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1969-07-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
.. • --. • . -• I ' • J. . • . --on • • • ··' ·- -··'"' --.. -... . ' .. ~ Trans~~~·~,,@ • ' FRIDAY AfTERNOON, ~U~Y 4, "1969 'VOL. 'U, HO. t••4 llCftOftl. • i.tioat . - - • --- .. Witnes'ses, -New Facts. ' j • I Fine, . Eie~y ,-F·o~th ·Asks for .Supft!!t 6il-·Ba.n .. Goat~~~ l\.ill Case • By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ....... Of ,... DallY "111111..S!all-············· ····A-·Blad: Pantti:er · crueftain indicted in th~ murder of Santa Ana's top rookie policeman of 1968 is a free man today . Urged ·~hy . C·oast • 1, ... ~ ·• .. • . By JO~ VALTE,$\ ~ ... ' ' .. ,.'DtiJ Hiit .... Orange County District Attorney Cecil ·-·J'J:u f#@ wmnssarorav ;;rary"- J ctment itgalnst Daniel M. i,)'flem, 22_ ~.I ' .~~ .... ~-' ' I { the Ji*A.~';'.°iooay ~f. I Azi,· ver }n<>Utb'.tO :tlljo :ilnJcln·liort!U,' llcfOlfJ •• ,:f!!;;W'-l<gi&lative • hBi befmi'ion me.i,.r~lo JM!ie•fp_. ... ,, """ Ibo '"'Ille'\;'!".~ J?anted Thursday by ..... ~Jamel JI'. ~udge. • C1laf1ts "agtrb\s'( a second Santa Ana bld' militant, Odis N. Crimes, 21, who ~ hu_:never been captured, will be,fropped also, hid a.nationwide.manbunt..continaea for ·a third. Black Panther party member Arthur Ltague, %0, today is left as the principal 8Ufpecl in lije cold-blooded June 4 street corner slaying of Patrolman Nelson A. Sasscer. a 24-yea r-old model orficer. ~'Evidence and witnesses that have turned up in the last 48' hours have satisfied us that we cannot proceed with the prosecution," Hic ks announced in asking Lynem 's release. The county's chJef lawman underscored the fact that Black Panther activity is definitely involved in the killing of OUicef! Sasscer, i1hot without dra\\•ing his own weapon after slopping to question some- Clnc. • "It should be made clear that the basic facts of the murder remain the same ... Whether Lynem will be charged with any other offense will be determined in the ne,;t few days," Hicks exp~ained. Once charged, then /reed, Lynem Is now imtnune to any further prosecution in the murder. but he is currently awaiting disposition of two prior misde- meanor arrest cases. The Black Panther party chapter's minister of communications was jailed earlier on suspicion of carrying a con-. (.-ia.Jed weapon and failure to disperse. Lynem had been out of custody on '500 bood. but Orange County Central Judicial District Court Judge William Tbamson released the suspect on hi$ ow~ recognizance Thursday and , bail was refunded. jl'he district attorney said in his terse announcement or Lynem's unexpected telease that he cannot give any further details about the surprise turn in the case, ,for two reasons. "One -because we still have .a war· rant outstanding for the arrest of Arthur League and two -because we have several' witnesses who fear for lheir Uves," he explained . , ·Assistant District Attorney Everett "Y.'. Die.key only Wednesday won the judge·~ permi6sioo to keep sec ret tbe ·identity of (See PANTIIER, Page %) Horne Fire ·works Bomb Kills Man. M Orange area man was killed Thurs. dayJ nlibt when a homemade .fireWj)l"b bomb h<! was making blew up In his hands, the Sheriff's office repor\cd. Dead oo arrival at Chapman. General l.i~lal in Orange al 9:25 p.m. w;is Frank Joseph Ello, 43, of 17432 Delia goals a gains drilltng off the ~0rana:e the act's protection proviiionS.' Coal!· Ham J . Lorenz,'fonnerNotipol'l'Btach CAPt.. leaders also asked for financial vice mayor and Mrs. T. nmcan (Jem1 -stipport· ·and are-launching a--camp11gn:-Stewan,-origlnal leaders of lJie CAPL County Starts Holiday With 3 Auto Deaths • Bf JACK CHAPPELL 01 If-. Diii' ~119t Stlllf Orange CounLy jumped the gun on the rest ol the QJlion Thu~ay by reco,rdlng one of th~ traffic latallties just before the official holiday period started at 6 p.m. Thursday. A volunteer fireffian was killed Thurs- da/ afternoon in an Emerald Bay traffic ' accident as he responded to an aJarm for during it.I· highly active days "tn the ln.Jd J9'JOS, said the group plans a stronr dri•• to influence oil legislation. The leagUe bas enlisted professional · help in Sacramento to ac.ct1mplisb• these three legislaUve goals : -~ ' -To insure that public hearings be held in the region alfected ''by •i>- plicatioru; for any oUshore exploration or oil exploitation permits. -A tiital ban on any drilling for•oil es:- ploration. -No dilution ol the Shell CUnnin&ham- Act, speci;flcally chapters dealing wilh provisiorui: Involving areas of drainage. . Lorenz said the .group will ask for federal laws paralleling state stalules '. which would insure that no oil ·drlllinf". take place oublide the Utree-m.ile limit tn · federally controlled~waters. -• ~ 1 '.'We've had a t£rrific response thu.s far · from Laguna Beach residente.,'' be said. ,r ~ > ·••. I • •• DAfLY rtt..,..,..... .,. 'DWI ,,......; .... -.. \. ..~~. • • ' ' • J• slQUclfos',1 ei.utet. They-adopted De~aration of ln- a gras., fire. /\, 2.year-<1ld Santa Ana boy was killed by a car-and a-·Hantington lHt Coanty Tr1fffc IHI Aa the result. of one newspa~r Bd, the', league has won · 150 new supporters. and about"Sl,200 in funds. "Suk.wen~ more. Lots more," said• Mrs. Stewart. Mike-' Munson, 10, Costa ,~es-a, Is no-' slouch· wherr , it comes to observing the Fourth of July with !Ta· ditional fireworks. Nation'.s '-founders were no ' . ' ~~(sendence,193'1Y1eafs •ago 'today. . ' 105 Dtatll Toll . · IOI ' Beach man dled of injuries received In an earlier aCcident. -· County's Sky. Lighting Up Wiih Fir~works ' . Seven 1najor fJreworts shows will "light 11p I.he Orange Coast area tonight from Seal Beacb to Laguna Beach as a climax lo Independence Day fes t ivities. Pyrotechnic displays will be held at: • • Reginald B. Tripp, ~9, of 3283 Arizona . Lane, "CQBta Mesa died in the.South Co3$l 72 Y h S o s 'l Community Hospital emergency room of . . . ' . ac . ts -. :etti·ng . al. ;;:::~'." in~urles sustained in the col· JI'he ae<:idcnt occured 'when the · ' ~ motorcycle Tripp was rldfug collided wilh ln-25·th TI".ansp.ac Race · ~.:~;:;,P~'.~~i:n.d~:~~ by John r. l ..w The ac.cident sCene. was only 180 feet -• ~ south of the fire station at Valley Jnn • •• . 1.' 1 • Drive near Swanson Park. Emerald Bay 81 Al.MON LOCK.\BEY B\ack(m. But If wealher· conditions re· is an exclusive private community j~l °''"" Da11Y ri1tt 11"' main ught, Blackfln Could 'forge ah~d of nort'h or .Laguna Beach. Seventy-two craCk· sailing yachts Windward Passage and rob be'r or the Paul Norlon, 22, of 727 Yorktown ··~ered"'e"s••~•·-.1~1 1 h' h l1QO Street, Huntington Beach, died Thursday _... w ~ """ ._.... a 1g n coveted first-~finish. at Huntington Intercommunity Hospital ~ today for the 1Sth sailing of the . With a:ood· winds, either or both, the· as the result of injuries received Jn a Transp;.cif~ 1Lo,s ... ~~~t.J.o ,.~~!~, P'fifhtt~·lirfaf 1tfe• edttlrii' eb~ . June 23 accident at the lntersecUon o( Plans..of the group call for ettenaive lobbying in Sacramento, and es:penies will run quite ttlgh . -• -· "We have to take Some action 4\0w.'' · Lorenz said. . "What "people along the coast mu$l · rea_lizt is that If they want their coaslline : "-<to stay t'he wiy "it IS" lhCy Will have.to dq something ahOUt it ritbt aWay. It woo1t i stay this.-\li.IY.·Wltbout -help." ~k . Anofhell" function" · ol' CAPL ls "lb representation and support al legi!lalive • hearings and government-meetings deal-- ing with oil 'drIDing matters. · The··oil'" slick and simultaneous cla.,_' destine pl1n1 for cor~ sample drJIUng: oll the Orange CoaSt. spurred the meniberi of the dormant group to rene"'lheir fljht againot.oil pollution o1 the COMt; ~ 1 Lorenz stressed that ·the league's am- (See.OU. ~AN,"P11e1 Z) Costa Mesa -Orange Coast College J .eBard Stadium, fireworks show com· plete wil~. cntertainmtn~ i:30.~p.mtJ ' llEkets IJ.75, ·ri<!'f. time record 'o( 9 days_and 13 hours Set by t Huntington Avenue and Adan)! Street. Newport Dunes -complete display, 9 r 1° spec or 1 Pus Jolinbl's Ticonderoga In 1965. "'ran across the street 1n front of his house. r!Ollft , 1 -· • • .. Huml eds (' · t.al boats I • -' The Santa Ana boy was killed as he 0 •-~ p.m., tickets $1. several thousand land-perched spectators BEit Ule· big honors always· co to the · and~--lrfl.})y~oai'~¢~ • r.f?.i ... . · •' ~ ~-:, ·~""-1 • ~£' ~~.J; ~ .).: l lhmlln<ttnB lkaeb -fireworks display on Point FemUn witnessed the typicaUy handicap winner. This c.oukl: and probably got'" 2 .'1 ..... orr.1~ ... ~~~°' l i ' 1,. ' r I lnunchedi;m pier, 9 p.m. light-weather Sl,art. as skippers headed will, Ct1me from Ule ranks of the B,.C or ." d" ,,.. '!..'/T•h.~sd>;i.!i'~';"it:~"r ... '" " ' ~-: -:i 1"~'• -~ • I. hi h ho 1 . , 1 r< , p.111. UT a1;w1_ ':'.'':'VI CI , ,.., l , , • ., • • , Lagulta Beach -private fireworki:: their yachts.' toward Ule west end of J;> c asies w c carry w PP n& tune 1 Count~ •• I peqfitr ~-~. .~trllC· . ,-'t'. ,.._ • .l .,~~ .• ,1... ' ( : show al Em.er:ald Bay -can be viewed CataU'na lslaod, first and only mari. of allowances over the Class A enb'ies. tur., .1p the-d'iitnt;:ihe~nt)'I I .f , , ·\ ~ .. ,..,,~ ,.. t from a distance, starts at dusk. the 2,%25-mile course. Best bet in the Cliss A; ·fP."OU.P ls John ' cor~-s"-Orllc"e Said .. ·: .-:·· ' · · '.• · t t ' -~~ '\ ~~ ·\.~· 1 .. ~t. , ··: An.abeim -Anaheim S t a d I u-:tn , A .number ~ the y~chts started a short· liaU's.., new _CoJ4ffibla:S7.., ~'lC«~ rrom r ~ , • • • ; , 'i ~~ar~ :g11etS~ca_uAt ~it. · ~019' . " fireworks shpw complele with~· t.acklng,di.lel:.up.tbe.coa1t taward.,,Sanla New~.HarbOr Yai;ht. Cl Vibl~ has N ;-~~.: :,. Ji'' ~:.. ... t .... ··.j.~srs~c.z.-~k t''obl4,r !'11" 1 °'t" ;~·11 t~~:;f!!d.s p.m~~~~~i~·~,!: • ~~ . ~~=1:1f1 ;before·_ bta4i_nl: a~ tbe ~~s~~~";j~'!' s~ 10 pre-_ ~. ;-t>ll .. ,r.,.p. ,'~B,,. ·~.·.· ... ,: ' , ,·~. !ih, tf c1:r _ iie'1~. 1·~· tr~~. _:. 1 ·,' •• fireworks display,tp.m. • ' Start o~.lhe'race W8R the cllmax ·of . Class,8Js~wllhpq¥!n_lia\winners \ # "'~~ 1~ r .. . . .toCl!iwi:tnl. -.... Lone Beacb -display launched rrom weeks of ............. uon o1 boils and er .... , · rn the --tomlna.nt eo1umb!a{JO ciau. Pl1 ,_ ~~· ,. ~ f ~ ·it'· r ·. •·• · ! .... :u.,,.... ~ ~ ~. h ,. .... _.~ ... .,. .,,...... -. D .... n ~ . · .-·-t-.. ,·,-1 ' '"lf:w"; !':1 • beiK -can be viewed from Seal Betich deslJned to 1pend from IQ days to two with ~e ya"l·rigged l~tennezzo, skip. ~-·;. , . , , _.;ct1 1, .• 1 1 r t · 100f(f 1 J7t:, h - aJoog Orange Coast, 9 p.m. week• wresUing wjth sail ch:,es as ttw: -~~Y S~,~a~1 o(!'.llfYC,btina• bronQe coo.st tilts tocek.tncti ,,,,. Lane. _, .,,., ~puties sald he was tamping .an ex .. ~losive mixture lnto a pipe In h.l.s garage when the explosion occurred. The cor- tnes".s office said the bla!t b~w off both hJs bands and ruptured hif abdomen. , .•· . . , , ' '' ,l<adew!nde~.~"'~'jiloi' ~seiftl " • ._,e_~;'s.e1 ~,'!';' ~ sal!!~:.. SACRAMENTO •'(\IP!) -ReJlllb~n, , picturtr and mofe'. afoiiu "' -• , the II~,..,.,..., ~ ...... taward , .,.,.r--:' ,,__,. Mley.·w»-" Ass<mblYman Joho Briggs Is angry 11 Po 13 • Patton's Wi«row Dies · the finish line oft Oahu 's Diamond Head. Corkctt's. • Ca--48 Salacla ." which . wu.' Senate Dtmociats 'tor killing his bill .to 1 oe · ~ T)lc Oange County Fire. Oepa'H:ment v.· .. called to ~t out the blaze which did an estimated $1 ,500 damage tO the home. EU.o 1s survived by his 'i\'lre, Jacquelin and lhree childrtn, .'\'. PAWSADES, N,Y. (Al'r=~!iry F'oeld Parton, 91. Wriler and widow or newspaper editor and columnllit Lemuel f'. Parton, died Thursday. Mrs. Parton had covered labor news for several magar.ines. Her husband was managing editor of lhc San Francisco Buletin, r =-=,....··~----~- Front-runnera btfore the iay is_oot (fismasted_~tbe"l~..1'11~.-narne-..S.U&hemG&IUomiatreellt'Q·attti-~~· • ,,.~ ~ n-1' were erpeded to-be"'Dob J"Ohnson's 73-_ Qu.s c·lS"dOniinated by~the Oll-405-, ~!dent Nixon. ' ctM1ct · i. 1-........,... 11 fool Wind want Pwa1 .. llyllJI !be burg,. . overall winners in lhe last ~ff o Br~!Ms ll'ullerm,::.ql];rJed ;n\iirsdll)lj I ;i;:r..."'!t"'~.,r :·~• ·,I::}'! 11 ~ or Lah&lna Y•chl CIUb, : and Ken • Trahlpacs:, plu1 a fleet of the new ~ tht · • ·re~~~ day_ ·• '""l.'""~• 11t ~ .... ~-I· DeMeuse's-73-(oot Blackfln from SL Newpot.t-41'-Belt tinw-allowance in this ~ by ~~beti;V,""'the~e1 . ,;-r: J:.,lttdt ' ~~1 Francis Yacht Club. group is catrled by lbe N-41 Anuenue, ~ Tra tkm ·~1~~ii~"~ pt ~ i ~1 ... ' TNi 1 • ...-,, · \Vindward Passage Is the Scratch b08t liklppered by Vernon Smith and John i tht, · .htrl:.:. 'thtl'~llf •• J j .} , and must live away 111. bow1 Lo MUUpn ol.llooolulu. J pla .~~;; ~ ;t .r·• ... ~ • '(:'X( ~ "fi ~ , ... .1 .. • '·.~ ~ .. ...... ;v " ~I 1 • ,i· " I . • i( l_f _.,,. t r " 1 ., . 't * ~- I I • ' • • ! DAILY NfOT • I ,-. . '""'· .Iill .. l., :F I I ¥ # , u~N .. VC,tes . . . ,. To Cepsure . . ' ~aelr ~~t ~.; . ... .f.125 MBl1on .c,.t , • Reag~~-Gets Way . ~· 9n:, State _Budget ' . . • " . -' By BILL BOYMS&Y .. ~it t11e Ulllvmtty ol caurornla. A total SACRAMENTO (AP)-Aflbr foor days of l!Jl!jllfiil '1'aaJrimlned !tom •. .,.dil WliVusuf pro(l'M! for -llliMfjll 11!'-of batill••• ca1u~•a•1 bu•••t 'cr1s15 is d •• · ·• -·"' .... en.-. ... " -• ·over and Gov. Honald Reapn has the ADOlhtr 0m!ljor ;ndll<:tiol>-f7 m1111..,_ lut word-reduoing tl>e spendfn1 blll by ""' it6m a IUi>d for the stat. fair, whiob $125.!7 nillllon: He 1aid the cub were Reagaft. hopes to· tum over to private • ''more than any governor bas vetoed kl terprise. • ~ \!JllOS " The state menlal hoolJital at Modesto.- . ~--els· ... rt"'I •· Uml •· • •-'" cl-. lo ooar fub1,._1'111 fl 1:.~ ~ ~ .,.. w e na!,C" or re-iilllion.?.: -... · duce individual items, the Republican _ • These were the biggest of the Jj Jtems aovenior slashed the appropratloos bill Reag'an eut. . ' IO '8.Jt blllloo. . "I do not htlieve tupa)'111'1'. l'QOQ07, Then he ·slpled ll Tbunday with 'a blue should be spent jtisl btceuse h II; then, • 'f!ellCil he ~id S)'lllbollzed his economy. hesafdatanewsconferenee.U.-ed Roa,1..t lsn t allowed to add in the budg· his .pltdge to fight fOI" leglstatlan lfY!nr et. Caltfo:rnians a $100 mlllloo ~ tax . Records on gubernatorlal budget vetoes rebate1 and to continue to cut the Colt weren't available. oL a:ovenuoent.. ;; .The ~lalure $en~ lle~giri the budg· ~ at the eod of a stalemate that had put California into a new flseBI )'tar Tuesday without author1t7 to spend money. Couple Hold Up Costa Mesa GI, • COASTAL LEAOERS REVIVE CITIZENS GROUP, TAKE AIM ON OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING CAPL Dfrtdor1 Lor.nr, Mrt. Stewart M1p Drive to Influence 011 Legl1l1tlon Assembly Democrats had Nfused to vote fot' the bill, demandirig more money for pultlic schools. They finally gave in, •clearing the w1y for pasaage by the ,,.._ sembly 58-19, and theh the Senate, 31-5. llepubllcans CO!J!l<>I bQ!li -but DemocraUc votes were needed for the ,,,,.. twe>-Utirds majority required fer budget , appr-0val. Take $110, Bag A Costa Mesa serviceman, due to leave shortly on overseas a.utgnment, was held up-at knifepoint in Stanton by a Negro couple early this momlna . • .From Pcge l PANTHE:R· ••• Top Mari~ Says Lull .f'ro11& P119e l OIL BAN ..• As be said he woul<l,.Jleagan reduced state iiipport for prtmary and secondary schools to $1.41 bllllon-478 .mlllion less than Democrats-sought. The Democrats settled for language in the budget pledging that Reagan wou1d allocate any aurplUJ during the year to schools. The holdup pair, described .u a man., and f ·woman-wearlng"a blonde-wt&:, pick· ed up bitchlUking Rei Glen Dalrymple. 17, ne4f lbe Los Angeles lntemat1cmal Airport, he told police. eight proRC'UUon ~sses ~ feared violent death to premit testimony. otben have apparently been rather un- cooptraUve with investigalors since the June IS indictment of Lynem, Wgue and Gr!m<o,JC<QrdlniJoJlltlu'_commenta. May Mean ·War End-Near bitloo was not to become a group motivated by ·anger. "We-want to~keeP up CoostrucUVe ae- Uon to make sUre that accurate and helpful legislation come&. about in the "ItLwas DO cooceiiIOii" Reagan sald. He also cut a special pay raise for lower salaried state workers from seven percent to 6'k percent, drawing protests from repttJenlatlves of emplO)"ts who had worked even lhoogh the bu<faet stale- mate cut off payroll funds. They will be paid for days worked. At about 3:30 a.m. they stopped on Cer- ritos Avenue between Beach Boulevard and Western Avenue and threatened the youth with a large knlfe. "Cenaln things lhouJd ht emphulzed. The Grand Jury acted properly on the evidence presented to it," Hicks said. "'The detectives 0£ the Santa Ana Palice Department were at au Umes only trying in find the truth," be cooUnued. "The refusal of some people to Corne fon¥ard and the tendency of other& lo ten less than the truth worked to the disad- vantage ol all." "'.l'oda,Y'• action abould pul in mt the ;a::=.·~~~ u be wu black," the DA emphu:lzed. ''That IOrt of talk WU !oollab, lr• respon&lble and Calle." Hicks prllled the work of deputy pubUe defenden Jack Golf, Lawrence Buckley and chjef _J11ves!!g~ J oh n l!<lDd tor tb!lr role1 in Lynem'1 cue. "lnfonnatioo produced by our public defender's olClce and Ila ch!ef irr1 vtltigator, as well 11 two Iawyera ht private pracUce la a tribute to tbO ad-· miniatralion ol jwtlce," Hlckl said. "They realized that the search ror Uu&b In thia altuallon wu perfectly conilatent' with the best inlerull ol thojr elf<nll," he continued. · .. · "WhUe ·Ibey vigorously protected the risht,o qf the .P<~na. r<preseolid they made lntonnatlpn available i. out ~fee and the Sa!!ta Ana Police lleplrtment," Hieb noted. . "Perhapi Ulls can't alway1 be -", he concluded, .. but It could be ln this cue and we are indebteif in them l<>r tllelr al-' titude Of public aervtce.." ' Officer Saqcer w-. • four..,.t1r Navy veteran_ w~ joined the Santa Ana fotC& after'dfJcttarge-from the stmce ·and WIJ honored in 11188 11 the top new patrolman in the department. Kil Ja1t communication with head· quarters was lou:ed about 11 :$0 p.m. June 4. when he radioed he w11 stopping lo check out person1 unknown at Thlrd and Raitt streete. .SAIGON ~UP.I) -.A lop U.S. M¢\e ~er fald today I.he current bat- tlefield iull could be a sign from the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese that they are rt~ to ? the fi,lhting. Mt). Gfll. Ormond Simpson. .com- mander of the lat Marine Division head- quartered at Da Nang, \old newrmen the.re the level of fighting in the northern provinces baa hlt its lowest level in eight months. "Our guard ii up and we cannot make aDY ~. "Bu.Lwr are very lmprused with the IOw eneacy ac- Uvily. "We are attemptina to dete:nnine If the enemy is hurt ancrregrouping for new at- tacks, or if perhaps this is the hopeful &tgn everyone bu looked for, the a1iJ1 he ls tun)ing..tht bnnv:r down~" __ Another top leatherneck officer said it woujft be a' Jeut a month before any con~ can be drawn. S~ iaid ~t tar tbt. flr'l time In 17-mantbs. bis men-patrolling !OUlh of Da Nang htve encounlen!d Vift Cong ~. only, indicating that tb¢ North Vlllo n.m..leaivlsloo -10,000 --lhat was there b@d pqlled baclt lntoihe moWltaiziS of-wettem South Vietnam.: , Tblf .1'1thdrawal report ·brtneided w~h· the dflC;lOIUrt 1n WashJngton that three North Vietnamese regiments -10,500 11\0ll -alio had left the batUelleld for Ca111bxila t:1 Leos. The t.larliii $>fl)c<rs 6lid IJie lock 01 CoQummlat actlVlty had !IOI brooght reetproc:81 mova from the Unlled Stat ... ' Fourteen U.S. ·cffenslves are under way in the .tQI> ft"!e provinces, long a hotbed of North VletnamUe activity. ''The~ ffilsSlon1 Of the ~arlnti In I C<rpS .11 aUll the dei.ction of Com· muntst forces," one leatherneck officer said" in the briefing. In Saigon, I.be U.S. command reported no American or South Vlelnamese c11ualtJe1 in Its preliminary listing of batUu horn Thursday - a rarity in· dlcatlng the extent or the.lull on the bat- tlefield. · Morning communiques from head· quartera uld Allied. .... Jl-oopa ln three ~a oLQil.GrilHng. That _is why we are sldrrn.l.sbea bad \uted 26 Communist nlylng upon competent., professional help. Th4t tUea lllOlley." soldlera Thurad~ '1ftl;wt a loss. He said tne meory or tbe Ieal\lt l1 to It did not .preclude later reports from att«ck an aWetOmt problem like p>llution the flet4 of Gls alafu..or wounded but pre>-"in very small bites," J.nsurinl that there vided a fair indicator of the accuracy of la effecttve lepLaUon aplDll the bllghl u.s. commaiid report1 that the Com-1be Iusue'adrrectora are Lorenz. Mrs. munlm have'~ IOlo ... ~. aud<len'·· St.wart, GeorJe Zebal, Carl Kesley and •·-_,. '' Ray Holm. Chairman Is Vidor C. Eight wavea of BIZ bomber• were sent Andrtwa. · after the suerrlllii1 _favorite retreats The commJUee meets once a wetk. along the Cambcw!lao border oveml.ghl, Membmhlps and contributions are rutti?if"ailif""tiffi:pt'ii"ifii'di the-~:-:-.=c:;;: .: .. ;.u,-im'P. Stewiii-a:aM. -TDe have withdrawn to regroop and resupply league's addrtsl ia P.O.·Box 313, Corona deJ Mar. in the put. "The governor chose aft Ironic way to thank the 185,000 state workers who-vnl· untarlly worked at his uquest during the three-day fiscal crlsls," said the Cali- fornia State Employes AssoclaUon, wblch represenb most of them. ''The governor'• thank you ls a trage- dy, .. the group aaJd, pledsins in try "' cim!!!Dl _Reagao"uk<;laiDn, ~-----=n"'"tileiafWO:UiirOa voti·to over.- ride a gube.rnatorlal veto. Other cub In the '8,240,104,1138 bud&et The pair took $110 in cash and his duf· fle bag, _DalryinpJe_ aald, HJ: is_Jhe IOJl_Qf Mr. ·and Mrs . Dale Dalrymple of 3001 Fernheath Lane. Lemnitzer Honored IV ASttmGTON t UPI I -Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, expected to announce his retirement soon, was bonortd by hit military colleagues 1bursday at a lunch in the Pentagon. Lemnitzer, 69, waa suc- ~ed earller this weei by Gen. Andrew J:-uociiipa!ler ilr">tipl.m.-fWiea""°'"' .mander, Europe. Lemnltzer had held tht pogt since 1962. ~_ear_Lagnna Resident Dies .· STOltlYIDE -:soMMIR SALE Luther H. SampJe, 77, an acUve Laguna Beach retldent tor lhe put· IZ yeara, died at his South Lasun• home Tbunday. t8ample. S1811 Sunset Ave., a rttired eioc!rlcat.' ilore-lfeeper with the Los Angeles ljepartineiit al Water and Power, was a ~bet of ~ Legion Poat m and Muon Loqe 11J. • He 11 iurvtved by hls wife. Alk!e; da1111bter. Mar1aret llidlardacpl, Wait Los AD&eles; thr<e grancfi<JOI, J-, Roland and William; lllt<r, Clar. 8. Neal, of Vitia and a brother, nio.\u al San Benwdtno. . , . ~ Servlcel will ht htld Monday at Sbeffer Laguna Buch M"""'1al Chapel. James Garfield Dies GL!N COVE, N.Y. (AP) -James A. Garfield, 75, grandion of the 20th U.S. president and 11on of a fonner secretary of the interior, died Wednesday .. Garfield, a lawyer, was named after hi !!I grandf1ther and his father, interior secretary in Theodore Ro o s e v e I t ' a cabinet. FEATURING DREXEL'S ENTIRE ESPERANTO COLLECTION AVAILABLE IN THREE BEAUTIFUL FINISHES TRIA)'IA • MORENO • ~ISPANIA • BED ROOM • DINING ROOM • OCCASIONAL I . 1; Momenla later, a itranger'a voice crackled over the police radio to say he had found a young of(icer shot and 6«iously wounded near lhe unattended patrol car. Patrplman Saaactt died within the "4ur. ilhable lb toll what bad llappeped. • * * Not * •none~ Yet DAI LY ~ILOI 100!000 Pullout Said Premature ............ llWCe ....... --_,..., .......... CAii,._... OIW'OI COAll P\IM.WftNO CIQMNK"f l•i..t-1 N. WM• .. ,..... ............ ·J••li L C•rley Vici ,.,.....,,. lflOI Clt!llrml ....,.. n. ....... ,11 .... n•-• A. M1~l111 -·- Cal• ...,., 'Pl..,...,"'"' ........... IMctio Utl WWI ..... lw ...... ~ llH(ll1 m .,.,... ·~ .......... -...i· ......... WASHINGTON CAP) -Some key military leaders 11y it would be premature to withdraw as many as 100,000 U.S. troops from Vletnarn tills year, despite recent Indications of reduc- ed enem)' battlefield activity . While credltln.t: the South Vietnamese army with steady progress, these hlCh ranklt'g officers aay It 18 unllkely the ARVN could improve enough in the neat six months to permit a U.S. pullout of that magnitude. ·~Jl would bt Hie taking a cake oul or the. oYen before it iii done ," aald one general. The United States Is about to 1tart wilhdrawing some 2!,000 Army, M1rlne and Navy men. Preaklent Nixon lndlcaLed recently he hopes the total could reach 100,000 by year's end. A decision on further U.S. troop reducUons in Vlttnam =.=:°li =:,.=-.\ '=' f:., is due iri early Ausust and there have • • :' ..,.... .,. -e.. --. been iodk:ations it might involve an ad-~-:£:'zt-Jt: dJUonal 25,000 men. ~ _,..... .... "!t ,. 911 .,... Improvement of South Vletnainese E-;;.. ~ ~ " • armed forttt. a 1ubdanU&I nduct.lon tn 1; !! I tft41 6Q.4JJ1 enemr actfvity and ICfffmef'lt · Wfth· & .: •• Alu '"*• HW&n Hano oo mutual wltbdt1wal are th~ , !!!'-.,_. c.. _........_ U\rM ltl1ed Nixon admlnlalrat.ian con· ..:I.-;-..=:;.,,::: dlUons for a algnillCArtt U.S. troop :.;: ..::& ~ ..-. .., pupbact rrom Vleti\am. " --11\llltary offbra are refraining fn>m --.· ftl~= 1 ... nadJng .any 11.gnJJ'lcapc:e l'el into the P. Rogers and conf~ed by Pentagon ataUsUca. Some sources suggest Roa;ers may have betn· trying to signal Hanoi Utat, if the enemy keeps his batlleUeld opera- tions al about the current low level, the United StateA will be able to 10 throu&h w!.lh a second withdrawal beyond the 15,000 now definitely scheduled. Military men say there hu betn a rhythm to enemy operatJons for the past tour years -period• of Juli interrupUnc SJ>tlls of hei&hltned enemy batUelleld 'IC> llvlty at lntervall of avtral manttu. In the paat, thtte military men say, the lu111 have occurred·-when. the enemy peused to rtplace batUe Joaes of mtn and equipment, 14 "'l""'P and r"t. A top Penta1on civilian spoke.man echoed thb cautfoos mWtary atUtude toward the current lull. ' 1There are aotne ladlcaUona that · enemy acliona: durlnc recent day1 have dec:rused." said Dtn Z. Henklo, 1111 .. tant secretary of ckfwe for (JllbUc al· fairs. · "I would Uh to emphuta very much that there la no cltareut indlcatloo at~tl\ll Ume. 11 lo 'the reason." Henk¥i added that "we are rna~inf no (orecuta wllataoever, u to wbtlber the lull wJll continue." ALSO. ON SALE ARE SEVERAL OTHER GROUPS OF DREXE~. HENREDON, HiRITAGE (HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY I NATfONAL, MARGE ·CARSON, ETC:. • LAMPS -PICTURES -ACCESSORIES ON SALE WI All SOll:IT POI ANT INCONV(J\lllNCI C4tllrD "'"' CONmUCTION woar ON wmcu•• DllVL THlll:I II UST ACCUI AND PAllllUN• AT THl IUI OP OUI ST01L NIWPORT llACH 1n1 WfffcllH Or., M2·20ff OtllN ,RIOAY 'TIL t INTERIORS l'rofetoloool lotarlor Dllitlan AWlll ... 11 Al~SID LAGUNA llACH '45 NWfh CMtt ttwy. 4tWll1· ONN AfDAT 'Tl\. t \ ,_. .J!!l!l'!I' , dropQff JJ tD<IDY aUackl "'ported 0--...,-"-....;--....;....;l_;,.;..._..=-wednmayiy 5"crel~Slite wunam 'Mle Pen1agon spokesman aald that In some tilego;rles ol tnemy 1ct.1vlty, "the level is 1s low u u ha• been Jn several yeirs.• -r ' .. -~ l l j I I ' I [~ • j ~ 1 d b h H F L p • " ll • • a ~ l , u s t< p i: p u p 11 • c n ~ ~ b • 0 -.. _ .... \ .. . I ORANGE COUNTY, CA~l~RNIA _fRIDAY, JULY .4.. 196J __ .. -TEN CENTS • f ... • \ I YOC: 62,.,NO. 159, 4 S~CTIONS, 31 PAGES , ' l ~~a·st·at~teagt;te Urging· 3 -Ne W Oil Ba ri -Goa " ' s l l By JOHN VALTERZA ' ' or iM °''" '"'"' 11aH • Tb• ~I Atea Protect.Ive League, Bi.mmlring ind blossoming anew air>ce ~ta B~rwa1ou dlsaster, tod.ay ·of- fic@!f' ~ thrft ne·w lecislaUv~ g~plnst '<11 drilling off the Orange ~~ ' . ,leadez;s atSO as~~ for ni'Nlnclal IU IM are launching a carifpaljn ·f~ members. ' The Lea111e, Instrumental In dra/tln( the Shell.cwinlngJwn Act wblch p<OYldes for oil drllllng !oneluries from the Santa Ana River mouth to 'the Melican border, has ~ an. eitenaive proj~ to beef up the act) pr-.pro1ilalons. ' Hans J . Lorionz. fonntt.Newpor:t Bea<:fi. vice mayOr and Mrs,. T. OunCan ,(Jerry) Stewart .. original. leadefs. o/' th~ CAPL d\Jrlng Its highfy. acbye ~¥Y•'.ll\ _!he mllf . 1950&, said the group_plans a stroil&,,drlve -~ to influence oil legiStaUon. Tbe league hi! enlistecL professional help In iacrll!)ento to accomplish these . tnrle legislative.goals: -To insure ~t public hefrlngs be held In Ule region alfeetedl ~y ap- plicatlons for any offshore exploration or oil exploitation permits. -A total ban on an,t drilling for oil e.1· ploratian. ~ - -No diluUon of the Shell CuMlngham • Act, apeciflcalJy chapters dealinr with provisions invo)vJnt areas of drainage. Lorenz said lhe group will ask fOr federal laws· paralldln& , state statutes which would lnsurti that no oil drUling take place outside tbe ~nille limit in federally oonll'Olled w1ters. OJWe've had a terrific response thus far from Laguna Beacti residents," he sald. As Lbe result of one neMipaper ad, the league bu won 150 new su~rs and about 11,200 In funds, "But we n.eed more. Lota more," said -'Mrs. Stewart. · Plans Of the group call fpr extensive lobbying In Sacramen~, and expCnses will run quite high. "We have to take some action now," Loreoz said. · • "Wh&t people along the coast must realize Is th,t _if ~y. want thCir coaslUne to stay·the way it is they will have to do aomethin1. ibout Jt riehl away. It won't . . stay this way without help." Another function o{ CAPL ls ltl representation and support at legi!lativt hearings and government meetings deal• ing with oil drilling matters. , The oil· slick and simultaneous c)aJ)o destine plins for core sample drillin& off the Orang~ Coast spurred the member• · ot the dormant group to ~ their fi.&ht against oil pol!Ution of lhe coaSt, •• Lorenz stressed that the -league'1 am- (See OIL BAN, P11e I) 3 l(illed _in Coullty Traff it F at<;ilities--J-ump-G--u n on Fourth By JACK CHAPPELL 01 ttlt O•I"' l"li.t Sl•lt .Orange County jumped the gun oii the rest of the nation Thursday by ~rding one of three traffic fatalities just before thfi offictal holiday period started' at 6 p.m. ThU'rsday. - Lane, Costa Mesa died In the Soulh Coast north of Laguna Beach. , Community Hospital emergency room o( Paul J'llortoo, 22, ol 121 Yorktown l'!l~ssive injuries sustained in the col-Street, Huntington Beacl:I, died Thursday lis1on. at Huntington lntercogmumlty Hogplta) The acefdent. ~cured when -th&-· a!i the result ol injuries. received tn • motorcycle TrlpP was_rlding collided w1th~ June 2& accident at the lolersectlon of Iii! Coaaty Traffic IHI Huntington Avenue and Adams Street. 185 -Death ToU UK The Santa Ana boy was killed u "' ran across the street in front of h1s house A volunteer fireman was killed· 'l'hurs- da j afternoon in an Emera1d Bay traffic accident as be-respondect-to an-1larm for- • grass lire. A Z..year-old Santa Ana boy - was killed by a car and a Huntington Beach man died ol injuries received in an earlier accident. a pickup tr-u-c-k-drtv-en by John -P. Crowley, 28, of Dana Point. and was lilt by a car. ---- Reginald B. Tripp, 49, of 3283 Arizona The accldent scene w~ only 180 feet south of the fire station at Valley lnn Drive near Swanson Park. Emerald Bay Is an exclusive private communl~ just -- Robert Tores, 2, of 1227 Brooka St .• died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday at the Oranae County Mectlcal Center from a skull frae- bln! received Jn the accident, the county coroner's office said. Panther. Free --+..~, .. O~~~IUI ... ~der Case 72 Y «£.4~ S_etting Sail ~-iln-2~1f;·Trampac Race ... . . l ' . ~ -~ ,SparklJrag D«fl 'in Afi•torY -, ' . . \ - Mike Munson, 10, Costa Mesa, Is no slotfch ·when -tt comes 'to oosetving the.. Fourth <Of July with.. tra- ditional fireworks. Nalfon:s founders -were op sloucbest either. They adopted Declaration .Of In· dependence 193 years.ago tOday. ·~ · · · -. 1. '& ' Ho me Fir e)V orks y . . Bomb Blaiws Up, . ~ .. .. Hills Orfl~ge Man An Orange area man was killed Thu~ ~ night when a homeniade_ firework5 t>othb h~ was making blew llp in his hiAds, 1be Sheriff'& offlce reported. - head On arrival at Chapman Gener.al H0spital in Orange at .9:25 p.m.. .,_&,. ~ Joseph Ello, 43~ or 17432' Delia jkputies sai~ he was tamplnf, an vt· pblve mixture. into a pipe tn hiSrgarage wlitn Ule explosion occurt'fld, ~ cOr· . . . ~c;s office said the bl~ blew off both ~lWids and ruptured.hja .-n. :rbe Oonge County ·1'ile Department wU called to put out the blue w1lich did · an estimated 11~ dama1e to the home. 'Elio b surVived by4"lis wife, Jacquelin aid thre< dtUdrell. . -' Count y's Sky ' lil.ghting Up ~ • S~ull Case Finder , IGller ' Due in C~ur~ on ~~e DaYi A ~ Ana ktller-and-lronically---0de Of the riien who stumbled onLo remains of the victim; lead.ing to the slayer's co11r vktlon, go to court next Wednesday ln eeparate hearings. Rowland J. BerTy, 2i, or 734 Toland St., Santa Ana. will appear in ruverslde Count)' Superior Court July ' 9 to be formally sentenced to llie in prison. David L. Zimmann, 25, of 2683 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, is due to· appear in Harbor Judicial District Court for preliminary hearing. on a Jocal drug and assault 011 • policmtan charge. Berry was schedtiled far probation and terrtence hearinc iq •JUvenlde 'Jlhunday, i.;.,he wt!IJdro111.0"ori11~.P1ea .rt-i .. , nocenl by re...., ill ~ty iili! ~ mat:, ler ware~.. ~~ Zimmann was· llTeeted last weekend after· he'.~allegedly sluiBd .; Cosla Mesa police ofrur aoo nta~"\Jie .scene -or a routine traffic slop. Zlmmann allegedlY· ,>qi~d of a plastic bag and a pill as tht officer chas- ed and caughl him and it was confiscated as evidence. ' Zlmmann, his younger1 brother and a third Costa Mi!san were hunUng tabbits ..near Elsinore last No'{. 11 when they found the animal·gnawed bones or a IT!urder victim. Riverside County sheriff's homicide in- vestigators estatiliShed his ; identity as Kent D. Davis, 21, of Hayward. who -had allegedlf been executed and ~ robbed of ~intended for a marijuana buy. Berrt. and !-oth,er , f!'ll!ls. Wer• •V,n\Pally charged, bUI:' o~l)' the Santa Ana· mift wu finally tried 'IOd convicted or first de~ murder two weekJ ,ago. · u·.s~ Celebrates Nat io n Mar ks 193 rd Birthday Uzith Fife,vorks P 1 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS M~t ~vemmenl and b~siness offices ~en major fireworks ·shows will light will be closed. So will most departmen• From the highest point of land on the u"ii\be Ora~e Coast area tonight from AtLanUc. QOflt to lhe shores. of Hawaii, stores, food markets, banks, courts, stl1 Be.Ch-to tagUna Beich' as a clifnax' Amerkans take part In spec I a I libraries ahd. st<Jck mark~ta: The Fourth t~:tnde.pende.oce Day Its ti vi ties• ceremoniet today to mark the 193rd of July is on~ or six hollaays Observ~ in ~technic displays will be held at: birthday of the United States of America. all 50 states and in all U.S. possessions. Lta Mes"a -Orange Coaat CoJlege Folklore will compete "'filh history, as The oUien are New Year 's, Labor .Day, llSird Stadium. rirework.s show oom· ootrtgger canoe races in Hawaii, frog· p~· with entertalnment, 7~31 p.m., jutnplng contests -ih Montana ind Ohlo Veterans -Day, Thanksgiving and t1'fet• $1.75. and a sunrise square dince on Cadillac Christmas. llf~wport Danes -complete display, I Mountain at Bar Harbor, Maine, hlghlight President Nixon, who Is spending lhe pijl:. tickets $1. local ferliviUes. weekend al hl.s home on the shore or Bls- ltnU•gtoa Beacll -tlrtwotkl display Flag raising and speeches mark cayne Bay, Fla., will attE:nd a par1de at> launched from pier, 9 p.m. celebrations at two cradles of the Key Biscayne. ;qpu Beacla -private fireworks American fight for lndependtilce -When the Declaration of Independence .....,-1t Emerald Bay -can be viewed 'Phlladelphfa and Bolton. ---~~ ·~ By~ON __ Bl'.....!!l1DUR:~ ytN8£L -Of tlM O.ll't P 1 Sl•ll ot ~ .,..,.. ''tfl seventy.two craCk sailing y a c b t 1 A Black . Pantlft\·cllieflafn Indicted ln answered the starting sipal at high noon the murder of SIJrta Ana's top rookie today for the 25th sailina: or the policeman or !961 ja a Crte man today. OraqgJ County Dbitict <Attorney .Cecil Transpacific Los les to Honolulu A. Wcks asked dismlual of a·Crand Jury ract. _ · 1 • • .. indictment against Daniel M. Lynem, 22, ~ Of: ·spectatof boat.I, plus and the requesj was granted Tbursday by ·-1 lhouJ nd land "" ta•-Superior Colirf JUdge Ja.Bes F~ JUdge. sev...._,. · 1 · · -percnaa spec "'111 Charges ..ag;i:Inat J1 se®oo ,San'ti Ana Of\.-Rolnt Fermin, wltnessed-the typically black militant, Odis N .. GfJmu, 2f, .who J~weather 1tart as !kippers headed has never been captur~. will be dropped thtQ. yachts to"ard tbe west end of also,· bu~ a nationwide ~nbuiit coi:iUn~es Catalina lslarid, first and only mart or for a third. -~· 2 ZZS..ml111 coUrse ' · Black Panth~r party.member Arth\Jr ' r 1 League 20 today is l~t 13 the pfinclpi A pumber of the yachlll started a short· suspect' in 'the cold-bl~ June-4 street tacking duel up the coast toward Santa corntr staying of PatrObnan Nel!IOO A. Monica' Bay before heading across the SaSSCF. a if..year-01t1i~e1 officer. , channel. _ "EVldence. and ·~s that have Start of (he· race was the climax of tu"!'ett up in the list'~ hours h~ve weeks o( preparation or boats and crews sahsfied us o:iat ,"/e cannot proceed Wll;h destined to spend !rom 10 days to two the . prosecut~n, ~cks ' announced m weeb wrestling with sail changCI! as. the askmg Lyn~ s ~elease. ' trad.ewinds, hopefully, pick up and send ~he county s chief law~ unde~~ore:<1 the fleet plunging through seas toward the. f~ct ~at Blac~ .Pan~ t&tivity 111 the finish line of! Oahu's Diamond H d defm1tely involved 1n the killina: i: Officer ea · Sasscer, shot without drawing his own Front-runners before the day ~ out pon after stopping to question some-were ~peeled to be Bob ,Johnson s 73-wen foot Windward Passage, flying the burgee one. "It should be made clear that the basic facts of the murder remain the same •. , Whether l.ynem will be charged with any other offense will be determined in the next few days," ·Hieb exp:aJned. QJice charged, then Ireed, Lynem Is now immune to any· further prosecution in the murder, but he is currently awaiting dl!potit\on 'of two prior mlsd~ meanor arrest cases. The Black Panther party chapt.er's r minister of communlc_1.Uons was jailed earlier on suapiclon o? carrying a con- cealed weaP.OQ and failure to disperse. Lynem hail been out ol'CU3lody on llOO bond, but Orange County Central Judicial · Oislrtct Court Judie William Thomson released the suspect' on hi~ own recognlz.ance Thursday and ball was refunded. The district attorney said in his terse announcement or Lynem 's unexpected relea9e that he cannotgive any further details about the surprise turn In the case, for two reasons. "One -because we still. have a war· rant oulltanding for the arrest ol Arthur League, and two -becluse Wf' have several witnesses who fear ror their lives," be explained. Assistant Disttict Attorney Everett W. Dickey only Wednelday ·won the )udge's pennissJon to keep 9eCl'et the ldenUty of (SH PANTHER, P .. e I) JULY 4 TRAFFIC . . KltLS 49 S..O FAB ;. El Salvador, Honduras GIMh In Bo rder War . ' MEXICO CITY (UPI) -Small-scale bor.der lighting broke out Thursday between El Salvador and Honduras, two Centi-al American nations already em· broiled In a grave diplomatic crisis. Each natiori .accused the other of aggre~sion. El Salvador charged In a communique seen here that Honduran warplanes at~ tacked border guard posjUoru: lnslde its territory and Honduran troops fired on the same positions fmm across Ute border. · Honduras denied the Sa1vadorean ve rsion and said in lt.s own communique that El Salvador's 'border troopi fl.red upoo a Honduran civil airliner as it wu taking off from a town near the bQrder. Ne.lther riatlon · announced a n y casualtiei. Nixon Freewa y Plan Rejected.. ffillt·a dlstanCe, atarts 11t dust. And \here will be publ~ fitework! was adopted in 1118. then! were thrd '•abt:lm -Anaheim ,5 t Id I um ' displays from coast to coast as skies million Americans. Today there are more BJ THE ASSOCIATED' Pl\l';U flr,work1 .show c«nplete wilb en-darken on the midsummer holiday. than 200 million.,' many of whom have 111 hl"IY accidents cl1hned 49 li ves SACllAM.!;l<'i'O IVPn .., Republlan Aisemb11'na• John Brill• le •lll'Y. 11 . 88a-it Dmificiau flii-"'illlfril'lllsblJTTo~ name' a Soulheril eautorhia freeway after President Nb:on. · · l tertatnrnent. 9 p.m., Uckets $2.50 to.f4.50. At lea.st one antiwar demonstrallon ls taken to the roads and sklu tor vacallon arot!d the nation in this first d•J' otJ~& Olliieytan4 -red, wbile and blue plann<d, hl:Pblladelphlt. In Sporla. W'11., lri~ · • --. Fourth ol'July weekend'. ' flrdtlrks•display, I p.m. · Army reaervlMs will close the. July 4th Airllnea ha,ve 1dded ICOl'el of extra ~&)a. and-Ohio both had a toll of · ~ ... Beac _display launched frorri weekend with a name-throwing,i smoke-n1ght1 to I.heir 11ehedli_le1. In New¥~ sti. !tntc-roWa •mt Tuas each counted be.Ch'_ c:aabe viewed from Seal Beach bomb, fake-ammunition assault on an 1~..;..~" tr~Y"eler5-are ~v1 fl\le dead. .. alCNijl Oraos' Coua, 9 ..... ~-----''e..oem)'..bunkern In tbtJocaLballp~---'-._.. \ .. Briw', Fullerton:• charf«i Thursday life l>lrtY'fl..-rtJ«tlon the wev!Oua day by Democr1tk: member• of the Senate Tranaponluon Committee. was ' ''"mm of Ute ume aame the ntinocrats art ' -' of • Lahaln1 Yacht Club, and Jten DeMea.se1a 73-foot BlackfJn from St. Franqs Yacht Club. . Windward Passage Is the scratcll boat and must give. away a;lx • hours lt Black!in. But if weather coodltio111 re- main light, Blac;,tfin .could forge ahead of W"mdward Passage and rob her of the coveted flrJ"t·to-flnlsh. ·With good winds, e.ltl)er or bolh the yaChts cou ld break lhe exlsUng elapstd time record of 9 day~ and t3 hours eet bJ Johnsonis Ticonderoga in 1965. But .the b)g' honon alw_ays go lo the handica,p winner. This could an~ pn>bably will, conic from the ranks of the 8,1 C or D classes which carry whoppin&-time allowances over the Cla8! A entriel . ~st bet in the Class A croup is John Hall's new Columbia-~7 Concerto from Newport H'arbor Y.acht Club which bu been showing good tuins of speed In pre- Transpac tune:UP ra~. Class B is loaded with potential winnera in lhe predomlnan\ ColUmbia-50 Clan, with the yawl·rigged Intermeu.o, skip. pcred by Stao Williams of NHYC being a standout because of her added .sail area. Another local Class 8 entry is Tom Corkett's Gal""48 Salacla which ~as di.smasted ~ltt'ing the 1967 Transpac. Clau C ill dominated by the Cal-40s - overall winners in the last t w o Transpacs, plus a fleet of the new Newport""4ls. Bes~ lime allowance in ~hll group ill carried by the .N""41 Arlutnue, ski ppered by Vernon Smith and John Milllgan or Honolulu. . Best bets in the Clall! D Oeet are the two Santana-371, Destiny ll, owned ind skippered by John Hooten of Bahia Coi'inth\an Yacht ciub, and Mahia, owned and skippered by · Sandy Greenber11 Californta Yacht Club, But lo ·lhe final analysts, the winoer will be the yacht whose crew can smell out the. best .wind condlUons and steer clear of lhe deadly Pacific HIJh, a blob of st aJe air lhat prowls the PacUic like a black-widow spider. Oraqe c ... , Weadie r 1 Early risers caught a bit of low clouds this rnoming, but 1\111 wor- shipers can look f o r w a r d to bright, clear .tkles this afternoon. INSmE TOBI\ Y Trampat'• tht word on £he Orange coo.at this .wctkfnd. For picturte ond more 1to~• ••• Pog(...JJ. _ -'"'~ ·-• 11 ---.. =--11·11 CltJlllltf 11>:t1 Milfttel ,_.. 14 ~...,lc•a .. U °""' -·· • .,.... ....... 14 ~ • ·~ lNI 1"41W11t ..... -' .. ,.. ...... ... • ,.._ , .. ,, ...,._..,. .. ~ '"" '41111 .......,, t St.di ""'1leb: 1"11 .,... . ,........_ . ¥M:Ntt ,....... ,. .. LiilMMI I WI II I .,... .t ' -j .{ . I 'I I' • • • • • ! DAILY PILOT l:J.N. V()tey To Gou~~ • 1' ,s12s'M1111,,. c,t~ Israel Act UNTl'Ell NATIONS (UPI)·-Tho IS. member United Natiiini Security Coun- cil voted unanimously 11\unday nlaht to censure larael for ftl moves \0 annex the 'Arab -·-o(cJIMllem, wlllcb It captllrel dut!ni. Ille 1117 Middle Ea11 war. . " Israeli Ambassador Jostpb Tekoah Im- mediately rejeeted the resolution, 11ying "Political or military barlWIWlt will not sway Israel." The COW><ll resolullon,. 1poNO«d by Paklslln, 8-gal and Zambia. was a watered down step from the full con- d•mnallon of lsrall Al1•rla and Nepal ha4 demanded In a resolullon lnltoduced earlier. Tho Unlled Stala ablloined In a 11-4 ~ol)ininuy Vole Oii a pil.,,aph fi the resolution whlcl1 "urgenQy calls once more upon Israel to rescind rottbwith all measures taken by It which mar t<od to change -the status oi the city o Jerusa· lem and in future .to refrain from all ac-- tionS like1y to ~ave such an effect." U.S. Amba.Uador Charles W. Yost sulr seqUentJy· voted · fof the retoluUon as a whole. -· The Measure censured Israel for all its mus1.1res tllen to change the slalus of lhc mile-square Arab quartu of the old • • city ot Jerusalem and confirmed previ- ous U.N. decisions that all Israeli aclloos in this reea,rd ace iJ!valid. __ From Peg! I PANTHER ... eight ..-utlon wu.i.n.. whe feared vlolent death to prevent leltimony. Otbm ban IJIParenlly been rather un- ""'Pcr•ttve_wlth lnvtslfgatorLs!nce·the June 18 indictment of Lynem, League and Grimes, aCeording to Hieb' commenta. "Certain thin!!• should be empbaw.ed. The Grand-Jury acl<d properly on the P.Vidence presented to it." Hicks aaid. '"The detectives of the Santa Ana Police Department we.re at all times ooly trying to find the truth," he conUnued. ''The refusal of some people to come forward and the tendency af others to tell less than the truth worked to the d1$ad. vantage of all." "Today's action should put to rest the 51.1ggesllon that the police department was willing to prosecute anyone as long as he was black." the' DA empba~ud. "That sort or tauc was foolish, ir· responsible and false." Hicks praised the work of deputy public defenders Jack Goff, Lawrence Buckley and chief inv~Ugator J o h n Bond for their roles in Lynem 's case. "1nf'![Malion pl"duc<d by--91K. public-- del'ender11 office 'ind Its chief ·1n- vestlgator, aa well as two lawyeri in prjv8te practice is a tribute to the a~ - mlflistraUon of justice," Hieb aald. ''They realized that the search fqr truth · In this situatiorrwa·s perfectly COl!tlltent · wtth lhe best inWests ~ Ult1r clienll,'" he conUnutd. ''Wbil,. they vigOIOUSly protected the rtabt.. I~! the penoos ,.~ted, t!le7 · mad~ F.ormatpi iv.tlable io our office and '"" San1a Ana Police llepat;tnient," HJck.s'1iot.d. . . "Perhaps thll can't alwayi be done,'' he concluded, "but It could btolta U.11 cue and we are indf:bted to them for1helr at- titude ot pt.lb!lc service/' ' Offlctr 8uacer wU a four-year Navy veteran Wha-Jolntd the 'santa Ana force after dlacharp from the service and w11 h<mred in" 1968 as the lop new patroJinan In the department. HjJ tut communication with head- quartqs was loased about 11 :50 p.m. June 4, when ht radioed he was stopping to cheei out penon& unkaown at. Third end Raitt streets. A1omenll later. a stranger's volce crackled over the police radio to say he h.3d found a young officer shol and S«iously wounded near 1he unattended patrol car. Patrolman Sasscer died within tl'll tww, unable to tell ~hat bad happened. DAIL\ PILOT --M----_,..., --C.U.OllOA OlAHOI COIS1 PU"'ISMI~ COltl""" Rt~ N. Wte4 -.. -J•c.li l. Cwll'J Yb '""""*"' .... ~-~ ... T~•~• ktnil ..... Tho'"'' A. M""'lii111 ,..,..,...... t:Clli9r' Reaga~ . " ' • . On State etsWay .µdget • hit the u;\Ivarstty ~ Callfornlr. A total of fl miUloo waa lri~ed from a ~al SACRAMENTO (AP)-After four diy• university ,program for mtnorit; &tu· of battlt"i, Calilo<nia'• buqet crlsll J1 ~ ~ over and Gov. Rooald ReaJan has the ~ ~J~ reduCtlo"'"""7411illion- . last word-reducing the spend.Ing bill by .was frun 'a fund. tor ~ ltate falr, whkh $1~.67 million. He said the cuts were Reagan hopes to turn over lo private ea- .. "more than· any governor has vetoed ln terprlse. " • '.l"'l)e stat,,rneotaJ ho.'lpital .at Modesto--recent. Um.et. .-sJ.ii.ted to close in near future-loet St ,Ei.:erchiing his right to eliminate or re-.million. · d\jte individual Items, the Republican These Were the bigged of the 24 items governor slashed the approprations bill Reagan cut · to IU4 billion. "I do not believe taxpayero' monev 'Jben he slgntcl It 'I11ursday wllh a blue should be spent just becauae it is there ii pencil he said symboliz.ed his economy. he said at a news conference .. He renew~ ~agan isn't allowed to add to lhe budg· hls pledge to fight for legislallon livtni et. Californians a $100 milUon -income tu 'Records on gu~matorial budget vetoes rettate, and to continue to cut tbe coat wtren't available. of government The legl11lature sent Reagan the budg- et 11t the end of a !talemate that had put CaJUomla Into a new fl.seal year Tuesday wlthoilt'puthorit1 lo ope!ld money. Ass~· Demor:rats hd' refused to yot~ for die bill. ~!'landing more money --for-~ls. Tbey·flnally gave tn,- (A>uple. Hpld Up COsta COASTAL LEADERS REVIVE CITIZENS GROUP, TAKE AIM ON OF~SHORE OIL DRILLING CAPL Directors Lorenz, Mrn Stewart Map Drive to Influence OU L .. lslatlen clea~'tle l\'&Y for passage .by the;,,,. oembb' 11-lt, aM then the Senato, 31.S. Rtpuhllc.ios control both houses but Democratic votes were needed for the esa -GI, Take '$110, Bag twe>thlrrla majority required for budget A Costa Mtsa serviceman, rlUe to leavt approval shortly on overseas 18$1.gnment, was btld Top-Marine Says-Liill May Mean War EndNear -. -. SAIGON <UPI) -A top U.S. Marine commander said today the current bat· tlef~· lull could be a 11lgn from the Viet · Cong and North Vietnamese that lbey are ,.ady to end the lighting. Maj. Gt.n. Ormond Simpson, com· mander of the 1st Marine Division head· Quartered at Da Nang, told newsmtn there the level of lighting In the northern proviocea has hit Us lowest level in eight months. "<Mr guard Is up and we cannot make any 85Sumptions." he said. "But we are very impre.saed with the low enemy ac· Uvfty. • 'quarttin aald Allied troops in l.hree 11kirml5hes had killed 26 communist solatero Thiiroday witbout a 1,... It did not preclude later reports from the field of Gia a\ain or wounded but pr~ vided a fair indica'tOr of the accuracy or U.S. command reports that the Com· munists have eone-into hiding suddenly. Eight waves of B52 bomberl were sent after the guerrillas' favorite Tetreats along the Cambodian border overnight, hilting base camps to whleh the Reds have withdrawn lo regroup and resupply in the past. "We are attemptinl to determine lf the enemy is hurt (\nd regrouping for new at- tacks, or If pel:lb•PI this Is the hopeful sign everyor!O has looked for, th• sign be 12 -year Laguna 11 ttuTWlg the burner down." Another top leatherneck officer said it wou!rl,,be..•LlwL• month belor•.aa1-ResidenrDi'es . canclurkm µ,n be drawn. ~kn~. aajd that for the first lime In 17 mGno\f, bis mtn patrolling south of Da Luther H. 8ample, 77, an adl.ve Laguna N~n&.haVtt~lered Vl4 Conc troops Beach rtaldent for the paat 12 years, died only; lndi<:allng that ~. Nortlt Viet· at hi• South La1Un• home Thurlday. namesedivWon-10,000tntn-thatwas · Sample, 31881 Sunset Ave., a retired there bad pulled bar:I: Into Ibo mountains . •l!'Cltlcal ...,..keeper with the Los ol~ South Vietnam~.. Anaeles ~partmertt of Water and /llUS '1dtbdrawf:I report f;oWCJded. w.iUl PowC!r, W1i: a ll'ltmber of Americao the .dfscloWe In Wpshln1ton that thre< Legion Posf.2n and Matan Loda• en. North Vietnamese re,uneuts -10,SOO He iJ aUrvlved by 'his •wife, A.llQe; men -abo had left the battlefield Jor d'Ulhl<r .• Maraaret Rlchardlon, .ll'ist Cambodia or Laos. Loi Angel .. ; three ~. Junes, The Marlnt -<lflc:er• said the lack of flolaod and Williiln; •~\U. · Clua S. COmmunlit aCtivlty had not bfOl\g~t Neal, of Vista and a h<btlior ,. Tbomas of reciprocal move1 from the t[nlted Sta:~es. , 58n· Bernardino. Fourteen lJ,S, offensives are under w1y · Services will be held McMay ai Sheffer in the top five provinces, long a hotbed Laguna Beach MemorhJ. Chapel. of Nerti! Vletnamm.actlvfty. "The ·mtn\ons of the Marines In 1 Corps Is sUll the detection of Com· munilt. forte!," one l•alberneck officer said in the brienn1. In Saiaon, the U.S. command reported no American or South Vietnamese cuualUes in lb preliminary listing of battles from Thursday -a rarity in· <licatlng the extent of the lull on the bat· tlefield. Morning communiques from head- James Garfield Dies GtEN COVE, N.Y. (AP) -James A. Garfield. 7S, ll'"d'°" of the 20th U.S. president arid 50ll of a former secretary of the Interior, died Wednesday. Garfield, a lawyer. was named after h I 1 1l'3ndf1tber and his father, interior seeret.ary in Theodore Ro o 1 e v e I t ' 1 eabineL * 'Done~ Yet lOQ.000 Pullout Said Premature , WAS!llN<lTON (AJ') -Some kty rnilltarY. l~ader1 aay it would be Pr~lufe lo withdraw as many as 100,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam this year, despite recent indications of redue· ed enemy batUtfield act.lvity. While credilinl the South Vietnamese army with steaay progrus, these hi&h ranking olficus say It Is unlikely the AR~ eo1,1ld improve enou1h in the next ..sit months to permit a U.S. pullout of that magnitude. "It would be like t1klnc a cake out of 'tl!e ovtn be.lore It Is done,'' said one g"1<r..al. . The lhu1~ States is about to start wllhdra'wing some 25,000 Army, Marine and Navy men. President Nllon lndfcated recenUy he bnpa: the tetal could reach J00,000 by year's end. A decision on i'urther U.S. trOop reducUons In Vietnam i3 due in early Auaust •I'd thert have been lndlcaliool It ml1ht lnvoive an 1d· dillonal ~.Olio men. lmprovement oJ SOuth Vlettlamese armed lore.a. a substantial ttjludllio In ''""'1 acUvfty and ecretment with Hanoi on mutual "Hhdtnal are the three &taltd NI.Jon 1dmlftl.atr1Uon con- dltlO!I• for a lllpllllcant U.S. tt<>ep pullback from Vietnam. Military ofllctn are ~rolnlns rrom rt1dlng any &lgn!llcanca yet Into the dropof! of enemy attacks ·reported Wednetday by secretary of Stale WIIllam (, P. Rogers and confirmed by Pentaaon statiaUca. Some sources suuest Rof;ers may have bten trylna to aicnal Hlnol that, if the entmy keeps his battlefield opera- Uons at about the current low level, the United St.ates will be ·able to 10 through with-1 second withdrawal beyond the 25.0oo now definitely scheduled, Military men say lhere has · been a rhythm to enemy operations for the past four yean -periods of lull interrupUng s~Us of hellhtened enemy beltlefleld ac-- 1.ivity at intervals of ;everal months . In the put, thetf military men say, lhe lulls have occurred when the eoeniy paused to replace battle los!es of men and equlpmenl, to regroof. and rtst. A top Pent11on clvtl an apokes"inan echoed this cautious military attitude toward the current lull. "There are some lndleaUons that enemy actions during recent daya have decreased," Mid Din Z. l{enktn, assis- tant H<:retary of delwe for public af. fairs . "l would llke to empht&Jie V9fY much that there Is no clearwt lndlcalloo at this time •• to lhe reaaoa. •1 Htt\kln ed<led that "wt are mlklna no foreau1lt whatsoever, u to wbtther Uie lull wUI continue." . 11le PenLagOn spokesman aald that In somt categorlts of enemy acUvlty. "the lo\•el Is aa low as it bas been In several )'t811." ' ~ . As he said he would, Reagan redua!d up at knilepoint in StatUon by a Ne.gro stale support for primacy and seeondafy cwple.early ih1s momlng. f'ro111 p .. .e._L_ schools to ft.II bllll!!t::J78 million Jess The holdip e!!r. described. as ~ .mQI, ---·UiM nemocraTs sougli[ -and a w&nan-'.!ei.rlnl a blo"Ode WT1i pick· OIL BAN Tlla Delll-OCl'at.s-seUled--tor-language In _ed_Up hlt.chhlk1ng Ra. Gleo-0~ • • • the budget pledging that Reagan would 17, nur the. IM Angeles International bitJon WU pol to become 8 group motiva~ by Infer. - - - "We watat to k'~ Up constructive ac- tion to make. Sutt...Jbat .,accurate-and helpful leglslat!90. comes about in the area of oil drilfing. That Is why we are relying upon competent, profe&siOflal belp.-That·takerHn°"'r•"-~- He said lite~ or the league Is to attack an aweiiQnie P!'iiblern llke pollution "in very 1rMlfbltes. ~ inJurlng that there is effective lecl:,llat1on against the blight. 1b1t leque'1 d.Tecton are Lorenz, Mn. St.wall, ·GIOlJIO Zebal. Carf Kegley and Ray Holm. . CbalTman la Victor C. Andrews. The comnilttee meelS once a week. Mtmberahlps and C:Mtrlbulions are most wel~e. Mri:. Stewart said. The leqt.1e'1*14re111! P.O. BOr 313, Corona del Mar. \ allocate any surplus during the year to Airport, he told police. schools. At about :S:lG a.m. they stopped on Ctr· "It was no CODCeSSJon" Reagan said. ritoa Avenue-~tween Beach Boulevl,fd and Western Avenue and threatened the Re -also cut a special ~ raise for yout.ILwith a large knife._ 1oW!rsa1ar1ed state"Workeri {rem seven '.J'be pair took $110 in cash and his duf. percent to &'i percent, drawing protests fl ha 1 1 ·d H •· ... f from representatives of employes who . e S· Da rYMP e Sil · e ... Mfl; MID o had worked even though the bu~et siale. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dalrymple or 3001 ~mate-cut off payroll funds. TS"fly will be Femheath Lane. paid for days worked. ~ "The governor chose an Ironic way to thank the 185,000 state workers who vol· untartly worked at his request durin~ the three-day llscal eris.is," said lhe Cali- fornia St.ate Employes AssoclaUoa, which represents most or them. "1be governor's thank you ls a trage- dy," the ll'OUP said, pledging to try to overturn Reagan's decision. But It takes a two-thirds vote to over· ride a gubfimatol'ial veto. -• Other cuts in the $6,240,104,836 budget Lemnitzel." Honored WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Gen. Lyman Lemnitz.er, eipected to announce his retirement soon, was · honored by hil military colleagues Thuraday at a June); in the Penta1on-Lemnitzu, 6'. waa .suc- ceeded earlier lhls week by Gen. Andrew J. Goodj>asler as Supreme Allied Com· mander, Europe. Ltmnllur had btld the post •Ince 1911. STJ>RE WIDE I SUMMEL 'SALE FEATURING DREXEL'S ENTIRE ESPERANTO COLLECTION AVAILABLE IN THREE BEAUTIFUL FINISHES TRIANA • MOR~NO • HISPANIA • BED ROOM • DINING ROOt.1 • OCCASIONAL \ I 'I ALSO ON SALE ARE SEVERAL OTHER GROUPS O'F DREXEL, HENREDON, HUITAGE !HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY! NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON, ETC. LAf,1PS -PICTURES -ACCESSORIES ON SALE WI All SOllT POI AN'f INCONYDlll!NCI CAUSID IT THI CONSTIUCTION WOIK ON WUTCLIH DllY&: THiii JS LUY ACCIU AND PAIKINCJ AT THI IUI OF OUl STOJll. NIWPOll" CH 17V' W•klltf Dr., '42·205' OPIN PRIDAY 'TIL t • ' INTERIORS ProfHslOHI lntarior oos1,.,,. Awallobla-Al-SID ' - LAGUNA llACH S4S N•rth (Mlt Hwy. ffWSJI• OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL t I ' I • • ' 'I "' ,, . ' . ' ., •'. ' 'j • t ;:I ,J ,J t • ' ,1 f ' •• ~ '• c :s f ~ if t ~ < " ' .- 0 • . J • ' c b ~ E • p • p ,, p ·- , Frid<Y, July 4, 1969 DA(lY PILOT 3 -JWrong .Way!> ·ct~gs ·to ·otf-~otirse Tale ----'---~ I . . --, ,..._, Corrigan Maintains He Landed in Ireland 31 Years Ago I By RANDY SEEL YE Of tM ~ Plllt $1•" could be 6,100 mlles ol! coorae.-but Cot· rlgan managed lo do It. Now nearing tht Slit anniversary of bis movie on hil wroo1 way fll&bt. ASOO.li'h "Wrong Way" Corrigap today "still cling~to the claim his famous fiight from New Y~rk to Ireland 31 years ago was a navlgaOonal error. Corrt8:an, ;--loai fune ~Orange County resident, eaJned international notoriety in J931 when he departed on a flight from New York to Lona: Stach and somehow larlded in lf'flland. • -lamous Olght, the U.yeir-old retldent or 282.1 N. J"lower Sf., Santa Ana, re:-told his . ranla11\lc tale. "l wu on the return trip of lhe first coast-to-<out.rouocbtrlp fll&ht la a siJl&le- engine pJ1ne when the adventure "I thtnk I made lht 180 decree mistake wht11 I made a rwlni to gtt into a Southwell Dlght pattern jUll after tak1<1U from New Vort. The captain of the ocean Uner that car- ried Corrigan back to lhe Stales backed up "Wrong Wa,y'11• ltOIJ. "tie aaid T courdr\'t-serttie water because or-bad wuther over the Atlantic. He also knew If you go 180 degrees the other way from New York, you'd.end up in Dublin instead of Long Beach." Durln& the· years after his adxenture to lrtland, Corrljan kept his latereet in Oyina active. "In World War JI ·t· helped ·ferry military aircraft around the United States and after the war 1 Ht up a business carrylna miners 10_}.lask:a. Today "Wrona: Way" has given up the wild Ufe of a pilot and awns a small Orange grove In S1nta Alli . 'I ORANGE GROWER CORRIGAN RECALLS WRONG WAY FLIGHT From N" York to Long Beech Via Dublin, Ireland Efficie11cy Eyed County Chamber Tes.ts Government Operations A proposed study of Orange County government operational areas ·by tbe Governmental Affairs Commit tee of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce to hopefully "make recommendations whi ch will result in optimum efficiency and economy" y,·ill be considered by the Board of Superviso rs July 15. In a brief appearance last Tuesday , Leo Tamamlan, chairman of the com· mitt.ee, told supervisors his group hoped they could provide expert service in such areas as logistics, warehousiag, inve ntory iYStems and purchasing. He.,empbaliQd 1bat an"final decisions on committee recommendations would .a-emain with the board and that his •·ex4 .·::pe:cts" ~Ot!.ld stUdiously avoid "political "'<Jr philosophical areas" and make only • Divorced W ome1t ~Apartment House Proposal Denied ~ A proposal lo build an apartment com· plex for lov.·-income divorced v.·omen a!ld ,~their pre·school children failed to spark , interest \\'ilh Orange County Planning ,coi;nm1ssioners Wednesday. Th e y ~'Unanimously tu rned it down. ConHnissioners ru lrd that the project in i!. county island on the northeast corner of ,isushard Str~t and H.azard Avenue would iJcreate unju sttfied population density in ;in area largely developed With sing le Jamily homes. .. Nearby residents vig orously opposed .the project of rcaltor Ed Brown, They .. f eared the development 1~·ould "cater to Jiippies," and cou!d become an "area of candal." One petition \Vent so far as to contend that the project 1vould eventually become e · place "where fights and shootings · .,JVould become com1nonplace." Bro\v n said he planned lo build a two-- :;tory complex which would i"nclude a ~playground and nursery school, security guards. night baby sitting and low rents •·so these women will Pc able to ~·ork and t.IUpport their families." He clain1ed the backing of the count..y Welfare Department. Aid to Families ~th Dependent Children is one of the county's largest \\•eltare categories i,1•ith 'e,300 recipients and a budget ot more than $20 miilion. i Planning Commissioner Howard K. krflith of Huntington Beach labeled the ,plan "a noble idei." but no1ed that the f.ity of \Vestn1inster had objected. ··1n ijealing with small county islands we ;111ust lean on recomm enda tions of nearby cities," Smith explained. •• objective studies of county operalions . ..r~ The cham~r proposal requests that - County Administrative Officer Robert E. Thomas be named as "liaison agent" for the program and that the county provide secretaria l services, a meeting place and supplies. - Thoma s told supervisors that he ap- proved the project. ';They could not study the whole county setup but could pinpoint problem areas such as data processing and purchasing," he said. The chamber spokesman emphasized that his group would "report on d e partments performbig exceptional duties to assist in making clear to the flubllc that many times criticism of coun- ly employe:J is unwarranted ." Replying to a question from Board Chairmar. \Vllliam Hirstein, Tamamian said he could sec "no possible conflict with the Grand J ury. We will cooperate Y.'ilh them." The chamber spokesman added that the group would follow Thomas' recom- n1endations on which depa rtments should be studied first. T"'O Gangland l\illing Victin1s Found in Halvaii _HONOLULU (AP) -After four years without a gangland killing in the city police say there apparently have btt~ t11•0 within a v.·eek. One victim was a man shot lo death in a friend 's car and the other a man whose remains were found burned in a city incinerator.' Andrew J. Miranda, 37, paroled from Oahu prison 18 months ago and idenlificd by police as a strongarm man for gamblers, was found slumped over Uie wheel or a car Sunday night. Police say he may have been killed for trying to "get more action" in narcotics and pro- stitution. After the sla}°'tT'Lg, pol ice di sclosed that the charred remains of a body found in · • the incinerator June 23 may be tbose of H.ichard Johnson, 43, a coovicted drug Pusher, who was "buincd alive to teach heroin addicts and pushers to play by the: rules." Ono:: of two men questioned about the Identity of the victim Saki; "The: word was oul !hat he had been bumed ali ve to set an example for others on the street." 1'he unnamed source said the ''ictim had been "cutting, free lancing and not foHn~·ing orders.'' In the parlance of the illicit drug trade, .,cutting" means diluting heroin to in- crease profits, while "free lancing'' means lo profit (rom unautborited sales. : Wedding Re~ord • June Licenses Set Neiv County Mark • Altar-bound couples swamped the 6range County t.tarrlage License Bureau liJl June ~lUng an aU·lime r~nf for any jponth in history. r, Marri~_ge License SuJ!'rv~r Phyllis Hanson said Thursd"ay 1,377 couples took tut licenses la&l ·month to lop the previous high of June. 1957 when 1,175 were issued. T .fll~ showed a remarkable spurt over prtflious months this year. t.trs. Hanson re\f$1ed. t.1ay had only 879 and the pre~ous months averaged in Lhe 700s. But June st11rtcd ort in a....hurry with even Friday, the 13th chalking up n licenses. "It's an unusual day when we have more than 90 cu~mers," Mrs. Hanson said. The record total marked onl.Y__the sixth -time m couniyhiitory wlii n 10tals topped 1,000, wllh June hitti_ng the magic figure for the past two years. August was the biggest monlb la.at year wfth l,IS:S and Mrs. Hanson q\llpptd, ''August has alway.s been a stylish month for Orange County weddings -tht 11rst martiagc tlcenae In county hl5t.ory waa- 1.ssued August.J, 1119. '' - It seems hard to believe that a flier Summer Camp Begins Monday Summ'r Day Camp in Costa Mesa's Vista Park, overlooking the Santa Ana River, ~gins Monday, with four weekly sessions scheduled for children I through 12 at SIO per week. Registration is bef'ng taken in Room 305 of the Costa Mesa Civic Center, with enrollees offered a supervised program of games, crafts, sports, special events, archery and swlmmlng. Hours will be 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each weekday, with day camp series scheduled to begin each Monday from Ju- ly 7 through August J, according to the Recieation O:::par?ment. Transportation to and from the new Westside city park will be provided from central pickup points. started," Corrigan apJ.ained. . • · "I took ol! from New Yqrk In lll1 t929 Curtt.ss-RQbin olr<ralt on July 17, t938, headlna: for Long Be111ch. The night waa smooth, but, because of heavy cloud cover, I wu unable to see the ground ot in tttis case the water .. "After 28 houri and 10 minutes of flight. I came in (or a landi,ng and found myself in Dublin, Ireland. "Well now, I must have flown the wrong way," Corrigan exclaimed to Irishmen greeting him at the alrport. "Wrong Way" had a mla:hty tough time explahUng bis fl ight to United States authorities, for they had ~e.nled hin1 permission to Oy the Atlantic shortly before his night by mistake. "Overseas passes were very hard to get alter ~melia Earhart's disappear· ance in 1937. so I didn't have one, :'My pllot'1 lioense was revoked fcir fi ve days durll!I ·my return t.rlp and authorities forced me and my plane lo ride back by ocean liner,'' he said. Corrlgan's explanation for making the wrong way fllghl was not too eaSy for authorities to 11Wallow. · "My navigation compass didn't name any direction. There was only a fixed line across il! faee . 1 guess I ju.st followed the wrong ~nd of the ne.edle.. COMMUNITY EVENTS I I Luncheon July 16, 1969 To"' fl.1ddi11 Gu11t S111•k•t Co1l1 M•t • l•th l irtkd •y 1'1rty M•tt Verde CC, Noo". AUGUST 17, 1969 S!h A""111I Old Ti,.,1r ·N1w Timt r I'!'"'' ' ···-•-0 Cod• M•t• l'•rk Spo"1orecl by Ck."'b•t Wo""•" I J•vc•11 LOBBY ART EXHIBIT IOLA Laa SL'Mllt WM e1tM 1tH "'lr!lillp '!OLA'" wlll uJI*" ""° .... t1te rrienlll el J11ly, "" •rt tdlll1rslll' WlnMt", 11111 t••IWl.,..lfltr ,..,,,., Wiii f•ltn ~II" Cl'fftl" ,rirllf'lfl(e, I lre\111 If 111M11""1 ttlll ...,-1111111111 u,,_lfM .. , W .... )'911',_ lit '"'" .tflc• NY "!Mlle" Llllrlla. L!Me M••i.tl• .... '"""'"' ltl"-Y_....., ~ llli•Yt lillf -l'" .... llfl '-Ylllty Mnie WMI Mr Pwf• llMril U. .-41 !Mir ..... ,.,.......... Mii. 0.... Wttll 1 lr!Mllly (~.,.., •INI e .._......"' ..... "" . llll(kt""""'· LllMl1 la ind ... 1 ~•1¥ofbl1 -1!!.tmffr ef Ht C'itlfimll l'"M.,•f liifl. - 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit $1 ,000 or more. When all your money and interest remain at our 9uar1ntffd 5.25°k a nnual rate, comPounded daHy, your account will grow 30% In 5 years 23% in 4 years 17% in 3 years • l>oog1as "Wrong Way'" Corrigan we given a hero's welcome when he returned to the U.S. He went on speaking tours, contributed articles to bookl 1 n d magazines and helped In the filming of a . "I am going lo sell part of my grove because of high taxes," be said, "but I don't think l'll move to another home. I've lived here for 20 years." Corrigan hasn't nown a plane for the past six years. He has ~desire to take it up tgaln. 'Sorry, Queen's Not Good Enougk' Walt Deals Himself Trustee Post .. MOSS LANDING (UPI) -lt was showdown Ume et the old MO$$ Landing Gambling Hall -also known as bead· quatteirs ol the North Monterey COunty School District. ·- The dealer handed fresh packs of cards to Gene Al.kins and Watter Hemingway for their hllb-Card match. Both broke the seals and drew at the same Ume. Alkins'shOwed his queen of clubs with a smile. But then Hemingway turned over the king of hearts. And an April election for the school board was fi.J:!ally settled Tuesday night. Hemingway, a liberal, W -Atkim, a FOUR MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL conservative, received the same number of votes. The-school board, with the ap- proval of both candidates, decided a draw ol the card would decide the winner. Hemirigway came up with. IMthu surprise after he won tbe draw. He an- nounced be will be moving out ol the district soon. Board members indicated Atkins would not necessarily be named t.o replace Hemingway If he does move. Boe1.rd members also said they would ask the Legislature to allow runoff elec· lions in the future. "The stakes ire too bJgh for such 1 gamble," said one mlimber. ' ... CAlllQllHIA RDERAL SAVINGS --- 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open an account of $1 ,000 or more lor36 to 60 months. We'll guarani•• you a 5.25% annual rate, compounded daily, with Interest paid out to yc;>u each quarter. -. In case of hardship or emergency, you may withdraw the necessary funds at the end of any quarter and get full interest to that dat~. • 3. The Bonus Plan. Here's a 3·year account that lets your savings earn y, % more each. year than passbook accounts do. They now earn at a 5o/o annual rate. So Bonus Piao accounts currently eam 5.25% a year when the bonua is credit~d at the end of the 3-year period. Invest any amount, ·1n multrples of $1,000. Interest can be transferred quarterly to a passbook account and, when held lor a year and compounded daily, will earn 5.13%. . 4. The Basic Plan. The most flexible plan. You can Invest any amount of money and wilhdraw it whenever you wish, If you leave all your money and interest in your account for a year at our current 5% annual rate with interest compounded daily, you'll receive an annual yield of 5.13%. You earn interest frdm·the day you deposit your money 'Iii the day you withdraw It. And the money you deposit by the 10th of any month earns Interest from the 1st, when It remains un!H quarter's end. C~U!~~!~suF.~!~~o§!!!~.!!BS NATION"s LARGEST FEDERAt ":::-____ _ COSTA MESA OFFlCE: -------2700 Harbor Blvd~ near Adams • 646-2300 CLIFFORD M. WESDOAF, VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER ' !· ' • t ·' " ' ~ I I l I I i -. ( IWLY PILOT Whori a coTony ofiibout 210 htp-- pies .flourished at Llbue, Hawaii 1n mid-May, Pollce Chi of O.woy A~ ton establiaheCI a "fratemlzatlon ;program" and assigned a special •quad of officers to visit, chat with, ,and asst.I the flower children 10 uy way. The colony bas dwindled Ito less than 100. The "Aloha ~uad" ·became so friendly the hi~pies !couidll't stand it, Allen expla1Ded. :Many-activities, such u -nan:otics - !use, are extremely limited with iuzz around -friendly or other· ~ise. • ' < . Bus driver Burt Curtl1 of Abing· <don, England thought the car driv· :1ng past looked famlllar. It did. It iWaa bis. The bus driver made a U· tum and headed after the car. and three mlles-away caught and ar· 'res!A!d the man, wllo later admitted ~ court to taking it. • Prtmitr Fidti Ccutro of Cuba ha.s launched his own ptra:oMl -eiom'-m tM ·world-marM&,-:H- "Dcuidoff," named i n honor of Stitriu Gtgar store owner Zino Davidoff to recognize his prom~ tion of Hawna cigars. Theu aeU for $1 .40 each. ·:' • · Mr1. John C1lli1h1n of Elizabeth, N.J ., filed suit against a salted nut .Company and a local store. cha~g· ing she injured her teeth while munching r._eanuts last summer. She said its a case ol nuts and bolls. Mrs. Callahan told superior 'court that instead of pulling a nut from the package, she started !Chewing on a metal stove bolt \•bich was in the bag. I • ' A safety instructor mounted an J.nllatable dummy in Bournemouth, 1Engl.and to demonstrate mouth-to-. .mouth artificial respiration. The dummy collapsed with a puncture. • Tricia Nixon rtctivtd a ro.st mad a big smilt from om of London'• t~ mous ~ stlltrt a. 1M arrit:>ed at tM Garrick TheatTt 'in tondon /Of' a pe:rformance of "Sht Stoop• to Con-- qtuir." • Wally Duncen, 72, of Auburn, N.Y., is training to swim the 10.6- .mile length of Owasco Lake this summer. He made it two years ago but last year his attempt was ended by 12 mile an hour head winds and a stiff shoulder after seven miles and six hours, 43 min· utes. Duncan swims regularly at .the YMCA pool and estimates he has paddled the length of the JlOOI 1--~44,000 times or about 1,000 miles. I • • l'MCA Summer Fun Clubbers Explore ,.qek Ba11 DAILY PILOT ,.... W Ot .. llfMMr The Orange coaat YMCA has organized a Summer Fun port Bay. With lunches in hand (upper left) the young tx· Club ,for boys and gtrls 7 through 14. The club meets. plorers forged a path through the wilderness. Fun clul>-easier wben your feet a:re t.irtd, if you can hitch a ride on the back of Y leader Mary Kelly, 19. Parents interest· ed. in having their children become fun clobbers c.:an call the YMCA at 642-99SIO, or visit Y headquarters at 2300 Uni· versity Drive, Newport Beach. Monday throug!J Frfday from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. with an hers Donna Killins, 9, Santa Ana Height.., and Steven hour for lunch. Activities range from sports of all kinds Provence, 8, Newport Beach, pause (JJPP8r right) to ex- to movies and special •1surprise days.'' One recent activi· _amine wild artichoke flower_w.ita Yleader Randy Metzger. __l.y iJ!volved a _hik§.Jo e•plore the environs of Upper New-And Marti Halper, 7, (below) found that going home is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Homeowners' Road ·Plea FaHs on Deaf COunty Ears A proposal by Qine homeowners groups In lbe Oranae-Villa Park area that a ntW state blgbway be constructed im· mediately to ease traffic now to Irvine Park is getting llttlt. 1upport from Orange County Road Commissioner Al S. Koch . Koch not only does not agree with lhe groups' plan for the new highway through Weir Canyon but aJso says their proposal to defer construction on four primary roads in the area "cannot be seriously considered." The homeowners dispatctM:d .letlets to Boan! of Supervisors Chairman Wiiiiam Hirstdn and State Sen. John G. Schmitz staling that "the Weir Canyon road would aetlii'" n:ecti.sary quick and con- venient inlJ'tll and egress for Irvine Movies on Sands . Program to ~egin In Huntington The "Movies on the Sandi'' proiram of the Huntington Buch Public !Jtrary Will beein at dusk Saturday on the beach near the police buiJdin& on the 'Jooth sldt or !be pier. From Salurday night throogh Augu.!t 30 tbe librJtY will show old Ume movies such 11 "Dracula," "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," "Blood aDd Sand," "The G1'.!neral" and feature stars such as Rudolf Valentino, Lon Chaney, Bel a Lugosi, Charles Chaplin and W. C. Field!. Many of the films have been edited to 30 minutes, but the shows on the beach will run for about an hour, according lo Llbrarian Walter Johnson. Showings are free, open to lbe public. but viewers are advised to bring blankets lo keep warm. Saturday's show is Buslf:r Keaton in "The Rallrodder" and the "Clown Princes," which combln~ the talents or various early Comedians:·-. . Park as opposed to 'sto.P.:aM:.&[ traUic through realdentlal areas:"' Koch aatd today th.It the proposed Weir Canyon road udoea not In any rt!pect meet the definition or need of a state highway aa speclfitd in the state highway code. Tbe code demabaa that a ltate highway serve a ltatewide need. Thia roadway woul~ 'obviously aerve only a local land need." A3 lo the deferment of construction of planning on four primary roads in the area, Koch replies, "the Newport Boulevard extension contract has already been let for approximately $250,000 and work will bef'l soon, on this badly· needed impro""'1'lent. '1\e1 widening ol Chapman Avenue is lmJ>e rative and we have-&pent-$61),000--on-plans-already-for - this project with an estimated total cost or $750,000." The proposed Weir Canyon road would run from the River!ide Freeway south to Irvine Park, and from the park south to the Myford Road junction with the Santa Ana Freeway near Irvine. It is a pro. poaed hlghyiay on the Orange County Muter Plan ol Arterial ffJ&hways. The homeownen cite • county report th.at ~ perctnt of lrvin.e Park'• visitor• COOJe from outside the county. They uy the Weir Canyon highway '"would supp«!. the overan needs of Uie ct>Unty aiil'state ruldenll witJi minimum disruption of ex· istlng communities." In asking the deferment ol plan! for the four folD'-lane roads to the park now running through residential areu, the homeowners note th.at some 50,000 acres of land east of the area were recent1y put into 10.year agricultural preserves. "We thought that when the land was put into pre!erves, it would change the county's plans, said Lowen C. Kvinge, president of the Orange Park Association. "Creation of the Weir Canyon highway might make it unnecessary to improve the four residential area roads." In addition to the Newport Boulevard and Chapman Avenue projects, the four road jobs include widening of VIiia Park Road and Santiago Canyon Road, and the continuation of Lakeview Avenue which gois througti Peralta. Hills and bffilmei Lemon Stretl in Villa PW. ' Co1mtiari Held In SA Shootup Faces Jury Trial Arthur F. Kleis, 25, of Anaheim, ac· cused of attempted murder, anned rob- bery and burglary in !be shooting alfair In a downtown · Slnta Ana jewelry store June 5 "'as arraigned iil Superior Court Thursday and a jttry trial set tOr July 23. In lhe robbery of Brown's Jewelers, 215 E. Fourth St., owner Samuel Bruckl!r, GS. was shot seve n times and remains in serious condition in the hoSpital, while Kreis' companion Louis Asmond, 37, San Juan CapLstrano, was shot lo death by Brucker. Kleis hu pleaded not guilly and is held on '2$,0llO baU. Air Cal Sacramento Plan Two airlines' requesl!! to lhe Public Utilities CommWlon (PUC) for fii1hta from Orange County Airport t o Sacramento have met with two different reactions from the Orange County Air· Traffic Advl5ory Committee. A request by Pacific Southwest Airlintl!I was not endorsed; Air California's was. The advisory commiltee noted that PSA at present has no flights operating out of Orange P,unly Airport. It urged the Board of Supervl!Ors lo request that the PUC deny the application. "The Adv isory Committee doesn't think the county should endorse new routes and new airlines until implementation of Part II, phase 2 of the Pereira· study," aaid Phillip Bettencourt, assistant to the city >IWlagHlirN•wpm'l·mach-:- niat area of the !tudy dtals with plans for development of Orange County Regional Parks Plan Approved By Supervisors Prellmlnary design and cost e3limates under a $15,000 contract for the combined Irvine and Villa Park regional parks ha! been approved by the Board of Supervisor3. Under a new agreement with the architectural landscape finn of Llnesch and Reynolds of Loni Beach, the count~ orders a design to "fully integrate'' the: two parks. Also ordered are new photogrammttic maps of both parka at an esUmated cost of $3,800. "Flood damage! from the winter storms are not shown on current maps and new photogrammetic views will be invaluable," said Building Services Director Joseph J . SrrUsek. The proposed Villa Park Dam Regional Park or 291 acres when combined with existing Irvine Park will form a regional facility of 476 :11cres. The two parks join on Irvine's ftOrthwest bound~ line. ._ •• Airport if development of El Toro tr found unleaslble. "The county isn't rar enough along In · development or new airport plans and Jt "'ould be ~mature to endorse new service," Bettencourt said. He added that since Air California 15 already operating out of Orange County Airport, terminal space would be ade. quate ror flights by that airline to Sacramento. He said that 3UCh flights would pro- bably be endorsed by the cities in Orange County. The advisory )ody also tndDrsed a ltlf· l"Uon by ~ Newport Iiarbor Cllamhtl' of Copunerct that the city hire outaidt consultants to report on the potential dimages or expinded CommerCiil -jet- traffic over tbe Harbor Area. The 3tudy would cover areas such as air pollution, fallout contamination and damage, danger to schools, noise , and possible devaluation or property values. actording to Chamber President Dick Stevens . It would probably be funded by don•· tions from private citizens &0Ucited by the Chamber, Stevena said. He said the consultant reports would provide a scientitic basis for me1surin1 -problems and for measuring eiUzen rt.ae• tions to proposed jet traffic, u .against the present wave of emotional reactlon and generalized statemeat!. The recommerx:lations of the Air Traf· fie Advisory Committee will go to the Newport Beach City Council July 14. Bottomless Act ,Puts Bar Owner . In Contempt A Santa Ana bar owner has been found In contempt of court for failure to com· ply with a court order banniJle bottom- less perlonnances. Finch's Average Slipping Judge James F. Judge, at the request o[ Kleis' attorney, De Witte ChattertOn of • Santa Ana , set pretrial hearing oa the case for July 22. Police aatd Brucker returned fire from Aamond after be had been struck sev~I timts. Both Asmond and Kleis w e wearln1 grotesque Halloween mask1 nd XleJs was captured about two ocks away from the store in minutes afte the shooting. The county ha! approved purchase of the Villa Park property from the Irvine Company for $1 .5 million. The combined parks will offer "an out- door playground of Jtreams, lakts, camp and picnic grounds, a zoo, golf courle and po!Sibly a conference center," according to county Real Properties Service Direc- tor Stanley Krause. Initial use or the new park's camping areas is p\Bllned by sum· mer 1970. Robert Brown Jr., owner of The Apamnent on South Main Stnet face! up to siJ: mooths in jail and/or a fine ol mo to $1,000 ancr the finding b)' Superior Judge CJ1ude Owens. Judie Owens granted a slay of execution to Monday on sentencing. Bar manager OeMill Oman was found not in contempt on the same charges because, according to the judge, he did not receive adequate not.ice ol what be WM charged with. Will He Stick With HEW or Ruri for U.S. Senate? .. WASHINGTON (UPI) -11.o b er t Hut.chlsoo Finch, the glamour guy in the Nixon administration, Is beginning to worry about his batting average. Some are wondering how long the good lookinc 43-ycar-old Marine COflll veteran will remain as Secrelary of Health, ·Education and Welfare. Finch clearly struck out last wttk wbe:n he failed to get Dr. John H. Knowlti ol Boston for the government's top health job, assist.ant Keretary for hetlth and acienUfic affairs. Tllo he Jeamed, Finch sskl, WU thal acllnll alone. nellhcr the .. W• alw1ys learn from these ex· peritn,,.. In politics," he said later, "and f ~hive }earned a valuable lesson." A.-ICatl )ledlcll Alioclatlon nor Sen. ---i...,•M:-t. llfrti..,,, deleal<d him. II took IODlt ~ .. hi• .... f)lr\. •·1 take the blame tor having 10me bu<s ioolcovered," he lllld. "l ~ I bid D17 -cov....ct, and I dldll't.' u~. he la J"U'inl pooltlom on theaw""'1ill1Cboof d....,...Uao ~. ·~, .. • guldellne.r and lbe troubled federal-slate welfare system, positions on which he could once again be overruJtd, although there is no firm evidence he will be. "Sometimes in losing one batlle, your hand is slrtnglhened for another," he said at a Saturdty news conference. Finch isn't apeculaUng about the ouUoot for hi& welfart refonn proposal, which W'OU1d scrap lhe prtsent handout system for. a. bmily ltC'Urlty l)'ltem employing a guaranteed annu1J Income that lhe department plans to test in Seat· tie and Gary, Ind, "Wt are still arguing about this wit hin the White House," he said, "and I am not going to speculate further. ·On pred lc· Uons, my batting average bu falltn off sharply recfilt.11." .. On !be pldeiln<I he 1111, •J' Im not prepared to llipulate or concede Iha! •lMrt 11 I nluaUon of the l\lldellnts, tt . Others uy lhere wlll be chaniea In I.be 1Uidelinea, lhal Floch ii worklna on them and that an announcement lo lhla effect Is lmml""'I. FlJ1Ch ldmltted HEW and !be Justlct . T I Department have several maUtrs "under dispute," bul he said the guidelines are not among the1n. In any case, Finch's problems have prom pted speculation he might decide the HEW post isn't worth it -speculation • fed by • story quQUna Finch as saylng If ht didn't win with Knowles, the Prtsklent would have lo find aoother secretary. But Finch says he doea not plan to reslan and dlsmlsaes reports that he Would like to nm for the U.S. Senate from California, whe"re he &ttVed aa lieutenant governor befor.e; joiniri&. lhrit cabinet. Neverlheless, there is wlde!prud belief In CaUfomia Finch would run U Sen. George Murphy, an old friend., were to change his mind about Mkln& re-elec· • Uon. • : Finch bas an answer for tl\1l'too. "!hive alrea4y opol<en lo CaUfonda on behalf d Senator Murphy," bt ,.ya. "l tully Intend to support hl1!I-I do nol lmaw of any evldtnee that ht wlD oot be a c1n- dldate. J fully ex~ him to be renominated, and 1 ain su~ he will be re- tlected." otncers aaid he had discarded the mask and an extra shirt he was wearing. Kleis is charged with attempted murder because he was engaged in a felony robbery attempt when the shooting: took place. He wa3 carrying $359 takt!n from the store when captured. Dr. Sam to Speak On Prison Life WASHINGTON (UPI) -Dr. Sam Sheppard. imprisoned 10 years in lhe 19!.4 slaying of his wUe ln CleVeland, will testify next week ~ore a Senate sub- committee investigating condi~ in prisons . Sheppard 1a schedult<I to 1at1f7 tu ... day before tht juvel'lllt delinquency sub. committee headed by Seti. Thotnas J . Dodd. (Oo<:onn.). . Sheppa~ an o&teopath. worked in the medical ward of the Ohk> State Peniten· th1ry following his conviction in tht dealll ol bb wUe Marii;'n. Oman's wlle. Jeannette, 25, the pl'OI· erution charged, performed on the night of June 14 in vk>lation o( a court order barring bottomless dancing. So Long" Sister Modern Dress Nun Leavirig Laguna Sister Palricia Krommer, originator of the conttmporary dress movement within St. Catherint 'a Catholic Church parish and principal of St. Catherine's Eltmen· tar)' acbool, ill leaving. "I wbh t were coming Inst.tad of going," aaid the popular nun. ll 11 cannon Jaw that a ·superior, and Sister Krommer Js. must not 11Q, at .&be same achoo I for over a1J ye.ara. So the als&er will kl¥1 Friday. She has bttn reaul,ned to Sl. Jerome's Pariah In Weatchesttr, near Los An&t.ftL "-.. J When 1sked why ahe flf'll rwttched to tht cont.tmporary drt11, nither than the convtotlonal black habit, she aald, "io bt ' more rtltvent we (nuns) art people. Jn the other dreiS. we wtre more symbols than people, and y,·e could be ea&Lb' dismla:sed. ·• "It i! not mandatory that nuns wear . contemporary dress . Il'a a free choice. In' this provtnct, whJch includes nve stater, thert are 900 of us. And problbly two. thirds or l1S wear the conltmp0r.eri• dress." 9'\ ''The chan&e w1s well received - Laguna Btacb. We expected 1 little trlc. lion because the area Q a bit coo- sen,atlve. But we on_ly heard ol a few ciompla.lnts, by wordOT mootn." Thanks to Sister Krom mer, a veteran Of JI yem of con vent life. contemporary dress wlll)ln St. tatberlne'1convent11 ln. • ~. T --- -- G~E. 14.7 NO FROST REFRIGERATOR FREEZER . '269~88 ( Jtt fr••z• ictr 1''P' ice ~.ndY-for tumm•r Jrink1. His bit 147 llt. it freeier with lot' of 1tor191 in th• frish food section , door •for1iij1 too. Mejor Applienc111 80 -- ZENITH 18" DIAM. PORTABLE 118.00 G re1t 1xtr1 TV for summ-•r sports vi1win9 or th1t--;xtr1 ;Oom. W ith h1n~l1 ind 11ritl. T 1ltvi1ion11 72 DECORATOR PILLOWS ·2:99 ' Thro w 1tylt1, 15 " 1q11tr_1, rtyon 1ntiqu1 11tin cover,__!il!J)er1d fo.r cle1n· ing. b solid colors. Ortp1ri1s, 10 WEAR DATED POLYESTER PILLOWS ~; GARMENT .- ~ BAGS IN ~ QUILT VINYL ' I 2 for 9.00 2.99 Sptci1I prl c• •11 he•vy tluly ~•t• with_ 1hirtly tll!•P 1tt1I fr•"'''· f__11ll_ 1ipptr. l y K·C proiuch, N oti1111, 4 2 DOOR MEXICAN CONSOLE • 119.95 value 79 ,95 H11 bond hind c1rv1d doors, finished in 1 dr1m1ti~ 1ntiqu1 9r11n. Mtt· 1ur11 l~xl 5xl0". Furntur1, 38 QUEEN SIZE SERTA SET Re9. 179.95 119 .95 Sit in c.lud1s m1ttress with 510 co ih, firm box sprin9.'A lu xu•ry si11 now et sp1ci1I s1Yin9s. Sleep Shop, 69 JACQUARD DESIGN BEACH TOWELS 3.99-4.99 Greet fun for the surf enrl 11nd set! Colorful d11i9 n in th ick cotton terry, stock up for th1 swim seeson. Linens, 23 ' . CHRISTMAS CARDS \ SAVE 1/2 Stock up now before th1 big rush. H1vx1 them imprint1d 1t 1 small • ditionel ch1r91, Save on gift wrip, too. S1tion1ry, IS CANNON PRINTED NO I RON SHEETS reCj. 6.50-7.50 3.29·3. 99· In two h1nd1~m1 d1cor1tor color combin1tion1 thet stay fr,1h looking. Twin or full 1i11. t..41tchin9 plllow c.11111 pr. l .38., Sh11t, 2 ·ANAHEIM 535-8121 Mon. thru 5•t. IO •. m. to. Q:30 p.m. ' -·- • ------------..-- ' - PANTS BONANZA 4.99 6r11t buy1 .0n 1/1 your f1vorit11tyl11. & .. J 1el1ctl1n ef pri:;ts, solids .. col.ors , I 0-16, Street Fleor liidtt+ Sport1w,11r, 65 ' FAMOUS LABEL DACRON~ KNITS 7.99 15.99 Reg. $13c$25 . Febulous 9ro11np of Oacranft paly1st1r t1p1rrt11 in currtnt col1r1. si1e1 3'4-'40, 1·11. Ml11a1' Spor+1we1r, 40 FAMOUS MAKER MISSES' SHORTS AND TEE-SHIRTS 4.00-6.50 values 2.99 Scoop u:r. s11nny cotton kn it T-sh irts in sttipts, solids, c~e.cks, pis· t1l1 or orks, S-M-l. llity'r• r11dy to miJ1-and-match with j1m1i- .. u1 1nd..dtort1 in 111ort1al 111id1 and pl&id1, si1ea 1-1~. Hurry for~ be1t 1electi1n. Mi11e1' Spor't1weer, 7&, 111 1tor11 SHIFTS AND PANTSHIFTS 7, 99 Reg. $13°$21 F1bul1u1 vtlu11 to be f•11ncl in this •.1ecitln9 9r1up af summer f1v - orit11. &,..1t c1l1r1, prints, •-1 i . Miues' Spoht1w11r, l.f FAMOUS MAKE~ SHOES Re 9• s1s.s21 8.99 Ch-.-.,-.-,~,,-.,.-. f;-nt.1rlic 11lecfion of y1vn9, 111h1en ~tylt"s. iy Ven Eli, ~iccelino, Muskatter, Sbicc1. Corna aerl~I CASUALS, SANDALS Orig. $4).Sl 1 3. 99 S1ve on e 9re1t 9roup of l1t1, little he1l1 end 11nd1l1 by Vi•• lt1l i1, Delmar, lu1~an1. A trem1ncl1us 1e\1ction! '-ud9et Fashino Sho11 . I 0 I MEN'S COMFY TER~Y SHIRTS AHO SHORTS 2 • 99 rog. S"'1rt '••k• fer tfttr ,.,..;"' t r j111t 1tl1in l•1111tint , •• \ioritht c•ltr cttrdintttt •f r.ttttn t••· ,., .A.11t r .. d •1111. Mtn't F11rni1hlnt1, •1 KNIT SHIRTS FOR BOYS 1, 99 3.51).4.GO A. pritt er•' •f ctlerfvl •tti1t•• 1ni •tlri1 htn4t•"'•ly f11hlt1"i h1 hlth r.rtw 1ni "'••It t1i1rtlt cttttn •nilt. •·~•' f11nt!1hint1, 2• BROADWAY'S EXCLUSIVE NO-IRON DRESS SHIRTS 2.99 3/8,85 $5·$6 values The 1tttu1 1klrt f•r Y•Ut wtrdr••• , .. 111 c1 l11t \iol•"• tf 45 % Dtr.rtnl! 1t•lw· tll1r tnlll ll % c1fftn, ''•titi•n 1tyli nt fttt11rt1 th• '''"''•' 1prt1i r.11111, c•• th•rt 1lttY11. Whit., c•l•r• t11tl 1tri1t••· Mt11'1 F11ntl1hln11, 7 ·MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS AND MOCK TURTLE KNITS ·2 . 99 5.00 values " •••trlt 11ltrllt11 , , • th t "'•1t 1111rr111t 1tv i'int1 tnd c•l•rt, Slt .. rt dttYti l1t•rt •hlr+t fttl11• 1~r11d tr i..., ct U1r1 i11 1 ht114'1tll'lt 111n lt""1 l'ltl4, 1\t flffk fllrlf• •nif t lfllfll lttiflll ptctill ill t !tt rtiYt ttflllt l tn4 tt1J4t M111'1 S1t1rt1w•t1, 10 . • NEWPORT 47 Fuhion l~•nd 644-1212 Mon. ihru Fri. i 0 •.m. to "'9:30 p.m. , s.i. 10 •. m. to b p.m. • .. SATURDAY 1 DAY ; JR. PETITES' ARNEL• BLOUSON PLEATER 15.99 Th• hlpp11t·l1ngth tol"I• in town dropt from 1 rin9 c1ll1r to-1 flurry of mulhroom pl11ts. Pink or or1n91 Anr11* triaceftft, 1iz11 I· I J. Hurry in, juniors, for this gr11t buy! Junl•r P1ttlt1 Or11111, •s • FAMOUS MAKER SKIMMERS 9.99 B11utif11lly t1.1etur1cl rayon 1 ~imm1r1 with the lintn look. Hind wa1h- 1hl1, b1ck-1ips, a11ort1cl 1tyl11, color1. Siz11 •-16. 8utl9et Or11111 , 2·7 CASUAL DRESS dROUP 8.99 Re9. $11·$13 Ch1011 from • witla v1rl1ty of 1tyl11 from this farnou1 mtker. E11y .. c1r1 f.1bric1, mi1111 ', h1lf-1i111. Daytime Ore1111, 73 PANEL SLIPS IN WHITE 3.99 STOCKINGS. PAHTY STOCKINGS Our ''"''"'' C9l111'1t11r Kir.~1! '·" '•nty 1!tcliin11, 111-•t•ll'llHI ttrttU nyl•n, Dtniy •• Ftncy. S1•t ntw •11 Ml11 'Y't~llt hnn dl)1 with 1htllf_.,., ... '•n1l1. Sln1 JJ.JI, ehert tH •••r•t•• o.,,. •••• +,1 '·" St•ckint1, MiffllH1 1httr Ctn• _lrtct® ntJ.!itt Dt!lily tr FtHft_ . .nc,-J2.IS.--- Shttl Flt•r llnttr;. 14 ·HANDBAG BONANZA . . &r•at 9roup of vinyl1 I 1meoth and grained ), some shiny p•t•,..t1, some l11th1rs. Ce1u1ls, dressy. Many on• of 1 kind! 2.99-5.99 INFANTS' PROP-A-SEAT Re9. $5 3.99 M1de by Infant S•1t with 1•f•ty strop, pl1y be ll1, •nd contour•d f11m pad. lrl9ht ~•sitn in evoc.1do green. lnf1nt1' Furnitur•, 11 SUMMER FABRIC SPECIALS DOTTED SWISS AND LENOS lltht •nd llvtly Callf1rni1 look febrics, in C!)lorft.il leno we1v11 and poly11t1r/cotton 4ott1d 1wi11. All •••Y c•t•• 45", perf•ct far blou111 and shifts, 0• come early for the bai·t· selection. F1bric1, 1-l0-67 ' JUNIOR HI PANTDRESSES Re9. $8 5.99 Junior Hi Shop, 46 MEN'S SUIT SPECTACULAR FAMOUS MAKER STYLINGS 59.99-74~99 · 85.0:.?oo.oo • s, •• 1.c11l1r ••lltr.11•11 tf •11• ,, ..... , 1wit1 i11cl11dt1 ••• ., 4ttltMt '"'•" ~ !ht "'"t 1utr•11f f•~r!c 1tyl111t1 t11i c.o\flf't • • 111 111111tt111\iol., ttllt,..I ._ ti.. hlthttl ~11tllty 11tn4tr41. M•'• Cl•thlnt, t • HUNTINGTON BEACH .. 7777 Edi nger Ave. 892-3331 ' Mon. t~ru Sat. · ~ --10-..m. fl) 9:30 p.m . .. " --· l I I ' ' t I ; !' I I I I ~· • .,, __ _ - • 1 DAILY PO..OT EDITORIAL ' PAGE I Two 'Pieces of PapCr' ''Pieces of paper" have fi gured both for lhe great good and. lbe great sor row of mankind. Today "'e obsftve~ the 193rd annlversary:pr the signing of the QecJaration of Independence, a "piece of paper" which still stands before the \VOrld as 1epresen· tat.ive of man's greatest hopes. Only a few days ago another rrlemorable df!te in history \ve nt by. On June 28 , 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria WLIS assasstnated at Sarajevo. HiS death. climaxing a long-building po'ver struggle, t.Iiggeted \Vorld \Var I. Ex3clly five years later, on June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles officially ended the bloodiest con· flict in y,•orld history up to then. But the end 1vas only "official" -and all too tern· porary. The treaty was so lacking in insight, so punitive in its treatment of the vanquished Germans, that it became a prime factpr in the rise of HiUer. The greeds. rivalries and tensions that brought on \Vorld Wa r I not only "'ere not "'iped out by the Ver· saill es "pie<:e of paper," they were intensi!ied. Far !ron1 a world at peace envisioned by President \Voorlro"' \Vi\son and his successors in the complacent 1920s aqd ead.y 1930s., much_ of !he \yorld h<!S kno11·n only tyrannical dictatorships, hun1an bondage and i;enseless bloodshed ever since. Now the United Slates is divided in turmoil -and not all of it can be attributed to a JT\inority or the col· lege-age generation thal woul d· ignore ugly realities of hi story. The nation has its· share of adult radicals "'ho 11•ould tear dO\.\'n the "establish1nent" to replace it. But \\•ith \vhat? Fascism? Com1nunism? Some other form of i;:overnmental tyranny for the m3:sses? . 50Clety living. in greater freedom than had ever been kno\vg anywhere before. Thls, in tum, released creatlve energies which, unller the incentlvo system, have brought more m~ tcrial benefits to more people than even the founders could have envisioned. (This,. despite our dlsgracetuJ pockets of poverty and ignora_nt r°"cial prejudJce.) Worry as we 'vill about· the dizzying rate of ch~ange, the knowledge e.1.plosion and the shifting sands of splr· itual values, we can still give thanks today for those two 11pieces of paper" -the Declafatloo of Indeptn- d'll,'ce and . lhe ConatituUon. The Versailles dream was ephemeral. But God will- ing, the dream of our-founders in Philadelphia will never die, but instead 'viii one day point the \Vay to \1•orld peace. A Pervasive Odor California taxpayers tool\ another unconscionable i;:o~ging recently when Governor Reagan· quickly~ and qwetly signed a special pension bill benefiting four employes of the Legislature. One of the fou r is Senate-Secretary Clarence Alex· ander a partner of former Senate leader Hugh 1\-f. Burns in a conflict-of-interest insurance bonanza. AJex· ander \Vas entiUed to $5~400 before the actiob. Now he'll .. receive $14,250 a year. SimUar boosts will go to the Senate· and Assembly sergeants at anns and the As· sembly chief clerk -bul not as much as to Burns' buddy. If all four men particit>ate in the generous pension benefits enjoyed by ·elected members of the Legislature and live a normal life span, taxpayers \Vill pay them $1-34.800 in pensioils. • I • ~~ '· ' ' " I I I I ' I --· The founding fathers. had an 1deahst1c dream. too, ,1·hen they signed the Declaration o( Independence. 1=heir-dream prod~ced Uie ~onstitution and.launched a ThP odor or "public-be-damned" politics is per· \•asive in thi~ buddY. deal. 'NOW 8ACK fo IHE-MELtlfLUOVS' Ol~ f06Y J M.A6~ ... .'' A gg1·essiv e1iess "" Esse1atinl Life Force The First Marital Discord .Inevitable By NORA1AN NIXON, 1\1.0 . Both love and hate are normal feelin gs In any successful marriage yet most husbands and 11.·ives dc.ny that at limes they actually hale each other. For hate is a strong word. However, some ·are violent and destructive in nwrnents of anger. Other spouies act out their hostility in· directly through subterfuge and chealing. or hold in their anger al great cost to their own peace of mind. to their bodily health and to their marriage. ,• ·~·-· . Ev~cy d\ly,..: -•• 1 listless, lustreless lack of passion." AggreSiivep~ss ir):deed is ~ essential lire force. \Vl1en absent, there is weakness and a tendency to flight, in- stead of fight. A husband p.nd wife who cannot express their homile feelings openly and with confidence have no way to strengthen tlieir ego muscles through a healthy give-and-lake relationship. · -ne-escalation Of the-War Since qne out of e\·ery lour marriage~ ln the U.S. ends in divorce lone out of 2.S tn Oranse County). many observers point lo the neaNlisastroos slate of marriage .today. Anthropologist ~largaret itead reeenlly Wrote in LIFE: "The longer peo- ple Jive and the more diverse their cx- 1---*"iee::nce, the less likely it is that two pe()- ple w1 l say marr ea i11retiffic." NEVERTHELESS, coun1 less couples gli\J flock to license bureaus for legal permission to marry. Whether the wed· ding is performed in church or temple, at home . or in a judge's chambers, the bride and groom usually are admonished to 101·e. honor and obey. and to be e\•erlastingly understandin~ -each sacrificing personal needs and desires lo maintain pcat·e and harmony lo their -· I Proble111M' i ' ' -·· """ ·- SeldQm does a newly married couple realize that theirs, like virtually all mar· ri ages, will be punctuated many times w!th. frustrations, misery and anger. Rarely are they lold th.al each must learn not only to love but to hate, lo honor and maybe to dishonor , to obey and disobey in the most balanced way possible so that they will not be overwhelmed, disillusion- ed and destructive of each other when their marital crises come. S0~1E'l'IAlES ~1ARITAL fighting leads to unfair exaggerations and extreines, but ""hal iS said in the heat of battle usually is neveT fully Intended or felt. FOT e\•en when we hate, we love. Dr. Israel Charny, an astule observer of modern marriage, puts it this way : "The choice is not t>etween happiness and unhappiness, but between: "(l) a respectful, ~'adve State or nonriolent In "The Erode Life of tbe American tension where often we exper1em:c ari'&er. 1re .. ---nrrnectfrf'"~rtssue or Harper'r-cven U\Olfgh--wF"llS(i"tliJOY a P6$iliVe.em· Bazaar, Natalie Gitlelson gives an in· palhizing love ; or (2) a state of In· timale report of .talks with hundreds of crcasingly violent. demoraliiing , de· married and once-married women from personalizing destruction of one or the Long Island lo Loli Angeles. In her start!· -Other.'' ing, yet not surprising. i1npi=essionli of the sexual renaissance and re\'olulion among married women today, r.llss Glttelson writes about married love and married hate in this violence-infatuated era. One of her conclusions: "Many resexualized. wives ... c\earlv IJve 10 hate ~or at least they prefer that strong e1notion lo IT IS f A.R BETTER 'far two people \\'ho love each other to accept marital fighting as inevitable and necessary, than lo be afraid lo e.xpre$ angry feelings and then run away. ·If the marriage ·1ows \\'Cfl' more realistic. there probably ,1·ould be fewer di vorces. McNamara Under Attack I • \\'AS HI NGTON -Former Defense S~. Robert 1'1cNamara is painfully learning an old and bitter \Va3h1ngtoo l~sson. IL is that "the bigger they arc, lhc harder they fall." Once effusively acclain1ed a.~ the scin· U\lating star of the Kenned y and Johnson Cabinets and wide ly lautle!<I for brilliance and ability, McNa1nara no\\' is the target of frequent unsparing excorialions and denunciations. The very quali ties of reputed leadership and excellence for \Vhich he was once hailc<l art now blasted as disasters and im1nensely costly blunders. Rem arkably. these blisleri;ig con- tlemnallons go u n c hflllengrd. 1-fcNamara·s once nurnerous ad1nircr., and extollcrs i;it silen t and unrcsponsi,·e. Nol once has a \\'Ord betn said in his defensf!. A GRAPHIC L'\STAJl,;CE of this \ras the searing attack the olher day by Rep. William Bray, Ind ., fou rth • ranking Republican on t:oe 1xi1\·erful Armed Services Commillee. Jn a speech on the fl oor of the Houst•. llrav lashed t.1cNamara on numerous coun\·s-11'1thoul a \\'Ord of dissent or reproof fron1 an1onc. Both DemocraL, and Hepublicans listened silently -and apparently ap- provingly. ' Bray was as harsh as he was expli cit. ''History 11.·ill prove him to ha l'e been Friday, July 4. 1969 The tditorial page of lhe Dnily Pilot 1ttk.1 to inform and s!itt1· 11:l.a le rt0dtr1 by presa11Ungi tlir.s uwspoper'1 ophlio111 011d com· mentarJI on topics of intere.st ud dgytJ/icance, b11 providb1g a fonn" Jor iht e~reuion of ovr reoderl' (tpfniona. and by prcunting the dlvcr1c view- polJlU of informed obrervtrl end ~n 011 topics of the ..... Robert N. \Veed, Publisher ,. ... ,,,, -0ur most cxpensire scerctary of . defense," thundered Bray. ''A :secretary \vho produced lillle but cost effectivene~s studies and a hu ge management bureaucracy -about 50 times larger than when he took over -a bureaucracy which is still stifling our Defen~ Department. "The magic of t.1r . ?JcNamara·s spell has come and gone. The dan1age he did 111hile he \\·as here W(!S enough. ihc lea st he can do no\v is to keep quiet. beforC he lloes the nation mor e harm. I fervently hope the World Bank is not being ad· ministered as poorly and incompetenlly as the Defense Depart1nenl was under him." SPELLl!\G IT OUT-As Bray's col· leagues lis\:!n('d 11·ith intent absorppon. the veteran Ind iana legislator ticked Off a list of what he cau:.11cally characterized as t.1cNamara's bl unders :ind disaster$. "The cost-overruns amounting into the blll ions and the failure of expensive military equipment," charged Bray, ''are the direct respons.ibiUty o( the systems analysts and 'management experts' of f.lcNamara·s re~ime . I need not' belabor the. TFX debacle wlu~ \\'<IS the result or his decision. probably u~ greute~t blooper in America n military procure- ment hi.story -for which the taxpayers 11.·ill be pa.ying ror years to come.·• Only the un6\lt·ervin& opposition of CongreM ·averted t\vo p o l e n t i a 11 y calamitous ~tcNamara error~. asserted Bray. 'IAtcNAi\lARA WANTED kl destroy, for practical purposes. the military nserve :..1rUctUrt of thls nation," sakl Bray. "On· ly C.OOgre:S& prevented U1at. And Vice Admiral rucltover, Ute UJUJtrlool creator ot our nuclur submarine fleet. would not be on 3C\.lve duty today .If l\~cNamar1 had his way. Thanks to statesmen like Joint Atomk: Commlttee Chalnnan Ch cl Jl91\rield , o.Callf., and Armed Services Committre Chairman r.tende:I Rivers. O. S.C .. Admira l Rickover "·duld have been kicked out aod nuclear·po'!'·trtd pro- pulsion \\'Ould have been sel back and our country \\'OUld have suffered ." Similarly, Bray placed sq uarely al l\fcNamara's doorslep the failure to rl- fcctively respond to the seizure or !he reconnaisaoce ship Pueblo. "So poorly were we prepared when the Pueblo 1vas seized, ..I.hanks to ~1eNamara," declared Bray, "lbat we coukl not even go to lhe rescue o( that vessel in a North Korean harbor. Yet he .,ranted to waste a billion dollars on a useless 'McNamara Lioe' act'03S Viet- nam. "~leNA~IARA TURNED doy,·n the Na~·~"s i,;equest ~o bu ild-a higb-speed [¥Jb- mar1ne. If he and his systems analyst.:1 hod been permitted to have their \.\'ay, "'·e \\'Ould ~ve stopped building any nuclear submarines after this year. Thanks lo Congress that disastrous decision 11·as reversed . "McNamara did not want to buikl nuclear-powered frigates. A~ain, if be had had his \vay. we would still be study· Ing nuclear power \.\'hile the. Russians are building 111ore and more nuclear· po1\'ered submarinei. Russia is overtak· ing us so far as naval supremacy is co n· ce.rned. They vastly outnumbe r us in sub- marines, in cruisers, in amphibioll.! \•essels, in minesweepers." By Robert S. AOew aad Job11 A. Goldsmith Dear Gloomy Gus: \\'hat a strange situ1Uon has come to pass. when the American pec>- ple are. willing to pay bllUon3 for b&llbUc milllles to )J!'teCI oth<r m1'1Uts, bot can' afford to f«d our own starving or undernourlsb- . M children! -E. C. K. -. ---------- tn grammar school you learned figures, so 'you know President Nixon's announoed withdrawal of 25,000 American t.n:iDps from Vietnam by August constitutes 4:63 per.cent of the total there. North VletnatneM spokesmen and Tass Agency for the RussiaM scoiled al. the announcement, and qlleltioned t l1 e ' PresJdtnt ·s ~tives. J\.13!1)\~'!_lcan op. ponents fthough not all) were unhappy aboul · It. Senator J\1cGovttn. South Dakota, called it "tokenism." A quickie story out or South Vietnam said some servtq: men were not impressed. Foreign antagonists insisted fi.lr. Nix- on·s sole motive was to "appease." "·ar criUa at home. II.ERE \VE ARE faced ll'ith in1· ponderables. It must be conceded !\Ir. Nixon bas been under :ie\•ere prwure to plac1te. critics of the war, who threatened to call it "Nixon's War." Wt cannot overlook this as a moli.valing force. But l\.11 . Nixon can do figures. too. He kno11.·s the steps by 111hk:h our Vietnam manpowe1· mounted. He knows this escalation ruined Lyndon Johnson's Presidential career, and it's a safe guess he doesn't propose lo ruin his Ol\n Presldential career by like. inattenUon to reality. The escalation pattern is ~·orth recall· ing. AT· THE GULF Of" Tonkin incident, August, 1964 we ha'd 21,000 men in South Vietnam. President Johnson piled in special forces and In July, 1965, our man· power wu JZS,000. This was steadily in· creased le. 200,000 by December, and this \\·as doubled by December, 1966. In the next 16 months ?o.1r. Johnson brough t the total to ~.000. whereupon he faltered, and renoun~ his office . A :?5,000 reduction is the first dc-escala· lion of the war, and as practical politics, it can hardly be re.\•erscd. Another 25,000. man ~·lthdra\\·al is probable by the end ot this year. TllE PRE.SlDENT did not Say what method ·will be used to effect tht: "redeployment," as the euphemism goes, but this will become important. Troops not "'ilhdrawn this summer (and their parents) \.\'ill intensify the clamor for rurther reductions. Nobody likes that \\'ar, and nobody thinks it can achieve anylhlng, regardless of the monotonous rationales touching our "commitment'' and our "security." l\lr. Nixon hedged his announcement 11·ith cautions deallng ,,,.ith both these ra- tiQnales. Fc.w es.perLs think a reduction of 25,~ S0,000 this 7ear will materially a!1ect our combat power. Two years ago former Oe:rense Secretary-McNamara suQested our troo p strength was "swollea." But lhis ha s been notorious, and even military men admit too much "fat" in our manpower. LESS THAN A fourth of our men are in combat. In fairness, il must be noted how absorpUvt of manpower is our absurdly loog line of supply. You mfly be sure the Pentagon doesn't like the. President'• declslon, and likes even less Its trend. No general or admiral e1·er complained or too many men or too much gear. or confes.'Cd he could do with Jess. But nolhlng is perfect, not even in big, bounclna: America. • Mine's 'Dashing'; -T "--•-"'--:-' His · Is -'Flashy' Antics wtlh Semaatles: My co.stume is ''dashing'': yours is "flamboyant": his is "flashy." I am "out of condition"; you are ''so!t"; he is "flabby.'1- t.ty congressman believes in "party loyalty"; yours is a "tool or the m.ichlne ." I am "lenient"·: you are "indulgent"; he is "pampering" hili children. I got us into a "Hx"; you gol us into a "jam": he got us into a "mess." A "rabble • rouser" is someone who rouses your rabble. while a "pal.riot" is • someone wbo rouses mine. I Y'IEL0 B£cAUSE I am ·a •·reatiSt": you yield because you are a "com- promiser": he: yields because he is a ''defeatist.'' In court. I am the "defendant"j you are the "accused": he i.s the "prisoner." The difference between "mischief" and "vandalism" lies in how well you knO\Y the parents of the. perpetrators. An out.spoken person I happen to like is '·bluff ": an outspoken person I dislike is "curt." In la1v, pleading nolo con\cndcre really 1neans : "I don't admit 1 did anything wrong. but I promise never to do it again." ~t Y FOR EBEARS 1vere '' s Lu rd y yeomen"; yours were "men of the soil"; his were "peasants." "Eccenlricity" is craziness fortified by a lrust rund. \Vbat I take is "medication." but what you take. are ''drugs." I "stimulate" discussion : you "provoke" controversy: he ,;incites" con· flicl. · "Bl_hook or crook'' ultimately me.ans 11fiY crOOk:" srnce n®ody loo"'' now to do it ''by hook." A "THEOLOGIAN" is simpl y ';i preacher who imagines he knows God's private nickname. Much of the misery in modem lire comes from an inadequate understanding cf the profound semantic differences amoog "fun." "pleasure," and "joy ." (C. S. Lewis ''as one of the few con- temporary "'riters who appreciated the distinction.) 1 \\'35 just "teasing," but you were ''hectoring." and he was "~adgering." A ,;moving cerem ony" is an "empty ritual" seen through lhc other end or !lie emotional telescope. .Friends or Eneniies? POWER PUZZLE. Eugen Loeb! <until re cently Director or the Czechoslovak State Bank) ,"Superstalioism : The Ne1v So,·iet Foreign Policy.'' tnterpla y, June· July 19&9, pp. 2t-24: "Basically, what the Sovie.ts would like would be an agreement by the two world powers on som~ form of di vision of their spheres of influence, and, having reduced the areas of friction , to get an agreement on disarmament. "China, too. has her big·po\\·er am· bit ions ... China sees her opportunity in the fact that the USSR has moved away from dogma and intends to practice power politics in cooperation 11.·ith the U.S. IT IS WITIIlN China's power , .. to isolate the USSR further in tl1e. socialist movement as in the Third Warld. China can ... reduce the USSR's chances of bargaini ng with the U.S., as she is another potential ally. It is within China's power ... to lie up a considerable part or the Red Army forces in Siberia and so 11•eaken the USSR's influence in the \Vest. and to work on the centrifugal forces bolh in the Soviet-occupied socialist cou1l- tries and within the Soviet Union Itself." From thi s point or view. the· USSR ap- pears to me to be the arch-enemy or the U.S .... or rather. that the USSR mJght be<:ome the arch-enemy should the U.S. be "·il\lng to become a party to a new division er the \.\·orld under the aegis of the USSR. On the other hand, China. In spite of all the anU-Amel1can prop- aganda. seems to me, under the clrcumstallCC.!I. America's natural ally against the USSR's big-power aspira· tions ." CHINESE NATJONAUS1!1. George Dear George : rm of marrying aize and can·t ch005e bet"'ten two fellow1. One l, handsome. and rich but tilhltr than the. paper on the walls. TIM! olhe.r Is homely alld poor but generous ., Santa Claua. ltelp me make up my LichLheim. "World Politics. 1969," Com· mentary, June 1969, pp. 50-58: "British Sinologists ... read the signs to mean that Maoism Is now fully in· tegrated witb lradilibnal Chinese na- tionalism ... Maoism has become. the vehicle Of nationalist se ntiments direc ted Impartially against China's neighbors - the USSR above all. "\Vhen Mao is sone. and the new China comes out of its self-imposed isolation. it 'l'ill doublless do its best to look and 3'1Unc1 like a fire-breathing dragon, but no one is going to be able to prC:(lic,t with any certainty in \vhich direction the dragon "'ill breathe fir e. "ONE UNDERST At\DS the rage thal fiUs the minds of Stalin's heirs Jn ~fo,,. cow : after all these years spent extolling the solldlrity of the Communist world agairu;t the imperialist \Vesl. are lhey to be thanked by haring a hostile China on lheir doors tep? The answer. it appears, i9 'yes . .' "Some of the-in may be wondering ~·hether there was ever any l!ense llf he!ping the Chinese Communists to win po1\'Cr (though in point of fact Stalin never tru11ted them and even tried to sabotage their victory in 1949). But what , was the altemalive? A China run by the semi-fascist Kuomintang, firmly allle<I to the United States, would ha ve been even worse from the Soviet standpoint.· ' "In this wretched world even the most rar·sttlng statesmen rarely get what they want • • • The actual outcome 1 usually tends to be quite different from what anyone bad planned, and ma y even 1• be the exact rtverse thereof." • Editorial Rtstarcb mind quick -I'll be go next month. ABIGAIL C. Dear Abby: J havel)'t the leggiest '°lution for )'W problem, but it 's fun tfl an.q~'er yoor letters wlUl a name like that .. .~ ' II , ' f' .. I ' ) I ' I CMECKIN •. UP .• • . . Short Skirts Mean· * .. .,,,,. .. J .... '}, : • ' WT 1 ·i!..__·:.... •I _w_ar .. 's uJ.w.q.llenl ,_ By L. M. BOYD CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. - "Ask your Love and \Var man If he will accept my verse, as follows, for his file o n matrimony: 'He took her hand Desert-Bill,-Jleteran ·-of Range Feuds, Dies YUCCA V..u.LEY (AP) - Death has caught up with "Desert Bill,'' the olQ pros- pector wbo once bossed a vast California mining and cattle empire and fought one -0f the last great rangeland feuds. t_ His real name was Willl\rn Keys but they called him "Desert Bill" because of his love for the desolate Southern CalirorniP sage and sand, which he twice defended in gun battles. On-e sent him to San Quentin Prison. Jn 1930, cattlemen tried to take over his land because he owned the only wnter hole in the entire desert area. Keys posted "no trespwing" signs. Another cowboy lore them dO\\/n. Desert Bill said the cowboy. went for his gun "so I fired and llit him in the arm. He dropped his gun and ran." He <said in an interview later that the depulies "stood around outside drinking w h I s k y ' ' before they "finally got up. nerve and took me in." him in the arm. I fired twice more. I didn't go back tO loot. He was dead." , Some sald the feud again \Vru: over a waterhole. Others said it was about U6e of a public road over · Bagley's land. At any rate, Desert BUI wa s conllicted of manslaughter and served five years before being paroled. He was granted a full pardon in 1956 when it was ruled he had acted in self defehse. Desert Bill first exploreif ill!! desert in 1909 and returned in 1919 to homestead 80 acres In what became Joshua tree Na- tional Monument. In time he owned" vast ·sections· of Pinto Basin and JOflhua Tree desert territory. In hls mld·70s he single· handedly completed a mam- moth wall dam in · a desert gorge, to trap desert rain waters and create a lake ror boating and fishing. His death In a hospital las\ weekend came Just a Jew months before ht would have nached 90. ~uthorllies granted hit last wish: that he be burled beside his wife's grave -0n hi!! raach in 1.he land that he loved. lie got off that time on a plea of seU defense, but he 'Went to prison when his 1948 feud with W-0rth Bagley, a form er Los Angeles C-Ountyr-----------1 deputy sheriff. ended in gun- fire. Begley was killed. De;sert Bill claimed self-defense. The ex-deputy fired first. he said. "I rlred back an~ caugl1l Uncle Len Offers Prizes · • o 1 t Now A .. rptlag AppRNll-'G for th S.mmtr s-.• .__ ... ~ • .,. , Commlftclnt Jwly 9tto, 1'H ~ V • ltegl1tr•Uon Jul, 7th and ith e Appr•vMI fw Yetff•na 1 '64 ORANGE UNIVERSITY :coLLEGE oF LAW ~ An Affiliet• of Pepptrdin• Collt9• A 1 .. 10 Cllot1off4 ........... IMt!Utl• ,.,....,... II•-..... c.I ....... ... , .... i ... i. •. c .. ~ .• ••'"--...... w1.;;. •• ,,...IAftl ,..,...._ • l••h·-t .... ..., " .. Cal-Sit .. ... , ... '"" ~·· · ""'•-.... 11 .. I• Lb. Uortt 0.-J 0..,.. c.11 .. '"" t11t """'"' 111 41 n1.as11 li345 WESTt1UHSTU AVINUI, SAHTA ANA r ----- Big Jixly ~J Barjain Days LEAVE THE DISHES IN THE SINK! COME RUNNING TO PENNEYS Shifts and 1hort ••I• far 1ummerfunl -" ,. 7-14 2.99 .• ~1.99 Th• most adorable 1tyfM thi• side af summer1 In assorted c:olors, stripes, printl ood c..ec.ks, • .. , , Cooll P•nn-ftfftt•1u,.,.merP.f't for l'Mn Orig. 4.98 NOW 2.99 They're ohort a'-<! and k• lenglh ... ju1t the thlnv for ft.. hot sumtnW night.. fn allQl'ftd ~ '""~'• ai~ -Smart looking flaf.• leg ankle panhf 7-1' 2~44 J-6l( 1.99 Girl's stretck denim P~Prest-rants fer no iron when machine woWtd and · tvmbl• dried. In ossorted cok>rs. Pick a new wafdrobe of summer tandala 44~ Women'• strop happy rayon .t0ndol1 witfl ~nyl lfropt fn a wide ""8ction of • fmhion colon. Sizes S, M, ~ L, XL. • ( Md'1, J<lly 4, 1'69 OAILY r!LOT 7 I l I/ Freak Elevqtor Jarr1: . . . . ,_ Penney, fiin"Cher Cr"1s.hes M·an to Death Ads Turn Sense ' ' . . - Into Dollars ' Let your imaglnatlon-- 90 wJld.~,every combo you can imaginel sff. -.,, alMlt IHklng ir. fkn leg -paiifili a ~or solfdt,.p!GidtCiiit print•. You u-t on orray of cool sumnw colors to choos. from. Don't mi11 this terrlfie·iNy.-9"1 severol painil Siz•.S-15. 3.99 Mine• sle•velns 1hell1 in solids. or stri ped nyk>n mock turtl• neck. Awlll- oble In an assortment of eobt to match ow fkwe 1-V ponts. Sizts S, ~ L. XL 1.66 • Special buys! Faahlon.fabrics f~-r clothes you'll wear all summer Got, )'O<" -"II _..,,. ""' -.. 1.,. ...--1•1 buy lobri"I Buy up yords of tNt '(ef"y sp«iol •oup cl 100% c:bttor\ sctfeMI ond er.,... P•rf•ct for thos• 'ool IUMM•r foshionsl Orig. 1.98 ycl. _ NOW 88~yd., w rr:...c:MAloam - -------~~- I I • ,. l • "' ' • • In· in a • I - 'I ~ 1 I ' ' ~1 , I I Wl.Y 'II.OT FrldoJ, Jul1 C, 1969 ---. .. MLM'9M • For the Record -Jtlarriage Licenses lAS VEGAS, N~.. -M.1rrl1N llCll!llU lnwd ~,_ inch,1de: ClEVELANO-SAIN -Ptul 11Wokr CltWl&nG, ii, of Tustin. Miii ft09..,,,_ C1rlli ltin. 1'. d N~ llffdl. MOOllE-Ol..SON -8Hly Joi Moore. n. Incl JGMIM c;.vle 0'-'< JO. bCllll d H""ll"lllool ~ TUTTLE.UR°eGG -l....,.•nc:t MalOll Tun... 11, Cf fWflll~ NIM Ptlml, wM1 CVnlhlt L Grtn, 11, o1 NtwPOrl """ JUNE tt McGREGOR·MEINKE -Johll M.. 1----MOHT!:IRo:t:'AMllER 1 -G t1"b f'r'~l'Wior . .,, tlld-!'tl• Melr.icr, 7', I ' J-..ri Monlelro, ?7, of Hw11H~lon llolh . of Cmla Mfta. 8rKh. Mid JCWct LYtln Lttllberf, M. STOC'KFISl+NOWELL -C h 1 r I r ~ of Ga111eft Grow. Fleoetkt-Slod;flsll, JJ, ot "'llli.on ~G·MYEltS--=-DeMIS-!lrllln-HOlt, 1"111(; P1,, 1!11$ S1!9rlffl> Loulw 24, Ill AlllMlm. Md Col-., ,.._.,~ NoMllo 21, GI W_,..,l11$ter. --n. ol COii• Mesa. 1.ew1S.YAU~ -0-.rle!I 1v1" l ewl1, WARD-HEUUCILA-Gtniel #Jiu W1rd, 4 ol We$tmlllster. 1nd ltu!h Ji, of F-l•hl V1ller, W i..n.tte MlrNret .'1"11eL. :M, ot Gr1/\ldt Dell'" H•n1-r111, 11, of """!!""'°" HUii. . BIK!I. MAC"JIJfAl \. Y • COOK -S I m .u t I DEATH NOTICES SAMPLE l ultl ... H. ~,. ,.. n. °' 11•1 SU~· an A'i't., Soulll Lltu .... Pile ol deltll, J11 ty l , SU!'vlw!cl b'f' wife, °Allee : "-U911- ler, ~Nf'fl ltlchll"dson, Well L01 ...,..., ... , tlnCI lh,_ ... ....,..,,. JI-I, It-Id Mid Wllliltn; al1!er. Cltr• S . MMI. el vi.111 tln:lthfr, T"°"'"· o! s1n etrn.rdlno. ~las ... m ti-11e1c1 MalldlY, ~ 1. It AM. Shetm L1- -a.111:11 Mortu.ry C"-tl. 1111..,. "911. In~ Metr9i.I P1rt., Pl- t«tl'd b¥ Slwtttt L1-lffc:ll Na· twr.r. ARBUCKLE & WEU!R W~lcllff M~ U7 E. 11th SI., toell Mesa H&.4881 • BALTZ MOR2'UARIES Coro.a dtl Mar OR J-1451 Co"-1 l les1 MI 1-ZU4 • B~ BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Cotta Mesa ~LI l-3W DILbAY :ROTllERS Huntington Valley l\tortuaey 17tll Beacb Blvd. UIUIUngtoe Stach ui.m1 • McCORMICK_ LAGUNA BEACH MOR'1'\IARY 171$ Laguna Canyon Road L11un' Btacb 4H-M15 • PACIFIC VIEW !IEMORIAL PARK IC........, • MGrlaary Qapel . • P.ct8c View Drh·e Newport ~ ca1Uorni1 • PJ!EK FAMILY llOLONIAL FUNERAL ---~ ... ,. ..... I • -.ms • •W,....,l"Dm MOflTVARY ~== ::: • ....,..pTVAllY .,_ .. a.,.._._. . ·- \ M«ANll'I, "' anct Helftl It. C&x, "· bo!1'1 ol L-HUii. GlllSON.ORESSLEll -WUlltm A G~. "2, of L1t11\ffll 8r1ch, •IHI 1("111een G. Drftller, JI, or Newl>Oft ....... Div orces VN I TE D STA T ES lVA TIO N A L B ANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW orlN SATURDAYS 9 ,. l P.M. MON°THUIS 10·1 P.M. ,llDAYS 1e., r.M. rn•1 140.1211. i..c .... Ja: S.. c:..t ...... c .... M- AW, Viti PtH.-MIMtlt' JAMES W. VERRALL I I u BUFFUMS' 0111 KNIT SHIRTS Shori·sleeve, full-fashioned shirts ift 'mock-turtle or collared styles. 1U1sha· ble Orlon~ry1_ic in· many co101s; ~ S·M·L·XL. Sl«! lor Men .5 • 9 9 ,.,_ 11.00" 22.50 I ! --~! llJ ·1 I 1 , '''\ I . ":i .. ' I Mn's Hlllr bit IH _1,111 lllirtllrt lamwsdesi11ers; 1001 or short sleeves. Solid, cheCk or paltems in var ious colors; S·M·L-X~, .69 or 3 2 .00 ,.,.1.50 M1n11 1111cb hllllJ in iio siiles. ~ort C!IW· top lype in 011on®11crylic, Or, line pure rib in nylon . All basic colOfs; 2 .99_!!_1,5.00 106.00 SU11l1111i hm F-1 s~llj 10< Min. Exce pl- iooal selectioo in wanted shapes. l lack or brown with colored lenses. 1. 9 9 Jtf, 5.00 lo 6.50 Fine •HlllJ silk HCkWI• includes~· now 4" width . Wide choice in co!Ofs lfld r.ettems includi-1 stripes and prints. Store fot' Men 7.99 GIRLS' FAMOUS MAKE DRESS SHOES Re1.10.00-13.00. Sa" up lo JDS., sli iny pat111t Jeathe1 shoes In popular sprin.t and sum111er colGrs. Sim Ill to 4. Children'.s !hoes. 8.99-16.99 FEMININE BODY SHIRTS Re&. IJ,00-26.00. our "5Y·littin1 body sliirls have Ille new larie c;olla1 r slilhtly fuller slet'!'t and noyelly cuff. Oioose frorw a wide array, in· clLHlint drtssy styles, in collon or cotm bl111d fabrics; White anctflshion colors; 8lo16. Suncha1m Spottswear 2.98 SUN GLASSES FDR 5UMMER Select lrooi a wide assortment or'fashimi shapes and tinted lenses. COSMETIC VALUES Arfllfe Coif Ha ir Spray scented with wcr1d famous Aiptat, .1er. 3.50 •. , •••••••••• I I ••• 1.11 M.D. Hand Fair LotiCN11 Aqua Fleur oc refu lar, 2.50 value •.••••••• , •••.••••••••• 99 0tco1ative bul~ 1t0111izH, 1e1. 4.00 •••..• 2.M Cosmetics ' 2.00 SUMMER MILLINEh t n<DUCED Re1. l.1Xfl6.00. Clioose ''"'a wide VJriecy ol mostly one-of·a-kind stylts in tr ims and s1111ll dtessy hats. NaV'f, '*11ile Df pastels. Millineiy Salon ... Newporl • II FASHI ON ISL AND • • • . • • • • • ' • ' . • SA TURD A Yi ONL Y 3 _. 9 9 "'· 9.00-11 .00 FAMllUS MAKE NIGHTGOWNS Select fro1R 1111ny -dainly stylts in nylon tdcol wilh .dainly lace or applique !rims. Some .have sheer overlays; P·S·¥·L. Uoreiie · 2 . 4-9 "'· 4.00 l•l's CNl-SIJl•)IJ•l wi~ sliml •lems, L<!n_f ler~ •. Em_b9$!od ci\t"'Jo seltct100.of.colors; contfastioe 1111 en collM and cuffs; sizes to fit 8-18. SIO!e for Boys ' 1. 4 9 .... 2.50 1111111111' DWI bit lllrts fw ~11s. Mo<k turtleneck, shDll 1~ewd styles in illi~s or solids. SanforiZ1d~oll01 is '"'P~le~ waslia- ble; H. Little llil"r !Ii" 4 , 9 9 special purcha'-"llt""' .,...., f. '' 1--",LE~G ... -ICL!•ls n• ill sudei cypo - sfyle. lde1l lor "sual wNr, ~ey're of washable , .unvas. some sliaJi!ly i••&Vlars laeludell; ll!-13. Store for Men, TEllNIS1PECIALS Clleck ).ur.lo.1s equiP110lll. Do yw neof a new racquet? Or, Is it in 1ood conditi on? And, now's the time lo sloc~up crt b.111s! • I \ R111ri11&l11: Auslr1lian 11,;, f1JI on you1 trlme, re1.1s:oo.1.ts Excel ·Bkl\ Spiral nylon 01 your lrame, re(.10.lll.,; ••••• ,,,, ,,~ ••••• , ••• 5.91 ' ' T•l111c11111s: Spaldint 1'Gonza les'' profess iDnal frame, only • 0 I• 0 0 I • o o O o • • o O "' O • • • • 0 0 12.91 Spaldinf 1'Air·Flilt'' racke:~ ny l«1 sb'oof, only , ••••.•..••••.• ·\: ...... ,. 9.99 Pl• IJ111is N iis: These aie '"'Y·ducy, ICJl 1iaile ba lls. Slocl\ upnow, ·each dozen .• , , .. , .•.•••••• , •• ; , , 'l ,91 S~orlsmans' St!ap, Downtown long Beach, ' Pomma, Ntwport, la Hab1a SAVE ON FASHIONS 'FOR GIRLS Prinl panl·dresse\ in easy-care cottons . Sleeveless d1op-waist, sw in1·skirl styles wilh cenler pie.JI; re1. 7.00 -•......•• I •••••• I I •••• 3.99 Swine pants with llared or cuffed lee .. Eas)'·care summer fabfics in assorletl prints, ref. 6.00 """. " -" -. "" -.•• "" 2.49·2.99 • Summer jamaicas in pri'ft'ls or so lids; 7·14, ref. 4.SO·S.00 ••.•••• I I •••••••••••• I •• 2.99 Pant lops. Wtlh short sleeves or sleeYe!ess, ree. J,50-5 ,00"" . --, -' ' ' -. -, 2 ·" Girl's Shop S~VINGS FROM DUR STATIONERY SHOP Boxed cattd1es, 10" and 12" Upers. COIOI' se\&cti on IHl11of.12candles~1 box;1ei.2.ll1H .50 •• , .9! lnstamalic photo albu!!ts, vinyl tOl/!fed, relillable, ..,. 4.50 -" ... " . --, ' -. " .... "" 2.50 S~liOloy !hop ' • i 15,99 llf.V.lO FAllOUS-fOll!FIT SLACKS You'll reco111ize lie name of lhese slacks with the iMer elastic waist· ® . band. Da<1ot pofyesler and wool; fashion c_olors; 32·40 rez. -- Store for Men, 2. 99 rtf. ).50 . -. M111's-l••1111kw *"'1 llfllrll, buUoo (own collar, 1001 sleeves. DatrCWI polyester and cotton blend in white, bl ue w maize. All from replar stock. 1. 9 9 "I· 4.00 lo 5.00 ,. •· M•'s.ffflll• 1111 in1 wide us«IP&it of wlftlt, • _ _.__. _ _l'!'!!lle,,,.m~s._,s!!!b!l!i !!.II!! co)lJs. Yw'll.WALtw ' · · -- Bvy now al Oollir Day savinp. !I 3 • 9 9 "'· 9.00~o 10.00 / Fllllllll llllkl PUfl IOI••&, wi~ pla in ~"ii!.Ji<lt . loops, cuffs. Ma.de or Sta·JlleSS 41ealed DaCion poly· . ester and collmi; trAllplete~ washable; sizes 19-33 .,isl Vm iey lhCJl •. • .79 "'· l.00 IMPORTED WINE DECANTERS Grape:_snaped 1lass deanlers rri.i loly provide e 1efill for each euest. A real t011versalion piece.• Gifts and China :=;::;:;===~"' 9 . 9 9 special !MJlchase 40-PC. GLASSWARE SET I Clear e!ass with cut border desi" on set lor everyday use Ill' for b1r. I each: 14·oz. ice tee, IQ.oz. tumbler, 6-oz. Juice, 7-oz. old fasliiooed, 4-1>{. </J\.l<o ~ · Gilts and China. ____________ ... r----------------~. VINYL MATS IN MANY COLORS ,I Textured mats, o~al shape, noo-skid back. Wide choice or 1 ' colors, all wiUl while scroll ed2ing, re1. l.OO each ..• ao 1 l Table linens, all stOfes except Marina· Cott• '15" napkins in red, white and blue witti nau- li"I desill", "I-.60 mh............... 4/1.0Q Table Linens ,, ---------..J' ' 29.99 JUNIOR COSTUMES IN SUMM~R FABRICS Rer. These Pfelty .costumes are in c., 1iatitweidll 1ayon wilh the look of llnen OI' acrylic. Pe1lect for imputanl dress11p occasims. 5lo13. Girllown Dacron•polyeSter 1nd c'otloo coordinaled sportswe•r in retl, whjle 111d blue. Choose f1orn vests ' --. . ' · panls ind blouses in ire-leen 6 to l•; 1e1. ,.00.11.00 -· .............. , 1/1 en. Y""'I C.lif- «nia !hop " • J '· J __________ .;,.._ __ ""'"" .,.,1 • Other days 10:00 till 5:30 1"':. NEWPORT CENTER • 644·2200 • Moo ~, lliurs., Fri.10:00 lill 9:30 r - By JODEAN. HASTINGS Of ... n.•tr Hit ·~ ' '' Vsalll\l~·to win the 25th!!'ranspacillc ya<:ht race beginning today wm ·~the ·.routh!JJ) and enthusiastic crew of Plelades. awned .hY Dr. an~ !ifrs. Iµchaid K. Smyth of Hunlfngton Harbd\Jr, . · :'.f,be Smyth'~ first long race will be an-advetiiure ln-family.-to. ,getbe.Jpess, becau-" crewing will~ two.of their five ~dren, Gretyl, "'. "'rt; bl'llWll;l!Yed j)runette, and Randy, who wi!kllebrate.,blo-1 l!li'tl\llay en· route next Monday. · ~; Plelades will be Huntington liarbour Yacht Club'• first entry Jo ljt• long.iilvitational competitiQn.wliich..b~gin's..oll Los ftllgeles Har- bOr and ends ~If !liamond Head, Oabq, Hawaii. ' · Sailing to win isn't new for !be pretty 17-year-old Marina High Sd!_OOl.'Tenior, or her sophomore brother. Th~ t~o young people have captured ppnqrit.· in many com~titions-along the Orange Coasl , ....... The best sailors in the lamily aie the kids," maintains . ?tf.rs.· Smylh, Jl· slig~t, agile blonde teacher at Circle View School, Hunting- ton Beach; · • • "Randy won hi~ first trophy when he was in fifth grade: he rJ>Ced .P ,Aquacat to Catalina and back with his brother David (then -8L .. -.'ref." --. ' ' . · {' ' ;..!)\e t'}'o young sailqrs were first to -finish in that" 22-mile _race . both going O'<er and returning. . • ,_, 1'!>• "S<in-bronzed, blopd youth has been . comiieting ih sabots si.qc;e he was ·7, and last year was fleet champion of "the Huntington H'~ur Yacht Club. He also placed third il(tbe Cal-24 championships. -'--; .B.~pres~tinfi-the yacht...club,~be won..second place. in ttie -P:aeific HRndi<;aP ~tlg Fleet's spring seri~s rega.tta this year, and recently ·~~ fl>llr!l\ <>".•rail \n the Seal Beach Yacht Club's pop top. series . • ''. ', Gtetyl ~a! -worked C!S a ~~mber of ~e buSy foredfck~ Crew on ~llJil.nf ~CJ!lg .er@, and m Pleta<!_es, a !Lihg1>:masted Cal-36 sloop, recfqUy won third place during a· ladies' race sponsored by the Litile Sblj\"s°Fleet,°·Long Beach. ' ~ ,~ln addition1to helping her mother wilh cooking-chores, she also will-fill in on·,deck· au ring the. blue-water classic. · .~AilhougJ:i-'-.their ~entry in Transpac is 'the r~alization of a. dream for-:'the sailing Snfytbs: they have competed in many other area con .. > t.es'5 1incJuding the annual Ensenada race. ' '---~~~-·_:__ ... The~ S~yth~_ a_cq~ted .th8-$loop,---1'ormerly-named-the -Intrepid, , wo 1years ago shortly.alter Sbeunisbeatrrsflnher &-~-1n'1lte 1961-- Los· Angeles to Honolulu event. (SH SAI LING TO WIN , Pogo 10 ) • • • PrldtJ, .lulr 4 "\tu I riff I GO~E SAILING -Gretyl Smyth, 17, Marina High School senior, will be contributing her skills during the 25th Tnulspacific yacht race beginning today.<>fl Los Angeles Harbor. '>'be pretty ~oung 1 brunette will be aboard the Cal;36 sloop Pleiades owned by her parents, Dr, and Mrs. Richard K. Smyth, and !be first Transpec entry w fly !be Huntingwn Harbour Yacht Club burgee: PLANNING TO WIN -Skip~r and cook Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Smyth check off the li~t of necessary requirements~before the cannon 's blast at noon today signaled· the beginning of the 2,225-mile race which will finish off Diamond Head, OahUi H'awaii. VETERj\N RACERS -Greg Berry, lg, wat~h captain, ·and Randy Smyth, who will celebrate his 15th birthday Monday at sea, both have an impressive record of sailing "wins." HIGH HOP ES -The Smyths hoist Randy aloft.for a final check of !be rigging before heading out to the starting line . The experienced young saU-9)', W1l0 llas -been racing since h! was 7, is ideal for any necessary rigging work because of bis weight and agility. Cold Shoulder Best to Cut O.ff Friend's Tea rf u I-Ea rf u I )lEAR ANN LANDERS: SI• months aio a friend of our was placed In an lm- pdssible Po6ili0n 'and had. to divorce her hljsband. Unfortunately, she missed her pJ;ne, returned home unexpectedly, and caught her husband with his secretary. 'We all felt sotry for Bernice and have tried to inCJude Her as before. But she Is '*°'1tini .. pushy that OW' sympathy ill tbing to resentment. Bern.ice has Cried Cid' every male shoulder in our-crowd. ~t trlght sl\e telephoned me at 8 p.m. asked if she coold share whatever we klr dinoer. I said, "Of course." After w? .afe, my ttusbaJfd·anl,fOp~ that :he... bill a IOi'd ofl>Jperwork to do. Bermce looked stricken and Mid 1he n<eded ~ ANN LANDERS ·~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : JI . anyone 'doubts that there are an awful lcit of nut. ty people In this world, they ought to read yaur cohtmn tor' orfe' week. ...... .. ·Tb? Jetter from that woman who telephoned her poodle long dlsl:_ance every · nJght so he could hear her voice. was the . dumbest thing I ever heard or. s~. should talk to him "privately.'• 1 went upstairs has hadJf? _ -::UP TO HERE have written him 8 lettero It-would've- and left themJnJhe_den.. They talked un-DEAR. \JP: App,1rtitUy your hillbaail been cheaper thin a phone cal,I and ,lhe Ul I a.m. bu vocal Cont. beam he &old you tblt dog-would have gotten a lot more out of Thil morning my husband WBS bleary·· BUnlct 11 dilvblg bJm J-y. S.gg01t IL eyed and cross. At the breakfast table, In dliat be qe thote voe1I tori• ta tell ·btr ,Dogs recognizo P:COJ>le·by their scent. t( the presence ot the children, he said, himself. fn CM meantime, yOll on help tbe woman bad run the stationery over "Your friend Bernice is ttrlvlng me loony by not allowing ber to maaerve....,.ot.-ll-her--faee·Mew-ttmes·-m11rtmrrdtett-ui •nd I don't wan~ to get ·tr!J!Pld ·by~·· ·i)e e1ll1 In die falG,. to·lnvlk .lterlelf to enYOlope; ·the poodle would luiye lifilten agaln.'J -dlnBU, Jell-her, "So aorey "'-we have the message.· -DOG LOVER Al.W Shall I tell her blunU)rthat my husband 1~7 plan1." ,-' ·l>.EAR .U.W1 I a1ked a poodle upcrl . - " for his opinion and he 111d el~r way, It 'reader'-will know lhe"BnSwer.-NOsrAL- ~~·no big deal for the Gog. Tbe m11te(, GJ.C NANCY , not llle ,Jlotnd, feta Ute pleasure out of " DEAR r,~cy1 . I'D prlat tbe-Jq. the telephone calls. · ' formaUon U 1omeone wW1,1aP,11 ii. H.W aboU:t It out tbere 't , DEAR ANN LANDEJRS: I kno)V you don't run a garden column, buL'so many people ·read .Ann Landers that t•ln sUre 600leone who sees this ci.n.orbelp-me. . When I was, a clUld in W~ingion, my mother' raised aome delightb@ aw~t smelling flowers Which she called jasmine tobacco. I adored the scent and would•deaily love to know by what narM • ve de9Crlbed· them to two local Oorists and to several friends : No one llere can tiefp' me. I'll. bet it you prlnt my letter, a How far lihoutd1 a teenage ·~J>le go? cah necking be sale? Wheii does 'ft "becolne too hot to bandlet..se/od,1or'.AJu> Landers' booklet,, ''Neclfing and petting .. -What Are the Llmita?'' 'Mail your _re- quest to Ann Landen ln..Eart ol ~ newspaper ~ Ill cents In coin and o long, stamped, self-addlessed en~ope. Ann Landers will be glall to help yoa with your problems. Send ll\om lo .tlirUI care or the DAILY PILOT, encl°'"" a sell-addressed. &tamped envtlope. . . " " • GandleS'-A"C-eerif-Installation -Jhame- Lighting tandles for love, compassion and hannony are new officers of Beta Gamma chapter, Epsilon Slffena Alpha International, Fountain Valley. Serv- ing will-be (left to right, in mjrror.) Mrs. William Hewaton, vice presidem.;.•~.ts. Al Hactmeister, ' Horoscope _Aries:_-Do ~t . Press Too Hard SATURDAY Accent on how you. adapl to _ _ JUL y 5 changing coodlUons. Show thal By~ SYDNEY OMARR you _pan keep up 'fllb the times. One in authority et· TEEN DATllfG HINTS: prtsses ~ int<r<.st in Spo.lll1bt 1blae1 on yourabilities. Arlet-thue are die personal!· LEO (July 23-Aug. 22); ty guys and 1ah tonight. Good lunar aspect today coiJl. Plloe1 geb stuck with tlie cides with your ability to ex- cbeck. Sagittarius 1ett the press abstract Ideas. Put Im· love llgbt; Tamu tlir1I and aginstion to work and make bows better. With moon In sure you take notes. Inspira- ARla--go someplace new, tion proves valid. dHferent. Leo lw t b a t-GO f I • Vlr i d VIR (Aug. %3-Sepl. 22)' president, and Mrs. Larry Evans, recording secre· tary. other officers JIJcl ude Mrs. Ch8rles Canedy, corresponding secretacy, and Mrs. George Kell~r, treasurer. Mrs. William Gutbrle is parliamentarian. Vacationing in Hawaii araway oo.... g:o s rawn Check budget. Review joint ef- ln manner that la mystertoua. forts. Don't be salisfled wilh Means Virgo fights bat hu halfway measures. Do your Among aloha travelers arriving in Honolulu on the IGed• of fltD "making up." bes~ others will respond. SS Lurline were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelder and their Libra talb 1erlolll1y about • Applies speclfically to one who daughter Kathy from Lido Isle. The Kelders who possible Perm a 11 en t rela-"AA sed · will remain for two weeks on the 1·s1ands 'were tiOnship. Most have fun U ez. ''= oppo your views. 1 LIBRA (•-t M ~ 22! greeted with trad1"t1'onal Hawru·1·an le1·s. ce11 speed is avo i ded. .xp. ~~. : ·1ttmembu,~you do have to Your position is ·1trengthened.-------------------- P.eertng· Around --'!..~ ... ' "'llllL AND MRS. ~lphonse 8'l11:ets o1 Ananelm.celebrated tlleir :IOth w • d d I JI J an· niversary by renewtnB thelr wed6ini YOWS ,during a special. mass ll»Sl Bonlla~ Clitl>Ollc- Church. Following the ceremooy the ' couples' 11 aons a D d rtaugbtera, 36 gi8ndchildNn and two great.grandcbildren celebrated I.he occasion with a recepUon which. l n c 1 u de d many family friends. ,ti_Among those honoring their .,.renta by hoiting the party were ~· and Mrs. John Bridger of Se.I Beach wbo al· tended with their son, We1ley, and Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Salaets of Costa Mesa, who brought their children, Christy, KeMy, Larry and David. _,. SCO'mSR DANCING com· petitors,and plaque 'winners 1n I.he 37.lh-~annu:al lilg•''"'""- Games in Santa Monica were the Misses Evelyn a n d Heather Williams from Foun- tain Valley, Cynthia Collard of Huntington Beach' and Karla · and_Klmberly Crouse, also of Fountain Valley. The ~ames, largest folk event of 1Ui kind held yearly in North America,. drew . com- petitors from C a n a d a·, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma as well as from all parts ol California . -Nursing - Workshop ~ffered Perry the Penguin Plays Ho:tt Perry the Penguin will leave .... his Anta.rcti.c home to..g~.st..-ehildren from 3 to 6 years Of age at a.story_ hour beginning Thursday, July 10, at all three New- port Beach libraries. The storytimes, from 10 10 10:30 a.m. each Thursday for six weeks, will be filled with surprises and will have tales recounted by members of the library staff, Friends of the Library and Children's Theater Guild. Mrs; Stanley LeLle\ll'e..tells..a tale of ---adventure. and mystery as ~Lisa Becker (left), and Frances MacDougall, both 9, sit in on the first session with -· A workshop to .traJn in· Perry listening in. structors to teach classes in--...:...---=------------------------ home nurslilg , will b e spoosored by the Am.ertcan Reel . Cross Monday,_ Ju1y 7, and Monday, July 14., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Location for the two-day session will be the Church o( Jesus Christ of LaUer-day Saints, Cbui'ch house in Gar- den Grove. Instructing will be a registered P't"se. Orient lnspir_ec! Grain ~Tossing Rice Facts for Wedding Custom NEW YORK (UflJ5) -lo India, it's done a liUle United States in 1694 in a ship; Ever stop to wonder wSy you dtfferenUy. Once they are bound from Madagascar to "throw rice at a bride and wed, the bride throws three England, that was blown ofJ bridegroom!-handsfuJ ·of rice over the course in, a storm. The custom, according to bridegroom, and he throws Today, 2.4 million acres at the Rice CoUncll ot America, three handsful over his new rice are grown in the United face younelf In the mominl'.· But you need expert advice In _ l-------~-------~w~~'1""'to"·~~"!'k-etha11n·[~w,uen•l -F.,...,..-Pane-9 AllJF.8 (March 21·Aprii 19)' .,_ ~ '"'"' " Don't press too bard for concession. Give praise to Jov· permanent agreement. Some ed tlne. The classes, free of charge, are open tG home econ·omists, registered nurses and licensed vocational nurses, and anyone Jnterested in attending should -contact-the-Red Cross office, 542·1137. States, mainly In Arkansas, goes back-to anclent-religlous-wife.-l'he.meaning.isJhe_same &a-1-1 f-o-r·n-i·a • Louisiana, ptacUces ol the Chinese and -that they should bear many Mlssi!sippi and Texas. I -c • I Hindus. ~ children, preletably sona. The United States is thi promises were msde in man. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): .fler not meant to be fulfilled. Avoid extremes. Get sufficient Know thia and preserve your te.!t fOUowlng vlgorow holiday dignity. acUvlty. Conserve strength, ... Sailing to Win _In the Orient rice is the Nowaday11 in ~he UNted world's leading rice exporter, emblem of fecundity and Statq, rlce throwirlH la more shipping the food to more lhaa " Note Helps throwing It at newlyweds sypt· ol a joke th&!l anything else. 100 cowrtrles. bo'Uzeabestowlng fertility ,Tbs aymboliam of rice Is no.~-------- For this contest Mrs. Smylh His interest la saillng was a Polite Burglar upon them. -joke, thoti,gb, 1n the East. '11le ' TAURUS (April 20-May 20): energy. Avoid excess. Slow MyslerlOU8 go I n gs -o n in-J)Ace. Take special care in trlgue.All!Wers are available. traffic. nut you must do some in-SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22- vesUgatlng. Journey is Dec. 21): Accent on area of has added exlra cake mix to primary rea!on ror joining Chi grain is held in reverence. In -the ship's stores, because also PUE RT 0 0 RD AZ, lhe East Indies, people ¥itve celebrating a birthday aboard Phi fraternity. at USC, which Venezuela -The burglar who CM Overeaters ri~ bas a SQUl, like m~ and oo Sunday will be David is comprised of m.anY other broke into Mr$.· C a r m e n the gialrl is treated with Armst.tOl!J, 23, Marina High sea·going ~lhusiuts. _ Espe.ram.a Lara's home Overeaters Anonymous deferepce. teaChtr 8nd a s· s I s t a ift A I s 0-iooking lorward to couldn't have bad It easier. gather evtty Wednesday, at a '"Some Other-"rlce facts" navigator. Transpac, Pat, a graduate tlf Mrs. Lara had left a note for --p;m~ In Be.ar Street School, from the Council: -.... -nect.BSuy:-Don't dawdle:-Get chart related·to children, -emo-- golng and throw oU secret Uonal reacUons. Nothing hap. fears, doubts. pens halfway ; it is all the way GEMINI (May 21.June 20): or nollllng. Know this and ex· Friends act in ••funny" man· erclse degree of restraint. ner. Don't compound error. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Avold eccentric actions. Be 19): Stress on home, property. epeclfic. Attend to routine Protect valuables. tasks. Take nothing f or Carelessness today leads to granted. Av o i d delegating loss. Know this and take dutJes. precautions. Someone ii trying "Whether I do bake cakes or Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, has her husband. It said: "Dari-Costa Meaa. · Rice first ·came to the not depends on weather, where held both-junior and senior ing, the money fot the in-1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m; we are and how the race is championships .In H H Y C ' s stallment for the car ls in the going : I'm not a very good Lido 14 competitions. top drawer oC the cabinet." cake-baker anyway, and 1 Rounding out the crew as The burglar coUected the need all the help from the navigator 'is Eric Lovejoy o( $555. Befor«t leaving he put a elementa 1 can get," she Huntington Beech, who crew-P.S. on Mn .. Lara's note. It laughed. eel aboard Windsong iri 1965. said: "Graclas." CANCER (June 21.July 221, to lell you something-Listen. Other young crew members 1;==::::::=::::::=:=:::::=:::::====::::::::::===~,ll will be watch captains Greg Berry, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs . Rex Berry, and Pat Taylor, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor. CHERI FONTES To Say Vows Betrothal Disclosed ' ?.fr. and Mrs. Edw ard Linhart of Corona' del Mar ha ve announced fhc eng;ige- ment <lf her daughter, Cheri Fontes lo Raymond C. A1aier J~ .• aon ol Mr. and Mn. Ray llla!er orPonUac, 111. The coople plan to exchange vows Stpt. 6, tn Ferndale Wectdl&la t1tap_:.el~ta: Ana. '!be bride-to-lie gradua\<d from New)>Ot! H>rbor Hlgh AQUARIUS (Jan. »Feb. 18): You may be on the move. Not good for detail work. View projects as a whole. Take your time ; avoid scattering eUorts. RelaUves seem to play pro- minent role. PISCES (Feb. )9-March 20'!, Protect assets. Don't be tempted to spend needlessly. Concentrate on quality. You can get what you want at fair price. But be specific. about yOur needs. Marina High graduates both also have captured an im· presslve list of racing credlts. A sophomore at t h e Unlverslly of Southern California, Greg c r e w e d aboard the" sleek ship when she won th.e 1967 crossing, apd has a roomful of trophies ac- qllired in Cal·20 compeUUoris. Maternity Tea Served Walling for that blessed event was made easier for ex- pectant parents when the Assistance League of Hun- tington Beach hosted their monthly maternity tea In the Inlercommunlty H o s p I t a I cafeteria. Chairman of the evening \\'as Mrs. J ack Br am et, a ssisted by the Mmes. Richard Buraera, L e J a n d ValenUne, Robert Seybert and • Charles White. Guests saw two movies con· cerning the delivery and care of new infants and heard a short talk by the maternity supervisor. Following a ques- tion and answer period, they toured the maternity ward . Refre shments were served and prizes awarded, including a baby photo gift certificate presented by the SUver Anchor auxiliary. IT'S A FACT!. If you spent 30 secon~s looking al each of our shag samples, it would take you over 9 hours to see them all- so come early end bring your lunch. DON'S CARP~T SHOP PICl(WICl('S STARTS JULY 5th ANNUAL STARTS JULY Slh SUMMER C~EARANCE SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS ON OUR ENTIRE SUMMER STOCK !EXCEPT SWIMSUITS I. COME IN NOW WHILE OUR STOCK IS MOST COMPLETE. I I 25% TO . 50% .. DRESSES JR. PETITE DRESSES PANT DRESS.ES COATS SUITS PANTS SKIRTS BLOUSES TOPS SWEATERS ACCESSORIES OFF SELECTED SWIMSUITS 'Ii OFF I ALL COCKTAIL DRESSES lfl OFF I ' .. USE YOUR PICKWICK CHARGE , BANKAMERICARD, MASTER CHARGE _ OR CASH. SORRY, NO LAY-AWAYS, HOLDS, RETURNS EXCHAN~Es OR Rffi!NDS,' ·· ' ~ ALL SALES FINAL ALL MDSE. SUIJECT JO PRIOR SALE ,-1') .. ., . ' ll<ibool and allendJ Orange '' FASHION ISLAND COM\ Coll~ aJld, her fiance 426 SO. MAIN 12 Blkt-N•. •I Bullock'•) ORANG! NEWPORT BEACH-6§4-1310 • L9 FAS)ilON -SQUARE _ 19. FASHJON ISLAND - ... ~.... 1iruv·-111 of v-c,,.m Account W.Jcomt -ll•nkAIN'rlcllt'f, M1111tr "*"'' 11e SANTA ANA • T~ruw ~ ~~· 1 .. ~~H·o··~·-·.·.·~-~-·;.;.••~·-··~~~c··~o··· .. ;.;.••~·-·-·-·~~..1'''-----0=~=·-M_·:~_·:~=·~·'='·='-':'~til-::'=''-·=··=·~---.Jlj ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~..;.~.N-FW~-PO···RT~B-EA..;C.H-~~"' ' • , • \ . . ' rrlc!qi .liity 4, lM DAILY PltllT JJ Laver Confident f ot ' . . . . ' t•duh• to U. DAli:Y PILOT WIMBLEDON. Enll...i -ll't one ol thooe nre oCcp.ioo. In l!:n&land when• e<11tn the royaJ ramlly take1 a hack eeat to What transpires oa the famed center coon 11 Wlmbl<don. Jl'U .be S•turday and laldn'"· the --opoillghhnU"be Coro111r del-Mar'i't!od Laver and Australian John Newoo~ the two men who will Joc:k horns for the """"leil lennla pru, ol lhe111 all, the Wimbledon crown. • ,. ~ Laver -Is the defending 11111 a t. Newcombe won this great loumament lwo ywa ago. Channel 4 wiu lelevloe Wlmb~ play at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday. in ·flll ·ncl\Jalve telephone lnlervlew 'l1wnclQ fallowing bis semifinals vie· ' . ' . 1'1 · ' lofY, the ~ i.vtt ol!et.od hll "Jolin It P!aylng well. Be Is vtey eon· lll>Od 1'lo1m and you're 101nf to looe 1 wtlool< 1!>1' -t'• tl>ow<lown. ' alitenl and· bis 11rong al re1om1n1 the few HIS. Bui my ...,,loe, reluru ...r "MY rtluma an gOOcl. my aervi<e II ball. !,will hope lo be _ _.,.well and liminstia.o ajl been .. 17 ploillbi. \ slroog .and I'm very plouOd wilb my , • .,. .. "I t\l&ngeci' my ..,.I« after IQl!n1 Ille timtns ..• .I !ool that I'm playtns as well wol-kinc. bis backlland &loo a lol '>'.ou Ont llll \O.Aalie. • J 11"4 bee!\ playing his as I ever· have. But: you Qin. never tell always w~t to keep the prasure od y.our bac~ but he wu gtit.tlng IOD'le • lboul 'Whal YQlll' opponent will do or bow · -l ~-te!Ul'U· ,. I allaclied bla well he'll lay2 ~lib a lltUe l!!C~ 90!.IDY Laver apparenlJ)I Is -hll .,... ~~ lh&l!.jllldO'a.pot,de&I o1 e, mll)' -rCJiilcfoll:" • p lwecUO!ie ioli>c-1111a1Mt Newmbe dlll•rence. • • -'l'becla!oyC91'onadelMar,..lhpaw,a lhanbewouldhayebeenhodllocbebeen "'Ill-' 11:ea! ~ f~ yoOr COO· native ol Auatralla, earned a herlb lo lbe his !lnalt !oe beca..,. Ibo latle< II allo fldence :wbet\ you know YO!I are playinf llnall. by dloPoling or Arthur A&ilo h\_lour loll· handed. cood lennb. You. laol an obllgaUon lo do - aeli"11iurtday wblle 11.,._ wu"' llOCbe bowed lo Laver in Ibo 1918 " well bef<n these crowds beeau,. Ibey dumpinc Tony Roche In a Ht~number.ol Wimbledon llnala. -are here to aee good lenniJ, oets'the oame day. • Laver U!rogged oil wire IOl'Vlce 1toriea "Md, Ibis ls lhe kind ol almoophere In Rocket Rod owns a $-t r<eord •Cat1181 Iha! auggeoted he Is not in top t.nn which J'OU do play good lenniJ. I lhlnt Newcombe wllh Ille l"'1J' lou comloc two because ol earlier ,.t losaes al lhal ba•ing'hid lhe'uperjence o! being weeks ago in whit Laver calla t•a Wimbledon. . In· the flnals ·a number ottimea: (six) is· to warmup match" held in Entland. "When you play in a tournament of this mr advantaae. SQ• Lav~ ol hil finals foe: atature )'OU are cootirluaUy up agalml "I fttl quite coo.6dent I can do well.'' Oakland In Hot Race • ' . But FanL Reaction Is Cool OAKLAND (AP) -Wiii IJlO Oakland 'AthtelicS win the American League'• Western Division UUe thls year? Will Reggie Jackson set a. home run record? Does anybody care? ll l.s lhal-laat-queaUoo lbal baa· gained t1 goqd deal of attention in il:fe Bay Area lately,'1nd the eventnl answer, when all tbe fe\Ww ·are in, m1gb1 make for somo heated dllousm. lhe nexl time baseball ownera-get together. Oilslder the lituallon thl! week: Thi AUlleUcs w~ leadJng their div~ by a .couple of, points and, ne, had lhe single bolt.at performer in baseball-Reggie Jackson who baa bit 33 home nma and ta I games ahead of Roger Maria' record pace and 23 up on Babe. Ruth's. Lui y~, when Ibo A< linlabed slxlh Par Takes Beating · 65s · by Blancas, Sikes ' . . Grab Buick Open -.Lead FLINT, Mich. CAP) -Slim dark R. H. Sikes broke out or a three-month slump Thursday, fired a course record·matching ~ and tied Homero Blancas for the flrJt· round lead in the $125,000 Buick Open Goll Tournament. Blancas, a University of Houston graduate, had been in the clubhouse for hours when S!kea matched his seven- und•r·pa r effort on the: 7,0Cll·yard, par 72 Warwick Hills Counlry Club course. They had a two-stroke lead on a quintet that included De:aOe Beman, the man who beat Sikes fiir the 1963 U.S. amateur title. Tbe others in lhat group were Terry ' J)ill, Don !Jiu, big Bob Lunn and Bob Dickson- Seven more...were-just ooe stroke...back at 68, including vetei'an Jack McGowan, Dave HUI and Lee Elder. Par took a terrible beaUng tn the perfect golfing weather-temperatures in the 70s and practically no-wind-with 51 tn the: field of 144. matching or bre&king par. • A group of nine were tied at 69, ffi. e'luding defending champion To ft! l/eistopf, S7-year-old Sam Soead and lhe Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE i!alUmore betroil Eut Dlvtsion .WLPelGB 55 23 .705 ts~ngton New York Cleveland I I Oakland l.llnnesola ' Seattle tlllcago Kansas City California <2 32 .568 •3 M .558 41 40 .506 38 42 .475 30 47 .3i0 W.eat Divt1lon 42 31 43 34 3S 41 32 ... 32 •s 27 48 . 57S .558 .161 .427 .416 .300 -·--°"'"'!! •. '°'""') • Clewlel'ld 7, W•ill'll"'"'°" t C•llfornll t. K-• Cll'I' J Ollc:ltO S. Ml--'1 4 (II lnftlnlJl ().i.;land " S.t1"9 • °"" ,_ ld'ltdUIH. NATIONAL LEAGUE II 11 1,li ISV. 18 2411 I 81> II 13 16 Eml Dlvlllon WLPelGB 51 ZS .616 year's leading money-winner, Gene Lit- tler. Bruce Crampton of Australia and Frank Beard. two of the three tourna- ment favorites, were In a btg bunch at 70. Sikes, who hasn't finished higher than a tie for Z?tb ln the la.st three months and bas missed the cut Iii times, had a fan- tastic putting round, with 10 one-putt gree .... He bad eight birdies and a aingle boogey, the \attU when he caught a trap. Blancas, 31, a nonwirmer since 1968, had five birdies, a?t eagle and not a single boigey In bis remarkable round. 1}.f!=!I I ,.,..., ,.~, ...,,_., ,....., ,.,..., ........ ,...,_.. ........ ,.,,_.. ........ ,....... ,.,,_.. ........ ... .._.. ........ ........ ,....... .......... ......... ......... ltit:: ......... l7-l2~. ,.,,.... ,..,._,. ,..,._,. ,..,_,. ...,._n ,.,._n n.,,_,. ,.,._,. ......,. 3'-»-11 ...... ,. ,.,._n ,._,, CYCLISTS VIE IN COST A MESA Orange County motorcycle riders co,.. tinue to fare well at the ahort courae races at Orange County Falrgrounds despite representation from all aectioOli of the west and Australia. llunlingloe'lleach ace Rici! Wood<, who has won two out of three main events, hopes lo amUnue that dominance lonlch~ atarting at I: 15. Swede Savage, San~ Ana, who doublta as an auto racing driver with Dan Gurney, won last week'• hand.Jcap final and will be lhe deleodlnc champ Friday evtnlng. other highly rated area entrants are Bill COdy ol Garden Greve, Kenny Brown of Costa Mesa plus countians Steve Baal. John Hately, Greg Haserol, Stewart Morley and Jolumy Carter. Thlrly.eJ1 ridera have entered P'rtday'1 .esslon. coat.a Mesa mayor A. L. Pink1ey will wave the 1tarter11 nag thla evening. and bad no real star, the club drew about 8$7 ,000 fans and owner Charles O. Fliiley said there was nothtng·wrong that a pen· nanl contender and a superstar cooldn1t cure. Through the first 35 dates ol ;. this season, though, the As have drawn •'376,269 customers, compami with 439,IOZ at the same time last year -a dropolf of more than &0,000. Across the Bay in San Francl11CO, the 1ituatioo-i1 ·not mueh be4er. When the Gian!& left on !heir current read lrlp, they had drawn 3U,515 fans in 31 dates - down 30,000 from last year when their total attendance just· about eqUaued lhe Al.hleUcs'. . Some observers feel that it~ hu now been F,OVen that North~ California just can't support two baseball teams in the style to which the Giants had become ac-- ewilomed. One even brought up a pro- s~ Finley says ~!. ~n~t waf# to hear a t -m0Vln1 the As to Dallas. "I wish you guys would stop worrying," says Finley to Wlitera who question blm on the attendance problem. 0 Jt's my money and I think we're doing okay. "Fa.ct is," he continues, "I'm more than ever convinced tbal Oakland ii the place for me." · Voss Bangs 2 More Hits~ ~Halos Win KANSAS CITY (AP) Calllfornla scored the decisive run in the seventh Inning on a disputed wild pitch and reliever Ken Tatum put down a n!Jith Inning Kansu: City threat as the Angels beat lhe Royals H Thursday . Bill v.,.. of Newport Beach l]Jal'ked an ll·hit Angel attack with two a&fetiu In lhree lrlpa, V06S , who la on a balling tear raised hia average to .J4l. after spending much of the season under the .200 mark. Jim Spencer and Joe Aicue bad lin· gled In lhe aevenlh and lhen a pitch by lower ~Wally Bunker, •5,. went wild witb Messersmith baWng. The Royals argued ·lhat Ibo pitch had either hit Mesaersmlth'1 bat or hia bat- Unc helmet, but Umpin Larey Napp ruled it a wild pitch and the run scored. pulling Cali(mlla ahead •2. Jim Frego&I pul Ille Angela ahud 2-0 In lhe lirat lnalng wllh his slirth hom<r following a single by Jay Johnstone, Rick Reicltatdt.'s double and a sln&le by VOS1 made it U in the fourth. 'nle Angela are In Chicago today for a holldaf doubleheader wllh lhe White Sox. CAl.ll'OAH"-K.,.IAI (rtY Mlrltrtll MtltrM Alemlr, a s • • t '"'" a s • t • JollluiliMt. d <I I l • Ktllf, rl I 1 t t ,.....,.,, •• 1·1 ' ,..,.. .. ' ••• lllltlchlrdl, If <I 1 I ' I 111.01""", d J 1 1 • \IOM.rl It t T Mltrtlnu. c I 11 ,t a..~~-4 t t t ,lriltlll. It <I • I I S..,tr, It <I T I • U.lr, ,_ A t t I Alcw, c <I t I • H11r111 ..... r. n ) t • 0 l!,ffl, t t t t t Klrl<Nh:kk. ... t • t • M-Jfll,11'1 • t I "'"""·II' I. t I K.T•lvrl'I. • 0 t t I 111.T•vtor.. .... T I I t ,,... 0r.-...y •••••• ,H•rrlMft. pit t t t 1 ~ <111 I lot•~ » J t •I 200 10. ,. -' 000 ... ,_, It 1111 •• to ' ' t ' . ' . ), ,, • .. 1 y • • • • GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Work Forces ' . Arnie to Miss ' . . British Open LYTHAM ST. ANNES, England (AP) -Arnold. Palmer, who won the title in 1961 and J962, withdrew Thursday from lhe Brlllsb Open Goll Championship. "I regret very much that I will be unable to parUclpate 1n the Open cbam- pionahlp this year and request that my 4 en\ry be withdrawn," Palmer said in a ' cab)e to Keith MacKeniie, secrelary of lhe Royal and Ancieet Goll Club. SEEKS 2ND STRAIGHT TITLE -Rod Laver, the world's No. I tennis player .. aod a resident of. Corona del Mar, will be in quest of his second straight Wimbledon championship Satunlay when be bat.- ties Australia's John Newcombe, the 1967 Wimbledon 'tinner. Laver appears to be on his way to an unprecedented second gran4 slam. Palmer, one of the workl's great golfers, 1ave no reason for h i s w1thdi'awal froql the ~bole tourney which •tarts next Wednesday, but in his Fc1lll 1 lh llehlnd ~1~U::..:~~1:nt::"~--Mafs-H omer -in-11-th·---- "He entered just on the chance he coold play, but il dJdn't work out," said Doc Giffin, Palmer's press agent. GUfJn added that Palmer has also wlUxlrawn rrom the Minnesota Golf Classic nei:t week in EdiJ}a, Minn., for the same reason. Palmer was one ot 55 -pros -and amateurs exempt from qualllylng, for the tournament, which wtn be held over a pu 1i l,Ma-yard 00Uf86.betlde the-wind- awept lriah Sea. A field of 130 will tee oU in the lint round Wednesday. Qualllying round1 Fri· day and Saturday will determine the 75 - who will join the 55 exempt players. TOP FIGHTERS VIE AT TIJUANA , TIJUANA -A meetln§ between lhe Spanlard·who was called 1 the greatest of them. all," ahd the brightest young Mex- ican star of the past two ~decades has been eel SUnday fn the dow:ntown bullr- ing. The corrida will start at t p.m . Antonio Ordonei., the famous matador who Ernest Hemingway d~ibed so paulonatefy Jn his account 1 • T he. Dllllerou& Summer/' u tbe finest artist ol his Ume wlH 11¥ here directly lrom Spain. • . The Spanlml made bis last appeorance here durtat a fes:ttval in which he was awarded three ears. Bonter fanS also remember rlil appearance 1n ·1952 when he -...... ly gorid, but alayed In lhe riQ(I ~ 1iJO, llnlalt lhe performance and wti;i ID ear: - Compellng wilh lhe master ol the ring will be ll·yur .. ld' Cynito Rivera. the botifllht prodigy rrom. Mexlco City who hn been acc:lai-ti)' aficionados every'fhere in, Mexico. Rivera; a malldOr leas than· a year, has alread)" ca"8ed critics: to claim he may be !bl &halest Me~ blllllighler'of oil time~ . ~ ' ··Whips Dodgers, 4-3 LQS .AN<lfus (>J') -Lee ~~y's _lhe ~.look .a, lo.O.ltad against.~ two-tun . homer ln tbe 11th Inning gave Drndale tn the fifth. Chico R '· ~ · · · ' . Tommy Helms and u~ po-.. the Ci~~U Reds a 4-3 v~. ~vcr singles and starting pitcher Culver be.at lhe Los Angllea Dodgen lbur>day rupt. ______ -;:_ ____ _ 'Ibe 1 toes dropped the Dodgers -1 lh games behmd first plate, At.lanta in the National League'a. West ·Division race. With one out in the lltb, Tony Perez doubled o(f Ooda:er r~lk'ver Al McBean and. May drilled his 2.lrd homer,. break· ing a i.2 deadlock. The. Dodgen came back with a run In Ille liortmn ol lhe !lib on Bill Sudakis' double arid a single by 'I'ed Sizemore oU winner ·Pedro Ramos. 1·1. Pinch-hiller Ken Boyer followed wllh a ·dOuble· to put the tying and winning runs .fh scoring position but Wayne Granger came out ol the bullpen to g'et Maµrf Wills on a grounder to end the game. , The Dodgers had tied the game In the sevent1:1 on a plncti single by Willie Crawfoi-d, Wills' sacrifice bunt and WiJ. ne Davis' two-out· alng1e. Davis aingted in the sixth and raced home on la\ Gabriel.son's double alter . DOdgero Slate , ·i:n =~ !ii· Iii! 'J·ll •m. I l.lfl. out a swinjmg bunt, filling the bases i.2t the flhh. Ptte Rose delivered one · ruo with a sacrilice fly and Jlm 5tewart ain- gled another across. The Dodgen il'id a big chlnce lo bre&k open lhe game in lhe llrsl lnnlnc when lhey loaded bases wllh · no outs, tiut Culver closed the dor on them. The two clubs return to action t'oda1 witll Claude OOeen (ICMI) ~olng lor lhe Dodgers against Tooy qori111Ber (i-U). Wimbledon's Finids on TV The finals of Ille' Wimbledon open Tell- nis ChamPlonsbfpe will be televised live lo lhe U.S. Salurday by sa~le beg1no1ns at ~:30 a.m. over Channel 4 41 14 .5.13 1V. 38 40 .48'1 Ill> 35 •• f!J Ill> SI .<S .413 14 I> U M .Ill 271> Ticket Seller Recalls .July OCEANFllONT, N.J. (AP) -If lhe 11 win aeDer at window No. 117 In the Mon- mouth Park grandltand appeara to be dl)'dreamiAg when palrona opproath bis window tbls July 4, lhere't a reuon. Mn "Goole .. Dplan can be excused U hi• dlocJl)lb hlvo dljl1ed, lo lhe 'l'oledo, Ohio, ol Joly •• 1111. This July 4 II 1be IOlh annlvel'lalJ of Jacl<.Dempsey"1 lcnockoul ol Joa Willard under a brolllllC sun for the heavywelaJ>I eh•m~ol lhe world. ~ was there in Demp1ey•a C<r'DIH' aa oot o1 4ht tecoad1. or ' .. llemp!ey"I four corDmoen-trllntt Jim- my DeFOrreat,. maoa1<r Ja<k" Koma. •Pll'linl mate Bill' • Tate. a n d Kapl..,:..,,ty Kaplan ..... 111 ... He la 71. Whln the baldlnc. dJonl;y. Xtp!On, • mutual man for 21· yean:, recalfl ~ houn wilh lhe Manuaa Mauler, bis eya break lnlo a dance r<nilnllcent ol lhe cbamp'1 loot work. They In<! for lbe llnl time In ctlllrby Lona Branch. ''I met :Dtmpaey l n ltl7,, wt;ten he WU training for bis early , fichla li<fore becomfng dlamplo11;" ....U. Kaplan. '1 Wll•a lllttuard and be used lo <OmO lo lbe beal:h. 0.. day, be playfal1y·dllnt· ed 1me~ When I came up, t hollered ·for ~.1Can JOU Imagine a lifeguard hollel'· lnl' 'htlp'? Wbo wu aoana help met" lb tlle evenl~ Kaplan •rqaled Ille ~ camp wllh bis hlnnenica al Molber Hughes, a !Omous old shore ~ boa'ae ror fllhtorl. Be ,......,!Jm Ulal "lllOy ·JT\lld• me plaf . ao mllch,, I IJnally pve 1up and ~ a Yldtola." ~ leavln1 Long Branch, D,empsey lnvl~ ~ lo jqln1he entourage when tt moved lo Toledo. . • Kaplin balped DtFomsl, ~andage Deml\'°f'I llabdl oo llibl day and lau&bs f=-~-=- \ I • I r f I " ' II OAll.Y r~r Vikes Edg~ Lions, 75-73, Despite McLe~don's 33 • M,l.llM :" ft llf ~ o lrftlller '''"' • ""'"""'" • 7 t .• 1• : lntflrf ., ' 1 .. • .,.. t ' • 1 Ltc. 1111 t ... , ' • ' • ·~.l Jl.___.__ .. " 1t ,. t wnn11.• n» I fllfl.ttf ' ,, . ., ,,. 4 t I 11 1 lrtcNrldt 4 1 I 11 ..... ,., ,,., '""""' J1l11 tt.nt boerdWQrk. But Marina's Rick Nosier IJ1d Rlj' Str1Uord riumped In « polnlll between them lo cleclde lbe luut. . The Vlbo popped In 411 poln!J In lhe -ball. llUntinltoo Beach Md Ran- cho Alamllo< ...,priued oo lhtlt unbeaton Jllilll. ,,,. Oil- ... raclled up LI Quloll. 11· •t. and Roncl>o beat Corona ..,.. ,,,. Tottlll at 11 17 n .... w ..... MertN 11 11 IS P-11 wniol'll .. ttt 11 '' 11 ll-JI ,.., -..... =:- '""' v-r~ de.I Mar, 5HS. "u"''o .. ro.. ••AC" c•u Mam Dl1 ~I pitch- -NewOOrt'nM Riven~ t•r~ •, "1 '% ': :, ~:a:. Ana•,:;:: 2S potnta and led the Sal.Ion to =""°" r : : : Uon "'-----''• IWruMr I ~ lacing of Edbon Ind (tit I t t t -,_-_,..." Fountain V•llty nU>ped-Bolaa = ~ 1 t 1~ ?r'.l. b•iball Je.,Ue Thursday Grande, 68-67. ,,,.., t ' • 11 M;.'"' -.. ..i-tint b Marina'• Tom Mulh1ally · '"111 u eutNr• 1~11 " • '' -. "'""'"' r-.1ed . • scored on a l~p with 23 sec. ...--tt " .. for the Monardaa lut season, ondl tell In the Vike-Llon tilt l~~ ~ i ; 11 deleal.td tbe Seniors - a team to~ve Mtrinl • one-poJnt • l:r ~ : : I c<iflJiiiiif= •·-"'o1~"' .. ~-~ lealf .Westmtnater mlued on aa.,. s I , 11 •-• ..-~ ......,., a frff throw oj)portunlty wtth Korflt , • 2 s a J.1 perfecto. · 13 atconds Jett and Stratford'• ""';,.,11 J J J .~ Munli struck out se~en and t~1ou.Lshoil_wllb 11even tJcb _"""''"""'"':.: ~,1 _...,.,_ Ulbcl..flJ.t.-etening bu._ sum~ Jeft wrapped Jt up for Marina. L• ou111i. '' 14 '' ....,, mer record to l·t. Los Alamitos Entries PW Prttay, Jlltr t, Ifft ltlll Nillll " n-NltM S-M99tt .. C.ltet a P19' • .'Int .... J1G P.M. PllUT 1..1.C•. :UO nr•1. l n1r elCh .... ""' ... Gr ... " l"lllS. ""Bl l lM. S«ref TOl'ITa IC1nfilu1) 114 lt1Plll ~r11 lo\dllrl 1U Mldlav Tldl II Wrlt!ltl 111 81t Gr1ndiOdY l•lltyl 111 M ldt'1 Mooll.......J""llll ,,. T1Vi""9'iilif'i lJ Cll'ldv llY l1r flt l1rllr.1! lU Jiot ~ Jirt· fl>rlwfl '" t~~~t, tvr:.:.-:: ~:~ · Don Myor'1 hues loaded 11qit In the third accourited lo< 111 llater Del acorfog. The Monarclw play Santa Ao• at the S.lotJ' field Tue'41y •t 9,30 p.m. MAT11l 011 ell J, t.t-.t, tf -·-'"'"""'· Cf -·· Mllr!lr, ' T. Llrwllrl, 11 K-t,lf ........... " Ktt•. ti •-u ........ T•11· -"' ...... "' -000 Git ... , ...... ' ' .. I I 0.1 t I I I J • t ' 2 I I 0 , ... J 0 • •· 1 I I I t I 1 I 1 1 1 • t • • • • t 1 J .... '' t-1 •• SOFT SILL SAM s•co"o •ACI. -YINt. J .,.., old1 '"' 1,111 1t1 GrHie A Mlll!ill tl!W 111 C1U1. Purn llMIO, Retain First Place MKll.1Y'1 Tl'Olll:ll1 {Cll'dDU) El G.vi"'" fWll-) Mr. S.l'IOY llr fltl~Y) """' lllfly (ltlll\t ... l SJll't"''' '~'-lK111r.1 01C1r lt11 {MCltrini>ld1 MY .. y ~ !AO.Ir) Mr. OICttr (t ln\1111) Cllant Tim. fWli.tw.1 AIM llltltl'il ~ Glil@r fti-1 "' '" "' '" "' "' . 114 "' '" "' "' "' "' •• "' "' m "' "' , .. m "' m '" "' "' m m "' llYl#TM llACI. Vtllltlt If, C-.. _.,. .... ,.. I \'Mr oWt ,,_. Ill'· Cl .. ,,,1119. "'1n.1 tntO. Cltllft!lll Hkll UM. Thi J••l'Y Owrry, lluttell (ll..,•lfll ~ 111 T_,. low• ISMl!fl) 111 It., Slcll'9 f~l 111 lncl,_.!Qr (H (.......,.) l!I Hot "'"'"'' .... fHti-11 111 111'11 MlcQy fl: "'*'' 111 l lOKTlf •ACI. Mii .,.m J Y'lllr ci14s tnd ... All••"'""-'"""' S-. Tiii II .. 41i,q O.y • T• ltodlttt. fic.t'tlll 112 ltlltbt IOrOaltl 11J l 1rt.o llldcet flt 1~1 11• "" Nll"lllll lo\dlltl f\I Oo A Mite ILWll!n) 111 Cl .... Leo !Wl ftc:lfl) llt W•kA eu tH ~ 114 Wll'olll115 Sf'rffll (Jrr\ltll) lit lfOITll UCI. M l'ltte. J = llM• 11'111 Uli. A1'-1Ut. ,.,.,. 11)' l !Jtlltr IW11•1 111 c1111rw. "ov•I (kal'llU l J DrU! IMtl:fl'fl'fMll 111 '171""-• 1toct:tt 1iM11111 u,.• Mr. ~Illy rMoHIO , kr Mt JM fHtr1) llJ llWa It..._" !Cirdtnl 111 Ml•• Moa11 Prll'lf (lrll*~, 117 Race Results . \ .... ...... .... , --.._. ··-.... J.:""' 0Tlt1ll 11,TlNCIA ( .. l ,. ,, ,, t J -J ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . . ' 1 1 ' . ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ·q ·1111 LOS AMltof lln . ,. " ,, • 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 . ' ' 1 J .J . ' . . . ' 1 ' 1 • • • . ' " _,,_ ••• _.. \t , 11 i...Mll-• ' 4 ·~-------------• New .Cups Slated.for ' Transpac Two oew ~ 11a .. beeft •dded to u.. 1r1c1111oo11 a awarded ID the' b I ea a La I' Transpac yacbt race. Four yldlll wW be com· petllJi fer -tbe lllrold G. lllll-h1cham Ti:cplly for tbe first H1walllll f1q yacht to finlab Ollcomcted-. Tr.ansp~c Hopefuls · Tblj ire the openkilic new Newport..(}a, Amerteana, own- cclby JohJIJ!.,,.; HlwliJano. Jay Maor<; AMuenue, Stu Mllll11n and Vornon Scott, i-•.,. and Ille C&l-40 Cw1oso, owned and lldpperod by c. Hayden CHAMPIONSHIP ·ASPIRANTS -KJ(es, the sailing boat, designed by Carter Pyle and built by Ne\VpOrt kind, will fly over Newport Harbor July IS-1' as Boata, is gaining In popular-ity throughout the South. F1eet No..! ·of Newport~vln~r-<:hempionship-h<on-~land. No. 634-ia J>ete• J>-rl<er, defending champion. ora·111 a seven-race regatta. The sporty lltUe cat• ' (Charley) B....,,, AmeriCl.00 will have Fred Smalu. fonner Balboa Yacht Club commodore as 1kipper and Dick Duvtr of BYC u """ol lhe waleh captains. The olher witch captain Is Cy ' Gillette of Hooolulu. Hlwallanl Is belnt skip- . •per«! by Jerry McClail< of Lido Isle Y 1cht Cl9b; and Curioso will have Dan Elllott- of Newport Harbor Yacht Club abo:afd ~ $.@llina mas.tu .. Kite Fleet Ra~ Se~ - 'lbO New~ls were built A.dams Cup Salting · ~.~"1:1ch. ::ri: c.M: ' la from Ille. Cosli Mea1 plant of Jensen Marine. Mac. 6,regor. Wins Quarters-iM~~-.7er.i-~ 0 W k d .Yacht Club Tumay nllht with ll ee en ,.veral hundred well-wllhen . · Shirley t.1acGregor of Seal · race regatta wu ror Soutbem and Sharon CrockeU. _. 00 ~lhd. ~~\l!j>Ort Hamor K1U> Jl'loet--•ch Yacht Cl~ "'J_ lhe-CalUlimll..uplronta.-The-'trin-In Ibo_ ~wlll!-Miss-~~w Tranapac No.· l·. championship regaU'( wh1htr . ~ the .quarterfinal _ ners will compet~ l.n the eeml· Comer were Julie Friderlck ~ which ~:0:- 'Ylll be !><Id Saturday JJJCf Sun. eliminations for -th.• Adams -final• to determine who wlll and Pitter Bum1. . Um fon"-Y chi f'•'•"'•• ----- -Cup,women'sNorthAennlcao represent Area G Othersclubscompetlng-.... • ~,.. day, Ju.JJ 1S-l4 l~ Newport Sailing championships. (California) ln the finab:. ·-were A I am l to 1 Bay , ThiJ year there are en Harbor .Y4cht Club. Four The qqa.rtertm.b: were .held Runner-up in the quarter-Callfonila. H u n t I n 1 to n from Japan and Canada. races will be sailed Saturday last Saturday md Sunday· oft flnala was Marijac Comer of Harbour, King Harbor and with .~ fint starting a~ .11:30 the Lona Beach breakwater Pacillc Marlner1 Yacht Club. Newport Harbor. a.PJ ... m tile lurtilog bas111,at uruier the 1upervi'1onbf.Seal . Cr.ewJog for Miss The series wu; sailed io the-eaat end of LlqG I~e. First ·Beach Yacht Club. Tb8 five. MacGre1or were Shirley Innes Rhodq.-19 1loops. of three races Sunday will be ~ - beld at 12 noon. h:id ~l'r.J:, ~t~~gaiw~iJ! ~Hentlige_ Birthplace NHYC olubhouae. · AJ thre can only be one neet champion, all skipper&, in· cl11din& A and B divislon!, will start and flnlsh as one-class. ~up Racer Set for Florida Trophies will be presented ST. PETERSBURG. Fla - to the fun five overaU Charles E. Morgan J r . , finbben:. To encourage all Florida sailboat d e rt'g n e r -Fl~t 1 skippers to participate, builder, annoonctd he will trobhies will also be awa'rded co. nstrucl _the-America's Cup to ih{ top five "B" sklppers, -regardlw·of their posiUoos in 12·meter racer Heritage at his the overall standings, own plant ~ere. Yacht club afliliatlon is not The ~ion to build the req\Lired for · tl12 fleet cbam. new TWelve at Morgan Yacht piO!llhJp ' • · Corporallon'1_new building -· ' ' due to be coi;npleted by late sugwer -w~ reached, Morgan said, after lengthy consld6ation of a New York off Newport, R.I. in the &Um· alte. mer and fall of 1970. Seeklnt Morgan explained he had the honor of defendln1 the Cup d i s c u 1 s Lo n 1 with Bob _ lor the U.S. will be Intrepid, Der e ck to r , Mamaroneck, most recent defender ; the new N.Y., buUder-, concemirig McCullough syndicate bo1t : Heritage. The possibility ol Heritage, and at least. one her being constructed there California boat. Gerry DrflcOll was te r m I n a t e d when of San Di~go ls tank·te:stinc a Dere<ktor got the nod lo build . new 1.1-meter, and Pit llotli•n allolhet i;up defense bidder, an of N"'1'0rt Beach 8'yl he ii Olin Stephena 11-areter for tbe conaide.ring changea in Colum· BOb McCuUougb ayndieale. bla. "That blocked the New York France and Australia will ----avenue," said Mor1anJ'-1but -1ail·at--Newp(trt-in1he-lummer Safety Starts, all along we have been aware in a ser1., of racea lo of certain ad¥antages of determine the rl&hl to WI. th Ti·ailer building Herl Iago In s t. challenge winner of the u,s. ' If you trailer y o u r boat, boating safety begins, not on the dock, but in y o u r driveWay, advises the tom· ·mittee for Nat1oaal Safe BoallDt Week. .Peter1burg wt}ere I can see eliminations. h.er being built step by step simply by stepplnt oul o! my office., "Heritage Is l!llill ln the tani· testing stage, but we have ad· vanced far eoough to order materlab: which are enroute. Pam Takes ·Gold Cup Harho11 Area Dominates - At SD Race Newport Harbor 1kippen dominated two clasae1 in San Dlejo Y~ C!Ub's Ol)'mplc Clauu 5aturdl1 Ind &mday. Chuck Lewsadder a n d Birton Beek of NHYC were the top lldppen In Ille 2%-boat Stir Class, both beat1n1 Olym· pU: 1old medal.hi Lowell North of San Dle10. Henry Spra1t1e Ill o f Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and Jl'r<d Miller Jt., South Shore Sailing Club were first and IWllld In the 21-boal Finn Clw. FlllaLreauJts:_ STAR (22) -(I) Chuck Lewsadder, NHYC, J • 1J·1- ~.7 polnh: Cl) Barton Beek, NHYC, H+&-10 pll.; (3) Lowell North, SDYC, 4-Z.S. 1~11.7 ph.; (4) Pete Schoon- maker, BYC. ~.1·pt1.; (I) Don 'rl:uk, Sl. TYC, IJ.7 ... I~ pll. FINN (21) -(I) Henry Spraaue 11r, NHYC, 1·1·2·1 -(I pll.): (II Fred Miller Jt., -Check out your trailer before . starting your next voy11e. Bearings s~ld be properly lubricated, tires In- flated to recommended pressure, wiDcb and .. all Ue- downs seaire. America's Cup racers must be of wood construction. Morgan's custom and pro- duction sailboat.I are buically of fiber&Jasa . llANKOE, Norway (AP) -SSSC', S.IM+-(U pll.): (I) Pam, the 5.s.meter yacht Dick Loewy, eve, H-11· The America's Cup ellmlna- Oons Ind chlllenge lake place from 11he Royal Sidney Yacht ~(11.7 pll.). club, WOD the SclD4inav1an SOLING (14) - T 0 m Gold Cup Wednesday wllh lb Plclcanf, LBYC; 14'1-1-1-(0 lhlnl lriumph In-the final plJ,); (I) Warwick TomH!nl. round o! the world chom· St. F Y C, %-1..l·DNFL<a.i plonship. pll.): Harry Hine, eve, 1..1-i. Pam was timed in one hour, Z-(11.7 pll.). CLASS B ~AVOlllTE -Slalt Williams' yawl -rigged ~wnbi~-liO JntermetzO will be seeltlng class as well •• overall honors In the Tranapac-race to HO!l<>- lulu. Intermezzo salls out of N§_wport Harbor Yach\ Club. ' -' 45 seconds with Nemesis from DRAGON (I) -(I) Morris the Annapoll1, Md., Yacht c!Ub . Landon, SDYC, l-l-l-1--0 pll.; second and Fram IV of (I) Dick Allen, SD~C a.a.:. Norway, with Crown Prince 2-(9 pU.)j Cl V. H. Crain&, Harald at Ille helm, third. SBYC, l-Z-M-(14.4 pll.) •. Nemesis wu ak!pper<d by • FLYING D.UTCHMAN (!)- Charles Shumway. (1) Bernardo M tl rt in e z By winnlnt the cup, the KHYC, !#1-6.7; (I) stani , Au 1 t raliana automatically Teel, ABYC, >1·?.S-(1.7)• (3) ' , · become bnsll to next yw't Cbltl .. Ro-ell, SDYC 7.7-1. ' ONE MORE TIME -Tom Corkett s Cal-48 Salacia from NHYC makes ber • races 1 2-(il) ' second bid for !J'ranspac honors atter having been dismasted m the 1967 race. • • Corkett is a former Transpec overall winner in another boat. _. ) - Radios to Transmtt . . Transpac's Progress · ' Hatbor area yachting fam .,; should have no trouble fpJlow· been aet up to l'eC'l!ive. the dal-. g-1he -~ the -npenr. Honolulu race lf planned radio Carroll D. Hudlon o f communicatlOlll al>Oord the NtwP.OPt 'Beach bu, been Mt ucort vessel Bon Hotnme up to tnooltor Tr a A l ·P a e Richard bo'd up. · · ._ over hi• haril itlUon ' Gordon Well of Bartell WBIRMA. Hddlon wW rallJ Corp. will transmit race poiil· to i.1 ¥"-m"1Ja.' ; " tf0l1S lo the prm, radio 1nd Boll call on lhe ,.,_ wUI be Bartell corp. dally. A network -111 a.m. PDT. Aller pooltlonl o! ham rldlo 1t1t10.n1 .,. plotted andiht h~• througbotlt Ille Soutilllnd hlva , c11cullled, Waai wW tr- lhe ltlndlno . tr<>m Iha lloa --llldiat<l ll u ..... S ii S • Blrlalf Cc11~,..u1 r.Irf a_ · omeumes -*"' to 1ooaiicliii1't1~ M · t G" w~ ~ .,. '"'.)ili:tnsn • us 1ve ay .,,.. " i...n A,.i-. Dover 6 Willolifl;.Rlcbard'I 8allboall UIUllly have· Iha Mll1rll. VII Lido or;;.e; At; richt.of•w11 over power-. clont 111 r In• r -.rinl, but tlieTo J.; such I thiDI .. _, lf, Coaiil H I ill W' I J ~ common MUe. <*ltionl .Uit Wood7'1 Wharf, N a • p •rt mnmiltte for Nlllooal Safe. 111¥d.: ~ West lloltluraol, Bolllng Week J'* It to -Ju!J H..,.;ort Budl. I. ' , Almon Loolllbay DAILY ,!~==II.:: =~~~I:!': CQMMUN'ICATIONS, CINTlll -Gonlan Wtll of Bartell Corp. Coate Meaa,~ · · "--• 'mlOOIY'< 11 easily 11 owU Wlndnnl "-Ind. wiD show a Mn. l'lltrlcla Bray of Mlltntn a.YiDCI 6 Loen AllsoclaUon bow he NIW IUT P'.UT -JOhn R~ en'• Santana-21' DesUny II from Babat Corin-· ll)lboala, ',. 11'1 up _lo lhe ndlo-ltlqhono 'l re qu e•.n t~ wlll tranldilt ~c yacbl rac ... DOllU111t back-to lbt,m al n I• n 4 ~ thlan Yacht Club la one of two of the pew class In the Cla" 0 rank• of the omaller boat to lloO(> cl-. t~ ~ m ilncle .-aboard Dick Steal• 1 motor sailor 'BOn ltorrune Richard. Bon Hommt Rlc:llllt - I l .- • ~ • Tnlnsplc. ller . .Alltu.1114>.i!.s.@d¥. GUIU\b•r&'• }>!~, ~4!!1!q~ .Ya~\ C!u~. _ .•irl'!w cl\~ lfa ~'!'I: :~ J!dlo. ~ _ I_• ~~~'!1 !~ tor th,! ~ ~t ~~ _· _ ~--"-·~~~~~-===::::~-=====::::=_~~L_~-==~~~=tl I • . ...... .,. . • • • • • • . ' ; ' • • • • . , • • • • • • • • -t ----I ,, • • ) ... r -~· •-I - • DAILY ,!LOT ' Friday; JLlli 4; 1969 Sad~leh8:ck ·,Presents . Award&-.~ tq~: :Art:J.-g{· · .d~u.~ ., J ' • ' ~ •• . . • • L r l" • .~, . •i .. 't;M~ I.-·~ ... ----' r', ~-.._ ~ .. . "tc ••··..L.-~~ ...,......,._, SaddlebackCOUijeli81 an--ctemenre; ~,en eral-Im· Music Awards: Dav ta Wdrela'li 'l'belt.er A"«,&rdtJ SanJ~c.pbtrano, , le • · mQIJ~ promli.b\i· ,._ '-l , .. '·A~ AV!• nounced Fine Arla l°'""rd provement and Dorinda Ann Brown, Tustin, most valuable )\&i><ly D~s, O.na Point, Gary developm<'nt;.and Jim ~ubl•, -.'klillonai¥1Bob.YO\(Rt:lll-~:F:ini:b,' ,1ii:a t f4re~~!c winners lor the 1988-69 ~bool Halhawav. Laauna Beach, Im· music parUclpaUOn: .Noreen Dodson, . Laguna !leach and Tustin, bes( actor Jn a lelding teniretatlon award,.~ W·, •ward. tndr~•b . Weber. year. provtment in painting Pahnka most vocal ac· John On1sko, LaJUna "BeaCb, role. . I Uta Demateis ' Lagyna Jie4c1f 4t J4f.lna ~' ~,ndt • p Receiving Fine Art.a Awards Other Art certliicales went comptishment; Avis French, ~tstanding contributions; RJi 0ua.r,9'd.'•C SiadeM J>lttc. spirit and_ M~usla~. ,.. ·• ~ iajfl.D,, ~. · l', • • ' +: : l --ol $25 are: Bradley McMahon, to~Davicf ,Wrd)er Laguna M!Jslon Viejo, sptr)f'"ana In-. M'.organ, El .. Tor~~Bob -tlagr-Pmq Dcwnf ~ ~ena ~ . . • : ' ""' I • , ~ ' • ' Tustin, art; Bob Younl, m.ct., veraiillilti In media ; Jeresl;Brook•Pe~,Soutb '-X""':Y, Mari'! i ac"' ,~~ ~Jer,SanJuanCaP!ttrano. Lil' 1' n'i.,Jj I ";""'K' •-''1~'n:,;.!.,,,_ I ' I I ' " ' • . ' ;--- . .. • . • . • • -l Boys, 14, Drafted ' . . By Rem l!QNOLULU (UPI') -#.rnerica 's commander-in-dlief of the ·Pacific, -Admiral John· S .. McCain said Wednesday. night the North Vietnamese, ftusti'8ted by the failure,' of sPriilg offensiv.e, the.ir were "scared to deaµi " the U.S. will tcStirile-the bori1bing cf North Vietn&ni. . . ~T tie. Qg~-ehew!!!g, sub- matiner siid the morale cf both th~ Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese had reach- ed 61JCh all-time lows that 14- yeaN>lds were oow being --J--drafted tc replace the huge " Commuliist casuallies-suflefed 4---ln recent. wee.ks. _ ' Mt'Cain alSCl defended · the batues for "Hamburger HJU" and Ben Het which be 'describ- ----Nas "ve1 y:-ve,ry important at the time and part of the fluid war which is being fougtlt in VJetnam." r -' j I . - I i'Both _positions dominated enemy infiltration routes," the aginiri l lold l he ~P?opeilor Club meeting in Honolulu. "At ·t the time of the fighting both were vital. This is a fluid war ~ • with shifting points cf im- portance. What is vital today may be unimportant tomor- row. We dorl't want to move in with our families atop Ham- burger Hill and settle there all our lives." The stoop-shouldered ad· -miral whose son is a war prisoner of the North Viet- namese said the situation in Vietnam ,i! much rosier than had been pictured in the press. He emphasized that this year's Communist o(£enslve had been effectively contained wilh heavy enemy casualties, while the Tet offensive last year had achieved results for the enemy. "I doubt if there will be another large scale offensive," he sald . "The North Viet· namese want only to keep the pressure on us both in Viet- nam and here at home to in· fluence the peace talks, but they are sca red to <leath that we bomb the north agaln,-and they aren't going to provoke us lo the point of reswning those bombing attacks." The admiral called Cam- bodia's renewal of diplomatic relations with the U.S. a good sign. "Prince Sihanouk is the weathervane of Asia and he certainly isn't going to bet on a borse that he doesn't think ha s a chance of winning." The white-uniformed Iowan chewed on his cigar a few times before explaining why the North Vietnamese port of Haiphong had not been closed by the allies. "It was discussed from various aspects," he told his au<llencc, "but there was a fear th.at such a blockade woufd escalate the war, and that Red China er Russia would intervene physically, possibly in a nuclear fonn . But it was discussed ' from all possible angles." Solon's Dog Like C5A WASHINGTON (UPI I Rep. Andrew Jacobs Jr. (D· Ind.), bas a seven-week-old great dane he named a after the cOntroversial Air Force transport plane w h o s e development and production cost.a have increased sharply over the original estimates. "When I brought him lo the off1ce al three weeks of age he welgbed three Pounds and the next day he weighed five pounds,'' Jacobs said. He ad· ded that lbe dog, llQW at IS p'oun'd s, exentua11y would ratCb about llKI pounds. -•flfbe Alt Force C5A con· tnct Was for $# billion, but the ; nixt ttrne. everybody looked at fl ,..u ror t5 billion," Jacobs aid. 0 C$, the pup, is ' public M'Vi~ dot· He remind! evorJlbod1 thal m 111tar1 · h.,.._ _,_ 1-e nd to -• pal dano pupa." . . • TusUn. drama ; N~reen Jeff H)'de •. Capislrano Bea,cb Laguna..-.mos:t actva~ lu wa ·~ l 11. • De~'A'w~: ~b >er a ""'"" ~J.:I ·~!p(pt,~'1"ll Pahnka, :'J'.USUn, music, and dependabill(y; ·McM~ 111! ~'8!f_IYUslCiafilhlp.:.JJec--' tec •·1 ~ea~-Dr.am1 1 ;.~~lne ou~g .• . ~ ·•. l ~·; ;;,: . • .. , ~ Susan 'Killion,. Laguna Hilb, spiratlon; P"""'1e Ml!"~. '.tw ,R°'1'llJJA'z, ·P8J/'i' PO!!it, • A~vem..l: n11, MU!!'"• «ife\'~'< afu.iy r.,:na1c1, t.ONDON (AP)'~.,.., •: .• ~er i1!o !!"', 1!"!• IMdnl)' speech. San Juac . COJ!l!li-·; !!'!i.i!pllllt va~ c!>Olr :meroi.ti-.• -~.' se~ ~ H •-• ~, .. San · '' , ·Gilts~.,Jiberalized Brlllah divorce , _ grouf!!!I ,Wilt ·be idettl•v•b!e Winners of Fine Ar Is provelnml"in~'.;J>jo\ty ~~~I, 'ro'st!n~~m.,~-·~<J, iiib:Y, aoo".'l!oo~ -' ~beled~ea.ancvals~'~b...,.kdown ol a.marrlage.-11S Certill<!ates inclu,9e: Newport, South11Lagut\a, com-improved in theofy: Penny lijhµng. :\· pia'D. -""' b)r-tts opponents, has passed moat eontroyemal ... ~er Jn s Art: Cristina Alston, Laguna patability; Rachael Robel, Schipper, Tustin, most Vocal Aetla.g: Awanl1: Pam tattrpre&aU.n ~ w 1r4 1 : ill last major parliamentary would· pemut divorce aft~ Beach, comlstency in proj-Mission Viejo, enthusiasm; improvement ; Diane Do~ 'I'USUJ\, j)est supP!)rting ,Howard·, Ad.am$ ~a gun a , burdle and. 'is ~pected to twp years'· aepa~ation _:!" ects: Andy -flall,. bagnna Mark• Silzle, -San Ju •JI s-1 e p b ,..., dn' ~,. Juan ...... !j-4lpi 'Gilio, hiiguna-,~eM+ ana • Mal101f""CUll· ~--lllW thlrmof!!N.·'l'lle -neitber--1pouse-obieclL ~ Beach, creaUvity ; Steve Gen-Capistrano, hetpfulneSI, and \:iplstrano,, best ear ' f o'r · Be'adi, best sbpportln( .ac'tor ; grand!-, ~Tuitln. ·ooistandlng .. HoUie Of Lords appr:o'Ved the aftt!r fivt . years' sep~a~~ try, ~tin, lmprovemint in Angela Townsend, tor help in music, and .Steven Ti~er, ~oreen . Pahn~a. best actress perf~ee·: Jim Gtllo, 'La-·measure .in principle 122,-34 With or 'f'ithaut the obJec~ drawing; Barbara Hall, San art program. Laguna Beach, detennlnation. m Jeadmg role; Lou Pellon, gun, Beach and Pat Mackin, Mo¢ay rught. cf ope party.. -~ : • , - o I •• • ' '' , •c,f 1 ,-<..t. 1 I •,. ' • ~ .... ~· ; . • ~ . --. • -t ~ • "''lo t , ' , .. :,_~-~:~ NAPIONS ::.---10' LUCKY fACLUTISSUE ;...-21' -·llOITHfRll TISSUE ::::' •. , 38' DRIFT DEmlGlllT--·79' BOID DETERGOO--82' ' DASH DmllGBIT --77' PORK & IEAllS :::..-w··~-:_25• . IVORY UQUID ::.-.13< UllY'SCUTllITS-·· 18' Ourl.OW Evel)dayPricc! POTATO IUDS::.--69' CHUNK LIGHT MEAT llEf HASH =~-:41' DEllNISON CHIU \'::" 39' H011M11 TAMALE ::':'.. .33' 111£ OLIVES=.~... 31' ZOSHIR Dill HALVES :...-::_44• SWiil ~H ~-27' CHI SWllT PICKllS:'· 49' Our LOW Ever)dayPricc!' "FOi A llflllSHIMG SWITCH" UPTON ~.BAGS --acOuNTPKG. '-CARNATION TUNA r 6Y2 OUNC.E CAN as IVORY SNOW... 79' TOP JOI QWllR :~66'. ... miJIA409::=-"""'·69' I SARGUUD SOAP=·· 20' •,& ~ 0 f GOODWIN AMMONIA ..... ..._27• 1 'c:illll' : .,. Pllll SOL::="'~ 89' '--·~·:....:.··,....·-~·,.. ___ ,, i .tojoy •11 tf -... Jl9mt•s 11- fnolh IN ..,.iollln ot loclr(s Low , ,. l'ftfYMy Dloctnt PrictL c ... ,.,. fllllT ~::.":..-' 29' tile ... llty of tile ... Mi's llonin nntt11, • ---45, ttllt •rt mivi11 st Ltclry. Yn'll ·~· lwt ,_ 1 111r·fr11Mu11 _, n. HAWAIWI PUllQI.=.... 35'. ~'" MAWOll & CllfSf l::.'l:e'... 35' ARM AND -• GOlDDI RIPl ' ~~~!~.!J .,, wen voou '2" ................ ,,.,,,.,,,,,,.,M BANANAS ....... w.1 0c ... ~., ' C....tT-., llo. l •DHCIUIVAltm-'1' --ftlllST AU PUIPDU . • UJ.M0.,1 IUl$1T •· 49c 'POTATOES . 10 .'.: -.. ~ • 1 , • • • ~" r ;. .ti ,-'!'.~. · •.'.) :• · · • i I . •· 't· ,. ,. .. , ·, .• ;,. [ .. 1.-.. .. . . . . ~ ' . ' . ,, ' -. ;;;;~~ . ' ~--,, .. .. ~-, . . . . "' lllSPY CRAClllS::. 33' llAllSCO COOlllS :::.':"" 47• ..... =8A...,:"!"".' 33t CHlllllOS . --. 49<- WllEATIES mw;......,_47• KA IOOM CDIEAl ••.~-36' Our LOW.E><r)day Price! PIEMRIM.GUAllTY - GOlDEN CROWN BEER CJ.SE Of 24-12-0L CAN.S $.299 .. Our LOW J:vn)day Price! . AUMEAT LUCKY FRANKS 1590 11i-CHJNC1•••.47cl •-IVan de-Kamps.• A DflKfAlll VA!lllTY Of GOODIES fOI THE 4TH 1ATllOITWQTnomt . lllllllllllll•••-111- ,~ LOW DISCQUNT PR:CES O~J HJUSEWARES i: SEAUT Y AIDS 36-ClllART sm WITH m HAHDlE · ~e'J~.!_S! ............ ~.148 PLASTIC STIAK PLAns PWTIC 9 SK1IOIW. PlATIS . l!~tJ:: 27c , IOTTllOf 24 DRISTAN TAILITS -... - • ......... c ~-=-..:: 99 ......... . I ................ ~ ..... -.... ..._._.,.., --- • . . . " " ,~ ". ·.-: . ' .. ' , ~ or . -~ • < t • • I· 1; I I " ' .1 1.: I': ll: '" '" " I' " I le. 1:,. fi· I •·. ' " 1: " t ' I ' i:-- f I• ~~~~~~~--,~~~-,,~~-~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~ ...................................... :::" ....... ...,".;;l.~~U::-t::\~r.:x'P~'!,;=''":~~:":~~:::·::~~~~==~u:~~~~~~~~~ ,. • ., .,., •. L .. ~. t .a m~p !e t e-~6'1-i de . . ·-· .. - ' . ' • ,,.., .Jul1 4, 1969 DAILY ~JLOf )7 .. I WA,,re 1~0-go-~"".·--Wllar. t·o -., do ; ••• I' , _ OAllY PILOT I SKIES WILL BLAZE OVER NEWPPRT, MESA, HUNTINGTON AND LAGUNA BEACHE~ 'Firew~rks ·to ~ight County Annual Color. Expl.osion.s-to, Blast Off Xhrouglw1it Area Weelc~nd Highlig.hts •• - • '• •• • : •• ' • , .. • r . • • . • JI W.ILY '1LOT Tr•vel Irish West Bit Quain~ If STAN Di LAP LANE BALL YVAUGHN, Ireland -This is the wild, west country or Ireland .. Rolling hills, green wi~h Jrlsh rain and patched "'Ith yellow gorse. The big brown cows are strong with limestones. The white sheep are freshly laundered. This is where Cromwell drove the Irish from the softer land of the east. Where the wrecked a~ mur- dered Spanish sailors of the Annada are buned on the bla&\ AUantic shore. The counlry of cold Red Mary . And J udge Lynch who condemned his son for murder and hanged him himself when no one wqµJd lay ha.nd on Qle rope . . In lbe tllm of a rock.fenced country road you come 'upon a great gray castle ru_in. Open empty whldows looking on an empty open land. , * FOR $75 A WE EK we've rented a cottage in BaUyvaughan on the s.hores of G a I w a y Bay. Whitewashed. Tha tched roof. Three b~rooms aild a loft around a great central kitchen-wlth a great walk-in fireplace. But -it is fully equipped with modein stove, re!rlgerator and plumbing. It is built for t~urists. A Government project you'll-fihd in no other coun- try. -* The Iri1h Government i& building these cottages in filly villages. About Ii bail dozen in each-they don't want to overwhelm the village with tourists. 'THE ASSOCIATION' WILL BE PERFORMING ON MELODYLAND STAGE • , Gulde to Futt Shani Stars -~t ,Kingdom · JULY 4 Jll!WJlllKS 811011'-.Le..B..,.i Stadium at Orange So<ut--r Collete, 2101-FaJrvift Road, CostiMua will have a Dre.works show lponBOred by the Oran&e Coast YMCA at 7:30 p.m., July 4. Entertainment preceding tlie show v»ill include the Gl,.gorry ffll!ilanden and the OC Sing Out Group. f'ro. ceed1 from the «bow will be used for the YMCA swimming facilities. Advance lick.els, $1. 7i tor adult.I; 75 cents for chil· drtn Ullder 12, msy be purchased at the QC-YMCA, 2300 University .Ave., Newport Beach. They also will be sold at the 11te on tbe nlflit ol the event For Olber fll'eworks shows '" story cm Page I. · - ~ ... JULY fi.S RODEO -More thin as cowboys rrom the anned forcu ~otis will cOmpete in lhe flrst annual Salute to lhe Armed Forces Rodefl ·at Rancho Cllltornia on July u . Jl'tre- wtl'kt, dancing under the stars. and a barbecue also are plan- ned for July 4. Located on Highway 395, midway btt\\'ttn RJverslde and San Diego. JULY 4-U DODGER BASEBALL -llodJer Stadium, 1750 Stadium Way, Loi Angelet. Day sames start at I p.m.; Night games 1t 8· p.m; and Twi-lrlfht double headers at 6 p.m. Dodg~s va. Reds, July 4, 5 (NJ, 6 (0 ); Braves July 7, 8, 9 (N); Giant. July 10, 11, 1l (NI, 13 (D). JULY 4 • t:J HORSE RACING -Thoroughbred racing V Hollywood ' Park, Century Blvd .. at Prairie Ave., Inilew&d ia sehed- oled Tuel. • Sat. ~July 23. Poat time weekdays 1z ,4.1, Sat., 1:15 p.m. ~.000 Clnema Haod.icap, Sat., July 5. .. JULY 4-U • 'HAMLET' Nichol Wllll•m1on Hartford To Present 'Hamlet' Seats are now on sale at •he Huntington Hartford box office for "Hamiel" starring Nicol Williamson Jn a limited four- week engagement w h I c h begins July 15th. Brendan <YRegan of the Tourist Board Said: 11Jt's not tor the money, but to bring new life to the villages. They'Ve been going down for a hundred years. Since the Potato Famine. Bonynge COnouctlng Hollywood Bowl SlatesPhilharmonic PADUA BIL1.S PLAY -The Padua Hills Theatre ia pre- . senUng ··Serenade on Veracruz," with authentic music and dances from MeJ}co, thro!.l&h. July 2t, at 1:)0 and 8:30 p.m. Wed. through sat. Adjoining the 300 seat air-conditioned ' ! ----• ti' ' theater IU!leJ'adua dlnlag roqm where lb< players entertain ~la -OD -i!iiifiillund> and dllmer. Mexican and American food ii serv- Williamson has been playing Shakespeare's most famous hero conUnuowly since Febru- ary 18th,~wllhout missing a performance. His r e c o r d - breaking tour-de-force began at the Round House Thuter in London, was k>llowed by si1 \\'eeks in New York, and two weeks in Boston. Tw<l Wffb in Berkeley will pree:e(!e hla da1e with Los Angeles theater au· diences. - _ ed. daiJ.yJ ~P.i_Mon.j>ldua HUb.JaJocated._on Padua Ave., Heads ·Bill~" FOOlhlll Blvd. in c1attm.on1. Phone "IT'S DUR THOUGHT to bring about an ex- change of spirit. The tourists bring a fresh new feeling. And in return the village people gi\le tben1 -a taste of a slower way of lffe and the old culture that goes back a thousand )'.ears." At Anaheim JULY I * DUNE BUGGY EXHIBIT -' Dune buulea of all male., and description ..,w be on dllp!Ay In the Carousel Court of SOulb Coaot Plau all .day S.L, July $, Special fun cars in· "The A0·-l1tlon," Warner· 'he off" bib' hi h _.,.. clt.tdlng a lix-w eJ • .,,e-nwf amp . 1an 91 c was man--- Bros.-7 Arts Records artiste, uJ'actured !or the African_ market aod will do 4 miles per ·Will headline a one-week hour. in water and 25 on land. "Herbie," star of Disney's eifg&gement al Meroc!Yti~__.'The Love ·Bug" also will be -a special gueat star al Uie By the time he completts the run in Los Angeles, he will have ecllps'ed every record in theater history with some 181 performances in lhe deman- ding role. _ There's one telephQhe. here. Fresh milk _is six guenots," and Verdi 's "La Travlat:a.." -cents a quart. A Jdendly ldshwoman comes in lo clean -that's extra. but onJy 60 cents an hour. And in the evening we walk up to O'Dono.ghoe's grocery store and pub. For a beer with farmers who can tell you the old stories of blood and slaugh- ter. The Hollywood Bowl opens Its 190 summer-seaso·n on Tuesday evening, July 8th with Richard Bonyrige con· ducting 1he. Los Angeles Phll- hannonic Orchestra in Ros- sini's "Semiramide" overture and tht Prelude to hLa Trav· iala" by Verdi. Soloist Joan Sutherland. the great Austra- lian soprano will sing arias from her favorite opera tic roles in Haydn 's "Orfeo e<l Euridice," Bellini's "Nor- ma,'' l\1eyerbeer'1 "Les Hu- Thursday evening, July 10th will have Lawrence Foster conducting the qrchestra in Smetana, Copland and Bern~ stein's "West Sid~ story'' dances, with. the brilliant Spanl!h e.,ianiit Alicia de La r - roc!iil mUfiig liei' l!Owl de- but playi11g the Rachman in- off Piano Concerto .No. 2. · · .. show. Theater In Aniheim startln& · Previously, the record in America was held by ft.l~hard Burt.on, who was the ffrat to break the John Barrymore score of 101 performances which had stood since 1923. Tllesd J I AIJ ... JULY I ay • u Y 8· 0 on . wi:: TEEN CLUB DANCE -The We1Lminstfr Recreation and * ''Wt have some money 1avtd and would like a bill will l:>e the San Fr~15C1> Parks Departme11t wlll bold a Tetn .Club Dance in the com- company of the hit lm-munlty Center, 8200 WeatmJnlter Ave., (for Westminster P.~v11ag,c;:u:~~nd ~ti.; Teem) each Sat. froin a p.m. to mJdnight. Admission, $1. 8arrymore played the one extra perfonnance to remove Edwin Booth 's name from the re!;...ot_d boob. Booth had played 100 performances in the 191.h century. pl1c1 to do some p•inting ind writing for a few months , •• " Dillard1," blue---grass: IJ'OIIP. ~ JULY 7 - You could look into these cottages. lt's cheap living. \Vrite Brendan Oregan, Shannan Free Air· port, Ireland. They'll send you a full brochure. These places go down to $40 a week after summer. The (irst "Pops" Concert ot the season on Saturday, July 12lh, will present the popular Rodge.rs a n d Hammerstein Gala, wlth lhe Hollywood Bowl "Popj" Orchestra con· ducted by John Green and soloists Carol Neblett, Peggy Coburn, Ken Remo, ruchard Fredricks and the Roger Wagner--Chorale. This engagement marks the POPS CONCERT -A Concert with 35 mtlsicians under the second season in a row The directJon of Henry Brandon wlll be cond~ in the mall at A.sSociaUoO has Janched its Fuhion I1landJ Newport Beach, each Mon. at 9 p.m. No summer tour w l t b a adrnl.uion eh:arae. Nan Martin, one o f America 's outstanding clauical actressea,. will take over the role of Queen Gertrude. Melodyland engagement. "Now I don't know how it will affect you, but Ireland is going to exempt from laxes anybody in any of the arts. Screen Test For Indian FolloWing this appearance the group will make, an ez- tensive ao.day tour, beglnnlna: at Manhattan College in New York and ending at the Dane County ExpoalUon C en t e r , Madlaon, Wisconsin. T h e AlsociatJon is curientl)t riding lhe charts wllh their hit sound- track albwn from Paramount Pictures' • "Goodbye . Colum- bus," tor which they wrote, produced , and performed the soundtrack. Their s e v ( n t h album for lhe label will be released. August I and will be enti tled, "The Association ." * •• •• , some fnteresttng pt1ces -fer Skii1dlving?'' 1be second week will open with Lawrence Foster again conducting the Philharmonic on Tuesday, July 15th, with the distin,uished C'hilean pi- anist Claudio Arrau playing the Beethoven "Emperor" Pi- ano Concerto No. 5. The ~·eek will conclude with the regular Thu rsday and Saturday nights, July 17th and t91h- plus an 11dded Friday per- formance, July 18th-all de- voted to appearance11 by the Royal Ballet from London. in performan ces of the f u I I· length "Swan Lake" on Thurs- day, and the first presenta- tion in the Bowl of the new ~uction (){ the rull·lenglh 'Sleeping Beauty" on Friday and Saturday. 1 \Vas just down in Cozumel , Mexico -a green, warm island off Yucatan. The skin ·divers 'vere en- thusiastic about it. They have all the gear. Com- pressors and so on. And there. are modest, cheap hotels. Kahn·Tlnet1 Horn, a.p Indian model and cont,rover1ial figure in the Indian right& move- ment , will be given a screen test soon by director Carol Reed and producer Jerry Ad- ler for a role in "Nobody Loves a-Drunken Indian," the Warn- er Bros.-Seven Arts motion picture that will star Anthony Qulnn. * Now in Ireland they're diving on three wrecks from the Spani sh Armada. Never been touched. They're bringing up valuable stuff. A little tricky on who has rights to what - I see one Jaw sWt in the papers. But you could ask the Irish Tourist Board. f.nie country is full of stone prehistoric forts. One hundred yards from me-I'm looking at it lron1 the window now . Around 1850 near Shannon, a work- man turned a stone 1n such a fort and uncovered ~e greatest find ·of gold ornaments ever discovered IJI Europe. Kahn-Tincta , a member of tht Wolf Clan of the Mohawk Nations, was born on the C • u ghnawaga Reservation near Montreal and w a s educated in Canada a n d Europe. In addition to model- ing, she has lectured widely in behalf of her eeople. lntertnission _ Ry TO~f TITUS Of 1111 01Hy ,1191-Sllff One might imagine, v;ith the wealth of regular season production · w h i c h transpires on the Orange Coast's many community theater stages, that when summer finally comes it would bt a good excuse to st rike the sets, stack the nats and seek out some good non-theatrical type of vacation activity. Such isn 't always the case, and it's becoming less so every year. Fortunately for coastal audiences. a growing number of local theater groups look upon summer as a chance to squeeie in another show before the nert regular t>eason gets under way. Some. like Orange Coast College, even wait for the dog days to spring their big production . And , since the Orange Coast is as popUlar a resort area as the nex.t place, there's always the prospect of vaca· tiooers Lb sv.'ell the audiences for , amateur summer shows. One . group which has operated on that principle for a · aood many ye1n is the Llg'UN Pl.,t.ouse. LAGUNA'S SmlMEKTU.tE offerings ..t:lwaya "fiave done pretty well at tht. bos of'nce, thanb partially to the overflow fm:n tbe Festival of Arts nearby. This ytar there'll be an added incentive -the two t'OO'ledtet on tip will represent the final curtain c1ll for the 4>year~Jd plAyhouse. Next 11iurtday the first htlf of Li&P111'1 annual summer double b111 aocs hlt.o prod~on, Peter Shaffer's "White known as the "old playhouse." Determin· ed to go out with a bang, Laguna I& bring- ing Lack its fabled comedy hit of several seasons back , "Ladles' Night in a Turkish Bath," and wtll run it through Labor Day , abo on a Thursday-lhrougb- Sund1.y basil, with direcWr Doug Rowe doing double duty oostage. While Llguna is starting orf the sum- mer season with "Black Comedy," tlMe neithboring Rancho Community Players will be pol1Shin1 a summer mUiical for a .July 11 operrlnJ. And, like "Ladies' Night.'' il1s prcd1calcd on an earlier sue· cm . Rancho's offering will be "Once Upan a litaUress." directed by Tony Br andt who played the king in hi! own Anaheim Playhouse ver!ion back in 1965. That one will be hard to top. bul Tony's leading wllh some fine talent (notably Wan Hart and Toni Shearer) in hopes of achieving the same success rung up by his repeat of "Guys al'Ki Dolls" for Rancho two seasons a10. The director who staged the fJrst "Mat- tress" -Kent Johnson -11 bulily preparing for hi& bi~t assignment yet, the atAglng of "The Sound of Music" for the Lyric Oper1 Asaoclation of Or1nge Cwuty !'le.it September In Laguna's lrvine Bowl. Not lhc least of his problems ia the fact lhat the star, P.1arni Nixon, and the other principal,; wlll be a\11ill.llble for rehearsal only Ole last five dJys before openlnc nlghl The original San Francisco company of ' ' T h e Com- mittee." the Bay City's most celebrated satiricaJ revue is directed by Alan Meyerson. r,f "Second City" fame. "The Committee" opened in San Francisco five years ago and"- has been received so en- thusiastically, it is now an in- slltuUon there. Get OH" as San Clemente's last summer musical, is_ directing . Orange Coa!it College, ~·hich populariz- ed the summer mu~lcal 13 years ago and has done some danitles in the interim ('·~·ty F'air Lady," "The Unsinkable l.·tolly Brown," etc. I. has chosen a ltsser known vehicle for its 1969 entry, "The Mo.st Happy Fella.'' Jack Holland is <1trecling the heavily lyrical show with Slan Throneberry making ii four straight summer musicals in the leading role. Mfan"•hite: back in Costa Mesa where it all began last "'eekend, South Coast Repertory plans to run its current musical. "The Threepenny Opera,'' tbrough July and -tickel demand permitting -posslbly extending it throu11h August ONE THEATER that takes no nolice of the calendar is the Long Beach Com· munity Playhouse , \Vhlch opens "Sunday in New York'' nex:l Friday. And if the c8&l sounds familiar. it Is -director Ron Albertsen and actor1 Randy Ketne , Ron Filian and Bernie Simon au art recreating their respective aaaignments from the leadoff show of last season at the HunUngton Beach Playhouat. JULY7·11 DISNEYLAND SHOW -Brltlah muaical star, Shani Wallis, will headlin, Dilntf~and 's stage show through July II. Ap- peartng wlth her 'iflll be the Osmond Brothers, Disneyland Dancers and John Scott Trot~ and his ;orchestra. Show limes are I and IO p.m. ni1htly. Jay and lhe Americans will be appearing on the Tomorrowland Terrace with perform- ill®I J.t 9_and l p.m. through July J; Fruit Gum.COmpany- July 7·11. FJrework1 at 9 p.m. nightly. Park opens at a a.m. Closes mJdnJght Sun. -Thurs.; J a.m. Fri. and Sat. night!. , JULY .. u MUSICAL -"The ASIOCiation" plus "The Commlttee'1 and ''The Dlllart11'1 will provide a week of music a11d satire at Melodylaiid Theater, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, July 8-13. Sl\ow Ume will be 8:30 p.m. week nights; 7 and IO p.m. Sat., amf 5 Ind 1:30 p.m. Sun. Tickett, $3.50 -$6.50 available at the boz office or most ticket agencies. ~ JULY t JUNIOR HIGH DANCE -Fountain Valley Park and Rec- reation Department is holding a dance for all 7lh-9lh Graders of Fountain Valley from 7 to 9 p.m. at the com- munity center, 10200 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. Playing for this Wednesday's event, July 9, will be "The Wildwood Blues" group. Admission is 25 cenl!. For informatioo: phone 962-2!24. Dancei will be held every other week. JULY JO STORY HOUR -Every Thura. the Laguna Beach Library, 363 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, conducts a story hour for children two and one-half to five years. It starts at 9:30 a.m. J UIJY JI WESntlNSTER J UNIOR DANCE -The Junior Teen Club or We.stmin1ter Invites all seventh and eighth graders li ving in Westminster to attend their activities which include a dance each Fri. night, 7:30 to 9:30, at the \Vestminster Com- munity Center, 8200 Westminster Ave. "Sweet and Sour Blues" musica l group will play for the dance. Admission, 50 centa. Miss Martin, who I! cur- rently being seen in the film "Goodbye Columbus ,'' replaces Constance Cummings who came from London with the all-~ngllah cast for the- New York, Boston and San Francisco performances. Miss Cummings must return to England due to demands of personal business. J\.11ss Martin has become a leading force in the New York Shakespeare in the Park Com- pany where she has appeartd in "Much Ado About Nothing," "The Merchant'of V~nice" and as Gertrude in "Hamlet." She later starred in '"Taming of the Shrew" wilh lhe Pboenil Repertory Company in Ne1v York where she was resident leading lady and starred in such other plays as Eugene O'Neill 's "Great God Brown.'' "Henry IV, Part I" and the ti· tie role in '"Lysistrata ." 4th of July ••• ~th of July ••. What's the Difference WE'RE OPEN EVERY DAY, DELIVERING TO OUR HUNDREDS OF RESfAU • RANT ACCOUNTS EVERYDA Y SO YOU MAY ENJOY A FRESHER VEGETABLE, OR A CRIS"ER GREEN SALAD. SO, TAKE "HER " OUT TO DINNER TH IS WEE K.END AT ONE OF THE FINE RESTAURANTS LISTED BELOW, YOU'LL LOVE THE FOOD, THE PRICES, AND THE SERVICE. --Clip Th.,. Co~po111 on4 !!!• -::.._ • ,, i ' ' • ··-··········~·-····,········· Wl-HAYI THI flNUT • CALIFO•NIA NOW! LOCAL·G•O'f'IN • • . ...... SIZI • WATERMELON • •OLllN JUllLll • • ICEBERG lffiUCE • • SWEET CORN • •IP'E·SWEIT • • • • • • 1 Och..., • 3C 111. • 5«". • LIMIT -I • LIMIT -t • LIMIT -1 DO?. • • WITH THIS OOUPON • WITH THl1 COUPON a WITH THIS COUPON • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -COUPONS EXPIRE JULY 9th - In th.ir n•v•r endinq seerch to qive you the finest foods obteineble, these fin e resteurents serve New,..., PrMHe , •• p1troni1e the1T1 . Vino Nove, Newport; Ahy Wnt, Teco M .... SN Sllmty, T.ce Tio, Sant• Ane end Le Mirade end over 200 others. How ebout you ct llin9 u1 1 I "ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORG.~NIZATION" t::'-----~~,,.'!.W~l-"~Mtty." An Otange Counly pmnlere of a Brltl.lh 1atirt well ~lved on Broadway, it'U run for three -kl. 'l'llurldll'• thn>ugh Sundays. · SUMMER THEATER seems to be coo- cenlr1ted on I.he South Coast. Another group echedulln1 a hot weather &how i1 Ille San Clemente J Communlt~ Th""'· ' opeplng ltf veralon of "A Thurbel" Carnival" on July 17. Richard Andersen, who 1ta1ed "Stop the World -l Want lo As if playing the lead In the Long lleach 1how "'eren 't enough, Keene is dlreclin11 a chlldrtn't production of "Tom Slwyer" e1rmarkcd for a July 17 opening at the Huntington Beach Playhouae. The play 11 double cast and will run for three WttkendJ at the Huntington "Barn." So, ii appears there'll be no Iona dry 1!"11 In lhe ranks of coastal theater dur. Ina the summer months. Jn fact 11's near· l11g the point where It's difficult to tell "'hen one season leaves oft and lhe ntzt ooe beglns. .,. ' Then, on Au1-7, c0me1 the closin; cbaptu for wh""ll ta now affectiona1ely 1 • "32 Year1 of Produce · Kflmo.ffowJY •i\Vhtr£ Quality 11 The Order o/ Tiie Hou11 .. ----....- ... __ .. --· ·-' .DAILY l'llOT JI • WEEKENDER . OUT 'N' .,, NOIUI STANLEY O~AN GE C O U N TY'S R ESTAU R A N T, NIGHT C L.U 8, AN D. EN TERT A/N M EN T SC ENE Long 1Week,end -. FourJi of July weekend starts toda,y and prom- ises plenty at .opwrtllllity to catch up on many things. Like .zest. _ Or perh~s a visit with friends and relatives with additio~ hours fpr recreational pursuits.· DINE OUT __ It also is an added o~rtunity to eaten uf on some long promised out 'n abouting.at some o our fine dining and en!A!rtainment spots In Onmge Coun· ty -close lo home. ~ Whatever one chooses to do, the approach should be keynoted by moderation. For that is cer- tainly the best way to keep tho holidey "safe and sane!' Anynne taking to the dinin~ out and amusement circuit in these "parts is especially warned a'ainst overindulgence. 'Tis mighty easy to overdo with so many first-rate attractions beckoning along the . way. TAKE IT 1;'.ASY Just bear in mind the i mportant thing is re- turning homo Sunday night in peak condition. Wi th a mellow afterglow that begs repetition of the pro- ceedings at the very next opportunity. Polynesian Dancers Good things .keep happening at the recently opened Li's Restaurant in Huntington Beach. Cur·. renUy there is a ~ir of PolyneSian dancers and a Hawaiian trio offering exceptional weekend enter- tainment. ·· Further the second visit left out 'n1 abouter more conviiiced than ever that this place is a ma· jor addition to the Orange County dining scene. It's Chinese cuisine, in a word, is "superb." IT'S A TREAT Those who haven't yet made it to Li's, located In The LIDO LOUNGE LOU NORRIS FOUR 1:30 P.M. - 1 :30 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY BILL McCLURE DUO ALTElUrATING WITH BI L-F RIML -DUO ' DAILY: 5 to 1:30 P.M. 1107 J amboree Rd .. Newport Beech lllJUr Jlnrsr ]nu NOW ••• 7 Nights a Week Dancing and E ntertainment Sunday-6 p.m. to 2 a.m. AND Monday ~8:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. THE HERE ANO NOW SILER BROS. Tuesday thru Saturday 8:30 p.m. - 2 a.m. MICKEY & KURT SUNDAY & MONDAY NITE$ SPECIAL PRIME RIB • • • • • • $2.95' 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport hacli 67 3-1374 at 8961 Adams Ave.:corner of Magnolia. Hunting· ton Beach. have ,a genuiJte tr e_at in store •. An_<ltbe . p!A!asure will be doubled by catching either of the .two groups appearing in the lounge. . The Polynesian dancers, on tap Fri<fay ev .. Dings only from 8:30 p~m. to 2 a-:rn., are-Mannslna and Telani, two accompli!bed performers guaran· teed to set male blood coursing. Not that the•fairer sex can't a1so appreciate their graceful movements and artistry. · . Associated with the l•haina Luna'• organiza- tion in Garden Grove, the girls display an amazing ran4e of talent while dancing Hawaiian, Samoan, TahJtian and New Zealand Maori numbers. And the inhabitants of all those pl1lces wouJd probably claim them as natives. TRA INED SI NCE CHf1-DHOOO ...-. Manusina and Telani have trained in their art since they were small children. Previously they've lraveled extensively throughout the west and mid- west and appeared at Disneyland and the Grand Hotel in Anaheim. Also on their Jog books are bundrCds of appear- ances at private parties and lll§Us and the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts for tbe last two years. Taking over the stage Saturday nights, from 8:30 p.m. to 2 a.m., is the Kanoa· Trio, featuring three fellows born and raised on the blue S6ores of the 50th state. Kanoa tramlates from Hawaiian as "free ones," which seems apt indeed to describe thei r style. VE RSATI LE Don't be surprised i£ the strains of island music suddenly give way to a Spanish tempo or rock and roll beat because these boys are geared to versa- tili ty. Over-all there's_.mor~ than a :slight suggestion or the Don Ho manner. Individually the "free ones" are Dennis De- Mello on guitar, Lou Akiona, bass guitar, and Man- ny Barrepto, drums. And all three join with equal talent in the vocal chores. . OPEN FOR LUNCH ~:~.. .... 11 :30 to 2 p.m. T•es. tlu·• s •• ,., DINNERS 5:30 to 10 D.m. 9!E!~~~NT 1 540 • 364 I C•rMtef ._...,. & ..... c.,. ..... Abe M \ ... M .... -494·191 1 - VILLA. ROMA SpeciaU1h19 ht ltallaft Df1111en HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING O R FAMILY DINNER? Our 1tenderd specie! 1p•4j1hetti dinn er con1i1ts of our deliciou• meet sauc e and m••t bells, topp•d 'Nith im· • ported p1rm•s•n cheeie, al]d includ•s our d•licious 4j11rJic toast. ' ' No dishe1 to we1h willt our cli1po1eble e luminulft contein•rt· "•...., ., ,..._. ~ ,,~T• .. -"· 100 -$141.01 6 -Sl .71 10 -72.10 4 -.... JI -16.l f 2 -2.•t II -14.10 1 -1.41 "445 North Newport Boulev•rd, Ne wport l •ech Open "4 p.m.. • I 2_p_.m. _ MJ 6.4929 Open 7 Om FAMILY RESTAURANT .~.) 2200 Horbor Blvd., Coot1 Mot• ~ (K Mort C1nlffl 642-1274 COMBINATION DINNERS OR . A LA CARTE DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL IMPORTED & DOMESTIC BEW \ Each w.as playing .with another em~p . when they ·gnt togethet .and..fonned their OWJl,mualcal aggregll!lon Uiree years ago. Since llj0n theytve been .see&• at nlUTierous bot~ls in Los Angeles end locally at !lie Newem:ter Inn and · in Huntington Beach .. · • -• • . I ~ Jose with a desire to swing and sway Pacific Oceania mode wli! find proper Inspiration at Li's any F<iday or Saturday evening. But dinner 1hould- precede this activity. "'' To get ·you started on an extremely flavorsome repast, we· highly recommend war won ton. AJready a meal undertaken here would 'seem incomplete wilbout il Siu.!er Spr uced Up An eXtensive remodeling has . given an appre-- ciable face-lift to !be popular Sizzler Family steak House at 18552 Beach Blvd., Town & Country Cen· ter, Huntington Beach. Owner Bill Stewart has obviously spared littie expense itJ Creating a wholly new and attractive at· mosph:ere ~t tlt~ re..stauran.t, Particula.rly h!ll!dsome is the striking wood paneling that now accents the interior in warm rich tones. OTHER CHANGES, TOO There illso has been a number of· behind. the scenes changes; Stewart says, t6 streamline the cp- eration'1 efficiency and increase customer service. .These include major a1terations in the kitchen as --well-as-the dil>ingJoom. -· Other improvements-11lore readily apparent to the eye are the well-designed, easy-to-read menu board and the handy coffee and tea self-service sta- tion. Youngsters, too, will pr.obably take note of their comfortable new booster seats . "Where It's Happening!" l lLL MAATINI COCKTAIL LOUNGE ...-------, l JI I. 17tfri COSTA MU A • Bill Mertini Presents WAYNE AND DEAN TRIO For Your Dancing and Usfenlng Pleasure PRIVATI llLLIARD ROOM •• , LADlll WILCOMI Newporter Ex_pansion Speaklnf of places dolling up word is also In on the near·completlon of the whaclung big expansion that haS been in the works for the 'Newporter Inn'a Marine Room. It should be completed by next week- end. To gain an appreciation· of the size of the ~ dertaking, it must be pointed out that this favc;>tite spot of Oranie Coast out 'n' abouters will have a .ca- pacity twice its former dimensions. Which repre- sents a substantial addition, to say the leas*'- In the process of doubling the dining lacillties, the former kitchen· Was likewise increased by a similar amount of space. All of which should boost the Marine Room's previous popuJarity twofold-if that's poesible in light of its already long-standing reputation. GARDEN SOO N .~other praiseworthy featu re is the decorative garden that will be -added adjacent to the new and old dining areas. The flowers and shrubs give an air thentic touch of Callfornia charm while further complementing the room's relaxed setting. These most recent changes at the Newporter, combined with those finished about two mont.b.s ago__ -incJuding_\h addiliQ!l of greatly e_!J1anded room accommodations and a mammoth swunnung pool -call for an early visit on the part of anyone who hasn't dropped in recently. House of Hyun, Too Comes inform8tion on still more growth In the local restaurant picture, as Laguna Beach's House of Hyun P!OCeeds \Vith. its remodeliDB_program. ~t this rate one woilders if we don't"ltve in an area Of record patronage at duiing establishments in view of the obvious need to accommodate ever larger crowds. · Continued on Pa9e 20 1t'atteois;- CONTINENT AL CUISINE Famous For FLAMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -Clo1•d Mo nday HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 18151 BEACH BLVD. 142-1919 I rulllwersR""''"i~::=. 4~~!1• ~================g1 u-it:: u e lUNl HEON • e o1NNE11 -JOSEF'S-· ' DIXIELAND BAND EVERY FRIDAY Al'nRNOQN FROM 5:00 to !:00 P.M. CAL ROSS -TRIO • • . t p.m. te Clotlot e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SUPPER e SONDAY BR UNCH e ·2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA IN N 673-1110 Dining with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STUKS AND GOURMET ENTRW * * * * FROM $3.25 * JESS TARKER ---:::::::=-:::-"~ Appurl ng Nightly BANQUET FACILl!IE~ AVAILABLE _.. l'ttONl-IJt4'111 - JIJ OCIAN AVI. HU HTIM•TON llACH Ov•riookin9 The Pacific Oc•an At The Pi•r DON JOSE' -p<oodly ,._" - Th• Excitin9 SANDRA ALEXANDER DUO Tuesday thru Sunday Finest Mexican Food At hasonable Prices --· COCKTAILS • - 9093 I. Ad1m• (11 Ml1Mll•I Hunt .... ,h 962·791 1 • lmAUIANT AND e SUNDAY lllUNCM • COCITAIL LOU M•I e U.TI! 1u,,1:11 • OINING OCEANFRONT DI NING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SU RF And SAND HOTEL 1UJ SOUTH COAST HIONWA'I' ARTISTIC BAYSIDE DINING • • • NOW OPEN •uv -AIRPORT • COSTA MISA -ORANIH COUNTY AlltPOlT IHZ PAUSAOES ROAD ~ 17141 kMHO - ·Moo. !!!!!_Sot. l l_!·'"··Z&m~4p.,...Jlp,!!!. F•aturin9 th• s•m• world-famous m•nu l loun9• •njoy.d by milli on• for thirty.one y•ars at the ·.MY -ARCADIA Songwriier-Song1tre11 Kate Porter A nd Her Guitar Luncheon 11:30-4 Mon. thnl Sot. Dl-r FnMlt 5 ~ Slllldav ll'llllCh 11 - 2 3333 vi. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT .. ACH 642-4291 I ' r . " ' '~ \ I I 1 · . • • I • ' . . CAIL Y Pl).OT 1a !J a1~· ;1j (;1 ;:j !;: l'HJ SUPERB POLYNESIAN E11tert.1cl 11tttent Sat., 8:30 p.m. • 2 •.m. "We promise yon 90011 foo1I _ and sertliee" POl YNESIAN FOODS 1,61 ADAMS AVE, HUNTINGTON BEACH ~. "ii " """ . .. ONTRA'S All you can eat. on Sunday $2.25 (Kids 10 and Under, Just $1251 Bring the whole fAm11y and choose from enlrees such as our .famous "Clrved-to-order Roa~ Beel," V'&al Cutlet, SUcculsnt Turkey, and ~" on _ to our fabulol!S..spreads.-c.l ul.id~vegetab!es,Jueads and rclls. Its all there-Onlra's famous foods, but now as 1 special SundlJ "AU You c.u1 lat" Bon11S!" Served Sllll<lay tDly, IJ:OO A.M. 't1I closing.. "Plots not illthld• ~tflrtCes ordesMrts. 'ONLY AT faUluttk Slloppi11 C11Uir Oatr~.,- 6617 fallbrook Avenue, Cilnoga Park, Cari r •. )ftwport Bea~k Dntra #60 Fashion Island, Newport Beach, Calif. HUNTINGTON BEACH TOWN & COUNTRY 18552 Beach Blvd. 962·5912 CHILD'S·PORTION HA(F PRICE (Children under 12) . PHONE IN, •• All ITEMS AVAILABLE TO TAKE OUT .. .. .. " ! WEEKEND ' I Contfl)utd from Page 19 OPEN AS USUAL While doubl ing its former 1. acity, this en- chanting spot for superb Chines cuisine remains .. open for b~e.s.s as..usual. Ow.ru; s Peter and Luisa Hyun, from . the a~pt;arance of work now in p~ gress, should be. presiding over one of the· art col~ ny's top-rated -atracttons when the job is finished. Now that summer is here, the restaurant scores another plus by providing a special feature too in- rrequentfY encountered lti1s tinfe: of year. It's a late supper for those 'vho like to take their evening meal beyond the more conventional hours. FOR LATE DINERS \Vith regular ~inners served from 5 to 11 Tues- day -through Saturday, it's possible to partake of the late supper right up to midnight. Proxirility to the Festival of Arts grounds -a two or three' min- ute walk at most -will no doubt make the restau- rant quite a gathering place for art buffs during t.he ru11 gf this y~ar'.$ §how. " And s uch a course of action will be more than appropriate with the culinary artistry always dem- onstrated in the preparation of food here. Bouncing Back Plucky songstress Lynrose;" the entertainment ment business hard-luck-gal of this or any other· year, offered dynamic proof that a good trouper can't be kept clown when she opened a couple of , \vc eks ago at the 'Forest i!J Stanton. • OUT • . HARD HIT Trouble ~tarted ror Lynrose wilh a bout of the Hong Kong. flu . On the heels of this came a siege oC pnewnorua that left her complc;tely incapacitated for more than two months. Finally back on her feet , she got tJie long-await- ed next engagement. As her luck would have it the spot happened to be· the 111·fated Town & co.Intry Inn in Huntington Beach, which was gutted by a dis-- astrous fire late in March. 8~RNED OUT Everything went up in smoke including all of Lynrose's personal wardrobe and co stume changes. Insurance settlements taking as long as they do she's sWl carrying the .total loss of her clothes. ' Hopefully the current Forest en'gagei:nenf wil.l m8i'k a ne~ beginning all the· way 'around fo r Lyn~ rose. Certainly the maay -fans she acquired in a relatively short time at Town & Country will want to stop by and Wish her well. · . She's ably backed by the popular Ron c ameron Tno, well-known. to .out ji' .abouters from numerous appearances in the Orange Coast area. They are on tap nightly, Monday through Saturday. The Forest is located at 11752 Beach Blvd,, near Chapman, in Stanton. _ R_eY!!_e: Phase II Rolling into high-gear. Off ·Broadway Wes~ the new .cab~ret theatre in Anaheim's Orand Hotel. unveiled its second production last week. Slated for a limited engagement through July 13 the show is entitled "Revue: Phase II" and feat~res three headline acts. \Vith enough setbacks since 1969 got under way tQ di &.CQW"age_ eve.oJ;he strongest, her perseverance has set a good example other disheartened-per- formers would do well to follow. Let it be · said, indeed, the show must go on. ~ . / tea!fing-o!f I~ a-]1Yarr~n~p. ·maeklWliife & ·14, comprised of three young pros teaming up foT the first time. They're a lissotne lass named Fourteen Smith. Joe Tremain and Bert Woods, who MIKE JO.ROAN DUO MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL I 37 FASHION ISi.AND NEWPORT CENTBt 84tw-i. WUffvms 4 Wl'Mll•• Amllli' P1rid1t1 "MerY•tf•"9 •• ,, 2~· THE TALK OF ORANGE COUNTY The New "YOUR HOST" Room At The VINEYARDS Chf'r Anthony Sirmarco formerly ot the Vll\11 Carpi In 13"1' .. 'rrly 1-tilfs-thc f11vor11e chef of the stars, featu1·ini:;-his same 1nPnu a l reasona ble: prices ..• EXAMPLES: D•on Martins' Favorlt- Veal Fricandeau ...... : ....... $3.95 Fr•nk Sinatra's '•vorlt ...... Chicken A La Cacciatore ...... $3.45 S•mmy Davis' F•vorlt&- Veal A La Parmigiana .......... $3.95 -PLUS- PRIME RIB. LOBSTER TAILS AND STEAKS - Prices From $1.75 PIANO BAR -COCKTAILS 843 West 19th Street Costa Mesa · Reservations 642·0712 FREE. • ICE CHEST AT YOUR A&W DRIVE IN ..dMI'». FREE WITH A MINIMUM PURCHASE OF $4.00 - THI$ HEAVY DUTY STYROFOAM ICE CHEST IS 18" LONG X 13" WIDE X 13" DEEP. With Any Smaller Purch•1• ••• You May Buy let Chi1f for 65 cents. Go on a picnic A&.W style. Pick up'som9 delicioua -namburgers, tender French fritt ind A&.Wa· femous root beer In the handy teke -out gallon C1rton. When you order a picnic lunch from your "A&.W-an island of tt- freshment." the only thing you have to bring along ls your oppetite. . • .,....,.If~ We Are Locat.d at 28.SS Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mt11 t ·~ -~~'J t~e FLING ENTERTAINME.NT • 7 .NIGHTS A WEEK DANCING MON.•TUU .. Wl!D. * Larry L•kt Singer - Gui tarist * .l'fAf.JtAlLD.UO wmi John llo.-n "" Siu Tltur....tlw•-S.111. MES" ' Rear·Mes;i The.ater savARE Coit• Mita 145 E. I tth St. J••t off Hewport ll•d. -~~ 'Where Exciting SD AUTHENTICALLT MEXICAN WE .SUGGm YOU 00 NOT D•IHK THE WA.TEI '(liings ~re Happening! 1'he /1mH ..Thretl• Componf"' in the Ss11iJle Lowrge Dinin11'11 the bnuliful ll.i1Cor Roeni~ -'-"• •e10 bangiid f ariUlia GRAN[.iHOTEL 7 FREEDMAN WAY ANA.HJ:! M, C.4t.U'. 772-7777 PRONTO TAllE·DUTS DELISHTFUL LUMCltES FWDll 95~ DINtfW., 1,SG-3.SO AMERICUI FAvtlRfTES, Tot VISIT AMIGOS IN COSTA MESA 428 E. 17th St. -642·4262 .. ~;~ Qt\.er Am;qo1 R1 1!1ur1nh loc1l~cl l~: Aneh,im, Marin• cl1! Re'(, Ton&11ce, Weil Covine. :~~::-=====:::::;;:::: Fourth of July SP:ECIAL .. $199 $TOCKMAN'S STEAK He1rty bief·11ter's dtlight, str.,ed with c.hoict of potato, Rench Houia Toe1t, c ~oica of beveN19e, Sel"led 5·9 Dolly -All Doy Sunday -Good Mnlll July I 0, lt69 - FOOD TO GO I BANQUET FAClLITIES 11 A.M.·9 P.M. /;7) \.. Daily '-l'#~ 2267 Fairview Costa Mesa . 642-0732 ha~ appeared individually as singers1 and dG:cers on top te~i'l'sion shows from Jackie Glf:ason to Jerry Lew7. . · T~-. •.• WES'!' C-OA!PT DEBUT Jeanine Napoleon;--a statuesque song.stress de-- scribed by a columnist as "Super Girl, "1 makes her West -Coast debut in the-new revue after drawing rave notices from appearances throughout the east. Bringing his trio and exciting new sound - soon to be released on a major recording Jab~l - to OU Broadway West is Buddy Fite, a widely~ ·acclaimed new artist on the guitar. Bud Cross and his orchestra play for dancing before and after· tbe sh·ow"S, which go on at 9 and 11 p.m. Tµe sd_ay through Saturday, and 9 p.m. Sun- day. Tale of the.,...Whale Word's just in-on another impending openfng. This time it's Tale of the WhaJe, a new seafood restaurant taking up quarters in the historic old Pavilion ,on Balboa Peninsula. • In addition to remodeling the restaurant, banqpet facilities are being refurbished and enlarged, ac- . eording to the-initial-report-by general manager-- Bill Caouette. He also promises a complete selec· t.ion of se~ foods gathered from the five oceans. Open to the Public Newly Enlarged .' Popular ... LARK . ROOM Ent•rtainment Nightly T1.1•sday through Satvrdey THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR ~so * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMEll SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co-O,,..n1r1 16782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON IEACH ·-i:_or Re1!!_V1tlons Call 846-11,ff.__or 846-1 416 . 3344 E.COAST 1 ~,,,....---... HWY, L _ Luncheo n.. • Dinner • Codtoi:s DINE I"' l'IUE"'OLY l"'UG SUllllOU"'Ol"'GI vnt11utty redKor•1ed In the tolor!Ut lnlorlTlll 1rh,;,1'. plltr~ of Jklt drtet S.n F,..nclsco. Luau Days July 3.4.,s Island Dress lnv.ited Food • Fun • Frolic ,......_oR:.:;IGINAL OILS ART Gallery ly LIAOIHG COAST ARTIST$ • Jolly Roger SERVING DAILY Brealdast * L11neh * Dinner FINEST IN FAMILY DINING SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FOR unu 1'1RATU UNDER 12 All ' cUnft•rs servlld with. soup or s1lad, choice of French fries, whipped poteto or bekad. Hot hom•-mad• bre1d1. FOR YOOR EVENING PLEASURE JIM DIFFIE DUO ENTERTAINING IN THE · LOUNGE Monday thrw Sotur<ley__.:30 P.M. • I :30 A.M. Open July 4th -4 lo Ii) p.m. · · 2300 HARBOR JILVD. Costa Mesa 540-8535 -------~ • . . • .. • YQU'LL ENJOY Otlll MIDDAY FAER .SUNDAY. 12 P.M:TO 4 P.M. !FNJF:~ Fi11e Oi11ing Since 1965 3110l.EA$r °""' H10Hw(°Y ColONA DJ\L MAR. CA.UFOllN1A J'HONE: (714) 6?5-1374 .• = • Ftldq, Ju~ 4, 1969 ' Gulde to Movie• ' ' Crossword Puzzle • 'Mackenna's Gold~ Rtited Mature ~1 ;r;21~ ::~~~:, ·-. _. -t.. . 1 -I -. S Vul~ or of-nod . ch1letdony 1'6 Gt0t1t (Edit01"1 /iott: Th f's vie Guide, CM4' of th1 and Ali MacGrl'lf'. /Stre1a&nc11 Omar Sh 1 r If, up the ~ud between two t Battf)' . lishlnvton fllOVir guidt ii· JW.,,....d DAILY PILOT.) Clio (MJ: Story . of ~· Waller Pi,..... famlllea which bad l!npeded product by the fil""6 commltt11 of * * * Guevara. Latin A·m er t can · Gtae w... a. WlDll: • th6 ~ea of a sma11 lC Aeld1t1 49 Info. on Harbor CoimcU PTA. Mri. ADULts revoluUonuf. with 011t1;r Margaret' .MltcbeU'a brllllanl Xaft!U townf for lbe put 60 }t~::!.:~\'111, 53 ;f1\,~;!.·-: John Clark ii • -sldent M ·• ' Gold (M) St SbarU and Jai:k P~. novel.al the old IOlllh dllrlnJ . ~ean. 17 Footwnr z ••d• ,. -ai;.a.eua 1 : ory Bea-~ a ~-tM) ·• -the CJril Wtr era rtturns to · 1'* ErtrltrdL..·-Swan ltt11 54 P1'rty'tlv1r and Mn. Bart Swttnev &ibout a group of· .men .and num v.11 "" ~.J 1 11 "Y do 't l _,. ·see hcirmcm. It women who share a fear of BruW wed.em about a cattle the tcre11. cwt GaW., Vi-(G)t AD_ UUllitlc· ·fantasy · ou n • 5 V'f'I .. UULI.. r11 f'f·f · I f'I f' Ul.IULI W~~l.'1 l'l II WUll l •l l.l •I -• 1•• f • LUl.Ll 'l· l •l ,l •I I l I' l!fJI ., I !I l lf l'Ll.I ••t I 111 Ir'"' Ll.ll I • I. l 1 I I l'f'l" l·.LIJ 111.1.r ,,-,-11·r IJf'rlr l.l •f·f· I I' I r l·l•(1r-1,·1 f 'fjl l'l I IS Ll'lJI. l~l."L ~ULl:.l f. l I . l I'' I I I l.!L~t. r;rr.n• r 11r·•·1. tJ~r·r Hl.f1l,r n rr•r U&..Ul:. LLl·l ·L l 'l •r•, ~ comm& ' c b a r on wbo tynnbes. his Vian IAJCh. tulle Howard and about Amer1cu uilora adrift 1 say!'; unco•i.o11 "i~d 41 4 ref1renc• ::f!.ng10~J~oey apieck~ small town. A ·~tn-Ollvla dellavlll&nd. oft U., PbWppine&"ln Workl 1: ~f~~0!r•fltr ~~i~:ICl:fl: in dekr'mifUno aidtablt Omar Sharif. town -a gunsJJngef lamed ·ftomet.1 a.I J a l I e t : • WIJ'• ll who were rescued by a propet1y Co11b. joM I Mtllbtr oi 33 Pf•• rl .a filma for ctrtoin a g ' 'Goodb)'e Colambu (ft): A pre 1 ch er _ sets out to ShakNJ>ell'f.'• c'iuste' tlecoma abOlt ship. D&vkl Niven plays 22 Play• at 51 "Gon• with tt11 fQUy: •aftff ~ . oroupi o11d wW GPJ)e'Cr summer romance between a reconcile cattlemen 1 n d vividly new ·~~. t'lt the captain wJtb Alan Alda. the plate • th• 111'd", • lnfon11I ~f.~.·a.'::i'•.,.'-\ wefli:iv. ~Y~vlltol .arf . sJl--U.......&-. Glfl.... F 0 rd citement and ~'a-lrtlb Mickey Roooty and .Faye 2.3 Piiot'• rorone ~ · 9 Mor•_ ...... 'poor llbrarlin arid a nouveau ..... ....-......... .... cone.em 59 Ut1ltt·of if•Pl'~•n11 solicited. Mail ~ to M~ 'che coll girl 1 d to stars. ~ ' wting and dirtctkl!.. Leonard I>Qnaway. zc Man'• fore.• 10 Talked _ -l•H•i11•1 ;============;;::;;;==='==::,! ~·dlff:S:it vie:~i :tire ftt XJUJac of s 11 te r Whitmg·and Olivia HUlley. lcto$&1U. 7.ebn (G): All· nlckn1111• •o Ft11lnlnt • 1xcltidly Jt Gw._t · r. A I trl•·•'• f I Tiie Slloes If tlMi l'lallermu male spy drama 1bout 4 2.S 0111t1rl.tlts namt 11 In tht rst, 40 .... Ttltl• MR. ·MIKE'S Open 10.2 • Cocktails • Closed Mon. , Now Serving Lunch 11 • 2 DAILY IUSINESsMAN'S SHCIAL •...................•.• '5c Dlnntr Featuring A Live Menu (from !I p.m.) Regul1r-Sttak, Lobster, Frog Legs, Comb0-$4.95 NUiHn Y SPICIAL •. : ............................•........... $2.75 T. n.s..,..."'-U.-W.-T., l'rttf• Fri. -s ....... -Set. -,_ ffW.cw.a- 209 PA~ I on thePenilll!lla > BAUOA ....... 675"5774 -~ GENERAL YEN'S CHINESE FOOD SPECIAL O•FER ••• • _ 0N1 1onLE OF Free Champagne WITH EACH DINNER ORDER OF $10 OR MOR&t -Offw o.r Tfnwlh July-11th-s .... n..n. 11:30.10:00; Ftl.•Sot. 11:30.lZ:OO 1500 A•AMS lat Harbor! ,oo sez with Ricbard Beaj.lm1n ~orae: ove .. ,._ 0 e1t-(G): The Pope makee a nucJur submarine's trip to 21 lt•offfl.f'I 61 Division or 12 Kln4 o ••"'-llDN:. ==-I bians conveys comedy and monument.It . decWon in a the North Pole on a rescue , "ufP1111t1I: a buslnns: slckn'ss Atillr. 111118,.#,UltA.l»IT 2141 w •• t C.,11 Highway Ntwport ltach °1714) 646-5057 Continental Cuisine Cocktall1 pathos. Beryl Reid plays the Id ........ ~ b 1 -•··• n-• Hudaon Ern.,t 2 words Abbr. 1) Moo11 s ct.1eci..• heavy drinklnl aging actrm. wor WI'-~ Y • nuc t.ar uUM&DD. nl,ll;A • 32'Rtputed distant 43 Klltd of war, and returns the Church Bc:qnine, Jim Brown and rootof DOWN r1\1Uvt ..,. 'I1le Night of Utt FOUtwllr to one of its original mean-Patrick Mc:Goohari. •II t¥11s 21 Unctuous •s lom ~ Dlf (ft): A lurid tat~ abou~' inp. set at aome future time · ;,.. Lon Be (G): Disney ,33 Outdoor l Fiie's 22 Two--foottcf 46 Fot._ preclatly plannecl_ki.l}na___ppmg -with-Anthony Quinn, s1·r ~-about--a-Vol~agen 3c g~•:, cco i ~·!:=~tor fll:f-~1~1f--::.:'--=--.- of •young etrL She ii held In Laurence Olivier and Sir John with human fttllnP. Dean 135 -and · visit to 26 Fat Eut 47 Car.ct• an loolatod beach boole lor 24 Gielgud. Jones and Buddy Hac~ett. "'"' d,.t11t '°"'"' Oft llltr ~w~~r~th!~: .dTBSodlcnaOJmL.~~ .. tM): An oem1--f ~l: ofspectaouDlcke~~ ~~~h'f:~:4 '~.11\b-21~,t:Owid ••==;., M kn Brando RI h d 1 vcntun w.ocu on Jules mus.,.. Y~i:uon 38 Observe 4 Brldgn · 21 Sit th• •t Stitt of • ' ar • c a r Verne novel ltt in Africa, classic about an orphaned waif 39 'Th• sacra• ' Puts MntY ' te11po for · •111111...._. ·Boone and Rltl Moreno. about the-dlscoveey: and theft cut into 1be teeming lqUalor mtnto or Into clrcula• 19 8utball SO f'wt:of · r:': =~~=~; of the world11 lafgelt dla· Of-UieJOWer clUi. He-fliiilly 1 SlililTehtWlli 61.!:;,-,3 0 ~~f;'r~r~ 5l ~:f:'d' McQueen atar in t b I s mond, and the manhunt for ucapea to the eleaance or the 40 ~'f"I~ cane::* 1 3r Auu;• sz. Reuirous &Opbiaticated film about a tho llllpected tblef. Or80D upper clus. Mart Lesler, '418~:111 er 1 El C'l11lno phyln1 .grollp crack insurance sleuth. She Welles. Ursula ,\ndreas .and Jac:t Wlld and Oliver Reed. I c•lloused position 54 llld George Segal. Tllole Maplflcut Mca ta ,...,.,-r._,.,.., becomes an Intimate com· wi.ere Ea&ler Dare (M): • TIMlr Flyta( M-.: 1910 ' 2 • • panion of a thrill)1eetlng Tense, explosive World War II flying machines and vintage ·~ .. .-+-t-+- milllonaire whom s'6e impects 1dventure In which Richard · cars in bUarlous slapstick "' of maatennindinl a. bank rob-Burton of the B r I t I a h story of London to Paril air ! ~,,..+-t-+- bery. Intelligence and Clint race. M.A 'l'VRE 1'Et!NS AND ADULTS EUtwood of the American Rangers lead a team to rescue an American General Im· prisoned in an almost im· prtgnable Gennan fortress. FAMILY ~. ti * The i.uer lmmediat•lu afttr the titl• tndkat11 tM rating given the picture bwi ,. ' ; -:t-+-e"H1 COSTA MESA 540-1937 ~~~ Sm>ing .LunducnLand Dinner, Mondov through Sa"'""'1f. Tl>o April Fool1 (M)' Hilarious and romantic fan- tasy about a married man who meets iomebody elae's Wife. J ack ttmmorr,c·a·ttrni n e Deneuve atar. An&d In My~ockeLtGµ Andy Grltfltb plays an er· marine, now ordained minister in bis first church. He breaks the Motion Pictu,.e Code. The Motion. Picture Code 32 Ana Rating Program mayh,i.,....i. .... -<1- be found on the motion 1,t;;T-;-- • • •••••• OFF •. GRANDHOTEL • 1.,.._.., .... ,. e ACMm ,.. ... em WEST.. .,,,_ ••••• PRESENTS 10.Un11u. .... 111'1 ID'Uf Htt BLACK ·WHITE& 14 llP 'Y .. COMUIAJI '""' .... .,. .STEWlf- ·sTONE --...,...,. . ., JEANINE NAPOLEON tHOWTIMl!I I A.JD 1'• TUllD.lY•IATVltD.lY1.IUJDAY AT I IESEIYATIOllS (714) '11%·'1111 • CIOUP SALES flt 41 771·4l21 SUE CARSON BUDDY FiTE CASEY ANDERSON Cwstd Sundov• Opm fOT Privatt Partit1 Onlwi Wt ar• located n•xt to the May Co. in South Coa•t Pla:u. )JJ1 s. lllbl ---........ • 571 & KAIN, OllANGB -.. ·JG.3SJS l~ """"1> Ca1hlo RoyaJe: James Bond spy spoof, with four James Bonda .and lots of girt.. David Niven and Pel<r Scllefl. Hawaii: Beautifully photographed segment o f James Michener's n o v e I concerning the mlssiooarits of ItKIO~_ JD Hlnii._ -1 111 i e Andrews Max Von Sydon, Richard Harris. U It'• Tuesday, TILis ~l11sC Be Belgium (M): A busload of American tourists whiziing hilariously through Europe in aearch of instant culture are shepherded by a jaded young Englishman. Ian McShant and Sazanne Pleshette star. Uta In Wlater : .. Claah of two strong-willed monarchs, King Hemy 11 of England and bis queen, Ele&nOJ: of Aquitaine. makes a brilliant, exploeive , . ~m•ce:r,. of ::.n~ete~ O'Toole and Kat!iarine He~ bum. TEENS .AND ADULTS --nmroot 1a-t11•-Parl: Bqulllng atory about the first few weeks of newlywed life in a Greenwich Vlllttge Walk.up apartment. Jane Fonda and Robert Redtord. F11By Girl (G): Lavish lllUllcal presentation about the Ult of Fanny Bric<, a cbJld of the slums who becomes a great comic star. Barbra --.. Real C1nlonese Food ••t here or ·--'•k•homo. STAG CHI~ WINO picture page. Steiger Hon.-ed Warner Films Win Prizes at Festivals Having scortd 1 global auc. Fiction ln Trieste. cesa with its own tnttrna-Rod Steiger, meuwhiJe, has tMmal Fllm Festival in Free-won Italy's "David of Dona· • " " A-••IAT-MUSICAL-COMAD "A Highl11 lmprarit)~ Product~11 . : . D.I', '1HI THUi NNNY OPIU.,. tello" Award for hil ttarrlng PGrt, Grand Bahama llland, perfonnance·in another War. last week, Warner Br08.-Seven ner Bro1 . .S even ArbJ film, Arts is wtnning new honors in "The Sergeent." ~ ltaUan li' i I tt! Festivals elsewhere award jurj plcked him as around the· world. "bes:i foreign actor:• and hltt In Spain's San Sebastian troiJby will be P""nted·on11-------------------~ Festival, "The Rain Pe.ople," August 2 at the cooclusion of Francis Ford Coppola's film the 15th Taormina Festival Foo.a-. . . for Warner s ... :.s.ven Arts fa< Jntemotlonal Motion Pie· ~ o•SOUTtt·COAST starring Sblrley Knight •nd lure Cooperation. !A PLAZA/ T1tUi & James Caan, lw been d,,;j,:::=======:;11 San Di1Co r-at 11ri11o1 • · 546-2711 eland the grand-prhe winner arul Qom>.11 -JI baa. been namad best director. 'l1le !Um, which had been shown earlier in Freeport, was acreened in San Stbutian ·on June 24. Two Warner Bros.-seven Arts films wUI be presented in the Moscow Im'emational Film Festival, beginning Jul¥ 7. 'Ibey are 'ribchel, Rachel," the Paui Newman productlon starrlng Joenne Woodward, and "The Sea Gull," the Std· ney Lumet prodUctlon starring James Mason. Vanessa Red- grave. Simone Slgnoret and David Warner. Lumet himself wlll attend the Moscow show· ing, the fint European per· 14:t::. 1HE L'~" HOUSE ~~of HYUN hf~ Clil .... C11blM OPEN AS USUAL DURING RIMQDILING DINNERS 5·11 ' ._ .... _ LATE SUPPER UNTIL MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 1 ·10 lormance of the film ve.,ion CLOSID MONDAYS of Chekhov'• pi•J· Durln1 the week of July ti. ••• ,,......-.. '-••••••111•4 19, ''The Illustrated Man:• the 410 llOADWAY NOW SHOWING CONTINUOllS FROM. 12:30 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOON 111 .21st pl.; Newport Beach OIUole ~9560 Wamtr Brcs.-Se:ven Am film LAGUNA llACH +f4.HID version <?f Ray Bradbury'sl'=;;========~ll work of science-fiction., star· 1r ring Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom, will be ahown in the In- ternational Festival of Science TAKE IN o,.. , ......... ..., 12·11-M. ..... 'ti ..... :································· : @, ~L~-J-·.&flJJJ.-L ~-. Caribe Room : : ~I:?!'~~ PRESENTS : CONTINEtllTAL CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING RETURN ENGAGEMENT JOHNNY VANELLI ANO-THE • • • • • • YE OLE INN PrtHnt• VICKI & HER SWDIGIN' COUNTRY MUSIC Ev•ry frklay & Saturday-9 p.m. to ~ 1.m. COCKTAIU AND DANCIN.• YOUR HOSTESS, JONI WATKINS 2376 1/z Newport Blvd • Costa M1ea 642·2B2~ • • • • • • • • • • JACK LAWRENCE TRIP :1==== l"-ty .t INe P-'Jllf 19 ,._, 3 SHOWS NIGHJLY-MON. thru SAT • . • 211.12 OCEAN AVE. IC-Hwy.I -HUNTINtiTON ,IEACH -5U-14Z1 • • .l .1 • • ~································~ ( l'>l IJll\11 ·--m ,.,.._ •' A MOVIE THIS WEEKEND Also PlaylllCJ .. . ' . STEREO SENSATI Tllenloitui •-~ or ••-, . . . Or•nt• CO.lllllJ ·Muslc ~.. . RADIO KOCM .. 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach • • ' . j , l • 1 l 1 I ' 1· I l I • • OAILV PILOT Friday, Jul/ 4, lM Bi.gh Adv e11ture Story on Screens .\V,~y1 'Wind' Stays on .Top • "Gone. With 1he Wliid, • 'Da· gave uilsltnted praQ< lo his who took the country by thal bnpam lo audiences an vld 0. Selznick's cllfflc ftlm staff. storm . exclU111 awareneu a ad. based on the i>qpular novel 'by "It w&s a dedlcated gtot1p of "Gone Wilh the Wind'' is a dramatic tmdentandiog of the · · ' men and women." he said in moUon pk.'ture expertene& for glo.ry and greatneM of th1I ·Margaret ~tcbell.,, has bfen his acoeplance speech. ~'For a everyone who sees it, a rum epod! ln American twtory. ~£erred to , ., a ·~ow year aflll a ha1f they workedl-::::t::=::.=::==::==:::;=:=========::; buainea. pbenom ..... " oxclusl'\'!Y oo ,!hjl one pictur<.~ 0n the oc:w1on of its and lh<!tr enthilalasm never · The Grandest Cinema of Them AHi fl••ged." prevtQus release in 1961, -:o 0 -•-•-• ' I ~ abo Academy members voted ~an.;A was quest o .. ~,,. ut teo Oscars to "Gone With the • the amllllng' J>9pulatjty o1 the Wind'' -best plcture. direc- cl8.Sflc. t.ion, 6CJ'Wlplay, a.rt dlrec- "There are several reUtns, I.ion. filin editin&, c o I o r he answered . ..''The atory bas-• photography, a aped.al award •--d f to lhe productlon designer and u.~0~ ous .sco~, or one .. Au· to Selznltk. Vivien Leigh wori dte~s v1car1ous!y ~e as best actress and Haiue \h'ouib the ante be)l~ays, McDaniel as beol supportin8 the .warf and Its .ol~rmath, a adrou. • whole ®Iorful and l(ramat.ic '"GQne With the Wind," con- era." ,sidered tbe genesis ol modem, "Then, the~ is tht grut big-sca1e-1pectacles, boasted ii principal par\I. thOuaands doJ>th _ aod .rtcliness of _the of-ema and btt players and , chara~ 1U1d t b e I r rela· mwive ~-and Lo lionsh~. 1' feel that this was ~ scenes. ng ,..... , . remembers among these are an ·1mportanj tumJiig point in the burnlng of AUanla and lhe motion pictures. The audience wounded Confederate soldiers realty lives· the lives of these stretched across 1 public peop,le on the screen. In fact, square 1n Atlanta whUe doc~ 1 ~ "1narka'ble~dramatic trick tors attempted to help them. of Ma rgaret Mitchell's novel "I think every extra in was .that atie tt;x>k two modern Hollywood wu tn that latter characters, 1 RheU Bul1er and scene," Selznick said. "But . Scarlett · O'Hara, and placed there was llQ camera boom them against the old viewpoint with suUlclent reach. We had as represented ' by Leslie to impod.•a hlgb:ahlp-bulld!ng Howard as Ashley Wilkes and crane from SeaWe, and put ~~:.Havilland' as Melanie the ClllJtra on top .. In this way we .were able to get the scope '\But there's-much more to we sought." •••• • •• • • • ••••••••••••• • • * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD.-• ltEl'(PORT llEACH * 644·0760 Oro.nCJe County Pre!f1iere ShowinCJ One weekend Major Smilh;lieateaant Scblffer, 'ud;a bu adfal:bloade named Marti decide to win Wodd Wu D. A new sWeCping=adVe~tory;___.._LMackenna's Gold," opens in Orange County theaters this week and brings the same Kind of spine-tingling action that made "Gtlns of Navaronne" such a big success. Above, ren, Gregory Peck ·tn-a"scene-trouri!11cplc· lure in which he plays the role of Mackenna, and at right, Julie Newmar, the beautiful Indian girl named Hesh-ke. the !Lory. It has drama. spec. Today, a new generation will tacle, romance, s u s p e n s e , see "Gone Wilh the Wind" in comedy, the full catalogue. As Orange County with the added a result Jt ll&s an audience a~ impact of 70mm wide-screen peal for all ages." and ster~ic ww:id. Au- "C«1& dti fbe Wiiil"~ w I 11 see the the Academy Award as "best memorable pedonnances of picture" of the year, and Clark Gable as Rhett Butler, Selznick was awarded . the Vivien Leigh as Scarlett prized lrv!ng Tha1berg award O'Hara, Leslie Howard as for "most COOS!stent bigb Ashley_ Wtlkes and Olivia de quality of producUon." On this. Havilland as Me I a :i. i e occasion, however, Selmick Hamilton, fictional characters Live Theater 'I ''Tbe Tbrtepeuy Opera" Mwdcal drama on sblge at -Coast Repertory, 1827 Nriport Blvd.,' Costa Mesa nion: . .sun. through Aug. 3 at l :Ji p.m. Reservations -646- 1363. "Black Comedy" Two one.act British plays on atq:e aL the Laguna Play· sit~ Ooean Ave., La- guna B e a c h1 Thurs •• Sun., ...._ _ _, u I y 10 • 27., al 8:30 p.m. Reservations -494-8061. ''Once Upon •-Mlttress'' A medievaJ 11lt.lsical comedy -presented by the Rancho Com· umnity Playets at Olivewood Sc h oo I , 23391 Dunne Mear Road, El Toro, Thurs .• Sal. at 8:30 p.m. July 10-26. Reser· vatlons -&TJ-5955. Costume Pro Tries Ac ting Pat Zipprodt, two.J.ime Tony Award-winning costume de· signer, for 1'F.iddler on the Roof" and · ''Cabaret," will !11Ake her motion pictlll'e act- ing debut for producer-direc· tor Sidney Lumet in Warner Bros. • Seven Arts' "Blood Ki .. n. Old Mills Brothers Still Hot HOLLY\VOOD -Gue ss \\'ho's plugging t h e musical generaUon gap? The ancient and honOrable Mills Brothers. The freres ~1ills have hit the pop charts with their newest recording, "The J i m t o w n Road." They have hopes that another. ''But \Vhat Have 1 Done For Herr Lately?" will al.sr make the popularity charts. Kids are grooving with the Mills Brothers just as their parerlls a n d grandparents have done since 1926 when four black boys ranging in age from 11 to 15 _kpm Piqua, Ohio, \vcre billed as ''Four Boy1 and a Guitar." They were John J r . , l·lerbert, Harry aAd Donald. Through the years changes were made in t he original group. John Jr. died in 1936 and was replaced by the boys' father, John Sr., who sang with the quartet for 20 years before his retirement 15· years ago. He died last year a\ 85. To<lay the Mills Brothers are a trio composed of Harry, Herbert . and -Doqalrl, ac- companied by a guitarist. They travel the world eight months a year, spending the other four months at their on Charts homes In Hollywood. usually during holiday periods. But the amaiing thing about the Brothers Mills is their sound. It is still the melodious, harmonious, ear-catching music it was deeades ago. For the firlit time m some young lives, rhythm. lyrics, melody and har~y have been blend· ed into rllething brand ne_:R -grea music. The Mills Brothers still are able to turn on the world with "Glow Worm ," "Paper Doll," "()pus One," "I'll Be Around," "The Jones Boy," "Lazy River," "Poor Butterfly" and such others as "Basin Street Blues." "I don't know why our songs are so popular now," said Harry Mills, spokesman for the group. "Maybe people want to hear plain, simple songs and easy hannony. 'we've never chang. ed our ityle. We sing mostly ballads and standards with a little novelty thrown in now and lhen. "I guess folks like to taip their feet and sing aloi\g with us." All in their SOs now, The 1'1ills Brothers are io excellent health and apparently thrive on their dlfficult toun. Outside the United States they are most popular in Scandinavia and the Orient. EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! -OR IS SHE? YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE PRESENTATION of "GOODBYE, COLUMBUS" A Film from tht Novella ~y PHILIP ROTH the outlier Of the Now . Best Seller "Portnoy's 1 Complaint" • Yfhat ~qur age you wlll •n loy the acti":I of Beniamln and the 1tun- n ng ""'4Wi• debut of Ali Mc.Graw, the fr:•nknM1 of·thtlr language and the tender and gentle ,..1atlon1hip betwffn the two. "GENUINELY INTIMATE LOVE SCENES" .:;;:1.. "REFRESHING TO SEE•• I.ff• Ma,.•"'- ' "MEMORABLE" RATEO (R) HO ONI UMHl 16 UNLISS WITH PAllllT ....... , ·-"IRRESISTIBLE" 4th Exclusive Week HOLIClAY MATINEES FRI-SAT -SUN SECOtjD TOP FEATURE ~ 'Surrogate' Adds Girl Role in--'Generation' • Producers Jay Cipes and Ed Palmer have signed Arianne Ulmer for the only remale part in 20th Century-Fox Te1evision's ~ 90-minute Cpld War drama, "Surrogate," cur· rently before the cameras. Given to Kim Darby Miss Ulfner joins stars Dar- ren McGavin, James Whit· more. Broderick Crawford, Mako, Skip Homier and Paul Lukas in the Marc Nonnan script being 4irected b y J oseph Sargent. Kim Darby has betn signed for Your Llfe,'' "Ben Casey," to a co-starring role opposite "Doctor Kildare." ' 'T b e David Janssen and Car I Fugitive" and "Gunsmoke." R e i n t r in Joseph E. Twenty-year~ld Miss Darby Levine's motion p i c t u r e Jives in North Hollywood. "GeneraUon." "Generation" marks the se· ~f i s s Darby will play the cond time she hu appeared key role of the daughter in opposite David Janssen, the the new co!llel:b' about a uni· first was on a segment of que aspect ol the 'genei'Btion "Tbe Fugitive." "Surrogate'' airs' this Fall as part of Channel 7's "Movie ol the Week" series~ gap. She is currently co-star· Frederick Brisson will pro- ring with John Wayne in duce and George Schaefer, of ''True Grit." "Hallmark Tbeatrt" fame, Her television credlls in· ·will direet the Avco Embassy dude performances in "Run release: 'mACHEDDA'S liOLD ' 15 A lilADT OF A mOUIE ! -t -,,:;...;.-------- "A BIG WESTERN, AS BIG AS THE GREAT OUTDOORS IT WAS FILMED IN! Stunning vistos ol desert, conyons, lhe mountains of Arizona, Oregon, Ulch and Colilomio-lrS ALL OVERWHEl.MINGL y· BIG ~A druma of greed ond death in !he pursuil of gold! The ending. when lhe mountains of gold oome tumbling down, C0111d only have "'-> duplicoled by Cecil il:OeMi11e r "A GREAT, BIG, SPRAWLING, BEAUTIFUU Y-FILMED WESTERN!" . HA BLOCKBUSTER! A MAMMOTH WESTERN!" -«l!MIC.fUS!J'i'IS N'MACKENNA'S GOLD' MAKES THE WEST WILDER ml# -"A Vl/O't lil&AGAl*I! "NO PICTURE BIGGER .THAN 'MACKENNA-'S GOLD'I" -1.AOlfS HOMl ~I 'THE BEST WESTERN IN YEARS!" I "MARVELOUSI MARVELOUS!" -v•~•l" "HARD-FISTED, ACTION PACKED! TREMENDOUSLY IMPRESSIVE CAST!" "A SCENIC,SPECTACU LAR EYEFUL •.• LOUDLY APPlAUDED!'.~-.-lOHll.lf~IC "ONE OF THE MOST SPECTACULAR EVER IN ..(:OIOOl(l -GA11Nf llllGIT PICI. D811 llUIP • ---CARL FOAEMAN·s ---- MIClllll'l IDLD ........ I.LT UVILll JUUE NEYIM~R ·CAMILLA SPA!lV·KmlAN WYNN TED CASSIDY THE GENT\.EMEN From HAOLEYBURG rn alpNlibetlCal ~ • :EE J. COBB· RAY MONO MAS.Pf· BURGESS MEREDITH · ANTHONY QUAYLE WARD. G. ROBINSON · Ell WALLACH Di11c1111 br J l!E ll«IMPSON. Sct1enp1t11y Cllll.IOREYIN · '"' "''°"'.,iii! Hi'•1 • '""'" lllJIK'f.lOllCI· ~Dducld Iii CARL FOll!MllJ and OIMHRt T~l~I · $1fOllllUISXlll'lm1111COl!M'SrutllPlllJllll:!OUllD ~-;J-~-2jiE!;.,;j~~~~~;;;;;~ ..-----· DWAltD .. -EST COAST PREMIERE- JM MATURI Af IOTH THU.TIU o .. ,.. s..-i I U,..S• A""- "THE SO\Jt HERN ST .. R" :::-,..,Patrick Wymark ·Michael Hord em ~ ·"""-'~br d<rKttdb<; ~t,, G ;\,· Alistair Maclean -Boan G. Hutton -Elliott Kastner MC>M " liiiil-"'!IA!l!!l--Panav1tklft••nd Metioc:ofot · 1::1 ----,- ALS~ m.ENN FORD Exclusive Premier• Engagement -...... e" "SOUTHERN STAR" A fJIM fTffl tlNi N•fttle lly PHILLIP 0l OTH Tiie Autftot of th Now lett ~ler '''°ll NOY'$ COMP'U.INT' WALT -ALL NOOH - An All-C1rtoon Fa1turett1 Gal• Holiday Shaws • MATINEES DAILY ·• . Wed.·Th1rs.0 Mon.·T11n.-I ,.._ , Fri.-s.t.-l '·'"' ~ .. DISNEY"""'" -· •' _l • • • • • r • -- nte MOTION PICTURI CaH AND 14TIN• PIO.UM ., fh• M•fl,11 'l•t•r•-~8'• "'' R1tln1 ~.i..i.11-1tlo11 ,,,1~1 th1 foll111wln9 rtl111f' to fllM1 c1r1trlb11t•• '" th• U.S.A. 'Pie· • h1r•• ,,,,,. e. ~ ,, a q111ilf., fo, th1 Cod"1 $111. ... Pictur1I tlltd· X 4• not rto1lve I Seti, l\1 f1f,!11ft 1p'.ply ft . ' . picti.r11 t•1•111d efftr fi.,..,,,. l1cl11 201 2fl ,., ~ ' . Sajid .Kalt.n- , . bet 1';'"1 t,W-;fict~Nt r11t'o114 • b1for1 H\At 44''• 1r1 cl111rlb, f ' ' Sp_ecial Set ., ,d ,.f.~,._.1,.,Jy , ~·: "Sajl4," 'a ·-tl.4·~. 00. show a Wfde a~, With •"';°' SMAt ... ' • ~ut, color: tre~J., 'fill be a nveral of the "°"" perfotlll· surrinit<>ltaPpenlnJ o~ Obannel · ed on outitoor toeatkm. (il-S•tft1f1d for GINllAL ~1. , ~ •J • , t,n ''C1et.tini··"9 l(nciw You,'' ,·.,.,r,,.·,,,. · outh orieQted 1lh • a s.jkl slngl all over the place fM]'~S11f1ttt•d lor liATU•I disarming, !reab ~look, and -\\'.i"1 lamed Los Angeles •wdlt11t•• 1'•rt nlil dii. fealurm· g l7·yea.J.ld S'a j i d anl:I Holl··~ landmarks as C•tllon 1ch·i1od l. •-v ;,nvvu @-•nTalCTED _ ,.,.011, Khan of lndl,, the special will , background. undH 16 not •imltt•d, air at.7 p.m. J_ulY.JO ~d 26. _In additio!' to four_ other v11l•i• •tcomp•ni•cl by Jo 1 n in g t tie zest f u I sOlos, lncludirig h1a smash 'hit-, r•,t11f or •dll.Jt gutrd· performer from India in the "Dream," Sajid even get.s into ""•"· • now, wow muslc1l offering the act with hiS guests. ©~ 1111M1tt 16 11•t will be lovely, li.ssotpe Susan Little time is wasted on chit _........_,Tb;, • .,. ,., Barrett aDd The A.arpers Biz-chat in the swingin' special, strl1titll·••v b. hi9h•' a~, one of µte country 's with the performers doing in c:•rt•ln •r••5• C~tc~ most exciting groups. their thing -such as Swn tl•••tr• or •dwtrthl11t .. "I Pl..-r o du c e d by Floyd Portraying Jove and romance ;::=;:;:::;:::;:;;::::;:;;;:2~1 ··Acktl'lllill< !lilh cll~k·Roas as "' only a YOUili beauty can, , ~ '. . ~ lt1.1lt"11 .,,, -E!i3 ' • directO~ ~Sajld'~ ti~· with ahd the ~arpers "'!aklng the its name.sai_e., ¥"ho ~ J'.OSC . to scene with a unique con- sl.ardom-irf lils·-naUve land as temporary Jazz.rock sound. lbe three.-y.eaM>ld stat ol the Susan, the gtrl everyone "¥other.· Ibdla'' mot1on pie-wishes lived next door, is ture, ~right to:tbt·polnt spotlighted with "Promises, by singing, .'Gettµi& T.G. Know Promises" and "Before The You." . ' · · .:J Parade Passes By" and join! lliveisi\y of .the 15 musical her host and the dancers in DEBORAH IS STARRING IN HER FIRST MOVIE 'Peanuts' Imitators Face Suits ' ' J Prldq, Ju~ 4, ·1969 I • f • DA!W fllt.OT U . RA ISAND • , to.~•llASIM~-: 8AllllllA • ~ SlRIB4ND I .~F -111.w -Tl--..-..... "IP In TUllDA'f., • 6:11 ... 11:11 "HAWAII" 9t l1N M-..."'-s't1N J. c..tt .... oa\1y-1 '-""· "ltorneo and JvlieY1 '"" . ''Bartfoot in.the P,rk" 1ftllll.WM"P: .... -· numbers awaiting Soulhem · "With A Little Help From My taliCotoi&Vl.i"wers g;.Ve:! lhe Friends," as well as in the · · ·finale, "A Song Inside." Producers Arthur Whitelaw and Gene Persson have made known that the musical hit, "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown," based on Charles· M. Schulz' comic cartoon strip . "Peanuts" Is not av ailable for school, community or amateur production, and any otfendi!rs I I I I ~ .... ~ , •,. ~ It's euy lli:tening to the to. ~ ---~ day-sound when the ,Harpers \.IOI,ltinuous D1ily 2 p.m: otrer the likes ol "No Time TWO BIG Like Today" and "When The Band Beglns To Play," They gel together with Sajld and the daOcerS~far "'lndlin Rock."- Teen IleboialLWJnters Part of Establishn1ent '.'..Geltln,--To Know You" Is BOLLYWOOI> (UPI) -De-' "But I think-we live-in a producing lhe_pJa;c JYilL be.i'll~=;::;:::: prosecuted. • While some schools and PREMIERE SHOWING · ·A modern-day sto~ o\ f~i\!1• ~urage; ~nd intriaue! ;-' ..f i;IGM 51Georp EtwUid ~ more than just Sajid's opening borah Wh:iters is a 1$-year-old great country and I believe we of "Sajid," with the teenage blonde st.arring in her first should Stand up for our coun· idol from India mqving on to movie Ytho Is also muscling in try when H's at war. l don 't go .. Love Me With All Your Heart," "Smile," ''Where Is on the establishm~nt. along with the antiwar move· Love,'' .. A Closed H-ea rt .~ Deborah is no rebel. ment, no-matter ~l the rest other organizat!oll!I have bet!n11~;~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~~~~~~~ performing the play they are doing so without proper rights or authorization and havll~as·a.. reault, faced court action. .. •. PACIFIC-~;,,~.i:fJ;~ • , C-LA$SIC OF Cl.ASS.IC$ G:i~rs No Love," :·A Song Sile tried marijuana once oL my; generation thinks-and Inside/ ''Dream1L·-and-trls-=8na'dfdil't m'e it. SJ'ie's~ op--you'd be"'Slll'prlsed'"boW-lnatr'/ final solo of "I Like · · f h I h " Everybody.'' posed to ca'!1pw radicals, o t em agree wt me .. _JL'!_as~as a---14-year-old that ~v~lence. ·dra(t _dod_gers, .. hip-O~ughter . of a. Universal Sajld first came to the at-pies and other man1festatuons Studios casting d 1 rector, , tention of Am er i c a n au. of her generation. Deborah landed the role in the diences, with the motion plc,. M1sa \V inters i! steel-willed cinema cent.tr films pro-iu,., .. u .. ;.a," which was d d I "--J an etenn ned to marry next duction on her own. made In India. Success of the year at the age of 16. She has f .tu. Jed t lh k Until recently, the youngster e re • o e networ chosen her husband, actQr television series, "Maya." John Scelfo. and the names Of lived in -New York wttb her Productl0118 ,of ~'¥.ou're . ~ Good Man.Qw-Ue Briewn"~ currently playing in five cit: ies around the country: Jn W uhl.ngton. J var .Theatre in Hollywc>o<J, San Francisco and the National teurlng compaDy. It is more than likely that the rights for any productions other than those authorized by Meurs. Whitelaw and Persson wlll not be avallahle for sev- eral years. A guest star on numerous her four children in addition to inother, former actr~ Penny musical variety, aame and in-the zodiac s\gns under which Edwards. Now she Uva-with terv.iew shw·s, as well as a they will be born. _.her father-her parents are J Le' h se(Jllent Qf "Ttie Big Valley" "My children will be Anton! divorced-in the San ftrnando anet 1g_ serte1, Sajid is a "regylG:' in Delano {Aquarius), Leonora ·Valley. , teenage fan magaz:ine.s -as Brace (Sagittarius), Mitchael A 10th grader at North In 'Hoaeyinoon' either. the subject of a, cover~ Delano (Sagittarius} and Hollywood HJ~ Schoo 1, picture story, feature-picture Julius Destino (Libra )" tbe Deborah ls an A-and B 1t~dent Producer Robert L: Jack.s story, feature story or a·com-teen••oer said emphatically. whose favorite subject l! aew· has signed Janet Leigh to star bination bf all. -':\. In in 20lh Century-Fax Televls- . Jn recent months, two single Deborah -who ~as' !1 fit if\ ~That probably 1 a u' n d. s Ion's "Honeymoon With a 1'UWPOlt &U.CM ....... •~,,. It l•~wlt"' IU• hi• -Ot. S·tJSI UCLUllYI . • IHDOOl SHOWtN5 Jack Lemmon -· Catherin• D1n~uv9 .,,. c;~.,.. .. , ... _,.,.. ~-· Myr1• Ltf In • ~•lfl•ttfic h•t.,y recordlngs by Sajid have been you call her P:ebb1e-1s tanll, squ8re," she said. "but 1 Stranger," a 9()'..mlnute pro- "'!eased by the Colgems label, J>O!sed and pos1Uve. Her s~n Y really dig sewing my 0 duction for ABC-TV's "Movie · ,; "Getting T2.._Know You" and ha1r~~les below her waist. clothes.__ wn Or the Week" series. ''JHE.JDIL[()OlJ .. -SECOND ·._ ·. BIG ·WEEK ' . "DreanJ,/:andliis first album. Sile is making her movie ''But I'm not okt-fubloned Mtss~ghStars as a lfrlde---·, -~ · --- appropriately entilJed just debut with 11-Uchael ~uglas Too much ·01 the esllblllhmeni who finds herself on a haney· WMlffys: 7:00-..ftlltl•~ ht. •11111 S1111cfay, 2:00 ,.. • ~'Sajid." (son of Kirk) as the mgenue follows tradlilons of parents moon with a man she has ne v--• er seen before. Shooting be-s,..1 .. ~ • Seflltll•y M1tllff • • CIO!'k ...... YiY1e• Leigh 11G"one With the ·Wlnd" ) $ti~~· crt 12:30, 4:~o: .l :JO • le_ ad in "Hail, Hero!" and grandpate11tS -earn a · h" gins t 1s month in Madrid, Second Feature "THE THOMAS CROWN AFPAlr "I don 't need pot," the Jiving and have a family -with John Pey.ser dlrectine . .. Newcomer precocious youngater said. .. goi'l& thrOll&h life like robots. ~:;;~;;,;,;;~=~~~~E=:::;:=::;=:=:=:=::E~=:=::;E;=:=:=:=::==:~ "II you feel you're 1" They're iUJt "wrong "'· tJia NATIONAL PREMIERE EN""AGEMEN.T '· \ ~. • t MOv11s-Every-Tue1day Night ' Gets Lead complllhl.ng something ar if hippies." w ~ou &re occupied there isn't DebC}:rah, w110 c t e a r I y any -interest in marijuana .. marches to her own drum, has In 'Eagle' -Hippies need pot because they the ~orld figured out. But t.hen have nQlhing else. she:, is .only 15. By U1e time "But I don't have any syin· she s 20 ~be may bav.e cban,- pathy for them just a ed her mind about things. It s A 2l·year-old East . Lo! messege : Staf aw'ay. r hate been known to happen. An1e!es .g.lrl af ~ex1can· slop py, lazy P.e<Jple and sexual Spanlsh-lnd1~ exlra~t.1on has romlscuity. That's what bip-7 -PREMIW•DllVE-IN SHOWINGSl- W-4!T DtSN!Y's "THE LOVE BUG"r1CHN1<0U>l ·"' "'" 2~d feootuN·"GIT" • "' -'-"",...... "' """'°'' "LOVE lt.IG'' at 1130&. 12 Midlli(lhl •"GIT" et 10:30 PA Complttto thlw • la°' lo.JCI PM. •• rouNTAIH.V.llln' DllVE·lff LA HA.IRA llltlYE If ... _ ...... H --· " MelMeeeeeM1~e•Ne1111a1• • . • GlllAT f.AMILY FUN Dff1 Jo11n -•luddy-,Ht1eli•tt 'f'~ •)o • 111 Wolf Di1ll9'J'& . t i..... , • ~ 11The Love Bug" ' . . • .. 4> Plus .Attdy Gfiffith J~rry V1111 Ovit• won the l~a~ng fenuntne r~le ~ies stand !or. in a motion picture starring , , . Anthony Quinn despite the 'I m . part Of the eslabhsh· facl that . she ' has had no ment. I ~ I'm not supi>;<>sed previous acting experience. to talk th!! way ~ause 1 m a Susana "Miranda has been teen-ager and I should be ,signed by producers Jerryl;~';;e~be;ll;;iou;;;';;· ";;;;;;::;:;;;;:;::;:ii Adler: for the role of Ann Looking Deer in "Nobody Loves Flapping Eagle," the SOUTH 'sW Warner Bros.-Seven Arts film based on the Clair Huffaker novel, "Nobody Loves a Drunken Indian." IXmllft.T ~ffOcll: • t•ffliflc:t 'Ill 11 PICKWICK~ ~2~.~~E.~! . $40-2111 174J .. -1,--~.-.... llo11,.... f213) 110 t41111 TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of • Tropical. fish & Suppliea ·in the area. Htw I LeWl111 tll W. WJUON, COSTA MESA :::.·~::~:.~·o,, _, ~-,.,:::.'~ 'blellrwlll1t1"111110tllctl '"4531 "Ah Angal in My Pocket" ~. --...,.~~ • = taa1aeaffl• .. -.-.............. ™'j- ; ' . BALBOA ,673-404i , • UC\'USIYI ENGAGIMENT ' 1 T l , A ' OQ & lO 20 I ~!J~.~ I ! . St ... ~'~ hye •--••f . . . llfL .. lloao .. 11 ... ..,,_" e NOW SHOWIH• e '"'-"' •• ,. .... t I Sllewt HJtlittY Sh11t-7:00 •lld 9:40 fMtll,._7;10 -11100 '!<' !:T'i:"April 'pt;,~ -' II :r,:°"rt'" n' ;'=ch-an1' 'J:.":'Jn.,,,,. 1. ,.11"he 1'\oril•s Crown Aff•lr" 1 • -~ ,,':.· ,. lec!'""'-ocled ,., Ad1lt1 1 ••IClll' w•~ ............. .._. ............. I . fnauliSIYE lNGAGIMINT "DAZZUN8!1lnc.e )IJU • iffiii'H never wiR Pidiir! 'RGmlolJiliiti qui~ Ille way you did befqre!" -UR .. ~ P~ 0'"1 Sh.rif ~ • 11iX.ckenna'1 Gold" Gt.r91 s.tti1 0110fl W•tht "The So'uthern St•r" --~ ............... '·' THl'f MUST~GO ~LL THI WAY. ur rp ~·~L _ Rlchtird l•rtott Cht .....,, ... "Where Eagin Dlf't'! Glen Petti "Heaven With A . Gun" • ...... ""'"'~, ............. , rt.y D ..... ''ThoM Ma•nlff~nt Men in Their Flylna Mlthlnt'" ._ ...... Dnld Niftll "C11lno Roy1le'' ' I -• -<I j .. ·--· Jack Lemmon .and Catheruie Dbeuve are·"Tbe·Apiil Fools" . ' ~ . -, Also starling l'eter Lawford, Jack. Weston, Myrna Loy and Cbarle;s l!oyer, > ' ~ . ,., ,-. Contl11uous • Sun from 2 p.m. Evtt. > ~" . 7:00 Ir ·f:ll •• • ' ' -'• •-. • J. ----' -r ~ • • ,_ • • ' I · I • I I ' I I .1 .. ' ' I • ·1 l ~ .. M oea-v,Pl).OT ,U DAILY l'ILDT ,. .. I • J EASY FINANCING ' -.---· , . • . ' ... --·t • • ·~ V.W.' S,q. Beck . $4. _ 3ao. " ... _ .c spd., rad io & heater. .I ~ CNAA 006). TOTAL '11.ltr + nra·11r. -,..,66..,V".".w .... '"'v'"'1r~1in-t ~$-1 ..... 0..._a_,j Fully factory equipped. ' , 'II • • ... , ! (TBD 741 ). , • 'T'O'l'AL· 1.:+'T•J:11 '65 Chev. Bel Air '66 Dodge Dirt . $688 '66 VoliuWigtn $68"' _. a·. G.T .• H.T., auto. trans., 4 speed, radio, hearer". · · R&H buc ket mis. (TZJ · • · (TBW 87') -• . ' . -' ' ~. 180): TO'TAlll'll<l+TM&U.. c . 1 TOTA\.~S+{Taai.i.. II t r .. -· '66 r.1c .. Fu111r1 $6&8 '6s v.w. s ... roo1 .-,$·68. a· Club cpe., V-8, r~o. heeater. 8-ucket seats. f _ {PCT 36-0. ' ·LL · ,."$ ""'·· 1ci+ Tix"' tOTAt.J.l.I -llll!...llW: _ mAl . . ' •• ... ""'"' ' ... ,j !' ;f 11 .,.,i 1·11 • I I I \ ., . ! • : I l .. l I "'l .. , • ' ' l I ' ' •\ ;~· -· . -· . '.·1 • • ,. , t I, . . ' -. IRANti -11Tw 1970 MAVERIC_K_ .. FIRST OF THE lO's Al 1980 ·PfllCES I IT'S A LITTLE GAS -M<Wrict,- prictd ,fo ~val the i1npcH;h, lfm yo• ·--..... "'"'""'-~ Miny people won't put en"" tful\ Clnt liitO M1iirlcll bec•uiilf'S 11f ,thtrt. A basic Maverick Is more thin 1 hsic cir. '1nANiT969. lftUNDfRBl:RD -NEW . . _ , . . .. . . . ,. Fuu-.itiu . , BRAND t}P!f...;_~ '69 F-250 STYL!SlDE '. &: o:Dq«AD<I 16~ . : .. ;,RAND : ;: 1~~9 .i · ' . ·-· -. BRA_ND NEW J?6? ..... :, .. '· . . .· _'BRAND. ~~ ·1969 .. ·; ; -&AN . Eft-O · · .-G.AL-A-XIE 500 . _ -. . -.COBR:A . ·MU STAN&· ... • _ ; 1,_ .t.!.._,i_ •;f FULL PRICE ~ ""~-•Ktr• •Niili1i11r, • 9l • • • • • , , 1 , (fl~~ Cl~!.,_, ,..tw, bldl· " ' -, 1, ' t'Mr "1'10111 W t• .~ tllW.J l~).[p..~~ l~hil!Pf!'.liftt F:i~~~~~~$~~:;. '~i::~~~::;:~Jr.:t'.~~~t 1989~ THUM~E~IRD '· ·GGR HUGE .t"~·-'' .~=:~~~~~;~~~~. '~~~~~:~t.r~~ . ,-.~ I I f l ' . . ' ~ -• •• ' ' . . .. I .Slffl'Jt $.IUtA~ ' . J .••• . ~ . • · . ' ! l ·• • • , · , A ';SpKial PUl'Chue"9im us 1119 opportunity tt 'offv 1~ -. · V.8,louto,,_1'· st~ .. R6H;'IJ'.:.. Ii"' . f~. · · · , , · '. , '. .· . Auto,1adio •. heat1r. IHZ,~QB. · · P~\(E,. . ·1969 GAl.AXIU ~·FAIWNES & MUST~NGS with LOW, LOW . ,,' •sh • .Super ~"1• ROJ>6l6. .. Pil~E -. ·•. / •. '<'" ~-· _ _____.___. ~ -";i.,_ ~,, • -• -~ ~ F ---, , --· · .f.6-~: ; .. "'. ~a~!~:!,,:~;,ng, 1qll . ' $2, s·a· . , ;~ ~t_G:~;~ ~~CES,iv• , . 'f$ ,'67 :~¥:a~~,~~~~jH~::·,~~···. ·_·$.:1·1"a· ~::a":',\ • . au lea:her in~r,lor ,N9. 34"1')2.,. ·PRlCE; . . • __ . ------.i.-.-.11111111!!-..irl--.i..--....--..ii , :.. : : ~-:. c~r w;rranty T~·. 005. . . . p~~E . . . '1., • '. . - --, '. ..... '..2'....-...o~Ja"""'~·;'--BE-~--Al-R-1 -·-. -_-_'$·-3· "'!"'!'8i.'..."!"1"!'8.·_>· SUP-iR SPECiA~:. ~:. ,;-' :'6' "4·. qHEY.~ % TPll PlJJ~o,;: :· .. $':1· :1·s···,8".;: r ·L -~ AulOmal ic, P. ste,r., radio heii. FULL . ' ' "'! -. . -. ' . .. R'dio,. healer, ne)" finish. L26(). FULl . : . . . ~ XNF '049'. ' ,,. ----~-.... -------... ----.-. •.•. 28. ' ' . ' .. I! • • . ~,,,. :,,.~. ·F;~~~~. 6002-tlr.":: .. $ 3 .:·s· 8 . 1 65 -~~~~-~::·,adi0i-JK•ter~ ;aL-. ~s6s& ~;61-.,~~E~;~-~~L~R1 .·o .' P~~E' . ~1···3· -3.' '·a·,:: ' .,.··. .. FUlL . • r-RI ,J. ~ \.·.au10.,~e-,st~\';•··act .. ~1~'.·fUU.r •··· , V-8, a1Jtp., P.:sl~r., radio, heat -----.------...,...·~---_, cond. Vacal1on·special. VEt 121. · ..i • . ", _ · . er. -:E~·!"li buyl PCB 124. PRICE . • · \ · . . · -.. . . . . : . : -. , <~RKE . '... . _ : • ,' -,',~,. 4·""'"· ' _D.,;;.AT~SU--11· -WA-80_11 ___ 4_8~.8 '6 5 ~~~~~~~eer, radio, hea l· FULL . $ 7 8 o; -i~·s·-. THUNDERBIRD· tAllDAU ' . l1· 6-. a·' :8' 'J )' · fULL $ . _ er. PU 021. PRICE Q·· ·. . Full pow" wi1h falt. air cood: . FULL.. $_ . .. •• 1 , Hea.ter, pucket seats. O.TV 948. , 1-------~---... -.... -----· _ XWZ 323. . 1. · , •• PRICE . · . -. . lllCE ., · · ._' '"""'!'-~· ... ·.-·!'"'' .,... ""'' -----~--' 1 CORVETIE . -· · . . -· -. . -. ·. · ·' ,,·~:5· TMiJMM•~Y. . . . . $48. 8 58 4u·isp04•4d1.radio,h .. 1;1.1!o·wh .. 1s · ~~L~,. $s·ss '66 Ep0110tllE :8AMP~R ·· .. · $.16··.a·.a·~·'.·,· E' . . PRICE Super Van,,With . now faclON 'FU.LL . · , ' speed, h"'ter, 'bvtket leats. · FULL · 2809 " . , f JOA 60S. type camper unll. Tl , .. . . P·Ri'i-r-• W'!l:i ..,., ""';•· . PRICE · ~ ',: ·,_/ v.oUtSWAOEll "BUI!'. $68,. .s· ·. '67 FORD CUSTOM s9~' s ·· . ~: . J CHEY. MlUIUTarlto'p"·:-: :·..:...:...:..'_ i:'.':!NI 65 "'v.i."auto., Bai. new car warr· FULL 68 $1988' • Raal"1,¥ltel.1G[eat buyit PEP· FULL . an_ly. TXD 389. _ _PRIC£ . . . . · v.s, auto. p. Sleirin~.'low mil;,. FULL. . , , ·. 323-+"· :-:\ . PRICE " 1 · • ·fact. worronty .avait, 11CK ·a19. PRICE • '. · . . , I , . ' . . . . ' -".... -· ---. ________ , ----~ -~-"-- f ' I ' I , I I I I - ., • •• • • .. • • " ...... -· ·1 ... ff DAILY PILOT frtdQ, July 4, l96'i aua• TELEl'JSION' VIE11'S . . Greatest . Show· on M09n By TERENCE O'Fl.AHERTY l! you have a · calendar bandy, circle 1July 20 ~ 21. That's when Neil Atffistrong will star iii a three-man show. ~ - Who is Neil Annstrong, you may ask! Reme.m- ber the name. He will be the first.human being to set foot on the moon. His "show'' is unrivalM for the Bwesome title of "The Most Exciting Single -Event ln the Hlstory-<>f·Man." • - TELEVISION is now planning an unprecedent- "91! 30 hours of conYouous coverage to give earth- bound viewers an instantaneous picture of the his- . toric moon walk. Most networ~ coverage will begin early SuDday altemooo, July ~. just prior to the un- docklng maneuver which precedes the descent of the . qioonship from Lunar orbit to the moon's surface. "t The schedule is based on a s11«esstul launch July 16, the. preceding Wednesday, Early Mooday morning approximately 10 hours afttt the ·landing, Armstrong will climb down the ladder and step onto tbe moon's surface. lfis first .;:task is to fill a bog with moonsoil and band ii to IUz Force Colonel Edwin Aldrin Jr. In the hmar ·~Die. 'lben Colonel Aldrin will join civilian Ann· •Iran& l<1t a otroll and approximately tw.o and a half :11ours of 'l'!enUfic experim~t.. * '*-* THE LUNAR MODULE which will land the pair 1 on the mooo is scheduled to carry a black·and·white '.Tv catnera in it. lower stage and telecast the pro- ceedint•· At the cooclusion of their moon-lighting the as- tronauts will fire up Ute engine and blast oil for ren· d.ezvous and docking with the command module which Air Force Colonel Michael Collins has mai~ -tainal ia IUDS'? orbit 69 -nautical miles from lhe moon's surface. Then it's hi.J».aod-away-we-go to Earth for a splashdown and recovery Thursday July 21. IN ADDITION to the black and white TV cam- era aboard the lunar module, a color camera is ex- pected lo..be cartied by.Jhe command module dur· Ing the eight-day fli ght, allowing the astronauts to beam live color pictures earthward. * * * Whal words will be uttered by the first man on Ute moon? \VUliam H. Honan directed this question Iowa.rd a cluster of famous people and their answers are recorded in the July issue of Esquire. The most tnterelting to me were these: e. , "NOW THE corruption starts!" said advertis- ing executive \Villiam Bernbach, who should know about •uch things •• : Father Malcolm Boyd: "! beptiu thee ID the ~arne of the F•lb"!'r. and of the 6Poi ond o! the Holy Gboet: Amtn. Ail right you CUYt, wlloever you are, Stuiilii!i 'behind that rock- come out with your hands up!'~ • Dennis the Menace • • PiRKINS GORDO WO>JO/!R l'l//AT'1//ls TH/f<J0 /S FATSO ..S7ANDS cw -141/l!.R'I MORNING/ ~· •••• • • . .. MISS PEACH . . . ' po·, ,:,lf•'11!1---W .,_llCl'Dfl ;if 1\1'!' .. Li~~~~ ma _ _. ' .t.., ..• •• • -- ----------~----~-~--,. • • a -o. ... : .. . -l No N~l'l> Hls O~t> f.>.t>Y'S OUT OF -rowN ..• ly Al S111ltfl ' ; . ... SllTURD/11 JULY I ',' 0 fl -. I '• t. ............ ~ ..... ~ -· l:JO!t.11/ci .. -' ....... ly Mel Dlll<llDllll-tQ aazoo•-1<1 . __ .... __ ( .. . -) '14 -""' -.. ... ....... m-"' ·--tQ e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS • e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing and O.peridable S•rvlc. for more then • qU•rter of • c1ntu,.Y • • -- • • . HOUS!!!S l'C>ll SALE,• HOUSES FOR ,"L~. , HOUSES l'OR t'!LE HOUSES FOR' SAl.E HOUSES FOR SALE· HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL E ' HOUS ES FOR SALE HQUSI S FOR SALE °""""' ·'.1000 Go~al · "l . '· IDOi!' O..,.,.r 1000 Gener•I 'II!' 0onor11 · .Jooo Gonor•I . . 1000G.n,,a1 1000 Gen•rol , 1• ~rol 1000 . ' . Tl IL' RT:.l\L -;z l:STA'lTRS fMJ t µ, BORDE, ~_!aJ!~ .. Pete. B arrell lea.It~ ·NEAl C-AT'"'OLIC CHURCH . P,'!!tl:Jtlri.b II· ~ • l..trllGE LIVING R,OOM with walnut .panel· , ~ CLUB t\,OWIE • ing; T~ree large bedrooms, two bath~. car-N&W'Pj)RT HEIGHTS -QuleUcwarmlY With • pool •)'dab!• wlih pe\,s and drapes.. Stainless sleet d9uJl:le kit-welCome. 2, bdrm home ait~ted. on a this net.t Ni-dwoad noor c.hen sink. dishwasber, BREAKFAST BAR large lotMtb a separate guest house sur-house • <Not a townhouse• 3 and DINING AREA.. Extra large patio1 fruit ·'roy.nded.liy well kept gardens. We invite =~~~\~~ih~~ trees and tropical plantings lends a 'pleasant you to see this at ................ '27 ,500. down paymel\t... uswne surro\Ulding to lbiS clean sharp home. PRI· IMMACULATE 411, LIDO CO~M!R 4~-~ GI loan or low down CED TO SEL L AT ONL Y.-., ......... , .$~,7501 M in diti · 3 bd " d.-with .-,., SC. th1' . • . . ove-con on, vacant. nns .... m-bom n4:950 . CHE'ADIE-CLOSE IN ing room. 3 car gara~. Stinn'y eatro & "'.'""<•. ' , I . maxunum privacy. ' MESA VERDE ~LY $11,tSO. Don't let the price fool you. lease for Augus t -$1000 A lat&e 1800 gq. ft. 2 fire. This two bedroom .. elegan,~ly carpe~ over placc..s. ~R&Nte taUPdr,y -• Wood floors has· been' remodeledrecen!fY §~~ '··CUSTO~ " BEAUT IFU L,-. d~•l~!:!'ed for ""'m, 3 -· bed,..,.., Offers a BEAt:IY.IFUL BUILT-IN KITCHEN Californ1a living, charming msIC!e pat10 Pleasant co~red-pallo. Pro. . WfTH ASH1 CABINE·TS, breakfast bar, din-with retra~tible roof, 3 bdrms. d.ininJ landscaped. Fully sprinkled. ette area, and s e p a rate service porch. room,. family room, Must see to app~ec1-Like new Inside & out. You Live in -corpf9rt and shop only two blocks . ate this Baycrest home. can usume a 5\4% VA loan ,away at J;:. 17th Street Shopping Center.-R-2 R-2 COSTA MESA _ Tree-shaded com-$33,!l;l),- LOT ' ADD ANOTHER UNIT LATER. fortable home-at'rear Of I a'r g e lot -.j !llG .. ONES -NO D' o· w ·N VETE" RANS 52x218'. Can build 2 or possibly 3 more On one of t"' •h••P•"t WANTED: • WEAL1;HY CLIENTS TO ASSUME LOW INTEREST LOAHS t~•"1 -Solid 3 bdrm with shag ·carpets, alu· minum· patio cover, vinyl fioorlng & delight· ful landscaping .. Lovely area,, n~ar shops , schools, church & library. You can assume $16,500 FHA 5~% loan & price is .... $30,950. Diive by 8t 1633 Mlnorca. ~ ' 6'hY. -Just listed. Immaculate 4 bdrm, 2 story family home with formal dining room, panelled family room & sunken living room. With approx. $13,000 cash & assume 6Y.t % 'ins, loan -payable $242/mo. (PIT!), Owner transferred. Drive by2000 Balearic. Price ts 8 )O\V ..... ~ ........... , ........ , ... $39,950 • 6l/4o/. -Golf course custom. 4 bdrm single story floor plan with spacious grounds & i1n- maculate maintenance .. Opens on to the roll- ing fairways of the h1VCC. Large loan at 6~% is assumable -price is ..... :.$66,950. See it at 3036 Java. units. Detached laundry house. "pride of ownership" 1treets ONLY $1,200 DOW!j F.H.A. Clos.e-in location 1901 GLENWOOD --llAY~REST. n-.. In .,, .. dcl M., -Th• ') rn 6 three t,ed~ms wilh HARDWOOD FLOORS Sunde I 5 '"--r-•• well deslgrfed stngle story n . ~ -1>~ and sepwate dining room. Enclosed garage, · y • ' Do see t his appealing & gra• hu 4 BIG bed,...m,, ' es-a. e~ e.J\e"1.1 \vjde 76 foo~.Jot, easy· access to rear yard. Let c1ous 3 ~rm-home! Huge dining room. BIG family room and 11 us work.out lhe·details for you. FULL PRICE . ~mli~J~chenieu~al ~~by room ,& a !!.~!~~~ m'oo> ::~~ 2111 MW Vl•Df D• •• COSTA tiiW • PHONf , ..... ,,,. ONLY ""' ','."" .. '.".:"""" .$20,950. e g ' mas r m SW.. ONLY 131.!l95. NO_ EJNANCE_CHARGES -J-~in _Qe!n s_,.1urd1ys LSlll!d~•Y • cOM:-SEE OWNER .WILL CARR Y 1sT TRUST DEED PETE BAR.RETT REAL TY ouR PREnY f r Iii' d b 1600 f 1605 NEATER l.han a pin. Easily 0 -H 0 qua .. uyer: sq. t. completely WMtcliff Dr •• N.B. t"' nlce<t3 BR.2 ... .,,. .. , A pen ouses carpeted and draped home. Large living "·-64"·5200· . 1 N H ~ Lo f room, three bedrooms, den , din1':,{;,.oom, 1% t-~ ~;wi:;::.,.:"";;-;:';, !.;.. Barrell. Reallf * balh. Buill·in kitchen with bre st area, ~--brick with an ·-deep · . 1807 B It shell large, covered patio with ou.tside sink and tot and alley acce~s that presents f.. U on -built-1n ba~b-que~oublei-garage;-fenced rear--I ;G;;;;.,.;;";;r;;•l;;;;·;;;;,;::;;:;;;;';:000;;· · Genitif .· --rooo makes-tt perfect-tor 1tw!· , t-.. BAYCREST · yard ' beautifully landsr~.n ed. spririklers. . camper and boat crov.·d. C t L'k p I Sat/Sun 1-5 8 '"""IT TAKE OVER 5V• GI $33.SOOEasily fina.Aced, 1 o~n ry· 1 e r vacy Outstandlng S bdm1 home ' L~.:J ~~:Tr.l~HRl~NETDETR!SSTELRL~AT~Sn~~YD f11'E-0YER 5t 1,o,it -LY-$U5_ e · 0~11~ ~cp~i "'.=~~~ wlJ!. torm•t dlni"l: ""'"" w ·~• AR '4 ra 1--~P"'E~R MONTH -COUNTRY-, ' -· !iiii.-1am11Y ""'"'· '"'"lou' . , , .•..... -... , ....... , .•. '' • •••.•.. $27,950. dro11s~ng rooms. Separate master iullc. Can be shown anyt· GI LOAM fncluded everything. NO ESTATE n1ach1ne work 11hop, trees • · * tme. · QUAUFYING!! 3 &Pie -in-in the_city_ 20x30 Wv. Rm. room for horses. Very com-• INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY span bedroom• ""' 2 batba, Lot 125 x 300 -s"" "'"'"'· fortablc 2 bdrm 2\> balh 1733 Candl11t1ck Tl1i.s "ll I G II BAL-ilARD\VOOD FLOORS! CUs-Elee. kltcDen ~ lldwood home with family room • BAYCREST Loe t d ' lh ANCE" GI loan is mon-n 20 '" I _, a e 10 e cent.er of the COST-A• MESA tom drapes! Beautiful USED oors. x "" sw m .,....... · kitchen. Exclusively ours: S•t/Sun 1.5 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Six year old 2.. ~r ~~ ':r ~ BRICK FIREPLACE! Grae-$79.500. flr!t time oUered by oflglnal s Bdrm 31,4 bath honit built 000 squ, tire foot build, ing presently used a' s a' l.~-ious yard with Nock wall • owner. by Ivan Wrils, Owner mov· lu bin h '''-Y 3 bdrm home. On-fenclna:~ AA low .u S2SOO .16'x45' . M II P m g s op, easily adapted to many in-ly S mimltt1 to OCEAi'l. down or try NO OO\VN TO PLAY ROOM llill'i WestcHU.Dr, NB 60-S200 1rtg East, Ult se . dustrial or commercJal uses. Three 'priv~te Boet storait. outside VETS 'th ... · o1 •-• ,, * offlc t I ~ ho f ·~-w1 a oo~ pno, • =room~ ln batba on "· JERRY FREUD . es, S orage room pus large shop ·area 1 wer or .. .....,.., return-•low, low $22,750. eluded private: drive. Sep. TRADE Y OUR HOME- witb over head doors. Property completely ;n1 from Jhe BEACH. . WE SELL A HOME playy•'" -FamOy """'"" R,. .. ,u ... o< how much CHAS. ARNOLD ~~ac:k-~pp.ed and chain link le n c ed. AN Pool sized )Qt + many EVERY 31 MINUTES -$54,500. lOt;t.. down.j equity you have, on lhis HOME ON THE RANGE '14 ACRE --, Looking for something w It b sdme "LAND''! Here it is! "4 acre ideal for the family who needs room !or any )ype ofx ecreational v e 6 t•c.l e • Great-access to all yards, Custom built with 4 bdrms. w /w c,rpets throughout, Roman tub &; shower, service porch. NO DOWN .VA OR FHA or Conventional. Terms fvail- able. Huiry! Hurry~ Only .... $30,050. COATS & WALLACE RWTORS <&·tt) 14'1 BAKER STREOET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. --- General ~ IOOOG1M r•I 1000 j . -COidweii, Banker OFFERS: IRYINE TERRACE _B•Y•der• Drive -Immediate Occupancy Exciting 4 Bdrm . 4 Bath home. Beautifully furnished. Classic architecture. Swimming poot.--Spectacular view of jetty, ocean &: bay. $189,500 Mrs. Raulston DOVER-SH.ORES-WATERFRONT' Gracious two-story home w/3 Bdrm!. Oin. rm., paneled dep w/frplc. Wine cellar, Pier &-11oat $1'~;000 - Mrs. Raulston UDO. 4. BR. PIER & SLIP 4 BR. 3'h Ba. Near new Spanish on 2 tots. Walled patio w/lge. pool. Slip !or 5,0' boat. Custom quality tbruout. $149,500 Sue Clarkson WATERFRONT DUPLEX $77,000' E Al: BUY AT ' ..... -· ............ $33;250. ~~~. l~ov.;R~ Wal~er & lee -' lUper .llha.(1> .1~'0-Slory, with 388 E. :_h;: .• C.M. Present financing can be assumed. 8 K , ... 1nc11ng staircue leadi~ to -:::=======:\! " , • , , • • $2 .000. 4 Muter Sized Bedrooms. m SALESMEN· SALESWOMEN NEEDE.D • Ce>.-.Ts """""""~·~'..,"",· •• .....,, ea1rory ""'""""'"" forma1 Slip & pier w /lovely 2·story custom 3 Bed· room 3 Ba. (master BR. 555 Sq. It., fire- place, view); lge. patio: also 1 BR charm- ing apt. w/sundeck. House vacant. Quick possess. Mary Lou Marion '" 220 E. s ..... _. St. IE. 17th St. Shoppllig C:tr.l · & ,,..,,.. 6i1ti·7J7t • 546·2313 dinin( room with thick shag WAL.LACE -'iiiOiiiOpc ... nii'iililii9iiiPiiMiili!i. ;;;; ;iiiiiiiiiliOiiOiiOiiiiiiiio I carpeting. Stunning fire. --~4-•.· 055 P-~ -REAL-TORS --n.~.,7·s-rr -,,1, ... ··~·1,.,,-1S.ooo Down V' V ~ 54Ml41-Strictly C,ustoml · vpcn .Ml Un 1•;, •nd 1ako ov•r 10~ ini.o.,t tDpe.. Ev ..... ) lor that JUJ'OO'r Executive GI loan. Askln~ $35,500. Sub- ;:.~.:"~~fn::::,:::~·~ 2359'(ollege Dr. ·~E SELL A HOME Open Sal /Sun 1 ·S 459·f:-191h11reet FIRST OFFERING-VIEW Har!>or Vi~w Hills, Lu!k ~~-~e. Be!utiful, immaculate 40eiiroom, 3 tiaUis , family rm. 2 .Fireplaces. Brkfst. rm. & dinin~ w /.el· ceptlonal view. 3 car garage. $69,960. )i1ary Lou Marion 211£.llli 146-llli COSTA MESA SALESMAN NEEDEO INVESTMENT ORIENTED? ~:~a~~ ::aonv;~e~ COLLEGE p~ CINDER· EVERY 31 MINUTES ..... ,, i ,.,., bdnns. lam-ELLA HOME wltt> ad<ll.'d Walker & lee Just a ple1u1anl walk lo West· cliff Shopping Center. Plenty parl<ing for boat & trailer + sharp 3 BR house. hard· wood l1oors, 1 car garage. 3, BR. -POOL-WESTCUFF Reduced $4,000 -now just $44,750, This immac. 3 BR .. fam . rm., on corner lot w/1. fepced play Yard,,. Owner moving & anxious. Joe Clarkson you'll like our friendly service Evening s Call 646--4579 or U~lOSO You might be tht! o~ to help ua bflp othen aolv~ their investment ~. Buslneu Is gttat. We're bu!)' and need one properly qualWed Uy room dining area plus 1amily room near llar)lor gpe.rk:ling' Royal Pool, Ml Cen~r on qiileJ street. PTic-7682 £dinii!r 842-4455 or 54Q..S140 Open Eves. $24,500 bar etc, Pr.ice just reduced! ed na:ht. ' 1000 Genera l 1000 per.ln to work in our lnVi!sl.- 541-5110 Ot];f;i:l-.._lbelbt) .. J..~t.~ Newport •t -v 1ctorl a 646-1111 , Income al Home pean 3 bdnn house 1n com- mercial are11. with aood frontage on Brookhul"5l St. Suitable with u~ permit for honie &: business. (Sale aubject to month to month tenancy). $"2,500 Newport •t Victoria 646-1111 Anytime Assume SV:z•,4 $178,00 Mo. Total 4 Bedrm. Collet• Park No qualifing, anycne can as- sume existing low interest 51,i S~ loan. With all built in kitchen, double garage, fort· cd air heat, block w a 11 fence, brick fireplace, cul' ~ sac lot with fruit trees galore, you can't miu, Call loday. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 -m@rif' department. For ad- ditional informatk>n. call Mr . ..,..,...,.., ...... ..,..,,.! Mcea..1e • .... :zsu. Waterfront · ltd" &46•7171 • 546·2'3 4 BEDROO'°'S No Down YA This l.t a quality home with cement drtvewa,y &: aha~ roof. ontY 3 years old. ·Sell· ee will pay a.ll buyer's cloa-in& costs & will it vc you $100 to move 546-9521 or 54U631 Duplex \vith pier, all W! fo~ $63,500. Good financing. 18li0 Ne-..vport Blvd., CM JUtr. 646-3928 Eve. 646-2290 Lac hen my er WESTCLIFF AREA 4 BEDRM • $2',400 Park like yard. Prestige ~ cation. 2 baths. Luxury built· In kitchen. Room for pool, boat & Lrailer. 540-17W TARBELL 2955 Harbor Cozy 4 bdrm Paet>sel· ter, upper Mesa Verde area, Ju.sh land&eaping, n11tr. suite lfepo.rate from o I h e r bdrrru. $34,$0. •")1!.·s ,;\ ~r~.· ')\ ,· ,11 t1 • . 546-5990 J ~ Ke Nichols ONE BR Cotlaie w/..,. • BEACH DUPLEX • "ANGEL CAKE" zoned for busineu, $14.500 , R ealtor · 2 Bachelor Units Bread.• Butter Unit& Triplex Wowl 51/1% In terest LQw dO"-'" paymtnl. Will as- sume !:!~% loan without aiiy secondary financing. ils four bedrooms, 2 baths. best Costa Mesa area, built-in Newport •t • Vlctotl• 646-1111 lenytlm1 ) kitchen plus mueh more.1 '::::C:::::::;:::\j Your Iota.I payment includ-1 ' ill&'. laxes, 1nsuranc:e, pri~ clpal and inlerest will be leu than $180.00 month. ORANGE COUNTY'S ~AROEST • 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 MESA VERDE i $23,950 Nothing like it in this deair-. $21,500 able area al this low price. I '·:-=:::=:;====='II King sized bedrooms, 2 I 1 J """"·Built-In""'' & oven. DOYEK SHORES '4<>1120 • 6 BR. 5 BATHS WESTCLIFF EXTRA SPECIAL Newly -painted-S-bedroorli;-2-bit!I wtth + fireplaces. Enclosed rear yard, huge, for pool, children & garden. Al $38,5001 low• est price in area. Close to schools. Walter Haase OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1 TO' 5 !312 QOLPHIN TERRACE, IRVINE TERRACE This charming lltUe home needs a family. It's vacant. Beamed ceilings, shake roof. :l • Bdrms., but room to add mor~. Across the street from $100M homes. This one $38,500 fl1rs. Raulston COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEW~ORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 133-11700 TWO BR home & dei .. large 'wi&aOiii&-OiiOii..., Xlnt loca.tion! $29 ~ 1.~ m1., 1ron:1 So. Coast Plaza. 4 bdrm + family room. SW lot. G'a.rage + workshop. I' "ORAG£ GWG£ ~--roe Wlll'o•-'son Financing IS euy! S.12.500 per mo pa.ya allot FHA or R-2 zoned. $18.800 .II' ...._ • _,, -BOYD REAL TY Conventioua.L THREE BR bome' 1% bath&, . ~ J.,=-o REAL~\.._~ 3629 E. Qout Hi"'al'• CdM TARBELL 2955 Harbor NEW 2·STORY DUPLEX -Bal"°' f~.,... VIEWI $119,600 Three , yeim, good rental. Frank James Rltr. 548-4617 $~1 950 near ahopping. bo,750 $20 MON .,,.......,.,,,. , 673-675-5930 RAND RL TY. 645-2340 Wells-McCudle, Rltn , JH _ :Ow. db:ect 64ifi, Chari< la y...,Ad "'""' ciu<lllo<bT 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. -Whltl!" elephanlS! Dlme-.·llne 548.77'l9 anytime &I Riddle Rltr. 646--5855 >'0\11' ad, then sit back and Somttme will be k>oklne Jor Dial ~ Jor RESUOI'S listen to the phone rine! tt. Dial 642-5678 Want cub/interest in 4-6 unitl Tustin UPa. $31.1'.m equity, Wrtte C/O Jack Brewer, General DeUveiy, Balboa fsl.'Princlpa1s only. rr•s A REVELATION the many barcatne yuu • Und 1n Clusified Ads. Checlc the111 now! DAILY · PILOT BEST IN THE WEST General lOOOGonorol 1100 Genorol 1000 GoMrol . 1000 Genorol 1000Gonor1I I ,_,, I '" CHECK OF B/B ,. ·~-... -LIST OUR ' BEST THE .SIGN OF SERVICE ,,....'""i 'l'J e REPUTATION D VACANT AND RM"DY !'Ol. TOUl MOVH So attracUve, IO livable, so low priced. Sharp 3 bedroom 2 bath, large living room with fireplace, qua1ity carpetJ and dI1lptt, electric bulll-ln kltt:hen. other wanted features. Ir· ~vine vuq 'Townhouse where you neve all the ,added con- vtnlencea llke shopping, school&, play y~ . .wlmrnlng pools and tt"nni1 C(>U?'ta Just a w)Jllper away. llnder priced at 127,450. See It aoonl 0 1rs NAUTIFUL IT'S LOADED! This "you gotta sec'' -It's the model home decorotor'a own ' home -and hie has spent thousands or dollani on extra wall pepcr, unu5Ual built-IN, furniture. that matches the decora .. tion aod ~QeJI with lhe home, too many features to descl-lbe. Locat~ ln a wonderful new world o( Uvlng where you e:njoy 1wlmmlng poola. te:ntilil courts and othtll rtettaliooe,1 1,c1u- Ues. lbere are 3 bedrooms, one huge one upstaln. lllthe1t quality f:&rpeu aod dl'!pes. $42,500 much under replacement C06l. Su'nda.y would be a w:ood time. to see it. e IXl'IRllHCI e Dll'INDAllLltY 1'or over 20 years client.I iooking for bOmes in the Co-. rona deJ Mar -Harbor area --N.v• depend<d on "' '"' D OUTSTA,NDIN• HOME IN IRVINE ftllAC! help in solving lhtir rtll es· A Wl3 of Ute for those "'ho know thll area. 3 luxurious bc!d· tale nffds. rooms; .314 baths, (a + vaJue) bright sunny kitchen. spec· todfy more -µw, evtt buy--tacul&r. llvtna--room-wtth-Yaulted-~g.--'1J'lequall@d marine -~ uallfl u vle.w. En.laY cool 8-)' b!'enes ad'ou th~·lai'ge swimmlni pool. ers •~ our: q ca ona, Oree.t pf.tfo for entertatnin~· loolc out your wtndowa for y,ith all the new queUona A.1 . on ltnandng, "Truth In Lend-{tl.Cew wh\t4): iafll on the btlow. Sound upmslve'!' No, ~'" Ulterest ratl':ll. value lt'• just $69,500-&nd on a choice corner location. Why not D ftST TOUR ·IESISTANCE On this 4 bedroom + Family 'Room, 3 baths, wfth ap exotic -pool-In Bhelterff, HawaJll.n &ellin.,.,Bett-Coreft&-.del M.,..io.. cation lends Itself for all family activltita. Owners tramfer prompt.I a $5,000 reducUon for quick sale. Warrants minute lrupeclion. Priced now at '69:500, A 'lUl pleuurt to llhOw - rqy we Include )'OU! f-knowledge.. ThC! OMS to lee call lo lnspecL ' ",,.. "'"' •t BIB. .l 0 NOT NIGH -NOT LOW -JUST Rl•!fTI Helen Pattenon, Dick Col-0 ON POPPY -CDM -HOT; IUYI $49,HJ $34,t<b -and YoU'll .a1rte: whtft fOt.I inspect: this Ju.t~li8tc4 . s'i;r,tng·the.Jlorbor.,. ........ •. A•ta$l11<•·1'4 2407 -c:-t kit..;.; 67s.f000 -- • Yin, Helen Ander-.on, &!tty Ocean Vlew1 apaCIO!;IS 3 ~. 2 btth, on \ 'tOrner wt th 3 bedroom, CUrthavm home,.,Tbe location ii ideal, C19fc td, Grubb, ttua Austin, Lorena 120' frontage. A home for. f wbo _v-1.uu..aocL WJ!oolii and shoPPl'lK, ln~_f!l':Jih~ olwcl!_ kepLpi:oper~ Saundery. _Ruth Bennett, J: wa:nr C6m 1 I · ear p:rap UilOitb Cit-on a plcluteSqtte~ ti'ii;;hb • t. Owner tiU prl* th IA Lieaha:rd Smith, Co-owner • .11~1 cablnetl. 0 COl.l~e -wan• ilala.lle:r ~" and are to aell ario l8 lt>avlng aitt. QuJck po&&cS,Sfon."ltowits sell well •ttnaaer. ~this below mukeL Call now-)'OU'll bl'jlail )'OU'did. het~ w• suggetl an early calL 1 • BAY and BEACM ·REAL • . ' • 111111 B/B • d M~•NIFICINT -OC:EAN AND llA Y VllW One or our heft \value, at $54,500 aiid It's In Irvlne Terra<!e. All large rooms lncltRllng 2 nlce iltfd bedrOona with con· vcrUble dtn1 .2 batlul. A ·~heap o' living" here. Beautifully ~ccorated lhruoul Leasehold $250 Ptr year. Truly • perfec- tionist honle and lhe priCe agaln-$54,500. U lhil rlnp a bell, call w. D OCEAN NONT LIVIN• AT ITS IUT . Thii 'eorona del Mar Boulevant·home has ll! An addreM rou'~ be'VJ'OU(l to~ve. Unobttrueted v:it"W at aU craft mter- 1ng or Jetvln&, the harbor. 3 lara:e yj~ bedtooeil plUI con- \iertlble <kn. &lqtnt livltlg room with adJo)~C pe.U~k. has 110' lrontaae on Ocean Blvd. -and you own it, no lfut. I&-taw..a-~nadoua-bl,q._r-lo~te-whal ii offered here at $98,500. FOr a 1un•tllled }oyoua Summer ,>'ou 11\ould lff th 1 Jt's 11.1pleuurt to &bow. • Up fior ~rabsl Atniitlon: Salesmen Obi' ftk:O front window dttk l'ftd)i"·Od waltinl for an ·-,.,.....,.,_or......,.-!(._""' opp<tCioto pi.ff.Mn\ 1uft'(iitin1Jhrs, modern offitt, tJilil ~nt otd ntabllshed flrm -traffk: lo&.don -oonatnlll MIOQ\a~s -then ctill for an lnte.rview!° J. Leonard Sn:il\h, Manur:r 675~ "\Ve ma.kt Yotl fee.I welcome at BIB." ~ - --~ • • ( I l t ., ' '~"':~'°"\.'-'.:"'T·~-.. :·;.i.;;._-, __ ,-·, .._ .... ~.·r:.i.,..,.. -··· ......... " ,--,"f-;; .f': .-.. -.---;;-.·---. -~;;;s;;-.-.• .v ...... -.,.,.~=-o:~:;;:;"\'""==""'-"'"":"" .. , ___ ,...~-·--~-------··"""t'I~ \ f'"''"Jub-4, 3~ Ja p~~y P!LQT "llMiiha>H,..,.....----cH"'60:ims1"'snl'"o""'R Dti HOUSI S '°" m1 tcuil!lis FOR U L• --·· ' lOclcl -··· 1 .. °""'"' . fl ~., E~ H.~ , tAYRO.Nt; ' 'the best ~IYfr•nl ~u)( li~ol't Htil'l19r. Onlf 5 years old; 1\aili!JOmely 'redecorated. 5 Bedrooms, larJp,,1\v!ng ~Jatmal din· Ing room,~~*""~'~ & 1JOAt Owner mo ij<, il.U,l ••111-f's~g '125,000. By app'I. ' ' , •• !>()V. SHC>RES t i ·, SaturUI, Jlll1 ~. 1 ~ . ' HOUSH Pbl SlLE HOUSU POlt SALi, HOUSlS POlt SALi HOllSIS POlt SALi HOUSIS POlt J.'t.1 iiiiiiil:°=;::::;'~;:':;:·;;::· :;::::::;11;;ooq;;••;•r;•;'· ;:;:;:;:;;;::;· :;;';;;•:;;-Gonotof 1100 -·• 1090 ~l;;MO;;;;_;:;;._ ;;;;SUI;;;:_ .;;;; .. -;J ] 11\ 1\1 ill. ~ l . !'.'\ l'L I~'-~ 45 !tot of Boyfront with ,plor -...i n..i. 'lled-. 5 •tfi ....... , .'l'"llt .-. --. lWIU& UOHTS • .W111ld y., 9'011,,,. .1161000 P•ll.Prlcol See -briutthll now inn • SV•,.01 LOAH WtU.' "°'"" fllcl..-lht e..-TJ...t or ""11111( I" lnttretl , .. "!1111 ~ I f ' f.. ~I • • Ip Do\Otr'&llqm, 0 -mod-r&ttl> to --dOWO! iJ:b~ e. IAi.lftAZIAY """b . -. ~ ... lo -__ ...... s _..,. Jo """' °""' • Oiidit . "'!" ~ rK , Md~ 3 bl\ll'll. '3 car P1'"" union. rmrnaculat• a bed- 2309 W. BALBO_A BLVD., Iy_EWeQR'l'.BEACH amJl>nnaLdllllnr-...m. .J'l!!>!!!'A tamllj> ~ ~ _ 6}3.7420 'II ... 671•'127 ••lilll arta l<J kl1¢1ena . .\ll wllh ~•lll·m '"ill<..-~c'J.} ,• '( ("I 1 ' • , , I"--,\ wltll ou11W1i!U.. vltwl. With ~r + =....,.· I I Thu ston\ bome oilers yeJ1'1hlng. i th view & 1m0ugb-land foll .. children .. Ex-ecutivo 2-•IOl'Y,. s bedroom .. 3M! balh; huge •unk•n• family • room with fireplace & walk·ln wet bar. ,lleauliM outSjde elevated temice. Sep· arate lnatd'i·qO.rt'!" .. 3 car garage .. ~leclr1c . heating. Only' Sl!B.500. Shown dall~ ~II if , ·-.... -----_.,.... .... -OI'~! pools, . •l,f.'N-ta~f?•r d•<7~-:?tJl mocl•I ®'n dally al 1'30 'iii,500''pik!O Ii oWi!lr will _ l""';:;o • .,.-l r--~ -·-Gtri'irof ~ rQGO ,~-Dd\19. Cut)O; 2nd truol deed. S.~ tt - t ' ~ Gtnor1I 1000 '< 1 ·, Roy J, Wan! Co. wblle •Pj10rlunil> t<noc:ko:- , • ' · • (~t Ol(lcel • I! Fi·,; .. NCING BUY TM&y 14!0 ~ . 646-1.ISO NEWl'ORT H l(IHTS ""' . ·-• . Priced ...,_ • 2•-B/1\ + HullTING? - - -I JllilT 'IUYSI . """' "''"'"" T'· Spotltu. t'()R YOUR J"tJTUR.E Pt11lnaijll. pt ·• 'artr, 3 Sr. J'.Ce;~r lot..~ fo? 00.t or T" tlll1 lovely C bdrm, 21' INDlMllMllR DAY -. on 50' tt. Jot Newly traU.r or bolb -Hurry - bath: Jamibr roOm home In UIRlllftU painted, Jooks_J{real! SG,500 \f911't, lut ,41 _ 1!11 ~ -:. app't .. ,II\ "i'> , ~ 1 ;. , " ~ -. ,,. . QUALITY BUILT ~:·.'WIT V· IS NOW OPEN Adji.t_Cnt "tb;Dgyir Shores, on c~oi~e sµ-e~~·,1 1 ;~ F'ormal dining r o o m; ~ bedd'Oorns, family room ·with adobler brick fireplace. ·Beaull· .. Pti* from'$2~;99S'to $34,200. t ale.1 Ofl!te ope_n dally Newport' Beach '°' '""' DOVER SHORES;,s bdnni '2 DUPLEX&S ... $2s.li!XI;,, ,, ' ., l'O •ta 'l!'Pbpne-988-2929 or.988-1888. -' . --;. -l'oolcJIR<l .>aro. lVlllJe""1 3 baths, ramu,-..,,. a"" On adJol.'*1c r .. 1011 2 llr. --~-· ,, • • or leue opUon. garage Sheltered p001 89• tL apt, Steps to oCean 1. COL.Ll!l!I.~ ,PAR,.. ful master suile with wall,.of mirrorM .~ar,l· robes & separate dressing room. Heated & !ilteretj pool. ¥king J9~.~oo. Call.lot app't. -~ " IA-YCREST -,;; -- - Beautiful U·shaped home; all glass to .An· thony heated &' fil tered pool. 3 Bedrooms, large living roomt formal <tinin_g room; inter· com thruouL Aslii0g '79,9so: Call for app'.t. -" OWNER BUILT · 2 Level lamily home, 4 DearoOms, lluge lam· '· ;, ,":; .~ . ..S,.t/S~, l~ or ee.f vw Ont)' 1 'year Ba,y. e>wner prete~ 11ellin& 3 Bdrm• & f'1\tlly room. AD -1 _ 423 FRANCISCu younr '$8T s00. ..,.th<r. 152.!!0o Eaoh now "6rpelillg and '"'ohly ! · ~ ' 81lbff Real E1t1t9 Co. pflliited. Room~ tor heat or ·Ganer•L 10000.nerol loo01 "' oin.fl.1 -:·. r . ~; 1000 OPEN 1 • 5 DOVER siioilEs· I bdml• JOSEPHINE WEBB, Realtor ' tniler plut the ch-.. F Rl7SA-'1'-/SUN . ,Lba!)>l,-1.\lDIJy~ with 1ro:i;;Jlllboa m..i,; Balboa ~~ !°!': ~-5!1 Ii T<7TLTIL~ --~ --"--wrr3 -·211 N ... R d · flr!•IA,., rcent>OJ ,..,.. .. • • m-044 · • ~·· ~ .. -. -- --• _:ww_zayax_ __:_ -COSTA MESA u 90v oo ' atiium'wllb""'·bar ·& slid-. . i Open $unday l . 5 3JI c;QIT4 "'~SA ST. r;;oVE rN NOW. a ... to cw .... _r rr>•nxm ,.,.,,..; i...;... • .1 p •••··· . . . .J~1DOV¥111 ~.•50 OP-EN SA'I' & SUN l·S & 1\" ~uk set1oot. 3 bdnni .,..m over'3-<;ar _.,for lllllRW• 0-SSIOR Sl\O""s~'hom\o th flack h<Y • , ' · ~ , : • -• ll1!I >' l'OOm, ttial pool table Of' ?'. Lux· , · area. Owners have .moved • · / • · · • 1'430 Sere11ade Good· ciean. 3 bdrm. home JEAN .SMITH lJtlbu>ll> ~lid 'dil.pod & 3 BR l i>Jltbo. Ortplaoe, car. • lnn11'9jal•" .......,... • 3 --I"""-' lie T"'rra· c-··· -•'"' !!""' ,.nta1 °""r""" R Ito ' '-landsc..;.& . c ou11tandlnl "''· drape.o, bull«ln• •. ...,.. ''lied"'°"" a 'Fam"9 ""!"· --..-.. • qe, "'u.aHty ~l enc-ea . ! L B:ay Vlew. Un;que dl!Sian. hie 1arate. -$23,-r~ -&autU\Jl COWrttf1.!tiO. ~n- - ----. --L ed yJrd like pnvate park, 646-3255 custom buUt by Ivan Welli. Weflt-McG•rdltr Rltrt. -tercom thruout • 9ool au:e ily room, I a r g e living room ; 2 fir_j!places; 1 spect.acular Ocean ~iew. Oply , $68,ooo;..caU_. !or app't. • Immacu.late home with lush garden pa tio. Oowerinr a~bl. lrult tree• 400 E. 17lh, Costa MeA 1810 N9WJIOrt Blvd., c.M. yard. b~autiful lrees ...... , .... , ... , ..... $42,500 A: vegetable. aardeh. TbU -o J w·• ,, C 54!-7729 an)'tlihe · • Wm. Winton .. Realtor • uv1na~AYSHORES OCEANFRONT HnME ;:~"~J.,.;;., ~· -5 L.IK BA~:!s:zea' c~~~T./'Ev ' . WESTCLIFF ,, · Charming bome_,witb _ ~a~tif!ll.lan~cap\jlg, 1 Sycan1ore & Olive~trees .surro.unif 1200 ft. covered p a ti o. 4 Bedrooms~ faqi.ily J\OOm, Iairge liviilg ~m; sprll!kle,rs._ ~n beaJitlful, move-in condilion .. AskiD.g $4~1950. Call for ·• app't. . iohn mac:nab-... · 11-.1· ~-~W!.D'cf.QI.l.P~NY 90 l Dover Dr., SUl te 120 6424235 229 Marine, Balbo• l1l1nd , ENJOY thla-bea.ulilul home, • 'P"I , l430 Galaxy. . 646-~ V4 ACRE • $32,000 In the city, 20x30 Liv. Rm. clOle to private beach -and ~ · -"'-~ l Jlo he 675-3331 • ). ' Open 'tll t ·Ivery Nifht Bay aub lug a bdrm. Open fe r ln1pect1on TAADE YOUR HOME ••"C<:I" · wera everyw re! Lot 125 x 300 • 5 car garage. , ,. .. • J-,. , .,_'I ' ~1• e · / & · ... _._.,,,, o! how mu, h CU.tom built hame. Master El~. kitchen -"wt floon. frr ------' ------·~ --......._ ---fa.m· rm .......... _vn, w w """""-'W il..4' bedreoml, l baths. im..RQI)) ~ .._ LWSWWRLLPZAZWWW draoet: 2 b&tN;, 3 patio&, 3 SA-T---&-SUN equity you have, on thil F __ ,din'· ,,. 1 20x'O-aw· • • . --1 <far{-_'...__ $6'1\-$0)1 super \\1.-"0-Story with Wind• OI"U.._. in& room • ._ ~ > •.. .-Gon~rol 1000 Gonorol · 1000 ' ••·-··. ' ' 1 !>'II ~ i' adinl < Ul'l' '""'"'' 540-1120 BACHELOR PAD · ''C'' THOMAS, roo~rr°a.:::: r! ~~~ Mu~~ sliettBe~s. ~. TARBELL . i9SS Harbor Nett one ·btdroo,m bacbetor'1 BAYFR!NT REALTOR •tt• kttchen. ~" bar, ·laun-"""'•••rlooidng rorma1 •"'-M<mllnt sun .. , boln• with d•~~11,:;tr .i:::: 22~ w Coe.st ·Hwy 5@.5527 dry room, !ood c!tnter Inter-Jng roonl with thl~k ahag Twlnklfnt Light• huge ytrd, ei .... -.. + -F-amilV . HOME.-' .:....... N~rt BeAeh;-EYe.46-5'43 com, ~ted, tiled.' entl'J,. . carpeting. Stunr.ina: fU'o.!. Ivan lVeUa' new VIEW home,· .Rocuu 1~ boal..or trdet Off • , -1 -~ • Deep lot in top ArM • ne'Ct place, or by $5,000 Down f-..4 .... a ••• 1 Do &ho e.lle)';.F1119 f'i'WPOrt !lei&:hlll S.paratt Oue•t,Suire Ch.Anning custom bnmc -to Lon ... Be h ~ and take cwt low interest _ ... ~ n· ver res, location #l 900 v t nd d New~·· -on Baytide ~ ... ac • • -'imodela-to cboole from • 4 · · ' · I•,~,!~ rea,,r,:,, --_._... -.wiffi ~ bedniomS.plUS den "llOPPlllG l'DITfR 1®.0ceat! Ave .. Seal .~acti GIIP{ln, Aakfnc$35;500\S~ &:5bdnna Modelaopen.dAily e ...... area. ,.w c -w:·· <t • • J.' \'"I $84 5CX) Excellent tenns m.tt • ·AM ~.i ....... u.c. Shake root cham\. 2 including guest suite, , l2u) 447-6611 WE SELL A HOME at l"¥" ~Dr. 646-1550 used brick flreplatts. Work I S!"'P~!e -Lf,om •main home. Good Commercial user oppof'-ey_ER._V '111 Ml uu-r~ ir '-0 THE !(f;AJ, ' "'-ESTATl:RS ? • • ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1-:i.:~'~~~~~~~ ~~~·ml~ i:'i~::·~~lls~!Kl)~~ -I / I w~ alk-';e~r &u l-~e. e :,.s~tt.'~~r.e.'~!r. 1~--=====,--1 O.neril 1000 General 1000 uni condition. Only 133.150. Near white, aandY beach nual &l'0.9•. Exchange for LOOKING., 1 hoine on 50 rt. lot; Can't DECORATOR'S --------New excl\,ll!lve Ustlnr,. cash or yoUr boat or ? , We'll find. it for""'"! 7682 Edlngtr btat tills at $42,500. DREAM $15,95011 LE $198,000 Make oiler .,.... SU-4455 546-5140 Bilbo• Reil Elf1te Co. Quiet cul-de-ll(jl.-qecorator POOL TAB Call John Ahell ' L!STING! ' or 100 E. &!boa BJ"1 .. s.Jboa acconl> tbrooU(IWaDpaper, Rustic Privacy Res, 673-7365 Newport we'IJ aeu It for )'OU? Open Evea. • Been looki~ for a place lo sroP In...... ...-, OPEN SAT/SUN .67Ml40 •-· brlCk. tlrf:plact. full dlnlng put one~ If ere it is • Beau-Sheltering trte9 tov'r cool ... •t · · .... "" see-· r "!!!l!!!!'l!"''""m!!l"!"!!!l!!!!IP I room. LtbturioUI caJWting. Wul family home In excel-patio. Double.Joto(feraqulet 1 HARBO ~~nty_,~ra,ofactivepar-i : NUr"ry School Huge-yan("540.l'lll•, tent location with separate privacy. Below hlg~way I~ 1 11Victoria tlclpa.tlon in the develop--2612 Redlands, CC 'bt'Vl"'I;'....., .. , 3 BR 3 bath TARBELi. .2955 Harbor u r 20 foot rumpus room 'cation for easy beach ac-ment of the Newport Har-•u•"", ........... to Accommodate replil.tion cess. Olfered at tot value • 646-1811 bor ln!ll quallftes ua to aa-2865 El Rio (ref, CM-1 , home, comer lot. l3<lxl!O' BtJSIIST ~ ~ ln $58 """" slst you 6\lccessJully' DAVIDSON Realty all fenced. Cal llor details. town. ""'-D"n Y Pn.oT •ize pool table, plU!I plenty ,_,. -""r:· 'tt"" of ""'m tell owr !or enjoy. OPEN SAT /SUN. •• (•~ytlmo) Bay .& Beach -Eve•. 545-<9!1 Banda lltaltu ~time":':;,..:;:: 1ng TV and !'he mammoth ... F.&RN~EAF .. Reilty, Inc. DAILY Pil.OT DIME-A· 642"'560 now!!! . 1 ::s. fireiia;;:,,~e. ~ 1 i.ts_o'~O.P;EN 'For .Artlly~ Buy"(. DELUXE 'DUPLEX · , _D::;::;2·,=rmrt ==er Dr:·~.~~ ~:!t ~~:1'. Z. ~~ THE QUICKER You CALL. DAILY Pnm wANT ADS I· bath>, dlnl"' room'"° sep-T.111$.WEEKEND C_ 0l8SW0 ,. Q, TWO_ BEDROOMS EACH Dining room and ~place.1'!!~~~~~~~~64>-~56'l8~=====::nu:~,;Qg;ut~CKE~R~Y~O~U~SE~l~J;_'.. ~D~lol~MU6~1i~tt.r~~l!·~· ~TS arate room for oillce or 2215 A.NNJVERSARY oil Come R 21-~•by ..... -.low '•to-at ** 1B31 "'-''-EWINDS 1 ( . UNIT. Dining room, forced . A; d ~ on l' -J!!. __ .;: .... ,. " 1000 Go-•ol_ lOOO A--erol 1·000 ,..,., . ... • .., .... .... T«A!J '•iiiiiiiiiii6<l-~Tmii_~~~liiii I air heat and built-in electrk: iot -• alley accees, corn-Ir' ;-5:· =-=":'=·-=====·-========....,===========ii;-;;·· itJ 5% % FHA loan. Payment! * 1915 BA YSIOE I" kitchen. All new carpets, pleteb' 'redecol'ated, JI e·-"'. . . . '. --ol--$1B3 per month, Include * 18032. orLLMAN MESA-VERDE -compte1e1y-1'!d•oon1tod In ""'''1>e.tlqJric ; ___ , ev.,,.UUS.ngE L. L A HOME HAL ptlll'UIN Th-,, Immaculate 3 BR ram-and out. DIVkled alngle gar-wall ahal carpet. Assume · WE iftUll ... ._ woll londscaped lroni Sl64.00 month. Hurry on EVERY 31 MINUTES ily home can be YOUJ'll .• ~r yard, ~-Arate rear wirds. this OM! W-lk & l And A11ociat•s a&1l11ning 5'4% FHA LOfU"· ,,-. a er ee A mu.t .,. to •ppr<CISto. TOP VALUE AT 127.500, 3900 E. Coe!J, Hwy. Askin& ,, with !lnanclng availabte. 675'4392 An,ytlme $26. ,95.0 -far r ·~W-2043 Westclilf Dr. 54s.m1 Open Eves. B / B ON THE BLUFFS-Open SunMy l-6 I OCEAN VIEW Corona Del Mor 3228 IOWA STREE,T ORANGE COlll:fl,Y'S LARGEST'' ·293 E. 17th St. -M 1 Immaculate 3 t»Wroom resl-Just listed exclusively. 1-Iall ~ only 1 ~an old, p~ block lo ocean; 50 ft. ft!e l J!¥ionally·Jandsciyied yard Rimple lot ()'OU own ii). 3 SLU. , llAR WESTCUFF • anc1 piflo, inside fiOOiil"iir -i;&drms. 2 BBUii plu1 family EV"eriinp 31Arge"~m'-2':-Balhl. I eleclrle Island kitchen with room; 2 !rplc1., elec. bll·in OLDE WORLD Livlna nn & fl.mil)' nn both ; rich walnut cabil'll'ls. Thl.11 kitchen. Custom built horn~ C RM , w/ f.rplCI, PA~ '1tW drap. ~ home is custom built to own-with quality you'll appreci.-HA eriEs; bltns. CUI-de.sac. Im-e?'s specifications and is ab-ate. Prtce only $65,500. On The Oceanfront ma.culatel $3l;900, By Own- aolutely beautifuJ. It's a Bay & Beach 4 BR, 4 baths; beam cell. er. 642-1679 alt 12 noon. must sct!.Full price S39.500. Realty, Inc. ::::i~nsB~lo~i 11:"::! THIS ·t5 "1TI . ,( . 675-JOOQ , .. lo'v prlCe o1 sioo.~. Owrr . 4 BEDRM • $2tioo '2f07 E.-Coast Hwy:, CdM l er will tlnanet.. summer Jun on the attra.c- --z · tive brick PAtlo with gu ' ORANGE COUNTY'S -. MESA VERDE ' """""'"=!!!!!!~!!!!"!'~I Rill DllBJ !ir<d BBQ, 2 batlu, Seclud- .-, , L'A_ RGES'r of Cal'.' ..:: .. ·,'p""lntm~riti±fg ·,ef < ed rear living room. Family 10. >"' R E A L T Y room. Built-ins. 540-1720 I 293 e. ,,th St. 646--4494 this J~ly 4 bdrm 2 bath Separate 16 x 24 room1for 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., N.B. TARBELL 2955 Harbor 1 -family room home , Many hobby, teenagc'n retreat, or Call Anytime 675-6000 r Dolphin Terrace extra&, corner location, Mother·in-Lawt!l!! Fine MAKE A MEMO to gather $33.900. custom house in · eie:clwilve PLACE Your want ad where up toys you no lona;er rteed, : ~~n.2;i:t~:e1~~i;1~~ JEAN .SMITH, ~~~e °: :u~~=; '~are:U:1M~~y ~~P~W~~:~ • l!n, Dbl . garage&: covered Rea' !tor ~ '~===,.-,===~====-==="'II boat rt · home on this $34,500 .... auty.-1 - : "" .$39,500 . ,646-3255 WE SELL I, HOME I ~Go;;;ne;r;;•'::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;OOO;;.;;°'"";;;;;';"l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l~QO()~ : CURT DOSH R II 400 E. 17th, Co•ta .,.,,. ,EVERY 31 MINUT~S II • _ea or r -1cTUREs9ue-Wal.ker.& l~e ' ' ' ' I 1730 W. Coast Highway . J BR,· firri nn NpL Beach, 642-6412 Eves. 613-3468 nr. 'ffi.rbdtt}tl, ~·,sunk BUSlESI' manl!tplace In 'en tam. ~""i roclc f.rplC, sep. town. The ' DAILY Pnm d.tn rrp, beam ceill'!I. r.ov. Classified section. Save patio. 'Reduced to S32,950. monl!y, time 4 effort. Look P.W.C. .; 546-5440 now!!! White Ek'pbantaT 2043 WestcliII Dr. 64&ml Open Eves. BUSIES? ma.rlretplace , In !own. The DAILY' Pllm Cllwlfied aecUon. S a v e money, Orne + ellort. Look now!!! 1000 Gontr&I 1000 Gonoral -1000 ! ' \ .. I ' " ' -•iim·r""1u0 r r_ r-r J' 1: I' 1· r 1 ..:•ifni' "'l Fl I I <>ii ' 1 d-l~Jg.:· ICIJM I.Ill ANS.WELIN --'J.AU!fKj.TlON___IUQ_ ~ * Exdu1lve St. Hubert Woods Builders custom for the exe<:uti,ve with • tfowln'g family. Separ~te fotrilal dining room and tar g e fa mily lun room with br\ck fireplace and rich walnut paneling. The efficient kitchen is as modern as to- morrow with1 large eating area plus adjoin· ing seir-vice room. 4 kip,g sized bedrooms and 3 bath's plus separate guest house with P.rivate bath .• ancl biill~in wet b'ar. 'Large 3 -c~r ~ar~ge .. rMaJJ.Y-lil.ore, c u st o.m details 1 .1hrou'gh_~t. :flay we show you this unusual home? Alking $~2,000. Flexible terms avail- able.- . • Vacant And Ready Sparkling c I e a n and IOUted in • prime Newport Beach location. 3 bedrooms, 2 ,l;!atns, J>!!Dell!!jl,;ttvlng r oom with wood burn- Int fireplact!1.'ttfrma! dining area. Spacious ,. kitchen aru;r .ie1>hrate service room for fun · and hobbies. W a I k to Mariners School, library and _p_~k. Out of town owner ~·ant.a a>ti9,n .. $3t;wq;,, FOR A WISE euv COWWORTHY & CO. 'Q2.7777 .. Pf'tilO~"ltlfltllf ·--,,...,.... Mp Cl~, -=-·•---fa A .......... C..1 ~ ............ . . . Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • .., tliil '""'" ... ,...., wMi '" "" .... ~ -re• .. h ... llptl ... AU tlle. loutt .. thtw4 W.W .. ~ .. ....,., """'1 ~ ............... • .... 11 ...., •• DAll.Y PILOT WANT ADS. ,.,,.. ...... .,.. ............ 1 • ., te ........... t1 Ult MD h1f.-t!o1 11 ttib ce9-eecll Ptt49r. (2 BedroOll') ..,, . . .. • **20 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 675-6000 • -(Sun 1.si **16188 Mariner Drive, Huntington Beach, (714) 846-1822; (213) 59:1-5144 · (Open House) 1312 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terrace) CdM, 833--0700; 644-2430 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 246 Glower Street, Costa Meia 64~55; $46-32G5 (Sun 1·5) 1147 Gleneaglt, Costa Mesa MG-1720 (Sun-1-5) 31~ X•llowstone, Cosla Mesa 646:7171 (Sun 1-5) 2033 Paloma. Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sun 1·51 .. 201 c.cn Place, Cosl& Mesa · 96:1-)986 . · (Open l~) 2359 Coll ege Drive (College Park) CM 646-8811 (Sa t & Sun 1-5) 3228 Iowa St., (Mesa Verde) CM · 642-1771 (Sun 1-6) 155·Monte Viola (Eastside) CM 642-lm (Sat 1·5) ll. Bedroom + $ue1t. Hou1~) , 2046 Aliso A venue, Costa Mesa 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (4 Bodrooms! 1143 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1305 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 675-6000 (Sat 1·5) . (4 Bedroom & Famil y or Den) (2 Bedroom & Fomily or Den) 1333 Santiago.Drive (Westclifi) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (l~vine Terrace) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB CdM, 642-6472 . (Sat & Sun 1-5) 646-1550 (~n dally) (3 Bed rooms) 115 Milford (Cameo Sbores) Cd 675-61196 {Sat & Sun 12-6) *242 Joann Street {College Park ) CM 2112 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB. 548-9578 (Pleaie call lbr' ajlp!.) 543-8112 {Daily 1-5) 253 Rose Lane, Costa,!!esa , . 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shor.ts) NB 646-2896 (nL Sat. & Sun . 1·6) 64U2M (Sat & Sun)"' *512 Larkspur , Corona de! Mar ' U IS Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 675-2723; 646-7974 Eves. (Sat & Sun U) · ~ (Sun 1·5) 1430 Serenade (Irvine Terrace) CdM 21691 Impala Lane (Newwrt West No. 4) 675-3331 -(Sun 1-5) HB, 962-7673 (Sat ·& Sun all day) 577 Park, Cosla Mesa . 423 Francisco (Back Bay) NB 646-6550; 548-1050 (Sun 1·5) -646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 459 E. '19\h. (Eas~lde) CM . l816-Jai'll81ca·{Mesa .. Verd;) CM - , 646-8811 ! , . . (Sat & Sun l..S) 546-5990 (Sun 1·5) 13 Bedro-om .~ Fom ily qr nen) 1607 Highland, Harbor. Hi&hlands . "' ~ 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) 21112 Redl ands (Back Bay) CM 2341-lrville (llack Bay) NB ~; Eves. ~2-4951 (Sat & Sun 1·5) MG-1720 (Daily 1-5) -26622 Cortina, Mission Viejo • 1920 Whittler, <;osta Mesa • ~~ . , · (Sat & Sun 9-5) 646-0$55;' 648-3265 (Sat-1-li) 1*281 East/Wilson St., Costa Mesa 646-21195 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) .(5 Btclroom & Femily or O.n) imn Suntan Circle (Shorecrest) HB · ·120eG Pha'rafope (Mesa Verde) CM 96:>..0737 1s,t t. Sun) 549-0684 , (Sat & sun 1:1-5) 2372 Rutgers (College Parlt) CM 10132 Cynthia Drive, Huntington Beach ~9993 {Sun 1·5) · 942-3861 (Dolly, all day) 415 Woodland Place .(Nr Wl!ll,Clllll-NB 17581. Live Oak Circle, Fountain Volley· 642-1679 <Sli( 4 Sun ~l 3401 Ocean Blvd., Ctiron!l,dll~' 96:1-1045 ' (Fri., Sat. & Sun 1--S) ~~~tUngham ~~~ NB ;-Ml-----c-=o'"'N"'D"""M~N"'IU"'M=-s ""FO=R:--;;-SA"'""LE.---• 842•5200 . (Sat & Sun 1-5) j? Bedroom) 217 Nassau Road (College Park) CM' '27 Gloucester Drive, Costa Mesa 646-3255 (Fri .. Sat. & S•n. 1·5l 645-0303 or Ma.3778 (Sttn 1·5) 1901·Glenwood ( Baycrest) NB 642-5200 1sun 1--S) (3 Badroomtj Sit Nassau Road (Coll•&• Parlt) Clo! HO Lo~lnglon (MonU~eUo) CM 541).2496 (Sun 1-5:30) 64:1-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *2840 Andfos (Mesa Verde) CM . 546-599o • (St111 1-5 l • . ..,. 2NYI 'ocean Blvd., Coropa.dal Mar • f/ROOO; EVI•. ~ . ,"'i;Sun •-&l •tt ••"-' .. ... ,.., ........ .. .. ., ,. I I - • So.turd.17, Julr '· 19" CM.ILY ,,LOT Jf) .~';;'"::':!:'·..:J:;'I:;,'.;•:,,· ;,1%~9:-. ... ,.... ..... .---,,...rr.;gD'ijA;;IL<iY.:'?'L:,,:O:;.T .. nitr1 Hou s Es F o R SAL e I Houses F oR SAL e 1 ~H;.;o;.;u;.:;s.::e;;.s ,_F o;;.R;;.,;;sA;,;,L:.:1::.....;.H;.;o.;:u.;:.sc:.es'-F o:.:R~sA.:.:L:.:e:.__ 1 "H.:.:o:.:u;.;s;.;e~s}i'~OIO~}";.;AEL "Ee:. ---..;H!ou~~s~e3s}F~O~RiSA3[L e~:~E.11'.£'.l'~~S2'F-'o"'rt:..:s:.:.A;;::C.::e_...;H:.:.o;;.u:.:s;;;;li.:;.s -'F""o"'R..:5l;:.;lD=i _ ... Hou""'"s ... 1"'s_l'...;;o ... 11.u_..L""i= General 10001 Cost• MH• 1100 Huntiittl""' llo;;;•~chiiii1ii400iiii;H~u~nt~ln~gt~oniii;;~lloiiiii1chiiiilii1400iiii;;\ii~H~un~t~lngtiiiiioniii;;~le~aciiiiiihiil~4CIOiii;;H~u~n~tl~nt~t~on~l~•~•ch~~1400iii;ii,\f;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;0-;oo;-;;;;";1;;;;;;.;;;;;1;;;000;;.;o.;;;"";;;';;;";;;1 ;;;;m·;;,;-,;;-;,;;;;;..10.;~;ill BY OWNER. • tow intettsl • 51'-i\1% !rs lnnlletTa ... Joans. Att S BDRM'.&. S.£ •ldt.' 2 w """· s.-1111111 . OPElj. DAIL! 241 SIERKS, C.M. ONLY 2 HOME-S LEFT MODERN LIVING MH• Vtrdt 1110 VACANT • ~ ASSU?i1E 5~ l:oan 01\._ rnunedlatc J>O!W!1Slo11, S Pulchritudinous ·A Bcdroorn la.•"Vt bclm1J 2 bal.h11, bull!· homf' near achOols & goll ins, f ;\ .ffwat, dlnlni; at-ea courM. Ettk:lent kitchen, + brick 11.rcplace in H~ing lamily room, trple, Z New homes, ready to move in, ~ mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in . New homes, ready to move in, 1h. mile Irom beach. First paymen l up lo 60 days afte r Tormi VA/FHA. From $22,9'/0. ' move iD. •• ~ Terms VA/FHA. From $22,900 roo1n. Dbl. 11tt1-agc. Lara;c cove1'E'd patios. 11prinkle.r CORAL SNORES (on Garfield bet\veen Beach & Magnolia 962-1"35"3 The Beach fr.111..-cd yard. T ye&n1 new. sy11tcm. S fruit fte('s amid.ti (on Brookhur1t 1 mile South of Ad•mt) Good financin&:. lovely Jani\scaP.ine-Priced to se.tl al $26,500 by owner. >I0-:00 ~--f'62 • 1353 CORONA DEL MAR Slcps to brach 1 BR 3 bttth komt In !he _:.l{)(I block. Ask- ing $46,000. ~!I fur a,ppoinl· ment, BY OWNER: 3 BR. 2 BA, ran1 rm. new ctpls & p11\nt. Lovely Heated pool. $:15.500 ror fast sale. S40-5357 ~-~w~rt Beach 1100 Coron• del Mar 1250 Hu~li"9!on llooch I 1400 I ~;;-&'.;;h14:0: POOL PAOI TAKE over 53_.~;, nlOrtgage sl Pool Season OWNER. 3 BR 2 bath. carpets/drapeg, fl)llc. elec- tric blc-lns. m.soo. 15!!8 t.lyrtle11."00d. !).C).-6446 Baycrest Perfection Supel'bly localed in the.> heart of highly desirable Nc11·port Beach. 4 master size bW- roonti>, fornllll dining, 1valls of gls.5! in II' troplcitl settin' around a huge raml\y room. A superb seltin& for sun1- mer eveninc:!l. Pool of 11ual- lty design ... Only IO'k do1\n You nan~ Ille terms \\'oti'I la.st at $55,000. call 'today. SEE $4.000 Total Calh needed to bdr honic, (rple. Iv. nn. assume 5%~ VA loan ror fam. rm. formal din. rm. thi11 4 bedl'OOm hlllne \\1lh encl. p l l i o. Beautifully SELL or TRADE Ho~se Ranch 3401 OCEAN BLVD. JJ' Bhiehaven Poot 1...01.s ot landScaped. kar gar. t.tnst Decorator's Dream! Beautiful hom~! BeautifuJ dc!cklng with Patio, Cat"t>el•. IN to appreciate. $39.g;jO, v1c1\•; OPEN 1-5 every da,y Drapes &: BWU Ins. Priced Ca.II ~l 5 BR, 3 BA Republic home. Beautiful cond. 9)1 owner. 519-0684. roG0 Phala.ropt. tlui.i Sunday. at SZ4,900-Full Prict". Pay. PAcTF.IC~SAND'S- Don V. Fr•nklin Rltr. picnts or ll.68 Includes all. l bdnn l'!W. oath dbl ~Ill' ? BR t bath home-, ft:llCt"d yard. Want * BY OWNER • Custom 4 Bdnn Republic lfomc, $39.MO. View lot. • 549-214-t ~ :===~673-=~2222::::::::1 o1W,._E StoE~hoollcL A Hf~mM. E l\'l1v Crpts.. ll'pl~. bll-i11.1: .; $18,900 Ch\·~r 832! ~lunstcr HARO TO FIND EVERY 31 MINUTES o, . .,;.,309 l BR '.! ba1h home on an <'X· t.ra lari;r lot . Can add cash. l.St:iO NC\Vl)Orl Blvd., C..'1 Rlu. 616-:'..<!28 Eve. 64-4-l&i.i 645-0303 Eut 1\·orth the ertorl ~ Broadmoor Homes Walker & Lee '°"SP70AN""1s"'"11 "°'na,....o~cb-S~t>.,-l•-c• &droo111 honie \\'/ atrium 1 & pond. All. built-ins. 2 blks 1 Lachenmyer Open Hse Until Soldl 1817 TAJ/IT! O!llVF: l.ovl'ly largeo tilrsa Vf'rdc Colonial hoinf' · 5 big hdrn1s l bathi1 ' pool, d1ni11g &: rlln1 rn1. Coinpleto r<'<leocorat- 1nc in progrcl>!i. Jn1n1ediatc pu:sscssion 1vith E-Z lcrms. Costa Mesa 1100 Open Sunday 181:? 10\VI\ STRE~ 1"01iirr Collfor11ia Ave. Lovely large J & fnniil.)' roon1 in the pop- ular r-.Icsa Vcrttr IJ[g:hlantls IH'Cil. Ha1< t•xlKting j~4 'Jt f'l IA 101111 . N1'1\I ca1·pc1s, new Ulock fencing_ eXll'a sharp! Don't niiss s~ci~ !his one! 546 ·5880 (ntar cmtrnil lh,alrt\ College. Perk 1115 18x3a Fncd Htd Pool 5V••/. 1st By Owner 3 B<h·m 2 Bath • Cl'ptd. S29,900 I $5,0CO On. App!. only. Eves or wknds. 5'18-s:JiS O\\'NER 5~1 FHA. J Br, 2 Ba, lg, fani rm. Cov }>atio. E.xcpl. lndsep'!, $Z7.~iCQ. :\ll Nassau ~2~. Opn Hse Sun 1-5:30 Newport Beach 1200 * • ! * Cas!lllian almo5ph<'N' abounds in this charming 3 Bdmi. 2'1-% bath split -level cnd uni! on lush greenbc!Jt • imporicd tilt" flooring • loaded with other custom featutX'S • below rep\acc- n1e11l cost. Ole'!~ 0 n I y $38,8::.0. Exclusive. l\'ith • EASTBLUFF REALTY Call us tor other Bluffs exrlusi\'C lisUngs. 2·11·1 Visla Dtol Oro NE\VPORT BEACH I ORI:\ I l Ol~O\ ' ,..,,,.,,":;p, St. Andrews Rd. Largl' :t bdrn1. homt' wH!1 family rm., frplr. H\V flooQ, epls. &. d!'tlpes. $28.000 Owner/Bkr. 64~24f4 MODERN DUPLEX Near ocean .!.. bay, 2 Br. ea. $40,000. $8.000 Do1vn: Ol\11- <"r 1vill Cina.nee. Bkr. 637-0631 \\leckdays: 675-3-135 \\"t'Ck· ends. e DUPLEX $31 ,500 e lncornc potl'ntiaJ S-1200.J Blk. lo ocean & bay. 3TI1 \V, Bal- boa Blvd., N.B. 642-1272 011•n/bkr. BLUJo~rs· -3 br, 3 ba. Nf Bay-Viel\\ 1vlde i:rccnbclt. Steps tO pool. Cus. addtru;. Save! $-14,500. 011•nr 6'14-42GJ 4 Btlrins., 2\~ balhto. sro.500 Delancy Real Estate :!S'.!8 E. Coru:;l Hwy, Cdril 673-Jno Vl.EW 'I'Y.·o adjoining view R01 lots, nr. Ocean Blvd. Large trf'es; older house can be sumn1cr rented. CJ.lESHIRF. REAL ESTATE • ti75-2.'iro • 1682 EdiQ&"Cr 812-4455 01" 5-Ml-51·10 Open Eves. EXECUTIVES ATIENTION i\fQ6t beautiful home in Hunt· ington Beach. 18x36' custo1n pool in pa.rk·likc yard. Larg- e:,;! lot in area. Home built arountl cxr1ui.sitc alriun1, bca1ned ceilings. lo!£ at~· 3 BR 2 baths, large U\;n~ h':J.5 lncludl11g refl'igcration roon1, elect. k i t e h e n , Quiet cul-de-sac. Owl\C'r tak- 1vondc11uJ view. $55.000. llnl in~ loss at $"6.DCO. Sea Lane. 0tri1. 644-<4229 MUTUAL REAL TY TOP VALUE IN COP.I 841·1411 •nytime Cl"" '8R ,;,, "" '" *CREAM PUFF* 0<.-ea.nside or Hi\\·ay. Vacai11 S3t900 Chvner 50!! Begonia A~un1e this 5~ ~· FHA loan. BEAUTIFUL comer dbl lot SI;')() nio PIT!. 4 BR, 2 B>t, I ' .... _ S f 11 ran1 rrn. F.P., F.A., drapes, w_ • 11bo:S. • o \l'y. new crpt~. Built-in rang(' & $58.500 01vner. 673-4169 oven; dlsh1vr. Outdoor Bar- LGI::. hilllop lot. Pc:rm. view B-Que on cov patio. Cor. lot or ocean & hills. I\'/ boa! cate. l\'icel.\' lnnd· Realtor 673-2010 scapcd; Orange trers. S26.9:i0 By 01vncr. 842-1~ O\VNER. Open Daily 2 BR. 2 Bii. Oen. Lar::e 1wn1s. $1700' __ _ i\IOBILE Honlt': No 18 Lido finance. 673-48G9 DO N Villai;:e 9• x J2' Nashua with \\I -scllrr pays all ro>;ls. 11atio. Sacrilicc $ 3 o ti o. CAr-.IEO SHORES -Orean· 3 bdrn1 2 bath, elrrldt· buitl· 546-59-l:J front ~ BR&. def\. in range & ovf'n, double 11;, Milford • 675-6996 garage, carpets, drt1pc ri, 3 BDR.i.\T \Vat.cr!ront, No. 62, ========== fA heat. landscaped. Pay. 644·1133 644-0505 Ev.., LLEGE REALTY '·-'."'."'w~-~-.,-'."'."'-.,-~w.,-'."'."'-~-~-~-~ AdilmS al H~rboi,CM. I , J,IKE to live on a sntall Balboa Covr.i<. S 6 O , D 0 O . Lido Isle 1351 1nents less 1han rent -$16.i/ \Vou1d lradc for acreage or n10 includin& taxi.!!, apls. 548-7T71 · · MOBILE HOME !1'.000 PREVIEW t' l!jij@lillEJHMti • $11,009, 4Yi% Loan $'13.!(i() full rir\cr for th1.~ J BH. den, 11~ balh llnlcc1-est hon1c. Bi~ covcl"C'd pallo. hdwd nrs. C.M .. Npt Rltry 616-9666. 6~2-?J21 2 Story Cape Cod Ft1!1 ririre SlS.9:..o. Eastsiclc Custa !\1c...a ncal' i;ho1i11ing:. /\ people -i;i"t.<"d doll house t·ulr as they con1r, C/\LL j1Q.ll5l l!erilai::e Real I::s- !al<" !open cvcsl SALE OR LEASE l~land~ t"or sale by owner due to divorce. Ch,i.rn1ing oh! house on Newport I:>land. 7 l'001ns 2 bath..~. llas been oon1pletely rcn1ode\cd 4 modrm kitchen \\"/ bit-ins. Lots of storage. Used brick frp.lc &,, dining room "·all. Bathrooms new \\"/sunken tub. Large sundeck ·wtview. Ne11•ly painted o u l :>id c . Across st.reel lrom Bay on 2 sirl<'S & 3 blocks rrom ocean. $12,500 buys th\1' -4 bclr111 honie. 4008 r.larcus, NB. 675-036.'\ 01' 49.$-.541Q -~--LEASE OPTION OPEN DAILY 1-S Bayfront on Penin!lula This lov,,..Jy Lido homc -TUf'S· 961-4471 f!fl\UlfiJ 67:>-3808, 675-3226 rl3y 10.t Located at 121 \'ia _ _ _ ___ ..:__ ri1cn1onc You will av111-rci-ARTISTIC STUDIO Newport Shores ·1220 ati> th<"· custom details ln 11ilh hundreds of cultured lhii'i 4 bdrm. l'lonle 11" !irJI. plants. Couldn'l list all the \\'ALKIB!"11rh. A-fran11' 2-din. rm .• 5unroom & l"l'Cl'C-C'Xh"a.s on this pagl'. CUU. story 3 bdr, 2 ba. Iv. rni. atlon room. $117.500 11r'JI be. plC'aM'd to 8how balr. S30.900. Own c r f.lrs. Har"l'cy you OOC' of 11\e n~sl homes :::::rl He;ghts 1210' •• ,,.Mt ''ll ::'i'..'b:~~~·:::y HOLMWOOD DR. -(nldwell, Banker. & Co. Prestige Area Cozy &... chcc1"ful 2 bd1·111s .• 550 Newport C"~nter J?r. Exquisite :!'BR 2 bath, llhukr dinin;:: "m.. lrplc. Gar<ll;C Ne,vport Beach. Cahf. ~f. L"OV!'rcd poli.o. Newly ou atlry. Large Jcne.t'd y:u'tl. 833--0700 644-2430 painted. Sl101vs better ttrnn Now v:icnnl. A~king $34.JOO. model ho1nc. Bcaulif\1lly KINGS PL. OUTSTANDING landsca.pcd. Shows piidc or Channing hOITIC' in prt'sl lgc lrlcal 69' ('Orner location. ownership. Only $6000 do1vn loca1ion. 2 bdnng,, frplc. Dcl'orator's handsome home. • F'HA pymnt only S203/n10. HIV """"· u..,, ,... • J Bd., , Ba. + ' Bd/ba. MUTUAL REAL TY L'O\'r.rcd p;1tio. l\IJ ror S2!i.500. suite &. pool /patio. $125,000 84l·l•l8 Anytime ST. ANDREWS RO. R. c . GREl::R, Realty 2112 Windward Lane Only S•l,000 1novc.11 you inlo this Charming ne11•e.r 4 BR, JV~ BA, Ivan \\'ell.11 home. EastsidC' ·I Bcdroo111. 2 b;Jth. Qin rnl. family rm. ln1· I Cove1'Cd 11atio. sll<!k(o root. nlaculntc! lmn1ediatc po1<· Spacious J bdrm. & fan1ily rm .. ff"J1lr. H\V floors. crils. & drape~. Pro JaOOscaprd. Asking S28,000. ritake offer. 335:1 Via Lido 673-9300 --$24°20-00WN-- Tl RED OF ASSUME 6% LO.tiN J di.shwa.~hC'r, lit-eplaC!", cat· session!~ (hi·n/agt_ 548-8112 pcl~. ch"Aprs. --WATERFRONT-- OLDER HOMES? $206 Tot1I per Month I, 1479 Fairway Drive PIER/SUP 646-2819 , __ _.._ __ ... .,. ... .,. 1 Deli;;httul view of 11·.itrr. 0 ~ Se{' this 6 yr, old fan1ily home Sacri!~e on th.i.11 J BR 'l ba In \1/4 Jxlnns .. t.-onv. den & din-park-hke armosphere. ing room. Call ror 11pp't. HAFFDAL REAL TY Walker Rlty. 675-5200 8740 \Varner, F .V. 8t2-41()j • 1-sandy beach & tcrr •• J Bd. I REPOSSESSION , ... lo"'' ,,.;, . RENT -eBY OWNER~.-$2420 DOWN Near Npt. Pos1 Ofc. 61&-2-11'1 VACANT ASSUME 6°/o LOAN I Large 2 slory in Costa Mesa. ir Aug.),-BUY in Scp1. ~ Subn1it Sl2fio dO\\"ll • t'asl $62,000 , .... .., ..................... ,, J Bdrms .• 'l Balhs $106 Total per Month J111n1cdiate Possession Sacri!lee on this 3 BR Z ba Jn • possession. Vacun1 . Fully R. C. GREEP., Really DUPLE.X 4 yrs old, 2 BR 1 carpctt'd. net1· p;iinl. Lo1v i~ 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 each. Built-Ins, crpts, drps. Low· $"1l"s park-like 11hnosphere. trrc:-;1 ro all. Full price SACRIFICE $28,SOO S.12,;lOO Ol\•ncr.646-2iilO. I S'?S.9~. C/\LL 540.1151 Meri· Quick possession~ Po.~itivr.ly Principals only. 642-1925 HAFFDAL REALTY 8740 \~"arner. r.v. 11·12"'1·105 Balbo• Island 1355 ~'OR Sale or Lease: lm-==-'-----·I 1 la.gr Real I::s!a(r !open cvcsi bes! buy \\lestclirt, Choiecst --WE_L_L_K E-PT-- ' I 'I r111:: b~st 3-dedl'OOlll home tHl''1, Lu.-.:ury livini;-2 story condon1iniun1, pa!io. pool, In College Park 101· an ar-adults. Assu1nc Joan .Sl9j !il·c fami l)'. \i."arrn t.1x2'2 1110 incl taxes. Ql\•ncr/B1-ok.. 0111nrr: 3 SH i Ba in 11uiet neighborlltJOd'. Cpts & drps. plins only_ S19.500. 6'16-4078 ESTATt: Sa.le, 115 A.polrna n1edi11.te Occupancy. ln1n111c ' • 969 9 'n 2 FIR, 2 BA '1'011•nll0u1(C, July .,, l , :."' a.m., f11n1il.v. 1·oon1. Lari;e livi11g- roon1. Boat ~rare. \Valk from preschool lhrough JR. College. $28,500. Oµcn Hou~r ' Sunday J.j. Other timc1< hy ' f appl. 2372 Rutgers, &16-99'JJ I •1 OPEN llOL"SE.: t"ri. Sat & 1 Sun I~. Eves by appt. li:l 1 r:.osc L.anr. 1::-sidt' t> y 1 ~011n<'r. 3 BR .. 111 BA. J ' Sharp & cit'an! NiCT' len<'C'd I l yan.I. nn ror boot & trallcr. t ~ Try 122;i0 dn. &t&-zm -FIXER:UPPER ~ J RR. Vacant. R-2 Lot. I · lSll!l J.'UU..Er..TON AVI::. , $13.7:,0. ID'· Do11·n \ C.1.ll: r.tn. RODINSON 0.1\!iS JlCRlly 612-7000 ! OPEN oany:-r.lusl ~ell J1n- n1erl~ :,~.'' Ownrr finan· 1.:ing. J BR. lrg lam rm. 1-:t.s!sidc $26,9'10 FP 207 Cecil Pl. 962-19/16 HF.PUBLIC llon1e. II 111011 old. 2 5101")', 4 BR. l BA. rnm rn1, ~ cnr r.~1·11~. t.1esa Verde Cor lol: $1::,=..o<J. } I By OwTW"r. 516-111."i ' ~----1 BY 0\VNER: t:-~1t1c 3. Ur. 2 Ba, crpt5, drps, rice k1t.-11.sh I I cab., Jrg lnrd yni lo pnHo. , _ \Valk lo all 5Chls. J2jJOO. • 6~2-3863 or 837--611? , 1 ~CONDO. 2-slory, 2 bdr. 2 ba . -CIUbhol..IM! t pool ladl. ·ncast S<:hoolll. $20.SOO. ~ al 5 er. University Park 1237 r-.1un. Court 200 N. Garfield, bl1-ins, frpk·, 1v a 5 hr r, Pas:Hlcna. 2 units. :: bdrm. dryer. crpls, drpll. /\dull 646--1948 hse.. Bal'h. Ap!. Min. hifl ~ectlon. Pool & <'lbhsc. ----.-BEAUTIFUL! $49.32.':i cash. For inror. ph 8.19-6661 or !11 493-3611 100 Steps-To Beach r21J1 ~ •= '22,500 3 Bdrm. on grttnbcll nrar "'.............., ~ Beautiful 3 bcdroo1n 2 buth aoult pool. Chvncr has re-$143 per Month Total home, d!'ep shag carprt & duced price to under ::o-ri1 ~untington Beach 1400 ASSUME 6°/. LOAN C'Xposcd be a ni 1..-eilings S: can help finance. Lovely 3 BR 2 bath throughout, 3 landscapcd pa-e Red Hill Realty POOL PADI l'lei,irable area. lfos. fireplace, all built-in S-1.00J Total Callh needed lo HAFFDAL REALTY JSCQ Culver Dr., Irvin!' ki1che11, d o u b I c far~c. assume 5~ % VA loan far • , ~ $:!'.?,500. 6-12-3408 OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 833-0S:O !his 4 bedroom home Yiith 81~0 \Varne~v._ 8~2-4105 hv O\VNER OWNER-Will HELP-35' Bluehaven Pool. Lots ol S BEDROOMS Channing ocean lront horn~ finance Ibis prin1c 4 txl11n., decking with Patio. Carpet."!. VACANT 011 R-4 lot. 3 bed rms ...1... 21\i hath rcsider.N.". Con1· Drapes & Built ins. Priced TEHt.IS \\'IDE OPF:N seii·ing rm. Ideal locnlion, 111unity pool~ I.· 11.' n n Is 11t $24,900 Full Price. PA)'-L\lt.IED OCCUPANCY nr schools. enclosed pa!io. 1·ourts. ml"nts of $168 includes all. $31 ,000 sh.i.g crptg throughout. 1..g • Red Hill Realty Others to ~hoo!le from. Rex L. Hodges, Rlty k11ehcn wlblt-irn;. $67.000. U«l68 CUlvcr Dr., lrvinr WE SELL A HOME 847-2515 ~900 OPEN 9 At.1-8 PM 833-0820 EVE~Y 31 MINUTES 1:.:1.EVl\'l'ED ~ Br. hoti!IC, BEACH BARGAINS Corona del Mar 1250 Walker & Lee open staircasr.: cpls, drps, 2-~ty. A-F'ran1r 3 Br. :l ba.1;;::;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;. bltn.~: t.c:e. s11uilre lot, cul J\olod. Try $27,500. 7682 Edinirer de: gac street. PavOO boat OPEN SAT., SUN . 2·6 8-12-44~ or 540-5140 y1111.I 1vi1h gate. L>ill<ier block J-'u111. 3 BR. 2 ba , Strps lo 512 LARKSPUR Opcri Eve~. fcnt'l'. Nr. 11lorcs, ~chools. ocei\n, $2j.(l00. l r:llrn1~ .. J ba.!hs. Jfcated J •iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... oiiiiiiii"'"iiiii""• beachc~. $38,000. 0 w n c r CAYWOOD REALTY & f!ll. pool 1v/dlvins: board. DEDUCED !)(18-2'1~2 6::c6 \V. Coa..;r Jl11•y., N.C. ~-SIO!'Y re5irl~·111·e on 45' IOI. * av·,-~o=w=N"'E~n~-*' e M8-l290 e Nr1v etc(·trit• k!trhcn whh -~F"'IXER UPPER--dish11.·a1hl"r & 1valk-in pantry, $23 9QQ \VATERt'P.ONT. Z BR, Z BA, "·••'·], gar•"< "I 9·0 . ' kl . crp1i1, tJrn~. boat slip. $4!},!'j()Q Ncnr Beach & Channel 2 IJ\J " " • -• • On a hdl ovcrloo ng a scenic 171., S·'" 182:l or (213) · 3355 Via Lido, 675-lnl u , bd 3 ~ ·• ~ bl'fl1m~. 2 ba!h~. R"2 to!. va ey. • rms . s. 59'l-5144. f'.ic..'(15 carr. ,\ ba~aln al Eves: 646-7974 hardwood noors & f1rep CC.I=.==~~""'-,,.,-"""'°"' $23,00CI. Neoar school. Hum IV it h F'OR SALE 4 bdr. 3 ba, Splll· Gr•ham R eilly $3900 down. owner will help level. J yrs old. Walk to 64~1414 11·1th cas;h 10 51,(~ loari • beach. Hanl\\'OOd t1ts. 1or,'.. Sl82/mo tncludcs all. Can'! down, 51\'Ai 11CCOncl. $36.950 Nl"sr Hcwpo11 P0!;1 Offif'f" beat this! Quick ~"'Mion. by ov.11Cr. 962-7673 O\VNER'S NE\V 4 or$ UR. -CHILDREN GROWN-Katell• Rlty 147"'°'1 VlLI..A PACIF'IC TWNlt.,E /arbor View Home. 3 bo's, or •IW a figment in your J "'.':'""""~""~""""""'"'J4 br 3 ba 2'~ ai.r gar, c/d. 11t rm, din rm. tam rn1. I · · ., r-11 D h H ·~ 6" FllA 21500 OW NER mag1naoon. ram y stan-utc aven -.100, um. ... . ~ $ ' -bar. lg. kil. :? frploi. iv/1v c.r1 and empty nestcf'S can 962--lMO i J bclr, l~i ba, bll-in$. lrplr Cl'Jll& df"J)8, yard & m&ny enjoy lhe easy catt and ===~~-~~~- ; dbl car gar. patJO, crpts. ' ~xtras; 6.9 I i n' n c I n•e. dOl!C·ln "onvenlence of Ir-Out of town owner. 4 BR '-'OUPLE \Ylth · 3 children \l'l beach & 1chools. $29.9'.)j. j 011'ner. 536,-7621 Huntington Harbour 140S WATERFRONT 3 Btldroon1, 40' d<JCI; dce.k, Posh area. in f!uriti~lon Harbour. Only $74.000. \Viii ~:on sider lease or lease o~ 1 tlon. .. I HARBOUR REAL 'rY I • 847~ • -·-I Fount1in Valley 1410 • •BEDROOM TO x l::.:i' lof ex ... ~ptiona.lly 1•lea11, Car~ts in e1'eL'Y roon1, drapes, L-ovcred patio, I stone fireplace in Can1ily room. Easy maintenance yard that looks like a pa!"k. ?tiecd at $30,300, which is $ !000 low for s 4 bdrm ~Ica-1 do1v homt-. l'af'B1f'•ema '' 71 ..:t ) 546-1101 BY 01vner: -t BR. ht: family room, carpets & drapes rhnioot. J car garage. ti!any CXUCL!I. r-.tullt ~-seen to he! appreciaJetl~ Assunw ·6',C, VA. $35.000. 962--0688 BY 01Yner: 5t>an split-level S BR. 2~i ha, La Linda, ~.950. \\'alk to all schl11. I !l62-11M3. Open J.j July 4, j,\ 6. 17:i38 Live Oak Cirl'lc. >V . I N'E'\V, By owner. 3 BR. 2~·i Bath, "'/IV au·pets, dra~.1• b:flCk fence. r-.1an~ custom features. s::l.500. Euclid &I Talbc!rl. nr ln\')'. 96~79 Lagun• Hills 1700 BEAUTIFUL 2-;tory ~ Paz, I Mission Vie;o. Ev 01v11cr. I Assume 6%. 83G-158l I ' L•@un• Be1ch _ 1705 1 A WALK IN SPACE I Th3t 11•ill be. your first Im· prcs.~ion, wht>n you !!Ce this SPACIOUS 2 story home. ~BUILT ON 1 a,: LOTJ.> THAT OFFER A SCENIC VIE\V OF TJIE OCEAN. Dclailedl all wood t>xtetior In classic Laguna architectural styl· in::. Jargl! sun porehcs en- closed 1vith post & rail~. SPRA\\'LING 4 BOR:.t. Ii DJo:N FLOOR PLAN. ha&I 11'/w t·arpcting & custom dl<1/'IC1S ttiruout. Exciting Is- land IYPc kitchen llas BILT· IN RANGE t: OVEN, D!Sll- \VSHR., GARB. OTSP. & E:\"TENSIVE U S E OJo~ DEEP STAIN~D ri1AHCX.:· ANY CABINETS. Open staircase lcld5 lo 2nd levrl w/2 txlnn .. bath, & i..llRbE DEN, APPROX. 20 F"T .. WITH DBL. SLID- ING GLASS WALLS Tll AT OPENS TO SUN DECK \VI OCEAN VIE\V. THIS SPAC IOUS HOUSE JS VACN'IT & disl1-e~scd OY<ner ISaYI sell 1 imll)ed. for I $29,950 FULL PRICE I LOWER DN. I PYMT. 0.K. THE BEST BliY JN LAGUNA BEACH MISSION REAL TY 98j So. Coast Hwy •• Larruna Phone 1714) "'"°731 VIEW lfOME Laguna Bearh luxury. 3 BR 2 bath, Ocean Vie\v, wet bar. dream kitrhcn. Many ex1ra~. Only $43.500 $5000 down. Chvner will carry blal- nnc:c. 7\lr'/, loan • no loan rec. twa-r;'i'f> REAL:' CoM" 3~ ACRES Undrveloped land. Citf of Lai:una. 9 Blks. to beach. OccRn v~s. Should divide in10 13 lota. Price SK>.000; 29~ On. A real lleeprr. ~1JSSION RLTY. 4S4-0Jll f BBQ. fncd. 2220 JI.la~ St. :Jt&-82!\ ,,.. . vine Tcmice In thlJ delight-I,. ba. 10' cor. lot, W•lk to want l-4 bdr ,home. Cl.llh lo I 646-l109 --THE Bli1FFS lul 2 br.droom and tt~n. shopa i AChool.ft. . exi.IUl'I&' ntA. can 673-2'7!5 LACUNA CANYO~ 2 BR POOL. home. lrg LR. fam 9y ownl'r, t level. 3 Br. 2 r-u.Uy convortl':d to 3 bed· BRASHEAR REAL TY Sl-IOR.ECREST J BR, 2li bowie. tli,.500._.Fe.oced4'(1. rm, 3 BR, 2 Bfl. au1>elll. &. eust cpti I dl'f~. Im-i"OOO\JI when family miutr-&•T-8.iJI Evet. 96&-1178 ·eA. Lr;. den. Be au t. Zoned ind11strial. of9Wl'M ·1 drapes, Bucco.la built,• low '1,)1'C! Other eJClru, 2 Pt'• ~-F'llled with w.lue: at PLANNrNG lo .inove1' You'U carpets. Loan •~ 6 ~ • DON'T JUST \\'r.)it ,for~ PAUL WHITE CARNAHAN -6'- Paul • White • Carnahan Realty Co. 546.-5440 OUR nth YEAR ···············~·····~·····' WE'RE SORRY ·: • • IF YOU ARE MOVING to any other area in the county -but if you arc, call us ond we'll refer you lat NO COST) lo the leltding real estate firm in !hot city! ... an~ of course we·'ll be happy to list your home ond gel it SOLD lost! P.S.: 'Sellers! This "EXTRA" service bring• mony out. of-stole buyers referred lo us by .Reel Estetio firms oil over the notion • CALL 546·5440. "The Home of Com~lete Reol • Estate Service" •••••••• ·-· •••• ·-· .............. :.I_ WE 'RE IN A TIZZY Over this just listed ril~!a Verd~ l BR hon1c. Jlas just been redecorated In- terior & exterior. New 1h!ning noor In t h e kitchen has bll-in~ too, \\'ilh i;tainless steel sink. New 50 gal. ~·atcr healer. La.nze Camily room -l· 1rarrle ftee living room. Doub!~ flreplaCi', 1v/1v cpll! t.. drape~. r-.lodcrn rui1lie shake rool. Pri~ $26,950. EZ torms.~5-1 10 IT'S A SLEEPER VACANT 3 +FAMILY ROOM COLLEGE Park. Close lo shopping & tran!$?,?rta· !Ion, Ha.JI extra large ad- rled family room 1vith ~lldlng gls.ss doors open to pa1io & fenCf'd rcar yard. l ~• ba1hl!. Spacious living room with brick llrplc. Vacant a8king $2'1.500. r.tak{' offer and s tart packing. 54(j...;).140 EICHLER 4 BR./DEN . Ownt'r transferred out of Hurry and Inspect thl'! • 1tate. Th~ 4 BR + den. popular T plan J BR home + fnmlly room ln r-.1c!'lll Dt'I Mar. Ideal location to ;c:hooli1, shopping. Step \aver kitchen with bll-in oven, :aJlil', dish11·a.sher, formi<"a srilash. I~ baths. ital! showt'r. 17x 12 livinit" room, 1v/1v cpl~ k irapc~. Plus it heatL'<f l: filtered pool. Q\vncr nnu:t ~II quickly. Submit a.II olfcr~. $32.930 a46-~HD BRING YOUR KING SIZE BEDll It 11,JJI Ill 1rith roo1n to ~pare -\\'h.ril'! more this 4 BR -J balh home has the largcsl kite.hl'n in r>fesa Verde -or oourM" bit-ins -hon1e has 2640 ~ reef - jQ reel aluminum covered patio -&ereC'ncd In room. Shakr roo t wel l landsc11pcd. Only S39.SOO - Hurry! ,j;l&-5440 f1at lop u\!ra modem home in a fine location in Oranr:c is priced below IMO ~ A]>-pro• S 0 LD ,,.,, equti lers. P.1an -ec"i. 53 s nlon cour >ned 1hi'uout. Over 200) sq. feet in living area. Near ~hools. !rs no1v vacanL One time chailcl' for a real buy. ~6-:,.j·\O FOR THOSE WHO PREFER A top location in Ne1vport Beach. Thls line. l be<\.room • homt w i I h hard\\'OOd Doors \\'Ith 144 baths will 1uil your needs .. Spaeiou11 living rm. with Ii.replace, w/1v carpels k drapes -fenced rear yard 11•Jth lovf'ly covered patio. Priced righl al $28,j()(). E-Z 1rrms. • · NO l!IDDINGI 111!.~ 'large Gf loan at ,j', / .-can be 'assurnal 11·ith no lntl.'rcst charge or ::tists to the buy~r. Pay- ment at $169.00 per month includes all. 5 yr. old, 4 bedroom holl'IC ln Foun- tain Vnlley nea.r achQols tc ~hoppillJ::'. 2150 sq. feet. 1 Enclosed front patio Ii covered rear patio. Room for pool. Fann style kil. Bl!wlns. PIUIS b0nu11 room. Only $28,450. ~ EYE CATCHING And so livable .•. is thla quaint older. l Bdrm. home 1hat Is quite dif· lcrcnt. F'lne N e w po r I Beach. Located n e a r Harbor High. Separate 20xl8 sunken family rm. has 1tone rireptace. A step up dining room panelled with beam cell- :n.it:, step-saver kitchen. \vt u de\·elopcd yard. Just reduced $1100. No w S-32,900 11. gr~a t buy. a46-5440 STEPS TO THE SURF O\l'llt'r liquldallng 111111 sell 1hi11 2 BR beach home plus 1 bedroom unit over the i;:arage at a reduced price. King 11\ze kitchen 11·ith modem bit-In overn, rangc. rerrigera t o r canary yellow tonnlca ...... sink tops. Natura! wood cabinets. Nice I l v i n & room . I~ baths . Completely furnished ask. itl'.l $40.00J. Make your of- fer. S-l6-5440 I POOL "OMES I SWIM TIME [.l\11i:h a11d splash in your 011•n pool. 32:-;Li flnthony, ncatcd pool 1vlth auton1ntir s11·eoeprr. lligh GI 6~t loan asHun1able a! no 1..-osts to buycr1' -3 BR + large f.11.m. Jv. roo1n with 11·et bar. Hij:h grade 11•/\V l"J)l~ & drape~. 2 baths. Scpara!c forn1a.J dinirl&' room. Red brick patio ttment block 11-all<'d yard. Vacant movl' today. Price! $36,950. Call now. ULTIMATE IN OUTDOOR Living, Is lhi! 2900 Slf. ,"oot, ~ bcdroo1n home in Baycrcst. Beautifu l cugton1 heated pool, loads "If cement d eckl n &. Tropienl l andscaped rrounds complete with ~prlnkJeni, tront I rear. 3 baths, marble sinks, All carpeted. e.:1r.l I a r & e i>ulstandlng kitchen,' re1et lli;:hting, bit-in dishwasher. rerri::e.ralor, double oven. ~1<Kaic tlled double entry, E.xpen!Uvt! W /\V cpts &: drapes. ?ri('e "3.400. Vacant b-1ake of." '"' ......., SWIM YOU SWIMMERS ' This heated Anthony pool with automatic sweeper Is ldeaJ for I o w main- teonnnct. 31&. ~room +. la mlly 11JOm. Slep 11.vtt kitchen, all e l ectric bit-ins. 1-% baths, stall shoWer. Ail new cold nylon wlw cpts. Top localion i{) b1eu. Verde. °"" $27,;clJ ,....... I CONDOMINIUMS I AS NEW AS TOMORROW ~h.11 lovely g month old J + atrium hon1~ 11 today"• best buy. 2 baths, 1tall shov."Cr. Outstandlne built-in ki tchen. Formica top1. Highly ln\proved arff + el'loiae k>catlon. Spack>tts uv. room, "11h flreplace only $32.500. EZ ienns 546-M10 OCEAN BREEZES Come YoUr way In lh\11 tine 3 BR homl.' In Parle Lido, cloi;t to the bench. 1'4 bllths. UxJ4 llvln;g ro4m, tlrple .• w/w cpl!, custom dnpts. N Ice kitchen \vith all elctb'lc blt-lns. Private p a t Io . Pool + park a.re a available. PriCe $30,.llOO. 61ake oUcr. Owner &n'I· ............ LIGHT " BRIGHT A mus• !lee 11 thl1 tUed roof, 3 bedroom home In !he Blu!Js. 11'1 vacant Ir waiting fm-the rldit ~r. Newly re119inted. 1~1 baths. t.arp tlvins room. Jo~trple. Built In O\U A ~ wlt li dishwasher. \'our own pal.lo. Top location only '37.950. s.i6-M40 . .......................... , ·PAUL· WHITf ·CARNAHAN ..., .. ,., c •. 1'093 IAKER STREIT, COSTA MESA n111lnl y11n:I. S 3 0 •<I :; 0 ·I rlos. lmndr to ,poo;. 2 llidel ·$-1'l;500. -(jnd 11.lt.11m&%IJ11 numbu ol 962--0737 thlna: to furnish YoUr horn• 6-16-289t 281 E. "'\IMn, C.'1. qn gr.een bell. QlU 10 eec. H•I Plnchln &. Assoc. homes In toda.y's CaulOed CKARCE your wan1 "d now. ., .. find ereat bll)'1 In ta- -+!-OJARGI-: 11'! -_,_,._.im __ . _SSt_.soo_: ____ :i:ioo £. CoaiJt 11wy. 675-4.192 Ads. Oleek 1hem now. rind It wllh 11 w11.nt 11d! :d:::ay!.·~·~O:::•:="::;::oed:::._A::d:::•::.· --I&. ____________ "":' _____________ _ ' -·- • • . ' I I . ' I • I . " \, • 1tlday, Jufy 4, 1969 0 DAILY 'PJLOT Stturd&1, July 5, 1969 ~EN ALS / . .,.~· ·~~ 322 "NlAL~ .•. ........ 'RENTAL' REAL ISTAT& 14.,. .. ,__ .. ~ ... rt..._,, O ~·F~;n1.....,; :.h+Llhf~1.nltlled···. Ads.UnfvmltW ~-::Jc l ~l'!!!~~~..!;17~0~5 .. ·=·· !BDRM 8 2 .. 11t1. blUW: . . ~ ·' '>-• 1-;;.;..;=-----· I· LAGUNA IEACN Summer R•nt•l1 2',10 crtft.·~do in"1•~·1t,1 NeWport loa<h 420Cl _Gen.rol '•· . .._. Ctott ~ 5100 ~I• Wonted 5HO. OCliAN V IEW BAYfabNT ap1 wi bcoch, ooil. 'l lilli 10 i.,)>. .OP 12ri<l LARGE 1 B£DROO•~ • • ·RENT".' • I BR. oloc blf·INI, nr •liop. A'ITENTION • l!i11Sl'Oll-c.HOM& 1.$i $er-slp11 ~. 'fi~'1til.· 7/5 • 'll l~ • SI. -A\'ail July 15. Yr lac, fl50 rnonth, ~arly 1 Pina center, no cblldttn or NEiEOJ;D BY' AUOUST Way, lJJ\\'~ T~ni.Plc g19tSJl6. AJ!iO .hSC, • NB: $225 mo. J o Io rm a.l:i.o n -* * m.8088 •* J. ~· F41tnlturt " per.. ~ beb! 4 !ultm Collt1e prVtesaor • i 11, l BR:-I 9.l, dJocttr . qa...alU ~2610 •i .;. ,. NE\VER :? 1m: )hf)' 1eue, 1 $20 • S2S-&. • Uft·+ ·2 BR.~v.' ~~. hd"'d arad~t~ • l1~ts. --e'· ~ 1ivlnJ nn~ ·&pie. f'ltt Ni:"\\IPORT Heb. 2 SR. I Ba. Dov..-$Mitt .3227 $200. Clll 6T:i--00 until JuJ.y Montti-Tt>-Month · Rentalt nn. adlts, no J>C... l..r\i with lamlUes and/or "small chtn w/bltin r&f\ltt', tlbl $100/\\·k .. adults o~ .tamiG'. . _ ~. il0...l'ar41 to,bt.8(:ft. WlOE SELECTION term: 64Wl911 JMll: d~ ~· .~P- en. d.iltbwa.sbtr, pill\: for •l block to W•ch. OJ}' from LEASE OPTION I an Xlnt toe.~ fO bi\.Y' Appllaneea ~ TV'.11ava.U. (J dR PuPlex; .l,7AA TuaUn u.c.r. !IOl'l\e will ~}oi:a!~ I· '~~r; eke '"'alor hfr. W 3-9 p.m. Srs..s!.\'t \. ~-· . ·; • heai:h. ·494.9.cn: ~7816 Or No Secur;Uj .peposit Ave. aCro&s trom'~~Sl.50. in the 'f'Cf: ·•PPfP'!:. 2 Y.ft. , \viU1 . tl)('rmo ('01.._ ., B La~ i .Dlll'.W.-fam.il.I; ~ ~s• -.. · 1-lFRC Furulture R1tntt1ls N~ 1 lo 3 1Scdroolll u11-each rm. llC'an1<'4 ,'l!U· BALBOA .Jd.. • R llpt home wilb VIEW. Ml0fn10. ., ....:~ 517 \V. J91h, O.f 548-3"81 mo. ~l-cat. lurnisbed apti. dupl~s or i ~$ l/U'U()UI, II' ,,, VI crpl$, •·/prl\'ll~ ~,· n:-~ s. Say. wilh $2000 a111lolf, Jenn • l\'IHTEn RENTAL;S • 1568 w. Lncln Anhm 714-2800 $160. 2 BR, new cpt.1: drpa, houses, Price range si20 lo front. rear.._ side. I*· A\'~ll datM 1r1 u Y " Au.. Sn\lth f\taltor. ~ WtNIJ.'REO L. FOsS. Act. · -• ln11na_~\ JFh'acy .. Yard can. $150 per zoonUi, ml~t ;o LE l Con ,blk, 11'1 walls, i.13=380l • ~ ft · V"'DO'ME Adull.8. no Pet1. 61"'.,1le. $30 . more iC utillt.lt• a.re t ihru~.lg~r0011door 'BA\'FR0~'1'.~ltio.~2--Eut )fUff 32~2 BACHELOR APT En . ,1 ,BRor~BB.,l~~~. paid.;.,-Aflease contact: 55', d-ble pr, tnink. hlr _ :\ Bl'. boat ""T. . •vall 10 ~ii Block. io Beach Quid. 111&4. Monrovia. apl 1 847-H~lini4in BftCh VihiddY• W1ntf Whoddy• Got? ~PICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR: Nj\TURAL BORN SWAPPERS e rro ~PlllY rot. Rear , 7fl9. $ l S 0. -115. wk. FOR Le&ee ot 118.le. BluU& -4 '!t 613-90SG * IMMAQJL41'F; ~I 0311~ Mes.I!-. alter -' ·PM to -\eaw in- Wrds. So. Const lhl')', Thh· fii:>;-7li1·t , ._ BR, dining room. ln1~ ADULT" FAMlLY 2 SR. tfuplu, fullv ,.,,rnl(I, formation -or -·writl\: I} ' ' Special R1!9 $-Lin11 -5 tlm .. ·-5 buclc1 •Ul~.s -"'o MUST INClUDE T ... st•-~ •110 -··-· .,.,.....,,. ,...... • • C l to •-· p k drps,, ~1:'51 !ncd yd, 1 \V Of. ~rrace -..11y. .,,,__.,, l UR. A\--a11:-Juty I August mo. vc.x>•"" ar ~ . • -ose ''"'PP'"V• •r _ ... , 0 ~,.., estern Re~rve U-n Iv ., * , Temple. Jfil!s Qr., Ccr· ~e11,,.....11 Reach Oeennfront macula1r f.'nd Wiit. · \!'acallt Ne-w-d Aii t s '210 SECTJONS AV-.,,11..AB!.E J -.. Eug®t·-Granger, C"l:s c O.IXKI Cash. Rrll on con-t\t'l'purl Beat:h 1-f~. \\'hile agcnt-01~'nr. 't't:ARLY le1ittie 3 bdr 2 ba l *Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba uwd K. $l mo. 64~21 Cleveland, ·oruo. 44106 f% 1-wllll .,ov ftt\'f .. Ir-. ,,_,,.NI 'IClll RMI In f11CN. ;i.cl ol Sal11 ~u l!Old 25 yr Re.ally 67: ... t!Hl blk lo brach', ·m~mo. ' * 2. Bedrooms ~ \ D p'v e Io pm en t BiolOa ._,oua •"-•Mi tt ffdr..u. ._, lkHr• 11 14'-•tlltl119. 'lOMn of $%l.lW: lnt ral,f Corona del Ma r 3250 673--2'155 *Swim Pool, fuVgm:n N:ewport l~n 5200 &oter.1 · '-NOlHl'-IG FOlll IA1l' -flt.'"-0£5 ONlVI PHONE 642.$671 1 f11 Z Br, 1 Ba, gArdan dupb: adj F I Jndl /l · t'A; lt!onth y P•Ymf'n 1 .. ~ I I J I n1 117. • CA"~ SHOR"'-• *Cleal'l l or 2 Bi-• fr rp. v ndry fac'ls U(I To Pf1c• Your Tr1der's P1r11di s1 Ad ii paid ln full. Writ'-' •Id.YI X"ae 1· u Y 0 Y· ;,, "J.LV """ duJ 2421 E. 1145 Anaheim Ave. llr:l(ff 'nl'r P.O. Box 914. phone! i'>''r "·k 673-100\ l BR + conv den, 3 BA. A la, no pel!i, · 111tb COSTA MESA 642_2824 _,. STUDENTS " F'ACULTY * * * * * 414-4726 Laguna B<!ach. t BR. l l5a furn h.~ Lido Isle. CX.'Can View. A11ail fol short SI. 646--1801. , are faaxt·apin \Vith a hous· Will tradfo: 4 t:emell'ty lots, 4---1 16 NEW-,.ft~li·S·-A1•ail Aug. 3 lhl'll Labot -lern\, h;ing lerm ur be upt. C d ,·;.. EASTILUFF APARTMENTS ing :ihOrta.ge, \\.'e are askil'!& .. -0 Id 11 6--"""" •·rra mo. Bdx 4001, NB. oron• e f!H'r 4250 the community to list uy 1-ial'bor Reiit, Costa J\.1e58. • ~ Portaiflnai Lagun• :ty. ea oc. '~'"10IV· 92oo4 . · · Brand new 3 bdr 3 ba,. apt, .. '-available rtnta11,. summer for sail boa~~~al84ue Sl300.00 u der C'Onstru.ction. 6 ntly. ~·on Aui;....()ccanfronf, best 3 BR. ne"·ly furn: dlx. apt. View of back ba). frOm bdr f'TSJ-1, soRF, .SWir.°t or )liar round. Wilh the hous. ----~--'-'---- lllpleted. Aac1itionaJ 'hilomcs beac'h. 2 f.lR. 2 BA. 2 BR House, excellent cund. :\Valk to beach & shops. areas I: lv ,.m, huge J~ "Jn your own lroqt ya.rd" Ing ofli~. P!ealle ca 11 1()((1 ae· .•. $25(1,00Q, 8(1 Oil be built soon. Whitewater * 642-3336 * !\1nrried couplt11 & no Summer rt'ntals Until Sept, place, 811 'bit-ins. Every. Featuring private. clubhouse, 833-68'il for a listing form. from dlltwn LA, 5 min, i an view! So. en ~sl B.\J..BOA _ 'l:nexpt'~l\·t-001. children. t?JO mo.* 67S-329l 1st, thtn lease. Owner. thing? S3Z5 on a years lease. heated pool, saunu, private . from fwy on pa~ rd. blwn J y. lo ~ blk.. up Nyei 1a;:(•11. \\'eekly iatCi July, · 6T>Jt2S or l-TI-t-9&.l-2502 . No children or J)e1s. Sre al gate w/24 ht security fl.lard. 2 0~ 3 Blt..home..Rent_.buy .111 Beaumont & oak-:-C\en, Trd & you're the-rt•! Au;:usr, &opt &48-315« H~nti1'.'9'on lk•ch 3400 $14:'>. mo · )'l'ly, J Br' turn, -_7.(i Domingo Dr., NB tben Mediterranean aillalt living. n;:;:;.: onlyi . \V~ for inc. prop'! 547-6469 Bkr. -~ARADISE~: . v.;/gar. Aduhs. LoVCly loca. call owner at $45-1260 or 2 BEbROOitS. Z BATHS p c .prornpl >'· . "Newell As,--o·ates i•IOO's \Y.. Qa!anfront. JuJy CONDO, 2 BR & den, fctmal lion. 67;,....oom after 6 pm. •••s•-. FROM n:,o tlanse, ~A F.;. Hanulloo, Rented ho~, SOxl<IO R·l . ~ .... 12-1-9. & Sept 6-13. Sleeps 6 1Hn rn1, 2 car gar. lira bat.h. ...,~ '>04 ES. CM 6'5-079S Jot, Nr, Garoen Gro\le Civic 48 N. Coa.~t lill)'. 491.6591 .. 1 f JNQ.UO , . C te $:l0 500 Tl d $9 5l)J i'====='==="'C= Vl'ry 1-.icl' 51S-14o:i iapLl . \\'as~r/dryt'r. $190 1no. J BDR., urn. no gRrage $140. 2 BR 4-pk:ll, RIO, \\'all-\Yall SHAG Carpctlng, LADY EXECUTIVE & sister en 1\ • · '& e · • . 988-3175 e\'C$ k "'kncbi. $150/mo. U>:u;e. AduJts. rufrlg, v.·/w, avail no1v. GE bit-ins with rcfriger-desir.e 2 BR houM! or apt eqty for unifs or '!? Owner +~nd.;;;.o~m~i_n~lu~m"-_,.-'~9.:..!0 Dupl•xH Furn . 2975 $190. ·NICE 4 Br, :? Sa. util. pd. &-14-4257 Brok<'r· S34--6980 a.tor &; dish\vasher 1v/ pri11acy, unfunl. Yearly ~roker S4l-&ftl9. R. 3 BA .. v:/11-ciiti;, drps. AUGUST or year-jy-,..-,-,-al, Avallab}e now. 2 D 712 D-fboo ltlin• ••ss $140. 2 BR 4--plex, litove, H.UNTING TON rental: Corona-Newport Bch ~~ Tuscl tin Loi, $18,SODcl. I · U "· k a.... J•11rt1sworlh, H.B. '" • -reftig, W/w, drapes. AVail area. 8TI·2100, ext 1022 ... ..., "" ear, most ex · -ins. npcr ,oac .......,. Nl!\\'POrl Beach: viel\'-apt. --Bkr ""~ '""o" PACIFIC . -area. fabulous vi!1v. Tr. for · ill IWoplion. 042-0045 deluxe, sn1art furnishings. 3 lxlr, l~f ba, \VINTER re n I a I 3 nov,.. ' ~ RESt:'ONSIB'LE family needs RENTALS Fireplace, garage, Aft. 6 1213) 861-310-1 Bcdroonis, 2 baths, furnish-$120. 1 BR. stc:J\•c, ttfti:::. 71 1 OCE~ .A~U.E lge 4 Br, 3 Bil Mme In C.M. ~n' '=; w/l!pendable. Houses Furnithtd PM MS-2394 22032 Balboa Circle ('d, fll:W ctt.tWt. S26Q. 11•/11" Avail now. Bia. 13 blks \V. of H.B. Pie1·l or N.B. J230. to $280. ~r · · .T--:---:-c--:.-:c:-~ RENTALS !Wfereotes. · 208 .P'f' a r I, ~-6980 t 7141 ~ • ~1487 fll9, 962-8193 ' ~ · ----Vrivate party 11•ill traUe, . ntal1 to Shar• '2005 Housff Unfurflithed Founfiin V11lley 3410 Balboa ls.I. $120. 1 BR,. stowe, rclrig. 1 I: 2 BR:a:Pts rum ,,S:. RrnPONSJBL~ ~ricing girl ::a;~r1~1r :~~~s'oo~iZ :: I • \VATERFRONT APT 11·/11'. 11vail no11-. Bi-oker ~ . -d~!rlres apL 1n Newport or lot 1 f'EFllALE roon1.111a!<'s, ;igC' 1----------CONDO 3 BR De uxe crpis . ~i.14--6980 fUf'!l. $16:i f(1 ·$200 yrly .. Costa Mesa lo -$100 . mo. . :$28. 4 Br houSt', S!KI 1110. G.n•r•I 3000 drps. Dshwhr. Pool 962--4968, on _&lboa. !:de. Jul.v only Anita, Jones Rlty. b'?J...G210 ... ,. ,.,..,,. * 61.).0283 * H no arui 64.6--0!7~ Sl2:1. 11·k. CAii 673-9"..88. ~-1\f. Prer!'r t i;._a ch<' rs . J BEORl\I. crpt, drP8, built-\\'ant 1rec & clear vacant LEASE Huntingten -Beich 4400 ~t• "'-a ; ·--.5 100 in!i, patio. AdulUI only, 110 Rooms for Rent 5995 land any1Yhcrc U.S.A. lla\'e 2 'OUNG Profession<al 1nru sirn third 10 shaft' lurn. 4 r,.. nousc. UniVl'n;lty Park '1¥). ~z:;ss alt 6 ·,, Mes• 2100 Westminster 3612 ---pets. n4o,mo, yrly, 673-9257 local, impl'OVlld. 4 BR 2 balhs. heated filtcrc-d ----' Quiet & Beautiful 2 BR. uni. New cpls & drps, SLEEPING roon1, S5? Mo.; l ~fadgo Davit Realtor pool, Back Bay cul-d('·l>al'. 3 BR & den, crpts, drps, 1 BR Adults un.ly. Private pa-HARBOR Walk to beach. $150 Yearly. Br .• lllll; u.nl. Sl2J, furn. 642·7000 $385frno. dshu·r, bltns, firepl., refrig, tio, pool, ulil.dnd. /l;o'~ts. Winifred L. FO!lll agt 642-3850 ~~~J~orlung ad U 11 s · J:>' Chris ~r. also Tm;. DAVJOSON Jtto1lty 11•ashcr/di-yer, optional. So!I SHiO/mo. J7676 canneron. GREENS ~ tin View lot, all util. Both 5\&~i:60 • t:ve!I, .54H941 "'ater. · sprinkl~rs. t·ropic:al 11.B. '"' 847-2125 • B•ck &.y 5240 i\' ROOM 1\·/walk·in closet, free & clear. Trade for TD's Fnee_ l!tE_. NfAI --· lr.d&epdg 2 full ba. sm mo. * 1 Bl' &I beach. -' . bath. $15/wk. r.1ale. -or ~ '!'!. D PLEX. 21Jr. c.ncl g4tase. iuo ~ '»' ~~~.~~74;;o or wkd,Ys an. $)_jl). Adnl'f!<, 00 pctS:-l[i{h BACHELOR UNFURN. 2 BR Duplu., liv rn1, crpts. -_ .• S46.~ . _6To.:3243. or..673:0005 ~":,;~: ~~1~j~ '~JJ:~ or Reill or~~s~':1'!-rlle free. · St .. Apl No. 7. from $110 :;:sr,i2 ~1~0 UCI, Sl:'.O. Ce.LI Nlt.'E, clean ~l'OOn'I f Or Have R·2 lot Newport Beaeh NEW -l 0 ' B h d ALSO AVAILABLE -J · pm. "" l'mplo~cd man o.o. dav shift, $17;'500 free and clear. \Vant $150 month and up. TAR-. L111un• Niguel 3707 •~""' up. ~V".J r. · I ? J .. po' rt S.1ch . 2.200 BELL 540-rno B~ m v · ~c-L "'--, &:. sauna pools. rec nn. llcll 1 •• 2 k 3..BDR,M. E1st Bluff S24-2· ~ C.M. $12 p« w__k. 642-1920 d_upte~1;"1 hac,,,.,R, dell I r.1ar. --.t.; v ' · l<'ll' l:.h\. .:1ur & Algoqotn. Fi·Jgr 84&-3137 Heated Pools, Child Care 1' a c m ea Y 0 ER -u.ill lease-luxury $r'lll. 4 BR, 1~ Ba. gatdef'IC'I' ba., bltns dshWT. crp/drps. Center Adj lo Sboppin1 NE\V dL\'. Tovn1hou~e. 2 Br, Mise. R1nt1l1 5999 15..J Roche~t<'r, Cl\! 646..4837 ; Relired-dOn'I need ta.'< sheJ. ler, \Vant hse frt!(' !: cir for $19 M or $38 ~t eq in .b·i • pleX('S. $960. !TIO, p 0 o I, prime.. loc. no vai:. 5~0.6001 New 1969 Nor'ge gas dryer, (moved to new all ell'Clric homti \VIU. TRAbE lo~ ~ood ·cunOitioll r!ectric dry- er. 968-1669 TO\VNHOUSC 3 Br, 21i ba. Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, pool: nr. ba)'. Val. 132,500. for T.D., car. rnmper or ? ? Owner 64~ Large hoUlll + incorfie + 1w1n lo-jluild, QO golf <.'oursc. Trade !or h-ee ii cle1tr land or submit. . ~ladge Davis Rltr 642-7000 Sn1all horse rauch 2 BR 1 ha, gar. fncd. Want 3 BR 2 balh on lat'ge ·Joi. Costa ?.fesa . 1860 Ne:A·port Bl, C..\l rurr 646--l!l'l8.eve .641---1655 ICAVt: Conn Mlnut:t-O!'lan, original price'$1600. \VANT: '64 car (good ~.), HO· BlE Sailboat or ? ? '!. 67::..6969 HaV .. S5.700 free and ckar Jo ft Spoi't t~lshcr. \Vant small hoUie or iricome units Matcham ·Realty 646--4837 155 Rochester, CM ·wm trod-'* J961 vw Sedan fo"l"9US or V•n. * tHS-3821 * • '' d. m ,. um h. m' incl. RIO, frple, \V/V•. Bkr. fp. SJOO 8?.6/51J(l 542-1215 FURN 1 BR apt. nr Beach, . . - u " " ~·~l-69SO pool Vacation &: perm. No pets illlow~ 2¥,, Ba $300'. 3 Br. 2 Ba $350. SINGLE t l _. * * * * * lbluH art!a, overlooking " · · 2700 Petuson W~ t Har-4 Br. 3 Ba S49a.-752 Amip gar~a:c or ten 1' . ck Bay. :z Bedroon1, den, S1.5i0. 2 BR. rep.ii.int~. lanai, · · ~i36--3777. ~7282• 536--1.366 bor ' Ada.~1. boS~ ~sa· w NB 67XI033 Si(l/mo. Avail now. ?llesa l ~!!!!!f!!!!!!i!'l!!!!!!!!!!i!!l!!!!!!!IJ!!.!'!~!!!l''-'!!ii~!!!!!!!!!l!!!1 j bath. Decunitvr rumish· f('n<:td yd, 11'/w. A\'ail 1101v. Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 546-0370 ay, . . del Mar atta. 6-12-442'2 REAL ESTATE REAL ESlA·rE .:M·ailable now $064 mo.1 ..:":.:'':;··--:.:..,='-----~ .DUP:LEX Unfurn. a.van July G•rden Grove 4610 Corona ~•1 '.Mir 5250 GARAGE Gener1I Gener1I Piert'rM:es requi!'C'i.I. $13:'1. 2 BR i.luptx.. W/\\'. yard, I. 3 brlr 2 ba built;-Lns in.le. SINGl~E Young AdullS Lux· l''OR STORAGE ONLY. B ~.;.;..;;.;.:~R--l-l--6-0-6-0 dR ------ ·1641 6i5-22'.!1 sn,a!l per OK.· Avail now. d~hii·shr. lireplace. 1 block ury garden apts 11,,th coun. CONSJRUmftll _ ·SlS n1onth. 646-8226 , us1n•11 tri a In uttri•I ental 6090 VER Sl'lorcs b 11yrro11 I Bkr. ;i.~~O fr~rn beach. 673-1758 11')' rlub atmospherr and \.lrun: r.s ... .., I BALBOA ISLAND UNDER Construction :m.ooo n1e. 6 CP.. 4 b11, large 2 BDR. crpt~. rlrps. bit-ins. t'Omplch? 'privacy .. SOUTI-1 o,. li!!"'! ... ncom• Proptrty 6000 Top loCatlon 300 + ;.q-f1, sq. ft. ?il·l bldg 1v/o!!di. tio, 70' pri\'ll1r dock. Junt: Costl: Me kl 3100 gar. i;n1all yard & patio. ,,,\Y CLUB APTS. 13100 JUSJ (OMPLO.ING MR INVESTOR ot yrs rema ining on lease. }2j0.;(IO() sq. ft. unit!!. )Oc · J1.tly, $1'100 n10. r~:::. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Ac!uHs S1<1:i. lOl!JB Amlercan ClIAP!\1AN Avf'!, Gardt:o ON TEN ACRES • S\75. mo. \Vrilc P.O. Box s<J. fl. Con1plrtl' about .July -, yrly lsc, SlOOO n1(}.1 • . Plact'. C~I GrovC' !71•11 636-:IO:'IO H•r bor Heights Four .}~15 Las Vegas, Nev. l:i. E\'C$ 646-0681, days 't:rJ7WJ....'i)ll or 2 l 3 : lmmed. Possession AfiTISTIC 2 Br unrurn, encl. SINCL~ YCl!Jng 11dul~. lu:'<-Rl-nlal Manager -IF~l;s ~~rf~t!s~~;; 112 UNITS • PRfJ\.tE Retail Localion • ti46-503J Palio, neu. stores. No -ts. ury i,:nrden 11ipts w/!ull ~frs. Chrlst~~scn ro. mJ~ 17'X40, Xlnt foot • auto traf· RENT 1'.1·1 600 sq. ft. ,~ · ·u l Tennis • ........ ntnl'J o....,I. put. c ·r.onl d•.I Mar 2250 :'IBR'lbathhome.Shag_car-· Sl:iQ.G7a-2942 recl'f:at1on facih t:s t.'Om-3117-ACinno1monAv•. tlrrgife('n. Now bt:ing built In select fie. 1871 Harbor, C.~1. S7~7mo.29-t4Randolpb, +'--~------peting &: new drapes. Close LAGUNA 2 BR. Ocean view, .plele privacy. South Bay Cost• Mtsa 900 Sn Lane, CdM &«-26ll Anahl'im area. close to 64&-6654 C.M . ~3 BR. -2 BATHS !o schools & shopping. fl!li/ lg Jiving rm. 494-5873 or Club Apts.A ;:1! ~1~1· {1 block "'est ol Hi.rbor Wvd O\lacArthur nr: Coast Hwyi frw'ys, shopping, recreat1on SPACIOUS oUlces, crp'd Ir. 6T.r511G 1 . A 1 l 1 n1o. Children OK. Call lier-An• ..,.,,.. Brookhursl. na cim l 'l blocks south of the & tTant. Projected Income d •--~ 1110 ii. ~~&~1~'P~;. ch~~~ ~,;c~ -fin~<' Real Eslilie 54(]:Wif ~llfJO ON~-0 "Id-, 1 pd ,._..,,.....:::=:;"°::::::=:;::::::::::::= San Diego P'iCeWaY)-2 BLOCKS 10 BEACH, Large 7X .itros-rYou -c.'·anrecelVC a4~~y;70JR;._nr1o!ph, ~i: '" . th ~o])C'n eves) ' \I , i1a er 'I -Pho-•••10" Go.age apt. 2 BR + den. lhe fil'91 huyer·~ ta.x advan· .. ~ " 111011 . ' Nt'ar school k shop~ encl. n h 4705 ,,. _.,,. .rt .... !CORBIN • MART IN 1. '48--0!l:JS' Laqun• oeac l~~ baths. newly .decoraled tagcs plus deprceia!ion. \Vill Office Rental 6070 ! . ri.EALTOHS FOR lEASE gor. no pc s .. 1 100 CLIFF DRIVE NEW SPANISH &Oft water, law_ldry, &ar8"'C. e,cceplt prt"-paid interest w/ t> :!6 E. Ci>t. ll~'Y. Cd~I ··AL:) VILLAGE APTS. 673-7381 -· ow·ioivn payment . LAGUNA BEACH NE\\7 indllstrlal bid;, 2.)00 sq. rt. !Jr Per H. 163§ ~lonrovia, CM. 673--9017 INDUST B<llg in ?II-1. 7<1<1 \V, 17th St.. 01. Jj()() sq It, S32J n10. &tS-113.1. F.ves 642-1479 ' .• 6.,,1r."·i Apts. furnished ·rwo bedroom rurtfished MAY TRADE Ai c-..ilt' .d .,. ""'" 1.a.1~<' 2 story <I bd1·n1 l ba1h, .All-Deluxe Features & 2 BDRM. f'urn or un-BEAtrrlFUL 2 bdr Ct den. I r VI.,. ion B l\UTIF'UL ttld hon1f' 1m· fan1ily roon1 home. Partly \Valking Distance to Beach ·rurn. Air-cond, dshivhl'!, sell bath, CJ1>ts, drps. garage. ON FOREST' AVENUE Lots 6100 nl mo or Aug:. ~..Br, 2 Bu, l 1t1"ni.~h~. $.12~/mo. J ean G•n•ral ... 4000 sm _ "'ai·ty lease . clean·g owens, patio, break-Adults, lease. $ 2 J O I mo. SLHPER Desk 8Pa<:e!i a\'llllable lh ----------Blulf & Bca\'h. 5tS.(ijii7 ~1n11i1 Rrn11or. 494--2449 r&sl bar!, private fundcck.!, 644-42:>7 n-ev.·e!lt office building al HUGE fee Simple lot on :f:::::::::::::::::=:O::::::::: 646-3255' Slli.'i. 2 Bil, .,,.. I II', t:hi!dt'Cll l~==~.~~--c~~ Jrg 1torag~ closets. Hcated 2 c-8-R-. -2-8-,-. -5-w-ed-;-,1-, -.-.. ,-,.-. 211 A.CRES nav,cl, high pro. prime IOcalion in do1vnlo11o1n Antiqua, DOVER. SHORES. . OK. Avail 7/1:1. Broker LARGE Bilchelor \\'/ Vie1v . ......J -u··" •··•-u,, " • d !Aguna Bee.ch. Air condi· Owner. '"7 -1 S R I I 2910 Toi-· 1 ........ , """ ,....,,, ........ """ · Immac & cute. 2 _ "Id. ue1ng orangt: a;rove 1v/tre-.r• '"""" mfMr e.n • ·---·· ·. OW Vacant ~,J4...6980 1 aclull. Lea8"' $150 mo ulil Sound p r all •·"·. J·~" lioned, C'ar-ted, beaulilul ===o---~-.,.-,-,, f . . __ J'QO . w s, """" in S220 mo. 675--5720 me~us gro1vth potential. ,... OCEAN-Canyon view Jot N. Orona d-t Mar _ -·-_ $130. 1 BR, niooly..-furA. All pd. 380 P!)plar. cloi;ct!, covered .carport. ..z=""=:=:=:i==== Adj._JoJll\')'......&:Lof!-l'amp, entrances: Frontage on ., __ $IO ~ h .., B •· OCEANrno·~ 2 BR d 1 Adults •· -t• • th · · · Toreit A\·e .. t·car leads ·to guna ......,,_ . .-.. cas ' :J BR 2 ba,lh. 1v/\v carpet~. ul.il pd. Avail 0011. ro..-:tt "• e uxe · '"' r-· H • B h 5400 C mam terminus to 1'111\V 011.·ner 213-3:i.l--0155 1 BAYFRONT lun1ily roon1, nice yard I: J34..6980 Sips, i . Deck, private beach, THE CALIFORNIAN -unt1ngton eae lake & recrralion project. f.Tuncipal park.Ing 10Ui. s;;o --------~= · II ·d 1. I t'V'-1 Oceanfront Phone 546-2727 CllEZ ORO APARTMENTS PP.£ .• PAID INTEREST per-month for spaee. Desk H(\Lf block lo ocean 30x&i' Cond largest lot on Bt1r 5 111 C'Sct , cn1 l'Clil <;n ~ ~':a2 $16.'i. 2 BR , hl1-1ns. 11·/w. ~~ · and chairs awailablc for $5. R·2 J2j 4:ith SL NB call n. family rooin. 4 1i11111s. L1"1.;c $W01mo. Call a.i..:;..,114.:i Ch\ldrr-11 01\. Br 0 k er A~N T AL~ LG. 2 BR. bu i 1 t-i n s, 8234 AU&nta DO \V N; Sl4i ,;j(J() t'ULL Busine~!i l\(lurs ansivering 675--0771 ~k 11·lth S;nowbi rrl. &1001 .\!!I . ~~~..OSSO Apts. u_nfu fnish•d ~·pts/drps, 1 ~: ba. · Sharji. Nciv 1·2 Brdrooins -Pay ~ PRICE. scJ'l.'ice avaUablc for SlO. :::::=::::::=:::::::::::= ""··" V 11 • 11 \' IL J • B 2 Close ro So. Coast Plaza &. clectrtc only MAY TRADE su ........... 11., o "Y u.1 f\ A Aug , " r.. Ba.. -..---All ulililie~ paid except Ac ••tie 6100 rt on lirxc :sand hr~t·ll_ Cr;ir s, Orris. til1ns. ds\\'hr, 4100 Gener•I 5000 j)CC. $150/mo. Ca.II 546-5079 5:;6-3927 or 536-ffl7 / U · lc]rphonr. -~ ··• ------ t'r')' NOm in hou!ic Joul;s hid JJOOI & lai111 !ICf. prol'.t ,~·~·~••;.....M~·~·~·-----1----------·-''~t._<_P_M_._Blrr __ . ____ Pool-\Vashert;-Oryen (.) (Or1MfR(1 (ORNER-DAILY PILOT 58 750 S fl ( 4 lul on Bl::Y & jetty cntranN', J•:.:;ir'IC' ·loc:. Sl:IO ml'I I~. 530•00 k e BEAOI ·YEARLY e 2 BR. cplK, drps, bltins, t'fi 1 ___ P_r_;v_•~te_G_.r_ag.oo..."c..--222 ~'OREST AVENUE ' q, • • I car prf·king. $2.JOO ~·1· ~·1&4'84 W • up 3 Br. 2 Ba. unfurn ··• · $263 pa1io, children ok, no pets. s MALL I bdr apL Hottest spot in Orange Cnty.. LAGUNA BEACJl t nth-July& Au;::u~t C.:iu1·. 'l OR 11 .•. e Day, WC't'k. nio11lh. t Br. I 'Ba. unfurn .... $215 l.casP. 540-2493. SC'C' Mgr at furnishings avail. Util. paid. "'·So. '°'•st pf .. , & -w 494-9~66 Prime loc. on Beach Blvd. b k PI - . gar. fl.'\ O; cp\:~. ul'J)S. 3 B 2 Ba d I .. 1e.n """" .._ "" ----'--'--"'----Can't dupllca!e. 8 income Y lo ro .:-rs. i o n e stove, 'retrlg. Tropical !kt· •Studio &-Ba.ch. Apts. . r. · en, urn " ........, 2861 !\lendola. Older person or couple. Sec hotel site. 2.55 Acres ready LAGUNA R 3·786j or :-01! 2·'il't1. l!n:! tor 1Hh1lt:;, l -blk shopi;. •Incl Utils & Phone serv. 1· Br. 1 Ba.. urirurn "" $200 "°o"'°,;.=-,,.:.2~~--~~ before noon or after 5 pm; for development; superb IOc. 4 PRIVATE offices "all or producing houses. Suitablf' \Y by i:lay, 11•tel(or mon!h. · ani;;ide of highway, sl('JIS &ron1 lx'"cti. Linen.~. 1 BR. 2 t" slp11 6. Nt'\\'cll socialrs. 1 ll'lf'n Railrv. & rginia .Bridgr. ~!il-fi!"f.M. t~~·:--4~~ -t • 1• BAYSHORES I• ~ & 4 Br'~. Ju!y II Au~. "C" n ·;OMAS . . . 41 \V. ~!~~~:.?.R :;iJS.;.',27 'G" "" •1so a ?.!aid service. TV avail, 3 Rr. 1 Ba. rurn ...... $215 M DERN Br, cpts, drps, or a""lime Sun. 914 for restaurant. au101,>all••e for motel, rcstaur., orrices .l ;1, .... ~-. BURR WHITE GE kitch. cocl gar, nr bus. "" par!'.', so mt: bcautilttlly c!c. Frontage on ~ streets. 3 BDRM 2 e ti , .. ... • Ne\v C:tle k Bar ~1·!."1. Ad111t~. ~l"" 11·i E. California, HB. 5J6..34jl center. C1f', Only $240,000: furnished~ North 1-"'"llllU Lo,,.,,1 p•lce ,·, Ho·h·nglo" • 11. 1• '--">· r anl. :?3i6 Ne1vport Blvd. ~9755 U · I J -' " !tin. Pool &-nniln1. urii· c:ii1, __ -----REALTOR 20\h NF.\V $150 up, J.2.3 BR. lleal· llll nc urlc!I: g·a s stt1tion highway location. Excellent Beach S1.'.\.1 per sq re. •. '''''· Ouilt-inl'>. 1-1c, BACJ-1.ELOR, u!il pd. cpts, ?901 :.icwpOrl Bl\'d., N.B. L'RGF. 2 O" 1 1 cd & sauna pools, nc rm. corner. for individual. realtors, ln· $138,500 ' ,. I . B '·' 61· . .-612""'" . ~ ••. 11· o1vcrp .. e Ple CaU T '"'~1 · • :i;prnkl. SZ-J(J/n\o. 612·'271R rlrI>t>. rut i;r.r:«' a. rrt'C l>-~i;;o -..:.1-> Eves. qui('t area, adulls prrf. SlJj Hei l & Algonquin. })Gr. aSC' : On\.Je;: 1110 stu•an('t: b!'okcr. sl!Cl'l!larlal 3 RR :'! BA. "'/IV t.pls, drps. hll·hJ!I. Poul & rec area. U1r llf'I' Back Bay. $2s:l mo. G-1~'.i l1tunclry l'lll. f;: Side. l\latun.: SlG:i. 2 BR. JI~ Ba. Oct>nn 1110. 12."A B Pacific Ave. 846-::137 • REALTOR il4: 67J.62J9 . of(icc:. <'IC. o~mr, 4!).t-jj77 First Pioneer ndull oi>lY; .~~lJ mo. alter 6 F'rt. Sun dcek, ~love. refrig. :>\s-6066 LARGE 2 Br.: 1 or 2 4-PLEXES--6e;. Loan BEAUTIFUL Alr-cond or-Q,2.u. 21 p.ni. G42..{12<~i. 1v/1v. Avail now. Bier. OCEAN BREEZE Apt. ~e. Children 01.\, pct OK; cpt.!I, ALL 3 bedroom units fices. J\.lagh sound proof q 't't LC Baeh. un!t, drps, epts,·l~"~'~.0~·9S0c-~=~~~~~ 3 en" 1~~ SA. bit.In's, cpts, d,-ps, range: 962--7637 ., $53,950 11,alls, acoustie c r i I Ing s-, 'l'll?ar So. C'.oallt Plat:•. OCC DAILY 1-'ITflf \VANT ADS drps. S150. 1no. No pets. 2 k 3 BDRi-..t. 2 Ba. pvt patio, No Vae. Tei-rilie retum. Con-elev, balconr. From $50. * CHOICE 2)~ ac Ranchos. S1W?1~ ~ Incl. <ivery~hing. . BP.ING 'REsuL TS! 54:;...121:. h e a t l' d p 0 0 I. newly venient leryns. Walk to i\-ledlcal sulle $85. 488 E. \Vol'ld's -besl clhna.te. Sl500 Cail 54&-5079 al! -4. Bkr. =========:o.G""""'======= derot·ut~. !l62-8994 shops. FIRST PIONEER 17th St. at lrvirlC', Ct\!. {]n. Lurger parccls avail. St-.:PARATE Bachelor. Hot Co•t• Mes·o SIOOCottl Moso S100 842-4411 01"11er. 673--&J74 Good trm1s. &1;-....2000 • NE\V modern 1 BR, cpts, 2 BR duple~. Util, range «.· rl'frig-lum. Lil' yard. S15:'i. 2"6 Knox S("C.;..cfl~~~- 3 BR older ho111c Sep shop. ' CUNA Collage -J '~ btks. Nl'w paint. hURt' lol, dbl rom buach. Ene }d, 0t·rau ~nr. S200 mo. !'1'10-\723 "\t11'. SI00/1vk, 4!l-t-:.R73 or I c:c....c.-~~---- ~~~IO~king. Util. pd. $80.1, p;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ 1 drps, avail Now~ • 12 NEW UNITS near ocean * OFFICE SUITES * Take over pymnls. 10 Arre~ :i:1&-2:Jl9 Hnlgn 8(•h. .s un decks, $4:1-$7.i Crpts, drps., healing no do11·n. $25. n10. Ranch 1 BEDROOi\1 furn is hr 41--:' patios. 4 irpl!'. & alr--cond; n111intcnu.nce site nr. huge lake. 894«17113 94-"'"3 . prlv-11 1<' yard, g11rar~e. li•l1 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMP~ETtNG Sint• Ani 5620 TERRY REALTY service. MEDICAL Sllitesl~A;g°"1.=======~I Newport 811ch 3200 Munte Vista, Cost(! !\lcsa. 536-1159 Eve. 536-7f08 avail. 17612 feach BIVd, .AN Balbcr 1 R<·:u·h Unils. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;:;; 1--HIDDEN VIL LA~~ HB. un 0·~· Exeho1n911, R. E . 62-, 0 I BACHELOR Sl(1 1110·, '"'~ 3·2 BR. + 2 g•r, Cl-· ,·.. .:::::...:~::.:~':.:..~-~---•• e~.A~~l ;cal~r ~~~~ Pr/I . ~1·r rti & Sun only. 1~ Santa ~ GARDEN APTS'. Inc-, $405. Must "ell~~~-NEW deluxe office spaces JlAVE Sl6JXKI cqu_ity in 5 BR E. Balboa Blwd .. Balboa lsabel-;-C?.I. · --• Sl~ r.·ton1h pus Ulil.; :l Br Uement, Prine-only $34,500, 320 to liOO aq ft at Sadia -Npt 8ch ~ 1i, tradi'.' tor TOWNHOUSE GOROF.OUS neiv 1 &. :.i Br. HARBOR H'IGHTS · CUl'll. or unfurn. Alr-cond.~ :,.i!)..0032 Eves. Ana F\vy & Cro"'n Valley inconie prop. \Vil\ a$5\llTIC. B on the b<'ach. mod. 3 Br, ADULTS ONLY! ~ QUr rorccd air heat, l\oat«J ....... i, IN _ · ···-~· 8311•~ .,...198 *11PltY furn July ~19th. Activity rm, pool. sauna . rec. area, priv, patio . ...,..... DUS. Bi<lg .. 100·,, ~. -"", .. u, • """; · Also have clr>ar v11.c11nt View a:i.. ~lgr G20:-0 &ashort' Three bedrooms • 2 baths. DX) Par;;onl'. &t2-S6i0 QUIET LfVING Nprt. Sch. 1~% net retum. 3t10 Sq.(r-r. Office lot in Npt HcighL~ to trade l''aces pool, Thtte ca.r c:ar----------LUXUR IOUS l & 3 BEDROOM APTS. 54,1525 s541~!'°61. Phil Su 111 ,. an COSTA MESA 646--2130 f:'.lr trust '•leeds. Vogel Co. por1 s. A1111ilabll' Augusl lsl. Y" .,....,, 2661 r.1 Coa.sl H1vy, Cd?tl. Dt.t Blurr~ -~n/111' for ~ $2tri/MooU1. Newport Be•ch 42001 lnduslri'al Prop. 6010 1_673-_•_20'20 ________ 1 r 1 1~ be. fifl('st l';,..1,. f'!f B & B h --'-------" , • F'irrplt1Cf'f • Spach;ius cablneu Laguo• Be•Ch 5705 J-OR SALE BY O\\NER • 1 &: orclln. Ai·tul. July, ay edCl NEW SPANISH 1 e Dish\1·ash1·r e Gaffcri & Satllcrs ··-~ ·'-'-...C'----'-' 4 uni1~. 2 . 2 BR, I BA It ilr;. &: Sept. 6T."...t'r02\ Reilly, Inc. VILLAGE APTS. e t~811r::~~ muter gas built·1~ 2 BR. unr. apt . <>ecansidr of 2-3BR, JI~. BA. 54WSS rATERFRNT, pil',-.~.-. -1~11 901 Dovo:r Dr., NB Suile 126 l & '.! BOJli\l 1-'urn or un· • 2 Bathroom~ e Bala.need pov•er livln~ )111"). 11'/0<.'eaJ'l vic11» $\~l:i" epg ·10 ~')Jin. z or :: Bn. 61fl..l000 l':ves. 5·18-6966 furn. Air-corw:l, dshwhr!>. sclr l e Centf"ll.1 for<X'lf • Encl()Sf!d parklni: yc11rly.-CAb Mr. Hoyl<'r Bus iness Rental ..... r ivk ~ up. 10!0 ~ t & E 5 -_________, clcaJf'g avcn11, pntlo, brcnk , air het.t:in& • CQrPCls ' drapes \Vm , \Vintoo RcAI Esta1t ~ f)LV 2 BR ' ". lpf poo' ,.. 57-~ ~~··1 Any11·m.. STORES rot-lease Vlllo.gc A. NB ,.,~ """"' .... · -u.,, , ' " • fa.~t bars. private fundcck!; . -~:;.:~~~=::c..:::::.=:~'--1 r \It', · .r-nu:i II C ·-'-Abt " Shdpping Centtr, eor <if FJ pa O. Onuu • no ni . 1 · lrg storai;e cJMets. He-at('f! 2 BR ... unfum. \\'/pi'Jol. "--,·oo & 'I•c.10; •• C.'1. DO J1le a """"OI. 5 Blt., 4 12~ m" ~-.. ...... ....,. o• opt ~ '-"-'" " ... -. .._ " uov '"' "' ru, .. ..,...,. ' pool,· saunas, bar-b-quei.. Ot.-elUl Vte\l', nr. beach. SIOO St1il11hlc J.'ood 10 CO tV .. 1' ~..;l:lerp & Milllp, J11.ty tt1 li11y : Ai;:t. 646---0732 Sound proof 11•a\ls, 11·alk In HARBOR HEIGHTS ' ~to. 528-7201' C.\'I. l 5 2; \'ariety. hobby shop: etc'. ~~':ROKER ~73.W,o LEASE • upper du1?lex 3 bd\ t·l~ts, coverCd c:arport ' •99--2803 eves. ~e L{quor . .11ti;tre for key. 2 oo. nr11• da'..'Or-Lldo 11bop!. Ad111t11, no pct11. OUr REAL .£sf ATE Al \\'agncr 113/991~10 6060 READY TO BUILD R. E. Want.O 6240 2 acres, JuUy lmpro\'ed, 8"11'- <'!", waler, curb & gutter . i-··uu pri1,-e $27,500. per ac.~. Prltne Sanla An11 location, up to 6,acres availab!r., i-·or mo1't' in(ortn~!ion, plcai;c colt K. w. s1nall. $$ MORE CASH $$ For Your Home Equily A"9olutely no COSI .•• to .you the Si:!lltit'! t! yr11l'1' or payi~ mot"l!'cash . ' dtdt. charnitng, Clost to l)tl5. lkfer~nccs. 536-00.~; Phone .546-2727 Rental i\tanai::c1-?o.lrs. Chriaticnscn Ge"erat r.tARINERS q:~ • GUNK 1 BR. lR Hvl11& nn, Only · mnlUT'I' married·nu • Tiil<: CA!.ll"'ORNll\N 1 be~ch " '°"''n. Al&o 2 en. Rent I ls W•nted 5990 Olflec t: store, bulltlliut rent , E ekhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 W. Chapman Ave~ Orang<', ca1u. :>41·2621, Eves-wknds 538-5971 for o~ County pt'Operly. ·~f ·~-t>: or 4:94-.¥.m :'l!NGLE Youns: Adults Lux· or lease. 11;-i. lo $12(1. per New DOrl Hefnhts 32 10 ury 20.rdrn· apt& ,vith coun-1 31 17·A Cinnamon Ava., Cott• Met• e LANDLORDS ... · -mo. 1-1,q Ri~ide Ave. i:WPTb!JiBdi., ~ln, 3 BR (.. • I"" club a'.tnOlpliere and "''e "'14 ~ t ' .. i.--'"-,,_ftn •J FR.EE RENTAL s£R.VJCE • ---~-------,.,ta, . P-U • ""'~ ' I Br hnlTll!, 2 )'1' old, nc~ i:On1pltte pilVl\C)'. SO\JTif (1 block \vest or Jiarbor .Blvd. • ,.,,1 -n , . ;a_ol)'. ~ sµo td .tl:G. 1h&.a:thrtl0Ut.adultaovpr+o. BAYCLUBAPTS. trviocat Broker~ Lag un a Office ~ti1··~ ~ No-chtldren or pets. 357 16th 16th Newport Beach, 2 blocks •outb ot tht Sin DierO f'teew&)') Need "3 BR 1'oifse ol' apt turn. Brl&ht, altr, mod. bldg, cent, a~ ~, Nl'wly 111[\' Pl 518--5962 11rt16. , I ""==rr_H,,.1_6'_·....,.,..... _. ""°',.-.,. b'om July 1.5 through Aua 15. Joe, llir oond, eep. entrtoct. llartil'.IC al SSO veJ' Ttf.E ~~ flEVER ·SETS °' fURN) Dl4pltox, I &: 3 Br, J,, Phone S4'-10M 644-0939 •NI m.6248 l..&a4t< 49.1·2466. ~~~,.~~ Clulitltd'• action po1\·cr. blk !)'om ocean. Summer BOSTN~ Le.Cly dblru l * BEAtrm1Jt. t't'J)t'd ofOce cW r4 ·aft '~ ~ :an •4 tO ab around Rr.ft1i1J: PRMpect 4-3917 or • bdcm unturn apl to 1100. au.iii:., "ltoe0t>tl. Best deal Ip .-lb-Mn • fhe:' Clock, ca.U 642-5e'it 1..A SJ.J2t8 l.l!...,!1!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!!""1 ... !1!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!~ &tJ..0086 town. 641>-~ l .. . --;;o_ r . ' .- ·1 -·-·--- Commerei•I 6015 SMALL ~fedlc:il bid; for lt>MC. 12'.> Jasmil'IC', C.d.~1. Voa:tl Co. :oo1 E. <:out Hwy. Cd!>!. m:mo P~€E your Wi.ftl ad whtrt they are look:ln, -DA1LY PILOT cl.wt~ sb.~ Call lh<' Rtst . . · • Then catl the Besr \ BEYERL Y JACKSON RlAlTY . 147~ or S4s.124S ,, ' ,. .. ---· .. I / • :a lat.rdq, ~~'5. IW.9 DAILY PILOT ., ' Fildor,JU!i4.1'69 I OAll.y!ILIT' a,tj lllAl: ISTA'B ANNOUNCIMIHTS 1111.VlCI DIUCTOllY JOIS·&· IMl'LOYMINT J ·a a .• •o ... a "fmiLOYM••, ~ ~II I IMKOW • II GE.,..Wr•I , · ~"". liOTJCIS · Havllnt 6780 •· Htl~ Want.d, Mtn 1100 · tn_i-. -noo Htlp W1nt..i;Mtn'1200Htlp w .. ,;.,:Mon 7200 Http w.-Help w"""" • • tni.tl 62411 Announ-~10 ~ ' .. , -W 7400 W• 74'0 -H.AULJN·G. patnt:lDs ... ' . ernen CASH QUICKl..,. 3 °"'°4 '' PIANO tlSSOHS -...,. vw'l.m.1~ ' :ti ' • * . • ' * i) "" G.i ... FWi ~...,.. "'•lnnlAJ JIUc/<nll.Pl'L ... Oo Ill--, ' ~· MA~ INIS..,S 1. c. PENNEY COMP~NY 7 . ' ,•:: j I bete. 4!!1-19CS-'i l/.C.I. M1111e Mojor .i & G· tt.ullnt $trvlct R · , J't<h\on llland -Newport !lf<ch IX,ERll~ID * E5tRQW ' I f'INANC!!-L ' Call Btllf! -11 Rea-.. ~ H111U1Jlt lme openings for ' OFFIC:ER · , 1.1 IUSINI.• _... • WlJt: buy_ .., --• . AUTOMOTIVE' SERVICEMEN e IESCltOW' e • ~, •• c a·-•"u. ~ -, -'.. . ..... -· ... -"-lot•t-67.. Mllll M hi 0 ' . '• SICRITARY ·--·---...... ·~ -n9 ac n• per s. R t · · 1 1n 1b1 ·t1 d ' · .... 111<~"'"'-· Bus. o....; .. unlll• 6.,... n1t11111 1JO .. . • ' , • ecen •J!JOr ence u r ca on, brake a • • , .. =" .. """ MAINTENAN<;E • ·mldeo-. lustment and w h. el balan9lhc r.,jillred.' UNITED CALJt*OllNIA •-"" •••trh••• I __ ENCD .' SlltVICI Dlltlj:TORY 11a1 • C:o'""11rc!a). window& • • tompeUtlve salary arrancemenl,.top fllgbl , IANK · ~ ... "'..,. ~ 1 • HUMBLE OIL· · a.bnlttlnt' • -6S50 .,.. '"*'"1'1-.lClnt :-* -DrDI P-ss-0p" •-+ors wor~g.condltlons with newest and finest anc1_: ~4 50 ;;;;t k REf1NiNO oo.. .. . ...,,,Rm.~ A " 1,.. , -equipment. Gen•··u. benefits including hos-1141 I. Cult H"'Y · ~Dent ~ ·~ I ·1 ' bu ..u locatod· .. rvi~ta· .O'.l,!J.EGE stlideat. aeedt • CAltPEJ'S. Windows, •lits, · . • pllallalijiOll, employee discount and profit C-dtl Mor 11otw all4 frl"lt ' -. 1 tionavallableinCosta..Mesa. full ttme eve:nlnr ba.bylft. etc. R., .or ... COmc1J."";")aot Must be e.,._...;enced on an .t~:.t-slof 1 drills,-b In · ,,..'..._ .... :. -" M ._......_!......:I N in ' . · b 1• •'•htl) N --~a •• ~ h • .,.., · YI'" I 81 g. . ,,r.,.. 1 ·~uo· -r. -·• -. o vestment .reqµittd in 1111: 10 • ~ •uti; ear ~ ~' Reb. 548--tut ave ~ own tools and do setups. Minfrnum appolntmat; HM1lL · 1 1uo11n ... motor .u.; ""' wu ... and Harbor In C.M. three yrs. experience. Apply In person lit>AM to 9 PM, · ' • ·baltmqlhnajor-aCC<O.,.. TrJna.• .... a.._ Ali<"" lronl'!l~""....-·6l551-----Monda·ytbruSaturday __ Diu:i~..,~ -GI .-.1.~-~ 11 le•. Humble P&Y• all Utili· BedG'. SQ..llTl · ~ .. e . ~ ' llNllll ~ , , 1 "'" For inlonnallon call BABYSIT my home "'"" EXPE!Ul!NCED 1ron1ni -. • • P.ENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND . . · · ' . . ' • ' · I Chuck Malulllc <nil -............ v;,, Harbor re/I. Al>o aimplet• llUJ><ley Lathe "'--. rators . EQual Opportunity Employer ACCOUNnNG! fa.I I ,_ 1 .... dar• 'ln4J ~ ,,.., • viCtorla, 01: M>l41l ' "'1'Vice. $1.15/ht. 1513-1330 ~.... * · ' * 1111111 .1t1Yu,.. ' 1 weekern!s. IRONING " &1ton.tlo11s. Must be experienced on · 811 lypes of lathes, 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!·!!·~ CURK CANDY Supply route, part Brick, Masonry, et"' FrtepickupAcdeliveq._ have own tools and iio own setups. Turret I· ~ or . full time, days/tvei. 6560 * ~ * lathe experience prefe~ed. He!p Wint.cl, Min 72~ HefD WanMd. ~ft n9Q, ~llll~ritnce In ae- Refill & collect money from e SERV. STA. AT_,..N.D NT, ~ta ~))le. Ex~t coin oper. DispeJlSera to BUILD, Remodel, Repair cJ.::••::;tt::;•:.:•.::l•:.:l_. __ ...;6:;190.:.:: , . Sotne mechanical ex p , frlnee, ~"~ ' Costa Mesa 1: vie. No sell-Brtck, block, c oncrete, -H · ·o f S'OCK OVf. HARRY· & PAT'S ing, lllilO Tola! cash ffil crpntry, no 1>b tno small WALLS, W.indoWa. "-· Oft• pel"CI Or _ -l TEXACO Brookhurtt • Sabond name, address i.: Lie. Contr. 9621945 =t~tia1. Co=~wte~ M th ...:r:.i I l i (IERI( . Garfield, F.V. p ne tq: Route Dept , P. and/ us ave 11.uu mum o wo years. exper ence " EXPERIENCED·"rvk-e •ta· o. Box 3846, Ananetm 928Q.l C1blnitm1kino 6510 =--~or:.,;:Mo::;._m::;,-.::1350=---on: SuMen Hone. lion afttndant. Mechanical IMPORTING; Horig · ~ PA'lNTING ,Papering 16 yrs Bay & Beach Cleanin& Serv knowled&e. Speclal benetlls. clothlng. Can bn oper, from in ltarbnr .,.., Lie. " Carpels, window.,-.. etc CADILLAC CONTROLS w. ha" an_ .. ,. ...... Cbevn>n StallOn, 3000 home, -parr1,run-tirm. ewit: bOilded. Reh ·rum. 64J..2356 Res. & Ccmc!I. -..uot Dl•l1lon· of· Ex·Ctllo -Co'rp.-for a brl&:bt aml:>Jtiou..stock ~. CM -lltit incl. \V IU IJ"ain. ~23741;========-.., cleric with a minimum of 1 I.;.;;.,,;;;.~:::..---- Mexlcan/Spahish . Im-~-Co-•ltring 65-LmdlCl·pl· "I 61.10 year responsible ttockroom EXP'O. Se:'· Lu~ M.an and _"° ·r-· nii . -. 1166Wliltt*A .... ~•M... eXPerience. KnowfaA .. e of Serv .. ~an. ~ .. tun $3000 lull price. $1000 down, • DON'S Lawn·Sttvice Servin.. L~L24'1 ,.... time ..-uon NO •""" Includes &'""" &: fixtures. · CARPENTRY .11 0 _._, "·. ~,,-', ·_. ·· electronic component ))8.liS · ~ -• ....-~ .,.,...... 0 REF' ..., ·-.. ......, "'. .is esseotial and a H l & It calll plta,se/l~lCHFlELD &t v.>;>-1293 or 633-1914 MIN R AIRS. ~o Job es!imate, reas.. r a t es • A11 •~1111 •PP!rf1,111l+y •_mplev•' School d,,_,,_ Is · preferred. 19tb-_6l"Newporl~8lvd.o-C..M. UNIQUE d'~b TOC'I SmJll. Cabinet m Pl'-.847-4139 I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~!!il!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j ._ . ._ ""u' uting to, eat ages' & 01 h • r cabinets. · J ~ Must have thl!o.'abilfty to itt a>OK~fty. exper. )'fti· man ~1·.!;:CMdn, ~~ ~~· P.O. 568175, tt no answer leave '•ptr•·-i'nt Help W1nttd.,.Men 7200 Help W•nfff, Me~ 7200 alonr with people. wlJ? ~•ire' poaitlon w/ ·~ · .,.._,,..,..., ... .,... at "" ··-IL o '"··• ftitUtt. for biter. aiee Mr. ~VANTED: au.we liguar_I !A;;j~.,...~~-:__w_•...:;~;::c.._ .• I :P::'::'·"::':'i"ll:":----,-61:.::.:5:.:0~ i ·--------The main responslbllity will Schterhotd Mr.· Steak, 2267 llcinse,<>iinlt-OJUntu. p·~~.-. POLICE-O,FICER bit to ,tore,·maii:itain and Fairview, CM'6f2.-07'32 ... ~ REPAIRS ALTERATIONS .n .. 1.ni .. nG Int&: Ext Lo-.•:est ' · t ~-le --'· Call: 642-8139 · • · · · ITJ JABSCO issue our e e,. ... .,n l•uo.:A -EXP putr;y Cook a: _ CABINETS. Aey me job contractei:I prices. Fully ins. $711·~ $172 Per month . room supplies. Ex ,_. k .... ... Mo 6320 25 yn, ~"<PU• 548-6713 8atisfactlo£1 c\llll', Free est, ron. p M~ C(IO ........ ~ n·ty to Loin Jin\ Weeks673-1166 . CITY o· F •time. 4M:.c898 --:c........;.;.;_;.......;= QUALITY Repaits -Altera-Good starting ra~ plus ex· "Benton's Collet Shop Ut & i:<o~ for quick tlons. Ne1v const. by .bout NEAT. Exp. Painter, oo NEWPORT BEACH MEC-HANICAL· cellent company benelits in-133 s;.(»ut Hwy,. LB cash. ~ your ~ -or·eontra.ct--646-344! drlnktng. CoJ.Ieie stud~t. clod.in& 12 days · vacation Co'dlllac.Coittrolo Dtvl~n «1f ""Ex.celJo Corp. 1166 Wlilttl•r Ave. Cost• Mta• 'f'-2491 An equal opportunity em-plqytr • BANKING ·· Posltic>o hnmedi&tel.F avalll able'1or an ~CED TELLER at our:.Coal,& Mesa Branch. . ' Plelse ApplY tiJi,.Pftlion. ~ 198 Eiat lTth·St. Cotti· 111. ... ' ~-'-•----r- SECURIJ'( PllCIFIC' NA1;1DNAL IANK perty .. "thmlt d·-·Mb1 .. ~ 1.o1v p · • si· ••• ••• , Curren. t· oOW:n;,,,_ -··"-•. -ASS.EM9LER dw'lng flnt year or employ-\VANTED :. Gel-Coater & •w1 i. ..... ""6 MASTER carpenter $4 per n,ces. eve~ -,,.._ -··~ ·-~""" moulder-Boat Mfgr. 8601 . your low interest ls! TOs. hour. ·RemodeH ...... J\e .. ;;.1_ QUAlJTY WORK, 25 years high achoo! Graduat". mini-. _ -, , . ment. Edison. Hunt. Bch. n.. .. or e_e ~CED -TELl!R:._ Abo "'"·en;: for 2nd TDs ..,'6 _..... ..1.. mum 5'9" and 150 Jbs ., 21 t>-fer someone w Ith ~ _.., • &12-6409 or 53&-3900 expe.~nce. German skill. '-'" night call 536-9563 -· SatUer Mortpge Co. Inc. 1>42-tsb' to '30 years old 20/30 uncor-meehanlCaJ usemb1¥ e.'"<•, Ylfl"an .IJI Serving •larbor Area 20 )'JS. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS rected vision. Written test perience. GOod benefits UGI GA.RACE d6or UNITED 336 E. 17U. st CABINETS, An.Y ~ job EXT/Int. pntg. Aver rm. $20 \Vednesday, July 23, 6:30 81!1 .;'Otidne·~itioll$, operator-Field service men. CA((fORNIA SANK 642-21n . 5G-00ll 25 )TS. exper .s:48-67µ + ,iOOd paint. neat work. p.m., City Hlll Council . machine·~r---l "Top~=m,,one~y.=64=2-3490==;;== I .. l~~~~~~:=~~l ~;!~~;;;;~~·-!}~loe~rds~.~,Ro~y.~14~1~·~1351~~~1 Cha.mben, for further in-EQUAL OP,PORTUNITY ... -.... jMOne-y W•nt..r-6350 CenMnt,-Eoncnte-formatioo-contact the-Per--EMPLOYER-A V-ARtAN SUBSIDIARY· Help Wanted . --Pl•sterlng. Rip1fr 6880 sonnel Otiice, Oty Hall, 3300 2722 Mlch•lson Drive Women.· \\/TD $25,000 for 1 )'ear. Top e CONCRE}'E "'~ all Newport: Blvd., Ne\\'PQrl 1485 DALE WAY int + .points, Re. b)' type!. Po<>l deck.1: & custom. e PATCH PLASn:RlNG: Beach. Call!omia 92ri60, n4 COSTA MESA, CALIF, '1626. lr~ine, C11if. -926:64 -$100,0QO ~ffy. -m.9412 CaJI 5e-1324 AilCA" ~;.,;fiee -e!limal.e. _61l __ -c._;.·-~----~ (T14)--5f.);8tjt --_(~_Ditm._[tW)'._lq_ 0 ..:;:~=:~::~====== -, J'ambol'ff off ramp 1 block ANNOUNCkMfNTS PATI S, WALKS, DRIVE-,. -S. ot Michtlaon•Orive). I :--'nd"':--::N'::O_T_IC':E:-S:-:--:-:::-::1 !.~:.·A RAt:;Ys~Y<_F~g;:!.iN~;..':'.~ti~~"'~·~· 1~0-' :.'::":.:."';.:bl:.:."'~--_.:;·'::'.:.:'° 5491 • L~o:t~~onth. MACH.IN IST An~~~" Found (F'r .. Alis) 6400 e CONCRETE tlrs, patios PLUMBING REPAIR . etc. Concrete &Olk top aw. No job too amall CITY OF ~~rt, :ar ~ ~t~•-""'~"·-Re_as_,_Do_n.'-642-85-_fil_f_ • 642-3128 • NEWPORT BEACH WANTED male tan &. white markings •CUSTOM PATIOS• Hke Collie. 646-7222 and concrete saw_Uig !: removal ITJ JABSCO identify State Lic.•842-101{, LADIES presc. g I a s s e 11 ; * CONCRETE Work, bond· br.vn &: wht frame &: cast!. ed .& lie. Cuncrete sawina. * lF )'OU need remodelin1,t, paintin;: or repairs. Call Dick, 6@..1791 1 Vic orange A v e & Phillips CemenL ~ Rochester, C~f. 646-4;}27 S.win9 6960 CHILD'S prescription glasses Ftoor" 6'6$ e Dressmaking . Alterations found at Huntington State C1rpet Vll\yl Tile Custom Designs Beach. Call & identify. _ All _1_tyles P.~ colonJ * 646-6446 * 646-4619 Free·est;-Lic. contr. FOUND: \Vhite po o d I e 540-1"162 546-4478 ~T.::IL::E::•..;C::•;:r~•m:::::l<:_....:6:.:9:_:74 w/ pw-ple collar. P·J ta 1 e • _____,_ identity. Vic. 1Tlh St. C.J\1.. ,.G:.:•;;.rd.::e::•;;.i::ng,,_ ___ 66:.::.;l;;:O * Verne. The Tile Man * Tues., 54S-j138 1-CusL \\'Ork. Install & re_pain. Requires 6 months 1eneral labor and/ or building main- t~nance experience, comple· tton of Slh 1ra.de. Apply Im- mediately to Pen;onnel Off- ice, 3300 Newport Blvd .• Nei'V'POrt Beach, Calil. 92G6IJ ?itAINTENANCE ?tlan • Electrical &. Plumbing for large apartment complex. Good salary. ?iluh1 be ex. perlenced. Apply in person or call H1111Ungton Pacific Apls 7U Ocean, HB. Manager. 536-1487 Oass "A" It "B". Must have own tools and be cap&ble of making own aetups, Good worldfll conditions, overtime and top beneUta. CLEANER, DEBURR ~fer some factory ex- perience handlina met· al!I. Good benefits and \\'Orkin& conditlons. TASKER INDUSTRIES Radiatrortlct Div. 18842 Teller Avenue Newport Beach. CalU. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY P.RODUC.TION _EMPLOYER SUPERVISOR 1485 DAt.E WAY Ot:ite, the recognized lead· COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92626 er in ll! field, hu an op-en•> 5'S-8l51 ADVERTISll'jG Secretary/ Bookkeeper R11pon1Jblt, top ltnl position for lh•rp, t•k• chero• girt. Must h•ve excellent 1kill1 Incl. 11iorthand; hondlo Utt bkkpt; b!lllnv. Under 30. Coll Borbora. (714) 64249.10. Experienced Only GENERAL OFFICE Prefer·restaunnt experience. Apply after 2 p.m. FIVE-ER OWNS RESTAURANTS Da.y & Niibt· Shi.ft tor buay cottee lhop MANNING'S COF.FE E 'SHOP . 24031 El Toio Rd. Laguna HWS 837·1014 lXKUTIVE SECRETARY· Pennanent. part • time, •P. prox. C hn/d1y. Dictaphone & ahthnct Some work a t home. Pre!er 40 yn. or old- e:r. ~nd resume to: P.O. -sox M900, LlillY'"PllOt. e A1TENTION e AITRACTIVE liu Ntwpod. tMI. Cott• MIN, C.tlf.· ' An'E4uai ·~ Emp- IU~FU~'$ NEWl!'ORT Now lnt.rviawi119 ' lntlmato,APMrol Full Tlmt·~ai11 _Exctllent comp&ny bend!b ., Apply In ..,.On onl1 , Internewi betwffn A -PM #'I FAml!ON lSLAND ' -_ __.. -e NOTE .TELLllt e . PART'TIMI TELL;ER ·i ,- ANTHONY'S Nu job too small. Plaster DAMAGED bicycle in vie. of patch. Leaking sh o ,v er Harbor & Adams, C.1.-1. repair. 847-~5VJS.16--0296 ,.,...., ev" or wkends. 646• 1948 GERMAN SAepherd dog w/ Arizona tag, male. vie. 19th & Pomona CM. 642-0447 The Best, eo&I.! r:o more! Experienct'd Mainteaance Trff Service 6980 *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! portunity for a young man 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Corona del fl.far with JOme manuJactw-tng fa· 't::.· Call 635-4131 for d~l--;E~X"E"c"u"'T"'IV~E=--NO PHONE CALLS WOMEN Could you "" !50-1100 exlra Two Office Glrll each week? Can you spare Must be.25 and able to drive o1 10--20 ttrs a week! Working JIM'S Gardenlng &: 1a,vn ~fust hav• clean "'-"•ornla maintenance. Re!. I: com· ......... , lai * ... ••u drlvlfi: record. Apply mere . ~ YELLOW CAB CO. ESTATE ?ttaint 'Ttee ~ 186 E. 16th St. B\ldget Landscaping LADIES P r e ! c rip ti on Graduate Horticulturist EVENING INTER· VIEWS MA.Y BE ARRANGED. SALES CAREER Gal Fri/Executive $550 Startina aalary plus com· Xlnt C.O.ta"Meaa co., beaut mission. rtnrt )'UI' esrnln&s oUlces. lMn exper. call of $12,000 plus possible 2 F.del!, 546-5410. . year tralnffia' progntn'I, by J•sol\ Bt1t your own area.? Over 21T Do APPLY )'OU have a car? No COi· 116 Eut 16th St. ' leetiona, pll'liea, dellYerlet Cotta Meta "l or canvassl,na.. for in-~ ., ,. ' -· I_ --. ' ! glaS!'les, on Carnation Ave in JAPANESE Ga rd en t n e Corona del ~iar. 673-2020 service and maintenance. L •• t 6401 ,Also clean up. • 548-2.112 • Removal & trimmings, tree Costa Mesa stimate, Call 541-0088 --------OZITE CORPORATION 1515 E. Wlnston Rd, Anaheim, California Equal opportunity emplo~ century old national com· Employment Agency pal'I)". Business or s&)es 2120 So, Main; S.A . background helpful. No fra•A -cc=9"'UN""'Tl:::N'-G:.=:coc.:Fc:Fc;:..I C~E vet. Management opportun-~s clerk. Operate ac- troduclor)' liittrvlew, Call Part or full time 10 women ?ifr, La.c:ey 544--8550 . needed immed. tor c~ ~ioiiiii .... ioiiiio--11-..ciu:t.--aJdea,.or...,comJllniom --- -""' :n.c; LOST: lltan·, Ham i l ton e MO\V • EDGE * WEED. "''atch. Vic. 30th SI.reel, Prof. lawn maint by capable Newport Beach -Rev.•ard! College students. Reas! 546-7817 after 6 pm. Kalina Brother& 646-1234 MISSING: ont 3-speed gold Johnson'a Gardeni,n; Schwinn Sllngra.y bike. Fin. Finest equip., expert care. Vly, RE\VARD, bo)' gr}ev. Planting, clean-ups. 962-2035 J -,i"c;"~"=~~~>;.,-.,-=.,,--ICLEAN·UP Specialist! ?t1ov- LOST: Squirrel Monkey ing, edging, odd j o b ; • Vic. Balboa Island Reasonable. ~8-69:-i> 675-5016 Yamauclrl Carden Service LOST. SET OF DENTURES SAT NIGHT. RE\VARD Free Landscape Consultini: • 67l-ll66 • ==:CA:=Ll.:,;""'"'°"=·==olEXPERIENq:D Japanese .L gardener. Reliable, 540--?373 Upholstery 6990 C'ZYKOSKJ'S Cust. Uphol. i:.'uropean Cra.ft!manship 100~·0 fin! 642-1454 1s.n Newport Bl., c.~f. Welding 6995 \VELDING, Portable equl~ men!. Specializini:; in ex· cavali~ equ~ S t e v e Meley~~ and Aft 4:30 '\"Hk days . JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jab Wanttd, Mon 7000 DINING ROOM -CAPTAIN- Apply in person Stuff Shirt Rest•ur•nt IH6-5057 !or Interview MATURE MAN For light ouldooi:. v.'Ork on new & used car Iota. 1.-fust be steady and reliable. Per- manent. Good pay, Apply in person to Jack Brown BUILDING MA.INl'ENANCE MA.N l 5474 • $576 Ptr Month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH iUes. Equal opp. em_plr. countin1 .machine. Light Ron1ld A. Smith bkkpng. statistical typina". 127.7900 l!n' ~5 5481040 ' abilities anlimiteCI agenc~ Quality Pos!Uons tor Sllllnt Pretty Aftncy ·' Member of We Sit Better, Inc. Subl.ldtary oO Gerber ·~ . Prod., c.o. 64J.3:14 • SECRETARY * Seltsmen e e CASHIER e e Quallned Applicants Mens Clothinl ~~ w:-::~-4S8 E, 17th. St., Suite 224 Wll "th Real Esi.te lmmedlat~ opening ~-E CdM Cosla ?ifega 63-1'70 eue-expertence Experience preferred but .-.l · Co!ist HW)", GNLY. no t ...... ....,,. Apply in per· Mk for Mn. G"gg LYN & ·Nunes Aids Salm opeo. :son. MY THREE SONS & C&ll Mrs. Jurich DAUG~ 6 IO ---"' Large p_rogresslve ECF Meda Requitt1 6 mooths aenenl Grant's SurplUs 0 .ER 1 .to J, •i=u U. britnta.tion provided by a 64Z-9:477 I Jabot and/or buildl .. main-• l'T"llO Newport mvd., C.tl. a woman lo take charge of full time,' in se~. edllea· ACCOUNTS Re c e J v ab 1 t' 1.,.~~!!!!!''""'"""" ... "'' home &: help provide: a bal Ct rk ~th b k I t tenance experien~. comple-1'= O --_ .. _ ~-1 tor. 0peRlngs on all shUls. e "'' oo eep cit tion of 8th rntde Apply lm· r~r Desk to $500 envuvnm~t. vwu nn, ree Dl!ferentlal pd fo• awlnien background, 4 or 5 fJRs/ mediately to Pe;._,nnel Off. Fee paid. Xlnt oppty w/top wk ends. $225. mo. 540--127a le nlte owls. Only those who wffk, releren~ rqe~ • ice. 3300 Newport Blvd., co. Some exp, 1 )'I' coll. Also Livt in Hou1ekffper c~ need apply at 1030 w. Call bet. 9 am A: 4 pm. tor AL'S Gardening & La'\il PROF. Bartender "'ants to 234 E. l?th St., Coal.a Mesa Neivport Beach, Call!. 92660 fee jobs. Call Kay, 546-5410 \Voman to Care lor teacher'• Wamer, S.A. Sf&.6'50 appt. nlE PENNYSAVER POOLE BUICK P•rsol\1ls ._405 for Jree estimate I--"----'----- *Alone? Maintenance. Commercial, woi·k for pro!. boss \Vho SALESMAN to handle sale of J110f\ Best 2 ~hildl't'n, Own room, need 64.z..oan · " industrial k residential. pays prof, salary. after 6 education coune to industry. MECHANIC Employml":nt Agency own tra1U1. $90 mo. 842--4117 Se• n.1-n ---al MARRIED! TOO MANY ••< ••29 pm 494-0138 Journeyman mechanic, ex· 2120 So M 1 s A ~ v ~-· * .....,..._ • · tor lrrplant hi-level training. perlence Fo1't'l'1l or Domes-· an, · · , GOOD IRON ERi BILLS? Pmnanent'{*'t YES IT'S YOUR ALLEN BROS. PART ·TThlE bookkeeper. ?.lust have min. 2 )TS. 't!X· tic . .One of the oldest For· YOU,NG MEN I need woman far penn, pos. m• f1 · blrne help wanted in~ FAULT GARDENERS SJ'UDENTS Gen. ledger, payroll, qrtrly per. conta.etin~ industrial e!gn car service deparlmeotl for COO dellvel')'. lite car 1·2 da)'l/wk, 6 hn. 673-&433 ldd C..Xec bar. See manaser atltr '1:30 For recorded message .that working WaJI thru colltae. report I: P/L. ,548-24<1;-accnta. to sell h9m,wtudy ln Orana;e Co, Fj.at rate & ;nee. Mak4: ~35 day. A~ va.riou1 other qu.ties. pm. Paulo Drive In 'nleater, will change your life call Exp. Lie. Reas. 646--003 cOui"!les. C8.Il Ittne HOad, warranty \\"Otk $9.00 pe:r ply on!y it you are neat & PBX/ Admitting. Part-time ~cy for Cuett Glrlli •• 3051 Newport Blvd, CD(.'..: ·: ORANGE CO ••1 00~ Job Wanltd Lody 7020 Nat~nal Systoms r-lor de-ndable :no W W·-.'10 W. Clout Hwy .. N. B. • ·,,, ._, BUSINESS & RESJDEN· r ... """'t'' hour, pa)' based on 50/50%. "'" · • ......... ~k-ench, Hospital vcper. By Jppo!ni 646-3938 DENTAL assia~a.n't ·, 2.f hour recording TIAL Gardening & Ocanup. NORWEGIAN Prac. Nune _i_nte_rv~i•,,w,.,-~,.,13<i07"'=--I Excellent working condl· Ste 217. S:A. only. Contas:t M. E . Elliott secretary Lquna-Htll-1 LICENSED Exp'd 646-622'l . desh~s ~-ork: companion TOOL 4 MAKER tiom, Must have own hand Managtment Tta~ 642-2734. YOUNG J.Ady«flce ·t:ralnff, Lel!Utt World lftL'" 'All Spiritual Readings. advice 642-4766 some housework, own e Experlernd in aJumlnum tools. call Sidney 494-9m or PART TIME EVES. CREDIT &: ACCOUNTS p&rt time, neat appearl.ni, P,~ ~~. ·PO~ ' on all rnatten. 312 N. El Reliable Lawn Maintenance ~p. 543--2575 toolin~ .. Jor vaeu.,~ fonnlng. 545--0634. RECEIVABLE CLERK •harp,. rood w/ f:l.eurn. .....-.. nil,\'~...... •n-ii:: Camino Real, San Clemente Gardening and Clean-up Locatn.i near -Frwy & s3 f!iQ' h '1')tpe 55-fiO: Sorilt uperltnce l0915. Santa AM.·..-~ I :::::::49~~~1~~~··::!i496-~0~l'9'IYl~til~·.,..._:-:11 --ReJlaW.-lawn servicer .~~~!11~~111 a~~~ Ak>~ita)~861)..2'10l - . R$5E2~~!~-tEr~tli~ _ .~ per_ r. ~~ o:.n~~t0r ;~. ~*r~~ ~~: 8=~~:c ~ ~ I· mow, edge. trim. chUdren. July-Aue. 673-2459 FOUNDRY • ...., .. r" -"-1 REAL Estate: Salesmen, w}QI .,A"lm opM•I Heavy .~ ... lite •, Attr1ctive E•pert * 531140C * tralMd tn Uie .,.,.,.. t'v vr YOUNG W01"'1AN • EXPERlENCEO day ,.,"Olk, e Experienced aluminum CITY OF Can 541·7'1'82 P.fr. Bond not tell I: be fllxson Metal tln1ablnc . bkkpr. To $500 •. CaD ~· , dancer will tl!:ach )'OU all EXPERT Japanese main-Owne: trans pot tat ion aquetzer &: Coor moulder. NEWPORT BEACH BOAT CARPENTERS hottest area -HuntbJit.on 829 Produc~11· Pl,. NB Richards, ~ I ta test steps. Call Ardell ~:r'?r~k~·~v. area. 836-57fi6, Anytime art. 6 Located neat 605 Frwy & , Exp'd. m 'h!P quality work. :'~n ~in:11:=. WOMEN WANTED, Sewina' COASTAL AOIMCY · 1 1 _ _:21~,::·,;5~91~-45311~,!l::.!·Ig,o!.P:!M!.._.l"":i;.;;o;;;;;-o.:;d;;;;:-DENTAL allllstant iraduate Alondra. Requin!s 6 months pneral Good~. steady work and macblne exp, ta ~on A memlieroC 11 I• JopaneM G•rdner need& ~·ork, lull or parl· (213) 161)-2401 ,_..____ nd I "'"n.u-·-t.ll benetltJ. ff Ix s 0 N LIKE to Decoratr,,·tell hOme ., ___ R .. banrt.Paa _._~.. snentna • ~ Ine. 1' J May sa';:~~~ or Exper, compl yud ao1vlce! time. 5"8-311'3 HANDYMAN for p I time ~ e~7'~~::j; MARINE. «See Cb a·r lea fi.lrnt.hlngaf .O:munllSIOn ~h: ~· lille -,0~i;; 2190 Harbor BJ.-Ollta Miia family. can fT';>-2300. l'n!e·tsl. 548-7958, !>$-0724 LOCAL Secretary will do s.ny work. Hn It times v~. tion of 8Ut ara~ Apply Im· Phillips) 129 Production Pl. 01\11. Fllll or ffrl UJne. trade -will teaeho ·sttady WARD Sec. ~ u a HnJ JO &m.S pm. Cut & Edie Lawn kind f typln& {~ yn exp.) Ideal for rellttd person in mediately to Pe:hionnel on .. _N_._B_. ~-~----• lntervSeWI Fri •·Sat i tll l . Job, 5 cft' 6 . de.y wk. receptlonl.el tn ':.a, ~....-. I I ·• •---0-·•te ,,u:_·-al '" ~ ··-"--·' ........ "'·-· • ..,, Li I -RIDE wanted occ to Corona fltaintl!nance; µcensed r.l:UUl.W.11 '""""' .... ' &ood he th/w/ carptntr)' lee. 3300 ·Newport ... BWd., • J .• • AIJLlNIY-. '"""~ice. -1 ~ le typ '-"-':· del f\o1ar, eves. \Vill pay. S.18-4808/645-2310 .:ft 4 backlfnd or aood .,,, tool.a. Newport Ben.ch, Calif. 92660 IOI or YOUNG WOMAN Wq.L £. Caa.rt Hwy. CdM. Joni • term, f'i4I .. ... "·" •= ,235 -~1 •. m. JIM'S Garden.I .... a: lawn Domestic Hel19 7035 C&U wlcdys 6TS-3881 TR.Anf. Hours·lO to 1. Ap. •• LVN Need~, ril&bts. 11 to employH:. tnquin' ...... ... ......., ,,,.... au ... Servi Statf' Permanmt, tul1 time pl1 ln ~l'IOrl: ARP\"S Cot· 1 AM NunJ-Home. dept. Hoac Memof'l&I ALCilHOUCS AnocymOUi malntenan<e~ George Allen Byland.-e FIBERGLAS e . Ce Oft lal-r Motor Hom,. loo. 1,. Shop. 30%lll, H..W • ·•. . • • Hoopllal. NJI. · " l'ho1lo 542-1217 ... write to ,::"":;":,:lai:;;;,. *;;-::.=.:::....,,..._, Em•"-Paya F" • REPAIRMAN• MANAGER ~.CM>on.64• _r;;,,. _c_;~· Bvld. C.M. ·~ ~-~ 7T >r old bllnd · man - P.O. 'eox 122.1 Costa Mesa. 1APANESE cardffler Compl lrt.a E. Uth. SA M'f..9395 SO~=TS with opportwllt,y !or full wn. '7 '-AMBITIOUS, ·active" wotrian Beach Nunldl . H4 m• competent womu · to> oo- S.ntltivlty-G-roup .::·m ~ dependablot, Cbtneae live-ina. Cheerful m.ia;o * N~ trshlp, Sa1&l')I' plus protft SALESMAN $600. tot cwitomer iteMce. full or • .....ans . . , cuionalb' clMn trtr .. 4riw 646-5.130 or 60-2513 • Pmnwnt. Expu\e:nctd 1 pen:tnt Exp. w11h oUlce equipment, part time:. Hllh earttihp, SALESWOMAN. Expe:rtence tm. ear or cook • D*L f H 11 6730 Far Eul Apncy 64U1ll3 llOYS I· 14 · Contact Jim S.st -ru-. relnibw.ed r.., wo !J'&ln. ~~16$.. In ladleio1•ody to l.--. 4-5 bn. dal'.i.•11·111'1 Annour1cement1 6410 •u "' · • CarriU Routes Opeft * 1424444 * c.ll Dtn ~II Penon-•'MAIDS • )t:ottl/Moltl <Mr 25..,.\Jlply Mon""'thru J'rt Mo. 53&-«16& • • i i Commercial GENERCAIL !"!'ULING Help Wonted. Mtn 7200! Lip» ~ So. ~ --.PRY CDOK·e Ml. ';fli~~ Welld!U ExpeM-· 11.85 bour. !M. APR®,s. NQ. :rr, L&ADING ....._ q>. H .. ~llel .l L "'"UP AUTOMO'rI V:E ti ~~ DAILY~Ptl.OT Dr., · • , ·. call IJ73.tctO TownA:Cauntry,.°"""" Fuhion bl&D!I ena -112 per load -Meehan! ·!!>< donctd. Ap-ll4Ul2I Graveyard th1!t. 3 ·1JI .,.._ HELP WANTED WJUTRESS.. •'llme dl,yo., LADY' •W..,;;a ill do part.ttme . t:iPl!t . '"11' 10 very attrt.ctlve wtll-triln-.. · • c. ~ I!'--' Harbor Hea.vy break:fi st. Cd a1ary r l .,. lmc.W\fdirefTililhrill .. ·strls'ior b&nqutll, ...,. HAUUNG, clean-u,., loll. ply in "~ ·""' • Dlabwub!r. wt ..... for ad emp1.,.... Uorovor. ' loat Carellter'I ·-~.~.-. '913-I.;, "°"""Oflc, 5 ""' ~-In tad Miao· Gl- venOona, .ale& •wn~ gpeo-, dta.P S, etc. ~ truck. Blvd, ~· ~ can '9ftcT 2 PM~ the Apply tn pmon . •r , lcs ..,_ ...... 'h' , .modtm D'IOllUet bomi. HA fM.12.10 ua1.:'~· :;::;... \a! promotioM, etc.· ~· anytime. Call OJ.DEk Man riilht dqk vm._BOm1 Rfttaurant. CXYJTA~ oor.iu: "SHOP loaf MechaR 1ptmAL Aut:cxJIH at cloee M'f•~·$36.2llt ;_, • emp!O)'tt eq "Tiit We•lw•Y G1rl1" BOB 64>-2216 . Ro" I Motd .... n...,.. fl!"N. N<wport Ulvd. N.11. llCMV, 19th .... CM AllPIY S.vamtall .~ ... -.XIDI ..,......."' DtNTAL Rtqi• .. _ .... , ~w"ANTZD""""°·"'PI""~==="' ~o-61!4 YARD/pr, dnup'. 1\.movc Call 6'13-8Ct0 • ,' "#' Ml M929 * SALESMA.I"'. rettree, put T1f W. 16th St.~ CM &f&.511l. • for Ne W~ort 8Mcti for rdQe t.,, L DIAL ...... -Owrgl ...... ivy. dirt. --IS YOUjt AD · Ill a.ASS!· NO-mart•• ...... II ... ,,.. tlnle, ..... plano/tqall IS YOUJt . AD IN Cl.AB$ NO ........ -II ... '°" °""*°!lot . .5\flo ... ~. . -- )'CIW' ad then 1u baCk and' *· sradinc· 963-3'1'3 nmt. &omeom win bt can tlta Jt wru. a DAILY knowledp. ·W&IJ\ch"1. '* mr • ~ Mil bt can, ~ H wtdl a DAILY ~liam> • ~ · Uatu t,0 tr>e_pbone rtna;I _DAILY Pn.oT WANI' ADS! loOfdiW for tt. Olal ,IG-5li'll Pn.oT WANT'.Uf!I 604678 Mr. Van'Ol4enW8S kldlit!I for It. '?ltJ HI-Im Pl1D't Qw!Mtd'. io P.O. a.1• ,lt!.I. -... ~ OE:a~ --_, •. -_-I-\-----... -~-1 --·---~-. -. . ·-·---- ' • -·--.---. . . . ' I l I • ' • Sl'iCRETARY l'J' op oorpora.te ~'<ecul!YC .needa,UPtrt•nced jecrtt&ry. "MU.t 'be rree to travel, weu aroomad &.nd matUtt. call IMS-Ono. Aak 1trr Ru!l1 Amt•, P /T llOOKK!'EPER $1.00 p.h: I to 5 bra a dt1. "'11 Oiarge .8Mch arta,, t;all Loraine, • Mtf"chants Ptrtannel Agen- cy, 20B Weslclltt Or. s~o . PLASTICS lltjtction Mo141nc Open. or Trah~es. Openings on grave. yard ah:ift. Apply 8-4 pm. Onnre Cout PlaaUcs, 850 W. l!th, C.M. DINING 1'00m wa i l t'e 11 s. MU£I have experleru. Call for intuvltw. 4 9 2-11 7 2 • Oman neataLlt'8.lll, S a n Clemente MATURE.e xp er ie n cc d ho11 1ekeepe r, weekly, Llfwla area. 494-SJ 70 ' . ··--~-~------............. -..... -...... ----.. --......... -........ --.• ---................ _ _......., ---;..-------·- ' ' 21 ~AIL~ PILO~ .... rQr, ~"16, 196t i:i1$1 l'Oll !')ERcHAN61se PQll · .... ,~HANDisi •o• M11\CHAN0111 POtt MlaCH.(HDfs1 FOR FtidQ", JulJ 4, 196', D TllADE SAi.• AN!> TWI SALi AfiD TltADI ~~.I AN!> TltAD' SALi AND TltADJ toOO .eooo Ml"9JI= ,_ fNlio~l-ll~n""'!O '* Ml; I SALi AND TRADJ SA,LI IOOOFumttyle ·DAILY: PILOT LAST DAYS Sat111'day & Sim~y CLOSED FRIDAY • , .. TIClrlllCJ Down lliUdln~ 'to Make Raom For Our New..Store SPANISH ** MEDmRRANIAN 3 looms furniture - OVER $1000 VALUE lor $389 DQN'T Ml5S THISll 5 Pc Spanish Din. Rm set. 8 ft. sofa & love seat, 3 heavy Medit. style matching tables, 5 pc Spanish bcdroo1n set. ·, OTHER EXAMPLE PRICES: • 5 pc. Sp~nlsh oak game sets, low as $169.95 • guar. mattresses or box springs, $19.95 • 5 pc. Spanish dinette set' $69.95. • 3 pc. Spanish bedroom sets $99.95 • Spanish table lamps $12.90. Re1nainder of Jluge stock at terrific savings! Bank Financing, M•ster Char9t Bink Amer'icerd, Store Chtr9e Pl•n • Thia S.lt For Srock on Hind Only-' - G!l:l!tl:t•Ji(il' Fu RN I l-U "RE DfCORATOR Gm -CAll'aUATION 1 ·' • .,.. -·----------11 OF 11 wxuav AP••rM-s A u c T I 0 N HDus's FOR SALE ·~'"' ~,.. .. ..... ,. Sp1nish & M .. ..L._': Furn·~.· •. _ . ' .; •• ~.r·v: .................. 1!!Uii~·::::~'.~:::::! 11.•r-.. , '"'• eott• •1..···_, ••••••••••.•. n• \.OTl ···········-······· .. ····''•. ALL ••'"D "~ . ' , -' ,..,. • '""' ., ......... , .. n• "''"'' ................... .,» ~ llUU1 ns:n Ml.U YIADI ""''"""" ,.111• CITtVS OIOVU ............. 'OJ 1i ~~l~rm·::h~~ :z:-::.itlmil'ii(li. ... !·· SATURDAY. NI. G. HT. =1=='· :r..:~::::::::::::li,le,' ~UJ~~"oon;;;::~~:::::::m 1 ~t, :\ ='ftlVfMliki ·r, ... ·•1h:~1 ... ., .... •1111 ' r =·~-:n toY•t •.......... 111 OltANCI• CO.PJlOPllll:TT ...... ltJ l" I 1&,rflD!t1 l~L·.,..;'~ liJ.i.:''.'.;;:'.'.:·:; .. :·"·•· · Mi C . ltT ltfOlt,11 ........... ~= OUT 01' ITATa ,..0, ••• ;., ... me all pqf,;, T'llfi..ttn111litii. '4JJ!1 ... 'ttbW '''· ..... MST '.................. 'i!OllMTAtM. Dll•ltT ........ '211 A"de~7;,r d~= h;s~·~~::d~~~l~~.,_m3 ~~6•30) M·--SH.AR. pl ~ 1 ifJ:,·1~::~~~·:·:::::::~::~;.JKJ iY~.iit.t~1'~~.'.~~.'.':':·::'.:E! , ! " ,, •. WAlllT"D ... ,.,,, .... ~ rooms o gorgeous Spanish furniture (was • · • • • i::r:.;.~.~~·.~.::::.::·:::·WJ. BUSINESS •"" reg. $1295.00 1 ' :rsf.Lu:,.···:·::::::::::::::::;:I 1ufi!~,~~~!:.~uN1,111 ,, .. •j SACRIFICE 3 nspect EARLY 1111v1,.• 1••••c• ., .......... ,,. 1uuM11s wANr10 ...... , S 98 COlllOltl 01'-MAI ........... Utt lliiVEITAllE"T o"""~~ltltt "11 • • • • • • As We "-'I "'UICKLYI •AL10• ••N•1r1suL.A ......... 1 .. INv••TM•,., wA•T•o .... :: •nt ~ , , . ~ ,, l lACON UT ............ ,., ~·1111 MOjillT TO LOAN •HI ~ CltlOIT TIJlMI AVAIL.Ill.I CA•OIT CLlA}te:o IMMIOIATl\.Y llAY llL.t,NOS ................. l»t •IJtONU.L LOMls ·:::::::::::.,m i • L100 llLI · .... " ....... "" l#I JliWILll'f LOANS &Ut m ID FURNITURE AOK Comm.,. i G II ~t~\~~.~~~~.,,. ...... : .. ·1::: , ......... , , ... ,·::::::::: .. ,. . . I s on a ery MUH~IN9TON M~1t1ou•·:.:;:1.u M1\ e,,-::ie:T~NJ..•·:::::t: ~ -.2 'GARDEN GROVE BOU'IVARD. f'Ou 'Al" vAuaY .......... 1411 MoNr$ WANTro .. ''11 1· 1844 le t Bl d (at ' 1 -al~k West of B. each Blvd .. Off .. G.G. Frwy. !!~~::::~~~::::::::::.:::::~* ANNdO~~~~~~NTS Wnor v ...L__ LOff._llACM .... :::::::: .. '.'.'.'.110f In . f' •HOr.ur Blvd.) ~=~.;;;,.v ·;:::::::~:::;;:: r:~NO ~~~ . .'~.' . .'.'.'.'.':::.'.'.' .. ::ri Cest M. I S ~1 A--• 1500 Ml ouTO,cou,.TY ............. u• ••111:10N,t.LS ...................... ~, ..,. a -· on , ,.,,, n1 ....,,...., lfflJlnffUI l60Q OUT OP tTATI ............ ; ... lut ... NNOUNCIMl!MTS ,., ......... t41t ~ 1i9 . tT ... NTOtll -'" ................... 1111 I UllTNS ..................... 6411 ii •1•TMl!ffi1151t ,,.,.,,,,.~.,.,,1611 l"UNIJtALJ ..... ,.,,,,., .... M11 1 lvtry-NJthf 11rt--Wtd Sit.&. Su". 'Tl' e ATTENTION FA Mi L •:i T 1l EA SU .. ,.. M oWAY c1rv ................. 1•1• '•10 011 u,t.llY ............. Mu "f n. si. •1-MTA AMA , , , .,,. ............ 1•1' FUNl!llAL OIJtliCTOAt ....... '41• HUNTERS HOUSE S28 El Camino Reil ••Mt• AMA MeTL ............ 1•• PL0•11T1 ........... '4'' -Ntw ..... n ,c .• In Co•ta ··-sa. ((oniterly D St ) J DllA •• . ................ JUI CAIO o• THAMl(t ............ '4U t>Y IH} '.U: • amn rutTIN ' ................ ,, ... IM MIMOlll,liM ............... 411 ·~ 1110 Newport Beach area. The Town Shop Center Tull NOllTM JVSTIN .............. ,1MJ c•M•tl!•Y LOTS ............. 6411 j finest in,. ..... A all a-·-•· Selllne· ne & U)ed .:i-iMA' · 11.MAtll tM .... , ... , ............ 1&H cl!Ml!TE•Y <Jt Yl"TS ............ u g! ----------to..,,. ,.,,. .. .....,., W 0,,..,,..9 llL'lllADO CANntl ••••••••• 1&U CIMITllY CJtYl"Tt _ ....... '411 GARAGE SALE KING Loula XJV 9 pc din ies. of· fAlmous de s i a: n e: r 8 U.tUNA MILU ................ u .. CJllMATOIUU ................ io ~·· MlNK STOLE, beautilul, $50. ' ,.,_ "EARL OF ARMS'' Ladle . t h''-'-• U.OUHA •••<M .............. 1m '-'•,..,01ttAL •ARKS ........... '421 room set. X1nt cood. 50 "" ll, girs, c lu.u'l:lt! ap. UeUJllA HIOUIL ............ 1,0 &UCTIONt ........................ . 'KenmON! washer, works y .. ,.... old. Prv p ,., y . SU.he JO 2052 Newport Blvd. pare! Bags sbots It ~ IAM C\.IMINT• . , ............ 1n1 &VIATIO N SlltVICE .......... .i>J ...... 115:" Good che85 set in -.-9 CM "'"!J!S Ho"-2 lil 9 pm ,. ' ' ; t salt 'UAN CA•llTl•MO ...... 11'11 Tit.AVIL ...................... '41: .. 832-0261 .,...... ...,. iques on COnll&'lllllen • CA•llTilANO ''"'" ......... nu ••• Tlll:ANtPOITATION ....... 6440 CLAISIJllD INDIX ,., felt ~tee•"" l•l*f Aatl1tance DIAL Dlrtf!C'l' 84W87a WANTEP: Mature women willlngl!lh learn. Pl.eue ap- ply at 535 W. Center St. CM. LITE Housekeeping in Hun- "tli1aton 8ea0h, P!-lim• cau JOBS &'EMPlOYMENT ~ It 8Ublra"ll-6pm~2456 1---------.,-urn ure carrying case $5. Xlnt 1.;;:=~======Jirvfii>riu-ai;i;;M;i;:: 8.'J.2..0m PAM,t. l"OINT ... ,' .............. 1UI AUTO TIANIPOllTATIOlf ..... f«I J ~··-· T-hn,··a1· ·!······ I· fX(Bl'lrf ANY""r,._ -............................. nu """· """" ....... "" ~ uuv~ ..... '"' ............ Sewin9M1chln•s 8120 llU~ -U•1 SINGLE )v oman niem-OCIA NtlOI .................. ,I"' Ol lMAN&TUTOlllMO ..... 'l 8000 cooking, etc. 2332 Colgate benhi el't 1 b ba U.M 011•0 ... 1: ............... 1n1 Sl!RVICE DlftlCTORY .. GIRL rw pt-time typing In School .. lnttructlon 7600 o c ?.1 AU k p, 1 e cu on y. t1va1ts101 eovHTY ......... ,... ~ -Q-,-.,.~,.,,-k-, .• -.-~-•• -.-,-,.1-1_-,,, 54~9618: · wee ' 1969 SINGER wllh zig-z..ic & EFXEUNRCISE "-while hTwavl!"' Real bargain! Dally Pilot P. ~g~~L:.u~ Mov~~.::::::;;: ~~~~".~~~N: •1:111:vtcl ·: ~ ·::: :: :.} HB area. Call Barbara 12-6 pm 536-2'56 PBX answ'g Hr., exp'd ptt!. Vatltd lbiftl. J~~d)' work. H8Mtt.~ BABYSI'ITER. Wanted in my H.B. borne. 7:45 to 4:30 PM. 5J6.2!a &ft 5 P.M. • LIVE in '1akpr for woman alcne. $100 mo. Call 642-2232 Joltt-Mtn, Wom. 1500 Prot.11ional Strvict hr tho tmployor end the •ppltcant In DOVor Dr., N.B. '42-31711 549-2743 Polltion available "" .. EXPERIENCED ~ Tl!LLER- Good opportunity with tnde- pendent bank. Call Mr. Brown llEAL ESTATE SALESMAN E:c:oellent opportwrlty, PboDe fOt appointment, Jerry Freud Ch•rles Arnold 388 E. 17th St., CM 646-7Til5 TELLER with at leut 2 ~ experi· -tfice with bank or S&:l.. Ai:C 21-0, Salary commenaurate With eXJ>eritnce. Full time. Apply Downey Savings_ &. Lo&n 25866 Muir!and1 Road, Mlmon Viejo 837-4911 Mr. Lapp. JOIN Hair &. Co. -three far ou t ha.Ir 1cyU1ts! Opening Aug. bt In Ba.Ibo& Island. Cail Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, 714: 675-1230 ot on other days, 213:4G-6967 st.EEP For cuh. Wanted: aleep talkers for I a b rettuch, It you talk In yoor sleep call 633:-9393 ext. 188 bttw. 10-3 for further into. WAITERS &: WAITRESSES ~· nnly. Over 21 Y"· Full &: pL time. Apply ln ptl'IOn, Laguna H o t e J , Lquna Beach TRACT SALESMAN Weekf!.nd1, new, larae 11ub- dlvb:lon Costa r.fesa. 540-6102 BEAUTY Operator, full or. part time. Conteau. Hair Fu.hions. 615-3385. PART time janitorial help. Dependable. Eve n I n i 1 • -EXPERIENCED Wattreaes, OYl!f' 21/KUehtn help, O\IU' 18. ~1600 MiRCHANDISB FOi SALi AND TlADI " ""'-' ""-' \Valnut console. Makes but-on Inc \Vll!er. in-O. Box M909 DU,LIMll P'OJt SALi ....... 1m ,.,,.LIA.NCI! l!ll'.l illS.. ••rU. uu -; DRIVING LESSONS Complete, unu.sed $98; worth BABY c 10 th es, baby ton holes designs etc $5 25 huY,1 R.O\VlNG MACHINE a•AJtTMINTI P'OI SALi .... 1M1 ASPHALT. 011t .............. u,. ~ A3 law as $5.15 per Week w/ $250. Afttt 5 or wknds furniture, TV, a I bums, n\O,or sis.oo cdl. ~6 1v/ oars, $15, Sllrfboard 9.'8'' LADIES \Vhlte gold diamond It.ENT.A.LS ~~~t ~·:!:S,·y9",' 11~·.,:~Jt ... Pay later plan. Frre bome 847-0406 painter's equip .. papering SING~ Sewi..... ,.,..,_,h;..., cu!lton1 blank $20. 642-3826 &: sapphire ring. Va I Hout• Furnished IAIYllTTIN~ .......... ,uo ..'t ''"" ~ ~....,_...,,_ Sll~Cf!' clost estate ttiNfiiii.L . ,.. 10AT-MA1,.t111taMc:1 ........ uu ~ J>lclru . &>curtly Drlvlrig" '"MOQ'JNG • Must selraTiilng -bolmt;-mlsc:-18111-VaHea rentaJs. $5 mo. Free pickup T'T_'LllNG surfboard round S47S. 644-2944 alt j;: pm. •INT.ILJ TO 1H.11a ·::::'.::: ,,... :~~=-1~:r::1~·1;1~.::::::·:.'; "' School, 1~2233. set with breakf ront, Cir., 11.B. &. delivery, Call 526-6616 tail. Xlnt concl. $90. l llf!u1re 1-,,=====--"'~-,1co1TA MSSA ................ 211M1 1u1Lo•111:t ................... 6511 hed I & ""d G R I I IM ... ~-~ II B IDNSIDERING qua.lilied ....... O•L MAI .............. lll:S CA(llUMG un Educational Vacalion 5th room sc nauga,v e A DEN tra.clor. I i C' r, UPHOISrERING Machine11. a oss ~· ............. s . · or man for purchase of Irvint ~o'.l"e::•:::~• .............. tiu ca11Nl!TMAKINO ............. 1110 graders , • , .Sr t;::ilizens couch It chair. 646-7892 electronic equip, ph oto PfaU 145 & Singer lllWlOS. t-::c=all=54=0-=15=1=4===== . NIWl"Olll:T llACM n• CAa•llfTllll:INO .............. u,1 Chilcoat 1D leuon typing 8' SOFA never used. quilted equip, misc turn 1 tu r c. '.v!Jl sell cheap 645-0890 1M ·lscollinooua ·l600 ~~~'?Club members.hip. ::::g:~ ::J:ti':.;_~.:.:_:_:,:.:;::: ~:fl.~:A.1cr'~:....;·:::::;:::!~ 'i' ScN. Trial LE'sson. 173 Del floral, Scotch guarded 1125. cheap! Sat only. 281 Santa IAYIHOHJ" -.. co1tT•ACT0•1 ............... ",. Q · · • ............... ~ CAl,ET CLl!ANIN$ '6U Jl.1ar, C.M. 548-2859 Matching love seat $75. Isabel, C.M. _M_u_._1._._1_1_._.,_. ___ 8 _125 WHAT KNOT SHOPPE uaucy klna bed, quilted, rvfl IMO.IS ............... no CAl•IT LAYING. •ffAiil'f,u, f Pl~o LESSONS 537~ . SAT July 5, 8 a.m . .S p.m. _ Compltle, wiused $98; worth w:rvi~~'d., l"A111:K·:::::::::::: 01tAPIJt1as .................. .u1 i: EL NOW OPEN DAILY 10-4 $250. A.It.et 5 -or wknd.I, IJtVllfl , ............••......•..• ~:~~:;~0~.eaYiCE '".·.·.::.".:·.·.:u";; Beginning studenls pre!. UPRIGHT piano & wing-back 5382 Bl.inn Ln., I r 11 i n e EC .Guitar, 2 Pickups. HANDCRAFTED GIFTS ••t "'OO IA.IT ILU,., ................ nn '''""It&' --., Call ( B d T"'ll kl X!nt a ct i-0 n semi.'·-llow ..., ....,., lltVINI '''"'• :t24J " '" ··-.......... .. U.C.I. Music ?.1ajor. couch. Both good condlfion. ro II. moor .... croc Ill) • ARTS&: CRAFTS • COIOMA Oil MA• ........... 215' •OUl,MINT lll:RNTALS ....... &&fl Bro_ ,_,,_5(64418. . ~9-~l A_lte_r 4 PM Antiques.. imporls, mi Ii c Jazz/Bluel! $45. 673--0665 Relaxaclpir t,'"j) IAU\a ..•.••....... :::::::::::,_ ~~!'£1!!•_ .. ·; ................. _ ..... __ _ _ _ _ _ . r.: - -ltem8 taken on consignment. ~-vv.n1 .. MERCHANDISE FOR DEC~,.,,.,, ·-•-, pr ··el"el (umilurt' & ,e ..... -elry. B . . ,_ di .... Ga~ Log $20 LIDO ltLI .................. Wl FUIMAt8" .. iri0.i"1its;·.:,c ......... ,. " ... IM.Wl • v Pianos & Organs 8130 r111g in your .... n wo.... 546-3090 u.v iau.Not ................ mt Fu1M1TVl.e •DT011:1111G .... . SALE AND TRADE chrs. recliner, lamps, light JIUGE Garage Sale! L11ngrm 262'2 Newport Blvd., New-IAL•OA ISU.NO .............. uu • lll:ll'INISMllfO "" , fixtrs. Bluffs. 644-1650 & bdrm furn. Dinette, slove, JULY SALE port Beach, near Woody's 8' CUSTOM. ~ u r tb o a rd ::~i 1~~'~ .. :::::::::::::;:;::::: :::~::tN~i1tVtcEs' .::::::;::: : Fuml'tur 8000 kitchen u~nsils, clothes, \Vh••I pcrfect cond1uon· 1 year old 111c1t •AY ·· ......... '24t oOAo•• .. ••·•••• ..., • • WROUGHT iron tablt, 3 m•···· "'6-l?S2. 2110 Elden. All new &. ull!d Pianoi. .... · . ~ ' HuNTjN•TOM 11acM ......... 14" .... ........... ,,. ----------•ha•'n , & l '··te••· •~. -~ FREE 300 Bl Cb s•· $50. 847~1 l'OUNTAIM VALLl'f .......... Mlt 00"'11•,•, ,., .. , •. ·,·· ............... UN ~ OVER -STOCKED .. lN.11 -4 f>.6 9-" Check our pianos first...... ue ljl .. tnl~:i le.AL •••t" ,ue ···············•'" 499-2993 July -· · \Vurlluer9Knabee Fiscber w f com p 1 etc 'business 2 YR membership to Holiday LON• 1ncM ·:.:·:::::::::::: .. :m1 :"JL~'!o~L.uls-• ............... :~ ~ MUST SELLI New 9 pc. conier arrang. choiee of clrs. reg. $230, now $149.50. 11eadbrds: Kings, IJ5, Queens Sl2.50, Full $10.50, Twins $3.95. Trundle seLs (duo riser) \VI inner spring matt. reg. $100, now $79.50. Roll-a-way betl!I w I inn. spring malt. reg, $59.50, now $39.50. Full u. sleeper-sofa reg. S239.50, now $16!1.50, New beds: K i n 1 $99.50, Queens, S89.50, Full S49:So, TW!ns $39.50. • rully guaran. Klng·1ize. spnads. choice or clrs. l't'lt $20.95, now Sl2.99 SIESI'A SLEEP SHOP, 11)27 Harbor Blvd, CM 645-2760 daily 10-9 Sat I0-6. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN As Shown in model homes. 3 Rms of furn, (di n rm, liv rni, It bedrm) priced else- wl)ere at $895 is yours today at only S439. Eaay C.:reiill Terms. Sant• Ane Furniture 426 W. 4th SI., Santa Ana 547-0719 Approved Furniture Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture -sale! Sale! Must sell all! Bldg, being torn down to n1ake room r o r ntW buildin&:! I 7159 Harbor, Costa Mtsa.. Daily 9-9 Sun. 1~. 548-9660 -t POSTER bed, antiqued over solid niaple, box spring, plus Sel'la. foan1 mattn?11s which eo11t SGO aJone. All $65. 64Ui912 449 Harniltnn, C.M. Apt. B. QUALITY furniture from my Palm Desert homc; triple dres1er, commode, head- board. king, queen. h\'\n beds, sofa, tabfes, lamps, misc. 642.-.3313 LIDO Isl. 16 c r Irost il'f'e Refrig., New Sabot, 85 yds. f\l.!11 cptg.Jlke new, twin bookca!lc headboard, boo~. 1'l'lcord1, drapes. 67:\-7547 FURNITURE. beda. chesta, Jlesk:, bedroom su ile, dining aet, 110fa. al110 '00 Impala, gd. motor rcasonabl~. 968-<632 DINING r o o m table, -ii c ha irs, buf fet s4o . frlgidaire • copptrlone $25. 548-194a .' F'OR finest home. Imported formal dinlna: table, like new. S600. 646-0732 TWIN headboard, ~dresser, mirror, nite sland, $85. Lingerit chest 190. 673-3734 Office Furniture 1010 COMPUTER Diviaion dlspos. e1 of modem McDowell &: Craig stetl desks, <:halra, Jiles, tables, etc. McMAHAN'S 772·8450 1&30 S, -AllaheJn1-Bl\td., tn Anaheim (alongaKlt SA ___!reeway at Katellal Houiehold Goods 8020 TRUNKS 1110 $4. Difthes 25c Ren"'-• no ·····-·· t•nn• starter kit tncludtt: ~ Health Spa m~ olfer OUM•• COVN"fY ............... HAULIHO .............. ,,,. • .2 G I ,25 Pol & uu.i; ...-..... .... ~-• • tAMTA AN"-................... 2'll MOUllCLIAMIN"o"""'""'""·,n! ~ to . u a ove · s · Gould Music Comnany imprinted letterheads, ;J(.() .,,.,.. WESTMIMITll ................ u11 INT•1tio11: oico•AT.iN9":::::,,11 . pans 50c up. 2510 Carnegie 2045 No. ~fain, SA ~7-0081 env, 500 Invoices, 50 0 4 GOODYEAR TIRES, 10-35-~~~~"IN'..":1iOMri '.'.'.'.'.'.'.','·;!~ INCOMIE TAX ... , ........... •u1 ' St., Costa Mesa. 545--0129 """"'_,.-,--,....,...,..-..,..-1 purchase orders, 1,000 hus, 1.S"s & 10-45-15's. best of· ~:iTMAAL i ii&c'H .......... •·····~:= 11:g:; .. ~~'..~~~.:::::::::~1: ' * FRIDAY' Desk t•hairs JULY Is hot ~ but we have cards, 3-linc rubber stan .. p, fer. 642-3838 U9UMA MIGUfL ·::::::::::::·un INSULATING .................. '"' • · • · · the HOTTEST buys ln town. type·•!"'", -~wo-'· "'J.l.'5. IAM tLaMINTE ........... tnt IN.tUIANCE . _,_,, ............ 111 ,. •tires & much more. 270 -· Co -u.'6 .. , ..... ~ SUR·Jo~BOARDS for Ba le S•NjU•N CAPllTIANO HU INVESTtOATIMG, DelKtln ... ll'IO l Vi ...... inia Pl. Cfl.1. Spl1K'I, nsole &. Grand Allen Prillting ~.••01 -. C.Al"I UANO I UCH ...... ,,. JANITORIAL J;; '"' ~.. Pianos: 1ie1v &. us ed "'" ""' Jl.1any sizes sell chca11 1 • · ···-···· JEWELRY 1EiiA 11. ·Et~··· ·•· .... * 642-0427 * * AUCTION * •"1io..t357• -~fvN1• .. :.g':~oVNTY ·::::::::·~ ~ANotCAl"ING ... '. .... :.::::::.111 ~ Baldwin Organs -alt' on ==~~-~~---VACATION RENTALS ,, ... OCkSMITH .............. m o ... HIDE-A-BED. end tablc5, Sit.le at really HOT 11rice~. lt you ivill aelJ or buy BABY Crib with rnatt rcsa SUMM'llll: IENTALS .:::::::.'"m• =::v& ~~~c•~cli""" .. ·::!: ; iron bed. misc baby ite:ms. \VARD'S BALDWIN S11.JDIO give ~Ylndy. tr.· \\'h[t('. Colored spools at lop. CONDOMINIUM ............... me PAINTINO, "'•""""''"'·::::::.m 1'V. E v e n f I o sterllizer, 1819.Newport, c.t.i. 642-M84 s12. 613-2928 R°"E'N"T'11."Ls'"u•tt. · · · ........ ·2915 =•1NT1N•. "'"" ............... au ""1810. AucUons Fridl,)' 7:30 p.m. · &T1os ...................... "4r ~~~~~""="""-:;:,-;:-:--c;::; !HAMMOND St ' y J" fl I I I H u I . htd •HOTOOUl"H'I' . .. ..,. 2:--MATOllNG chairs, ideal • einway -a· Windy's Auction Bar re ec or e escope ou•ff n urn11 •L•sT.e1uMG, •11c11, •••" ""'-" n1aha -new &: used pianos n 200X white $15 CfNllltAL , ............. •• •LUMllNG ............ ., ... ,. "' for de~. ofKfle<: o;1 fa~1~f of all makes. Best buys In Behind Tony's IDdg •. Mal'I, _546-89~="=======, 1~o,,s,t,.• 0i~·~·11:··-;.;:::::::::::::: ::J~.~'tt°v~:o ............ :;;; l room. £0't nox ., ,j '' So. Calif. right here, 20751i1' Newpoprt, CM 846-8686 MllA \'lllll:Df ................ )111 •OWll IWfilP'JNO ........... 1•11 -~ 6'1~1519 SOIMIDT MUSJC co., INBOARD lt1arine trans. Mi1c. Wanted 8610 ~~~:a\".\·"~"··::::::::: .. := =~rlHs:·~'.~1. ::::::::::::::::~: ; SAT 7/5 . Lrg Bft sci, mi#C 1907 N. Main, Velve t drive, Al!IO :ftiercuo-v ----------NliWP'OIT H•HTS ............. 1211 u.010, lll•Nln. ii~ ............. JO .: 1032 P Id. Dr Sa•ta A•a . ., N&WPOIT IMO••• .......... mo llE'MODEL/NG " RE,•r• .,.~ ~ goodic.~. res 10 • .. " controls,' sleerinf, props, IAYSMo••• ............... lm llMOOl!L NO, ICITCNINI .... ••<15 _.. I Mesa de! ?.1ar) C !\I . EL E c; T R o N I c Piano. airguide 1 n s trum c n t 5 WE PAY MORE OOllE!I sHoait ............... m1 1crsso11:1 tMAl,.l!N .......... ,H~ i BARGAINS :n applia~s. 546-2184 portable. plays lhni H.i-h'I. bucket seats, fishing chairs, CASH ~:~Ji~i'J... "'AllC ·:;::::::::::; ~~;::: MAC'Miifi'iiil.•Ailii ,:~• " furn. A. misc. Top condition. Hou s E Fu L, ear I y Ideal for beach home, inboard lanks, windshields. RVINE · ·· .......... _ .. JUI 11"'11C TANICS, S-'1. att, .. ,HJ ~ , __ G · 1Jtv1N1 TI!.JtJtACI ............ n4s tAtL011No , .............. 111 ,. ...... A.. E ret:rig. top Amerlc11.n : sola $50. n1ountaln cabin. boat or 549-0530 COIONA DI L M.'.I ........... JUO flJlMITI! CONTJlOL .......• , .• ,n freezer. revolving shelves. S30 9839. -A t h'n On! ws-t IALIOA ................... UOll TILE, Certinll .......... ,_.,,,f14 Joveseat . ..., rena, eac 1 g. Y a-e_rms. NEW Chrysler 20 hp electric '""' 11u.Not ................. w• TILE, LIMllu"' a Mtrt11 ······•'IS i.. Gas titOVe. Round wh.lte FV. 968-5000 NE\VPORT ORGANS 60-1530 remote single action COO· ~l~~ILl!ILAN ................ :Wl TltlE Sl!llYICE .......... ,, .. formica din. table 48", one 1..:.:;..;_c:,,.:.:,cc=-~---, For fumltutt. appliances. A 1 D .............. 11u TIL1v1s10H, ••1Mlr1, E1c. ... &NJ ~ GARAGE SA'"·. toy•, ,,,, llAMMOND Cho~ Q,..,..,n trols other f'X-8 $315 ,. TV Nl!W'O•T WEST ............. UU U•HOLITlll'f .. '"° leaf, 4-6 chairs. Vanity. 11ew ........ ""' e<"'" ' -u .. . . co ored ' stereos and an-NUMllNOTOH llACM ....... :WM WILOIMIJ ' . ::·., •• .. reen &: w h i t.e skirt TV, race track, vacuum, Xlnt thruout ! t 350. Ca 11 Also !l foot hydroplane 1vith tiqucs. ~UNTIMOTON H&R.IOU• .... ,J4tJ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT _..j, ~,..;, r--1nlxc. 6112 Laurclhurst, HB. ·642-2482 -morrn;; runnlnit-ltghr.a-ana sear-s!E.-D ouMT&1N VALLll'f ........ ~1• • .. ~..-Ll!U:> ""~~" A.V or nit?ht SEAL au.CH ...... :: ........ ios JOI WANTED, M4!R ........... ftel GARAGE Sale. Sat-SUn. July· RARE--Unusual s 17 00 54;;o-w.w 636-3620 OAtl.DllN ••OYI .............. )US JO• WANTEO, W-11 ........ n2t ~ar19t Sale 8022 GARAGE SALE Sat only. Sawyer's rotary 11lide trays SL~ ea. Flash light battery charger 12. \Veboor Royalltc stereo tape ttcorclcr $25. Elec hair dryer $8. Clock radio SlO. 10 lbs of green aquarium gravel 11 . 5 O. Hand 1Udc viewer $2. BR cl~k fl.59; 2 high Intensity lamps $2 ea. 4 track port. ste1w tape player $25. Speaker console tor 11bovc S2:i. 4 track i;tereo tape S2 ca. Auto tachomettr $12. 6154413. 4014 Channel Pl., {Newport tslandl, N.B. FR I-SAT-SUN. Shopsn1ith, Sllotgun, Gun rack. Delu~~ car air condi tioner, Gord~ 'l!urfboflrd , St. George Dn1m Sl'I, Cralt11man Miter box, Craftsman sabre sa.w, Table Jam11s. brus andiron~. fold· away serving bar. golf earl &: woods. Football shoc1, bC'dframcs. ganu·s. books. records, and many other items. 25ll Dukf'. C.M. GARAGE Sa J e, everything must go! Bargaln11 galore &. odds &' end11 home fumlshlnp. Sa.t & Sun, 4601 Operetta Dr. Huntington Bch, 8'1~!1252 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! LONCI llACH _, .. ,........ ,UGI JOIJ WA.,TEO, ~ ;,-0, 172 t1ower, c M. lmported Danish Teakwood KIRBY vacuum .e 1 ea n er OIAMGI! COVNTY ............ 1•M Ml!N " WOMliM ............... 71;11 • "'~2'18 Sp•·-1 p'•oo ~,· .. ""1"'50 '''181ta•b -ll•he• X'NT I~-~~..,.-..,-,,..,~-.,. ltANTA Allj.1 ................... :Mll OOMISTIC Hli!L,. .............. JOH • .... ...--• .., ... • ... Y • .,........ "' .... • ..-• .. Olver all Oril'nge le LA (D's WISTMIMITlll ............... Mlt AOIMClliiS, Mell .............. 11.. ~ GARAGE SALE WANTED cond and guar. __ Pay off • WANTED M•ow.&'f CITY ................ :x1 ' Hliiu> WANT&o, M•11 .......... nta lOlll Cutty SR.rk. H.B. SAT & r ' COASTAL .............. ,,., • TIO, W'""R ...... T4tCI ~ S"INETS & GRANDS balance of $39.67 or take IANTA AMA MllOllTS ......... )QI ~~~~C~llN Wonie11 ........... DOI' ~ SUN 1"., ..,,.. .. ..,,... ~36~ ove r payments. Credi! Dept., FURNITURE L,t.OVMA atACM .............. nM JOit-Mn a w-11 ......... nto ., ........ .,.._,.,,,, 53~7289 U,OUNA NIGUl!L ............. 3111 AOINCll!I, M-.. a W-R .... JU~ ~ REFRIGERATOR $40, Roynl PIANO WANTED TOP CASH lN 30 Mlnutts s.r.lf CLl!MINTI .............. 1111 •ctcooLs • lfl'IT111:Uct10N .... 1"1 • OZARK'S H, .... _,.., ·····r· lo C&l"UTJlANO ........... lfU JO• ,., ... lll:A'l'lOM ........... 110t typewriter $22, more. 20621 (213) 817·1035 Pvt Party ..... u • ., r Quality Jurniture, color TV's. c&•ISTIANO ltACM ......... nJt THJ:ATll:ICAL .. -··· .... ,.>ta• " 53S-l3.'14 ==========-I smoking & B-8-Qul", lrg.J at~. appliances, tools, OANA 'OIHT ................ 1140 MERCHANDISE FOR Egret. HB. lb bags S? Includes delivery COMOOllllNIUM .......... nu SALE AND TRA • Est.at Sale R•dlo 8200 •· . _ ollicc equip. OUl!LUll UHFUaN .......... n 1i DE Garage e ----------1 charge. Send ebeck or M.O. 531 -1212 !UMMEfll •INTA"-S ......... ms FUllNJTUl.E . .. ........ aooc Art objt!cta, etc. Alt 10 SCRAM-LETS to HA Komulaine ......, w RENTAL~ OFFICE 'UIHnu•I! ........ 101c -s Camellia Lane, CM. · · ' 11o1~ • $ WE BUY $ A F h OFF1cE l!OU l•MlNT ....... 1011 • &1 Carlton, Ontario, Cal. 91761 pt1. urnis eel ~TOlll 1:ou1P'MfNT ........ ::aon .: BATIERIES 6 I ec 12 -Ql!NlllAL ................. •Oft A,.E, ltl1TAUIAN1' ......... OfU Appli•nt• 8100 *SALE* N!!W Washers -Dryers -Dish· \\'ashen. -Refrigtralors. CERTIFIED APPLIANCE 113 East 17lh SL Co~ta Men 1142.(1240 e NEED a new relrlgeTator, washer, dryer, or color TV? Now ls' your chancl:' fo !l&\'t!, closing out alt 'G9 modtls no"·! ramous brandli, ca5h or li1ne·-p l an. Check Hcndcrson'1 todll)'. 1 8 71 Harbor Blvd. CM. 54~15.5 LADY Kenmore, copprrtonc, 11.ulo washer. late moflel. xlnt cond, Jlk~ fll!.\\'. $125. 847-8115 KENMORE Automatic \\lasher. xlnt cond. $-10. ... 847·8ll5 * ANSWERS VOi .,,,, $ FURNITURE $ COIT• MtlA .................. 410I IA.Ill EQUll"MEMT .. ~ ........ 011 ~ voll SS 5 quarts or oil & set P E MESA v1101 ................ 4111 HOUSfHOLo oooos .......... •~u "' I k I ·1h b It A PLIANC s Nl.W,OJtT aEACM ............ 41" G<AGf tA"-1 ... _ ......... IOlJ 0 spar pugs \VI a ery c I TV' ,.. • St • :•W,OIT HllQNTt .......... 4211 :~~~iI~~"s AUCTION ........ NU : Bigamy_ uncle _ Surly_ purchase. Alica.rs. Will pay •... •-••no 1-•r•• • IWPOIT SHO•ts ........... •m ............... ,1i1M1 ,1•0 ! Id b It _. I P'l•c• •r Hotu• Fiill Wl:tTCLll<I< ........... •!JI lMTIOUES ......... 1111 Kidna!'I -K(ND o( Llf<lBS . or 0 car a ene.!I. CASH IN lO MINUTES UNIVEISll'T •A•K ........... 407 SIWING MACHINE ........ Ill~ Diamonds don't grow on Volt Batteries, 2027 Harbor IA.Cl( •A y .. . ............ 4~1 'i!UllCAL INSTRUMENT ...... 11u Bl d C'1 '-'•"-"""'"' • 541 • 531 • !Alf aLUl<F ............. 4241 'IA.NOS a OAOANI ............ 11:111 trees. bul they can ht' found \I ". " !l"l..rv<J"" .,. COIONA OIL MAii ........... 4t.M ~ADIO ......................... 1100 i on lhc right '.KlND or LIMBS. NE\V fil ing c11.binet 142. HU. R~v·1 •&Lio& ··· ............. uoo l!Ll'visio" .................... ,.1 .. ~ IAY llLAHOS ................ UM Hl·l<I a 111Jtl0 .-............. n lO .I Orthopedic hvin 1111\l\ress Need twin bed complet wilh L100 UL! ................. ~•SI TA•E IECOJtOl!IS .... 1'20 .205 -p bl TV 19" ,'\ti • e IALIOA JI U.NO , ........... USS CAMlllAS • EQUll"MINT .... &JOO ,..,,, Orta e -· frame and CA..!lters. A I so MUNTIHOTOM lfACH ........ ,qot HOalY "''"Liii ·•· ......... IMOll ----------54~:J240 couch prefer nau ..... hyde FOUNTAIN VALLIY .......... 4411 SP'O•TING OOODJ .......... II.it , .,~ • Sl!AL llACN .................. qSI l tNOCULAltl, SCOPEi ...... .,1.1!1 RENT OR BUY ?-JAN'S Sch1vinn Va~1iy 10 bul not neceuary fl1ust be ~oN• llACH ................ UOI Mt1CILLAN1ous ............. IMH \ ' ....,A_. bike. ""'""good 00.,11, in good condlt:lon ·and rca-:>,•,•,•,•,• '0°"0"rt ................. ~'t"i:u:'::~r~, .: ............. 1M1t COL'OR TV .-~..-.... . ~ N • ,,., .............. 4.11 . (. ............ 1100 -soo. Guilar s10. tennis l'llr· sonable. 549-0674 w11TM1N1T1111 ................ qn ~uM111 .. .. ............. •H~ ,. $9 Month Up .. 1A10WAY c1Tv ................ "1' TOIAOE .. .. ........ 111~ 1 ALSO quct $7. 6~5-0933 WANTED: BI a ck s ml th Ll.NTA AMA . . . ........... 44,. :~~~OINO MATl!ll,.LS ...... 1110 STEREO.REFRIGERATORS .l'OR Baby: playpon; eoting F~rge ~w 1ypei1t: ~vii, ~~~:~N A~~ ~."1~.~~~.:::::::::!: PETS end LIVESToc'K'1 ~ \"ASllERS OR DRYERS tabl•, \valker, s IV i ,1,, ' a .so u ~men nuxer. COASTAL . .. .............. ,.. •t:ts OElflllAL u • 'Y "' ., • ., 0•93 LliOUNA •IA.CM 471J ' ............. . OPTION TO BUY :-;\roller & a<:ales. All for $25. '~~-~==--~----uo·UNA Ml91JIL ............... 7t7 CATS , ........................... .,~ ': IAf'I CLIM•HTI ............ 111 0001 .......................... 111:~ 54).4539 5JG....I096 WANTED: Used cam per DANA POINT .............. :, ... HOlll:llS .: ..................... n H •Mil f 1968 El eam· ..................... ~1vtsToc1C •f4o NE\VF'ORT Beach Tf"nnis or Jtl0· 111'"LIM, •tc: ............... ··•'" CALl'ORNIA ... Ll.VING • pt'e f t r fib e rgla ss OHt>OMINIUM ............... 4fJt r-SILVER'T'ONE conllOlc 23" Club Fam\\)' membership. RENTALS NU1t111111 nu I Color TV, black call. pert $780 ($300 below cosll. You 548-453f l\ft 6 pm. A "· U I I htd swiMMtN• l>OOLS ·:::::;;::;:: .. .. 6 3 6. IN the h 11.-1 ,p,.. n urn 1 ""T101 ....................... ,,, cone!. Scars warranty pay trans. fee. 833-1469 . x • roug . 1 u~t OtlfilAL ......... ., .. :. ,... •wNIHOS ................ .,n u rt'ne,vahle In July. $275. 7'2 .. BING surfboard round be 17' Jong. Jo"'or ltncing COSTA MllA ................ :.11" V&CATIONS .. 1n:1 545--6137 tall . Xlnt cond. S!K>. lnttul•:e 543--1759 e~1: ::~0".~1ti: .. cM ... :::::;;:::.::: ~o~~~s.r,.?"~~ATION Tel•Yislon Furniture 8000 Furniture 1000 CLEAN G.E. Reir\gel'a.tor. $40. Good shape. 2!H 44th St., Ncwporl Beach PORTAB.c• ••••l•·al TV, ,., at M-.· ... ~-~, It.". o• w ANTED OLD TOY :•wito•T, MllGHTS ......... 121• $AILIOATS "'"""!'" :: " '"""' v'""' """.....,..."' u l!W"°I" IHOlll ........... UJI l'OWlll: CIUlllll ........ ,,, .. ~-0rk1ng i.'Ondltion $20. * call 5.t9-157-t TRAINS l\.1ADE BEFORE WESTCLI,... . .......... ,l?Jt SPIED-SIU lOAT ............ fnf SPANISH NORGE Auto w11.i;hrr, nlOdcl. xlnl., L'Olld. 847~115 19fa Phone 642--0332 UHIVlllllTY •AllC ........... 12J1 IOAT T•AILlltl ........... '°M fJ4S..02S2 C & H OFFSF.T Prlntln< /==· ======== •ACk•A'f · · ........... ""' 10 .. r MA1NTINAMt• ........... n IAtT ILU,fr ............ Ski &OAT LAUNC:MllfO _ ... ,,,MlJ •210 (dlscounton order200&:overl Ma hi .1 1700 c:o1toMA o•L MAil ........... sut IMllNE IOUll' ......... teM HI-Fi & Stereo 177 Ji Rivcnld~. NB 642-0920 c nt'I, t c. IAL.ao.a. · .............. "" •O•T 1Lt• Mo01t1No"'"" .H.u MIDITIRRANIAN As Shown In Model Homes IAV tsl.AlfOt ................ Slst IOAT s11V1c1s ........ ma lllO 1069 SOLID Stile 11tcrro. ~AREA rue. shag 6X9 bl~ STEAM BOILER kl~~~1"'~su1111;-............ ·~ 10AT 11tlNTA1.1 .:::::::::::::::!: Antiques spd, 4 ,;P.f:lker audio A)'Sll'm green tweed, good oond Coit f NUNTIMOTON llAcff '"'"'···,_ rt' ,.c.MAftTll ............... ftlt -;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;. In Wllnut e<>ll!Ole, Take $le9 Sac $60. ~ ndustriaJ Sleam Boiler, Pllt· ,~T:IN v•u.sv .::::::::;$111 .:,:i ,,J,~::• ............... .... • TIQUE ~· lter 10 h,p. Good woridnr • ~" · ..................... 1o•T tTOllAOa ................ '"' AN over sma.11 pa.yanents or pay BA'M'ERJES 8 V $4.95 ex. 12 condition. Wqrking pttMure ~C:,~.'1 c;.:0~,;;..;·::::::::::::~= ::-'• W&NTto ",'.',',','.'.'."::.:::: ~ "Whit" en eMcltln9 teenal Yowr home cen come alive with cur 9l•morcus 1 ll11cor•tor-correlet•d peck•9e! l iving room inc:lude1: luxurious Soft end Love SHt In qvllt1d flor•I f•brics. l Spenhh Oak T1bles, 2 di1tin· tuldie<d Conqul1tedor Teble Lamps. "Haci"1nde'' B•boom: Sp•nhh Tr~ple Ort11er with Fremecl Mirror. l<in9-si1e Headboer'd, 2 Commod"h-. J..f'c.. Wrou9ht Iron Dinette Set, Sp1nl1h O•k '1•xa9on "to:r. Must be ''"' tcrl>e tn,ily appreci•t•d • , , so comt In todeyl Price •hewh•r• .t'llfl.00, ' ~ IUlll .... lllCIAL SALi ... C.. k f1-NlriottN .,,., ... 1., l••Y CtMlt Ttmt 4lf W. '0VJtTM tT, IANrA ..... 5!l.01J9. SHOW AND SALE cash balance ol $T.l.68. V $5.95 ex, guar. 18 mo. Pay of JOO poundl $850 548-:i623 .,,.w1•,•,•• •,•ov• .............. u11 "LY~:~"T~•toNi '''···········;',~ 1 $2,tlM (00 Olrn'A" _Credit [)j>pl, :'>.15-7289 $1 ., ·Jd ball •••9990 aft 6 ' 11'10'11' II ............... Ull MOl•LI MIJ ............. .., • """' ~ .. ...., ,.<lil"\I • il'tlr er pm. MIDWAY CITY ................. ,.,. MOTOlt MOMU ............... fll(I Bewrty llilton Hotrt DLX Stf"l'l?O Con!!Ole, Al\f. 2 Year old Seart 18'' 2(1" Trimmtr commercial f~:Jt,~':"", .. ,·.·~, .............. a1c.YcL•• .:::::::::"""~ii .. 91176 \Vil1htre Blvd. !o~l\.I I .. Ahk I • ... "' ......... me •Ll!t"Tltc CAlll ..... . B \lt'rl 11111 • ape • .._ .... ' apes retl·lypt power lft\Vn lawn mOIVfl' With 4 hone TUSTllf "' ' ...................... fl!.INI l lKll .............. mt ' t Y s records. $.29J • must 5'11!! mO\Y!r $35. 549-0282 Kohler engl~. 646--3629 ~t~,.L 11ACN ·::::::::::::::li': =ro1c'fC\.JlS' ·:::·:::::::::;: Ju1y 10, lt, 12, 13 \4!J6..S686 lAOU"A lfl•Utl. nn TOll:S,OOTlll ........ tut Thur, rrt, Sit 1 to 10 I;,,;;,;;;,.===""'== 20 ga thotgun ·2 ban'cls S50. •A• c&.•M••t• :::::::.:-.:.::'"' :~ro ~~t••a• "A'"' ... .... Sunday u to 6. T·~ Record•r• 8220 GE 2 WI)' r.'lio!l, 1 S30. J FREE TO YOU ~~"#~··T~~~.:::::::m ~::Lii, t•:v.:u~~:.::::::.::;: ~ 11maJI 5tt $12. 536-6000 •1960 REAL ESTATE, u.Mt::.s. .~'.~ .. ::::::::::::; MUST rMKE ROOM WE8COltE Royalllc 11 1 20" Trimmer COJnrnet"Cta~ "°Flt> trame a.n d O.ntr1f r:r~• ...................... ,. F'Olt: ntw" SHJP1'ftNT Ftdt11t)' tt.J>t J'ft'Order. Like llwn mower wtlb 4 bone chAu.ts fla..el1 114 fll•LlJt. ttc ................. ,,. (AM:11i "iOiT,.,1.t .......... :m FURNmJRE Cl.EARANC£ new. $51). 675-3683 Kohler enalnt. 8fSo3629 n:MAL£ Sheltle-m!Jc, 1 yr r.':,~M .. IJll!U~O""""'"'.nM DUNa 1uoe111 • HU SALE Id " ., .... 1,., 114 • WA"""' ........... "" '"''o•TIP AU70t ffll rrs BC'ach houM Ume, 81&-DELUXE Whlle port.ablt o WI')' pnu•. ;rsa-.~·.ir::.::11' ••• ,, ....... = ~~ltT~CAlf • · :::::::::;;;,.t' ARIEl &t!lt aelecHon evtrt See the •wl,. machine, used only 3 O&N bulllt)< klttem. ~8,D:'Hot"-:JLla 'coU~ta": :a~:c?~ •. ~i~'~.~·::::::·;:~ .• ANTIQUES DAILY PILOT ea_ .. wef 1. S.crille< 14;. ~-491-,1044 ;11 .,... ....... .... •• .:. •::"'l ................. ... 369 E; lTUI ~OT -t6CtJOn NOW! ~ 1NtOM1 "*°'''n ,... .. ,., cA '" 0 ....... : ...... .,.. .......... ~·™· I'-U:::illL"-rs iOc::x ..-'nil: QUIC!:KER YOU CAtt;" n~ .... 952 IUI& .,1(,1 1•11•tter ·~··T.,·~·······w.. ~Vtcr:~::fl .. .:.:.'!'.1-''"~·····'"' .,,... rw-•o "' KUj: ~ l'1' "tM! nm: QUJCKtR YOU rTl"I T --rm "'"-.... .,, -#fl -Osio "" ............... ~f a. 01~._ ~~-El<'phllntf_! I 1 1,:N1 ~s l!:tHt•• .... , 1 ................... ~ } ' .. ' .. -"" • • -' ~. .. "I know .not what course others may take; but as for me ... Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" Petrick Henry In the name of liberty Petrick Henry spoke these courageous words. And in the neme of liberty a .decleretion w•s signed, a country lo.rmed and e w'er fought. The Fourth of July symbolizes this spirit of independence which hes pr1veiled. , • ... _a 0 e rou • On this day, Independence Doy,_ we prQ.vd- ly recoil those who won our precious freedom. Let us pledge ourselves to the preservation of that Independence. May our country remain the land of the free, home of the brave. • . . -.. THIS REMINDER SPONSORID BY TltE FOLLOWING PATRIOTIC CITIZINS: ~~--~ .................................................................................................................................... ~ .............................................. ~ Roy Alvarado Hair Stylist 2401) W. Coo.t Hwy, N•wporf letch 641-651) Hemphill's Shoes !I ll J'\11wp11rl l fvd., Co1lt Mt•• 541-9744 Wells -McCardle Realtors 1110 Ntwporl Blvd., Coilt M11t 548°1729 The Copy House 719 W. 19th St., C'!1tt Mt1• 642·2210 Hank's Ocean Front Cafe 2300 W. Otttn Fron!, Ntwporl l1tcl1 671-91119 Paul -White -Cernahan Rea lty .Company ID938t,tr, C::o1!1 M.11 ----slT-5<1'40- T radewind s Liquor Store 6710 ".N, Cct1f Hwy, Ne .. port l11th 541·716) Howard's Nutrition 11(11 Htrbor, Coil• M111 548.64 14 Cal's Cameras Inc. 1710 N1wporl Blvd,. Co1'1 Mt•• 646·9]85 Pilot Printing 22 1! W. B1lbo1 Bl.cl., Newpor t Bttch 642·4321 Sea Schwinn Cyclery ~21) £. 171h SI~ Co1!1 Mt11 646·7706 Noa ck's Trophy ·Gifts 102 [. !6!h S+., Co1!a M111 646.]141 Harbor Auto Body 9S7 W. 17th St., Co•I• M11 1 64 2-6941 Coit Drapery Cleaners 1702 N1wpott Blvd., Co1l1 M111 642.0270 Me sa Beat Center 1595 N1wporl Blvd., Cod• Me11 616.6269 Henry's Groceries 1112 W. Oct•" Front, N1•porl Be1ch 67J.J201 Ho llister Nursery 2640 Mtrbor Blvd., Co1'1 M111 546-SS 25 Harbor Inn Hotel • 1800 B1lbo1 ~Blvd., Newport B11ch 675-)46) Beach Drape!l, .. ~,.~vJce 900 W. I 7th St .. CQJlt M111 540·6464 Blu e Dolphin Restaurant ll55 Vi8 Li.l o, Newporl B11ch 675.4004 L ·& B Coffee Shop 2136 Pl1c1nli1 AYt ., Coi!t M111 6.42-14'14 Bel. Beech Broested Chicken Sil£. B1lbo1 11¥.i., l1lbo1 67l -St20 Alley West 21t 6 W. Oc:.1nfto,.,1, Newport l11cll 675-17 14 Mester Blueprint & Supply Co. Jl4 Fi1h1r A••·· C11t1 Me11 5o\.D-tl1J Yellow C1b Company "'116 £. 16th St .• Ce1t1 Me11 541-2144 The Flying Butler )IOI Ntw'9PI l lwi,, N1wport l11ch 67l·Ot17 The Irvine Company SSO N1wJ ort Cult• Ori••, N1wperl l11ch M4-l0t 1 . ·Bob Bums Restaurant 17 Fe.lilt" 'f1ltnd, N1"Wp1rl l11ch 644-2011 Reuben's -Newport B11fh & Cost! M111 251 £, C.111 Hwy., N1wper1 l11eh 673-lSOS 1111 W. Acl1"'•· Ce1t1 M111 140·965J • Sta 1 r TV -Color Specialists 275 E. 17 th St., Co1l1 M111 642 ·,742 Kustom Motors • - 145 l1~1 r St., Co1!1 M,1. 540-59 ! ~ · Crawford's Pharmacy 1104 Newport al.cl., Co1+1 M111 541·125 1 Bolboe Bey Club 1221 W. Co11I Hwy~ N1wporl l11ch 541-21 11 Huntington Beach Convalesc:ent Hospitai 11792 01l1w1r1, Hunli"9le11 B11ch 147.)515 Master Specialties Cc. t6 .. 0-Mo11re•i1 .A•t., l!.111 M111 642-l.tl7 \ - Cla-Vel Company 17th I Pl 1c1,.,li1, Co•l1 M111 541·2201 Five Crowns Restaurant 1801 E. P1cific Co11t Hwy .. Coro111 d1I Mi r 675-1)74 Jamaica Inn Hotel 210 1 E. Co11f Hwy •• Coront d1I Mir 671 ·1120 Jensen Marine 115 F:1h1r, Co1t1 M111 540-1440 City of Huntington Beach 420 P1c1n St., Hun!in9ton le1ch 516·6551 Mesa Motor Siles -Trailer Rent1I Sal es 1621 N1wpod 'Bf•cl ., Co1!1 M111 541-6201 Newport Personnel Agency I ll Oovt • Orl•t, N1wporf B11ch 642·1170 Jason Best Employment Agency 21 20 So. M1ill. S1,.,11 An1 546.§4 10 Abilities Unlimited Aqency 411 E. 17th St., Suite 224, Co1l1 M111 642-1470 United California Bank ORANWE COUNTY AIRPORT 45?5 M1tArthur l lw.i., Ntwpott l11ch 140-4424 MARINER'S 271 1 W. Co11! Mwy., Newport l11ch 646-24JI CORONA DEL MAR; lt41 E. C111I Hwy., Cer1r11 dtl Mir 671·•240 HUNTINGTON BEACH 109 M1i,.,, Hunii119lon l11ch 5)6.1111 MUNTtN6TON IEACH 7902 Eclint••, Hu11H"tlo11 B1oc~ 147.Jlll COSTA MES A J02t Herbo• Bl•~i., Co1t1 M111 546-2011 Les Carter's Richfield 1611 H1rber 1i • .1., Coil• M111 540-0t l Z'- Classique Coiffure 1011 El C1111i11e Df., Coett M111 540·0SIO Hubor. Poinl. & W11lp1per Jtlt E. c •• .i Hwy., c.,."' "•' M1t 61l·ZOJJ Hilde 's Betu!y Ide 501 SoMfh lty Front, l1ll~e1 hl1tti 671-7411 Herbor Optlcel Compony )5r H11pll1I k••'· Suit• 106, N1wp1rl l11ch 646-1161 The Cupcole 171 E. 17th St., Co1l1 M111 5•1-lOJ I Mitla Mexic1n Restaurant · 547 W, l•th St., Co1!1 M111 642:9764 B & H Office Supplies & Irvine Office Product. 1101N1wP,1rt11.-.1., C.11t1 M111 616·1-i4J First National Bank of Or1n9e County 1650 W, Ai1rn1, Coit~ M111 5416.t21D Windy's Auction Barn 1071 1/1 N1wperl l l•tl., C11!1 M111 6411-1616 Un;ted States N1tion1I Boni _J))] .lti11 .• 1 ....... Coll• ...... 140-1211 United States Notionol Boni 1145 N1wpO'rt l l•d., Co1!1 Me11 646·l2•1 · United States Notional B'lnl 101 5th .. Hunt!n9to,., l11ch 516-9161 Tho Golden Gollion 15070 E'w11tl1, Hunli119!011 l11cli lt4-5J11 The Doryman 2100 W, Oce1nf•ot1I, N1wp1rl l11ch 117)-)200 Sea Sh1nty Re1taurant 6)0 Liio P11k Or., N1wport B11ch 675-10 1 I Ben Brown's Motor Hotel &: Restaurant 111 06 So. Co11I Hwy., Soulh l1qun1 49f.J27t Pickwick Bookstore )lll l r11tol, Co1!1 M111 540·2191 Me -~ -Ed's Family Piu1 P1rlors Ce1!1 M11-.. 1fth & Tu1lh1 646.7116 Hu11tin9to11 B11 ch. l11ch I H1il 147.1 214 Dewey's Rubb ish Service 2t lJ C1ny1n Dr., C1t11 M111 642 ·119 1 Cottogo Collet. Shqp 562 W11t 19th 5t., Co1t1 M111 646-Sl04 Mutu1I Savings and Loan Assoc i1tion 21117 E. Co11t Hwy., Coron 1 clt l Mir 675·1010 The Newporter Inn 11 OJ J 11'1bor11 Rel., N1wpo1! l11ch 644 -1700 Glendale Federal Savings I: Lotn A11ociation 2JlJ E. Co11t Hwr., C1r1n1 cltl Mir 67l·ISIO Western Girl, Inc. 2700 H1rbtr ll~d .. Co1l1 M111 646-7451 Mercury Savings & Lean Association 7112 Edin91•, Hunlln9to11 l11ch 540·4010 Kentucky Fried Chicken le111un1 l11ch, 5111 Cl1m1nt1·, Cor1n1 d1I Mir Manning's Coffee Shop, Cefeteri• Oe11 Qul1ol1'1 Oi11i11t l1om - l1l1u•1 Wtrli, L19u111 Hlfl1 lll-1014 I Newport 'Convalescent Hospital l•J H11pi1 1I Ri ., N1wporl l11ch 641°0010 Jolly Roger Restaurant )JOO H1rbor 11 .. d., Colli Mt•• 140-1515 ' The Ri991r Rest1ur1nt JI Ill f•1hio11 lil1nd, N1wport l11eh 644 .24 14 Bob's Big Boy 154 E. 17th St .. C11t1 M111 646·2154 Stull Shirt Restaurant 21 41 W. Co1>ol Hwy., N•wporl l11ch 646-5051 Dunc1n Electronics 2165 F1ir¥l ew Ri., Co1t1 M111 545.1261 The Flome Room 1110 Mo 11ro•i1, Co1!1 M111 646-5544 Boy Scowts cf America 0"-ANGE EMP1•£ AREA COUNCIL 11-11 s.~1t1r,-S111t1-A11• 546.4tto Senti An1 Ljncoln-Mercury IJOt N. T111ti11, S111!1 A~• 547-tlll T erboll Realtors 29~5 H1rb1r 11.-tl., Coli• M111 S40-l 720 Groth Chevrolet 1111 t l11ch l lvd., Hu11ti,.,111+011 l11ch 147-6017 Wilson Ford Siles 11255 l11ch l l•tl., Hu11ti"9!011 l11ch 141·11111 1 • Dot Datsun 18115 ll1th 11.•oi., Hynlin9lon l11th 1~2·7711 Bill Mney Toyoto 11181 l11ch 8!¥d., Hunli"9lon ltteh 147·15S5 B. J. Spcrtsc1r Center 21]J H1rbor Blvd ., Co1l1 M11t 540· .. ~tl Roy Carver Pontiac 2915 H1rbor l lv.i., Colit Mt11 546.4444 Atlas Chrysler· PlylT\outh 1t1t H1rbo1 11.d., Co1l1 M111 5411-1 9]4 Harbor Dodge 2111 H1rbor 11 .. d., Ce1t1 M111 540·1118 University Oldsmobile 2150 Htrbor 11 .. d., Ce1l1 Me11 540·9640 Connell Chevrolet 1121 Htrbor l lwtl., Co1t1 M111 546-1)00 Nabers Cadilloc 2600 H1rbor ll•d., Co1l1 Mt11 540-t I 00 Theodor• Robin' Ferd 20110 H1rbor l lvd., Cttl1 M111 642 -0010 Poole Buicl 1l4 E. 17th St., Colli M111 541-77115 Sunset Ford 5440 G 1•d1n Gro•• 11¥cl~ Wo1l111i"''''' 6]6·4010 · Newport Imports ~ 100 W , Cotil Hwy., N1wpert l11c~ 642-t405 Merchants Personnel 204) W11lctiff Or., Newport ltac• 645-21 70 Farrow R111ty 291 E. 17th St., C11!1 M111 646·44'4 Gud1n Squert H11lth Club •1t2 ~1rd1~ Gr••• II•'·· G1rd111 Gr~•• ·s J?-5410 Pete lerrott Reolty .1 1605 W11t1J lff Dri•t. N1wperl l11ch JIO I. 17th Str .. t, Co•lt Mtt1 R .. I Est1ters 11th I Ntwp1rt 11•4 .. C.1\1 M11• 646-7171 • l • I I • + I j • ' 1 I ' -I • I I l I / rt~ll'J. JUlr '· 196? '"'!friOilAll~Y ... 1'11. .. 0T..,.,....,....,.;;;;l;;T"..,in..--7Tiiri:in<.-. PETS and I T K ==c:.:;===-l'-fllA=N.;;S;;.l'..:;0~11.:.:TA..:;T:..:l.::.ON;.:.__ 1TllAHSPOltTATION , FREE TO YOU Dov• •m lloah & YKhlt ' 9000 Sallboats • '" 9010 -Cnlitln 9020 MNlle Hoo.. noo Truckt 9500 Imported Autos - DAILY f'llOT FREE TO YOU TllAHSPOltTATION ' TllANSl'ORTA TION 41 . -· ;' Bl.ACK Is beauUlul! T bl.by ALASl{AN Mallrnttts. (sl~ DAVID L. FRASER CORONADO 2!, ~ SAyEI MUST Sfll. Letvtnc tr.l' t temationafHarm:t ~ TAKE UJ;' Pym.ti. on 1981 • ~ • p.1pptH tf!ek owners wWifW dot; pups), AKC. br'auliful sa• Diesel Schoontt •• $$1.0DO CORONADO 25 .. on dlqila.y ~ 1163. Jt' Olli.I cntt QIEENLEAf " . er dim 1taUon wa;vn • 4 • to aqume prrm .• obll&:atlons colorini-, ~I fM'l!Jy dQf!I, 40' Ov:ens CUlttr •.•• $17,500 MAJ\INER 2+2, one m0tttb twin ma1ne cnd8tr. Bat-of-i: ~~ MO'l'O new Um, auto. trans. MALE I roo old puppy part -Oollit, . P1f1 G e r m a 11 Sbcpbtrd. All I hot s . blebnhn. ~ 7/j It joy• of own1ni: a ~· lrlcnd!y, kwln&. easy to 40• Diesel Xttch ••.• $29,000 old, QWt.$SlDI) •• SeQ $25t5 fttr over $2500 phoo e PAIK 845 Baktr ~ J)'mla. f&t.'12, have 11 moe. •'l fllothtor. ~1rs. Deez.hiy,. 15 train. Perteet show dOgs. 55' Ok!se1 Ptlotonaller'~,000 ~ .............. ~ 645--25&4. NB for •PPt. to in-~ -weekiT SAVE -on ftm&inbi&. -5e-1006 • mlxtd poodle & 'Wife.hi.[ tred aood. tOt. a..r e e d I n r . Oill: (.buck Avtr)r 2912 w: Coul HJ&hway lpcd. 1bk OM O'aft, AU e» .. • 'r' - len"ier. 6.54 C •ta I n a• o.-1R1ued· pw:oebttd, $125 3.124 Via Oporto, N~port Newport Stach &ISOl:lO Uu inrt11Jed, In clear, dta.n, cool a.ta ""' '89 " Trt.Yt':l...il, La'"'tl& lk:f\. 497 1131 7/4 .-.... lot N .,. ..... 1 11!!1'1 no. 31Dm:IB02514. Wt: , •-~ up. $.35'7S rn..525? • t9f.3911~ 17'6'' LOA. OJfty cabin. %1 l1' callln c:nu'ltt, UM;' A! ea.a, ew ... ll*ce nmul have a complete lltlectioo ol FREE Adorabk 'ltt!n•, 1RlSH wolfhound bitch, 11 ~ EGG HAfllOR ' trtller,3bp'EW1rude, fully Oirir•Cran. Inboard •q. ~ N~,~t ~ trudca. . '61 $PRlT& cooo ·CON black J: black A "''bile. 6 yrs. pet qual. ODC Irish .,,... San Dleto • equipped. Perteet. See to Bait tank:, he6',. A·l (!Ond, omt .,..._, Mode1a • WE DEAL! .DrtJON. Call betwttn 1-6 ~USTIN wb old. Must find eood wollbowxt puPJt)"'dog 9 n'.IO. 2 Dill F.a:e: Jlbn Oia:played ~te.! S1200. 6 9 o 1 Oeln. aleepa 2, full coven. SalH OWCeJocated at Park. !!'f!"~~~'!"'!'!'~!'!!!•! 'P .M. $46-3165 !•, PUPPIES, Cocupoo 4 Te<· """'"· 11189 Anaheim St., Show qull. 1dorable di"'°';. New "l'roJ&O Gu J!&lders Nyama Dr., H.B. SU-13:16 11!185. -Oll'EN o; OUN ll T. v-s. :i, II'· AUSTIN HEALE'I'. riB (4) MIF. 6 wks o!d Apt. B, ere tton. daya; 1 644-4420. eves: Trojan PIJ'-Ukd Spec1alt wJsdn. 25• Meridian. fbl!I, eqpd Jor 9 AM TO 6 PM w/10 McDonald tel.e&coj:i1cf ____ ·----1 Tr.ee to lovinf ho m e · J~-YR old blk & ~I female 497-J.BOS 2540 Shelter 1SWid Dr. INTERN"-Tl0No$l. lA' • flshine/crWainc XL NT , c.,mper{ Both clean, aoocf' stTR&FOOTED 1009 Ml..8847 71'1 eat. Good 11 catebiil&: nOOc. Ml!'.'lATURE Dachshund 71~22).'°'5-1Jw aJoop. No. 296 l'IJOd owner anU:iua. 5•1-1501 A((B(J MOIJlf . co nd ition, Will eeU BlJl.eytd Sprite e $550 J'l• FREE kitlon. pure blk male Lovable. To J;ood home. puppies. brl)>Orted A dwnp 14' SKI boat, mm: llm, lrJ cond. 2 sets Ot ...U.., SW.0-days. separattJ,y, Together $2& eJ:l]t 84.7-6439e -1.~ ~. ~· ~ ~ 1= Desperately ~ =~·6 :!. 542::7 Terrier, wttl trlr. $1.20J.6t5-0114 ~ ~~ W $pMll Ski Boats 9030 -ffOtl-SAW 548-mt DA~UN "t · N.B. 7/7 10 kittens nd homff or must IRISH SETTER puppiH, pct VENTURE 21. Pulpit, litr MUST tlC:U this wk: end 1965 1750 Whitt• Jeep; 9510 ----------1 HUGE n14le ral, very gentle. be. put d~p. Won't you & show quality, AKC. Sailboats 9010 line1, cocQit, rails. atd. dac FB , 1!~~· Chr)'slj:r° in--1er AYe * 1967 BRONCO * ORANGE COUNTY'S -. Timid male albino ral. Very help! 4127.A Hil&rla W~. 5454i559 sails + club jib, chatn/sail b_;/ ·~ gd kl • Cost M NO 1· 1J ~ ~y pets, each with cage. NB 7/4 -==-=· locker, mah cabs, alps ,.f. rn .outun.1, . s · G esCI Wagon Hardtop, red I:. white. • r • ~ 717 SMALL port Lab f<malo. i;:~';;.,""r:.;w~C male HARD TO PLWE~ ""' nlo 545-<340 :,_~,boat. l""1. °' oUer. 714: 642· 1350 ~u;.,h«I ..::" ,;,{., loc~~ D~~':,A~LJ: ·;: 1-FLUFF'Y i;:ray and "'hile spa..yt<I 8 mo. old. All &boll. 675-7918 e S1:'i CAL 28.. Fully equipped ~ 18 ' G LA SS p A R t Ro ·seat $1885. msoss ' kitten tree to loving botM. housebroken. n-tt to eood AKC Poodll'! puppy, Show Are you lired ot look.in& at or ':"'1 .. SIS ndio. Will board/outboard 100 hp MOBllf ffrt1E 188$ Bead! Blvd. ~2 714 home. 536--3116 1n him or low: him. He's really overpriced, used, abused, nie-consider any re~ble of. Volvo. J964r---Aekif:w SltlOO. Hunting-ton Beach ,~1 WANT ~ homes for' :t Nm. I """ ,,..., ""'"" glected boats'!' hr. Call ~ ., •• ,,_. c_._.m .. _,.'..-____ ,_s~20 8J2-Tl'81 or 540-044% ---WE·D like to live with )-"ou. 3 ~ ~·· ........... Ony u~. ~~ You muol "'th< KAI NU!. lT O'O n ••• tall< -"-~=~=,-.,,---,.~-$10'000 -"'"-'• ECONOMY ( RELIABILITY j pies, G "'kl, o!d, l mal~ &: l DACHSHUND pups, red; An tllaOOer' 32 in lhe mblt · ay """Y r lt' SKI BOAT &: trailer ' FAMILY FUN CAR: V\V 1200 Datsun Wagion, ahow c o ck a Po o IP eke Po 0 AKC 6 Wks. Champion 1•• •-1 nd "Uo.n De.mo, , $1750 -Ulled $1l50 w I 35 l\p. eiwine r u I> s Cam-r. German • built rid 28 MPG !1.. l adorable kiltens. 545-4592 7/4 ON.E 6 "'eek old puppy left ; male. beige I white. small mixed breed. 862-5434 '11-4 TO Good homes. 2 nice look· 111¥ grey &: y,•ht, m~. hair kittens. Aft. 4, Stl-5322 7/-4 OXK-A·POO, 2 year old male nttds aJfection. To ~ homC'. 5-16-«JO ' 715 3 GER. Shep/Collie pups, m a I e . 8 y,·ks. oJd. iTh-4557 7/5 64&:-5586 717 SJ>O ..,ss, uaw eu 00 1 14 O Day uaed .•••••••• $500 ................ 1375 64,. a.i,,.. -OR -,,.. room co · · • • lines. 968-31}44, 968--3053 ot an,y boat you have ewr FU Zo Boat r... Balboa ..,......._..., ~· Westpballa, 1967. Vacation actual, n\I. New car war• YNG. puppy needs good ~RA~RE~-s-ill<_y_T_•_m7·,-,-,,-.,_-I seen. Gleaming chrome fit-n ne ,..,. · · $35,000 w:ilhl>Ut • n y motel .l litUe rant)'. Take iJ'Mll tr.a.de, homr. Genn.Sbep mtxC!d. AKC. No shedding, odorless. lngs, and rich varnished 28' COLUMBlA SIVER Bolt Sllp MOoring 9036 pa-i..uts. Great llOUnd car Orig owner. $1095. Jordari femal@.. 6 mo. old. Blk Call (1) 893-1903 teak trin1 accentua~ ·th e Sloop. Inboard, llttps llOIJSfl Jor wife & kida. Sleeps 4-5.. 673-2430 w/mhat. mark$. 96'l.J248 7/4 sparldifl& white fiberglas S. plley. Immaculate! SUP for boftt lo J}' for 6 • Stereo declc with' speakers. ----,-68·-D_A_T~S-U_N ___ I All. black kitten. 7 .,.,1_.c1>11 TOY POODLES AKC hull. Her mow whit; sails S~950. · 645-ll33 weeka. Newport Beach. Independent tent with lug- old, probably male, to go.xi * 897•7067 * and colorful spinnaker make srARFISH No. ll07. Planel *6'fl..m0* Come in today and see Jux-ga;e rack, like new. Pop up STATION WAGON honlt. 64&-1338 1/7 yoU" proud to be the captain! In a 10 knot wind. Used 2 DOCK FOR RENT up to 35' ury living at down to earth top ,vith BCl"CeM. Jalousie loaded, auto, overhead cam, · Horse• 1830 Loaded with extra11. Roller mo!!. $390. 110~~ Ameth)'st_, liiat ·Yearly. prices. Especlally now dur-• windows wtth screens. Full dlr, disc brakes. SlZ cash Sl\fALL mother cat & 4 kl-1· Reefing, Genoa, Spinnaker, Balboa Island. *8'73-3115:f*·-ing our clearance sale on cu"i-fi.ln5. uOV outlet. Only d'Cls or tako trade, LB WBJ- lens. Short Mir I.: weaned. 1-IORSE CORRAL 0 t · · i ( peedometer) all. d~-Jnode~'re 26,00'.I ml vw amrtced. 589. Call Vic, 545-0634. Healthy. 10 wks. o Id · for nnl. $30 month .P 111 a 1 ·' s · ' 26' T-BIRD Sloop J sails, &: • FOR RENT SOAT SLIP pnced to !!ell immediately, Beautiful lnlllde & out! If I :;;::;;;::;::::=:::;:::;::O:;=:I ·~ _ 7n • "'"0 ~.,,, • \Vind Dlrecllon Ind1cat~r ~ 5 P 1 nnaker. Speedometer, $50. MONTH p ............_.. ........._,., Ta~hometer. He~ cabin 1n-Pulpit, 10 hp, ena:. $3650. CALL fi7S4433 arka available tn all areas you can find a new one il'll I DATSUN C\1l'E mack kitten with DARLING kittens 6 wks old, :::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::-I tcr1or ."'ood ls r:'Ch ma.hog. Bob Edwa.rds, M2-l'°3 . ___ Bay Harbor cost ~-Yoq can own t!liS ,Vhlte Chest i.. boOts, trnd. Y.'eaned I.: hscbrkn. Free to livestock 8840 any \vith a furniture Dnlsb. . Boat Services 9037 Mobile Home Sales honey for only S 2 9 5 0 . MS-9578 7/5 got'd home. 546-0019 714 l!illcr range and oven, plus LIDO 14 • $890. 2 sails, ra~-1425 Baker St. &16-8088 or 642--2500 H J4LFALFA HAY. electric cooking. Plw;h car· Inc:. ~uip at Behl~YAOITSklpperwanlswork. 'rj blockEastofHarbotBlvd. <CUTE N•ppies. n1ix breed. KTrrENS: F\fixecl bag. ave $2.8S 811-. "7. Ton Sho Co th YC 213 =•9rn• B k ,, ,.... ..-~ pcL~. Stereo. Ship to re r1n ian · : .,...,... ......, Cruise or maintenance. on a er 6 .,.,.gold. To lovina: home. had healthful & »e<:Ul"e 637-6843 radio, direction finder, and 714: 877-2311 , * 54S-3561 * Coiota Mesa (714) S40-94'10 CAMPER •69 DATSUN l B\ij' sedan, 96 hp, overhead • l cam, automatic, dlr, radio, heater, w/w tires, loaded! 3200 milH, under fact war-: &l2.J867 7/:i start. 64&-23&'1 7/S TRANSPORTATION depth indicator. Univei:_sal ...26' WHALE-OOA'l'-6' Davenport w/ 2 cushions HAU" poodle pups, 3 female, -Atomic 4 eco110m1cil engine flfake'offer, must .sell &oat-Yacht Mini 8ikff 9275 knobby ty,·eed beige. 7 ,1•ks old, 1o good homes:. Boats & 'Yachts 9000 with only 18:i hours. A "lo-* 645-0810 * Charters 9039 BIG 0 ••• <_--·bier ~o. •-646--2819 715 847-815.1 714 tal of 92 extras! Pi: ... ""' .. .,.. t• ,,.,., S•les • Rentals Authodzed.. Dealer Eldorado -Four Winds Scof&man • Barracuda 8' Cabover Low As GER. Shep/Terrier, 6 mos. ADORABLE puppy 6 wks. 23' F'AIRLrNE'R F.B. Sport A one owner boat that has SABal' • Fibergl.~. col)'I· BLUEWATER CHARTERS al 2239 Vista Hogar, N.B. female, very lovable, good rnnle ~~ poodle, Fm to gd. Sedan. 327 Crusader. \Vant 6 had the l.incsl ol care. Jf you pletC'. ~ conchlion. Sl75. u Drive Sa.it or Power 06#-0233-;:;;;--c==-,----, with children. ~2317 7/5 honlt. 847-4261 7/4 sleeper F.B. Cruiser. Diesel a1't' hard to please, see the 646-3007 · , Skippered local sport fishing J HP, Strong frame, great ONE 7-wk old lonely kitty CUTE gray and \\'h\te kit· preferred, ca.sh dlJlerence. KAI NUI. {?tteans "Creal CALIFORNIA · Cataman.n Harbor cnilses 24 hrs tr'lclion. Xlnt cond. $99. * Theodore 1799 fl1ode l # too ranty. Bal to tine. $1886. I Take $125 cash dels or old· ! er car. LB YHW146 • Call Ken 545-m34. 1969 DATSUN Pickup w/ex- cepUy nice camper, 6000 ml. SW. 548.Ql93 aft 3: JO. • .! ho c1141 6™728 sCa" in ifawaiian). Bring priced al $595! E.,;cellent · 646-9000 644--0435. ROBINS FORD looking for a ham e. tcn.11. 4 for good _m~5-..,.,~~==~=~-il {E nd 346-1009 -;;;;;;-;=='""'"'""""""== EN GUSH FORD • S.S.1591 i/7 847-7'.!90 , 7/4 1965 LOh'ESTA'R 17', dee~v. your ivife and !am Y· ven co · . * Finest Selection, Power & MINI-BIKE 5 HP. Jacllsbaft, i l ned 150 hp OMC, lo 11rs: fast, big yoor mothC'r in la\Y will ap. LOA 17' sloop, xlnt condiuon Sail. Skipper optional. For 6" wheel!<, ready to be 2(fiO Harbor Blvd, 2 KITTENS, 4 "·eeks, "'ea ' PETS al'!d LIVESTOCK \\'hi trlr ,...., brk1. Priced to provct. Priced for immedi· include11 sails, mo~r t: brochure call 548-4191 liccrused. G46-4644 eos...,.~le!M~o,.!!!!~"'l'!!. ~6'2-00,.,,.,l,,,_O, .ORANGE COUNTY'S .: ! long & short hair.-One i;ell. 830-1921 art·s wkd)'!I. a,.,'' il~.1~,,s_ 1Co6,9~.,·d"'er"Tk.to'."" ,', trailer. Sips. 2. 644-1741 CAL ~24 FtlR CHARTER =========I Wl\NTED ·. u· -~A.. "'~-...... VOLUME-ENGLISH • Siamese. &12-STIJ 111 _c_,_,, _____ -_8_82_0. SNOIVBIRD No. ,~ lg hull, "' ·~, &.d M t I -9300 .... ,. .._......... t BEAUTIF'UL long • hair ~ part pay. Ownt>r, \Vesley N. 37' AUX Yawl, slp11 ac S25 Day· $150 Week o orcyc •s ' shell lor 1068 Et Camino. FORD DEALER • bl/"''ht kitten. alllO 3 sht SIAMESE CAT ne-iv board. l350. Glasshop. Taylor. Res 1n41 6T>7957: sails, l /l joint ownership. 1"846.-2957 • '64 YM.1AHA 2;i0 prefer f Iberg I as t SALES -SERVICE • ba:r tie:ers. 642-0896 717 Needs good home. 494--6360 per 7' dinghy iv/oars, $200. Bus. t2ti) 87!).0800. See any. $3000 dn. S44--042J a1t 6 p.m. 50' Chris Craft $175. Reasonable! S4S-4537 after 6 '69 MODELS i· Used 1 season. 673-1901 time Sat Of' Sun. SHOCK 2.3. Fast fbgls (iay UniOile Cruiser 31" 6-G-2S78 pm. lmmedl&te delivery I 9 SETT'ER·Poodle puppies, S 18' GLASPAR Seafalr Sedan. ............... sailer. Sips 2, OB. Head. Daily or \Vk]y 9 6-rs.?.808 i .,.;6,:;8i--;O"°"O-;D,-G""E,-o"u'"•:-l;-,o:-::m LARGE SELECTION ~lfree to good horn~;? Dogs 8825 Fully electric, 75 h.p. EYen-CAL 2.l "VIVACIOUS" ruJJ Bargain! 673-0053 • ·~!~~~:cr ~.~bl:~ Sportsman Van Famil-y Theodore ·# AIREDALE puppi~s. AKC rude, elee bail tank, full oov· racc. mooring avail. Xlnt LIOO 14 No. 1670, Bow float, Fl1h1n9 Boat1 9040 Kings PL Newport Heights Wagon, Camper equip in-ROBINS FORD RUSSIAN Blue klt1en, lO k t'r, American trailer. 6i5-4608 cond. 76J.-8429 cover, dolly, plus extras,l:::'::"=..o.-:-'--:-:::,-:-;;-. ·1;~';:,.~.':'.'.::'."'.".0.~~ clud. air. Save $1500 • FIP i" wks. female. To good home. rer:. exclrigrec,13?~ w s. 16, GI• .. """ Avolo"· 15 hp UDO 14 No ........,. tr!r -ver .. _,1 over 1900. 67J.-l006 FOR sale or trade 38 H1g. J CYCLE motorcycle trailer. $3600. 644--0477 ~1363 ask ror Sandk! 718 \Vrk 897.....,11 ex · ... , res .....,,,..... · '"'""· ''"' · c~=:::.;;.c.::..:=c...:.""~,-71 g>.ns tlshing boa!, 6 c:yl grey $105. !162-8507 J\1erc. Coast Guard equip. glass boards. Fine tacin:; COL. 22' Sloop, O.B. Head, marine diesel $4500 or trade * 207 39th-St., N.B. * TO Good hn1e, 3 kitten .. 'I, ""2-JJ48 Must !ll'll! record. $1050. 644-46.)5 1· D --"-1~ <V<• SOFi' tiny Toy Fox Terrier -"'--~~-~~~-1tes, ac:. ~ ........,, · ror land w/cabin. ( ZlJ) '6' HONDA Scrambl•r ~-_ ~aned. trainC'd, a f 1ec 1 · ..-: OWENS 25'. 90 hr5, like 30' Tahiti ketch $2,200 675 7381 ~ ..... 206(! Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa fi42.0010 ]. , 1 ! *PAM-TOPS * All steel shells. Sales & ren· ta!•. $149 up. Buy '"""' FERRARI '.,I 646-1403 715 puppies. Reg, ch. stock. "" :>-444--90'l'4 perfect! $.125. '65 Honda S direct. 1010 So. llarbor, SA. ---------Bcau1. smart & healthy. new. Dys 4!J4.314l. eves SAC. AS IS. 669 So. SL MaJo, LIDO 14 -90, $150. 5'&7978 Free broktn L:oncre1e. s.ia-a1s..~ 4!»--0737 ask for fltr. Garrity \Y. Covina (213) ~eve 67'"732 54&-2712 7/4 Neiv hand trlr. ,,...., Boat S~rag. 9048 '68 SUZUKI 80ec like new, 13.-:auUful Golt1erl & 8111.ck CLASSIC bay launch. lo!:oi of 7' STOW Boat, $75, good con----------__ •-=-----462 mi. $2'.25. 4~18 Camper Rentals 9522 5 \Vk, old cuddly kittens. 2 I..abrador Puppies. Good leak. See at 1216 E. Balboa dilion, sailing kit Incl. alter BOAT STORAGE ht 3 t bb' 837 2.'>Zi 7/4 Power Cruisttl 9020 65 HONDA FERRARI !ii Nev.'PQrl Imports Ltd. Or· an~e Couty'• only autOOr· w • a ics. -bt'('('d . $20 each. 5'11)..;,s89 Blvd. 6'J3..6315. 3 p.m. 847.8834 -··---Sailarpow-er upto:JO'.Fenc-*EXPLORER* ized dealer. ! GUINEA pig, long·haired POflf pup, female, 2 mos, Ch. CHARACTER Boal! 20' in-CAL 25, No. 925. 2 mos n'<i, 38' Stephens Sedan cruiser, ed yard. Newport Bayfront. SCRAMBLER 250· S275 ~ith cage. 644--0963 117 sired. s15. Has defect. Only board, gf't'y marine. XLNT latest interior. $500 bf>I01v beaut. cond. Roomy t: Monthly rates include.·• 6464644 By week or month: Luxuri· ous. Sleeps 6. Sell contain- ed. Limited number. Call today. SALES#SERVICE·PARTS 3100 W. Coa5t Hwy. f"RE ___ E_kittens. 56-14-i7 7/1 to home, no chldrn. 642-73)4 cond. $1/:iO. 61:.>-4020 cost. 642-2281 Safe. 84&-9518 ev~. Use of Holst '69 HONDACB160, 650 mi. 2 1:.~;;:::=:=:::::==!::..:=':::2':0:::=====-========= ========='-'==='='====;-! Launching moi. okl. $450 htolmel in- Newport Beach 642-9405 540.1764 Authorized ?ilG Dealer Ntw Cari 9800New C1rs 9800New Cars 9800 New Cari 98001'few <;ars 9800 Call Anlhony's eluded. 642-70-lt 839-2281 LEISURE RENTALS 714) 642.fi61.I, (714) 837.JSO!I FIAT - NOW ••• ! THE FINEST SELECTION OF NEAR·NEW '69 EXECUTIVE CARS! Cuntint ntal Two-Door 1965 CADILLAC courE DE YILL[ Ebony bl.c\ finiill. M.td1in9 1 •• tk1r i11l•r· ior, full y l11•ury 1q11ipp1d with pow•r $111•· in9, pow1r n •• ~.1. pow1r winilow1, pow•• 111t 6°w1y, 1ir cond:tionin9, r1dio, ht•l•r. L;,, No. NNU 97 l • 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. COHYERTllLE l11utif11I cor1I fin;1J. with white \ouck1t 111h 1!td ... lti11 lop. 4 1p11d tl1n1., power 1111" . lnlf, rid;. l l.11lir, 1lc. Unu1u1lly cl11nt lie. No. JRJ 56ol 1966 FORD eAL. IOI 4 DOO• HA•DTO, l••ll'ud• l lu• m•l•Uie fini1h with ,.,.1ehin9 inl•rior. JS1 CID 0119in•. Auto,.,1lie tr•n1- 1'li11ion, r1dio. h••'••· power •'•••i11t, f•e· lo•y ,;., 1tc. l ie. No. RTR. 41 7. -. 1964 CHRYSLER NlW,-OaT 4 DOOa SIDAN w •• h~1111to11 11111 '"''•Ilic fi11;1h will! fll•leh· i11t ilttorlor. A11.fof111 tic +r.n,it\i11io11, r•tlio, fio•lor, jlOWOr 1l•1rh19, powor br1k11, f•e• loty •Ir. l ie. No. M&F 61 S. 5895 JOHNSON & SON TURNS OVER THEIR EXECUTIVE CARS AND DEMOS MORE FREQUENTLY THAN DOES THE AVERAGE DEALER. 1966 CADILLAC SEDAN DE Villi Strikin9 Arctic whit• with bl1ck i11l•rior 1nil bl1ck l1nd1u roof. Fully lu1uty oqu ipp.d, •ulo. lr•nt., RIH, PS, PW, 6·w1y 111+. ftc· !01~ 1ir cond., 1tc. ISMD 15ll • 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOlt 811ut:fu1 Gold 81i91 Mist fini1ll with 11 ddl1 1111111• inl1rio• ind bl•ck l1n· d1u roof. Fu:I., lu•ury 1quipp1d. Auto· m1lic fr1n1minion, AM • FM r1d io, pow•• 1l11nn9, p~w f r br1k11, powt r windows. 6 · w1y 11•1. lill 1!•1•in9 wht11, f1clo•v •ir, cloor lock1, •le. E•c11l1~l lhroi.9hawt. Lie. No. 000 JOHNSON • SON IS OFFERING OVER 200 FINE CARS UUY FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE! USED CAR DEPT. 540·5635 ' . ' THESE FINE AU TOMOB ILES ARE PRESENTLY BEING OFFERED AT OUTSTANDING PRICE SAVINGS! •.. BUY NOW AND SAVE! 1963 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 Doo r 11d111. Gold Mitt fini1h with blond l11lhor lnt1rior. Aulo,.,•lic tr•n1ll'it1 ion, ••· dio I h•1l1r, power 1t11rin9, power br1ke1, power windowt, 6·w1y 1111, f1ctory 1lr, l ie. No. lGP 776 1964 FALCON FUTUU. 2 doo• h•rdtop, 260 VI, A•clic Whit1 with Turouoitt inli ti or, 1ulom1tic lr•n1mi11i111, ••dio •nd ll1•f1r, power 1!11rin9. A •111 9ood 9r1du1tion 1p1ci1I. JIN I ll. 5895 1966 T-BIRD UN DAU lriti1h 6r11n fini 1h wilh ln•k.hin9 inl1fiar •ncl bl•ck l1nd1u roof, F111lv lu•ufy 1411ui11p•d. Aulo"'1lic tr•n1rni11ion, r1dio, h11ler, p1w1r 1t11rin9, pow•• br1k11, 6-w1y 11•1, f1clo1y .;,, Lie, Na. R.TI 714 1964 PONTIAC LEMANS S"1RTS COU,I Mi1t 9r••11 m•t1lllc with bl1ck b111k•I •••h, Autom•lic tr1111mi11io11, pow •• 1flo•rlnt, pow1f br••••• l1clo1y eir. l ie, No, OlW 409 5995 JohnsOD+SOD 1 lli!QC Llll GlllllTlll~llTAL • 11£111 JI[• IEICllY •Qlll!I IHI HA-IOUllVAB, COITA MA • • _..__ .. .-... ~-~------- ---------Motorscooter1 9350 Aircraft 9100 ·ss HONDA Scr a mbler :::.:.::.:::.:...------! Dune Buggies 9525 3 . t . Special built. $625. fl!IOO Gives you ll in· in * •673-0209•,, DUNE BUGGY, $1595 clean, low-time Cessna 1121--------- at O.C. Airpt. call 837-2200 ---------I Recently built from ground \\'kds .• 838-3728 eves. Triiler, Travel 9425 up. Tangerine finish, Gates tires, tuliecl exhaust, fiber glus hardtop. Absolutely bea'utilul. ---------AIRSTREAJ\l Trailer 1!161, Mobile Hom•• 9200 26', Land Yacht. Sleeps 6. ----6'1~j7 lO'x~· -24' encl porch =~,,-,-,.:.,,.-.,,.-.,.--;;;;07 \v/ne1v alum awning, comp. '68 l\fALL.A.RD Dt·~ke 19~~', furn 2 BR li;e ba ,\•/tub &: self contained; hitch; like sh~, lots' of closct.11, ne'v new, $2,875. MS--01~5 crpt throoul. $3900 W/$2500 --------- dn, ba1 $1400 at S49.8lfmo. Truckl 9500 Oosed 1th of July J1 ru.1 µ o rr 31iuµorrs hfUST SeU! '68 Fiat' ~ Spyder. 4 spd, 14,000 miles. Take over payments . 646-6flll MERCEDES BENZ 494-2532 '--'='-------3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. M. H. &. Perm, cabana, 166 DATSUN l/2 TON 642·M05 54()..1164 comp!. lum , sleeps 8, priv. Just ft'Worked engine!. Xlnt =~·~•thorn~~·-"'_M.;.G=-"Oe-al~"~ beach. 36'. $3500. 67l-S&94 condition, Local car. 4 spd, DUNE Buggy Show Sale. NB. dlr. $/J cash. dcls. Take low Bodies from $149. Chauls I =========~! DELUXE double \vide, im· med posse55ion. Sp. 78, 1845 J\>lonrovia Ave., C. M. : cves/wknds. pymn1 s. $38.86 mo. SlF'669 • from $249. La Paz Dune Call Ken 494.9713 or &45-0034 Buggy Supermarket, 3623 * SHELLS * \V. \Varner. SA. 54&-4045 Slightly dama~ed/cheap. OPEN 9-9 \Vkdys, 9-6 Sat & 8391800 Sun LOTS If.Vall 1vith llur n<:'v · mobile homes, furn k un· '5j Dodge ~J ton P/U MEYER'S fl1anx, beautiful furn. 53&-7131 &: S36-3500 Needs v.-ork SG:i condition, fbals top, many 27' LAKEWOOD. Sleeps 4, .~=~~'~"~~~"-'-,-~-t _,_,_...,_.=l_l'95_-_·=""-0-364 __ 2_· _ comp furn. Likl' new, low '64 EL CMtlNO sltek shift, Dune Bue:gy cosl living-$1275. 642-2098 l7.000 mi. Xlnt cond. $89J. nced!i \VOrk ~. MOBILE Home l!lx50, 2 646-95i0 art 4 ;'43-1945 porches. expandable livrm, ' '67 TOYOTA PICKUP DUNE bugi;y chassis & 2 bdr. Call 642-18'24 <I speed, l O\lilcr. S97:i. tran~. $200. ask for Tony. MG MG ~ales, Scn.<i~. Parts Immediale Delivery, All ?.fodelt J1rtuµo n 31111porr ~; * 495-5470 * 6T:t-2468 92151-===="=i'====:=.'..=============-"==========~1 lmo..°'rte-4 Autoi 96001mporttd Autos 96001moorted Autos 9600 3100 W. Coast HW)'., N.B. &12~ 540-1764 Authorized lttG t>eakr FOR MOTORHOMll O• Dm\AY M •l1 b DODGE "EXPlOREr ... , ........ 11111 ...... . _ .................. . ......_ __ ALL I UIL ti '"'' U JMT, • rMT. I YUH r!IAllC: UM All AP'ttfltl• etUtf. . DEMO CLEARANCE WHILE THEY LAST 4 DOOR SEDANS e 2 DOOR SEDANS PICKUPS e ROADSTERS• WAGONS _ . MANY TO CHOOSE FROM SA VE-SAYl·SA VE-SA-VE 18835 . BEACH BLVD. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 842·7781 • 540.044~ l :, •I !j 1, ll I, I' " : I I· !! :1 '; " !l " :I 'I ' :1 " : I ., :i " •• • •• ,, ., :i '' " •I .. • •• :I :1 ., : ' 'I '' , I '' " 1. , I " " :1 :i '· • :1 • • : ~ .. ' ! ' !' •• ' ,., ll'i 11'1 St 'I 61:! DA LI loi st: Tll Cl Fe U• Im , Ir • • I I• I .. ' - \ • ' ' 'rid<Y, J,;J 4, 1%~ DAILY PILOT 3(; S11...i.t, J,~ 5, 196?. DAILY PILOT irRANSPOltTATION ~~-RTATION TRANSPORTATION ,r ;.;.R.:..A_N_SP_O_R.;.T.;.A;.;T.:..IO'"'N""-· I T-'-R-'-A-'N-"S.:..PO.;;.R;.:.TJA:T!i10ii;ff.:~r"'~T-_"'NS"P"'O"'it'"T"A"'Tl"'O"'N,---.,rRA..-;No,S,..PO~RT'"'"A:-lT~ION TRANSPORTATIOft T limported Auloo ~~ Imported Au1<11 Hoo lm110r lld Aul.,. 9600 Imported· Au.I.. , !~Period Allln t60t Imported Autos t60t Im-Autoa HOO lmpOrted Autot 9'0D 11 11 n 1ed Alllo1 - ' · MGI MGI PORSCHE PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO VOLVO Yellow with black interior, 11·ire wMe.Ls,, n.d~ 1o1·ood wbttl, only 15,0XI mUeg! Showroom trel!llh. 008«1 4lh ot .July J~rtup1111 Jl 111por1~1 3100 W. c:Oast i'(Wy., N1B. 6t!·~ •, ~GJ.7G-l Authorized ~IC Dealer 11AlLY Pµ.DT DIME.·A· LlNl;S. You can use Uien1 ro~ just pennl~s a day, Dial 6l2-5678 'fllF SUN NEVER SETS on C..1assified 's action po1vl!I'. For an ad lo seU around the clock: dial 642-5678. '61 MGB,Convertiblt 2 tq ~-Red 1vJth blac~ and yellow with black. &th are exceptionally clean. Win 1vbcels, rad~ + much n'IOre. Each car must 00 seen &. driven to be apprec. lated, Cloiicd 4th ol July J1 rtup o11 31111p o rt-:. 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 6"1-94{);) 541).1764 Authorll..Cd 1'1G DeaJ<'r OPEL '66 OPEL \Vagon, 27,000 mi. Exaeplional cond. MllSt sell by \\il:nd. 968-~797~~ Imported A.utos 9600 lmporttd Autos 9600 SUMMER IS HERE! PUT YOUR TOP DOWN & LET· THE WIND BLOW YOUR 11AIR '61 SPRITE '67 MGB l 11t•Y•• (91Z l 45J lloocht.,.. {YXl ltJI '63 SPRITE '66 ALPINE HOt'Ci*-P· flll t l tJ lloe1d1ter, ISLD 7J 4J '66 FIAT BSD '67 ALPINE Spyd.,..,10,00 JtOJ lloalktRf, fY HI 6171 '67 SPRITE '65 SPITFIRE leodlt•. fTllZ6111 IWI D 113) '67 FIAT '66 SPITFIRE 1100 Wat•l. IYT M2Jll ll'AY 1151 '67 FIAT '6 7 SPITFIRE liO Co11pe. ITTU J561 IVDY 055) '68 FIAT '66 DATSUN ISO CMpe. fXD 71J) llndstl!tt". (59Yl711 '63 MGB '66 TR4A l~\-IUl,,51Jtl · tSIY t44• Llll!JIAl TERNS AYAILAILI! B. J. SPORTSCAR CENTER ---:Z833 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 540-4491 '61 P,or1ct.. 91 1 T•rt• Aqua blull, blade Interior, '3.9 WRECKED VW, Gl"l!at Sand b"a"e wllh ~.tb AM/FM, chrome wbccls, Material lor Dune Bugy! lnlei'k>r, AMltM, bumper pren1lum tirft:-Sff SaturdQ, WW ll!:U euards, etc. 2i,(~ actual O*ci 4lh of Jilly cheap. 8'l~. 1334 Ba!boa miles. Mint. 8:~1Yd-"'-,, N:.;•:_ ___ _ Cosed fth of JuJy V\V, ilnt cond, new pa.int. J1rlllPOll 31 111µ011:; · J1rtuµorl 311 npor1 ~; rebl.l eng. Many exttia.s. $69J. Oayll &a&-0322 eve• 541h1'!34. '100 W, Cout 11..,., N.B. LOVE BUG 6-12·9405 )40..1764 ' Authorized ~1.G Dealer 66 VW 1>edan,.Iovlna:ly cared 3100 w. •Coast 1r.,YY., N.9. 1_, PO··~-c ,.__ for. Sunroof, Ml:l, &ood Uf'o 642·9405 54().IJ64 :111'1 '~"' '-ii"'• ne\Y es. ll200. 613-3074 ' ' Authort.ed MG Dealer engine, rlutch. 4 ,\Yhl disc '64 VW XLNT oond ..w. -===-=..;;c='-1 brakes. Black l.ut., Comp! · ..,.,,., otij;inal Ofl9.0WOlt ~7528 °* 541).C!m .. '62 Poriche ,67 Po~sche 911 ·T•rsi• , good tires A: batteries Suptir Coupe Irish. green w Ith black inte:r. 66 VW SUnroot. lOOO CC. Sll\rcr nlelallic 1vllh bla<·k In· ior, AM /FM, cl\rome "'heels. Runs ,great. New pa.lilt job. terior. Ch r o m e 11t1eel1, 13,000 nilles. See & drive to $l07S. 644--0356 Micheline X tires, radio, etc. believe. , '6.S VW Sunroot, Riii. Coaed. it lh ol J.uJY Closed 4th of July 1 owner, good oond. SllOO. 548-1651 '61 vw "B.Jg" $1695 ' speed 1dck. S"and beige tin. I.ah. Radio. •heater, 1tttrina: '"~ cover, tuned exhaWll. LOw 'JOcal mUts. Pfrlect iri evtl")' re1pect. OOled 41b ol.,Jlily • J1rtupll1 I JI Ill p Ll 11 -:, :UOO W, Cool Hwy., N.8. 6tz-H)6 . 546-116' Authoriud MG Dealer '6' VW't IMMEDIATE OEIJVERY °""" Fln¬l,i • $213 OOWN SH.03 * ~.mos Plus 1 llnal pymnt for title. NI 2 yr, 24,000 J1 rtu µort 11111µor t:; '66 vw Sunroof. 1500 C. Runs ml warranty, Avail only i.t &real! new paint job. $1075. T & M MOTORS * 644--0356 111111 Garden Grove Blvd. ';;;-:::=:::Z'f-==~ 53t-mit at !feach 892-.5.J3l YW SPECIALS '68 • Bug • VSt.561 '67 • DUG • UJ0519 '66 • Bug • SVG423 '6& ·Ghia • TPC77S '66 · Fastback • SUD.tSS '&f •Bl.Ii • T11G661 '63 -Bug • C PZ.174 'Gl • Bug • LJ{'f<'J07 (rcsh 'foyota Trade Ins • All Detall~l And Ready To Got 8t1t Otllls Are At DEAN LEWIS 19e6 llarbor, C.M. 648-9303 * '67 BUG* 1500 DeLuxe, au acceu. Slit75. 673-3524 VOLVO BUYS '" 1n Lie. 'ITJ"l.n Exln!. Stilrf. (" '67 144 ~ door. Lk:. No, VV~ 1£15&.544 it SPEED, New llttt, Sl50 or bnt etfa". * '12-&JJS ' Automall~ transrn•n. air-A.tlqVlll Cllllkl '615 condlUonlnit. ' , '65 P1M ' MODEL T Ford, oonpa bocb-. Sport Coupe. Lie. NII PBF5U lendcn & some -.rtl· SUS. Volvo'• Jlnttot, • 184 N~W\on w.,, Calta '63 P11GO. Mesa. 1<>-'t ~\!!ekdQI • Spo<I Cllupe. LI<. Nit IZIV4S3 A-:.:_ W ~ - Uloi<J .like new. ""'-~'-'-'-•nc.;-...;;._,.__,,_ •st 544 t ll<ror Llc:, No. FXP".l&l. Leh ol p xUe1. Bo1t Doalt A,.. At - DEAN LEWIS WI PAY WH FOR YOlll W "19.l8=vw=~v .. -. -w-.,.,....,~I""'~. c-.,--'"'-"-'-'"°-'~· _c._M_. _•_4~_'303_ CONNELL CHEVROLET best offer. Alzo '66 Shi?lby G,'r 350, Sac! SJ&..a2l4 VOLVO VOLIO Bai t Otal$ An At Will Bly J1rtupo rl Jl111 porrs 1'62 IY/. OPEN SUND DEAN LEWIS 3100 'Y· Cout Hwy., N.B. tires. AY Your Volklwasen or Poncbe noo \V. Coast Hwy., ·N.B. &l2-MO;i • ~1764 'st VW. Uc PGH 591 S895 BEAT This! 60 Volvo $150. 1966 Harbot•, C.M. 6tM30;l .l pay top dollars, Paid 1cr &t!-9405 ~G-17&1 Authorized MG Dealer 'G:J V\V . k'd wind bit '68 green V\V WQD612 Sl.59!l Ne&is pa.Int, it's a runner. ar llel. Call Ralph Authorized MG Dealer '65 Poriche 5 c Cou-1 ". ~; .re-hol Boc,h in tcmuc cond! ~962=·'"°'-==9614==Com=w,_".',.'='"=-Wh.:;il;•=:•~=-;;=":=';;D;;,,,,_:=;=•="';.,L,====''13-0000:;;:.===I • • ,...-mo or, \V , new up . KIJSTOM aT0 _ , Chan1pagnc ycllo\v w/blk. r.tus t ser. 150 615-2J97 M RS 57 Porsch• Coupe $1595 intei·. Every pclflsiblf' extra, 84:> Baker St. S 90 Engine! Chrornc wheels, inc'ld elect sun roof Im· 68 V\V Bus 9 pass. Yellow CM. 54IJ.5915 A1Vl / FM, black inl<'l"ior. nuu:~lalc i~ every d<'lail. W(black lnl. Low 1nlle:11. "-6,-7 ~v"'w,.-.,,-..,.-,,.,,,c~k'-,$_ta-!io-a Oosed 4th or July a05e9 4th ot July $2500. SJ6....8540. wa,gon. One ovmer .. lm· V\V '57 Conv. Needs so1ne maculate oond . Sl.55 'belo1v 11uri;. ~I olfer. Ideal for 1narket tt.t $1695. 675-3832 J1 r tuport 11111µ011 5 .J2rtuport 31111port s dune buggy. 675--2538 MUST sell thl1 ~k-eM! '61 VW '64 VW 8\11, Deluxe model $'195 sunroof. XI.NT cond. $1235. 3100 W, Cout Hwy., N.B. 3100 \V. Coast l!'r.)'., {'l.B.._ -. ___ . __ >IM __ m __ ~ ~~~95::,lc.8~-~---I 6'12·9400 5'1G-l7&1 6,1'.,!.9-t()J 54G-I7M '63 Volk&, good cond!Oon '64 VW. Sunroof. Radio. Rear Authoriz.cd r.1c Ocalrr Authorized l\IG Dealer $750 or best otter windows open-. $950. '611 .PORSCHE Targa, !112 All '63 PORSCHE Coupe 1600 s.'-===·= ..... =""'==·=====*=5'6-=331='=*=='-extras. Immacula1e, Rea-Special paint, blk int. Chrrnl~ sona.blc. "'his. Radio, lmmac. f\1ustl~l;m;:;por;rt~ed~;;A~ut;;•~•;;;;';;600;;1;m;port;;i;iedi;;~A~u;tOliiii;mi"°°ii;iji tt ~106 * s1..'f! to apprec. Best offer. e ·65e 36.SC Xlnt mcrh. <.'Ond. ~".;;,_..,._;c;c._______ • Sharp apprar1J.n<.'t', radial tires, Bulter11y rack, $3575 TEMPiED BY . SUBARU call l\1r. Hauser 642-0722 --------- '62 PORSCHE suPER oo Subaru of Calif. """'" party. lni:.--aetall Div. Good ~il;1~j3 $19!ri. 5'is. $1297 POE . .. -. Opt eq\tlP· S30. F'rt.i&hHl"f.SO * 65·.CONV A .GEMi llandllng S49. nc1. $1390.$0 Nc111 pain!. top & llres. Musi +· Ta~ and License self._ 646-1234 CStsnJ. :1000 \V. Coot liiway, N.S. Porsche Convertible B G~S-00.:;0 * $4G-2733 '59 beautif\ll burvundy, 12000 tm • """"' TOYOTA '63 SUPER Coupe XLNTl-------- cond. Extras, mu.st sell this \Vk. New Paint. 642--0138 TOYOTA SPECIALS a~a~a~ SEE DEAN Lc"WIS TODA YI ~ ----'69 TOYOTA . rlOM $1190 • llG SAYlNGS • EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NDWI '6' TOYOTA HAAl>TD, .................. $2019 '69 VOLVO SlllAN, Aut-Hc ..•......... $2975 EASY · le Cj)ulck • • • Get First l'ick aa_tllle Money Saving ~~0011 Your Qt.~.~~~-iAt1Now-TOday •COROLLA ' • 2 OOOJI SEDAN SPlllNTEll. . STATION WAGON . •CORONA e CORONA MKll 4 DOOR SEDAN l DOOR HARDTOP CPE. a CROWN 4 Dt SEDAN-4 DR. WA&ON • 1 Imported Autoc 96001mported Auto1 9600 Imported Autos 9600 "69 C.orolla Wagon XSP996 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "68 C.oronn HT ('pc WIG ilS NEW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY WI HUD YOUI TIAOl~N fOR OUR LARGI US!l) CAI D!l'T. e LAND CRUISER 4W DRIVE SOF-T OR HARDTOP e !)TAT !ON WAGON · ' J Choirr. 01 J You'll Love Our Bugs 11'1 lht c ar th1t wo11'f 9i•1 VOU t II y i ~ j II 9 fo worry tboul, We mtkt $UPI oft h1t.W1 9iv1 lt tht VW 16-poinl 11f1ty t II d perform· '"'' 111 1. It 1111 . . Low, Low ;,ices ... ,.,,... 5HCIAtLY P~IC£D liUCHI ft pan. 5,, wa qivt ii our 100 % gutr1nl11 th 1t w•ll rt• pltcto •tfl mtjor ''"'h111ic•I p1rt1• for JO d1y1 •r 1000 mi101, whicht••r com11 fittl. hn't lhtl whit 1 "''"' c1r-ow111r 1111d1? A b"'9 th1t w•n'! dri•t you nuh. '66 OP EL KADE TT 4·1p11d, chrome wh11l1, 11d io. lie. No. SPM 115 '59 PORSCHE CON YEllT, Compl•toly r11lor1d. M1· roon wi!h bit,~ interior. Mull 111 lo 1ppred 1t1. Lie. No. HIJ757 $1999 '61 vw '66 PORSCHE tl2 COUPI l lut wiih bJ,,~ interior. Ckromt wh11l1 -XTRAS, 5 .. pttd lt11n1., fM rtdio & ht tltr. 611 mil1191 i1 o;iretl 011 tki1 model. Lie. No. SVZ ISJ. $4299 '67 FAS TBACK k1cli,,, h11l1r. Ewc1tlant Whitt ...,ifh bl1ot i~l1riar. FM rtdio, h11t1r, WSW frtn1pod11ioft Cl f. l ie. No. Rtd•t, ~1111•, while 1idt tirf i. Li~. No. l YW 991 :ODS 104 .,..,JI lir11. Lie. Nt . VIM119 $999 ' '66 FASTBACK tdio, ht tltr. "li~t N1w ," e. Na . RNX tl I $14.99 $1899 1961 BSA MOTOllCYCLE Orily I, I 11 n1il1t ort thi1 bt tuly. Mu1I 111 lo •PP••· ei1l1. 011lv $599 $1699 '67 GH IA COUPE 4 ,,,.,J tr1n1mi11ia11, rtdie h11l11, t if ca1ditionin9. Li,, No. VED 212 $2099 1970 ,.. Harbor, Costa Mesa ' ' COSTA MI SA > ~ ... ~ -.-.-- • '67 Corona 4 dr • TYX287 "67 Cr-011111 \Vagon • TXS519 'G7 Landrniiscr -U01'-ll0 All Dr-tll.ilcd And Ready To rv . Best Deals Art At DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS ELMORE ll'XIO Beach Blvd. \\'stmn.slr Phone 894-3.122 [!IQlvfOI TIAJ Best Deals Art At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 640-9303 1968 TOYOTA H•rdtop Coupe $1695.0D Llr.. No . \VfF':i78 89'1-J.320 Dlr '68 Toyo hl Corona, 2 dr Irr, '1 spd, top condition! E\ICS &12·7358 afl 6 TRIUMPH '68 Triumph ''250'' $2.19S B.R.G. Ai\1 I r~r. chrom<' 11·hccl dl~cs. Prrrcct 'thru· out. &\·era! olhers lo <'hoo9e. OoltC!d 4rh of July J?rtup o1 1 JI 111 p ll rt ~' 3100 \V, Coast HW)'.L_!j°.B, 6"2·9405 ~17Gj Aulho1·ilcd MG Dealer CJ'RIUJ\.lPH GT6. Late '67. \Vire wh~~. Coull('. SZ450 or m•1kc ofr. 499·2.159 1965 "TRJ UM Pll Hc1"a!d Conv. Good rontl, mnke oHcr! * MS-6172 * VOLKSWAGEN 1961 V\'t CAMPER-BUS. Re-buil~ Enatne .... Gotd, aha1»· ~ -... '7>-0lll. T.13' Bal.boa Blvd, NB i. '63 • V\V, pttfect lntmor. Ntedl 1rant. ~. 850 or b<tl olftr. 1161-"1'1'\Y"• - '6f VW Glal1 reoo.r., map, CUltom paint lob. llOll *' -'!I VW XI.NT cond. Ill'/&. 11~ ~ ' .. - BANK ,TERMS e YOUR OWN FINANCE 4 Speed • Aurom~lc • Air Cond ... Landau Tops • Co lor• Galo re DEAN LEWIS BILL MAXEY .TOYOTA Orange Ct. Toyot•Vtlve ~ 540-9467 • 646-tJOi 1966 HAliol llOUUVAID, COSTA MISA 18811 llEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH DAILY lot e SAT 1·6 847-8555 SUNDAT lf.6 New Cari ' '69 LTD Cpe. '69 MUSTANG FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED FULL FACTORY EQU IPPED • USED CARS • '69 FORD Counlry Sedan ...... $3999 :~"~0: ;::f:i• .,'!!. v.al«~~lf .~~:ni:,io:-~ w,,., 'lfnttd •ltM ';f.~1 to:"t MllO 1.S IO •-le ~.·111 wltll wtrr•nty, m1ltt9'f lrom S.llt'O lo 1~.~ !l'lln fJtVV JOO '69 FORD G'1l1xi1 ............ $3499 r 111! llll!fl'tr, t lr colld. ' dr, H.T., lllldtr w1rr, l to clloott '""'· (llJJ JN) '68 FDRD Custom ............ $2499 "bl~1om1!1c lr1n1. -r ~. F•c!orv 1lr COMllionlnt. tW 2911) '69 CUSTOM 500 '67 MALIBU Super Sport ... : .. $2299 V4, l lHld, 211.«IO mil•, W•1, vtry '~""· !UQS 111) • '69 FALCON · FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED '69 T·BIRD FULl FACTORY EQUIPPED '' • )Vt..~ •. . ......... -l '68 FORD Torino ............ $2499 f llltlKk OT. v.a. 111"""1t1c -r 11.,..r1n111 OLK b•aku. • IOlfllll~ IOO. n llft •fl~ bit<.-lll!erlor /8S'f Jfl '68 CAMARO SS • . . . . ... $2599 V·I. tlltornlltc lrtnl., •lltA ,.d,o. ~~lltr i.;1 IW5P 4.111 '67 CHEVROLET Impala ....... $2299 l ••• H.T., l ll!Onunic !•AAS. OOWI!!' l!Hdfl<I Fl<tlrv •Ir !""'t.. lll!Clt~ IDo !TSA b f. '67 FORD Cus lom ............ $1 999 ~~-·~=n:':111~ II~~· _.. .. brlkts. fKltrv 1lr :6!_ ~~~r. ~::.-: ............ -i.1~:9 '66 FALCON Wagon .......... $1299 t C>/lll'ldtf, ll.lldlt. Httlt!" lllYI! m1 '65 MUSTANG 2+2 .......... $1299 ' CVllndtr, II.Hit, H~ lf'l!l'tu) '65 PLYMOUTH B'.acuda ...... $1499 V ... 1ulonlltlc tr-., _..,. llW.,., tlr cOtld, lllOX 70ll '64 FALCON W1gon .......... $1199 r~,,·mr"•ic. lllWtr ''""""" Actollkt ...... ""' llllro. • Used Truoks • '67 CHIYT Su"' Yon $2199 v.e. ~lie tttnt. (IMllOJ '67 l(JHIOLJICl YIO .. $1 199 ...... llN!t. l'lltlw 11191'41 VALLEY VIEW DFF RAM,P 5440 GARDIN GROVE ILVO. '66 IO«o 1'100 .... $11199 -l rd .. cw. -. ""' •· ~m~ '6''F0RD 1-100 •..... $949 WISTMINSRI om MON. TICIU SUN. •1,io A.M. TO lD ,.M, (714) 6a6 4010 • SQYICI OIPT. O'IN MOH. !VINING Ta t ,,M, '64 FORD F-100 •...• 11099 t~ (""r-" Cw.IWll Cth - • ' • ,. . .. ; , • -' . I I I I l . . • ·- • I ' ; . " I' .r • • -' -. • Fn4'1, Jul1 4,·1'169 ' 20 DAILY PILOT . . fatu~. J"1':1'169 -:o..,..:;=,.;:;;;,.,.=n=H---, R_A_N_5=p=o~1 T""A""r"'10= .. ,.,...--,,-;fRA'NSPORT-A'1rii1 "'N.--',:;:K"A"'N'°SP"'. O"'R"l,..A"'T°'tO'"N,.., ..... ,,..,A.mPO.lff Al'.iON" . TR/l,NSPORTATION TRANSPORTAJION ~NS PORT ATIO.lj TRANSPORTA 1'.IQN 9800N• c... tll90Ntw.~ri '9100Na.w Caro 9a0o A•loa .V•nlod 97CO Auto L111ln r 9110 flaocl_._.-C.•"'r~·.,,·~-..;.;9900= ~\l_aod-'--C-"1"-r;;.•_.....,_._9900-'-u .. d Cui 9900 -·· Jll u -0 >--z - - • Ill > 0 •ti ~ ... <• 0 ., ... c f ·~l M ;::: IJ! .. •a ·1•· lft f · .~ .... .. ••,,,• -~ii~~ • 3 ';1: •' "'"¥. .. .;J'ii..1 >•>• i~ ~~ (I) ' ..; .; ~ : • • Ii. t j •J .. > , !'. •• .... I -" :. j'Z.? • M •• .. .! . . ! • ~ ).'$ ;; ' ' ... • •• " -. .. c::t "I •• g i: . IO ...1 ~·E¥i M C g ~.-X ~ .;• .. :"' j ~". .. CD ,, .. ; co <';;~.J 4fto ... '! i • ~=·· t.: ... , JQ" 1 v " t .• :,1~ .. ......... Mt ... 1 •. 5. ':C ' '"1i! .. .. \g , I u-'<j • I ~-1· ·'··· , ~:a.v .. >fl .J . . i . . 1 1!~ 111 .;.;• IO · Z·.1'V 0 ~li.1 -.. 0 , a .,,.!l.:' .. := ... !!:: I 11 &=·~ • 41J• !'" 1• .. ' . ' -u • .; J Ii~ >"::: % ·-. ·~~.!~ m: ... .. .;~~.'! .. c 0 -• ~ .. ;!..,: Clll ~!;tic • ::a 0 ~ .. i~tsi • .:.'i,:;;-g 8 i!f S > .. Q ~:~~ ,.. • CD .. 'i::c !~. ... ....,J M .i . .'.J "•8t, ,._ • :R CD ,flO . • • • .. -·~Ji~ • ... 6 ·t• c.o ~ u• . z: l~ ::a •• 1111' .. ..,~ 8 . 1· •. 1 • M '"·· >ij:!!i"' -- '··1 l!:' .. i''~~· 0 " .i ~ii~~ ~• ? • ·~ f~ i 0 "h>-x lft . ' Q "~i.Sli~ " .. .. ,.¥ ~ I &1;,~:,, c& 1i "'t• ~ .. .. .. i:. . -=· .. ~.al; il~i:" ":l~~~ U) ~, -~! a •" -., e~!.a. -' !;:;"z'i• c::t ··; • or!L d"':I .. •u0 :,;oli ..: a ~"'·~;:-.. ···1"' ! ; .. M !-.. 04& ' " :>ill~ - <( .... 'li •"'ll~-. .. -·~ > ...... . •' )a ·z ~ Q "' w 11' ... ~ "' ~ .... • ::> 0 , . ii!·: wi; PAY . -• 1;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;== CAMA•o CHEVROLET cHEVROLET . CASH . LEASE • RENT " . ·for u8fd cars & trucks lust call lll for free esllmllte . GROTH CHEYROlft . ALL POPULAR * * '68."32'!' •re. coed rob-• ,MAKES heir. Auto ~tran!l:-ol< p -/" s '63 •Clt'EVY, 4 drt dlr. 6 cyl. FORD· burnblee stripe. 6f4..2463 1tilnt cond. $75. Caio llels., A'''THORIZEO fine bul 1175. HAK OH c.U "" KV1 545--0634 . ~~~~~: CHEVIOLET' .,, CllSV. 2 ., "''"· Bl• Gel Our Compe.Utl~ Ra.tes -..-".'7-----cuyne. $200. or best oCJc.r . Ask for Salttr P..1""'"''"' 7t.--..a-,.o '6(, CHEVY.2-dr. coupe 6-cyl. 638-962'1 or 6'15--07:?4 ---1 "._ auto. SPLENDID CONO. 'Si BEL Air Chev)', 4 dr, Ilk& n1w., Air ,t'OOO~ new U,rea. one lady O\\•rier .• 58,000 mil~ $.')50. 54~ ' l!lG7 :JOO DELUXE "" 6 ""·I ·air. w/s/11" unCJr.r 20.000 mi., 30,000 nil \v&rra~. 5-18--6713 182U Boacb Blvd. · ROBINS fOR.D SUO al\tr 5. '"'-"""' '62 CHEVY lmpafa 2 DR. 327 Huntil.11lor\ Beach ~ AFB, ~1 ""Ot'k $30Q. 1963 CHEVY Bel ~· vtn'. KI 9-3S3J • 2C60 Harbor RJVd. '68 ~OVAChevY U. XI.NT• John, G42-8lOS clean. -Army \110.nts me, !oNFIDENTIALLY HCos~l!'a!'•!'r!'"!'•!'!!!'.!'!'!'64!'2-00~lO :!. -~~r~~~uto. '56 CHEVY 2 Oopr, V-3, ~:~. ~:,'M~~t motor I. auto mat i e traMmil!§iOl'l ---=-"-"'------'-'---I \Ve Pay More 1'~or Used C1r1 · 9900 • · Good ndl · ""'5--5983 Fot-eign or Sports C.al'S It's Beach hOUl!e •time. Big· eo uon. <1• • 'CHEVY '68 Impala, i Dr. PAID FOR OR NOT BUICK ' gest selection eYer! See the '66 IMPALA Wagoo.J9G, 9 R/H. Auto, ilr, P/b, Pit., B. J. SPOllTSCAR I.;.; ___ ;..,._ ___ DAILY ,P!b0'.1' On•lll<d """'l'>'v prty. Gna1 32!eng.11,®m1.P,lv-p...,, . '65 BUICK Skylark. V--3 :'='='llo=n=N=O"W=!=·'°"=="'--=Sha2:po;ol=S=L="°;o=· ;,";;1-<~>11"'8==--="'='"=· 0,>1=~=2'23=·="=~=· 1=008==1 CENTER P/S. P/B, fool. .u-, '"'· ~ llarbor Blvd. cond. best offer over $JSOO C.Osta Mesa 54<H491 takes. Pv. pty 642-7161 I =~=~-~~~ WE .F!AY TOP '65 BUICK Le Sabre Con· DOLLAR verll blc go. ~ncl. JU95 ror good, dean used cars, • 67]..3921 all makes. See George Ray '65 RIVIERA, all &iuip., Theodore Robins Fol'd very . clean. ~ds body wrk, 2000 Harbor Blvd. $2100/best. 64.2--8584 c.Prt 642-0010 •l963=°"s"'u"'1CK=7La.,.· -;s.=•"::-;''""Dn." lMPURTs \\'ANTED Sedan, good eondition. Very 0111nge f\IUlltles cheap. 546-2184 . TUP I BUYER BU.I. ~iAXEY TUY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Beach. • Ph. 841-&55 CADILLAC CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere·! BRAND NEW 1969 Le SABRE .. FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING CU"M c .. ,. ..... MOii< l"MMI,_ $4095 1t••· powor •tffrh•f· , •• ,, brok.n, tl11ted tl..u, ,.dlo ••d heotff, 4541· 79C119565 BRAND NEW '69 BUICK Fully equipped including V8, power . . 433279Z112544 steering. $28·77FULL PRICE IMMEDIATE DELIVER-, BIG, BIG, BIG! DEMONSTRATOR SALE 25 TO CHOOSE FROM-ALL MARKED WAY DOWN! '69 WILDCAT '69 ELECTRA '69 SKYLARK '69 RIViERA Cu1lom 4 dr. h1rcllop. Auto. fr•n1, pwr 1!11r, p ... r brtk1t, ftclory 1ir, fintecl 9l11i ... 644l99Cl00121. Cuiiom cpe. At;lo. tr1n1., AM/FM r1clio, pwr il11r, pwr br•kt1, pwr winclow1, f•clory 1ir, lint1cl 91111. 48 4579H141736. Custo m li1rc:l!cp. A11lo, tr1n1 ., f•C · t<>ry tir, pwr 1i1fr, pwr brt!ie1, tinted 91111. 444l79ZJ00401 . Cu1lom ht1cltop. Ftclory t ir, pwr 1!1er, pwr brtk~1, pwr window., •ul<> lrt n1, 1l1r10, 4941 79H92689, MANY MORE! MANY MORE! MANY MORE! MANY MORE! AT SAVIMGS YOU MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!! 67 RIVIERA • '68 DOOGE f1clory t i•, full pow•r, Coro111t C~upt. Auto.' rtdi<>, h9tter. (JQV. '''"'· pow1r li•1rin9. 1991 XEV 139 $3695 $2495 '• "''~ j ~ WO" Hercltop. Auto. lr1111., El1ch1 c:9up1. Full pwr, i'!lmtcul1l1 concliiion. Ftcloty t ir c;ottd. !NCI ITXJ 3761 420) $1095 -$1995 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1777 I '67 BUICK '66 YOLKS I '66 BUICK '67 CAMARO l1S1br1 cu1tom 2 o •. 4 1p•1d, rtclio, h11ltr. Sp1Ci•I. t ulo tr1n1, ••· F1clor'f t ir C<>11clii11>ll• H.T. Full pwt.,'t it con/., TRH 170. Low, Low d;o & h1tl1r. Tll.K tSS. in9, •ulo lr1n1, pow1r J ownfr, ,(TVZ 904 ) Mil 1191. On1 ow111r, .te1 ri119, !ow mil1191, $2695 $1495 S1495 S2295 . '67 MUSTANG '61 CAOILLAC '63 BUICK '69 ELECTRA Convert. 4 1petd, r1dio 51.l. 01Vil!1, Full pow1r Lt Stbre. Ftcl 1ir con. Cullom H1rcl+cp "' & h11!1 r. tTXS 163 ! f1ct. 1ir. IHXS 742 1 pow1r 1leer l brtk•t. 8otli full riower I f1 1;.; !HYM .. ti! lo•v 1ir. YWR J07 111.l $1995 $195--$995-'l'PT4~/) s-AVE $ $ $ UOSED JULY 4TH OPEN ' SATURDAY & SUNDAY JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW· USED Complete Sales and Service Department -~ ----· ., ,1 i ' ' I ( .... --..... ~..-.... . • • . !at"!'1111. July 5. 1969 • DAILV PILOr. ~z Frld«!'. July 4, I~ • • DAll.V pa.or 37- TltANS'°llTATION ~PORTATloN ' JltANl'°R1'ATION TR.Y1$POR'TATION TRANSJIOain8T.TAiiffil10'-N.-~TTiRAHinl;c;5pii10liiR'i'TAi'iTtt;IOH;w--,.==~iZ·-..==-.~?====="'~====zei !J"" f"' _ 1 9900 Uood Coro t ' ' 9900 Ulff ,c1£1 . 9900 UMd c.,..~ -9'llo Uiod £lirs 'lfoo Utod Ci rs noo r· z:;:;~~Z::":°"::'"'°:::-::::;::;;-:::;~~ COOi.ir ' \ l'ORD ' PLJtitOUTH .. PONTIAC . . .PONll"C • • 66 CHEVROLET '66 c .. ntry Sqvlre '6' PLYMOUTH • * * '68 -Fir;ebird .lll66 T BD\J> "111 pyr, &Ir • t.oaded. f aclno')' air, XI.NT • !ial Purc"ase •M I ·•• tic ·-··· cood. Xlnt cond. Prl p ... cond dlr t ..1-•r vo eng ne, au ... ma u ........ , Call 642-0U6 CAPRICE . 23 oo0 mta.' ,:"' -~!;";' Station W1gon . 9 PON'lfACS mlsalon, ·~ <>>n<litlnnlnr. . " \18. automatic, factory air~ HMey belae exterior mat~ V-8, ·~tic1 radio A be:at-tuliO Savlnss power steering, radio, *"° 'al" · 1\.BIRD. La n d a ti. powu steer., power. brakes, ill& lntericr. New tkes. $1T5 1t. COOT, m.1. Very Lo-.y Mlle& er. S~ tires & ahockJ. Lolded! '#l)O. power windows, radio, beat. dell. WW fine prt pt;y, LB · $895 , M~ With Factory 'Air Llc. No, X't'Fi'99. f •·•rm·~ ... "• ~ lnp. SBN 712 T..W 219, jH.97'13 e THE LAST $2597 1' 'J'llll!Jl, oU. -: '.I.Jc $1695 ~ FORD v;.icy, Cbaals, ATL. AS OF THE· V.EAR e . Best Otal1 Art At ope ..,...,."6 ilrui bod)', etc. w/'JBS CbiY)' . Grand Prix • Bonneville DEAN LEWIS , 61SilT15 ATLAS enslne • -... CllllYSIDI·-PLYMOUTH TempeoU; e Firob"'1s • '!f':'Nl'I ~<-air•-~ ~ mounted. No Um& In «>m· 2921fl!ARBOR BLVD. BO-LONGPRE . 1966 H•"""-Q.' . P"l'I -,.: ~ -r OlRYSLER PLYMOtrm plete mtoratJon. BQt offer cosTA. MESA 54&-lS'U . 8 ' ' ael;l. aa... • -,,,.,. $300. 61<.)119 . • . PONTIAC •65 CATll!.Jl1A -· v ... !WI!;, iliUilli '58 T,l!kl\ • ' . rn~ .. ~~ ~L::~~"34 E•-y wl~ 111ftty -Open Dalty HI 10 p.m. ~~""" tura trim,• auto, P/S. Jt4H. ~ «Runi iood · ·-~"Dail, 'ill to~':' '65 ~· 2<lr ;ianR/H, • PONTIIC o;;;; ~,:· ~;':~ IAadt1> to : -l\>'1111· 'l!OdUICl ia· j94.10ll:- ''4 Ch M llbu 6 cyl. 3-sp """·.new tin>• ............, l\llm¥' ~ I" 0-2665 ''7 BAUY TJilid. k"'! . ...rii.' ·•. • IV'f • & painL """'Ptlootll> clean '68 POMTIA( '69 GRAND Prix faclnn< ,.. • . '°'"" aeel I.I 'ol!~f> •• • 21 ~.-~~·1n•WMd by IMide & out! -18S!). "' car. 8000 ml, P/S, air . RAMliLER m-7212 aft••·•~ , , .. hue we ~ Laguna ,68 · cond, disc. brakes, radio, Bea.ch. Light blue ext., LTD «Ir ~u/S. Cat1lln• Wagon elec windows, Rally II whlt. PRE-OWNED matching blue int, all or-~~~~ 390 3 seat. VS, automatic, fac-lite blue, drk blue Ccirdovl BIG SF;L.ECI'ION i&'in&L· Jl.25 cash dcls, will Extra ..1-~ l • it...!_l!J· tory air,, po"lr'!'r steering, t9p. S4297. 642-®4 '81 nuw, '88's t'lne. pl'tv prty, LB SHAfll6 "'"''~"• ow-.n~. power brakes. radio, heat. , Ai+ MODEt.S Call V1c ~ $2995 t!rm. ~ ef, White walls. <VFR161) 6f BONNEVILL.E wagon, !'ROM $295. '66 CllEVELLE Malibu 3Zl LIKE now 1963 Font Gala>de , $3295 loaded, faot a<r $9 9 5 . e . e e e cu in. Estimated 365 hp. 500, ' DR. ·Good tlru, tac 548-2847 ,~tu 6 pm. Im· --.-&RAttO Nl!..W '69 $1998 ' ' Noyr$ THI ..• ·. Tlhtt" POlf . ' '• • • • .. Yellow w/lilk inter R/H air, V-8, new auto trans. ,,.m~•-=,_''..,· --.-=--I 9UIC.K CASH · .THROllGH A ' Buoket -Ii •• ,.,j, tac1" l600. Alt j Piii or -· ATl AS '65 GTO -l89 now e· .. clock, Ja.,dlne bdnl, Ml&-0235 ~ I•. II ~ AM-FM. XLNT W ·~ l"'ltradlon. Xlnt con d . '63 ltL hardtop, dlr, fact air Qll\YSLE!t -PLYMOUTH con<I. S!!OO. &«-4294 .... . -; • "DAILY PILOT $1100 _or make offer. Poasi· cond, bucket seata, xlnt run-2929 HARBOR &.VO. · '63 Tempest Le.Man,\! 2 dr HT ~ ' ~,. ""' • Wanf Quick Profdable ·Res.ults~ bl• top. CALL 513-'1135 nlng con<I. $'15 oash del>, CXlSTA MF& 116-11!4 · lloot 111\ft, ..,.,. cl•an. · )Y.Af!IT AD. . '66 CAPRICE, orig, owner. take low pymnta. ATB '1911 -:()pen:==P"l'z=·:;;i='tll:lO.;,:pii,mii. =·_,:"""'===-===t. =-==5'5-611======-==3=::;:::.:"'.' :;o;>:=====' ::::;·i;_ -,,; •. Showrooni coRd. 327 Eng:. call Ken '94-9'."l '. · """ * ;,t.' ' A 1 . l!i!IS!EI · Faot.. alr •. pwr. brill ..• '67 SfATION War, 9 -Now c. ..... iiiiiiiiiiii9iiilOOiiiiiNiiowiiiii·c.-.. ___ .,_.IOO_N_ ... _Cii1iirsii·iiiiiiiiiiiiiii9i:i~ii· iiNii"'iiiiiii"•''"··---'•'•OO•NiiowiiiiiCiitiiirsiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii9iilOOiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiowiiiii~ili· lii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii';.!IOO ... N ...... iicii.ii"iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii'•'°'• ...... steer g. Vmy\ top, .utro auto, air, power, '. 6 8 · seats; a bu'a:aln, $1195. Cleanalr eng., 10 mi $ZJSQ. ' ~i'=~~=:~Cortlnac.---..,.-~--,;i 'C;#·cy CARV '12R . P·O·N-LI ~IAC ·~ Bill 49'f1TI.. . autom. J ee CHEVG """""" -· ' miles, Uke tiew.~ 'Q ' FO q. red. Take oVer ~ti Shlft.-V-8·0ventrl.ve-'--Fac ail'1 bucket s.eata. sMs ·673--02($ Stereo. P/S. 548-ID19 . J '66 EL CAMINO. Now H.P. LINCOLN · ~ ~l epg. Full, cus. , ~~ . . • (""°" car). Call aft 3 I"'!> •• imNc, Cootll>eq(W ,....-.... . .. , ,• .. '! ~.'' . ,,1 ~~~ : "68 .8i1c_ayne·Pn:0Prfy°1;~···"'.-f~·;·~·. " • Show ~· condftion, 4 .DIJ. car.., 1.,. • ~·-{~ tf2-3818. l'I. . .. ~!">i..i..,,P"t,.UZ: ¥·~ ., :;>.li! etii.a:< .:.. ;i'· ··, ·\ ~ mn.f.$2.,. .. .......,., · · · Ml R ""J·: .. , i ~nf.7-~= ;_i,4 :1,,~,~ll ~ ;i. :.11 •-. . COJ'ON P K fl ~ .ii' c..wn«i 3 ·~· j pupep wa&ont·#ill .Pow-~· .• ! ·~~·~ 'r ~:~i~·~ .. ·' ·, . \ I , CHRYSLER. ~ MUSTANG '66 ClfRYSlfR 300 '66MUSfANG,alr-cond , ' • Pli auto. ~' 6, 1$5,CWXI ~ t Door Hardtop, VS, aub. miles. Pfivate. S 1500 , I 'ipatic. J'.'dio, ~ater, ~ 646-7800 wkndl only. . steering, power 'bra&" faC-'66 MU$TANG, blue, 6 cyl., ~ tmy air condlHonlng, viJQ1 rib. 'pis. p/b, ,U,000 mu., lnp. (WFV139) ~..,.,.,.Jl!!!O,NJM..:. : . $1995 1915 MUSTANQ t '11< ~ .. ._Exte_utire Wagrin..: :__ · ·Brend · New 1969 Executive l seat ste'tion w119on. · ··:·M11yfeir llil11ize with :gold inteiior,.turbci hyc!r11m11tic tr11nsmiuion, push button radio, deluxe se11t belts, power steering, power brakes, tinted glen, power windows, AIR CONDITIONING, front floor mets, ·white side. wells, p.ower tail 911te window •. l 25646. 9Cl28176) ' ' · '4656 · ibi!L White w/blt.'Jn1; j!llbt · ~.JTLAI · · ~~'. ·.. · ., t Cllll~ ~ J'LYMOllnl ·OtPSMOll~. " .·<: ) . fl tfm']IAlt8okt;JIL,VD. · lr•n'd New 'ft69 Tempest -~ (.'{Ji:i = 'tl~10·~193! •·; -~~~'-.;., Sport . Coupt. D•cor group, -" '68 hlftvSLER · r •uto~•tic r transmi••ion, pu•h Grand Prix _ Br~nd New 1969 Grand Prix. Champagne exterior wlth. 911ld knit vlOyl interior, turbo hydremetic trans. missii;>n, push button radio, remote outside mirror, custom wheel di1c1 .. p 0 w'e r steering, power disc brak~s. tinted glau, power windows, AIR CONOl. T!ONING, frQnt floor mats, w~ite ·side well tires, cordov11 top.·~276579P27I91J 1' :f4554 ,, '~. • St'ofi 1oo~tng for th.it l'l'IOfte)'• 11vln91 9ood looking, top p•r• ~ """' · TORON'.ADO butt0n 4 ;adio: pb~9r 1te•rlng, white :~ ;o.=e~;~;8~r!u::::: , · ~ ~ide wall ti~e11 •ntiqu• 9old fini1h ] with blook intarior. (Zll2l9R6032201. f ;;~..:=. ~ NllW & l!XICUTI'(•, Tempest : forming economy car. No on• 1!11 has it but us. That's right, only Pontl1c h11 . T1riip11t. 81l1nc.• your bud91t with 1 8r11k Away d111 -on T1rnp11t. Right nowt Roy C1rv1r will rntkt .wi lht...•!nJ of y9ur life I . 1i 46G8C2515221 • · ONLY 6 : i .. $3495 TO CHOOSE FRClM . ATLAS ll~G. SA"'.!NG:• . , OlRYSwt _ PLYMOUTii University ~ 2929 HARBOR BLVD. :< COSfA MESA: . ~ 01.1:....: Llf . -l~ ~n Dally -'tll 10 P.m. -. llJlllOUI e .... ~~ 1962 CHRYSIER Newporllir ~ • l· uxi. Engine good. See at <&: "'"lL G~--" l!alboa Isl 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa . ~,, -.... . 540-9640 COMET • --· • '64 CXJNVERT, Pwr 1frc, ve- • ' ry clun, m u1t aelll ,fB?S or1:61'"""ow=s-:Dynam1:--,..0-,ii,,..,.;·4"'ti"' , beat otter 83't-418D. Oean ~t, reblt eng,_N. ,, ~· Co"-.w.w1. l · :wt<I" • 0va1 ...... • · , ' -,, • .. . . ""'"''"~'~ '°""'''ISM. ~:nss. ;~.&t:'u-..·? ~-·'"11·~.J>\\'· ·»i ·· up~ air ~net. neW tires '64 Clm..ASS Holiday coupe, $3IXXl' cash. Call' &H-2542. -' bucbt ieahi, aulo. pOw. 1.;:==~===;;;;1 1 ... ijng, fact a1r: - COUGA'R "'""· .$915. w.<381 "' .. GU-tm \ r ' ··----- .•·2991 .. . PEN -f ODAY r lH~ 4th ! , Bonneville • • Brend New 1969 Bonneville coupe, Umeiight gree~with green interior,. cordova top, u r b o hydr•matic transmisiion r pu fi ·button·. radio, r~'· mote outside mirror, delllxe belts, ) • ' •· ' ! . .. • • . 0 •' ... :-'i .-. - ' • • " ' . -. .. ; . .:.. -~ " • • • ,.J..!_ .,.... - .. ' .. -, ·. ,. > l i ' • --. I --. I r I f- • ·~ .. "' • ' • • 1 ~ • •• • ._ ' /. I . . ' . ' .. .. . i l·. ~ . . . . •' .. ~· - "" ., n 111'\.' • • . • 0 _ ' • • , • , • 0 ~ • , • I , •, • • , . --WE ARE'.'l)'ti(OADED ... WnH· .NEW ''l 1,.69"$. · . ' . ...,...-. ' . . ... '" :.~NO-:THE ,NAMl;•:.Qf __ T.HE , GAME . IS .. ·~ '·". · · .._iiiiliii,. ~ ' . ,.. · ;·,SAVE· · .· . _,.. ·-.-... ,..,·.' OVER ~ ACIES OF ROllNS.lfEIJABtE'lJSED C4RS _ . NQW AT'.SPJCIA'L ll!MMEt,1.PIS~QUNTS! . _ ·-_. _ 61 CHEVROl.ET-$ . --,ITTolllfA{ . . $ . -79 . . •uto., P.S., •Ir, R&H . 1 ~.Auto,' PS., RIM. ITRJ. 139> . H.T. Im pile 4-Dr, V~t, · H.T •. TJ.mpe1t Custom.. . :. IUKU-1571 · 05ll ' ' . '63 FORD · -- F•irlan•. 4 -.Dr. Sedan. V-8, •uto., RIM. IOKN· 2061 '66 BUICK leSabre. Full power, FACTOR\' AIR. 2. Dr. H.T. IRPM8601 12' T~ILER . · $1295 Nott~est Coach sleeps . · , 6, fulfY equipped. Like ' new •. I $487-) · • ,• • • · . . ~ $1195 . . -.. 51 '611.0RD Custom , V.8 , FACTORY . . . AIR, R'lH, P.S .. P.8. IYCUHOI .. '61 FIAT124 $139 5- ·_4.0r. Sedan. Full factory ·. . Cust°:"' 4 Or. Sed. V-8, equipped. Low mile•'9-•· . ·AIR C 0 N, O., auto., IWFX2981 · , · · R&H.,CYWS4261 ,.J.o.w. $-99-5 . . . ; ( ' '' 'milH e. '64 CHEVRoUT .... Bel ·Air 4 ·Dr., -"ufo., . R&H, FACTQRY AIR. IVTL881 I ' . '64 DODGE . "•$. Dart 170 2 Or. Equip .. p•d. 6 cyl., IPBY6051 95 s; '63 POKnAC ' Grand Prix. Auto., R&H, P.S., P.B., AIR COND. IJJV9201 , • $7r 5 • '64 FORD $1095. ' ptss. Country Sed . ' Stat. Wag. V-8, auto., P.S.1 R&H.· IORN5441 · · : StATIQ" W.AGONS . . Finest Selection of Fords end 'Chevrolets, ,65 PlYMOllTH · $ 79. 5 Country S•don• ·,.d Country Squir" 12-'68'•1 SOME WITH AIR CONDlllONING . . Sport Fury 2. 0r. M.T. Examples Green wit!. bl.ck intor. . -'64 FORP 9 PASSENGER VI, outo., PS. IYXS462 I • ' COUN'lltY · sEDAN ;~:~~~~:.d~~~::: $ 7 9 5 r;~,~~i.t6R~io 9•5on, :•.dio. ond. llHG4~0 I ., , . ~ {' , • • . • ' ,,,: . -. ' . -··' ! . -. -: .•. -.. ~ , • ·----~,,' . : -.. r~·rpiDR1r ... · .. .. -. ~E.J_ ,-,~~~~. . i-~~ . -A 1969 ~t:~lao tq~1 ,.~.47~ooif·~: .:~ . -· If you'.fe-tl1inkTh9rof'buyritg".".,TJiiinde•lifril;:W11 in\.ite .. ici11 .t~ '· . .drive one of' our 169's .f9r Z4 noun .. Se, .~or yourself the SU~ ~· -periol'ity«>f"!'or~_'s fine,~t :~'(r::.H'~ ~hec.k J~• fantasf1~ cliS:-:- . BEFORE YOU . -~BUY·!~..: , CH,~K QUJt • CLEARANCE . . co\lnt~. we will give you DD Yo~r,,choic.e Of"an~el·~n-o~r._; big T~underbird invenf,P.rt,. :P~!~iva proof of the best buy · . SUPER" ' SAYING.5 ON · BIG FORDS, MUSTANGS, T·BIRDS,. FORD TRUCKS! OVER 200 NEW 1969'$ -TO CHOOSE FROM ' . Ewn Gre•t•r ·Siv. Int• on 26 low , mile:-· "9• '"' Dori\••· . . . . . i'n town! · · j .--•. , ; • . . ' r. -· ~ .. ' . . '' READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -ORANGE COOIU 'S .0 l Y . BUY! GOOO SELECTION TO CHOOSE ,FROM -· RENT! ECONOMICAL RATES BY OAY:WEEK-MONTM · • AUTHORIZED-DEAlER.l ~-.. Lar9•.Jiiv~ of N,ew '6;·~ .Fcir, lmm~I-. Delivery. ·Thrff only-New . 19~1~i ~ow Slcnltad Fo~ .llnmecllate Claaranc• ! SEE OUR :Bl~ CAMPER DISPLAY! · ·RENT YOUR • 1 • .' ' • • • ~ " .Complete Camper Packages!'!·· .· .. !~c~T!ON · · • · : .. ,.. · · nOr.tl . 014 · P..100 •. f.250 •:f.lSO ·CAMPER SPECIAlo -T .~ .WHEE'LS!< •. TRUCKS AltD YOU.R CMOl<:E" . > : ·vo.; ... ~ ... ,,;.; •'""· ~., 33 CAMPERS IN STOCK •. · :-· · ....,., .. -.... 11---· • . • . . ut.. w nMrY•tlena when l'" . , 1 ,...,. • Aeltf• Dlthi1•• Plckw, Choose your panonal packa9• for vacation & week• c. .. ,.." c.,.. .. M.1,, "-· end fun in the wide opin spaces. Long tttrm financing UA$ONAILE RATES availallle ion rttU'5t. • ' . RISOYE ~.•LY . . . 1 l . -.-.,, ... ----. ~ " . . -. _ l .• •