HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesar
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)&' it a new peace symbOI, or an
Old biologic~! symbol? For the dowu,~rth,·,filcts· about lhis ~cd.IOQlijnll'~~~w •l>o• · · to ~· r fittljfe' on the Or-.._ang:e County scene, ·turn to
,·Pa~ 3. .
Owner of Teen
Oub Oeared
In Riot Case
Of flN D•llt Pllft Sl•lf
Huntington Beach teen n i g h t C I u b
operator Gilbert ,Covell was cleared Fri-
day of. charges that he helped incite · a
beachfront riot last April 20 and im-
mediately declared war on the city's of-
ficialdom, which, he claims, is trying to
harass him into shutting-down his con·
troversial club, the Syndk:ate 3000.
Covell armounced he iatends 4> open the
popular Coast Highway hangout tonight
without a business license, provided city
building inspectors , who had declared the
cld structure unsafe, say it now meets
city building standards.
R.epajrs demanded by the city have
been taken care of, Covell indicated, and
he plans,to operate·the ·clu~·rree. or rent
it·to a.non-profit ocganWrtion in order, he
e;a)ts, to "legaUy skirt the business license
requirement. S,:ity inspectors were due at
the club late Friday.
, 'According to Covell, his ncense expired
May 14 and, ''becallle' .of .. the city's
general policy of harassment" toward
him, it is unlikely Clty Clerk Paul Jones
will issue him another.
"We don't thlnk we harass anyone,"
rebutted City Administrator Doyle Miller.
"W<.Ju!! Y)fon:e ·the.9 lmparti&lly."
City, tmk 'JOne~~Sild ·coven bad not
yel applied for renewal·-of the Syndicate
:SOOO license. He said -he assumes Covell
will, sooner or later, adding "I haveri't
decided whelber I'll.l[ant It, or not." rrii:te:Y. Jn· West Orange C o U n t y
Munlclgal Court, Covell was declared in-
noeent of charges brought by Huntingto11
Beach poJtce that he was instrumental in
fothenting last April 20's riot In whi ch
&everaJ . thousand beachgoers pelted
police with rocks, damaging a beachfront
poHct substr.tion and a number or police
Budget Bo0tn•l!fl
"We can eliminate unusual Increases
in 'police aC:tivtty as a aoU.rce of the jail
populaUon etplosion. This lo true be-
cause our booking rate Js in line with
normal growth. 'Iberefore, the 1barp in-
crease in jail population mull be attribut-
ed to court policy," the Thoma letter
Tbe implication is lhat because the
county bas a better jail facility, the
judges are sentencln( men (ll;booenJo
Joogei: terms than they~·~.
After sending the letter and·tlwin mett·
ing with judges, Thomas uid ·cdter tta-
soos were cited by judges foi-tht in-
crease in jail ~m.
"All oflhei/' (~;.!.aRimtY much
' • Hunting~n. ·Gl
Dies in Vietnam . ,
Army Pie. Paul R. llou cl '=1"'
Beocll 'il °"" al'thehla•deb; ' :by
the ~ De(Jlimueat FrldlJ••· JiDlid in llCtlon in·-\'Wmm.. • ..
Pie .. &a JI .Ille -"'Mr.llld Mn. James a. Roa, ma Ir!JJ 1-.Ho41·
one of the lhTee CalllcimiaDs U•fbJ·the
Army .. killed dUrlDI thla• put/wilek
Gradu.ate' s Car
Kills Three Kids ·
In South Gate
'fo Protf!et; N~:-
Welccnning S•~
Pauline Koll, 18, Tustln, frolics on the• beach at:Newport with Ivan,
her Dalmatian, in 'celebration of summer· "°latlc.....U.e first.day .of
summer. That's 'what today is. 'Summer will be 'With us, officially,
until• IUlllmDll equ!Jlox next 5eptember 22. So'aaye1:h> the aitrl>no-
lne:~· . -
As~r~logy Teacher Eyes .
. ..
'fest ~ase in lY ewport
• ' I
might sound, the Sun·Sli!' offered no -
that night, only a .leclure"on ' cbai'ting
ooe's 'own astrological forecmitl.
when i( wu. over ,.:BUrtcJn.!Mone 1e-
compan\ed the' la\rDian' lo''pqiice lieW
quarters ·in the fiist moyc! of Wliit Mone.
an aerospace·iystems·ana1ylt aiid -Bllboa
resident for several ')'Un, • lriP.
become a test cue for bis ea~.
teacliing astrology. . ,
Judge Kenneth Lae ruled Covell, a
WestminsUr resident, irinocent of inciting t
to riot and innoeent of interfering with a ~ police Off:icft. . .. • ' . • . (," .• ~ ~
u......,., the judge ruled tbe nigbttlub
operator guilty of refusing to leave the
eceoe ol •'riOt.. Covell say111 he'll appeat · ttlat. decision on-grounds thal Ile was on
., ,s ·-"it Cle~nte ·'&,eks u~s .. Help
Morse. atllkable, well-~ and JovlAJ,. was .b09ked .afl\i',)eli!I ;~
da~ In adv.... ~bc\Ut .. lolfWi tlie
agdtss oubfec:I In ,a . cl!)' -.bu
forbidden !L 1 • . .. '
Mone'• ~me Ponlnoula 111\ie "" I~· -and,19odie•"nlallnc1to.llle
2';>dlac for ~ ll ll lhl:M ..-Gld. be
.. ld;well ~arid ri4lng lloe,mll·ol
·Ille 1a1111 ..... ,or.public f-.u.n ror bis own prop<ey. ·
He emerged jiibllanuy from court Fri·
day morniJtt and lhrew 'down tlie
gi.untlet. citing the business license issue: a.s tbe latest skirmish liiie In a two--year
&er'ies-of er.gagements with the city.
"My wife and I bulil that club for the
kfds," he said, "and -we're not about to
avoid a light with Huntington ·Beach
I. • \
-~· •
lb TOlf JIAllLEY °' ... _.. ...........
Federal gr~ t<llalUnl 1111,ioo 'are
being llO\llbt by thf'sa 'CMrnoiiil p011ce
department in a bld to "beef llP" the
South Coot law enforcemenl apney.aod with an obvious eye pa the prOblemlljllSs-
ed by tbe Ptesldeotlal ..---.
Chief Cllllord Murrate.plabied<F!li!IY
that the grull, M ........... wOul\] 'be
•pread over a --porlod.·'"llleJ
" .. ..). ' •
" • .'jrrl"!• , •• :
~ part .of. a• ~o•P'-PQtnt plea fQl"·fodenl
help. ·U approved, the application will
brlnr 147,DGO to San C1mJe!11e In the llnt yeaf,'$111,lll01n the •eco111hlld llO,Olll in
the third aod rmat year ol tlie relief
The ·lour project& outlined by Keith
Concannon, the eouncll's execuUve of. fictf, wlll .._ _., llOl,800 in foderal
futldll''°fllie .-, JI the •¢ ... get ...
dcnomeill In WIShllllton-
' :,
aatrotoa, . , 1
• ~W o'n oOI fortune itllon. 1111' laOlt 11·
ui.'" lie illd, 'poinlinl lo hii dalilbler,
WM runs tl!e obop wttb him. • •
"AU .we want ·to do la to provide a
servlco to~ wbo~·a pnullle t..
tertll In the -· 'Ille lea ($a I*" . .
(llet·U)'IWLOGY, Pip I)
* 'ti. ::t; • ' .
Wea~er ,
lt'1 not e1act11 an 'Ideal weet~·
end, but the Weathennan does
pt'Ollll>o -· hazy . lllmlliine • for !lie alternoona aloog the coait.
Look liir temperatures to stay In
, aie low 70'1. ·
-" ·-~ 1 -· " ::..-~ ---,........ '' ftlMfWI T1J•
. :·
. ~----
. . I. ~LY, l'ILOT • s _,, Jut\t 21, IM ' • •
NixOn :·f{aising Fal $J~ Hope ,f~r "~et Puµp~t?
u:•-*ra~= 'be ~..lei~ =.!t-~-tt": =:',~~~loo~:":'~:. ~=f~~"'=~~i !~~ii:~=-::.:: ~ .. ~.;\ .. ~ ~~ b~ bll
top advls·
41111 J!IMo 11111,)11,. -.,. jecit,. llt'k -..,, lhe liltelihood ol 1111 profl'eSS •t lbe Pam remalnlnl gn>UllCI combot lorea by lbe .,.. combat force& out ., ropldl• 11 lbe Th~ ha" been talkl111 privolely about
AIM!:ll\P": _..i _...I 1...., CGOllil , )M • ._., -· Miii)' dlplOplallc aboervers wtte iur-NW>ii alrllld)' had emblrl<W • a plan • _., ~----. ~ .. --•~ the ~lilly of a maximum wtlhdrawal ...... -.... sold ... .. ........ au ·~llllWJ., .... -..nlct peece talU -eveo more """°'" end ol next year. ' ·--· v~ .... -··-·-· , ••• ·~ .,
be pulled bill o1 Vletliam by tilt .end ·o1 ~ ' . 6ftt61ail ;.tlen ,bt· prised whoa N'-jfbe had provlously for -Uy_ .pbll!llj ....... etlU.S. . _..., trtralmnl a11( equlpmed, are this year ol•71l,llOll of the 540,000 U.S . ..,.
neict year. tn the Pobllc ·ii>lnd• 11 dealt with the Vietnam i-with ~ flllUS Qred lo lbl -ol ~ able ~ IMe ._ -"tlool °"' bttng vicemen hrit-ilod have flatly <fe. 'lbey emphasized the Praidtnt .w.., "~'' db d.iustrous poliUtal ·con· sfraint and Uill, toot dlll tray at anner--ments: 'ln PW and ori t6e battlef1tld. pm~ b7 lJ.S. lioopl. _ cl!Ded to speQllatt oo how many might
almply trying to make clear during his ~-it home. 1ng prtSSure ~ls critics for a faster wllh the initial U,000 comln& out dw1DI 1be Prelideal'I ~ calla for disen· come out ne:rt )'efr.
Thu.rsda7 nleht news confuence. ~t be , .;~ ~dept, allhough ht ·Ctrtainly wilhdnnl ~a dlflalel dMCQIN, \he nae atx ..a and a ..W. In AUi'" ,.... .m.r a 1irocw wtrlcll, al-,.,,.Por t.IJl,t reuin, Nixon iaJenerally
wu as ui:ious as his critics to dlJen&aie dia not Uitend to do $0, also m1y hive Their surprbe was all the greater be-ust at addltlonal withdrawals. though it may DOl insure vlctory for the COnsidered to ·have over-re.act to Cllf-
lhe muimum llW1lbtr ol American for-J\!<n the C4mmun1lts the lmli"l!iioo cause they saw no -10< hiln lo in-The Pmldtnl's p1.. Is •-· SaJ&m regime, will nevertheless deny ford's suuestloll oo a basts of polillcal
ca. ~l aod llU'bllc j)l"e8lillre is dulge in the ~ ·ol vague hopes It calls fr1 mutual witbdr:lwals ·by 0.S. victory to Hanoi and the Viet Coag. motivation, which included a sharp per-
'Ibty pointed out that he made no speci· pushlnc him toward • unlllteral with· when he wu ui.ed to CODlDM!llt on a pro-and Nortb. V~ fon:el: but ~ But his ~ canfereooe statement of sonal attack on the fonner defense sec..
fie prombes, """"'Ing his intentloo drlnf w-any ClOllCeJSioN tiy Hanoi _pooal by former clef-aecretary Cll!k an allenwli•e method o( -....-"b•" failed lo aquare with the r.allty r«ary.
Oil Firm Wins
Injunction in
·Beach Hassle
-A Southlud oil ~y has W<lll lhe
first round in its battle to have a Jlun-
tbtcloo -dly Ol'llnanct declaml un-Mmt"'alJooal.
Approved by Superior Court Judge
Clatxle Owens is the preUminu'y in·
j-oouPt by lbe Cather ud er..
OU Co. Ills action "f"""" the preaeot
relatiaalbip between the canpaQJ l.Dd
the dty,...... trial ol lhe o8 ftnn's al-
Jeptila that the cily'a uc1een up"
Jrti!!idOi e II imllwfv.l. '
Cather and Cree claims that the
ordinaooe ~ April S, 1117, was
uniawflllly applied lo its wells in the Hun-
tington Beech area.
Its peUUon argues that Herbert Day,
the city'l"all Deld superintendent. ordered
removal of aurfaco equipment from cme
o( its wtlll Jut Jan. 20 on the iroundl
that It' WU an Idle facilily. Day af11110d,
the '!*rl petflion slates, that the well
carnt -the ..-nee language .,.... ........ aba-wells ud the equip-
• -..., mno.ed as part ol the "cleln . up.. provisions.
Day's aclioa -subS<Quently upheld
by the dty cruncll.
, Calbtr and er.. a.rgues that the well
could not be das&ified u Idle and ceri-
tatnly not as abandoned slnce it could
ha.,. been returned to full production at "'1-· Tiie .,.~ .... -brands the city act.kin u
Invalid and claims that it interlerts with
'thf! finn '• rtcht to place a well into pro-
ductloo at any time.
City action against the company .,.,,
-... -ol the onlinance wblcil states, according lo the court petition,
thlt well! which fail to produce more
than 20 bamls o( oil during a caJendar
year i:an bt OOOlideftd idle ud ellclhle
!w clean -up openiU-.
•1..ttt11tS1• .. icUoa ls ~V.,!J to pruerve: the status quo," a dty
, spokesman commented . "The questloa of
constituUaftllity of our ordinance can oo-
11 lie -at the trial stagt. '' . . .
' ..
. 10 Persons Die
As Train Ram s
Car in Georgia
VIENNA. Ga. (AP) -A car cllT}'ing
two women and 10 chUdren on a runny
afternoon outinC WU hit broadside by an
; el&tit-car freight train at a crossing near
here Friday. Ten died. including nine
· dilldnn.
The crowded sedan, which apparently
ltalled u tt attenipted to croos the
tracks. was dragged IOfM ~arters
of a mile before the engineer of the
Southern Railway train, William A.
ThomptlOll of Valdosta, could hilt the
Dooly County Sheriff H. C. Johnson
\dentiUed the two survivors 15 Annie
• Mae Lowe, 27, of Vienna, the driver : and
her &-year-old daughter, Faye.
Killed wtre two other Lowe childr!.n :
11 sister ol Ult driver, Eula Mae Pitt.s.
24, of Miami : Mrs. Pitta' daughter: and
six chlldr!n of another slste.r of Mrs.
Lowe, Mn. Mary Lewis of Vienna. The
children ranged in age from 3 to IZ.
Thompson told Johnson the ear pulled
up on the tracks and stopped.
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Newport Attrolover MorH With Symbol for Jupiter
f'rom Page l
1d'5'; ;*· pef serifS) 19''!,'l ,OWPriced ana our sWifents Item t'o 16v~ It."
No maUer. The city code doesn't.
''We know he's not a charlatan," said
City Attorney ~ Seflll!'I'. "The
ordlnance Whkh wia-padded by the city
council ln 19'1 wu drawn up 'to be a
general, catch-aU code to regulate
fortune telling and the related practlce.s
which some people use to make a fast
The attorney added astrology teaching
wu thrown In just lo broaden the scope
of the code a blt more.
"Astrology is probably nol as open to
manipulation as some of Uie other prac·
llcts in the code," he said.
The code specifically bans, for profit,
palm reading, crystal ball gilling,
readlng tea leaves, spiritual rtading. , •
and astrology instruction.
Morse said he and his attorney both un-
Attorney Replies
To Theft Cha rge
111 Co1u·t Monday
derslood l)<e TµttdO)l ,nigbl ~!pa ~
the 'city code. . · ·
••eut when t'm right," Mone said
steadfastly. "I'm fearless."
The tooe ol the entire cootrovmy, all
the principals tdmit; la Jow<keyed lo 'say
the l<ast .
''I haven'l got a complaint in the world
about the treatment l recel.9fld at police
headquarters," Mone said, smWnc.
"Everyone wu mM friendly. ,J'm not
a crimlnal, for helven's lake. My
children have attended.ICboolJ here and
we have a sut..tantlal home."
Contrary to earl1er npcrta, Morse
never did see the lnalde ol a jail cell that
night. He stayed In an interview room
during tbe booking procedure, lben
posted the small ball.
The shop is substanUat, too.
"We put ln the c:arpeUn1 our1e.lves aod
this part!Uoo, here," be said proudly,
waving his arm at abelv• of books.
records and jewelry dePicUnl lbe
Astrological •·
Al least one member o( tbe class last
Tuesday night problbly couldn't have
been comed. even U the managtment
were of that type, Mone said.
She was an FBI ageni•a wife, enrolled
for the run of it au.
• • .
Blackfin· Pulls Shocker
• '• r I ,
Upsets· W.indmi.:d'. Passage in California Cup Opener
87 ALMON LOCIWIEY """1s and shelling oul their ~ed Deur Plllt ....... Nllr t,foufh
If yachtsmen were betting people -Bfacldln won the fi1111 race ol the Cali-wjitc[>. Of oourse they ....,1 ~ • lo! of lomia Cup-and woo 11 bif.
money would have ~ bandit J)'i" There .... two more races today but ~Ou could have oott..: t-odds ': :!' ~ Pusage.blcbn are bi;;j
at tbe California ~acbt Clul;I bit.Thur»->. In fw::t. .tiwY are w~ who will
lay nfijtl that Windw~ P 'If, llall bt flnl•io finish in the ulu race-
.rtilmoOO's btamy 73-fool liltdl wOuld ~ Btaikllii ar Windward p_...
a tllreMtral<ht winoe!' In the caJilonlla ;' Hera la bow the race -Friday CllP wtes which gol -Ira,: di M.-lrodt'.cllao Mt iq dtr-flnioh ·
..... dtl Rey Friday. . ' Al ll. ltart --had Ileen pii.i.
. 'llton was just "no "~/~\!It'-.. pooed • miilulol ..-,.1w the wind lo aaid, that Ken De Meuse s 'IS-Coot btcb Bettle dcltm-DeM:eme Ind bis crew ma-
Blackfin would beat Windwanl·P_.,., n<U...0. Blacltlin in1o a haH-t lengtb
the yochl that IOI five now dapoed lime lead and lo J-ud ol WP and was
records tn the recent Saulhem Ocean feeding her badtwilid wheo ibt starting
Racing Cooference in Florida. gun blasted the thick, buy. air
. Today the eipen:s are eattn& their Johnson waited wrtU be.pw Blaci:fln '1 ••
29 for Nixons
Fir st Couple Mark Anniversary
WASHINGTON (UPI) -President and
Mn. Nixon celebrated their 29th wed·
ding annivmary today. For the flnl
ladf, at least, il seemed "like only yes-
ibe Nixon,, planned to start their spe-
cial day by attending the marriage of
Vice President and Mrs. Spiro T. Ag·
new's daughter, Pamela, in Towson, Md.
The President and hil wife, accomJ)a*
nied by lhelr daulhters, Tricia and Julie,
and Jul1e's husband, David Eisenhower,
were then scheduled to Oy lo Camp Da·
vid the mountaintop retreat in western
1faryland for a private party in their
Mrs. Nil.on, looting back on her mar·
riage 29 years ago to the president, lhen
a striving young lawyer, recalled their
Quater.,•cemnony in RITerslde. The
Preaident, she said, propoeed on their
first dale. Al the lime, they wtte plO)I-; ~ ' .
ing the leading roles in a play, "Dark
Tower," in their home town of Whittier.
"It seems like only yesterday," the
blonde~ flnt lady told reporters at lhe
\Vhite House. "There is Dever a dul1 day
in our lives ... our life has been very
Airs. Nixon said "mutual resped" was
her prescription for wedded bliss. "I
don 't question Dick on his decisions and
he doesn't question me on mine," she
explained. "We help each other if \\'e
Looking down al the J ovely diamond
ring she we.a.rs on her left hand - a girt
she received on her 19th \Yedding aMi·
versary from the President and their
daughters -th e First lady recalled her
orig ina l diamon d wedding ring. "It was
awrully small, I must admit," she said,
smiling. :. l I , .
Ralph Pringle, Hoag
Officia~ Dies at 77
Funeral servicta will be 1'eld Mooday
fo' Ralph Pringle, a ionillme Newport
Beach resident and a vice president and
director of Hoag ~femoriaJ HospiLal.
Alr. Pringle, 77, of 2110 Via Estrada.
died Friday .rt.er a short illness. Last
rites have been scheduled for 2 p.m. al
the Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana.
with Bishop Romer Bell o( the Latter
Day Saints Church officiating.
A vice president of Pringle Drug Co.
In Santa Ana for the past 17 years and
a former division manag'r and vice
president of Safeway Stores, Alr. Pringle
ts survived by his wife. Gladys, at lhe
Newport address, a son, Ralph Jr. of New
JetttY and two daughters, Mrs. Marian
Cadwalder of Riverside and Mrs. Muine
Bastien of Villa Park.
He is also survived by two brothers,
J. D. Pringle of Dana Point and Jamie
Pringle of Riverside; a sister, Mils l.sa·
bel Pringle of Seal Beach and siJ grand·
A native of Garden Cit'y, Mo., Mr.
Pringle had lived in California for the
past 42 years. During that time he served
as a member of the Church of Latter
Day Saints in Palm Springs, was a Ma.sen
in the Los Angeles Larchmont Lodge
and was past president or the Los Angeles
Rotary Club.
Attstralio and l' ene%u.ela
crew starting lo set a stays'! before fl~
ping WP to the port tack to cleer her
It looked for a moment as if Blackfln
had km her chance to cover Windward
Passag&-but only for a, moment. When
Blackfln came over onto the port tack
she was pointing higher and footing fasL-
er than Windward Passage .
Windward Pusage's crew brought her
about a couple of tlmes, leading the spec-
tator fleet to aurmlae that a tacking duel
was UJ>Cm!ing for the two big ketches .
But De Meuse held a loose ct1ver and
contlnued to climb toward the weather
mark, leaving WP farther and farther
At the mark Blackfln was three minutes
and 52 seconds ahead and the crew took
plenty of time in setting the big chute.
WP's crew was faster geting the kite
up, but mat.ers weren 't helped when her
doused genoa went under the boat.
You could almost hear lhe spectator
fleet gloat : Now watch Windward Pas.s-
age move out on the downwind legs.
Blacklin's crew executed a perfect jibe
at the second mark and when Windward
Passage fetched the mark she was four
minutes and ~ seconds behind.
The desperation tactics aboard WP-
Jike dropping the chute half-way down
the leg didn't help. She was 5: 45 behind
at the end of the triangle.
From there on the race went from bad
to worse for WP and from good to better
far Blackfin.
At the next weather mark Blackfin was
enjoying a 11 :09 Jead. At the jibing mark
she had stretched it to 12:40 : end of the
triangle 16:05. From there on Windward
Passage began holding her own as the
wind be'an to freshen . At the finish the
time spht was 16 minutes and 34 seconds,
over a 25 mile course.
Designers of both boats -William
Tripp of Blacldin and Alan Gurney of
\Vindward Passage were aboard for the
first race of the highly touted battle.
Atost observers-Including skippers and
crews of both yachts-feel that Windward
Passage would give Blackfin a CIOIU
baftle 'tn strongtt Wtndi:But there was no
indlcatlon that the weather would improVe
in WP's favor today.
John.son said he would go to a larger
heads') today in an e!fon· to cut Blackfin
down to slze.
ibese are the two yachts which will be
matched for first to finish honors In the
upcoming TranspacUic race from Point
Fermin to Diamond Head.
Miss California
Beauty Chosen
LOS ANGELES (AP\ -A black-hair-
ed, blue-eyed Van Nuys girl was named
Miss California Friday night.
Linda Lee Hall, 21, a junior at San
Fernando Valley State College. was c~
sen on the basis or beauty, chann. poise.
and personality.
She win represent California in the
Miss Universe contest next fliay. She
stands 5-6, weighs 116 lbs., and measures
Attorney Oa\•id Cadwell will get his
chance Monday to rtply lo charges that
he embezzled an estimated $35,000 en·
trusted to his safekeeping by a chapter of
the Disabled American V e t e r a n s
Deputy District Attorney Richard
Beact1m neared the end of the pro-
secution phase of the Superior Cout1 trial
Friday with a reconstruction -via the
tesUmony of accountants -of the tangl·
ed nnancial affairs of the DAV's Jack
Fisher (Santa Ana) chapter during the
lime that Cad\\'t'll handled disputed
Exchange Students Leave for Homes
A key factor in his closing argument
before the jury in Judge William Speirs'
court is expected to be the apparen1 \y
damning testimooy of the chapter's
former adjutant, Edward Gafford.
Gafford told the t"OUrt that Cadwell of·
fert'd to drop a SZ million libel suit
against the DAV group in retunt for a
document Lestifying that he had full
authority from the chapter to handle the
fund.s: in any WIJ he Ulought fit. ·
Gafford aave him his document. And he
Ulen gave • ·full ' account of Cad\\~11'1
alleged offtr and hi$ response to tl1e
4i.slrict attorney's offi~.
Cadwell named the group In his clvi1
acUoo after the chapter complained that
the dvtl tfghls tawytr had inillced the
run& ent.Nsted to 11~ care. The $3',0IXI wu part Ill proceeds devoted by the
chapter lo opentllon ·o1 a thrift shop plai)
wbteh WU widemned U Ultgal by the
stat< and which led lo the proseartlon of
the DAV .,.up.
That trill. In whlc:h C • d we 11 ..,,_.,,.r the chapter, ...... tted In a
dismissal ol the char1es· It alto tt91lted,
•lmost lmmedLll.tly. ln an investigation
of C1d11r'tll'1 su1rdianship of the dls;pultd
The portly. l>Jldlng atlornfy argutt
th1t hla withdrawals ol several sums of
mont:y we~ l~timate aod Wttt
previously authorized by the chapter.
OI fM Dlltr ...... ,...,
It 11.·as 11 months aio when two foreign
exchange students -one from Australia,
the other from Venezuela -came to
Laguna Beach to live and work with local
leens. -· '· ·~
Now tl\eir trip abroad is O\'er. They'll
11.':a\•e for their homes today with vivid
memories to pass on to their friends
about the art colony.
Diana Baralt, 11, came to this country
'l\'ithout ·knowing ooe word of English.
Nick Enright, also 11, came knowing the
English language better than most
The Amerk:an Field Service placed
Diana in the home cf Jerome Unentugd,
515 El Bosque. Diana's American sister,
Karen. was a sentor at Laruna Beach
High School.
For Diana , not knowing English was
ltustratlng. •·1 had to~ sign language.''
she recalled. ''Now It's funny. But then it
was 50 sad. I tlJoul;ht, 'Ob, it'll be aucb a
Jong year.' ''
Going to a ~ational hllh school
was also a new experience for Dlana. She
attended an all·glrl school at her home in
"When I saw boys blct tben1 It wu on
weekendJ or at putiu. The thlnp we did
on Friday and Saturday nlahll ...,.. dlf·
ferent. We 'd go lo a pl~ llke )'OUr
di scotheque. Here you ao to parties. And
tht parties are an talk ud t:al Over
there we danct:, dance, dance."
The dUftf'tnet In parUet doesn't tnd
there, "Back lhert evtrYbodY'• all drest-
ed up -boys in shlrll ~ Ues, glrls in
Veneruel•n Dlan. Barett
lbe mom1111."
11 the I>oHlrl rel•tlooshlp dUfett11I in
Caracas? Boys have more respect for
&lrb in Caracu," lald Dlalul.
cocktail dmlea. And they'd last unUI a in
A .. trallan Hide Enritht
Some IQ' this year's rorelan ucbana:t
1luchmts were rortunatt to Uve in
Amerta durtnl ao -yur. "For
mt," Diana Aki, 0 \hrl tJecUon was
nothtq. ID Venuuela, .. CID vote al II.
And for 1 whole week we have no school.
It's like a big party. Here. it's nothin&
like that."
For Nick Enright, who hopes to become
an actor some day, Laguna Beach was
just the place to cultivate his ambition.
"Jn the schools here you get much
more encouragement," Nick said. ""'.ith
the liberal arts, music and painllng, kids
were enct1uraged to do their thing. It was
so txclUng. In our system it's a bit more
rigid. 'nlal'a what I think is the greatest
thing 1boul Laguna."
"In other areas. If 1 said I wanted to be
an actor . people would say, 'That's nice ',
and not take me seriously. In Laguna.
people were honestly interested and ~
Nick lived in the ho1ne of the Richard
Stewart family. 1013 Emerald Bay. His
Amerlcnn sister, ~lerrl \vas a fellow
senior et tilt high liChool.
"l..t.Juna girls are differr.nt than
Australlan girts. Here. the girls ire \'try
rrlendly and ge nuine. And thls ts shown
by how they drw. They dres.. hooestly."
Nick comes from Mtllland, 1 com-
munity of 28,COl residents. "Sul Laguna's
much more active In tve~ w•Y· lt't
much closer to lhe heart of thinp -Los
Anttles. Muico, the beach Jnd dtsttl."
Nick tritd to sum up his thou&htl.
"Llguna Is a tolerant plare. You have
such • wide range or human types. And
the kids are vtry aenUt. There'• 1 real
1plrlt of love."
The l..tpna ~ida havt known lhtt for 1 k>n& Umt. Next wttk, Au!lratlan tidJ
\\•Ill get tht: word .
v ,
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F • l
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' .
Too Many Crooks Spoil County Jail Budget?
• , • 4 '
CM.fflt DlflJ Plllft Stiff
Ju&Uce Is bllnd.
And justice should be tempered by
mercy, not br consideratiN1S for the
C<alllly !lb<rtff'• budget.
That lt the SOl)leWhat sµff reaction af
Oroop CGunly juages to the suggestion
in coonty admJnlstrative circles that the
judldarJ 1w pusbed the county Jail
budgtt out ot: whack by ,a.tencillg more
pciaonen to longer terms in the shiny
new Jadllty. c.ount:r Admini.straUve Officer Robert
Owner of Teen
Club Oeared
In Riot Case
01 111t o.1r, 'l'9t Slatf
Huntington Beacb teen n i g b t c 1 u b
operator Gilbert Govtll was cleared Fri-
day of charges thal be helped lncil<: a
beachfroaL riot last April zo .and im-
mediajely declared war on the city's o[-
ficlaldom, which, he claims, ls trying to
harass him into shutting down his con-
trovers.laI club, the Syndicate 3000.
Covell announced he intends to open the
popu1ar Coast Highway hangout tonight
without a business license, provkled city
building inspectors, who had declared the
old structure unsafe, say it now meets
city building standards.
Repalrr demanded by the city have
been taken care of, Covell indicated, and
he plans to operate the club free, or rent
it to a not·profil organization in order, he
says, to legally skirt the business license
requitement. City inspectors wen: due at
the club lal<: Friday.
........ lj .. to Covell, his -~
May Ji and. "becauao d the' etlJ''•
ii!nenl policy of harassment,. toward
him, it Is unlikely City Clerk Paul Jooes
will i-him another,
"We don't think we harass anyone,"
rebutted City AdminW.rator Doyle Miller.
"We j~ enforce the law impartially."
City CJerk J one.s said Covell bad not
yet applied for renewal of the Syndicate
3000 license. He said he asmnea: Covell
will, sooner or later, addlng "I haven't
decided whether I'll grant lt, or nol"
Friday in West Orange C o u n t y
MunJcipal Court, Covell was declared In·
nocent of charges brought by HW1Ungton
Beacb police that he was instrumental ln
fomenting last April 20's riot in which
several thousand beachgoers pelted
police with rocks, damaging a beachfront
pol.ice substation and a number or police
Judge Kenneth Lae ruled Covell, a
Westminster resident, lnn~nt of inciting
to riot and inDoce.nt of interfering with a
police officer.
However, the judge ruled lhe nightclub
operator guilty of refusing to leave the
scene of a riot. Covell says he'll appeal
that decision on grounds that he was on
his own property.
He emerged jubilantly from court Fri
day morning and threw down th
gauntlet, citing the business license issue
All tbe latest skirmish line in a two.year
series ol. er.a:aaements with the city.
"My wife and I built that club for the
kids," be said, "and we're not about lo
avoid a fight with Huntington Beacl
A dty ordinance empowen the city
clerk to deny applications for bu&!ness
ticenaes should be deem the business
. detrlmentaf "to the public health, safely,
well.are, or m«al standards of the com
Any denlaJ ls subject to appeal to the
city council.
E. 'l1lomu, In a llalth f 'laller thal'juot
rectnlJ~ came to lllb~ bmllbl to the
attenll(la of the county's munlcipal and
superior judges tbat..si.nce the new jail
has betn, In operallon1:11s population b,as
been increasing ...... b ..
So much so, 'that the budiet for the
county Sheriffs Department which op-
er8"" the Jall, Is running i1iout 'Plll,-
000 higher this year than it was ' sup. posed to. . . .
·~we can eliminate DJIQSUal Jncreases
in police acUvitv u a Mllr<:e Of the jail
population expfosion. 'Ibis bi true be-
cause our l>ooklng ,rpl<: j>,in ·lille with
. l.
normal ·groWtb."llierolore, the s11arp In-ert• la WI ~atlon must be attrlbut·
ed '° ccUrt policy," the 'I1>omas letter
The lmpllcatlon ls that because the
coualy bas a betltr Jall fa~. the l•dta are ,..tenc1ng more pr-. to I..,., urma than they might otherwise.
Alttt oendln( the letter arid then meet-
1!!&,with judges, Thomas said other rea-
sOos , we1: .. died bf judges for the In·
., .... In jall popUlaUon.
"All of th<m (judges )are pretty much
pf·tbe mind that we are oot pulling more
~ in jaµ because we have a bluer
Weleotning .summer -.
Pauline Koll, 18, Tustin, frolics on the·. beach 11t·Newport wilh·lvan,
her Dalmation, in celebration of 1wnmer solstice-the first day of
summer. That'• what today is. Summer will be with us, officially,
until autumnal equino.1. ne:r;t September 22. So sayeth the astrono-
Astroiogy Teacher Eyes
Test C<tSe in Newport
Of tM DllPY 'llfl Sl.ett
It was the first night ol class at the Sun
Sign book and gUt st.ore last Tue:sd•y
night in Balboa and more than a score of
devotees of astrology-and one in·
telligence and vice detective-attended.
Awesome though the detectiVe's' title
might sound, the Sun Sign offered no vice
that night, only a lectw-e on charting
one'S own astrological forecasts. ·
When it was over, Burton Morse ac-
companied the lawman to police head-
quarters ln the lint move·o{ what•Morse.
an aerospace -an:alyatllld Balboa resident for eeveral •,....; hopes Will
become a . test cue for ~ bl& cause-
teaching llll!oloa. ,...
Mone. amicable, weJJ -and jo\ilal, .... booked Illar l>elllg warned
days in advance about telcbing the
ageless subject in a city wbkb bas
forbidden It.
Mone'• handsome Peninsula shop of·
fers books and goodies relating to tt..-::
Zodiac for sale. It is three weekJ old, he
said, well received· and riding the crest of
the latest wave of public fascination for
"We're not fortune tellers. J11St look at
us," he said, pointing to his daughter,
who runs the shop with him.
"All we want to · do ls lo provide a
£ervlce to people who have a genuine in·
tcrest in the science. The fees ($3 per
<See AB111i>LOGY,.Page I)
TV Executive Dies
HOLLYWOOD i(AP).,.....Selil J. Selig·
man, SI; a televfslon -aec:uttve·who was
once a proeecutor at the Nuranberg war
crimes trials, died Friday.
To Protect Nixon?
Clemente Seeks U.S. Help
Oftlle_.., .......
Federal cranll tolalJlng 1111,000 are
bel"l IOOgbl by the San Clemellle pollce
depm'tment in a bid to 11beet" up" the
South Coast law enforcement agency and
with an obV10UJ eye on the problems pos-
ed b)' th< Presldtnlllll presenc<!.
Chief Clifford Murray explained Friday
thlt the grants, it approved, would be
spread over a three-f ear period. "They
wfll be used," be said, "lo eipand our
areu of training, provide new equipment,
improve our communications and extend
(lllr phylicll plant and offices. II
The decialon of Presldenl lllchard M.
NIJOll toJocata his -Wbli. H-in the area was an obvious 11major fac•
tor" In Ille declslon In apply for fedmif
ald, Chit! Mumy·aald.
Thal aid ll' being oppllod ·for by the
Orange County Crimlnll JIDl!ce Council
u part d a faur:l"l_nt plla far federal
help. U appio...s; 1111 lpPlloltlao will
bring '47,ooo to saa Clonloot. In 111e·ljnt
yur, 131,000 In th<_,.. ml '30,0llO In
lhe third and llnll year cl the ftllof
The four proje<b outlined by Keith
Concannon, lbe councll'a executive of-
ficer, will brl!>K nearly !200,llllO In federal
funds to the coonly U lhe plw get ..,.
donemenl In Wuhlnllon.
Concllmon Is uklng for 1 crant of
1!'1,000 11nlal -141,000) towards ~b~.d·~-1
JvvWle biiiexr tePrdeJI' ., • .vltallf needed •"ft1Ul!f.1., at I tlmie when javenUt
crlllle IUoflatlc:i are ooar!tJi.
Thi -·~_.s projecl It labelled
''Aatom*Md• Court Procedures Procell''
and 11 -'"' 131,900 In aid -• lnlal tab d .,OIO. 11-lunda will be
uaed to pmjdo equl~ that will lf>'<d
up mlftY court J!"OC!eltel that cummtly
depend on manual operaUoo.
Federal tJd .. to!aling nearly fll,!00
(tolal cool ,JllJ,IOO) Is being oaugllt
towards esta$.llhment of an Orange
Qionly Peaoe 'Olllcers' Film and TD)le
Library. ,,_..fl!rid, "°'1ld be-applied
over a two-year period, Concannon U ·
pjalned. •
, Diltrlcl Attorney cecJ1 Hlckl WU 111111-
, eel P'rldaJ • ~ ol the=~ fonne4 ...mcu: . Pollce Ollef
Savonl d 'Cn>r<A will "'" .. bis flCo
jall," 'Ibon)u laid In an Interview.
"It Wll polnted out to UI at thls ·Ume
that there bu been a tremendous in-
crease ln nircotlc.s cases. 'Ibey did ad-
mit thal In tlib counly,,they lOie 1 bard
line on .dn:I( CUM ud ~," be
said. '
That wculd mean•Uaat while there bas
been no Wlelpeded -In the OUIO• her otbookln~ tbe · ldDcb: d. cues bave
cha/lied, be upla1nel!..
Howtver he llUI· be remained uncon--
vlnced t111Vlhe· new Jail could be ruled
oul aa a C011lrlbi111ng faclM In longer sentences. 1
"I tblnt rt1...a. d-·U., IOJ,
this la an -Ila • _.i"l111a, il can't help but have an influence," be
The admfnlslnllve offlcet said thal
wbeo judges laced -*1lClng ol ,...._
en prior to opeoJoc· e1· the new Jall.
"they knew they were.-Mlng them to
the Black Hole ol CalcuUa."
The reactlon the 'lbomaa letter had
on C<alllly judges vuled, but Leslie Mc-c.-y, court admlnbtralive cbiel. said
''two or three were really inceneed."
Samuel Drter.on, pt<Oldlng superior
COurt Judie, said he did DOI get the tm-
prealon that 'lbmla' ICl1on WU lreoo
passing on the courts' pnrogaUvt0.
Jud.Ke Dr!....., saf<l-lt WN hlo ~
sl<111 ihat the letlO< uk$1 w1leiher OC'
not court policy had changed beclule ol
the new Jail.
"I feel tl\11 lhe policY has alWOJt
been the same.'' .. the judp said.
"He (a prlsooer) is aenl<:nced In ao-
~ with wbal the particular court
felt was just to him and society. 11lii
prerogaUve lies only with the judlclaey,
"Each judge will aenl<nce In ace<ird<
~ with what be r.w Is fall' and'juat, •
Judge Dr1ezen said. •
Gls Repel Attacks
Reas Shell 29 Towns, Allied Bases
SAIGON (UPI) -·Tbelr drlve ag.Wt
Tay Nlnb City blunted, Viet Coog ·and
Nortl> Vietnamese ·troops abell<d 29
towns l,11d allied bases ovtr1lig)it Ind
trled butJiolled to .,.mm a U.S. outpost
near Kbe Sa'nh, military 1pokesmen said
Storming out or the mountainous JI.Ill·
gle ln South vtetnam's far aoulhwest
jungle, the North Vletnamesa surged to
the barbed wire perimeter of the Ameri·
can out~ near the Laotian border but
were throWn back with 25 ldlled.
Two Americans dled and IS •e
woonded ln'the fighting Friday ooe mile
southwest ol the old Marine fortrlill at
Khe Sanb, where the leathernecks we.a.
thered a TI-day siege in the ,spring of
1968. The outpost has been abandoned.
Dive bombers and helicopter IW!Shlps
·Grad.tmte's C'OJ! "
Kilh Thr ee KIM ·
In South Gate
soum GATE (UPI) -'lllree young
children Jnetading 7.year-<1ld tw1nl were
killed Friday when a car driftD by a
high school student struck them before
crashing illto a house.
Police aaid Wayne Pickerell, 4, was in
an unmarked crossw al.k at an lnterstc·
lion here when he was hit by the car
and thrown a distance of 150 feeL He
was dead on an1val at a hosjJlt.al.
The car then skidded out of control.
jumped the_ curb and raced across a
lawn-where lt struck Ro&U and Ronald
Huey. 7-:Year-old twtM who were playing
in a neighbor's yard, then sl~ed into
a home.
Officers sald the driver of the car,
James Roger Mauldin, 11, was on his
way bome from Sooth Gate High School
where be was scheduled to graduate Fri·
day nlghl He was accompaDJed by bis
brother, Dan, l&. Neither was injured.
Witnesses sald the car was travellng
al a high rate of speed. Police said James
would be booked on lhree counts of man~
W'HC f •·IC1 ,, .
ts·tt. a new peece 1ymbot or an
old blologtcal symbol! For the
down-IO-<!erlli filcll about this
exoUC.lookina OJTOW soon· to ~· a llirlore '"' the Or-Ml• ·• <;ountt .scene, 'tul'n to
Pa1e 3.-
a few mfmtea after the J>aUle CIUJbt Norill Vletnameoe tn>ops In the _near
the -ond attacked with 10Cbl8,
-....... ""' machine ..... Al-lies repcrid klJlli1g JO of the Communllt
Overall cuua!Ues and damage In the
latest round ot ovem1dtt attacks was de-
scribed aa light Not far from Kbe Sanh,
25 suerrill• rockets slammed Into the
Marines' Vandelrift eorobal base, tbelr
oorihwMlm!mOll outpost In ·South Viet-
nam. Losses were light.
The focus of the war turned to the
northem prwlncel froln Tay Ninh Clly
northwest or SaJgen, where nearly 500
Communist troops died in an abortive at-
tempt to oelze the city '11lunday. Allied
10llel -U.S. and South Vietnamese -
were 20 killed and .50 wounded.
Military spokesmea aald U.S. flUDl ·and
dive bornb<n twice attacbd Into the do<
mllltarlud zone (DllZ) Friday, klllinl
a lnlal ol U North Vletna.,... tr...,.
l1ld destroying 16 ol their bunUn, all
ln the oouthem hall ol the border otrlp.
It marked the 151st and 15llld ti.mel
since Nov. 1, when the bomblng·of North
Vietnam stopped, that allled 1W1S o~
planes bave attacked Communist vlola-
11..,. of the DMZ. Both Umes Friday,
U.S. aerial apotters 1lghted guerrillas
oo the move and called for ltrlkes.
American B5I bcimben ranged In from
b.,.. In 'lballand and Okinawa In five
.... -· .... of them 111!1 below the demJJ1tarhod I""< and two others
near Tay Ninh CitY -the war's two hot
spots In the past three dayll. A flflb nid
hit eaal-southeast of Sal.on.
.:~stronauls Practice Moon . . -. . : .
Flying 'for Historic Trip
chi« Donald K. ~ saye the Apoilo II
pilots will tie reody ti> ... out Oii their Lu-
nar landing mlsolon July II U their moon-
sbip tralnera held up for the nest few
Astronauts Nell A. Mmllroog, Michael
Collins and Edwin E. Aldroo faced more
pntCtlce moon ~ylng In· the two l1'0'1Dd
simulaMn machfnei today, but bOped to
be able to ·tako Sunclay olf,
"If the slmulaloni b6mb out-. there
for two'claYO; we'll lpe·ln lrilfMo,•..,..,.. said in an interview In HoU9ton Fridly.
'Original' Gets
$150 at Comic
Book Convention
HOUSTON, Ter. CAP) -Shuam! can
lhis be? The first issue of Captain Mar·
vel, the hero of millions. selling for $150?
•ns true, falthful followers of tht fab-
ulous fighters of yesteryear. Attribute it
to nostagia or inflaUon, but the adven-
tures of the good captain. along with
Batman, Dick Tracy Ind Captain Amer·
lea , are as valuable ln some circles u a
grandmother's belrloom.
The heroes have their own followert,
and they're moellng tlib -kend to
buy, lell or trade comics•at the South-
west.em Comic Book ConvenUon. .
eon..nt!on delel""" range In age Jroin
J2-y.ll1'<llds to school l<:achen In their
The thousanda ol comic> on display
are remWsctnt of the days when tt. took
a lot of effort to scrounge up a nickel
for a Dpage Captain Marvel adventure.
But It was an lnvettme;nt ln l1'0Winl
up. That oi:ie dog~ tajle was coOi·
ror a whole aftemoqn Under ~ tree in
the backyard or in a•secttt corner o(
lhe itUc.,
It we also the ·1>et1·111111rance policy
that could he boo,i.t. · eltllei' ICC' robii
dayt o< when forced to -In 'tho u;.. big ,;,;,n· t'OtDU for an hour lir ao. And'
lts tridlng·pcnn!r with'the lld down the .
bfoi:k was unllmll<:d. • · •
Huntington GI
Dies in Vietnam
Anny Pie. Poul R. Rou d H~on
Beacll Is ... ol 21 ""-.. by the lld<Ne ~t Friday .. tilled
In acUon In South Vietnam. .
l'fc. Bou ls'tbe 101.'ol il•~•IMI Mn.
James R. Roos, ll'NI Irby Lino. !!• b
... ol the th ... Cal~ lliled liY the
Army .. k!ll<d dW'tlls this put ..o.k.
"But ti everylhlog keeps worlr;lng, '"'can
be ,..11. comfoNble. 11 ... • .. not reodl'
we wm't go."
One d the computeo • controlled ~
en bl an euct dupllcato d the fDlide
d tile Apollo 11 lunar module cabin ond
lhe -~ the command .... duJe'1 Both simulate vtrtuany
OY«f . ponl« d apacefllcht OUef'I
Slaylmi tald the lunar module simula-
tor was the most crltical. There ls only
one riggef lo< the Apollo 11 mluloa ancl
A1'1111ln111g ml Aldrin, the two ~
pBota, have many more houri of JnCtlce
-ahead ol them before tliey will be ready to fly.
'"Ibey jl1't can't sit baclc and .. iu
yet." Si.,... said. "We hope they'll
be able to start doing aome of thet In 10
days to two weeks."
Teclmlcians, meanwhlle, coatlmled to
fuel the Apollo opocecraft modulel today.
'Ille time<omumlng operation l8 -ed to be canplel<:d Mooday.
The last big test for lbe IQ-foot Apollo
ti 1J10CO machine ls scheduled to 1JeCbJ Wednesday. It will be a full«a1e eounC·
down rehearsal oet to end July S.
Natalie Talmadge,
Silent _Star, Dies
SANTA'MONICA (AP) -Nalallo Tai·
madge, a lop alien! film atar IO years
ago, bu d'8d at ago '1'0.
She ll1ed 1a1e '11lunday aborllY arw
being admitted to 'Santa Moofca Hos-
pltaL She bad Rved In a nearby O!"V•·
It 's not exactly an Ideal wetk•
end, but the weatherman does l!'Oli>l!e aome buy l111iihine for
the aftmloolll along the cout. Looil lor temperatum tu sla1 In
Ute low 70'1.
. .Ral/1)Wtl(I B•rr'1 TV rolt 01 o
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: z DAILY ~OT s · .
. ~i~:Oll ~ais.ing .fal ~e Hope for Viet Pnlloµt?,
·U.:='°1'-~.a ~~t :11~~~ =.=-:i!::-:i ~ ~~::':..,O~:,· ~=~l::.=n::l:!.i":!i !J""'~i!.~~=-!-e-:· !~_,~: "'."'lifhlslol'•d•
dent Nli:on may have sparked undue op-JecUva lo that·~· ~ .\ u.t· any~ tbe Parll reAfni'll ground combat forca by the can comblt forces out as rapidly• the They have been talking privately about ilmlsm when he uld he "'hoped" all ll,u~ tbO blll«y ol'lho V-aonlUol 1IM! Ill · --"""" remote. end al-ye1r. ~American ground COO'lbat forces could bu demoilttrtted that 0 hoJ>es'1 etprdS-Miny ptOmalJc -obstrvers were sur· N'aoo already had embarked on a plan South Vietnamese, under an acctlerated lhe possibility of a maximum withdrawal
'be p.d)ed out of Vietnam by the end of ed tiy toP American olricl«b often be-priaed when Nixon, who had previously for carefully phased withdrawal of U.S. program oC tratnm, and eqlllpment, are t.hls year ol 70,000 of the 540,000 U.S. ser·
next year. coma embedded in the public' miOO as dealt with the Vietnam issue with re-force! keyed to the ruuty of develop-able to tab over operations now being vioemen 1.n. Vietnam and have flatly 00.
;• 'Ibey einphaslzed the President Wu .,Pledges," with dlsastrous politbl b>n· slralnt and q.111,•tooll; mis way.ol amwer· ments in Paris and on the ~ttleflel4, performed b~S. troops. ellned· to s~te on how many might
almply trying to make clear durina: his ~1Jences at home. ing pressure from his criilcslor a faster wi\h thl 1nitla1 ~000 ~out dYrlnt-~ Pres ~, plan cal11 for dlien. come OUl nut jeir. .~
:'I'hunday nlgnt news conference lhat he Tbe President, alt.hough he cerfalnly Withdrawal and a definite deadline. the nen six wee.ks and a decJ.Slon in Aua:· gagemeo& uodc.r a pr~ whlch., al-For that reasoa, Nixon LS geoerally
wu as ana:ious as his crilics to dllensaa:e did not intend to do so, also may have 'Illeir surprise wu all the a:reater be. ust on addllk>ol1 withdrawals. thOugb IL may not insure victory for the considered to have over-reacted. to Clif·
·Ute muimwn number oi American for· 1tven th6 eo.n,munista the impression cause they saw no need for ftbn to In-The Prtsl.-.'1 plan Is two-ptatled, Saigon regiti:,ie, will nevertheless deny fotd'I suggeition on a basis of polltlcaJ ces. c::ooeressJonal and DtlbUc presw-e is dulge in the expression of yague hopes It calla for mutual withdrawal.a bJ U.S. victory to lflnot ud the Viet Cool. motlvaUon, which included a sharp per·
· 'lbefpoiDtedoutthathemtdenOspec:I· pJSblng:·~ towarcf a unilateral wtth· wbenhewuukedtocomm.eatonapro-andNortbVietnlme9efor..butpftwldts But h1I news codereooe ltltement of IOnll 1ttack on the former defense sec-
fie promises, re.....U,,, hb lnteutloo drawll'Will>oUI any coocessioos by Hanoi -1 by former deltrise secretary Clark ao altmJ&tl•e method of ~· "bopl" fall.a lo oquare wltli the l'<Ollly r<W°)'.
".Oil Fir.m Wins
.Jn.junction in
:B~ach Ha ssle
·:. A. Southland oil company has won the
first round ln its battle to have a Hun-
,Uniton ~ch city ordinance declared un·
• Approved by Superior Coor1 Judie
p1au~ Owens is the preliminary in·
· JUnctJon sought by the Cather and Cree . pu Co. His action "freezes" the present
relationship between the compan)' and
• the·dty pending m.i of the o!J finn's aJ.
legaUoa that the city's "clean up"
measure is unlawful.
Cather and Cree claims that the
·ordinance adopted April 3, 1967, was
'unllwfully applied to ils wells in the Hun-
-tiJ1aton, Beach area.
. Ili petition argues that Herbert Day,
the citY'• oil field superintendent. ordered
. ~moval of surface equipment from one
of its wells last Jan. 20 on the grounds
.that It was an idle facllity. Day argued.
the' court petfUon states, that the well
Came under the ordinance language per-.<lalnlns lo abandOl!ed welb and th• equip-
. meat Wu removed u part of the "clean
"up" provlaJOns.
Day's action was a\msequently upheld
J>y the city council.
· . Cather, and Cree argues that the well
'.COUid not be dasalfled as idle and cer·
"talnlY not u. ,,abaildoned since It could
have been returned to full production at
any time.
The company brands the city action as
·1nvilief and claims that It lnterferes With
the ftnn't right tO place a well Into pro-
duction at any Ume.
Newport Astrologer Morse With Symbol for Jupiter
City lCtfon against the company was
baled on a section of the ordinance which
stat.es.. acoordinll to the court. petition. From J•age " 1
that wells which fail to produce more
than 20 barrels of oil during a calendar
year _can be considered idle and eligible AS TROLOGY CLASS ...
for dtan up .ooeraUQns. . . , _ !. ' •'j• "oiehs,.. lctlon is lakm mt!rtly -eta~; ~·per serHllJ artnl't .ovei:-P~!ced
to preaerve the status quo," a city and our students seem to love 1t.
spokesman commented. "The queslion of No matter. The city code doesn't.
ponstitutlonality of our ordinana!'tan on-'"Y(e know he's ~ta charlat811," said
~Jy be *ci~ at the tri., stue." • City : Attorney, . Tully Se7m,9t1r, "The
• 1 ordb(ance which waa padded by the city
10 Persons Die
·As Train Rams
Car in Georg ia
VIENNA. Ga. (AP) -A car carrying
two women and JO children on a sunny
;'. aftemoon outing was hit broadside by an
·eight-car freight train at a crossina: near
·.here Friday. Ten died including nine
~·children. ·
. 'lbe crowded sedan, which apparently
stalled as It attempted to cr06S the
_ tracb, was draga:ed some three-quarters
. of a mile before the engineer of the
Southern Railway train, William ·A.
Thompson of Valdosla, could halt the
':tr~ly County Sheriff H. C. Johnson
·. Identified the two survivors as Annie
~1ae I.owe, 27, of Vienna, the driver; and
her S-year-old daughter. Faye.
council in 1987 wu drai,m up to be a
a:eneral, catch-all code to regulate
fortune telling and the related practices
which some people uae to make a fa st
The attorney added astrology teaching
was thrown in just to broaden the scope
of the code a bit more.
"Aslrology is probably not as open to
manipulation as some of the other prac-
Uces In the code," he said.
The code specifically bans, for profit.
palm readiJle, crystal ball gai.lna:.
readina: tea ~aves, splritual reading ..•
and astrology instruction.
Morse said be and his attorney both un-
Attorney Replies
To Theft Charge
In Cow·t Monday
derstood the Tuesday night class violated
the citf code. ' · ·
"But when I'm right," Morse said
steadfastly. "I'm fearless."
The Lone of the enUre cootroversy, all
the principals admit, is tow-keyed to say
the least.
"I haven't got a complaint i.n the world
about the treatment I n!Ce.ived at police
headquarters," Morse said, smillna:.
"Everyone was most friendly . I'm not
a criminal, for heaven's sake. My
c.hildren have attended schools here and
we ha ve a substantial home."
Contrary lo earlier reporls, P.forse
never did see the lnslde of a jail cell that
nla:ht. He stayed In an interview room
during the booking procedure, then
posted the small bail.
The shop is substantial, too.
"We put in the carpeUng ourselves and
this partiUon, here," he said proudly,
¥laving his arm at shelves of books,
records and jewelry depleting lhc
Astrological signs.
At least one member of lhe class last
Tuesday night probably couldn't have
been conned, even If the manaa:ement
were of that type, Morse said.
She was an FBI agent's wife. enrolled
for the run of it all.
Blackfin· Pulls Shocker
Upsets W indward Passag e in Cali fo rnia Cup Opener
Dallr ... 111 IMlloil ( ......
If yacht.amen wer~ betting people -
which oe· coorse they aren't -a l°' of money would have changed band,, P'ri~
You could have gotten tw<Ko-ooe odds
al the California Yacht ctub bar Thurs-
lay night that Windward Passage, Bob
Johnson's beamy 73-foot ketch would be
a three-straight winner in the Cl.llfonria
Cup series wbich g« under way off Ma-
rina de! Rey Friday.
There was just "no way ," the Uperts
said, that Ken De Meuse's 7S-foot ketch
Black1in would beat Windward Puaqe,
the yacht that set five new elapeed Ume
records in the recent Southern Ocean
Racing Cooference in Florida.
Today the experts are eating their
words and shelling out their hard-earned
Bfackfin won the first race of the Cali·
lornia Cup-and woo it big.
'There are two more races today, but
the Windward PUsage backers are bard
lo find.
In lad, lhef are woodednf, who will
be first to firu!b in the Hono ulu raee-
Blackfm or Windward Passage.
Here is how the race looted Friday
from eloee Mart to devartatlna finish:
Al the start -whiclt had 1-1 pool·
poned 30 minutes waiting lor the wind lo
&ettle down -DeMeuse and bis crew ma·
neuvered Blackfin into a hall-boat length
lead and to leeward of WP, and was
feeding her backwind when the starting
gun blasted lhe thick, hazy a~.
Johnson waited until he saw Blackfin's
29 for Nixons
First Couple Mark A nniversary
WASHINGTON (UPI) -President and
Mrs. Nixon celebrated their 29th wed·
ding anniversary today. For the first
lady, at least, It seemed "like only yes-
The Nlxons plaMed to start. their spe·
clal day by attending the marriage of
Vice President and Mn. Spiro T. Ag-
new's daughter, Pamela, in Towson, Md.
The Preaident and bis wife, accompa-
nied by their daughters, Tricia and Julie,
and Julie's husband. David Eisenhower,
were then scheduled to fly to Camp Da·
vid the mountaintop retreat in western
Maryland for a private party in their
Mn. Nixon, lookln& back on her mar-
riaa:e 29 years ago to lbe presJdent, then
a 1lriving Yotllli lawyer, recalled their
Quaker ceremony in Rlvenlde. The
President, she a&Jd. propGHd on their
fil'I(' date. At' tht tline, the1 wer'e play·
ing the leading roles in a play, "Dark
Tower," In their home town of WhltUer.
''It seems like ooly yesterday," the
blonde first lady told reporters at the
\Vhite House. "There Is never a dull day
in our lives . , • our life has been very
Mn. NlJon said "mutual respect" was
her prescrlpUoo for wedded bliss. "I
don't question Dick Qn his decisions and
he doesn't question me on mine,'' she
explained. "We hel p each other if we
Looking down al the lovely diamood
rin£ she wears on her left hand -a gift
she received on her lith wedcU.ng anni·
versary from lhe President and their
daughters -the first lady recalled her
original diamond wedding rina:. "lt was
awf1,1lly s~, l must admit'' she said,
sdliling, ( • · '~t.._• • f\ ~'I \
Ralph Pringle, Hoag
Official, Dies at 77
Funeral services will be held Monday
for Ralph Pringle, a longtime Newpor'
Beach resident and a vice president and
director of lfoag Memorial Hospital.
Mr. Pringle, 77, of 2110 Via Estrada.
died Friday after a short illness. Last
rites have been scheduled for 2 p.m. at
!he Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana.
with Bishop Romer Bell of the Latter
Day Saints Oiureh officiatlng.
A vice president of Pringle Drug Co.
In Santa Ana for the past 17 years and
a former divlsion manager and v.ice
president of Safeway Stores, Mr. Pringle
is survived by his wife, Gladys, at the
Newport. address, a son, Ralph Jr. of New
Jersey and two daughters, Mrs. Marian
Cadwalder of Riverside and Mrs. 1t1axine
Bastien of Villa Park.
He is also survived by two brothers,
J. D. Pringle of Dana Point and Jamie
Prina:le al Ri verside; a alster, Miss Isa·
be! Pringle of Seal Beach and six grand·
A native of Garden Cify, Mo., Mr.
Pringle had lived ln California for the
past 42 years. During that time he served
as a member ot the Church of Latter
Day Saints Jn Palm Sprina:s. was a Mason
in the Los Angeles Larchmont Lodge
and was past president of the Los Angeles
Rotary Club.
Australia and l'ette.:uela
crew starting to set a stays'! before nap-
ping WP to the poct tack to clear her
It looted for a, moment A\ if Blactfln
had lost her chance to cover Wlodward-_....
Pass:age..-but only for a rbome:Dt. When
Blackiin came over onto the port tack:
she was pointing hij!her and footin"g fast-
er than Windward Passage.
Windward Passage's crew brought her
about a couple o11imes, leading the spec·
tator. fleet to surm1se UW a tacking duel
was upcoming for the two big ketches.
But De Meuse held a l~ co ver and
continued to climb toward the .weather
mark, leaving \VP farther and farther
At the mark Blackfin was three minutes
and 52 seconds ahead and the crew took
plenty of time in setting the big chute.
WP 's crew was faster geting the kite
up. but malers weren't helped when her
doused genoa went under the boat.
You could alm~t hear the spectator
fleet gloat: Now watch Windward Pass·
age move out on the downwind legs.
Blackfln's crew executed a perfect jibe
at the second mark and when Windward
Passage fetched the mark she was four
minutes and 35 seconds behind.
The desperation tactics aboard WP-
1\ke dropping the chute half-way down
the leg didn't help. She was 5:45 behind
at the end of the triangle.
From there on the race went from bad
to worse for WP and from good to better
for Blacldin.
At the next weather mark. Black.fin was
enjoying a 11:09 lead. At the jibing mark
she had stretched it to 12:40; end of the
triangle 16:05. From there on Windward
Passage began holding her own as the
wind be~an to freshen. At the finish the
time split was 16 minutes and :W seconds,
over a 25 mile course.
Designers of both boats -William
Tripp of Black.fin and Alan Gurney cif
Windward P~aa:e were aboard for the
first race or the highly touted battle.
Most ob!ervers-includlng skippers and
crews oI both yachts-feel that Windward
Passage would ·give-Blacklin a closer
battle 1n stronger wlnm. But there 9.'8S no
lndicaUon that the weather would improve
in WP's favor today.
Johnson said he would go to a larger
heads'! today in an effon' to cut Blackfin
down to size. ·
These are the two yachts which will be
matched for first tG finish honors in the
upcoming Transpacific race from Point
Fermin to Diamond Head.
Miss California
Beauty Chose n
LOS ANGELES CAP) -A black-hair-
ed, blue-eyed Van Nuys girl was named
Miss California Friday night.
Linda Lee Hall, 21. a junior at San
Fernando Valley Slate College. was chcr
sen on the basis of beauty, charm. poise,
and personality.
She ~·ill represent California in the
Miss Universe contest next May. She
stands $-6, weia:hs 118 lbs., and measures
Killed were two other Lowe chiktren :
, a sister of the driver. Eula Mae Pitts,
24, of ,Miami: Mrs. Pitts' daughter: and
she children or another sister of Mrs .
Lowe Mrs. Mary Lewis of Vienna. The
childien ranged in age from 3 to 12.
Thompson told Johnson the car pulled
up on the tracks and stopped.
Altorney Da vid Cadwell will a:et hi.'>
chance Monday to reply to charges thal
he embezzled an estimated $35,000 ~n·
trusted to his safekeepln£ by a chapter of
the Disabled American V e t e r a o s
Deputy District Attorney Richard
Beacom neared the end of the pro-
:i;ecutlon phase of the Superior Court trial
Friday with a reconstruction -via the
testimony of acrountants -of the tang\.
fd financial affairs of the DA\1's J ack
Fisher (Santa Ana) chaptl!r durlhg the
um~ that Cadwell handled disputed
Exchange Students Leave for Homes
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A key factor in his closing argument
before the jury In Judge William Speirs'
court is expected to be the apparently
damning tesUmony or the cqapter's
former adjutant. Edward Gatfcml.
Gafford told the court that Cadwell of·
ft'red to drop a $2 million libel suit
against I.he DAV group In rttum for a
document testifying that he had full
aulhorltf from the chapter to handle the
funtb In any way he. thought fit.
Gafford gave him his document. And he
·lhtn gave a f\111 account ol Cadwell's
alleged offet and his response to the
di.strict ittorney's office.
· Cadwell named Ille group ht his civil
action after' the chapter complained Uu1t
the civil rights lawyer had mllked the
funds entrusted to his care. The '35.000
was part of proceeds devoted by the
chapter to operation of a thri[t &hop plan
which wu condemned es illegal by Uie
statt and which led to !he p~tion ol
the t>AV group.
That trial, in v.·hlch C a d " e 11
repr'Ht':nted the chapter, resulted In n
dismissal o{ the charges. ll also resulttd .
tlmOit lmmedlalely, In an investigation
of Cad...U'1 guardianship o( the dlspulod
The portly. balding altomey argu~
that his withdrawals or 1ever&JSUm1 of
mooey were leait.lmate and wert
previously authorized by the chapter,
By TOM GORMAN or tM o.nr '1w Sr.tr It was 11 months ago when two foreign
exchange students -one from Australia,
the other from Veneiuela -came lo
Laguna Beach to live and work wlth local
Now their trip abroad ls over. They'll
leave for their homes today with vivid
memories to pass on to their friends
about the art colony.
Diana Baralt, 18, came to this country
without knowina: one word of English.
Nicll; Enright, also 18, came knowing the
En1tlsh language better than most
The American Field Service placed
Diana in the home ol Jerome l.Jnenkugel,
$15 EI Boeque. Diana'• Ametleu slater,
Karen, wu a aenlor at Laguna Beach
H11h Scllool.
For Diana, not bowing En&llsh was
lrustratlng. "I hid lo use lllgn lan&uqe,"
she recalled. "Now lt1s fuMy,-But then it
"" ao sad. I though~ 'Oh, It'll be 1ucb a
long ytar .' u
Going lo 1 co-edu<aUoaal high school
was also a ntlf upe:rleoce for Diana. She
allmled an all·&lrl ochool at her hom• In
"When I saw boy1 back thtre, It was on
weekends or at parties. The things we did
on Friday and Saturday nights were dif·
fertnl Wt'd go to a place Hke your
discotheque. Hore >"" ao to partl11. And
the parties ""' all lilt and eaL Over
I.here we dance, danct, dl:l'JC'e. ''
1be dlllereoce In parties doetn~ mt
there. "8,.cll; lher1 everybody'• all drtss--
ed up -boys ln 1hlrU: and Uta, &irla in
Yenezuel1n Dl1n1 lkratt
the mornina:."
Is the hoy·&lrl relalloosblp dlllorent In
Car1C11f Boys have ·more respect-for
glrls In Caracu," Nid Plana.
cocktail c1re ..... And they'd lut unUI 3 In
D41LY .. II.OT Men,...,.
Au1tr1111n Nick Enrftht
Some 11y thla year's forel&n nchange
students were lorb.mate to live in
Am"1ca -~-e1eC'Uorl-year. "P'Or
me," Diana sald, "th• tJecUon was
nothlng. In Venezuela, we can vote at 11.
And for a whole week we have no school.
It's like a big party. Here, it's nothing
li1'e that."
For Nick Enright, who hopes to become
an actor some day, Laguna Beach was
just the place to culUv1tle his ambition .
"In the schools here you get much
more encouragement," Nick said . "With
the liberal arts. mu sic and painting. kidii
were enCQuraged to do th eir thing. It was
so exciting. In our system il's a bit more
rigid. That's what I think is !he greatest
thing about L.a.guna."
"In other areas. ir I said I wanted lo be
an actor, people would say, 'That's nice·,
and not take me seriously. In Laguna.
people were honestly interested and en·
Nick lived in the home or the Richard
Stewart ramily, L013 Emerald Bay. His
American sister, Merri was a fellow
senior al the high school.
"Laguna girls are different than
Australian girls. Here, the girls are very
friendly and 1enu1ne. And !his is shown
by how they dress. They dreS$ honestly."
Nick comes from Maitland, a com·
munlty ol 28,000 residents. "But Laguna's
much more active in every way. Jt'1
much closer to the heart of things -Los
Angeles, Mexico, the beach and desert."
Nlcll; lried to sum up his thought.s.
"Laiuna Is a tole.rant place. You have
such a wide range of human types. And
the kids are very 1entle. The.re's a real
spirit o! love."
1be1.aguna ifds have k:noWTi that for •
lone Ume. Nut week, Aurtrallan kids
wUI aet the word.
( •
at 1.:
"' pl
lie .,
" th
"' di
" u
g •
t •
Shopkeeper L11 N1dln of Tipton,
England set a trap for thieves who
had been raiding his store by rip.
ping up floorboards at the eo-
trance, leaving an eight-Coot trap
into the cellar. Nadin, 49, forgot
about the trap the next day and
fell into the cellar, breaking sev·
eral ribs and cutting himself so
badly he needed a transfusion of
seyen pints of blood. •
Ele ven mont~ old Ha1711 Yor k ap-
pears surrounded at he s/l(.lres /Us
plaype1i with (from left to right) a
lion cub, a baby impala, and an adda,
an endangered species of deer whicll
is fa&t becoming rart in its 1wtive
home. Tlie reason behind these
strange animal friend! ii that Har·
ry's father is zoological manager of
the Lion Count711 Sd fari in Wt:st Pal.ni
Beach, Fla. · • Rider Ted Edg•r o( London call-
ed his horse a ubig, idle bastard"
during a television p~ram an
show jtimping. The Bri lish Show
Jumping Association prompUy de.-
manded an apology, and Edgar
just as promptly refused. The as·
sociation finally withdrew the de-
mand, explaining "every shO\Y
jumper has at some time delivered
some oath to his horse." •
Loving County, Tez., is not
living up to its name. Tht: Statt:
Welfare Daµcrtment reifealf!i
Loving W<U the only county In
Texas that f ailed to record a
single birth in 1968,
fm-'@PiP15,W9lleMJ~~ • Doyle McGuire, who hacksawed
his way to freedom through a jail
window last month, escaped from
the same jail in Clarksville, Tex.
the same cell, the sam~ way. Mc·
Guire, 46, is charged with a varie-
ty of offenses including bootleg·
ging. Police haven't caught up
with him yet this time. ! • Leslie 01m1n, 18, didn't miss a
day of school in 12 years, until this
week. lle skipped his graduation.
Osman said he missed the ceremo·
nies at Miami Springs High School
because he couJdn't get excited
about trooping across a stage.
It's ILS at Airport
Federal Aviation Adm inistretion technicians Jerry Denny (left) and
Gerald Smith test portion of new instrument 18.f\ding system (ILS)
to be installed next !all at Orange County -Airport. Arrrrw .is part of
''localiter," which tells approaching pilot if be is. in line with center
of runway. FAA officials ran preliminary installation tests on equip.
ment this week at airport.
Industrial Waste Problem
Burroughs Corporation's $111 million
,.1.ission Viejo computer disk manufac-
luring facility will mean jobs for about
1,400 people, .a broadened tu base and
considerable prestige.
But it also means the dischar&e of
Autlwress RoutS
Young Burglar
Noted Huntington Beach authoress
and explorer Wyn Sargent won a tu ssle
with a young cat burgl ar F~iday
morning, but the thief escaped un1den·
The tall. athletic woman told police
she was asleep in her home at 4001
Morning Star Drive when a noise awoke
her and sbe spotted the burglar in her
Miss Sargent said she grabbed the
young thief-she thought he was about
14--by his hair and ga ve a yank .. A
short wrestling match followed dunng
which she managed to grab a knife
from the boy's pocket. Police said the young burglar thtn ran
out the door and down the strttt. The
knife grabbe:d by the authoress was
identified as one stolen from her home
about a month ago.
about 280,000 gallons dailY Cl( industrial
But, this discharge will pose no pro-
blem to the sanitary faciliUes of the
diBtrlct, said Carl Kymla, Moulton-Niguel
Water . Dislrict. manager. · ·
Matter di!charged by the plant will be
treated by Burroughs to standards aet by
the San Diego Water Quality COntrol
Board, agency with jurladiction in the
dislrlct, Kymla said. The plant will open
in October.
Generally, the discharge will be treated
to the same consistency as that of
domfSt!c dl3cbarge •. Kymla said.
He said that tbe hours of discharge
from the Burroughs plant will dove-tail
with the hours ol heavy domestic usage.
More efficient Operation of the treatment
stations could be expected.
Heavy hours of domett.ie discharge are
morning, evening and weekends. Bur·
roughs will be discharging during work-
ing hours.
Primarily, the waste will resuJt from
the lreabnent ot the metal computer
disks manufactured by the plant.
After primary treatment by the Bur·
roughs plant, the discharge will go
through Moulton-Niguel t r e at m e n t
faclliUes and then be expelled through
lbe Aliso Creek ouUall.
'A Little Before His Time'
Helico Plan Didn't Get Off Ground·· But Ripcord Did
Of rM O•H1 f'lltt Stiff
perimental Vertical Takeoff and Lan·
ding (VTOL) aircraft.
"SANTA ANA. July 24. 1912 -J. "Actually, 1 think he was a little ahead
Floyd Sn1ith , a Son Diego mon, flew or his time with that lhlng," said Robert
ove r here yesterday mon1t11g in a Shaw, sifting through clippings or a
biplane which he and F. D. Sha111 bygone Ume, "I don't think they ever got
made in the old cannery after pur· that particular plan off the ground.''
chcsi11g an engine from Glenn L, The 44-yeir-old pateat document ¥.'as
Martin." foond only recenUy by Shaw's sister,
Once, when the century and the air Mrs. Helen L. Brough. m E. Pine SI., Santa Ana. who recalls the historic lllS were both frtsh and clean, a breed of flight capsulized above.
goodbye and took off with a roar for
Palmer Field, presently the slte of Santa
Ana Hlgh School, witbout even 'chutes,
much leu lhe ripcord refinement Sb.aw
devised later.
Crual.1, dowlhlo-eartb f armera o f
Orange:Coonty bad grown accustomed to
the sight of aviation pioneer Glenn Mar-
tin prowling the empty heavens tn bis
pusher-engine plane and were·.omewtuiit
blast. men ' made virtually extinct by the "l was a little too young," sald the
vaslness ol today's technology buil t their ycM'tger Shaw, •ho has followed a c:.-They were, bowe.ver, astounded at the
own flyln" machines. reer himself with North A'.Merlcln and sight of the Shaw-8mitl'I a.ircral\, with.Its
•-o ft... ... ias aircraft companies in hydraulic prop up front. · No schools for plklts existed. UUW6' n... I • be nd system development. ..,.re ear y""'ay an a pepper
Th e answers lay ln the sky and "My sister was three or four and re-cultivator ran qp to the plane liter It Jan.
whispered in the winds, 3iren9ongs lurtn; members Mam taking her down to .see ded -wliether or not he carried a
naive pioneers into what was then con· tbt plane ," he explained, and the air-• pitchfork Is lost to historians -tihlle a
Saturday, June 71, lM DAILY l'ILOT 3
Meet t1+' People ' '
Copelin Remembers
By JANICE BERMAN .. Of""'°"'' .........
In hb 31.th Street upstairs apartment,
Ray'"(. CoJ>:elln, 8', aat Jn a rocking chair
he doesn't look at all ready for and
recaUed how t.bin1s used to be.
Copelin, a Newport Beach planning
commissioner, wUI step down next month
after 2.1 years on the commWion. He has
betn Its secrelvy for la of lbose 23
Dwin1 lhe near-quarter century he has
se""'1 the city (wlthoul pay), Copelin
f!gur11 ht hu seen 11 mayors and about
40 councilmen pass into and out of
Newport Beacb11 'overnment. The city,
he says, hu experienced "almost 500
percent growth. When 1 came here, the
population wu 8,500. 'Today, it's about 48.l]OO, ..
He recalled his entrance lnto Newport
Beach's city government.' "O. B. Reed
was mayor then. He asked me if I wouJd
serve one year, tO replace a cOrn-
miJsloner whose tenn was not up, but
who ·had to move out of· town. I've been
here ever ~nee.•·
When Copelin 'first aat down at U1e
commluloo table, "the city hall was in ,
an old achoo! house down at the wharf. IL
wa.s built tn 1905."
"In \t48, they buill lhe new one. The
planners were to rte0mmend a site. The
other proposed site was on the hill. We
had a three-to-three Ue, and we stopped
the meetlng while some ol the planning
eommlssiooen went and got Pete Nelson.
the buildJng inspetoor who wu the ei: of·
ficlo member of the planning com·
mission. He came down and voted for the
site where It now st.and.1 to break t b e
tie." he smiled.
Copelin said that things were simpler in
his early days on the commiasion. ·
"It was 11 years before we had a plan-
ning director and, before that,, whenever
anybody went In with a quW!on about
whether they could do aornethlng, they'd
be sent over to my office. We had few
hearlnp, becaue I'd. tel.L them right
there what couJd and cou1d not be done. l
think we'd be a lot better oU if it was
handled that way today."
"Jn my personal opinion," be said
thoughtfully, ''I think there's too much -
well, it's sort of Intended to make things
more complicated than to make them
DAILT l'ILOT ll1ft ..,.. ..
Newport Plonnor Copllln
boundaries. We would have had &•lovely
place, not all this ~rah 111d m.anuh,c·
1be manufacturing, he sald, all started
wQen one manufacturer clnle ·in. '
"We went and looked at hi!
plant, and there wasil't any noise, smoke
or smell. Now look ,at bow many
manuf~cturers we have here."
"Every city," he laid, "does the same
thing. They try W balance their tax struc·
ture. It's done quietly and unas~llj'.ly.
Now look at Los Angeles Santa Moo.l ea
and Lbng Beach. Look al what Uiey;ve
'He said Newport Beach would go the
same way. "By 1980, thert wUl be 115,000
people here.'' ,
He recalled his youth In Santa Ana,
where his family moved from the east
when he was a child. "People had as 1ood
a time or better. lt wasn't expensive, and
everybody knew everybody."
When he was a high school student
3% Bike?
thert, COpeUn aald, ·"Thenl WU one block
of pavtment. ·All the '}'OUl'lg i;nen who
were courting 11 s e d to tak4s t h e I r
clrllrlend.s for rides down' \bll·ltrett, 10
hear the oolse of tbe hone.s' boova."
And he remembers llltle e•cunlooa to
Newport Beath then; W'hen people· woUkl
cot off I.he bridp Into N..,port and "roll
up thdr pants legs to keep from gtltltlg
muddy and lead their hones Into lhe bui·
gy lot.''
Before coming to Newport. Belch,
where he wu in re1I estate unW his
rellremenl from busln<sa In !Ml, Copelin
was projects manager fl>r lhe Loi
Angeles County Housing Autllorlty,
"We surveyed lhe finl publi< bamlnC
Sile In Los Angeles-Q,OCll mllln( onlls.
Jt took 14 months, and l bad _,Workers
from the WPA (Works Pro1re11
A~.J:S:VU:~~b~~~ !ft llSt," he
1aid proudly, "and It's on !\le at the
University of Southern California, U;le Loi
Angeles Public Library and tbe archives
ol the board of supervisors." ·
Copelin held a variety of othtr jobs,
too. For a while, Jn tbe early 1900'1, he
was secretary to Professor T.S.C. Lowe,
the finl man to send a balloon up during
the Civil War.
And Copelin dabbled briefly In Pl
mining, leasing a California ~ tn 1933.
Today. h~ siring tie ts btld In plKo wllll
a augget of ten-welg21t gokl, takm tram
his mine.
Today, he Is keenly interftted fn
California's bistorY. particularly thal. ot
his own city.
He is secretary of AmJp Vlejcm, a
club organized in JIM b)r Myford Irvine
and other "old friend.S.''
Pahltings of California wmcapei dot
lhe walls ct Copelin'• Ultle 1partmenl.
"There are people who just ·don't
realize how beauUl\11 lhls alatt. 11. You
can take a beautiful trip by tlttng
Highway 99 to Stockton, 81 aod It. to
SusanvlUe, and 395, Ioo¢ng l1'0llDCl five
Slncf: 1962 he has Visited atmo.t t.Vf!tY
state in the union. Ht pl1111 to cantlnue
traveling aft.e.r he·leav~ the comm1Akm.
He used to be an avid hunter; aind 'ltill
can gl~ a very reaUStlc duck call -the
c1')' of a Canadian Hunter.
''There used to be s mmkm ducks tn
the Back Bay. Now ttie lm:l's been drain-
ed off, subdivided and sold," be sot
And along with administrative com~
plexities in the city of Newport Beach, he
said, extensive annexatk>n is adding to
the city's problems.
"I don'l look forward lo what the city
will be like In the futurt. I would prtfer
lo see Newport Belch atay In Ila oriiinal Rate Increases . Soug-,it
Festival of Arts By Two Gas Companies
$112,000 Forum The Soulhem Callloml• and Soutbem
Countles Gas Companies are 1eeking rate Set for Laguna increases in hearings before the
. California Public UWllles Commis~on.
The $112,000 Festival o( Art.a Forum The gas companies want the rate in·
will officially be preeented to the city a\ crease to meet higher gas costs for ga!
it.s grand openlna: Jtme 28. piped from out-of-state.
The key to tbe 232-teat theater, located Out-or-st.ate gas suppliers have filed
in Irvine Park, will be handed over to papers with the Federal Power Com-Laguna's Mayor Glenn E. Vedder at the
limited by the Federal POftl" Coln-'
mlsaion to rate Increases of no more than
1.72 cents per thouaand cubic feet
lhroogh 1969.
Arlington Drive
Work Starts Sc:>on ceremonies thlt will bubble wlth cham-mission for increases in gu costs, &o the
pagne. local authorities are looking for ad· A major widenin& and l"eConllruction
The Forum, southern California'• first jl1Stments. job along Arllngtor. Drive on 1 ttOS,'8Z.lt
completely new community theater in The hike i• ra tes could add up · lo 13 contract has been awarded by tbt
lllOf'e than 20 years, is believed to be the cents, or about three percent, ro an Costa Mesa City CouncU.
first theater p!\d for entirely h)' funds average gas bill. The project will be hlndled by 1he
earned by 1 non-profit organization and The Wtal annual Increase in revenuet Mark Construction ComJ)IDY· Inc. ol
given as a gitt W a city, completely unen· from the increase could ral.se as much as Garden Grove.
cumbered. $15.9 million for the gas companies from City Engineer and P\lbUc Works DI·
During the run of the Festival of Arts, their three million customers. rector George Madsen satd the Garden the ground floor ,will house food con· Grove Jinn's bid was the lowest aub-cession!I, a junior art exhibit and Three-fourths of the gas supply in mitt¢, but stUI six percent above the
children's art class, while the aecond· Southern Galifornia comes from out-or. city-estimated cost.
level theater will~-···-' by•~ and his state, gas company sources stated. It 1 11 ~ -~~ f El p N t al G Co The ong-e.waited improvemen( ex-Marlonettes. ' comes rom aso a ur as ., pei.-ted to smooth tr~Hlc }ems ,jn
For the remainder or the year, the and the Transwestem Pipeline Co., 8 the area of Cost.a MeSa H School 'and
theater will be uilllzed for such evenU as subsidiary or Texan E a s t e r n Maude B. Davis Inte te &:hoot
lectures, concert.I, meetings, small con· Transmission Corp. The Mp involved runs from Fairview
venUn, and theatrical programL El 'flaso Natural Gas Co., has been Road to Newport Boulevard. . ~-'-~~~..:......::-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'-~~~~~·
sidered man's last frontl~r. craft was a sight to behold squatting !n second fanner 'clutched his hoe.
The late Frank D. Shaw,. father of the old El Monie cannery on East Flrst "Say, Mister,'.' ,the first man questioned •
Robert A. Shaw, 342 Ogle St .. Costa Street Smith. "be you Glenn Mtttin, a'flyln' in
,.1e.1a, was such a IOfl of that 'tweenage Ge:Uing the revolutionary Tractor backwards?''.
era whi ch will not again be duplicated in plane -with the propeller in frOflt in-AK.hough the concept o( the parachute
single human endeavor. - - --.. stead of pu.$hing from the rear-outdoors was detailed ceaturla ago by Jlallan
He, his buddy J. Floyd Smith. the was also a sight. , miracle-mind Leonardo da Vlnci , it was
Martin brothers and many more are The plane was too bil !or the. dOotl. crude in its ant form& before \he. modem
among tbo8e revolutionaries whose u · Not men to be stynUed by ernerpn-prodoct evohed.
plolts are be.lng compiled by the: Red cie:s (lhty had perfahned • circua: aer· Smilh'I ~·-....... m·'·\.!:r.wo rt~ Baroos, a Costa Mesa Chamber of Com· ialists for 10 yt:an'~ lf'7tnl....,. win: n.uut::I" -...-inerce nonprofit carporatton. thing far more adting dllft the stftion. cord ptraebu\e jumps ' over
The late Mr. Shaw, who~ nearly 10 :uy wire), Shaw and 9mfth bocked out Orange Q,upty, from Glenn Martin'a
yeors ago al 7S, 15 perhaps most a wall . Plane, throwing the ba&·llke d<vtce up u
remembertd -or onooymously tbanked "HOl11'mllde Aernplane Flies Success-Ille leaped, bosfed and prayed.
-in avlaUon circles at inventor of tbe fully," ls \be faded la1t in that 1112 bead-,,lmr'a ton say1 Mn. Smlth w11 pro.
parachute rtpcord, whiclr has saved li ne. telling of a 1,150 lb. conttaP.llon bably the Ont woman in biator}' to m.a-e
thousands of lives. carrying IU builders 1,200 feet OVu R parachute Jump , Sbe. is still alive \Oday
Yellowed diagrams on a patent inutd the county. In San Diego, wbett abe Uves with am.
Aug. ti, 1925, &bow abo the F. D. Shaw Towed down East Flnt Slrttt by Ike Thanks to Frank Shaw, who lived at 507
Fly!ng fl(achln<, ~-1-11t1~1tne..--l<leldl'-old horsedrown lr-rtr-wqon,_Calllornlo..Ave., JhmllnflGO lltloll.-wlltn
'wUh revolvlnR wlnp and engines, design· the cllpping sa~. the prop-In-front be d!td ln 1960 -and to other avllUon
td f0t verticl.I takeoff and borlzoota1 aeroplane was unhltthed at Stan\00 ploneen -many people faced wttb deep
(light. . Field, in what it now Stant.on. crisll and only a thin 11tk bq to aav1
The principle~ the same as today 's es-The 1dventurer1 bade weU·Wiahen lbem, are aUU alive today.
' •
: ... .,..,..,., -...
Red a.,..., (f.-ltfll Bob Show, Jack Ha~mon,; Joluml• Marttn.-Joo Metcalf •
f• . '
• "' ..... . ' ,
. '
DlllLY PILtf S.tlHly, Juot 21, IM
' .Pulpit and Pew • . 111-.. of Qrtll Lo!Mn• ' Cllu8. 'llO Vlc:tor1a Will hold · i... wonhip ,.(Vices Sund1y,
J at 1!11 arid 11 1.m. Servtcts
t will k ltd by G. Edmund
Stellbls. princlpel of Cbrbt
, Lup>or1n Doy School, usln(
'the theme t•Better Than
f ' bhttp," • I
Suodly school and Blble
ci.aue._ ,nu meet. at 9:30 a.m .
.itb -.ery·cut provldod for
all Mrvica.
"Reli&iOU3 Stuffed Shirts"
will be the, topic of Pulor
Eu.pne Schramm 'a sermon ·at
~ ftiulv Sunday servkies I
aOd 10:1$ 1.m .• at Redeemer
L • t ai e r a a a.n:a... l&»l
Sprincdlle S I., HuntiDgton
Beldl. SUndty school and
Bible ttasses meet at 9:_30
' will be heard Gt the Leonore
Portney School of Dance, 336
N. Coast Highway , Laguna
Beach. Visitol'I are weleomr-
Sunday kboot wU I meet at lht•
Hme hour and place.
By Church
Lutheran Church
of tho Mesler
2900 Pacilic View Dr.
Phon1 OR 3-5022
1:45 A.~.-f•111ily W111hl•
9;45 A.M-Su1!41q Cl11i1rdt
11:00 A.M.-F1tti¥• Wer1lll, .............
Mls&ouri Synod
760 Victoria It., Cost• Meaa
Lother v. Twnow, P••t., ........
WMl!i. lffvlClll> l :IS a 11 A.M. ,...._, ldlMl1 •:at A.M.
Aillrll l lbll C .. Y t 9:H A.M.
1•11 11· "~':'h': ... ~~.:::..~ "'" '""•" ] PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH
TM 11 .... ,_ c.. Ct11r. l'•tw I Me•• V1rd1 Drive I l•ker Sh•et, Coif• M111. Ctlif. Sund1y Services .1.No111w c. •ND•1Uo111, ,...,... •i• A.M. "-" c-'"..... ,,. A.M. l'MIK1 s~"l'. Cll•clt j Mornil'I• Wo...nlp: l :CO. t :)O .. II :00 S~nder ldW: •:•.•::JO ... ll:ot
P:M 1'.M. l\'tltMftl St .... I p • J1M l'.M. ••i.-14 l hM A.M. Mlnllltll enlll9 rinc• of P11c1 l~t+.1r111 Sc~ool -Mi11 E1th~ 0/1e11, •ri11ei1ttl
, rst Assembly of God Church w. 1•11 ... ,, v.. . . . I
146 E. 22nd St .. Costa Ma11 541·3761 Att d th h h M. c. Cronic, P11tor ' U~~~::l~~T 'i' en e c urc
Riv Nit~e1011. Mi11i1t1r of Youlh , CHURCH of your choice
SC:MIOULI OP. SIRYICIS 12!• V' I S C M 1.~~1~6'52 '" !0,!!.~-••• on Sunday l•114ti.,._clil1rcJt klil11I ••••• ,, • , , ••..•. , •• , , , •• t :JA •·Mo -·-··
"'"'lty w...i,. .......... 10:10 •·•· & 1:00 ,.... I ·
Church Choir-Shtrll lteul1•11, Director I .•
Vltltw. W•lc.e11t1 -N•rMrr A""1Mlnt
' A Cordial Welcome from
STA.Tl LICINSID Pll0SCHOOL-h•f WllHoma, Dlmt1r
Hu11ti119!011 le1ch--North
6662 Hell Ave ••• 142.4461
W•r1hlp I Church Sch11I
• '42·2421 llTWllM HAUOR ~ FAIRYllW u
SUNDAY, MORNING llllE STUDY •.... , •.• , .••••• •:45 .t.M ~· IUNOAY MOlllNIN6 WO«SMIP' COMMUNION •• IO;-i5 AM muting •• • ; · FIRST CHRISTIAN
Chwn:h .11h1 D•ilv w,,4 SUNDAY EVENING WQJtSHIP •.••.•.•••••••••••• 6:00 P.M. St. J1me1 Epi1cop1I Church
1:1 WEDNESDAY EVENINS It I LE STUDY •••.••••••••• 7:l0 ltM 3209 VI• Lltlo, Newport h•ch
0... 0 . Meyftehl D. G. Hirst .... , •• 11J1:NA110 '"· 1C1No l'OI 1Mll'O•MAT10111 1 CALL '1S--Mfl
• L-b. l'tldillllW
Ml!lllllf' MIR....... AlllOCletll Mh1hter I
' • • '
M•in & Adtm• Str••t1 i
H1111tingten INch
j M1rni111il W1r1hip
t~O & 11:to AM i
l iil1 s,hool ••••••.• •:41 AM
I Sth I /r.,int , Ntwp1rt l11ch
CSl!lltr Cltll-l ulldll'lll
1:45 A.M. Su11dty Scheel
10:00 A.M Devoti•"•' Service
Phone: S41·5711 Day or Night ·111~ ~~~~~~'11 GLAD TIDINGS
OFl'ICI:• JOI W. CM1! Hlll!r•ty, H.a.
Y•uth 6 •ou111 ..••• , , 6:00 PM 1
f,,..11il1t W1,.hi1t •••• , 7:00 PM
l l"lel .... ,.,__Wt11.-f1.111. I ~:.--s111 H ... t..., Cl .. l'r .... ldlO et I R MNkfl
~ktr J».tilf .0191 ~lMll I\ DIAL-A-PIAYl~M6lt
CENTRAL ~II CORONA DEL MAR . ASSEMBL y OF GOD BllLE CHURCH ~iJ. P.C1t 15th & Monrovio, Newport Beech
I ,/O>l ~ •<·· 0..... CV1 91oc• Wnt.t H ... H..,INI) '46·ii21or14'-7166 fl I: ::I •. TtrMt•t lllll<tt"vll,. l"Mtff' -'"' Mllltr, M11tkel Dlr'lttw
, • CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE -'i; Emplwol•ing I "' CS • SUNDAY SERVICES !:: " ,1,
., 111"'"'1 •.m ',l"IJ The Plln of Ciod
M--Ctwrdl .. Ulllltll C.lllllrdl ...... l(llncL t.• ........ The 'enon of Christ
I' z -1.1
10:10 A.M. -"CHA NCI IN• YOUR WOlLD"
11 II\ 7:00 f'.M. -"YOUTH A•LAMr'
I '4
SUHDAY Stlfl:VICIE .•• 11 AM The Powa-uf tht Holy Spirit Mlflll9-r •••• .......,., lur"ltt. 111.1.c.F.
• 81Ul'FITM (NAl"IL S\lndav Sd>ool ' AM II • °''"" 0..11 YMCA. uoo 1.1111-"' DI. M°"""' w~ t and 10:10 AM 1 £~~~;;:;;:::;;:;;;;:;~~~~~~~~;:~~;::;ii lve11ln1 5eMat 7 l'M I' :4; TllurM1y llba. lllld'f I
'· ind rr1v~ 1 rM
+ ,..'"" + I ~ ' ' .. :tA \.. I .. ~ \/,~;:::::~~ .. ~~MA1,.,; ~. GO AH. EADI NurttlY du1 t111 Mrv1u1 1
A fvn Youth l'ropom I I ~ SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! Cm. ol °""P •nd 2l<d. SL I COMMUNITY I
;l ,... ......... l ilt AhMN......... °*"Ma.I COllGREGATIONAL I , CAL VARY CHAPEL -"· L -llCA """ ___ ... .~=======~111 •
"IWl'OltT HA!IBOR LUTMlltAN CHU.CH 111 -_. of 611 HILIOTRDPE i,
-•• - - -I RILIGIOUS SCllNCI 1· ·--'°'°' ..... I ""' • .., ~ IAft. .._. ._ , .. "'-" w ......... ..... 420 IOttl St., H111t l11tt•11 •••ch ~ 1t•11I 11:00 A.M. ~~..:--~:==:. ,. .. ,.,..._. ~.,..."" "'•n• 111·2120 ~.l"M-.e. ,.......,,~ 1:1 . -m.=,,u . 646-9512 A41i1lt t Y•1i1tti sw.,lcM-M ... ......,.., lllMI, o.c..1. I ~.llll~~~~ .. ~~~~iiiii ... :::~=-~ .. ~~~~·~·~·a~n~'~•O:~TL~A~.~~i~Nl~~~·~·~~;;~'~7~S-4GOO~~;;~~'i' fia~or d,.ufian Ckurc~ S...ntft.D;y •clventl1t Churches °' NIW'OIT .,.011-tD""""' I .._..,••au••••...,_•••••• kktl C.... .._ ~'"""' 4JI L 1 ... st .. C-..... JJI A ..... ..,_. .,.,..... la
Church School -t:4S A.M. J.tin s111-11t1, ,, .. ., '"" ...,. ..,.... a.re.
WorshJp -10:45 A.M.m "-•• 141-41'' 12111 c:..... ....,. .......,
......., c.. ....... .
""'"'' 675-»IS '8n!stv: Dr. D. W. McElroy
...... ...... •.,, t~ AM A. L ltt"""""• P11tw
..... W ..... 11 rtt AM · ,,,.,,..,! 4tt·ltl6
........ ....... •••• f:lt ...
":"'"'-·-·f>llPll_ W_ .. lloSO All
Setmon1 hy tt,v, Wi11k1v Ptel"t'f
MHlll•Y· 7:30 P.M. -C ...... P,.y" Mllltlnt
We4"'4ey. J:)t P.M. -tl~I• St•lllr
Choir Sinti et let+. Sundty St••ittl
Prtytr M11tin91 S1tu1d•y t ;JO A.M
740 W. Wiiton, Cost• M11a
14t.47M ......... _. M .....
t :41 A.M.-._..,. Sc•..i c1 .... fer•11..-
10:10 A.M-"A t..r ht!Mf''
Ser'"'" \.y Pes!OI'
6!00 P.M. -TMHI lefyW.•
7:00 P.M. -"IMttt NC....,.,_,.
S•1'"011 by P11ttr
""•act.I -K ....... 11111 -'""'"""' -Clltl Ctl'I
t 11to11-d1nll'l•l~1 ll111•l l
Celt• M .. WMi1111's CfM -W•t 1 lrtl St • .t ,...._, •
SUNOAY SIRVICE ........ , 11 A.M.
IMt.rt tMt hM9y -"W•et h C19Ml1.,...J"
115 A••*e 675·0•50 11:15 t"for'"tl Wor1h!p
•:30 Trtdllion•I Wot11!ip
I Su11d1y Scho•I
Co1lt t.111•
1•th St l H•rbor l l•d.
Wor1hip l Church School
9:30 & 11 AM
Cott• M11• Nodh
M11• Verole I l1k1r St .
Wor1hlp I Church Schotl
•:OO & IO;lO AM
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11412 Culver Roeol
el U11i••r1ily Oriv•
Worthlp I Church SchMI
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21•12 W11l1v Dr i11
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St,.,lc11 -•:lO ,&. 11 t .m. 61).JIOS
N11rt1ry th111 2nd 9r•d1. I I Wor1h1p l Chur,h Sch.el
Ch1i1rch School -9:l0 1.111. 9 I 10:10 A.M. I~ ===~======~~
of the Coastal Areas
Christ Church Presbyterian
20112 ......... I~ Mil•I H• ......... leecll ..... ..., ... o. ,...._, ....... ........
hMey w ... tolllr: t :lt AM CWdl SdtMf: 11t41 AJtl.
Of'ftq 20 12 ......... St. PllMe , ..... ,.1
Church of the Covenant
2110 .. .,,. ... R .... c .........
l1uc1 A. Kurrie, P•ltor
S.flffy W...., & a.re• Se~: t:Jo--,tle• l•lo4Jt4
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chlrch ..................... ....,... ...
W....., 6 a-tit W!Mlt I. ti.II I 11 AM ..."'"''
•. -~···--, ,-HRIST.lAN~HURCH
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Pulpit and P~w ..
(Condooed rrocn P•1e 4}
10:45 a.m. services for Com-
mu.nity United ~t e l b o d I 1 l
Cbureb, 6662 Hell Ave., Hun-
tlngton Beach, Sunday. His
t<>1>lc will be a "1''ield aod A
Future." Church s c ho o I
classes and nursery care for
infants are also provided al
both 'hours.
A reception on the patio
lawn \Viii follow the 9 a.m.
service in honor of the Rev.
Young who will leave the
church at the end of this con-
ference year,
The -Sel\ior Method ist Youth
Fellowship will host incoming
freshmen at a potluck dinner
Sunday , 6 p.m. in the church
social hall. The junior group
wlil meet at 7 p.m.
Transformed, Not Con·
formed" will be the sermon
delivered by the Rev. Stanley
P . Alien at Fountain Valley
Presbyterian Church, 9 4 2 0
Talbert Ave., Fountain Valley.
Family Bible Hour, 7:30
p.m .. will feature youth and a
sermon by seventh grader
Cheri Partain. Vacation Bible
school begins its second week
Monday. For information call
Y..1rs. James Strelow at 962-
Teen-agers and parenls will
ta lk on the tensions of the
generation gap Sunday. 9:4$
a,m. at ~1ount of Olives
Lutheran Church. 2 4 7 7 2
Chrisanta Drive, Miss ion Vie-
jo. The couples club of the
church will hold a miniature
goll and pizza outing ne1l
Saturday, 7 p.m.
Morning worship and the
combined Sunday church
school classes are scheduled
Sunday for 10:30 a.m. at
Resurrection Lutheran
Church, 9812 Hamilton, Hun-
t.ington Beach. Pastor Arthur
R. Tingley will speak on "A
J,ove That Searches and
Church school children ages
three through third grade
meet at 10 :30 a.m. in the
Education Building. Grades
four through eight worship
with their families-at the 10:30
a.m. service.
Congregational dinner will
be held on Tuesday , 7 p.m. at
the Villa Swede n Restaurant.
}ioward Logan of the Pacific
Southwest Synod Staff will
Daily Vacation Ch u r ch
School for ages three through
sixth grade will be conducted
July 14-25.
During the summer months,
Faith Lutheran Church. 8200
Ellis Ave ., Huntington Beach.
1vill hold Monday 7:30 p.m.
~rvices. This service i s
t'e!!igned for those who vaca-
t.\in. on the Wf!ekends and
td:ers who have to work on
f'astor DeLange will preach
the same sermon as the
Max Flickinger
Unity Group
Plans Talks
Dr. ~1ax Flickinger will
begin a series of lectures on
p syc h o ~ybernetics \Ved-
nesday, 7:30 p.m. at Seni9r
Citizens Building. 15th and
Irvine . Newport Beach.
His talks are sponsored by
Nev.•porl Unity. Church . The
church will host another guest
i;pr.akcr at their 10 a.m. Sun-
day service. Or. William
Parker is perhaps best known
hy his book "Prayer Can
Change Your Life." lie is
presently dir~tor of the Foun-
dation for Human Achieve·
l '
prevtou.s,.. Sunday and com·
rnuoion il111 be celtbraled µ,.
fOW1.h weet ol each month. A
half hour ·church IC h o o I
session will be held for the
children during the sermon.
·After. a week of fun and
advent.we in Vacation Bible
Scbool, lhe 811nUntton-Valley
B•Ptl•t Clmrch, 9779 Slater
Ave., Fountain Valley, will
hold Bible school closing pro.
gram ~ Sunday evening, 6
01clock. Open house will be
conducted after the program.
Sunday school classes for all
ages begin at i :45 a.m. follow-
ed by morning worship at 11 a.rn.. Youth Hour meets at S
•·interpreted By Love" is
the sermon subject at Harbor
ChrisUan Church S u n d a y ,
10 :45 a.m. The congregation
meets each Sunday at Harper
Elementary School , 425 E.
18th St.. Costa Mesa. Church
School meets at 9:45 a.m. Dr.
D. \V. f\.1cElroy is the minister.
"Seven Words Can Change
Your Life" will be the sermon
topic of the Rev. Nonnan L.
Brown on Sunday, 10 a.m. at
lhe Plymouth Congregational
Church or Newport Harbor. ·
3262 Broad Street, Newport
Beach . Sunday school is held
at the same lime and babysit-
ting service is provided.
\\larner Aven ue Ba pt i 5 t
Cburch, Warner at Got.hard ,
Huntington Beach. will host
Bob Renwick. ministerial stu-
dent from Bethel College. SL
Paul, Minn . at the 7 p.m. Sun-
day service.
The Rev. Leonard Blossom
will conduct the second Sun-
day services for Orange Coun-
ty Community Church ,
pr caching "Consciousness"
and closing the service with an
effective healing meditation at
11 a.m.
The church's
was led by its
Ernest Good.
first service
minister Dr.
The COO·
(Continued from Page 41
says Rev . Crumpl er. "it'll
about lime we established a
Chip Louden. a 21-year-old
student from the University of
Texas !El Paso) and t.'lary
Vineyard, 22. a Southeast
Louisiana State student. made
special trips to California to
work in the church's progra1n
this summer.
Chip is enthusiastic about ii
musical production ''Tell It
Like It Is.'' by R a I p h
Carmichael and Kurt Kiser,
\vhich will be staged by
anyone interested in trying out
at the church .
"It 's for young people and
old. and it means in·
volvemenl." says Chip. ·who
receives roon1 and board and '25 a week for helping to guide
the church 's summer pro·
gram .
They both emphasize that
lhe recreation program is for
teens from any part of the city
and everyone is welcome.
Another feature of the new
program is a '·Rap Room "'
"'here teens may talk with an
adult counselor about anything
they want. anytime.
Ellis Avenue Bapti s t
Church's program runs ~Ion·
da y, \Vednesday and Saturday
from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and
to I ;30 p.111. on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays .
Special hou rs for young
<'hildren have been set up
from 1:30 ti.m. to 3:30 p.m. on
T11csdays a n d Thursdays .
About 30 teens were presen1
1vhen the program opened
l\·londay .
"We felt it v.·as time for thr
church lo change its lmagr ...
concluded the Re v. Crumpler.
"and begin showinp: an in·
teresl in young people.''
Music Planned
spe(:ial music: by the choir
will be featured during the
regul ar 10 a.m. service al the
Neighborhood Congregational
Church, 340 St . Ann's Drive,
Laguna Beach. Sunday.
The Mass in C major by
Charles Gounod, composer of
the o p e r a t i c masterpiece I
"F'aust," ~1ill be sung ln l~li n
wilh the reading of an English
tra nslation by th e R e v .
Ellsworth L. Richardson. J. r .
Colyar will direct and ac-
company the choir.
~ ~ 'f
, oven fletnorial pork
The Southlmtt/1 Most &-iful
·~~I TREES°' ?~~!Q1U.D
.......... "" _, °'-""
I !l ,,
gregatJon convenes at 11 a.m.
al Costa fl.isea Women's Club.
Christian Marriage Sunday
will be observed by SL.
Andrew's P res byt erian
Church, 600 St. Andrew's
Road, Newport Beach. All
couples married in the church
are especially invited lo attend
either 8, 9:30 or 11 a.m.
services. Dr. Charles It
Dierenfiefd will preach "Don't
Take the Wrong Bus."
Holding worship services at
9 and 10:30 a.m., Central Bible
Church, 23rd Street a n d
Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa.
congregation will hear Pastor
Henry E. Jones preach
''Divine Diversity."
At the evening worship hour,
7 o'clock, Pastor Jones will
speak on "Count It Worthy ."
The 16 high school students
who recently retu rned from an
Arizona evangelistic mission
will report the highlights of
their trip.
"M an's Place in l he
Creative Order" will be the
sermon delivered by Dr.
llenry Gerhard at 9 and 11
a.m. for Church of Religious
Science, 20062 Laguna Canyon
Road, Laguna Beach. Baby
care will be provided during
!he early service only. Junior
churrh and high school groups
also meet at this time .
Sunday·s sermon at Co rona
dtl rt1ar Community
Congregational Church. 611
lieliotrope Ave. will be "Cqn.
ti nu i n g Communication ''
delivered by Dr. Philip (;.
Murray. Worship ser,·ices,
child care and su tnmer church
school are held at 10 a.n1.
"What Are a Prophet's
Credentials?" will be the sub·
jeet at Sunday 10 a.m.
services at St. t.1 • r It ' s
Presbyterian Church, 2 I 0 0
Mar Vista, Newport Beach.
The Rev. James G. Kirk will
Templ e Beth David o f
Orange County plans regular
Sabbath evening services Fri·
day, 7:4$ o'clock, at Com-
munity Congregational
Church, Katella and Bloom-
field Ave., Los Alamitos.
Servic:f:s \\'ill be conducted by
Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith
and Cantor Harry Newman.
Oneg Shabbat and social
hour following the service will
be hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hasson and Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Jaffee in honor of Kathy
Hasson's 13th birthday.
The Unat 7 o'clock fa mily
evening service will be held
this week at First Baptist
Church of Huntington Beach •
at the downtown chapel, 6th
and Orange. Janet and Hubert
Head vl'ill present a night of
Al the morning services
Pastor Willis J . Loar v•ill
speak on "Shepherd of the
Stars." at 9:30 a.m. services
at Peeks Chapel, 7801 Bolsa
Ave., Westminster and the 11
a.m. serv ices at the downlov1n
During the summer months,
the senior BYF will meeL
\Vednesdays, 6:30 p.m. at the
Youth Director .Ray Re1npt
"'ill preach at 8, 9:30 and 11
a.m. at Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church, 2987 Mesa
Verde Drive, Costa ~tesa, Sun·
day. Rempt recently received
his PhD with distinction in
physics for UCLA.
Church Hikes Budget
To Help Fight Racism
Episcopalians will soon be
asked to jump their donations
by $0 percent to support pro-
grams fighting racism and
other social disorders.
The proposed budget of
Sl.133 .698 was a ppr o v e d
\Ved nesday by voice vote of
the California Diocesan Coun-
ci l. which represents the eight
deaneries of the diocese. The
budget in 1968 was $733,252.
The Diocesan Co uncil, sup-
porting the appeal of lhe Rt .
Hev. C. Kilmer Myers, bishop
of California. overrode the
recommendation of lts com·
mittee on apportionment and
appeals that the 1970 budget
increase be limited to 10 per-
A spokesman for Bishop
Meyers said the increased
funds would be directed into
programs directly attacking
"the developing crises of our
limes" including problems of
discrimination by reason of
race or color, equality or
edu cation and economic op-
Witherspoon Ringers
Ready for ·Festival
Laguna's Witherspoon Bell
Ring1:rs are busy packing
their 49 bells to leave Tuesday
for the national fe3tival of the
American Guild of English
tlandbell Ringers in Groce Ci·
ly. Penn .
Thirteen high school girls
and the ir four ad u It
chaperones, organized by the
Laguna Beach Presbyterian
Church. will join 50 other Bell
Choirs from all over the coun-
try in the four day festival
from June 24 through 28.
The Witherspoon B e 11
Ringers were organized in 1964
under their present director.
Mrs. Rolf Bassett. They have
grown lo three choirs, com-
prising 43 bell ringers ranging
from seventh grade through
high school.
Those making the trip in-
clude Richidean Anderson ,
Dianne Collins, Lisa Krantz ,
Mary Karme, Marsha Lindsey,
Kathy Louden, Maria McCar·
ty, Jan Parsley, Anne Prigo,
Louise Putnam, Sherry Sal·
terfield, Claudia Tomlinson.
and Jan Zitnik.
'!1tur .. 1, J\/nt 21, 1969 • DAILY '1l0T §
Bishop Shannon Shows Tragic Drift '
By LO~ CASSEi.'!
The Most Rev. James P.
SttaMon, auilllary bishop ol
the Roman C·athollc
archdiocese of St. Paul and
Mlnneapoli1, Is a devoted
Catholic:, 1 good priest and an
honest man.
He comes as close as anyone
I know lo destrving the
description "Christ-like."
That he should now be rm·
broiled in an agonizing con-
fronlaUon with his superiors is
an indication of how far the
Catholic Church has drifted
during the past year toward a
disastrous schism.
The personal tragedy or
Bishop Shannon -and the
larger tragedy of his church -
began to unfold last July 29,
when Pope Paul VI issued an
encyclical asserting t h a t
"each and every marriage act
must remain open to the
transmission of life."
Like many other Catholics,
Shannon was dismayed by the
Pope's stand on birth control.
But the habit of loyalty and
obedience. developed during 23
years In the priesthood, made
him try lo uphold the Pope's
views in his pastoral counsel·
ing sessions with Catholic
Last Sept. 23, after what he
described as "weeks a f
anguish. days of prayer and
hours of fear." he wrote a
confidentlal letter lo the Pope,
stating that he had found the
birth control teaching "simply
impossible of observance by
many faithful and generous
becawe it has not been an of the cm and lattt l)Uttlng n~." the C 1 t b o I ~
honest reflection: o'r my Inner out • ~port or the ~1:r:,·a mapsloe America uld 1:n m
''kind" alt-M• lo "ca " convict.ion.I.'' g""-editorial this 1'etk. ,
ln reply, tile 41-year .. ld ~non. "Whal is bapp1111ni 'lo lhl
bishop received a letter from OFnCIAL SECRECY church when I\ cu be deprtY..
the Valican secretariat o! Whelher the reslgnatJon has ed ot the official .ervicts of a
state advising him t o ever been accepted ls still man ~vho would ea.Uy find
recooslder the mat le r cloaked in official leatty. I hoke f thoughtfully and prayerhllly. Shannon evidently feels that lt himself the popu ar c or
On Nov. 23, Sh an non has, for he has accepted a bishop by the laity and c:lero
r II b I l l d h. 8-ular job reaebinrr a,t St. of almost any diocese in the
orma Y 5 u m e 15 J"ohn's Colle-. 0a non··. _coun:::..::.try:..:..•_:_· _,,,,..,,..,.:::---resignation as auxiliary bishop .. -.r
of St. Paul-Minneapolis and denominational school at YOU KNOW
pastor of St. Helena's parish. Sante Fe, N.M.
This was d~ in a confidential In a recfl1t letter to. a friend, YOUR CHILD c o m m u n i c a t i o n to his Shannon deacribed h1mseU as
superior, Archbishop Leo Binz. •·a deeply troubled man."
who evidently forwarded the ,.'.,'dP.lease pray for me," he WILL LEARN resignation to Rome.
EXILE OFFERED Prayer also would seem ~o TO SWIM AT Subsequently, Shannon was be In order for the CalhoUc
summoned to Washington, Church.
o.C., for a conference with the "Bishop Shannon has sho~n BLUE BUOY p 0 p e ' s r e p r e sentative himself the most effecuve
Archbishop Luigi Raimondi. spokesman of the American
Raimondi indicated the church to the young, the AIM! h WIM '"
Vatican wou1d accept the troubled. the alienated, the in·~:.;.,~.,.._.,
resignation if Shannon would tellectuals at a moment w~en 546. 1800
go into voluntary exile. in a they and so many others hnd •
foreign country. religion declining· in in-
Shannon declined to go along:1~=~====~=============;,, with this arrangement, after
ascertaining that he would bt'
given no work to do abro.ad
but would merely be hidd~n
away in a remote place.
The story of1 Shannon'f
ordeal was revealed las!
mon th by Wiiimar L .
Thorkelson, religion editor ol
the Minneapolis Star. The
archdiocesan chancery at first
Issued a flat denial that any
resignation had been sub-
mitted. but reversecj ltsell
after Shannon conffrmed
Thorkelson's report. The
Vatican did a similar nip-flop.
at first denying any knowledge
The Salon by the Sea.
that warms to th• sun,
takes to th• s••· dri•s
in • brt•t•, and keeps
th e laughttr in sum•
m•r, com• to
"I cannot believe that God D
binds men to impossible stan-BUSINESS AN
dards," the bishop said. "In PROFESSIONAL
seeking to counsel s u c h
persons. I have found myself GUI DE
resorting to al~ so~ts o~ ~
casyistry a~ de~1ous kinds o e MATTRESSES e ral1onahzal1on, 1n the hope1,;. __ ,... _______ ,ll
that I might both keep faith1 MA nRESSES
\l'ilh your Holiness and with BOAT~ . HO;\t&c.\ . TRAIU:M
U1e people of God. 1rr .. Jul11' Sh•i»et
•·t musl now reluctantly ad-~t• !Ut•• M•llrr•• c..
mil that I am ashamed o[ the, tl50 Nt'l'l·~rt Blvd.
kind ol advice I have gi"n Liberty 8-1303 some of these good people .•.
,_ __________ ,
FelJo,vslup Mesa Upholstery
1'o Screen
An Academy Award winnin'l
film. "Journey into Self'', will
be presented by the Unitarian·i
Universalist Fellowship of
Costa Mesa June 27.
Liberty 8-4 781
fllO NEW..0.-T ILYD.
----------__ I
5.lecl your d'1le1 lhrou9h llUf '
m111 m1mb1rohip.
Ph. 547·6668
T olephono: O•·SOl I
' , .., .
I See By Today ·~·
Want Ads:
e THAT , ,
e IT'S
The film , produced and
directed by Willlam McGraw
of the Western Behavioral!
Sciences Institute of La Jolla,
presents the pers<fial ex-1
perienccs of eight people In a
group encounter sessioii. I
The film won a l!l68!1'~iii=ii-~~--~~ij;-ji;;i-jij-~ji~ •ii-iiii:iii:iii:iiii Academy Award for the best
feature length documentary
film of the year. lt will be
shown at 8:30 p.m. at 1259 Vic-
toria St.
A discussion after the
presentation will be led by
psychologist, Dr. Eugene R.
War Protest
Conscientious objeclors to all
wars received support from
the United Methodists of the
Pacific Northwest, who also
criticized American military
intervention in Asia during
their recently ended con-
vention here.
Delegates to the meetin
!'aid they 'fully supported those
serving in the military
service, but deplored the
growth of the military.
T h e convention urged in·
crea:dng nonmilitary response
to commun1mi. an accelerated
plan of withdrawal of United
States troops in Vietnam,
civilian control over the
military, and re-evaluation of
the lmpllcallons of chemical
and biological w a r f a r e
research and development.
..._ __ ..... -.
• I
628 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa
I 3 blocks W •st of Harbor Bl vet. l
with any Gas Fill Up •••
and Spray . Wax Too!!
Competitive Gas Prices
The first of its kind In Orange Co11nty
W• t.ature th• fastnt & .flnnt car
At 2300 Harbor Bh1d., Costa Mna -545· 1440, will be
to pr•pare for th• ho,,.1t sal• of th• yer. Win re-01Mn
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25th at 10 a.m. SHARP
wh•n •v•ry lt•m In the store will b• reduc•d to lti• lownt
prlc• •v•r . many it91111 at b•low our cost.
628 W. ltth St. Costa-.Mesa
, •
;:;:::;:.;:;:;;;:::;:;:=;:;;;;=::;;~-~ ·-·~--··;::;====-=-=o"ll'o:::::===------------------------~-r"'I .., "-... --.-..... .,r• --
j •
PEOPLE~ PARK 'BATTLEGROUND' Orange County Assembtymo.n
John V. Brigg! ( R.fullerton J visited Pe ople's Park (cetiter) during occu-
pation by national g1wrds711e n. Durt11g visit, Murray \Vesgate of S!atio11
KPOL Los Angele& reported, " ... It's hard to understand why anyont
would call it a people's park . /11 any 11eig/l.borhood it would have bee-11 a
vacant lot ... with weeds and just plain 1unk. Filled with ha11gers-on .
oUt·Of·towners, deadbea ts, junkies an.ct plastic high school hippies, you
have more the tn.gredients for not a people's park, but a people's revolt."
~-----Ou1· Ma1& in San t 'ranrisco ------·
• • f •• •· f
! ' I • I .
Th e Walking Cuen at Clift Hotel
Meets Santa Barbara Capitalist
fl!marked th"at "All the guests at
the Clift Ho&el look like thl!y come
from Santa Barbara." Th i s
observation returned to mind the
other noon while I was lunching in
the Clift's pleasant Redwood Roon1
•nd examining the crowd fron1
behind a Campari.
All those straight looking girls in
their proper suits, with the skirts at
knee·length or lower (stoles and
flowered hals. too l. All those men
with their short hair. narrow lies.
zlightly baggy flannels and tweed
jackt!ts. Good Santa Barbara bones,
clear and slightly tanned skin. but
faces a Hltle on the dull std!!. They
matched the hotel perfectly: the
Clift is safe, clean . well-run ex·
pensive and conservative. Very
Santa Barba ra .
AS 1 W .4.S thus ruminating, pro·
bably unfairly. an f'lderl"!
i::entl<"man walked over slO\\'ly. with
the aid or It cane, to say hello. l
jumped to my feet to greet a flrtRt
newspaperman and a man of ir·
resistible charm : 93·}'ear-0ld Toni
Stork!!, publisher emeritus of the
Santa Barbara News-Pres ~.
Pulitzer Prize winner. undi:sputtd
leader of the Santa B11rb11ra
And yet he had y,•on his Pulitzer
not with a :scriei; of articles et·
posina the lurking Reds that proper
santa Barbara dowagers look for
nightly under their klng·sized btdi<..
He won it because. down there in
I.he heart of ultra conservatism. Ile
'•J was the first to take on and t~po~c
" the Un-Ameri can asoects of the
long hair cascadin& down thtlr
backa,.sh ining in the sun ... The
newly refurbished Eureka Valley
Station in Tv•in Peaks Tunnel -
and especially those rainbow·hued
pillars •now and then the f\luni docs
something right). . .The very
Frenchy curved iawnings over the
lop floor window of the Fitzhugh
Building on Union Square ... The
good-natured calliope<! corn of Lhe
Red Garter Biand as it honks along
the downtown st reets on its ancient
fire truck. provoking smiles from
all but the grumpiest boordestrains
... On the road to Mu.ir Beach. the
gririd old man selling ''Hot
Roasted Goobers" at his roadslde
stand. the lradilional red-and-white
pin"'htcl whirtin& away on his
roa':stJng machine. And If you're too
young to remember when peanuts
11"ere called goobers -sorry.
During Sclwo~ Year, Students Backed Vague
Causes and Politicians Heard Angry Vowrs
f'lve years after its opening battle, the
campus revolution seems to be turnin~
Into a war of attrition. As the most
\•loltnt academic year in American
history ends. atudent.1 are slill fighting
for a voice in running their schools and
universities still don't understand why
they want one.
The newest elem,ent in the struggle is
also the most dangerous. The con·
frontatlon h~ become an Issue in state
politics .and pollticlilns .are listening to an
outraged public rather than students or
.administrators. In the last year colleges
have come under increasin11: pressure lo
show some "backbane," which is
shorthand for tough action to crush the
A few weeks In the bitter climate at
~chools on both coasts and In bet\veen
lea ves one struck by these observations ·
althou11h there are some campuses ex-
cepted, the two sides are :still not listen-
ing to each other; have learned nothing
and settle nothing: have lo:st any realistic
understanding of what each is trying to
achieve or defend .
Since neither side shows the slightest
Interest in moving I o w a r d ac-
commodation. the prospect can only be
ror e&ealating violence.
1'he student revolution ls,..rcally three
~parate revolutions :
-A REBELLION by students who
reel l~y are the forgotten men of educa-
tion and who demand a role in deciding
v.•hat the nature and the purposes of their
education ouf!ht to be.
-A rebellion by blacks who arc
demanding that univer&ities not only
make room for them but expand to in-
clude courses in their own history and
-A political and cultural revolution.
i:ienerally expressed in p r o v o c a t i v e
laniuage. based on rejection of tradi-
tional American styles of life iand of cold
\var attitudes which many students blame
for the Vietnam \Var.
"I'VE SEEN iO much violence thi!I
year it doesn't mean anything any
more," said Charles Palmer, the outi:o-
ing student body president of the
University or California at Berke ley
"''here three major collisions have taken
pliace since classes began last Sep!ember.
"At one point during the ,strike the tear
gas was so thick hialf the admini!tration
building was abandoned. You ca n still
smell it sometimes. when the ~ather is
t ij.!ht."
Palmer has been at Berkeley slnce the
f'ree Speech Movement in the fall of 1964.
1-fe feels the basic mis trust bety,·een
students. the state and the adminis-
tration has never been more profound
than it is now. The antagonists have
abandoned alt attempts to under!tand
ea ch other and he , thinks it is only a mat-
!er of time before something terrible
The pattern is the saryie on other cam-
puSts: increasing distrust and
misunderstanding as students issue
peremptory demands for change while
their elders warn them to slow down or
fact the consequences. which means the
TRE HEAD-ON nature of the conflict
makes: it both dangerous and difficult to
resolve. A recent Gallup Poll reported
that 81 percent of American students
v.·a nt a greater voice in running their
schools \\'hile 70 percent of lhe general
public is oppo!ed to giving it to I.hem.
In California, and especially at
Berkeley where the student revolution
began, ru1nors proliferate in an at·
mosphere or suspicion and hostility.
Students say the university is shifting ad-
mission standards to attract politically
conservative. fraternity types: that local
officials hushed up the shooting of two
police during the Telegraph Avenue riots
last summer: that the federal govern-
ment is secretly preparing detention
ramps and that a· n1tion\\•ide roundup of
lhe left is imminent.
Farulty members tell stories of secret
classes in sabotage techniques and claim
the street people -the homeless hippies
who hang 1roond Tele.graph Avenue -
carry guns. On~ longtime resident swears
the Black Panthen;, the white ra.dlcal5
:ind the Berkeley chapter of the National rune Association all practice at the same
rine ran.ge on Wednesday afternoons.
DURING TIIE most recent battle in
Berkeley. police fii:ed on a crowd with
The student revolutio-n llas i11
the past year :ihoken the countrtJ
03 /lave few other domestic issues
since the stormy Civil Rights
movement of the eorly 1960s. It
is a rebellion by you ths white and
black as well OJ a social. cultural
revolution. This article examines
tlte nature of the student revolt,
its begin11i11 f1S, tlir reaction it /10.~
generated and where it oppeors
to be going.
shotguns and a National Guard helicopter
was used to spread tear gas over a croy,·d
surrounded by guardsmen ln the heart of
the campus.
More than 30 people were wounded dur-
ing the shooting, one of them while he
was watching the action from the roof of
a building along Telegraph A venue. He
died the following week. precipitating a
new series of disorders. Authorities re·
port 16 policemen were Injured.
"I've been here four veiars," said John
f\fcKenzie , a soft-si>Oken senior at
Berkeley. "and each year it gets v.·orse.
You can't believe the bitterness which ex-
ists on this campus.
"THE UNlVERSlTY has repeatedly
promised students that changes would be
made. but then nothing happens . \\'hen
~ludents try to put pressu re on the
university the slate responds with in-
credible force.
"We view everything the university
:says y,•ith Inten se distrust and overt
pe~simlttm. M11ny of u!I won't m:in ~he
barricades but we hate and despise
Governor Rea11an as the worst in this
country's history."
Reagan feels much lhe :same way about
the activists. habitually referring to thcn1
as •·criminal a~rchists."
'·The issue is simple." he said in a
flC\\·s conference earlier this year. "The
orderly process of education can't go
forward in an atmosphere of violenct.
"I no loilger hear their howls and pleas
al>out what they are st riving for. I've got
ty,·o words for them : grow up!"
During the Free Speech Movement one
of the signs carried in nearly every
picket line. rally and demonstration reed :
"I Am A Student. Do Not Fold. Spindle or
STUDENTS OFTEN complain they are
treated like soldiers in basic training
rather than Individuals trylnfl to un·
rierstand a complex world and ho1v they
fit into it.
The best expression of this point of
\'iew is contained in an essay called "The
Student As Nigger." written by Jerry
Fraher. a young University of California
at Los Angeles English teacher. Tl has
been widely reprinted in the underground
press and is frequently mentioned by
students trying to explain why they feel
Jost in giant stale universities.
"Students are niggers," Fraber begins.
•·once you get that straight our schools
begin to make sense ....
''Students al Cal State arc politically
disenfranchised. They are in an academic
Lowndes County (in Alabama where few
Negroes, although a majority, ~ere .able
to register before the 1965 voting r1ghls
act). Most of lhl'm can vote in niational
elections -their average age is about 26
-but they have no voice in the decision s
\\'hlch affect their academic lives.
··THE · STUDENTS are . it is trur.
allo\\'ed to have a toy government of their
oy,•n. II is a government run for the most
part by uncle toms and concerned prin·
cipally 1vith trivia . The faculty and ad·
ministrators decide what' courses will be
offtred: the students get to choose their
own homecoming queens ....
"A student at Cal State is expected In
know his place ... the faculty tells him
\vhal to read. \\'hat lo \\'rite and. lrr·
quenlly. where to set the margins on his
Large lecture courses, aloof professor.~
and arbitrary course requirements an1r<'r
students a 1l over the country. They feel
universities arc less interested in
teaching than in \\'inning federal research
Jn Jl.1adison, Wis .. I met a youniz man
with a mus l ache and a 90 cc.
motorcvcle a few moments after I ar·
rived Jnd he introduced me to some
radical leaders and to the Jl.1ifflin Stl'ff'l
area where the radicals mostly Jive, all
at high speed.
Paul Sog\in, a 24.year-old f\1adison
alderman who u~ed lo be a member n(
the Students for a Democratic Society
/SOS) at the Univers ity of \Visconsin.
feels the alienation of students can be ex.
plained by the icy indifference of school:i;.
"If vou can buv the lecture notes. read
them 'during the ·last \\•eek of the course
and still do well on the exam. what's the
point of going to a university ~" he asked.
"\Vhy nol stay at home and save the
U11i!ed. Press lntcr11ationai
UC Cha11~ellor's View
He y n Asks Fa cult y Support • Ut Ti111 e of Crisi s
"\Ve are meeting today in the midst of
tragedy and outrage. One n1an is dead,
n1any have been injured by shots,
nightsticks, rock s and lead pipes, many
have betn tear 11assed, and many more
have been severtly inconvenienced. I
deeply regret that death and these in-
juries and am appalled by the violence.
Not only are these events tragic , but
their effect on the morale and educa-
tional functions of the University gives us
additional cause lo grieve. The very
reason for this meeting is the violence in
our midst and the evils it works. \Ve
would not be here today if the issue were
solely the decisions about the design and
use of University property.
"Tl lE AUTHORJTY to use force is
normally given exclusively to law en-
forcement agencies in order to prevent
n1en from doing private violence to each
other and in order lo minimize the
amount or violence in socjet~. The grant
of this awesome pov.·er imposes obliga-
tions to employ it with restraint. When
officials use force excessivel y, the very
authority lo use force is undermined .
"In our concern about the abuse or
force. v.·e should remember that the
obligations or self-restraint apply to
everyone. The original appropriiati.on of
Universi ty property by pe<>;>le with no
claim to it was an unjustified aggression.
and, obviously, it was an unjustified use
of force for hundreds of people to attempt
to retake the land last Thursday. These
acts did not minimize violence-they pr1r
voked it.
··rhe use of violence and the lhrea1 of
\"io\ence also have political implications.
It undermines 11ood University govern·
ment to have to decide difficult question s
in the haste and panic of responding !n
confrontation. It also undermines 11ooct
University government to permit the
users of violence and coercion to dictate
lhe timing and procedures for the review
of University decisions and to frame the
alternatives open to us. It is just as
wrong for us In the Senate to make edu·
cational decisions off the top of our heads
a:s \\'e deal with an emergency as it is for
the Regents to do so. I hope we will not
make the same mistakes y,·e accuse
olhers of making.
"ONE lMMEDl.4.TE question is what
happens to the fence. As long a:s the issue
Conlroversy continues lo s11 r-
ro11nd 1he future fote of ''Peo-
ple's Park" property at !lit Uni·
versity of Califor1tia. Berkeley.
After. violence erupled 011 011'1
around the UC campus. Chcrnctl·
/or Roger \V . 1-leyns on ~1a11 23
addressed t/\c Berkeley divisio11
of tlte Academic Senate on his
view of the circumsta11ces. These
nre key excerpt.~ of his talk ns
'l'eported bt the University Bulle-
tin June 2.
re1nains thiat of possession and control,
the fence must be left up. If the fence
were to come down before a plan y,·as
adopted. then the chances of ever in fa ct
being able to devote the property to !he
proposed use v.·ithout even greater
physical C1'.lnflict are very small. After
all. our crisis did not start because
reasonable people from the street came
in to discu ss possible uses of University
land. Rather. they occupied it. declared
their contempt for its le11al owne rshi p,
and announced their intention lo re sist
any effort of the University to possess it.
\Ve must · recognize that for some this
altitude has not changed. l was just in·
formed that this morning two persons
prominent in the park issue made a.
public appeal for thousands or persons to
converge on Berkeley and take down the
fence. Until this kind of call for con-
fro ntation is clearly and p u b I i c I y
repudiated. our attem pts lo eliminate lhe
presence of law enforcement personne l
\VOU ld be simply irresponsible.
..IN ITS Sl~1PLEST tenns. the
sa tisfactory solution lo a complex pro-
blem such as this requires freed om to
choose among a large nurnbrr nf
alternatives. fl is a fact of our life that
Lhe raoge of alternatil·es available to us
is progressively narrowing as a resul.t of
two factors : the intransigent determ ina-
tion of radicals to make cxlreme
rlemand:s and to provoke confrontation.
This means that the number of
a\\ernatives they will consider i:s \'ery
narrow. The other set of forces is more
complex; it consists of public opinion, in-
formally stated. and mianifested in the
position of their representatives. The
range of snlutionll they can accept is
niore and more hmited. as public an:dely
gro.,.,,s and as the obvious need for the
protection of lhl' co1nmunity grows.
"This is not the occasion to elaborate
on this analysis, but I believe that
Berkeley facul ty me m be r s are
sophisticated enough to realize that the
continued existence and health of the
University of -California al Berkeley
carmot be guaranteed unless v.·e work
v.•ith in the options avialable to us.
\Vhich or you can honestly say that he.
in 1ny posltion. would set aside the
University·s del'elopment plans and in·
:;;lead allow University land to be used by
anonym ous and leaderless peoole to do
with v.•hat they 1~·ished. \Vhile the
analogy is not perfect, it may make the
point: a conservative. landlord was con-
fronted \\·ith an unauthorized tenan t
\vhose original announcl'1t inten tion \\'<IS
to create a ·cultural, political. freakout
and rap renter of the western y,·orld,'
and I y,·as the business manager.
··BOTH EXTRE~1E conservative and
radical forces limit our choices. Each can
and doe s respond in ways tha t disrupt lhe
University or interfere furthf'r in our
autonomy. Neither of these groups ha!
the best interests of the University at
heart. One can legitimately question ad·
1ninistrative decisions but criticism
oblivious to this conflict of forces is ir·
responsible. Every segment of the com·
n1unity has the right and responsibility to
make its views known. T recognize their
desire lo be sure that the administration
is not unduly influenced by only one seg·
n1ent, by prol'iding counterpressure. But
there is a point. at which the decision
1nust be made.
'rhen it is the responsibility of all mem-
bers interested in the unity of the insti-
tution if not lo support that decision. at
the very lea~\ 10 oppose the use of force
to gel the de cision changed .
"Uni\'ersil)' faculties all over this coun-
try ha\·c had occasion to evaluate the
perforn1ancc of all types of men in
threading their 1vay through these strong
opposing forces that threaten lo reduce
autonomy. This fa culty has had several
opportunilics of this sort.
"BY AND LARGE, the solution at
many universities. including this one. ha!<
been lo look for someone else. or suggest
some se lf-inltlat ivc on the part of the ad·
mini strator himself.
, John Birch Society. F'urther. when t · Ron11 ld ReagAn began crilicidnc: -·""""'"""'"'-"'--.. -~ ... -....... __________ .,,_,.,,_..., ...... _,.,."""'· ~~ 1•..:. '
As a contribution to institutional the-
ory, il might be a good idea for some
f<1 C'Ul ty ~ome\1·herc. at a tin1e of acute
crisi s. to try the idea or giving an ad·
ministrntor some 5Upport. some running
roon1 and some protection from cocr·
the State univf'rsity sysli!m. it \\'JI!".
Tom Storkc who was U1e f\n;t tn
&a)': "In 1hese attacks by Rea~An I
11ee the slippery hand s of Robert
\Vtlch and his Birch Society.··
l I watched him sloy,•ly thread his
way through the dinin1 room, nod·
dina and y,·avlng to all tht'
Ettablilhment people who greeted
him warmly. Truly, here is one of
thole ''ctntradlctlons of
capitallsm'' that the Marxist t1c-
Ucl1111 uted to t.lk aboul -ont of
1 the precioos conttadlct.lons that
ma y yet nve the system from
btina: Jma.'htd by Its noislut 50-
called friends .
* GOOD-OOOO-OOOll: Tut ,,_..,
-loolr do"1Jlowo : lb• bfrlli ..
birds In their surplus pu j1c1'et1
and btll boltom pMU, will> lhclr
• ;. • ~
I 110 0 ' ~._ ....
. ·nnwnw,... ... 11 --··-·-"" ~·"' "!'
·o~. "''· •• .... 11 t• .. • llJjlll!'
811 B e n lt'kks
'11111\mr b,,111• II
Saturday. June 21. 1969
The Comment t'age of the
D11ily Pilot seeks to inform
and stimulate readers by
presenting a variety of com-
mentary on topics of inter·
est and significa nce from
informed observers a n d
ltoltfl't N. WtM, PubllJh er
' 1
' ~
' ' s
' ' r
' '
~ • • :
i t • !
t • i
f • • t
D~ILY 10· 10
SUN. 10 • 7
Ann Landers
Reader Offers
To Join Team
DEAR ANN LANDERS : I've been reading your
column for a long time and have decided you might
have something on the ball . 1'.1oslly it is you r sense of
Our Reg. 1.48 Suu. 0..111! 1
!\tadly plaid sturdy can-
" vas playshocs are cush·
ioncd and havf' crepe solr.
humor. Your grammar and \rord combinations need sharp-.. ,_,,.._..,,...,,,...,~-
C'ning up. however. Frequently your answers are too \'
Jong. Also, you have . a ,.
tendency to get too psy~
chological and p e o p I e
don 't 'vant th at. Another
thing, you d e_v o t e too
much spa ce to n u t t y
teenagers \vho don't want
advice. Why b o t h e r".'
\Vhat they n e c d is a
punch in the mouth.
l'\·c done a lot of writing ad
l'm !.iUrt the two of us "'ould
make a great te;im. Jiow
about it'.'
DEAR ONE: Your signature
indicates that you don't need
me. And if that st.e lement on
letnagers is a sample of you r
thinking, I don't nted you1
Thanks a bunch .
rreshman in a local coll<?ge,
lives on campus b u t
sometimes comes h o m e
While the parents are vaca·
tioning out of the country the
boy has been entertaining a 30· '
year-old tramp. The woman is
divorced and her reputation is
mud. She arrives al the house \ i
about 7 P.M. and stays a!Jl
night. leaving her car in the
I feel we shoul d inform the
parents y,·hen they retum. My
husband says to ask Ann
Landers. CHe 's sure you 'll tell
us MYOB ). Tncidentally. I'd
appreciate it if someone spoke
up to save OUR young son
Su11da11 011111!
Seven 12"x12" terry wash·
cloths, 3 15x20" terry kit-
chen toy,·els. 6 co tton kit·
chen IO\\"Cls.
Reg. 93c bundle
going 'vilh a man who has
1nany wonderful qualities. but
he has one fault that drives
n1c up the wall. Broce rcruses
to touch a drop of liquor.
from the clutches of a 30-vear·i '-""~""old harlot. \Vhat do you <:ay? ........ cz:t1'..!
1 ·m no souse bul I do enjoy
a cocktail or two befo re din·
ncr. Il is embarrassing for a
woman to order a drink when
her escort says he docsn ·1
want one. ll rnakes her look
like a lush.
Lasl night we were with two
other couples I asked Bruce lo
Lake a d rink just to be
socia~le. "e refused. I feel he
should have said yes lo please
me. Furthermore, f'1n sure
one dri nk would improve hii>
personalily. llc"d be relaxed
and more talkative . Am I
DEAR TERRY: No, you·re
wrong.S-Ome i nd i v id u 11. I s
shouldn't have one drop nl
a lcohol, much less a drink.
Bruce might be one of the~e
people so get off his back.
As for liquor making folk'i
relaxed and niorc tolkntlvt.
J've received thousa nds of Jet·
h:rs from women whose
hu sbands become so reJ~.,;ed
and talkath·e that they blew
promising careers and loused
up several ll\•es in the process.
DEAR 1\1R. AND MRS.: You
cannot save a I!-year-old from
the cluk bes of a harlot.
especially -....·hen he doesn't
\1•ant lo be sa,•ed.
The boy's behavior po.tern
wos established long before
his parents too) this trip.
Keep quiet and con centrate
on your own lion.
Wh•I ll fr~c~ kl•1IM? h l!
w1011e? Wl!ll •l'loukl st r lllt nec~i119
th,..ils -"'t bo'r or lhe ,1r1? C•n I
1not9un ""Odi"9 suctffd? Reid .Ann L•n<k"' -lfl, .,THnA~ s.,,. -ltn WIVi to Cool 11." Stncl '4l Ct~h In (Oi"
•l\<f 1 king. Y.11·~res~ 11•m1>11d
envt looe. Ann Llnd'!t"S will ~ •l.od 10 hele vw
with 'Y&ll• orc.bltf'Y.,. :l.efld lllem lo IM'r
'" urt d ""' DAILY PILOl, en<loo· I"' 1 .-1~sed, 111ml>td en~.
Nixon Receives
Paln1er Green
-Arnold Palmer has given
P resident Nixon a si:-1-hole
synthetic·surfaced p ult in g
green for his Key Biscayne
The green, 12 feet by 30 and
framed in aluminum, was in-
stalled in the President's back
yard. Doc Giffin, a Palmer
aide, said Wednesday the
DEAR ANN LANDERS: green is a product of one of
Our nexl door neighbors arc the millionaire gol!er's several
fin e people and good friends. sports e q u i p m en t cor·
Their 19-year-old son, a porations.
.t***** ........................................... ~
t You w•nt to 1all 1oma item :
: that you no longer nHd but : ! 1omaona al... c1 n UM for i i N 0 T <>'YER $ 5 0 1 . ,,,,,?. I vou·R ANSWER; · ! • • t You coll THE DAILY PILOT, 11k I°' •
t ~~. ci~;:ed ;·~;·::·~;~·~; I
t .. -~ S PENNY f
Sut1da11 011111!
Reg. J.41
Stock up for picnicll, cook·
out.o:. barlx-cues! Briqueis
hurn for finr cooking flre.
Get more than one bag!
Reg. e:aa 5aa
3 2 : 2 • Avocado colot' rrllt features a chrome plattd aid. 11dt hlndln _,. l I N E S T I ME S D 0 l l A RS ? 11.nd a Pl"tma Uft 1rld ~it.ioner. Equipped with Wttee111 tor mo-
• • bUJty, It nectlaaf')'. Sturdily built to tut man;y seasonal Savel
i • mpl .. ' i ' ,.
Suoad•ll Onl111
Our Reg. 1.97
65% Polyesttr and 35% ~t.. ton shirts w1th «1t1lar cot.
lara, 2 pockets or lvy e<1l11.r
snd 1 pocket. Short alteVts.
Sundal/ Onl111
Reg. 9.54
West Bend perks 12-30 cups
of breY,.~ coffee, signals
when done. K~pe; it hot tor
hours. Meu.uring guai;e. 2·
"'•)' faucet.
Sunda11 Onl11t
Reg. 1.71
"1'11.~ Touch" tray his big
18-cu capacity. Uvtr llf't:•
l1?t1.1et. cubn eully and quick·
ly. Save 1.t K·mart!
,/"'--~/"??-,_,, "')..,
. ' 'I '··
8 ft.x20" ROUND POOLS
Sunda11 Onl111
··crest" At.ee l wall pool has
8 vertical supports and l'.'m•
boutd lining. 627 gallon cap.
aclty and drain. Save!
Rq. 5.41
S1111tl•11 Onlvt
Featuns duck canws top.
Jl.,. Ne
FoJdal With canvu 1.lt:na.
I I • I
200 S1111da11 Onl11!
Re9. 3.00
A1 "Country" u the Nashville sound -lmee-lenatt. l
overalls in hard·working cotton denim& and twWa. In
blue.jean blue or bolder colors, even city-tied print.!
Gl'i!at for chores or casual wear! 6 to 16.
' Sund•11 o.i.,r .
Reg. 10.88 944
Thill stool hh a Yln)'I wrood
grain polyproplene *It and
a comfortable vinyl l)llMlded
seal in Ooral prmu, Save al
"Famous Chef'' is Teflo~ coal·
ed aluminum that needs no
ICOU.rtni. 10" trypan, dutch
oven, 1 qL and 2 qL i-n. 3
cov• .... lt•Dw"""'lt ... TM 9~J
Royal Portable Typewriter
s ...... Ot1111t "997
....... 1 -
I Y.an Gl.&al"&ntte. Your a.otce of. Color, Green er-... t DIAL NOW DIRECT! ;
: 642-5678 ; •• i !Tell frM H•'" Cev1tty 540°11201
Harbor :.. ......................................................... :
t lleal
RH llot
Rendon McCordr.
I undertt•od I cen ••ve money w"-" I NII my
.p....,.rty by Hlllnt by the ln1 tellment method. Could
· yeu plNH explain whet I must do In order to qualify fo r
an ln1tallment 11le?
J. N. Corona del J.tar
$9 Mi1lion ·Tt'aile~-Coiµplet .'
Planned for Sati Oemente
Hubert A. Temple, president
ol the A.,..lcan Mobile Home
Corporatflan, developero ol ll>e
propoeed flO.acre mobile borne
pvk la county area near: San
Clemerile, today announctd
the dtv<lopment Win ttprtSenl
an expenditure of tt million.
He aaid his company plans a
~mobile home village, and
the demity will not be as great
as would a development of
cluster patio apartments.
"The mobile home village,"
he said, "will average seven
mobile homes to the acre
against eight or more cluster
patio apartmenls lo the acre.
' ' oestbetic-<baraderlallca ol Uit
moot modem oubdlvillon, wflli
... lighUd atreell and wfti
JnOre landscapinJ than tbt
average aubdirision. •• J.
Tempie said hll finn •tu
spend 1111,000 ll> landlcapil1f
and over $150,000 in recre ..
Uonal facilities and a
Briefly, in order to quallry a sale of real estate for
Jbe installment method the seller must comply with two
conditions: not more than 30 percent of the total sales
price may be received by the seller in the year of sale,
and the seller must specifically elect ·the installment SPACIOUS LIV I N~ ROOM IN NEW MODEL HOME AT RANCHO LA• CUESTA
"'lbe occupants of our
moblle home vlllag., are
retired doctors, J aw y e r 11 ,
scirentlsQ and other pr~
tessionals," said. T e rn p I e • ..Our ..-survey shows that the
average couple who resides in
ao AMC park speods an
average-cf-$450 ptt--mGnth· in
lhe local community."
will have .llJ own secwiiy gate
and guard, and it will be
architect designed. s a i d
He aaid the average coat of
the trailer in the villap ... ur
be $13,~ but one could cogt
as high as '24,000. In other
words, be said, the villacen
will spend approximately $8
million for the· mobile home!t
.-hile . the company 'will ex.
ercise an tx.penditurt: ol $3.5
million for the par~'• im-
method on a timely lax return for the year of sale.
f The election Is made on the seller's returD by a
!!"bowing of all the facts relatin, to the safe, including the .
:total rrice paid·, the· total gain to be realized over the
11ife o the contract. and the pro ra,te portion of t'1e gain
~xable in the year of sale. Now, for further in·
Jformation, see your CPA, attorney, or Realtor.
4 Yw hMr ~I• ••Y things like ''Yft, they can
i.fford to own that becauH it loo••• money fo r tMm ind
f hertfor• 11ve1 them money.'' That sounds Ilka so much
ifiou ble t1fk to ma. Woukl you pl••H axplaln how tooling
makes money? Don't throw this letter away. I'm
· ing funny~ I lust can't '" how you can loose
and make money at the ••me time. I know it's 'il«w, l 'Just don't understend. Will It -ri< for me?
W. T .• Newport Beach
Depreciation and leverage through. borrowing are the
keys to tax benefits which wUI work for anyone who Wants to invest their income dollars rather than send
them to the ·Internal Revenue Department. • The major factor to tax leverage in income-prcr
clucing real estate is the depreciation deduction. The in·
vestor gets aJi annual dedtiction for depreciation without
having to lay out any of his own cash to get that ded.uc·
t.ton. Even as a theoretical matter, most investors view
d;epreciation as an unreal exp'ense or ·one which is more
t)lan offset by non-taxable a_ppreciation;
' They are justified in this view, not only because
many buildings have an indefinite 'life for all practical
pUrposes, but also because property values have either
risen .or remained stable. despitt" the continuing
depreciation deductions that save taxes each year.
The other factor is that the investor in real estate !>ft.sea bis depreciation deduction on the entire cost of an
iacome-.producing building Including the trust deed. n?t
just on what cash he pays above the trust deed. This
may make the depreciation deduction larger than the
net income so the.t t!te investment gives him a tax loss
that cuts the tax on his other income. And he can deduct
this depreciation even while he may actually experience
an economic profit through appreciation of his inves!·
nient. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? And the same en·
teria and like benefits apply to everyone.
Et>1TOlt'S NOTE : lttn4tll It. McCt tll!t h Ml ""'61men.t t11tl~5t, ••niCltnl ol
.._ IMI &telf!'1. , col!HI ~. 1 dfredw of tl'le Ctlllor~lt iluodtl'°" of
IMI fst.19 TwcMr .. ~ of "ltttl E•i.tt lft Ctllforrllt ." $eftd VO\lf CW.Sl'°"9 •"4 _,. • • .,..,n It. MeC•nlt. r.11 ,,,. 1>otllJ' J01111, to• u.o, c ... 1, Me~ .....
La Cues ta
Second Unit
Sells Fast
Most of New Niguel
Homes Near Finish
Eleven of the 20 new homes Bay Plaza are also nearby.
Quality comtruction and the to be built at Vista de! Niguel, The luxury homes, designed
Tem:>le said the proposed
trailer park, bordered by
Camino Estrella on the West,
San Diego Freeway on the
North and Camino Capistrano
on the South,. is located on the
bluffs. It wil be surrounded by
a wood and stone, post fence, it
"Mobile home villages de-
mand Jess services from a city
or county," said Temple,
''than does a cluster housing
or single·famlly housing sub-
di vision. 1be new concept for
mobile homes, bowever, 1S to
make them look architec-
turally like any other homes.
"The proposed county·area
moblle home village on the
bluffs will have all the
Ri1nmer Joins Forest
popuJar all-electric Patio overlooking the cbllmplonship by architect Arthur R .
kitchens are contrlbullng to JI-hole El Niguel golf course Schiller, range in price from
the brlsk sales of the second in Laguna Niguel are in the $41,650 and contain lhree or
unit of Rancho La CUesta ln final atage of com'pteUon with four bedrooms, three baths.
Hunlington Beach, according one model home finished, and family rooms. nooks, formal
to R. C. Kiser, Southern the rtmainlng eight. are ex-dining rooms and a variety of
California Edison Company pected to be finished by fall, convenient build-in features
di!trict manager. according to an announcement such as wet bars. Three-car Duncan Rimmer, an in-Rimmer attended USC. He
Temple . said mobile home
villagers are mosUy reUred
couples who prefer the mobile
home w~ of livinl rather
than apartment.. or ain&l•
family residences.
He said the efficiency Gf
production methods and. new
design of mobile homes by
manufacturers will make the
AMC park one of the flout ln
the nation.
Turn You On
Every Satu rday
The Medallion Award.win-by builder-developu Bob garages are iocluded in some dependent subdivider and enlisted In the Air Corps dur·
ning develop~t is located at Russell of the Laguna Mesa plans, and exterior details in-builder, has joined the Deane ing World War II, and receiv-
Brookhllr!t· Street and Atlanta Co. elude walled front ya rds, Brothers' Lake Fort!t staff as ing his discharge, worked two
AvenUe. • Four model homes Russell said that the homes, panel-fenced side yards, and purchasing agent, ·it was an-years as an appraiser for a
are now optn 1lo display the in addition to being ideally landscaping and sprinklers in noun~d this week by Robert bank. Then he fonned Duncan
distinctive units built by located for golf enthusiasts, the front yard. E. Hardesty, vice presiOent in Development Company and
Frank H. A)'Tes and Son. are al!O just a few minutes Adyaru;e sales and reserva~ charge of Lake Forest. for the next 23 years, Utrtil[;;:==========;
Highlight <1f each home .is distance from the many other t.ions have·been "exceptionally In this new posHien, Rim· joining Deane, operated the DO ·SINGLE MEN
the fully~pped all-tlectric recreational facilities cf brisk'' aci::ordlng to. Rus&eU, mer is responsible for firm as a subdivider and HAVE MORE FUN?
patio kitchen With p a s s • Laguna Nigue_J, including the wbo pointed out that at negotiating and lelting all con-bUilder. 1 11 they' .....,
through sliding windows and a beach, riding club, Oitna Point the present rate, all 10 homes tracts in the development of Rimmer and his wife cur-• ·,h.9ft1Te1HT 01Rts1
patio serving counter. Marina and planned Country would be sold out Jn record the !l>O-acre commtinlty in rently live in West Los CALL 547""67
Featured in the kltcben are a Park. The shops and pnr tlme-more than half or them southeastern Orange County. Angele!. They have two grown
buiilt-in range and oven, a _'::•::"::i•::•::al:....:''"':::..::. c<s:::.. ... i•:....:M::°".::::''::':::h:....:•:.:ol::d:..l::on::g~b.::•f::°"':.::..'°=m::!p::.le::t:ion:::_· _ _:A::._•:::•::'::iv.:e....:::of:....:Lo::.:s _:A::ng~e:l•:s._:ch=il::d:.:"::":.· --------'==-='=._=.,.="=r=l=H=,..='=,.=-=:f dishwasher and wast e1·
disposal, Kiser said.
The 127 single and two-story
Spanish styled homes are
available with three or four
bedrooms and two or thr ee
baths and start at the $24,99~
Other features inc 1 u de
formal dining rooms, wood·
burning fireplaces, I a r g e
gracious entries and full ,
plate.glass mirrors in the
All utilities ha ve been placed
undergTound to enhance the
beauty of the development, be
The lleldl II
&1U1 D1W hllmlll,
11111-nrsehooll11111 ......
11111 CC1111mW awnc,
--clOID •• ..,,,.,,
11111 "* fraa41,
Gridder •Turns Turtle'
11111 l1apart .rm,
11111 .... ,. •• ,
AFL Flanker Take s Home in Irvine
Where to planl the zinnias
and petunias al his new home
nowadays is absorbing the al·
tention of Rod Sherman. a star
on three USC rootball teams.
and a flanker on the Cincinnati
American League Football
He is leaving till later all the
problems or outsmarting big
fast defensive linemen and his
role as a key man in the of-
fensive ol an up and coming team.
He and his new bride, the
former Jayne Roberson, have
purth~ed a two-story, four
bedroom luxury home in Mid-
dlcbrook·Anderson Company·s
Turtle Rock Hills development
adjacent to the UC Irvine
campus in Orange County.
They are doing the landscaµ.
ing and learning to garden at
the same Lime.
''During the football scasun
we get tired or apartment:<
and hotels and traveling." ex·
plained Sherman. "\Ve deeidcd
we had to have a home base
where we wanted lo lh·e
permanently, so \ve selected
Orange County anti Turtle
Rock Hills. Also. \\'C made up
our minds that v•e \\·0t1ld
choose where we v.·anted to
live rather than let employ·
ment determine the location.·•
Sherman v.·orks for a
physica l fitness ccmpany in
the area and Mrs. Sherman is
employed as a dental hygienist
at Laguna Beach.
"Cincinnati i1nproved with
every game Y>e played."' said
Sher1nan. "It .v.·ill be in·
teresting to see how the team
develops this year. I thinli \1·e
will be more of a factor in the
league. \\'e ha\•e a lot of good
athletes and \\'e really \1·orkerl
hard for a year. I hope Y•e v.·1!1
sho\I' the results in our play."
Sher111an. 'vho Jl 1 a y e d
llanker at use fro111 1964 to
1966. scored the \1·inning
• touchdown in the 1966 thriller
against Notre Dame at the
Coliseum. USC "·on a 20-17
victory after trailing the No. 1
team in the countryl7--0 at half
Shennan was selected in the
draft by Baltimore a n d
Oakland and signed with
Oakland. playing there in 1967.
He wU traded to Cincinnati in
the 1981 eipansion draft.
HUD Urged
To Retain
Prime Rate
Tht Council or Housing Pro.
ducers today urged HUD Sec-
retary George Romney lo
hold to the present Interest
rate on FHA-insured mortgag-
es. Since the prime r a t e wa.s
ihcreased last week l h e re
Jla.s: been much speculation
that the pretent ma:a:imum
permissible rate of 7\t percent
would be increased. ne councu. in a telegram
to Ronmey, polnted out that
the n.te incrtue was unJlkely
to produce any aubstanU1J
amount of mortga.ge money
for F'HA·IMUred loans..
(...........,,, 11..i Sher,,..n eM Wile
The council .,ked the .OC.
mary to hold the pl'<Mllt rate
for et 1 .... to day1 In °""' to flve the market a cbanct to
stal>n1ze and develop .-
<lwly delinlble lr<ndL
11111"*"'•· Ulll wida Milne ,
11111 hget!11,
11111 aarfllr,
11111 awlmmlD&.
the 8e1ck 1rm$22,990
ModelHoan:lO:DO Lm. to l:OOp.m.
Z, 3, 4. • 5 Bedr ooms 2 I: 3 Baths
VA-No Down I:
FHA Financing
·a.., ti.e _.,..,,...
ind.,....i..1 -.. producen li•tff
on tltt New Yorlc
. .
In .. ,
.. 1
" K
" B• tO
" Ju
V< ..
ll' at
y< st
"' or
ar hi
"' Ai
" th
m• de
Ar or
m• r~
de Lo ,,
du .
. .
'' . • •
·s.~ . .i... ?t. 196•
Co:rpiirations ·· 'faking ~ajor Rn 1e • Ill 'Housing lnclustr~
I . ' . • ... .
Mil too, Iona .. , ~·-·. lndllatt)' wu 'c:l!aroclt~ .a.
•·the lndllllry captlaliam !ell
behind." lt wu an lnduslry
coastantl7 plaaued b7 pro-
duction Jn1tablllly and a
•hor<a&~ of operaliJli and
d<veloprntnl capital.
It was 1n Industry known for
!ta peculiar "conlra-cye:llcal"
bebavtor: llouslng went down
when the economy went .up,
becauae It could not compete
for capllll Jn the f\riancial
marketplace with other . in·
dustries. And It was the first
industry to feel the pinch of
high intertsl rates which th e
federal Reserve System in-
stituted to chttk Inflation.
·Fi.nail)', housh11 regularly
lost lta labor .force in ~ range~nta bet~ bulldtrs The seminar was attended
sptrous. times, •be ca u • e ahd. f1'anclal and investment by over 500 ol the D1tion'1
workmen wert attracted lo In-institutiom, and to n e " Jeadlng builders. buildln1 ~
dustrles that oUered less methods of rlnancln1 vast new d u c t s manufactuten, cor-
cyellcal employment lt was, housini and re&l e s t a t e pofations, a~· flnJnCial and
In Short, a vl<:Um of pro-developments. 1n~estmenl· fifriu.• 'lbe jfttertst
sperlty. Only wl:ien the tnUre A semlnar reeenUy held in of-so many giant c:orporaliou ecoJIDIDY~, , down was New York City eiplori!'d in in the seminar wu explained
hbuSlng ·to·z,coye.r. depth these new deveklpments by· Edwird Birkner. director
In recelif. yei. . ~e'tef', in the housing industry. Tilled of the Marketj.ng Jqfonniillon
lhe houstn'c • iidultrY Jtas "Giaqt Capital Movements In Net\'IO[k: ~ed, u~ a_ l-esuu·:..bf In-Building and Real Estate" the "A:s more *'<I more com·
flfltlOnary •forcei. in· ~ n&· seminar was jointly sponsored ~nies buy up, merge with, or
·lio&s eco"9my ind .tbe~tr~ by The Marketing Information ~It .out to ocher companies, it
toward COnglomeratioa of Net"lOfk of New York, a con-becoines •PP.8llnt tba.t one ol.
business ~erprisea. These suiting Urm specialiiillg in the the most viluable u.seU o1·
factors have led to a vast hooslng industry , and .these .multi-market companies reorga~n ol the housing P r o r e s s i o n a I B u ilder is .land. Railroads, fore.st pro-indiµtry~ ·the Involvement Magazine. a business publica-Jtuct 'companies, oil com·
ot ii•~ corporations in hous-lion serving the housing and pani~, life · insurance .corn·
ing, to ~ ~orkin& ar· light construction iDdustry. panles, boildlng products com-
paidea, ·and many .othtrs •. have mun I ties. It takil huae pools
fQ91MI thlt they own siieable ol capital to .acqUite llnd and
qUUWlea of laod .-and that 10 elev.lot> and pnlll10l< il"
land, combined with bullder Marsh Po. Trimble, publlsht!r
b\otf·h#, .cu be con,Y.erted of Pro!es3lobal Bu 11 de r
inlo • MtblY. J>'Ofl~ble )eat Magadne, ...._ ol the
esU.ie, \n. I.be (orm Of· housing, seminar, ctt.N the nation·s
sh®otn.I ceftttn, ,ftlOrt com· desperate need tw housing as
muftltlti,, ""\.Glfl\'O oand In· the underlylnc' rWon ,,..,the
duftQl!)lr)(I~?! ' · Interest of so many of~ na-
0.· tbl1 Olbet, ~ Biiintr Uon't INdfng cor:porttkmll and PD!nle<lou~ It haf·~me-'W' 'l!UiloeRlnlhesemlnar • .., pl"!'~ le! bolld~ • t~al the , "America Is enlerltl( 'upon
reiow):oa ot ·the · b 1 t ·b I r the pea test need ·!" ·pro-
capital!Jed i:ol'l>Ol'ltich · ccluld Viding shelter in " Its entire
sol-A!: inlnY ol the problems or history. We Wave etilcled
thei •uDderolpltallud building leglalation that seU: a goal of
ipdustry. "Builders today need. n milUon new ~inc .untll to
money in increasingly lara:e be constructed in the neit JO
amounts for new tow'ns and years. And over the next lwtn·
-other 1iganttc new com· t)'"flye years wt will bave t.o
pn>du<e a . mlDl<>n units 'lo bUl.
mfft the dtrnanda of ~ Trimble 111d that t be
growing population and our semirw KrVed u 1 Y~
decaying housln1 inventory. In forum for buildtn and tbie
other words, wt will have to ' corpcihte and ftnMdal car.
duplicate our entire existing munities. ·•u it inter9lltia'g
supply· of housing units." He tti.at of tbe $08 1ttendee1, a,.
noted, however, that the piuimately· one-half we r •
chronic problem o f un-builders tnd the other ludt
dercapltallzatlon still plagued wert. from corporationl and
the housing industry. financial lnstltutlona. And lite
' 1-Family Homes
Now Investment
Students · Auctio·n
"Exactly at the time when object of their aettlna ~
ool' rieed ls the~ ireatest, we w~ €o learn how eadt could
are confronted with a con-pr<ifit from a closer rel•
stricted supply of capital. Uonship and better Ull·
Whlle )lousing demand is dentandlng of the other."
from tradltional sources such Trimble said that "Tbe wa.,.
from taditional sources such of the future is the merctai ti
as savings institutions is being building firms into ~ C09'
halved. And this is where the glomerates and corporaUolW,
highly capitalized corporation and this seminar not only ex·
comes in. Many businesses to-plored this development but
day have surplus capital to in-brought together t b • I•
vest in k>ng·term, anti-in· dividuah and firms who wUI
flalionary ventures -and real probably be the princlpab -.
e.state and housing can fill that such mergers."
Leitch designed the homes
at Turtle Rock }Olis, a single
(amity proje c t by
Middlebrook-Anderson which
is to receive the National
Association 0£ Home Builders'
~ward of merit during the con·
Hou ~e . They Built
A three-bedroom home built a table-height breakfast bar.
entirely by stuOents at Fuller-Sealed blds will be received
ton Junior College v.•111 be up to 3 p.m. on the daf of the
sold to the highest bidder at 3 bidding, at which time bids
p.m., June 24. in the Board will be opened and oral bid-
Pt .. r••: '•"•I l•d by Mr. Jo,•ph M•v••, C.,,A. C111•cl•h.+ ; .. , •• 1••'•'•1 •••• 1.
D.te: Thu•1d •v, Jy"• 16, 7:l0 p.m.
''-•: s.ddl.\i1d1 ln11, w.1twi"d1 R.oom ,
1660 E. flnt, S•nt1 A"•
Room of the District Educa-ding will start. Oral biddlng ..... :n, ••• will 110 10Uci11tio-
tion Center, 1000 North Lemon will be accepted only from PHONl 544-4000 fOl SEAT I UIRY.t.f lONS
Architect' Richard LCitch,
senior partner of Leitch-
Kiyoto1d and Associates or
Newport Beach, in a recent
address to the Pacific Coast
Builders' Conference. said that
tOday's buyers or single-family
homes represent only the up-
per one third of the housing
market-and that t h e I r
motivation is no longer home
ownership in Lhe old·fashioited
sense, but rather investment,
lu~ury and low-maintenance
Leitch said t h a t con·
dominiums, townhouses
resort homes and t h e
clubhouses, Jakes and other
amenities thal go with .them
account ror a fast-increaSing .
proportion of his practice-and
that these fonns of housing
are eoncentratir".g in the cities
and their suburbs.
Street in F'1llerton. those who have made a ualed
The 14th home. to be'boilt by:i -;b1:·d.=========::::::::':':':":":':'~':':':·:":·:·":':':•ic:k:C.::.:::':':'W:':"::::::~ F JC students since l~ the
new model comprises 1670
squire feet and is of Spanish
Top Sellers
Earn T rip
To Hawaii
Said Leitch, '·Everybody's
t1lming t.o tDwn, because the
action, people and money are
in the urban and suburban
centers. Meanwhile. land in
the cities and suburbs is
virtually all spoken for or
gone. In Europe, this is no
design. . '
For the first time the stu·
The final days of the trip to phe-enon at all. There arc Fatnifti• Si%e Ho111e
Hawaii contest al George M. virtualy no more single fami· u
dent builders have utilized
concrete roof Ules, manufac·
tured b y ~tonier-Raymond
Concrete Tile Company In
Corona. The tiles, which come
in 15 glazed colors, are fire·
proof and last the li!C of the
structure. Styled after the
architectural form achieved
by three pitas of traditional
Roman tile, the individual
"Monray" tile comprises a
gracefully curved rib and two
\vater channels. Holstein and Sons' Bluffs com· ly houses in the major Euro-The Stanford model of Village Three on the Irvine
munlty in Ntwport Beach saw pean cities." Ranch is one of the homes designed for any family
veteran S31esman, Leo Freeze He adds that high interest size. The colorful family room, two fireplaces and
and his v.·ife, Tammy, capture rates. taxes. and maintenance master bedroom suite carry out the overall concept
!l·rst prize. costs have made it so difficult f .
The home has an exterior of
Spanish textured stucco,, fo~c·
ed air heat, and a ceramic tile
floor in the entry. Other
features include custom solid·
core entry doors , a family
room with a beam ceiling and
vinyl asbestos floor tile, and a
highly functional kitchen with
• L,h o spaciousness. Freeze sold over $640,000 to create equity 1n a , .... me ---'--------------------
\Vorlh or Bluff homes during today. that traditional pride
the ran contest to lead the in ownership has been replac·
Eastbluff sales staff. The ed by an alertness to tax ad·
group. headed by sales chief vantages and speculation. And
John Sellens, wound up an ag· ror these purposes the "lux-Irvine Talk Slated
gregate of $2,500,000 in sales ury" or special-purpo&e home
at the award winning com· is idea:, Leitch said. John ._1urphy, preSident of Building. 5670 Wilshire Blvd. ON THE TUBE ·munily above Upper Newport Under standing the motiva-the lrvine Industrial Complex Murphy will present a
Bay in only four months. lion of this new concept of in Orange County, will address report entitled ''Irv in e For 11 •• \i••' 911id. to .. h.t'1
Freeze, who lives in the homeowning is a primary task the DlCiDlhlf ,dµiner meeting of Industrial Complex -~1id '69 ~ff;";"' d~•~•i\i~!;, ·;~.t ,r:
.Bl !! d el t d was b ·id r· · I le the AmeMcan Industrial Real Report" according to James ,,,,,,,, ,~;,;.,, •' th• DAILY u s ev opmen an for u1 ers, 1nancia peop · t.~-" ...,...;;: , d. 14 L. McDonald, vice president of " • the first occupant nearly four landowners and architects in .I0:4lw-ft:'A~atiiJn on,.,..u 911. 'ILOT.
years ago, earned a two wee s the future, Leitch cone u . a ,: · · · k l-~~~~~~~~~~~~_'.~~6L~~_!'.;;!1_'.'.·n~~~·~~~l~F~e~d'._'.lh~e'._'.'.assoc":'.'.'~i~al~io~n~.~~~~_c'====================. slay in the Islands from the
Holstein organization.
The development is in the
final stages of its Marina uni t
with a record of 60 sales prior
to the first completion o( the
81 home section above the
Planning and model!! are
now underway for a new group
of homes in the area's
Northbluff section.
A . Pereira
Opens Firi:ri
Arthur L. Pereira, a second
generation member of the
noted family of archilects, has
announced the formation of
his own architectural office at
~14 Wilshire Blvd., Los
As an a350Ciate of the Jinn
(If William L. Pereira and
Associ ates from its inception
in 19~ until this :1pring,
Arthur Pereira participated in
many of the major projects as
executive architect. Amon
these projects were Unit I
the fine arts complez at UC
He also served as project
planner for the HuhUngton
Harbour master · plan • anCf
many o ther projeclS as a
designer. planner · and· ei·
ecutive architect.
Record Set
For Sales
' . • ..
Standard·Pacinc ' COrp. or
Costa Mesa set a new record
in home sale durtiig· .Apr.ii ,
Arthur E. Svendsen, chairman
of the board and chief ex·
ecutive officer of the rapidly
expanding California home .
building company told a '
meeting or Orange County
rwocial community members
here today.
The company recorded sales
of 62 homes in its popular
"&nnmerfield" tract n e a r
PlactnUa. StatistiCI published
by the First A!nerican Title
Ciwnpany s~ this to be the
largest numbef of homes sold
In any Individual t r a c t
dtvtlopmt:nt In tht Ventura.
Los Angeles aod Orange Coon·
11 arr:as In 1ny.slng lc month
during 1961.
The company has plans to
build an additional 200 lKimes
irf this .area r111glng In pdce -
;. ~ ..
' .>,,ft( '!' .~. ' i 'f" ;w
~\ •"" "' ·~· ·Shopping new
home developments?
Mary Medallion can show you a shortcut Free.
,~--------------------~ ' , I ( HoUH41unlertCompuler1nput Form OFFICE USE ONLY C 0 0 0 I , ............ i.,....-c; .. -(-~ ---°""CH I I. ,.O ... IM.IM .......... ~ioou
I I I ,,,.N..,,• . .,......_ ..... , 1.1111N..,-;-·c;~, .. -n..,~;iyDu•..i · I
•• ... ....... Ol l:lf<!JOctOIO' 0 I
Stool• 4''"" ............ "' .. -· 0
I z,oc.o.io ''"•"'"Oo"')Oll •"-'"''°'' I l e;,.. "''" I
I ,...,c;oo1s 1.........,.-. Sot ..... .., .. _,....! .. Htl~-!W'-I
WhO is Marv Mcdallion ?Shc's rhe
All-Electric. Girl, that'swho. And
the can save you from traffic: P,m1,
endless drivirc and lmt weekends.
JU5t 611 in the HC>lll&hunten
Computer Input form. h wtll le.d
you to ncwly<onstructtd Medallion
El«rric Homa in new houtfn1
dcvrlopmenta in Cent111I and
Southern CaUfomia.All 1ht
comp1.11rr needs to le.now is what
klnd ofhomtyouw,ant,and it will
mon::h you up. ThoUsands of homes
arc ri:stcd by si.tt,price and area.
of av1U1bk: new Medallion Homet
thtt auic your ttq1.1ircmtnt1. Abo,
ask your local Rultor to altow you
h;,.cl«t(onof MedalllQn Homa.
Surdarsdtlvingall OYetwith. 1 car
fuU ofkicband mtps,dot1t1't It~
A1 EdOOn we call it our SHE'
provam. SHEmnds forSd«t·
-Hoina.El«m>nicolly.Aod SHE
can 80 10 \\'Ofk for you riahtnow. And"thie~tr.ftvkewon't
A (cw days afrrr smdlnc in· the fonn, COit ~ 1 cmt. .
you'll rm:ivt 1 computer printout Complimmuof Edaon. .
Southatn Callf0tni1 ldlson ,sCJi
••• For 1989 f111.ilr fl•
Th• first PriJ1lt l••llerUip fr1sh wlltr lake
of Its kind in Solllltm C1llfomi1
90 min. from L.A.
(Neu Riverside)
Htrt 11 tht flr1t pri't'olt fr11h wottr rtcrtolional lokt of ill kind t't'er built in S<wfh.ln
Colifornio. As o pri't'Dlt waltr 1port1 poroditt, Conyon Lokt Is 01 difftrtnt from on
ordinory public lakt or beach 01 night from day. for txampl•, the purity of f!1• watet
in the loke will always be rlgidly controlled. A Ki•ntific fish stocking and moimeMrnce
pr09rom will be mointoined. loati"Q, swimming, fi1hing a nd woter 1kiing 'frill be ,.,.
ulated to insurt the marina 1alety and enjoym•nt far all. Special swimming b.oches
will be Ml oside, Raosonablt stondards of cleanlineu, -police Mellrity ond ttoffic control
"'iitl be maintoined at oil times. A 1enslble body of rul•s will gOYern the utt of all lodgt,
aolf club, riding 1toble, parki. comp grounds, boot dock• and commercial iacilitieL A .
~if•r"'ed 1u•rd ot entry g~tt houle w~/ 1Jdmfr Only Co11yon lokt re1idents oriel tUetff.
LOTS FROM s5500 10% Down-Excellent Bank T ~rms
v 14.9 Miles of v Park
Shoreline v Camp Ground
yr Sw imming v Rid ing Stable
v Fishing v Marina
v Water Skiing v Commercial Center
v Golf ""' Deluxe Lodge
v Boating v Sandy Beaches
NOTE ••• The lodtte, twimming pool, tennis courtt, the rnoriM, the vii. c.tnter,
beaches, parln a nd campgrounch site ore riow an compl•tM oM r...ty for Nftl
' You don't hovt to buHd if you don't worit to .•. but, ot ·e .. prop..-ty ddtrt«, yw en
Stott fiihing, swimming, booting In fbi1 beovtiful big t...m WO..-~ l"Wl)ediotit(y,
Htre is a 1e>und lend purchaw In prim• shorehrte ~" proptrty. ~ ii • .,ew
kind of water aporh private community for hea lthful oUtcloOr-fCNllUy fun. H.re It .,._
lokt Arrowheod or Lokt Tohot but much bett.r bee-au.. ft Is 1tricffy • prf¥ate pr11p ..i
tion. Conyon Lok• con never be c,owded with mobt of p90pl9'1 onty · OWn«S end .-..
ort oUowtcl. The lok• wlll always be kept purt ond cleon1 the fishing wlll ofwaryt be
good , • , and Canyon lake i1 wit,hln 90 mlnute1 of th• cenf9r' of lo1 Ang.._., me fottut
growing, riche1t, most outdoor.minded city In rhe world. Whtt• elae can you fllM •
family purchase thot you C"Ori fish in, swim In, golf on and enjoy IMMEQIATaY?
0 PleJSe send me 1 valid1t1d 1-ti pns fOod for a fret boll toUr of Can)'Ql'I Lake.
O P~ase send mo '"'' full color broch\Jro,
CITY ________________ _
STATE& Z IP _____________ _
ft.t·I OCD,
from IU,000 I0 $31,000. !---------------------------------· '-----------------------"""
.. .. " .,
" '
" " • '" ••
71 1• con "" 3 ot9l(dn
34 • 1tlo Cdn 1 • } o ((In ~. S ~Cd~ .. "
'i . • • '" ••• '" ,,
" . " '" ...
..... ,,., " ·~ ....
lflff H• Y .. rl'f
'"'"I Hltfl '-"-L•d (ltt H .. 11 ....
l"lfl17o14 ~4o1 '4 2S 7 IS"'-15'1 -I
New York Stocks Continued from Page 10
Sllttf Ntf Yflr11'
Cnft I "ltll LI• Llil Cht ""fll .._..
l~H Mii Yt1r1,
111<11• l H '" ..... l..fn (/It H .... Ltw "" tlldJ ) H th Llw
i•ln Mt 'ret 11
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" " " "" • •• 71h "
S•turd11 June 21 1969 DAJLV PILOT J-1
Seit• Hf! 'rtlrW
tltlll<l Hit'~ Le• Lt~I Cl>f H tll Ltw
.. ..
" ·~ '" "' " ' '" .. ..
' "' " " li: .. .. " "~ n • 804 '? " . ld 14 St 9"-
1• •• " " ., .
U45 1 ' O 41lo
•3 16 'o SI.I 16
70l 6 • 5)7 "JO
,,. ~ 7
IS t o .. ' l 1 • l • • ~ sl 2~"" • 7]111
61 6 • ")65 619 ' . . l • 6 s ' ' .,,
47 ' .. • •u " .
to ""~ ••• ...
0 "• ~ . " WEEICLY
0 .... . .. ...
AMElllC.lN STotlC ,
i\MEll CAN IOl<tD
SALES n 13t l"' 76 au 110 , • .,, •lJ
US0j5l 7Sl n• 1 so SALES 1171'00o.I
' • 10$ OOtt t 1 71' OM
Ovcr-thc-t:ountcr Li~llng~ For Fr1d,1y, .June 20, 1969
II 0 Al~ Id A -
l\lutnal Funds Bid and Ask
JI O>JLV 1'!1.0T Siturday, June 21. 1'16•
Too Man11 Showgirls
Broadway Bombs in
Producen are br i nging
Bro1dway to the Las Vegas
Strip, but the musicals can 't
comJ)Me with the topless
In trying to lure gamblers,
mosl of the 19 hotels and ) '
casino.'! pot on t"·o shows per
night in the-5Q0.10 IJXIO·Stat
1 • showrooms.
Some have name stan like
Frank Sinatra. B 1 r b r 1
Streisand or Dean Martin.
OC.ben c 1 r r y eztravagant
revues ""th show&irls. and
some carry Bro1dw1y '-
"The Broadway productions
are s~ssful as dinner
shows." says one hotel official.
I "but lhe nudt shows aJ? bet· t ter as midnight vehicles.·•
<'OSt. Bui shows such as lhc
Lido. fo'olies Bergere and
Casino de Paris can draw
f 1'tt revues may c o s t
\ S700;00D befatt !ht show e\•en r opens because of l he cos-
.. twncs, scenery changes and
assortment of acUs. New y,•age
increases won by the dancers
1 and singers have added to the
cl"O\\·ds consistently for years.
Name entertainers often
ch3rge $50.000 or even $100,000
a \\'tek. ~iax Walkoff. Desert
Inn publicity director, said,
"There may be a dozen name
stars in the CQUntry that are
DAl\.Y f'ILOT S11ft PMI•
Law's Long A1·111
sure to fill the house and most
, of these are signed. Other than
those, you 're gambling on a
name star."
Caesars Pala~ has name
entertainers half the year and
musicals sucb as "Sweet
Charity" and "Fiddlt'r on the
Ri>of'' for 24 weeks. However,
"Mame '' was cut short this
spring after 14 weeks.
The hot el said it had to
make room for shows y,·ith
Eddie Fisher, Andy Will iams
and Milton Berle bot CQrteeded
the show did not always fill
lhe Circus ~faximus.
lloward Hughes' Desert Inn
tried boldly last winter lo
start a new musk:al in Las
Vegas after tryouts Jn
Portland and Seattle.
,;Many Happ y Returns''
starred John Raitt. Pal Car·
roll. Victor Buono, P a u I
Gilbert. Linda ~1ichele and
John Carroll in a light plot
wilh emphasis on music.
The hotel failed to pick up
the opUon after • 14-wet.k run.
The show did not draw well at
Benny Bufman, who will
supervise Broadway shows at
the International Hotel , says.
.. I diSC9vered In Flo rida that
new autlJences aren't ready
for untried material. That's all
right for Boston, New Haven.
Washington, Philadelphia and
the places that have been used
to tryouts for years.''
The $60·million International
l-lotel opens in July with an DEAH.-S·DIAH BAKER
800-seat Broadway theater ;.:.-licNa-ct.w:-~
wilhout dinner or drinks and "::.~:.=:::: ~
with only one show a night, as AUO
on Broadway. Wolter l re11u11
Unlil now the La s Vegas "THE GNOME MOBILE"
musicals have been trimmed CONTINUOUS
to 90 minutes and watched DAILY FlOM 2 P.M.
rrom crowded tables. \Yalkorfl~~~~~~~~~~~il says the shortened versions co.Mt"• "
allow two shows: a night
without violating ·union rules. l i:J!ti:z6~ But another hotel olficial1 •
said, ''Let's face it. The shows
are shorter so people won't be
kept out of the casino."
Pentagon Happy
With 'Tora' Role
Defense Department official s
said today they believe the
controversial tilm "Tora Tora
Tora,'' the story of Pearl
Harbor. ·will weather criticism
once it hits the screecis early
next yea r.
Although the film has been
accused of glamorizing the
Japanese attack, officials told
UPI the 20 million Darryl F.
Zanuck spectacular comes the
closest among the many fihns
made during the last 20 years
to being a "true documcn·
As such. they said. the
mo\•ie makes clear the battle
was a sneak attack by lhe
.Japanese in peacetime with
the U.S. forces at Pearl
Jlarbor unprepared.
So far there has been no
t•hange in the Defense [)epart·
1nenl polit•y making possible
La st Sho'v
gavcrnmcn! aid -for which
film n1akers are later billed -
to filnis se rving a public
purpose. Rep. John M .
Murphy (0-N.Y .. ,) has pro-
posed a ban on the practice.
TO NITE' AT 6:00 AND 10:10
who ...... ~ • ·-.._., ...... "'" If CUDS"
• llllMM lllWl nO...a:M..01• I!
Twentieth Century-Fox paid
the governmenl $115,550 tol
date for the help it received on ST~~
''Tora.'' including use of the LT
carrier Yorktown. It is also ('tlCOU~l:.N
about lo receive a bi~ bill to
cover the cost of transporling ~ ·
30 planes from San Diego to •inULLITT' llawaii. · I LJ
"Tora'' in Japanese means ll~:~~~~~~~~~'\' "Tiger." It was the ene1ny · -1
code word fur the attack on 1! ~
Pearl Harber. The film is bas. r{llil l)"IQI ..
cd on the book of lhe same ti-l.:.l.!J-~ :::JI
lie by Gordon Pring. 011.3.,350
Officials said crilicism of
the film originally stemmed
rrorn lhe fact thal Pearl
1 larbor was a black day in lhc
histo ry of the United Stalcsl
:;incc the Japanese won thel
particular balllc. j
~1urphy's immediate reason
for proposing the ban was al
letter from a seaman con-Martin Fuchs as al Scotland Yard inspector thrO\\'S
a s_ca re into :\nn \Valker as Nancy \Veils and Ralph
Quick look on apprehensively in lhis scene fron1
''Breath of Spring" at the Huntington Beach Play-
A d• • • .slituent charging that no pro-j ll llIOlllll!! per precaulions were being 1
v taken by 20th Century Fox
A L \vhen he and five others were t agttl13 burned during the filming. Vanessa Redgrave
The officials sa id l h e ''THE LOVES OF
Cosby's Funny First ,
Then Co111es Messa~e
Readings for the "farewell government is not directly in-I ISAOORA"
show" at the L 3 g u n a volved in that dispute , since. ALSO Playhouse~the last productiJn the sailors were on leave in' ._..._ 8 .... 1.
at the old theater-will be held the pay of the film company _..., -·-
at 1 p.nl. Sunday . and were not .ising Navy aaudJa
The playhouse is wrappin~ equipment,
up its 42 years at the same To ban that kind of aid, they A riae Pair
By VERNON SCOTI a \'ictory over adults. Th t1rs location with a revi val of the said. would in principle abolish
lJOLLYWOOD !UPI ) _ Bill fine \\'ith rnc so long as they zany farce .. Ladies' Night in a ~nioonllghling'' of every kind ~~.:::..,Si.-
d 't t 1 r 1· .. Tork o'sh Bath." di'rcctcd by Y members of the n1ilitary 1 E 5 5 Cosby is funny first. Then he's on ge ou o inc. services d . f l' t •e. how t11rts 6:45 other thi gs C.osby 1s hosting •·As I Sec Doug Rowe. who staged an • h' h uring rec imc ° Co11ti111JC111• S•'"'•v frGfll 2 p.111.
n · It'' for little money and less earlier version of the co1ncdy.,.~W~1C~l~h~cy~a~cc~en~t~il~lc~d~.iiiiiiii~I~~~~~~~~~~~! The co1nedian, thro ugh accl;ii 1n. . A number of parts for n1cn Ii
humor and his ov.·n quick wit. "I'm a star. " he said. "I and \\·omen are available in manages to say more about · social, raclal and ecooomic entertain. But I do feel that this spoof on a romance
problems than a rostrum full since NBC and I are more or between a young CQJlege girl
of weU·intentioned lecturers. less family, I shou ldn·1 be and a girl·shy pr ofessor. Rowe available just for mv new himself will take the leading
He especially appeals to series and my O\\'n specials. role . I
young people. The younger the "I'd like to do some news "Ladies' Night" opens Aug.
better. thinus or narrate shows on 7 for five weekends tl1rougl1 Cosby can be seen at l1'1s · hunger or black Amerh.'.a \vilh Labor Day, at the playhouse .
easy·going best ~1onday in :i a different approach . Educa· Jl9 Ocean Ave. Jn Laguna
television special. "As l Sec tional shoWs. and programs in· Beach. Further infonnalion
It.'' v•ith 15 youngsters who vestigating problems all in-ma be bl · db 11· lh ' were given inovie c•mcc.•s Y o a1ne Y ca 1ng e " tercst me.'' playhouse. at 494-8061. and asked lo photograph only ____________ _:__:.c._:_::::._::::._.:.:__:_:.::, __ _
· '!\'hat interested them. \
The children, from ages 5 to
, 12. are black, \\'hite. Chinese.
'-1eUcan·American Indian and
: Puerto Rican. '
~ ~osby moves ainong !he
. children as easily as he 1nighl
a groop or men and \\'On1cn his
own age.
In addition to their came ras.
the kids share a great af-
fection for Cosby. A bright and
5ensitive man. Cosby can ex-
~~~l~,..nhis popul.tily with . ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER
After watching him rehearse. ADULTS S1.75-JUNK>•s .$1.00-ctttLDIEH under 12 fill
with the kids at NBC, it is ap--1 F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;~;~~~~~~~~~;, -parent tlaj. he treats them as 'j
little people, not inferiors. I
···Some people don 't know
bow much to give kids," Cosby
PXplained du ring a break .
''They fail to realize hO\\'
much yoongsters understand. I
So you ha ve to give then1 the
J>enefit of the doubt. I
"The worst thing you can do
Is ask yourself. 'Whal am I
going to say to kids?' Even if
11 child shows no reaction. he's
lhlnklns, and they love to win
N01"1CI It HEllEIY GIVEN 11\11 !ht cit;, cwndl of t111 crrv o1 Cost• Mese
""' ...... ~ ......,,.. ..... J\lly 1. , ....
11 fl'lf "*°' of 1;1111 f'.M .• or •1 -
,._,..,.,,. .. !I'll -'~ '""" be lie•••· lfl flilt. Cllllll'Cll ~ ti 11!1 Clh' Hin, n ~Jr Orlv&. (MT• IMU. WI JI ..,_.. OnMMld .. •IR ._ CIW of C1o1i. Meal
.. .ct ... llfklnt "'"""' ... ~ IWfYll!
..,...,.. flf .... ll'•lmtW ~··I _,., WOTICI Ii ,.Ulll"fl4EJt GIVEN !!\al •I
,,. """ 11111 •Ila *"" "*'""'""· ... ,
---'"' •It --'""""'". p.ei .... "' •itl 11t""t1Hti""ll ~-clrf~
Jack Lemmon and
Catherine Deneuve
"The April Fools"
T"'~' i!IO t A r -.. Ufttrr F1lrno f'1au11ot,,,.,,
A 1'>11-.ol ~J Pla.11"9 ltlNM,
cr"m ox .. LAZA THEATRE
ttlRl'!MIATIOH San Dieco Frtaway 3t Briltol • 546-2711
.... ~
-'... .~~rl>"•"'
AT 5,30 P.M .
NIWf'Of'f llot.Cll -., lk ...... _
•• ...._1 • ., l t.k hlo -01. t·IUt ~ ~~~T MA11Nll PllFOlMANCIS WIDHISDAT ONLY AT 12:11 P.I~.
CtfY tiert" f'uM._., °""'" COfff 0.11, Jtllel, AT llGUU.91 ADMISSION rllCll J~ JI# t• Un4t l .. _____________________ J ... _____________________ .....
t .. ---
l;OX ~er MINS' 1\:11
.1-M ...
11 c.i.,.
,t ..
a~·"""'* OMAR SHARF
•Fal.WJM .
Cdoi-by°' l11t
~ --.
l1Mlt1z . " ~ ~
.• Cwthsua••hlty""' 1~P·•·
Fret! Atf•it•
1be J
Killin ~Jrer
S1N<o1 eorge"
Beryl Reid
Susannah York
Coral Browne
()elective Lt. franl<
vther.llind vf cvp.
l'•r Oul A'•ll C•rnffy
CHll.liTO,OMlll. JDl'llS
TMI! PltTUll.15 LH'fl!O IN THIS 10)( MAY 11 CONSIDEll.EO
... "l lN THE ATTIC,"
J!KI It NI• l•ll of fti W•rl4
............. ~ ......... ..
Marlil+I ii llM l .U ~'I'
lttc•rnl!Mtlllff l•r Muth ............. ~ ... ·········
Ctlcll 1111 1t11-
,llEO AtTAlllli PllTU\.A C\.AIU(
It.I.TIO "'-"".,
............. ~ ............ .
• ' ~
liXCLUUYa DltlY•·ll"
PltlMllllll l'ltlSINTAT!OM Tiie T.,.. ltery ., C1M
OM.Alt SMAit!" JACIC PAttL ... NCI
t ............. ._. ............. .
l• .... , T"" si.,.
TM Ytu .... TN Te..~
The Big Broadw•y
Mu1ical Show
llllDIT I Dllll
PIO /llUlr
Now fro111 'hlllp ltoth outflar
11f "'l'art11oy'1 Cornplol11t"
J•"f F-•
'" "1.t.ltEFOOT
IN THE f'AllK"
-~ ... -c....,,.,. '· r-•
Vanessa Redgrave
'The Loves of Isadora'
A,,_ Rod S'-ltet 11
"The Illustrated Man"
"'stiftff• D11lly ,,_ r p.1111.
wasi111sne9 _,.,.,,-1.1
' ' ,-
Hillo there, boys an4 alrls, ..net.welcome to another S1tur.
ckY mornin1 in Uncle Len 's .corner.
The mailbl& was really
brlznmlna lh~ WHk, and Uncle Len hopes it continues
to do so all summer, even
while-you're on vacation.
V~~TION time will be the theme for next wuk's art con·
t~l Our drawings. wUI dtplcl
where you're golng on vaca-
tion -or where you'd like to
go. The more original the Ml·
A wrod for all our Qe\Y
friends, be sute lo read the ','.~~~~~§~~~~~~;;~~~;:~~~~~~;;;~~~;:: directions be tore· sending in ,.-----. · ;,) --...;; ·----
any ·drawln°s to the corner. ---~;;.: 2 c--=-"· ::.-;::~= ;=:v=:: . ' --::::;;..:....Jr:::.:--:----?"= ""''.;..~~ _ ;,;:..~ !(J __ i1ii1i! I All 1rt work must be 5':~ in---··-•• ___ -__ . _ .. ,_ -... -.----
cfles wide by four inches detp ..----,----------------------------~I or i. cannot be.considered. We
rectivtd qulte a few pictures
of lhe wronc size this week. * PRIZE WINNER * '
summer has a. lot of heat
Aad many sunburned feet,
And aomt people tanning
And a lot of people fanninJi:.
This week's contest winner is Fra~ces Jayne,
2715 Lighthouse Lane, Corona del A1ar
-LJ'llM TIIM! .. , I. l"IM
Flowers b\0 01n ing
Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you
do: fl) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h: inches wide and
4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. {21 Do not copy or trace
picture. It must be your own \vork. {31 Put your name, age and· address
on back of d-ra\ving. Mail it to Uncle Len'!; Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY
PILOT, Costa A1esa.. \Vinner \\'ill receive Kennedy half dollar.
Pretty as can be,
Daisies, r~s. lilies and '---------------------------------'!
tington Beach: Lynne Thomas, c /' c
8, Irvine: CrWg Thomas, •------Irvine ; John Flaa, 7, Irvine ; aro j Orne,
aweet peas
All smell nice, .
Yes, aWeet as spict,
And we all lOYt them loo
In a prdtn or a field,
Flowera are welcome
Lucy de MocskO!lyi, IO ' RIDDLES AND JOKES Newport B e a c h ; Lynn
everywhere .. ,.
-MltJ .... ltfle~ lt1Mtl11."'" tMcll
H~OttAILE mention win·
ners In the 1rt co11te1t thls
week are :
Laura Cleveland. I, Hun-
Brotemarkle, 7, Newport
Beach; D.ebbie Farrell, 6, El
Toro; Danny Farrell, 4, t:I
Toro; Ltpda Farrell, El Toro:
Michael Penney, 11, Costa
Me14, and Charles SterUng1 9 ~i. Laguna llills.
I like lhe flo,..·-rs from April showers
And apples froll).yonder tree,
I like th•~ shells thal sing like 'bells ,
Such pretty things you see ;
The rain drops t&at fall so light.
The sun that can shine \".ery bright,
But 'vhat do I like best of all? ,
My pets that are both ,bj,1c~· · · ,~•* ·
' " ~. -:c';-_·_",. ¥--'""""· ?."-" 'I: A k""'°.,jy lltlf" ...._, _, M 111_9!rS • ~ .. &:--Wf1
II ff/ l.I M , Hllflllflt I... •••<ft, t-r' fllt Wlllftlflt. '""'" -.... .,,.
11err 111141 -c111 .. 1t. M .. I '""' -Ill w . ...,,. .. UMJt Ltri, ... ,,.., C11t1 Mltfi, C11f .. r11ll.
S.IMI ye• .............. Atlt A114y, •I• 0..... c:.-... ,, ,.. ... h•
11.0, c. .... MeM, Cllflf.
' ... Al'!Olr t"* • »nlum .,.i .i "'' ...-9f111 h9I( IMT ' II, l !llr Diver, ... •iJ GI•""' Grev1, C:tltl91'nlt, fOI' I ~!Iott:
Are there really lizards t.bat
CID Oy'!
The dragon of old was a
1pooky monster -or so they
.aay. The bad -t em per e d
ct\af,acter n1w through the air
on 11"eat wings, la1hJng bl!:
scaly tail and maybe puffing
flaming fumes from his fiery
nose. Story books sa}' that he
w11 a sort of fintastic nyJng
litant: But our up-to..date ex-
perts say that th.is dreadful
draton was an impos!lble
ftllow wbo flever exl1ttd. To
make up for this loss the y in-
troduced WI to an honest-to-
goodness lizard who really has
\vings. And this harmless little
fellow really zooms through
the air. '
Oh yes, indeed, there are
flying lizards in this wonderful
v.·orld -lots of them. True,
they do not nap their wings
like the fiying birds. But,
nevertheless, they swerve and
sail and swoop through the air.
They know just where they
are going and they do not fly
like birds. After all, we say
that a plane files and it does
not nap its wings either, Some
people call them f I y i n g
draaons~ But thele harmless
little lizards are not a bit like
the Uerce, fantastic draaons
* Dear Carol: \Vhnt do children have lo
pay al school?
Dear Carol : What is the biggest pencil in the
·•1u•"1J..suuea :JaMtUV
~I t<1rrtlL a, II T-
Dear Carol: \Vhat is black and white with ·a
cherry on top ?.
•.I W3 •3ilod y : JIM!IUV
-Kt¥1fl 01¥..,...., f, ,_....,. ¥Intl'
Lori : Knock . knock.
Robin·: Who's there?
Lori : Freeze.
Robin: Freeze \vho?
Lori: F'or he's a jolly ?Md fellow.
-lltllol~ Al11tl,..,.., lt. H"'"rl l t1d1
that people dreamed up ages
There are about 40 differint
fiying lizards in lhe world.
But. sad to say, none of them
make their homes in tbe
Americas. They enjoy life iri
the warm forests of Eunlpe
and Africa and Australia and
some of them live on plea.sail
islands in the Pacific and In-
dian Oceans. All of them are
slim, pretty little creatures
with long scaly tails.
Chances are, you will spot
the shy little lizard on coco nut
palm trees. He is clinging
tightly with hi:; ten little
fingers and ten little loes and
his body is pressed Ilal
against the trunk . There is "°
sign of his famou!'i wings
becau~ they are folded c!o!'le
to his sides. Right now he is
enjoying the sun,,hine and hun-
ting for bugs and butterflies to
eat. Soon he eats up all the
food on his tree. Then it is
time to move. He climbs as
high as he can get to make his
aerial trip to the ner;t-bug-filJ.
ed tree.
Birds have wings Instead of
arms or front legs. The flying
lizard did not have to trade his
arms fur a pair of wings. He
has both. The frames for his
amazing wings are five or six
pain of :alse ribl. The papery
covering i.t UUn lizard skin.
How were diamo•d 1
Our wonderful old earth did
not fonn many diamonds and
she hid them in unlikely places
deep under' the ground. She
made them from carbon, the
same common element she us-
ed to make black. waxy
graphite. But ir diamonds the
carbon atoms are arranged In
tight, crystal lattices. The dia·
mond is the earth's hardest
mineral, many times harder
than any other natural
mineral. The job of crystallh-
ing those carbon atoms was
not easy but earth scientists
are pretty certain bow it was
Energy, lots or energy ;,nd
power were needed to do the
job. It seemed natural to use
the fiery fury or volcanic ac-
Crossword Pt1zzle
The flying lizard begins his
flight with his wings still fold-
ed. He plunses recklessly into
the air -then his round . flat
wings open up and spfead out
from his sides. He looks a bit
like a flying pancake with four
tiny, wide-sp read legs. a head
anct a long skinny tail.
tivity and the mighty pressure ... ,\.
of heavy layel"1 of the earth's ... ,~ AC~Oll
t lnstrumtnt
5 O is1gret1~lt
9 EnjoY a
14 '•rt oJ an · OP''' 15 Oot tatlr(Q
up 1 spoil
l' D1nct · ' 17 _,. ball
18 Pit.is
l• E1r, t.g. 20 Lo11gt 21 N. Americ a's
"b1ek,bcn1": 2 words·
23 Ttllt1le
25 "---livt without it":
Z words
2' Cactied away
27 Hot wt1thtf
ilt ms
"Lizard 32 Foriitt
native of w. lndles
35 To•n:
lnfrllnnal 3' When rt~taltd. a
11 Anlm•I of
lh1 e.U
31 .Sftrtw4 3t Mtdiltr•
rant.tn· staport
40 Country
of A1t1:
V1r. 41 lttll
42 Ha vinq ~n
d1spos l1lon
4) Fool: Prt1it
44 Fttnch
•S Veh icle
46 ··-· 111uh1tl •a l.l1disbn ·
Square or
!.l.iple ltif-
52 kind of ,, ... 1
56 Club
57 Whrtl-h1n1s1
58 Oaf
5'f Comforttblt
60 Ectl11l1!tic
•I Adv1nt1g1
62 Slngl t
61 Sag~s
64 Ftmalt
65 F1mtd US
Wit ftOOrttr
l flrac tlct
1 Sit 41
) Laughing 4 Hou11hold
5 Ga:rtd In~
' l(.iftd-•f
"rt' '"' 7 t11r: Lati n
I Cht1r on
"I'" t C1 m,
pcopl t
10 lns tel
stag e
11 Proft:sslcrill
12 WOid expressing
sur11rls• 13 C0tn product
21 Ftlpp1nt
22 L1ctln9
24 Oplnt
11 Llfgt b•• ot tht At1111tit
21 Eltgll•h ' ~om,oser
30 "''' stltlt ty:
31 Minuit )2 F40lbaU
3) RIYI! of Grtll Britain
34 let on tht
ffeeway, ,.,.:
Z worda
61?1/ ..
JS F'l!.htrman't
36 Piece of
'100d 31 Churcli
42 Not ont
41 l irds . 4S Convtvff
In a Ythlcll 47 Quickly 41 .,., •
hole in
~·B lack
l!ltttrlal SO Part 4f the
btulillng ., .....
51 r11hlot1 rtporle(1
SJ.SUMlvl1lt1t mtp -.
Sl City ef lht
Sfven Hiiia
54 Nan's
nlctnlfllt SS Stir
59 Sporls prlz t
In a moment he lands neatly
on the trunk of the next tree.
The air may flutter the edges
of his papery wings. But they
do not flap. He uses them like
a glider's wings to floal
through the air.
crust. This seems to be the uf '"'" . : :::· ~~' llkely recipe because the • , __ ._....
world's richest diamond mines --.....•11••.:~·--
are located ir. the vents of an-GORDO
cient volcanos. P e r h a p 1 l""!:"""".'':l'l!!!'~~~--~-!!!"'f pockets of carOOn from an·
cient coal forests were·p1cked
in beds of apecial clay , cooked
in seething h€at· and squeezed
under tremendous prt11ure.
S1l.llf'da, Jllftt 21 , lW.• OAILY PILOT, If
!IEFOll!E 't'Oll PO
LtSTElril TO ME?'
By Charita M. Selim
"° \1111 l.lAHT jl.E 'CAii ~Oii i~11T ~~· '
.ly Saunders and Overgard
Al.ll!A.CI OF TIME Ali/0 Jl 'S A DEAL .
By John Miits
ly Harold Lt Doux
C..\M'r vou? I'LL ee OVER: TO SEE
™"'T 0.U. UMTIL I SEE YOU •.•
'<l'.XJ MEAN
Bl\l6EP.'I !
By Al Smith
ly Gus Arriola
ly Mel
QF_ --~1 INT911Ul'.
• •
-· , ..........
Saturda1, Junt 21, 1969
D"<fl l.H,
Nt . l-4MO
HOTIC f 1$ MEIU'i 8Y GIVEN ta ti.r <~"-' of tt>t ltlll"' ,,.mN ffc.o:dfflt llwot all H r-l ,._,,Yl"'J tll""• •1111111 tf>e Mid O•,fftt\1 Ir! t .... ulrO(I lo 11~ !Mm. .. 1,., ~ n•c.u..., voudleo-•, 111 lllt offk c
DI ltw> ci.•>. or lflr ·~~ tftlll hr.:I toYrl, CH' ~ •'T1f!lll """"'· wll~ t11e M(fSS4N ,,_,...,, kl tM una• .. 1111"" 11 thf LI'#
Olrk.t1 I! FllAN ltllN "NO FltANIU.IN,
lfl E .. t 11111 $!r~1. Coi11 Mnt, Ull·
l0t11lt , Wll•th !\ till ~II<• of bullMtt 01
"" llMft\!1"\fd 111 fll .... 11ttro -111111,_.,
N ll'Ot t1l1!' or u kl 00(.0.n!, wllfll11 ~r
"-'"' 11!tt tl'le lint <>VbOt tlloll Of lflb .....
Otltf ,~,.. 11. \ti'
G•otclltn Ml!~r
t ..... 1 111,..;11!1 Mllltr ~"'""""'-.......... 01 Ph! I Dev• 111..,M ffCHtlll PltANll:\,tN ANO JllANll{ltH ,., •• 111• ,,....,
'"'' ,,.,, .. , <1111. no1 Tilt Ml·llll
Att..en t<>f A..,ilol1tr1"'''·
l'!llt, Publl..,.. Or.,,_ Co.11 01llw "lilt on"' ,_ :n. ,. •'-' J111, f. n. 1tu 11twt
on the. Orange Coast . ' . ~ ' ' • • ' TJV'!lll, UGI 1$111 SI,. NfWPOl'I
S.acll, 1:*1 P.n'I.
Or11t99 COl•I llOJll Ard! Mt-No. 1$1. Huntlt101«1 a.m Mt....,.
T"""'lt, LINI Ind P1ifrl, 1'1111111 ... IOll
Bud!. 1:JO •.m.
N-1 Am•"vr ll:itdfll
lll(l11tloll l ulldfllll, L11t
Slwll •• "'"""""' 6eldl. I P.m. ,,,..,..,
CIVl•llan l usl-n'I Cornl"lllr•.
l11bo1 81¥ Club, NtW-1 811(!1,
1;)11 I .IOI.
Air West Gets
Delay Hearing
ONN DAILY 1010'10, SUN. 10· TO 7
OFRI EXPIUS·.TUIS..•/l4/t9 ........ ....... -..~--~ ~-•::::
' .............. t·~ ·~~,.
/>. ''
lt.ts •••
Cl.ts ••• ..... •••
41.tJ •••
4'.tJ •••
snLING PllCt
'-'' .. ,
..... ,_,, ..... ·~ 2,21
• Twin Sq11irrd cage
• Famou3 York Com-
pre:~'°' • '.160 Air Yo!umn
Automatic Clutch
Provide..' Low-(:o.t
• lilt Cllkf
• Tlticltr •"ti • Int rtlktut , ....
•COMPACT CA.RS: fl0.6J Fako.t
& Coll'l(I, 60-66 v,,ti111t. 'cyl., 61-
66 Dodi' Dart.6cyl .• S l-6l Lan~.
66-67 l"ot!liK, I ~yr., 1in,ie el h&U1I. "w
"' ~~i.,. SERVICE
°"' --~ .p1 .. 1 .... ..n.or ............ ~7-JCIJ•
17.96 2.l l , .... ,_,, ,.., EXPERT BRAKE OVERHAUL
An ~ p1.o, ft<lfflr\ UtlM T ..
Wli!t.....,llr. "-00 -• -ch.
•ss.o .... rr. °"''
.l .. CNWnU \411 ' 1\ '' r>
TUPI IYPI P~!CI '' !Al \Ill 1.i.c"' I <•(>< 1 q1 _.., ..... ,. ........... .. _._ ... .... _ ---• fltYlON COM COMltl.YC1'MM\'
• tUU. •""-AHnoMrl 1ltlU _..
• '"'"• non. tutri "n.acnott
' '
....... ,. "·• '-"
•• 7 .. 11 ... ... ,,,..,, ,. . ....
7.-.11 ... . ..
~!~~si~D~ ~~~~~~Af!~-~~~~-!'!:.
At 114chMoo At Y...., V1*w At L•ltwltlor
ni.t 12~sio0 s23.3040
r r
2ZOO HARIOR ltYD. ··-S48020f2
htc•-. C.-... a..., 1r1, a
REG. 27.77 2288
~. ,.,., c ... ,.,.. ..... "'· -REG. 34.95 2r· 3 DAYS ONLY --· llG CARS
r...i.c.., l1kk.l. 014-.ltJIM I
c..in1 ...
REG. 36.95 32"
"' llristel 546-7832
S.lu~q. Junt 21, 1'69 DAJLY PILDT 11
'J«t~•eor ··vi~·go : Be R ~alisiic; ' " ' R ev iew Asse ts , Qeficit,s
Div~:rce Rate Qimhing Again
WASHINGTON (UPJj-The m,.. than were sranled In reporting began In 1867 wei:e
divorce rate In the Unlled 111'1, the <ienter reported. 'lbll In the polf·war ytfrt Jf4H1,
Stilts rooe In 11118 to the lee· broo(llt the provla!Ollll 11118 The divorce rate 1bol up .(o
SUNDAY of Imme-· emoti·o"•i be ti·t. h.... ... h ond hJ&helt level ever re-rate to 1.9 per 1,000 popula· 3.1 In 1116 and tha Wlal .-·-.... message. neouie w .. t t e mort conservatlve view. Ttm· your own lnner convktloni corded, the Nat1onal Center Uon. ber of dlVO{Cel recorded th• JUNE 22 Be sympathetic toward .,. ilood You do will be "'paid. por!'Y oomprom!Je 11 wlae. tervt u bat penonal auJcle. !or Helll\h SllUttlcs reports. However, the provisional !ollowln& yur w11 110,000:
who confide. problems. The Oppaslte also applies. lF TODAY IS YOU P. Bullnea 1ucceu, mamaae in· Early tn<Ucatlons are that rate ror me lJ..month ~ 0 1'111 tetms to be a workl-
By SYDNEY OMAllR AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. PJSCl!S (Feb. IP.Marci> al): BlllTBDAY, you are capable dltlted durlna cumnt eyole. the !i&Ur'!s !or 1111 will be endlni In March, 1111 II even wide phe_....,," tha otatJ..
It E c R E A T I O N tbould 18): Good lunar aspec~ today Shrewd approach is necellary of bulldln.c i career, • rela-' ...!!.~~ "'-':'J.,. ~ cJ.:,~: even blgber. hl(Jher at s.o per 1,000, a di· Ucian Nld aa he noted ~t
feature art ellt.lblll. Escelleat cclncides With travel, cor· where financial matters are Uoneblp, a Ufe. But you =:::, .. "~~-Nit" !!l!" An ertlmaled 581,000 dl· Vorte: stetlltk:lan aald. United NatlONI Hatiaticl ahOw
also for party, ror abowlng •P-mPQDdence, a f&r·rucbin& concerned. one close to you UIUllly do to m your owu "'&'r."i . -~~'r2 vorce1 •nd mmulmentl were 'lbl h~ divorce figures divorce lncreuing tn many
predation of put favors. Peo..1 _v_i._w_._s_w_;dy;__c_•.;cP_r_t_o_•_r_a_w_a:.:n;;;lt;;;to.:.;.•pend.::..::.:.;.Y;;;ou.:.;.IM7;:::;_;h_;av:..:•;__.::len111==·...:Y:.:ou.:.;.leailed:::;:::.:...:""':::.:ll':....:;tba;;;;.t __,·.i;;;:=.::""::~c..:.:::::c:•::.·::.·'!&='::.·_'_ri_1 _,sr:;antec1;.;..c;;....ln.c......;l.;_1118c,';_°':._..;lt;.;,.:..OOO.;.....;ever'c;.;:._:.t'1)1;_m;.:l11::.led...;._a1nce_.;....dl_v_o_rce __ ot_he_r_cou_n_1r_1 .. _. ____ ,....
pie ""11J)at are ID a genenlly
reeepUve mood. Late af.
temOQD flads the change from
ultracr1Uca1 to acceptance, 11
lbe moon transits from Vir11
to Libra.
ARIES (March 21·April 19):
Accent on ability to make ln·
lel\lgent compromise. Spread
appeal. Show qthers you have
so methin g they need.
Highlight chann and
diplomacy. •
TAUh..,.l (April 20-May 20):
You get much pleasure
through new contacts tonight. '
Express yourself in unique
maMer. HI gh Ii gh t In-
dividuality. Begin program
\vhlch will bring your efforts
be.fo~ public.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
Good lunar aspect today coin·
cides with creative endeavors,
pleasure through children.
Evening features c h a n g e ,
travel, variety. ·
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Accent on home, how you
relate to family. You get
ai'oUnd, but stick to what is
fa11:iliar. Don't risk something
worthwhile for nebulous pro-
mise. 'The key is to be prac-
LEO July 23·A ug. 22): Ob--
lai n hint from Cancer
message. It is fine to take
journey, to visit, but don't lose
track of basic issues. Keep eye
on basic therqe. Be ve rsatile.
VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept.,:IO)o
TaKe care not to e pro-
mise! which e you ln
financial . Be realistic
about po_saeSSions. R ev iew
assets, 3efitj.l.<.. Quiet ta1k to-
day he!~ clear the alr .
LIBRA (Sept. 32-0ct. 22)'
Some restrictions are lilted.
You can combine seriousness
..with laughter. Specially good
for gathering of clan at how.
Doemstic hannony is attain-
SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. Ill:
You are able tl see special
person whc aids in solving
surroundings art q u I ea .
: Discretion is a necessity. Face
facts as they exist.
Dec. 21): Accen( on pleasure
f·through social. c ll r,t$ a c 1 s .
"Romantic in./olvement~iS Yndi·
cated. II single, you could
make decision con~eming
CAPRICOR1'· (Dec. 21-Jan.
19): Cooperate In comn:i\lnlty,
church projects. Efforts in
humanitariari projects prove
KNOUSE. F•1"'C, ol 615 H1rttorcl SI.,
Mun!lnot.on lhadl. S.WV1v..:I bv wile
C1•re, 1111>-IOl'I, Marvin Pr111. Broll!trl,
W"ll•• 11\d Edw1rd. Siiier. ACS. Aow1.
S•rvi<e1 Sal. ~ 1>,m. 11 Pfflc F1mlly
Colon111 cl>l'ler•l HonM WQ!mln.hlr
MEIU-1Mb, Plll1t11, .b, ol ll• AlVlflllc
s•.,•t<l•WPOl"I ~. $11rvl\l«I bV wlf1,
S1r1, chllclNn: J:!trll, !lot.fl 1nd Ger·
'"'· flrothrt, .Fr1nil; of C1nov1 Perk, 1' 1l1t1r11 Mrt. 8tlti. S-Ind Mrt.
Oor!1 J~ ol Vin Nlll'1 11\d Mrt.
A..,: C1fUIO o. ClllOH Ptrl!;. Plrfl'll,
Mr ... Mrt. Alll!tfl'IW Mffllno IJf No.
1-11111~. R.t11111em h\1111 t 1.m. ~
dey 11 Our Lad",-Of M•. C1""11
cri..,..a.. Newi:iort Be.ell, lnttrll'll!nl
Good S~phtfd Cemel~ty Bil!h Moi:·
John ;wniei\ol M••rs. .Age S1 O> :m
MYERS, JDh!I Wllllem Ate J), ol' 331
Pl11'1"1'tl, NtWJICl•I ~lid! 01!1 Ill
d~~1h, June It. Survlved b• w!~ Mtlv1
Mve.-,.1 br~ther. Ma• My•rs, lo• An·
~I,!: l\1lf brt11ht rl l-lttrY 1"11 Rtlph
M~rs. Mlnou•!; lltlf·l ltln', B•ut•ll
Stough, Lynwood. SerVICff. MO!>d1y, ,,
AM, Pacific Vlr# CllKtll. ln!enntnt.
Pedlie Vlf!w M<!morltl P··--llllll
Morlua..,, Jl1C E. Co.II lilohwtY. Co.
ro~• <!el M~r, DkKlors
Westclllf l\torhtary
U7E:17th St., Colla Mesi
Corona del !\tar OR 3-9'5t
Cotta !\1e'ta J\.tl 6-UM
110 Bro1d"1y. Costa t.leu
LI l-l4U
HunthtftOD Valley
17911 Beach Blvd.
Hantinglon Beacb
"ll!metery • t.lortu1r1
3SOO Pacific View Drive
Newport Bucb. Clllforula
1'901 8olu Ave.
Wtttmtetter 893-SU5
Laguna Buell 414-1111
s..cr....oi. -·
SMITH'S MOR'l'IJARY •n Mala 111. 0Wlda'10•Budl LEMm
=~~ "Ban" "Crest'' ANTl·PllSPllANT
K-. Jll II *1 Jll Ctl ltplw allf Ml1t fl1Hr 111 tllt flHtrHct. Ile
I.II 79 5.11. 59c 4 11. • c Slit
Slzt .
c::>FlUGs anc:I
Sl..JNcF::l\Elte; I "BAYER" "eALADRYL"
Ac!~,,111• for 27e LOTION .•• fl)I' relief al 111 rtn • • • min.or skln l 2g lie W1 lltllln~
. · -"BACTINE" "'·~n •
• LllUll •• .l~ sunbom, la 1 ABDEC~ ltOfS
!'=-.. cuts. waltb · gee -~·
Ul111'1· .a • !1; Hyaieno. • e
·s.1.,.r.,· Hamper Basket
21 't slu ••• flee swin1
J cover sectioll for E·Z use
, 1· ',' from eltllef side. 88 I 1 ... 1 fM ~lttleo, Ci
• ~.closet.etc. Plasticware by ALLADIN
~~...,-.... ta • ..,....,.-.
waste B ket
' Wasll Basket as . 11 •110 ... !t•·
3z ,ts11 •... e&c :;a: . · t~r•d 11n1111e&c st1lisb !ibape ! ;;, • • with deslan.
¥1/foOted base_ ' I> , ·~ • ''
Waste .Colll3i•
I Piiia liu .•• Cover 1
kicks or 1111locks w~ flip
· of meUI ~an· eee dles.ldellforill-
doors, outdoors.
TAILDS for f11t Plin' S\ll~M
Rel<t. 119 .,_-IDUCll ,Pl,.EI ••. . ~ ror rem1n1~•ga
"ANACIN" • l.U,ln '
TAILITS -Rellel of ~ Koro -·at
tens• MNOUS 98 ·-·· Spray for '8gc l!eadathe! C _. W'Olntn.
1.33 11rs · tk J tr. Sl11
SHAMPOO wlv.1 ... ...,. Mir 1111
11 N1dJ Uftrtl6:11ift T1•1 11! ~ wltlaat .,_ I
I.DO 63( 111,. "1'tll *JHUI
3 II. 83c Silt
"DRISTAN" I TAIL[fS -tor sinus
congestion, Mr gee fever.
I.ti 2.-s
Nil.IL MIST -11o9S f:~~ miseries gee
l.?l 15ct Sizt
Ni&I PtlHCJ , ; ,
¥111•1• 1
C1•pl11 l
Yillml1 C
. l\US llilr,
Yust 11f lrn .
Dog Food
Ckts1 fr••: 15 II. tltr11•1t,
1411: II. lltf lhlf,
14 er. "M.P.S." 11•
'L I" yso SPRAY
14 tr. C-••klt1fw/QrlYJ I "BAND-AID" ~ Sweater Box Diaper Pail ~-Baby B~ . ~~5J!1 ~~ts"gc .. · ~) Molded-in. lift·ee 1
wilt COYEl ... ee 11 QLO'f1l ... ee . cut. 2 eg ·6 95 '--;;:-. pull handle.,. C molded·in, easy C / ideal I-Or wash C . Ill If 11 31's • 111'1 • ~ self·stickina:. arip handles. basin, also. L::=.z>::::::::::a:>:::=:::::"":::=:::<"::::::~~~'-==:=-:;:'!'.::;:::::=.!!~J.~ ...... -----'~ ~
Turntable 11 13 . Laundry Basket I. iie~~i·~ing Blanket Trainil11 Pants ! •A!TERY OPERATED
··• SIRll'SBB withmealhafl·eac Wl(l ·r!lllfwce-eec ~ cott&n 111il~ ass't colorlul l 3 Ill i ''P1w1r Cat" cuts quic~-
dinntr plates. e pour ipout ~ui:n1~•· ! .. Pak II 2 • .,11 § sofs. Batteries are included
m· 1 .. ,.,, Qt. Pail .11\_1 .. 111 ,;,, ... 1 · ·cOMFOIT _ , ... , ... It --i Scissors ~-
••• also holds C .. ~le, driples~ -~J!r extra S p11nts. Ura! 30x40'' sile. g ' ·t Cl er & easier th'&ri hind sci~· 3 ee •
. -i -------, ·, . j . ,._ . 11 l . Pads" •1 at this low price of only • ~ " PRINTED ap 100% wtlile cotton ter· .1D11'' TUmtab''B • Laundry >11.as1tat •• .. · ~· rv.c1oub1e p1y00dy,trip1e -..... --------.~ /2 . ~ . , · 'D MIJ . • Ll' .. , : COMIDRT-12'14"S>/I... lh<~crntth.Si10s1~~ . . -. ~rri:t,...,.~ .. "''*eee · . ·, .:. "l1t-... oxbi-s!Joli·~i•aaw •. i''.~-:~~;·i::i~.::~.l~:~i:!ase a~eec ii ---~· ·~·-··~,·-· ~~ 4
• ·'floods• llll'!'OW dlelm and 11¥d· fofc:ed tlettom 111d mohJH;ia han-~ ~ • \fl-et Pok 11 3 , • -LADIES' .
ll><llcil P""" dies. Sno1-p1oof. • •••• · " • • S f
p-I )1\'' 1 • . l; j -r.
.t. · _. ·-~
. .• . • '"'"""°'"'"'""'01111 1&D• ....... u11•1H11nD~•n11rat1•11111e11oinu1 .. 11 I ipperettes
1111 OltltNAl C~oose f"m "sorted styl11 ·
'Tl'lnf Clock Radio COOL-RAY ggc KITCHEN GADGETS I I Foot Cover in sott vi~ IOd m orted 1 79 P ... OLARDID' . ' ' . !ytOft -b;l!illl llO center ffil"S.'~'l •"Y "'"bi:' • . :/l!!.!.";!'"!;;o~!::~ . '•.\. ' .·. • Jelly-u..111s . "beet mm:T!ey fit''""' 4nc ·:.i~~:=,~~le ee Sun·-glasses s,1.1 • ~i"""t '''ggc .•nd~~·&·;.~,~.r·:·~~\ ;, =:::·;·· . ...::.::..:...==-=-=·=·=-:::
!q. ?I.II • .. " "'"' .•• iileJI 1" com~. ·sport So' ck ·rerry· Socks . "LB." LANOLIZfD .... fir Jiii' 'n••• . Pfdd111gs. a!so. . , . ..,..3_...,C,....u~--,s""1'fte,,__r__ U1hlwei1ht cotton'"~ t ... es Stletcb cotlon teny Hair Dressing Oil ~
"Lysol" LIQUID
Doodorlzllt a-er
Wi~e1 1w1j a tr ms that 5gc: caus1 odor! ts it wipes
W#tf DIRT ..... tk 21 tl.
Sunslasses have remark·
ablt POURO!D lensss that
stGp rel1ec!ed 111re, 1s
dtmonstratM cm TV.
ankln tre1 to tan. Cool 3gc ide11 fw.5neakers and 5gc 9gc: &: 1bsotient ••• white fl&ts. White only. Keepi hair neat and well . JUkes ~· in1·flotr into all only. Its. 5Sc . • Rl(.15c gtoomed • , • protects the 3gc
Items s+mple, • ·hair and Scalp l1om dry·
Thermometer ~_::~",:·:::..~--.. --g·=---
... , flJ -f« candy 9nc ~,.,IQ~--. r, MAX FACTOR 111d1e11y. a--mw~HUe
~ Meas. · Spoons
Set 11 4 .•• tor liqofd 1nd gnc
dry mea.surin1. .,--------------..
Can Opener
Solt Celor for lltalltlfvl Bru nettes
Covers fflY better, too. Mid
lhe really nice tlling about
Tried&: True Soft Color •••
it's never ~ard on your hair.
r----~ ...
"Breck" BASIC
-the tirst tnturlur for hair .• , ma~es line hair feel thick ... makes unmanage-1 69 able hair easier ta Sft.
2.25 • 1r. Size •
'\LWWW 4 _ _..._..,_..,.~., ·-
SALLY HANSEN ~ w/map1t1' 111 .. 1•1r ••. 9nc
-:;: YOU :~~~:.IGHT7 Tl;.,. • ..,.. ~ £;; '"8;ater \J"
11 Aycls '' A gold wrap-iiround frame Groo~ed. handle fot Stlfe·arip,OOc
l lDUCIN& PUN CANDY fe r mt11 1nd WO!lleft. lit large blades. .:Jl\J -1ii~en as directed, Mlidous low black er terrapin with lflY •
Sia liv1/1
l1Ur111 s111•1s Hard-as-Nails
"lt·lt•&'' wit• 11111 Ii·
M more eftective for 1 50 llf(lblem n~I!. He\ps make
salt nails hard and chip 1
resistant. -------
calorie Yifalnin lltd.miritral candy leftSH. Pastrv Cloth
wrbc yow tppdite. You aatomat-" J 9nc
.;ca1t1 ,., 1™. C-fom •• i~ iolll!g pin cover. \J-s.orted flwars.
Jl, .. :""'::":::"m:m:;:"':""""'::~:~:~:• ::~:~:•::•::::::4:.:2:g=~!£!f.!i:~ 5.ge ':~1!! !k~nn •~Y gge r iiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiim1111>11t1111N11111 aa111m111u 11ua1••1111
'.>;. 1-r Short Sets
, Pll'llllUt hta ... s~ort
ilewe. lllOci tvrtleoo:k shirts, bc~tt waist shorts
with ha!f belt ass't styles in wrtrastinr colort. . ,
G11u· & •on· Suasaits . '
coo1·1...ri11YltS ,, __
cotlolwill-llp _...,...,..
C4Ytr•• 1l1itic bldl-wti~t. •TU·Uo1.tn
I, •
RfVLOll "Shadow Spree"
' A l:aptivllil& NeW Eye $11111W Cellecti111 . '
6 "br\1$b~n slltdow" shade!, 1 ~ny .llrws~ and full·Yitw mlrr6r
·-·Ill cafjtured in l)'M:ltthing,
CGl~rl~I. fun fasMoned comim;ts!
4.00 ..
Great fo r surfe1s and .al!-
d.ay kachniks ••. speeds
a rich Ill! that l15ts.
lie 1~ It.
_,_. __ _,
"Krazy Dazlts"
DECALS -1'p0i-o~s·
in some veiy groovy col·
ors. Washable, easr to
a,ply on ~0'1ts, cars,
surfOOards, etc.
;::,,. 1.49
-~-------------------·-------~--------__ _.
~ '
--' . . .~ .. '\.".' ...
I • DAIL'Y PILOT Saturday, J11ne 21, 196~
I-Ialo·s, Chisox
Split Twinhill
. 11 I 11~~.l
• I
• •
. ~ .
. ,..,,....
; .
'Ibe ·victory hungry California lstTgels
have enjoyed home cooJdna on their Ana-
l:feftn. diamond more than the menu· of
losses they've been fortm to eat on lhe
However. the llalos couldn't cook up
much of an attack Friday night, divid·
Ing a twl-nlghl doubleheader with' the
Chicago White Soi.
Lefty Phillips aneinic hitting clu~ won
the' opener. 1-J. in 11 innings, but drop·
ped the nightcap~ 9-1.
In. ·the opener, Tom ~urpb1 or ttle
Angels fnd Tommy John Of the SoX were
involved m a great pitchers' duel, but
neiU1er one W<?S around at the end.
Sandy AICN;har rapped the game win·
ning hit jn the last of the 12th orr ex·
•Angel'Dan...Oeioski, a t\V<>Ollt single that
chased hoine..Rit'k Reichart.
The Wtitte Sox, who clubbed Murphy rdi 10. hlts, ·scored their only run i!1 the
third inning whel) Ken Berry laced a dou·
ble to center. Jay Johnston had a chance
at the Dall, but spparenlly lost the ball in
the lights and gray sky.
Tom McG'raw cashed in Berry with a
single to rigtit.
Bubba Morton evened the score in the
fifth with a blast that carried over lhe S93
marker in left center on a John cun·e
Ken Tatum, who v.·orked the nnal two
Innings for the Angels and pitched hitless
bait, "·on his first game of the season.
Rookie pitcher Paul Edmondson was
the big story in the second gam.e. .
In a ballle or pitchers making their
first major league starts, Edmondson
stood out over the Angels' Greg \VaSh·.
burn .
GUNS FOR DOUBLE -Jim Ryun. the great Uni versity of Kansas
runner, \vill try to become the first collegiate ever to \Vin lhe mile and
three-mile titles today in the NCAA track championships in Knoxville,
Tenn. Ryun is shown here coasting to a mile heat victory over Villa-
nov.a 's Ch ris Mason and Brian Kivlan of Manhattan. Kansas held the
team lead after Friday's action.
Edmondson throttled the Halos on just
f \\'O hit s while banging out a pair ot
singles, 'scoring twice and knocking in
one run himseH.
The 6..S righthander got all the hitting
suppo rt he needed in the third inning
Lef ehvre Bats
Hot Dodgers
To 4-2 Victory •
CINCINNATI <AP) -Jim Lerebvre
knocked in l\\'O runs and scored a third as
the Los Angeles Dodgers edged Cin·
i.:innati 4·2 Friday night.
Drysdale. 3·2, held the Reds to three
hits in six innine:s before leaving \llith a 3·
0 lead. The fol10,1·lng inning. Cincinnati
rapped reliever Al McBean for hi,ro runs.
Lefebvre cracked an RBI single in the
Second. scored on Maury Wills' infield
single in the fifth and hit a sacrifice fly in
the sixth.
The Reds opened their scvenlh·inning
rally on an Alex Johnson single. Tiro
Reds 11·ere retired before Johnny Bench
unlea5hed a triole. Tommy llelms !hen
sincled in Bench.
The veteran Drysd ale. making his se.
C'ond start since April 22 because of an in·
jured pitihing arm, had no trouble as he
scattered three hits. He lefl because "1\'C
didn 't 1\'ant to hurry him," said Dogers
skioner \\'alter Alston.
.. It's loo earh• to takr a chan<'e (If
hurling hhn aga.in . He pitched real 1rt>ll
for his second 0111ing :ifler being sidelined
for so Iona: ...
A1~1on ind icated thr bitt right-hander
"·~uld be in hi~ re:nil:i r rotat ion po~ition
11hen the Oodccrs factrl 1hc Atlanta
Bra 1·,,.~ 1u•"tl \\'CPk .
LOS .llHGELlS CIH(IHH&ll .. • • " .. • • .. Y/111, " ' ' • Po·• " ' • • • ... " • ' ' TOIP' ,, ' • ' • W01vit " • ' ' Sl\•IO• " ' • • • W.01co " ' ' ' 0 .O.Jo~"""" " ' ' ' • ll11~H!I ,, • • • • Pt 'U ~ • • 0 • P1,;,tr " ' 0 ' 0 l'!•v " • • 0 l-'11lf r • ' ' ' • P•·<~ • • ' ' Ltl~•t ,. ' ' ' ' "'""''' " • ' ' 1lff"'O't " • • • c~,,...v " • • • 0'1'5dl 1P • • • 0 "''~'' • • 0 ' • (•-Wlo•d o~ 0 • • llu;i " ' 0 ' • Mei s " • • • • ll~l"OS 0 • • 0 • ···~· • • • • G·-"'ll"T • • • • • v·~1u,,.., '" ' • 0 • C1rroTI ' • • • • '" "'~la ............ '" '" ~· -• (>M 1nntll .. .. '" -' E-Le.l~b>'ft. OP-Lot "'"·~, .. ' Cl~(lnn•ll " LOI-Lo~ ll"ll!I~\ t, (•n~·~n~•+ ' J8-Ml il.,, KO\• ••. Moll. P1rt•r ll-l•n<~ ~1-le••bv•'· ,_
l-lll!t• Sf-l •ffbvrt
" ' • .. .. ,.
Ory•cll lt. w. " • ' • 0 • ' Mctle•~ "' ' ' ' ' 1-.~· ',, ' • • ' "'"' '· ,., ...... • • ' ' ' .. ~ "' ' • • ' Gr1n1er " ' ' ' ' ' ' J1 ....... 1rewt•, l -),)1. A-II •]!
Kansa~ Holds Lead
Carlos Fails at 8.9,
• 9.2 But Wins 100 in
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -San Jose
state sprinter John Carlos whipped defen·
ding. champion Lennox Miller of USC ln
the JOO-yard dash final in the disup-
pointing lime of 9.2 seconds Friday , \vith
Kansas piling up points in the team race
at the NCAA Track and Field Cham-
Carlos. v.•ho had promised lo bid lo
become the first runner ever to crack the
9·second barrier, shook his head in
frustration after the lime \\'as posted.
Hov.·ever, he still has a shot al a \\'Orld
record in the 220 today.
The controversial speedster. booted out
of the Olympic Village last fall, also
anchored the San Jose State 440 relay
team v.·hich set the pace in the trials wilh
a 38.3 clocking only hvo-tenths of a se·
c.:ond on the \\'orld record.
Kansas jun1ped into the team lead with
the help of a 1·2 S'A'eep in the shotpul.
where Karl Salb won \\•ith a toss ol' 64
feet. 9 inches and Steven \\li\helm was se·
c:ond with 63-61:, and with Stan \\'hit!ey's
i;econd-place in the long jump "'ilh a leap
of 26-7 .
\Vhitley \Vas beaten by Jerry Proctor of
l{edlands, Y•ho surprised his big school
rivals \Vith a le'ap of 26·Jl 3.14 .
Kansas, expected to .battle San Jbse
State for the team title, is counting on
distance ace Jim Ryun in today's 13-
e\·ent rinal:.-.
Ryun. the world record holder in the
niile, will try for an unprecedented S\\'L'Cp
t1f the mile and the three·mile.
Kansas piled up 30 points alter the first
lv.·o days of the meet. "'ith Oregon State
SC(.'Ond at 20, Villanova third with 17. and
S<tn Jose State fourth with 16.
Tennessee had 14, \Vashington Slate 14,
UCLA 13 and Oregon 12.
Villanova's Erv Hall . v.·ho ~ualed the
1\·orld mark of 13.2 in Thursdiu''s trials,
"'On the J21}.yard high hurdles in 13.3,
11·ith Tennessee freshman Bill High nip-
ping teammate Richmond Flowers for SC·
Defending champions fared badly in
Friday 's rinals. ""ith 1968 titllst 'PerUi
Pousi of Brigham Young finished third in
1!11> long jump. and Steve Marcus ol
liCLA. last year's shot-put king, fourth
!hi~ year.
Another UJJSCI was scored in the hall\·
mer throw, with Steve DeAulremont nr
Oregon Stale winning "'ilh a heave or JOO.
5, 20 inches better than lhe best by
favpred Richard Narcessian of Rhode
Lee Evans, the Olymipc champion
fro1n San Jose State, set the pace as ex·
peeled in the 440-yard dash trials, win·
ning his heat in 45.4, a meet record .
r·onner light·hea vyweight charnp Billy
Conn visited the training camps or Joe
fratier and Jerry Quarry Friday and
picked Quarry to knock 01,1t the champion
in their Monday night heavy\\'eight title
Frazier boxed two rounds with Don
Warne or Philadelphia. bringing his
training total to 115 rounds .
Quarry "·ent three rounds \Vith 1'1ikc,
his 18·year.old brother. at !'\1onticcll'O for
a total of 115 rounds. nc will break camp
Sunday. f'razicr, who may· loosen up to-
day, will break camp later in the day.
Lefty Charles Grabs Lead
CHARL01'TE. N. C. CAP) -Bob
Charles, the world's leading lell·hander. !>rob out ol 1 12-man scramble and
assumed the second round lead Friday in
lhe JlSG.000 Kemper Open Golf Tourna·
ment. Wltb a lwo..urxler.par 70 for a 138
Elsht. l)lhers. led by S7-year-old Sam
Snead, •inner of U tour eventl, wert ti~
at Jst and tbe{e: were five more tat 140 1n
one of the: mo1t jainlned up halfwa_y
flnishe1 of the le:l.90fl,
Sne~d had 1 steond round 60. three·
under par on tht 7 .zns.yard Quail Hollo ...
Country Club course.
Of lhe group lied at 139, only Snead and
rookie pro Bob Payne played in the
n1orning drizzle.
In thf groo p al 140 wett f\la.!ilers
champion George Archer. who sh&red the
first round lead, but went lo a 73 Friday;
Canadian George KnudS(ln, 69: Toni
\\'elskopf, 71 : Bruce Crampton. 68; and
Doug Sanders, ii.
That put 13 golfers within two t1hol!i nr
etch oth~r going Into Satutld1y'11 thirrl
round. with another large group at 141,
including seniors champion Tommy Bolt.
Phil Rodgers. who shared the first round
lead with Archer, went to a 74 for 141.
Arnold Palmer. the. defending cham·
pion , had a 71 ror 144. while Gary Player
and Orville Moody were at tf3 , Player
~r a 73 and ~1oocly after a 71.
CN!rles. a Nl'w Zealander and former
ltriUsh Open chamiMon. said he didn 't
realize he had the lead until some time
arter he bad finished.
lie. :1od '"'O bogeys, miS!ing lht grc<!n
rach lime. and four birdies on putts nf 6,
IS, 18 and 40 feet.
J'4 ; ~
'f" .... '
GANGING, UP ON JOE ? -II things get out of hand in Monday
night~s heavyweight title fight, champion Joe r""razier could \Vind up
b'atUing the entire Quarry Clan. Here, Jerry (left). the challenger,
and his amateur brother 111ike give their six-year-old brother Bobby
a rev,r tips .
l(ennedy 01\.s Hawl{i11s;
$6 · Millio11 Suit D1·opped
NEW YORK (AP) -Walter Kei;inedy,
comn1lssioner or the National Basketball
Association,. sa.ld Friday in a statefnent
telcphoried· to his offiee from • Los
Angeles, that ht was approving a player's
contract under wh;ch Connie H~\\'kins
~'ill play with the Phoenix Suns starting
this fall ·
Hawkins was barred from the NBA in
1161 during Ille basketball standels for
supposedly introducing a gambler to a
fellow player.
In his stele1nent, Kennedy also reveal·
ed that a pending $6 million lawsuit by
llewklns had been dropped.
For the past two years Hawkins has
been one of the n\ajor stars In the
Am~rlcan Basketball A..ssociaUon.
Kennocty·s tt.atement -ln part read:
"Slmr1ly artcr I became commissioner,
J attempted to look Into tht serious
charges against Hawkins that had ap-
peared in the press in 1961, in connection
\\'ith 1 college basl!:etball scandal.
"Because I had no way of compelling
answers lo questions from thost who
might know the facts. I was unable to
complete tllat investigation.
"Jtowever. the law suit just tenni.-lated
did arrord us an opportunity, through
depositions and other proctdum, to
learn what f&cts -and f emphaslie the
word "facts•· -were reaJly available.
"It has always been the policy 'of the
NBA lo make every effort, consistetit
t.xith fairness lo the player involted, to
keep itself free or any contact or even
suspicion of oontaet, with anyone who has
('Vet been usocial~ with gambling or
V.'htn ·the White Sox put together fi\'e
straight hits, good for four runs.
Big blow of the Inni ng was a two-run
double by shortstop Luis Aparicio. Apa-
ricio also smashed a two-run single in a
four-run '\'hite Sox uprising in ninth.
The Angels collected their only run
in the fifth when Jim Spencer singled
and Jay Johnstone followed with a walk .
Sandy Alomar bounced a shot into cen-
ter, scoring Spencer. but Johnstone was
ruled out for missing second base to rob
Alomar of a hit.
In an unusual play. Chicago lost its
catcher. Ed Herrmann, in the fourth
v.•hen he sv.•allowed his chewing tobacco
and y,·as forced to leave the game.
The two clubs go at it again tonight
\\'ilh Andy Messersmith (2-5) slated lo
pitch against Chicago's Joe Horlen {4~).
CHICAGO CALll'OllHIA .. • • " . .. • • " ~c ...... lb ' • ' ' Alon'"' 1t> • • ' ' .ll.11 .. clo >• ' • ' • LJohnwn II • • ' • Cfl••~ ' ' 0 , 0 ~~Mer .. ' • • • W1ro ,. • • 0 • Frego~1 u ' • ' • M•lton " • • 0 0 llelt!llrcll " • • ' • Jo1oph~n ( ' • ' • Morion rl ' ' ' ' IC~ooll " ' • ' • ARod'l!•~ .. ' • 0 • WWtl1m' " ' • • • A!CUt • • • 0 • H<>11kin~ Ph ' • • • J"'1ntton! " ' • • • Ht!d " ' • • • L!en1s ph ' • • ' ,,,,.,, " ' ' ' 0 """"' " ' ' • • John 11 ' • • • M11r~v ' ' • • • Osinski 11 ' 0 • 0 Hlckt DI! ' • • • "" .. • • • • Jf1tum • • • • • ro11t ., ' " ' Tot1I ~' ' ' Chk11eo oo• .. .. .. -' C:1lllom11 .. '" .. ~' -,
E-A1,.rit lo !. OP-CMCl!i<I !. C11ilornl1 1. LOI
-thltl!i<I I. Ci11lktrn11 t , 18-B•r..,., JOll'PhW!',
Hit-Morton l , $--Rel<hlrdl. J. T1t11m.
II" H 11 Ell II ,0 John 10 l.,J111 Osln~I L. 1·1 1 ).) I 1 1 1 0
Mut?i1v • ,, . 10 10 1 l 1 J J, ll!um w. 1·0 ..••• 1 O O o J t
T-t :s1.
Laver Loses
To Newcombe;
Ralsto11 Falls
LONDON (AP) -It's an all Australian
b:ittle for the London grass courts tennis
championship at Queen's Club today.
Aussies John Nt>\\'COmbe and Fred
Stolle will play for the $1 ,200 fi rst prize in
the final tuneup tournament before
\\.'imbledon aftcr beating Corona de!
~tar's Roel Laver and Dennis Ral ston of
Bakersfield. Friday.
Laver, the reigning \\'imbledon champ
los t in straight sets lo Ney,·combc , a
former Wimbled on lit list, S.4, 6·4.
Stolle. dO\\'ncd Ralston. 6·2, 3..S, 8..S. as
~ the Californian uncorked a rlurry of dou-
ble faults.
Ralston gave an erratic display and let
his match slip a'vay after leading 2..0 in
the final set.
He averaged a double fault a game in
hi s first eight se rving games and Stolle
coasted through the first set.
Tn the second Ralston, though slill dou·
ble faulting , hit three spectacu lar
returns, to break Stolte ror a 5-3 lead and
went on to level at one set all.
Ralston aced and volleyed his way to a
2..0 lead in the final set but then hi!!
rorehancl went out of control and he lost
five games in a TO\\'.
Stolle had the edge after that but he
needed se~·en match points before
finishing it off.
T11·0 British players reached the final
of the \VOmen's singles. \Vinnie Shaw
defeated f\1rs. Mary Ann Curtis of St.
Louis, S.7, 6-3 and f\1rs. Ann Jones beat
Francoise Durr of France, 6·2, 6·3.
Mix Casinos
With Sports
Says Nevada
CARSON CITY, l\'ev. CAP) -Nevada
will make no attempt to keep people con·
nectcd with organized sports out of ii~
legal gaming industry. the chairman of
the Nerada Gaming Control Board said
The comment or board cha irman Frank
Johnson came a day after ii was made
kno"'n that four men invo lved in the
1nanagemenl of major league baseball
clubs had been ordered to sever their ties
n·llh baseball or a fi rm which runs three
Las Vegas ca sinos.
"\Ve are not going to keep people fron1
organized sports out of gaming," said
Johnson, "If they qu;ilify for licensing,
Ibey qualify,"
Johnson refused to cornznent on the ap.
propriateness (lf the action taken by
Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn nor
would he con1ment on the effect of the in-
cident on the image ~evada is tr ying to
cult ivate for its largest industry.
The men ordered to sell their stock in
Par\'in·Dohrmann. a firm v.·hich controls
the Stardust. Fremont and Aladdin
ca.sioos. art associated with the Atlanta
Braves and the Oakland Athletics.
Delbert \\'. Coleman. president of
Parvin-Dohrmann and owner of about
Sl7.8 milllon of its stock. ~·111 re.sign fron1 the board of directors of the Braves
rather than give. up his Parvin-Dohrmana
Tu·o other Bra\'cs officials, club prtsi·
dent \\'illiam G. Bartholomay and John J.
Louis Jr .. have sfall Parvin·Dohrmann
holdings which they >A'ill give up.
Charles 0 , Finley, owner of lhe
Athletics and of about $3 million of
Parvin·Dohrmann stock. has refused
cmnmcnt, but Kuhn said the A's owner
will relinquish the stock.
------------------------------------·---·----··-----~ -
---------~.,..,..._,....,, __ • __ _..-.-:-·4• ,.; .~-
s'"!~t• '-~ :j':'~ .. · ·sun Deills ·.Will
. .
Series Titl~ I 0-1
OMAHA, Neb.-Billy COlton Hockey League record for
and John Dolinsek slammed career sbutou.la with 102, was
home runs in an ·Arizona State obtained by the New York
power display which crushed Rangers from the Detroit Red
Tulsa, JO.I, and brought the -Wln;s in a three-player tratte
Sun Devils their third NCAA Friday. -
baseball championship within 11le Rangers also acquired
live years Friday night. Sandy Snow, a right winger,
The resounding Ariz on a and gave Larry JflJrey, a
State triumph eliminated the veteran left winger to Detroit.
possibility a decision might •
have to be awaited in August to confirm the NCAA cham-The California Angels signed former Golden West College
pion.. star Don Neugebauer, 21, of
Tulsa went into the finals Fullerton State College Friday
with the cloud of an ineligible to a contract with their Idaho
player used in the district Falls farm club.
playoff banging over its head. Neugebauer, a recent draft
e choice, will graduate from Cal
Sawchuk , the 31l-year-0ld
aoalie who holds the National
Events Set
For Russ
Spike Test
State Fullerton in June 1t70.
He wlll play for Idaho Falb
Utis summer. He reporta to
camp immediately. • ST. LOUIS -The head of
the dra(t board of basketball
star Jo Jo White said today
\Vhite 's induction Into a
r.1arlne Corps resttve unit In
Connecticut was "fraudulent"
and that "the order OUiht to
be set aside." r ..
Arlhur Kreisman, chalrman or Selective Service Board 110
Jn St. Louis, said wf».tt was
never a resident or C.Cln·
(:. ' . r • Top Players Hono.-ed
. ' .
' ..
CIF Stro~-g Choice
Over ·city Spikers
: cur IOlilhern -pride to "" In tbe !Olllllern oectloo'•
, Is 11 tllte tonllbt II Cerritos ~-~ ..o.:.-•'-• In
· ~ and li tbe DAILY ' """ llAlte .._.....,.
PILOT dope ',*~ b ut1 hi-• :::.. 1::°:• tlti:..=e:
~' then 1 no rtUOD for ·' tint ~ , ~
panic in the initial running.of '!be ,DAILY 'p!Wr dope
tbe Southern California track sheet Rieb Willle Rob1moo cl
and field invitational. El centro ~ a double wtnne_r
F. lei In the sprinl.t and ,1 ... lllt •• i!'St f d eveot b . 11 7::tO ty aoJy the 'lllO and IJO high
and first nillllJnl .... , ts ~-lndt-'~-· at a with ·tbe IUnair burdlll ln WID ,,_ .. run·
for Asthmat.IC Clllldren nln& events. ta t\IJunga the reciptd or 1be J..nillt, J'rblpt the
Proceeds from the ett · feature race .. the night, m · will be a rematch between 1be meet will be scored on a l\uben Chapplns of ExceWor
W.1 buls with recent (SS) and Frtd Rltcherson of
,raduate.s from the city o( Los Salesian (SS).
ADcele• meetin& a like con· Rltcherson upse( Chapplns
tlngent from the southern :iec-last week. at. Sacramento with
tion. a bluing 8:55.2. Cbapr,ins,
A near-tWttp fn the field tiowever, successfully de end·
-evenll and -diMl.nce races !d hia.CJF atate championship
lives the IOU.them aecUon a in the J..mile at UCLA two
decided •die· weeks ago with IO 1:$'1.0, with
The mile, 2-mlle, high jump, Rltchenon, who set the pace,
IOl\g jump IOd lbol put tppear finish ing fourth In t :OU,
Rams Face Dallas
In Charity Contest
made today by game director
GleM Davis who said, "This is
Chapplna Is favored to
avenge ht. defeaL
The CIF, according ~to the'
dope 1heet, will euUy }Vin 13-
100 -t. Roblnaoo (SS) 2.
Heorvey (LA) 3. Welch (LA ),
Predicted Time : I.I.
DI -I. Robinson (SS) 2.
Hearvey (LA) 3. Welch (LA).
Predicted Time: It.a. •
440 -I. Sima (SS) !.
Sanchez (LA) 3. Langston
(SS). Predicted Time : 41.1 .
!80 -l!"Sanchu !LAI 2.
Llrutston (SS) 3. Fruek (SS),
Predicted Time: 1:52.4.
Mile -1. Underwood (SS) 2.
Butler (LA) 3. Hungerford
(SS). l'rocflcled Time: 1:12.0.
2-Mile :_ L Chappibs (SS) 2.
Rltcbe-cssr3. MOJI> 1ss> .
Predicted Time: 8:54.7.
120 HH -I. Rich (LA) 2.
Low (SS) 3. Tolbert ILA ).
Predicted Time : 13 .•.
100 Lii -I. Low (LA) %.
Rich (LA) 3. Holden (LA).
Predicted Time: 18.1.
440 Relay -1. l.41 An1etes.
Predicted Time: U.7. •
Mlle lleley -I. 91>u1bern Section, Procflcled T I m e :
Hl1b Jump -I. Brown (SS)
2. Bradley. (Muir, SS) 3.
Bradley JCompton, SS ) •
Predicted Height: 7-0.
every event a showdown rinnl,
the program for the U.S.A.·
British Commonwealth-US.SR
track and field classic has
been announced by meet
Director Larry Houston.
Whit.e was an all-American
al Kansas University last
season and was drafted hist
month by the J;Joston Ce ltics of
the National Ba s k et b a J I
Buddy Moen (left) o! Marina High l!f'hool_ and Tom Heierle of Santiago High
show off the hardware they won in Nbrtb.SOUth County All..Star game: Hcierte
\vas named most outstanding pla}rtr wl;lile Moen \Yon the husUer ~ward.
The Los Angeles Rams and
Dallas Cowboys, two teams
that figure strongly In the up-
coming race t.o the Super
Bowl, will kick off the pro-
reai011al football season in the
24th annual Times charity
game Friday night, Aug. 8, in
the Collaewn.
· possibly the best attraction
we've had yet. This could well
be a preview of the National
Football League championship
Long Jump -,1, Reed ISS)
%. Lyons (SS) 3. Holden (LA I.
Predicted Diltance: 23-2.
,. ~ ..
.. ,
Pole Vault -I. Gray (SS) 2.
Sauclt (LA) 3. Sampoon (SS).
Procflcled Height : 11-0.
The two-day meet, July 18
and 19 at the Coliseum, will be
evenly divided with men and
women competing each day,
as well as participants in the
ro..event decathlon..
Main competition at each
session will start at 7:30 p.m.
Friday and ar 1:30 p.m. on
Saturday. ,
Field events are expected to
grab, the 1potllght when Olym·
pie medallatl Randy Matson
and Ed Caruthers lead a
parad:e of athletes a t
Saturday's Sacramento Invita·
tional Track and Field meet.
Prep Cagers to Open . Workouts
The announcement w a s
The free-wheeling Cowboys,
featuring the pauln& Qf Don
Meredith and the receiving of
Bob Hayes and Lance Rentul,
led all NFL teams in 1corinr
Shot Put -I. Cunninlbam
(SS) Z. EUelll. (SS) 3.
Lauriano 155), Predi cted
Distance: IU.
Predicted Final Score: CIF
Southern Section 83, Los
Angeles city 3$.
The mCet will · be nationally
televised and over-seas via
satellite, but there will be a
125-mile local blackout.
Tough competition appears
likely in the pole vault
between 17·foot Olympians
John Pennel and Casey Car·
rig an.
For July 9 All-Star Showdown Ucl Of fe S laat year u they swept to the f Capitol Dlvtsloo UUe with a 12-
2 record.
Youth Slate Previously, the Cowboys
Because Qf the length of
competition and required rest
period between events, the
decathlon will start at 3 p.m.
Friday and at 9 a.m. Satur·
Each of the three groups,
regarded as the reigning track
and field powers in the world,
will be limited to two ehtries
in each event.
The U.S. men's team wiil be
selected from results of lhe
National AAU meet in Miami
June 27·28. The women's
representatives will c o m e
from the National AAU meet
at Dayton, Ohlo on July 5·6.
The feminine division will
feature three new events .:..
the 100 meter low hurdles
(stretched from 80 meters),
1500 meters ·and the 4x400
meter relay.
Events scheduled each day:
,rllHY Mtn: Polt \'1~ ~00. s/\o! Dul, 1111 ~~~m'::'f~~~W.3foo, 10'.fa'.1~~:1~t·1u~:: ·~ rtlfY. 100.0~~,,'!'~~~ Jy~or,1!~~·11n, i.m
S1turdaY Men~ LOiii! Jump, .00 ln11'rmH111tt
~urlllts. :100, 20 kll~e•~r w•~ Ill~ ~!Y:Y.l\llTIO, I.JOO, IYtl"' ~ ,
.~:~\u~, !~~~~.•· toO,
Pradice workouts will begin
Monday for 60 basketball
atan, recenUy craduated from
high achoOls in preparation for ·
the second annual Southern BE~IN "' , Ar(entlna's Calilomia AU-Star Prep Btsk·
Oscar Qona\feft&,. Charging ute etttall cluaic .,uly 9 at the
a bull, ·~ ' Ulinkound For= ID -Inglewood. victory Frl!Jay night when IDcludied in the AAAA CIF
Wilhelm Von Homburg'• c:or· conttnleot are two 'Huntington
ner threw in the towel after Beach lllgb-....-;-MJke Con--
the German had been knocked treras and Roy, Miller.
down five times. 1be. 4-A CIF st.an are
Von Homburg stood coached..Jl;y BID Annstroni ~
'giassyeyed ·and,fteling ~ ; -
his chief second ·and triiner SOflT SELL SAM J-lenry Davis signaled with the
towel for referee Hubert
Thomas Lo stop it aftei: Homr
burg had been flatlened three
times irl the decisive thJrd
round for COunb of six, nine
and nine.
NaUooaJW ...
Eut DtYtnoa
W L Pel. GB
i:h!cago U 23 .141
NewYork 34 21 ~7
Pittsburgh 34 31 .523
Compton High and meet the
Los Angeles City all-stars in
the seeond hair of a
The preliminary game ls
between a combinaUon of
MA, M and A CIF l<Mhern
section players divided into
west and east teams ..
The teams will report for
·physical eums and · plctutt-
taking Monday morning, then
adjom to their respective
practlce sites to work together
ly Marvin Myws
ft ' .
SC Trips
Diablo Five
San Clemente, with a 14·
point cushion bujlt up in the
first period, went on to post
a 49-44 decision over Mission
Viejo Thursday night in the
Tustin summer baskeiball
league at Foothill High.
St. Louis 31 33 .484
Philadelphia~ 35 .417
Montreal 16 45 .262
West Division
Atlanta 38 25 .&03
Los Angeles 37 28 .587
Cincin~i 32 21 .542
S. Francisco 34 29 .540
Houston 33 36 .478
San Diego 26 44 .371
8 I
.::r~:::::./llrif tf
'SA/1 POCJ!t'T J14Yf A ?ll/'/f-10-f/Jf Jt?J ....
/If W'.:?,f,fS 1!1c SU/11'/6[,fS 1 S/flf!/n
And, Mater Dei is beginning
lo show its teeth, taking a 72-
65 verdict from highly-regard·
ed Foothill.
Santiago ripped Tustin, 6&-
32. in other action.
Sal Lombardi led the san
Clemente attack with 21 points
while Mission Viejo was paced
by Rudy Hol~. with 19.
Tom McMenamin and Ralph
Chandos paced the Mater Dei
victory, each scoring 18. Foot-
hill's Bill Boyd'tallied 26 1n a
losing cause.
SAlrt CLl!MIHTI (ff)
.., ... , •• 11-llt
Clllc100 2, MofolrMI O
Pllllldelpll!f t, l'lltt!><Jf~ll 1
Lo• Antoelft 4, Clnc111nt!I p
New York ~. Sf. L0111$ 3
Hovskln •3, Sin 01190 1.1
A1!1nlt (, Sfn Frtf'KIKO l
, ... ,.. o ......
Sf. Louis llrllol J.5 1! Ntw York DI· L.t~re &-1
Plth.bul"ll~ Veil• 4-1 ti l'~llfdt_,.11
1"11tner 0-0
Sin Fr1nclKO Mtrk111I 1·2 JI Atllnll I NeJltro 11_.
S..n Ditto Keller )4 1t Houtlo!I Grlf. fin W.. 111tllf
Loa ........... O.tttn •f 11 Cfftclnntl• Culvw .._, I
Monfrtll lliMCI 1-T If Cllketo JtnklM ••
Amalea Le-
l"G ,,. l'I'
Mlkhtll I 4 1
Eaot ix.w. ~: W L Pct. GB
• Baltlmon 41 II .'117 0-ltll!nl f I 1
G1ule'tn It ' $ s. Lombtrcll r s ' ,! BOiton 311 D .Ill I
Mt.on J It I ' Detroit 34 21 .517 u Monrw 1 t 1 ; New Ycri: SI Ji .471 11\i
1• Washington 32 3$ .471 11\ii
,,. Cleveland 23 31 .377 222"
O. Lomblrdl 1 It o
Totfls 11 1J I'
MISSIOH VltJO ( .. ) ..... , ..,,.
' l(r1(,
H!l!mes w.,
M.•ltrion AW>cr1fl
' . ' ' . ' • • • ' . ' ' . ' . . ' . . ' . ' ' 11 • 11
1• Wett Dfrillon ~ Oakland 34 26 .5tl7
·~ fol•!t
' Minn<sot. 34 21 --t-i Seattle 28 35 .444 7~
-" Chicago 27 34 .443 71n
1ttrt ~' ou.,ten kn Cltmtnl! 11 1 lf f-lt
Kansu City 26 38 .408 lt
CalUomla 21 40 .344 Ull Ml11t1-I \lltio i 17 10 1......,
MATllt 011 Otl ... ,,. ,, '~
' ' ' 11 t It 2 ,.
' ' J 11 ' 2 l 11 I 1 I I
' l j ' 111111n
•OOTMIL\. 01) l'Cl't~flTI' loord lt J I '4
(of;lllfll $ I 4 II
Tiie colorful sound or
as unils before the July 9 captured Eastern Conl•rence
showdown. championships in 1966 and
The LA City \earn took the UC Irvine's summer sporls 1967.
Charity Golf
At MVCC measure of the CIF SS last instructional program for girls The Rams were lo.3·1 tut
year, 113·108, before 7,333 and boys a through 15 years season as they finished second
fans. old 11 . stlU accepting ap-to BalUmore in the Coulal
The City will be Jed by plication! for seaaion.s ex· J;.>iviaion. Mesa Verde Coontry Club Is
player of the year Bruce Clark tending throu&h July 25. The . Tbe off-season acquilllions one of more than ·100 golf
of Jefferson High while the program la opeo to the public. of offensive tackle Bob Brown c I u b 1 a n d · co u rs e 1
ClF southern section counters Two-week sessions meet and defensive back Richie participating In the 11th an-
wl.lh player of th a L ""' Monday through Friday, from nual ---in-one golf loumal e ye r a.·, Petitborl and the antlclrited. ,..,..-Holiyfl·etd f h 1 9 a.m. until noon. Classes ar~ .menlJuoe 21-')0, benefi111"1 tht 0 c a m p 0 n coineback of ..... n .. irur bac Les· .... !"r.:' ' ..... Compton and teammate Lewis offered in buketball, 1>a J.................. eOOid~tum the "''ty of Hope:.
N I min ton, gymnastics, softball , u.>CtJUOVI• 1'be two-da. y a>mpetition will e son. Rams to their division---""'· swimnu'nt,;tennis, table tennis .......... offer ,_,,,_, for the best Heading the we.st team In and hand I. fonn of 1967. ..v.,.uc shots, and a eet of Stan' the prellminary game are Enrollment tee for each ''The Times game is always Thompson Irons for any hol~
three players of the year. sHlion ii $20 and Classes are a bla one for us," said Rams irMne.
Doug Little (AAA) of San llm"" to·-ch'1idren Children coach Geor .. Alien Sam""••. --II -tribuUon ent~ f'"
Marcos, Keith Batiste (AA) ol ncu ""' · "This ,_ •our ~-·-·-·=""'· "~ '"" '' Verbum Dei and Steve McFall mllY attend more than one ui 1WJ wUI benerlt the City of Hope'
(A) of Alascadero. session. a 1ame that's ways p ed now in its Sith year u a pilof
Jim Stephens' (Garden Applications and further tn-before a blf crowd, so medical center aldln1 p~
Grove) eut team has A.AA lormalion may be obtabied naturally we want to lbow to grim.I in patient care .•
stars Al Carbon (Garden from the UCt recreation 1dv1ntace. We want to prove ruearch and medic-' educa•
Grove), Steve car 0 p 1n 0 1portl office by calling 1833-we have the maklnp ot .1 tlon in the battle againl\
(Bishop Amat) and Craig 1_:lm~·:__ ________ _:c:::htm~:!:P!:;iomhlp:=::i:.~tea~m!:.'_' ___ _::c•::tastrophi=:!::!:!::'..:dil!:11::a1e:=s.:__ __
Ducey (Claremont) along with
Jan Adamaon (Magnolia) and
Gene Broom (Garden Grove).
Open Cage
Play Offered
Workout.s and scrimmage
will be stressed at Costa. Meu
High School's gymnulum
where an open program for
anyooe interested Jn buket.
ball will be conducted begin·
nlng Monday.
Every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday afternoons from 1
to 4 coach Herb Uvaey of
Orange Coast Co Uqe will oon·
duct tbe workouts.
The program is open to
anyone and is free of charge.
• To A Successful Business Ventur•
le A DAILY PILOT Carrier loy
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S1turday, June 21, 196?
CNnerel 1oooG•n•r1I tOOO Gener1I l obo Gtner1I 1000 Gener1I 1000 Gener1I 1000General 1000 Gener1I 1000 General 1000
• P~L , ":..:"'s: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -W-h-er_e_E_l-se-'. MOTHER·l~LAW-· PETE ·aARRm· CORONA DEL MAR
3 Bdrm. 2 ba. family honie
on 45' lot oceanside of high-
way. Mu°st see, many f.ine
extras to 11ppreciale. $:>1,500
, , ..
room. forced air heat and built-in electric
kitchen. AJ I ne"' carpets, completely redecor-
ated in ·and out. Divided single garages, well
Jandscaped front yard. separate rea r yards.
TO P VALUF. AT 127.500. with financing
for qualified buyer. 1600 sq. ft. completely
carpeted and draped home . Large living
room. three bedrooms. den, dining room,
l ~ bath. Built-in kitchen with breakfast
area. large covered patio with outside sink
and built-in bar~b-que. double garage, fen c-
ed rear yard, beautifully ldndsc3Ped, sprink-
. AND lpAN COSTS -Call for appointment.
HOME. '6,000 improvements in aluminum
patio and SWIMMING POOL added. Large
living room. den, din ing area and two baths.
Close to schools, transportation and shopping.
A REAL BUY AT ................. $27,750!
SIX ''EAR 'NEW, completely redeco rated.
FOUR BEDROO&f, family room, 1% bath
home with fi replace, forced air heat and
buil t-in kitchen. Complelely carpeted and
draped. Lar¥.e over-sized double garage with
washing facilities. 15'x20' patio. fenced yard
-sprinklers. Only ininutes from major shop-
ping and schools. A BARGAIN AT ONLY
.. .. . .. . .$27,950.
The epito1ne of ele~ance & gracious famil y
Jiving in this beautiful Lido Isle S bedroom,
41fJ bath custom qua1ity home by Hi gson.
Beautifully decorated with luxurious carpet-
ing & draperies; pier & slip ........ $225,000.
Call for app't.
Impressive custom quality ho111e adjacent to
Dover Shores. on choice corner. Spacious liv-
ing room with beam ceiling. For1nal dining
rm .. 4 bedrooms, family room with fireplace
& wet bar. Beautiful master suite with sep-
arate dressing rm. Steam bath, heated, filter-
ed pool. ........................... $97,500.
Call for app't.
Exceptional home. custom built for CaJifor.-
nia Jiving & entertaining. Huge living room,
covered patio with BBQ, 40 Ft. pool, 4 king-
size bedrooms. 31fi baths ; in tercom & Ht-
Fi. You own the land in this exclusive area.
Owner will consider 71h% financing. Asking
..... ' .............................. $69,500.
Open Sunday l -5; 1233 Highland Drive. •
Large 3 bedroom custom built home with
formal dining room, waJnut paneled den.
Ma ster bdrni. has fireplace & \valk·in clos-
ets. lieated & filtered pool. Owner will fin -
ance at 71h % interest. Asking ........ $69,500.
Call for app't. .
$7000 Price reduction on new 4 bedroom home
on one or our quietest streets. Just a few
lots from Dover Shores. 6.6% Loan. Builder's
close-out at ........................ $72,500
Call for app't
Open Sat. & Sun. 1018 Nottingham Road
john macnab
Double ,ued elegant muter
bedroom and t baths in
beautirul presiige Costa
i\1esa prinie area! NO
\VHERE in Orange County
can you find anything like
lt at such a FABULOUS
BUY with lovely carpel$ and
rtrapcs, and bright ·cheerlul
kitchen and dining area with
FIREPLACE walled living
rooin Jearllng to LOW MAIN·
TENANCE back yard and
POOL that's heated and fil.
tered! Priced :or immediate
sale at only $33,SOO and
your present home consld·
Walker & Lee
2790 Harboi-Blvd. al Adams
Open 'Iii 9 PM
Owner just bought this home
, presents
1901 GLENWOOD -Do see this appealing
& gracious Baycrest 3 bdrm home! Huge
dining room. smart kitchen, unusual hobby
room & a delightfully different master bed-
room suite. OPEN SUNDAY I -S
charm filled 4 bdrm & den honle. Huge, al·
most-n~w pool, with plenty of children's play
yard & family entertaining area. Loaded \\'ith
extras. lrrunaculate & well priced at $74,950.
Exceptionally well planned home with 5 over-
sized-bedrooms PLUS den or study for dad
PLUS family room for children ..... $47,850.
home on rear of large lot. Build 2 more, or
pos~ibly 3 units & have income with tax ad-
vantages. . ....................... , .$27,700.
OFFICE OPE N Sat. & Sun.
1605 Westclllf Or., N.B.
one week ago. His company l"!!!!!!~!!!!!!J!!!'!!'
transfer forces sale of !his 1:..__.
\l"rrific 4 bdrm family home. General 1000 Gener1I 1000
Giant rear yani for hoat.
,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. lrailrr, camlJ{'r all <it once. 11
Bright & ChHrful $28,500 Open House· will be thi• IO'oly 1.,.., M"' Verde Colonial home In a
Medallion Jlon11!
WESTCLIFF week 01· so when complete redecorating will be com· 1201 DEVON LANE plcted. 5 bdrms, dlni!lg &
Open Sat/Sun 1 -4 ramily room. Anthony Poot -
3 BR & dining. Vacan1. farm style kitchen -etc. Va.
OWNER \VILL FINANCE cant about 6126. Open to
333 E. 171h St., C.M."
,. Ci*'9 lhlltrt)
LLEGE REALTY 1500 AdarN Ill Hlrbor,CW.
901 Dover Or., Suite 120
Large double garage, toolshed, 24'x25' work-
shop stresse4 for se!:ond story. Covered and
enclosed patio -boat storage area from pav-
ed alley. Thr,ee Bedroom. two bath home "'ith
and private bath. Well kept property in NEW-~
PORT HEIGHTS area. Full price ONLY ~
ls Your Ad in out claaaitieds?
Someone wUI be looking for
it. Dial 642-$7B
$32,i500 -CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ~~~~~~~~ Genual
1000 General 1000 1-;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;::;;;;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;iiiir: SALESMEN· SALESWOMEN NEEDED l;jiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ______ iiiiiiii Genorol 100011
1000 General 1000
220 I . s ..... -St.
;=====;!I Exclusive St. Hubert Woods ·
can you live In a restful 2
BR home !or less than rent?
You cu ii you purchase this
4 unit + home estate in
Eastside Coeta Mesa.
186() ~ewport Blvd., CM
Rltr. 64&-l!ri!I Eve. 5~()...()(}&j 13&tJmn
3111 East Coast Hwy.
C.Orona del l't1ar 675--3745 Lachenmyer
White Elephants?
Coldwell, Banker
Fabulous oceanfront home. White water
view. C/Den w/\vet bar & frplc. Din. Rm.
3 Car garage. Quality construction. Room
to add. .. .... , ................... $159,000
Mrs. Raulston
4 BR .. 3th Ba. Near new Spanish on 2 lots.
Wa1led patio w/Jge. pool. Slip for 50' boat.
Custom quality thruout. . . , ..... $149,500
\Vith private dock for large boat. Eacfl of
4 large bedrooms has own bath. Magiilli:
cent family room + wet bar & BBQ. Im ..
mediate occupancy. . ........ ,.., . $110.000,
With excellent loan.
Walter Haase
Tip-Top of Harbor View Hills. Best bay &
ocean view. Lovely 3 bdrm. home \V/fam.
rm., din. rm. & pool. Owner moving-offer.
. ' ............... '' .............. $89,000
Mrs. Harvey
1101 White Sails; CdM
Forever view of bay & ocean from livin g
rm. &: master bedroom Lge. fam. room,
dining rm., 4 BR., 21h Ba. Pool-size yard.
Asking · ........................... $53,500
Chuck Place
WATERFRONT WITH SLIP II. 17th St. Sltoppln9 Ctr.l
' you'll like our friendly service
1.ovcly 3 bdrm. 2 bath famil y home, just 3
years old. Fully carpeted & draped.
A Real Buy at $29,950
Wm. Winton, Realtor
229 Marine, Balbo a Island
Builders custom for the executive with a
growing family. Separate for]llal dining
room and (a r g e family fµn room with
brick fireplace and rich walnut paneling.
The efficient kitchen is as modern as to-
morrow with large eating area plus adjoin·
ing service room. 4 ki ng sized bedrooms
and 3 baths plus separate guest house with
private bath and built-in wet bar. Large 3
car garage. Many more c u s t o n1 details
throughout. May we show you t his unusual
home? Asking $72,500. Flexible terms avail-
Charming borne on large lot with a sandy
beach. lge. side & waterfront patios. Slip
for lge. boat. L o c a t e d in area of fin e
homes. Just ...................... $53,000
I. E .. nlngs Coll 545·8723 •• 646-1050 I ' 675-3331 Open 'tif 9 Every Night
l liG~e·no~r·•·liijiiijjiiij;iiii·l·OOO--·G-o~n·•·••~liiijiijiiijjiiij;ii1000iii /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
General 1000 General 1000
• 1 •
Open Sunday
$17,700 1430 Serenade
Irvine Terrace
Buys this exceJlent '.t bed·
roorn. 2 barb family home.
Oosr to s hoppin g and
schools. Sl~ per month pays
ALL -111f!h only $925 TOTAL
cash. Ct1.ll ·today.
Immaculate home with lush garden patio .
beautiful trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $42,500
Wm. Winton, Realtor WE SE LL A HOME
EVERY 31 MINUTES 229 M•rine, Balboa Island Walker & Lee 675-3331 Open 'tll 9 Every Nigh t
3 Bdr !: d('n. l1i ba.
compl. crpld. 18x:!4 lvn. rm.
Drpd. "'·all-to-"·all . Nr11' tile
I: pnL 1n kit. Compl. re-dee.
1 yr. ago. liYL all IC\tun'!\
It mirTon Compl re-n. Ex-
tra large lot. 8'17-i·I%
0\1,'!';ER -514•, 3 hr.
T"·nhsc. HB. $107/mo
p.i.t.i. b!l-1ns l'.10. f('(.
"~h/dry, N'C. faril. 8-17-1067
2043 Westc!Hf Dr.
Ii%· m 1 Open Eves.
lmmed Possess'ion i 1~1,.,,om, 2 ""'"· ""'"·'" • kitchl'n. Cal'pt'lS. llrapPS.
l BR 2 b th f" I !lard lo find al lhL~ Io \V · 3 s 'll't')l ~l·e. car· Jll'ii·~· in prcsligr ;irt•a. pt'ls. d1~.ipes, bu11l·Lll5, duu· 54()..l720
hi(' c:aragc. n1·750· TARBELL 2955 H b Wells-Mc:C a rdle, R\trs. ar or
1810 N~·wporl Blvd .. ('_:\I. DON'T give ii away, get
~g.7729 any1inw quiC'k cash for it \1•i!h a
-.... "."'"""""" .... ~~~ j Daily Pilo1 111ant Ad: 0iaJ'"&i"2·5678 for RESULTS 642-.1678
Prime view location
Spacious custorn hon1e
3 Bt>droon1s. 3 Ba!h~
Poolside l''an1i!y Hoom
Vorm;.il dining roon1
Larvr pool & yard
A UJ\·ely l lomc
\Vith a F'orPver Vir\v
Call John Abell
Res. 673-7365
BUSIEsr n1al'kctplat'C Jn
\0\\'11. The DAI LY PILOT
OassiBed section. Save
n1oney, Ume & effort. Look
Wilker •nd l e•, Int., con-
grelul1l1t thit terrific
11l1t 911 for •n ••c1plion·
11 month cf r11I ••*•'•
11111 1ctivilv. Eloi1 t h11
1old rnort of htr cwn lio!·
in;1 thin 1nvcn1 in her
office. H1r hippy cli1nh,
both buven ind 11ll1n,
1p•n • l1r;1 911o;r1phic
1r11 lncludin9 N•wpcrl
Beech, Cotlt M111, end
Huntington 81•d•. H vou
netd e prcf111icn11'1 11th·
tenet in 1ilh 1r 11llin9 '/Car
·liome, or findin; t 1p1ci1I
cne lo purd1t11, cttl E!oist
fer htt e•ptrl •uillenct
ti 646·771 I.
Gener ii TOOOGeneral tOOOGener1I 1000Gen•ral
Vacant And Ready
Sparkling c l e an and located in a prime
Newport Beach location. 3 bedrooms, 2
baths, panelled living room with wood burn-
ing fireplace, formal dining area. Spacious
kilchen and separate service room for fun
and hobbies. Walk to Mariners School,
library and park. Out of town owner wants
action. $34,500.
ftH llC•llff tr•lnl!MJ ot
l 1nn1t1 ... School
Free SalntWOMhlp Claua
h11erntitd I• A ltMI l1Nt9' C•'"''
$52,500. A charming 3 bedroom, dining, 2
bath home in Terrace #2. Room to add
extra rooms or pool. Attr8ctive decor.
Mary Lou Marion
This charming little home needs a family
It's vacant. Beamed ceilings, shake roof.
2 BR's. BUT room to add more. Across
the street from $100M homes .. this one -
. . .. . .. .. . ......... $39,500.
Mrs. Raulston
Two Story. Large rooms, formal din., fam-
ily rm., game rm., 41h baths. 3¥.a Car gar-
age. Go urmet kitchen. View of bay. Fee
land. This home has everything!
Mary Lou Marion
\Vatcrfron t paradis('. ldcal 11\inc:. Yiew , pier and
i;:Up for 36' boaL sa.ndy beach. 1800 sq. ft ., pristine
condition. i extra largr bedrooms. large livinJ\
room v.·ith flrcplRCC. forC't>d iur hrtit. quaint nf'i~h·
borhood. 563.500. Takr ndv11nt81!C of tXN'llcnt
ov.·ner finllncini.:.
Just one y•·11r old ~ Ll>•.:!11•'d in ;,. ~11lr·nd1d 11ro·a ,,(
quality custom huilt horn•·~ 1111-.: lrt rcr .1 bt.'"tlrno111.
3 bath ht)nlr ha~ 1n11n~ bon11~ f"<l l!ll'('S In •1ffo •1'.
You will lovl' ha•·in~ 11. :1 t·ar eara1;r. 11·ell 11!snnt'(1
wet bar for ent«rtainin1ot. formnl dlr1in.i: room, and
•paciOU£ living roo1n 11·ith a1t r111'th·" fir<'ph1cc. Hure petlo for summer and su(X'rb landscaplng.
f74,900. T\"IU1llfe1Tf'd ownf"rs-gotta jl'.o: Assume
• Enjoy beach and ocean living v.·hi!(' your 1rnants
he~p i-.y the morta•gr. Locatrd at thr OC<'an v.·ith
notbtng In U'le WIS but the boats arid biklnls. 2
bedrooms, l bath tech. large living room v.•\th
tlrf'Pl&ct. bullt-ln Jdtchem. ~\ached 3 car 1:11ra.'!,e
I and R3 i;onine IendilJ~lf to future 3rd uni!. SS0,-000. N low er $8.000. down. and o"·ntr '-'111 carry.
WJII ttn·t tor fJ2S mo. winter, $2'.!5 "IW('kly i;on1• '-·-~A L f y-."'675•6000
J r
Al clHf~ ('(Jg-c Hi gh above the Coast tllghv.·ay this
attrarttve d uple:< has an unobstructNI panoramic
vir1v or thr bay and ocean! You'll never tire of
this drram loe11tion. Fee desired. $85.000. Try 10'/o
do11·n and o"'nt•r carry.
Cornrr local('(' 2 hrdroom homr on ovrr~iz<'d lo1
In n1111•h deslri>d Bayshores. Shnr1 1\·a!k to pri\'Rtr
\J<•uc:h and JJlay 11rea. Large living l'OC>m v.·ith fil'e·
pJaec. dining room. double drta~·h~ car8ge, gate
and st ora.gc area for boat. $<14.500. You·n nol go
"·rong here.
An older 3 bedroom, 2 bath, two story home of-
fering rn&.n.y delightful remodeling possibllitlts.
Priced at $45,000. Senior citizen owner will ac-
cept sn1ell down and carry firsl l:ruat df'ed at
8%. You'll love the neighborhood. Do yoursel( a
favor and up lore the pms,lblliUes here. The ocet1.n?
.Just a block av.•ay.
Exclusive residential district, with private acceu
to Balboa Bay Club. Thia 3,000 sq. ft. home hu 5
bedrooms, 5 baths, 3 car garage. Dad here's a
gn:>at place to raise your large family close to the
main Ba.yshore beach. Pricfil at $78,950. Do your
fainily a favor and be sure to BCC lhis.
Yes. and 'vithout having to slave ovl"1' a hot lawn·
mo .... ·er. A "Blurfs" condominium which provides
a SpotleAA 2 bedroom, 2 beth v.·ay of llfe--planned
for family fun and entertaining. Patio. with barbe-
cue plus all other dl;'lu:i1c modt>m features. $39,900.
Leave on weekend or vacation trips .without m&.ln-
1cnance worries here.
Fea.turlng 14 bedrooms, 2 bathJ, lai'&e. Jlvlng room
\\>\th fireplace. Lots of qu.Uty p]usaes 11uch as red
tile roof. co1>JX'r plumbing: mw dishwasher, etc.
At $65,000. and v.·lth thl11 location )'OU needn't
look further.
EV&RYnlING CJ.LANCES , , • little girl~ lllcP. <'loll•. Uttlf! boy1 IU<e 1olldtrs. When they grow up, alrlt Uke •oldlen • • , atut
hoy• like doll•! In buylnst a home v.·e try to help }'OU Invest 1n one that you'U like 20 ytan f'rom now. But If you find that you
•re planntng to M"ll . , • (eel frff t o <'t!lll on us for cXperlcnced he.Ip. \Ve'd like to show you "'hat we mean by "•Mc.,,..... aervlce.
Be ki11d to your boat -let It Ue up close to lts m~st.er so It won't fell lonesome. And you'll enjoy
be1nr able to 1blnc the bt'ightworlc in your spare
moments Wh('n you live in this two story 2 bed-
room plus 2 den home with lnrge patio at water's
edge. $64.500. Free and clear. Owners will carry
1st loan with !10,000. down or exchange for San Diego property.
You don't have to bl' Don Adams to "GET S~tART.'' This real 11harp Triple)( on the B&lboA
Pl'ninsula point is real easy to krtp rented and
brings in $9,675. per year if rent('(! on a ~ummer/
\vinter basis. T11.xes are $1.005. and presrnt pay-
rnenti; total $3,360 pe.r y('ar. Not only can you gf't
spendable Income but laJC shelter ns \\'ell. L@t tis
show you how to plan for a prospcorous fututt".
The one you've waited !or. Be the firal to Slit this
duplex-in the best rental art:a. Close. to Bly I;
Ocean. There's a happy ruture here for someone.
Alt for $48,~ tnternted! Then call now!
------------~-----------~--------~------- ----. ---- -... ····-·-··--..-,-
Satu'4Y. J""e 21. 1969 OA!lY Pl\OT 2·1
GerM!•I lOOOGentr•I 1000 General tOOOGen.ral 1000 Gentr1I 1000G•neral 1000 Gtn•ral TOOOGtneral 1000 General • 1000
. -
* BEST BUYS * It's A Dream
Designed for h<'au ty and
e01nfort. 5 lovely bdrn1s.
Cllarmlng n1astcr suite. BL~
rormal dining ro<Jn), large
family room. Ch~h.'f!: Bay.
crest location.
Custom built \Vestcliff 4
bd!'m. home \1•lth lovely
pool and huge palio 11·ith
outside .... -et bar. A hon1c
.... ith real class.
Ove1·\ooklng Back Bay "'ilh
1nountalns In background.
5000 sq. f t. of living spa<'c.
4 large bdrml'l, family room,
Sl"paratc dining room. Huge
recreation room. 4 car g&I'·
1:tgc. Don't miss this one.
Must Sell
5 Bdrms., 314 bath Bay.
cresl home built by Ivan
\Veils. fl·toving East fl-lake
offer .
4 BDRM $31 ,950 -Be s t buv. Beautiful
l'Ond., s ha g carpeting throu&houl, serv.
porch, boat ya rd. patio & lge fam rm. Great
privacy & yet close to shops1 schools. Open
tod•y: &. Sunday at '2854 Andros St.
2 BDRM POOL -Fabulous Exec. home.
cul-de-sac · near golf course '\\'ilh Anlhony
pool. Panelled roon1 & shag carpeting. Per·
feet home for entertaining. $46.500. Open
Sunday -1790 Bahama Place.
4 ~~, ~ ~~~J~~e ro!~a~g~a~~YST -+ a separate guesl or mother·in·la\V
roon1. Just 3 years new & co1npletely
c.:irpeted & draped. Spanish moti f.
. .. .. . .. . .. . . ...... $38,950.
Don't miss this chance to move your
family into this really sharp 4 bdrn1
ho1ne. Poot sized lot. boat & traile1·
storage, large covered patio ..f-hlany
Qther features 1nakes this 2 year old
home an outstanding buy. Full price
.. $32.500 .
·Service ·
1491 BAKE R STREET I '1F 546-4141
WE HAVE THEM 388 E. 17th Street, C.M. 2150 MESA VE"DI D", e COSTA MISA • PHONE 146·5ft0
Realtors 646-7755
General 1000 General General 1000
IOOO I Gen;;~I-. ~ -
Gener•I 1000General
1000 -NO .. ilOWN VETS OR-
At uny $J j l per 1nonth! A
111udt'I condition. latt;<' 3 bed-
1·00111. 2 hath BEAi\1ED
hoinc. 1.:ompletely profession. Eastside Costa ?ttesa ally redecorated in~idc and
Fenced Yards out 1\ith surrounding park·
\V l \V Carpeting like grounds and ~pa(•ious
Draperies palio in lovely, lovely quiet
Built·ins ai·e;1. VERY PRIVATE !'<!AS·
Cl TER BEDROOM \l"ilh 011!· Large osets ~ide act'l'ss. ALL t:Ll'..:C·
Electric Garage Door Operator TRJr: ki!chen and rlish1vash.
2348 SANTA ANA AVENUE {'1". \Vat{'I' sortener! Trade
(Bel~'een 23rd & Santa Isabel) in your smaller home on this
642·3960 E~·es. 642-:l106 VF.RY SPECIAL BEAUTY!!
'°':!'!~~~~'!""~~~~~~-~-~~1 WE SELL A HOME co EVERY 31 MINUTES
General iooo l.;G;;;•n•;;;••;;;1 ==;;;1000;;.1Walker & Lee
MESA VERDE ·:!790 Harbor Bh·d. a1 Adi'.inls
This inunaculat.<' l BH fan1-Open "Iii 9 P;\l
546-2313 • 646-7171 ily hon1c ean br youi·s hy1 ------~--
assun1ing j:l~ ',(. FIJA LO.\N. Assume 51/2 °,0
A n1ust sec to appreciate. 4 Bedrm. 2 Bath
Open Sat. 12-S
No <1ualifying to assun1t"' ex·
is!lni; loan, to!al payn1t"'n!
including taxes & insurance
only $178.00. Located in Col-
legr Park.
\\'as $1\,:,00. No\I' fo1· a fc1\I
davs $39,950. Bes1 valu" in
Co.l"ona. Highlands! 3 .Bed-
roo1ns \\·ilh ln rge exira den,
2 baths. large living roonl
ll'ith fircp!a(.-e. It's on large
corner lot. You 011·n the
land. Shade and Play yard.
Front and rear porch patio.
Oul of !o\\·n 011·:1rr.
$5.500 PRICE
T1·uly a pres1ii?r. ho111c loc:i.1.
rd in cxclusivc lr1;i1\f' Tl"r·
raee II. All 100111s ill 11\1"
--·-----Corona def Mar •
Dandy Duplex
Put your lazy dollars lo wo1•k
b11ilding rqui!y in bcnuriful
Corona dcl ;\olur! ! Large 111·0
bNJroorn front unit wilh
\l"oocl btu·nin~ fireplace' iHlrl
built-in kitchen~! Plus dr-
!lghlful h\"o hrdroon1 bearh
('Ot\agc O\"Cl" large donblc
eai• f':Rragc! No vaeanf'_y f;t\'·
t or he1"C'~ ! A great buy al
only $41,000 • Su1Jn1it you1·
sn1allc1· proP<'11y on our
glHH'll!ltCf' !l.itlf~.~ [111111.
Walker & Lee
lovely ~ lx'd!"ocun, 3 b::ilh :!Oil \\'i•s11.:li!f Dr.
ho1nr arc ~pacious ·and lhc 6167711 ) . ( pl'n E\'O'S. Jiving art:'n including !ivinr;: ~---
100111, ,rlining 1oon1, family 4 BR
,\Ni) POOL iu l11:11111 iful D11v.
r1' !:ihorcs. Bcan1C'1[ r cl1111g
liv. rn1 ., n1aslt•1· [.!(Inn, 11in.
rn1., kit("hc11 & iJr"C'aklasl
a r·ra all on lhi' ouli>1anrling
view nf 1hc Bay, Pul"'quet
noor!'t! faui. 1·n1. \\" \\"l'l bar,
Only l ~·r. old. C'u~ton1 bit.
by l1«1n l\lcUs. V11h1t" plus!
Roy J. Wa rd Co.
tBayc'1'C's! Offit·<'l
1130 Gala)(~' ti'lb-lT"1."J()
Assume 6°/o GI
$3,000 DOWN
Dll. :.' 131\. hnill-ln rl•T
kile'u•n. lg . /:1 111 1!y 1"111. will!
f1·riL S1u11ien !ivi11;:-rtJ0111 . I
O..•un1 rf'iling.~, '.? t·:11· ~ur. :.'1 ~I
YI'!< !l1tl. i\·lnv" ri"ht 111. :
1'00111 1.li;o the n1aslcr bed· Meredith Gardens Hr;d(1 11.:;; (it;:;1
1wn1 overlooks a sparklin~ 4 2-·NEW -DUPLEXES-1
heated and fi lte1"f'd Pool. $4,000 Down I ""1,·1 1·1·1·1 '''"'" ,.,·,1,1 ,.,, Corona dt•I r.tar. So. ,1f lh1.1'. Fan1ily situation motil'atcs .~,. ' · " ' "" · ro,•1•·1 •1•'•1'110 111 ( ··11 i\lusl 11111·., .:! ,(· :! Rd1·n1s. d1-astie price 1-rduclion .. (';01\1 ' " " " r , ai., Y rn1 :i 1i 11 :1 ar g l'llt'h ur1il Bir.in n.vo. t!lsh·I
$69,500. o\'~r ·:?Sm1 s~: f1. c a rage. 1ra<:her. Opcn h•·(1111ril •Tll·
Bay & Beach HARRY A. BOGGS ; .. ,,. Realty Inc. r.('a!I' ~.6lJ:17 • ca11 o" nl·1· 611 .n:..>ti!i •
675.JOOO S BEDRM ;3 BATHS-$18,500
''"7 E' II Cd'l All e.k>ctl'i,. bu•'ll-i ns. F•m•'ly "f c.\as i>ilrtl h1•1!rooni.~. Dn1. --tv .. Cuasl 11~·., 1• '" I ---roon1 Foimal dinini: rooni nnl!ir living: ruvn1 11 l!h 1i;.:h
All r!'ady for your in~pec
tion. • Or 1.:alt us to sec al
your 1.:onveniencr. \\'c ha~·e
niany others in these choice
5 1/•o/o .G.I. P ark. like yard. !'l"lai;noli~ lir.utnC'<I .-eilings. Built ·, inll
$119 i\lonlh pay11 all. R-Z lot: Star Pin lrt'Cs & \"Util'!V runi::r & 01·('n. Pan<'lr1 I rain·
ORANGE COUNTY'S 2 Br. hon1c. S20,000. or fruil c trrl'.~. f1i·" pii. i1v 1·111. :i10.1;:in 1 LARGEST Pyramid ExchangorJ 64&.26:!9 f'ount!lin .. iJQ.\72fl j TARBELL 2955 Harbor
293 E . 17th St. 646-4494 CHARGE your 11·an1 ad now. _!~~L 2955 Harbor 1i AILY-PILOT \V-i\:\"t;-;-DSTI
General IOOOGeneral 1000General 1000 General 1000 Open Sat & Sun
I PM to 5 PM
2013 Irvine Ave.
Newport Beach • 3000 Broad St .
Newport Beach • 1607 Highland Dr.
Harbor Highland •
POOL TABLE Open Houses
14 Bedroom s)
1148 Santiago !!)over Shores) NB
642-8235 <Sat & Sun)
428 62nd Street (Ne\\1port Shores) NB
642·3869 (Sat & Sun 12·51
1018 Nottingham Road . Ne"'port Beach
642·8235 (Sat & Sun I
I $25,000 to $29,999 I
A lup Joc1:1 t ion in N<'11 -
port Beach. Tl1is fine' :1
1Jo>droon1 h o rn .., 11 1 I h
ht1rd11oud floors 11 ilh I ':,,
baths 11 Ill l'Ui l you1·
n<•••ds. ~·,u·i11u.< l11i11 :..:
l"lll. 11 ilh 1!1'0'!111L<'<'. 11/\1'
i'!ll"l"'*S & 1lr11pr . ..-=-f f'n·
r·o·tl 1'1·ar 1•a1·d 11·ith Inv•··
11· l'•>\f'rt;d 1u11 in. Pt"ir·rrl
1:it;h1 at :ji~.~00-E·Z
ll'l"Jll~. S.lfi-5.1-10
ONLY $1,250 DN.!!
Y1·~: ll".~ lrU<'. This $pOI·
!1•ss, 1•h•u 11 :; Bd1·n1., 2
hulh hoini'. 0 11"nrd by u~
i~ j•1SI lil<<' nCI\' & r('ad y
f o r Pl'C"llpHn<·y. Fin r.
n"ichborhood a n d rll•ar
srhnols. llUH nY: Full
pri<'<' nnl_v :S:.!8.950
Sc•r.-1his 3 Rd nn + fllnl•
flv n1on1 hun1c in chui<·e h~·a11uu. Ch.1sl· ''' Sl"hools
& Shl11)pini;. 41,:: \JD.lhs,
s11,>p-save1· kitch•·n. blt·
in OV!)ll S: 1"1111~<", dish·
\vas hcl', spnt.:iuu;; livi11;.:
ruo1n •1·1fin·1•ln•·•·, 11•/11•
<·:•qH'1.;; & cl1·n1.11'.'· l •nly
~::'ii ,9."'10. V ,\ 1r•rn1s. .. 1·
1nin. clu11·n Fl I.\.
J .BR. - 2 BATHS
Qu::ilit.v t1!1r1:1 n1od•'l"n
hnn11' un a q11i1•1 r11 l·dl'-
::a<· slt'('t.•t. B1·autifully
Jt1nds•'ll1.ird. !1<1:0: cus\on1
huilt patio. Hoom fn1·
boat or 1i·t1ilt'r. U\1•.w:c
ki1 l'hl'n \l"ilh 11!1 rl«ctric
built · in kil r hrn. \V11rn1
frit'ndly I r vi n g roon1.
hl"i1'k 1i1·•·plac". Pricrd
rii:ht nt ~2G.9:\0 -E·7.
11•1·ms. !'i-l!i-5440
Ov.'nr r,;; anxious to dis·
~N.Sc uf l his large 4 BR.
ho111c 11lus cxlra bonWI
ruu1n. \Yell located near-
,;;hop1iinJ: & schools. 1 %
bu.th. $\ti.II shO\\"CI", Ex·
tra larj;~ kitchen with ;
built·ins. Large eatrng
fJ1"1'a, :.!4 foot Jiving rm., ,
1v/1v rnrpels & drapes, -
firr11lace. pool size yard i
palin. Prir·l' 1101\' only ·
$28..l:iO, VA or rHA
\Pnll~. 5•16-5440
5112°/o LOAN
i'\r> r hnnge in inlerl'St
ratr. Sharp 3 Bdnn east•
sidl' home. All bdrms. •
hnve 1r1t.lk-in rlosets -.'.
1 ~ !Jathi., stall sho1ver. •
Bri,1.:hl kitchen, bit-in :
1·:111,i.!r. & oven + dish-
\1·w;hcr. \Vcll landscaped. •
V1tC"llnl . Pricl' $29,900 -:.
l-furry. 546-5410 ;
I •-------o-vE_R __ $_3o_._oo_o ______ _,I :
And so Jivnl>lc ... 1;; 111\~
1111a inl (1ld1•1·. :1 Bd1·111.
hunu• tha1 i~ c111i('L d ir-
fi·1·Pn l. F\111• N1'11'port
or nlhl'l" horncs in beau-
tiful \Ve~tcllff. <I lars:.e '
Bd!.ms • 'l full baths + ,
~. b a th. Outstanding ·
kitchen. a.11 built"· Ins e •
f)/\V • tiled sptas h, sep-o •
Hl"Qll' servicC roon1, sep.o ,
;1rnl<' f(u·ma.I dininJ.: rm •• :
rx1~·11sh•f' 1•0/1v rRrpcl['I •
2033 Paloma
Eastside off 20th St.
Ecl'll lookinf.! for a plaC'r lo
pul one? !lcrC> ii is • Beau·
liful fa111ilv hon1c in exccl-
lC'11\ \oi·a1iOn 11·i1h scparal•'
lS x 20 foot run1pus room
lo accomodalc rC'gula!ion
i<iic pool la!Jlr. plus p\cnly
of roon1 lrf1 over fu1· enjoy·
ing TV and the n1a1nmolh
stone fireplace. Largf' bed.
roonts, :l "Queen'" size baths,
dining roo1n and separate
rooin for office or hobby.
1\l'~Un1r JO\\" ln!CJ'C'SI ;,ii':
keep this lto11dy dlrMtory wltfl you thb ... k•114 ••
yo11 90 ho11M i11111fl119, All tJw lecotl•M llsfff Mlow
ire deKrlbff 111 9rHter 4etlllll ., aC•llfri•l11t •I-
where 111 todoy's DAILT PILOT WANT ADS. Potl'fft
1howln9 0,.11 house• for s-lo er to Nllt .,. •ttH
lo lbt uch l"forlfftle11 111 tllllt col1111111 "ell Frl4•Y·
*1233 J-li ghland Drive (\Veslclirfl NB
642-8235 fSun 1-5)
B(·w·h. Lu(·ntrd n {' n r
lh1l'l1or lli;..:h. ~r11n1·ot t•
20.1i:l8 sunkrn fa1nily rm.
h11 s :-;tone lircplac\·. A
,o;!cr1 up dining: rvo111
pt1 nrllr'(I \1·i1h bean1 ..,,.if_
ini:. s lrp·savrr kill·hrn.
\\',•ll de\·1•lu114.•d y11rd.
.J1 1;;L rf'duc·rd $1100. No11·
$.'l<:',900 a ~rcat huy.
Thi'> 11n11sual ;~ RI~ Arlfl
lar(:c farnily ronrn ho111i•
in ('.u,.;IA )lrsa i~ M• 11·11rn1
-fru•11dtv & info1·n1ril. A
lul';.:P tr~ffk• [1"l"' liv\111:
rno111 v.lth 11utllity 11/11
carpPls and dr1111C~ nnd
ril'f'jllacr. \Vif(• \\"ill 101·"
this brighl, kilchl'n \~·ith
hl!-in.~. 1 ~~ blt1h~. ~tall
~ll•11<'er, n1l1ny cx1r11 /'rn-
t•n·P.~. Onlv ~:l0.950 -
Ct111 for s tlov.•ing.
Sr, drllp<•s. Price $53.950. ; 1
546-5440 '
2826 Francis Ln.
Mesa Del Mar
• •
2828 Drake St.
Mesa Del Mar • 3101 Trinity Ave.
College Park • 2915 Ellesmere
Mesa Verde • 521 Irvine Ave .
Newport Beach ..
546 El Modena
Newport Beach
2399 Redlands
County Corridor • 19521 Aragon Cir.
Huntington Beach
646·7171 • 546·2313
FllA loan. Payn1cnts of SJ83
fM'r 111onth, incl11dcd rvr1y.
Walker & Lee
2W3 \\'estcli/I Dr.
616-7711 Open ~:;vcs.
4 Bedrm & Fam
College Park
178.00 Mo. Total
Cul de Sl!C lot \\'i!h lots of
fruil h"<'C'1'. Thi.~ housr has
·I h~rgc berlrn1. 2 queen siz.
rrl balhs. Forced air heal,
all built in kitchen. Anyone
c~::in a ~sun1e ~isling 51,~~;,
Joan, no qualH.1•ill'l:, 1 lurry!
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
NEAR WATER -$27,500
3 br home on R-3 lot just 45 feet from beach .
Top LOCAT IO N. top TERMS. Shown by ap-
$2000 LE SS -10% OOWN
Priced belo'v similar 3 br, 2 ba homes in
nei ghborhood. Large roon1s, B/lns, fire-
pl aces, and owner 'viii paint exte~ior, your
choice of colors. 30 day possess ion. Only
............. ~33.000 ::
Large. custo1n 4 br, 3 ba, dlj!n near back bay
in an area of more expensive homes. \Vall-
ed entry. Excell ently landscaped + extras
Quality 4 br, 2 ba + large POOL. Nighl-
Ji ghts view .. l\ssun1e high loan at SY•%.
Owner anxious. "'ill also lease or lease/op-
Large, choice t.1esa Ve rde R·l' lot .. !\ rare
find at $23,SOO incl ud ing results of topo--
grapb.ical and other studies. SU BMIT
For information and Inspectio n, call Bill
12 Bedroom)
224 1-feliotrope .Corona del
6i5-3000; 673-0554 Eves
401 Santa 1\na Ave. (Ne\v port
NB . 642·2799
13 Bedroom•)
ISal 1-51
4ti•4 Serra Drive (Corona Highlands) Cd!\l
646-3255 ISa t & Sun 1·5)
214 Dahlia. Corona del J\lar
646-8811 ISa l & Sun 1-5)
421 Cabrillo Street. Costa Mesa
548-9500 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
4821 Co rtland, Corona del J\•Iar
675-4392 !Sat & Sun 1·5)
*19561 Roderick Lane. J.luntington Beach
. n68·1928 I Sat & Sun 1-5)
2001 Seadrift llrvine Terrace) Cdl\·I
644-2430 : 83a.-0700 fS un 1·5 l
18022 Butler. Irvine
675»331 ISun 1·5)
J.119 Bonnie Doone Terrace. CdJ\1
673-7312 (Open llouse)
14:W Serenade <Irvine Terrace) CdM
675-3331 (Sun 1·5)
*512 Larkspu r . Corona del J\'lar
675-2723 : 646-7974 Eves. (Sat & Sun 2·6)
2568 Carnegie Ave /College Park) Cr.1
645-0303 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
13 Bedroom & Family or Den)
1901 Gl en\vood {Baycrest ) NB
642-5200 I Sun 1 ·5)
2612 R.edlands fBack Bay) CM
546-5460 Eves: 642-4951 ISal & Sun 1·5)
287 Nassau Road (College Park) CM
646-3255 ISat & Sun 1-5)
230 Virginia Place (Eastsidel C~J
I Sat & Sun 1·5)
1201 Devon Lane IWestcliff) NB
546-5508 ISat & Sun H)
**1915 Bayside Drive, N~\vport Beach
675-4392 ISal & Sun 1-5)
1831 Trade\vinds, Ne \vport Beach
675-4392 !Sal & Sun 1·5)
1363 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores l NB
642-8235 ISal & Sunl
*1101 Ebbtide IHarbor View Hills! CdM
644-2430 : 833-0700 (Sun 1·51
1147 Gleneagle. Costa l\.tesa
540·1720 (Sun 1·51
1307 Marion Lane 1Westcliff) NB
646-0609 : 540-2858 1Sal & Sun 1-5)
1598 Myrtlewood (Mesa Verde) CM
545-6446 IDaily 1·5)
2607 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar
67;.3000: 548-8868 (Sun 1·5)
935 Tiller Way, Corona del Mar
675-3000 : 548-8868 (Daily 1·5)
1132 Gold enrod, Corona del Mar
57;.4130 (Sun 2-5)
2006 Leeward (Baycrest) NB
2108 Arbutus (EastbluU) NB
(Sa l 1·5)
644-0309 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
3228 Iowa St I Mesa Verdel CM
642-1771 (Sat & Sun 12•5)
419 F'ullerton Ave .. Nc,vport t-reil{hts
548-0379 (Sat & Sunl
j4 Bedroom & Family or Den)
9802 Saline Drive <S l1 0 RE CRI;:ST) ll B
!l62·7558 (Daily)
32fi2 Io\va Street. <Mesa Verde) Cf\'l
045·6448 /Daily\
151fl .i\.ntiqua <Dover Shore::;) NG
646-3255 <Sun 1-5)
14'.lO G::il-'\xy Drive fDovcr Shores\ NP.
"46-1550 /Daily)
211 '? \Vind,vard Lane fBaycrest) Nf3
64'!·5200 ISun 1-5)
11 5 rvt-ilfnrd ICameo Shores\ Cdl\1
67!'i-6996 (Sat & Sun 12-5)
30'.l E . 22nd St. I F.:astside) ('1\1
548-5003 fSa t & Sun 11 -5. Dciilv Eves)
1101 \Vhite Sails. f'nrona del J\1ar ·
li..!4-'>430 : 833-0700 rSun 1.5)
1358 F.. Oceanfront. Balboa Prninsuln
fi45-2000 <Dai ly 1-5)
23~1 lr"\'inc (Back Ba y) NB
!"140-17?0 roaily l·!i)
2479 F'<1ir1vay Dr ive, Cos ta fvlesa
f\46-2819 <Sat & Sun 1-!"11
20~4 (:rit<lencye Place f!v1Psa Verdel CJ\·T
046.4415 (Sat & Sun 1-6\
22R J;;nicrald Bav. Laguna Reach
67:l-017:l : 494-73~6 <Sa t & Sun J.fi)
18:.!t. s~ntiago Drive roover Shor es) Nl3
fi46.J550 <Sun 1-5)
28!l·t . .\nrlros (1\1esa \tcrde) r,1\I
!i4t.-5flfl0 (Sat & Sun 1·.51 * 1:.147 f·Tnmpshirc Circle f\Ves1cli ff) NB
64 2-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5l
36.1 Vi~ta Baya. Ne,vport Beach
675-4 I 30
2 1 ~8 I:lr~Pmar. New port Beach
1551 Peaasus. County Corridor
(Sun 1-51
(Su n 1·51
646-7711 (Sun 1·5 )
822 Santiago rMesa del Ma rl CM
646-3928 : 644.1655 Eves. I Sat & Sun 1·5)
97~ Denver Drive, Cos ta Mesa
540·1720 (Sun 1·5)
·,', 19?.() C'nmn1odore, Ne\\'port Beach
645·0303 ' !Sun 1·5\
1907 Lee,vard Lane fBaycrestl NB
540·1720 (Sun 1·51
IS Bedroom & F.may o• De ni
*~04 nobinhood Lane {Eastsidc) C~J
648·118 11 IF"ri & Sa t 1·51
20:l8 Calvert Ave <l\lesa Verde) Cl\it
540·~o56: 637·3930 (Sun 1-51
1081 Corona Lane {Mesa del l\>larl CM
546-5580 (Sun 1·5)
1733 Candlestick Lane (Baycrest) NB
646-7755 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
516 -518 Da hlla. Corona del Mar
673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1·5l
•••• 1 ** W.....,...flt
• • • roof 9fl4 W•mtrent
?11 th" Bl uffs -2 .~to1·y.
:~ halh ho111r. 20 . ..:20 Iii'·
in~ room, •·a lhr<lrnl ('ril·
in~. SJ),'ll"kling kil1'tJ1'11,
b!!-in <iVl'll & 1·a ngf'.
Quulily 1\'/1v c11rp•'IS &
\'\l.>IO!ll ilraµrs. :lOOO Sft.
f•'•·t -pnUo. Pr i1·,.. $<!:.!,·
90(.. r'i·lfi·5-140
j\lrsn del ti'fnr -You"I!
lik" this ll'C'IJ c·o11tlition·
1·d honl(', 1 * baths, Likr.
nt'11• 11•/1v c111·µc_1 t ~ in fan1-
ily roon1, h1dl ,t,,_ living
1·n1 , Hu~l ir stylr. i:hal<I!
r,,,ir, f"nr1•ll r1:"11r .vi;rd,
i:prlnld"r front yard -
nnly $:l!-l,9.i0. E·Z 1ern1,;.
' .
Nr{'d <I bedroon1 + huge
fan1ily room? This 2640 '.
l>l[. ft. hornc in Mesa i
Verde 1nust be sold at;t
'>rH·e. Nf'cds sonic -wotk '
do11r. :; baths, rxtra lg,.
kitc·hcn v.•ith all elcclrle
l1l!·in uvrn .l rangr. Dbl
;:ei'agt'. "lectric doo r ,
oJlf'n('r. 50-ft aluminum
r·uve1·pd 1iatio. Pr i c e :
$.19.500. Assume S3J .400 ,
l'~i~tini::-loan. 546-5440 '
' I
.-, -----...... ,,, _ POOL HOMES _ r.---------------------..... . RICHLY APPOINTED
Lu.'<urious fam ily roo111 in BA YCllEST ha!'! cle,.,ign that ,~·ill please all
111l'1nbers. 1-Ju r;e kitchen 1vilh n1utlc1·n hui11·ins + dish\vasher, res<'!
lii::htl11;.:, quality curv('(! fot·n1l1.:a top, 1:J.1i:7' service 1>0rch, 13xl6' foJ"mal
dining !'<io rn. ~cparntc dl•IJ uff ki!.t·hi•n, sliding-door,; OJlC'll out lo park·
likr ynrd and lov('ly hcnt"d Tahitan pool. .1 baths -all carpeted, hugr
111astrr bed1·oom \\'l!h 01vn privatf' b.ith, 2~ fool !hcing room 1vith lush
11·9Jl 1n 1vaJI tar!J"1S. A 1nu.~l SC'(' Al S7:J.,100 - Good terms -Vacanl.
I !
Tl1 is 11u;1 1i1y :l·s1or.v l"ll.~·
Ile :'I Bl: & dl'11 i· family
n1un1 fur quk·I<; sulc.
Jdcn! quii•\ lornlinn nn
C'lll·dl'·Sllf' St. :l 1,~ bi1th~,
1nar!J)f' pulllnen .~inks,
l4•!"l'ltZ;',!1 l"Tilry, Sl')lflra1 1'
111astrr s11llt'. All 1•lcctrio'
built-in k i!\"hcn, dis h-
\\"!!Shl'I". JJlllS hr A l rd
pool. Co v c r c rl reti•1.
Prk·c SJG,500. EZ 1rrn1 s.
11·~ eln~r. at hl\nd. Thi.~ :J Bru F,\l honif' In J\Jesa
Verdr is r1rlcl'd rh:ht for
a quir·k .~fll(•. N('1vly
palnlr rl intrri11r, l ·'l{
bath.~. II In 11 llhtl\l'~·r.
14.'<:!0' Hvini.:-roon1. Jl,"1•1v
i:otd 1:nqX'ling In llving-
room & hell. fire1 1111f"f'.
Ample ch»ict 11pa(.'l'. Cus·
lum pool 11·ith all.t9matfe
S\\<'l!'Jl('r. lots of1dcc klnf'.:'.
l'rlrf'd at S27.500. i\llik"
1Jfrt r end sta1·l pa1.:kin~.
SI'" thf~ fini' :t bdrm. 1%
bath home, M(!sa. Ve rde
lli."<:12• Bl11l' Haven heat·
1•d pool. Ideal home for
f'nlrrtai11ing, nvcr' 1880 ~ -~<I· rt. of liv ing sp1:1:1:e,J
huil1-in ovrn & rangc,l '
sp1H.:lou~ llv[n>: room, ,
Has 2 fireplace~. Asking\,;
:S.'ll.000. Buy no down •
VA Ot' 1111n. dUl\ITI t-rTA. ).j
546•5440~ I
Fpen Houses ••• Sun. 12:30 to 5:30,~1
t.~ Biie E. nf T11s1 in • 1
hlk. Sn. 17 th St. Prir"
/'•'d Ul'l'd $12~ ffJ1' qul('k
~a le. Vnrnnt. :1 er: rr:,
llt'\\'IY rl'<ll'<'11r11.t1'd ln1rr·
lol". R u s t i 1· n1o'l'.lern.
Nrnr Ha1•bor I Ii.ch, Ex·
11"1\. lari:e bi'd rnnm. rlbl.
tlrr plaCf'. hi!. ln. Nn1v
only $30.750-E·Z lcrn1~.
5 Udrn1~ .. :1 bulhli. Va·
1.:ant fll't'r 2950 llvlnz
~pace. Tuhit lan hra l!•d
poul, park 4 like ya1·d,
hug(' niai;\cr bt,'t:iroo111,
11riv1:11t• bath, f n rmnl
dfllinM" room, lush \l'l\1'
('(\l'[ICtS. Pl'\{'(' $7.1,4()().
l'i blk. l'O!ll il'Vin(! • l
blk, ~uuth Lcc\\•11.rd.
316 " , • ' EL MODENA (
lJldcr 2 bt>droom home•I
in l'ho icr.. location. Hard··
v.·011d floor~. fal"m style
kitchen. SjlflClous large·j
firrpf!l(.'l'. 75 x 127 footi
loL Prit.1' $.J2, 750. .J
R ee1t11 Co.
1093 B'A'KElr STRE , C.M.-546. 5440
...... ----'--------':....---;_-~----~----------------------..-.--
S1lllrd1J1 Junt 21, 1%9
1000 Gentrel 1000 Cotta Mes• 1100 Mtto Vtrdo 1110 Coron• dtl Mtr 1250 Coront dtl Mtr 1250 Hunllntlon llttch 1400H.untlllflon lltoch 1400
3 • •' "XER·UPPER
Charmine NewPQrt llelghts
ff; bloclc from Oitt Drive. J
Bedroom., fam..14' roon1 +
..... $26,900. • NEWPORT
S850 Down Fl IA. No clo11lng
cos11 buys a 3 bedroom. 111'
btU1 hon1e. Look at lhcse
extras! Wru;hl!r. da')'er, re·
trlgcrator. Built In bar for
entertaining, Complett: r;tcr-
eo and 11peakers. Custom
drapc5 throughout. P I u s
thick, tike pew carppHng.
$18,900, FULL PRICE. Gl
OPEN SUN. l·S S600 Down. First conic, first -c•-In I 11uve. HURRY!!
& 1o,·klc doorwa)'S • kleal con.
vC'nience fot wheclehalr \¥Ith
4 big bdrn11. 2 wide baths
k family room. Best Mesa
Vrrde valtJe at S'l7.500. Near
school!. Submit 1-~HA or VA
terms ar a1111wne 6%% loan.
Call 54tl-11SI Herilage Real
Estate Cope n evesJ
ASSUME &1.4 kllln on
Pufchrltudl.... 4 .......,
h1mc near schools & rolf <.wrse. EUlcient kitchen,
tafuily room, trplc, 2
col<f'red patio!. 1prinklcr
11ystf'm, 5 hi.Iii trtts admlst
lovely JMdscapl11g. Priced
to sell at SZT,500 by owner.
BY OWNER ~ 4 BR. Nev.·ly
dee inside & oot. Ne1v crplll· ====-=-=---=-=-:-:::::;:::;:: / tile fir in lam rm. Drpll, frplc. bltns. 1740 sq. f t.
Custom built; spac. 2 Br., den-library, !rplc.,
2 baths plus sep. house for income. ~orner
location on 2 R-2 lots. Owner '"ill rlnance.
.. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... -. -.. $69,900
SPt:CTACULAR VIEW of Oeean & Jetty
from this luxurious, oceanfront 3 Dt.. den
home. . ...... _ .................. _ ... $127,500
332 Merguorltt, CdM 67Ws50 FHA Resale $26,500 Prine. only. 3252 1'l!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!';"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Iowa St 54.s.-6448 I~
New homes , ready to move ln. lh mile
from beach. First payment up to 60 days
alter move In.
Ttrm1 VA/FHA. From $22,990.
(on Garfield between Beach & ?t1agnolia
Neat 1mall hme. 1.oll ,of
tj,osel apaee • one bedrool
pkts den -huge Jot "'ilh pa-
. • • S22,000.
E 11o ~t,'='<2 B 2 EVERY 31 MINUTES .;.""::.~~.lamu,~.~;,, Walker & Lee $141 /mo. pays ALL, S BR +
ram lly room, 13.l baths,
newly rerlecoratec', b_uiJl.in
kltchcn. Near all schools.
Only $25. /;iO, A.'IO FHA or
no down VA. CAU.. 540-ll5l
Heritage Real Esta!e {open
eves I
ASSUME 5%~'ii FHA 3 BR 2 Newport 8•1ch 1200 Newport Shorts 1220 Coron• del Mar 1250 Huntington Beach 1400
Regardleu of how much
cquity you have, on th is
super sharp tv.·o-stor)\ with
winding staircase leading to
4 ?I-taster Sized Bl!drooms.
Balcony overlooking fonnal
dining room with thick 1~
carpeting. Stunning fl~
place, or try SS.000 Down .and
take owr low lntere1t Gl
loan. Asking $35.500 Submit.
nn • 2 bath on R-l kit .
.~ for another U11it. Can '..& purchued ffiA with low,
k>w down. $2.5.lm.
"' . I"" ASSUME
I ,. 5¥• LOAN
"bedroom Mesa del fllar
beauty. Huge fantily room
, th ra.iUd /i~pla~. ser-
tt~ porch, fenced yard.
New outside pa.int. Sll.500. • OI COUNTRY r~ ~STATE
!elf: the city, 2Cb!30 Liv. Rn1.
I ),.ot 125 x 300 • 5 car garage.
,~lee. kitchen • l·Jdwood .JiOon1. 20 x 40 swlm pool -l 'l9.soo.
• tP.edrooms, 3% baths on se-
poiu;eu1on. On!Y SU,500.
2121 E . COAST HWY.
Corona Del Mar
'1682 Edinger
812-4·155 or 5'10-51 40
Open Evea~
2571 G reenbriar
lVac & ready for oceupancy)
Need 110mething I a r g e r?
Make thJg MUSf SEE! 4
Ma11ter 11lz.e bed1ooms with
vanity nook. 3 Baths. Huge
famU,y roont with wall to
wllll flreplace. Formal din-
ing room. Electric built ins. i"~G~l~d""~o~""~t""~·t"""' New carpets & Dr a Pe s o en ppor uni Y.
throughout. Assume I 0 w G.1. no down. FHA n11nl·
F'l-:IA 5% o/o loan and S3,0Cl0 mum dow~ on the 4 bedroom
will handle. GJ no money pl111 Family Roon1. A real
ba, bl1-ln, fan1 rn1,li~=======iiJ / c 1, t 11 / d r p ~, Imm a c ·ij•-.om , FO-R--SA-LE--b,-(h-,,,.-,-3 Beautiful pal lo hon1e. 0\VC ¥ dO V'
2nd TD-submit down. tYFP.lllk!"Jtll~• Bedroom, patio, garage. ~"1~ .. J'~ ' Commun i ty pool &:
J / playground, 2 blk.~ lron1
BY OWNER fAIJ ocean, Newport Shores. 242
~~~"'!!~""'""'"'!!•I CUSTOt.1' REPUBLIC HOi\1E EAST Side, 253 Rose Ln, By ON BEST VIEW LDT OFF·
owner, 3 bdr, 11~ ba. Well-ERED. 4 BR. 2 BA. SING.
kept. Crpts, drps, sprnklrs. LE STORY DES I G N,
lg. covered patio, 2 car gar. PHONE ~19-2144. room for boat. CJoac to
ir.chls. & shop. Priced for BY O\\•ner. 4 BR .. 1800 gq. fl,
lfllick sale at $22,500. flex. Just vacated, cleaned. 2 lrm~. 646-2896 for app\. Blks. Adams S c ho o 1 •
library. SALE $32,500 or
2 STORY 4-5 bdr, 3 bath leaM" SZ70 r-.to.
hon1e Wonderful care. many 337.~97 or 838"2914
~-" ¢~~
e x lras , Lovingly
landscaped . Too large for
us. just right for yuu! Pt1'ake
orfer. eve1. & wknd. 303 E.
4 BR. 18M. BA par!ially carptd
honie, $23,900. ?t1ust assign
to agency If oot sold by J uly NEWPORT ESTATE
31. Flexible terms avail. Spacious 5 Bdnn. featuring
546-7308 3~ captivating baths plus
friendly family rm. & i:rac·
College P~rk 1115 ioUs formal din. rm.: new
-----lavish carpeting, re!M"shing.
(OUEGE PARK '' """' J"'' ""'"'"" 10
Lugonia, NB 642-3286
• OCEAN VIEW • 9 m011. old Lusk 3 BR, 21.S
BA home. Crph1, bltns, den,
dining rm , 2 frplr1. Newly
lnd.sc pd. By OWl'll'r. &14·0-01
$42, 750. 4 BR. 2¥.. Baths.
Many extra!!. 428 62nd SI.,
NB • 642-3869
Westcllff 1230
Qu.allly, 2 BR Wide lot
Bes;t area, Ocearu.ide of
Hiway. Owner. \'a can t
"'""" 509 BEGONIA 673-2025
\V1lh purchase or 2 lots. Close
to shopping, Xlnt incomt,
a money makt:r!
• 67$-3581 •
IRVINE Terrace Gt>m! 3
BR. or 2 BR & ir;tudy, 2
baths. Flooded with light,
beaut decorated. many ex.
Ira fraturos. $4.2,500. 1319
Bonnie Doorle Terr ace.
673-7312 by ownrr.
LGE. hilltop lot. Pern1. v1e\v
of occun & hills.
Realtor 673-2010
DUPLEX. nr. ocean. 2 BR. 2
BA + 1 BR. & ba. Lge. lot,
privacy. Rltr 673-2010 '
Walker & Lee
768'1 Edinger
842-4455 or a-10-5140
Open Eves.
LIST your property
with confidence
SELL with profet·
sional skill
1 ~ed private drive. Sep.
r>t.;ilayyard • Fam!J.y paradise
!• SM,500. 10'7u down.
down. sleeper. Deep pllc carpels
REPUBLIC Home. 8 mos
old. Z story, 4 BR, 3 BA,
Jam rm., retreat rm. 3 car
garage. Ptlesa Verde Cor
lot; $43,500. By Owner.
546-4415 WE SELL A HOME wall t. wall t~ughollt. ~-
EVERY 31 MINUTES per-bnck patll.> off family MESA VERDE corner lot. 3 room. ltuge Lot! Many more
$;>7.000. (US.Ct
ON A Lovely quiet We11lclitt
St. in Mariner Elem. & Np!.
HJ Dist. Ftt simple, heavy
shake roof, penciled llv rrn.
din rm. elect. bll·in!, 3 BR 1
Ba, clf'an cpts I drps, 2
patios, dog l'Un. $42,500 by
owner. 642-1598 CAMEO SHORES • Ocean-
.. .,.!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!'I front 4 BR & den.
115 :f.lilford • 6'1!Hi996
Huntington Beach/
Fountain Valley
M'ultiple ' University Park 1237
' . ' ' Walker & Lee extras for thl' price of lg. BDRt.1. l~ Ba. family
S24.950. HURRY! rm. Fully crtd & drpd. 2 Open ti! Sold 1·5 Daily PROPERTIES Yt'EST
WE SELL A HOME fil'f'places, rove~ palio. T!"f'mendous opportunity to (714) 615-413• ASSUME 6'12 LOAN Lido Ille
Family hu outgro1,•n !his 1,;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, /
1351 Listing Service
7682 Edinger EVERY 31 ·MINUTES 3068 Glbraltor, CM. "A""""""' a.s.~ume 7.2'/(o loan. $182 n10. 10211 B•Y3idt DrlYt
8·l24455 or 5-10.51-IO S_26_._"'1=0~w~"'-'-· -~-~-----I pays all. 3 Bij: bedrooms 2 Ne"portBuch, Calif. 92662'
' -Open E."vl's. Wa Iker & Lee 2179 FainvayDrive ba1hs. 1arma1 dining, huge 1e. ..e.
beauUJul 3 bedroom, 2 balh CASH BUYERS!
former model home. Live in 5'h;',0 LOANS! i SPRINGDALE
19531 Hart1dtlt Circle
! $21, 900 2 DUPLEXES ,,.,,,;., < BR. 2 BA. Ow panoloo family '"""';,_ ' -C'" luxllry ror only $35,500. Pres-• 0011
loan Sharp 2 Br. & fam. $55, rnt can be assumed at rS23.700 Loanl , JUre's an eXt'!'llent buy for Xlnt location _just steps to 7682 Edinger pa I i o. sh ake roof. menl ~nter. Somethinr you OC
; someone. Lovely fa m 11 y Ba.>' & Ocean beacfles. Each 8424455 or 540-5140 dlahwuher, !rplc, "'crpt.s. rind in most expelll!live hon1· EAN VIEW 6 ~~',4, interest rale. Chann 4 BR. & den. $69.000 • d h•11 ($29,600 Loan) Huntington Beach
962-5931 ; home v.·\th 3 bedrooms, 2 duplex on adjoining fee lots. ,'iiiiiiiiiiO~peiiioiiEiiviioii,,iiiiiiiiO• I rlrps., 5~ •;,. GI. $186 PJTI. es 2568 Carnegie Ave., Col· Cuatom home v.•lth a Vie\\', l baths, in a lerrilic area sur-2 BR h 1 3 ,_ 1 1• S29.!KKJ. • 646-2819 lege Park, C.M. Only $27,500 Deluxl! 3 Bdnns. 21~ Baths.
· eac ap · ap ..... urn.. OPEN HOUSE Belter hurry, there's a dead· Sharp aJJ new & many ex. I rounded by developments owner'! apL partially furn. • BY OWNER-POOL. 3 line on this loan .. Call now! tras. A good blly at $~2.500. re I LIDO REAL TY INC.
3400 v;a L;do 67?.-8830 OLD HOUSE BLUES?? ~-H'"-o"=~u"s"E"-"-B"E'"A"--U~T"-"'iF"u'"-"L~ILast year. at this time. dur-
1111(1 \I I 111\11\
~· I ,, i I;.
f that range from $25.000 lo Owner says, "must be pack-SUNDAY AFTF.RNOON BR, crpts, drps. X·Lrg LR. J $39,ro:J. Close lo South Coast age sale." TOTAL PRICE 1880 Maui Circle Low malnt yrd. S31),500. 645-0303
1 ,.P laza, Catholic school and $100.000. Ideal arrangement Outstanding l.afie custom l • &16-2895 *
I .(Jlurch, alld local clemen· for you & a friend who 1vants story home with 11parkl111g BY 0\VNER • Low intrrest
l•l'Y. ,·unlor 11.nd high schools. t b t • pool Ju•l " bl-·k lo a !al' I o uy oo. 111 "" • 5~i ·EH•<;V lrg transfcrrable rchaSt> with low down on Balboa Rtal Estate Co. \Vay of Mee. Verde Country
FllA I Cl b Cul • I . loans. All 3 BDRM '~. 2·E oi;w oon, or assume JOSEPHINE WEBB, Realtor ~ . ....e-sar ocat1on. See side, 2 W side. S48-l()59
: exi.sUng low inlerest FHA 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa thii; for su1'1'!
Cozy & cheerful 2 bdt111 s.,
dining rm., frplc. Garage
on alley. Lari:e fenced yard.
Now vacanl. Asking SZS,000.
11 and $128 per month • 67J-4l40 • ~ 5 BR, tam rm, fin, gar. rum·
pays all. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml I ~~&·SBIO pug rm. 5~ FHA. S29,900. You save & so do 1~·e. By 2 UNITS 43rd ST.
WE SELL A HOME 11 nl!lrcrn!mllllealrtl :176 Paularino 54n-3647 01vner. 4 Bclnn. 2 baths; In Clos" to Beach and Owmel. .. NEWCOMERS LLEGE REALTY I icVERY 31 MINUTES 1500Adlmli1Hllbor,CM. 2500' 9 rm home + apt & popular College Pali<. Frplc., Good vacation &. income.
W lk r & Lee '-::::;:::::;:::;:~:::;::::;::::;::::;:= pool. $38,700. 2))7 Santa Ana w/w carpeting, all electric, Lot value is ll('ar asking ~ a e ~~r ~':~rtecut;~ ~o~~~l·CHOICE Ave. 646-2544, ;)48-8333 ;~500~e;;tto.'"eu di~~ ~:e~ price or onl0y $23,000.
20~~ \VestclUl Dr. NE\V Ivan Wells' home oil· BY Chiiner: 4 bdr. enlarged or not at all \Valk fo OCC "' • • i
646-ml Open Eveg. er& maximum modem con-OCEANFRONT Freedom homr. Corner lot, le other schools. 298 Pri.nrr.. "'"""-
18068 Culver Dr., Irvine
OPEN 9 Af.-1..S Pi\f 833·0820
01vners will carry own fin.
ancing on T\VO &in&le lam·
ily OianceUor homes at
71.ir'iU with Sl,000 dn. See
agent on premises.
Open Sat./Sun. 1·5
Hel Pinchin & Assoc.
:t900 E. Coast Hwy. Cdi\1
Call 675-4392. Anytime veniences, highest quality BUYS Moving, 646-9778 eves. ton Dr. 546-3719 Sl!t? anyt1n1c. ; 1 A I,. 1 y
V.'Drkmanl!lhip &. a Panoram-Mes.a dtl Mar l l05 OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun Near Npt. Post or<'. 646-2414 E11tbfuff 1242
le View of the Back Bay. 1. R-2 Lot ........... S45,CXXI ---------2.:r11 Duke Place, Cl\1 ----------1 view Tustin-home,
for bonlt'I. J Bit. 21.4
(·2 !rplcs, in beauur\il con-
'on. Owner an."l:ious. Back
. Occupancy?
llbVely t'esidentlal area, close
to everything. 3 BR, lgt! ran1-
lfly room, J~ baths. OPEN
6.AT/SUN l-5, 287 NAs.sAU
One of the largest 4 bdnn 3 2. 2 BR & den house .. SS7.500 l\fAKE i\fORE ROOM A Bcauly by owner. J BR. 2 llAYFRONT l\JOBJLI:; BLUFFS.WORTII $39.:;oc;
bath homes available in the 3. P .uplcx ......... ,, , $59.500 Deluxe, spotleS5 4 & den. BA. Ell:t't"pllonal landS(".ap. HOME BUT MAKE llf"f<"ER!
desirable Dover Shores area. 4. T riplex .... , . ,, ... $82.500 Bob QI.son Rltr. 5-l&-5.580 Ing. Assume 6% G_ r Joan 2 Br, cabana, 11 ~ ha. frn/r, !'.lust &ell View elld un it ''C"
Large family room wilh · $27 900 516-9866 al · '' plan ~·/1950 !<Q. ft. 4 BR's, 3
wet bar. All li'lectric kitch· BALBOA BAY PROP. ' · . t .i. avail OOat slip, adll section. BA'1, sep. dining. Upgra.d-
en wi1h view. With or \\'ith-67'7420 /M,;;;;';';•;;;;V;';';;d;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;l;ll;;O Community clubhouse, pool, e~ Immaculate! C11l J\ln;. , Newport Beach 1200 game area, etc. \Vill trade out llOOI. 2300 \V. Balboa Blvd .. NB White 673-9060 or 675-5764
R J W d C 1 ,,..~~l'!'!~~~~~!!'I SPACJOUS 4 BR, 2 11ton' OPEN HOUSE l -5 up or do\vn fer turn or u~ O oy ' er 0 • fllm Laguna Leisure \Vorld eVt>s. \vner/agt. !Baycrest OU.ic!'I CHINESE ELMS Pacesettter, Country Club 1307 Marion Ln <westcliUl E B·-LUFFS -s cr ies . Bea1,t1"fully R d · · or hillside Orange Co. e NW • 1430 Galaxy &16-1550 a-• Lomba-y Popi••.• 1,·am" ea y & \Va1tini !or you! 1 uu n.1 "'" ... landscaped w/patio le big 3 BR, 2% BA &. fain rm +, -',o,"'-'~· ~546-="~-~"==:---,--!2 Br, 2 Ba split level. Many
$20,9•• FULL PRICE-this lge 3 BR home, with children's play yard. 3 1 1 . • * REDUCED * custom !ealllrt'S, all elec; ~ fireplace & hardwood fioor1'. Betlu;. lam nn, formal din arge anal. A real happy etc. Lowest m.ainl. & lease.
4 &drooms. 2 Juli baths. Low down payment. A buy home & hobby ccnlcr. THE BLUFFS hold. J\fUSf SELL • BY
Plush carpels &:. d r a p e s at S22.500. rn1. decorator i n s P i re d O..•ners ready to lour USA. 3 BR & 2 BA 1 OWNER ratl DI k 0
• Realtor
f ., 400 E. ~3~1a r.lesa
bl fireplace in la""c llv/rm + qu,·1• -••. c•. ,,·on, . <.'Orner . of, . '· c yer throughout. Dou c Garage. }'ORTJN, REALTOR ·~ ... ,~ ... , ·' & 1 f I ~"~ ••~ 601 ·-•m
"k fireplace in masters sulte. A .-,.1,1 buy at 1•7 .•. ' 511,, v1e1v spa cous te ing. ....,.,... .. ...., ext .. or ,,....., . Cul-de-sac street. \V lo 1701-A Westclilf Drivr ' '' '" Cu 1 tl th ~hools. GI no cash needed. Newpor1 Beach 642·~ Quiet cul·de-:sac streel. By Roy E George Rltr ll om carpls, rps, o er
Experienced RE-
SIOO Orposit refundable orl'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 011•11er. 511:% loan available. 540-:zii.18 &16--0soo r:11!ra.~. Handy poo]. Ch\·ner
!" Principals only. $41.950. cau ' 61<J.-07TI 1ako over 5\4 % FHA loan BEACH HOME a.i!l-068! N H $·11.500 value + Now S39.:i00
with payments of S12~ per 2-Sry. 3 Bclnns. 2 Baths ew ome month. U N B E L I EVEABLE E.x-
WE SELL A HOME CHECK THIS .......... !!! 5 BR . 2 !!tory, ZUlO sq. ft. ecuti\•e -1 BR home in
Corona def Mar 1250
',!::..XCEL.. 00~1~115.":iiON
I -'557 \V. 19th SI., C.1'-1.
l\ltr. 642-9730 Eves. a.18-0720
' .": : ... ~~s~~~~
1-"URNISHED • ·· ·· · · $2:-i.OOD! i\f C's a Verde Pacesetter. Beycresl Fan! U 'eel EVERY 31 MINUTES CAYWOOD REAL TY Private cul-de-sac i11rt:et. 4 · as c 1 uc-w lk & L Close to bch. 1,l. mi lo goU bedrooms 3 bath, 75xl:l5 lot lion. Come See! ~lake any a er ee 6.100 w. ~'{~~'Y .. N.B. u1"'o~~l·nd",',',.•.l~c1' .. '"",.' i'oua~ forever Vil!W of Back Bay. o,.uer Dlo o::~.~:5111907 San-
Lovely Broadmoor n1odel
hon1c iv/beaut. bay I.: ocean
viev.·. 4 Bdrms .. family rm ..
21.~ baths. extensive land·
scaping. Grand \vinner in a
national design competition,
the ho1ne features vaulted
ceilings \\'/heavy btan1 con· ~truction. Ju11t 5 min. rrom
the bay & beach, Fa!ihion
Island & San Diego Fwy.,
\\'ith all of the amrnities
of the sn1all con1n1unity
idea. $65,<XXI. Call for af)p't.
.. Delta Real Estate 646-1•114 tago r ............ i lain. Closr to all sehls. col· TREE SH --
r . TENTIAL. J BR 2 btHh
7682 Edingrr
8tl-4455 or 54G-514[)
Open Eve~. No Down GI
5 BEDROOM .f bdrm + family room. $1S.1
UNDER $30,000 per mo pays all or f<"lli\ nr
lcge, fn1ys. 540-0556 OWNER'S NE\V 4 BR. ADED
OPEN HOUSE Sun l·5 Harbor Vif'\v Home. 3 ba's, BEACH HOME
2038 Calvert Ave. liv rm, din rm. fam rm, L1Lxurlous shag c~~tin~,
bar, lg. kit, 2 Jrplcs, 11•/Y.' E,~poscd beam C't'Lhngs &
crptg drps, yard & niany F 1replace, 3 Bedrooms, 2
exrrai1: 6.9 finan ci ng. Baths. $32.500. 642-3-1(6 l Olmc. airner lor, l30xl8fl'
, all fenced. Cal Hor detail~.
I ;.'. llatt~~-,!talfy
Oversized rooms thruout! ConventionRI.
Nalural wood cabinets, Ju.~· $21,950
urius buil1·in~. Family room. RAND RL TY. 645-2340 Ofc. 637-3930
T\1ove righi in, 540.1720 DREAM LOCATION_1 _0~1~vN=ER~. -,-~B~R-2 hath,
TARBELL 295$ Har bor Move in eond. Spaclous J BR. carpet;i/drapes. frplc, elec·
6'14-4044 B1\ YFRONT Vie w S 9 O O O
Trailer Cabaria, lbdr, Iba.
C'l'Plll & drps lhl'OU!!hoU!,
s1ovr & refrig. Lido Trailer
Park. Call 646-2:i16
• 6fa-2503 •
! .l:.. BR horn'! on c.\ccllen t
'l>each! $54.950
4 PLUS POOL 2 BA; Westcliff ir;hop'g area. trlc hit.ins. $25,800. 1598 $33.500 . Qpcon Sn!·Sun 1·6
Chvner. $30.950. s.18·9500 i\1~·1·1le\1·oocl. s.15-6446 l:;o!I Cornwall Lane 199-1806 li\IMACUL ATE DUPLEX 2.J
U.ivf'l.V 230IJ sq. fl. home · 21-=====-==="=="-"""====-=====o..!.====~======I BR. Corner. cloS<! lo Lido
512 LARKSPUR ' George Will iamson
fu"15o Ev'" 613-1.\6<
hath;i, fireplace den. Smog
fr~ e-0unlry li\'ing just n1in·
utrs from ll\ro city.
546-5-WiQ Eve. :>45-5142
1 · ral 1000 Gtntral 1000 1 1~;;;;;;;;;;;==~=~1
' • I • I
4 BEDROOM -1800 SQ. FT. -30' EN·
Quiet cul·de-sac :;trcct. This home Is our
pick of available ho1ncs to be the best value
1 today. We think you'll agree ,,·ith us. Thi s
home has autornatic garage door opener.
large patio & cement areas. \vater softener
.& beautiful landscaping \vith 35' trees. The
:1 .tloor plan provides a se parate formal liv-
ing room, private master bedroom suite.
children'• area has bathroom with t~·in
1inb. Please call 546-9521 or 540-66!1 !or ill·
formation on this exceptional home .
General 1000 General lOOOGtneral
Solve a Simplt Scramb led Word Puz:le for a Chuckle
O Rearrange the 6 scrambled
wo1d1 below lo make /,
1impl• words. Prin t letters of
each In 111 li!'e of 1quore1.
IRE TC IM I John: Could you loon me t-.-1 _,,.,-,....-..-,. -,-1-1 $50? .
~~--'-"'-L-~.~ Joe : I hare to do it, becovse
r--------__,wlien a fellow lends money
IN ABT EU I" ?lwoys breaks up a friend· ~-.;.;,l,..;;...;1..;;..°'1-n1•-,~•,-1_ shj~hn: Bui, ofter all. we
~~-~~-~~~haven't been such - -.
I Dr~i 0 r' 1 1
I ~-12 COl'l\ple!e the chuckle quoted 0 by ''""• ,, "' ~'""• _,, you d9V91oo from sl'fn No. 3 below. . -"'-MOI-~-"-Mt.
1000 rl•nter. $4.9.500 -01~·ner will
l1na11l'r. Prinripa!s only.
BLurrs -3 BR. J BA
\V(B;i yviC'1v on \\'ide
r,reenbell .Stcus to p o o I .
L11s!. Ad:Utions. St ca I
S·l4.!i00. 01\·nrr 644..-42W
t.IOBILE HO~fE $19,000
Ba~•front on Penin:i;ula
67:...J8)8, 675-37'16
·I BR Lido Sand~ beachhousc.
Owner. 5a12 Rivt:r /\vt'.
$28.500. 642-2178
BY 01\'ner~Bllme :-,•~'.:( .
Eastblulf Lusk 3 br. 2 ba.
lam rn1. $<12.500. 644--0309
Choicl" PARK LIDO Poolside
Condo. 2 BR 2 be.. $28.500 ·
SGOO'J tin. A11;t, 646-0732
3 Brlrm!!., 3 ba!hs. llea!~
&•_ fil!. pool w/diving board.
2-Story re!!iden<'e on ·15' Joi.
Nr1v rlcctric kilrhrn \\ilh
rl ishv.•asher &: walk-in pantry.
Double ga1-agf". $54.900.
3355 Via Lido, 675-2723
t:ves: 6·16-79i4
516-511 DAHLIA
New twin duplell:es. Buy now
& yau may select your ca.r·
pct!I & colors, South of
llighw11y. .
Don V. Franklin, Rltr.
3250 I::. Coast Hwy, Cdill
Newport Heights 1210 1.,..,.,...,•n-... =...,...,....,. .. 1
OPEN DAIL\' 1 5 • 401 Sanla Ana Ave.
Ta_stefull y del!(lratt'd rorner 520 Dt An11
home in nl!'est residential 3 BR, deri, 2 bath homt .
1'I'f'll. Thill lo\'eJy 2 Bdrm You own lhe: land. V11cant,
home Is Immaculate & has quirk OC<'UparK!Y. $"2,500
lush crpt'g, drps. 11'1 kil~ L.EIGHTON LINDEN RLrY
rn \V/ bltns & can be pur· 642-TI-41 or 6'13-0072
chased\\'' a low 00\vn pay. OCEAN VIEW
mf'nt al S29.~. 642-Zi99 Oolce 0>ron1 IH1hlend1
DUPLEX <I yrs old. 2 BR 3 BR. 2 Ba. You Olll'O tM
each. Built·ins. crpts. drpa. land! A buy 11t 544,000.
s:12.rioo Chvntt. 6 ~ 6-2 5 1 o . CORBIN-MARTIN
Principals only. Realtors
BUSIEST man<etpl11~ In 3036 E. Co.ul II\\')' .. CdM
ing our Record Week, v.·e
Channing one stol")' 3 Bd. + sold 154 homes. We're going
small rn1. 2 Balh, BI kit. to top that record during the
Great south pti!io, 45' lot. last week in June. Call us
l\1ovc-ln artier. $69.500. now, 50 your home can be
R. C. GREER, Realty Otlf> of thr lucky onrs.
33.15 Via Lido 673-9300 WE SELL A HOME
CU•lom quaHly' B"·'" '" Walker & Lee street to street Joi. 3 Car
garage. Lge. South patio:
nr. clubhouse & tenni9 cts. 7~ F.dlnger
$69,500. Call for app'I. s.12-44;,;J or 541).5140
WALKER Rlty. 675-5200 Open E\•es.
IMMACULATE. , BR. frpk *CREAM PUFF* + Gut's! Rm. 2 Ba .. bltns. Assume this 5~1 ';'1 Fl{A loan.
new cpt & paint, xlnt Lido S\50 mo PITI. 4 BR, 2 BA.
location. S.i,000 do iv n. fan1 rm. F.P .. F.A .. drapes,
0¥.'ll<!r. 67j.j()2J or 67;'r7709 nc1v crp1s. Built-in range &
LIDO 2 BR &. den. At-oven: dishwr. Outdoor Bar·
tractive. Ownrr \~liU carry 8 -Que on cov patio. Cor. lot
large loan, 71;tt. $4.7,500. \\"/ boat gate. Nicely land·
Phil Sullivan. MS-6761 scaped: Oi·ange tree,. $26.950
==-.c--o""°--;-;::-;;"::---;; I By Owner. 842-1656 $58.500. 4 BR, J baths. 2 I ii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil story. bJt.\n kitchen & color I'
TV. Assumeable 5 ~i:o/v loan. RARE GEMi
• 673-7"176 Villa Pacific Condominium,
1 story 3 BR model, close
Huntington Beach 1400 to pool, Jots o1 l!Xtraa. As· sume existing 6"4 % FHA
That's v.·ht-re you 'd ex·
fl('Cl lo find this outsland·
ing special home decoral·
ed by one or An1~rica's
foremost designers, Ham·
ilton-liov.'C. This brand
ne\v 3 bedroom. forml'r
model home is really
"turned on" \\·ith dl'rora·
tor design extr81i hke ex·
pen~!ve Spani~h r i If!
floors. rxclusive \Vo o rl
1vall treatment anct pan·
cling. built-In bookca:i;cs,
1\·all paper \\'Ith 11. 1vallop,
carpets, clraperirs, lush
landscaping, sprinklers,
and a!r condltloninr. An·
other added plus; you
can walk lo thr beach.
Near everything in Nrw-
porl . Balboa • Lid o. J-.::-;.
rellent financing avail·
11.hl,. and a ~u111risinl!'IY
low Pl'iCI' of just $34,990!
\\'on't last long -move
in now an<! rnjoy 1ht> sum·
m<'r at lhc brach. 96.'i-l!ll7
loan balance $23,150 -$237
n1onthly pays all •
Price $29,500.
Pacific Shotts Realty
:CS.8S9-l or 817-8.>86
lle1tted & filtered Anthony
pool. Super sharp 3 tx:lrms.
hardwood Doors. !reJihly
painted inside .t out. Best
ai'i:!a. GI or FHA terms.
R.al'I? buy at $26.000.
~2-141!1 Anyt ime
j 1.': GI. 3 BR 2 baths, car-
pets & drape!, l\replace,
elrctric built-Ins. $26.500 full
pric-r -submit your do1vn
$31.000 &. no dov;n to a GI.
Can yo u beat that any-
1\·here? Locatcd near schools
& n1ajor shopping.
Rex L. Hodges, Rlty
:;.·~s=su~M~-E 51/4% LOAN
20x20' Panelled Dtn
.!. , lge 3 BR 2 ba. Den could
""""""""""""~"""""' I also be beautiful master 5 BEDROOM hdnn. Ooly "8.950.
REST HOME SHO Wac"'" f .V. !J.12-4'05
P~sent OIVlll!r has property RANCJiO LA CUSTA. Tile
rented out aJJ a rest home roof. Open beam ceilings. 3
v.·ith an annual income or. BR. 2 BA. fonnal din .. fam.
you \\·on't believe it. but its rm. n13ny extras. \Valk to
$9600 ptr year or S800 per "'-h B o "'I ~ .... ac . y wner ..., , . .,.,.,.
mo. The price · 528.500 • Assumi" low 1'1-iA 6"' •.i
\V(111•! 962-0029
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
Jllst off Beach Boulevard
clast to shopping. Let the
lrn.ants make >'Ollr pay.
mrnts. Income is S365 n10.
Electric Buill ins, carpets
thmu,ghout. Some furniture.
Priced to M'il al $35,500.
Submit JO\lr tem1s to
Walker & Lee
Spanish 4 yr old 4 br, 2 b11.
8Til Page Cittle. 96l-782fi
$31.500 * 0 \VNER
<I BR.' 3 BA, J~e kit ch, lam.
rm w/fpl . fully drp'd .l
C'pt'd, den. liv r m. dbl pr.
patio. shadt garden. Pt111k1i
orler to owner. Call 84'1..JSl!I
afternoon qr e\.'e.
BY O\'f'NER -4 Bedroom. 3
bath. flttplaCf', n t; a r
schOol•. Call !168-S7SJ for
appointment. Prindp!lls
&~; .. r r I' I' I' I' r r I' I" r I
town. The DAILY Pit.OT • 6T>Ui62 e i'682 Edinger
family room. fonnal dln1na
roon1. 110ft\\·1.1cr. ChUdern's
pllly lliTll. OPEN DA.Q..Y.
962.75,jg Clanlfied section. S.""'° SHORECLlIT J BR. 2 BA. 342.+tM or 540-5140
mooty, limt & eUor1. Look ~leftree lined ar!a by the n ~'ll.
nowt!! sea. Fee almplc. Access to 2 CONDO~tlNIUi\I J BR. cpl!!,
SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN DIME~A-LINE For Oall)t Pilot Want Adi bea.chn. Ubder SS0,000. By drpg, ret~ator, bl! in''·
Olal 6"12.5678 Owm"r. * 6l3-J681 Sl7,000. 330-231&
~-----------------------~ ----~~-~--~-----------------
many bllrgalns you tind in
Oa.sailied Ads. Oleck tbetn
-----....... -~----------, -r--- ----------------·------------ -----------------------------
~urdar, June 21, 196~ DAILY rn.ar ~
HOUSIU,ORSALE 1:1oys11 FOR SALi . RIMT~ llNTN-S llNTALS 'lllNTAL'' llMTALS • R•AL ···~Tl RliAL IJTA•.• -
l'-"=='-'-===-1 _HoUloo Pu-H1·•11 Uofvrnlohocl -""'" Furn""°" Aph. Unt,li'ftlsl>ocl AplL' Unfvmhhod Gonorol Oonerol • Huntl..,... lffdl 1400 ·s.o Juon "'
1--------1 _;C;,;;1pi=st'-'r•;;,;no;,;;__-'.1"'720,;;.; s-r·lontols 2'10 ~we""! '!i.!llh'1 3210 lalboo • 4300 Costa -5100 NowP.rt ll"ch 5200 11. E. Wootod 6240R. I . We~torl 6248
*BY OWNER Jr S PAllIS H-Con.temp., .. 3 BR r..m -21' ba vu I I< 2 BDRM•""' "IBS ·l~~i!i~!ii_!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil . sr Wd~r.!roboan1, t2B~P.2 8.!:..f.f!·. decortW'a t;\eU,ht; 4 Br. 3 SUMMER hie on N»rt hie !!~, . .,rer .... ~vaU .. Jui.t 1'. $200 yeart,y. Ahl~ ... Jone';I~ Ng AR W ESTCLI f' F $$ M·ORE -CASH .,.., ,.... ~-ea..:i %'%-lnt.$.18,500.By w /!Ive -in maid. 4 o.>.>"'\I RQlty,$'2'3-6tlO HARBOR dellahlM,Jae.2Br.prdtn , tntl 846-1822 or (213) owner Phone: (1) 493-4680 BR/aundeclt. $X0 wk or npt. Couple pref:; IKlrry, no
~""'!~~1~44.l:,_ ___ =~ll ;:'==:=':""=="":'::: ~~· Jul1, l'OO mo. Aua. ,Boc __ k Boy 3240 Lid o Isle 4351 GREENS peu, no cltlldren. $160 Mo. OWNEft"S vacant 3 BR 2 Dan• Point 1730 .,,.,._, -Hal Pinchin & AallOC 61"",,....392
btlth. 5* <;~ 1'1-tA loan. 3 BR., l'\lmpus rm., 2 ba. 2 Bdr unf.rn, duplex WATERFRONT APT. NEAR ocean, dplx, )'fly, 3
$120/mo. L980'l Isthmus (lll' DANA POINT Sips: 10. Lge tren. N'pt. responsible adWtr, SUMMER RENTAL BACJCELOR UNFURN. B.R 2 bl, prtv pnt. bltns,
Adams & M a g no 11 a ) • Brand new 2 family atudio Heights. $500 mooth. $145/mo 642-9139 540--0608 from $ 11 O w/~ cpt, ~·-No pets, l ~,,....-=~558-=~==--,---,=-I dUplexes with 2 bedrooms Chffhire Real Estate 675-25G.1 I"========== ,~ -ALSO AVAILABI.E fmlly only, S2T5 mo .
2 BR, l~ BA Cordominlum. & bonua rooms. LIVE ON 1 LlOO I.tie Bayfronl 5 BR., 4 Corona clel Mar 3250 Belr H lal•nd 4355 1 . 2 & 3 BDRM. &42--9485
L.rg pool, low maintenance. SIDE, RENT THE OTHER ba. home, pier &. slip, Ju.ly 1 ·,-B-R_H __ --.-.-... -u-•• -1-.. -nd-. v TERFRONT APT Heated Pools, Orlld Catt "c"o"L"D"M=-ed'"oJ"1'"1on",."'2""'e"R"2"ba'",
Only 36 unilll. Cal: owner SIDE! Excellent financing, &. Aua:: $2500 Per Mo. Manii:d couples It. no on Ba~ Ihle. July only $l25 Center, Adj. to Shoppln&'. -cpta, drps, patio. $165 & $1~
lor appt. 53&-3268 o t Priced Rri&ht; Broken:' co-8ROKER 673"8830 children_ S250 mo. * fZ5.329l wk. c &n 673-.9388 No pets iillowed 1.M. 4232 Hilaria Way Ph,
536-3096 eves Mr. Smith operation ifl'Ylted. Coo.st CHOICE N, La&una loc, 2 _ _ 2100 Petl!'rson \Vay, at Har-213/981-7039.
Wway to Alcazar then l BR, frpl, gar, walk bcb/ Huntington hach' 3400 Hi.;ntington Be1ch 4400 bor &: Adams, Costa Mesa l;D"EL"'UXE=""op=..,.=."2"a"n"".-oo"·.,.w-
For Your Home Equity
Ab1olut•ly no cost •••••
lo you tho SELLER I • •
•• 12 years of paying MORE CASH for Orange
County Properly. ·
Call th• Re1t ••• Then call the BEST
147-6033 545-124$ ' ! Huntington
H1rbour 1405 bloc~()01~·LS OPEN town. Mo or wk 497-1056 tve "'!!!l!!'!!!!~-~!!!J!7!'0 !!!J!!!'!!!!!!!!J ly dee, frpl, bltns, )"l'ly. best. BY O\VNER: 3 bdr, prof. 2 BR Furn apt ·w/frplc, --= 675--0753 or 642-0007 REAL ESTATE
WEEKENDS 10-6 \VATERFRNT, pier, &: tit landsc. patio le foui:itn. bltns, l'~ blk to ocean. NEW SPANISH-NEAR ocean-Upper 3 Br, 2 Rantilt W•nted 5990 l
105' ON water, 60' dOck. 2800' • -steps to ocean. 2 or 3 BR. ~1928 19561 R.oden ck, Nt 1,•:ly dee & crptd, aJso :! VILLAGE APTS. Ba, frplc. Lease $22S mo . _G·""'"'~"~";.;c'------11-~::i:~~Sl~~nsi MB!wn~ Duplex• For Sile 1975 $125 per wk & up. 4010 H~. BR 11pllt level crpts, drps, 1 It 2 BDRM. Furn or un-Avail lmmed. 499-2128 1-----U-C-l ----1 lndustri1I Prop. ...,.,
River Ave, NB. 673-8229 ..., BR 1%. baths. 22101 bltns. Cpls preferred. 22'2 furn. Air-cond, dshwhrs, ~IJI ;========= =.1
I ~"='=3~1 ~·31>-~25<2==''="====' I ~:~t~5l~=le~% Cd;; CLEAN Balboa Beach Unilll. Capistrano Lane CNr 3rd St .. HB. 536-632! early c\ean'g ovens, patio, break-Bick S.y 5240 a;r~=:a: !';~et;L~s-$21 ,950 ' I
Fou"'-ain V•lley 1410 S 6~ B k Sleel'>5 2 to 10; tor summer Brookhurst &. the ~an). am. rast bars, private fundtcks, 60x140' Zone M-1 with vacan · of hwy, ro et'-reservation& call 613-9!145 S185tmo. <n4) 492-3285 • 1 BR at ~ach. Adults lrg stonagt' closets, Heated BEAUTIFUL view-2 Br., 2 ini short.l\ge. We are asking 2 bedroom neat, clean home
C.R. V.
Came in at sM;oco, 3 BR 3
bath, separate den, Jiving
room .,.,.ith fireplace, se1Vice
poreh. kitchen & family room
in back. Room for pool,
snake roof, block wall fence,
carpets & drapes,
RENTALS 315 E Balboa Bl Balboa 2 BR. nr park some a ppl only. Lease. pool, sa.wias, bar-b-ques. Ba., !rplc, w/w crpl, bltns, the communJty to list any 922 Sunset Avt'., just of.
Houses Furnished · v., ' ' ru 15th SI., 118 Sound proof walls walk in pool. Refs. Adults oo pt'lll available rentals, summer Monrovia, Re 8 1 EstateJI
LAG . Sch ~ block from w/w, drps, No pets-. For cklsets, covered ' carpor1. $1S5. Also 1 Br. furn-$130 or year round, with the hoU&-646-nn ~1 Rentals to Shar• '2005 beach. One bolds 6, appt., alt 6· 213: ~7882 NEW ~ up. l-2-3 Br, htd Adults, no J>t'tll. 8-48'15 ing office. Plet\S£' ca 11
$175/,vk. another holds 3-4, 3 BR, fam nn. bltin.1, fncd, &: sauna pools, rec nn. Heil THE CALIFORNIAN 833-6811 for a lis ting form. Comm•rci1I 601 GAL,, 30, shart 2 BR. 2 ba $125/1,vk. 494-5374 nr schools & beach. Eves & Algoqu ln. Mgr 846-3l:t7 Phone 546-2727 Corona d•I M•r 5250 HOME like room or shat"f'.
apt with same. Prl pat. ===~-~-~-~ 536-200I 1----------'-'ll pool, niceyl· furn. J-lB SlTh1MER1-e.ntalor lease,2 4BR 28A bl t I dbl Garden Grove 4610 EA'TRA large 3 SR 2\~ Rpef.ine d gentle1nan IDEAL LOCATION BR ocean front, (rpl, deck, , . tns, rp c, baths, w/iv cpls, drps, bit-_, ens1oner. Hav~ ca r .
968-3193 .>vt Beach. 492-8861. gar, 1 ml bch, $2·10 mo. 1st SINGLE Young Adults Lux-ins, FA heat. Prefl'r adull ....,.. .... .., 541--0188 Fut: span s tucco store buUd
TO SHARE: 2 br, mobile &. last M~ ury garden apls v;•ith ooun-~l ;;;;o;;;;"7c;:=,.,,==C'C: ing, 32Xll0; good condition ·~MMP DELUXE l BR nt heh, &J'I · ' family. $175/mo. 98-il\ El t:J,.. ort• OF.SIRE to lralil' Republic or 12 r 1. ceiling, neon lighl1.. home · beach -young man· center, S9:i wk. 141><1 Glen-3 BDRM, 11)6 ha, 2 mi l'ron1 try club atmosphere and Camino. Genco Realty Co. Pacesetter Home tn Estan-\"' gtraig'ht • with s a n1 e . '--h $210 th I -mplote pn'"o•y SO' -• 64• ,422 . . H" heating, floor drains, 2 l"'CI 837--S434: neyre, Apt. 9, Lag B iac .536-77~n on )"eBJ'y BAv CLUB v ms. niOO -anytime ON TEN ACRES ~~ ~ i;inc1ar1es 1-2-3 yrli. rooms. Lot 60Xl50 to alJC".' NEW, By owner. 3 BR, 2¥~
Bath, wtw carpets, drapes,
block fence. Many custom
features. $31,500. Euclid &
Talbert, nr frwy. 962-6479
HAVE S BR l bath house, BALBOA -Inexpensive cot-ease. CJIAPMAN Ave.. Garden :St'A~OUS, CLEAN 3 Htt t & 2 BR. Fizrn &:: Untum ==~'=-'-6==-=~ Parking IO cars. N '
furn. Want mature man to tages. Weekly ntes July, _F_o_u_n_ta_l_n_V_a_ll_•~Y __ 3_4_10 _G='°,,"'=',,'="=',,636-J030====== stud · Nu 'v1v1 cpts:, drps, Frplcs I prlv-pat101/Pools. FAM ILY Wants to rent 3 or 4 Blvd. at Santa Isabel. share $1S5/mo includ. util. 1 ~·~"~""='t~, ~Se~p_i_.548-3 __ 158___ _ elec bltns, 2% ba. Quie t Temilil _ Contnt'J Bldst. pul-bedr house from $175 to JOHN MACNAB
349-2623 or 646-1058 RENTAU 4 BR & den, w/w crptg & L11un1 &Heh 4705 area. Nr F.,.,')'s. Adults-no tin& grern. $200/mo Good reCs. Cons.. REALTY CO.
HoUHS Unfurnished ceramic tilt thru-out, ZllQ --"---------pets, 349--0412 eves & Wnds 900 SPa Lane, OOI 644-26JJ cientious & emplyd. 54&.-8867 642-8235 or 548-8355
sq. ft. $275 per mo. 968-2550 100 CLIFF DRIVE l.G 2 BR 1~~ bath s. IMacA rthW" nr. Coast Hwy) 3 OR 4 eoru.t. furn. or un-'O"'F=F=1c~E=S"'F=o=Rc-=R"E"°''!J3l l
CONDO. 3 Br. Deluxe crpls T1vo bedroom rurnished cpts/drps, Sharp! Close lo furn., Costa Mesa or N'pl. t.1odcn1, spacious, professiO'nj Laguna Beach 1705 Centi Mesa 1==:..=:.:c;,. __ 2100 1---------1
SINGLE House. Reasonable.
Middl!!-aged or older lady.
379 Hamilton -
We have another beautiful 3
& dr Dsh 1 Pool All Deluxe Ftatures OCC & So. Coast Plaza. SO OF HWY, 3 BR, cpts, Bch. Now 'Iii Oc,. $200 to al on monthly basis. Avai 968-4~.lf 00 8~~74 · \Valking Distance to Beach $150/mo. Call Mr. Graver rtrps, gar, nr mkt & hcJ1, $300. Fanli ly. J ack, 675-4343 8/l/69. Contact Mr. '" pj
Thal v:i\l be your first im-
pression. when you see !his Mesa Verde 2110
Bedroom, 2 Bath home for Ligun• Beach 3705 lease at $179 per month. All I•-'._ ______ _
sm -Yearly lease 835-4422 Bkr, S~ I~. Adults. no pets. e LANDLORDS e Downey s & L Assoc,; si ==~-4_9_4-_2_44~9-~~-I JMMAC. 2 BR, cptsldrps, Go.)-()84;i FREE RENTAL SERVICE mon Viejo. 837-4911 '
SPACIOUS 2 story hozne. NEWS BR home, adjacent to
BUILT ON 11 ~ UYI'S THAT Mesa Verde Country Club.
OFFER A SCENIC VIEW Avail now with lease to Sept
OF THE OCEAN. Detailed 5. 1969. $500 mo. Call
electric Medallion home.
AVi\Uable July Ji:!.
UNIQUE Laguna Hidea\vay,
TeJTaced gardens, screened
room, fully crptd. Exquisite
canyon view. $19 .8 00.
S1.'UDIO apt ,.,,/gar suitab!I! blt-in.o:i., beamed c e i l i n g. 1 BR, 11·/w crpl"', Redcc. Broker 5.14-6982
101 artisl's studio, .sou1h Quiel. Adults. No pets.$l3S Adu I ( ~ on I y ~ 3 1 I -B BACHELOR apt. f.toderalr. lndu1tri1I Rent•I 6
Uguna. 4~2334 & $140. 1974 Wallace. f.laJ"guCritc alt 6 or .,.,·knd.$ prire. Prrfer \Vkly. John. Walker & lee ,,,, ·• IAL~ f:AST Side t bdr. Vinyl flt!i. FOR RENT: 1 Bdr. partially P.O. Box 23.13, NB 450 SQ. FT. BLDG. '
Sh1vr. encl. gar, pr o_f . furn. fi001a Acacia. $165 STORAGE GARAGE .• 3 mo. E. 17~1~:· ~C::::.. Mes:{ all wood exterklr in classic 633-9393 ext 188 or wknds 7687 Edinger
Laguna architectural styl-213; 45&-2362 842-4455 or 540-5140 BEAUTIFUL Vi<!w-2 Bl'. un-
furn year lease. $225 per
mo. 549-2463 all 5 p.m.
lands~aped $90/mo, S 3 5 691-1753 $15. Bayshores / Wcslcliff Ready for tenant '
deposit 540-8600 2 BR, 2 RA. Swedish frplr. 64.6-6904 evex. S60 Month. 546--5640 , ':
Apt1. Unfurnl1hed
NE\V 2 bdr apt. East-side Immac & cute. 2 yrs old. REI IABLE f ·I 4 Jndusl bldg in M-1. 04 ,
crpl .. •, W'r>E•, 1built-ins, <l~h-$2'10 mo. 675--5720 chil .. dren, want ; ~~. :c~rly, 17th St. 3500 sq. ft. r •
ing, large sun porches en-Open Eves.
closed wilh post & rails. N •· h 2200 SPRAWLING 4 BDRM. &: ewport pa.IC FOR lease -El Toro, 2 story c «ENT e
was r. nc · gar. prtv. b J I ill Call 615--0801 64a-tt33 Eve. 642-1479 , patio. 642--4i257 Balboa 5300 °"y=u'°y=,,·===== DE N FLOOR PLAN. has 4 BR, 2 bath, w/ bltn DOVERShottsbayf r ont k·ti.-f 1 J
1v / w ra111Cting & custom honie, 6 BR, 4 ba, large 1 Cuo:n, rp C, cov pato,
3 Room1 Furniture
$20·$25 & UP
Lagun• Niguel 3707
• __ , th-·o"I. Exciting ts-"""k J fenced yard. 2 car gar. ..... ,~ '"" patio. 70' private"""". une A ·1 J I 1· I ~40 4 BR 2 ba, view home .
Pace~tter area, $300 mo +
util. 673-9541 or 495-4485
BEAUT-. View EXCL 3br 2
ba, bltns dshwr. crp/drps.
fp. $300 836/5750 542-1215
-NEW industrial bldg, 2500' 9 1 BR Duplex, ga~ .. elderly GRACIOUS adult l J 1 Rooms for Rent 5995 ft. 9c per rt. 1639 Monrovia
l'nd 'y-,.,, ..... , .,, BILT-va1 u Y :;, a ,... n\o. '"" '-'"" & July, $2500 n10· Beg. 837 2103 aft 5 JN RANGE & OVEN. DISH-Sept., yrly lsc, $1000 mo. [ ~=-"'"'==·=~~~ \VSHR.. GARB. DJSP. & 213: 7~5013 or 2 J 3: NEAR BEACH " 4 BR 2 ba,
P.lonth-To-Monlh Rentals
Appliances & TV's avail.
~::,r~. :-~:8• close to Spac. 2 BR, 2 BA, ~val~ ~~•1 ----------CM. 673-9017
i; pg. -cloi:cls. Bay it.: ocean vlc1v, 1-IUGE Room w / k Itch en ==========:ii
E::O.I E:NSIVE US E OF ~ w/\Y cpts. fncd yd, lg No Security Deposit
HFRC Furnilure Renll11s
517 W. 19th, O f 54&-3481
1568 W. Lncln, Anhm 774:2800
Quiet, Dix. 2 BR. apt. fkllll & boat sli11s. 673-3003 prlv, patio, women 0 nly. Lot1 61CI
Adults only, no pets. w 1 & 2 BDRM I 11""' ·-Use of hoUllC. 646-8137 DEEP STAINED MAI10G-din/kit combo., lg 1 liv nn
ANY CABINETS. OCEANFRONT Older 4 Br, w/trplc. Bet 2 shop cntrs,
Ope" 't.'._.,., leads to 2nd Lg Yd, Yrly. $300 mo, $235 mo. lse. 968-4541 aft. 6 3975 ,.... 673-8088 Duplexes Unfum.
level, w/2 bdrm., bath & $160. 2 BR, l\~ ba . VENDOME 1.ARGE DEN, APPROX. 20 LOVELY 3 BR. oceanfront townhouse. Redec, new shag DUPLEX Untm. avail July
IT \VITH DBL SLIDING home, avail. for July & Aug. Ch"ld o K Bkr 1. 3 bdr 2 ba buill-ins incl.
cl.ASS \VALLS TifAT OPEN REALTOR. 61S-16-42 =~ 1
• • . dshwshr. fireplace. 1 block IMMACULATE APTS~
TO SUN DECK \V/OCEAN ~==~=~~~-,-from beach. 673-1758 ADULT & FAt.111.Y
l'OME ls VACANT & dis-cond. Many extras. $27;) per l(~ti I AL!» Cl h , p k
CUT!VE ' F -• n1 N H 00 •pt f · ""d ose to $ opp1nn, er ·-.-ed 0,vner says sell im-F0Rf.1AL EXE mo. n._-... ya . r ar r ""' I. urnttft9 ·-• ,,,,_ •• bo I k · H' h '"l'oo ---'--------* Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba n1ed. for .... r 3 ' 0 v er 0 0 1 n g ig ' .....,.. '--";> -Gener•I 4000 * 2 Bedrooms
$29,950 FULL PRICE Pacific Newport 1-larbor.I '1~25~.~3"°'B~R~o~l~d,-,-l~ix-,-,-,-,-..,-r. * Swim Pool, Pu1/grccn
D P 0 K SUnken lv rm. Din. m1, Stove, retrig, fenced yard. HOLIDAY PLAZA
1777 Santa Ana Ave. 646-rl542 ap. s. "'-' °" $200 yerly, Anita, Jones NICE Roo1n /or e11111loyed
1 BR, u!il pd, elec blfns, Realty. 673-6210 genlleman. $12 pt'f week.
refrig, no children or fll'ls. Call ~5261
~222 bcfol"t' 4. Bilbo• lsl1nd 5355 ========
3 BR Deluxe, adults, no pcls. "'I . If lncom• Property 6000 a40-0154, JlS-34111 or Ml NEW 2 BR apt. .-. l'I ~ -
6-6992 tlran·~ ov('n, d s hwhr , NEED HELP
washer/dryer. rrplc, crpts, \VlTll PAYMENTS? Then
l.A.RGE 1600 SQ It 3 BR. drps. On Grand Canal, 1.11-buy 1hi~ triplex & hav(' :! \V/W cpt~. drps. Avail Au;::. 1 "-I I ,. 1 ,, °" . ls . Boat doc 1ng other families carry !he
I ='=· ~"='=--~-""=,_.,,---,cl privil. No IK'I.~. no children. load. 3 BR units & 2-2 Blt
BEAUT lge 2 BR, 1 ~:1 ha Rl•fs l'l'fl. S3~)() n10. 673-;>J'll! unils. Good locallon. A real
studio, pool, adul1~. s15;,,i=========='I bargi1in at S<W,000.
Newport Blvd. Fron~
Prime location ..
Boat slips and ·
Cnlt \Vill\am C. Ring
2310 Santa Ana. 6-45-2933 Low1r n. ymt. , • view. Other rooms around '"''--. ~~· """" * Frpl, Indiv/lndry fa<"ls THE BEST BUY 1 oou-...,.t""U""'1 DELUXE, spacious 1-Bclrm. 1145 Anaheim Ave. ,, COM~ANY
tN LAGUNA BEACH poo l . Exquis. urn.========= Furn apt, $135. Plus Util . COSTA t.1ESA &12-2824 Mesa Vordo 5110 Exc1't1'n9 Uv1'n9 lflJWH,l_·i~Ui'tlQ REALTORS
MISSION REAL TY Sl500 I mo. July I Aug. or Co1ta Met• 3100 l.Jeated pool. Ample parking ;.£ia T"mmM-
HuntinQton Beach 5400
ycarly. fi?a-2717 ----------d N t r l "-d ., 673-4400 j 985 So. Coast !!'-vy .. 1.acun~ 1=========== No chi! ren-o pe s e BEACH -YEARLY e 2 BR, \\'/W crpt'g, drapes, n nc1,v apt!I. "" room, "--;;-;,,,-,,..,cn;<;-=-.;,-"-1 ~!!'!1!!!1'![!!!!!!!1!!11!!"!1!!!!!!J!ll!ll., I 2 BR Sell-contained unit. 1965 Pomona CM All bl<o•. N•ar •hoppiog be<lroon1 . 2 balh-FOR SALE BY OWNER I 111 PHONE (714) 494-073 Balbo• Island 2355 Sl35. Manager at 2278A, ~~~=~~·,....·.,·=cc 3 Br. 2 Ba. unturn ·-·· S26j .. --.-E-X-CL_U_SiVEc<•>-1!::.':=::...::::;::;;:_ _ _:::.: Placentia .<\.ve.., Ot $155. 2 BR, 1 ~ ba studio. 2 Br. l Ba. unfurn .... $215 center. $135 mo. Adul~ on-$140 to $195 4 unlrs. 2 -2 BR. 1 BA & B~AUT. f.1ountain lot, Ru~
I BR Y I <r '1 I El·-k't /"' , 0 o 1 3 B• 2 Ba d•o tom 1'50 ly. 64'2389 5, .. ,·mmlng pool, ••m, ""'''· 2-3BR, l~~ BA. 548-6155 n1ng Spring:ii area, ~Vi BEAUTIJ<~UL PROPERTY • r Y or wn "a ure 646--5637 or call ( 7 14) =" 1 • w "• . " ' " ' '' " ~ ..-...-sacrifi~. $2300 ca i •h 1 NEVER BEFORE ON THE person. 213 / 6TI-3371 or 496-3812 Av a I I ab I e no1,v. Bkr. l Br. I Ba. unfurn .•.• .$200 recreation room 8 7 ., ,
nd "" =~ 3 Br l D A f rn $275 Newport B••<h 5"00 . Income Pro-rty 6000 1 ...,.,16 MARKET. R-2 land~ped 1 ,,'='3-5=1"7"7"w=k='~"====I -=-=---~~-'1.Yt""'J""" • 041· u •···•· :> " General Electric Appliances. ,..-1 BR. plos doo. hp!., bu .. , -. =-======• f BURR WHITE -;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;===I Adu! 1 Mo•• V••d• r a;-.. 8y lot LromBlvd. to Cliff Dr. L•ouno •·och 2705 dis h .... ·asher; cpts,, drps, (~ta Met1 4100 • lll on y. !NOUS. Bldg. 100% occpd. .... ,_ ,_ ....
with substan!ially built and ,_ S200 P.lo. 295 Del Mar REALTOR 8£A(H Lamplighter AptS. Nprt; Sch. 10'7o net return. lo1. G42-47lS Cl~ail
distinctive 5 hedroon1 home. OLD Spao•'•h ohrum, Jge 4 646--76M $30,00 Wk. up 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 16102 Spn·~d-' St $190,000. Phil Ru 11 l v a n _ ' --' --• I"" 1· 6~4"" 642 2253 .... we · 54S-S761 OCEAN & Canyon View ~ 18 x .4 '"''\"""'' pane""' iv-BR, ocean V\\', patios, fruit ,.,. ,,.,., , - -Eves. Phone !19'2-SL?J. I'========== j•g-m , ... ,,,, ro·r•pla-12 ., SMALL J BR. cot tage, utll e D« woek mno<b APARTMENTS S. Laguna Sacr. $10,500 ~ " "'" " '""",' _ " tree!>. nr high school & furn, Elderly cpl or m<ddlo "'-.7 , ' ' $110 Bachelor apt. close lo Is d'·o,·o-m En''"'' ..... ,.,,e e Sludoo· & Bach Apts CH.EZ ORO APARTMENTS Bu11'n10s Pro~rty 6050 cash. Owner 213-355-0155 , •·-· "'B .. k·•d beach, a pp 1 acre, 3000 SI.I ft aged lady. Sl25 mo. Call aft • · ' beach. Garage, w/w. avail. ,..-kitchen. Furnace. ric e "'"lst. S400 mo. 494-3TI2 e Incl Utils &: Phone serv. "°"'· Bkr. :>34-6980 FISH, SURF, $\VIM 8"134 Atlanta R-2 1.01', DANA POINT 1 patio. Only a fe,v steps to "' 5 p.m. \Vkdays 642-3216. e Maid Seivice.. TV avail. "In your own front yard" New 1-2 Brdroom~ -Pay 6 XLNT Business property for $8200 FIRM ~'
Diver's Cove. QUAINT 1 BR, secluded, 3 BDRJ\-1. 2 Bath, Lg. Fam. e New Cafe & Bar $16.'i 2 BR studio, w/11•, Featuring private clubhouse. ell'ctric 011ly sale Ly O\\·ner 111 N.B . .ZO!l('d 496-1542 eves •
$140.000. Terms possible. view, yr lse, proL people Rm. Pool & maint. new cpl. 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-97'"n5 =· child O.K .Bkr. healed pool, saunas, private '"53G-3927 or :~16-27.!1 C-L 646--;1161
• MUST BE SEEK • only. $135 mo. 49~-1404 & drps. Built-ins, frpl c, NICE 1 BR Dplx. Quiet. Sep 1-========"' gate iv/24 hr security guard. Pool·Waii;hers-Dryers Q l=i========= Ranches 6156
l\-1ARSHA1.L & ROPP sprnkl. $300/mo 642-2118 by garages. Adult, over 30. -Meri ite1Tanean adult living, P1ivale Garages ' Businns R•nt1I 6060 :r
1 211 Oce11n A\'c. 4!l-l·1021 Summer R•ntal1 2910 2 BR house Sl40 No pets. 548-tO'll C_o_s_t_•_M_o_so ___ 5100 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATJ~S 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH, e PRli\fE Retail Location e North•rn '
--EMERAL08 AY-HARBOR IS. 2306 Elden Ave .. CM STUDIO, utll paid, nr 17th & AVAILABLE JULY IST FROM $250. r uRNfSHED & 17X10, Xlnt foot & auto irnf-Californl• ;
Open SaL & Sun. J-5 Pi\1. BAYFRONT 531-1723 l1V ine. Quiet person only * SllO INCLUDES UNt'URNISltEO lie. 1811 HarboJ", C f.1 R•nch!
,.,' E -'d B B• 11·1,,1 l b 2 \Vall-wall sHAG Carpeting, Cpts. drapes. buUtins, best 64" """·' 3:; Acre1> of excellent Cali -mei.u ay. au 4 Bdrin. & maid's; pier & 3 BR home ~~ ath.~. car $100. 642--0538 * 2 BR 11·ifh carport .,...,.,.... .. ,., ... hog, 1,· .. ,·,g •m 4 B• & A , go _ .. ,-• p • 11 o * w· 1 'd GE bU-ins with refriger-location, 1 blk lo S Points F'OR E 23 fornia ranch land n e--a· ¥ "· " •• • slip. Avail. July · ug. ga a • -..v¥ ,L,_. • l BR. ·~ pe• mo . N" -1•.. a er pai L ASE stor x42 · 78 000 XI
I .-.. • " r-ator & dishwasher shopping etc. from $130. . c · Chowchill11. Has cotlon allof! $1 . . . n e11ns, 12~"" Per month $200/nio. Agt. 546-4141 •1,tor• adolt' o·'y. Good * Near srhooh; ON Al-off>-,,,-333 E "· --' 673 0173 JVIJ " "-'"' HUNTINGT 7101 Ellis, apt. L) 642-28.% ,..., "" ,_,_, · mcn1, home, guest house,''1) Ford Vefrtuuer -Dover Shor•• B•yfront AVAIL Aug., 4 BR. 2 ba, 2-area. 642-3108 2192 Placentia Ave, Apt D ~1z_g:;o3 ' ' 11th SI. CM. 6 4 5-2 4 5 0, rrr In rd bea~<
lat open house 494-7336 ' 5 °"rms., pie1· :;lip, avail. story, xlnl nebrhd, $185-2'Q 636-4120 PACIFIC --fi48-5.508 u i.i ies, rge ya · ·
uu NICELY furnished 1 Br. -=========" fut shade h't'es and 11c August. $2.000 mo. Lse req. 546-9218 garage, pool. Adults only. 1 BR apt. ~love, adults only 711 OCEAN AVENUE 2 BDRMS "2 BATH ---hus to the door. FuU prl~ 90°/o LOAN
with 11.~v~ interest on this
beautiful 3 BR. 180" o~;in
Vi('W home. CaJI llO\Y lor de·
tails. A s!eal a t $43.500.
Irvin• Terrace 3 Br, 2 Ba, cpts, drps, bllns, 2344 Elden. CJl.t. $82. Bachelor unfurn, stove (3 blks \V . of lt.B. Pier) • Office Rtnt1l 6070 $55,000, \vith $15,000 dowt\.
Panoram ic view over entire $260. Includes gardener. Ad 1 & refMg. adul!s only $4:1. (714) 536-4616 . 5.16-1481 S\50/Mo. HEATED PCX)l. Good t('l'Ins, For more infof1-bay & jetty. 4 Bdrms., pool. 541h'"i844 2 BR., furn. $148.50. u ls, See at 2'14•1 Newport Blvd, /ncd. eptldrps, Kids OK LAGUNA BEACH mation please calJ GTi~
Avail . July & August $1500 no pets. Near markt.ts. CM. r1'1~868. :;.i+.s;111 ---Delaware Studio Apls. Air Conditioned Thomp!IOn. • 1
PERRON 642·1771
Per month. VERY nict. 2 bedrooni, /enc-54S-0959 2 BR 111.z bathg, FA heat, bl~ N•wport Belch 5200 2b20 Delaware, H.B. ON Ji'URES'J' AVENUE Eckhoff & Assoc., lnCJ
CALL: JOHN MACNAB ed yanf. available June 25· LGE furn bach apt. S.12.J, ·1 / t / 1 . 642-~I aoyti'm• o"l8l6 Desk spaces avallabll'i In · 1 REALTY CO. 642-8235 I child ok. 548-0701 Aval! July ls!. ;",.19-3866 Mr. 1 111' w iv c p s 1 r P 5 ' GROUND floor duplt.x, fa m1-u~ " .>C>Q-newe81 office building a: 1818 W. Chilpman Ave':
_ Sl40/mo. 9848 El Camino. ly preferred. 3 BR, 2 HA, 2 BD. n. t-.1, J level Con-prim• ,,,_011.00 ~ d--t-·-Orange, Calif. , UNUSUAL view, cusL quali-
ty 3 Br. 2 ba. horn(' on ap-
prox. 1,, Acre. $48 ,000
LAGUNA BEA .. c·H-Newport Booch 3200 Snllth c R I< c "" "22 ""' Ill .,,.,. v .... 541 2621 E k d 5J8smT enco ca Y o. _,,_ .. , ric111· bench. S2.'"IO mo. Yearly dom1niu~n, \Vnsher/~~cr, LagUna Beach. Air cond). -ves-w n 8 :;-·~1
1742 Glenney1't' Newport 8e•ch 4200 anylimc IC'asc. Ga:r, patio, crp?s, cn1:l pa110. all rec fac1hlles. tlooed, carpe!ed, ~aulifu]
BrokC'r * \VEEKl.Y RATES CliARGE yo11r wan! ad nCl\v. drps, ;i()()!I River A v c. ~17!i Adutls 968--1394 paneled partitioning. Two
CHARM * PRIVACY * B / B NEW SPANISH Find ii with a ~-ant ad~ 546-6264 NE\V s1:i0 up, 1-2·3 BR. HC'at-entrancl!'a: l!'rontagf' on SE ~~i~i~os TOWNHOUSES VILLAGE APTS. cd & saun11 pools, rec m1. Forest Ave., l'f!at le.ads 10
ADULTS ONLY! J bed-l & 2 BDRM . Furn or un-Co1ta Mesi 51ocf Cotti M•s• 5100 Heil & Algonquin. t.Tgr. MuncipaJ parking IOlli S50
675-6591 49-l-7161 Res.
Ottan view, 2 Br. furn.
home, 10% [)Q'>l·n or cash to
loan discount. Principaili
on1 y. Call owner 842-400)
Oip &. save lhis address ')1
1 both s 1·1 I f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~l~~~~~~~~~;,.1 tb I "-k rooms, ~ '~ 8• P 1 -furn. Afr.cond, dshwh rs, sell I I 8·16-3137 pm' man nr space. .,..,,
4 BR on the water, sandy level, Carpets, drapes & clean'g-ovens, patio, break-NB\V niodcrn 1 or 2 BR, and chair~ avallab!f' for $5.
beaC'b. Newly e ar pet e d, built-ins. 3 car garage. f'ac-fast bars, private fundecks, cpls. drps, avail July I. Burineu boure answering
drape!! &: furnished-S:IOO es pool, S265/month, lrg storage closelll. •Ieated 536-T:i79 service ava.11.J.ble tor SlO.
Sin Juan· \\'kly-July &. Aug u s I . ALSO pool, saunas. bar·b-quts. CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING AU utUIUe• paid except
6n-7449 ADULTS ONLY!'/. bedrooms, 3 BDRM, 2 ballt, private telepl'.Ofie.
Capistrano 1720 ~==--'----
Cas!!as Capistrano 2 bdr 2
ba. A1C drps Si c.-pts. Phone
estatl' adminl~trator eves:
493-191 1 flays: 774-2520
SOCK IT TO ''Of! -
BEACH at door. Newly furn
bach apt 11tarting at $50 per
wk. 536-2579 H1g Beh.
LIDO ISLE • Finest 3 BR, 2
BA nicely furnished.
675.5023 or 615-77°'
While Elephants?
Sou nd proof walls, walk in pal;", 1~,,~ pool. DAILY Pl' -2 baths. Split-level . Carpets, 1 -• < N ~ ~· e osets, cove • ..,.. carpor . ~ * 96" <NV>.• * -ro••~ A'~"-drapes & built-Ins. 2 car Ad·" _,,.,.'" -.. ru:..,,1 Y .io.ot~u11o wts, no pets. LAGUNA BEACH &;arage. S225 monlh, THE CAlJFORNlAN HARBOR HEJGHJS l.RG 2 BR, all P1Clra,, pool Boy & BNch Phono 546-2n7 our $139 mo. 847-1594 •fl 6 pm . -9168~-c,.-
Re1ltv, Inc. wkdayi;. BEAtrrlFUl. Private officr.
1 SINGLE YOUllg Adult& Lux-"'ith bath, some octan view, 901 Dovl'r Dr., NB Suite 126 ury garden apts with coun-LUXURIOUS 2 & l BEDROOM APTS. Sant• Ant 5620 in the Glendale Fed. Sav-
645-2000 E~s. 548-6966 try club atmosphere and ' • -· Bld Co d 1 M
HIDDEN VILLAGE 1ngs g. rona e ar. complete priyacy. SOUTH •fireplaces e Spaj!ious cabinets $75/mo. Call Ev, I y n
G•ner•I 2000Gentral 2000 Thi' Bluf/s Medltemanean BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at •Dishwasher e Gaffers 1: Sattlen GARDEN APTS. lfalbakken 67!',-5444 o r
lfpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9i l Villa. Delightful vie'v oJ the 161h Nmvport Beach. e 1tammoth muter KM built·ins $ll1 Month pus utll .; 2 Br. 545-316.1
OWNER -Mesa Verde-4 br, 3 ba, den and
Formal Dining R oom. On gol.f course. Will
Lease furnished for $400/mo. until 9/5. Chil-
dren and pets allowed. IMMEDIATE POS-
EASTBLUFF POOL -4 br. 2 ba . Formal
Dining Room executive home with nlgbt-
Jlghts view from front yard. $350/mo. unfur·
nfshed or $390/mo. furnished. Owner wJll
1 .. ,e/option or sell-IMMEDIATE POSSES-
or lnspec'lfon Call"BlllGilloway,
B.1i Iron1 all rooms 1vhit.h (7141 6(5..()550 b«lrooms 1 Al nd open onto liO' !rulldeck. Pool. ==~--='""-'-c--,... • 2 Bathrooms •Balanced power living furn. or un urn. r-c:o ., 3345 NEWPORT Bl.VO
BACH . apt. Ocean view; nlcc e C('"lra' ro---.a e Enclosed parklnK forced air hea.l, hct1!ed pooJ, Otfl · bl eo' I.ease i lcvtl 2 BR, 2 BA, . 1 dll $ll5 .. • .. -..-... rec. al'('a, priv. pnUo. eta 1u1ta ~ for rn-
$4251 or 2 level 4 BR. 3 BA. ~·~i8J.n~. a air heatin1 • Carpete A drapea QUIET LIVING merdaJ. Medical, Dental,
1-iOO month. 497-1537 or 546-1525 All"<.'Ond .. crpf&. elevRtor
DUPLEX avail/July l, 3 br, $150 month, yearl,y ~ 5705 5'11-5032 OR 675-2464
•• ~ o~O • • L1gun1 B••t:h 2 ba. bltns. Incl. dahw1hr. & "'"-ouoo HARBOR HEIGHTS NEW deluxe office apaces
trpt. I block from beach. Coroni del Mir •lSO , OUr 2 art 10.,.,·er duplex, 2 bloctcs 320 to 1200 sq rt at Santa
673-1758 or (213' 242-9378 to beach & 11hopping, drap. Ana Fwy & Crown Valley
2 BR. w/,v, cptl, Irplc, drps, COZY 2 BR. frpl. Ground Rl'ntA.1 ?.'fanager-l\tra. Chrlstiell6Cll cs, i arage. $175 mo, lcue. turnoff. 831·1400. 499-4198.
rt'lrigerator. range. $1~ noor. Nr. ahopplue:. F urn. 49-t-3 m after 6 pm. RENT O!c., amp]e prq,
Adul!J, no ptt1. 642-#tl $175. Adult.I only, no pets -3117~A Clnn•mon Ave., Cotta Met• REAL ESTATE bu!t)' loc. 2340 Nwpt Blvd.
l BR., E-Z walk to beach. HaJ Pinc~~~ A 1 I o e -Gener1I CM fl'5. 646-2544, 5'1S-8333
Cpts, drps, bttns. S250 Mo. Cl block we1t of Hatbor Blvd. SMALL OFFICE, Puclnc
=Y=rly'°='IM= . .,,'"=""-=..S.=1291l==~ 111lbff 4300 2 blocks aoulb of the San Dleao l'r-eeway) lentils Wanted 5990 Coast His:hway. NtWpOl't
1----------RESPONSIBLE Womftn Beach, ~m~._M&-OO&l
Univenlty P1rk 3237 1 BR apt nr BAY, ft'plc. dtaitts to 11hntt hOme _~ 300 ~._tr._.9fflc•
FOR LEASE· Shirp 3 bdr 2 Pttttr1 -.,'0nlAn oflly. $110 - -rflnt room wlthk[[ pny; OlSTA ~~-~30
ht crpta &_ d·rpa. frpl. bll·I~~ Incl utU. ~2306. 67)..135:; PhOM 546-1034 Excellent loca.J r e I a • IS YOUR AD IN ~S!il·
Near UCI S27~/mo lV8il . Brokn 54$-1441 Fl.ED ! 'SomeolW'' W'lll bf
lmmcd. 833-0M5 Call P.ton. D-;::=AIL::Yc,;P:.;IWT::=.:...,:W:,:A::NT.:.:_A:.:D::S::;l~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'/I• DA-11.'i Pn.ot WANT ADS! Jooldrc ft> it, Dial 64Z..;6ifJ
Acreag• 6200 -----Laguna S.ach --
Adja~nt subdivision o 1 ·e
mile E. ol hwy, Ulil avi -
$42,000. ~' Cash, bal 1st lM I
deed, Write or conta :
Georgl' R. Kress, BoJ(·9
Laguna Beach or pho
Take over pymnts. JO Ao ;
no do.,.,•n. S29 mo. Near j
Lake & City. 894-4743
E xch•ng•1, R. E. 62
-·-------· f
Ahe•d Of
Property Problem1 •;
E~ch<1ngc wMt )'OU do I
wa.nt for pniperty you
want. Call ror Appl. ,
548-4841 Realtor 645-ddll
R. E. Wonl::od:__;6:;2~I
Br. G.I. or FHA hOUse ne
hl'l'f!. et948 BUSINESS'=.-nd~--li I
Bus. OpportunltlH~
SUJU.£1' Of' Share jcwe
Atore. Bat J}l:I. SUiia~~
a1ft1. repatn, etc. Mfr
Am. f
I l
" . •' . ' -
•DAll. .. r,PU .. T-..i!llm .. l!llmlllli~iiji!····""'liiiln~,I~"' ""NOUNCIMIN'rs -ANNOUNCIMINTS
'K Yt • * .Ye . 11 ...-NOTICU ...-NOTICIS
Helo WontM, -7200Holp W1.,t;4, -nObl ' l'oun4' If-A~ 6400 ,.,..,.,.. • 6405 O.rllonlne 6'IO Joli Won!M~ 'L1! 7020 Help v.(•nftll, -7200
' AL'S Ganienlfll S'e r tJ Ice lPT/HOT.EL Man.tim~t.
' '
~?!In.de, Aog . Beaut home
'if. Burlinaame w/3 BR, 3
, den, pla. rm. Spect
I view, ror accom. on
1111, NewPOrl. CdM.
t rers. 14151 362·1212 I wk days. 8:30-5:00
HOME on Alladena .i;:ol!
ooune 159.950 or S 11c Vu lot
I !1' Arlln&'ton $25,000. Trade/ i ~~~ Ol1'ncr 642·30?5,
I J'a.x Shelter Needed: trade ns.oro land equity in rap.
I• idly lJlpr«:. area ror units
Dr beach prop, Owner Box
Di T'Ustin 544-3666 eves.
\VW trade 10 units (1 hse-3 I xes Grdn Grvel !or
in CrtsUlne-Arrowhd
• l
• Sll,900 gross per yr,
,000 eq. Owner. 962--5381
Almolt 1000 ac., $250 M val,
mi from dntwn LA, 5
n. ttom fwy on paved rd.
Beaumont &: O&k Glen.
for ? ! 547-6469 Bkr.
' I Will trodo 19'1 VW
'$idan for Bus o r V •n.
,,-,,1· • 548-3821 ..
, Slan Diego, J BR. 2 ba. '•th lo month rented Sli5
Equity $6.000. Want local I~~. duplt'x or triplex.
Davis RJtr 642-7000
r"*"e house + income +
\VHITE ~ tema)t LOOK OUT \\'ORLD ! I i..a~·n nialnttntnct. aatde,,:_ Exp ~~ 1oc.tal, OCEANY!E.W
chOkc chain. 'Nevtt bfe~ JUDY nil: POO ts DRIV· lnrldWl'up.~ pe.nonnel. ~.mo . SCHOOL DISTlttCT
clipped. Vk: 22nd St., CM INCi! a..EAN•tJP $ptdlj111! f.lov· 1i Pleut lM.n~ I m m e d , ~OUC:S Anonymous Jnc. edgi~. odd l 0 b 1 • ~•tic Help 7035 e Melntenence Min 11 ~ Pllocat MS-7.117 0i;· write to Reuonable. 5'8-IEm Georre Allen Byland Aaency h111!.h carpentry 1kUl1I
YOUNC male puppy, put P.O. Box lZ23 o:.ta J.leu. JAPANESE JardtMr Coqlpl 'Employer Pa)-1 T!!e $563 10 $635. U.S. c:lthcn, H,S.
:t Gtrtnlln SMplie.rd, well A "lO strv. Expu, ~pendaMi;>, lOC.B !:.16th. SA 54'?-4!33 arid. or equiY&lenl 3 )'t'S. ,:;r;i:::;;i:;p ln.ined, bousebrb Brown l nn9Urtcement1 -tree eat. &n-4389 Ch1nele llve-tns. Cbetrful e."lpericnce. in buUdlna or ' rrou.nds maintenance includ. -...... -'\'hlte, _Vic Newport laland. NEW OWNEI\, (])evron Sta-Johnson'• Gardenlna Pf:nnanent. ~ritneod Ina: l ~ar .skilled carptnll')'
6ls.8455 Uon, Main and Beach Blvd. l"inect equip., eirpert catt. Far East Aaency &C..rntl C-'Cpet-ience.
FOUND 6/3J6i )'OU'!& pu~ H.B. Stcrlj.na: Ct of t • Plan~. cl~an-ups. 962-:ll35
1,1y, med.. .W, near El ?tiechanic ori dut)'. Houn: Yamauchi Garden Servlce Help W1ntecl, M_en 7200
) e M.intenenct Man II
I \\11th p.alnUnJ skills) Camino & Bu11hard FY. 8lk 6 am lo 11 pm IWT-4500 tree I.arvJppe c;.onlltltln&
with 'llii'lt. tntkp. on chesl LEARN TO SWIM IN YOUR e 673-1166 e *
."2-3143 OWN POOL! REAS., RED EXPERT J1paneee . main-
PAIR Prtscription &la16CS CROM CERT. MRS. BEE lenanct H.B .• F.VH irca.
* 5362 to 1685. U.S.-citlztn, H.S.
itad. or equivaienl. S years
t"xperienee in buildin&" or
around!. maintenarn:e Includ-
ing 1 year skilled paintin& \\1th black tramea. Vic 1Sth 545-1498 Call l\tack, &42-8442
St., Newport Beach in the -.-111-E-CO-JN--Q{E--ST--*-l -'-'~===~-oc:..~--
"•I ~~" "'..,," Japan••• Gi1rdn•r ... · ~ Rare coins, se1• mall aue. ... Exper, oomP.l yard servlct! APRICOT poodle-J>Up, no Uon, elc, 7-tt S. Coa.st, La.· Free est. 548·'19511. '4S-0124
tqs. Vic Te\Vlnkle Park, icuna, Bcb, 494-5583..
CM. call to idenUly. 1-4.IXXI 1q. ft. steel bldr fnr LI 3-0070 ~ &: H OFFSET Printin;
trailer, boat mf&, on lU. (discount on order 200 I: over)
(•need acre nr Redlanda BOSTON bull mixed. female, 111 H Rlverstde, NB SU-0!!2'0
flvy • Trade tor unltJ, elc. approx. 111~ yrs. Vic . ~
Eves 673-26&4 Fairview Rd. &: \Vllson. Ctmettry L•h 6411
?>lay 30. ~ eves only -3 BR, den, 2 ba, pool, cpt/ 2 GRAVE loll Harbor Real
drp. in No. Downey. Valued SCHWINN bike · old con-best 1eetion MtJYed away'
Al $45,000. ~de for 4 BR diti<>n. Vic Dovtr It Pacific .,.11.1 ucrlli~. Contact tttr'.
hon1c in CdM or Nprt area. Cst Hwy, NB. Call to Ulen-f.fcGUl 64&--0686
21J..9".J..ll3J ~\~ii)'~. 5'~S-~l34~T:,.,-~~---11fEiili'iCi-filiEE-ifDiiY S9000 eq. in 50x14~ R.J lot FOUND Ira; black do,;:, vie SEJtVICI DIRECTORY
"'/gd 1'Ctitcd hM", next lo A~ahelm Ave,, Costa i\tcsa. li1ltyalttl"1 •550
G1u'dcn Grove Civic Cntr It. 64:>-0730
llS. total val $20,500. Trcl l~LAR;__:.:G~E-to-rto-,.-•. -v"k-.-23rd--l3 SISTER sitter i.;crvitt .••
for unlls or ! 547-6169 Bkr. 1; Tuatin 'Ave! 6/19. ~9 never \.\.'Otry about •
H•ullng 1730
$12 por load. . 962~
HAULING, clean-upA. lolll.
a;uqes, etc. lz& truck.
handyman, an)'time. Call
BOB 645--2256 I
Y AR.D/i&J'. ch10p. ltemove
trees, ivy. dirt. lractor back
hoc. gradina;. 96Z-8745
B & G H•ulin9 Service
Rcaso111.blc. 642·1·103
J. C. Penney Co.
fashion Island
Ne1vport Beach
We Have
An Openh'I For A
Reet"nt, succes1ful experil'nct"
In all phues of the food in.
dustry ls required_ Competa.
live wagea 11.nd out.Btandin3
benefits includil1l: prolil
10 A!\I to 9 P:\1
r>.tonday thnl Friday
experience. • •
Applications must be filed by
4:00 p.m., June :z:>th: 1972
\Vaml't, Hunt. Bch~ berwten
9&4p.m. ·
11·orking conditio ns
D.1PLOYER Retired-don't need tu 1hil· after 5:00 babyillter •pin.l call 10 Houseclunln• 6735 '" 494-5376 does the job. Arcs "'-====!....-...:;;..;.; Equat opportunity ~PloYer ler. ~ .. ant hse free & clr for Sr>.fAlJ.. black male poodle 17 15. 14
$19 Mor SJ8 ;\f e:q in tri· vie. Harbor&: Gls l e r .1~~·~=-·------
plexei. $960. mo, pool, prime 546-298a LICENSED care, l child 2
loc. no vac. 54o.600l TURTLE yn. or o~r. my home.
r>.1idway City Sl5 1v k . BAYFRONT I< dock, J~Br. Red ~ad, eyes. Buchard & 892 7811 ·
3 ha. val $89.500. FOR T.D.'s Waterfront. 962-0862 1~=-===~----(considtr Jae/opt) or trade 0 BABYSmING my home.
for ! ?'!' No 2 Balboa COY• F UNO: .one oppogsum and ~/prt time wk d ya ,
Beach ttta preferred.
~cellent Rderencei.
962-4173 543-5038
CARPETS. Wlndo\YS, llrs,
etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt
11'0rlc Reas! Refs. 54!-41U
('!. O\.\.•l'l<'r 67;>4331 one rabbit. 548-4.1.3fi, Yello\.\.·1tone Dr .• nr. Bri1tol
1-~ree &: clear. Oregon River Lost 6401 & Paularlno, Clot 545--1131 J_•_n_i_to~r~i~•-l ___ ....;6~7_90.:
" hwy, frontage, 100 Ac, & \VEEKI..Y Babyisitting, pref. \\'ALL"i, Wlndow1, lloors.
up, Val. $350 actt. Tn.119 PLEASE ~turn boxer, name baby or up to 5yrs, H.'3. 111 carpets. C.ommcrclal &
for in1provcd properly. of Ginger. Do&: ill ill. my homt!, ~ ~sidentlal. Daily. y.·cekly
t.1r. Jo'orney Bier 540.3862 RE\VARD with no question.!I WILL. baby11it my home, and/or. Mo. 897-7350
2 BR. doll house k/hdwd. asked. Conlact !\Ir. &: ft1rs. fcnt'Ctl yard. HB a.tta.
floors , on shaded R-2 lot, Norman i\1Uler, 81 u e 842-8455 P1perh_1n9ln1
l''OR duplex or units: Lai(IOn No. -t, 4iuna. WIU.. '""b ·1 ho b P1lnt1'"9 6150 , 499-l.)6.j uo. )'Ill your me y f ORTIN, REALTOR the 1vt-ek you furn i 1 h ---.:...------
170l·A Wes!cliU, NB 642-5000 LOST • Reward for recoveey transporta'lion. 642-1407 PAINTING Int &: Ext Lowest
11 N rt H I ht R 2 of Royal vacuum cleaner . contracted prices. JoUlly ins. ·ave ewpo e 11 s · carton&: contents of kn.ittin1 B A B YSITilNG • TeachLn& Satisfaction i::uar. Free est.
Lot $17.500 clear prime & ., .... .;"• mat•n·-•, y ,·,. Hot lnch1, my h o m c . 1 W area \VANT duplex, triplex "'""'" ..... · .. e.•o "..,< hrl 1 kl J m eeks 673-ll66
.*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... * C0S"T A MESA. CALIF. 9:2Q6 = <n4> 54;;..n51
RCquirt''I only con1n1t're\.
al tool building for small
puinp manufacturer. Age
no barrier. Good benefits
and y.·orking conditions.
Apply to ponionnel dept.
lmnicdiale openings for men
1vilh e.11perience in plumb-
ing. e!t'Ctrlcal, Y.'Blis, cabin-
ets and finish · or 11·e "·ill
train you, ~lust have 1tOme
hand tools. See Rick, 213,j
Canyotl Drive, CostA Mesa
Lathe Operator Senior
Mus~ be expedeqced on turret lathe, bavo own tools and do own setups.
·Drill Press ()perators
Must be experienced on all types of drills,
have own t90ls and do setu ps. htinimwn
three yrs. experleoce.
Tool Grinder
Minimum five yrs. in close tolerance griJui.
ing of hlgh·speed and carbide tools. 1
Hone Operator
?i.1ust have minimum of two yrs. experience
on Sunnen Hone.
Division of Ex-Cello Corp.
1166 Wtiilttler Aft,, Cnre M-
Help Wonted, Mon 7200 Help W1ntod, Mon 7200
EXperienced In logic cir-
cuitry production on test.
l324 W. \\'ARi"IER
Small. p~ion 1witch
component1~ Selup; Optt·
ale variety of machi1tro1
lncludi111 tWTet lathe,
,·ertical mill. Short run,
small s h o p, E.'llttllent
11·orking condition.!I, j()
hour 11·cck.
1139 B•k•r St.
Cost• Mei•
S49·™1 H~roo~mS. to build, on· golf
. . Trade for free .&:
~ Wld or 1ubmil. llada:e Davis: Rltr G42·7COO
"·-·a d·I •1.,. •-• 3004 \V. Oceanlront, NB. .,..,.,.......,, Y w Y ........ u.. .. " ,,. PAINTING, inl . I ext. :!
MATCHAM RLTY 646-4837 673-1486 WANTED. bab_ymttlf1l: my University seniors, 3 yra
1485 DALE \VAY
r TI4l 5U-8'251
'C:ustoclli1n-Ground1man An Equal Opportunity
Equa opportunity employer
Production Cil!lrol ~
' ~VE 2 Bedl'OOIJ1 trailer
1Ji 10 x SO. $3500 clear
WAm' Jeep, travel trail·
fr, local income property.
... ,,,
i:; Major
Q:angt' County Expansion
P,wner·?.1anaclng Partners
IJ.,.T / \\"Billed
'IJE TACK {pair wingll: 'f.'t/7 2home. y.·/takt' mlan~ up to exp. Resp., . neat. dt'pen-
4 B!l 2 Bath HB S17,500. diamonds. ! r.tou11taln Rd & years. 158 l'i1agnoha. C.?il. tl&hlc'. s:b-2232, 49:Z.-.WJ2
1Um111hed or unt'u_rnished, catalina, Lai Sch, Rt'1vard CHILD care S days week, my INTER
double garaa;c, patio, fenc-f'am treuure. 497-12'1'.i home. r>.1alUtt \\''Oman. IOR f'a.lnUng 12 yrs cd Trade for equal val. ! 1 646-1932 Bay area. lmmed SclVi«.
6ri.421s TOY Boslon Terrier, lost in'I========== Call Bob, 64~6
* *
Vic of Goldenwe11t &: Bolsa, I i k M e PAJNTJNG, reasonable, * llB. Reward for relul'n. r c ' ••or1ry, •ft. tree cs'tin1a!1•.
192-4166 6560 .. 4!M..s238 *
BUSINESS. en• :;REY Tiger-striped, bob-tail. BUILD, Rt'modcl, Rtp1ur
FINANCIAL t'd cat, female. w/blllt' col· Bnck, block, c on c rt: I e ,
'-"-'-'""--"'------1 tar. Thi' Bluff'!. 6'14-1526 crpntry, no job too small.
Bua. Opportunfffe1 6300 REWARD Lie Contr. 962·b'94:i
HARDWARE GREY &: white lron1ale CAT, LIC'D Ma.soniuy L'Ontractor.
Fl'iday vie Ruby t No. free est.. no job too smlilll
STORE Bayfronl. Bal IiJe. 673-8687l-•-'644-'-04-"-'-------ltE\VARD .• -
Huntington leach rv Small do:: blond and lusinus Service 6562
I0,400 sq. ft. Busy shoppinr 1\•hilc, red har'Y'lr'SS, nan1e ,
center. Good will has ht-en JI er man ; R E \VAR D TYPING \.\.'<lnt~d, 18,\I &t.
built over 44 years. Fin, 842-7208 Corresp._ lJl4;ijl5. 1echnlcal.
11.vall Phone dictation. 544--8874
BRASHEAR REALTY RED male Duchund . 10 yr11•i-=========
847-8.ill Eve. 963-1178 ~~~,~~:;=r ~~'c:;i~dre~ C1rpenterin9 6590
----• INT · D."T, ANY SIZE
JUB. Xlnt \~'Ork, rcls, lree
est_ Jlr-.1 642-4669.
1-::0.:T/lnt. pntg. Aver rm. S20
+ i;:oorl paint. ncR t work
loc rel$. Roy, 841-Jlj8
PAINTING, P~pering 16 yrs
in Harbor area. Lie &: bond·
ed. Ri'ts film. 641-2356
Pli11tering. Rep1ir 6110
All types. io.)'ce cslimlllc.
Young, mature male, lookinr:
tor good futuw. r.lu.~t he
able lo meet and deal 11.•lth
p<'Oplc. No c~p. ncr. '"e
!rain. Apply in person ]SJ&:;
fllain St., 1~1 poinls Sf\oppin~
CPnlt:rl. H.B.
P .R ./$1les, start $550
Xlnt oppty 1v/ d,Ynamic O.C.
rinn. Car allowancr Call
Kay, !):l&-5-110 •
Employn1c'1t Agency
2120 So. ~lain, Santa An:t
P er Io rm Custodial and Employl'r
grounds mainlt'nantt dutit's.5 '7A~LE=s~A~R~E;--Al~l~E7AD~-o=r
J\:nowledge or mcthod.!I and PRODUCTION. Immerlialc
1naterlals required. Salary o p e n I n i s lor B o a t
range $496 • $616. Contact Assrn1blrn. \\'ood\\'Ol"kini;,
Pe1'l'.!On1iel office 1 lunting. Setting Deck Fixtures, etc.
ton Beach Union fllgh &hool Only 1hoSP \.\.i ll\ng lo '1'0r!t Di~hicl belorr noon, June nCf'<I apply. Top salaries.
26· TclephoJlt' (ll•IJ 5JG.93Jl. pl enty or overtinlt'.
ARCH ITEcy desl&ner I l.fERIDIAN LTD. 1092{) lla1v.
draftAman e.'llperiel'leed in thornro Blvd.. Ir1gle\\·ood.
l)'pc V construction. Smalt Calif. 90304 12131 ST;)-5200
olfi(.'t' in Corona de! Mar, Day or Nlvht
Kermit Dorus &. A1socia1es, AJA 67~1164 C1nton••• Style Cook
PLU~fBL'lG w ar e hc.u 11e
11·holesale ('O. needs fu ll
time cxp'd 11•arehousc man.
Apply in per80n
Wu B•n's
2 FULL time cxp"d scn•itt
STOCK CLERKS lilation help. No Pllllne calls.
333 Baysidto Drive
Newport Stach
MMai:!ernl"nt Tr.itn"r S450 per n1onth to start. No RICHFlELD a t 19th &
cxpcrielll."t; neet'ssary. i\1ori. Nc11'port Blvd. Ci\!
dav through ~~riday. chance -""Y"o=u~N~G~M~A~N~ lo advance. \Vritc Daily
i\tust have over thret'
recent ~xperit'nce in
chine shop expedilin&.
Cadill•c Controls
Division of Ex-Cello Corp..
1866 Whitti•r Ave.
Cost• Mes•
An equal opportunity
Escrow Mgr $12,000
F'ee paid. Xlnt oppty to joU,
big dynamic N.B. co. 5 YD
c"P. ;\l!KI fee jobs. Call Ka)o,
f~mploymt'nt Ageocy
~jU train • a.mbiUOUll • dedi·
p ied men &: y.·omcn ~'ho
fttk a challenge I.: 11•ant lo
jllvesl (financially & person·
tll.Yl in a dynamic a;rowth
CANDY Supp.ty route, par1 aricving, 592-lli&S CAR,INTRY
or .full time, day1/eves. PLEASE Rt'tn. apri cot l\fINOR REPAIRS. No Job
R~fill k collect. money lro~n poodle. do& is UI. vie. 13th TOI' Smal.t. Clbinet in i:ar·
coin opcr. Di.s~nl!Crs in H.B. Rt'ward. l.o!M'ly \Vidow a&Cs &: o th er cabinets.
, __ 1u_m_b~ln~1,,_ ____ 6~8~90;..; ,P,,.,ilo~t~Bo='~'~'-4_11_._~~-For ~len·s Clothlni StoN'.
PLUfl1BERS \.\.'Bnted. Neiv Apply 19l2 Harbor Blvd, C~I
$3.50 per hr.
2120 So. i\lain, S.nta Ana
man only. Set up a.rwt
operate Chuckcr or Se:corni
operalion lathe. Small close.
tolerance instrument pat1:s.
l' ~sines.s. Peoplr-1\'ho 11•ant
~ become Involved a.!I own·
RJ:·Y.'Otkin&: partners. Will be
~ l't\\'arded 1vilh !i».la.r}·, '69
car & 25 ~C of profits. lnl'est·
' men! ttlurned lint year.
Co~ta Mesa & vie. No 11ell-642...ao.\5 5'~175 lf no aMWer leave
Ing, S1650 Total cash req. · msJ: ,;, 646-2372. H. -O.
Send nan1c, nddrei;s & BLONDE male a I&: ha n And /
phooc lo: Routt! Dept., p _ hound. Vic Victoria Bch. --'"°-"-------0. Box ~6. Anaheim 92803 Re11·ard. 4 9 4 -7 J 0 0 or ?.!ASTER carpenter, S4 per -=-~c..:.=c:.::==c::::::.1 4!1-t-52.15 hour. Remodeling-~palrs. r..iAJOR f'ranchise drive-in; 642--6409 or 536-3900
1 Frank V. Bi11.nchinl ice cream &: food ser11ice LOST: Bro1vn '" 111ht malc 1~--~------
No job too small
• 642-3128 •
e ls! Mo. Frcf'! Exper, lie,
reliablto! Tony TAylor Pool
Service. 968-4818
1 ,. , &1~0210 xlnl loc. Other inlere.i~ doi;:, dachshund body & ter-CAR~ENTRY ~ rcpain : '1~·~· !!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!! necessitate selling. O\.\.'Tlt:r. rier fa tt. Nr. Ellis ' CllbitM"ts &: lkmodel. 9u11h· R•f'!'~odel, R•_p1lr, 6940 l 548...QiSl evea. \Vard. 968-S277 ty 11urk, 642-8464 or 645--0115 I . FRIGIDAIRE Sf\tALL ?itACHJNE SHOP BLACK Male 1 year old cal. REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS * If you need ren1odeling,
1 JET ACTION 11·l1h bilrk-.up -0i'den, bl-st decla1ved, Dee collar. Lost . CABINETS. Any si~e job b~~~:i~2-~~~ rc1iai", Call
' Fri~daire 18 mi n. cycle i.s t'Q'Uip. needs capital to ex· Mon. 16 Vic. Preiilige Traci, 2J yrs. expcr. 548-6713 ===~====== l ·the fastest In the Industry. pand. Exel . oppor. t-.lr. llB. RE\\'ARD. 842-7930 QUALITY Repair!! -Altera·
Jiii Frigjdaircs do tl1t' 1vork Le11is 540-1350 BICYCLE In carton 011 tionil -New const. by hour
rof 4-0, 30 min. "'B.!lhcrs. Find H-. N "' w P 0 r 1 Jo" r e e '"' a y or Contract. 646-3442
• 'bl.It bow easy It is lo awn Mon•y to Loan 6320 \Ved-18th. RewB1'd! 642-969j REPAIR, Partitions. Sn1all
co1151ruCtkln. Nu un i on SEMI-RETIRED
membership r c q u I r e d . Sober · Respon1iblt!
~29 or 499-:ll:i7 SIGN PAINTER
TOOL fltakcr; expcr. in alum 492-3544 San Clen1ente
tooling for vacuun1 lorn1ins. NEEDED: One l\Iccllllnic.
Located near SOC. in1y &: Salary & con1m. E.'llp'd.
Alondra. 86()...24()1 011·n tools. 1900 Newport
SERVICE Station attendant. Bll"d., Costa ?.1e1a.
Graveyard llhift. Apply 2800 TRAL°"'EE n1araicr . Appl y
\V. Coast Hwy ,NB or call Royal English F'lah &. Chips,
548-32a2 488 E. 17th St .. Cl\.!.
YOUNG ~tAN for small \VOOD Pattern ?>laker cxpcr.
busi n<-ss. $2.IXI per l..clcated near £OCt ll'll'Y &:
hr. !">4J-1686 Alondra. 86()...240.
Kenfll'l m11.n, over 35. Apply ENTERTAINER. 0 r g a. n,
in person, SPCA, 20012 La· Piano Guitar! Alter 6 pm
1u111. Cnyn Rd, Lar Sch Scottie's 436 E. 17th C.1\1.
'.· ~ payln& laundry, l :~arden Grove, Santa Ana , ls. &: 2od loan! for quick OLiVE Green LA.dies \Vi!_llel Remodel, etc. Nile or d11.y,
"""I'ustin, Orange, A.iaheim cash. BoTTOw cm yoor pro-Vic Brilitol & Palil~no Reas~ Call KEN 540-467'9
• ~-~. Coin .. O-Matic perty eq without disturblnu Church. Reward. 673-7356 C C
e oressn1aking • AllcraUons
Cuslom De11la;ns
•646-6446 • Help W1nted, ~ 7200Help W1nted, Men 7200
6974 TILE, Ctrarrtic
your low inlettst is: TOs. LOST female black Pek· •ment, tncret• 6600
I ''· Equipment, Inc. Also buyen lor 2nd TDs. inzcsc, vie 19t h. C . P.I . e OONCRETE firs palios
233"414 \V. Valencia S.i~t1er Mortgage CC. Inc. Re11.'a.rd. ~2 clc. Concrete &. blk : .... , oa1v. I t"ullerton TI4 : ~78.33 Se 11 bo Att 20 "' rvin$::'~" 8E'. rll\\, Sal. yrs. CAT.: Bia. ck long~hr. lost in ing. Rea.s. Don, 642-&'i14
1 :l:Hf: SUN NEVER SETS on ~ ~ilied's aclion pm1·er. 64~-2171 ~5-0611 Un1\'crs1ty Park. Re11'1\fd. e CONCRETE "'Ork all
tFor an ad 10 srll around Tl~F. QUICKER YOU CALL. Call 833-2716 typer;. Pool decks & ctJslom.
i'IC cloc:k, dial 612-5678. TllE QUICKER YOU SEI..L S~tALL blk/1vh lt'm cat, 4 1 _C_al_l_,_._~_132_4 ____ _ 11•==========.!.:==~.-~.::====o l \l'h pall'!!, yel1011• collu. •CUSTOi\I PATIOS•
lus. O.-Ortunitlts ~300 Bus. Opportunities 6300 Balboa Isl, Jun 6· ~94-831': concrete 511\vifl&: & rnmoval
I LOST: i\tin. Poodle, male, State Lic.•842-1010
Apricot: blk. (.'Ollar. Vic. * CONCRETE Work, bond·
* Verne, The Tlle l\la.n *
Cu11t. 11--ork. Install &. repair.I.
No job too small. Plaster
patch. Lcakina: 1 h o we r
rt-pair. 84 7-19a7 /846-0206
Trff Servlct 6910
TREES pnrnl'd, lopped &
removed. 26 yrs exp .
Paulson Tree Se r v I c e
Bh'Ch &. Ellis, 1-·v . !IGS-.132:1 cd &. lie. Concrete sawin&.
Phillips Cement, ~U ;;.:P;;.h;.;•;;l•;:.t•:.'YC<-___ 6:.990;.,;. P.•-'~'°~";;•~l•;_..~~-'6~4-"'0$ =--=-===-==="'"""""~! • ~ NUTS • LICINSID Cll"pet Liylnt &
Spiritual Readinp. ad\'ice 1-----R..;•;;,pai;o;l,;..r :.66~2:.:6
on all matters, Jl2 N. C>JtPET • VINYL • TILE
Cunino Real, San Clemente Expert inltallation
CZYKOSKl'S CUst. Uhol,
Ew"Opean C1·at!mlanshlp
100% fin! 6·12-14:;.t
1881 Ne\vporl Bl., C.~t.
JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Reli able people now being selected in
this area to service routes of new coin
()ptrated H01 NUT dispense rs in local
bars. bowling alleys etc. You can get in
on the ground Ooor in this high profit
b usiness either spare lime or full lime.
No selling Involved as all accounts are
established by company experts. This
is not a "get rich quick" scheme but an
opportunity to become established with
an eight year old company that set~u •
u p Jn business und er a bona fide repur·
chase agreement. This business re-
quires a minimum cash investment or
tl095 for s tock & sup plies.
492-9136. or 496-9507 BLANKINSHIP FLOORS
10 AM • 10 Pi\I ~2-1463 540.1262 J!b Went.cl, Men 7000
0.. ..,.,... loonvs p!on ono~I" y .. to
trfllle pur fnltl•f '""'-without lvrthor
!STUDENTS • rohea:e le.· hi Gi1rlltnln9 6'IO
schl-impr1'Ye y ou f' con.1----.:..---..:.;c:..;
L"enltltkm &: n1emory . Shi.rt ANTHONY'S
ncnv to prtpan: for ne:<t
!IC•ncster. Lcan'I 8Ctl h)'P'
no:ds. You'll be ilad )'OU 644·1941
rt!d. ror Into call j.41-4614 The· Best, ~ts l'!O more!
Attr•ctive lafMrf f;):pcrienced 1.lalntenance
\'OUNGi \\/OMAN Budget Landscapin1
I dincer 'f,\'lll teach you i ll Gradua.te HorUcultw·lst
lal~sl steps. Call ArdeU Al.LEN BROS.
I 213: $1J...u31 1·10 P)t GARDENERS SfUDENTS
J\IDE \Vllllted occ to Corona y,wldnc -.·ay lhru colleae.
del "Mar. t'VCS. \\'UI pt.)'. Exp. Lie. Reu. '46-4Zl
CaJI 67M2ll a.It 7 pm. • "tow • i!:OGE • \VEtD.
'A1DO\VP dei])trtte f~r Prof. lav.·n maint by capable
l'OOk..t\ilkpr. Ideal lllt. fof' Co\lelf: 1tudtnt1. Rt1s!
\\"On'Wl y.·/chUd ~·l'lo ~ ~allna Brothers '4&o-1234
~ct to Iv, Lois or lndep. Cut A E:dp IA.wn
time. 493-4677 afl fi ?ifaintt~. Uoensttl
~IARRJAGJ.: I< F A ?it IL y ~/9'$-2310 •It 4
PJtOBttMS-call be 1nM:d. -Rl:llalM&-----lawn_.Moe
For lalervieW wrlt.e to PrOducU Distri· Call Ot,·enUjed Couruitlon nlOW. ~It". trim.
Co PO ~. t M ti7>2300 hn. 10-5. • 531°1404 • i.u111 1 .. Bo• 1m . ~• a •••.
PH\'SJCS, microcircuit~. thin
lil111s. -0ptlcs, rcpor1s, 111u.U1,
lllb helper. etc. Summer
jolt. Rrt-ent B.S. In Physics.
A~ 22. Box 581. Laguna
~ach. 49-l-4i3!3
f.IAINTENANCB n1e.n Y.ti.nt9
full time Y.'Ork In Nr1vport
!l.l'f'8. 64.j....?1'_>7
Job Wi1ntff, Lady 7020
1.fOTKEJlS ht'lper 5 da.)'~ A
"'k. II or morr hrs. st. ~.r
hour A\·ail. now 11\ru .t.U!:;.
15, Collo!gr girl. E.'l'.p'd.
Cynthirl Bf:nson, &14-1020
EXP. Typist 170 \\p111) full
lhnl'. 11un1n1er. Unl\·ersll)'
senior. ~2232
pt.nion. Cook diets. Exctl·
lt!lL.r:trL. Est 103 ... 49~
Exptrtence<I !il'Cl'elaf)'
m11.tur'-' juf!g1ntnl
G4G-T.l06 (laebfde pllOnl number). TllE QiJJO(Elt YOU CALI. * lixport JO,.MH
.... ;;; ____ .... _____ !!l!!!!!!!!!I!!~. THE QUloa:t\ YOU SELL nNEST WORK -Wt\ite elepha.nll:! 01~-tlne
H y•11'r• • yownt ~"'-"" wil!i~9 to wo•k
or t ft •il11H lookin')
lo• 1 wl!lin• workor,
th110 fivo Or'"''
Co•1t •••• "on-profit
y, ~I h 01t1ploy1t1o"t
c.011!0•1 c111 holp you .
YOUNG PEOPLE: t lln 11111 •tilt 1111 Cflllte~ Ill ywr .,.. .........
.... ... •Plltrflllrlllff.
ISpo111•foll "v J1111if t
Eboll CIMb '"" A11i1·
l•ft C• l•••w• 1f Now·
port l oo ch.I Offic11 lit
C1"l11I lront~. l1v•'
Clv• of tho Hat"•' Ar••
594 C111l1r Str•ot-Cot·
11 MJ1t, 0,011 t I .fl'!, lo I
'·""· Mo".loy .throv'h fr+· .l 1y, Juno I 6 ·· tllr•11111'1
A11,, 15. Tolophono: 64?•
I S,o"••t•cl p "' South
O••"t• County YMCA.}
Offico1 '' 49 t Foto1t
A•o. • l •tlilll!_ loat'i. -o,.,, t ~.11'1.•11••11 •ii'
I :00 • 4 ,.111. ht•"" 1y1,. r •• ,,,.,,, Thvrt4•y• 1114
fri.lay1. 'll•l'l• 4'N.JJJ].
\Spon1orod "Y Sovlh
Co11t J1111ior Wo1t1•"'1
Clvb.J .Offico ;,. Nvr11'1
Ofllt•, · F•v"t1i11 V1tl•v
Hi.,h School, 111 16 Iv·
1h1r4 St, • f•vnt1i11 Vil·
l•v. Opt" 10 •·"'··1 P·"'·
Montl•v thro11,h Fr i41y.
Pho"' 961·144t ,
I S110"1oro.I llv EIH1 A.,,.
""'' l1ptitt Chu,1h.J Qf.
fic11 at 1121 Elli1 A••··
Hwnli"''o" l11ch . Op1"
• •·"'··S p.m. Mo11iil1v l~routh Frl41y. Ph111•
141 -6067.
(S111'•twl10.I br Ro~••l
M11tl", 411octo1 of .,.,,k
•~P•r!•fttl 04111 1!10~.
H•"t1119to11 '"•h Unlo11
Hllh School Dhtrlct, I
Of !11111 _. 1901 • 11th
Stro•t. H•11,t l 11 1 t •11
•••'th. o, ... • '·'"··•~•o
'·'"· "'•"~' throvth frl· •• ., on ttilllll'lol . Pho111
SJ6.,JJ I.
Call 5-17. 7712 i\tr. Bond * DRIVERS * S. l\oliday, SnOI• A"'.
No Experience >•0--0343
N Store Mgr. Tri1inu ecenary ! ssoo.
l\fu~ hal'e clran Californ ia Excellent future lor ri1ht
drivin;:: record. Apply m1.11, call Loraine, lofer·
YELLOW CAB CO. rhants Personnel Arency,
186 E. l61h St. 2043 \\'cs!clilf Or.. N.B.
Cosla ].leu 645-2770
Wer•hou1• & Yi1rd Project Engine•r $700
Superintendent to $900 i\lech ability, know driJtin1.
Xlnt oppty! AMurcd future :i yrs. college, cAll Dan.
'f.\'/ stable corp. Top Bene· ~lcrchants Penonncl AJ:en·
fits, comlr bkifnd. CaU Kay, ry. :!-103 \Vestcliff Drive.
546-5'410 N.B. 645-2770
./ ASON BEST EXP pastry cook &
En1ployment Agency I::xp by cook, part
212[) So. ~J1tln, Santa Ana tin1e. 49-1-4198
MATURE MAN "'"""'' Coll" Shop lJJ S. Coast H1'Y, lB
For pleasant outdoor \.\.'Ork. Pl'imanent. Good pay. Ap-A COMBINATION
ply in person to Jack Brown Restaurant he I Pt! r t·
POOLE BUICK d"hwuhoc. Day •hill. Top
11·a.c:cs. Rancho San Joaquin
134 E, 17th St. Coll CourS€'. 18021 Culw,r
Costa Mesa Rd. nr UCI. hvint. Set
--.-F"'RY -cOOK.-\Vaynr. !!33--0112
Grav~yard shifl. 2 yrs r\fl. -Bllllnt Clerk $$41-
Heavy breakf1~1. Good sal-Son1c accounting exp. :J yrs.
ary for good t'n1p!ycr>s. 18 college. Excellent benefjta,
or over. Plt'aS(' apply In Call Dan, Merch11.nts Peraon·
J>('rlQn. ncl Agency. 20U WeatcliH
C011'AGE COf'f'EE SHOP Dr., N.B. 645-mO
5&i \\'. 191!1 SI.. 0-t SENTOR INSPECTOR
SALES-TRAINEE 11·i1h layout e:\'p.
Sl1i 1\•k + bonus. Xlnt oppty for niagne1lum and alum
lo join youna;. Jul Cto\.\.'\na: loundry for a e r o a p a c e
co. Ca.II Kay, 546.SUO ca1Unp 642-43.13 L I d o
Employment Agei1cy r.EAL Eitatc Sa.le,men \\')\)'
:!120 So, ?.fain, Santa Ana no! 1el\ le. be lralned W. 0111
Artl1t-Comm•rcl1I-hottest area · l--lunlington
To Sl.35 wk. Position immedi· Beach. C&ll PbU l\fcNamtt
alel,y avail with major (.'O. 91rZ~til Vll!Age Reill Estate
Ca.Ii Kay. 546-MlO. SERV. srA. SALESi\lAN.
JASON BEST l''ull lime, 'awing shlh. M\lst
f_;n1plo)'ll1•nt Agr-ocy bt-~at in .appear11nce and
2110 So. Main, Santa Ana handwrltlrlf. Apply ~St o
BOYS to· 14 Nowport 81"'·· C.M.
Car1ier Routes Open RErnlC:F;JV\TIO"N~-m-"-.ha~"-.1
for le. E.xp. In automo1ive hlftl.·
~Ul'\a Beach, So. Lq;wia lation "-serv. nee, Commer·
DAILY pum clal exis. desired . Call i\ton.
142-4321 512-4~
DRILL. PRESS OPERATOR YARD salf'..mtan. over n, '
911t up and operate small dly Y.'('(tk. &Ome mect11.nk»I
BuriM11ters and Delta. •xpe.r. REO..£..IU:NTALS.
Sm..U close-toltranct \.n. 2lf! Harbor Bh'd., C.?-1.
slrUnie.nt p&rta. DfSC IN· !'ltfCHANIC \\'anted. Q,,.• A
STJ\UMENTS 2701 s. Hou. Llct1\Md pref. Apply •
da.y, Santa Ana. $4t-OM3 ptl'!Oll !llesa Tow Sar.olot '
i\I AT 0 ft E m11n 1\il~ Garqe, 84fl Biiiett, CM
mtthanlcsl ability. Sn\all BUS Boy and Kit. Helpt.t
iJ'O"l na: m{:. plant. 1 d111y The Blue ~t -
11 k. PH : &12.....ue.5 for in· 6iJ.9'Jl>.I
te.rvlew. 'N~,-.... -11.,....,-.,-,~.~ca~\~I -.. -,.-.,-,I
Wbllt elfpM.nt1! Dlm~·lint 9 am p2 pm 63'i'-ln0
' . .. ··-..... -.-----~----~-~----~---------------------------·---,--·--------· -------~---. .. • •
5Aturd111 Ju111 21, 1'6CJ DAILY ltllOT
AS!! &, IM,~C?lf!llHT ,2!i •. •"''-~OYMINT JQ •• !i !MPL~Y!'llNT J9!l 4 IM,\.,OY~~T JO•s a IM,LQYMINT JO•f. a ·~~OYl!llNT Joas ' '"''LOYMlNt JOI S l Di"LOYMINT JOll i IM ~''"'!!!fi!W. Mo11 7100Htlp w.,....., Mt• no:o, 11o1, WllllM . _7!! "°"'. w W••'-. . _ 1_ ii.1, W•• Help w.,....i Heltt w~ w.1111o •-1• ~ ... ,
W!f!lll! . _ ---=-:'~:;;;;;;•::;;;;g-;I'-' ..;.1fl:..;'!'!!117"~--'7....._... W-. 1-.~!"*' 74'1 ltN~=GDISl•N IN•INElllft• ~<l AhlNTIO.N ; ''i" * S!CRE· *0~~~w. 's~~~·~.~~~~!i GO
R •• I • I d . ·. I ~dr ull H' ·aoR ·RE & EM·LoT1•s POllllon avallabl& tor .... ADMINIS11A TIYE .,u rts •xperlt_nct n es111" o a c All t .. .. r " TARY ..... i. JodlvldiW <Ath Joan SECRnARY
I -..,,... lad: , ••• With strvo 11y1ttms and cornponeni,, .au as ac-
tuators, servo valves or solenoid valves. Our firm ls Ovinl its c e nt ta I oUict l6 ~'!.:.~ ex PI! r lent e. $5.Q. te "52. ANTHONY SCHOOLS C•rM• Trel•lllf
Speclelr1t1 In the
De•ires strong capability in servo System
dl'!lamlc !nalysls and/or fluid system str~ss
Fresno on ~· 27th. Unfortunately for us ·-• " .... ._.,. • some OI ou but employees cannot make Sli0rttw'4 ro ~~m . .,,. >rd Aiated s • L dutlt• PERSOMNIL lbe move fo personal reaaons. We would '°-61\ olectrie. »i:l\lif'IHr-prittm!d. Typ !iO ""'""· ~~
llkt to st• each fi nd another •ood i'ob in the hi( _rlt .... ,..,., :,_'°"'..~1,_ ~ .. .=:: TECHNl91AN • cllaranc• dt11rtd. ...... .. ......., $SS7 ~ *"' area. Please call Mr. Lewi,: for • •• ~
amlntm~nt, 642..Cftl. '* If you are lntereattd, call me for d•tails. REQUIREMENTS
You can Interview In my oUlce, or we wUI * PART Gl•ndale Typloc 60 wpm, •horthalld
Dlvlsltft of 11,Collt Corp.
1166 WH1n111 AVI., COSTA Ml lA
tive llme off for them to visit y6u. ~ 90 11'J)m. Frlna:e ht-nC'til.I;
TIME 12 days pa.id vacation per Each gal is highly recommended, ana they f-~ I '·y' S yr and 12 day11 paid sick ha ,·e been with u1 from one to nin~ y•ar.s. nlrl ~ Ing Jcavf! per yr, n\ajor m@di-
An equal opportunity f!fl'lp)oyer CLERICAL cal Insurance policy. I Too 1'1rsenal S.Cttt•ry 1QJ NtWl"lrf llvd. FOR fNt"OR1'fATION -. -------------------3 le.fflClent Gtner1I Cl1Plc•I Gels (Mt• Me11, C11if. eau Miss Zachmeytr, 84z.66j1
J. C. Pt!W)' Co.
Jo'~hion Island
1''~Y.'JIOl1 Beach
J.'ull tirne empluym~nt,
exctlltnt incenth·e pl;in
and outstan~in:: benefits.
A chanct to particlpat!
in thl~ C'Ornptn.y's e"-pan-
8i01I prorram .
10 A.P.T. to 9:30 P.?it.
?.fo~ay ~ Saturday
24 ll'e1hion l1l1ncl
An equsJ opportunity
For the reproduction tle-
parrment. Swina !hi!L
Trainee acctptablt.
Jt700 J•millerff "-o•d
Newpert &tech
J::quaJ opportunity cmplo}Cr
PLtTEO, Exp'd in raetory
pl'Oduction. H.S. or Collea:e
woodehop and .,~n. chemls·
try des.lrable. Job dl!crip-
tiop' e Batch mlxlnt of plutics
• J'Ulin; I.:. handllnr mokb
• Strippln&; Parts
• \Vtl.&;hl.n&: componf!:nl1
for mixina t lnspectlna t. evaJuat.Jn:
finishtd parts e A::tsl!lin: in solvini
• Anlitinr in wOOd <lent.
(Phone for aooolntrnentl
4 S,,.._,y Univac Kol Pur\cM rs E};t , 2'l5. betv.·ten Z t: 5 pm. ...-1.•'iaht how-day .. On An E-"' ~po"uo1'ty -l'eyrell aM Kty 'u ch Gal o;, ,. ........ ., '' Roc1pth»n l1t for
T Cal\". Sfcr'l!tarih, 1ttr.-Employtr
Help Wi•tM w..... 7400' ---~--1 BANKING
Poslt left lmmMlt .. ly
available for en NCR
4l0 "°"' .,.., •.• r ••• eui' NtwP.rt Centtr
Branch. ExP'rltnc~
J 'art. Time Cltrkal I Kty unch ( •~•) 0•1, typl!ts and derkl, Advertlsl"I Agency
81 MY GUEST-for vacation Uld ~ak leftdl \Ve have ope.nlna: for altrae-
550 NeY.'J)Ort C~nlf!!" Dr.
N~\.\·po1t B~ach
Mason W&Uace
President • Pa.rt.ex Corp.
2000 Placentia, Costa ~tesa
·--~--· ~-----------
1400 H•I-' W1"tdl
Position open to
mtn alKI \\'Oll'lf!n
~al epportunity employer
4.667 i\facArthur Blvd.
NewpoM. Beai.:h 54~4'.!~
ofrt"rn part time. f'nJoyabJe
11·ork l?vf!nints. If .}'OU are a
hoUSC\\"ife 1.nd Wllllt to-make
extra monty, come in and
J. C. -=>en~)' Co.
Fash.ion Island
N•wport Beath
llHl'Oft•l•le, ~ level
,..111on !« ..... ,. l•k•
ch•rtt girt. Mu1t hi~
Houstwivt s & Mothers •xc•flint 1klll1 Incl.
Can you spare a few hours sherthamf; h•Mle lite
each day &nd add to tht ttlckpt ; billlnt• Unffr
fami ly income at the same 30. Call B1rlll•r•. (714)
tfmf!? S•hf!dules convenient '42·Jtll. for you, momizias. alter-_,,.;.,,.;. _____ _
noom. evcnint1 or combina.
tions of tll. "'ork in a fun
11101~ under the: finest of
condltioll!; and 1op "Upcrvis-
,,. mo at, HICKORY l'ENN!Y'S Jo'AllMS, So. Cout Plaza, CAL .,ORNIA IAN K
C0<ta Men. !Lown Moll) FASHION ISLAND
10 AM to 5 Pl\1 • IOOKKDPER Moodoy thru Friday
2'Z2 Ocean Ave •• Lacuna Bch. ·-* EXPERIENCED E•partencd, ,ptirt time
All th1d11nt Po!ition! filled. \VAJTRESSES *
EqutJ opportunity employer Niaht Shifts .• -Union Houte
Holp., atll'lleal. Medie&J, I:
• • Dent., Pl.am. Appb' In
11 te C pm I'"'""""'""'""'""'""""'"'" p e r 1 o n H O W A It D ' S
sn._293° Consultant t• $575. RFSTAURANT, 4001 \V.
Part or !ulJ lime lO \VOm~n Dept. htad for flr\ancial I: ~~. Rl.&;hway. Nllwpo:r1
11{'cdcd. lmm!d . for _child est.alt plannlnr. aood fyp. • .,..,. ... ..,..,.., .... .,
c1:1rr. a1d~s or co~panion_,. itll: + f4rure appitude, aOJTll!
Agt 21-65 ccilltae r@(fuirod, wlll train Slttint Prttty Apncy ria;ht person, ~; fct pd., call
1'.1ember ot We Sit Better, Lorafnr, A.terctwits Person-
Inc. Subsidluy o; ~rber nel Aatncy, 2043 \VeatclW
Prod. Co. 642-3:?7.f Drt\•t ., N.B. 64>2710
SNACK Bar Girl over 18 ap. -SHARP GAL-
See Bett.Y EMlt't at
A&tney for Carea-Girls
CIO W. Coast Hwy •• N. I ,
By appolnL 6(&-3139 ply in p:orson to Horst Look.in£" tor a ~nna.ntnl
Chlesi, Ne\\'JlC)rt H a r b o r JIO.!it.lon v.1th the iraovtest
Yacht Club. 720 \V. Bay boutiqlJC in Oranre C.Ounty.
Avenue betv.•e!n 11 am ' l ?ifu.!t be experltncM in hi-A11t/SHty $4IO
pm except f\1onday. fis h ion d re 11 ea 4 Beaut Irvine area co. Xlnt
GIRL "'anted, N-,ta•aJ sports\\·ear. Tr ,YIJll qualify, crc11vth position. Fri~ndly _,. •• ''I to• •t TllE LOO... at1nosphere. Call E d et, Rtccptio:list. Prer. ttcent c ... 2 ' ap : · ' ""• 546-a.t.10
HS grad. Inter-.:ie>A's t am to ~..,_:;_:;~400=-------JASON BEST
10 am , CRITIER.S INC. DENT AL ualstant I aecre-Employment J.ctlncy ~A \\'. 17th St., Ci\f • tary Lquna Hllla • Leisure 2120 So. l.fa.in, Sant& Ana
ATrENTJoNi \IJorld a rea. All pha.sea mas-. te~. S.t7>$500 1tut. Re-G Off' ... ff? u sey,rJves-Stu<Jtnui. Ex-iume, P.O. Box l0815. Santa eMral tee ~o
c1t1na: J>'!'IFt' emplmnt op. Ana 927ll. Rtpllee strictly Good typist, no calcu!ator.
ptnfy. M.>-1439 coniidentlaJ. GenenJ oWct duties. Com-
MASSEUSE . PHONE SOLICITOR pany will reimburse the
l\!ust be lice~ _ Evenlnr "·ork. No aelllnr. let. Call Loratu, M~rthariU:
•·01'k lotd r'l!liet. lh•e. youfll: i:trt ·~ rect~
Two yca/"s experience. In
private lint, al~ lirnowl-
l!'tl1e o! rnultipa.l bOud
PBX. 16 im to 1:20 pm
~Tultipal boll.rd c:~pt-rl·
cnl'e. 'fypinf ~ui~.
1: :'A) pm to 10 pm sldfl.
Ont y clr
4:30 pm to
1 am shJll
Accounl.A payablr t )(pt r-
icnce, accurate typi~t on
IB~f t.!Cctric. Accounlinc
background de&irabll'.
Li~ typint. Alutl be CX·
pt:rienctd in account!
'SSlfll~llH Uoru.t. Mun ll'P' 10 wpm A g and II~ to meet intHtttlna
Of small preeuuon clectro-
mecl\anica.I dtvite5. Expel'
ience preterrtd In smaU
Partl usembly. Train~s
considered. AJply at
!tit liker St.
~plC. Starting u.lary $31'.i
wi th c.'l:cellent benefilll in.
cludlng profit tharlnc. \\'Ul
be located in heart ot Fuh·
ior Island,
Personnel Agency
·1-iJ E. 17th, Ci\! 646-0&31
co;:~.. Two Office Girls
Ecrual Opportwlity Employer Mu.st be 21 and able to drive
e llCROW e
lS6 East 16th St.
Costa l\lesa
1'~1.shinr Rod \Vrappefl
Experienced. Top pay.
BroY.·nlnr JI.If&. Co.
UNITID CALIFORNIA 1119 Placentia, c.1\1. 548-1171
3141 E. CMlf Hwy
Cerene HI M•r
SALES & LIGHT OUict 'vork
ln fashk>nablc Lldo je\velry
store. Jt'\.\'l!lry cxpe1i~TICC!
necei;sary. ..;,JI !or ap..
polntn1f!nl. Perma~nl poiil-
tioJI. 673-9.134
Equ~l opportwrll)> employer GAL FRIDAY _________ 1Lile l.YP~. lllina-. phonts.
Good oppty & future? Cdi\I
\VANTED: SECRET>JtY/ Call after 12, 67~7191 ~~~~In'ANT Jt6USEKEEPER & babysit-
CEl'n'ER ANCIAL !er !or mothtrlt11.~ home,
one t:hlld. 646-303l alt. C
Retired executive do I n 11-'-Pm....,.. --~---
consultlng: work has poaitlon EXPERIENCED Slnzle Nte-
for exper'd. v.'Oman "'ho can die Operaton. Apply: 82j
kttp books I:. records on \V. 18th St., Colrta. P.1es1t.
RcaJ Estate Investments, do [ =::::::::::::::::::::====' [
some secretariaJ "'ork & Jolts-Man Wom. 7SOO
handle office details. \Vrltel;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;
Box Af-633 Daily Pilot, :iv-l•
ina: brier description and ex-*
Expirienc• * WAITRESSES * (Ovtr 211
APPLY 9 lo (i P.'.\1.
Country Club
J000 Palm Av•., H.I.
anlimiteo agenc~
Qu.w.llty Po1iUons Jor
Qualllitd Applicanui
488 E. 17th St., Suite 224
Costa Men 642-1470
J . C. Penney Cu.
Fashion Island
Full Unte employmet1t.
excellent lnc.,nllv~ plan
and outatandin,& bcneClL~.
A chance l.o par1.lcipate
In this company's e.,pan-
slon proiram.
10 AA1 II> 9:31) Pf\t
~1ooday thru Saturd1y
24 Fashlen lt lanct
An equal opportunity
Licensing Prepare.lion for :
• Real Estate Salesmen &: Broker3 tf
• Contractors (General & Sub)
• Securities iNASDl
• Fii-e & Casulty Insurance
Training for :
• Legal Secretary * Molel/Holel Managers I * Travel Agents
California Department of Education Approv~
Most Locations and Courses Approv~d for Vtt!
Master Charge and BankAmerlc1rd Accepteq
l'er lnform1tlen -'lltEI l rochurt , call: : e ANTHONY SCHOOLS Nt"wport Bf!ach:
Cardtn Qro\·c: 1714) 64&-3229
(1141 &38-4643 Jiuntlnaton Bearh:
Loni Beach: (7141 8'2-8717
f:ll3l 423-5421 Torrance: (213J 37CM.! '* IHNKllPIAI INITITUT I INTl lltNAT IONAL
l'tJT South Brookhunt, Anaheim . , . 1714}
Schoolt-lnat ructl.,. 7
Be Prosperous! ~:j
GOOd typin; Mklll:; can i many doora. Inquire abOti
our "Door Openel'!". ~ '.
ll1cludinJ aJI 1ene1-at ac· NHptrt ,• r,
eounlinf fun<:llOl\s ln a small I nit1. co .• audtt or account-School ef utlM11•" 1
1na-maehlnt runs, journal . 833 Dover Drive~·
entry preparation, payroll Nt!wport Beach •. i••
~rt~t~ts~n;;:~t~n di~ I --=o~R~l~V~l~N~G~L~E~S~S~ON~S;.· · ~
monthly financial & statlsti-A1 low as $3.75 per wetk ft~
cal report. Assist controller pay lat plan. Free hoJM:
In dept. planninz & special pickup, Stcurity Ori~
Wifnments. Related exper-l~Sc:;::hool:::;.-"'"·526-ml:::~::,-~-.;:·.;' I
ltnce requirtd. Kno\\"ledge Educa~ona.I Vscation • or bookkeeplfll n\.achlne op-•·
en.lion helpf'ul. u.i.den . . . Sr Cir.' Odlcoal 10 Jeuon typi '
APPLY AT Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173
tilt laker St.
C•sla Mesa
An equal oppor1unlty
pe rs onnel
... agency
ilany p1'0fesslonaJ It tech·
?.la.r C.M. 548.215r9 · 'fJ '
lcuon free! DuaJ
Cll.nl. PatJent, Joca.1 --
structon. a...Utro Ori ·
School 836--5n1
children accepttd ye·•
round. Ares 21Ai to 10. c.u1•
646--3706, 341-6697 ••
P riv at e \VST ~xperle '
543-7137, 61~2961 •• l
SPANISlf • private tutorln
l: or cluse11. Your home
ml~. 54i-l151 er ~IJ& I
nicaJ positloll!; avail&ble. furnltur• Clll l\t. Baughn1an, 642-3810. :..:;:,:;:;;:;:=., ___ ..:;
833 Dover IJrive I SPANISH ft.etumed
Nt:\\'POrt Beach P.fodcl Homes on sale J
• NEW .~AllLITY • less than \VhOlesalel 0
CONTlNENTAL l.IANOR 1nc:ludes beautiful SC
LA<;;UN A BEA d i rtUil1ed sofa • kJ\'• ....
Permanent and immediate l Spanish oak decorator
rmployment; Housekeepers, t1.blc1, t\\'ai: or table lam~
kitcht!tJ htlpen, relief cook. "'"'U pl1cque, kin;:. queen.I
janitor lmalnll, 110C.iaJ and or full size bedroom ll1l
reC'reation dlrectot", PBX cornpte!e incl bM ~
optirator (nl&:ht.sL Company mattrcu. llnt11.1 Ir boudO!tf
benefits, Pat wad J 0 w, lamps. Spanish oak I ~
774-8630. <194-9458 dlnln;: Sf!t priced f'lM
BEAUTICIANS ;\,1t'~,:"(y J.e~: -
BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Ren! S4.!l!'I per .,,...k , out" e
irpace in Huntinti:ton Beach stat" credll OK. W~1
SaJon. Rtuonable. 147-916' tlC!parate for quick •a.le.
e,!t t :30 PM. r.entury Purnlture. 9 'l'7
HAlRSTYLIST full or part Gttrden Grove BI v I'"!,
Ume. Somt klUowing prefd. Garden Grove Dally J:'~
Bu1y ahop. Xlnt I o c _ Sat IG-6, Su.n lU
Contessa Hair Fashion., In or ca.II 1714) 531')..S)fO · ' ; i\tust be able to 11o·ork third
:i;:hift, 10:30 Pi\I fO 7 Al\f.
hfU!t be able 10 "o &t"ntraJ
plant and oUicl!' clea.nlnz.
Apply 1~ pers:'n ·18515 f.l~in Apply in perton l&585 l.Wn Pel'IOnnel Aftncy, 2043
St., ta Pomt Shoppma St.. 15 Pc.int.! Shoppin"" \\'estclilt Drive, N.B. ~2770
center) H.B. Center} H.B. "' (Algo tee Jobsl
RADIO CO. e e E."'XPERIENCED 6T"a-338:"> OVER-STOCKED • ' . .
' • 81'.:AtrrY Operator needed, [.,..,..,.,...,..,..,..,..,.,I deluxe beauty Salon. No. 1.9 •
C1dlll1c Centrel1
Divi1ion or Ex-Cello Corp.
1166 Wh ittler Ave.
J''ULL Time ~''Orkin: mo_ther l'E;;J:.;.E;;<:;:J;,RO;cNo;J;C,......,.,...,.-m-b~l"•n.-Receptlenld te $40I
nttds dayllme babys1tttr printed circuit board. E.,-Xlnt lrvlfle ~a co. Pretty
for 6 I.:. 1 )T olds. Newport ptritnctd Will .der oU ic6, intere.rti11& dutie1.
Hahui arta. Aft 6, ~1628 Tralnte•. · I"'''"' Placo.,':'"~1Ja, c.atJ Bobbie, S4&-54l0 ,,.,... ... "' JASON BEST HOUSEW1FE U'anted 9 to 8 Ne1.1.'J)Ort Belch, 543-18*1 Employment Aaency T~tl, Wed, Thu r.•, SALES \VO M A N. Ex-2L')(I So. Alain, Santa Ana
1t700 J1mborM ftea4
Ntwpert Be1ch
E(iuaJ opportunity ernploy~r
SALES: a.JI ares, home furn,
l prod. ull diacount. no
compel. may •'Dl'k lrom
home, your houni. We train.
Jl.fontrc Bay Plaza, Lac.
9ch. ~ltuel !lair t'uhion ..,._,,,_
itlLllF COOK
JOO ~1ain, Hunt. Bch. no cxper. nee. Nef!d aale.! Park Lido
53S-88U personnel full 01· pt-tm. Mr Convalf!SCl!'nt Center
Atmlmum. Cltrk arid Offief perienced in ladies ready to T\l.'O 1'.1ature women to
An ~ua.I oppottun1fy \\'Ork. Ph. H2-&ol7 •·•Car. Apply AlGn thru li'ri asalst me in my buain!o•, •••JST.<NT M'""''' lo•
employtr BEAUTICIAN, full time; no from, 10. 4, APROPOS No. ~ • with opportunity for ad· Specialty Shop. JI.tut! be L.iL-e"setJ Rfal Elltatt Sales-cl!ente\e reqiiired; new 27, Town '=Country, O~r~ vancemtnt to those who will ina l able to aS1Ume
man ntedtd lor Immediate araduates "'·tlcome. Call SPECIAL JI.I A EH JN E qualify. For i ppt. call responsibility. Relail exp
Ce1ta Meta
644-24tt F.q\Ja.l opportunity mployer Swan90n 96S-5929 K?-3-044 . -· -. --.
Xlnt • SEC'l'Y1 lltECPr11 / 1J:c:•;;..b......Ma":;;:~"·~Wjj•~mjj.jj7;lOO~Jjj•~~o-Miiiiiii;'~n,jjW;;•;m;.~7~IOO-
New 9 pc comer arn.n;I
choiee of ctn. Sl49.50, ~
boards: Ki1Ja.B $15, Quettl'-1
$12.50, !''ull Sl0.50, Twin-1
$3.s:i. New 7' round Bed wA
ltga:, velvet rold, hdbd ii
sprf!&d, be11l oUr. lkds,
ne1v: Kine $99.~. Q~
$89.50, Full $49.50. TW~
$39.50, fully 1uaran. SfM.:
ish IOfli·boy Sleeper-•;
hand-carv~ wood, bell•4'1'
er. Kln11-stie 1pread ~-~ Twins $6.95. SIFSI'A SLEEP
SHOP 19'J7 Harbor Slvdi
C011ta ~fesa. 6'5·2760 d&l.b'
employment. New uni! now Manapr: ~19 operator 642-4560 or 962-5466 bet. 2-41 required. Apply at Chris'
llfllllna. \\1U1 train. OllntOOONitc AuistJi§tc. SPorli\\'ear. Top pay. PM Fa1hions South Coast Plan.,
II.Ur Saitent Hemis Costa 1.1tsa, a.tea. b.'J)tt. or 642-2'66 BABYSITI'Elt, Mon thni CM .Ask for ?>.flss T.
Huntln...,. Baich Coll. pret but not nf!c;_. Call \l.'O&JAN With rentra.l fae-Fri. My homf! Mtu. Verdf!S =~•o=£""'=s•"c~-ES~' ,.....m-.-,-.-,-,-,
t""4SOO or leave mtas . .u-7m tory A .. Hmbly. S~tlaJty area. ~U. Call after 1 trainee. America's taraeat '----------1 GENER..\L Ottict, type '5 Moldert T12 Yerlnown, JUI. p.m. or all day Sat' Sun. Ntailtn ol "'Omtn's shoe1. AS SEMBLERScal. ElectrlcaJ Neat le P~rt0nablt, Plueho!.::O:=:C,,.::o=:,::=::,,'...::X.:;:iO:.;;:;;,.;,:,;:;;;:. LEEDS Shor Store, So.
and Mechanl • nf!w or ex-OUice, excellent benefits Hel' W1nfttf H11, W1ntffl Coa.'!t Plaza. Contact Mr.
pe,r. St a ble <.'Dmmercial Call Miss Barna.rd 133-27SG w...,en 7400 Wtmtift 7411 Phelps
{lrm. 4tl yean tn buslness. I :::::==================::;I ====""'""'....,...,..,.,-, Ctui~lit Electrlc Co r P . ' FULL OR.PAR'r TiltlE sales Ir SA.LES\VOJ\1AN. Experience
Optical Div .. 21.IJ Plactntia JCOple, for appotntmf!nt cal.I In ladie11 ready to \\.'t:&r. Av~. Costa Alesa. bel\\letn S-.a PM 5"--0311 ASSEM .lElS Ovf!r 25. Apply 1'1on thnl Fri
BE•UTY OPERATOR ILICTRONIC lt>-t, APROPOS No. 77, Help W•"'" NEEDED! Apply in person. T0\.\"11 I.: Country, Oranze
W!f!!.., 740I ,Call '" "PL >15---0:!M •stlMILIRI DREAM Job. Keo,'""' 'm· ..,.;~"";;...-----'-" \VAfmESS, OVER. 21 Ill )Utant job a11 wife le '~·rp r..IS F\111 or pa.rt ttme methn' '= "am a wtdy .... vtl 545-"63 Va1i111 D1 t1 M1•hi111t, l•c1t1tl 111 1 11tw 1it c•IHl1ili•111il paychtck. ~-3154, 636-3497 ,11 ~1 1t t'-• lr•l11• llHl 111hl1I C••11lu •f O,•-t• C••11ty * WANTtD: Oltlhlk Dental n••r ff11 alr11•rt, h11 11•1r1I llftr118'l•t• •ll•lli1111 f•r MATU1tE ma.ri'lf!d ctt'I nffd·
Metur• Asalata.nt •dth I004 i~r. t ltch •11!c 111•111~!1r1 . ltt thlft f7:10 A.M. t• -4100 ed to work service atipply
11 te 40 onJy. 54S-W f!.M,I •11• J11tl 1hlft 4111,.M. •• IJ141 A.M,) .,.n.11111. atorf!. Must be 21 or over.
e KtAIDJ. Motf:I "·Ork. W• w'"'' II''•'•' v•11 t,-k11a• th• cal1, c•tl• a114 ct m• '''"54<).."'93"73===""'~-;:-C11 W 1sh C1sllitrs
Cir Wis~ Hostesses
Auto Rtllt.I Clerks
1021 k)'llldt Dr. ;ani nh. 11 ••SECRETARY, tra.nscrlp.
Nt..vport Bu.eh c;,,41 1t1rti111 r•I• a114 •lf1all111t c•m11a 11r lt1 11•fih 111· tion experie~. Sm a 11, ll~YSITT!:Jt _ for l pre. cl11tll111 12 tl•r• w1a1l!•11 tl11rl11f tll• !tt yltr 4f •111· prlvalf! achOoL Call tl73-1810
school boy$. Afternoens. 11l•Y"''"'· tl11.k ,11raha11 ill'•t'•'" 111• 1 ht li4•r ••e•-NEED lady to babyait my tia~ fa1t11ri111 111111 11•ltl fi r flflll• •ff fra111 Ch•l1t1111t J\lcf!:,.f'ti. 6'4-2986 alltr I Oty It !he M•"''' f•ll•wint N•• y11,.1: home vicinity Beach &.
pm . Slater. H.B. 84 7-1491
oppty or a r 'v IX·
cf!pU penonallty. Htavy
typll'la, lite bldtn. Advatice
to Exie Secty w/ln 1 year,
To $500., Call Mr. Richards.
A member ol I Sntlll11:1r; l Snt>llinf: Inc.
2790 llarbor Bl, Costa ltleu
Cordle&S 1witchboard, lite
typing-, pleuant personalit)I,
~pcrience helpful but not
nee, will train. Good co.
beMfit1, located near Or-
ana:e Ceunty Airpon, eon.
tact Mrs Lounsbery, SofQ..555o
Mon-f'rl before 4 pm.
e i!lly COOK e .
Grt.W.)'atd . a.hlft. 2 ,Yr1 exp.
Heavy breakiasl. Good aal·
ary for food emplye.a. ll
or over. Plene apply 1n .......
G62 \V. l~h St., Cl\f
l.IATURE Pe~n 1.o help
live-in houllCket!pcr i n
mornings. Call SG-.2192 late
P~J saturday or lint ol lhCI
Ta, Nlariee. 1rowlh com-
pl.llY. multi locations.
H.AIR.DR.&SS£R Needed If y111 1r1 t•l•t t•· •••• •• 11a 11•• w•rtii111 • ..,.h, ft•t bttwee.n 6 PJ\f &. 9 PAI only.
Balboa Tdand aaJon. i11••1ti11 .. •~• •1111•rtw11l1111 i t V.O.M, • t •t4 11l1c• I• fN'fi:RTAJNER .. Orpn, SE WING MACH JN E
l'lli-4232 _. sn..rro1 ••r•. .Plano, Guitar? After 6 pm. Operaton, exp'd On po~r
· M6trt • Callfernl•
h •iMt• lrtter,,lttt
'IHI Huller l lvtl. c .. t. Ml•• 546-11'1
-ti1y. iiit . '"' .
A tep )e.Ch .,.. co. ls look-
llW fW an atttac:ttvt ral with
iood ttt. ekllll, sttat '°'
ttntlal ml the co. WW. ,....
ihibutse the ftt. ca.U 1..4>
r.lnt, P.lerch1nb: Ptrtortnel
.,.lley, !Oil IVl><JcllU Dr ..
N.S, Ml-27i0.
c O LL E G E Girl-Mothv'a lrit•rvitw5 D1ily Soottie'1, 436 E. 17th. C.M. m • c h ' • • w om t " ' 1
• llPoft,fweU. Top pay for ald~ ~~ ~U:" ~ fr6m I A.M. to 5 P.M. TRAVEL AG'i:. M= qua1Wid at•'en. m-.tl.10
....., · •· Ask /or Li"fla a.,~ =·~n t'Ts PM wkrlua. Sf AM 8 T ft E 9 i ES: 'ii LICENSED Shirnpoo firl, -"'"=""'""'~;_,""'::,;-1 pnitnced or will train. N
U!L nttd~ rot J,u.17 .... • MA.IDS -Hel!l/Motal lime. Apply 1n peraon ~
Wtd. tl'lrv Sat 61W'2o V1r11' n D11• MKhi-1 Exptrienc@!. $l.S5 hou.r. Joba.n.wn ' Chris~ j, A fi y s IT rt Ii winiia .. .... Call 67J.91JO 8'11 w. !Sib SL N.11.
8alboa Penn. t fine ll6nJ, A YAllAM SllisfttAIT Otntif JtiCtpt. I: Bkkpr. (corner 16th I: Monrovia). ~ rua. ntl!'s. ~ 2722 Mithefion O,iv• Exp. or collete, 2.Wl. LADY Companion, \'t:l')I llaht
§rITER FOR 1 )f i1a. )'0111 (Se• Di••· frHw•y ,. Jemb.,•• .11........ -~~"""°°°~';;.;.:'=~--1 hal<p'I(. 2 ,.,.. per wk. hbme 1-o:;;o 11.m.. Mo11 Uirq ,... Wun OPS\AT01" *'°" lttld.v, fd. Pl¥· trvtnt arq.
•'ii.. CdM ...... '13:1125 1 ~l .. k s.. te M1ci..i... Dtivt .) 1111oo1ns ,...__ Lido 1 ,;:,13W121~;.,•:::;"':.:r..::.!.;;'"';c...~ oENiilJ: Houtti.f,,;t. i$ bt•. ttM.111 IOr aflpt. WAifllESS wanfid 6ver 21
daily. S>A~I~, Er!tlitfl er An f~M 1I o,,.,fw11lty f111,l•var M-,. ~ Qffiba:Jt YO(/ CALL. Sl~tr ;n Steln, 517.f f.difli:cr,
Cenn.tn. fl+.6tiO 11...., __ ,.. _____ .., _ _.. ......... _,JJ THE QUICKER. YOU SEU. H.B. Apply in penlOn.
With A tlantlc Research
Will 111p•r•i1• 111 1ctiwilit 1 eo"ct r11etl •llh th1 Ac-
c11111h '•r •ltla tt ctla" i"tl114li,.9 1h1 1ce:u 111t1l1ti111
111tl r1c•r4lint •f li1billty, tlally b•l111c11, W•rk la ttl
r1,•rh, c1th fl-t n4 je11r11•I 1nlri11. Wiii 1!1• lta
. r1tp•"tiltl1 f•f •t l119 1chelll11l11, ••Mtht r '"11uts ta
EDll, a114 will 11•1f•r111 pt rl•tllc a114lif •f 11! 1'0
t •MMit111•11h tt •U11r1 ,,.,,, p1y1111"t •f l11•1fco1. o.,, •• ill l lCIMlltln' '"' •• '••II twa ,,.,, •11111;.
c1lil• 1cc•1111thtt aw,a1r1~e1 r1411ir1tl.
r1rf•r111 c•11lr1tt cl1I 1111lyil1 1114 ll'•ll"•r• ''°'•lt l
l•li ca1I rep11h, 111ltt i11 t••p•r•tl111 af '"•11lhly .,.
erati119 1t•••m111h, m1ln1 1in c••I r1t•rtl1 •n c•ll•
llru clio11 in pr11r1tt iob1 f•r c:1,tf1\11atl•11 1rpan
c11mpletion '"d pr•p1re 1v•rh•1tl an1lytl1 fer t.111
in •"t rht td r1t1 11e11otj1tt1n1 with 10 .. 1r11m111t 111dl ·
t.11. Will 111• d1 1pecl1l 111•lv111 II ··~Ml••• i.,
1n111191FP1•"'· D1t1•• in Acc•1111!1119 '"' ••'"•ta l
ye111 1111e1l•"c1 61 cot! 11ceunl1111 with ~n•wlt49•
af t1•t rn111e11I c111lr1ch.
PleaN 111\11 resyme includl"f
Hlary history '• Lii KILLIY
1714) ~4' ...
l3U Huber llvd. c .. t • Mou, Calif.
l.llsslle Syalema Division
COFPCMnON ~ A Dlvltlo!I ol t1J1
SutqU..,IMll Corp.
10-9 Sat 10-6. ' • MUST Mil hou.sf!f'W ~·o·r
l.1 t d lterra.rlean tuml~.
Liv rm nt. Spanish ,mltN
tables, chairs, lamp., kine
Ill, Juli CZ, ~n SE Spanilh
BR sets. All like new; :%
Price or bell offer. 41
2 DBL canopy beds, wht-
lrlm, mattre1s/box •P
cprt.Jdl I: canopy co • S'O ea. Xnlt. conc1. ne
is. poro 1tlck S3. wht I
skates, 1 I z e 3,
Westtnahse elec router '
.J.Plece Kroehl@r RCtion ad. frame, needa uphol&
$45. Pair of Da.nilh
lamps w/111lk 1h11de8 S10.
area rug.11 :llC5 18.
Geneva, He.
DINING rm. table -62"'X + 2 l~avt1 and I
upho.llrt.ered cha.lrs, 1. ·
ProV!'ncl:tl Fr u I I wee
$12'.00. 548-12'6
UV C rm sec lkl n a
ooucbet, chalrt etc.
btwn l-3, Mon ' 1\lt1. l \V. Wilson. Cl\t. S . ' ,.,.....,._
furn:lturi, very c~J'.
Yt!art old. f.I0\1n&:. M
u.crl.flce. ~TS37
GE aJl minor coc
table JI lnche.t. M&--1891
: Ji
I ·•
:; : :: '
-~•' -=~ ~ .. ... .... ·~-~
. '· . ...... . .
• •
••• .._ ...
-• J\. I
• , ,1 •1,.• .... ,, . ' . I " . ,,
Summertime. The living-iniiy be eaoy ••. but MAKING a living 'ii n't;·ifyou're a teen-ag'er looking
for ¥our first.job ••. or a graduate trying to .tart a career. And, if you're en employer -or even
a private citi1en with oome odd job to be done -you may not be finding it e411y either. The two
' • I ' '
sides of the employer and employable problem might be illustrated by the two 'letters below. ' , . •
You tell us to get on education,
be impressed with the opportu-
nities this greet nation of ours has
' to offer, to stand on our own two
feet, to make something of ourselves
and to quit protesting everything -
, including The System ... The Estab-
i I spent the last three days trying I .
· jto find those great opportunities this
:nation offers. They must all be some-
(place else. They weren't where I was
liooking for a iob.
You told me I didn't have the t ,.
[experience. You told me there was no ploc.e in your business
[for a beginner. You told me you were looking for someone
rolder to point your house, mow your lawn, clean out your
!garage. You said I was too young to really be a responsible
I. Where am I going to .get experience, where am I going to
1prove my sense of .responsibility if someone doesn't give me a
!chance, doesn't give me · that firs·t job?
I Am I supposed to believe what you say or what you do?
iHow do I force your world to give my world a break? I've
Here is Help •.• for Botl1 Sides
If yOu'r• • ycun9 p•r•on willing to work
or •n adu lt looking for • willin9 worker,
thate fiv• Orange Co•st area non-profit
youth employment center' c.•n h•lp you.
Sign up with the center In your area now
, , • for job opportunitie!'i.
Check with these centers for a boy to
mow your lawn. a girl to care for your
children •.. or for young men and wom·
en looking for the career opportunity you
can offer.
ISpon1ored by Junior Ebel! Club ~nd A11i1tance
le•9ue of Newport Beach. I Offices in Central
lr•nch, Boy1' Club of the H•rbor Are• •••
194 Center Street, Cost• Mesa.
Open 9.m. to I p.m. Mond•y thru Friday, Jun•
16 throu9h August 15. Telephone : b42 ·0'4 74.
I Spon1or•d by South Coast Junior Wom•n'1
Club. I Offic•s in Nurse's Office, Fountain Val .
l•y Hi9h School, 178 I 6 Bu1h•rd St., Founf•in
Open I 0 •.m. • 2 p.m. Monday through Frid•y
I Supervi1•d by Rob•rt M•rtin, director of work
eJ1p•ri•nce educetion, Huntin9ton Se•ch~ Un ion
High School Oi1tric t .I Offices et 1902. 17th
Street, Huntin9ton B••ch.
Open I •.m. · 4:30 p.m. Monday through Fridey
all 1umm•r, Phone 536-9331,
I Sponsor•d by South Oran9a Co111t YMCA. I
Offica1 •f 491 For•1t Ava., la9un• 8each.
Op•n 9 •.m. ·no on and 12 :30-4 p.m. Mond•ys,
Tu•sdey1, Thur1day1 & Fridays. Phone 494,3333
got the questions but I don't know how to get to you for the
Just answer one of my questions: when and how am I go-
ing to get a job?
Pretty discouraged,
_A _j~J
:JJ~ar _}~J: •
You come to me today looking for a job. But your appear-
ance told me you just didn't have all the qualifications I'm
looking for.
You didn't bother to wear a
tie; your haircut was at least a
week old; you didn't shave.
You impressed me as just an-
other'one of those kids who wants
to start at the top. Your scholastic
achievements seem pretty impres-
sive, but I wasn't impressed by
your failure to grasp some of the
practical facts that make the business world run.
You should check the classified advertising section of the
newspaper before going out to look for a job. It will tell you
who is hiring, what kind of people they're hiring, what the
going salaries ore and which jobs are plentiful, which are
(That last item is important. It will give you a hint as to
how hard to please you can afford to be. In fact, many al-
ready employed people make it a habit to read classified ads
even when they aren't looking for a job-just to keep them-
selves posted on the job market.)
And I'm going to give you some more advice. Get eager.
Show that you 're interested. Maybe what you kids call The
Establishment is more interested in you than you think.
Did you know, for example, that there are five non -profit
job placement services in operation right now in the Orange
Coast area, all trying to help you find the job you want? They
are ready to help you find "one-shot" odd jobs, a sum.mertime
job or even the job that could start your lifetime career.
But they won't hand the world to you. You've got to keep
trying -on y~ur own, through the classifi~d ads and through
the employment centers. If you don't "make the sale" the first . .
time you try for a job, try ago in, and again.
Yo.u may not believe it, but all around you employers cir•
looking for young men and women smart enough to go .after
a job in th~.old-fashioned way. When these employers find
one, they-<on!t wait to get him on their payroll.
Still waiting,
I <This Page Prepared and Published .by The DAILY PILOT as a Publlc Service)
• \
• ,.-T" --··-·---·-·· ••. ---•• -
• ,.,....,, Jo" 11, lM
FOUl COftVENllNT OFFICES -. ~ . ~~. -S.ElVE YOU , • .
' ' I • " e NIWPOllT ."',Cit · ' 2211 -.; ~
e cOsTA MtSA· ........... ,_,_ JIO W• loy
e HUNTIN•TON llACH ---· 309 '"" Sll'Mt
e LA.•UNA MACH ·--m -A•-
'st Cl:llN S'Q. Baby fumlblf'e USED Ca.f'peUn& 65 yards CURTAIN atfttcbe:r $3. 13' FUU.' aize n\jnlf! btd frame AtrroMAnd ~ A·l MOVING, muat RD: 12 Joot BEDSPRF.ADS, twln and ~Jl()NZE Sea intake Valw VACUUM Oeaner u~
li.-SlO. Chair'$ $2. Lamps $1. SU. 2 dreuen S10 each. alueed boat $25. New wide $25. 9:1:12 bt~f.uc s.ui. 1xJ.2 ahape $25. 1'9}9 w. ~ St. outboard $20. Trailtr $5. full. CoOd conilttlon is. «l5 and 'htunp S5. Wfddln1 ~s. BIC)'cle boy's 20 and 24"
Tablea $10-$20. Trunlui SlS. End tables SS each. Lamr>t wheelbarrow SJS. '56 Ford eold bnlded rus $15. 9xl2 CM. Ott Pla«nda Aw. Stnoldne pjpes and rack 50c Heliotrope, Oi'orla del Mar. en.emblHterltnc 1 I Iv er $1 flldL Bleyde strl't 24'1
OoUa 50o42. Pa l·n t l n is $2. 3 plastic couobea $10 P.U. ca~ $10. '56 Ford P.-U. brown and .oranp' braided Mt.l'RONONE electric $11 • $1.50. Stoller~ unused Saturday 10-5. Su~ t.s. mount.I, 21 ttma, .rin&J $23. ff. Lawn mower. '5. Full
$145. Army cot.II S 3 . each. N\&ht stands $5 eaeh. doors ~ -.ch. <>an $:5 Aet. t\11 $10. , pair Whlle drape., Ski boats. Molon alze 9, $3). $10. Va~um· pup $3. 16 LB. JubUere bowUnc ball ea. $25. Profeuional shot •lze mulu..coaor.d bn.Wed
Vacuum cleaner ~7.50. P.11r. 3 round cottee tables $15 po I e lamp $2~ ~Utt 50 wide x 90 long $5 a Pf,ir. Antique •moke atand $8. Costume ~welry 50c. $1.50. and bq fl, t\\.'O p&jn mens roller skatta with cue, ru.a $12. Air conditioner $12.
ros 510-UJ., Alttlques $1-$20. each. 176--4693 puzzlet :&. Pairitel'S drop 2 'pa.IM 'tMer 'White drapes Black marble for fitt:''ace Antique bird cqe a~ •'!-n;ct bowling •hoes me I and t twmtr tnatnlcton $ 1 5 . Muon jars 10c each for au
2121 Astel' 'Pl., C.l.f. cloth ~· Ford P.U. wheels with blue flowers. 50 wide x $10 ~2'm $6. f'r4mei ~ ~,$5. GU'l s $!! h Two in Spe.nllb tultar, rd~ to~ 22. Upho<cred chatr $5. Sat~un. 10 AM-J PM AU. LIKE new! Electric & tires 15 each. Brus Door 90 1 Sli for all 2 b wn · format. $.10 • ns. Ho~ eac • ~ mt.._ $15. Men's white wool satin Gu ranee needs ~
, shoo shlner Door model lamp Sl. Olan! chain '$10. bu~ll& quilts and p~ow OIEST of drawet'll, Whtie Kong tielMh<I •ev9nl.'1C top, ~ ice~t~~ae a.andn:, line drtu jacket 46. COSI ~· Steel folding oot $2. ~
T .v. ft")"i on .swns 35c and $3.&l, 60" slat bench iJ.50, Corn knife $2. Rope ftnce ha 1 2 gold torm1ca top 30 inche11 wide x unuwd ''~ Mirrats $2. ~ each. t awun • S6S. :newr worn sz. New all •l%ft bed complfte 1$15.. J3ee.. ~. Blonde end step lable 24" dog basket with pad $3. stretcher $3. Lanw• 25c. :winms.:,;.·~ e":.cb. Maple 30 lr>cbtt hiah, 3 dra\\1!:rs, Gl!Wll ..i,.d iJOWl with sUver Laree U.W~1~ w o o.d ~ c:brocM ~. iron, llttl« h1c range, needs cleanlna
S5. Tooled leather t o p Table model electric chord Plywood camper box for ear yootb chair $4 White mir 512. &Q.--2632 &erwf$ $3.50. TraN!ilstor ~ ..,.,. S: $2 uee. eo.t 130, take $12.50. 642-5666 MMahogatchi~ ~!ee ta~~,' 11251'0, o(l29rg~~: uw~n ~wti)m. 's',A:~~'~ top $7, ~Uee pot, eleCtric rored-back ruck nack wii PINS.ALL machine $ 2 0 . radiOs AM aS>d ~ $2 • $10. ~ ~~'Ts . ~en l~ NtwPQd Blyd. S~FO --RMl--CA-l'll-llman--5-'6-.. -.... -1 ~.. "" '"" .... """' U. 3' wide store broom $5 Small bench $5 Brass TV Sunlamp SS. Sletpina ba.p eu;n. rvw C\lt· oi. ••-3t.-Pleue park • out.Ide. _ Ca lne 1. each. Broil-o-mat.c $ 5. tire $3.50, VY/ ~dll(ht %i drllt land SlO :I full . $4. Maple l'eCOl"d pla_ver, . $5 eac~ 'Hatbox~tcase •acb. beach. b&ck mt new-Don't diltutb manapr. top .....,, b t 115. Cb na
While sewing m a c h i n e Sl.50. New 54" S&!Tu1onite bo M ':; U • . e needs needle $10. Scott boo.I stand $5. Record pl~ $1D. $1 r.n 12 1"c~ S3 $1. f.Wivel mehopny table bowl $15. Moen fayce:t $15.
S15. 540-0038 val-pae $12.SO, 9xl2 beige , ,;;es ·~.-~a on !Oda/acid motor and gas tank $2:). 3 tloor lamps $2 each. Dou· st''""! I or:;: n_...,.d $1, TV rabbit eei1 l1. pail' DOORS. 2 unber slf,&I: $10 Work bench 3' ·wide , ....
b di exlinrwsher $6. Stow Maple lanter clock $5 Cop-ble mattress and box earn ron ..... ..,..,,.... • ' each. Rotp>int ~ t rattan lone \'\'Ith 4 dnwen on each MINAH Bird and caze $20. roa oom SU.50, tab I e vent fan $1. Ceiling 11:ents or P . t 1 ·12 50 springs $25. Hard ,,. 0 0 d al.~• $!, eacb. ~hire walnut table 1atn.Pt. need polfl U' lorll $5. f15.6211 w cide $20 Patio staclc chai{I
Matched coffee tabJe and 2 lainps Sl-$3. 646-9568 SJ>E.:aker coven $1. '6.1 ~-ea.i: er.:: ~ headboard and •ootboard 'JSc ,.$S. 642-'lll& &bade& $1 Pf.fr. 2701 ~'19Sl.atter2 p;DL $3 each.:~ 30th St. N.8. end tables p;;, 545--~ LUGGAGE, 4 piece matched Fair!~ bent bumJ>tr $2 6 .......... v !;)' m . Sc $1 12 1 .. ,_;, G · . Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. ' ===~;..,......,~:--~~I set,, natui-al rawhide, ex-volt spollites SLSO 6 ·It needs paint $5. ~fe n ' a $25. D19he1 . to •. -...,"! ENERAL lllecbic washer, S45-l33L 1 ManaUm '70 Splnnlne rod
BICYCLE-girls Sc h w i n n cellent condition S 2 5 . fog liles $2. Hand ~Is ~-leather jacket. larfe, brand steak dlahes $1 each. Ulet! )ll:rfttl v.'Otklnc condition $15. 1 Quick super Spinnlfli. RABmTS. Breeders ~ A $$,
three-speed and handbrakes 6444104 $-4. Front pickup axle for new $10. Women's matc~n: wool carpet SJO. Studio bed $25. s.t(l.173$ CoLT plstol $25, Win rifle ~I $15.· 1 hn aurtmurer )'OUn&'. dots $2. Baba '1,.
SlO. 541)..9424 trailer $20. Ford pickup bed jacket now $10. P,tagazu>e $10. Metal )'ud i::bair. $1; AR'IVICIAL f Io We t" ·at-$.Za, Colt bullet mold $15, rttl 8:nd rod $15. J Langley I ~·,;~>~244!!~·~~~~~-" I
RIDING Chaps -$;>. Ladies SERVEL Ga.'1 refrigerator $25. Desk lop glass. 2 SlO rack $1. Maple twin bed ~ drop leaf table • $3. r~ntent tales samples , pistol grips 50c ammunition Spinning ~I and _rod $l.5. I GOLF Cart $2. ~ ~
fancy boots, size-7 $4. good condition, SlO. 312 each. Lawn spreader $2.50. lrame $5. 3 pair white nylon Wr1naer type wu_~r $15 . ., 4 greatly,, ~u'ced '$1 • $5'. le USMC sword $15, powder Quick Flne!Wl spihnlng ~I cages 5Qc.4l, Dark wood
Ladies clothe11 si<te g...10 Apotena, Balboa Island Kenmott washer motor $4. curtains and valance with na$hYde. cushions $.; Wei&hl-li1ting set, plactic ~rn $4. Civil War bell and rod SIS. 1 Roddy Sp1r.-corner table for [,.Wpeid
10c-Sl. 40a Ii e I i o t r o p e 52x31 Mirm\v $25, reckers Good Kenmore tranM'lisslon green ball tringe. $3 each. P.letal cot and padJ $2. coated; $15. HO seale ract buckles ~ CU" radc $5. ninr reel and rod llS. ~ eUect $5. 615-3;f45 '
Corona del Mir, 673-4859 S25. Lamp $1!1. Plants S 2 . 5 O , I 9 5 6 -5 1 F'o rd Weddil'I&'. gown aiie 12 $25. 1 Brass record stand ~ ~':'c· car aet, 18 ·Jncb traek $10. metal run carrying case $5. Pomon; Ave., C.M. can PHILCO Refripn.tor ctOA
3 GOOD 8.25xl4 tires SlO. '2415. 831-3361 Shortwave radio S 1 0. cdmer si.ep table, dark tra lone double n~ttre59 ~sr Chevy gu powered iace Fiahlng tack1e, box and reel ~'124 . top freezer' $25. &by sca)e
Pull down lamp $1. Portable "BO"Y"S"°"CJ"o~lhe-,-.-..,"· -, ~,._~16". -~. Hydraulic bumper jaclc S5. wood $4. Matching cotlee and box ~prings $25 eac;h. ·CU' ·S5. Boy Scout pack rack $6, fish and depth finder~. OCCULT Booltl 2Qc...$2S. 2'xl' $5. 613-0288
electric heater $3. White celle.nt cond, fJOc...$5. GoU V~s pipt> fittings 25c-'1Sc. table $5. 701 W. roth St. ~standing headboard$'~. $3. 1'1isl'rllaneous· tobls. 25c -hedae clipper $2, large old tapestry $15. R0Uaw91 12 .. RCA Portable TV $15.
eeramio bathroom sink $5. carts S3 each. MONDA y, Various nails 8c pound. Costa ~feaa, 548-6512 White lamp and •hi.die' $5. $2. Deep [ryer $4., Toe1ttt . IC).tb(J $8, anvil $3, Rope bed $15. Ha.nalnc lamp, $25. 16,. Ad portable TV $1!.
'I'\vln bedspreads S2 each June 23. 1565 Via Corsica, liand sa\vs $1 each. Pepsi KITCHEN • set. table 4 Neon desk lamp $2.• Bar -$3. Books IO<:: -$1. Dishes hoist $5 old cast Iron mail Drafting bo&rd $15. Glauea-Dlahmast~r modt't L $22.
And gold quilted bedspread Laguna Beach. 494-4797 Ca!a g:~nt , t~ermom~te.r cha.in, excellent ron<U'tion, utensil set $3. Rollaway·~ Sc . -50c. S_hoes 41 • $]. box is.' ,new nails IOc/lb., old vase&-dlshea »#, Floor poliahtt $6. 2 J'in
double S4. Twin headboard BICYCI..F..s S~$17, ne'v e-S2:50· Oil Pa 1 n t 1 n r a• chrome and formica $2.j, SIO. G1!>-1'154 after lO a.m. Chil~'s phonograph $2. G:I· 'bU.'vy .amoothing iron $3. 642.-2201. screens $6-$10. 2 "Ft.CA.' clock
S2. Jewelry Sc-51. Blouses xercise machine Sl7, maple originals S20-S25. Pa 1 te 1 540-3699 Joe to~s 25c • $1. Grittm , Ma~ and oak chairs~. ANTIQUE Sewing machine radlol $6-$8. 45 remrd
and dresses sizes l4-l6 bed complete Sl5, hostess dogs , framed ~· Opaque ROUND llOlid maple coUee Shoeshine nlaster set $2.58. liX ieqed table $l0, an-player "RCA $8. 10 electric
25c-S2. 211 E. 16th Place, !le.ts clear glass disNvare cats, inlmed $25. Pastel h10VlE projector, display table $20. I..attce round solid Saturday 10-S, Sunday, 1-4, tiq · $1.-$$.. Sa.turd lll'ld $20. Trunk $2. Palntinp $5. !alarm clocks $2-$5. Audlon
c.M. {plate Y:ith cup) set o! 12 dog.s, framed $25. Opaq~ type with automatic shut·4'lfl maple lamp table S2Q, an-2952 Pembci., Mesa Verde .SU:~ 1572 Indus S~ San-~~~ :;~;:u~~her tape ttcord SlO. 2 Small
GERRARD Tumtablt! $10.
Amplifier $20. Records 25c.
Book 15c. Jewelry 15c. 40a
Corona del Mar 613-4859
TRACTOR SlO, 16" tricycle
$6. car bed $4. J~mp chair
$6. Infant seat Sl. \Va.Iker
$3. Hand mower S 3.
Reel-power mower S 2 5 .
Electric edger $10. Divan,
good tor reupholstering S22.
54j..24TJ. 1316 Garlingford
St, C.M.
for SW. post and pa11s protector ~2. Large \\'eller $25. Home movie projector, l~que v.~ tea cart S15, full LOVABLE Cockapoo pup. ta•Ant.»Heighb. Behind San-· · radio! $6. 2 Sunbtam hair
50c-S3. Hanging lamps And sander $4.50. Large an1mo like ne\v ,$24. Dayligh.t size solid maple bookC8.8e pies 8 weeks Sl.5 each. . Ana Co 1 0 b DESK $20. Cottee table $2,. <leyen $6-$8. l9IO'r' OanneJ
shades some new Sl5-$25, box $2. 113 HP electric vieww, $4 ,.:. nB. Ports.ble headboard $12.50. 543-WOO. 642--5sso ta wt cy u · Cricket cluUr V,S. Mattress Place NB '13-1603
ne 1 ad $5 motor $4.50. Garden ac~i:i,-new $12, carr,Ying , STERE0-2 speaker, portahle and box sprina: double $10. ~=~·=·-·-....,=~~~
w aivn spre er • sprayer. a gal. s 4. 5 o. case $6. Trawhe IOOs and C 0 PP ER WARE ~I· S TRANSISTOR radlo,.S2. 58 $15. TypeYniter, standartl Sm. BBQ 15, Baby swirl& s2. 8 CUBIC foot Philco $211.
\YOmens clothes S 1-S 7 • Survival light, noats SI. bi-a.ckets 15 feet !Ong, caii be kitchenware 1Qc..35c, lnlens Chevy par~ V..S eft11~ qs. $111, 2 new headrests $2, 2693 RWenlde Dr., C.M'.-."'=""=-..,-=-,,,..-
portable TV Sl8. 536-9594 btetal door thresh.hold SJ. 6 lihortened S6 . .Deluxe· 118lUPle 5c·15c. ShOes lOc-$4, gaines A iJ to mat1c transmlllshm; bathroom. bas.in \vlth faucet 646--1746 0 'KEEFE a.nd Maritt IU
MEOW -Kittil!:s want a cor. ton cable. $1. Garden hoae and ~ .. -.1.... cist, vinyl Sc-$1, G.I. cans 51 each. still in car, SZ. 19 inch $5. 54()...4757. 20 GALLON aquarium UT.SO. tove good and clean $25.
ner. Two twin kittens male reel SJ. 2 used vw tires ........ , .. "" \Ve.arable clothing all slze.s, portable TV $25. Ohm meter ibber ~ · •
and female. Sable and v.·hite pair $4. S\ving set $12.50'. covered mahogany ply~·ood men, women, citildren IQc.. $5. 548-6529. 150'Ai East Ulh TWIN beds $15, ~ $2, 1\1.'0 man ru her n.n· with
-six wee.ks, with shot&. Small plow share $2. Rear new $6 • il2. ~ S5. Blendl!:r $3.50, organ $25, Street, Costa Mesa co11ee table $2, vanity bl!:nch oars and pump $25. 548-0596. HAND Braided oval rua: tic10; ~2470 -------~-1 $2. 5¢8-3627 Saturday only. $10. RoUr+way brtd SIO.
;JV()-shocks, Ford-Mercury $4 CHROME bftakfast set·.$16. typewriter $25, handcraft WOOD dining e x t e b s Io n · · ·
pair. Porcelain bucket 75c. FirepJace.•iaeen_ brua $5. 35c, beaded drapes SS. 2 table, 6 chairs $25. Lar&e J>eRTABLE sewing machine BARBEU..S. 2 dumbelb:. 2 Hammock, new, on stand
8' x 19" cloeet alidibg doon Mt-ta I c·a.b I ~·e t.1 12 . bikfl $5. 11605 lris, Fowl-rreen hand-blown b o t t I e $15, old addlna machine $25. ban, 100 lb. wel;ht SIO. no. BaJ'-be-q~ ll. ilM CE Tf."U speed control filter
!lo automatic v.·asher $25. $4, Hardware for slid.ins u .............. s ~ -~" .. "'-vellns taln Vall-839-1744. lamps S8 each. 54g...1729 Dabv bl!:d SIO. net pl":,r,n Conaole rad.lo and record Corona del Mar st. \\'HITE Chair $8. Home -.."'I""'" -.., •• ., "".I " I $18 •-·1 or.,., 50 -~ decorator and art' ilenis OLD But good refrigerator <IOOn; Sl. To~s~ tish, wardrobe $8. Trunk&. and CRIB and mattress, edison STEEL jack-post and base $10, car seal $1. ~s s vc payer ' uvnri e ,._, • PORTABLE 'TV $25. Ma..-:
2r>c-$2.;,Q. 403 Hl!:liotrope, (copper bro\vnl $25. New scaler S3. Wlnd9Wf aod suitcases $1 • $25. El~ , S20. Be.auttful cMst, ban~I-for sagging garage. roof SIG. $25, edge':' 75c, hall' cut liCt 548-l!l65. coffet! 'table $4. ~ ICnl
Corona del J.tar. fiber wood door complete frame ror back doot ·Ut tan and heater $10. Chinese painted floral design, $15. 548-IT29 $3, eleclrtc shaver S2, pole COMPLETE Dark r o o m beb•'•d~~-~ ~ ~.:...~,
DRAPES, 110., ivide. 36.. with lock and hinges. 2 C~p Dash light 7,5 e., rug $8. Other rugs $3. Clown clothes st.and s,.t.SO. lamp $5. Hammock $1.50, equipment $15. G.E. ste~ '""""'"' .... ruw wane.a oroi
red\\·ood i:hed doors "ith Trailer ball 75c. 24 :it ?6 ~Barbecue table and ben-.. ...,,.,7 SCRAMLETS bath aca.le $2, bath rack record player, plays good, Good teena.re clothes !i(lc..$2. Ions:. beige. Inc:ludes brass louvered \vate.r he.ate.r door ,. .. _, til• top or11 End tables, 64~ • 11.75. CJOthe• :z;.::.or::, bab" needs '4'0tk $10. Ltt, 32'1' W. 'lx6 blue plastic sMde _. nd b · · hinges and hp.sp ,7.50 Ior .. ,...,. ,,... 1 ~ , dis~ 1~.~ Pl •---,.,... a rass nngs, ex-all. Call 962-3119 or 1929'l '2: 2 x. 6' stttl crank eut 2 dray.·e.n $20. '\Vomeq's WESn:NGHOU.SE re rigera-siving and jumper. 2 scats Wilson St., C.M., Sp. 88. '""' .... .,.... c .... ., ... ..,..,
ttllent condition. 540-8638 Harding Lane .,, ";1ndow and screen '1;_2 • .f:,. 'i;hoe. skatiS 6'12, while $20: 4 tor, runs good, S20. Old wa-ANSWERS $5, baby CUTiqe $20, Price USED pair Indy lites 15,, SOc. Plastic flowers 5c •aeh.
GOLF bag ,1. Black formica a ' H.B. 4 • steel erankout window bicycles girls'and boys, SlO . gon wheels SlO each. Hoff. bahy tub $2, Zenith T.V. $20. One new Firestone 4 ply Stra\v bukeb 75c ea!i1. Old
table $5. Kitchen set. 6 CUSHIONS For bed -dinet-~ screen, both complete $17. Boat compiss $10. man portable T.V. $20. Con! CUdg I Pol' h 23", works good, $25. Ct!-600l6 tire $8. Battery l2'Y' oil glua lamp $$4.50 .. 30 !Mt
chairs S20. c y m b i d i u m te, for van camper SlO each, 1n f~ame $12.50 ea c h , Chain metal folding rac 548-3'l38. Met~~: Buta:e : ~: men! bricks lOc each, ba.c $ 6 , F 0 rd 3 s Pc e d S foot picket fence $&. ~
orchid $5. Chilrens' poo\s $j, sold as se.L Bellyboard SS. Plastic funnel 20c. Stt:el fun-each.. Heat lamp $3. 2 twin BABY IUPPies. terrific, pro-GOOD FRIENDS ce1nent SI. croquet set $2. transmission $10. ru Ford Irvine Ave., Newport Be.a
Small chest SI. Bookcase $3. Cam~r sink with mounting nel 50c. T~sh _can hds lOc beds $15 each. Book cue lllie. Healthy • good ttock, John: Could you Joan me Barbella $10, ladles \Vbite HI pe.rfurmance parte $25. BOY'S Bicycle IOOd con. ~~~~~ ·cf~~~~:~ ~1~ $l't. GIS!l::1e. i'::t ~~t~%1~~~~ .type head boards $7.50 each. 5c-IOc. &e-2637. $50? Stag ski pants, site 8a.nd10, All Mustana: fiberglass dou-dition, flS. or best ofter.
S25_ l-'ire screen $5. Child's camp<!r table 28 x 39 $10, gallon trash b ttel s2 711'' Lamps, 12 to choose from AUTOMATIC washer $25. Joe: I hate lo do If, be-$6andS4,ma.ns sultsue38, hie hood $25. N!'w =Cal=1=962-=~>ll2~,.---,-,--,-·I
vanity S3. 64~70 two mirros with frames S7 traverse rods, ~. $5 pr.' s·-8·. 75c -$2.50: Desk, 6 ~w~r dryer $2S, relrlgerator $25. cause ~hen a fdlow lends $5. 4 VW 'whee.II with tirts Wallenu.ch tape recorder DOUBLE Bed complete., pNa =='===-'~-~~ I each. 968-2390 10. curtain rods s:i alt. ~· Ve~t1~ blinds, :.!-lxf. R ta recorder com-money 11 lways breaks up a $15, Hoover c a n I s t £ r needs work $20, Weil.em bedspread $10: 2 mattnts
l.VEDGE\VOOD stove SlO. ANTIQUE Sv.'Ord . 11 7 • Round patio table s2.50. l.5x4 ~es included. S2 f'llch. 1evere . h pe 'k $25 1 2 friendsh.tp. vacuum cleaner, runs «ioOd Holly gas stove excellent aets for bunk beds S3 MC:b.
curtain slretchen; Sl.50. Pants , .......... pa,,.· '~. _Drape to flt $10. B_isscl r.ig Pete wit ,,m' e ' Pay• John: But, Alter all, \ve $3. M6-7363. 2174 Maple St., $25. 8 overhead lamps: for 536-4468
Ce Sc Cultured marble table S9. .... -'-"" hoW'S 24 blonde console 00 ramie grre.nwa.re -$1. Double size French Provin· Suitcase 52. Electric Flat lihampooer fl. B 1 c ~ c. I e • haven't been such G D COl!lta f.tesa. induatey or praae ,SS each 4 . NAUGAHYDE turquoi.9e.
Molds r.x:, 50c, Sl. Pots and cial headboard S5. French wiper motor S2. plus next speedometer $1. fishing !:~. ':n s~=rs :. FRIENDS. BROWN tweed divan and er all $25. Antique round and gold bronze lq: twlvel
pans 35c ... SL Dog bed and Provincial drawer drewwer door. 819 Towne, C.M. 2 poles and reels $1.50 -ST. Built·in range and oven $25, GENUINE stone beadc match!nz ottoman $ 2 5, table $25. Zenith TV works bar stools $12. I twtn, 1 dou·
pad Sl. Kitchen table $3.50. S18. Aus!rian curtains and blocks So. 19th .!! Placentia. CoUee table $8. Hoov~r 5 drawer de11k S2:i, corner pmet. moonstcne, citrine, maple bedstead, double, good $2), ~vy anchot ble bed, wate.rla.11 pattttn
Bathroom shelves $ I . S 0 • rods Sl5. CoUee table cherry vacuum, works, $2. Gu desk, green llf..50. Lawti amethyst, $15 -$25. Ben:ar "''agon wheel ht!ad, oxen SlO. Han.rinl' lamp $25. l59U mahoa:any $15 and $2S.
Garden tools Sc· Sl. Folding inJ.,.d 118. Naugahude easu TRUNDLE bed with mat-stove heater $2.50. 2 l'Oll! , .. ,_ .. --old _,,_, top beads $5. 54.8-1129 ""ke foot end -. Maple Ccnica Pl. C.M. ~ Kidney shape beige l'09e chairs S2.50 each. Roto-broil .1 ~ • M 50 ch ""'6 ....,, ~ .1v ..,, · 2 · u-•• "400" like. new S15. Bar-b-chair S25. Vinyl circle chair tresses S15. Yarn 50c • SI. rooting paper .,... ea. . tnmk $25. clothina: items 2Sc CARP and eoldfish 50e • $1. comb back chair $ 8, LUGGAGE ~· 5t8-4595 frelie pieces ~-1uer Ro-
que .... ;.11 and motor lnstant $4. New bull! in gas range Paper flo"''ers IOc -50c. T.V. stand $1. Baby stroller each, baby car seat $1. 646-0IMT 642-8661. TREADLE ae..n .... machti,e tional ~. Wooden breaktut ~-top .aqua enaniel transit Bl!:ads $1. Plastic $2. Good door, 32x80 S250. ..,: h" ~.... table and 2 benches $15. fluorescent 2 bulb 100 watt waterta.nks $3. Nf!lv window Tool boxes SI.SO. $3. rackle Large couch ~ mate ing 32 H 0 R S E P 0 \YER ala· WILCOX/Glbba sew Ing cabinet SS. Gu lop $8. Hammock meta1 stand
fixture and shade $10, Chest salvage $20. 3 p a i r shades with trim SI. 1721 box:., (wood) $3. Pols, pans c_hair $10.60, step end tables tklnary -engine $25. 6 inch machine $15. E I e. c t r I c Porch swing·1lidtt $5. T. V. fl.00. Grey plastic and
of drlnrers $15. 206 Hanover ~~~:i:dg ih~\\~ c ~~! Kings Rd. NpL Heighl, l.lld di!hes 1lk • SOc. Radio& $3 each, Bab50y eri~ S9.~ balloon tires $25. 646-4644 roaster and cart $10. Elec-1tand St. 15' inch Ford rims fabric arlncha.ir'' ss. Mun
Dr. C,M. and poles adult 11ile SIS » . $12. Alley-rear 310 bathinette $3. ' c st:a MINIATURE cld marine oil tric he.atl?r $5. 800 open and $2 eaeh. 540-2847 IT" portable TV needs.
BEDROOM &et. tr i PI e. each, child's ss. 2 solid 4-'l'RACK tape deck s25. Goldenrod, Corona del Ma.r, drawen, $l0,. Sll, $1S. painUngs SIO each. Sl5 palr. closed aigns 525, 546-9234 BICYCLES -24 Jnch boy1 aerial $15. End table $1.'
dresser $25. l>1irror S20. froitwood nightstands with 54S-S94S Saturday, Sunday and f.{on-S2:!.50, s24.50• Simmons bed Very large old t Io r al l BIKES, 1 balloon Utt. $12. 26 inch tsdle1 $16. S. white plastic atack a
Bed, nearly l'll!:w, complete drawer Sl2.50 each. 1''ramed CHARMING early American day cha~ Sl4.50• a I um 1 nu m wate.rcolor $25, all framed. •coot er, k Id a cart spel!:d $18 . S25. 20 lneh girls, black leis S2.50. 536-3697
$25. Coldspot tttlrlgerator troitwood plate glass mllTor maple bookcase-headboard LIKE new Silly Sa1ari. $1. chaise lounge S3.50. 512 W. Glass animals 25c each. homemade, •leering and narrow tire SIS. 54()...2847 POLAROID Model 82 $15.
S15. Girl's bicycle S 5 • 525-JI.fetal chaise lounge in. double. bed $25. Complete New Buz.ey Bee knitter SOc. Chapman, Onulge, . 548-1729 bnhs, 1 round oak table. 5 BLONDE wi10 hand tit!d, Coleman 2-bumer stov.t $8.
543-3719 tersprin g $3. E I e c t r i e with mallress, s pr I n g 1 , 2 penny brite dolls with case LOVABLE Coekapoo pupp1e1 -4 PIECE Krobler beige sec-legs or pedestal. $5 • $2S. "hltman · tlair styled once Apartment ttfril $25. Girl.'
RAt'J'AN Sofa and chair $25. l!:dger/trimmer $5. Kirby bedspread. Great condition, 75c. Easy bake over 25c. 8 wee.ks $15 ea.eh. 642-5880 tional, $50. Call 545-5760 5'8--6241 S2S 5t0-2S4?• ' Ice 1kate'1 sb:e 1 $2. Boy'
Marching coffee and end vacuum c 1 e an e r 515. "•~"'~al-•l_"~"'-'·_.,.. __ u_73=-1 Hot wheels track JOc. 400 ct. TWO dinette tables US each. FEMALE Buaet bound $25. BLUE Chip stamps, 15 ~ . tabl S15. Red ice akatec lite (\; $2. Boy'
tables Sj each. Refrigerator Jl.1 i 1cellaneouJ o:i:lauwar~. KING foam mattress $25. 2 Lego $1.50. 3 magnetic ~ Riviera chair $25. Fivt 646-5654 books, $3 each. ~ ~ dinette es . roller rink akates aite. 5 $10
S20. 54S-7171 dishes. botUe!, la m P • , end tables $10. Maple what. 50c ch \VI · the! oak kitchen cbaira $5 each. DRAPES be! 98 lnche Riviera, chair $la. Five oak Shoji &crftn S5. Wood
books. records, picture11, not·shelves $8. Golf equi-=~ame. ;3'5c, ·\V~1~lnk Philoo 9 transl5tor radio CAMPER for Scout lick-up 96 1 cll • S8 ~sO inches s 4~ kitchen chain S5 each .• frames Sl each. Water ,
clothing IOc up. 53 O I pment SlO. 546-4062 ma.nc TV kit 25c. Walrut $1 5, s m al I bur f et SIS. ~hanncl iron bu J>e1: Sl. inc~s "$4. ·Set 01 1B xen. Philco 9 transistor radio jacket women's new Voi
Meado\\•lark Dr.. H .B. \\!HITE enamel bucket bed coU~ table $10. Geld e.Dd 3S"x30"x18" $10. Child's atr nne with telescope tight cyclopedias, $4. Slng'le head· $15. Small buUet 36 inche11 x size 32 S1S. snare drum
GAS slove, good condition
$20. M4 W. Joann St. C.M.
L A B. R A1D ~ ?~~GEt~ _842-~="~"=·""",..,.""'""""'.,..,.,..· pan, female $6. 646-l7S8 table with alus $5. Ceramic wagon $5. Knick lcnack shell $12, l Inch mike SS, 2 inch board $2 fit6..S601 3D lncheaxlB inches sin. atand $20. Print press $1' puppies mixe J • mon io SPEED b'k $~ 3 peed 1,;=~~~"'"-~~~ $5. 2 clocks S5 each: Radio, SS. IO inch prop for Mercury · Child'• wtiron $5. Knick Electric child's Sin&:er lll!:W
old. $10 each. 19369 Lange blk S2S ~126 ' s WOOD Clarinet, as ts S25. 9 x pot.~ to S2. Hanring pot!i record player 81 ls $3. outboard $4, crank can LOVABLE Cockapoo puppies Knack shelf $5. 2 clocks $5 lng machine $15. Child'
Dr. Santa Ana Heights, oil e · 12 Gen~ tent S25. Poles and Sl and $3.&l. Paintings $S • 64~ opener $1. Extra beautiful 8 weeks, $15 each. 642--6880 each. Radio, ttcord player dial t y p e w r i t e r $1
hlesa Dr. bf!tween Santa DANISH l\fodern blue sofa stakes $25. Camp chairs Sl. Sl:"I, aome with b'1lnle.S. abalone shells 50c, 50 foot STEREO records 75c • $2. u 11 $3. 642-MBO Vac-U.Fcm\ complete ST
Ana and Tu•. u·n. IMl'I. 2 ham .. ~ter """es $l , ·-al• mat .. ·-• S2. Chil'-n'• plaqu•• $ 2 AD 0 RAB LE PUP Pie a -.1... $10 ' " -..., --.. ..... &.. • .,.,.. """ • picture frame S2. cabinet SI, Boy's clothlnt sizes 12-14, Pl"~,. "'" and tubes ~ma.n center.....-tent . POODLE-TERRIER puppies each. Dishwasher lor parls O>l8 $6. Fish net, erttl SL Yardaae 50c to $10. Drapes Australian Sheep/Poodle plywood $4. CBI! 61S-5622. lad.les caprls,. e.veni.nr wear, ... ~.. $2.50 o••h, Ne~ .Aasorted scout atu.ft $1 t .
(mixed) 5 \\"eeks old $10 $5. Girl's ooat size 10-12. OUtdoot chairs: $3. Bad· S2 to $7 pair, flash at-$:>. 2528 Littleton Pl. Costal;;;=='""=;-;,..,-.,..,--...,-h te t 12-14 50c .A.v;JIU ... $15. 21" Admiral TV,
•• ch. 19369 Lange Dr. Santa English tweed $2. Roy's size minton s2. Darts 12. Darts tachment $2. Hair clippers flo1esa. STEREO, RCA Po r tab I e. ~ 1Goodcoa • 'n<1'"1tlo' ...;. ___ -Mnatn« closet $5. Washable ._.,... or" • ~.aJIO>iJ 8 Dutfi t $2 646-2389 ="""=-:-==-;;:;::::;::::I F'hono;raph, Detachable. ""' co n. fW'.ll't'8• ru&s white 3xS and 4x6, Sf. no pi ... _ .. , -· "' "" Ana He.ighl s oU Mesa. Dr. e coa · $4. Car lua:a1e rack $6. $:!. Electronic lypew1iter 20 INCH boy'g Schwinn speakers $20. Call S48-430S. thongs, ~rnel w i JI e t a , and $7. 2 slat lo.mp !lhadPs butane bottle $5 .• 10 aallo
between Santa Ana and ?1-IAPLE Bunk bedl $25. Antique pocket watc:h $2S. $25. 3118 Gilbralter, Costa Stingray $20. I w h J t t . ~rown, 7~ -$1.50. Costume f!Oc/pair. Crutches $I . tgloo watff can $5.
Tuatln. Couches $10 each.. CoUee Hair watch fob $12. Ping Meaa, 54&-6333 sidewall tire 7.'r.11114 $6. NEW Pink shoes.6~. $7.50. Jewelry, watches. nee~ Books 20c • $I. l\tultlple SCHWINN 11) speed b!ke,
ELECT R 1 C re~erator, table Sl. Hou•.., ho Id pong table $6. Weights $15. JNl..CYQ..E $6. Antique 646-3680 New 1c.oe refrig fur camper repair. Zic _ $3, Sunday t~. aklrt and blotiat ban&'tn 35c pod condition $25. S4?--6S91
whitt, reconditioned. ex-bric-a.-bi'B.c under $25. See French, Sp an ls h and radio and phonograph $25. 1 USED once, beautiful wed-SID. 2 wa,aon whff:ls $20 646-6226, 2136 pre 8 1 dent h. 4 totray 50c h 80 'S Schwinn 26,, bllc su·
cellent U> 671 w. Wil&on at 118 46th Stl"e'et between Gennan langue.ie records h.p. Wlsoonaln engint S20, 7 ding dreis, size , 1, $.20. each. DesJc with antique Place, Costa Mesa (oft Vic-e&c au • eac · Y e 1
CM 9:30 a.nd 4:30 \\<eekends. S2 set. Small drawin&' board h B . s-tto $'5 l2 "'" "!34 swivt!l chair O>elon"""" to torial Dmlsea 14-18, 50c • SJ, New BB all' ~ ~· . . .p. ngp. """ n · '""" . . gcu Shon, pointed toes, iood· SI· SUrf'board 7'1" $15. -'. STOVE, e I e c 1 r i c S25 ROCK CUtting, polishing, and T·square $1. Everain v. tack $5. Parts wuher $3. 6 tio10NTH AKC registered Lealnce Joy) S2J each. CliESS· board $12. Deluxe 6f.6..i
Typewriter, portable grinding machine w I th &prinlder $3. Hassock $4. In-Hydraulic ja.ck $5, Toys 25c Dachshund $20. 54:>-6134 548-8074. bsby car bed $10. BoYIUng • $5. Siies 4e.5~B. 394 ANTIQUE Dresaer $10.
536-1021" S23. nwtor a.nd stand $ 2 5 • fan! seat 50c. 'Reader's • $5 .. Books Sc: -$1. Com· SCHWINN 3-Sl)ffd :.ii; inch ONE Le"·e.t Vacuum •weeper ttar S12. Modem clock Sf.. 1 TWIN bedstead $10. Child'• fra~2Pl...:.,~_corl:,.50ta~s ~
TWIN bed~ S25 each Dinghy
$15 Oan: $7.50 2-9 x .12 blue
shq NIS $12.50 each. Bar.
I stool $25 Small de&k $20
TOI cbair. nauphyde SlO
Corfee and end table$,
blonde never-mar 1et $25
Yellow chrome dinette. 3
chairs S12.50. 2203 Puente,
C.M. 646-4706
6Q..1178 before 4:30 Digest books S1 euh. Set 8 mcrcial popcorn popper $1~. bike $12.50. Coff~ pot $4. $2. An old r ll I h Ione d 548-4595 rocker $1.50. Ba?>Y T•nda·! eatn. '"""um . eac , ...
l;j MM Argus Airquip slide ~~w!an~l!.e~en d~ Pool cues $2.50 each. ~1r VW front bu m Jett Steamer Truck SS. Call 9xU BEAUTIFUL wool braid seat $2. ChUdttn s c1othlna: playpens $4 and $3. M~
trays 65c h 962-1003 compresaor $15. Car radJOt . mpn co P Sf.6..3158 Balboa 437 Eut , a,.-5-11) Jftft, lOe • ·$2. alaflwFe and cnmdca ·~ ==~-'-"-· ,,__,'--I -$5. Shutte.rs $1.50 llE't. SS and SlO. Motorcycle parts $~0. Pall' of 15 Inch Ford . nig $2.5. Pad $25. Girl a tod-Cannister aet $l .. Brau col· to SS. ()all: table• $12.50
BOY'S Bag -oot arown tcys Indoor 1ame1 .10c • $5. 931 ,1 • m. % electric motor nms SlO. 545-5134 Bay. dltr clotht1 50c • $1. onial floor tamp $5. T.V. each. Cloth~ le to $1.50
25c • Sl. Clothe1 size11 l2-l6 C8.pllal St. C.M. 548-Mn S3. Indian cycle renerator HANDSOME woodirain W> ZENITII 21" T.V. $2 5. 67:>-0084. trays $2. Draw drape rodi and other Items 5c to J25.;:
$1 • $3.50. Erector set SS. TYPEWRITER $4. 1956 SS. Harley '5 aenerator $5. ing on "AM" slimline car R.C.A. 21" T.V. S25. Both AMAZING Barkle.ls dog, the $2. Featbe!' flomr .,.. '11SDtlawareHB,536-GD
Basketball set $3. Whee.la Emperor beam SU. Double Chevy 12v ieneralOr and radio with speaker $20. work good. 2 T. BY -4 ' I Baaenjl, AKC registend, taftltlTlll!:nt $2.50. Jewelry FOAM Mattress -twin bid
SI. Two meta! cages S2 · SS. water akls SlS. N e w reiulat.or $5. 2-800x6 tires 646-5612 Military Tramcewera S-~ champk>n stock. $ 2 $ . IOc • $2, Adult dOthet: 2Sc • me $1.50. 53&-ll31 ~~ =-~ $5. 335 Na.u.a.u crutchel $S. B •throe m $5. Floor acrubbtt and 1951 FORD $25. Extra heavy meters S25 each. New con-962-3152 $2. 192 Flo•u St. Colt& SEJJtS.Moped. doHn't NJ.
cabinet $2. Chel.'I •fl t • polisher $10. 2 Chev Y baby crib $25. General Elec-dlUon. M&--3012 1969 S prool att SID. COliee-Mesa $25. 9$2..'lf73 SQUARE Formica table on
pedestal, 4 chain SlO. ,....,.,,
Kitteng S I 0.
DINETTE set·black and
\Vhlte formica top wilh leaf.
4 chalrt-SXi. 545--0108.
SAT.SU~IA bowl $3.50. 1974
Federal Avt. C.Z..t.
i'2"x8" S15. Old wooden
)'OUlh ch&lr fl5, B&l'-b-que
tqulpment $3. DeVllbis
vaporizor $3. Mirror U.
Double-sleeping baJ; Slll.
Jeep hub caps $8. F•ostoria
c•ndle holders $10. Punea
50c • S2. New air mattttsi
$1 . 'J'wo 15" tires s:;. Plastic
dishes 5c • 50c. Women'1
cl clothes size JO 50c: • Sl. BOYS Mattel Bronco blcy e.. Girl's clothes sil.e ~ 50c .. like new S2G. fl.latch1n; 2
dra,,..·er, walftut nllbl •Wldt SI.lie: 335 Nassau Rd.
or couch side co1ribl0dn, A· 1,.:564100,:::,,:::,.;...,-----=
1 s hape' S"20/p1ir . POWER lawn mo~r $23.
f'arberwarc rotiuer!e. used Teak wall unit $15. 2 paUo
~ SZ,. $0-.3118 chWe loultlff wltb cushions
B,4.BYSTROI.Ult. Pelerw:>n $10. Dtplw.nt ~que $2.
Strollee. rxcenent eondltlon. 1921 ~ Ln. NB.
llkt new SS. Mono-tlpe 1 ,;646-&lOI,;...;:==~~-~= recordtr sis. $40--4106 Coata 20" GIRL'S Royce Unilm
Mesa. bicycle $U. 548-3120
French import $:). New radiators S7 each. 1 Ford tric portable 't'V Sl.5. 2 MOVIE screen $4, ?.fens tor, good condition SIS. Ad-ELEGANT I toot dowMllled FIAT liOO rt&· 3 wMe1I and =nlio~~~ :i: radiator $1. 1 ·9 0 0 x l 5 foldaway aluminum beda wntern bcOt& ss. Lyre-back justable metal bed frame IOfa m. Cftrf.·lons twin ti $3 ,. Gen.ntor $!lJ
How;e:hold items lOc . $10. Oldl11ac Utt and ';~I-~~ with fa.m mattrtu $7.SO chair $6. Imported S1«1oter ... Ba.byline )'OUtb chair $4. beds $15 ach. n-... ~c s:::.r .,••n.e1 ..,,...p $2 3 1-7.lOx.15 Che\/)' 1~ ...... each. 'Sinaer portable aew-$10. Lighted world etobe $8. 96i.3T5'2 · .,._,. -ri .,... ,...... ' ~1 :!e=-n ~v~~~.~~ ;:el $4. G~ ~ J! each. in& machine $25. Sit.turd&)' Ouija. Qreen G hot t , OOUBLE 9ed matmu box ~i:::t.. ::,.,~~ ~ aJ:: ~tra=~ 2~ cook~ Ha.rd. ha~ 1993-B Charle, Coeta Mna Fascination, 0 pt ration !prings aJ'ld trame $25. $6. l952 Funk·anit Wunlll•a b,p enttne $2o. Belt clutch
each. Para:cbute SS. 5 plloa LOVABLE Cockapoo puppifla Turnpike Garage S2 each. PropeUen tor Johnton and cney~. 3I. ,vofupwa. $2. l'7622 Forest i.n., ILB. GAFFERS and S a t t I e. r 1
JiUM!, 4 bufmr·and srlll $25.
Maple dlnlna drop !cal table
$15. 23'' Motorola T,V. SI~
Presto IP'iddle $3. Sunbeam
electric knife $1. Waffle
srlll S3. Hand ioc crushtt
S3. 2 layer fJ>ice racll: $1.50.
ToutCT cover, Pink Mam-
my doll SJ.. Aquarium and
all equipment $Zl. Auburn
short w\1 $15. Short M:tJ 25c
• 15e. l>r'mit8, 1(.11, 15c •
$$. MS ~ Ot'. C.M. --,, .
TOY mlnlal'ln-e poodle, 2
yur remalt '25--56-2100
aas cans Sl each. Women'• 8 '4'etks ID uch. ~ He1V)' ~ty Ooor tan $10. Evl~e motOl'9-Mw $10. ye~ $10~ l.amJll f;l· MT-6'118.1
clothct ~%-221,i 50e _ $5, LOVABLE CockapoO pup,. Orl•ntal Rup $15 A $20. Glrl 1 druslfll t.abll!'. \\'Ith s.1!13 , BI~~== ~'°'l4"°"· 125.!:=--:M"'•"•'""°"'°"
T · ...i..t• .,,_. .. _ 1112 pi..1 g weeks $15 each. Portable dlllhwashtt $25. stool $10. Brownle uni.fonn . ..,. .. ,......_ , _ _. , eenage ... ~ I ....,..lq • • ... • DWI .lll!:t $4.50. Girls ridina complek, liktt new 12. BLUE Otp at.amJlt, 14 bOoks ~· mtn.• aJlU ~ .~
50c -$5, 823 Towne St. CM. 642-6880 clothe1 $1-$5. 3(11 Goldtnrod. Trainin&' M!eelt S 1 • 5 0 • $2.SO eaeh. 6G-2m 28' 3 speed. bOY• ~.' 3 '°·
EVERYnllNG In excellent GJ~ and boy1 SUngraJ Corona .UI Mar. Tricycle $3. ui-1m 2 ICE crurn Chain heart Stinlr~ types, 16 lirl.
L'Oftdition. Gu lawn mower bike• $11.50 and SJ7.50. 22 , . · ' SchwiM Pbdt. GE taWe
er S%1. \Valnut delk $25. Sew-aeml-automatlc r!Oe. $25. 1S \li'ET suit medium 12!-~ s Square danm boOts det1tn. for patle t:tr" tndoors ndk> $3. J\m Beanr bottlff inc: machine u; 2 twtn pup: ahotgl.ln $20. 5464211 weltht belt $10. ax $3. •IJ.e J1, ucellent, ts. VW $15 each.. New ttats ud p .. $1. UHF corrvater $'7.
beds S25 e~cb. A(f'Ualium '53 PLYMOU'm, runt aood. MJ..5007. am t'fldiD pod condldon $25. pa1nt. 642-2933 GE hand vacuum S 21
$15. 2 1arp d«orator plant.a ~ wlndahleld $2$. ·sa WESTINGHOUSE automat1e ~ 2 SWIVEL rodctn S8 .am. Polaroid S#iflrer Camtn
SIS each. Detk Cha.In SJ Chevy 2-door, all or PIJ'll JI wubtr $20, deluxe cbUtll BABY Ducks St e • e b • Patr,tf.occ:ulonal chairs SS rt. Kodak a mm camer. $2.
each. Col~ • ~unna $1$. • $25• Hl&h chalr·$3. Baby ear seit SS. v•let chair is, M'l.;oNf. MCh. lCl2S E. Balboa Bl\'d, AM•FM p:irtalde ndJo $12.
~pe reeorder SS. Ber+Q cr1b ·ss. Kitchen u\ensl.Jt 25c maternity suit (121 S35 nt"1, F'r\c*dlltt Automsllc wuhtt s~ M~ttr $.1.. 3 EJ~lwc vacuum hole: $1,
$5. Dl•hes 12. Y.,. IOoU $2. • $2. M$1 l!amltlon. c.,,. -$3. potty chau 12. 1163 $25. ftbllow'1 l(ed n,o. 1-3')¢'1!l~ mOlon $2.IO """ ol 1am,.. $2. 9'U135 Mt!Q, Samlt OJ'i~. Costa. Mf!sa.. 649--028$ udl-t1$.0825' tu.b Si. $'228
. . --· ,....__
DAILY moT mm.:.;;~=<=;;tiiiiWiiAiiDiiWi~liMiii1tiiia~~ll!ll l'Oll A)IRCHANOlSI l'Oll MIRCHAHDlll POA IAl.I AND TIADI MIRQIANDlll FOil ITS .... LIVUTOCK TRANSPORTATION
SALi AND TIADI :f~U.~LliANDi~TilliAiDli~SALi~!iAjNDjj~i"~l~~M~. ~!!~~~H~A~t;l~I?~!~;!;'@~. ~~·~J!~L~·· ~ AIM(9~~·;T;~~.0~1!~;';,ot~s,~0.~M~ri~l~~ll;OO ... ,,i 'l'ldl!1 -DIME0 A-L.INE Pumltv,. -Fumllwe --•1111111 -NOO l'~ii;iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PETS l'Oll SAIZ DAVID L. FRASllt
No Item I• r un IJ'OWn a. bt.bie1. Geetie. fl .. Ai.o£N cutter
10 D A Y S L E F •T I, •' " ' " duclu. chick•"'· turk•YI. toP """'' .. .. .... 111.!llJI
Over $2~
CAIPIT -...,,., rabbit& Aloo l2' RllOD:CS Xawl, boa~li!lll, SPECIAL OPENING U.T, I SUN. • .... ,. ~2209 top p>lltlttlttt>l ..... , 112~
Turlnt Dow~ lkpl14lnt to VINfL Call' tbuck Awry
Mah Room For Our -$tw1 DKOIATOI OITS WICBIATIOll Cito IHO ~:i• :'~~~~
KODAK . Electrlt: 3
Automatk. Like n~ Sta.
$75,000 CLEARANCE Sp111ilh & MdllllT-fn'*' • ~1111 -..stlmatao _ on •-rlly instllled i:is_ "'::· 115 Adult Fomalo Eu•pti..n.1 Savi ...
• Wood game ••Is· from $11W.96 • guar. AU. UAllD NEW Door coverin1s. -r-L!3t aft. 5. ,., • 1969 MODELS
""""" COUQI $25. rtd upnolJitered
chair $10, boudoire cha ir S3.
v.'Ornen'i1 c Io th I rig Sl.
mallresses '19.95 • Spanish dinette set -~;;,.=·~;".'.:::·......,.··· • LATIST atylls - in beautiful colors and •:,::!'::"~~ 00.!'.::..~! == $69.95 • 3 pc. Spanish bedroom s.ets '99.95 !l! i-lJ::.a.1~:wi-: ..... ;.,. paltemJ. pm Deborah Seutrert J. H. Rich.ard1011 Co. • Spanish table lamps Sl2.96. I;;' .... · · 't>itl9. .................. :... e PltlCiES to sultyour needs. 1601 Bay11do Dr., NB.,,_
Remainder of Huge stock at terrific savln1sl ~ .., • ~Ql.;j;·:::;:::·::·::Jflill Licensed Contractors Doto IHS EGG HARBOit ~'° SCAT CAR $5
No down -tlrm1 to tTMOI your bud .. t -A decorllor .drNf11 house on display - 3 • San D"'° •
bank fine; M •1t1r Ch••••· link of Am1rlu. rooms of go""""K 5""nish furnilUre (was ILANKINSHI.. FLOORS ALASKAN MaWnutoo, (~od 2 Dtl Eq Hbn Di1pl.,...i
BEAtrrlfo"'ULL Y. A n I i q u e
Cold framed reproduction or
Britlini's "Grand Canal". 52
x 29. $2:), 531~40
or Store Ch•rte· ·~......... r 540-72n (Days) ' 6424190 (E•••·> doa pupa), A.KC. beautlfu1 New Trojan Glau R.al6era
• Thl1 S1I• For Stock on Hind Only• reg. $1295.00 1-====='===-:-=====~===I ~,.':!:';!· ~~:_Wnlly "°"t Trod; ~~~~Dr.
NAUGAHYDE Rerlitlf'r, rood condition $25. 962-4238
ASON,Puftu, e I Pc t r Ii;.
new, cost $98. sell for $25.
New fur lined CasE' SID.
Amplifier cost US. st"ll for
11.'). 778-2636
WESTERN Holly stave $2G.
Coldspot reirige:rator $20.
Poy,·er mo11o"er $%1. Lawn
Furniture IOOO Garage Sale I022
mower SID. Edger S 1 . 8' SOFA ~ver used, Quilled
Various sizes doors S2 f'ach. floral. Scotct..guarded, $120
Windo\1oi; and 5Cl"ttn~ varl· J\.1atching love seat S75.
ous sizes $2 set. Balboa 537-8032
Island 67J...3MJ LOVELY Danish Teak Buf.fet
EXCELLENT Used crupet, 85x20. Sa\·e U. Never used,
llE;hl and dark colors, 10c Too lnni: for room. Call
square foot 284 Knox SI. 6 after 5, 546-86.14
;t~o=7;'="="=;"'~'=~=-;c;::;; ISACRlf'ICE -Dbl. br!W REFRIGERATOR $.25. Ideal bed, mahogany bed, mlr·
for rentals. 191.a Court ron. Vanity table, d tnirw
Strttt, NB set. 646-0301 after 5 p.m.
35Ml\1 Argus Au·quip slide Quality king bed, quilted,
trayg 65c: each 962-7593 Complel£. unused $98; worth
$25(1. After 5 · or v.·knds 2 f.1APLE rockinii: chain $75 847--0406
each. Black and v.•hilP TV
$2'5. All good condition. 3 rms. good quality
LI 8·9:518 lo Ai\1 used Jurn. priv. o\vner 54G-6l2!l CONSOLE Ttlcvu;ion, i;ood picture $2S. 5-is-4308 SWIVEL, u P ho l s I c r e d
r e clining <:hair $47.
ARGUS C-l. 35mm camt'ra, Loveif.8.1 $47. A·l. 548-7030. good shape with flash $25. 613-7533 BUNK bed unit; drav.-ers,
,:,.:~~==--cc--;;;c I desk & bed all ln one. Xlnt PORTABLE Type .... Tiler 510. rood. 642-3869
VW Continental titt~. like oolid mahogany * $50.
new $10 each. 642.-8213 2•16 Flower. C.M. ~1
MODERN ·DtTxel desk Ir:
chair, mattttsse~ & box
11prlng11, books, h I I to r y
classic & paperback, lampa:,
a:Iasaware, dishes, plaque1,
pictures, frames, antique1,
vacuum cleanen, h a n d
meat slletr, model A thu A
whls, 8 lug GM truck whl1,
Jacuzzi beth 1: etc. etc:. Ftl,
Sat, Sun. 280 CabrllJo, C.M.
.... 7677
COMIC T shirts ·aduJts n.
Oiild'S 75c', comJc IM&t
shirts adults $2. Child'•
Sl .50. 1port.1 shirts, (ladles
It mert!), antiques. cor
table, bamboo mirror, de!!k,
table, clothing, old records,
mi sc. 1301 Bonnie Doon Ter,
CdM 10 to 5.
June 21 & 22. Sat/Sun
Hanging lamps, c hlldren'1
pictures, pottery, plaquu,
gilt!, misc.
433 Dahlia, Cdltl
ELECTRIC Wall clock $3. MAGNAVOX TV wilh itand GARAGE SALE
Shopring earl $1.50. Smnll SSO. Biggars Decorator's Sat & Sun 11 am-6 pm
Bar-b-quc $1. Fireplat-e chair 525. 675-f45.'i Divan, dining roorn table,
11 Ba ,_ J 'ght•~ cot'fce table, credellla, chest screen . r ..... "'ue I ' HANDSOME __ ,,., .. ~ ···-U\ r-1........: '--il ~~ """ wuuu .,. of drawen, ltiathu chair. $1.JV. """"'"'''c Ufu. er '"· Ing table, $SO seal! 10. See
Juice squeezer $3. Book5 lo app. 675-71.ST .~sc. lllc..SOC. Silver silent butltt ........., Settnade Turace, CdM
$3. Fish ne1 and aceessori~ Bar, 3 stools $35. THE GARAGE
$1.50. Blackout shade fl, lit 968-lSSO * Uaed Appliances & tumiture.
ti1atemity and baby clothes ==========-! B a r & a I n 1 ! D re 1 1 e r
25c-Sl. Baby svdng S7., Toys Office Furniture 1010 vanlties, dble &: 1ngl beds,
25c-S3. 962-0181 $30 gas & \!lee stoves, l'l!frig
fttTRROR 52. Leather album DESKS \Valniit i!xec 32x60, $20 & $30. 15.50 A Supelior,
$4. Movie lites and bulbs choice of 3. Swivel desk CM. 646-9188
s10. Hobnail i;lass lamp $2. chrs, 2 black leather side SAT/Sun., 331 E. 20th St.,
t1ectr\c can opener $3. chr.i, 6' gold naug. sofa. O>ata Mesa. Boat mtr., HI·
t.1ov\e ~" Sl O. Clock Days 645--0181 Eve 1 • }·1 stereo equip.. women's
radio $6. Shoe skates $2. J="=""'='="======= clolhe1, like new, us. ll-ll. l'ofustang hubcap S2. Pogo furn &: much miscellaneou1
11tick 52. l..al'gt' v~ 51.50. Office Equipment 8011 t-1AHOGANY buffet, 0 a k
Sofa cover P . TV cabine-1 breakfast table w/4 chain,
$5. 2 si~le bedsteads $4 r JCTAPHONE trarL\Crlber baby furn. Odds Ir: end1.
each. Umbrella c:lolheslioc used one mo. NN' $465 sac:r. B7 Trinity Dr .. CM
$5. Single bedspread $4. !or S200. Elect. addinli: ~---"-' Sat•
Child 's world books 75c. mach. $25 eves: 640-9516 1539'~"' u;'t,Dr ~N"e"
Dishes 25e-$1. Train set 510. days: 642-8095 548-17~. ~mib;n A·
Portable i<ewins: machlnr Addressograph -Elliott appliances, other items.
515. Clolhing Sl-510. 198 ~·ith supplies, service Buoy, C.M. FABULOUS Garaa:e Sale!
. ..., 774-5200 rum .. dishes, stove, retrig., 26 INCH girl's hikr SlO. ~,;· 2 ca.rs. Sal &: SUn 9-5. 309 E.
boy's bike S20. 2~ \neh girl's Store Equipment 1012 Bayfront. Balboa Jal.
bike S20. 24" boy's bike s.;.
Wonder horse $3. 62ll \V. NEIGHBORS TRASH &:
Ocean !-'ront, Ba I ho a . ~1ARKET equip: deli <'18'. TREASURES Everything
673-8144 vrg-('-l'Cnten . many more llQl'S. 9-5, 6120, 21, 22. !iJ.4 s.
miSf' ilrms reduced to 1,1 Ba.ytront, Bal ls.
CLOTHES 15c-$1fi. Blankets priCl'. C8.IJ 494-1036
$2-SIO. Rugs 75c. llead-GARAGE SALE
boards S20 pair. Ola.I r s:i. H h Id Good I02 Slit &. Sun June 21 & 2l
Dishes, pots, pans Sc-52. 534 ouse 0 1 O 900 Citn.u: Pl, Eutblutf
S. Bayfron1, Balboa Island. HAGER Relr .. frt. comb. 3
Sal-Su . yn; old. roppe_rtollf'. Xe!.
foll 560 x 15 TIRES and V\V cond. $650. Also odds &
rims all Sl5. (2\ Rear axles r nds, rirT~wr. bookca.~s.
for Sunbeam SlO. Popuh1r chai~. Call 543-6064 eves &
SC'ier>ce and l\lrchan1cs ':,S i="=.""'=''=======c
Applianc" 1100
GE RefrigPrator 2 dr 18 cu ft
auto defrost Deluxe IW·
ing-OUt criSPl!l'l'I. &. shelves.
Afake paymenta: of Sltl/mo
or pay balance of $149 See
al Hendenon's 1877 Harbor,
Collta t.1esa. f>48..0156
al1d '6.'I SlO. 548--89411
Gar1ge Sal• 8022
GARAGE SALE -apt. size
rf'fdg., Elec. motor~. chairs
1·racktr box hull '58 O!d11,
rllh. rt~. 'j9 Ply. r ury.
Lots of n1her articles.
DcVry \fin1m ~ound pro-
jl'i.·tor anri screen, record
playC"r ~tarlfl. Portable sew-
ln): machine, old pedal type
~('wini::: 1uachnll', picture
lramrs, tun! caJtr~. l"Urfee
table. rnd lahlr. 29 0
Avocado. Cl'>t. Sat . .Suo.
GA!-·. & Sal. Ran&'-like new
4-burn. lg. oven, w/broil.
SlOO. Port. d8hwhr. $50
f'\'f'S: 646-9516 day I:
LADY Kenmore
11·asher. roppertone ,
model, xlnt concl.
847-8J 101
di.~hwallher Kf!.nmol'f! d~r.
~'l5·e11.ch. All \\'Ork perfectly.
5#-4113 SAT Jo, RUN only: 2 couche1'!,
d1·~k. appl., tool chest, Fltelv"~. <'Ire. curl ing M"I, KEN1\t0RE electric dryer,
rt'COrd plyr, bo,vscout :ru it, ~ood rond, ~rl! S65 or tra.de
1m110 sc1. fbrgl~. chairg, for cornparable gu dryer.
drrir.i:;r!<. :;1as5~·art', misc. 830-5416, 96l-5642
itrn15, lln\\"ling ball. 962-6146 Nl."\V di~h\\·asher &. ell!C
9012 Aloha. llun. Bch. range. !iillll in carton,,, ?.take
PATIO SAL!:: -Sponsored by offer. 962-4565, 543-3342
Nt'\\·port Harbor Busincs~ &. IR0E'°"•'R;;-;;IG~E~RA;;";"oTO=R;--_-,S~t-,~
E\',.rylhu~ including lht' fl ard, bronze. \\'111 sell SofO or
kilrhcn !liink~ Sat & Sun IB-5 be.,t offer. ~1351
Professional \\'omen's a ub. IR=E=r=R=io=E=RA==ro=R,;;cl~,-.,.~1c._
11111. 317 Ranta Ana .\vt', N""'JlOrt Hrli;:hlll'. llotpoint, 8 yn old S!l5. Xlnt eondllion. 613-ljjJ
S UN .. MON. lO-S LARGF. -rrl1!d11in-, "''hlh!,
201 M•rigold, CdM M>lf def?Ofiling. Xl nt cond,
T"'lll n111plr bel t!I', buUr l. cl't'" 67:.-585.'> aft 7 &-v.•knd~. den1~1. ~01. 111.blr~. barrf'I
1·h111r, 6ff 1rr chair, TV lrays. Gf: R11nge, douhlf' O\'en. Ex·
llhUttt'1-,;, ltiunclry tub. ,.!<"el relle_ol condiOon. S 7 5 .
brd rr .. me, mist'E'llaJll'f)IJ1i. 64l-57JC
GARAGE S.\Lt at 2Bl7
Shan11r Or., 0.t. Est.ate Li-
quidation rurnitul'f' • Tools
KF.N ~t O R!: wa1hln1
machine. Good condillon
$51). Call 546-39.'W
SlcllncE ..... T1l1vlsllft l20$ Mlscoll•-l600 ·~· -··~· '"" w -~ • • • ' ' • ...,., =· ';!"""• ::;o,wd I~ I --:=11..-'-__,22,-).7045=,,.,....-I .. _,.._.,..,,.,._.,.CAUT __ ...,.. RCA Colar 'IV, 1ul' ocreen CONTRACTOR IQUIP """""" ..,_.,.., l12S PAMILY FUNll mm RJRNITURE Be1ut .. v.'alnut • sralned • O!:mtnt mlxen e HC>Wlt up. 492-3573 ~~~t>~~
. • ~ablnet Make p a y me n t I jacks • Impad drills ' Afg"·n Hound lot• more! Must 5ell! Belt
, , , . S10/mo or take o v e r Hammen. IM oiler! 21J: 274-t."'6 IOI;
• ''"'"" 01 1297·62 "' •t United Rent AH .. ._ 1844 • rt Bl d l• Htndtr10n'1 l8T7 Harbor, p ewpo V olleri-llv4.I C.>i. SU-0155 no W. 19th St._ C.,to Mo.. Uppy 18\0' T Bll'tf, 3965, fibot'11oa.
23" RCA, color 'IV walnut 645-0760 131 M~r. r I 0 , ,.aaa. 11-· ODIJ conllOle, u new, 'vith ~ _* __ A_U_C_TI_O-'--N--*-1,_AK=c-"'~•-----"'-·-""~ pov.·er lilt. duo-battery '= .,..g lnRil tenna. Per1ect! $265. Stert:o AKC Collie pupa' 4 wkll old gu tanks, t.it tank. pump,
1.,.,., frlltl9t 11 t _ w ... , Sat. & S.. 'Tl 6 record pll.)'er 1: radio, Ir you wm 1en or buy Tri'1 & white. M/f' Stt &: tuJ.J canvu. full equip. New
Danilh rnodun sn. 6'B-18ll 1lve Windy a tr:· Select Nol\' lor greatest out drive. $2650. 673-J512 -----------------Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. cho~. Very ~u. prioes. '67 32' OUUS Corinttli&n,
FREE Adorable kt t ten 1 ,
black It black & white. 6
wka old. MU8t find iood
hornet. 1989. Anaheim st,.
Apt. 8, CM ..
ANTIQUE white, Packard W r-•] '-f 7 -•t 1 full Bell Color TV, beaut Iarre indy's Auction B•rn 54&.~ · am, .. pm. Y equipped, like new
cabinet. xlnt cond. $300. Behind T $2000 for equity. Call dJya ony's Sida. Mat'I. TRAINED ~~nn.... n l 737~1 Mr. Ov.-en. N;•hb f OARUNG white kitleu, 2 613-8687 2015% N...........,rt, CM f46.S686 ....,..,... _., ... lOw, .. !M~am~·;,"~2-<l02~~1-=-_,-..,,.-\;':::;;'::';;:'.:;:==;::;;~\ --...,.. bitch gei1tle but ~a.rdy, 548-2434 i°RO\YN Studio C.ouch. You Sport Int Goocl1 1500 * * HOUSE sold ~ mmt sell niannettd house d 0 g · 1 '21'"· -..,L'O"°N"EST=7AR"""-=c-,a"b-,l-n
furniture at once : Monthly pymnt 1 OK. cnii11er & trailer, 90 hp
plckup.54&-0807 6/23.1---------ref r lcerat or,matt.I:: ~1746or83l>-7026 Evlnrude, &alley 4 held,
MAI..£ G""v & white Penian TR.ANOII Falcon U ga over-1prinss chain d i a ht 1 · · "''t •--•· --~ AF~ONA-! J ·-11~ d ' '. ' SILKY Tttrler female pups, ....,.,..._ ........, or ......... ·•~•' '..:. tma e cat. 54~ 6/:U under 100 rndt ammo <J ecoratlve articles, pafn.. •vr s•-• b . t 't ,.._,... doc to good home w/ oldtr 1 Armallte AR-7 .22 1.R ttna1, lamps. U08 \V. fla)i, ~ reg. ~ Y 1" em --~~~=~~--
people. MUil haw fenced HALF-Siamese Ki~na, (brand new) $45 Erma Bal Penn. CASH ONLY• champ. Good w/chldrn. No 22' GLASSPAlt
yard. Xlnt watch d 0 g '\ ;:w="="'=·="=· ="=5-0lll=='===--! "' .. __. ... :zlLR, holster, 200 =;;-.-::,,,.-.,-.,,-,.,.--·-cl 1hedd\nc, odorless. Call (1) 3 yrs, fam/fishinr, loiaded., ...,,..,,. TOOLS ~ e q u 1 pm en t 1193-7903 _, r1r· 1 ,..__ ~--548-9583 6/21 rd ammo Jj() Winchester ====~~-~~-I pen., 1.ac ice ........ "'..., ... ..., Sewint M1chlnes 1120 mdl 100 .308 semi-auto, (carpentry and cabinet · AOORABLE female Toy • 842-3348 * FREE Kltten1, 2 black, 1
black/white, 2 Ing hrd RttY·
2921 Carole SI, N . B .
(F.aatbluU) 644--0688 6/23
LOVEABLE Calico Cat & 3
black/wbhe kitte.ns. 6 wk.I
~ " ~ 675·106.f CdM . 6123
A weeks supply or <1at food
with one free kitten, .must
find cood homes .
675-5983 6/ll
DESPERATE 1'.lust f Ind
rood homes for 3 beautlfuJ
Kr&.)' and white part Persian
KJttens. 64z..&l01 6121
MOVING Need special home
for activt ltmale mixed aet-
"ter. 10 moa. all black.
643-n06 612-1
1969 SINGER with zig~zo.a: I
walnut console. ~fakes but-
ton hales, designs etc., $5.25
mo. or $36.00 cuh. 5:26-6616
makln&) tor on-job use. reloadtn1 dies, 160 mdll am· Insured value $2500 Will Po o d I e, Black. 893-3300. 171,;· Inboard fiberalu Cabin
mo Sl50 R.eminiton rollln&: sell comploto SlOCIO.' Also White Spot on chest AKC Cruiser. Gd cond. Slip av&il.
block ··-.''"70 "mint $30 v ~, .. S!IT5 LOV1 "t'W" misc. hardware. 54s-38jg ery seawo ... .,,. .
cond'' 50 rnda ammo $125 POODLE Puppies. small 673-936.1
Shak 45 lb h ti. I e 'Tis Tropical Fish e espeare · un n min. 6 1vks, AKC. \Vhl male 23' O\VENS Cabin -·•-.
• I k 70 OPENS Thurs, June 26. ........_. Mu1ical ln1t. 1125 bow, qu vtrs, rac • &r· $45, Choe bro1\·n mail' S75. radio, on trailer. Equip'd ·-"';;;..;;;.._;_;_.:.c ___ ;....;;.o I rows $70 Spotting ICOpel, SALE on tanks, fish, ac· 962-7al1 wl bait tank &:: d; .. ..,.,
G ··--e Am e ~--· · 115 "~" .....,,.,. ceSIOrie1. 9lllO Edinger, FV.1-~~=====~~·I •••v UhalB PS v ........ , ~"";"';;:;'~· .::;;:~· ~~e:·c.;.~-=::;::-842-4530 • POODLE PllPPIES . Sacrifice! 545-llofl NE\V ANO USED 1-Ski DI I E · l l MAJOR BRANDS n v "I quip WEDDING Co~'n, full skirt, Beautilul, ~bred mini&-ENG. Couple ~k y,'Ofk
U.S. DIYfn tankl tr.··•· ,$59 lon .. alva &: train, like new, tures. $25. * ~ share exp. on priv. Ail. Aao Many Import.I At U.S. Otven l'l!tulatof'I fr S40 .... ONLY 2 I tt dorabl Hawaii JuJy-Auz 5.1l-693lt BIG DISCOUNTS New Nylon lined Wet Sui!:! sz 8. Aslo veU and hoop slip. e ~ A e,
EVERYTHING IN MUSIC low u ...•.•• , .•...• S39J6 646-1097 aft 5 wk d y •, healt!'Y .Ge~a,!_Shepherd OWENS 1966 V.G. Cond.
Beach Music Center °:toQUm :~.~ ~k~.£~95 anytime wknda. p~~;AN'";;HERD ~~:.' ~~~-m~ radio * PREE . * Pups, AKC Reg'd. Black &. 12· TR! HULL Bay n--t Da.ily 12 noon till 9, Sat, 9-5 4535 W. C.OUt Htahway 10" Wiilel fo~ hofltessin1 a tan, 6 wt?tk. !145-4682 2ll7 s ; ·-s A -•
17404 Beach Blvd. (Hwy, 39) Newport Beach f13.5+10 :if.cJ:rty, For inlo call GERMAN S h e Ph er d 7 . ....,'54~
1~ mi !IO. San Dleco Fwy. Velzy 9'1 Surfboard · months male AKC all shots, 16' OUTBOARD w/cabin, 75
lluntington Beach 8"7-8536 Mus~1 $25 REDECORATING'! Gtl a Sacril.ice S35. 546-11~1 elec Jhiun, lrg tlr. of90 Costa
0 R I G I N A L p r o t otyp 1rce estimate on Vinyl and PUG Pu i AKC 5 1'1esa St., Cltt 548-9332 'MPNnt old German Shep. Fender Jaiuar Gui I a r surfboard. Gordie, 9 '6". Llnoleum. Llc. Cont . pp es, · _rea .•
-and 3 month old part Soot-w/amp $95. Will take trans $50 or best oUer. Call 50-7212 \\"ks old. Cs.I Joyce ;)(G-1301
tie. Had ahotl. DK2 Birch ........ in trade. 515 Hamilton, 962--61M Hunti""ton Beach. UR or 53S-Sl36 Sollboat1 9010
St. &/2l ....--... GE maple hutch, xlnt y •·-h· T ~ 1 al CM SALE oond Qriclnally SfiCKl S200 or"" ire e.-.-,er. em e,
MESA Verde Art!a Your . SURFBOARD bo .:.., f u· . . 8 mo'.r.: old, AKC. Show KITE # GO choice of pretty long haired DRUJ\f !IE't, flingerland, clld-$110 7'6 Fla,vless Har ur ~l·~ or prac ce piano. quality. &16-8!28
cat, and 4 cute glossy klt-jan cymbals, make otter. Rapier. othen:. 84~1 1 0 . B"LA~CK~-m-al"',----c"---p.-p-p;-.,-.1 G d C "'itlon
tens 540-2S14 6/21 842-1324 SURFBOARD. 7' Removable li AL. aquarium, all acees. 1 min. & 1 toy, 12 wit'! old 00 onu
. DRUMS: ~n. a 11 v e r tinn. $50. & fish, $50~Al """" AKC. Call 545-6003 with delly VERY Nice looking kitties 1 ipkJe. 5 piece l yr. old. $800. lit 54~2152 * '" ._, $550.
wka old gray-wh. ln11:. hair Ml-65&5 DIAMOND pierct'd eanings. TINY A1a~e Chihuahua 6 wks 642_2111
.. to",~· hm. all •1'21' =D=R=u~M~S~.-,.~t--cLud--cw-,t~,-.. ~or""t Ml1cell1neou1 MOO Perl., Dawles.1. Coat $423. old, white wlfawn ~ts -~~
_........, with cues i. cymbals. sell S150 cash. 6i;>-(lll _A=K~C="-....,.--,~~--1 S••• $200 en New Kfte 9 AIONTil old female Part
toy Collie needs cood home
prefm'&bly with children.
~ 497-1642 ~ d'h TWO, male, black It tan Green. full cov. Used ll!ls
0 DWfOND cocktail rinz, ap. Dachshund. Champ.sired. "t>iaii 6 hrs. -Pvt PiY. (i'tb
ELECTRIC Guitar in Exctl. re& tC praiaed $775. sacrifice $300. 6 weekll. sts.6059 459-«&.
Cond. for tnlo call 673-3600 I===~~~---~
BOX spri11111 and mattresll,
Overatufied chair. 427 E.
Bay, Balboa Bet. 10 am & of
pm. 6/24
SUPER cute kitttns,7 wk1.
old. 2 caJlco. 2 Ol'Mie tab-
by, weaned &: hsbrkn.
MS-3520 6123
642--7623 ~===-~~-~--!POODLE pups, b I a ck SLOOP 24'. cabin, 1tar rig, Fashion WiCJI MOVlNG : w •hr ID r Yr . miniature AKC $7:>. Seacull 5 hp. dinahy. &
DRUM SET Like n"' Slin-* Permanenl Curl Pa ttern chalni, Tables. Din. set, 54"230 moorina. $2300. 6 3 3. 3 I 9 0
gerland COMPLETE. $190 • ,.._n "-: washed like line h.wn ~Ip. misc. 642-1085 eves. 56 ....... "" MIN. Schnauzers. AKC or make ofle.r 644-01 Unserle RUMilAGE SALE 6 \VeekB, males. 12· TIKI cat, new ma.in iail
Pl1not & Or91ns 1130 ! ~i~~la~e·c;~z~Y Jun~~\~, l~;:~rti.5:30 $50 to $90. 8.lH074 ~al~~;:i2~50-Aux. aval.I.
•·•a"-r or humidity BIG I th ha' • 6, h POMERIAN Pup!. Ch sired, , -~==~===~-I GULBRANSEN ""' ea er c 1r a COtlC , -HOURLY RENT"• * Shown in home or 11\op . • ' AKC res. Beaut. females, ~
ORGANS ~~ COMtnlc:tion. $50. somf!. have shot!. 642-7»4 * Rhodes 19's *
2 BEAUTif'UL champagne WURLIIlER Ramona MeCllnlicl; Fun Zone Boat Ce. a.Jbot.
kittens male~. I wka. allO I PIANOS & ORGANS 107 21lHI St., NB 673-73ll BOYS clothes, 14-IS, xlnt Hor... ll30 L100-14 No. 2M3 ex. t<Ond.
tiger striped. Weaned t. P!MOJ Ir; Organs Rented OPEN DAll.Y &.. SUNDAY cond, SOc-$,j, Golf carts SJISH--~-1.AN--D-Po--~---.th-DoUy. Ncrth 1&il11, eovtt,
trained. Call 54;....1818 6123 EVERYTJilNG IN MUSIC e CLOSED SATURDAY e ea. r.1on, 23rd. 494-7797 ,.,, ny, Ii"""' W1 othf!.r extru. $1285. ~1739 children. NEED food, sheittr for FA~f!LY TREASURE CARPE! all 51)'!ea and E'?I· * 548.-0952 * FLIPPER. Sail No. 369, ex.
abandoned skinny .)'t.lloiv Beach Mus1'c Center (.fOUSE 528 El Camino Rl'lal ors. f rl'(' estimate. Llc.1~=~-=~-~~ cellenl condition s 215. manx & n1a1te11e k wht kll· (formuly 0 Sil James Cont. 54G-1282 . AQHA Re11:. Fil~)'. grnd nat'I 64~
ten. 54()..6183 until 4 p.m. F1c:lo""' Sales &. Strvice To"·n Shopp. Center. Tus. REl-~GERATOR $40. Gaa chmp &lock. $1000 or best COLUMBIA 15, fibrellus
MUST find li iood homes for Dally J:i.J noon 'til 9. Sat ~ Sellin: new &:: used oriainals Stove $20. Iron Lounge 512. offer. 83i-50S8 sloop. trlr., 14 extras. $1,tl130.
mother and 4 kittena, II wks. lTt!M Stach Blvd., (H\\'Y l9) of famous des i V n e rs· Deck Chairs $3. 548-8652 TRANSPORTATION 642-521.f: 642-n87
0 J d , Hou 1 e broken. D' ~... Ladles, Eir111, children's, ap-Box Spring &. Mattress LIDO 14 No. ~.1 w/tr'·. ·~ "93 6/24 i1,i ml. So. San iea:o •""T· ....... ,, Ba""-, shoes Ir; an-& h 9000 -" ~ Huntina:ton Beach 847-.3536 _.. ~ •" never u!oed ... t1 Y tc ts Excellent conditkln. 2 .,..,. t I ci u es on consignment. •"~"' N\~l• ,.. NEEDS home · Himalayan JUNE SALEftl ,,..,,.....,.,.. new. 51339. 545-3985 Eves Siamese seal pt. male ~ 111 _ ••• l32--027l Girl's 20" blke $10. NEEDS ENGINE 30 ft .
mo. Daddy kicldna: him out. Factory authorized clearance 3021 Clevel&nd Ave. Sportfisher, 10 ft. drafl. 13' ?o.tETCALl ... with 2 sails,
835--0514. 6/24 of averaae. returrur & demos Extrcycle. xlnt cond Sl25. Costa ltfP.l!a com J) letey fiberglassed. new mast le boom . Poer
PRE'ITY amber &. white 4 Pianos &: Ora:ans. Practice Alma executive desk, 6'x3', Tran110m stem, open trailer. S150. 646--6121
mo. old girl kit 1 y. pia.nos. new walnut aplnet oiled ,,.·a\nut finish. $l50. See lttUsr Hll tape r;ecorer, cockpit, trunk cabin, full 22· STAR Sailbof.t. Xlnt 83~74. 6124 pianos, ne1v .ti used Grandi Sat attn or all d1y Sun, 507 1'1arlln iUitar. opa: d nner galley, fully equipped for cond. Otluxe trailer
& demo Baldwin Ortan1 Avenida Largo. NB (Ir ca.II 1 -.:"~-"~';· ~*,_;64-.:Z-~7~1~06'-~--.I f i 1 h Ing. RAdlo • telrphone $1650 LI l.fU2
FREE FREE FREE 3·KIT· really &: truly on money 644-2641 8' CUSl'OM s urfboard trftnsdueer, Sfl'f! at Mooring NE\V Gluton Alpha 151 and
TENS, TRAINED. saving SALE!! Get In on perf,ct condltlcn; I year old No. A99. ··c" Street. Ne\vpt Shoreline trailer. 5700.
546-5155 6/24 the b~ dcal8 i t; , ~VAN. All aluminum .1 ,,:$50=.,·="=7~...,.,-'_~~-,,,-,,--. Bch. or call (714) 546-8679 213: ~-9026 eves.
ADORABLE Ptnian kittenl, WARDS BALD\VIN STUDIO Ideal tor 1tcraf' or RIDERS \vanted vie Wu:ner DON'T JUST WISH for some.
7 "'ks. old. weaned and 1119 Newport, C.?\1. 642-3434 v.'Orkihop. $ 3;; o . Call l Brkhurst to 6th I.: Spnni, thlnt to fumlah your home ~~~~~baa~
hsebrkn, 968-1907 6124 HAl\1MOND -Steinway · Ya· 543-373& LA. Leave 7 AM 839-5T97 ... find sreat buys in te> listen to the phone rina!
5 ADORABLE kitten."!, take maha • tM!w & used pla~LLA-'-"D~IE""s'-,~v=h~;t-,-,.-,~.~.~,,-a-Clas Uied Arh.
one or a11 five. Call ?ttr. or of all m~el'i. Best buys 1n mond Ir. sapphire rlni. Misc. WantH 1610 day's 5 OON'TJUSTW?::iiiforlOJM.
r.tn. Trimble, 496-1970 6/ll So. Calif. nght ne~. Value Slll5--u.crifice close I----------· INO matter what it is, }'01.l thine to fumiah your home
MALE Kitten lree to _.... SO IJ\lfDT MUSIC CO., r .. tale $4?5 644-l944 alt 6 can 11l1 II WiU. a DAn. Y . . . find creat buy1 tft to-
6""" 1907 N r.1ain · WE PAY MORE PILOT WANT AD!! 8fUi678 day'• Ousifi~ Ads. homf!.. 646-7991. Very af· · ' Pl\1 1.;..:.=-==~~==~-1-..;-====-"'-=.I Sflnta Ana 1r
fectionate. 6/24 1 ----~o=====--O'KEEFf.; k MERIUT G11 CASH 7 ADORABLE puppi e a , lMf WURLITZER Cook Top Ii dbl o\-en, turq.
pculbly Cock ·a-poo. CONCERT ORGAN Sl'il Holtman 21' TV Bl\V,
536-7831 6123 32 Note pedals. Leu than 3 bind cabinet $23. 2010 Con..
month& old. Pa.Id Sdli -Unent&I CM. 642-MlO
FREE to rGOd home -pup-Asking $3250. See. at: NEWPORT Beach Tenni1 pies, 3 male, 6 v.·ks., mixed Goul' Music Com~ny breed. li4&-3955 • ,..... Club family litembenhl,. ==-,=--,,--.,.-,12045 No. t.1a.in, SA ~7~1 fJIO. ($300 below cost!. Yov
FREE kltttNl lo I 0 0 d pr l N 0 And Bench pay trans. fee . SJl-1469
rar fimil~. appliances.
co.lond TV, stereos and an·
011v er ni1hl
636-1620 hOmeg. 536-2.ti.l GulbnNen. Walnut finish DODGE ·57 xlnt trans 111
like new. 2S2.ll LlttJtton Pl, "'"T, Riff. 11;.o. rtiu1lc $ WE IUY $ f'P'Ri.ffi kittens looki'11 CM ., · · eenl•r. hi-fi, TV, radio,
for happy home. Please call BALD\YJN Acrosonlc French S175. Lt ~207
613-1071 p ~-$ FURNITURE $ PfOv, Spinet iano. '"""'1 Quality king btd, quilttd, PPLI "NCES BE thr proud o\vner or a ~~ 51150. sell ror S®. ltlr. Complete, unused m: \\'OJ1h A "" .
Siamelll! kitten, 5 adorable 6 rugs. 646-449' or 546-2'r:ill i~·. Aftor 5 er l\''·-.as, c.1., TV't-'1•n•'-st.,..·,
k old '--..... ••i:.• !/"" ~ ru"" I Pl•c• ., H•vM '1111 "'' s. • •n:'<'.. ,,..\1"'0...,., u STORY l Clark spinet. JUst 141--0606 CASH IN It MINUTES
FIVE Doa-lovl"" t"°' kit· g yn. old. l42S cuh.1 SEVEJiA--~-L-q_ua.,t";1y-,",.;p-1=too=. • r• 1.45' I •
tena 7 wb old, long or ~ Ml--2561 t!a.ch or tndt> for Qual turn. .,,-• -~··t-hai ..... ,._ 7440 G/21 w=~. T d I .,...,. .. ...or \VVRlJTZER spinet pla.no appl. colored TV, er T ~~JLv-~ run e •
CALI('() kitten, to the couple
who saw her Tuelday.
$25(1. Telefunken ~rbln-&C--21711 rim, duplei.-corntr P'OUtil
tlo Ix -·--'=~~~~~-~-~ or convt.. IClfa. Good cond.
Small classified ads
job. -· -
• l.uigaae Anliquc5-Reaaon-
11blr priCf's. From JO a .m. to
6 p.m. Sal & Sun
Antl,u•• 1110 -1121
----'-'-----...;:.:.;..; BLACK Calleo kitten and
nm er -~" 1~ 1'T f'rilidalrt, clean A
PIANO WANTED _,., 135. Bodroom .u1te1,,,.cm1,,;y.,:=,..._~""~~-,~
•H -ff Dr WXN'fED! Ufed 3 1pd or 10 (2131 1117-lalli Pvt P&rQt 'f-'·~-~..... anever .
Try onel
'54 DO DGE Pickup. '58
Plymouth • f'urn .. mo""'"·
motors, .t. many othrr
l!rmt'. ~1111 Only . 2027
On.nae. c.~t.
FRl-SAT .SUN l°" TV, drop
leaf table, elec kn If,.
1uburn #ii. •ciuarium1 111
~ulp. .Ii; household £'OO(ls.
Sf' Pitrpont, CM. SfO-Q!1
JUST arrlwd roil ~ de'k"' 11nowhllll kitten. 3 mimthl
china clo~ets, hall tr.ta, old. 138-4493 6111
round ~ tablet, braN bedl CUtE Kltt.M ,,.-e._ned •
etc. C.01ni Wt. Set 11 lAr· Muebroktn. ~ C/23
ry t.forsan AntlqU1J1. 1Cl!I -·:·o-.,-.,,.,.--,-,-=.,. Nev..-11. 8 I v d • ru POODU: 3 inO. ~d. aho11 '4-00 . ~-Wl-lttl 112:1
!\ING Louia XTV, 9 JK! .tin StAM~t Cat. ftn'tllt Stal
room set. Xhtt mrwt. SO P9IJrt. ~ 1/21
Ytan Gld. l'rY , r I y . JlRf Jfeat """'' I ~b. 1132-(1~1 81d. MJ...ms l/n
WANTED C.M. epd blc)'de, al.80 UM!d teMis
racqueta. 613-0665
SPINETS A GAANDS MOMIS El'.\I 6 ft'ln.. sas. 2 WANTED: 'h1n strolln• in 531-3l20 l'ftO. lhep. Cl'Cll p u p '
M''i Lieb hOuM Ume, Bis> WI-Nil iood mnditlon. Call 131-*2
l"!lt .. lec:Uol\ •vtTI Ste ttie 1 '11HO"°"~E~m'-1c11=i.,-,1"1'0,.,.... "'A"nu"'·.,,.-I ·;;:-""'~-;;--;;;;;;;:;--;;;;;;:-;~.J~-->:r
DAlt.Y PrLOT Ot...Wtf alack lm« cab. S l'C· m 1 DAlt.Y Pn.oT OJMl;.A-
tectltn NOW! Mt-8.liG lJNES. You can use lhe1n
Pt.AC!! your ~t d .,.'ht'r9 li11 iikf 125. Sk&te1 5% a fo.i J~t PtMltt a da.Y. Dial
..... 1642·5671
\My •t• lOOktrw -DAtl.Y l \i •••. flunk F"#t.mtl CO.S.TI 18,972
PILOT clat1Ultd Kl..sl?S $1..5. Roclctr SC. $$-2103 \Vhlte elfpl\tnts! DimwJini -'---------------...J
-------_ ... _ -----
----·~ -··-·---·----~--~----·~~~------·-_..,.._...._~-~~--------., ).
.1;, ,,
' S1luof1Y,_ .ltttlt· ll, _1'69 T~PO•TATION TUNS~~~!-~ rwi11o~ii:?16N ' TUNSPo•TATION t!iAHsl'01tTA'riON r.n ... ' ... 11'"'sioo~•T-'A-'t""JO""N_ ~TR~A~N!!_Sl'O~ll~TA~Tl~·~:;;r~~~~~!:::T!J~
$_!!i'tllt . fQlO ... tSlleMM<t•i fOU AuteToolt&·"""P'410 Dune lueel" 9525 IMP!rtN··""'": , _,,,,,.,...._Autos' '-lmpsrlN AUl9t w lmported ""'°'· -lmportN Aulot -ff~ p!~!~~~,"' .. "" ~~L;E .. ,~~ .. :.::i:;·~ ·•16~'& auGGY •. FIAT, • I . 11itGB su~u voucswAaEJil · VOLKSWAGIN
IUIU • Call -piloJ. Cood ·~: Darnll ROid & R~•Y ,equipped. ...:. '''-'Jell' ... ~I * .. , ... M ... B 196T VIV SundW cam-. ·ee vw -........ ,. 64W838 ' Hanllop "'1th •klo curtAlns. "I • • .... ,., "" Subaru af Calif. ~· ... . ft&Ye yoq been •rchllle In * DOCK t-or power boat 19' ,., • Uc. Noi UVRUT Sport Cou~5 ">port Red. 1 •DS1R xlnt t'Ond. 14,000 muff. * Good student tranaportaUOn
vain tor weeks or perhaps 'or leu , $1.50 tNr ft. 5-1g...s.i18 9450 $!'9S He.rd. to llnd ~autotnoblle.' 4 ~ • lnc ....... ~Q Div. &13-2267 67:J..2.'i78
1nonths ror that na"'IC'&S, Se I 90J7 Tr1flert,, UJ{Qty. I .IU3l If¥ new. R1dlo, Pirel· Rtd. Not j111t a uatd car bul $1297 POE l;es=vw=5tz11=.,..-. .. -,~k-. ~Ex-.-.. -nd~. '64 vw. new 1600 cma: .. gu1r.,
nntly ltppossiblc boat ! Are lolt rv c" · TRADE w .uWlty for .an10LIJ Ila. Savwi 1S000.1: a tully reconditioned MGR Opt equip S30. l"l't.la:ht $14.50 Extraa. \VatT. t."'000 ml. new Int.. RteMO, XLN7
you tired ot looktrla al O\'l!I' SKIPPER. -Available fOI" horse trailer. OK tor Weilb $"5'5 with wiro whiecla. A1lo '61 li&OOlln& $49. net. $µ:90.50 P.fake off"r. 646-3301 t_"tlnd. 6'73-66M priced, u,,ed, abused, be•l nnnv 54.i.78'13 6 t.1GB le. (3) '67 f\.fGB's. Pa.y· + ...._ __ M .. 1 ,_ .... GS = •• S nd'·' and ffith)', neglected boats! cruia or ma.lntfnance. rv·v· Autboriled rtat Dtaleor ment• to suit. ~~ ..,,.. -..n;enaov 19M VW. Xlnt c:olld. ' vw Bus, 'uo u ...,
Then you must be a knowl· •54&-3561* I. J. SPORTSCAR Authorlttd rtat Dealer lOOO~! ll~:fu:·S. New 0palayn,1.61~1.,1!;,..S950. ~~~~8ssre&~t~'1' Slf(KJ, "'•···'··~··crltnlnaUnu Truck• 9500 ' c1---R B. J. SflORTSCAR ~~·· buyer with a taste for' tht lolt-Y1cht nlli SUNB M. 63 VOLKSWAGEN, loaded ·~ VW Bu11, new engine,
liner lhln1s of life. Charters 9039 '62 CHEV pickup. ~rrt 2833 Harbor Blvd1 CIN. EA with goodies e\•ecy teenaaer 'brakes, tltts, Sl251J,
You lllURt gee the KAI NUT. C.vtrhaul f'I'?& .l triu\.-1, aood Costa Meu 540-'491 283.l Harbor Blvd. / I M&-4199 * 615-1231 *
An Islander 32 in the most BLUEWATER OlARTERS dUferentlal, lireR, ~' ton ,....1!Jtandi"< """'· ,67 Fial Costa Me$a ~().4491 * '66 SUNBEAM oves! VW ba k 1 1 :spqtleu, llawlellS t.'Ondition U Orlve Sall or Power bf'd. '''recked·must be to\v. ""' ., ,.., '67 square c • "n of any tm.t you. have ever Skip local ipbrt fifhln& ed away. S22S. -400.tm 34~1 Eltt. 66 or 67 850 Cl'@, Bluie, under 17,000 MG TIGiER PLANNING to move? You'll cond. low mil. Must sell,
seen, Gleami1'& chronte rif. 1-larbor cruises 2C hrs 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ml. $1150 Owner moat ell! Sales, Strvice, Pllrta find an amutnr number of tl1AKE OFFER. 494-2515
\n;:s, and rich vllt'nished 646-9000 1967 DODCE Van. big 6, COSl'A f\.IESA 673--0311 tmmtdlat@ Delfvtry, Poppy wJ, Mag ,.,.heels, VS, homes iii today's CWUied
teak trim a~-centuate this CAl. 24 for CHARTER n'~. ~~ ~~l~nd. Dune Buggy Show S•ft '58 f'IAT Conwrtibl-,-,,...-Ail Modeli '11~' Also
& '67 A~·1:.A;d<:;,',;Cboc;:2~:;1he;m;;:.:,":=-'°'";,·""'._:..,;D;A;;IL;Y=P,;;nm~=W=ANT=i,AD:;Sd!
11parkl:i111 'vhlte libtrgh:1.s $30 Day·Sl80 'Vet>k Bodies from SJ49. Chauis fng:ine, tirts, paint. $500. ~ c~~~~~~~~~
hull, as she reals In the slip * 846-2957 * 1967 FORD. F 100 Ttu~. 6 from $249. Chrome roll bar1, Will conalder offer. 6U4380 tlo"ned·SUnbeama, PaymentaJ-l;.;.;::;::;;.;;:. .-,,.-',-'---"---------
or sa:llR the beautiful blue cyl. 3 spd 1'lllck, 20,000 ml. $14.95. La Paz Dune Buggy lo ' it
Xlnl d 11500 ,..,... ~"' au . , • Pacific to enchanting Cata· Bo1t Storqe 9041 • con · · """"""'"" Supermarket, 3623 W. War-GLAS Authorized Fiat J)!aler
lina fo1· one of ltl06e. out of * SHELLS * ner. $.A. 546-Kl45. O[len Sat, 8 J SPORTSCAR
this world Wffkends. Her BOAT STORAGE Slightly daniage<l/cheap._ Sun. 1961 GLAS l'fOO CC. DOHC. SlQC W. Oout H-., N.S. • • A. '
snow white sails arid color. Sail or Power up lo 20' · f'eno-839-1800 ~-'8"°.°"0°"U°"N"'E'"bu=g-.,'"."'i"·i"be",.."1"":::': I Very clean. MuRt sell Rff l "2-94(1S ~J S40.l7&4 \;.ENTER ·
tut spiMAker make you ed yard. Newport 81.yfront. • metal IJake 1.M. •. $1250. Must sell this week <213j -· !I -m·J
proud to be the captain. Monthly rate11 lnelude .. ' PA~-:;( ci/EVTON Call M.s-4001 .,.,.,,, llE.2-1841 tives. or 642-2623 Autborl:ed fi1G Dealer Costa Mesa' .,.~91
Loaded wi th exlnll!. Roller Use or Hoist '65 MGB wire whla. OD new Reefi~. Genoa, Spinnaker, LaunchiJ¥.;. $675· S4!Ht788 -Bob Imported Autos 9600 JAGUAR lop, 11pbot 30k mi, XCL
Oppisail.. (speedometer), Call Anhlony·~ '60 EL CAJ\II NO. 283 auto, • ~ --n1f'ch. ~1550 546-0897
\Vind Dit'f'ction Indicator and 839-2281 Rill. $225 cash. 645-L'.l!i4 alt ALFA ROMEO
Tachometf'r. lier cabin in· 3:30 Pf\.f -'6'1 JAG. 4.2. 30,000 ~11. OflEL
terior \Vood Is riL-h niahog. Mobile Homes 9200 I --,1"962~1°"N=r"E°'RN°"'ccA:T"IO~N~AccL-
an)' with a fumitUJ'\" fini~h. SCOUT 1 , ... ~1 dr. VB. O.D.
Hiller rana-e and oven. plus GREENL. EAF ~,.,.paint. E,·es. 548-2670 electric eooklnc. Plush car·
pet!, Slereo. Ship to Shore JHps 9510
AI.t'A Romeo 1965 Sprint
G.T. 1600 ce 01-IOC. 4 wheel
disc brakes, radio. ele<:
antenna. \Vhl \\'/ black iut.
\Vire \vheels. $3200.
Oria;. O\VllE'l'. 4SM680 '66 OPEL \Vagon, 21.000 mt.
KARMANN GHI • Exception<l rond. Must""
A by'wknd. 968·1797
radio. dittction finder, and PARK 64·1-u:il '62 KARMANN Ghia low ml 1960 O~i Sta w-... Very A~L~F~A~R~o-.,-,.-.,~C"°TV°'.""'R,,-,e"'d 1 new radial tirts 1i.' ivheeii1'. cl~an. WUJ take trade. $T~.
'6' Jeep W•go.tr 1967. Completely cherry New .. int. AJki .. ,,. IUOO. ~la J-lanillton. CM. 812 6 · P/S · Sharp. SVE368 '"" thl't.1-out. Ne1v clut ch, Priv party. 646-9&41
~$ SAVE s
ExKutlva Car S•la
Hurry While Thty Ledl
PHONE: 894·3322
depth indicator. UniVf'rsal
A tomlc 4 economical engine
v•ith only 185 holll'S. A to-
tal of 9:! extras~
). one O\vner boat that h11s
had: the finest of care. }!al
not been raced, rented, or
chartered. If yo u l!l'I!' hard
to please, see the KAI NUL
o.t:eans "Great ~a" in Ha·
waiianl. Brin; your 1Yife
and family. (Even your
mother In law will approve I.
Priced for Immediate sall',
$16,950. Bank te1·ms avail-
able. Consider T.D. as part
pay. Qi.vner. Wesley N. Tay.
lot. Res. t7J4) 675-7957; Bus.
(2131 879·0800. See ship at
Swatea Anchoraae, Sllp 9,
in clear. clean, cool Costa
Mesa. Ne\v 92 spa.Ce Adult
Park NOW OPEN! ~1obile
Home Display l\1odels &
Sain otticie Jocatf'd at Park.
'67 Toyot• L•nd Crul11r ~6,·ch•lin•. _, sn-"""O, PORSCHE
H ~ All •-·· TXY988 '" •-~ FOR "'" Kannan Ghl& in.top · exu-Lli, 337_32:>4 ---------• SAVE S. I,:;,::;;======~ Convt. l!bS. New tires, l'W'll
646-9io'I Dir. AUSTIN go."1. S<OO. 64M947
'67 LAND Rovt>r, xlnt cond! ========= 37 to choose from, 1Arse1t
1966 Harbor, r~W.!rJ: A N N I V E R S A RY
9 AM TO 6 PM
ean MERCEDES BENZ "'"""" 01 ..,.i1ty u.sed S3800. 538-7035 arter 6 ,sur.1~tE:R car: Ye 11 ow Por1;ehes in Sottthem Cal·
fl.m. Austin Healy 1000. Lido en~. ,67 Mercecftl ltnz 2JOS iforni11. :_~vas top. '59 -$600. 54195
1750 Whittier Ave
Costa Mesa
714: 642-1350
2883 .BaYJhore Dr., Ntwpart. I ~!!!!~!!1!!!!!'!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Owner aboard Sat & Sun. '65 CASA LOMA mobile
S \Vatts sail~
I [ot & Cold sho\\'er
radio-optlsa U-etc.
3416 Via Opot1o, Newport
213: 597-5568 TI4: 673-1570
home. Double 8 x 40,
Pennsylvanlo Executor.
l\-fust sell to settle es~te.
Sacrifi~ at $1000.partly
rurnf!;hed. OtM'n Hou~ st
No, 34 Lido Village, 100 Lido
Park Dr., NB. j\1on k Tue~.
June 23rd & 24th a.ftt>r a
p.m. No children.
DELUXE dbl \Vlde. ne!IY
adult park. Costa ~Jesa.
C1mpsrs 9S20
Pop-top, 1Plit seal with side
tent. Lovv mlleai;c. Fully
equipped. ~K~OO.
O~I~, ,,, ..
5~9-3031 Ext. 66 or 67
A1,·ning, skirting & util CAMPER
CORONADO 23 shed. Imme(! pos~. Eves & Siles • Rentals wknds, 646-4660 Authorized Dealer
LIDO Park, Lovely trailer & Eldorado -Four \Vinds In _thr water dt>monstration cabana 2 bdr, Bay vie\I'. Scot5rnan . Barracuda
this 'vcekcnd: ADULTS. patio S8 ,950 . 8' Cabover Low Mo
• 2 lo chOO!<e from • 673-3429 & 673-3524 645-0110 $199
Sprite. CoJorado red A real
spo11Y gas u\·er. Or -10
l\fore ttconditioncd spor11
cars 10 choose fron1.
Authorized F'lat Dealer
~33 tlarbor Blvd,
Co~tii. il-1esa 54().4491
'59 AUSTIN Heal~y. 6 Cyl.
O'drivP., \Vh'C whls, hard &
sof1 tops. 642-367j
'60 Btl!\V. Good Condition. 34
miles per 1allon! $2JO -or
best oner.
5-18-3072 Eve:i1 & \\lc.-k('nds
Ebony hlack finish \Yith
plush full leather Interior.
All J\.f.B. aCCf'ssories lnclud·
in~ auto trans, powt!'r Riter,
J1rt11 po 11
Jhnp Lll I'.•
brlffi, 11'indowa I: FACTORY llOO \V CoaRi H
1\IR CONDITIONING. Abgo. Ne\i·Port Beac;7"
lnte!y flawleas condition. &LJ.9-ffi5 540-1'1'64
~tric.tly. for the dlscriminal· Authorized MG Dealtr lnG: 1nd1vlduaJ.
J1 rlllPLlt I
Jli11po11 ~,
31!XI 'V. Coa.t1t Hwy., N.8.
6t2·9403 54().li64
Authorized il-1G De~
0 1 ;,n~~ County ~
L<1r9e~t S('lecl1011
New & U~f'<i
Mer ~ede~ 81_•+11
Jim Siemon• Imps.
Warn1:1 & Maui St.
'61 Porsche 912 T1r91
Special canary yeJlow !iniRh
with black inlt>lior. A 11
Port1che extra11. Only lT,000
miles. Showroom fresh.
J 2rlll1J L1t I
31111por1 s
3100 \V. Coast HW)• .• N.B.
&12.9405 5~6-176~
Authorized MG Dealer
'66 Por1~h• 912 Coupe
ExcepUonally clean. AM/1-'M,
chrome 1~·heels. tanitrine San•-~ 11. ... "' 1;,4A.dl 1tl ""'o=::==:o===:=l '"'/blk inter. Every poulble JOO SE Merc@de11 Benz Sedan r.xtra. Musi see & drive 'o
"66, Leather int, elcc. liUll· believe.
roor. immac. corxt. $4200.
6·l2-9899 or 546·6909
Hunt. BHch 147.a5S5
J n1i N. or Coa.-;t 1!1vy. on Bc-h
:. H•rdtop Coupe
Lie. l\o. \VIF578 894-3320 Dir
15300 Bea.eh Blvd, \V11tmnRtr
Phone 894-3322
Station Wagon
Lie. No. XNL-?66 89·1-3320 Dir
'68 TR 250 $259S
'"'!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~'!'!''.""" IHIGH Q UALITY X~'T l>lodel # COO 1: -1·'!nd . ti cl.o;ts CoolC'I" Sp ren! Theodore
DiNGHYS •...•••. $39 & up 13> lrnmod ""'· 642-4664 ROBINS FORD ·~3 DATSUN fRAILERS • •• .. .. ~OC. & up Bii:-sMan, 96 hp, overhead '68 251).S <Bia" 4 Dr. Sedanl
Afr-wnd, el~ w Ind ow a ,
AM-FPt1. ~.300. 54!1--2144
private party.
J1 rt upnrr
il111p n11 • ..
6 cyl. Rdstr. Brg. blk inter.
radial, AJ\.1 i F"M. Beautiful
J2rtupo 1 r
31111 p n rt ,,
LIDO 14 -....••... $S9j '59 UNTVERSAL 1 0 x 5 0 . 2060 Harbor Bh;d. C8lll eng., dlr, 4 spd, radio,
12 rT SAIL ....... S29J partly furn. E.'<cr.: rond. Costa f',Jr.sa SU.0010 hrater. \\P~lv ti res, loader!!
TO:\ICAT 80.\TS .'\c1ult park. $3900. 646-727t; 3:!00 ~1ile~. und('r factory
261 4 Npt Blvd. NB 673-2-t-00 S' TURNPIKE, fully equip· TRUCK & ca1np<!'r $1500. ·s.i warranty. B<1i to fine. $1775.
·' N t / b s··c-Foo" I A l L · i Take Si5 cash dels, or oJdt?r
'58 fltERC~DE.5 190, new Int. &J~~W. Cout Hwy.~i~64
~~~1;,,~·~~~ 64~.,:i~ fJ n d • Authorized MG · Dealer 3100 W. Cout Hwy:, N.B.' fLlPPr'Jl g It ao·klni blue peu 1 o over ca . "°"· u, o'vner, -. ge pie ~ &12 1613 Ii ' . d 1917 N i ca.r. LBD 8025. Call Bill & white, fbttls. xlnt i.;ond, -1 " \\'Ill O\\'. c 1Y po r ' '67 POJtSOIE 911 s 6n.94ro 540.I"l&t
#134. Fact instal rub rail, 10X50 2 Bdrm iii quiet adult Blvd., C.l\L 545-0634.
hoisting rings, oarlock fil. park. Crpl!!, dl115. l\1ust * J'A~I-TOPS * ORANGE COUNTY'S
1953 ~ERCEDES Beni 300. DRAFTED. All ext ra s , Authorized li-ICT De.tier f~·~SIC. SlOOO or bei;I offer, BohAlllll ycl , ... , blk int.10·"' .. ~""T"'R°"Ju"'~~,P=H""""c"'T=-"'•"'+-.11
Una;ll. S3zj or best offer. sell! 3-18-86SO All steel shells. Snle5 & ren. NO. 1 "" 9-003S 67J-7.)22 1norninas British racing grn. !i!l'reo
494.nss =:::::::::::::::::::::= 1als. Sl·19 up. Buy rac!ory DATSUN DEALER 220 '61 MERCEDES Very '61) PORSOIE 911 26 OOO . tape, ~ nios ntl\". $Z800
clean. Ori& Ov.Tier • mi. Privat P"'1v ,,.A """I P~EN=c~u~J~N~, --'"·,.-,-,tr-.,~,--& Mini Bikes 9'275 dlreet 1010 So. H11rbor, SA . COT DATSUN
* .''·'""" * ExtraR. Concourse, cond. 1 =~=·~--'·-=-~--~ registe1't'd. North s A I J : 59 CHEV P.U. 6 cyl IYf 1SS35 Beac.h Blvd. <."01 ........ 11•/trlr. Harrll.\· usc<l. j\IJNI bike, IH!'\v 5 hp eng.. Hhvay Cr u i 11 er shell
-·KIUU $4900 646--0389 19;-,s TR-3 Sport c11r, meta1
top. 1virc \\·hcelR. r-.1ovln& • •• ,. • t J nd 114-Huntin<>lon Beach ;.J.;>O ne1\' pain . e:otct . co · .J camper. Good c on d. 84z.n8i or 546-0442 MG must sell $..'Wj. 644-01 81
Owner 21~: 37£..j(;S() ca~h. ~7516 548-5917 !-,====~====~
26' E NDEAVOR r b I gs. i l\llNI Bille!;. Zebra ani.J 1068 9· 4 \Vinds Cab-<:1ver ENGLISH FORD RENAULT '63 ffi!Ufi1PI-I MK-3 SpiUire
Tnco. Almost NC\\". "~ SI 4 $1300 stoop, gd cond. Shock built, ...... n1per. ceps . or i ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i\.looring avail. $;;:; O O. ;,.iG-9032 1nake of!cr. 5 ~ 8 - 2 4 4 ::. ·I •
. '~1 ~8 •GT ~0Uf)9 '60 RENAULT Caravellc. ~a~~~1~.U~~=· Call Mrs, ~Lntshtd in yello1v ~·~II\ blat·~ Body & int. nccdt work. 1~1\erk>r. Unbrllev;.01r co~t· l\1ech . ..-.f. $450. 847-5817 646-43i0 Showroon1 Condition:
sPRITE, ~mall r a nl i I y cMo;.;..10c;.'..;'_,Y.;;<1..,•.;;• ___ 9300 '66 V\V Caniper, Contpl.
11ailbo11.1, Fiberg las. Like e TRAIL BIKE e oqp'd. Xlnt cond. j\lrR. Tap.
new, 5700. E\"C'S. Gi~>-281i5 l9&1 Monda, 1011• tnilca{,:'.e. pan. 846-0666/67~...S9:hl pin
SABOT $150
LIDO 14 -
l'oc1v hand trlr. 6i3-6i3:!
SAaOT XCL cone(, new aUs
a36-6162 or 64·1-061J:;
LIDO 1,1 SaHtm.t No. 413
good rondition. * 833-2'16< •
Powtr Crui1er1 9020
Z2' SUPER Sport Jo'isherm1.11
'"Dc-C'[l \I" 289 Interceptor
S::OOO. :J60S Lake ·Ave, NS.
0 H :l-2639 or !')'$5-0063
~·1· KOHLER Kraft Cabin
Cruiser. Chrysler ('U~. XCL
Lund. S297J or off. Call
24' CABIN Cruiser. 1962 VI,
JS:i hp. bAit tnlc•. head.
$1950 985--2974
LlKE NE\Y, all ftb. glau
C.C. 19'-Galley. head,
W/l:J"Jr. $32()(1, 5'4-5476
SpHd-Sk; Boats 9030
l·l' CURTCRAJol Nnabou1
fbrgl~ over plywd, tim \\·hi
lrlt, .'>:Int cond. 1nal\Y xtras,
!162--0469 before noon
SKI boa.I, John110n :JS; bir.,
l'CTilOIC <..'llntrolr.: Complelely
t'tlin., fibertlll.ll5 over wood.
~htkc ortcr. 642419:;
1:-i' SKI Boat. Elei:. SUI.rt 1i
hp ' motor. R.t·liit'd. 'A'/lrlr.
s~oo. -toMe:n &ft s.
16' FIBERGLASS boat, 65 hp
motor&: trailer, $i;('Q. or any
Na• otr. 642-2869
9' INBOARD Chri:i Crafl
claule. 49 mod. v.'ith trailer.
~ comptetie. 673,.fOlt
a..1 Mllnten•-*'
JACK'S JJtctronlc ktvlce
£1....ioai ....... ""'°"· T'llllW lnsttllaUon. 543-&lZt
'iAOIT 11\l lrtt. r "' I n t ,
vamf1h. 6: wood\\o'rk, Quality
V.'Ork, !'!I.II! 5#--9i36
a11to., trail gear. $300. WANTED: Shell Camper
637"843 for I' bed truck. Preler
Pullman. Good cond. 545-524j '68 TRIUMPH Bonneville.
lo1v 1nileqe, paint &
chron1e. Private pa 1· t y. C1mper Rtnt1l1 9522 * EXPLORER * 842-3872
':;6 BSA A·IO; rebll. engine,
Rem i-choppcd: ExceUen t
condition. 642--3958
BRlDGE '68, 17a.cC. big
sprocket It knobby, w/e)llra
tire. $425. 147~2686
'66 TRIU?o+IPH 500. excel
cond., 4000 mUes. $600.
* 1869 HONDA *
Ga CC. low mlleag:e $225
r•ash. 847-998;1 alt 6 p111
·s:; BSA. 500 cc, t"IC\Y engine
& C'lutch, $39.i.
.. 499-2539 *
.l.966 HONDA 90cc. Trail Bike
auto. Call alter 6 pm
6'12-9938 low mL
1963 SSA 650 Thunderbolt
Brand new Jan '60. 1700 mt
Beat oner 61~
'61 BSA 441
$54:>. l4S.17<46
65Ue<: Triumph Bonneville
1960 rt·bullt ena, .t M \Y
clutch, Nice. 49'-o'Z9$7
HONDA 90, bored to 10Sec.
cut tor dJrt. ).1nt cond.
Phont IS4--6512 Pvt pty.
'87 TRIUt.IPH. brand new
t>n1lne. 10111 or rl'll'On1t. 750
c:e. &16-~203
SALE! Honda :;o ~uper. dil't
bike. gd. oond. $100, C&ll
after !S Sl&--6020
'67 f!O?llt>A 30~ SCratnbkr,
Xlnt COf'd. Ji7 Kit bamttl
clutch 1¢;. 5*-1346
" l'•rtl
vw Paa. front mt. II mo:Jl
puta to buUd Dune lklnY· &st oUer. Darrtll 842--3138
By \\"ffk or month. Lu.'<url·
OU!, Sleeps 6, Self contain-
ed. l.i1ni\ed num!x-r. Call
~il41 642..fiGll, fi14 t 837-3809
For OaiJ.y Pilot \Van t Ad!!
Dial 642-56i8 for RESULTS
lion. Only 13.000 actual mdea. ~~=·=-=~-~~-DON'T JUSf \VISH for some·
Locally o\\'ned & serviced, '61 RENAULT, good tires, lhlng to furnii;h )'Our home
\Vire ,.,.heels AM/T1'M etc new battiery, runs Kood SUS. , .. f.lnd great buys in ~
lm1>eccable ihru oul~ ' · 5.16-7093 day's Cla.ssWcd Ads.
"69 ?>10DELS
Immedla,te delivt>ry
·2000 Harbor Blvd.
CoRla ilieu 642·0010
Newport lmport1 Ltd. Qr.
•nae Count:Y's only author·
tzed det1de1 .
3100 W. Coast H"')'· Newport Beach
G42·9o&05 540· 1764
Authorized JVlG Dealer
LL'IJES. You can u~ thl'm
for just ~MleR a day. Dial
J1rlup n 11
31111po11 .;
3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B.
612·9fro 54G-116C
Authorized r-.tG Dealer
1962 MG
netds rear end $250
DRAFTED~ '66 l\-1 G 8
hardtop, 1•"irc wt.eel~. Fir~t
Sl4j(J 1ake11. 536--8640 before
11 and 1ner /,
IT"S Beach house time. Bi:-
gc~t<fleleelloo evier? ~ the
DAILY PILOT Classified
section NOW!
Imported Auto• 9600 lmDOrted Avt .. 9600
:llfl[Q]MPJL!J~l? :
e llli SAVIN•S • :
• 'H TOYOTA HARDTOP ··········--··-$20I' • • 'H VOLVO HDAN, A1t11aatlc ., ....... $n71 •
• • • • • • . ....,,., .
• Or•"I• Ctvf'lty T.,.tt • Vel'lt H4~t,.,_ Uf.f4'1 • • 1'H HARIOR IOUUYA•D, COSTA MISA • ••••••••••••••••••••
!=========="-'=''======~ Ntw C1n 9800New Cira 9100
lh•p fr.m Our Ilg lnY•ntory o1 Mora Than 200
Lit• MIMl•I "OK" UMd C1r1. 1'11 Mikos I MM•fa.
'66 FO•D Chlaxlt Sport Coup• $1299 V·8, auto .• tact. air, P.S., R & H,
Really cold air & runs like a dre1un.
Enjoy your vacation in a rieal SWINGER. STL120. I
'61 CAMARO Sport C:eupt '999 1
Loaded "'1th Extras. Orialnal ""hite la<.'quer finish and black interior.
Look forever and not find a nicer car. Stock No.
783A ..
'H PONTIAC: LeM .. 1 Spt. C:pc, $ 1499 V-8. auto .. radio, heater, P.S., P.8 .•
P-wlnd., factory air cond., white · wall Uru. Ei!cCllent condltlOn lnilde and out. Ab·
solute money back guarantee It not sati1fed. NNX
'6' IL CAMINO C"''°'" Plckop '2999 V-8, auto., P.S. Loaded with xtru
and hss bttn driven only 250 mile!.
Save hundreds on this one. 863A.
'61 PONTIAC c:...i1 .. 519. w ... s999
V-8. au lo., MH, P.S.,· P.B .• tact. air cond.. Real cold air cond. T&lce the
whole famUy on a vacat1on a.nd enjoy It. KJP918.
. '61 CHlYS. N...,port 5pt. Sdtl. '1599 v.s. auto., R&H, P.S., P.87, facrt. air
cond. Rtall.)' nlee end amooth •• • b&b)''a k\11. Ablolute money btck guarant~e If nol
satlsf\ed. NCA 282.
'67 COUGAR Sport C'"pe s 1999 V-8. 111U~k shift. R•H. P.S .. vinyl top, tlnttd gla11111. Cherry J'f'd ori· •
1lnal lacquer flnlah. Uncondltlonal mon~y back
rua.r•ntefl In writing If not completely 11Usflt'd. -VRV814.
'U PONTIAC LeM-Sport c,., '999 v.s. auto .. P.S., fact. air conct. Ex·
ct>llenl condJUon lmide out. Un-
condlUon..i money back ruarantte In 'wrltl"8 If not compltte.ly satls(led. An "OK" car. ~.
1'211 ... eh 11 .... -Hu•I. lt1eh (Hwy. stl
S45 llH Open 7 D•y1 'Tll f P.M.-7 ... 3'
To Be Sold This Weekend
Anniversary Sale
Anniversary Sale
Anniversary Sale
11300 llACH ILfite
0111n W11kclays 'tll 10 p.m.
Sa111ihly Ir Sunday, 9 to 7 p.m.
. .... --·-------~-~ --~---.'..--~-=-"-"~--..:....----~--~---------~-----------~~-~-----~---~----
... ·Mil.¥ '11.DT · ~ s.turdftr, ...... ~l,1'69: ~-, ,
1J:!!!!!!' A'!--I"'°''""" A-• ,-1-t1M--A--Aulol Wontotl 9700 A-Nant'od 970C! Uood Cars 9900U ;;;;Nd;;;..;C:.::•:;.:rs;......_...:..;.;.:.: ..:::=.=:.
VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO WE PAJ -• ·wt PAY·.WH ·*l'l'lc:• T•-""'lfnt* C.ORYEm _
'69 VW'1
l Bank' i'"\nancirc
$213 DOWN
S44.03 • 36 n1og
Plu.s 1 final p)'mnt for
,. title. FUll 2 yr. 24.000
pi! warranty. AvaU only At
; !I081 Garde:n Grove Blvd.
2284 at Beach 892Sl1l
1956 YW "BUG"
l it.. No, XSS901 854-3.120 Dir
'" vw Excellent mnditioo Ins.Ide A
OU.I, honey cream e:ct., pltW\
blal'k lnll!l.'iur. $125 (:ash
del.s, dlr, or trade • take low
pymnts. LB Vlll 194, call
BUI, 54.J.-063-I
* 1962 V\'I Prfvate party
must seU. Good con d.
'65 VW BUK S870. Radio, new
battery, clean.
'66 V\\'. Xlnt cond. E.~tras!
Nt-w paint. Private P~
VOLVO (ASH .'fOI llAlll r All * "SALE * 1966 KORVEM"E Convort. IW \All e Evorythlnt m..,.1 Family man 11111'' •ll.
HEW 164 1,, .,... ..,.. a lnlekl !'.j' this --u I i .;;""";;·:;_,=;;.=,=;?='=
.. call ua '"" t..e Htlmlile. CONNEU • '68 Dodae Mo1aco Wa1on 1 •
CHMOLET run pwr, act air, 12.000 COUGAI
NEW 1100 GROTH CHEVROllT mll" .............. S3395ii -----
NOW ON DISPLAY 2821 Harbor Blvd. e '61 Olds Totonldo Dlx All '61 COUGAR 2-dr, hard top
ti L AM for Saki Manaia <:osta Mea 5f&.1200 pwr optldnl. fact alt, lf.n.. •ulo. tn.ns. Oirlde, pwr.
lflall 1,.,.:1 l82U Beach Blvd. dau top ...... ; ••••• S2S95 stnw dlac brksl.J.me Frost ~ U.Ul(t llunUQcton Bua Auto Le,1109 9110 • '57 Owiv Impala Coupa v.a w/ blk vlnyl, top. Below
IHPORTS KI ~l -----'-----• pwr sleertnc, •uto, exceJ. w h o I e 1 a I e. 8J3..o242
CONFIDENn .. UY LE .. E l•nt <Onilltlon ••.•••• 11895 , :=534-.:..1::"°:=·..:Pv.;;·c.:P.:::1y.:..· --TOYOTA·•OL•o "' "' ,... "' .... Bwck Rlvimt, ,, 1968 Harbor, CM. 646-930J We Pay More For 1969 Cad Cpe de VIile, pwr one owner, reduced 10 67 C'OUGAR ~289 Air,
Fore\gll Or Spor1a Can wind, &.wa.y st & d.r loc.kst sell! .............. , $149!1 P/S, P/B $2300. aft f PM '59 VOLVO
PAID FOR OR NOT lltt str whl, air rond. 10ft• e '64 Buick Skylark Coupe 61>2910 or 673-&!9!1
B. J. SPORTSCAR ny •'""· AM/FM, wl•/w. Pow", .~. a ru1 .. auly! i... 1165 mo. • ..................... 11399 DODGE
' -'89 VW BUS CENTER SOUTH COAST • "65 Mu.tan& --, _:::..::.=..;:..::. __ l 'Jt V\\'. reblt. eng., trans.. EXCEU.ENT COND. Antiques, Cl•sslct 9615 2833 Harbor Blvd. CAR LEASING v.a, slid(. clu'Ome whtt1s '6 Dodge Pol1r1
', .~utch; R&H ; xlnt cond. 644-2966 after 6 prn. c-~1-11 .-ttQO Conv dJr •-ct Jr 1 ;t_r.k tor Jeff arter 2 PM ---~19~5~7~vw=o"---I Sharp 1930 Ford Costa Me&a S40-f4!11 300 \\I, Cat Hwy, NB 66-2182 • ~bi~;·w::.::~ ;~, do~ kla~! ,•15·&::; :e~ ~n:,o Standard Coupe $tOO -w Sl 75. * 673-1311 Prv prty . .fSf-8200 Will Buy FIBSI' TIME! w/air, reduced to •• $1009 or take foreign car in trade.
1 SEDAN. btar.k, Ar.1/F~f. Lease a New '69 for 6 Months • '65 Falcon Station Wagtin Pymntt $39.86 mo. LB YN\V
!yent ""lndo\.\'S. coco mats. 'S9 VW Bus 9700 Your Volbwagen or Porsche &: retura with no obU,aUon. auto and real clean! • $999 386. C.a.11 Ken, f9U773 or
f'1nanl'ing &\'allable. $1450. :===-=·='™==655=== Autos Wanted &: pay top dollan, Pa.Id for Call lt1r 1.falcolm Reld for • '60 F&lcon StaUon Wagon:lo'..,,...,."'='=="· ------;ca;1 673-4313 evl?$. WE PAY TOP or not, Call Ralph Full 0efa.t1s Now Stick and real nice! • $499 DODGE '64 Clllltem 880 2 Dr. VOLVO 642-0010 ./ PLUS MANY OTHERS HT tac air A: power
,17 V\V Squarebar.:k, blue, OOL LAR 673-0900 Ford Authoriud 100% FINANCING OAC ~ntly overhld eng., good
)l'adio, w/s/v"· r,e\\ tires. (or .good, clean used ca!'ll, L'ifPORTs \\'ANTED Leasing 3ystem P1clflc Coast Motors cond. $116> Open to offers. ;~~l~~a0..,,,!.,,,~l~ or be.st. P 1800 all n111kes. See G~e Ray Om.nge r'.oullties Theodor• 14061 B•ich Blvd., i::."'.::9-4:..::204::... _____ _ ........,....~""""' OC>J-~..,,.., Choice of 3. All ~ady lo i:o. Th~ore Robins Ford TOP S BUYER W t .
,.: V\V. Must sell wholsl. or Lie. No. JZW483. As !O">v as Z060 llarbor Blvd. BILL MAXEY TOYarA ROBINS FORD * •• minst•r
... bst offer. Arrange $37. $179' C.~I. 642.(1(110 18881 Be&c.h Blvd. 2000 Harbor BJvd. 893·5038 * ~ge Van Camper
;,ymts. Gd cond. 540-6993 6'6-9307 Dir. SOCK IT TO 'E!\l! H. Beach. Pb. 147--1555 Costa 1.tesa &U-0010 1953 CHEVY, 6 cyl, 3 spd fir SJ2S5 l""====--===='"-===cc."C .. ;'.c:. ==-==.:._,====-::===== "=======;:;:~;:::=:=;==="'-=I shill, best oiler over $1.50 •• ~~. -------New Cars 9IOON1w. Cits' 9800N•w C•r• 9100 New Cars 9100 New Can 9800 Also 1961 T·Bird, recent 63 DART. 6 cy~lnder con-
paint job S500, 540-1634 or ve~b!e. New. lttts. Good
SINCE 1 '21 •••
see at 1064. Concord SL oonchhon. Privt. pa r t y
C.M. ' 962-3916
'63 DODGE Out GT. R/H
good coodltion. $6.'iO. 16703
Spruce, FV. 839-174:3
·w. BARRACUDA V-8, auto '60 DODGE sta. wa,g. clean,
P1reUls, many extras real auw. P .S. new tires. l350 or
sharp call eves. 642-8996 offer. 540--0383
'65 F ALCON Coll\/. excel
cond. hi-pert. 289. Marina
Enco, 393-9&46 PIO.
'62 Falcon Stk. Shift $300
PRIV. PARTY 540-6129
'68 Buick Sp•clal
Sedan, V-8, auto. dlr, lact
air, pwr str. Right from
Leisun? World. SlZ5 cash
del. or take foreign car. Call
Ken, 494-9773 or 545-0634.
STEAL, moving, n1us1 seU
by Mon morn. '65 Buick Le FORD Sabre conv, "400", fl p\\T, ___ _:_:::.;.::: __ _
fine cond, best o f re r .
673-3921 1966 FORD
F 1lrlane 4 Dr.
Over 25 '66 • '67 • '68
Cadillacs to Choose From
l•c•I car, en• •-ff, f•ct ,;.,
f11ll p•w•r, •••r•• raclio, naw
ct r ""'"tnfy, XCJ •6t. 2 to
choo1• from .
court DI YILLI
Oar• blu•, bl.ck Ylnyl top,
tl•rlr blue laatli•• 111!., f•clorv
•ir, loatl.4 w/a .. ra1. l oc•I
ctr, "'"" c•r .,.,,,,,ftty, WY6
Silver black vi•yl top, bl•c•
te•lhar i11i•rior. ~acf•rt •ir.
lo•datl w/011h•tl l11clllii.119
"'"" tir••· Uko0 11owl RJ6 000
'67 OLDS
YllTA CIUllO ,, .. , .... w ....
F•ctorv air, load•d 11
loc•I c•r. TEX 947
llw•, buc•at taah. .,...,
Pr•1"iw1" Ii•••· loc•I c••·
;.,..,.1cvl1i•. SLY 556. Only
l1i9•. local '''· V1ry cl1•n.
$2795 $1589
494-1084 • 547-3103
Natlll .. "9 Hy! .l•lt co-I• nd r.thtwr. Prhe dr••lllCJI ~ ~et 11 -.,.. Yeo -4 "t M ,__. t. wl1. 0.. 10
,,1_ Jo eftl
Your t•n•rou1 SMtron•,. and cenfl4enc• In our dHlor•
1hlp h•s m11do us proud to bo Pilff of Orant• Ceunty
11nd It's phonomon11I yrowth. Th11nk1 to our cevntlou
frl1nd1 for a wond1rfu 41 yoara.
'6D RIVIERA, all equip.,
very clean. Nds body wrk, $895,00
$2100/best. 642-8584 Lie. No. TEY386 894-3.1.."0 Dir
CADILLAC --------
'61 C'OUNTRY Squire. P/S
Air. lleatl'r. New tirei;. Fine
transportation $245. '6 O
\Vagon $115, need li1Tle
\\'ork. 6 cyl. MIX:hanlcally
1960 FORD Station
$375 or OFFER.
.. 548 79-13 ..
• • BRANO NE\'J !
' '
. .. l
.. '
• .. ·. •• 11
" .,
" .. i:
" .,
" ..
" '· •. " " ..
" ,,
1: .,
" I· •' ,.
Super Savings on $1,500,000 of New '69 Fords!
ANNIVERSARY SAYINGS on Mustan9s -BiCJ Fords -Torlnos -Thunderbirds -Ford
Trucks! Check Our Prices For June BeforeYou lluy!
't: • I
~ .. I ('• ;_ ~l~I ·. ') -·· -.~
larCJe Inventory of New '69's For
lmmediote Delivery. Six only -New
1968's Now Slashed
For Immediate Clearance!
4-Dr. V-1, outomatlc. '·~··air, R'&H. (UKU1S7)
H•r4top. V-1. •utG., ,.5., R.&H. (WPCIJI}
1966 IUIC:K LE SAIRE l·DR. HARDTOP $14-9-5-
,ull powor, f11ctory 1\r. (R,MIM)
1968 FORD CUSTOM 4·D-$1195
V-1, aute .... lack w lwhlto top. (IJ51Zl14t12). '°'''' C•r leo11.
V-1, auto. {JJ.46KM411611). Polle• Cor L•a••·
Custom. Auto., ,,$., R&H. (TlltJOSI)
2·0oor, V4, auto., ,,$., R&H. (lltHH71S)
.-----------------~ DRIVE A NEW 1969 ENGLISH FORD!
Large Selection of Autom1tic:.1 and Four Spetd ..
Limited number et Fin1I Clurance Prlc1'1
1rt wr low, ••Gat..c111ualfltfd" offtr. And llM<'a'1 "'""" bMft •nyl!!lrof !Ille 11 ln tar lff1fng l!bllllrfl u" Mr. M•ke!'" 111111 fol' dtlllb. l l1"1Nll rime
2·Door. P.S., •uto .. R&H. {ROM176)
v .... air cond., auto .. R&H. Lo mlloo,..
Auto., P.S .. P.I ., •Ir cond., R&H. (JJVt20)
196-4 DODGE DART 170 2·Doo'
Equlp,.cl. 6 cylindor. (PIY605)
E1tr11 cloan. (112011)
l·Door. Green with bleck Inter., V-1, outo.,
P.S. (YXS4'2}
AutG., R&H . ,,5., P.I ., '·wind., foci.ry
air conrt. YCT120
I •·"" to t ,.M, M111•,.. • S.t I a.111.. te • fl·"'· <s •• 10 ........ ,.. ..
1 I .Ill. tot Jl·l'I• Meo • 1 '•""' .. 6 JI.•. fa1 .. ~1 I •·!ft. to 6 "°"'' 511
'&I COUPE de Ville, full
power, a ir. ~Iech. Xlnt
Sl200. • 540--7828
'62 Coupe DeVille
700 Marigold, C d i\f.
834-2343 or 673--0885
1'66 BROGHi\1. ONLY 16.0C<l
f\lll every Cad. extra. t-x.l.
O:K. a.18-6997 '
66 FORD Jo"alrlane GTA,
RJH Factory Air, floor auto
shift. radial tires .. Blue book
$1920, must sell $1775.
1967 Lincoln, clean, 28.000
miles. Loaded. air, etc. !\lust
sell fast. S3S95 67J-jl80
cond. sa<.T. $349.i 842-6265 '65 GALAXIE 2 dr HT, silver THE ONE! 1967 l\lustang
blue, 390 V-8, auto, fi P\\T, 2 + 2 dC'luxe v.:/ power &
air. AI'>l/Ft.1. New tires auto. one owner wl only
battery. 5'J8..6527 around 17,000 mi. Must sac.
Del~ belts front &: rw.r,
padded dash. fully factory
$199 DN.
$65 Mo.
'67 CAMARO '58 FORD \Vagon. auto tor immed. sale. Pvt. Pty. Plush Tax & Lie. · ....
\18 -4 .spd . Hi!! engine -All delux~ mOO.el. l\ilake oUer. c84cc7:.. .. ::1.:44:_ ______ I Payments include tax anrl
estras _ v.1 r·~'-: Also 56 Forcl. 3 spd, 2 dr. 1969 MUSTANG Jicen.">(' and finance chal'Jt-s
$2297 l\take offer. 545-4q15 Mach I' on 48 months. Approved
646-9307 Dir. 1963 FORD Galaxy 500 4 DR. Automatic cmlit. Serial No. 331779Zl.l.
'68 CAMARO, 327, auto, Pis, Au~o, R/1-f, Pis, viny'I In-$2995.00 6351.
P/b, deluxe Interior, con· ler!or. l 01vner. Xlnt cond. u
solE', xlnt <.'Ond. l;:i.OOO miles. $,195. 644-2235 Lir.. No. XNLllO 894-3310 Dir n"1vers'1ty
Sacrifice $2300. Prv pr1y. 1958 FORD, xlnt nteeh cond. '66 l\IUSTANG, air . cone.I,
tll 827-3944 \Viii take trade $150. ~15 P/s. auto, big 6. 3:),<XXJ
'GS CAi\1ARO 3 spd s1d, Ri ii, Hamilton, Ci\!. n1iles. Private. $ 1 ss0. Oldsmob'1lec
PS, yellow 1v/blk int., Hear '68 LTD Country Squire 6'16-1800 1vknds only. r
attach, n1ust sell . Pl'ivatt-Loaded air, power steering & '68 MUSTANG 390 GT 4-
party. 633-84 12 brakes etc. 546-4l66 speed, 13.900 n1iles. R/H.
• '65 FORD Statloll wagon. -'='~:µ;g=4~7 ;";;'";;'~'~=== 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa
540-9640 CHEVROLET R&H. p/b. Pl• ~w ,;re, & -
brakes. xlnt cond. 846-2733 NASH --------
1950 CHEV, original w/1969 TJIE SUN NEV ER srr'S o.
Chev e~ & floor shift. Very NO matter what it Is. yn•1 'Sj NASH 2 DR HT. Auto, aass!fiecrs action power.
clean. Will take trade $125. can sell It with a DAILY air, good cond. $100. For an ad to sell around
~5Hamilwn.CM ,l.;P;ILOT~;:Oa~"='"~"':;;'=d=. ==~.!..o==*;;"'=~~7~8~28~*==="='=™'~cl;oc~k~.~c;•l~J ~6'>-56~~78~==
1964 CHEV impala. SS. 327 eng air-mnd. Full pwr. Xn!t Imported Auto•
cond Sl295. 847-0075
96001mported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600
'61 CH.EVY S/\V, V8, A/C.
p\vr. str., R/H, very good
cond . ~I
'59 CHEV. Sta. \\'. good
cond. S200 642-9178 after 6
pm or before 9 am
'65 IMPALA Sedan. Leather
int. Excel. cond. 1.1ust sell.
$1350. or offer 64Z..2178
* '6l OIEVY II * Auto. 6 Cy!. RIH Runs well.
$450. 675-3099
'62 Cht'vy, 327. Be l Air
wagon. R/H. new llres,
xlnt cond. $5j(I. 84G-1498
DRAFTED must sell ':i7
Chev. 2-dr floor !!hifl, gd. I
mtth. cone.I. $250 962-7864
Used Cars 9900
LCJ.)6 Chevrolet. 2 door, good:
condition. SJj(). or bes t al-·
fer. * 675-5983 •
"55 CHEV 2-dr good eng.
Good tlre:s. $300. 646-9516
eves. days: &U-8096
1966 COMET Cyclone. 390, 4
spd, mags. l\lust sell. Best
oUcr. 546-6068
1962 UNCOLN Continental 4
Dr .• blk w/blk int. $1095 or,
best oUe.r. 0.rTell 642-3838
l rl11t \iec• tha f11n of f1111ily tlriYi119 withowt d1"tin9 tha f1.,.ily
bud9•I. Y•ur f i•I deal•r c1n fit you into • fo11r-door 1ad1n fW' w•9on
•nd hi t lo• Fi•t pri,11 ..,;11 lea¥• yo11 pl,11ty of ca1h for 1111"met fun!
lofh femi1v Fieh ••• fully eqvipptd: •-wh1al di1c bta•11, o4-tp11d
1liclt 1hilt, t•t·1q11•11in9 en9in•1, w•1habl• yj"yl i"latior1, r•cl ini119
front •••h. C•1t11 ift and a1• 1111 "How do•• Fi•I do it fot the prit1?"
Complete S1rvlce oe,.rtm1nt With Factory Tr1lned And
AuthorlACI Mech1nlcs To Mfft Your Every Nied,
Open Monday Nit1s 'tll t
~ALIFORNIA -~~2~!§..2~
901E.1st S.T., SANTA ANA 542-8801
. t • •
• • •
Full power and factory air cond1tionln1.
AM·Flt1 radio, power door locka, power
trunk optner. All lealbtt Interior and
padded top. CJ91~)
. ••
. .
9 paasenger Town .l Country wagon. Mah~e
yellow wlth saddle vln)'t trim. Full power, air
condltionlng, luggage rack, tilt steerlna: whffl,
low mlleaae. (VTP971)
Coupe Dc!Ville. Phantom blue with blue leathrr
interior. Full power ~ulpment plu~ factory air
conditlonine:. One owner. (UJA357)
1967 CADILLAC ' Cvt. De V.llle. $4.ndlewood '!fith m•tch-ing leathir-interior. Full PQ'o'tt1 plw; factorY
air condltlon&nr. tUt-telncoplc·ateerlng wheel,
Stereo AM~FM radio. Low mfles. (XSP6921
Fltttwood Brougham. Black with silyer br~
cadc Interior. Full po"·er plus factory air con-
dltlonine:. All options. (RTJ'056)
Powder blue with matching vinyl bucket
gcat1. full power and factory air condition-
ing. many extras. CHGT8361
Coupe DcVll !e. Grecian gold wiU1 matching
cloU1 And leather Interior. Fu.II power, factory
air. tilt and telescopic wheel. Vogue tir!!.s.
' . -
SALE $-3888
SALE s2444
SALE $1555
SALE $2999
' .•
Full pow•r equi pmant plu1 f•efory air eonditionin9,
AM.FM radio, tilt wheel, power trunk li d rel••••·
This one owr)er, 30,800 mile I ear, t1 impecuble thru·
0,1. INYNI 1,01
TUil ~r, factoey air, dual comfort ••ts. tilt Wf1ee}, 1tetto, power doot Jotkl, crulle control, twllllht Mnttnel.
automatic dimmer, leatlwr interior. Ab-•oJuteb' Joadtd. (1'9131493)
Full riowtr, 1actocy ah-. tilt·teletCOPlc wl'teet,
Altt-P'M radio, powu door 1ocka. dilc brakes.
paded top. CBTP094)
SM&n DeVllle. Nonnandy blue w:lth black
vinyl roof and blue cloth and leather Interior.
Full power, factory air, tilt·telescoplc wheel,
power door lock&, AM·FM. (VIH785)
Sedan DeVIJle. !:mbuly silver with black
padd!d top and bl~k cloth & leather Interior.
Full power, facto_cy aJr, AM·FM radio. Very
low mllea. (88226920)
1967 RIYllRA
For"t ll"ttn exterior with black vinyl ln·
terlor. Has full power equipment plus factory
air condltJonlna:, Wt ateerlne: whtel. CTSD4981
1967 EL · DORADO
Leather interior, padded top, full power, fac-
tory 'air, tilt-telescopic wheel, power door l~!i\. steno AAt-rM, every factory option.
(nJUt646) • ,. ,
1963 CADILLAC ' "
Coupe. V8, automatic tMmltiton, · riciiO l.nd
heater, J>0¥'er".1teerln1 and ~ti, faetef>'. atr cond!Uonina. White with blue cloth ~r .. <PEP341) ' , . , , i • r i : ~ .
SALE s5999
SALi $3777:
SALE s2999
SALE S4666
SALE $888
· P"'CI'
----------SALES DEPARTMENT · OPEN-------,----'---
8:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area
2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
OLDS ·ii «2 O..tlau 2 dr ., · HT. Auto, P/1. P/b, 37,IXX'.l 1961 PONTIAC GTO 3 1pd, 67 FIRIBIRD
mi. Orig. owner . Ex-auto, P/1, cordova top, SUck shift • VS • factory air
ceptionally sharp! Prv prty stereo tape:. Can finance. • PIS. ~·new • Lie. #
MZ-3374 Contact 5ll-T474 or 673-5629 YPV864
196.3 1-lo\lday, 4-door. '64 PONT. TEMP~ ' --$2097-
'61 nmu '&a'•
YOUR TRADE-IN! $300 (J)NVT. & PIS, R/H 646-9307 Dir.
5;6-2!19B S900 ~ Dial SG::&ii for RESULTS
389 erli', all pv.rr & fct air,
AM/FM vlbraaonk: 1lett0
tape, airlift shocks, aulO
!rant &: many other xtru.
Mill aold w/malchlJw lan-
dau top. Xlnt oond. Mu&t
eelt. A.sklna: $1595: ~nos
e • • • BRAND NEW ''9 $1891
Yeu've Seen It, 'Now Test Drive '•
If Your Art Now DrlYlnt
Many1 M..., New '" Toyotas te •-fNm * Colera * MMela * IMy l tylat * Air Cond.
11181 BEACH BLVD., Huntington Beach
J ml. Mtth ef '•c:lffc CMtt Hwy.• IMch 11\'4.
•---Y.OUll AD llACHIS•--
Bucket seats. factory air,
pwr 1tetr:lr1&", nu tit!•, xlnt
cond!Uon lnlide 6 out, dlr,
$115 Cuh or foreltn car.
Ta)(.e low pymnta. LB TKR
595. Call Ken, CIM-97T3 or ..........
'6t POllU.c Bonneville 1565.
f~ air, ·loaded. Xln! cond. ,$!.317f.,
'115 GTO, 1010, p/~CWOO
ml., all kl'OUl'ld xlnt cond.
Make otter. m.z:n
1968 FIRElmW S p t I n I
Cmtvwf. OHC. 6 cyl, 4 1pd.
Make oUer. 897-6155
' '
RiLIAiU:E ltanl ...... tlon
'57 Rambler C dr. Sta w1a,
R I H. Good cond $300.
·g1 RAMBLER. American, 2
l •
It Today 'i
• •
' I
.• •· .
• :·
I • • • : • • • • • • • •• ~ ..
Sa1Urd17, """' 21, 1969
•3,000, ooo · .
' I
--------lfOU YOU aUY--------., USID CAR ANYWllRI .
Sliew die tlMler my ,.. ...... alltl •* H ... -mlltdi ltl If Mlw c••• .... NABOR DODOI, II•-of the OOID ITAR GUWNlll.
BaL S,.,uL~ ·~·~· \ ' ..
• •
for your prottctl111 100" u-clitional Gu.r .. tN-Tht1St•1t'tn lit wrlririt that ltarbor M1• 1uer1n-'"'the ur 100% 191lnst 1MCh1nkM detect1 for 100 dip or 4,000 "'II" w1'1ch "9r ~ Int ·~ pwcUse. Thl1 Includes 1H mech1r1ic1t pairb, tttd'r'kM ~utpmlflt, INitttry, 1,..dometw, rdlo, helter "'
all ws. This pl'llltM COYert 111 parts ind l1bor from bum,. hi tium,. 1bsoluttly Int tt JOll •
• • • • • • '66 VW VARIANT
: $1088 'lll11 $36 ""~ S36 '~1tc• • -t /u1l u... m'MT, M1t.vk.r: . ~~~~~~~~~~~ • • '66 VOLKSWAGIN
• ' 4 --. ra.dla. i-tw fT9W17'11
: S688 '~"k s23 ""~ s23 'I"\ • + .f1"1i Lie. ~::'Mt. M~~~T; • • • •
JIHlo,. '-tw, a..ebl ft.tJ. (IPM 17f) • : ssss + T!'i'u.. s19 nr:,, $19 M!'Z~liT: . ~~~~~~~~-~~ • -• • : sses •
. -~~~~~-~--~ • • • '60 VOLKSWAGEN P.U •
• -41. !IOLCln
.·: $488 • • • • • • •
,. ... 1ut.. ll'"tru., _.,.. tf-11tt1. Serllll HI'. 1J5lt...SS. 4olf Stlf',
s999 .rr-ik.~ s33 ȴj,. s33 ~:
' I
. . , . , . '
... PLYMCNri'8 GTX H.T.
\f.f,. ~ T,.__, JtMr ................ 1W OOlt ... ) Oel4I 1191'
s2188 .;~~·~ S74 m-:, s74 -Pm~:
l"•clor• l lr, .vt .. tr-.. 1ta.H, f',l., tiudl.i -ti & Ollr!Mil .. UtYV 1111. ~1288 · .11Ttt.. s43 ,;;:,, S43-nM~,
. ..
.. ~ T .'Zi1·•
s ···-
-. ................... ., ... " ...... --
. .
'.. .~,., ' •
' ,•
~~ .... · ~--·-.,--==""-"-·-=-·---'-'' '-..:~0......:.-'.-~:.......Jo_,.____J.__ -+•·-~ ·_,:_ -l. .. ·----•• ~_..____ ...:. •• ~· ~--"--~--"~----~_..._------------
Ask Them Yourself
POa rlMOf'B'Y /. lf.4'Y.
/ont1f!I' CeJterlll CtHUJRI,
P.u O~e thrHvUrtmt
C•• •11y1ld•• •• flle11e ...... _,.,,., ..... ,.,... ...,......, .... ...a,
r-. ·•-w .w. " ,..,..,,_, c..
die .. ..,. .. JWOllf'C"lefll1-D. ·~ ,,...,,.,,,.,, r •.
• The aaal1er could be eubj«:t to fines
ap ti> ts.000 or iapri.oaaamt up to 6ft
.,ears, or both. Reports on allepcl Yiola·
boas of t.laia law may be made to the
chief poetal U..pector. UDder a new law,
die recei•u of ...di material bu the richt
to bate IUt ume raaon!CI from die aead·
er'• .. m.a lilt. To pt a prollibitory
order ap.iDlt die ..der, the addraeee
ahouJd elate that the adt'el'tiliq matter
ie .. erocicall, arouiag or eesual)y pr-..
~ .. Bia cletermiutioe ia ina1. The
law prvhibits reTiew by the P091 05ce
Depmmea1 or nea by the coom. Leaf.
lets eJrplaiaiag the law are Hailab&e at
all J*I olic:ea.
Na1 York Zoolo6ical Soci.ttr
PreeUle11I Niso• ••id:
"J' ........ 4--.......
i.c:.lc, hi .... ,r.e •'-Y-
tle/e.-." la ..U ,,..,,.,_
~Fiorello, B,..Wya., IV.I'.
•I am not familiar with the quote. How·
ever, 1 belie.e that Mr. Nixon would ba•e
been referring to the fact that eagles do
not deliberately attack luunan.1 withOGt
provocation but that they may do '° in
defeme of their nest.a.
POa lf.41'0 SJllJ'll,
Deuoit T~~' -•r
.. lay ""11.a'1,...,.,,,,. pbtde-
Aiaer c... a,..... ...
repler ,_, r-r1-r ..
Cooper, Kia6•porl, re .....
• Gates Brown wu •aluable to m u a
pinch-hitter, and the regular out6elden
were doing an excellent job.
FOa FILU.4M Dlllf'EA,
1 Dincuw, f' ecomu
I """'U.illlWliH
I H .. -w ....... ... ..,...,_ ....... , ... .,,,,
F•r I Nteraa ..._. flU.
elwtrp JHfpen .ere lodt-lfra. IJ«rf r.-., r .... ldlee, r ..A..
• Write to: National Pereonnel Record
Center, 9700 Page Blvd., SL Lou.is, Mo.
6.ll38. Fu.ntiab the Yeteran'11 birth date
and birth place, dates of aenM:e entrance
and tennination, and branch of aenice
and o.niL Ci~ any pertinent facts that
will help to identify him in cue another
Yeteran has the ume name.
of ..fl.bate
....... -4 ... Al ll&e
•I DUleP-lfn. .4r1 a.lar,
DniU Lah, N.D.
• Tbe CitUen. Bank of New Orleus
u.d to iaeoe SIO paper currency before
the Ci•il War. The bill. were printed in
English oa one aide and in Fl'ellCh on
the other. The French word '"dix." mean·
ing 10, was printed oa the French aide,
eo the notes became known generally u
"dixies." Nortbenaen began to call the
Missiaaippi River area Dixie Land.
,,,., N.D.
cuU'-' I.inc"''· Ho1pUo/. Jot
Speciol S.U~, N.Y.
IF'"-• U.jluWa •tt HCOIUI '° ~ iajlU"ie• ill '°""" IHrUt--Geo'#e BUl, IA"6·
• Sboulda· dialocations and fractures.
~ injuries, however, are far leee fre.
quent than knee injuries. They occur
more often lo high-ecbool players. who
haven't folly mutered the art of falling
and tumbling.
.4---. ... ..,,.... ... ,
~ ............ .,.,... ..
,...,.. F'-'uae4'fer·
e11ee •u•••• 1~•1-
Jolut lleDolNIU, '""""""'
• The difference is primarily linguiAtic.
Aetro refers to stare and cosmo to the
univene. The ending uut in e.cb word
mean.a sailor or na¥iptor. The term u-
tronauts waa &nt med o6cially by for-
mer NASA Administrator Dr. T. Keith
G.lennan in 1958.
11 /ortllW'r Olyapic pol. e--11
s .. ...., ..Uda.e ~ .,...,,.,. ;.. .... ,_ ...
Bo6 Kielaarh P.,_. c,...
..-1--B. If, .11...., Jr. S.11 A•
...., J'e.sa
• It lllaJ'ted from Loe Angeles on June
l and will croee eome 3.,100 lllilea before
rea-·hing our destination, New York City,
in early August.
POR /lJDF C.4aNE oJ .. IAqAJ,."
FJio~ .. aer.,.,..
OA Me "lAqlMa" Mo.1
-Jalie D•eU.011, P•ir
Le-, NJ.
• A stagehand named Whale-or ie it
a whale Damed Stqehand?
........... ,_...._.. 1 ti nfY __ ...._.. .......... _._ .. _
... -,_ .. F• • , ...-,.. 1 r •• ._., • • ....,....., _ •
.... ~ .. ~ ,._ Y ...... ,.._., .. ....,, Ml •-· c A!"?-New Y .... N.Y.
leeD. •• --.+ I .. , 1' , ... ti .. ._ .... f• _. -wi.L
Instant ~ The walls of the
F'inondal Plaza luddino In Newpott
leach. Calif., ant clec:oraled with what
loob lib Intaglio (engiiu...d ,.,_),
but nary a c:hi..t wm used. ft was
"coned" with a styrofoam mold. The
concrete panel was poured bl10 it.
Sculplwe wifftouf a dt'-'
Once the wall was up, the plastic .us
-tdblalted Into thin cllir, lecw'•'U only
the incised figures. Artist Tom Van Sant,
a 1965-Joyciee Oustanding Young Mon,
aays. '1 lib ~ in the medium.
It's 10 easy I can wortc anyWf.ere."
Deaf Drvnk What'a the latest don·
ger in disc:ottMques? The Karolinslca
lnstitut9 in Stodcholm recentfy tested
the effects of exc:esslYe noile and al-
cohol and fCM.tnd that when the alco-
hol content in the blood reaches 0.1
percent, the noise leYeh mn wiously
daMave the inner ear. listening and
drinking don't mixl
HCMM Hai~ Can't do any-
thing with your hair? Can't go to the
beauty shop? Try shampooing it. The
recnon soiled hair honos there in limp
sections h that It doesn't get dirty
evenly. Washing will malce hair ap-
pear to haft more body and bounce.
Juat a light lathering .ii enough. laby
shampoo can be used 4'Ntyday If
neceaary. RJnse and dfy quickly.
lalcmce ,_ looks One out °' two
new busmetMS foils within the ftnt two
yean, accordmg lo "Nation's lusinelt."
One reason is ''they keep too many
records." Eoch time a new bookkeep.
is hired, there is .,,.. papet WOftt. but
..WO... any eliminated. Too mud. po-
per shufRing "'""' too little profit.
The other reat0n for failure? "Not
enouglt nKOrd k~." Some ""°" bwlneMes didn't 4MNt keep that vital
monthly profit-and-loss dutement •
Not Uke Son Ad« John Garfield
died in 1952, leaving a son, David, 9,
and a daughter, Julie, 6, and domestic:
problems. The son molly told Family
Weelly, "I would rather not tult about
rny father." Yet for odina, he intended
lo use his father's real first nome, Julius,
but his sister hod it-t0 John, Jr.; was
born, molness or not. tn hil ftnt big
role ("Modtenna's Gold"), John, Jr.
is cent with two nn who had shared
the screen with his father, &hard G.
Robinson and Gregoty Peck. Did they
ever compare his oding lo Dod's?
"No, they're too smart,'' he anaps..
"Good" Gossip Most don terea~ "1'11 get
you if it's the last thing I dot" whene<ter she
hen hinted that all is not well in !ewe and mar-
riage, notes Shella Gtaham Jn her boolc, "Con-
fessions of a Hollywood Columnist, II lut Shirtey
Temple was unique. Sheila was the fint to print
break-up rvmon of America's little sweetheart
and Jahn A.,. Shortly aftw, the two women
met at a party. Sheila rememberi that she al-
most ftlpped when Shirley said quietly, '1'm
most grateful to you for the ~. It w;H pre-
pare the· public for my divorce."
Family~ ••=•••,•"•09911 ... J ... u.1111
UIOllA• I. DAVllOW ru rffMt I MGMOlt W l"'atNrtr
Free to be you whatever you do
There's the shopping you,
the swimming you, the just
sitting-and-thinking you
and hundreds more. AJl you.
All reasons why Tampax tampons
were developed.
They can't show or cause discomfort
or slow you down.
Tampax tampons, the dependable
internal sanitary protection
that can't interfere with
you being you.
It's that easy to be free ...
•~ CMITm "" ·n e •••·
...... .................
Family Heek/y / lttne !!, 1969
I Posed As a
Mental Patient
What is it like behind the locked doors
of a mental institution 7 Nothing in his studies
prepared this psychologist for
the shocking answers
as told to Alan D. Haas
My ASSIGNMENT in enter-
ing Philadelphia St.ate
Hospital at Byberry disguised
as a mental patient was to
find out precisely what was
going on "behind the scenes"
of Pennsylvania's largest
mental institution.
None of my years of graduate
study, clinical work. or teaching in
aocial psychology could possibly have
prepared me for this seven-<iay ex-
periment, which had been suggested
by the institution itaelf.
WhHe I knew the mentally ill, I
did not reallr know what life wu
like '"a mental hospital, even though
I had been on the statr at Byberry
since 1966 aa a research l)«ycbologist,
a cloi,atered post. So I was, more or
leas, unknown both to it.a statr and
l wu eager to become a ••patient."
to help to get to the bottom of the
deplorable conditions known to exist
in this "snake pit."
The hospital bad decided on such
an experiment because, as Dr. Daniel
• '"""'-w~. l•u n, 1111
Bain, Byberry's director, put it: ·~Dy
berry hu been feared, cursed. ex-
posed, investigated, and hamstrunr."
Yet succeuive legislatures had failed
to grant adequate fund.a for statf, re-
search, and facilltiee.
Serving the Philadelphia metro-
politan area, this 60...year-old institu-
tion sprawla over 1,100 acres with
36 buildings. While ita capacity is
3,800, its population baa eoared aa
high u 6,800. The professional statr
includes 60 doctors, eome of whom
are part-time. Sadly, only six of
these are certified psychiatrists.
I wu .. admitted" to Byberry by a
psychiatrist on a Wednelday morn-
ing. I told my prearranged story of
sleepless nights, of wanting to end
my life. I felt that I needed help. I
agreed to commitment for 90 days.
The whole interview took leas than
10 minutes.
Except for my rl.auea and shoes,
all of my clothes were taken. I was
given . the standard mental-hospital
garb of denim shirt and chino pants.
A length of string served aa a belt.
On my ftrst night, I discovered
there were cockroaches on the walls,
ceilings, ftoora, and in the bed.a. I got
into bed, taking off only my shoes.
My ward wu typical-a city-block
tong, divided into bays of 12 or 24
beds, a pretranquiliser-era arrange-
ment. Its purpose is to keep patient.a
on view at all times, leet they go ber-
serk and harm others before they can
be straitjacketed. Privacy ia nonex-
istent. The walls are institutional
green ; the windowa are cbiclcen-
wired: the toilet cubicles have nei-
ther dooni nor toilet seats.
Each bed, 24 inches apart from the
next, is a SO-inch-wide hospital cot
with a straw mattress. It is made up
with two sheets and a blanket. There
is no place to hang one's clothes.
Contrary to rumor, there is little
if any violence in a mental hospital
nowadays. Constant tranquilizer med-
ication keeps moat patients quiet. So
IUentlr two profuliOft4l 1'4f/ ~er• at P1'iladelpl&ia.
(Po.) Sta.le Hospitol tn•dmook direct r ueMch into tll.e
lfou of mntal pa.tinta-tlur "iaftltmted'' u pa.titfttl,
1utkfto101& to moat tuir.ea, doctor•. alld atte?Uiant1. Tile
ata.6 member• tDere Dr. Ro114ld H. Bohr (right), rutarcl
aocia.l parcltologut, e1ftd Dr. Tlunna.6 A. Steinbsro, ruurcl
eli"i.cal ,_,,clt.olcoiat. Tlte follotoi"'1 etOf11 ddail• tu u -
pmen.ce of Doctor Bol&r a.."4 iru;lrulu botll. hu ea.cluiou
ctlld tlt.oie of Doetor Stftt&berg.
I found each day ia almost the same
at Byberry, with hardly any diver-
sions, structured routines, or respon-
sibilities of any kind.
In the day room, one of the beat
places to observe human behavior, I
saw patients sit, stare, lie doWDy pace
the door. The tv sometimes wu
tuned into the Iowa Corn Exchange
prices; if the picture flipped. nobody
adjusted it. A piano sat silently in
one corner; no one ever played it.
A patient would suddenly get up
and deliver an anti-Semitic tirade or
shout epithets to the day-room audi-
ence. But nobody paid any attention,
except one man who motioned to me
and ci~led his temple with bis fore-
finger, as if to say, what can you ex-
pect in here!
Then a hefty, bearded Negro mut-
tered some obscenities about
"whitey." He looked me over and
asked whether I had gone to colle,.e.
To my affirmative answer, he laurh-
ingly aaid : "Kan, you in here with
the rest ot us loonies now."
I reaUJ having a pleasant and co-
herent discussion about the day's
news events with another man. He
wu well-<ireased in his own clothes
(some patients are permitted this
privilege) and appeared to have a
derree of intellirence. The next day
be wu found lying in bis own urine
on the bathroom floor, mutterinr un·
(C~ud °" page 1)
pre-Independence Day
offering from
r1,, r
II ft1 J>/1·1, ... ••I'/
'J"'· . • I ,,,, , ,, ')/ . • t·r/111,, ...• 1 II U/ f'f'f
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Limit: one set per subscriber. Subscription rolls close July 4th, 1969.
In 1776 ~~~~==
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edlC of a forbiddingly vast contiocnt.
Now, less than two oc:nturics later, we are a put world
power with a population of over two hunctml million-a
proud nation of 50 sovereign States.
As a tribute to our national heritase, the sculptors and
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These desips have previously been o&rcd onty in a larla'
size in solid br'ooa, sterlina sihcf and solid platinum. The prices
ranfrjd up to $20,000 per set. Sub9cription rolls for the ta,..,,.
si21e specimens "MrC cloecd c:artier this year, and no additional
subecriptioos for that size can be .cceptcd.
Now, in honor or lndepcodence O.y, this aeries will be
offered for a limited time in the fucinatina Mini-Coin a .
Only. one First Edition States of the Union Mioi-Coi.n Set
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The distinctive desips dramatm the SO States of our Union
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As you hold a States of the Union Mini-Coin in your hand,
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sure to become a hiahJy 00\'etcd collector's item.
or solid platinum .. Only those subscriptions postmarked by
July 41b can be considered, and The Franklin Mint raerva
1he riabt to limit the tocal number or applications aoceptcd. first Edition States of the Union Mini-Coin Sets will be
dearly distinguished from any future editions of the same
aeries. If there is a second Mini-Coin edition, the price will
automatically be increased rrom S37.50 to U0.00 ror sterlin1 sets. and from St,27..S.OO to Sl,S00.00 ror platinum sets.
Laat year, mon: than 3,000 subscription applications ror
Franklin Mint First Editions had to be turned down because
they were sent in too late.
To be sure of acquirina your penonaJ set of the new Franklin
Mfot States of the Union Mini·Coins, mai.I your subscription
application early.
Consequently, there is an ablolute limit of one First Edition
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Tlw Sttxln of IM UllltM MIM-CoUt
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*** * * *
*** * • * • .,.. ,....... •let. , ...... ,._,.$ ... 11191 *
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* =~~--~~~-~~--~-~~~ M*ns : * Ot--.. .. .,.-.. w.••-•..e * * ., .. llt ...... ~, ..... lllllt ........ ,...... ..... ...,,......~ * * 01 ..... 11 ............ e•--'City * ..... ...,,... ., .. ... ..... ... -.. .. _.,;:,_____________ * * -:::-; ., ta-. ,... ,....., -.. ... .. • * 1 ............ Staliff ef ttM Ull._ ~ State ii, * * :: .. \~~-~~-~-~.Jr.-~ : * .0 ..-11 :r --"' nma • -• 1111t1t * =:=. .. :--..=..:,........... ~'--------------•• •om-::··----...,. .. _ ..... * ....:-:-.:..:-::.-::-...~..:·:-:.-: ----* * ~ • * •=•iftllll 11 ... 1eat1tH.1-.r1t11M., ,.~ ......,, ,._ eMf!C .l*.r r-. * r wrtlkB..,....t.1MllJJ1111:n, 1tM. ..._ ....... ..,. . ..,. ...... ..,.....,. • * I ,.,. ************************************• 0 IMt 'ttlC IO'a ..... NI •NIT.'-.
v .. 11 ..... tt
I.et'• Draw• Pupp~
811 A1'1l Da.'Didot0
Puppies love a
Game of catch
And sitting down, ~.&--...iiiai,....,..
To have a scratch.
(See AuKJer Boz)
Riddle Me Thl9
1. What does the garden aay when
it smiles?
2. What word does every teacher
pronounce wrong 1
(See AMwer Btn)
A New York life policy would. With ready c.a.sh when it's needed
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Talk to your New York Life Agent. Let him help take those bills olf
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New Yort Life Insurance Company
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Our 125th year
" .......... Bidden in thi• sentence ia a tou~
letter word that we often uee when
we are trying to train kittens or
pqppiea not to do certain things we
don't want them to do: The boys
could hardly be blamed tor not ar-
riving o.n time, for .no notice bad
been aiven them u to the exact
hour the race would be run.
(See AU"tHr Boz)
..... o ...
To a four-letter word for what
you do when you help a friend set
a stalled car off the road, add a la.at
letter and get a word that cte.cribee
a person who disauats you by al-
waya hying to be the first in line.
(See Auwer Boz)
...... One
From a five-letter word that
means smell, take away the first
letter and get a United States coin.
(See Auwer Box)
(Su AutHr Boz)
aq1 10 do1 uo auo \nd 'l! aunaq
i,aop no.A JI ·sa..x. :up.q3 paw ... .t
"OU-ON :Mm•N-•.....,H
(6 ! aoq~a ( l :91u aw a1pPfl(
·1ua~aa~ :-o •UJMl
·.AqlDd-qend :aao llnld ·aor AddO(S !l( atnN DOA
I had the eerie notion no one believed me ...
intelliaibly to himaett. I wu told that
he wu frequently found in euch a
disoriented state.
Another patient I obee"ed sitting
by himtelt all day, staring off into
space. Later in the evening he intro-
duced himself: .. I'm . . ." be mum-
bled. "I see you are new here. You'll
soon learn the routine.'' Abruptly he
went back to bis bench and resamed
his sittina and staring. He did not
utter another word to anyone for at
least two days.
At Dyberry, perhaps 10 to 15 per-
cent of the patienta set adequate
therapy from the professional staif.
The rest get very little care or none
at all-patients who have been for
years on end virtually forgotten, ex-
isting u numbers in a ftle.
I k•w alMaut one case whoee 1ut
entry had been in 1964. The last no-
tation on his chart read. '"threw a
chair at his mother on visiting day.''
Bis status had become "chronic.'' At
Dyberry, this meant, unfortunately,
no therapy, no evaluation, no chance
for relmbilitation.
Typically, a psychiatrist will test
a patient's orientation by uking
what day it is or who is President.
Yet there ill little opportunity for
patients to have access to such infor-
mation, since there are few calendars
or newspapers-anything by which
time could be meuured.
Toward the end of my second day,
I found that I was already giving
way to paranoid symptoms. I bad a
gnawing tear that my friends bad
forgotten me or that it wu all a plot
by my wife and the By berry staft to
get me committed. I feared periocU-
cally that I would never be dis-
charged from there. ·
Perhaps the closest thing to social-
izing between patienta and atten-
dants at the Mental hospital is the
"token economy." Because of person-
nel shortage (three aides to 85 pa-
tients), the attendants reward the pa-
tients for helping with routine chores
-eweeping, mopping up-in ex-
change for smokes, cotf ee, or other
incidentala. Since most patients are
indigent. they are more than willing
to cooperate.
At best, attendants uee the big-
brotber technique, granting little
favors in exchange for conformity,
compliance, and self-degrading de-
pendency. But they ean often e8tab-
Jiab a closer relationship with pa-
tients than paychiatriata, 10Cial
workers, and oursea because of their
similar social bacqrounclt.
For instance, in the evening, the
attendants would talk with the pa-
tienta about "the old days" before
sedatives, when patients threw fits,
bung from the window ban. and cre-
ated "side ehowa" that morbidly curi-
ous people would drive up to see on
a Sun.dq afternooL
I recall one time when the dance
therapist came by my ward with a
record player and tried to &'et some
dancing started. Women patients who
were brou.ght in from another ward
were sea~ along one wall, the men
along the oppoeite .....U.
Tunes of the '40. ftlled the air, but
the men and women just ltared
blankly at each other. The therapist
tried to eneoural'e them by clappinl'.
So a few men patients ftnally got up
to dance with the student naraee.
One female patient wrote down her
ward and building number and pve
it to a male patient, eyee pathetically
pleading for him to visit.
Keala at Dyberry left much to be
deai.red--eol'a oatmeal. undednable
stews, starchy puddinp-witb only
a spoon to eat with. Patients eat at
tables for four, iporiDI' each other.
Conversation wu rare in the unap-
petizing aurroundinp, where the
elderly dribbled food down their
chins or onto the table or ftoor. I
clocked DlY mealtime. and found an
averare aitting wu seven minutes.
Only a handful of people viaited
on Wednesdays and Sundays, the
desipated days, from 1 to 8 :80 p.m.
I waa told that it improved a bit dur-
ing the Chrietmaa holidays. I have
found that relative.a often consider
a mentally ill person aa being dead.
As a paycbok>gist. J can readily un-
derstand their wantin• to blot out
the unpleasant. But it also means
that the ill person, should be recover,
baa no place to return to, so baa no
desire even to try to get better.
To guard against something 1'0in1
wrong, I bad worked out an eecape
procedure. A letter explainiq the
circumstancea bad been aealed and
placed in the deak of the chief psy-
chiatrist, with hie knowledge. I wu
to refer to thia letter if, in any emer-
gency. I WU DO loqer able to bear
the seven daya of my ward exiatence.
Aa the days went by and I was
more and more tempted to use it, I
thought of what the reaction of the
attendant miaht be if I tried to con-
vince him that such a letter exiated.
"Okay, take thia pill and get some
sleep, you'll feel better in the morn-
ing," mirbt be the responae. The
story certainly had all the earmarb
of being concocted by a paycbotic.
I remember uldng to be allowed
to phone a relative, but I wu looked
at suspicioualy aa tbourh I bad in-
vented someone just to bug the atatt.
I waa told this "bad to be checked
on." I bad the eerie notion that no
one believed anythina I said-which,
in fact. wu the cue.
~my week'a etay, I saw a
psychiatrist twice, each time for 10
minutes. The doctoT didn't want to
know about my love life or my child-
hood. He didn't want me to free aa-
sociate or tell him about my dream.a.
My feeliq WU that be WU think-
ing: How can we label thia guy
quickly and d.ispoee of him 1
I waa "releued" from Dyberry
just one week later. I found that I
bad become quite disoriented. haviq
been told just when I had to ro to
bed, when I bad to pt up, where to
sit, and when I could amoke. For sev-
eral day1 after, I bad cWnculty mak-
ing even the simpleet decision-what
to order for lunch, for instance.
While I still bad my faculties, they
were alower to respond.
Pre.eently Philadelphia State Hos-
pital's per-day expenditure per pa-
tient is '17 u oppoaed to Sl4, when
I waa a •"patient." The '3 increase ia
partly the result of the fact that
there now are fewer patienta. But
-throul'h Doctor Bain, the budset hu
also incraMd. So there is hope.
Staf9 ho•ltal1 eameatly want to
tum from custody to care. But what
kind of care should it be? Should the
mental patient be cared for by the
commanJty, in his own home, in half-
way housee, or by a still-untbour-ht-
of system?
For thia to happen, the public
might have to face up to the fact
that violent and aggreuive imtlncts
are more prevalent in the public at
large than in committed patient..
From my experience u a pretand-
inr mental patient, I found that to-
. day's mental hoepitalll an airuply
warehouaee for atorinl' people. And
011e fact ill certain, a human being
muat be treated u one before be will
act like one. You have to value him
in order that be can value himMlf. +
-~~.~~--~~~~~~---=-----_...------------------------------~ ..................................... .
Inspire your skin
to greater
h eigh ts of beaut y
A lovely akin haa truly be-
come a feminine joy for-
ever since scientists uncovered
the secrets of a rare tropical
moist oiJ with a remarkable
ability to help nature sustain
and preserve the youthful
splendor or the skin.
Women oo lonacr have to re-
call with oostalsia bow beauti-
ful their compluioos once were
in childhood days. With the
cb«ishio1 ministralioos of th.is
tcieoti.fic beauty flu.id, the ex·
quisite flower.freshness and
baby.oft bloom need not be-
come ooty a sad rnem<X')', need
not necessarily leave their com-
plexions, but continue to dwell
Uahdy and lovinaly oo the sur-
face of the skin, aspirin& to
even puter ~&hts of beauty
throuah every chanaing aeasoo
a~ the passina ycan.
Today it la possible to use the
unique moist oil to aive the
akin a "do-it-younetr• incen-
tive to maintain the healthy
productivity of balanced oil
and moisture. These two vital
clements are taken for aranled
while the skin is very young
and nature bountifully provides
h« own moist oil fluids to keep
the baby-.oftncsa and dewioes1
alive. After the qe of twenty.
however, the natural flow be-
comes las spontaneous and the
maturina comptaioo suddenly
Inda itsell in need of aubscitu-
tiooary fluids that will help sti-
mulate the ftauin1 cdlular
fuocriona ol the skin.
Thia is the time when the
lclcoti& moist oil comes into
its own, uaiJt.ina nature to
maintain the normal rate of cdJ
replacement and to brina out
the Jounaat. smoothest, love-
liest bloom of all. In America it
is espcc:iaJty valuable as a
means of withstanding the ex-
acting influences of the climate
on the skin.
Because it is iaotonka.lly
pressuriud to balance succea-
fully with the skin's own fluids,
th.is tropical ftuid contributes to
·the inducement of the skin to
rise to new heights of splendor.
Its perfect blend of oil and
moisture is homologous to the
st.in'• own fluids. readily mera·
ins with existing reserves. belp-
ina to boost dwindlin1 levels
and effectively a.iOmg in keep-
ing wrinkle-dryness at bay.
Smoothed over the fa.ce lav-
ishly with ~ finaatips each
day and used as a superb base
for make-up, the beauty ftuid
not only promotes the stimula-
tion and replenishment of the
plasma colloids (dermal water-
carrien) but actually eocour-
aaea replacement of evaporat·
ina surface moisture by hyaro-
soopic attraction to the akin of
moisture alwayS" present in the
surrounding atmosphere. The
complexion consequently has
little difficulty in keepina its
resilience and dewy freshness
even under the most tryina cli-
matic cooditions r~ardless of
the passing of the yean.
In tropical countries this
beautifying moist oil is known
as oil of Ulan, in Britain and
other' parts of the world as oil
of Ulay and in America it is
available from drugiSts as oil
o( Olay. You will find that oil
of Olay is a wonderful source
of inspiration and stimulus by
which your skin can reveal a
new leue of complexion Jove--
liness and p-cater beauty.
How Women Inventors
Are Striking It Rich
offices of patent attorneys
these days-and it's not only new
Says one patent attorney: "It used to be
we talked only to maJe enaineers and tink-
erers. Now we talk to housewives-ladies
with good ideas, ideas worth money."
For instance, a young lthode Island
housewife, Mr8. Virginia Charves, invented
a game to amuae her own children and
ended up selling the idea to Parker Bros.,
one of the country's largest game makers.
Her "Cat and Mouae" is 8till being sold
widely, more than four yean later.
Another housewife, Mn. Cecilia VargH,
became tired of the tedious routine of
teuing her hair and designed a battery-
operated brush and comb which did the job
faster and easier.
lv.n almp .. , existing products have
been improved by these Jady inventors aa
illuatrated by the case of Eugenia Short,
who designed a special tbimbJe that tits on
the stiff, bulging fingers of the arthritic.
lt proved to be more comfortable, however,
even to women who didn't suffer from the
disease, as it made allowances for long
Although none of the above-mentioned
ladi~ made a million dollars off their brain
children, they did accomplish something
just as important to them. In addition to
the royalties they received, they proved
that women could succeed in the business
spectrum by channeling their ideas into
useful, everyday producta.
As Raymond Lee of the Raymond Lee
Organiution in New York City, an estab-
lished authority in the development of new
ideaa for industry, recently commented,
"Approximately 30 percent of the inven-
tors who come to us now are women, and
this is a substantial jump from just five
years ago. Most women are happy just
making something helpful and adding to
their f amity's income-and their own good
feeJing. On the other hand, there are some
who became self-made millionaires on the
buis of a creative flash or product-im-
provement idea the public needed.''
Two more famous examples are Mar-
garet Rudkin and Mrs. Richard Rodgers.
Mrs. Rudkin developed a rough-textured
bread from flour ground in a kitchen cof •
fee grinder: that was the basis for the $7-
million-a-year Pepperidge Farm business.
Mrs. Rodgers, wife of the composer, hu in-
vented many gadgets. The most famous is
the "Jonny Mop," a toilet-bow) brush.
"The domestic ecene is 6.Jled with op-
portunities for using creativity, ingenuity,
and imagination to solve the problem of
-Mn. Joyc1t Galler
ifttteftUd ""
adjuf4ble drua
<' for 'JW6tf1&4tt.t 'toomn •
.! \
Mra. Ricl&o.rd Rodgera
ma.tU h0Uet00f'k
ea.lier bJ ift11ntiflg
f.lte Jow."11 Mop.
keeping an efficient home," Lee says.
"Money has been made from a simple
object l.ike a cap that slips over the tip of
an umbrella and keeps it from sliding on
the ftoor when placed on its end.'' Lee adds.
"This was designed by a Flushing, N.Y.,
housewife, and not only does it have func-
tional value but since the cap can be made
in various colors and covered with seqins,
the novelty bu a decorative value.''
Lee is convinced there is a vast J'ange of
items which only women can invent (or
improve on). A perfect example from the
past is a gimmick dreamed up by a doc-
tor's wife.
from her own experience, she knew
what a pregnant woman went through in
trying to keep her wardrobe in tempo with
her increuing size. She also was incensed
at the wast.e of storing away a maternity
wardrobe after the baby's birth.
So Mrs. Joyce Galley designed an ex-
pandable garment that could be made
larger or smaller, depending on 'the need,
within minutes. Not only could the preg-
nant woman wear fitted clothes, but she
could adjust the same wardrobe to wear
after her delivery.
As it t urned out, this not only appealed
to mother8-to-be but to women on diets.
The new design is being retailed now.
Lee believes that for every woman who
has patented her. brain child, hundreds of
others simply use them in their kitchens,
sewing rooms, or nurseries, unaware that
the gimmick might have value. The value
is in hard dollars and cents and inesti·
mable self-satisfaction.
Are you missing these rewards by fail-
ing to be mother of an invention? •
The hospitality industry has been growing llO fa'lt they'll need 25.000 new MCttutivoi this yt"ar.
And 25,000 mort' next year. And so on.
That's why the Educational Institute of tht" American Hotel &: Motd As..xiation has juM made
ics executive training counc available to you.
The industry needs top managcn. SupcrvisorK.. Dcpartml'nt heads and usistanu. Eitccutivn
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The better jobs pay SI0,000 to $20,000 or more. With t"Xlra'I besides-like great meals, housing,
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Still, there aren't enough people trained to fill curttnt opcnin~. And the shortage promi5a to
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That promises you your chance to become tht" executive you'd like to be. Herc's one field where
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Now you can take tht" industry's own training program at home through LaSalle: Hotel/Motel
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And because this is the AH&MA course, it's mdoncd and rcc.ogniud by the industry leaden.
So gnduates will have a direct line to the bcttn-jobs.
The hotcl/rnotd industry wants you. Needs you. Will hdp you get the right training.
But you have to take the first llq>. Fill in this coupon and g~ a brochure th~l gives you facu about
the industry, thcjobund the course.
LASMIF 1118./Ulla EliiilM-•
I'd lik<' morT rar1ubout the-hotc-1/motl"I indu1try, 1hcjobu nd
your rJll'('UliV(' lraininit COlll'I('. P1C'3ll(' l<'nd 011" your rrtt hro-
churt', wilhou1 obli1r.11ion, "f COUl'M'.
°'P'· No.
Mail '° LaS'allc Extnuion Uoivn1ity, A Corr~ In·
scitution,417S. DntbomSL, De-pt. J&.l05,0lic~. lll.ti060~
MOTEL CAREERS AVAILABLE -........ _ .. __ .. ~ the .-owine mot9t lndultrf1 u...,_.
Mo191 Schools <*' train you for • ltfmu... . • --_. .. ..,.._. -.£?Wt-Mar1191ra. Allilant ......... Ctertts. ' Houllkaepenand Ho« Meet famous .
and lnw.dnt peopte; tnw9I if you
w.nt tO; )cHn In 90CW activttlla; IM in. pe...nt IUn'OUndif9. Aswb•••• ._.lty fumilhad. ,.,,,. no a.riw -nwbMitV .,, wt.
Train .. home In your.._.. time followld by two_..~..,._
intetai1Nrofourtwomotall-ILUE SEAS, MIAMI aeACH ..
SAVOY, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. K-s» ~job until r-9V to
Mitch thrOUlh ow •xc*lant k>C8I and twtk>MI employmMt I IUC:L
Don't Oet.v -Write now for c:omp69M cletWIL No .._ton.
:" ~ , ~ • ,, I • t 1 1 F u ~ .· ~ E r t. ~; , .. ~ · ... : ) t ~ • • • ·
I 1872 N. W. 7 St., Miami, Floridl 33126 I Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A118~~~
I Addrell I I City Smte Zip J
·-~"!.-----------~~!!'!'! ~~~!~--_...J
Science Finds Wt1y
To Shrink
Painful lfemorrhoids
And Promptly Stop The Itching,
Relieve Pain In Most Cases.
A scientific research institute
bas discoveJ'ed a medication
with the ability, in mostcaaes-
to promptly stop burning itch
and actually sh1"ink hemo1"-
In one hemorrhoid case after
another very striking improve-
ment was reported by doctors
who conducted the tests. Pain
and itching were promptly re-
lieved. And while gently reHev-
i ng pain, actual reduction
(shrinkage) took place.
Teets conducted on hundreds
of patients by doctors in New
N-5-W.y prec:tlcel plen Off positive K ·
lion atops Arthrltk peln end dlaabllltyl
-hwloped end •l>P"OWd by -1000 Arthrlt~la !· allata and Doctoral Safa. quldl· method oow fully bplalrHtd
In new 51 ·P... book. "OVERCOME ARTHRITIS!" Tetla you hundreds of Do'a and Oon't'a to ...tleve paint Full fac:h
about aspirin. Cold ulta, pr..ml-. hydroc:ortlsone, apecial di.ta, lautlvu,
food supplements, alffplnc on ftocw, vi·
bratln1 medllnes. Much Mo....t Mall only
$5.95 to "ARTHRITIS." Bo• 606i F. 0 . Aoo....,.lt Stat.Ion, New Yortl. N.Y. 0022
..-mr;:;;;:;;:;~., Cleans icreasy, dirty engines by
turning grease
Into soap which
washes away
quickly .•. leaves
engines bright
and clean. Re· duces fire hazard.
For cars. trucks.
tt'8CtolS. outboard
motors and pow-
er mowers. A•--_.....,._
York City, in Wuhinrt:on. D.C.
and at a Midwest Medical Cen-
ter proved this so. And it was
all done without narcotiat or
stinging astringents of any
There ia no othe1" formula for
the treatment of bemorrhoida
like it! Preparation H also
lubricates, soothes irritated
tissues and helps prevent fur-
ther infection. Preparation B
comes in ointment or sup-
pository form. No preecription
is needed.
ht • IT"-f \, ',I , • I ; '1 ti I .~ If I l \ t
for Men!
DESTINED to nverse the season's
trend toward see-through men's
shirts and pants (hard to believe,
but true!) are new knit clothes.
"About a year ago," nports the
American Institute of Men's and
Boys' Wear, .. men's knit suits, sport
coats, and slacks wen trial-ballooned
-and enjoyed immediate success."
Predictably! Men's knits (comparable
to women's knitwear) retain their
shape well, are lightweight and
porous, and usually require Jess
alterations than suits or slacks
of woven fabrics.
This season handsomely tailored
knits for the male contingent, many
of synthetic fabrics, will fill in
everywhere from the beach to the
office in solid colors as well as racy
plaids, checks, and stripes.
For the 0 dog days," at least, the
wilted suit is a relic of the past ! +
A maft Oft the ·wa11 'MP 014ght to look 1moot1'.
H' wiU iA tlit. Dacr01a<-wool double-bit
:mit. Its jMket is alta.,,.,d, siz-httotted, aftd
/1411 f O'Ur-i.nd lopela. BN Sta1ll~'ll Bloem.
Ct»att ott tlaia alaek o.tjU, I• fH'l•e•tn
doi.ble-lmit, /or cm~ ~i.,.:g ocecuiOft.
80%4tNlt ;a.clut /ea.tuns peok 1.apela au
sno.p do8'Hf'e•. lt'a from Alezander Sl&ielda.
Cloth.es for tl.e aetiti•
li/•: hit 810itn-
nit toith lunU<mtal-
atri1>1 top ii bv
Cotali,....Marti•; tu
ribbed tlmible-hit
10ool jaelut, kttit •lhrt,
"°"6le-hit aloe.b ~
Perfect for Lovers ... and Music Box Collectors
~ ~ MlUISikc &x l?llays
"Lana's~'' &oon\ lD>Ir.
"Lara's Thente"
Music Boxes ere the rage
in Europe selling for up
to $12 or more
' .
Remember the delkate, wistful melody "Lare 's
Theme•• from Dr. Zhivago? Now this beautiful and
nostatgk music has been captured for you to platy
whenever you want It In this charming music box.
In idle moments, or when you're getting ready for
a great event, you 'II thrill to the crisp bell-llke notes
tlnkUng out the haunting melody and the delightful
flgure of the boy and girl revolving to the music ...
Unfortun•tely, It Is Impossible to vlsuallze"the
quaint beauty and superb craftsmanship from the
small black and white Illustration here. Only when
you see this superb music -box In your' home. and
hear Its haunttng melody can you really appreda~
Its charm and beauty.
Because of tfle unique combfnatJ(>n of a great
movie moslC theme and old world craftsmanship,
this collector's item Is certain to go fast. Therefore,
we urge you to order now, while the supply lasts.
Each full-color glazed, ceramic box Is 5~· high,
and .c· wide, anCI Is yours for only $4.98 postpaid ~
on full mol)ey back guarantee If you •re not abso-
lu~y detlghted ltlth the joy and beauty It brings
to your home, or as a splendid gift. Hurry, order
now, this offer will not be repeated this season
In Family Weekly. e C4flrtllll IMI, c.e.w, IWltt ..._ ______ ....__ .... ~·---------COLOl"llAL STUDIOS. Dept. LT -53 A
21 Bel* ..... • ............ ,._ Yertl 10606
Please send me the ceramic music bo11 that plays "Lare ·s
lbeme" for only $4.98 postpaid on fuH money back gu•r·
tee If I em not absolutely dellgh~d.
Enclosed ls $ . . . . . (Print Ck!erly I ,
City .................•.......................
State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . ....
0 SA VE I SPECIAL OFFER! Order Two Music Boxes for
only $8.95. (Save $1) Extra Music Boa makes e per·
feet a!!t.
r --
111 rour bllls
We are fl21 a loan company, so poor
credit is no problem! (Maximum total
debt accepted is $20,000.)
SIM ,_ ... _. ..._ .. 111111 ....
ilfwaltill .. I ~-IHfiCltill.
r...-mm"'" ewtMnii * a~rw-4 ,..._ __________ __
UNITED SECURITY:~ ~ COllfl'CMIATION : .... ,, ______ ,,_ __ _
• ....., ..... Purtam, U am '
BB a SWingsr!
llBlltMJd of "8nt1lrual /Jlsl1tfJ88
As an active woman, you 1et around.
Whe,. your IUJ Is, you are loo. Golf.
Cookouts. Partin . No l1mt to slow
d-n. and ~u don't h-to. Not to1en
bec:eua. of functional menstrual dis·
tress. How? Witt! M1001..
Be<:auw MIDOl.• oon .. lns:
•An exclusive enti-spumodic thet
helps STOP CRAMl'S •••
• M1dicallr-1pprond lncredlents lh1I
• Plus a mood brl1hlaner thet 1eu
you throuah the tJyina pr.menstrual
period fftlin1 calm and comforteble.
Bt • swln1er. ~ da,. With MtOOL
ZlpCode __ _
• • persptratlon
solved .... ,.,
''"sans ••• '""if• •111i1J An anQperspirant that 1-Uy
worka! Solvea underarm
problelm for many who had
deapaired of effective help.
MUehum Antl-Penplran&
keeps u:nderanm abeolutely dry
few tho..ande of patelul uaen,
with comelete gentlen ... to
normal akin and dotbinc. It
will keep you drier than GAY
anti-wea-agent ever put i:D
an aeroeol 8P1'8Y cant By any-
body. Thia unuaua.I formula
from a tn.tworihy 66-ye.N>ld
laboratory ia 1uaranteed to
aatiafy or dealer will refund
purchue price. So pt the pomi-tive protection ol~ 11.lteham
Antl-Peraplrant, liquid or
cnam.. $3.00, 90-day aepply, at
your favorite drug or toiMtry
W•n YR Dn• IJ Mail
Fr. F •ilJ .... r, ...
Pltut allow ,. to fCM1r ""*' for *"*'·
Tiie Ids ¥t ,iacH -, ~ '*"""'its.
Tt. i~ llftd CGPJ ,,.. ~ for rtll·
Ablll\J llJ Fi111111 Wfflll1, too. If pou''lt M'J
tllf"llom aa.o.t Mail °'*"• jldt w ilt: Stnlat ~. r .. o, WitftlJ, M l 1.n1,...
"-• .... Yor~. 111.Y. 10022.
Pae-2: The ~ Ate:hive, ffte.1
roi.e 10: Al~W •
..... "' w...-,~_, ....... ·~
Make the Most
of fresh
• s mes
• Now--wlai.le c.Jilona.la lltrawbflrrift
are plenlifal--wlay llOI i:nchalp yoaneU?
C.ptare their nata..ral eweetneea without
adonune.at and ill glamorout or e~ery
d.y redpee.
Tea Cream for Strawbenies
Tea Creca u G traditiOflGl r~ciJH d4t-
U.g ba.ek to °""' Earlv Ammco,. ,wriod.
l tahleepoea .black ta
I 2-ha. atiee of amp ~l
~ em.a •• .akk
J whole •••ea
• whole doTft a tabi..,.,... boffia1 water
J CUJNI hnYJ aeaa
2 pta. freah atrawbeniu. elieed
~ cup cru•lated HCU
1. Put tea, peel, and epicea into a bowl.
Add the boiling water and allow brew to
stand at room temperature 1 hr.
2. Strain brew throurh a fine sieve or a
sieve lined with cbeeiecloth. Mix with
cream. Allow to stand 30 min.
3. Meanwhile, put berries into a bowl and
sprinkle with broW"D or rranulated supr·
to taste. Chill 16 to 30 min.
4. Stir the ~ cup supr into the tea cream
(whip, if desired). Serve with the sugared
berries. Accompany with old-fashioned
lemon or surar cookiu or ginrerbread.
6 iervi•o•
Quince or Crab Apple Cream for
Strawberries .
Beat together until blended •A cup quince
jelly and 1 tablespoon confectionen' au-
pr (or 1,4 cup crab apple jelly and 1 ta-
blespoon honey). Add 1 cup chilled heary
era.a and whip to aoft peaks. Serve with
lh'awberrie&, sweetened to taste, a.nd
cookiea and ginrerbread.
Pri7.e Strawberry Jam
A nMll dull of tl&u ;om witl& cream povred
""" u o Mlici"'" nd n•7"~ de11m.
l n,. Ina ripe trtra wlterria
S ct1,. .. IU
1. Rinse, hull, and drain berries O!' absor-
bent paper. Halve the very large berries.
Put the fruit into a heavy saucepan.
SVCCMlettt ltra1Dbnri~• !"'°"' Calif orMG,
apriftkl.ed lDitl& gro'""'1.ted or brotem avgar,
are an'tled with old-fGfhiOMd Tea Crea•.
2. Add 1 cup surar; stirring rently. bring
to boiling. Boil 6 min., stirring constantly.
3.. Repeat step 2 two more times, ueing
remaining 2 cups supr and boilinr 6
min. after each addition.
4. Turn into a shallow dish. Cool, stir-
ring occaaionally, and skim. Cover loosely
and allow to stand 24 bn.
5. The next dAy ladle into hot sterilized
jars and seal. T'laree 8-<>z. j ora jam
Strawberry Fritters
T luae pd it~ fritter• are o flef'1J .-puial
treat "'"'"' at break/rut or brvftCI&.
Z pt.a. freM strawberria (wllole
a114 aalndled), riuM and com-
pletely Hied
J Jar (12 ei.L) apricot pnaenee
z t•,. er ..... .,. pated llberta
or wabaata
z eg~. eUslltly beatea
2 eape laely cna.elaed aalti.aee
Ve1etable aherte.aing for ckep
fryi•1 Mated to M&•F.
1. Force the preserves through a sieve.
2. Gently but ftrmly graap each complete-
ly dry berry by the hull; dip in preserves.
Using a fork to help coat, cover berry up
to hull with the preserves. Allow excess
to drip through tines of fork before
tranaferring to the nuts .
3. Coat with nuts, still holdinr hull.
Shake gently before tranaferrinr to bea~
en egg. Dip in beaten egg, smoothing off
excess, and then coat with cracker
crumbs up to bull. Place on wire racks
a nd chill 80 min. to set coating.
4. Fry berries, 6 or 8 at a time, in the bot
fat until golden brown (less than 1 min.).
Be sure that temperature of fat is heated
to 866°F. after each fryinr. Carefully re-
move with slotted spoon. Drain on paper
towel-lined rack.
5. Serve warm with sifted confedloaen'
au.pr, a email individual bowl for each
serving, if desired. I to 8 •fn"ft1tl1•
VI'S, rrs TRUE! You can actually own this complete
Columbia Compoacnt System for ooly $14.9.SI And what
a superb music 1ystem it is ... providina clear, brilliant.
coocert-balJ llerco aound ... quality-ena;iocered to combine
all the reatures and fidelity of larger, more expeMive units
selling for as much as $1 SO. And beautifully desiancd, too
... the three matched pieces are all bandtomdy finished in
a lustrous, walnut-grain effect ... and a dust cover is io·
eluded. What's more, it's compact enouab to fit easily on a
desk, a table top or a shelf-in any room io your home.
Our reauJar price for this Component System is $69.9.S
-yet oow, u put of tbil apecial introductory offer, you
may t.ake it for only $14.9.S when you join the ColwnbU
Record Oub and buy three records now at the rqular
Club price of only $4.98 each.
Yoor ooly additional obliption as a member of the
Oob will be to purcbue a record a month duriaa the
c::ocnin, year ... rccorda you'd prot.bly buy anyway! The
O ub will otrer you hundreds of recordl to chooee from
each lllOldh ... an delcribed in a colorful music mqazine
which you will ~~ free! Youll find records from every
field of muaic -the best-eellers from maay different labels.
You may acccpe the reauJar moothly selection for the field
of music in which you are mainly interested ... or tale any
of the other records offered.
YOUR OWN CllAJlGE ACCOUN'TI Upon enrollment,
the Oub will open a charaic account in your name. You
pay for your records ooly after you have received them-
p1ayed them-enjoyed them! The rccorda you want will
be nailed and billed to )'OU at the replar Oub price of
S4.91 (Cluaic&J and occuionaJ special albums 10mcwbat
hiaber), ptus a ma.tlina and hudliQg charge.
FREE RECORDS! Once you've completed your enroll-
ment aareemeat. youil ,et a record free (only 2.Sf for
mailinr and handling) fore~ additional record you buy
therea.f1cr! That's like ,eniq almost a SO% discount on
all the records you waot for as Iona u yoo want!
tetliq to your favorite music on your own ColumbiA Com-
ponent System. Fill in the coupon now and mail it with
your check or D'IOfteY order for only $14.9.S. Your Colum-
bia Component System and the three ICereo records of
yoor clK>ice wtll be lent to you promptly <alont with a
bill to cover mailio1 and handlin1 chartea and your first
three records). Don't delay-the number of component
ayaeau· we have manufactured for thi1 o«er is limit.ed -
it'• tint come, fint served! Seod for yours today!
TERRE HAUTE, rNDJANA 47808 @ Where mu1rt bllye,, llwp for ltilll
-. .................................................................. . .._ ...... --..... ---.....................................................................
a., .................................................................. .
._ ...... ~·························································
............................................................... ~~
How My Husband
Changed My Life
ANN-MARGRET dresses as bi-
1"1.zarre off ~era as on.
··During a New York visit, she
emerged in a pop-art pants
suit, saucer-a~ earrings,
and make-up to pale an art-
ist's palette.
"Take them off," said her husband,
aetor-dlrector Roger Smith.
"lt'a kooky."
''It's horrible. Take them off. The
perfume, too.''
An hour later, Ann-Marvet rea~
peared, modified, although hardly
6Ubdued, in what appeared to be
lounging pajamaa and a tiara. The
incident characterized a two-and-one-
half-year maniage which bas changed
both the lives and careers of Ann-
Margret and Ropr Smith.
Ann-Margret, the leggy Swedish-
bom l'irl from a small resort town
fn northern IJlinois, bas had an un-
enviable reputation as one of Holly-
wood's worst actre.aaee and moat un-
cooperative stars-winner of the
press' "Sour Apple Award." Now,
while hardly an Oscar threat, she has
emerged as a movie and tv favorite
•• ofThtlmb
A toy box ..
A little bin
w'bicla toy• are very
Seldom in.
-Belly laler
(she bu an NBC special next Sun-
day> with a take-the-Jmocka-witb-.a·
grin ·penonali ty.
Roger Smith is the answer. "We
courted ftve yean before we mar-
ried," Ann-Jl&rgret aaya, ''because I
distruated him. I distrusted every-
body. Why not, the way people wrote
about me. I found one writer rillling
my desk in my bedroom for personal
"I guess I wasn't prepared for the
rough treatment you get when you
become an actress. (Ann-Margret hit
stardom quickly in "Bye, Bye
Birdie.") I'd been raised u an only
chUd in a warm family, both here
and in Sweden, where we visited of-
ten. Aunts cuddled me, one uncle even
took me on a motorcycle trip around
Sweden. Then, bang-I was a target
for nutineaa and put-downs.
"I hurt euily, but worse, my moth-
er and father hurt even more eaaily.
I even <lropped the 'OIHn' part of my
name becauae I thought it would be
easier on them. But Dad can't help
reading everything about me, and
the pain some of it causes him makes
me cry .
"So poor Roger bad to win my
A group of Boy Scouts was at-
°kmpting to earn the cooking merit
"Wh~re abould one stow eggs in
a pack'?" the scoutmaster uked a
small, serious-looking boy.
After a moment of thought, the
lad said, "Put them in the bot-
tom of it."
"Why in the bottom 1"
"So they won't meea up every-
t.hing else in the pack when they
break:• -Data Bn'lt1Jtt
Now They Tell Mol
Ju•t let me gain a pound or two,
And eomebody'e eare to boom,
"You·re aalnlng weight, aren•t
yo.., my clear?"
In a erowcled diniq room.
a •• let me loee &ve pound.e or eo.
And the compliment'• not a boom
Bat a wht.per iD the privaey
Of a ne•~•pty powder roomt
__,,.,.,.. Lee F ~u.
trust. Still, I think be waa ft.attered
when he won it. Be knew how hard
it waa for me to give it. And be knew,
too, once I gave trust, it waa total.
.. When a woman like me marries,
she expects the man to be all man. to
take complete charge of her life. Rog-
er has done that. He baa had his fill
of acti ng (tv series ''TT Suuet Strip"
and "Mister Roberta .. ) and wanted
to direct (his first tUm aa a director
ia "The First Time"). He knew, too.
that my career had gone sour-and
me with it.
"He didn't say anything before we
were married, but he did afterward.
He told me what wu wrong. I had
done more tillll8 than any other ac-
tress in a comparable time, taking
anything the studio threw at me.
Terrible things, without even a ques-
tion from me. No more of that, aaid
Roger, even if it means legal trouble.
.. Now be plans my whole life. He
manages me; he produced my tv' spe-
cials ; be reads every ac'ript and se-
lects only what's right for me. That's
the kind of man I married. That's
the kind of man I wanted to many.''
Now they Jive on a seven-acre es-
tate in Beverly Hilla. "1 hide away
a114 Rogtf' SMit1'.
on my seven acres of silence," she
sighs, "and th.ey can't touch me any
more." The house once belonged to
Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Ba-
call, and Ann-Margret bu great plans
-Swedish kitchen, country-Engliah
drawing room, French dining room
-bat they spend only a few days a
month there.
By this time, Ann-Jl&rgret is eat-
ing a robuat lunch. She explaina: "I'd
better fill up now. Roger 1juat told
me-'No meals over the weekend.
Your cheekbones are ftlling out, and
we're shooting Tuesday. By then J
want to see lots of bone in those
"thee ks. They're your trademark.' ••
So next time you see Ann-Margret,
never mind any improvemenbl in act-
ing. Watch those cheekbones : they
come from strict orders ol love.
°"" UIO]I to °"""" Q jtJ"f' i8 to teU
your f our-J!tar-ol.d not to tmu:A it.
-J olltt Sltotwtll
The ir<m age, if I rtmember con-ectlr,
eri11ted juat b1Jfore we had drip-4111 clotM1.
-Lane Oli1111h.ouie
When asked by a friend if bia
married Ufe wu a happy one, Jud-
son replied : "Yes, I married the
girl of my dreams. She is u beau-
tiful to me now as the day I first
met her. Her hands are always
soft and white. Her complexion is
peaches and cream. Her hair is
never untidy, and she is always
well-groomed and dressed in the
height of fashion."
"So you don't regret a thing?"
persisted bis' companion.
"No," replied Judson, "but be-
tween you and me, I'm getting
pretty tired of eating in restau-
rants." -F. G. Kernan
On o field trip <me, 'Wiae l'0'"•0-
11t er couaeud hu pal: "Wlclt~er
11<m do, d<m't look at tl1l1/t1'iftg, cw
tomorrow theJIU m4k1J 11°" write
o report mt it!"
-DorotAr B. BrMl1Jtt "No, DodJJ.11! TotliOl&t I'd like •r •torr 'li1'1.'"
to ...
' ,,
--~ --~-----------------------------
$1.40 VAWE $1.40 VALUE
$1 .40
VALUE ---r\i) ----• &J FREEi
c ACE R LM CLUB, Dept. FW·6
P.O. Box 1191 , Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
P.O. Box 37, Ortando, Florida 32802
P.O. Box 5351, Cteveland, Ohio 44101
P.O. Box 1708, Denver, Colorado 80201
Please send me one 126 instar.t load cartridg~ of Color
Film. f have enclosed 25¢ ttJ cover postage and handling.
(J>'ease print)
FREEi Cfl-9 &-9 <L-9 CB-9!!i:
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oe-free card now.
llDd comp&ete ddails
on this reawtllble ofter.
IT'S THE LAW In O~n that
which ever car beats the oth.?r to an intersection first ha3 tho? right
of way. Isn' tha1 a beauty ...
A New Hampshire court ruling
sa,ys that When two motorists
meet a1 an Intersection each one
much come to a full stop and
that neither shall proceed until
the other has gone. Maybe that's
wh.v naf.lve3 of the Granite State
live so long?
doubt 1he best way to see this
jlreat country of ours. If you are
like most Americana. you want
to show some of this land and
heritue to yoor youngsters.
Traveli1111: with kids can be great
fun . . . if you are prepared.
One excellent rule to follow is
keep them busy at all times.
There are some terrific games
on the market. at low costs, d~
signed ot keep them occupied
am educate th.?m a t the same
time. Vistt yoor local toy or va·
riety store for suggestions.
SHOULD YOUR vacation plans
include "heading for the back
oountry" you might take a good
look at Ford's 1969 Bronco. Thi.s
powerful JltUe giant is available
in atatlon wagon and pickup
models. Standard power for the
Bronco ls the tough economy
17C-cubic lnch six. t'Oupll'd with
a fully synchronized three-speed
manual transmlsslon. The new
optional 302-cublc-inch V-8 Is also avallable here at Wilson
Ford. Why not stop In and test
drive the Bronco today?
PROBABLY THE second biggest
and certainly one of the most
Important decisions a new car
buyer must make after the pur-
chase of his new car ls the
insurance, There are no doubt
more insurance plans options
and choices offered than there
are models and body styles of
automobiles. Uke any other
product or service the Insurance
field ha.a its exi>erts. Here at
18255 Beach Blvd. we feel our
Insurance couose:ors are second
to ~ne. Hiehly trained at their
•cia.l'Y. they will tailor a
poljcy to more than •listy yoor
netd!s and probably save. you ~Y while doUw so.
auus a ass saaia1 .. a1111111111111111111111111i111111111121111111
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CORTINA $99 Down $62.20 36 mo.
Plus Tu I License on approved bank credit
DELUXE SEDAM, t7., C.1.0. '7 H.P. engine, fully synchron11ed 4 sPffd lrensmlulon, disc l>nk•, vinyl buctttt
W•ts. fvltv ct~. ueoflow Wfllllellon hffle< a. defrost.,., Interior & fl!ttrlor ~ frovps w/1/w tlr•.
pedcMd dtsll a. vi.on, tleclrlc wlnclahleld wlPtf"I a. wewrs. 2.t montha/24.000 mile. warranty. ' ·
t ...... 1 .. , •••
7 hwl
,..,, ................. 5 , .••
... , ......... t , .•. 592-5511
yy· !PORT! HltJHl/tJ/IT!
.;. ·, .. ·.-. ...
12:30 fJ Qj (i) AAU International Track and Field (C) The Sacra·
mento Invitational from Sacramento State College.
1:30 fJ ~Cl) NFL Action (C) "The Game They Love." Story of
the history and development of the National Football League.
Beginning with the early days of the league and never·before·
pictured footage of George Halas and Red Grange to ihe era
of the passers with Sammy Baugh, Bobby Layne and Otto
Graham right up to the current super stars of the sixties.
O ~ (6) Kemper Open Golf (C) Arnold Palmer defends his
title in tfie $150,000 tournament, live from the Quail Country
Club in Charlotte. N.C. Top prize is $25,000.
8:00 m Dodgers Baseball (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres
at San Diego Stadium.'
11:00 AM 0 ~ 00 Major League Baseball (C) Teams to be an·
1:30 IJ ® (i) National AAU Track and Fiefd Championships (C)
NationaT Men's Championship from Miami, Florida.
4:00 0 @ CI) ABC's Wide Worfd of Sports (C)
5:30 O @ CI) I sli>EctAi I Coaches' All-American Football Game (C)
The top seniors of 1968 meet in Atlanta, Ga. when the East
and West squads compete. The ninth annual event is upheld
by the coaching of Joe Paterno and Pepper Rodgers. These
coaches matched strategy in the 1969 Orange Bowl game
which was won by Penn State, 15·14, in the last 20 seconds.
The East and West squads are split at four wins each. The
West won in 1968. At press t ime, members of the squads
had not been announced.
8:00 m Dodgers Baseball (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. San Diego Pad res at San Diego.
Movies ol t'1e Week J
9:00 O @ (3) "Boeing, Boeing." Tony Curtis, Jerry Lewis, Thelma
Ritter, C5any Saval, Christine Schmidtmer, and Suzanna Leigh
star in this hilarious story of an American news co"espondent
who spends his spare time juggling time schedules so his
three airline·hostess fiancees won't meet each other.
9:00 D taj@ "Companions in Nightmare." A repeat of the
''World Premiere" movie that stars Melvyn Douglas, Leslie
Nielsen, Anne Baxter, Gig Young and Dana Wynter in a story
of a group therapy project that harbors a psychotic murderer.
9:00 D @@ "The Jokers." Michael Crawford and Oliver Reed
star in a funny flick about two brothers who concoct a scheme
to steal the Crown Jewels and return them within a week.
9:00 O @ 00 "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
Jack Palance stars in a dual role in the repeat showing of
the Robert Louis Stevenson classic about a gentle doctor who
deteriorates into a Satanic creature by drinking a potion he
1s experimenting with to make life better for mankind.
9:00 IJ Q?l 00 "The Defector." Montgomery Clift and Hardy Kruger
star in this suspense spy thriller about a Russian physicist
who wants to defect to the West.
9:00 6 Qj Cl) "Guns at Batasl." Richard Attenborough, Jack
Hawkins and Mia Farrow star In an adventure set in Africa.
9:00 D Q@ "farenhelt 451." Oskar Werner and Julie Christie
star m a drama about a future society where owning and
reading books is considered a crime.
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10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ---------------• I I NAME I
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Choose Heathkit" Marine Electronics
kit Ml-11 A Heathkit All Solid-Stat• D•h Sounder
A•oi4 the .,.. ... ,. t11me•t---4••t•t-ooc.01t ef ,._..:., •trouA4 . • the Mt. t I A '"••aH1o''
,t-oel 4ep+trr.• wt.ti. 5 ~ •ccurey 0111 •II '''''"''· It ,robtt 4owA to 100" OA 1'erd boHofftt,
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kit MR-21 A Heathkit "Mariner" 3-land Radio
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Alw4y\ 1howt yO• tti.1 wey tr.oftltt thowt lfOW 1•1CHy wl\ere yoY trt thro"tl' I CCYtt f•
trt1ftt wl1tioA •• , •IM01t •• tU'f H r1t.liJl.9 • ""''' A...4 yov Ct ft _. .. U for' 1At1rtelA· lift'"'· fitf1f'ift9 to AM t1-'io or fo1 ..-ioAftori"t the "'.,i,., t.ht ftttt h .
ij ~~~ Ml·H
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SoAd-State Fuel Vapor Detector
Yowr bett •Uvr111c1 •••'"•• ••plotio" 1•4 fire et u1. M1t1r •t •cl• "uf•"'••91ro1111·
11pfot;•1", oA4 tltr-• 1ov~1 wht• fw"'tt lrt ,,,.,.,.,, l uilcl t A4' '••••ti .• ;,_ i'-tt J tlioliitt.
IHW All Solld·St•t•
T11ehometer . .
For Any Bo•t
Can be conntcled to 1nv
tP••k·IVPt engine ""llh •nv l.1nd of 1vn111on 1v1ttm
Comts ""•lh 1ptul,.prool
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It'• FrM to You for the AtlclntJ.
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to letl. • f4w thort bloc•• •"" ,ew'r• u ft 1
776-9420 330 EAST IALL, ANAHEIM
THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JUNE 21, 1969 1:001 100 m Get SM•rt (C) (30) (]) &) Tltt Ntwfywtd 81•
~) ( ) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Mwle: "Citizen Kane" (drama)
'41--0rson Welles, Joseph Cotten .
Ii) 1'111 A..,lcan Wut (C) (30)
"Gateway to the West." (R)
@) NET ftstlnl (C) (60) "The
Wor1d of Henry Mlll!!r." (R)
6:008 Th• II& News (C) (60) I Nodlt de Estreno (2 hr) · 9 (I) m Huntley-Btlnkley (C) 8:30 9 (j) ~ Three SonJ (C) (30)
8) @ (I) m Tiit lihost ind Mrs.
Porter Waaoner (C) (30) Jr (C) (30) "Hero Today, Gone
Boss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle Tomorrow."
hosts. 0 (i1) (]) &) TM LaWl'lftU Witt
I Tiit Invaders (C) (60) SiiOW (C) (60) "Thi~ Land Is Your
[j) T lf'Zan (C) (60) Land'' opens a musical lour of the
6:30 News Conference (C) (30) U.S.A. Ken Delo, baritone. euests.
Melody Ranch (C) (60) The Oil· fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "W111te
lards guest. Featltlf'' (western) '55 -Robert O Rowy Grier (C) (30) Les Mc· Wagner, John Lund, Debra Paget.
Cann and Johnnie Taylor guest. Ii) Budl Owens (C) (30)
1 Lon Lucy (30) 9:00 f) Qi) (j) Hoaan'1 Heron (C) 00 Dtaflt Valley Days (C) (30) (30)
@ laup-ln (C) (60) 0 @ (6) m NBC s.turday Mov-
Playln& the liuitar (30) (R) le: (C) lifear No Evil" (suspense)
Entertainment Specials (C) (60) '69-Lynda Day, Bradford Diiiman.
lilrl from uiwcu: (C) (60) I Bill Anderwn (C) (30)
7:00 Qt) Cl) CBS Evenine Ntws (C) Critique (C) (60) "Nl&ht Watch."
(30) Roger Mudd. 9:30 Petticoat JunetiOn (C) (30) O MIC Survey (C) (30) "LS0.'1 Homer Bedloe returns to Hooter·
Or. Keith Ditman is Bob Wright's ville with a brand·new scheme to
euest. sabotaae the Cannonball. Irene Ryan O Tht Annivtnlry Qamt (C) (30) guests. @)
Al Hamel hosts. 0 Qi (j)ll ... ,,..,,,...,c,..,1""'lt.'"'I Miss C.lifor·
0 Death V1ll1y Days (C) (30) ii1i Beauty Pa1eant (C) (90) To·
•"78ritta Goes Home.'' A beautiful night's pageant will decide which
Swedish girt. just arrived from the of hte beautiful contestants will
"old country," finds the harsh life represent this state in the national
of the old west a little too much Miss America Pageant
to bear. O @Q)al Johnny C.111 (C) ID June With The Kine Family (C) (60) Eddie Albert, Charlie Callas.
{60) CR) Jerry Re!d and Linda Ronstadt
Ii) Wonders of the World (C) (30) guest.
"Petticoats in Portugal." The Link-I Tiie Stoneman family (C) (30)
ers spend a night in a Portuguese 10:00 Mannix (C) (60)
castle and then explore the town Nen (C) (30)
of Obidos, where the girls wear Ernest Tubb (C) (30)
seven petticoats. : NET Playhouse (2 ht) "La @CD Passport to Travel (C) (30) Mama Playwrirhts." (R)
EIJ) After Film School-What? (C) I Box de Mulco (60) (60) Film critic Charles Champlin 10:30 THE Cit (C) (30)
talks with motion picture. writer· • News (C) (30)
producer Carl Foreman anr four Maurice Woodruff (C) (60)
film students who made featurettes Swineln' Gospel (C) (70)
during the filming of "MeKenna's 1 CD Saturday Nite Flkt: "No·
Gold.'' torious Landlady." Jack Lemmon m Elit11metro (30) and Kim Novak star.
7:30 IJ ~ (j) Jactie Gleason (C) (60) I Hollywood and tbe Sbr1 (C)
Gay Paree is the first stop for the 11:00 0 0 m &) News {C)
globetrotting Honeymooners on the Movie: "Rold to Slna•port"
trip they won in a jingle contest. (R) (comedy) '40 -Bob Hope, Bing
0 @ (6) m Adam-12 (C) (30) Crolby, Dorothy Lamour.
"Looks 1Tke a Psyc.ho." Officers fJ Movie: (C) "Dllmond Horii·
Malloy and Reed deal with a bus· lhoe" (romance) '4>-Betty Grable,
load of Mexican children who ar· Dick Haymes.
rive unannounced at the home of I~ Spotlight Theatre
a citizen to honor him as "El Weekend Show
Presldente.'' fven with the help of 11:15 abulous 52 'Movie: (C) "Son of
the officers, the man can't convince Paleface" (comedy) '52-Bob Hope,
the chlldren that he Is merely the Jane Russell. .
president of a Boosters Club, and 0 !atu.rday Ni&llt Movie: "Juli111
not the head of the country. (R) Caesar'' (classic) '53 -Marlon O Movlt : "I Wanted Wlnp" (ad· Brando, James Mason. Edmond
venture) '41-Ray Milland, William O'Brien, Deborah Kerr, Greer Gar-
Holden, Veronica Lake. son.
0 @ (1) &) Tiit DatJnc G1me 11:301 m Tonlgtit Show (C) (l} (30) Jim Lange hosts. lnsipt (C) fJ I s,J<,AL i lllrld Nlpt at Dis-The Emf)fess (C)
neyland (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. 11:45 Movie: "l ease on Uf•" (drama)
Guests are Tommy Roe, The Right· 'SS-Robert Donat, Kay Walsh.
eous Brothers With Bobby Hatfield, 12:00 m Mtn in Crisis
The Friends of Distinction, Shanro 12:30 O Movie: ''Ghent of frank.enltlln"
and Kem NelSdn. (horror) '42-lon Chaney Jr.
Ii) Wor1d of Womtn (C) (30) "Por· fJ Movie: "Tiit Wrona Man" (dra·
turuese Discovery." Bill Burrud and ma) '57-tienry Fonda.
Patricia Rosa visit Lisbon. the cap· m All·Nlitit sttow: '1he Seventh
Ital of Portugal. Veil," "Hercules, Prisoner of &II," G> Los C.udllto1 (30) and "The Blue Laaoon."
I) •
'.' 0 P N I '~ <, t!l 9 Cl) Im Htlt)S •• S..11r (C) Host Ptt.r M1rsh1ll wtlcomu
panelists Shlr1ey Jona, JICt Caal·
1:00 II s.-Sttlatlll' (C) "Bllclc dy, Nanette F1bray, Jo Anne Wor·
Herita1e-A Hbtmy of Aln>-Amtf'I· ley, Jack Albtf'bon, Willy Cox. P1ul
cans." Lynde, Rose Marie encl CMr1ey
6:30 II CW,-, (C); Flltln, Tuetday· WeMr.
Friday. D Tiie Itta! Mee.,.
0 Education Erc"8ntt (C) GI From tM Inside Ovt (C)
D n. P~ hrtttt m llf ...,_. m EdllCltieMf F1Jm 11:00119 (j) l.wt of lift (C) m rec1u11u1 eor... o o oo m JtopardJ <C> Art
7:00 II CIS News (C) Joseph Bentl. Flemin1 hosts. e@ oo m n. TodaJ ._ (C) an. Woplna a....t <C> Hulh Downs hosts. Gr1h1m Kerr.
D E1trcbe Wlttl IUorla (C) fJ Otbbie Drlu Danctfdzt (C) m Mr. Wllllbo11t (C) m Slwtff Jel11 (C)
fJ) Co•llOdllJ/S11Dct R.,ort G)...,., .... (C)
7:30 D n. Ed ""'°" sa.o. <C> 11:25 1J 9 (j) cas ....., (C) 0our111 m The Fllntltilftes (C) Edwards.
1.-00 R 9 ())Captain Kanaaroo (C) 11:30 Cl Qt()) Seard! fw TttHJTW (C)
With Bob Keeshan. B 0 (i) m [J9 ,_ (C) BUI
0 Abbttt & C.Wlt c.r-.... (C) Cullen hosts. m MllMJ ...... (C) D T1le An111wtnary ea.. (C) Al
U) ltocUt ...... Hotd (C) Himel hosts.
1:15 @{1) Vldee Dtaat (C) Or .. ,. (C) Roy Elwell incl Bob
1:25 a C..••nllJ lllllletin Boanl (C) Doman co-holt.
Thuraday only. ID Wtrtd Adffllblre (C) Monday,
1:30 O lilltlt TtlWM /Yow M...,.s Wednesd1y, Friday; Travel (C)
Wortll {C) Thursday only. Tue.iay •nd Thursday.
0 AstrOlll .. Cartlons (C) 11:45 8 Cerrll CIJ (C) Wednttday. m Bup Bun11J (C)
U)li••bJ (C) f\ F f f R N 0 0 ~.
@ Cl) locQ 111d His frteodl (C) 12.-00 8 .. ...., (C) Jacqueline Susann, 1:55 IJ Coe•HltJ B11llttin Board (C) Dr. Richud Felnber1 and ICtrea
t:OO I) 11le Lucy Slllow (C) Elly Stone fUl$l.
IJ Q,J@ m It r.-r.. (C) D 0 (6) tE Hidden Fae. (C) Viii 'Scully hosts. Morey Amstard1m, Conrad ~ stlri.
Gre1 Morris, Rick Jaton •nd their U Mowte: See Daytime Movies.
wives 1uest. D (i1) CJ) ltwfflcMd
II Mevle: See Daytime Mow!• mm ...... (C)
Johnny Grant host& fJ) OfflCla If a. Pr..w..t
ek=~~p~ytlme McMet.. Qt()) Tiie Unkldter SMw (C)
O Mowte: See Daytime MO¥ies. 12.:30 II 9 Ci) At tM Woftd Tna (C) m @ Cl) Jacl LI Lan• (C) D 0@ m °"' of Ow
U) Undlrdo& (C) (C) Macdonald Carey stirs.
Qt Cl) AtMty Criffltll (C); Ann 8.t· D Ci7l (]) F••llJ YM Sllotlld Ad
dllrSilew (C) Friday only. <~ Uaycl Thaxton hosts. .
9:30 I) QI ()) IMt1J Hlllbllllts (C) !In:~~ Daytime Movies. Ben
Cl Q,J Ci) G':' Concentr1tlon (C) QJ Dlallnr tw Dollan (C) Alen
Ed McMlfion host3. Sloane hosts. m Dln1ts tM M1t1M11 fl) Ttdlllttal Cor1*
m Cu•by . lZ.-55 D @ m Cllllclren'I Dlctot (C)
@(})Harden'• H1p,.nl111 (C) Lendon l[ Smith, M.D. Tueadty·
10:00 I) AtMty Crfffltll Thul'1d1y only.
B QI ()) m .......utJ (C) Llr· 1:00 I) Qt Cl) &Mt II • MlllJ Splft-
ry Blyden welcomes auests Betsy dor9d Th1ft1 (C)
Palmer, Jack ~rter end Join Fon· D Q,J !:fl cg lite Doctwra (C)
tllne. Th!J wlfl diacuss the lnntt James Pntchett stirs. ptDC>nalibes of Jon1th1n Winters, Nanette F1br1y, Peter Lawford, Ann fJ @ CD DrM• HMle (C) Mi
Muuet. ind Jack E. Leonard. D1row hosts. m Trvtll or c.a.ciuencn (C) fl) C..Mltr/Sbd Report
G) hbllc SeMce Fllm 1:301J QI()) Tiie C.Wlq Uitit (C)
@ @ S.111 TocllJ (C) D @ Cl) m AMdler WtfW (C)
10:30 a a()) Dick Ya11 .,,_ IJ r...., ....,. 1est
D lffl (I) a> urs Mllll a Deel
(C) V°'onty Hill hostl.
Gl*" llhwl .._ (C)
fJ) Tiie Plern ._
z.-oo 11 a()) Secret ..,. <C> a taoo m'" 0.111 s., <C> Hostl01n Kennedy welcomes Undl
KIY• Hennln1 •nd Mike Minor.
11 LM 1\at leb; CoMlai ArMllll iie Wlfid (C) Wed. only. a @ mm n. "...,.... ea. (C} Bob Eubanks h0$la.
G) Mowtt: See Daytime Mowla.
2:30 I) Qt ()) lllt Edi' ti NIOt (C) Dta @mT111 1htc11 8••• (t} Host Gene Rayburn welcomes
1uests L1uren Bacall ind David
IJLtlft It tlO ... nr
0 (i7J (}) Q) D1tln1 Ca•t (C) J«n rin1e hosts. ·
2:45 0 Ntws (C) Ted Meyers.
l:OO II Tiie Unkletter 5'toW (C)
D P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts.
1J Hipny htrll
D @ (])al etneral tt.pttal (C)
O Movie: See Daytime Movl•
TOln Frandsen hosts.
Q) ftlil tM Cat (C) .
Q,J @ MltinM: Don Rodewald,
9 Cl) Dillln1 for Dollen Mowit
ID Mltl ... : • Don Wilson.
3:30 II lay P•ir (C) Geoff Edwards
D Miu DDuflas (C)
I; ct'm a::s Uhl To LM (C)
My fnoffi. Martian (C)
Hobo Kelly (C)
4:00 I) Su Hunt; MMe: See Daytime
Movies on Wednesday.
8 lilrl Talk JC) @ Cl) ,(I) Dirt Sllacltwt (C)
Jonathan Frid stirs.
GI n. FllntADnes <C>
4:30 Mtvlt: See Daytime Movln.
Divorce Court (C)
..... (C) Biii Bonds.
..... (C) Geor1e Putnam.
len'1 Bil Top Alw (C)
~ Miu Doufla (C)
.. .,.. Pim '•11J (C)
• OW11 T ilk (C)
5:00 MIC N ....... (C)
News (C) Tom Reddin.
Tiie lirMWJ sa.o. (C)
Tiie Addi• f11111tr
i.111 T11otu1en aow <C>
Tiie Lucy .. (C)
• an
, F•ny Yo• 5'Mld AM (C)
5:30 u cw rn m uc "••• <c>
IFrani!.:f !<c) Art Jama
Cllllpn'a lllancl (C)
l1lil Der 19'9 (C)
.. ...,. (C)
AGES 3 to T9
anti Movie p,..1enU1tion
Noe.4 HeHyw-4 T.._, ~ .a.-.r ••• llltetVl•wf1tt ,.. ... .......... ,.. ..... "' ...... .... 4'Nctt ••.
F•mou1 Actor, Producer, o :r.e·
ior oflfring opporhlnlty to ~ids
end young edulh to be repre·
Hnted in the TV l FILM IN·
$100.00 PER DAY. P.R. CO.
J ! 6 I North Vine StrHt
,. •• 5
r/Juifond a~J r/Jowd
/or lt'I be buttons and bows· rather then
bucWln brMc:hea for Biubeth Beur
this INtOft on Lencer.
When the Western teries becJlns Its
second 'fMr Sept. 2J °"; CBS (7:30 & ~ PM), the lovely-Mht Beur, who stars t es f.,... O'lrfen, wil set the sewing· € lM leclles of Morro Coyo aghast with
her new plumege.
"Ehubeth wlll be more fwninine in future episodes,"
apleins ~uc.r Alen Armtw. "After al. girls who
hvM on renches in the 11109 didn't always weer pents."
EhulMth Is delighted. The chenge in costumes wil
help give her e new ettftude about the character of
Teresa. One of her outfits wt1 be the brown vet+ .... n
ricHn~ sua Raquel Welch wore in the movie, "Bend•
lero.' That sho.ald help anyone's attitudes.
Ehubeth's description of the riding skirt is unique.
"It's like 1 big peir of fat, old pants except they look
hke • skirt when you stand up. They're sort of like to-
day'• culottes. Annie Oakley wore them aR the time."
But th•t's as close •s the char•der of Teresa O'Brien
wiR ever get to resembling that of Litffe ~u,..Shot's.
"I luve the sharpshooting to the men," says Btu.
beth. 0 Th9 only thing I can hit is the bro•dside of •
bam end then only If I'm shooting from in1id1 and all
the doors •N shut."
Whet other fashions of 1870 will be 111n on Biu-
beth 's fair form?
"There'I be lots of blou111 and dresses and • pair
of specialy fltted kn...t.n9*h leather boots.''
KM• •tfh INtlter boots .,. rether contemporery. WW el»out mW lklrtt?
"Certainly notl" E. 8. replies emphatic.affy. "And
there'I definitely be no more pents."
Mama C.. Eliot's fint tel.¥1sion 1P9CW in which
.... stan ain In color on AIC, T1uscNv et 9:00 PM.
On the~ C.. ~end slnos wffft ludcly H.a.
ett end the husbencl-Wffe teem of a.rbere a.in Md
Mertfn uncleu. Cau elso lints fol: '°'.ftCJI _ wfth her oW
friends Joni Mitchel, ~ Treven end John SelNsffen.
C... Eltot by enybocfy s stenderds Is • lerge, ~
lady. She WM• stendout es e memWr of the 11111 bown
Memes end Papas singing group, but is now on her
own. Her f1nt IOlo elbum hes racbcl up sales of owr
• million and is st1I holding firm on the best.....,
C... hes prolNbly been si119~ng since she could nwtk.
sounds. but she dicln't 90 pubf'te untff she left Swarfh..
more Cow... and sterted sin9in9 for her~ in
6rHnwich ~ge. There she met Dennis 0 , leter
to be wel known as • member of The Mamas and the
Papa C... Doherty, :Z.I Yanovsky and John Sebastien
grouped themselYes into The Mugwumps in the Nrfy
1960s. From thet group The Mamas and the Pepn WM
formed with C.... Dennis, John Philips and Michele
GIL~ i:MY wwe precticdy an overnight suecea on
TV, records encl on roed toun.
... ,.....
· In •• tfMi
1rfy w .. ...
NOW e e e •
A product so 1u~rior that we wot
place-It In y9Ur home for • f,... heme
demonstration, We •Ito 'nvlte •ny
ottt.r de1ler to 1 side by side comparl·
son of color, and sound reproduction,
The only obligation on your part i1 1n
interest in color T.V. and the •bility
to pey If yov should ci.cld• to buy.
• Automatic O.,.usslng
• Full size console
• Instant 1utom1tlc, no annoying
w1rm-up d.tay
e Lighted Di•I
• I yrs. adlustment w•rr•nty on pie·
ture tube $12 Ndltlon•I
• Also avallable in D1ni1h Modern.
(Next to Albertson's)
,.,. 7
0 9 @ Ke"'P"' Open Golf (C) Arnold Palmer defends his tltle in
the $150,000 tournament, Uve from
the Quail Country Club in Charlotte.
N.C. Top prize is $25,000. I ~iyn Kuhl111n (C) em) '50-Errol Flynn, Patrice Wy-
evtval flrn (C) • more.
111 5..-f lttvfwal (C) i Oral Rtberts (C)
la KMEX (C) • ~ Faitll for Tod., (C) TM Aantr (C) Town Hall MHtln& (C)
I '.1 0PNl ~C
9:00 IJ ~lltfa TllrH (C) The wor11 of @!) lam Conlon
one of the cinema's forrotten men ml Winp to Advent.re (C)
is the subject of "Cinema, The Be· 10:30 IJ Steps to lwnln1 (C) Subjects
&inning: Georges Mellas," a two· taught elementary school children Alf stations reserve the part examination. and the methods used to teach
right to change program· 0 My Favorite St"'""' (C) Or. H. them ere explored.
mln11t without advance no-H. Brookins, Firit A.M.E. Church of Q ~@ m Soutllern laptilt
tice • .,. Los Angeles, guests. How (C) "Zarethan." An archeoloc·
D11 of Dbcovtty (C) icel study of Tel Es Sa'ldeyeh In the
6 ls m n. a. ilt 11 Challencu Jordan Valley where Or. James B.
: '"' r 09 trs QOtptl Male (C) Pritchard of the University of Penn·
6:30 m The llbl• Mtwerl I A. A. All• sylv1nl1 is engaged In • JO.year
6:55 IJ 5iw Us 1\ls DIY (C) Kattiry11 Kuhl•an (C) program of excavation. (R)
7:00 IJ Toll! and Jerry (C) Tom and Jeny (C) • I cm mm IOnr Kon& (C) m S41nday Funnl" (C) • utVa Cita filttitor TodlJ (C)
7!30 I Aqua"''" (C) • Qod and Man In die 20th Cen· (j) feature (C)
Monnon Tabefnacle Ctlolr (C) blfy 11:00 IJ Projtd Httd Start (C) "The Or-• Davey and QoUatll (C) tf) Aaricultural Report (C) che$1ra." 17~.·00s 1m IThe ~Chr~!°11PpllersUnto(CM) Y fHt (C) 9:30 fJ Muaic, Music, Music (C) A sym· I This Is tfle Life (C) ... phony orchestra rehearsal of 85 In· Ho1Webuyer's 'ulde (C)
• T Chrtstopllers (C) atrumentalists from St. Louis hlch @@EE lultwinllle (C)
0 THE CATHEDRAL OF schools Is presented. MO¥ie: "Bom To le lad'' (dra· * TOMORROW-IN COLOR! D Economics for All AP* (C) ma) '50 -Joan Fontaine, Robert
b d M d '1.loney Needs Manarinr." A fam-I n. with Rex Hum ar ' au e ily of four realistically explore tam· Cllurdl In the Ho•• (C)
Aimee & Musical Staff! !!l.. economic needs. ~First 119tist Church
I C.llledral of Tomonow (C) U Mowle: ""''" Dtlperltt Men" Wrestlin1 (C)
Day of DlscovtcJ (C) (westem) '5G-Preston Foster, Vlr· m mp111 (C)
Wonderama (C) lnla Gr~ 11:30 IJ Ttll It Lille It W11 (C) Negro Allen Revival Hour (C) 00 ffi Dudley Do-Rlpt (C) reliaious tradition. and Its vital Im·
CI) Davey and Sollattl (C) 6 I Toberts (C) portance in the lives of black men,
Ci) Qod Is ttlt Anawtr (C) Aqua•an (C) is examined In a two·part program.
1:30 I look Up and l ive (C) ' ~no a Mano Randltro 0 Milestones of Man (C) , Profile • This Is tfle LHe (C) fJ (fi) Cl) a) Discovery (C) The
Rebels With a ~.,.. (C) 10:001 Today's Rtli&ion (C) Peace Corps Training Center in Hilo,
• Movie: (C) "Runnln1 Tarawt" • ~ulturt USA (C) Hawaii, is visited. (R)
(western) '56-Arthur Franz, Doris CV m Linus (C) fJ Movie: "S•rtant x of the for·
Dowlin2. • le: "Rocky Mountlln" (west· tip ltaion" (adventure) '60-No·
elle Adam. Christian Marquand. m Acctnt on Actioft (C)
18 n.• POOL •
aonoM DUIN
j Locations To Serve You. 9 Years' Experience
12:00 IJ Tll• S41nflower C.ltbmlon C.11·
pany (C) "Communications." Part II.
1J Read Right! (C)
Movie: "Tlle Twinkle in Qod's
EJI" (western) '55-Mickey Rooney,
Coleen Gray.
I Euentlally Sel
This Is tllt Life (C) flj Sunday Matinee: "Abbott &
Costello Meet the Keystone Cops."
I (j) fubtrts (C)
Cine en Sii ~ ...
Profiles of Prorreu (C)
Anned forces Hiplirftts (C)
12:30 I) 9 (j) AAU lnternltional Trad
and -Reid (C) The Sacramento lnvi·
tational from Sacramento State Col·
lege In Calif.
I Characters in the Arb (C)
Qent Autry
TV Worship of the West (C)
(I) Stories of Success (C) Qilest fOf Advtnture (C)
lnslpt (C) 1:001 m MHt Ult Prm (C)
Movie: "The Tall lie'' (drama)
'52-Paul Henreid, Kathleen Hughes.
I G1J Cl) a) Directions (CY
Western Star Theatre
War Zont
ID Rtvlval Fires (C)
323 S. Main, Orange 532-1992
OPEN 10:30 TO 7:30-7 DAYS
1 :30 IJ 9 (j) NFl Action (C) "The
Game They Love." An insight Into
the history and development of the
National Football Le111ue.
Q Youth and the Polle• (C)
D Gilm a> luuu and An.,."
(fj Sen.Wm. Fullbright auests.
,... 8
0) Voice of ~tv1ry (C) ml U.S. NtVJ Fii• (C)
2:00 I fact the Nation (C) • station to Station (C)
Press Conference (C) fl.football
pro turned motion-picture star Jim
Brown guests. Host Bill Bonds and
newsmen interview one of Cleveland
Brown's all·time great fullbacks.
0) Roll• Dtfby (C)
Ci1) (I) Sund11 Matinee; "It Hap-
pened to Jane." Doris Day and Jacll
Lemmon star.
ei)@ feature
~ (j) MOYie-Co-Round
I D11tto de ,.aslones
Fem re
Ladies Day (C)
2:30 IJ Conversations With a hythla·
trist (C) "Insight as Action Therapy."
An area of self-help Is explored.
O On CaMpua (C) "The Return of
Bennett Cerf.'' The noted humorist·
publisher is seen at an actual semi·
nar In satire at Whittier College. O Movie: "fast Company" (com·
edy) '53-Howard Keel, Polly Ber·
gen. ml Holiday (C) m American Probltas (C)
3:00 I Repertoire Workshop (C) • Movie; (C) "SWord W'rtflout a
Country" (adventure) '66 -Fulco
Lulli. O Movie: "Ranreland &tpl1'9"
(western) '50 -Russett Hayden.
Jimmy Ellison. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "JoutMJ
lenuttl the Desert" (adventure) '63
-Haya Harareet. Jean-Louis Trinti·
I Outer limits
Ho1Hsttad (C) 00 Pat Boone C.letlrity '°" (C) ml McKMVtr & the Coklnel aJ ScoP9 (C)
3:30 IJ lftlidtr/Outsidef (C) The cul·
tural renaissance In the barrio ls
the topic for discussion. Eduardo
Moreno hosts.
O Movie: (C) "Sunslinp(' (west·
ern) '56 -Joh11 Ireland, Beverly
I Daring Ventures (C)
R&D Revitw (R)
The Rat Patrol (C)
ladies Day (C)
IJ VIEWPOINT: FILMWAYS * Pres. Martin Ransohoff
Guests with Jere Witter
1J Viewpoint (C) O Movie: ''Q""n of the Amazons"
(adventure) '47-¥alricia MOfison.
Man From UNCLE (C)
Tlleatr. I
t ~lar1mie I face the Nation (C)
• entana Sobre los Hijos
• Ensltn O'Toole
· American Problems (C)
4:301 NtwSMaurs (C) : M .. roam' Nelgtlbortlood
(j) ,.olka Parade (C)
, Mutica 1 ralabm
• The Dallotn
, Scope (C)
4:55 O Wonderlvl World of Sport (C)
5:00 IJ News (C) Clete Roberts.
~ in
I• ·.
• )
r a m Conomional ltport (C)
IJ Dr. lutar'I Adveftt.fts (C) 0 Movie: (C) "TNlloae of tile
Aqast Mton" (comedy) '56-Glenn
ford, Marton Brando,. (ddie Albert.
fJNtw1 (C) m Mm tiriffin (C) m 111e .... Sound ct>
@ (]) Sewn Ms llltatn: "Jm
Boll" m eosp.1 ., ctwist
@ Ci) I Dream of Junnle (C)
fill What's Ntw7 (C) (R)
@I) Toros a> Run fw Your Life (C)
5:30 IJ Q!l (j) Amatlur Hour (C)
fiJ Spe1k Up (C) Bill Leyden.
1J Polka Pal'lde (C)
0 stlppy (C) "The Long Night."
Matt turns detective when his son
is accused of Involvement in a hit·
and· run accident.
fi) The Third Min
~ 00 Meet die Presa (C)
fill Spectrum (C) (R)
6n Tiie D1llotu
6:00 IJ ~ (j) The 21st cm., (C)
(30) "The Wild Cell." Proiram on
current reuarch to find a cure for
cancer that visits doctors around
the globe who are searchinr for the
causes of cancer. (R)
fiJ Ifs AcldeMic (C) (30)
fJ Secret Arent (60)
6) I SFl¢11L I Air et Dinlttr (C)
(60) Sander Vanocur gives a com-
prehensive picture of one of the
great problems facing our cities
from coast to coast: the air pollu-
tion men1ce.
fE Willlam Tell (30)
@ Ci) Convnsion1I Rt port (C)
Em Faces of Business (C) (30) T.
A. Wise of Fortune Magazine inter-
views Joseph C. Wilson, chairman
of the board of the Xeroll Corpora·
al Man From UNCLE (C) (60)
6:30 IJ Ralph stDfJ (C) (30) Examined
are L.A.'s human and mechanical
street cleaners responsible for the
housekeeping of the city,
fiJ @ Ci) a;) frank McCH (C)
IJ Stave Allen Show (C) (90) Lou
Rawls. Roger C. Carmel, Jackie Ka·
hane and Earl Wilson Jr. 11uesl m I Low Lacy (30)
fi) Marquee 22 (60)
Em The Frenctt Chef (30) Julia Child
demonstrates how to utilize aspar-
®) (j) Sldppy (C) (30)
7:00 IJ 9 Cl) L1Slit (C) (30) Lassie
finds Bruno, the crazed German
shepherd K-9 war dog and makes
an effort to save him from a ranch·
er's posse in the concluding por·
tlon or a two-part story. (R)
D aJ 00 m H..U Finn (C) (30)
''TheCurse Of Thul." Huck and Tom
encounter a 5000-year-old wander-
ing mummy who cannot die until
he has found the tomb of Marm.
U @CD m Land •t t11t &i.nts
(C) (60) "Return of lnidu." Steve,
Fitzhugh, M1~ Dan and Valerie
pit themselves ag1lnst the aiant
Enog to save the life of the giant
magician lnidu. (R)
fJ Wllll's My Line? (C) (30) Wally
Bruner hosts. m 1 v«eoo • 1acUtaae w-it11 Tllt lli111 Fa•ilJ (C) (60) The Kinf
Famity takas viewers bacbtare at
the Vine Street Theater in Holly-
wood for a dress rehearsal of their
latest telespecial production.
6) Passport to Trmf (C) (30)
"Budget 21-Day Holiday." Hal Saw·
yer prese.nts a complete European
vacation within one country-from
the southern tip of Enatand throuah
Wales to the northern tip of Scot-
fill Sclftut.titn (60) "But I Wouldn't
Want To Live There." (R)
@I) Do-Rt-Ml (30)
7:30 IJ ti!) (j) Gentle Ben (C) (30)
Broadway and tel~ision actor Al-
bert Salmi, as a swamp hobo, In-
advertently draws Mark into a con·
frontation with some alli111tors when
the boy tries to return money to
him. (R)
8 @ Ci) 6n Walt Disney (C) (60)
"Escape in Florence." Part I of
two parts. A comedy-adventure
about two American students in Italy
who unwillingly become entangled
in an international art theft. (R)
0 Mllf1tn $ Movie: "The Thr" Sloores Meet Hercules" (comedy)
'62-The Three Stoo11es ..
6) Ch1llenfin1 Sea (C) (30) "An
Island Named Helen." Bill Burrudi-------------------------
visits the Tarawa Atoll.
EE Bi& Picture (30)
@I) Los C1udillos (30)
8:00 I) Q!l 00 EAt Sullivan (C) (60) Flip
Wilson and Jackie Mason 11uest.
0 ROLL£ R GAMES-live! (C) * T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS
1J Roller Ga"'u (C) (2 ht) Dick
Lane calls the action between the
L.A. T·Blrds vs. the Texas Outlaws.
0 @ rn m The FBI (C) (60)
"Eye of the Storm." Erskine and
Colby search for the kidnaper of
the infant daughter of cruudin11
publisher John Sheppard. (R)
as uleswomen when their husbands man's hometown. James Whitrnorw
take away their c~arge plates. and Enzo Cerusico co-star. (R)
6) The Spotts Set (C) (30) 9 m News (C) (30)
fi) The World TomomlW (30) fJ Sberlock Holm'* (1 hr 20 min)
9:00 I) 9 (j) Hff,.HIW (C) (60) Coun· Ci) Llbot Report (C) (30)
try music and comedy series with m Manion fOf'Ulft
hosts Roy Clark and Bue~ Owens. fill David Sus$klnd (C) (2 hr) "The
Mer1e Haggard and Bonnie Owens Humor of Art Buchwald, Al Capp
auest and Russell Baker," and "They fiJ @ Ci) B) Bonanza (C) (60) Loved Calvin Coolidae."
"My Friend, My Enemy." Ca~ ls @I) tiran Tntro (60)
accused _of mur~er and hi,s ke de· lO:JO 1J World Temorrow (C) (30)
fense Witness IS an Indian orse m Jot -... (C) (2 h) thief. John Saxon 1uests. (R) • ,... r
0 @ (3) al ABC SondaJ Movie: Ci) ldlryn Kuhlman (C) (30)
(Cj "8oeln£ 9oein£" (comedy) '65 11:00 IJ a 0 m News (C)
-Tony Curtis, Jerry Lewis. Thelma 1J CatlMdral of TomocTow {C) m Movie: "Citizen Kane" (drama) Ritter. Oany Sava I, ~hrist ine m Wild MYtnbn (C) (30) "B1i.
'41-0rson Welles, Joseph Cotten. Schmldtmer. Suzanna Leigh. Story Exploration." Bill Burrud uplorn
Agnes Moorehead. of Bernard Lawrence, an American Baja California . m Wanderlust (C) (30) "Primitive ~ews corrupondent, who is an air-@CI) Q) (Ij 9 Cl) News (C)
New Guinea... hne hostess.Jugg1er. (R) 11:15 0 Movie: (C) ''Walt 'TU Ille Seit!
EE The Fisher fa11ily (30) 6) Holllesttld/Ntws (C) Shines Nellie" (drama) '52-DIYid EE Peter Gunn (30) Wayne. Jun Petera. Em Sounds or Sumlfttr (C) (2 hr) -. Do 1 Htrdez (60) "Cincinnati 'Pied Piper' and Boston ~ "' nios 11:20 fJ News (C)
Pops Old TimelS' Niaht." Stev 9:30 fJ News (C) (30) 11:30 ~ Mowle: ''The lest Yun If Ow
Allen hosts this visit to one of the 6) My Motllef, tM Cir (C) (30) Lives" (drama) '4&-fredric M1rdl,
nation's oldest music festivali for fE Mr. Ii Mri. Nortll (30) My~na Loy, Dana Andrews, Ttflll
the world premiere of Peter Men-Wn11ht.
nin's cantata "The Pied Plpet of 10:00 6 Qj Cl) Mlulon: Impossible (C) D Loh•an l Barkley (C)
Hamelin." narrated by Cyril Ritchud (60) Guest Rut~ Roman portrays fJ i~flCl!LI How To Stiep ,...._
In Cincinnati. In Boston, the pro-the vain . and d1ct.atorlal widow of ·Inf ( ) Part IV of Or. Donald Fred·
gram travels to the popular Old the president of a small South rlckson's clinic.
Timers' Niiht from the Boston Pops American country who plans to 6) The Emprm (C)
Orchestra, conducted by Arthur forestall fre.e elections in her coun-Q) Ci) lnuattt (C)
Fiedler. try and seize tot.al power. (R) 11:45 ID Action Tlttltre: "Hollywood Ctn·
@I) Carrousef Muk.ano (60) ~)~~!! M~:."11<~"1~ teen."
1:30 ~ aJ Ci) 6n Th Motllt,..ln-Law ley." Woodruff and Novello try to lZ:OO IJ hblic SeMce
(30) ''The Charae of the Wife help a parolee clear his name and 12:30 m Men la Cdlla
Br gade.." Eve and Kaye .10 to work are threatened by residents of the 1:00 8 News (C)
lch of these pt.ces
would you ,.ther '-
WORK? LIVE? -~\\
. PLAY?~~
L.t Lewts-wlth 53 ye•rs experience In the
hospitality fleld--traln you •t home or •ttend
ct.ues In Laa~ .. •
-or your choice of 55 other exciting jobs (exec·
utive housekeepers, social directors, apartment
managers, hostesses, etc.) for men, women and
couples in motels, hotels, apartments, resorts
opening up all over the continental U.S. and
Pay is good;· some jobs include an apartment.
No previous experience required. Your age will
never count against you-and there's no com·
muting (this alone can add ten years to your
tells where the jobs are, whet they pay, how
lewis' Lifetime Placement Service helps you find
the position you want In the area and climate
you like best.
Phone (213) 749·1438 or send a postcard giv·
Ing your name, age, phone and •ddress to:
7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite L-1932
Los Angeles, California 90028
Dick Cuvtm comes forth to welcome his new night-time audi·
ence to ABC's talk-variety series. The Dick Cavett Show,
Mondays, Tuesdays and Frida1s at JO PM.
hi• 10
@ @ Mond., Movie (2 hr) "Por·
trait tn Black." Lana Turner stars.
fil) Eastern Wildo• an4 Modem
Life (30) "On Being Vague." Alan
Watts discusses the concept that
For morning and afternoon
llstinis, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 0 ''The Vlr1inlan" (western) '29
~ary Cooper, Mary Brian. D "Close to My Heart" (drama)
·ST-Ray Milland, Gene Tierney. 0 ''Clive of India" (adventure)
'35-Ronald Colman, Loretta Young.
12:00 0 "Double Jeopardy" (mystery)
'55-Rod Cameron.
12:30 m "Mr. Ptnln and Mr. Trail'' (dra·
ma) '48-Davld Farrar, Greta Gynl
(C) "£1111 the Conqueror'' (adven·
lure) '64-Cameron Mitchell.
2:00 IE "lorn To Speed" (drama) '47
-Johnny Sands. Don Castle.
3:00 0 "Bript Leif" (drama) ·~
Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall.
4:30 IJ (C) "Tb• Deerslayel'' (drama)
'57-Le11 Barker, Rita Moreno.
6:00 IJ The Bir News (C)
Dunphy. 0 m Hunt111·Brinlley (C) (30)
up with STEVE tonite!
0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90)
Gene Autry, Don Rickles, Pat Mc·
Cormlck, Pat Harrington and Mar·
lene Ver Planck guest. D Si11 O'Clocll Movie: (C) ''The
'frt11urt of lost Canyon" (adven·
lure) '52 -William Powell, Julie
I lovt Lucy (60)
Bat.an (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60)
Cl) Merv tirltfin (C) (90)
Wllat's N..w? (C) (30) "The
Children of the West." With the
help of Hollywood sets and actor$,
yaunasters live through several ad·
ventures of the Wild West.
@!) Juventud Divino Tesoro (30)
a) llPlM News (C) (60)
6:30 0 MIC Newsena (C) (sO) m Yoy1re Ill the Botton1 of the
Sea (C) (60)
C2j @ HunUeJ-BrinkllJ (C) (30)
fil) Twin Cirde Headllnt (C) (30)
"Is Our Educational System in
Peril?" Arnold Steinberg, editor of
the Young Americans for Freedom
magazine "New Guard," discusses
the current educational crisis.
~ ()) m News (CJ (30) el Noticlero 34 (C) (60)
7:00 IJ CBS Evenlnr News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite. O Whirs My Line? (C) (30) Wally
Bruner and Artene Francia welcome
auest panelists Soupy Sales, Mere.
dith MacRu and Alan Alda. m Passwont (C) (30) Host Allen
Ludden welcomes guests June Lock·
hart and Ross Martin. (R)
the icfeal of clear.cut definiteness
reflects a hostile, sharp attitude
toward life.
I Cl) Family Affair (C) (30)
Cesar's Wortcl (C) (30)
DrNtlt House (C) (30)
7:30flt'Aj(l)hnsmokt (C) (60)
"Railroad." Marshal Dillon blocks
a railroad company's efforts to
force an irascible sodbuster (Shua
Fbhe!} off his lanll. (R)
0 m I Drea111 of Junnlt (C) (30)
•'lfow To Marry an Astronaut"
Jeannie's sister pretends to marry
Roirer, but replaces him with Tony
at the crucial moment in lhe cer•
mony. (R)
Melvyn Doqlu portrays Or. La~
entt Strelloa, a psychiatrist wbo
lau ltand-pkked several peopJe for
a lf'OUP t~npy proJttr, lo the
World Premlett eMore rolorcut of
"Companlonl lo NllJ\tmare" on the NBC MOflclay Ni.ht Movie at 9 PM.
0 Jack's Fiddle Teacher · * Is Isaac Stern!
I Jadl 8en__!!1 (30)
(ll') 00 QJ TM Avenrws (C)
( ) "The Winged Avenger." Steed
and Mrs. Peel Investigate a slay·
ing apparently committed by a
glint bird. (R) 0 Million $ Movie: "Ollwtr Twist"
(cla.ssic) '48--Robert Newton, John
Howard Davis, Alec Guinness,
I Trutll or Coimqutnca (C) (30)
Peny MISOtl (60)
lnnevations (30) "Shrink and
•Skin Packaging." Guests from Zel·
lerbach Paper Company and Du·
Pont Industries demonstrate two of
the newest packaging metflods f«
consumer producb-"shrink" and
"skin" packagin1.
l>t'· rs.
·RY r•
Y· a
r 1n
~1 With
lfD Duelo de PaJones (30) ~ (j) The FllntdDMa (C) (30)
1:00 0 m NBC Clliklren's Theatre (C) @II La Brula M11dltl (30)
(60) "~ I See ll'' Biil Cosby nar· 9:30 IJ F1mi1J Atfllr (C) (30) When
rites films that examine the mind Uncle Bill faces a financial crisis
of a child. Coupled with Mr. Cosby's that could break up the family, the
lnsieht and humor, each film and children take emereency action ro
subsequent discussion by children um money. (R)
from 111 parts of the country will I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
reveal the child's world for viewers 12 O'Clock Hip (60)
to share and enjoy. Ci) McH11t'1 NIVJ (30)
I Zane Grey (30) Revlsb Mlllicll (30)
Hutt (C) (30) 10:001J ~ Ci) Jimmie Rodaws (C) (60)
World Press (C). (60) Eddie Fiihe. r and Dorothy Morrison,
Comlcos Y C.naones (30) who Is featured with The Edwin
1:30 IJ 9 Ci) Hns Lucy (C) (30) Hawkins Slneers on their hit record-G~est Howard Keel ~lays Stanley Ing of "Oh, Happy Day," euest.
LIVingstone, a professional hunter I m News (C) (60)
hired to capture a "gorboona," a (ll) Ci)&) Dick C.Vett (C) (60)
rare wild animal that escaped from • Della! 1C> (60)
the zoo. (R) : Firlnf Una (C) (60) "Pollce D Golden VOJ•P (Ci) (30) "Hong Brutality." Paul Chevigny defends
Kone and -Singapore." the theses of his book. "Police 0 (ll)@ al Tiie Guns of Will Power: Abuses In New Yor11 City."
Sonnett (C) (30) ''The Feal1eu William F. Buckley moderates a di$-
Man.'' Jeff and Will react dif· cussion with John Heffernan, an
ferently to the straneer who saved official of the International Confer·
their lives. Paul Richards guests. ence of Police Associations.
(R) @m Marl1n1 (30) I Mtrv Griffin (C~ (90) 10:30 m News (C) (30) Bill Johns.
Run for Your Lift (C) (60) @II Fillista Corazon (30) TV Musial Osalrt (30)
9:00 IJ Mlyberry RFD ~C) (30) Richard 11:00 I 0 0 m m m Nftl (C)
Erdman and Emmaline Henry p!ay Alfred. ~likock
a writer and his wife who seek liter· • Movie; ~ D1mbusterl"' (ad· arY inspiration by moving to May· venture) 55-Richard Todd, Michael
berry (R) Redgrave. D @@ m NBC Monday Movie: m PREMIERE Allen luddtn's G1J.
(C) "Companions In Nlptmirt" lerJ (C) Host Ludden welcomes
(suspense) '69 _ Melvyn Oouilas, gu~s Ken Berry, Harvey Korman,
Leslie Nielsen. Anne Baxter. Gia Gem Granger and the featur~ rea·
Young, Patrick O'Neal, Dana Wyn· ulars. Th~ ~ack Porch Ma)onty.
ter, William Redfield. A famous 1 ~ Movie. Deep Wat.rs" (drama)
psychiatrist must Identify a psy. '48--cesar Romero, Dean Stock·
h tJ . . well. c o c In the midst of patients en· i.-.. "' ~ ~ ftil r.11 News (C)
eaeed In a group therapy project ~ "1J_.°"!' ~ 1BJ U!..I ,_ (R) 11:30.:. Min .. : ''Tiit Wom1n on P-
D THE BARON almost 13" (mystery) 'SO -Laraine Day, * gets .it tonite! WATCH! ;~~"mronllht Show (C)
I Tht Biron (C) (60) IJ Mowlt: "Stnna• Fudnatlon"
(j1) Cf) Q) Tht Outcnts (C) (drama) '52 -Hugo Haas. Cleo
( ) "The Heady Wine." Jemal Moore.
David, servin& as temporary sheriff, 0 @ Cf) G) Joey Bishop (C)
arrests Cart Munson as a murder 12:30 m Naked City
suspect an~ Earl Corey accuses him m Action T1111tr1: "Down Missouri
of . being influenced by Munson's Way."
;~~ck Joum1I <C> (60) The 12:45 fJ M~: "F1nf1~ for I o .. a
monthly news maeazlne marks Its Scent (mystery) 63 -Richard
first anniversary with outstandine Eean, V'1Veca Lindfors.
seements from previous shows. Re-1:001 Spttkina Freety (C)
peated portraits Include the dllem· Coamunity 9ullttin Bolrd (C)
ma of the black policeman, the trial N... (C)
of Huey Newton, a choreoaraphed 1:15 fJ Mn: "Wt WtH Stnn..,...
exercise In karate. and the crisis In (adventure) '49 -John Garfield,
black medical care. Jennifer Jones.
$1.00 ..........
May be used on envelopes os return address
labels. Also very handy es identification labels
for marking personal items such as books,
records, photos, etc. Labels stick on gloss and
mey be used for marking home canned food
items. An labels are printed with stylish
Vogue type on fine quality white gummed
paper and pocked in reusable magic
seal top container.
1 Fiil 111 ftlla c .. , .... ch; ... 4 "'•" with s 1.00 to1
Pllet Prf11 ..... \41.el DI•., 1 .. 1171, I N...,.,t le1cl; C.llf. t2MJ.
1e ,.,,. to ... , .. , za, c.4•
I , __ _
PILOT PRINTING ----' L ---.. .... -------FRIE BONUS
.............. _ .....
..... 11
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with-
out advance notice.
9:00 0 "Tht Great Victor Herbert"
(musical) '39 -Allan Jon~. Mary
O "Bittef'Sweer' (musical) '41-
Nelson Eddy, Jeannette MacDonald.
B "Hudson's Bay'' (adventure) '40
-Paul Muni, John Sutton.
12:00 0 "Gunfire at Indian Gap" (west-
ern) '57 -Vera Ralston. Anthony
12:30 m "Raiders of the Spanish Main"
(adventure) '62-Terenee Morgan,
"Marniflcent Rou&hnecU'' (drama)
'56-Jack Carson.
2:00 IE) "last of the Desperadoes"
(western) '55 -James Craig, Jim
3:00 0 "It Happened· in Broad Day.
lijht'' (mystery) '60 -Heinz Ruh·
mann, Michel Simon.
4:30 IJ "Once Upon • Horse" (comedy·
western) '58 -Rowan & Martin,
Manha Hyer.
P•&• 12
6:00 I) Tiie Blc News (C) (60) Jerry
Dunphy. B m Hunttey-BrinkltJ (C) (30) 1J Sttwtn Allen Show (C) (90) Biii
Dobson, D1mita Jo, Doug MC'Clure
and John Barbour guest.
0 Sil O'Clock Movie: "DanitrOUI
Crossin(' (drama) '53 -Michael
Rennie, Jeanne Crain.
I love Lucy (60)
Batm1n (C) (30) 11 SpJ (C)
@ Merv GrHfln (C) (90)
Wllafs New? (C) (30) "The
Children of the West." A look at
how youngsters worked and played
in the "real West."
El) Juventud Dlvlno Tesoro (30)
G) KPlM News (C) (60)
6:30 0 KNBC Ntw1trvict (C) (60)
G) Voyaft to the Bottom of the
Sta~ (60) ~ 6 Huntley-BrinkllJ (C) (30)
Eil) OCUS on SWeden (C) (30) "A
Painter of Life.'' The story of Anders
Zorn, an outstanding turn·of·the-
century painter, focuslna on the
memorabilia In the Zorn museum in
the province of Dalarna.
ti!) Ci) m News (C) (30) m Notlcitro 34 (C) (60)
7:00 I) CBS Evtnln& News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
I Whirs My line? (30)
Password (C) (30)
@ Amtrlu! (C) (30)
MUS1um Open House (30) "The
Cooking of French Art." Host Russell
Connor discusses the varied physical
Ingredients In the artistic recipes of
18th and 19th century paintings of McNalr and Duke Ellington are fea-
Chardin and the Impressionists. lured.
ei!) (j) The 'ood 'uys (C) (30) ED NET festival (C) (60) '1he m Islands in the SUn (C) (30) World of Bossa Nova." From the
&) Drum House (C) (30) beach at lpanema to the arid Ser-
tao, NET examines Brazil's rapidly 7:30 I) Cit m llnctr (C~ (60) A for· changing music scene. Featured are
gotten chapter of Jelly s past comes the comments and music of Vlnl-
back to haunt him when. a former clus de Moraes, Gilberto Gil, Ro·
lawman (James Olson) arrives at the berto Carlos, Paulinho Nogelra and ranch to settle an old score. (R) others.
'if o~n ~e~~oo~:~ ~~~ ~~~ El) Chucho Avellanet (C) (30)
or the Enterprise are captured by 9:30 I)~ 00 Doris Day (C) (30) To
11 dying people who intend to use obtain milk for a school lunch pro-
the crew officers to help repopulate gram Doris Manin agrees to pose
their planet. (R) with her sons for an advertising
Q Jed Ben_!!J (30) picture, bul Tony brings home a
@@ Q} Mod Squad (C) (60) surprise "sister." (R)
he Up-Tight Town." The squad O @@ Cl} NYPD (C) (30) "The
searches for Capt. Greer. who dis· Golden Fleece." Haines. Ward and
appeared in a small desert town Corso have difficulty trackinr down
while on vacation. Jason Evers a con artist who has swindled an
guests. (R) out-of-town businessman out or 0 Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Wild $5.000. (R) ~tr" (drama) '60-Montgomery B News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Clift. lee Remick. , m Truth or Conwquenees (C) (30) IE) 12 0 Clock Hl(h (60)
An isolated studio Is the setting El) Hoy (30)
for a practical. joke in which a hus· 10:00 IJ ~ (j) 60 Minutes (C) (60)
band. pretending lo be perplexed With Harry Reasoner and Mike Wal·
by the reading on a scale. pro· lace c~ds to shed his clothing-before 0 ·m News (C) (60) hls stunned wife. m Perry Muon (60) 0 @ Cl} Dick Cavett (C) (60) m Th• French Chef (30) (R) B Della! (C) (60)
El) Duelo de Paslonu (30) fD USC Music f estival (60) Host
8:00 D Z1ne 'rey (30) John Crown presents a piano trio m Huel (C) (30) of . Madeline Scha~. violin; Peter fD Monterey Jm (C) (60) Per· Re1to, ~ello: and Cinda Goold Red·
formances from the Tenth Annual man, piano They per1orm works by
Monterey Jazz Festival include seg· Beethoven and Schubert.
ments by Illinois Jacquet, Dizzy Gil-al Miirl1n1 (30)
~e;:i~h~n~~e El~l~~~c~::ra~uartet 10:30 m Ne'!' (C) (30) Bill Johns.
El) Discotheque a Go-Go (60) al Fallute Corazon (30)
8:30 B a (j) Red Sblton (C) (60) 11:00 IJ 0 0 ~mm News (C)
Mickey Rooney and a tribute to Ed O Allred Hitchcock
Wynn ere feat~red. Skelton, in dual O Movie; "Pay or Die" (drama)
roles as Bolivar Shagnasty and '60-Ernest Borgnine Zohra Lam· C~ullflower McPugg, tangles with pert. '
Roarinf Twenties mo.b king Big m Allen ludden's G1llery (C) Brid· ~oule (Ro~iney). who Ines to mu~le get Hanley. Allan Sherman. Damita in on Bolivars speakeasy operation. Jo guest Chanin Hale is featured as Bolivar's : . ,. girlfriend Myrtle. (R) IE) Movit.: "The .Captive Heart 0 tj) Ci) m Julia (C) (30) "How (dr~ma) 47 -Michael Redgrave,
To Keep Your Wig Warm." Julia Basil Radford.
helps neighbor Marie Waggerdorn @@ Q} 00 ti?) (j) News (C)
(Betty Beaird) acquire a new look fD Reaaan News Conference
to rekindle her husband's waning 11•30 .:.o M 1 . ..1 l 1 Pl " Interest. {R) . ~ ov e., n a one y ue O DEBUT Gisele Mackenzie's (my~tery) 50-Humphrey Bogart.
Betttr Half-Hour (C) (30) Glona Grahame.
0 @ (!)Cl} It likes a Thief 0 Q1 (6) m Tonight Show (C)
(C) (60) "Hans Across the Border." O Movie: '1he ladJ From Chey-
Part II. Alexander Mundy puts Colo· enne'' (romance) '41 -Loretta
nel Heinrich, head of East German Young, Robert Preston
security, in a dangerous position _by 0 @@ Cl) Joey Bi~hop (C) planting documents that lead Hein
rich to accuse a popular Russian 12:30 m Naked City
general of beina a traitor (R) G) Action Theatse; "Turn ot the m Merv 'riffin (C) (90) Peggy Tide."
Cass. Bob Crosby and his family. • ,, " Adam Keefe, lort Rogers. Barbara 12.50 B Movie; Dauah~er of Dr. Jekyll
Tai Sing and The Spontaneous (horror) 57-Glona Talbot. John
Sound Concert guest. Agar.
IE) Run tor Your life (C) (60) l :00 0 0 News (C)
9:00 0 ~ (i) m NBC Tuesday Movie: 0 Community Bulletin Bo1rd (C)
''Thi Jolltn'' (comedy) '67 -Mi· m from the Inside Out (C)
chael Crawfotd, Oliver Reed, Har!Y 1:151J Movie: "The Return of Mr. Andr~ws. James Donald. To gain Moto" (mystery) '65-Henry Silva,
notoriety. two brothers concoct an Suzanne Lloyd.
elaborate plot to steal the Crown
Jewels of England and return them 1:30 ID All·Nlpt Show: "The Last Days
one week later. (R) of Oolwyn," "Once a Thief" and O Showcase S (C) (60) Barbara "The Eye Creatures."
e fea.
''The , the
I Ser·
:d are
1 and
)) To
1 pro·
ne a
d an
t of
>et er
Red· s by
Jll" ohn
'Sons and Daughters'
A revolutionary series designed . t~. motivate .parents .and. teen-
agers toward accepting the respons1b1hty of sex informa.taon lD the
home debuts this Friday at 7 PM on non-<:ommerc1al KCET.
Channel 28. Titled "Sons and Daughters: Towards an Under-
Tht Rtv. Mr. Robtrt Larson SfHnt
two years o/ rtstarch in tht dt·
vt'lopmtnt and writing o/ Clumntl
28's strits in ux education. Mr. Larsori produced and dirtcttd the
first /our pro1rams and acll as
hosf on tht fr/th,
standing of Human Sexuality,"
the five-part series dramatizes the
differing points of view of the
young and past generations.
"The production of 'Sons and
Daughters' represents one of the
most imaginative and innovative
ventures in the field of sex infor-
mation," reports KCET Program-
ing Vice President Charles Allen.
"We believe Lhat this series can
be a firm beginning on the attack
on sexual illiteracy," Allen adds.
"Sons and Daughters," which
earned National Educational Tele-
vision's highest award for creative
programing la~t year, .util!zes
dance, dramatic 1mprov1zauon.
argumentation and role-playing to
depict the struggle for under-
standing on sexual matters be-
tween parents and teenagers. The
five half-hour programs are paced
wi th original music by Robert
Lamb and Charlie Byrd. Specially commissioned s~ulpture by
Miss Fingal Rosenquist and a company of professional actors
from New York City are called on to provoke thoughtful commu-
nication in the home.
"The initial program, 'What Life Is All About', at~empts to
put sex in its place as an important. but not all-<:onsuming, force
in everyones life." Allen points out. Subsequent programs trace
the pattern of human growth, ask key questions about sexual be-
havior look at the life of unwed mothers and provide a "town
meetin'g .. platform for teenagers to express their feelings.
The content of all five programs is the result of research by
a special committee appoint~ by the ''Sons and Da~ghters" pro-
ducers at station WITF-TV 10 Hershey. Pennsylvania.
The 24-man committee-representing medicine and health, the
major faiths, education and parent-teacher associations-met regu-
larly for two years to decide on the direction and concept of the
series. Their seven series objectives are: to promote a wholesome
and mature attitude towards sex; to provide scientific background
and vocabulary; to diminish misinformation. ignorance . and fea r;
to emphasize concepts of family. home and love; to assist parents
in accepting responsibility for sex information; to help youn~
people consider sexual ideals and standards; ~nd to create an atti-
tude which insists upon the beauty of the gift of sex.
The family for "Miracle" 1t•as created h>• the nationally promi11ent
sculptor Fingal Rosenquist whost work Carl Sandberg ca/ltd "poems
of /me ·and motion". Commissionl'd espuia/ly /or this pionurinr .tf· fort 1n stx education, Miss Rounq1,fs1 conserittd only on tht co11d111011
that tht statul's bt de11roytd once tht program had bun taptd.
An 'NBC Children's Theatre' Special
Comedian-actor-singer Bill Cosby. three-time wino.er of an Emmy
A ward for his role in the · former NBC I Spy series, is host to
youngsters from vatious parts of the country in "As I See It." a
one-hour c-0lor special on NBC Children's Theatre. Monday at
8 PM. in color on NBC.
"As I See It" is the 13th
production in the award-win-
ning N BC Children's Theatre
series, a presentation of NBC
News. George A. Heinemann.
NBC Director of Public Af-
fairs. is the executive producer
and June Reig is associate pro-
ducer. director and writer.
According to Mrs. Reig, the
purpose of "As I Sec It" is to
examine closely, through the
medium of film. the mind of
a child. Coupled with Mr.
Cosby's insight and humor,
each film and subsequent dis-
cussion reveals the child's
world for viewers to share and
To select the youngsters
for the program, Mr. Heine-
mann and Mrs. Reig traveled throughout the country interview-
ing youngsters aged 6 to 12 from all economic. social and ethnic
backgrounds. Fifty' <ff them were given a super 8-m~ movie
camera and after a brief instruction in the use of the cam-
era. were sent out to fllm their world as lhey saw it-<aptur-
ing those aspects that might give them pleasure. perplex them,
make them sad or happy.
All the film was then brought to New York-where the best
work was selected on the basis of q uality. originality, creativity.
humor, and other factors-and forms the oucleus of the progTam
and the basis for Mr. Cosby's spontaneous conversation with the
children in a live studio situation. Each c hild discusses his own
film with the comedian as they watch it together and in many
cases Cosby relates the child's experience to those in his own
Robert Maxwell. who has scored many NBC Children's Theatre
productions, composed and conducted original music for "As l
See It" which interprets each child's world with an apprdpriate
Bill Cosby has starred in two one-hour NBC color specials. both
virtually one-man shows which spotlighted his unique comedic
talents. His monologues focused on his childhood, the neighbor-
hood in wibch he grew up in Philadelphia, his family and friends.
In addition, he returns to network television on NBC nellt season
in a weekly half-hour comedy-drama series in which he wir portray
a teacher in an integrated junior high school. Also included is a
commitment to produce two half-hour animated specials based on
the characters "Fat Albert" and "Weird Harold" made famous by
the comedian in his record albums, in his nightclub act and on
his nationally broadcart five-day-a-week radio program
Rusty Thacker, who plays Steve Hurley on Love Is a Many
Splendored Thing weekdays on C BS. has returned to the cast
of the hit folk-rock musical "Your Own Thing," currently seen
off-Broadway, but scheduled for Broadway in May. Thacker, an
original cast member of the stage production in a lead role. will
continue in hi'> role on the television series. • • •
Donald May, who plays the lead role of lawyer Adam Dr<lke
on The Edge of Night. daytime drama series on CBS. was a
lieutenant aod gunnery officer on a U.S. Navy destroyer during
the Korean War. Jt helped prepare him for ar. officer's role in
a touring company of "The Caine Mutiny Court Martial." with
the late William Bendix. • • •
Emily Prager. who plays Laurie A':ln Karr on The Edge of
Night on CBS. was preceded on the series by her stepfather. Dana
Elcar, who played Commissioner Wheeler two years ago. Her
mother. Peggy Romano had featured roles on Broadway in "Junior
Miss" and "Dear Ruth.''
..... 13
For mornin& and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 e "Flptln1 'Ulrdtftllft" (adven-
ture) '45 -Wlllerd Perker. Anita
O (C) "The lone Hind" (western) '~Joel McCrea, Barbara Hele.
B ''Cito From 5 to 7" (drama) ·~ -Corinne Marchand, Antoine
12:00 1J ''Crootlld Circle" (drama) '58
-Steve Brodie, Fay Spain.
12:30 m (C) ''llood end Sand" (drama)
•U -Tyrone Power, Rita Hayworth.
2:00 ia''Str1111e Trlan&tt" (mystery)
'46-.Preston Foster. Siane Huso.
3:00 B ''West P'oint Story'' (comedy) ·~James Caaney, Virginia Mayo.
4:00 B "Tllls Land Is Mine" (dram•)
•ij -Cherles Lauahton, Maumn
O'Hara, Georae S.nders.
• ..... M..l~Laml&TANT
..... 14
r vrN I N G
5:00 II Tiie Ila N... (C) (60) Jerry
Dun pi:. R . Huatley-lrlntilty (C) (30)
Allen Sllow (C) (90) Joey
Bishop, Cliff Arquette, terry Gibbs
and Jackie Collins auesl
0 Sil O'Clodt Movie: (C) "Tiit D11 .. nc1 Q111tt1" (adventure) '53-
Fernando limes, Arlene Dahl.
11 Spy (C) (60)
I love Lucy (60)
llt•1n (C) (30) m MtfV 'rlffln (C) (90)
Wilt's NIW? (C) (30) ''The
ldren of the West." A look at
how children in the Old West
worked, played and attended school.
fl) Juvtntud Dtvlno Tesoro (30)
(!) KJ'Ul News (C) (60)
6:30 CJ KNIC NIWllrv. Ice (C) (60)
0) Yopp to tlle Bottom of ttlt
St•~) (60) ~ (1) Huntley-lrlnkltJ (C) (30)
Lers Tilt About Tfffts (30)
um On, Tune In." The F1irfax
Hiah School Drama Group hlah·
liahts some of the areas where
students, parents and teachers can
work toaether to provide arowth
flrtunitles for young people.
m m """ <C> <30> Notkiero 34 (C) (60)
7:00 8 C1S Ewnln1 News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
Wlllt'a My lint? (C) (30)
hssword (C) (30) 00 You A*ld for It (30)
Black hf1Ptdlve (30)
(I) Btvtrly Hillbillies (C) (30)
W-11ulerlust (C) (30}
DrMll Hoat (C) (30)
1:30 tJ Tarun (C) (60) Tarzan must Movie: (C) "TM Slr1n1• Cate of
accomplish three death·defyina feats Dr. JekJIJ ind Mr. Hyde" (cla~)
to secure the throne of N.ombassa '69-Jack Pal1nce, Denholm Elhott,
for the dauahter of the chief after Leo Genn. T~rln • Thatcher, Oscar
her father dies. (R) Homolka, TeSS1e 0 Shea. Gentle Dr. n @ 00 m Tiie Virfinlan (C) Jekyll, a scientist who experiments
(90) "Nora." Anne Baxter, guestina with a ~!ion that transforms ~Im, as an old airtfriend of Clay Grain· sl.owly d1sinteirates and melts into
aer. pays Shiloh a surprise visit. his alter·e10, Mr. Hyde. (R)
which is interrupted by warrina In· fil) Your Dollar's Wortfl (60)
dians. Huah Beaumont and nm eJ Sylvia y EftriqM (60)
Mcintire also auest. (R)
9:30 tJ 9 (j) &rHn Atm (C) (30) A 0 JACK BENNY has precocious runaway lad (Kerry Mac-* Fun With Edgar Bergen! Lane) turns up at the Doualas f1nn
and confounds the Hootervllle vii· 0 Jeck ltnny (30) ley by claiming to be Oliver's son
O (i1J (3) &) Hert C11u th -and the brother of Arnold the 8rldfi (Cj (60) "A "Jew Named pla. (R)
Sullivan." Rachel Miller, the only 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
Jewish prospective bride In • Seattle, &> l2 0,,..,_..., w.... (60)
and also the settlement s only ..-'"&"
num, . decides to leave b~use lO:OO 8 Qj (j) Hawaii Fjv...O (C) (60)
there is no one of her feith to A student protest leader is felled
marry. (R) during a confrontation in Hawaii be-B Miiiion $ Movie: "Twtnty Plus tween a aroup of student peace TwO" (mystery) '61-0avid Janssen, demonstrators and a aeneral from
Jeanne Crain. a far East nation. (R) m Trvth or Consequences (C) (30) CJ (2) @ m The Outsidtf (C)
A woman's actina ability is hlla~I· (60) ''Tell It like It Was •.• and
ously tested as she reads dramatic You're Dead." David Ross ls hired
lines of "Romeo a.nd Juliet". with to protect an ex-burlesque queen's
Darrin McGawn while the audience life after she reveals plans to pub•
laughs at her husband's on·sta1e. lish her memoirs. Marilyn Maxwell,
but out.of-view, strip-tease. Whitney Blake and Jackie Coogan m Perry Mtson (60) guest. (R)
fil) Joyce Qi111 CooU (30) 0 m News (C) (60)
Qi (j) lest of Hollywood (2 hr) O "-'ta! (C) (60)
@!) Dllelo de PuJones (30) fil) Sptcul1tlon (60) ''The Business
a 00 e .,_ "' (30) of Crime." Discussion of the arowth
: ~ne •"Y of oraanized crime in legitimate m Hazel (C) (30) businesses.
El1) Spedru• (C~ (30) ''The Prize· eJ Mariana (30) winners." The science program t(IV·
els from Yale University to Califor· 10:30 m News (C) (30) Bill Johns
nia visitina the five Am.erica.n scien-eJ Fallute Corazon (30) tists who won Nobel Pnzes 1n 1968.
Hosts David Prowitt discusses the 11:00 tJ 0 eJ m News (C)
prize -winnina projects with each of 1J Alfred Hitchcock
the guests.. g Movie: (C) "Track ot the Caf'
@!) lmpactos Musicales (30) (western) '54-Tab Hunter, Robert
1:30 tJ llle 'ood '"" (C) (30) Rufus Mitchum.
and Bert have hlah hopes of ob· m Allen ludden's '•lltfJ (C) Lynn
tainin1 a national resturent fr~n· Kellog, Norm Crosby, Bill Bixby
chise for Bert's Place, only to find guest.
th~mselves emb.roile~ in 1!1 owner· 0) Movie: "Rid Uebf' (mystery) ~1p pro~lem with Niko (Titos Van· ,49--George Raft, Virginia Mayo.
dis). their handyman. {R) ,.... m .tlWll r.n News (C) 0 Win W"rttl the Stirs (C) (30) ~ ~ lill \Jl.J
0 @@ EE Tiie Kin1 Fe•llJ (C) ll:ZS 0 @ CI)&) AIC Ntws (C)
(30) (R) • 11:30 tJ Movie: (C) "Joe D1koll" (west· m Merv 'ritfin (C) (90) Vir11nla ern) '57 -Jack Mahoney, Luana
Graham, Bobby Mom. Rita Gard-Patten.
ner, !~TY Collins, Ronnie ~n. The D @@ m ToniOt Show (C) [:rha~~~-Dancers and Lil Clrpeo· ~ Mewie: "P•ld To llltr' (mystery) m RUii for Your Life (C) (60) 54-0ane Clark.
El1) leek IMt (C) (30) Actress Lil· 11:55 0 @(}) (f) Joey Bistlop (C)
lian Gish rtctlls it like ~ wa~. She 12:30 m N ....., cw..
and host Robert Cromie discuss •-"'
''The Movies, Mr. Griffith and Me." m Action Tllulrt: "The Ledy Says
&!) Sollrius (30) No."
..00 II lewet1J HiAillilS (C) (30) The 12:50 0 Movie: ''alu:e a CrNUd Slaa-
jol(in1 Cllle reaches the Cla_m~tts ~ (mystery) 58-Anne Baxttf,
when Jethro forms his own iou1n1 R1ehard Todd.
club •!Ml Mr. Drysdale !akes up the 1:00 0 0 News (C)
sport 1n order to be 1n the rood e Co••ualtJ ..... tin ..... (C)
ffltll of JtSOn Detweiler (Paul
"ewl1n), 1 millionaire health fld· m f,.. tile Inside Chit (C)
distj_R) 1:15 11...._: "TIM Ntpt Heidi l•· 0 ID (i) m lntt .... ""' (C) ..... (ft11Stery) 'SS-Vince Edwards. ~) Sid Caesar end '4onn111 ~11· Jack Kally.
dom pest. Sandler & Youna with .
Judy Came host from London. 1:30 m ~ Sllew: "M1lllons like
8 ~ (C) (60) UI." "Eadl Dawn I Oit ," and
@(I) OJ AIC Wt411s41y "tur1e of lht Stone Hand."
·nts Im,
I A ac-
t rm ,.,.
:c> nd
ed n's
'"· an
'SS th
FrN LH Veta1 Vac•tlon
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Quality Work at
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Call M "6-1214
.... 11
The first year that Raymond Burr as-
sumed the role of the paraplegic Robert T.
Ironside io NBC's police detective series
Ironside. there were those who were posi-
tive America would never accept "Perry
Mason" in a wheelchair. They were very.
very wrong!
It i~n't that TV viewers have forgotten
Perry, for nine seasons of the lawyer's clever
outsmarting of lawbreakers remain in re-
runs to remind them. It's just that America
has taken the crusty. irascible (but soft-
hearted) "Chief Ironside" to its heart, and
Raymond Burr has the mail to prove it ..
NBC aL'lo has the rating charts to prove it.
as lroni.ide has climbed steadily in the
Most of the credit for Ironside's success
can be attributed to Raymond Burr's skill
as an actor. The challenge of making him-
self believable as a man of action placed in
the cruel plight of a lifetime of paraplegia.
with no hope of recovery. interested Burr.
It not only posed problems with camera
angles. with storylines and with construction
of the sets. it posed an even bigger problem
for "Chief Ironside". How was he to make
a man whose physical movements were so
severely limited interesting?
Burr reacted to the challenge in typical
fashion. He reports for work on the Uni-
versal set each morning at 7 AM with his
lines already learned (he arise, at 5 AM).
He rcmaios on the set daily until at least
7 PM shooting eac:h episode. During the
first two seasons. about four nights a week.
he has worked with script writers, the pro-
ducers and with fellow ca-;t members to
make the stories believable and dramatical-
ly sound.
As the months went by. Burr's devotion
to his craft began to bear fruit. The char-
acters of the secondary people-Sergeant
Ed Brown played by Don Galloway became
less grim but never an unprofessional police
officer. Officer Eve Whitfield. as played by
Barbara Anderson (who won an Emmy
Award as "Best Supponins Actress" her
ftrst season) became less of a flossy society
girt and more 1he dedicated detective. By
the second season. one script was hand-
tailored to her character when she consid-
ered quitting the force after shooting a 17-
year old burglar in the line of duty.
Perhaps the greatest care and attention
went into the role of Mark Sanger. played
by Don Mitchell. Raymond Burr wanted
to be certain that the role of Mark never
placed him in a "servant" catesory. He
wanted to be sure it was reflected in ev_ery
line of 1he script. that Mark Sanger was a
man doins a job for whic h there need be
no apology, no feeling of servility. Repeat·
edly. he consulted with Mitchell when there
was a disagreement as to whether Mark
"would" say a line. or if it was in any way
phony. Many nights they argued and de-
bated untiJ two in the morning trying to
make the scripts absolutely valid--two dedi-
..... 11
Raymond Bu'rr and co-stars Don Mitch-
el/, Barbara Anderson, and Don Galloway.
cated performers, each determined 10 shape
Ironside into a meaningful commentary on
police work and social attitudes.
In time, Mark Sanger was allowed to
develop from a hostile highschool dropout
into a grudging nightschool student and
eventually into a far more interested oight-
school law student. All this was the resuJt
o( Raymond Burr's attention to detail and
to believability.
Outside the studio (although he was sel-
dom away Crom it in the first two seasons)
Raymond Burr thought wistfully of his is-
land in the Fiji group, where he flies once
a year for aU-too-sbon vacations. In bis
dressing room on the set are two leather
bound volumes of snapshots over which he
would pore on days when things on the
set went poorly. He seemed to escape into
his recollections of the pink sand beaches
(and the one unique black sand beach on
one side of the island). In March. 1968
he climbed aboard a jet liner and headed
for Naitauba where he matched his 16
hour TV days with 16 hour days as a plan-
tation owner and operator. Not in his per-
sonality to sit still long, he became totally
immersed in the business ·of getting out
copra, building new barns for the dairy
cattle and constructing a school for the
island's adults as well as the children.
On May 28 Ironside resumed production
so that filmed episodes will be ready for
NBC's Fall seacion. The program will con-
tinue to be seen on Thursday nights at
8:30 PM.
Are they going to change Jronside? Pro-
ducer Cy Chermak insists there is no point
in tampering with success, but he does ad-
mit there will be minor innovations. For
instance the "paddy wagon" which Mark
Sanger uses for Chief Ironside had become
a pain in the neck to the producers be-
cause Lhe elderly vehicle was so clumsy 10
handle. Sometime early in the series dur-
ing its tMrd season. there will be a script
which wilt hinge on the departure of the
old and its replacement by a spa nking new
wagon. all equipped with the latest elec-
tronic gadgets. It will probably be a gift
from the grateful citizens of San Francisco,
according to the script, for whose police
department "Chief Ironside" acts as con-
sultant. (The chief, unlike Perry Mason,
occasionally loses a few. but San Francisco
is terribly grateful to him-if the script·
writers arc to be believed).
There will be additional flashbacks to
the days before the chief was wheelchair
bound. If nothing else, these stories should
prove to worried people across America
that Raymond Burr can walk. The rumor
keeps sweeping the land, that he has really
become a paraplegic (rumors started by
people who haven't seen him striding across
the Ironside set when he finishes a scene
and wants to head toward his dressi ng room
for a littJe peace and quiet).
There is some talk of having beautiful
Vera Miles return to the show in a guest
starring role. Last season she played an
amnesia victim who falls in love with Chief
Ironside, in the episode "Barbara Who?"
Although the script had her return to home,
husband and children. she definitely left the
impression she would rather remain with
Ironside. A new story will make it possible
for her to return-at least temporarily.
Eve. Ed and Mark all will be on hand
to assist the clever. wily Ironside. That
they are all still Dn hand in the third sea-
son is another tribute to Raymond Burr
who screened all the people considered for
the rotes with their "lasting power" in
mind. It talces a very special personality
to take the stresses of a series he told
them. It can be like emery, wearing and
wearing on your nerves as the mooths go
by. That he chose well is demonstrated by
the manner in which the four or them work
together. It has been just one more testi-
monial to the sheer professionalism of Chief
Ironside ... also known as Raymond Burr .
. 1969
ct ion
· for
ts at
I ad-
.y to
> to
Ni th
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta -
tions reserve the right to
change programming with-
out advance notice.·
9:00 0 "frenchman't CrMlt" (adven-
ture) '44-Joan Fontaine, Arturo De
D ''The Bleck Book" (adventure)
'49-Robert Cummln&s. Arlene Dahl. O "Kep of Ult IUncdom" (drama)
'44-Gregory Peck. Thomas Mitchell.
12:00 O "Hell's Crotat01ds" (western)
'SS-Stephen McNally, Peuie Cas-
12:30 m "Kiiiers Are Challtn&td" (dra·
ma) '6&-Rlchard Harrison. "Tht
Man Who Could Work Miracles"
(comedy) '37-Roland Young.
2:00 m "The Wlld 01kobt" (western)
'56-Jim Davis, Bill Williams.
3:00 0 "Str111aers on 1 Train" (mys-
tery) '51-Farley Granger, Robert
4:30 iJ (C) "Saner' (adventure) '49-
Mark Stevens, Coleen Gray.
6:00 iJ flit 81& News (C) (60) Jerry
R W Hunt:11·Brinkley (C) (30
Steve AJlen Show (C) (90)
Dennis Weaver, Fred Smoot and
Eartha Kitt guest.
fJ Six O'Clock Movie: "Tiit Private
liVes of Ad1m and Evt" (comedy)
'60 -Mickey Rooney, Mamie Van
I love Lucy (60)
Batmen (C} (30) 11 Sn (C) (60)
Miss Wool USA (C) (60) ~ars New? (C) (30) "Animal
Ark.'' Filmed on location in Africa,
Richard Tuber's adventure looks at
game preserves and wildlife. Two
youngsters travel with Dr. Sue to
I Adamson's camp for Hons.
• Jwentud Dlvlno Tesoro (30)
• KPl.M News (C) (60)
6:30 · KNBC Newservica (C) (60)
Voya11 to Ute Bottom of the
Sea ~) (60)
Q} 00 Huntlty·BrinkltJ (C) (30)
EE) DEBUT The lnvestiptofs (C)
(30} "Facts and fraudl." first In
a series on new methods and basic
trends in science. films and dem·
onstration at the Franklin Institute
of Philadelphia clarify concepts be·
I. discussed.
(i) m News (C) (30)
Notkiero 34 (C) (60)
7:00 CBS Evenln& News (C) (30)
Watter Cronkite.
m Whirs Mr line? (30) PasJWOrd (C) (30) 00 feature (C) (30) "Essay on
Vision.'' 1H (jJ Hl&h and Wild (C) (30)
Ell) Pl1Jf1tl U.. Cultlr (30) "Sl&ht
Reading and Playing." Instructor
Frederick Noad tests students' abil·
lty to play sfght material not for·
merty Introduced in the series. He
i~lso i::::s :;w(
:10 with
Trut•Adventvre (C) (30)
Orum HoUM (C) (30)
fJ Kai Kan Presents
"life Down Under"
iJ ~ (j) Anhui World (C) (30)
The celebrated kangaroo and the
Koala bear, natives to Australia,
are studied. One highli&ht of the
show is a trip to Heron lslilnd to
visit a modern "Robinson Crusoe''
named Viv Byrum. who shows view·
ers some of the spectacular marine
life of the Great Barrier Reef. D <aJ Ci) m Daniel Boone (C)
(60) "The Plague That Came to
ford's Run.'' Arriving In Ford's Run
lo buy a new guitar, singing trapper
Josh Clements (Jimmy Dean) finds
the town deserted except for a few
hostile men. (R)
0 Jack Benny Goes To * Oscar Levant's Doctor!
B Jact Bennr (30)
@ @ al Tht f lJlne Nun (C)
(30) "Slightly Hot Parking Meters."
Captain fomento suspects Sister
Bertrille of robbing hts parking
meters. (R) 0 Million $ Movie: "Anpfs Witt!
Dirty faces" (drclma) '38-James
Cagney, Pat O'Brien.
m Mttv 5rlffin (C) (90) El) Mariana (30)
ID Run for Your Uft (C) (60) al Passport tD Travel (C) (30)
El) Music.a y Estrella (30) 10:30 (!) News (C) (30) Biii Johns.
9:00 8 Qj (j) CBS Thursday Movie: Ci1J (I) Ft~!Mrt (C) (30) "C'mon, cC> "The Defector" (suspense) '67 Jet Hap~yl
-Montaomery Clift, Hardy Kruger, Ell fallaste Cor.ion (30) •
David Opatoshu, Roddy McDowall. al Twlll&frt Zone (30)
An American professor on a visit 11:00 I 0 D ~ m m Nl'#S (C)
to East Germany is persuaded by a Aifrtd HitdlCIKk
CIA agent to undertake an impor-• Movie:. "'Time .limit',. (drama)
tant espionage assignment. designed '57 -Richard W1dmartt, Richard
lo help a famous Russian physicist Basehart.
defect to the West (R) m AJlen lucldtn's Gallery (C) Rich fJ @@ Q) ! i•tclll I Mania little, Michael Landon and Linda
Cass (C) (60) Cass Elliott shares an Ronstadt ~u~. '
hour of songs and quips with Bud-~ Movie. Boomtfant (mntery)
dy Hackett, Martin l andau, Barbara 47-0ana Andrews, Jane Wyatt.
Bain, Mary Travers. Joni Mitchell (i1) CI)@ (6) 9 00 Newt (C)
and John Sebastian. 11:30 B Movie: "Nocturne" (mystery) '46
@I) El Mundo Est.a Loco (60) -Georee Raft. Lynn Bari. I ti)@ m Tonight Show (C) 9:30 ~ 13) @ m ~&~et (C) (30) Movie: •iifetum of Juse l•ma''
Juvenile-DR-05. Fnday an~ ~~n· estern) -John Ireland Ann non show how the Juvenile D1v1s1on Dvorak. '
operates as they deal with an aban· fJ (i7J (I) Ci) Joey Bishop (C) doned baby, a runaway boy and a youth high on a dangerous drug. 12:30 m Niked City
(R) ID Action Theatre: "Spies of the
I News (C) (30) Air."
12 O'Clock Hip (60) 12:45 O Movie: "Operation Ekllm1nn"
Washln(tlln In Review (C) (30) (drama) '61 -Werner Klempem ,
10:00 D ~ (6) m Dean Martin (C) Ruta lee.
(60) Don Rickles, The Andrew Sis-1:00 O fJ Hews (C)
ters and Lena Home guest (R) m from the Inside Out (C) I m News (C) (60) 1·15 -=-M . · "l k 8 " I •--Suspense Theatre (C) (60) • -ovte., oo ~c.. 11 Nll•• Della! (C) (60) (dr~ma) 59 -Richard Burton,
CJ) feature (C) (30) "Astrc>-Claire Bloom:
dome-The Ei&hlh Wonder of the 1:30 0 Community Bulletin Board (C)
World." m All·Ni&ht Show: "Shleld for
EI!) Sounds of Summer (C) (2 hr) Murder.'' "Alonr the Mohawk Trail,"
"Cincinnati 'Pied Piper' and Bos-and "Wrestling Women vs. Aztec
ton Pops Old Timers' Night." (R) Mummy." I Truth or Con.sequences (C) (30)
Perry Mason (60)
Tllutre Beat ( 30) Ha I Marien· fi~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim thal. m Duelo de Pasiones (30)
8:00 iJ ~ 00 Tiie Prisoner (C) (60)
Captors of The Prisoner change his
appearance and try to convince him
that he Is someone else. He even·
tually sees through the ruse and in
a new escape attempt, tries to con -
vince his captors that he is not
The Prisoner. (R)
B Zane 8rq_ (30)
@ CID W That Girl (C) (30)
"The Homewrecker and the Window
Washer." A window washer rescues
Ann Marie from a bully, and his
wife believes it was love at first
si&ht. (R) m Hazel (C) (30)
EE) NET l'tlyhousa (90) "A Sonf of
Summer." A documentary · drama
about the final years of En&lish
composer Frederick Delius as seen
through the eyes of a younr Eng·
lish organist, who spent those years
of blindness and paralysis with him.
The BBC production stars Max Ad·
rian and Christopher Gable. m Feliciano! (C) (30)
8:30 0 @ @ m Ironside (C) (60)
"The Prophecy." Chief Ironside Jg.
nore$ a newspaper columnist's
prophecy that his investigation of
an art theft will Jeopardize his life.
Martha Scott and Paul Stewart
guest. (R) 0 Boxlne (C) (90) Tom Harmon
and Mic~ Davies are ringside. fJ @ llJ al Btwitdled (C) (30)
"Samantha's French Pastry." Sam's
Uncle Arthur zaps in a French pas-
try for her dinner party deS$1rt,
and Nepoleon becomes an unexpec;t.
ed euest (R)
Pt•ll\ll't' Jan" Merrow po11der.r way.\ 10 11itl Th<' Pri.ro11£•r,
wlio1t' rapmr.\ '1rt' 1ryi11g to co111•111ct' lii111 lw i1 ""'0111t'Ollt> e/Jt'.
i11 The Pr11011t•r. Th11r.l'day at 8 PM. 111 rulor u11 C BS.
• 646-4126 •
"' w. '"" SI., Swlt• '0 " -c: .. ,. Mesa (t ll:ti. Wat .. o.M.V.) ,,..,_. S...ltr 0rtv9" Lk enM •xam'-Statt Of Calltentla, Retl,_l
Paae 17
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 0 "Trail of the lonesome Pine"
(adventure) '36 -Henry Fonda,
Fred MacMurray. O (C) "Son of Robin Hood" (ad·
venture) '58-Davld Hedlson. June
Leve rick.
O "The Merm1ids of Tiburon"
(drama) '62-Diane Webber, George
12:00 ~ell C1nyon Outlaws" (west·
ern) '57 -Dale Robertson, Brian
12:30 ID "Captive City" (drama) '52-
John Forsythe. "Bi& Bluff" (mys-
tery) '55-Martha Vickers.
2:00 m "Air Strike" (adventure) '55-
Richard Denning, Gloria Jean.
3:00 O "Toni&ht and Every Nillht''
(musical) '45-Rila Hayworth. Lee
4:30 fJ (C) ''last of the Comanches''
(adventure) '53 -Broderick Craw-
ford. Barbara Hale. Lloyd Bridges.
6:00 IJ The Bl& Newt ,(C) (60) Jeny
Dunp_!!t. D W Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90)
Buddy Ebsen, The Nitty Gritty Dirt
Band, Kim Weston and Gore Vidal
iuest. D Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "fox
fire" (drama) '55-Jeff Chandler,
Jane Russell.
I love Lucy (60)
81tm1n (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60)
CV Merv Griffin (C) (90)
What's New? (C) (30) "Guate-
mala." Two Indian girts visit a
1,000-year·old lncan city and view
some colorful ceremonies or Central
American Indian groups.
@E) Juventud Divino Tesoro (30)
a) KPlM News (C) (60)
6:30 0 KNBC Ne.service (C) (60) m Voraee to the Bottom of tt1e
Su (C) (60)
Q} @ HunUey-Brinkley (C) (30)
ED Book But (C) (30) Actress Lil·
lian Gish recalls what the movies
were like whel'I she discusses "The
Movies. Mr. Griffith and Me." (R)
~Ci) m News (C) (30)
@E) Noticiero 3.4 (C) (60)
7:00 1J CBS Evenin1 News (C) (30)
Waller Cronkite.
O What's My line? (C) (30)
ID Sheriffs "Involved Citizens"
Aw1rd (C) Highlig~ts of the Coco·
nut Grove banquet for 10 county
residents who have given exemp·
lary aid to deputies.
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Addreu I I 1
@@ Ci nem1 Show cue (90) there is a rebellion in the African
"Show~own at Abilene." Jock Ma· ranks. (R)
honey stars. 0 Playboy After Dark (C) (60)
fD SEX vs. SEXUALITY Tony Bennett guests.
* P t!T 01· I 0 61) CV m Judd for the De· aren een a ogue tense (C) (60) "A Swim With Award-Winning Series! Sharks." Judd defends a dockwork·
ED DEBUT Sons and Olu&hters (30) er on a murder charge that in·
"What Lire Is All About." A pro-volves a labor union and loan
gr;:im dramatizin& the differing sharks. Gerald S. O'Loughlin. Pam·
points of view between the genera· ela Dunlap and Simon Oakland
lions toward human sexuality Dance, guest. (R)
dramatic improvization and argu-m Premiere (21/2 hd)
meotalion are combined to point
out the generation gap struggle. 9:30 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
The first In a series or five at· m 12 O'Clock Hi&h (60)
tempts lo put sex in its proper ED Adventure (30) "Kathakali." A
place as only a part or the indi film survey of the 12 year train·
v1dual's life, ing program for the Kathakall
(j) Maybeny RFD (C) (30) dEncers of Malabar 1n southwest m American West (C) (30) India.
a) Drum House (C) (30) 10:00 0 1'"'J"'"l'""tc ... 1A.,.,L,....l The Slow Gulllotine
. (C) (60) Repeat of the documentary 7;15 ID Dodgers Dueout (C) Bill Welsh. on smog, Jack Lemmon narrates as
7:30 IJ ~ ® The Wild, Wild West (C) cameras take a long. hard look at
(60) Searching for a powerful germ the devastation wrought in South·
culture. James West and Artemus ern California and throughout the
Gordon invade the mansion ol an nation by smog and other pollu·
eccentric millionaire (William Schal· tants.
lert} who has matched his guests g News (C) (60)
against each other in a game of 0 @ (3J a) Dick Cavett (C) (60) survival. (R) 0 m High Chaparral (C) (60) "A 0 Della! (C) (60)
Way of Justice." John Cannon faces Q) (6) m The Saint (C) (60) '1he
death unless a high ransom is paid, Persistent Patriots." Templar jeop-
(R) ardizes his life by trying lo protect
B bell Benny (30) a British colony's prime minister
~m m lefs Make a Deal from would-be assassins. (R)
(C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. I m R&D Review (60) "Progress Re· O Milll~n $ Movie: "C.ry of. Battle" . port on Balleries and fuel Cells.''
(drama) 63-Vcin Heflin, Rita Mo· .Dr. A'bert Hibbs and guests review
reno. [ the new app'ications for new lam·
Q) Perry MHon (60) ilies of the electrolytic cell. ED The Ci:y Watdlers (60) Art .
Se1denbaum and Charles Champ:in. 10:15 ID Dodgers Scoreboard (C) Vin
@E) Duelo de Pasionu (30) Scully, Jerry Doggett.
7:40 ID Dod&ers Warm-up (C) Vin Scul· 10:30 ID News (C) (60) George Putnam.
ly, Jerry Doggett. m News (C) (30) Bill Johns.
8:00 0 Scene '70 (C) (60) 11:00 0 0 0 m a) News (C) 0 (fl) CV m John 01vidson (C) e Allred Hitchcock
m(60)1>od If b 11 (C) (Zll h ) 0 Movie: "Pretty. Boy Floyd" (dra-gers ase a 1• r ma) '60-John Ericson Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett call . , · ,
the action between the Dodgers andl m Movie:. (C) 'The DollJ Sisters'
the San Diego Padres as they battle (musical) 45 -Belly Grable, John
It out In the San Diego Stadium. Payne.
@E) lucedtl (C) (30) (i7) (3J Q3 (6) ~ (i) News (C)
8:30 O Q!) ®Gomer Pyle (C) (30) 11:30 O Movie: (C) "The Steel Cl1w''
Gomer is assigned military police (drcima) '60--{;eorge Montgomery.
duly and gets himself and Sergeant 0 ~ (6) m Tonight Show (C)
Carter in trouble. (R} 0 Movie: (C) "Duel on the Miss· 0 ~ (6) m Name of the Game issipi'' (ildventure) '55-Craig Stev·
(C) (90) "The Black Answer."t ens. Patricia Medina.
When a fire-bomb causes the death 0 (17) (3) a) Joey Bishop (C)
of a leading moderate Negro news-1 ID Allen ludden's Gallery (C) Dick
paper editor, lhe police begin a Dawson. Kay Thompson guest
search for Joe X. Le~ .. a llamboyantJ ~'a' Friday Show leader of a black militant organlza-
·~ 1..!!.1, ,
lion. Raymond St. Jacques and Ivan @E Noticiero 34 (C)
Dixon guest. (R) '12:30 m Action Theatre: '1rocadero." ID Run fer Your Lile (C) (60) I . • . EE) Wus of the Roses (60) "The 12:45 0 M.~vie: _(C) .'The Human D119h·
Council Board." Gloucester's mur-cators (sc1 fi) 65-George Nader,
derers die, and Queen Margaret Bllrbara Nichols.
seeks vengeance on the House ol 1:00 O Movie Four: "Fall Girl."
Lancaster. Jack Cade's rebellion Is 0 Community Bulletin 801rd <C)
put down. Peggy AS!1croft, David 0 News (C)
Warner and Donald Sinden guest. ID From the Inside Out (C) @E) Noches Tapatias (30)
9:00 IJ Qj (j) CBS tridayMovie: "Guns
•t B1tasi" (drama) '64 -Richard
Atlenborough, Jack Hawkins. Mia
farrow British soldier stationed In
newly independent African nation
finds himself In command when
1:15 IJ Movie: "Enchlnted Island" (ad·
venture) 'SS-Dana Andrews. Jane
1:30 ID All-Night Show: "The Adven·
turess," "The Way to the Stars"
"Killers from Spa~."
rth ·k-
e· "
tack" and "Rome, 1585." m Evau-lhnll ~ (C) IQMler (C)
15ttftlms CD II• Ribbe1t n.tre: ''Two-Gun ........ DlwiM T-.. lOeOO la (j) TM Ardllt SMw (C) Lady " • II& l'idll" (C)
(i7J (]) aJ JourMf tD Ult C.. l ·OO 1J at Ci) MebJ Didi (C) • bl11bow TMttrt (C)
of tbe Eat111 (C) ' 3:30 R Mtw1r. (C) ""T1lle a.tr..
JUNE 28 D MOiiie: (C) "Widaltl" (western) 0 Mowtt: (~) "'Tht 8oWell "°'*" c!abooW• (romance) '60 -Molly 'SS-Joel McCrea, Vere Miies. (adventure) 51---Ann Blyth, David Bee, Ben Cooper.
I Petltrn for llvln1 Ferrar. CD Coler n..tre (C) "Qulnc1nnon,
La Estrtfles J Udld D Mo¥il: '1loal Oii Ille Halllltlll Frontier Seoul"
7:30 S..11ttr s-.st.r (C} 10:30 u a.t.an/5'1ptr.u (C) Hlff" (horror) '5~Vlncent Price, @m TrM Ult WOfW (C)
QI 00 m UlltatHd World (C) 00 §i Undenlot (C) Carol Ohmarl Q) AnMd forca HIPllPll-(C)
Ca•JUI Proftlt • " nplde" (drama) '49 m Movie: "Q'all If SlttlQ" 4:00 IJ Jal Allll
• M•ll. lftt tile Most of Ma1urtty -Don Berry, Shella Ryan. (drama) '53-Phyllls Calvert. Jack • D ~ f1I'\ _.,A.IC' Wldt .__.....
7:45 Slaed H•rt (C) I@ Cil (£) Fantastic Four (C) Hawkins. Of WJ 1..JU w • ".,..,
8:00 ! ~ Go-So loplltn (C) The Bible An1Wtl'I G) Martana SpoC'ta (C)
6 6m Super 511 (C) • E Mdlivo de! Dr. Moren r,!!\ bed F Hw.•i....._ (C) 1J Wape Train (C) (DC..,. (C) 11:00 • ~ (6) 6m M1for llacae .... ~ orca -"'".. m .,_ Wlnp (C)
Abbott & Costello C.rt.ons (C) ball (C) Teems to be announced. 1:30 R QI Ci) llatiou.I MU Tr.ct aod 4:30 m Outw U•lts
Tiles et Wells FlllO m (fi') (I) Q} 5eorp If tbt J...p fWd Q1•pfl 1•1p1 (C) National Sltmday Thtettl: ''Toofhest .. Men's Champion.ship from Mflml, 8' lrette0
Man Alive" and ''The Slasher .. Anni TIMlh: Roed to the Florida. 5:00 IJ All~ Cellle9 .._ (C)
8:30 IJ Qt (j) aup lllnnJ /RNd ·Ra-Bia House." &>Quest tlr Adven..,. (C} Celebrity fudaes tr0 Mlur.n k ·
ner How (C) 11:301 QI (I) TM Herculokls (C) 2:001J Satllrdty Double F..ture: "An-thur, Morey Amsterdam Ind Defla
19 (1) m. Coo. I M~ (C) MOwfi: HRfmfl,.... (western) '49 1ets Over Broedwa(.' Ind "Str•nr· Reese. Cl.111.P!' Profile -James Millk:an, Mary Beth ers in Sacramento. • U Cloee-Up (C)
@l,.V 9) llulllwtr (C) Hughes. CD CerOMt n.trt: "Yaqui Drums." IJ Scene '70 (C)
MOVlt: "iW1n1 Devil" (adven· D (11) CI) aJ A..nca1t landstatld m Sc*ta 111 Action (C) CD ... ...._. (C) tu~e) '~obert Steck, Barbe,. (C) Dick Clart hosts. al SM Ult USA (C) fil) lnnontita (R) IBrittC~ Kid ~ Movil: .. Sltwtr liver" (~est.em) 2:301J Mowle: .. ...,, of Wlldflre" ii) Fu1bol-Socctr
Esalela llMEX (C) 4S-Enol Flynn, Ann Shendan. (drama) '43-Rlch1rd Arlen, Petri-5:30 B Ralplli S1lwJ (C) (R)
9:00 @ @ 6m Th Alntstones (C) cla Mori90n, Mary Beth Hufhes, B MIC ....._ .. (C)
Movie: "SIY1p Drums" (•d· 0 Movie: "Plaln1Dm Planet" (sci· D Ci7J Cil Q) I IPic!AL I ColdMI'
venture) '51 -Char1ton Heston, fl) '63 -Dean Fredericks. Coleen AJf.AMtrlcan Foetball 8"1t (C) Tht
Susan Morrow. 12:00 IJ 9 Ci) Sliman! (C) Grey. best senior players of tht 1968 col·
(fi') (I)(!) Spidernlan (C) @E Tutro F,.Dlar 0 lettst Cry le&late ••son m1kt up the Ellt
Jact la lannt (C) l2.:301J ~Ci) w.-Quest (C) .:ft SM Ult USA (C) end West squads In the 11me flit. Sit.relay M1titltt 161 ,.,...,, ~ vised live from Atl1ntl, Gecqla.
• &tlldio dt hdro Ytrpi a Movlt: "Rurtnc CitJ'' (mystery) m Rainbow Theltra (C) I Twllipt ZOM
9:30 D ~Wacky Races (C} '51 . -Hugh Beaumont, Richard 3:00 IJ Dial 'M' for Male (C} Father Men From UNClE (C)
, 6 6m B1nan1 Splits (C) Tr1v1s.. Norman J. O'Connor welcomes Th Ntw Sound (C}
(!) F1ntlstic Yopp (C) 0 @ (j) G) H1ppenln1 (C) Paul auests Eddie Harris and Mose Alli· : Your Doll11's Worttl (R)
AM etre (C) "Achter At· Revere and Merk Lindsay co-host. son. • Aerlculturt USA (C)
(A.lie Rlell II • ncade. Gwa. Ill dB iptlt .ea 1111
I love being in television. but WO'lf, It mre tm tta nepdYe
momems I Among the bua.rdl ot starring in a teleYtskln aertee
Is tbe way you becw a target re.-random remarb tram die
vtewen. Believe me, I've had to grow a leCOlld ~ 10 piOtlect
m)'letf from the 1Unp and arrows ot wt.t people lnrUt a. .,__
e11t criticism."
One girt t&k1 to me, "Are you that poker-faced ~ on
Che ''lronlide'' llbow?'.
I Wamed 1D 8* ber ti lhe thouabt
I sbomd giggle when Chief lnmlde tel11
me an old ledy bM JUlt been beaten up?
Imtead, I JUlt 1mlled and Sl6d. "Yep,
Chat's m.e..,
As ~ peilUOill queltlarw, I've gotten
U9ed to the one "Are you really a
blonde?" (yea). ''That blonde?" (no, but
Ii.molt). "Do bbJdel have more fun?"
(I don't know. Row Is your IOd .. life
dw.e dl.ys?)
And ot ooune I aet the bustneu about
"My 8QICdtNI, you're thlnl (usually MISS ANDERSON
from a woman 15 or 20 poundl overwel&ht). My answer. ls, "I
pbotocrapb much better thll way. rve Jolt 20 pounds 1lnce tbe
lfl'l1ea bepn." (l mlPt add it I weren't afraid It wouJd IOUDd
catty, 'you'd loot a lot better JO pounds Jlpter yuunelf, *lyl')
Flrt MtJ. Mt etti)W I ... II _.... w 11a1h••t. A
few .,. ..,_ .. no•• ........ TlleJ eeDta't ean ._ aboaa
....... 1 ................. ....-..... .,..,,, ......
"What ls lt UU to work with Raymond Burr?'' {lmpr'fJlllve,
quite frankly. Be 11 ao profellional, luch a perfectionist, sucb an
artist that the day DeYe1" puses when I dao't learn aome new
facet ol acttng f!'Olll thb ma.rveloul man.)
In Ube wlCh that qu.uon, I bave to go on record u saying I
feet vefy fortunate to have been able to oblerve at clOH ranp.
the kind ot dedication wbleb Ray gtves to h1I role u .. IJ"ODllde."
Be never llopl aeeHng a new way to do a .cene, a way 1D tum a
pbrw. a variaUoll In Che l1lydun ol a line which will hlpllpt a
whole ecene.
He'a ... ......_ ti ..Wtaa wtllM NOT to do, • ... • ftllt
tll di. ,,_.. dlle mut Clf die real Upn.•• I ~·111pt ... if
Ml bowtlow nm tit. la ,ean te come. I wtn fMI m ....._ .,_.
ed tor wtatever C*llM ta my pnf•llwel lie, If I am fall· lledt
-................ tqpt all ol 1be,.... ......... ........,,
-.,... 111e 1>e1111-o. Mltdlell mo. GeDeny -.a ...
0( coune, one ot the mOlt aclttq parts of appeutq In a
major TV ..-for a gtri, Is the apportuDtty to wear beautiful,
ttpenal~ ~. I'm awfully 8lad Chey made Offtoer Eve Whit.-
field a i:tch girl, because rve never met a poUcewoman wbo could
afford a *50,000 wardrobe! BelJeve me. in my prtvMe l1te I can't
1 afford. the kind of clothes I wear on TV, but it gtvee me a pod
reuoo to try to be terribly succeutul. Maybe aomeday I can own
a wardrobe1lb Eve's I
It bu become a dlcbe tor actteaes to taJk about bow bard
Chey wort. I.a for me. I admit It OU be gruel.Ing, but lhlce rm
dohia exactly what I want to do, it neYel' aeema unreuoa1bly
bard. It toot me trom 1:be time I waa ie to earn tbe dJace to
work a 12-boQ.r day ln mlevtaJon. I don't regret a moment of It.
I dlD't repet 11111 weeb I ... ....., or tlll ~Idle ....
ai wtdeb I WOlbd te aupport 11l,.eJt. I dla't dmli..,...., .._..
stw me a medal fW blllll 1lllbblnl • 8' • tddr at IL I.a I
mmc cm1e11, I b«eme lrrttmd at dlle ...... wM dllM It WI a
Wne now a.ct Into produaton o1 "lroulde'' ,_ our ddnl
llUCID. It will be maneloua to aee the hN ODDI apla ud ID
wort once more wttb llQmoDd.
..... 11
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