. After eisht in January, 1969, there were three in February, three in Karch. and one in April. Ideally, it the Cuban eovemment would return skyjackers to the U. S. for trial, the problem would end quickly. However, we t"&JUlot merely wait for that to happen. We muat net. and that is why we revealed our plan.a for fteld test&. We admit they have shortcom.inp, but we cannot •et equipment without u.oee tests. Even if we only 1borten the odda apinlt aucceuful akyjackiq, we will have aceompllabed much. • --.~ .... --___ ..,.. . ···---... ------ Now-an eminent psychiatrist answers your cry for help when DEPRESSION strikes at a member of your family and you don't know which way to tum. In UP FROM DEPRESSION, LEONARD CAMMER, M.D.-a distinguished psychiatrist, teacher, and author-shows you how to give a depressed relative the effective help he needs. Equally important, he shows you how to avoid the common mistakes that could worsen the condition or pre- cipitate a tragedy. Depression -as an emotional illness - means much more than an occasional spell of the blues. These are some of the danger signals: • Your wife has just hod her first baby, and is too despondent to feed it or take care of it. Man- aging the household is also beyond her. Every ten minutes she phones you at the office, just to hear your words of assurance ... • Your husband hasn't been sleeping well and he awakens too early every morning, miserable and blue. Pushing off to work takes a giant ef- fort and each day seems to loat forever. More and more he keeps withdrawing into o sheU ... •Your mother, once a tower of strength, has col- lapsed into o state of "nerves'' and despair. She moons that she hos outlived her usefulness and all is hopeless. When you deny this she gets agi- tated, cries, and says she is not worth the bother you take ... •Your daughter comes home from colJege unex- pectedly and soya that she has quit school. She mopes, refuses to leave the house, and shows no intezest in dotes. sports, or social life ... •Your father has lately been shouting at you and behaving abusively. He berates you for neglect- ing him, yet when you are attentive, he colls you o hypocrite. He confuses faces and namea and believes that everyone is out to ruin him ... Such people need help desperately. De- pression, at its mildest, can rob life of joy. At Its worst, depression can -and fre- quently does -end in suicide. But often. the sufferer's closest relatives, who should be his first source of relief, are bewildered or antagonized by hia depres- sive behavior. Under these conditions, it is easy for them to make diautrou.a blunders. You are Nar a Mlp.._ a,.,. r..tl Once you understand the dynamics of emo- tional depression and the techniques for dealing with it. there is much you can do to restore mental health. In simple, compas- sionate and non;.technical language, Dr. Cammer explains the nature of depression, its varieties and its symptoms-and how you as a close relative, can help the depreSBed person and also ease your own anxieties. Here are just a few of the subjects treated by the author: •Do people wilo talk about •alcWe ...n, .... to to .......... wftll It? Here are the common facta and fallacies about ,aeli-deatruction -and why you mut never, never put a 1ufcide threat to the teat. • 'l1le daNe tJpe9 of.,...__ organic. reactive. and neurotic -and the different approachea each require-. •Bow to ,.....-• cldld'• or • ......... crJ for MJp. • How to Ned ta. ..... which may indicate that your relative la 1ecretl1 an alcoholic, or on druga -becaoae of depre11lon. • e.w to ................. penoll ... Oftr .... pW. • 81-p tlfllc:.ldea and 1ome 1lmple rolea for deaJ- lng with them. • blpmtat .. .._ ..... -such u Don't test tomorrow, and Nner atrlke o borsofn with a depre1Nd penon. • ,,_ ~ ol IM tbM ol u1: aome type• of depreaalon are euler to handle in the momlq. othen in the evenln3. •A-..&ew.,1o .... e,_...tn._,-.. • 8nul ,....._.: the right Ud the WfOll8 way to react when your husband or wife lo ... lntereat In HX aa a result Of deyreulon. • How to llolaW •• .,. .... penoa'• ........__ • llecbe M:•Dk 0 ..,: tlle 8Jda _. tlle Inda. How countJn1 novela and movie and TV melo- chamu have aurrounded thla valuable trMt:aumt with m aani of tenor that it doa not deMrVe. • Ou"• ...... ,.... ............ ...... • How to .................. belaarior ..... ,,. .......... . And there is a great deal more. Dr. Cammer also presents the entire ~enal of weapons that modern medicine bu developed for treating depre88ion -new d.rus treatment, physical treatment, psychotherapy, psychia- tric hospitalization -and shows how. in each caae, the patient's relatives can play a vital role in speeding recovery. UP FROM DEPRES810N will dispel the feeling of helplesmesa that Is so common when depressive illneu occurs. It la a book to read not only for the sake of your, rela- tive who may be afflicted with this diamder, but for that of your whole family -became when any one person is touched by dapru- slon, eveJ'YOn.e in the family is touched by its shadow. TtBHlaJ fne n••lnttha We invite you to examine UP ROM DEPRKSSION now at your bookstore -or mail this coupon for your examination copy. U you are not convinced that this boolc can be of great help, return it within 10 days and owe nothing. Otherwise, remit $5.95 pl11.1 mailing costs. Write to Simon and Schuster, Dept. 25, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10020 -----....,,..-------------------------------r - -•SDmNO....,.-U.DAft rm DAMINA'l'IDH• - - PRAISE FROM DOCTORS AND llELATIVD OP PATIENTS "It makes avallable ln print exact· ly all tbe thin8I that I mut keep repeatin1 day •fter day ln my treat- ment of depteHed patienta." -R Ezell Branham, Jr., M.D.. Attend-1.na Paychi1trtat, Stamford ·Ho.pl- tal, Stamford, Coon. "The ln1tructlon1 are clearly etated, etralptforward, and tho,.. oulhJy refreehJns-" -H•'"Y M. Rou, M.D .. Clinical Director, Gracie Square Hoapltal "Fine, clear, 1en1ltive, wl'fttn with ldndneH."-U.K.S. (patlent'• wife) "I wteh I lutd bad acceu to a book like thle at the Ume ·my buaband became depreHed. I did not undel'- 1 t1 nd hi• 1ymptom1 and mean- while, without proper help. ha went deeper aad deeper Into the depreulon ... I h ave teamed many thln11 from tbla book." -B. A. (patieot'e wile) "I w..1 amazed et how reedable lt 1.e ••• 1 font of information for thote who have a mentally d ... preHed penon ln their family.'' -S. F. (patient'• buebandJ ','An excellent book ... The author'• practical and compa11lon- ate approach to the p1Uent and h11 relaUv.. 1bow1 clHrly lo every llne."-C. H. Hardin Branch, M.D., ProfHtor and Head, Dept. of Pe)'· chiatry, Unlvenlty of Ut•h Medi· cal Center. I WOH AND waaa. .,.,,._ • I mPlfdlAw,.NewY-.N.Y.- 1 ,.._ MIMI -UP .... www+ ~ bf a-a.rd C.-, I M.D. It 1 wi.h. J 111.AJ "tva tbe book JIC"ltpald witb.l.a lO dqa ud o-aodllq. Otberwtee. t wSll .-St •·• pl• a •-mm111 I aallJq coeta. I I N ............................................................... . I I Add-.......................................................... . CttJ ......... -...................... Statll ............ ztp ......... . 0 &Ava. Saal-•.• -ud palol~ •adS .. --· ....... ..,. ret11ni pl1YiJe9', wttla 11111 ..., ........ I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------.1 -. ·------~--~---------------._.__..__ __ ~--~ ... ~~----------------------· Famlly ~ / ltnU 1s, 1969 How I Traveled West-A Mo When this noted humorist was about to move to Texas, he fought an .Alamo-like battle I T STARTED with the Morro Castle spoon-a perfectly inane discussion-and then, in pure self-defense, I had to bring up the matt.er of Grand- pa Babcock's accordion, and the next thing I knew we were embroiled in ... But bold! I'd belt set into thia gTeat human problem from another direction. After 23 yean in the ume home in the auburbe of New York City. we had decided to move. Theft_,. weft things about the Eut, the New York meplopolia, that~ rrowi.q net. tleeome with the puaap of Ume: the local grocery .tores kept running out of stick cinnamon; I bad to make an appointment to set my pencil sharpener eerviced; the okra crop in my ~et.able garden bad failed two years in a row on £Ce011nt of a new area peat-the woolly-lenecl okra hoppu; and women were trying to take over the cookinr. W. ~d1 d te ....n a clean and ~iaive break, eo we choee a email town in remote W-ett,. Teu.e. I was cominl' up to 60, and a cbanp of en- vironment was sunested. Thia West Texas town was achana'e-in apa.dee ! We be:pn at once eelliq off almoet all of our seaboard fumiture and fixtures. Ky wife waa even throwing out the week--day silverware (as dis- tinguished from the Sunday stuff). The war started when I caught her depoeitint' my Morro Castle spoon in the bia card.board carton marked S.lvation Army. I blew three pa- keta 1imultaneou1ly. The noiaee I made were heard clearly at Saratoga Sprinp. It wu still a handeome implement, my t.ea- apoon. with ita elepnt but simple deaip and the Ward Une inafpJa stamped near the end of the handle. I pilfered that spoon off the pu- sen,er liner Morro CatU durina itl ahakedown cruiee from Newport Newa to New York in 1929. I w.u a guest on that cruiee ak>na with other New York newspaper reporters, and o coffee spoon, a toe ring. a measure of inson By IL ALLEN SMITII """""'°'el "l9w Mm! .... , ...................... .. ....... el ~ H -4 '""9 0.... Qll c:-fw I I lk:o/' each of u• carried away a eouventr. Jfy spoon aomebow waed to tab OD added biatorical aipiftca.nce five rear• lat. when the Morro ea.tu burned dll. the New Jeney cout with a ton of 1Z6 linL In the iJlterveniq yean, I bad been u1lq that spoon iD my co«ee each IDOl'lllns. a1moat u lf it were a aacred veue1; it WN not supentition, it wu a aimp)e habit. There were ti.IMe wt.en I jaat couldn't take my coffee without ttirriq tt with that ·Morro Outle spoon. Eacb momin• my hand mcmd unerrlna1y in ita dJ- rectkm at the moment the cotf ee wu ready. And DOW ahe WU thJ'owtns it away! Heartleuly ! CalloU11J ! When I bad ftnisbed 1brieJri111r and stompins my feet, I laid down the law. That apoon wu nner to be dis- carded a1 lontr u l lived, and I an- nounced my intention of sf viq it a strong mention in my will-perhaps leaviq it to one of my trrandchJldftD -boplq that the ftne tradition of tbe KDJTO Catie memento would be carried Oil. SM still balked. She a.id tkt spoon bad become my Tedd.J bear, my ae- curity diaper. '1'm aurprded," abe aaid. ''that JOU don't C&ITJ' lt bl YOUl' pocket when JOU 10 traftliq." Then ahe pt Gnndpa Babcock'• MlCOrdion out of the cloeet. It wu an antiquated Holmer, made in Ger- 1JWl7, and it wu fallina to pieces. After her mother died, abe bad found it amoq the family poeae111ion1 and broualrt it home. "Grat prbe I" I Mid. ''You're not rouna take tAot all the way to Texas, an you?" "Certainb'," abe aaid. "I've deftJ. oped a kind of fondnea for it, an ancestral fondnea. It teema to link SMN.idtlu~ l&a4 ~ •r T.Ur IMar, •r Heteritr ~t. TM. •h got Grapci BaJ>cotk'. accord&oa ot&t of th clout. IUUSRATIONI l'f IC>a IUOO me up IOlnehow with Grandpa Bab- cock. He wa a ftne man." I let it alide. but quietly I called in a lady wbo knows about antiques. I thouabt perbape we oould sef a piece of money out of the accordion. The lady ..-not bulliab. ••A curiosity:' abe uid. ''Tbat•a about all ... Tben the turned to me. "Perllapa JOU coa1d learn to p1&7 it and at leut set eome tood oat of it that way." "Pleue !" J uid. I took the shabby tb.lq in my banda and pnmed down on a couple of key'I and worked the bellows. The elderly lldtrument pve off a nojae preciaelJ lib the bn~ of a clonby. "That," I aid, "ia i1a only tune. Our )'OW\J people mia'bt embrace that kind of muaic, but not thia one." ''It's ... to .. ," I Mid with ftnal- ity, when tbe lady bad IOIM· "If it tfOel," ahe u.id. ••row spoon ,oee." I tried to aplain that the spoon wu difterent. that the 1poon bad eeutimental value, that it bad come otl a very hlatoric: ship, that it wu auociated with my cub-reporter da.ya, that it W'U symbolic of ... " ... of your beiq a thief,'• ahe aaid 1ubtly. I said that if the wretched accor- dion went to Tau, then my home- made deak went a.loq with it. She bad ordered me that very morn to throw out the deak. When I 6.ra belan writiq boob back ill the •aoa I called i11 a carpenter and for bad him make me a crude 1ubttitu for a desk-e plain, sturdy wood bridp.eize table and a boxlike dai to aet on it with two makelhi abelvea for book.a. "Listen," I aaid with peat penua lion, "this wu my very ftnt d•k Can't you appreciate the fact tha some day it miaht be worth a lot o money becauee of itl hiltorical , .. ni&ance. that aome big muee might ~Y bard cuh for it! S stantial eubT And can't you cl.ate my own feeliq about ltT" "No, lie ' esp 1 .,.., I can't," • aald. "It i• clutter, and we asreed set ri4 of all clutter."' At that moment, I wu not but I let her think the had the ftnal word about the delk. know Ina deep within the welll'prins o my beiDI' that it wu Soinl' Weet. When we Sot to the attic. ft and looked at the .ccUllllll&tton o nearly a quarter of a century quickly abuadoaed all plana for ins u,.oAn.. t l I 8 '9 0 II i; ( h n j1 ti h c: ti ti a· tJ C< u c he m te w. u1 pe he wi gr F< m1 Ci ko sic at< Ca cla I tee th• ho1 in1 in1 De"! CO\ t y 0 e e i I t t l e l j t r ! ~ a Experience preserve his life's treasures- We aimpty couldn't f~ up to i~ all that rubbish, all that shoddy clamjamfrey. After a while we were able to cut olf depreeaion by recall· inr Jim Street and hia attie. When he rave up New York apart- ment livinr and moved to hia new bouae in North Carolina to write novel.a, he made c~rtain that it had a big attic. Be said that exploring a well-atocked attic:, digl'iq into the old-fuhloned memorabilia, waa a iTe&t pleasure not to be denied grow- inl' children. After ... acquired the houee with the attic, he diacovered that he didn't have any memorabilia. So before moviq, be invaded Sixth Avenue junk stores, went to theatrical co. tume dealers and ftlled half-a-dozen humpbacked trunb with antiquarian clotbinl' and gimcrackery (certainly thia ia an apt aort ot word under the cireumatancea). A few yeara later, while Jim waa away on a trip, hJa boys hauled all this junk out of the attic so they could set up a aet of electric trains their father had ~ven them for Christmas. Later they set ftre to the hoop akirts, buatlea, gaiten, and mllfltache cupe. But we proceeded with the con- tentioua buaineaa of discardinl' un- wanted/wanted treaaurea. She came up with her colleCtion of rock.a and pebblea. She la not a l'eDuine rock- bound. Hens bad to be aaaociated with a special locality-a chip of granite from the ruina of the Roman Forum, a pebble from John Barry- more's courtyard, a ahud from Crazy Horae Mountain in South Da- kota, l'J'&Vel from a pathway along- side Napoleon'• Tomb. a fratrment of atone from the l'J'OUnda of Windaor Cutle--<:omplet.ely uaeless atutr. J de- clared ftrmly that it had to go. I preiach.11 a brief eermon on the tediousneu of collecton, likening them to people who inceeaantly 1how home moviea. She protested, say- ing that at leaat her kind of collect- inl' was oril'inal and that ahe had never •one in for atampe. matchbook coven. coina. movie-etar auio.rapba, Wln 10a got to th atm, 101 looW at tu OU'MMtdctWtt aM '1"tekl¥ abcmdoMd plou tOMOH, ornamental buttons. worb of the old muten, or bubbl&-pm carda. I inveighed apinat the atupid at- tachment people ret for inanimate thinp. ~ain, aa I often bad. 1 quoted Fred Allen: "A man ahoukl not accumulate any more material poeaesaiona than be can set into the coftln with him." Out of my vast atorehouae of knowledge, I told her about the wont· an in En&'land who pew ao immod- erately fond of her little automobfle tliat ahe refused to ~ve it up, even after it had quit functionin1. She had it melted down and hammend into a solid; brisUy maaa of meta) which ahe set in her ranten Ml a monument; then she died, and, u or- dained in her will, that unpinly chunk wu placed over her JT&Ve in place of a atone. I mentioned, too, the f oollabnesa of a neighbor lady who bad a hand- some and aymmetrlcal blue spruce near the front door of her houae, a tree whoee limba spread outward and downward in cloee-ftttlnl' layen; how thia tree acquired the a1f ection- ate name of "Iii• Petticoatll" and wu aJwaya addreeeed by that title; how the lady f'l"4!W so food of KiN Petticoats that abe talked to her whenever ahe waa putteJina' a1'0Und the yard; how, when she moved away, ahe bad tried to have KiN Pet- ticoeta tranaferred to the front yard of her new home, but MIN Petticoats died in transit. I said that our neifhbor'a unrea.- aonable feelina wu auch that I would not have been at all aurpriaed to learn that she had buried MiM Petti- coats aomewhere on her premiaee in a grave 18 feet IOJIS'. To all this, my lif e'1 partne,. ,... aponded: "Yon tab your tool apoon. and 1 take my rocb !" I had to surrender. Crazy infernal rocbl Idiot ideas to begin with I An overly aentimental woman can Indeed be a tribulation. But 1 just bad to take my Morro Caatle spoon to Texaa or swear otI coffee, and anyhow Weat Tex.ans l'Ulp down coffee u if Brasil would be goinl' out of exiatence come next week. There were other diacuuiona, gen- tle polemica, in which our nef•hbor& noticed the roof o{ OW' bouae rise a few feet in the air. She-.......... °" taJdnr the ratty little Santa Claus, made of red and white flannel, becauM it had been placed at the top of every Chriatmu tree we'd ever had In the years when our ch11dren wen powiJia' up. r said, tell me, pleaae, what in the world ia the uae of making a solemn agreement and then violatinr it right and left with JTUbbJ' little Santa Clalllel and Mnaeleu rocb? Unfor- tunately, while I was enrased tn this expoeitlon of loa1c, I had my toe rins in my hand. Thia wu an oriainal riq deaiped to be worn on the bi.. toe. It bad been preeented to me by the beaoteoue Bernie Gibeon in Hawaii. Bernie alao bad bourbt one for henelf, and we made a pw:t that we would appear barefoot on the dance floor at the Royal Hawaiian aome eveuin« and dance with our toe rinp on and cre- ate a South Paciftc een.aation. Some- how we nner rot around to that pmbit, but I chniabed that blamed toe ri"-nonetbeleu. My wH. r11n1 •• It u alirhtly left of hidecMla. ''Why don't you put it in a cornentone ?" abe ulted. "Or better yet, put down a time capsule with your toe rin• in it. Show J>t»- terity how i~ the race be- came in the'&o.." I had to asree that abe cou Id tab ber Santa Claus lf I pt to keep my toe ring, and it went on from ther&- all thoee dad-blatned compromiaes that they say are the aecret element in a pod and laetinl' marril.l'e. Today there is a ll"OWlnr accumu- lation of Mexican..etJle junk in our ne1f mountainaide home in Wat Texu-knickknack.a and ornamental triftea and ldcbhawe picked up in the marltetl of Juares and Pledr• Nerraa. If we ret the rloom1 over thi1 clutter of Latin acceuories, we can alway• ret out the rock.a., toe rinr, Santa Claua, and apread them out on 11\1 very ftnt den and dream of the roJden bygone 1eara. And every momins. u certain u aunrlM, I ltir my co«ee with my Morro Cutle lpoOD. Honor la not loet. And I have my HCurity. • a , ________________ _ I NOW-FOii •uOEIS OF FA•11 r wan Y ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 1111 Jewel Amang Swla-1111111 W1tdl11 WORLD FAMOUS PILOT'S CHRONOGRAPH ..... Speed •lease Distlllce onlyS12!! • Check Partilg Meters •Use As ....... StopWatdl Complete with: TIM( ATHUTIC OOfOtSTS 6 DIALS, S HANDS AND 2 PUSHBUTION CONTROLS I Ttus i. a pm. first made famous by Wof1d War II pilots who found It not only an absolutaty ~urmt titMplece, but a piece of equipment more valuabl• than a boxful I of Instruments-and It still Is. WMther you like to fly, or drive sports cars, record your awr.,. spMd 1>9r mile, or time the number of bMrs consumed In an hour, this I witl do the tab· All 5 hands are machin.-callbrated In Switzerland where the complete wottts are nutty turned out in two different factories, tMn anembled In a third. I It i. ahoc:k·reslstlnt, antlmqnetlc, has an unbrukeble malnsprln1. bl& sweep MCOnd hand, lumlnout dial and hands. lofden·finlshed die-cftt caM, and a luthef strap. I No matter hoW you loolt at It. that's a bla hunk of watch for onty $12.95 plus 65¢ postaae and handlina. And It's fully auaranteed for 1 yurt In~ way, a solid buyt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I @c.e.1• I --------USI MONIY.UCK COUPON TODAYI -------- 1 PAltll u • • E•ES. Dept.1249, 3110 E. 10th a .. Hi•.et. Fe.. 33013 I I RMI" ma,____.PUot's Chn1ooer•ph WMchea it I I $12.95 .... 65' ~and hanclNflc. I un-.... I detstlllMI th.t tf I mn not campl...ey satisfied. 1 can reeurn It fot e full nlfund. I I .,,,.,. EncloMd .. dtedt or m.o. tors ... ---- • OE6'doeed$1 • .-......... s.nctc.o.o. cm __________ I I and r• PllY poatmen $11.95 ba1ara plus I _.. ~ ITA'ft ______ ___.DP. .... , _________________ J FAMILY WllD.Y COODOOK Toss a Luscious Salai MELANIE DE PROFI' Food Editor Filbert& eontribHte an in.triguing /favor to tl&i• au.tqut macaroni aa.l. • In -.ammertime, when appetite• besia to lag, lhere la an enonnoae appeal for Mlada. Here an three lo pleue the entire family. Macaroni-C~taloupe Salad :Z cape (8 os.) elbow IR&«'aroni S qte. boili•s water % oaiou, quartered 1% dlkba bouillon cubes I bay Inf 1 Yi teupoona 11alt I tabW.poon 1arlk ult I teupooa eeuoaed pepper 1 cup 1nayoanaJee ~ t'UP f[&rlit' or Italian salad dtttN1in1 (prepared front a •ix or bottled) t t'UP 11tit'ed &lberta :Z cup11 cantaloape balls J. Cook macaroni until tender in a large saucepan with water. onion, and seasonings. Drain, reserving liquid for other food preparation. 2. Turn macaroni into a large bowl ; discard onion and bay leaf. Tos11 with a blend of mayonnaise, garlic salad dre.ssing, and ~ cup reserved broth to thin mayon- naise. Chill. 3. Before serving, mix in filberts and melon. Top with julienne of ham. chicken, or turby. GArnish with curly endive. About 6 1Jtt'vings Cabbage and Peanut Salad Blend s.~ cup •ayonnaiee, 114 cup susu. 2 tablespoons cider vinegar, and 1.4 teaspoon Accent; chill. Toss dressinr with 4 cups shredded cabbap until well coat- ed. Mix in 1 cup salted Spanish peanuts; serve at once. Abnvt 8 1ert1iftg1 • FaMil11 w .. klr. Ju.-. JS, 1119 Orange Mayonnaise Tlti• mavonMue made with ~ti light <>r do.rk c~ &Vf"KP ia equa delicio111 0t1tr frttth fruit <Yr mo td~. % t'•p•aJOtlUW •,4 cap light or dark t'ora syrup ~ cup oran1e juit'e % lo ~ teupoo11 grated oaioll Gradually add corn syrup to mi onnaise, stirring constantly. M in orange juice and onion. Chi A bout 1 ~ rupa dreni Mushroom-Soy Salad ~ cap aalad oil ~ t'UP pit'kle reliah ~ t'UP le•on jait'e :Z teupoou HRU % teHPGOll ult % teaspoon carr1 powder 1 c:at'uaber, Uai11l1 slit'ed Yi lb. frnh maahroo••· alit'ed I can water dlHtaatl, alit'ed 6 «reen onioM. cliaronally Blit'fll Atteat 4 radiahes. U.ialy aliced Vi head i~r« leltat'e, torn Into chaab 1 tablHpooa llOJ' MUt'e I. In a bottle or jar, put the sal oil, pickle relish, lemon juice, a: a mixture of sugar, salt, and ct ry. Cover and shake well. 2. In a bowl, combiue cucumb. mushrooms, water chestnuts oz.), and green onions. ·cenerol ly sprinkle with Accent and to together. Shake dressing, po desired amount over all, and tof Cover and chill. 3. Just before serving, add ra isbes and lettuce, driule wi soy sauce, and toss apin. 6 to 8 .enrin . llad roni aala.d. laise oith either I ii equally rt or mold- ra syrup eel oaioa up tomay- 1ntly. Mix ion. Chill. s dre.,ing Salad <Cler keel a. sliC'ed 1,sliced n.ally flt !, torn ~ : the salad juice, and :, and cur- !11. cucumber, stnuts (6 ·aenerous- t and toss ing, pour • and toss. add rad- z.zle with .in. B tervings r----------------------1 & Los Aoactes, Beverly Hills. Pasade~ ' I Panorama City, Anaheim, Glendale, San1a Barbara. Newport Beach I /A~r>JO...A r Ccxmetic Ocputmenl. Main Floor I vrc~v r t.:> Mail and phone orders lllled. Phone 628.03J2 or mall couf*L Roblnson's Seventh, Grand and Hope, Los Angeles, Calif. Attn: Cosmetk Department Please send the following: Quantity I __Jaque t Creme Parfaite O 2 oz. 6.00 O 4 oz. 10.00 I __Jaquet Amollere Oil 1 oz. 6.00 I ~~ I I Addtt·~'-------------------------------1 City lale ZAp ___ 11 O check or m.o. enclosed O chorgc acct. "1·------1Jk111~ Miii ''"" ""' •"" 110111111 wb..-1 -'"""' I ,. ---------------------- .... ~·~/.t.-~J mexican cr•~aman5hlp merida, yuc.atan, mexico • • ' .. hospitality plus ••• 31°' wilshire boulev•rd I~ M>gelea ~. c•lil. ,, .. ,_ p/lua ltolM If)() 11. & ,,..Ye c. -....... IN 7al0 pa.ode I• reform• no. '5 mexico 1, d. f. NowMaayW-r FALSE TEETH Wltll Little Worry Do your ru. \.eetb azmoJ uad em-bal'TUIJ by ellpptnc, ctropptna.or 1f0b· bllng when you eat, laUfb or talk? Th•n •Pnnkle a lttt.WPABlD'lB on your plau111. PA8l&&IB boldl tko· \Ul'ell Griner and IDOft conrc.rbl)'. M&ll:e>i K\IDI fU!n. It'll a ne-douu 't 11our. No 1umm1. 100•1. peny uiat• or Cttl. lklpe ebedt plate odor. Dent\U'e9 chat ftt are .-enUal to hHlt~. ~ r,our cleGtlll\ rtl'\llarl)'. O.t PAS •'-all dnc count.ft NOW. LIFE IN SU RANCE~ Birt h to zige 80 u-ly ............... __... ... llr ... 11t1¥btrl ..... ._.. .....,. "° Mllf1' WtU. CM.I.. .,.. ........... Of. ................... u ...... ..... ..... &at ........ ca.,, .. &Am •ff ...... w.-.. .. '-II. ... A1M •. ,.,~., ly lllil Frt• Fa•ilJ Weekly ••• ,ltltt ....... to ._ ~ "' *41""1. Tiit .... ,..... llr ~ CMiPMla. Ti. ltM:s Md co,, llf't dlldllcl lot ~II· abillU 11r F""llJ W•11, *· lf JI*'" 11tY ~le!! allou\ INll or•, Jlli4 .. itt: s..ict o..an-. ,. .... 11, ..._.,, 641 Lalntto- ·-· ..... YOl1l, IU. 10022. Now •.• Plastic Cream Revolutionizes Denture Wearing For the first time acience now of. fen a unique plastic cream that holds /aue teeth almoet li~e Na- ture benelf holda nolurol teeth. It fonnean elastic membrane that holds both "uppera and lowen" u neYer before. ,It's FixoosNT-a revolutionary ~very for daily home u.e. So different it'a protected by U.S . Patent #3.003,988. FJxooBNT not only holda den- tures firmer. but it holda them more comfortably, too. It'aeo ...._ tic you can bite harder. chew harder without pain. You may even eat and enjoy applee. atd.lc. com-on· the-cob again. FIXOOEHT'• special pencil-point dispenser leta you put it exactly where it'a needed. Avoida ocning over and «aaeinf. Just OM application may last 'round-lbe--clodc. Even reewts hot cotree. DentUNa that fit are •· wnU.1 to heel th. $o .ee your den- tiat ttgUJarly. Get FntOOllNT at all druc counten.. TRAVEL VACATION IDEA~ Summer in the Ski Country By BEN MAITHEWS AMERICA'S SKI OOUNTRY is 88 .fi wonderful a vacation spot in summer as in winter. Almoet every aid area in the country baa a chair-lift aft'ording tourist.a and picnick- ers breath-takina-panoramic views. And there is a variety of summer recreational facilities that, like wintertime skiing, skat- ing, and enowmobiliq, draws vacationers back to their beloved mountains. Aapen, Colo., the old mining town. bu become the biggest ski complex in the country. When snow melts. it echedules festivals, conferences, and courses that fill the town from the berinning of summer right through winteT. · for musk lcwen. there is a music f esti- val, one of the nation's major summer-long evente. Under its tent amphitheater, there are concerts three timee a week and a school for 300 musk students. Darius Mil- haud. Aspen's composer in residence, gives lectures and forums . The Aspen lnetitute of Humanistic Studies is a year-round t1tudy and confer- ence center. During the summer, it spon- sors an executive program, designed to re-- vitalize the bll8inesaman too busy to take the time to keep up to date. An adjunct ill the Aspen Health Center that tailors phy- sical-fitness programa to meet the nee& of that same busy man and bis wife. For youngstere, there is even ·a wres- tling camp that is supervised by well- known wrestling coaches. There also is a theater inatitute that teaches pantomime, rhythmic expression, drama, and dance. One of the beet mountain golf courses in the country bu been built at the ski area of Vail, Colo. Lut summer Vail inaugu- rated the Arnold Palmer Golf School. It is a two-weelt aeeaion for ~n-.age boys, who learn the game on a new kind of golf range -a circle that is played by moving around its circumference. The play toward the center provides every posftible variety of golf found on an actual course. Jadc.sott Hole, Wyo., baa the Tetons; the most dramatic mountains in the U.S. There alao is a new eki area now with one of the few aerial trams in the country and a group of ski lodges at the tnm base. For the fisherman, Jackaon Hole now hu inaugurated a fty-fishing echool super- vised by Charlie Ridenour, a professor of it""'"° •• • '4. -... , ~ ' . ~·-~ HQf"aeback riding: Sun Valley l'Hmmn aport. fly-tying at•Pennsylvania State Univenity. He and his staff of guides conduct cl&Ne8 in equipment and its use, cutf ng, fly-tying and selection. reading the waten, marine biology, and conservation. You ftsh the famous Snake River, which winds at the base of the jagged Tetons. Sun Valley, Idaho, the famed ski resort, has developed an oft-ski season pr ogram for eveT'ything-from fty~ting to gun- handlinr. It wu designed particularly for families. A summer-long icwkating achool is held on its outdoor Olympic-sized rink. and there are achoola for horseback riding and archery. Sun Valley's High Wilderness Camp takes teen-agers into the magni~nt prim- itive area of Idaho, under exi>ert super- vision. The back-pack triJ>8 take from Mon- day through FTiday and cover about six miles a day. In August there is a special 10-day camp for boys only, featuring basic mountaineering and climbing instruction. In the East, Stowe and Manchester, Vt., are <'enters of eummer golf and tennis, with Sugarbush 1pecia1i1inr in the off- beat sport of soaring. A perfect ~'wave" of uplifting air Jurb just east of its moun- tain, so gliding enthusiasts come from the entire area and Canada to catch this wave and stay aloft, circling like hawks for hours on end. So for sun and fun, in summer or win- ter. look to the aki country. + How may we know there is a GOO 1 What was God's purpoee in creating the world? Is faith logical! Why did GOO make men capable of making the wrong choice 1 Is there a life after death 1 Will God take ua all to heaven? The answers to these questions £Dd many more are contained in R. A. Laidlaw's booklet "The Reason Why," now in its 14th million printing. You may have a copy without cost or obligation by writing to Mr. Arthur DeM088, President, National Liberty Life Insurance Company, Valley Forge, yennsylvania. No one will call on you as the reeult of your res po.nae. 'f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • llr. Arthur DeMoea • : NATIONAL LIBERTY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ! : YAU.EV FORGE. PENNSYlVANIA 19481 • • Pl-.. lend me b)' mall a cop7 of the booklet "The Reuon : • Wlt7." .... • • • • • • • • : City .... ZJp : • f'W61Mt • ················-.~······························ ... WATER MILL STREAM conve~• tM dramatic e:rcitemnt of eorlw tftQ'1l1'il1/. ,,. , A DAY TO REMEMBER re11erberotn 1Ditlc. noatolgio ;O'N of 11outA. The HOKESTEA.D proudly presents ... 2 Robert Westal Masterpi~ In Full Color For Your Home Original Oil Paintings Reproduced as Giant Murals Both For Only $200 Imagine having theee two superb muter- plecea by famed American artist Robert Westal adding splendor and beauty to your home. Exquisitely reproduced in colon which preciaely capture the orig- inals, theee magnificent art printa are a triumph of authentic reproduction. The new trend in home decorating today ia toward large printa. The drama and beauty they bring to any room must be seen to be appreciated. The small illus- trations here cannot poealbly show 1ou the beauty and majesty of theee paint- ings. Only when you receive your full color murala will you appreciate bow they bring a new dimension to 10UI' home. Off er WW Not Be Repeated Through a special arranpment we are able to offer BOTH "Water KJU Stream" and "A Day to Remember" in large 24":d8" •be for only $2.00. We uqe you not to mJaa thia unprecedented oppor- tunity to decorate your home with the worb of Robert Weata1. Thia ofter will not be repeat.eel this aeuon in Family Weekly. ••.T.Y. IALU, t•c., IHI I GIANT 11J1A1S nm sm sm.,. I UP 10 $5 IAal IN AIT Sl'Ola r-----------------• The :UOKDTIAD, o.,t. WM-15 P.O. Bea H•. R .. ..wM Blq. NullriDe, ,..__ 1'7Jtl PS.le ..Mt -the 2 Robert ...... ~ <tram. not lndumcD for onl1 $UO <JJleue --cJo. ZS, to MID cover .-talt> on fu.I1 ll'IOne7 t.dt l\IUml ... If J am not delld\t.ed. Encloeed ia ,, _____ _ NAME, __________ _ I..,_. Priatl ADD RES'"----------- CITY STATE IP-- 0 SA VS! SPSClAL <>rrlll: Ordtt 2 .ta (4 priltta in am far oa.17 ...... poftpaW. Satra ... IUkea • perfect sift. L--------------~J .. QUIPS AND QUOTES >. woman sboppiq in a department store happened to notice that the clerk behind the complaint desk smiled at everyone who talked to her and kept her voice low and pleaaant. even when irate cuatomere spoke rudely to her. The 1bopper wu am•ffd at the way the woman kept her coot Then abe notaced the clerk'• dark ·ear- rings: on one. in white lett.erina, was in- scribed, "IN" and on the other, .. OUT." -Dorotl&ea. Kmtt EfJn-Mtiu tltat 'tahw ~ hr A n - Pnftfle gift, tile, MHr .or it in't tlu price, it'• tlu tlwtifltt tA4t eotfflt,.r -Kmt Kra.f t The father of a teen-age boy aaked a neighbor one eveninc wbethe.r be had eeen his son. "No, I haven't." was the reply. ''Well ... said the diatraugbt man, ''if you do Me him, pleaae aend hlm home imme- diately. I need help with bi.a homework." -Dorotliw B. Bnutt Have Pall •r W.tl ,,..., Aak Dad to ftnd hia way to the pres- ent in tb.ia mue bef o.re you live him the real one you have for him. " ............. Hidden in thitl eentence is the name of a member of the tlmil)' to whom a cert.ain Sunday in lune ia dedicated : They were all buntins for the stopper of a therm09 bottle that had eomehow rot miepllced. (Su A"'1Hr Bo:i) ............ eld Titlap daat fold. like f ....... ellaln Aa4 ....... taWee, foldhls ea--, I laek tile eklll to lplre CM1t- Or ae~e, la pabUc: ... ciea. Thoqla otliten fold die thlap tllat fold Upoa dte Soor or 8MH, Before, iapaaieat, I eaa fold Sada thl•p I fold •Jeelf. --ltkluw4' ..tr ... ., /tt bdt0Ht1 tu ~luJriao otJft' t0Ao tOiU Hf tlu t4bl• nd toM ttJill do tu diaA#, t~ • • l.U botollt u tlte diftMr Mier. -Bill Copeltl.1'4 Six-yur-old Ellen waa taken to the doc- tor by her mother. The doctor pTeeeribed some antibiotic t.ableta for the child. "Now I want you to t.ake one three times a day.'' be told the little girl. Ellen looked pualed. then uid to the doctor: ''I can't do that." "Why not?" .. Becauae if I ret the tablet down. I'll never set it b.ck." -A. T. Qtiigg L..t.'s Dnw Panels Br A*' D&'1i®to . G\ Father Parrot way up hish Teechel Baby how to fly. ........ Th .. From the day after you were born to aa Ion• aa you Jive, what i1 always be- hind you? (S.. AUtoft' Boz) Hl, ..... l' ... I How can you make four 4'• and four 2'• equal'? (See Aut0er Boz) a-. ..... . •t = ¥.. + * + % + % i ... .I 'llWJI 'IR • .twpiepe .X. : 9JU •R • 91PPIH ·altl•.!1 :.-.N ...... R FoWLr WHldr, 1 ... J6, 1HI a And the gum Is Chooz antacid. fast relief for heartburn, gas, and upset stomach due to acid indigestion. Bonus: after the medication has done its job, you're still munching a delicious chewing gum. Yum. Choo2. ~cMwln1sum "problem" • • persptratlon solved ..... . tltllUIMls ne ,_,, .... ,..,., An ... ~ ...... t that r.1ly worker oh·•• underarm r.:= for ma.DY who bad eapaired of effective help. iilteluua Aatl-Pen)lhan& ~-=-aa.olut.lydry olpaWW---. with oo..-te 1eat1e ..... to .....i llEln a.ad dotblas· It will blip '°"' drilr tbaD .,.,,, ........... " .... t ..... put in -......... y caaJ Bj arq-body. Thia u.nuaua.l formula from • trmtwonhy 66-~ labora. tory _le _.uaranteed &o NU.fy or dMler will refund purehMe price. So -ta.. .,._ tmt protoactloa o~ llt&elaam An&l-PoND'lraa&. liquid or a.m. '3.0tf, 904y .. .,~,. at your favorit. -druc or toiletry count.el'. C-1 De.a. ...,..,.,. fPG. ,_,.It HIC. Ends women's 11once-a·month# odor problem ..... ., . ...,_ ·-•·r-· .. ·-Wcm.m..a.-.a ......... •m....sby.._wa.._.wl ~ paa;ll1iJd"'• Poct.auta17,.,. eaa~U....~ oclan DOW .tda ~-·-Qvar Deoclciiat #tw ........ (1) QvmH helpe kMp )'OU wui. h4)t oclol'-fNe. 8o eafe It C9a be med .ttboat lnitaau., ... .... 1n ...... hdbaat. .,__ (I) Qomr bllpa paevwat ocb.._ ,oar dott:.. -DO Ol'dbauy deo-cloTant can-ancler bru, pmaty- hoae. prdi.9-neD OD aaaltuy MPki-won. riPt --. --ban '•odor.....,.bs1911l 'nyQumr toclq. lt'.8 ...... cleoduNutforJoa..t70Qr...,.,_, loo. Qomr Deoclonnt. END DENTURE MISERY denturite I • .. NEW INNOVATION IN CAR STEREO I , •' ~ 1115 BROADWAY • NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10010 r---~--------------------------~-------------------------, I llUT&CWT Prod11et1 for better liv1nr SUD M£ THESE CUTll0$(1 : ! 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. lChtck •mu btlow> 1 'i PltlM ltftCI mt 1 cassette !of $5.49 Of 5 for $24.95 : or ,,,, C.r Stereo for $59.95. : ' Enclosed pie ... find my check. 0 PROMISES, PROMISES i l 0 CYCLES : ~.!, ,.-lal) Fl'1t Malllt ll'lltt11 Litt "81111 0 THE SUPER GROUPS ! l 0 GALVESTON : _,.,_ 0 STEPPEENWOLF i CftJ Stitt n, __ 0 CAR STEREO l -------------------------------------------------·' - JIM NABORS: ENTERTAINMENT Co11ntcy Boy Goes ''Mod" By PEER ). OPPENHEIMER J IM NABORS ( tv's "Gomer Pyle"} lives in a Holly- wood mod style that would surprise his fans. But they'd be reassured if they met him-under that ascot scarf and paisley jacket is the soul of the country boy everybody loves. True, Jim bu Jost his taste for Alabama hominy &'l'ita, preferring i natead erepu tudte and towr- rudoa MGUMet. His houaeboy Floyd brinp Jim rourmet luncbee to the studio. Jim drive. a burgundy<0lored Rollil-Royce to the studio from his elaborate home (with mink and velvet pillowa in the bedroom) overlooldn• Beverly Hilla. Yet Jim still baa the humility of the country boy from Sylacau~a. Ala., who can't quite believe that it's all happenin&' to him. ' He m'9hf not have reaUHcl his dream if it hadn't been for his a.athma. Aft.er being a-raduat.ed from collea'e in 1953, be answered a United Nationa' aecretarial ad, which brou•ht him to New York City for the job. But the job wu short-lived. Jim wu homeaick and sutreriq from uthma. "I juat ltind of started fallinc apart," Jim aaid ln a slow South- ern drawl that is not aa pro- nounced u Gomer Pyle's. "11.y family inaiated I come home, and [ did so because I didn't like New York all that much. I don't reAll7 like big eitiee becauee people aren't that friendly." But bis uthma caucht up with him again. Bia doctor advhled that he go to California., where he ar- riwd with only $160 in bis pocket, and Jim quickly found a ftbn-cut- ter'e job at NBC. lut the cleslre to be an enter- tainer wu still with him and prompted him to volunteer for amateur night at a Santa Monica supper club. Soon be waa a recu- lar. "During the day, I'd work at NBC, and at night I'd 10 to the club and entertain for free," Jim recaUed. "It paid otr when an aaent dfacovered me and tried so hard to &'et me a job that he's still my apnt and alwaya will be.'' Andy Griffttb bad caurht hi• Ji,,. Nol>on Acu ~ froM Srla.- ca•o•, Ala., to B•t1•rlr Hill•. act, too, and pve Jim the part of Goober, a naive p.a.-atation atten- dant, on "The Andy Griffith Show." When be finally started aa Go- mer Pyle, Jim was riven a piece of the abow. Today be la probably wealthier than Griftlth, havin&' in- vestment& moetly in real eetate. Jim ie convinced that bis amall- town bacqround hu riven him a solid foundation aa well u a down- to-eartb out.look on life. .. It juat seems that people are more real in small towna than in bir citiea," Jim aaid. hen fhou9h Jim dates ~ sionally, be baa no intention of ririnl' up hia bachelorhood. "I love lllY work and am totally in- volved in it," he gya. That'• why it came aa a shock when be suddenly announced that this it the lut aeuon for "Go- mer Pyle." Five years is lour enoup, he explained. Beainnin« thia fall, be will have a weekly hour-Jona variety ahow on CBS. In the meantime, he is conaiderln• belq the hero in a movie, .. A Bero for Henry." In it be becomee a deputy aherltf. .. Isn't this aort of a Gomer Pyle on bonebackT" I uked. Jim pinned. "Well," he drawled, "111 keep my a.ccent. .. " I doubt that he could ret rid of it if he tried-eomebow crqu 1tc- utu still come out aa hominy rrita witJi Jim Nabon. • DIRECT-BY -MAIL · SAVINGS FROM JAY NORRIS ,· , [• A 'r a; i: N ~ Y 5 A __:: K (, L.1'.11 M . T E :' 1...' ~ A l L P , I R C H A ;-; E ::-. #l!WI SWIS$MADE 81'ACE-AOE TlllEPIECE Dl&llll COllPUTEI Wrist Watch ......... ..,,......., .... ............. 150 BRAND NEW TOWELS ONLY '2" llggeeC towel berpJn ...t U. wown coctof1 Md ,.,_. towels hew IMlftCllMa ol ........ ltllcMn. '*"· etc. Aaeorted ~""' peetel colon. Brand MW -ftO eeoondel O.lwi• qualttJ. Al ... pttoe, JOU can 9*' afford to ... lheM once, "'-tttrow IMlll ewey. 1.T ................................ 91 .. ., ................................. ..... •STAllTLY CONTROLS STOllACHI • ':,·=~-:.:::.-:' lllllEOIATELY 11eUEVES 8ACICACHel .., ......, ....... -. ~ "•,..,....._.,......row_......_""'• a.., ... ,._ )'W-• .,_ ......_. ...... ~· .. ,......, to try ... __.... ~nt 9ELT. OMy IM IMClloallr .- Pf"9111 ~TM 18.T ~. Md "9lpe rw to f9lillfl J'OW,....... .,. :.-. ... ....,...... eoctw ""'llOft Wnt -.TTO MUftl MCCACMI WMr dodofl 1M I TR I d tM ~lli II.LT IO IM ..... ~ .. K'llMO bee*--· .-..d Ill -_, c.-to .... ._ bedl9ctle ....... . TNy ._ .. .,.. ....... __..,, ........... _. ......... . ltl• ..... ,. ~ .... _.,.., "'~ COIMoft, to • ......., .... .... pelr!M~. MAM OI' 1"I MaT n.uTICllllD Pdlltee ~ ... Md cut to "'°'* dllM!ieloN, ..-clalty '91"'°'°9cf wttll ... , ..... .,. '""".,.. llect. •ae ltltolled W !Ofllllf -· won·1 WfWde. !aft Of'* ............... °"*",..., tNNIT ~_..,Mee CIUAUiW'8 Wellf Ille 1'IU-HIAl ll4 Ml T IOf 10 ..,._ Y• MWI ..,.. M9llflQ pelM Ill ,ow beU lle"9 1*1"1.,.., ,_ ._ Md Ml 1.-row' '°""8 Mff .... °' NMt1 TMMtEALTH KLT '°'Ml NIMld Clf ~ pirioe. PLEAS! SPECIF"t "MEN'S" OR UWOMIN'S" ANO SIZE. _.._.. _ _...wtiwr 11.1Lllert11M ._. .......... 'l-.l ... o.w.. Adi 1J ti I ... Moll °'*""'3. -... "'"' ... ......... 11 ... MY ..... oow.~n ..... A .. ~&Y.11m -----Mil+Hti!Mlllh1fhW9iMFIW41il----- u.T leOMtt cc:r.·.::r. I.Air PIMM Nell Me tlM folloWlfle: 11 ..._-.... •·"· n• o.n. ,..... ea. "'* Eltdo#d le C:J oMclA' 0--r _., '°' '---I (N#ln. '°' ~. ,,.,..,,.,, [) ._, C.O.D. , .,,._"" ._..,., I I trlU ,_., ,_,... Mtl C.O.I) • ..,.,.. CM.,,..,,,. I Qarge '° ""0 AllleftcM r..... ~ 0 0..... CltlD Acct. -------• • .... ,,,,_,A-_________ __ _______ .._ ___ •---'"JC AM '"-tor "91 ... a llMtllltte t TOTA.I. I ----AMr8-'------------------,., TltU4#lALTH eELT: 1'*1111 0 .. ,,.,,,,, . ., 0 . ..,,...,,. ... --"""' .. . Clt'I•---------=-------------------.. ,,,, Mr...... ....... "'" ....... . ·--------------------~-~-------------~~ -- Mail CA>upon Today for We11 ..t Joa FREE 80 . Catalope p).:JREE Albam of l>enoulbed C•n.tmaa Cards plus fast-eelling boxes of Greeting Canis on approval! FREE CHEERFUL CATALOGUE Thia beaatiful RES to..,.. c:ailalosa\ UIUltrata a.. ..00 attncthe ileD in full color from the 1969 Cbeerf1ll Christ· .mu ... udaUft ....... c:arda, .... doncry, '°"" ..,.. and howehoW ... -all tbinp '1'*f fricDda wUI Jene to buy ... apedlllJ .... Cbwful o«.-s lucb .,.a ..i... The CHEDFUL PLAN .,., JOlll bow JOU QB mate .......... t.iaJ ...... -nery -. Aad it't IO..., .•• IO limplel Smd far itwrw. MAIL COUPON-ENVELOPE NOWI c.t a-.. ...... U..-.... (11'9119 -, ... , .......... p...._........ . Tim lit~le tige1 ca helP yon iitake EXTRA MONEY every day with CHIBRFl!L Greeting Cards & Gifts lie ii one of die 1mDJ charmin& new dcaign• in the 1969 Oaeedul ... al. Cuioaw a-dDp wJ All-Oocuion """"f~ Aanhenariel, Qet-WeD, etc. Cheerful bu over 400 mooe items to ~)'OU mab euy extra moocy including notca, ltadooery, wrap., eoya, boulehold items and gifts from an over the world. ou'D be am•n:d bow easy it ii and what fun you'll haw makWJ& the extra money JO'I WUlt the easy Cbcedul way. Fii Ml •IWIAml • 1m flMll CIUlfa PUI TUT ~ Yll llW Tl llW llSY UTU MllU •.. Ull CHHl.flftLIPl llllWI ·-----------------------------------··-----------------~ ~---------------------------·-·--·---------------------· COSTA MISA NIWPOIT llACH LA•UMA llACH HUNTIN6TON llACH POUNTAIN YALLIY SADDLllACI KHJ-TV, Los Angeles, 10 PM Monday-Friday t llll HOU8 MRS. ALAN DODS of London recently fUed and won a divorce on the following grounda: "driv- er who ignores red lights agaimt h1s wife's advice is guilty ol marUal cruelty." She told the judge that she pointed out the lights u hef' husband drove but when she did SO, he had fits of temper. The result WB! that be rammed into the rear of a truck and put Mrs. Dodi In the infirm· ary for several weeks . . . 'That should teach you Mn. Dods! ENTERING INTO Its lSth year, the fabulous Thunderbird is still Ford's ultimate luxury car. Starting back in 1955 with the great 2-passenger "Early Bird," the 161 Bird is a true thing ol beauty. The standard power plant ls the ~power ut- cublc-lnch V-8. Unique new op- tions offered on thll year's mod- el include a power sun roof and electricaUy heated back win. dows. Our deelenhlp here at 18255 Beach Blvd. olf en the largest selection ol Thunder- birds in Orange County. Drop in and test drive Ford's finest. YOUR TIRES will last much looger ·*you can avoid any or all of · ese practices: Don't drive at excessive speeds - Don't m fast turns on curves and arou d cornen -Don't drive over curbs, chuck holes and other obstructions -Don't make ''Jack rabbit" 'starts and panic stops. When you need new tires, it ls recommended they be replaced by the same slze, or approved options. ~~ . by the autorno!>Ue manufactur- er, never by a smaller size. New tires shoold be broken in by Um· ltlng your speed to 60 miles per hour for the first 50 miles of driv~. Talk to the experts here at Dick Wibon Fct'd's lel"Vice department for the corTeCt tires for your car. TliE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 14. 1969 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES II 18255 IEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ I FO_R~ .. . ........................................................... . MEET ~ First of the 70'1 et 19'0 Prlce1 nAND NIW 1 Ht THUNDER .. D IT'S A LITTLE GAS -Me-lctt, prleed IO rlv•I IN Imports, glv .. Y04I • better, fTIOf'• predlc•I cer. Meny J*IPle --.•t put en extrl cent Into Meverlek bee•~ It's ell ltle<c. A belle Maverick It fTIOf'• 11\en • 1N1tc cer. $99 Down $122.75 36 m6s. ""Ta & Uc .... •• app. eta.Ir cnM. Gt· C.l.D. N , CrvlM-0-Metlc, ~ ''"'""· power disc tir•k ... p0wer, venlltetion"" system, eutometlc perklna brelte ......... etectrlc clod!, AM redlo, lllght ~ tMft with erm r"t1 &. front !!Nd r"tralnll ell vinyl trim It lle9d"'8. fully cef'Plfecl, ODW:•y llghb, 8'°"9 box, trvnll. Ignition. mep &. tum s111n111. remote control mlrl'"Of', lllOdy fvl'Y !Mulettcl a.~ coeled, iow prOflle tint, $99 Down llAND NIW 1 t6t PAIRLANE $10. 95 36 mo. 52288 rlus Tu & Licerue on •PP· benk creclit, MAND NIW 1 t6t FALCON $99 Down $64.45 36 mo. '1u1 To & License on •PP· bHk ct..illt. llAND NIW 1 Ht $99 Down $10.65 36 mo. TORI NO G. T. '''" Tu & LicenH on •Pl'· benk cre4'i+. llAND NIW 1Ht 52288 $99 Down 70.95 36 mo. IANCHERO Plclulp "u• Tu & LicenH en •Pl'· benli er.ii;+, ow-....... ( ....................... Nd!., ...... _....., ... .,. -"" ................ .,,..,,,, ..wr.r, ,...... . ~ ....... l!llnw, ..., ac IA s ... ,_. u,a. vt.lyt triM. ~ keyM fleW Mat ..... 51988 HAND NIW CORTINA $99 Down $62.20 36 mo. Plin-Tex & Ucensr on approved blnk crtdll DELUXE SEOAN, 97.6 C.1.0. 67 H.P. MOlne, fully syncllronlteCI 4 spftd trensmlnlon, Cllic brakes. vlnyl budtet .,.•ts, fully cerpettd. ertoflow wnflleflon lleet.,-&. defroster, Interior & exterior Clecor groups, w/1/w fir•. pedckd dull &. visors, et.ciric wlndlllleld wl~l &. W.sllers. ,, monllls 24.,000 mll• warrenty JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS DIPf. ' •.•. to 1~ , .... 1 Daya SllYICI OPIN T11e1. tllrll M ., I •·"'· to 5 p.ai. Me:t., I•·•· tot P·•· 592-5511 i 1( 1 .. -~!PORT! H/CHllCHT! : ''"''~*i'';;,J..,., J SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10:30 AM 8 Angels B•seball (C) Calif. Angels vs. Washington Sena- tors at Washington. D.C. 12:00 O USAC Championship Auto R•ce (C) Indianapolis 500 cars compete in a live championship race. 12:30 8 9 Cl) MU lntern•tlonal Track •nd Field (C) The Orange County Invitational from Norwalk, Calif. 1:30 8 Qt Ci) NFL Action (C) The Baltimore Colts are spotlighted. This show is part of a series of programs covering a variety of National Football League subjects and spotlighting individual players and teams. 2:00 D (llJ@ U.S. Open Golf (C) Final round of a $190,000 tour· nament from the Champions Golf Club in Houston, Texas. Playing over the beautiful, flat and tough 6,967-yard. par·71 course are defending champion Lee Trevino, Jack Nicklaus, Billy Casper, Julius Boros, Gary Player and Ken Venturi along with the other 150 starters that have qualified from a record 3,447 entries. Winner takes home $30,000, with $15,000 for runner-up and $10.000 for third·place finisher. 3:00 m Southern C•lifornla Sportscasters Celebrity Golf (C) Cov· ered live from San Fernando Valley's Calabasas Country Club are the finals of a day-long tourney in which 175 sports· casters. celebrities and VIPs play the championship par-72 course. Proceeds will aid needy graduating college athletes in continuing their education. Entrants include Jack Albertson, Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Jack Lemmon, Mickey Manners. Pat Boone and Dean Martin, as well as present and former Los Angeles Rams grldironers Charlie Cowan, Roger Brown. Tony Guillory, Merlin Olsen, Myron Pottios. Dave Piveck, Les Richter. Les Horvath and Danny Villanueva, plus such other footballers as Bill Nelson, Mike Garrett, John Hadl, "Speedy" Duncan. Ernie Wright. Sam Gruneisen and Kevin Hardy. Also participating are basketball coaches Bill Sharmon of the L.A. Stars and Bill Van Breda Kolff of the Detroit Pistons. racing drivers Carroll Shelby and Mickey Thompson, and jockeys Don Pierce and Howard Grant. MONDAY, JUNE 16 6:00 8 Angels Baseball (C) Angels vs. Minnesota Twins. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 6:00 8 Angels B•seball (C) Angels vs. Minn. Twins at Minnesota. THURSDAY, JUNE 19 8:30 8 Boxing (C) Rudolfo Gonzales (40·4) vs. Baby Cassius (13·8) in 10-round lightweigh1 bOut. If Gonzales wins this bOut, he will try for the title against Mando Ramos. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 11:00 AMO ~@ M•jor League Baseball (C) Teams to be an· nounced. 1:00 m National Pro Tennis (C) Southern California's first head-to· head confrontation between professional tennis rivals features top personalities from George McCall's National Tennis group against World Championship Tennis, headed by Lamar Hunt of Dallas, Texas. The program is filmed during the $20,000 second annual Los Angeles Invitational Tennis Tournament at The Forum in Inglewood. Among the star players is redheaded Rod Laver of Australia, leading money-maker and percentage leader in world tennis during 1968, who picked up $70,359 in purses and compiled 77·20 won·lost record. 2:00 fJ ~ @ Kemper Open Golf (C) Arnold Palmer defends his crown in the $150,000 tournament. live from the Quail Coun· try Club in Chariotte, N.C. Top prize is approximately $25,000. 5:00 0 (fi') Cl) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) Compramat1cs 1s always making 11 happen. Matching people most compatible with each ot her And Compramat1cs can make it happen for you! Compramatics 1s a highly dignified service which takes extreme care to confidentially find you the people with whom you are most likely to enjoy a lasting and meaningful relationship. To find your special someone, call or write Compramatics today for a private interview and a complimentary profile analysis. Call ur write now for a personal, pri11ate inter11iew al no cost or obligation. Compramatics Suite 61 7, North Tower Union Bank Square Orange, Calif. 92668 714-547-5644 213-860-2784 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ---------------I I I NAM---~~~~~~~~~-1 • _________ SEX __ _,.,GE_ I : STREET I I CITY _______ STATE_____ I I ZIP COOE ____ TELEPHONE _____ I I I I 0 WIDOWED 0 DIVORCED 0 SINGLE I ------------~-- SATURDAY JUNE 14 f V f l\j I '• (, 1:001 l'llt Ill ..... (C) (60) @(I)~".....,........, {C) Pot11r w1,._ (C) (30) II Monde (C) (30) • Bea City (C) (60) Sim Rlddle hosts. m Tiit lnvldtrs (C) (60) &) Feature (30) 1:301 News Conflft11a (C) (30) Mttody Raid (C) (60) RONJ &rilf (C) (30) Deacon Jones I uests. 11 ltvt laq (30) Playffl1 tile C11tar (30) (R) Entert11n .. nt Sptdall (C) (60) &lrl From UNCU (C) (60) 7:001J 9 Ci) CBS &tntn1 Ntwa (C) (30) Ro1er Mudd. 0 KNBC SURVEY SPECIAL: *"URBAN WOMAN-A Second-Class Citizen?" 0 ltNBC S..rvey (C) (30) Bob Wriaht hosts. 0 The Anniversary C:11M (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. B Death Van., Days (Cl (30) m Tiit Eddie Fisher ~ al (C) C60) <R) m Wonders of tht WOJld (C) (30) ·'The Silver and Gold of Iceland." The Linkers re-visit Halla's home· land, Iceland, and ll!m the unique herring Industry and the cultural heritage of the Viking land. 7~ PM/SATURDAY SHOWTlllE starrin1 IODFIEY CAMBllDBE Hiiarious spokesm111 for the American scene with ALLAN SHERMAN PLUS: Internationally famous ~~~~~ ICbi.J-TV <ii) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 14. 1969 EE) EEft Cbronlclt (C) (60) "The fer "for Me and My Gal," "l•l't Clerk Terry Quartet." It Romantlcr· end ''Get Mt to Ult ft\ EaitHMtro (30) Church on Time." _, B MDllon $ Mowit: (C) "f,_ .... 7:30 IJ 9 Ci) Jldllt &leuon (C) (60) to Tew" (western) '58-0on Mur· 0 9@ m Ada•12 (C) (30) ray, Olene Versi. D Movie: "W1lco1N Str1ncer'' ID B..U Owens (C) (30) (drama) '47 -Bina Crosby. Joan t:OO 1J fa C1J Hoc•n's H..a (C) (30) Caulfield, Barry Fitzaereld. LeBeau sneakJ out of Stela1 13 0 <i1J (3) &) The Datin1 8aMt aaainst Hoaan's orders to eld 1n lf>! (30flim Lanae hosts. Allied aaent (Celeste Yarnall) who • Showtlme (C) (60) Godfrey C.m· Is in danaer of apprehension by br dee. Allan Sherman, Millicent the Ges!!FO. Martin, Esther and Abl Ofarim are 0 Ql l4J m NBC SlturdaJ Mtf. featured. It: (°f) "The Art of Lowe" (corntdJ) Cl) World of Women (C) (30) "Swiss '65--James Garner, Dick Van Dyke, Honeymoon." Barbara Reber tells E:ke Sommer, Angie Dickinson, Eth· the story of an American on a busi· el Merman, Carl Reiner. nus trip who sends for his wife phony suidde, sta1ed to make his for a second honeymoon in Switzer· paintings more valuable, backfires land. when he meets a beautiful blonde. el Los Cauclillos (30) (i 1:00 I @ 00 m &et SM art (C) (30) Bill Anderson (C) (30) @(])&)The Newlywed 811111 : Critique (C) (60) "The Poetry ( ) (30) Bob EubankJ hosts. of James Wright." Stanley Kauffman m Movlt: ''Tllt Bl& ~· (we.stern) hosts 1 reading and critique of • '52-Kirk Douglas, Dewey Martin. lections from "Shall We Gather 1t 6) Tht Amtrican West (C) (30) the Rim." a work of American _poet ''The Fantastic World of Utah." CR) James Wright. til) NET festival (60) "Happy New 9:25 1J Wonderful WOfld of Sport {C) Yves." (R) .:'fl\ Nocht dt Estrtno (2 hr) 9:30 I a CJ) Petticoat Junction (C) l:lil Ont Step Beyond (30) 1:30 IJ a CIJ My Thrff Sons (C) (30) @ CD .m The Johnny Call 0 ~@ m The Ghost and Mrs. Show (C) (60) Johnny's guests to. Muir (C) (30) "Son of the Curse." night are Dan Blocker. Evie Sands, Mrs. Muir's attic reveals an old Clair & McMahon, Gof"~ Light- clock, the chimes of which Slip· foot and Joey Soarbury. The rqu- posedly mean death for Claymore. lars are The Statler Brothers and (R) The Tennessee Three. 0 @ (3) m The Lawrence Welk ID The ston1man FamilJ (C) (30) SiloW (C) (60) The Champagne 10:00 1J a (j) Mannix (C) (60) Wil· Music Makers have June weddings liam Windom gue.sts as a wealthy on their minds tonight as they of· businessman who threatens Mannix --------------------------'--------------1 but refuses to name the man wtlo ijy Movies of tile Week I SUNDAY, JUNE 15 9:00 O @(i) "Bunny uke Is Missing." Sir Laurence Olivier, Carol Lynley, Keir Dullea, Noel Coward and Martita Hunt star In the story of a young unmarried mother who loses her child when she takes her to a nursery school in London. MONDAY, JUNE 16 9:00 O Ii) 00 "The Pl•lnsmen.'' Henry Silva, Don Murray, Abby Dalton and Edward Binns star in this story of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane and lndlans with stolen rifles. TUESDAY, JUNE 17 9:00 0 ID 00 "Kine's Pirate." Doug McClure, Jill St. John and Guy Stockwell star in a comedy-adventure about the British Navy and pirates. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 9:00 0 (i1J CI) "Compulsion." Orson Welles, Diane Varsi, Dean Stockwell and Bradford Dillman star in Meyer Levin's account of Chicago's infamous ''crime of the century," In which two law students executed a senseless crime. THURSDAY, JUNE 19 9:00 IJ 9 Ci) "The Hellions." Richard Todd and Anne Aubrey star in an adventure about settling South Africa. FRIDAY, JUNE 20 9:00 IJ Qj Ci) "Kisses for My President." Fred MacMurray and Polly Bergen star in the comedy about the first lady President of the United States. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 9:00 0 Q) (j) "FMr No EvU." Lynda Day and Bradford Dillman star In the report of the "wor1d premiere" movie about a man who beckons his flancee into the "other world" through a mirror. ..... 4 STARS-Anne Aubtty and Rkhard Todd star In ~ Hellions," acJ. Ytalutt drama Rt In a Soulb Arri- can frootJtt town tbal II Invaded by a band of outlaws, on The CBS Thursday NIPI Movie at 9 PM. forced him to do It (R) IJ Movie: "Sptllbo11nd" (sospente) '45-Gregory Peck. Ingrid Bergman. I News (C) (30) Ernest Tubb (C) (30) NET Playhouse (C) (90) "Con· frontation." (R) el Box de Muico (60) 10:30 0 TNE Cit (C) (30) 0 News (C) (30) I Maurice Woodruff (C) (60) Swlngin' &ospef (C) (60) Hollywood and 'the Stars (C) ll:OO IJOOm a) News (C) B Movie: (C) "I'll &et By" (mus!· eal) ·~June Haver, William Lund· igan. 11:15 IJ Fabulous 52 Movie: ''The CIUt Impostor" (drama-comedy) '61- Tony Curtis, Edmond O'Brien. 0 Slturday Nipt Movie: (C) "T1le Blue Sta" (drama) '55 -V"ivlen Leigh, Kenneth Moore. 11:30 1 m Tonipt Show (C) lnsi&tlt (C) The Empress (C) 11:45 m Movie: "The Bachelor Part(" (drama) '57-Don Murray, E. G. Marshall. 12:00 1J Movie: "City Wl1tlout Men" (drama) '43 -Linda Darnell, Mi· chael Duane. m 77 SUnttt Strip 12:30 O Movie: "Anna Lucutl" (drama) '58-Eartha Kitt, Sammy Davis Jr, 1:00 6 Movie: "Quttn lff" (drama) 'SS-Joan Crawford, Barry Sullivan. 0 News (C) m All·Nlellt Sllow: "TII Wt Mett Again." "Park Row" and "The Crowd Roars." 6: 6 1 :I y l 0 •) 1. I· J. d· .. '11 (' G. rt'' 41. .a) Jr. 1a) 1n. DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORNING Marty Allen, Senta Bereer and Har· vey l<orman. 6:00 1J Sii••« Se'"*' (C) "Black m From the Inside Out (C) Heritaae-A History of Afro·Amerf· Ill hf Roeers c1ns." 11:00 IJfa (])love of Uft (C) &:10 8 OdJueJ <C> O ID @ m Jtopanty <C> 0 Edue1tion Elchanre (C) "St·St-0 Tht lii1tloplnt &ounNt • (C) Stutterinf-¥eopte Who Stutter." Graham Kerr. 0 Tiit Perceptive Parent (C) 0 Dt~ie Drake (C) Monday-m Educatiott1J Filaa Thursday. 1111!\ Tedi I m Shltlff Jolln (C) ~ n ul Corner (!) Romper Roo111 (C) 7:00 II CIS News (C) Joseph Bentl. 11:15 0 News (C) Friday only. Ooua 0 0 @ m Tiit Tod17 Show (C) Dudley reports. Hugh Downs hom. 11:25 II Qj (j) cas Newa (C) Oou1las fJ Eltrcile Wlttl liilori1 (C) Edwards. m Mr. Willlbone (C) 11:30 fJ ~ (j) Surd! for To"'°"°" (C) fl) Co111iaodity/Stoct Rtt)Ort 0 @@ m Eye liiutll (C) Biii 7:30 0 TIM Ed Nellon ShOw (C) Cullen hosts. m flte f1intstOMS (C) fJ flte Annivtrury 1ii1111t (C) Al Hamel hosts. l:OO IJ eti Ci) Capbin ltln11roo (C) 0 T1111po (C) Roy Elwell and Bob With Bob Keeshan. Doman co -host 0 Abbott & Costello Cartoons (C) Ill Wor1d Advtature (C) Monday m Mipty Mouse (C) Wednesday, Friday; Tmtl (C) Tues'. Ill ROdltt Robin Hood (C) day and Thursday. 1:15 @ CV Video Diem (C) 11:45 U Corris liiay (C) Wednllday. 1:30 0 Popeye Cartoo111 (C) m Buas Bunny (C) AFTERNOON Ill liiumby (C) 12:00 IJ .. utJque (C) @ (]) Kina Komlcs (C) -~ '6' l:"ft Hldd 1:55 0 Co•mun;u Bulletin Bolrd (C) u 1ti1 ~ C1.:1 •n fices (C) 9:00 II Tfle Lucy st1ow cc> I MOVttrn ~:.g:f:" Movies. O @@mn Tues Two (C) ~N ... (C) Vin Scully _hosts. Morey Amsterdam, &W1e1 of tlNt Prttidtflt G~eg Moms. Rick Jason and their (])TIM llntlttttr Show (C) wives auest. 12:30 I Cii) (]) At Ht• Werlcl TWftl (C) 1J Movie: See Daytime Movies. • 9 @ a;, DIJ'a et OW Uw• Johnny Grant hosts. ~) Macdonald Carey stars. 0 MDWie: See Daytime Movies. @ CV flllllJ YM sa..tlcl All Jackie Joseph hosts. ( ) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. 0 DIQ Tracy Cartoona (C) m Movie: See Daytime Movies. m IWI ~ Ben Hunter hosts. WJ I.JU Jadl u lanne (C) (!) Dialln& for Dotl1rs (C) A11n Ill Undtrdo& (C) Sloane hosts. ! Ci) AltdJ liiriffitll (C); Ann liiut· fl) Tecbn:e11 Cam« tr Sllow (C) Friday only. 12:55 0 @ (]) Ctlildrtn'a Doctor (C) 9:30 II ~(]) levtrty Hlllbilllts (C) Tues.-Thurs. Lendon H. Smith, M.D. 0 @ (i) m Concantlltitn ( C) 1:00 8 a (j) l0vt Is a Many S,left- Ed McMihon hosts. dored fltln& (C) 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. B I ~ ~ TIM Dod9r'S (C) m Dennis tbt Mlflaa Darow hosts. a• Hone (C) Mike Ill liiumby fl) C..IMditJ/St9dl Rtpert a ~ oo m • ..... Ga• <c> Gene Rayburn hosts. Pew Cass and Tony Randall guest. B lAM It to l11vtr (j7j CV m Datin1 CaJllt (C) Jim Lanae hosts. 2;45 0 Newt (C) Ted Meyers. 3:00 I Tiit Unllletter Sllow (C) • P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosb. Hl(lnif IJ Patrol Ci7l CV m ,...,.1 Hospital <.C> • Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tom Frandsen hosts. I Ftlil tbt Cat (C) Eatteee: Don Rodewald. 11 .. , '°' Dollars .... : Don Wilson. 3:30 II lucfrJ hlr CC) Geoff Edward& hosts. 0 Mlllt Dou&lU (C) Ethel Merman CO· hosts. Ci7l C3l fiE) Ont Ult To LIM (C) Mr rntrite Martian (C) I One step hfond Hobo Ktl•1 (C) 4;00 II Su Hunt; Mowit: See Daytlme Movies on Thursday. I Girt Talll_jC) Ci7l (3) al Dalt Sii ..... (C) ffi9 fITrrtstonea (C) 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Dlverce Court (C) News (C) Biii Bonds. News (C) Georae Putnam. Boa's 111 Top ~ (C) ~ Mlb Doutt• (C) SllMq's Pizza Part, (C) • on Tall (C) lewttdltd 5:00 I KNBC ...... rvlct (C) . NIWI (C) Tom Reddin. • TIM IMWJ Sllow (C) Tlto Mdam Fa•ltr (I) Jl•my Tlto1111Mt1 SMw (C) a (I) Tltt 1.A1CJ sa... et> m Rlftt•an al f11nn1 YN Slloald Ast (C) 5:30 U Anaeb W1n11·1111 (C) Monday and Wednesday. O @ CI) m News (C) Frenk Reynolds. 0 Twili&flt Z... m Pay Cardi (C) m m c1111pe·. '"'" <C> @ @ Tltls..., 1999 (C) QI (I)......,. (C) @ (]) HfYdtn'a Happtnlnr (C) 1:30 I ft (]) T1le Clldln& U&flt (C) 10:00 1J AndJ Grltfitfl ~@ m Anotlt• Worid (C) 0 Ci! Ci) m P1r10nality (C) Larry ~ ~Ut'~M .. t 8 Dell ln-Sdleol ~•lftJ-«C[T Blyden hosts. Soupy Sales. Miit { ) Money Hall hosta. CM•MI 21 offn llr UN fw flit Loa Kamen and Totle Fields discuss the II) Join Riwtn Sf1ow (C) Al.-S City •lld C:.lltJ Sc:lleoll fw Inner personalities of Eva Gabor, fl) The Pitrl'I 511ow dlllclrt11'1 lft-ldleel precn••lna. In L2rry Storch, Vincent Price, Kaye 2:00 I ~(]) Stent St9r1I (C) additioll, tt.e 11atiM bl'Udcalb In· Ballard ond Jerry Lewis. · @ ID You Dltt't s., (C) llfVice ,,..,.... for llldMf1. rr... m TnrUI or C..M11M11cet (C) Host om Kennedy welcomea fUtlb lflm lrt scbldulld at follows: m E.chatlofllt fit.• E. J. Peaker Ind Ale~ro Rey ......, l:ll Ml-Z:JO U 00 S.nnJ Tod.If (C) I? Love 'flit Bob; 111 AMIHI T...S., 11:21 MM:• 10:30 IJ Qt(]) Didi Yan Dyllt 0 ~ (~ ~:!;,:'J· la• (C) W....., t'AS Ml-1:11 B U @ m HeflJWOOd Sq1llftS Bob Tubanks hosts. Tit•....,., 1;45 Ml-4:JO (~ Host Peter Marshall welcomes Ill Mewie: Set Daytime Movies. FrldaJ 10:00 AM·Z:30 auests Biii Bixby, Gypsy Rose let, 2:30 II 9 (j) T1le Edp of Nlpt (C) ,,__ __________ .JI MORE aovs & GtRLS NEEDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIALS Thi, i, the lat.it word from the maior •9•nh e"d producer1 111 Hollywood. T elnialon commerclela ere bi9 bu•1neu. It h • budt1HI that employa • larq• number of children end peya them lar9• ial· ariH . lut where did these ltidt com• from. and I.ow did they 9et tftere 7 Well, would you belie¥• they're found In auch far out places at Fullerto,., Sant• A11a, or the outer reqio111 of lo119 luch or Pomone? Some of thH• youn9· aten may Po rl 9ht not doorl lut who findt th•H talented boy• end 9irl1 to fill the production n .. d, 7 Tiu 1tudios •nd e9Hh don't have time, 10 at • result, there is • ler9• demand, arid to fill this demend, • Public Rel•· tion• Compeny celled TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hH t•rnell its ener9ies and resourcH to fill. i119 tflia n .. d. TAKE I PODUC· TIONS malt .. profeuional contach In Hollywood for newcomert. SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's earnings reach f 10,000 in TV ocm- mercials a ff!NI months after b e i n g signed by T.ake I ft"oductions. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE A6ES OF J AND 19, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMU· CIALS AND T.V. 547-6251 """'"------~-------------' .... '1 ... llllw," I....., .... of country comedy ........... ......... Ror Cl.tr Ind luck Owens -co-ho9ts. .......... lundly et I PM, In calDr on en. The Pf'Olf'lm ortal"'* lntteslwlh,Ttnn.,the..,. try-music ceptt.t of the world. MtOicel metnstays of the summer Mrtes atW 9uclr Owens Ind his auc:an.o., -pennnlltty the netlon'• No. 1 country f'ICOfd111 combo. Thej heve to..nd the wa.td 1n.f performed II pest stMs on such "'""'°" ..,... .. The Jldde ore.on 1nd Jonlthln Winters Shows. ltoty-poly Ror Clattc Is equal- ly adept n country comic. .....,, bln)o ....,.,, "'"8rtst Ind flddler. Other.....,.on~ who wtn double In comedy and mU91c Include Grandpt Jo,_, StrmcbMn. CoUlln Clem, Ben Colder (comic a"- 8IO of actor-st,.,-SIMib Wool- ey), Susi!' ..,., the Dulle of hclucah, Ardtle Ctmpbeft, contedlenne Lulu and prwtty Jeannine Riiey. They wfH bl ausmented from WHk to week .,, a ....... up of suest .... lncludlnt Conway Twitty, MlnN9 ,_,., Country Charley Prtde, l.ONtt8 Lynn. M.rte Haaard, Bonnie Owens, GecNp J~ Tammy Wynette, Sonny J1mes, Way. Ion Jenntnp, Connie Smith, Jeny Lee Lewis and Wynn ltewlrt. "H .. H•w" wlll be aped at the studlo9 of WI.AC-'TV, Net· WOftc afftllata In Nntwtlle. Arnone tts t.atures wffl be fast-paced comedy bledcouts and sketches plus the anl- mat.d-cartoon antics of a donkey In a eomfleld whole "Hff.Haw" lives the Mries Its name. The •how wfll be produced by Frank Pepplatt and John Aylesworth and dfrec:t9d by 8111 Davis. who have )ult com· pleted slmllar duties on The Jonathln Winters Show. Wrtten are Jade 8ums. G90fl9 Yanok, Archie Camp- bell and Cousin Ctem (Qordle Tapp). Don Rich It rntmlcal director. 'an .... ..... ,....._ .. kldr DOI, D,; 1 i..j ...... .. The hen et It· le. be a ,, . • .. .. td '" '1 ,. .. l, ,. • ., HART TV 8921 ADAMS, HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 CHxt to Albemo•'tJ ,... 1 SUNDAY JUNE 15 '. ~ () H "• I ~i (: All stations reserve the ri'ht to change program- m1n1 without advance no- tice. 1:15 m Tllt a...,_. 1:30 m TM lllle Auwen 1:55 11 ai.. u. Tllia o., <C> 7:t01 Te• ud Jerry (C) .._ Tabtnladt C9'olr (C) ~Fania (C) 7:30 I All-(C) c.a.tral Of lOlllOf'fOW (C) DMJ Md 8olllttl <C> 7:'5 m Tllt ClutltDpllers (C) 1.-00 R 9 Cl) la•p Unto MJ Feet (C) Thrn leadera of Amerieln Jewry ditcuss future of modern man. I m Tllt a.rtstoplleri <C> DIJ el DiscoftJJ (C) ......... (C) Allen Rowtnl How (C) (]) DMJ Ind Qolllfl (C) (1) led Is tllo AMWtf (C) 1:301 l.oll Up and Liv• (C) ,,.,, .. hr of Dllcovtry (C) hbela With 1 Caust (C) • Movlr. "Ride Out for Revtftl"" western) '53-Rory Calhoun, Gloria Grahame. aJ btlwyn KuhlMan (C) (iJ) (]) Rniw1I Fifes (C) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 14, 1969 QI Ci) fllll Colptl it.mil (C) 10:30 fl St.-t. L•ral11 (C) "The M· cial on the Israeli painter, Shalom @!) lK• IMEl (C) ministratlve Council, Democtacy In Moskowitz. (R) t:OOI ea .. ra Tllne (C) Action." Or. Palmer Campen, Su-I C111rtlt Q u My F__... s.r.on (C) Dr. perintendent, Duarte Unified School W• r..nt etch• Hardinr. Encino Communl· District _l!!ests. Rnlvll Fim (C) lty Church of Rell1lou1 Science, 0 9 00 ml So~ Baptist • Feature iuests. HOur (C) "The Vine-'.' Do~umentary 1:30 fJ Qi Cl) NFL Action (C) The Ho....,.,,.,.a Culde (C) on the life of Christ, filmed on Baltlmore Colts team Is studied. CMlleftftS location In Jordan and Israel. The I Youth 111d tlle Poflco (C) IOlplf Miiiie (C) script Is by Philip Scharper, and cm Cl) a) l•ea and An...,. ~A. A. Allt11 musical score Is by Ralph Burn$. ( ) Sen:Everett McKinley Dirksen ._..,,.,. K..i .. 1 (C) B ANGELS TAKE AFTER guests. r .. and Jeny (C) * SENATORS WITH A BAT' m Voice of c.~ary (C) U1W1 Cita . • m U.S. Navy Fil111 (C) Cod Ind Man "" tho 20ell Ceo· 0 A111ela 1aei,.u (C) Cahf. An· 2:001 Ftce ta. Natioa (C) tury 1els vs. Wash. Senators at Wash· • Qarlden Ill tlte Arts (C) GI) A&ricalt.ral Report (C) i on. D.C. G71 CI) a) U.S 0,... W (C) 9:30 fl Miiiie, Miiiie, Music (C) Three ~dl~or~.!lni ~n1 (C) The Uilrd and fln~I round Is tele· talented youn1 St Louis performers (j) Feature ., ( ) cast from the Champions Golf Club present a concert of vlolln, ci1llo in Houston, Tex. Defending cham· and piano cl1ssica, 11:00 fJ ,,..led Held Start (C) "Rhythm pion lee Trevino, Jack Nicklaus, D Econo111la tor All Aces (C) Instruments." Billy Casper. Julius Boros, Gary ''Money Makes Cents." Fifth and D cm (]) tiE lullwlnklt (C) Player and Ken Venturi are amon1 Sixth graders from Mountain View m hie: ''Ilf1bo1f' (drama) '44 those qualified to play over tha School In El Monte, Callf. discuss -Tallulah Bankhead. John Hodiak. btautiful, flat and toulh 6,967· l"renoouna@@~1ey o.Rtstrt <C> !! ~~ii;,:n B-:;ti:'~ .. ~ cc> lyard;.:.~1J..;u(C; 6 Oral Robef'tl (C) § (j) Wrestlln1 (C) ~ Feature-(C) Aqua.,n (C) 11:30 I) Ttll It Lille It Was (C) "The Movie-Go-Round ano 1 Mano Rlndlefo American Revolution" describes the • uthl de Pasienes Tllil 11 Ute Ufe (C) black man's part in the American • Co•pass (C) 10:001 Today's Rlllpn (C) Revolution and spotlights some of 2:30 I) Conversatioas W'rtll 1 hydl&. . Asrlalltu,. USA (C) the War's black heroes. hist (C) "The Meanin1 of Psycho- Allpls Warnt·llP (C) 8 Milmonu of Man (C) therapy." @ (]) a) Linus (C) @ CI) a) Discovery (C) The 8 On Campus (C) , Movie: (~ ''Viva Juanlto!" (ad· geo&raphy, geolo1Y and agriculture • Million $ Movie: (C) ''The Fib• venture) '65-Pablito Calvo Georie of the 50th state are examined in loua Baron Munclulusen" (drama) Thomas. ' "Hawaii-land of Volcanoes." (R) '62-Miles Kopecky. Jana Brajova. I Oral Roberts (C) 0 Movie: "811 Jhn Md.ain" (dra· ml Holiday (C) ith for Todar (C) ma) '52-John Wayne, Nancy Olson. 3:00 I) Repertoire Worbhop. (C) "Clu OWi Hall Mlttiftl (C) m Accent on AdiCHI (C) Bradford and Friends." A muslcal· • Coraan variety program featuring sin1tr Winp to ~,. (C) Clea Bradford. Also featured are ------------------------Gene Lynn, The John Miion Quartet SECARD SALE GIANT SWIMMING POOL ~ HP flLTD.sulfAa .. MAIHTBWKI ICIT IOTTOM DIA.I.ti .... • 18 n. POOL CHIMICAL ..... mll llPUCIMlllT ClllTll AU SIDS 100 •/. PINANCING-36 MONTNI TO PAY .5 locations To Serve You. 9 Yeora' Experl•nce 323 S. Main, Orange 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi ONN 10i30TO 7:30-7 DAYS ...... 12.-00 fJ Tiie Sunflowtf Celebration Co111- pany (C) "Communications:• Part I. Teenagers and 10un1 adults explore the human emotions. I Read Ri&ht (C) II Mondo (C) Esae11tl1lly Sex This Is the lift (C) !]J Auto Race (C) "Langhorne 150.r.JJ l (i) Featvf9 trne en Su Casa Pfofiies of Prooas (C) Armed Fore.a Hipllpu (C) 12:30 fJ 6i (j) AAU International Tract Ind l"itld (C) The Orani e County Invitational from Norwalk, Calif. Q m Meet the Prus (C) A special one·hour edition of the program Is telecast from the annual U.S. Con· ference of Mayors in Pittsburgh, Pa. Among the mayors to be inter· viewed are Carl B. Stokes (Cleve· land); Joseph L. Alioto (San Fran· cisco); Kevin H. White (Bo5ton); Jerome P. Cavannaulh (Detroit); and Arthur Natt1lin (Minneapolis). 0 Prtu Conference (C) Demo· cratlc Conarmman from Riverside, John Tunney, &uests. Newsmen Al Wiman, Cherles Waite and Fred Anderson compose a panel who press the Con1ressman on his plans t.o unseat Republlcan Senator George Murphy. I TV Worship of the Wat (C) (]) stot'ies of Succeu (C) I nsl&flt (C) 12:'5 0 Anpla Wrap-up (C) 1:00 0 Movie: "Cover 51rl" (musical) '44-Rita H~rth, Gene Kelly. IJ @ (]) W Directions (C) "The World of Sh1lom of Safed." A SJ>!· and Don Cunnin1h1m. Pro1~m was produced in cooperation with St. Louis public schools. 0 USAC at1111pionsllip Auto R1C9 (C) Indianapolis 500 cars compete In a live championship race. 0 T1le1 of the Golden West m Soutllem C1lifornl1 Sportscast· en Celebrity Golf (C) Entertainment and sports world greats take to the Calabasas Country Club for the fifth annual invitational eolf tour· nament to rai.se funds for needy graduating colfe1e athletes to con· tinue their education. ID faeea and PIKU (C) m Mdl11ver & the Colottel 3:30 fJ Insider/Outsider (C) Discussed Is the creation and survival of bull· ness in the black community. I Darin1 Venture (C) R&D Review (R) The Rat Patrol (C) 4:001 Viewpoint (C) Movie: (C) ''The h inted Hilla." ( rama) 'SI-Paul Kelly, Lassie. ID Theatre I: "The Hook." Kirt l .. ·m~r ·-,~ ~t1n1 Sohre lol Hljoa Ensign O'Toole Anttriun Problems (C) 4:301 Ntw1mMm (C) • News (C) (6) I Dru111 of Jeannie (C) : lillit1J01en' Nelpborilood (J) "'"' Parlde (C) · irusiu y Pal1bm · bpe (C) 4:55 0 Wonderful Wortd of Sport (C) 5:00 fJ N"" (C) Clete Roberts . 1969 htlom ...... lrbtn I f (C) tele- Club :llam- kl•us, G11y monr . th• i,967- F1bo- 1ma) •lovl. "Clea sical· Jn pr are 1artft I WH I St. cut· ment e to r the tour. 1eedy con· ISStd buSI· lib." '· Kirk n Dr. luttt'• Achtl!Wm (C) D Movie: (C) ''TIM Wlnp If Elates" (adventure) '57 -John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. O Slllppr (C) "View Matt." Sonny throws Warata h National Park Head- quarters Into a state of anxious confusion when he sends for a mail- order bride for his father. m Men Sriffln (C) Henry Morgen, Jene Morgan, Pat Cooper, lnarld Pitt 11nd Ronnie Dyson auest. IE) Tht New Sound (C) @(3) Seven Ml Theatre: "Zorro the Aven1er." EE Solptl 4lf au11t fl) 00 Meet HM Pms (C) EJl) What's Newt (C) (R) g)TOfOI al R1111 for Yoar Life 5:JO IJ 9' Ci) Amateur Hour (C) 0 S~ Up (C) Bill Leyden. O PolU ,.,... (C) Dick Sinclair and the gana honor Dad on Father's Day. fJ Gldret (C) EE Tllinl Man Q;)@ f•tMrt EJl) Sptdru• (C) (R) mni. Dakota EVENING 6:00 f) Qj Ci) TM 21st Century (C) {30) "Tomorrow ... Today." A re· port on how scientists simulate the future in order to solve technoloai· cal problems man may experience at future times. Walter Cronkite takes a simulated "walk" on the moon. (R) O It's Academic (C) (30) fJ Secret Acent (60) al I sflciM I Man and tht Sea (C) (60) Col. John 0. Craig relates the story of the personalities that mike up the U.S. Navy demolition teams. EE Willi•m Tell (30) ml Cl) ConlJ"tSllonal Report (C) (30) EJl) faca of Bullnta (C) (30) Charles Luce, chief executive officer of Consolidated Edison of New Yori!, is interviewed by T. A. Wise of For- tune Magazine. al Man fro111 UNCU (C) (60) 6:30 1J Ralph Story (C) (30) 0 ~@ m frank MtSM (C) (30) 0 Steft Ali.ti 5'low (C) (90) LOU· ise Lawson, London Lee, Morey Amsterdam and steve Martin guest m I lowt Lucy (30) EE Merq'* 22 (60) m Th frtndl Chef (30) Julia Child prepares sweetbreads and brains. Q!) Ci) SllippJ (C) (30) 7:00 IJ ~ (i) lUlit (C) (30) lassie takes to lhe wilderness to intercept a German shepherd K-9 dor crazed by the sounds or earth blastinf. Part I of two·part story. (R) B ~@ m Hudl Finn (C) (30) ''The Menace In the Ice." The Younasters are saved from a tidal wave by a submarine craw whose captain has evil desicns on the world. (R) o Ci1J rn m u..d °' tt1e ai.m (C) (60) "Target: Earth." Mark. Valerie and rttzhuah help a rlant scientist complete a pcwer plant for a space ship, not knowinr It wlll be used against Earth. (R) fJ Whit's MJ Unt? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m I 11'15,•Ali June With TM Kini f amllJ (C) 160) The Klog Family takes a musical excursion throurh the famous Los Anaeles Alborelum, noted for beautiful plants from all parts of the world, Its birds and historical slcnlf1eance. m PISSC)Ot't to Travel (C) (30) ''ihe Balkans." A visit to Yugoslavia with Hal Sawyer. EJl) Scteculatlon (60) "The Roots of Violence." (R) ti) Do·Re-MI (30) 7:30 1J ~ Ci) Qlfltlt ltn (C) (30) Mark is trapped by flood waters in the Everalades and, while rout· Ing wildlife to safey, come$ across an old·timer who Is struggling In g0cksand. (R) 0 Q1 00 m Walt Disney (C) (60) "The Horse or the West." Rex Allen is host and narrator of a drama about a champion quarter horse that is mistakenly sold at an auc· tion. (R) fJ Mlllloll $ Movie: "l .. n in tfle Nit'' (mystery) '59 -Allan Ladd, Carolyn Jones. Train for an exclttng, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good -paying, rewarding positions (full and part.time) in these prestige fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant . Unique, nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists ,in a beautiful. modern laboratory school ... located right here in L.A. Nationwide 'tecement Alllimnce At No Extra Co11 Tuition A•ll'tence Avelltt>le. Accredited Membs- Natlonel A.odetion Of Trede end Technlc:el Schoots. •• end the N.ilorwl Home Study Councll I ~CAREER ACADEMY I ~I 7080 Hollywood Blvd. 09'>t. 6153 • Loa Anoe•"· Cellfornl• 90028 I Pleate Mnd my er •• book :·spotllcht On You". I al I Sl'ic!Al I Pub on a Shoe· strina (C) (60) Jerry Hulse. LA. Times Travel Editor, travels to Paris and "de>e$ the town" on $12 a day. Return Coupon .•• or EE 111 Picture (30) CALL 464-9291 ..---,-~~~~~~~~-..~~~--t I reu m tos eauc1111os <3o> 8:00 1J ~ Ci) Ed Sulliv.n (C) (60) JeflY Stiller & Anne Meara auest. 1------------------------- j or=-~~~~~--..~-=-~ 0 ROLLER GAMES·LIVE (C) band when she and her half-breed ID Ltbor Report (C) (30) R baby are rescued from Indians. EE M1t1lon foni• * T·BI DS vs. PIONEERS Mar1ette Hartley (Uesta. (R) tE David tullklnd (C) (2 hr) ''Why 0 Roll• Games (C) (2 hr) T·Birds D (i1J (I)&> AIC SUlldlJ M"lt: Do People Kill Themselvesr• ind vs. Midwest Pioneers. "iunnJ llkt Ta Miiiin(' (suspense) fJ @ (3) (8 Tiie Fii (C) (60) '65 -Sir Laurence Olivier, Carol "The Boss of All Astronauts." ''Out of control." Inspector Erskine lynley, Keir Dullea, Noel Coward, ill Qra Tlltro (60) links the death of a U.S. border Martita Hunt. The Zombies. When 10:30 O WOl'W TOtlOfrw (C) (30) patrolman lo a shady oil well OP· Ann lake aoes to pick up her four-m Joe PyM (C) (2 hr) eratlon near the Texas·Mexlco bor· year·old dauahter Bunny. at I Lon· &J Kathryn KuMala (C) (30) der. (R) don nursery school, she 1s told that m Movie: "Th• Bi& Sky" (western) there is no record of the child hav-11:00 II D fJ m """ (C) '52-Kirk Doualas, Eliiabeth Threatt. Ing been brvuatit there. Inspector I c..tlledral of To.nw (C) EE Tiie fisher fa111llJ (30) Newhouse of Scotland Yard hints • TwiN&trt Z.oM EJl) Soncls of Su•mtr (C) (2 hr) that the whole stOfY could be a Wiid Mwtml9 (C) "Expedition "Gatlinburg Folk Festival of the figment of tht youn1 unmarried to Ancel Fills." The hlcflest water· Smokies." Steve Allen hosts hi&h· mother's lm111lnatlon. (R) falls In the world, located In the lights from the Smokie Mountains I Wttllend Ntwa (C) (30) remote reaches of Venezuela, are Folk Festival in Tennessee, where ftwtet Quan (30) shown. artists and craftsmen gather with • Oo•lnro• Htfda: (60) @(})@(j)Qt(i) NNI (C) folk singe!s for the traditional 9:30 I News (C) (30) 11:15 0 Movit: (C) "leUt of Ntw ::~~==:I.Mexicano (60) My Moth«, tile Car (C) (30) Yott'' (musical) '51-fnld Astalra, i:w Mr. I Mra. ~ (30) Vera-Ellen. 8:30 B ~ ~ m Tlte Mot~B·~~-1.n 10:00 11 ml Ci) Mlsaloa: l•pouiblt (C) 11:30 1J M"lt: (C) ...,.... SUIMlown .... (l} {30) 'Two on the "!sle. The (60) Ail electronically auarded pris· (adventure) ~Robert Mitchum, Hubbuds and Buell~ f1aht over on confronts tht IMF when they Debonh Kerr. theatre tic. kets and wish they had try to free a polltlcal prisoner s t.ei. .. n l lttllfJ (C) neve~le~mew <~~) (30) (Richard Garland) from en escap• !Jbc!AL;t Hew Tt Stop s.-. &J Tiit World To111trrow (30) proof atass cell. (R) ill (C) Part Ill of Dr. Donald Fr9d· EE B 9 (6) m MJ frltftd TOtlJ (C) rlck90n'I cllnlc. 9:00 f)~ (j) PREMIERE H•Hn (C) (60) •'fiii Shortest Courtship." 0) l1le Eaptt11 (C) {ro) Recordin11 stars who have Tony Novello becomes en unwillina Qj@ ''*altt (C) made American country music bridegroom after belnc blackmailed 11 •45 m Mewlt· "'11• Owtfllndtrl" (dr1 ~rid-famous . converae ~n Nash· Into particlpatlna in 1n intemltlonal • ma) •46 .:.._ Chips Rifferty Diphn~ ville, Tenn. this summer tn a pro-amuu lina plot. William Windom Campbell • aram starrlna Roy Clark and Buck aunts. • Owens. Hlahllghtina the first show· ! 8\'i¥(C) (30) . 12:00 0 Public SIRke ing Is the comedy and music by • · Holf1WMd Wltllout 12'.lO m Nebd Qty Minnie Pearl, Charley Pride and 111.., ( 60) Ken Murray hosts • Loretta !£in. and narrates an historical film pot. 1:00 II Mowie: "TIM ti .... Watr (dra-0 9 ~ m Bonanu (C) (60) pourri containing candid footaft of ma) '53 -Vittorio Gassmen, Gloria "The Survivors." A younr wom1n more than 100 Hollywood motion Grahame. is rejected by citizens and her hus-picture personalities. 0 N ... lC) BOATING IS EVEN MORE FUN AND SAFE ... WHEN YOU BUILD AND USE HEATHKIT MARINE ELECTRONICS Choose Heathkif Marine Electronics kit Ml-11 A Heathkit Al SoHd·Stote Depth Souncl•r .#ooi4 *"'• •Mlte rttUM• .. ~••t•.--.c.ott of '"""i"t •9tottftd .•• tft.e Ml·I IA ''un,.,·• thoal cloplht wlfh 5 'f. •«•••• o• •II •u cli•t•· If probot clown lo JOO' oo hotel boffo,... 100' on tofl "'""'' bollo"'• .•. o••• 1poh tchooh of fith. ' kit MR-21 A H.atflkit "Marin•r" 3-lond Radio Direction FfncMr Alwey1 •h•w-t Y•lif Hiit ••y ._Or'flt ••• 1howt 't'Ow •••ctly wh1re lf'OW •'• Ouow9)1 ecuutte h it•t1i1letlo• .•. ef,..01t •• t Hy u ree4i"t • .... ,. A.., ••• ''" wtt H for' 1 "tette:,.. Mt1tf, li1t1"i"t •• AM rttilio or lot "'oftitor1•t the "'•''"• '"'"1t1l1, SoAd-State fuel Vapor D.tector Yoti1r ~··.~ '""''"'' •t •iMt e1-,lo1ioa 1"4 fire et •••· Meter ,,.,, "1el1.cftft9.,out· ••,fot••t • 1"4 t lu"' ••1111Hl1 •ht ft fv"'H t rt prete•t. l wtld 1"1 i"1tell ;• ifll int ) ho•r-L FREE NEW All Solid-State T echometer ... For Any Boet Can b• connec1ed 10 •ny IJ>lfk•lype engine w11h •nv kond of 1gn111on 1y1l•m Comu ••111h 1ptuh·ptool case or w1thou1 c11• tor pan•• rnounh~. Send for Our Hvge Catalot lt'1 FrM to You fw the AaklntJ. HEIJHKIT~ ELECTRONIC CENTER s ""*'"''* To •u ch Hoolilkif flochoo;c Cooter hh H••"o• 11•4. •o loll A•o. ••ti o~ l oll • low ohorl I.loch lo HO Eetl lell •• h ko s .... A•o t"toowoy lo Horbor 11•4 .• Herloor II.cl. t'o I.II. • f•w thort bfoch .,..~ yov't• ,., •• SALES & PARTS HEATHKIT 776-9420 330 EAST I.AU, ANAH£JM Pal• 10 SERVICE 776-9423 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE£K., JUNE 14, 1969 MONDAY JUNE 16 For morning and afternoon llstinp, please Sef" DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. llelow, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change. programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 9:00 0 "Bir DeldlJ Ga .. " (mystery) '~loyd Bridges, Simone Silva. 0 (C) "fomer Dar1ln1" (comedy) ·~ucllle Ball, Desi Amaz. 9:30 fJ ''Adventures of Captain Fabian" (adventure) '51-Errol Aynn, Vin· cent Price. 12:00 U (C) ''Setlllnote Uprisln(' (adven· ture) -George Montgomery, Karin Booth. 12:30 m (C) "To the Shoru of Tripoli'' (drama) '42-John Payne. "Mission Of Ult Suhawt" (adventure) '62- Terence Morgan. 2:00 m "'Sited No T11B" (drama) '48 -June Vincent, Wallace Ford. 3:00 fJ "Lowe in Ult Aftlmoott" (com- edy) '57-Cary Coope r, Audrey Hep· bum. 4:30 tJ "Great Guns" (comedy) '41- Laurel & Hardy. fVENING 6:00 IJ Tiit Bl& News (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. D m HunUtJ·Brfnkley (C) (30) U Angels Have Twins, * or vice versa? Watch! U An&tls 1...0.11 (C) (2'h hr) Angels vs. Minnesota Twins. 0 Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) ..,_.. .-,.... (mystery) '64-Richard Todd, Marianne Koch. 11 SpJ (C) (60) I Love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) Merv Griffin (C) (90) ~at's NW? (C) (30) "Amert· cana-Trolleys." A look at the fas· clnatlng history of trains and trol - leys and the advent of high·speed transportation. I Un Color Para Esta Piel (30) KPUI News (C) (60) 6:30 KNBC N...,.rvict (C) (60) Voyare to ~ lotto• of till Sta ~) (60) ~ 6 Huntl.,·Brinlllty (C) (30) E!) aJltn&U (30) "Vocational Education." A group of students U · plores a wide range of vocational subjects in the Los Angeles City Adult Schools. I Ci) m News (C) (30) fiiOtidero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 CIS &.n.int News (C) (30) W1aat's My lint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner and Arlene Francis welcome 1uests Soupy Sales, Joanna Barnes and Nipsey Russell . m Password (C) (30) A(nes Moore- head and Barry Nelson guest. f1j @ Mot1day Movie (C) (2 hr) A FRESH MUSICAL FUNFEST EVERY WEEKNITE, 10 PM ~n£!!1 ~ With DELLA REESE SANDY BARON and TOP GUEST STARS COi.Qi~ lllJ-IV~ 1969 Jerry 0) hr) 'San- fodd, meri· faS· trol· peed 0) tlle )) ional s ex· ional City (30) ¥ally :OIM 1mes r) l EJl) tlst•n WlllCIOia ind Modem rifles to the lndlans. (R) life (30) "Nonsense." Alan Watts 0 "The Baron" penetrate.s discusses the Idea of sense as a * h I property ol symbols rather thin of t e ron Curtain the real world. in this gripping I m F111t1ty Afl1lr (C) (30) suspense thriller C&11r's World (C) (30) B TN &.ron (C) (60) Dr11111 House (C) (30) @CI)&) Tiie Outcasts (C) 7;30 (i!l Ci) Cutmiokt (C) (60) "lo· (60) "My Name Is Jemal." Cav1lry· bo." A weathered mount1ln man men taking a sereeant to be haneed (Todd Annstron&} persuades Mar· substitute Jamal David lor their shal Dillon to help him track 1n prisoner. (R) elusive. reneeade wolf. hoping to Ql) NET Joum1I (60) "Burm1/Kore1 find the wild bee.st before it is -Uneasy Peace." Two half-hour slain by a pack of bounty hunters. documentaries point out the mill· ~R tary and economic proeress ol two 8:' I Dre1m of JNnnle (C) (30) dissimilar Asian regimes. The first annie and the Top Secret Se· film penetrates the "bamboo cur· cret." Jeannie gets Tony in trouble tain " for a look at the buildin1 of with Pentaaon officials when she a modem military aocialist welfare turns top secret film Into a home state. The second documentary movie. (fil looks at the booming South Korean O @ Cl) al Tht Aven1en (C) economy based on assistance from (60) ''The See.Through Man." John outside sources. Steed and Emma Peel investiaate I Ci) The Aintstones (C) (30) the report of a clerk In the Minis· L1 Bfuj1 M1ldlt1 (30) try of Defense that he was knocked 9:30 F1111lly Affair (C) (30) The senseless by an invisible assailant. twins get permission to brlna home (R) . their pal, Oliver, who turns out to 0 Million $ Mov1t: (C) "Thirty· be a laree doe that t1kes 1n in· Nine Steps" ('!'ystery) '60 -Ken· stant dislike to Uncle Bill. (R) neth More, Taina Elg. I Newa (C) (30) I Truth or Co11seq1111t1Ces (C) (30) 12 O'Clodi Hiafl (60) Peoy MISOn (60) (j) Mcff1le's Nny (30) lnnontlons (30) "Space Probe • RMsta Musical (30) Innovations." Dr. Richard Brenne· 10:00 Qt Ci) PREMIERE C.ol l11r· man views examples of new tech· nett Pments tile Ji••it Rodeen nolo&Y t.aken rrom unmanned space Show (C) (60) Sinaers Wayne New· exploration. . ton and Dana Valery are the guests @m Dutlo de P1saones (30) tor this premiere broadcast of Jim· 8:00 0 8:' lauafl·ln (C) (60) Don rnle Rodaers' summer show. Reau· Rickles 1uests as a Dutch boy, a lars for the series are Lyle Wa1· chorus boy and a teacher or stu· goner. V'ickl Lawrence, Nancy Austin, dent rebels. (R) Bill fanning, Don Crichton am1 The m Hazel (C) (30) • Buraundy Street Singers. fE World Press (C) <60> A sum· 0 TOM REDDIN ' N mary of &lobal press reactions to • . . • ews international, national and local is· * With Conv1ct1on! sues. I m News (C) (60) 61) Comlcos 1 C.nclones (30) @ CV a> Didi Clvett (C) (60) 8:30 IJ Qt (j) H•e's Lucy (C) (30) Dell• (C) (60) Della Reese, Lucy takes Uncle Harry to the air· Sandy Baron are featured. port for an important business trip EI!) firine Line (C) (60) "Colleees and while in the terminal she is in Crisis." Mr. Buckley t.alk! with suddenly entrusted with a secret Professor Alfred Conrad, City Col· formula upon which the safety of leee of New York~ Professor Allen the free world depends. (R) Grossman, Brandeis; and Professor B Colden Y_!l•&e (C) (30) Jeffrey Hart, Dartmouth. @(I) QJ The Cuns of Will I lhri1n1 (30) Sonnttt (C) (30) "Time Is the 10:30 News (C) (30) Bill Johns. Rider." Jeff joins up with three • F1ll1Ste Corazon (30) men who claim to be partners with 11:00 0 0 @m 8:' &) News (C) his aunfighter father. Major Cross Alfred Hitckodl and his two friends tell Jeff that • Movie: "llin1 ol tilt Aolrin1 they are partners in a gold mine Twenties" (drama) '61-David J1ns· .-1th James and Jett leaves a note sen, Midtey Rooney. for his erandlather. (R) m Hu•pllfey loprt Filn1 ftstlv1I: I Merv Griffin (C) (90) "Conflict" (1945), co-starrin& Alexis Run for Your lift (C) (60) Smith. TV Musical OU.rt (30) ID Movie: "The Beut of M1neil· 9:00 M1Jberry RfD (C) (30) City les"ri1rama) '5~tephen Boyd. Councilman Sam is interviewed by @ ~ 00 9 CJ) News (C) a teenage girl for a high school 11:30 I) ovit: (C) "Wild Herftace" class project, and the youngster (drama) '58 -Troy Donahue, Will falls head over heels in love with Rogers Jr., Maureen O'Sullivan. him. Darlene Carr guests. (R) 0 ~@ 8:' Tonipt Show (C) 0 ~ (6) 8:' NBC Mond1y Movie: 0 ifovit: "All Bibi 1nd tltt Forty (C) ''T11e P11ln1m1n" (adventure) Thieves" (fantasy) '43-Jon Hall. '6&-Henry Silva, Don Murray, Abby U @@a> Joey Bidlop (C) Dalton, Edward Binns, Bradford Dill· 12:30 G) Action Theatre: "Eiahteen and man, Guy Stockwell. Led by Crazy Anxious." Knife, some Cheyennes armed with 12:50 fJ Movie: ''The lr1in From Pllftet repeater rifles ambush Wild Biii Arous'' (sci-Ii) '58 -John Agar, Hicilok. After his release Wild Bill Jice Meadows. hitches a ride on a staaecoach 1:00 • Spukinr FrNly (C) driven by Calamity Jane, whose Community Bulletin lo1rd (C) passengers Include a stranger named NIWI (C) Lattimer, the dishonorable merchant l: 15 Movie: "Hifh Alatrt" (drama) who has been sellina the stolen '58-Ray Miiiand, Anthony Newley. 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ....... . Moy be used on envelopes as retum oddress labels. Also very handy es identification labels . for marking personal items such os books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on gless and mey be used for marking home conned food items. All labels ere printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality wh ite gummed poper and packed in reu'8ble mogic seal top container. I I ------r--- 1 All h1 ffll1 CM,..., ell, eu 1111ll wlltt $1 .00 te: Pllet Prl11U11t LAIMI Div., In 117', I Newf*f .. ach, C.lif. t26'l· ----, I I I I I I I I -·······--········-----··················---------····· ···--················-···················--------······ ····································---··--·-··········· le ,.,. h .,.. Y"' Dp c.4• I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING -----' L _______ _._, ___ __ FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WIU INCLUDE ... SET OF PACkA&E MAILIN(9 LAIElS. .... ............ _ .... -' ,... 11 TUESDAY JUNE 17 For morninc and afternoon Ustinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. AH 1ta· tions reserve the rlcht to chance proeramminc with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES ~ n""' c.no," (western) ' Narrated by Tex Ritter. fJ 'fla•• of lart.al'J c.ast'' (west· em) '4~John Wayne, Ann Dvorak. t:30 fJ "la ltllt AMerie1lne" (comedy) '62-Robert Ohery, Colette Brasset. 12:GO D "lpl11 • Dirk Wttl" (drama) '56 -faith Oomer1ue. lee Patterson. 12:30 m "T1le Leqe.-(mystery) '44- llird Cte1ar. "He RH All Ute Wa,.. (mystery) '51-.lohn G1rfleld. 2:00 m "Roo. In UM Hoae" (drama) '5"""6--Patrlck Barr, Marjorie Rhodes. 3:00 0 (C) '1..ou of lnneunc." (dra· ma) '61-Ktnntth More, Danielle Darritlll, 4:30 R CC) "lllt 5000 Fin&•l'I et Dr. 'F' (fantasy) '53 -Hans Conrltd, Peter Lind Hayes, Mary Healy. I V f "J I ~~ (; 5:00 8 TIM 111 News (C) (60) Je Dunphy. (ALIFORNIA f> ROFESSIONAL $°cHOOL, • OlltTM.••~AWTANT ~ 1895 NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA (7141 645-2922 ,.,. 12 I m Ha11tlty-lri11k1t7 (C) (30) SIM AlltA sa... (C) (9o) Dick Cavett. Polly Beraen, Jose Feliciano and Vidal Sassoon euest. '9 Six O'CJed Mewle: (C) "'Cala•· Jane ud Sa• Ina" (western) 9--Yvonne Oe Car1o. Howard Duff. 11 SPJ (C) (60) I love l.uq (60) a.11 .. 11 (C) (30) Cl) Merv QrlfHn (C) (90) Wllafs N.-1 (C) (30) "The Oldest City." Two children visJt st. Au1ustine, Florida, and a swash· bucklln1 Spanish captain lakes them on a tour of the city. @I) Un Color hra f:.tl Piel (30) &) U'l.M Ntwl (C) (60) 6:30 ! DIC Ntwtmlc:t (C) (60) YOJIP tlD Ult lotliHI ef Ute a ID (60) 9 @ HuntltJ·lriokltJ (C) (30) fl) Focus en s.edta (C) (30) ''The Vasa Ski Rae.a." A look at the arand· est ski race In the world, held In honor of Kina Gustavus VaS1. 9 CJ) m Ntwa (C) (30) fl) fleticiwt 34 (C) (60) 7:00 R CIS Ewtnin1 Ntw1 (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Mat's MJ Une? (C) (30) Pmwerd (C) (30) Cl) u.ica! (C) (30) M•• Open Hoa. (30) "Ja- panue Temple Sculpture.'' Usina U · amples from th• 7th to the 14th centuries, Russell Connor traces the development or Buddhist art in JI· pan u ll absorbed Chinese and Indian influences. I Ci) TM Ceod Cuys (C) (30) Islands In t9'e Sun (C) (30) Dr11111 HollM (C) (30) ORIENT EXPllESS-Toay Sudltr (kft) ucl Ralpla vou..,, _Pol*lar DAPldub ud telnWoa ...._ duo, 1Jn lhdr latuaadoul ~ don of "BW Balk1,. ID a spot oe The Rtd Skdtoa Hour, Tuesday at 1:30 PM ln color Oft cas. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WUX, JUNE' l•. 1969 1:)0 a a Cl) u-<C> <60> Scott finds him.self succumbln1 to the wiles of a lovely alrt (Brenda Scott) who has convinc:td the lanc.ra she Is in Callfomla to dlapoie of her late arandfather's estete. (R) 0 @ Cl) m Star Trtk (C) (60) ''Day of11ie l>Ove." The USS Enter· prise becomes a ship of hatred as the officers battle Klinaon1 and eventually ueh other. (R) D ** 1n111 (30) D (jj) CJ) EE IM Sq..i <C> (60) '1rur Is the Buckin1 Horse." The aquad works a rodeo, undercover, c.en author. Miiier "mlnlaa lbout his fife and •of'k. Im Qeldle Aw .. laltt (C) (30) t:JO 8 9 Ci) Dtfta Der (C) (30) A tli0u1htful &ift from LeRoy. '" In· tiq111 chl mlna clock. almost ca11111 Ooris to S11c:cumb to complete php· icll exhaustion-because the clock chimes so loudly that It is impos. slble for her to slt19. (R) u @ rn m mo <C> <30> "Th• Case of the Shady lady." When a bta ut iful IO·IO dancer ICCUMI "' Influential builneaman of hlvlq murdered her husband after his death had been ruled 1 suicide, to protect a TV co~ star whoae Oetectivt Corso ..u out to aubsttn· Ure has been thrutened. Monte tlate her charae. (R) Markham. Ed Btat.IJ IUtSl (R) I""' (C) (30) Ted Meyers. fJ Mii ... $ llloN: (C) ""Deeter ii 12 O'Clecl HIP (60) Lowe" (comedy} '62-Mldlael Cral1. • HtJ (30) Vir1inla Maskell. lO:OOllQl())w .... Wlllt, WllH, m Trirlll or c:.a.q...,. (C) (30) ~ (C) (30) "Inflation." Ropr ID Perry MIMn (60) Mudd reparts 11 CBS News cameras fli) TM Frt~ CW (30) (R) focus on the Asher famUy of la· Crom, Wisconsin, lhowlna how the ill helt de ,..._ (30) national situation it reflected In 1:00 8 PROllEIE SceM 70 (C) (60) what the dollar squeeze has done Tuna1• dance show. lo them. m "., .. <C> <3o> 8 m ..... <C> <60> fll) Mo11tlftJ jm. <C> (60) Per· cm (]) EB Dkk c...u iC) (60) rormances from the "blues after· D Della (C) (60) noon" of the Septemti.r Monterey fli) USC Mmlc Flldwal (60) John festival are featured. Performers In-Crown hosts a proaram of two IOlo elude Clara W1rd and her Gospel presentations: student David GrMn Sin1ers. T-Bone Walker, B, B. Kini playln1 Bach ind Hindemith on the end Ritchie Havens. flute: and Oennls Schuck. of the @I) Dbcitllle4llH a 8o-Co (60) 1uitar faculty, with •lectlons from Villa Lobos and Dt Falla. l:lO 11 a Ci) bet Sllelton (C) (60) Cl) Mad11a (30) Tony Sandler and Ralph Youn1 .. fUest. The mayor ol Cactus Gulch 10:l0 8 MlT ..,.,... (C) (~0) Israel/ (Henry Corden) threatens to fire Jordan Two Years Liter. Clete Rob· crooked sheriff Deadeye (Skelton) erts reports on the life ind under· unless he catches a pair of touah 1Yln1 struuJe for power In the desperadoes known as The Sin1in1 crlsls·torn Middle Ent. Bandits (Sandler & Youn1). (R) Q) Ntwl (C) (30) Bill Johns. 0 QJ @ m Jutia (C) (30) "The 9 Ci) DAI a.,.rta (C) (30) Solid Brass Snow Job." A medical ti) Fallaste CenlN (30) supply salesman (Peter Leeds) hires 11:00 a 0 D fl) m m ..... (C) a handt0me youna man (Leonard _ Alfred HltdNitd Simon) to romance nurse Julia .. Baker into buyin1 from his com· 0 Mewle: (C) "lleed Alley" (ad· pany. (R) venture) 'S~John Wayne, Lauren 0 (ii) Cl) EE It TU. a T1Mef (C) Bacall. (60) ."Hana Across the Border'' Pert m H11.,11ir17 loptt A• fatinl: I. Joseph Cotten euests as Colonel ''The Amazln1 , Dr. Clitterbouu" Heinrich, hud of East German M· (1938), co·stamn1 Edward G. Rob· curity, who Imprisons Alexander lnson. Mundy as an American spy. (R) ID Mewle: "S..rt Cirts Doll't Tiit" m MlfY Crtffla (C) (90) Pew (drama) '41-Virainia Mayo, Brue. Flemin1. Nicol Williamson, Mickey Bennett. Robert Hutton. Manne11. Ronnie Dyson, Vinni• Bur· Im (1) ~ (j) 8 (j) ,.... (C) rows, Emmy Lou Harris end Selma Eli) Raq:u Newa C.nfwena Diamond euest. ll:30 II llewie: ,..._ ., a Douillr' a> R11n ftf YOtlf Ufe (C) (60) (mystery) '42-.lo$89h Cotten, Tert· t:OO 0 9 00 i1f' NIC T....say ~ sa Wrlahl (Cj "IMi(s tirata" (adventure) '67 D ~ (l) 6D Toalcllt a.. (C) -Oou1 McClure, Jiii St. John, Guy g Mewie: ..,_. Md Fu...,.. Stockwell. An 18th century com· (flntasy) '43-Robert Benchley. edy-adventure about British ~avy fJ cm r4'I ~ Jo., IW., (C) atlempts to penetrate a pirate 1.1..1 1i6I slron&hold et Mada111car. When 12:30 m n S.uet strip British naval oHiur Brian Flemin1 II) Actlu Tlltatre: "Miraculous is revealed as a spy, his life la Journey." spared by the buutiful pirate col· 12:50 D Mewl•: "Mu lean .... ......,. ony leader who fells in love with (mystery) '53--Georae Brent him, thus brln1in1 about the en-l:OO DD,.... (C) w~ of pirate captain John Avtry. ' 1J C.-ltJ hlltti• INnl (C) D Slilltu11 5 (C) (60) Joannie 1:15 fJ Mewle: "Maa 111 .._ W Sommen Is feetured alona with (mystery) '58-Jttf Chandler, Onon Frankie Avalon and Buddy Greco. Welles. fil) NET fatlval (C) (60) "The 1:30 m All"'"llM Sllew: "Tonfaht Wt Wor1d of Henry Miller." Study of Raid Calais,'' "The Blind Goddut." the well·known controversial Ameri· and "O..rt R1ide~" 59 rt A I· :t I· • I- I I n I I .. ' , I t ll1d ia the lake Colllrl DI ClllPllia PilU m 1.a 11n mm lllPllllkil CAlRmAPmlAIE ' PARIBS Fiil 11• Fil PRal 30,000 acres of vlrain Northern CalHornia land are beln1 developed as ~he world's laraest privately-owned vacationland. Only 1 sm11l part -approxlm1tely 1,000 1eres -of California Pines Is now for sale. Much of the remalnina land will never be sold. California Pines Is not a commerci1I resort -not sold as a hed&e 111inst inflation or 1s an ipvestment for profit alone -but as a refuae from the smoc and strife of our cities for f1mllies who w1nt to own a share of unspoiled California. Ownership of property in the Lake Country 1ives 10'!r family full recreational ri&hts in all nn CN1trlt1 1f Callfer1ll Plltal ~\ Tll1 Stream Country Thi Hilll Country U1 Trt1 Country Tht Llkt CoUltry The Horst C1111try FREE! 1. Picturea, floor plan of thia A-frame cabin (we build the outaide, you finiah the inaide) you can buy on an acre of land at California Pines for $4000 (Price includes l.al\d!); pay- ments $40 a month. 2. Mapa, color photo(l'&pba. 3. Official report by the State of California on California Pines. C•ll C•llett 149-6200 CALJFORNlA Pl}Q:S Deot. TVW-'1 16288 V•ntura Blvd. Sherman Ow. Callf. 91413 PluK Knd me the frtt information paduac. Addr·------------- Cit)' ____ ,State ___ Zlp __ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 For morning and afternoon listings, please Sff DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· • out advance notice. · DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U "l.ov• of Cannen" (drama) '48 -Rita Hayworth. 0 "Just Actou the Stnet'' (com· iify) '52-John Lund. Ann Sheridan. 9:30 fJ "lrffham Youn(' (drama) '40 -llnda Darnell, Tyrone Power. 12:00 U "So Soon To .Die'' (drama) 'S7 -Richard Basehart, Anne BanCToft. 12:30 m "A Dispatch from Rtmn" (drama) '40-£.dward G. Robinson. "A Same of Death" (drama) '46- John Loder. 2:00 II) "Inner Slneb1111" (mystery) '48 -Mary Beth Hughes, Lee Patrick. 3:00 0 (C) ''llCMlor of Hurts" (ro- mance) '58-iiardy Kruger, Sylvia Syms. 4:30 fJ (C) "RNcf to Dtnm" (west· ern) 'SS-John Payne, Mona Free· man. America's .,., Original ~· Hotel/Motel ,y Sclllols EVFNING 6:00 fJ T1lt 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. D m Huntlty-lrink!IJ (C) (30) IJ Will ANGELS MAKE * TWINS SEE DOUBLE? D Anpls BIMhn (C) c21;. hr) Calif. Angels vs. Minn. Twins at Minnesota. 0 Six O'Clodl Movie: ''TM Devil Mak.es ThrM'' (drama) 'S2-Gene Kelly, Pier Angeli. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Lowe Lucy (60) labllan (C) (30) 00 Merv IMffln (C) (90) What's New? (C) (30) '1he Eighth Wonder." Cameras follow a youngster around the Astrodome In Houston, where he daydreams about operating the scoreboard and broad· casting a baseball game. f!) Un Color Para Esta Plel (30) m KPLM Newi (C) (60) 6:30 0 KNIC Newterviet (C) (60) m Yoya11 to the Bottom of tlle Sea (C) (60) t,i1 @ Huntley-BrinkltJ (C) (30) Ell) let's Talk About Tnn1 (30) "Our Teens Get I nvotved." Marlon Marshall uses films, rol1t playing and Interviews to show teenaee pro· grams involving the community. ~ (j) m News (C) (30) al Noticiero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 11 CBS Evenin1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. ! Whit's My Line? (C) (30) Pmword (C) (30) @ You Asked for It (30) - ,,_ _,,_ _., '/• ·*' #I r--.. r--.. ,........ _., ·' I ,I, . ~ . TIAI ID. W81D, COIPl.ES F• 0 WE£IS AS •m111am llAllAES • and 55 other Jobs In the boomlna hospitality buslnesaf • Executive hou .. kffperl, social dl'9Ctors, hotteuet, 1partment manaaers, etc. • Openlnp 111 over continental U.S., HaWllll • Al• no b11rrier • No PteVlout experienc. required • Oood pay: some Jobs Include •P'trtments • Leam at hom·e or attend cluses In Los Angeles • Frff book tells how Lewis has been training and placlna men and women for hott1I, motel, llJ>'lrtment, resort Jobi for 53 years! "'°"8 (213) 749-1438 or send a postcard glvlna your name, qe, phone and llddreu to: Lewis Hotel I Motel Schools 7080 Hollywood Bhld., Suite L·1931 Los Angel... California 90028 ..... 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI(, JUNE 14, 1969 Ell) Feature (C) (30) "Between the Tides." 9 (j) Beverly Hlllbllllts (C) (30) m Wandethm '(C) (30) e> Dream Ho1111 (C) (30) 7:30 fJ Tman (C) (60) Jai Is double- crossed by an unscrupulous trapper who agrees to help the boy hide his pet leopard so it can't be taken to a zoo and then plots to steal the leopard and sell it to the highest bidder. (R) 0 Ci} Ci) m The Vir&in~n (C) (90) "Last Grave at Socorro Creek." The Virginian ferrets out suspects respansible for the lynching of an old friend. Steve Ihnat, Lonny Chapman, Ellen McRae and Devin western university plan and execute a senseless crime. (R) Ell) News In Perspective (C) (60) '1he Crisis In the Catholic Church." New York Times relialon editor Ed· ward B. f15ke, Dr. Jaroslav Jin Pelikar of the Yale Divinity School, and editor Philip Scharper of Shead and Wa rd Publishers discuss the current problems of the church. fit) Sylvia y Enrique (60) 9:30 R Qj (i) Srltfl Aaes (C) (30) The DoUiTas household Is thrown Into chaos when 1 Hungari1n Im. migrant (Wolfe Barzell), who ap. parently saved the Ille of Lisa's uncle during the war, arrives and tries to entrench lfimself as a llv• in handyman. (R) Coughlin guest. (R) fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. O @(]),Cl)Here Co1u the 11)120'ClockHl&ll (60) Brides (C) (60) "The Flremaker." Jason's lead topper, Redmond Bass, 10:00 fJ 9 (i) Hawaii Flvt·O (C) (60) is accused of setting forest fires by Stev~ MCGarrett and his special In· timber owner Matt Balter. Monte vestrga~ive ~eam are called In when Markham guests as Bass. and Ed· a Winnmg ticket in a numbers game ward Asner guests as Balter. (R) turns out to be a loser and a young ""' Million $ Movie· "Intent To Kiii" Army corparal (Johnny Crawford) la ,.. , , · accused of a crime. (R) (drama) 59-Rtehard Todd, Betsy 0 @ ct) m Tiit Outsider (C) Drake. (60) '"for Members Only." Private m Truth or ConMC1uence1 (C) (30) investigator David Ross probes Into m Ptny Muon (60) exclusive men's club in hopes of ED Joyce Chen Cooks (30) unc-0verin1 cheating after a series ~ (j) Be.st or Hollywood (2 hr) of unusual high losses among card· al Dutlo de Paslonts (30) ~laying members. 8:00 m Hazel (C) (30) Della (C) (60) I m Nns (C) (60) ED St>ectrum (C) (30) "Abu Sim Specul ation (60) "But I bel." A documentary on the massive wouldn't Wirnt To Live There." elfo.rt of UNESCO that saved the Keith Berwick welcomes author ancient temples of Ramses II from Norman Corwin and author Richard the waters of .the Niie River when Levinson for a spirited discussion the Aswan High Dam was con-of the relative merib and demerits structed. of life in Los Angeles and In New €I) Miertoles Musl~I (30) York. 8:1S D Ancels Wrap-up (C) fit) Mariana (30) 8:30 6 The Sood Guys (C) (30) An 10:30 ID News (C) (30) Bill Johns, elderly Greek workman (Titos Van· al Falluta Corazon (30) dis) offers to do odd lobs around 11:00 fJ D 0 al m Cl) News (C) Bert's Place and keeps himself busy O Alfred Hitchcock fixing the things he accidentally r.. Movie· ''The last Milt" (dra-breaks. (R) ,.. , .., · 8 Win With Ult Sbrs (C) (30) ma) Sr-Mickey Rooney, Don Barry. (fi'J 00 ,m Tltt King Family (C) ~ Humpllr~ ,!901art Fiim Festival: (30) "Walking Happy'' is the open· Bleck ~g1on (1937), co·starring ing tune. (R) Ann Shtnden. I Merv Sriffin (C) (90) m Movie: ''The Foretaan Went to Run for Your Life (C) (60) France" (drama) '42-Robert Mor· In.sight (30) A look at the musi· ley, Constance Cummings. cal talent. O! . End re Balogh, a 14· @ (1) Q) (.iJ 9 Cl) News (C) year.old v1ohnast, who has won two national awards and performed as 11:30 8 Movie: ''Cfy in the Nictrr soloist with more than 33 symphony (mystery) 'S7-Raymond Burr, Na· orchestras. talie Wood. al Sonrlsls (30) 0 @ (!) m Tonipt Show (C) 9:00 11 ltvtfly Hillbillies (C) (30) Afraid D Movie: "Th• l'tlantom Lady" that Elly May might marry Eb (Tom (mystery) '#-Franchot Tone, Ella Lester from Green Acres) and de· Raines. pasit the Clampett fortune in Sam 0 @CV m Joey BisMp (C) Drucker's (Frank Cady) bank, Mr. • Drysdale convinces movie star Dash 12.30 m 77 Sunset Strip Rlprock (Larry Pennell) to mas-II) Action Tlltabt: "Thunder Over querade as a country·boy and court Tangier." ~ May. (R) 12:40 O Movie: "Inside Utt Malia" (dra· D ~ @ m Kraft Music Hall (C) ma) '59--tameron Mitchell Elaine (60) Sandler & Young and Judy fdwards. ' Carne welcome guests Frank Gorshin and Norman Wisdom from London. 1:00 0 0 News (C) 8 Wresttln1 (C) (60) D Community Bulletin Board (C) @(3) m ABC Wednesday • -, Movie: •'?Ompulsion" (drama) '59-1.15 Cl' .~ovlt: ~rn stripes In ~ Orson Welles, Diane Varsi, Dean Sun (drama) S5-Aldo Ray, Drck Stockwell, Bradfo rd Dillman. Meyer York. Levin's account of Chicago's in· 1:30 m All·NiaM Sltow: '1he Great Dan famous "crime of the century," Patch," "Donovan's Brain," and when two law students at a mid· '1he Astonished Heart." 59 te D) .. d· In >I, !d le D) "' n- p- 1's 'Id • 0) n· sn ne 111 Is C) 1te to of es "d· t.-. or rd on its !W ·a· ry. 11: ng to >r· "' Ila rer ·a- ne ) ... ck an nd A NIGHTLY HOUR WITH 'DELLA' Della Reese invaded the ranks of tele- visfon variety hosts this past week with her new syndicated daily show, "Della,'' a fast- paced program with the emphasis on music and comedy. Jn Los Angeles, "Della" is aired each weekday over KHJ, Channel 9, at 10 PM, and in San Francisco over KTVU, Channel 2 at 9 PM. It represents a break-through in more ways than one. Della is the first lady to invade the roster of personality-hosts of a variety show, a bastion previously dominated by men-Dave Garroway, Merv Griffin, Johny Carson, Mike Douglas and Joey Bishop to name but a few. To be sure, girls have been nibbling at the edges of the personality-host spot with talk shows like that of Gypsy Rose Lee or sitting in for a vacationing Carson or Bishop, but Della is the first with her own permanent spot. Della is backed by a power packed team both on and off camera. Sandy Baron pro- vides his specialty of improvisational com- edy that helps get guests involved in the center stage action and Della is backed by the largest orchestra of any syndicated show. Peter Myers heads the 15-piece band that includes such music greats as Herb Ellis on guitar, Mervin Jenkins on piano, Earl Palmer on drums and Chuck Domanico on the bass. Woody Fraser, the young genius who cre- ated The Mike Douglas Show and launched Dick Cavett on his career as a television host, is the executive producer and creator of "Della" as well as a vice president in Della Ruse and I eaturtd per/ or mer Sandy Baron. charge of programming for RKO General. "I didn't think of singing as a way to Rick Rosner who was associate producer make money because gospel groups barely on the Douglas show, and Hank. Behar, a collected enough nickels, dimes and dollan brilliant director from New York television, to make it to the next meeting or back round out the control booth generals. home," Della recalls. Sandy Baron has been humor's man in Some friends advised her to try popular motion, starring in movies (If It's Tuesday, singing and after break.ing into show busi- This Must Be Belgium), on television (Hey, ness in the nightclubs of Detroit, Della was Landlord!), on Broadway, in supperclubs hired by band leader Erskine Hawk.ins. She and with comedy record albums. stayed with Hawkins for nine months. Della is one of the best known singers in "I learned great singing discipline with the world and is no stranger to television Hawkins," Della said. ''I had to b«ause audiences, having made more than 300 be would only let me sing three song&- guest appearances prior to the debut of 'Sincerely,'' 'Teach Me Tonight' and 'Let "Della," mcluding a record I 8 appearances Me Go, Lover.' 1 became tired of singing on the Ed Sullivan Show, The Hollywood three son~ after the first week. To provide Palace, The Perry Como Show, and those some vanety, I learned bow to change the of Johnny Carson, Joey Bishop, Mike Doug-style of delivery. One night I would do las and Merv Griffin. them as jump tunes, the next as blues or She began singing in the church choir of in a Latin style-anything to keep from her family's church in her native Detroit at going stir crazy." the age of six and was the featured soloist The result of this musical trial was the of the church's weekly Sunday night radio throaty golden tone with unique phrasing broadcast. that made her a sensation when her first When Della was 13, the great gospel sing-records went on sale across the nation. er, Mahalia Jackson, came to Detroit to Della's first record, "In the Still of the give a concert at the church. A lyric soprano Night," sold five hundred thousand copies in Mahalia's troupe became ill and Della's and her next, "And That Reminds Me,'' audition won her a spot in the gospel choir. sold more than a million copies. For five consecutive summers, Della toured Her record success brought her awards with Mahalia during school vacations. as "The Most Promising Girl Singer of While attending Wayne University, Della 1957" by the Disc Jockeys of America, formed her own gospel group, "'lbe Medita-Juke Box Operators and trade press publi- tion Singers." cations Variety, BU/board, and Cash Box. The death of her mother, Nellie, and But singing ability alone would not have illness of her father, Richard Early, forced qualified her to take over the arduous task her to leave school during her second year of hosting a daily variety show. Her natural of college and find a job. Della took a sense of timing, innate humor and quick variety of odd job&-driving a produce truck wit, sharpened by her myriad concert tours to market, driving a taxi cab and various and nightclub appearances have made her a office jobs. maoy talented performer. h i • 15 .. THURSDAY JUNE 19 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 "Class Tomb" (mystery) '55-John Ireland, Honor Bl1ckm1n. D ~lpt Nunie,. (drama) '53- JOin Leslie. Forrest Tucker. 9:30 fJ •'Derk, V"ICWJ" (drama) '39-Geofae Brent, Geraldine Fltz11e11ld. 12:00 R ""Sena .t lndl•" (drama) '49- Sibu, Turhen Bey. 12:30 m "Querter' (anthology) '49-~k Watllns. Irene Brown, Mervyn Jones. Cecll Parker. 2:00 m "S..rdt for Den&'lf" (mystery) ·~John Calvert, Myrna Dell. 3:00 0 .. U11flilldlllly YOld" (comedy) ·~ex Harrison, Linde Darnell. 4:00 a '"Sittbld tlM Sailor" (adventure) 'f1-0ou1t1s Fairbanks Jr .. Maureen O'H1ra. FVfNING 6:00 II TM 111 Ntws ~C) (60) jeny Dunphy. D m Hu11tley·Brt11Uey (C) (30) IJ Steve Alltn SMw (C) (90) Jayne Meadows, Gabe Dell, Joyce Jameson and Teddy Neeley guest. fJ Si1 O'Clocl Movie: (C) "T19e SWtnl of Sherwood Fomt" (adven· ture) '61-Richard Greene. Peter Cushlni. GI Sn (C) (60) m I Love luq (60) II) 81tm111 (C) (3D) @CV Mm Qrtffin (C) (90) Eli) Whirs Nnt? (30) "unaua11e of the Deaf." Bernie Brau. "The Quiet Man," shows two youngsters how the deaf communicate. @m Un Color Para Estl Piel (30) a) KPlM News (C) (60/ 6:30 0 KNBC N....mce (C) (60) II) Vop11 to tlM lottom of Ule s.a ID <60> • 9 00 Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) Eli) Feature (C) (30) "Canada." A composite survey of Canada from coast to coast with a look at peo· pie and industry. 9 (I) m NIWI (C) (30) @!) Noticlero l4 (C) (60) 7:001J CBS Evenln& Nlft (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I WUt's My lint? (C) (30) Pas:swrd (C) (30) @ Hllfl and Wild (C) (30) P11yin1 tlle Qlritlr (30) "Styles in Sona Accompaniment." Frederick Noad is joined by sin11er Bill John· son In a program designed to dem· onstrate various styles in sona IC· companlmenl tHJ (j) Mcfflle's Navy (30) a> Drum Hoa. (C) (30) When Ann Marie (suies star Marlo Thomas) collects residuals from her work in a soap opera, her boy friend Don Hollinger (Ted Be.sseU), suggests that she use the money for travel, in "Decision Before Dawn," on ABC's That Girl, Thursday at 8PM. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 14, 1969 ~ m~~~~A ~ 8 Kai Kan Presents Im Musica r fshllas (30) * ANIMAL WORLD 9:00 R QI (j) CIS ThundQ MMr. (ICl) "TIM Htlllo111" (drama) 162-" K.1 lier Cougar" T d Richard Todd, Anne Aubrey. od 11 9 Cl) Anl••I World (C) (30) stars a.s the lone defender of law The killer couaar prowls the hi&h and order In a South African fron- country of western America, and tier town. (R) Animal World cameras follow this O @@m This 11 T• Jolltl formidable hunter during his en-(C) (60) Dick Cavett. Terry-Thomas. counters with other Cfeatures com· The Fifth Dimension. Sandie Shaw, mon to his ruued wor1d. Including Julie Driscoll. and The Brian Aupt' bears. bad11ers. deer, foxes and Trinity guest beavers. g) El Mundo Est1 Loco (60) 0 ~ (i) m Daniel Boone (C) 9:30 D fa liJ m Drqnet (C) (30) (60) "A -fall Tale of Prater Bease· •'ffercotics-OR·21." Ginger. a Ger. ly." An old storyteller (Bur1 Ins) man Shepherd, is employed by the uses his fictitious friend, a bear Los Angeles Police Department to called Mr. Dob, to help a cripple~ uncover hidden marijuana. and Fri- boy (Rory Stevens) learn self.reh· day and Gannon use her In their ance. Lyle Bettger and Jeff Donnell case tonight. (R) also guest. (R) . G News (C) (30) ft Ch1111plonsltlp Boxin& (C) (60) m 12 O'Clock High (60) [ijhtwel11ht Championship Match. lO·OO D' (6) m Dean Martin (C) fJ @ (]) &) The flylne Nun (C) ' · · • p II Sil (30) "Sisters Socko In San Tanco." (60) ma Lollobnglda, h vers. Sisters Bertrille. Slxto and Jacque-Norm Crosby and Miiburn Stone l!ne form a slneing trio for a bene• euesml <:> (C) (60) flt show. (R) I ews C) (60) 0 Miiiion $ Mewl•: "llutbeard'1 Suspense Tileatrt < fin Honeymoons" (horror) '60-• Dtlla (C) (60} Geor11e Sanderi. Corinne Calvet. 1 ~future .. (C) (30) ''While I I Truttt or Co1111q. uences (C) (30) ~nTht~tr~~t (30) Hat ' Marien· Peny Maon (60) a:.1 Bt.d PenpectM (C) (30) that hosts.. Dtitlo cit Puiones (30) @m Mariana (30) 8:00 II a (j) TM rriMlllf (C) (60) . m Pm,ort to Trnel (C) (30) The Prisoner defeats the incumbent 10:30 m Ntw1 (C) (30) Bill ~hns. (Eric Portman) for electlon as Hum· @ CIJ Featvr!. (C) (30) 'Venezu.- ber 2 in the Village, a powerful Ian Adventure. . pesition In his prison without bars. fl!) A. llnipt at Ult. Movltl (C) Number 2 gives enthusiastic help to (~O) ~rthur K~l.ght. wnt'! and n»- the bid by The Prisoner, who vainly h~n picture. critic: talks with screen· tries to escape once again before writer Ster!!ng S1ll!phant about his winnln& the seemingly democratic work on Charty, . lhe Academy. election (R) Award winner starnn1 Cllff Robert· o @ 'rnim Tllat Glr1 (C) (30) son and Claire Bloom. Hal Mar1en- "DecTsion Before Dewn." Ann Marie's thal hosts the P~?1ram, .~hlch will delight at receiving a residual check show clips from Cherly. turns to confusion as she receives Im Fallaste .Corazon (30) advice from all sides as to how she .a> Twill&lrt ~. (30) should spend It. (R) 10:.U IJ KNXT Ntw1 htra (C) m Huet <C> <3o> n:oo I o om m m NIWI <C> Eil) NET Playtlouse (2 hr) "La Ma-Aliftd Hltthcocll ma Pteywri11hts." Three plays by • Movie: "Th• Man Who W1ged youn11 playwriahts from the u · Tall" (fantasy) '61-Peter Ustl· • Mama experimental stage groop In nov. New Yorlt "Pavane" by Jean· m Humpllrlf lo(art Film festival: Claude van ltallie, "fourteen Hun-"Crime School'' (1938), co-starrlna dred Thousand'' by Sam Shep1rd, The Dead End Kids. and ''The Recluse" by Paul f0&1er. II) Movie: "Mlfanda" (fantasy) '48 al Ftllciano! (C) (30) --'Jlynls Johns. Marpret Ruther· 1:30 D @ 00 m tremidt <C> C60> ford. "Why the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge @ (])@ @9 (j) Ntws (C) Club Met on Thursday." Ironside's 11:30 IJ Movie: "Tend« Cort1radt" (dra- Aunt Vic1oria (Jessie R~ce Landis} ma) '43-Robert Ryan, Gin11er Rott· Insists that one of her friends has m . been murdered, althou&h she has D ~@ m Tonl&M ... (C) no evidence to support her claim. &J lliiOwie: "T°"" on Trt1r (mp. Arthur O'Connell also &Uests. (R) tery) '57-Char1es Coburn, Barbara &J 8o1ln1 (C) (90) Tom Harmon Bates. John Miiis. and Mickey Davies are ringside for fJ @(])Q> Joey Blsllop <C> a lO·round ll11htwel11ht bout between 12·30m n SuMtt Strip Rudolfo Gonzales (4a..) and Baby • II) Action Tlttltre· "Shadow ot a ~ssius (13·8). Gonzales Is after a Woman." • ~t~~ shot with champ Mando Ra· l2:45 G Movie: "Celtilll, ttt. lllHMft.I U @(])G) hwftdltcl (C) (30) Monst.r'' (sci·fi) '60-John Mer1· "Semanlha the Bard.'' Samantha vale, Didi Sullivan. appreciates poetry, but When ~· 1:00 D 0 ,. ... (C) thlnf she says comes out in rtiyme, &J Cocn111unttr Bulletln Bomt (C) she calls for help. Endoc'a assures • .. , ..,,. Sam her verbal virus will disappeer 1:15 IJ Mowte.. ll11p £m Flytn• in 24 hours. However, the Stephen-(comedy) 41-Abbott & Coltello. ses have a dinner date with Oar· 1:30 m All·Nlpt Shaw: ''The Men In rin's boss that ni11ht. '° Sim flies the White Sult," "Marauders et to Tibet to find her physician. (R) Sea," end "Demon Barber of Atlt m MtfY Qriffln <C) (90) street." 9 d ' • ~ '· , ) e ) , ) ~ • s YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe .REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e ArAITMINTS & UNITS e CUSTOM HOMIS e KITCHIN IXPllTS, e TWO STORY SPICIALISTS llOOM ADDITIONS FrM LH v .... v.,.tlon with Ever) Estimate! 3 D:iys, 2 Nights Hacienda -Thunderbird Trans. & Meals Not lncf. Expert Planning -Free Est. E-L-K CONSTRUCTION 11431 W estminster Blvcf. Garden Grove l--638-983l (15 Years f.!'xptriem::e,. RAIN80W TV No Service Charge! Expert Work Color, Black & White or Stereos ff2·5303 anytime HART TV -15 Years in Area - Servicin$: All Brands! Your DuMont. Curtis Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. lt21 ADAMS .... , ... ...,,_ .. Muntl~toft a .. ch ff2:..nl4 SAYE MONIY & TIMrtl HONEST Ir RELIABLE REPAIR SERVltE IACKED IY l I YEARS EXPERIENCE MADISON ILICTIONICS 17JJ w .......... ""'· W"hal•t.r -H7-70tt TV -IADIO -STIHO SllYICI CALLS -SI. CORY TV ZJ76 C ...... c .... M ... -64M114 ,.,.. L..yetit & .,_,.. 20 y..,. 1-,.riHc• Cell now -Open WMkdeya Set .• s ... A,,ts. AHH. •••• , effke et, •• , ... _ IOS L C.•t HS.llw., c ........... llPAIH -ALTllATIONS AND CAllNm A"y sin job 25 y•u1 exp•ri •ftn Work 911u•fttucl c.tl IOI HllSIY 541-6711 THIS S1»ACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work . . . CAU.. STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 6424520 SPARKLF. JANITORIAL Windows Our Specialty ffl.-2"1 CEMENT WORK -ALL KINDS- Frec Estimate 25 Years Experience • 636-0374 ... llST IN CONClnl W elk1, Pool d.ck1, floors, p•tio1. Concr•t• Sew C11ttl"9 lwty sin job, R .. 1oftebl•I Licuaecl S-rvi119 Harbor A,.• '42·1114-CAU DON· P um ing Re Drain Cleaning -Free Estimates - SPIED'Y PLUM81NG 24 HI'S. &: Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540.7217 9UALITY rAINTIN• FREE ESl'IMATES INTEIUOR -EXTERIOlt ANY SIZE JOI CALL ANYTIME Ml-ON2 M 64'-411' PAINT" NOW I COMMUCIAL l RES10EN1'1AI: ll YEARS EXPERIENCE Av•r•9• Ed•rior Sf11c<o Ir Trim.. l b•droom -$150 Cell JM -JO· toJ7 THIS SPACE RISIRVIO FOR YOU CALL 642-5471, ext. 325 R•1iclutlel I Comm••ci•I Kitch•"'· htlu, Stor• Fixt11rH Fru Estimet•1 -Stet• lie. sa..p ,._. 141-1111 9f ..... 646-1117 HAULING PAINTING, HOUSI CLIANtNG ODD JOBS Yo11 Nem• It ... W• Do It! 62WJtt or 645-0711 Pool Service e FllST MONTH NII I EXPERIENCED LICENSED -ltELIAILE TONY TAYLOR POOL IHYICI ffMl11 Over 20 Years Experience Satisfaction & Workmanship Guaranteed. t5t W. 17th, Coste M ... 541-1953 CZYKOSKl'S Cu1tom Upholstery & ••r:lr European Craft!!mansh o 100% Flnancln~-Continuous Do-It-Yourself Upho1. Classeii Largest Selection of Fabrics 1131 Newport II., Cott• Me\a 642-1454 WILLIAMS UPHOLITIRY llRVICI Cleaning & Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! 642.a164 CARPITING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SA VE 50% ! J . J. KNICKIRIOCKIR (Town A Country) H.B. 18582 ~ach Blvd., 962-3351 CARPETS -VINYLS -TILES Latest Styles and Colors Commerdal & Residential Expert Installation ILANKINSHIP FLOORS 642-1403 -540-7262 PIANO TUNIN• AND llPAll EXPERT -REAS0)'4AILE ALIUT AAINUS '71-6f'7 9f 642-44ff HUNTIN•TON llACH Tiii HIYICI ORNAMENTAL PRUNING SPRAYING OLIVE TREE SPECIALISTS! EXPERT -REASONAILEI 14M77' Cut • Edge -W-4 Ex1><'ricnccd Quality Work at Reduced Prices! caRM ,..17 THE1970 .. MISS CILIFORNll" TONIGHT 8 PM See 43 lovely f1nahs1s vie for the coveted title. Actor· Sino er JAMES DARREN, Host LIVE/COLOR KllJ·TV <ii) ,...1. FRIDAY JUN£ 20 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming wtth- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:009 "C11n1 of Jntice" (western) '49 Jimmy Elli90n. 0 (C) "YankM lllCUnMr" (Id· venture) '52-Jeff Chandler, Scott Brady. 9:30 (;J "Drapnwyct'' (drama) '46- Gene Tierney, Vincent Price. 12:00 e "Tht PalNllnoH (drama) 'SG- Jerome Courtland, Beverly Tyler. 12;30 m "Younflt' lrollltfs" (western) •l§ -Wayne Morris. "Adll111 Ind Evalyn'' (drama) 'SO -Stewart Granier, Jean Simmons. 2'0CJ Q) "The lad&• of M1'1111I Bren- nan" (western) '57-Jim Davis. AJ. leen Whelan. 3:00 0 (C) "land of ttle Pharaohs" (adventure) ·s~Jack Hawkins, Joan Collins. 4:30 II (C) "Tropic Zone" (a~enture) '53-Ronald Rea1an, Rhonda Ae· mini. FVFNING 6:00 fJ Tiit Ill( News (C) (60) Jeny Ounplly. R m Huntley·lrlnkllJ (C) (30) Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Jona· than Winter, Chuck Barris. Gloria Lorln1. Pat Harrington and The Chuck Barris Syndicate 1uest. 0 Sil O'Clod Movie: ''TIM Ser· ieant Was I Ud(' (comedy) '62- Martin West, Venetia Stevenson. I love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) (3) MtfY Criffin (C) (90) Whirs Ntw? (C) (30) "Lan· &1111e of the Deaf." Bernie Bran shows two youngsters how the deaf communicate In poetry and drama. @I) Junntud Devino TllOro (30) a» ICPLM NIWI (C) (60) 6:30 0 ICNIC N1WMmce (C) (60) &) Yopp ID ttle lotto"' of ttM S.1 {C) (60) ~ 00 Huntley-lrtnkley (C) (30) ~ Book hat (C) (30) Floyd Mc· Kissick and host Robert Cromie talk about "3/5 of 1 Man." The civil ri1htist discusses constructive pro- posals for solving the nation's racial crisis. ~m m ..... <C> c3o> m ..-Otidlfo 34 (C) (60) 7:00 II CIS £venln1 NIWI (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. D W11lt'1 MJ line? (C) (30) ll)rastw'OrCI (C) (30) @00 ClfMtlll Showcne (90) fl1) Challenau (30) "Art Is Our fiiing." Los An1eles School art supervl$01'3 explore the art pro· TiiE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 14, 1969 eram for elementary and MCOndary 9:00RQl(l)cas Friday Movie: students. "lil1n fW MJ Praident" (comedy) I Cl) M1yberry RfD (C) (30) '64-Polly Bergen, Fred MacMurray, AIHrlam Wat (C) (30) Arlene Dahl, Story of what It's like .,,. .. HoUll (C) (30) to be the husband of the first lady 7:30 fJ 9 (I) The Wiid, Wild west (C) Pruldent of the United States. (R) (60) James West's bizarre behavior 11 Playboy Alter Dart (C) (60) Del· convincu his cohorts thal he hu 11 ReeM guests. Don Adams. Jackie become 1 victim of the mind-con· Gayle, 'fie Damone, The Collectors, dilionln1 practiced by the powerful Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate Raven organization. Conclusion of a also ..!Ppear. two .!!!rt story. (R) 0 ll1J (])a» Judd for the Dlftftll D m Hip Chaparnl (C) (60) ("l) (60) "Borderline Girl... Judd "Sea of Enemies." An Army desertti' o:ids another attorney in defendln1 accused of murder (Paul Winfield) her client, a young girl with a low takes Biiiy Blue hosta1e to aid his IQ Who is accused of homicide. escape. The pair are cornered In Geraldine Brooks. Brooke Bundy and forbidden lndlan land by a large Michael Larraln guest (R) band of Indians. making reteue el· Ill Estelaru 34 (30) forts by the Cannons Impossible. 9:30 Q) 12 O'C~ Hip (60) IR fil) Adftntllr1 (30) "Journey tn a Jad hn.!'1 (30) War." Film foota1e of two visits to @ (]) W ltt's Mau 1 Deal Yemen, where tribal warfare b con· (30) Monty Hall hosts. tinually waaed. Profiles (C) (30) Larry Kina In· @I) Festival en M1drld (30) terviews Debbie Reynolds. 10:00 ft fD @ m Tiie Saint (C) (60) II) Truth or Contequenus (C) (30) ''The Better Mousetrap." When ID hny Mason (60) stolen diamond earrinrs turn up fJl) LIVE CITY WATCHERS! in Templar's shavln& cream. he ii * KCET's New TV Mag charged with theft, and later, mur- Se.d b & Ch 1· der. (R) 1 en aum amp '"· e II) N ... cc> (60) Ell) The City Watchers (60) Art_ Se1· 0 @ (]) a» Die• Cnett (C) (60) ;~~: :d ::~: f:~)mphn. 0 Della (C) (60) 1:001J f11tur1 (C) (60) "Heavyweight, Ell) UD Revit~. (60) ''.Progress Re· Inc." st~ of Joe Frazier. port on . Las;ers. .or. Hibbs and two fJ @ L1J a» John Davidson (C) laser sc1ent1sts will re,i>o,rt on lasers (60) No information available at that can beam. ten tnl~1on watts of press time. power at a single point and can 0 I sFlci1L. ! Miss Callfornli IHu-produce temperaturu . approaching ty Papant (C) (2 hr) James Darren those of nuclear explosions. hosts the contest from the Rose m Mariana (30) Garden of the Ambassador Hotel. 10:30 Q) NIWI (C) (30) Bill Johns. Troas 1:aye Hayes, last year's win-€E fall1ste Corazon (30) ner. will give up her throne to her 11:00 II DD 0 m m m News successor, chosen from 42 state· (C) wide finalists. The girls are jud1ed on the basis of her beauty of face 11 Alfred Hitchcock and figlJre, poise and personality. m Humphrey Bogart Fllat Festival: Talent is not a determining factor. "The Oklahoma Kid" (1939), CO· The winner of this pageant will go starring Rosemary Lane. on to represent her state In the Q) Movie: (C) "Moon Over Miami" M~ USA and poulbly the Miss (romance) '41-Don Ameche, Robert Unrverse Pa1eants. Cummings, Betty Grable. m HaztJ (C) (30) (fl) @ @ (6) ®' Ci) Newt (C) €E Lucedta (C) <30) 11:30 II Movie: "Split Second" (sus· 1:30 II ~ .ClJ Comer '11• (C) (30) pense) '53 -Richard Egan Alexis Molly Picon guests as the motherly Smith ' Molly Gordon who comu across · Gomer sittinr on a bench. tells him 0 @ ~ m To~!attt Show (C) he's too skinny and insists o~ cook· 0 MOVlt: (C) llrne Warrior" i_!!i a meal for him. (R) (western) '52 -Jon Hall. Michael U QJ 00 m NllM of the Came Ansara. Jay Silverheels. (C) (90) "Incident In Berlin." Glenn 0 @ CIJ m Joey Bishop (C) Howard rushes to .Berlin when one fJ Movie: (C) ''Tltt Bi& Circa" of his employees 1s arrested as a (drama) '59-Victor Mature Red spy. When Brian. Smith, the head of Buttons. ' Howard Publleahons Bertin Bureau, Nil fT\ F id Sho is arrested In East Germany and lill uu r ay • charged with being an American U:lO m n Sunset Strip spy, Glenn learns that the Germans Q) Action Theatre: "Tampico." Will release Smith to him only if 1:00 D Movie: "Tiie Luther Boys'' (dra· he can arrange the release of a ma) '66-Rita Tusllingham. recently arrested East German spy. g Country Music (C) Dane Clari(, Kevin McCarthy, Anne Francis and Geraldine Brooks 1uest 0 News (C) CR) 1:15 II Movie: (C) ''Tltt P1rson and the m Merv Critftn (C) (90) OotllW"' (western) '57 -Anthony ID Run tor Your life (C) (60) Dexter, Sonny Tufts. Ell) Wan of the Rosa (60) ''The 1:20 0 Movie: "The Nun and the Ser- Lord Protector." Gloucester Is un· pent" (drama) '62-Robert Web· seated from power by Queen Mar· ber. Anna Sten. 1aret. Suffolk and the Lancastrian 1:30 II) All·Nlfllt Sllow: "The Browning Beauforts. York wins the support of Version," "Dragonfly Squadron." and Warwick. "The Redmen and the Renegades." €E NodMt Tapatiq (30) 2:00 O Commun~ Bulletin Board (C) ;9 1: ,) y, " ly I) ~­ le S, te IO Id if w !. d a 0 I· 1) n p ls '· ~ s f Jtcll La Lann• (C) '56-Paul Douglas, Ruth Roman. SATURDAY [studio de Pidro Y1rp1 @ (D Happenlna (C) Slturd•J Matinee 12:30 I Qj ~JonnJ Quest (C) 9:30 I~ WKllJ RKel (C) Evans-ovell Report (C) JUNE 21 @m Banana Splits (C) Blue Ribbon Tbe1tre: "Parole, .&.>Fantastic Yopp (C) Inc." MORNING AM Tbutre: "Sombre, the Spider 1:00 fJ ~ Ci) Moby Dlcll (C) Woman" and "The Hitchhiker." O Movie: "Tb• Girt Can't HellJ 1r 7:00 0 9 00 @m Storytlooll Squar11 10:00 9 Cl) Tbe Ardllt Show (C) Mansfield. I Guitarru (comedy) '56-Tom Ewell, Jeyne i Peter Marshall hosts. (ill CD Q) Joumer to the Ceft. fJ Movie: "Jinx Money" (comedy) Mr. Wilhbone (C) tar of the Elrth (C) -The Bowery Boys. 7:25 Give Us Tbls DIJ (C) fJ Movie: "Klnus Pldflc" (west· National Pro Tennis (C) 7:30 Summer Semuter (C) "Black ern) '53 -Sterling Hayden, Eve 1 (I) Cir l Tracl (C) Heritage-A History of Afro-Amari· Miller. • ·Marlana can$." I Pattern for Livina • Armed Forces Hl&hll&tits (C) 0 9@ m Untemed World (C) • Las Estrellas y Usted 1:30 9 (j) The Lone Rlnaw (C) Phil 'Carey hosts. 10:30 g (j) B1tmln/Superm1n 00 U.S. Nny Film (C) C1mpus Di&est Ci) m Undentoa (C) Quest for Adventlll'e (C) Campus Profile ovle: "LadJ In Question'' 2:00 Dr.Una by Dea11n (C) • Millin& the Most of Melurity (mystery) '40 -Glenn Ford, Rita Slturdey Double Futlll'o: "Tul· 7:45 Slcrtd Heart (C) Hayworth. sa" and "White Warrior." 8:00 9 (jJ Go-Go Gopben (C) I@ CV m Fantastic Four (C) e Movie: "1984" (drama) 'SS- @ Ci) @m Super Six (C) . The Bible Answers Edmond O'Brien, Michael Redgrave. Coun~ Music (C) El Ardlfvo del Dr. Mor1n fJ ~ (i) Kemper Open Goff (C) @(]),a) C...,., (C) 11:00 • 9 00 @m Major Learue Base-A $150.000 tournament live from Abbott l Costello ClrtDona (C) ball J_C) Teams to be announced. the Quail Hollow Country Club in Tilts ol Wells Farao E <lll CV m Georae of u.. Jun· Charlotte, North Carolina. Saturday Thutre: "The Black (C) (E Coronet Theatre: "Breakdown.'' Devils of Kali" and "Blonde Bait." Award Tbeetre: "Desperadoes @CD Double 'A' Show: "The Story 8:30 fJ 9 (j) Bup Bunny/ROid Ran-Are in Town." of Esther Costello." ner Hour (I 11 :30 fJ I (j) Tbe Herculoidl (C) I (j) Existence (C) I @@ · Cool McCool (C) 0 1 (])(f) American Bandstand SpOt1s In Action (C) @ (l) Gulliver (C) (C) D ck Clark hosts. Set tbt USA (C) Movie: (C) ''The Muter.of Ill-fJ Movie: "Tlit Iroquois Trelr' 2:30 Diii 'M' for Music (C) Father l1ntrle'' (adventure) '53 -Errol (adventure) '50 -George Montao· orman J. O'Connor welcomes Chico Flynn, Beatrice Campbell. mery, Dan O'Hertihy. Hamilton and his Jau sextet. I ~S:1!1c1KMEX cc> I~ FJ!tuu~ cc> · 9:00 ~ @ @m Tbe flintsiona (C) Rainbow Theatre (C) Movie: "Entlr Arlene lupin" 3:00 Movie: "The List Hurreh" (dre· (mystery) '44-Ella Raines, J. Car· 12:00 I !Bl (j) Shm1n! (C) ma) '58 -Spencer Tracy, Jeffrey roll Naish. • Teatro F1miffar' Hunter, Pat O'Brien. 0 @@ aJ Spicltfmen (C) 12:15 Movie: "loe Mecbelfl" (mystery) f) Movie: (C) "Elate Sq111dro11" The Hazardous Weather During the location work on "The Horse of the West," a brief study of the quarter horse on Walt Disney's Wonderful Wor'd of Color (NBC, Sunday at 7: 30 PM), Academy Award winnina field producer Larry Lansburgh had his share of obstacles provided by unfriendly weather. "For one thing," explained Lansburgh, "oo that particular show, we covered some 10,000 miles, a considerable distance more than the average location production. And perhaps, because of it, we found ourselves in the path of trouble more frequently than we would have had we just stayed in one spot." (adVenture) '42-Rt.Jert Stael Battle CtJ CltUltr Ci) Yob of Aa'rlcuftatt (C) (l)Ftabl1'9 ' Ull Coaot Para Em P1t1 • Bia Picture (C) • Rainbow Tbeatre (\;) 3:30 Co* Tlleltrt (C) "The Kini'• usketeers." I W.!:':. saw:w<~> Q...at for Adv111turt (C) 4:00 Jal Alai Waaon Train (C) CV Future (C) •lfour Hands on the Wheel." W Charlie Chin Movi•Go-Round • Iver Wlnp (C) • SH tht USA (C) 4:30 Olltlf ~snits • Bronco · Rainbow Theatre (C) 5:00 All-Aintrlcln Collep Show (C) Celebrity judges are Barbara Werle, Martin Milner and Dino Martin. I Ctose·Up (C) Sctnt '70 (C) New and •citina teenage dance show. 0 @ CI)(!) ABC's wtdt World or SpOt1s <C> Zoorema (C) : Innovations (R) Futbol-Socctr 5:30 Ralph Story (C) (R) KNBC NIWltfVlce (C) Twillrht Zone Men From UNCLE (C) Tiie. New Sound (C) (i) Future : Riws In Perspectivt (C) (R) Ci) Porter Weaoner (C) • Africulbare USA (C) While on the way to a location site in west Texas, Lansburgh and crew were warned by radio that a tornado was headed right for them. "We could see the thing uprooting trees not too far from us," related the leather-tanned producer. "So we hightailed it to the nearest shelter, a brick and stone motel, and quickly rented a room. We took our star horse, Henny l'enoy Peake, which was wonh SS,000, right into the room with us where we stayed until it was clear. After we cleaned up, the manager couldn't even tell . ., Utlllz.J~ a homemad~ 1trap de11ice to help bola~ o com•ro 011 1111 1houlden , produceNl/nctor Larry Lansbur1h focwu 011 a lterd of ch4mpion hor1t1 durln1 tht filming of tht action advtnturt. Sommy PllltClwr, otw of tlN but .,,i ro,,.,r tltl# lid' o/ tlw Roclt-111, biwlw1 down Iser cliamplo11 quarter Ttorn, Tlw ·B41 I...edj, In thll '""" J10m tlu ocdo11 odwn• ture, "Tiu HorH of tlw Wat." Later, in another location site in northern California. a rain storm dumped five inches of· water on them and begao washins away the equipment. "We got involved in another natural dis ... ter," commented Lansburgh, "which we were Able to avert only by the valiant efforts of the crew to save the equipment and move to another location." . Then during the winter months; a blinding bliu.ard raJCd ac.roa the High Sierras while the production crew was wortins in the uplands. ''Before we realized it," said Lansburgh, sbatina his bead in disbelief, .. we were snowbound. We dug .ourselves in, and suspended operations for awhile." Once the storm passed Ibey were able to continue their work. "" 11 SONY 666D ... ,.... ...... 4-nc... decj[ Ml fvll IOtlnold -8tlon •• ·--· p&aya atweo or ,__ •.s ................... wfttl. "'~ ~ ..... CM' "'" .... AtltorNtlc ...,..,, • r.... nvttw tlttw e '11nl motora. lftctudlnt ltya..,.... . •YftdlNIMIU&. '-*' drlw e lttc*'lf Jelle! 1Nter1. INIMt atop. tetle CNtter e V«tlcal w ........ . .... $575 .. 00! fMPllE IRoyal &reudlen ._ ... _s_14_·,._,s_1 __ 1l ... _s_14_.,_s_1 _ • Mod9I tmM. merMelop. e 1~ lftCtl hlgtl.~1-.ic;e ....... Mid· ,..,.. direct rwdleter Ind ultr....-.lc • ..... i...... ....... ~ .. I!~ llit'l"I w:.e llflltle ecDUallc ..,. e ero.-t: • Miii -Hz • l Polltllnl .,.... ,....... twttdl • lowld Ollflenlon: Mt• i.:.w • Ha e we• "" tie .... Hz e 1oe -tta. ~-tortld • ...,_.,,....,.. Nllft we11w1 •· .... un.tt1 LIMITED TIME OFFBl Ust Price $1889 .25 SALE PRICE 1357l6T:.: c..,.,, ,. •ltn ,.,,,., ,, '59" FULL PRICI -29911 NOW ONLY I LIMl1ED 9UANTI1Y AT t'HIS SENSATfONAL NEW LOW PllCEI INCWDES: e I--. Ca•tr°' Mlcr1phH • Allt1 •mtlc lecer••1 &...al e Pme 1-He. Cw1t11t .,. ....... ,.. .... .. .,.. .................... ... • CHC-9 Hell 9a•tr DJa fl s,-11• Recorder and .Player I Qo Rot coitf1111 with ""•vlfac• Hly" MeclllHal