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1969-07-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
I l . . -·- • ' en·· I • ,. . /, " " , , I • ...,..~""'°""-"~· ~ .. ~ • ,. , • ' . • ~ -• ~ ~ -• ....-_· ~.;;....,.. • I' Rea8.<f,n Retuse~ ~niergen~y Ope:rafi·~g ·B.ill~~:~$i>Jve· Fise~l ~.c_~~~;· · . .' 6 ' -•• --l -.....~ .. ··".··. 'f ........ ,.. ... • . • • • ..... t • ,.. ' '. ... ..... " ~ ~ _1BO;OQ!J~~t~ · EmRlo~~ W ~rkin · 'Fr 4 ee'"·811; P&a.'f-rtJm Gov~rriQr .s --.. .... -~ . .•. ' .. • ; "' . . ' .· ~~~,.iil:~iiiii-~iiiiiiii..iiiiiiiiiiiii~iimlil;;;;~-.. ~-~-. .. ~;..;. .............. .;1 ;.. .. ;;lll!i.;~~;; .. -. ...... ~!'111~---.~;:·· .... .;. .. ~ . ' ~ .... ..., .-...+.,.. ~.. • '.t! -.. ,,.--~-. ~ -. _.. .... .. . Tustin _ SIOye-r·-·Sn.s pect1·--_.;_ - -. ' ' ' ./ . . -. . ! . •' ..,,_ ... TUESDAY. AFTERNOON, JUtY Pleads Innocent in COurt~. WO~ & NO. 114 J llCT,IONS. 26 PAG•a_ . ' Goodwill -' •. Body· ·seent -.. . ..• ,_ ~ -.• • !' . i:-. · r tsrc,J:.<!~~.~~!itU: ·•·---'" . . if ... · ~:flftg~Wtl~ U> Battered .n·en Het f ...;"i4 "'•l ' !° •' • . 'i , "'" • _,, ,,,.., ' I ~ I "-~· '. >'.sAIGOf\,~~l ;i"''u,t!. troOpl inouled .velilcles ·om' ln(o a '.Nodh Viet: Ameri"'!' patrola·and ell-t.,.lll'd Nol ene~ _ t~(_ ·<11;1 iwo !aJnlJlar j l)at. ~ fQrCI: :.maneuverina around fay . ·& Dep. -, Ue~ 'Tiiesday 111d -~mnmen_t Nlnb Ind raked fbmtfor three hours with U.S. casCia!Ues In 'J\lcsdayl1 llgh! were armor t:)eared-the highway lln!dni the thousallefa,of roanll• ol machine iqlrllrt. one Jdl!Od an<! ~wotiljded, r .--ba~ered ~ Hel "'"1P )l'l!ljJ!le nil)tlar)' 1!'111;.lopotftd batl!(erup~ et the bale jq lhe J!lner ·action ·;oour of Kiit Senh, -' ' '· I .J· ' -.. I I I I .J l. -· • ' • I . • The badly ciecOOlposed body of a mid- dle-aged man -PP,Sllbly a vlcUm from ~ the _!!!llkcii yaebMl'1'1!!._will -~" base at Oak To. · . · _ · ~-~ ·ofJluL;B~taln whec'e soldiers •North 1{ietn8mes& trOO,. struck at the '%'!~' U.S. lorcea.lullecl.1S.NO<th.:Vletnam.,. -of the-U.SrlStMllvlslon·Jdllecl-14._y nigh positicltroMnmlt-of;b<r'U:S;-5th•--.... regularS in •luitP fig!iting out&lde Tay ooldlers 18'1 Friday._ Mecltan!ied' Infantry Division. TheY •• ' round by an AmeriCan seart::b a.nit rescue team at Mexico's Scammon Lagoon, 143 mi1'8 south o( the Baja reeL where lbe schooner lies wrecked . Two other bbdies r.epOriedly were washed . asbol;e at the Sqnµnao Lfgoon a,i:c;a.and burled early last "°eek by Mex- iCan fi.shennen, according-to Arnold Senl.<!r!ittl U.S. coordinator (or the volunteer Transborder Search a n d J\eSclle Group of the Callforni_iis. >ISKS THUMBS DOW_N Bud'"t Foo Unruh ' The unidentified bodf was foruJd by ----·-- sesrch an4 rescue member J o h n Robertson on-ihe wesl aiide of the c.hanne! entrance· of the lagoon, c a 11 e d Scavenger!• Beach because ocean cur-' rents throw Pacific wreckage there'. SCnterilU seJd tbe man was described " as a.caucasia·n male, 45 to 55 ycafs old. -JI~ 1'('8S l'ear!ng dark blue·pantsAiU!~ · bro.,,n sweat;er, a .blue navy ta · SACRAMENro (AP)...-;.. California's jacket, and' leather deck fbocs. • · t.._ _._ .. ,000 &Lale wor...::i• r.epo,-a.eu to wort on NO ,PROPERTY _ · r.·•·~ •··'· tQd Qo o. No,...e!JY;.,.,,.istwatch, or aoy ld<n,.-'1'::c"'~-;•n,,.,, ..... "'I " -v. '"''11"- tifylpg property was found on the body. and tlle_jegisla\ure tired to end a fiscal Sent.erfitt ·did nol know Whether the re-crisis -that left the state Without a budget. mains flt lhe description of any of the 10 The governor OaUy n!fused lo accept crew membe rs aboard the Goodwil:. an emergency bill ,that wookt have kept the state running for 30 ethyl after the ff~ said.that any exhumation of the two legislature deadlocked on h1s f6,37 billion ~. bodies was a .matter ~ Mexfc-an fujl;year bUdget; . la~, amt that hJs organizallon did not That · 'plunged the-nation '• mo:st JlBto proceed fi.irther in that regaul. poputowi state •into fiscal crisis. wlt.h ~c GQO(h~ill ls J>elieved to ~ sunk rtate officials . without au9)Qr1iaUoo to 1.1.!l)'. 25. Masts and rlggJng -were iden- tified .as that of the transPaclfic racing- yach\• June 1. A' C(.oast GuarO sean:h of the area ended June 3 as hopes dimmed for 10ca~in~ any 9£. the crew alive. • * * * Sta'ie Capitofi · Power (i-oes Off Two boches have been found and iden· tified as tbose of crew members Tim Smit.ft, 15, of FQIJntaln -Valley and Gerald' Comstock, 49, of South Laguna. 'fti.!1:: were .. recover~ earlier near the SACRAMENTO <UPI) .. All power Slcramenlo' Reef wreckage o{ JDe went oU in the: Sta!e Capitol loday -a sc~cr--• -_ fuw..bourl.al!B the legl!ia!w:t! failed. to '"~ laliit discovery wu ma<le by meet a midnight deadline fOf' pMCage of Ro~n, 30, ol ~lerTa Ma"dre and Ron the state budget to rUlince govl:rnmeot. Secor S3, of San Dimas, both members of the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue The two events were unrelated. The teal!\-Ther drove ~Y ·Jeep to the Baja Sacramento Municipal UUUlles Dlalrlcl beacfi searching for' GoodwilJ crewmen. 1=~ saJd. power ~t out all over BOSTQN WllALtR S~te-empi.y• coming to work SenterfiJl said that there have been un-howev., were cuituM!d.· Many figu;:;J, confirmed· rcpom that a Boston Whaler SMUD tr.lrned off the lights became there from the Goodwill has been sighted 1n the wasn"\ •©" state appropriation to~ the Sce\·engers· Beach area. bill. ' _ - He emphasized however ,that the re-. The power went ocr when a worker ac· port ls uncoc1rinn1cd• aud aaid that fol!P.W ctder:tany dug up a 12,(KM).volt cable in a op Wb~ld be Jett to crewmen'• faniily <ktwnlown <eonatrndion project. ·,,..TIJe ttprutntatiVes., capitol operated by candlelight. • . . . • .. ' . 'IRRESPONSIBILITY' "'"""'·~· PIY wajes or bills. Salaries for · state employes were cut oU and Reagau asked them to -~ .fqr ~....... ' . State offices-In the major ctties·of':ian Francisco.-San Diego, Sacramento and Fresno said employes were heeding the Republican governOr's request that they volunteer services unUI the budget crisis is -aetUcd. In -Sao Francisco Robert Rutherford, district represenlaUve fpr th~ Callrornia State Employes ~iatlon commented, "l C81J«e no reOof! why a ;ate employe wOU:ld not report for work this· morning as usual." Jn San Diego, a department ;upervisor said after the work day began: "As far as we can tell, thing are normal." - In Fresno a state employe remarked that he wasn't worried because the legislators them~es "don't get paid either." But be af,parently didn't reallu that . .te.gislat.ors' .wages d&l'l de.pend_.911 passage of the budget. A personnel.-direct.or in-a ,·i:ate olOce in IA• Angeles said failutflo' pa.a a budget hadn't caused ariy problmu: there. "Nobody had even t:ieard about it before they came to work," he said. The <;,rtsia climaxed a long di!"pute between ·Reagan aod Asse mbly DemOCrals. Demand~ much more aid to local ochool-41atricls than Reagan. aaya ' he wilf give· the Deinocrata refUled to v<ite for hh buigel. They llao dC!mandnd a bill reducing homeowners' property las:. • ne<:ause of a narrOw RepubUcan mo. jorlly in the AsKmbly, o.n-ttic-vvl<I (Set BUDGET, Paa• IJ Nlnb, 55 miles northwest of SaJgon and The.enemy unit Jn contacts both Frld_ay broke off the attack after lolling-31 tilled. neaLjhe aDandolled .~baLba .. ol Khe andJ'ueldan•aa IJported as a)>aUallon lllYl..S. "~r~ttpoos :~ llV-' Sanil. hard b)' tne LioUan lioiiler,. e of the ,9th Viet ,CClng·Nl>rth· Vletnameae 'mr.1.ere wiund • . T·" •• U.S. Comniartct reported one.. klllecf and' DiVi1ion. U:S. Intelligence .reporb aaid ··Arrival of go~!fnmfti penonnel Car· four wOUJl(fe4 Jn both engagements. the battf.Uon apparently •M tl'Y.lnl to get rien' at ihe. SPeclil r~ camP' It Ben A U.S. spoter.nan aald 42 of the enemy inW. position for another attack · on Ta)' · Het was anotMr lndieatlon' that tb«! Uege Wf!rt killed when 30 Aroerl~ armored Ninh when It waa 1nlscepted Friday by . (Seti VIE'l:N.\M, Page ~Y .., . I • • I ' ' Tustin Smother ~laying . County Plumbers ~trike, Seekllig Four JDay Week ·.s.uspec!._~leads ~ TJm!!?en~~-i SLriking In demand for an_eventu~ . • ": • : :· r·' · ~ 1 nearly-doub,·d hourly wage rate and .\be Accust!'d,smother·slayer G!OtP.A'-·V1ck '15491' Pasadena Ave.,.Tu.litln~ btfl the m...... ~ pleaded lnhcicent to •life mtffii'.et of ·1ua ~ um .was-:. hoyond Jl!lp: -.., ' -~· ' tlrist four-day week labor contract in the __ _r-J · r-[. • J bor west, some 12,000 plumb log worktrs· ln Tustin girlfrit:JJU Monday during:.-a brief A pair-. o orange grove.. , a er~ ar- 1 court arraignment. 'ol'. it h .preliminary riving at wod: in .the frea of. Jef(~~ Orange and eight otber counties walked hearing set fOr thJs"l'hursdiy. · ~AVeriue' arid Ir, _Vlne_&Wev4'1'd tbref:, mu., off tttelr jobs today. f ••· I ·L y • 1·~ George •A:Vick, 29, wasreprese:nt~by rom WR; s ar1ng scime; saved IC• '""' ... A spokesman for the Plumbing tile-""" .. PUblic · =f RUaell · P. apparent. s_uiclde._· Employers Council said ~ no further.t ·--~..1."t L...ri ·\,,l / v. &:'! ,.._ 1 llsttd meetlnp ~ set after al~nlght negotia• , _ _..t,,.AI. hiL_aq1 . . ..,.ore)l,...ge • ·,-.•was ~"'" 1 "!'la car Uons broJ!e down and predicted a possibly Willlal)i •W. tfxftson In ~enb:al Oran~ ~·~tolen~ I J.{edlOrd, Or~, aPnq; long and bitter strike. C-Ounlf Dl!tric\.Jiidicl'al£<1urt. . Iller appatiirtlJ iiggtng a gii\len - . . -Judgo :i-afd• •. ~~~,';,.,Cc!OU•~~ -f'e'"..Jbf:..txha1~~' ~lti~ • .i1" ,I~·~ J !Ul~~'f" ,;e:lre'.a~ ::~:th~ Vick 's arralglimtm .~· J,i'raa),tlO; -tne W1n:1~· ne , ~z w11 ••· •• ·. • t.e · AFUIO Plumbers Union fell apart e'irly defendant...:. who allegedly was tryin& to No mOtlv~ has been estabhihed ~ ~ .. commit suicide when caugHt last Wednes-death of Miss Adams, but ?Ollce said Ste: today, leading to the walkout. day -would hav.c time to obtain counsel. and Vick bad t>:een rom!1Jllicalty _!h.vol'9d. A few It.dependent plumbing cm-, Appearing !tote-and llsUesst about bl.! .beldre she decided r'eceotly IO emtgratre tractOrs wDI not be struck,, spofiesmco for circranstances, Vick "tOJd Judge MCBride E A~lralla.~ the.union aald, because lhf:y •ba·1e con. hehadnode!ifbfor·l;..,aL~-~Uon, F----"'-----'----+..., ceded to deinands bfsed on an alleged :.> --e .. .,, """"" percent unem~loymont figUre 'in the past whether he WU entliled to It ... not. l Orwige three year•~ • "lt's -..fione,r.-the u n em p I 01y e d · Coan1 Everette S~ell,_dlstrlct council director Wa!hlngton painting contractor •. said for the plumbers' unlon, said some ·con~ flaUy ..when Judg~ McBrl~e appPlnted tractors have lllgned ·a contract raising Serber tcr defend hil'll against charges of the base pay: from $5.79 per hour to $7.25 Commi~tlng TusUn'a lifat murder .YJ. 17 Immediately~ years ..• This will give them paycbecka.ldent1cal 'J'.h.e,.accused slayer ts charged ~t~ to a.five-day 'week rorwbrking only four striking pretty Susan C. Adams, 20, with days, he eiplained. • .c a bludgeon, then suffocatlnic her w,itb Th I bor ho · .t..-.. ~":.... some sof~ ob)ect s1tch as a pillow. .. _ e Jlllt11!;, s, wever, _!l'C ...,., .... ""'-'fi , . , Poli Upped off by an ~nymous a pay raJ~ of $SN over tti"elr cilm!n1 1tt_lephone caller rushed lo lhe apartment base rate el'lective.ooe ~r from -t.oday, Miss Adams shared wlth bl!:r 1l!t~ at a concesdon management is not ready lo , ~ · make. : !!@ployer1' si>Okesman Jeanney-said the council off en .. $2.11 per hour pay-) . rai!le now aDd ' »-hour work week ef~ fectJVe es:actly two yean from today. U the campoJin la succeaful, It will be Apollo stron?qls . H~iled in Chicago Ille !Im IOUMla,y work Wftk labor con· .CHICAGO (l)PU -Two bf .the Apollo, tract in the Wl!liern United States, union "10 utronaull received i rouslng welcomt..: _, llJlOliemieq nOted. • . Monday In Chlcqo and mpcndnd Wlth-e· 1 E1tlem&a varie(f 1s to t.he-:fe<IT: num-·-plel:tg« that An*tcans_an .. ,_to a... 1 bor of _..rs atrlkljlc today 'b\lt 'plore the wtl•ene."· • \ · ' I unloo a~ could not~ ...died 'l'boma• P. ·$taUon1 .ncl"!!iu~, . for I COHI., -voll'td' in °'*"CC!~Cernan---joinecw.l•Jor R1cltord J. Dill Coon!¥· -for a parade throqll the 1oop. , . . ' . . . ' - J Weather I ' Hazj sunshine ls bett!f than nbne at ad~and--that'1 what we'JI have more of \Yednesday. COastal tem- peratures will register 731 Willie inlandJt'.U·be up~to a. - INSWE ·TODAY • l : • ' ' • I Jo\11,Y '1UT I • ·' . ., Jteagan,_ Un_ruh ~qllare Off. -' SACIW4ENTO (UPI) -'1111 lltlt ol Calillll:nli...lor the..Jlnt tlmo:•lo. Ill_ • hlltory, be&a.n a new fi.lcll year wtthotlt l budg!< tocky .tter a b!J.am l..,.laUve · atruggle featurll'I Gov. RoaaJd Roqao ond Auem!Oly Democrat!C Leader J- N. Unroll. ' 'Ille two poll~ r ....... podod to opPose each Other in neit · ~·1 gubernatorial election. • Without a budget, ~ Is no authMiza. Uon to pay employea or continue pvero- *·-_,.,,. P .. e J .. BUDGE!f .• ; an ~ for the twc>third1 ma)Crity requtrad for budget _,. In Ille hiMloo. ,. ~--.,,._t Miatite P~a ---...:... -- ' .. • • Reagan, at 1 I a.m. nen mnfertoci, ~lamed the Democrats led by Auembl)'?DID Jeue M. Unruh, 1 Reagaa pollUcalriYaJ. ( N~rrow Margin Extends Su-rt~x -' \ "'Blocking 11'. ~aet !or the mtt la \J Ille moot lrreaponsible single llCl in the biatory of califomia state governnwrt,•• said Reagan. The 39 Democrata:, a minority in the IG- member AMembly, have refused to vote for the budget for weeks, and the.lr votes are needed £or the two-thirds ma~ority of SI ~uired fot budj;et pwqe. In return for their votes, De~ats win! ,a l4Gil million 1ocre.,. In curttnl- lllltt aid io bard pressed local -I districts, now . fl.S blllion. Reagan Pto-_ pooed a 1105 mllllor!· boost. In addition, Democrats want a tu: · rdlef ·~am that would reduce ~·· prGP.erly taxei. They have not spe out lhe1r spedflc terms for a tu bill. . , U'I C1at;s I 1¥ Reaaan, wearinc sport" shirt and sport coat, ~ oewsmen to hil office and, in • IOll7 nlood, tafd be l'Wkl tnalal Oil ,. ... el llli'~ln& bill, -~ • ~ •17 blllkio. • • / f } ' ' De--~ 1'v~r · 2on,aoo J' • -' . ·-Ta Jam Beath -. , For · Parade Ll (j.g.) Jellrey W. Cbvert (left) aiMl-bi.{j.g.),Jam., Hoi>- son ·remove Americen 11ag from relhlinbig half of de- •troY,i: USSEv1ns'durlnf brief cenmonju ~ ~ .Sqblc B;Y, PbllipPlnes. Evans was sliced ·In l1'0 In coillsi<\D ~th AUltraliaJ! ca¢e~ Melbourne June 3. , ' , WASHINGtpN (AP) -Acting aft~ a last.minute plea from President Nixon and under strong pressure from leaders of both parties, tbe House bas narrowly P.!Wd a bill 40 extend the income s,\lflal:. The bill approved ·Monday !to-• . .now gou to the senate wtiei'e leaders-predict eon.aideraUon may take-three moot.hi, Technically the 10 percent aurtax ~ ptred at midnight, ooly hours after the !Jouse action. . However, Congress alriady hu ·voted to continue the wllhholdtng rates which include the surcharge through July, and the lJJ itseU can later be extended relroactl'(e to July 1. Senate leaders have -said a further six-day utenslon of the withholding ratn j)robably will be sought. Nixon wants the 8Ul't,ax to continue at a 10 pel'Cl!nt rate through -December_ and then at ~ percent until the end of ,nest J:ine. . ----~·-· ·-----Oppoaition to-the bW has come mainJy from congreMmen who fear any chance for far·r~ching ta'1 reforms will.be lost if not included in the surtax extension measure. Just before the close of House 1!ebate Monday nlgb~ Republicao Leader Gerald R. Ford read 1 letter from the President aimed at ·swaying llUCh opponent!. "I want to remove any vestige of doubt , a1 to the coinmitment of this ad· More than 200,000 SJIOClalon "' ,.. i'rono J>nne J mlnlltntlon to prompt and meaningful pected to jam Huntington Beach llrteta -. t.u reforri!," Nixon said.- Friday morning u the city prepares for V-IETNAM • Earl1er in tbe_day_NPgn_ met at {he it.a largest Fourth of !uff parade in '5 • • \Vhlte House w.ith 28 Republican 'COD· yeara. , Bqhmlng at u a.m. ~ parade will • ol "· ~--" ,_t _ mll --•-t grwmen, most of tbem opponenla of the make lta WlY from tbe .st.m-tlng point at u": uvuuer ouU""' -u Q1111"u111:a.s aurtu. enenslon. All but 10 of these end- ltth and Main Streela, down Miiin Street ol Sll(Oll bu ended. ed up votll!( for the bUl • to Jl'iftb Street, left on Walnut Avenue. The artnM'td column spearheaded a 'In all , Nixon got IM House Republican back onto Main Street right on Pecan task forc.e of more lhan 1,000 South Viet-vols whlle 26 GOP members opposed it. Avenue and Dorth on La°ke SlretL namese lnfantrymen who moved out of House Democratic leaders gave strong V Admiulon to the vent ls ablOlutely Dai: To Saturday to clear the 10 milea ol support to the e~ion, but only 56 votes trtt1_ but souvenir Jl'OgrllDI, containlng Route 579 leading to Ban HeL for the bill came from that side of the the nneup of floats, equestrians and other A government spokesman said North aJale. OpPosed were 179 Democrats. entries will be sold by the Huntington V\ec:namese army units that had cut the When Presi~ent Lyndon B. J?hnson . Beach Jaycees for 50 centa. read and lhot up allied convoys had pull· -. proposed ~ aurta.J: last year, 114 Jaci:Je Benlngton, ''America's Junior ed.~ 'lbere was no algill'lcant contact Republlcln! voted for it. _ Miss" has beeri named Grand Minhll during the road cJearinl operailon. The vdte was Ued at least 10 tllnes dur· for the event, which will feature 215 en. '!be .spoteimail said government troops Ing the House roll call and_ the ou~e fries and 2,625 participant.a. roUnd the-bodies of 20 enetD, soldiers, w~ in doubt until the ~~gglers and Grand Marshal of . the Equestrian who bad been tilled by air. strikes or holdbacks voted after ll'!LSSllli the~ roll -Oiviaion will be telev1slon_new.Euter artlllert:_ beside the road call proper. . George Pu1nam who will enter bli When ·Uie ifmored ~ri.et ·c~rrters Joining _Nixon...and F_ord in the heavy plaUnwn palomino "Dlamond" in tbe. rolled up to the barbed wire defenses of last·mlnute preasure f~ passage were ~for the 11th year lb a ro". &n ~they-were the flni vehicles to . House SP.taker John -~W. McCormack, rudllia aa lleulenat!ta t.o .Putnam f!'ill be complete the run from nu To In a week. Democrai.Ic Leader Carl Albert: Ways Miss Bevan Molle and MJa Kit Elberson, ---u __ ,, '·d bat led and Meons Chaimw1 Wilbur M1lb ([). both' ol wbom hive won · numel"OWI .1._wo ana .... .,in,, coovoyi •NI t Ark.), and Rep. Hale Boggs (~La.), who theu way into the camp on June 23 and 'handled the measure. Boggs Said ;~n!:. put e q u e • t r l a n · 24 afW government tl'OoPI hid tried to "something approacfilng panic" could oc- Mus.ical """''"" tnch.Jded in the 1i....... dear the road, but the first convoy came cur if inflation is not curbed soon. e• WM,.... .... ~.. under heavy fire. Mills In hi fl ~ noo appear·-after are the "Caledonian Pipe Band", The camp, just six miles from the • 5 tr,,~ .r . ...... .. "Reseda Youth Band," ••7tnc1 U.S. Anny C bod' -Laoti border.' As hit by a recent illneSJJ, promised $ eomml\~e Band," "Kiq:smen Drum and Bulle am 180 an . ' w . would bring forth a more oomprebens1ve Corps," "3rd-Marine Air Wina Band," only a doztn mortar roufids Monday and la:t reform bill lat.er in .the summer . e by SS the day before. "'The l •· that ' just be · "Torraoce,Area Youth Band" and "San During the two-month siege, enemy ac..., are _w~re .. gl.Jl- Femaodo Valley Youth Band." gunnen fired up to 200 shells a day into nl~g ~. ge~ _ho~d of th~ ~ation, said a nFwnloabert enotrfi~~1~~r·!>J:nc1·t""'1es,l'1nedclu!rod•~ the camp and their infantrymen were 1.t1&.., .we.re JUst beginning to get bold ''°"•'....., u1• U'lj shooting ll't the outpoet from only 300 of the lnflatio;nary psychol~gy here at Costa Mesa, Orartge and Garden Grove. yards away home. What Im afraid well do if we Held in conjunction with the parade!' a The acti~ity -by an estimated J,OOO defeat this leglslation. tod~, we will lose -CelebraUons \feek at the Five Points . North Vietnamese regulars encircling the all that we have gamed. . Shopping Center, featuring rides and r camp dropped sharply ov~ the w~kend. This didn 't satisfy opponents such as event.I thrOugh July 4. Allied helicopters bepn flying in needed Rep. Ray J. Madden (D-~~d.), who s~ld A major carnival, now l:ielng held at mmplies without being shot al the committee had been doing nothing the comer of Pacific Coast Highway and -~r on tu reform." Beach Boulevard! r o u n d s out tbe -(:( -(:( -(:( fesUvltles until Ju y I. DAIL' PI LOT ....,.,. ._,. II a11i41w ... --_,,...., ---oaANM COM1 f'\lllltM-.e CQfllMlfY l•i-t N. W.M ----J•clt a. CVf"1 Yltil .............. 0-. ..... n.-•• Kenn .... n.::.!.. =111• - Somebody Care_s Camp Gets Supplies After-'Publicity' BEN HET, Vietnam (AP)-'flle Amer· lean artillerymen oo Ben Het's North Hill battuy are no longer "the forgotten men." Last week_ they :wttt complaJ.n.i.ng about shortaae.s of water. ammuniUon and replacements. News reports of their pllaht were published Friday and they . were remembered Jn a hurry. Hundreds o( gallons of fresh water Jn pl&8tic bags were flown In, relieving a fiv~ay drought. Hot meals an-lved, their first in three weeks. By Monday, re- placements had nearly doubled the site Qt "A" Battery, Srd BattaUon, Ith Artll· let:J Reglment, relieving a chronic man- power shortqe. !'We m close to full stren,ih now,''· said the bat.tery commander, Capt. John Horalek ol Fort CollinJ, Colo. Late last week the battery wu firinc artillery shells faster than new 111ppllts were coming in. The •OJIDO stockpile ror its m. 106nun guns wH dana:erously low. ' "Now there ia pJenty cl ammo here. Resupply is ocellent. They have built up a good klcllUcl bue at Dall To," llld Horalek. flak To b a bale 11'11 ti • east ol Ben Hot. 'Ille repl1ctmeni1 and I lull In tho nghtlna •roond Ben He! have en1bltd the arUtlerymen to •to r t rabulldlnf tlunkua, clean up the rubbSe left by llerce .. ..., bombardmenll ol Juno, and grab snatches of sleep. Numerous seniQr officers have visited Ben Het in the pa!t few days, including three general&. The artillerymen or Nodh Hill are qulck-to...tell visitors lhal even In lhe worst days of the siege the battery wu a fighting unit. "S o m e of the troopers weriin a d about the supplf situation. 'I'heoy were never afrllki of Charlie," said Horalek. "By the middle of the fijht the-men of the battery hail become s.uch a close. knit working team that ~ waa not another battery In my experience that could have stood up to them," he said. "Our position is excellent now. I defy anyone lo' lry to take us." Jn the past two days,. the arUllel"}lmen discovered that they were in more dan- 1er than they ..realized. Severtl'-·tunnel openings were disCOveted In their barbed wire perllneter, each atuf!ed with gren- ades and baitgalore torpedoes. Apparent- ly they were storetiouaes fot a North V!etnameae ground at~ck that never ma· terlalbed. "Thtre -~ enouth arenades alone In those tunne1t to blow us apart lf 'he ever 1ot In," Koralek u.Jd . But the North Vietnamese snipers and fUDMrt who were JX'Obinc the camp at night and !~Ina rocjteio It Cloe quarters durin, the day have dlsa_,..r. ·~Charlie left in a beck ol. a hurry." Horalek aald, / . . -•. .- Similar sentiment Is being voiced In the Senate whetr seVer.al<highb' plared(G\em~ hers have said they will not support ex·· ~ tension of the sur~ uii}ess It is couPleit ' . . ' with broa~ ·loophole<losing provlslons. Seii. Fred' R. Harris, the Democratic national ch*1nan, said in a ~tem~f ~ ~t there is "no hurry to pass thiJ.liil~ ~ 11If we ean't g8'i tax reform in.this bill - we sOOuld e¥tend 'the IW'lax fOr only a · short time, assuring that we will get another chance at real tax reform soon," the Oklahoma Democrat said. ' The Senate Finance. Committee is open- ing two days. of hearings Qn Medicaz:e-and • Medicaid today, ancl Will not start on the . llU1u legtslallon until after lhe FOurth - of July recess . Thls would bring In an estimated $7.64 billion for tfre fiscal year and contribute heavily to a $8.S billion budget surplU3 proJectea b)'1100iif !O.-lll:e(5!!Riil • Other provisions o( the bill would repeal the seven percent investment credit which now pro¥1.des an inCentive to business to moderni ze plants and equip. ment; create a special allowance to remove from the tax rolls low-income ta:tpayers who file about five million. retums ; and e:ttend at the cun:ent rates auto and telephone e.xcises which otherwise would drop next Jan. I. Merced, Calil.,-high school teacher Dave Donaldson, a miler duriog bis college days, devised this unusual. yehicle so he could babysi t while hls Wile is out shopping and, at the same time, stay in shape by jogging. • • • UCB f'ltrsaplan that guarantees you'llsa~e· r----·------------------· ----., . . I I I Unit«! C1Hloml1 l!l•nlc I I I 'Atttntlon: W, L N••ll I P ,O. lox 3681, T «mlntl Anntx I ,. Lot""""" CIPl.10054 J DHr<Unflttl C111"ornl• B•l'lk: J T/l•nk• lor thowlllfl mo how/ c11n ,,,,, .,...,1111, I ,., •• ,. H nd""'. ••vino• I CCOllfll lpPllc•Uoll. '" flOI. · rood r.•ton to N", ·~ rd". No Iii, •lldl ot butll I ' .'For al! your good intentions, you can't seem to save a nickel to save your soul. Paycheck~ come. Paychecks go. And slill there's little or no money in th e bank for savi ng&: . . ·United California Bank knows how h"ard it is . to sclve. That's why we have a plan that guarantees you'll save $10-S20 . ..i..$30. a.month or more, and hardl y miss it. It's UCB's Automatic Savings 'Plan . Just decide how mu ch you want to save eacJl month. uca·deducls that amount from you r UCB checking account-and adds It to your savings . Most savers-tell us, It's virtu~lly painless. And at UCi, y6ur savings always· earn the hf!]hest bank interest rate permissible by law. Isn't there someth ing you've wanted to save for anyway? Like Europe. It's as easy as saving Just $2.00 a day for one year at UCB! Whatever your goal, sign this coupon and send it along today. You can save. You will save. We guarantee.it. I &1111: · ffir.JUNITED ,,,..------. _--. (!l!J ~~~~ORNI ~ -·-8-'*----------~~~---J T/11 ban km w;~--;; :· ;ltf/1 mor• '°'you 3 ~29 H1rbor Boulevard , .. •Vo ~· !I.'·, ;'I'• .w ,,, 10 .• -., .. ~ • ' --, ' .. . ' . ", .. .., ... , .. 't<"> I ~I "I'< '' ' . '';.I •!! ..,.ff•l,, '''ll'n ,,; . Jl:J ...... lf ,. I ~- r_ l I ... I ij I I ' ~ I ! I ,i \ I I \ ' • • ,.., I i I ,_ ' I ' I I I ' " I ,, . . '. I I • '1 I I ... , . . - ' . . , ' ,, ---. , • ' Toda;y's FJ'!•I N.Y~,~tocks ; ,. --·. ' ' '-· • • ' , '()--. " ,., ' " ;-..... .. ... -.-,. -... ., . . . • .. -., ' .. ·- .. , NipPecl7 : OV~ Voles 5% Hike; T·e~Jiers B,isappointed -· ! • • ' • · Pre-holiday p)'{otechnlcs over .teacher reoperJing of riegotla~it!Q! lalflf mote ttheir 8ctlon in order "lo avoid f_urther 'lllaries Jn the -Ocean View School money should becorn~lable ·to the controversy and the instigation of legal . · 'District board room were clipped at. the distrtct fro'm state IJCI. acUon ,, ruse Mon~ay night as the trustees Marlin Spellmeyer, memb:er of Ute OV· , ·. ,adopt~ an $8,Sl0,008 tentative budget T~ negotiating counCll, offered "no com· Officials of..the 0YTA could not be coniaining a five percent increase for ment" after the new an: d ~eased ; reached' this morning to determine which teachers. ~ schedule WU presented by tM U'fiBtees.' i.venue this action could take. Metnbers of the Ocean View Teachers HoweVer, FA Romeo, ri!plUtntative of . Tbe board decided to adopt the new Association (OVTA} were diappointetl"""by the California Teachert Aui>C:iaUon budget and sa}:arv schedule following a the board action, since they had proposed (CTA), who· advised the ~ at the -,,_ a ten•,,Uve 4.6 per-cent increase with the meeUng asked the boacd io reconsider rather lengthy executive gesslon which-~ ' ,__ ~ -~. . · 1aStec1 . atnrost to mtdnl&ht, with tired ieact.~1 &dmey de~ to iviait the ·outcome of tbe conferenc:e. Goodw:ill ~orpse -- When the trustees re-opened ~e meeting; the new tricrease was offered and the tentative budget unanimously adopted. ' ' ASKS THUMBS DOWN Budget Foe Unruh " ' . 'IRRESPONSIBILITY' Goverm:r Reagen ., . , No Budge~ So Employes , Work ·'Free' '• SACRAMENTO (AP) -Calilonda's 180,000 state workers reported t:o work on a. Voluntary basis today aa GOv, Reag~ and the legislature Ured to end a flacaJ crisis-that left the state witboUt a budget • The g9vernor flatly rerused to accept an emergency bill that would have iept . ' -' . the state running for 30 days after the legblature de1uftocked on hi! f',37 billion , f1,1ll-year budget. Tbat plUJll(ed the na\ion's most populous slate into filcal crisis, with state offidala wlthqut authoriza~~to .- pay wages or bllla. SCfatja_ lot state ' etnployes were cut olf and Reqan asked tbe·m to wort fer tree. State offices In the nioJor clllel o( San Found? 2 Buried · Apparently the teacher's represe~ tatives thou g b t an amendment con- taining onJy a tentative five percent in. CJ:eue wu being made to the budget; and ottered no afgyment, ~ In e!fecl, the eqUre bq<IJif'.was ap- proved,:maklng.ariy-Cllanft 1n •the salary Francisco, San OM!:--Slcramento and R, · u h F d Fr<sno laid employes wr. heeding the _ea/)"alf,, nru eatur,e _ ~:~!~.:.~~':""i..:1~ ~ Is settled. By JACK CHAPPELL plan to proceed further in that regard. Schedule im~ble, even if the board In San Francllco Robert R"utberford. °'"" O•t" Pllllt'S"H The GoodwW ls beli~ed to -have sunk should have· decided ·to cbanle Jta post-- The badly decomposed body Or a mid-May 25• Muta and rigging were iden· tion. dle-aged .. man -~ssibly a v.1£_tini from lilied as that or. the transPaclfic racing Te&e:hera repeatedly asked the board to the aunken yacht Goodwill -has been cht' J 1 A -0-C:'Guard aeardl ,,,, recopsider. its. ~'·on efieclively · b ,. b nd.-.. ~,-ya _..,. · • · , -• . . ·T ~ canceUog the_...,. oegotlatlcilll, bu! a In. ,S.,.,,..te Budget Fiasco ~~~~~'J\':~n~~~= ~ . "I can-1re1; no reason why a Nte emptoye , .. ---~,,------c:,~ou17Ju.i~no°",1,c="·~ "°'k this mornln& , f!llllld Y-!!J"Aiperican.seare .• •~~ the area endec! June 3. If hopes d!!Mlld ... -.tive GI tlie , Orin1e' ·eounty team a,Mdrxlco's ~ ~0<!!>,_113 , ·for locating any of lhe.crew lli..._ ', . CoumOl wbo wu p~eaenl'at the meeting, SA~O .(UPJ) -'The state o1 mll,.i""th of the Baja reel .,mere ·the l'loo bo!il .. have ~·f-~ ,~ l&ld"that wft now impoutbte... Ca!Uomla, fo,r the first time : in Us achoaber Jtes'iirecked. , : : · ' . tified , ~ tbooO' of crew :~ , -By' Jaw;" _the, ~ .,board, bad lo bls\Or)',, 1"/1"1 a new fiscal y~ witboul 'l'f• 'oilier ~~oil•!tt~ ·we, ~ ~ '• ·' · ~'!"'!"'~~.•-· a bu'qellodirlfter• b~r.1e81•1aUve wuiJ,-,.11 Ille __-1,IJ--··Tli~~~ · ,(,¥..liltl.a ·:·• ..!.-.·~--:;-··· lllnlplt-·feablrinl Gw-Rlinald-Reapn -;~ootlr-JU!.'lltOi,W.~e>-Bicruilb\lli IWI • . ~ ,Jtie : -..l:., ~ :..rie.:r aqcS,;~ ......,.itic Leader Jesse Senterflit, U:S eoorl!iila)or lit lhe -· ' ' · 1:1 """""11 C · pel'IOD· M. Unnw, . 11can"'.illlbeli1Mht acconUac .to ·""'1J01d .;...:i.......... ·, · -~ '""' ' '~'*:! a -~ ..'..'__,;._ --~~~-.,-~ votimteer' ~border Search •add -n~-~-teal _dlJcovery l'U._~,)f .. ~~tS:,1al~ttillt'lbe·~I-·Tbe two political foes anoexpeded lo n-~·-c· of"'' Ca!Uornlas ~-"·'°'GI stei;a Miiiri~ , , 'f lul'ojplatlon pto¢.lll. oppose each other Jn ne•t year's ~-roup ,me ·. · 5-,,33, of,San DJDW, both·~ of With 1ioan1 '~•.:. " Ill< · •• , • ..;. Tbe .unide~Ufi~.Dody was found by t.6e sierra M"'re .search ·a RelCut ....-. . . a .. ""'!'14... en_. ~ new ~3 gubernatorial el~ion. •. search and rescue !""lllber J oh n team. They drove by .Jeep to !he.Baja ~·.-,In the OCeoh View ~hool • Without a budget, there Is no authoilza- Robertson on the west!l~e_of. the cblnnel beach searching tOr Goodwill c:rewl)len. = ~_!.rom ... ~$1~ ti on to pay employ.es. or continue ~overn-entrance of the lagoon, ca; 11 e d , ':a. , Y.1.-:;a~.J!,on .,.;.,_..,J-· .. ~ ment services in the nation's mo.it Scavengers' Beach because"ocean cur-BOSTON .~n.· :. -yearaaa-,,1e~r-..-¥1o11U~..-pogJlous,state. rents thr~w Pacitle wreckage tbtfe.. _SenterfJU ~that there Jiave been~ to ,lJ,~ , , . · ., ~: . · ~ JroniC3l1y, among the h!w employes Sen~t said !_be man W1!5 <L_escr1bed j:On{lmled repOl'Ja-that a Boston Whaler who -<lo Continue to be salaried are the as a Ciucasian niale, ;45 to 55 years ~kl. froin tbe ~II .has been sighted ~ the , , ..J;, ·. ,. l16,000 P,!'T year Jegtslators an~ their He was wearlqg dark b1ue pants, a bght Scave~gers' ~·ch area."' -.• ' Two · H .. •~fi nato' n aides , J>S:id out of a special contingency br6wn swelter; a blue navy tanker He emJ>llasiu<I, however .tb•t the re-· •" ·u.u,~· . fund. · jacket. and Jeat_l!er ~shoes. _port is UnCoofirmed. and said;~ij~follo':' v Reagan accu se d . the Unruh-I~ N P ERTY . up_woul,d lie lelt·t0 <:r•'!"'"11 lomlly ·era· sh ',,.· 1'ctim' 8 Democrats of "the single most or· O~ ROP , · --: ~ . reptesenta,1.h:es.. . ~ -~ responsible act in the history of the State . Nq. ~~}ry, wrl!twatch, 1or anr lClen• -Aboard the i)J·fate( 111-lolit Y:acht were · of California:" • , mytq pr~ty was. louna·on the body. owouRalpb E: Larrabee, ••Ii Newport ' R. e: ·m .. ; ~ . ,_r !.: ~cal' During a confused all-night session that Senterlltt ~td not ~w whether the re-. Beach;. JOOn Cole Jrf• o[, Lolj& Beach: AAA.I. '-.Arlt.a had been building for days, the Assembly ~fit the description of any o~ .the 10 Bernard Slark.of Capistrano Beacb; Car-passed a budget which would have ~.'?~rs aboard the ~w&. · '" rie Grey~. ti, ~ Welt. ffo,!lywood; 'J'hree.,vlctlms of a late Saturday night financed state operations ror only a '!~ saki that any exhumation .of the two P~cla ~~~\...e;,ot~ . .i\nle~. Hqn~ 1 Btaeq' ft¢omobUe aecldent month. Democrats kill ea a full-year 's buried bod~ was a matter of Mexican Walter zaiss of :>an Clemente, ·and an reinain:.lit QDCbanpd condition today at budget totaling $6.3 billion. law! and that his organl7:8tion did no~ unidentified Mexican ni.Uonal, ln addition Hunt~·Inter.co.~ftn~llity HOSP.ita.I.. The Senate passed the full budget, but · • to<the two bodies alrtadyiound and iden-· Paul E . .Norton,_ '22, OC m Yorktown It rejected the mini-budget plan as "ir- tified. ,. , .., Ave. who was ·the driver cif one of ·the responsible.,., ff untingto~ Man Guilty in Assault The one-Ume famed racing schooner vehicles, r.ematna in crttJcal condition. Reagan called newsmen into his office was en route to Ensenada fmti Cabo San His ~er., 22-Year~ Richard..Dice and .announced he would veto "anything Lucas, herlast.pOif of.call O_ll._a tr'lp-f~ of ·92191 lJtcJifield Drt~, is ll5ted as other than a budget for the entire fiscal A~pulco.' · . · "fair." --, year'. To do anything less would be to Sile is reported W ha'(e left Cabo San Hospital offlclalt iiy. .lbat Jlflet establisi. a pi:ecede nl for what would Lucas on May· 21 and;was-;reported off tlnebel'ry, 15, of.10151 Cr,allet Dfive, who amount to annual blackmail. And I will ; stev• .D .. Hase, 20, of 7811 Talbert Cedros !>~ -~·IOO ll)lles ..Uth.ol suffered tl)e most ievec'<'IDJurles, Is 1till not be a party to that."" AvenUe, liubtmgton "Beach, pleaded guilty San biego on May 25, -. . ' ·wiconscloas and in guarded condition. , But the Assembly, i_ust before ad- to 8.ssauJt lrith a deadly weapon Monday 11Je yacht Was ~ . to make Chfisty· ~ Malone, 18, ·it 2201' Luau journing at 3 a.m" agaid' refused to pass ;arid Was ~en;ce4. tQ 1.0 days io~ the E~ad~ May 27. ~ SB:cr&Jhento Retf Lane~ escaped seti9u1 injuries 1>ut aus-the budget demanded by Reagan. cou,nty ·J.ail and three years pro~Uon by • wreckage siU: II a'l>op\4'200 ~ aouth ¢ tamed a ~le ~ll:en hand. . Unruh's Democrats deinanded a one- Superlor ~Qdge J;pnes F. Judge. -~'-D Diego. '-.-: n.e. aCCldent ocCUI'Te<I at U:29 p.m. moatQ cutoff on any budget. becaUSf; they Haae wU arrested in the April 20 riots -' -· Slturday" at . 11~ Street and wanted to use the ~ ·30 days lo torce en-the beach; and str~t·s-in-Jfuntington ·~.. • · Adams Awn~ , , :· Re8.g'an and le@:islative Republicans· into ~Beach. Additional charges or assault on-a Apollo Astrn ... Dau•• supporting a "meanln#fUI."~ tax reform •police officer, •assault and battery, rioting .. v , . :"' .+:--"" . ., .... :.:' .. Slodc·-JllarJcetll program and a significant school f\ld bill .:nc11auure·lo'~rseweredism!~by Hai·le"· 1•0 Chi ., ,..0 _ _. , ,. , ... .. . --=--The proJl94ed budget, nego_uatet1 by. the jUdge when Hase......asked for im-0 ~ tw~hoU~ conf~ni::e .. comnuttee,; con- mediate sentencing. · · ' · NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market tained $198 million·ln new ~hOoT aid. Bu! Reagan Monday afternoon said he would In San Diego, a department sujlerv!Sor trim that down closer to the $105 million said after the work day began: "A$ far he orlglnally offe.hd. · as we c~ ten. thlitga ire nPf'DW." "The blUest mls\aki 'we evf. !Jlllde," In Fresno a atlla .mp1oyo ""'""ed !leagan iiild;• "was· 'l'!lli!ol' lhe' 1105 that he wasn'I, w.rT1&t ~w;,ihe • riUJJ!o1r lor e.iu<auon In tlle l>ulfg<t'tn tt1e · 1e1ts1atm"!hemaelm""'doo't · 'et paid first t!iace7U we hiil"starled from"""" either.'' Bui tie am>or-nlll' ~.realise and b~d gone-Up to~ million, wewould that legfslators' wages c!nil'l depend Oil have k>oied '11try generous." · passage-of the-budget-----..--._ Unruh; during n~r deblite,. conceded · state fti ln his ploy was ol ,. ''doubtful political A.personnel director in a 0 ct f this Los Angeles said !allure to pus a budget wi.s<:tom" but said ••the ·scfiools o hadn't caused_ any problemJ there. state are far more importfnt." • "Nobody had even heard about it before "At least," U-...... ·'" said. later, "the d 1u"'1 they came to work," he sai . governor has indicated he's concerned for The crisis climaxed a long dispute the rtrst lime in six -months. And on that between Reagan and A 18 em b I y basis .. .maybe we ca.ii get a new budget in Democrats. Demanding much more .·aid tbe next couple of days." to local~ school districts than Reagan SSY.S ... The last Ume the legislature came he will give, the Democral!!_.relused fo anywhere close to doing sometbiJJi Uke _ this Was in 1963. ' vote for hit bud1et. 'Ihey llii>· d~~ ' County Plumbers Strike, Seeking Four Dpy Week '~ . . Strlkirrg· fn demandr for · an eventually a· bill redUcing homeoWners' property t&J. ' • • --Because of · a .narrow Republican ma- jority in the Assembly, DemQCratic, voteS are oeeded for the two-t~ds majority required for budget paSsage ln the bouR. Reagan, at a 2 a.m. news conference, blamed the Democrats led by (See BUDGET; P>1e %) * * * State Capitors Power Goes Off nearly-doubled hourly wage rate and the first four-day week ·labor contract in the west, some 12,000 plumbing workers in Orange and eight other co1mties ,~ off their jobs today. /" · . · SACRAMENTO (UPf) -All j>owei A spokesman for the Plumbing went off in the State Capitol .oday - a Employers Council. said , 09 further few hour1 after the legislature failed to meet a midnight deadline for ~~ ol meetings are set after all-aight-,'aeiotia-· the .state budget to finance gqvei'ifment. . tions broke down anCI predicted II ~bly The two events were unrelated. The long and bitter strike. Sacramento Municipal UUliUea District Milton Jeanney,1 Jabor relations con-(8MUD) 68.id power went out all OV'1" sultant for the P:OC, said talks with the town. . . · AFL-CIO "Plumbers Uni0n fi!ll'aj>art earl)' State employes coming to WO!lr,_ . however, were-confused. Many fljufed today, leading to._the wallcout. -SMUri turned off the lights beca.Jise there A few lndepe?dent plumbing , con-WJ!sn''t any ·slate iJ)pro}lrlation to pay the tractors will not be strucl, spokesmeo for bill. CHICAGO (UPI) --Two of the-Apollo wea a winner agalciliiilay as It managed '" to lstronlli~l~ed t ·rOO:im· ftJCome to bey Its aavanoe moving through a se-. Monday in ChlCqo ariil~ with• eond straight '"'Ion. (See. quotations, pledge that Amerleam _jiio ''aollll to U· Pages 14-15). · the uniOit said, beca~ they h~v~ · coij-The ~wero went off when a worker. a~ _ " ceded to demandSbased· on an alleged 30 • cidentally dug up a 12,000.volt cable tn a pircent uner::iploymenl Dgure in lhe past downtown construcUO"n project. The three years. . .J. .. capitol operated by.,candJelight. : ... ~"i:oF•TRt; -iJiA1t ....,~_,l'tiill\li) alll)"1 l'~r ' . , plOre lh8U.ilveriV' _ ' • "'"'" --TrlOlnf" was mooera:teiy active near Thoma,11 P. &Wford: aJ¥( Eugene. A. the cloee. The ~ • Jones lndusttlal Ceman joined Mayor Rkhant J .i-J>aley av~ge-et l :IO p:m! was up 1.81 at for a,.,parade thrQll&h the ~ ·. .175.00. ' •' • ' . -Ev;rette· Shell, district~COOncil 'dlredor · -~------ 'for , the plumbers' union, said some con- tractor! have slgned,...a cOntract raising · Orange the base pay from $5.'lt per h~ to fl .. 25 .immeltlately. This will give them pay:cliecks identical to a five-day week for wOrking ~ly four days, be explained. The plumbers, bO~er, are demanding a pay raise of $5.04 •over their current .. base rate effective tme year from today, a concessioO ~g~eht 11.a.t ready to make, · ~ · ;ta EmpJoy~s· sp;kesrrian J~ney aald the. council offers a f:.81 per hour pay raise.. now and a· ~ work week of.- fecilve ezactly lWQ yearr frorti today. If tbe.campain is aueceslful, It wllt hp the firs~iour.<fl¥ Wllffl weelc Jal>br. con- tract in the Western United SH1tes, unJop ,. Spbkeamen ·noted... ' ' ~..... :- Est!Jnates varled as 101~1 -num'-' ber of plumbers· striking tOO&~t ... ~ union sf)Okesmen could 'not be riached • for a count Of -Involved In Oral!@ County. ' · A spaltesman for Plumbers and. Steam· fitters Local 582 in Santa Ana said all · agenls were)>usy and could not cfilcUJ! the ttrike • ., ;k. , . ~ Weatlaer Hazy sunshine la beter lhan1non at all. and that,'s what we'll have more of Wednesday. Coastal tem- peratures will register 73, while inland It'll be up to 82. . INSIDE TODU • That monkey. tn spoct 4 ttot . ~ Ill< sort of /eU0111 to be co11ght :h4i~g peanub -he's doing a · qian'• job. Stt Page 2~. ' CtMflriilt t ~!=· ti·:: Cm-" "•' _.., .. -" .......... p ... . -.... ; .......... ,. P"""«t 1+15 ~ 1: =-· ~ • I' I 1 I I ., -., .J r J , ~ 1 f DAILY ;ILOT H --· ' Argentina .1ege - For Ro~~ BUENOS AIRES (AP) ArgenUna wa.s under 1 state of siege today in a co~ tinuin& wave of terrorism and l-1>or unrest that shook the naUon during Gov. Nelsoo A. Roc~eller's fact·ll\>dlni! Visit for-President Nixon.-, r ._;. -~ ~-. The government broadcast the ttlt,e of siege •j declaration Monday night, two- hours before a 24-hour nationwide general strike was scheduled to begin in protest aga'inst the New York governor's, visit and th( Jr>licies of President Juan Carlol Onganta I: military 11!gime. · Rockefeller flew to HaJU this momtnc after 36 hours in Argentina and talk! With Ongail.la during the fourth leg of his mJss.ion to l,.atin America. Many taxb and buses failed to appear on the streeta in Buenos A1rea this mom· ing and colnmuter trains ran late. But most businestd and offict3 in the capital ·city ol cla:~t million appeared to open ~ usual. In the interior of the country the sfrlke was reported to be more eftec't.in. The general strike was called by the DAIL v •11.ot '"'" '"""' • SU'Ong antigovemment 'faction Of the c.ELEBRATING -Hurrtin~n aeac~ ~a~or ~a~k ~reen aff!xes General Labor Confederation_(CGT} city seal to proclamatlon urging partictpation in vanous actiVIties headed by printers union Prejsldeni --thia week1 including annual Junior Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Raimundo Onaaro Union sources Aid Fourth or July Parade. Urging mayor on are (from left) Parade Ongaro 'lfls arrest~ Monday. Chairman. Bob Red.Plan and fe llow Jaycees Tom Livengood and Tom Police ckJsed the labor organiutlon's Wllkie. • • headquartm Mondiy night, and a police official aaJd only that the 1overnment had ••intervened ... .Houra before, AugusUn Vandor, leader \>f the moderate win1 of ~T. waa killed In a daring daylight att:ack on hi.!I office In downtown Buen<>1 Aires. Ter~ m'ISll bunt'lnto the union beadquarten, fired several machine gun bursta into Vandor's oUke and toe:aed a bomb throup"ll>o. door. Vandor, 4', ·wu secretary-general of the melal worker• union and had refused to auppart the call for a general strike. H1a death wu the 22nd in the &ht·week wau of anU1overmnent unreal: that began when a student demonstrator was killed in ConlO!Jl" May 19. . Otmonstrations first were aimed al "pobce represalon," then deve.loped into ptotetis agalnst the economic, poli tital abd IOCial policies ol the Ongantueg!me. The current dllorders are considered the most terlOUJ in Ara:enUna alnce the 1955 revolution t.hat toppled the dic- tator&hip ol Juan D. ~eron. . The 'state of slea:e "deplaration was the_ fir!t since ltCWity meuure1 Wert lifted Jn Odober l963 afler S3 years of almo8t ct1natapt re1lrlcil!lll. . There wu no Immediate Indication of whaJ aecurity measures would be '1m· J>O!<d. A ban on 'public m..Unp and demonstraUons and permi&aion for police to search wllhout warrants were ez- peclad. Fro111 P .. e I BUDGET .•. Auemblyman Jease M. Unruh, a Reagan . poUUcal rival. "BloelllJll the budgtl for the 1tala 11 the m01t ln'tiponalble single act in the history ol CalUOf!11-state government," 11id Req:an. 1be 39 Democrat.a, a minority In tbe IJO. member ABKmbly, have refused to vote for the bud1et far week.a, and their votu are needed fot the two-lh1rd1 majority of 54 required for budget piwage. 1n return for their votes, Democrats want a $400· million increase in current 1&tate aid to hard preued local school diatcicts, now fl .3 billion. Reagan pro- posed a $105 million boost. In addition, Democrl!lls want a taz relief program that would reduce homeowners' property taxes. They have not spelled out I.heir specific terms for a iax bill. · Reagan, wearlnc sport lhirt and sport coat. called newsmen to hit oUlce and, In an angry mood, said he would insi!l on passage of Ills spend.l.ng bill, now totallng a record $S.S7 billion. Ofol1Y PH OT lltffrf N. WHI ..,. ......... hlllltlltf J,,.11 a. c~ vu., ...... ~ GMitJ ..,.. .. , Tliffllf ktlYJI ·-n.111•1 A. M,r,.hi11• -~"t.E"11tt ~rt W. ltt11 Willl•11t L,4 .U.:1111• ......,,........ 9M(ll ~91,_ Cllv 1!11'-! .............. ~ Jot ltlrl StfMt MtlU•t Mtlrt111 •.o. h• 1to, 'JM• --"'-" ..... 1'\1 ,.., ..... ...,.,.. ... c-. .... -... , ..., flfwt &....-a.dW m ,..,... •- Ready for Parade. Huntingwn Girds for 200,000 Crowd 11Vi1! than 2:00,ooo speciaton are ex~ . pected to jam Huntington Beach streets Friday morning as the city prepares for ita largest Fourth of July parade in 65 years. ~ Beginnini at 11 a.m. the parade will make Ha way from the starting point at 11th and Main Streets, down Main Street to Fifth Street, left on Walnut Avenue, back onto Main Street, right on Pecan Avenue and north on· Lake Street. AdmiiSlon to the vent la absolutely free, but aouvenir-progranui, conlaining the lineup of noats, equestrians and other entries will be sold by the Huntingl.Qn Beach Jaycea for 50-ceota. Jackie Benington, "Amerlca's Junior Miu" bu been named Grand lt!arahal for the evtnt, which will feature 215 en- lrles and 2,42$ participants. Grand Manha! of the F.questrlan Dlvialon will be television newscaster George Putnam who will enter his plaUnum palomino "Diamond" in lhe j>arade ·fa,.· the; ·11th ytir In a roW:-. Riding as, lieutenants fo Putnam will be Miss Bevan Moise and Miaa Kit Elberson, both • of whom have won numerous awards for past eq westrian performances. · MWlcal groups Included In the lineup are the "Caledonlan ~Pipe Band", "Reseda Youth Band," "72nd U.S. ¥n\Y Band," ~·R:Jngsmen Drum and Bugle Corps ," "3rd Marine Air Wing Band," "Torrance Area Youth Band" and "San Fernando Valley Youth Band:" Float entries have been received from a number of neighboring cities, including Costa Mesa, Orange,and Garden Grove- Held In conjuncUon with the parade i! a Celebrations Week at the Five Points; Shopping. Center, featuring rides and eventa through July 4. A major carnival. now being held at the corner of Paci.fie Coast Highway and Beach Boulevard, to u n d s out the festivities until July 6. * * * * * * Seal B~ach Making Plans ~For Open House Over 4th· Big things art scheduled to happen Jn Seal Beach beginning July 1 and running through July I u the city prepares for its annual Fourth ol Jult Week Open House. Ne,vport Carries Helicopter 'War' To Los Alamitos The second phase in the city of New- port Beach's "little war" against mili- tary helicopters will take place Thurs· day morning when city aides meet with brass from the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station. Newport Assistant City Manager Jim De Chaine said he expects "another im- pre&sive array of brass" similar to a meeting held last week al El Tor6. De O\airie-A.id tbe Thursday talka would include clarlticalion of where the Navy should fly their training helicop.. lers. Citizens along Newport's beach front have complained for months about the 10«-llylng, noi>y clwppers. One of the Los Alamitos-based. air- craft Jost an 18-pound cargo .door while In flight. It plummeted to the sand on the be.ach at J9lh Street. "We expect to discuss 1hat Incident at length," De Chaine said. At last week 's meeting with Marine olficers, the city received promises of strict enforcement of regulations which forbid Marine cboppen from flying ckl&er than one mile away from any resort community, The J.farines admitted th1t there had been some violations of those regula· lions in the past. Planners to Study Sanitariu~ Tonight One of tfle main attractions will be a downtown Main Street f1sJY,on show scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. A bevy of beauties, including "Miu Seal Be~ch" Jill Shelton and models Denise Krownlng. Grace Mooney, Holly Slverson, Juli Sorenson and Sarah staley will serve as ·models for the mod faahlons. ,_ ~ The Junior Women's Club Show w 11 r use two downtown blocks ol Main Street as its stage runway where the girls can visit with the public as they model the fashions. More than 2bo swim clubs fror111 all over the state will continue the show Swiday by participating In a rough-water swim· ming meet at 11 a.m. west of the 6eal Beach pier. Eveot.!I of varyjnl distances are scheduled for OOys and girls 7-ll years old up through the men and women's one- mlle event- Entrlea for swim-test are open to July 4 with forntJ available from Ri chard Yeo, Seal Beach Swim Club, 40~ Emerald Place, Seal Beach, or by phoning (213) 43t-t!:id4. Ml'clals will be presented for first through sixth plaCe winners and first through thlrd place trophies will be awarded to both novice and·AAU teams. Computer Use Decision Faces Valley Council . Fountain Valley City Councllmen will be asked tonlaht 'to take the Initial step in formaUon of a league of clUes for cooperaUve u.se of comp0tera. The new iroup will be called Organiza- tion for Computer Planni111 (OCP) and ste~ Crom an idea of Finance Dlrtotor Howard Stephen• that aanral.cltlel Ullng ooe or twO" computen would be more ef- ficient thin each city buy)n, indlVWual coml)lltera. • , _iegedG : -•· Getsliink Ar.marJJh~rs,Hijh'wa,..~. • WOON (AP) -U.S. troopo l"•uled enmiy fo,rces on two famlUBf bat· tltlJ"()Wlda Tutaday aod governme-nt armor cltared the highway I.inking Abe batter.ed Ben Het camp with the mililary base at Dak To. U.S. forces~tilled 73 North Vietnamese regulars in sharp fighUng outside Ta'y Ninh, 55 mites northwest of Saigon and near the abandoMtt C91Jlbat base d. Khe ~a!J!J !wd..l>l'.JJY.a~. ThJt U.S. Command reported one killed and four 'wDunded in both enaaaemt!ntl .• A U.S. sPokes-nan sald 42 of the enemy were killed when 30 American armored vehicles smast1ed into a North Viet· namese force maneuvering around Tay Ninh and raked them for three hours with thousands of rou.nds of machine gun fire. The 1®$ided batUe erupted at the base " Nul !il Den Mountain where soldiers ol the U.S. 25th Divisloo,k!Ued tj enemy aoldlers~Jast Friday. round ~ '1Q4its of 20 eaemy 90Jd~, ca~bOdlan·Liclt"' -~. wa~ hit \y w Jia<t bet~ kllfed by air 1lrlk'9"or only a dozen 1Mrtlr round> Monday and a Uery· be!lde-the road· • by 25 the day ~for<._,,,... , . ,, • n the lfrlnored_l""l"Mel wrleri Durinl the •WO>m"""' • 9le1<, ~Y up.lo the bathed wire defin.itf.'iif ~l!JM-.r;"nrtd up t<rlOOil>ell>-a d11·11)to Ben t, they were the first vehicles to the camp and their l'lfantrymen were com ete the run froni"Oak To In a weilk. ahootinJ at the outpost from oQly 300 T"9 small supply conVoy1 had battleCI )'aT~ *!'!i'v'll• b• an •rijma.led l ,OOll ' their .,.,ay into the :tamp on June 23 and • ,,.. -.... , / r-• u af.tt.t gov!rnmem_tt,oopatbad tr~ :flt· North Vietnamese regulan enClrclinA the cltar the roaa, buJ the firlt qiovoy C8Dlt camp diOJ!Ptld'lhan>IY over-the wefMnd; u-·beavy fir<~ -= AWod.bellcopllr~ b<11n-fl)llng, ln•Dff<!ed The. camp, just .111 dtller .fro~ ~ 1upPUt:4 wJ~ belnJ s1* •t: . ' House Passes Surtax Bill After 11th Hour Plea -· ~ . Tbe enemy unit tn cxintacts both Friday and Tuesday was reported as a battalion WASHINGTON (AP)_ Acting after.a "I want to remove any vesUge of doubt of the 9th Viet Cong·NOrth VJetnam_ese · as to> the commitment of this .ad-Divi.sion. U.S. lntellii'ence reports said last·minute plea from President Nixon the battalion apparently was trying to get and under strong prusure from leaders .Jl\lpi.Btration to prompt and meanin&ful lnto posJtlon for artother attack on Tay ol both parUes, the House has narrowly tu reform," Ni:zon said. Nin..'i when 11 was intercepted Friday by d lh · ta EFlier in the day Nixon mef at the American patrols and chased toward Nui passed a bill to exten e tncome sur x. Wt)lte Hoyse with 28 Republican. con· The bill approved Monday 210-205, now · of th Ba Oen. • goes to the Senile where leaders predict greasmen, moat ol them opponents e U.S. casualties ln Tu~@y's fight were consideration may take three months. siutu extension. All'but 10 of these end· one killed and one wounded. 1 U the 0 t urtax ei ed up voting for the bill. · In the other action south of Khe Sanh, Techp ca 'I 1 percen 1 r th; -ln all, Nixon got 15-t House Rep\ibllcan Noll_h Vietnamese troops struck at the plred at midnight, only houn afte vo(s while 2S GOP members opposed it. ., rtigll ~s_l_tion of a_wilt ·or f11~ _U.S. 5th H~~ .s; already....haa-voted House DemocraUc leaders gave Btrong Mechanized Infantry DlVlSJon. They .. '"""'"'"' • gr '~bi-h-•su~pportto~extension;-batunly-$1·YOtl--- broke oU the attaci after losing 31 killed. to continue the withholdin1 rates w c for the bill came from that side of the The U.S . .armored troops reported three includ'e the surcliarge lhrough July, and aisle. Opposed Were 179 Democrata. men were wounded the tax Itself can later be extended When President Lyndon B. Johnson Arri val of gover~ent persoMel car-r~ctive to July L Senate leaders have proposed the surtax last year, 114 riers at the Special Forces camp at Ben said a f~rther su:-day exte~slon or the Repu blicans voted for it. Het was another indication that the siege wllhholdmg rates probably wtll be sousht. The vote was lied at least 10 Umes dur- of the frontier outpost 280 miles northeast . Niml want;s the surtax to conUnue at a Ing the House rOlf call and the ~tcome of Saigon has ended 10 percent rate through December and was in doubt until the stragglers and The armored col~mn spearheaded a then at $ percent until the end of next holdbacks voted after m~ng \be roll ·task force of more than t ,000 South Vie~ · June. . -. . . call proper. · namese Infantrymen who moved out of Opposition to. the bill has come mainly Joining Nixon and ford in the heavy Oak To Saturday to clear the 10 miles of from congressmen who tear any chance -last-minute· pressure for pawge were Route 579 leading to Ben lJeL for far-_reachJng tax: reforms will be l?St J{ouse Speaker John W. McCormack, -A govmm1ent spokesman said North if no1 included in the IW"tax extension OemocratJc· Leader earl -Albert, Ways Viec'nalllese army unlts 1hat had cu1 the measure. ... and Means Chainnan Wilbur MJl..l.s (D- road and shot up allied convoys had pull· JU.!t before the c!Ose of House debate Ark..), and Rep. Hale Boggs (P.,La.), who .ed back: There wa1 no significant contact Monday night, Republican Leader Gerald handled the measure. Boggs said during the roa~ clear.in& operation. R. Ford read • letter from the President •·something approaching panic" could oc- The spok_esman 118.id 1ovemment troops aimed at awayin& such opponents. cur if inflation Is not curbed soon. UCB haaa'Plan· that guanultees you'll save ~--------~--------~---~~ I I , I I I . I · u....... ca• ,.,._. I Att.flllell:lt'. L .._,. f P.O. IOI: IHI, T ..... AnMc I .... ---.1. a. Unlftd CdMfl• llW: I 1 ~11b '°'allowing mt flow I ctll ttarl uvtng. Plu•• 1fl!d mt• 11vlnpa ~t appffc:.tflotr. rw ·QOI' • I good rtuon IO U Vt, '""I wlll. No '"· endl: OI b.itll "'" For all your good lnlentlons, you can't seem to s•ve a nickel to save you r sOul. Paychecks come. Paychecks go. And still there's little or no money in th' bank for savings. Unlled California Bank knows how hard It is· to save. That's why we haye a plan _that g.._uarantees you'll save $10.-$20.-$30. a month or more, and hardly miss it. It's UCB's Automatic Savings Plan.: Just decide how much you want to save each month. UCB deducts thal amount from your UCB checking acco.unt and adds it to your savings. • Moat savers tell us, It's virtually painless. And at UCB, your savings always eam the highest bank Interest rate permissible by law. . Isn't there something you've wanted to S3V8 for anyway? Like Europe. It's as easy as suing just $2.00 a day for;cna year at UCBI Whatever your goal, sign this coupon and send It along today. You can save. You wllf save. Wa guarantt11 It. • .•. r A congroverslal lndustrfal park and ~attic sanitarium pro~ in Hun-Biacfi will come be (ft Uifplan- n I commlulon at 7 o'clock to"nlght in lhe city councll chambers. p!R!~M...,.,bu~0n11!"1111"~"111fore-f -~~-r-"'l!:!:""~~~~~~~:m;~~~'-lf-.'""" tb4t computer1 are atmpty too upens!Ye ior amaU, Jndlvldual citjes to ope.rate. He earlier 1ugaested the cooperative plan, which councilmen Tue.tday niiht wW be asked to join. \ ' ~ Earlier th Is month pl1nnlng com- millionera decided to withhold action on both Items until tonl&ht when more ln- lonnaUon regarding both projects would bl available. · --- City council meett It I p.rn .• 1n council chambers, 10200 Slater AV't. 1 ·-----• --------------·-----' Tltt ~km who do! llrv• more lot~ 3029 Harbor lloulovard I 4, I~ ' • ' • '\.. . -~ ., ' II .r ,, ' ... ' ' 1 I, I • { \ I I l ' I I I I ., ' I I /, ' " 11' I . ~ ' I I \ I I I f I I: I ·-.. • Sone.s t By ·KARL, GIJSTKEY ,. '°' ... _, ,... .... _ -,,.. eumlnlnf' • Ult or CIF' I wJ<lllinf chaiil~ lhr<uah I l,9f7, 911t -&,di . 9nJY· lWO -Orange Cl>unfy ~~.sclioolen JiJted in the IJ>Cl':l 1 13 'Welaht a dlvlslons. 1-.- 1 'But atnce 1963, ,you find 1 seven count.ians who've cap. ttired CIF titles, six ol lhe:m !..:Om the Orange Coast area, which provldes s t r on g eviderice that the county Is making a l'apld ascent in the •port. More evidence was provided over the weekend -when a grou)i Of county wrestler.i ·- including Fountain V1Ue1'a Chris Sonea -representing - •l ! • • .. ,,, ,_ tho Oranp Coast YMCA na11~~ alNman who w 11 · a can't use thtJr legs. the CIF over the 1ast 30 VaDey coach. D1plrldge and his succusor ed down ~ .nf.lJO~ junior P!nnJYlvlnll' 1tlte prep Other Oranse Cout art.1 m-ye1rs," he 11y1. ''We atarted our first wrutl-al fountain Valley, Vern clasa chamjjlonihlp at Woz-dlall!p)n~ lilllo. Horpel has ttlnta >rbo pla<:ed at Worland "The olll7 tl111\1 that's keep. ~ ,,..,om at Hunt!iii!on w ha t ~ th land. Wyo., in Grec»-Roman 1 h\a "team 'quartmK! ln a were CIU'l.a ~ (1'1) of in1 lt from advlllelng further Beach in '51 and there were agnu-. ve umi=u 1 atyla wmtllnC .. , '. l\'«~"l\ ·ltaller park where Newport fflrbOr Hlth who Is the lack of compelent le11 thon a dozen achooll In-Barona •Into 1 wresUlng lUi- The wresuers: are. now Jht, .. W~llt.rs ·cook· (.or flnlshed second, Bob Curry coache11 aDd, In.some •rt:•~. yoJvec:t. Wt wero ln a ~al a:emaut. The IChooJ 11 :U·2 engaged In )ost•tOllniam6nL th,rnsilvea Witween matches. (154), also ol Newport, fourth, faelUUia. Ten ye1r1 ago we league with schools 11 k e over the past' three years in round·ri>btn. Competition that ,. The trip was f 1 n an c e d and Fountain V a 11 e y ' 1 had 80 tcbooll wreaWng. Now, Anaheim, Rancho Alamitos dual meets and bu won two wilL,de\enJ'l,lne the maftetUl!of through private donations and ' heiavywelght, Bob Walker, who out of S30 school.a:, w& have and Brea." stratght Irvine Leaeve cham- a Unltod States Junior learn by the YMCA. · took a fourth. 210. , Duddrldge, conaldered ' the plonshlpe. (15-18 age bracket) that will Orie ··or Horpel's Gr~ In view of th' f4ct th11t "What you b1ve tn wrutl· dean of the county'a coaches, Newport Harbor has 11ud· train· In Golden, Colo., f.or two RO{Dan chlmplons Is the 18-,.competiUve wrestling . J n Ing Is a sport where a t&-pound runs the ClF'a champlonahip denly become the terrOr of the week1 prior to Jhe world ye.ir:Old Sones, last winter's Orange County ioes back just boy c.1n wln • varsity letter meeta. Sunset ~. winning two juniOI' c.hamplonahips i a CIF e~ampton-at 106 pounds: 10 fears, such an achlevem!nt and Uiat'1 lbe matn i:euon-Hell90 runs lbe county'• il11lght mil titles. · Boulder, Colo., July 14-19. The o\bet two champa ar~ can't be taken lightly. why more and more boyl a.re showc{lSt wrestling eve ii t, At the moment, water polo Over 20 QOUntrie.s-wUI com-G1rden Grove H1gh's Steve Indeed,-the sport is boOm.lng tuminc to It.'' · Fo\antabi' Valley HJ&h'I Five must be com:idered the I pete in the Boulder Jneel. Clark at 111 . and Orange among lhe preps, ace-0rdln1 to One who his liatcbed the Cpw\Ues Invitational -the Orange Coast area's most UC~~I~~= Coach of the Newport Beach beavywe~ Al Thompson. ClF comm.iss.lone.r K e n sport eipand in Orqe Coun-biggest prep mat event In the dominant sport in CIF com-------~--- YMCA delegailon in W~m,Jng G~&ffian wre5tling dif· Fagans. ty 11 Ken Duddr,ldse, fonn~ state, il not the country. Qver petition but there are un· iiJ Frank Horpel, a SO.ye1t-0ld fen ·~ ft"eestyle grappling "Wrestling is lhe fastest· Hunt In 1 ton Be a ch , 150 individuals competed in _ mistakable signs of a Newport &each etinltructlon ln that 1Greco-Rornan types growina bJgh school sport in W~1ter and Fountain Jut Jariuary's toum1IDent. challengtbythewrestling~l ' ' ' ~~~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~-............................... .. Alexan4e~ Leads \ Mater Dei Los AJarnitos Entries HB ·~iv~ Grov.e Vie ' Braasch-Scorches In ·t-9-31 . . ,-.-... . " . · Elims Field-990 C~g~ Win 1 ' By'-DAVE CEARLEY ! .- Kona Lanes' W~st Coast Match Game Eliminations has a new leader and a strong challenger from lbe Orange Coast a1 ea today; - Ttut,.new king of the htn Is '"ROrand Alexander of West Los Angeles, who takes over after his neighbor, Dale Glenn, _had held on Ip the lead ·for the past three weeks of th'e 14-week event. The field of 120 bowlers will be cut in half following next ~1onday night's round. Alexander has 5,154 pips for his 24 games, 17 sticks ahead of Glenn who slipped to secom:I place. The area challenger is Dick Braasc h 'of Fountain Valley who Monday night rolled a scorching four·game block of 990. Thal 1J:uling rqund pro- moted him from 20th place lo seventh with 5,021 pins. ' ~ 01 ~ 0..11, li"lltll lt•ff mov~ up from 104th to 42nd·-Mater Del . outshot, outre- over the past two Monday·s. ~ed and outplayed the Los He had a 924 Monday night. Amigos Lobos as t h e .1 But while those bowlers Monarchs romped to . a 79-31 wett"m&Yiag-up,the-defendios vlctorI..M.Q..ndau~t .m_S.~an:;:t~a__.... ~-'","\:'--"" champion was rolling un· Ana. basketball acUon at Santa ~ checked downhill. L a m a r Ana College. ~ Keck, third last week, slipped In· other lea_gue games Santa . to e'ighth with a rrJn.iscule 6~ Ana slammed El Modena, 'rt-. • night, his worst block ever m 52, and Santa Ana Valley -:;,. Ellms p)ly. ~led Saddleback, 56-48. . r I , , Orange Coast Area Standln11 The Monarchs, who now 1 old< ,, .. K r., F.v. s,021 hold a 3-f record, completely it Fm 1ucc1111. Wes'"'' 4.m conlrolled the boards as well " 37. Llr'Y l<.tller, W..11m·r '·™ • ~ :... Gb dtt L•""'· o.,,. Point ,,n1 as the defensive play. Mater • Sl. lllOY Wlllotl, C.M. • '"" ' Del record-" only • i g h t l --·-61. l!"rK a1rn1~ C.M. 1,602 cu [ u .... ,,.... Sc1101nflktu, c.M. ··~urnovers a1 against 19 for the 1 , 70. De1n Mollerlr , Stint"", '·'" 1 Ai.~~ 7,, 1111 Ft1r1,._, Lit. Bell. 4,S10 """""""'' ~~,. i '° 11 . Kt11 01111oon, Ftn. v11. •.500 The outside ·. shooting of • A"'· c 13. Biid Row, H.I . '""'' . to. Jim EWIM, c .M. •.43 iiuards Dave Kiley a n tl ''· Nick ~11;1110, c.111. '·451 Werner . Raes and the Jn.side 9'1. W1!11 Nel'loll, H.B. 1,.,q n. Jin Fl.rtburn, Fin. V1t. 4,lll ' Shooting and rebounding Q( ins Jerry ,,,..,,,n, W11lt11'r •M •A S K · d lCll: e>.n1 Fv••t· wei1m., 1.lu cenKr teve emper an iu. 1 111 Ladd. H.1 . '·3'' forwafd Ralph Ch and o s 111. Mfck-$1. John, N.1. 4,114 d Ush-" Lo A , , th emo cu s m1gos 1n e 90 Enter first half. The Monarchs led at hallUme, ~9. ,.,, Tllltlllll•r. Jvl\I I. IH"-ltll Nl•hl C:IMr a ...... ,.," .... , 7141 P.M. SECONO lllACI. :HO ,~_r:d.l· 3 VMr old.• Ind llP Ill OrMt A ~I. Pu, .. suoo. LIZ'I Sid (LI .... "') Et Gavll1n CWl!Sllll Mr. H!llh Ole (I Ct !'!lltUI A1>ti1 "-•1 !St11llfll S111l1 POo 111.ocltn 10,.l'trl Glll9el Mlly !JI lellbl s:ltlhr Ho1tt11 1N11t...,..l Alt Of ,.,,. fklldMI) lt~t Mldt (AHdtcll C011<1lt'1 V111llv fl' ... 1 AIM 111111111 J11111'1 Nunet IM«rls) P•rr 111111 fMcllevroelft) Tllo DeflllfY CH1111 , MIUY 81r Fly 11 C.rdor1) m "' '" m "' "' "' '" "' "' "' '" m '" THtllO llACI. ISOF.!l' 1 di. Mtl6f11 1 \'tit e11d1 find I 11. Cltlml~. PvfM SI~. ci.1171 PrlC.-WOO. Mr. Ml tS.nc:hul ; no Lovlnli Yov 12 ""'tr~ 111 C.I MC(O'f (ltllt~ , 120 MIW-GClld ':I e \,f Drl\'11•1 117 Al'1 Fl 4 lcMnlt) • Uf Doll'• ...,.-'"' l it MllClll'OOl'I ·1 , 111 G.,,r ~~r.ii. 11 Pini 111 Su"'I"' Gr.q 1c1rllla11I 111 ' ;;:o.-Jn_{;r-um~-- • "' •• '" '" -11l "' '" •• ' The first crucial ol the Him- tington BeaCh summer prep basketball league a r r i v e 8 tohight when a ~pair ol· un. beatens, HuntJn1ton Beach a1id Garden Grove, lock bomi at 7. Both teams go Into tht STANDINGS ·~:i: ... ton 9Ndl W4 \I G,ar 11,Gro¥• • o lt•l'IC Al1mllot 4 O Nt-1 H1rb« l ,' ~~~:"J.:f•M.,. SIXTK ltACIL\". -Yl tdl. '"'•r eld1 ~~ l •Ill! tJO In Gr~ A Ph,.. PUf'ff Sia . CRY:'J~\~•lll'f' I l ft Gr1,,.,1ddy l lt l~y) lU ~ ! < A1111~·1 L11! IAd1lrl 113 OllnU1 ' "• 11:ow11 Jeoter (C,ardol.1) 111 --~•'-'-"'""'--------Olo v.., (AAlhud~I 111 c 11•1 0n Dtdl 1s.'>Chezl 1n matchup with 4-<I records. The S.l"°Y Cllle IH Cros.byJ l:IO nJ th be ten •---' Crt•r SI<¥ !1 5mtl!!J ll6 0 Y 0 er un a l.C4U11 1D M'dw•r o~na.. CL11>1'11m1 11• the league is Ran c b o ~1~•i:;.,(~~~~1':'11 ii; Alamitos, which plays pally A111 R1111-11 La Quinta tonight at·.& at Rock~!'• K111~ (Wrl11>I) lU M · • h1 Me Jtt o sm11111 11' arma's gym. ,,.,_., M111 (51r1u111 . 1u The Oller-Garden Grove at. Min Tiii> P't<~ fWHIOlll 111 Sl!Vl!NTN llACIE. olOO Vflrdt. ) vt•r okll Cl.tlflll"'. J'vrw lltc(I, Cl1lmlnt l>fl<t UODCI. Chu j:llu 9ol> 1 TM V•rltl fS11\C~1) D-!llltlll H11tv (W•l•on) De•l'llll•rli (Smll~l Fll'ICV WlllClw (M<RtVl\Old1} Jolln Gobi 1Ad1lrl c-•• l•rt (K•nl11 W1tcil M,. Tr1Yel (0 l•flkl). "' "' m '" "' "' "' "' llOKTH ltACIE. l~ Vl r<h. ' ~·• c!IK 1"° uo In Gtlde AA Plu1. P11r ... 12100. The 8<m11 Part. traction will be played at lhm· tington's gym. ' Ne~port Harbor and Westminster, both tied for stc-' ond with 3-1 records, clash a.t Marina at 8:30 tonight. ,, A Corona del Mar·Marina confrontation precedes that game at 7. Tonight's schedule: • . ·-Only four pins behind Glenn In third place i~ Glendale's Foy Belcher. He's also just 21 pins trom-th-e top. Jerry Hacker of El Monte remains in fourth place. Nitro Test Saturday - Kiley pUched in 18 points, Including eight field goals, ~·bile Raes afl.ded 17 tallies. The Monarchs-trailed brlefl)' at the start, fallln1 behind 2~ in the first minute. Then the onsl1ught began as Mater Dei. outscored the Lobos la-0 tbe., 'NrY'I T811tl GaLllilHI 117 AIM l llt!Mt Gt~ll (1 ""Ill!) Ptluy Lull CMortkl "''°"oU~Ml 11] TMltllt•1 G-.in. 11 .......... "'Trr-----£"'--vr.eoiw-Gl'llldl;-6 -,-, _ _, 111 HllntlMton YI. Pltcltft Gt~ 1 A.npther big· score Monday was turned in by Al Charlton of Riverside, whose 960 jump-· ed"him from 32nd to 11th. And $1.i.1 Vivanco of San Jacinto bu -nut five minutea. Los Amilos' shooting was so poor in the tint hall that most of ill· shots failed to hit either Ule basket ortsmboard. CdM Vies Work crews at prange Coun· ly lnternaUonal Raceway are. installing eltra grandstands this week for Saturday's $11,000 Nitromethane Cb'am· pionships. Wednesday night the D•b D L f ~. d IM I h Monarchs tackle Once-beaten .. ':Y ~~ e ~cy o vurona e ar ong to catc _ In Masters Over 10,000 seals will be available when top f u e 1 dragsters, funny cars and fuel altereds begin qualiflcaUons at 2 p.m. Santa Ana at · 7•30. Tile his ll!'st marlin .. On bis first big game.fishing trip, N'.ewport Sailors meet Santa • he hooked .up this 145-pounder and brought it in af- Ana Valley in a 9 o'cloc'-con~ ter a 75-mtnute struggle. It wa~ his first bite of the test. day-during a 'fishing expedition .with his father off 1.01 AM1oos uo the coast of Baja California. PO •T P" Tl" Corona del Mar Senior Track Club will field a strong ficld event squad In t.ht second annual U.S. Masters track cha;npionsh.ips in San Diego this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but the fft'OUP still can use some help in the run- ning events. Ross Winton of the track club said interested athletes at least 40 years of age can join th.e Corona de! Mar group by calling him at 673-4674. Heading the list of the senior club's field event performers for the meet, which will be held in San Diego's Balbea Stadi\Jm, are former world record holder in the discus Fortune Gordien and 1948 Olympic javelin s i Iver medalist Steve Seymour. · Other members of the team Include UCI chancell or Daniel Aldrich in the weights, Bill Bayless in the weights and high jump," Dort Winton in the weights, high jump, long jump and 100, Ross Winter in the weights, high jump, JOO and 440. Nate Heard in the weights, Monte Howell In -the sprints and Goerge Grnppe in the high jump and long jump. OCIR general m1nager Mike Jones says he has 90 entries for .the second annual meeL A field of that size, he says. will consume over 1 , o o o gallons of the volatile fuel, which goes for $7.50 per gallon. Another event scheduled for Saturday ltll be the • presen- tation of the Mike Sorokin Top Fuel Driver of the Year award which will go to John Mulligan of Garden Grove. Skip Hess of Temple City was last weekend's big winner -he drove hls Mustang to victory Saturday in the in· augural 16-car ga s supercharged open. He was low qualiOer at a.as secoads and 162.16 mph. Mike Sullivan of La Habra won the injected funny car feature with stats of 9.77 and -i4o.!O. American Motors drivers lost their all-comers challenge Sunday when 96 cars sanged up on AM's 24 machines, 90-tl. Top eliminator was. J. C. Rivenburgh ofWestminster, in a Plymouth. • Shraut 1C1W.H K11lt r Ht!'111fll O...rllln D1~rty ·-· .. , IKWfl G1r<i. 1111m.1r ·-Krv.itlt 2 I f, 5 5 O • lO 0 0 .. 0 I 0 6 } • 0 0 0 I 1 I 1 ' 0 l 2 I 0 0 0 I 0 . I 2 1 2 .. .. 1 1 ,_ .. o G I 0 0 D I 0 Tohll• 1J52CJ1 MATllt 011 CPtl (lllinllo. Fr11t ICtmHr .. , Kflily llloWrt. H«llilelU~ Pr9"det,.1I Toltll LOS At111'l01 M11tr Del • ... FT . ' . ' . ' ' ' ' , ' ' • • ' . Jl 17 . ' . 2• t2 17 Pl'" TP ' . ' " ' " ' " ' " ' ' ' . ' ' n 1t ,,__,, ,.._. Marina Rips Kellogg 9 Kau!man and B r o a d Marina '1 baseball club upped its Long Beach Police League record to 5'.'."3 alter knocking olf Kellogg, 12-2, Sunday after· noon. Victory moves them •tnto third place. Nert test Ui Thursday. night at Ramona Park In Long B b ll' T 1· o Beach wtth McCoy's Market. ase a s op ..... :.·:r• ........ ~: "'\ -~-1'!!r_'*'!r" Ill 5 1 ' ' i l M"J:ff(e, 11 ~ f AM•ll1CAN l,.l!lO!JI • Mlv. Clt!clm11tl, 7ti H. A1r1111, Al· L ... cf j j P\l'flt Clw~ Q At lll' H l"tl, l1n11, 211 It. Allen, Phll.tdtlp1tl1, lt1 Wlllt, c Cit"*' Min 110 111 .u 12 .lll Pt,.z. ClllCllVl•!I. 17. °"cg1>1rt. H • ! I i1<,Rollln1on 111 74 216 60 to ,)M lluM llltMI In , 'f.'~\fl' ti l ~ O!lvl Mt11 77 m • 't> .111 111\fo, (ftlCH<lo ffl l•nk•· Chlc110. .::::~:!. 11 ··, •.• ml!h ••n 64 1 .. ,. n .111 '7! M((O'ltr. Sen Fr1t1CIKO, •1: L. l•Mtt ti 1 I ' Pe!roi;elll l in 71 2l4 '! 71 .)(IJ Mir.· Clnd nnell, Sol; Tol111, ClllClfl. TC111l1 ll l 12 l li lr l•I 1s m Ml ff .JOCI r MI. SJ; P9!'ei, Clncl111111J, $1. lelft W lnnlMI• lll H 1 He91n St• " 701 U '1 .2t5 Plkl'llt>r Kauffl'lin llOI ,,.._12 11 t Pawtll 111 71 W •1 n .1f.I I 0-llleflt F.How1rd W11 11 1n JJ ff .. JU 1!1ld1clll/n, S.n Olfto, 6-1, .uft Kai"" GOO on-I ~ 0 , ,W,hltt NY '4 1<11 :JO fl .JtJ HollJm.111, Chk1to, 10.J, "331 .U.,...f, ...,.,.. lt•M HNI Yori!;, U·l •• io01 (1rro!I, (lll(ffl. 11. J1dt1C1n. O.ll1nd, n1 F. H-1111!, 11-l. .1M1 -''-• ,lll1nt1, l·l. •~ W1 ... lntton, 241 P1l~ltl, I• Jll, ~: 2l1 Y111n1""•1, 1011...,, 201 Pftl'-• Ntw YDrt, 111 l<Ull"flf'tw, ' AMlllllCAN LMOUI MINltlll!,a, U, ltUN5 "': lll .. JKblln. Olk... fJI P. ..... , l1lttlil lft ltllOI-, I.Ill., 60; l l1lr, 1111.1 Ml Kll!Mrew. M~•· 111 Ptwtll. "· "°"'"'' w'"'" $1• hllntfr, N it .. ~1lllmon. '11 •. Jac•1on. 0.•11n<1, ~1. . 61; F. H""'1rlll, W11Al111IOl'I .ll; Ytf' Hlf~llllr, l1t1 .. ff1 Ollv1, Mlnfl,. Jrit,..tlll, '°''°"' U. tt1 I'. A:oblt!MWI, 111t.. t01 Cl6r'!t. ~ 6 ~..:i. H.'f'~ •11 I'. 11••N, W1tll .. Ill. - Ll"Ol'llllnf, lllfltl\(ltt , ..0, 1 OCICU Mc. DOIJILES-lufOnl, 1111., If/ Ct· " -,. .000 , ,... ,....., Mll'll'I., 111 OllV•, MJM,, 111 .. 1rty, 111 f, I • I I .. t "' ' 1111,, tall., tJ· l Dl~lt. lff~ 11. Dftiiifl, 10-1, .'lllti L~i., Ml!Ofl, )-I, STllll<EOUT( -MtOC-11. Cll•t .. ""' l'1lt11tr. l1ll!t11w1. f..t •• Ill, IJh C1tl•, SOit., ntr Lollcfl, Dtt,, \111 NAftOlfAnP011'1"' ___ .,._ 0.1., f'.I lal-U Minn. k. ~i.,.r C"" G ~· lll M Pd, if.l.AICIU "f!I. 1' ~I JI lit .U• C.J-1 l'l"f 18 751 It .. .1U ll•rtfll Pl'tl '1 '" " •> J.11 . Jlll'lf!llCll ~ 11 JTS 4a M, .Ml, .,_, c 11 "\ 1t 1M P n .).0 t lll<fl (I" '' UJ 4J M ,:Hf t M<C.OVCY $11 tt n1 n · 11 .)>t M.A1,.,. AU 11 1JI "6 M ,JP "4•'"'' Pooh 61 ,,, 41 1• .J11 "R; .. Cl11 ~ ,15 41 II .:111 . """' •11"• McCQllllr, $.In Frl11Cl1co, :M1 l.. ' . NATIOMAL.laAO!Jf lllUNt-WY1111, Houst. HJ ICtulftttr, Cl!\(~ S71 9onct1, S.FM SJ: I . WIHltt11 .. Cllk:.1 ,,., '"-"tt. C""-• Sff T61tn, Clft., ... l'OTs:.-M.Al1111, l'Ttl., lll t lltftf, Cl11 .. .,, 9l'O(k, St.L .. ts1 TOll ll, c111 .. "' II. WIHWtrll. Clllc.. f~1 A, JOll11idl. (111.~ ti. DOUILES-M. Alov , Pl!! .. U1 ' I(. ... ''""'· C~Je .. 1t1 lr&e~. $!.l.. '°' H, A1l'Oll, All~ !111 L.Ocrf, Ml!., IL G~l _Scores Ra~e Win Los Alamltot Race Track off•rtd furthtr. prool .Monday nlght thlt women Jockeys art to become 1 permanent part of hone-nc1111. On a nl1ht when J<entuc~ Dff'by WIMln1 rldtr Blll llartock fi~llilocl deaft 1 .. 1 In hll only ra~e of the night, Tomey Je1n Wleburg. an 18- year-old, bec1me the first WO'Jllln jockey to ever win a Lo1 Alamitos race. · Albacore Scout Run Slated by Landing Fishing along the Orange Coast remain! hot, b u t opfil-ators are )ooking ahead to even· bigger things -namely albacore. The Urst special albacore 'boat of the season has been scheduled by Art's Landing in Newport. It will leave 8 p.m: Satur· day and return Sunday night. The ~out boat is limited to 35 anglefs and reservfttions, at $20 a head, are available by calling the landing. What prompted the scout boat was the report of the first albacore catch of the year over the weekend, 100 miles south of Newport. Fishing in the Immediate ma was prett7 m u c b r81\rict.ed to bass and bonito, and the actions remained on . tlle hot side. Davey's Locker reported a number of 1ood-sized calico and &Ind bau in the 5 and 6- pound class hooked In "the Barn," 27 miles south of Newport. Anglers from both area land· lngs have found plenty of bass in the 2-3-pound range and bonito In .the U.pound class. Fishing for barracuda is just fair ind acUon on t h e yellowtall front is 1Ull slow. Eight yellow• were brOUJbt to gaff over the weektnd. How They Stand NAnONAL LEAGUE East Division Won Lost Pct. OB Chicago · 49 27 .645 - New York 40 32 .556 7 Pltlsb11rgh 38 38 .500 11 St. Louis 35 41 .461 14 Phifadelfhia 33 39 .458 14 Montrea 21 52 .288 261h West Divl11lon Los Angeles 4+ tu .603 - Atlanta 44 30 .595 '' Cincinnati 38 32 .543 41h S. Francisco 39 36 .520 6 Houston 39 39 .500 7\~ San Die<o 27 52 .342 20 ~ ~Y'1 lllft41111 fltW Yt>rt. 10, S&, Wll/11 2 A1111111 t, Cll'IClnn.t!I I Pf\llld~ll>l)ll I, Plthllutth 1 MonlrNI 5, Cllk 100. 1 L11 A,,.,.le1 7, Hi!l\lllOn l SM f rl lldtca 6, S.n OltlCI I AME~ICAN LEAGUE Eatt Dlvl1loa Won Lott Pct. GB Baltimore 55 21 .724 - Bos ton 43 31 .581 11 Detroit 39 32 .549 131h Wuhington 38 39 .494 171h New York 36 4.2 .462 20 Clevel1nd 29 44 .397 24 \.J West Dlvl1lon Oakland 40 30 .571 - Minnesota 41 33 .664 I Seattle 3.f 31 .468 71h Chicago 31 41 .431 10 Kanau City 31 43 .. 419 11 CaUfornJa 2S 47 .34? 16 MMNr't lt-lt1 Wtllll"""" 1t Clwtltlld, r1rn MlltrlttClt J, Olk11111 2 llil~HI CllY 2, C1lffofnll I Olllr fftl\tl KMcluld Ttffy'I GI-Tl4•1"1 O•-Cl'lk* Ct+ou1.,.,..11 t•rl 11 Montrtll Stlrl"*t fMoHt llY • 11 .. l 11 Ne,w lktllko •u. nlthl Yorll 111o111t.'.::!.:.!M!. nlthl . HCIU1lon ILtftll1lt r p.71 ti LOI All-k 1llt (Ir NI 11 Otlroll tell..-(Sll'ltcr. ~I .. ). nlthl' • {iN<n'!I 4'4 Ill' JollllllO" f.JJ, fllt1\I • ..... Y0111 {l11y1n ,.. '"" DIL111rC1 Ml .. 1111C111 {PerTY ... ) If (~1(- 11'.21 11 SI. LautZ-i~<;:fi1toll .. s 1111! f~IM..___._--~ • • · ~'(iflf~ "Tll'Y'lfl Ml tt 1<-e ClntlMtll IMtrrlU t-tl 11 Arl1nl1 Clly !H.fd'lltllllll t 4). nltht -u-.rvt1 ... 1>. J'lltllf wa.,.l111lllfl lMcOrtl .. , 1111111 Cl• "'l Pll!lldellfl*-(Jl dllln M \ I I l"lltf. 11 Cltnllnd CH•r"" l·I 11111 WH· ..,.A~ fllll• .. o . "'""t l11ml )-7), ,, lwl<flltfit "" l'•-IKI (Mlf'ltl\11 t ol) at $tn Q.Je~o (N!\~to ).J), fllthl ........ , ... _ cnk•" ,, M611Tr111, nlth! P~ll•dtll~fi' ti Pl!llMlr111\, 11lthl NfW Y0111 ti tt.-t.1uls. 11111'1! i"1(1111'1111 ' •t AU111t1 , lfl llr.,._/_ II l.fn OlfM, llltltl HIW-'M 11 .... Al'IHIH. t!ltM I.Ma 0..11 II P1M) N....,.1 o.!lllr 11 Smlllll Mita Cutt Snip 11 All,a1rJ '" "' "' '" l'OUltTM ltACI. fOI y1rdt. , vt1r •• allllll 111 Ill Gr• A Plws. P11rw "-· P-.n Girt (P-1 l(llfY't c ...... l&lridltt) ltlf ..... ltr IL"""""') O.m11 Tiffin' IWll-) Ir.Id t:y. fltkM'*I °'*' ....._ 10 ••1'111•) TO.. Nolu (lll l•llkal Clllforftlt ltl\OI .(1 llt") l"-1 Att11r 111111110 Ll"lt Ollie (1(111111 • AIM ........ "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' • 112 '" l'tt>c:r Nl11 (Nu;lltYNlkhl Geld L" ~rt ISmlltl\ ll""'l'lllndl l Hilo \Wi lton) ltHUtsted O.lt (C1rdot1J Plll"'ll'l'I I•~ Arctic Alf1lr (M•rt) Thro"li I.ck Cl H Crmby) .... ldlt P1uut11 1,....11.1 AIM •Ht\111' S:lyl"' Cox (P,aM) GttOlllfllO l1r 12 H Crc1br) G.tb0¥'1 IW (ilUdWirifl) I.eh Go Sim !K111'bl 11, VIII• p~~YS. FCIUn!llfl v111..,, ,,.: 11' Tiii I'• G•INLJ\11 Mlrl!lli • 111 Mir n1. YI CDtOM Mi r J. I "$ mlkl& YS l':lulflla, 6,"' ~11 W"' t11 lt11!W Yl . N-1, ,, .. 1JS • "' '" "' "' '" "' Grand Slam C! NINTH lllACE. ·.wt v1o:l1. ' Vtlr 011)'1 and u1>. C!1ft11lnf. Pur11 tlOCO. Clilt11l1111 1>r!<e l20DD. Beats Cards UNM!n1udy (Apod,a{I) Oii The 8e1m flt h nkt) Giid Llod (Ad•lr1 \ The Fouz:itain Va 11 e y LMv tfllc Mlrblt (W1tien> Mlu Jll!'l91t 1ar n 1i. ... 1 Go Hombrt IC.rl!Ol•I IU lt .. 1 McCOY IRlltY) '" '" "' '" '" "' Cardinals baseball team absorbed a 6-~ loss Sunday afternoon ~t Los Amigos H1gh when the Cards tell victim to a grand slam·fionle run in the' second inning. 117 Yo Oltrc (Slr•Ull) 113 C11t Dedf (P11e) Race.· Results Santa Ana. Angel infielder Dave Craig slammed the four- bagger to glve lhe tnvacfers i 4-0 bulge in 1he early going. Mtft41r. J11111 M. '"' C!Mr a l'11t l'llUT flACI. 150 y1nh. Ml'"" I nlf' 11111. ci.1m1111. Pur1t •11100. ·--{H ,CrtllllYl 7fM 21.0I U.• Wl11nlilt Hollr flt S,a~1) B ... IJ,# Lllll'-(llllditrdl) .... Tl,,..._1t 1111. Alto ltar>-lllldr.r lrMMl'l'I. ltlc-Jrw Jule•. T11111 lruct, l'lr\M ,..,.,, Meno SlsS'f, Oollllll l1r. Dkkt'fl llDV Go. - kr11CMd -lr11k T11 Win. Wll<~ Tllol l lrdi., Zlppl11 k r, Fl,..! l'utu,l!y. POVltTM lllAC•. )JO v1••· ' $t o\dt tncl Ut ln Or1de A Pl\lt. P\trM s1a. Golt. •1r Too (It l111k1) t.• ~.» J.OI Orlltfl IAPOdt Cll l.• J,OI Prl1111r'1 MllO CLl,111m1 l.IO T1,,.._u 2111. Alli! 11:1r--O.rr1bll. June Pttl! 'lilt, Jtl!lno; ...Jollnl\Y, Otun Cuet11, _Go F•os1le Go, Jet Att1ck, llletl Cn1,.ff. Scr1tched -M.Kk1r Tl(ll. llltM Gf'Clllnd. Quesr MOcll'I, lt..i E1tle l1r, Fll'TH •ACI. 314 y1rd1. 2 vtfr Old•. C!tlml111. Purse t lfOO. JO l urr"• <WlebYr•I "3.00t.IO1.1111 Counl Ct1r1n 1 ll l1nkt l J,20 J.IO Two T""'"i., Flvc (Or1v•rl 4.1t Ti-.1• 1110. AIM lll111 -M11lt:r Cl'llr", :SU"'ln Clow~. LllC•'f. tltr Chit, l urt.t'1 Pl• hi!. 11i1111ne'1 tlbl, Nlll)' Ne1!1, Alll'lllt 1.U111. No 1cr1tchn • SIXTH lllAC•. UO 'l'lrlill. t war olds afld 111 111 Gr..O. A Phlt. ''"" SllqO. TOP Todd CH1r1l '-'° 1 .• I.ID DH·Ooft F'llttllo (Ad1lr\ t.lt f.OI OH.Hornfl'1 De•lll (Wltle!I' J.:IO ••• Tl ........ 11 1/10. Alio 111111 -SClrlk Moell, llllfew M141mt, Mr. Pm lar, Kiff C~ Mld'w1r Mllllil. Go H1rblrt GI. 11111 ltodletli!. krtl<llff -McOtn 11111. Jtt ,,.,. Jet, ICl..ir'• cPoQM, MIOw1v OlllQ, OK-Olldr.11 1111' HC:Onll. SIVINTH ltAC•. llO V1rdt. ' tr old.t iM UI flt-81... M "'""' •1•. . Or111 tMeltlYl'lfldtl 4,11 ~.llll t.• l1r •-06dl: (o\HdK&) l . .t 1.a Otllllllr ""6ellh (Alll1lrl 4Jt Tfm6-ll t /11, "' Alll 1t111 -Mr. SOl'l'lt Cll•rt1 ,, OICMr'• Gem ,.,,...~ Dltl lrlfl. lllv, Oo Oo 1l11t, Oe1t Go. lllLN' h lurt. oldt tnd ut1 In Gr~ MA Ml11111. Tl'lol A11-lm. Pur11 &HOO. Adt11lr1I lttd {1(1nl1) M fH P1rr lar (P .. !) IJl•r LllHe Decll (L.,..."') Ti"'-20 l/:t. 7.60 ).20 '·'° l.OCI 2.4 ,,M Fountain Valley resumes ac-- ti9n in the Southern California Baseball AssociaUon Sunday afternoon ( 1: 30) 1t Fountain Valley lligh. Al10 lt•r>-Tldr Ge, Mld11lthl Not., LlthfnlM llllffl, 11.Qft MIM<I. .5cr1ld'led-NDOrfttl1. Your celallves have descended. And they ne8d your-car. Where Cloeithit-leave you? Near your Ford Reni•A.Car dealer, that'1 wherel Rent a new Ford, Mustang, or Torino tor a , day, week, or month. Low rates .•• Insurance tncluded. FORD RENT·A·CAR SYSTEM THIODORI ROBINS FDRO 2D•O H-... 11114. c ........... Cfl(ltf • M2·0011' WILSON l'OfllD 1011 .... 11\14 • H•11rlJrttlll .... c.IH, .._,,...,, ' - ltnfel!td -Mv Ktnlc.t, l'fll ••rla, OO!ldl"\I""" lj!lllllr, lllMTM' _A.«e. .... .,..,., I ... ,1.J:::...----------------------- '· • . I l j • • •' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' · ....... ... .• DA!t.Y 'l'flOT " •.• ' I .If Tu,sd>y, Ju~ 1, 146! Build · Your F~ture in Data Communications aJ milgo) c:mpany Th• out1t11'1ding acc•p11nc• of our MODEM 44000.11 Seti 1nd our continuing dn•lopmtint ol new data communication· 1tquipmen1 011111 new oppo11unill11 for qu1t11led Individual• to 1tia1e In our •~p1n1lon. It yOl.I c1n help u1 m11n11in our technic•I le1dershlp, or ••pel'ld our cu11omer 1uppbn,·w•··• re1dy 10 t1tll. 1bout lmp1ovln11 your c1re11 in d1t1 communlc1tion1 now! Sales Opportunity !or e•pe•lenced individu1I v.ilh 5·10 ~11r1 In 11les ol comeut1r/col'!llmunic1Uo11 periphe••l eqUipment. Marketing Representative To bt r11poJ1Sibl1101111 ph11e1 of cutlomtr 11111, lel\liee and lech11ic1I 11111011. ,· • Applications Engineer To g1n1rat1 cutlomer support fnate•lal lor appfy;11g. i11st1Uing 111d 11!\llcing c;omPu11r /eommunic1llon petlpheral equlpmenL_WU! cont1ct cu1tom1rs dir1eny. Senior Engineer Opportunity for tenlor level Circuit Oe1ign Engineer wilh ll:F19rt.nc1 In computer/communlet1 ion Pifiph1r1! eQuipm1nt. Electronic Enginee.r Opportunity lor 1 ''£~1 1ng!n11ring 11r1dua11 10 join tht l11dl11g ltchnk:11·111m in dt11 oommunic1tions. Conhlcl ICC- lnte!'lllews In Miami or other cities e•Q bt arranged. Phoflf colltct: J.M. M'Hugh (30SJ 691 -1220, lnl•mallonai_Communkatlona-c.,pora1io11t-- 7f20 NW 36th Avtnut , Miami, Florida 33141. • The Stoek Market. Which way? Wh~n? How far? •Just publi11bed! A report on the market outlook-bow it may affect your investment program and your investment decisioJ)a. Qui Eoonomic Policy Committee bu ju11t published thia quarter'• market outlook report, "A Poeitive Invettment Policy"•. 'The report deal.a with the 1udi:iennes1 and severity of the decline in the past 1everal weeks, the probable effects of restrictive fiscal and monetary policiee, and their likely negative impact on corpon1:te earninga comparisons. lt finds that thf!9e fa ct.ors and other& may 1uggest opportunities for investorw in high-quality stocks which are relatively insulated from sensitivity to general business conditioru:. It fin.ds opportunity, too, in indu.strials which~ though currently deflated, have demonstrated hiatoricaUy the ability to recover and appreciate. Other opportunities may lie in corporate and municii-1 bonda which are delivering all·tim• high yields. Infonned inVe9ton 1hould have ,. copy of thi1 tirD.ely document, which includes a liat of recommended HCUrities. , For your copy of "A Positive lnve.trnent Policy',. tend the coupon below or &t-Op by your nearest Dean Witter & Co. office. No obligation, of coune. DEAN WITTER. al: Co. ~· Bre-11tot1 R. Ogden. Viet Presidtnt .550 Newport Center Drive. JVe1vpor1 Bt.QC/J Ttltphot1t: 644·2292 TO: DtAN WJTT[ll l CO., INCORPORATIO P1_.. ..t me a ClOP1 ol rour Eoonom.ie Policx r...ommitt.'I •A Fbliitiw• lnvMtment Policy1. I undtntand tt.t ther'9 it no obliption. • 6toU--------Zip __ _ Plion<----------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. ' ocean~g~p~ic fun~11' A mutu•I fund rnvestinf in tht development ind use of th~ ocea'l •nd it' resources -----------M141 ... Dlsh'hl•••,., lie. H 1 .. ff Str .. t , Ntw '(1<11:, N.Y. I~ _tluu.t•ncl ..,, 1 ,.01~• °" tht oc;unoar1pfllc fvncl. int:. • •• Add!KI Los Angeles & Oakland! Every 90 minutes! Pre1ent1ng the greate1t !light achedult on earlh ~•lwetn 7:15 em end 8:45 pm. Both way1! More on w••kend1I Why ,;ony aboul a re:se1valion when PSA has Cwer 1100 fllgl'lts a week? Suell an easy·to·remember s'hedule you can carry ii around in your head. Wtly remember lowest fares? Or .ti jets? Or great service to San Francisco, San Josa. San Diego, and Sa,11mento? Or that kids under 1:? fly PSA (will! their parents) for llalt lare? Slill wan!• reservation? Just rem'ember you r t1a~&! agent orwha'tsltsname 111t1nes.:'-<;()i=• PSA g;-,.... •lift. This announctme1it is ntitlier an riff t r to stll nor a solieitat.icm of a·n offtr to -b'uu-anv of ---ihesrsecuriries. Th-t offer Is m<1dc ?;ill!Y bif t1ft. Profpc~l!I.!. - June 20, 1969 250,000 Shares International Funding Corporation of America Common Stock • <par value $1.00 ~r aha.re.) Price $10.00 per Share Sbaskan & Company Axelrod & Co. lnco~ratrd I 'I -~~c __ _ - I l ,1 I t ) I I I I ' ( • I , I 1 \ ~ l . I I l ' \ ) i \ ' • t ' , I -1 I L I· I • ·---- • ... , . .; .. Complete New ' I , ' • ' ,_ l -• ' .. .. • .... fiJttd.,, ""'' !;" 14611 A-D.lllY PILOT '.15,_ - Stock. Exchange_Lw.~-----+!I " .I I I r1 .• r -- ' .. Fr.gs Fly Vp A photographer sent on an assignment for weather pictures did a double take when he saw these flags flying skyward at. a hotel in Cleveland. One obser· ve11 suggested they might be rising wit-h the hot air. , Cuba ns . Use Intrigue , Bravado to Enter U.S .. ' . ... --5S figures very large .in our Personal Choice Savings Plans at ~nk oi America. The easiest ~Y to ~ it, i& witfi·our new- est passbook '!ICllOUllt. . . -~-"'···---' -5" lnvelltora ~ACColllt. A miniJnum;.Or $5()1)-puts it in your name. Additional deposits are made:in $100 amounts. Interest is paid every calendar q,1,1arter. You can withdr3w interest during the first ten ·days of an~ calendar quarter. The same goes for.withdrawal of principru:' Providing, of course, it's beeri on deposit a full calendar quarter.· A 90-dait woitten notice from you will alsb release funds. A nice arrangement. s" Tine CertlllCllle or Depo&it. · · · Some peopleJike·'tlie t1>rporateof~ of cer- tificates. They ear'n'53 annua l .interest, payable eveiY <>ix. month!: They;re is5ued~. ' -' : : ' -------- < ' .., I t -~ (: ,. ,. ... ' ·--. ' MI~ ._l.\.P). -By boat\ questioned about their.bo_rder :, l>irrel and bravado, hundreds . crossings, asked to remain " of Cubans are illegally en-a~onymous. -• --. \ -As·ia- .. • .. _tering the United States from He said he made his smug-' · ' dd d ·~ -~ 'h• !.;;::E:~:~t~i~ ~~ri~~~~1;;~~~ eve a . -... e -so. me.·_~_1 .· · :1ng· ., : the first four months ol 1969. H tr Jed 'th 1· "·-~-1 Conc~ed U.S. officials haVe · e ave WI ive Ou.u . '~t~ :.,,,en1~r~~~:~ £~'°~~;,.M;~;~;t!F~~ 'o '"\O ocs· -, '-'OQ' '84.-" i S,:~~~.~ bJ~m~ ~~Ji~~~~~~w:::t:~ I.! ~o<lJ ~ .. ~ "' t A change last year In im· the border. I. · , ...-.. ~ " Ole time Cubans who try lo . ·tn!£_aUon'law has spurred the a6 t e )f A . .._, . -. -ftglheiilng a~'!r:n'OtfP:~!~:u:-~. _· _. __ a --= 0 . n1er· 1ca come legally from ~xico were led single file 400 yar_dl , · j must wait for a visa. ::,.,~ 1!1c~2,'81~: :t"':. = . · : , . . '• · The law im~d a 120,000-op a wood and canvas raft · person annuar limit on the which had been hidden nearby. number . of Immigrants who. The cost to the dentist: '300. can came to-the, United Statts annually from --other western NOT SEN'r' BACK ~ hemisphere :Oltions: PreviOus· Once Jnsiae· the Unit~ . · ly there wU-no limit. ' States, the Cubans are si"' • ' • DIRECT-F!.IGHTS: because . they cannot bit . Cuba • deport"'1 to Mexico and '.It The rate of-legal n 1m· not sent back to CUb._ But .di migration . has dropped by government Is lncreasbigly more than 80 percent. in the refusing entry tO any who are last year,·but this does not in--caught"or tum them!dves in ~::ns~em:O:ewh'!18c':i~!: right at theiborder. 4 direct refugee flights from During April, when officials Jiavana. ,, said 175 Cubans were known to enter illegally, 31 others wen _Most Cuban"s get to Mexico turned 1back. One woman who C1ly legally. But onc;e there, was tu med back.said slie sue• !hey .are faced wi~ the in-· ceecled in getting across two creasing delays pl144 the pro-weeks later, hidden ln a lard blel}l of paying fi\'.!ng costs barrel. whil~ being prohibited by the Immigration Service Of-Mex1~an government from ficials said nearly all the ii- working. Some are . 9ulck to legal entrants tum themselves ~ccept offers of he\p m cross-in once they are well past the mg the border. bord er since no penalties are _One Cuban woman recalled imposed and they are allowed her stay in Mexico City wHlr to remain in the United States. her two daughters: "In t!1.~ • The service also has ease<J hotel some-Cuban asked me if regulations to make Jt easier we want to.cross the border. l for Cubans In Mexico City to said 'Yes.' We moved to the skirt immigration quotas if bqrder in a· b:us. There,. we they can ·prove they have went to a hotel and . a Mexican relatives already in the United came . to the group and he States.· says, 'you are Mrs ... .'I said, -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;I 'Yes. I am.'" 111 -Then, alter paying $600. th~ mother and daughters were escorted to a hole m the fence at the border town of Nogales, ·Ariz., a~·stepped through it at noon' on a dark, rainy day. INTRIGUE The .trip was more laden with intrigue foi-a form~ Cuban dentist who first had to buy his way out of a Cuban prison where he was serving time for currency violations. The dentist, like other Cubans PUT WH·IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwanted Jtema with a DA.Il.Y PILOT Classified Ad. PHONE · 642-5678 -1 See by Today's Want Ads •You ought to be If\ pie- lurrs, Foh'On elutronlc c:amel"ll, need only aim and shoot. day or night, \-a.in or shine-. :_:_.::_.:_ I _ -·• Oh \.\'he[!! tw. my lllU.t.. dog a:one? Sad little 3 year old boy 'vanta hl• little puppy, lost near Newport Pier, weaMnc a pink collar. Blonde fe. male, mixed variety. .. •• ' • ' • • - \ . / -- • i • • ! I . . ' . '~ (Investor$ Passbook Account) ----· __,. .... .,......_ __ _ I .. I' :.. '- ' ' l • • .! ·'· 1 . "' ,, ... .... ,, !•l • \ l l ' ' I ' I I I I l , { I 1 ' t 1 ' J ' ' l I ~. . -- " .., ....... . " • -.... ---~~+-~-'-~~-,-~ ...... .---;;;;;o;;=-~--.. ma•n ··Yane_r-. .. . .. . > · RANG~UN1'Y· oAtiFGRNI · .• O." .. . ' . ' '" ::· • "I • • •• '· -~- SChciol Cl-isis~_Nippe<l? OV V oies..5% Hike; T ea_chers Disappointed · ' . r---l'n!>holiday pyrolecbnics over· teacher ' reopening of negoUaUons this fall if more sali11cies in lhe _ Qcean View Stjlogl -_mo~ should bectime a:Vaj_,lable to the District' board room were clipped ·a\_tb~ district from Slate aid. " I !use Monday' night as the tr1"itts Marlin Spellmeyer; member of the OV· adopted an $8,310,008 tentative budget TA negotiating council, offered "no c~ containing a five percent increase for ment" after the new and lncrtased teachers. _ schedule was presented by the trusltts. Members of the Ocean VieW Te8 chers However, Ed Romeo, repn:sentaUve of Association (QV]'A) were diappointed by the California. Teachers Als!>ciaUon the board act.ion, since they.had proposed (CTA), who advised the ~chers at the 8..tentatiye .f.6 percent increase with the meeting, asked ihe board to: reconsider , Goodwill ~ COJ;:p~e · ----.~ ··-----:----~---_., _ ____... -·--_4 __ ";';:-::- F o un·d? 2 · BJ)ried c. - • • • -aY .OF THE YEAR l:ovnt1ln V1llay'1 Fowler .-\., Fowler'. Otsuka· Picked As. Top 1!-aM'"'~· . S.ti·"nl91' ':~:: . • i ••• t.~ .... ~~~-,j ~· ~"·1"· . " .~ ~· ..... "• • l' -:..,;::.~ ... i .~}, ,J. ,1 1. ·~~,....J .. «;r-~ ,; .-·~~ . .. ... , :_ .. ~ . . . Fountain Valley · l!lih School ~ an-College In Claremont He plail* 1o .rna)!>r nounced . Jta selection 10< IOI' boy and In mathemalks. This summer lie b fir! of the year for the past school year. servi~ I! a boys' cam) counaelor at -"Selected 11 outstanding students by· Yosemite National Part . · their &ssrriata-weN Rex "Fowler and Karen Ls the daughter of Mr. •nd Mn. Karetl Otiub. Ray Otsuka, 7171 ·Rarbay Ave., Midway Res ti Lhe son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. City. She was a member of the Barons' Jonea, 18531 Elm C1rcle, ·~Fountain 2•19tlt ~der squad and was Valley. Du:rjng recent graduation eel"" ·active as a member ol se~ · campuS emonles ·he Served as senior speaker for guilds and orgaotzatlona, She '-Was also ~ -t.ht clw_ of t•. Thr~t the year a member of lhe Fountain Valley home- Re1 has been an outsEandinl atf.ident coming queen eot.trt last Mwember. ~ leader, guiding the ac:hool throullh J1 Karen received tho<Jl81fgbt<in ol the revision of Ill sludent 1ovemment from American Revolutlon award for 11168. his post as student body vice prtsldent. Sile hopeS to become .an elementary . In the !all Ra will enter Harvey Mudd •chool teacher. ' ' tuESDAY, JUtY l ,' 1t69 .. GIRl.C) ..... TMt: YIAlt ·~ Fountain V1lloy'• Ot..,..1 ' ' .1 ( __ _ I . • -. r· . -Tolay's Final - .. TEN CENTS \ . I J e:··· ., . ~ ' . :. , l- ' . I -•' ,_ .. N~o. BWJi .e __ ..:.::;~ ~· .. g. •1 '• SoE~jii~~~· Work ~Free' . . \. - * * * Smie _Capj~ol~s Power Goes Off Orange ' Haiy IUNhin• b beltt \ban iione' . at all, and that's what we'll have • more of ·Wedneaday. Coastal tem- peratures will Y-egister 13, while.. Inland It'll be up lo ,83. . f . . ' -, · • JNSmt: ~DA.Y Thai monkey In apact Ii not tire ,.,.1 of fdl9"' lo b• coughl :halinQ peanuts -he•• dofng a inan•1· job •• See Page 26. , c.11........ . . ..... ,.... .. c ......... "'" .............. ... c.Mk• 1• ~ c..w • ~ ,. .,tN ,.,.... > ,j ... =...,....,. • kdll ..... "·'• ...... ,... ,: = ...,...; ::~",.J..--,Jt~ .............. .,. !_~ .... tt 1 'P!MMI 1 .. 1$ ~ ..-II 1' ..,.., ........ 11'"........ ·~. =~:·" ·-~:. = = ' w. ! ..... • .. --+ --~ ·- ,. I ~y PllOT H Argentina .· ~ JJitder Siege ' . . ' . For Rocky BUENOS AlREll ·c~) -Af1..Una wu under a si.te of siege todly in 1 ~ linulng ••vi of terror~m and labot ~st d>arlhoolt-the nauon· -,-aov:-- Nelaoo A. llocl:eleller'1 fact·llndlni vtotl lorPresidentNlll'ft. The goverument llroadcul the llllt ol -·siege dec1aration Monday nl&bt, two ho\D's before a 24-hour natkmride 1eneral '1r!k• WU scheduled to begin In protest agatnst the New York 1ovemor'1 visit and lht pollclel of Presld8"t Ju .. ear·•-=-- Ol\gaiita'a mW.tarr nllm•· · ....RockefeUrr Oew-to-HaltUhia momln& after 36 houn ln Argentina and ta1U with Onpnia during.the fourlb lei ol bta mission kl Lalin America. - Many tuls and blueo tallld to apppr Oii-the -ta·-Aino-uu.._,,.-ing and commul'1' tralna ran late. But mOllt businesses ~ of[lcea ln the capital _ city of eight ntlllloa ap-ed to open 11 usual. Ia Uae interior ol the coantry, the strike wu reported to be more .elfect.lve. The s:eneral strike was called by the strong anttgovernmerit facUon of the General Labor Confeder11Joo (CGT), headed -by printers union Pruldent Raimllndo 9ni:aro. Union IOUl'«s said On&aro waa· arrested Mond•Y· *Police closed the labor orp.nlu.Uon'a hea<!quarltn Mondoy night, and a police olflctal Aid only that the eovenunent had • · • '"""' ' DAILY PILOT Sij;ft '""' CELEIAA'l'I N!J -HunUn1ton Beach Mayor J~ck Green affixes city Hal to proclamaUon urging parUclpaUon In various activities Ibis week, including annual Junior Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Fourth of July Parade. Urging mayor on are (from left). Parade Chairman Bob Redman and fellow Jaye""' Tom Livengood and Jorn Wilkie. • ' .. ir.tuvened." t.;. Houra tielore, Auguatln vllldor, leader of the moderate wlnJ of the CGT, was kljled In a darl"I daylight attack on Ills office 1n dQwntown Buenot Abu. Ttr~ rorlsta burtt lnto the union beodquarters, fired IOV<l'al machine ... -lnto Vandor'1 ollfce and tOllOd a-bollib Heatly for Parade Huntingwn Girds for 2_00,000 Crowd tbroup the door. · More than 200,000 1pectat.on are ex· para~ for tht 11th year in a row. Vandor, f<.'W.. ''''"tary·tenenl-ol-1l'cted to Jam llunlinXIOll' aeacit-s1r....--u-lleutenanll·to Putna.,.,.m be the metal wOrters union and bid rttuled Friday morning u the city prepares for Misa Be an Moise and Mlb Kit 'Elberson, to 11.1pport the call far a &tnltal strike. its largest Fourth of July parade in 6S both whom have won numerous His death wu the 22nd 11'1 the ai:J:-Wtet years. a war s !or past e que s t r i an wave ol .anU,Ovenunent Wl1't!t that Beginnina: at 11 a.m. the parade will perf mances. bepn when a atudent deMwtrator was make its way from the ltlrtlng point at Mu !Ca} group1 Jncluded in the lfneup killed ln Cotrltnfea May 11. 11th and Main Streets, down Main Street.r are the• "Caledohian -Pipe Band" DemOnstraUona first Were aimed .at to Fifth Street, left on Walnut Avenue, "Re seda Youth Band," '!72nd U.S. Anni ''pellet: repreaslon," then devtloped into back onto MaJn Street,. right on Pecan Band," "Kingsmen Drum and Bugle protel{, l.l:atbst the economic, poUt1eal Avenue and north on Lake $treel. Corps," "3rd Marine Air Wing Band," and IOClaJ pollclea of the Onaanla teclme. Admlaion to the vent ls abllolutely "Toqance Aru Youth Band" and "San The current_ dlsotdett are considered ·free,, but 10uvenir proaranu, contafuing Fernando Valley Youlb Band." F=='-~ w_loua jg Arm:rthll~ tm, _the lineup of floats, eq_ueslrlans and Otber ·~loat ent!'ies have been receiv'ed from 11115-revolutlon--U..t toppled-tbe-.UC. entmi wtli be sold -by lhe Huntingtoo a numher:of-ne~tter,1nctudln tatorihlp of Juan o.· Peron. Beach Jaycees for 50 cents. Costa Mtsai Orange and Garden Grove. The lllte ol atege declaraUcn was the J1ekle Benington, "America'• JunJor Held In conjuncUon with the parade la a flrlt lince .:qrity 9uuru were lifted MW" bas been named Grand Manha.I Celebrations W'eek at the Five Polnts in October 1111 after SJ ytan ol almolt for tbe event. wtµch will feature 21S en-Shopping Center, featuring rides and <OliStant rNlrlcUon. trlea IDd 2,821 parllcipanll. · evenll through July 4. TbVe WU no immedlate 1ndlc1Uon of Grand Marshal of the Equeatrian A major carnival, now being held 1t what llCW'ity ~ would M Im-Dlvillon will be televlslon newscuter the corner of Pacific eout Hi&hwal and poMd. A ban on public meetlnJ• ind Geora• Putnam who will enter hi• Beach Boulevard, r o u n d s ou the demonstraUana and.pmnl&aion for police platinum palomino "Diamond,. ln tho festiviti~ until July 6. to llearch without •manta were ex· peeled. From Pqe l BUDGET ••.. Auemb4'ln&n Jene M. Unfub, a Rufe pollllcal rival. · . ''Blocltinl lht ·bw!i•l for lht stale !I the mOlt in'esponsible single act in the -hlatory of California lllte rovernmtnl," aald Retgan. ~ at Dtmocr111, • minority ln the ~ memlitr Allembly, have refuMd to •ot• far the budiet for· week1, and thelr votes .,. needed 1or the two-Otln!J majority of 54 req•ir.d-lor budpt puaa,.. · In return for their vot.e1, Democrats want a -million lncr~ue in current 5tate aid to hard prused local school districll, now $1.1 billion. 1leqan pro. pos<d a $t0$ mllllo0 boost. la addition, Democrats want • tit rellef prolfam that would nduce homeowners' property taxes. They have not spelled out thelr specific terms for a tax bill. • Re1g1n, weartna sport shirt and eport coat, called newsmen lo his offlce and, In an ancry mood, aa1d he would lnsl1t on pauqe ol hll opendlq bill, now tollllog a record II.IT billion. '. Ofdi Y PllOT '!llAlfM COM1 f'UM.~llta COMl-Aln 1.•Mr't N. W.M ---J••• •. c.a... Vb,,...._~ Gei*J ........ n .... 1e,..,. .... ~ nifr{6.-A:. MiPJllTil• INtltllfle .l!filW AIMrt 'W. ••t.• Wini•• a,,, ........ ~ I.Mell .1!•1• Qly l!•lttr HHl'I wt11._.°""9 Jot ftli l+fHt Mtllfllf Mdrtn1 P.O. lt• 7t0, •?Ml --.,........, tt.c::frl, ,,.,, """' ................ ,. C-. IHMI DI W.1 ..,. ..... , ....,. ._,., m ..,. ... .,... • \ * * * * * * Seal Beach Making Plans For Open House Over 4th Big things are scheduled to happen in Seat B&ach beginning July I and rulWnc through July I u the city preparea for lts annual Fourth or July WMk Open House. Newport Carries Helicopter 'War' 'f o Los Alamitos The second phaae In the city of New- port Beach's "little W1r" against mill· tary helicopters will take place Thurs- day morning when city 1Jdu meet with brass !rorn the Los Alamltoe Naval Air Station. I Newp:Jr( Assistant City Manq:er Jim De Chaine iald he expects "anoUier im- pregaive array or bra1&" _similar to a meet.in& held Jut week at El Toro. De Chaine said the 'Qiur&day talks would include clarification of where the Navy should ny thelr trajning helicop- ters. Cltiuns alon1 Newport's beach front havt complained {or monlh& abOul the low.fll'ln<, noisy choppe". Ont ol-the Loi Alamikle-bastd air· ·.raft lost an 11-pound cargo door while in flight. It plummeted to the sand on Ule beach at 19th street. "We etpect to discuss th at incident at length," De Chaine said. At l1at week 's meeting with Marine of!lcen, \he city received promlMs or strict enforcement of rtgul1llons which forbid ~ari.ne chopr,rs rrom flying closer than one ml e away from any resort community. nie Marines admitted that there had been !IOlm violations or those reiula- ti"1S ln the paU. Planners to Study S~nitarium T ' night_ A congrO'•ersial lndt.11lri psychiatric. sanitariwn pr tJnaton Beach will come bef n1n&" com.mlsaion It 7 o 'ckM: the city council chambers. Earliei' t h i 1 month plannlns corn· miaaloner1 dccldtd to withhold 1ctlon on both items until toruaht wMn more In· formation rqardlng both projec!I would be available. One o! the miln attraction~ will be a downtown Maln Street fashion show scheduled f0rl1 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. A bevy of beauUes, includlnl "Miss Seal Beach'' Jill Shelton and models Denise Krownln&, Grace Mooney, Holly Siveraon, Juli Sorell.!On and Sarah Staley will serve as mode.la for the mqd fashions. The Junior Women's Club Shew w 111 use two downtown blocks of Main Street aa its 6tage runway where the girls can vis.it with the public u they model the fashions. More than 200 swim clubs from all over the state v.•111 continue the show Sunday by participating in a rough-water swim· . mini meet at 11 a.m. weal of .. the Seal Beach pier. Events of varying distances are scheduled ror boya and girls 7-8 year! old up through the men and women'• one- mlle event. Entriea for swlm-fest are open tq July 4 with torms available 'from Rlchatd Yeo, SUI Beach Swim Club, 405 Emerald Place, Seal Beach, or by phoning (213) 431~914. Medals will be presented for first through sixth place winners and first through third place trophies will be awarded to both novice and AAU teams . ' - \ Computer Use Decision Faces valley council Founltln Volley Clty COllncllm .. Will be 11 k e d too11ht to talla the lnlUal step ln form1UOn ol a leapt ot clU11 for cooperative. use of computers. The new l'OOP will be ulled Orfonlu- Uon for .Compoltr Plamllnl (OCP) and sterns trom an Id.ea of '1nlnce Dnctor HOWllnl Stephen& !bat IOveral cttleo U!lng one or two eomputen would be mort ef- ficient than ea¢\ city b\.l.Ylna thdivtdual compWtrJ:.__ _ • Sle(ihtns h11 told the council before lhat COITiputera art limply too upet11lve tar •mall, Individual clUes to operate. 11e earlier •UUetled the cooperaUve. p1a11. which councilmen TuOldoy nllht will be asked to Join. Ctt.y COUftCtl meets at I p.m.1 in council cbambera. 10200 Slater ,Ave, 4· I Si~g_~d Camp Gets Linli: ---~-. . . ' Arrrwr .Clilar_s Hi:gJiway _to BatJ,ered B~n He wilori (~) .-Ji . .s, !!:o2PI l!Wliod_ l®nLl!ll~k.ol 20_~11\Y ... Camb!)lfilq-~ bord~, was hit enemy forces on two familiar bat~ who hid been killed by alr .stitbiOt only • dozen mortar ,rowill Monday and ~egroondJ Tueldat ancr government arlUierY ~ ~ road. · • • . I>y ~ ~ day ~ore" 1 . clea ed th ·c . -~en' thO armored perooMel •corrtert Diirli!e the tw<>month sete. ·•-Y armOl r -e hlgnwty hnkl~I, the toDed up to the barbed' wlie defel\ltl el fUJ'tl'let'I fired uP to 200 ahtJIJ a· day Qlttt batter~ Ben Het camp with the nubtary . .11:&n Het they w~ the tint vehicles to the camp aid th~_ir_ infantrymen wtre base al Dak To. --.. --•-.c:• 1 , ' th · l> ln ~k. -•~ ... t t f I ·~ us forces killed 73 North_J'.' ln cwnP e~~ e ron,fr9Ql at To· a wee DI_. .. °' at un: ou PoS rom on y -re~s in sharp__fightina ~ ~se Two small 8upply convoys had battled )'trds aw~.. '. ' -~ ay the!{ 'tvayinto\the-ctmp-on June-13 and 'l'b&-actlv•ty-by an -!"Umal-1 • 3,000 Ninh,.. 55 miles northwe6t of Sal~on and JC-'lfttr iovt91meut lfoOPI, hid tried to Nri Vlllnamese regulan ncircl!ll& the near the abandoned tom)lat hue o1 Kho_,.., the i:oa<I. !Ni the lint caov0y ~· . C4!1'P cftopt>C\l"ih•l'l'.ly over the .w'<l".nd, • Sanh hard by the Loot!&) border.The unde<-heavy fire., , • _, • Ai1ttir1M11copters-i,.;pn flyjilc m -~ U.S. Command reported one killed~ The camp 1·usi iii lDilt• from tbo an-ii11 •ithi:luf beln& ibot ·at. four wounded In both engaa:ement.s. ' · "Irr . A U.S. spokes11an said U of the enemy • • ' w~re killed when 30 American armored vehicles smaslif.d.J into a North Viet- namese force maneuvering around Tay Ninh and raked them for lhrtt. hours with thousand! of rounds of machine gun fire . • Thellopsided battle erupted at the base ot Nu 8a Den Mountain where soldiers pf the U.S. 25th Division killed 94 enemy &Dldlers last Friday. - The enemy unit Jn contacts both Ftiday and Tuesday 'fas reported u a battalion _ of the 9th Viet Cong·North Vietnamese Division. U.S. inte lligence reports said the battalion apparently was trying: to get into position for anolher Jttack on Tay · Ninh when It was Intercepted Friday by Ameri~an patrols and chas~ toward Nui Ba Den. U.S. casualties In Tuesday's fi&ht were <l11e killed and one wounded:- ln th e other action south of Khe Sanh, North Vietnamese troops. struck at the nigh~ position of a unit of thtl U.S. 5th :P.feclianlzed 1nlantry Division. They broke off the attack after losing 31 killed. The U.S. armored troops reported three men were wounded. Arrival o( government personnel car· r.lers at the Special.Forces camp at Ben Het was another indication that the siege <lf the frontier outpost 2aO miles northeast of Saigon has ended. .. The armored colW'Dll.. s_pearhe$de.!l_ a tuk forte ol mon.Ui&a .. J.,000 Soutb Viet.. , namese..inf~. Wpo Jiiave<I. out --0£ _ Dak To Si'turday, 19 'ell~ ihe 10 miles of Route 579-leadlng l<t lien Het. >. gove.rriment spokesman said ;N~ Vie(nameSe arm~ ._11Pils that had cut the road and shot up alll.ed .i::pnv.oys had pull· ed' back. There was IJI fl&nlfl.~ant contact ·during the road cle:ar1n1 opu:ation. Tht spoke1man n~gtiv~nt_troops • ..... ~ . . . ~. . . ,. T... • . ·• •... ~ that House Passes Surtax Bill After llt~!Jour PI:ea · -WASHINGTON CAP) -Actlng after. "I wantto-remoVe a=tiautioubt last.minute plea from President Nixon as to the commitment <lf tlµ:!I ad· anct under sLrong prtuure from leader:! minilt.ration to. prompt all(l meaningful ot both parUe1, the ~ouse baa naz:rowly 1P reforpt," Nlzon said. ..... ., • ..n a bill to extend the lnc<ime surtax. Earlier in tbe day Niion met at the !"""""-.. White House wttb 28 .RepubUcan con-The bill approved Monday 21Q-205, now -umeU, mosf of them op.....w.nts of the goes to' the Senate where leaders predkt a-.. """"1L---considerat!On may take thret months., . sUrtu extension. All but 10 of-we&e end· Techn,lcally the .JO percent aurtax et-ed up votlng fOr the blll. Pired at midnight; only hours after the In ~n. Nixon got 154 House Republican yob while 2S GOP members oppoied it. House actlorl. .. · · r House Democr1Pc leaders gave strong Howevtr, Congress already has voled b to continue the withholding ratel which suppotfto the extension, ut only 58 votea: for tbe bill came from that side ol the include the surcharge through July, and i1sle. Op~ were 179 Democrats . the tax itself can lat.er be extended ynd retroacUve to July J. Senate leaders haye When .P-resldent L on B. Johnson proposed the surtu lut ye1r1 114 said a further six-day. ·extension of' the Republicans voted for it.. . • withholding rates probably will be sought. The vote was tied at If.Ml 10 time& dur· Nixon wants the surtax to continue at a· Ing the HOlLSe ron call and the outcome IO percent rate throoJ.b becember and wt& in doubt. until · U.e sUagglen and then at 5 percenl until the end ."!_ next bokl:lac.ks voted after ~ the roll June. Call proper.; . ·' - · Op~!!~on _to_th!_bll!has_~mainly ~ .J~'lfill_l!ix~_d F~d ~e heavy from congressmen wlio "Tear any cha,,ce last-minute pressure for passage ~. for far-reachinc. tax-reforms will be lost House Speaker J0hn W. McCormack, if pot i ncluded in the 6urtax ellenaioo DemocraUc .Leader-Cail Albert, .Ways measlln:. ·-and Means Chalri'ban Wilbur MUL'I (I). Ju!t before tM close. of House debate 'Ark.), and Rep. Hale BOggs CD-'i.a.), wbo Mof\d<ly night, Republican Leider Gerald handled the measure. Boggs said . R. Ford uad a letter from the Pr~ident "something approaching panic" could OC· aimed at swaying such opponenta:• cur if inflaUon ls nOt curbed soon. For all your good Intentions, you can't seem lo · save a nlckelto save your soul. Paychecks come. Paychecks go. And still there's litlle or no money in . the bank for savings. Unlled Cellfomla Bonk knows how hard Ills you'll save to save. Thal'• why we heva a plan that guaran!eea you'll aave $10.-420.-430. a month or more, and hardly min It. It's UCB'• Automatic Savings Plan • Just decide how much you wa~t to save Bach month. UCB deducls that amount from your UCB checking account and adds It to your savings. -f 7--------------":~~;;~ P.O.lo:l:MH. Ttf'IMnllAMIX I lot Anti-. CllN. IOOl4 I I ...,._-.,.,., 1henh lftahowl11t1mt ftolf f Clll lflrturlftf. I P/ut• Hnd,,.. • N¥ings ~111 spplkat/olt. rn pot • I ,,.::.,....~""·""I olK. No.._,_"...., Most savers tell ua, lt'a virtually painless. And at UCB~r savings alway• earn the hlgheal bank Interest rats permlssibl• by law. - Isn't there 10methlng you'Vo wanted to save for anyway? Uk• Europe. lt'a aa eaoy 81 saving Just $2.00 a day for one yaar at UCBI Whatever your goal, sign this coupon and Mnd II along today. You can .ave. You will aavo. W• guarantee It. !Git: L-----·----2111: _____ j The blltt"1 wftt do• HtllfmM "!.,.; 30l9 Horbor llovl1v1nl • , I . .. ' " ' • ' • -• • ' . _eae *-.-*. •• t ~ -. _1_ • • • ':I [ ~2. NO:··r 56. 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES -· TUESDAY; JUUYC.:J', l9i.9 . . : ORANGE COUNTY, CA~IFORNIA • ·- J..--ttg~ -~~ ·:Appea:IM-a· · ;i;e ,....._:.:· · · . , . ... By-THOMAS FORTUNE . "We Deed, imart,people on all ends and, • ,Of ... O.Hr Pi.et SM~ cool beada. to .haodki-JJl. the probjems ~ ~ Vree U_njver~ty would helit estrana:· youth ls creatiilg and the overreacU&n. ln ea generations achieve mutual un· some place!-of pollce ,and the buslneu derstabding, .members ·of the Laguna COmD)~tx.~Jw-iaid:- Beach Coordinating -councn-were told Heil81if.a: Fret Unlversity'coulct-breat Nanday .hight. · • · dow11. cooattalntl1 that keep youtli and An enUiusiastic UC Irvine gradua\e BUI adults from tlJ~ to each other. Roley, 2Z, saidrdisalf~ted yo4th~ the. Roley,11~.e ~&Wl2' r~det;lt. who ~s"-bliBhrP~rit, generalion must begin si_t· wu jnst gradUt~1 fi.ofu Ir;ytne with a ting down together or "the polarization ts BA De 1 re .e" iii psycbOlogy, -Mrs. going-1"'""1> . " -'(ll~T~cntlii!enrlliib- .. Goodwill Cocrpse _, .Found?' 2 Buried By JACK CHAPPELL sCbooner Iles wrecked. Of ,,.. O•llY P1i.1 Stiff Two other bodies reporudly were The badly decomposed bOdy o( a mld· washed .ashore at the Scammon Lagoon dle-aged man -possibly a victim from area .and buried early last week by Mex· the sunken yacht· GO'!llwill,-bas.-been ican.. fishenn, en. acconfin& jj). All!<>ld lo~ by an Am~ 1eatch,Mil rescue Senl¢ill, U.S •. .......ilnatoo !or the team ;at MexicO's Scammon LagoODrl43 voluilleer 'Tnnsbordet Search ID a miles ~ ·oi the BJj&(ttef -:ll.ere .ll)e Relcoe Gl'Oiip·ol Q'8 Calibiiiu: • · , _:T!;,; ~boclf wir-IOWICI 1>r •z.:: '-t ..• . , ........ "~·_•! -r ~ • A.Ml~(·ftlcai'.·· . ',..J.o·h',n..:_ • . ... •: . -~ "':· ~-...,., '· ~ ·~~! , .. ~-~~ :=:-~ : ~°"' · ca:n .. .i-• -~~ ~ . . ... , . ___ .,...... . I , , l> %1-• :.,i;t ! ':"' ~Yenf!f'I :'~ _,.u-,.ocean cu,r.. Hli ~ , '"" '. -• .hnla .llinnl~..-...:.;. Me. -:•... • ~ •. "'n ~i:mo:,~~r~; • ._bl>d I88)0 ~--' ,._ _ ·""'°'•ta "19,ra.oot.--- " • TEN CENTS . .. . . ro ,_ -e . . . . --·- No Budget.-- . . . So :Employes ' . --~"""":- Work 'Free'. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Calllornla's 180,000 state wOrkers reponed to work on a voluntary basls today as Gov. Reagan and the lWSlature tired to end a flac;al crisjs that left the slate wl\hOut a bud(eL The governor Dally refused lo accepl a• emergency olll tlliiWo1MlilVD'1'1- the-•tate running for 30 . days aller 11\t. legis)ature deadlocked 'on'hls If.ST ~µIlm full·yeir buaget. • · .That ,p!Wl&id the natiim'l ., moo,! ~-· ... •• state inlo. f1'co1 : <$ii, Jrilh ~v-::·;;if .. '·'· "•I'"""~' . ' lo " fla\ll... ,,...,.. ' b;;;:ll: • tor ""'te par waps llr 1wa. , , "".'! . ~ea were cut cft':nd.JWalan liked ~ ... _k,lpr;~~-•• • . Sifif~ ;Ii> 1111. Cfilis "' ... -• Franc!OOO. .s.a-l>leio. ' bm.n1o and ' . ~ -.... , . He ... •earlDi dart )due paitta, • light -~ ---~-~ ·~ ~ •·tinii ·navr:tanter-. ··Trail ---j-:;=:.~is:~m.:~ny Iden-,. Fr"fll'1 lljd employ~ wero ~· t1ie Republican governor'• ·request that theY vohinteer 5el'Vices wlUf the ~'-'·crllfl=~---+1 hi settled. --- I 1· , _Ufyb)l:J!fOP<r11;waaJDlllld"' !hebody. • ==;o=_::::::;;==.::;= ~ :-Senterflll111d....t--.:-wbether-the'-~ mam. fttctJii-dfittljilljjii ofiiiyofthe. o • cre•"members aboard'llJ'! ~u;. wrall Gorn' g Up· He salcf that any exbumatk11 of the two ; W _ · t · .. · , butled ~· was a in1tter iOf Mexican , • ....... -:--r ·-, ... , ...... 'iaw, and tbat· hls~flon did not i\,t is.ixon Estate~roC~ef..r~~.;.,,~-Lfive1,,~'°.:i»race t f> :Die .. : , ._ ' .Ml;is. ftJasts -anclrl&girig were,.Jden.. ....: · ,. . · • • ~ ,' • ' SAl'j' CLEMENTE -Work was lilied as that of ·~ trahsPaclflC racing ' . . -' rolli, • • '. • .' • uJ • El 'M" -· j ' · ' • staJ ctwa ' · . icb"'1il1"''t0,stirt today on a t,900'foot yacbt JUne 1.-A coUl '!luar(· ... rch of •· .Surf, .s!IJl\fJ _ng bills tiJl!I Jl""C~, , · o.rro, ._part CWjllfy,_.s~~!l' as ·coa . _roe ·' ys go, CO!ll· block ·',ill'1o surround President Nlxon'I the irea eilded ~une 3 aa ·~opes cfiriuned .Schpol ~elie danger that lurks on ~ deiidly 1trelch bil!atlon o()\ig)l tpet<! a!lil 1\eepy dr!V~tr· bU "!lded esta~·~eii. .. . . for-Joc•lng ·uy-Of tbe crew 'AliVe. . of Pacific 'Coa1!t Highway -E~ ~orro· ~urve-::.... 1ust up to tour.·de~ths on ~be ·cufye so-far this year. 'Ille wau. to be bl!ilt at a cost of $41,SOO ·~..-.'!':'!• bodies. blv.e been l""l!!I and iden· nor\b of Laguna Beach._..(\11.bougb ·curve is not . . _ by the McDonald 'ConstrucUon ~eo. of "uuea al • ·Of· crew rQittnben Tim Lawndale will be six feel high. plaltered , Smithe 15, l>r : l'ountaln Valley and or oou,~s4tes. and toPped·wiUt red tUel!I: Geri!d Co~.toek, 41, of Sou~ Laguna. - The same contractor is sc~uJed to Tb.ey were recovertid _earlier near the bUild -three glassed, hexagon.shaped Sacramen~ Reef 1wreckage o( the aazebos and a gate house at • cost at .schooner. . , J. 122 ooo. · . • • · • Y The latest discovery ·was made bJ , I~ addition, CanneU & Chaffin ~ Robertson, 30, ·oi..$ierr~. ~adre and Ron mercial Interiors of Los Angeles ,have --8ecor • 33, of San Dfmu, both members of been contracted \o do certaln-lnterlor the Sierra Madre Search aqd Rescue work for the Presldent. .. team. 'Ibey ~ bJ"Jeep td' the Baja . Tustin SiniJt her S·laying S. 'Korea's··P ark To · Meet · Nixon· . ' Su.spect Pleads Innocent At San CTeniente 1 • beadi seari:hin& for .Goodwill crewmen. e Stelm ,Slgnups Set ~terfi~iaid'tbat !!>ere 111,ve been un-From Win Serricet • ~ " -' -.: _ ,. Cl)Dfihried reporta (bat·1a BoltOn Whaler Ace~ ·~·slayer George A. Vick he had no desire for legal representation, Dates for President' Nb:on's con· . MIS5iON VI&10 '-RegistraUons ~ fi&ii the Goochrllflbas been lflhted in the . pleaded innocent to the murder of lPa whether he was entiUed to It or not. ferences with,· South Korean and West •!!ii 1>e1ng·accepted fi>r the Mlsolon Viejo Scivingen• ~-Ire.:· • Tu•Un i!rU;riend Monday ,during a brief "It's "done," the u n em PI o Ye d .Germ.alt, heads ,ol. Ila. te; 'possibly in ~gh &;hool ·recrej"tlon swl~IJllnl , Be eJApl'ju~_however "itbat the re-court arrmgpmegt, wit.h pnillm~ Washington. ~ting .. ~i;itractQJ:.• ~aid le190llS; Direclor Harry Hilke said today. Poi! fa ~ inchald"thll follow ·~earing s.~t f6r lhll ,Thuriday. flatly when Judge Mcllrl\fe. ·appolil\>d WUbingloo . Ind d e fl n I lo I Y in San Ten, 30-minute swimming lesaoils for aµ up would. ~ left .::to crewmin's family· Geq-e k}{~ck,-29, waa: reptes:e~ by Berber to defend him ·against char"s 'of Clemente, Were . annoqnctd . today by In San Franciaco. Robert Rutborloid, district representative for the California 5-ta1< t;m~loy,._ "-JaUo~IDWJI~ •• "I cah see no reason why a stJte empla)te would not ieport for work this mornlDg , as usual." Tn San Diego, a department supervlM- said after the work du ~iaa: ''..\I_., 11 we can tell, thlnp art normal." • In Frtano a state employe rem~k.ed that he wasn't ~rried becauie the legialatori themselVe! "don~ get paid e(ther." ;But be , 8P.J!arenUy dido 't' rU.µze that leaisJators~ v.'.ales don't depem •on -ge of the budget: . , -· ,-- A pe~I director ln a .ata_te office In Los Angel~ ,fld fajlure to.pau ~, buc!Jet hadn't caused .. any' prob)ema lhl;re. '!Nobody ,bad evenJ~ard about it ,before they came to work/' he said. : The. criais !'llmaxed a lolfg · dispute between Reqan , .and A_a a e JJJ:; bl 1 Democrats. De~ing. JPUCh more ,aid to local !Choo! diJtrlci& il\in Reagan .. JI he will give, the Democrata· relu.sed. to vote for his budget. They $o demaMed a bill reducing homeownen' property faL Because of a nar'row Republican ma· jority in the Assembly, llj!mocratic ~ are needed for the two4hfrds maJ!>lilY. required.for budget pasaaee, in the bou& ~ ~a~an, at a 2. t,[n. news c;_onferepce, · buunea the . Democrats led -b y (SM BUDGET, hp l) ~,.groupscost$5. , . -_ _ .'-tau~ • -. DepuJY.,."'!ouc .IJ:il~er .a~~_P. commlttlngTustln:a nrstJ11Ur.derin .17 Whl'9!1ooue~alde1 In addition, the-pool ls',open ·ifrom l· ,; A)lomf·<lhe'llj,llJO!l.111"1"'!1 yacbl .!I'm • Se-at his arralgrinient b!fore Jcidge years. . -Sooih ·Kor.a. ~iie~t Park ,anmi j • through 5 _p.m. Sunday. thfough Friday,. owner ·Ral.Ph ~JArf•~ .. 111, ol NOWpori Wlllliu!l W. 'l'hoin!on in . Central Orange The accused . sla)1ii">li '"qhlfged wtth Hee will confer with 'Pres'•ent Nixon· at. &nd noon through 5 p.m. on Saturday.s for Beach; John Cole Jr., of Long ·Beach ; County District Judlclal COurt. striking ~rtity-Susan C. Adams»20,'wlth ,w recreational swimming. The c~ 1s 2S· ~ardiStart of Capl&trC\llO Def.ch; Car· Judge Leonard McBride continued a bludgeOft. then suffocating her with the Sammer White House West Aug. 2l cents for students and-50 cents for adults r1e Greybehl, 1$, Of Welt-Hollywood ; Vick's arraignment last Friday so _the some·aof.t object such as a pillow. . and·22, on his U.S. visil pet session, 50 and 75 cenu· durin& µie PatriCla,_~,i:p~auser, 45, of Los Angeles; defendant -who aJlegedly was trying lo .P~llce tipped off by an a110nyrqous We!t GenTI8.n Cha~llor Kurt Kies-- weekend. W~ter ~1ss of . San . Clemente, and an commit suicide when caught last Wednes· · telei!h_one caller rushed to th.e..a~!Ll!1lLdtlcYILJD~Y.QMI matters L , =c-.===r--¥'un~1d:niified.Mexican.nalkmaJ,4n-additlpn-day-woold-have-time·to-obtatn·counsel:----ialis >:dams shared wfth her sister at Aug. 7. and t ,. aPP8;fently on the eve of -.-Teeta -Ua1ace Cardiil\ l? the two blodies already found and iden· Appearing stole and listless about his 15491 PMadena Ave., Tustin, but the vie· Nlxon'.1 Orange Cout sojoµrn. tifled. clrcu~tances, Vick told .Tudge McBride tim was beyond help. Klesln.ier had been lcbeC!uted to arrive LAKE FOREST -A teeif> da"l'e, In the U.S. for eon,(erencea Julr, 21and13, .5ponsorcd by the Lake Fore81 Com· but the Umetable was changed due to munity As,,oclation, will be staged Salur~ J' ' ' ' Presld~lion·s tountt-the-world junket. .day night in ijle main clubhouse. On!Y · h ' w 't T k · R t ·. Talks in Allan cotiltrln and COm· Lake Fores! ~ens and their guests wlll •. O· ·, ·. ns· . . on a .e .e.s· munlst Rom'ania are,on ihe'prtaldenti&l b81'admitled: ..m;I. lUnerafy for later thil'montb; ' . ' . ' •• NEW YORX CAP) -The stock llW"~il we' a winnfi' again .today as It mana&tfl to keep its advance moving lhrpugh 1 .,- cond slralghf session. (See quotations, _!'Jg .. l!-15). . co .. t · l . Weatller · ",l'he Thirteenth Hour" will proVide the .,, n.....-id~' I p •-~· Ron I f It .--1·~ 1:11ua reu ~1: ... ry Ha~ ~-·hf·-''· beter than none Jive music for the dan~. to ast rom o ZI I aakf-Mtwvt• '"·t Nl ill ~.1 ......... ,,.. ut 11 .l.1.m. Admission is i:11.cents. • ' • 1 e1 er -¥"!.°Y ~ xqp w at-a;t all, and \hat's· what we11 b4ve ' ,. B ,• h' S • R U l 'H : ;.:..l' A • • rive at ·u.e,-White a .... in.San more of· Wednesday. Coastal !em·, ... Art Boolcir .. Dlspla_v ell . · .e<U; tdtW US ea r g Y e~ . g· O f.fl,, Clemente•lllt .wiet o1 ·<\lls-•·t0 .JI, tor a • peratures wllr reg!Jter 73, wbfle mooth-loftl 1~· •••• • •• 'inlandit'llbe,"'uptoa. ~ LAGUNA HILts -"An Ari Book Ex· hi bit," sponSored by Leisure World service clubs, will be held July t In Clubhou!ie Two. VariO'JS fine art books, some as old as lWi, will be on display for Pe@ure World residents and · nost-- resiaents holding membership· cards ib an~rt association. - •·liuardi -S'tiidv SljU SAN CLEMENTE -Rescue techniques I of • Southern Ca'ljfornia lifeguards will IOOR be applied li'i' New Zealand IS' a resolt of rive New Zealand lifeguards aj>enaing several day1 conferrin& with . thil'c:l!Jo'• llfeguardL ' • .f __ ..:, Citywide interests aoo tboiie of have not yet been determined. Architect ·Christian Abe.I wlll prmnt " ~s.mE .: TODAY • l ;~~~":,ts ;-m c; 11 ~de 'A.~1:::'Y ta:;::, KMwles nld at_ I.east:' plans for the ¥)ta .§trtet rest rooms. U.S •. Team . Probes That monkey In 'l)Cl<e is not ty councltmJ.ia:e a 1Jkn:t pi~ c~ ~=~ooms0 at =s~r·~~~v!~ ~1fIO,OOO:~y1 WbW~ cist is id~tbls ·• ··: .', \ .. t: "t'o, ·~. lht s~t of fiUoWto be cauo:"t •build. pclbllc l'eil rooms '. at the ,Anita lo~ a corporpte eotlty called 'the . ~~r • clt1,.y.a,et. :· .... i; · . • ' ' De(9bpl~OD CI11_un :hasl~g pean•lf ...,-he's, llohlg q . Street bealcb. ., ' · -· Laguna· Beachfront-~. Asaoef.lition. · r Khowtei-aald resldenta· ir4! (botlng' f6r • • • 1 • • •. , •··' ' • inmi.'1 ;ob. See l1agf 26.. . ". ' !Wsideilta thr°"l!ltbeir attorney John · The c6rpotalfon's P!'rPo" I• to "Im-'Pl~n~ apd •C01ts clf poll(lii1 'Jh.-<ml · .PhNOM 1P,l!lNll >tl!fb J.i 'A team of ......:,. • · 1 ..:..; ._ ,. KnoW'9 aref)etitiOiilina to teep·lhe pubic prove tbe lot of the ~licl!gOer eo,nsistent ms. i.._ . . . .r ~ . • ·LL~!!d~!ot ~ n.n ".,.... """" M r~ilut'1he"cfty-hr-Jool<fnrlllllft llinlg61SOflheJitaCliJ10nfjiiopeny e dOO JIOW( ~ •O , ce .alfellicf lfllnlp Ii I ". . ' ~ " ··--1' at architect's plans is moving along wtth owner's," Knowles~iald. ~ · . prob1em$ )t ltloinl'IO~t," be1flld.. e_utem Ciru~ ~ ~9111· ,:._ ,...._ ~ :::i; ~ ~:~ • 1-r plan lo put fl thert. He left little doubt ibe actent b on the , "Bur~J>Ut~ Jollfi/t.'t!>e·olhOr'end,of ~· c~alJ "'"'!~"~.! .... ,~'!·., · ::=~!:' ,: =---,.;: A shnijar J!Ublic; restroom at Crescent property owners; · , loW-n . (t,;~ .Bayt aod i~ tally'1hai afl\I Cli1T.eu ~ ...... ~ .,~ ••~· ,.._. t+i• 1WIWt .,,. ,.1 Bay Is jUit beng completed. City Knowles said residents understood the . bectme ii!oc of ~snc.e.h ,. · ~bod!an ~ Noridoln OJanou~ ....... ,,, ".....-• Manager James Wheaton 11id fie thinks public rest rooms were tn be' "a,,.fUrfet's j "R'notvlet-aald " CoaUnpat of Pfldtotl hU 11\led the l11'tfed ·~tel for ti mUUon ·• ~· ':. = =:-... -: more re1t room• wlll be bullt 1htlll -convenlence."HesaldH-lhati,true!h<t "~·'111.,be-·~·~llia """*'8 tn'd.lrnqOldr.Ul~".laJdwil~..,... .:"' • f other beacb .ttteet ends, but locallons 1hottld"be~at Oal(Shil, nof Miia Stteel. 1nttiloj, ._ ., .• .., _, ~ ," , • ~ · • l!Oii·lif llO;ooo i cra ci!~tlon. -· ' --• • ' _. ' I . .. ·' .~ • .._ .... ~ --• • • , . .1 llAll.V l'l\OT L --~~===:::;::::::==:::::::~::::±= • • Argentma wieP ' ' ' ~ _.._. ; Under Siege For Rocky ,_ L-~arrow -1'raigi~ Y • . 1, -~ --• l . xtends .;·S-urtax l ' j .>...,· ~ , • ~ : • • l!li' I • " • BUl!NOO AIRES CAP) -Ar1entina wu under a sllte of sie1e today ln a con- ~ve of terrorlml and labor uiu..i that obool< tlle .. oon diiiin('Gov-:- Nelson A. Rocl<eleller'1 !icWi>ding '\'It for President Nixon. wA!Blii(lTON (.\!') -'Acllo1 after • holdboc~· voted iner m!Hina the ,.t& Jast-~te pJta from Presldent · NJxcm Ca]I ))[Oper, 1 • • I and, under *.on& prtsSl,ll'C: from lHdtn Joining Nixon. and Ford 1n the heavy! of·both~-tbe ~~narrow!y-1a&mlnillo~~ !or P'"•P ~ pWed a bill to alelid the lnonme surtax. ~ ""'~ -John W. M~~,! The bill approved Mondly %10.205, .now DemocraUc Leader ce,r1 Albert, Way~ T-he government broadcast the state o. sie,e declaration . Monday night, twt1 hours before a u.houf nationwkte 1ener11 &trik~ was tcheduled to becin ln protur ·a£atnst the New York covemor•s vl!it and the policies of President Juan Carbl Onganla'• mWtuy regime. Rockefeller flew to HalU this momin1 anu 3' hours in Argentina and talb with On1111la during !be fourth lea ol bl& mission to ~ America. Many tull and twa !ailed to appear on the itreeta In Butnot A1reS thl1 morn- jng and commuter trains ran late. But mOAt businesses and offices in the capital city or •;,bl mltlion appeared "' open .. usual. In tht interior of the country, ·the strike was reported to be more eflectlve. • The g-at atril<e wu called by lb< strong antigovunment factkin of the General Labor COO!ederatinn (CGT), headed by pMnttis union President Raimundo On1aro. union source said Onpro wa1 a.nested Monday. Police closed the labor o.rganization's headquarters Mnnday night. and a police officia1 &lid onb' that the 1oveounent ~ "'intervened." : Hours befort", ... ~u&UStln Vandor, leader of the moderate wing of the CGT, was - killed. in a darlnc daylight attack on his olfice in downto!fn Buenos Aires. Ter~ rortall bunt Into !be uniod beadquartera, fired sever@! ma~ gun bursts Into Vandor's olnce and tossed a bomb lhrouih tJie door. Vandor, 44, wu secretary-general of tht metal workers unJ&o and bad rtfuJed to support the call for a general strike. His death was the 22nd in the slx-wttk wave of anUgovernment WU'est that bqan when a 1tudent demonstrator was tUled In Corrtentu Mly It. Demonstrations first were almed at "'police repression," then ·developed into P,rntull •1atnot 111! economln, polltlcal and aoctat polldea of tbe Onglnil reglm•. The current diJorders art cons:ldertd the most aerlous in Ar1tnUna since the 19$5 revoluUon that toppled the dic- tatorship of Juan D. Peron. ' The stile of liege declaratlmLwu the firll alnce security measures we.re lifted in October lt&S after 33 years of almost cooatant restrictloll. goes to the 5'nate where ltac1ers predict and Means Cbalnnan Wilbur Miils (0..: COO!i<l•rJUoo .m» t~e three "l"'!thll· Ark.), ape! Rep. Hate Boggs (!>.La.), wbo- Technlcally1 the 10 pucent surtax eJ· handled tbe measure. Bogs . ·aaid ·j>~ed at ml(IJll,ht; "llY bo\l?S alter th• "som•thlng 1pJl!Oicblng panic" Could oc· Houae action. ~ cur U inflattoa ls .not cUrbed soon. · However congress altta4y' h1$ voted Mill!, if'I h1I ftrst fioof appearance after to COJltin~ tbe wlthboldln1 r~ .. hlch -·a r-t lllrtua, promlaed bl& commlttae Include ~ aurobarge ihfourb J\lly, lmd would bring lorth • more comprehensive the tix UaeU .can later lie U\endid ta~ refonn bW'later In !be 'l""ID"·· retroactive to July I . Senate leaders ~ave . ~ 4ada are thil we're Juli !>!ahi- sild a further alx-day ut@lloo ·or the runt w get bold ol !hit lnflatioo, • l14ld withboldlnl'rites ·prob ab))' wW be sought. MUia. "We're just beginnlnf 10 get bold NJ.mi wartts the surtu•to cooUnue at a of the inlTationary P.,ycholoa· here at IO percent rate through DeCifuber and home. What I'm !l'rald 'we11' do tf w.e Awaiting the Date then at five percent until the end of defeat this leglslaUon today, we will lose next. June. all that ~e have gained." OpposiUon to the bill has come mainly from congressmen who fear any cha.nee for fu-reaching tax reforms will be lost U not lnclu<l ed In the surtax extenslal measure. Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival exhibitors take craftsman Bob Foster, painters Dolores Ferrell and Bob Young, and Liuba Terwilleger and her arC!t hu~band, Harlen, who creates three -dimensional pine cone pictures. 4guna Tru_~t.ee8 Expect~d to Pick New President • time out from setting up booths to put across_ mes· sage their opening is July 11 on same grounds as last year across the road from Fe4tival ot Arts. Flashing inviting sr.1lles are (1e!t to right) Jeat'her ~~-=-~...::...~~--'~~..::._'--~~~~~~~~~~~~-·-·~ Just before the close of Houae debate Monday rilght, Republican Luder Qeiald R. Ford read a letter from the President aimed at swaying such opponents. From Pqe. I UNIV.ERSITY .•. Sharp. ...1 • He said the cl.au wanted to 1et <xrt and do something to reconcile dlsaffeclfd elements 1n the community and picked . Laguna Beach aa the best place to start. Proposed for the 1'ret University are claeses In such as Community OlaJOgue, Problems m Con"1nporary SOciety, Group InteractJon, Hu m I D 1 s t l c Psychology and Community. · Ment&l Health. _ . More familiar subjects would include crafts, pottery making and creaUve wriUnJ. ' •' . Roley said H is hoped·courses will cut acroa 11e lines so there will be a coo-frontation of nre styles in lhe cJassea. But they could get toaether 'nd find out they're really not that different. In addJtlon to free education, It is pro- po&ed that the Free University offer com· munlty services 1n health and crisis ~~~~cude an information service on d~ and their effects, limited free diagnosis ol infectious d l s e a a e s, a psychological criais center, lefal and draft counseling, a rumor cont.ro center, and police-youth dielOIU<I. Thete aervlces particularly would rm Trash Contract Again - Bef ore 'Laguna Council "I want to remove any vestige of doubt as to the commitment of this ad· miniSVation to prompt and meanin&ful A new president of the Laguna Beach tax reform," Nixon said. Unified School District Board of Trulttts Earlier in the day Nizon met at the will be elected .at toni&ht'a annual White House with 28 Republican con-organlz.aUonai meetfitg. · gressmen, most of them opponents of the n.e-etecUOn forDoafd-clerk will also be surtai: extensJon. All but 10 of the3e end-h'1d at the meetlng. In addition, one.new ed up voUnc for the bill and two re-f!l~c;:ted. board membera will In all, Nlnn got IM H-Republican be formally Installed. Lqun• Beech ell)( councllmfo w\ll um! tlnd-o! topography to tbe south for votes white 21 GOP memben oppooed Elected at tlie April 1$. ac:bool board take up again Wednesday night the ques-just as long, 10 years. "I think it ts to the it. · -electlQllS for a four-year term <;ff:re Mrs. uOn of whether to renew a city truh col-people's advanttge to have two pro-House Democratic leaders gave strong Jane Boyd, past board president William Iec\IOn-contract or . put Jt out to com-posals1" he said. support to lbe extension, but only 56 v.otes Wilcoxen and present board president Dr. petiUve bJd. Complicating the picture In two for the biD came from that side of the Norman Browne. • Trash CootraetOr -JSm Lindley, Laguna prtvJous presentation• before the council ai51e. Opposed lll'ere 17!1 Democrits. • Other board membera include Dr. Beach Diapoail Service Inc., Is seeking was the question of whether 100 blJ!iness· When President, Lyndoo B. Johnson Anthony Orlandella and board clerk Lar- auurance of a three year exte:nllon of hil eS that do not subsCrlbe to tiash collec· proposed the surtai: last year, 114 ry Taylor. contract that upim: Sept. I>, 1'70, so be tioo should be compelled to do so. Republicans voted for it. Any of the five are eligible for the two can l;iu1 niw equipment. Councilmen postponed ad.ion last Ume The vote was Ued at least 'O timea dur-pasts to be filled tonight. The 7:30 p.m. HoPtni the. eouncll .will not renew but bees.use, Councilman Richard Goldberg Ing the House roll call and the outcome meeUng wlll be held at the Education wait unttt e:XplraUon and put UM: contr~ _,_ w:"::.:°":=t ;::o!'-'town.~:....~-------=w:=a!.s _:in~doub~::_t ..:""=lil:_;:tbe::_:m~·:=•!U!!ler~a_:a:ncl:..__C:::•:n::ter::.,:..:550=._::Bl::wn::::nn::t_:S::t. ____ _ out to bid is Tom Trulls, owner o1. Soµg Disposal Company which servk:u South · Laguna, Dana Point ,arid Capiltraoo Beach. Lindley, who has been city trash coo- tractor for 10 years, arguea that LalUlll'• hills and goat-path roads have worn out equipment apd he needs llMUfar>ce of continued operation -10 justify ~lflvntment in new equipment. Trulls says he hu been covering the There was no lmmediatt: lndlcauon of. what Rcurity measures woukl be lm- _.i. _A ban on public meetlqa and demonstraUons ·~ tor police to aearth without ~ants were ei:- _ pec!6d. _ • • needs of the community's .alienated eJ il\.T Y0UJ11, &l•l ~· "Tb•y are problem• Mrs .. Ko• ev l1 ~ew "'· p,.... P .. e I BUDGET ... A11emblyman Jwe M. Unruh, a Rt11"1 polltlcaJ rival. "Bloc~ ~ bod&et for tbe llate ~ u\e most irresponsible stnale act iJt the hlatorJ of Caillornia state government," aatd Reagop. 1be all Democrat&, a minority in lhe 80- rnembt.t Assembly, have refused to vote for the budg~t for ween, and their votes are needed for !be twoothlnll J!Uljorlly .or ~ r.qul~ fa< bod&•! pusa(•. In retum fat' their votes, Democrats want a $400 mlllloo increase in current state aid to hard presaed local school district&, now Sl.3 billion. Reagan pro- pesed •JI05 million boost. ln ad lion, Democrats want a tax relief program that would reduce homeowners' property taxes. They have not spelled out their specific terms for a ta~ bill. Jte.agan, wearing sport shirt and sport coat. called newtmen to his offict and, in an angry mood, said be would insist-on pasaqe of his spending bill, now totaling a nlCOrd 14.37 bllllop. -- OMX~ CC.Ul f'UILIStlll'IG ~'f l~N,W ... ,.,...... ..... .... J•c• ... c..1.., VICI.,.,...,. Mf 0-.M ~ n.... r: ... a ·-n.. •• A. M1r,•i11• ~-t:tlli.r Rl .. 1ti P. tl1ll ..__ "' ----212 ,;;.Jf An. M1illt9 Alll4ttMI ''°· ... '''· •1•12 --e.te .... : • ...,... ..., "'"' ~ -.ei1 1rn W.I ........ .....,. J' r1111111c11•••1•• • we just pulJi unaer ~ mat... ---. ' • ~-~ ~ ~e sa1d otber orgaruzaUons alteptpt to • • brmg youth problem• Into existing ag•n--Coordinatmg cles of sooiet)'. ~ "the very objects of . . __ their dlslllusiorlment." --· ' · • n.=l'ly 'l:'l' .. ~ <':~~ ~ COuncil President society and to take the reaiionslb!Jll7 nn ·, itseU !or p~ damage_. : . Helen Keeley .was el~ted u tbe new City CouncllinaD Joseph O'Sulflvan said · president -or UM! Uguna Be a ch he wondered H qualified art instructors · Coordinating Council Monday nighl and leaders of encounter groups who Mrs. Keeley, a former Laguna Btach , make money for their talents Sllddenly councllman. county grand jut')'. IT!em!>9r are going to become altruistic and-do lhe and former ofilcer of the coordinating same in the !'.rte university for frie. council, wts elected ~ani ly, 8J Mrs. Gunn said she has contacted about were ,the other nominees . 15 persons about teaching courses and Other 11''* officers inclu mas A. had virtually no ooe tum her down. Murphlne, first vic~ldenl; James T. "Besides altruism they agree to do it Van Rensselaer, second vlct·pre!ldent; because they are free of restrictions and ~1rs. ~1ary Fran Anderson, recording can try something lnnovaUve and new," secretary ; Mrs. Dorothy Joyce, cor- she said. resJl'.Ollding secretary : and Mr1. Jane Ulbricht Turns 76 BERLIN (AP ) -Walter Ulbricht, the East German Cqmmunist leader, who is abed recovering from flu, marked his 76lhliirtfiday Monday. Boyd, treasurer. Directors elected include the Rev. \Villiam D. Eckel, Robert L. Reeves, Vernon R. Spilaleri. Bernard F. Syfan, and Lila ZaJ i. The purpose of the organization i? to coordinate the efforts of the diffEifeilt- Laguna civic groups. • Agencies Give Approval To Niguel ~ ater Switch A complicated switch of water and sewer agency jurisdictions over two large pieces of property In the Laguna Nigutl area has won final approval by the coun ty Board of Supervisors. In volved is a 46-acre parcel on Crown Valley Parkway and Paclf\.c Island Drive and a 56-acre properl y on "Pacific Island northwest of lhe first po11rcel. The latter property will now be detach Lack of Budget Isn't Illegal SACRAMENTO CAP )-,,,.,._ l• noth- ing in the State Constitution that · sa~ll California had to have a bud&et bill adopted by 12 :01 a.m. today. What tbe comtitnUon does say, how- ever. Is : "No moneb shall be drawn rt~ OU! Tre1sur:9 at tn-consoequenc:e of approprl•tlon madt by law, and UP9n warrants duly drawn thereon by the controller, II •• Tht bulc approprtatlon made by law 11 In the ·aMUal budget bill which Coe! Into effect ori July I and authorizes 1tate llpendln1 throu£b1he: nest June IO. Thia iJ .m,t the legitlature failed to enact Monday night or early t'oday. • eel from the P.1oulten Niguel Water District, County Sanitation District No. 12 . and the Orange County Munic_il)il Water District. It will be annexed to the South Laguna Sanitary District, South Coast County \Valer District and the Coastal Municipal \\later District. The 46-acre parcel ·Will under fl just the reverse process among the var1oul agen- cies. AUornty Bruct: Wallace representing tL~ Moulton-Niguel District said the switch would resu lt In "• more Jotlcal boundary . line and a sa\ltfli of money to all involved." Enterprise to R~tum To States Wednesday ALAMEDA NAVAL AIR STATION tt1Ptt-'llle-t:l5S-Enterprl,.,i~-ld't largest wanhlp, win return here Wtd· nesday from ita fourth tour of duty in Vietnam water1. The 80,0)()..tfn nucle.tr•powered Vftftl Is scheduled to enter the Golden Gate at a a.m. lts crew of S.*» men wUI be on--shQre leave until the-lhlp'1 ~rt July 14 ror Norfolk, Va., for an ate& sive overhaul. , UCB has_aplaD that guarantees you'll save r------------·,t:-1 I i.wt..ic.........IM I I ~W.L.N9M J j P.0.IOJ:Mll,T.,,...AMlx I I ... ___ l I ,_ u.-....;;;,,. """'' I 7'1ant1 fOf llltntrlrlf ,,.. how I c.i 1t1r1 MWnCJ., I ( llMH Mfld m• • N~llG'• tc0011l!f tPP/IOd«I. l'w I«• I good t'NIOll IO ...... Ind I WUI. No Ill. """' OI kW I I tme: ( I I I f Stit1: ~ ZtP: L.~~--~--------~-·.....J • For all your good intentions, you can't seem to save a nickel to save your soul. Paychecks come. Paychecks go. And stilllhere's little or no money In the bank for savings. tlnlled C.llfomlo Bank knowsilow hard it Is to save. That's why we have a plan that guaranlees you'll save $10.-$20.-$30. a mol!lllor-more, and h~rdly miss it. It's UCB's Automatic Savings Plan. Just decide how much you want to save each month. UCB deducts that amount f1om your UCB checking account~and adds It to your savings. Most savora tell us, ll's virtually painless. And at UCB, your savings always eom the hlg~esl bank· Interest rate permissible by law. lan't there something you'Ve wanted to save for anyway? Like Europe. It'• 88 easy 88 saving Juat $2.00 a daylor one year at UCBI Whatever your goal, algn thlacoupon and aond It along today. · You can save. You will save. W• ,QuarantH It. UNITED CALIFORNIA AN11t-K~~---'--'-_ ...... .. Th• Nn\'tt'I who do 1llrtl•morelot10U 3029 Harbor Bovltvard ' .. • ' .. I I I • • ·-. . .. Saddld»~~ .. • -EDl.TION ·1ot:62, NO. 156, 2·SECTIOl-!S;26 PAGES By 1110MA8 FORTUNE " Of'tllt 0.11, ...... ,.,, '1 A F.(ee-Uni\imiity would help eatra~ td-ierieraUons · achleve rriUtual un-: 'der!ltandlng, members of lhe 'J..p:gun,a Beach Coordinating· Council wire' told Mond!13' night- ~ enthusWtic UC Irvine graduate: Bill Roley, Z1, &aid disaffected yOldh and the establishment generatk>rr must 'begin sit· ling down together or "the pola:i&aUon is golnl Ii> eiploile." ' • · . ·•'. en. • -- -(;oodwill _CorpBe I - Found? 2 Buried By JACK CHAPPELL schooner. lies wrecked. Of "' 0.11¥ "'"" 1tat1 TWo ot.htr bod1u reportedlf were OR>.N~E COUNTY, CAl'.IFORNI~ •· · 1'1JE5DAY, JULY l ·1949 ·- J> • ! "' . .,._ - • ' . • . . . '.' . , • . .~ ~ ~ likt to tey. to·wrlla. ppelr)',; SJe said~ , ~ 'fl!<_,itieioltero exp!~, tlj•Cthe flie ' UrPveraity. 'for .Laguna1 1a· an kle:J ,,tbat grew'Out.Ot a'url!vv1uy.of the ~;C... tury-' ~ "iaugbt by UC!· •-1ate:. psycho prolo!IU' John Wallace •. ,- "We q tly decided that to alt atoUD\I and abstract 11 the height of wbal kjila are dropping out of school for," aa1il • (See UNIVERSITY, P .. e 11 . ' . • ' . .oe.s. ·r .... o c . . _-' ~ ..... . . ' ' No.lJudg~ ~~mployes Work 'Free' SACRAMENTO (AP). -Calllornia'a 180,000 state workers reported to work oa a voluntary baiia today as Gov. Reapn. • and the lellslablro Ured 'to end a flacal criltl that lolt ibe ~ without a· budget. · 1 I The 'badly decomposed body of11 mid· wubed-ubore-at Uie Scanuharr..Lagoon 1· die-aged man -possibly a victim from area and burled early lut week by Mei:· the sunk .. ylCht· Goodwj]J_--bu been -· ~· ......... ..;. -lo-Arnold m.•govtmor OaUy ri:rustd to a1ccoot;,-~--iJ an emergency bill. th.at Yioukl, ha.ve ke~ ti\< l\llli.' running for ,31Ldaya af10r· tt.f legisJablre'Oeadlocked on 1\111"37 blDlon 'founil by on American ...rcb llOd ~ ~. ,l}.S, :~· Iot the ' team ·•I (!elicO'• ~I.goon. Ill wiuo-~·-Search • ;&ii d mtloi iOalll a( ¥Jll~_mr .~ Ibo !IOacueGraapoljllo~ .. " -. . ~ . ;n;e --..;t)doly ...... ,_ "'1, -·-. ~ .....W..., i,~ q ·)tb;yor;.l·•••,· -. . = -tiliw~ .OPl"il tile -"-...:. . . -' c il led . ' Sllmigm' ~ uae ........ cur· ·n·---,. ' ' .. ~ ~~~ itill* r IFS on : ' .... , .... ~. io":Jats llld- • "" · . He •u • blue' ~~ • ., a """' lull-yeir budge)o . . · , , . : , ·Thal -pluilied • !lie-nation's ·'-""'~ _,1ou1 1late Into l!Jcal crlal1, J'I 1\ilii cPfl\dat, wtthwt • au~· pay _., or btlll. aatanea (o< 'N~ ·e·"' cul off'IJ!d ~ ~ , ~ ' IOl:lteL . . • ' _:llitL :in.lliO .maJ9r:clli<; of.San ' ) ·bfOWirawhta,•. ~~· T II • Tr. . at• t Ja~t,'iand!rt·t~ }i ~·~ _ ,. _;-. ·-· c •w •ewe Wjjstwa ·, ot a ldon-!lr~~i"Wu~ on · liiiil1 -. , ,,,_ ~· "' ~3n11caiif~!iii<!iF.:wli<tber:<tii rO: Jna!ni IH the"descil~ of Illy a( lbe·JO crew .. members ·~the GoOdwU: •. FranctoC« san. Dlqo, Sac1;amento llOd ~Ja)d employes _.. hei!dlnt'lllo. , ~blican l!>Veotor't request \h4t ~ volunteer servicu until the budget· crlaia ta .. u~. In Saq Francisco Robert .Rutherford, dlslrlet-rtpruentaUve for-t6i eallfoniia State Employee AsJo!JlaUon commented, ''l can aee no.reuon Wby;a sf.at.e_emplqye would not report for wort lhla. morning ,_ ' •- • . ·W-1,1 ··,.-;,.JD• C'. ~-P ,I!• -~t.., ez11um,t11ao o(jhe hio iU..1-'7\I 0 1i'uried bcdles waa a matter of Mexican , .. . 1a.... and · that bis. oraaoli&t1oo did ·Doi .it N~-on' '(;"'-tate p11n.m prciceec1rur-,m111oi.npn1. J&. .14 Jz.e ~ !Jooc!Wi11 la billi~ to ·have aWlk ' • · ~-t • • Mlf1"'zs. MW. ana·.:.~c wert-· ideri- sAN CLEMENTE -Wor'r was titl;eCI u thal o( the -U:aUPaclnc racing ~eduted to start today on a t,900-foot y'clit .lune 1: A c~t Guard Search of ~lt;>ck wail tg surround President ~lxon'1 the arei1nded "June a as hopel dimg>ed estate here. . . fot ~.~ aifthi~allve. .The will, to iie built al • ... t 9' $11,1(111_ fJJTWOedn ~~ litC!i I. and Iden- by the McDonald ConsWcUoa <:o .. or . '· u -a(·~-members-Tim Lawndale,. will be six f,.t high,~ ~~ -}i__.<!f... F~ Valley and II!' both sides and topped with $1 tlles: .,,,:. _....,.., -• <>Lllouth Laguna. ·n.e same' contractor ls acbld.ukld -to -.. ,....,,, ·Wl!r'fl _recoverar..-earner near the buHd .three glused, hua~"'.obaped ~to-~~'!fecbge of the gaul>Qs aQd a gate house at a ~ of 122 000 • · • .. • The lat"! discovery wu made by .J~ i.ddluon:·canrlell & Ctiilrt'1 ~· Robertson, 30, of .~~· Madre and Ron mercial Jnteriors.~ Los .·,\:ngel" l\_av~ Secor, 33, of San· Oiinai, both memben of been C1:lntracted ~ do cerlain ~teiioc the Sierra· Mldre -Belrch . and Rescue work for the Pr"1denl te-~ im>~ by·.J..P lo tlie Baja beach~ for ~U crewmen. • e Stoim Slfl1111p• Se• · Seilteriltfaatitthal tii<re 1>,ave been un- • -• . IXJ!lflnned ~ '11111 I BdltoO Whaler MISSION ¥IEIO -~aUons. mi_ ~~I ~.been 1111iled in the WU .being acceeted.for the.Mission VieJo · ~· .l*ch.aru. ~ Jiligh School RCrtation "'' w i m m I n I He,_en)pbuiJed, howivtr ,Ufartne te- r.ssons, Director ijarfy HilP iliid,today. port.JI ~and l&id \h.it'Iollow TAln; »minute ..-1ml!lini ie-, f~ ill ~~~d-bo 1flt ;lo crtini>eii:1 'li!nily •8&-lf'9Upl..-COSt..:'6._ . ~ .• . • ' • ~ ,, • . • '' In addiUon, the .pool is open fn>n1 I· · AJ>oml!the;lll-!1\!tl·t~r.;1o91 y~t·wero throilgh 5 p,m. Sunday through· Frtday, owner Ralpb.l'J. Llmllift, 111,.of Newport and noon through 5 p.m. on Saturdays for Beach; John COie Jr., of ,Long. Beach; ri!Creatlonal swlmmin(. The cost 15· ·2$ ~ ~rt of Capilti'jano .Belch~;.. , cents for students and 50 centa for .idulta · r1e Greybehl, • 111 ol West HOilywood · per session, 50 and 75 cenls during the Patricia Neipbauser, ·45, of Loi Angeles: weekend. Walter .Zalss of San Cltraente;-, .and .an ----~ -uni~ed-1'Jexicurn1116Mt:nt iddftiOii· e Teen (Janee Cardell to the two bocltes already f....;.i and id,._ ' . lilied. • ·..-LAKE FOREST -A teen dance, ' • ' • ' • i "' l .,. -."!,.>.· J. . •/ ,-.l ' . . r -• &velg PICce ·to·' Die \ . : ..... . . ... , . . . ' ' . ~ : Surf, S;and, rolling· hills .and peacef.ul . El, Morro, School belle danger thal IW:ks oh ltrts deadly stretch of Pacific. Coast Highway --~'~orro' curve -just · "£'1h · o! · Lagiina Beacli. 1 ~git curve ·Is· not · partlcUlai-JY .s"'rp as · CO..stal' road'l'f•rs ,go, com- bination Pl.llfJ!i·•p~ej) and 11,eepy dl'fYel'fl ·bu ~d_ed up to.fotlr. d_Mtlu ori. the' curve so far'~1Y.ar.~ . -. -. ' .. .. . ... I . i_,,;sti~ S.tntither · S ~yi~g . • ' . , r . , Suspet-t ·Pleads I n1io<;ent -' . . Accused .miother~slayer George A. Vic~ he had no de!ire ror legal representation, pleaded ilU)9CeJlt tQ·. the murder of hJa whether-he was entiUtd to It or not. Tustin &irllrtend Monday during a-lµief "It's _dQM," the unemplo.)'ed court .arraignment, . l" lot h preliminary Wishington palnllng contractor _said bearing' Bet for ttljs TburJday~ flat1y when Judge McB~t appointed ~George A. Vic:rk,,J!iwae're_presented by Serber...to.deleod him 81~ chara:es (tf -IIOPofy -P,bbllc.-Difen<ter Ruwll P. committing Tuatl~'1 r~,i murd.r _in 17 st~D;er •t Jiia· i.q~ent before.Judge years. . · · ~ WIWam W.• 1llomaon 'ln Cobtnl Oronge The ac<used 1layor, Is _charged wUh County ptstrlct Judlcial Court. strtkini preUy Susan C. Adatnl!I, 20, With Judge Leonard McBride continued a bludgeon, lhen 1uffocatln" her with Vick,'s arraignment last Friday so the some'SOft obj~ &uch IS·I {>WOW. , . · defendant -who allegedly was trylfl8 to Police Upped off by an ~ymous commtt. lulcl!le when cauehllu.t_w.edoe§· _telephone caller Mbd.itlUperlplerll .day' wOUld have time to oblaln ~unsel. _Miss:· /ldaiils ~ared "Whh .l'ltt 'Biller> ac Appearing atglc ancJ listlm about hia 1&491 Pasadena ·Ave., Tustin, but.tbe vie· clrcumatancel, Vick told Judge McBride tlm wa:iteyond'belp. .. S. Korea's ."Patk To Meet. Nixon Ai SJtn Clemente . ' Frem Wirt Senieff D:atea for Preaident Ni.Jon's con· fen!nces with South Korean and West German htad1 · of .state, pof:llbly in Washington lhd def In It e I y ·lb San Clemente, were announced todly by \\~. Houao .P'ua aides. ~- &!Qth K~an • 11\'eal\!<nt rar.t Chung Hee will confer with ,Pre1ldent Nixon at the Summer White HOUR West Aug. 21 and 22, on hla U.S. vlslt • Weit ·German Cha~.llor Xurt Kie. Inger will dllctm. lntnnatimal matters Aug. 7 ·and I~ a~y on the pve of Nixon~ Ora,.• 9'as! iojo,Um:, as -usual." • In Sai\ tllego, a dlpartment sup<!Wor- said after the wort day i>egan:. '1AI far u we Can tello thiJip are nor:mal." In ,Fremo a state employe remarked that . l)e wisn'l wortjed beca1.11e the legiliators themselves "don't get paid either." But be apparently dl~n't realiie tbat l~la~' '!Bi•~ clon't dePeriif_on. .puaage Of, tpe builget. . A~ citi.cto1; In·• 1lat0.olii~in 1.os Angeles aaidJa11ure I!>·-.·• budiet badi>'I caused any problems :. a... ''.llol>D<IY bad.CY<!> beard •!>out 11,lM!f«t· they came to )¥Ork,": ~ did. . ' . ~· a-"'11: •limal!ed . • l'!QK . dispute bttw:ee.n Re11pn and ,As-a e 11\ b J. y Democrdts...r.Depunxilng ,mµcb more 1aid to local acbotl dWrJcte than Reagan 'M)'I he . will give, the Democrats refu&ed. tO vote for h1a budget. They ~ demancjed a bill. red~ homeowners' property tax.· , . Because of a narrow Republicu ma. jority"ln'the Amtembly, D,emocralic votea are needed for the two-thlrdl majority required for budget passage in tbe bouiPe.. , .!Jeagan, tt a 2 a.m. vews ~ereooe. blamed U., Domocrail . led b!y . (S..~ET,PaP ll '.' ' . NEW YORK (Al')·-~ 1lockmmet wr" a'wlnhtr agaiit today as it rnanagft Jo keep ltl ad'(ance moving 'through a .,_ cond' ltraiP~ ~ (See, quolaUom, --P--J~Ul.,---·--., sponsored tb.Y the Lake Forest Com· ..municy AsdOlaUOi], will be staged Satur- ""'ay -night i'n ·the 1ifain clubhouse. Only Lake Forest teens and their guests will tie admltf,ed. ,_ . .,The Thirtffnth Hour" will provide,the UW music for the dance, to last from I to li p.m.~dmili.'ion is_50 cents. Johns Won't Take :R.e:$l,·' .. Kleilngerliad been a<lieduled to arrt•• In.tho, u~.,for co"'et~ .. Julx = ~ 13, but the Urietabii Wai 'chip@ clji9 I President N1-o.n'f.round,the-w!11'~ '"'~ ~-• 'Talki" bi • Ml'1r .CAun~ts ''ahd""°Com. ~ ~ wunl1\ lloniliniJ; ~. O..·tlle ~entlal-... '"'e ... --... :. .... ilinl!raf.y '!dr1At.f:tbf~..i..;..I . ·• .. n .. _ · · 1 .,. .... ~u.r 'Pim """s;t. •• .1. Ron . " ·~ • Art Boo}.<• Df-iola11ell tAGUNA l{ILLS -~An ~rt-llook Et· ·hlbit." sponsored by Lei.sure World -M"'rvice clubs, will be held July . t In ctiywid• lnterea"' and those of neighborhood l'Hldenls will c o 111 d e Wedneaday night.when Laguna Beach cl· · ty . ......,nmeo ,lalo ! loOk at piano to =1P\lbllc'_(OIU'c!Oma at_ the Anlla ' ...... -. . .... . . . . ' ·-~· --1 Hazy ~ne ii befer•than nooe r Zlt&fer &ajd 'Mooday lb.it Nl1QD. wQl.ar· at all , .alKMhat'i.,wbat we'll bf.v• r riv~ lil'IM .Sai\>iptt Wl'Olo -i.:.s.n • mire ol·Weilnelday. ~ tem-: cr./noi6"'•!be,wtt1t ol"AU&. rtt 13, Ii< a ~-wlll, regtater 13, while • ". ·m«rth-loiir ,'f"Y>. . . ' • '... lalind it'll be ,up to 12 . Arcbllec! -chr1suan Al!d ,witt;C1 ' . · -.~: ~ -f~ · .... ,. ?. ,. ,.· i;\¥~-~ TODA.Y P1"":' lo!-Lll1fiO"Anlt•:.~"r.J ·~1. -": :.l:I·~ .-r~,~~~-; .... 'l 1'iao~lri(l11kf11 m ipoce ii 001! 'The $lO~uyu JHey ... wtm.td ~ ls, 1ft":wl' '· "~'~ '1' I' .. J ; Io·· ' . { .'f·.,•.: • »1·. sort of fellow to be Co" .. "-C ·-1 "ct ''tJuJ ... al ·'" ,... "''. .. Ii.&., ............. .! , .. f rt ~· yw ~ li~l":'IC' Jt.1 ; ~ ttllr r . 1.. , U.Llu.u.1 ' · ~IDl .:hadng peanuts -he's 'dOIRg a.. have not yet been determined. r ....... · •' ldbhOuse Two. Various fine art books, iome as old as 1846, will be on display for Lei.sun! Workr residents and non· i1e!ldents holding membershlp;cards in ~~ .. ... ROl~UU.lish their att · Jolin Kllll'li•)te peauoiiiii !<I ~-P,lik: -........... y. But thedil In looklng at architect'• plans IJ movlna •Iona with a·lorgor plan to JAii U thm. Attorney John Knowte1 said at least 50 ~!dents of the area op~· tht public restrooms at Anita Street and have formed a corporate eriUty ' called rthe Laguna Beachfroot· Property A.woclatlon. The· J:\M'aUon's G/£e it to "Im· pro~! 61 llii I goot coasiJlont with tho ri1ht1 of the beacblront property owners," Know1a aaid. · Knowfet ·\fli:l"ftAftDtl' a(e.!JOOK ng 6r . • · .. , ·inon'l;'bb. Set Page 26 • p1w-:m.:mu 1or · oou~ .. ~111e ra1 PHllDM firm .(tJPll>,:.. .il .... ,~--t-·~"'!"!,--:-:!-""!'!!""'.1'\t!t.ll,-:it-t---tlt1 room•. • -.. ·, U.S. esperts arrlved ?4iXXf,a7 ~ IW'Vty ~ t1.u •'"-' ,..... ._,~ ., Guarif• S"ul11 S•11le SAN CLEMENTE -Roscuo techniques if Southern California lifeguards will -sOOfl be applled,..in New 1.ealand as a ~lt of rive New Zealand Jlfeauatda ·6Pend1n1 sevfral days con£errlna: with :t6Ji city's Jifegu'ards. . . ,.,... . . .. .. , ' A llmlllr p<il>lic ftlln>om at Crescent Bay 11 jUJI beng completed. City Manage( Jimea ·Wheaton &aid he thinks more rest roomt . will be built at 1tlll other beach alreet ends, but locations --. -~ ------- He ~t little doubt the aoceot is on the property owners. Knoiiles said residents understood Ute , public rtsl rooms were to be· "a surfer's cOtlvenlence." He uld U that la lrue they ahould be at oak Street, not Anlla Street. f ~"t knQw: .. wMt:tind oC ~ alleled·damap to rubb!r ... Uont In trewww• : =.::"' ,:, r.Btlt ~~~~'°·~~ ~ :!'!"~~.!t~':::. . 5=*: ~ =::... l:it . to-..,(t:i0ct;o111ay) ahd ft ,..117 has andcarrtedacroathebordertix.._... = ',.r, ~ ·l: becOtnf a dOg 61 a ~J· . . ClmbodJan Prtnc;e Norodom·Slhlnout ~·~..-,, •. 11 • ..., '• • • K_l,. ''Id • ""1iloiolrt of-ra-hi• -t(le Unlfed·Slatet for II mlllltl! 1 -'I = -o': probotily .. w be· preoelll ti Qio· cOuit<J1 r in da"'-/!If ,whaHie oald wu --• • met11nr. • ·, --·11on o111G,ooo acres o1·ftltlalll!a . . . '' l ' • • > ., I . I -. ' ' J IAl~Y Mirr l ' . ~Arge~tina -V~der 'Siege - for Rocky BUENOS AIRES (AP) -ArgenUna WU under I lt•tt of ste1e today In • con- r-tinuiq waVI ot .terrorisJU ana-li~r IHll'al Iba! sliook tht·natpl durl!)I Gov. Net.co A. R•cl<eleller'a facl.fln4llli vb!! for Presldtnt Nixon. The 1ovemment broadcast the &I.ate o. ~•Kt declaration Monday n!Jh~ two houn before 1 2f.hour natlonwld• 1ener11 str~ wu ICbeduled to begin b:I protest agalnst the New Yo;_rt governor'• vlllt . " and the ~llcle~ ol Pre1ld~t Jqan Otil08 Onginll 1 mWfary reflrne. · Rockefeller flew to llJlU this mornln& aHer le houn /n Argentina llld talka with Ong1nla durlii( the fourth lea ol ll1s miNJon to LaUn Americ1. · · Muy tam llld bulta failed to appear on the sl.rtetl in BuenOI A1ru th1I morn- ing and commuter trains ran late. But most busineues and of flees in the capital city of eipt million appeared ·to open as usual. In tht interior· of the couniQ', the strike was reported to be more ettectlve. Awaiting the Date "' ··-I La11una Beach Sawdust Festival exhibitors take · . craltsmin,-Bob Foster, painters Dolores Ferrell and Bob ¥ounr and Liuba Terwllleger and her artist husband, Harlen, who creates three dimensional pine cone pictures. ---• ' • lA~t Mlntlte .Pk• .1t<.:st1 ··-"~ rNir~~w M~rgin 0-• ~ ~ .__..:i ,,.._ Ext~nds .Sur.tax ~" ... """' . . ... .. . . ,·1 -,.. ' . . r --~ • -~ . . -. WASHINGTON (AP) -~f!Jnl 'rt!r a hoicfbacka voted alter missing tbf tt11 tast-mlnllte pita from Prbidelll N~ call Jitoi>!r: , ~~ Jqoi.,. ,.~_:Nllto!Hmd Ford in tbe-ltoavy- ol bOjh ea..U.S. Jbe, llooiat -.;. ....,..wly ---,......... tor -··,.... pasaed a'b!U 14.utaiil illl 11it:o11l" ~-ljoaii' 81$>abr lobn W. McC<nia\ei, The bill approved Monday ;to.t.o5, now Democratic 'l.eader Carl AJbert,t W1ys goes to -thi Senate wherileader1 Predict and Means Chairman Wllbtit Mills (I). consideraUon inay _take three montlil. ~Arlt-);111ld·Rep:11ale Bous<(D-1.aJ,1who Ttcbnlcaliy 'tbt 10· percent IUitu ea-· handlad t1!t JlllllUr<, BoQI "lpid Qired at ·mldnlafit, ·only hour• after the ·"aomethlng apPiOachtns panic" «Md oc-- HOOse action. cur if ~inO•tion 11 not curbed IOOD. How.ver, Congreu all'tady ·~ •otad Mllls, In his first 11oor·.waar-aller ·to conUnue tbe withholdln4 raies which a !ICtl/_t tlJnsu, pn>mllad hla ~ Include the 1Urchorp tllfoill!I July, lltd would •rinl forth a,..... com(ireheolive the tu 11oeu' can later bi -ndad tu reform bill later in the au..-, retroactive to July·l . senile leac1er1 baye "The facts..., thlt· we're. jult'beiin- sald a further si1-d-r enen1loo ol the nine~.·~ bold .ot,thta ·lnflaUop,•• Hid wlthholdinl rala probably will be '°"f)lt. ·Milli. Wa'r< Juit beghmJnr to.IOI bclld ?\llon wants the 1w1a:1 to Continue at .a of. th• ·htflatto;n~ psychofou bn 1t 10 ~Cent r.ate tnrough December and home. What I. m ahatd we'U -do ,If .we then at five percent. until the end o! defeat thl!l legislaUon today, we will lose next June. • all that we have gained." Oppoaition to the bill has come mainly from congressmen woo fear any chance !or far-reaching tax relopnl will be lost U not Included in the SurtQ ·eatensJoo measure.. 1 - The 1eoeral ltrikt wa!I called by the strong antlgovemment facUon of UWI General Labw-COofaderallon (CGT), headed by prlnlefl union PrO&i<!enl Raimundo Ongaro. Union sources said Ongaro was arrested Monday. . time out """' stiling up bootb• to put across m ... s-age their opening is July 11 on 1ame ground• as last year ICT06S the road from Festival of Arts. Plashing !nviti~g "''iies are (left to right) leather -~~~~~~~~~~~--''--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~- Just ~ore the elate of House debate ' Monday night, Republlean Leader Gerald R. Ford read a letter Crom the Presltlent aimed at ;waying such opponents. Lagtipa '!'rust~ E;Wecied t~ Pick Ne,v President Police closed the labor organi.iation'!I -headquarters Mond;ay night, and a police official aald onJy th41 U}e a:ovemment ~ "interv'ened;" Hours before, Augustln Vandor, leader of the inoderate wing of the CGT, was tUled in a darln1. daylight attack on his office in downtown Bueoo.J Am:s. Ter- rorlat! bunl fnl<> the Ulllon beadquarten. fired several machine gun bunt.a into Vandor's Office and tossed a bomb through the door. Frem Pege 1 UNIVERSITY • • Sbarp. He aald tht clua wanted to 1•t out and do aomethtna to reconcUe dJJ&ffected elemenll Jn Ihe community and p1cked Laruna Buch u tbe but place to start. Trash Contract Again Before Laguna Co~~il "I want to remove any vestige of doubt aa to the commitment of this ad· ministration to p.rompt and meaningful A new president of the Laguna Beach tax reform," Nixon said. Unified School District BOard of Trustees Earlier in the day Nizon i:net at the wqt be ejected at toniCht's annual White House with 28 Republican con· organl11llonal meeting. , · gressmen, most of them ojJponents of the The election tor board clerk will ateo be &urtax extension. All but 10 of lbe&e tod-hdd at the meeting. In addition, one new ed up votinc for tile \lUL. ·.. . al\(1 two re-elected bOard members ·will • • __ ..,,_ ·~------------Jn all, lllDll &ol ti! HOUla Republican be'formally-lllltallad. Vandor, 44, wu RCTet.ary-1cner1l of the metal workerl union and bad rtfllled to sup,,port the _call for a general strike. ffia death was the Und in -the alx-week wave of anUeovemment unrest that bepn. when a student demonstrator wu klllld 1\1 C«rlenlu May It. De~tr1Uon1 flnt were aimed 1t "pollce reprualon," then developed brto. proleala qalnst tht economic, pollUcal and tiOClill pollcleo ol the On1anla regime. The curreot dllorders 1re conlidertd the .lllOll Mriowi In Ar1mtlna since the 195$ rtvolutlon that toppled the dlc· tatorshlp of Juan D. Peron. The lti.te of sle1e declaraUon waa the flrll alnce aecurtty meuures wert lifted In october 1993 after as years of almost consUnt rutrtcllon' There was no Immediate indlcaUoo of w.1!11 ...,c\lrity mea-'Ures would be lm-- paeed. A ban on publlc m..Un11 and dODIOllllraUons •nd pmntuJon for police tq llell'Ch without warrants were 11- pectad. From P11p ·J BUDGET ••• Anembl.yman Jt111 M. Unruh, a J\aqan polltlcal rival. "Blockina tht bud1et for the state is the m~ tn-eaponslble •lnll• act In the hlllary of California state government," aald lleqan.. The !!I Democrats; a minority 'In the II). member Aasembly, have rduffd to vote for the budget for ""eeks, and thtir votes an needad for tht two-thirds majarlty of SI requlr<d lot bllqet -·· In retum for their volel, Democrat. want a '400 mHllon lncf'eue In current state aid to bard preaed local IChool diatricts, now tl.S billion. Reagan pro. posed a •1os million boool In addlUon, Demoer1ll want a ta1 ni:Uef program t.hat would rmuce homeownera' propetty taxes. They have not rpelled out their specUic terms for 1 Ux bfll. Reagan, wearln1 sport shirt and .sport coat, called newsmen to his office and, in In Ul1Y mood, aald he would lnalst on J>UUC• of hlJ 1pendiq bill, now totJlinl a record te.S7 bllllon. - ~ CO.Ul f'\19l*llllHG ~'I' I.wt N. w ... -... -. J ..... Cwley ""' ................. ..... n .... kfft'il a- n..11111 A. M•rplrily ~1:.i"" 11a1ri~. Nill ---"' ----JZJ ....... , A••· Mtl'f-1 ""'"" P.O. a.. 6U, 92,ll -- . Propolad for the Free Unlver1tly art cl .... in 1uch u Community Dtaloaue, Problems ., Contemporary Society, Group Interaction, Hu m a D I 1 t J c Psycholol)' and Commlllllty Mental Health.- Mort flllllliar oubjecta would lncluda cralll, pottery · mak1n1 and cruUve writln(. Roley Mid It la hoped course• will cut -qe lil* IO Ihm will be I C(IO• frontatlon of We styla ln the clluu. Bui thay could 1•t tor•lher and find out thay'rt really not that dUltrtnl In addlUon to fne aducatka>, It la pro- posed that the Free University offer com- munity aervlcu In health and crlsis treatment. Plana lncude an infonnaUOO 1ervlce on dni11 llld their effacu, llmltad Ina dia&noll• of lnfectioul d I I e •• e I, • psyctioloatcal criala center, le1al and draft COUMetlftt, a nunor control center, and pollce-youtli cllalOIUfl. Th<le aervl<oa particularly would flit Lquna Beach city councilmen Will take up qaln Wednaday nlaht the que"" tlon ot whether to rtnew a dty truh col· Jectlon contract; or put it out to com- paUUva bid. Truh contrector .John~. La&una Beaclt Diipoaal Smtct In<!'.~ fa ... kin& a11Urance of a-three year extension o1 hit contr1ctl!tafupires Sepl. lO, 11?0, ao he can buy ..,. equlJlrient. • · ·Hoplnf· the ~ will-Ml renew but watt until oxpltaUod and pul tht contract out to bid II Tom Trulla, owner ol SoLoa Dllposal CmlPG7 )l'hlch aervlcel .South Lquna, Dana Point l!ld Caplatrano Beach. Lindley, who bu been city trllb con- tractor for 10 years, ar,,,.. that Laguna'• bill• 111<1 aoa~path ,...di have worn out equipment d be need• auurance of qmtlnued operaUon to juotll)' ll1s lnvestm<nl In new equipment. Trulla HY• be bU bean coyerlq the need1 of the community'• alienated } N younr: Roley nld. "Th•y a•• prob!.... Mrs Kee ey ew we Just pulb under tht maL" • Ila ~ O!'Lanlzatloof .alt~l'I tQ_ _ • • b~in1 mtb pn1btems 1n1o •riUnr aaen-Coorclinating · ct .. ol IOclety -"tht vary_ objactl of thelr dJslllualonment." Youtli -to learn, he0aa!d, the . Co ell Pr"""1.dent nBCellily for lqal constralntiln clvlllaid UD ., ""', society and to !aka tht rupOllllblllly CNt ii.ell ror proparty damqe. ' . City Councilman loseph 01!u!Uvan said he wondered tf quallfted art instructors and lead~ or encounter groups who make money for their talents suddenly are Coin.I to become altruistic and do the sam, In the free university for !rte, Mrs. GUM aald 1he ha1 contacted aboUt 15 persons about teachJng courses and had virtually no one lunl'ber down. "Besides altruism they agree to do it because they are free of restrictions and can lry somethln& lnnovaUve aod t1ew," she uld. Ulbricht Turns 76 BERLIN (AP) -Walter Ulbricht, tbe East: Gennan Communist leader, who Is abed recovering from nu, marked his 76th birthday Monday. llalsn Eaalll)' wn •loc:ttd u the ..,, pr.stdent of the Latma >e a c b Coordinating Council Monday night. Mrs. Keeley , a former Lquna Beach councilman, county grand -jury memblr and former officer of the coordinaUnS council, wu elected un1nlmously, •• were the other nominees. Other new officers Include 'fhomu A. Murphlne, first vice-presJdent ; James T. Van Rensselaer, second vtce-president; Mrs. Mary Fran Anderson, recording secrttary; Mrs. Dorothy Joyce, cor- respoodinc secretary ; ind Mr&. Jane Boyd, treaturtr. Directors elected Include the Rev. \\'illiam O. Eckel. Robert L. Reeves, Vernon R. Spitaleri, Bernard F. Syfan, and Ula Zali. The purpo8e of the organization b to coordinate the e!torta of the different Laguna civic groups. Agencies Give Approval --. To Niguel Wate:r _Switch A complicated 1wltctl of water and aewer aaeney JuriadlcUona over two larca pieces of property 1n the Laguna NigueJ area has won ftnal ·approval by the coun ty Board of Supervisors. Involved ls a t&-acre parcel on Crown Valley Pvkway and PacUlc Island Drive and a &&-acre property on Pacific Island northwest of th• first parcel. The latter property will now be detach ' ed from the Moulton Ntiuel Water D~trict, County Sa11lt1tion District No. ti arid tha Orln(e County Mlllllclpal Water Dl1trict. It will be annexed to the South Laguna Sanitary District, South Coast County Water District and the Coastal Municipal Waler District. 11le fe.acre parcel will undergo Jw:t the reverse process among the various agen- cies. c...i. ... I DI ..... ...,~ 112"4 ~,~~ ... ~...... Lack of Budget ... , a ... Isn't Illegal Attorney Bruce Wallace representing t"~ Moulton-Niguel District said the switch would result tn "a more loeical boundary liile and • 11\llna of money to all lnvolvtd." i=:i:;.~ :.::."" .. 'l.":::'0::: SACRAMENTO 1AP)-Ther• 11 not11-Eµterpri8e to Return ,._ .. _. ...... • , _. ...,._ Ing in the state Con!titutk>n 1h1t says wet • .,.., ~ a... c... California had to have a budp' blll T S 111na kind of to~l<f tite ooutb for juit u IOnf, M>·yem."'Nll1nk It b to the people'• advant.qt td 'lilve two p~ pol&ls," be 1ald •. ,_, "" • votes while 24 GOP mamben opjjQi<d ·-Elecled at the April II IChool board it. elections for a four-year term were Mrs. House Democratic leaders..ga_ve strong Jane Boyd, past board president William support to the extension, but only 56 vQtes Wilcoxen and present board president. Dr. for the bill came from that side of the Norman Browne. CompllcaUn1 the plclure In two previolll pruen~UOM before the-council WU the QU<litoO Of ~ 180 b\Jnn- el that do not tu~~~ trub collec· tton should be _cOniR<!J.!!i.lo a. .o .. aisle . Oppcieed were 171 Democrats. Other board mernbera include Or. When Pruident LyndOI) B. Jobnson Anthony Orlandella ll1d board clerk Llr· Councilmen j>oofponiif ilctlon lut:ttme becauoa Cou~~chard Goldbera prol>oled the surtaz Jut year, 114 ry Taylor. Republicans voted for it. __ Any of the five are eligible for tht two The vote was tied at least 10 tiroes dur-posts to be filled tonight. The 7:30 p.m. WU out of towlt . , , ;:-:-. _ - In& the House roll call and the outcome-'-meeting will be held at the EdUcaUon wu in doubt until lbe sirqrlera and Center, ~ .Blumopt St UCB For all yaur good lntentlone, you can't seem to save a nickel to e1ve your soul. Paychecks come. h .. a. plan Paycheck• go. And still there's llttle N no money in ----Iha-bank.for.savings_ _ that . United Callfomla Bank knows how hard it is "&18ranl8e& to s~ve. That's why we have a plan· that gu.arantees . 1:J" you II save $10.~20.-$30. a month or more and you'" -~ hardly miss it. ll's UCB'a Aulomatlc Savings Plan. 9CllWV Just decide how much you w1ntto save each month. -------------· UCB dllduota lhat amount from your UQB checking r } account and adds It to your savings. 1 u111t .. CalforNI 1Mtc I Most eave,. tell USy it's virtually painless. And at I •-·•·'-""" 1 1 UCB, your savings aiw'ya eam the highest bank P,0.1 ... -. T..,..,.. "-1 Interest rate permissible by law. I .... ___ ·1 lon't there somO!hing you 've wanted to save 1 DMrUnhedCtllleniaa.11t: for anyway? Like Europe. It'• ea easy aaaaving Just I rll11"1tor 11-l,.g '""°"'1uni11ttunng. 1 $2.00 a day for one year at UCB I Whatever your I flMI• '""'me • .. .,,. ecoount .,,p11r:.l/otl . ,.,. '°' • I goal, aig" th is coupon and a end It along today. 1 fOM~n 1o~ .. w1w111.No ffl,tndeorb11"1 You can aave. You will save. I , " I W• guarant11 It. • ' · -::--.:=•:.:...-~~=! adopted by 12 ,01 a:m. lodar.' . o latcs Wednesday -----.;i;;i -What th• .cooalllution does 11y, how-... ___ ,_ -=•sew:~l,lla. ... •, ..... '-"'~t-O.:irT.~;,r,e;::.;;:c;v!"llllmtr~~;.;;c;d,;;:;,;._..,.A~•M-'-ff'"u ''!1~~!!!!.~+---l-~~='--~---------1 -. 'rr'omer, !~e' .Tr.Ne•a,"'ury°"'Y, In ~Vi :.= "~ ....-v" ~_.,,. ~· 1n4> 1'f4.t4U "'' bu .. .,,....... (Vfl)-The USS Enterprise. the world'•· I .... ,,,,. •· +u-Ql1 ol appropriation m.1dt by Jaw, a upon largest warship, will retum her1 We,d- t UNITED .9'J,.ALJFORN IA. !~f4K C..... ~ .::,.J.: .. "::' ..::.= wamnll duly dra"·n thueoo by the nesday from Its fourth tour ti duty ln L !liii: -• .. , ... .,....... ,_"' cootroUtr." Vletnam w1tera. _.. • '::~ ~ .._ -The baaia approprl1t1ort made by Jaw The t(),OOl)..lon nuclllr·powettd Yftlfl • $'i ._.. la In the annual bud1et bill which ccmi: Is scheduled to enltr tht Golden Gate ~~ ri """' " into e!fect on July l and 'authariaes 1t t 1.m, Ill crew of 5,IOD men will bt =,~• L-:.... ......... , Jt&te fpeodlna lhl'Ol.lth tht ne,t Junt 30. on •hort letve 11ntll the 1hlp'• depart\111: 'nils ta what. the. ltgl1lature filled to July 14 for Notrotk, Va ., ror lJl uteo· enact. Afoaday night ot early today. slve overhaul. -' l Zip: < Tht Hrlktn wM dot Nttl•~lot JOf/ ~029 Harbor loulennl ' ' f I 7 I 7 ' I ! ' . ' • - • -- ~ -.r • ~-~lql~t-,---rlJn,; -~ ·. -:-· . . . -.. EDITION ' O'UNGE COl,ff'ffY, OALlfORNIA-. ;.. ---1-. -·--!... ---l.~ -r . . ~-. . . -.... ' :__, -:_ ~-, '::_l' ' -~ ~t -,JJ!D .~-P-d~~ .. ~ -.,. .. , __ I • ,( . 1· -\'•ii" '",.: ... '-. . •. ' '•· ...... -1, • ' " !",~ .• ·.,., ... ' . SACRA~ JAi') • -<:ali!oln!a bUllon bucllet. ' -., Demo(:rala, --... --to acllj/n-:nit•~~\ la • ur1iN • •!lie state WOt'kel'I dJd l!iefr ;jol!qvfthOut pay After 8 mornlnf Of Jiil<ratfng lot the pasl tbe -bcll!le! l!IU;, re(uot lq,1(0taltllr jt lea!llafufe •to act lllCf the .......... hU today while RePtlbllcan Gov. Reagan and first time In -.'11i!tory l\llhoo!t speixling_ unUI ~ ~ tbe $116 '!lillllo!l· 111-cle)irly §lated 11>11 responslbll!ty ' rests Asserntily l>emocrats blamed eicb other au~orizaUoo, itate offjcl~ ~.ported' the cr~'1lei.h1'~1 in state l.ICI'.~" w~1~atl hrttie A15etrifily. Ai·1c1on for a fiscal crisis that has rltft 'the state 180,000 Workers Were , beeqing Req:an'I ~!)Cal tc60ol d1sb1dJ~ • ~ I · ' .,_ U they,' ire <willing, t0 'pt OVel'; their 1 without 'i bUdget. , . . request to ,work .voluntarily; but aald pro-He Nici, neilhei"alde "tyfll. wUi aJf Ill · pri>bl<iiil, w& ci'it let , thjs ·lm)>aase l'- '11lere LS OOe rGadblOck rn~ thiS;" said blem$ were Cl'9PPiD8 up. Slate officials · ', ~·"""·~' lie ~ .Ali .Jt ·was "''UP tO tled.''. ·• ·r · ; --;-. ' ' .. Assembly Democratic Leader Jesse M. · bad no authcil'lty to pay wages or blU.. ~an. ·aJOiic ;•Ith cilher 110puhl!cano, to .· The ·l<!•e?l)O' ;fiaUJ. refused te lf<Opl 0 • Unruh. "It is in the coiner Ofllc~.". The·State:Fr~Jse Tax Board. stop~ pr&poee-• sOlutron (He: pr~· an·tmetgeney bill, that' would have kept 'f!lat ,was a· rett~ · !~ the work on computers l"-sed from a private· : ment . soon, ~ tald· '!deBP,lle •tbls ,lifm· the sta\e ~ I<!('. ll dayi .after the ___ gu bernatotiaJ offlcej-where R-Mga'! a firm because there wu no money to pay porary, tmpasie~ the .!l!lte is not· eomll)C letislature ~ ortlllll'M.17 billion _ few hours ~lier acCUJed Aa!embly the contract:: 1 • . • apart." ·. _. · . lufi·yeat budJef. , , . ·\ ~elnnctatror--the--:m~aib~e----tJ~Wtold~rtonfereoce in tpe . ln .ftea&an1s.~ .office, his esecuUve . That pl~ed · Uie . 1n\\i0J1's J.110St smgle act In the hisory _of Califorrua back "Of theA.!ISembly chftm~r "we feel secretary, Edwin Mee1e III, uid ' "wt'rt populous atite" idto · fl~I crisis, with government" ...-blocking btS record f&.37 our demands are le g i t i m a le'. ' ' wa!Ung on the legislature to take aome . 1 .1See BUJ;x'.IE'l', P~p. I) Body Founa Off Mexico _ From Ya~ht? By JACK 'CHAPPELL Of tM Dll" f'lllt St.ff '. ~~~rt 'Takes . -.... . -- Copter War to~~~tos · . .. ·.-, . ; -~· -,-.. - " 'f'M~y's Fl~._ N.Y.-s .... _. • ~J'LCENTS " I • ASKS IJHUMBS DOWN Budget Foe Unruh ~e badly decom~ bOdy ol 'a mid- dle-aged man ...: l'!"slbly t vj~ rrom the sunken yacht Goodwill ·~ has l!ten :Ille·-.phase· In .the ·c;itr of· N'"'- port Beach'& "little ·wat" agalhat ri>ili-: t1iri• 1iOUC</pier.i Will' \a_lie• :Ple!:e Thuti-' .day'mbroinl ·1'htn ·e1ty "1~ mtet with b~.,.S fr;t>itl 'Jbe, ~-Naval Al(' Station. ' ' 'IRRESPONSIBILITY' Governor Rea9aW:· ' .. f found by an American search and rescue H N l team at Mexico's Scammon Lagoon, 143 -oitse--arrow y -miter ... th of the-Baja--where the I schooner lies wrecked. ' Passes S' urtax Two _ other bodies reportedly .. ere w.ashed ashore at the Scammon Lagoon area and buried early last week by Mei· 'E. • B ;ll ican fishermen, acto~ to . Arnold XteUSf,OU l Senterfit~ U.S. C.Ordirialor for the • . volunteer Tran.!lborder . Search a n d ;WASHINGTON (AP-) -Acting after a --Rescue Gro?p of the Callforni!t'. J~-tninute ptia f~ Presi.deat N~n _ The unidentified -~ .,-u found ~ ,iid lll\der st~g pressiiie .!'J:o#> ~ searsJ>: and "*"!'. mem!!« _..Job n , . ' . , .Robert8on·Qll,the ""' side of the.channtl Staf.e Budgetless N~ Aubtant City Manager Jim De amtne. aaid be e1pects "llb<ither im· pressive ll'l'IY Of br•''' similar to a mee!lng lajd 1811 w_eet ai 11;r-toro. For--F':rs-·t ·r:-me· 'De Chalile 1a1d the . Thursday talks ·· " "' ' w~a ~qde Clarifk;allon.'of where lh;e Navy' &houJd fly their h:ain!ni hellcop--politics Blamed ten ..... 1., .•••• ·,, ' •Cltluns · along· Newport'11 beach front ·s~cRAM!;;NTO _lllflL,,. _The.J~t!-"f !1!!e>COJhp~al~-1or mOn~,".'"a~t ~ · California, f0r the first tiine ·in .it.a IOif<llY!nc.··M"'Y ~·· ·· · · h!Btory, began a new· fiscal y.ear witlloul 'Q!)< of:tlie• l1ls ·~tl.-lwid alr- · •f bdt!I' li'!rtl""· the Houae bas ~ eolran"l or _,;\hi\ 11-. c 11! ecl'. , plls~ a !>Ill tO et!et>dlthe~ ~ .sc.-·· -·beijnio oc:Oea :...-!: , · Th•"lilll:~lil·~-~ . ~~~~ .... : .. t!i ' cri!l ,1o11 an l~'dri• ..,.,.,wlill•. a budge(-tooay after·• htzam leg!slatlvt • hi'llljbt.' II' plumnietad .• to ~-:l"aind ~· &lruggle' leallitini Gov.-~~· ' lllO~· ~~~ •"""·-·-•"·Democratic ,,\..o.... 'Oiie :·~·~ 'Jfl~· , .. -.. ,a(, '~tiJiuuy : ~ "',-- 11,1 ,. ~ ~, ~-"1-J.l.: ' ~· -' ' -'i ' ' wlUi< -llaimi ·~'two p<iuµe.1 1oea are expec\ad to ' · '· '•U..''*7 ... ~, ..... -~ """''~ ach <llher In · DUI ,.or•1 ,:,.. tO \be -~ fl\ -~nlerdft""ld':U.,_ ..... ,..._ ' .... ~ .. ~~--~~ .. u11·•-<;ai:.'":tt}lb~:;.r•!!I.. ·!Teawcali, :U., 11 Fcen! llll?iir · e WU -• ''"i' ':&·JW._ . .. --' • • ·" ti!Oiro maiii, • """ '<11"7 ..... ·~-~-~. Su~~ eleCUon. " ,,._. "•" ,,,'1 .~ ~io~tliereisno'IUlhorfi,a--~ ~ ~~;. -, ··~ , flVJlll .. , ~i;..w_!inl>.l!>~olcl'l•wu1o&cx.ri-. ~. ~:;al' --"""'""'' ....... lloun -·the -~...... • ... ~ ..... , -~·~ ..... -. : ~ ~'!.J ~N___J'_ -~'JZ,, --11~...--q"~ ,-~_:.__; ou.e,aet!On < -• • · "'-·'-•'-__,..._...,. -"" ~,c ,; ~U .--~ ' -'--dy '--.. _::.l:...I' ,·,.0..'!"'..,...'1""":11• Wl'-,ll!l'•OM.O,.t'Of any IUC!ft<.' ~ ....... ~ ... ,~ ·~~ --·~ ~~ ~--·iin-11re ~. I• .~IM'."',lthholdlng rates'whlch'"'§riimffi. Ciiifoof -·wbethefl J,.· re:-1..-~-~ge thn\ugh .Jl!IY, and mains ftt the description ii iny'/i. the IO " ·-"-+~~·thartliij'ili~if l oetvlc<! In ·the naUon'a - -IOmO vlolat!oot of t1*e re111la-. populoys. state. . the tu.;·Wlm'~·can Jater be extenaed dew membeis aboard the GoodwU; • r~tcl'J!~k Senate le;ideis h••• • J!e saldthit.any -~ijog 01-uie .tifo ~a Jw'thel' s!X.Qay e%tenil0n ~the 'bur!ecl bod ....... maner,or llelicln wlthooldlngrales,J!i:obablywW~;ougti~ .law, 8nd that !iii ~tleii dld''nol . · • • " '"" · · • - ' · .,.,.,....,_.,,...,_ · -Nllion w~ the surtax to c:ont1nue at a plan to proceed rdrtlfer,in ·that regard. :_?.: t RAN~. p~.~~..("cii~p,cRUISER TO:WAl:l'ING :rR,U(lC . ~ ]}JICillentcrate_~.DeC"1!1>er~ '->-TheG<!odwill •llbellevedtohAyelWlk -,,-, -~ .... ArrJV.,:"1.S..,.L-.vt1~Land ·-· .J ... -then at fiVe. per9fil'it "QJJU1 --1be end of May~ 25.-Masis ani:I rigging were ide~ -, · if!rn· June, '-·-• • · .... :lilied u tbii of.Jiit lrallll.'aclllc raclnl · " -... · .. · · 1 ' • ' •• ' · :-Oppos1u"!' ·tne61llhliso/m•main!Y yachtJune1.·A'eootGuanP"8ll:hol p . ., •,_L. •'.l,'1·' o' . ~j__:d !fr'1a~et'!xw:':i,~ :Ji ~a= :::11n~/::;t:d! ::l'!°uy~. '""rane . -z'r.f,s ' . : r.(iu11;f,re ' .. ti not lncludOO in the ·sutt.a1 exten!ion Two bodies have· been found and iden-· · ) · · ' ' · · • meaiiri.' ' " · tilled .as th,Oie of crew mepibeis Tim ~ ... '· ; ~ · ( : · ' · ' .. ~:..~,;,. ...• ·}"~ •• ._·, •- ''-Ju!j ~fcife the close of House debate Smith, 15, of Fountain' VaUey jind r·· h. ' -1.,,. B.! ... ! t' b &·.,l"~;. o.:~~·fi"-· 1110najy,n1giit ]Wpubllcan Leader G~ald Gotald COlllBtilek, 49, of Sout!i Laguna. . la .. '~ t O' ' .. :_. '. .· h ' , . oa· .· .·· ' .' '. .ac· ... "_· , , . I{: Ford read ·a Jetter from the President 'Ibey Wen! .recovered earlier nw the _ ,._... U - aimed at.twaying ·such op~nents. ~ .: $8crameiito Reef -wreckage ·of the ., ·, 1 ~1 r · , t "l want. to remove any vest1P of doubt ~hooner. •· ' ~ ... : i .:· • • i " · as to the commitment ol this · Bd· -· . The latest discovery was made by ..1. • ' ' Jn ' I bl k ~ ""ed · .. t. iflinistratfo• to prompt and me&l)!ni!ul ]!obertson,·~. o! Sleira Madre -and Ron -Wilrkmen uain& • c:rane .1"wi~t -1 · ~ Ol'.l:. oc ,,-..,eJ1 ,.,., 'l""!rJ!" tax reform," NiJon ~d. ' II>'"~ • Secor' 33, of San-Dim.uJ,!both inember& of from Lcrig-Beach Monday night dragged ' traller1 , .. . • : . ,: ' ,. -J • • • · h · the 48-foot.Stephelis Cabln Ciulsei "Sblk Damage lncludect the iuilder;-.Piol!Ol!or .EaiJier in 'the, <Say Nixon.. met at •the ·t e Sierra Madre ·Sea~ .. and ,..Re.!ICUe ~oa~· frotll ita perch' ~n the ~·of and s.baft . .trid ~e broken ~iit~~\on Whir~ H0US:9:1wiUr' 28 Republica.n con-~am. They drov~ by-Jeep ·to the Baja BalboaPenliiiiilaontoawaJUngtrijler. the stde where waves ~lubed aa:4tnrt gre5imet1, m95t of them opponenls of the beach searching for Goodw1U crewmen. · h hll "Sh ndoa" --• surtax extension. All but 10 of lbese end-Senterfitt saJd tbat there have been un-The cruiser with two tneft ~Mtwo er w e anno was &lranued · ' · ' ' bo¥tf aground :ar....-oo-on the wet sand. . , . ed-up-~rig loi !lie-bill. . conflrroed rijiorts that • lloslocl Wbalet _women a ran _ Original aalvage plat11 called !or tow!D( -In all NJs:on ·g_o( 154~HouS!"R!publlcan -from·the·GoodwiJ1 b:all beta -~ Jn the day morning on the beach a E Street. lhe craft back Into high water, but harbor· votes ,;hile~16 GOP members ·opposed Scivengen":Belcll ·area.-... , Tbe ·vesstl'1 owner,.Paul T. Warren of it. . -, ,. _ .. ~ He empblsizect, howeVer ,tblt the re-~ Lincoln Lane, .Newport Beach, ,was patrolmen awnmoned to, do the job.,av,e HO\lse l}emocratic leaders 'gave stn>ng • port ls.unconfinned and"aaid ~t foll~vr < , In char:ge ~ the·craft _when It hit -Ole ~P ~~·several futile aUempt.s to pull i\IPP.Orl to ~extension, but only 58 votes up .would !>e-left to crewmen 1 family sand, Ulegulrds said. er c to sea. for Lt,e tiW . .carne trom that side ot the· ' i'e~laUves. · · -. WIJ'_l"!m auffered a cut-{~ when he al!J{ Opposel[ ... rio 179 Deniocrat.f AboOrd',the W4ated !114\)0I yacht were stepped OJl broken-glesi ll)s!de hb boat In ·, Wl!e!I Prestdenl Lyndon B. Jofm¥m owner Ra)Ph .E. ~abee, 11/ ol Newport . !he ~.W.. that lollowed the.grounding, ,. HUD OK'$ Grant --·1n,the,~.: --· · · · Il'Ol\1Cally,1al!!Q1'1 ~ lew ~Pl'!l'es :< · ~ who do cont nue to be salaried are tJ>e , ;· , . '. $16,000 ·per -year legislators 'and their ft-0nest Youth . I tu~: plid i>ut-ol ._,pedal contlng~ncy ~ -, .._ nlfr'an accused the u~~Jed r ~ .ar.-.-~ooo . ~ . ocrats,-or: "tlie slngle moS,t ir· ·,c.J.' ---. -. -re8p>ilslble act In the hbtory-olotbe:Stata ' .. • '~· • '·-·_ '.t.. '· of Ciillfomii" ~-a:&J;..~ c' ' :$· 3: o' ~a oonlulled J\11-nlght .... iim lhat -~~ or . had been ~ulldll1i !or~. the Assembly ' -• . . passed i bud8:et · whlt:b would -have . ~i!li!:-~ Dkt.~N~'. j~ist Im~ st~ll• operatiliJis" 10< ,only •· cliii'"'• aroimdlc.iaia M , Id~ . _ month.~al!I j<ll~ a IWI-yei1"s , •"f' -. ua ~ uttve bu'dge.t tOtaling $8.3 billion.' iosl ~ more ~ 1,l.oCO:'tt Doi !or the. The Senate paped the lull budget, hut lfon!!lllt of a boy . .a'imn!ni arid saying to it rejected' )he mini-budget· plan as "Ir- '" . bl''-< · --,, ' res~nslble."' · r · • • ·· .,,.~,4 .. ,...,.e. ·" , r-. -. The owner of Na~~·Cadmac Ioe.;.2800 ~Rea~ ~~!led n,ewsmenl ift~.-!Us office u.:-.i.:.. · Bl d · . -~ ·1n -1 i::_.: . and aoi'lol.lf>Ced he'"-woula veto anything ~~~ , v.:; .wu· ·go g a~t hll other than a 100.dget fOf: the entif'e ,fiscal b~ Mondiy wl\hOIJt . hi• wallet, year .. To· do' anything less woold he to Which be assumed ~ wU in lils -other establish · a .. precedent -for what W01,1ld facket ,,_. .. ~ amount to annual blackmail. And l will It ' I · · ,A_,. · the 'ddl oC not be a party to that." w~ YlDJ ins~ m mt e ~But the Assembly,-.--just-before -tit· Warehouse Road. jouming at 3 a.m., again refui:ed to pass _Donald Whll8on, 1$, 'of 2119 Monterey-the budget deman\led by Reagan. , . Ave., ·Costa Mesa, waa b1Cyclln1 along Unruh'• Democrats demanded a one. about 2:SO p.m;:Monday, when he found mon~ cutQff on any budget because they · wanted1to, use \h~ next· 30 days to ~oree p\.op(ised th• stirtax last year, IU Be•ch; Ji>bn COi•-~(-; ol Loog ·Bea<:h; · The ldtrillty,of the ,otller thtte persons RePtibUcans voted !or jt. . Bernard Stir\ of· <ll!~rano•B.eicht C&r· o~ hoarcl,tjil\ nllfil la sti11:not known, nor Tbe ~oi..wu.Ued at:""'t 10 tlnies.dur-._rie.-Greybeb!~ 11; o( W,esl-Hollywoocl ;c· ia-the-c•U&t'1>!-tli0'.~t. · • the bulging wall~ took it hozne aJ¥i call· Reagan. and legislative l,\epublic~ 1Eto ed Nabtra. " • supporting a "meaningful" tax refWm · Tiianliiu1 !o< the return or hla cash and progtim and.a slgnlllcant ochool aid bill. negptiable ,·cheeks; ;.Naf?era · ca.v(1 the !The~ budget, 'negc>t!ated by~ · · · Whitlo1ryoutb:$.IO.f6r his honesty. . . · tw~bouse conf~ comnuttee, con-Fof Southland ~"11hlnk,ltd...: .. .s ·•-: .. ,~;-ir.r..i\:~~~1~~ . . . .•. , , , ' . ell! 9" .. l<''f"!J d_i>~' kids ,u the. t\m•,.'' trim illaVdbWft'cto.er 'to' the'llOS millioh S ·s ·•.ft. aa¥ Whl~~f Ca1her;~Ne. "". · he originally offered". · _ ~ tilg .the Hou.!le roll . call 8nd the outcl!me Patricia N~inhauser: 45, of Loa Angeles, The, heavy er.aft ·~as ,dragged from the· was in .doubt .unhl the stragglers and Walter 7,ru.ss of San Clemente. and an water s edge earher 1n the day, then (See SURTA."X, Page %) (See:GOODWILL. Pagt I) slowly eased away from the beach, up-. , • ewage : ys"'DUI .. J.1~ uie automo1¥1e .c1ea1er' olfere<1 ·~ ~1 ... st !!'istake we ever made." ' · thebl11,."4!'1buyonaCad11J4c,Donald ~agan iiild,, was . pµt\ing · the _ flip ,._ WTL. ..o-t--Sh-Att-l ;i . l'\. T-e· -·w~'fto· -rt· De~-.. ~•w:'.:.:: . .::se::;· =~·-q~r.i"-:-£ -:-t~::-""'"._of!_u.._·h_al_~"'-~ .. _h'b"'_'-bicy_-~ipil;;:=h= .... 1 .... ~,Set~ed;:\f'~E~;:·~;:.Ji~;==~£··:-'~e;:~f='t"' .. "'tlje"'"'---tl -~-w--nu. M ~ .U ~~--r . ~ • :es0r!:!e:=~~~1;~ ~o~-d~.alw:urycar.def.l~cometo . 1 · ~ '' r _. . Department of ._ .. _.., •• and. Urban dr\lP hb bllliOO! out on ·the 4uaty, in-Orange 'coast . ~ .--.... d~~l _di.lt.ricLstrett~ ~· _ ' 'Tomorrow' Group Revie~s Reports .From Citizens n:0~: wm •1.-.tl• ~ ~ ~-\is'?""'b!cycl• on ~·Y· he COll1$>11111 ,la8oclatkio · Ol ,:G<i'vthlliiellli" Bf°'J2.":.a~~~T~!ZA ;,apulstc;J!~n.s !or c;_ue:i1·with ~ 50,ooo· He in.Umated tha\ the fJrtn made very • CSCAG ) -cqmprishic JAi A~ft-l)ii·s,; , · . ,J:, -allm profits on the IUJ'Vey. -1\1·-"e, San _Bemi_nllno, Venl'!r·a· -·• -~·· :; 'k. ~ ·. , f~ ~ • ,j. Newport Tomorrow's steering Com• Macnab aaid · It would take lour m<ire Oplnl ..... ' 'II ald dm'tted ·~"'1' ~N _-• ••• c. .· .· o. n_,· Uu:get ' mittet Monday night began revieWlng week! to review ihe-study eroup recom· on r.-. · ' 1 es 1 1 1 Rlvttside, ~-~s ;"tU· ~ Oranae · _ . rtports from 'i\11. clthen stydy groups-with mcndations (whlclt Place stfonl emphasis was worldnJ in a new area of QPinion County , , ' . - a• eye toward a mid-August target.ilale, on tldtlandt and aiiport lattes) and oampllng _wlth the Newport Tomorrow All 1ive ·-~·hanl-ldtjli!'\fatl . lsn~t,''IllegA;aJ :· . for final re<:ommendaUons on what another two to three weeta afltr that for job. winter's 1..a-1-U_.;.t:!. ~ of .. .-..., . ·~i • ·..... ., .. Newport Beach should be. printing and binltin& of lhe actual lnterviewen lul March 1pent a which l'!l~~-~w'"!"li!I< ~ty,';;.;P. . .,~ '(~P~ ~ noth- Steering Committee Chairman .:ohn documents. weekend taking randcmi. 1amp1.1 n I IYitmi, ··coi\tl!rft the ·Santa ·1Aai: · '?. ' ;-,, •'- 1itacnab said today he expects lhe com· , "Tills fePort w)JJ be f:be lint Mep 1urveyaof·300penn,nenlr,tcil'dlrmldent1 '! RJYtl'Mf'~., 1 ~ ... -:-~·~'.:\ -\.,i. 1 ... 1-1 ~ l ~to,..~\f'*'1'~~1""'l't UY.I ~efailing what the city is at pre~n.t and Ly. That Js·exacuy what we wanted'lt to ;pecmc'OpiOi<iiianiq;ra~. ·aitl.;. 1.Jll!qzia:loi , ;If"!!'.~~ lil\ll!!W'bl'U·tt a.111 ~ ·Weather ' . ' . Huy M1111hlne ia beter than,,,.,,, I 1t aij;'andtthat's what we'll have : nun: Or Wednesday, Coast111 tem--1 .,.......... wlrt register 73, while Inland It'll be up to a. . . 1)¥!l°'E TODAY ' J>lete Newport Tomorrow document, loward. ~!';lflln& a.~al p~ for th!! cl-of Newport Beacll 'lrill1f t'-, for ; ~~~4iol. :;;., '' ·• Cilllol'llli :badtto,,litloe:.,-, ~I bill what it should be, to be made i>Ublk at a b<!." ~ oafd. · . The tab r.f ili..,~wasi abOut'. -•tllil\ll: · • ---·W'·.llel> . 11'1i1t tM criotii·.. '.~l;i.,,;.;. piid-August press conference and geniral , He sajd ~a much snialltr publica-'3,flOO. · .>v • • i #...-;--~ ~'·:' .... • ~1 tli .. tkriJ; -' .-..i'dr8wn -....--·nH!mbersh*"meet~;>.-----',..;-ii<M><~ill_o;·':P"""'l'"~' .,,.. .. ,.....,lllf',.'Ddoda•l!tiQQQIJL!l.•=,...J::!'ll!J!moio1C.UJ-to~.191dn1t~ke-~ , ~ · · ,,_,.ii , ·~ .. a--.. He said discussions already are under c;:apsule Jmn will bi malled oQl to· much profit, bul-tht eity 'ttrtatnl¥ pro.: ' · ',~#.:.'lu "J...._-J ' ·~ . .J tM ·~-~ _ ,·:antupoo wig .in his committee tQ chart plans to Newport retidentl 81on8 wtth -their-~ftonHhe~/1.-Mtcnabtakl i ' "f~".t , "1¥.~( ·~~..._~ ~ ;~1 ~~~~~by the Use the Newport Tomorrow recom~ regular water bills dUrlng the wmmer. The 't.1ty paid for the aurwy~ 'IM 1ri ~!I ' ~ , _;11 · t rSz • •, c e : t · • c.onttol~~· • .;. ,, - metldaUons as part ol • comprehensi" Macnab ,.id..,; ol the greateJt aids in nut 1tep In aiding 'the cltllen ,iannlng ; ·)!g::g ~~ "*'-"'' ·.I;) , , niade-"1 l~w gtllCl'al plan for the City o( Newport drafting study group recommendation• effort, tht city ~ ""~ ~-wrij!,i , , 111·, ~~if'! idle ., J~ ,lijj! ~ Qea:.i project 1.'00ld be paid for by ciJy ~~;·.=~0P/:s100 ;::~=;.! l:=:'J.g=·=~~ ,~· ltl1 --~~·:_-~Ii"' , • ~1!!:~ funds and /ederal moitey &et asidi"lor Research, Inc., aC Lona Beach. comm:dlee repofts ire in. ... Pisa JJ.m ~ ~ " . i?I' 'Wf>'"~ ~•I ' -. ..... _ .. , . ~ ~ A :~ t , ~ ii -.•. , ' • ' I i ; ' • ! DAILY l'tLOI N •' ~irl Fights · Off,. -· Mesa Rape ·:~rTryJ • A 1>Wlil.olad leen&g!1' pteked 1!P l>y I -lnvl!lllPtor, tjlat Iha '""111 mu )'OWli spi>rtll car driver ·alooc wllh a drova to !he OOc <•11\PUl. •f>m ~ tfi.t 1Irllriend while hitch-DI Ir o m to pull olf her bikini; but oho huibt lllpl Newport Beach to Anaheim -ped a ell. . -klM-npe-attempt ltfoodoy Ille• ber--~-•nd Jmll*'"hYtn !fie-•u.si>I~ comln~~Jl'.!"ped from Iha cor. w ., .. aided by Iha unldtntllltd .-1 car '""!,.Mesa. -'' wbo mve bar to a 1pot wbirt. Screaming hysterically, the lf.~ar-old they ~t· Patrolman Pit Donohue In hi! • -- ,,.._Sjeged Caul ·et$ h.inli ' I '"" -. ... • • -. 1. ' • {irm~~ CletJ~s~HilJhWtJ..Y=~ttered fleri:.-_ "'" • -... ' -' ,... ...._., ;.. + • • ,WOON (AP) -U.S. troop& mauled Jound lh~ .bodies ol 20 enemy "'!~• C8tllbodlan·~ borqer, was hit by enemy forces on two familiar ba~ who liad liied killed b7 air strl~et or only • li<¥p ltlortir rowwla M~llj[ay aifd t1wroun4s Tuesdal'> and tOYarom<nt artillery beside lhe load. · ·'-'--, . , 1>y u ~before ... : -. , .. •• armor cleared the h!ghwaY Unkfni the When.the ai:g:tored pe~nnel e:arrltn : ~ 1J1&. two-mordb '-•k&!.• ._, battered Bf:n Het camp with the mlllta rolled up to the barbed W1l't 'defenaa. of gunners bred ·up to. 200 sbtlls a day illo base at Dalt To ry Ben Het, they were the first vehi~es to the camp ·and pie.ir jnfanttymen wife JJ ~ rorcea killed 73 No#th Vietnamese· complete the run from Dak To in• wee.... shooting at the outpo8t from ~Y ao .w.:r ID h' flgh · . ·d Two small supply convoys had battled yards aw':f. , , , 11· .ff-...;re8 ... ara s arp ting outs1 e Tay 'their way into tho camp 00 June 2S aDd T1-• J.d,ivJty by an eapm ttd s' =~do=1':!af ~-:~-!j I ftt gOVlll'!lli\tilt'tf<!Ol".1>1d bloc! lb-Ji-~~lots-a . ' ... 'Sanh hard by the ·Laotian border The clear the road, but the first convoy came camp dropped 11\arPfy over the Wtoe U.S. Command reported one killed and under !)ea~ f~e. . Al~ helicopters began Oylna 1D Med girl lelt wllh him loulbt oll lhe attack In black·and·WIJ!te unit. ~/ a secluded spot on the Oranie Coast capt. Glasgow aaid the girls would be . College campus and was reacu~ by an Jqt.e.rviewed aaain durin& lnvesti&atlon in- "'" _ four wounded in both engagements~ The camp, 1ust six miles trorn the supplies without ~lng ·shot aL . , A U.S. sJiokes-;nan said 42 of the enemy ' wer:e killed when 30 Amertd.n annored J r. ' ,- unk!"'11fied ....,...inotorlJI. • to Iha case. locied u 1 kidnap wllh ii> ·Costa MOii l'oliee llf.lecUva Capt. Ed tent to.-rape.. Glupwllldtodlytbevlcllmlndhsrll-No WUJIOD WU dilplayed by lhe Y!l'-ol<l!llillpanlon wera lhumblnf ar!U suopect. a lloclr)', bluH1ed, blond .Qian on Nnport· Boulevard about I ,.m. whoo who clrov1 a oports car ol poalb\Y. picked up. fonlga make. painted an orana:e or red· He lllid.nollllng ll<ell)ed ...... unlll lhe dL!h color. 19 to .IO-yurM moll)rllt 1t1bbed Iha younaer girl'• l>ead and pulbod tt ®"" •""'Iha car lesl~ dto\'t up llarllor Boulevard near . OOC Ol!l1Jl(ll. • Fr!Cl>tened, girl jumped <NI of lhe Cit In lhe or Gliler A....,. • and fl<!! lo< help but lhe motorlll ...;.er of! witli hil ~ •aptlve. • The victim tolcf una. Giesler I juvt@e fro111 Page J SURTAX •.. ,. ....... J BUDGET ••• 1tate officials without authorintlon to pay wages or bills. Salafies for state employu were cut off and· !\eagan asked them lo work for free. ' State olflces In Iha major citi• ol S.n Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento al]d FresnO said einployea· were heeding ·ttie Republican governor's request that they voluntetr services uaW the budaet crlais ti~dbacb voted alter miuin& the roll is settled. -, . - call proper. " . ID San Francisco RObert Rutherford, Joining Nl>on and Ford In tbO besvy. dlllrlcf.reprutnlaUve for Iha CalJlofnla lut·mlnute -for ......,. wera State EmplQf<S AsaQctaUon commented, HCM,lJe Speaker · o!ohn w. McC6rmack, '1f can see no ~ason why ·a 1tate employe Dtmocr1UC Wder Carl Albut. Ways :U!;.!1 report for wort ~ morning and Means Chlirmu Wilbur' MUii (0-In San Diogo, a deparlment supervi>or Ari!.). and Rep. Hale Bo111 (D-La.), who •aid alter Jlll work dly beion: "M rv handled --ttit-measure. Boggs said as we can tell, tJUnp m normal." "somethi. ·ng approaching panic" could oc-In Fresno 1 ·state trpploye rtmarked that he WQn't worried beciUH the cur if inflation is not curbed soon. Jectatatora thtmtelves "don't aet paid Milli, in b1a first Door appearance 1fter n a recent lllneas, premised his comll\ltlee either.'' But he apparently didn t ~ would bring fortb _a more comprehensive that 1~&ialatcll'I' w11ea c:IGn't depend on -passage ol Iha budget. tax refonn bill later in the: summer. A penomi~ d1reetor in a state office in "The rw· are-that we'rt JU$t begin-Loi An&elea ~l!f f&Uure to~. budget ning to get hold of this lnfl11Uon," said had~'t caused any problems there. Mill8. "We're Just beiinnin1 to get bold "Nobody had .even heard about Jt before of ·the W?aUon111 J)Sychofogy here at they came to work," he .§Aid. home. What I'm afraid we'll do if "e The criai.s cllmued a; Joni dispute 1iefeat'th!J JegiJlaUon'today, we will loae between Reajan and A 11 e·m bl y all that we have galoed." Dem ts 0e-..... u.... h 'd TbJa didn't ·aatl.sff opponents such u ocra · ............. muc mare 11 Rep. "•• J. Midden (0-Inlnd.), who llld to local school dillrlcll lhan Roan uys 6_, he wm glve, the Demoorata refUad to the c:ommlltoe had been "dolna nolhlnl vote for l1il bud .... Tbef a1ao ""minded on tu ref.-." w ••• ., -·· a b' reducing bomeowner•' property Slmllar sentiment ls being voiced ln the tu. Senate where several ~y plactd.mem-Because of a narrow Republican ma- -bera have .. Id Ibey will not support ex-jortly bi the Atlembly, Democr1tlc votes tension ol the surt.u unl<SI H ls ooupled are needed for the tw<>lhlnls .,.jorily wilh broad loophole<:I!'"1na provls!ons. , required far budget pwage In lhe h-. Sen.~Fred R. Bani!:, the Demoq~tic Reagan, at a 2 a.m. nen conference, naUonal chairman, said in a statement blamed the DemeCrata Jed by !hit lhere Is "oo hurry to P'" this bill." Atlemi>lyman J..,. M. Unrub 1 Reqan "II we can~ ga tu reform In Ibis bill ..... . • we should extend the surtax for only a pollucu rival. lhott tline, auurlne that we will ~ "Blocking the ~get for the state la anoclher cbaDc:e at real tu reform soon." the most irresponsible single act in the the Oklahoma Democrat said. history or California state govern.meat," ·The SeMte Finance Committee la opert· said Rea1an. ~ in& two days~ hearings on Medlwe and The 39 Democrats, a minority in tbe"8G- Medlcald today,and will not lllrt OI\ Iha . mem)>er Aaaembly,.llave relll!ed to tot• •llrlu leglsjatjon unUI. alter ~ Fourth !or lhe budpt iar ween, 1nd their -• .of July recess. are needed for the two-thirds majority of 1bla would bring In an esUmated fl.II M required !or budget passage. billion !or the !IJcal year and contribute In return ior ,tbelr vole!, Dem9crall heavily to ·a 18.5 billion budget surplus want a $400 million Increase.in currtnt projeotad hy Nixon lot Iha period. stale ald to hard pressed local school Other provi!i001 or the btll would dlllrlcls; now $1.J bllllon. lleqai> pro. repeal the se.ven percent investment poeed a tlO& million booat. credit which now provides an incentive to In addition, Democrats want 1 tax ~ to mj)derolu plants and equjp-rellef prog;am lhat would reduce ment; create a special allowance to homeowners property ta:res. They have remove from the tu rolls low.income not spelled out their specific tenM for a tupayetl ·who file about five million tu: bill. . returns; and extend at the current rates Reagan, wearina sport ~hirt. and aport auto and telephone excises which ~t. callrd newsmen to bis offtct and, In oUterwise wouJd ,drOp nett Jan. t. an angry mood, saJ~ be would insist on Enterprise to Return ALAMEDA NAVAL' AIR STAT[ON (UPJ)-The USS Enterprise, the world's largest wanhlp, will return Mfe Wed- neaday from Its fourth tour ol duty in. Vietnam waters. DAllY PllOT ·-DRAMGI COoll1 ~Wta. "*'"'•Y ••krt N. Wffll i1ci: •. c •• 1.., Viet..,....__._. .. ........, 111-•t IC•nfl ·--?ll•1111t A. M1r1"I,.. -.i ... r ... , Je,.111• F. C1lliiu --"' ----1111 w .. t 1.1i... , .. ,,.,,,., Mtlll"f AMIM11 P.O .... 1•1S, tl661 ...... ~ . c:.t.Mftl, ................ .. .....,. -...cll1 m ,.,... ....,._. ~~,·-- passage of hla apendinf bill, now totaling a record $6.37 billion. From ,..._e 1 REAGAN ••. first place. lf we had started from zero, and had gone up to 4105 million, we would have looked very generous." Unruh, during floor debate, conceded his ploy waa of "doubtful political wisdom" bul said "the scfioola of lhls slAte=an fit more lmponant." "At least," UN'Uh said later, "the governor has indicated he's concerned for the flnt Ume In alx montns. And on that basis, maybe we can get a new budget in the next couple of days." 'The last time the legislature cai:ne anyw~n clOR ·10 dolng-someuun:g llke~ this WU In 196S. Royal Cork Club Race Under Way Univ•rAily,of Pacific coed j!on· • Jlfo Klilich, .lO.-daugljter of Mr. and Mrs. Roberj Hipple of Newport Beach, reigned as queen of recent Sonoma.Marin County Fair in Ptltaluma. • County · Plumbers Strike, Seeking Four Day Week Striking In demand for an eventually nearly-dOl(bled hourly' wise nit and the first four-day weet labor contract in the west, some 12,000 p!umblng 11:or~ in Orange and eight other counffes walked oll'lheir jobs today. A spokesman · for lh• Plum Irina Employers Council .aaid no further meetings an set after aU-nl.lbt ne1otia-u.,,. broke down and predi~ a PQSSibly long and bitter strike. i - Mllton JelDlley, labo< _relaUons oon· sullant for the P::C, llld talks with the AFL-CIO Plumber• Union !all apart early today, leadinC to the walkout. A few !f>dependent plumblnl cop- traclorl will not bt otrucl<, tp>kumen !or the union caald, bOctu.e ·Ibey bave-con- ceded to-d~ beaad 0. on alloged ao pen:ent. ~ployment fllllre In lhe put three yean. · .~ · Everette Shell, dlllrlcl council director for the plumber~ unl,on, aaid some· con. tractors have signed a contract ralalng the be,. pay from 15.'19 per bour to !'I.JS immediately. T!Ua .wtU give them paycheeka identical to a five-day week fer working only four day•. he ezplalned. The plumbers, however, are derpandlng a pay r&i!e ol '5.0C over their cunent bue rate tffeeUve one year from today, a conCeuion management i1 not ready to make·. Employei.' s{'OkWnan Jeanney said ·th~ councll ofren a ti:llperr hour pay raise now and a 35-hour Wort week ef • lectlve exactly two ftars from today. -it the campa.lp. la succeutul, it will bo the first folrr-day wt1rk Week labor con- tract in the Western United States, union spokesmen noted. Eslimates .varied as to .the total num· ber of plumbers striking today, but union spokesmen e11uld not be reached for a count of those involved in Orange County. · A spokesman for Plumbers and Steam- fitters Local $82 in Santa Ana said all agents were busy and could not discuss the strike. Mr. Hurd Last Rites Conducted · Funeral services were held last Sa~ urday for lq·time Balboa bland r dent Gere H. Hurd Who died June 25 at his Island home. ·He was 82. Mr. Hurd, a printer for more than four decades with the JM Angi!.les Herald E:r· amlner, had lived on--Balboa l!land for n years. He.was a past scoutmaster of the Boy Scouts of America in South Gate; past president of the HUnUngton Park Union School District board; and past master guardian of Masonic Lodge 696. Mr. Hurd is survived by flia wife, Mi®e-40f-Uii Ii"nuly HOffie~ 30f'S~ Bay Front; two sons, Franklin and Harry, both of Los Angeles; si:r grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services t.'f:Te held at Pacific View Memorial Park in Corona del Mar under dlreclion of Balta Mortuary. Interment was private . • \ ,.,....,.. P.,,e J GOODWILL. • • cORK. Ireland (AP) -Twenty-thr .. yacht& fOTged. eastward aCl'OIS the Allan. tie Monday nl&ht in a i:ace to Celebrate the ml> anniversery ol lhe Royal Cork Y1cbt Club, ibe oldest In lhe world. Cort ia hoplng that race leaders will unldtntiUed Mexican nallonal, ln addlllon .,..._,. PN.OI ........ • _....... .. make 1 landfall oft Southern Ireland this to the two bodies already tound and Iden· ::,•.:;...:. :=" ... -t.;n,:; weekend. Cempetitora, most ·of thetn Ufitd. =. ;:-;,~-v.~ ...... -. Americans, set out from Newport, Rhode The one·Ume famed r1Clng schooner ......, ....... °""" c.e.t ............ Ialand, June 21. wu en route to Ense.nad1 from Cabo San c,;.,._. ~ -;:.:, 911 i; Tht U.S. Navil Acade:Q'ly ls in the race Lucas, her last port of call on a trlp from - •. ,.,.,.";t,.. ;_._ lrMM. ..,. ilh ••· ~f I M-~-t~~=Ci~-!::;;'.;l;~=-1 w "1':: _. oot yaw a1-• end wW be Aca~lco. -lii..,1 a Pili liitlliWilru -~~-=is""~~e --'11"'r=epor=feill01ITTfllfrCibOSa~ -.... ...... IG ... •1 N I Acad • .-. .,.... a.f .......... une av1 emy a 6).foot 3t1'WI Lucas on May 21 and wu reported off ,. -..,... · ...., Fortuna. Cedros Island, &ome 400 miles south of --............ Pl ..... Other bl in t"-• ••"""'' ......, ....... ...,. g namei 1~ race are San Dit10 on May 25. -• • ...,,..,. ..... ..... -Amertcan Eagle, ~nee • contendt1" Jn The ~acht was expleted to make ' :r;.:~JS!'.t&,~ America's Cup trlals, and Ond1ne, a Ensenada May 27. The S1eramenlo Rtt:f ......, ••=' :r,:-Wlll't'· \'tteran or countless ocean rices In-wreckage site Is about 200 miles south ol · • cllldlnl the tough S7dne7-lloliort conlelL Sin Dieao. • .. :.: r:'c!'~~n.~~~ ~::./J~~ . Tustin s nwther 1S.laving·. I, Ninh and rated them for three hours with -J - thousands of rounds of machine gun fir!. · ' f The lopsided battle erupted at the.hue . . · ' ~ ~ I or Nui Ba Den Mount&ln where soldiers s t p z · -..J -I ' . .. t j of lhel!.S. '!Mh Division tllle4 !4 <n<Ull7 •. uspec . e~ .. nn. oc.e. n, : soldiers laat Friday. . The enemy unit 'In contacts holh Frld•Y and Tuetday was repOrted as a batt.llon of the 9th Viet·· Conr-North ... Vletnameae Division. U.S ... intelligence reports said the battalion apparently was trying to get into poslUon for another attack on Tay Ninh when It was tntereepted Friday by American patrols and chased toward Nui Ba Dtn. U.S. casuaJUes in Tuesday 's fight were one killed and one wounded. In tPe other action soUth Of Khe Sanh, North Vietnamese troops struck at the night position of a unit of tht U.S. 5lb Mechanized Infantry Division. They broke off the attack after losing 31 killed. The lJ.S. armol'fld troops reported tbr~ men..were wounded. ~ ' Arrival of government personnel car- riers at·the Special Forces camp at Ben Het wu another tndtcatlon that the siege of the frontier outJ>03t 280 miles nortbeut of Saigon baa ended. 't11e annored eolUmn ·spearhead~ a task force of more thaii 1,IXIO South Viet:: name'e inflitfijm~ w}!o mov.S out of Dak To Saturday to dear the' 10 miles of ...Bmlte 51'9 leading to Ben Het. A government spokesman said North VieUwnese army units that had cut the road .aqd shot up allied convoy& had pull~ ed back. There was no significant contact during the road clearing operation. The apokesman said government troops , Accused smother-~layer George A. Vick pleaded innocent to the murder of hia Tusttri girlfriend Monda" during a brief court arraignment, w i t h preliminary hearing set for this Thursday. George A. Vick, 29, was represented by Deputy Public Defender Russell P. Serber at bis arraignment before Judge William W. Thomson in Central Orange County District Judicial Court. Judge-Leonard McBride continued Vick's arraig~ent last Friday so the Plumbers Strike • For Short Week LOS ANOELES tUPT) -Soutjlern Cal~ 1>.luaj>ert went-on.otrlke today in nine counties in a demand for a four· diy week and higher pay. About 12,ooO members of I.he AFL-ClO Plumbers Unions walked off jobs a.Iler all night negotiation& failed to produce an agreement. A few independent plumbing con- . tractors signed interim contractJ which were patterned on union demands for Uie regular contract and were not struck. ,. -. . defendant -who alleaedly w.-, IJ'1lnc to ~tt 1ulclda when ca!llht Jut w-. day -YOWi have time to obtain ~I. Appearing stoic and list!,,. abOUt his circwnstanc,., Vick told .~ud(e Mi:llrldt he bad no desire for legal repreaentation, whether be wu entitlfid·to it or noL "It's doiie," the unemployed Wasliington painting contractor Jald flatly when Judge McBride appointed Serber to defend· blID against ChArgil of commi\Ung .TusUn'1 first murder in 17 years. 1 The accuoed •!9" Is charted with'. striking pretty Susa!f·C. Adams, 20, wllh a bludgeon, then ouflocatlng her wilh some soft object such as a plllow. Police Upped oil by an anonymous telephone caller rushed. to·lhe apartment Miss Adamo· lllartd with liti 11.iter at IM91 Pasadena Ave., Tuatm. but tll,e vic· Lim was beyond help. Ulbricht Turns 76 BERLIN (AP) -\Vall.er Ulbricht, the East German Communi!t leader, who is abed recovering from flu, marked bis '16th birthday Monday. , ,. UCB h~aplan ·thatguanlntw · For all your good inlentlonB-, you can't seem ·to · save a nic kel to save your soul. Paychecks come. Paychecks·90. And still there's little or no money in the bank for savings. • United Catlfomia Bank knows how hard it is • • lo save. That'sw11YW1rh11Ve .. ·p1an tnill guaranlees -.. < you'll save $10.-$20.-$30. a monlh or more and . hardly miss it. It's UCB's Automatic Savings Pian Just decide how much you want to save each manih. .--------------UCB deducts that amount from your UCB checking I i account and adds It to your savings. you'll save I """"--I Moat savers tell us, it's virtually painless. And at A!_,•: w. '-,...,. 1 UCB, your savings always earn the highest bank I P.o .... -.T-- 1 1 lnterestl'ii.tepermlssiblebylaw. • .., """'"--. Isn't there eomethlng you've wanted to save t i ..., ""'"" -...., for anyway? Like Europe. It's ea easy ea saving Just 1111nk• forahO'lrln,111•h01rloq111tt.mn,. $2.00 a day for one year at UCBI Whatevery0ur 1 F-1111$• $Md,,,.•,,.,.,,.,. 1ot0u111 m>11r»t1M. r .. '°' • goal,-algn thfs coupon and send It a1ong today. 1 goodTeiNOntou..,.,Md11r11t.Nolf1,•ndt••ur.t You can uve. You will save. 1 1 We guarantee It • I ·-, 1 mm UNITED ~ ~-~~ 1_sb~~~~~~~~-----..... ___________ ZI_._' -· ___ .JJ Tht..,,..,_ .... -;;;;lttfo...,.lor,.. --..... _ . a<l29 Harbor ~lavar4 I \ .. ' • c I ! ' \ ' I I I ' l • l I • '· I . .. , Costa. Mesa . . -. --• • .V,Ol, 62, NO. ·154,..LSE.~S,-2~A"GE~~-------L.111Alll' ~~....,_~UESOAY, JUL'I' l, 1969_,. TEN C>ENTS>~-*I $$ -.- -AS S THUMBS DOWN ,ucl91t Fc;>e Unruh Ho use 7Va rrowly Pas ses S urtax Extension Bill AACilAMENTo (Al!) ~ California ,-state workers .dld tMir joba without pay today while RepubllCln Gov. Reagan and Assembly Dem<id'a~ blamed each other fQl' a fiscal cri.111 ~ baa left the state without a-budget; ''There bi one roadblock In lhi.s," said A.Ssembly Democratic Leader Jesse ?i.f. Unr.uh. "lt.Js in tbe comer office!' ..nat was a reference to t h e gubernatorial Office, where Reagan a few hour1 earlier Jccused Assembly Demoaats of "the most irrespansible Single act in · the hlsory of California government" -blockin1 bia recor4 f',37 ~-Body Found Off Mexico From Yacht? By·~ACK CHAPPELL Of lllt' Dtltr f'lllt lNIH The badly <1"compoo<d body ol a mid· dlwged man -possibly a victim from the sunken yacht Goodwill -hu been found by an American search and re5eue · team at Mexico's Scammon Lagoon, 143 · ·miles· 30Uth" ot·thtf1~1li Teel· when the schooner lies wrecked . . Two other bodie.. reportedly were washed ashore at._the Scammon Lagoon area and buried early last week by Mex- ican fishermen, according to Arnold Senterfltt, U.S. coordinator for the volunteer Ttansbon:ler Search 1 n d Rescue Group or the Californias, WASHIN(ff()iJ (AP) -Actini aftet..a The unidentified body WaS COjlnd by billion budget. r . Alter a morning -ot operating for the first lime in history wi~t s~ng authorization, state oUlclals reported the 180,000 workers vtere heeding. Reagan's request to work voluntartly, but said pro. 61ems "ere crqpping up. State official! had no aulhority to pay wages or bills. The Stllte Franchl!e Tu.Board stopped worlf on computers leased from a private finn because there was no 'money to pay the conljact. ' • Unruh tokl-a news conference In the back of the Assembly chamber ''we fee.I our demands are legJtimat~.·· ' • Democrat., whole votes are needed to piSa tlle blldgd -1>111;-rohl>e to--..te ,.. it unUI R<qan· boosts )be llOli mllllon In- crease he ·bis .Pto~ in state aid to local l<J\i>ol dlJtrlcls. He u1d neUber aide wm win all Its deml!nds. But . he aald it waa ·up to Reeg§n, alona wiLb other Republicans, to propooe a aO!Utioo;"llo pndla<CI agr<e- ment soon, •flit nid "deJPlli:.tbls, tem· porory lmpwe,' !be llate .Is not CGm!ng apart." - In. Reagan'i-office, hil'~.eiecuUve ·secretary, F.dwin Meese IJJ, Aid..."we'" waiting on the Je~ature ~ ·~e some acth>n. The gonmor ti_ ur&!n& the legi!:lature-wacf8.nd the governor tw clearly stated that responsibility reals with Democrats In the As;embly. "' soon as they are willlhg to _jet 'Over t)Wltr problems, we can get this imHSH se-Ued." ~ - -'llle 'governor flaily relu.td to oectpl an 'emergency bill that 'Would have kept the -state running for IQ d•y• alttr the leglslature deadlocked oii his 11.117 bWlon lull-year budget. •. That plunged the ,, nation's most populous state lntll fiscal crtsl8, with • (See BCDGET, Pq e I) ,. Girl Fights· . . Off Attacker; Friend Flees : A blkini~lad teeoager picked \!P by a young sports car driver llong with a girUrleod while hitch-hiking f r o m Newport Beach to Anaheim escaped a kidnap-rape ·attempt Monday after her --. ... _ • • 'I RRESPONSI llll;l'FY'-"-- . Governor RNgan_ _suspicious companion jumped from th9' -- abd11<tor'1 car In CostO Mesa. . State Budgetless Screaming .bysterlcally, the 1;4-year-old girl ~er~lth him fought off the attack in a secluded !Pot on the Orange Coast College campua and wu rtsCUed by an u.n!dentlfle<I woman motorist. Coata Mesa Police Deteclive Capt. Ed -Glasgow sald today the victim aQd her ts. For Firs t Time; Politics Blamed year-old companion were thumbtnr • ride SACRAMENi'o ·CUP.I) -Tbe 1tate ol 1 _ _. _ _ ,__ . . . -~rch ~ rescue member J o b n umvmlnute-plea frorn1:'eslifent l'Jbn'. Robertson on the weifslile~ofllie channel- and under strong ptessl,lr\ !ro;m. leaders entranCe of the lagoon, c a I, J e d . • oi\ Newport BoUlevard about 4 P.:_nt when California. jar the fint-thne in~ its picked up. ---history, began a new filca1 year Wttbaut or both _parties, the HOii!< baa narrowly Scavqeri' Beach becallle ocean cur- paSs.d a bill In extend the income ourlaL reiita-Uirow l'ocillc wreekaip-lbere. The bill ap~v<d Monda1 Uil'llllli, now Senterfllt aaJd the man wu deloribad Fin 'l!le Sl!~te ~ '"'den'llftdlel \lS a ca11<UWl mall,~ IOOl years olil. CooakllfaUon.m~y take-three ~in... He wu '!''Irina dark ,blDe'panq~. a light Teclm~w:l~eeut auHu ex-·lln>w>!: . """'11.~ bhie 1&V1 lank" piled·. -~ * the -jp.i. ud -.-. -Hoiise ~ " . • _ _ No jewe\g_. wriltWatcb, or a,y l(te1J-Hot1~er •• Congreaa a,budy, i-. ..-. ~-iftllrij .QI foupd .., I.he body. to coritlnue the withholding. ratiel ·'wtlii!ft ~-.ilolt:lllDW wbeth!r the re:- includ•'ihe ;ureharge lhroilgli: ~Illy, and nilin•i 'Ill Ille cre.c.Je'lon of any !)i the 10 the .Ju ilsell can later -be-.extended crew members abOitd the -noodwit. r: ~Clift toJulr I. Senate l~den have He satd that an1 tihumaUon of the two wd a , further six-day exte?SIOO of the buried bodies wu a matter ,of. Mexican Withholiling r'!.lel probably will be J"l'gbt. l•'f· and Uiat hJI organ!Zation 'did noi N!xoh.wants tha •Ul'tq In conilnue at a pl&n In pr;oeeocI l'!fjher In that re(ard. 10 percent rate through ~ber and l'he GoOdwill b believed to have aunlt then at Ove percent uotll the end of May 25. Masts and rlgin.g were iden- next June. . Ufied }Is that of the iransPacific racing Opposition to Ute: bill has come mrunly yacht June 1. A Coin Guard search of from congreasmen who fear· 1ny chance the area ended June 3 u hopes dimmed for far-reaching ~x relonlts will be 1?5t . ·for IOCatinl'":tJfy Of tni d'ew alive. Ir n<t Included m the surtax extension TWo bodfei have 'been found JOO Iden. measure. titied .as tb09e of creW members TJm · Just before 1he close or House debate SmUh, 15, of Foontain -Valley and MOfl4ay"hight, Republican Leader Gerald Gerald Comstock, 49, of South Laguna. R. Ford;Ud.a. leUer from the President 'J11ey, Were'"0 rtcovereid earlJei'_ near the aimed at sway¥ig such opponents. Sacramento Reef .. Wreckage of the "I Want to reqiove any vestfge of doubf acbooner: ·.; as to , the cvmmitment of Utls ad· The latest dllcovery was made by minlstration to· prompt and meaningtul Robertson) 30, of Sietta Madre and Ron tu rt.form," N!J:on s&rd. · ' Secor, 3.1, of SmDimu:Dotb·members of Eariler ... in the day Nixon met at the the Slma Madre Search and Rescue , White H<11:15e ?"Ith 28 He~bU~an con: -ieam. They -drove bf Jeep to the Baja· gressmen1 most of them Oppooents;of the beach searching fOr "Goodwill crewmen. •aurtax atemioo.. All'but 10 of these-end-Senterfltt said ttiit there have beeq un- ed up voUng fok' the bill. ~nfinned reports that a Boston Whaler In aJI; Nixon got l~_J{o~ Republican from the Goodwill haS been si&hted Jn the votes wbile~-26-GoP-meri\bers. -opposed Scavengers' Beach are1. - lt. . _ · He emphasized, however ;that the re-·~ House Dember ii Uc leaders gave strong-port ia· unconfirmed Ind said that follow Mipport to the exte111ion, but only 55 votes up would be . left ro crewmen's family for lhe bill came from lhat side of' .the ttpresentaUves. aisle. Opjio,ed were 179-bemocrats. -Aboard the lll4ated lll·!OQt yacht were 1 When Pre!klent ·Lyndon B. Johnson QWnel' Rllph E.·Larrabee, A,,ol Newport proposed the : aur:tai: hut year, 114 Beach; John Cole Jr,, ol Long Beach; i_tepublicans Wied for. it. . Bernard Stark of Caplst~ano Beach; Car· The vote was _tied at least 10 limes dur· rie Greybehl, 16, of .West Hollywood; !hg ~ HoUse roll. call and the outcome ·Pattjcia N~nba~ -f5, of ~ Angeles, wu m doubt until Ole stragglet1 and W..AJ,ter zai,sa of san Clemente: and an (See SURTAX, Page II (See GOODWD.J.., Pa&e Z) • . , He said nothing seemed wrqng unUI th& · 1, · ·rs tb ZO-yur-old molorlst · irabbed the a budget today after a bizarre leglllaUve younger &irl'a head and pushed It down struggle featuring Gov. Ronald.'Rugen ~ · uAILY PILOT ....... .,. W ,..,... CRANE DAAGS,ilEACHED CRUISER .TO 'WAITING TRUCK Sha""'"do• Arrives lly S.., Leao/ts by Land -. Crane . Lifts · Grounde(I, ·. · Yacht Off Balboa Bemih . ,. "l_or~• UJ1n1 a crane bi\>Olht· In from LoiiJ Bu'ef> -Mm!day..,ight <Vagsecl t~~ 4&-!0Ct Stephens Cibln Cnil£er "Shan· nond<m"·trom itl perch orttlie sand. of &!boa Peninsula oak> a wailing trailer. The cruiser -with -two 'men and two women aboard • .ran aground early Mon· day mor'ning-m the beacb-at -E Street. The vessel's awner, P~I T. Warren of 1S23 UncOT'riUne, Newport Beach, was in charge of the craft when it hit the sand, lifeguards said. Warten suffered ·a cut foot when he ste~ on broken glass Inside his boat in the coidusion that foUowed the grounding. The Identity of the other three-persons on board that night !J 1illl not known, 'nor is the et.UM! ol the accident. " The heavy craft was dragged from the water's edge earlier In the day, then slowly ea&ed away lr•m the· ~h,·up coast fort. a block, then lilied orito' the trailer. -- Damage included the rudder r proptller and shaft and &001e broken windows on · the side where wi.ves 1spJasbed agaWt her while "Sbannondoa" was stranded on tbe wet sand. Original salvage plans called for towing the craft back into high water, bUt harbor patrolmen aummoned to do the job gave up after 1ever11l futile attempts to· pull her back to sea. HUD OK's Grant . For So uthland . onto the car seat u they drove up Harbor and Assembly DemoctaUC 'I:.eadtt-Jeue Bolilevard near lbe 'occ campus. M ... Unhlb. F\1ih1'n'!d • .the other 111>:1 juzpped out Tbe t 1•; 1 I ..;....,.,.., In of Ulo car!D .._. arta ol'illllir ·Av• , . "? po '"ca ou ,are ....,.,,...., · · ,,.. -, · · ,_. each ~other Iii ·-'• and fled for help but the Qlotorisl roared ~~ ~ff with his retl)al_nl!ll! captive. . -&Ubernltorlal elecUoo.-- .-Tht vlctliti told Llbda Gltsltr, }•veiillt ~.a budget, there !J no l1itllorhl- burellu ln~ltigator, that ~<:J'OW!l IJ'an 'tioa to pay emP.lgyea or contlnue pern-~e tot~~ campus,J'~ tie tried ment • aervices 'ill the nation'& DlOlt te pull Ort hen>Wnl, but she fovl!Jt him populous state.· · off. 11'.0~lcaJly,. among 1he fe" employes Breaking free and jumping fJom the who do continue to be salaried ·are the . - car,-she wu aided by the unidenUfied 'IS,000 per year legislators and tbeir pa,wiby wbo drove her to. a spot where aides, paid out of a special cooUnaency they met P.atrolman Pat· Donohue 1n his fund. · blact-aod-"hlte unit. Reagan a c c u 1 e d the Umuh·led Capt. GJaakow.aald.the -'1!J-woold Ii(, Democrats or . "the single nioot it- Interviewed apin dwinl JnvesUgaUon In-respons.lble act in the histocy of the St;.ate p to the cue,--IQaed~u a ~P with Jn-gt California!' tent to conunit rape. · . During a cqnfused a1J·nlgb~ sasioo that No weapoo · waa d!Jplayed by the bad been bulldini for daya, the Auembly . suspect; a stocky, blue-eyed, blon4 man Pll'!d a .budget Whlcil would have who drove a. spottt: , car or possibly financed state operati9nl ·for only a foreign make, painted an orange· or r&I· month. Democnlts kiIJed. a full-year '• dish color. budget totaHng ts.S billion. Honest Youth Finds $1,000, . Settles fo r $30 Cadillac dealer Dick Nabers' tourist clau trip around Costa Mesa could have roit him more than Sl,000 if not for the honesty of a boy 1crbnplng aDd saving to buy a bicycle. The owner of Nabers Cadillac Inc., 2800 Harbor Blvd.; was going about his busineSll Monday without bl11 wallet, which he assumed was in his other ja<'ket. It Wu· Tying instead In the middle of Warehouae Roild. _ ~ Senate passed the full budget, but R rejecttd the mlnl-budiet plan as "ir- respOnslbie.s• • Rtag119 called newsmen into bis office and announced be would veto "anything ~r"than'a tiudgg for-the entire-fiscal y . To do anything less would be to lablish a Jfrecedent for what wonld ount to annlial blackmail. And 1 will not be a party to that." . But the Assembly,. jult before ad· journing at 3 a.m·., again refused to pass the budget demanded by Reapn. , Unrub'11 De'rnocrats d_emaoded a oiie- month cutoff on any budget because they wanted to use the next 30 days to force Reagan and legislative Republlcan1 into suppoping a "meaningful" .tfx rel9nn program and a significant school aid btll. The ~ budget, negotiated by '1 two-houSe 'tOnfereoce committee, con- tained flit mllllon in 1rew school aid. But Reagan .Mooday afternoon· said he would trim-tb1t down.closeno t~e JlOS-tnlDIOi'i he originally .offered. Crashes Hospitalize Ten Sewage Systems · A $200,000 .grant to help develop municipal sewage managell)ent,.ay1tems in Orange and five OUiir SOUUitiffa-COlfil; ties was · announced today by the U.S . Department of Howlng and Urban Development. J;>onald WhitSIJn, 15, of 2869 Monterey Ave., Costa MW~ w1s tileyclhik 1long aboul z,30 p.m. ·MOnday, when he found the bulging wallet, took it home and call· cd !'l•bers. . •. ' 1bankful 'for the return of hla Callh and "The biggest ml$lake we ~ver made," Reagan. 11fi1. ''Was putUng the ~Oi • million fer education in tht budget infthe (l!eo-lljMGAN,. Pa1e I) I negotiable ·cH~~. < N8'bera· gave the . .1 , r -Whltson°yooth jjOcfl>r hl•·honelt -.,.--0rallfe--. ·--... . Off Duty Police mar:i.'s _Car -Rips Up Mesa Fence "I think It deserves menUon wben peo.. pie are tearing dOwn kldl all the Ume," sald"Whlbon1• father, Dee. ~ Although ule 'automobJle dealer offered the boy a good buy on a Cadillac, Donald ci1'0t to pay oil the balance oo his blcy· cle. Swerving out of control at an estimated boulevard curb and0crossing three traffic 80 mJ\es per hour 1 a car dri\.·en by an lanes. .. Onlarkt policeman ran of~ a .Costa Mesa Rl~d C. Orul!l<m, 24, of 2376'Newport bouleva~ early today, nppmg out two Blvd., Costa Mesa, was· under observa,. si1;ns, a highway fence and injuring the ~ at lhe same hospital for whiplash in· patrolman. ~ .... juries resu!Ung from a rear-end colllsion 'The 1 a.m. accident on "Newport involving the hit-run suspect. • Boulevard 220 feet south of Vlctar.ia Patrolman Chuck _ Ham i Ito n 11id Street was the latest in a series of JJrumm waa waiting to tum left from crast>E:s which sliU lcfl 10 persons northbound-Harbor Boulevard o n t o· hoc!pitallzed tod ay . Adams Avenue at IO p.m., when the !111- ",.0iie of -the accidcnls involved a man W')' led·an slammed into .his car from driving.-a late model Lincoln, wanted t~ behind. \ dtty on suspicion or felony hi' and ryn, Impact ,of the collision batted Drumm's •after escaping witnesses who pur&ued car forward and tt collided with the rlghr ·t#Jn from a crash scene late Monday. • rur corner of car crpssing ~l;boun(! on Ontario Police-Officer Thomas R, Acfams~v~~J.G.;etUy.JJi.triiit oLb[m Aliodaca: 23; Was listed in good coOOiUon 1fte .econd It, who e&Clped in· today 8L Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital( jury, was idenWied as Stephen P. under treatment for a concussion , lacera· Winsor, 17, ot 20Z7 Holiday Road, Uoru; and brtlisea, rjewport Beach._ -fnvesUgalion continued this morning Officu Hamilton said the beige or 1nk> the crash: in-Whi ch th~ vi dim 's car maroon Lincoln lhen whJpped right onto ali.lddtd 204 feet after boundna off th• Adami Avenue and Jts driver lo!iit ., ... ·--·" ' . ' • ·- pursuers somewhere on the Orange Coast College campus. · AuthorlUes at Costa Mesa Memorlar H0&pltal u ld today that a tin; girl crush- ed by a car last Frtday in the dri veway of her home ls rtlll in critical condition after inlensive surgery. Carol S. Williams, 16 montM, or 570 Trlvent Drivt, missed instant death by ~inc~ when a car driven by a fami-- ly frltnd ran over her tiny body. Her abdotnefl was badly mashed, but lhe wheels mJssed her chest · The funds will go to the Southern California A.~sociatfon of GovemmentS .<SCAG) comprising Loo A·n g e I e1. Rlvenide, San Bernardino, Vintu'ra iOd Rlllerskle counties as well as Orange County. How dld a lui:ury car dealer come to drop htl billfold out on the du>ty, In-' du11trlal district street? • Rldfpg his own bicycle on~Sunday, he ·saJd. All five areas ere-~rd-hlt tiy · 1111t winter'• devastaUng serJes of · ,torms, which ruptured Riverside County rewage system1, contaminating the Santa Ana ru .... !or weets. ;Mesa Tr ash Collection Sysll!lna engln<erlng tecltnlq"" wtll be -utlllied 4o lmpron th'e sewage dis-I Early 011 J·" 'y. Fourth· operations, under tUms ol the HUD ·w Police Who .knew Uie price of delay grant, cne of 11eteral a~. could b! ber hfe rushed the baby to:~t~be~=~;S'~·jjiJi~·;ij~~· i;':;:=:::._ ea.ta Mesa city olnctals have declared bO!ipl!aUD • pajalLcac, :iifilJLiurg · --• . · lilC,,__ • ·~111 lllo _...-F:'.41)'<trU!t-..i:.,...;~ prepared to go to work in record·break------.. .it~r• llChedWe wtlt" be in df~ po lndepen- lng lime. ~ dence t;>ay. · Seven pet800S also remained under NEW YOIU\ (AP} -:he atOCt market Rel~ntl whole lraab oormaUy ls ~· care at the Co!ita P.1csa hospital today w:-llf a winner again lodf1 u tt mana1ed lected ·P'iidat ~ adY'laed, however, to after a violent. two-car coflillon at one of to ktep Its ~ance moiin& ~ 1 at-set out tontaintrs on·Tlnatadl)' evmlng to the clty'r busiest bord<r intersectlOlll cond lllrOll!f!I -· '(Set quotaltoril, avoid mlaaln1 the eul7 Fourth of JUIY (See ACCIDENTS, Pace I) p,, .. 14-1.1). collectlon. -1 -· . - Hl9' sunshine Is beter than none at all, and that's what we'll havl more or Wednesday. Coastal tem-, -pqatures will regl11ter 731 whil' !nlaOO, It'll be op In 83. INSm E TOD,\ Y t ' • . . -- Meat, Coats Taken .in • • Burglaries --r· A large haul of ''°"" meall and an atmload of ei:pensive ladles' eaats yank· ~ lrom a display 4'1Ck were amona tlems taken in Coltl ·MIU theft& and ~ lotaiinl neari, fl,000 lo loll' .,...,.,.polioa.Ai<l..loday•-- l . ' • / Judg~ Prohibits l \ . ..., ~ , . ~ • At : ·est Pie ·ets • .. A fiderit Judg• -MOt)day ~ It CON!itut.. concerted e<onomic ac- •tnploy" of Air West not to bot!• .Uv!IJ, 11 miaU"*' in U.lAW\ dislrlbuilnl iolonnalioul matorjali In Tb•; Federal Railway i.al»r Acl pr .. picket Jina, ai0n;Iiia11y-schtdu{ed ta htbl concert.id ecooomTe iction .... 6y one bea:ln today ai Orange COwity AirP.<>11 ot the negollfUng parties .before media· • Uon ~ Are ei:hauited. ~ and elsewjlere. 'l ·· + Air Wiit, tanned last year ·<bf it.he Jlldge Wllllaal • Ti-i~ltprl, in \l.S. · ll'"'P~ •f Btcjanza, PacKI; ~ 1'jest Dl.Mrlct Court ill illn-tl'@llCleOO. IJll>•ld COllit lir!ln04, Is nt19UaunJ 't'ilh 'the airline ~ 'l"'!id·•lolilto<A-. "*l!-l--1iltlle....,trl<I ""'"~r.W• federal Jaw a;amai suCb •ct.km while th~ indlVlduaT contracts atlll lni 'tlfect . -' from pre-merger days. union ~gotlalions are still tn ~greu. The air fine said lhat union ,members A spokesma,n lot Air Wa:t 1 o~ce at increased tbe1r sJck calls and w.ere fflf'de!f..hJt in the wave CJf looting wu C&M llii'count Meal!,' 1125 Wu<house Ro.id, where 300 pounds of meat, 6fi poundJ, ol c:heeto, l900 In caah and a lt---~11o1en-M.nciay. Oralfge Collnfl' Airport decilnod to COin· abHDt from W<\l'k ln·~=!iirJ-last mtnL.o!l!Lr~!lkJa.Jn.Jbe ·JUnr!t;-OMlm.1111hta· · m..i·ao alrlin<'• uleiofllco In Loo ~Ju.• pil'Cenl to~ pettn1 for \llt cl.tf, u.e air I I l t " i • • I I Patrolman Ja<;~ Koch nid the bur1lars . prl'l(I _ .. door lo Cir!')' out tho 11,386 -In loot, which ailo Included Jmlvtl and meat-eullln& instrumenll. Spokwnen for the meat mnHnY said '100'joundl ol•llftk. 50 pow>do ol aalami, 50 "'"""-of lamb, 110 poundl, of bam, '· and JO pound1 Of bacon Wert tabn. Socurlty offlctn at Sean, R4tbuck & Co .. !In 8. Briltlll SL, ailO reported the!! of tl;ll co<ll vahled at 1810, by a daring man who a:rabbed them arid ran out· a door Moocl>y. Clert Mar1aret Scotl reported the clotlUn1 ~Ina: · and 1eeurlty agent PhYlll• 11. Reddish begen 111 1nv11u,.11on Lo••elfl p•-ce to Die which lid to a cuatomer who 1ald he had -.; ..,... DAILY PILOT Still Pllltt . A prollminary lnjunctlon . INuod by u .. llidc .• · ...>-·-- JU<li• SweJiert forbl~ th• Air Lin• 'Ibo 'ilUnlon maintained \ff t ·sinrert Employes Ai&oclalion's plan on trOUiidl 1h0Uld not JUUe 'UM ordOr~t\JM el•n- ned· lqlormatloriol ~clle\inf ·"" no! a liow-down and that -"'" not Cat Gas Chamber . belnr -or aiteii.not'i.o tile Air WM! foclllt\tl. -• • .. Leads .to Arrest Of Tee n-agers 'Ibo cirder prohlbita the.·JUll<in from ••1tr1kia&, partlaf·•trlijn&; p~ettna:, oon- c:<rtod 0<. coordinalod calllni-ill Itek, 'rulauUona,' 1lowdoWa or curtJUtfttnt of work .•• 9' other "9'1Certod activity which lmpedea1 lrilemiJM ~ori: slows down" the.air liiie'• oper1ilnn, 11in the theft. • r The Wlldentlfied wltneu 1ald the · man Surl, aand, rolling hills and p·eac.eful El Morro, ltll!!J!"f Into 1. car driven by a woman, School belie daneer lhal lurks on this deadly stretch who then sped -out of the South Coast -· of'Paclllc Coul l!lghway -El Morro Curve -ju1I Plau Shopptna Center lot. north ot Laguria Beach. 'Although curve is not particularly sharp 111 coastal roadways a:o, com- binaUon of high 1peed and sleepy drivers has added up t~our deaths on tlie+curve ao far this year. One adolescent boy who sat on a crude gas chamber fed by a sulphqr 1moke bomb as a trapped cat .ebok~ and y(IWI· ed inside was arrested by CON Mesct police Monday, liong with hi•~ com=- panion:,... - -r ' The 12 and 13-y!ar-old boys were pick· ed up at their homes .and char~~ with cruel and inhwnan treatment of ~ab, then released to their parentl-pepding The Ot'der ~!so bars tbf1 union from tlln!atenll!1 !tie air line or Ito pa,gonprs or ena:aitnc In any activity whJdl "aug- 1:~ or lmplJn" airline operatk>Ds will be i!pJ11ll'od- tlectrlclin Cheater M. saw.In, of 2501 Westmlnlter Ave., told pollct Monday that a bur&lar looted hla camper vehicle of '3:00 m-F.OfeuJonal toall ·~ gear whlle ltwu.tn liil drlvtway. Clerk Pam Malik arrived at work In a Fotomat fUm proceS&ina: atlUon at 2200 Harbor Blvd., Monda1 ta find aome one had pried open a wtnd<tw and stolen $100 1n cash. Tustin Smother Slay1ng Suspect Pl~ads Innocent _ From Page· l GOODWILL. • • f'NM . PCfll l juvenile court action, Officer Jame• Farmer said the cat was REAGAN ••. nearl;: dead from uphyxlatlon wpen he first pJace, If 'W8 had 1tarted trom zero. arrived at the actne on Joann Street,-anQ had a:one up to'$103 mlllio11, we wOl:dd afler ID Irate ctll from a woman who have looked very 11enerods." -unldenWled Mexican national, Jn addition wiblellltd the Incident. Unruh. during floor deblte c_onceded to the two 1xx11ul1;:tid'y tOund and Iden-Inv..U,alora said the )'OUDI" boy his ploy was of "douMi\il polltlcai tilled. ' < • ~' allO:recj!x_guaJtt the cat and lm~ v.-isdom" but said "the scl\ools of this Authorities also reported theft of $66 in cash and postaa:e· stamps by persont who prim • door at WU1on School, IOI w. Wllsqa St., apparently over the weekend-_ Accuaed smother.,llyer Georce A. Vick pleaded innocent to the-murder of hia Tustln 'alrlfrleqd 1'-1onday durln1 a brief court arrala:nment, w i t h preliminary hearing set for this Thursday. Tht on~Ume famed racJnc tdlooner It under In ovet1u:tued trash can, tlien s~'teAt"1'ee'11", .. ~oreu-L~pourtanld t.1','. •• , ... ~ wu en route to Ensenada from Caba San sat on top io make ~ the animal JU-w, ~ i.uc he had no desire for Ie1al representation, . couldn't knock It over and nee. governor has indicated he's concerned for whether he wu enUUed to Jt or Ml. Lucas, her last port. of call on a trip from He nportedly told arrtstin& olfictra tie the first time in six months. And on that County PIJ1mh~rs Strike, Seeking Four Day Week "It's done," the u n em PI o Ye d AcaPulco. •· ·-' · m11tc>ok the cat tor his own and, in his buis, maybt we can 1et a DP' bud1et in WallhJneton palntlna contractor said She 11.-reported ..;;:h1;e 11« Cabo San words wa9 juat menlna: around.· the next couple of days." George-A. Vick, 29, wa1 represented by Deputy Pubhc Defender· Russell P. Sether at hls arralcnment before Judae William w. Thomson In Central Orange County Dls\rlcl Jud1cla1 Court. fletly when Judie McBride appointed Lucas on May; ii: and-wa1. reported off The aecond youth blamed ,the cit The last tQne the legisla(ure ctme Berber te derend him 11atnat char1es of Cedros Island, eome toO mUes 10Uth of torture on his friend, but he wu arrated anywhere cl0te to doina' somethin1 like commltUn1 TusUn's! fir•t murder ln 17 S&n Dleao on M11.a. slnee he didn 't attempt to intervene. this wu in 1993. Y•;:·: aCcUJed .k,~ 11 char1ed with l_;.::::.;:.:;::::_:;;:..:;;;;..;;.;,~:--~::r-.:...::.:...::.:...::=..:..o:.=.:...::.:...::...:... _____________ _ Strlldn1 in dtm1nd for an eventu1lly nt1rty-doubled hourly wqe rate and the first four-day week labor contract in lhe west; some 12;o® plumbln& workers in Orfln&e and tight other counties walked off thel~ !-Obi today. · A ap:ikesman for the Plumbing Employm • Council uld no further meet.inc• are aet after all-niibt ne1otia- tlonl.broke down and prodkted a poplbly lq and bitter strike. Milton Jeanney, iabor relaUom con- liultant for the P=c, aald talks with the AFL-CIO Plumbers Union fell apart early today, leadine to the walkout. A few lndependent plumblnJ con-- tracton will not be &truck, spokamen for the union 1af<I, because they hav1 con- ceded to demand• baHd on an 11Je1ed 30 percent unefuploymenl figure In the past three )'UJ'I. Everette Shell, dirtrict ::.....n~ll director tor the plumbera" union, aald aome C?n- tractor• have 1i(Md a contract ralllne the bue pay from 1$. 79 per hour lo 17.15 immediately. f'rom Page l ACCIDENTS. • • Sunday. Taken off tbe critical condition 1-tonday weri Deborah Baker, 12, and Jtnnifer Baier, I, daughters of 1'-fr1. June 1. Jone.s, of San Bernardino. 11le7 were amona: )njured occupant• of two vehicles which crashed at Newpoct Boulevard and Pallitades Road and are now listed in 1erjpu11 condition, according to nurslna: 5Upervlsors., DAili PllOT OUJrttl COU.1' PVli. 11 .. 1 ... CDMJ'Altt 1l•lltrf N. W•-4 '°'"'""' 9N , .... I ... J•c• It C~rlrt VI• Pr•llrnl .,_,. G ..... 91 Mlfll•ll , .. _ .. "'""'' ••w Tha"''' ~· M1111hi11• INnft!M ....... ---])0 W•lt l tY St1t1I M1lli1t1 A.Ut.t11 P.O .... IM0;•26J' °""' -Ht•-1 .. ..,, m1 .,,.., .. -.. eou1t~••• L•-••tell: 'Ht ,_., A- M1111Tlll9Mll lffOI: .. Sll'l llfftl Judae Leonard McBride co-nUnued Vick'• arraJ&nment Jut Friday so the defendant -whO allea:edly was trylni. to commit 1uJcide when cau&ht last, Wednts· day -would have time to obtain counJel. Appe•rtna Stoic and Ustl~s ·abaul.hiJ circum.stancea, Vick told Judie McBride ' 1irlklnJ pretty SU.an.Cc Adlllll IO, wtlb a bludaeon, then suffocating her wllb sonie .Gtrobject tucb u-a pWow. Police Upped off by 1n anonymoua telephone caller rushed te Uie apartment Miu Adam• 1bared wilh her 1lster at 1Mt1 Pasadena Avt., lUstln, but lhe vi c- tim w11 beyond help. From Page l BUDGET ... state officials without aulhoriiation to PIY wa1e1 or bllls . Salaries for state employel were cut off ·and Rea1an 11ked them to work ror free. E.~te atflets In the maJQ!' cities of San Francisco, San. Diego, Sacramenta and FrelllO uld employes werf heeding the Republican aovernor'1 requeat that they vohmt.etr HrVlca until th" budget crisis is settled. · In San Franetseo Robert Rutherford, dlsllit~ representative for the California State Employes Auoelatlon commented, "I can He no reason why a st1te employe u•outd not report for work this morning as usual." In San Diego,· a deparlme.nt supervisor said after the work day be&an: "As far as we can tell, thln1s are nomial .'! In Fresno 1 state employe remarked that he wasn't worried beeallSfl the .. Thl1 would brlna ln an estimated $7.84 billion for the fiscal year and contrlbutt ·heavily to a io.~ billlon budget surplU! projected by Nixon for the period. Other provisions of the bill would repeal the seven percent~ Investment , credit which now provides an incentive to business to modernize plants and equlp- ment: · create a special aUawance-to remove from the tax rcill& loW·incorue taxpayers who file about five mltlion returns; and extend at the current rates auto and telephone e11:ci5e~ whicb otherwise would drop nei:t Jan. I. From Pa9e l SURTAX ... legislators themaelve1 "don't get paid holdb&cks voted alter mlsstn1 the roll eilher." But he apparently didn't realize call proper. that le1Lsl1tors' wages don't depeocl on Jolnin& Nixon and Ford tn the heavy pas.sage ol lhe bud141t :'" · f A personnel director in a state office in la1t·mlnute pressure or pa111a1e were Los Angeles said failure to pau a budget House Speaker John W. fi-1cCorm1ck, DemocraUc Leader Carl Albert,. Ways hadn't caused any problems there. and Means Chairman WUbur Mills (0· Mill~, in his first floor appearance after Ark.), and .Rep. Hale Bola:• (0.La.), who a te<:ent illness, promised his committee handled the measure. Boaas l&id would bring forth a more comprehensive "something approaching panic" cou.ld oc- hax reform bill later in the summer. cur if inflation is not curbed soon. ''The facts are that we·re just be&ln-"Nobody had even heard ·t:bout it before nln& to 1et hold of this inflation," said they came to work," he said. Mills. "We're just beginning to get hold The cri3Js climued a long dl1pute of the inOalionary psychology here at between Reagan and A s s e m b I y' home. What I'm afraid We'll do if we Democrats. Demanding much more airl defeat this legislation tod.ay, we will lose to local school dlstrlct1 than R.cagan says all that we have aalnea." he will gi ve, the Democrats refused to This didn't sat11ry opponents such as vote for his budget. They ,also demanded Rep. Ray J, Madden ([).lnd.), who said a bill reducifll homeownera' property the conunittee had been 'jdoln& nothlng t I . ax. Ol'l tax re orm." Because of a narrow Republican ma· Similar Hntiment i1 bein1 vol* In the jorlly In the Assembly, DeJT1ocrallc votes Sel'late where several hi&hly placed mem· are needed for the two-thirds majority ben have aald they wUI not 1upport ex· r._equlred for ~et paua1•~.Mt QJe_hoyse. _ tension ol tM 1urtax-unlea tril+coupl'ed Rea11n, ,1 1 2 a.m. news conference. with broad loophole-dosln1 provillona. blamed the Democrats lid · b y · Sen. Fred R. Harrl1, tht Democratic Assemblyman Jesse M. Unruh , a Rcaaan national chairman, said in a statement polll ical ri val. that there Is "no hi..rry to pass thit bill." "Blocklnc the budget for the state Is "If v•e can'l ge~ Li1 reform in thii bill the m1,1..~ lrrespanslble single act In th e ·we should extend the surtax for only a hl1tory of California state government," short time, aasuring that we will get said_Reaaan. another chance at real tu reform 1qon," The 39 Democrats. a minority in tllC 80· the Oklahoma Democrat said. member Assembly , have refused to vote The Senate Finance Comnlittee it open-for the budJet for week1 , and their votes Jng two days of hearings on ftfedicare and ·are needed lor the twe>-third1 majority of ftfedicald today, and wlll not start on the ~· 1..-f bud-t pam•e "''"" ·~· wlWI.,..,. ~ ._ .,, requ .. .,.. or .~ • . ...,....,, .... • .....,. oellt ftiU91 i-surtax leg islation until after the Fourth In return for their votes, Demoertl$ ~-:::::'~.:,.,ea.:,.:_-:; of July recess, want a $400 million incrtue in current ._.. ... ,.... v•n-r· •• """ ""' ttate aid to" hard pressed local school ::=, ~-::_ = ~ :.:iw.= · districts, now t1 .S billion. Reaaan pro-··::~-;.::,'C:~·=.~ ..... ,. .,.., Saigon Governinent posed • j•os m111ion boolt. Jn add lion, Democrats want a tax "' 1'01: IJ14) MMlll Sus ends Ne'· wspa er relief proar•r:n thal __J~ld_ reduce . ca • I ....... t I '4W6":!n~:--t--=..:.:.:L.::::~:::.....:......:....~:L::J.:..::;.__;h;;;o;:.m;;.eowners' property tax~s. They ha ve ~ :" .. ~";,.,!:" .-...,..._ lltd,,m--thttr ~flc-terrm for-e~ .-; IN• 11 #IWf'SI""'""' ._.,. SAIGON (AP) -The gtivernmenl ·In· tax bl\I, ::.,.. 11 = .;;::-..,..., ..,. definitely suspended 1 newapapcr toda~ Rea1an , Yi'c1rin& sport thlrt and sport ......, ..... ...,.. .,... • ......... "~ for reportln• that a newborn baby was. eo1t, calied new1men lo hll office ind, in ... (a .. -. CflWrlfl\M • 1 I I b I .. .,. c_.., •• ~1 ., ... " •• ,....., abnormal bec1use of W raids r 1rl an alllfY mood, 11ld he would ln11lt on 11111"'7 .-..-... •·• .......,., chemical dtfollatlon, 1 covernment paua1~ af hit 11pendlna bUI, now tol1Ung , ... -.. " apokesman said. a record $6.37 billioo. ' • ----•l"-•• ~ ... ~~ ( ""'· '~~~~~~~~~~~~~- that UCB "-8aplan .. ror all your good intentions, you can't seem to save a nickel to save your soul. Paychecks come. Paychecks go. And still there's little or no money In the bank for oavinga, United California Bank knows how hard It is to save. That's why we have a plan that guarantees .--you!llLsav&$10.-$20.-$30. e+monttt-or more, and U-.~ff 88.._ hardly miss 11. It's UCB's Automatic Savings Plan. ~ .VU I IWV Juatdecldehowmuchyouwenttoeaveeact:.month. .-------------------------UCB deducts that omount from your UCB checking I 'I account and adds It to your savings. I u1111edca1wem111•11t . -Most severs tell us, It's virtually painless. And at II Attwiu.: w.L N..ti I UCB, your savlr'fga alwaya earn the highest bank P.o.1o1-. Ttf'lllflllt.uw. 1 Interest rate permlsslbla by law. 1 u.An..-.ce11r.10114 I len't there tomethlng you've wanted to save 1 1 D111 UnirHCdfolM a.nt: 1 for anyway? Like Europe. It's as easy as saving just Th1nk•lotlhMllf•tlo•tc•n•1Muv1,.,. I $2.00 a day for one year at UCB! Whatever your J P1'''' ,.,,d '"• .. r1~· ,,count '""''°'lfolt.,.,. rot , goal, sign this coupon and s8hd it along today. I iOOd ,..IOI! to uY9,•nffJrlll.No1fl.•1tet1f"b'*' 1 You can eeve. You will S«.Ve • · Wt guarantee It. I 11111: l I mm UNITED . li_:~, '"' J t"!JlLi~.~~~RNIA ------~ 7fltW.ttlf*'fWI t1o 1 lttrff """ tw-rrw . •· 3029 Harbor '°"ltvard \ . ' \ ( • 1 I - .. I f • I ' ' "' ' ' -· -_ ___,, -- • THE LATE AMELIA EA-RHART WITH THE LATE PAUL MANTZ 1936 Photo Taken A Few Dayt Before Her 111-fattd Flight Mystery ~ftemains Earliart Disappeared 32 Years Ago By RANDY SEELYE Of t11t D1!1y fllol Si.ff The mystery of aviatrix -Amelia Earhart's disappearance 32 years ago· may never be solved. But, on the an· niversaiy 0£ her disappearance, con- troversy still remains. She vanished over the South Pacific Ocean within 5,000 miles of completing a round·lbe-world Oight on July I, 1937. Millions of dollars and thousands of hours have failed to turn up a substanlial solution to the mystery. Orange County Airport became the center of attraction for the search in 1960. Paul Mantz or Tallman.t_z Aviation who was killed while stunt rJy1ng for the movie "Flight of the Phoenix" in 196:'1, was asked lo identify a generator found near the island or Saipan in the Pacific. Afler weeks of study Mantz was unable to decide if the part belonged to An1elia's plane or was from a JapaneSe aircraft. The generator v.•as found by television newsman Fred Goerner, who did ex- tensive research on Amelia 's disap- pearance. In his book, "The Search for Amelia Earhart," ·he concluded that she and her navigator Frederick Noonan were ac- tu ally seeking information on lhe Japanese military buildup. The couple. according to his _theory. were forced doYjTI on the island of Saipan and he 1 d pri~oner by the Japanese and later ex- eculed. · - They were heading --Yo'r Howland Tsland, which is over 2,000 miles from Saipan, but l\1antz believed that while it v.·as "possible" that she could have ·been 90 degrees off-course it was "not pro- b;oble." Jn 1967 the Navy released a secret file that recorded the last few hours of the 'aviatrix' flight. · The papers includd 21'2 hours of com~ munications between• MiS! Earhart's plane and the Coast Guard Cutter Itasca, \vhich had been assigned to "guard" her flight plan. Miss Earhart had informed the Itasca that she had ''30 minutes of gas re- n1aining," just before communications ended. The report conclUded that her two engine aircraft ran out of gas between 40 and 200 miles north of HO\Vland Island and crashed into the sea. Ann Pellegreno, fernie r Detro it schoolmistress, attempted lo find a s6lu· lion to the mystery in 1967 when she duplicated Miss Earhart's flight pattern. She claims that Miss Earhart crashed near Howland. "Howland is just a speck of land in a big blue ocean. \Ve were follOWing the same sunline she did,.and if v.·e had zig.zagged, we would have missed it, too." f\1iss Earhart may have crashed near Howlahd Island, near. Saipan or never have cr;:ished at all -but the answer to lhe mystery may never be found. Cl1ristiru1 Cl1urch Buying Of Melodyland Nears OK Sale of l\lelod yland to lhe Christian Center Church of Anaheim for $1.l million was all but consummated today, according to A. J. Bumb, court receiver in bankruptcy. Bumb said owner Leo Freedman has completed purchase of the lease which had 24 years yet to run from Danny Dare and Sammy Lewis who have produced sho"·s in the facility since it opened six years ago. . A church allorncy. Sealy '(ates, said in 11 press conference last. June 20 that negotiations with Freedman had been completed , except for the entertainment lease. The sale of the property:.to the 31000. ~ me·mm cnurc 1s su6JW tO approval 15y the court referee in ban.kruptcy , A. K. Phelps of Coron11 del M8f. Hi! lfetlsion will be given July 9. Yates said the church has been negotiating for two other subleases on the property -the cocktail lounge and food con~ssions. He said the church would buy out \he bar lease whlch has 24 years to run from Theater Hosts Inc. He said the snack bar four-year lease v.•ilh Stewart CommiS6aries of Fullerton v.•ould remain in force, if possible. Vales has made no announcement to da te on the outcome of negotiations on the bar and food leases. A church-imposed deadline for fin al consummation of the sale is Aug. 9. The church has planned an Aug. 10-24 "Cha rismatic Clinic" in the theater with. ta lks by more than 40 nationally known theologians, Red Skelton's Daughter. .tn_Wect LOS'ANGELES (AP)-Valentina Skel- ton, daughter ot comedian Red Skelton, and Carlos J, Alonso. a night club direc- tor. obtained a marriage license Monday. Miss Skelton, 22, declined to say when or where the wedding would be held. Alonso, 29 and Spanish-born, was di- vorced from his firSt wife In 1968. Mtss Skelton has not been married previously. • Tuesday, July. 1, 1%9 .. DAllV P;llOT 3 ' First F:amily ·Feels Pinch C~Uty'~ ''T ' I ' ~·~,,a ue -Up (ff-Payments KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (~Richard M. Nixon and Pat R; Nixon, his wife, hereinaf\er called the mortgagors, j'oin millions of Americans today in feeing the home financing crunch. Assessments ']u111;p 12% for New Tax Year Assessed valuation in Orange County -asse~ed 'valuation.' Thomas forecas t last wiU be UJJ almost 12 percent for the 196.9-week that there would be no incrta.Se in 70 tax ye"ar although only an eight per· the rate. Their fi~t monthly paym~nt or fl40 Is due on the $100,000;-25-year mortgage they took, out ~y 22 on a home they pUrcllased De&-19.~·------ cent Increase had been forecast in The 12 -percent valuation increase will preparing the county budget. be . modified, Hinsh{lw sal? by new tax County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw relief laws. The county will have to said--loclay-t}ij! jurOp in· assessments. will-----a~b.-JOiSei---in-home-t'urnlshing~and yield an estllnated ~-9 million.up almost business -inventory assessment, both in-The NOtOOS"i)aid $127,800 for the house . at 516 Bay Lane, Key Biscayne, accord- ing to land records, so the mortgage is f.ur 78 percent of jts value. Greater Miami normally loans up to 80 percent .!Ol'. COMentional __ moct~ges. $1 million over figtires used by county clu~ed in Propasltion lA, the property tu Admiulstrative Officer Robert E, Thomas· rehef measure. whjch he announced last week . Each tax cent is worth about $320,000 to This could mean a reduction in the ciir· the county . Jn general fund revenues, rent county tax-rat&e-of $1.61 Per $1()0,of · Thorilas said. The h'ou.se, w~iCh .was purchased from wealthy Cuban exile Manuel Arca Jr., is a rambling, pale-blue. structure 200 ffj!t from the shore of Biscayne Bay. Nixon's taxes just went up, too. The assessment on lhe house was $:>6,100 in 1968, but was incre45ed in May to $93,070. The assessment on the house next door, which the .Nixons also own, wen( from $60.650 to $75,860 as part o( the pattern of skyrocketing Key Bis· cayne values. Elusive Grunion Expected Tonight The property tax bill this year on the two houses will be more than $3,700. The elusive grunion are expected to reappear on ·southern California beaclles tonight and U1e following three nigl)ts. Tonight's run (s scheduled from 11 :06 p.m. to 1.:06 a.m. !Vednesdliy the sil versides are scheduled to hit the HeinemaWl Becomes beach.!s f r O.m it :54 p.m. to l:Sfa.m.: Thi;rsday's schedule is 12 :54 p.m. to 2:54 a.m., and Friday's run should last from W. Ge1"Juan President ios• to ''54:a.m. . · ~ All grun10~ hunters are required to BPNN, Germany (AP) _ Dr. Gustav have a fishing licen~e and grunion may lleinemann, outspoken German Socialist · be c~ught -only . by liand. Nets and other and former justice minister, was inaug-appliances are Jlfegal. urated today as West Germany's .third Among the better grunion hunting federal president. areas ar-:: Laguna Beac~. Corona del Heinemann, 69; s.ucceeded Dr. Hein-· Mar, ~e\_Vport Beach and Huntingtbn rich Luebke. Beach. COMMUNITY EVENTS Luncheon July 16, 1969 Torn; R1dd in Guest Spe1k1r Co1t1 M110 16th Birlhdey Po•tv M111 V1rG1 CC, Noon. AUGUST 17, n69 Slh Ann111I Old Tim1r N1w Timt r Picni.; & IS1r·B-Q Coil• Me i• P1rk Spontorod bv Chombtr Wom1n & J1yc111 ' . LOBBY ART EXHIBIT IOU Llli! SEAMER WIM flt11i. l•tr Pfklllnt• 'IOU" lll'IH t )\lllDit durlnt lllt mtntlil of July, All art 1cr1111rslllp wlnn1r, tb1$ 1••11C!motn" .,1n11r wlll llllur• lltr cr11Hw1 1irt11r.11<1, 1 ,,..., of moc11r11 1nd u111'flmtr1111 ~prtultrlt ill 111. - Wn.n y11tr• In our ol!lc• 1iy "h•li.'' fll Lindi. V•ll•r Sllff Colt.gt, 111/•Y• h~ _llllJI' 1"011n11ln Vtllty lloint wllll htr hlll· llentl '-'" •!Id ff'lt!r lour-y11r-old \e11, Gr1111. With I lrl....,ly ch1rm 1nd I knowl1d9t1bl1 llnlllltf b•Ckf,..untl. l llldl It lndfftl 1 wll111W. mernbtr .i .... (11110 ... 11 ""'''' 11111. - Hinshaw cautioned that his figures will not be final until July 14. The asse~sor said the sharp increase in assessed valuati?JU -they climbed nine percent last year -can be found in four major.categories: . · -A boom in neW' construction heavily concentrated in the -southern part of the county. This is expected to account for SO percent of'lHeincrease. -:- -A continu~·n ·study of escaped aasessments by business firrr.~ (some deliberate an some bones'· ertors,. Hinshaw sai d). -A dramatic ~ncrease in equipment and inventory assessi:nents. -A reevaluation of commerctal and in- dustrial properties as welJ as their land. Hinshaw said he -was ."amazed" at the . hfgh rise in ai;sessment figures in equip- ment and inventory. "It should amOunt to about 35 percent, ·double the nonnal increase,'' the . aSSiSSOr said. "One of the reasons is that a large number f?f new businesses have opened FOUR MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT 'CALIFORNIA FEDERAL this year," Hinshaw added. ''InllttlOnarY cO.SS.-Id be another.-" lie ml the .assessed valuation on oil holdin11 in HunUngtoo Beach and Brea will probably be down slightly ii oil field reserves c:oo. Unu'ed.-to be depleted. _ ~land.in.MlasioJ:bYJejo, LiaunL ~lguel, San Juan Capistrano a~ San Clemente was reevaluated lhis year •by the assessor.'s appraisers. _ · He said he guessed that thli ·would result in about a io pen:ent increase in the valuaUon of land alone: · ·· TbeCOWitfhas oile ~Iem in~ establishing the final tax rate. Losses in. taxes due to creaUon of agricultural preser\'es n;i.ay add about one.cent to the estimates, "Gold Cup Finals To -liiclooe Pam HANKOE. Norway ·(AP) -The Australian Pam won the third race Mon- day and -joined the United States'· Nemesis and Norway's Fram IV in the 5.5 meter yachting finals for the Scan· dir:iavian (iold Cup. Sweden's Wasa IV_ and the Bahamas Johit B. were eliminated. Only the winners ~ in the first thr~ races advanced to the finals. Crown Prin- ce Harald of Norway piloted the Fram JV to victory in the opening race Saiurday. Nemesis, of the Annapalis Yacht Club of Maryland, wol) the second race Saturday. ,, I ..... CAUFORNIA FEDEIW. SAVIN OS --- ' 1. ·The Guaranteed Growth Plan. 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. . ., .. · o8posit $1,000 or more. Whe n all your money and interest remain at our guaranteed 5.25o/o annual rate, compounded daily, your account will grow 30% in 5 years 23% in 4 years 17% in 3 years In case of hardship or emergency, you may withdraw the necessary funds at the end of any quarter and get full interest-to that date, 3. The Bonus Plan. Here's a 3-year account that lets your savings earn v. o/o more each year tha n passbook accounts do. They now earn at a So/11 annual rate, So Bonus Plan accounts currently earn 5.25% a year when the bonus is credited atl.he end of tlfe 3·year period. Invest any' amount. In multip les of $1,000. Interest can be transferred quarterly to a passbook account and, when held for a year and compounded daily, will earn 5.13%. Open an account of $1 ,000 or more for36 to 60 months. We 'll guarantee you a 5.25o/o annual rate, compounded dally, with interest paid out to Y<?U each quarter., · '4. The Basic Plan. The most flexible plan You can Invest any amount cf money and withdraw it w1·enever you wish. If you leave all your money and interesl In your account for a year at oisr current 5% annual rate with Interest compounded d·a11y, you'll receive anannua:1yield01·9;133-. Yoii&ifri interest from (he day you deposit, your· money •til the day you withdraw it. And the ihoney y9u deposit by the 10th of any mqnth eatflsll'itltfSt frortflhe 1st, when It remains until quarter's end. · NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ' ' ' ' COSTA-MES~FFIC·c> • .--------- 2700 HarbOr Tvd; near Adams • 546~2300 CLIFFORD M. WESDORF, VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER • ... ' ' , " ·f ' l • . .. - I . ' I 4 · OAIL 't PILOT T"""'y, Ju~ 1, 1 '16'1 :-Charles Gets__ Crowil C~rerrwny Unh_ampered1'f Bo.rifbing; ~ggs -'--c"'~..111 Dll9'1.. I i Joy Morch, 20, a HollywOod, aec- retary; .kej>l a reserve of cash in· a blacl! b<lx hidden in be; apartment. · Last month a burglar entered while she was gone and took the $150 bi tbe box. Miss March put a note iniide the box which read: "To Hell WltH You." Then she hid $90 in a vase on the mantel. Then she came home to discover the vase was missing. In its place on the mantel was a note which read : "To Hell Wltb You , Too." CAERNARVON, Walea (AP) - .O>artes al-· the next klng <I Brl· lain, Wu installed u Pririct. of Wales to- lli)' OfnRnlie,...,ll!Te!JQrirottllouaand• -and the echoes of bombs apparently '"'t off by Wtllh ertremlsta aemandlng tndependebte. · . Queeo Ellzabelh II plaoed the coronet 'Oi!IWJIJ=YW..tooii'rhead tn"lhe court of ancient 'Caernarvon Ca1tle, handed him the mantle, ring, gold rod, sword and l~tters 1>4~nt of hb noble rights. • Charle. in turn swore allegiance lo the crown he Some day wW wear and pledged rev.Uy, undentandln& and SUPP.Of! for the. ·pr-incipality of Walts. • The ~eval pageantry oI heralds, knights, baMers, trumpets, caulages, bards and Druids, chorlsten, ornctaldom and roretgn guests wu carried out 1n warm sunshine and genUe breeze. ' ne precision of the lavish poJflp and ._ clrcwnstance carried on de.!lplte a terles of extremis\ . tries to disrupt the ceremony. Two me.rr died fOl"•thttr el1 forts. The royal train atopped three tlme1 on Its way f~m London ovtmlght because of bomb scares on railway tre11Ues. one l>ofh?reiptoaeOrJnthe trlc~-ne·ar Caernarvon In tront of the spot where the royal train had stop~. Thia shook the. train and lore up a section of the track. Two youths were arrest.ed. Tricia Nixon, dauchter of the Pmi· dent, was aboard a train which passed over the track before the bomb went off. One young man threw an egg at the queen's carriage on her way to the c.aa:Ue. He we nearly lynched by the bomb but wu rescued by poUce. They were out in auch force that any guess froib 3,000 to 5,000 11tmed io be close. . ~lie( two Welflunen~ n - plollvu M>me dlilance from Clernarvon, but clearly for dangf.rou.s: P:'IJ'POSel, were 'ca4ilit 'tri 'the/! own trap. They blew tbemselVts up by ..acclOent. Ban1or and 1SWanse1 paet otflces were evacuated~durtn(1he-day-attei::-telepbo~ lhreata o~ bomblnp. The town oI 9,200 swelled to a quarter ol a million for the first such ceremony in 58 years, demonetrated with rousing · chetrs. Iiitmpened boos ivere drowned out. Charles appeared for the >01'mn ceremony, which wu watched by television viewers around the wortcf, after spendifll the night in a secret, heavily guarded locaUon somewheu in northwest . Wales. ' • • The. nation's beer capital, Alil· waukee is makt11g 111ore b11er than ever •it~ lictnsing Jtwtr tavenu i1t w)lfc11 to sell it. Ciry Surgeon Gen~ Apollo Astronauts Face Testifies, ,Back8 Cigarette Ad Ban Second Major Physical I autltorfties report that 99 tmr tavtrns have opplitd for Jitense renewals for tht: nt'W fi.scal"~ar leaving onlu 1,624 i11 which ~tr drinkers can qunich lh~ir lhirst. • WASHINGTON (UPI) -The depar~ ment ol health, education and welfare to- day backed a proposal to requlr!_ all cigarette a11s and labels include a warn- . ing that smoking can cause fatal C~k county ~s1oners 8!e-diseases. .. .1 s!eepmg on the J~b. The comm1S---Surgeon General, Wllllam H. Sttwart, sioners tested disposable paper h 1 . he w speaking for the sheets the past two weeks and ap-emp as ung .. as. proved ~eir we for county insti· department, ~es~hed before the Fedtral _ tutioos. Commissioners said the Trade Comm1Ss1on that a proposed FTC r;he.ets, Which -"'cost about 40 cents trade rule was one way to help cope with each in bulk orders, u1ill be cheap-cigarette smoking which "has been called er than cloth sheets. -the most impartant public health issue (lf • our lime." -• He predicted nearly 60,000 persons will die th.is year from lung cancer alone. The }*:~ 1968 surgeon general's report to Congress said clgarelte smoking was a key cause (lf lung cancer In men and was directly { related to lung cancer in women. Stewart said a weak warnlng required by the 1965 cigarette labelhtg act which expired last ~.-Ught "has not been ade- quate -and one reaS(ln Is cigirette CAPE KENNEDY, rta. (AP! ~The Apollo 11 astronauts tOday undergo the second of three major pbyak:iJ ex- am~tions before taking off for ·the moon. Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins planned several hour& with the doctors who are drawing. a thorough medical profile· or the spacemen for. in-rllght and post.flight comparison. The first exam was completed June 16. Another is set for July 11, five days before the astrol141d1 are launched on the moon-landing journey. The medlCal information will be particularly Important when Armstrong . and Aldrin walk the lunar surface July 21. It will provide cluea to when the astronauts nilght be tiring in the un- familiar one-sixth gravity 'field-on the moon. _ While the u auta are on tfle surface, Ooctor.s m tne mission control also the related oxygen consumption and. how much heat the body genera tea." He said this inlonnallon will be stored In a computer in the control center and will be correlated with data received dur· inl the moon walk. Berry ~d lhe astronauts might find it ~!lcuJt lo work in their bulkf apac! suits In the low gravity "and we want to make cert.Jin they don't get tired." Later today, the astronauts planned to work out again in lunar module and com- man~ •hip U.ainers. Armstrong and .. Aldnn ~e to practice the moon landing and the liftoff and rendezvous with t.he mother ship, C<>lllns was to rehea,rse un- docklng and docking procedures in the command ship. At the launch pad, crews continued a lengthy countdown test. The test is to end Thursday with the three astronaut& participaUng in a mock llltoff. ·success would clear the way for starting the final countdown next week, alml!>I for 6:32 1.m. PDT .blutoff July IL • CROWNING MOMENT AT PRINCE OF WALES INVESTITURE Charle1' Mother •ncl Sovertlgn, QUun Elt1ebeth II , Pirforms Rita ~ advertising." Since the 1964 surgeon general's report that first iinked smoking to deadly diseases, the tobacco industry has "in· .creased its adverti!iing from ,$250 million ih 1964., to $261 million in 1965 to $263 million in 1966, lo $?97 million In 1967 and to SJ12 million in 1968," Stewart said. "Most or this monw was spent in television advertising.' center will mGnltor he.art rate. oxygen 1----------"--------------------------------- coniumptlon and temperature of the IUit cooling water aa lt enterS and leaves the system. The latter will be an illdirect measurement el the_ amount of heat pro- This small dog turned out to have l'I giant appetite after he wandered into Newark, N.J., Presbyterian Hospital lonegly and hungry. Th·e little put lost- little time in getting all that he .need- ed j ro'1\ Miss Toni ~fi.nette. a social worker at the hospital. • Paul Stewart, owner of a shoe shine shop in the area of the Uni-- versity of Tennessee 'in KnoxVille wasn't doi ng much business -with all those students sbuffiing around in bare feet, sandals and c 1 o t h sneakers. Stewert hopes, however to bail himself out with a new enter- prise. He bought a scrub brush, a was)I basin and sQme towels and hung out a new sign: "Feet Wash· ed & Toe Nails Polished -$1.50." • Vincent Vurro, owner of ·a hair salon was not on!y perturbed by the theft of 60 wig5.but he also accused the thieves of "lack of discern· ment." Vurro said the looters left behind a valuable collection of an· tique swords and annor along with a $2,000 Chinese robe draped about a mannequin from which a $500 \Vig had been removed. Stewart said HEW considered the FTC's proposed warning "a valid state· -ment of the relationship which exists betWeen cl1arett.e smoking and mortali· · t}' _._>J Surp_lus Marks New ·Fiscal Year ' WASIDNOTO!I !UPI) -The federal government opened'a new fiscal year to- day With what wu believed to be Its first budget surplus alnce 19!0. President Nls:on Monday night signed a rush ret0luUon allowing the govenunent to continue spending at the same pact u during the past year 1lnce no major ap- propriation bills have been approved for fiscal 1970. The permission to spend money would have e1:pired at midrilght Monday if Congreu h a d not pused the resolution supplying temporary funds. The surplus for the 1968-69 fiscal year that ended at midnight will be sma ll -. perhaps no more than the $240 million surplus recorded in the 1959-ro fiscal period -but compares with a defici t of some $25 billion the Jut fiscal year. ducecl by the body. Dr. Charles A. Berry. the astronauts' chief medical officer, explained! "We know what their work capacity on earth is at various heart rate plateaus - 120 beats a minute, 140, 160 etc. -and Texas Man Jailed In Killing of Four Relatives LUF(UN, Ter. (UPI) -Police held without bond a 30-;reu-old "inan In the Lufkin Jail Tuesday charged with murder in connection with the shotgun dutbs of four memberi of the man's family. 'The four were shot to death Monday ln- !lde the home of two of the victim1. A man, his wife and two viaitlng relatives were shot to death in the couple's Mme in the nearby 1mall com- munity of Red Town. Two hours after the bodies were discovered, police arrested Norris Goodwin, 30, the couple's son-In- law, and chaijed him with murder with malice. Police were alerted to the deaths by a man who said Goodwin's 23-year-<>ld wife, Mazie, drove two miles from the murder scene to the man's home and said : "He came in the back door and be started shoo Ung." Things Heat Up in ·South But Midwest Humidity Co.mes From Thundershoivers - Callfornic , • Temperature• Mii~ l• .. rK. 101 n n • •1 11 . ,, 7t ., ., .. " " n .. " " " " .. IO .?I '' .,6 6J I.Ii SI .G1 $1 .... " • ff • n "-.. ~ • " " .. n " " , .. u ... " u .. " ·" It !1 " . ff n '1 14 . " u • Ill SI .Ill • n ,: ~ ------... 11 lt ... " .. " . .. . .. .. .11 u " " " u " . " . ,, 56 " .. " .. lOt 1' n N THINK TWICE! We have 2· great NEW SAVINGS PLANS- GUARANTEED GROWTH PLAN and GUARANTEED INCOME ACCOUNT , ST ,\RT YOUR NfW GUARl\NllflJ 5AVl'IG5 WITH 51.flflll OR MOR£ ,\NIJ qART EARN · ING MAXIMUM l"<TLREST! Each new account earns guaranteed interest of 5.25°/o . per year. In tho GROWTH PLAN interest is left 10 accumulate for whichever period you choose-3, 4 or 5 years. THIS PRODUCES THE HIGHEST RETURN ON INSURED SAVINGS ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. In Ihe INCOME ACCOUNT your interest check is sent-to you every three months for the designated 3, 4 or 5 year period. . One of these two plans may be right for you. We recommend them as a second account, a long-term investm~nt. Wllhdrawal s before Hite period's end are subject to restriction,, When held to term's end or beyond, savings in these plans produce gr_atifying rewards •.• at the world's most altrildiw: environment for uvings- 1.-quna federal Saving, . ." Amid the beauty of ou r c.harming seaside communities, savers have invested 1heir savings at Laguna Federal for ove r a third of a century • Today they continue 10 find at Oransc County's LARGEST, FIRST ~nd STRONGEST independent Feder.ii, new s.ivings programs helpfully tailored to meet individu<ll needs. Eo1ch bcttcr-\vay-to·savC' provides lh!! nar1ort 's high~t retums, with insured yfety, with DAY IN lo DAY OUT INTEREST. ;ASSIOOK ACCOUNTS: SS CURRENT ANNVf\l lllATE earns S.TJ'l w,hen compounded daily for one year. -~-Gu.uANIHD GROWIH and.lt!COMl.ACl:lllJ.l!IJS, ~TI, _ compounded daily, accrued or paid quauerly for 3, .. or S yeair period. 260 0tMn ..,_,.,. U1111M a.di, C.liloml• T•lt~ 494·7541 IRANC!HlS-UGUIU HIGUW lJ!Jonatt~ 811 Pia"'-T1ltpflena 499:1140. 496-1201 .. SAN CllMENTt: 60'1 N. D Cimino Rt1L T1ft~hon1 492·1195 ( • r --. ' ;Mao Bids ~·To ReO'ain It ~ ;l:Jost Power- • ll TOKYO (AP) -Communisl ]l~ chairman Mao Tse.tung f,ls made three big moves to r eclaim some of the P91itical l)ower now in the hands0f the nation's military leaders. J-lc ordered the Communist • pii.RY Monday to take 'over reaaersfilp --ocC fiina 's 2 ~9 --t;.;;. r e v· olulionary committees, rebuild and strengthen jt$ branches in the provinces, and revived its once powerful but recently neglected Communist lo'uth League. -' . tll•tT~tto , The 75-year·old party chief's Orders we!'& outlined in a joint editorial published on the -party's 48th anniversary in Ttvister Trounces -Trai'lers \llree-hlaoist organs -the ail · J?~king People's Daily, the This' is the remain:; of a tr er court et Kirksville, Mo., after a tornado ripped 1..iberauan Army Daily and the through the area, injuring seven persons. Seventeen trailers were destroyed theoretical jourhal Red Fla'g. or damaged. The editorial said revolu· ----.=....--------------~-------.,---- ionary committees must form '.'a strong core of the party leadershtp . , • which is arm· ed with Mao 1 s e~t ung's lhGught;"" exercises u n i f i e d leadership and keeps close ties wilh the masses." Medicaid Two S'isters Stricken On Florida Jo'fl,rtiey : ·-~· Safeguartl System . ·_:_fllegal~Spending -Charge· teve"/£d . . .. WASHINGTO~ (AP) -The softest velvet glove In an at. Nixon amnhustration was ac-tempt to break the apparent ~ loi!aY ot Ulegally •pen· near. dtadlnck in the llenate • . · over Safeguard. ping MOO mllllon from fund.! He met for an hour and a a~lated for the discarded half aL the White House 'with Senttnel tnlssile d e f e n 1 e five Republican Senate critlca systein on t }\ e revamped of the missile defe~ ays(em -Safeguard program: ~ Sens. Gharles .-Perey-of Sen. Gaylord Nelson {D-m1nol.s,°Charles McC. Malhias Wis.), in a prepared state-Jr. of Maryland, Milrlow W. rncnt, said the Pentagon spent Cook of Kentucky, James B. tha mooer. on Safeguard 'Pearson oC Kansas a n d n$slles aOO radar equipment Richard S. Schweiker 3 f although Congres.s bas not ap.. Pennsylvania. proved the pr"4lJect and Jn spite 'Nixon's approach was of the of a DefeMe Department p~ softest softsell. · .. DAILY PILOT !$ QUEENIE • Phl.l lllttifancll mlse not to use the Sentinel "The President emphasized funds. that eacli member of Congreu l:2~~~~~~~G~~::.:;:;;:;;~:,::._J "The' fact is,'' Nelson said, would have to exercise his own • 7-f "Congress has-not authorized conscience. I had no feeling of or appropriated .one cent for being persuaded,"· sen. -Well, don't..blame me. I thought driftf'B like F i.he new Safeguard system. Mathias said after the se!l'.Slon. were auppoeed to-look out for driven. lib me. The adminiJtration's decision Percy called the meeting, ____ _:..:.._ _______________ _ to spend Sentinel monie.s on which had been scheduled fur the .Safeguard system is a only 45 minutes, very friendly clear violation of the and said the Pre~Jdent didn't Congress' law~making authori~ even dlscuss Safeguard until ty." · be brought it up. Nbton junked the . "th!n'' None ol the five Indicated Sentinel syster.n, which ,"'.8S any change of mind after the designed to protect the na,,_ meeting .. Freighter's Sinking Blamed on Uiptain lion's major cities, laat March With the vole expected to be and asked Congress to ap.. very close, Nixon needs all the WASHINGTON (UPJ) -A safety 'investigaiors Said to-Mao was qiroted-direcUy as saying: "Every party branch must reconsolidale itself in the midst of the masses. This must be done with the participation· of the masses and not merely a few party Cost wntrol Bill Okayed CLERMONT, Fla. (AP) -He said Katherine's old, prove the Safeguard system, GOP support he can get, but freighter which sank in the day. WASHINGTON (AP) Two elderly sisters with a crarked leather purse was aimed at defending U.S. land-he apparently intends to stay Pacific with a lou of 36 Jives The ship was the ~ Pano- pocketbook full of directions packed with scraps of paper based ·offensive missiles. away from blatant partisan went down because its captain ceanic Faith which sank 500 .wandei-et! for three ·days on a scrawle:.t over with highway Nelson's blast came after pressure rather than chance had failed to make proper miles south ol the Aleutian Congress and the Welfare Department have moved to cut soa ring costs of the medicaid, the state .. 'ild· ministered health care pro- gram for the poor. 20-mile auto trip before t ne directions. the President .had put on his alienating other senators. · repairs to-a hold, government Islands on Oct. t , 1967. died and the other collapsed. . ____ :.._ ______ __::_;_::..:.;:;:::;::__::::...:::;::..:.;::..:.;=-...:.==;::_=:..;===---..:::::::::.::.::.::::~:.:;:::::::: -----~-----' members." • The editorial said--all organs ·-the army, the Youth League, workers, poor arid middle-class ~asantS a n d "'lao's paramilitary Jl e d Guards -must accept party leadership and abide by Mao's .policies. Il added: "The consolidation of the Communist Youth League should also be started." The ~mrriunist Y o u l h League , described as a "schoo l for communism" and once the source of many party n1embers, went into eclipse ("'during the CultUral Revolution after Mao established the Red Guards. {l,ut the Red Guards rampaged through fhe coun· try, and Mao now appears to prefer a revival G{ the o I d youth group. '· The party's . ninth . nation~J ongres&. held 1n Pek ing April thrGugh 24, resulted in the '~Ec!Cction of tGugh·mindcd • military men to many top '")iositions. '• Of the 170 members eleeted ·lo a new and expanded central The Senate Monday passed and sent tG the House legisla· tion that permits states to control program cost s, · The Department Gf Health, Education and Welfare issued new regulations intended to check high fees paid to dGctors and dentists. Sen. Jacob Javits, (R·N .Y.), said the basic problem is the "unprecedented ·rise in the cost or medical care, This in· flationary trend e om .b i n e d with some abuses and lax ad· ministration of federal prG- grams have caused the price of medicaid to war ffr beyond our original estimates." The new J .esu!a.Liqns4 -: firsJ federal standara for fees ill the program -will ~e e{f~cl in thirty days. Katherine Freidrich, 80, and her sister Louisa, 84, visited 1he Lake County tax assessor Friday in the -ctnlral FJorlda community of 'ravares. Then th ey began the driVe to Cler· mo!'lt, where the retired tc;,ichcrs Jiv¢ with their two older sisters. ,. A power company crew found Katherine's bo dy sprawled in an orange grove ~\onday. ~1 G n d a y, a police s·earch party fGund Louisa. t'<>nfused and incoherent, lying 200 yards away. Police Chief Prentice Tyn- da ll of Clermont said car tracks showed th~ women turned Gf( U.S. Highway 27 an to a clay road and drove two miles into the grove. They then· turned up a sandy path where their car bGgged down to its hubcaps. "Their two older sisters, one abo1'l-86 and the other near 90, called us when Katherine and Louisa didn't come home Fri· day night," Tyndall said. 1 ·ommit tee, 73 were military ,, ommande,,. deputy c•m· '"Thi·nk l"m Nots" 1'4<tnanders or politic a I com- 5 issars;-a·n d 32 others had --- :.fnHitary backgrounds. '" Mao hand picked the B t/· t b S l f V · ,, ~elegales lo the congress, and a i u e or oyage ~r )lad hoped they would reaffirm 1 ':.~is recovery of power from EAST LANSING, Mich. plete the round trip. . ·.purged President Liu Shao-chi. (AP) -Victor Jackson plans Jackson says he has te~ed to make a 118-mile round trip the craft on the Grand River crossing Gf Lake Michigan this and it is entirely safe. He R.t1rl.s \vee kend in a cast iron everyone else thinks he is ... ' ·,;Air, Rail Union Boss Retires • WASHINGTON (AP) -P. "i. "Roy" Slemillcr, con- ... iroversial leader of nation\vidc ;nrline and railroad strikes. l1as retired -but not before lhrowing nne lci~t punch on behalf of his million-member balhtub. crazy, including his wife. The tub is supported by a "She thinks il 's nuts, but steel frame and attached tG says if I'm crazy enough lo four 30-gallon oil drums. Il has try it, she'll go along with the a 15-horsepoiver motor jnd is idea. though not the t1ip," equipped with a two-1v<iy Jackson said. rad io. It is registered with the Jackson said he got the idea Michigan secretary of sta te's a fe1v years ago while he and office as a pleasure craft. some friends were sipping Jackson, 31, an electronics bee r on the lake shore. Some- tech nician and father of six, one commented that they says he hopes to l.•ave had emptied enough beer cans Ludington in northv.:estcrn to rloat them across Lake Michigan Friday and make it l\1ichig3JJ. • 59 1nilcs to f\/Ianitowoc, \Vis.. Jackson said he decided in about eight hours. If all beer cans weren't practical · union. goes well, he will then cotn· and setUed on a bath tub • .... At the un ion's mandatory,....:;..... _____________ _:_ __ _:__;__ c. retirement age of 65, Siemiller today turned the presidency of ' the AFL-CIO International Associat ion of Machinists and ~ 1\crosPace \V(lrkers over to Floyd E. Smith, 56, formerly a union vice president. · SicmiHer, clos inlf 't>ut his 40· ~e<ir uniGn career with record· reaking new contracts for l/ i;,on1e 38,000 airline mechanics, J..d'lred a blast charging the •!railroad industry wilh stalli ng , •tiegotiallons covering 137 ,000 1~1hop crafl workers. --+--'~'J'.he-r.1ilroads are-.irLgood_ ghape," Siemiller said Monday jn an intervie w. "They've got money to burn but they arc llill using the old, antiquated ~:--Spproach to lalx>r relations. ' 'rht'Y are using the Railway 1 La bor Act to full advantage, !delaying seltlements." : .. all-time favorites in one assortment! Big Ca llfornle Candle, G iant Rainbow Foun· t al n, Spa rkl e rs, Sc re eme rs. plus dozens more. Fun and excllement for tho whole family. 1 ANNUAL RATE • - Near haH a century of ·""'"' / Ntl!r haH a bDllon dollars strong "(EAR t CERTIFICATES 6'Jb A-affllljjrjlil<l'flimul!lldillY....,PMlill111 Wfiin Pfflitlllil Ind ,~ --- Interest remain for S ;,ears. Minimum deposit $1.000._ In the eYent of hardship. ~· funds mey be withdrawn at the end of anyquarterwfth full Interest to t'-tdlte. 2 The>e -certlfleltes are offered iol lddltlon to nautar --and BonuaAccounls. More Interest Than Banks, More Certain Than Stocks; • "CORONA DEL MAR. • 2987·En~ Coat Highway Tel9phone875'6010 W•81' AlllCIADIA J fl80 West Duir1e Road .,,,. T.itpl)GM "6o01M COVINA 200 Nori\ Cltrul Awnu1 , Tlltpliollo 3»4471 OL•NDAL• G38 North'Br1nd Boul9Ylrd T9'ephonl242 ... 141 PA8AD•NA (tlomoolftoo) I 315 Eut Colorado Boulwanf T tlepho09 44W34S , .. MOY.UAL SAVING&--" and laan u•ciatin • .. l I ' ' ' • -I ' ~ ' ' •.I DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGij . _Holding the Tax Line • oran1e County's prellminary 1116&-70 budget of $190.3 mllllon a!Iords lhe taicpa~r something of a sigh ot..rellef. J:!!lspite a $27 million ~rease, the budget will·•· not boo&! the present $1.88 tax rate. · Loi Angeles County's budget, meanwhile (approx· IJlllUi¥ nine limes bigger than 01'8111• County's); calls for a tu rata of $2.93, up 25 cents from this year. Two..,,..ajor elements -1\0!PU:I Or,an& .. County bold the lloe are: . J • ' l 1 -Asstllsed valuallon in the county has been pro ec • ed to lncraaae at least 8 perwit over. last year. This ls the figure used in the preliminaJY budget -Federal and state grants continue to grow. In· com~ from this source Is expeclad to total $51 million, up $U millloo. Now the county assessor sa,ys the assessed value could increase as mucb as U percent If the asses10r's estimate holds up, the Board of SUperVl'son· will be faced with the coolllcting pressure •to restore some of the original budget proposala and projects previously put oft another year, or lo reduce the tax nte. -, Public hearings on lhe final budge! will be held July 16-25. Pomp and -Circumstance An estimated half billion persons around the world pau!ed before TV sets today to watch a pageant unri- valed since the cororialion o( Queen Elizabeth 11. . Prince Charles wa.s to hear hls mother address him, •1aur most dear son Charles Philip Atibur George," u his investiture as the new Prince of Wales began. Since 1307, there have been 21 Princes of Wales, all • Heirs Appareni to the lhrooe. And, after 700 yeus, there will still be .a Uny Cl'O!IP ot embittered Welsh natianol· ·-his who will curse in their cups as thilr new )'OWll Jrlnd Is balled. -- Yet it Is likely that vecy element -the stability and raassurance ot the contin.ulty of history and lndltlon down through the ~!lllluries -that makea the l!ritlah . royal family l!lcb a..r.e~cl and altractlve !Datltullml abroad as well a> at home. No Fireworks Are Safe Ftreworlca in Southern Callfornia's -and Ibo na· Uon's -argricultural past were a fre .. wheellog thing. Just about anyt!ling went · Lo6t eyesight and other maimings were common. Many homes were burned to the ground by errant ex· plosives and missiles. Yes, It was a Glorious Fourib all right -except that it made no sense from a safety standpoint even in the rural yast. ~ Fireworks ordinances vary from tough to lenient · from city to city today, compounding the difficulty of enforcement But the laws are less important than the fact that there are no !Otally sale fireworks, despite ''sale and sane" labels. - Last year in one, Orange Coast ci,ty alone, 14 fires were traced to fireworks between June 28 and July 10. And a national study showed that six of every 10 per· sons hurt by fireworks were onlookers or were unaware that anyone was setting off ftreworks nearby. The time ha.s come to outlaw fireworks altogether, except for the show~ staged under fire department con· trol. """" ' ' ,. . . J • 1 I I • I Lqp Dogs Take Place of Watch-dogs Dear Gloomy Gus: • Nixon's ~Hore' Taken as a Co1nmitment- Presi dent Is Surprised, Dismayed . ' . Have you noticed that those who ~emand their right! are W1ually !he ones who have so lit~ respect for the riCb-1.3 ol others? H. B. McD., Jr. Now 1 peraonallJ don't care a\ what . a,ae, or when, or hbw much, New !...------------' Yarllon drink ar don't dr1nr booie. Bui I found It dlstlnc:Uy Interesting thJl a proposal to ral$O the ltgal drinking age ln New York Sta.le tram 11 to 21 was pi&eooholed this apnng by a Joint Legislative Committee bandl-tnc liquor laws. II turned out that this legislaUve -·· Advisory Committee had quietly put the blU to sleep. Of 39 sucti "•dvi.J.. m," 29 are repretentatives of the beet. wine, liquor and usociated businHse11. _ and at least two of them are registered lobbyists for the liquor tride. Talk about patting the. loxes Jn cbarge ol the chick- ·~. hwse. Agriculture who "have the fanntn' con- fidence." IT OUGHT TO BE esactly the other way around-and tr It wert, we wouldn't need ao many damn foot re¢atory agen- des·m Wuhlngton. Th< Secretary ol Labor ought to be the man to see that, while labor gets tts fair lhare, ll abouldn't blackjack t h e economy. Tbe Secrettry of Commerce ought to be the man wbo prevents buslness from cutUng tla own throat through greed and chicanery. The Secretary of Agriculture ought to be the man who keeps the little farmers from starving. and t!te big one• from ezplolUng, ioltUd of Ul6 reverte, u we hive U now. W ASlllNGTON -Nolwlthsllndlnl I flutter ot cautionary pre111 brieflnp the probabWUe1 come dowD on the aide of Prelident Nixon'• ordering continued witbdr1wals from Vietnam at a rate to equal 200,000 to IJ0,000 by the end ol ll'IO. A "hope" uttend to tens of mllUona of llattnin& Americans takes on t h e character of a commitmenL The Presl- dent rec<Jinlud alter the fact tbe point made by otbm that tbe upresstoo ol such a hope conveytd more than be wanted to aay at the wrong Umt. to uy IL Thus the press briellnp to •Xlftll the President's dismay that bis "bope" wu accepted a ldvanct noUce of an American bua-:OUt which woold. damqe the prospect le< lD booorable pollllcal settlement. It will take more than aecond·hand ti'· planatio111 of whit the Presldent meant to satlsly the many millions who now have It fixed In thelr minds that, come whit may, Nixon intends to get out of V~lnlm. ~ NIXON WILi-HA VE to begin again where be left off in his previous Vietnam apeecb to reclaim effective contfol cl. Amerl~ public aW~u wblle be trlu to negotiate a settlement on the terms be hal prevlOUJly outlined. 'lb• apectallons th1I bu aroused do not contribute to a balanced and st .. dy courle leading to .. bolCl"able 1etUement. It will undoubtedly proye iocteaaingly difficult for the President to reconcile such a ·mus.Ive withdrawal with hit firm Vle!JWtl speech, his support of President Thllu and hll ultra-firm speech at the Air Force Academy. He will have to recon- cile the.le awtuiles 'or nm the risk that people Will bep 15klng, "Will the re&! Richard Nixon llind up?" Some of the trou~le comm from the ap- parently llmltlou c:onlldence ol his chief advlaon In tbelr Jblllty to brtng forth a magical solution. Some advbors, such as Henry Klasinfler and Se<. of Slate Ropn, have a tetmlngly unbounded faith that becauae tbey ari new and brisht In their jobs Ibey csn charm, pfj'aullde or lfpa1~ tbe COmmtmllt side and Saigon Into acceplinfl dreae<I ~P fonnulationa for peace es~pally no dif· ferent than those of lhe bad old Johnson AdminiltraUon. EVERYONE CONCERNED Is begin- ninl to believe th1.s and to give forth such HpreSSlons of hope and confidence as now have President Nixon in trouble. Thil hu to be understood to comprehend alto why Nixon 1houkl have been IW'prll- ed and dismayed when bJs expressed hope for a tot.al withdrawal of fl'OUnd combat fora• before the end of. lt?O back-fired. It was jwt a hope, not necessarily an expectation and quite in line with the enthusiastic spirit of con- structive optimism in the White Rouse circle that lhe pew team will win the peace game. ~In this spirit, Nixon could nGt perctlvt that 10me would~ sourly regard his ·withdrawal statement as the cll~ar in- dicaUon of a disguised bug-out, .and th.at others would throw their bats in the air to celebrate the event. A series of Nlion aldes is lrying to Tepajr\he damage but Jt ls really beyond repair because then were ioo many millions watching television laat week who think the President aS much as com· mltted himself to getUng out of Vietnam before lhe end or 1970. This was not a reaction confined merely to Senators Fulbrlabt and Kennedy. ·~ SOl\.IE OF mt eiplainers of the Nixon optimism have u much as said that his pollUcal inst1ncts overpowered him. The Democrat!. rallying around former secretary Clark Clillord's schedule for withdrawal, were Ck>slng in on him, Ile reacted u if be were ln a television debate during a pollUcal campaign, mak· Ing poinLs against Cllrford's record a~ secretary of defense and proclaiming that be expected to do better. When all that had been said the pro- spect .sUll remained that Niion has every Intention or doing what he said he hoped to do. It seemed plain that he had r.iade another o1 bb.' _famous decisions. The decision in thJj crisis was to withdra\f combat troops in large and regular iflo crements when he judges that the flexible criteria he has defined have been met. }Ce .left little doubt that he will judge from time to time that lhe criteria have been meL AS THE NEW YORK T IM ES addulou.oly uid In na edltorill on the lllbjecl, "Legislative leaders ought to re- mind the committee that It ii the watch-- do( ol-tbe (liquor) tnduatry, DOI Its ml· nlorl. " But thil is the way we nm our 1ovmimeota at every level -with lap dop taklnr< U,, place ol watclH!ogs. They do a Utile barking now and then, but you can mil the velfet pillow• right out UNDER THE PRESENT l)>ltem, evtrt department 11 log-rollinl for tta Oft'n special alms, and the public p.aya tenfold as much u It would if we appohl\ed men to offices tbef were auppoeed to keep trim instead o maklng fatter. U you Im- agine the "economy-nilnded" Republl. cans are going to spend less now that \he:1 are In high bureaucntlc poott. yw are In for an unpleuant surprise -the 'aystem won't permit them to. Let Her Try to Sit 'in His Lap • • • from onder them. Consider Cabinet posts at the federal level. Eich one 11 more or leu a lep.liz. <d lobby far Its own p&rllcular Interest. wltb Cabinet HC:retarles who are "l)'ID· pathetic" to these p&rllcular Interests. Thus, we appoint Secretaries ol Labor who can "wort with labor,'' and Secretaries of Commerce.who can "WOJ'k wtth business," and Secretaries of 'Jbey'll just apend In dlfferent plaeta - and make it sound more patrloUc. somehow. For the deeper art of poUUcs Is truly blpartlaan, and consilll of that magical act of levitation whereby • man i1 able to rise above his own principles. Lillian Hellman' sMemoir Summer promise: "An Unfinished Woman," a memoir by Ullian Hellman, wbo6e plays over a generation ("The Children's Hour" to "Toys in the Attic") have utablished her u a formidable American arti.lt, could be one of the mid- year'• most invtting books. Due June 26 (Utile Brown), UtlJ is 1aid to be unspar• Inc self«ruUny, a candid account or her ezperiences in the New York theater, Hollywood. Spain during tM Civil War. M~ and other places. Those of you wbo tud an ~icerpt from the work not Jona ago in The New-Y«k-Review of Boots on Mlsa Hellman's long rel&· tkmship with Dashlel Hammett will sense U. pua:looate and uncompromiaing at. ll)OIQhere of the book. • -OTHER SUMMER Utles: "The IU&ht Time" Js Harry Golden's autobiogr1phy wtth special focus on WI garruloul racoo&eur '1 Lower East Side childhood. priaon r<CCll'd, editorship ol The Carolina lll'Ullte and civil rights forays (Put- nam'•~ June U ). ''The War Bustnea,'' by polWcal 1lri!er and reawcher Georse Thayer, Is • ICUdy ol the lntemaUonal trade fu arms -tbe put quarleN:entury In which tho Unlied State& Governrnmt hal pleyod 1M ,,_.-part In Jhlppiq .--..-po bllllan worth ol IUTillllltDts, bedt 1ocaDY and Ulegally. nits ii WI to bl a comprehenalve. objectJve account of cm ot the world'• blUell industrla, the J*IPle who 'mate -ihdr fortunes · ,,, -one! how our lnternatlooal rt1<1n ore~ llblpod (SU-to Bcb.-;J-1). (Atheneum) is the lhlrd 111cb 1o-round by thi!I perceptive reporter, the _flr1t of which (Kennedy' vs. NlJ:on, 1980) won a Pulitzer Prize. "Cast of Chuaclers" i!I 1 collecUOn of fictional pieces by Garson Kanin , peopled with characters this playwrl&ht-noveUIL-- film wrlter has observed over the ytars, actors, ticket brokers, c r I t I c s (Atheneum; June 25). "The Victims," by Bernard Lefll:owllz and Kennelh G. Gross, is something !Gr collectors of true crlme. 'Thli is an ac. count of the Wylie-Hofftrt murder cue, a chron.icle of the 11layi ng of two youna Ntw York career girls and the search for their tiller' chilling parts or which have .,,.. peired in Look Maaazlne. This could be another "In Cold Blood" (PulnJllt). THE SEASON'S most conaplcuous - book might be "Beautiful Thoughts by Tiny Tim," the tccenlr~ 1ln1cr-ukt.lele vtl11io10, which DoubleciaJ bis Just ln- lrodllCJCI. -run 1lhlle 11 Luted;"'doscrtbld ... an - ••informal autobiofraphy'' by Bamaby Conrod. arut-&randaon to Iha ststh gen<:rAlion ol Mutba W11hlngtoo, la d• from Random House July 21. From Random July 7: "'il>e O'Hara GtMl.Uon," St stones cullfd from ntne previous volumes of short storlei publlsh-- ed over the past 30 years, which ii 1urely not a hard w1y to prod~e a new>book. WWlam B11aa Nothing Wlmasks a rpan Qlte lllllT'taae. 'nlen the gllt wears off, and the brute benesth Prince Charmln1 d1'cl..., the trulh of what be really is -a buat in 1 white o:hlrt. As many a woman can testify: Before the ceremony he used to read her love peems as he ran his fingers through her tangled curls. Now h6 look1 up from his mofning paper only to grlpt! about the burnt toast and complain"about her curlers. When she was a bride, he swept her off her feet and lightly carried her bodily across the threshold or Uleir tiny new apartment. But let her try to sit In his lap today and he eroan.s as if she bad btcorntt an elephant. ONCE BE PROMISED that if she would only be his, he'd climb the highest mountain and swim the deepest sea for her. 11 Otat still true? Hardly. U &be even aakt him ta carry out the garbage, he wanta to make a federal case out of it. Ere they marched to the altar, he ll&lnted wonderful pictures about how h>pJ>Y the)"atiO gcmg tlfroogh life together 1lorlously sharinf everything. But now should ahe merely want to cha"e the television program he's watching, she's lucky il he doesn 't bite her hand as she reaches for the knob. When he wa.1 courtJng her, be wllllngly borrowed at the bank In order to 1howtr her with pretty presents. Today lf she wants to buy a new pair of lholt, he coldly uks her. "Do you think money grows on trees?" THF.RE WAS A lime when he would leap to his feet and rush across the room to lilht her clprette. That was before aM. told the minister, "I do." Now, she Bfl Geo,..e --~ J!U<.~-My PIOl>lem Is I jull can't seem to flnlah ~lng 1 start and, frankly. tt'I -more later, I just rememblred another appointment HURRIED Dear Hurried: Hmm. Does any "•lier ~'" half a solution? I'm not qulte sure whit to do with half a problem like that. , . ' ftela une.allly;he probably wouldn't get off the tofa ta help her if &he suddenly burst Into names. In the ol'd days he was glad to take htr dancing until dawn. Now, on the once-a· month he takes her out far an eyeninf, she is luoky H he fox trots bet once around a tiny night club dance floor before 1inkini back exhausted In h1.s chair. Before, he was interested in her views abM:it everything. Now If sh~ voices an opinion about anything, ht 11ys cuttingly, •·Loot who's talking." "NO WIFE OF mine 11 tYer going to have to work," he told her whtn he was her suitor. But now that he has been wed to her for awhile, he spends half ol every Sunday going through the want ad pages looking for a job she can handle. Once he liked to take her to parties. to show her off. At the rare parties he takes her to now, he seems determined to show her up. "We'll .never quarrel like most manied people do," he pledged the night he put the engagement ring on her finger. Now he .sometimes keeps the neighbors awake fussing at her. IN HER IDLE hour!I she wonders what she could have done wrong to change her gallant suitor into the selfish monster he has become. She did only one Ullng wrong -she married the bum. Then, like any otber husband, he &imply reverted to type. Life Became a Bit of a Bore Onct upon a Ume, the country called Wonderland entef!d a ptriod ol RJUal license unParalle!ed in history. Within the brief span of a decade, as a rtsult of court deci slons, the Pill and a general malai!le, old sexual taboos ftll OM b)' one.. Nudity became widespread in niibt clubs. films a n d priiit. Pornography flourished on st.age, screen an d new&stands. And ptotniScuity was last becomlnR the: n o r m !or the younger t:eneratlon. Moralists were outraged. "ThlJ ~ of smut and salaciousness," they qled, "will sap the moral fiber of our youq: and tum them into sick·bralned beasta." "NONSENSE." said a Wise Old Philosopher. "If the trend continues, man will at last. become a rallmal anJm1I tolvlng hla problems In a nUOoal way." Ht WU rlgfit. . "You see,·• said the WI.It 0-d Philosopher at the openinfl ol "lltln," the first ell-nude Hollywood movie (llarr1ng Tuesday Weld and Slim Picktnl), "when man first donned clothes ht began I snickerlll&.-.JII~illiCWllb-ux tbat has lyted 10,000 years. "To prove hJs maleoe:u, he bu tf'o ntlonally waged wan, scaled mountatns and flown to the moon. From puberty on, most of his energy and t&J111tl are devoted to l"lllYlnl bts MXUal hana-ups. It'• little wonder this aU-eonautnlnc pursuit of the forbidden bu crtated a alck aoclety .'' . . -·· AT Tiii: JlllOADWAY optnlt11 of "PU. . -UP,· an Orn in 'I'hret-A.cts" ("Tired plot" -Playboy), the Wlae Old Philosopher wu jubilant. "There ii no ralloQal reaaon why sex· ual actlvlUea should be of any mort in- terest than eatinJ: and drinking, which are not only pleasurable, but necessary to 1urvlval," he aald. 0 At last we are ap- proachina a raUonal JOClety.'' And ao It came to pau. Tht new gerieraUon, ralatd in an era of 1e1ual freedom. found sex of leas Interest than eaUne or drlnkin1. that the lluman race viev.·ed sex ta- tionally, there wun't any. 1,1 "' The postures involved, viewed' ra. lionally, were ridiculous. And tne pleasures gained -now that sex was no longer Jlllcit -were not rationally wortti the ellort upended. o , So it became clear the human raO! would die out In a single generallon. "Well. when you look at the problentB mankind faced ," said the Wlse Ollt Phlloaophtr with a 1mile. ''it doas -yeem the only raUonal solulion.11 ~ 1'10RA.L: Support your local censor .:.. just for kick3. • • ----Where their grand!athen had been tr• cuJed by l"'ftvultd antle and t h e l r faUien by a reve1led kntt1 U1af wn n<!thlng left to ..... 1. For u -of the new 1eneraUon were cold, thty wore Tuesday, July 1, 1969 clolhu and If they weren't. tbty didn't. If T~ tdltoTial page of the Dally thty ftlt lt-e mald.n, Jpye, they did, and Pilot tcekt to Inform ond 11im- U they dldn't, theJ d1di:l'l Watt readn1 b»' ~rescnUno this -;;;;m;;-.i;;i;;m;r.;;;;~-r-na~~a-0•ppuin~1o~u~-.,,..._,...,_-l--t1~ NM' RXVING 1' prove r ma eness, '"""torr on topics of fntn.st gene'r1l1 renounced wars, detp sea div-cm4 1igntficanct, b»' providing a en quit dttp sta dlvW, and Notre Dame foni:m /01 the-t%pTt11ion o/ gave up football. our reodtr1' opitlfoni, and b»' Not bavln1 to prove tht.lr femininity. presenting the diveTJt vfew- ladlu renounced halrdruten, youth points of in/onnt.d obstnitn creatns and n1pln1 thetr hutbandl to ond ipok1nnen on lopict of Uic makt morie money. They looked very ra4 da»', -tlonal. .. • ... Of cour,., Ille did become a bit ol a Robert N. Weed , Publisher bort. But that waa all rlaht, btcauae now ~~-~-~--~--·----.. -~~~~~~---------~-----------.-------~-~~ --------· --. • • CHECKING UP• Eleanors Hate Christine Keeler Te1ls · .All in Book ·-------- Frona Warsaw t.o Stockholni ... ' - Peki~g S~e,king N ~y.§. TalJ;s ~ite?- WASHINGTON-<~> , -.China than Poland, l~ the talks wllh China aiid have Ille ~ 191 eulnc. ftia- LONDON (AP> -OulsUne Rod-may want lo.lwiteh of the·5<1v1tt bloc. ' hopes lhey might l'<ltime thls tloJia belwteD lhe two ...m; Keeler, lhe playgirl whose the site for Its ambassadorial The ~late Departmmt had year. -• • tries. w:capades roi:ked blgti llCJCie. talks with the' United States to no commenl on Ille Peking · The United Statea, which SUch. propooals would In- ly and \!>< Brltlah government Stockholni from W a r s aw report. be1an the talb In Genev~ In elude a renewed offer to ea· In 1963, bu written • 70,000. where they have beeo held In The arrlv~ In S'°fkholm of· · JI!$, ls one of the few weateru chani• ....,men, acbolan and DAILY l'ILOT f. lD'S BE JllEllDLY • -.i.aulob!Ograpby. l'<C<Q! yea,.., a new Cblneoe ambassador, naUons which have had •· lclentlall. · llarflor . Visitor ·~.am_perfeclly-Jraoluibout Diplom•tic-IOIJrCtS ITy, Wiilg'l'Ung;-haa-hel~ -dlrtcl-plpellne"-~--There-rlitile-apedallon -· -~....:.1 the facts, about myaeU -yes, howeve~, it does not appear specula~ ·abo!.lt Chinese ID· authorities. · that tbe Chlnele are lltely to:~~~~4~9~4'~9361~~~~~ Being Oyerlo_ok-ed I was promiscuous -and the Chinese are moving le .-· lo about ·other people,'' Miss direclly to resume the talks nt\OOJ. Dip mala _rtpmenUng the take up thll proposal In the . By L. M. BOYD Not yet Manged to toca~ the . K.U.r,.now rr, told an in-they poetponed unexpectedly Olficlals here noted that few weslern countrltl that near future. Nevertheless, ·M k · Shor narrowest street,-bowever •. terv!ewer. ' -. iJJ mid-February. . :Wong . ..Kuochuan, lied Pek· h.a.v.e_dlp.l<!lllJl11!:_~ U,S. d,lplollllil..leel that i!Js -0 e ~ _p_ QUI,~, WBJAT'S the ~ra~ The Via Sol in Havana, Cuba. One of those caught up in The sources quoted a ing's ambassador to Warsaw, tatlQ_n Jn Peking frequently worthwhile trying to improve . ' ~~ =? ~P~~~s Pu:fd·, ~e~~ ~1:8 5~~tJia1! the 1 umoscand, waral !:~ .. :1~1n Prtho-e diplomatic report circulating hr as been absent from his post have been eavloua ot the U.S. relaUons with Peking t 0 Dea I; Use· bee.us. Japan tu-· -·t more ·~~~ In Peking that China had ob-or months. He was not In the con•-~-••-·gb ·•-•ttec11y b~· er -~ _..~ ..... vw that, you name .jl. c.onaervative government, who jections about continuing the Pollsb capital in February -..~, wuu -.inu w •\Ol:V __ ,. .,._,anig: IO Al Q pianos than any other country COMIC Pete Barbutti la as first denied rumors he had an talks In Warsaw. The report when the ISSth ambauadorial Infrequent. long as lhll does not D LY PIL T ~~;!Tt:C -~r ITg~~ swift as Groucbo Marx. auodation with Christine, said the Chinese may feel that meeting bad been scheduled to 'llle Nixon admlntatraUon is Jeopardize relations wlih the called El.;.;;,' say sour Name maybe swiltei '-" • NEVER then admitted it and realgned Sweden, a neutral country, has take place. understood to be preparing a Nillonallst c bl nu• on Di me-A-Lines Game man, that they would SAW one such.~t a knurled his post. · become more fnendly to U.S. oUicialJ want to re.new number or mlDor proposala to Taiwan. rather be looked over than pencil is on the market now,j----------------':..,.... __ _c.:.._:...:._c=.==:...:.==-=-=~=.:::=:..:::.....::=:.= ___ ...;.. _ _:~--------. overlooked. Et,eanors do not. niade especially for butchtrs rke to .,.J~M d ._,, with greasy f!nJers .••. TBE, _____________ ..,;.. _______________________________________ ., 1 · ~ •·-• ·'' • ,.,.. POPULA110N EXPER,811 PJ.lJllAI; of •pbyn< I s ,~lnges." said I. "l don't , ~ p~,the n~.~ big boom lieve it,n sais Judy.James. will be m callforru.a s Antelope ~Sphinges, sounds spboney. 1. valley; . . . SOMJI; think spbym: ill pljlral and It's OCEANOGRAPHERS are ..,,, Utgular is sphinJt.,. vinced dolphins can be trained ' , to herd fish much e dop herd ITHE LADIES -, Women ·obeep ••• , PROBABLY 1he 1 tend to le~ve hotel rooms most quoted editor of 01 much messier. tha.n men 4o. small town newspaper is Dave ~~' women find it far mor:e Elder of Washington, la. d~ftcult to make up thell' · ~T F AC I~ L CllAR-~: ~bou::~~:~~ ACTERIS.TIC which I two f e m i n in e peculiarities most tyPifies the . men of I create greater labor for maids Wisconsm, says a. Student of and waitresses. It takes a bone ~ctures, 18 the long I hotel's housekeeping depart· Wn nose. In.terestlng. I ment an unusually long time H~ever, ~ kn<iw a Cell.ow ~o to get in shape after a sorority· chums be s ~rom Wisconsin convention: Waitresses in the M:d he doesi;i t have ~ long j department siore tearooms thm nose. He must be lying .•• that cater mostly to ladies ~T SL~ NG NOUN • walk about twice as far per ~ea~!11g mar11uana Is ~~11~ shift as the waitresses in pod but pr~nou.nced po.t. men's luncheon clubs. ::1'~t ~!a!lg adJecUV~ m~~g RUNNING a little late with WISe is spelled hep but this item, but" do not want to PI'OllOUJl~ "hip." Better let the. time slip by altoR"ether learn this, young_ fellow, U you ·th I rt1 th ~ u want to maintain your ..,... ~I OU ':"po ng e · -se • "'~-'• th Get It Right Club ing Christmas card m the \une-u~ e . United States depiCts the RAPID REPLY: Maybe so, Madonna and Child .... THE Mr. ~·~ but a New York , -;LADY FRIEND called our ~dvertismg com~y. cli1ms liwift-lipped butcher yesterday 1ts resear.cb indicates the ",a"nd said, , ~·1 :sent t b e ayer age wife has been mar· youngster down for t w.o ned to the same man for 22 • pounds of hot <logs, but this is years. only about a pound." And he Your qut.stiom and com- . said, "'Mlat right? Did you · ment! ore welcomtd ond •·)J¥eigh the kid?" wiU be wed whereveT pot- ' .1 CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. sible in "Checking Up." ,·1-"How you coming in your Addres! mail to L. M. · • aearch to locate the longest Boyd, in co.re of the DAILY ~~;':'1 In the Western PILOT, Bo> 1875, Newport ·i ii! 1 Allylucl:l" A.-Beach,·Cauf. 926U. - ,~Passing Faney . . ·'I' .:·Nature's Whims Tracked ••• , W ASHINGT01'(AP) -The throughout the central eastern . Center-for S b o i' t • L 1 v e d .states," replied Ripley. ~ Phenomena Is ~siting Congress· Rep. Wendell Wyatt, (R· ~'(for $1.0,000 to f~ ~ch will~ Ore.), wanted to know what a -the-wisps as nugratmg sqwr· seicbe is. rels and a disa~pearing island. "lt is very much like a tidal The c~ter ~s a bra~ch . of wave " said Ripley. the Snuthsonian Institution ' . that alerts scientists quickly to And the red tide, asked Rep. unexpected whims of nature,, Jo;:eph M. McDade, (R·Pa.)_. thus improving research op. It . is a ~ll ~arme portunities, according , to S. . organism w~ lS brightly Dillon 'Ripley, SmiUisonian · col?red r~. R l P 1 e Y ex: $eeretary. plained. When these q. Significant biological and gregat.e ln va:st . <1.uant1tit1, ,.geophysical short-lived events, hundreds of milhons o f in c 1 u d i 0 g fireballs, earth.. organisms, the_y create what Is " quakes and volcano eruptions, called a r~ Ude because the , .are reported within hours bj a v.:ater coming in, ~!1°re is . aef.work of 836 correspondents discolored by this . ... m 86 ·countries, said Ripley. Members of .a House ap. The . pro priaUons subcommittee Orange Coast's were not certain whether to believe Ripley when he also Most Complete . desciibed items like seiche, PRINTING red tide and migrating rare anlmals jn asking· fot the E '$10,000 budget next fiscal SERVIC year. · , "What were the rare animal migrations?'' inquired Chairman Julia B u t le ,r Hansen, (0.Wult). "One was cl Kray squirrels, P~!HI• 642-4321 '"''''''""' i YOUR PROBLEM: f ' -. • •· 1n COME TO UNION BANK ••• WHERE IT ALL HAPPENS highest possible bank rates' They're as high as the law allows In each category. No bank can pay you more. .- guaranteed intere.S.t At unloif88nk you may purchase Savings Bonds with the current high interest rate of $% guaranteed for from 1 to 14 years dependfng ·upon the maturify date that best suits your needs. ,. -flexibility At Union Bank you may choose from a wide variety of savings programs. each offering a special benefit to meet your individual requirements. COnVenienCe At Union Bank, with a regular Savings Account you don't even . have to bother with a passbook Each quarter you receive ·a statement showing the current status of your account, deposits, withdrawals and interest earned . .. Saving•by•mail At Union Bank it's a free service. You are sLippfled with ' necessary forms and er:ivelopes and Union Bank pays the postage both ways . All this-plus daily interest compounded daily; the safety of one of America'~largest and most important banks with total resources more than $1.7 billion; a banking relationship • you can depend upon for whatever other financial need you may have, , Make your move now to Union Bank-the best of all worlds in bank savings. r '.i.-• . ' . • " • J • I \ I ,,. I I \ ' h I ,- > I ' I You want to 111J IOme Item that you no longer nMd but someone else can use for . ' '£. · NOT OVER $50 ---·-~.I! f , ? , , ? ? !'YOUR ANSWER;' -·i • • i e Ynu call THE ·DAILY PILOT, ask for Cluslfied Advert1sln9, end place • PILOT PENNY PINCHER i ~ CL4SSIFIED AD . ' "0 • AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE , .. , ~ ft " Ht---.,.~. ~--L TitE s £"ffME"s .i:oo'Ll'A lls-! . •"' AND YDUR CREDIT IS GOOD I L" DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 ,, .. ,,,.. "..,. c...., 14 .. 1220) ' .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'' '''''·'''''"''''''' f!td~ • • UNION .BANK tomorrow's bank today • -MEMBER FEDERAi:. b .EPOSIT INBURANCE 001't .. O .. ·ATION--PEeE .. A\; -•aPlYlf'~raTiiM . . --.-., .-··~~------------ " . ' • , . ! ' ' I • • ; ;r",, .. • 0.....-e Urged I ' ! • 'Win·nie' San.e, Says Belli fflp"/!ie ~ommumr Mishap Kills · Tot · MARTINEZ, c.JJI. ~AP) -neaday, -.Ille governor b·-::====· ======::::::::;;;::::===== "Whoev<r II•,. b," uys San . doe badt In bis olli<e. · '1• ~''' \ -- SAll<l\Al'AEL (UPI) -One 'Ibo nnch 1111 been GOCUpl· el IWO· d>lldrtn wbo !di llllo ed by hippies since tt "a•, lfP"'·~-. • . __, t hippie •• Jowd by llobald McCoy. • u."' ··~ ..... _. _! -lorme<-ml --operator· ll:>ST c:oaunum: north of Novato who "dropped .out," cffKe died .)lbnday; on11 1>oun ar. McCoy, wlio ... r1ec11, ""' · 1or .. "'"""' olllclal'called for .... , '300,000 " bis ll00,000 clooutt.ol the -.•prud forlw!e, comintttod himlell to ........ -~!! the Mar.ln:~.'Hoopl)>l '!be . dead cblld WU Niki psJdlfafrfc wan! WI -k. eanu • .s, who 1.U 1n1o the inur{y. pool' June D olong wllh Aucfty Ktller, 3. The KtUer tlrl wa'Lln Orit1C<1 .,... dl!fan. Mu1n ~~Dou&· las ~---the board • <JI ..pi,mson oli permission to cloee the ccmmune. Be sa1d the 25 penom on the ranch Uved "In -extremely dongu- ""' aad Wlllnltary concli- Frtncllco . attorney Melvin Bdll rererrect in court Mon· W~u .. ~~~ .. 1 ~!d11 h!re~, day ~to Mn., Judd's seven uuue nuu:i a sane escapes from an Arizona stale and rehabi man." mental bospkal-wber:e Ibo re- -F.or .tb rt , l;l.YI Belli,. mained 29 years after 1 panel he will ighl the effort that ruled· her lnnne 7Z hours began In .Arizona Monday to before she was due to be hang~ extradite the once-(amous· ed for murder. Belli pointed 0 tiger womanr' convicted in out th&t if bk client really 1933 of mu~erlng her two best were Winnie Ruth Judd il &:ill friends and shipping Uieir ought to t>.-noted tbat-sb: nrttalns to Los Angeles. times she escaped and return· Belli accompanied---. Hie ed voluntarily. ·The • seventh ~"!Qm&n. lo _Mt~ D.14b1 o time, in 1962 she staxed aw_ay,' Municipal Court here Monday "She's been over the fenc for a brief hearing, told the more times than W 111 i e ·judJ:e "my client a1 a n d s· Mays'' said Belli. mute'' an d objected to t h e• Arguing against her ,125, .SUS.000 bail set for his client. bail Belli said he understood A preliminary hearing wasi ArUona was a . come:Mra'tiv scheduled for Ju1y'l4. . state "so I would issume i Themot her I y appearing. would set a conservative woman who calls henelf bail." " M~ ~ wa.s arrest~d Judge Sam Cook replied that ~rlda:y working as .a domestic he was not up on Arizona Jn a Danville home. Sheriff's politics, noted there la a life olficers .said her fingerprints sentence outstanding againSt match those of Winnie Ruth Mrs, Judd, if she ever is ad--.• The county .,...,.1 clt.d the ntmm1ng pool accident and Aid the pool ls so dirty It was lite a "giant ctMpOOl.'' He said the eledrlcat wiring In tht ranch building was hazar- doos, polnllnf out the m a I n building burned down I I • t c · • d w • f K • 11e Judd. judged sane, and sald U 0UVlCte l e l r "Fingerprints are a myth ol Ariwna sets a lower figure In J. Edgar Hooveri_" Belli said its warrant, which has not _m , afterwarif out of court, adding arrived, he will lhTri'X about lt. G M • l ·oK that he was not conceding his "The people in Arizona don't ets anuscrip client is Winnie Ruth Judd. really want her hack," said . Jn Phoenix, meanwhile, a Belli, "But she's such a big Febnwy. vA .. 1 .... ,1 charg. h had fonnal request for Mrs. Judd's, Pllblic figure they've got to go JI'~· (AP) -Dr. n.o,.,.._ .. 1 e that e ' extradlUon from California through wlt!i this." Sberifra Lt, Guido Battag- lia said the Carter child's death wU under Investigation fer poalble criminal negli-,..,.._ Geza de Kaplanl, convicted ln bee!\ acluded from the CMF was made to the office of Gov. He said if he can prevail San Joee In 19' ol murderinl bridge club, where lnmatea Jack Williams by Maricopa upon Gov. 'Ronald Reagan to his SS.year-old wile with acid, come into ' contact · w l th County Atty. Moise Berger, -hold an extradition hearing he hu ~tten· an 1.1 .. A-'cal nov· out.s.iden:. also 00 .._.,,"'-'• of who also asked• tht attorney will produce letters from ..... """""''" ~~. ..v......... general lo check legal poinlS' :ri,tarian Lane's employers In Maloney uted for perrnis. slcll to· Ille !ult to stop furlb. er habitaUon at the ranch. He also -that • pn>batiee of-ficer lnvesUgate 'the need for pn>lfdlng sman ·chDdren at el, it wu ~ in court here. hf5 apeciil interest status. on the matter of getting Mrs. this area attesting to their opi- De Kapl.ani argued that this Judd returned , as a fugitive nion of her as a "kind and deprives -him ol equal pro-fn:tm an tnsane ·asytum. gentle"-person who cooked, . tectioo under the law and No action on the petition sat with their babies and kept therefore· violates the 9th was eipeCted before Wed-house in recent years. . Amendmeol. the· commune. Cranst.on Says ·Martin 'Booted Out' II deals • -a family in JWnpry !ram Hapaburg clnys throucb Work! War II and Was written by de Kaplani while hnpriloned at the CaWornia Medical Facility it Vacaville. Entitled "Dance of Death," it has been acceplecf.lor review hy • publishing -· 18)'1 K. D. Britt, aaoclate superin- tendent al CMF, Britt laid It is not autOblograpblcaL The manuscript'• es1atence became public Monday in a petltlon for a writ ol habeas He said his exclusion from the club was ordered by the state director of correcUons after a San Franci5co col- umnist wrote that "two of our most famous wife-klllen (Dr. Finch and Dr. de Kaplani) were playln1 tenniJ a n d bridge" in prison. corpull med hy de Kap1aru, A. Sl d new 43. He claim·• ...;-ol· Ir OW OWll WASllI!fGTON (UPI) -~ r- U.S. Ml1nbal'Loula H. Martin ·Bond to_»revept ficlals, wbo must approve Prohih1.ted II .about to be "booted out" tn ,,_ . n:leue of all manuacripla, bad •--~-' ,_ ~ •-deloyed release <JI bla _ _... ·Ai:,i"Q.;' ~Mo:: Doctor Shortage grounc1s that he was• "special sAN FRANCISCO <UPn interest" prisoner who bad Air w~ Air' u-~ ..iJA ·,-~ a day u "•1lltlle Dr. Knowles .,.,~ . ""'"' .. UVWl ui;:u cue ·with a n:vene twist." BERKELEY· (AP) -A re-been subjected to unusual court otder Monday pro- Cranston (l}(:alll.J, uld port releuodCallltoday by I be puAbliclty. ,__ hlblting the airline employes Martin· wilt• be replaced. bJ Unlvenity of Orn1a UJS a t the uuring ha Solano association from engaging in a , George E. Tobin, 1 ca plain in "4f.S mlUloa · -Issue Ille County Superior Court, JMdge slo"'1<nm during c o n I r a c I llleCallfornla·BlghwayPatrol, public wUI vote Oii nezl June Raymond J, Sherwin ruled ' negotiations. eJUwip Martin bu cble 1 must be approved to prnmt a th1I wu no longer an Issue U.S. district coort granted a Pl Job. ~ Cl( docton and bealth since the manU>Cripl bas been temporary injmict!on, ' cori- erwtoo•1 lta1emmt. came pe:rlOllDel. released. ttnuing a rest:ra1ntng order u Ille aenalcr loaed In the The ...,,.n says Ille band Sherwin continued the bear-issued apln9t 1he union June towel In on effon , lo block luua ·..ur enable -Ing on another luue In the IJ when ii threatened lo he1ln Tobln'uiomlnatlon, wblcb hadi.';,ol.=thr='"'=no="'="';,101='=ic=•l=·•=ob="=oll=',.="=pe=lltlon=:i:'=w=hlchi:;;="=u==di:;e=.i:;•=ll=owdown""'"":;,oo;;:;J:::une;;;1;;,1.=::::;I been· recommended by Sen ... 0-,. MWJ!hy (ft,Calif.) •Jn the ... <II Dr. John II. .' f ~Jes. • .wrr 1aood man wu k<pt out of olilce -that of 1111iata:m acretary for health ·aad scleatillc affaln," .. Cranston aakL "In the U.S. ~ dlstrlcl ol California, a vuy good man ·who ii already In ofllce' b being booted <1Ull' NOTICE THE MERCURY. SUPER SIX IS --. NOT AM . AUTOMOBILE < ·n DOES NOT 'KAVE WHITE 'SIDEWALL TIRES; VINYL TOP, . . . . ~ The Democratic Senator uld retenllm of Martin had hem· recommended hy both Jtepubllcanl and Democrall Wat• of hll "outstandlng job" law· -• But, Cranstm Aid bt' notified the Senate Judiciary Committee he had "no objection" to Tobin, whom .he dacrlhed as .. well qtUlified" fer tbe court . COME IN TWO DOOR OR FOUR DOOR MODELS, CANNOT ~ . .. Se.ars - • $3.99 SeamlCISI Tackle Box ~., ~ ·- ~-· FAMILY )Sso · ENTuir.t up your 4U\ of July. cele~ratlon with the Red Devil Family Assortment! 72 dazzling displays lnclltdina: man)' Old favoo1es-Glafll Triartght Wheel. Bull~ eye Cone, PiCCCllo Petes-dozens moref P3cked by Red Devil, Ameriea'S: ·Number 1 Sener in safJ ·and sanl? fi"'~s. _,.... -•l2.llto$495 d iof·Dftl ......... , ......... SALUTE WITH EVERY FAMILY· 'rlREWORl<S MAY BE (EGALLY SOLD. POSSESSED OR DISCHARGED ONLY WITHIN CITIES:·WHP!E:'. SALE IS AUTHORIZED. ~Id by eti.aritable org~nizations at· Red Oevll ataR'ds ·Choose Spinning-Combination or Spin Casting Combination .1199 Use Sears Revolving Charge $15.99 Spinning Combination ••• 2·pc. ruboJir rod, 6Vi long. Stainless steel wire guides, rip.. Cork grip. Reel has internal cam for bail release.. ~ - Sl.i.99 Spin Casting Comhinalion ••• 2-pc.. 1ubular rod, 6Y.!' long. Chrome·plated stainless scecf '9<i~ guides, tip. Rex I has S.finger picku.p. Terrific \"<1.lue ••• Fishing Line Peace Corps Seeks Skills BE OBTAINED WITH A RADIO OR STEREO, DOES NOT RE· QUIRE SEAT BELTS, AIR CONDITIONING OR POWER STEERING. ~AVE II! 29_9 · '~· · ·88c Priced! ' . LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Countries receivlng Pe. a c • Qrpl volunteers are asking lhal mere sldlled people he 1mt and the ac1ncy•1 requiting -ama will he apandad to"""' the demand . Jooeph H. Blatchford, diftc· "1r <JI the Peace Corps, told a ne'WI conference' Monday the ...,.. will try to aUract more Killed penoanel, blue collar --and minorities. Pruiously, re~rultln1 THE MERCURY SUPER SIX IS >J NEW TYPE OF SAVINGS CERTIFICATE OF DEPoSIT, GUARANTEED YIELD, FIXED TERM, WHICH GIVES lt>IE DEPOSITOR THE ~IGHEST YIELD ON INSURED SAVINGS: HE CAN ·OBTAIN IN .THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . 2-ttay, l&compart· menc boJC", 13111 x 6Yi x 6%". No scaJ!ls ro rus(. Steel. 2'-lli. through 40-Jb. · test, •. for fresh and sale water. Lighr blue color. ---.-11-....--to-young college tP"aduatea ind marrled eoaples without chfldren. WHEN HELD TO MATURITY IT GROWS 30'}'. $8.99·Alnminum Cot G rC"e n can•u 683 c~r. 72x3<)x Now vohmteen: can be ae-cOmpanled by their lamllies anct. Industry aad Jaber unloas ,. will he approachod with a plan lhal ·woold insure t b • t wltmleln -1d not 1-their walotlty or Jobs, Blnlchfcrd Aid. Budget Pushes Tax to Record l•l!fl·i'Mhes. AVERAGE YIELD: 6 '}'. - MERCURY SAYINGS AllD LOAN ASSOCIA110ll Bueno Park Huntington Beach -', f LOI ANGELES (AP) -'!be ~r coantTI ,_... •Lii blUIGo -''-1--·.=.t-_ _.,~;f'~ Regular 139.99.Aluminum OuLside Frame Umbrella Tent 9'r/ teoc;. s=• yitll yellow 3 688 rtim. Zippered nylon screen f.rOoi door, tctt •indow. Water repelleoL Can aaommodai. 3 coo. l &.•9 Alr·Matt..,.. R<d p!Ud.J.ut.. 499 berh::ed ·mnon. 80xJ2-inches. Aluminum.Jee Ch~sl Wu Sl9.99.Fio 1488 bc:rgius 1nsul•· ! • i , adopted Ille ~'II l1lldpt Monday, "" .. mlUlan """' lut yur. ,,,. lo -lo -..o1 .• .-.1or- ... al 1111•e~ •aludon. ...._ -~ ...m.•b!Pr than _ _.., .... 8814 .Knott ./\ve..---· -----28.ll ;~ft' ~ MEMBER:• F.Cl..al· Homo · loon S.nk Focloral Savings •nd Loon Insurance Corporation ) Satisfaction Guaranteed Sears -: or Your Money Back ri0n.22rl3r16" .. Shop ~onday thra Satorc!ay 9:30 A.~. to 9:30 P.M, DAaS, a!)UVCI; .A11D <:O, I _j • l -.... --~-----:-~-..-,------------.--~ ....... --~----...,,--....,=-=-------------~--. . . . . ... I • , . . Coun.ty Crime · Toll Varies -. ' r ... <1a1. J•IY l. l ~~; Tot 'Ji.ied of ·Abuse / --:- . - J!y . AllTllUR'fl.-:vJNSEL tiotund QP ore)ncluded In lJ\e-, northe!\!lem,states regist.,_ed !h!t Ir.~. fa\<>!. no~ Gener~· ·Of,... Dt\11 l'u.t a1tff naUoowlde compllaUoo of . the greatest total -r ise .in ·report fn\laves only crl)nes SANTA ANA _ Murder, ,criminal acUvlty_ p001ed by I crfroe, with a 12 percent irl-a~ainst persot1s 01· properfy, · bbe -• ot"'~ v... federal lawmen · s1nce the U.S.· Bure~u, ot rape, f'O ry 8U\I ' u.:r ffi8,,-• Cf'eDe, the OOrlh .ceOt.MlJ l.Tn .. ~ues comnil"S...drug-of, ------.c,.r1ffiier;ro""'sen10"71>er c e-n t ~ty-citieJ:"'.listed tat hea th 1 ~v '"'"' ~. :~·~~!~ Beq,uy' Gets Ye.q r ; SANTA "' Ai'IA -Gr ant Judge 'hen llubbii ·was'COD• child hod ~er ~atft. -tt )l!B~ 30..:~nahe~, has been..~ ¥icted st ~a h , 3'... A Coroner}_ JI. u l o P • Y _ dj: sentenced to one year in the I Hub s' wife, V1rgil11a, y.rho ~ ~&rm~artl\W'boy-had County Jail and five years h!t<.l r !So been lndicted by the dlea as the resuli.ola:massive ·prob3tton for '' iilful child Gr nd Jury on_ ~hild abuse skull fTacture. • abuse'' Jn the .<fe ol of Jis 4, I ~ ~rges, v.•as Dequ11ted. by the~===:;;=====~ throu""ou(.the nation .. during are Huntington Bea@..~Sal\ta> s .. es mate e naUona 10 -fehSes s e"p a r ate I Y fOr ~ A Gard G and percent average and V,perer.nt rererence purpOSis. • · the first 9..uartR. of tJ11s year' .::.i.:.·~~t__, en rove, -· ' WlJJ-lhe. soulhern and weslern A list of Orange County comparecl t01968~ the U.S. ~1m,--WhJch showed~a pat-1 , " tern' rooghly following the na-sta 11:.s inc.rease. . cities shown in tbe FBI 1allv · • :-!t •r Jut.ist because "she obviously;: moplh<!1!1 •~on .!ill?• tp68. .L was not present when th .. c]llld CH.QQLS : . Judge-~ames : · udge--a'd-y,·aS'tii!ifen " -,T · 0 1 11, ,, Jusuce· 'Deparlm•ut has an· c r 1 ' " tional tN'~ but oddly varying rimes .9 ~ 1 o e n c e and other law a&>encies P.>ll~d ~need. ,. ..... --·too. 2-~ . _____ _Jhai1.1~bo~t Arocr_~ca . r21se 1: sl~~ ~his first ~ :J_ 0.-!· le r -fio---category jn tbe::1epQIT Qfl~ ::-r.-_.:r=r 1 . -percent overall;-bmken iloWn· breaiaown · .In cr1mu1al of-re},_~8¢d by _ _At\Dmey G~al _ ~m~ enses rose n ce!-into murder, 7 ,percent, torci-fenses: John Mijdiell ·showed.. .a_py . ta1n ~ and drQfped · in ble rape 12 per-cent. BR· · = ~ • , . "• r.twtp•p•r • Y' qUionaUy order ,. Hubbs to th~ bal>y boy died at l'.l'lar•, "'or• oft•"· .b • ..t wh•t ' undergo ••a stric\ pi:ogfam or Childrens Hospital in Orange ,0\1 ·o.., i"' loc•I •choitls. Yo11'll pSychological an psychiatric shortly after being adroltte<r. Alnd +h,•1•,0,~•w1;:i•p•r 11 tk• - decrease over the, cOmpaiib~ \.other Orange County Cl~es ·-gravated assault 8 percent • • ·: i: three-month pericxl,J .. Potect FBI · murder-\If · alllj burglary and strongarm robbefy 2i per: i t . < t ....... DireetorJ.Edgar-HOover-~.m_M_ly down ·1n §!nta ftna ; cent.· · ~-j~!-i;-i~ ~; Armed robbery sbOired the forcible rape _.r~ucta and Aggravated assault with.' a ~ 11 u"' ~ • . .l " mOBt -serious· upsJPlog,,at 27 ~8:rcHuneoytlngtonup almBe08~\iOO percent firearm increased IO percent, ~~~;:~mdrovt: ~ 1~ ~ ~ :,' ~~ '!; percent, ·While b national m. ' , · . wh~le Property crim_es a~. a 11un11ngton crime index ti6re·1isted the Jn Garden Grove, every group rose 9 percent 1nclui11ng sa~:c~: ~ ~ ~; '!,; ~~ ;~ 1::; gri!atest ' increase " in total ~ategory of. crime showed an burglary, up 4 p e r c-e n I ; »ewDor1 -_criplinal activity ii1 suburban 1n~ase, 'Vlth the exceptiog_of larcen y of $50 or more; up !7 co~7:c"~,., ! ~ ,; ' 1'• 3'4 M • 701 us 5' 1:191~~51 ..are11C' with il percent. forc1b,lj! rape. . percent, and •auto theft, up 11 L~1t~na B~,<;.h : o o 11 ......, Sll.,,.lll's ·Op.Jy. citit:s of 100,000 popula-, Geo g r a p b J-c a 11 y , the percent. 0t~•rim111t: o , 19 4l #1 ~ ~6 · Cockt:'oaches -·- 'Bug' Drains In Fullerton . FULLERTON I It's not Asian flubugs but Orient;JI cockroaches that are driving · Fullerton utility workers and Ph I.CJ.ans a• the hospital OJill Y • treatll\ent ·supe rv sed by tile ~~ "' , =:;:;r<;=::::;;::== • -• • r ot..if1cd....Anahclm...police_Jhe.. Probauon Dt'par ment" dur-- ing I~. ;five-yea prob<ition period. , . The sentencing followed a period or p sy~"Lhiatric observation order\ ~y Judge 7 on Coast -,_ . ,Meetings Dl·vor· cee Apartment . n. ru~cr Raps housewives to djstra~ti01' . · It see1ns the brnwn waler . 'G • · · p • lven Ills EST.1~. •o , .· M. , ,o,EH TUESDAY bugs, which grow to allno~t . ~ ~ RaJ:.rr, c~ .. r,.,,Hg';,'\:OllMI~'.' ·~~. G. . l lJl d' s d Dismi t.s. eel" three. inches ln le,ngth, IO'i ~ .• ~;:o " Hlthw1y, CIN'CM'la del Mir. •::io p.m. - ' omp· ·e·"" n e,. .tu y ~ . wet w,eather and l~sl winlC!;"5: SANTA ANA ..,.. s I! v e.n ' I -~co..r-MesH>I........ H•rbor-t.IOM ¥\I h st ~~= d lh tn 0 c . . . . ':io 1-1 - . Club.' ~ V_Wd~ ·c-1,.,, c1u11. ieavr-orm,, tt•vuuce f: range oast re~Jdl'n\s are; ti_ .,,, ~ ~cr-,~·~:.c51P-:'ie., ~lub 101 SANTA ANA Narcotics. )ly lhc thousands. a1nong 33 count)t' employes· ~t;J:~~1£·""~··1,'j-;=::~;::;i:;;.;;:; ~. R•nch Ha..u°;"'1~· peclf!C· 'cNst GARDEN GROVE~ -What "Mr. Brown is aware that charges against three persons And the soggy weather the \vho have been · w ;i rd c d ii.• ' = e.~=wt.V sr'.!,,~'i::i,~' ~i~ Mirh1.1, might be tenrled. the "third there are a large nunlber of arrestCd in a SouUi Coast county has experi enced lately, service Pins 'and ·erti!icates I ,tl H~:.;:,::·~f::~vi,E~:-::~::· stepu· in housing projects is divorcees Yl ilh children in ~\veep that pulled 2.6 susp~ts ~~~~t·~1::~~d ufuu~~~3~~~~~ bylf~~o~~ar~eo:e Stjr'.r~~~r~l~n c1ub, I04 0(.11n Ave., Huntlnom propose:d by a ·Westminster Or ange County loday and that into the invFstigetor~' ncl drains. , R·, Stanger. Jluntinfton Beach, Vt~!~:S 7";,.'° ~:,·Ml war 1 •nd ·,....,, Realtqr· and dev_etpper _for a they have prOblems.-'' ex~ have Ileen _dismissed i ·fl Jack Royer , Fu llerton ls schools office, 15 arS: '!'had . I . I .. • ~ . a ' Meu Bat'farts 12'1 •. American county island at_tbe JtOrtheasJ plained Hctler. "Quite ii Superior C_ourt. chief o[ municipal utilities, has E. Samu<'IS, Co ta f-.fcsa. Leekln 11.11. 565 w. 11111os1., CO$!• cornE[.Of .. Hazard Avenue an If 1 . Cleared of <ill ch:irges by told councilmen it's getting built.ling and satl•t, JO years. si~:'c~:i r;,;. AIUI Publlc. l lbr••v, Bushard1Street in-the Garden nun:bc~ are 0p we are an{ Judge James F. Judge \\'ere expensive to fight the Ori"ental and five-yea r cmp yes Henry 1-1:X.:: "':.:.!'·You"' Rec>ubt~ns, Grove area. paying rents higher than they C[ll'Oi J. Pelletier, "19, of 3:!002 bugs. Special chemicals had too-R.' Adams, Lag a Beach. NewJ>O•!er Inn, NewPCl!'f .eeltdl, • Ed Brown-wants to build an can afford. Palo .Alto St., D:.ina Point. be purchased to spray the assessor: W i 11 i a1n G. a_:1~& Ski c11ib, NeW1>0r1er Inn. apartment complex f Or "Planned are security guard ~1icha~l J. Pcl~cticr. 23, of city's 259 manholes in an cf· Gustafso.n, Costa esa; ro.'.ld: I ~;E~:·~;~'~a:,~u:i;=. ~~!4or=-~~;;Ui~;e~eg:~ ser~ic~s, night bab!· ~itting ~~!~n~ C~~sj Hi~~:r~~~ Soi~ ~°:Jcr~~ou~~~P the creepers · ~:cnh~ ~·h~rf}~er. ~~~~~gtgn ·-. L.~~-1 ;;:;_' ~11sa ,cs E. inh before the colJlltY Planning faCJlil1"5 and da~ nurseries. so Phillips. 21. of Sherman Oaks. ··At 50 cents a spra ying it'$ Renter. Seal Beac~._data ser-1 ~~':. ... '::me~~ ;re~~~" s= action on a use variance that work and support the 1 r omong JO suspc"c\s arrested there is no end in sighL .. Royer Westminster, re. property Sire.I, cost• M~. 1:15 p.m. • Commis:sion Wednesliay for these women will be abl_e .to All three persons \\'ere costing· a Jot or money and \'tees, and Maxin~iV. Taylor ,[ Qiiarw sintlnt 1n America, Cosfi wou1d allow its construction. children." last Nov. 19 at the South Coast said. He predicted that a spell services. I /Mii C1'11pter, cot~ f'1rk Sdlool, I . d '(' '.6.. , mo Not,.. D•me, cosf• Mes••. 1:~s Brown's architect, Char es Brown has' the blessing ·of Highway ad rcss. T_hat raid of s'unshine would force the Saluted for 3~ y ars count~ , ~ C:u~mi. soc1e1Y . {ff Psvdtletric Heller eiplains that the com· tile county Welfare D£part-was one of a number of sorties bugs under ground and out of _ servjce ~~ \Ve~to C. 'Valker ,1 TtdtnlcJ..u. Fall"lltw :c h. p I Ir. . plex . will be . restricted to ment and the project has been carried out simultaneoliSly in the city..,s hair. Santa Ana, welfar ' and for 25 r . i:.1rv1.w 511"' t4cl5P.ll11· •t111ftwl1HT1. divorced -women • a.nd · their---approved for FH"A Joans, Laguna, Costa' Mesa· and Irate housewive~ ha ve got-years, Erilesti-M Wil.t+a , • L - '·' 30 P.m. WEDNESDAY cl)ildren. Heller said. Newport Beach".-ten little hel p from city ball. . Aiiaheim, Supe~io Cout:t. Biiie Flemlt To>a;•lma•!..-S Club. M"" \'j"'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliniiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiii~iiiiiiiiii:a-1 ve"rde C01Jntry ewD. cost• ,MtJIJ 1 c!·,r:~Mes. DP!lm151 Club, C~tll M~ Golf •nd" Country Clu,b 17!11 'Goll COU!'M! Drive, Cosll Mn.I, ""'°" Hunll!l!llon . Bud\ E•dlln11' Club, Sher11ttn a,1dt • 111n, Hunn~tan Btt~.llOOll , Wt5tmlnlte!' OPllmlsf Club, Klnv s Teble Rt1"ur1nt, WH1'nln11er, """"' Cat!1 ' Mt$1 Aal•rv Club, C091R Mew Golt ' 111d Cc..ntrv Club, C0511 MUI, - P. .,. ,, . 8CI: l.C S Get Pacified · at · · --~-.,_ . ·" ' .. \ \ OUR ENTIRE ST OCK OF 1.99 TOPS, SHIRTS • ' ' AND SURFERS j ' -. . .<;. ,.,. Savings Su·per Mark~t :offering: · ··· · , ·· · .... · .,, ~Ii. ' < . ·~ , ' . ; /:(, JJ'. . \', . .. 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SHEFFER MOl\11);\RY Lapna Beadl fH-1535 .,.-•' ,Saa Qem~W oz.tlM • SMJ'l1l'S MOBTUABY • m Mabl·St. • ' ·unntlngtoo Beadl LE Mm ' ' \ . 2. LIQUIDIT Y FUND · DEPOSITS Interest ·is paid on every dollar for every day it is on deposit In these passbook accounts, so you earn from dale .of deposit to date of withdrawal -even for one day. Current annual· rate, 5%, compounded dally. No minimum amount. 3. ·coMBIN ATION FUND DEPOSITS These ac~ts permit capital growth as to deposits remain)ng for three years, plus wlthdrawaJ flexibility. They currently pay 5%. per .a)lnum compounded daily with an addillonal bonus, currently v. % per annum, If left on deposit three yeais or more. $1,000.00 minimum. : · • FREE SAFI! DEPOSIT BOX -lor maintaining savings -of $500.00ormore. ASK HOW.YOU CAN BUY (SERVICE CHARGE FREE) TICKETS to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other .1Q<>r:!lng_al1!f.Jb9Jlllr ~•vents lhrol!gb~omt!Ylw•~d_· T.R.S. Tlckei Re9erlallons Syllems. NO OTHER SAV· -srr-DOWN·SERVJCE.No·atandlng-lrrlong1fnes. FREE NOTARY SERVICE. INGS AND LOAN HAS IT. • AND MANY·MORE FREE SERVICES SO'UTH COAST PLAZA • 3333 ·BRISTot-sTREET • COSTA MESA,, CALIFORNIA --....,OURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. • SAT.: 'IO'A.M. TO 6 P.M. • PHONE 540·4066 • • ......... . AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MAIN OFF)CE: 1401 WHITTIER BOULEVARD • LOS ANGELES; CAUFORNIA -.. 1~ ' $3 R eg. l.YV each 2 for $ R eg. 2.99 each ·BLOUS.ES . iu JO!~ii t'olton~· or Ulen<l~. \\li<lc v;iriet}o or collar ,/-~ I -f" "-.. -,.,, -~ !I ~ .. · l--~a1.U-s!eeve-s{y-i<>lesS<.-- \\'hite:;, colors, prints. Sizes 30-38. KNIT TOPS i11 solid ... ~lripf'~, 1\ll JOO~~ col!on.~ \\i!li your favorile sun111Jl'r r1cl-klincs. S-~1 -L.· SHORT,S AND SURFERS in Jamai<".i. le:nglh :incl ~urfcr lengths in prinl~,-!ioli<ls. · , l 00';~ cotto11s: n1is~C',· ~i~ IU to ,18. , Closed Sundays tiiru J11ly ' \ ' 1) I • •• \ ' \.,,,./ COSJA.'MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd., al I.6th G.i>;lij)EN GROllE-12372 Garden Grove ~lvd. .... . -' ,_ -·-----'---= j -· •• I l • I I I I i " ' H J' t I ~I I I ' l l , • ' I ' ' I, ,, ~ .. I I I \ f, 1) 1, I\! ) I L ; • . , ! ' I l L --- JI 1fl/iJl.Y PILOT ·- . ' For the Record •.,_mm._, ____ _,_.._ __ _. __ • ·' - ,. i , 8 -tlS- to make it all a little easier Pick the one that's best for you. That's the beauty of'a bank. United States National Bank. We offer-a full compliment of money services -as well as sound advi!:Elthatonly a banker can give you. Why not stop in and shop around? 5% SAVINGS ~ONO PASSBOOK With Just a $500 m1n1mum balance and by keeping your 'funds deposited 90 days or longer, you can earn a big 5°/o per annurn. As a matter-Of fact. it amounts to 5.127o/o when maintained for a yea'r. 5 % TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT These certificates pay 5%-(5;1Z7%·annuolly with-ln1eres1 ·computed daily). Minimum is $500 and on certificates of $100,000 or more, we currently pay at the legal maximum rate that ranges up to 6V4 % when funds are held for six months or more. 4 % PER ANNO'M COMPUTED DAILY No matter what day of the month you place your savings at United States National, they'll eam 4% per annum from lhe very .day !hey are deposl1od.11's nice to know.,too 1ho1 you can withdraw any time. 5 % SAVINSURANCE PLAN ' United States National's fabulous new plan gives you a combination of 5% Interest compounded dally with a unique decreasing term life Insurance policy from West- !late Life Insurance company to fielp you . towards your savings goal. The result is that the cash Is ready when you are ••• and it's there even if you aren't. Premium pay- ments are no bother either-they're all taken care of auto- matically from your growing savings. BONUS BALANCE CHECKING When you need money you've got it wilh BONUS BAL· ANGE. Your checking account is backed up with cash and it costs you nothing unless you use il You 're not forced to borrow more money than you need and you don't pay fi· nance charges one day longer than you have to. Now you can write your own loan wilh BONUS BALANCE. We make it all a little easier UNITED STATES NATIONAL~ .. , BANK ~ " ... . . ----------=~---- • - ' -"-"":"---=~-:-."":"". ~----------------------------. -. .. • ' ' Britons Amaz~d by Gam.bling, Prefer ft .Quieter ~ . Tele~cope Situated In Baja ......,...__.._ --RENO, Nev. (UPI) -To f::fr Stanley Raymond, Nevada's legal gambling Is a, "J)amn great keg oI dynamite.'' - missioner or Metropolitan Police in Umdon and hel.ded an inveBtijj;ation of a:ambling rules about what games mtiy be played and how they will be tiere. lt Isn't revenue ffi.casure with us." played.'' NO BUSTLE SAN DIEGO (AP) Astronoiners will soon be peering into . the universe through a Gil-inch telescope - located high atop a 9,200-foot mountain peak in B a j a California. "It rnust be seen to be believed. It ls perhaps one of the modern wonders of the world," he said. in the Bahamas. 3 "Hoodlums and all that," he . When he said Britain's •·You'd be amazed at the gambling rules favor the quietn!-Sll o( our clubs," he punter, Dan Orlich , supervi!lur said. "There is no bustle. said. . STUDY SYSTDr of games at Harolda Club, was 'fhere are only tl(O 1;Jot The malo reason they come understandably con f u s e ct machines per club. The gan1es The site In the San Pedro Raymond, c~airn\an of the gaming board for Great · Bri· tain. and Sir Randolph BaCon. a board.JD.ember, spent five days observing this slate's wide-open gamb1ing. The y were dazzled by the glittering Las Vegas Strlp. deafened l•y the din of Reno's casinos, and impressed by the beauty of Lake Tahoe's resort areas. here was to Study Nevad1.1's Orlich, a former professional are· baccarat. chemln de fer . system of controlling Jts huge gridder, could see no con-.roulelle, bl a e k jack and legal gambling industry'. They nection between gambling and __ c_rac.p_s._" ______ _ , r.1arUr Mountains about lM miles' south of San Diego, is considered one of the best r;pols in the Northern J lemlsphere for astronomioal observations. suggested a formal exchang" kicki.ng aJoot.ba,11. - pl investigative infonnation as "You would call a punter l'l T oda~y Is F j no I a method of keeping track o( player," Raymond explained. underworld figures. "We always try to protect Built by the University o( ?.lexico, the 60·inch scope is , "Hoodlums are ·an oc· him. Gamb1"!JI In Britain is Stocks To.day cupational ·hazard in an in· -=m=o=re=o=f ="=socl=a=I =lh=l='ng'=th='="=====' =====.,I duslry where there is so much i scheduled lo be trucked to the 1,Jlghest Roni,; hot. loose money," Raymond DIRECT· FltOM CCASTAL ORANGE mountain lop within four PREFER ENGLAND m o n l h s · T w o 3 6 • I n c h Eagle Scout Badge has But while Nevada may be 3 telescopes also will be con-been awarded Douglas great p' lace to visit, they slructed at the site. L The largest telescope in the A. ee, 16, son of Mr. prefer the· gambling in jolly world is 200 incheS" in diameter find l\.frs. Matthe\v Lee, old England. "Bit more qui et, and Js located on ?tiount Of 1617 Ponderosa St., yob know," Raymond sai:t P I · s Costa M~sa. Starting as over a cool beer at llarolds aomar tn outhern Club. California. ·Cub in Tucson, Ariz., The mountain range where young leader helped or· Raymond docsn "t gamble. the observatory will be located ganize Troop 40, New· He's a former railroad man. ·tontains some · of the · most port Beach. before join· After seeing U1e shows, rugged territory in Baja ing Troop 380. sponsor· casinos· and 'other specialties California. cd by Harbor Trinity of .Las Vegas, the thing that said. "Where money ls the commodity. you've always got COUNTY TO L.A. AIRPORT to be on the lookout for the criminal clement moving in. My board's specific responsibility· is to eliminate it." \\'hen gambling clubs t;icgan springing up in England, there we're iio controls. Raymond said a new set of rules will be written, and the 1,000 "hard gaming" casinos and 2,000 bingo parlors will be reduced . Lack of haze. clouds and · i1npresscd him there most W.3S Boptist Church, Costa · 1 fc smog and the re1noteness Mesa. · a dlC'SC ocomotive. ,_ from the lighlS of cities make --~-------Dapper of dress and direct the location ideal {or M '"' in manne r, he fils the image sharply. CONFUSED POSITION "There has been a co nfused legal position, an unsalisfac·j lory situation," he said. "Now there will be severe tests of anl applicant's character a n d I financial standing before he gets a permit. ,Many will falll by the wayside. There will be Fly all the way, start with L.,tt'fb.-JJ. astronomical observations, ·ffno/ Stock s of a general rallying her 1na· scientists say. JCSly's troops east of Suez. The observatory will be the J AJ/ H Bacon, a big man who lhird highest ln the Northern n Orne li stens more than he talks, Hemisphere, authorities say. could be Scotland Yard in- Surpassing it are te lescopes in Editioils spr.ctor in the movies. Indeed, Colorado and New Mexico. he once was a deputy com· • ' FOR CONNECTIONS TO ALL AIRLINES 22 .FLIGHTS DAILY You can Qpcn a Security Pacific Bank • Premium Passbook Account's 5% interest Premium Passbook Account with a deposit \ is just orie of the extras we've got going for of $500 or more. And add to this time you. There's also our 4% Term Savings clcposit nccount at any tiTnc \\1ith deposits of Account, Savings Certificates \V-ith 5 ~~ S!OO or more. interest, Certificates of D eposit and, of • Maximum 5 % interest* is compounded i course, our Trust Department is one of the quarterly, from date of <le posit. Because the nation's largest and most experienced; Premium Passbook Account matures quar-Come in to the branch of Security terly, you can withdraw fnterest during the first • Pacific Bank n earest you. We'll point ten days of any calendar quarter . .Any principal your money in the right direction. amount may be withdrawn during this sanie ' ~ •Paid on accottnts o[ $500 or more, i[ bal;:in cc is period, which has been on deposit for a full cal-w maintained. If account falls below $500, the current. dr /"'(\ ie go+ rcgu~ar term savings account rate of 4'Yo may be cndar quarter. Or principal may be with awn on v V' 1L applied. "special 90-day written notice. an investment for . ' " ]'Our future. SECUR.l 'l'V PACIFl-C-SANK - ·; r ' ' ' Tutsday, July l, 1%t DAILY PILOT Jj 1.NCOMPARABLE FACILITIES * Heated Roman Swimming PooL * Ultra Modern Conditioning Facilities * Roman Steam Rooms * Electronic Massage *Finnish Rock Sauna ., Rooms * Florida Sun Tan Rooms *Whirlpool Bat~s * Conditioning Facili ties * Swiss Facial Machines SPECIAL · .. -.. JOIN TODAY RECEIVE YOUR PRIVATE SWIM CLUB MEMBERSHIP Swim in 1 le1ullful Outdoor Olympic Sire H11!1d Pool ~ ,.,, orffl GOOD fOl llMlllD TIM( DMlT Complete Facilitie~ lo} Men & Women Call or Stop by for your FREE TOUR OPEN 7 DAYS A '//;~:< 10-10 I I I I I .. . . • ---• -... ............ ,. ' Through for Res·t of y ~a.f I . I #! omv I'll.OT ~ MIAM , Fla. (-AP-) --1.tile .record~ lder Jbn Ryun plans to run no. more this year. 1 Ryun said Monday he would cancel a ~~ European trip a n d all future hit-~ ~mpeUtion during the current iieason:-:.. . , ~ f The announcement came the day after te waJked off • track for the fourth time PiJS year. He completed Jess than one· hill.or the rourth lap in lhe National AAU ,..........,. -;.---;---~ . " -• _m~t here Sunday:....:=_ Ryun, a· 22·year-old 'Kansan, said he hadn 't decided on retiretilent. "But this couki have been my last race," he sai~. "Right now, I think it's t>etfe• lo go home and let the desire build up." He explained he and his wile, Anne, spent a lot of time "last night dj.scussinQ~ whether or not J should go" to Europe. They had planned to leave Monday for l<'or Kansas Spikers Being Ryun's T '!ammate Is No part~cular Jo y Being a teammate of fabled distance runner Jim Ryun apparently was not all peaches and cream for University or Kansas types -al le.ast th al's ~hal o_ne is inclined to belie ve after talking w11h 'Mike Solomon of Wesbninster - a squad 'Ulate of Ryun's for two years. ' Solomon says ~ was some ill-feeling toward Ryun bJ others on the team 'because everything seemed to revolve around the world record holder, •·We could -have won the indoor cham- pionship without him, yet he got all the WHITE . WASH ,. H*********** .... twll ke was selected to the U.S. con· tingent early th is year and ~ slated to rurilhe~l;500 and 5.000 meters. He seems to stand a good chanee of placing in both, although he'll be running agal'tiSt the top Jewish athletes from 25-plus other na- tions. In '65 the Maccab iah extra vanza at- tracted athletes fro1n 26 countries. The name of the event wa s taken froll\ the old Hebrew \.\'arrior, Judah;"Mac- Cabee. Th e Games encon1pass goU, swimm ing, fencing, lawn bowling, track,~ baskeU>all. boxing, tennis, rowing, judo, table Lennis eycling European handball, \veighllifti~g. volle~~a_ll, soccer, wrest· ling, shool!ng and i:hving. They run from July 28-Aug. 8 and the An1erican force will rendezvous in· New York for a July 22 takeoff. ¥'tike is not treating the trip as a joy- ride. although he is not the least bit reluctant to admit his anxiety over the journey. - Credit,'' Mike poinls out. "Also, when .tie "I want to do well -get-some good tlidn't want to run in a big meet, none of clockings -so my coach (Bob Timmons) the other guys got to go either. . will know t care a little and am not over 1 "The other members of the sprint there goofing off." "medley re1ay team were .. pretty mad at Timmons is MiJs;e's KU track coach. Drake when Jim just dropped out of the However. the former Westminste r High "race for no reason at all. The other three whiz is using his prep coach's {Jack had run hard to get us in the lead, then Hedges) workou t program. "Ryun quit on them." Solomon is not startled at the sudden Mike admits he's.looking forward to hi s rise of miler Martin Liquori (Villanova) f'Jiext two &yun-less seasons. , .. · who won the NCAA-and AAO ti\les in '-.Despite runnipg on the ~s nation-successive weelis. al indoor ebampioriship track team and Llquor"i and Solomon worked out making frequent trips ~round the l!i:iited together three years ago and Mike sti ll Slates for various spike competiltons, recalls being high ly impressed with the Solomon still calls his victory in the 1966 way the New Jersey prep was rurming. California state high school mile finals Liquori defeated So\omon·in the Golden the high point o[ his career. Wesl m~et that sum~er in Sac~am~nto. Solomon, back in Orange County for Solomon, now 19, will be running In the Zurich and West Berlln. "But t think for the moment thil ia the right deci.sl~," he sald. "lt will be the first summer l will have stayed at home or haven 't trained in eight years. l'U get to know my wile again." Ryun said hb failure in the AAU meet was mental and not physica1. "l was physically ready to run," he said. "1 can't explain it. It just seemed GLENN WHITE Spoi'fS Editor Another Blow For Mexico's Davis Cuppers (:ORPUS CHRlSTt Tex. (AP) - Vicente Zarazua, a star of the. Mexican Davis .Cup tennis team. suffered multiple injurie!-Monday when bis automobile and a dump truck·collided in Corpus-Christi. Doctors said lhat Zarazua, 24, suffered injuries to his left shoulder and hip and also cuts about the face. Za7°azua wai a student at th e U@Lversi- ty or Corpus Chtisl.i. Physicians could not say lminediately the seriousness of his injuries as far aa playing tennis soon was concerned .· They termed his general CQndiUon lhat I WIWl't_ ~illi II the peak ol !!IL _ confidence. There are aome things I'd like to do ...... And one ol U-things la just to alt back and think: serjOU!ly about my future." "I'm discouraged because I've put a lot ol WOl"k in," Jlyun lild. Later Monday, Ryun and hia wife departed fat Bay Village, Ohio, where Mra. l\j'uD'a parenta realde. Laver, Ashe Win Semis Net Tests WIMBLEDON, E na l a nd (AP) - Arthur Ashe of Richmond, Va., rated as his country 's bes~. reached the semi- final round of men's sing1es in Utt Wim- bledon ()pj!n Tennis Tournament for lhe second straight year today by defeating Bob Lutz of Southern CaJHomla, M , 6-Z, • 4~. 7.5, But the victor made a hard job of a match that started out as U it were going to be a rout. Rod Laver, of Corona del Mar , the de- fending champion, rose to his best form to blast C!i!f Drysdale of South -Africa, 6·4, 6-2, 6-3 for a place in the -semifinals. The 30-year-old Awtralian lefthander had twice been taken to five sets in ear- lier rounds. But at Umes today he w a s . unbeatable and his shots left Dr;:sdale laughing and shaking his· bead in disbe- lic. '. John Newcombe of Australia fought oft a dramatic late recovery bid by Tom Okker, -the speedy Dutchman. to w i n 8-8, 3-6, 6-1, 7-5 and also moved Into the semifinals~ • Monday Laver teamed with Newport Bt!acb's Roy Emerson to capture the third round doubles match with Ray Moore (South Africa) and Earl Buchholz (St. Louis), 6 .. , 6-2, 6-2. And, UC Irvine's Patti . Hogan joined Margaret Miehe.I of Pacific Pali.sades to topple Ann Haydon Jones· (Great Britain) "!:!)d. Francoise Durr (France). 7-5, 6-4, in women's acUOn. Laver, the defending champion, was sati sfactory. -still rated favorJte for lhe first prize of The Mexiean team was to meet Brazil $7,200 . despite a noi:ie. too impressive in three weeks in the next round of Davis record in reaching the roUnd of eight. Cup play. He dropped two sets to Premjit Lall or 1 summer w 0 r k with a national airline, Thursday all-come.rs mee~ at East ~A. · --'m=ay soon be rariltliig ~t-statnn~ con-----compe~ln~st1:f'.-n"the mJle _and. 2-mile. quest as No. 2 on the list of personal And 1n view of his forthconung iaun_t to Zarazua's.Da'li.s_ Qlp \eamma\e, Rafael tnWa in the second round, a~ two 1leta to Osuna was killed less than a rii.onU\ ago--stan'""Smttb~-the-U:s;Davls CUp !tarfrom I I I 'highlights, however. • Israel, perhaps he. s~uld do a l!ttle in a ' commercial ·plane crash near Pasadena, Calif., in the fourth. Monterey. Osuna and zari rua teamed to win the Olympics doubles championship in Me:tico City last October. Coming up in July is a trip to Tel Aviv, target.shootin~ •.. 1us.t 10 case he '!'.1~ht Jsrael for the 8th Maccabiah Games, find hnnself 1n the middle of hostilities Which are staged quadrennially. with the Arabs. FAMILIAR SCENE A scene con1monplace at Dodger Stadium in past yea rs is having a r ebirth 'vith the Dodgers. 11aury \Vills, making pitchers jittery as usual, dives again back to first base l\lon- day night on an attempted pickoff from _Houston pitcher Tom Griffin to first ba seman CUrt Blefary. The Dodgers beat the Astros, 7-1. Osteen Tosses 4-hit Win .Singer Takes on LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Claude Osteen didn't get his no-hitter but there v;ere no complaint.I from Walter Alston. After watchin g his ace lert-hander throttle the Houston Astros on four hits Jn a 7·1 Los Angeles victory, UM' Dodger of the season."! w<is thinkinG about 'it all the v.·ay unlll I lost it. · "But you have, to h11vc a certain amount of luc k to pitt•h one and I fell I could have lost ii ;it lrasl three times manager observed. "I don't care ir he D odger Slnte Houston looping fly and turned it in to an irming· ending double pla y. Osteen, who did not win his IOU1 game lasl year unti l Sept. 13, credits two things to the big turnabou t this year-m.:iturity -and a slow curve. South African Calls Barring Of Ashe Tragic WIMBLEDON, England CAP} -Ray Moore, one of South Africa's top tennis players, described the banning of Amer-ican Negro Arthur Ashe from the South African championships as a "tragedy.'' The America n Davis Cupper and his country's No. 1 player, revealed Sunday that b,!: wa1 barred frqm the ~th Afrlcad championship,. . He elaborated on the affair in an in· tcrvlew Monday, saying : "I applied lo play in the South African Championships in March. My entry was accepted by the South African Tennis Union. _ _ "Then the South African Tennis Union took my application to the powers that be and I was told that I would not get a visa." Ashe added: "PersonaJly t did not ap.: • ply for a visa. What was the good when I was told that 1 wouldn't get one anyway." A Players' Associat!on official said there was "unanimous condemnation of t partheid .and sympathy · for Ashe's views" at the meeting. However the association decided by 19 votes to 17 not to issue a statement. Moore, discussing the controversy, said: "The ban on Ashe happened th~ month! ago. Since then there have been some changes. I don't want to say anyth ing that could jeopardize further changes. eve.f pitches one. J'll just be Satisfied ''' ,, .• , HOUSTON LOS ANG l LtS d d t t J111v I Ooflqc<"I V1 Hovi!cn l.}J II m. .., It , 11 rlli 111 , • nt with his ateady day-in an ay-ou s )'-1v1 ... ' °""°"'' ... 11°"""'" 1-u o "'· 11F1 t.-01 M<F•dct ..... 11 .-0 0 0 w11tt, •• i , , 0 "As you know. tht South African government it allowing Maoris to play on lhe New Zealand rugby union team in South Africa. 11'at'1 a step forward . BOMBARDED WITH QUESTIONS L•ker Coach Joe Mull aney New Lakers Coach Has Same Confidence Old Coach Once Had NEW YORK (UPI) Joe Mullaney figured he knew what was coming ss soon as they made the announcement about him being1Ui:! Los Angeles Lakers' new coach. I He figured right. What he figured wa s that somebody almost immediately would hit him with the question : Okay, how are you going to handle Wilt Chamberlain? It was natura1 enough for Mullaney to figure that since his predec essor, Bill van Breda Koll!, never really was able to establish any rapport with. Chamber.lain at all and tendered his resignation fl.lay 9 largely because. he felt h~ didn't care to go through another season like the past one., when he and Wiit were about as warm to each other as Ri chie Allen and Bob Skinner have been lately. Mullaney imagined he'd get hl t with that question about Chamberlain , all right, but he didn't expect to get bombed by.it the way he did. "I'm not positive bow many people (newsrrum)_l spokA with at the press conference, possibly· ·15 or possibly more, but I must have been asked about Wilt Chamberlain 15 times in a row," said th e Lak ers' new coach and Provi- dence College's former one shortly after Monday's official announcement. ~~ver.yone who asked-me aiiy questions centered around that Then when I was interviewed for radio and television I got the same question. I'd say I was asked it more than 30 times in one hour. You get hit by the question so much that those asking it almost rOrce an issue. It's not bothering me, though. I don 't -haVE:; a problem; I don't expect one." 'I'hat remains. to be seen. Mullaney, a well regarded 44-year-old basketball product from the streets of New York, bas two things going for him. As owner of the third best record in collegiate ranks, behind those of only Kentucky 's Adolph Rup"p"and UCLA's Johnny Wooden, Mullaney has a· reputation of being an excellent coach. He also has a reputation of being an exceptionally reasonable one. Ha m8.y !\ave need for both" assets long before his three-year contract with the Lakers expires. He doesn't seem overly worried about lh~ prospect, although it is well to remember van Breda Kolff came into the joO with tre- mendous confidence also. "I'd rather have it ~s way lhan the other way," Mullanj!y said, meaning he'd rather be coaching l player with the enormous talent Chamberi'ain has than some 9tber player without all the component parts that make up \Vllt. "I have a certain philosophy in basketball ," the Lakers' new coach went on. "It's also what 1·1ook for, and it has nothing at all to do with all the ques- tions I've been asked. "My experience in watching Wil t is that he's a fantaslically gifted baskel· ball player. He's one of the best centers, if not the best center, of all time. "1 never coached him, but the only coach I ever spoke to who had hi m. Frank McG uire, talked very glowingly about Wilt and the association he had with him. I hope I can have the same rapport." · ~lcGuire-, coaching at South Carolina now, handled Chamberlai n with ~ the PAU.a.delphia Warriors during the 1961-62 season. SlgnificanUy or not, ~ Chamberlain had his best scoring season during that period , averaging ~o iI points a game. Cham berlain had been expected to help the Lakers to an NBA champion- ship this past season and although the team won more Games with him than it ever did without hiQl,_it was beaten for the title by· the Boston Celtics in the se.venth and deciding CQnlest. Jerry West was the standout !';"_~ game , even in a losing ca use. and after Chamberlain had to leave beca~~njury wittr ffve minutes remain- Jng, van Breda Kolff never put him liack in the lineup again. Chamberlain subsequently insisted he should have. The post-game comments merely widened the breach between the two men and nobody Was really surprised when van Breda Kolff quit tv.·o months ago and went over to· the Detroit Pistons. "This whole thing reminds me of Joe J\1cCarthy when he was named manager in Boston and they· asked him hcfw he'd get along wilh Ted Williams." Mullaney said. "McCarthy said 'if I can't get along with a .400 hitter may be I'd better forget about managing'." ' • • Angels Find Cla ss ic Way To Lose Anotl1er Ga1ne KANSAS CITY (AP) -T h e r e are classic ways to win and classic ways to lose in baseba11 - and the Cali fornia Angels did the latter Monday night to their manager's great dismay. The Angels Jost 2-1 to the Kansas Cily Angel Slate Julf 1 A~I•11 Kl"MI Cl!v J:lS D.m. 1"Ml'C II"' Jv!y 2 A.""IJ 11 1(,1~• (llf 1:2$ p.m. KMPC 101 -Royals as Lou Plniella socked a home run on a 3-2 pitch with two out in the "}le.came i n with a breaking pitch, up high. I think he was JUSt try ing. tn l.hro\v for ii. strike and it hung on him:• Piniella said. ' Rudy May. who threw lhe. ~:ime·los1n~ pitch, lamented : "I just gave h1n1 one a little loo fat. I wanted him to hit the ball but not that hard ." ' The sa1ne thi ng hapfl('ned to \.\'inner Roger Nelson when Ri ck Reichardt clob· bcred a 3-2 pitch in the scvc"nth to tie the game l·l. • • I Je." • Go!8y, 111 ~ 0 0 0 Cl'llwtorll, If I t ·o O rtte·Dmge18 •:seud iBiH Singer,-+ I;''' :-1>e.~9re l 1id~ TJn:. guys .. bchiod~~•ilnc~wuc~r~•-~~~.~";rf.~\o~' -}+;. g :~:.<vd! -y·-l ; :. ; : the fuound to .. : .. i.t against t~ Astros' -d()ing a fanlaSlic JOb." M1•11n,1, •• -1 o 1 l G1btl•''°"· ,, i 1 , 1 ''The-South African championstups go -on again ne1' M1rcb I lh(gk ~~'"' Africa n government-Will see what it «:an 00 lhe.n, .. ·' niotl)Jnni!>e. -~ • . . "It could have gone either way,'' said manager Lefty Phillips. ' ' ( J ack ) 'He'?nandez made a gre8l play to keep us from going two runs ahead in the seventh, then they 'pop on~ out in the ninth. Yes, that's pretty tough on you." (At.r~OIUUA KA~SAS CITY 10 r h !'bf •II r '\!'1----11.....-. 1'I"'"" J o 1 o-·Fe . "l "1- ""'" k b ' b k N.Mlll~r. •f 1 O O llll!i'Jl1~ rl ,'l o I o 'Denny Lemli!t.et, 7-7. A wal to J im '"ynn and llCK-10-ac A'Y~~t, , 1 o o o P•"'er, lb 4 .1 1 1 Osteen, who ha• never hurled a no-hit· singles by' Doug Rader and Marty. g~c~:I~~ :b . ! : ~ : r:,1:~.~ Jb ~ ~ ~ ~ : ter during his 10.year major league Martinez accounted for tbc only J{ouston fll••l~mt, 11 1 o o o s11Hn0re, :!fl 1 1 1 o cateer: had one WOTking for 7 113 innings run. ~~P1;'°· "" ~ : : ! C.0Jte1n, P .J , ' 1 ~·Mond.1--fti&IK before lollng both bis bid Osteen gave up h-\O more .hits in the Morv•~. 1t1 1 o 1 o f9!_ fame and bll ihutOUt. eighth bul•\11a~ built.'d out of troublt when ~~~'r,",, pr ! : :-: • wo .• -e l...., thinking~ about ll,"" Ostttn ~ecood basmnan Tt>d Sizemore rared inlo ro1•1~ JQ 1 4 1 Q\11"• ' 110U\"0" admlt&ed after plcldng ug his loth victory shallow Ct!nler flCld to grab Julio Golay·s Lo1 "-1'111~~- .. To•~1, .U 111 • OOI 000 lllD -I 101 OJO OOI: -1 . ' "if players like Ashe are not alloWed lb ' then we shall have to~ the matter aga in. ''But I must emphasize that many of us believe that things are changing .tor the better. We don 't want to endanger the chances of chan&e." J ' Plniella's game.winning blow came after May had thrown three straight balls, then fired in two called strikes. Jot1~,1Ct1t, cl S I ! 0 l("~lly, el O Q ~ Frt90,;, 11 ' 0 0 0 Flott. lb • I ~ ~ lttl(~Brd!, If ~ a T I 11<.0l1vr•, (f • o 1 ~ Vo11, rl f o 1 o Pl~!r•la. u ) i , , A..ROdrlgvet, 3b '. 0 0 '/' E .Rod'•<:ve•, ( J O 1 O soenc.,, lD ,.0 II O'•ltl~ 7b J 0 0 0 "'""' t l 0 1 o Mf•n~nd~1. u l o o n M.tGklthllll, II 1 0 0 0 II IUtlO<I. 11 ' O O O ~epoi, Jlfl 1 0 ~ O_M41t!neL Dh l O 0-D A:.M1y, P Q 0 0 0 Dr8bcW10.y, ~ 0 0 0 0 TO!•I• 31) 1 6 I Tn!to• lO J ' 2 ,_ out whsn winning rvri ~ro•-.f (JTl!ge~I~ 000 ~ 100 -t Kfl'IUt (11~ 000 100 001 -2 ---~-~ ------ .. J Sones P1!c~s Clas ~_y • • .- 'Y' ' -' ,.... ... .... -....... ~~-"' By' i~RL-CU$'rkE\' lhej)range COa&UrMCA· nail.,_ •l~llo_--w l.•-• can'IJ1s.e 1Mlt le&!. the CIF over tile last lO °' .,. o.ur '"" .,." ed down tht national j!lnior PcnnayJvanli state p r e p Other .Oran1e Coast area en· years," he say a. -- in.oxamlnlni 'a lfst of QIF clus. chlll)plOQlh!p, at Wor-chainp°lli'lha 1930s. Harpel has lrants who placed at Worland "The only thing lhat'a k«:P. wrestling cb:amplons through ·1and. Wya.,· in Greco.Roman -'his 'telb\' quartertd in a were Chris Rorpel (143) ot. lng it from advinctna further 1961, one · finds only two style. wrestling. Worlarid traller plrk where Newport Harbor High who is lhe lack of competent orange C<>uniy hi~ ~huolers ~ wresuers are now lbe WresUers cook ·1 or flnlahed aecond, Bob Curry coechet and, in IOme areas, listed in the sports 13 we.Jght engq~ In post-tow'nament tbemaelves between matche&. (lf>tJ, also' Of Newpcrt, foUJ1h, facilities. Ten years 110 we divisions. · -' rouM-totili10mpef4Uot1 that Tbe trip wu f 1 n a n c e d and Fountain V a 11 • y • s had *J schools wm&ilng. Now, D~t since! 1968, you find . will de~ th~ makeup of throligh private donaUoos and heavywetgbt, Bob Walter, who out of 330 schools, we have seven countlans who've cap-. a United States Junior: ~ by the YMOA. took a fourth . 210. tured CIF titles six of them (lS.18 age bracket) \hat wW One 'of llorpel's Ore~ In view of Uie ract I.hat "What you hive i11 wrestl· from lh~ Orange Coasl area, tr~ in Co.Iden, Colo., for two Roman. -~halitplona Is the 18-competitive wrestling In ina ls a sport where 1 96-pound which --jirovid~s -., t r-o n-g~ ~et;k&-prlof-to -the.-workl-year-o~nes, last-wlnter11 -Orange' County-prbt:ctrjust-boy+ can win • vanity-letter evidence th@t .the county Is Juruor ctijlmpionshlps i n CIF champion at 106 pounds. 10 years, sucb an achlevem'!nt and that's , the main reaaon making 1l rapid ascent in. the Boulder, Colo., July l._19. The . otbef. t~o champa are can't be ~en lightly.· wh)lotmore and more boy1 are .sport. Over 20 cqunU:Ies-wlll com-Carden Grove HJgh's SteVe Indeed, the sport is booming turning to It." More evidence was provided pele In the Boulder meet. ClaJlt at 191 and Orange among the prepi, according to One who has watched the over the weekend w_hen a Coach of the Newport, Beach · heayrwelght Al Thompson. CIF commissioner Ken sport eq>and in Or.nge Coun· • group of county wrestlers -YMCA delegauon in Wyoming Greco-Roman wrestling dif· Fagans. · ty lJ Ken Duddridge, former including Founlain '9'alley's I.! Frank J-IOrpel, a f!O.yeaM1ld fers from fzetJtyle grappling "WresUlng Js the futes:t· Hunt l n Ito n Be a ch. Chrls Sones -represenUng Newport Beach con&tructlon in that Greco-Roman types growing hlgh school sport in Westminster and Fountain Alex ander Leads Mater Dei Braasch Scorches In 79-3-1- -' ' - • • 0.111.'l PILOT • h ' Wrestler -- ~-,. -t Va Jtey coach. 11we stimd our fif•tWreS:tl- lng progrom. at llwttlngton Beach ln '59. aM there were less than 1 do&en 1Chools In· volved. We wtre 1n a special ltague will> achools 11 k e Anaheim, Raincho Alamitos and Brea." Duddrklae, comldered the dean of the county's coaches, runs the CIF111 championship meets;-- He also runs the county'• showca1e wre1tllng e v e n t , FoUntaln Valley Hlgh's Five CO\lnties lnvltatlonal -the bla&eat prep mat event In the state, ii not the country. Over IIO Individuals c:ompeled Jh last January's tournament. ' (. Los.Alamitos Entries Duddridge and fi1s llUCcus'Of • al Feuntilil Vallt7, · Ve,rir w..,,..., have !urned !he Barons into a wrt1Uin9' jug- gernaut. Th• achoo! II 31·2 over the past three. ytars In dual i;neeta and has won two straight Irvine League cham- plOMhips. Newport Harbor has sud· denly become "the terror of the ·sunset teque;-wtnntng two straight mat titles. At the moment •. water.. polo- must be considered th e '" u s CHAMP Orange Coast are11's most · · ; Chris Sonae dominant sport in CIF com· ---------..--petition but there are un· '"mistakable signs of a challenge by the wre~tling set. HB Five~. Grove Vie In-Crucial: . ' The firlt cr11.clal of the 1-llJI. Honer T.-w (P1tllll 111 tington B~ch summer. prtj, I I ~ 11 - 11 I l -' Elim s Field-990 Cage Win By DAVE CEARLEY ' I , fi .~:; .: ~1oen 2 basketball~lea~ arr 1 v~·~•--<---/ ;,;--tonrgl1t wfien -a pair or Ul1· ,,. beaten.s, Huntington · Beai;p Of the O•llY Plltt ll•ff ~ Kona Lanes' \Vest Coast moved up from 104lh to 42nd . Mater Del o·utshot, oulre· :" Match Game Eliminations has oVer the past two Mondays. bounded and outplayed the Los Amigos Lobos as t h e ,,.., a ne\v leader and a strong He had a 924 Monday night. challenger from the Orange But while ·those bowlers Monarchs romped to a 79-31 Coast area today. were moving up, the defending victory Monday night in Sallta The new king of the hill is champion was rolling un~ An,. basketball action at SMta Roland Alexander or West Los checked downhill. Lam a r Ana College. Angeles who takeSo"over after Keck, third last week, slipped In othel'. league games Santa his neigh bor, Dale Glenn, h;:id to eighth with a irtiniScule 690 Ana slammed El Modena, 77· held on to the lead for the p6st night, his worst block e'ver in 52, and Santa · Ana Valley three 1vcek s of the 14--week • Elims play. belted Saddleback, 56-0. event. Orange Cta1t Area Standings The Mon~chs, · who now I 1 Dk K e'''""· F.v. 1.021 hold a 3-1 record, c·ompletely The field of 120 bowlers wil · 11~ Fred 1uccrn1. we11m~ 4.W controlled the boards, as well -1 . .:.:. h t · h J[ f II · I 37. L•rrv Kell1r, We1tm·r o1,1u , ... e cu ln. a , o o~ng nex Jt, c1v11e L1chtr, 01n• Point £.n1 as the deferisive play. Mater ".!"'*' r-.tonday night ~round. s 1. A.ov WlllOll, c.M. •.61? Dei recorded only • 1 g h t f t.,. Al d h 5 154 . I 6l. Frt'd etr,..1. C.M. •.602 l ~l . exan er as , pins or 4'. L1rry sci-n1eioer, c.M. 4,Ut turnovers as against 19 for the ~"' ' his 24 games 17 .sticks ahead 1~. De1n Mobertr, Sl•n!on o..m Lobos '11!/d~~ ' • 7ol!' &Ill Ft•rlnt. Lii. &t~. 4,!11 • ~ of Glenn who slipped to second 11. Ktn D11el40n. Fin. v11. 4..SOO The outside shooting or ' I 13. 8ud Rolf, H.B. '·"'4 Pace. '°· Jim Ew1,.,., c.M. 4,W guards Dave Kiley and The area challenger is Dick ''· Nick 511••11o, c.M. 4M1 Werner Raes and the Inside 96, WtllY Nelton, H.&. ol,UI Braasch of Fountain Valley ff. Jin l'l•hburn, Ftn .. v11. 4,m shooting and.. rebounding ·of h d · ht lied 105 J..,.rv 8renn•n, Wnl!ft'r •A!;S rid w o Mon ay nig ro a 1oa: Gen• Fur1t, wes1m•r 1,:11i center Steve Kemper a · scorching four-game block of i u . 1111 L1d<1. H.1. •.llD forward Ralph Ch and o s 990. That sizzling roµnd pro· 111' Mick~'· Jolln, N.I . '·11' " demollshed LOS Amigos in the moted him from 20th place ro·· . . first half. The Monarchs.led at seventh wJlh 5,021 pins. 90 E halftime, 46-9. , .: Only four pins behit1d Glenn D ter Kiley pitched in 18 points, In third place is Glendale's including . e1ght field goals, :r oy Belcher. He 's also just 21 while Raes added 17 tallies. pins from the top. Jerry N't T t TheM,onarchalr8iledbriell)', Hacker of El Monte remains I 1·0 es ' at the 1lart, fllllng behind 2.0 in fourth place. in the first minute. Then the Another big score Monday onslaught began as Mater Dei' was turned in by Al Charlton S"'t d outscored the Lobos 18-0 the of Riverside, whose 960 jump-Q Ur ay next .. flve minutes. . ed him from 32nd to 11th. And Lot Amigos' shooting was SO Sal Vivanco of San Jacinto has Work crews at Orange Coun-. .poor lh the first half that most of its shots failed to hit either CdM Vies 111 Masters Corona del Mar Senior Track Club will field a strong field evenl squad in the second annual U.S. Masters track championships in San Diego this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but the group still can-use some help in the run· ning events. Ross Winton of the track club said interested athletes at least 40 years of age can join the Corona del Mar group by calling him at 673-4674. Heading the list or the senior club's field event performers for the meet, which will be held in San Diego's "Balboa Stadium , are former world record holder in the discus Fortune Gordirn and 1948 Olympic Ja velin s ilver medalist Steve Seymour. ty International Raceway are the basket or backboard, inst.ailing extra grandstands Wednesday night the this week for Saturday's Monarchs t.ackle once-beaten $11,000 Nitrometh<!,ne Cha~ Sanb:-Ana· ·at-7:30. The pionships. -Newport Sailors meet Santa Over 10,000 seats will be Ana Valley in a 9 o'clork con- aYailable when lop f u e I test. dragsters, funny cars and fuel altereds begin qualifications at LOS AMIOOI 011 2 p.m. CX::IR general manager Mike Jones says he has 90 enlrles for lhe second annual meet. A field of that size, he say.!, will consume over 1 , 0 0 0 gallons or the volatile fuel, which goes for $7 .50 per gallon. • Another event scheduled for Saturday will be the presen~ taUon of lhe Mike Sorokin Top Fuel Driver of the Year award which will go to John Mulligan of Garden Grove. . l"CO l'T Sllrour 1(1!11! ... K1tler "•1tl!llll Owrbln P1w1lltr1Y '-0t1-•• .. , 8t<IU'r• G•rtl• ll!tlllltY •M krvllel: •, TOt•lf ' ' ' . • • ' . • • . ' ' " ' . ' . ' ' ' ' • • • • " ' MATllll 0!1 Ot) C!\tndos Frill KernPer '"' IC1it1 .... ~ H.,nl!eeu11 Prenofr11•I Tot•I• llll Aml-M1!1~ Dai l'G ,T . ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' • • ' . 31 17 . ' . ,, 22 11 " " • ' • " • • • ' • • ' ' ' ' • • ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' • • " l'I" TP ' . ' " ' " ' " ' .. ' ' ' . ' ' 12 ,, ,,__,, •o--n Skip Hess of Temple City was last weekend's big winner -he drove his Mustang to ·victory Saturday in the in· auguraI -16 -car gas supercharged open. He was low qualifier at 8.85 seconds and 162.16 mph. Mike Sullivan of La Habra won the injected funny car feature with £tats of 9.77 and Marina Rips Kellogg 9 Kaufman and Broad BEGINNER'S LUCK -It didn't take H-year-old Robert DeLancy ol Corona de! Mar long to catch his fir.st mar.lin._0.!l ~ flt~t .ltig_gime~sblng trlJ!, he hooked up this 141>-pounde; and br;ought It Iii af- ter a 71>-rninute, struggle. It \tBS_bis tjrst blte oj the day during a flshing expedttlon . with his li ther off the coast -of Baja California. · - 'Albacore Scout Run Slated by Landing Fishing along the Orange Coast remains hot, b u t operators are.i1ooging ahead to even bigger thle_gs -namely albacore. - ·The first special albacore boat of the season has been scheduled tiy Art'a. Landing in Newport. It will leave a p.m. Satur· day and return Sunday night. The scout boat is limJted to 35 anglers and reservations, at $20 a. head, are available by calling the landing. af~a was pretty m u c h restricted to bass and bonito, . and the ac~s remained on the. hot sklti(' Davey's Locker reported a number Df good-sb:ed cllico and sand bass in the 5 and 6- pound clau hooted in "the Barn, n 27 miles south of Newport. Anglers from both area land· lngs have found plenty or ban in the 2-3-pound rang!! and bonito io the 4-S-pound class. SECOND •ACI . JSCI y1fd1. 3 Y&lr •Id• •nd 1111 In Gracie A Mlnut. ,.ur111 "'°'· L!l't 9111 (LIPMml El G.IVITin fWt llOnl Mr. H!9'1._ilt ll Gt~) April Ae_t-fSifilttl) SYt l1 Poo Rott.ti fDf'tnl') Gld9el MIV {JI: kl'lkll Fiith~ Hlfit'ts (f.l1lt!IUJ' All Of Mi fS.nUMIJ.l A.Odl~I Midi. IAJolllCal Connie'• V•nll'I' !PHI) "' "' •• "' "' '" "' "' '" "' "' "' l~~ and Garden Grove, lock horQS 1tt at 7. i~ BoLh teams go inlo Q\e "' .. "' W L k unllnQ!Of'I BelCh • 0o i:~ G.I1~V:.1to1 j G Weslm!"ll~r 1 HtWPOrl H1rtior j • ~ 1111 Mtr i SIXTM •ACE. MIO v1rlfs. 3 veer old1 F~n~t~ ViUeY ,i > •"d UP In Gte4e A Plu1. l'wrq llMIO. VII • P••r ~ l it Gr1ndedd'I' (AlltVI lU Ed "91\ ! • AnnJe'i L111 (Ad•lr• 113 ' Lt""""' • ~or•! Jenler 1c1rrlol1l Ill -~'~"-~-•~'-'""'~-----~'--' Oki. Vt" {M1t1u<IAl 111 • c11'• on Dick 1s1"'~n 1n matchup with +o records. The S•ndy c~1c ·IH cro11111 170 onJy other unbeaten team ht Cr11y SkY !2 Smllhl 11f MT<1w1y 01<>11y rL11>h1m) 1\1 the league is Rancho K1111rnt"v <•kll••d•l 11' Alamitos, Whlch playa pa1; Dill1moon 11t~rtl 1 ll A1$0 '!tltllllt La Quint.a tonight at 6 . t Rodl.tl'1 K111Y cWr!~Mf _ 11' M · , • .tet Me Jet (I Stnllf'>) 116 ij!rllUl S gym. "'l MOMv Mm fS1r111111 11• 111.e Oiler-Oarden Grove at -Miu Tpp PH• IWll.an) 111 traction will be played at HUD· AIM lllt ltl1 Ju1n'1 HvtMI (MorrllJ P1rr lltp IM~ll..,fllllda) Tl~ 011'Mf'f IHtrtl • II! Sl!Vl!MTH ••cl!. 400 Y~rdl. ' v••r tington's gym . • • Mluy l1r PIY ft C•rllolt) Ill 1>1<11. Cllllrnlflt, P11r1e $1800. C:11lrn lnt -prltt nooo. TMl•O •ACI . UO y1rd1. Mtld~n 2 Chu Ct>v lob 2 Vi11r old• brff In Ctlll. Cl1lml"'. Tile V1r~t (Stncl>u) Pur .. 116a0. Cltlmlnt 1rl~ suoo. Double H11!v rw111onJ Mr. Ml (Stl\Clltll 120 O~tnoltrt: (Smllhl Lovlmt You (2 AHlr) 1\1 Ftn('I' Wii iow IM<Revnold1J C M C Jl:lll \20 Jell" G~I IA!ltlrl .!.,' o.' 1°'• •'•••"<•-•••> 111 C111>~r Btrl (K•nl1l .., '" ·• Wttcll ~ Trt.,..I (0 8tnkll Al'• F111011r (Jl:ltllllr•h) 1711 "' "' •• ,~14 "" "' "' "' Oon't Bar C"-rM O+•rt) 111 ""'c•roon Dt• IK..flltl ; 117 (;~y Cln*r1ll1 tt PIH) 11, Sur11~ Clr1et (Cardoi11 11r l"tGlfT'M •ACI!. ::isa v1rds. 3 ve•r elll• 1"<'1 uo In Grtde AA Pl~!. PurM! 11100. The &vent ''"'· Ma.rt'• Tonto 011 rSf•Dtl 111 PrlHY Lui• (MGrrhl P'fDvllUlll"" (1.ll>lllml "'" '""'" Oreew111 tt Smith) 110 Ftfl<.Y Nlll (McilteyMllJ\ 117 Gold le'I ""'"' ($mltlll "' "' m "' m Llcll (Nit (1 l'tff) Hl111t'1 Clotr!Y II Srl'IM!I Ml11 Cult In!• (I Adt!r) U7 Aom.Nlndtl HllO IW1li.on) ~,U_. ~Ject Oii' IC.tdOllJ "' "' '" "' "' Pllerlm 81r. •retie AH1lr (H1rtl -Tllrott1e Bad: ll If CrCOlbY) ""'me P1uum (Allalr l ""' tll1lllle Fly\nt (01! (P1Nl GerDnlmo 81r (2 H Cro1Dy) G1b()1'1 lo'f (Rk+.erdl) Ltl'I Go Sim lk1nlet , "' "' "' "' Race Results ' . --- M......,, '•"' )f. '''' Ci.tr 4 PUI l"llllT •ACI. :UO Y•'11t. M11dtn 1 ye1r t1111. Cl•lm!,... Purw Jl600. ll.tcom111tnclld CH CroelJ'f) 7S.ot 2ll,OO 1$,IO" Wlnnlnt Hour 111 l •nkO 21.00 11.•1 L•tt1ten. IJl:Kh••dtl lM Tl,,.,._11 0/11. old1 uld 11P In Grtcll MA Ml!IUI. Tiit J.MMtm, PurM $tll0. Aamlr1I "td (K1n!1) MTH P•rr llr (PH•} 81r L!Hle Ctdt ILl~•ml Tl~20 )/II. '").ta 1.eo l.Clll 2.40 >.M Alto R111-Tld1 Go. MM1nl111t Nqle, l l1htnl119 ll!dlle. ll:Mn M•n•c• • S~ldlld-Noorltlll. Newport Harbor al)d Westminster, both tied for ser. ond with 3·1 records, clash ~t Marina at 8:30 tonight. ' A Corona del Mar-~tariga confrootatiqn prtci!des Uii.t game at 7. Tonight's schedule : ' T111l11hl'I 0111\lt '.t i "'fttl!llHll ~ EVl..:in ""' lolM Grtndl, I Huntlfltlwl "'· G•rlttfl Grllllt, 1 Vllll. P:1,_"f_ Vt. "6&1nlllfl 'tf~ll'f, t:3'> T":1'l"' O.me1 Iii ~rl111 11.~ vt ·~~:•-.!-! .. ,,,I,~ .. L r w:i;;.~nsltr YI. N~, 1:30. Grand Slam Beats Cards T~ Fountain-Ya. I I e_y+ Cardinals bu~ball t e a m abaorbed a-8-5 loss Sunday afternoon al Los-AmifoS ~ when the catds felf victim. to a grand slam home nm in-the second inning. .:. "Santa Ana }ngel inliel~er Dave· Craig slammed the four- bagger to give the i.avaden a 4~ bulge iD the early goini': Fountain Valley resumes .ac· tion in I.he Soutbern ~lifQ°ttlia BasebaU • AssoCiation Suml:ay afternoon (1 :30) at FouDCi.in Valley Hlgh. .. OUMTAIH VA~~ST •"' M'11:11 M•;1h111," If l 0 I • 9"1w11, "'° J o o Also ••~•otllv l'ft'lllltfl'I, Klc:.-u Jov Jiil"' ,. IN"· l'IYfnt •eoe•'· Min• tl·uv, °""'Ill 1ar, Dlcltrr• l•bY 00. ~,:,"·JS : : 2 g HIHTM •ACI. J.lt Y•rtt1. 3 \'elr a""iM, 111-rf 1 2 0 I old1 •nd 119, A!1ow1nt11. PurH 11600. rmlctl.11, I 1 o 11 o 'file lie M•n (Ll ..... ml 1.00 l.ID 2.MI •vlrtll, rt: l ' I 1 Scr11(11fd -lfllk To Wiii, Wt ltll Tilt 11rc11e, Zlpoln II•, Flt1! l'utvrlty, Quldt M. V•~ tC•~•I ,,20 1.IO 1!11tr. e • 1 I ' lol>llY 0.., LllU jll;ld1trd1) 2.20 r~~~' ~~ ~ f. r Tl..,._2' 1/10. Al10 A.•~....., Dt1tw, Mr. L"1t fl'~n. 1 ,I 1o 1 ?, llCOJllD !y.CI. 440 y1rd1. I vt1r $.!Int, C>eru•M ley, lif'10mtll, I ' 01111 •!Id \IP In GrtH A Mlriu1. Pun• No ,trtlchei. \":tc:!s 0 ll 5 $ s 11Ht, ·-=;::;=;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::; PllXY Nll'.C (\,;lf'htl'!I) '-60 5.611 4,A!t' Sl1lY'• •"""9 {H CtOJhl 7.20 S.20 llHl1m-Nttni• (lmlll'I) 6,to Tlme-22 1/10. Sc/1tdll4-D1nd• Viler, aurtuncly •au, Nol:lllr A.odt9', Tbt L•lf Cllfl\tt, HJOMTLY OOV•La-&-•H-....... .. & >""'" Hll'•t. l"•M '6111 .... THllill D •ACO~trdt. Mlklin 2 MEN ~_Let us.make 11ou loolc uour very bett 'b11 getting one of Sir · W.alter'<> famous European Razor Cut.s. Sil WALTll'S 20l2 Newport l l'flf, Cott. M ... Other members of the team include UCI chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jn the weights, Bill Bayless in ,-Oie weights and high jump, bon \Vlnt9n i~ the weights, high jump, long 1ump and 100, Ross Winter in the \Veights, high jump, 100 and -440, Nate Heard in . the weights, Monte Howell in t~e sprints and Goerge Gruppe 1n the high jump and long jump. 140.40. American Motors drivers lost their all-co~rs challenge Sunday when 96 cars ganged up on AM's %4 machines, 90-41. -Top eliminator was J. C. Rivenburgh of Westminster, in Marina's baseball club upped its 4>ng Beach Police League reCord to f>.3 after knocking off Kellogg, 12-2, Sunday after- noon. What prompted the scout boat was-the report of the first albacore catch of the year over the weekend, 100 miles south of Newport. Fishing for barracuda is just fair 8nd action on t h e yellowtall front is still slow. .Eiaht yellow.! were brought to &aff over the weekend . wtr ot<11. Pur11 IU~. \'::=====================\ l~tiln' IA<l•lr) , SAO 3.611 ).20 L•• lty Diii !Cll"llO!I) J .20 •.AO a Plymouth. Victory moves them Into third place. Next test is Thuraday night at Ramona Park in t,.ong Mool•ll GtVlt UUleY) ''" Tl-..11 11!0. "''° "'~""" •r~ct, L1tt11 Con- Fishing in the immediate '""' H111rv'1 ~11, Sllll!'ll SCt~. Tllf How They, Stand ::;:.::~ ·_--::.~:::."::. ·.: l~vr. Lee'•'~ _f•UilJll.!!C•. 150 y1r<I•. l ""411 eiot lfld llP In ~G-r1di "-l"lut. l"lltM 11llOO. Goll• 11r Too I" l l l'lkl) t .:it •.to ).OD Base.bal_l~s Top 1 Q ___ BE·;~.::.~.~:~;~:~~~·t" -Ni\TION4L LEA.GVE AMERICAN LEAGUE 4rltcr1 1Alltd•C11! · Mt'·• E .. t Division Ea1t DIYillon '"'"'"' ,,,.ic 1L""'""l i.• · , · T!mt-11 2/10. . -, -• ., Miiier, 211 J 1 I Wtn Lolt Pet, GB WOn Lott Pct. OB---Alff h .... Dlrrl111tr Jurt1--nttrl'lt1 r Chicago 49 27 .645 _ Jttllnt JoMI , OCMn ein, CU M1y, Clnc:l11n111, tt1 M A1ren, At- 11n11. 211 II. Alltn. PhilldelPhl1, !ti l"tr'll• Clntll'!l'lltl, 1'. ~~rjgn• lb ~ 1 J, MurT1111. p ' f ~'iTl.~'c 1 f J New York 40 32 .556 7 Boston 43 31 .SSJ 11 Sc,.1c110!-CI -MK); ., r 1ct.. t111111 . · "' Pittsburgh 38 38 .000 11 Detroit 39 32 .549 131,s Groun11, Que•t Meo!I. "'' E•tlt ••r. . St. Louis 35 -41 .-461 14 Wuhington 38 39 .494 JY•h PJl"TM •ACE. 150 v•r<I•. ' Y•••· ~~~c;J ll.11111 ltll .. I" Ph .I d J h' 33 39 4'" 14 462 20 0111,. ci.lmlno. Purse iuot. S..nto, Chlc1ee. ''; Rtl'll<s, Chit.too. ,,I McC-y, "" Fra!\CIKe, ,,I L. M1v, Clnchin111, $4; Tolin, . (!l'lt;ln- n.rl, Jl1 Ptr11, C~l""Jll• $2. •••tt1''· " j I I •"\·" I To:rw I , rf I S!tkowskl, If •rm;l1'1 ' lJ I~ 11 1 a e P 1a · ;JO New York 36 42 . Jo au,.•u 1w1eDUro1 ~1.00 t.M s.to Montreal 21 52 .288 26 1,~ Cleveland 29 44 .397 ~1,~ coun1 C11r1n IA. B•nk•l 3.H t.to ~----'Vtst Dlvltion Two T~rv !'Ive (Ore.,..,! 4.tt ----.. Pltdll11• 'Otc!Mnl ~ .-, 111111,,., JI: M I Los Angeles 44 29 .603 -W~it Dlvltloa l\:--R~'n ~11M1,1er ct11~e, sur11n -&)Yfl(J.OIV Atlanta 44 30 .595 y~ Oakland 40 30 .571 -CllJ#n, LuJkv ••r Chit, Burke'1 ~i.. 8•l<l•t11u11. kfl 0"9o, f.I • .asr1 Hll>IUm111, Chlt•fO, 10.2, .t:l.)1 &l!•vtr, N"" Yor1!, U·2 •• to01 C.rrol1, Clnclr>- ntt!, ll·l. .1161 Stone. A!l11111, 1·L J ll. 1(1vfm1'1 00. 11&-12 U t K•llog9 OOQ 03-2 4 0 Minnesota 41 33 .554 I 1~. K11nnt'1 11111. Nl1t1 Nol•, AIHlll• Cincinnati 38 32 .543 41h Seattle S4 S9 .468 711~ L111u, S. Francisco 39 36 ·520 6 Chicago 31 41 .431 10 No icr1tehfl. Houston 39 39 .500 714 K c·t 31 43 419 ll SIXTM 111:.i.(.I. Ht Ytr!l1. ' y .. , Gal Scores San -Die~.,~; 11:!:1., .342 7° c!l11::rna i Y 15 -47 :s41 is :::o.M>d uo in or.a. " ,.1u •• ,u, .. AMl•ICAM LtAO!JI N•w Ycwlr lt , 51. Louis t 'foo Todd (Htrtl ,,2' l .olll I ... llUN~ A. Jltdl Oii 0 k U I' ,,..llQ)"e •-llt DH·Oon P"'"'le (.\<11lr) J ... 2 .... , -· I • I ·• I • J.t11nl1 f, Cll'lt;lnnul ol Wllfllfltltn •I Cl1vel•l'4, rein DH-KOrntl'J De~ (WltlO!I) S.1Ct l.te Rotih11on, ''"" I01 111\f, ••If .. ~I Race wm· Ph!l1clel1>11i. ~. Pltllbur9f! t .. I • ' ,,, .. ' F. H-rd, W1JPI., U ; leltnttr. ••II., Monrre•I 5, ClllCt'iO 1 ~ ,.., Mtl a • (I l l..._.11 •/lo. 1 Ktntl s ,Cl!v 1. (1lllOrnl1 1 AIK> A.I" -Sonic Moon, •Ol'llOUr I · Los Anll'!IU 7, Houlton 1 Onl1 llmtt Kll~led ' .. ,,,.,, Mr. Pflt ltr, H1lf CIOWn, HIT~ll•lr, 1111 .. h; 0 1111,, MIM,. $11! Fr1nclKO •. Sill Dlff<I I .,, I 'l! F, "olll,,.on, 1•11.. to; Clllrt:t, • T....,.I OI'"" Tlli!l 'l'"ll .. _ Midway M!llk , Go tt~I Gii. tnl N.Y., 111 F. Mo:rw1r<1. WJ1h., M. Los Alamitos Race Track C.hl""o 114o111man 1t-n 11 MOntrt•I l1111mori tMtMlllt 11-0) 11 tttw lt.0•11"· -1 DOVILE~8ulotd. 8111. ti-Ci .. • ff ed furlh f M d {Jl:1nto 0-11, nl1hl Ytl'k llllM11tmy,. IMI 1111ht k r•KM<I -McCOY'• 8•IM• . et M4 r.riw, Minn,, 0111 Ollv1, Mlton,. 111 0 eT er J)rOO 00 ay t10llS!On (Lern11'9r 1·1) 1t LM An· t.ilit clr•M1191r 1-i1 11 ~!roll J1!. Kh•IV'1 C1boese, MlftW•'I' CM11111t. 1111r, ''""' ui T. D1vlt. '''" 11. nl~~~e women joc:ll:e~a are ,.,,. c&u11on 11•1. n1tbt 1s,,.....,, •4 flf Jct1111t11 f.11, n11111 o.+-0tl.!lllt•1 1-~-1t1t1 K£Oi1.l..J_~ McOo<\llttl, Clllvt., -· ;;;,,; ltc'f!'_Ytf1! (lt)"li'i ).f Ind l>IYll~ MtnneJtt&. (PJlrry M1 •I Cllli:lto -··~·-··--.:--M.._ ...... 121; tu111: 1ore;-mr atMr."l)ie"TTll~ -a-pennanen pin l>'nt"lrtalrri1.i~ i-J' .,,...,.;; .. ;...., -rrow;~nne -:r: rr · llffl!T' '"' ' ~ • --... . - Mellin, 0.1., J•i •cr1""'1I. Minn~ ,._ Of hort1e racing. ttl 1·1), 2, t'#l·nl1hl Ct!!lcwnlt 'tlrllnel Ml 11 K•"M• lll•h '"' Ill' In Gr"9 AA Mln!i>t. CIO\Cln11tll (Motrrlll NI 11 All•nl• Cllv (Mtf!ynd f41, nlehl PUf'lol tltoe .. • HATIONAL 1.u.ou1 On a night when Kentucky (J1rv11 '-1 >. n1t111 • w•t11ll'lttot1 cMeet• &-l /"" C•11 •·11 ::~• ~=i~-uJ 4' .. !:: I:: Jl:UMl-Wvl'll'I, Ho1ol. Sf! ktdll!fff, Derby winning rkitr BJJI l'~l! ... lllfl1-'IJ•dlten ... , II I'll~ ,, (lfvt1'M CH•l'Mn 1· •nc1 Wll· ..... ":1'1111 t•'•l'I 4,2t '' ,_ "' I O!WI. s I', ~11 •· Wll11ttNr, J ~"""•/Skin' M ), 11111111 II•"" >11 t Ml·flktMt 7 ~11~:: S..1 Ptrt&, c'1n:, SIJ Ttltn, Clfl., liartaCJt flni&fled dead last n Sin l'l"fnclMIO fM•rlCntt t-)) II '-n ' ' T!,.,._1 110.' · hi. ._.J I ••· J ht Ol,110 (Nltkro •JJ, fifth! W""""'Y'I l;I"'" Alto Jl:•I'\ -Mr, Som. C"-"' l. MtTS-M.AiOll -..n1.~11t1 ,1,,1, clii .. \~• un Y race o '-'!'Cl n i . • • ....,no-Mlnfltlo" 111 Chit••• 11 Mllw•"*"· OlCMY• otm, IUN"""-c 1e1 •ru tt1 eroa;k 11.L',. "' t o1111, Cln;; "' "l'omey -Jeerr Wleburg; an ·_18-; ~=.:~ ~'~~.:::' ,. "' 11t;,11;111more 11 N•w YDrll :~r.~~..1,.1t .... Ollt'.:fl. "'11~1 1 ~ln.:1~~1.11! l. C~!t., 'J,,ri A. Jolln.oll/ ,.. ye&r--O)d, beclmt (he Rtsl Nt w Yort al 111, Lou~ nlillJ toston fl O.troll, 1111~1 SU'1cl\H -Mv Ktnlcf, f'lfl r t. :Vour relatives have descended. And they need your car. Where doet that leave you? • Near your Ford F,letit~A·Car dealer, th1t:a wtlerel Rent a new Fotd, Mustang, or Torino for a day. • week, or month. Low rate.s .• , Insurance Included. FORD RENT·A·CAR SYSTEM .. ~~.,,., ... -"' -~ ... l WILSON FORD 11111 ...-... . H1•tftt* .... c.lff. _14W611- c oueLEl"-M. Al,,.;, l'lit .. ,.,.K""' worn.th joc:Jley to ever win a ... crnc111Mt1 '' An11111-s--,·,n1e •' O•kl•ra. t11t111 bolJO''""'· c111111r. ,. '1n11tr. c~ic-.. "1 •roct, 1"'-" '°' Los Alamitos race ~:.i~O: .... :ri!"=fiJ'lfl'tf ~.H~~~1111~:r.~1n-:l.~"' • 11~Nf~ 1ta.cl."'ii Y•'*-•~•ti-------------------:------ I I I I "· All'O!I• An .. l'OI L•t:Klr. Mn •• 1t. • ,. ' '11 , _ .. ) I I { -. w' " ·~ -· ;. " \ I I J • t T l • • ~' )4, ~Al,lY PILOT ; _ $' Tit'ti. Ju~ J. ;969 Yoiu• ~loney's ·woi'th' Build · Your Future in Data Communications a [ milgo] compan)' rn. OUlllll'ld•rig aci;eplllll:I ol 0\/f MOOE°M •400 Oat, Sets Ind our continuing deve1opmint ol n1w dlll commun1c1tion equipment otf1rs new opportun1Ue1 for q111!i!led 1nd1111du111 to 1h11e In our expan\IOl'I. II YQ\I can help us mami1u1 our 11chnlcal leaden.hip. or e~pand our cuslome1 1upport we 're re1dy 10 talk about improving your C••eer In date commun1c11lons no!!'! Sa let Opportunity for pperienced in.cll\lldual with S-10 years 1n 1ales ol c:omp..:i11r/communic11ion peripher11 r:quipment. M1rket lng Representative To be respon1ible 101 an phases of c1,11tom11r s<iles, service and t.chnlcal lialson. Applications Engineer To generate custom11 support material for apply•ng, intlllhng •nd s•rvicll'lg CO(Jl.pYter/communication per!phe,.1 equipment Wiii contac-t custom111 directly. Sef!i~r Engineer Opportunity for seniOr level Ci1cuh Design Engineer with eJpe1ience in computer/communlc-ttiOtl j,er1ph1111 equipmem. Electronic Eng ineer OPPOrtun!1y 101 •recent engln•ering g11du11e to join 1rt1 te1<1!ng technical team in da!1 i:;ommunic1tions. Contac1,.1cc - lnt•NllW$ ln Miami 01 other cities c1n be arranoed. l'hone collect; J. M. MeHugn (30~J 091·1 220. ' ' lntern1tlonal Communlc1Uons Corporation 7620 NW 381t1 Avenu1, Mi1irli, Florid• 331 •7. The Stock Market. Which way? When? How far?. Just published! A report on the market outlook-how it may affect your investment · program and your investment deci1ion1. Our Economic Policy Committee bas just published this quarter'• market out look report, "A Poaitive Investment Polit.")'"•. The report deals with the 1uddenneu and 'r.everity of the decline in the past several weeks, t.he probable effects of reetrictive fiscal and monetary policies, and their likely negative impact on corporate eaminga comparisons. Jt ftnda that theee fa clllrs and otht.n may suggest opportunities for investor1 in high-quality stocks which art: relatively insulated from seruiitivity to general busineu conditions. It finds opportunity, too, in industriala which, though cunently deflated, have demonstrated historically the ability to recover and appreciate. Other opportunities may lie.in corporate and municipal bond11. which are deliverina: all-time high yielda. Tnfonned invest.on 1hould have a copy of thia timely document, which includes a list of recdmmended lil?CUritiN. For your copy of "A Positive lnveetmetlt Policy"* M!nd the coupon below or atop by your nearest Oea·n Witter ~ Co. office.. No obligafiori, of cour&e. DEAN WITTER. ai: C:o. JNCOJlPOJtATED Bret1to11 R. Ogclen, Vice Presi.dcnt 550 Newport Center Driv e. Nttl)port Beac/I Telephone: 644-2292 • I •• T I I I I I •• I I I . TO: DUN w1mR. co •• JNCORl'OllATED Pteu. -.Kl me a copJ' d your Eoonomie Potier . (:omm1.~·1 "A P.ollitive Jnveatment Policy' ... I u~ that Uwn lat no obtiption. . --N"""----.,-------- A.tm.•------------ CilY ------------- I I I I ·- SUit.--------tip---- . r'· • I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I . - oceanograp~ic fund iec. A mutual fund investina: In the develapment and use of the ocean and its resources -------~---Mldt.te Dbtrllt111rs. IK. .............. , Nt'll' Y•nc. N.Y. 1 .... l"I•••• ill'ld"" • pro1p.c;tu1"' th• OCMl'Ollt'IPhic: lulMI. ltc. Los~ & Oakland! EveryOO minutes! Presenting the greatesl lllght 1chedule on earth between 7:15 am •nd 8:45 pm. Bolh ways! More on weekendal Why wonv abou t a reservai.on when PSA has over 1100 tlighls a week? Suc.h an easy-to-1en1ember 1cl'led1.1le you can carrY ii a1 ound in your head. Why remember lowesl I ares? Or alt jets? Or gre.11 $6rv1ce to San Francisco, San Jose. San O,!ego, and Sai:1amento? Or lhal k!ds under 12 lly PSA {!I.th their pa1ents) lor hall fare ? Still want a rese1valion? Jusl 1cmember your havel 1ge11t or wha1s11sname airlines.'-~;i::O• • • El Paso Asks FfC Okay For Building June 20, 1969 250,000 Shares International Funding Corporation of America · Common Stock (par value SJ.00 ~r share) Price $10.00 per Share --· •- Copies of tht Pro$pectus may bt obtained from Ott 1lndtrsigntd or telect~ deo!ers 011l11 in States where tliese securities 1na.t1 be leQolly o//trtd.. Shaskan &.Co1npaiiy Axelrod & Co .. I • lncorpor•t<'d ( ' " - • l • DAil ~ "1.0T J IJ Comple~e . ; , .. ,. I ) 'I • • ' I- .. I I ' , ) I ' 1 I • • I . ' -~-... J ' .. -· • ' ' Ni~o n. Wi~l.llave ·G.round.to .Make .ll p ori Vis~t .to ~sia . ~E~ pELHJ, India. (AP, -lo the,a~-. goi'Ji four~ aklst.dti.; to:-m~ Fg,rm,et sta~~ Williall} ·P...RogetS riifltle ': An opporWnilt JI do so._was Uie.a~nce. 9._f hl.gb-rankJpg f,reaideiti .N~xoa~ visit to lbe to lndia, twice t~ •. Fakistan anO "'President -Ayub Kha .a ~~ay swing ~ougb . ~app.arer'iUy mtss&t in_~1ay, __..American .~1Sltors: to th~ sui,-, · Astan subcJ;xitinent·nutmon~· once-ta Algha~in .the.; Decem. r n·d t-a-.-:P-a IM.>11·H."ft-a--o d whert-Nrxon-.eent SecreCary....-of cb...Unent-11.,,.yJe~~~b;: rrt9;6Y . comes at'l"'t1me ot lociustng past 3'n-years. ~ . ~ l>wight J>, _f:~nhower waa Afghan sUin in May. ~ Housing George Romney to observer~ her• as, a"reflectiw:r1 Soviet initiative!! there. In con-.During U1e . same 'PCrlod, the last pre.al~t to make a u ·I.$ known tbat ~-~ tm-New DelhJ to represent the of a ~ye diplomat)C' ap. tr~t, the Am~rican-approacb Vj&ij.s bY-American V.IPs-hav thorough ~ =the . u\>-bassy officials in Newc Qelhl United States -at the funeral ot=-proach tO"tht' regton. ~11---- h&s been eawve. ~ scant. 4 contlr,en;. V~Itmg I n d I a,~ have pushed h8!1Lfor a long . . . - )n ~to ~e frlencls _ _!Q.rmet Pres_!.de~l Lyndon Pakistan aod A{gltanlstan ln Um..L.~~LWashingtJ!n..]~resident Zakir ~usam. _ ~th -~a and the Uqlted Sov)etPremitrAlexetKosygln -B.JohnSon"ma e..a.stopoverof. 195t... ·-~ --~ send some hlglt-ranking ~of~ Th"""ilRUSSlans sent Alexei S~les ~ve been ~~neroul l@' made almost rt!gular trips only a Jew. hours 1n Karachi, More recenUy , -~1etary <if flcials to visit-India.-Kosygin. ~, · _, c9ntributors of ~norruc aid .. -- • I ,. . -- .~ ..~ '. -' • ' --· ' .. .. . .. -. \ • 5% figures very large in our Personal for $~000, or more, and mature every six 4%:Regu1ar Savings. · :: Choice Savings Plans at Bank of America. months, The 5~ 1ntei:est·can.be ciledi_teP r The most popular plan in' Personal t:hoiee~-~ The easiest way to earn it is.with our new-to a regular ?'vmgs accouat. <l'hen your ·Savings. And it may· ,~ell be worth one Per·' esi passbook account, t~tal, annual rate ~xceeds 53 . A shrewd centage point. Flexibility is: its biggest .. .. 5" Investors ~AcCOtmt. piece of money m~!lemen_t. draw. You can put any am9unt of _money 1 A minimum of~ puts it in your name. ' . : · · · · · . in. And take it out, anytune. Your l.ntere!>~{i ·I,,• Additional d~posit~ are made in $100 :5" Fhle·~ Guaranteed.Certificate is computed pa\ly, compoiindea. and·~d • · 1~ amounts. Intere8t·is paid every calendar of Deposit.. . . . .. " quarterly whei>"it amounts lo a dollar ·or '·. "· quarter. You can .withdraw interest during This Pl'l!l provides absol~te .'.'e:tamty ·on 'lJ\Ore. Actually;' this is the highest rate Flags Ji'ly (Jp the fust ten days of any calendar quarter. your future rate of ret,urn.;certificates ace. allowed 'oy law. on this'tYI:!" of account. issued for a minimum•ol $1000 and in mu!-' . ~ . . . . A pholographer sent on an as!ignmen\ for wealher The same goes for withdrawal of principal. tiples of $100 above the.mmii/)um. :You may . Jnd1~1dual needs are 1mporta~t to u~ ... pictures did a double take when he saw these~O~a~gs'::::l====~p1jrJio~v~idin~· ~gf,'f,o~f~co;,urse~· ~·~i~t'~s~bee'.Qdn~. oj,n~d:epos:;;it~a:=~,·~·tlh .... aw (ull amou·n·t · at . • · Thats w!Jy we have so __ many savmgs plliris I· ~===~~·o~pva rd at :a hotel in Clev_eland._One_obser~ II n •-' . Ul -t. ............ I T"\ t 950 .. ver suggestedtney mlgliToerisiilgWitntnenotair:-· -u -;;alendar-<1ua•ter~A"9v-'uay-wr-1Hen,--:e"'n"'co;:;-:,.an"'y,,=:m;:.a::.,t""=r"1t"'y"'. =':a:-iti:e~ _b.,.ra~n··~ c. hes.~-OmA· t·""'B·arnopk-ton-al At-anmeYr-01. c'·aO,";';e're'+,---- , 1 • ' Cubans Use Intrigue Bra vado to Enter _U.S. MIAM'f (AP) -By boat, questioned about their border barrel and bravado, hundreds crossings, asked to remain of Cubans are illegally en· anonymous. tering the United States from He said he made his smug~ M~xico. gling arrangements two days About soo.are known lo ha ve after arriving in Mexico City, : crossed the border at points but it was six-weeks before he - • frOlTl Texa s to Arizona during got into the United States, the first four m<inths....tll 1969. He traveled with five other . Concerned U.S. officials .have persons in ·a chauffe~en ' stepped up enlofcement, and ; at the same time loosened new car to Monterrey , co. was hidden in a motel until : other regulalions, in a bid to • stem the tide. They thinlt nigh t and then was taken by J they're succeeding. the same driver -this time in ·an old car -lo a farm near !" ~ge last year in im· the border: ; mi~ation law has spurred the The group-met a YOUJll vian • illegal entries by lengthening and an old man under-«'-tfee, ! lhe ·time Cubans who try to • come legally from P.1P.~ico werel_ed single file' 400 yardS : must wait for a visa. . to the Rio-Grande and were _ The '-w •-posed.a 120.,000-ferried actoiU two at a time • !A ...... on a wood and canvas raft person annual lim it on lhe which had been hidden nearby. number , of immigrants who The cost 'lo the dentist;*$300. can come lo the United States · • ahnually from other western NOT SENT BACK hemisphere nations. Previous--OnCe inside the United : ly there was no limit. Stat~, the Cubans µe ,ia{e · because they cannol , b e DIRECT FLIGlITS · dePQrted to Mexico and are The rate of legal Cuban im-pot sent back to Cuba. ttut the migration has-dropped by government IS _inczeasingly. more ihan-80~nt Th -t~ rel using e~try to any who are last year, but this does not in· caugl:it or turn themselvu in elude the more than 3,IJOiQ -f''ght at the border. • Cubans a month who come Qll . Du · A ·i h ff' · I d. ect r fugee flights from rmg pr1 , w en o 1c1a s ir e said 17S Cubans were known to Havana. . ·enter illegally, 31 others were Most Cubans ge~ lo Mexico turned .back. One woril.an .who City legally. But once there, was turned back said she sue· they are ~ with the in-ceeded in getting across two creasing delays ·plus the pro-we.eks later, hidden in a lard blem of paying Jiving costs barrel. · while. being prohibited by the tt1exican government from working. Some are quick to accept offers of help in cross ing the bordei. One Cuban. woman recalled her stay in Mexico City wilh her two daughters: "ln the hotel some Cuban asked me if we want to cross the border. I said 'Yes.' We moved to the border in-a bus. There, we went to a hotel and a Mexican came to the group and he Immigration Service Of- ficials. said nearly all \he il· legal entrants turn therµselves in once they are well past the border since no penalties are imposed and they are allowed to rema·in in the United Statf's. The service also has eased regulations to make it easier for Cubans in Mexico City tn skirt immigration quotas if they can prove they have relatives already in the United States. sa ys , 'you are Mrs .... ' I said, -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;oJ 'Yes , I am.'" • Then, after paying $600, the mother and daughters were esco rted to a hole in th' fence at lhe border town of Nogales. Ariz., and stepped through ii at noon on ·a _dark, rainy day. INTRIGUE The trip was more laden with intrigue for ·a former Cuban dentist who first hait tu buy his way Out of a Cuban -pr-ison-wher.e-. he was . .serv.ins time for currency violations. The dentist, like other CUbans / PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwa1;1tl'jl lt<;;,ms \vllh ll DAll.Y PILOT Classifil'.'d Ad. PHONE 642-5678 - I See by Today's Want Ads • Y;u OU8ht to ~ in pic- tures, Fotron electronic can1era. need only aim and shoot, d&y or night, rain or shine. • Oh whert> has my little: doa eone? Sad Utile. 3 ,---_, ......... 16-bo:!-JNJI. hiJ, --- ' ~. . ·-.. llttll' puppy, lost near Newport Pier, wearing • pink collar. Blonde fe- -~a!e· mixed varlery, . . 1 .. notice from you will' also release funds . A without Joss of intere~t: The · nice arrangement. . always ready'to help you· got ahead. 5% guaranteed ·annual 5" Tme Certificate of Deposit. interest is paid or credited . -. ' Bl Some people like the corporate .feel.of. cer-every· three months over a · BANK OF AMERJ~ · [ tilicates. They earn· 53 'annuahntere5t, five year period. A real boon fortheh\lsinessd [Mng payable every six: monthl!; !hey're.issued ; .to long-range planners~ · · .. . ' ' " . ' . : .. ... eve added something to pq8Sboo_{~ . . · ·at Bank of· Rrtierica., . . - . . .. I ( lnvestdrs Passbook 'Accour:lt ) ' , ·• .1r1 •.lf'l':Jo 1(10'11 1G!fl ~ ! i:;;·q , ... srl • -I.a.~~~-- .1.1.; ·i .. ~11 1h1lf' .. 1 ovJ ilfji..H Jud ' • • I ' I- ----·-• ------------ • • •• • • ..... < • I ~ ' ,,'lJll, ( ~11 .. Has.~~'. ,ki "-1~ave ,,- n.01• ·0' •• . _ agine shopping ln the mO!I shops of London exploring romanlic Rome and !'lorence, taking e leisurely train_,rtde ·i!iiough the ?'uslr18n .countryside '!lid amQ!lng along Ille banks of the Selqe. · • . -• . And further 1magine maldng •your" excursion tq the con!lnen\ with 40 friends who share your interests and g~. -r • - ')'bree .Harbor Arca girls are dCJing those things and more during a loUr of Western Europe \Vhlcb is being .sponsored by the San Francisco I lla~~ Scout Council. · · .;,.;_,....,.""' ......... ""'....,,.... ...... ~-."""'"' e tlfree .girTi, an·senior irl . O!l!.s .. are: ·.rullelen XI ~0.11.i'"'i!l""',..- . Mesa, Miss Betty Sander of San Clemente .. and ·)itss. Robin' Spicer of· Hunt- COME FL Y WI TH ME -Boarding the jet for thelirsf.leg of their seven-count!f European tour-are Orange-Coast-' Girl ·Scouts (left to right) the Misses Betty Sander, Helen Allen and Robin Spicer, who are being welcomed ,~b:Oard b_y,_stewardesses Sheryl -~-.-.~-"-.' We/I-equi pped tabo rato ry · Sea _ P (ov icles·~ ' . Study M a_te ~ipl . The tidepools and inlets nestled OJl the lee sjde Or Santa Catalina Island have become a laboratory for 144 Girl Scouts from all -over the United States who have gathered to study thei-r mutual interest, marine biology. Miss Kathy Clark of Huntington Beach,· daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Clark Jr., and r.1iss Joan Lam· phier1 also pf l-Iuntington Beach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. \V. Lamphier, have .joined budding biologists from 40 states for .a 10-day encan1pment that 'viU end July 7. The setting for Adventure in Marine Biology is Camp \Vhite's Landing, 25 miles offshore from San Pedro. Designed to expose Science-oriented scouts to new aspects of marine biology, the-encampment also helps further them to,vard careers in oceavography and other studies of the sea. Hosts for the seaside sem inar are members of the Angeles Girl Scout Council, Lo~ Angeles. Part of the group of scouts attended a S'tateside gathering also sponsored by Angeles -Council June 23.-25, and the remainder have been invited for July 7·9. Applicants for the Girl Scout Opportunity4 must have demonstrated an interest in science, ·completed one course in biology, hold a Red Cross swimmer cei'- tificate or its equivalent. have. comp,eted 10th or 11th grade in school; and be in good health. ·-. · .Even_tho_s_e Girl Scouts notp Jaruiing a cateer inf:ne field of marine· biology will benefit from the study;-the host council says. - ' . : Esterl~y;?" (~ft) a~d .Rina Jamolts. The SCQ.Uts JiQ}f _Jlre traveling with 40 other scouts fro~ 10 states and the-territory of Guam dn the tour which Is sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Girl Scout Council. · · .. ·v~~ .... ~* .. -:. •\ • ~ ~ -t-J! ·-~ .-~. ~· , • . • • ' j ' '·'·;:-" PT· .. '-. , :--(~ :;.i.: r. • .,. .. ---They will 1eave their j'laboratory" with ..a deeper --- understanding of nature and its intricacies 3nd in later life will be better"prepared to help meet comm411ity problems involving natural resoµrces. Is . . ington Beach. -. . ~ .. The ch8nce to participate tn the tour was earn'ed by the scouts through their part!eipatlon-Jn;iroop and communilY .actlvtUes •. Girl Scouts from Alask:Q, ArizOna. Califotnia·, .Guam; ,Hawaii, Idaho, _¥ontana_, Ne.vada, UtaJ:l.' and ')Yashing\gn are·fello~·trav_elers on the seven .. week excurston that-will tak~f them to· as many countnes. After a one.day orientation in San Francisco, the .group dep~rted·via the polar route for London, ·where· an the, famous landmarks bf .London and Stratford-o.n-Avon ·were viewed, and continued on to Geneva. -. The balance of the tour includes a week of fun with Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from all over the world in Our Chalet in Geneva; exploration . of Florence and Rome, inCluding· an audience with the ,Pope, and b~ing :. guests of Hellenic Guides in Athens. , Further, the tour itinerary includes sailing around the islands of the Mediterranean, riding through the Austrian count~side-to V:ienna-anci-- touring East and West Berlin, followed by the finale of the excursion, visit- ing Paris. .t -After leaving Europe, the Girl Scouts will •stop in New York {or a visit to the Uilited Nations and the. "Glass Cookie_ Hous'e, '' as. Ne,.w York cab dtjvers have dubbed the. NationaLGJ.rl Seoul Headquarters. · . Summer h.as beeq. filled with ,fun for more Oratfge County Girl Scouts# in the ,f'Orm of a Caip.lfOn-the-move which took place in June, covering 150 miles Qf the San Gorgohio....IDJderness area, ·- Twenty-five scouts, three i'•trau bosses" and fwo male wringlers b_e;gaq t4e!~ eight:day, sev_e&night campout at White Water1 just north Of' P·alm Springs, and journeyed to Big Bear \vhere 'the adventurOus scouts Were met..by tl).eir-parents to be thmspor:ted-home -by_ca..r. _ _ Mrs. T. J: Mangan-Jr.1 a -veteran-otthree Camps-on-the-:mo_'ie, Mn ... Bruce,)Valden, Qn he.r third campout, aDd Mr:s." Gale Smith, first aid in- structor, were leade~ for the w\lderness trip which Mrs. Mangan describes as "hours of botedom, punctuated.by moments ofsheer-terror," but which was anticipated by all. · .-· The: girls, 15--18, ·all were skilled riders, trained· in first aid and capa~ ble of talting full charge of their horses. - t ' - f!lflllllay, J111tJ '· '"'' • "-'' \ - Rel ative? have &hl1 11la1tlorr broaabt to tbtlr •l· tentlon and I'm Ore you're the person wbo can do It. GOot Ju.~k. · DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've heard it said lhat when ·a marriage goes -Oil the rocks tl;le roe.ks are usually in the mpt. ~!-~-don!t want this to-bppen to me. l am being marnea: St>olt. {o a wt.inderful .. man. I have had no sex eipttience to speak of and I'm scared to death I will' be a great 1 disappol.ntnient. How cu a woman be a aood 11ez partner lf' she has had ~perience.t. They aay practice makes perfect. I went to be pertect but I don't want to practice -in advance, that · is. Please help me. • ' -LILY " DEAR UL: Practice dtes n O t necessarily make perfeci-wbta It eemes to sr:x1 tllat Iii. Sometimes Jt Ju•t makes people ~· Don't wony about &teb.nlque, Doll. Let your Wtlncts plde yo11. U yo~ and'your (lance are re1Uy hi -- love you can develop tbe tec1lalq,1e later. Do You feel ill at ease ... out of it? lt everybody having a good Ume but y!)U't Write !or Ann Landers.--boc>iJet1 11'J1it ... Key to "Popµlarity," enclosing with YoUt .. request 3S centa in coin and a lone, .U. addtessed, -stamped envelope. : Aoo Landen will be gt,defo help ,.,.._ • with your problems. Send thtrn to her tn ..,.. or the DAILY PILOT. enclooinil I ..U-bddressed, lllampe!I ent•lope. • . \ . i . I ·' I f: I I i • . " ; I ' ' - -- T"'41r, Ju~ I, 1%9 I • . - NEW CHAPTER BEGINS -New officers will guide Holy Eucha-. rist 220, Catholic Young Ladies' Institute, during the coming year. Installed during an evening ceremony in the Peek Family Colo- nial Terrace Room, \Vestminster, were (left to right) 1i1rs. Jack • Maltby, trust~; ..Mts. Anl<mio Rodrigue, president, and Mrs. lfil· bur Martin, recording. secretary. Mrs. J:todrigue, with Mrs. Matt· by and Mrs. Austin Aker, also attended the grand convention in PaJo Alto. -• ' lnstita-t~ Installs Mrs. Antonio Rodrigue wu installed as president of Holy ~_y.charist 220, Catholic YPuni -Ladies' lnatltute, durlDs-0 • evening ceremony coddu:ctett in the Peek Family Coionlal Terrace Room, Westminster.• Seated with Mn. Rodrl&ue Were the Mmes. WUllam ~arey, first vice president; Gerald Cell@IDo, seCQnd vice pre51dent; 'Wilbur Ma rt I n , recording !eCl"<tar}'; Marvin Siber, financial secretary, and Duane O'Neill, treasurer. Also. serving will be the Mmes. James Powell, marshal; Roland Champagne, ouL!l.de--sentlnaJ; J a m e s rcotte, inside senUnal,-and Jae~ Maltby, Aµstin Aker, -Richard -'Doward and Joseph Don1ln&er, trustees. Mrs . Wayne Cornett wW be the organist. ~ Ifultalling o£f1cer was Mrs. Donald wells or Immaculata 129, Long Beach, and Mrs. RObert Newell, Installation duiillm.an, was assisted by ~. Champqne who WU in charge of refreshments. Other activities included awardl.ng a scl:\()larshlp to Susanne Newell, a student in St. Francis or-A.u!!I. scbpol. Huniliigton Beach: welcoming Mrs. Fra.ntrDorlo as a ,,new member, and naming Mrs. William How4td Woman.()f· the-year. · -. ~T Method ist Rites Division Head ! i I Jtltm r11o11 MRS. PETER BISHOP Exchanges Vows Joanne Johnston Wed Early afternoon wedding rites solemnized at the altar of th e Community 1'.ielhodisl Cburch: Huntington Beach, united Joanne Carol Johnston and Peter Wayne Bishop. Directing the vow exchange for the daughter and son of Mr. and MrS •. Edwatd Pit. A. Johnston of Huntington Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop of Cleveland was the Rev. Roger Betsworth. Given_ in marriage by her father, the bride selected an organza and lace sown U'im· med with-pearls and designed with Ions sleeves and a detachable lace-edged train. Her full length illusion veil was caught to a lace and pearl headpiece, and she carried a prayer book topped with pink rosebuds and streamers. Aqua 'dotted swiss over taf- feta-.gowns .were-selected for Mn. David Tallman, matron or honor, and the bridesmaids, Mrs. ~Uchael 'Frank, Miss Elaine Platz and Mrs. Alan Johnston, sister-in-law of the bride. Aqua pillboxes holding net veiling completed lheir ensembles and they each t;ar· ~ ried a single Ions stem.med pink rose. The bridegroom asked his brother, Jeffrey C h a r I e s Bishop, to be best man and ushers were William C. and Van Hazewinkle and Johnstorl. Two hundred guests greeted tbe newlyweds during a recep- tion in the Sheraton--ch" Inn, llunUngton Beach, lolft.Jw- ing the ceremony. 4./.",ou Special guests were Mr. and 'Iii=:= Mrs. Floyd R. Moore and • family and Mr. and Mrs. William Reed and family, all of Sacramento, cousini oL1be bride. .,. ,1 After honeymooning I n Carmel, San FranCisco and Lake Tahoe, the bridal couple will establish their home In Huntington Beach. The new Mrs. Bishop is a graduate of Washington High School, Los ..Angeles, and lfarbor Junior College and is past honored queen of Bethel 36. Job's Daushters. • lfer husband attended schools in Cleveland and com- pleted a four year tour of dutY v.•ith the U.S, Marine Corps. MARGARET DAIL -~ember ~ate Betrothal Revealed The engageme·nt of Margaret Hester Dail and John Dean Wakeham has been announced by Mr. and Mni. John Benjamin Dail, Lemon Grove, parents o! the bride- elect. Partie s fete Racers Miss Dail, a naUve of San Diego, is the niece of -the late fonner mayor of San Dleso, Charles ,C. Oail. A graduate of Mt. Miguel High School and the University of Oreson, she \\las affiliated with Delta Gamma sorority and is a member of the Alumni Juniors. Contestants Launched Dy JOOEAN llASTINGS Of IM D•llt' Pilot S!1ff From fonnal christenings lo ir.formal barbecues to the or- ficial send-off banquet Orange Coas t yachtsmen are en· tertaining and b e i n g en- tertained this week. The 25th annual Transpacific rlasslc begins at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club noon Friday, July 4, off the 1vill spoll..'IOr an Aloha sendoff Los Ar.geles Dreakwater. for their more than 40 en- Toillght tOUr or the Hawaiian tranls and crew members contenders will be christened beginni ng at 7:30 p.m. Thurs· at Balboa Yacht Club in· day, July 3. eluding the Americana, owned Entered in the race are the by John G. Moore of \Vaiklki John l:looten 'S' Destiny II : the Yacht Club. Haw a i I ; Jack LinkletteJ's Esperartce, l:lawaiiana, her sister ship and the Al Schoellerman's An· owned by the ?ifoore's son, na ~faria II. Jay, of Kaneohe; Anuenue, All wives and families of , owned· by John E. Milligan, DCYC contestants we plan· and Curioso, owned by C. nlng to fly to -Hawaii to join in Hayden Brown. )>dstrace festivities.· Last night a prechristening Colorful aloha shirts, bright Her fiance, soo of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wakeham of Fountain Valley, Is a sraduate of Glendale High School, Glen. dJile City College and aJ.90 San Diego Slate College. H e recently completed servlce with the U.S. Navy. The couple plan to be mar- ried Sept. 6 in Lemon Grove. . . . , I . Named-;D irector . 6j Working w~th other women to solve mutual community problems will be Mrs. Jalti Stewart, who has been named regional direcl<lr. of CaJifornia \Vomen in Chambers of Com· merce. Mrs. Stewart currenUy Is serving her second term as pretident of the Women's Division, Huntington Beach · Ch0amber of C.ommerce.' As a director she will serve on the executive board and · will atlend the state con- ference which will take place Oct. 3, 4 and S ln Lancaster, and stimulate community in- terest in the conference. Mrs. Stewart has been ac- tive in many o.rgank-at!.Oi\s dedicated to community bet- terment In Huntington Beaach. She Is a charter member of .' the Little Mermaid GuUd and ~ Monday Morning Club, and . · also a member of Order of • Eastern Star, Emblem Club, Assistance League, and a past president of Ocean View PTA. REGIONAL DIRECTOR Mrs. Jake Stewart AJ a member of the Women's Dlvillion, she served as beauUUcalion chairman for two years, has been chainnan for the Miss Huntington Beach contest, and now.wves as her official escort. A member of the un- derground u t l Ii ties com- missipn for the city, Mrs. Stewart also serves on the ad- visory council of the Com- munity Congress. Mrs. Stewart's husband Is a former city councilman and served as mayor in 1966. MRS. MICHAEL FLOOD Former Kay Cartnty . Flood-Cortney Rites SOth State Selected As Honeymoon Site 'The altar or our Lady Queen of Angels Church,· Newport Beach, was adorp.ed with sprays of full areen fem when Kay Cartney and Michael Flood made their wedding pledges before , the R e v . Thomas More Schneider. The bride is the daughter of Mn. Hank Cuquarelli of Sepulveda and the late Mr. Ira Cartng.i and the ~kie~m ill the son of Mr. and Mn. Joseph Flood of Denver. , Given in marriage by her stepfather, the bride selected a candlelisht satin gown edged with delicate lace around the skirt and bodice front and around the cathedral train. He r authentte ~Spanish man- tilla was edged 111 matching lace, and her bridal bouquet was a cascade of. white..but- terf1y roses and baby's breath. Apricot crepe gowns were sele(;ted for the bridal en- tourage, ll-'hich Included A1iss Sally Anderson, maid of honor, arid the Misses Ardis Fellmer, Sherry Sloan, Dena Munch, Shelly Cartney and Mrs. Howard Moore, bridesmaids. Their gowns featured high lace collars and they carried bouquets of orange and yellow Horoscope daisies. 1lie Oower girl, Kay Marf Cartney, cousin of the bride, wore a dress to maLcb the al· tendanls'. Asked· to serve as best man wa.S James Flood, brother of the bridegroom. and perform· ing_ the dulies of usher were S-t.ew Fine, Jim Bowyer, Bob McCarty.Ron Collins and Bill Brennan. The best man also was soloist and was accompanied by Mn. Elma Wells, organist. Following the noon rites, lhe newlyweds received 300 guest3 in the Balboa Bay Club, whert. the Misses Liz and Diane Flood. nie ces of the bridegroom, served cake and punch and Miss Rosie Roberts had charge of the guest book. 1'-laui, Hawaii. v.•as the honeymoon destination, and upon their return to the mainland the newlyweds will establish their home in Corona del Mar. The new Mrs. Flood is a graduate of Arizona State University, \\'here she a[· filiated with Delta Gamma sorority, and her husband is a graduate of Santa CI a r a University. • Leo: Rites Due? WED NESDAY JULY 2 By SYDNEY OfiiARR GENERAL HINT: T a ke 1peclal care gettln1 Into and out ol can, airplanes, train•. Tendency eJ.ista for lajarle1 to lower portion of leg1. Io walk· Ing, be aware of obllt1cles. In jo1glng, be sure path Is clear. News spoWght ii on Aquariaas and Plsceana. Guard health. Study general hint in this column. Btf parlicularly cautious where legs are concerned. You can successfully com pl et e im- porta'ht , basic tasks. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22), Emotions could take control of logic. Realize you llo have lo face yourself in the morning. Be moderate -especially in affairs of the heart. Pleasure jndicated through y o u n g persons. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Home, personal environment ARIES (?\larch 2l·April 19 ): accented. Y-0u desire the You gain definite advantage security, warmth of family due to efforts of a friend. Ae· -bacJdng. Be aware of details. party for Amer icana was windbreakers and yacht club hosted b7 Americana crew blaterll will be actented by the membetf J. Russe rt Nash and dat!le -of the Sl!lnlf'Ormal • Warren Cutting and their dresses worn by their wives wiv~ in the Nash's Dover when race participanls gather Shores home. tomorrow In the Biltmore D"erby !Pilots Carrying Goodie -Bags---cept responsibility, -&&Sign· .A void .-overcon~ldence. TiB. ment. Be confident because one thing at a time. those In authority will be SA GITT ARIUS (Nov. 22- IN TH E SKIES Judy Luttr•ll Stewardess Earn s Wings Now nylng u a ~tewardess ·wfth TWA out of j'Hare In- ternational Atrporr, Chlcago, Is Judy Luttrt11. 20. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Luttrell ol ColU M .... A graduate or Cotta Mesa 11Jgb School, where lhe was a cheer leader, Miss l.Mttrell aliO au.ended Orauge Coasl Collet•· 8he completed her steWard· ~ trwloln1 II the 'l'W A host· 1,as IChool [n Kansas City, Ill\. Among the guests v.•ere Bowl, Los Angel~91 for the for1ner Newport Beach resi-finnl instructional banquet. dent, staff cominodore of Following cocktails at 6:30 BYC. skipper, and BYC errw and dinner at 8 p.m., full at· members Dick Deaver and Cy tenUon will be given a last- Gillette. minute ·briefing by race of· Special guests at t h e !ici als. christening ceremony tonight Sealed at the head table will Y.'ill include Jack Jenson and be Adm. and Pitrs. Charles .Dick Lindsey Tighe, !Ith Coast Guard BYC's commodo re , staff and • i)istricl : Rear Adm . and ~tr. directors will ~guests at the H. V. Bird, U.S. Navy, and ceremonies for Anuenue. and Capt. and Mr.1. Ben Chis\lo·elJ. attending the celebration for chief of operation!, lllh Coast Hawaliana will be skipper Jer-Guard Dislrlct. ry PitcC\aire and sons Bob and Others wlll include Com- Bruce, who will crew in the modore and P..frs. Gordon ~I. racing classic. Curlis Jr. and Junior Staff All contendfrs ere-exp@Cted -Oommodore and Mr1. St.ephen lo attend the c!Ub's n~hosl Newmark. Transpacific Yacht sencloff party tonight Club : the Messrs. and f.lmes. The Jame!I R. Seales, ·ave CurUs A. Thompson. general members who will be com· chairman, Honolulu : Walter petlng In Loco Vlente II. will lloffman, race chair n1 an: host an informar steak fry fo r Robert Hanni, entertalnmenl : cte\Y members. prior to the and Richard Steele, com· race start, and their host munkatlons. ch11.irmnn, and family in Ha1vafi will be h1r. GeorjJe Kahlstrom, c )I I e f and htrs. Ed Shaw, forn1er we11the.r forecaster, Los Ncwron rcs1C:cnts. • ~nselc!. --~--~--- SAN DIEGO -When the 150 to 200 women pilots take to the air from here July 4 in the 23rd annual Powder Puff Derby they will carry with them special goodie bags In honor of San Diego's 200th birth annivei::sary. The bags' are being assembl- ed by the local chapter of 99s, an international organlz.atlon of women pilots. They v.·ili' contain lipsUcks. cologne, scratch pads, plastic card holders, key chains. wash 'n dry packs and charms from San Dleso 200th AMiversary, Inc. This year's derby ends al Dulles lnternAtional Airport in \\!a.shington, D.C. NB Auxiliary The Ladle&' -Auxiliary of Newport Beach Fire De~art· ment gathers the t h 1 r d WednC!!day of each month at 3 p.m. In various locations. In· f1 on regarding location fn obtained by telephOn· ing . T. C. Dally, 548·9835. Marina Teacher Weds College sweethcarls at Bakersfield City College have exchanged wedding-vows in St. Francis Chap. cl. Bakersfield. Diane Melone, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Afelone of Baker.sfield and former phys ical education le~cher·at Marina Htgh School became the bn~of Jer,.Y Vance. son of Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Vance •lso_Qf.Jl~~ersfitjd. The noWly· \veds will make their home in San Jose, where she 11lso was graduated from San Jose Stale College. The bri~ resided on Balboa Island before her 1narriagi: ..,. favorably Impressed. net. 21): Good lunar aspect TAURUS (April 20-May 20): today coincides with your Some obstacles occur. Best to ability to come up with ' continue with curr~nt project. idea al right Orne. Know ' Wait before a tT empting and exude ~r of confid anything new. Your prestige Sense of humor helps Loda . may be on the line. Show that CAPRICORN (Dec. 22..Jan. you can finish what you start. 19): Be much aware of money GEMINI (May 21.June 20): -w~ere it comes from and Stresa original approach. Your ~ U ~s. You set chanc,ff Ideas can surmount blocks, increase 1 n come potential. delays. Look beyond im· Emphasis on p e r s o ti a I mediate indications. T a k e possessions. G e n e r a 1, in-· Jong·range view. Then you'll dication Is toward gain. ·' be going with the_tide. AQUA1UU£.......(J~eb. CJANCER (June 21~uly 22): 18 \: Great.tr recogn.IUon ~ue. Follow thmugh despite scare What you did In r~nt. past tactics others may employ. now pays dividends. CM;. Your own hu nches are continues high ; you aet reliable. Take care with legal fortunate break. Clrcurrutanc- ,paper1. Be sure you are not es turr1 ln.)'our favor. trading 10melbing of ••Ne for l!!SCES (rab..-it-March 20)t nothing. -Throw off secret doublll, fear&. .LltO (July 23-Aua .21)~ Ac-They are groundless. Koo cent on m 1 r r i a & e this and act accordingly. You parlnershl1>5, contracts. StudY may be Bfven secret -in-I Cancer message. Key I s fOrptatlon. Utlllie It with versatility. 1'-fean.s-.b 1v1 w~om. alternate methods at hand.· Jr!.!L~ 191~. •bout 'tllllr"I' ·~•I Don't permit yoUraett to be .. ~r:"""~°T.tr 1l:"#.;" itJ:i.•rrm"'~ restricted. 1~';"m.1~1, I "l....! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Set>t. 22): ~,9'! t.n1r,ri1~1tt1. tw 'y;f', / ~ - • ( : ... ; • -·":""""'"'" ................................................................ ..,,Rl' ............ ~1111:::;:::i1:;:a11 ........... ""~ ..... lill'...,,......,..,."'""···· ......... ~~ ............................................... ~~"':"' ....... ~~·-· ....................... ~- TUE S DAY JULY l "'° D"' llt "'"' 'tc) CIO! ,.., OUnpllJ. • D 111 H,...,..._ tct C30 D Sim MM SIM'IJ <t> (90) Lou trolti. Htl Frultf, • e.tv Walker, C. C. Ruku 111•st. IJ Sb O'Cklcl Mevft: -a.ti .. ltfwr (adventutt) ~-Humpbr., Boatrt. .ltnnlfw Jo11t1. D I ... tc) CIOl m I LM ..., CIO) 1111 .... "'' (.30) IDJCll M"' •-¢J <901 11!) WW1. ""1 {30) I" '1.Mnt Wirld," Muri Dtutlna lrwestlptes tllt wr1d of tl\e 1nthropokli;-In "Tiit Quiet Man,• Bemard Br•u periorms pantomhnt; and "N•- ·tiOiiil P1rks" fttlUftS the Grand Tetons. cm J~ Dlrino r .... (30) GD N ... (C) (60) Don Tr1v!s. •:OOOQ)Cll BlPlnt r-(t) (Z hr) Aiiilibnt lf't sbawn ttltlr first look It the lnttrlots " CCIII' ltmpor1ry SoYitl: apecterefL C•m, ''"' 1:1pture disses 1t st. Ptul's ·WIJ Schoo~ While a deg of 13 1111• Ill _thtlr u'1J teens 111 it WO~ In thllr spec:U:I COUl'M Ill speecfl and deporlment. Th9 letm to 1puk two llnp~lr M.il· 1$1(1 proper £n1!1!h ind the!f own · CockMJ, Th• Amerltln p1111t syi. twn wl• be acrutinlzed in 1 1eport thM 1raphlca!!y documtnil condi- tions In the n6tion's prisons. espt. dilly from the prisoneri' point of ~··· ~· 0 Showcw 5 (C) (60) Kifhd(hts of tht Miss Wool Pa1e1nl Art linkletttr, Buddy Greco 1nd Joan fonlllnt a1e ftal1.1ttcl. _.,. l:JCI l!l INIC fllll'lfflkt· (C) (60) EE NET restiWai (60) "Carlos. Che· vez.." A portrait of th1 Mule.an compo.ser ind coMuctor filmed on location in Mexico and on Chlvtz'! recent American lour. lntermin1led with musical segments In commen· lary by C!11vez on Mtxk:an music1I development °""' the past 50 years. f.D ~andora11a (30) .. m v.,.p " tlM lottom Clf tt. . ... CC) (!O) @@HunU17·lrtnllq (C) (30) Qi) fCIClll 11t SWtdt1 (C) (30) '1r1nslorm1tion." A look 11 tt11 n· llnslve workln1 models nMded to bulld 1 power st1tion wlttl a w1tar. f1ll as a IOUrct of •ntro. LOCI· tlOft of the u11«lments is Ai¥kal· leby, Swtden. a rn m .... 1e1 c"> Bl ........ l4 (C) (!O) 7:GO 8 CIS !Ylnlllf N"' ('C) (90) W1ltlr Cloftkflt. •• Q Wbll'I MJ LJnt. (C) (30) m ,....,. CC> (30) Q) (!) -· (CJ (30) @D ML11tu111 Optn House (30) ''Th' ' Mind's £.yt:' Russell Connor com - Pl'" tilt ancient Gree\: sculpto(s vitw ol mtn with conlempot1ry 1rt- lsts such ts Pidlsso ind Henry Moore. Fill!lld 1t the llosb:ll'I Mu- stum " fi111 Ms. a rn "" .... ,,.. cc1 (30) m llluds ill "" ~·•n (C) (30) (Di Drffll Ho1111 (C) (30) 0 MlHIH $ Morit: "P•rrolr' (mys· tery) '62-Mlch1el Crel&. fr1ncoi.Sa Pr~. tD TnlCll . ., Conaquenm, (C) (30) GJ,..,., Mmn (60) €E1 TM FrtrlClt CW {30) (JI) .i.. lmDlltlt 41 , ..... (30) !:30 fJ 9 ([) 0.11 D17 (C) (30) Oatis returns ta New. York tor a ltw dB)'!, IS I h'IOf to htr ll·boS9 (LJnda W1tklns), to belp cGmptete a m11· 1zjn1 artlcle. (R) 0 @ C3l tZf) 0 1fYPD {C) (JO) "Day Tripper."Ylctori1 Stone, 1 24-ye11· old student from Wilmlnaton. l>tl.. Is found dud In Central Ptrk (R) 0 Nm (C) (30) Ted Meyers. m lultl'• .... (60) el CJnic:hl ~wt111nti (C) (30) 11 :30 0 @ @ m T oniatit Sltow (C) 1:00 Bline er., (30) m Hwl (C) (30) 0 M0¥1t: "TOWH ol' Timi" {flor· ror) '41-Michier Rtnnie. O @ID l!l"" ,..., <Cl EID A Cctrrttl'satlo11 With lnfrid l tr&· 11111 (60) Cacil Smith, di.ma aitic of th• LM An1e!es Times, 11:35 ,8 Mo'lft: "Ro~a\lhod" (W!!slem) condocts an u:cl1,1sivt lnteNit• f9-Robtrt Sterlin&. Glorl1 Gt1h1m1, with stlit and screen 1cl1us In· (rid B11im1n. Em D1Kot1Mq111 • c..C. (60) 12:30 m N1Md City m Actio11 Tlltah: ''Trt1111r1 ol the Ruby Hills.~ j,\)o IJ a (i) l td Siierton (t) (60) H VillCllnt -l'rice, Bori' Karloff and 12:50 ,0 Mtwlt: lrt1k"'1" (mystery) 11 son1stie5* Span~y Wilson 1uest. !n 57 -Tom Conway, HOllOf Bladl· 11f, th• m1ln coinedy sllatch, 1 lather-man. r1 son team of mad tdentists (Kafloll and Price) mistake Cltm Kadiddle-1:00 B 0 News (C) hopper (Skelton) for their new. U· 1'. perlmenta1 robot 1fter ttie1 find him 1J CoM111uAity lullltift" Bot.d (C) ,,., n1pPln1 In their barn laboralo!J on 4 1 Clem'~ firm. (R) m ff'Mll lilt lnsld1 0111 (Cl •r D Q) (i) m JuR1 (C) (30) ··0e. l:ZD -Mlt'IM: "'hstM1t• hr Dini"" ,.,, si1ner1 'Oori't AIWIJJ Hive 08· -"' si"ll'ls." Or. Chellley ind nurse Y11by (mystery) '50-TtnJ Moort, flobea. ~ ., tJY to m1ttb Jull1 with 1n en&ineei BeattJ. ... (Don M1r1h11I), (R) 0 Glstlt MtcKenrl•'s ltttw Hltr 1:30 m All·Ml&M Sllow: "Th• Sctrf,• Hoar (t) (30) AbbJ D1lton 1nd Illy ''Mlssllt Base 11 Tanlak." •nd "lht l W1t1ton tu•st. Swamp of the Lod. Monsters. M ·~.; ,, I _.,.___ • WEDNESDA Y rm-DAYTIME MOVIES ,, . t:WD "TJlt Dn11 •nd Mia Jfn•'" l111)(eomedy) '4J-01t111 Cclburn, Je1n ~ i;~Uf. ·1t1 o ·"klldlne'" <mutiul) '53-.111111 Ce(l'Olr,111111 Powers. -ll b ·"Mlrtdl t111 )ttt-9tNll" (dr•· 11!m1) '47-MIUretll O'H111, Jofi'll '• •Pnt'lf. 12:00 0 "U' hi Mlbtl't llloo111" (com-edy) ''4-0ennii O'Keefe, MttJori• Reynolds. l~lD m '1'llly Madi Me I crilfrlnal"· (dr11111) '3~John Gtrfleld. "Am· b~ 11 Cl1111wrN 1'1a" (wutern) 058-Scolt B11df. 2:0D m "Slt11rfty ""'" (mJstery) '54 -John Ireland, DorolbJ M1lont. " . e JOB PRINTING UBLICATIONS ,. ' . e ~APERS Quellty Printing and Dependable Setvice for more than a quarter of • c1ntuty. . PILOT PRI NTING ~ ..... ' ~t' U11 wm IAUOA ILYD .. NEWPOIT IU.CH -'4MU1 (' . . PERKINS • ~ JUDGE PARKER Ulae, I WAMT TO D..LK TO YOU, 5\\IEET· HE.l.RT! LET J6E IN! Mun AND JEFF GORDO ·; }AA&CIA1S ' GJ1.EET1NG. I CAltO CQ. Re ALL.'/ Sfa.IALt1.EP CJ\9-0S ~of!. evEl1.Y 0C.CAS°I O /ll f. I •• l'M NOT PR™ED, LUKE! I TOt.P YOI TO COME B't' A!OUT -_.A~ SEVEN! ~ 7•1 AH, POOR l!IWNO! You'RE A GOOD OOGI WOULD'>CIJ UK&PAPATO 'FIX )t)U A.;...., "lt>M COLI.I""< . fF "Jtll.I DC:ltf.I" &eL1EVE MS ... JUSTlllYTO 1lP S<IMEOOOY Off.' -· By John Miles By Harold Le Doux ALL. i1~HT! IT'LL TA.KE A FEW MINUTES UNTIL I 6ET PRE56EP ! '? . By Ferd Johnson NATW<All'f, 1 WOUlDN'T WANT LAl>Y P. 10 HURRYBACK so~use OFMI'·• Pi/-~'--.;-"11 /l By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith KEEPTALKIN: MUTT! YOU'RE OOIN' GREAT! • By Gus Arriola ' IF 'ttV OON'r 'ff& WNAT ,"/Oii _WAHT, AS!' FolL 11": ------- T"lday, July I, 1%9 " DAILY PILOT JI) Hl\H PRINCE CHARLES -The Investiture ol the Prtnce, above, as Prince of Wales, will be sein to- night at 10:30 on Channel 2. lt is transmitted via satellite on a tape delay basis. The title was actually bestowed upon the heir to the throne of Grea Britain in 1958 but'he iS presented in this ceremony to the people o1 Wales at the ancient Caernarvon Castle. TELEVISION VIEWS Better· Kiddy Shows Coming By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The past television season was one in which the commercial networks vi~ to bring-original .. meaningful drama" to the adult audience. Next season, it ·appears, will be the one in which they will share the wealth with the child viewers. - • NBC ALREADY bas announced plans for seven special programs, each an original with a sizeable budget. CBS, which set up a "Children's Hour." as a"'6ort.·of son of "CBS Playhouse" announced Mon- day details for three Saturday morning special.! and there may even be one more if s}P!able original material can be found. By now it is well established that Saturday morning on the networks is kiddy time. ,for a con- siderable period, each of the three netw.orks filled the hours with solid blocks of cartoons -mostly old short subjects originally made for theaters and more recently with new animated programs. THE GENERALLY shoddy quality ol those old TV programs for children has been increasingly a matter of criticism. lt is logical to presume that current network efforts to upgrade the broadcasts is a response to the criticism. -- Network executives prefer, however, to say "it was just Jiomething we felt should be done," or that it has become important to "correct the bal· ance of programming." WHATE.VER the reason, there has been, at least-Dy CBS and NBC, a marked change in the type pf show.s_~een by up_w~rd..$ of~lS million cbil_drel_! up to the age of 13 \Vho watch television Saturday mornings. By next sea.son, NBC's morning lineup will lean heavily on fantasy. CBS will go in, as it has this season, for comedy. Not long ago, the cartoons that · were run and •rerun were in that category euphemistically called "adventure," but' they were CriticizecJ for their violen ce. \ ONE SATURDAY morning last March, an est!· mated 14 million television sets were tuned to sta· tions affiliated with one or another of three net- works. CBS's 14Archie" ·and NBC's rerun of "The Flintstones" were competing with ABC's HSpider· man" for attention. \ - That represents a 1,t of children, even if there had been only one child watching each set. It adds up to an audience di scovered long ago by manu- facturers of such prc;><lucts as toys, cereals, candy, peanut butter and dairy products. 1·1 EVERYONE'S FAVORITE . I'( •tfuel r•••'"'hip p•lls, Ol'I• •f tt.e #IOlf pcipuior now•p•p•r f•ttii•e• 111 A111•1lca h ttie AllR L•ncl•rt ••1111111'!. If'• • ~oily "119ul11" In th• DAILY PILOT. • , r • • i ) f I I I • .i ' • ,, .=, •• •, ... ~ .. ~ :;=.· •• ~ ~ .' • I p U I s 5 I . ! . ..i.·· ·"I ~·L. .. sqc;.r •• • ... • I • ' t . ... -·. ' . . ' ,1',?,1 ,,-.1 .:~1 1, .. ,t t N C'f" _, __ _ -·---• , I ,ZO DAILY PILOT t 11f'sday, July l, l%C) -- . TJii~ee Out of Four oos ltgetess- -'BZondes' Autlioress Stu+ :4ctive at 76 Fail 011 Broadway chortle turns into a frown. By LYNN Sli)RR Slill true? EDWARDS CINEMA lmllil--•THEATRE l'lllMllllE PlllSINTATION THlATlllS ... . .. . . .. . . ~:.::r ::=~~~:~'4. . j NOW ENDS TUESDAY .UC • ,Yourself ~ glow. Al P'et1r Ill "I LOVE YOU, SO Selllln ALICE I . TOIUAS" TH EAT"NEllll• U.ttOI .. HI.WI. COSTA MfSA, PM(ltlf Jl .. J1Cl'I I 9._. ......... ---·· ..... --- WUT COAST l'RlMIEltE THEATRES ' i A DJAIT. DF.A MDVII . • •• C:O...,.,.IA P'ICl'Vll .. -·""9 PLUS JULES \llllNE'S "THl SOUTHIRN STAii:" ' ,_. •• •aAC:H •LYD. aT aLLIS •• H Ul'llT1HOTON •EACH . U•7·•eo• l XCLUSIVE PllMllllE lNGAGlMENT 'A VIRY fUNNY, IMMENSllY APPIAUN6 MOYIL --....... c .... ,,N t I- ""''°''"a101t -~" llOUMIM -·· • ••2 ..... 'I f.Lill CMOCN l.l<l'll I. UN DllGD IWT• CONTINUOUS DAI LY S.1.T-10 A.M. SUN-12 P.M. MON' TUIS FROM 1 P.M. YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE the Incredible little car! WALT DISNEY 2ND WALT OllHIT HfT being Jost by the falling ve,._ tures. The nu1nber of productiorw was 43, compared with 50 in 1966-67. In recent years. the average has been about 45 ~-1t 9elllt0fl, -.-~ Yoo'll read higher total!i 1~ elsewhere, but this computer doesn 't <.wnt items unless U:ey are presented strictly as profit seeking ventures design- Re~rtory Company presented four. the Playwri11hts Repertory h<id four and the fl.linnesota Repertory stopped by briefly with two shoW3. The D'Oyly Carte Gilbert and Sulli·1an outfit came over from London with five shows. ed to run Indefinitely. In addition to the above total. I.he Repertory Theater of Lincorn Center had four productions, the APA WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN A\CIANT OF A MOVIE ~COl.UMBIA •ICTUl\S8 •R•SSNT8 ( I DRllDBI-/, ..... , \ -PICI 1·11111r ·' , NOW SHOWING SlcJ11ey Poitier In TllE TWO 61AHTS Of COllEDT, SHOW YOU HOW TD COllllllT IWllllA6£. NEW YORK (AP\--nl a Loo's . races around h e r s~cious West Side apartment w1Ul the bounce of a frisky puppy, the· .stride of a leggy "Oh, --:·•• Insists MI'S 'Wh . 1..-. :. ' at happened in the 19208 ~' ''d1ar1"fnds are still a \Ylli pretty," she explaiM. ·gi rl s best friend. But ••• " "What is happening now ii ut· The bubble bursts. Jy." "But she has to buy them To prove her. point she'a herstll lhese days!" just updated the cU:derellil Maybe no one told her she Is ··&uropean-.men are morf\,~~ry. -making-Bar b-r a .. 16 years old .and barely foUr generous than .. Amer 1 ca n ~ ~eisand the heroine, two feet IL high. Jter tiny body, men," she volunteers sym· Gabors the sisten. and Phyllis ·crammed with nonstop energy palhetlcaUy. "American men Diller in a fright wig the Fairy and humor~ is sUJl bubbling have a reputation for being Godmother. 'the un-handsome with the same verve that givers, but they can't touch prince is, of course, "'iOusUn created zany ,Lorelei Lee in the English, Fre11Ch and Hoffman. Miss Loos con- "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" 1talla.M. And there'sJI: terrible eluded: "Love conquera all , 44 years ago. Inferiority on the part of and they live together for two model. Lorelei, you'll rec:all, was American men. They thl~ weeks in sin." the not-so-Oumb blonde from that if they glve la present, it Not that she considers LitUe Rock who uttettd that makes sucken or them. They herself such a modern swing- classic geni about that classic want to be loved for er. She nas not ventured gem: "Kissing your hand can themselves." ·across the street from her make a girl feel very good, "The European. woman l.s apar,tment to see the sexplicit but a diamond bracelet lasts ~appy. The American woman movie, "l Am Curio u 8 forever." 1s. frustrated, unhappy and ('~e\low)" but · watches the Ir~~~~~~~~~~! bitchy. Because it's in the Jong Jines with pity. '!Those natur~ of women to give, and poor souls," She clucks. "if M•t•""' oM r • Amencan .women ~ave always that's all they have to do.'' Toni:~,1 ~~.,e1 gone, against 1t,hetr natures. Then, with a chuckle, she They. re takers : explains why she has never NOW SHOWINti "CHE" ~n1ta Loo~ lS a puzzle of \•:ritten similar scri_nts: "My delightful contradictions with mind is so much diMler than constants rare. for a woman: a pornographers!" relentless desire lo rebel, an ,._h dJ . honest Jove or flimnam and a "I' e rt is more subtle. disarmingly pertinent' coniic "C.entle~en Prefer Blondes,'' vision of life. written 1n 1925 afte: M~s Loos During the nation's flirtation had sh~red a. traJn ride ~ut with flaming youth, she might W~st with a dtzzy blonde, in· have been among the first sp.1red H. L. M~ncken to .call famous females to "bob" her ft.Iw Loos the first American hair into the gamin-like style woman to make fun of sex. of the nappers. Today, a few Lo~l~i's story ~volved fT?m dark blonde wisps in front still the original book into a subse- frame her face -but the back quent play, musical. movie is long, neatly twisted into a and record. AQd Miss Loos knot. "Let it show in the continues to write: a n pholo," she begs. "I want to autobiography called "A Girl get credit for my long hair Like t" and a musical for now." -_ Broadway nei:t season. The overall efrect is still She has ~;;-married twice, overwhelmingly flapper. She but, sees no reason for conflict recreates her own Roaring between h u s b a n d s ana '20's image by wearing a careers. brown sailor dress that swings "My career is only one-tent h a good two inches above the or one percent of my ex· knees. istence," she says In a serious Comparisons with the 1920s tone. "1 for.set it the moment I ''HOMBRE'' are apt. She sees the.rebellion put my pencil down." of those wild years .as being 1bat moment is usu ally llii:l~I very similar to that or today's about 10 a.m. when. after five youth, and likes to quote a ti· solid houn of writing every ~ 21 tie she wrote for the 1913 day, Miss Loos turns to her l'k~'!.,,!:!!!~'(~·=!~J silent film, "A Cure for Suf-personal life. 1 1 ,-• _fr.a&eues·• -"We will stop at "I'm sure that my cl05e noth.ing to get sc:imething." friends don't like me because , Seconds later, her quick I'm a writer. My good [riends N• OH Ulld., 1 & Ad111itted ALL SlAn St.SO · -VOG !·!Ill Eta I ESSY .PERSSON -Helen Hayes. Paulette God· dard, the others -all are more important as women than as professionals." Let TV WEEK Turn You On Every Saturday KEEPING HIS MOVIE 'ON ICE ' Htnrt Beckman With Undtvl'loped Film Film's Keeping -C9ol -But Beck1nan Isn't BY VERNON SCOTf HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Each lime ador H e n r y Beckman goes to I h e refrigerator for a beer he is confronted by 24 cans of undeveloped film. It breaks his heart. Henry is the only guy in town with an unfinished movie in the kitchen. For lbose to whom Henry 's name and face are not as familiar as, say, Cary-Grant, he wa11 crazy George Anderson in "Peyton · Place" who was · finally put away. He al.9o is remembered on television as Colonel Harrigan in "McHale's Navy" and Robert Dangerfield Mulligan in "I'm Dickens, H e • s Fenster." Currently he is Captain Clancey in "Here Come the Brides." On.screen he is. a loser "I usually play Irishmen ," he said with a 11igh. "l don't know why that ls except that I'm half Irish and half foolish. "But I was the star in the movie I got in t h e refrigerator. 1 also wrote and directed the picture and was co-producer. Butr. we never finished it." The movie, "The Queen Mother Caper," is ,an ad· venture comedy yam set in Canada where Beckman and his partner shot 10,000 feet of ·film. • As Becr'rnan tells It, his partner and he had some sott of falling out, disagreement or outright battle. "The re11ult was that he left town," Beckman said, "and l got stuck with these 24 cans of undeveloped film. I have to keep It refrigerated or it will fade out and the·cotor will run. "What really bothers me i~ that I haven •t seC'n a foot of the picture yet because we haven't had the negati ve developed. "\Ve have-aboul 40 minutes to shoot before the picture's completed, but that takes capital and time: and I've been so busy~working on other projects l can 't devote myself to it. "My plan right now i.s to go back to Canada , get some new financing and start all over again. And ma ybe we can salvage some of the footage I have iri the refrigerator." ~trs. Beckman lakes a jau""' diced view of her husband's choitt-of'>'Storage areas:--They are now a two-refrigerator family , but Henry continues to cool the.beer with "The Queen ?\.father Caper .'' Mrs. Beckman's impatience is understandable. Henry has had the celluloid on ice for two years now. "Wheat else can 1 do wilh 1l ?" he asks . The actor takes great com· forl in lhe fact that he didn't put any of his owµ money in the project. "I'll just keep the film in the regrigerator until something; happens," Beckman said , discouraged. "It could be ther~ another two years. Maybe longer." Crossword P11zzle Bo,vl Opens For Summer On July 8 BALBOA 673-4048 OPEN 6:4S 70f E. lalboa , .. lltM Pirnln1uta FOR RELEASE TUESDAY, JULYl, 1969 ACROSS I Grain for grinding b Rocky 1 eminl!flce 1 lO Stair: fr. J 14 Oinrr 15 Frre from taint lb Annual brd· ding p!ant 17 Mrs. Phil Harris 18 Stcllon: Abbr. 19 "Not 9ullty'" Is one 43 Rock: In lhe Gaspe arta 44 Head covtrln; 45 US polillclan 47 Tri rd hard 51 Arla 52 Onr wh o 9ors brfort 54 l on9 John Sliver, for onf' 58 Kind of Clpltal 59 Olrtary ntcrss lty f:il Sepals ol a pt1nt 8 Movrd on • 711/~9 J7 Ptoofrrader's word . The Hollywood Bowl opens its 1969 summer season (lll Tuesday evening. July 8, with Richard Bonynge conducting the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in R o s s in i ' s "Semiramlde" overture and the Prelude to "La Traviata by Verdi. 1'YRCTtCHN!C PllCtllNT ANAHEIM STADl'O'M "i OAl~~·;~~~o~sP.M. lti!Jl' z&Wm * 8 J!taM~ J [f:==::;~:;;= 20 Enter upon anew 22 Get- togethers 24 Do an a9rl-cultural Job 26' Easinq of strained relation s f:iZ Co-lnvtn\Df cuived of cofdltt course f:i3 Chi lls 9 Exacts 64 Storehouse vengranct· 65 Head: Fr. 2 words - 39 Hopf' or Cosby 40 Makt morr , <'llractive 42 Build up Soloist Joan Sutherland will sipg arias from her favorite operatic roles In Hayrin 's "Orfeo cd Euridice." Bellini's ''Norma." Meyerbeer's "Les Huguenots," and Verdi's "La Traviata.·· RESERVED SEATS $4.50·3.50·2.W ""'*" 1l ' DoMr liolt "1<•! TlCltJS Oii SALE AT: AllAHCI• STAOl\JM • MUTlJ~ TIC1<tT ~tE$ .... W~llCH'S MUSIC CITY ~ llUffilMS' • COMl'UTICKCl ... ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "'"'" SOUTKCOAST F CO!J.T .. M K-_ G£Nwt ox PLAZA THEATRE CCRPOJIAJIOH San Die&o Freeway al Bristol = 546-2711 NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 12:3 0 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOON 1// I I . I . Also Playing /!~1//l/1 /·.'1 //-/11 · .. .a·OJun ,. .... to Wlnrtlo-Aioh .... --.."!II ,,~ .. ~'"'' NiW10tT •lAClol -•• olo. •~h• t• lolrttlottL li*•-hlo -Ol~·DUD l •i;lvtlve ladoor Shuwlllf Mid·So111her• Callfar11l11 Jack Lemmon ... Catherine Oeneuve C~•ri.t '''~' -,e,., L•'l't••d Myrfll L~, ht e ~sm•lltit f1111to•y "THE APRIL FOOLS" I .J • STARTS WIDNISDAT e f.XCLU!IYl lNGAGEMINT 2 SHOWS NIGHTLT Shott -7i00 & f :IO H11111ro -7:20 & 10;00 rA II~ 'IOUN"T n<.Tlill r.:i ....-- • 1•11 t~ .. "" FRAN co ZEFFIRELLI ,__, ROMEO -crJULIET No orcUnary low stur')' .. ~ CllN ~or:• A PARAMOUNT Tl.Ill ounTANPINV F1An111m1 I "SK Y O~R HOLLAND" 27 Bob HlytS or Jil'ry Jl!fCSTle Jl Foret' 32 Orrisive sound~ 33 Pot8lo: Dial. 35 PtOflOUO 38 Ont on the sam e sldr 3' Abode 40 S1111ll ind entation 41 Coc.hinral, ror on r ~2 Wtll · rstabllsht'd fin1nclally b& E•lgrncy 10 Sees 111 Sand mounds, ll Eagle's in En~l1nd wrapon 12 Stars DOW N adviser 11 Mike fun of 1 Low, second 21 Consumf' or hl9h 2) Commotiot 2 8rr~lhing 25 Pa rt of sound a flowrr ) Endln9 u1rd 27 Food lish wllh ntur 28 Kind of ind bronch -· -l:·on rqr: 4 Salt ly from Informal 199rrsslon 19 Part 5 Orllrlum-30 Exltrmety 6 Cycles ptr violrn t second; 34 Water Abbr. movemf'n!s 7 Ce1taln 35 German tltle woody Jli Ea11v Sou lh shrubs Americ1n a b1nk account 43 Kept in order ~4 Ekcllt thf' surlier nrrvrs I & Hous!ltold acctssory •7 Hrrr ing I ~8 Social group ·~9 Adjusltd the conlrols 50 Fabric 53 Unprincipled "" 5S Actor L1dd 5& Kind 57 lrttrrs bO Mln's nicknam e Thursday evening, July 10. will have Lawrence Foster condUctlng the orchestra in Smetana, Copland and Bern~ tein's "\Vest Side Story'' dances. with Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha making her Bowl debut playing t b c Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2. The first "pops·• concert of the season on Saturday. J11Jy 12. will present the popular Rodgers and Hamme rstein Gala, with the Hollywood ~I •·Pops .. Orchestra conducted by John . Green and sololtlts Carol Neblett, Peggy Colbum. Ke n Re mo, Rlcha rrl Fredericks and the Roger Wagner Chorale. The second week will open with Lawrence Foster 1gatn conducting the Philhannonic on Tuesday, July 15. with _chnean pianist Claudio Arrau plafjng the Beethoven "Emperor" J>i.ano Concerto No, 5. The week will conclude with the rqular Thursday and ~~!t.Y nighui. July I alid 19 -plus an added Frldr.• performance, July 18 -at devoted to appearances by the Royal Ballet from London. 'In performantej of thm Illll· length "Swan L:tke" on Thur!;.- day, and the first presentaUol'I In the Bow1 of thti . new pr\)- ductlon of the fulJ .Jcngth "sl .. fllng Beauty" oa Frl<!ftY •nd Slturday. • ..,.. . ---~~----------~_,,..----· . --- -··----~ HOUSES l'OR SALE Generol • 1000 Assume 51h% $118.00 Mo. Total 4 Bedl'.lll. College Park No qualiflng 1.nyone can assume exhiUna: low in· terest 5%% loan wlth all bulll·in ki tch(n, dnu· blo_ garage, forced a1r heat, block wall fence, brick fireplace, cul-de· sac lot with fnilt trees galore. You can't miss. Call todoy. Distinctive ... Newport Heights. 2 Bedrm Dlnlne' room and IJre-place. A doll house on comer R-2 lot -alley access, completely rede. corated, new roof, beth, big kitchen, wall/wall 1 ha g carpel Assume $164.00 month. Hurry on thll one! Big five Convenient to Newport Frwy. B&c.k Bay, large deep lot priced to sell at $28,500. Owner says sub- m it all offen. Call today for appointment .to 1ee. • -HOUSES FOR.SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSl!S l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALB O.nerol I l!'!!I ;°"";;;";';"1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;000;;;;°"';;;;;'";;;';;"';.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1~IOO;;; GO,,.rol . 1000 ~norol 1000 Genor'ol 1000 Uniwt"li!}'. Pork 1237 Huntington llNch 1400 CATHED/IAL UNDA ISLE DISCRIMINATING Momlngs...... MAKE AN OFFER! u.sTlthyour-1~rty-11---G1E1l.1 --•--NEW--H-QM-IS--BVYER""" Twlnkl"'t-\....,__ 0n""' --•-BchllclmHo:-1--aa,1--..-ffl-r a-., • ...,_,.._.._ FM\ILY ROOM FR 0 M $ 2 8,' S·t BAYFRONT ·rv'!'Wella' aew-"Vr!:-Vhomet family nn. Lawn ..;.., SILL with ,._ If "'"' '°""""' !tr • $25,lm HOME ~ tbls _, <USt<>m fin. f'"'""' Bay In Dovtt Sbm"L Tendor, Lo v I n 1 ear.. ll•MI oltRI hlmte in a rW PRESl'JGE Eutside Costa Mesa • ished home located near the 5 modelt to cbooH from .. 4 ' $32.9!50 AREA. with -ahade , Fenced Yards • You can move ril:bt loto BLUE PACIFIC. F°"' bed-• 5 bdnns. Mod<t. open dally e Rod Hiii RNlty TliltDUOH trees. in a nelc!abomood of W/W Carpeting um }Ovely new heme room, dining room. break· at tao Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 18lJi8 CU!Vtt Dr .• 1rv1ne YOUR PRIDEFUL .OWNERS d>at on the "°"lo ~room, three_ baths, wtth OPEN s AM~ PM &U-0820 REALTOR Mlf1'JIER -""Ht!/HI LARGE Draperies Exduslve Linda hi• lar<e ..clud..,, comfortable BEACH DUPLEX Huntington .....,, YARDS, a quality residence Built-ins Beautifully ~ted &i flmil)' rumpus room with Eastbluff 1242 Fount•ln Val._ T(1th CONCRETE DRIVES Large Closets expensively 1a.rxlsc:.pect fireplace overlookinc patio. 2 Bacbelor Unill _., AND close to IDGH Electrici Garage Door Operator 5 bedrooms, 4~ Baths No~ can describe the Xlnt 1ocatiGn! S29,950 BLUFFS • 3 br, 3 ba, w/ Muh&ple 9CHOOL. this may be for Spt,cio4.ll family room quality work: in this home George Willlemson Bay-VU, wide ll'ffilbtll Llstl"I Service youl a.,...,.. SLUMP· 2341_SANTA ANA AVENUE $162,llXI 1rom the .togantUvingroom ~ .... REAL~~ s .. pa to pool. CU& l<ldtns. 8 woo-ARD SIPNE FIREPLACE! Three (Between 23rd & Santa babel) c.n John Abell and dinln& ruom to the at-,.,....._,.., ~VQ, 673-156f Saw! S4f.500. <>wnr 644-4265 .., ...... lars:e bedroom:a. Muttt 642-3960 Eves. 642-5106 Res, m..7365 tractive e~ectric built • in REAL ESTATE =~~:/'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!./ ~~~~~~:U: Coste Meui 1100 Coron• del Mar 1250 1142AcMmlAve. ~teOFTICEFORDAD! Gen.rel 1000 Gener•I 1000 tractive home. Large three BUBBLING Huntington le•d\ °""'' """"""d and th1' 3 Bedroom car..,..., 11ea .. 1ua11y land-. HfWO WHf FOlltltBin, 1111• ~fusion ot 9'2-3343 beauWully carpeted and re-vea,~. including planters, ••• •••. trttt:, ftowett, priwte entry ' decorated'bomeisVACANT! + Fa "I fountain and block w a ll court create tropical island POOL PA.DI . Take over FHA 5V. loan at ml Y REAL TORS fenced-in rear yard, Best I~ f bdrm Price.etter bargain mysterj and relaxation in $4,000 Total CUh needed to, $147 per month or 00 DOWN 71 Seplr•t• Guest Suite cation in LUSK HOMES In Mesa Verde, Bia: hoiw newly decorated~ bedroom u1ume 5'4% VA loiu forj TO ~ or-new FHA '~6-2 13 • 641· 71 Vacant and ready. Newport 673-4400 CDRONA DEL MAR. Noth-big vaiue @ $27,500. 1NO &: den wilh breaktaat area, thll 4 bedroom home wllh1 ternu. NO QUALIFYING! IEMEMRI WHEN Heights area. Quiet cul..c!e-I l!!!!!!!~!!!l!~!!iii!!i!!!!!!~I tng to do but move in. ;iwn GI, low down FHA: dining room, patio enter-35' .~~haven Pool. Lota of Mk about OIU' guarantee Houaes bad basements? Re· aae. Shake root tbann. 2 Baycrest . Priced to sell at $64,500 -A njoy quiet living on tree· talnJnirnt center. Perimeter decM• with Patio, Carpets, trade procram. fre&b .. lour tmem~ ~ wed brick fireplaces. Work Pe ....... -ti.on BARGAIN FOR A~~f>NE lHined street. CALL 540-US:i heatj.ng oflet'I )ft? -rowx1 D~ 4 Built tn&. Priced WE SELL A HOME aee t u.a CUI om ome ... saver kitchen with all boilt-~ WHO KNOWS QUAUTY. ..':'!tap). Real ~te (~ comfort for only $42,500. at $24.900 F\lll Price,. Pay. top Newport Heta:hta Jo-•-Pool _1 •• --a eo-..i.1 ....... t. of 1168 •-~-~-all EVERY 31 Ml_NUTES cation wttb l~ sq. fL ...... .,_ ,. ...... .._.... Pool S.AJon Shown by appoinbnent only! H•I Pinchin & APOC. men ~-. Walker &-Lee =ecln~ ~~ ~~i Ins condition. Only $11,?50. s:rpe~c:::~~ ~= .REPUBlJC Home. 8 mos 3900 E, OJast Hwy, ~ <>;E S°Ei.TA ~E , . • .\ I I 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 56&191 thll prioe o! $42,SOO. Beach. , ....,.r ""' ""'· old. z story, • BR. 3 BA, HARD TO FIND EVERY Sl MINUTES cowco1 PARK """""· fonnal dining, ..... ~ ~..:.. ~ ":., ~: "!!:..~~-~~~~·-Walker & Lee·---11.Aun o/. glass in a tropie&l letting By Owne Dn,J<lWUUUC ~ f.f'Ound a hU&e 1amily room. r. 546-44!5 4 Bdtrus., 2~ baths $85,500 0pon 'ti! 9 PM BUllDftl'S .R120 $980 DOWN and lf1 YoW'L Almost anyone can qualify. Im- mediate possession. Ex- ecllent area, Featwff such aa: open beamed ceilin&, w/w C9.1Jldlng, · fireplace, completely built.in kitchen. FULL PRICE ONLY $24,500. BE QUICK! /fiJlll,,,, Co.\ TS ~WA~C! " •EAL TORS 54, 4141-(0pon _..,., ~ =ri,~l.J:it ! A 1Uperb setting Jor sizm· A~UME loan-Qk. pou. S D•L•ncy Re•I E1t•t• trailer. Bulll-lns In k.itch· mer eveninp. Pool of qual· biit, 3 ba, crplll, d11», 2828 E. Coast Hwy CdM en, 3 large bedrooms. Qf. 1ty desi&n.. ,Only l 0% down Evenings eail 673-6116 landsc fenoed, ~nt whUe in £'13.3710 ' fered for the tint time You name the terms \Yon't I---~-,----escrow, 961 Pa u I a r 1 no . [~!!!!!!!!!!e!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!' in 8 years at $27.000. Take last at $56,900. Call 'toc1ly. HORSE LOVERS 549-4158 Country Atm01phere· EXECU11VES AMNTION over 51,4% FHA·Joan. 645-0JOJ Santa Ana Heights, 66x200 BY OWNER: E-akfe 3 Br, 2 near the OCeJD. Deriped tor 1 jJ ACRE with 2 bedroom home and a &..apt.I, drps, elec kit...aah family with children, this 3 Most btautUul home lo Hunt. Quiet end of cul·de..Pc. 4 2 car i:!n&e Lot c.ompje~ -!;.ab.. Ir& fncd yrd & patio. BR &: den home is a "must ingtnn Beach. .llx36" euswtn . btdroofn -beeuty.-Glant _,"Fot A Wise Buy" • ly fenced , $23,500 • Great _\yalk to aj.! J:chls. ~. fe!!"_at .sq,soo. Built on ~ tn park·llke yard. Larr· 37x26 foot sunken living Colesworthy & Co. tenns. ----642-3863 or 831-Ml.1 larze lot. you own the land. est lot lD atta. HOme built room, new carpets and • BY OWNER • Low interest LEIGHTON LINDEN °RLTY aniund. exquisite atrium, paint, prof"slonal dark-COUNTRY 51.4-6%% 1rg transtem.ble 642-nu or mom beamed celllnaa. lats ol eX· room. Many more extras. 642.TlTl l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ESTATE loans . .,AU 3 BDRM'•. ,_E bu inclOOlna: ftfri&a'&tion $57,000. SAVE $4,300. Builder's Model I 1 in lht! city. 20X30 Liv. Rm. aide 2 w alde 54&-1059 TREMENDOUS Quiet cul-dwac. OWner tak.· FREEDOM -PEACE Home Sale. Pnce in a FANTASTIC Lot 125 x 300 - S car garaa:e. ' • Ocean • channel view, Just· -~toes at $46,000. LOVI lifetime u.vinp: on tbG1e BAY&OCeA,NVIEW Elec.ki~hen-H"'-oodtlonn. Mes• Verde lllO oHOceanmvd,3'8R.2ba. MUTUAL REALTY Have FREEOOM to enjoy outst&ndinc 0 c ea n wood From mo1t of the rooms in 20x40 8Wl1l1 pool -·$79,500 Secluded patio. $62..500. 142·1411 •nytlme }'our yard In the PEACE homes. Tbelie uniquely plan-this 4 ~R. 2 Ba. l'lome. A BIG F•ELLOW AS&JME 51.4 loan on . Or•nge Coest Property *CREAM PUll!ll.L and privacy afforded by ned homes feature "outdoor Real 11t-down view, Large Pulchritudinous· 4 Bedrnom 332 Marguerite 673-8550 -, rrJI( the 7"'1ii ' block walls en-llVinc indoors." Fed tbe fam!J.y nn., dining: A: powder Here's a big f~fly ~ home near schools &: eoU AJ1ume this SJA.'4 ntA kiian. tl.relY IWTOUn~· t b 11 ocean hrea.es in room after nn. Ownei' anxious, as Ieav-home in outltandinc ne1g~ course. Efficient kitchen, VIEW n50 mo P1TI. 4 BR. 2 &\ f:pmy, You'll VE the room as iliding &1a51 doon ins atta. $53,500. bomood. -3 Bclnn!, family family ruom, frplc, 2 Two ad,Jolnln&View Jt:l iota. tam.rm. F.P., FA. drapes, • I' i . I four Bedrms. arnous garden kitchen A: oPf!" to patios gardens ~ Walter Huse room and dining room. Close covered patios, sprinkler nr. Qcoean Blvd. Large tnu; new er,tl. Bullt-U, ftllle 6: ---lL~~'!...~~~'._J.l :::::::::::::::::::::::~J ~~th'~~ outdoor-IMrle rooms. Liw to IChoOOI and shopping a.nd IY•lem, s fruit t1'eol amldlt okier house can be summer CJVH:· dlshwr. C>mdoor 9afi.. -tookl---tike-$50;000""TJrice.t· -on •he • , OQ aw Uo Oir. lot New Area COWGl PARK at only '3<.950 On<! you urloooly appoln .... Totally $30,950. to "" at 1'6.500 by owner. OIESHIRE REAL ESTATE w ... c • own the land landscaped. Tbeee 3 to 5 Br • 540-3642 e 6'15-2503 e .caped; Ora.ftp trMs. flS,lliO homn att the borne buy of 5¥c LOAN By Owner. 8G-US8 $132 00 Mo Locatol °" d..u.ble Colle.. ASSUMI 5 '>'• LOAN the .... Pri--~ = ,_,.._ u ···k .. ,_ Can '· .. -~ '"'-• OWNER. ' BR 2 bath, BY OWNER-' bdr., 2 bath. =liR:C:Di;;R;w;ii;;;I • I • Drive i8 this HARDWOOD. 4 bedroom Meu. dd Mar ......,.. .. ................ _,,._. "'°"' ........ , ..... -au .... -. on wua carpet1/dnt.pn, trplc:. eleo-2 fireplace house w(harbor 2 IR COm""'-~r· nooR home. Vacant A: beauty. Huge famHy room to $44,950. FHA-VA &. Conv. 550 Newport Centei: Dr. = bee.~~ wi::m h;::_ tnc ble-i111. 125,800. 1598 view at -Cbiria. Cow. Dlb. • pN• ready_ to 11ee anytime. Call with raised fireplace, serv-=· jus~!:u, 0~ Newport Belich, C•llf. pla ~ · ~ · b Myrtlewood. 545-6446 gara~. patio -~Oll. ~~=~= This one's got what tt takes: built-Im, big bed· rooms, 2 tiled baths, family room. excellent location, take over VA loan-THE ONLY WAY TQ BUY. Vets- Get A Duplex , No .Oown Prnt. These t wo - 2 bedroom units are always rented, don't wute your eli&fbl· lity make an Investment in units, income plus tax deductiol'll. This is the last one left out of four so hurry! now: Ice porch: fenced yard. H UJ.0700 644-2430 ce. semce pore 5 BDR. J .. _ ""·-·'-u .. .....__ 5.18-2691. ll no ans. call 1...-.. V"'·-~ lot Beach. Phonl!: ( 7 14 ) side paint • $31,500 • Unbe-beautiful cond. by ~. 1 -==.;:~====--=--superior landlcaphw. $23,975 $27•50.0 Newoutaioepaint.$31,.500. Atlanta in untlnglOhJ;~~;;· -and Jenced yard. New out-ua..ru:___.11UUoc 6J3..9llOO .......... """'"&"'· """""...,.. , (Vets no down pymnl) PlllH·Ul'l'll 546-5351 llevably eby to buy_ SG-<168t. 2l6tJ Phaluopo e OCEAN VIEW e DANDY! Channing N.._. Height, 19111 Near lrYine • moo. old Lusk 3 BR, 211 Rox L. Hedges, Riiy. Newport •I Victor I• 646.atll ·(onytlmo) ~ block from Cliff Drive. "!IJf.jj·· t ~~rt Be•ch 1200 BA home. Opts, bltns, den, 847-~ 3 Bedroom.a, family room .. ~-_ -.,.11 dining rm. 2 trpks. Newly .+ den. S26,900. $24,500 200 Stop• T• Beach lnd"pd. By owner. 844-001 Golden Opport1nifr 5 llDROOMS The charming UtUe 3 BR &40 71 Beautlfut S ·btAroom 2 bath 3 BR 2 ba~. Jarp: livin& MUA DEL MAR 5 ad rm Split . hcftne in excellent location. -71 • ~2313 home, deep sh.a& carpet & room, elect. k i t ch e n A&'lume this 6% GI Jou • 2400 sq. ft. Spm-k:ling clean, Popular 5 bdrm. @lit HARDWOOD FU>ORS, Al-I•........................ =ut b; ~~rn:. wondel'ful view, $55,000. uni onJ.v $2951)_down, 3-Bdnn. 2 -~ e:=:J::_c ~1:d 3 ~i :=:~ ~ ~ :: ~n=te'~ar,i;,re re! 3 BR PACESETTER tie«, nrepiace an built-in Sea Lane, CdM. 644-4229 ~~ !1:' a~~ 1 yr and trailer s,paoe $37 9:11) reaUonal vehicles. kitchen, do u b I e prqe, DUPLEX, nr. ocean. 2 BR. HARBOUR REAL TY r · • • · place, pltu beam ceil-Upper Mest Verde area $37,500. &t2-34M 2 BA. + 1 BR.& ba. Lar&e • S4l-8595 • -ing living room and Newport close to C.OuntrY C1ub. BY OWNER lot, privacy. Rltr. ~2010 . D f h ff . fireplace. Neat yard. Sharp &. tastefully dee-LGE tilllto lo p Vlew. Pric<d JI $4j.951). •I °""''-Very I ar 1 o a.,rm;ng °"an front hom< . p L enn. vl<w, U C aven on R-4 lot. 3 bed nns + of ocean A: billii. Barren Reilly ~ 540--2313 • 648·"M71 Victoria ~ covered pa-sewina nn. Ideal locaUon, Realtor 673-:mtl out of town owner . .f BR SPLIT LEVEL FOR 646--1811 .tio, $34.150. COATS nr echools, encloeed patlo, 1% ba, TD' cor. Jot. WaJt to ACTIVE FAMILY l'OOL TABLE (onyllmo) & -aptg throttlho<>L Le Lido 'lolo . ·1351 •'-A ochoolo. Extra lar&:e game room with Been 1ookinc for: a place to kltehen w/blt-ins. $67,0Cll. -RI h d I BRASHEAR REAL TY pool put one? Here It ls • Bel-11-Ntiw Listing -,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""''""'"""°' WALLACE 673-6990 c ir vans 847~1 Eve1. 961J..111t fireplace opens tn a tlful f 11y hom In -• ~ REALTORS OWNER'S NEW t BR. 1376 Lewellyn Drive pre1ents sUed yan1 with family "" am e "'c~ l8U row~ S'mEEI', alR-TRADE YOUR HOME L •· h WOWI I SV•% LOAN ch&rd. This 4 bdnn home is lent location with aei>ar&tt NER. CALIFORNIA AVE. • 54M141-Harbor View Home, 3 ba'1, agune DW.tc Bdfm sunny, chettfuJ &: spacklUJ 18 x 20 toot rumpus room • kJYely tarre ,3 & family Regardless oftl:,_w mu c h fOpen Evenlne) li\' nn, din rm, fam nn. ~t, Cheery 4 Jaome, -excellent condition • Pric-to accommodate J"'eilllation room in the popular Mesa eqUlty you ve , on this /-=:~~~~~-~~~ bar, l&. kit, 2 frplcs. w/w You are the winner of wood fin, hltm. xJnt 900 me pool table, plUA plenty Verde Hi .. .,1.ndl area. Room super two.story, with wind· 4 BEDROOMS ... .1-·--i 2 tickets fo the area. $135 mo ~ all. A eel at $58, • Baycrest. of _roomJeft over for enjoy. fo• boa• ~.::-"er or cam-. ing staircase leading to 4 Cf'P06 ... ., .. , ,. ....... Ii many buy at $23.000. Submit on . • ., u..... ,...... M SI olBed m1 3al N D VA extras; 6.9 flnancinc. FIREWORKS terms. ' """" W rtclilf Dr NB &U-5200 111&' 'IV and the mammoth Has an exi...i .... 5"-% FHA aster :i: roo . . . 0 OWft S48-8281 uw· e .• stone tiITptace. Larre bed-..... '5 conyoverlooktngtonnaldin. SPECTACULAR HARBOUR REALTY Immaculate 3 bedroom 1 1 ~=z=z=z=z====I rooms, 2 "Queen" •lie loan. New carpets,u:;; ing room with thick stuia: This Is a ~ity home with NEW VIEW atlhe • 847-8595 • residence only 7 years Open Hse Until Soldl baths, dining room and sep. block fencing&: eirtra ' carpeting. Stunning fir\!· cement dnveway A: shake ANAHEIM COUPLE With 3 children old, profesalonally land· 1847 TAHITI DRIVE s.rale room for office or Asking $2G,900. place or try $5 000 Down roof. Only J·years old. Sell-S UM want 3-4 bQr home. Cuh to On The Bluffs Ocean View scaped yard and patio, Lovely large Mesa Verde hobby, Aasume low intemit ~ 546·S810 and I.axe over 1o'w Interest ~r will pa~ ~ubTr'1 clos-BeauWul vie w durln&' the TAD' exiatlng mA. Call 6'13-2115 inside find an all elec-Colon•-• home • S blg ._,.__ 5% '};, FHA loan, Payments (nearcinlrMthlntl Gr'loan. Asking $35,500. Sub-111i CO!,l~ w •• ve you day, breathtaking at night on July 4th trlc island kitchen \Vith ,.... UUJu... of $18J nth ·nc1·· .. -LLEGE REALTY mil. $100 to move +new 4 bedroom & 3 bath. Pll'.!nse call 642-5678, ext. l29 rich walnut cabinet& & J>C)OL Complete redecorat-per mo • 1 uue 1511>Ad111Sllt\lrtllr.ca& WE SELL A HOME ~9521 or 540-6631 Delta Real Estate 6*-4414 betv.'eep 9and1 pm to claim Huntington Thi~ home J~ custom in£ in progress. Immediate ewrything. )'OUJ' ticket (North County H•rbour 1405 built to owner's 1pecifi· pos,ses1ion with E-Z terms, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES J K N·1chols • DUPLEX $31,500. t II t •. be . SW-1220) <aUo"' and I• at>solHt<ly EVERV 31 MINUTES $146 Per Month Walker & Lee • • . lncom•pot'"tlallt200.1Blk. 0 ..... OHM '" DEO'.lRATOR'S' BR, 2 ·ba. beautiful. I t's 11. must see! ~ 54&-SllO w lk & L to ocean A~" 3nl W. Bal-Ch1rmlng Sm•ll Home Townhouse w/boat Slip. Full price: $39 500. (Mll"cMNu.tm · a er ee Includes all When you take boa Blvd., N.B. 642.J.2T2 Excellent plut.a location. 2 Poot, tennb $38,~ Rltr. ' ' LLE~E REAL'fl . ~~ t':tthis ~~. ~t~d GI 7682 Edl"it'r Realtor own/bkr. . Lt"e. bdmu., 2 baths, cua-67J-4m0 Wow! 51h% Interest Low down payment Wiii assume 5%% loan wtth- gyt , a_n;y_,1econdar)> fin- ancing, It.I four bed· rooms, 2 baths, be!lt Cos- ta Mesa area, buUt..in k itchen plus much more. 1Your total payment ln- clUdJQC taxes, Insurance, principal and intemit wtll be: less than $180.00 month. ,If you're conslderln9 1elllnv you r home, c•ll tod•y for f r e • •ppr••l•I and Info,.. ~•ti• on our four 'Unlquf ,,.... fn pro- 1". r • m 1 -foln tfle ilow co. ORANGE COUNTY LARGEST '. 293 &. 17th St •• -' 646-4494 • lSllMliillllKllW.-2043 Westclilf Dr .--1 V.:1 o • ..., t.•,VIN own 842-4455 or &t0-5140 tom blt 2 Yn N kit -------- &46-ml Open·~·· =:;t. J~t;,n ~ Open Eves. No DOWD GI .u:,.~~m~.~n~rm~~ ~,,.et500c~ ~ t@m\s. --------'-- OUTSTANDING • h "w"E"· "sEeLtodoyL A. HOME Easfside ·-~mo~~ .. -Yo""'r !!:;!183" ... fc l'l9.0XJ. A"""" s11 % ~ii C. GREER. R .. u, Fountoln V•lloy 1410 • bdrm custDm hoflt w .. tclill 10 n ma-nab ~ ~· "~ Loon~~-OW~ne~r~643-~H~6'1~oi===--:...·vta~iiLldoii' iii'"iii.::;6'l3-6300== I Shorpl Sherpl Sharp! uI pool .. ._ EVERY 31 MINUTES Near shops, Iarv:e fenced lot. C.Onwntional. ::-2DlO PAPER LANE 3 BR 3 beth, w/w carpets. mme with deliahtr ·w lk & l l klna:.md tx1nn1 2 baths $21 950 1 BDRM watertront No. o TIRED OF c1npn:, Ondenlla dMrl. l:u'7' ::: t!t~ DOVER SHORES a er ee bll-lno, FA heat, .~,,,. ""',,; RAND RL iv. 645-2340 Balboa eov ... II ·,. 00 0 : OLDER HQMES? Yard .. just boautlNI wlt!t y 'll lOve it' with brkk l.ireplace, llid· Woukl trade h acreaee or See this IS yr. old family borne shade & .fndt Uftt. plent;J -°" Id . a· .._ •• ::r-.M_t_.,..,_ bull• ---20<!..W....u!Ulr._ -• _.., __ .....,,., to patio.• _ _'.'AN_G.U tAKE"... _<Pl< • .W-117l.. _ w{!.!>d""!·· conv. den •din-gt ohrubo. Only ~soo. 1'rno or: nwlKI home; 3 bedrooms, 3% 646-ml .Open Eve9. yard. Oversl:i:ed. dble pr· Bread & Butter UnitJ.Triplex 1 :Pwt ME DlATE poueuion. I na room. Ciill liir.IPJ''l 388 E. 17th St., CM baths, family room ; ex-GAS LIGHT qe. Appointment nnly. 1.3 ml, from So. C.oa.st Plaza. Lovely 2 BR 2 ha 1 Pool i.W ... •;;,lkiieiori;R;;ilirityii .... 0.'7iiS-Si;Oi200iii,i IY4hfil~~· Ill' Realton M&-T7SS qulaitt wall COV'l!rinp: ~e Eaat Co1ta Mesa . Walk to 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Financing is easy! $32,500 Term11. $ 2 8 7 5 6 ' A&L1• ~---===~/ terrace with oVftllu pool, IChools. 3 J.ce. BR's, 2 ba, Rltr. 64&-mS Eve. ~1655 BOYD REAL TY &16--0732 ·· ' LIDO BUYI ONE BR Cottaae w/p.r A: wet bar. $159,500. CaU I« family room. -Falt-price L h . • 3629 E. CnaJt Hiway, CdM MOBILE HOME $111 Neat & clean S bdnn, 2 beth TRl·LEVEL xoned for bulineu. $14,lm IPP't. $33,000. -: . ac enmyer . 67>5930 Bayfront on Penlra:: home. Vacant -immediate STRATFORD borne in Up-top TWO BR""""• de>' 1.,., CORBIN-MARTIN 4 BR + p I '7>-3808 """'6 "LI""O"'· $44.500 ...... t bdr, s ba, SHnken to!. Gan&e + -kohop. RHlloro 00 l BR 3 S' Mo D REAL TY INC. tam. nn. Formal din, 2 fJi>I>, R-2 lllCIOOO. $ll,800 3036E. COQt Hwy .. Cd~t 21/2 ACRES . · ummer_ , 3t00 Via Lido 673-8830 Land~aplnf, cpll d11>8-a.1J THREE BR home 1% baths, • 675-1662 • • Spanish split -level home. ~ck"Bay are~ h?me 2 baths, 543-2152 included. Q;vintt Commulnc near shoppirw. S20,T;iO THIS IS ITI Pool, avocado grove, O.K. firepla~. built·ttlS. ~tJi, BAYFRONT llome + In-to L.A. Assume exillllilc low Well...McCardle, Rltrt. TWO ON LOT BE M for h0ne1 View of Newport. dral)e9. Askl"Jt $46.950. Newport Heights 1210 CQme. finest .beach klc. FHA. F 0 r appt: (:n!l.f Blvd C.M 4 DR -$22,500 Catalina,. s an c ement ·. DAVIDSON Re•lty ' Newly turnlshed. Sale or 763-7336 Mt. CU:tright. owner. lllD :.ri: ~ · ~;·:,:.e~e~~mi; S::~~ :tio ~~": N$~:.. SeHoU or exehanco tar 546-S«io. Evn. MS-494.1 St. Andrews Rd. = w;e'!..~. XI:,!_!.~ NEW, By owmr, l BR, ~ UNBELIEVABLE! car ..,..e • --Ex-"""BBQ. 2 bathl. Sedud-·-~" me. NEW HOMES Laroe 3 bdrm. home with .,,__ -·• ··~ &lb. w7W .,..,,.._., -tmor recently painted ~ 1tat llvlrw room. Family llD...,...... Eullfde C:O.ta Mesa family nn frplc HW tloon. blnck fe.noe. Maey cutom NEWPORT HGTS -Only $19,'50 . -.. Bull•i>Jt. ~1120 UlllRI . ~ ~ On1 1 t r "'"· • .;,;..,, m.tm Huntington •--ch 1-, .. ...._ 131.SOO. ~lid A $1',SOO TARBELL 1'SS-Hort..r R E A l TY .-OPEiil,"AIL{ 11 Ownu/Bkr 646-2414 --Talbut. "'-· 9tlU<l> Lt.tit gmindt • plenty of 1 ~ L ~ W. Ba:ttrGrBlVd., N.B:-~ SUita Ana Ave, !t.EVATED '4 Bl'. hOUll!. t--------- room for pool. 0-..rtHI li• 0PENIN~ulNT · Call Anytime i7MOOO (Bet. 23rd A San!O Isabell DUPLEX t yt1 old, 2 BR .... -: "'"' drJ>I. Lt-heh" 1705 1nJroom • handsome n.... Jim Wy in a. Attr, 3 Br. W:-3960 Eves. MUl.06 each. Built-lns, crpta, arp.. bltOI; Let-lqUll'I'! lot, eul I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 p!Oce. Spacious """°""'' -· ,...-fl tot; can't HORISI HORSES! 1J2 ... 0wntt.6U-U10. de"" •'"'L Pavol boati ' JY, ACRES .:.t~':ELL 2955 Htrllor * '41-l7fl Anytime * beat "!.':'&:':" ... c.. mlllttr-6"11'1"1"6F Prlnclpat. only. ; w1;::. .. ~; u-~_\:l_'7JI •• .!_!~*~ASSUME~~~!Zl;.900~~'.+l-!!P!!'A!'!LOSllJ!!~VERD'!!!o!!!E!!"'B E. ~· 8h.-d., Bllboa O)Jnniii"V!ew Cllllom homt, ..JIVllAVI: MA -Westcllff 1230 ~. iJs.«io:-'b w n er"' IAiiiiL~De&Cii:'l----11 " • ' , 140 • • 'zonal fOI' honel. a bdmtl, I 91S-,'"2 Ocean ""'"' Should divide g.,.., GI, no int chanae-m PENINSULA CONDO 21' ba.lhl, 2 fire1,1act1. Jn S20 ·MONTH OWNR.: 2 bclrm• +«in. 1a1... -~ "to U Iota.,..,_,_•---·, k1an COlll-3 BR. 2 story, 2 5-le or l9e opUoa. Lrc a SJ\, bt ti O ,.., .-.-re-~ yr ~d. Fam rm. f'rpl c, blt-ln S BAo p..nld den. XU. lrz NurMry School au ful condition. wncr · . kit ' !Iv rm. ~ prden $14' Month Tot•I 29'-DR. A 'l'Ml ll~r. w.i oar.--• klL :tbcll' _......, BR..J -· x1ra 1 Ila ~ balli ~JE". &NckS&yMl.TH Ed Rlddl• rutr. • 146-0856 ., w/ll1tlc ma1n1., M~S()(). ~ ASS8:\a i% LOAN :.:MISSl~i!ON~RL;l'Ym • .,·!11~;,;;;;,;i '"::--:-; hid pOOI wfauto. sweper, •l'Dft&I:· Pool. c 1 u b t. ••, home, comer Jot, J30!l(1SO' 11" eves A wkenda',....., .. Lovely S BR t btlh Um brlck d"""-· c1111•·· oi.. ynt. ISS.950. a11 fenced. C111.1tor""'"" Realtor 1'111' SUN NEVER SETS .. rr-s • REVELATION "" . o..n1t1o ...... ~ 1~ "=:ti P.W.C. -Owtter. !2Lll 8!3-1398 1l11t1f• &till... 646-3255 ~~ action ,...... m""' ..,_0.., ,.. flnd fll HAFFDAL REAL TY ....., 61Ut~ - • • I SOC¥.M' TO 'EM! DAILY PILOT "~ ADS! -tt +400 E. 17th a., Cotta "'es" tt:' d:t~ to Kil around Clutlfted Ads. qecic tJiem ,,., Warner. 1'.V. ™ C&n)'Oll' ..... i 11 •••• • ·.,;:.:..:._ _____ ....J l4U560 tlte ctoC , dltl 84um. -1 r · l Wbllo .t.phant.I Dt1oM4 , .. ~Ail:!!!.. _____ J ,-- ,< • ' ---, • DAILY Plt or Tutol , Jul11,.1969 * * * -~-; • f fi'ousES FOR SALE• r RENTALS .--RENTA LS H pu Ms Unfurnished L•vun• Beach J 705 Hou.., Fum .. hod 16 N W H DME S , -·Sum~n!ii\'tels '-2910 Ne wport ... BMch · 3200 Porta~ina .lagun. Under corn;trocHon, 6 nrly, 1.'0mpleted: A<ldl.tion.3.l hon1cs a, be built soon. Whitewater oceBn vieW! So. on Coast Hwy. to 2!m blk., up N)'~ Pl. & )"OU're there! PARADISE!! N ewell·A siociates NEWPI'. Belt,, clean. 3 BR apt<. I blk w bay & ocean, 8 / B : Jwy • A"ll-$110 to nJS, TOWNHOUSE S ~kly,_ 646-9'.19'1 ADULTS ONLY! 3 bed·· BAYf'RONT-Ne.,.,·ly furnish· rooms,.2%' baths. Splitlevcl ed 1 BR .. Finest beach loc. C&rpits, drapes & built·lns. 675--J2.Q, 673-03(6 . _ 3 car garage. Faces pool . BEACH at door.' Newly furn $2$5/mouth. ~1NTAL' '.-;-;: , Apto..Unfu1'tllll.i. General · 1 _.;:Ge::tn;;te::•.;:•l;.. ____ .,. -~lono. dol 'Mir • )250 °Rent111-*'~•~ ~5990 lnllu\fi'lt l-Rentol ~ -.... .... 1.6.lz~r!~. ON TEN 4l:RES • LOCAL • ~-2 SILUU: )Vut extra Mfg. crown llOhs need 2 13 BR· .. -spa(.'t, 3-6 mo. 500-600 sq. ft . apt, Nwpt Hgts an::a.. Call for lite 8.Ue!llbly~ 642-1847 S4M561 eve~. NEW irMuttl'i'°l bldg; 2500 sq. 2 BDR ~arty. Married, no ft. 9c per fL 1639 Monnwia, child: ne8.r water $1504175 CM. 6,73.-9017 .• ; .Ml N. Coast. HWy. • 4M-6594 bach apt .st8.rtil}8·at $50 per ' · ALSO . wk. ~1'.179 'Htg 'Bcb. , ~OULTS ON~Y! 2·bedr,oom"' l I< 2 BR. Fum 4 UnflulJ F<Pl<a/prlv ... ~ Tennis .·eontnt'l EUdsL .put- ttng gTee!l, " · : I nw. turbot unf\irn. 6451-0rn INDUST ·Bdlg In M-1. 744 W. a.ft 5: l~tb St,,-CM. 350b sq ft, $325 RESPONSIBLE working gitl ·mo. ~033. ~ 642-1479 defirel -JflPl in N~wport or . • ' • . ' L•gunii N iguel 1707 FOR sate by owne.r •. tmmed occupancy. 3 Br, 2 Ba hsc'. (1. Br" .l2x2J). Gblf rourse view, .extra lge lot .. 24012 Estacia. Ave., So, Laguna, -RENTALS , Houses Furnished Renta's to Share 2005 WORKING girl lo share new 3 bdr furn. home. Fnln Val . area. 541-5131 until 5, after Newport Beach Oceanfront 3 BR.·AvaiJ. July & "August Newport Beach Realty 675--1642 4 BR, 3 ba furn ~Lido Isll'. Avail Aug. 3 thtu Labor ' Day. Tdeal 1oc. 6~2990. Duple xes FU_r~-· __ 2_97~5 AUGUsr or yearly rental, Newport Beach, view-apL delw:~. smart furnishings. Fireplace, garage, Aft. 6 PM 548-2394 1. 968-J782 RENTALS 2 bath.s. Split·Jcvel. Carpet.Ii, drapes & built-ins. 2 'C .a r ,garag'e, $225 monl.h_. .Soy & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Or., NB Suite 126 645-2000 Eve&. 548-6966 Vii"iversity P•r:k 3237 3 BR fam rm 2% . ba, vu, Lease, ref, avail July l . 833-m04 or 213 434-s.t<E East Bluff 3242 I========= 1 __ H_o_u_ ... __ u_nf_u_r_•_is_h_ed_ 1 FOR Lease or sale. muffs 4 Costa Mesa 2100 G _.. 3000 BR. dining room, im· enera r m~te _end. unit. Vacant. ·OUPtEX;-2-Br;-end· garage:--$410 mo. 675-5764 or 6T.J..9CHiO W-r, 1100.-7 lo. 9 pm or FR.EE RENTAL M Wh" rs. 1te agent-ownr. w~ends 66-1062 SE~VICE ~~-I • , ·• ~~0'11 ~ 1 B!C!llg~. 'il7 ' 900 .&a Lane, CdM 644-~ tfacArtbur nr. Coast;Hr ) 2 B~ to B_EACH, Large Ganige apt. ~ BR + den, 11~ baths, newly del'Orated sof(. water, launcirY, ·.gar&ge. Costa Mesa to SUIO mo. Lot:. · • • " 6100' 00-0022 ONE ol-the last anil most e LANDLORDS· • · beautiful fee-11imple. lots re •. FREERENT-6-LsERVICE mainlng I~ .I)QVER! ~er ~ SHORES 1m' &ale on Anti-="""*""="'=-'===;' r-..... OwNir. 541_, 5999 ·*• G . tm-73\i! GAJµGE Misc. Rent•I• . : 'I-.~ ........ IQ '1 H''Jl'Jb C . HuntlngtOlf Bea<~ ·5400 ... * .. if1· -~ -WOR· is·. / -· ~~8!™· ;R~~Tit~ FOR STORAGE • ONLY. r $15 month. 646-8226 6200 _ UJIJn.rRNISJIED Income Property 600:0 'l6.G8 acres of bee.utilul So. Cpts. drapes, 'builtlns, best Cal•"I. La"" dotted urith huge location, 1 blk to s Ptlints a Choice E'side 4-Plex,. One ,..., ., SPE C:'J:'AC.UJ..A.Ra sbofipjng ·etC. from $130. 3 BR 2 batb, three 2 Bit k trees & meadows. Level to -+ 7701 Ellis ••L o ,. ... "°"" l 'ba .. tb. $55,_soo. foiling property & adjacent """__._ * ...-:it :it • 0•" """~ • -w • --...., to t"· o~ega H~, Mobile **~'H .&.DatJr • •• · -# ~ a 2BR.-Triplexw/garages. •>e ,, •• ,, * ~ * &.. '11.nwm~a:L • b"""Ds • • "".-income $340. $32,000 home park under construe· ,. • jjtllff ,. ~e ........ ,..., . co...,_ c • 2 BDRM" s 2 BA"TH • 7 UnUs C-2 lot. $660/mo ,;;n nearby, F u II pri"' --------$r--'3-* " : ... .IM6. • A. lJ~<\ltl)"' -• ... inc. XIn( potential $58,000. ·$50,000-with terms. For * 12'° tr &T.A:x>J.'.'D'JD: : 11,~0% : $15Qn.1'.o. HEATED POOL "I TRADE" · further infom1arion, contact >>. --11 * FRIDAY IJCN ""~-. • 1--• t/d u• 0 Bob Olw" Rltr. 54~558-0 Glenn ThomP"" ....,,~ ~ .... ...,, cp rps, nids i.; Eckhoff & Ass••., Inc. * llill' · * · ,. · Delaware Studio Apts. 12 NEW UNITS near ocean - Corona del-ft\ar 3250 * ••t'tftl\\ * / JVL!tlk 2620 Delaware, H.B. Hntgn Bch. Sun decks. 1818 .W. Oiap!Ua? Ave. 1 Rent or list a home frce.1----------1 Newport Beach 2200 $150 mOnlh and up, TAR- -~-------BELL 540-1'1'10 OWNER. will lease luxury Condomtum h o"nie Eastbluff area,' overlooking Back Bay. 2 Bedroom, den, 2% bath. Decorator furnish- _ed. Available...now $664.n10. References required. a CAMEO SHORES a 1t ir * * . v.ter pa s; .uv c. 541-2~1 Eves.wknds 548-6727 * llU tr 642-2221 aJ:Jytime . r:~i 1816 tio 4 ·•-1 Orange, Calli I 3 BR + conv den, 3 BA, 'k * naIJl .. llJJ,JllM.lllflll--..1111-Cll•afff CHEZ ORO APA&TMENTS 536-l~RRY RE~LT~76S3 New 2000 sq ft duplex. J Br, Ocean View. Avail for short ~-I. •D,J 17711 •• t. ' 11.1;1 1.191111 8234 Atlanta '!!. Laguna Beach I a Ba. 2 ·story. $245. m504 term, long tenn or lse."opt. 1&nWDJl1l,r1 GI ,u111lll 11111.·H ff New 1-2 Bedrooms -.Pay 6 INDUS. Bldg. 100% occpd. 7 ACRES W /PERMIT- or 838-4232. . -l375 mo. Box 4001, NB, electric .onJ,y Nprt. Bch. 10% net' return. TO KEEP HORSES $135. 2 BR, 11ii. Ba. ,,,...~~------~liE'N1FAiLS'------;-;<Ei"1'Ai::i" _____ 'iRiiiiTiw<---"""~T 536-3927 .or .5.16-Z727·. Sl!l0.000. Phil Sullivan TUSTIN I 547·164.J 675-2221 Townhouse, w/w, patio, blt· i°BR House, excellent cond .. RENfALS KtNTAL$ RENT~LS PooI:Wasbers.Dryers Q 548-6761 ~f1~ce~~ 0:u~is:~l a~:n~ ins. children ·oK. Bkr. Married aiuples & no 2pts. Furnished Apts. Fumlshed Apts ... Unfurnished Private-Garages FOR SALE BY O\VNER $4Z,OOO. 1h Cash, bal 1st trust DOVER Shores ba y front hOme, 6 BR, 4 ha, large patio, 70' private dock. J.une & July, $2.500 mo. Bog. Sept... yrly lse, ncm mo . 213: 180-5013 or 2 13 : .,.,..,,, . 534--6980 child $250 * ~75-329l ;. . ~ NEW $150.up, 1-2-3 BR. Heat-4 units. 2 -2 BR, I BA &: deed. Write or contact:• ren. mo. '"osta M esa · 41.00 Huntington Beac" 4400 Costa Mesa 5100 eel & 119.una·pooI.,., rec -rm 2-3BR. i;~ BA. 548-6155 914 1 $210. NEW 3 Br, 2 Ba Cond. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Heil & Algonquin. M"" ~1::::::::::;::::;::::::::;:::::;::. George R. Kress, Box ' w/w, stove, re fr ig, Huntington Be•ch 3.ttw1 $30.00 wk. up Quiet & Beautiful • OR 846-3137 ~ ~g~-Beac~ or phone ! dishwasher, avail. now. . ~ • D Ii: t.h 1 BR Adults only, Private pa-HARB ,_ Bu1ineis R•nt•I 6060 'P'I.,.,..., Bkr. ~980 BI_~ ho~e. beautiful ~fl.. 9 S~iow: &~~pis. tio, pool, util. ind. No· pets, ..... :' ~. -~;:. r;;;::na;ailor J~Y B~: sr0RF.S for lease Village . , 66x300' C·2 S191J .. 4 BR, 2 Ba, RIO, wtw, dlhon. hu.ge covered patio. a Iii.cl ·utils &. Phone serv. no children. $160/mo. 17676 -GR·EENS 536-:257S . Shoppina Centet,', eor of El On Npt. Blvd., CM, Incl 2, frp.lc, children, pets O.K. boat or trai~er_ storage, j Maid Service. TV avail. C'.anneron, HB-847·2125 ". ' .. , UNFURN. 2 Br.-apl '$t25 Camino & Mendoza, C.M. income producing bid.gs.~ DELUXE 2 BR 2 ba, ~. Avail 'Z!t5. Bkr. 5J4..6980 completely built-in, 4 BR a NeW c:ire 8.: Bar · .*-1 Br at beach. Sui(able• Food to Go, TV, SUitable for-motel, store,1 7/li-to 9/15. $ZlO wk~ !less RANCH style, 3 BR, 2 BA, $235 I mo. -ImmOOiate poS: 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 ~~-Adulls, no ~ts. 15th BACHELOR UNHJRN. Month. 1 Child OK, no.pets, variety, -hobby shop, etc: restaur. etc. Only $3S.500. t d N H H" •= .,. ~~~--~~-~.1 DELUXE 2 bdr studio, crpls, 1 ~=~~-~~~~-Al W 2ll 98 ·~ byrmffith). Agt. 646-0732 cpls, drps, frplc, bit.ins, fncd session. Bkr. S4IH141 • St., Apt No. 7. from. $1 J O-Cps, drps. 846-.1163 Eves'. See Liquor store for key. F I RST PIONEER 1 , OCEANFRONT Older 4 "Br., Y · r ar I_..... U'IV"'1189 4 BOR, _home w/ 2 ba. blt-~n drps, pool, l child over lO NEW $200 up. 1:.2-3 Br, hid ALSO 'i\.VAILABbE L~GE 2 Br.;_ I or 2 agner I 1.-~.uO 842 4421 t---~1~4:~Y~d.~Y~r~ly~$2SO~·~mo~·~=i~~~~E'.'.'.'.~~~~ $225 ~irst & La.st w/ $50 ·yrs. or infanl call ~96 & sauna pools, rec rm, Heil 1. 2 &-3 BDRM. ~hildren OK, pet OK: cpts, La una· O ffice • . ., 6-1'J....808U 5a '. ~it~ pm --&--Algoqtrin:-Mgt IH&-913T--Htllll!d"""'Ptx>t.r,Child"""Cm!-.litpsJaDge-96l.:763 ' Tiowwer-pymnts. io·-Acres I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, LG Ba " · d BACH apl ·••to· & g , C.enter, AdJ'. lo Shopping -2 &_ 3 'BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt_,.tio, Bright, attr,.mOO. bldg, cent. no down. $29 mo. Near ; C d I M 2250 F t . V II 3410 cu. unit, -•. cpts, . ., w , a. Joe .,;,. ---" ~"P ent-"""" orona e U o n a a ey '' No-·· allow--" ht'a ted pool. newly • ............... ,,...' ,,....,,_-.:, La'--& City. 894-4743 Agt. •, ---------J'I u •n . near So. Coast Plaza, occ paid 1 mile irom beach. S90 ...-~ cu Le 494-2466 ""' lmmed Po. ssess1'on th 84"2957 2700 Peterson Way, at Har· decorated. Cll':?-l!QQA_' I • ase . S BR. 2 ba.. Frpl. cpts, drps. Avail. July lSth. No pets or child uDder 13. $285 Mo. Broker Ei75-1662 BEAUTIFUL old home (or rent mo of Aug . .§ Br. 2 Ba, rtr_Blutt'& Beach •. $'18-6767 ' CONDO. 3 Br. Doluxo crpl< $135/mo inol. •vocything. P'" mon . ~ """"""' Bolboa ( la d p rty 62051 & <!rps. Dshwhr. Pool cau 546-5079 aft 4. Bkr. FURN. ap!: Pool, IK'ar bor & Adams, Costa Mesa l pR A'pt. baau_t. dee,, cpts, S ft Resort~ rope 3 BR 2 bath home. Shag car· 962-4969, if no ans 646-0474 BACHELOR Apt, frplc1 ~ach, couplt' or single with'1 1~~~~....,~·~~70~~~!l~dip<~-~·~:~on~o;l.~g~a~,,~1_~-~·b~\>~from:;.-Store oc oUiee, v.·/w carpets. LAKE ARROW~EAD I peting & new drapt'!I. Oose beam. ceiling, pvt" patio, 1 , highest Qua!. 842--2335 oee~n. Sl25 mo. ~:mo $150. Bier. 642-9555 · Level lot w/tall pines, sur·· to sc!>ool.s '&shopping. SJS5/ Westminster 3612 adlt. no pets $95. lse. 'rwo king-sized· bedrooms · LEASE ..,·50x100 commercial rounded by excluslve'homes. mo. 0.ildren OK. Call Her-. 673-7~:$· Garden· Grove 4610 and, 00Jh ·upstairs. Con· Santa.Ana 5620 bldg, heart of downt8Wn 'Sell or exchange for ·units Hage Real Estate 540-ll51 3 BR.. & den, C!J>ls, drps, =='--~---------------vehient kitchen w.ith bit-ins, HIDDEN VILLAG.E . C.M. 548-3401 or ~O Orange County. (nrw>n eves), d " bl•·· 1· . I r . NICE. 1 BR duplx. Quwt, sep SINGLE voung 'du!'· Lux d" h "· pl 'I ha' h I ,~-~~~ ... !""~""'~!""' I suwr, u.,., u'llp '• re ng, by ·~· A'"I---· 30 • .., ·.n ~ • is was~..,.r us , .. I . G"ARDEN A·PTS LOWER fl wood I' FORTIN, REALTOR 2300 -washer/d,..,er. optiootal, Sotf i--l'S. ""'~. v•"• · ury garden' ap_ts with coun-downstairs.. 1 A'--. hving . . • oor, .pan g, Balboa AVA!L A 1 3 "" 2 '" No ""ts 548-1021 ,,_..,c $155 M th W 2 n-1200'. Idell for dancing, art 1701-A \Vestclitt Elrtve !"-'----------ug • °"·• Ba .. waler, •Prinklers,· tropical .,... ' try club atmosphere and room ·with fireplace. ·New on PUS u .; ,pi· N ~"· h 642~ Crpt d bl d f unfurn AiJ'.cond school, ltlJdio. 541-56!rl , ewpo, • o-.:ac . "J'UU\} $275. 3 BR, 2~ Ba. frplc, s, rps, tns. swhr, 1lndscpdg 2 full ba. $225 mo. $85. & $100., l ·& 2 &inns. complete prviacy. SOUTH carpet throUghout, Enclosed urn. or_ . ·. . .. washer. dryer, freezer d:-bJ hid_ pool &: lawn ser. prov. Wknds 892-7450 or wkdys aft Very nice trailers. 133 E. BAY CLUB . API'S. 13100 patio and garage, 'Pool forced alt he~t. hea_ted pool, SP~CIOUS offices, .f,:t'J>'.d, & E xchanges, R . E. 6230 ~1;·,,,..;vall 7/J.S. B ~ r .. ~!'~,,1~· ~ mo lse. 6, 897.¥!04. 16th St. C.M.-64k-1265 a-t.APMAN Ave., GarOen and recratiOn ·facilities rec. area. pnv. patio. drps, alr-concl. n40 mo.· ~ ~ GORGEOUS new 1 & 2 Br. Grove (714J 636-:loJo available. S:t85 month,.-" 1st ' QUIET !LJVINt 546-0584:, 703 Randolph, C~I. HAVE S16,000 equity in 5 BR NE\!/LY dee 2 bdrm with Lagun• Beach 3705 Activity rm, pool, •sauna. and last plus l35 cleaning 546:-1525 Npt Bcb hOme to trade for 2 huge rooms. Large fenced _________ ., 200) Parsons. 64~ Laguna &each 47.0S charge. 54941674 5700 Office .ltental 6070 income prop .. Will usume, Huntington Beach 400 yard. Very quiet. l child ok. BEAUTrFUL View-2 Br. un-~,-'""'"=~===~ -"'--------LG. 2 BR, bu I l t. ins ' C:::~:te! ~ Also have clear vacant Viev.· n35 ·~ Be furn yi?ar lease. $225 ""'r N ice I BR DUPLEX 100 CLIFF DRIVE 1 ----~--~-1 -. N 1 H ·hist · trad -· _,, rnard St, C.M. r-· cpts/drps, 1~• Qa. Sharp. · · · ··· • LAGUNA BEACH • ot in P eig 0 e LOVELY 4 bdr. + family, 3 ba, all bit-ins. ·2 mi fl'Wy. $>111, l<to, 962-111138 Summer Rentals 2910 \VATER.FRNT, pier. & flt steps to orean. 2 or 3 BR, $125 per wk & up. 4010 R.iver Avf.', NB. 673--8229 OCEANFRONT. So. Laguna. 548-27ll. mo. 549-2463"aft 5 p.m. $99.?'J. Adults., 549-0833 T1•:o bedroom fumis~ Close to So. ·c.oa.st P'··a • Bea~-h AplS,-.. ;,. d" d for trust deeds: Vogel Co. BEST value 2 ·BR, All 'Deluxe Features OCC. $150/mo." call 54~79 o:~ttt"sr"~~~UE 2667 E. Coast li\}'Y, CdM. cpi.1-. dish" a' h. r lagUna Niguel : 3707 N~wport 8e•ch· 4200 \Va.1king Di~tance to Beach afL 4 PM. Bkr.' New • .D .. eluxe "· k -. 67t.2020 ~ $225 _ Yearly lease uo:s . spaces availab!C' In ""''-";;c.-~~~-=- pool. Quiet. ACl.ults. No pets, S275 llEASE: 3 Br. 2 Ba., SINGLE Y Ad 1 LI 49.._2449 UPPER 2 BR, relrlg, elec (7l4) ~S3'-46)6 newest office building at · Property P roblems? Ul5/mo. 2295 Pacific Ave. Din, mi., bit-ins, fam. rm. oung ~ts IX· bit-ins, closed garage,. · · prime l~tion in downtnwn E.xchange \\'hat you don'1 548-6878 Gorgeous view'. -Encl. patio. Ul)' garden a.pis with coun-Adults, no pets, reducetl <7141 536-1487 · Laguna ijeach. Air condl· 1vant for property you do 3 BR .3 BA. w/;N,cpts, d...ns, Agent ~2238 try club at.mosphere and RENTALS rent in exchange for iHe ' 711 -Ckean AVel1ue 1Jor;icd, carpeted, beautiful \\.'ant. Call for Appl. 1 '' """"'"'~=-==~-,!complete pnvacy. SOUTH Apts •• Unfurnished (3 hlks W .. of H .. B.<Pier) 'I."' O D COL"E blt.{ns. Pool-&: rec area; Up-BEAlfI'. View EXGL 3br 2 BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at gardening. 646-4224 1 entranc~s: ..-rqnlage on · . • B "k 'Ba $285 ha 000 F'orest Ave., rear .Je<ids to 548-4841 Realtor 64s.ce30 : pet ac Y. mo. , bltM dshv,or, crp/drps. 16th Newport Beach. Ge neral 5 OCEAN BREEZE Apt. Lge. Laguna' Beach 5705 M "pal ,_, -1 •~ • 642-0045 ·rp. $300 836/5750 . 542-121S (714) 645-0550 3 BR. 1% BA~ blt-infs, cpts, . ; unc1 pariung ots .. .,.,., i Beaut. furn. 2 Br. Avail, Ju. 3 BR home, unfurn. dbl ly, Aug ., Sept. SIM Mo. gai-age. $140 Mo. 2188 Ca· BY owner 4 Br. 2 ·ea. vif'IV FURN Duplex, 1 & 3 Br. ~·i homl'. Pacesetter are a . blk from ocean. Summer S250. mo ulit 6n..f°.>41. Rental. PRospect 4--3917 or • RENT • 60"fTiO --• ·-• · per-~mo~r-spe.ee..-Desk ' 1 1 drps. ·n mo. No pets. 2 BR., , unfurn,, \v}pool. ll'!d.e/1$ available Ior . .$5. R. E. Wanted 6140, 3 Rooms Furnl'ture 54~3215 Ocean Vie\V, nr. beach. SJ.60 a . · i... , · ~1ness,, uuurs· answering $20 -$25 & UP LARGE 2 BR, w to \V Ct'pl., Mo. ' 5~72Ql ext. l 5 2; Service available for $10. Agt. 499-2238: 499-3403 . nyon Dr. «714) 629--5647. LAGUNA Cottage l ~ii: hlks. 2 BR, J BA, glass porch; from beach. Enc yd, ocean adults no pet.s. $ 1 ~ O . view. $100/wk. 494-5873 or 64&-0672, (213) 3~2842 494-3903 EASTSIDE ti! sold. J CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. , Bedroom 2 bath. Sl75 mo. Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer * 548-1059 * resei:vations call 673-9945 • 315 E. Balboa BJvd., Balboa LA ~5243 DupleDs Unf u m. 3975 -LAR-•G_E_l_B_ED-ROO~M-- quiet area, adult! p?'('f. $135 499-2803 eve. · All utilities paid cxcepf Month-To-Month Rentals 1no. 22'34 B Pacilic Ave. telephone. I I WIDE SELECTION 548--6066 R~AL EST·ATE DAlLY PILOT DUPLEX Unfurn. avail J"ty Sl50 monlh. yearly A 1· & ~" v·" G t I PP iances .... s a ...... 1 BR. util pd, clec · bltns, e n r a • . 222 . FOREST AVENU£ 1. J bdr 2 ba built-in.<; inlc. * * 673·8088 * * No Security Deposit LAGUNA BEAOl f or Your 1-lome Equity ~ $$ MORE CASH $$ . " dshwshr.' fii-eplace. 1 block 2 BR furn apt. pool. no ltFRC Furniture Rentals mrig, ~ children or pets. Rentals Wanted 5990 A"· 1 t 1 Nr shoppmg 646-6222 be!orc · 494-9466 .,,,o u e Y no cost .•• 1 from beach: 673-1758 · .., children or pets. 2405~ E. 517 \V, 19th, CM 54S·34!11 4 ----T'T'EN•Jo .,.,. 10 you the /)eller! , ARTISTIC 2 Br unf~m. encl. 16\h St .. NB. 646-46&1 1~ W. Lncln, Anhm 714-2800 . . N;;;,~e BY" NUG 0 """5 NEWPORT BLVD. 12 years of paying more ca~ FURN & unfw'll, bach, 1• & 2 '.t.V A Usr ffices suitable for Com· ·for Ot'Mge County pro""r..1.. patio, near .stores. No pets. l BR duplex. ]~ii blks ocean. -v·EN DOME BR. Mesa dcl Mar Apts. 998 Eastem College professor & mcrcial, Medical. Dental. r~ 'I LIDO Isle Baytront. 5 B~. 4 • · ~ $150. 6'1>-2942 $60. wk (month min) or -El Camino Dr., c . M . graduate students, some Air-eond., crpts, elevator Call the Rest · ' ' ~ biL tJome, •pier & slip, JWY TIME FOR $125. yrly lse. 548-2152 · h 1 u· Then call the Best 1 NOW'!> THE & Aug. $2500 Per Mo. LAGUNA 2 BR. Otean :vic"'·t--~~-----5j6-0451. W11 am 1es and/or small 35c PER SQ .FT .. - BROKER 67J...8830 lg "JiVing rm. 494-5873 or a \VINTER RENTALS a 1Mr-.1ACULATE API'S! pet, desire housing nepr 541·5032 OR _Gi!).2464 U 9ul.CK CASH 494-3003 · . WfNIFRED L. FOSS, Agt, ADULT & FAMILY DELUXE$1A35paf•:tme"tnd .. paltio, u.c.r. '°me MU be l<><atod *OFFICE SUITES* BEVERLY JACKSON" CHOICE N. ~cuna lpc. , 2 --------.-1 a 64~ e SECTIONS AVAILABLE e.,xtras. irst a asl. in the area approx 2 yrs. BR, frpl, gar, walk heh/ THR.OUG.H A Kr!_, 1.ALS Clo1e to shopping, P ark 548-2039 -646--:4760 Need I to 3 Bcclroom un-S4&5-f75: Crpts, drps, heating t M k 4971•= •v• Apts. Furnished . 2 r · rur-cond; maintenance own. o or.,.,. -......., " . * Spo•io"s 3 B•'s. 2 Ba •DR Duplex·. 1169 Tustin urnished apts, dnnJexes or · · N H 4210 ... " ' ,..... service. MEDICAL SUites REALTY ~I. DAILY PIL T Gene ral 4·000 ewport gh. * 2 Bedrooms Ave. across from park. $150. hoases. Priet' rang'e $12) to avail. 1'1tl.2 eeach Blvd, LAGUNA 1 BR. lg living nn. ' 0 . \'EARLY IC'a.se '::I bdr 2 ba, 1 *Swim Pool, Put/green mo. 54Q:.1407, $lbO per_ month, might go HB. 54~5724 J ' ·' 847-6033 or. ~~8245 1 deck. charming, Close to ,Sl.J?. 1 BR. nl~ly fum. All blk to beach, $21'5/mo. _ * Frpl, lndjv/lndry iac'ls 1-·---S30 ll)Ore If utllilifJ_ are , beach &: town. Also 2 BR. WANT AD ·, ~1~1 ~· Avail 711 Bkr. 67~2455 184S Ana heim Ave. ~owporJ~ ~nch 5200 paid. Please c ontact : 5I6 upper 29th N. Beh. 4~ or 494--39Q3 ...,....,..,.,. COSTA MESA 6t2·2824 847-$40 Huntington Beach Artist ~tud~o, 2 r o o lri' !, l>======"====..!.=========c:=========" 1 & 2 BR. apts. furn & un-after 6 PM ·lo ·lt'ave m:.· north ll~e, ·fl('ar ~ ~75. CASH_Qlil~need 3 _ar4 Generi l 2000 Gener&J ___ _ 2000 Gen9r .. t ~-----2000-Sgr~ni . .Me r:............42SO --..-Bt:A'CH • Y£""Afttti-·-fum:-~$165-'-1'0~$200""".yff"Y, ToTn1at.i1>n o r-· \vrite: . R. 'SchW'Oi'Cr ;'673-~ --Br, G.1. or ·FHA' house ~ !-----:-------:-:--------::.--=-=~~~==="'-13-BR.. newly furn_ dlx. apt 3 B_r. 2 Ba. unturn , .•• $265_ Anllil, Jones Rily. 673-6210 . Eugene Granger, Ca se NEW deluxe office spaces. ·here._ 49'3-1948 • ; • "' Walk t~ beach & shops. 2 Br. 1 Ba. unfurn .... $215 I BEDRM. crpt, drps. built-WesteMIR.eserve tJ n iv., 320 to :1200 sq ft at Santa j C.li'il:_ "O ,&), .( -f)~ ~C.8 summer rentals until SCpt. 3 Br. :l Ba. den, turn •. $350 ins, patio. Adulls only, no Oeveland, Ohio. 44106, f'rl. Ana Fwy & Crown Valley BUSIN'ESS and "~i ):)~ ~"t.J ~).. <41 J.J(/" \:> lst, then lease. Owner, I Br. 1 Ba. unlum • ··~ $200 pets. $140 n:io. yrly. 673-9257 D" v e 1 o Pine n t BIOiogy turnoff. 831-1400, 499-4198. : FINANCIAL ;ij' 6T:N418 or l -714-98J....2502 3 Br. l Ba, 1urn .... ·. \275 Center.) SUITE Of 2 oUices, new · · ~ BURR· WHITE Back Bey 5240 2 FEMALE ho s p i 1 a J bldg. o. ·c. airport af"l'a. Bus. Opportunftlet · Solve a Simple Scrtlmblttl Wort! P uzzle for a Chuckle I I I' I .. B.;..•_lbo"'-•------'4"-300;_.;. REALTOR XLNT 1 . l!mplo)'ecs v.·ish to rent in or rent ~r lease. 54-0-39<!3 I .~ OC., beauL Vlt'\V; :Z nr C~f by July J or close a5 I --."'.--."c-=~-- Delores Cron in 8402 Muftster Drive, Hu ntington Beach \'nu arc I.he winner of 2 tickets lo the F IR EWORKS SPECTACULAR 2901 Ne"•port Blvd., N.B. ~R. 2 Ba., !rpl:'. cpts, bit-possible. 1 or 2 Br. furn hm 300 Sq. F-t. Office PARTNE R ; 75-46.)0 642-225.1 Eve.s. 1n~. benn1 ~1hngs, htd. or apt, $85 to' U30 per mo. COSJ:A MESA 646-2130 i $12Q. 2 BR triplef. gar. R/0, pool. . Adults, no . p e ~ s . Must accept 2 altered in.ale 33 year old Company now"~- family \ve lCQme. Avail 7/15. Rclerenc<es. $115. ~184J cal.s. Ca.ll 646-04§ aft .5 p.m. Commercl1I 6085 ~ding. Opening of ncw-di- Bkr. 534-6980 2 BR Duplex. liv rm. crpL~. 2 or 3 BR honie. Rent-bo,y in vision creatts unequaled oil $165. l BR. 11,, Ba, ()c(>an drps, I ml to UCT. ~13(). Call mind. Owner only. Write SMALL Medical bldg for poAGrt~ityCOfoMP' OANWNYERW·MIANL. ~·· f 838-1® 8 10 least. 431 Jasmine, C.d.M: c..n.. i:. ornt, pri. sun«-ek, \V/w, -pm. ' par1iculars pro1nptly. Ken Vogt>I ·Go. '~7 E. Coo.st FINANCE UP TO $85,DM, R/0. refrig. Bkr. 534-6980 East Bluff 5242 llanse, :liO-A E. Hamilfon, liwy. CdM. 673-2020 No cxperli!~ nee-~ :=:'::°'°::"-'::"---.:.::;.:;: 1.,'.C:';M:':._;64~5-0196~";· ~=~~-\Villingness lo learn a niW: -111 lht' Costa Mu• 5 100 NEW dlx Townhousc, 2 Br, LADY EXECUTIVE & sister Industrial Rent•I 6C;»fO lst year inoome lhould'' -ANAHEIM -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 2\t Ba $300. 3 Br. 2 Ba $350. desire 2 BR house or apt TRAILER tioa teed $25,000. U )'Our "'~ . t"Qn't show nude·~"" films on July .tth (ONJJRU"'tw \Vay,IN.B. 675-0033 1 rental. Corona-Newport lkb l-tOOO sq. ft Bldg. dOek of. have $15,000 cash, call 21311· I~ AY p O News item: Drive-in moviet STADIUM • 4 Br. 3 88 $495. 752 Amigos w/ privacy, unfum. Yearly • 1 mfg. etc., Rvailable Immediately 1('l'J4 I I~ I r,,r-\.I IVR fices elc. on l !4 fenced 43'1-643-1 .:i _ • • that con be ~n from the ~asc..c&ll 6i2-567B. ut.. 329 atta. 871-?100, ext 1022 acres nr. Redlands fwy. 5 m , -41, 'rn. !----,l-~.:.-_;:=::::===-~r~ood~boco~~use~tf>it!!'!!•·~"°""""'"~~· ~·:=:==--.J:b;.-;;;~~<-1;;;_.:;d;~~:uSJ-(OMPUJll(G=. -Carone del•Mer 5250 l. ~ ct.. lt.-St:I>...,., Dltr _ ENCO '' I D U S a N ~ a m 1ng -. """' tic'·-t•. (North Counly so or HWY 3 BR 1 Eoer grads ~kin& iir Phil.' 673-2654. · -'RO'MhU; OJL ~I ,. ., ~y '"' ~ ' ' l"p s. co 1' .. ord want .apt. noo..ttTS , & REFINING CO., •• , ~..;,..""ii-"'-Tt-ir-r-f" 8 ~~ l~th~ qooted-d· loU-free number Is &41).12'JOI H•rbor Helghh Four drps, gar. w 1nkt & lich. -10 N.B .. C.M. area. Jul)' 2nd. UNDERrt '°•!"'! lrubldgchon '/28ol,IOOO ha.\ well located s.-r\.ic• ":i.· Ytlll d:v.1op from s-No. 3 b.low. BA\'FRONT w/ prlv. beach, P.ental r-.1ana~r -64$2M 251"',. Adult.I;, no pets. 64&-3265. s11. . . v. cs. flon &vailaj)le in Costa~ ·~.-$135/Wk. 7J&..717J Mrs. Chrls!1eru1en M l25().500(l ICJ. ft. units.' JOc No inVl!'Stment required' "fr 8 PR~~~i~~fMRS JN . j' =l~I~ l:#:l[ I _____ . 673-1983 31 17·A Cinnamon Ave. 2 BR. 2 BA. Swt'disb frplc, i!O_rif~KE"'"roo~ or share. i;q, ft. Compl!Jle. a.bout JuQ-p80llnes moto+ oils "' •1~~~ -• -·-· ·---• -• Eosta-Mesa-lm!Ylflc '1 cute-2 )'t!t-Old. ~pef).EU!O:. IS Eves-~ .daJ,oi. -bn:tt!'TIM 0&0'iiiijiiri"c~um:- . ,. l alboa f1l1nd 4355 11 block weft of llarbor mvd S220 mo. ~ penslbncr. · HAW c'• r' 64th5033 k'., .. •hunble ws all Util 8 ~~~ ~£ lfll[lS f I I I I f ---------2 blocks south of the 1=-JlR=."'0u"""p"°t"'-"~1-,,-~"'•~rc'.iri;: S4.t..(lt88 ' , _ FOR Rent_ LcMe; lot. 1 il's. For lntOrmation· cal Clll'E Sludio apt for .. 1J:le ftrl ~n Diego Freemy) crpts. drps. Flied patlo It \VANTh."'6 hf couIJ!e; I or 2 l20Xl4Q, coi'npletny fc~. Chuck M11.tullk <n4> 836-6fi61 l ~.~ .. ~-~~,,;A_N!WER IN ~LASSIFICATK>H 7600 "vail now. 1•11113; yrly PhOMS46-I034 '""-l140mo.*..,_"'0 llr.'2\\YAU1>.bl. '"'L for•ktt'ttl\'.,M·I '°" day• mo 53><!801 •ve•I< -y.--~-·"""'"-'°",...-"'::--~:------'-------~-ll ..... -----1--' ... :.:..' .:.541>68:.:..;;:;';:;5·..;'.:."':..:.::.:..•::'.::''.:.';:6 ~~7, -Laa· suo Monlh. {48-630f " Wttlrend:t. ... ... .. • ·------ "'°sdq, Mt J, 1'6' ~ · DAILY l'll.OI' U - -IUllNISS-.,. IUSI NISS •"" .. 1111111!!!11!*-!llllllll""'-... -lllllll!*llml-•*P l~!~~IRICTORY JOIS A WlOYMINfJOU I ilMjiLOY"'1iol: _ LEG.AL NOTICE • Pl NANCI AL FINANCIAL \ 'J\' '• * * ..,,.. "t.U' ..... ' L-. 8 • r.. 0.,...11,. ...o Htlp w1111e11. Mill noo11er, w ... ...., ~ 7200 --1u;..~~r-u.;l.::~ t~=~~v:~-==~=1 .... ;;"';~0p~p~IN'tt!""~-!"~·~:·~·"2'>;'~-~:j ... :·~-~~~ rtwttt ~ AL'S Gudeoliw .t Le'"' I t I / <O"."t:, ~ ...WONTEIM -_,,,___ .l.follad<lnt .. • .. -~· ... ~,tl!IL--'j-*---'_,,,.,' :r~r _.,,,,,...; COMPA!l't , * Ertl• ;,i:.CIWCY Mll.lt-lOTif , llttue.. Drult ClfUiQ,_ -'t"' · "'J1ti'!"~~-Bfl"ocb'i;i;;t;;:;:;:~t;:::.:ui -BANKS ~-~•.MM * ·-·-* " .._ --"··~·· " NOT.Ci' II lllllUY GIVIN• h .. 4 • • • ~: ..._.._,., ~ ~=':J'~11:i:et.::;:' ... 'r:~= G Th It 6700 Ru:fnll time~openings for N• -· .., ,_ .. .., • ,. """' -· ... 1o 5~. Ld us .-Money to Loon 6320 '"n um AUTiWl>_T_IVE SERVIC EMEN •Ith""~ llOUdltrtt"'"" lfftc. .. .,.., """ ~----1 · -r" ot the c:ltrll " ""' •lloff tnllHM _,, • )'OU bow )'OU can refllle .• 1st • 2Dd 5oans fir ·tutd; I rue• M. Bllctwln n·-cen~t ·~·ten~ In lubrlc· ation,. brake ad--. lo ,,,_, tlllm. w!"' "" ~ return Qf ~~.and~ on ·eub..BClrrow-m )Ull' llJ'Oo 2lY.I BMCO I.I nc: • t"'-" . bat In 1-' = .. :....'::.~~......:! ~ • · 2 an~ol S3.1llOJ,ll!! ,...,. t<I without ..,_~ " N~· ~ochY-, l~l!il~il .and , w I! e.e I anc g. reqµ ,_ Dover Drive. NnlflOl1 ktdl. C.Hfwtl .. , It 1-..,.,,. ., • '.11 .. 1 • 'th • fln-- -. •t ww. 5111i. it DOWt 11111d1111. m lour hour& ot )'OUl fur\e Pet ....... •-1n-~ lit TDs.' · ...-· .... Cotn~Uttve a&la.rjr :arran1ement, :\':-flight-, Wf'llcll 11 n. ,._ ., MlMM ot 111e weekl Make us prove as Ablo bufen tor 2n4 TDs. You att the winner ot wor g, conwuons Wl j newe111o· an -" 1 • I ;:::-:i:i;:-O:n .:~ =..~:/.';!'--!: well1 It ~jVe' tnterattd · s.tu.r ~ Co. 1n1;. z dcketi to the e~U,:.K:ent. Generous benefits including hOf. f~:.s.~;;.;7.'."'""M~"! -~ ·E-~~~,t-:_;: s~~~·c~iP=:.~--s~==~=~=~-~-c~~-~-l-R~-·~~ar~g~on, empiolee ~t .and profit 1 ~·=·~~'':!:t"-...nt 5· dlstri~ton and ~f!ttQ(ft. NATURAL BORN ·SWAPPERS at the Apply In person 10 AM·to tPM, I wt.UM:•. 1•owi. 1 ~u11t ComPIJIJI' esta~bed ac-ANNOUNC~MENTS Specl1I late ANAHEIM M ay tbru Saturday :.::::':'0::.."",..-' ....,.,_Not vendille. no ,.n. . ind NOTIC I S S Llnto ...,. 5 times - 5 hucb STADIUM " ' I» .,._. Orfyt tnc. Can be handled by~ -. ' ltUl.E$ -NJ MUlf tNClUOE PENNEY FA&HION ISLAND ,.... .... ._... Clllftrall 6 or woman. For full deta.il•, Found (Frff Adi l 6400 1-w1111t "'"' M¥t .. lf•ot. """"""" '°' w1111 " "-°"-on July 4tb EQ. uaJ Op rtunJt,y Doplo)'er Alftlnlm "' ~ Mr )-'l'OUlt ,.,... __,., ..._ • .... lllwl " """1tl~ Pl ealJ ••• --* * JlvtlUlheil Or•-CNrt DlllY Jlli.t. call oolkct weekda,yt to • '-HOTHINO l'Olt IAll-Tft..,DES OHLVI eue -•o, ext........ • J-10. ,,,_,..,Jury 1-'"' '°""" Batton. (n4) _ Tl'UlOO or APRICOT poodle:. pup ••. no _ PHONE 642-5671 bt1ween 9 and 1 pm to claimil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!lrr!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LEGAL NO'l'ICE • LEGAL -NOTICE ...,n, Cl!llTl,ICATe 0, e UllNIEll . FICTITIOUS NAM• TM 111)deril9Md lllOel ~rtlfll I'll It Ulllo di/dint I buslne .. •I 500 N~ CtflTtt OrlY'-N~ Midi. C1ttfoml1, unftl' 111• ficl!llouf flnn f\llM (JI ADULT EDUCATION 1,N]TITUTE tpd IMI M)d firm II ~ ril IN fOllOwlftl' _._,, wtio.t n1me·111 lull imct p .. a> of r1tldenal ii IJ fOlkfWI: " Dr. J. W. Koehler, Mt """lier. Wtt, A11t. ·ic.. NN!'lirt htdl. (1111, D•led J11.,. t. lfft J. w. l(oehlo!r STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ORANGE COUNTY: On J11119 t, IN!', llefor• mt, 1 Nol•rv PIOblic In tnd for wld Slife, 11•rP"'ll'I' lllllffrld J. W. l(oehllr ~ to fM to r.. tilt ...,.., """-.....,. II l!JblulbM 1o tht wtltltn ltislrunle'M ·end 1c;tuiowltq. Bd tie UICllbd "" .. ma. "'" write (includlnc Your phone mg,. Vic TeWinkle Park, To P lace Your ·Trider'a l'iradlll Ad your dckiti (North Coun~I -· numborl 1o ROMARA, INC., Clll. Call to idtntl!y. toll· ... number .. 540-WOJ .Job Wonlld, LIC(y Holp Won,.,., Mon 7200 7 P.O. Bo>< 111, San Carino. Ll 3-0570 >Br, conwrtaen;"'1>!e;lll 2 llR. doll house w/hdwd. H II 8730 OOlllPANION Or Pro ct. PRODUCTION callf. 94070· FOUND Siameee cat. Pleue ~.:Wsio.~~ :.; ~d ~ shad~ R-2 lot, i u '!I nurse •vailable. Long or SUPERVISOR , AFFllJATE . · ·ldentUy, ·Vie Hsrbor & ••• ·-' ~v.-. ., OJ>"' or u ts. GE NERAL ·HAULINI>° ""°" tml1s, put or lull Odt<, the """'11zed teed- 8 . CANDY SUPPLY Adana. !i49--00158 or ,.;.1291, •-d..,... J!ome, '· • FORTIN, REALTOR I. CLEANUP time. Ho 111E111 AKER s .,. In !ta field, bu an op1 . ROUTE Ask for ~ Myers 67U'S 1701-A WeatcliU, NB 642-5000 $12 per load. 96U846 547-6681 . • • portunlzy for a yourw ~ <No Se~ Involved) MIXED Collie dug, female, GlBsoN lb 'Paul model; . 28' Fairilner F. B. Ford Se-HAULING-,.i-.....,_,... _ !JC.._..Pl'ac.-JIUl'9et .(2) Avall. with aome manutactunnc·fll. _ ....Excellent mcome for few -W -to J.ay.-VJe.ot-Tustln--.. new-Savqe--3lll.-Jever -ao--_dAn.-321..Cursader. Want '· ~~'°:: private ·home ' or boepltll. . cllltY. C:all 63S-413l tor de- boUrl weeJdy work CI>ayll or Pallsade:a 540-6293 or CID) Uon: 13• aluminum cartc:1e. sleeper F.B, ~r. Delsel ~ u:yttme can Alr1. ~. 839-5871 taJls~ eveninp}. Rtfilllrc ~ • coi. 422-5600 TRADE for boat mOtor or preferred, cu.h diffel'W!nce. BOB 64>.2'J56 • 1ectlua' JllOMY frornlneoin"-~ .. FOUND· Grey • white kit· ! ? -f99.:l531. evt~ " ... ~s. <n41 67J..fi728 YARD/ clnu ~---DOmtstlc tf9ip 7035 erated· dllpiemtr1 ....,,. t -"lb, 1 Small horse ranch 2 BR 1 gar. P. ~-Mesa A l\lJ'f'OW1dinC ll'f'L ~n "'"1 toes Qb a.ch foot: * . * ' * * * trees, ivy, dirt. tractor baCk Georce Allen By~ ApDcy W t ~ , •• __ ... __ Vte. Mesa Del Mar. ~2550 ba,.1ta.r. tncd. Want 3-BR 2 hoe ....... u .... -_.,,. Employer Paya Fee . e es· rou • ..-. ~ Will trade: 4 cemetery lots, bath on large lot. Can add ' ........ ,.. _,._.. lli:-8 name b.r and pandy A CHILD'S B~. vie. of 2Ut arbor Rest, Costa Mesa • cuh. 1860 Newport BI. CM B & G Ha uling Service E. 16th. SA 547-0395 anack:s) $1450 Ca.sh requlr: St. A Tustin. 646-5521 ~ 5 ror pJl boat • value $1300.00 Rltr 646-3928 eve 644-1655 Reasona.bl~ )G.13S9 Chlneae' llve-inL Cheerful ed. For .ptt'IOnal intervieW PM. 545-57S4 . Large house + income + · Permanent ' F.xptrienoed ln Coata Mna area, send WHITE Male cat, flea collar room to build. on -'f Houseclffnlnt· 6735 Far EUt Al'meY §42-8703 fl.Ame', address "-pborll num-w/bella. vie of 17th St. A Hone Lovers! 3 BR home. · ..... her to Multi-State Inc., 9075 Orangt Ave., CM. ~2515 3.arn,. corral, riding arena course. Trade for. free 4 MAINTENANCE ... realdeDo Help Wanted Men 7200 ~~m= ~wy .. Downey. FOUND keys ouulde 309 ~ tack room etc. 11' acre. :~~:~~~;~nm . : &,~~-~· wlndowst -k, MECH.AN IC · nado Balboa. ~ p 111 $37,0C» eq. Trade for land, ~.., .. _ ELP 0 • "'"' • • comm. SUbm:it ~ Bkr: .want tree &..,_cteir \'Aant reas!-RefJI. ~ -Jo~rMcllanic, ex.--il ! ! Owner identify. 642-6662. land Natiotlll Co. needs a . ai;ywhere U.S.A. Have CARPETS, Windows. firs pcrlence .Forelcn ar Domea.- dlslrlbutor tor candy aM RABBIT. W!Ute with _ tan AKC Doberman'& males A Joeal, improved. etc Res or Com ,1 XInt ttc:. One of the oldeat For- anacks in On.nae County or markings. Vic. Dunning Dr., lemales, 8 wks Old, out.. Madie Davis Realtor wotjc Reul Reta. ~ elp car aetvice department& EVENING INTER· VI EWS MAY aE ' .ARRANGED; OZlTE OORPORAnON -1515 E . Winston Rd. Anaheim, Calitornla Equal opportunity empl<i)'er • T" DISHWASHER 7 1USIOY Apply in PorHn nearby are:u. per 10 n 497-1601 Laguna Bch. standing pets, wa.tch dogs; 642-70Cl0 in Orana:e Co. Flat rate le selected muat be able to for runs. sporting equip., w~' I trade 1961 vw lronln9 6755 warranty work $9.00 per IEUB_EN'S . ~ brick w.or1c, paper banging I •.. -V _ hour. pay bued on 50/50%. devote 2 to 10 houri per Lost 6401 or 1 f94.8320 a n or DV I o r a n. EXP Excellent workin& . condl week (days or eves) to r ~ ' * 548-3821 * ma ~ENCf?D 1 tro~ • tiona: Must have own hand COCO'S _ make very high earnings. REW ARD $50 for return of 1000 ac., $250,00), 80 ml Op for trade, Uc Am>whead · 30 compete undry toola. cau Sidney 491-rnl You may~keep your p~ 1Pld ·flower ring, lost in from dntwn LA, 5 min. Oialet $14.,SOO, furn'd.~2-aty service. $1.1!!/~! 548-_1_330 ~ or. ~·-=~..--..-.- pogltioL-No selling. $1650 Charles B~tro Restaurant tromfwyonpavedrd. btwn mod,·util'a, Walk tostttam, IRONING done n13 home, • 155$___W!. ~ cash required (secured) .. Wed. nite_ 6125. No ques Beaumont & Oak Glen. Trd lake, Cedar Glen Vlll. $7900 i125. per br. Plck-up A Management Tnllnee ~ ---Costa Mita -· For immediate jpterview in asked. ~ for inc. prop? M7..st69 Bkr. ba1 &'1S%, Gs mo'a. 538-4815 deliver. ~ PART TIME EVES.. WE ARE L"OOKING yoUr area smd namt", ad-l.OST z bl'Own tem. 5 mo.old Rented house, 50x140 R-3 Prolessional bldg. 1870 Pta· IRONING I alterations. $ FOR MEN WHO ARE dress and pbone number to: dachshund pupa. vie. of 16th 10t. Nr. Garden Grovt Civic centia, CM. Many Ult&. Free pl~~li;en'. , 3 50 per hr. LOOKING ~HEAD P D~UTOR DIVISION & -~Reward 6'1J..am Center, $20,500. Trade $9,500 $&1,500 val., $24,500 iqulty, • • e Let us train YoU for a Calftf' PO Box 58 or .,...,.........., eqty for writs or TT Owner All types of prop considered J It I I -In lnaurance. An opportuirlty Pomona. California 91769 TWO ~ Male Labrador Broker 547-646$. Owner/agt -494-94n 1" or • 6790 Call 547·'7'782 Mr. BoDd to learn the bUJinesa A earn ANTIQUE SHOP in CM, IUC-Re~ev;I'& cne 1S mo old, S Br, 3 Ba, Newport Bch. Bay .tc Beach Oeantnc Serv ARCHITECn.JRAL extra money on a part time I ceutul. Xlnt klca.tion, park· IM..-2' mo. Reward. CDM NORTH Tustin Lot. $18,SOO. hUge yard w/pool. -Price Carpets, wtndowt. !loon, etc DRAFTSMAN basis, bef~ leavinl; your -ing, patronqe. Profit state-613-MSO "' Free I: clear, most exel. $39,950. Trade $18,000 eqty Res It Camc'I. 6f6..lf01 Bupdin& dept. It iite plan-pre11e11t ;lob. Becmne a tull ment avail for inspection. ADULT Altered ma I e, area, fabulous view. Tr. for for smaller home or Inc ning exper, ·Student OK IJ time 9.i'f'Dl . W:heD qual/lied Call 642-sm btwll 10 am It: ~h/hrd solid blue •cat. Inc. property w/spendable. ~~;.,., .. cart Wood Rlty Landiclplnp 6110 kllow!e<tgeable. Salary open. with ~ guaranteed i.Dc9me L s pm. · W-side, CM. Rew! 548-8587 Bkr. 546-6469. ....,,....,..., Call for a pp o Int men t. per month. I G UNIQUE-distributing co, est Private party will trade itettred4on:t need tax' she}. DON 'S Lawn Service Serving 546-6711 F1r m1rs na. roup · all Orange Co. F r e e +----,---,=,---·+----==----1.-3-yni-lo·dn,~will-:tinc.-P.O. hnontls 6405 ~p-·o-o -ter..W mae, reas. rate1. 80 . IEGAL NOTICE , Box 1726 CM. 54W218· . home for smaller home or f19 M or $38. M eq tn. trl-847'...4739 · Exp'd. in blab QUllil)r Wort: TtREO-ot beliig retired! LEGAL · NOTICE ··-C~ttTll•ICATt: 0 .. OtS«INTIM!,IANCa 0, Ult! AMEMltt AI ANOONMINT O, ,ICTITIOUS NAMI 0 Now'S THE· .s--WANTED lot. * "'°~' * p!epr:ne:·~-~~·.,.t0.,!..!; Goodpay,steadywcrkand Pensle?tnotqulteenoUlh?ll ~ """""""".. Paperhenglng , all benefits. HIX S 0 N you are betwetn 55 & 70. ac- ' p · l MARINE, <See Ch a. r I e 1 live, enjof I~, pleuant TIME ' FOR ovk~~trr ~:,,., * * . * * *-* •Int n1 6850 Phillipa) 829 Production PL day work. • _,, mo. In T For research weight· reduc-NF,:AT, Exp. ·Painter, nO N.B. earn the nwdmwn allowed · QUICK . CASH :~..::::-.::.:; A~:i:.i~rE~NTs seRvrc& DIRECTORY ~~ =· •Janitor• ~ .. ';";.':..~ ~ THROU~ff A wejpt Jou. conducted by A "lO Cement, Conerete 6600 PAJNTING Int" Ext Lowest Permanent.' tun Ume ;;es ,;!1.,.!.!..~. ~ °to: U qualified pbysical culturilt& nnouncements_ -·CEMENT work. Anything oontracUd prtoea. Fully 1n1. Ialander Motor-Home• Inc. _. P Applicants must be a mini-PIANO LESSONS you need. Call 84Ul57 for SatistacHon guar. Free at 2135 Canyon Dr., C.M. ;::::r; No bona calla DAILY . PILO. T mum ot 25 pounds Mr-Beginni!li'.student1 pref. tree est Llc'd A bobdecl: Jim Weelal 6'f3..11&6 642-9751 :e!!~~c=~:== u.c.r. MU&lc Major PATIOS, WALKS, D~ QUAUTY WORK, .25 ~an YOUNG MEN, willinz to SA~~cgi~~~R WANT · AD tor's care. All inquiries com-Call Bruce 5464478 WAYS. hfe ntimate. experience, Gentian ~· learn trade; Mm:bandialng, ple\e!y contldentia1. Weight WlLL buy old worthless J. RAY OONST. 64,2-4210 . 642-1.322 atoclt-dei"k, ·1eaaffii-to starting ·ulaey-pJua ~ con~ restatcb ,now .form· a tock certWcates, 962-6647 -----_ :f;}ITLlnt. pnta. Aver rm. $20 purcbasinc. Military rom-mission. First year tanrl~ 842-5678 in& second group. nights 7.10 ) Child (Ire 6610 + good paint, neat work, mitrMnta coriij)leled. Call ct $12,000 plus poujble ASK FOR MR HD.J. Joe refs. Rey, 847-1351 543-93'13 year lraininl program. bJ ;==-=======:J--.,.--'53':1~-54~12'.._ __ ~1.Mt1ry Lots 6411 KIDS, daily trips to PAINTING, P 16 )'l'I SALE:SMAN/Mecha.nic. Full ~~ B~dtneZ:~ = PlANllUIG TO RfMODELr * Alone? DESIRABLE AB .tc EF Plot ~~~~~· ~!~·~; in Harbor area. Lle bond-time, "A" smog lice~. backlroond helpful. No tra· Uckets, &: eupervision. i10. ed. Rell furn. Know brakes. No major vet, Management opportun- 257, Harbor Memorial 644-lliM . work. Must be top .tues. Equal opp. emplr, Cemetery. Generous Dil-Plastering. Repair 6880 salesman, nea.t See Jlm. Ronald A. Smfth YES IT'S YOUR FAULT · ~c:~ ~.~it~ 637• Electrlc1I , '6640 e PATOI PLASI'ERING. 2590 Newport. C.M. ·-827·1900 · · All types.· Fret! estimate. e FIBERGLAS e Orange Counl)r Lara:eat For record<d me,. ... •hat SERVICE .DIRECTORY ELECTRICIAN, no job 1oo caiJ -e REPAIRMAN e Pontlae Deatmtilp will change your life call ":f1~4prompt service . Experienced , , NowbaaopenUWstoriyoww , • \ THE UNDERSIGNED does h•reb, eertltv lhll, flft'(ttY• J"'"• :IC, 1'6t ... cHted ~ do' bu1lneu lmdtr tilt flcl1tltus l!nn Mmt 01 PACIFIC MARINI! !Alli •I 211' .L.tavert1 Aw., N•-rl t1e1ci., C1llfornl1, which Minni w11 f;or"*'IY ccmPOSed of'IM followlnt 1>1rwn. wh0$1 "'""' In lwll ind Pl•ce (JI rt1Jdtn« It 11 {l lollowt. IO>Wll: ( L A s $, ORANGE CO. 547-6667 ;;.B•_bY.;.c;•;..ilt;.;1_"9:;... __ ..;6c;S.;.50~I Pl bl 6190 ~OCK BO.\TS agresalVe &::atabLe auto. 24 hour recording · unf ftt 673-21M * Newport mobile salesmen, D I re c I e COUPLES e %~~ ~n:-=al~-Floan 6665-PLUMBINCV~~Alll_.._.. 1&1e1 '0pti1elice .. pretet1~~·1----+-+ e SINGLES e ting job. W nJghqJ Neu l--c-,-,-_-t_V_l_n,y-l_T_l-lo-No job .loo small ·SERVl<;E .STATION . But oot ~-We -will MIL TON !I. HARVEY, 2'" 'Vl11t , Drlvt. Newlll>rt k1ch, CaDtomt•. Certlllc11e for tranlKllon r1f Mint• under IM 1boV• flctl!lout nltne. •"4,.•f· lklaYll of P1Jbllt1t10tt ttwrlOI'. 1r1 on flit In it>e office of Ille Counl'I' C1er.k of Orantl COii"'°'' undtr !ht -l$fc!PIS ol ~tlOl'I 1466 of 1111' Clvll Code. I Tired of Ban, Mail &: Hi .Cost Wilton and Harbor in .C.M. All .i'tY'tes and colon e 642-3128 • etnplOytt ·with eXperience, train. ria:ht men, . Ourt top I ' ettmputtt clubs: JOIN THE Trans, Dffded. Ask for Free est Lie. contr. wanted .for. full, time. day men earn lnexctsl ~f ~000 I FUN!· THE JN. CROWD -Becky. 548-1871 54().'1262 · ~78 Pool S9rvlc. . 6910 ahfft, APPJ1: 604 S. 'Coast a year. DIV. pr·t.M.P. Meet othen ''w"ILL=o-"'8~AB=y=s=i=T~. ~l>IY~~ .. -m-e.1 =========o I . ' · HW)'., 'Lai. Bch'. ·aevron ' AP,ply In per3qn "lo · with YOUR interests al our Nice plaY room & fenced in G rd e tst Mo. Free! Exper, lie, Sta. . Cenl!ral ~ Ma.darer · WITNESS my h{rnd lh!I 30th 41'1' of June. lfff. Mllllln II. HlrwY (OFFICIAL SEAL) Mlf'I K. HtnlY week]y parties or aelect ,.._1:.. 1 lu l ..__.. • 1nlng 6680 reliable! Tcny Taylor Pool . . Bob ~ Pontiac them tnd.ividua.Uy &: CGAI.S yard. v•u...r unch rn 1'""'· Service. 968-48l8 . BOYS 10 .. 14 l36fXJ s!ach mvd..wktmnstr join FREE> cau Leah 1·9 ~:eS:. c:;~538 shoppinz ANJH(IY'S Canier 'Routes Open ·f Ncl1r'1' Publlc--C1llftirn!t PrlM:loll Oflice In Oranee C01111tv My Cornmhalon l!x11lru NllY. 7~. 1tn Pllbll$1\ed Oranoe Co.t Oalty "'!lot. J ul'I' _), t. U. ri. lfft 1~ LEGAL NOTICE I E D p.m. 635-9320. Remodel, Rt pelr .. 6940 for · •• ·1.1.gima Beach, So. Laguna Person1l1 06405 Brick, Mlsonry, etc. 6560 64'·1948 * IF you need remodeling, DAILY Pn.ot The Best. costs no morel palnting or repi.tn., Call 64Ul2l LICENSED Experienced .....,,,"""" D!ek, 642-rm .C:un.o, Remodel, Repair B··•-i • •. ~ ... pi.... Store M•nager T.fln. trM. Spiritual Readings'; advice D..1-l. b'-·'· t ....... _,....._ .. '6 NVY pn all matt.era, :ru N. Di.-., WCA, c 0 n c re e • Graduate Horticulturist TILE, C.r1 mlc 6974 Excellent future for right Camino neat. San aemente crpntry, no job too small. man, call Dan Merehantl '92-9136. or t96-$07 Lie Con tr. · 96Ui945 • GAR~ =ENTS * Verne, The Tile Man • Pel'IOnnel Apney ~ Wcat- 10 AM • 10 PM • • '590 working thru coll CUat. work. lnltall ol repain. cliff Dr. N.B. 6f5.2770 SPECIAL p READING Carpentering ' . Exp. Lie.%. 61t&-4'JJJ3ege. No job too ama.11. Plaster CX>OK-ti.-y. expu •. :ynr. man Attradlff Expert . CARPENTRY JAJ;"ANESE Gardenlns pa~~· 1:,.~1~er who desires position· w/ \'.OUNG WOMAN. , MINOR REPAIRS. No Job aervtce and· ma.inte~. repair. -· · ' tu~. tor inter.· eee ·Mr. EXPERIENCED * COOK * REUllBt l · UE .. . 151 E. Coest Hwy, NewpoTt BUch ' I ~6 4 2 danoer wID toaeh you all Too Small. Cabinet In gar-A1'o dean up. · Trff S.rvlce 69io Sem.)ilold Mr. Ste.al<, Z/$1 * DRIVERS * latest steps. Oill Ardell qes A o th• r cablnets. • 548-2572 e · htrvlew, CM ~ · · No --~~· ' n;·=:;2I3"";"59!~;!:ill""""";IY'.e· "'M~cl.:~1'~"-"" =!'11'!!l)! ·• MOW~·EDGE ..... -WEED. T.REElL . _______ Droltsmon,..Dultn.$16+. N--ryl ' REDUCE Sate le: fast with iDSI at 646--.1;.Jii. • • Prof. lawn malrit by capable ,removed .. 26 Yi'I e X·Pi· ~ to 5 ·yn. exp, on print~ •~ CioBele ta.blets &:: E-Vap Allderaon Q>Ilere sludenti. Reas! ,Paulson Tree • Se r '! I c p clrcuitl .can Dan M~hanta M~t have ~arr ~ "water pilh" .. We 1 t c11 ft REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Kalina Brothers -. 646-1234 ,638-1234 Peraonnet A;eney 2AJb West-~tfrjvtng record, Apply Ptiannacy, 2043 WestclW ~Any •iu job BUSINESS & REStD@. JIM'S Gardening .& la.W'il ,cliff Drtft, N,8. 645-mo YELLOW CABr C~ Dr. 25 yrs._ expe:r. 548-6713 TlAL Gardening & aeanup •matntenance. Res. &: com-EXPD.· BUSBOY 186 E. 16th St.·· --co=UN=SELIN==0,...--REPAm. Partltibns, Small Exp'd 64&-6222 ' • merclal * 548-30J • Over 18. Oltta Mesa Ma)' save your ml.ITia.ee or Remodel. ete. Nile or da.y, G42-t'1Gti SURF & SIRLOIN Trainee ~· Call 67>2300. Reul Call KEN 5fG..46'l9 Reliabl~ Lawn Maintenance Upholstery 6990 S930 Pac. Cst. Hwy., N .. B. , H,. 10 am-5 pm. CARPENTRY • ttpa'.rs • Gardening and Oean-up CZYKOSKI'S eu.t.' Uphol. EXP pastry cook • Shipping Stock RIPE Wan!<d oa: to COrona Cablnetl & n.model. QuaH; Reliable !awn Mrvice, k."uropaan Craltun""'hlP · Exp fry cook, put Ught Delivery del Mar, eves. WUl pay. tywork.642-84&1or~ mow, edge, trim. 100% fin! 64Z..14M n. ~· ~ Int•---.--•-, LEGAL NO'llCE Call 613-035 alt 1 pm. Al l83I Newport Bl CM ~n-1 ~ -~• ••• .,, ,.~ QUALITY Repairs .. ten.-* 531·140t * • · • l33 s. Cou& Hwy, LB 1n1bitiota man with mtcbano ..._ HPPOORRTTRRAMITf!sf:.:<6Mli:l 4i454Ml1 tlon. -New coosL b7 hour cut• Edie Lawn lea! aptitude. ct1rr~~~::,uf =~•••s Chucoal, water °*r· Oil • or Contract. 64&-UO Maintenance, Ucemed Weldfnt 6995 WANTED: GeJ-O>e.ter A &Janee.now 885 w. l&th St. r'ht undenltnetl • artlf>f ...,. .,. -By J, It. MocMUJan MASTER c:arpmter ·,$4 per 548.-s/Mli-2.n.I) aft-4 rnOuldel"Boat Mtar. 8601 &C2-5100 . Newport Beach ponducll"' , ""'"'"' ,, 1.sm 1\ll;tlft hour Rcmocklin&: Re-pain WELDmo, Portl.ble equip. Edison, lfunt. 13ch. 09,y or 1 .;..=~'---='""-----1 ~~~:,,J1.n~11~01:"·+= ALOOHOUCS AbOl'IYmotll M.z.Mos er 536-ml. . ~·Inst.~'."~-. • .. ~ ment. Sptd.allztoi in ex-night call S36--9G63 Th·e ••. '"'er U.PlTAl IHV£STMINT AISOCIATEI PboD9: 542-1%11 or write to .... ._.""" wr:ll '-VU.I" eavatfng equip. Ste'ft!:XP.ERIENCED Ser•ice -·- •:rt1ow':':.' ~"" ~ cei;,:~ :,:: s P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. C t Co 'rete 6600 merclali * 5t3-84.ll Mcln)lk 5364782 SUn UICI Aft ttaUon attendant. Apply in #' lS FASlllON fSLAHD .,... •I.Kai"''"~.., .... !1-tr''W' , , Senalt lvlty-cfroup emen ' nc .TAPANF.SE gardener Compl f;3) week dl,)'l. pmon, D6 Harbor Blvd., NEWPORT BEAQl , l#~Y ~7. ~c';.~1..:-' ~ 1"" m &16-SUO ar 66-2513 e CONCRETE flit, Pfltlce .uv. '&q>er, deptndable, CM ~ NEEDS A -. °""' i;:. 1.11 or••· ,. Mtrlto "'*'-· etc. Concrete 1; blk top•• free est. IU-4389 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT SECt1JU'.J"Y OVARDS FULL ·TlMI~ ~,::-,::,: ::"".::: "'-"-R...r 5~~1on1 ~ _i4l0 _.....Rev. !lo!!. 64U5u , ........ , GaJdenl<w-!<e•pwt -· can -DIS.HWADlll; ·-' :;;_•f.J..,•., ..... ii_"-----4----1h-'----ll-6 --Comrnerclal e CONCREtE--wwk a.1 ·f1nest equip., e:cpa1 eve. ~~-rMen 7000 1'81~pm6314'.n'O --:: s•::n~::!..'fr~.C:::~Z1,....... h1 the Host.tiff typea.~declclltCUlkm. P1antlnc, ~ 96l-2l35 F. Buttnller wants to"JJTO Saleuian. a· MANwlU)rwto*mtbeM ' 1 :::,: ~~1 't::.'!it1":n.~~ to-very attncttw wtll·tfain. c.11 MS-l.324 Yamaucbl G&r'llm ~ work tor prot bou wbo per. onJ.v. 0.0 f« appt. =-= ln~ = G""'" --" -...... tilt """"' 7 ed glrla for.~ eon-•curn>M, PA nose J'ne Landtc&pe CtmlUltlQI PIYI prot_ula.ry. alter 6 t4$.0fJO. $2.SO ~ tir. M""Ull enJ07 , =..:r-.:,,_ ==:: ":.;llfl!, ftfttlonl, aaln events. l()ec.. concrete •wbi& 4 Nmoval e m.ll6' ... pm, 4K-OU8 SICW PAJNTER .. tt.,LAY0trr ~~ 1t&f0oaa. m4IOa. -"' ~--_1 la! P~tiol'!. etc. State Llc.•80-1010 EXPERT, J~~ U~par. JIAN~ .. $i.lll~hi. -SERiief;;f;:.:j8Tii'AA.-;:::'AA#ii~ir;l-_.:..-I '-°"-''~~ • .!:~!..., -t ''The W11twey-mrf11 * CONCRETE Woric, bond-tenance HA, F.V, aru. GM. lqer, ~ qrtrl,v to 1tarl H llandoipb· St; "l'Ull flme . A~ ~ . ~ ... ~ .,._,!!."'!"' For E -'"· " lk. Ooncnte ,.wi... e.n-~-,.,.... .-..1i.-~ CM. , . liee ilJlai: n cam.,.. Dr/ t'"~:'.:nc-~ 8 xptrf G A H O!'FSf:I' ertnttne. -prumPfl Cement. ~ J.~ Gantner MAN; 25 Boat Malnt job, FUU. t I m • DelicatnRn N.B. M'I' COn!mlWOll ... ,,... ._._._ I i:T --------~-... 1 \ , 0c1, 11.1m ll'NDRI... (dl'ICOUntonorder2Qll::<M!r~ J'or DAUy Pilot Want Ada ExJ>et. pl yard IM'Viet ~-Ask for 55-190 ·tban •. Set TttTY «15 c..1 . . · ~ p~ Oftntt CM•I 0.lb' 'lie!. .... in It JUvtnkte, NB 642..os2I) DIA( 6'2-56111 Im ~1'$ Fr. ;:541-7958~ betwn,-M~PM· St; C.M. Ll a..8114 OIARCE ~ nm .. . ~)4 IM J11tr t, I. U, I"' Ito!.., ~ i 1 1 -· Our ~·"" ScboOI 11 reoe-ivifll inquiries from I~ ""'1-"4 ~ in thia area ttprdlng our Tnl.tnlng Pto- i:nun. We would like to hear from. an eXPflrienced prof~ atoMl salesman who t»n in- teJli&enUy Interview and en. roll qualltted prospecta. Our leads result'trnm MW!tpaper and maguine advertlslna wblch clearly gpella out our progr'am. Thus w~ fumlsh only quality leads. Abaft &Wnll:I! commiasSot1 sche- dule and bonus plan ~ right man $ll,<m .:. $1._000 a year, can cn4l T1U720 • Mr. Oliver Prodct. Workor $407 HIS grad. Pref. married. Ex· cellent potentlal Call Dan. Merchants Pmlonnel J,aen- C)', 2403 WestcUH Ortve, N.B. ~ Help Wonted Women 7400 FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT "* ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY $543. to $652. .. PERSONNEL TECHNICIAN J. C. Penney Co. Fashion Isla.nd Newport Beach NEEDS FULL TIME • CASHIER ' for our money room Recent, •ucttuful experie~ prefe.rre{I, Competitive wag- e• and ouwanding benefits indud~. $537. to $646. APPLY IN PERSON * 1(1 A.l\f. lo S:OO P.M. Champagne ' Temporary Help NE WPORT BEACH 3849 Birch Street SANTA ANA 1 6l~F, E. Fourth 54G-734S E XPERIENCED .e ESCROW e SE CRETARY 3141 E . Coast Hwy Corona del Ma r 673-924(; Equ"I opportunity employer abilities anlfm ite() agenc;y , QuaJity Positions for Qualified Applicants 488 E. 17th SL, SUlte 224 Costa Mesa ., 64l:l41!1 REQtJIREMENTs Monda.Y tmu "'"""-'-LYN B<...-urses Afds Typlni 60 wpm, sho,!!ttand tl• oo .wpm, Fringe oootfii>; J ( PENNEY CO Largo progre,.ive ECF ,_,, 12 d&y1 paid vacation per • • • U. Orlen.ta.tion provided by a yr and 12 days paid sick full time, Jn servi~. educa· leave per yr, major med.I--24 Fashion Island ror. Openings on all shifts, cal lmurance policy. An equal opportunity Dilferential pd fa,· swingers FOR INFORMATION employer & nHe owls. Only those who Call Miss Zachmeye.r, 842-6651 *' * care need apply at 1030 W. Ext 225, between 2 Ir: 5 pm. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Warner, S.A. 546-6450 . COASTAL AGENCY ._ A MEMBER OF .lllflllN&·& SHRl.1116, INC. Wor'ld'1 large1t prof•ssloMI employment servicel Harbor at Adams Costa Mesa 540-6055 R ecpt-Secty For NeWI!Qrt Beach Realtor. Solid akll1s, poised, attrac. ' lplmeditfo~ Opt~ I.or • dork ~lit .. ~ ~ our purcbulnrr department -to P<rio;m -cl•rlcal tunc:Uon• .. b'Pinl ptm:bye ord..., flll'C and pootlng: Ml.&St be able 'to type eccur- ·atdy, We will aCcept appll- ca&nl with a m..lnlmwn of aixmonthsderlcal- experience, GoOd atarlint Al&ry and benefits include U daya vacation during tint yt&r of employ.ment. varian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Mlcholson Drlv• (Adj. Clr'arlge O>. Airport) ~. Clllif. 93364 Ah equal opportunity emplO)"tl' M &: F *ESCROW OFFICER .. -- l ' -- ' Teari119 Down BuUdlng to Make Room For Our New Store SPANl~H ** MEDmRRANEAN -3 Rooms Furniture - OVER $1000 VALUE -f-or;-$389 •· DON'T MISS THISll 5 Pc Spanish Din Rm set, 8 ft. sofa & love seat, 3 heavy Medit, style matching tables, 5 ·pc Spanish bedroom set. . 0'!",ER EXAMPLE PRICES: e 5 pc, Spanish oak game sets, low as $169.95 • guar. mattresses or box spring!l, $19.95 • 5 J>C· Spanish dinette set $69.95. • 3 pc. Sparush bedroom sets $99.95 • Spanish table lamps $12.95. ' Remainder of Huge stock' at terrtfic savings! bank flnC; Mai ftr Ch•rge, Bank of Arnt rlca. • or StoN Cha,.,.. * This S.W For Stoc~ on Hond Only * MERCHANDISE POlt MI RCHANDIS! POR SALE AND TRACI SALi AND TRADE Furnftur9 8000Fumltur. ~ PUBLIC NOTICE PECORATOR Gm CANCltlATION OF 18 LUXURY AP~RTMENTS S111nish & N\edii.rnnean Fumltvre All BRAND NEW ~.~~:zr~~...;;.r•: :..nc~rrv~aurt-~"I ..•....... ~ =·~~:::r ,~!·~~"*'· '.l.''a::.:.:.:_:::.::.:.::.:.:,;;;,o; •11,1:11 ~ ~ '"' ~"fl,...'Al.ts1 .... , ....... wow t: A decorator dream hOtJse on display - 3 rooms of . gorgeous Spanish furniture (Was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 Cll•DIT R~I AVAIL.AI LI: Clll!DIT CLlAllaO IMM•DIAT•LT mm FURNITU~ 1844 Newport Blvd.Ha:.N., Costa Mesa only IYtry Night 'TU 9 -Wed., S.t. I S... 'TD 6 tive gaJ, Start .$425, Call PoaJtion available for pel'- Glorla Kay. ., son&ble tndMdi:lal with Joan ~Ing "'achines 8120 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 Gen Ofc-Cashitr Building materials back· iJ'Ound. Ouirming bo!S.'1, pleasant atmosphere. Start $125. Call Glori& Kay, -Secretary Marketing Dept. Good a/h typing, .much telephone, Di. vel'Bified engtneering .firm. Start 1495. Cal) Gloria Kay, Soety/Logal Good background in general Ji~ Jg_Wif'. will Ket YO.U a top 1pot in H.B. 1oc. Goes to l'l!"· Call ~·"!i!< J<aY. •.. Secty I ExKutive To V.P. Skllled. with con- struction background, t o r growing Newport Be a c b company. Goea 10 $550. Cell Gloria Kay, Pl'OCH&in& ex,pert•n c•. Knowledge of new accounts and related S .&:. L dutle1 1'j!!~i!ii .,,.-Typo 50 wpm. "JOBS Exocllent WO-condJ. --" EMPLOYMENT tloos and 1r1ng, h<oetib. Jobs-Mon Wom, 7500 Please call Mr. Lewia tor1----·'-'----·I OVER -STOCKED Furniture 8000 appoh>bn•.nt, 6Q.47ll. ~ Gle~d;le · "p:~~ei Now ~~T ~~~. choice of clra., ~. $230, F d I r.:. • agency no .,,; $149.50. He-adbrd11: e era .H!Ylngs TECHNICAt Kfngj,, ns. Quo<,,.· su.50 . Fult 110.50, Twios $3.95. 1833 Newport Btvd. PQSITION Trundle sets Cduo riser) w/ Coste Meu, Ca llf. Afany professional &. tech. inner spring matt, J'el'. $100, nlca! 905itions available. now $79.50, Roll..a-wll)' bed.a Ca.U ?\f. Baughman,. 642-3870. w I inn. spring, matt. reg. &ll...Dover"1niva...... _ ~.~.JlPw $39.50. Full.. az. Ne\vport Beactt · sleeper-sofa reg. $239.50, now SLEEP For cash. Wanted: $1S9.50. Nt?W beds: K l Q g , 1 b $99.50, Qu~n1, $89.50, Full alcep talkers Jor a, $49.50, Twins $39.50, fully research. U )'OU talk ln your gWlrtU1. King-size spread!, EXPERIENCED 1969 SINGER with zig-i.og & '69 GE Stereo: FM &: AM, walnut console. Makes but-radio le. record player. ton holes, del'iigm etc., $5.1!> Beau. cab. S385 val.· make mo. or $36.00 cash., 526-ai16 oUer. 644-4676 SINGER Sewing machine I;;;;,==:==::===== rentals. SS mo. Free pickup ~Ing Goods 8500 &: delivery, Call 526-6616 - UPH01SI'ERING '11tichines. Ptaf( 145 a Slnger 11JW105. Will sell cheap 645-0890 e ATTENTION HUNTERS New gun shop in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach area. Theo Musical Inst. 1125 finest in guns & all acc:euor-·.:::.:.:.:::::..:.:;;::.:.. __ ...:.;= ies. TENOR SAXOPHONE The "EARL OF AR?.18'' Good condltig.n S95. Suite 10 . 2m2 Ne'l'!J)Ort Blvd. * ~~8-3163 T CM 646-1318 HOuFs 1'lil 9 pm ARMSTRONG Flute Mod. 90 .. CAMPING equip: Propane Cost $235, sell $100. Xlnt stove. cooking kit, lantern, concl. 547-1753 etc. 283 Del Mar Ave., CM. CLAfiSl.CAL Guitar w/good I ----~---- 08" $50. Miscellaneous 8600 * LI ~2'19 * e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME. TELLER sleep call 633-9393 ext. 188 ho' t •-o"" h<tw. ,.., '"' furtl•" h<o. ' '"' 0 '"" ... 12 ·-* AUCTION * now $12.99 SIESTA SLEEP Pianos & Or,.an1 8130 CLERK, Exp'4 ln selling SHOP, 1927 Harbor Blvd, CM • U YoU will aeU or buy UNITED oomm•relal •tationory & ott ...,_,,..,dally lo.9 Sat 106. JUNE SALE"' glv, Windy a ..,. S.cratory 'CALIFORNIA BANK '"ppi;;,, TIDE OFFICE SPANISH ••• Au'"°"' Friday 7,30 p.m. ,. -al '-......_,,..,i Starts · SUPPLY 3011 Newport 'f'a'Ctory authorized clearance w· d , • RECPT-PBX to $425 L.O<:t; .........,....,... .. , ME f turn & demos in y s Auction Barn Aug.1. Attractive, very bl-7J;20ceanAvt., r..aiWi,aBcb.,,oBl~vd--o.,~N_.B~. --,,.,.-..,.-,.,... DITERRANEAN o overage, re ~ . Some typing required. Love-telligent &. skilled. Will go 49• •••• "FIC Boot<kee...,r, Pt. t m' Returned from model horiies. Pianos & Organs. Practice Behind Tooy'1 Bldg. Mat1. . ee NEEDED URGENTLY N&DED •• Two Office Girls ly ollice in O.C. airport to $600. Call Gloria Kay, ~ Perm. ~;: Pay/R. T3• J Rlns ol furn, (din rm, liv pianos, new walnut EPi.oet ~ Newpoprt, CM &t6-8686 • Typists area. Iee reimbursed. · """.,.. & tJed.oAl_p.dced_ell pianos, new &: used Grands ______ _ L--li'.""'lll"'~h<'.'__:25:_and~~·lll""~'°:_drivr...::' '.:J.•~Se~c:rreet<ta11rriiite'5S·--+--:-:-:-:~!!.-:l11'~::;;;;;--~----;;C;:I ::;:k-;;T;::::;:. :;1--t---1f(RftiRY ~~B u;u " c•,...Jwt.."'' re at $s9:i ls youn tIJda~ Cemo Baldwlfl Organs FREE 300 Blue Cb.ip Stamps APPLY UNLIMITED AGENCY er YPIS atonly"19,$5perwk,$3J really & truly on money w/complete buainesa 186 Ea.st 16th SL • Bookkeepers 48S E. 17th St., 5Ul~~.?'21'<70 Wlthoh~m~ bfkkpgt, offiMuch tel· Technic•l Typinn R&D EXP' BEAUTY delivers. • saving ~? ! Get in Oil starter kit Includes: 500 Costa Mesa. e Keypunch Costa Mesa ........ ep ne "' ron ce ap... • OPERATOR to take over Sa nta Ana Furniture the big de~ at: imprinted letterheads, 500 pearance. Gttat variety. lollowing. 426 W ,, h St San , WARD'S BALDWIN SJ'UDIO env, 500 invoices, 5 o o 00\JNSELORS, 11 tin. al· Operaton G<ics to $525. Call Gloria mM Executive: 3-5 yrs exp. C.ta Mesa. ~75ZJ: • M1-ci1n ta :.\nil 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-84M purchaAe orders, l.000 bul. tra.cttve. mature women fDr ~e Betty Bruce at Kay. ~~.-~:.s 6;· SLEEP for cuh. SUbjects -========='I FREE cards, 3-lln.! rubber stamp, ~--aalon, varied duties; • nd ~ ---· _-All n...;-t-in .. 897 ••---· traln Work when a -m e 646-7ll5 e nttded for UCI sleep lilb. Household r~~.J-8020 =='="="="'=--"-~'-·'-~.:,,.'~I IXI exper. ness. we · where you want I • . Hostess Equal Opportunity Employer atudiet for fuis suriimer. vvuws 1 month rental of new plano. BATTER.IE; 6 volt $6, 12 Call Miss Gest, tot appt. t.1~ X t!C Ex-ncnced on I y, wellll;i;iii;i;;;ii;ii;i;;;i ...... ..O;;;i;ml Call """ 9393 ext 188. SMALL appli ......... pJo•--, Choose fmm Kawai, tlallet It S8 S -··"-I U CAMEO FIGURE SALON .... _.. 1 ... M '[I Q.»-.... "-" llll"r.> & Davis, Stark, Hammond, VO '!.-.. ... 0 0 & set 675-<:!50. lllftRIM A,rency for Career Gl.rll gmom ........ _;_~ modern uur a EXPEltIENCED -tramea, boork5, lO)'i, lad.ti Cable, etc, 6 months inini-of spark plugs w1th1>attery ~ "'' CIO W. Cout Hwy .. N. 8. ing room, aenetits. To $520. Lf&Al JRAIJIE Waitresses, over 2l/Kitcben A: men's clothing. See Sabir-mum. purchase. Allcars. Will pay e WOMEN & GIRLS By appoint 646-3939 call AM Williams. help, over 18. 830-l600 day at garage !ale. 2282 llMrI~tOND $1.40 for old car batteries. Pleawrt tdopho"' work PERSONNEL SERVICE Redlanda Dr. N.B: (ott '3rd lo CORONA DEL MAR Volt Battorlc~ 2027 Harbor from our office, no exp. Secratary to ""SO Seely/Mr""-Work at Newport Center, • 7600 St. between Santa Ana & 2.~. E. "-·-t l'wy ,~ -30 Blvd., CM 645-0890 FUil .. n ... tJ $2 to "" ":!.,_ 11tart ~A""'/mo »-.•Ires .sec-School .. ln1trud1on Tu tin A ) OJ"I '-"""' ~ '~" nee. or~· me. 445 E. 17th St. Fee P.Bid. Top co. Strong En-Young stall. Good e:iW.ta. Ex· retarW _.._rl;:.!" ........ 60 s ve. 1969 WORLITZER CHEVRON Wilri W l k 1 $5 per br. Apply 6-ll or U l'f . · El 1ro '· bkg -lloot -~·· M"-... ~~ ... ~ ....... , v~ AMPEX 1000-~,,-~,.. Doll Co •-t --• •M• 230 W W Suite Costa Mesa, Cat • gineermg or ec nl&; · .. ,. ... v~:c-v. ...."' wpm, llgttt &hart tta.nd. At. oc:•-• '""""'u • CONCERT ORGAN ars nl&"s ~-'"""' p .... .., p.m. ' arner, 642-7523 Good akilla, Call Laraine, ~-n~ $450. Call Ann Wil· to......., Roland S. Barcwne. B p I mise. tapes included.' $90. 3 & 4 on $2,SOO ticlcet & .part 217• S.A. Mcrcha.nt.B Personnel Agcn-1a.1u:;, rA~·;-_:,.,,. e . rosperous T 642-0089 32 Note pedals. Less than 3 7 on $1,00J ticket. Will :;;plil Part "' fu1t 'time 1D WQmen .......... w cliU D · N B ....-.-w.w months old. P<Ud $4995 • · Wrl'-p 0 ---•·• 1mm~. lor "'"d I t . ·n,. cy, .r.vw est rive. . . . kil4 Asking S3:SO. See al: pnze money. "" .. ::UeJdes o;" compa~ Mr;,:.r;.:::·F~i. 6-G-2770 (Also fee Job!l Secretary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l~~Y ~~~.s I~i;:n Zu~ ~a rage Sale 8022 Gould Music Company ~3 "'284, Surfside, Calif. Age 2l-65 8 t 5 m SECREI'ARY, some book· Not necessary to tta~ l~ RECP-PBX operator, 11 am our "Door Openers". ANTIQUE Furn & glass + 2045 No. Main, SA 547-06Sl S'ttl p .._ A a.m. 0 P· ' keeping bal:kground. Good experience but must have to 5 pm for growing Mfg. NONA HOFn.µN, misc. 176:11 Saft Marino Cir, 8' BEIGE naUg. sofa $40, 4 · 1 ng re,' 7 gency typist, some m e d I ca I good skills. To $525. Call Ann Co. Mu.st be neat appearing, Newport HAMMOND • Steinway • Ya· maj)le bar stools $25, Ken. Member ol We Sit Better, Equal opportwllty employer knowledge preferred, Apply \\'illiams. type min 4().-00 wpm, Perm S h I of B • FV. 962-5852, 96'l·5419 matta • new & used pianos more port. disb\vasher $35. Inc. Sublidiary o; Gerber J. W • Robinson in pcnon pogili?n. Xlnt e m P Io Y .e e c ;: Dover ~~:ss of all makH. Best buys in P3 stave, $25, beige ch.air Prod. C.o. 642-3274 f t ~~·~ft Beach Nursina Home · '• benefits. A-1•• 1n ...,....,n Appliances 8 100 So. Calif. rlght here, $3, \\'Oman's bathin<Y suit gz 'Has opening or: .._....... -... Teller t'VV ....--• Newport Beach 642-38'i0 ~~-·------SCHMIDT MUSIC co ·~ Receptionist $400 4~ Dlsc lnltruments, Ioc. 2101 ·• l~ worn oncy $10 548-8250 Who wants a change, train-u ... n • .1ft .. St Santa LADY Kenmore auto 1907 N. 1t1aln, Beaut new ofc1 C.1.f. co. Xlnt * COSMffiC * MARRIED? TOO !\fANY able for proof machine, Ele-~ 6uua.q.....,-• " SCRAM-LETS washer, turquoise, 1a 1 e =~~.--=-San°""ta::,.:.Anac.::,~~-KIRBY vacuum c I ea ne r oppty! Call Bobbie, ~ BILLS? Pcrmanent·par1 gant surroundings. To $425. ..,..,. xlnt 8 0 w/attach. polisher. XUIT Jason 8'st time help \vanted tp snack Call Ann \Vllliams. Th R mod., cond. S • ELECT R 0 N I C Piano, oond and guar. Pay off Employment J\&ency SAllnllQMEN bar. See manager after 7:30 e 1gger ANSWERS -347-8115 portable, pllys thru Hi-Fl. over payments. credit 2120 So. Ma.in, S.A, 11.Jft pm. Paulo Drive In PIONEER fu11y auto, Water Ideal for beach home, Dept., 535-Tl89 Theater, 30.51 Newport Blvd, B~kpr/Secty # 16 FASHION ISLAND conditioner. Used 8 mo.-Sold mountain cabin, boat or SALESWOMAN. Experience (Experience preferred Young boss, advertislng llnn. NEWPORT BEACH Crotch_ Froie _Soapy -home do not need. Cost $625, teaching. Only $495-terms.. 4 DIRECI'OR ch airs; in ladies ready to 'vear. 01. Unusual opportunity I a r NEEDS AN" Sundae -JlAZARO • seU $300. 673-7084. NE\VPORT OJ;tGANS 645-1530 decorator plant; tt<l lacquer Over25. Apply Mon thru Fri Full time position. Ex-Jl'DY I.EE Je\vels. $300 in right gltl. $525. Call.Ann Wil· EXPERIENCED News Item: Drive-in mov· · I.: gold lea! server; combin. 10-4. APROPOS No. ·21, ccllent company bene-fashion je .... >elry loaned to Iiams. NORGE Auto washer, late HA!\1!\fOND Chord Oc"''"'i i' TV/Stereo; misc. 64!>-2936 T & Cou try n-0 u r s ty J I~ ts. 3 5 o/o WAITRcc.5_ IM: can't show nude • type model, xlnt cond. $75. Xlnt Hu11out! $350. a own n • .., ... ngc fits. , -~-~~~--'-""'o:--lfllms th.at can be ~n from 847 "llS 640 2•82 -s. f 'OTRON Electronic camera comm\s.<;iOn·"·e train! Part •· S ""<> ,,. ., "'VI" d 1 · d REAL Estate Salesmen why Office Clerk Genera l Office $4 0 the road because this constl· ---------n~ ony aun & shoot, ay mt sell 1r; be trained in the APPLY ~~l~ime. Call 833-0560 or Shorthand & typing, variety, Good typist, know calculator. tU1es a motoring HAZARD. SPIN~S~Ec°RANDS o 67 c,o 2 1g 1 1 28 1t. Cost S300, sell $150. hottest IU'l'a • Huntlng1on PERSONNEL DEPT. busy office, public contac!. General cllice duties. ~· DRIVING LESSONS Antiques 8110 · 63& 3620 ~ Beach. Call Phil AlcNamee Fashion Island DINING ROOM \VAITR£SS. To ;350, Call Ann Willian1s. pany will relmbunle the Ai low as $5.'15 per week w/ -=~=~~==c-LADIES While gold diamond 002-44n Village Real Estate Newport J?each ES: Day&. eve. shifts avail. tee. Call Loraine, Merchant. pay later plan. Free' borne MUST MAKE ROOM PIANO WANTED & sappttlre ring. v a I ACCOUNTING Office needs App in pci-son, 15070 Edf . Secretarv Personnel Agency, 2043 pickup. Security Driving FOR NEW SHIPMENT {213) STI-1035 Pvt Party $1125-aacrlfice close estate clerk. Operate accounting Equal opport'Un!ty employer \l.'anis, Hunt. Bch. Ask or liankf Ace • t' typuig Wes1cliU Drive, N.B. 645-2770 School l-526-223..'J. FURNITURE CLEARANCE Si\15. 644-2S44 aft 6 pm. ,. ma'h'. '. "·ht bk k P 0 g. Ex-rlenced Only Ralph or Gll.l'Y. rig. · wra e 1 (Alao fee jobal ' SALE Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 •=====~-'-=-1 ne Lol6 ,~ speed not e!SentJal. Tel er Educational Vacation Sth A~~EL --"'----'----UJNSIDERING qualified Statistical typing. hrs: 9-5 CH 1 L D c a r e n c e d e d experience. To $550. Call Customer Service graders ... • • Sr Cittzens "' 1969 SOLI!Y Stall stcrec, 4. man for p_urchasc .,Pf Irvine 548-7040" GENERAL OFFIC~ weekday!. Cdt.t. Can go to Ann Will1ams. • XIJlt co, beaut offices, friend-Chilcoat 10 ·lesson typing ANTI ues. spd, 4 speaker audio system • est Cntry Club membersttip. Prefer -tauranl e........,..;ence. beach-, will c 0 n s 1 de r ly CO'WOrken.. To S409, Call Sehl.• Trial Les.wn. 173 Del -,,;=:t69=E_.,,1..,7,lh_S_t.~, _CM_,,,,-lo w•l-·t -0.,1c. Take 64:>-0114. CASHIER & Counter Girl ..... A..,.... responsible t ee nag e r. ..., .,,, .... ., ~-"~~~~---1 Muat be 21, working brs Apply after 2 p,m. 675-3265 or 675-3177 eves'. Teller Edee, 546-M!O Mnr C.M. 5'8-2859 THOA1AS Ed Ison grams. oV('r s1n1.U peymenls or pay Quall!)' king bed, quilted. ~~·as~s:-3~ ;:~~ FIVE CROWNS HOUSEKEEPER. 7:3G-4, no Great spot tor,.rlghGoodt girl with Em~=n~~ncy PIANO LESSONS ~':C:,;::. J!1! ~.:-~ ~~it De.~ ~~k fl'.68: ~~.let;~,,",""""', 0 1911' ;w~~ ...,........... ..__ -•t !I 5 new a~~ . coal-...,~,. ..,_ vai .. S .. Bcgirmlng students pref. ...1 Ith horn Pl U -~ --lng1on ext. ~7 RESTAURANTS Cll.'J)er. '"'SL ..... -pany benefits. To $4(IO. Call ""'-' ....... ~·---.. ·"-u~c. Music M•""r can co .... w . a.ya WC 841-0400 Part • Lido O>nvalescent CLERK TYP na.u ..,.... · w/ 5 playina:: cylinders, PLACE your Wknt ad where ""'""''=~--~-~-I GOOD I RONE RI Hospital 1445 SUpcrior, N B, Sally I-fart. • IST, peno . B c, 546-4478. Make ottPr. Call Chris ti.-• • .._ !ooldnn _ DAILY CJIARTER lull fa m 11 y I need woman tor perm, pot. 3801 E. Paclftc Coast Hwy. 642.2410 ty ... ,~at..,... appurance!ull, Mtlmeet S01.m-l O>ast Sailing schl. 645-:W:S all S. P'lLoT~lll64ili;i 6U-5618-mernbeJ:'.stip N~wport Beach 12 d"-VK/wk'. 6 hJ'I 673 5U1 Corona deI Mar General Office puuuc. ""' wpm, e Learn to lei! on--26•~ Ra ·"°'=..,..,=~,,,,...,,_-._,,. 1 · cl b, $700 548-3*)3 · -~--' uH:-· -· . --UKE. to Dccorato. !it!.ll home. ·noolik -. ~---. . 1t pos.-laquirie Pl!ncnne:I dl!pl ·KING LouUI XIV, 9 pc din ennis u · vanolll Othefdii . ' NO PHONE CALLS I u rnlshlngs? Commi1111kln eeplllg expenenee Jtoag Memorial Hospital, Sloop. 645--1133 room Et. Xlnt cond. 50 IS YOUR AD IN a.ASS!· GREENJfOUSE comes apart •RN Owge Nune onl y. Full oi-part time. good typing fur busy area NB. VIOLIN Yean old. Prv p r ty, FIED? Somecne will be ln sections; 8x10: well *HOUSEKEEPER, exp pref. EXECUTIVE Interviews f~ri & Sat 9 til l. ~~any. To $500. Call Sally NEED housekeeper 1 0 r AND PIANO LESSONS. 832--0261 looktng loi; It, Dial 642-5678 made. $150/oUer. 6'16-2105 .. App. ln • ~: Laguna 832--0261 eldui.· S<.'mi·lnvalid lady, 5<0--589J ;;=::======c!,,==''==="=====-==="===="===;;o Beach Nursing Home. y OUNTS v 494-8015 SfCRfTAR CREDIT & ACC Ste no TralnM lite coo1dng; haa mlnJ. poo-UCl French major wil tutor RECEIVABLE CLERK die. Salary open. Live out. higtt school students. EXPERIENCED lw:o.lp In ---~-... . _. Sal. open Good typlng & shortttand. Hoag 1-1~1ta1 area, Nn, 6 847-'i8'.>6 cverlock. blind aU:ch, I. Pennanent • part • timfo. Ill>' ,..,.. ....... "U tmm...... • will Ira.in right gal Good -.- 119 needle. 5 ~1/wk. prox. 4 hrs/day. Dictaphone EXll'd only.MP,1500 for appt. ndvancement, To $400. Call days. 8:JO..S:30. 6'12-1385 TUTORING day lhilt. hrb'. pay. 1621 & shthnd. Somt work at ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Solly Hart. Accounting Clk. $425 In Spanish or German Alabuna. Huntington Beach. home. Prelcr 40 yn. or olrl-AIR, A/P, Suluy Com· Know gencnLI accounting. 2 548-5893 1 I er. Send rtsurne to: P.O. mensurate ""' 11.btllty. Ap-S ""•rs exp C..11 Loraine Mer· ME RCHANDISE FOR ~·m~• AID to Ive n to ocretary ~-· ' · '~"'~ Box P.1:900 Daily Pilot ply nt 2)) ~ C.P.1. ch ts P I Agency take care of sm.I lnvalk! & ' • Wittt gOOd skills &: ~use o1 an el'80nne • SALE AND ... TRADE lite ~'Ork. call afltt 6 HEAVY TYPJNG &: aome HSKPR for 2 e.lderl)' ladies d tn rot3 Wcstclill Drive, N.B.1-,;o;;:::.::...;;;.::-..;::.;.:~.;;:_ .... _.,...,.,.. eencral omce work. Small l.Jve ih, lite \\'Ork. lctapttone. Pl:u!lh 0 ce In 645-2770 Furniture 8000 ..,,.......,,.. _,... r Pl new co. To S450. Ca.I.I Sallyl=o==---~---1:.o:=c:::;::._ __ ...;:=: I SEC/RecpL Attractive &irl •"'-'6· inn. penn. eiwnl 673-3284 llart. DINING room w •it re 11 ·ME RCHANDISE FOR -...1--f wmidng eond'A. Pref. 25 or J,ITE ae:unng Bay r r on t Mlllt have experience. Call fOr: COOIUIHrw ""'"•~ 1 0 • over. Apply mar n 1 n g a Tr:l'I r $l go 6 hn wk. for interview. 4 9 2-11 7 2 . SALE AND TRADE flee. mA1 conUkr pt·Ume, p.ll!lllleo Golden's Mag le 1 e · ' · Girl Friday Omara R.estauranl s an ELEGANT Walnut d In. ntJI airport. $40-aTA WaM, 946 W. 17th St. C.M. O\vn trans. 54&-7l3l Bu.sy ollice I: !eltphones, Clemente · ' table, ~buffet bue • top • TAOJ TIO, nfgtU. ov. 21 . MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER PAX aMw'R' acr .. exp'd prt'I. ~ bookkttping .l typing EXP'D cl 1o... 3 ~. Cost $llll5 2 yrs a.go, Soml' elCJI prerd. Apply AM, In an ~ing ~icaJ Vl.ried sttifts, s!ead,y woric, helpful To SJ50 Call Sally ean.... woman, 6«-162'7 . 697 W. 19th SI. C.X.. ~ dr .... -t. E:it· HD are&. 5.'3&-Slml lfa11. , , days week, $2.2.7 hr. Own ~Uty k' bed, quilted, .,_ ... ~. ..t..i ~ _.r1erable.. Ref.I. req, ,_,,, ...... ,_.~_.~ -, -· .. WAJTRESI. _,•&-.ov . .21.. Cl!llent M1aJ')I' • benefits. UCJ;;NSED Al\ampoo .... Q1.....u•o1 ... " .. ~""'"' ... ,UJOC\ol ...., ~ n.YINC BUTLEft.. m.<S7f. -;tnqo.trt "1"l!rl0nne -ummm •itt'ded. 'J'vv '*"· sc ro'W Officer 0 0 ME s T 1 c help one ~. Mt.er 5 or wknds O:Etact Mr. tlmmet JI 0 AG ME M 0 RI AL 64.~7 Experienced, local company rl /wk Corona ~ Mar _8'_7_--0!-06~------ DDITAL Mil, uper at doM 'llOSPITAL, NB. E XP'D WAITR E SS otfl'!n a lot for 'the rit:ht °"'~ ~ 67J...8:)28 ' MA fl o GAN y Breakfront ~~ Xlnl opoorcu~llt ..., .,. okl, blind man want$ SUR!' & SlltLOlNN 8 girl. To S650. CaU satly Hart. drop , leaf t a b I e • 4 -.u. . t• ~· 59.10 Pac. Csl, lhvy., • • uphOlslered chain. 546-8234 ·---1----Declal Recept. • mi:kpr..-~=~~-d~trtr.to ~ • -MA1DS .JJo!A!UMold. Kt y))'lnch -Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 &' SOEA ~u;;c:QUiliC(\ ----I • Esp, or col.Jelt, .z.tS. 'n . cer ar cook 1 meal. 4 ,Experience. $1 .85 hour. Plu, varloua ottice dut1fs. SALl!:S ' Llahting fixture fioral, Scotch f\lal'ded 1$125. ~ -"lil'C-trmeS/wk. pe.)'I $IOO 1 Ca.II matlO TtrrUic opportunl17 for' ad-ihOwroom • Cltl>C:rtcncw • Mat.china' low #tat $15. DAYTIME OUld care needed 15.1MXll EXPERIENCl!:D Single N~ Vlloocment In aood .... $C31J, a1aG openinc for a tnJni?e.l.:;53;;!.a>.U,;::::_~--~~~ ~~¥!old ~· OSM area i:,. die Opc~n. Apply: 825 Call Sa111 liart. 7 Salary plas commll!lkln.. URGE all mJrror cocttaD ~ aJWr "» Wilt. f'lepbants! DfmM.tlrie \V. 18th ~~ C.OSta Mesa. 54713M table -Inches. M6--9t!98 1 ___ _ ' -.. -L I ! --·-------- • ,._, MJ l, 1'6t un;Ry l'f1,0l'9900 r MERCHANDISE FOR I MERCHANDISE FOR TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTATIO T N POR A I N T SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE S~kl ao.b'""903o Truw 9500 Imported Aul.. -lm;.rt;;IA.1oo -Imported.Auto, 96IO UJOC! Cartt -9900 UMd Ciro Ml-II-· l600 Mloc. Won!M 16IO Chesler Wolh 'l' SHELLS * -a XAWASAKr -POU ' ------- BA'ITERIES • v ft.9' "'· u $ WE BUY $ Ul2 Ordionl-Ori.. Sllaht\Y damaged/d>eap. l!O. '100· Call ll<n at ~E -VOLVO CH!'aOLET FORD V $5"5 ts, f'W'· ll_mo. Pa, · _ S.nta AN H*1hh ~ 131-.UCO m...sm . ~ '&1 PORSCHE Cb.lpe 1000 & lki&6M 4 5'££0, New Urea. 66 omolfl '63 XL hardtop, dlr, fact atr UJS<ld Mil -FURRITVR:__e---'ST 'l'OYOT4 PICKtJP-'SO ij, GO RUNNIN2_ <XJM) --. "11<-ltO>tnt l350 or' boot otter-. * oond, bud<ot-11, ""'t ..,._ " ~ !Ml.CL~ You ""lht ...,_.., -J30ll • · is.....i. .~!:+--+:::::..:: l1w., mower with 4 hone C•I• l'Y"1-Pl•11•'..-$_t.,..•1 2\leki£sl0the * ~ * 84M0?5 '" to. apprtt. Seit otter. CAP ICE take low pymnta.. ATB 111 Kohler eflll,ne . f46...1629 1 '"-" •r Heu•• full ins.&'.l3f Anti.tun, Cl111lcs 9615 VI, autorn.aU~. flctory •Ir, .can J:Ctn 49f..tn3 , &i'i'OM, oudboard CASI! IN IO MINUTIS FIREWQRKS J-9510 , ALFA ROMEO ooi rollSCllE c Couj>t, "' • • • • VOWtr '"'"'"VOW"-~ l.;:;='=======- per<c<:t ooodlllon; 1,..., old e 5'41,4531 • SPECTACULAR *' l9'7 BRONCO ... -_,. Wblll, ami!M ,rt d 1~. "'°r ~~ T ron1. coupe~· ....... ,,vi•·~--•• , .• ~~·~~· hea1• UNCOLN $50. MT"'591 at the · -1. • ,.._ ALfA A.(tmeO Spldtr Vtkice cbmmt ....... SJ 50'0 . e,....,.,,. & ~e PJrll, $""". ,..,., QCN• •w Ma "I I •700 ANAHEIM w ui:on llanltop, ...ti wblte. '58, wcy aood ....S;il'li5. 111.:ai. l m.-alter g 1lll-1<owtoo ay, O>ola $1695 2 YR n1embershJp to Holiday c'l n~ry, ! c. .~ ~TADIUM ' wheel clriv~ w { lockina ~?) p.:m. • Mesa. 11)..2 weekdays ~fa;, Spa, make ou.r. STEAM'"JOILER ~~July <th hui>I. n1dlo, bea\er, ,..., ' ATLAS 196'1 IJNOOO<. cleao, ... ODO mll~t. Loaded, air, ete. Mu.st sell 1.ut. m-&J0 '"'"'lrl&l steam aouer. Pat-~~':.~.:;:; i~·~.: .;'~;.~':!il~., ,,..._ AUSnN 'HIALEY SUBARU Autoo Wont.cl 9700 MERCURY Misc. Wantad 1610 ker 10 b.p. Good wo~ Yollr ticketa. (North Coun1)' er, bided. Show Alo, Mu.st COLLECTOR'S '55 A. >t. WE PAY ' ' omYSLER -PL\'MOUTJI 1--------- ol i.ll!l~:O"= ... .,,.. numhor Jo 640-1220) .... rrus.-mMOI, ...-~.--•, top, . CA.SH 21129 IW\BllR BLY.Jl._ .-'68 MERCURY WE PAY MORE '"" 8 PlJ>,._ , HYDROPLANE 9 It ...... T . runo XI.NT. bod> 4""1-too · CO~~ 'Ill 5'$-Jf,14 CASH 20 .. -Trimmer -commercial Jt. y.1de, w/lla:hta A eeat. ~-'!!!." Vthicl .. 9515 amatl tor me $525 541--ntl, $1297 POE n D Y 10 p.m. For !umlture, appliances, colotl!d TV, stereos and an. tiques. Dav or nlr.ht 636-3620 WANTEQ; Twin stroller ln g.xid condition. Call 837-9682 anytime \Y.,.NTED OLD TOY TRAINS MAD E REP'ORE 1945. Phone 642--0382' FREE TO YOU b wn mowu with 4 "°"' Wood "'"'L 19'. """"° ,68 FORD 1!60 AUSTIN-Healey 3000. ()pt ..WP l!O. ,.,.IJlht 111.M !0< -oap • """'" jmt • · '64 Chovy Moll~ Kohler e111ine. 6f6-3629 Very clean $900. ~ HandlU. u.B. tiel. SU90M cal1 us for tree ntimate. J Door Hardtopi owned by PETS 004 LIVESTOCK Marino Equip. 9025 Bronco Wo1on alt • p.m. + Tu and u..n.. GROTH CHEVRO'n ~~~h:°"L:.:' ~ue ~~. 4 v.'beel dr:lve. VI ena!M. 1000 W. C.out Hlway, N.B. &II -. -'68 CHRYSLER 2J h.p. elec. loddna bub,f, radio, beater. DATSUN IKS4IO * ~rm matchlnr blue Int., all or· Dop 8125 start w/remote il manual Only lT,OOO milts. One own-Alk IOC' Salff Mamcn ~. s:m ca , will ALASK.\N Malamutes, (altd ~n:1;. =~~sp.~er er. Stock No. PU8SA '69 DAT.SUN T.OYOTA ~~ ::; ~ ~v J"Y.. !lie ~ puPll). AKC. beautiful same ~s ~w. Complt~ $2499 Big "l!dan, 911 hp, owmea4 Kl 1-3331 •61 ~~~ Im V-3, COUGAR , VS, automatic. nd~ heater, factory air, p<l"A"er steBtnr. pow~ bra.ke1, white walla. low, krw mile.. (wn.aJe) $2595 AT~AS coloring, P'eat familv doi•, ~ "'A" --' ' . • t •• .,_ . _a,_ BILL MAXEY -.,.• • frl•M'" ~•-, •· -· ~~ ' ''"'· au omauo, ~, "'~· Wf PAY WH aoto, d~. loaded. •"c ribJL .... ~, _ • .,,., easy .., 1 ...... _~ heater, w/w tirH, lO&aedl 1 , rl ,..,1...., CHRYSLER ...... PLYM'Q_UTR !rain. Perfect &how dop, trmoARD '-Ol.l IAJ&lll partl Q 3200 mlle., under tact ~ pr_ ni ...... ,. cond. TUe good . for br eedJn1." a~uories rtaaonable. . ~ ranty. Bdi"to ftnc. SJ888. IT~l!T!All fore!gn car ln trade. Will co:'i=RBL~u.:w Realotered P""brod. $125 54,._ Take SUS <uh d•ls or old-• ~-g FOR YOUR CAR !Inc Pl'Vt prty. XYW .156 <all up. 49>-35<3 " cu. LB YHWl46 -Call 1•1 llEACH BLVD. ~B~ID==•9<.~9TJ3='"'~~~~ Open Dally 'Ill 10 p.m. . AIREDALE puppJ.,, AKC 8901 S.rvlc11 9037 ,Ken 545--0634. Huat Booch" 147-J,555 CONNELL CHEVY '68 1mpl1', " Dr. 1960 Mucury, 411 ' • reg, exd pedigree, 6 wkl. SKIPPER Available 1 or ORANOI COUNTY'S 3 ml N. ot CD&!!t Hwy,•on Sch CHEVROLET R/H. Auto, air, P/b, P/s, ~~. ~t . bul = Wrk 897-0lll ex 4323 res NO 1 327 eng. 17,000 mi. Priv prt)>. 4 9G2--850T ·' crulJp or maintenance. D SU • TOYOTA 2328 Harbor-Blvd. ,!2700~~·;:>49-";;;"323~,~6<::~;'~°":'.',--.~t-iwoE'";:,· :!'!J.!~=:;;;305i::;:::,~::-:i"j ..._.,., .~l')."31 Ext. 68 0, 67 AT • N DEALER "'"'" Me,. !<e-00> c.63 CHEV A>'GHAN •0•'· 16 wko; DO'T DATSUN = , Y, 4 '" <ilr, 6 cyi. MUSTANG FREE Adorable Kittens , GIRLS, cream, loveable Bo1t·Y1cht \.970~~,:0ho~~VO. ru;;AOQUARTERS CONFIDENTIALLY xlnt cond. $7S. Cash dela, ~:Sek o~. bJ?i~~t il1~hit~ ari!tocrats, llhts, b r & n • Ch1ti1r1 9039 .: s <c: ,. =:~~h J!~~h ELMORE We Pa.y !\tore For ~~ ~· HAK 804 call '66 MUSTANG, blue, t cyl., homes. 1989 Anaheim St., $97.50. Jordans. 673-2430 C~m~rs· 9520 842--'ml or 540..()HJ Foreign Or Spor!t Cft!'ll r/h, p/1, p/b, 11.000 miles, Apt. B, CM. SOFT tiny Toy Fox Terrier Bt~~T~c;:;APoR=S ECONOMY! VELIABILITY 1MOQ Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr PAID FOR OR NOT ·~..,N?V0A..l~vyowotll,rXLNTAut good cond. $1250. StS-2-'84 OOC -Beautiful, curly, part puppies. Reg, , ch. stock. Skippered Joca.I sport fishing CAMPER 1200 .•Dti.tsun Wa~n. show Phone 894-3322 B. J. SPORTSCAR ~. pj~~r. m-82s9 o. '61 MUSTANG GTA, mac· Poodle &. Terrii!r. 11,~ yrs. :;.~~smart & heallb,y. Harbor cruises 24 hrs nd 28 MPG 31000 CENTER whla, new Urft, iharpl has shots. Wonderful v.'1th ==~-~----646-9000 Sales • Rentals :Cr:.1 co mi: New ('~ ~ar-l!IOJVIOIT!a.J '55 nd.Clf~ GOOd_ running $1995. 545--1449, 988-437C ch 11 rl r e n. Fem a) e : SltOLV~ maleldmini poodle, * Finesl Selection, Po\\'l!r & Authorized. Dealer ranty. Te,ke small trade. n. t D I a At Costa ~~!arbor Bl~ co , 847-2184 . '6.; MUSTANG 4 spd. 2119. 644-2'Z46 6130 ;."-o • c b amp SaiL Sltj tJ nal F Eldorado • Four Winds Orig owner. $1095. Jordan ----·• .ta _t ~re . · Excer-ama.-t...ow mlltqe. 3 AOORABLE bJk/brn poo-backgrnd, nog, shots $75. brochurep~ ~J191' or Scotsman. Barn.cuda. 6~243& DEAN LEWIS Wi'll Buy 1967 300 DELUXE 250 6 cyl, $1450. 5U-3t5I Eve I. di . _.. 892--0412 • 8' CAbove-r Low Aa -,68 OATS. UN ml., 30,000 ml warranty, ..... ·o.:...1-:'.c"'-~~~--,-e mix~ p11ps, 5 wks. old. $199 548-6n3 :-:: Need Koo d homes IRISll. Se .... i.... Fishing Boats 9040 # STATION WAGON 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64&-9303 Your Volkswagen or Porache '65 Clonvttt... Cuatom pot IJ36..4493 1n lte1' pupp.,...; pet ~ Mod•l 600 loadod, ·auto,.ov•-d '''"'-1968 TOYOTA • pay top doilan, Pald lor Mai Wlil';.!':T,. sell. FATIIER left hm. niother show.quality, Al<C. 545-6449 FOR sale or ~de as· me-Theodore dlr, d1ac brakes. $125 cuh or not. Call Ralpl\ CHRYSLER ,,...,.._,.ao cat on "'oifarc & cannot AKC Poodle puppy. Show' gins _nshl~ boat: 6 cyl grey ROBINS FORD deli or take tm.de. LB WBJ. Hardtop Coupe 6'73--09oo him or love him. He's really marine diesel $4500 or trade -589. <:al.l Vie)~S.0634. $1695.00 y•1 t1113QO PLYMOUTH te:;7 w~s~~~:i:i ~i ... gtll'gMijS"Orlly $125. 642-5802 :~':1 w/cabin. ( 2lll eo.ta 2:!'~Iarbor Blv~lO 1969 OATSbf'r Plcku11 w/ex-Lie. No. WJF578 894-1120 Dlr W\~t~A~OP '66-(~~~ -~ ... ------ DACHSHUND pup.!1, red; -. cep~ nice camper, 6000 m.I. '68 TOYOTA Automatic, Ra-for good, clean uMd cara, 4 ~ ... Jlatdtop. V,, a.l:!to-1 '68 PlYMOIJTH· MY brothers and r need a good home. Mom is a Geiman Shepherd. Call aft. 5 Pti-l. 5-16-9586 7/1 LOVEABLE sable & white twin kitten!. ?ifalr & female 7 v.·eeks. Hlllli ihots. Need good hon1e • 96$-2470. 7/2 AKC 6 \Vks. Champion Aircraft 9100 '68 -D O'DGE-c Ustom $1800. 548-0593 alt 3:30. dk>, bench seat. $1600. all makes. See George Raye matic, radio, heater, power lines. 968-3044, 968-3053 Sparlsf'!'lB.n Van F am 11 y 837-4180. Theodore Rob iria Ford steertnr. power brakes, fac· Beaulilul Golden & Black $1900 Gives yOU. l /3 Int. In Wagon. Camper equip in-ENGLISH FORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. tory air condltiollln&, vl©'l Labrador Puppies. Good clean, low-time Cesana 172 clud. air, Save $1500 . F/P· TRIUMPH c .M. 642.()(UQ top. (WFV739l breed. $20 each. S40-5.589 at O.C. Alrpt. call 837-2200 S3600 .. 644-04n IMPORT:; \\'ANTE.D $1995 wkd.!1., 838--3728_ evt>I. 8 FT. CAMPER ORANGE COU~TY'S TRIUMPH GT&, Late '87. Oranae CountJl!I TRANSPORTATION Compiot• -<th boot & · ci<s VOLUME ENGLISH tr. his Co p UYER P,01ts & Y1cht1 9000 Mobile Homes 9200 $250 Ja FORD DEALER ~':tr.·~· $2450 or , BllJ...TO ~ TOYOTA ATLAS BAY HARBOR 540-3803 alt. "30 P · m • SALES· SERVICE 1'881 S.ach Bl vd. 18' GLASl'AR Seal"' Sedan. Mobil• Home s.1.. 'T"d•ya ... MODELS VOLKSWAGEN H. S.a<h. Pb. MT-ts QffiYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. FURY Ill J Door hardtop. VS, automa- tic, radio, heater, ~ itttriri&,. factory air ~ --(VJU137!1) $2395 ATLAS Fully electric, 75 h.p. Evet1· Casa. Loma • Roi.I-Away * PAM-TOPS * Immediate dellv'ry rude, elec bait tank. full cov· Sheraton Manor. Homette . All .!lteel shells, Sales &: ren-LARGE SELECTION '69 VW'1 • 9100 CO~A MESA MB-l.SM OIRYSLER -PLYMOtmt er, American trailer. 675-46lll Kit • Preatl&e • Sahara tals. $149 up. Buy factory Theodore IMMEDIATE DEUVER.Y Open Dally 'ti! 10 p.m. 29'l9 HARBOR BLVD. ' _, ' I ft11N Schnauzer Pu1'1! bred female Salt & Prppfr frisky ~w--pta:y.--Neetfs fullt'- ed yd. 5'W-8638. 7/'J IIMMfll Spedal• 15' ho.ll, ALL SIZES di-. 1010 So.""'"'"· SA. ROBlN$ FORD -Bank Flnan<ift& trailer, elect. start 3.ihp NOW ON DISPLAY CAMPER ":'iit.s 8' bid Just :n;o ~ mvtt. -~$213 DOWN-- Q.lOlor. $275 aft 6. 548-3635 . 142 B11k1r St. the right height. $225. * Colt& Mesa 642-«llO $4C.CL1 • 36 mot 196'1 Chrysler Sta wq, )ow COSTA MESA ~1934 "'' xlnt ,,,.,.,.~~""'-\~~~'!!!:=:'""':'::!l~O ~=l--7-- book .... u. m1<00 -•. 64-Pl:YMOUTK BRAND NEW 6 KIITENS, part Siamese. 5 black, 1 beige. 7 wk..a. To good homes. 542-7481 after 5 PM 7/3 14• SlO boat, mere 1000, 1rg 'Ai block East ol llllt'bor Blvd: 495-5~ PIUJ 1 tinal pymnt ior wbl trlr ..,..,,,,.. 645--0ll4 on Baker CAMPER, 'Ai cab over, tiUe:. Full 2 yr, 24,000 · • .._. Costa Mesa ITI4) 54-0-9470 butane. re.frig, stove, slsp ~ FERRARI ml warra.nty, Avail only at Salll1oah 9010 GREENLEAF PARK 5. 1600. li46-12J< • T & M MOTORS AKC Doberman female. Gen-1..,;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;.!in clellt', clean, cool Calta 10• Galaxie Camper aliell w/ FERRARI 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. Ue, good with children. To 11 Mesa. New 92 space adult boat n.ck. 15 'Valeo, 9'Ai bp Newport lmpora Ltd. Qr. 534-2284 at ~ch 89U5S1 respon. ply w/large !ncd ALBERG 35 park. Models &: Salel ofilce Johnson motor 54s.-.4204 ang11t C.OW.ty'• onb' 1utbor-OPEN S'UNPAY. yard only. 54-0-8638. 712 5 ·WattS sails located at Park. Open 9 AM l29d dealer. '68 VW Squareback Xtra ADORABLE Kittens. 1 a 11 white. Black Calico. Greys & others. Love' Dogs. 836-4493. 7/2 COLDSf'OT Hefrigerator & gas stove. Old . but usable. Pick up next weekend. 309 33rd St. NB 7/3 Hot&: C.Old shower to 6 PM, Camper Rentals 9522 SALES·SERVICE-Pµml good condition, clean. CTI4l radio-Optilail-etc. ACCENT ~fOBlLE 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 494-185l . $18,888 HOltfE SALES Newport Beacli 1,,C-"',:c; _____ _ •PACIFIC YACHT SALES• 1750 Whittler Ave. * EXPL,QRER * ":.:~:med MG ~~!i,764 ·~a:.V1nr.e~75'1:pe~ ~~~ 3446 Via Oporto, Newport Costa Mesa. 714: 642-1350 By week or month. Luxurl-847-1565 - Z13: 597-5568 714: 613-1570 30 FT. Trailer & ·apace at ous. Sleeps 6, Sell contain-FIAT .68 VW trailer park In Newport ed. Llmiled , number, call C!itll 615-5983 INTERNATIONAL 14', rac-Beach. Full bath. $2,500, !od11.y. '67 FIAT 850 gport coupe n=.•RfH, tape d-". Ing sloop. No. 296 good Owner (213) 79()..2705 LEISURE RENTALS ......., ~ FREE lo qua! horn!'. Lov. cone!. 2 sets of sails, spin-·l~=~O,,."'-.,C.:.-"""--~-1 714) "'"'"!' (714) Xlnt cond. Brit. racing VW '62 ood nd be AKC male Beagle, 5 mos. naker, trailer iilcl. $400 614 2 BR. a-BA moible bome. l.c-U'&VCJll .., • SJ.i-3809 green. Tan intcrlor. Chrome • g 00 · 81 offer old, obed trnd, Lov es ?.Uchael Pl NB 548--8770 space near OCt!an. wheels. Alt 6. 64z.-1049 "'takes. New ~!I, recent children. 8J8-W87 7/3 ·:·!"~~·'::~~:'.!~<1,~· iBiii*~49!>-~~2391l~*T,;.,,;:-;;l :·D=u=n~o'._'.'.B:u:g~gi:•:• __ :9~S2:5 -========= overhaul. 536-8338 8' FlBGLAS. Sabot, racing MERCEDES BENZ '63 Vol"-~ odl"-BEAUT•-'!., ·--•mall, ?.10BILE Ho e 10x50 2 "'" g""" co .... n ..,.., •'-•1 J:ig, motor ready, trailer, m • DUNIE 8 ._........ $750 or best"otter long haired kittens, black or XLNT $425 best 0 fr r , p:ircbes, expMC!able llvrm, uggy ..,,...,w Sale. ---------* 548-6590 * light grey lrcc tp good _::•73-::c;229B;:;=~===~-I,'=""'=· 00cau=="'=""'="'=== Bodies from U49. Chassili home. 893-6818 7/3 from $2-19. La Paz Dune HOURLY RENTALS Mini B ikes • 9275 Buggy Supermarket, 3623 3 AOORABLE kittens. box trained, healthy, happy & frisky. 646-8405 · 7/3 * Rhodes 19's * \V. \Varner, SA. 546-4045 Fun Zone Boat Co. Ba1boa T A00 minl·blke 3 hr.I. run-OPEN &-9 wkdys, 9-6 Sat ii: LIDO 14 No. 2775, good cond. ning Ume. $110. s.m.3!!03 aft. Sun FREE Lumber l'ull rac'g gear, oovr:s, yrd 4:30 p.m. weekdays. MEYER'S Manx, bl!auWul 01 a n~e County'!. L a rgt>~t Selection New & Used Ml•r(f'dC'~ B t>111 J im Sl emnn' .Imps . '63 VW, perfect lnterior. Need~ trans. repair. S550 01 best oiler. 988-4383 FV '68 VW, 1Unroof. radio. 14.000 ml. Xlnt cond. one owner. &U-2380 aft. 5: 30 64&;3231 dolly inc. $1300. 548-7116 ndiUo fbgls l·'"""==oc-,,,,--;-,==:::::713 \VANTED: Used Sa b 0 1 ,M ''-0-to;__•_cy.:.c.cl_•.;.1 ___ 9_3-'-'00 co n, top., many '6J VW new clutch, gd. cond. extras, I~. M0-3642. 174-0. 6 WEEKS old houscbrok<.'n complete. (213) 3.15-4579 '64 YAMAHA 250 '59 MERCEDES 190 SL 546-&:89 kitten & young mother to Cnll collect $17S. '65 VW Engine, xlnt cond. COUPE. B E"A UT IF UL ·66 \tW XLNT nd loving homr. 548--0-152 7/l P-CAT RACE READY 66-2S7S $350~lete ONE-OWNER CAR. $ll7S ~ '69 CUTLASS F-15 SPTS. CPE. Deluxe bell.!! tmnt ii: rear, padded du h, fully factory equipped. $2399 Plus Tax & Lie. Seril\J No. 331779Zll6351 University S.OMJT ''4 CONVERT, PwT strf(, ve- ry-clean, must &ell! f725 or best oiler 837-41BO. CORVAIR Corsa H11rdtop Coupe 4-t:peed tra.nim11Sion. 140 hp englne, radio, heater. Lie. No. SJNll!i. Tod1y'1 Special $1099 28511 llulx" Coot& M•a ft &>.. d 540-9640 .. ~ I~ f' Oldsmobile St•tlon Wagon V-8, automatic, ~diO ii: heal· er. (oor !!?11. $895 ATLAS r Town & CountryWqon 9 pagsenger, VS, aulomatlc, radio, ~r t teerin&', pow· er brakes. Jmmaculatr. CCE· 46G805l57'l) $3495 ATLAS Auto ~ ... 1n9 9110 to 1BSO "" LEASE "" '"" .,,,.,. ,,. CHRYSLER. -PLYMotn'H Ul;l;I' Cad Cpe de Ville, pwr &19-30Jl Ext. 66 or 67 2929 HARBOR BLVD, wind, 6-way .st l dr kicks, m.o HARBOR BLVD. co tilt str wltl, air cond, 10f1" COS'I'A MESA STA MESA-54&-1.!l34 ray glaliS, AM/FM, w/i /w. I ~=~'°"'"-"~~,:,_..-1 ,,,,.°"'-'=•n_o_.,_,·1,,y_'lll-=-1~0-CP"'"--'-''--kie SJ65 mo. 1960 CORVAIR. R/H, auto '69 Plymouth Roa.drunner, SOUTH COAST trnns, needs work. Make of. copper w/matching ' vtnyl CAR LEASING fer.* 6TJ....2.S83 lop. Near new cond. 300 \V. Cst Hwy, NB r~2182 ---------Reuonably priced. 6'4-0:ee: "r,EmLPal'• .'.1,.::.0 •. :~~'klt~~,~~ $2495 193.1 INDIAN Super Chief '"""="vw=-~ro=RS=cn=E-... ~ .. ~i.. ,s~~~ c~~m,,.,oN . PRICED TO SELL! 546-9!!65.. .. ... °" 7/3 G42-3TIS engine, complete w/3 spd special tires. Profly built. · · '65 VW tinted wlndwa. re-bit Used Cars ___ ...:_99;.;00;.: 30' Tahiti )(etch $2,200 tr&n1 $150. 546--1775 ft1lnt cond. 642-7898 • '54 Mercedes, 180 motor, new trs., new upho!. COUGAR PONnAC '67 COUGAR -VS.289 Air, 1---------BUICK LOVING grey & white kitten. 7 wks. old. trained, shot!. 962-5703 1/3 SAC. AS ts. 669 So. St. Malo, '65 TRIUMPH 500, new eng., ========= Good mecti oond. ~Wit see $1150 675--2397 w. Covina 1213) 795-0569 eve Tl' plpe.!1, &tet equip. Xlnt Imported Autos 9600 __ l_2'5_._cau __ 64_~_o;o_7_ '&I · vw Station wagon, •64 Bl•IC K 37· AUX Yawl. sips 6-dac cond. $800. 54()-.3283 '67 230 SON Loaded, 22,000 Varlanl 1500 S. $900, S· KTITENS for free. grey, 1•-1/3 Jo' t hi il ••~ • RIVIERA f & bl k Canta t r.a "'· in ownen p, HONDA Scrambler 00. Xltlt. TAKE UP Pymts. on 1967 m n, .......,.... 548-317.., 968-4iger .,...7 "· 7°13 .$J(n> dn. 544-0423 alt 6 p.m. cond. M111t see to believe. Dataun station wagon • 4 -===675-=:-3977-.,, 00 al 00 t"S 00 .== l96l VW w/wnroof ~utomatic, poi.er st.eerfne. = 1-"'"'" ""AI all 5 P'I · -A real be:iu!v! ! I ~~~=~-. ---~ COL. 22' Sloop, Q.B. Head, ~ . ...,..,....""" " . llil\V tires, auto. trans. $600 2· ORANYE kitterui to good .. lite!, Dae. sails. $2950. e•s. '67 SUZUKI X-6 Scrambler. pymt!. $64.72, have 18 mos. MG 675-0728 after 5:30 PM $l599 homes. 1 long hair, l short 675 7'lll!I -'remaining. -549-1096 ---------893--5038 ha. 6T.'-H265 7/l a-.'¥"' Excellent cond. $350. 611"1-,;===i=>°"'=°'"'==:;; ........ ~ '67 l/W BUG, It blue •N/Vf. ------ir. . 14' HOBTE CAT $1000 Kings Pl. NeWpOrt Height.' I .PIU Int. Many extras, mllSt 11!11! '67 ELECTRA-cu5tam 2 DR CALIOO Kitten, fem . 1 wk&. Call 10-5 642-$335 o:r ,69 HONDA CB l60, 650 ml, 2 MOTOR HOMES-9215 S&:ln, Service, Part.I Call Oirls; 675-4503 HT. P/s, P/b, auto. Air, needs gd. home. Box train-Anytime (2131 CS-1667 mos old. S450 helmet in-Immediate Delivery, elcc wndw~. landau top, vyl P/S, P/B 12200. Xlnt "'""· '68 PllllTIAC 675-2910 or 673-329!1 DODGE' DR.AFI'EO-M111t sell ,·64. Dodge A-l cond, $895 or best oiler. Cail 846--1741 FORD Catallna W1gon l 1eat, VS, automatic, fac- tory aJr, power steertni, poy,.·er ~kes, radio, hrat· er, whl Miii•. fVFR16l) . 3295 ATLAS eo. 96S--134!i 1n All Modeill '66 BODY, '58 engine. $450 Int. AM/PM ste~. new 166 Country Squlr• VIET Nam Sac r If Ice . cluded. 842-7041 1d. ......... runs we 11. tl ......... 4 Loaded. FactOJ")' alt, XLNT OIRYSLER -PLYMOUTH ~1ALE cock-a-poo, blonde, very playful w/childrdn, 4 months old . 645-2T:i8 7/3 ~ D '"'-'I .. .,.-re~. new •·~. xlnt Sea\\'Orlby ~" ay ,,... tr, flTh--51'1 days 615-3530 eves $2850. 3'19-1969 cond., dlt, pwr stffring, 2929 RARBOR BLVD. S830 or best offer. 642-l623 Auto Services 'fl7 vw pick-up, recently ~=..:.:::...:=----23,000 rrw. on speedometer. CO!;J'A AfESA M&-1!34 AKC Basset Hound female 1rl ootoffil. Good fa.mtty pet: LATE M--'-' s wblrd ln & P1rts ...... 4 ul-' ~ '55 Buick. Rurui pelf. no Honey bela;e extirlor, match-Open Dally 'Ill 10 p.m, ~ no ---------own.. i:<.1 • ....,.., dents, new tires. $125 fl04 1..... l=-;;-;=,-,:;.,....,-,""-'c..,;-_.... cond w/ trailer Near-646-17'13 .. ,. interior. New Urea. n75 1.., CATAIJNA ·~-. Ve-g""" -: 2 SPOKE Wheel covers 11"' Clubhouse Ave. NB arter 5 deli, WW. fine pti ply. LB "" •u-u~" ... b' new Mil. Q75-01~ $10. 1 Chevy Racing cam, •1-W ,.._ _ _. '66 VW Sunroof. 1500 Ge. '65 RIVIERA all . J TAY 279 m-tura trim, auto, P/S, R.&H, 54(}.8638. 112 5 BLACK kittens,. ;s LI Do 14 • ~ · ~· Hwy .. N.a N .... Job • """p., .cic'==· ="":,:.::. ".,,;..· -~ Landau -1--1 -• -901idii il poal • lock.s. All HJ.9405 540-1764 Runs areaJ. l' ew .-...t · very clean. Nd• body wrk, ~ ... ,.. • ..,,,.,..,., 0 uu New hand trlr. 673-fl732 excellent. Beat oUer. 4 6" x Authorized MG Dea.ler $1075. 644-d'356 $2100/best. G42-858f. '8 FORD ;t:atlon Wagon, v. lmmac. '1295. KI S..2665 Slamelle, to sood home. fl wks. trained. 962--0862 719 14'' ""'"" at..t rims $12. HEADQUARTERS ' * '67 BUG* lll63 BUICK La •• -.-2-D~R. • aulo,bbe/S. ~· R&H, '69 FffiEB!RO, 350 '"•" Power CruiMrs 9020 842-1S62 62 M.G. Midget, blaek 1500 .• DeLuxe, all aectu. ""''re new ru r, .......... cond. vinyl tOti, ptYW/S, wide ND gd. home for lovable FDR wired Int. r/h, areai cond. •t47$. fl73--3fi24 Sedan, good condition. Ver)' $250. See to apprcictate. 1307 ovals. 6500 ml. Must sell 'grey & white kitten, 1 •·kt. 21 l"T .cabln cruiser. 100 hp l'raller Travil 9425 549--1'158, aft. 4 p.m. cheap. 546-2184 Apt. B., Alabama. H.B. best off(!f. pvt pty, Sf6..7849 ;~~LE Blaok m•~': :;':.'ta~ ~1 ~~:·1 ··65.__,:.i,,...;...~-.,-.. -Tw-ln.....,;,...,.-. MDTORHDMES OPEL ~v;:;.~':.,ta!itru. CADILLAC ·~!v. rebuilt '63 aoo puppy, 11, poodle, 6 wk• old . <lean. sleeps 2, full coven. complete bath. Tandem Make offer 541).5241 ~---ena. *-~cam, nav,i:. tnt. Free to gd. hm. 837-4261 7/t $1995. ~9562 wheelt, Xlnt cond. $2,«IO. '66 OPEL Wqon, 27,000 ml. l9M vw Vin. wndws s5'i"Dr '65 CAO CouJ>t de Ville fore-chrome rims, ovtr $750 ~ 2 \\1-UTE part Penlan kit-251 ?11eridlan. fbg~ eqpd Jot 53T~171 after 4 pm. Ex.cepUonal oond . MU1t eel! belt ottu. Aho 'fl& Shelby ~ to 8Cll. Car a lmmnc. vett. tell fol' $SOO or beat of. lens, 8 .,110 old. 56-al7& aft filhing/cruiliing X L NT, '65 TERRY lS\S' aeU cor>-by wknd. 968-1797 GT 350, Sac! 83S--9'l14 30,IWXI ml. Full pwr. $2,395. fer. 636--3960 6 p,m. 113 ~r arudoul. S 4 8-150 1 ~";"443..~.p o l I• 1 a. I---------VW •57 Clonv. Needs so~e pv. ply. 968-284ll ,;,6S""'FO°"'R;.:D;::Cortlna;;:;:,=-.,.,.,--.,..-.-o, FREE U..mber, uttd, Y'O'I ~ . PORSCHE work. Best oiler. Ideal tor ·~SEDAN OeVillt, full pv.T, apd, dlr. ntn. clrart, reblt pick up. l\l11$I lake NI. 38 Stepberw Sedan crulser, 1963 22". Fully SC. 1potlea dune bull)' ~ &II', leather, F/M $1095. ena. t175 hal to t1n, NGfl 54s..ii66.l 711 beaut. cond. Roomy " Int. All o:tras, s 2 0 0 0 . ' 1.;Cal:::'..:"c::2-:.7'58==-----e8 call Bill, 56-0034 Sale. M6-95l.8 ~. 642-0087 ~~ ~~ ~~ ·~su::::. :O?' Rear 'ft CADULAC D •VI I I e '00 FORb Ot.lwe, 'leW bat- dltion. Many extras, aood * 546-3.m '* 6:>ftvt. ~op~ "!11 equip. terf, rib, 'Iii lite, needt lit· \lalue at $2795. C&ll owner. vw '115 °"" suoo· tie work. m. S33.(l535 ™-Sunroof. RJH. Prv 1*11 •62 FORD Cataldi XL -I etrrE killens. 2 montha old. To "°"" ""-had Speed-Ski Boob 9030 T•ucko 9500 shots. 543-7786 Tn ·- . ' RAMBLER_ ~WNED BIG SELECTION '61 THRU "8'1 ALL MOD~ FROM $295. • • • • BRAND N>:W 'Ill JIM J FAT. healthy kltte~ wt•n-ar anus Craft rnalJo&. 1'6 DATSUN Y.t TON rd & home b r o k e n • planked, "11 cu in., lD hn J\llt ~ encine:4 Xlnt ---jiS<~l3ii48~1'~~iif.ii:Thi1Fiiii~Ti/l;+-.,.....~·eo~$2500~r5-~~Ud b y condiUOll, Local car, C 1pd, ON llSNT TWI AU ... DD_Dff "EXPLORER" ... , ............. .,, .... 1861 PORSCHE c Cpe, ,,.. ~'2 or ~ CAMARO Con-.rt. P/S. PIW, ..,, •"~-. clul<h, < wbl dlac tjr.,, aood lop. 15 9 5 . 64!..0U ···-0 VO !,a CAMARO 3 ...... •td. .. Rl:;:,.i.;,-~~;:..,.--,..::=:..· P,;;::;;;:::;;:;;;:::==::::::•I ~ ,4U.Cllsh 4"1 't•ke.k : o respons1 IC tiOy-rJ' or1e.r ovtr $1500. ~ pymnU. '3tl.88 mo. sir689 • girl. Very nice pet male rtt 14, 1967 G' • _nAR. .65 Ca1I Ken 494.tm or 5'5-0$34 with cQt!. c.au ~ 7/1 ~ F'REE lo.m~r I. firnwood. ?i1erc. lots of aear. Bkr. 1967 DODGE Van, hi& 6, $1650 or q_Uer. 6C$-113S or MI, auto. Xizll cond. ,-,-~ .... ~=-b.6..-.......... t. .1.1.l 11111. u •oot. 11 root, n rooT. , Tl.I.II UllAllC- 1111 • ., ~l'fl•ovto c1r111. 'brilio. Blaci< Int,. Comp! V L --H, P5' """°" wll>llt-k " - ' oriflnal, one O'Nnel'. 113-15211---------Heart attack, mu1t ll!ll. PJ1. 158 SORO' Dr. 9edan, IOOd T·llRD -·~ ~\!i~ VOLVO wte party. 633-MU cond.m;l~otter CLASSIC '57 Y..BlRO '*'" l m E. 18th st., CM. 7/1 GTh--'1388 -t1m. 1161--XMO « Mo-4006 BASKETBALi, Board -With BOSI'ON'" WlTl\:ttR-;--D'T'", % i'on F6rd PU, '58 6 cyt bnop 646-8405 7/3 "1th 40 HP John'°n englne, $425 or but offer. 642-5200 lb55!J BlACH Bl Vil ' ·HUNTINGTON BtACHJ OQN'T ~ ::::. ....... Boot Dool• ... ' -cHEVROLET '6,:,,~ngK~,::;, ..:. ~ ;:'.".~ ~"[ "'"'-· --U.t"fto-1urnbi.-,.ur home DEAN -lE \\!JS· '59-CHflYROUl'l' --~ l!JS,;-'l' BJRD..J\dl~ --.. -11 •• , llnd sttal buli• 1n to-ti eyl, J tp. tl.Jb '55 FORD Wqon, V..fl, t Dr., cond, Xlnt.. cond. Prl ~· , d~·· au11t1a1 Ad•. 1966 Harfi, -c.~. 646-1l103.1_·_-__ -_;L::lc:~:..::::.... __ ~l:::lliO:::·c..:;*:....:ST.:.:a..c:.im=---, __ con_60-0110. _______ . ...,. ' \ ) f:Tt.E£ kitten! -543-l.f..IT ti/28 $925. 673-..1+19 eves: 543-45&3 · -f,,, ·. sao-1660· .. •I l r ' ' l ... I LEGAL NOTICE .... ,,Mf su,••to• COUllT 0" TH• STATI! 01' CALll'OllNIA 1'011 THa COUN'TY 01' OllAHOI M•. A~lt .. OTICI O" MIAlllHG 01' l''!TITIOM 1'011 l"llOIAT• 0" WILL ANO 'OJI LI TTl!llS Tl!STAMIHTAltY Esl1" ot GERE HATHAWAY HURD, 1llo k.-n GEll:E H. HURO, Ille • -_..,_._,.....O.ERE..HURD. QK"-tH. NOTICE IS HERE9Y GIVEN T111t fr1nlr;tm o. L•..,. Hvrd " H1rrv H. Hilnl hlVI llled ""tin I Miiiien for 11n>- ti.t1 of wlll 111111 tor 111uanc~ ol L.,M,. Tnt1.._t1rv to f'tll"-rt• ..tlrenc' 111 whldl Is 11....:Hi for lurthl!r p1rtlcui.". •"" t!lll thl ti,... .nd 11'-u ol "'-'rl"' Ille 11mt hi• be9n .et fol' JUlv Tl, lttt, II 9:30 1.rn •• ~ri tM COUrlrOWll o+ 0.0:.•rl· 'rrierit No s of S1tld .,,.,rt, ti 7QO wnt Fltlhlll S~rHI. I~ Ille City of l.lnlt AM, i;a:1""'nl1 . D1ted Juri :Ill \f<lt W. !. ST. JotlN C-1--CIPrli; DAYt0.-1. TINOLall lit! Wftlcllff ~lft SwlM HvmN:r J:2f .......,.. e.,...... r ntlflnlt .,.,, m•1 ....,..n AttotMY fff hMlllMn Pvblllhed Dr•"" eo.11 O•llr ill!let, JU!Y 1, :a. 7, '"' 115U' LEGAL NOTICE SUl"l!Rlotl COURT Of' THI STATI! 01' CALl .. OltHIA "Oil TH.I COUNTY Q.11 0 .. 11101! Mt. A..uH . HOTICI 01" Ml!A•IMO 0' P•TITIOM llO'I P•OSATI OP WILL AMO CODICIL AMO ,0. LITTl•S Tl lTAMIMTAlll', Ed1te ol H. II. IN:>!AY, 1110 i.-as HVGH II. NC/AY, ~.- NOTICE IS Hl!!!IEllY G1Yl!N Tlllt ll111k DI' America NllloMI TMI 11"111 S.V· 11191 A1toelllllol\, I 11ltlcMI barlkl ... 11urcltlloil. h.11 fllfld Mn1l11 I Mt!lioll for Probll1 (If Wiii 1nd ClldlcM 9lld .tor b1wne1 of.l1ttm Te1t1"""11"' to P.tl- 11-r, "''-""'° too wlllcfl ·It mlde tor llirtller P8<'11cullrt, 11111 111111 tlll llml and pl.JU Of l!Hrl ... Ille 1-hll """ Ill for JtllY' 11. Ifft, 11 t ;)O A.M .. , !n ff>I! caurt~ of 0e.,.rtmt!!I No. l or u ld CO\lr1o 11 700 W. ttll St., ln tlll Cll'I' (If 5lnl1 Allll, C1llfornl•. D1tld June ''' lNt W. E. ST JOHN County Cltrll ,..AMKLIN AMO "llAMICLIM ,., .... , 11111.,s_t.~_ •. Cnl1 Miii' • .....,_ Ttl: Cntl .... ml ... ,_,. .... ,.....,..,... PllbllsMtl 0r1n• C.lt O.Llr Piiot, Jll1¥ 1, 1. 7. "'' lUMf LEGAL NOTICE ..... Cl!llTll"ICATI!! 0, IUSIMllS PICTITIOUI MAMI TM under1'9ntd don urtllY ht b COll- dlldln9 • !Minna ,, 111' Moll""'ll Attm>I!, COSll Ma.I. C1llfornl1, llN!er lllt t lcttti-firm 111"11 It PACll"IC PAINTING CO. llld lhll ukl firm 11 (Cf!>- ~ of ""' '°''°'*in. ""'°"' ....._ ,.._ 111 Ml IJ\CI ~llu ol R1ld9nc1 11 Q 1111· lows: Chet s11,., »Q e-tv Cl•d1, """" t l"!lloll H1rbour, H"'"ll,..IDll llt1dli Ctlllornlt f24,.lf. 0.led JllM l'O, 1Ht, C~I Sltrt S1111 of Clllffornll. 0r.,.., cwn"1: 011 Ju"' 70. ltff, btlo,. "''· 1 Nol1rv Public 111 ltlld for 111(1 Slt!e, Hfl0!\111¥ II-red Chtf Sl1r1 II,_,, N ..,. lo bt Ille Piirto!\ whotl 111me 11 1ublcrlbtd to 11'19 wllhl11 l11~lr11mtnl I nd ltknowleo:lllld "~ ~·ecu!!'d II•• MIM. (OFFICIAL SEAL) JCM111 M. 511,. Noltrv Publl~t11tornlt Or-Countv M..,. Commlitlon Ex11lroi Al>ril U, lf1l P'llbll'11td Or•ntt Cout Dlllf PllOI, Jun. 2' 1nd Jul'f t, L u, !Mt 12!1Mf LEGAL NOTICE ·-. ClillTllflCATli 0, IUSINlll FICTIT'°US t1AM8 Th9 un6er1!""1'11 doH Cll"!ll¥ 1he b c°"'" ductl111 • bullnnl ., ns E.lllh SI .• COii• "'"'' C..lllpl1, ...... fhe.tlclllkM 11 .... ,..,,.., o1 Mill:. JAHITOll PEllSONAL1ZED SEllVICI! Ind l!lft Mid llnn b comPOHlf of lht followl"9 --· ....... ....... In 1\111 -.'Ml pi..;. ol ~' II 11 follerws: NIU CA.SUL.AS, m E. llttl,, C.M, 0 1ltd J-16, , .. Niii C .... ln $!1te of C1tllonllll 0!'11191 C-ty: o.. Jlll'lll '" lNll, ""°'' ..... • Not1rv Pl,lbllc In Ind IOI' Uld Sl1l1, ~l'IOl'll!ly ... -rwd H1 t:A-CASULAJ lllllW!r tll-,,Y"11:1i bt the ...,._ wllolt' 1111M h wbscrlbed to the Wllhl" ln1l~I tnd ~lldl· ed s"9 IKKUIM !ht 51rnt. (OFFICIAL Sl!ALI Mlt'Y IC. H..,ry Nottrv Public • Ct111om11 PrirtelNI otlkt Ill o, ..... C011n"1 Mr Camml911oft E•pl ... Nov. 2•. 1m ~l.ltlllsftld Or'"'' Co111 Otll• Piiot. Jullt 17, 24 Ind J11ty 1, I, Ifft 111)-ff LEGAL NOTICE · •• ....; 1 1..,., Ju~ r. 1169 wt.red for .lolt -- . • • • • ' .. -MoJiluby .Jfor .. Hard .lor Scie~·~ .. ~ fu:Vietnam ' .. ' .. " . .. . Imitation . Milk Hit By Doctors CIUQAGO (AP) -: A doc· tors' group advised today that the we . of JmJtaUon mJlk In the dil!b or infants "ia generally · Wldeslrable and · should bt dfscouraged. .. Th< councll 'on loodJ and . nutrition of the American Medical Association pvt .thi advice In a report on imitation and "filled" milks in the association's journal. Imitation mUk is a com- bination ·of water, sugar ind vegetable fal The.report aaya it Js low in protein, minerala and vitamins compare(! to whole milk. Filled milk, unlike Imitation milk, is a mllk·based product. It ls a combination of skim milk and vege~ble . oil . to replace the butter tal 1he council said the prottln· con- tent of filled milt , .. .,.11y ' C<illlpares well with fiuld .n'tole milk and both have ' about tbe same number ol calories. The council said, "Imitation milks usually provide about the same number of calodtl as whole ccrn' milk with a greater percentage of caloriea derived from carbobydratt1. s'!C~llC\!.JDly,nol..supplr ·dle nutrtenlS for which milk is noted. "In the United States, tht use o( such beverages -that are low in-prOtein, minerals, or .vttamJns compared to mU.k -In the dJets of children and lnfantl ii generally un. desirable · and ·lhould b e d~~~ .. LEGAL NOTICZ •• • l•.!tPO rt J![~q~ Savings · P.A. Palmer, Chlll'ITl8n of the Board • Agne. Blon'lqulst. President •• .. f \ • Mall'I Offlce: 3366 Via Udo, Newport Beach, C.HfOrnie 92663 • ~..IJ""'3-3130 r! • Coronl de' Mar Office: Financial Plua, S50 NewportCenter Oriw • COJt1n1 del Mw, CallfomJ• 92625 • fhorte 714/644-1461 1 . -~ -·-.. .... . PLAN #2' r Life lncom• P&an This fa for people who have a.tum of money they would llke to put a•kf• 11 nd would· llke to receive the Interest every month but not touch tha prlncipal. l>erhaPI you lnteod to leave the money tQ.your heirs. In thl1_plan the orlginal im.stment Is retatned-for 11 lifettme and you have a regular PLAN .#3' Pl.AN #4' Monlllly So<:urlty A~ GvarMIHd AMuol Rall Ac .... t 1n1111 for people who haveal!JR!P This plan 11 for patient people who eum of mo My but who~ el ready have a aum of money verywell t:tiat If they don't put ltllWay to lnveat and are willing towalt I 1omewtiere out of alght, they will whUe for a good re tum on thelt llj)end It They know It would be much money. The '!!lnlmum depotlt 11 better to_hpve a certain amount of $1 ,000 (more If yoUwfih, of courae), money coming in every month oYer a lrfixctiange forwh(ch you f9cefve t glwn period. And In th/a plan not onli certlft't:lte which gµarantees 11 30"/o will they get back a IOI more than growth.If left untouched fOI • . ~~1~=.r.::r:c~r::;l'--:~~~l!ffi!l:!..~llf!~'Mf..~-'-~~~Y>J!ll!>o!'~wi!lll!i;ll.llt.._~__J~ ... ,.._~...,,.--,,.~~_... ..... -childhon·11uturo7 Then rilaybe the liestegg left OY8fto '"""" • Aro~ one olthal)ltlont-7 income Pldr; month. LIFE INCOMi; Pl.AN wlll suit you. themselves for not blowing ~ Then th• GUARANlCfDANNllAL oil at once. RATEACCOUNTl1for)'OU. LIFE lNCOME PL.AH Areyouoneofthesmartol)es? ..... c.;... .._ofChodt Thenthe.MOtlTHl.YSECURllY YOU YOUWIO.llECaYE ••• ACCOUNTlsforyou. START afW .-· ...... .12.000 $ 50.00PetMomh WRll Oy-4,_s 1- 14.500 60.00PerMonth tNYEST $10.000.00 AND: $ 1,000 $ 1,17Q S 1.233'. $ 1,300 $100 ·-152 ''Yr. 30I , . :tYre. 132 3GO ll08 e1a 1.m '.254 . :Z.529 20,000 83.00PerMonth you receive endyourttaln • &.000 • s;:· ta.res I e:5cx> 25,000 t04.00PerMonth each month fot eneettteof' 110.000 ' $11 . Olf ·t1UDS $13,001 3y,. 172 4Vre,. tat ... ., .... t,101· tOVrt. UIO 11v... e.t1• .... v .. --~ 1,948 3,8Q2 00.000 '1,08.00PetMoolh $ "'"' ,.,,.... $ ........ $1Jl'!'l. •!1J!!t '1J;!04-$10,502 S 50.00 lSyeara S 7,72$.o:I 'Y:r 5.11% 114% l .(IO;'" 2,982 6,S24 '1s.oo ro,...,. $ ,•.11&00 c.~• 1.,.L .... , .""°'• $ 75.00 15ye1ra S f,O(l).00 ~-... I'll ~-,. 911//t . "0.415 e.m 7,80t t5,eo2 tJ,432 2fl.864 to.e62-"41.325 W1'n ll!llilg It JDll! J • 'I 00.00 10 yetlf• $ 875.00 .. _ -llMST $25,iiOo.oo 00, )")CJ: l'lteive •tld ~retain each month for -"estate of• $100.00 toyeere $25.eoo.oa $100.00 tSyelrS ~.050.00 $150.00 t o years $17,800.00 $200.00 10yelr8 $10,000.oo' $250.00 " ,..... ' 2.200.00 lie In on lhe hot octlon of the big, big yield you will get from that money you Ml lllde for yourMlf et N-rt8alboa Savings. Set ycur sights on .one ot theee 4 booming aovlngs plans end a ts rt some real money growing with- out having to worry about the fluctuotlng markeL Your cash Is always avai~ 8ble 11! per value should ycu need It In e hurry; and you'll really get a bang out of the way your money keeps on earning compound lntereat every day. Ctltbnlte our traditional Independence by getting aorne for yourself With llOtir very own 81'1fnga program. You Wiii feel very Amencen being 80 tlM1fty 111d 80 pn>aperous ell et the same time. So ta!ce elm arid 2ero In on a asvings tsrget at N~ Balboa Sevlngs. Qur friendly offi• Cl1'I Wiii make oure you shoot In tho right direction With your lnveslmonL And you 'U hear tho reportt eyeryqliaiter. ; Hara.ere 4 . .aav\ngs plans. cjlslgned iOt 4 ,different ~ of people or .1a,yJng . lftultlona. Reed !hen\ and see which one au111-...Vings penionallty. The chortt WIU gr,.,· you .an ldaa of how Mdl•one ~ •. ao look them """" · V-pick 1 number'from '1· 10-4 and CiOIM In en,I let one of our exper.ta get you etadild OJI your epecJallnd • SAVING FIGHTS l!'lflATION --~-ewlno•orJni<UlttHbllJllllQ~.dJt none of theM la exactlywh8tyou had fn llllnd,,.....,. _,Y othere, ·e&nwedo. . . · --. .,....,. WIMllir'tMI ,..,_ fUbjitet ,IO the pnM- ~·ot StCtion'6t04 O(d'l9 Cllifornle fi\1nclal 'Co!df: under~• NWogt 9ltd ioan auoc1 ... ~ --""' tfcll ""'tnol~ Ii. rtght·IO ~up to al• __ .,._ ... _.,._ -llo"!IOO,~ _ _, __ ,, ...... J!Ctt!¢Alr .... ..., OI ql..cton IP --·- • '·' -- I i I : i ') I ' ., ' ., l' ·. .u •j ,. J I J