HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 . r. ' " • .._ _f .. " •• ' ' . ' • * * "* * . . * * ~ ~ ~ ... ' ·' VOL IQ, NO. 111, 1 SICTIONS, Jl'f"AGIS ... .. ' .. > • s • • * * ~otal of 8 Dead at .End Of Holiday orange Coun y rz:iotorists were~sarr and sane al the beginrllng of the Fourth of Ju· ·omca * ~' -- . ' . .. SA; ·Offi~er · H11rt ,. .. .. ly holid•J«Weekend. •. Not a single highway fatality was li••••••••••••••••••••••••••lli•••••••li~ .. ~ reported on Friday or Saturday, while over 200,000 Docked to HunUngton Beach--33 D ad• J ""O T -t t'o-watctrthe--Fourlh-ot-JuJy-Parade~anct-a . --6 -,--l-1 --M.IS -~-- quarter.million more enjoyed other • ' Orange Coast beaches. , Then, within a per\od cf five hours ear· ly Sunday iporning, eight died on county roads. A viSi,tor from Ensenada, Mexico, who was probably unable to read freeway Torna:doe·s Rip·I.llino~~ lt&t County Traffic JM 111 Dealh Ton tot ' ·v-Pm• l1tiroauou1· " + l wamfug signs,-drove the wrong way 'on the 88.ii[t:_"Ana FtteWay. It resulted in the· aeath of sb:. -· including four El Toro Mar~s. . -. . . A lllAll ~ . .w !'!'<1;.~'I: a gltllrlend W'I' 0 ~i:or OI) Nine ~dos-were reported over, cen- tral lllinOla----.today ana widespread· showers and · thundershowers moved Woss·a front from Maryland-to the cen- tral Rockies. The death ton from the severe rain arid . . wind atonn that luhed northern Ohio r°"' lo 33,. including 17 victiml of the ;11torm-end-J&·wbo .dro~-in· rmhing flOQd waters. The U.S. CQast Guard resumed the search of Lake Erie for .170 pet"son.\.miui.D& after Ute itonD"CIP:lind mu;' lloat8. -• • A Coast Guard opokesman Nlilfthe !iearch would conUnue"'unUfwe know, lor sure'" aliout those alill uo•".,...j.,j~. Ohio' Gov. James A. Jlhllllit"liltf'l!o> .)l',..iii~J!*:l!li't4',•~---­disast'.er afea; "lDI . -omce aecrtneili-to eitlinati dam8g .... IM!t lild "II w],n' bpi ~I PacWc .CoaJt-ay at ... SCotaman's Cove, Just north of • 1'each. . Tlie' •eighth man Wai killed on CoW HigbWay in Dana Point in anQther beadOn · colUaion. , , Kuled in the freeway ·wrong-way crash were: Moyses Cruz: Garcia, 36, of Ensenada, llfexico, Augustine M. ·Cineros, 32, of Placentia. lsl Lt. John IJ. Baker, 24, ol Sanla Ana. Pvt. John R. Miller, 21, of Huntington, Pa.- Pvt. Daniel G. Buehler, 20, of Oriskany, N.Y. Pvt. John W. Nolan, 24, hometown unknown. Killed at Scotsman's Cove : George Washington GaJlagber, 22, of Cucamonga. Killed at Dana Point: Edmund Delaney, 68, of' 24g21 'Adelanlo Drive; Laguna Niguel. In the freeway crash, at about 1 a.m ., the-wrong Way car sped up the 17th Street.offramp and continued northbound .. in the southbound lanes, _,the CHP reported. ~,. • ~ . ; bA ... Y'l'tLOT·~·h" l'•t-o'Dlllltl Do you love a parade? Mem\ers 0£ Ute Kinism~ Di-um and-&ig1e ' 0orps do. So did an estimated 200,000 parade fans who watched .Jiunt.ington Beach's 65th Anqual Fourth of Jµly.Parade. For more pliotos on 1969 parade, see page 3. ' Officers said sheriff's deputies Robert Romaine and Andy Romero, flashed their ied lights and sounded the siren ln a fuliJe attempt to halt the wrong way car which swerved around their vehicle at the offramp. Just south or the Main Street crossing, the car driven by Garcia crashed lrito the 50Uthbound vehicle carrying the Marines. " Tomcat T.hief Takes $50, Momenls later Elaine Townsend, 34, of San Diego sideswiped the wrong way car. * * * National Holiday R:ings ·Froihrtw(J W o~~ . . ;~ . . ' , .. Road Toll Hits Record; 605 Die . TWo; yoUng women gpefil a harrowing half ·hour;Sunday morning with a knife- wielding "tomcat" burglar who tried to •·make th~ni. remove their nlghtcloi.he, Niion to .Spend N!g1it in . SF . Before Long Trip , WASIUNGTON (UPI) -President Nixon wi!l fly to San Francisco July 22 £or en ovet'[llght &lay before. proceedihg t.o the PaciUc for his glpbe 'rip and horrWtcoming,oer-emony .with the Apollg 11 astronaull after their moonflia;bt. 6n July 23 he will fly 'tO Johnston tStaiKI about 700 miles rrom Honolutu· and on· July 24 he will take a imallcr plane to land on the USS Hornet. the recovery carrier, for the &plastidown of the Apollo II night. The President will {ly to Guatn on the etenlng of JUiy 24. wtim he •iU rertrlf!'l <Mifnight before going on t.o Manila as_. .the tirst top tn h1s tour of live sian JJ~­ tiqna and Communist Rornania-·an 11- dl)' expeQJtlo!i that irjll returp him. IA! Wammgtdb ftvm Europe Aug. ll. ' 1 befOre thiii screams · scared hitn oft, : 1 N ...,...,..... Be ch r ·, ed , By Uolied Pren lnlernatlopl)I ! e .. """ ~ ~ po ice r~port today. ' An unrelenUng parade o[,death brought Tbe two womeh,' both ftom the Sau 'the nation a new traffic fatality record F~rnando,V@lley, tokt offioera.the buiglar for the 4th of July holiday·period. ~~6'e them 'up . as ·he ·.,aj. Ti!Ung. 'uteif · A United Press lnternatlonal count ·'f>Urses ·at 8n Ea!t ·BalDoa' Boulfvard showed tbat,605 l>'!rsons had been ·killed apartment. ... · . 1 • ' OD American streets and highways between 6 p.m. Thursday, and 11 :59 p.m. -Carol J. Miller, 25, Reseda, and Mrs. Sunday. · · AnneUi M. Fogg, 24, Van NUy1, were The old record was 577 set during the staying &f ~the-a~ent •for the thrte-Oay 4th of July holiday in 1966. The weekend: police .aald:'. , , ·, aJl,Ume recofd is 732 aet during the 1967 · lo Ith of J(lly llolidaY, but.that )'as 1 four· They. W.tre awa~1at:5! ·"a:m.'by a day evj?nl. young man wearing~•· tan l'icket who ap-Tfle Nalkm81 Safety 'Counci} bad parently bo.t qiimbed In, tllrool!I a kit· estimited that the 111611 holidoy Ioli would Clien w1ndow. be between 500 a~ 650. The N!ety, coun· Police aaid the· women· began scream-cil Sflld that dur~g a comparable non-inr and ti.e lhlcl u;., plin'lf·a ~ile. · hbliday period tn July aboul IOO persons The women t~d o(ficers their asaaiJant would be kllled tn tra(fic. made thein stay In bed while he flnisheii . CaUfomia led the naUon w.ith 67 taJ{Jng mone)' trom theit JIW'SI!:, then told rat.atlt\el. Te x a a had 48, Ohio 35,. them to. remove their clotfles. Michigan 30, New York and Georgia 25 At lhat PQlnt, one .victim bolted rrom each and Pennsylvania 24. the bed ti.d locteil 'het'leU• in tile Tl>e llnol liollday fataliiy bt'takdown : bathroom, 111 d bepn ICl'eamlng, police Traf& fl1I l!>kl .. and,IM thief fan off. Drowninp 183 ~ too! ·~bout $50 .in cash and a set of Planes 36 wedding ri11p from Mr~ Fog, ofllcetl . · Mi1C<llaneou1 98 aakh , • • Total Ill I "' • Astromonk Comes Down· , .. ' higl> into the milllons." , Jn Illlnob, a rash of fllllJJef elotidl ac-. companJ~ strong thunderatonna mcwing •across the central part of the-state. strong winds and 'rain .hit Peterablq, JJI., 20 miles norlhwest of· Sprlnl!field, where power lines ,were down andc'flM- persons-were injured when a tree ,fell· OD their car. . . . Condiiion S:aid Declining MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) - Astromonk J:lonny .will be brought back to earth today to protect his health from "serious deterioration," Nation a I Aeronautic and Space Agency offictaJs announced. The 14-pound ratt.ailed m o n k e y ' s Biosatellite 3 space craft was scheduled for air recovery .at 6:15 p.m. (EDT) over the Pacific south of Hawaii. . A NASA offioial in .Was~gton 5;11d the deciilon to cu~ short Bonny's projected 30-day trip after less than nine days was made when "a decline in'tbe monkey's condition" was detected . Some NASA scientists were already waiting th.is morning at Hickam Air Force B!Jfie, Hawaii,. where tbe space capsiJle will be taken. Others were en Four hundred National Guardsmen route by air from Ames Research Center joined Red Cross workers In rescue and here; · evacuation operaliont at Norwalk .. Ohio, about .60 miles southwest of Clevelind. The technique for recovering the space Two cily reservoirs burst at Norwalk a1 craft was perfecied la Hawlil' in the the Vermillion River .crested at lS: feet Discoverer series a few years ago. above flood stage. Biosatellite 2, which contained only elec-National Guardsmen· also helped &long the rain-swo11en Iowa River in south~ tronic gear, was air r~overed SepL 9, Iowa, and a spokesman for the-tooia 1961. County Sheriff's Office said more •help A lumbering Cl19 "Flying ~xcar ,'" wbuld be soughL wapµ~, tow~; ;-waa trailing a ·trapeze liJte-.devlce,· artags .the dr~pcil!!d with. 11\re,. ~h.eS: P,r_tOJ ~ aay;-and a •f!i>~ tii!I 'Uii;~ parachute lowering the space capsule betw~en Oakville and .Wapello Waf "stop-1. from orbit and reels it into the plane -py with all the rain." The flood· crest on much like a fish on a line. the river was expecied to·pasa: today1 ! Bonny had just completed sin days and In the -northern llllnois community of l 130 orbits Su!fday night-.wl'!en NASA's . Freeport, -c1ea~J!:-.~attons at~! tracking station at Santiago, Chile-, Pecat9niea ,1Uv:er tteetled•were ~r.ed 1' as caravans of joyriders took b1"1 ljieed \ detected danger signals. turns U)rough flooded streeta Seniun"g t ,• A spokesman at the Ames center a'1d wavj!S '_Of mud, water and ..ffRUciitnk f .J Officer Injured In New Flareups · In Sa1ita Ana A policeman was injured and' several palrol cars were damaged Sunday as racial unrest continued to bubble in the . Negr0 section of Santa ·Ana. the monkey refused to drink water,_show~ overflow against . houses and i-D to I cd a lowering metabolic rate and ap. basementa. Some ~ ~soqs. ·were1)ill.f pearej:J it a. deeP.ef-· st.a~ o( rest ;Uum .. · thomeless .today.·~ '' " -< 7 normaf• · ' · , ·· . Severe thunde~ "&ct i v ! fy :iwts / He said electronic "water available'' reported lfl extreme southeast lowalaiad/ signab &ent to sensors attached to the northeast Missouri. At least three.=:•• monkey.'s J>o4Y {al~ to l'eviv~;Jl ln-,1.h~ Of rain fell at San J~, Ill., a '1"J past, Bonny had rO.ponded iJY dririking · "'111•• nortb ·ofSpr!Dillel<f,1pt:,_ al an inch and a l:allicCrain fell on GaMaJ1 some water. ,. City, Kan.r and MUei•Ci{y,'Montana.: ' -f "Lack of response was Interpreted as · sluggishness, which, lf allowed to con· Cl~ skies were teP9f!ed througboat · tinue; could lead to Serious deteriora· the South Ind West and fnln1.~tbe tion," the spokesman said. northern J:itlom: of tbe Upper Ute.ft Bonny-lailed:to perform assigned tasks ~·~to Wiewoil~!'!'!~b'i~~i:onj.!l•P. . Sunday, nor did he drink any water. e m yo ng lo SOUwit:rn Ne'!lda. Most serious rumble occurred In the vicinity of a .drive-In re$.urant ·at 4th and Shelton streets, the scene of destruc· live di.Sturbance just ·a week agu. H th k t II 20 food Southern states Were' hot and bwriid' •""' owever, e mon ey 8 e 8 temperatures·were COOier iii the north._,.. .-pallets available. Bonny's 30-day trip was to have ~ .-----....:.--.....!---..., · " Police said 12 persons, four adults and vided tl'Je most detailed s't.udy ever made '. .O.-u., · eight Juveniles, were arrested folio~ a . o_f .~~ ~rr~~ o~ w~ig~tleSsne~ oO. a· ter"·· ;\ .... ~ ~· a6. . "'--'~ .... ~~- -···' rock and . bottie Turtiwmg·me1;e:·~hicli-' ,.eitlaJ er dare idiidlar to man:-·-----····-- broke out about 10 p.m. · t .... _E!!!I •· ' ' ' ' Officer• said lh• youth• we .. throwing Fre .. eway Oosed mlislles indiacriminsUly at police cars .and oeher vefJ.icles. SOme were char~ed • with assablt with a deadly weapon' 8.flSI ·As N Im T. -·~­otheri'fliilid on less serious charges. ~p;:t , .a~ .. At •bbut tl .p.til., an olI~uty Santa Ana ofJicer was injured when be' tried to ar-F · n O:f r· T k , =t'two'Ntgroe; he iuspected o!"stealing .. '~. . •· J:U~ . , oJ1 froin' a service station at llt 81 Bristol St. i.ONG l!E.\CH {0Pf) -11\e Lq , Ofpcer. Cloyd ~otter asked attendanta Beach Freeway W'u clo6ed brlaliy today to t.lephooe police as he. held the jwo " as workm<Ji , cleared $ shipp)Jlg C<!D· au~pecla. One ·simulated 1a gun.. aud tainen •filled wtlh-napahn, an erplosiv~ loosened a string of prOfanity, Polter jelly used ln fire bomlis, fr-Olll the .-eported. He ~ pulled a wtoe b6ttle· 'freeiay qe&r Artesla -BouJeVant · --~ 1rom: his waistband and st.ruck the officer Higl\,•Y. Patrolmen said ~ Conlainer.s in the face. Pot~r underwept' surgery tor . loaded on . the bl.ck of-a la~ge truck ·a broken nose and _.rai facial cuts. sitjfted and ·spilled onto the fmway wh'OI) "Officer Tom• Barnes .arriveol on' the the truck ~ .~ ' scene shortly aft.r tl)e· attaclt and cap. · A ~ty fl\\! deportment· 1pok- 1Ui'eii ooe of the ~o n~ mm. · 'Ill~ !&e nop'alnl'C:oold be oet ott only by a Poiitie today withbe\d the.~ j)f the _I..,. or a strong detooaUon.. , two mpects,.They said lliey kilow the 'Th<'freew•pm hl"'ted wfille the- ldeolit, ol the IOOlll<L laintrl were loaded liack onto llle·truck,,, .... ..,. Ci\ltnll , ....... _ .. ,_ --DI-. • •""'111• ~ ::::.•, I "" . ... ._, -· ,, n ·~MIWila . a •· ·~~~ .. " ·°'"" _, M l\'MI ' ..... "• '" lldlll .... !9 .: ==~;;; • ·-' It " ,....... .. ,.., . ......, ' "r·=--·•· ,, ......... •• - • I • . .. , , • ' " ·{ '· ' .. ' I· I• • -. ' • ' ! IWl v 1'11.0't s NOll!Jf, JulJ 7, 1 ~t . ' -~Reds l,te~dy . for U.S. Pullout With 'fy 90~ SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. inltlliieoce ev<n If that many Scillth ~... cldel1ls. ......,,said today a 2,llllknan North ttp~ments w,,. avaUoble IJJeY•W.ould \11< U.S. lntelllgence reports aald the ~ ttgimeDt ~ lilpped Into tile '1.'~"." theoll=:i a1:,:etht i::.: :\!1,::.~~~~~·~~w~ Mikonll lklta to he!Q lo6it loraa attack Uoii of the wllhdrawlnt lf.S. 1111.bilaotry of SaJioo, """"' of.tteen\ heovy lighting ieSQU~'"VrclliantetiB"mfttr lb:Am~---DMs!oo"1rOOpS:• • , • • ....._.neu &be C.ambodlan llordai:. Tbc JOUl"CU troop withdrawal which be~ Tuesday. No actions were repoJ'te4 In the said this. waa part ol an elfort by the The ~ aald a J!iidY Jndlcales M_~ today oot a force ot ·!$ Com· CommunlBts to shOw that attempts to &Mii Vlttnim w!O ili&Hl,000 l!Oojlsio ~ tommandoo cluirpd lltfo a U.S: "d<>Amerlcan!U" the war will 1,;1. = &M tl,OOOjj ~~~tal _ootPoBI. at ~ ~-lo!ftY Five firelights whicb kllled ?J· Com· Wiildtiwn from ibe delta:''~ lliii . under coveror rocket ijid miiltii' ti'ar-mwilsts were ~Within a·5kn1Je STOUP of 111 Americans leave lot '-rali05. n·"" the only ,(r9Ulld aelion ra<1ius of Salion S·Jllday. These an4 other '11\eoday aboard u:S. transpoi\ p\<1111. repOriad Wtlog the night ll!AlJOW Com· bolated 'acliO!IS brought Nortl/· Vi.t. fbo American "!11JlatY ~ aatd inlll!ill ~ drop to u sr11tred Jn. .namese and Viet Cong deaths to 1115 for . - Thant to Pull . U.N.-For.ces From Miileast? ' S,. Ualted rn.. loitmau.al Unlled Na-SecmiatY O<neral U Thant aald today "Open warfare !\II been resumed". alo~g IJJe Su~ C4t1a( a!lll U.t he may have to withdraw U.N. peacekeepln'g fortes from the area. luJ he did, Israel sale! It shot down two more ~an MIG2la in an air battle today. Tbant, In a r.port to the .Securtfy CoUli-' cil! aaid the unarmed U.N. offlcen "can· no 1M!: expected to aerve·u what amounts to defenseless latgets in a shooting galltry." "Since June, 19'7," Thant uid, "the level of violence in the Middle· Ea.st has never-.been higher than it ii at presePL 1n fact. never in the h!Story of U.N: ex- perience with peace-keeping has there been such complete and IUllained disregard, through the maasive u a e of PlQY types of convenUonal weapons and a1ao by less conventional means, for a cealt-rire called for b~ the Security Council and agreed to by tbe parties." Ao Jsrae,li spokesman in ~I A,viy~ said todl.f's atr battle broke "OUt When i COO· pie of patrolling Israeli jets intercepted four-'Egyptlan MIGJla at.4 p.m. south of the lsraell-occupied fortress of Sharm El Sheikh at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. Jn the ensuing dogfight two Egyptian jets were shOt. down. the apoke.sman aald. He reported the Ja:raeli plants returned aafely to baoe. The battle was the third ~tween hraeU and Egyptian jet.s within a week and brought to 'Z1 the number of Egyptian planes oho! down by the lsr~eli,I sillf'< the Jttne.19'7 m-day war, Israeli spokesmen reported. ln a ftiht July ~ the lsrJ1eUs said 1bey shot down lour f:gypt\ali MIGs ....... <loll fl! -·c.t,o reparloll -l&rMU jet llllol down ln·a·battle Sunday. Tbari\ said be ,.., appeal!ng to J)>e ~ CoUncll ~be baa heen unable 14 · ellecl ...,Y riollcllble Im- provement In the 'sttuaUon alori( the &Je:I Canal ... Thant's i.1es1 report Jo the S<curity ColmcU werit even further than his atat.e- ment Of April 21 that "a virtual state of active war: now exists" along the cat1al. He 'said that up to July· 5 there had bee'n firing ac:rou the canal for 86 con-- aecutJve d~ys. Integration Suit Filed by U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Justice Department brooght suit today again.It a South Cirollna schQol dl!trid, charging that a "freedom of choict" desegregation plaft baa fafied to break up a racially separate school ay1tem. Atfy. Gen. JOhn N. Mitchell siid the sutt, filed in U.S. District Court in Colum- bia, S.C., named Barnwell SchoOI District No. U, one of five southern dlstric.LI cut cU from federa1 funds by the Department (lf Health; Education, and Welfare last J ttn. 29. Jn filing the complaint, Mitchell said the government sought .an order to re- qulre the Barnwell district to Cake ' "Prompt afflnnatlve steps to eliminate the racial identltles or the schools" ia regard to "pupils, faculti es, transporta· tion and new construction." !JAIL I PILOI ,...,_...... 1w ..,, .. '"" --_,...., ---CAUPODIA OltAHOI (~1 P\laltiHINCJ t(W.Nll'f .... .,. N. ..... , Pml'lll!I .... """4i..r J1ck R. <Ari.-, vi.:. '"'"""' .... Gelltr• 'Nllf .. Th.-.t KMYil .... Tho11111 A. u ... ,1i1., -·--c.11 .,...., Ull W..1 • .., ~·"" ..._, hl<flr J211 #al .. lllM ......_. · L-'-"1 m ,.,..., .. _ Mllllltrloleil lelClll : -.. Sllrwl • . -I • ·-.... /- Kits for a Winner.,.:-, . . .-, , #,. . 1: ,. "' Laguna Beach lifeguard !)teve Foiter oongratulatu Candf McCue, 17, after her win in ahnuar lifeguard Fourth of Juli.beauty contest. Lltegliards from various btac4es in city sponsor oontestants. Foster sponsored Mi.ts McCue, a recent Laguna High grad, who now reigns as Miss Laguna Beach Weguerd. Police Seek Complaint In Slwoting ori Beach Newport Beach police said today they will seek a complaint against self. employed carpenter Ralph Wataon ror allegedly injuring· three beachgoers July 4th with bullet fragment.s from his pistol. Watson. 60, of 3505 W. Ocean Front, was booked on assault with a deadly weapon charges Friday night after an in- cident stemming from r e v e I e r s ' fireworks being shot oft in front of his home. Police said Wat.son approached the par· ty and 'told the celebrants, "It's my beach. I dc;m't want you here.'' During the argumeat that rollowed one Harbor District Breakup Goes To Count y Again The continuing turmoil over dissolulion of the Orange County HJ.rbor District is 9n tlie sctne again Tuuday before the Board of Supervisors. The Local Agency FormaUon Corn- ml.salon recommends that the M-year-old district be abolished and a county Department of Harbors, Beaches and Parks be. established in it.s placf:. TI1e LAFC resolution passed Ju.ne ti by a 3·2 vote. Supervisors are expected to set a date for a public hearing on the knotty pro- blem. Eventually they will have two avenues open: .'11leY can go along wilh the LAFC recommendation ind submit the Issue to a vote ot the people, or they can reject It. If tbe supervisors rtject the pro~l, as Lbe:y did by 1 t-1 vote last yeu, the Otaoge County Ltague of CIU.S may take the Issue to the state Ltgis.lalUre. Lui ftar a bill by Asoiemblyman John V. Brlgga (11-Fullertoo) died In an Assembly c:ommllke bUt the chairman nl the -committee, John Knox (R·RlcO. mond ), ldvi&ed Brl&P to suggest the LAFC route for dlaaolution. In last year's vot.e by the supervisors, Supervisor David L. Baka-was the lone O!>(>Ollent ol the dllltlcl. Baker, an LAJ'C commilSioner. led lhe move toward dlaaolulloa in lbat bodjl thla year. -. 1 of lwo guns carried by Watson fired onto the sidewalk, police said. Lead fragmenls hurt three persons in the group. The splattering bullet caused minor in- juries to Jerry Jeffries, 34, 1304 E. Balboa Blvd., his brolher-i.n-law, Phil Forbes, 28, Placentia, and Forbes' daughter, Diane, 8. Police said Watson became irate during the argument and-reached for a gun in his pocket. Jeffries-grabbed the man 's wrist and a high-powered, hollow-nosed bullet discharged onto the pavement, of· ficers said. Wataon was paclting a·derrlnger and 10 bullel!i in his pocket besides the gun in his hand, police charged. FBI Called In Over Ex plosion Of Small Plane MONROE, Ga. (UPI) - A small airUner with 14 perscns aboard crashed and exploded near here Sunday night, scattering wreckage over hundreds of squart yards. There were no survivors. "The biggest thing we have been able to find so tar Is a human leg and a hand," said Walton County Sheriff Frank Thornton. "ll's just unbelievable." Walton d1sclosed later that tbe FBI had been called ln to in\festigale. "It looks like lt mwt have exploded from the inside out to have scattered things around like it did," the ahertlf said. The plane was a Beechcrall 99, a twin- engined prope.UeNype craft operited by Air South, a small feeder airline and charter air service. Notie of the victims was Identified and Robert Diel<, yice ~resident of Air South, said U may .bti i.to leday before the l<len- Ufled are rt.leased . The crew consllited of a pilot and ro- pilot. 'Mlere were 12 p.auenae.rs, one oI · lhem believed to bt an Air Foret colonel. The National Transpqrt.aUon Board in Wa&hlncton Rnt in a 10.man In· mUg1Ung team aad Civil Defense unlt.s under the dlrection of the Federal Avla· Uon AdmlnlltraUon moved Ooodllghts Jn. to the am. . , the day agolnat light allied caaualUes. The &harp actlons scarrJd but ap- parently did not end the lull in Cofn. munlst offensJve acUviUea which have pwited U.S. military men. Mllllary observen in SaJgon believed the att.acki involved local Communist units -and1hat the maln COmmunist. f!>rc§...w~ J!ill lying low. • 11l; attack on Phan Thiet, UO miles almost itue~east of Satgon;-w~--flrst 1.wnd Ul!'Ull reported i.U®hed by lhe Communists alnce Juoe 311 when a force of North Vietnamese attacked a U.S. 5th * • Mechanlt.td lnfa~try po$1Uqn n .. r Khe • Sanll, just below the demllllartied iono, • and lost 40 dead. U.S. forces auffered three wounded in that action. 1n today'1 aCtioo u.s: headquarters In Saigon said""lir"'"Amertcam were killed and ti ~ when the small band of auerrlllu Jnuded the camp and tnfllctod "iiiodera1a" daml!I• on lb> !Oi).qllQ cOaatal gll'rlaon. 'lli'e·Communlsla pU!led ""~ 1e11vtnrt\oo deld;·wblt..-U .s. plants attacked tneir acaf)e routes. The attaclt came on the final, day of prepara-for the first U.S. unit 1otng • home undor President N I x on • s ~'ilhdrawal plai:i. The unlt, 1n 81\jnan batt11Jon ol the U.S. Ith l~lry Dlvlslo<. went through a cloie ordor ,drlll 1t Dong Tain in preparation for boarding ·~nspol't'pl...,.Tueeday forlhe llDlted SL.Us. · ~· Sllgon<area flghtlnil Sunday eo&t 1htee AtO!'rJ<al\l alaln and 32..,.,lltilded, all In one ll&hl, 29 mllea.,n~~ or "8111£0!1. BalilhcLtanka.and ................ the Git kilted 10 North Vlelname,. In the mldiltemoon encounter, the U.S. Com· mand' said. * * * Allies Hopeful Ill 'Lull~ Hanoi Neg otiat.or's R eturn to Bring Progress at P aris? PARIS (UPI) -Allied officlals said to- day they remained hopeful Ibo ttlurn of Hanoi's chief peace neg o t lat or fomhadows a favorable tum in the Viet- nam peiiCe talks ~te no public change In position. X~an Thuy, minlsler of stale ln the North Vietnamese govemrneat, n!turned to Paris from Hanoi Saturday a£ter a six- week absence. Thuy reiterated the C om m u n ls t demands of a unilateral unconditional withdrawal on all American forCes from South Vietnam and upheld the Viet Coo.g's IO-point peace plan as lhe only solution to the Vietnam war. "The wtthdraw~of ,<m American troops is aimed ooly at . loollng the American public op' which is ~r· l.ng for peace. To pull horpe 25,000 mt. oot of 540,000 is ""'anJnaleq," Thuy said. "I return here wtth goodwill and 8 seMoua atUtude," he said. Madame Nguyen Thi Blph, head of the Viet Cong delegaiJon, to}d newunea Saturday that PresWent Nixon -was "intensifying the war on one hand and pretending on the other hand that his negotiating tactics were successfUlly achieving resulta." Mrs. ·Dinh, welcoming back Thuy at Paris' Le Bourget Airport, said press reports l rom Vietnam that the Com- munists had de-escalated the fighting. as a goodwill &esture to the Americans were "a subterfuge by Nixon." · Thuy told newsme.p, "Ia my vlew there is ..m ~ e(fort on the part of the American idmlnistratioo to speed up lhe Mesan Injured as Auto . . Shoots 230 Feet Off Road A Co!ta Mesa menswear salesman was severely injured, but his passenger escaped with scrapes ahd scratches Sun- dy D.ighl when their high perfonnance car shot 230 feel off a curving road into a concrete culvert Gary R. Schepker, 25, of 939 Victoria ·St., suffered multiple fractures of both legs and deep lactratioos in the accident wtti~ occurred as he swerved to avoid a beadon crash. . The driver wu taken lo Cost.a .~1esa Memurial Hospital then tiansferred to Hoag"M'?morlal Hospital, Newport Beach, where be Ls listed lo satWactcry con- dition today after surgery. His passenger, Gerald P. Kana, 17, of 2272 Federal Ave., Costa Mesa, was treated for scratches and shock at the Costa Mesa emergency facility, but not admitted. Investigators said Schepker was driv- in( south on Estancia Drive 500 feet south of Swan Circle at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, Inmate, 15, Dies In Fume Snif fiilg when he lost control after toPpilJg a hill curve. The narrow, wesWde thof°oughfare has been lhe subject of some criticism and the scene of several acddenta since It waa opened la connect two populDua parts of town Im than a year ago. Northboond motorist Don Handy, 32. Los ..\ngeles, told traffic investigators Schepker evidently _overcarrected hill steering in an effort lo avoid 1 collision. Police said Schepker's domesllc sports car Dew off.the abouldtt, airborne and down an embankment, crasbUlg toto a concrete culftrt 230 feet from where he left tbe roadway. The car was demolished. Traffic patrolmen are continuing their in- vestigation today. Shut Door Saves Mesa Woman F:rom Fiery Death InvesUgaUon conllnues today into a house fire in which a Costa Men woman closed her bedroom door on death aftet dou,sing a smoldering blaze with a glass of water and returning to bed. POMONA (AP) -Sniffing fumes from Unidentified neighbors awakened by a deodonlnt spray caused the death of a the resumed fire roused Mrs. Harriet J. 15-year-old inmate of the Camp Page Uzgalil, ol 838 Pine Place, about 8 a.m. Juvenile Detention Center, authorities Friday and led her to safety. say. A closed bedroom door prevented The youth, dead on arrival at the smoke produced by the fire from asphyx- Pomona Valley Hospital, soaked a towel lating Mrs: Uzgali.s, who lives alone, " . peace talks.'' , Bll.l allied conference SOU(Ctl recalled that after a similar trip to 'Hanoi by Thuy, the United States and NOrth Viet· nam announced the total ~ cessi.tlon of ... Amerlcan bombing of ~orth ,Vl~bl~ and · the expansion of the Paris talki to in- clude representatives of Saigon and the Vletn Cong. Allied oUicials here and American of· ficials in Washington have been looking for signs of change ln the Viet eong. Hanoi negotiating position because of a.n unexplained htll in Communist ,m1Ut.ary activity in Vietnam last week. 1 , The lull ended Sunday with five sharp clashes outside Salgon in which U.S. headquarters reported 72 Colnmunlst troops slain agairuJl three Americalls klll· eel and 32 wounded. · , DAil Y PILOT Stiff ,.,_,. Early Finisher Mrs. Mara Culp of Newport Beach, flying 'in her first Powder Puff Derby, landed second Sunday at finish of 23rd annual air race. This year's classic started in San Diego, ended i/l Washington. D.C. Actual placing of finishers is to be computed later on handi- cap basis. and undershirt in the spr~y then inhaled fuemen said. Ike's Wi'dow Better it, police said Sunday. The vlctlm told firemen she poured a Authorities said lhe unidentified teen--glass of water on the burning couch when LAKENHEATH, England (AP} ager was sent to the detention center she discovered ll once, but names ap. Mamie Eisenhower. widow of President after conviction on a charge of sendlng parently rekindled a!~er she thought she Dwight D. Eisenhower, is responding narcotics through the mall. was safe. sa1i6factorily to treatment. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'- ca11. You n1ay or 1nny not con· 6ider tl1al to he a good thing. but we like ii l~ause we geJ: nicer people tltal way. Can headaches he good for you? Wl1en you get 10 be a reg. ular here, we are able lo find oat the kind of 1l1ings yon like, wh•t you 1eleete,J last time and lhe tin1e before. Berause we do our O""ll buyi11g a11d don't have to -...·onder .wl1a1 is comins in next week from the mpin &lore in another ci 1y. we really k1~ow our 1lock. 11101·8 just ttrt.Other reason "'hy we ('ftlt give you nt o r e in telligent 1ngge11tion1 than would he po~aible in 10me other 'lores. They eay you sometime1 can recognize the fellow who is l1eaded for 110"\t·bere in the bu1ine11 world. He'1 the one who &ecretly long1 for the day when he'll be promoted to a better job with fewer headache! . Let u1 pray for h im. Tho further up the ladder you fl"~ tho tougher your job ~aually gets. Well, there'• a reA80D why one man ia worth more money than another. The capable man • 8' e 1' welcomea pr o b l em1 that olhen "can'I whip, becau M1 he knowt that's what I01da 10 tho real dough. Now, in order to leave room for bigger and better problema at the oUlce, you don't need p ro b 1 t.1 m a elaewhere. That'• where the· sood guyo at Did· well'• can ~ u1eftil to you. i Some men figure it'• ea1ier to face a major emergency at the office than to pick 0 11t a new 1uit, aud that'• wl1y they keep putting it off. C.n we do anything about that? Sore we can, a11d we do. This it no chain. It'1 not the Newport Beach hranCb of Illy• thing. We don't h ave • remote penonnel director titting in LA or NY 1ending out aome new •tore m111181'r every few "·eeb who dOMn't know vou from Unclo F~. · Our peoplo here '"' all lo. Ou r 1uils, "'l1icl1 "'e buy from H. Freeman, Rainer, Deansgate an<l Devon1hire run from 885 to 1165. Office headaches "·e will nol try to cure hut we can 11ure m•ke buying• 1Jt1it" real pleu- ure. See ua for fa111, la1t, fut .... uer. Jack Bidwell 3<Mi7 Via Udo at Nowporl Blvd., iu Newport O...ch next to Rlchard'a Markel and The Udo Theater. f lentyo( f...,. parkins In tl10 rear. Phone 673-4$10 ' Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. • , - I I I I I ' ( ' ' l I " 1. • 1 ' • -.... : {·····-.................. '-' . -• • :k:I ;w X:• WI• L * • Dun:iington .Be"f;h a oi I U ·~ • .. • > Today's Eln•I . N.Y. Steek8 . • • • • • ' . • VOi:. 62, NO, '161, 2 5.ECTIQNS, 32 !..AGES t!>RANGE COUNTY, ,CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JULY 7, 'i969 ' ~ . TEN CENTS' • • • ,. . ' .,, ---... ..., -Copters \.eep-Pari:tde Moving, Cii.t t~r Thefts A helicopter view of a par1de lsn'l very inspiring, butjl's extremety functlon1t, Huntington Beach police concluded alter a full tesl of their two choppers over the Fouth of July holiday. Car robberies we.re sharply reduced and the massive parade's pace was prod- ded by overhead surveillance, said police Capt. Harold Mays~ More than 150,000 spectators viewed the parade from ground level, but Capt. Mays and h1s crew of chopper pilots were Twisters Hit minois; 33 Die in Ohio~ United Pres1 International Nine tomados were reported over cen- tral Illinoil IOd!JL•nd wjliespread SbOwel\ '&"iXI "tli."iini:lershowers· moved across .a ~nt from Maryland to the «n-- tral Rockies. The death loll from the severe rain and wind stonn that ·lashed_ northern Ohio rose to · 33, Including 17 vicUms of tbe storm and 16 who drowned In rushing flood waten. The U.S. Coast Guard resumed the search of Lake Erie for 170 persona milsing alter the storm capsized many boata. A Coas( Guard spokesman said the search would conUnu.e "unW we know for sOre" about I.hose st.ill unacc:ounted for. Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes aaid he wwld declare portions of northern Ohio a disaster area. His ofiice declined to estimate damages, but said ''It will run b!Jh into the millions." In Illinois, a rub of funnel clOt.Klfl ac· "°'ll~ atroog l!Jundentorml moving a"cross the ~enlraJ part of the state. Strong ..... 1od nln bit P_,,. ID., ll mJ!!s ~west ol Sprlngfleld, where power 1Jiit• wm down and five PfJ1S0118 were lnjUred whl'ft a tree fen on their car. .., Four hundred National Guardsmen joined Red Cross workers in rescue .lnd evacuatloq. cperetjorus at _Norwalk, Ohio, about 60 miles southwest of Cleveland. Two city reservoirs burst at Norwa,ll!: as the Vermillion River crested at. 13 feet above fiood stage. National "Guardsmen also helped along the rain-swollen Iowa R1 ver ill southwest Iowa, and a spokesman for the Louia County Sheriff's Office said more help wou1d be sought. Wapello, Io..,.a, was drtnched with three inch~ of nln Sun- day, and a spokesman said the levee betwl!en Oakville and Wapello was "1lop.. py with all the rain." The flood crest on lhe river was expected to pass today. In the northern lllinoi.s community of Freeport, cieanup operations as the Pecatonica River receded were hindered as caravans of joyriders took high speed turns throu&,h flooded streets sending waves of Jl'\Ud. water and septic tank overflow against houses and I n to basements. Some 200 persons were still homeless: today. Severe thunderstorm a c t I v i t y was reported in extreme 90utheast Iowa and northeast Missouri. At least three inches of rain fell al San Jose, 111., about 40 liiiles north of Springfield, and mo.re than an inch and a l"alf of rain fell on Garden City, Kan., and Miles City. Montana. Clear skies were reported throughout the South aod \Vest and from the northeni port.Ions of the upper Great Lakes to New England. A cold front trail· td from Wyoming to southern Nevada. Nixon to Spend Night in SF Before Long Trip WASHJNGTON (UPI ) -President _ ~lxon will ffy to San Francisco July 21 for an overnight stay before proceeding t.o the Pacifk: for his globe trip and homecoming ceremony with,. the ·A.polio ll astronauts •fter their moonnight. On July 23 he will rly 1o Johnston Island about 700 miles from Honolulu and on July 24 he will take a sm8ller plane to land on the U~ Hornet, the recovery carrier, for the .splasbdown of the Apollo u lllghl. 111e President will fly to Guam on the evening of July 24 where ht wilt remain overnight before going on to Manila as the first top ln his tour of five Aa.ian na- liom aqd Commun.lit Romania -an 11· day expedition lhat will return him to Washington from Europe A.ua. 3. He is acheduled to arrive In Ofange County about Aug. I for a four-week stay tn ht~ San Clemclile home. • f NEW YORK (APJ -The stock market, It.a early advance btunled by pro- fit-taking, turned lower th is afternoon In modtrlitely acUve trading. (See quota· tioos, Pages 1H6). -' r1 ' ·-'- not so fortunate. The H. B., Eye, and 1,La newly delivered brother, H. 8. Eye II, sPent the entire 'day flying over the parade route and covering the beach to avoid traffic sriirls and auto thefts. "We bad oUr bands full for the day," said Capt. Mays. "The helicopter crews had to keeP. an eY,e out~ lhe crowds at the para.de'. on the b, "during the firewor.ks display and w en the grunion were supposed to nin.'' · More . thap ISO;<MXI spectators viewed the parade and aboul 90,000 of them stayed to enjoy the sun and iurf on the city beach under a clouded but hot Fourth of July sun. Crowd Size$ started dipping at the beach as the temperature dropped steidl- ly over the weekend. Saturday, about 40,000 sunbathen ventured out iii the cloudy sties. When the clouds grew thicker Suod1y the crowd level dropped lo a low 30,000. , Capt. Mays reported no major p~ · -t~·"' ,-, rn , "' : .-~·Cd,yJiiliof.....,.11rN·""""· · DMJtnm~ng fJp. ft'uth.ui~m Do you lOv~ a parade?t Members of the Kingsmen Drum and-Bugle Corps do. ~ did an-estimated 200,000 . parade fans who watched. t{untington Beach's 65th Annual Fourth of Jt,jy Parade. For more photos on• 1969 parade,.,see pag~ 3. New Disturbances Hit S(l,llta Ana; Officer Hurt ' ' : .. · A pollcmtan was injured and several palrol ·ca11· were damaged · Sunday as racial udreSt continued to bubble in the Negro section of Saiita Ane. Most ·serious n.i.m"hle occurred In the vicinity of a drlve-.tn restaurant at 4th irld Stie:lt(ji strtttS;·u.e scene Of destruc- tive dlstlif1?ance jwt a Week ago. Marine Band Plans Concert The M¥iiia will strike up lhe band at 2 p.m. Sunday al the Westminster Civic Center. The concert. presented· ·by the 5th ~1arioe Div!J\on Band from Camp Pendleton, will be lhe first in a· series or sUtnmer band concerts sponsored by the city Recreation and Parks Department. No admi.ssi'on wlll be charged. Musi~ compositions to· be perfonned run from Bffthoven's 5th Symphony to B'roadway show tunes. Police said 12 Pe~. four adults and eight juveniles, were arrested following a rock and botite throwing melee which broke out about 10 p.m. Olflcers said the yowths were throwlnJj: m~Ssi.k.l .ind1sciiminat.ely at police ca.rs and other vehicle!. Some were c.harged yrith assau1t with a dea'dly weapon and others jailed on less serious charges, At about 11 p.m., an off-duty Santa Ana officer was injured when he tried to ar- rest two Negroes he suspeCteQ of stealing o.il from a service station at 114 S. Bristol St. Officer Cloyd Potter asked attendants to telephone police as he held the two suspects. One simulated a ~ and loosened a string of profanity, Potter reported . He then pulled a wine bottle from hi.s waistband and struck the officer in the face . Potter underwent surgery for a broken nose and several facial cuts. Offic:er Tom . Ba.riles arriyed on the scene shortly after the attack and cap- tured one of the two fleeing men. ' Police today withheld the names Qf the two suspects. They said they , know the Identity of the second. Beqlth Deteriorating blems over the 't{edtend either in traffic control or with crime. "In fact ," be said, "with our heavy hellcopt<r patrolling of the beaches we sharply rtduttd tho number of robbeiie> from parked can." While Mays' view o1 :tbe city was pleas- ing, he re.ported hill view of the parade Ml so enchanting. "Looking stralgh! down I coukln'l te11 one ·nOat from another," be eKplained. ''The whole parade lookJ 1 lot dlff.,...t from up In the air.'' . • Both b'eUcoptm }lad the mponsiblllly t.o keep the parade movlnc at a steady pace. "'We bad qo prob.lema," Aid Capt. Mays, "even thoulh there aetmed to be Jolig Intervals between some groupe. "From the air," be added, "you can see the entire parade route at a scan and the crowd doesn't look so glganUc from 500 feet in the air." Th• second helicopter, jull deUYtred ,tq • lbe city June JI, ~ atlll ·llOI complelely _.tlve, but was pr<U<d IDID ..me. especially on Friday. ' " "We don' have It equipped with ID !lie loud speakers and radio equipm'"t .yd," said Mays, "instead we uaed walkie talkies with It Frlday." Bul from an H.B. Eye view-; "It wu a peaceful Fourth ol Joly," coocJuded May~. a Ki!~~d in c;ountY Wrong W ~!Freeway Crash F awl· to 6 Orange County-motoristtwere safe and warning 1Igna:, drove the wrong way on sane at the beginning of the Fourth of Ju· the Sanb Ana Freeway. It ruulled in the ly holiday weekend. death of !Ix penona, includlng lour El Not a single hlghway fatallty • .,,·as Toro Marines. reported_ on P)id_ay or Sa~y, wfiue ~A man fif!ting WiQ_I t1'0 othul ~ver a · over 200,000 flocked to liunflni!Oti !leach ~.,.,...,-~~~~=---"""'~ lo watch the Fourth of July Parade a,nd ·a JHI COuaty Traffic 1t11 q11¥f.er•million .more enjoyed .. other U4 Deaill Toll 1111 Orange Coast beaches. , girlfriend Was killed. by a passing car on Then, within a period of five hours ear· Pacific Coast Highway at Scotsman's ly· Sundey morning, eight died on-county <Cove, just north of Laguna Beach. road!. The eighth man was killed on Coast A visitor from Ensenada, Mexico, who Highway in Dana Point in another headon waa probably unabie to read freeway collision. Topics for -Trust.ees Sex Classes, Dress Code Get~ew Airing Tonight ....... Killed in the. frteway WfOftl•WaJ' cruh """'' Moyses Cruz Garcla1 II, ol Enatuda, Me.lco. AUausune M.-Cinerol,,32,,ol J>laconU.. lst Lt. John H. Baker •. 24, of Santa Ana. Pvt..Jo)m R. Miller,al, ol-Hunllnlton, Pa. Pvt. Daniel G. Buehler, 20, of Or\akany, N.V. Pvt John W. Nolan, 24, hometown unknown. Killed at Scotsman's Oove: George Wuhington Gallagher, 22, of Cucamonga. Killed at Dana Point: Edmund Delaney, 63, ol 2491! AdelanlD Drive, Laguna Niguel. In the freeway crash, at about 1 a.m., tile -wrona way car sped up the 17th Street oUrarnp and conUnued northbound in Ill• southbound Jana, the CHP repcrted. 1 • 3"1· education aod lludtnt dttBa stan- dards -two of tbe most disputed issues In the Huntington Beach High School District -will come alive again Tuesd•Y nlghL Officers II.id alierUra deputiu l\Obert Romalnt and Andy Romero, flaabed their red Jlghts ,lltd aounded ihe illren In I lng the iprlng months tbroUgh the futile attempt to halt the wroaa way car District trustees will take up both topics in a meeting al 7:30 p.m. in the b:lard room, 1902 17th st; Huntington Beach. Members of the Voice of Ule Electorate Regarding Schoob (VOl'E;~l say Ibey will bring the sex education 11SUe before the board to determine bfi"w members feel about the oontrovmial course. which has been datmant, but not abandoned, in lhe district. Joseph Fenn, a spokwnan for the group, said tha\ <fWing e~lier-mee:tings in which the cqurse was temporarily shelved, one trustP.e (Ray Schmitt) was absent, while another (Richard Wll90n) was a "lame duck" since his tenn was about to expire. "We did not have Or. Ralph Bauer on the board at that time, either," said Ferm, "and the parents want to know where the new board st.ands." "During the elections we were not able to ftnd out how the candidales related to" this critical lasue," he added. Fei:,:m stated that the group was not op-. posed to sex education so l9rig as such a cou rse ls confined to biology, anatomy and health. He opposes instruction which "involves iot.rus.ion into the Intimacies <lf the home atmosphere." The other issue involves campus dress regulaUon1 which were established dur• HOVS~ HAZARD? When Dav\d L. Minor moved into his new home Sunday at 9622 Pollack Drive, liunUngton Beach, he was surprised lo find the foUowing misplaced ( ? ) ·California Highway sign under hi.a water healer -"slippery when wet." . cooperation of etudents, admlnlstratora which swerved around their vehicle at and parents. the ·offramp. Agreement-has been reached .Ji.x... Just.80Uth of the Main Street crot1lng1 representatives from all three -groups on • ·'the car ~iven by Garcia crashed into the . aouthbound vehicle carrying the Marines. ..most points of the dreu code, e1cept for Moments later Elaine Townsend, 34, of a few items relating to boys' hair len&th, San Diego sideswiped the wrong way car .. mustaches, girls' slacks and sandal! without socks. At the June 10 trustee meet.In;, when the code first came up for adoptiqn, the issue was placed In a phllosopb1cal realm, however, with Trustee Dr. Joseph Ribal questionlng the need for any ctistrict-established dreu code. Dr. Rlbal went on record then that he wpuld_~k the studi;nts to J>:lrllclpate in a "Dress For Freedom Week" if ihe code were to be approved. · "I think we ought to stop making up stupid regulations that take up the time or deUberaUv.e bodh!s such as , thia," be said then, referring to the board ol trustees. Hat·bor District Break11p Goes To Cowity Again The conUnulng turmoil over dissolution ol the Orange County Harbor Diltrict ls on the scene again Tuesday before the Board of Supervi&ot1. ' Tbe Local Agency FonnaUon Com- mission recommends that the ~year-old district be abolished. and a county Department of Harbors, Beaches and Parks be established in Its place. The LAFC resolulloo passed June 11 by a 3-2 vote. ~ Supervisors are etpe<::ted lo set a date for a public hearing on the knotty pro- blem, Eventually they will have tw<l avepue& open : They can go along..with the LAFC recommendation and submit the issue to a vote of the people, or they can reject it, * * * N ationai-Holiday Road Toll Hits Record; 605 Die 87 'United Preaa ID- An unrelenting parad< of death brought the nation a new traffic fatality record for the 4th of July holiday period. A United Press International couot showed that 605 persona bad been ~lled on American otreets and hlghwaya between 6 p.m. Thursday, and 11:&1 it:~ Sunday. The old record wu 57'1 set durlii& the three-<Iay 4th of July holiday ID 1963, The all-time record iii 732 set during the 1967 4th of July holiday, but that was a f~ day event. The NaUonal Safety Council had estimated that the 1969 holiday 'toll woulsf be between 500 and 650. Tbe safety COW!" cil Hid that during a comparable non- hollday period ID July about 500 "'9""' would be killed ID tnlflc. Californla led the nation with 57 fataliries. T e"X e-1 had 41, Ohio 35, Michigan !O, New York and Georgia J5 eich and P~tvanla 24. Tht final holiday falallly breakdown:. Traffic "11 Drownings 113 Planes 36 Miscellaneous 98 Total 1!14 Orange Coan Astromonk Coming Down If lhe supervisors reject the proposal, as they did by a 4-1 vote last year •. the Orange COOnty League ·of Cllles may tale Ute: lssue to the state Legl1lature. Last year a bill by Assemblyman John V. Brtgg1 (R;Fullerton) died in ·on AiaemblY-commJttee bul Uie cbalnnan p1 the committee, John Knox (R-Rich- m0!¥1 ), advised Brill' to •uual tho LAFC roule lot dJa&o)uUon. Weadter After tbOee mornJna clouds roll by, we'U have warmer weather along !lie Orahg• Coul Tueaday, with lemptrat\U'OI beading into lbe 80'1. t,IOllNTA!N VIEW, Cllif. (~) - Astromonk Bo\JnY wW be brought ~ck to earth today to plOtect-bis health from '1&erious delerioraUon," Nat Ion a I Auonaullc and Space Agency officlala .........ced. The 14-~ rattailed monkey' a Bios.ateilite J ipaci craft was 1eheduled ·for air recovery at t :t5 p.m. (ElYI') over the Pacific IOllth of Hawaii. A NASA official in Washington said lhe decision to cut abort Bonny'• projected 30-day trip after teas lhan nine days wos mlde when "a dec.IJ.ne in the monkey 's condiUon" was defected. Some NASA scientists -were already waftlnf this morning at Hickam Air Force Ban,_ H.lwall, where the space capsule wut be taken. Others wn .en route by air rrom Ames Researth·Center here. _ The technique for recovertn& the space craft· WI! perfen'ed ·in Hawaii tn the Dilcovertr series a few years ago. Bloial&llll& :f, which conlalned only eleC- tronk: a:ear, was air recovered Sept. 9, !961. A lumbering CU9 "Flyina: ~Jcat," trailhig a lrapeie lite device, ariags the paraclnrte loWering the space cp.psule from orbit and reels It lnto the. plane - much like a nab on a line. 1 Bon~y had l\1'1 completed I ll ~ars aoll l!O orbill Suilday night when NJISA'• tracking staUoo al S.nllago, CbUt, dcltcled dMger signals. 1 A spoketman at the Ames center . said the mohkey refused to drink water, 1hcnf-' ed a lowcrtne mel&bolic nle and •P- .. peared lr. a deeper &t.ate of rest than n<lhnal. H'e &aid lleclttlnlc "water available" algnala aenl to ,.,_, atlached to tho monkey's body failed to revivt IL In the past.. Bonny had mpoolded by drinking tome wattt. ' "Lack of response was interpreted as slugg!Jhness, which, If allowed to lon- tinue, could lead to serious deteriora- Uon," the spokesman said. Bonny lolled to perform asalgned liUa Sunday, nor did he drink any water . However, the monk ey ate aD 20 food pellets available. . Bonny's 30-day trip waa to hlYe pro-- 1 vlded the .,,o.t detailed study ever ma~• . </. lite effecll ol welgbUeaaneu .,, • ., ~- resuat aeature almllar lo man. , . ' Ocean View to Elect ·New, President Ocea.n Vk!w School bistrict truateea w)ll elecl a new board prt3ldent and dblrtcl clerk at 7:30 p,m. 10nl1hl In the Board Room, 197J wamer Ave., Hun--- Unglon ll<soh. · . • In ad<l\Uon they !I'll! Interview and · poutbl)I . l!"lecl ~ 1rchl~ from four ' compellila 011111 lot th• coiisiJ:u~ 91 .... -altt•, INSmE TODAY Rh>trridc'1 famed Miufo• Inn .. once host to prince• and pre.utenta, u lallgllilhlng I• bonkrvp~ cmi.rt. Se1 /totilr• •torv Pogo IJ. h • ... ,. .. • -. ·1-'"' . --n • PlillHf ' 14.11 -" :..... ........ '; ' -.. ....,...._... ... .,_._, . t1Mt...... ,, ...... .... ,,.,, :· ......... ~ ·-. --. ·-. ·-·-. --.. '" • 1 l 1 1 l • • ' ! DAILY PILOf Mondq, Ji11J 7, 1969 Reds Ready for U.S. Pullout With T~o~p·s= f-~ .._ ... . SAIGON !lll'll -U.S. lnt'11Jg..,. ""!" U that 'l'l;1Y South~ ddonll. i thedayiplnotllthtaWodcaauaJllet. Mecbanlzod lnf'l'l<y position n<ar .Khe home under President •Nl1on 1s ~ """!'*' llld ..... al.llO-Dll!' .Nortb l~~olf'!_~ .. ~~.~.:t 'Tba U.11. lotelll&tn<e;nt>orb 111'1 lhe The o1wJ> _, "'l'J'Ci but IP' ·Sanh, jU11 below the delnllltarized zone, witbdrawaiJJan, n,.'.:Jlllll....,~'"11'! --bu., ...... Into Iba ------.No/th V-~nteroil the pamUJI did not end the/IUll In ·c.o.. and ftilt' to dead. U.S. lo"* aullertd bitlalloo the U.S. "" Inf l"P -•..-ability, Iba ltainlJI( and the ~ •t:tr 'ftt NIM an nortiiweot munfat ollenslve activlUes which have three woonded"ln that actloo. Dlvlsior, went th'l"'lh a~"" order~ :.ekoog Delta to help local forces attack tJaa' ol the wttbdrawlna U.S. ll!l l!ll*tlrJ GI . ..,.. a1.-.-1 ayy fJ&btlng }imlec! U.S. military mon. .Mllllary In today's actt;,, U.S. headquarters In al Doog Tam In preparaUon for boardlllll South Vietnamese after an Atnerican Divttlon ~· near Cambodian border. 'Ibe sources observers In Saigon believed the auacks Saigon sakf'·elt> Americans were kllled transport ·planes·~esda~for the '1n.iYO: "!!P witbdrawll.whk:b begins Tuesday. No aeUona wue repcrt.ed lo the said this Wl.3 part of an effort by the Jnvolveri local Communiat units and that and 18 wounded when the small band of States. ' ~ 'nit tourelS eakl a study Indicates Mekong ,tod&J but ·a force of 15 ·r.oln·. Communfst.s to show that altempls to · the main CommuniJt forces were &till ~uerrillas invaded the camp and Inflicted The Saigon-area fighUng Sunday. colC South Vietnam will need 24,000 troops to ~ muntst (9mmtndos charged Into 1 p.s. "d&Americanlze" the war wJJI fail. . lying low. 'moderate" damage on the 2;00.man three· Amet1*9-slain and S2 wounded . repJaee the ttOOO U.S. infantrymen bdtll C<NtSlal 0tttpost a PhM--Tbiet t0d19y· Five firefights whicb-ililled '12 Com· The attack on Phan'..._ Thiel, 120 miles coastal garrison. '11le Communis,l.s pJ,tlled all in one tight, 29 mjles northwest of Withdrawn (tom the delta. Ttle Ont W'!der cover of rvcket arid mortar bar· munlsts we.re reported within a SS.mile almost-due east of Saigon, was the first out, leaving two dea~ while V.S. plane! SaigOii. Benliid tanks and air strlk;es., the: ~ l"OOP-i>l-llf-Amerioat'lf-luve..-for .. ~-rqu.--lt-wu CM-40Jy-lf0Uftd.~ , radiu1.o(,Salson·5'-mdQ..-'Jbese-apd• ~ assault-reported launched by-the-aUaeked~theiJ"-e&eape rout.el. -Gia killed...lb.....Nortb Vietnamese..Ja~ ~aboard U.S. tramporl Pl;IPti.. reJ)ort41d•dµrtag the night that aaw Cmn-Isolated ~ btou&ht North Viet.. Communiats since June 30 when a force The attack came on the final day of midafternoon encounter, the ..u.s: Com- • 'llle All1<rlCan mlUtary ..,.,,.... "1d mlllllll ollelJin&s dlop to II acat~ In-nam,.. Ind Vlei Cooig deaths to 1116 for ol North Vlt,..mese attacked a ·u.s. Slh preparations for lhe flr.t U.S. wJlt going mand said, . , . ' tarrying Out -Tlaeme . OAll. Y PILOT Stitt PMM HY!ltingtpn !@cl! YMCI\ In!l.ll!n Maid~_! c@~lur­ ed first place In general theme category with this entry in annual Huntington Beach Fourth of July l'Jr.ade. Theme of 1969 parade was Callfurnia his· tory. Y Maiden float depicted early California In· dian village and water fall. ;Huntington Swim Team . . ~~.~.Ar.o'fnd ~wr Event : Steve Gent<r. Lal<twood Alhlellc Club, ijet a~ ~IA the }tll! ~Hun­ tlngtoil llticb -~ ll<>ogh Wala' Swlin lirouod the pier 8alurday. i (!enter won the senior mai's division I!)' 24 Rconds, defeating JIIn McC<>nlca, ,, Caryinterta IUeguard!, with a tline of tt:55. Graham Mcl.intock, Coronado.Navy Swlrr\ AllOClattoo, finished third. HunUngtbn Beach's Phllllt>& 66 Swim Team collected top team honon at the •1 aMUal swim. They received the Gene Bellhe Memorial Porpetual Trophy. Seal Beach Picks Mayor Tonight SUI Btapb councilmen tonight will Mlect 1 mayor and vice mayor for the ntW rJIC&]. ye.r and consider ap- pointn\j!:nts to several commia.sions and hoatj!I. Vice Mayor John 8. Hamllton wlll like- Jy step up to lhe mayor's post now held by Lloyd Gummere. .....Tbe coW>cil will also cOhsider board ap- Poiftt:ments held by councilmen: ex· ptratl.on of planning commlulon terms of Terry A. Barton and William W. Lescher: expiration of the clvU service cOO'Unl8sion term of Harold Holden; • board of apt>eJla appolritmenll; and ap- polntme.nt.s io a tlne·member mhltec- tural review board. tlhl!Y IJHOI OIAl+P CQU1 tl'UM.!Mtt ... ~n tteffrt N. W-' ..... '""'-"""' .... Jack I . C11tley Viet Prft*"' f!"° Gtf*.i ¥IMtW Thtlll•I k•t•il .... The1t1tt A. M_r,t.l11t -·-AIDtrt W. ltl•~ WillltM ll:t•4 A_i... tiUM"""" .... lth• ClfV I'...., " ............ OM. .... JH Ith sw •• t MaTilllf A4tl•••.i P.O.••• no, •2•41 ............ ..,_., -.oi. nu ._ Ill..,. .....,_r, c.tt -..1 ....... ..., lftwf \..-.__. :m ~ 6-- In the tenlor women's division, Melinda Wcllerbors, Orange County "swim Club, .wm, firll pJ.act honors with a time of 13:16. ~ -"as followed · by Sonya Provoznll, La M:e!a Swim Club, 14:23 and Maggie Stone. Santa Monica Swim Club, 17:27. Kurt Knunpholz from Corona de! Mar .won the junior men's division with a time of 10:4.S for the balf-rt)ile swim. Den Mat· thlew, Lake.wood Athletic Club, flnllhed second; 11 :15 and John McLlntock, CoroNldt>Navy Swim AuoclaUon, flntah - ed·third, 11:29. Amy Hqwe cf the Phillips S6 swim team topped the Junior women's divlalon. She posted a time of 12 :03. Miss Holve was followed by Joyce Morrow, Sen Diego, It:O.S and Terri Clarke, Phillips 68, 14:27, U.S. Academies Accept .Five Men From W. County Five young men from Weit Orange County begin careers this month that are expected to, lead .. to commissions in the armed services. Rep. Richard T. Hanna, ( D. \Y,stminster) today announced ac- ceptance by : -The Air Force Academy of Gary M. Pakele, 15111 Victoria Lane, HuntlnjJton Besch, "ho was graduated from Marina Hi1h School IUt year and then attended the Air Foree preparatory school at Colorado Springs. -The Naval Academy at Annapolis of Scott Sewell, 11831 Wembley Rold, Los Alamitos, a graduate or w,stern High, and Bryant Aver)'t, 14431 Fairview Lane, Hunungton Beach, a graduate of Marina High. -West Potnt of Ronald Ross. 1~14 Santa Andrea, Fountain Valley, a gradUate of Fountain Valley High. -Coast Guard Academy of Tajr Hull, 11132 Oak Leaf Dnv,, Los Alamitos. Youth Theatre Slates Audition Slnaen and dancers with theater In- terests are invited to audition for the HunUngton Beach Youth Theal.re pro- duction of "How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying" on Wednelday and Thursday at Huntington Beach High Sdiool, l90I Main St. Auditions will be held from 12 :30 to 4 p.m. both days. YOUl\g persona wllh talenl! In art and set design 1.re. needed u wtll. Roles are for noHQuitr, performera of col~e a1e or le• . .t.'Ull nformatlon on the play may be obta!ned by calling 4!1M1970. Four performances wtll be pmented at lhe hllh adlool auditorium beglmtlng Aog. II. . I, Mrs. Kell Named Head Librarian At Golden West Mn. Beakice'l(ellJtl:liunuqton Beach Is lhe neW Ji!ljf lfliral!an of Golden West College'• l!;M-volw\11 llbrair. : : She soccaedl Mrs. Lynn Kilpatrick, ilofden West's firs! lullUme prolesslonaf t1taff member, who was appointed in 1965 ~to develop the initial library collection more than a year before the new college -0peoed. Mrs. Ke!~ former .head librarian at 'Orange Coast College, took over her hew duties July 1. She returned from Hawaii wher' she was on leave of absence two ,years tD_establiBh the ttate's flrst junJor college liberal arts library at MauJ Com- munity Colleg,, At Golden We6f. she will head a staff of lhre' professional librarians and four uslltanta. . A graduate of Hutchlnlon Junior College, Hutchinson, Kam., Mrs. Kell rectived her bachelor's and master of library science degrees at the University of teias, Austin. She has had further graduate study at the University of Hawaii, UCLA, and CaWomia State, t.ong Beach. Herbert T1·ichler, 30-year Be.ach Resident, Dies Gravesi.de services conducted by the Moose 1.0dtle will be held for Herbert Trichler, H~tington Beach nesident for 30 ~ears, at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Westmln!lttr Memorial Park. Mr. Trichler, 72, died Friday at Desert Hosplta~ Yucca Valley, after a lengthy iJ. 1n .... A retired employe for Standard Oil, he had made his home in Landers, Calif., for the past seven years. Student Band Slated for Dance 1'Hank and the Runners." a band of Fountain 'Valley High School and Orange Coast College students, play for dancing Wednesday, in the Fountain Valh~y Com - munity Center. The·dance, scheduled from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Is sponsored by the City of Fountain Valley and th' South Coast Junior Women's Club as the second In a series of summer Junior high school dances. 1bose eligible to participate are Foun- tain Valley Students who .will be entering the 7th. 8th or tth grades. There is no admWlon cftar&,, Royal Pair at Malta LONDON (AP) -Prince Charles and his sister Princess Anne left today'for, a week's vac.Uon on ·Malla, ·the Medlterr ranean forlttss Island th1t Queen Elhabeth a rtgarda as " aec.and i>otne. , - -tr-tr-tr *** * * * Allies 1-fupeful • Ill 'Lull' Hanoi Negotiator's Return to Bring;Progress at Paru? ~ PARIS (UPI) -Allied officials said to-ing for peace. To pull home 25,000 men peace talks." · day they remained hopeful the return of ..._,t of 540,000 ls meaningless," Thu)! said. But allied conference sources recalled Hanoi's chief peace"""'lrr"'g 0 t I 8 t 0 r "l return here with goodwill and a that after a similar trip to Hanoi by seriOU9 attitude," be said. -Thuy, the United States and North Vi.et· foreshadows a favorable tum in. the Vi£t-Madame Nguyen!I"nl Binh , head of lhe nam announced the total cessatlor1 of nam peace talks despite no public change Viet Cong delegation,· told newsmen American bombing of North Vietnam and in position. Saturday that President NIIon was the expansion of the Paris tslks tq in- Xuan Thuy, minister of state in the 1'int.enltfylng the war on one band and elude repre:sentatives of Saigon and lhe North Vietnamese government, return¢ pretending on the other hand that his .vietn Cong. _ to ParlJ from Hanoi Saturday after a six-negotiating tactics were successfully Allied officials here and American nf- week absence. . achieving tesults." ficials in Washington have been looking Thuy reiterated the Commun Is t Mrs. Blnh, welcoming back Thuy at for signs of change in the Viet Cong- demands or a unilateral u!ICOndiUonal Paris' Le Bourget Airport, said press frBnoi negotiating position because of-an withdrawal on all American forces from reports from Vietnam that the Com-unexplained lull in Communist military South Vietnam and upheld the" \Met munlsts had de-escalated the flgtitlng as activity In Vietnam last wetk. Cong's 10-poinl peace plan Q the only a goodwill gesture lo the Americaru we~be lull ended Sunday \Yith five sharp solution to the Vielnam war. .''a subterfuge by Nixon." · clashes outside Saigon in which U.S. "The withdrawal of 25,000 American Thuy told newsmen, "In my view there headquarters reported 72 Commlllllst troops is aimed only at fooling the is no serious effort on the part of the troops slain against thffl! Amel1cans kl\1- American public opinion which is clamor· American administratlon to speed up the ed and 32 wounded . , 'Open Warfare' in Mideast . . rssailed "ny-U:-N:'s Tlloot By United Pre11 la~tlooat . United Natlorui sec.tetary General U Thant said today "Open"Wllfare has betii reswned" along the Suez Canal and that he may have to -wl~aw U.N. peacekeeping forces from the -area. ~ be did, Jsrael iiaid It shot down two more Egyptian MIG%1s In an air battle today. Thant, In a report to the Security Coun- cil, said the unarmed U.N. offictrs "can- not be expected to serw u what amounts to defenseles.. targets in a shooting gallery." • "Since June, 1967," Thant said, "the level o( violence in the Middle Ell.'lt has never been higher than it is at presenl In fact, never in the history or U.N. ex- perience with peace-keeping has there been such complete and sustained disregard, through the massive u s e of many types of conventional weapons and . also by less conventional means. for a cease-fire called for by the Security Council and agreed to by the parties." An Israell spokesman in Tel Aviv said today's air battle broke out when 1 cou- ple of patrolling Israeli jets intercepted Beach Policemen Break Up Fights _ Weekend beach crowds threatened to gel out <lf control on the parking lot of Huntington State Beach when 300 youths gathered about 8 p.m. Friday and sporadic fi ghts starttd. Stat~ rangers, unable to disperse the milling crowd, called for help from about ten Huntington Beach policemen who quickly broke up the gathering. No injuries were reported by police and no arrests were made. !our EiYplian MIG211 at 4 p.m. south of the Israeli-occupied fortress of Sharm El Sbelkh at the mouth of the Gull of Aqaba. In lhe ensuing dogfight two EgypUan jets were shot down, the ipokesman aald. He reported the Israeli planfJ returned safely to base. 'Too High' Sign Tops 4 Heatings Before Council Four public hearings -Including a councilman's complaint that a sign is too high -will highlight a meeting tonight of the Huntington Beach City Council. Councilmen meet in council chambers of Memorial Hall, Sth Street and Magnolia Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Jerry Matney is appealing a Planning Commission decision allowing a sign 112 feet high in an area which allows signs only 35 feet high. Prop\osed sign owner is L e"v i t z Furniture of Phoenix . Councilmen also consider an appeal by Antrur Strock, an attorney for James T. Buller and St.ephfm A. Schinner, whc wish to Open a business at 116 Main Sti"eet called the "Underground City lLall." The city clerk has refused to issue a business license to the pair on the basis of recomp..endalions from lhe police department and the assistant city ad- ministrator, the city clerk said. Councilmen wlll hear a request from a zone change from commercial.to multiple family residential east of Magnolia Street south of Garfield Avenue. and a ione change from medium density residential to commerci&I west of Alabama Street south of Adams Avenue. DAILY l'tLOT Slaff '!loft Cro1cd Ple<11er Huntington Beach's J a ck i e Benington, national J u n i o r r..1i ss, waves to crowd during city's Fourth of July Parade. She served as grand marshal of 65th annual parade. ' 7 Escape Red China HONG KONG (UP l)--Seven persons esceped from Communist China by swim· ming to this BriUsh crown colony Sunday police reported today . 1 One group consisted or four men and one woman whose ages ranged from 18 to 21. They said they escaped from their commune and walked ror fou r days w reach the coastal-are.a of China. cals. You may or DUI)' not con- sider that ·to be a good thing, hut we like it because '\\o'e get nicer people that vlay. Can headaches he good for you? When you get lo ' t,e a reg- ular here, we an able lo find out the kind of lhings you like, whal you selected 11111 time and lhe time before. Because 1''C do our own hu,.;ng ancl don't ha''C to wonder "·hat ie coming in next "'eek from 1J1e main slore in another cily, l Ve really lo1o'v our stock. Tl1at"s just another reuon why we can fl'i•·e yo11 more intelligen• sugge,_lione 1ban would be ~olt!ible in sop-.e 01l1er eto~e. _ Tl1ey say you ~0111e1inies ean recognize tl1e fellow ,,·ho is hea(led for 110,,·J1ere in the bu si 11es1 world. Be's tl1e one "·ho secretly Ion!!" for the day when be'll he promoted 10 a better job with lcwer headaches .. {.et us pray for him. The further up the ladder you get, the tougher yopr job utually geu. Well, there'• a reuou why one man t1 worth ntore money than another. 'Ihe capable manager welcome• prob le mt tltat otlien can't whip, becauee be lmow1 that'• what Jeado to 1be roal dough. No", in order 10 leave room for bigger and better ?tioohlem1 at the oUice, yo" don't need problem• !!lMwhere. That'• whe"l' •be good guys al Bid· well'• can be ueefol to you. • So1ue u1en figure it'• eaeier lo face a niajor emergency at lhe office than lo pick out a new soil, and t11at'1 wl1y they keep puttiDjl: it off. Can we do anything aboul I.hat? Sore we can, and we do. Thie is 110 chain. It'• not the Newport Beach branch of any· thing. We don't have a remote penonnel dlreelor sitting :M LA or NY oending o'!I aome ~w •tore man.pr every few weeU who doeen 't know vou from Uncle Fred. · O..r people here are all lo- Our 11uit&, 'which we Luy fr.,m H. Freeman, Ratner, Deanggate and Devon1hitt mn from $85 to 8165. Office beadacl1e1 we will not try to cure bu1 "'e can 11ue n1ake buying a 8Uit a real plea&o ure. See U8 for fa!t, fast, fast relief. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido at No"Porl Blvd., in Newport Beach next lo Richard'• Markel and The Udo Theater. .Plenty of f1'lle parking In the rear. Phone 6-73-4510 Coprri8b• 1969, Jack Bldwell. • . Q • I , I I I • MR.MUM • Caineras Prevent :1 Suicides on Gate ~ ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Televiaion has p r e v e n t e d about 50 suicides off the Golden Gate Bridge in · the past two years. •. That is the estimate of Ed . ~1oore, who started as a toll taker in 1939, two years alter the famed span was opened, and Is now bridge captain. Television cameras were in- 11talled on the bridge two years 1937, before the bridge was completed. The _sergeant at t h e television monitors has a di rect . telephone line to the highway patrol and a radio link with cruising bridge tow trucks. Some le4ps have b e e n prevented after calls from the Suicide PrevenUon Center. Various remedles have been suggested, including nets and retaining fences beside the ~ SAVINGS IN • I • • • IN ALL 17 STORES. VALUES FOR you, YOUR HOME, YOUR FAMILY 1 ' ' - .j a 1 go,.,o 1 n 1 el on eachThof the 746· oo -a owers. ey ·operate . -~1.lt.O!lfu .l!n, .. -·"'-- Inside the bridge ofrlce a wallj;weY§, _ .__ • _ ..-. _ ..... . . ' I I l I 11 sergeant sits In front of two closed-<:ircuit monitors, con- gtantly watching -for poten- tial suicides, for accidents, for anyt.tilng that might require attention. The watch never ends. ONE RESULT As one result or this survelllance. says M o o r e , .many persons, mostly pedestrians, have be;en stop- ped along the raUings. About 50 admitted they h•d Intended ta Jump. · U1Uatly ·one camera faces nort.hwartl;_ int&. ~arin C.ounty and the Of!ler looks southward towards San Francisco, but they can be swung in any direction ln a full circle. The viewer can scan a radius or five miles at the push of a button and can chRlljt from long range to closeups at will. "It's the only bridge in the country with cameras that can zoom and pan," say& Moore . Effective as the cameras have been, they are not sure fire. On an average of once a month, someone ,;till goes over the rail to the water 220 to 236 feet below before anyone can arrive to prevent il. There have been 362 known suicides, the fir st one even before the formal opening on May 27, 1937. TWO LEAPERS LIVE Two leapers have lived. Cornelia van Ireland, then 22, suffered multiple fractures Sept. 4, 1941 , but recovered and lat.er married. Thoma! Paul Tawz.er, then 16, euHered broken ribs and a broken collarbone but was not even knocked out by his plunge Jan. II, 1965. A comtruction w o r k e r • Oscar Osberg, survived a fall from a ,;caffolding Feb. 17, ANIMAl.ogic ., _ "lf they are determined to jump, they'll jump," aays f.toore . FIRST SUICIDE ''Our very first suicide was from a safety net before the bridge was completed. The guy scrambled to the edge of the net and dropped." Fencing Would add to the w i n d resistance and cause dangerous swaying. Even now, 100-mlle-an-hour winds can sway the roadway up lo 15 feet. but high winds have caused only one closure, In 1951. Besides preventing sulcldes, the cameras are' used to spot accidents and keep traffic flowing. Daily traffic averages 85,000 vehicles, and the total has doubled every 10 years, so any sort of incident can cause quick jams. "Just recently," said Moore, ••we saw on the monitor that there was an accident with In· juries. We had an ambulance there before the highway patrol heard of il." INSTALL CAMERAS Officials of the 8-mile--long San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge have dccldeti to install similar . cameras. Their Pro- blems don't involve many jumpers but traffi c is heavier -160,000 a day on two decks. The Golden Gate Bridge cameras on weekends also scan the bay for sailboats and check inbound ship lanes for the benefit of people who want to welcome a vessel as it passes beneath. Capt. l\-loore, after more than 30 years on the bridge, says he intends to retire in about a year and write a book . He already has the title, "A lfloothful or Bridge Work." 2 Hog Herds Quarantined SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Two herM wilh a total of 290 hogs have been qi.::irantined on a Fresno County r8.l)Ch In California's first outbreak of hog cholera this year, the Stale Departmen t of Agrlcullure said Monday. The department said the animals would be destroyed and the owner compensated. Ranch premises will be disinfected and will remain under quarantine until sale, the department said. The most recent outbreak of hog cholera occurred tp Afarin County let December, IT'S A FACT! ' ' . If you spe nt 30 seconds looking at each of our sha9 samples, it would take you over 9 houri to see them all- so ·come early and bring your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP ' 426 SO. MAIN (2 Blks. No. of Bulloclc'1I ORANGE HOUU1 f·l:lO DAILY ClOSID SUNDAY \ famous-make men's no-iron dress shirts that ar~ ri ght on the target for savings Make a savi ngs bulls-eye with these nationall y known short slee ve shirt values. Pe rfect for summer. Cool, wrinkle-shedding Dacron® polyester and conon. Choose stripes, soli d bl ue, gold, green or wh ite with spread or button-down collars. Save even more on 3 for 10.50 r~gularly 6.00-7.00 ~ 3 • 5 9 • may co men's fu rn ishings 6 Van Heusen's discontinued style machine-wash nylon knit shirts A top bran d at remarkable savings, right ~t Jhe beginning of sum mer. Stock up now on these leis ure-wea r shirts wilh mock-lu rlleneck, full turt leneck or 3-bullon placket front. Man y brig ht colors. Sizes medi um to ex lra-large. regul arly 7.50 3.99 may co men's sportswea r 84 save on famous-maker underwear in cool premium quality fine cotton ~ ••• I,. The white c rew-neck I-shirt has a no-sag collar, taped sho ulder.. Sizes small to extra-large. Fancy pallern or striped broadclot h boxers are Sanforized®; Sizes 30-44. regularly 3/4.50 . 3 for 3 • 5 Q may co men'sfurn ishings 127 • may co south' coast plaia , son diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546. 932 I' 1hop monday /hrough saturday I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. . MAY<;::~ " ' J 4 DAIL V PILOT • LEGAL NOTICE I . --·-----,=~==,.,....,~......,-------.,....-..,..--..--~,.......===="' ·:c==== fl Monday, J111f 7, 1'6CI -C- 9."> "r ' '/1' ·,·"' l,l~ 1'l• :;: :?_ . Coast Cities TQp _ Seller~ !llonev'• Worth Fed Glad -A- • • l~e.J~1~ ilso J: '!h;", , ., 1 A D l----.---------l!~:nM~J¥.1'~ J fU..," =. ·.·~: , t rop N!W VO" '"' ........... ,_..,. ii '" , ~ -,,. 1'•• Yori!. Uoxk i!1t<Niri•• pfl(tt ~ :Y •1~~ i:., 331f 3 , mt' ~~'1 r,[',4 .!. ~. s.i., Mtl ~Inv pf 8j I , .U'• , "-+ i! (lift.) Hltll UW C::lfft C::llt, h' Sltl •;K IJ •• Mesa, Newport, Huntington Lead Retail Par;ade I By RICHARD P. NALL Of tM Dtll'I' l'lltl $Ifft Costa Mesa. Newport Beach. Huntington 8 each and Westminsttt m a d e the econo1nlc hll parade in 1968. 'tbey were among the top 10 for retail sales in Orange County's 2S cities. In an analysis ot the to -front-runnen, eomri}ed-by the Economic Deve opment Department o f Huntington Beacb Chamber of Commerce, the chip$ fall where they may. \\11th $144,900 for ea·ch of 271 AIJd they make ·interestlng outlets. economlo stacks since one CosLa Mesa, with ~?~S,000 percent of s.tate-collected saJes sales in furnJture d np- tax Is returned to cities. PlUtnces was third in olume. CoSta Mesa, a Ith o ugh ' $4,371,000 Was seventh bul seveotb ranked ln size. was fourth in average sales per third in total retail sales wilh oollet. $169,887,000 la.st year. Sil<nta AlthO:Ugh 20th ranke~ Jn~ Ane was first with $237 ,060,000 population, Laguna B e ·a c..h and -Anaheim 6e00nd wlLh made-a-lihowing-in this ar.ea_ $2..68,996,000. wllh $3,586.000, just edging Costa Mesa was third in NewPort 'Beach for ninth place volume of both packaged Ii· in furniture and appliance quor and auto dealers sales. sales volume. But there's another way of lry volume of sales for ap- looklng at it. pare! stores, Co5ta Mesa took a natty third with Huntington MESA TOPS Beach and Newport Beach in ln both categories, . Costa respectable fift.h and sixth Mesa was lops on the basis of spots respectively. average sales per outlet with Huntington Beach was fifth $996,100 in autos and $262,000 In volume of drug store sales per liquor outlet. Huntington wllb Ne,vport Beach seventh Beach was third in the auto and Costa Mesa eighth. :tl~~~es at $859•700 pet UNJT AVERAGE Huntington Beach was in In the service s t a t i o n third place also in the liqUor Category• only three, Cypress, Newport Beach and Santa Ana Jn St k -A-~~1211 :-: ~·. ;l'I ~~ i~ ~\,, • 1 surpassed the unit average oc s !5f~t> '4"10 ~ lit' nj! n~ +~--~!: ~·n l:~ ·~ ffl'I 11'~ n~·-j figure of $25,900. Cypress, 13th :fme1r 1~·~ 'f~ ~~ ~~ ~~ _. tt c:~i:: !-~'° ' to 1 Tl fti ranking ln populatlon .. hlld on· By .SYLVIA PORTER· ~g:~:sr u.; 't~ ~~i~ 1/.~.tt~r!l1~·::'1'° ~ii~ ~i~ iJ~7• Jy 21 outlets reporting but Herc 1 . ~·~~ 1l ii •f:I ij3·~: n'~ _ ~ cill' Finl ·'° m ,.,.,._ 22 tti' + '•' h . • l . are Severa gnmMdr•U lfO M' k'.'-. l'I ll-IVI. NA tfAl.10 'I -2f;i "~-·· t e1r average sa es were an as~ts bo 1 th U JR"·· . Allflll••' • ,. ., 111 1 .. -iJ D•sr si c,, 11 .~. 311\ 11~ i " -. ,.__.. a u e an • uu.at1on At~t.,11 1 "° .. ~ -1 c~1~• on It 10 "°'~ ~ ~11 ~ tilmost' unbelievable $250,700 d r I . Ar.~~,·· Co 6l 2~to vo,, ~!\'1-Coc:!'DI 1.n 1J 101. U"" u"* -per stalion. That was more ve of the NJxon~~P~.-.,.~ 1'~1tr'1ff 11' ~1,,..ig!D~~f{.U »i.. t + than 10 times the average of Admil'llstraUon and the :1A~eoi:,.~r: l~. rm irt: ir:t:;: ~ <o;l~"I. lit' '1! n:! n,,.., gv. :±.'l! Costa Mesa w1tb $ 2 3, 7 0 0 Federal Reserve Svstem in ~ .. 1•'., • 1 f?Hl-17,.. ,h~ 1,1n• +: "'ill!Hi:._~,o 1.!: U 4'"' -«>A '1~ :f;'* n -lli x=:. -... , ii: lf 2•~ .. + ~\: lld-:soci 01-::t:-:r~-mr _ ,..,, avCr.3ge for 73 outlets. Willi 6 IS summer Of 1969 which are :i= 1~ ;z; 1, ~ J6 ~' -11 111 ~qf•.U n1 j"\:: 11'·'< i:t? ti~ service stations, New Port cru'Cially important to you and ~11:: cfp,·1.61 '• ul!I. ~U mi 1i!t 8~<f.iT' . ' ,,.., ~ 12 -i Beach averaged. $3l,400 sales. your financial future. You wlU ~!:;~ !ti 1f F,i ~ jl -1" ~flV!'A"t' ~~ 1~ J t~ ~"" t!"" = In total reta~ sales Costa not be fully aware or them ~1redc'ft l:U ,n gs fa"' J'i ::. ""f:..~ 12~!o :: "5~ t~ n~ =- Mesa was third. Newport ~nless you are closely fol.low-~I, td~/n :~ il ir' ,: n :+1~ !l::!..ed , .. ~ lt ~t: •lV. l!llv. ::·~· ~ach was seven~h. Hun-1ng today's experiment in con-~n! ... P:" i'f 30Jl L~ ~,,. n~ +~"" ~.;ori• ::J 5 ~!'I u1. . + .. t1ngton Beach was eighth and trol of our economy '\'l~S!t t.a H'A Jra 31U. -14 OITIOU! S.CI ,~t !Fit n~ ~~~iii W t · t t lh . ' 'litdSI pl • 110 S9 l' 5f om.st 65 5C 4 <411 -l'lo es m1ns er was en . . (I) _ Since Washington's 41 .c1sua .61J ,5 !6 sv. Ul.I · cont M1111 1 10 111'\ 11·~ 11•~ -J;t William J. ~ack. economic objeclive above all other s now ~\~~~'.¥av ~l ,~ ~"• 1~1~ 4 ~: ~=·~~~.D 1'ei 10: £(~ ~;~ ~J + \~ devel.opment director for the is to kill the Psychology of !=s.!IM\.60 :; n~ ?;:~ l:~+1~l~~~i! gf\ lf '~\'> l;il ;1 +~ Hunhngton Bea~h Chamber ()f 1 n f I a ti 0 n 1 n e i l her ~~fE'; ·f20 ~ ~l1Jo ~14 ~1• ~ '• g::eF~:·6l 11~ ~~~~ ~~l1 ~~ :.:·"' Co~~rce, said the report Administration n 0 r Federal !::~ ~n".'so ·~? 1n"' 1f~ ,~r-t n ::~~el~~1;5V J 1~·· '»'loo 'Y1i1o ~~ showed ~hjt Orfnge . Coun.ty Reserve officials are at all ~1'.fr~•,11~ :~ ~ i:'·~ n.,, fl·"=~! g::~t!,~ I.~' M r,t:-rl~ · f,~-:_ ~! commerc1a en erpr1se 1 s unhappy about the recent 4m 8B11~•· ~ ,J; lltt ~~ 3{~ .! ~ ~~~:Z :l::~ J;8 fi!• tm-fJI;? + 'fil definitely in an overall healthy sharp decline in . the stock ~~8;l,';°"1 ,611 s1 6'\Vi 6si. ~1·~ + ~~ ont4JrL ,jO I!! 11 1''' 1P1.·:.:·\i, d. · · I 9 667 ti t 4..., C1n l '° '2 •01~ •o 49'0 _ 11 ont Can 2:a 51,• '\'••';' "'••' •,,'~; : .. ,.. con 1t1on y,•1t 1 , ou e s market. -.c1n 11, )s 6 "'' ,.1\ ?~'lk + v. onr Cooo .JO 1 r• ~ -vo · $185 000 "t ""' cem 60 &I.I I•'• ,.,, u •• 1 Coo oll.2$ i:io 1"-1~ 1'111 -~ averaging , per uni AT TlfE HIGHEST level, ACh11" 1:61J 11 33"• 311' ml!-" oni co 1.ao mi·~ •l ie· -111o l t Y ar th • · th .A.;;;:Credll oa 20 "'"' 11 l 11 + '" 1 Co PIA1.cSO '•' •,,' '•'4 ii:. .:.::," as e • e reasoning is at. substan-r,.,.s"" 1:40 10 ,, 'A"' ?A'4 -1,1o t M!qe 1.2 ~ -"" r I . . t k . ACN DI ' ~ tlO &JV, UV. 6.,1':1 • . • . :/M&/1 ·l~ ,, r 11'-'I l ~,,, 1a erosion 1n soc prices AmC~•n l.?5 "I r,"' ~P" rs -+ ~ COl'll on of' 2 ~ 50 uv.. w +1 w derby averages -.'21.5,900 - per outlet -and Newport Beach held a happy fifth with average outlet sales o f $191,400. Newport Beach shone in the culinary and mixed drink department. Although 10th ranked in population, it was Hogs, Cattle Blamed For Farm Price Hike could be the way to force you, ~Wu.~_,,'11•111~ :JO 13.,.. 13 ,, _•\cont s11 1 1 4.1v, 4.1 \.'o 4.IVt -'"' th US b . AOUll "'..... 13 l)t' ,~ ... l:P4 ->.\ C~nt Tll ... lOJ 22>4. 22v. 2211 _,, e . . us,nessman, to be 4ft<!E11>w I.SI 211 l~'-! 12•1t ""'" _ ~ eon1rDI 01111 11s u2"li 1'11~ 1 v. ..,...i more cautious about your ~~ ~~"!'•,,•, 23 2'"" 7'1'" 7'111 ..... c"o~1 PU.~ ina 65'"''•\4 11<1 +14 ""' "~~ ;io jll Y.t'o ]I -1 Conwod l.llO.o 2 :M'!J 3'\i 36V. + ~ spending for 1nventones and AE:•lnd "'A' r100 1sv. 1sv. 1s11o + ll CIKlk unu .so ,', ~'4 ?r,i 1?~ =•" . 4G•n1n! . .$11 rt ~ 7.1 'l!/, -' Coolitrln 1.olll .., ~•" .,,., -expansion and to compel you A.Gn'" f11.fl0 1JJ l? ll'~ l7 + '~ CQOP11r TR 1 36 ffi-20111 211v, -'4 the • A.IT'Hcl• .10 • ~1 1~ ..... ,.~ + ... CoopT pf1 ?S ' n 22 22 + ~~ consumer, to be more cau. A H!>m4! 1 . ..rr H Y.1'19 s1'ro $1~ .... ccpel•n" 1·10 s •ll• ~'h '3'-'I -~ tiwg "-" d" f 4 Home lrl ! 1 •S ~· U -~ Co111>il:Ue ~b 70 •7 '5\; 4$\li ..... 8LJV1Jt your spen 1ng or 4,,. "'°'° .n 1N 37'\ 31~ 31~• + \i ccow1s11 i 10 12 11'\ nv;, 1114 _:.;_ \O goods and services -"m 1,...,s• L!O ,. 1~ ,,..._ 1°' • + 1> Corln111a i;1 20 26\o 2sv, 2~i -u second in restaurant sales WASHINGTON tUPI) volumes, right behind leader Farm prices rose t h r e e • Anaheim, with $25;784,000. Jt quarters or one percent~dur:ing ~~ first in the average sales the month ended June 15 the cate-goiy w1th'4tr J31-eating --. ' places averaging $ 1 9 6, 8 a 0 Agriculture Department each. For the city coffers this reported Monday. meant $257 ,84<1. The departmen·t said rising Fountain Valley, 12th in size, prices for cattle and hogs proved itself in the bl'ea~-were chiefly responsible for basket category. It. was tops tn the increase in the farm pri ce averages of per-unit food store . sales with a whopping $535,600, ... ~:vf¥~t;,:_ ~ '(he~ gains were more than double the county com~erc1al v .e g e t a b I e s , average. This was for 17 units. especially tomatoes and lel- Westminster was the closest tuThce. competitor with 35 stores e increase left farm averaging $232,700. prices 9 percent above the level of a year ago. The June SJS'ECIALTY SHOPS increase came atter prices Newport Beach shone in jumped 4 percent during the "other retail" which includes month ending May 15. Meat gifts, camera, specialty shops animal prices on June IS were and others. It was third rank-up 4 percent from May to a ed in volume with $17,126,000, new all-time high, the dcparl· behind Santa Ana and menl said. Anaheim. But it maintained The price report showed the top average-per-unit spot farm costs rose one-quarter of ···········••1 • 1 percent to another new all· ume ret1)rd June 15, eroding 75 percent a month ago ·and 73 percent a..year ago, An "adjusted" parity report which counts fed era l paymenls to farmers in ad· dition to farm market prices, showed June 15 returns averaged 82 percent of parity "''hich was the same a month earlier and 79 percent a year ago. part or the gain in farm pro- duct prices. A comparison of prices farmers received with the cost of things they buy showed farm returns in mid- June averaged 76 percent of lhe "fiiireafnfng powei'" par- ty level. This compared with Ad Agencies In Merger Vineyard Advertising, lnc, and Pereira/McFadden, the two largest advertising agen- cies in Orange County, have merged. The new agency, Pereira. Vineyard Advertising, w i 11 have an aanual billing ·of more than $3 million. Major clients of the firm are : Air California: Republ ic Homes: Me 'n Ed's Pizza Parlors: Orange Co u n I y International Raceway and Mission Viejo. Today's Final Stocks Today Morris Plan's S5.000 Invest- ment Certificates earn 5.5 fa interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required. ' .. • Certificates purchased through July 15 earn at the full rate from July 1. Interest is paid by check at the end of each calendar quarter. • Since its found ing in 1916, Morris Plan has promptly met every request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $100 million. OR : EARN 5.25% INTEREST PER YEAR ON PASSBOOK THRIFT ACCOUNTS of any amount. with Interest computed monthly and credited and compounded quarterly. Fund$ placed by July 15 eam from July 1. Morris Plan Newport Beach -3700 Newp~rl Boulevard -673-3700 ' Other of'fic:es lt1roughouf C.Ufomia "----~----------~~~---~--~~~~~~~ .. ·----------------~---·-------· -· -· -· ----·- S ' ArnMFdv .90 49 n"lo 1'''• 111~ -... CwGW tio!i 81 261\4 25,''J 2$,I': -1 ays one official · "If steep 4Met c1 1.90 ... _,, ...,.,, .. -. + ~ corii""lln 22 47 ?4'~ 24Vo 1•v. -~ "•-t t "t" b ~;:iN'.;1~:'2 "!~ J;!: J'li :Jlli=~Cowle• .!ill' 9 12'\i 11 12 -'• l~i.cres .ra es won cur spen-ArnPllot .OllG ni 1.110 ~2,.~ 17'.i ,-__ CPC 1"11 1.10 !9 11'"' ~ :»v. --'4 ding, big stock losses will '' A~~rch .:ioo 19 '°' 20• .,.., '-' c,''"'" J.Mb. •, '•'•" •,•,~ 11,,• ~+ •,•, · A.m Seal 1 3 'S n ?~ romp .. n . ,. Says another· "This ought to Arn SIJJ" .i.o i~ .,..,~ ·n•• 17•• ;.::~ Crou~eHrnd 1 -s 76,~ 2''·~ wii , .. -•. • A"-Sme'l l QO 3'4 JI'·~ Y'''o ,....,, _ :ll Crcw<:al 1.511 73 361':1 3'\' J6'"' + "' show the business community A.mSo>Jr 10 n so•• t'll'o '''Hi + 1;, ~·-" conr. •2 8.5>.< ,..,. as~• -~ that the Federal Reserve isn't ~:;:st~d 0i4.1l 3: 16:~~ ,£~~ '~"' ~"' c~~f:,1: ~:0 6~ ~t! ~',! ~t:-:.. t! · t o h" k , Am Sle>ll .4 1 lfll< "YI'.~ Y''l ... 1\ Crn Z 1>U.70 lSO 69 69 6f + ~l going o turn c lC en when A. s ...... , 1 oo ll 17'A ,, ,, ... + ·~ CTs corp . .io 10 19J.:. 19''1 ltl'o -\o its policy really star:ts to grab ~~~~!. 2:52 '01511~1: 1~ i~~ ::!: ~ ~~~~., ,,~f.25 1~ ~~1 ~: M.,. :.:.·1.{ hold " l>WWSo n .,5 •YI u la 11 + v, Cu1ll11an 11 11 22'ii nv. 71"1 +Iii · 4W p•el l.25 >~ 17 11 ll -'li Cumml~ ·..:.b 1 3S~ lS 35 + •,. The implication is clear· the 4w 4·1Dt 1.•1 i1ao '"'" ''"• '"" -"' cunnDru11· .10 ' 3• 1' J4 . . · 4m z1...,. I 21'o 72''> "'' + 14 Cur1!1s Wr'I 1 •? 7~i 20!/f 'l:O\ .... pulley is designed to l!URT ,..,,,.,.~ -'° 16 "'' ''V• ''14 -V> Curr Wr A i • 3JVt JJ•.~ 3lV. -1-. and the stock market's slide is ~~'~ ::0° ill ~t? ~ ~ ~1i\ l~',"•'... •11;,Jfl ' 31\'1 lll'A u•1. -v. AMP Inc ·'' '1 .. 47•• •l"li -~· c' ~· ..... 10 l~I 351/t 351/t . ·-welcomed as a sign that it's A"""'K <oro 151'1 ••'• ~,,,. "''·~ + ~ rprulM 1.411 11 '11ili *'Ill ...i~ -'Iii ki ~rtUtrd 2-41.l 6 A011J 4e"o #l'!li-" ~ -0-WOr -ng. -...... ~ 1 ,.,., 1••1t ,,..,, + ~ (2) AntroM ?.SO 116 3N'o 301• »>:~-iv. Dan A!w 1.70. 3' 19>~ 1JY, lf'li -t~ -THE SEVERITY of Anti.Hod< .ao 22 40'-ll .,1, w,o +n:. D1n1CD 1.2s 101 14"" 14 1•\r. -\' I~ d' . AncorpNSv 1 5 111t,, 21~ ?11" -1\\ DIM Jrw;t .l(lb 6t Ill\ ., D•ro -1 .. e ere it squeeze could bring An4 c11v 1.20 s 35 3••• 1'~• + 1~ 01r1 '"" "' 1 s, •01~ ~v.,,., J00~ -.'."' real t bl t · 1· A,,.~~" 20 11 141, 2• 1• -~1 oaycoc:" r.60 ... -,. ... . rou e o organ1za ions A.1>eoOll 1.di ,J 36., lWi JIH'o _ 1, once 1>14.?S iloa n ,., " t ~ and institutions which are not Aqu• Chtm ?• 311, 31 31.._ -Y> 0o~yt11P,<4 ,1.eo1 '1 11•1> 2114 27'h 1-. All4 ~Vt .J4 11 105'4 !OS 11»'!0 +'4 r<-P .1 i10G U i6 i6 Vo excellently managed and well Arc~D•n 1.1>G • S..Y> S•"• "4'h •• D0~~ p1•o",·~! 110 ssv. ssv. ssv. .... · J t..,..I 4r!1P~l!Svc I 17 1,1,, 2•~• 241':1 + ~ r-. .-. l 10 101 11'2~• Hl2h + ·~ mswalB'. Spots of bad ne\\'.S -Arlan1 OS .20 •O l••, l't/• 34\') '.. R!9,:..':~ Co 2 9S 12li •I ., -... J·n I · l"k I Armco5t T.60 10s 30'· 9~, Hi;,_ """' ....... , I.Ill 13 12•, 11~ 2Tl'll + \'< sovenc1es-are l ey. Armr pf •.1s s 66'• '5',~ 11!i•<o-1•.11 DelM11!e 1.10 ..ri 11'\to 21\\ 77'11o-t\ F. · ( · ·. · 4rm"Ck Ill 79 371.lt 3611> :161/t -1'~ ~!!•41r . .ii SI 3aV. 36 3' -'" 1nanc1a 1nst1lu!tons are A•IT'Ck ~rj1s i)OO 6p:. 61 61 ,.,+1iio Dftlec 1n1 11 i•'• 1J.._ 1~ -~ becoming much Jess 1·1qu"id and ArmAvb 1.'1>G 13 •3•< •7•\ 13•.;, + ~, 0°•,"KM,1111 j~ 1 .,,,. n\.i lp,j, ·-4ro Coro .'1(1 lS 121·0 211'> 22"• _.,. n11 t ·"" J.J •l •1 •1 -I'"' are finding it increasingly ANtn Ind 1 1 30\i JO'" :io"" -~. g~~•"•• "••' ,,1· ~:~ 3,•,;1 ,~,Y! ~1',' h d ·. AlhldDll 1.70 273 l1 45~ 45\lt -H\ • · ~,,, ,. ... -f. ar lo meet commitments for 4l$11 11,,.. u 1"1• 11'4 14\~ + .\.ii ~11,•01v L,~,,• i. •S!.< 45V. .fS('t +•• t Assd DG 1.l'O 3G ~5'11 45~ 45.._ _ It n r . 11 1fl(, 19 19\Ai •. oans made months ago. Ald$pg 1.21111 6 31 JO>,., :iaY. .• ge•eco 01 4 2 '"" 59Vi Stl'J -111o rnsur · Asw!Tra" 40 1• U•o 1•'\ u r,;, + V. .,!""° P! 11 '3 5~ 511\'i 5111':1 ..... ance comparues are 41LChEi 1·• 34 261, ~6,;., ?d'~ +'Iii 0 s..toinc .to 10 J9'.• :w 3''" -·-being hit by a huge volume of A.11ce1 PTS:11 3 100 100 1ac' -11'> D:l\S'J' ~s't 1~ ~,,. Mv. ~~ = }',· I AIClrvEI pt• 1•0 66 66 66 . 01 St I .6(1 l ow-cost ...... licy loans and are 411 Rl<h L1111 11a 119>.< 1u•t. 1n,,. ~'\ g:.C1,, ~,, ,•, ,•,•• '•"•"• ,",.,_ = ~ • f".v 411Rch PIJ,1S Z710 $)\':I 57 57 -\It F ' " "' .,. being drained of cash. """Rid\ "' J 4 'Xll'• 191 199 -1'4 0i::nl~r1n i'i& nJ ;r-U1't !~ :.:·;.. Wh"1le the tot I b . AtlRc" pfl.IO J9 ip, 71 111(,. -¥< Oi1Sham ,·"° IO'l ?6Vi ,.,, '"' --a num er ts 4!1a• Chfm 1 1t ""' 21 28'/I -"" DlaSll 1 c1 11 ~s 341. 35~ ~= tiny, more banks have failed ~~~ •• c0P~a• 1~~ if.t 1t~. 1~~ + ~ 8\'f :f'!1.20 ~ 21~ ~f:! ;f ... = ,'•, so far this year than in all of 4u1ss>1c1r .Illa 1s 111. n 1• 11v, -'• 0~~ 4:! •T AtJlomr~ lr>d 1•7 161~ l•"o is -~ o;G·o 1' 10 l~ Mv. ~,. !,~.:.:. •.• 1968. One long.standing bond 4vco Co 1.10 1111 11'• 21 1114 -'4 0111'n~,.;: ·J6 30 :u 7,'"' ,~f:::. _,. h Avco o!l.20 ., 58"1 51\; 511 -\lo o••-, ,. , , -ouse has gone broke and Averv Pd .3'1 s 5•'• 5• •• S4 . . gu~~ .511 Sll'4 51l'i; .so•,:. · · A~M• Jnc . .ia 1?9 16~• 16 10 _ v, , r 30 U•~ 16 1'V. + ~I rumors or trouble among 4vcn Pd i.ao H9 u1 15t\,'l Hf'h _,11 0,~,..!M lllt,0,ja » 23to 22i't 22~. _,, .• D ·~, _, 1' 19\11 7'V. 11'h i ~ others are widespread. But -~ 0D!i1.x1111 i.10 1, siv. 51"" ll!'" i. . h jf" " J " · latte~ W l J4 16• '7'·• ?Po 2''" \~ rP~Pl>ft .10 105 4 ~HI 4 + t,-1 again-:--t e o 1c1a attitude 1s ~~ro111 . .is •• 11>. 21•,, 11i.. + ,., gom}';:1"1 1.f: i~ "'" t,\, t~ -+ ;,.,' that if this SUCCeeds in BallGE 1.10 100 31~ 3! l\'f• + ~ ~nel!ey' 60 •1 31" 3a~'1 ~ -'• b . . BangPun1 .60 J' 2S\o 25''1 lS'o'K Oorr 011 · 21 I ringing the inflation spiral Ban~ Tr 2.u it 67 6)'1> 1411 + •• Dav~r c~ "'~• 11 3,~ ~~,4 ~~/! + ;', d I th h . 8•rb011 1.]}! IJ 10 6!'4 61"• -1•.4 "-·"C" 1 •• ·~ • " + un er contro, e .. urhng" Bar~ CA .1s •1 U''f •e ,uvt +1 ~vC:C'!i 1·;o 1 6 \• '9 '' -~. Wl"ll •· JI th "t Basic I~' .so 11 11 16h HY + ~• 0 , •• · 0 •2 •t lf1 .;. ~. ue we wor 1 . 8•1lc pt 2.so z12<1 •3'!> •J •1 + ~· D~!::,"",,.J:.t. 117 Xt1' ,,,~ 2't14 -~. (3) _ WHILE THE pri"ce-Batu Mt1 \6 11\, 11 11 •• Dru~• o1 8·; " 37•, 3'~·, :»~. 8tth Ind 15 U •l •l -I Dr•y!viCp lb 1 161' 3' 3'~ ! 'o wage spiral remains severe Bath 1n0 01 s n 109 101v. io1•; -1 DvkePw 1 10 ,; ~~~. ~.•, 37h ~ •• ' . llauKhLb ,80 6 601't 60'"' 601? -" D 8 lid • ...... .... 3'14 the central bank will nol ease 8••truti .11 n .. ,~ •7'" ... ~ + \r 0~~11~ ,~.1o 6 "'~• .u 411 -'• -&avukClg .50 6 11 1 i~~ 11•• -"•·auP 1 , SOit 69 :U l••h z.>4 -', tip on the credit pinch. And &1•1 Fd' 1 31 »'"-11:i,;, 1n.:. -l"o ovP:1 ,,; 50 1~ 1!,, 'n" 'n» _-;i th · h f . . S.c'unan ,jO 3l •I'• •1'• d + v, a p 1· I ~>,a 5'1" $61.0 .--;-t:_: ere ts no ope or relief 10 8.c.I Diel< .30 110 41~• •• 4 '/ii +1~ D~Q°LI rk'50 .!', ?!"' 21~• 27\o +lo the immediate future: in fact, :~~t:~ :ft il: J~ll. ~~l; ;!'~ =1~ g~a3115•~\ .~ z,. .. v. .,,~ tttt. -'• climb1" (ood . "JI b Be!dH~"' 60 ll 131·~ 2J'• 11·~ _,,., 0 . p ' l:IO ,. ?I 2& ng prlef:S WI e Bel lliow :f>G 11 11~1 n ~ n·~ _ ~. ov <11.10¢2.10 zeo 31 :i1 11 . adding another h j de 0 ll S Sell lnttrcan •6 10•o l~o ID~ -1~ Oy~Q 1~ .S6,0t •1 22lt 21'1 11~ -1~ . . 8eml& Co I Jl J.5 3S J; + "I • • •l}lf lf\:i 1.,. -I• dimension to the upsurge in Bend•• 1.60 51 •1)1\ •11 •o + 11 -E·F-. 8endl• ol 3 • 61'11; 67"• 67'< -'•ea 1 p ~ 80 coming months. Bene1F1" t.60 11 u 4~··· •l\io -,, Ea:c~ ~o · 1i ~ 2"110 ?• -,,, Th r . , 8tn!IF J>fl,SO lltl 61 61 6, .. El ' Al o'I! ?? .. e pa ce o rise 1n our Ben!IF of4.3G 6 13'1 1J n -·~ ,,•,,0,•1-,-,, J1; 2l'ft 11 21v.. .. -· ll "II I I 8enF 5!>12.50 1~ JS'h as 3; -· ;a 'l4l• 2J~; 21 _ 1 overa economy wi sow ong s~nQve1 .,, 1''• ,,,11 17,, _ ,., Eos1 ':!Ill 1.•o u '6 u 2,.,., _ • b f th f · · S-ue1 In t1 11'0 171 ~ 11"• a$! "oo:!I~ ! 7JO ll<t 11''o 11'4 t •t e ore e pace o ri se 1n our BerkPllo .111 111 12,, 111, "" -i•r ~a1o~va 1.•o !i,•, ~,., .. ',',"" :ia•.; _ '• cost of Jiving slows The Rermrt CcrP 110 u·~ ll"• 13·1, -'• E~~~~li'>d 1J ~ .. nv, -'• · 8'1~ Sii 1.10 193 :J?•o 31 3'1~ -•·, E ~ O • N 19>.;, 19'1'o 1t~ + '• Consumer Price Index is a RttM 1.,.:1 L'Xl l'1 211• nv. n + :i.,, ~!'.::e•,•0g .11, 16 S4•• ~4 s.•r. + '• . BIG l ~rte .60 llS6 •O'• AO ~O'< ~ I>_ ..... ,. v w 2l ,,,. ,,,,, 27'• -,_, laggard in our economy. 811.ao1r 1.20 1 6J~• 6J•• 6ll• 11~1l°tB•1~· ' ~I ,',1 ~». *}.~ =•" Th •' I h f Bl•<rJo~n .•II 19 11 21 'I -1 E•M ' · ....-_... _ er,. s a so no ope or an ac-Btlu Laug 1 ' 2~ ,,.. ,,,, -''> ~, us' .099 91 6'• ''~ '" -,._ t I d I. · Rlut Brl 1!.SO 1) S?.',~ !llo ~1'~ -<."Kl "-S•cc 1• l9•t 181.\ 11"' -10 ua ec 1ne 1n consumer B1uBe1 ou1s 1s 10'1 Hid 101 ~/~1 s~ 1• !8 11 11 -1~ · Th b h · Robbi" Rr~s ?! lf It''• l!'\ 1) umNol Ind 29 1F'o 11\'t 11'~. pr1ces. e est t al 1s an-Bg.r1119 1,20 111 ,1,0 .c•• .a••="' ~1PasoNG i 96 19•• 191, 1t1, • ticipated is a retreat in the801sca• .11b u' an\ 66 66'"-"""~!c,•, 1.20, j', Jl" ""•• J0\0 :-1,,, BOii<! S1rs 1 7 24 'll'> 13'·• -l'I ~ •· ~c ,,. 52 -.• rate of rise to a range of 2 to 3 soo11M111 1.11 10 11 :II!•~ 10•• -"' ~mei "' e.?!! J J4'' 36 36'~ +11. Borden 1.10 95 30'·"1 191; ?91-_ •• meryAot ""' 11 d •J•t. •1V• _ ~ percent a year. eor11war L2S s2 18 ,,,., 11,,._ v. ~:;:ha0•!,'·,~ 7J 4l1~ •1\, .u.... + '• (41 JI th k k . 8orm1n5 ,10 ~ '10'1 70'1> :Mi.., -I, E p IS °" • ?9'•1 ,,,, 1'1'J + '• -e stoc mar et is ans e<11• '·°' ' J9'"' J9 l'I'~ + ,,., ,~~~ .90b 1 2s>o 2a~, 1f'i . d. · I th I · Bour11• 1'1( 1 n 1P', 21 ·~ ,., ""~o"" .l'IP 4 J.ln J.I\~ ll'~ sen 1ng a s1gna a economic eranUA!r .so 195 15~ 1 •. ., i•v. = •1> ~nvlhMin .~ 210 22u n "g'r• + , , recession lies ahead,r then a;i:,·~,.1~~ ;! ~;~ :;~ ~ ±_:; ~,"~1~1~P1tJJ 1! 1ll .. 1~\--136lii ·+.; that 's .. ,·ust too bad" The 11,;~1Mv "'' 11 O''• .,..., o·~ +'"~a 1"c 1.1~ 11 11~. ?•l1> l.I'• + '•• · 8dwy Hale 1 11 J9"• l9 . :19'" + ,,., ~avl•~ .30 69 ;~\ii 13 13'1• _ '• danger of overkill is admitted Bw•HA 01A.1 11 .,,~ •l"> ,,,, ~~~~1'C' 1.,•,o J1 J5 34 J.1:\<o + '• d BklvnuG l.72 ti tt'l• 29'~ 19''> E 0 · 1J 30•1, JO 30 -'• an understood. But once Brown Co s in. lt'·· 11•• -,,. e~',i,,'",~ • '6'~ •6'11-W\'t + '.~ h · · h h" . k Brow~ co rif J 11 1~·• 11 + 11 E': P , "" l! 1.n-. 21 11 . more, l e view IS I at t IS r1s aw" s~a•P 1 tJ 19 1!''> 11•1 _ 1\ .,~~"•11, .'11b n •1''< 4611• •6!• -'·~ t b t k ·r h . ewnSl\oe 150 6 41 •O'> •O'~ E r" rp 19 17'• 16 u -'• mus e a en l ! e price· erv~lw~ .rii11 s11 rPo ;1 •, 11>. _ ,, F"t, •110 1 21 s1 1t 'no 211~ -·,. 'vage upsurge is not to turn in-9uc•E• i.1t1 •0 11'• 12'• ll'• -1• ;c!,r~e 4·'0 1~~ Y:t ~j~'.~ fl~ ,:'.:1;~ t · fl · :~: ~0 pf~2o 61 ~;! '~:;; ~~~ ±_ :~ Fftl•c~C ,iOfo 201 16'1 1•~ "'° -r, o runaway 1n atlon. avaeet 1" ·'' 11 16\~ 16,1 1~11 + \o ~!i~~on~'llf• '4 1'li T• ,, _ u IN SUM: 8utfFor9 1.10 1 ??>~ 31'• 32"'-+ '• Falrmnl DI 1 15 ?l'-171\~ '1~ -\• Th . . Bulova .ao n 51l'r• •9•~ 50 -,_, Fal111111 •O ,1, 2' 1' 14 • · e brutal credit squeeze 1s Bunk Ramo !Sil 11 11"• 121;, -,,. Fam Fio ·, '' l2>t 11'1 H't -~. d l·•-1 I d · d HURT eu111<R 1>!1.SO s 311 31 31 _, "°•Msl!!l!I tiic 2• n'1• """ 21~ + '·• e i~ra e y esigne to Buri 1rn:1 1 . .0 •1 Js•i 34"< 35\'i + ·~ F•~W••' Fi~ •1 1""·• \' 'I b•dly 8U•ndY .711 ' 311!. lOl't JO'h -\'t F•r•~MI Sob )$ 19'·~ l\'t J ~ .:.:·\~ " · llurrvh' .60 101 1•1>o 13$lli 13~ ~7>t. Ft'ddtr1 .io 21 69'o 61 641 -1'• It is intended to force finan-e111u,,v 1.11r 10 ",_ 11 11 Fet1Mo<1 ·1 80 ~: ~ ~ ~-+ ~? • • . • 8utlersS1' ,JO ~ le'A .)I 3S tllt FeoP1c ei,, n 26''1 1P4 2~ r:ial 1nst1tut1ons to retrench, on -C-~ P•c pfJ.76 ' 1J•• jl'i• 11·~ loans and investments to ca11o1 c11 .60 H ~\4 ,. .... 79 _'It F~~.~~~d .Jo 10 lli1• @\It 30l1 + ~• . · ' C•! F\nan l 111 11'o 11 '1 -'h FH!OStr t~ 4' ll'.) 3JIA .31'.lo com..,.,! businessmen to cut C••l•"M .nr .11 n~ J1v. 31" -1:\11 F.., Mr~ ·111v 1' :l6I~ 35 35"".:.. •• b c' h · h d d' CampRL .ll• 79 n•1 1ev. 19" +1 Ftrro CP 10 JO J12;: Ji~ Jll.li +Vt acc. on c eris e spen 1ng f.•mR '"·'tt 1 21'" 21VJ 21v. •. ~;b•ebrd .111 ~ 3,~ 31~0 3114 -I'·• programs, to n1ake consumers c:ri1s:i:'R~ ~ i1M' ~y, ~ -~i... +1"" F1r1~0~1M2 '·40 i~ l.,.,... ~~ l~~::;: ~ cur~ail purchases they need ~~~t::w,~:!g ',t :..,. fl'! I'~ -,,.. ~l~F"e:·1·i:; '~ n~ ~t~: &r;.;-1 and want !dn P•c J.2<1 n ,.,, 79 ' . · F11C~·1 1 Ut ,, •J 41t, .i.,. .:..rn · an11Ad 1_11'1 ll '6 7•~• 25 -1 FltNCy fl~ 70 u•, 41''> ,,.,,. _111. This Mr and ~lrs Ameri ca e" c eoc.1 76 J•t.o 33"• J.I'" +1'!, F11Nstr .~°" l 1,,,11 J1'.\ lT'\ + ,, . ' . · · ' !arb•u~ l.•O J •6•., 46'' •6" F11tl\bt:ll ,to • ?ll't 11M\ ,.1 IS Whal light money this SUm-erllsle .60 •v ll '?''> '1''t + •, Fls~erScl .14 36 1t"o 111.l. 11,Z = ;! •a> C&O" $ 11~0 73'~ 711, 131,., • •,o; Fll'ml~<;i SQ .,,,,, 1610 16'1. _ tf 1roPLI 1·•1 ~55 3•1• JJ:i.., ~l\i -... Fli"11cait 1 6121'l 71•• 27 .. -'• C•rPTc~ ,6(1 ll 3J'4 31•t l1l(, -'4 Flint DIA• Sii 11~ 11~\ 11'11. ll•io C•rr!erCP .60 ,•,s 37"' JI~• 11\'t -"• F"!~ E Coa•I 6J 41'• 40 •O'"' _,,, C•r•Gn 1.n; "" 3, .. ll"• .-11, F"1 G•• 411 61 131\ 11·~ 11•11 -., C••terW . .io. 1911 l•t• 7l\1 n~ -'· FJ• Paw i,S'I 11 •1'4 '6'~ u•~ .i. ,~ C~M JI J& Ulo IS 15 ->.'o F aPwLl l.H 7l 69 61''< 111'• ~ .. "-•Seal' Plans !alf ~· A.1.U I jl"" 2l'll lµ' t '\ Fl•Pwlt 1 H 11, •,•,., ',','·'· u,.~ ~ ,··. a11!eCkt .60 6t 2~, 32'< l'llo '\Fla SIKI 'IO ., _ '"I l } • 'l!!rTr 1.10 n Mil,;. •!'4 t'l>t-1•1 F!uorCp l.6J1 60 111; .:\>II'> J6''t _ ~' j f QVC Q rVlllC ~Cl M1rod1 1l 11•0 lj"• 11'> Fluor ol8l 3 SI'• Sl't• SI'~ .. •to Cp .tll '', 77'" 2 ,.., 21'~ t•I\ l=!v Tl~"' 10 ., 10•• 2Mii )()I\ -'• fla'"°lf(;p 1 1 61Vt 61', 6~ \\ FMC (p .IS S6 ?t\li ,,,, 11~ -.. el1n pt44.SO 5 64\~ 11-4•~ 11-41,. + "· F .. C_.11rt1s • 4'1> ,, .• , •• +I• "The Wet Seal" opera•·r ol f'fKO •~· .» 36 ss1~ 54"' ss .. F~F•!• ·'° .. ... • ' . W . en!Fclv 70c1 • 2GU. lt~ 19~ -lJ, Foot1 CB .IO g 1~~ ri~ ~ -1 ~~ a0 groupC O[ 1reta1J 1st1~r~ ~D :'1 tt:ci, tn 11 .~.:: i:~ ~'! = ~ ~::: ~~~-~ ~t ~ ~ ~~i + l; r~nge oun yd, spec a 121ng 1dn .,,\lif~i°'t:n 11;g »'t t:~ r,~ = ~ ~:~~ .21:0 ~ ;t;: ;r~ ff~:: t~ swimwear, resses a n ;e;i1t.~1 ·~ JS ,,,,.. 21'1< t2•r. + .,., Mcie oil .IO 1,,1 fj:'I, ",,..' ~,,." + \~ sportswear, will open a new :::~ w r 2 u n~ ~j\• .m:: ~ ~:1~ ot°f ' (I. d d" t "buti" ,_ d ~· ~· .I n '4~ l':i ,.~ + Iii Fo~I t.o " t~~ JJYt ~· £ tt 0 ice an IS n on 1re8 -tn1el , ·• .,, 21'" 11, '1"' _ ~ l'r•~k tr · .n l) ,,._ Vv. ,,.,,, quarters in the 1 r v i n e ::i.01..d~to 15' ~~ i~~ tr'\\_: :? ~~~ l:t: 1Jt Iii! n,, I~ .:..1· ~ Industrial Complex it was ltl'l·l.ol ... " n '~ 7 .. , '"' i ·~ FINIU• Ind ,. «II~ .,.,. 1H\ « . . ' inn•Alr eo 3' 17'.li 16'~ '61• ~ -G-JOlntly announced thls _•eek by .! .. 05!! .Id,,, 1~\ '116,., ','.~ '1',!i ·· · R" ~ • Lome Hu'-"'ke president of ~~S' l,70 Si 21'' 11\; ,. •• -.... ~c D olt 3' SI" 50'" 5''i _,,, J~. ' ft&rler~Y 1 12 • \'o 4'1 411 -.i, .... F D .40 1.11!~ fl~~~ i1~i:. ~ the apparel firm , and Everett h~ffM" '·'° 1JC ,1.., '''4' "'' f 1• ~AF 1111.:ia n'j ~"'•:': x·~. ""e "i·•• . 1 ~r...:k"' Mat , 13 1; n , .•• ,,. s~ ... 1 :io , .. , 1~ _ Davis. JIC ~es manager. ..,..~to1 1.to 14 3'•• l411o ,.,,., i; ~8"'i 011 ,15 Located in Costa f\.1esa, the =~v ':tt tt t;!i f;,i 61if1}~ ~ G:~...,1llfl,f (. I t 6S ("" v~ 1 a ' lfl\ >''1 "' " G~· WllOd lij ft,. ••t ~ ~ 1rm present y cmp oys . Chn 0ti1o ·• 31 61._ 63, 6 +. .; GtrdDtll 1.JO 3''4 llv. _ ~ ~ I Ill h JO 0 e "'"ebro '2 It ••'-' •1• ••• , + ... flern!nl (MO t lit. lfil" 1' . t"-"p ('. W SiVe m r CM(EMt !11 1G 1l 1J !l -·~ x•IT'!~I" .!.W ~ II 1 '1 + I' employes at its new 12.000 sq. ~~1.=~1PSJ" :1 J 13:"' liv. ~1, = ;t i.l~Or1 ~~ j16 I; • (t -~ ft. IIC facility, located on a ~St, ~ti· 'i ~Vo ~1i: ht\\ -21~ ~:~;~n":,.~ :ii H: ~lit.. Ins ~1~ 30.000 ..... ft. site at 1852 llhft>ll~ 3 ':l ~ :M ,.!t + " ~11.c~:l't 1 -... ,, l'C'• ~ ~:~" ¢1 ll' Ut~ 7•14 11'~ ill It "v ••' -•'o Kaiser Ave. ~~:"ff 1;1Nw ,,.,, '' u* -'A ,,~S.'T ~!1 U ijvt "' -4 The building Is scheduled to ~!.';,.'·.: '~ f! "~ f~ f \, ~~:rr; J, ,JI = ' = S be completed by Au~ 1. t~~" .~ ~ }l~ ;fl: ~~ ... ~&; ... "I': t1= .t ~ s~ i.tU I! I l .. I • I 'I _I I I ti " • , .. • -· .~onday's a • -- • Pric~-Complete -------• ' Mo.doy, Ju~ 7, 1969 H New· York _Stook Exchange List DAILY PILOT J§ I 1 . . -. 18 DAllY PILOT ' • ' . FULL 4-PLY~ NYLON GUARDSMAN • 30-MONTH GUARANTEE-COAST TO: COAST . . . TUBELESS BLACK\v ALLS 6.50xl3 19.95 10.02 9.93 l 7 7.35xl4 22.95 9.02 13.93 2.09 7.75xl4 24.95 9.02 15 · 7 8 25 .93 2.2 ' xl4 27.95 9.52 18.43 2.36 7.75xl5 24.95 9.02 15.93 2.21 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS 6.50xl3 22.95 10.02 12.93 1.79 . 7.35xl4 25.95 9.02 16.93 2 07 7.75xl4 27.95 9.02 18.CY.J 2:20 -8.25xl4 30.95 lO 52 2-0 . 8 55 . .43 2.36 . xl4 33.95 J.2.02 21.93 2.57 7.75xl5 27.95 9.52 18.43 2 21 8.15xl5 30.95 10.52 20.43 2:38 8.45xl5 33.95 12.02 21.93 2.57 AL . LSTATE Pa.s seng T' TREAD LIFE Gi;fARAire Guarantee Gu1rantt.ed A w· NTEE road h~d g inst: A!l 'failurr!'s of che · For How i.!,~11~ ~~rechs \~fmaierials or wo~bn~~~hl.ting rrom normal Wha.t \\'ill Sea~& Do~ ~ 1 e_ of 1~c original lrc&d. ip. ~f failure in ci.;chan • i epair ~ail puncrurei at 00 h t1on oi current re f or '.he tire. replace it char . c argc. In the case ients tread used gu at selling price plus Fcdual fi"~ only the propor-'f R~A D w (ISCTa.xthatrcprc· f::;~1n1eeLod Again~•: Trc~dA!:?].T GUARANTEE ow n1-: The nu be .,.,_~. Whit Will Sea" Do· 1 m ~of mo111hs specified current regular selr · n ~xc angc for the tire ~ I . a.llowancc: 108 price plus frdctt.I Exe.'' /ace ir, charging rhc istt u less the followins ft1ooth1 Guaranteed 12 to 2-' :!i to 39 • , 6.50x13 TUBELESS B~ACKWALL Plus l'.79 F.E.T. And Old Tire ~ L ,-•-----. Limited Quantity -·~"-' ·-•""' -----------. ' "'"Low.towPn , •. --"'"®·"'·'";-------. A T .-~·"''"' ~~~ .. ~"' ·~"""" -----------' ,~. , -""'" , "" ""'-~ .,;., "'" •-•••m """ ~~ '""" ----- - - -,.._ . ~·-~""" o~•=·"® , -"""" ~""" ~""~-~~" -----" -----------~~ ·~•>, •L<<m __ ,,,,;, . 'ru~,,· ~"-·W U •~=•m • -· "S ,. f . - - - - - - - - -. --·~· '""'" ·~ ~ ""'" '""m I . ,. -a IS actionGuarantee'd v. - -TORRANCE S42·1S11 VERMONT Pl 9·191 1 . or •OurMoneyBack" - - - -.,. - -· I . ------•WJ.•AH•-• • -... - ---;Allllco. · Shop6N"h - - - -, ·~. I• M~day·l_h!Ough Sa!urday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P '.M, \ ' -_ . ...._._... ___ _ --·- I l I I I ' I I '1 I ... 1' > . . . '. ' .. : - - .---' -' , arade Moving, Copfer sl{eep A heUccipter view of a parade l!n'l very tmplrlng, but It's e.xlremely functional. Huntjqton' Beach pollce concluded after a full·test of lhe1r two choppers over the Footh of July holiday. car l'Obberles were sharply reduced Ind the m.a!Sive parade's pace was·prod- ded by overhead surveillance, said police C::..pt. Harold Mays. : More than 150,000 spectators viewed the1parade from ground level, but Capt. M'aya Ind his Crew ol chopper pilots we.re Twisters Hit · Illinois; 33 Die in Ohio United Press IntemaulnaJ Nine tomados were reported over cen-- tral Illinois today and widespread showerS and thundershowers moved aero~ a front from ifafyfinO!Olhe-"cen~-:~­ lcal jlockies. The death toll from the severe raln and wind_ atonn that lashed northern Ohio roae· to 33, Including 17 victims of the storm and 16 who drowned in rushing flood waters. The U.S. Coast Guard · restii'ned the search of Lake Erie for 170 persons missing after the storm capsized many boats. A Cout Guard spokesman said the search would conUnue "until we know for sur'e" about thoae lrtlll unaccounted for. Ohio Gov.· James A. Rhodes said he would declare portions of northern Ohio a disaster area. I-Us office declined to cstim~te damages, but said ."It will run high Into the million~" DOI so foriunate: The H. B. Eye, and It• newly dellvered brother, ft B. Eye lJ, spent tbe ~ eniire 'day f11ing over the pe.rade route and coverlna: tbe beach to avoid traffic Sntlfls and auto thefla. "We tiad our bands tull for the day," said Capt .• Mays ... ,The ·heJicopter,creWs had . to keep an eye qut for lhe crowds at lbe parade; on the beach, during ."the fireworks dJJplay and wfien the gruntoo were supposed tD run." , More lhan 150,000 1pect1tors viewed the parade· and about to,(K)Q of them stayed tQ. enjcu; the sun 1nd surf on the clfy beach Under a clouded · but bot Fourth of July sun. Crowd sizes started dipping at the beach aJ the temper4ture drOppqd sl<acll· ly over the~ weekend. Saturday, about 40,IX'.XI sunbathers \!entured out in the olOUdy skits. When lhe clouds grew thicker Sunday the crowd level dropped . to a .low 30,000. CapL Mays reported no major ~ In llllnois, a rash of funnel clouds ac- companied strong tllunderstorms mov4ng acrou the central part of the. at.ate. Stnma-.'!i?a~ r.alo bit Petersburg, 111., ft Jnlld norlh..,.i of SjrrjQgfield, where power lines were down ~ live persons were Jnjured when a tm fell on their car. Four hundred National -Guardimen joined Red Cross workers in rescue and evacUation operations at Norwalk, Ohio, about 60 miles southwest of Cleveland. Two city reservoirs burst at Norwalk as the Vermillion River crested at 13 feet above flood stage. '" t •""· ? "' • ~YtP+t.oT,,,. .;~·.-°""*" · Drutntning llp Ent~.,na,m · National Guardsmen also helped along the rain-swollen Iowa River in southwest Iowa, and a spok esman for the Louia County Sheriff 's Offieti said more hel p would be sought. Wapello, Iowa, was drenched with three inches of rain Sun· day, and a spokesman said the levee between Oakville and Wapello was "slop-- PY with all the rain." The flood crest on the river v.·as expected to pass today. In the northern Illinois community of Freeport, cleanup operations as the Pecatonica River receded were hindered as caravans of joyriders took high speed turns through flooded streets sending waves of mud, water and septic tank overflow against · houses and i n t o basements. Soriie 200 persons were still home I es.! today. Severe thundcrslonn a c t i v i t y was i-eporteOln extreme south!!i!:st toWa sfld northeast Missouri. At least three inches of rain rell at San Jose, Tit, about 40 miles north of Springfield, and more than an Inch and a ~ alf of rain fell on Garden CJty, Kan., and Miles City , Montana. Clear skies were reported throughout the Soulb and West and from the northern portions of the upper Great Lakts to New England. A cold front trail· ed from Wyoming to southern Nevada. Ni xon to Spe nd Ni g ht in SF ·Bel ore Lon,g Trip Do you love a .parade? Members or the Kingsnien Drum and Bugle €orps do. So· did an estimated 200,000 parade fans who wa!ch'l'f lluntingtort Beach's 65th Annual· Fourth of JWy Parade. For· more photos on 1~9 P,Brad~, see pag~ 3. . . New Disturbances Hit Santa Ana; Of·ficer Hurt A policeinan 'Was injured and srnral patrol cars · were darhaged ' Sunday 'as racial unrest 'contintiea'to bubble in the Negr6 section of Santa Ana. -Most sefious nimble ocCurred ln the vicinity of a drive-in restauiant at 4th 8nd Shelton strttts, the scene of destruc· tive d_isturban~ :.i"!st ,a week ago .• Ma.rine Band Plans " Co ntert The Marines .will .strike up the band at 2 p.m. Sunday· at the Westminster Civic Center. The concert, µresented by the ~th Marine Division Band from Camp Pendleton. will be the first in a. series of summer band concerts sponsored by the city Recreation · and Parks Department. No admission will be charged. Musical compositions to be per(onned run rrom Beethoven's Mh Symphony to Broadway show tunes. . . . . . ~ ' . -~ Pon"'· sakf.12 p<r>ons, fo<lr· allulti ud eight juveniles, were an:est~ ~ollo~ a rock and bottle throwing melee which broke out abollt 10 p:in. · ' · ' - Officers said the youths were throwing missiles indisciiminat.ely at police cars and other VehicleS. Some were charged with .as.saul(_with...a_ deatily weapon and others jailed-on.less serfoU! charges. At about 11 p.m., an off-duty Santa Ana officer wa! injured when he tried .to ar~ rest two Negroes he suspected of stealing oil from a service station al 114 S. Bristol St. . Officer Cloyd Potter asked attendants to telephone police as he held the two suspect!. One simulated a gun and loosened a string of profanity; Potter reported. He then pulled a wine bottle from his waistband and struct0lbe officer in' the /att. PoUer tmderwent ~li;Y for a broken oose and aeveral fada1 cuts. Officer Tom Bl.mes 'arrived· on the scene: shortly after itte ·attack and cap- tured one o( the two fleeing men. Police today wtthbetd the names of the two suspects. They said "they. know the Identity of the second. Health Dete~ratlng b)fms ovtr tbe•wtekend ellhe:r in traffic parade loob a lot dlfferent lrom up Jn control or w1lh crime. the air." "In fact,"'be saJd, "with our heayy Both helicopters had lbe reaponaJbillty hellc@pt.er ·patrolling of the beaChes we to keep lbe parade moving at I &Leady sharply reduced the lUJ.Dlber of robberies l)lct. "We had no problema,'t said Capt. from parked carcu ,f Maya, "even though there aeemed to ·be While Ml,)'s' view of the city wu pleu· long intervals between some IJ"OUPll· ing, he reported hb vtew of the parade "From Ute air," he added, ••you can not ao enchanting. 0 Loottna straight · see the entirt parade route at a scan 'and down l couldn 'I tell one · float from the crowd doesn~ look ao gigantic from another,'' be eiplafned. •'The whole 500 feet in the air.'' ' · The second helicopter, jUll dellvtred to the city June 11, ii tW1 DOI compi&ty · operaU.,,, l>l!t was ~ Into ..,..,. e-"'1ty oo Friday. • «werdon~ haYe It equipped with an the loud !!(eaters ud .-eQu!pmtat yet," said Mays, "Instead we med walk.le · tatldea with it Friday.'' But from an H.B. Eye view,· ult waa a pea<:efut fourth ol ·July,•• coocluded Mays. 8 l(llled in County Wrong Way Freeway Crash Fatal to 6 Orange County motortru were safe and sane at the beginning ol the Fourth ol Ju· ly holiday weekend. Not a single J!lghwll1 fo!all\y was reported on Fricfay or S&turday, whlle over 2001000 flocked to Huntington Beach to witch the Fourth of-July Parade and a quarter-million ~ enjoyed other Orange Coast beaches. Then, within a period of five hours ear· ly Sunday morning, eight died on cowity roads. A visitor rrom Ensenada, Mexico, who was probably unable to read freeway warning 11ign11, drove the wrong way on lbe SanlJ An1 Freeway. ll resulted in the death ol six per80l'IS, including four El Toro Marinea. A man fiahUn1 with two others over a 1Nt Ctc11ty Traffic INI llf Deltll Toll IOI girllriend was killed by a passing car on Pacific Coast Highway at Scotsman's Cove, just norlb of Laguna ~ch. The eighth man was killed orf C(>aJt Highway in Dana Potnttn another headon collision. Topics for Trustees Sex Classes, Dress Code ":(!et New Airing Tonight . . SC tducalloo ancl iludent dress Ila .. dardl -two of the -disputed iaauel In the HUntlngton Beach Hlah School District -Will come alive afain Tu~1y nigh!. . District tru11;tees wllr take up both topics In 1 meeting at 7:30 p.m, In the board room, 1902 ·t'ltb_ St.,' Huntington Beaoh. . . Member• of lbe Voice of tbe Electorate Regardi'ng Schools (VbTEl\s) sly they will bring the set eduCiUon Issue before the board to delehnibe how members feel about the controversial courst which haa betn dormant, t>ut not abandoned~ in the district. · · JostP.h Ferm, a spokesman for the group, Said that during earlier meetings In which tile course, was te_.-atily shelved, one trustee' (}lay Sdµnitt) was abSent, while another (Richard Wilson) ' was a "lame duck" since hi! term wa! about tD expire. "We.did not ha\le Dr. Ralph Bauer on the board at that ·ume, either," said Ferm, "and the rarent.s want to know where the new board stands." "Durln1 the elections we were nol able to.llad'ouJ.l!oJ< -~ ca!i!UdJl,qrd&!~ to thll crltical issue," be added:--.. · Ferm stated that the group was not op- posed to sex education so long as such a course ts confined to biology, anatomy and health. He opposes instruction which "involves Intrusion into tbe•intimacles of the oome atmosphere." The other issue involves campus dress regulations which wete established 'dur· HOUSE H AZARD? When David L. Minor moved lnto his ~ borne Sunday .at 9'22 Pollack Drlvt, Huntington Seach, he wu ~ed to find the followiiig miSJ1faced ( ? ) Callfomla Highway sign under his water heater -"slippery when wet." big the aprlng mon\ha through !ht cooperation of students. admlnistrators and parenll. , Agreement has been reached by representatives from all three group! on most' polnta of the dress code, except for a few it.pqls relating tD boy1' hair length, ·mustache's, girls' slacks and sandals without ~s .. At th~ June 10 truatee meeting, when the ~ Drat came up for ad(nltjon, .~ issue was placed in a phlioaopbical realm, however, with Trust.et Dr. Joseph J\ibal questlon1ng the need for any dislrict-<:ilablilbei! dreu code. Dr. R.lbal 'went on remrd then lha_l he would ask tho students lo participate in a ·•Dress For Freedom Week" if the~code were to' be approved. · "I think we ought to stop making up stupid reguJationa that take· up the time of dellberatlve bod.its such as, th1si" be said then, referring to ~ board of trustee.s. Har_ho1· Dist1·ict Breakup Goes To County Again The continuing turmoil over diasoluUon of lite Orange County Harbor Dlitrict is on lhe acene. apln Tue.lay before the Board of Supervllion. The Local Agency Formation Com~ mission recommends that the 34-ye,ar-old dbtrlc\ be abollahed. and a COWlly Department of, Harbors, Beaches and Parkl be .. tablbhed In It> place. The LAF'C resoluUon passed June 11 by 1 3-2 vote. Superv)sor1 are ,expected to set a date for a pubUc hearing on the knotty pro- blem. p;Ventuslly they will have two avenues open: They can go aloog w:lth the I.AFC recommendaUon and aubmit the Luue to a v~ of the peopl~, 011 they can r~ject tt. Killed in the lreeway wrong-way c:r1sh wer.e: Moyses Cruz Garcia, SS, of Enaenada, M"exico. -• . Augustine M. Clneros, =· of Piac<nUa. ht U . John H. Baker, 14, ol Santa Ana. .-fvt. John R. Miller, 21, of Hunttngton, Pa. Pvt. Daniel G. Buehler, 201 of Or~y. N.Y .• Pvt. John w. Nolan, ·24, h<tmltown Wlknown. Killed at Scotsman's Cove : George Washington Gallagher, Cucamonga. Killed at Dana Point : 22, of Edmund Delaney, U, of 24921 Addanto Drive. Laguna Niguel. In the freeway crash, at about l a.m., the wrong way car· 1ped up the 17th Street offfamp al'l!i confmued northbound in the southbound Janes, the CHP reported. Offkers said sheriff'• depulles Robert Romallie aDd AM.-j l\omefo, flashed their red ll~il and oounded the 1lrm In a fuWe attempt to IWf the wrong way car which swerved around their vehicle at the 'offramp. Ju.st south of the Maln Street croasing, the cir driven by Garcia crashed Into the: southbound vehicle carrying the Marines. Motnents later Elai.ne.Ttlwn.Send, 34, ot San Di.ego lideawiped the wrong way car. * * * National Holiday Road Toll Hits - Record; 605 Die BJ Ulllted Pre11 laterutlonal An unreleotlng pared< of death !Jroo&ht the nation a new traffic fata.lhy record for the 4th ol ·Ju\y holiday period. A United Preas lnternaUonal count showed.1that,605 persons had ~ trued on American atreets and highways between 6 p.m. Thursday, end 11 :59 p.m. Slllfd~ • lffie.,oJd reooi'd was-STI .ut:alirh:il -tbtl thr~ay 4th of July bolldlly In 11166. The all-time reoord ja 732 set .duripg the 1967 4th of July holiday, but that was a four. day event. r The N1Uonal Safety Council ' had estlrnaled U;iat the 1969 holiday toll would be between 500 and ~. The safety coon.. cil said that during. a, comparable non- holiday period in July about 500 persoll.1 would be killed' m traffic. • Cal~ornia 1<d the nalkJn with 57 fatalities. Tex a 1 bad '41, Ohio 35. Mlcbigan 30, .New. York and Georgia 25 each and Pennsylvania 24. · ' Tbe final boliday•falalJty breakdown: Traffic • 607 Drownings l 8.1 Planes 38 Miacellaoeow: 98 Total " !Ill Orange Coast. WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nlmn . wnl fly to San Francisco July 22 for ·an overnight stay before proceeding to the PacUl.c for his globe trip and homecoming ceremony with the Apollo 11 astronaull after their moon(light. On July 23 be will fly to Johnston Island about 700 miles from Honolulu snd on JulY z.t·he will take a limaller plane to lantt on the USS Homcl. the recovery carrier, for the splashdown of the ApOllo 11 flight. Astro1n0nk C.oming· ·D·(>wn;. If the aUpervlsors reject the propoaal, as they qkl by a ~1 vote last year, the Orange County Leque of Cllle• may tale· the laaue to the •late Legillalure. Last year a bill by Assemblyman John V. Brigg. !R·Fullerlon) died In an Auembly commtUee but tile chairman o( the coffillllttee, Jobn Knox (ft,Rlch- mood), idylled Brlllll to ....... Jhe LAFC '1"'te· lor dllioTutioo, Weather Alter those momlng clouda -roll by, we'll have wanns weather along the Orange Coast TUeaday, with temperature! beading ll'lto the IO''· The President will fly to Guam on the evening ol JuJy 24 w~rc he will remai n ovenlght before going on lo Manila as the first top in his tour of five Asian na· ilODJ and Communist Romania -an II· daJ, upedlUon that will return him to Washington from Europe Aug. 3. • He b: ICheduled to arrive Jn Or.ange County about Aug. 8 for a four -week stay In h1' San Clemente home. NEW YOR1< CAP) -The lllOek market, 113 early advance blunted by pn> flt.tak1ng, turned klwer this anemoon In lnQderafely ac\lve trading. (See quota- tloos, P11es IC-II). \ ' MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) - Astromonlc Bonny will be brouiht back to earth today to protect hil ilealth. from "serious deterioration," N a t i o n a 1 Aeronautic and Space Agency officials announ<ed. The tf.poood r&ttailed monkey 's Bio&atelUte S apape craft "as' scheduled 1 ror air recovery 1•-t:.15 p.m. <EDT ) ovtt · the Plciflt aotilh o( Hawaii. A NASA official In Was~ aald the decision to cut short Bonny'• projected 30-day trip after less than nlne days wu made when "a decline in the monkey's condition" wu detected. Some NASA scientists were already waiting thi! morning at Hlckam Air Fotte "Base, HaW~. wh,re ..... the space tapsilre \vlU be take.a. Others were en ' -· ' J ---• INSmE TODAY 1 · • r • • ' ~ .' • • ' • RiUfflide'1 famtd Miufon · Gcean. V~ew t <>' Elect · .!••··-~\)ft to.,~~ ~~ .. ·• · 1 • • • • • • • . ' • 111'. .. id.o~t,!.1 /J ~ldPg t,; ·Ntiw, Pr,esid~nt -',, . . llorlki'iiprcr """'i. s .. 1•"'"'' • , • •10'1/ Page 12. • Ocean View-Scl'!!OI Dlitrlct tniateh ' ' -n will elect i Kew board praldent and --. · ~.:= J ~ cferk 11 7:11) P·"1' toaigJ>t In the ~ l: D011rd Room. 1rn · 'l(arner A•e., Hun-DM111 •iet• ' ~~ <' I ... :.= .. _. : ~~~ .~r;~·=f ~ ra-·_, ,~n :=..-a --1 fYMll ..... ' ........... 1P.1. ......... ..... l'IWtltl· , .. ,. T-.. ·-. -· . •1111111 """" .. ............... :com"petln, l1nnl1f'of tht tonatructtoa ot :.:::-' 1: --achool 1ltu. ...... ------------' • -: ,T '• t 1 I • .. " I • ' -• • I • • H r -. . Reds Ready ·for .... U.S. Pul out Willi ·~rQop_s ~IGON jUPIJ -].J,S. lnWlipoco -lllol ...., a I,._ Ntl1h -rqlment blS slll>t>Od Into th• Mekong .Della to help local forces attack tho South Vie-alter an American • l>)IOp willldrlwal whlch·beglns 'Puesdof. ,,,._ ..,.,..., aald a Sludy lndlcale> South Vielnam will need i.,ooo troops 10 l'tjllaco the 11,006 U:S. lnlanteymen being witMrJ•D from the delta.-'l'M,..-llrst i-~'ilrwp-M-tJ• Americlns leave. for how'! 1'ueocW aboard U.S. 1ranaport planes. Tba ~ milltaf)' ..,.,.., ••Id . . na U thal ma:iy South ~ cldeob. : the <bl' ,;.i..t IJ&htallled -~IUrs. rep1Jo1UOD11 -1Ya11Ulo the1 inuld · Tba U.8. ~ ..,..U iild the Tba olwp ICllool ICtn'ed bul . ap-' lack tllo mt-llllludl, -North \'liq-=:;~ ibt parully did not end the lull Ill Com- aliillly, Ibo 1ro1111111 · ud the 91~ flf """' ' --mualll lllltM!v• actlvllies which liave 11111 iii Jlie -WlnC UJ, . iii , ~ ol-fllli!lo(-~ U.S. military men: Military Dl(IWM troops. near e Cambodian border. ne soufcea Observers In Saigon believed the attac.k.s NO aetloM were reper1ed in. lh• aa.ld this was part Qi fl'_ eJrort b_y the ID.volvert local Communist units and that Mekona: today but a .force of 1& Com-CommUnists lo show that attempts-to the main eommwnsrrorces were still munist cominandos charged into a U.S. "de-Americanize" the war will fa11 . lying' low. coastal Outpost at Phan 'lblet 1oday Five firefights which kUled 72 Com· The attack on Phan Th.let, 120· miles under cover, ol rocket and mortar , blr-muniats were reported within a 55-mlle almost due east of Sa1gon, was the first ra1es..-tt-wu-the -only-around ~acttoo Tadtus-of Saigon 6·riid~ and other-gniund assaul..,.reported launched by-the reporttd during the night· that saw· Com· Isolated actlo111 brought North Viet· CommunlJta alnce June 30 when a force muntsl lbollinp dlOp 10 U acattered In· namese and Vlei Cong deaths to 111$ for of North Vielnamese attacked a U.S. Ith Mecbanizld In! antry t>Olltiiln '"'"' Kile 'ii.me Wlder President N I J o n ' s .-. j~ -the clomtutwaa .. ..WW...,11. -,'Iba 111111, ... ai....., ud loll 40 dead. U.S. loi'cea ~ baltalloo cl.. the U.S. Ith Jafoljlry, lhree wOOnded ill lllat actioq, Divislor, went throwai> a close order drill In today's ICtloo U.S .. headquartm In ,arll<>llll Tant lo proparation for boirdhli Saigon 'said 'Ml' Americans were killed transport planes Tuesday for the United and 18 wowided when 'lhe small band ol Sia.~. , • . " • -~err!llas lnvaded the camp and lnfllct..i .. -,,.: .. nw·sat~"llgllillll S1m~­ 'moderate11 damage on the m.man three .6.dlerlc&M slain and 22 woUndtd, coastal garrison. 'l1le Commll{lisls pulled all lo «ie flgtit, 29 . mlles norlhwett-or out, leaving two dedd, while U.S. ,planes SaJgo11..;_Behind tanks aod air strik~s, the attacked their-escape. routes. -~ (61$ killed 10 North Vietnamese tn the The 1ttack came on the final day of midafte:moon encounter, lhe U.S. COm· preparatiom for the flm U.S. ullt ·rotng mand "1<1. * * * Allies Hopeful • Ill 'Lull" DAILY PILOT Slltf '""' Hanoi Negotiator's Return to Bring Progress at Pam? PARIS (UPI) -Allied officials said to- di)' they remained hopeful the return of Hanotls chief peace n e g o t i at o r foreshadows a favorable tum In the Vi£t- nam peace talks despite no public change In position. Xuan Thuy, minilJler of state in the North Vietnamese government, returned to Paris from Hanoi Saturday after a six· week absence. Thuy reiterated the C o m mu n l s t demands of a unllateral uncondiUonal withdrawal on all American rorces from South Vlefnam and upheld the Viet· Cong's IG-point peace .plan as the only solution to the Vietnam war. "The withdrawal of 25,000 American troops b aimed only at fooling the American public aplnloo which is clamor· ing for peace. To pull borne :Z,S,000 men out of 540,000 is meaningless," Thuy said. "I return here with g~wlll and a serious attitude," be said. Madame Nguyen Thi Blnl1, head of the Viet Cong delegation, told newsmen Saturday that President Nixon was ",intensifying the war on one hMd and pretending on the other hand that his negoUaUng tactics were successfully achieving results:." ·Mn. Binh, welcomlng back Thuy at Paris' Le Bourget Airport, said press reports from Vietnam that the Com- mUDislS had de-escalated the !ighllng as a goodwlll_gesture to the AmeriC4:ns were "a subterfuge by Nixon." Thuy told newsmen, "ln my "Jew there is no 6erious effort on the part of the American administration to s~ 11p the 'Qpen WNl.ar_e: in Midea~t __ . peace talks ." But allied ·conference souraea recalled that afte a similar trip. to Hanoi , by Thuy. the United States and North Viet~ nam announced the total cessatloo cf American bombing of North Vletnlll)'l and the expansion of the Paris talks to. in- clude representatives or SaigOii and the Vletn Cong. Allied officials here and Americin of· ficials in Washington have been looking for signs of change in the Viet Cong- Hanoi negotiating position because ol an unexplained lull in Communist military activity in Vietnam la.st week. - The lull ended Sunday with five"sharp clashes outside Saigon in Y(hich U.S. headquarters reported ~ Comm!Qllst troops slain against three Americana kill· eel and 32 wounded, : Carrying Out Tlteme Assailed l,y U.N.'s Thant . ' -Huntingtoo lle!>ch YMCA Ipdian Maidens ClljllUr· ea-fifitjlaee in general theme category with this enlry in annual Huntington Beach Fourth of July Parade. Theme of. 1969 parade was California his- tory. Y Maiden•float depicted early California In· dian village and water fall. Huntington Swim Team :Wins Around Pier Event . . '. Steve Genter, L&t,..,.c) AthleUc Club, ~ a new r<COrd 1n the 19th AmNll HUD· llinlloft Beoch Open Rouch Walet Swim Coone! the pier Salurdoy. : Gent.er won the senior men's division. )y U seconds, defeating Jim McConlca, :Ot "C&rpint.ula llfegue.ras, ~Ith a time of .f:.S. Graham McUntock, Coronado.Navy ' ~lm Aasoclation, finished third. ,. lluntingt.on Beach's Phillips 66 Swim 'Jriam collected tap team honors at the dual swim. 'Mley r~ived the Gene ·Btllbe Memorial Perpetual Trbphy. 'Seal Beach Picks Mayor Tonight Seal Beach councilmen tonight will -select a mayor and vice mayor for the new fiscal year and considu ap- :pointr1'enta: to several commissions and boards. Vice Mayor John 8. Hamilton will IU1e- ly step up lo the mayor's poll now held by Lloyd Gummere. The council will also consider board ap- .p<>lntmenta held by councilmtn: eX- pirat!on of planning commlsslon terms of Terry A. Barton and Wiiiiam W. Lescber; expiration of the civil service commission twin of Harold Holden; board of appeals appointments; and ap. polntments to a three-member archltec- tural review board. • l>Olll PllOT l•Mrl N. W--' f>rullwlt -l'llblltMt J•c• •· C.•l•'f \/"-~tlletftl ":"" ~-.. IMH .. 1 n ...... ~··-u .. w Tlto1t111 J... M111,h i11• IN~l'tlli9< Afltt,f W. l1t•t Willl1M lt•4 .__i.11 tiunt .... loll INd 1•11ot Cll\t l!•ltw " .............. Oftke lOt ltlt Str••I Melllitt AM!re1t1 P.O .... 7t0,••2641 --"'-' 9-dl. zrn .,...., .. ..,., lwltTtf9 CMl1 ,,_., Jiii Wnt lay 41rttt \Mlllll a..cia m ,..,_ ,..,...... • In the 9elllor women's clivlslon, Melinda · W'\1<'rborg, Oran&e County Swli! Club, ' :won tint place honors with a ~e of 13:48. Sbe ,.., followed by: Sonye Pn>YOilllk, La M.,. Swim Club, 14:13 aild Maggie Stone; Santa Monica Swim Club, 17:27. Kurt .. Krumpbob from Corona del Mar won the junior men's division with a time or 10:43 for the half-mile swlm. Dan Ma~ thiew, Lakewood Athletic Club, finished second, 11 :15 and John McLlnlock, Coronado-Navy Swim Association, finish- ed lhlrd, 11 :29. . Amy Howe of the Phillips '6 swim team topped the JUJ\ior women's division. She posted a tlme of 12:03. MW Ho\ve was followed by Jayce Morrow, San Diego, 14:03 ud Terri Clarke, Phllllps 66, 14:27. U.S. Academies Accept Five Men From W. County Five young men from We.st Orange County begin carttni lhla month that are expected to, lead to commissions in the anned services. Rep. Richard T. Hanna. ( D- \Ve:rtmimter) today announced ac- ceptance by: -The Air Foret Academy of Gary M. Pakele, 15181 Victoria Lane, Huntington Beach, who was graduated from Marina High School Jut year and lhtn attended the Alr Force preparatory school al Colorado Springs. - -The Naval Academy at Annapolis of Scott Sewell, 11631 Wembley Road, Los Alamitos, a graduate of Western High, and BJ')'ant Averyt, 14431 Fairview Lane, Huntington Beach, a graduate of Marina High. -West Point or Ronald Rosw;-11514 Santa Andrea, Fountain Valley, a graduate of Fountain Valley High • ~ast Guard Academy of T1jr Hull, 121!2 Oak Leaf Drive, Loi Alamitos. Youth Theatre Slates Audition Sina:ers and dancers with theater in- t.ere.sts are invited to audlUon for the Huntington Stach Youlh Theatre pro- ductlon or "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" on Wedne9day and Thunday at Huotington Beach lllgb SChool, 19112 Main SL Auditions will be h<ld from 11:30 10 l p.m. bolh days. Young penons with talents in art ind tel dQign ire ntffed 11 well. Rolea ire for no1HqUlty performers or colleae are or less. • 'Ull Information on the play may be obtained by calling 43(1.{Jt'ro. Four perfonnancca will be presented at the high school oudilOrlum beglnnlnK Aug. II. Mrs. Kell Named Head Librarian At Golden West lln. Beolrlce Kell Olliunitngim Beach ll.~ new bead librarian of Golden West ~llige's 38,oc;io.vqfilme libr~: ~ Siie rucceedi llh. Lynn• Kilpalrick, Golden West's firit fulltime 'PfOfeulonal staff member, who was appointed tn 1965 to develop the initial library collection more than a year before the new college opened, ; Mrs. Kell, former head . librarian it Orange Coast College, took aver htr new dutle.s July 1. She returned from }{(lwail where she was on leave of absence two years to establiah the state's first junior college liberal arts library at Maui Com- munity College. . At Golden West she ·wjJI head a staff o( three prolessional librarians and four auiatanls. A ifadu1te of Hutch.inaon Junior Coll!ge, Hutehinion, Kans., Mn. Kell received her bache.lor'a and master of library science degrees at tbt University of Texas, Austin. She hu bid further gradu~te study at the University of Hawaii, UCLA, and California State, Lon1 Beach. Herbert Trichler, 30-year Beach Resident, Dies Graveside senrlces conducted by the Moose Lodge will be held for Herbert Tritjller, Huntington Bea~ resident for 30 yean, at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Westminster Memorial Park. - Mr. Trichltr, 72, d1ed Friday al I>e3ert Hospital, Yucca Valley, af~r a lengthy .U.. lness. >. retired employe for Standard Oil, he had made his home in Landers, Calif., for the past seven years. Student Band Slated for Dance "Hank and the Runners, 11 a band of Fountain Valley Hlgh School and <>range Coast College students, play for dancing Wednesday, in the Fountain Valley Com- munity ~ter. 'Mie dance, scheduled rrom 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ls sponsored by the City of Fountain Vl11ey •nd the South Coast Junior Women'• Club as the second In a aeriff ot summer Junior high school dances. Th05e eligible to part1cip1te are Foun- tain Valley Students who will be entering the 7th, 8th or 9th ~· 'Ibert b no admtulon charge~ R~yal Pair al-Mal~ LONDON CAP) -Prince Charlet and hla 1l1ter Princus Anne left today for a Wffk '• vac1Uon on Malta, the Med!ler· ranean. rorti:tsa illand that Queen Elizabeth II re1arda IS a stc:ond home. -·--~------~--- . By Ualtad r,... latmltlooal lout Egyptian MIG2ls at 4 p.m. south of United Nations . ~tary Gtner11 U lhe Israeli-occupied fortrw of Sharm El Thant said today 110pen waitare bas been Sheikh at the mouth of the GuU of Aqaba. l'!!Wned'' along the -Suez Canal and that In the ensuing ·dogflght two Egyptian he may have to wUhdraw U.N. jet.II were shot down, the spokesman sald. peacekeeping f01Ut from the area. AJ }le. He reported the Israeli. plane.s returned did, Jsrael aald It •bot ~ two,~/-safely to baae. F.aptjan MIG21s In an alr bittle tod~. '"~;:;::::u~.:· .. , .... 'Too High' Sign DOt be apeded to ""e a wbat amount& ~111:;~ ... targei. 1n • ~ Tops. 4 Hearings "Since June 1967" Thant uJd "the level of viol..;,• In iii. Middle E~ has Before Council never been higher than it~ at present. In ract, never in the history of U.N. ex- perience with peace-keeping has there been such complete and sustained disregard, through the massive u s e of many types or conventional weapons and also by less convenUonal means, for a ce!l*flre called for by the Security Council and a&reed to by the parties."· Four public hearings -including a councilman's complaint that a sign ls too high -will highlight a meeting tonight of the Huntington Beach City Council. Councilmen meet in council chambers of Memorial Hall , 5lh Street and Magnolia Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. An Israeli spokesman ln.!l'.el Aviv said today'S' air battle broke out when a cou- ple of patrolling Israeli jets intercepted Councilman Jerry Matney is appealing a Planning Commission decision allowing a slgn 112 feet high In an area which allows sign! only 35 feet high. DAIL y l'ILOT lien l!i.t9 Beach Policemen Break Up Fights Weekend beach crowds threatened to get out of control on the parking lot of Huntington State Beach when 300 youths gathered about 8 p.m. Friday and spOradlc fi&hts started. State rangers, unable to disperse the milling crowJI, called for help from about ten Huntington Beach policemen who quickly broke up the galherin;:. .. No injuries were reported by police and no arresb were made. Proplose.d sign owner is L e v i t z Furniture of Phoenix. Counctlmen also consider an appeal by Antur strock, an attorney for James T. Butler and Steph!n A. Schinner, who wish to open a business at 116 Main Stretl called the "Underground City Hall." The city clerk has refused to issue a business license to the pair on the basis or recommendations from the police department and the assistant city ad- ministrator, the city clerk said. _ Councilmen will hear a request from a zone change from commercial to multiple family residential east of Magnolia Street south of Garfield Avenue, and a zone change from medium density residential to commercial west of Alabama Slrett south of Adams Avenue. Cro1ed Pleaser Huntington Beach's Jackie Benington, national J u n i o r A1iss, waves to crowd during city's Fourth of July Parade. She served as grand marshal of 65th annual parade. 7 Escape Red China 110NG KONG (UPl)-Seven persons escaped from Communist China by swim- ming to this British crown coloay Sunday police reported today. ' One group consisted of four men and ' one woman whose ages ranged from 18 to 21. They said they escaped irom their commune and walked (Of rour days to reach the .coastal area of China. cals. You may or n1ay not eon· 1ider that to he a good thing, hut we like it becau&e we get nicer people that wa~·· Can headaches he good for you? When yo11 get to he a reg· ular here, we are able to find 011t the kind of things you like, "'·hat you &elected 1asl time and the time before. Beca11!e we do our own buying and don't have 10 wonder ~·bat i1 co111ing in nexl week from the n1ain 1lore in another cily, we really know our 1tock. That'• just a11other reason why we CaJt give yo11 more intelligent 1oggel!ltio111 than would be poMihle in 1ome other &lores. They uy you M>u1etime11 can recognize tl1e fellow who is headed for nowhere in the business world. He'1 the one who aeeretly longo for the day when he'll be promoted to a better job >dth fewer headacbel!I. Let us pray for him. The further up tie ladder you get, the tougher yoW' job u1ually get1. Well, there'• a f'dlOD why one man 11 worth more money than another. The capable manager Welcomes problem• that othen can't whip, bee.ante he lmow1 that,• what lead1 to the real dou8'J. Now, ln order to leave roem for bl&Pr and better problemo At tbe office, you don't need \>roblemt elsewhere. Thil'• where the P,Od l!DY' at Bid· well'• can be ueeful to you. Some n1en figure it'• eal!lier lo face .. major emergency al lhe office than to pick out a 11ew aolt, and that'll 'fhy they keep puttill@: it ofI. Can we do anything about that? Sore we can, and we do. This 11 n·o eha1n~Jt•1 n·o1-th-e- NewpoM Beach branch of any· lbing. We don't hive a l'!:mote penonnel direetor 1itting in LA or NY eending out 1ome new atore m1napr every few weeb who doettn 't know vou from Uncle Fred. · Onr people bere itre all lei- 6u..-.uJt1>Whlclr we buy from H. Freeman, Ratner, Dean&gate and Devonishire rn11 from 885 to 8165. Office beadaeht1 we will not lry to cure but we can 1u.re make buying a 1uit a real plea1o ure. See u1 for faist, fast, faist relief. • Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., in Ne,wpori Beaeh ne"J:l to RJcbard'11'Itrket and The Lido 111eater. Plenty of {roe parking IDilierear, Phone 6734510 Copyright 19691 Jaek BldweU. • I I I· Today's. F'-l • I N.Y. St~ ' . yoi;. ~. l6J,iSECTIONS,-32 PAGES --ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 'TEN ' CENTS -· •• . , DAii. Y I'll.OT $tiff l"llel8 ' ' . . Eounty~ ras es •• .· I ·, • • Pair Die in Accidents at Sco.tchman's Cove, Dana Orange Colµlty motorists were safe and aane at the beginning ol the: Fourth of Ju· -1, holiday weekend. NOt a single hlglJway fatality was reported on Friday or Saturday, while over 200,000 flocked to Huntington Beach' to watch the Fourth of July Parade and a quarter-million more enjoyed other Orange Coast beaches. Then, within a period of five hours ear-· 1969 County Traffic J9SI llt Death Toll lot ly Sunday morning, e.ight died on county roads. A visitor from Ensenada, Mexico, who was probably unable to read free.way warning s.igns, drove the wrong way on the Sant: Ana Freeway. It resulted In the death of siJ: persons, including four El Toro Marines. A man fighting wilh two others over a girlfriend was killed by a passing car on Pacific Coast Highway at Scotsman's Cove, j:yst_north of f:_.aguna Beach. The eighth man was killed on Gout Wi_..hpt~Jn pana Point in ~the.r -htadon · collision. Killed in the freeway wrong-way crash were: Moyses Cruz Garcia, 36, of Ensenada, Mexico. , • Aqwstlne M.-Cinero!, 32.._ of Placentia. 1st Lt. John. H. Baker, 24, of Santa Ana. Ohio -Storms Claim 33; Pvt. John R. !.llller, II , of Huru.Jncton, Pa. Pvt. Danlei G. Buehler, IO, of Oriabny, N.Y. . • · Pvt. John W. Nolan, 24, hometown unkhown. Killed at Scot!man's Cove: George Washington Gallagher, 22, of Cucamonga. Klli!d at Dllna 'Point: Edmund DelaneY, es·, of 24921 Adelanto Drive, Laguna N!Cud. lo the freeway crash, at about 1 a.m.,. •• the MOili way car aped up the 17th Street olhmp and continued northbound In the -soulhbounef Jane., !be CllP reported: Offlcm aald aherl!f'a depullea Robert Romaine and Andy Romero, Dashed lhelr red lights and !O""ded lhe sJra In : a fuUle attempt lo halt the wrong way car which swerved around thtir vehicle at !be offramp. Just south of the Main Street crossing, the ca.r dri~n by Garcia crashed into the llOOthbound vehicle carrylnl! the Marines. . . t.ioment& later Ebine Townsend, Sf, ol.. San Diego sideswiped the"'°"'""'~·· Miss Townsend and her mother ~la,..,, were cut and bruised . ln the Scotsman's Cove death, aher1fr1. deputies first suspected murder wben- Call~er was struck a~ 3:50 a.m~ by • · passing car. . Sherif rs. U. Richard Drake 11ld-a lS. · year~ld girl told Investigator .. Jht bad· seen someone shove Gallaher In front ·of the car. · Drake aala the glrl, .a runawl)' from Montana, I ate r changed her 1t.ory." Gallaher was pr@aring to light with two other men over the girl, be said. July 4 Sets T1affic Toll Mark The girl 1.-belng-beld~ln Jav<nUni.u pending return. 14 her pacen\o'_llJ!!ne. CHP o(ficers said the dri¥tr of t)\e car, .Lawrence Sund, 36, of 1780 Pomona Ave., By Unlled Ptt11 lnl<~nal An unreltnUng parjde of death. broughl the nation a .new traffic fatality record for the 4th of Jul): holiday period. · A United Press International count showtd that 805 persons had been killed on AmerlCan streets and hJghW8ys between 6 p.m_. !.bqM, INJ.11:59 p.m. Sunday. The Old record was 577 set during the three-day 4th of July holiday in 1966. The aU-ti01e record is 732 set during the 1967 4th of July holiday, but that was a fdur- day event. The NaUonal SaJety Council had estimated that the 1969 holiday toll would Costa Mesa, waa held blameless. be between 500 and '50. The salety coun· Later Sunday morning in Dana Point cil -Aid-that-during-a-comparable non· near the Street of tile ·Silver lAntern holiday period in July about 000 penons Delaney was drlying north on the would be kJlled in traffic. highway wtlen a southbound car swerved Caµ(ornia led lhe nation with 57 over the center line·atil llrucl: his vehi- fatalit1es. Te x a 1 bad 48, Ohio 35. cle, the CHP reported. . Mlcl\lgM 30, New Y<N-~ lllld Gear~ 2L . Dolanei..w.ao dUd.on.tbe scene aod a each and Ptnnsylvania 24. rescue crew was cllled to free hla body ~final holiday fatality breakdown: from the wreckage. · · Traffic 607 The driver or lhe other car Gilbert F Drownings l&.1 Lopez, 21, of Fallbrook," was' treated 1l Pl~s 36 Orange County Medh;al Cent.er for facial Mificelianeous 98 cuts.and.Jai.r booko<Un .Orlll!&' COwily Tolal 924 · jail oo feloey manslaughtor char&eL Laguna Boy Ba~k to Life Riss for a Winnet• 170 Miss~~, Dramatic Rev~v(ll Saves Youth After Ocean Dive i.,nn~ Becicb lifeguard Steve Foster congratulates Candi McCue, lf;8fter .her win in .BlUJual lifeguard FOllll!l-'!l,Jply bA!fyly contel\_. LilegUa"tds from various beaches in city sponsor C!Ootest.anls. Fosler sponsored Miss McCue, .a recfn1 Laguna High grad, who now reigns aJ Mis~ Laguna Beach Lifeguard. • -· . Vnlled p...,, lnlma~ . ·Nme tornados were reported,ovcr celt- tral Illinois today and widespread showen and thunderdlowers m6ved across a front !rom Maryland to the cm· Lral Rockies. . Girls· watching a Laguna· !!each b9Y r~1r.,;.,~~ !'1!' ~ ~s:; thought be was practiclna underwater en· durance. . TechislCiiUY, Jeff \y!Jsrii, II,. wu dillsii. Ora""' from the coean by olhir · Wilson, ol 146 Ranfona Ave., la listed In lerioua cao4iljo• Joda.Y._lti lhe lnlenstv~ •cm ·tm1tri lif ~ eo..t ~bmmUnJt, Hospltal, where nurses ..,. he movea but doesn't,reip9nd to lrea\ma!lt. . WllDesses ·wd '!be 'bOy ,had made aevmj•jtmp>I . ~ tbe --~ - where those who risk divlna Wiual)Y wall unUI an incoming ,.,... di!e~ tbe wa¥':r to a _,.e delrff -before the ao- ddeql,' . Windward Passage Bids For Ti Transpac Mark The death toll from the severe rain and wind storm that lashed northern Ohio rose to 33, JnCluding 17 victims of the stonn and 16 who drowned in rushing flood waters. The U.S. Coast Guard resumed the search-of Lake Erie for 170 pel'90ns missing after the storm capsit.ed miror boats. swimmen alter two mlnutel wtthout OJ· ygen -tecJui1ca1!7 dead -·the victim "" cfr11D111licaliy brougJsl bad: among the livlnt by a llfegua'rd and a phyaician. Only -lime will tell, however, how nonnal that life may be for the boy, who aurtered a fractured neck in hla ill-timed dive at Woods~ Cove and. still remains un-· conacioui. · -' H~ breathll11 ind helrlliOar had otop- ped when !ft Jeen-aaer "" brquglll asho,., IMrt lifeguard John C\Ulsllnaham an«I Or. v1ncent Carroll adm1niltered ·ei .. t.emal _cardlfC. !JWS8Be , a,nd mQUtb:to- mouth resmcllaUon. ' The _fight (or Jeff WlillQll'• l~e ~ tlnued on the beach· and en route to the emergency hO!J)'itaJ, where staff doclon •t\11l~laled, his hearl back Into aclion by electro-k. Investigators lbeome he JllllJJ1'!d at lhe WQ>1111-llme, u4he Udal-pull'wu w¥hln!J &eaward 1 n d struck his head on· 1 h t OCl>WJOOr. . . • Dr. Carroll was spending the.holiday on the bea~J and pve emergency fint aid to !be wu..n boy while lileguank · ...,.., en-route from their Main Beach bead· quarters. - SAN PEDRO (UPI) -Windward Paasaie. a 73-foot ketch skippered by Robert F. Johnson, today cut through the wa'ter at a record pace in its bid to break the elapsed lime record on the Transpaciflc yacht race lo HaWaii. Johnson's Ticonderoga set the mark of -nine days, 13 hours and Sl.2 minutes in 1965. The1 vete11&n sk.lppcr, who b u i l t Windward Passage in the G r a n d B.Jhamas last year, had hb sleek sail~t near the SOO..mile mark of the 2,225-milc M .. ISSIOD ~:---·.i.-...._ • Trail • Lei,sure World Tax Break Due? >; Coast Guard spokesman said the competition !'It mldnrght Sunday. search would continue "until we know for Thirty-two miles .back of the overall sure" about those still unaccounted for. leader was .Black.tin Crom the St. fran-Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes dld he cis Yacht Club, or ·San Francisco follow· would declare portion! of northern Ohio a ed, in odder, by 1-!ir from Vancouver, disaster area. His olfice declined to B.C., Rascal and Kamalii. . . estimate damages, but said "Jt will run Windward Passage, from the Lahaina high Into the millions." Yacht Club of Hawail, was several miles In. Illinois, a rash of funnel clouds ac· Jackie's Memos Reveal · Concerns of First Leidy Dana Point Mail Found at Foot Of Laguna '(Jiff ahe.ad o( T"ICOOderoga's record pace. And companied strong thunderstorms moving the weather had improved for sailing. across the ·central -part of the state. Tbe bodjr-ol a=yoong· oan1r·P®tl min The winds, which were 45 lo ,l& knots (See TORNADOES, Page 2) WASHINGTOf'l (AP) -Excerpt.a of stage affaJra and off~ial receptions -was found early Saturday at the fobt al a the first two days of the race, fell off to Jacqueline Onusls" memOI-revea~ her ~lly the Judiclary ...... liquor nows 60-loot 'South Laguna cliff. A ..dDlter of 10 to 12 knol.s, reducing the whitecaps concerns as First Lady with too much II· muc:h more slowly. small .branche3 was· clenched" in !t1S hand. rrom 15 to 5 feet . ·Beaches Packed, quor at the White House .. Uie cOs~ of " ..• People ahould get one drink im-~ ~ad man ~as identified by eor· The cla!>S standings, in order, were : clothes, newswomen "harJ)les," and a edla ly h oner s mvestigatori as Edward Stephen. CLASS-A-Rascal, Ccncerto, SUmatra. -comedlan'i "l"tferences~chlldren-, _m te • aY.e~®. 1 lltUe waitinl or----F~;-2601)f---the-E-m-b-•-r-c:a·d-a:r·o CLASS B--Loco,.Salacia, X.anthippe. But Few Resc· ues ••YI lhe Kn\g)!J .N_~pa~f'.S~Je .• -.1'!:"k_oning I~ a second . one, ·"'! reaUy Apartments, 24462 Del Prado St. .Dana CLASS. C -MQntgomery Street, In a copyright story ey Ver.a Gfiier malte It uru>osslble for them (o have a PoDit: • ~ ---~ Argonaut, Esperance. end Malvina Stephenson a dlreCtioll. to third." Officials tentatively have placed the CLASs D -Ano Nuevo, Desliny JI, Heavy Fourth of July weekend crowds the White Houae staff to refill half..empty Jn writing to Mrs John Mowinckel ln time oC 'deatb at about 4 a.m. Saturday. Aventura. packed Laguna and San Clemente cocktail glasses "even If a few people do . ' " ., Call¥! ot ·death ls being lnvestlg1ted, Seven of the 72 entriea Iii the rac:e from beaches, bUt lifeguards reported relaUve-get het>atitls" was -the formef Jickie Paris, one of her faablon ac.oots~ •be Coroner's Deputy Jim Bisner said. the Los Angeles Harbor to Diamond Head Jy few rescues along the South Coast Kennedy's wav of tossing off a qujp. made one of her frequent mentions of The man wu found by an unldenOOed · were out of the competilion. The latest to Friday 17,900 beachgoera basked in the In one note, 0she said" I have·neve.r sent trying to economize in this area: young couple walking the bead) late quit was Finesse II from Palo Alto which sun along Laguna beaches, with 17,500 out one memo that 1 would have ~ed "You are 80 sweet to write me such a Saturday aftemooo. It waa in a cove at dropped out Sunday with mecbanlcal dif· Saturday and 7 ,000 under Sunday's the world aetlng .•. the worst thing I 1 1'ette bout al he nl clothes the end of Dierker Lane. ficulties. overcast skies. There were a total of 41 have ever said ill about the AtchbiJhop of .o~g r a 1 the ave Y Officials belieye he fell from the cliff :"" Carl Steward of Sherman Oaks, lost his rescues in the calm surf. Lifeguards Canterbury'• wife." Thi! was not dilclos.. m,P,_rla · · • !Jowever, by some ltr&Jli:e while ta.king an early morninJ walk. • fc:idticta: and fell overboard from the &loop reported thal jellyfish plagued swimmen ed, however. _ mercy of the gods, I have a very light . Quest -ttQm the Cali.fornla hcht Club in the warm 70-degree water. "Liquor often flows too fr:eeJY here," IOC'lal season this spring -also, trunk St,ot!Jc M•r"keU •Sundndap 1 .Y, Sliwu,!.om Lavine put about In San Clemente; 43,000 viarted the vity ~andwrotel findthell~te8b"-horrenliouset • ..: ~~perr a' _ lOads .of clothe.I' 1ett over from India last ckedliim -M,. and county beaches Friday, with 31,000 ..., w ._ f There ha1 nie}'.er been a drowninl in 24 beachgoers Saturday and 13,SOO SundBtf. reception turning Into drunktn laughter year, and or two trips to Brazil which we Transpacific raa.. There were a total ol 31 l'tlCUes in the as I do to hear loud jazz crashing Uirougb never took. Forecasters said a ·mid-Pacific high two-~{ive-foot surf. Water temperature the East Room. "So I am really going to ecol'IOl1liu the pressure area ts generating intense winds ranged from &a to 68 degrees with no "No one should ever gel drunk in the one time I can," she said, adding, that one ·SACRAMENTO -Resklenls of Leisure along U).e nice route te HaJ"aiL jellyfish. White House; so will you aee that at especially appealing aUit could be bor- Worl.d and other coope rative housing rOwed from her sister, Lee Radii.will, If NEW YORK (AP) -Tise alocl: market, its early advance blunted by pro- fit-taking, turned lower this afternoon Jn moderately active trading, (See quota- tions, Pages 14-15). developments still have hope that they neceuary. wnl ·qualify for $750 property tax · ex· DreQ• .,_.-;,,.. "D ~:..1• ""ed Jn one three-month period sbe spent empUon for this fiscal Ye a r, •• ..,v.&e .-.e"' o • 5 000 loth I -•---ec1 A--blymen Robert ll. Burke (R-l!un· .1 , on c ea he memos auvw . """"'" After abe and the President watched Orange Cout r:evived In the Senate inance mm1 ee • "JFK ,aays It's okay u you call hlm ea ... e Un'1Pn Beach) said today. L H' · • /0 ' SJC . romedian Vaughn Meader on televialon, Bilrke said his bil1,FAB 575C::" ii;:en on' g ' air. • . ut . at she wrot. lo aid Pam Turnure: W • ._ r and, re-hearing baa been tentatively set . .. . (Meader) which is. probably iaferth -;;;'i";-lhvA_ll.,er those morning clOWa roll . t-IC---mr-,July-Urllorko-«ave-crediLl!Lol<n., ___ ~---~'-4.-='·-----------------'-----=------wrlllnf,.and-1ay thal'Mrr.lt8llledf'" , '11-~ellber o(oJm Schmllz (R-TusUn), a 'member of it in appalling taate t.bat he should mate aloog the Orange Coast Tuesday, them· .:~U!:!i~~r mevlng AB 575 back By JACKOL\PPELL meet lh&eyd>rowa, ears and collar pro-otyllsh and groorne<I hairdo, culotm, money 01'1 ·of a .five-year<>~ child," with temperaturea beadinl into the "" ..,. ... · 1 ot"".,.., """·"*" . .:,,·on And the -•-t aL....;• """"·_...·., · I •-nd •·Uored -...... :.." ref-~i'"1 ... n ... -edlan1a•sa"--•s. lhirte offered amendthm~ts whi~h 1;: · · 1 •• • n, wiJCI """"uo::IUUll· caprts, sacu a .. ~rmltU&a. ·::UO~"'i&;;l care ,.Nf~ aaya vu uld. ,"would enable . e~ peop • Haii:, of.Jbi looa ~~ towlnl mu-· ~1t.,i ~~ggy, '!C!'aggly beenls per· PrOO!blted are . bare lee!, llllorts, about 01 _ but;lhe fad that he c\atts quallly for the $750 exemption for thls culine hea<b, ~ OUl ., ~eback Ji.Jn-No one at the college thia morning thongs and unkempt hair. menUon· my children'1 .. nam• tOi> mUe INSmE TODi\ Y ~p"--~'!f' and for all future, el· ior Cotlege,, unless. ~ps I male St'u-seemed to know, but it is a 1ood bet tha~. ,~?' ~i&'i, .r:;-WJ!-..:.up.b1 trust.eJof .bimMlt an utta d<illar, l 6ort't Uke ttdit .... ~~ donl iw. higb 'f~hea<t'\o'f ears Ind Is no( the intent of the board. . . -· ' -/P!lllll :\'; -l would jllll like him 14 know that I •. 1'1e'o Gets 211d Doctor a linonag ~~-. o1 'the-Junior -•Jege's drOthercodeprovlsloos .~ thedenomended· '~ndderal>llV s' Jtudtn -~Im a lit as lot ulhe.chlldml 1 . • ... -rv11 l,.VI I. ess require u1.111· ilu ti wear, •St~ .,.i.~·4'~ .. ~ -t ~ ibe are ctincemed ." · MlSSION Vl&JO -Thls fa st-growing ~= :t"~t~!~clt U:~ ~ sh~~ted dress for men ls "alacks, code pone(! wiUl a •· atudent · In another merrio, ahe 11ld "JFK was a Rilicnidc'• famed Mlulolo lnn, onct MsC to princes and preiidtttll, is &anouUllh1g m , baftkrupkv court Sre feo urr •lortl POI/< 12. new Community now h.as it.s second low the eyebrows, or covus all or parl aweaten, sport_ Jackets, aultl tailored government had been ~~!zed tn orMr bit dlJturbed lut last fd&h\ about the c,15: •: local}y·pracficfng (IQCtOf withartlval of of the ear, or hangs entirely over :it dress' bennudas, s~ ihOO, tennis thoes, IJlat aillden~ .... opliiloiftt,:7!1lghf" ~ 'ex-i>rtll ladiel" It'&, 'Whlte.J:leUe {iD:icthm. CtM!n = ~ P .. Roger Guevara, an obstetrician-shirt collar"·il problblted. dms shoes and sanclab with socU." pressed. 'ti.r ••1bey hana ·~and make e\"el')'dne c,.....,.. n u:necotoglst. That phrase; .re~acea one fofmerly In Prohibited are "bare feet, cut'off.s, rn later. dress dbo.mklns, '\rusfees nervous • • ·" ' _. Nitncft ' 1 fjf._·,aoevara's office temporarily ls In effect wtli<:h forbade. "unusuallr long or «ho~1 sUppm' and sock shoes, along nood firm and denied! 11m:mbitantlal ChlngH In pna gtound ·niles should := ,.., : La Pu Plaza. Later he will move Ml lhe bltarre hair ftyles or bt.lrds.' With me hair rertrictions. ' change&. • • ... ,.--,--1 come fram Pierri SallJfger,.Jbe aaid to •"""_.... " new medical-dental center. . All of which 1•ve1 unar11wtted a ques-For women, the suggested dreu ln· · At tbe code ~~at•~i-~t Pam Tarnu.re, "/ •• • ••I\ '8 not fair to pit :=., ,.l~ -. =-= .. : --.. _... ...... l"I' --. ..,. 'Midi Ml~ \ .. II -.. -" ·-. --.. --... · Tbe UC Irvine College o~ Medicine don of whelbet blzan:e hair slyles can eludes : "shirts aiid bloo""' or sweat;rs, ·ti lt!e .reoponsibU"y ~ll\lill.~ .lllidOnla •101sapicial'!he~r AlaO, :11sey ~. ~--•: l,.. MIS8ION, P1ge I) be· -worn -by aludtbla ao ~Oii& it lhey •port dresses, llata,-street sboei, laeela.' John FloocL • '.. '~~,: ~ !U& ll!liillir lr!fln si llWI." , • "--------~--..J i 'J . ( I - •· J IWlV PllOT ~-L Ft:-• Pflff J MISSION •.. ~~ b ...,.w· llld bat three dllldten. '"'"1 UYO'lli M!Alon Vltjo. N '• ... l....u.i • . !'Alf cu:MEJm! -Wlill• ~ Paomc ' . ,llll'f lritk! en lhe beach behind his aoil hiJ birthd1y lift Hobie • 1•1rfboarcl. litl. In his garage, Pristdenl on e'air noat "'irOUnd lfi a new swp:n. • · g pool at hiJ estote here. / -/ - • • --• - ·Early Jet·s Qr~pped: · Air .. W est W ,o~t Pursue ·~orning Etight I . 11 JEROME F. COWNS c~ to keep the thunder of the jeu "W• .haven't IOll'1J ID answer to that 0t ""'• o.nr '1• 11•lf mlnlmlied. letter. l)OI' to twol>tbuS we've Bfllll." Pressured by the county, Air West lie said he bas sent three l~>iQcf, In ttie m~nthnt Bresnahan em· voluntarily has dropped a plan tO Oy an October to the FAA on the. su6jtct: The . pbutzecr.. ~the a,U:ni7. -t)I r o u I h .80-passenger jet aircraft into Orange problem is tb~"FAA Isn't ~.Jta ' ~ -it ~I all it oan~to at County Airport al 2:20 every mon;tlng, 1nall. 1east"~p ·~ skl~s allent a\ nigh~ A.lrport Director Robert Bredha11 "I don't lhlok µiey know bow to fie~~ that plrilne.s uaipg'Coµ,,ty ~ -eonstrucUon ..,, • 21J.by4!oot pool la ~ to begin l<>daY by sfr Pooli of ~lt,.UI """'-w,950;-- d1!Closed today. anJwer, !ranldy,"Ji! aald. "Tl~.lirnJ•I· irport..Mto'Ulyl!il~ll;.p.m: !0< -Bresnahan-reported the· dtclslon by the ler WU senf"Wf ~~We told the ~ that are "io 1pe~'11UbQc rtla· airline ln mponse to charges by Newport FAA lbat Inasmuch u they II)' we have UanS policy and SO ~l bualnus :i-• ••11eket' Grett•lletl :. MISSION VIEJO -When lhe nelf Col. ' 31lanc1ers• Kentucky Fried Chicken opens '!or business he're In late July, its revolV· · fog bucket In lhe sky wlD be groonded In the interests of beauUficallon. That's the word from proprietor Ken- neth Bradshaw, who said he and his ~ are going to. attempt to o~te . !be 'bullne.sl Without ' lhe tncllUoOal • bi.lck'et. But U businesa suffera: beaiu.se of hJJ gesture, he warned, the bucket wW 10 baci up, 'Ibe establishment •ill be located &Cl'06S mm La Pu Plua on OuiAnta Dri_ve. e Ramp Stt99esUd SAN CLEMENTE -With pl ... for a 'Pedesllian crossing •I lhe S..Dlo Fe JlallroAd -lracu to Munldpal i'i<r denied ·by lhe state Pub Uc UIWU.. Coinmlllloo, · Cl)f Mapager Kennelh Carr ilu been in- •tructed by c:ooncllffien. to100i Into col> '•truction of a nmp ~mulh the rtracb. ·~ The present underpass includes a urles ::of steps, c:rlUciUld because older people ·;Jncl those In wheel chain have dilllculty . ,,..chlng lhe beach. ' • '!be al-lflde croulng "'111'11 was denied -"' lhe esceoaive speeds of ,,lhe lralna passing by the pl<r. ::e Ne11t Ml11bter Blrell • • LAGUNA HILl.'! -The Lquna llllil ''.United Melhodltt Churdl, wllbout a -oenlor pa!tor ...,. i>e<:oqiber, will gnel -mr. Lawrence F. Hawley, Rnior mlnilte.r .'fl the l'lrst Unltell Methodist Churdl cl Norih Hollywood at the end of July. Dr. ~·Jfawley bu served at churches tit Ontario .a nd MOOteDe!lo before -servffii •• eenlor . :mlniater in North Hollywood for four .")'eats. Laguna 'Fencing' plan Festers pyer ~t .1'ooPJ$ L~ ancered l,.a&U!I• beachlront !:"""\fl locl<Y are ~., • •b<boul~!~lng ,.,,... • ..,... tM7''heiC11 t h • DelgblJ\>rlioDcl. wque the dly il-p . g lo JnaaU ii JlllJ>llc ...-. 4 Beachf:ront °"};M!l'J .. , . they OWi) the beaeh to the mun high Ude line and have a right io fence it to keep out un-b .. Jrablea. l "I pmona!ly am trying to pm..nt It, but there'• ta)k or fencing ()ff the beaclle!, •• said Harold O'Brien, president of Laguna Beachfront Property Assocl• tlon. The group was formed to combat the city reitroom. "We w1U have a meetin1 some day this week to determine action we might take to straighten the city council out a Ullle blt," he said. City councilmen by unanimous vote last week approved preliminary plans of the architect and ordered working drawings foe a pubUc restroom at Anita Street beach. 'lbe Beachlronl Property AsloclaUon takes In 4.5 to 50 beach trontace owners from Sleepy Hotlow to Mountain Road, aid O'Brien, of UI07 Gavtota Drive. "We have already bowe:t to the 1urfing ordiname. I rully believe the be1chfront ownm are: In a fr1me of mind to fence,'' 11e ..rc1. He said mosl of the homes, Joc1ted above the bluff1 hive stalrwa_y1 to the belch. lie said lhe le1ally-prlvate beachea are 40 fett wide for the l'n06t p.rt from the foot of the bluff to the befJ1l whert the be1ch akipes off to lhe ocean. J1•lt l.·c.M, Vici Pntlfitnf 1t11 0-et MIN.Mr Tllo,.,•t Kff.,fl .... Tli•••• A. Mw•,,1111141 -·--icll1N r. Nill ..__,, ,., _ .._ __ 2Jl h 111f A1'e. M1IH~9 All4•"11 P.O .... '''· t?tSJ ..__ Clttit MIM: ,_ *"4 ....... ....., 9'ildl• nn .,,,.. .. ..., ..,...,_ ............. 1 ....... Charlie Rides Again DAIL V' I'll.OT ~ k I'll 0'~11 Fiddlill' Charlie Waer, a familillr figure at annual Huntingl<>n Beach ·Fourth of July Parade, made his seventh appearance tn the event this ]ear despite infirmities which kept him Crom riding his Morgan stallion. Charlie said he just got out of the hospital and decided to forsake horse for the comfort oC an auto. The 65tb atinual parade _drew ~•bout 200,000..<pectaton this year. 'Open.Warfare' in-Mideast , . Assailed by :LJ.N.'s Thant By United Preu b ternallonal United Nations Secretary General U Thant said today "Open warfare hu been resumed" alol1( the Suez Canal and that he may have to withdraw U.N. peacekeeping forces from the area. As he did, Israel said 1t shat down two more EgypUan MIGl!s In an air battle todBy. Thant, in a report to the Security Cowr cil, said the -unarmed U.N. officers "can· not be npected to serve u what arDOUQtl Jo ....... , .. ~-·8' sbooUli • ,r •. ftg• J•, TbRNADOF.S •. Strong Winds and rain hll Pei<raburg, 111., 20 milea northwest of Springfield, where power lines were down and five penons we.re injured when a tree fill on tbeir car. Four hundred National Guardlmen jolhed Red Cross mirkers in rescue .:ind evacuation ope.rations at Norwalk, Ohio, about 60 miles southwest of Cleveland. Two city reservoirs burst at Norwalk as lhe Verm.ill.ioo River created at 13 feet above flood stage. National Guardsmen also·helped along the raln--swollen Iowa River in soulhwut l1Jwa, and a spokesman for the Loula County Sherill's Office said more help would be sought. ~Wapello, lowa, was drenched .. wJlh three inches of rain Sun- day, and a apokesqlan .said the levee between OakviUe and Wapello wu "slop. py with all the rain." The flood crest on the river was expected to pau'today. In the northern Illinob 'COmmunity of Freeport, cleanup operations aa the Pecatonica River receded were hlndtrecl as caravans ol joyrjders took hlch s~ turns throUgh fl6oded streets sendlnl: waves of mud, water anH septic tank overflow against how;es and I n t o buements. Some 200 .persons w..e.re sUll homeless today. * * * gallery." "Since June, 1967," Thant said, "the level of violence in the Middle East has never betn higher than It la at p~senL Io fact, never in the history of U.N. ex- perience with peace-keeping has there been such , complete and sustained disregard, through the mttssive u s e of many types or conventional weapons and alao by less dmventiDnal meaw:, for a ceas&lire called for by lbe Security l:<luncll aqcl~ toJ1i the pa(ll<s." An Israeli spokesman in Tel Aviv said today's. aJt ,bauJe broke out whep a cou- pJ.ll 'Gt~lsr..U jell -.,pied lwr .EllYJ>Uan.¥!G2JJ at• p.ni..&outh of Ilia lsrilell«cUpird forlresa ol'Sbann El $ieJtb 11 the moulh of lhe Gull of Aq&ba. 'In the ensulng dog!ight• 1wo Egyptian jets were shot dawn. the spokuman said. He repOrted the Israeli planes returned safely to base. Car Rental Bid Before Planners The Laguna Beach Planning Com~ mission tonight will take up a request for a use variance by Trans Auto Systems to conduct an auto rental and leaa1ng agen.. cy with an open air display at M6 S. Coast Highway. Under conditions of the Cl r.one, use normally Is limited to an ·enclosed building. ln 'another request for a use variance, Gordon Slrachan ol Gordon's Appliances will ask planners for pernJ!~n to do business on Laguna canyon ~a. within I.he R·H Cresidential·tmbddef zone. ' Planner1 also will lake up a request by Margery Miller, 281·283 wave St., to ex- pand an aisling duplex without providing the requited setbacks and additional off. !ilreet parking, and will hear a request from Sandpiper Restaurant owner Jim Vreeland to eitend the dancing permit Sto1•111 .. Terrorizes · Man Caught on Lake as Tempest Hits CLEVELAND (UPI) -Arthur O'borne was out on Lake Erle "to do a little fish.Ing" when the tranquil water sud· denly churned into a foaming tempest and turned his outing into a night ol ter· ror . "It was the most God.awful experience of my life," Osborne said. "I nevtr thought I'd aee the llaht of day again .'' Osborne, SJ, of Cleveland, was one of about 250 boat.era rescued from lhe lake following • rav1glng storm which struck over the Fourth of July holiday weekend . He had cluni to the wreckag__e of hla boat for 10 boun until a bellcopter pluckrd him from the water. The storm, Ind resultant fioodlng In art11 aoulh of here, claimed at tuit 33 llvu and Injured 250 others. Seventeen ol the vlctJmJ were killed in tbe storm and 11 drowned in floods. munlcatlon facilities was the only pro- blem keeping them from conlacting anyone . Throughout the weekend. the coast guard conducted a massive search for st:rvivors. Rescue units U!iing cutters, small boals, helicopters and amphibious planes, pick· cd up 250 persons marooned on rocks, pieces of wreckage and life rafts on the lake. Helicopter crews lifted anolher 52 persons from rooftops and floaUng debris in flooded arua to the 50Ulh. Osborne was rescued by a helicopter early Saturday after spending 10 hours in the water hanging onto a piece of his lrt- loot llsbini boa~ which had been smash· ed by the 100-mlle per hour wlnds. ''I was wearln~ my Mae West -l always do when I m fishing -and that probably saved my life," said Osborne, a rtllred N•vy chief. Gov. Jamu A. fthocles said he would ... declare portions cl northern Ohio a dlsuttr area "tomeUme today." Hil of· fk:e declined to e1Umate damaaea but u(d "it will rnr hlah into the mtlUona. '' By late Sunday, the Coast Guard 1tlll had not accounted for about 170 perwna. A 1pOkeoman aald the 1<arcb would con- tmue •·unw wt know for aure.11 "11'e wind and rain cut llke hell but 1 kept down In the water real low," he said. "I kept thinking I was drifting out in the lake.'' Osborne was leas than a mile from sh1Jre when the Coast Guard s110tted hlm. They holated him aboard in a canvas t He ,.Id tt "" boprd moot .t thooe unreported ha~ reacbed m.arlna1, coves or harbor1 and that lack of com· reacue .una. unhurt. · "I llurd that chopper CMtlng ind it wu like: a voice from heaven," he said. "I ICfambled on that aUns -boy WU I 1lad to get out of lbe water." Beach Mayor Dor.en ,Marshall that coun-no right to control !Uahl.t, they lhDuid re.-.•: . · • Ly aulhorlties -a.re domg nothing to hold study tbe noise ptoblem here and Jn otMr -words there l,ao't that much down jet traffic at the airport. establish maxirnurri etandardl that will PISlenler deawid for rilth.1 flights - lie said every effort is being made to not destroy the NeW]xn ~a. yet. · persuade airlines to keep their big jets • away at night and in the early morning hours. Nooe now Oy4 between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. And lt's all voluntary, said Bresnahan. explaining that the counly has been advised by the Federal Aviation Agency that the county has no legal right to impose a ban on night flights. That is the FAA 's responsibility. TWIN.JET CRAFT "One month ago," said Bresnahan, "we received a request from Alr West to bring in a DC9 from Las Vegu on a 2:20 a.m. daily schedule. But arter we dlscuss- ed it with' them, they decided to forget it ." The DC-9 is an ~passenger, twin-jet aircraft. Alr West's plan was to bring it in only; it would stay down until aftei' morning. Bresnahan pointed out that the ·jumbo jets from Las Vegas fly In over Tustin. "Althougn we haven't been getting many complaints from the Tustin area, we didn't want any, eilher. We're gettiag enough from Newport." Defense Expert,s Plnn Fewer Men, More Guns WASHINGTON !AP) -Congressional defense experta, laying lhe foundation for massive development of new weapons, are counting on substantial cutback in ·the anned forces to ,open the way for financing the hardware without an in· crease in military spending. This ls•the clear message of two re.cent statements by Sen. oJhn Stennis (0. F\1is.s.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and from background discussions with other key coagress.ional de(ense experts. They indicate · a million-man cutback In the 3 .. 5 million man military establish· 1nent would save some $10 billion aMU· ally ol tbe-$80 billion the Peniagon now spends. billion aMual cost ol U1e Viet.Dam war, more than enough !uncls wocild be a~ble to pay for new mlas1le systems, king'·l'alig• bombers, submariries and even Uie &>ntroversial Safeguard missile defense program . It would mean most of the $10 blllioo to '15 billion annual fisc.AI dividend -.. the ea:tra government revenue available from the growth of the economy -could be channeled Into domestic projects:-- Hearings last year by the Senate preparedn,ess subcommittee laid the basis for increased spending over the next decade for military hardware, especially on items deferred in ~ot years because of war costs. The current Pentagon budget includu go-ahead funds for lhe Advanced Manhed Strategic Aircraft, a new bomber' long The latest Ne v.'J)Ort broadside on the jet noise controversy waa fired by Mayor Marshall in a letter to co u n t y wpervisors. She said the city has grow- ing concern over the county's ';apparent inaction" in.abating jet noise pf!>blems. 'REMOVABLE CONTROLS' Mrs. Marshall, who was on a vacation trip ~ay, demanded that the county establish "reasopable" jet flight controls for the-present and within a fixed period of years. Between th.is S4f0 and the anticipated decline over ~e nut few years in. the $25 FBI CalJ.ed In sought by the"'Alr Foret; and tot&nvert land-based Minuteman U lnt.ercont1ner11tal,...._;_ ballisUc missiles· and sea-based Pola.r1.ses She noted that William E. Pereira, the county's air master plaiiner, last year recommended that controls be imposed similar to those on jets at Washington Nalional Airport. Night jet flights are prohlblted al the Washington facility. The ban was established by the FAA. Mrs. Marshall said 11upervisors should direct the County Aviation pirector to take steps necessary to bring FAA flight limitations locally. ''Unless the$e problems are con· trolled ," she warned, "the environmental effects from airport operations ultimately couJd be critically detrlmenlal to both land values and quality of life in this community." Bresnahan, In response, indicated that he and his staff already are doing all they Dinner in Honor Of Laguna Police Chief Lahrow Set A dinner honoring retlr1ng Laguna Beach Police Chief Iiarry Labrow will be held Tuesday night at the Hotel La- guna. The Masters Hospitality group of the Chamber of Commerce Is planning a "This is Your Life" program with anec· dotes from Labrow's live years as Laguna Beach chief. Friday is Labrow 's last day on the job. Ticke ts to the 7:30 p.m. dinner preceded by a 6:30 p.m. social hour may be purchased at the Chamber of Com· merce office, 280 Park Ave., for $6.50. The price includes a 'l.50 contriliutioo towa rd a farewell gift. Upon retiring, Labrow, 56, and his wife plan to trave l in their house trailer and then seUle in Twentynine Palms. Over-Explosion Of Small Pfune MONROE, Ga. (UPI) :... A small airliner wilh 14 persons aboard crashed and e:rploded near here ~ur1<i~y night. scattering wreckage over hundreds of square yards. There were no survivo rs. "The biggest thing we ha ve been able to find so far is a human leg and a hand," said Walton County Sheriff Frank Thornton. "It's just unbelievable." Walton disclo~ later that the FBI had been called In to investigate. "It looks like it must have exploded from the inside out tli have" scattered things around like it did," the sheriff said. The plane was a Becchcralt 99, a twin. engined p·ropeller-type craft operated by Air South, a small feeder airline and charter air service. None of the victims was identified and Robert Dick, vice president of Air South, said it may be I.ate today before the iden· titled are released. The crew con!iisted of a pilot and co- pilot. There were 12 passenge rs, one of them believed to be an Air Force colonel. The National Transportation Board in Washington se nt in a JG-man :n- vesUgating team and Civil Defense units under the direction of the Federal Avia- tion Administration moved floodlights in· to the area . 7 Escape Red China . HONG KONG (UPl)-Seven persons esca ped from Communlst China by swim- ming to this British crown colony Sunday, police reported today. One group consisLed Gf four men and one woman who.se ages ranged.frQm 18 to 21. They said they escaped from the ir commune and walked for four day!i to reach the coastal area of China. into the mulUwarhead Minuteman Illa and Poseldons. '. In addition, the Navy laid out plans for a major new submarine program, the Undersea Long-range Missile System. which would become operaUonal in the late 1970s . Some 80 percent of the Pentagon budget curreoUy goes for personnel, operations and malotenance. Stennis is known to feel the naUon's securitY is more dependent oii up.to-date weapons than on a large standing force. A cutback in troops would include, in .addition to Vietnam, a substantial reduc· ti on in the 2$0,000.man U.S. force in Europe. This level has been ufl!ier fire In the Senate because of its drain on the U.S. balance of payments as well as.the feeling that Europeans should aslUlrie a larger share of their defense. •• ' Nixon to Spend Night in SF Before Long Trip WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon will Uy to San Francisco July 22 for an overnight stay before proceeding to the Pacific fo r his globe trip and h1Jmecoming ceremony with the Apollo 11 astronauts after their moon.flight. On J uly 23 he will fly to Johnston Island about 700 miles from Honolulu aocl on July 24 he wllf lake a smaller plane to land on the USS Hornet, the recovery· carrier. for the splashdown of the Apollo 11 fligh t. The President wlll fly to Guam on the evening of July 24 where he will remain overnight before g<iing on to Manila as the first top in his tour of five Asian na· tion s and Communist Romania -an 11- day experiition that will return him to \Vashington from E~rope Aug. 3. He is scheduled to arrive in Orange County about Aug. 8 for a four·week stay In his San Clemente home. . cals. You may or may not con· 8ider that to'be a good ·thing, hut we like it hecau.e we get nicer people that "'-'Ry. Can headaches he good for you? When you get to l>e a reg· u lar here, we are able to fi.nd out die kind or thinga you like, ,.·hat you aelected lR!t time and lhe time before. Becattse we do our own buying and don't have 10 ,.·onder what i8 coming in next week from the main store in another city, 've really know • our stock. TI1at'1 just another .. re.a&On "i'hy we ('an give you mo re intelligent goggestion1 thau would he poaelble in M>me other 1tore1. They ~ny yo11 ~o metin1e1 ca11 recognize the fellow who is headed fo r nowhere i11 the busines!!I \\'orld. He'e tl1e one "''ho secretly 101\gs for the day "i'lten he'll be promoted to a better job with fewer headache11. Let us pray for hint . The further up the ladder you get, the tougher your job u1oally ge11. Well, there'a • rea111on why one man i11 worth n1ore money than another. The capable man a ger welcome1 probl ema that other• can't whip. becauM1 be know1 that'• what lend& to the .... 1 dough. Now, in orde.t to leav~ rooo1 fo" bigger and better problems 1t the office, you don't need problems eltewbere. That'• where the pod l!UJO ot B;J. \Veil'• can be 111eful to you. Some men figure it'1 euler lo face a niajor emergency at the oflir.e t.ban to pick ou l • new ault, and that's why tltey keep puttinit it of! . Ca'n we do anything about that? Sure we can, and we do. Thi!!I i1 no chain. It'• not the Newport Beoch bnmCh or any- thing. We don't hive a remote penonnel director sitting in LA or NY sendtng out" AOme new 1tore manqer every few weeb Who doesn't know you Crom Uncle Fn:d. Our people here -au 1 .. Our suit&, which we buy from B. Freeman, Ratner, Deamgate and Devonshire ruR Crom $115 lo 8165. Office beadach .. we will not try to cure but we can IUl'e make buying a suit a real pleat- t1re. Sec us for Ia11t, fut, fut ' relief. Jack Bidwell 3467 Vlo Lido et Newport Blvd., in Newport Beoch next lo Rlcherd'a Market ond The Udo Theater. Plenlyo£ freeperklugin the n:or. Phone 6734510 Copyrisht 1969, Jock Bidwell. I • • • I' I I ·I I ""'-: • . 4 I' • Officer l11jured Santa Ana Hit • Down-Ni>t 10nt Af)er sunbathing near United Nations Bullil!~g In New Yof)< .qty Sunday, James Goligh~ly, 35, staittd-to cross East River-Drive· o~ foot. 1'.fotorisl Roger Thornton, 38, applied his brakes, but was un-, . able lo avoid bitting Golightly. Thorn~on's vehicle spun'around and ·was facing. oncollliiig..ir~c.-Tbomtml backed.ui>-lo-avoid.-ODc<JIQioC trailic as hubcap ro!led past stricken pede$ian. Thornton, _nqw out of bis car (right) raises his hands in anguish as he sees GOitghUy trapped under wheel of his car. Golightly_ lived and· was .hospitalized following incident. . - Thuy Move Raises Hope - Reds Ready for Pullout By New Clashes ~ For Peace Nor.th Viet Uni't Sli_ps Into_ M.ekong Delta _ SAIGON (UPJ) -U.S: Intelligence cldents. source.-said today a 2,900-man North The U.S. intelligence 'reports sa1cl the Mecllanlzed Infantrj position ndr Khe Sanh. just below the demilitariied zone, and lost to dead. U.S. forces suffes't:d A policeman was injured and several patrol cars wert damaged Sunday as racial unrest continued to bubble in the Negro section of Santa Ana. l\1ost serious rumble occurred in the vicinity of a drive-in rest aurant at 4th and Shelton streets, the scene of destruc· tive disturbance just a week ago. Police said II persons, four adults and eight juveniles, were arrested following a rock and botUe throwing melee which broke out abpu1 10 p.m. Officers Mid the ·youths were throwing missiles indiscriminately at police cars and other ve1\lcle!. Some Were charged with assault with a deadly weapon and others jailed on less serious charge..s. At about 11 p.m., ac off-duty Santa Ana officer was lnjured 'N'i'l'en he tried to ar· rest two Nea:roes he suspected of stealing oil from a service station at 11• S. Bristol SL Officer Cloyd Potter asked attendants to tetephorni police as he held the t"'o suspects. One simulated a gun and loosened a string of profanity, Potter reported . He then pulled a wine bottle from his waistband and struck the officer in the face . Potter underwent surgery for a broken nose and several faciaJ cuts. Officer Tom Barnes arrived on the scene shortly after the attack and .._9D- lured one-Of the two fleeing men:--~ Police today withheld the names of the two suspects. They said they know the identity of the second. 2 Choppers l(eep Parade On Move at Huntington A helicopter view of a parade isn't very inspiring. but it's extremely functional, Huntington Beach police concluded after a full test of their two choppers over the Fouth of July holiday. Car robberies were sharply reduced and the massive parade's pace was prod- ded by overhead surveillance, said police Capt. Harold Mays. P.!ore than 150,000 spectators viewed the parade from ground level, but Capt. Mays and his crew of chopper pilots were not so fortunate. The H. B. Eye, and its newly delivered brother. H. B. Eye II, spent the entire day flying over the Harbor District Breakup Goes To County Again The continuing turmoil over dissolution of the Orange County Harbor District is on the scene again Tuesday before the Board o! Supervisors. The Local Agency Formation Com· mission recommends that the 34-year-0ld district be abolished and a county Department or Harbors, Beaches an~ Parks be established in its place. Xbe LAFC resolution passed June 11 by a 3-2 vote. Supervisors are expected to set a date for a public bearing on the knotty pro· blem. Eventually lhey will have two avenues opeti: They can go aloog with the LAFC recommendation and submit the issue to a vote of the people., or they can reject it. If the supervisors reject the pro_posal, as they did by a •·1 vote last year, 1he Orange C9unif League of Cities may take the issue(to the stale Legislature. Last year a bill by Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R-Fullerton) died in an Assembly committee but the chairman of the committee, John Knox (R·Rich- mond), advised Briggs to suggest the LAFC route for dissolution. p2.rade route and covering the beach to avokl traffiC snarls and auto lhelts. "We had our hands full for the da y," said Capt. Mays. "11le helicopter crews had to keep an eye out for the crowds at the parade, on the beach, during the fireworks display and when the grunion were supposed to run." More than 150,000 spectators viewed the parade and about 90,000 of them .stayed to enjoy· the sun and surf on the city beach unlkr a clouded but hol Fourth of July sun. Crowd sizes started dipping at the beach as the temperature dropped steadi· ly over the weekend . ~aturday, about 40,000 sunbathers ventured out in the clotldy skies. When the clouds grew thicker Sunday the crowd level dropped lo a low 30,000. Capt. Mays reportL'd no major pro- blems over the weekend either in traffic control or with crime. "In fact," he said, "with our heavy helicopter patrolling oI the beaches we sharply reduced the number of robberies from parked cars.'.' ' While Mays' view of the city was pleas- ing, he reported his view of the parade not so enchanting. "Looking straight down I couldn't tell one float from anolher," he explained. ''The whole parade looks a lot different from up in the air.'' Both belicople.rs had the responsibility to keep the parade moving at a steady pace. "We had no problems," said Capt. l\1ays, "even though there seemed to be long intervals between some groups. "From the air," he added, "you can see I.he entire parade route at a scan and -the crowd doesn't look so gigantic from 500 feet in the air." The second helicopter, just delivf!!ed to the city June 16, is still not completely operative, but was pressed into service especially on Friday. ' "We don't have it equipped with all the loud speakers and radio equipment yet," said Mays, "instead we used walkle talkies with It Friday." But rrom an H.B. Eye view, "it was a peaceful Fourth of July," concluded Mays. Health Deteriorati1ag PARIS (UPI) -Allied officials said to-y ietname!e regiment has·sffpped Into the North Vietnamese. regiment entered the day they re:i:;:"· ed hopeful the return of M k e ong Delta to help local forces attack delta from Tay Ninh province northwest three wounded in that action. ·Hanoi 's chI peace negotiator h South l e Vietnamese after an American of_ laiion, s~ of reCtnt heavy 1;,,.,Ung In today's actit'.1.'I U.S. hea..A.u••"'"~·ln foreshadow a a favorable tum in the Vii t-•·•e"' .... -• troop withdrawal which begins Tuesday. neat the Cambodian border. 'lbe sources Saigon said six Americans we.re .killfd nam peace talks despite no public change Th e sources said a study indicates said thl• was part of an etrort by the and l& wounded when the small band of in position. Sou h v· . .., t 1etnam will need 24,000 troops to Communists to show that attempts to guerrillas invaded the camp and lnflleted Xuan Thl!Y. minister of slate in the replace the 12,000 tJ .S. infantrymen being "de-Arnericanlie" the war ·will fail. "moderate" damage on the 200-man North Vietnamese government. returned _A .... A' · Th Comm ·sts ..... 11AA withdraw~ from the ~el~. 'The first Five firelights which killed 72 Com· ... v= ...... gamson. e uru .,.... ...... to Paris from Hanoi Saturda~ after a six-group of St• Americans leave for home munbts were reported within a 5$-mile out, le.avlng ·two-dead, while-U.S. planes week absence. Tuesday aboard U.S. ttansport planes. radius of Saigon S·mday. These and other attacked their escape rout.es . Thuy reiterated lbe C o m m u. ~ i s t The American military sourcts: sald isolated actions brought North Viet-The attack came on the final day of d~mands of a unilater~l unconditional even if that ma;iy South Vietnamese ~mda~ aS::~f~:OJu:a~u:: for ~=atiu':e:or i:e~~:n~·S·N°f~ ::~~ ~~lhdraw~l on _~~.~menc~n forces~from __ ...r.eplaceme.it~~~-avail&ble: t~i--'-_ •• 'f.he... shai=p....;:'.!;as-searred ~.q,. ,~•'~we' ...i ....... ~ ,,~""---soul~ 'Vie'tti~l'ri ana u]lttel~ the 'fiet lack the offensive atUtude, the tacti cal parently did not end the lull· in Com· battalion of the U.S. 9th Im.ntrY Cong. s 10-point peace plan as the only ability, the training and the determlna· munlst offensive acUvlUes which have Dlvilior, went through a cl0&e order-drtll solution to. the Vietnam war. . tion of the withdrawing U.S. 9th Infantry puzzled U.S. military men. Military at Dong Tam lb prtparaUon for boardiDg ... ''The wtlhdrawal of 25,000 A!11er1can DivisiOl'I troops. observers in &algon believed the attacks transport planes Tuesday for the United troops> Is ai~ed o~ly at. fooling the . No actions were rtported in the involvef'l local Communist units and that States. · ~merican public opinion which Is clamor~ Mekong today but a-force of JS Com·' the main Communi6t-lorcea were still -----'t'he Saigon-area fighting: Sunday _cost 1ng for peace: To p~l hom~,25,000 m;:n munist commandos charged iilto a U.S. lying low. three Amerieada slain and Ji. wounded, out of M0,000 is me~1ngless, Thuy said. coastal outpost at Phan Thiet today The attack on Phan Thiel, 120 miles all in one fight, ·n miles northwest ot: .. ! retu"!l her;; with. goodwill and 8 under cover of rocket and mortar bar· almost due east of Saigon, was the first Saigon. Behil)d tanks and air striies., the: senous attitude, he ~'d: rages. ll was the only ground action ground assault reported launched by the Gls killed 10 North Vietnamese in the .Madame Nguyen 'I_'h1 B1nh. head of the ...reported during lhe night that saw Com· Communists &Ince June 30 when a force midaftemoon encounter, the U.S. Com· Viel Cong delegali~, told . newsmen munist shellings drop to 15 scattered in-of North Vietnamese attacked a U.S. 6th mand ·said. Saturday that President Nixon was "intensifying the war on one hand and pretending on the other hand that his negotiating tactics were successfully achieving results." Mrs. Binh, welcoming back Thuy at Paris' Le Bourget Airport, said press reports from Vietnam that the Com· munlsts had de-escalated the fighting" as a goodwill gesture lo the Americans were ''a subterfuge by Nixon." Thuy told newsmen, "In my view there is no serious effort on the part of the American administration to speed up the peace talks." But allied conference sources retailed th at after a similar trip to Hanoi by Thuy, the United States and North Viet- nam announced the total cessatio11 of American bombing of North Vietnam and ilie expansion of the Paris tallu to in- clude representatives of Saigon and the Vietn Cong. Allied officials here and American of· ficials in Washington have been looking for signs of change in the Viet Cong· Hanoi negotiating position because of an unexplained lull in Communist military activity in Vietnam last week. The lull ended Sunday with rive sharp clashes outside Saigon in which U.S. headquarters reported 72 Communist troops slain against three Americans kill· ed and 32 wounded. Freeway Oosed As Napalm Tanks Fall Off Truck LONG BEACH (UPI) -The Long Beach Freeway wa s closed briefly today as workmen cleared six shipping con- tainers filled with napalm, an explosive jelly used in £ire bombs, from the freeway near Artesia BouJevard. llighway Patrolmen said the containers loaded on the back of a large truck shifted and spilled onto the freeway when the truck changed lanes. A county fire department spokesmad said lhe napalm could be set off only by a fuse or a strong detonation. The freeway was blocked while the con- tainers were loaded back onto the truck. that UCB hasa.,._ For all your good lntenllons,.you can't .seem ·to save a nickel to save yo~r soul. Paychecks come. Paychecks go. And still there's little or no money In the bank for savings. United Callfomla Bank knows how hard It Is Astromonk Coming Down you'll save U....Cllfoc•a.t A....._:W.Llllllfll ,,Jj, lox ... T..._. Al\MX 1.11-....., Qllf. tOOM to save. Thara why )Y8 have a plan that guarantees you'll save $10.-$20.-$30. a month or.more, and hardly miss It Ira UGB's Automatic Savings Plan. Just decide ho\¥ much you want to save each month. UCB deducts that amount from ydur'UCB checking account and adds It to your savings. Most aave19~all us, lt'1 virtually painless. At!d at UCB, your ~ngs always earn the highest bank Interest rate permlselbla by law. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. CAP) - Asttomont Bonny will be brought back lo earth today to protect bis health ft'om "seJ'ioUS deterioration,'' N a t i o n a I AeronautJc and Space Agency officials announced. The 14-poond rattalled monkey 's Bkl6atelllle 3 spa~e craft was scheduled for air recovery at S: 15 p.m. (EDT) over the Pacific south of Hawaii. A NASA official In Washington said the decision to cut short Bonny's projected ao.<lay trip after less than nine days was · made when "a decllne ln the monkey's condlUoo" was detected. Some NASA ~lists ftrt already waiting this morning at Hickam Air · [Ol'Cfl Base, Hawaii, where the space capsUle will be taken. Others were en '1 , route by air from Ames Research Center here. ' The t~hnlque for recovering the space cran W,as perfected in Jfawa.il io the Discoverer series a few years ago. Biosatellite 2. which contained only elec· tronk: gear, was air recovered Sept. 9, 1961. A lumbering Cil9 "Flying Boxcar,'' trailing a trapeze like device, snag11 the parachute lowering the si:iace capsule from orbit and reels it Into the plane - much like a fish on a line. Bonny had just completed B'h days and 130 orbits Sunday night when NASA's tracking staUOf'I at Santiago, Chile, detected danger signals. A spokeman at the Ames a:nter said the monkey refused to drink water, show· td a lowering metabolic rate and ap- peared ir. a deeper slate of-rest than normal. He said electronic ''water available" signals Rnl to sensors attached to the monkey's body failed to revive it. In the past, Bonny had responded by drinking • some water. "Lack of response was Interpreted as slugglshnets, which, if allowed to con· tinue, could lead to serious deteriora· tihn," the spokesman aald. Bonny failed to perform assigned ta.ski Sunday, nor did he drink any water. However, the monkey ate all 20 food pellets available. Bonny's :JO.day trip wu to have pro- vltled the most detailed study ever made of the effects of weightlessness on a ter· resUaJ creature slmilar to man. . ' OwUnlffd~~ Thanh ft)( ~Ilg IN lloW I Mn .... --1nf. ,.,, ... Hiid llN • •"'• ft4IOUirt aJ>PffOtltfon. ,,. pot. good',...,,. ti --~ •nd I wJIJ. No IM,.,,. or flutll - Stii1: • .. ,\ lon't there something you've wanted to tl8Vll for anyway?'Uk• Europe. II'• as easy as saving Just $2.00 a day for one yearat.uCet Wh•teveryour goal, sign thl• c;puJlP!l epd sand It along today. You can"Sllve. You will save. . wo·guarantee It. UNITED CAUFORNIA BANK ---Tht blltin do do a llttlt mon fot pocr 3029 H•r\ior loulOvanl -. • • ' • • ·- M"'411, JlllY 7, 1969 'Afraid to Aet' 'College ·Officials ' ~it by Hoover •• WASHINGTON (UPI) -Cai;npus vlokllce ii ~I •m>111n1td b y 11bleed.ln1 heart" colltiae acbnlnlstrators f---'-__ ,...,......., ,..........,, -~-who'r'are llrU:t"16 proeecutl~\ People Scene Monday . • . . . • . • Pamits am't talslng garbage collectors and they're causing pfdblems for-Clerenc• P•tttr•on of-Miami. "The conditions of this ldDd o! ·work must be Improved, not only the money. It's a backbust· lng operaUon," Patterson says. i "Nobody ls rearing their kid today to be a garbage collector. So, whiJe lbe need for tbem is fucreasing. the labor force is diminishing." Patter· '°" Is w.Ste cjirector for Dade COunty. • • The Houghton Lake, Mich . weath· er bureau was right On the mark last w"eek with a severe thunder· !ltolm warnln~ tor the surrounding--- norlhe.m Michigan area. Lightning struck the office a short .time later and~ 1et one teletype on fire. An· other boll bit the wind tower as it registered gusts of nearly 50 miles an hour and one-half inch of rain ren in 10 minutes. i---!Jt-South Stainley. England. the Rev. Norm•n Alexander tried in- cense and gas to..scare off bats in bi< church belfry but met with lit- tl e success. • He advertised for a 11fierce looking owl," and received a stuffed one which b~ hOpe(ully pracea in the belfry. The vicar re- ported that a!Ube bats had fled. RAPS ADMINISTATORS fBI Director Hoover militants, a«0rdlng IA> FBI Director J. Ediar Hoover. In a report to Congress made public t.o- d.Y,-the naUon's top ll!l'llf'"'enforoonent of. fleer described campus tunnoU as one of many manlfestaUon1 of a breakdown In law and ordtr that .is incre~stng the burdens or the Federl!ll Bureau of JnvesUgaUon. Hoover la id the blame for college ' disorders partly on "new left'' insigators, but more on e{lsy·golng s c h o o I authorities. "Many of the school administrators ap- pear unable to distinguifh between le&Jtlmate protest and unlawful 'lets and then are· far too manrbleeding hearts among them whose palliative attitude has served only to m11-gnify the problem by encouraging the escailation of demands and further disorders," Hoover said. '!What 1s needed Is more guts on the part of many presidents of th e unlvenlUea and·ecNl~:-They-shauld ex· - pel the violent miUtants who lake the law into their own hands rather than grant them amnesty for their criminal acti." Hoover si.id student activists, "under the pretense of the struggle for student rights," deny the majority of students the right to pursue their education in peace. Hoov'r expressed his opinions April 17 In closed-door testimony before a Hou appropriations subcommittee. He declin· ed a subsequent invitation to testify . publicly on campus disorder bef<>n! the House Education and Labor C.OmmJtlee. • • SDS -the Students for a DemocraUc Society -Is "at the c or e of the n e w left movement." which represents "a threat to established law -and order and Repairman Held 1o th• •labillty or· our saciety" and which ....,_,.,..-~ _ _ _ .,, ,,._ .. _ll~ ~ited "~ ste,dily increaafilg r;i ------· -degree of"llifa~ore communist in· In Slaym· g of fluef!Ce,'' Hoover said. Some of Its funds come from "wulthy benefactors" In· eluding a Cleveland industrialist, a New Michigan £' --d Epgland heiress and "a very prominent . ~ fou~aUpn in ~ew York." Hoover did not · -name them. ANN ARBOR, Mich. (API -A 18-ytar· old repairman tias been accused of lhe shooting death of a University of Michlgan coed -the seventh young woman slain in the area ln less than two years. Sources close to the investlgallon said the man was released from the Southern BORMAN VISITS RUSS SP ACE PORT ' SPE • ON WllK ONLY • /• ACULA1l ·MID-SUMMER • • ENDS :....JuLY 12th • SAVINGS FROM 50% to 70%-AND · O MORE ~ ON ALL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS IMPORTED and DOMES11C •·CHANDELIERS ·• HA'NGING LAMPS • WALL FIXTURES • SCONCES •FINE TABLE LAMPS .- FREE 9, 95 DIMMER WITH PURCHASE OF ANY CHANDWER Special Courtesy ' to VSE BANKAMERICAJID OR JllASTERCHARGE, OR OVR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN. ELECTRIC & LIGHTING 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa (Across from Greenhaven Nursery) Builders & Inter ior Decorators 646-3737 Michigan Prison lix mont.ha ago after . YALTA, USSR (UPI) -Even if his serving a aentence for rape. Ru l •-~-d bJm look t tbe' !~===========================================~==:=; Police Chief· Welter Kr"""" said the ss an 1,.,._ eny a 1 ir ..... "' supersecret launchpart, U.S. astronaut shootin& victim, Margaret Phillipa, 15, Frank Borman will )eave the Soviet " This rtJre1htna scent.:-WCI probably a common one throughout the Orange Cout thtl weekend with daddies crowding thtir offrprlng out of the lcidl' rwimming pools. This dad aA- ~rs to be qultt' ple<Ued with him~ seLJ ond ii doh1g a fim ;o_b of ignor· ing hf& daughter's complaints . • Avid London soccer fan Cherlle G•ll,ha,,, weighing in at 266 pounds, has started to diet. He said he made his decision. after getting stuck in turnstiles at soccer staa diums. • W""' .T<"l/ Randall, 8. of Edward.rvfUe, lU., Jound $1 .15 in a poy telephone he turned it over to t~ telephone company and said he wa& sati.s/itd witli just thanks and praise. Ttn']I OIDnl sh.arts in the company. • After Lowell Lundstrom, a South OII(ota evangelist, addressed a ~roup of J')>Ung pe.,.ons at a relig- ious encampment at Blnningharn, lowa, 20 of them built a bonfire and burned $150 worth of rock and roll records. had bteo COW>Beling the DWI, Em<ll R. Union with the .flm· glimpm by 8"y Bishop Jr., on bow to improve his llfe:1 tourtn« American of i SovJet apace: facili· She was dolna it "on her O?o," •Kraan)'( t conuntnted.. "c y. He said Miss Phinipa' also had "more ~ colonet was taken on a private vis-1\ to the m a j or tracking st.alien at than. a casu.al Interest." in the six Eupatorl.a, a nearby resort city, on Sun- preVloua slaymgs and bad Interviewed day:-Neilher his wife nor their two aOns, sever~! persons on the 1ubject. Two of..-'also on "Borman'• nfne..day tour of .Ruula, the killlnp occurred while Blsbop wu in were allowed to actompany him. prison. New Hemi-sphere Policy Predicood by Rockefeller NEW YORR !UPI) -De!plte the rioting and protests that accompanied his 20-natian tour of Central and South America, Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller thinks visits for President Nixon pro- duced results that will enable him to recommend 1 new "hemi&phere-wlde U.S. policy." H I s arrlval at Kennedy InternaUonal Airport Sunday echoed the disorders that accompanieil some of the stops on the rour-part fact-finding mission which began May 11. Three hundred youths, challtlng "Cuba Si, Rocky No!" and holding ai111s which said "Latin America doesn't want you -we don't either." gathered II the a~ termtnal an hour before Rockefeller's official jet landed. The poUce scuffled briefly with the young people and kept them away from Rockefeller's party. The New York governor left by bellcopter for his estate at PocanUco Hills, N.Y. after a short news conference never coming within sJght of demonstrators. . He e.Ians to reP.Qrt to_~ President next month on aif phases of Lalin Amerk:an life-ecooomics, pollUcs, socla1, cultural and educational affairs -"relating to U.S. policy and U.S. government organliaUon." Summer's Not So Hot Teeth Chatter in Maine; Palms Perspire in Texas Coastal Mor"llll CIW!l[Mn 111111 ll'ltlfly ...,111¥ •''-'-toisfT, Llttrt "' ..... wfnR '"°"' coul Ill ~1111! ...i ....,.,i.,. lllut'I blc.onilnt _..,.,.,. • Ill •• kJlol't. "''" '°°''" ... , 7L Ytt"1'11fY1 .......... ~ .... ~l ft ll d !"'"' IO to rt. 1111.....i ,.,,,._,Ill,. '"'" wn Jt 19 14. Wt tlt twm.ttl lvrt ..... _ Su•, Moo•, Tldu .MOMOAT "'"' Iii.ti ......... , ''It 1.111, S.J l'lrll -• • ... 111• a.rn. o.t TUl,0.-.'f Fll'll h!tfl • . ... , ''0 1Jl'I. I.I 'lrtl li'W .... ,. ... ,. •.• 111" ''""'I.I ~ """ ............ •:00 '·"" .u ,.,. 11:1"' S:ft 1.rn. k19 l :M '·"'· • M-Sllh 1.)1 '·"'· """ LIO 0 . l lrtl Q, H1w J111Y 2.1 Aut. • J~lr tt Julr 14 ' V.S. Summary ttie Mlddll Wttl troda'f 1"11 It w11 llftfffiOlllblv cool IOI ml>tll Gf till l0\1111 •nf ...ii It ..,,, .. l'!tftllv Wtrm lftd "'""' ltul 1111comlort1brr llllmld In --· Tl'lt ci'iClfV lotll Wll 1911 Hllky ... ly lft "' .... '"''-"' """,. "" "" tttdlflt "''-lllONll"' •• • ""tll-.1!1ttrrl"' lt II HCllllllll Ill IMJM, I, CCl<l"lll ! .... low •t •Gtlvn!lrl. Th., "'la ,,..,...,.. w11 • J'/l'loth' II. 0... of "" '''""'' Wit• 111 "" tlolllvll •• 111.1no11 -t.14 '"°"" i.u ,, .,....., •nf I OI lroc.Pltt 11 .. lllvlllt llhlrlllt • 1llM\cM' Pl'l'lod. Othet' ,,. • ..., r11m'1ltt -IJf 11 Oldtfllterl, 111.0 ., 1.'1 et Gl1-. Mofll1n•, I.JI 11 a...tw911. Hl'll .• 11'd 1.05 11 L1111mon, $.0. 111 -ltfJI Mfryl1N1 ii ltll -""""'!"" of O~~JW I n ~ of •llf't "°'I. 'l'\t'°I, T9fl",. llUlel'ltllCfd 1 Cl(il.id· Writ -_r, '"'"'"...._, .. ,_ vi •f'I li'KJI ltN chirlnt I l.kfll!!Wlt Nr~. • Temperatures AlillU<IUttcHi.o Ancr>or•te All1t1!• l1~1ntltld 11i.f'l'ler<.k .... ... ,.. th!Ctto t !nclft.,.11 tltvtf1~ °'""'' °'' Mof.,.. D.if'll'lt E11rH1 Fllff Worttl ,_ , ... Hono!ulll Kl~~ t /fy Ln v"'"s 1,. .. """'" Mo"" Mll'w.ul!ft MIMt.-oli• "'"" OtlQPll • """ Yo<11 l'forffl P11tte ...... °"""' ... ,. ll:tlllt, PhlJRtlpf\\t ·-· Pitt*"" l"IM11tlllf ll:1NI (Jty "" l kltt ·-her•~ $1. levll s.u-S.lt I.ell• (tty $tft Ditto S<ll'I ,r1MIKe $11\11 a.r1:1tr1 s .. 11111 , ..... TMrr'l\tl WW!ir!t!Oll Hltll L"' ~ . .. 7D 5S .. " " .. " " " " " " " .. .. " ,. " n " .. .. " " • " ,. • .. ~ ~ " .. • " • ~ • " " • n ~ " n " • " .. " a .. .. " • .. • " a " •• • • " • " .. " • • • n • • ~ " .. • • .. • " .. r, " " • " .. " " n ,. •• •• ,. .,, .n .n ., ,,N .n .u I Thereason~re not ~thisis because you alreaay know we have morajng,mid-day and evening jets going to Phoenix. The reason Yllll're notniadlnirthfs Is becatllle you already knowwehavenewSuper DC.S's with more leir room for all p81!8e1lgel'S t.o make your trip more coll!fortable. So instead of reading any of this, just call your 'fravel Agent or Air West and go. Airlkislhc wat\owolidiuc•• \ I I' 1, ' I I '1 ·' ' I I • .. ' . . • ' • • . ' • -,. . ._....._,_......._,..--:;/E<llil"CC , jfA.lW ~----..---· ~. ~t; 1, IHt &. , ... 11 ' ••• ' • Dry .:I~b ro.a_t_s . ' . Help Cause ' Operating a coke 1>1ib"tii on 'tJ\e ·Festival of,Arts grounds 1.s. Just another way the S!lvei and Gold Chap- te~, Auxiliary of South Coast · Cor:riirlUnity frospilal ra1se.s.-'f.l,wds for ,the. hospita,l Cause. . . . • · J; .. GO'fr{nlly vo!Unteers from within the auiiliary are ~ .. ~· elng recruited to man the booth which WilJ remain ..-~ open during the summer's· fesival and Pageant of the \ ~· ~lasters in l-rvine Bowl. July 11-Aug. -24, · The co~~ booth hat been an annoal fund-raising endeavor 1itnce the a·uxiUary-was organiZed in 1958 and all money raised wiU go toward the hospital's building fund pledge. . • , . To· s~aff the bOotb, eight members of the auxiliary ar~ required each day to work ill three different shifts. Those . working i11_jhLJ_yeni_g_gs often_jnvite hUsbaods and fnends to help out during the rush hours. .M.!s. E.. M. ~~hnston is general chairman this year. Ass isting her will be the Mmes. Violet Adams, George Wolf, fJ. A. Deviney, 0 . V. Johnson and Jack M. Lyons. L~ns. AlfaUxiliSry=-memDers who "'ish to vo1~eei-tor--- L'1e. project may sign up in the hospital's auxiliary office. Hours may be obtained in the office or by call· ing t'1e office at 499-2311, Ext. 296. . The booth \vill be open daily from 2 p.m. All volun-~eers may-enter the grounds-without -tickets if they are "1e::i ring an auxiliary uniform. '.I'hose \vho do not o\vn un.iforms \vill b:e furnished with smocks. "" MOVI NG DA Y -Silver and Gold Chapter members, South Coost Community Hospital Atlxiliary, are ready to move into their brand ne\V booth where they will sell cokes to visi tors on the Festival I of Arts grounds. Mrs. E. M.· Johnston, chairman~ (ri ght) le8ds helpers 1o.1rs. Don Seal (left) an d Mrs. 11 . A .. Deviney (center) .. The booth will be open July ll·Aug. 24 daily beginning at 2 p.m. Walk Together; Tal k Tog ether . . ·Af·S_· 1_P,_r·.on)otes U nd:er s.ta nd i·n·g semite, Sequoia and SaaFrancisCo during holidayi, --J Like almost 3000· other commUnities throughout tbe United States, I.agO.na Beach .Jpi.s-said its last goodbys to-its 1-968-69-AmeFicQn-F:Jeld-Ser-vice stu- dents and is lookiiig fOrward lo nleetlng t\VO more youths from foreign shores. ; _ __:_ JOURN EY TR.ACED-Mrs. Thomas Judy and Ml;'.~ 10,. traco th~r future guests' routes to the Afl .Co!ony Milton Fryer, each of whom will open their homes w1Lh :P..trs. Marshall Houts, president of L a g u n a to new American Field Service students during 1969-1 Beach Chapter, AFS (left to right). I Diana Baralt from Venezuela and Nick Enright from Australia have left their adopted homes and are on a transcontihental trip to Washin.gton and New Yori( \Vhich includes a stop to meet Presidenl Nixon. Meanwhile, Margaret LeRoux of Pretoria, South Africa and Manfred Heine of Regen sburg, Germany are due to arrive in 'the t\rt Colony where th ey will live for one year. Miss LeRouX will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Judy and Heine will reside with Mr. and Mrs. A1ilton Fryer during the school year 1969--70. Next year the LagUna Beach Chapter. AFS will be headed by 1'1rs. Marshall Houts . Assisting her will be the Mmes George Barr. vice president; .Tudy , treasurer, and Charles Benton. secretary. The chapter has a membership of 25. The student commitiee in Laguna Beach High School will .be led b)I co-chaairmeh Tom Schields and Robin OliyJ!r.-Other of!icers--are Xathy lA>uden, secretafy, and Lind'a Tii ray , treasurer. 1o.frs. Regi na Cain will be-faculty advisor and Mrs. Patrick Cory will be the adult committee's represenlative for the student club. The work of the &dult group consists of seeing that the forei gn students get the "'idest possible I view ol Southern California's civic and social insti- tutipiis and cultural advantages while participating fully Irr family and social Jile. J ~be sludents are taken !iy their families and committee members to the Huntington Libr~. 1 Music:· Center, county art and scieoce museums . Hollywood Bowl , Los Angeles County F~r and the Ramona Pageant \ They also get "!J:limpse of super- ior courts, Califo rnia Youth Authority . \Valls. Good- ""ill Industries. hospitals, the Head Start program; Disnevland and the zoo as well as a number of near· by coileges and universities. . sometime~ wit'h Jtheir families they visit y~ The-student committee takes care of introduc- -ing the-ARS students to their high ichool-class- mates, giving beach parties and various get- logethers during the summer and school ·year, and showing the neYt•comers the school plant and its tradition s. To both the students and adults faJJ the large lask of raising the necessary fund s to .b'ring lbese students from foreign Jailds -the price is $850 per student . The AFS is a nonprofit. nonsectarian schol- arship program and donations 'are tax deductible. To help raise money, the students speak about and show pictures· of their ho·rrre countries to var- ious organizations which in turn contribute to the success of the program with donations. It was esti- 1nated that via speeches given before school, civic and social groups and chur'ch~s, the two AFS stu- dent s last year were heard by at least 6, 700 La- gunans, not counting thdse who tuned them in on closed circuit television in Leisu re World. The adul t committee .also has the resPonsibility of llning up ,howes for fulgr~ foreign s~u4,ents. Mrs. Paul Beemer heads this program and begins map- ping prospects in the fall . · The program works in reverse with American students of high academic achievement who have the ability to get on with people and to adjust to new people. Thl'y spend a summer or year in a for- eign school, and just as the Laguna Beach visitors, live with a family. Six students from the Art Colony ha ve had the opportunity to spend a summer abroad· , and three have spent a year in South Africa. Europe and New Zealand. Currently New Zealanders are playing ho st to Kathy Collins, who will return to her Laguna Beach home \vhen her fuU year is complet- ed next January. · Mrs . ~tilan Chiba is chairman of the Americans Abroad Selection Committee. She takes al'plicatjons as soon as school be~ins in faJI a:nd makes final $elections "'ith the help of p~ple from both the school and community. Cheatin _g Wife Comes 'Alive' Without . Husband's Help . . ~&AR 'ANN LANDERS : Please print ~.ANN LANDERS this. 6ut no clues as to where it came Crom. My Jetter cOtJld have been written bf ai least rive million women. Let their hus~nds guess. To The Man t ·Married: You have 1c- £\1S~me ol cheating on you. I've denied I . ' rt because you have no proof and I fJ.8ure expected to "catch on" by 9.p,m. and eat ,pothlng can be gained from a confession. alone. Bot Mw J;m ready to admit that y_our When J found lipstick on your shirts J ri1usplcions are right. I've been ~l'hg llnother man for almost a year. Here's was supposed lo believe It was red mark· ~M"hy : . ingh·cz:ayon. Yoo refused to go to church '!. 'J'ht'tomance went out ol our marriage wit me because you saill you could long ago. You decided that frill:i~ such as worship God betler <11 the goU course kindneS!', ·conskferallon and decent man· than with a bunch"O! hypocrites. 11ers, were a waste Qf Lime. You let me lt:s been years since we had a real con· know my reeling~ didn't count. tr )'OU ven:ttlon . _You are either too busy or'too chose not to come h111ne for dinner, l y,•as . tired to talk. You've made me feel like 1 ' . drag, a bore, a nuisance and hbally, a . nothing. Last ye ar I met a man who made me come alive after I was iure l had died Inside. He finds me ·interesting and at- tractive. His marriage Is as bad as .mine, but he is trapped, as I am, by children, social pressures and financial c.bllgations. So, mt dear husband J affi. not leaving you, but I am cheaUng everj chance I iel and it is k'!epin& me u.ne. Furthermore, t am healthier and happier than I've been in a good many years.- YOUR WIFE DEAit WIFE: You didn 't uk for ad· -i1et so I wea't offer It. llere'1 your Jeuer ••Ith no comment. DEAR ANN : A rew year! ago I loaned a friend $200. He: promised to repay me with Interest when he graduated from college. A few months later he was called into the Anny. I fell that so long as he was in the: aervict 1 would not remlnd him or bl.s &bligatlon. When he rtturned he avoided me. t ran lnto him at lhe borne of a mutual £r!tnd. He was emharrllled and said, "1 haven't ., . . " forgotten about the loan." I replied, "Cood ! I can use the money." That waa.a-y~,ago and I haven't seen a dime. EYcn $[0 a month would look good. What should I do? -SHORT DEAR SJIORTY: Write or phone: Ult fellow and •k lttw soon be: can start to make: monthly payme:nl!i agalnlit the $200 . A1 a m.atkr or lnlegrjly be 1bould take steps to honor the commllme'ilt, ao mat. ter how modes& die payrnenu. DEAit ANN : Y9Ur answer to A.C., Lhe , student, was lousy, You told hlm·to "keep plugging away." Why 1 Are grades TllAT important? I .know at least a dozen ,.aquares Who've never missed the d~an's ~t ~( lhey are la:norant. whm il co es • to things that matter. You boobed, Ahn. -ADAM'S APPLE DEAD ,\0: A.C: was on Ott verae of Rltllki.ng out. I _advised bim tO ketp plq- gl11g. n1s ••• booblng? ' Whal is French kissing:? Is lt wt'Q111! Who should set the necking llmit.s -the' boy or the girl? Can a'shotgWI w~ sue<""<!'! Read Ann Landen' boo~le~ "Teenage Sex -Ten W1ya to Cool It. tt Send 50 ce nts in coio and a long, te.lf·a6- dressed. stamped envtlOS>ft~ Ann Landers wil be llac:l to help )'OU with your problems. Stnd them to her in ' care or the DATLY PILOT, encloalna t l!elf-addresscd, s~ped envelope. • , _ __.__~~~~~~'!!'!':"'!~~~~~~~ ~.-::. . ,. .. ................... ·-· -...... ·~-... . .. • DlllY PllOT MRS. PHILIP JOHN DELANEY Honeymoon In Hawaii Double Ring Ceremony Pair Exchange . Vows at Noon .. Honeymooning in Hawaii are wore headpieces fonned ot ~ the -former Victoria Lynette three small rosebuds. ) Armistead and Philip John Flower girl Sarah Normin· :.· De'•,._,. who were married in ton was clad in a floor length _. .... , dress with short sleeves of -,'St. Joachim's Catholic Church. matching orange co 1 or. t--'lbe daughter or Mr. and RingbearerwasSeanDelaney, : Mn. Mark Armistead of nephew of the bridegroom. · NewpOrt Beach and the son of Thomas Delaney was best : Mr. and Mrs. John Del~ey of man for his brother. Another : Costa Mesa exchanged -vows brother, Steve Delaney beaded ; and rinp at noo~ before 01e groomsmen who i n c I u d e d --+-1tev· 1bom&s Nevin. Hank Woessner and Larry , Given in marriage by her Platfoot, with George Berkos ; father, the bride wore a tradi· ~erving as juni~ _gr~ms~an. ; tloilal gown of lace ar.d Heading the ushers was Den· t organza with full skirt and nis Perkins, joined by Dennis • sweeping cathedral lraln. The McGlasSon, Dave Fox and ; fitted bodice featured a high Rick Naylor. ~· .. ,,. t .. ~ ..... • &."'-\. l - 60879 ·. \ Wben it's Bertn, it's bound to be loved by all those who cherish the cut and style of couturier design. It looks simple enough, to be sure. Who woulQ'know it .. S theillgbntlna-aw1ry-Of Uie collar that looks oh so nice? And who would guess those slanty front darts could do so much for a girl? Try it and see. Fabric suggestions: linen. cotton, shantung, raw silk or jersey. 60879 is cut in Misse§. sizes 10.18. Size 12 requires approximately 3 yards of 45" fabric , for Jong sleeves or 2-3/8 yards of 45" fabric !or s hort sleeves. To order pattern 60879; state size, in- clude name, address and zip code. Send $2 postpaid. Send .orders for books and pat- terns!<> SPADEA, Box N, Dept. LX·l5, Millard, N.J. 08848. This preperforated Spadea Designer Pattern com~ in ready-to-wear sizes that produce a better fit and are easier to make. Order normal ready-to- wea1 size and aJlow one week for delivery. SOMETHING NEW: Pattern books by classifi- cation~ Afternoon & Cocktail Dresses: Ensembles; Duchess of Windsor. Each book Sl plus 2S cent.. postage and handling. CaJ1 Cover Catalogue $!~. Book 33 -collectlbn of latest designs in all cate- gories $1, postpaid. NEW IDEA: Firsr time designers have publish- ed sewing secrets. Booklets l, 2, 3. 4 & 5 -75 cents postpaid for each. Hard Cover-Edition $5. ALSO NEW: Teen Hair Style Booklet -do-it- yoursel! -50 cents postpaid. t' scalloped neckline and long Yellow and orange flowers ! sleeves of. lace. An open rose decorated tables in the Mesa ~ of organu held her shoulder Verde Country Cub and;::ircled : length illusion veil, and she the wcddilig cake for a recep- ,, carried a bridal bouquet seal· tion following the ceremony. ;. tered with butterfly orchids. Eddie Bush of Long Beach ~ Wearing a penimmon col-performed for guests, who In- : ored Ooor length gown of cbif· eluded motioa picture director Air. and Airs. ch a r I es : fon over taffeta, empire-styled John Ford. Newport Pair Feted On 50th Anniversary relatives congratulating the senior Hazlewoods. : with kmg sheer sleeves, was The bride was graduated Everett of Newport Beach • Bo I Berk h ed •• were hosts "'hen her parents, . nn e O! w o serv from Newport Harbor High ' 'dolhono f he · Air. and Alrs. Kenneth . ma1 r or r cousin. School and from a dental col-lfazelwood also of Newport Kelly Armlstead was a lege Jn Santa Ana. Beach, were honored on their : . Junior bridesmaid for her Her new husband also is a 50th wedding anniversary. :-sister and other attendants in-HarboT Hlgh graduate and Other children present for : eluded Patricia McNemey, received a degree from the golden wedding reception ~ Deborah Trout and Patricia Orange Coast College. were Mrs. Evelyn Goldstein of Bruce. Eleven gi-andchildren aod one great·grandchUd joined the couple's friend! to applaud the cutting or a four-tiered an· niver'3ary l\illiding caie. The Hazl~s have been Newport Beach residents for four years, moving to the area after his retirement from 38 years of service with the Pacific Telephone Co. They resided for 3S years ln The young couple plan to Van Nuys, Thurman All wore similarly styled make their first home in Hazlewood of Re seda, and chiffon and taffeta gowns in Corona del Mar when they Kenneth Hazlewood of North /. bright orange c.ind carried ar-return from their wedding Jiollywood. Tbeif respective j rangements of orange and -trip. partners also were among yellow summl!r flower s. They _::c:: _________ _::_: ________ _;:_ __________ I Burbank. Vocuum Mode For Modern Housew ives A new upright vacuum, : : engineered to adjust suction ::automatically no matter how ;·high or low the carpet nap. : works in conjunction with a ::dial enabling you lo set the :·sweeper to accommodate ::carpet thickness. :· The manufacturer says the ~&weeper \\'ilh its automatic f. suction monitoring systen1 f makes it possible to vacuum •:the trouble-free way -high : . shag rugs, sculptured carpet, : traditional nap, flat surface : ootdoor·indoor carpet, and : bare floors. ;: Proper setting for the dial : are imprinted on the back of ; : thl cleaner. WEIGHT@. WATCHERS. • Scmt telldng, tome lltltnlnt i nd 1 pr01r1m tNt work•. '"" rlB,lllOGMlf-CAl.l Hl.JIOI BIGGARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.t1'S'11evs. ~ASADENA: Coiorodo •I El MoHno SANT A ANA Main at Eleventh • • " _ Horosco'pe ___ ...._ __ ~ Pisces: Stick To Objec;tiv~s _ _.:UESDAY JULY 8 By SYDNEY OMARR Moon Joins Saturn _I a Tauru1; con11erve a11et1. Sloct up on 1taple1. Start uv- 1011 accoaat. Eatertail a• home. But doe't 10 io eI· trtmes In ullnc, drinklDc. Many today lend to strain vOlces, trritate throall. Key ls moderaUoa ud eye to luturt needs. ' WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE we oh1pe your hair in the new 1 I •oft-curl look. We color your hair ' with Fanci-tone for Jieauty and lustre. We color· style for your ' most floJtering look. For Fancl- ' tone coven all 1 tl1e gray, high.1 lighta natural 'color, makes even ' dull h1ir look I ' vibrant and • healtl1y. Special colon to tone hleaebed hair, too - or to give your hair an ultn·high.f11bion hue., Come 1ee them!,' • MOVING OUT SALE,J , M A T E R N I T Y ..;"'··~,~- l Group -Pastel Shades 11 CAPRIS ..... . $3. 98 t' 1 Group of DRESSES P'llClD LOW!! 1 Group UNIFORMS ~~ 50°/o OFF! Mtury 1HftY MON t•I--t0o 11111Mt'Od to ...... tlo11. : ,$hop larf-r fOI' lest S..lect1011 /) t' ' MATERNITY La h'J J_&_u_N_1_F_o_R_M_s_ 219 E. 17th St. • Ml 6-5388 -Costa Mesa Mesa Center Beauty Salons I ·, ' ; '" ' ' , ,.. I . ' CHAM HAIR TINT, SHAMPOO AND sn $6.45 Anytlm~ -~fost cases N1wptrt Bt1ch, C•lll. ~IU N..,...1 trvt. NIJ1'11tt aa.-.i ..,..,. ...... '13-lflt Coat• Me11, Callf. m 1. 111h .,.,.i M1yf1lr t_,,IW ,_ ...... Cotta Mesi, Calif. DOI N•rW I I' .... l(.,,..trl PIUI ............ Adeala, Calif. 1Ull Plor.Mr Orange, Calif. 1U• W. CMOll'IM Vldw Cf!\M Plllrll IPNlU Fount1ln V1lloy, C11if, lltJll MlfMlll S1"t1 An1, C11lf. M¢~~· s ....... ,.. Pt1M C.,,t.,. ,,...,.,., .... ., ontw Pbtrlt 161J07• ~i!lffl ~ '"-~I Pllanl I0-101 --· ' Costa Mtu, Calif. "' w. 1flfl irr..t Pltce1tlt & lr:ll -- ~ Fount1fn Volley, C•lll • lllnl l_l_.. " lw:llll Vtllty CMIH l""-Al·M l ' ' \ I ' ' l ' r • • • _____ J __ _:_·--------~--------·------------------- l l ) ,, I I l \ ) '' I I l . . . --..,__..._,. ;o I ~ 9 ' "' ..:, • ""'''"''..-CT"•' ··~·:·;:;~,;-i:,::;:;:;:;:;:;_?''·'<;li"'!'lll!'""'""l',~,~~-~-C':':-""'..,:"'l!~ll"IJ~" .. "!'"11!111!'119111!!1~"'~~~""!~"!'"'"'""~ ......... "'~"'"'""'~~ ....... ~ .............. ""!'~'!""""" ... "' 1 • ..,. .. g.,l>2, ~· ·161, 2_ SECTIONJ. ~GES •• . -~ -- • • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JULY. 7, )tff . . .. . - • • 'fotlay's Fl•ml • 1 C.onnt rashes~· l~ill~ s~'-'-+< , Pair Die in Acciden~'!:_t S.co_tchman's Cove, Dana . .Orange County m(llorisla were safe and &ane at U)e· 15eglnnlng of the Fourth of Ju· ly holiday weekend . Not a single highway fataHiy was reported on Friday or Saturday, while over 200,000 Jloc.ked to Huntington Beach to watch the Fourth of July Parade eod a quaf1,er-mlllion more enjoyed other Orange c.oast beaches. Th~, within a tJeriod of flv_e hours ear· 1961 County Traffic 1161 114: Death Toll lot ly Sunday morning, tlgh1 died · on county roads. • A vi:!:itorj rom El'lSenada, Me1lco, wh& was probably unable to read freeway warning signs, drove the wrong way on the' Santi Ana Freeway. It re.!lllted in the death of six persons, including four El Toro ~arines. AM an fighting with two others-over a girlfriend was killed by a passing car on Pacific C9ast Highway at Scotsman's Cove, Just north of Lagima Beach. The elghth man was· killed On Coast Highway in Dana Point In another headon collilioq .. Killed. in the rreeway wrong:way cra!h· were: Moyses Cruz Gartia, 36, o! Enienada, Mextco. Au~ne M. Cine:ros, 32, ol Placentia. -1sitt-1aim:lt-~a'ker,11, of Santa An~ !'vi. John R. Miller, 21, of Huntlogtoo,. Pa. • _ Pvt. Daniel G. Butbler, 20, of Oriskany, N.Y. • . !'vi . .fohn W. Nolan, • If, hQmetown unknown. K!Jled at Scotsman's Cov111: George Washlnltoa Gallaglu!r, 21. or Cucamonga. Killed at Dana Point: Edmund Delaney, 18, of 21921 Adelanto Drive, Laguna NiclJel. . • In the freeway crash, •t about 1 a.m., t!'.le. wrong WJIY car.1 •Ded up the 17th Street offramp and cout1~ed northbound In the aoulhboolnd lanes, the CHP · reported. Offieen said llherlU'• deputiea Robert Romallle and Andy R<>1!1er9, fla!hed lhelr red Ugbt.s and IOlll1ded the siren In a fuWe attempt to balt the wrong 'Way car whlch swerved around their vebJcle at the offramp. Just south of the Main Slreel crooafog, the car driven by Garcia cruhed lnto the southbound vehicle careying tho Marlnel. July 4 SetsTraffi-c To.ll Mark By United Pre11 l.aternatlonal An. u::relentin1 parade of death brought the nation a new trafrlc fatality· record for the 4th of July holiday period. A United Press International count showed that 805 persons had been killed on American streets and hJghways betwien 6 p.m, Thursda)', and 11 :59 p.m. Sunday. The old tecord was 577 &el during the three-day 4th of July holiday in 1968. The all-time record UI 732 aet during the 19117 4th of July holiday, but that was a four· day event. The National Safety Council had estimated th~t the 1969 holiday_ toll would be bet'!.f_een 500 and 650. Tbe safety eotm- cil said that durlna a comparable non- holiday period in July aboul 500 persons would_be.killed lil traffic. California Jed the nation with 57 fatalhies. T e x a"" 1 had 48, Ohio 35, Michigan 30, New Yori and Georgia is •ach ~.Pennsylvania 2f,, The final holiday fatality breakdown : Traffic 607 Drowniap )8.1 Planes · 36 Miscellaneous 98 Total 924 ' M0<11ent.s Isler E1aJne T..._, If, of San Diego sideswiped the wronf_'l,"1·~· Miss Townsend and ~ inother I,e01a, .. were cut ind bruised. · ~ In the Scotsman's Cove diath, iberfff:a depuUes first ~ murder when Gallaher was at.ruck ' at 3:50 'a.m. by a R&ssing car. · · Sherill's LI. Richard 0rUo Aid 1 ~ year-old girl told investtgatoh 1be had seen someone shove Gallaher in . ffoot of the car. J J ' :. Drake said the girl, ·a runtny fNn Montana, I.ate r cbMged her atcry. Gallaher WU preparing lo fight wftli two other men ovet the gtrt;-he-d . - The girl Is helng held fu JU.onile hill pending return to her p&J'.t!ntl' home. CHP officers said the driver ot the car, . Lawrence Sund, 36, of 1780 P6rnona Ave., Costa Mesa, was held blamelea. Later Sunday morning ln Dan.I Point ne.a.r the Street ol \he Sllver Lantim Delaney was driving north on the highway When a soUlhbound car swmed o\-~ the center line and struCk his v1JU. cle, the CHP reported. De.Janey was dead on the acene 1and • '"""• crew , w;y QJJ..~ee bli body fiam Iba w.redage. • ' The driver ol the other car, Gilbert F. ~. 28, of FaJ.lbrook. waa trtafed at Oran1ie-County Medical Center for 1aclal cuts 8nd 1ater booked in Orana:e-Coality jail oo fetony_manslau&hler.char&es. Ohio Storms Claim·.33;· 1·70 Mi~sing Lag.una Boy Ba~k to Life • DAl\.Y PILOT ll•ff·Pl!t• Kiss for a Winner Dramatic Revival Saves Y outli After Ocean Dive !,;lguna &each lil~guard Steve Foster congrattllates .C$11di McCue, 11:. after her win in aMual Jileguard Fourth of. July li.auty <4Jnlest. · Ulegtliti:t1 ftbrii ~,.-amu1 ~ches tn ~ty ~ 11r ._telllQttl ... ~oster sponsored Miss Mci;ue, a tecent 41una HlJb ~ad,_ who• now reig'Ju as~Js_& Laguna "Beach Lifeguard. uaiw l'r<l•··lot.r.au.l.r Girls ·watdling . a Lquna Beach boy Wllion. of 646 Ramono Ave., b !lat.cl tn float face Clown af~r di•lng Into lhe 'lea aerioos condition today tn the lntt'nlive ~. -~ rod<· In a cove Friday care untt ·at Soo)h C<Jul Cl«mnulllty -- be wuiprlOUclng underw•ter',.. HoSpital, where nuties Iii)' be moves but .dura . · · does111 _.ct 1o -.- T --~.Jell W)laon,.15, was dying. ~ brulhing ooil·hWtlieat bad stop. llriggef' from the .,..., by olher ped whtb the loin-V wu bJ'Ollll!I !Wtiti!ll>tl-an..'1.lll"mlllaies-.rithout'OF , ubore, bul-llfefllard-Jobn-Oniiigbam -Windward -Passage-Bids For Ti Transpa,c M~rk Nlne torpados 'j\'ere r~ over ctn· tral llllnc>is . "'\Oday and wldtsprud .iiower! apd lhunder~en ?'ed acrOS! a lrtiot from Maryland lo the cen- tral Rockies. The-death·toll·from·lhe eevert rain and Wind stDrm that lashed' northern ohfo_ rose to 33, "including 17 vict.hn.i ol the· slorm and 16 who drowned in .rushing flood waters. The U.S. CoJBi Guard resumed the selirch or Lake Erie for 1'70 per90NI missing after the storm capsized many ·boats. ygen -ttcbmeaTiy c1e1• -Ure victlm and' Dr. Vincent-Clrroll•dmtnlst'ered II· wa.L.drlmftlWlt_-~f.k_fmon& tema.J cardia_c_ massage aod mouth-to- the llvtng by l tifijlUiltd arid-a physician. mouth resmcltatfon.- Only Ume will tell, however, how The flaht for Jeff Wilson's IUe con- oonnal that Ufe m11y be for the-boy, who tlnued on the beach and .en roote to the suffered 11 fractured neck in his ill-timed eriitrgenCy ho.9p1ia1. where Staff' doctors dive -at-Woods' Cova.and ltill remains un-1Uinulate2Ll!i& heart..back into action by consckius.... · electroshock. SAN PEDRO (UPI) -' \Vindward Passage, a 73-foot ketch skippered by Robert F. Johnson, today I'll throo&li the welter' at a record pace in its bid to break the elapsed time record -~n the -Tranapacific yacht race lo Hawau. , Johnson's Ticonderoga set the mark of J nine days , 13 hours and 51.2 rilinutes in 1965. . ·ne veteran skipper, who b u 1 I t Windward Passage in the G r a n d Bahamas last yaar, bad his sleek sailboat near the 500-mile mark or the 2,225-mlle Down the M •• l~~IOD Trail Leisure World Tax> Break Due? SACRAMENTO -Residents of Lei.sure World and other cooperaUve housing deVi!lopt{lents still have hope that lhey will . qualify for $750 property tax ex· emption for this fiscal y e a r-. Assembfyman Robert H. Burke <R·Hun- ti.ngton Beach) said today. Burke 'said his· blU, AB 575. has been ttvived jn the Senate F!nan~ C.Ommittee and a re-hearing -has bteo tentatively M:t for July 12. Burke gave cr~t to Sen._ John Schmlti (R-Tustin), a member of the comrDltt.ee, for moving AB 575 back into actlye. s\atus. · BUrke "ofrered amendments which 'he aald. • •••ot.lld---i enable the3e people lo qualify (tr &he fl50 exempUon for I.his. flscll -,.ear., and for all future tx· emPlfona..•' • Viejo Geu 2nd Doctor : MfSSION .,vtEJO -This fast ·gr0wlng Dew community now has ils ~ locally_.practlciJlg doctor with arriva! of Dr. P, ~ Guevara, an obstebic1an- CYnec<>loglsl. Dr. Guevarl's o(fice'ttmporntily ts in La Pat Pla11~ Leter he will movt to the .rew ~lcaktental center. 'lbt UC Irvine College ol MedJcloe (SM MISSION, Pqe 11 C:ompeytion at midnight Sunday. Thirty-two, miles back of the overall leader was-Blackfm from ttle Sl. Fran- cis Yacht Club, of 'San Francisco follow· ed, in odder, by' Mir from Vancouver, B.C., Rascal and Kamalii. . Windward Passage, from the Lahaina Yacht Club of Hawaii, was several miles ·abe~ of Ticonderoga's record paCe. And the weather had im proved for sailing. The winds, which were Z5 lo 35 knots the first two days of the race, fell off to JO to 12 knots, reducing the whitecaps 'rrom 15 to S feet. ~chm standin1s, in order, were: <;LASS A-Rascal, Coo<:erlo, Sumatra. CLASS B-Loco, Salacia , Xanthippe, CLqS C--:-Montgomery S t r e e t, A Coast ·Guard spokesman saJd the search would continue "until we know for aure" .ibout those sill! unaccminted for. Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes said he Would declare portions of northern Ohio a disaster area. His office declined to estimate damages, but said "ll will run high int.o the millions." In Illinois, a rash of funnel clouds ac· companied strong thunderstorms JllOving across the central part of the' state. · (Ste TORNADOF.S, Pare %) Beaches Packed, But Few Rescues Argonaut, Esperance. CLASS D -Ano Nuevo, Destiny II, Heavy Fourth of JulJ weekend crowds Aventura . packed Laguna and San Clemente Seven of the 7i entries In lhe race from beaches, btil lifeguards reported relaUve- the Los AngeleJ Harbcb' to Diamond Head ly few rescues along the South Coast. were out of the competition. The latest to Friday 17.900 beachgoers basked in the quit was Finesse 11 from Palo.Alto which sun along Laguna beaches. with 17,500 dropped out Sunday with mechanical dif. Saturday and 7,000 under Sunday'~ ficultle:i . overcast skies. There were a total of •t Carl Steward or Shennan Oaks, to.st his rescues in the calm surf. Lifeguards footing and fell o\·e:rboard from the sloop reported lhal jellyfish plagued swlmmerJ Quest from the CaHfornla YaCht Club in the warm 76-degree water. Sunday, Skipper Tom Lavine put about In -San Clemente, 43,0C<I visited the vily and picked him up. and county beaches Friday, with 31,000 There has never been a drowning in 24 beac..bgoei's Saturday and 13,500 Sunday. Transpacific races. There were a total of SI rescues in the Forecasters said a mid-Pacific high two-t.o-flve-(oot 11urf. Water temperature preswre area is generating intense winds ranged from 65 to 68 degrees with no aloi1g the race route to Hawaii. : jellyfiah. Jackie's Memos Reveal ~ Concerns of First Lady WASHINGTON (AP) -Excerpts of Jacqueline Onassis'· memos reveal her concerns aa First Lady with too much li- quor at the White House, the cost of clothes, newswomen "harpies," and a con}.edian's_ref~rences to her children, says the KniJht Newepaper Syndicate . tn a copjiigtit 1loij..liy Vera.Glaser and Malvina Stephenson 8 direction lo the White House staff to refill half~mpty cocktail glasses "eVen if a few people do get hepatitis" was the former Jackie Kennedy's way of to..ulng off a quip. In one note. she said" I have never sent out one memo that I would have minded th~ world seeing ..• the worst thing I have ever said ls about the Archbishop of Canterbury's wife." This was not disclos- ed, however. "Liquor often flows too freely here," 1he wrote the White House housekeeper, "and t find it as abhorrent to hear a ~ctplion turning into drunkf'n laughter as I do to hear loud jazz crasblng through the East Room . ''No one ahould ever get drunk tn Use White House ; 80 will you see that at sta.ge affairs and official receptions - especially the judiciary -liquor flows much more slowly. " ... People ahould a:et one drink im· mediately, have to do a little wa!Ung or beckqning for a second one. and reaUy make It i,mpossib.le tor ~ to have a third." In writing to Mrs. John Mowinckel in Paris, one of. her fashion "scouts," 11he made one of her frequent mentions of trying to economize in this area : "You are so sweet to write me such a Jong Jetter about all the heavenly clothes 'in Paris .. , However, by .some strange mercy of the gods, I have a very light social season this spring -also, trunk load! of clothes left over from India Jaat year, and for two trtps to Brazil which we never took. "So I am really going to economize the one time I can," she said, adding that one especially appealing suit coukl be bor· row~ from -her aister, Lee Radziwtll, if necessary. Dress ·code Revised In one three-month period she 11pent $15.000 on clothes the memos showed. After she and the President watched L9ng. H·air 'Out' at SJC comedian Vaughn Meader on television, she wrote to ald Parll Turnure : "JFK Says It's okay if you call him (Meader) which Is probably ..ier thin writing, and say lhat Mrs. Kennedy finds II In appalling lute that he 1bould make .. . By lACK ai.Pl>iµ;t. ' OfJllt,~ ..... '!"' '•. ''I-· • . ~ H~lr.~ -tb&·IOl1i;•al¥~ loffil\I' mu· cull•• liead!, js out oi' ~ekcl<.4un-, ior College, uni~ ~ ~~ 'ltU· dent has a high f~ ·1ow .-and a long· neck. • 1 In a revision of tbt· juttlor college's dr"' code. the S.dilleback truslees lut ' wetk de<rel!d' tliat "hair Iha! !~Us be- low the eyebrow•, or c:P•en 111 or part "or the ear, or bani• en ti rely over , dress shirt collar" ii pi'obibited. 'nlat phrase replaca one. fonnerty in effect wni<h forbade, ':'!"usually long or btum hair styles O\' beards.' AJI ot Which leavei· unanrwt"red a ques. t1on ol whether biurre hair styles. can be worn by s.tudentl so long as \My meet the· tYebrows, eara and collar P.l'O-11yllsh and grOO!J?!ed · hairdo. ailottu, money . out of a Jive-year-old child," 'vision. And then, what about beards? caprls, slacb and tailored bemwdas." referring to the comedian's.satires. Are long shagp, ·scraggly beard.I per-Prohibited are bare feet, shorts, "Tell him · I don't Care whit he uya milted now? about u• -bl!tr •. !"9 fact 'lhat he dara No one at the colltge tbil morning thorip·and unkempt.,hair. mention mY cllUGren'I namea to Make seemed to know, but II Is 1 good bet Iha! ·the drt3I coil<, drawn UJI by tnisteea hlmlclf an extra dollar, I don't 1lle that Is no( the Intent of the board. lut summer, h.., been the point of co.. -I woold Just like him to know lliaf I Other provtsiOM of the amended stdtribft COOtentlon between stucknts conatder blin 1 rat as far u the children dress code require that studenta wear and trustees. are concerned." ahlrts. , . Studenta wanted tnaetment of the In inOther memo, she sailt uJnc wu a Suggested dress for J?'tn Is -'<•alacks, · cOcfe Pc;istponed until after, a ltudent , bit disturbed 'last laat rilght lbGut the sWeaters, sport-jacketi, 11.il~ :ta1Joted · 1.Prrnmen~had be'1\ oraani&ed·lil...order ore. ladltt'' at a Whitt Houte runeuon, bennudas, 1treet • ah<M!s, tennis shres, 1 that lt.U.dent opinions tnight be U· l•'Ibey haft( around and make everyone dress &hoes:.nd aandtls wtllt SiOCks." pteased. , · nervoua;:r: . ,, Pl'llhtbited m bare o !ee~ cutolfl, . In later · dress. dbC!lslloril, lruatees Chana" In prw ground rules should llhort.s, 1llpp0n and sock lfioos._ ilonf. slood finll and denied •Ill' l)lblianllll come !ram Pierre s.• ... •er, she aald 10 ""h the hall:.restrfctlont. . ' ~· • · . """ tr !'or """""· the JUUeNci d""9 In-' 14 .the c<ide now l\lndl,' qi1oreanent Pini Tuinun, " .•• u li It not fa to pit cludis: "aliirts and blDum..ot.a'fl!t'(l,i 11 the'r"l!Onlibll\17 at ~i>(,Stuaeols Yoo 1plnat.!he hlrp1t1. Alao, they mlCllt sport dresses. fiat.I, 1treet ~ .,John FI-ocKL· .... Yi, • J _,. J t : ·take'"it ·beHer from aim.an.'',. . -4-' • _.. J Ji...• I !f:tWjJ . 'I"--. ·'--- ' · .. ,-·~-·· .\-. ;_.i..t' S,~ ",ii ··1·<.L a\.., ,...,I -·~ ""Jt 1 ... • Wilnwa said -the boy bad .llJllde several jumps from the OOYf nd: - wbere l!>ose -,119 risk dlflnl -1\Y J"'it unW .. Incoming llltp deepenl u, water lo a Ille degree -before~ ,._ clckiit.' -~- -lnv..Ug&loro· theoriie·be~wnped-11-the­ wrong Umt, •• the tidal pull was wuhing seaward a u d struck his bud on fb 1 ~ Dr.'Carroll was spending.the holiday on the beach and gave emergency flrlt aid to tile Wilson boy While-, lifquardl were en route -from-their Main -bud-quart.en. Dan1;1 Point Man Found at Foot Of Laguna Cliff The body of a young Dana Polni man was found early Saturday at the foot ol a 60'foot South Laguna dill. A cillller -of amall brancht.s waa clenched in hla band. 1be dead man was identified by cor- oner's invesUgators as Edward stepben Finch, 26, ol the Embarcadaro Apartmenll, 244o2 Def Prado St., Dana Foint. , OffJclalS telitatiVely have placea the time of death at about 4•a.m. Saturdly. . Cause of death is be.Ing invest.t&ated, Coroner's Deputy Jim Blmer saJd. The man was found by an u~t.ified' young couple walking the belCh late Saturday afternoon. It was in a cove at tbe end of Dierker Lane. Officials believe he fell from the cWf while taking an early ~omlng walk. Steele .llfarlceu NEW YORK (AP) -The lloct market, Its early advance blunted by pro- fit-taking, turned lower this afternoon tn moderately active trading. (See quota• tfons, Pages 14-15). Oran1e Weatller Altei;. lh~ mOmlng cl"'* ron by, we'U have warmer weathtr along the Orange CoaJI TUbdoY, wtlh lemperalures beadJns Into the IO'a. INSmE TODAY • Rivrr.aM:k's famtd • .llWloft. Inn, onu hod lo prinu1 •Oii<! w~u. " la11i1ulshmg-m bcrilkruprcy eovrt. Set fcatvre •lortt l'•Q• J2. " • .. " u • • • .. .... " " • -.. -·-.. --. ~,..,,.. .. 14 ............ -,,,,, '""" ' •» .......... ,.,, ·-M -. ·-. .-~ .... --.. J • I f DAILY PILOT L Ff:o• P•se ,l MISSION •.. ! ... ~ .. malilod. and brp lhree cbllonn. Tbcy Uvo \n 1llilloo Viejo . . , .N.._•, P.M Be•llietl l&N ~'""' W1llle lht P..,m. ,eorf broalro oo the beach behlad bis • -· lbd bis birthday gilt Hobie ~ alts ,.; bi, ....... ~ N'll'Gll can noal mtJfld Jn 'a Dew swhn- • I eiife ere.:---~ Pons!Notion d 'a JG.by~ pOol JI . bchodlllecl to bqln toclBy by Sir Paols of ..,.,jt wUI ~ 14.950. -'-,_-f..O:..:::::!:::;:;;...;;.::.:;;::;;..:o::;:::..~-'· 2 e ia11e1tet• Gro1uufell MISSION VIEJO -When the riew Col. · 3nde:rs' Kai.tU;Cky Fried Chicken opens .fnr business bere ·ln late July, Us revo1v- lng b<Jckel In the sky will be grounded In the interests or beautification. That's the word from proprietor Ken- net), Bradshaw, who said he and bis · partoers ate golllg to attempt to operate the bw:inesa without the tradlUonal ·bucket. But lf business suffers because of hi4 gesture, he wanftld, the bucket wU! i:o back up. The establishment will be IOcated across rrom La Paz Plaza on Chrisanta Drive.· .. e "-11tP Suggested ~ CLEMENTE -Wllh plans lot a -J)edestrian crossing et the Santa Fe _ 1Wlroad tracks to Muni cipal Pier denied ~_by tbe state Public UUIJUes Conuriiulon1 City Manager Kenneth Carr bas been .in· .llructed J>y councilmen to look into con- . st.ructlon of a ramp undernuth the 'lracks. Charlie Rides Again DAILY PILOT PMlt lot Pot O'DNMR ' · The present underpass includes a series -;Ill steps, criticized because g_l~_er ~le ~and those in wbeel chairs have diHiculty •reaching Ule beach. •. 1be at.grade crossing request wa.s den.led because of the excessive speeds of Fidd11n' Charlie Waer, a familiar figure at annuaJ Huntington Bea ch Fourth of July Parade, made his seventh ay,pearance in the eVent this year despite infirmities which kept him rom riding his Mo'rgan stallion. Charlie said he just got out of the hospital and decided to forsake horse for the comfort of an a·uto. The 65tb annual parade drew about 200,_000 spectators this year. • ,the tralns passing by the pier. : .• Ne"' Jtllnlster Blred • UGUNA HU.LS -The La-una HUis _ ~__Methodist Chwcll, without a r8tnlor pastQr since December, will rreet ;Dr. Lawreoce F'. Hawley, senior minister -bl 1he Flnt United MethodiJt ChUrch of North Hollywood at the end or July. Dr. ·Hawley has served at churches in Ontario and_ Monte~llC! bef.9rt .ser.:tng as senior .. minister in North Hollywood for four ·years. 'Open Warfare' in Mideast ·Assailed by U.N.'s Thant Laguna 'Fencing' Plan Festers Over Rest Rooms By United Press International United Nations Secretary General U Thant Slid today "Open warfare has been rmiumed" along the Suez Canal and that he may have to withdraw U .N. peacekeeping forces from the area. As he did, Israel 5ald it shot down two more Egyptian MIG21• Jn an alt battle today. Thant, in a report to the Security Coun. cil, uid·tbe unarmed U.N. olfloen "can· not be apect.ed to serve as what amounts to dele..,less largels tn a shoollng I som• •ncere.I" tarun•' bdciitront ·' . ., · • ... i , owner1 toclBy are talkiog about btl!ldlng ., fencaa · icrosi the beach' In 'ii h e • r. r~ Page l~ 'l>eigifbarbOod .wbm .lhe dty Is plaonlng ,, T" n,J ~~ADO·. -rel lQ lna!IR ,a.public ~ _ • _ \:1.Hl~ ~ • Beachfront owner• AY they awn the · · • beach to the mean hiab tide line ind ha'Ve Strong wind3 and rain hit Petenburg", a rig:bt--to fence if to keep out wV Ill., 20 miles northwed of Snr,in""eld, de11lr1bles. r. &'-' where power Unes were down and five "I personally am try!ng to prevent It, persons were Injured when a tree fell on b1it there's tal k of fencing off the their car. beaches,'' saJd Harold O'Brien, presldent ·FOUr hundted National G\.llfchmen of Laguna Beachfront Property Assocla· joined Red Cross workers in. rescue :ind tion. The group wa.s formed to combat evacuation operations at Norwalk, Ohio, the city restroom. about 60 miles southwest of Cleveland. "We will have a meeting liQme day lhi1 Two city reservoirs burst at Norwalk as week to determine action we might take the Vermillion River crested at IS feet lo straighten the city council out a little · above flood stage. bit," he said . National Guardsmen also helped along City councilmen by unanimous vote last the rain·swollen Iowa Ri ver in southwes t week approved preliminary plans or the lowa, and a spokesman for the LouJa architect and ordered working drawing s County Shetitf's Offict saJd more help for a public" restroom at Anita Street lvould be sought. Wapello, J owa, was beach. drenched with three inches of rain Sun- The Beachfront Property Association ~ay, and a spokesman said the levee takes in 45 to M beac h frontage owners between Oakville and Wapello was "alo~ from Sleepy Hollow to Moun~ln Road, py wlth all the rain!' The flood creat on u.id O'Brien, of 1007 Gaviota Drive. the river was expected to pau today. "We have already bowed to ihe surfing Jn the northern Illinois community of ordinance. I really believe the beachfront Freeport, cleanup operaUon.s as the OWl9'9 are In 1 frame or mind to fence," Pecatonica River receded were hlndered he said. as caravans of joyriders took high spee:d He said most of the homes, located turns through flooded streets sending above the blulf, have stairways to the waves of mud, water and sepUc tank beach. He saldlt the legally-private overflow againat houses and j n t o beaches are 40 feel wide for the ma&t basements. Some 200 persons were still part from the foot of the bluff to the homeless today. benn where the beach slopes off to the • ocean. * * * gallery." "Since June, 1967," Thant said, "the level of vlole~e ln the Middle East has never been hfgher thu It ls at pre9ent. In fact, never in the history of U.N. ex· perie.nce with peace-keeping has there been 1uch C{)mpl!te and austained dl!reJ:ard, through the mas.!lve a .s e of many types of conventionaJ wupons and also by lel.1 C{)nventional means, for a ce...rlre called for by the Security Council ond qi:eec! lo bJ the p.u1leo." All IJnell opc;temloi•lll Tiif-Am _1ald tod1y'1 air batUe broke out when • cou- Pi'll or P•lr•Wn1 ,JJraeu· 1<1sJ:ikro0pted r.ur Egyptfia MIGt!t at 4 V· t~oouth or !he lsraell-oceull!!<IJ'!!'lt!i!i. Sbano El SliOlkb al the mouth d die G\Jlf of Aqaba. In the ensuing dogflgbt two El)IJl!iao Jets Wtre ahol doWn, the lpokesman 1aid. He reported the Israeli planes returned safely to base. Car Rental Bid .Before Planners The Laguna Beach Planning Com· mission tonight will take up a request for a use variance by Trans Auto Systems to conduct an auto rent.al and leaatng agen· cy with an open air display 1t 946 S. Coast Highway. Unde r C{)nditions of the C.I zone, use normally is Hmlted to an enclosed buil ding. In another requut for a use variance, Cordon Strachan ot Gordon '• AppU.ances will ask planners for permislion to do .buaine.s.s.on Lacuna Canyon Road, within the R-H (residt.nUal·hlllslde) fJGne. PlaMer1 also will take up a request by MJrgery Miller, 281·283 Wave SL, to ex· pand an existing duplex without providing lhe required setbacks and addJUonal of(. street parking, and will hear 1 reque!t from Sandpiper Restaurant owner Jim Vreeland to utend lhe dancing p!mlit. 0~11 1 PllOl Storm Terrorizes • 1 OllA/ft~ CO.Ut PUil IM41N• CCIMNN'f JtoMrt N. w,,4 PrnlllrN 111111 "'1MW>et J.,11: •. c,.,.., Viet PrM!Ottd -G«lllr ......... "' Tho,,,11 tcoofll lfl!Qr lh11!1•• A. M1rphi"1 "'-'"" l.tli.t ~ich114 P. Nill .._,_ '"" 1.i,., ..__ ...... 211: For1d A~1 . M1illn1 Acl4•tHt P.O. 101 166, TZ 652 ....... -.. C.,it !NM• m "1nt ll't t•l'WI H_, kedl: nu '"" .. b .... ,.,,,.. ,._.,...IMO;• Mii '"'"' Man Caught on Lake as Tempest Hits CLEVELAND (UPI) -Arthur Osborne was out on Lake Erie "to do a little fishing" when the tranquil water sud· dcnly churned into a foaming tempest and turtJ.ul his outing into a night ofter. ror . "It was the most Cod-awful experience of my llfe." Osborne said. •·1 never thought I'd see the light of day again." Osborne, 52, of Cleveland, wu one of about 2$0 boaters rescued from lhe lake ronowlng a rav11tn1 storm which 1truck over the FooRh ol July holiday wellend. He had clung to lhe wrtekage of his boat ror 10 hour• unW • helicopter plucked him lrom the water. The stonn, and reaultant floodinl In areas south of here, claimed at least 3S lives and injured no others. Seventeen of the vtcums we.re killed in the storm and 16 drowned in floods. Gov. Jame1 A. Rhodes said he would declare portions ol northern Ohio 1 disaster area "IOmetime today." His of· fice declined to ettlmate damages but aaid "it will run high Into the mllllone. '' By late Sunday, the Coast Guard 1tlll had not accounted for about 170 J)tTIOM. A •pokesman said the 1e1reh would con- tinue "until we know for lurt." He uid it was hoped mo&t of those onrtporttd bad reached marlnu, covu or harbors and that lick of com- 't municatlon facilit.lea was the only pro- blem keeping them from contacting -.nyone. Throuahout the weekend, the coast guard conducted a massive search for st.:rvivors. Rescue units using cutters, small boats, helicopters and amphibious planes, pick· ed up 250 persons marooned on rocks, pieces of wreckage and life rafts on the lake. Helicopter crew1 lifted another 52 pe.rso1t1 from rooftops and noaUng debris in flooded areu to the .soulh. Osborne was rescued by a helicopter early Saturday after spending 10 hours in the water ha.ncln.g onto a piece of hia 15- fool lbhlng boat, which had been smaal> ed by the 100-mlle per hour wlnd1. "I was wearln~ my Mae Well: -I always do when I m fiahinc -and that probably aaved my We," said Osborne, a retirecr Navy cblet. '"lbe wtnd and rain cut like hell bUl t kept down In the water rtal low," he said. "I kept t.hlnkin& r was drlfUna out In the lake." Osborne was less than a mjle rmn shOre when the Coast Guard spotted him. They bolated him aboard in a canvaa rescue allnr, unhurt. "I heard that chopper comln& and It wu lllre a voice from bu.ven," be 11ld . "l tcr111tblod on lhll 1lin1 -boy WU I glad to 1et out of tbe water," ' • --... Early Jets Dropped A·ir~W est. W.on~t Rursue Morning .Flight I , ' ' 117 JEROMI'; F. COLLlll8 • <Bn lo ke•p . the thunder of the l<>la "W• bav•n'\ p!tn Ill ...,..., to thal Of .... 01111r """ •11tr minJmlzed. .. ' }I Jetter, nor to two ciherl ft've, Mnt " · Press~ by the county, Air West He aaid he bu sent three lettus llN:e ln the me,anUuie. Jkunahtn · em· voluntarily his dropped a plan lo fly an Oclober lo U<e FM on the 1Ubj6Qt.. TM , ~-haa , ~J;~ -1b.r 0 u • h .~ JtLflrcrtrt ~..Q<!!"-j!,I!._ ..,,W•m U. .lbe •'A 1111~ wWerlnt-. · -c tOit County Airport ~t 2:20 every mo".! ng, man. "' , easi keep the skies &Uent at nl::- Alrport Dtrector Robert. Bresnihan "J don't think they know .bow to _..-Be conceded. 'that alrUnes using County disclosed today. answer, frankJy," he said. "Tbt Urft let· ._ Airport aren't nYV11 -...•IJ,tr )J p.m. for Bresnahan reported the decision by the t£1'r wu Rnt lalt October. We toitf _U\e m~t ar:e_l'BO perCtal..pubUc rtl• lrline-tn mponse lo ehlfies by Newport FM UtlrlDimjua> as Uiej Ul' ,..-fiiYe Uona policy· and ' so petoeot .bOalntss Beach Mayor Doreen Manhall that cpun-no rlaht to control fU&hll, they lhould reuon1.'' • ty authorill" are doing nothing lo hold study the nolle problen here aiid In o~ thtra lln'l lhll· much down jet' traffic at the airpor:t. esl4bllsh mutmam 1tandardl' that will pauencer dem~ ror nfgbt fll&bb _ He said every effort is being made lo not destroy the Newport 1ru. yet. persuade airlines to keep their big jets • away at night and in the early morning hours: None now ny between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. And it's all voluntary , said Bresnahan, explaining that the county has bee.n advised by the Federal Aviation Agency that the county has no \egal rl&ht to impose a ban on night ffight.s . That Is the FAA's responsibility. TWIN.JET CRAFT "Ont month ago," said Bresnahan , "we received a request from Air West to bring in a DC9 from Las Vegu on a 2:24 a.m. dally schedule . But after we discuss- ed it with them, they decided to forget it." The DC-9 i.s an 80-passenger, twin·jet aircraft. Air West's plan was to bring it in only ; it would stay down until after morning. Bresnahan pointed out tllf.l the jwnbo jets 1'rom La.s Vegas ny in over Tuslln, "Although we haVt:n't been getting many C{)mplalnts from the Tustin area, we didn·t want any, either. We're getting enough rrom Newport." The late.st Newport broadside on the jet noise controversy was fired by Mayor Marsfiall in a Jetter to co u n t y supervisors. She said the city has grow· Ing concern over the county's ''apparent inacUon" in abating jet noise probl~ms. 'REMOVABLE CONTROU' t.frs. Mar1hall,-who was on a vacation trip today, demanded that the cOunty establish "reasonable" jet Olght controls for !he present and within a fixed period of yea rs, She noted that William E. Pereira, the county's air master planner, last year recommenited that controls be imposed, similar to those on jets at WashingtOW National Airport. Night jet filghts are prohibited a1 the Washington facility. The ban was established by the FAA. Mrs. Marshall aald supervisors should direct the County Aviation Director to lake .steps necessary to bring FAA flighr limitations locally. "Unleu these problems are con· &oiled," Me warned, "the environmental effects fr<tn airport operations ultimately could be crit.lc.allJ detriment.a) to both land values and quality oI We in this community." Bru:nahan, in respQnse. indlcaled that be aod hla staff already are doing all they Dinner in Honor Of Laguna Police Chief Labrow Set A dinner honoring reUrlng Laguna Beach Police Chief Harry .Labrow will be held Tuesday night at the Hotel La- guna. The Muters Ho.spital.lty group of the Chamber of Commerce ls plann.i.Dg a "Thia is Your Life" program with a.nee· dote.s irom Llbrow's five years as Laguna Beach chlel. Friday la Labrow's la.st day on lhe job. Tickets to the 7:30 p.m. tllnner preceded by a 6:30 p.m. social hour may be purchased at the Chamber of Com- merce office, 280 Park Ave., for $6.50. The prict! Includes a $1.50 contrlhutlon toward a farewell gilt. UpoJt reUririg, Labrow, Mi, and his Wife pJan to travel In their house trailer and then settle in Twentynine Palms. Def ense1 Experts Plan • I • Fewer Men, More Guns WASHINGTON (AP) -Congrusional defense eiperta, laying the foundation for massive development of oew weapons, are counting on substant!al cutba~k 1n the jlinned rarces to open the way for financing the hardware without an in- crease ln military spending .. This ls the clear message of two recent statements by Sen. o.Jhn Stennis ((). Miss.), chairman ol lhe Armed Services Comn\ltt.ee, and from b a c kg r o u n d discu"lons with other key con~ional defense e~rtsJ. _ ' They Indicate a million-man cutback In the 3.5 ml!Uon man mJHtary establish- ment would save some $10 billion annu- ally of the $80 billion the Pentag()ll now spends. Between tl}i.s sum and the anticipated decline over the nut few years: iD the $25 blWon annual cost of the Vietpam war, more than enough fWMSs would be available to pay for new missile systems. long-range "bombers, submarines arid even the C{)ntroverslal Safeguard miuile defense program. It would mean most of UJ.e $10 billion to $15 billion annual fiscal dividend -the extra government revenue available from the growth of the economy -could be channeled Into domestic projects. Hearings last year by the Senate preparedness subcommittee laid the basis for increased spending over me next decade for military · hardware, espeelally on items deferrtd in recent years because or war com. The current Pentagon budget ihc1udes go-ahead funds for the Advanced Manned Strategic ~raft, a new bomber loni sooght by {he Air Force; and to convert FBI Called land-based Minuteman II lntercontmenW. In~~~ balllstlo.mWU.. and iU-bued Polariaea - into the multiwarhead MinUteman Illa Over Explosio1i Of Small Plane MONROE. Ga. (UPI) -A small airliner with 14 persons aboard crished and exploded near here Sunday night, scattering wreckage over hundreds of square yards. There were no survivors. '"The biggest thing we have been able t8 find so far is a human leg and a hand," said Walton County Sheriff Frank Thornton. "It's just unbelievable.'' Walton disclosed lat.er that the FBI bad been called. in to lnvesilgat.e. • .. It looks like It must have exploded from the inside out to have scattered thing.s around like it did," the sheriff said. The plane was a Beechcralt 99. a twin· cn&ined propeller-type crall operated by Air South. a small feeder airllne and charter air service. / None of the victims was identified and Robert Dick, vice president of Air South, said it may be late today before the iden· tified are released. The crew consisted of 1 pllot and co- pilot. There y,·ere 12 passengers, one of them believed to be. an Air ForC1' cOlonel. The National Transportation Board in Washington sent in 1 10.man ~n­ vestigaUng team and Civil Defense unils under the direction of the Federal Avla· lion AdminlstraUon moved floodlights in· to the area . 7 Escape Red China . HONG KONG (UPl)-Seven persons escaped from Communist China by swim· ming to this Britt.sh crown colony Sunday, Police reported today. One group -eonsiJted of four men and one woman whole ages ranged from 18 to 21. 'niey said they escaped froJn their commune and walked for four days tG reach lhe' coastal area of China. and Poseidom. In addition, the Navy laid Out plans for a major. new submarine program, the Undersea Lon1·range Missile Sy1tem, whlcti Jr-2.Uld become operatkln.aLin the late 1970s . Some 60 perant of the Pentagon budget currently goes for ~rsonnel, operations and maiatenance. Stennis i..s· known to feel the nation's security is more dependent on up-to-date weapons than on a large standing force. A cutback in troops y,·ould include, in addition to Vietnam . a substantial reduc. tion in the 250,000·man U.S. force in Europe. This level has bttn under fire in the Senate beeause of !Ls drain on the U.S. balance of payments as well a1 the feeling that Europeans should_usume a larger share of their defense. Nixo n to Spend Night in SF Before Long Trip WASH1NGTON fUPl) -President Nixon will fl y to San Francisco July %2 for an overnight stay before proceeding to the Pacific for his globe trip and homecoming ce remony with the Apollo ll at1trotlauts after their moonfila:bt on July 23 he will fly to Johnston 1.sland about 700 miles from Honolulu and on July 2t he will take. 1 smaller plal\e to land on the USS Hornet, the recovery carrier, for the splashdown of the Apollo 11 flight. The President will fly lo Guam on the evening of July 24 where he will remain ovemlght before going on to Manila a.s lhe first top In hi.! tour ol five Asian na- tions and Communist Romania -an 11· day expeciition that will return him to \Vashington from Europe Aug. 3. He Is ~heduled to arrive in Orange County about Aug . 3 for a four-week stay in his San Clemente home. cals. You ntay or may not con· aider tbal to be a good 1hi11g, but l'l'e like it because we get 11jcer people thal \\'ay. Can headaches he good for you? W11en you get to be a reg· ular l1ere, we are able 10 find out the kind or thin!!' you like, whal you selected last time and Llie time before. Bet:all.HI "·e do our own buyinR and don't lave to wonder wl1111 is ~oming in next week from the main 11tore in another city, we really know our atO<!k. That'a j111t anolher reaaon l'l'hy we can gil·e you more intell igent 11ugge1tion1 than would be po18ible in aome other 1tol'el. Tl1ey 1ay you 8ometime1 can· recogniu the fello'w ''ho is headed for now11ere in lhe business world. ]{e's the one "'ho 8eerelly. lougs for .the day when he'll l>fl promoted to a helter job with fe~·er headaehe8. ~l u11 pray for l1in1. The further up the ladder you pt, the tonf!her your job u1ually gett. Well,· there'• • reason why one mau 11 worth QJoni money than another. The capable m•nager 'Wflleome1 probl ems that other. f:ID't whip. becaUMO be k.oow1 that'• wba1 loado lo the real dou8h· N,nw, Lo Order lo leave room for bll!8"r and belier problem• •t the office, you don't need prob I em a e1tewhef.e. That'• where the AOOd !!DY• al Bid· well'• CllD be uodnl to you. \ Some men figure It'• euier lo face a major e mergency at the office Lhan to pick out • new auit, and that'• why they keep pultin~ it off . Can we do anything about tbal? Snf'fl we can, and we do. This i1 no chain. It'• not the Newport lleoch branch or any· 1hing. W1i don't have• remole penonnel director 1ltting in LA or NY tendlng out some new 1tore manapr every few weeb who doetn't bow you rn>m "Uncle Fn>d . Our people here are oil Jo- ·Our auil81 which we buy from 11. Free"man, Ratner, Deanapte and Devomhire run from $85 to 8165. orr1 .. beod1che1 we will not try to Clll'e but we can ture mike buylq o oult •roil pl..,. ure. See u1 for fa1t, f11t, fa1t relief. Jack Bidwell -3467 Vlo Lido 11 Newport Bl•d., in Ne"'l'ort Beoch aext to Richard'• Markel au,I The Lido l "heater. Plenty or rree parking In th e rear. Phone 6734510 Copyrisfit 1969, Jock Bidwell. • • • I I ,I ·) . . • • • -.. . • Newpor~ Veur Bometewa · ' Dally .. ape~ ., , . • ' I -~Vo-=(.~6-2 •• N_o_._·1-6 1~,_2_sec~·-T~~--N~S,_3~2 ,~P~-G~~ ..... '~·~~~ . ...,.~·~.~L ~~~O~RA~~~G~E~CO~UNTY~-~··=·~~-~-!::::'=N~I S::::::;'.~,-=~::;::::;;:;::;;:;i,~M=O~NO~~~Y~,~JU=L=Y~7=,1~9=~~·::::::::==;:::;===~:.........;:.;~·TEN::C:=CENTSz;:::;-~- Plea bf€o.:.rltrDkick --Jet Eligbt'S .. at~lrt t "By JEROME F. COLLINS Of .. Df,Hy Plllf Staff Presaured 6y the C01,1nty, Air Wesl voluntarily bu 4ropped a plan .to fly an lD-passi!nger jet· aircraft into orange COunty Airport al 2:20 every momlng, Airport Director Robert , Bresnahan dt.:looed tod»> Bresnahan reported the decl!ion by the airline in respcinse to charaes by Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall that coun- ty authoriUe,, are doing nothing to hold down jet traffic at the airport . He salcf every ·effort is being made to persua.~ airlines to keep their big jets away ·at night and ln the early morning bqurs. Twisters Hit ffiinoi s· 33 ' ' ' Die in Ohio · --UiUect"Press liittmauoaat Nine .tOmados were repOrted over cen-. tial ·Dlinois · today and "'ldespr.eed 1bowtra ilnd thundcrshower.J moved · a~ a front Crom Maryland to lhe cen· t.11-~ki•"-' -• - The death toll from the severe rain and wlnd 1l0nn that lubed northern Ohio ,0.. ID 33, including 17 victims ol t&e storm and 16 who drowned in rusl1'ng nood waters. The U.S. Coast Guard resllJTled lhe search or Lake Erie for 170 per50f'JS missing after the storm capsized ma.n,y boals. A Coast Guard spoke.sman ¥i.d the !i'eardl would continue :•witU we know for 5Ut't!:.~t ~ stili'una~tt4 ipr.· qljlo.,Goy. JamOI A. ~ '"'1d .he would ~eclare portioos of north€rq Ohio 1 disuter ana. His office declined to eatimate damagc,,..but-said "It-will run. high Into lhe millions." lo llliliois, a rash of-funnel clouds ac- companied strong thunderstorms moving acnm the central part of the state. Slrong winds and rain hi{ Petefsburg, Jll., 20 miles northwest of Springfield, where power lines weNJ down and five persons were injured when a iree fell on their car. Faur hundred National Guardsmen ~ Red Cross workers In rt~ :md ev;acuation operaUons at Norwalk, Ohio, about 60 miles southweat of Cleveland. Two city reservoirs bui'sl at Norwalk as tbe Vermillion River crested at 13 feet above Oood &tage. • National Guardsmen 'also helped along the rain-swoUen Iowa River in 80llthwest Jowa, and~a spokesinan for the Louia County Sheriff 's Office said more help would be sought. Wapello, Jowa, was d,renched with three inches of rain Sun-dv. and a spokesman said ~ levee between Oakville and Wapello wa1 "slop- py 'Tith all the rain." The flood a:.est on lhe riVer was expected to pass today. Iii the northern Illinois community or Freeport. cleanup operations as the Pecatonica River receded were hindered as caravans of joyriders took high speed turns through flooded streets sending w~ves of mad , water and septic tank oyerfiow aaainst houses and l n. t o bisements. Some 200 persons were sUU homeless today. 'Severecthunderstorm act Iv It y was "ported in extreme southealil Jowa and 09rtheast Missouri. At least three inches of rain' fell at San Jose, III.~ about 40 n\i1e11 north of Sprin'gfield, and more than ah lnCh and a r au ol rain fell on Gardea City, Kan., and Miles City, Montana. Clear skies were reported lhroughout the South and West and from the northern portions of the upper Great Lakes to 'New England. A cold front trail- ed from Wyoming to southern Nevada. Southem st.ates were hot and humid and temperatures were cooler 1n the north. Nooe now fly between 11 p.m. and 7 • a.m. And it's all voluntary, Aid Bnosnahan1 e<ploinin~ •that, tl>e ~y • has'been advlled by the hderal A•iiltlon . Agency that the county tw nO legal right to imP.OSe a ban on night flights. That is the FM's raponsibllity. l "One rilonlh -co.'' Aid Bresnahan, '"we received a request from· Air' West to bring in a 009 from Lu Vegas on a 2:20 a.m. daily schedule. J;lu~ aft~r w~ discuss- ed it with them, they deddedi to fo rget jt" I ·The. DC-9 i! M IO-pas.sfnger, twin-jet airci'aft. • •.• ·Air West"s plan wu to brl.ggjtjn only; ' -' -~ ' I . , tt would stay .down up.UJ a~r rnomlng. , Breanaban poln~ out t.b.lt ~ jUmbo jeta from L,!Js Vegas fly lo over T\.lslin. "Although we haven·t been getting msny corhpli.ln!s fmm. the 'Tustin aiea, we dldn1.t. wari't any, eiUier. We're getting enough ·from Newport.'' ·Ttie lat'!S! Newport broadside on I.he jet nolae. conlroversy was .tired by ft!ayor Marshall in a Jetter to county supefvlsors. She said the city has grow- irtg 'cOnCern over the county's "apparent iriactlon" ln abatinf>jet noise problems. Mrs. Marshall, who was on a vacation ttlp toda'y, demanded . that the county establish ''rtaaonable" jel Bight controls . - r .. Ibo preoent •orf within • flxed' period elf eels from llrport operations ultlmltaly . of yutt. .. could be critically dmimeiltal to both 'S~ n-Jted that WiW.m z .. J>eretra, the 1i nd values and quality: ot Ufe ln th.la • community..'' county,•1 atri tr;'llttll pia.-r 1 Wt year Bresnahan, In response~ Indicated that . recooimended llilrl copifo1'-bt lnopeoed We anrfliis rrtall already are doing all !hey - similar to I~ ao lits 1t Wubinctqo can .. ID keep the lllunder of lhe jets Na.Uonal Airport. . ' mlnlmi.ect. Night jet DJghta arti prohibited at the He said be has sent three letters since ' Washington lacllily. Tire ban wu OclDber ID lhe FAA .on lhe .Ubject. The established by the FAA. . problem is the FAA isn't .answerln& lta Mn. M&nhall said supervisors should roail, · · • dittct ).tRe~~tr. Aviation· Dlfector to "I don't think \hey know how to · ta~~ .~Pl nece~rY to bring.FAA flight answer, frankly,1' he saJd. '"l'be first let· llnlilatlons locall,j. • 1• , ter wa1 sent la&t~OCtoberJ We tokl ·the ~'Unless ' tbe.se proDlems are con-FAA that inasmuch as.they say we-t\ave troUed," she warned, "the environmental no· right ' to coritro.I flight!, they ' ahould rrtudy the noise P-ol>1em JI«. and establish maximum 11fandarda that wliJ. not destroy .. lhe Newport arta:>. "We· haven't 1otten an ~er to tfu.t 1eUei:. nor tO two otbera. we!ve ._,, t In th~ ~eanti,nt, Br:eaftaban em.. pbaslzed, the coun\,v -t bro u 1 b persuaa.lon -Is do1l)g all-It-can. .to at- least'lre<p lhe sides llllent at nlglit. He.cooceded that airlines using COUntJ Airport arenll Dying afttr II p.JD. ("° r~ that are."50 ptrcen~~.it.,_ lion.< policy and• 50 pe......t ·1'111- reasons," , · 1 ln other words, there Jsn~t tht~ Jnucli passenger deml!nd for: nlgl)t fllg!lll -yet. 8 -KiHetl -in County . ' ·"' Wrong Way Freeivay Crash Fat(ll to6 -. ~ .. ·-. ' ~ . Orange County motorlrta were safe ,.00 Cove, just norlh ol Laglllla Btacl!. · sane at the beginning ol the Fourth ol Ju_. -Jy bolid>y weekend. A visitor from EnsenJ,da, Mex.lco, who was prollably i.mible to~ ~freeway wamin& 51.gns, drove the wropg way on the san~ Ana 'Freeway: ll resulle<j· in lhe 'l'!le elilllh man..wu-kllled Gil• C-t Highway in Dana Point In ll10lher beadoo collision. ---=---; Ir-..J. .~ t;.. -1,' <:~rl~: -~es --Da.1t:Y 11R;or. ...... ~,,. '" .~~- Again . . , Fiddlin' Cbarlie .waer;_a ,familiar figure at alinual HunUdgton Beach ' Fourtli of July Pa!:aat, 'ipade bis seventh ar,pearance 1n1 the event this year despita dnllmilties which kept him rom rid!Jlg bis Morpn stallion. qparlie ,1atd h.e just .gpt. oul of the hospital and· dec1aearto forsake ~Qrse for the cDmfort~o/ an auto. 'J'l\e 6Sth ann~.P,arade drew ·abdut 200,000 s~tators· this Y,ear. , • I Trbm~tt t{fhief T dk~~, i5ii~. I I , -. . . . -. --. ~ . Rings ·Ft~m Two lfo~en ' .. -. . ~ - Two ydung wbmen spent.a.:barrOWtg half hour Sunday nlofnlni'With!i..,.knife-. . ' wielding i·1otticat" burelar Whd tried to make-them-remove thtir nightclothes before their· !Jett ams~ acired• him~ oCf, Newport Beach police reported today. The two women, both from the San Fernando Valley, told off'icen the burglar woke .them up as he was rlfllng lbelr Steek Jllarkeu -NEW YORK (AP) · -Tire· stock market, its early advBJlCt>btwJttd by pro- fit-taking, turned lower thli' artemoon in moderately active tradlfig. ·(See quota· tions, Pages 14-15 ), ' •Tt)e, 0ow· lones industiial average at I ~-p,.m. was ott11.4t at IM.!'3. 1be Dow had bee/I.up 4..28 at 10:30 a.m. . "JIW°SCS ·al an _EIJit-BaJ.boa..,.Boulevard apartment. . ' Carol J.' 1'flllei\ 25, Re~eda, and Mrs. Arif)ette M. Fogg, '..24, Van : Nuys, were staying at the ai>artment for the weekcna, police sald. They were awakened st 5:50 a.m. by a young man wearing a tan jacket who ap- pamrtlJ had climbed in through a kit· cheJI wlildow. Police said the women began. scream- ing fod the thief then pulled 8 wre. . ..TM, y1qme~roffk:u1.thelz1 aUallaht mad< them stay in bed whUa 'he ftnlihed taking moliey frOm their Purie; then tq'ld them lo ttmave .their clothes. · 1 At that point, ope vtctim·bolted rrOm the . bed and locked henelf . in !)re bathroom a n d began screaming, poliCe said, and the thief ran ofr. . He took about $50 bi cash' and a set of wedding ·rtnp from Mn. Fogg, oUicers said. . NOt a aingle bJa:bway fai.J.ity was reported on Friday or ·Saturday, .while~ over 200,000 fk>cked to Huntlnlto41 ·Beach to wak:h the Fourth of July Parade·and a . qUlfler-mlllft>n more enjoyed other Orange~coan-beaches. Then, wJttiln-a· perl<J!:i of five hoUrs ear· ly Sunday rooming, elj:ht died on county roads. • . !Mt Couty Trafllc 1111 114 ~tb Toll ,. l ot deatli of m ~' lnc.ludinLfour El Toro Mannes. - A man figbting ·wilh two others over a girlfriend was killed by a paasing car on Pacllic Coast-Hi.gbWay at Scolaman's Applicatio1a Witladraw1a :Clpu:~h ,.of Truth Quits;· . ' I . . ...\ ... .., . . -. . ·tlljy¢r Blames· '5eorn' ay.,JANJCE BERMAN Of .. ~ Pllt 51"'. Chargi11g that bis client was "held up to scorn and ridicule Jn th{.9 chamber and in the pap'er,"' the tttorneY tor PastDr Judy Todorovich o{ the COmmtinlty C!hurch of '1ruth, ·La lf•bra, haa withdrawn an a~ plication to o~ a church in Newport Beach. The ':'ilbciralwal· came aa a surprise. C'arl · S. Ke&ley, Mrs, Todorovi.ch·s counsel, appeared bekre the planniog com:iniuion 1'ttursday Dight. He was ar'mfd· with documents at-. testing to Mra. Todorovlch's oi'dinaUon and htt ability' tD "perform marriages, bury the dead and pracllce spiritual heal-.. . " ' . 1ng. The ·documenti·were presented tO com- ply wtth a·request malie ~t the June 19 ~Janning commlaslon meelinJ by Don· R. Aillilmon llia1 proof bt presented lhat a· 1r..airiage ceretnOny could be performed. Adkimon -told Kegley he would accept that ss proof thit the Church of Truth l5 a genuine religious organiuUon. Kegley. who is ·vice presiaen,l of l1}e COrona del M,Br Chamber 9,f Col'l)mei;-ce, noted that Mrs. TodorovlCh , was still unable to appear. She ·was under a doc- tor's care following complications from childblrlJl, ~e said. . . Kegley, alter presenting hiJ documents, withdrew the appllcatioa. He alleged that the applicatlon bad'been rldii:uled by lhe planntng commiss.IOn and "in Ute paper." 'Ibe DAlLY PILOT wu the only paper to Carry' full c0ver8ge or &he application. In tt! JUDe· 20 edittona,.. the DA'ILY PJ- toT· noted1that ·vaJlious memben of .the pliMing·comm1ssion1 were atten:iptlng_.to ·present their requlrementa·for· proof that. the ·Cbuteh of'Truth was indeed a·reJlg· · lon;-iiben; In lac~ there-ls no deftnltlol! ol religion In the Newport Beach code. The' story also noted Dial some mcml>el:a of· the commis.sion feared that the ChUrclr Of Thith-l'fllght Involve palml11lr.y aod-<>i-fortune-telling, which ls Illegal In the city .• Planriers W~ told by counsel Kegley that Mrs: Todorovich's father-ln-l•w 11 a licenied palmist In La ~rit, 0 bul that no such activity was planned for the Church of "Truth Jn Newport Beach. · " Mrs. T~orovich IOllght permlss.ion to conduct individual, prayerful counselllng in·Umlt.ed number!; not over three at any one time. SaiC:. Kegley at Thursday's PJanning Cornmlsslon meeting: "We ·came here ·in perfectly good falth.".He added that the commluiontrs seemed to think that "if her father-in-Jaw Is engaged in palmbtty, then Judy Todol'Ovlch must perforce engage In palmistry." The withdrawal of the applicaUon1was received. by -the-planners -wJlbout com- ment. 'Pmsage' Guns For Time Record In Transpac SAN PEDRO · (UPI) · -Windward Pa1sage, a 73-foot ketch skippered by Robert ·F;. Johiison, tOOiy cut through the water-at a record pace In !Ls bid to break the elapsed time record on the Transpacific yacht race to Hawaii. JohD10n'1 Ticooderoga set the mark Of oine cfa1t,-13 boun and 5U" minultJ In 11115. • Th&· Veteran skipper, who b u 11 t Wi.ndwatd Pas.sage in the G r a n d Bahamas rast y,elr, had hla aleek sallbo'at Killed .in the freeway wrong..w:ay crash ·Were: , Moyses Crui Garcla,-36, of Epsenada,. Mttico.I · · · · -AlijUitlii<1i." Clneroa, !2, Cl Placartl1. Isl Lt. John H. Baker, %4, of Santa Ana. Pvt. John R. MJUer, 21, o{ ·Hunlington, Pa. P\'t. Daniel G. Buehler, 20, of Oriskany, N.Y. · Pvt .. John W. Nolan, 24, "hometown unknown. • Kille<I at Scotsman's Cove : George Washington Gallagher, 22, of CUcmnon,a. ' .Killed at(Dana Point: Edmund °'laney, 88, of 21121 AdejanlD DriYO., Laguna Nlgud. ·.Jn the freeway ~.Al tbol!I t 1..!11··· the """"I way CU' itie\l llP !lie 17111 street offramp and CODUnued nortl'lflouOO in the . llOUtbboimd Juea; the CHI' nportad ~--~~-- .tllficero said -oheriff'l-deputi<l-Jlobtrt- Romaine and Andy Romero, flashed lheir red Jights and aounded the siren in a futile attem pt to halt the wrong way car which .swerved around their veblcle ~at lhe--offralnp. Just south of the Main Street cro.s.!ing, (Sff TRAFnc, Page Zl *"* * July 4 Weekend Sets Toll Record ' · lrj Oiillid" erin Tnt.ra1iiiij1I ·' · An ur.relenlirlg parade of <te,_th brought the nation • new trafOc,lfatality record for the 4lh o( July holiday, period.-• - A UnUed~Press. International .count showed thal ~ perBOOI had been killed on Americ.an streets and highways belw~ 6 p:m. Thuraday, and· 11:59 p.m. Sunday. . __ ~-~rd was Ji'l7...R.t d11rh;1g .the th.r!<:!i•Y _41_h of ,/lily ,hojlday ~ 191!1. l'be aU·tlr(ie fecOJ'd is 732 oel dilling tlM! 1167 4th-.of July "holiday, but that wi:& a fOW"- day event. · The N1tlonal Safety Council had estimated that the 1168 holidOY IDij woold be between 500 and 650. The. &afety· aJUD-o cU said that durin1 a co'rnparable non-- holiday period In July 1boul lCIO P""!I!' would be killed in traffic. Calilornla led· the Mtlon with 57 fatalities. T ex a 8 bad • 48, Ohio 35, Michigan 30, New Yorl . and Georgia Z5 each~ind Peruw!vapla ~4. , . The .11nal boµdaY, f~till\y }>feakdown: Traffic · · ' • 607 Drownings ' 183 Planes -36 Miscellaneous 98 Tolal 924 Orange Lagu11a Bo.y, Baek to Li.fe· ' ' ~ ;• Nixon to Spend Nig!it in .SF Before Long. Trip TIIANSPAC POSITIONS 3 P:lol. OA \LY ON KOCM;-FM (103.1) WAllHllmTON (UPI )' -President Nixon wlll ·flY to San Francisco July.22 near the 500-mlle mart.of lhe 1,225-mlle for an overnight stay" before proceeding comi)etlUoo at mldnlgb~ Sunday. ' ' ' ' Wea'Ol8"' .. Alter tho!ie morftfng j elouda ron . by, wt·u have warmer .,.t.ather along the Orange Coast Tutaday, with tempera!Ures heading into lhe 80's. Dramatic Revival ·saves . Y~uth After · O~an Dive to the Pacillc for hi! globe trip and Thit1y·two miles back of the overall hom~ing ceremol\)' with the Apollo il leader was Blackf'in from the St. Jl'ran- astnrnauls alter their .-.flight ell. Y·acht Club, of San F1ancloco !ollow· Girls watching a Laguna ll<acb boy float face down after diving Into the sea fl:'om a craggy rock 1n a cove Friday thou&ht ~ was pracUclng underwater en· durance. • Technically, Jef£ Wilson. 15, was dying. Dz:agged rrom the ocean by other swimmers aft.er two minutes without 01· y1en -technlcalty dead -the vk:ttm wu dramatically brought back. among the Jiving by a lifeguard and a physician. Only time will tell, however, how nonnal that life may bt for the boy, who IUffel'd a lraclurtd neck In his llHlmed dlvt al Woods' Gove and sttll remafn1 un- co~. ' I Wltson,' or 841 Ramona Ave . .--Ji: ll!ted In serlOUS" condtUOn today in the. intensive care unit at South Couf Communlt1 Hospital, where ounea say he· moves but doesn't respond tO trtat.nient. . lits brealhlng and hear1beal had slDp. ped when. the teen-ager wu brought ashono, but lifeguard John CUnningharo 'andlot.'·vtacOnl CinoiI a4miuistmd"' tcn)al carillac 1llll!a&". mi mooth·lo- moutlr resuscitation. The• n,111 for Jeff Wllsoo'• life con- tinued on the btadl Hit en route ID the emerge~ holr>ltal, whm ataff docton stimlllated llllheart beck Into 1!1'0011 bf geclroslloct. t •• ---------------- On July; 23 he will fl)' to Johllston ed, in "'1der, ~Y Mir from VlllCOUver, Wll....., said the boy hod made lslan!l aboJt 700 mUes from Hoooiulu"and B.(}.c ~I and ·KamalU. sevei-al fUmps from the ' «we rock '_ on July 2t he' Will take~• smaller plane to Windward Passige:, from the Labaln.a· where'thnse who risk dlvfn_s usUanY Wflt llUl~·.~n the USS H~, ~. recoyenr Yacht Club of Haw~: wu several miles until an· incoming surge de.penl the I ~··, !O!•h"!i*oolllmi~qie, irOo. d1;:~~~J:.i"'°i ro.r.~~ ~· watef toaS)Jtde'g -~ bef the'~I M~· '"''" ,..,, ... ,. ..,~ ,.,,:w.or .. ot..,.. .. ,....,, d<l<nL· • ., :" ~ °"'· , , : 1'JIO~ ·•.ilt •tly '\o".9ilii!'ii1..,4i!O' TlrO wl . ; whic!I wm,15,lb 11 lnot• ·rn...l.illlon ~lie JW11~ t t),. • ~., :[li!j'4 ~p(e~·iin;d;< the ·l\nl 'r:.i.r\IY•~the~a<e. foll"~ .. :~,....11d\e . .a• UjO_~ RUU wasW:!hlJt« , oitintllit41'!~,~~!~ '6m~la:i!fr i1o: :~,rt.I~ .lhe wliltaca]ll' "'"'rd • n.d """'" hb head on '' • the f!rat top w -.,.... .,. .. , ... ,..,~, Tire clul standJ!lP; In order. wm: oceanOoor. , , tlonl rmil. Romania -·an !I, ClLAliS A-llucaL C!>nceM. SUrnltrl. Dr. Clm>ll WIS spending the liolklly l>n ' day> ~IJGll W , I r""'1! him \ti' ' CLA8S B-Loco, Sillcll, Xanthippe. lhe beach ...i PY< tmergeocy !Int ~Id I WUliln~. fn>ll'.J! ;Aug. f. · · CLASS .c -MonliOfl\Ul' s 1 re, t, ID the WU..., boy while Ufqulrdl-~~-I B• Is ,ltlle<hll!!l ID ''I" 'jn ' ~e , .Ar~~ Espertnot . , en route from lheir -Mlin Beach befi" ~ COtl\\y abGlll.l.llC.IU ,I fqur-~"1<•~'. g.wj D -o1no o'~; ~ll\Yr·u, quarters. • · ,, . l ~5!'-~-.~~ 'c 1:~---j ' · .~,~.J!.~_,,P,..I) 4; .. ,. . .. ' ' . . ' I . ' . ' • J • 1 -. • ---~--- . ~ llA!l.Y ~ILOI N "'"':"-.'!"~ ~-~ -..-~ P~ Derl!I ._. • • Newpo·rt W9mari. ies .to -Seeond ' . ---~;.)l<s.41&n CUlp el <Newport ·Beacf>1 -, , , ' • tlDI In .lier nt11 '.1!owder Puff l)erby, Richard. CUlP. Uva II 117$1V111a iiMid secood Sunday in a Odd of 96 El\lridi.. jroman plloll·Ja the :tSnl annual clulic Tbe classic. raee mried Jub 4. Mrs. ' • _1'1111 """''a nee 1>eian In San Qllp lil)ished !IS~" ~ 10 mlmile& ond "' • ~ · f.f!Fli\JVsTa!er. &ii wu tm.......,rea ,_,.,. ud tnda\l Ill )Vuhln1100, D. C. . beblJld Ibo lint ..,,,., lhe line. Marton <'-Mn. Culp. wife pt Pbiloo-f~l'<I ~Y!lcisl · JayDt n! llllnoll. ~ She wu greeted by her husband wbo also II a P,Uo~ • Police Seek _Complaint in Besch Shooting · Newport Beach police llld today they wW 1ttk a compl1lnt •&•inlt alf- employed carpeni.r Ralph Watoon for alleiedly lnjurln1 lhrej! beachloert July 4th with bullet rragmenll from hi.I pllitol. Watlon, 60, of 3505 W. Octan Front, was booked on assault with a deadly \veapon charges Friday nighl alter an In- Ci.dent stemming from r t v e I e r s ' fireworks being shot off In front ol his home. · Mrs. CU.Ip took advantage of high· alUIUdt wlnda lo llnlah lhe handicap ra<e with a plut-16--.. Final -111 wlll not be known until tU Ille planes have landed. Time la· -· puted on a handlc&JI bull, Sbe flew a pjpu CGmanche, tolo, for her !Im derby. Mrs:--cwp b a Charter pUot for an Crance County AJfPOr\ nnn and • cor- Por&te pilot for a Soulhem Clllfomi1 Slttl company. Sbe,holds ratlnga for Alrllne Tran!port single and mulU-tn1lne caft. In 1917 she .... lved Ille Pllol .. f·th .. Year award from the Oranae County chapter of the lt'.a. Mra. Thon Grlifiths of ·Costa Me,1, another derby contestant, finished the race with a plus-28 score. She new with Mr1. Marion Banks of San Diego: P,ollco aald Walaell approached the par-From .__., l ly llld lold lho colobranll, "'II'• 1111 • _,, beach. J dod't want yCltl here ." TRANSPAC ' During the 1t'gunleJ1I thal followed one • • • • of two guns carried by Watson fired onto Aveotura. 1he sidewalk, police said. Lead fragments Seven of the 72 entries in the ract from burt three t>«JOnS in the group. the Loi Angeles Harbor to Diamond Head • The splattertn& bullet.caused minor in.. were out af the ootn,.UUon. The lateat to juries to Jerry Jelfrlea, 34, 1304 E. qllit was Finesse JI lrom Palo Alto which Balboa. Blyd., hiJ br:otbu-inJ.aw, Phi! dropped out Sunday with mechanical dif. · Forbes, 28;, Placentia, and Forbes ficultJes. lfaugbte.r, Diane, I. Carl Staward of Shtrman OaU, JOit hls • _l.ol!ce aaidJVlllon became Jrajt_durlnc • ..1NiJJnc~ tram lhe 1lo0p ---.iiiO ....,..,..1 onc1 reached for • sun In~~ from lht California Yochl Club Pla pocket. Jeffries grabbed .the mtn'a SUndayt Skipper Tom Lavine p.1t about wrlat llld • hllh-l>OWOJ'ed. boUow-ooeed and pleked him up. ·bullet d1schar1ed onto the pavement, of. "lbere bas never been a drowning ln 24 flcen ll!d. Tranapar.illc races. · ,,_ Wataon was packina: a dtp'lngtr-and JO fo~ra 1_1!.d • mJd·Padflc hl&h bulletlJn h!a pocktt baldea the JW1 in prtssure area is generat1n1 lnteoae wlndl hi& bind, police char1ed. along the race route to Hawau. ·J~kie's Memos Reveal Cont;erns of First' Lady ; . W~'N 1AP) -E_,,u 1lf jacquiJIM Ona!sll" m")lor meal'.'hor ~ u r1r11 IA!IY wllll too modi ll· .gu« ~t Ille Whlle ~House, lb• coll of dothel. newPonmt ~btip.ltl," and a Medlin'• re!trencts to htr chllltrtn, 11)'1 Ille K~t NeM)>oper Syndlcote. In a co t 1tory by Vera Gluer and .Malv Stephenson 1 direction lo lht White HouJ< sla!Uo rellll hall .. mply cockll:U &lueea "tven U a few people do get he~Utl111 w11 the former Jackie Kennedy'a way of tossing off a qu1p. In ODe not.a. she said" I have never sent out ooe memo that J would have minded the world eeln1 .•• the worst thin1 I have ever said t1 1.bout the Archbishop ot ~terbury's wife." This was not diac:Jos. ed; however. '1.;lquor often flows too freely here, '1 &he 'tf0\6 the White House hou.sekeepu, "and I find It 11 abhorrent to bur a recepUon tumlng J:nto dtunkf'n laughter .u I do to hear loud jaa: crlllhtna throu1b lbe Easl lloom. ''NO one. ahoWd ever aet drunk In lhe White llOUH; so will you see that 1t atage 1ffalr1 ind Gfflelal recepUons - erpeclally the judlcl1ry -liquor flows m~ch more slowly. ' ... Piople. should aet one drink lm· mtdiately, have to d0t 1 little waiting or btckonlna lot •. second one, and· really malte Jt lmpoaalble for them to have a third." In wrltlna to Mr1. John 1.lowinckel In Paris, one of htr fashion "1COull:," 1he m1de one ot her fteqljtnt mentlon1 of try Ins to economize In this area : IJA:I ~ PllOl • O!WtQll (Oo\11 ll\lll-.!N (.QM"'lf'f' ltMrl N. W'••• ..,.. ........ ll"wtlllltitf J ee\ A, Cvrlty ¥let ••• ..., -~-......,., Thtlfll\ ICllYil ltillt lh•11111 A. M1111hl~t ~lflllr . J1•••• F. Colllt1 _ .. ... ,.~ .. .. ---1111 WMI l1llt•t .. 11l1f1,ol M11U11t M.._, P.O. IM 1171, '166)_ --CMlf Mrwi »II '#ul aw llrwt L..,... ... ~: nt II"'" •- .._."-"'! ....,, .. tit! '""' I ''You art IO 11weet to write me such a lo"g letter lbOlt Ill the huvtnlJ. clothu in Paris .... , Hbwevtr, by IOffie~ange percy of 'the gods, I have a v~ light social sea.son thia spring -at.sa;; trunk loadl of clothea lift-over frosn lqdla.laat year •. and for two trips to Brull 11\kh we Jiever took. ~ "So I am ruJly going to econopilie the one Ume t CAIJ," she aald,-addlni that one eapecl1.lly appealing suit could be bor· rowed from bet tl!ler, Lee RadtlwW. il neceu_ary , , ' In one thrte·month period she 1pent ·•l~.000 on clothes the memos showed. After she and the Prealdent watched comedlan Vaughn Meader on ttlevl1lon, abe wrote to. aid Pam Tumure: ''JFK 11y1 -lt'I okay 1f you cah him (Me1der) which lJ probably ufer than wrlting. and NY that Mr1. KIMtdy find• It-In appallJns lule lhll he tbould meke money out of a flve-year~ld child," ref~ina to the comedian's satires. "Tell him J don't care whit he 11y1 1bout us -but, the fact that he darts mMUon my chUdren'• names to mate bimstU an utra dollar, I don't like that -I would Just like him to know that I consider him a rat a1 far as the children a.re concerned." In another mt.mo, she said "JFK w11 1 bit disturbed last last night about the press ladies" at a White House functi on. "They hang around and make everyone nervous •.. " Changes ln press ground rules should come from Piure Salinger, she said to Pim Tumure, " .•• as It is not fl!ir to pit you 1111n>1 the hor~u. Also, they mllhl U..ke ;t better from a man." Ko1·ea's Park Seeks Riot End SEOUL (UPI) -Prtt1ldt11I Park Chuna·Hee sought today to put an end to the clamor •1lin1t hls Lhird term aspira- tions but 3,500 university students 'battled poli ce in the streets of Seoul in the 11th day of violent •nll-Perk pfotesta. Park lssutd a 1t1tement 1aylnc be would not actlvely seek a confUtutlonal amendment to enable him to run for a thlrd·lenn -the maneuvu whlctl brought on the student rioting. And he said he would not tolerate pollUcally in- spired student vlolenct. Park made lhe atatement in reply to a leller from Or. Yu Cb.in-Oh, leader of the opposition New Democratic Party. Yu sald the reply "teel'nl to be nolhlna but an lndlrtct. expreuion of h11 lntenUon to seek a conalJtutionaJ amendment." Welcome From We11ty WASHINGTON IAPI -The llnl com· b11 unit to be pulled OUI of Vietnam by the Niion admlnislraUon will bt wekom· td on Ila return to the United Stites Tuesday by Gtn. W 11111 m C. \\'estmoreland. WtJtmort11M., Army d11ef of 1tafr and former U.S. commande r ln Vietnam. ~·111 meet the 900-man u.nlt at McCbord Air Force Blae near Stillie, Waih. • ' MILT "'\.OT 1!1ft l'MN !!ARLY DERBY FINISHl!lt Newport Fllor Culp Newport Ma;in Badly Beaten Near Home Newport Beach police today were pr°'" bing the mystery beating of a Newport Beach beachfront resident who was found . . . ·near his home Saturda)'._ night badly beet.en and ''not too T.1iauVI.'' · James Edward Murdock, 31, of 118 Mth Street, was ditcOVered "covered wlth blood," officers utd. He wu found in front of his home at 3:40 a.m. Officers said Murdock had reque•ted medical aid in a p~ call to pollct. When they answered the call they found him stageerlng on the pavement, his eye swollen shut and badly cut. l;le alto had Cl.ltl and bruiJes on his head and Jea1. Of[lcm: said be·declined to talk about Ille uiJllries, bul conseoled to be lrt1tld. Murdock Wll reported 1n gOOd COn· diUon this IIKlrnlni at Hoag Memorial Jloopilal. Dr. Bralianisl:kin Succumbs at 93; Services Slated Services for Mr1. BetUe Godber, mother·ln·law of a11Iatant putor Dr. Raymond I. Braham.s oi St. Andrews Prubyterlan Charch, Will bt held 1t 11 a.m. Wednesday at PaclOc View Me- morial Park Chapel. Mrs. Godber died Sunday at a local convalescent bospltal alter a lll'lgthy ii· lneu. Sbe waa N. Born ln Waco, Tex .. 1he had lived io Orange County since 1m.. Survivors besides her daughter of Coat.a 1.1eaa are 1 brother 1.-1. Rowan Segner of Alladen1; four gr':lldchlldren. and 11 &l't•terandchlldren. The famlly 1u11est that lhoie who wlih may make 1 memorW conlribuUon to the Union Re.cue M.1.Mlon Los AnJele1. Interment will follow at Pacilic View Memotlal Park. Fairview Girl, 13, Drowns in Pond on Grounds Thf body of a F&lrvltw State Hoepltal runaway-tb1rd 1ulh victtm to drtlwn In nearby pondl durtna the put year -his been shipped to her liome In Monterey for funeral arranaementl .. Coroner'• depuUea listed the death ol Janet E. Beatty, 13, found floating in a lake at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club Friday, as eccidenlal drowninf. Reported u 1 run1way last Thurlday, her body was found the following day. Hospital spoteunen. said 1he had been al the facility for the mentally tttardtd about five years. Two small boys who wandeN!d rrom the hoapltal ground1 -one en route to open claasroom lnatructlon and the other d1shtn1 from a bU~ Jocked ward - drowned In• t~ai period WI year. Integration Suit Filed by U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Ju1Uce Dtpar1mtnl _,hi sull loday >1aJna1 a South CaroUoa scboel dlttrlct. chu1ln1 that a "frt.edom or choice" dest1cri:11llon plan had ft.lied to break up a raOUUy 1eparate school system. Alty. Gen. John N. MllcbeU .. Id the auJt , filed In U.S. Dlltrlcl Court In Colum- bie, S.C.. named Bamwtll School District No. 4S, one ot five IOUlltrn dlltl'letl cut off from feder1l fund1 by the Dtptttmtnt of Health. E®caUoa, and Wtllue Jul Jan. 29 • . ' Newport Suryives ·4th • Lifeguard; ·-Sa~e 118; 2fJ Craalw :~epo~~. : Haa~ bqatin1. aulomoblle aft. people rescue• Frida{ thl'O\l&h SuOday.· Tll6 lltr on Sat~. Sunday's crowd traffic kept Newport . Btach llarbor bu~est day'"'* Friday. wbenhtavy IW'I tltimate dipped 1o ·is,ooo. By thon , the pattolmon. Police 'aed Ufeflll&rdl running and rlplld., 1a.vL1r9!1!1J to !!!!"· surf •11 lhit eo was-lbt bl&·~ raged over Ille Fourth of July weekend m.,.., all ol wbom were ~ ·ind-· ""'ltelld. • · • ~ : ' ' -but everycm1 .aurviYed. tieeded no holpltalillUon. Sunday wu the ~ ·Nawport police ~nld· the thftt.. dlyt The harbor patrol reported tod3y that a lightest da,r, u lowuing cloud a and seemed IUl!,any nor1J1al llollday w•end. big m•Jorily of Newport's vessel! were cooler tempera ures hel~ ~ut the T\venty au.to crashes, mott or Jhtq\ fan· golnL_ rather than ~1™!!1, and as a J~lt co.unt ®-~Lhr~q:uards der .. bendm :wefi. r~. N Wll -hllllt Catallna wound up '¥lt5a blgger 1aved JO 8'tu.nlay., "T' wloualy lnjured. ~. 1 , • • cru.lh than Newport. By thl! morning all Friday aaw the be•vlelt belch et· Firemen~ unlike JIUt 1'o..iith!l of July, skippers and pasaen1er1 were jn home teodance of the year: lOl,000. A total of apeot moit of Uie week~juar;1tandUl1 port safely. e<l.000 beachgoers hit the 11~ and surf by. No fireworks~rJented blaus or tn- Llfeguard.5, meanwhile, logged 113 from Weat Newport throua:b Corona deJ jurles occurred. * * TRAFFIC • • • the car driven by Garcia cr11hed into lht southbound vehicle carryln1 the Marlnu. Moments later Elalne Townsend, 34, ol San Diego sideni1ped the wrong way car, 1.fia Townsend and her mot.bu Leola, G9, were cut aad bruised. Long Hair on Boys Out At Saddleback College In the Scotsman'• COve death, .sheriff's depuUea flr1t 1u1pectfd murder when By JACK CHAPPELL Gallaher was 1truck at 3: 50 a.m. by. a or lfll o.u, "h" 11111 pa11lng car. • Hair. oC the 1001 variety topplna mas- Sherlif'1 Lt. Richard Drake said a i~ cullne heads, is out at Saddlebac~ Jun- year~ld girl told Investigators she had ior College, unless perhaps a male at'u· 'een someone shove Calla.her in front of dent has a high forehead, low ean and the car. ~ . a Jong nec k. Drake said the &i.rl, a runaway from ln a revl.Jlon of the junior college'' Montana, J ate r chan!ed her story. dresa c'ode, the S.ddlttiack ltUlteu lut Gallaher wa1 preparing o t11ht with two week decreed that "hair that fall• be-- other men over the glrl, be· JI.id. low the 1yebrowa, or covera Ill or part The &lrl la btJna held in juvenile hall ol the ear, or hanp entlrtly over "dreaa pendlnl . return lo her parenll:' home. lhlrt collar" la prohibited. CHP olflcen aald the drlver cf the car 1 'Ihlt ~ replae11 one formerly In Lawnnce Sund, Ill, of 1710 Pomona Ave., effect w ch forbade "'unusuollr !OD( or O:llta Mesa, wu held blamelesi. bllam hair 1fyla: or beards.' Lttu Sunday mominl in Dana Point All of which luvta unanswered • ques. near the Street of the Sllvtt Lantern ilon d whether blurre hair styli& can Delaney wu driving· north on lhe be worn by studull IO· lon1 u they h hen und ed meet the eyebrows, eara and collar pro. hi& way w a IOUthbo CU' awuv vlslon. And then, what about beltd&! O\'U the center lint and struck his vehi· Are long ahqgy, scrafJIY btardl ptr· cit, the CHP reported. milted now? Dllaney wu dud on the ac~ anCI • No one at the college thia morning r~ crew wu called to free hil body-. smned to know, but tt ls a 1ood bet that from Uie wrecllp. ls not the intent of the board. Tbe driver of the other car, Gilbert F. Other provisions ol the amended Lope!, 28, o1 Fallbrooi, was treated at dress code require that ltudtnts weat Orqe Counly Medloal Center for facial ablr\S. . cull and later booked 1n Orana:e CoUD.ty Su11eattd di'tu for men ls "1lacks, jail on felony mansl1111hler char1es. 1we1W1, 1port jackets, aults tallortd Defense Experts Plan Fewer Men, More Guns WAlllINGTON (AP) -Congresslon1! def-e<perll, llYlnl Ille foWldallnn for masalve development of .Jiew weapons, a,. COUlltln( on aubltanUal cutbod: In the innN-foroe1 to open the way for fln•nclnl -tlle hardw111-wttbwt-"1 111-c:rea,. In mlllllry spendln1. Thia ls the clear muu1e ol two recent statement.I by Sen. oJhn Stenn!J (0. Mlss.), chairman of the Armed Servl.ces Committee, and from b a c k I r o u n d discussions with other key congressional defense experts. They indicate a n)llllon-m1n cutback in the .3.5 million man military establlsh· ment would save some $10 billion annu- ally of the $80 billion the Penugoo now spenda. Between this sum and the anUclpa ted decline over the ne1t few yean; in the ns: billion annual cost oI the Vietnam war, more than enough funds would be avallable to pay for new missile system,, lona·l'IJlle bomber•, submarines and even the controveratal Safeguard missile defense program. It y,·ould mean most of the $10 billion to $15 billion annual fl.seal dlvicknd -the e1tr1 eovernment revenue available from the growth of the economy -could be channeled Into domestic projects. 11earlngs last year by the Senate preparedne11 aubcomnilttee 11id the basis for increased spending over the next decade for military hardware, especially on items deferred in rtceht years becalillt ol WIT costs. The cumnt Penll:IOf\ budJet lnclude!I go-ahead funclf, for tbe Advuct.d M1m1ed strateetc Aircraft, a new bomber Jong &OUght by Ule Air Force :. and~to convert lllld-baaad Mlnllltman ll lnleroonllnental balliJtic mlsslle1 and 1ea-b1.sed Polarlsts Into the mulUwarhead Mlnut.eman llls and PO!leldon1. In addition, the Navy la!d out plans for a major new aubmarlne prog ram, the Undersea Long-range Mlislle Sy1tem, which would become operational Jn the late 1970s. Some 60 percent of the Pentaaon budget currently goes for personnel, operations and maintenance. Stennt1 ls known to fttl the nation's securll)' Is more dependent on up.to-date weapons than on 1 larglf!I standing force. A cutback in troops would Include, ln addition to Vietnam, a sub!ltantia1 reduc- tion in the 250,000-man U.S. forCe in Europe:. Th11 level has been under fire in the Senate. becauJe of lb drain on the U.S. balance of peymenl!I as well l!I the feeling that Europeans should assume a larger share of their defense. Ike's Widow Better LAKENHEATH, Elllland (AP) - lt1amle El!lenhower, widow cf PraaidMt Dwight 0. Eisenhower. is reapondlnf s1tlsfadorily to treatment. Can headaches he good for you? Tltey IAY you 10metlme1 can recoplae the lellow "·ho is headed for nowl1ere in the b118ioesa world. lie'• tJ1& one who eecretly loap for the day whOll he'll be promoled to a better Job wi1h !e~·er l1eadaches. Let u1 pray for l1in1, Some men fisure lt'e ea1ier lo face a major em.U!'IDCJ at th e office than to pick out a new euit, and that's wJiy they keep puttia.8 it off,. · C... "e do anylbiq about that? Sure 'Wfl can, and we do. Thi! ie no chain. It's not the Nowporl Beach bnmch of any· thing. We don't ba.,e a ren1ote personnel director sitting in LA or. NY tending out tome new store maoapr every few weekt who doe.n't know you from Uncle Fred. Our people here ""' all lo- bennudas, street ahoes, tennis 1hoe11 dress •hoe! and sandals wJth !OCU." Prohibited are bare feet, cutoffs, short!, 1llpPer1 and soct .e:hou, alonz with the halr rest1'1ctlons. · '-#/ For women, the suggested dre.9$ Jn. eludes: "shirts and blouses or sweaters, sport dresses, fiats, slreet shoes, heels, stylish and groomed hairdo, culottee, caprls. alacks and tailored bermudu." Probtbiltd~ are bsr• f.O~ aherll, thongs and unkempt hair. The dress code, drawn up by trustees last summer, has been the point ot con- siderable conttntlon between 1tudlnb and trustees . Students wanted enactment of the code· postponed until after a 1tudent government had been organized in ordtr that, student oplniona might be ei· press<d. . In later dress discussions, truatees Stood firm and denied any subslantiaJ changes. , As the code now stands, tnffl!Ctlllent I! !be iuponslblllty'of Dean nf SIUdtnts John Flood. . l!lanning-Board May Get Seventh Man This Week The Newpcrt Beach Plannln1 Com- mission is still short a seventh member at the outset ot the new fiscal year, which began July 1. The selection will probably be made: this week. Members of the City COu"ncil team that screen!! the appllcatlans are ' Roberf 'Shelton, ch&J.rman; Donald Mein· nls and'Aoward Jloii"n:. Once selected, the seventh man win be approved by a vote of the full council. New planner' named so fu lo fill .the vacancie1 left by Alvan C. Clemence, Ray Y. Copelin and David W. CUrtis are Dr. George W. Brown and William Martin. The Planning Commission will postpone election of a new chairman unUI it reaches Its full strength. AcUng chairman is John J. Jako.sky Jr., firs t vie~ chairm1n of the planning commlsslon. Jakosky is filling the chair left v1c1nt by Curtl1, who hu joined a Hawali architecture firm. Grinnel Wins Race To Dana in Vikings Viking Yacht Racing Association'• \Vtektnd ra ce to Dana Point from Newport Jetty wall won by llugh Orinntl. Howard Appel and Victor Ta11ert took s~ond a.nd third honors re1pectlvely. the association will hold it s Firecracker Regatta ne~t wee kend . An Italian dinner will follow the r1cln& event ca11. You may or may not con• 1ider that to be a good thing, but we like it because we pt nicer people that way. When you get to be a l"elJ• ular here, we are •hie to find out tho kind of lhinp you like, what you .elected la1t time and 1he time before. Because we do our own buying and don't ha,·e to wonder what is comln' in next week from the main 1tore in another city, we reallr lu1ow ! our 1toek. That'• ju11 another reason why we can give you mo re intelligent eugge8tion• than.would be po11lhle in 10me 01her tlol"fll, Our ~uit~ wbith we buy from H. Free in an. Ratner, Dean1pte aud Devon1blre run from S85 lo 8165. Office headaches we will not lP)' to cure but we can 1ure. make buyln& a 1ul1 a real pl..,. , ure. See u1 for fut, laat., fa1t relief. ' Tho further up the ladder you gel, the tougher your job uiuall7 ~11. Well, tl1ere'1 a rea10n why one man ii worth more money thu another. The capable manager welcomes prcrblenu that others can't whip, becaoM be kno"-. that'e whit leads to the -J doup. Now, In order to le.•e room for hlgor and heller problem• at the olflee, you don't need pt'oblema eltewhere. That'• where the pod p71 at 81.J. well'• ean be useful to you. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., in Newporl Beaeh next to llchard'1 'farket and Tbe Lido Theater. Plenty of free parkl111 In the rear. Phone 6734510 Copyrlf!h1 1969, Sank Bldw•ll. • . • I , I q I -. "' • • ' • , • f ·A , ' \' BE " ANDERSON, !dltor MtWr, '9Jl' r; IHf • , .. II "' 1.;f IT Alumnae Ke.ep Coeds ' ' Ta ,b.s on File folders soon to be filled \Vith hnportan~ informatidn will ~e dis- cussed by: 1i1r~._Lco1L Fry, president of Newport..Jiarbor .PanheUenic, Mrs. C. R. Lenahan. Jr., iirsl vice president, and hilrs,1.Cha(l~§l Vand.ervort,.,files chai_rman, during a meeting Thursday, July 17. ~" 'The folder s under consider3tion will-be th05e ass.etnbled as infOr.ma- tion sheets art;. Subnlitted by area coeds plannjn'g to participate iri rush· at ... colleges and universities with n.ational ·sororiti~i--.... ... . ·J.irs. ·vandervort's Newport Beach ~r:ne will be t~e m~~ting_ setti~g: ·t,..vlted 1o'1he important p"rerush tneet1ng h"l:veDeeni'ecommendaf1on . chairplCP Cro1n sorority alumnae chapters in the area, \Yho will use the iol<jera in sending re.;:omn1endations to their sororitles-on campus for prospective new members. Girl graduates from Newport Beach, 'Costa Mesa, CorOria del h1ar, lluntington Beach and \Vestminster high schools 'vho pl3n_kl_ go through .... rush are urged tiY~rs.-V'andervor to send in their Panheilenic inform.a· tion sheets so the files c·an be kept up to date. The files include biographical information and pictures of the ~ocds. Mrs. F.ry· And her slate of officers have charted a busy schedule• for. 41~ .upcoming y,ear., ... inciud.ing the -annual membership luncheon Sept. 17. -Assisting lfie president with the year's events will ~e the h1mes. Lena- 1. han,. ~am~1~l RoapJI.4~ and John BU'Ue.r, vi~e pr.esid~nts ; C. Paul DulJ?is, correspondmg .. 6ecretary ; Ernest J . V1tuc·CI, recording secretary; F. M. Redman, freasurer, and .\ViUiam C3,lll pbell, parliamentarian. ' · ai,r.ni~f-standin.g-cornpiit~s-ai:e-the-Mm~s;-ffarry--6. Huffman-, American Field Service; Lawrence Kittle and Hart Hickman. membership; LJ09d ·M<!Collum, publi.c relatiOns; Virginia Bollman, social; Laurence Danver. hospit~lity ; Vandervort, file s: George Guthrie, bridge; Roy R. June and William Telkamp, mother-daughter information party, and \Vil· lard Wade and R. F. Ogborne, communications: "'. ' ' • • : FJ L&S FJLLl~G. --..Fllet maintained• b)'·Newpo.t'HarbOiPanhel: · Jenic' are ,beg_ini;ling .torlw.ell a~ infpnnaQon ,sbeets"from area~s· plannin~. to 'go lhroiii~' rush · a,ie aheni)i!eil irlto•·!ile folder.' 'for · rk6inme.n'datiori use-:of alumnae chapters. •Dis·cusSing their "filing ' ' ' tec!l!llques'' are (left to right) Mrs. Leon Fry, president, Mrs. C, R. lleiiahab. Jr., vice pt'eSident, and Mrs. Charles Vandervort Jr., files chairman. . . . ' ' Teley i~ibn , Tapped ' . . '' ' .{ ,. .. ~ \ . -• . • . -'· ._, • I .M1ss1on--lm:pos·s1b.le ·--,------- Channeled . by Club Making a professio nal production o! lheir installation wefe mem· bers of the Newport Harbor Soroptimist Club when they capitalized on the television program "Mission Impossi ble." Using the program as th eir theme, the club v;omen enjoyed a lively and enlertainirrg Mlssiorl Impossible in the Mesa Verde· Country Club. ' U,tilizi'1g a tape recording. as they do to open television'.s "Mis- sio n Impossible." Mrs . Glenrr Allen, new president, heard the words , · of her son, the Rev. \.Villiam B. Allen . lie opened lhe proceedings with -en invocation which he taped in CheSter, Conn .. where he is a minister with the Uni ted Church of Chri st. Regal Lyllis Bloodwortli. past governor of the Soroptimist Pa- cific Region, and member of the Inglewood Soroptimist Club seated l\1rs. Allen, who also affiliated wiih-the IR-glewood clulr.---- The new leader. a newcomer fr.om Los Angele s, is aaministr3tbr of the Newport ConvalCscent Hospital. Prior to moving to University Park she was assistant admini strator of th e C'ommunily Convales4 cent Hospital in Lyn"·ood, where she u·as a member of the Soulh Gate Soroplimist Club . · ' ' ' Serving with Mrs . Allen during the coming year will be the · Mmes. George .Cooney and J ohn Deane, vice presidents; Velma O'B rien, recording. settretary: l\'1elvin Noack , corresponding sf!cre. tary, and Clarenc'ejWilliams , treasurer. Also accepting responsibilities were the Mmes. Farel \V.alker, · t"•o ~year difecfor: Lee Shaw . one yea r director: L. J. Bussey , t'i\'O • year deiegBte ; "Kat}leriiie Chaillie, two year alternate; -Elbert Conner, • "One year ·delegate, and Ruth Bryant. one yea r alternate. MISSION llM IPOSSIBLE -Reaching for the moon are (left to Iight) Mrs. Glenn Allen, new president of Newport Harbor_ Sor· optimist Club , h-1rs. E. J, Conner, decorations chairman. anjl li-1rs. Howard Dawson, installation chairman for the recerll insta1lation dinner themed "Mission Pos~ible.'' Capitalizing on the .televi- sion program, the new rofficers were seated amidst space.-age decorations in pink, ~ilver and gold in the Mesa Verde Country 'a.ble decoralk>ns carried out the "h1ission Jmpossible"-theme usln~ pll,lk, ~old a'nd silver and were arranged by Mrs. E. J~ Conner ·and Mra.--DeMurl Tosh.· · Club. ' Presiding, during the evening was Mrs. Shaw. • Cheating Wife Comes 'Alive' W·it _h,out ·H,usband' s H.el·p. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Pleai:e print this\ but no clues as to "'here it came from. My lelter could have been written ~>' a] least rive million women. Let their hus!fnds guess .. To.,'Ihe Man I Married : You have ac- cused"ine of cheating on you. I've denied it because you have no proof and I figure not;filg can tse gained from a confeuion. Bu( noW" rm ready to admit that your s1isficlons are right I've been seeing another man for almost a year. Here's •·hi; 'ffle romance went out af our marriage long.ago. You decided that frilb. such as kindfiess, comideration and decent man· ncrs. were a wt1ste of time. You !Pf. me know my feeling!! ~idn't count.. If you chose not to come home for dinner, J was ' ·-· ~---====---- expected to "catch on'' by I p.m. and eat alooe. When I found lipstick on your shirts J ""'ltS supposed to believe il was red mark· ing cra,yon. You re.rused to go to chur'ch \\'Ith me becau.:;e you said yo~ could "'orshlp God ~er on the golf courH than wilh a bu11eo of hyP\)Crites. It's been years since "''e "41d a real l'On· vcr1alion. You are eilher too busy or too tired lo talk. You 've made me IC\l:I like a I•' Furthenhore, 1 am ht!alU\ie.r and h11ppier forgott.cn .about the loarl." · I replied, lhan I've been in ~ood any years.-"Good! f clJii us1 the money:.'.! YOUR WIFE Thal wl.s 1 ~ a110 and l haven't seen OE~ WJFE: l'ou '!ldn'J ulli~lor ~d· a dltn;. Even flO a m\)Olh would ldok vice 10 l. ~··t oner. il. Hert'J yw/ kUe.r good . WJfat s~!d I do? -SHORT , . "·ltb 110 Tment. ,'1 • D~ft. ,SHOJl'J'V: •Write or phone· the dr~, a bor~. a owsance. and f1nalfy . a QEAR..ANN; A fe~ y;earst;ftgo 1 Joan~ ltllow ud a• hw soon he caa start to nothing. a fri~. lJt. P!:ttmlstd, 't<t rej>(ly me mak~ 'f'~rtt~1; pa;me~ur ag1tn,fi t~ 4!0o. Last year l met a man who m~de. me ~. with ·1 t when ... he graduited from A• ... •· rp1tttt-i tf,11Mtr.laitJ11tC 'iKield l•ke-- 11 •l•flS,lo.llft!lir ,ti!< 'l'-~ --come. alive after I was sure I had, died co ege. · kr how moc1e·11 the pa'ynltnti. t insl~lle Nrxl! me jnt.erestlng and al· A few mon lhs later he. wu called Into , • ~ 11 • .. • tract . llis marriage 111a•bK11 mine-, the Anny. I felt that llO kin« as he wu In DEAR ANN : Your anSwer to A.C .. the but e h1 trapped, as I am. by chjldre.n; the service I would not remind him of his stµdcn~wa1 lollsy~ Yoo told him to '')f'eep social pressures and flnaiicial "bllgi\tions. 1obligati9fi. plugging away." Why! Are grades ntAT Sol my dear husband I ~m not leaving When~ returntd he avo~ded,me. t ran impot\ant! t know at least a 'tio.zen )•011, but I lft1 cHeaUng every chlnbe l lnln him at the bome •of a mutuat.rrtend. 11<jUarea wbo'v"t-.never mi&ietJ!-lhe d!an's get and It is kl!epln& me J&ne. H1 was emba-rrasied and sard, ·~haven't ltst-001 they are Ignorant whM lt comet I ' 4 I • I 1 to U1ings ,that matter. You boobed. Ann. -ADAM 'S APPL'E DEAD1 ~D: A.C. WM$ ·OD l.M ve.r1f .C: Punklhg oaL 't advlo<d hllll IO keep """" ging. This ..... tiiiiius? l .. I Whal Is Frtncb klaslng? Is It ..,.,.,! Who shouJd1aet lfl<.necking llmili '-01l>o, boy or tilt &lrl~Can a ·~·YI~ succeed? 1 Re.ad AM Landen' baOklet. "Teenage Sex -Ttn Way~ to Ceolj L" Send 50 cents in coin andl a_ long. sef~l(f. dl'?Mtd, stamped' eovelope. • Ann t.ailde.rs wil be glad to l;clpi .yw wiUt your problem~. Send them to her in •<Care af thr OAILV Pllhr; ~lo!'nft" .. u.addrelSt<r.'•tlln~ envelope, • • • • I I -1 I ! I -I ' l ' ' 11 • I I ) I I .. < I • MRS. PHILIP. JOHN DELANEY Honeymoon In H1w1ll ~IJble Ring Ceremo11t~- .... _ Pair Ex_chari'ge . ' '.Vows at Noon ! • J Honeymooning in Hawaii are WQre headpieces formed of ) the Jormer Victoria Lynette three small rosebuds. ; Annlitead and Philip John Flower girl Sarah Normin~ '· De'"--, who were married in ton was clad in a floor length ..u.;7 dress with short "sleeves <>{ ·'St. Joachim's Calholic Church. matching orange co Io r. ~ The daughter of Mr. and Ringbearer was Sean Delaney, : Mrs. Mark Armistead of nephew or the bridegroom. l Newport Beach aod the son of Thomas Delaney was best i Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney of man for hls ·brother. Another • Costa Mesa exchanged vows brother, Steve Delant=y headed l and rings at n~ before the groomsmen who i n c 1 u d e d • Rev. Thomu Nevin. ~ Hink Woessner and Larry t Given in marriage by her Platfoot. with George Berkos ~ father, the bride wore a tradi· serving as junior groomsman. f tionaJ gown of lace and Heading the ushers was Den· • organza with full skirt and nis Perkins, joined by Dennis l sweeping cathedral train. The MeGlaeson, Dave Fo1 and f fitted bod.lee featured a high Rick Naylor. . t:.~ .. ' Ill\.\. l - i scalloped neckline and long Yellow and orange flowers t sleeves of lace. An ()pen rose decorated tables in the Mesa I of organza held htr shoulder Verde Country CUb and circled : length ·illusion veil, and the the wedding cake ror a recep-~carried a bridal bouquet seal· lion following the ceremony. ~tered with butterfly orchids. Eddie Bush of Long Beach f Wearing a peraimmon col· performed for guests, who in· .~ ored floor length gown of chil· eluded motion picture director Mr. and Mrs. ch a r I es " fon over talfeta, empire-styled John Ford. relatives congratulating the Newport Pair Feted On SOth Anniversary ·l'with long sheer sleeves, was The bride was gr_.!_duat.ed Everett of Newport Beach senior Hulewoods. ~Bonnie Berkos who. serveil as from Newnn"' HartiOr High were hosts when her parents, Eleven grandchHdren and • ·d of ho f h · • r"" Mr. and Mrs. K e n n e t h one great-grandchlld joined l' mai nor or er cousin. School and lrom a dental col· Hazelwood also of Newport the couple's friends to applaud t'. Kelly Armistead was a lege in Santa Ana. Beach, were honored on their the cutting of a four-tiered an-i: junior bridesmaid for htr Her new husband also-~l.s a 5bth wedding anniversary. nlvenary wedding cake. t= sister and other attendantsjn-Harbor High graduate and Other children present for The Hazlewoods have been i: eluded Patricia McNerney, reeeived a degree from the golden wedding reception Newport Beach residents for t!L>eborah Trout and Patricia Orange Coast College. were Mrs. Evelyn Goldstein of four years, movlng to the area 1 Bruce. The young couple plan to Van Nu y s, Thurman a!ter hi! retirement from 38 ' All wore similarly styled make their first home in Hazlewood of Reseda, and years of service wllh the ;_.. chiffon and taffeta gowns in Corona del Mar when they Kenneth Hazlewood of North Pacific Telephone Co. They ~ bright orange and carried ar· return from their wedding llollywood. Their res~tive resided for !5 years in I-rangemeritS of orange and tr' partners also were among Burbank. : yellow summer flowers . They,, __ '.:,P_·--------'-------------------1 Vacuum Made For Modern t Housewives •: A new upright vacuum, I engin~ed to adjWlt suction • automatically no matter how i;high or low the carpel nap, :1\1.'0rks in conjunction wilh a :·dial enabling you to set the ~11weeper t o accommodele ~carpet th1ckncss. ~ The manufacturer says the ::sweeper with Jts automatic : suction monitoring system ; makes il possible to vacu~m t the trouble-free way -high •.shag rugs, sculptured carpet, : . traditional nip, n1t surface : outdoor-indoor carpet, and ~bare floors. :: Proper setting for the dial :·are imprinted oo the back of ~Ille cleaner. WEIGHT• WATCHERS •• .... talktnt. lomt f11ttnlng •nd .. 1 "8ft•m thtt worb. T• .. -~All QS'JIOJ ! BIG GARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.tt.'S111tv1. PASADINAt Color•do <I El Molioo -- POMONA: Holt, •••! ot G•rty SANT A ANA Main at Eleventh ' ' , Horoscope , • Pis s: Stick '· ' . lo Objectives ~ TUESDAY JULY a 87 SYDNEY OMAIUI WE -FLATTER YOUR . COLORFUL SID.E We1h1p0your ltair in the new 1 aoft-curl look.' Wecolor yourbm :with FaDci·tODe for heouty and lustre. W e mlor· ' style for your ' '"'°'' /lattering · look. For Fanci· ' tone coven 111 I I the gray, high· lightJ natural ' color, makes even I . ' dull h•ir look vibrant and healthy. Spe<:ial colon to tone bleached hair, too - or to give your hair an .ultn·high·fHhion.bue., Come aee them !,' , CllAM HAil TINT. SHAMPOO AND SIT $6.45 Anytime -Most C&sea N1-rt. l•uh, C1 lll. )111 )f,.,. .. rl l lvf. Mtrlctl ...... lclVllft l"lltM fl"f.HlO CMt1 Meu, C1llf. 12' •• 11111 ,,,.., ' Mtylll• C.11• ,.l*\t M..W ' - ' • ·Septembe r ' . -:-~Date Set MOVING-OUT SALE! MATERNITY-- 1 Group -Pa1t1I Shad11 C.APRIS ,,... $3.98 - .DRESSES 1 Group of PRICID LOW!! l group UNIFORMS ~t ·so0/o ._OFE.L M•11, lllMJ' "'~ ,.111 .. -to• 1111MtH1 ff lllet1tl-1. s1r10, 1cm, fM ..., Sefectl•• Catli 11 6 MATERNITY & UNIFORMS 219 E. 17th St,• Ml 6-5388 -Costa Mesa ;kippv•att1 Beauty Salons Coita· Mete, C1llf. 211111 Mt rMr llvf, 11:-Mlrt ''-tt -- >;: ;<\<%: Co1t1 Mff1, C11if. 1N W, lflll t t•Mt 'l•t•H• ' 1'!tl _..,..,. ( . Ar!e•I•, C•llf, USU ,llMolr F<unt•ln V1ll1y, Ctlif, lmf 111.,.ite W'ltl... Ciftft!' $1nt1 An1, Callf, MC.,.,... ' $1tlllt,. l"ell'll (11'.H!r ~~01 Fountlln Vali1y, Callf. Jen1 IOll'lfff 11 !11tlll ..... 11.., (trlltr M1rt(9f l11t.t Ctn* ""* !'HO'• ~P1·*41 ..... ft»lll ' • ' I • /• ., ~-Costa Mesa Teday'• FJ9al • • . ~V~C.. 62, NO. '16f,-2-SECTIONS,-32 PAGES-OR~NGE COUITTY, 'CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JULY 7, 1969 lEN CENTS ' ' < Plea~onnty---Blocks ~ et-Fligh-ts-at. ·Ni'-' ...... • , - By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 1M hltr '"" 51.,, Pressured by the county, Air \Vest voluntarily has dropped a plan to fly an l).pauenger jet aircra.U_into Orange Cfunty Airport at 2:20 every morning, Airport Director Robert Bresnahan dl9cloo<d loday. . Bresriah:.in reported the decision by the airline in response to charges by.Ne'!port Beadl Mayor Doreen Marshall U'lat coun- ty aulhoritles are doing notlilng to hold , down jet traffic at the airport. lie said every eifort Is being1"!faae to ~rauade, airlines.to keep thelr big jeUs aw.ay at night and in the early morning houn. . None DOW nY bclwien tt p.m. ind 7 a.m. And it's all voluntary, said Bresnahan, explQmlng that the county has been advi.se<fby the Federal Aviation Agency that the <'Olmty has no legal right to impose a ban on night flighls. 11lat ls the FAA's mpooolb!Uty. · "One men th ago," said Bresnahan, "We received a request from Air; West to bring in a OC.9 from Las Veau on a .2:20 . a.m. dally schedule. But after we discuss· eh· it with them, they decided to forget it.,, ~ The oc.t;J& an 16-passeogtr, lwiQ-jet aircraft -Alt West's plan "as lo bring It In only; F...,tii al -!"111 Wifltt• ' it would stay down until after morning. Bresn9han pointed out that the jumbo jets from Las Vegas ny in over Tustin. '1Although we haven't been getting many complainl.5 from the 'l'us1in area, we didn't want any, either. We're getting enough from Ne,wport.'' • The lat~ Newport broadskle on the jet noise controveny was Jired by l\fayor l\farshall in a letter to c o u n t y su~rvisors. She said the city has grow- ing concern over the county's "apparent inaction" in abating jet noise problems. Mrs. Marshall, who was on a vacation !rip today, demanded. that the county establish "reasonable" jet flight controls City of Costa Mesa and Costa Mesa Junior'Cb..,,. ber ot Commerce entered 'thiS float .in 66tb Annual Huntingtcn Beach F<>vrth of July Parade. H won third place trophy in jts cateiory -~oats entered by neighboring city. Theme <>f this y~r's parade, which drew an estimated 200 ,000 spectators, w .a s Calilornia histoty, " . Tornadoes :whip 111jnois; 33 Perish in Ohio Storm ~) I . United ..Press In~tiolrat- Nine tomados were reported over cen- tral Illinois today and widespread shp\,ers and thundershowers moved across.a front Crom Maryland to th~ cetr lral .RoJ;::kies. . The death toll from lhe .severe rain and wind storm th11t lashed north·em Ohio rose to 33, ln'Cluding 17 victims· of< the storm and 16 who drowned in r~hlng flood waters. The U.S. Coast Guard resumed the search of Lake Erie for 170 persons missing after the storm capsized many boats. A Coast Guard spokCSmfUl .said . the seai'ch would conllnue "until, we know for sure" about illOJe still unaccounted (or .. Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes said ·he would declare portions of northern Ohio a disaster area. His office . declined to estimate damages, but said '11t,wiU run high into the mllllons." Jn Ulinoi!, a rash of 'funnel clouds ac· companied strong lhunderstonns moving across the ~tral part of the state. Strong winds and rain hit Petersburg, UI.. 20 miles northwest of Springfield, where power Jines were down and five persons were injured when a tree fell on their car. above !lood stage. _ National Guardsmen also helped along the rain-swollen Iowa River in southwest Iowa, al!f ,a ~pokesmap for . the Lociia C9<!n!Y , ~erilf•. 9f~ '8akl · 11\0" ~Ip would be~ sought. Wapello, Iowa, was . . drenched With lhrte;, iqch.es 0,f ra iri Sun· day; and 'f st>okdlrian ,sakl t~e levee between Oakvilie>and"wapello was "slop- py with all 'the rain." Tbe flood crest on the river wa;s e.xpecl~ to pass today. In the northern rul.noJs community of Freeport, cleanup operations as lhe Pecatonica River receded were hindered as caravans af joyrldera took-high speed turns through flooded streets sending waves of ~mud, water and septic tank overflow against houses and i n t o basements. Some 200 persons were still homeless today. Severe thunderstorm a c t I v I t y was reported in utreme southeast Iowa l.Dd northeast ·Missowi. At least three incbca . of raip ·feU at Sa,n Jose, Ill., aboi.rt 40 mDes north Of Springfield, and more than an'inch.and a talr of rain fell on Garden City, Kan., and Mt1e.s City, Montana. Clear skies were reported throuihout the South and West and from the northern portions of the upper Great Lake! to New 'Enkland. A cold front trail· ed from Wyoming to southern Nevada. Southern states.were hot and humid and temperaturq weri cooler in the north. Nixon to Spend Night in SF Before Long Trip 'VASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nl.i:on will fly to San Francisco July 22 for an overnight stay before proceeding to the Pacilio for his globe trip and homeceming·ceremony. with the Apt?llo ~1 astronauts after their moon!ljght~ On July.,.23· he· wtl• fly' to Johnst-On Island abOu't 700 milts frOm Honolulu and O(I JuJ.r.M he..wiJl tak~ a smaller plane .to land on the USS Hornet. the recovery carrier; (or the splashdown of the ApoUo 11 fligbt. The President wUI fly to Gtiam on the evening of July 24 where he will remain overnight before going on to Manila as the first top in his tour of five Asian na· lions and Communist Romania -an II· day expediUon that will returf'I. him to Washington from Europe Aug. 3. He is scheduled to arrive in Orange County about Aug. 8 for a four-week atay in hik San Clemente home. · Stoek Jllarkets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market. It! early advance blunted by pro- fit-taking , turned lower this afternoon in moderately active trading. (See quota- tions, Pages 14.-15), The Dow Jones industrial average ill 1 :30 p.m. was off t.49 at 884.63. The Dow had been up 4.26 at 10:30 a.m. .-' ,,,.. - ror the preaent and within a fJJed period of years. She noted tbal William E. Pereira, tfie county'• air m"uter planner, Ju\ year recommtnded that control• be impos<d similar to 'lhose oo jets 1t Washington N1tlonal ~. ----:-Night jet t!!gltU 811> Prolilhlled if ilie Washlngkll facfllty, l1te ban WU established by Ute FAA. _ Mrs. Marshall aaid aupe.rvisOn sliouJd direct the County AvJaUon Director to take steps necessary to bring FAA rugbl JimltaUona locally. "Unless these problmls are C90· trolled," she war11ed, "the environmental err~. from ltrport operations ultimately could be critically detrimental to both land values and quail~ of life in thia: community.'' 'Brt'"ahsn, In response, indicated that he and bis staff already are doing all they can to keep the thunder of the jell 1nln1mlud. He slid be.has sent thret letters: since October to ille FAA on the subject. The problem is the FAA lm't answering its mail. "l don't tblnk they know how to answt!r, frankly," he Hid. "The first let· ter was sent last October. We told the FAA that inasmuch as.they say we have no right to control fllihta, Urey should ' study lilt nol!e probl<m bill; and; utablbh m8%1mum afandanfa thal will· not destroy the Newport.mi'. : "We haven't gptten M.answer to. tblt: Jetter, nor to two otbea n've.eerrt." • · Jn the meantime, Bresnahan em~ pbasiz<d, the cooott -I h r o u I h: p;ersuasion -ii •dolJll _all lt CAD• &o at; least keep the skies silent tt night. , He conceded M airilneo uslni County Airport aren't flying after ti p.m. for. reasons that are t•50 wce"t pubbc rei.: lions policy and so· percent bUllaus reasons." In other words, there isn't that_ much passenget -demand for nljh&,..lliahll -yet. . - 8 l(illed County • Ill Wrong Way Freeway Cr!JSh Fatal to 6 Orange County motorists were safe and A vWtor from Enttnada, Maico, who aane ~the beglMll\l.2( tbt F~.lLt~ --~was probably unable to read frieWJ.Y Jy holhfay"'weekend. warn_tng signs, drove the wrong way on Not a single highway fatality was lhe SanlJ Ana Freeway. It resulted in the reported on Friday or Saturday, while llflt C t T ffk: 116& over 200.000 flocked to Huntlngton Beach OWi Y ra to watch the Fourth of JuJy Parade and a 114 Du&b Toll 181 qua.rter-mllllon-more-enjoym-other· death of sir persons, Including four El Orange Coast beaches. Toro Marines. Then, within a period of five hours ear· A min fighting with two others oVer a ly Sunday morning; eight died on county girlfriend was killed by a passing ear on roads. Pacific Coast Highway at Scotsman's 10 Percent Boost Cove, just north of Latuna Beach. · 1be eighth man 'WU ldlled on Coast Highway in Dana Point In anOtber beadon co'illsJon. JGlled in lhe freeway wrong-way crash were: Moyses Cruz Gareia , 31, of Enaenada, -Mexico. Augustine M. Clneros, 32, of PlaetnU1. I.st Lt. Johll H. Baker, 241 of Santa Ana. J>vl John R. Mµler, 21, of Huntineton. Pa, P\'I. Daniel G. Buehler, 20, of Orbluny, N.Y. Pvt. John W. Nolan, 241 hometown unknown. Killed at ScotSman's Cove : $5 9 Milli• M B d .. George Wubington Gallagfler, 21. of . · on . esa... u · get Cuc~t·iiana·Pomt, F.dmUnd.D<!Wy, Iii, of 14111 .\il<lanto • I • , Dri"' Lacuna Nlpel., o - G . B ~. c· c . ...,!:&--lo'the -ti~~ about I a.m., ~~ues · . ~:Lore_ I!l · _ Q1(1!~ -~~~~~: Taxpayers will &et their flrit official P.tt:~ .into the munici~I pocketg>ooK ror 1969;70 tonlg\lt when the eo,ta lolesa City Coupcil hi preseJt!ed a • preliminary 11.171,lli fl~! budiltt pac~e,, · · Up"approxlmately 10 percent over ~last year's ver~lon, the new budget will be available for indlviltual review duririg the ne:lt two wttk111 with a Juty 21 fonnal pubHc hearing. The largest potential change .in the preliminary budget is .posed by Police Chief Roger E. Neth's request to establish a helicopter patrol program for Improved local law enforcement. Col]lput~ a:t ~pprolimateJy.$200,()()t}for the inJtial ouUay -including CO$I. o( two chOppers ahd a tough, four-month ,Pilot Fairview Girl, 13, Drowns ii! . -. . Pond on Gi·ounds The body of a Fal,rvlew State Hospital runaway -third such victim to drown In nearby ponqs during the past year -has been shipped to lier home in ·Mont.erey for funeral arrangements. • Coroner's depuUtl listed the death of Jan.et E. Bea~ty, 13, found floating in • lake. at the Costa Mesa Goll aod Country Club Friday, as accidental· drownihg. · Reporkd u a runaway last Thursday, her body was found the following day. Hospital apokesmen said 11he had been at the facility for the mtnta!Jy retarded about five years. Two small boys who wandered from the · hospital grounds -one en route to open clawoom Instruction .and the other dashing from I busy locked · ward - drowned in a two-day period last year. training progr1m the annual cost .drops drutlcally afterward. Arguments In Javor of a bellcop aystem such as that Inaugurated by the HunUngton Belch Pollce Df~ent in· elude better., more er,tlclent 'deternnt techniques and 1re8ter use of &rdWld patrol manpower. (See related story, page 3.). A patrol car can effectlvel)' cove:r 1. 7 square mile• of the city fn oae hour, while aerial survtillance of£6rs a 25 to 30 square mile range during the ume 60- mlnute period. Without addition ol the helicop concept In Costa Mesi law enforcement. police planners say the coat difference will stDI be gobbled up by Increased manpower needs and car Invest.menu. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said today that a gpecial public hearl~ on the !200,000 helicop budget request; will be set for next Mooday, pr~ to final action on the entire city budget. ~l"dt! Ule 1961 b1ii1get, councilmen tonight will hear a apecial report from ci\l'le leader Eugene Berger'on on the future Orange Freeway route, roughly along the Santa Ana River channel. Several matters processed by the Costa Mesa Plannini Commls11ion at ita meeting two weeks ago aR also up for ci- ty council action during tonight's meeting. De.vilish. Young Theft Suspect Caught in Act Satan found work for Idle hand!: at 3 a.m. Saturday, but the leas-occupied half wa1 banglnl out or a Red Devil Fireworks ~ window when a Costa -Mesa reseM·pollceman pulled Up. reported. Officers said sheriff'• dtpuUea Robert 'Root-and Aildjl11omtro, flashed thelr red lights and oounded the ••Ire!\ tn a Cut.ile attempt to halt the .wrong way 1:ar which swerVed around their vehicle at the·qfframp. . . Just south or the Main Street crossing, (See TRAFFIC, Pa1e l) * * * July 4 Weekend Sets Toll Record By Uof!H Pren lalernaUoeal An ur.releoling parade of death brought the nation a new traffic fatlllty record for the 4lb '!I July holiday period. A Uofted Preas lnlemaUooal count tbowed that SOS persona hid been killed on American streets and hlghw8y1 between a p.m. Thursday, aod 11 :59 p.m. Sonday. The old record ~as 577 set daring the lhree<iay 4th o! July holiday In JlllJf. The 1111-t.ime record is 732 se\ during the 1967' 4th pf July holiday, but that wu a four. day event. The National Safety Council had estimated that the 1969 hollday'toU would be betwe{n 500 and 650. The safety coun· ell said that during a comparable. non- holiday period in July about 500 peraon.s would be killed irl trllfnc. Callfornla led the naUon with 17 fatalit1es. 'J: e S a I had 48, Ohio 35, Michlgan 30, New Yor• and Geof&ia 25 eac~ and Pennsylvania 14. The final boUd~y fatality breakdown: TraHic , 607 Drownings 183 Planes 36 Miscellaneous 08 Tola! 1124 Oranve Coast Four hundred National Guardsmen }oined Red Cross workers in rescue .ind evacuation operalions al Norwalk, Ohio, about 60 mil es southwes t of Cleveland. Two cilJ reservoirs bum at·Norwalk as the Vermillion River crested at 13 feet Laguna Boy Ba~k to · ~ife Arreoting officer Gacy W. Empfltld said his 13-year-old burglary suspect - a short one .._ was 1t.andinj In a grocery cart to reach into the frame structure-at AdamJ ~Vfnue and Harbor Boulevard. WeatJier Att~ those morntnc clouds roll by, we'll have warmer wealhfr along the Orang:e COast Tue5day, with temperatures heading Into the t:i 's. Inmate, 15, Dies ··In Fume Sniffing ' POMONA (AP) -Snlrfing fumes from a tleodorant spray caused Lhe death of a 15-year-old inmate of the Camp Page Juvenile DetenUon Center, authorities a.ay~-the youlh, dead on arri\lal at the Pomona Valley llospllal, soaked a lowtl and undershirt in the spray then inhaled it, police said Sunday. AuihotiUes uJd..lbe unldentJlied 1<'1!· ager was senl to the dttention center after conviction on a char11e of 5c.ndln& nucollcJ lhrooglt the matt. •• Dramati.c Revival · Saves Y~utli After Oeean ·Dive . Off1cer1tted·WUson was dJspatcbed to pick up---.the juvenile offender, whose father hid arrived at the attempted burglacy llCe1lO and n!luctantly ldentllled Glrll' watdlJna: a Llguna Beach boy fioat face doWll after diving fnto the sea from a craggy rock. in 1 cove Friday thought he was practicin& uoderw1ter en- -duranct. Teclmically, Jeff Wllaon, 15, "" dying. Dragged from the ocean by other swimmers af&er two mlnutes wit.bout OX· ygcn t... technlc1lly de.Id -the victim was dramatically brou&ht back among the Uviag by a lifeguard and a physician. Only time will ttll, however, how norm1I that life may be for the boy, who autfertd..._ fractured neck in hil JU-timed dive a\ WOOdll' Cove and still remaina un: conscious. .. WUson, ot 146 Ramona Ave., Is listed In seriooa condltlt>n today tn the intensive care unit at Sooth Co81t Community Hospital, where'nurses say he moves but doesn't respond lo treatment. His breathing and heartbeat had stop. ped when the teen-tiger was brought ashore, bul Jifeguard Jolin CUnningham and Dr. Vinct.Jlt Carroll administered ex· temal cardiac massage and mouth4~ mouth resu.scitation. The fi&ht for Jell Wil90ll'1 life con· Unued on the beach and en route to the emergency hospital, where, staff doctors stimulated his heart back into actloo b7 electroshock. the IUlp«I, aca>nflng to reports. Witnesses said the boy had made Nothlog wu taken from the flrtworb several jumps from tbe cove rock _ stand and the boy was · released to his where thoae who rUk divln1 usua"·~ait father, pending further •cUon by the ..,. -_,po.,,.H•ce--juvmle bufuu. unUI an locomlng surge detpena the water to a safe &!gree -belora tbe. ac. cl dent . loveatl&otora theortu he jumped at the wronc Ume, 11 UM tidal pull was washing seaward a n d struck' hli head on t h e- oceannoor. Dr. carrou waJ l\)Ondlng the holiday on the buch and rave emer1ency Drat aid to the wn ... boy while !Uquirda "'"' en ,route 1fmm tbfllr Main Beach bead· quartera1 • Tlient Cancels Trip P~RIS (UPl)-U.N. SernWy o.nera! U-'ll!ant caocelled a trip to Europe UUa -.. be c: a u ae of 1n -"tcutt lo:- nammallon," the U.N. Inform a 11 oo ...tor announced Sunday night. Than1, due In Parts Tlleaday to meet Ji'rencb l'ft~dent-Oeorpo Pllmpldo\10 WU utidor a doctor'• ca11> IJI New YO(il. . INSmE TODAY Ri11frsidc'1 fomtd Miulon 11111, once ho1& to prblcet ond prtskltntf, 1s langUi.ahina I?\ ·· banktuptcu court. See ftatur1 storw Pope 12. ... , .. C•lltlM'llr1 cr_,8-1 =:... ............ -•ftttrltl ''" ·--·-· ·-A!lll I...,, - n • H H • • • • .. , .. ,, .. ,, ' J I I I f; I ~.\J~V Pl\.OT t Ml"'U-~J: !9b'I .•• P...,.Ur Puff Der•1 .. Newport.Woman •' . l l Flies to :Sec'6nd · • (. lofn. Mara CUip of Newport Beach, ~ill& In bet linCPowder PUii lleiti1, ;laaded ll'<Olld Sundly In a field ol 15 :woma~ Pilot.I ln"the 2.1td annual-classic ' ! :jir !)'!. This year'• race btpn In Sill . ~--i~tlldod ln·Wasl!ln..,.rD. e. F ?.!n.Q;ip, wUe of Philco-ford pllyolclst • '· ~Vacationers _Burglarized .. J,.,, Costa Mesa V1c11Uoner1' ntlaJ1borin& homes were hil by a bw"sJl.r In Costa Mesa, polle< dlacovered Stind<y, with more lhan l!OO taken trOm one and determlnallon of Jou al tbe other pendlnc the victlms' retum. Arriving home 'from a trip. Peter W. )tue&1e, or 3113 Jefferson Ave., foiind five JiOea, a shotgun, 20 phonograph albums and 15 chlldren's games were .missing from hls bome. r---""i;;in ... ;;;:r.,;;;,;;;or;;,O'-iiiQlfie lossliitexacLly ''601, including $1 tlken from a child'• "bi'Oken 1ey bank. j I I I l :, Patrojman Hal ltolbroot said while -.taking the report from Huegle that he :discovered an ldenUcal brtak·in at the 1JUl'by bome of tbe Charles Tbornbtrry fomlly. • A 1liding ~s window had been forced · ~ t.aeh case, but investigators could .9nlY • ;leave wont for tbe eecond family to con- ·loct Jl..Cquorten when lhelr presumed Joss 1• counte(I up. :-cuhBM co t n a totaling $1111> w e r e ~ ;teptiited taken Friday from a Fotomat ~.lflapabot service center at S009 Harbor Blvd .. cccrdliig lo Ol!lcer Rudy Malik. • lnvesU1ators sakt a window wa1 forced .-al lhe dri-.ugb focility to 1•ln ·entry, tbe same way $100 wu taken from ;-f.flllmat lurther down the , boulevard Wt week. ·Youths Splashed But Yomig Chef .. Jui With Kni(e . A Colla M ... bam~~l:bet cave a .,....,., loii.N( • ~ -"' IOdaft!!t SllllCWI llllLl'I iomttlllhg in return when he htt the -wrone bj'aUodet, pollce said tadoy. JomesR. Koler,.11, employed by.Russ' B11r1m. 21" N~rt Blvd., wu cut on the bud by a switchblade knlie which might ·have caused serious injury U hid not been deflected by hi! ring, police llid. The vtctlm 11Ld four trouble90me youngsters refused to leave the burger stand ii be finally squirted them wllh aodawaltr from a C01 dispenser. A fifth ~nager standirll behind them was hit and lashed back with a swit· chblade knife, Koler told Officer Hal Holbrook, who logged the incident as an assault with a deadly weapcn . Nixon Cancels Dinner With Apollo 11 Crew WASIUNGTON !UP!) -PrHldent Nlzon today canceled a pre-flight dinner mfftlng with the . three Apollo I 1 utronaufs for fear that the.git-together might 5cientiflcally contaminate the thm moon voyagers. 'lbe White Howe said lhat the change of plans. was made alter Dr. Charles A. Berry, chlel physician for the astronauts, insisted th•t the trio be kept in almost kUl ilolaUon prior to their July 16 llftoff from C.pe Keonedy, fla. llA l\"I PllOT ~ COU1" P\ltl IMttN• G:WflJAW't ltMrt N. w,,, .. ,...'*"" .. Mlllllff Jteli k. Cu•lty Viet ,., ... ....,, •~• GeMr.i """"'u '"''"''' l(,,.,;1 .... Tkt111tt A. M,,,,hi" Mtf\Hltt [llW c .... ,... Offk.t lll Wtlt l•"t Slrttf M•ll;"t AHnu: r.o. ••• 11.0, •1•1• --......, kt(lo: "''""" ...... ......,.,.,. w-...,,. 1111 '-' ._ M""""'*' ..._,,: at ....... ... RICliard CWp. llvts at ll7$ V'11ta En~adl. :l"lle classic race staned July 4. Mrs. ~ !inlsbed Zi houri 1nd JO mlDUtta aDd 2:s1s milq la\er. Sil(" WU ten l!llnutes bthlnd the first across the llne, Marlon Jayne of llllnois. .,. She was greeted by her husband who also ii a pilot. Mrs. Culp took advantage ol high· alUtude winds to finish the handicap race with a plus-35 .score. Final ru:ults will not be known until all the planes have landed. Time is com- puted on a handicap basis. She flew a Piper Comanche, solo, for her first derby. . Mn:. Culp is a charter p!lot for an Orange County Airport finn and a cor- porate pilot for a Southern California Steel company. She holds raUngs for Airline Transport single and mulU-engine cralt. Io 19f7 !he "received the Pilot.of-the· Year award from the Orange County chapter or the 99 's .. Mn. Thon Griffiths of Costa 1t1esa, another derby conteltanl, finished the race wl!JI a plus-28 score. She flew with M11:Marion Banks of San Diego. ABM Decision Goes to Senate, Faces Debate . WASll!@TO (li!'ll -_Pmldenl Nixon's proposal lo deploy,Jh<Jialt.alllrcl AnUballillic Missile system went to the Senate and an uncertain fate today with a warning from opponents that it might prove lo be a multibllllon-dollar waste of money. Floor debate on the l20 bllllon-mllltary procurtme.nt authorization bill containing $3U.5 million for lnltial deployment of the ABM probably will begin Tuesday and cou'.d la.st the rest of the month. ;"l'here a.re a lot of pent-up speeches wailing to be delivered," said Senate DemocraUc Leader Mike Mansfield. He tOld newsmen .he considered the . finaJ A'.8-Al vote "sWl a to&,tup, with the """'1blllty of a compromise evidently •lil\) ... Tile bill "!'I -cleared by lhe Sell'!> ~ Sel"fk!es Cotumiltee, which Vlied JO to T laat week in favor of deplo)'ing the ~qu•"l 1'1lbllshed Mo~y was a minority ~rj mPfld bYi...llemocratie Sins.~ Stuart Symington of Missouri, S1epben M. Young o! Qhlo and Daniel K. looily'e of Ha)Oali. A fourth, Sen. Thomas J. Mcintyre, D- N .H.. proposed a compromise -con- -tinutd JlSW"Ch and development but oo safeguatla inrtallation Jor at least a year -which Jie said the White Holl3fl might · well aceept tQ avert defeat 1n a showdowft vote. Symington .. Inouye and Young said Congress should not be frightened by renewed cries of a Soviet threat into spending "\Oney unnecessarily on ad · d1tional weapons systems. Tliant May Pull U.N. Forces From Mideast By UJliltd tr~11 In~rnatloa_al Uolted Nations Secret.ary General U Tlwll said today "Open warfare has been resumed " ale.rig the Suez Canal and that he may have ·to withdraw U.N. peacekeeping forces from the area. As he did. Israel said it shol down two more .Egyptian M1G21s Jn an air batUe today. Thant, in a report to the Security Coun· cil, said the unarmed U.N, officers "can· not be expected to serle as what amounts to defenseless targeia in a shooling gallery." ~ "Since June, 1967," Thant said. "the level of violence in the ~tiddle East has never been higher lhan i' Is at present. In fact , never In the hlstOry of U.N. "ex· perience with peace-keeping has there been such complete and sustained disregard, through the massive u s e of m11ny types of conventional wtapons and also by Jess conventional mean!, for a cease-fire called for by the Security Council and agreed to by the parties." An Israeli spokesman in Tel Aviv i1aid today·s Sir battle broke out when a COU· pie of patrolllng Israeli jets intercepted four Egyptian M1G21s at 4 p.m. south of the Israeli-occupied fortress of Shai-m El Sheikh at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. In the ensuing dogfight two Egyptian jets wert shot dawn, the spokesman said. He reported lhe lsraeU planes returned safely to base. · Haile Selassie Heads Fo1· Visit With Nixon ADDIS ABABA <AP) -Emperor Haile Selaule ol Ethiopia left early today for a three-dny visit to tht: United States for talks with President Nixon. Bilateral aid a11d lncre15ed U.S. part.iclpatlOf, in Ethiopia's development plan Is hl&h on the talks agenda. Selusle al~ wlll brit:f Nixon on the Nla:ertan civil war In his ·capacity as chainnan of the Consultative Committee on Nlrerta of the Oraanilatloa of African Unit1. 0 .. 11. Y ,l\AT Sl•ff ""'" EARLY DERBY FINISHER Newport Flier Culp Frotn Page l TRAFFIC ... the.car driven by Garcia crashed into the southbound vehicle carrying the Marines. Moments later Elaine Townsend, 34, of San Diego sideswiped lhe wrong way car. Miss TownseD<I and her mother Leola, 69, were cut and bruised. in the Scot.mian's Cove death, sheriff's depuUes first suspected murder when Gallaher was slnlck at 3:50 a.m. by a passing car. Sberlirs U. Richard Drake said 1 ;~ year-old girl told investigators she had seen somedht shove Gallaher In front or the car. Drake said the girl, a runaway from Montana, I ate r changed her story. Gallaher was preparing to light With two other men over the girl, he said. The girl is being held in juvenile hall pending return to her pare.nts' home. CHP oUicen said the driver cf the ca~. Lawrence Sund, 36, of 1760 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, was held blameless. Later Sunday morning in Dana Point near lhe Street of the Silver Lantern Delaney was driving north on the hidJway when a southbound car swerved cn·er lhe center line and atruct: his vehi· de, the CHP reported. Delaney was dead on the ~cene and a rescue crew was called to free his body from the wreciJee. The dPlver of the oilier car, Gpbtrt F. I_.oi(el, MtFallbrook, waa lnatad al <>rq&' ljedlcal Cellllt. for licial cull •11111 hOoked In oran,.-Cliunty • jail on felony manslatJlhter chArges. • More Guns, Mesa Man Hurt • • . : L'ess Troops · In Auto W reek In Future? " A "Co5ta Mesa menswear uie,rnan w1s admitted. oeyerely injured, ~but his -er --lnvesliplor> &aid .SCbei>lw waa drlv· WASH!NGTON (AP) ·-Congressional defense erperts, laying the foundation for massive development of new weapons, are eounllng on substanUal 01tback in the armed forces to open the Viii for . financing the hardware without an in-- crease In military spending. escp.ped with scra~ and scratdits sun-Ing toutb on ~ncli. Drive SOI> feet . -· -·southofSwanCfrcleatt:top.m.SUnday, dy night when ~e:lr hilh perfo~ car • when he lost CX¥1trol after toppi.n&' a bill shot DI feet oil a curving road into a curve. . . _ , • concrete culvtrt. _ .....The.oauow~w~f•re-hn "Ulry • SC!i<pur, 25, of 939 V cloria l>Oon lhe subject or S.m~ 'Crll}Cjmi and St., suffend n,ulltple fractures of both &he acene of &e~~ accidents, aitlct It legs and deep lacerations in the accident was opened to conneet two populo111 parts . of town less than a year ago~ 'lllis is the clear message or two recent stal.e.ments by Sen. oJhn Stennis (D· Miss.), chalrn1an of the Armed Services Committee, and from b a c k & r o u 11 d discussions with other key congressional defense experts. which oceurred as he swerved to avOJd a Northbound motorist Don HB.\)dy, 32, headon era.sh. Los Angeles, told traffic .investigators The driver was taken to Costa Mesa Schepker evidently overcarrected his Memorial Hospital then transferred to steering iu an effort to avoid a colllsion. lfoag M'morial Hospital, Newport Beach, Pollet said Scbepker's domestic sports where he is Ii.sled in satisfactory con· car Dew off the shoulder, alrbome' and down an embankment, crashing into a They indicate a million-man cutback in the 3.5 million man military · establish· ment would save some $10 billion annu· al!Y of the $80 billion the Pentagon now spends. dit.ion today after surgery. concrete culvert 230 feet from where he His passenger, Gerald P. Kana, 17, of left the roadway . 2272 Federal Ave., Costa Mesa, was The car wu demolished. Traffic treated for scratches and shock at the patrolmen art coothmtn, their in- Costa Mesa emergency facWly , but not vestigatian today . ~ Between this sum aod the anticipated decline over the next few years in the $25 billion annual cost ol the Vietnam war, more than enough funds would be available to pay for new missile systems~ long-range bombers, submarines and even the controversial Safeguard missile defense program. Ja~kie Airs Views Liquor, 'Harpies' Irked First L!Jdy lt would mean most of the $10 billioh to WASHINGTON (AP) -ExcerP.ta of fl6 billion &Mu&! fiscal dividend -the Jllcqueline Onassis' memos. reveal her extra government rtvenue available from roncems as First Lady with too much ti· the growth of the economy -could be channeled into domestic projects. quor at the White House, the cost of Hearings last year by the Senate clothes, newswomen ".harpi".'' and a preparedness subcommittee laid the comedian's references to her children, basis for increased spending over the says the Knight Newspaper Sy~cate. next decade for military hardware. ln a copyright story by Vera Gla.ser especially on Items delerred in recent years because of war costs. and Malvina Stepheroon a direction to The current Pentagon budget includes the Wlii e House staffto refill half-empty go-ahead funds for the Advanced Manned cocktail glasses "even if a few people do strategtc .Aircraft, a new bomber "1ong get hepatitis" was the former ..-Jieilt sougbt by'lhe Air Force; and to convert Kennedy's way of tossing off a quip. land-based Minuteman 11 intercontinental Jn one note, she said" I have never sent ballisUc missiles and aea-based Polarises out ooe" memo that I would have mlnded into the multiwarhead Minuteman ms the world seeing •.. the worst thiog I and Poseidons. have ever said is about the Archbishop of Jn add.Ilion, the Navy laid out planS for , il ,, -..:~ ot di.sci a major new submaripe program, the • Cl:lflterbury s w e. '~ wu n os- Underaea Long·range Missile System.. ed, however. which would become operational in tbe "Liquor often flows loo freely here,~ late 1970s. she wrote the White House houSekeeper. \_ Some 60 percent of the Pent.aaon "and I find it as abhorrent to hear a buda:et currenUy eoea for personnel, operaUoos and malntaoance. reception turning into drunkf'n lauMter Stennis is known to feel the nation's as I do to hear loud ja.u crashing through security ls more dependent. on up-to-dale the East Room. weapons than oo a Ia.rae standing force. "No one should ever gel drunt in the A cutback in troops would include, in While House ; 50 will you see that at addition to Vietnam. a substanUal reduc-tion in the 250,000-man U.S. force in -stage affairs and official receptions - Europe. This level has been under fire In espetially the judiciary -liquor nows the Senate because of its drain on the much more slowly. u .S. balance ... of paymenls as well as the " ... People should get one drink im· fee Ii hi that Europeans should assume a mediately, have to ·do a littll""1aitlnJ or larger share of their defense. beckoning for a second one, and really make it impossible for them to have a third." comedian V1ughn-Meader--on-tele"rislon, she wrote to aid Pam Tumute: "JFK says it's okay U you call him (Meader) which is probably slfer· than wriUng, and say that h(n:. Kennedy finds it in appalling taste that he should i;nate money out of a five-year-old cblld," referrlng to the comedian's satires. ''Tell him I don't care what he aays about us ._ but, the fact that he dares menUon my children's names tG make himselr an extra dollar, I don't like that --r.oo!d just like him to trnow thal l consider him a rat as far as the children are concerned." In another memo, .she said "JFK was a bit disturbed la.st last night about the press ladies" at a White House function . "They hang around and make everyone nervous •.. " Changes in press ground rules should come from Pierre Salingel't &be nld to Pam Tumure, " .. , u it is oot fair to pit you against the harpies. Also, they m.ight take H better from a man." The former Flral Lady said rtPQrtus could vlew the dining room brJefly before dinner and watch the r~ving line at of· ficial funcUans, "but l wish we didn't have to have them back alter dinner • , • I don'l lhlnk il b loo dlgnilled lo have them around. It always makes me fee l like some social-climbing hostess who asked a columnist to every _party." Other memos exprra her worries a bout .cifj:arette Uh burns -On the Red Room rug and that she wail "awfu)Iy shocked to see people smoking during: the first t;ourse" of stile dinners. • Windward Passage Bids In writing to Mrs. John Mowinckel in Paris, one of her fashion "scoots," she made one of her frequent mentions of trying to economize in this area : Shut Door Saves Mesa Woman From Fiery Death For Ti Transpac Mark "You are .so sweet to write me such ·• long letter about all the heavenly clothes in Paris ... However, by some strange mercy of the gods, I have a very light social season this spring -also, trunk loads Qf clothes left over from India last year, and for two trips to Bruil which we never took. SAN PEDRO !UPI) -Windward Passage, a 73-foot ketch skippered by Robert F. Johnson, today cut through the water at a rteord pace in it.s bid to break the elapsed time record on U!e Transpacific yacht race to Hawaii. Johnson's Ticonderoga set the mark of nine days, lS hours and Sl.2 mieute1 in 1965. The veteran skipper, who b u i l l Windward Passage in the G r a n d Bahamas last year, had his sleek sailboat TRANSPAC POSITIONS 3 P.M. DAILY ON KDCM-FM (103.11 near the 500-mile mark of the 2,225-mile compeliUon al midnight Sunday. , Thirty-two milts back of the overall leader was Blackfln from the St. Fran- cis Yacht Club, of San Francisco follow- ed, in odder, by Mir from Vancouvtr, B.C., Rascal and Kamalii. Wlndwani Passage, from the Lahaina Yacht Club of Hawaii, was .several miles ahead ol Ticonderoga's record pace. And the weather had Improved for sailing. The winds, which were 2S to SS knoti the first two days or the ra:ce. fell off to 10 to 12 knots, reducing the whitecaps from 15 to 5 feet . The class standings, In order, were: CLASS A-Rascal, Concerto, Sumatra. CLASS 8-Locil. Salacla, Xanthippe. CLASS C -Montgomery S t r e e t, Argon8.ut, Esperance . Catalina Vessel Given CG Escort SAN PEDRO (UPI ) -A Coast Guard cutter escorted the SS. Catalina steamer from Catalina Island to San Pedro Sun- day alter the captain of the vuset heard rumors a group or youths were "about to ~torm the bridge." Hollday pranks have plagued the 310· foot steamer since it! first voya1e to Avalo11 In 1924, and Capt. Loyd P'redgren apparently was worried about the salety of I.he t,000 pe:raons aboard when he niade tilt requesL But lht only excitement on the trip came when three youths j u m p e d overboard as the steamer docked in San Ptdro. Polict on-tJted Anlhony M. S..Uch, IO, of San Pedro on cuapldon of violattn1 a municipal onllnanc• which prohibits mmmlng In tbe barbor. Tho other lwo 1wilnmer1 uc1ped. ' CLASS D -Ano Nuevo, Destiny ll, Aventura. Seven of the 72 entries in the race from lhe Los Angeles Harbor to Diamond Head were out of the competition. The latest to quit was Finesse 11 from Palo Alto which dropped oul Sunday w!Ut mechanical di[. flculUes. Carl Steward or Shennan Oaks, lost his footing and fell overboard from the sloop Quest from the Cslifornia Yacht Club Sunday, Skipper Tom Lavine put about and picked him up. _ There has never been a drowning in 24 Tranipacific races. Forecasters said a mld-Paclffc high pressure area is generaling inteme winds along 1he race route to Hawaii. "So I am really going to economize the one time l can," she said, adding that one especially appea.lin'g suit could be bor- rov•ed from her .sister, Lee Radii will, if necessary. In one three-month period she spent $15,000 on clothe! the memos showed . After she and the President watched Ike's Widow Better LAKENHEATH. Enaland (AP ) Mamie Eisenhower, widow of Pre!ldent Dwight D. Eisenhower. is responding satisfactorily to treatment. Investigation conUnues today Into a house fire In which a Costa Mesa woman closed her bedroom door on death after dousing a smoldering blaz.e. with a glass of water and returning to bed. Unidentified neighbors awakened by the resumed tire roused Mrs. Harriet J. Uzgalls, of 833 Pine Place, about I a.m. Friday and led her to safety. A closed bedroom door prevented smoke produced by the fire from asphyx. iating Mrs. Uzgalis, who lives alone, firemen said. The victim told firemen she poured a glass of water on the burning couch when she discovered ii once , but names ap.- parenlly rekindled after she thought she , was safe. cala. You may or may not con. 11ider that to be a good thing, but we like it becaute we get nicer people that way. Can headaches he good for you? When you get to be a res· olar here, we are able to find out the kind of thinp you like. wl1at you aeleeted la11t time and the time before. Because M'fl do our own buying and don't ba,'e lo wonder wl1at i1 cominR in next week from the n1ain 1tore in another city, we re1lly know .. our stock. Tl1at08 j111Pit another .. reaeon why we can give you more intelligent ••tg~tions than would be possible in t0me 01her storee. They eay you eomelin1e1 can recognize the fellow "'ho is headed for 11o"'·here in tlie bu8ineea world. He's tl1e one ""·ho !e<:retly longs for the day "''lien lte'll be promoted to a better job with fewer he11dache1. Let u11 pray foT bin1. The furlher up lite lad<ler you ·ger. I.he tou,:her )·our job u111ally get1. Well, there'• a rea1on ~·by one man it worth more money than another. The capable manager welcome• problem1 that olhen ('an11 whip, becau1e he know1 1ha1'1 "'hat ltatt1 to tl1e real. dough. , Now, in order to leave room lor hisger and better problem! al tho ollice, you don't need problem• elstwhere. Tha1'1 where tho good· 8"Y' at Bid· well'• can be uaefu] to you. t . ,. Some men figure it'a easier to face a major"bnergency at the office than to pick oul 111 new 11uit, and that'1 why they keep pultinl( it o!f. Can we do anything about that? Sure we can, and we do. Thi11 i1 no chain, It's not the Newport Beach branch of any- thing. We don't have a remote penoonel director li1tlns i1• LA or NY tending ou l 1ome new •tore manager ev111ry few week.t who doeen't know vou from Unclll Fred. ' Our people h ere are all lo- Our auits, "'"hich we buy from H. Freeman, Ratner, Dean!ple and Devonsl1ire rutt from 885 10 8165. Office l1eadaches we will not try to cure but we can 1ure niake b11ying a auit a reaJ plea• ure. See u1 !or fasl, faftl, fn&l relief. • Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at Newport Bh·d., in Ne"l>ort U..ch nexl to Ri('hard'a Ma.rket and The Lido Th.-ater. Plenty of free parking In the -r. Phone 6734510 Copyrlpt 1969, Jack Bid~·ell. ' For All . Ages OAlLY lllLOT ~lwte1 tiy Pit O'Otllntll l'ARAOE l'lATC_HERS -Ob-. servers of annual Fourth of July Parade in Huntington Beach included Cherylyn, 14 months, who found comfortable seating on lap of her father, Jim Hussey of Huntington Beach. At rjght is Larry Cole- man of Huntington Beach with sons, Mike, 6, and Jeffrey, 3. SWEEPSTAKES WINNER -This 30-loot float entered-by-Banjo Pickets and Squar.e Dance Club of Westminster was sweep$takes \Vinner in 1969 llunt- ington Beach Fourth of July Parade. Them.e of thi.$ year's parade was "California History." Banjo .Pickers! float-was-honored for -its comical version of the California Gold Rush. ROUNDING .THE BENO -This was view of Hunt- ington Beach Fourth of July Parade at intersection of 5th and Main Street as Specialty Group winner, "Great River Nation" entered by YMCA Indian Guides of West Orange County rounded corner. Several hundred·fathers and sons in Indian Guide program participated in entry. Expects Arrest Soon David Harris to 'Close Down Prison' 'PALO ALTO. Calif. (AP) -Pacifist David Harris, husband of £olksinger Joan Baez, says he will work for nonviolent revolution behind prison walls. Harris, 23, says he expects federal marshals to pick him up sometime this week, to.. start serving his three-year sentence on a charge ol refusing In- duction. He lost an appeal in U.S. Court of Ap- peals June 12, and says he has decided • against appealing to the U.S. SiJpreme Court. "It's a political case," he said in an In- terview Saturday. "It's just reality. l'rn.-. going to be arrested and the alternatives, hiding or splitting (fleeing th~ country), are wnrse. You can't build a ·revolution by hiding." Harris. one of the founders of The Resistance antidraft grop, lives here with his wife, Together they rlln the ln5titute for the Study of Non-violence. He said he is "deadly serious" about organiz.ing fellow prisoners along non- violent lines "to close down the prison," but did not e~lain how that would be done. He doesn't know to what prison he will be taken. Federal authorities do Ml disclose this beforehand. But It would·bc·nonviolent, he said. '·'No one should understand the consequences o{ violence be.tter than those who are in prison for It," he said. Revolution, he added, must come lhrough love, to change the way society lives. Militant revolution, he said, is • dehumanizing process. With militancy, "revolution become,, a book of rules:," be said. I~arrls says he's completing a book on "a revolution that doesn't kill, exploit or manipulate people" to produce a •'participatory, nonviolent socialistic society ,.t• - • FIOOLIN' CHARLIE-Charlie • Waer, a familiar figure al an- 1\Ual Huntingti>n Be.ach Foiil'th of July Parade', made his sev· enth appe-arapce this year de- spite some ,infin:nities which kept him from riding liis Mor- ~an stallion. Charlie .said he JUSt got oul of the hOspital and decided.to "sil this parade out" in the' comk>rt of an auto. Saucag.e .ver.s .. Hold Up Market Two bandits with a· taste· for sausage took $190 at gunpoint Sunday night from a: neighborhood Huntington B e a c h market. Steven J. Savage, clerk of the grocery store at 17608 Beach Blvd., told police two men entered~tbe-store about tOrliO p.m. w3ited for customers to leave, then appi'oached the ' counter. One bandit set a 29-cent can of VieMa sausage ·on the counter, said police reports. Then the other pulled a six-inch, blue steel revolver from his -waistband and ordered Savage · to "open the dra.wer." As they left, one bandit turned and told Savage oot to push any alarms, satd police investigators. that Bani: Leaders to Discuss~ ' . Inflation· With l{ennedy WASHINGTON (AP) -... Heads of 25 ltennedY annoUnced the callini ol the major bjnks beg~ assembling in meeting Thursday. At the time it ·Was Washington tOday to' discu.'ls with made clear the bankers would be ·given SecretAr'u o.f the Tr.easury D8vid·M,· Kill· an oppprtunify·th ta1k freely lfith Ken~ -J nedy and his lieutenants without rear tbat nedy wpys to cool the nliUon's prolonged ·t~ sta~ts would be made·pub,I.ic. inflationary +fevei. ' ,• · ·. !The Treasury said today that Keonedy Froµi the sidelines, Chairman Wright would.. rileet _with iepOrters after his Patman of tbe ·House Ba~g Com~ttee meeting ~ith the ~Jikera. Bµt this was needled . ~edy lo ~-lbe ,midaf· •• llOHnoug!Ho-sati.llfy.Patman. ~--J ternoon me~fing to the public. "A press brlefin&,\careiuUy cleansid;of "Thet;e sOOµld be nos~ dJscusSion CQbtioVersy," siid Texas Democrat . ._d, of public ~cy between· the bi' bankers "~ ,inadequate· wtiep th~ public .. g so ancl"the secretary ol tl'le treasury" the vitally affected ·and ·cotu;emed by --tt:ie: Texas Dem~at said in a telegram. issues before the meeting." ·~ -.. For all.your good Intentions, you can't Seetlrto . save a nickel to save your soul: Paychecks come. Paychac~s go. And still-there's llttle or no ·l!)One)' In the blink for savings. Unlied Califomla Bank knows how hard.It.ls, rou'l .save . to save. That's why we have a plan that guarantees you'll save $10.-$20.-$30. a month or more, and hardly miss It. 1t•s UCB's Automatic Savings Plah. Just decjdG how much you wantto· save each month. UCll deducts that amount from youfUCli checking 1 account and adds1t to your savings. I Most savers tell us, It's virtually painless. And at f UCB, your savinga always eam the highest ba~ , I I Il l lriterest rate perml~l)lle by law._ . · · Isn't there some!tilpg you've wanted to save · -""""'"""""''"'*'. for anyway9 Like ·;urope. It's· as easy llS,savlng just r ...... ,.,_ ... ,_,.,,,.,,_,,.,. 1 1 $2.oll adayloroneyaarat UCBI Whatever your l'Jan• und,,,. • •~l"fll .cooum ~p/kft(ttn. l'n'rot. goal, ·sign this OQupon.and send ft along·toctay. foodtMtonlDUW~llltdlwlllNoH.,an.orbuttl 1' You can save. You wtll save. •=,.-----------··_~ We guarantee IL · , IJM; I ' . . f IJ·UNl'.TED I . ' ' CAf.IFORNIA """'""---__,_ __ · · 'BA"N K · 6&11: Zif. ' ~ _ • .,. ..... l Thl-tMA'lft who do• 0lirt11 mo,. lof'r.w _, 3029 Harbor lloul1venl • ' . ' 't • • ' D!!\ y 'l~fl; • • 'Afr•ld to Aet'· College1 Officials Hit ·by Uoover • WASHINGTON (UP!) -eo:.pua vtoleoce · ls being ericourapd l> y "bleedlni heart" colle1e admlnlalraton r----''-·--.....,. _.. ,. .. ----•wbo-are-alrlkt-to proeecule-ltudenl People Sceae Monday . . . . · · · • mlUtants, according to FBI Director J. Ecfaar Hoover. In a report to Qmgreas made public to- d&f r lhe natioo!a-&op law enforctmen&...of· fleer deac:rlbed campuJ turmoil u one of many manl!eetaUons of a brta);down in law and qrder lbat Ia lncreaslni Iba burdens of tbe Federal Bureau of Invelttg1Uon. f . Parents aren't raising garbage collectors and they're ~ausltli problems for Clannc• Patterton of Mi.aml. ''The conditions of this kind ol work must be improved, not oaly the moaey. !l's a backbust·· i~g operation," Patterson says. "Nobody l1 rearing their.kid today to be 1 garbage colle<tor. So, while the neecl for them it increasing, the labor force ii climlnisbing." Potter- son is waste director for ·Dade Couaty. • The lfougbton Lake, "Mich. weath· et bureau was right on the mark la1t w&ek: with a severe thunder· stonn warning tor the surrounding oorthem Michigan area. Lightning struck the office a stlorl time later and set one teletype on fire. An- otner boll hlt the wind tower as it registered gusts of nearly 50 miles lP hour and one-half inch. of rain ~ felliii 10 mfniileS. . RAP5 ADMINISTATORS FBI Director Hoover Hoover laid the blame for colle1e dlso<dus partly oo ''new left" l!llllalon. but mare on easy-going s c boo l authoriUes. ' "Many of lb< sdlool ldmll>lllralol'I ap- pear unable lo dlaUniUisb between legltlmat. protest and unlawful octs and then are ftr too many bleeding hearts among them whose palliative attitude has served only to magnify the problem by encooraging the escalation of demands and furtber disorders," Hoover said. "Whal ii needed is more guts oo the part of manY presidents Of t b e .-universities and colleges. They should ex- pel the violent militant... who lake the law into their own hands rather than grant lhem amnesty for their criminal acts." Hoover said student activisls, "under the pre.tense of the struggle for student right!," deny the majority of studentJ the right-to pursue theireducation in-peace. Hoover --bis opin1oo1 April t7 in closed.door testimony before a House appropriations subcommittee. He declin- ed a subsequent invitation to ta:Ufy publicly on campus disorder be.fore the House Education and Labor Committee. ln South Slainley, England, the Rev. Norm•n Alex•nd•r tried in.- cense and gas to scare oU bais in his church belfry but met with lit- tle success. He advertised for a "fierce looking owl," and received a stuffed one which he hopefully placed in the belfry. The vicar re- ported that all the bats bad fled . • SOO -the Students for a Democratic Society -Is "at the c or e of the n e w left movement," whicb represenll "a threat to established law and order and Repairman Held '° lh• stability ,r our l!Ociety" anc1 which baa exhibited "a steadily increasing -·c!fig1~-or-iiml""°n--c6iiiiililnlat 1n-ln Slaym· g of nuence," Hoover pld. Some of ill fUJld.s come from ·~wealthy benefactors" in- cludliig a Cleveland industrlalist, a New Michigan Coed England heiress and "a very prominent foundation In New York." Hoover did not name them. Thil refre1htno SctM 100I probably !I common ow throughout the Orange cou't thil wttkend with daddit1 crmoding thfir offrpring out of tht kidl' .swimming pool1. This dad ap- pee:r1 to be quite pl.tastd wlth him· 1tlf and. is doing a fine job of ii;inor· ing hll dciughter's complaint! . ANN AllBOR, Mich. (AP) -A 28-year- old repairman bu been accused of the shootin& death of a Un1ver1lty of Michigan coed -the seventh young woman slaln in the area ln lesa than two )'<ats. Sources close to the lnveat.la1Uon said t.be man waa released from the Soutbem Michigan Pr1aon six months •IO after IUVing a sentence for ra~ Police Chief Willer Kruny said the sboottng victim, Martaret Pbllllps, 2&, bad been COUllldlng lb< man, Ernest R. Bbbop Jr., on how to improve bis Ille. She wu doin& It ••on her owrr,"' Krasny commented. He lald Miu Phillips also hid "-e than a cuual interest" in the six. previous sls}'inp and bad Interviewed several persona.on the subject. Two of the kllllnp occurred while Bl1bop was-1n prison. BORM AN VISITS RVS S SPACEPORT YALTA, Us.sR (UPI) -Even U his Ru&slan hosts deny him a look at their supenecret launcbport, U.S. astrcnaut Frank Borman will leave the Soviet Union with lb< lirsl glimpses by any touriog Amerioan of a Soviet ipKO ladli· ty. ~ 'Jbe colonel was taken on a privat.e vis- it lo ~ ma j o r tracking llation at EuP1torla, a nearby resort clty. oo Sun- day. Neither' hia wife nor their two aons, • Jilao QD_Bo~~ ntn_ttay tour oJ Ruslia,. were allowed lo ICCi:lmpany him. • . Avid London soccer fan Charlie G1llfh1n, weighing in at 266 pounds, bas started to diet. He said be made his decision after getting stuck in turnstiles at soccer sta- diums. • New Hemisphere Policy Predicted by Rocke I eller Whf'I'\ Ttrry Randall, 8, of Edwardlvillt, ll/., found $1 .75 m 0 paJI ttllphont ht t11rntd it ovtr to the ttlephoM compon11 ond said ht wcu satisff.td with just thank' and praia:e. TnTJJ o1Dnl aharea in thl compan11. • After Lowell Lundstrom, a South Dakota evangelist, addressed a Jroup of young persona at a relig- ious encampment at Birmingham, rowa, 20 of them built a bonfire and burned $150 worth o! rock and roll records. NEW YORK (UPI) -Despit. th< rioting and protests that accompanied his 20-nation tour of Central and South America, Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller thinks visits for ~:ildent Nixon pro- ductd results that wlll enable him to reCommend a new "hemisphere-wide U.S. poUcy." His arrival at KeMedy International Airport SuOclay echoed the dlsorder1 that accompanied aome of the atopa on the four-part fact-finding m1111lon which began May II. Three hundnd youlhl, chanting "Cuba SJ, Rocky No!" and holding alps whkh said "Lalin Am<rlca doeSll't want you -we don't either." gathered at the airport termi.nl,1 an hour before Rockefeller's official jet landed. The police scuffled brielly with !he young people and kept them away from Rockefeller's party. The New York governor left by bellcopter for h1I est.ale at Pocantico Hllls, N.Y. after a 1hort news conference never coming within 51.ght of demonstraton. He plans to repOrt to the President nett month on all pbuel of Lat1n American life-economics, pollUca, social, cultural and educational affaln -''relaUng to U.S. policy and U.S. go ver n ment organizaUon." Summer's Not So Hot Teeth Chatter in Maine; Palms Perspire in Texas M«ftl"t c:-...1-. ll'ld "'""' _.., 111-*-'· Li.ttl ,...,lie_ wind& 11ont c-1 111'1 111t1tt .,... .....,,,,,. '-"' "'*"' .... -twtf • " " k..n. """ toNY, lltlf "' Y..,....1"1 ..,_.llwto r I II It. trOl'I 60 It It. l11lal!CI ..,,...,Mr ....,.. -" " , .. W.ltr ....... htlrt .. _ s • .., ,,, ..... '.l'Wea _ .. y ''"' ""' .............. 11n'"""' u •trsl 10W ,., Tt:ll •·"'· 1,1 TU It DAY P:lrt! 1'11111 ............ 6;0 .,,,,. ),\ l'INI ltW •· ....... , ... Iii .. IJlll, ),t StcOllllll llW. ............. 6:• ~.ll'l. $.S 11111 Jtltn J:M t ,111, Slit l lOI •• 111. illlil ... a.• 1:u1.m. P:llll "" •• P:lrlt o. "•• J11r, 2f" Avt. fl July 22 Julr 14 L'..-• i~ ·~····· tllt MKIOle w"' lcUr .... II ••• 11MH-.Olw' cot! Ill -11 .t t11e • Tempet'at urea 9otlort (111<.ef(I CIMln ... ~I c~~•11nc1 Dt ...... DH Miii...., "'"" !urtllt Forl Wort~ F"''"° Ht le.._ H-IUlu IC1r1Ms City l.s ....... Los ._,...la Mi.1t1I M!iw.ullet Mlrtrle1 .. llf N"" O!',_,. New Yol1< Nerlll P19tte """" ....... P-JIM .. I l"lllled911W1i. """" .,_,,. ..... ,. Jt11111 (11Y ... '""' ·-SlutlN>ll" St. Lovll S.h,.., Siil Lekt Cllr $111 o .... .S.1 l"rt!'ltlKCi s.nr. a.rot•• ...... -·~ T"'rlT\lt Wttllli'lt~ M " " " .. " " " n " .u " " " " >' " •• • " •• tl'.I II .24 n " "' 65 .lt ,, '' .02 ~ " ·~ . H M u '° ·" . -" 7' .02 " . " " . " • • " " t? ,. ... " .Jt ~ " " " " u .• . " a ,, M , .. . " .. . " . " n • • n •• .. 71 1.16 . " • J> .11 . " " u 11 JI " M ,. " " " n '' .u I • -~- SPECTACULAR MID-SUM~ER •• • ONI .WllK. ONLY ENDS 'JULY 12th • ' ' • -· - SAVINGS 'FROM 50% to'' 70% AND MORI ON ALL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS .. IMPORTED and DOMESTIC • CHANDELIERS • HANGING UMPS • WALL FIXTURES •SCONCES • FINE TABLE LAMP$ FREE 9. 'S DIMMER WITlf PURCHASE OF ANY CHANDWER ~1•11 I BANKAltERICARD. - I/SE B ANKAMERlCARD ORMASTERCBAllGE,Oft ' ; ova CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN. ELECTRIC · & LIGHTING . ' 222 Victoria Street, . Costa Mesa (Across from Greenhaven Nursery) I Special Courtesy to Builders & Interior Decorators 646-3737 The reason you're not reading this is because you:ilJ.'eaC!y know we have mornµig,m1d-day and eve11ing jets goingtoPhoenix. { I • The reason you're not reading this Is because you already !mow we have new Super DC-9's with more leg room for all passengers to make your trip more comfortable. So instead of reading any of this, just call your '!ravel Agent or Air West and go. .l!-UZ-.. .a..... • ..!..l!-n..-.-IS us wwtlOWDllllWS'" I I • -Moodor, Ju~ 7, 1969 DAILY PILOT $ .. Senators Tackle Apollo Crew lJegins Final Train_ing CAPE KEN~EUY, FI a. Uleguard lor bis two col· "I go! tile Ihm or lh<m ~y are really too 10Ul1I (AP) -BdliUd alter a July 1eagues uplorlng below, said together and tried to eiplatn . to have • feel for Jt/' Colllu 4th weekend with t he l r his three children -Kathleen lbe historic lmporl Tbey sort id families, lhe Apollo 11 10, Ann 7, and J.11chael S -of llstene<Wnd nodded and on-11 Ai the launch pad, crrn to-ABM, Surcharge UPIT ....... ASSASSINATED Kenya Leader Mboy_1 Kenya Starts Mowmng ·For Mboya NAIROBI, Nenya (UPI) - Kenya today began a five-day official period of mourning for ' Tom Mboya, its pr~weStern assassinated economlcs plan- WASHING TON (UPI) - The Senate this week begins serious co&Uderatlon on two of the most importfnt issues It faces.: The antimlasile ques- tion and elten8km of the in-come tai. surclwge. ' Debate may begin as early a1"'1'uesday on tbe'Senate floor oo President Nixon 's request for deployment of t h e safeguard antiballistic mi.ss.ile (ABM) system. Tbe authority to deploy safeguµd iS part cf a $20 billion· military procurement bW. Debate on whether to deploy the defensive missile system is likely to CODtinue for severaJI wee.D;, some cf it perhaps in e:r:ecutfve seMlon. -The antimissile question has been a hot one ever since Ni:r:· en took Office. The President and the Pentagon say the sys~m is vilal to protecting America's s trike back capability; critics see the system as another escaJatioo in the amu race. Late polls indicate the Senate is evenly divided en lhe ABM question. Sen. John Sten- nis (D-Pt1111s,), chalrinan of the Ar;nep Services Committee, predicted Sunday· 11 c we v e r that Uie measure will pass "may~ by more than .just a slim margin . • • more than one er two votes." · The House ts e:r:pected to give overwhelming support to the ABM when it oornes up then Jater. Tbe other major matter facing Uie Senate - the 6urtar extension -haa already been passed by the House, with only five voles to spare. The Senate Finance Com· miuee begins hearings on the' surtax 'I'Ue.sday. Commlttee Chairma n RusKll B. Long (D- La.), auoounced that treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy would appear that day to argue the administration 's 5tand en the matter. The tax extension, part of President Nl:r:on'a $9.2 billion tax package, faces a oom- pllcation in the Senate that it did not meet witb criglnally in the House. astronauts today begin their "are really too young to ap-ly one quesUon from my boy final~· ot &rainina for ~ preciate the implications of wbo wanted to know, 'Who's day planned to check for klka week's blast off toward a Iatrr;:lhls:::::=11=1g::b;:1.=======drl=vln::1::·'========·=•='::P:...,..,=:.al.::l=tllil=""=·==:; dlng on the moon. • Nell A. Arm!~ng, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and Michael ENTER NOW! ·"Colllns planned a full day of sharpening skill• In traJner 35u. Natwnal Children's .apacecraft at Cape Kennedy ·::i;"'f,.;." ~~ ~=:. -PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST 6 Children Die in Fire Te._, homes. You can win a The three moonmen spen\ the holiday with thtlr families near the Manned Spacecraft Center at Houston discussing the dangers of landing on the ' CHICAGO (UPI} -Seven moon. persons. six of lbem chlldren, "They want lo kdcnf every were killed early today when delail of whal we're going to fire swept tllroogh I four-rt-do and bow w~·re going to do ...... 1 it," Armstrong &a.Jd L11 an in. apartment building on the tervlew. south sRte. A fireman and two Aldrin .said his. wife Joan other persons were injured! "perhaps has more coocem s2,soo.oo SHOPPING SPREE IN "llJ3FlC>AD"WAY HUNTINGTON BEACH The dead were ldenUfled as for my peace of r!lind than for Prince Albert Warren Jr., It, any danger that might befa~ CONTUT7 4ts Margaret Warren, II, Robert me." IPICIALI portra.iu !::i!i:.= Warren, 9, Michael Warren, 7, Collins, who will orbit the d fl I 3 Donald (1Un ~ TUllY.lfJ tm: 1£UUI l'llCIJ) l rin9 your child to our photolJr1ph Stu io lit oor. Sammy Char es, I, ~m~oo~n:_~a~io~ne:__~ar.~~~·~~:_~u~==================================================-:Qarber. U, .and a woman.- believed to be the mother of some of the children. ning minister. Police said the · -danger •hnore-1Tib•1....ro1.nce-AgutmLSecond-Ch-0lee had waned. ~,,,,,,~ ................ . ~ ._atttR·ancho: :-Authorilies restored peace Sunday after Luo tribesmen tangled with several rival Kikuyu tribesmen a r o u n d Finch Rejected VP ·Post Mboya's home. Police patrob: NE\V YORK (UPI) continued thrcugh Nairobi's Political writer Theodor e stree\.s. White has reported that Presi- The mourning period will dent Nixon's first choice for last until Friday w h e n running mate in his campaign Mboya 's body will be ta!~o to_ror th~ p,resjdepcy was !Wbert Rusinga island on Lake 'tlic-Finch, afld"""SP1r0 -T~~Agnew toria for burial. was chosen only after Finch Nixon Enjoys Hound of Goll WASHINGTON (AP) President Nixon was back in Washington today after a Fourth of July holiday in Florida which included a round of winning golf with comic Jackie Gleason. The President s k i p p e d church and played his first full golf round in two years after lunch. · declined the nomination. In an article in the July II • issue of Life m~azine releas- ed ·Sunday, While wrote that Nixon had decided upon Finch weeks before the 1968 GOP ccnvention in Pttiami, but" .•. Finch felt he was simply not ready to carry the other end of the stick." According to White , Nixon thought of Finch, who the President named secretary cf health, education and welfare, "as a younger brother, clo.ser, more trusted, consplcuow;ly more able and more visionary than any other man he had ARCADE of corona del mar 2846 e. coast hwy. known: over the years." moderate who would be ac- White reported the names of ceptable to all factions in the other possible vice presiden-party. Ual candidates disc~ by Nixon and key aides -in· the Republican leadership In· eluding Finch -met again to cluded..New York Mayor John • ...., V L. ds da..-lue'"'Upem a running mate, • ID ay. hi Lindsay we dropped from • and when . s name was consideration because of ob· brought up Finch I e f t the jections frorn conservative room. .. Republicans such as Sen. "A few minutes later Nt:r:on Strom Thurmond and Sen. emerged to give the message Barry Goldwater, the article to Finch ttlat the group said. wanted him, that he himself White described Vice Presi· dent Agnew and another man wanted to have him," White discussed, Massachusetts Gov. said. John Volpe, as "political But Finch declined, l n eunuchs." White's'<lpinion because "The The writer said iiberal choice of his name, Finch now Republicans in tum rejected said, would smack o f California Gov. Ron a Id nepotism." Reagan and after Ni:xon When the caucus reconveoed received the nomina tion he Agnew was chosen over yclpe, was left to choose a relati ve the political reporter sa1d. phone 675-1510 . ANNUAL JULY SALE furniture: Fr•nch Provinci•I Desk $293.25 $219.94 French Provincial Desk Chair 86.25 6-4.69 Yellow Contemporary Lemp 39.67 29.75 Tehiti•n 'Tetetet' 158.70 117.44 ·' Fount•in !Tahitian) 176.80 132.60 2 Soft gre•n crushed v•lv•t with con· trestlng welt ottomen1 112.70 14.52 Winged Country Fresh Provincial King site Headboerd 193 .20 144.90 Bomb• Loui1 XV Low Chest 441.60 331.20 Musterd Colored floor lo1mp 63.25 47.44 Country Fr•nch Commode with gless •nd qrill•d door 193.20 144.to Merc~ry gl•ss l•mp & shed• 6).25 47.44 3 Bent wood H•t R•cli:s 17.25 12.94 Cut cry1t•I chandelier 123.91 92.'3 Flor•ntine gold & cut ' cryst•I ch endeli81' 123.91 92.'3 Ov•I Fr•nch Provinci•I dining t•bl• 297.85 223.)9 4 Dining side cho1 ir1 French 92 .00 H .50 2 Fr•nch dining host che irs ,97.75 73.31 CARPET: LUXURIOUS Nylon ihag in•lalled over high 8 91~ density rubber pod. __ Reg. 11.95 Mony Other Ouklonding V elues 2 Fr•nch Prcvinci•l·Buflet 391.00 French Provinc i•l c•bin•t 338.10 rustic sewin9 teble. 77 .05 • 1 q"x I tf' Fr•nch Prov. bunching table 79.35 Lin•n velvtt color lim• occesion•I chair on sheperd c•st•rs 224.25 60" Florel Loos• 'ushion •nd 1001• pillow beck lova 1••t 276.00 French Provinciel Strvic• cert 251 .85 110.83 Y .llow floor l•mp with hl•cli: sh ede 45.94 Delf blue ind white Cer•mic with c.ervtd wood Escutcheon Pie+• 172.50 Rectenquler two drawer commode 189.75 Rectan;ul•r Mirror with 2'3.25 253.S7 57.7' 59.51 lH.1' 207.50 181.19 151.12 34.45 129.37 142.36 9old Pediment 161.00 120.75 Low commod• with doors 101.00 155.35 3-dr•w•r che1t with hend cervad front 214.00 224.00 DRAPERIES: customed measured 20% off on draperies all drapery fabrics. remnants -50c & up I ~ -~ the supermarket • ~/44111\~ where the price is right! • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BON BOHS Seventeen Ounces ESKIMO PIES 59c · . Pll·•" 59c thr oricin11! •••••••• HEATH BARS • • • ·-• ICE CREAM ~ \ I ~'~~ ..... ~ ... -S9T • BARS Hershey Coated! ~~'. .......... 49-SUNKIST - JUICE BARS • • • • SANDWICHES tt~ .. 49--.......-tt~ .......... 49-: ESKIMO PIE THIN MINTS ...... ~ .. ·.'.~ ..... 59' 1'1110 - Delight every member of the family with froun treats in the freezer for every occasion! ••• and saver . . Walnut Brownie Mix ............. 59¢. Libby's Tomato Juice ............ 29¢ Pillsbury'1.,. big family aize! Save 14c ! In re-usable quart decanter! Instant YUban ..................... '1.09 Alcoa Wrap ............................. 25' Eight ounce jar ... save 20c! Great kitchen aid .•• 25 ft. roll Annou(s Treat ............... ~ ...... 49' ,...... . .Versatile luncheon loaf! •• , 12 oz. can Friskies Cat Food .............. 8 .., •1 Chopped sardines ••• treat for kitt}:! 7 oz. Main Course pleasure for first-of,the-week meals! Baby Beef Liver ................ 59;,: '\ Selected tr. offer you tender, tasty eating ••• offer your folks nutrition at a budget price! London Broil ......................... ~1t~ Enjoy all the heartJ;.goodnesa of better beef ••• a greater value because it's boneleM! Sliced Bacon El Rancho' a own ••• Ranch Style! Super· produce.' Bananas Central America's fineat at El Rancho' a low price I 79~ 10~ i'ri<u ih e/foct Mon., TllU., WM,, Jul'IJ 1, 8, g_ No 1aJ.u to dtakr1. Braising Ribs So much beef.y goodnes•! Super-Wt11 ! Blue Cheese MiM \Viaconsin .•. robust flavor. ••• 4 oz. wedge. 59~ ARCADIA: &net and lf111t!rPll llr. ID Rll'd1o Clllllt PASADENA: 3211 Wost Colcndo lltYil. SOUTM PWDDCA: Fremont llld ~ Dr. MUmN&nN IEACH: Warner and~ iJ!<WdMl Cltl!ltj MEWPORT IEACK: 'lJ'IJ N"'llOlt Bild. ..r 2555 f.atbltdt Dr. Jail(Uff-CMilt • • • • • . I ~ ' .. • • • I DAIL y PILOT EDITORIAL Pi\GE I • • . i Ending ,Airport Deficit Euphemisms ffe •Y too common these days as Job nomenclature gets gussied up. J4D.itors have become building ellglneets. Garbage collectors are waste dls- pos4ll. speclillisl.s. Airborne. waitresses are stewardesses. Sal~men are sales engineers .• Barbers are hair stylists. And so on through a long list .. beyond their present level fl)' the lnteresl Of aroa com- patibility, can partially lessen Its lrrl\atlon to• nearby residents by-henceforth being no burden ~-the .tax·-- payer. • ' -t-": I . . ~ ' J •• " The latest such fancled·up name here In Orange 't---+~-.,.~"°'lf"IJ "ehlerpri•• ·1una· accoun!fiif'at"lhe c611bty airport. "· ' The U.S. Postal Service a.od the \YCather have one Public 0 1llin'.-Needed • • County Auditor-Controller V. A. Heim expla1ns that thing in common. No one ls able· to do much of anything this ls a fancy name for putting the airport on a paying about either. basis -in other words, making revenues meet costs, A letter from one city to anal.her on the Orange and maybe a bit more. · Coast often takes longer for delivery than it would take What has occurred under "enterprise fund account· to walk the distance. The breakdown is nationwide and in&." or plain "come out even or better," is good news getting worse. for county taxpayers. Since World 11 they've had to President Nixon, acting on the advice of a panel of underwrite airport operations, meeting deficits out of experts, has proposed to Congress that congressional tu tunds. control over the Post Office be ended. A nine-man board Now it appears the airport-will show a profit in the of directors would be appointed and the Cabinet post of fiscal year just ended. \Vhat made the difference was postmaster genera) would be abolis'hed. a study tha\ identified all cost5 3nd then pinpointed Without listing all the details, it is an efiort to In- service fees large enough to at least pay for those costs troduce business-type eUicienCy into the system.. But as equitably as possible for users of the airport. it apparenUy ha.s little o.r no chance of being adopted.. General and commercial aviation at the airport Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress w.ant may not be happy over hi_gher fees for landing, fuel to keep the status quo. Both have their eyes on the lush flowage and tie.down. But at least their costs would be patronage involv~d in 33,000 postmastersl'lips and 34 .· much lighter wit~out olhe·r airport revenues such as 000.rural free dellvery jobs. GOP House Leader Gerald lease payments from fixed base operators and from Ford told Nixon how it is when he said : j taxi, gift, restaurant and parking concessions. "Our people have been waiting for eight years to If a11 g~s as planned, the airport will return a get in front of the line on postal patronage And they'rP. I $t 116,000 profit com1 pared ~o aA!7.'44i:~~l d1rawthon t~~aroiu;· bitter that a Republican \Vhite I-lou se wants to turn off ---l~ ene n '.fillt....flUu_.w:.uce or cap ---the -splgot-before-ttre~ve even. hBa a drink~' !-..J;:i:::o..;;.&...l.---1. prov~ments will have to come Q.Ut of ~mings, or the Appa_rently ref\ntJ w.illcoin.e only when the Ameri- earn1ngs used as loan collateral for that purpose. can postal system suffers total breakdown and public \Vhat this aU comes down to is that Oran~e County indignation demands something alon~ the lines recom- Airport, which should"'mit try lo expand its operations mended by President Nixon. 'But Senator, you just dti n't understand the defense business' lndigttation .Fron• Political Right Sex Used as a Red Herri~g Su-ls the.. word for 1969. • 'I'tle conclusion is lnescapable, if you have been reading the public prints in recent weeks .. While the subject Is ever with us, it is onlf on occasion that it is publicly proclalllled. These occasion.$, one is sometimes led to believe, are not wholly accidental. All of a sudden, sex Is busting out all over. Especially, in the curious field of pol Illes. In 1968, dle political ~d was ~y Vietnam. Thus far, this year, there seems to be more indignant Jlneage about sex than about Vietnam. THE INDIGNATION aboul S<Z ._ily comes from the political right 'Ille in- cllgnatioo about Vietnam came mostly from the Lef'L 1bere is more than a passing conneer tion, I submit, between these two pre- occUpat1ons. It might be said that sex ls being employed by President Nixon as a red , hen1ng across the path of Vietnam-and several other bothersome, and seem· ingly insoluble, matters on the presi· dential tapis. A red herrlnJ is defined as "a subject Intended to divert allention from the main question." PR.&SIDENT NIXON'S sudden discov- ery of "Sex-Oriented mail," and his mes- ~ to Congress about it, happened to coincide with an .iocieasing tee11ng of discontent about the Vietnam War, and some quite vocal demllllds that lhe President reveal that formula for ending tt which he had boa!led about durinl hlJ campaign. $le and anclent diversionary maneuver on the part of a Chief of State of a Na· lion which is in deep trouble." And the lady adds: ~·America is trag- ically torn by undeclared clvil war; she approaches severe ecooomic crisis be· cause of an undeclarf!\1 colonipl war. With Puritanism a quickly.tapped em~ tional source in America~. what easier way to distract' them from their individ- ual· calls of a;ill9cience· in · response to poverty, racism and Vietnam! Mr. Nil:on asked Congress to grant greater ceasorship powers to that con-·~ON SPEAKS, with ·evident dis- spicuously inappropriate agency for such taste, of 'the broad wnttrella of Jhe first poWi!n : th:e Post Oftlce. amendment... · ' He promised a three-point prografll: "It appears tHt Prts1dent 'would ,)Ike The first proviso would be an ou!l· t to create a muclr larger u~ia of his ban on the malUnt ol any -offe Y..~~ own, one which can sheller an 11nholy material to any chilc1. •« tftn.ll;er famUy: the twins, Puritanism and II.is· 18 .. The second. would Jl"'hll>lt the picion. breeding control ol thought and tng of advertistng appealln& onl)" to of action. ultimately begetting persecu· prurient interest lo anyone, regardless tion and a fascist state. of · age or sn. The third step would ~ "Nlion's call to action is the Post extend existing ,protection to lhdlviduaJs Office Statistic that 140 000 Americans who personally ask the P06t Offic;t to have requested that •srriut' advertising pr~vent 11deli~e~ of unliOlicited, "sex· not be sent them by mail. This is indeed onented advertisements. their own right, and it is their own THE PRESIDENT ~ported that in I.be last nine months the l>oat Office had received 140,000 tttltrli of personal complaint about sa!Jicious maU . This pn!6idenlial message did not affect everyone who re.ad it on the way the White Hewe might have hoped. One lady who took it in very poor part was Helena Lawton, of Berkeley~ She saw the new anti-smut campaign as "a clas- business. "What is the President's business is to pay attention to the millions of Other Americans who are heartsick at their country's ·internal and external plight, and say so. And he should pay atten· lion to the inarticulate poor who arc unable to read 'pamy material,' have no pennancnt address to which it could be delivere<:I, and whose children are buni!Y.'' Middle Age Is a Blessing The trouble with middle age Is that most or the people undergoing it don't knpw how to relax and enjoy it They lend !-0 regard It a~ teen-agers do acne-something they'd like to hide if they could. 'They·see It as an affliction, not a blessing. But every period of life has its ad- vantages-yes. even middle age. For ex- ample, when you're middle-aged- IT IS NO loriger really necessary to "'aste money buying alarm clocks. Your conscience will wake you up. While every work day does get to feel like Monday, that means you look forward with five times as much eagerness toward Saturday and Sunday. As there itre fewer women older than you, lhere are fewer that you have lo get up and yield your bus seat to. It. doesn't take you so long to comb your hair, and the time you save can be put to more constructive use. REAUZING SHE musl conserve your waning energy, your wife is mnre \\'illing to take the dog for a walk In bad weather. She may even pitch in if you ------ Monday, July 7, 1969 The editorial paoc of the Doily Pj.lot neka to inform and 1tim- ulote rttuUr1 bJI pr•1enting thi.s nao.spaptr'I opinWnl cmd com- m<nlarv on topla o/ ml<rul one! liQfll/i<ol!Cf, bN prwiding o f()Mlm /rrr th• ,.,,....,io. of our rtoder•' ophdOnl. and bv prueming th« diverse trielb- poinu of m/°""'d olu•rwn '114 1pok11m"' on topicl o/ the do¥· . Robert N • .Weed, Publisber li ve in the east, and help shovel the snow off the driveway in winter. As your diet no longer allows you to eat gravy, it becomes impossible for you to spil l it on a new necktie. Many people in the upper reaches of middle age no longer have to tire themselves brushing their teeth. They c:an simply take ilivn out and soak then1 in a glass overtUghL Who bu to go to P-TA meetings: Other people, yes . You, no. Your fledglings have flown away. BEING ABLE now to look al women more realistically and less romantically, you're surprised to find that many or them are really pretty nice people and actually not bad company. Your children have reachl!d an age Wh:?re they are no Tonger ashamed or you-and you are no longer so afraid lhey'll wind up in jail. The probability emerges that you will out11'$l lhe mortgage on your home after ell. Yoo an now auch a fixture In your of- fice that if your old swivel. chair cushion ·wears out you can get a new one from the supply room without goin& through chan- nels and writing 12 memos. PERHAPS YOU'VE passed the: point where you can look forward to a major promotlon. On tbe other hand, you've been arouiid so Ion& that the boa woa\cf hesitate to fire you without. lhinkinc t'#rice about II. And since Wnking la bard work Quotes· m111op Gerik! If. ~"'""'1 (Mellltdlll), P111dtn1, •ou:ettla~ Pwrjfe Helftl fw ell over M -"Life ii · raclni thtngs L..-------------~ bii for you." ' \ !or your boss, he is unlikely to do it twice. Since: you have probably acquired a chronic ailment ot your own, you no longer feel compelled to come down wilh new ttash-in-lhe-pan diseases that strike your acquaintances. You look so sedate and dignified that even !he brash new office boys call you "Mister." Nobody is nutty enough to wake you at 6 a.m., and ask ii you'd like to play ten- nis. YOU PROBABLY have become so suc- cessful that in bot weather you can hire Ollt of the neighbor's kids lo dig the crabgrass from your lawn while you sit on the front porch to keep him from shirking. No longer do you stay at a cocktail par· ty until a.fter midnight. You have learned that the only important thing that hap· ptns at a party after midnight is trouble. You 'd rather figure your pension then ..iffe..-Odds on a racehorse. Yes, sir, middle age can be downright pleasurable. Tbe only way it could be im- proved woo ld be for it to come about 25 years later in lite, then last 25 yea rs longer. Dear Gloo1ny Gus: I'm beg\Ming to wonder lf the name "White Trash" comes from "11'{1e of our Joca! folk Wbo do nothing lo beaullly tholr bomeo; lnl&ead, tolerate beer cans. pieces ol Junk cm, pope-and W<eds in Ulelr lrobl yanll. , Less Mone y l s Path to . Pros ]ier4 y I Art Hoppe ·' I In his grim, unending War on Inflation, Mr. Nixon want.s Congress to continue the 10 percent tax surcharge. This way, we all wilt have less money to buy things that cost more money . If we all have more money. Mr. Nixon has gloomily warned. we aU wlll be poorer. Thus, the only path to prosperity, he says, is for all of us to bave less money. Some citizens, in their short-sigh1ed greed, are demanding that Mr. Niion take all their money S<> they will be fabulously rich. But most oppose the surcharge on other grounds. · Typical, perhaps, is The League of Nervous Nellies, a pacifist-Oriented group of quaking righters. The league contends that the only way to curb inflation is to make the nation more secure by doing away wilh national security . TllE LEAGUE'S POSITION was set forth in a non-fighting speech by Ex- ecutive Director Mahatma Grommet. "The cause of inflation, everyone agrees," he began, "is people buying things they don 't really need like automatic sheets and d i s p o s a b J e television sets. "But the question no one has asked is \\'hy people buy things they don't need. \Ve can now supply the answer to this unasked question: insecurity." Grommet said that exhaustive studies by the league proved conclusively that modern. man's immediate response to ·a crisis he 'didn't understand was to buy something he didn't need. "And that goes double for modern \voroan," he added. "We have 27 record- ed cases of women whose cars devt!loped carburetor trouble in the peak hour aban- donini their vehicles in mid-street to go buy Louis the Fifteenth atumifium scones." BUT THE MAJOR cause of insecurity today, Grommet said, was national serurily. "The very day that Defense Secretary Laird announced the Russians were plan· ning to wipe us out in a first strike," he said, "the sale of illuminated fire tongs increased 27 .3 percent. "The day the Army confirmed it plan· ned to ship 170 freight cars filled with deadly nerve gas to Earle, N.J. for dumping in the sea, the consumption of electronic back-scratchers trebled Jn Earle, N.J." Grommet cited a sc.::ore or olher cases and concluded : "Never have we spenl more for national security, never have Americans felt so insecure, and never has innation posed such a threat.'' A cheering league unanimously passed a resolution calling on Mr. Nixon to (I) abolish \he Pentagon, {2) stop constantly frowning on television and (3) confine his aruwal State or the Union Addre& to "everyUting's going to work out au right." OR0ft,1MET HAO..EO the lhree-pojnt program and said it nuist be put in effect lmmedlate!y. ··~ else," be warned, ~'We race the dirt consequences ol run-away ln!lation that wn1 destroy our economy and reduct all o( us to penury. hunger, famine, pestilence ... ' lfe was interrupted at this point by a s"'•elllng chorus of groans and a motion wos n<'r vously adopted to' ed}oum the n1eeling before the litores closed. What I Wish I Had Known at .18 Wha1 I Wish J Had 'Koowa at II: That it is far easier to be '1against" than "for," because while there are dozens of ways for something to •be wrong, there is generally only one way ror it lo be right, and that precise way is hard to find. • • • That Intelligence and judgment are not neeessarUy related: a person ~ have a high intelligence and poor judgment, or average intelli&ence and keen judgment ; indeed, while the mean intelligence of a group may be low, its collective judg- ment may be sounder than the individual judgment of its most intelligent member. • • • That is you start smoking to prove you 're "grown up," then 30 yean: lat.er you may be trying desperately to quit for the same reason. • • • That the injunction "it is more blessed to give than to receive" is not· a soppy piece of Sunday School moralizing, but an absolute psychological Jaw for main- taining our mental and emotional health. (In fact , the be-st te'St"'of the valid ity of any religious maxim is whether it can be ertectively translated into psychological terms.) • • • That you do not really "know" a thing unless and until you are willing and able to put that knowledge into action. • • • That the "unspoken language" in your body and your face speaks more truth about you to others than the words you use to them; and the impression you make is a totallty over which you have "' -• • • .,,. .• ,....,II'._.,,. c_ '..r . ' ;--f, t • S~d -~,~~ J ,:-H·-~) .. ·:. -'-1 ney , an:rut ' . ,. t ~-· . .,., . f\' , .. ·~· ~'.--~..a.i..dkli. -~~ ,; little conscious control. • • • That hatred always eventually injures the subject more than the object, and that most hatred is a form of sell·llalred turned outward. • • • That "You only live once" is the m05l treacherous ol mpttoes~ for it can be u.sed lv ju~fy .atiything. tram t~ .pinnacle ar wholesome courage and zesUul curiosity to the deP:ths or self-abandonment. .!. "' • _, ~ •• That ouf. motives are never as clear to us ts they seem to be, and a stranger can detect our rationalizalions and self deceptions in a half-hour of casual talk, which 've are ordinarily unable to see after a fifetime of living with ourself. • • • That most men. as thty grow older, define themselves by what they "have" rather th,n by who they "are"; and that real corruption lies not in being dishonest or depraved, but in converting the "isness" of life into the "haveness" or things. • • • Thiit the prime human dilimma is our contradictory desire to be "safe" and to be "free" at the same time ; though safe- ty curtails freedom, and freedom jeopardizes safety, we keep aiming at both the6e opposites, and wondering why Wt fail. PornographyinDenmark On July 1, 1967, Denmark abolished all legal sanctions against p r i n t e d pornography for adulls. On July 1, 1968, the country withdrew from the Geneva Convention on Obscene Literature. And nOw, on July I, 1969, Denmark took the ·logical third step. All penalties against the sale or display of pictorial pornography expired as of that date. Actually, DenmarJl:'a laws governing pictoria1 pornography have been virtually ignored for some time. KiOl!ikS and stores openly sell al l manner of sexually expli- cit books, magazines and films. But they don't sell a! much of this material as they might have expected. The public's appetite for pc.mography de c Ii n e d markedly after the firstTestriclions were lifted in 1967, and il is still declining. Blue moviel'i that sold for $40 a reel last year now go for $8.50 -and there are few takers. A Sll1ILAR phenomenon may he observed in neighboring Sweden. In that country also, every imaginable kind of pornography is available over the counter. Susan Sontag, in a rttent article on Sweden (Ramparts, July, 11169), reports that "Amazing color close-ups of moyth-genital acts art on display a few inches away at eye ~I as you buy a paper at a sidewalk kiOik in downtown Good Move Liberal, K1n1.1 Timu: "'The new ad· ministration ... has al least made one good move, we believe. it ts in an- nounclnt that the appolntmtnts of all postmasters and rural lettercarrlen: will be removed f'rom the political system ..• Good postmasters Just don't come, they are seU-made and they should be a1Jowed to rtrna1n at their posts as Jong as they do a sood Job." '. Edi~oriaJ I! Research Stockhobn or pay ror your cigarettes ov'r a tobacconist's counter." But "Peo- ple walk along the street and don't look at all." CaUfomia, mtanwhile, is about to im- pose new restrictions on porno~aphy. Twa recently passed bills would ( t) p2rmil state courts to decide that material is "utterly without redeeming social importance" if it has been' com- mercially exploited on the basjs of prurient appeal and (2) establish a sep!'lrate category of "harmful matter,'' ~ef1ned as lhat "utterly without redeem· mg social importance for minors." DURING GENERAL AllSembly debate on the bills, It was asserted that Den- mark had "a high incidence of venereal dis~~se. a high suicide rate, 11nd many ii· legitimate births." On the other hand Danish police statistics for 1967, the lir~ , year of the new freedom, showed a 25 percenl decrease in sexua l crimes. By Ge orge ---. Dear George: How can I get my handlebar mustacbt not to droop? I nnt to look real in. Deu C.T.: C.T. Tie the ends to your 1ideburns, for all J care. lf l keep 1etth1g lovelorn letters like th1!8e today, l'm going to be jn: with ma'~mum ~~ri~. ' ' Small Man Finds ' I Kissing _ J!tf ficnlt lly L ttt: BOYD ctptlon ·to~e contention that ~ ·y411 AS Iron goei, th< blue.eyed.redlleads burn in the more it rusL~. the heavier It nin but don't brown. One such a:eu .•.• WHY IS IT nobody evea sent a lock of h'llr. It's declares fial out Peggy (Flem· reli1 lu . r1$ht A p p c a r s 1ng is tbe greateQ Jem.inlne nalurpily . so. She did not , let skater of an U!he? She 1$. however I send any tanned l~n·t she? ••. 'llfERE WAS an -skln,. Therefore, l}le railed to era in Switzerlafld when it was proYt hei: point, Ud the areu· against the law to wear false meni continues. teeth .... WHEN I GET my cWroMER SERVicE, Q. trout farm, I'm going to ban , "What's the d Lf fer~ n c e the use of garlic cheese as between a couch, a sofa, and a bait. It's. _unfair. Fish can·t davenport?" A. A couch is a resist IL . . . A CO.ED seat, with no arms or back, REPORTS the official curfe1v that can be converted into a at her coUege dormilory is B single bed. A davenport is a a.m, seat for at least three th&t can A SMALL LOVER -A be converted into a bed for short gentleman, who says ne two. Anq a sofa is a seat for pays this department the three or more. Or so say lhe honor or regular attention, furniture experts. claims his pint size has caur.cd BRIEFLY VISITED l h e him cons Ider ab I e em= seaside Sunday. Boy, neve: barramnent in matters of have l seen the bathing romance._He~s-prell~beaches SQ crowded. Nor the lie offers his c<implaint In bathlna SUits efther, for t .a verse: "I've always been bciit matter . • • 0 NE by the system ... J mean with PECU~TY common to the girls when I kystem •.. 1f fellows called Vin~. !lays i:rur 1 jumped to my toes ••. f'd Name Game man, 1s they hnd connect with the nose ... If I it difficult to resist those stood there flat.footed, I maternally minded girl! who mystem." Our Love and \Var baby their boy friends. • .. man is studying his case. DID YOU KNOW the blossom EFREM ZIA1BALJST JR. half of a grapefruit -:-that's says he recently turned do\m where the stem Was ~ttached a movie script. lt would have -is always sweeter than the paid him three times as much other hall? . . as he had ever made in a film. SEVEN GENJ;RATIONS - But the role called lor him to 1"1rs. Arnold Yoder, <;UrrenUy walk across the screen nude. of San Franctp, sayi she has He was too bashful .... JN met als.-g~rttions of~er own rt ALY, ONLY a little better family . Shel wonders if than one out of every 20 anybody hrui met ·seven. To - money earners files an income claim acquainla.JlceshiJI with ta~ relum. That's not because seven generations, a person most aren't supposed to. Most woul~ have to have known a ju&t don't. Italy's tax col• great-grandparent as well aa a lection system is said to be the great-graudchlld. loopholies~ among the mode1n Your que,tion.s and com. countries. ni.ent.s are welcomed· and ' TANNED REDHEADS'-A will be used wherever Po!· number of blue-eyed redheads •ible itl "CMcking Up ... who claim kl be suntanned de-Address mail to L. ~t mand my immediate reslgna-Boyd, in care of the DAILY tion fr om the Gel It Jtight PILOT, Box 1875, Newport club. They lake sharp1 et· Beach, Calif., 9266.L ' f Russia l1 eads U.S. In Missile Spe11ding WASHINGTON (AP) -The atomic bomb v.·hich wiped out Pentagon predicts the Soviet Hiroshlma in W.orld War II. Union \Viii pour more than ·Sl2 Laird told the House defense billion into its growing force of appropriations subcommittee missUe-busting SS9 rockel..5 by ln a closed session that if the 1975. Soviets increase their SS9s to This figure is based on the even 42(1 missiles "and im· latest n a ti on a I intelligence prove the accuracy to a estimate which, according •to U.S. defense leaders. projects quarter of a mile, they could that lhe Soviets will have 42B probably destroy 95 percent of SS9s by the mid·l970s, with 730 our Minuteman force, leaving now operation.al or under cOn· only 5 percent surviving." struction. Laird said his calculation 'The Defense Department assumes a Soviet missile prices the SS9, a failurerateof20percenland multimegaton missile, at $,a credits the Soviets with having million each. The smaller U.S. the capability to retarget a se- Air Force Minuteman ICBMs cond missile for those that range from $7 milUon to SIO fail . million. UNDERESTIMATED BIG EXPENSE The tefllmony indicated the Pentagon officials point to U.S. intelligence community t he SS9's big expense as ii-sha rply underestin1ated the luslrating the Soviet Union's buildup of the Soviet ICBf\1 determination to field a force beginning in 1966 missile powerful enough to Rep. Robert Sikes, R-Fla., a knock out the Ji.Unuteman silos member of the appropriations in this country. subconunittee, said that "just three years ago, for example, They also note that lhe 112 Id h l th Id billion is around $1 billion we were to t a ey wou h11vc 500-800" missiles of all more than the United Slates types by mid-Im. currently expects to spend on Laird said the Soviets the largesl planned version of already have nmre than 1.200 the Safeguard anliballistic ICBMs in place or under con- • mi!sile defense. struction now. Last fall, he Safeguard. designed I o !.aid, the intelligence expertl!I shield a portion of the \Vere pr~icting the Soviets Minuteman force from Soviet would not reach the 1,200. attack, will cost $10.8 billion if mi!!lle level unlil mid-1970. the Nixon administration Furthermore, he said, many decides kl deploy ABM bat· Intelligence experts etpeet.ed teries throughout the United the Sovlet.oi would level off States. thelr missile deployment once Secretary of Defense Melvin they had achieved "• rough R. Laird, In May 22 testimony numerical parity'' with the to Congress rcleas'ed Tuesday 1,ooo ·u.s. ICBM.a. night, declared that if the Lalnf estimated that if the United St.ates does not deploy Soviets ·continue to deploy Safeguard againsl the SS9 mlulles at the rate they field· "the survivabl\lly of our eel them in 1967-68 "they could Minuteman foree as presenUy have as many as 2.500 by the deployed would be virtually nil mid-1970S." by the mJd-to-late 1170s." befense officials say this is Lalrd'11 own a1111essment and J W ARREADS not 1 J11dgment of the national Laird said this is based 011 Intelligence community. the assumption that t h e __ _;;_ _______ ! Sov1ets will ouUlt their. S.S9s with three warheads each. The Soviets recently staged three test launches of t r I p I e warhead packages 1 at r.l!_ng!;S. up to 5,100 nautical miles in the Pacific, he said. The individual warheads planned for the three-bomb nose CMeS are Ugurtd by the Pentagon to pack the punch of five mee:at.on.,, the equivalent of five million tons of TNT, or many times as powerful as the Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column .. • ..,... .... ..1......1..1 Sleeveless blouses and jamaicas .•• specially priced for summer fun! Blouses Jamaicas 1.99 Summer in polyester/cotton shirh in white ond pastel solids: or rayon/cotton prints. Misses sizes ' 32-38. Team them with 1tretch denim jamoicas of cotton/nylon in navy, faded blue and yellow solids, or jaunty plaich, check1 or stripes. Mi~es sizes 8-1 8. I ' • Mond•Y. Ju~ 7, l"' o.lll Y l'tl.OT z ---- Happy playtime, happy girls-in pretty shorts 'n top sets •.• cool! 1.88 • What better way for big and little girls to spend the ~good old su~i~, than in C()()I, sleeveless . tops that are ch~rmingly coordinated with their own '1horts. Theoe sets look like they cost much more than their tiny price tag, •. in colorful cottono, patterned and solid. Pick up 1everal sets wh ile they are specially priced "ow. Sizes 7-12, 3~X. • UICI IT ••• CHA1G1 m • • ,. ·. 1 j • l l • . • DQ. y I'll.OT . • . . -Grape Boycott QUEENIE · Talks Bog· Down Plumbers Pare Down Demands IAJS ANGELES (UPI) Delegates from 17 striking plmnben' locals ln Southern California Sunday acaled down a union demand for a $5.04 an hour lncreeae ln wages and benefits within three years to $Ul. · TbeAFL-CIOPlumbers Union baa dropped Its demand for a four-day work week, but they decided at a Sunday meeting to cut the pruent 40- bour work week to 38 houri nezt. year, and to a four and one-half day wort weet tn the third year of a three year ~ tract. . Milton H. Jeanney, head of Q!e Pll!JDben: E m _pj_C!_J er s Council wh!dl ttpttSenls most or the m.ajcw plumbing com- panies, said lhe new demands are more rea50nable than the first, but "still not Inside the blllpark." Shot Officer Improving SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A rookie policeman improved steadily today from t w o gunshot wounds suffered in a HaJshl-Asbbury gun battle In which a %8-year-old narcotics suspect was slain. P1ainclothesman D a r r e 11 Na.sh, 29, was being treated ln the intensive care unit of a local bo6pit.al for lung and leg wuunds inflicted by Eddie Baker, 28; during a raid on Baker's Cole street apartment Saturday night. Al Nash felt, two !ellow policemen returned the fire, killing Baker, married father of an infant son. Why Do You Have A Poor Memory? A noted publisher ln Chicago re- J>91'ta; there ia a simple tech· nlque for acquiring a powerful memory which can pay you real dividends in both business and ~ advancement and works like magic to give you added poise. necessary sel~~nfidence and greater popularity. According to this publisher, many people do not realize how much they could influence oth- en simply by remembering ac· curately everything they see, hear' or read. Whether in bus!· ness: at social fund.Ions or even in casual convmatlons with new 1cqquaintanees, there a~ ways in which you can dom1- • ...., each sltuaUoa by yoor abil- ity to remember. To acqualnt the readen of lhiJ pap« with the wy-to-lollow ndeo for cle•eloping aklll In ~ lll<UJbellnl inytbing ,... -to nmember, the publishers Youth Hearings Scheduled I\'!!!~• Shop at hOln -8 .J • We brliog aampletl • _NO ololl9'1floni • Free ntll'llatel • Fl'M con.Ultatlonl Call collect (714) 523-6511 Custom draperies in ~Regal' antique satin. SAVE 20% ON THE FABRIC Over 100 colors! This week only! REG. 2.50 NOW s2 YD. ' . .....,. nrytill/ ................ ,., ........... _ .... *kfw,.. "-:I Do JOU('windows 0.. .0.1 .,....,. GllliqM eatin &I 10 wnatl• )OU (10fl u._ w o1 fYIMLDt..window .,..., ..... eaa todoy-Oftd Mt our tr,aiaed decotator consvltoftt show yot aamplff and help you find the rfoht llyle oMI coklf for your d.cor Hurry, 2oy. scrving•itdottobe1n1-cll · Penney'Jexpert !•brication aval1able at "'"'Y day low prices. Beautiful polyester wall-to-wall carpeting ... completely installed ... that you can afford! 8~49 sq. yd. completely Installed Carpet )'OW ho.. In ovr luinniow cvt aftd loop pll• alfP'lti "I · 0-. fro. fivti beaw- tlfwl t:0lor., a111d 1*"'-)'OW hOtM • c..- plmty new look thof only woU-to-woll ff"IM'ti..., ...,~ ... 1n.e1 w.·111.-u trm" 50 OL jute pod, tool • Budget Pused· Bat ••• I Ma j·or Bills · Re·main Keep-your-c-ool-with-Pem~s O'Nni-- fan-tastic Pennc:reste fans -~- ' . Penncrest® 3 speed 20" portable fan ••• great for apartments, small offices or vacation cottages! h'1 a window fon ., .1t'1 a power-~ed air cimrlotor. 'E-.Air- floW' plcntic front grille ii scientifically designed for best air dtliwty. !Big 20• olU111inum blod. fon IQ 1/i~K.P. motor, 6.500 ,.CFM cin:uloriori.. Bei~ baked .nornel flnith. 20" 3 speed portable, revenible fan ••••••• .29.99 Penneys own Penncrest" 12" 2 speed floor circulation fan '14.99 Adjuth to Sf'/ onglel Remcwabt. front ond bock tof11ty 9UQrdt for «by .Ncnng. P~ motor cirtvkrltll 2000 CfM. Complete Yl'fth hondsome tfw'ome..platod tubular s~I 1tand. ~ Penneys convenient 17" hi8h Penncre!' deluxe low tilting floor ttond $6 Stood ol~ f<r1 to bt tilt.cl to dil"ICf oir In the~ direc1ion. Avoiloble with lllOdem "f,• squDl'9 tubll'IQ and 7" clear plottlc wheel&. lolr:ed ;old enamel finish. 19.99 • ' Our Pennc,..... deluxe roll-about fan stand great f~r any portibl• fan up to 53" wide $10 Delu:ct '/,• .,_. ~ vulor •'-' ~ bokod gold --finiJi. AdfUttt from .. to .53". Rolls anuid...,, on two n1bber tired 11olcl ......plotod ....... ,. reof ,...,, ,...., Ul<l>IT , •• CHAROE IT! • -printed luD doW1s of their 11111.inlnlnc method In a new lliooklet, "Adventures ln Mem~ rr~ wblch wtll be m>lled Ire. te' .,_who requt:ttl It. No ~ send your name, ad-._ ud &Ip code to fo!emory ....... , 111 Dlvtn<y Pkwy .. Dlpt. lllM17, Chlc110. Ill. 611614.1 _________________________ , ________________________________ _ A Jllll<Ord wtll do. 1- • \ I I Welfare Costs Headache for CounJy Bi JACK BRO BACK Director Granville Poop!,., tn. medical upenses IJ>rough u.. cordanc. wllh stale a n d °' -. DlilY "'"" ,,.,. I ··-IH' a ting c~ u.a. o,..., JtvtMH w-c udes : Medi.Cal """""""' County's federal .... ltd-~-and pN>-ir~..-.e • ....,..., c'""" ........ Iii.,. Al)M r>•t..-A AN• ....... -.. ... ~ ..,,,., c:.-"""" " M"""' =• • n -Wll<n cowr -Aid to the'Bllnd, $'1Gl,091 -e, $1.5 mllJion: ll'llJN." "MoJi104y ~=· l"tv11n1 AM w TI*'* ty IUptfV1aors beS~IJlelr an. for :ll5D pti'sona.-Mootbly grant hre an: 9evtrtl other~ 4 lweitdown abon: 2!';o H=:a;:=~ ~~ ,C::; • =~·= ::~,:i'~ :~:~ .r::, ori:; average, ·1~. County's ahr• grama eating into the ~I ~:d,;; ::ed~· ~~b~id to~ i;;~ sc.m. ••koc* I!!~ ~~tt: "':.'~~ year they wUI face an old $99,000:. • • , • welfare budget for mmor Families with O e pendent -~MIN~:i~:1 ...,.,_,_.,., __ f::';,::._~ ~ ~ headache -what to do abou.,,1C--m111t,Aid to lhci m:~:;:·~-~o::_~61 ~~~ l n g,.. ad-Cblldit.n-J,04~ and Medlc&J tkMlln, .0r-. Go\tt ~'· :r:-,,.,.. "'"" n """' E~ ~in-werrare on: .1 · -1111Dm.na oo ol .t--t t a t e s , ~. 32. IMsOftlc T..,..., 1,tf'l ,ltr1P~ • st. w.:.· •°= f'y. ...,°""~ o, coN. Moolbfy .lf'Ut avtrage, tUl. 'fdfarc. ftiDd veterljfts aervic!t · "The law requiru the depart;. ~· jP1.u; ffn1Pllrl • ell. tr• =· ~ '":A.iL1:: T. And the plain answer ls that County'• ~. $454..IOO~ and bulld.lnc·'Seasea, • • m~t to employ a 'toW of 5"99 Cott• Melt H.,_y lld9I No. n. w....,..,.,, '--" c. n Ji,'<.o'"., ... ._,.· ------"------•there ii utUe they can do -Aid to the ••eel,. ,JJ.41 What ls Ute answer lo u . ...:..0 OCld '"',.., H111. '"' N.wpon _,,_~....,.... ... ...-..,_. .~-1 -~ ~-•---1 ... -mrnro.-"" •= '""" ~-· 11.m. ,.,.....,, kn. Nllrll n-'-Emn uuu -....u-~ on for ~ peDOnS. COiltlriiilrii aTI ~=:+----D'=t Nell 0iu~. ""'"•·~IM ......... w o-ttt Animal reuoos. Fint, M pen,-ent of _h.., 0-.ugU'ISi ' ~ .,. ·Jr Ltk• """" ftu~ Hawlltt, •o111rt• K.. .... wi1111m s. the ~to 00 wellare In the M-.....,, grant average, $101. costa! '=~ '''°"' 1; Ju 1.m, lll'Yln. Wlnnll "'' yt ll'YCI ~ ..--,. • "~~:n::.,.. 11~1~,-,:,r1~ w,,~~·,·-.',·~,~.!11,11 L various programs are in need County's lba're, $92.4,000. Tralnlng programs •re not FIP'lll N1tloftlf l•nk• M••nolt• 4tAtPt ,., · ·I'll ,... """ .,.. • f fin "al •~-t Aid F .,.., T111W1 ,.""""'• '°""111n v111rr. st1rtiuc1i;; ~1'9'1 ~ "' J...,-, c. '• o a.nc1 ass~uuice o -to amllies with lbe answer according to er- pe!IOlll lo administer the vark>tll procrama at a COil ol about 17 ,5 mllllen. MAL AlltlCMP HEARlllO AIDS Citit ... Alttei Afl'ltltftc•ti- -oo. Ifft L COAll' HWI' • ._ .. _ ........ ' 1:• •·"" si.~ .u.111 LDu "o.or... "~kl Sh J •"-Ive •--• the -ams De"'""' t Chll•-12 o •-,.~ l"tlrkkl .... " .... Johll L•. e ter .... . .xuiuu, r..... ,.......eo ui~n, • 7• uausUvt surveys. Only about 2 TUllOAY FllJA, s..lr• Flprd ... S--1 are heavily controlled and milli' I c~~11~~1t"fe't'o.,~=:! AM"'-.. o-"· n MMY e:1~ subsidll:ed by state and (ederal · on or Zl,399. Monthly percent are employable or PRINTING SERVICE 1 '·""· s.i1w, 8""'" J, ..., '111.kN,.. tn., l grant average per child '61 trainable c~ c111 N¥ E'llcl'l;io"" Club. Joilll'• "--"'""'" _.... n n " aources. • • · Rftt111r1n1, 21'1 E. c-r Hi.hnf. Mlllef'. Jokt .,,,,. " Genld W•w111 u F County's -e " • mIB'·· Why d ••· Coron•""' M.tr, -11rrw11, TY•• L" w G•ry E. The weHare budget for 1989-• ...... wu. o .. ~ number of (Gill Miii l!!lldul!llM Ch.lb. °"'1 Reef, Prlct, c.r:~:-'f=.i•:. ps ees 70 totals $61 mJWon, up sa.s -Ald to VeteraM and persona 00 welfare• keep fn. • 8u1lnen Form• ~ H•rtlor 11¥11., C..11 Mfs.t., ,_, HM=.r:~;.,ort11C1Ul'°T, f'n ;:;;.,.:1~~':. '::. ":.~":!: ~: m1Won over the past year, and Dependents. S113,324 for 3,400 crellJing each year, in some e lnYltation1 • Lottorhucla _Divorces Gr-11'1, Hu1111 .. ""' kldl, -$wltl.,, LI .... Jlo11111 .... Jtutfl Ell'lel ORANGE -Sha-ly tn-representing 30 percent of the ·awards. ('Ibis is an ad-C8stl far ahead of JIO"''lat.ion <~..,." ...... , ••_,1.,., .. S~Nw111,,., "",,•,•, O'KlllNAl. s,.,...., JeM .... """ L111,11se • .,. county's entire 1169 4 million _,_,...._ u ""' •• ............ ...... Mottnl, Ev•"""'" Alt,.., N. creased fees for Orange-Cowi-. · JuuwoYa v.e program as growth? ~,:. eour11 Drlw , ces11 Mel;to, u :11 Vldl. 0or1 .,. c;-.. W•ldon ty Animal Shelter services spending program.· prescribed by law. Claims n,.,.._ coron• d•I M.tr Klw1n11 c111b_. vrn1 •••dirt, Mll'1 J<Hn vs wnni m w. thi · · .... -Peoples has some answers. swedt!i. lS:N e. '""'' H1"1w1w, v1enn1, Ttrrv ROlltf".,. Ju<11111 Mt• have been approved by the But s big sum IS spent on ces.sed rana:·e from disability H~~11:1:"1S:d: 1l~!.;·'2iutt-Horlh, ~:::,;.1~'~~~w~•'!ldct1,1r:s e. county Board of Supervisors. only 2.7 percent of the popula-and death compensation to He blames liberalliation ln· Four Winds 1t.,1.ur111t, 16n'\ Bolw c1wore1te, IC-l .... "•u• A. tion. There were only 38,870 training and loans). program.a by both stale and c111(;to, Hu11"nwton BNC!l. 11:1' •·'"· E,,_-, AMryll J . vs 11.LcMrd L, County Health Officer Dr. . . : ... A_A ttunt11191or! BMCJI Ktw•"ll Club. ~ c111.1rm, O.vld C«1IOll..., Mw11Wrt e, John R. Philp C11aaested the persons receivmg ass ... ..,.....e -General Relief, tm,371 federal governments, in-ttrtWIOll SUtlllf c.ou111rv Club, 1«ID T1te, Norm• JI.Wiii ..., c111r1a 0rv1r M-&e •p '] l 1~ f ased ell bl P•lm Aw., H111111,..1o11 ll•Kll. n:u iurilrl. ,,..,,.., TllDmu vs L1ne11 SUI inCreases noting the existing QO n n • J<J~. or 1,368 persons. County pays ere w are pu k:lty, rls- N:t"Piirt M•rbor · 0ot1mts1 Cklb. v1111 Glllei>I•, Su~ Cllr.k ..., Jerrw Let fees were first established in Cost to the taxpayer.? Some entire cost. (This program ing divorce and delinquency M.trl.,., lCW.S 81f1lde Orlv1, Nirwl'Ofl SIP!lle, John IC. 'ii H•'"' 'f. t 'II be "d b te e1tK1111·u • m MtMau, M1r.o11 ·n Eduv1111 1961 and only slightly modified 10 percen WI pal y provides funds for limited as-ra s. Cost• Mt1i. 11:1W1it11 Club, Coot1 Mn4 . Sml E Sm!lll G kl! ' d Gott 111C1 coun1rv c1ub, ~,. MIH. Tu!.,.·~~':;!!" Mir~ ~ ~!!.br': in 1967. federal an state government sistance to persons in finan-If you have en answer to u:u ,,lfl. 01m111'D11 "We must close the gap funds. Of the $51 million, local eial need who do not qualify reducing the costs, the llumw•rdole'r. ShlrleJ ""'" v. l rl1n t ·u I nl 30 I ••-·ca1 Id F1avd between operating costs and axpayers w1 supp Y o Y or-uic:: categor1 a pro-supervisors and Peoples would . ~~:.,-=:; ~'~~:_~r1:~""' revenue collected," Dr. Philp percent~ for •15.3 million. grams). like to hear from you. The --~ni: aJ ."' M.trv I!!. told suoervisors. Tbe 1969-10 budget as re--Medical Assistance, $9.2 welfare director bas asked for • Posters • HouM Org1n1 'l PILOT I • lu1iM11 Carcia •Menus e Tlckm PRINTING 642-4321 2211 W11t Balboa loultvar Dl\IOllCES l'ILED IC1mJt, MarllVn L va ft k:Nord .I.. 11-. Sl•111tv w. n l•rb.lr• s. M""lter, Dl•lt J. ¥1 FrM a. K..i!h:kw~-Si"lidi1 Mn Yi"ClllrlK Ed ----1: If =1~~ • 99 =:--.-1 - a.utr. c111111i. w• OoNld Under the newly.adopted -~q~u~es~t~ed:..._:"Y:_:co:u:n:l~y....:W:•:::•:•:•_:"="''=:w'~'':'~~::830=~per~-::'•:•:•:· :P:•Y~•:..._~l::._:•:•w::_~JIO=•l:u:••••:••:.__ ·m:::...~':':·.'.!!'~""""""!!'!!""""""""""""""""""""""~==""""~ P-M. Owltlll Y'I L1Wl1 sched W11111, c.ro1r. A. 111 P1111 M ule dog license fees in Ll!Oll, \!frQln• L WM1rlo S. • Highwood, JHn A. vt RoWrt J. K1fld, P1•vo VI Lee """ Hill, Gtlll LK!w Hlll 'n Mer91•tl Ellublllll AIHWtl. H. lllldo!Ptl n Jetn 0. PMll>s. Svlvl1 I. Ill Walt.r E. Mlt~I. Merr J. Y$ Robert IE. SIVbbct Hori Mlk11'!d ¥1 P.ul Cltrtncl Graber, Oon>ltiv L-n >olwl a. McK._ Chtril R. n Mkl'l•l G. Rlf'fer, C'tfntlll• M. ..,. Miiton F. DEATH NOT!CES Sldne'r .V..rle Tunwr~ lrlli... l r,ok- hurst, Htltll'lhltall ,,....di, lurvl'l't'd br hUS0-1\d, Geo<'.-"·' '-o -· ~ W. and ~Id A.'-T1,1rl)fn on. da\1911- te.-. eettv Fllll'l9r brco!Mr, L-lt s.ut- tlni 11llw, I,_ Glllltd!kt1 111t<1J. P.ttv lllftdl.... SefYkn Wffe Mid ~ ~v. J l"M, Pftlt F1rnllY co1oni.1 Funwal H«M. HORNER Ge-w. H!lfnH', Sc', FOl'merl'I' ti !<I-rt l11dl. "" 11. Ill' '" Jr11 $1 .• l-SNC:tl. D91e vf dNlll, July S. survlwd br llW!lflt«$. Mrs. ,..,..,. e. McNelllv1 Mn. Gan SIOA"l'r 1l11ff. Mrt. lftle!I Smllll: locr •randd>fld..,. '"" "''" tr.i•l·t r1!'ddll1drtn. Oia,,.t 1trv!ct 1nd l11tt'fmff\I. 1t llOOl'I, T~ Cl9'1'. Wntm111.-r M-1•1 Pl~ Mof'lulr'/' 1ftd C91M'!ery, ~ BAKER • GODBER De Lt crut. ~,. v1 Ametmo N. umncorporated areas of the ~·1r:a.:~·~~":s8.:x!~.Jl" county will jump from $J to $5 J~~:.. cr~·L: 'e:'l:~~le a year, prorated to so percent L•w.u,1-:. • c-111ic• .,. wmi.m · after Jan. J; rabies -vac- Grvw111, M11111111 ,.,..,. v• Jllh" Ntllvr clnatlon.s go up from $3 to $4. P•u:r.· ~~-m-·~:1,"':~Hiffl C. G1n;n, 1 wim1m Impound fees from cities • w. r 1;1nr, . . not under coDtract with the ~'lr.'C.t~~n c;1...,.;:,..t..H 1.,,,I , , -,.1HA1. pe:CR•u · Sui· ter jump from $7 to $14 for Hett-11, Dv!lild .... IMrr e 11en large animals (horses, cows), Sta,.,, Dofo""' N. \'II CMll., E $3 ~ to 15 50 f di ' Lw11111. Ernu11 ... A ... Henrv ii:. ,;w • or me um...sue H;toydtn. Jtober.I c ..... """'11""' H. (goats. sheep, ·pigs), dogs :,~:·. ~: w~ v": ~ ~~·· fronr '2 to $3 and cats from $1 -..,. Elllne A. wt J""" F-to $2. K•r, .JHMf!t 1. 'It ,,,.,,., 0, .w111t11. Marv.~ ...... Cah" L.. Daily care fees for all siu Hllrlr., Je.-lud1iitw John Herll'l' 8 _:..:..,,.:,_ .,-, UlCl'. eased J-m-,75 Oc Jtost, Ant•ll F.. "'Anlllony Dl.I~ • ., Lemlftf. lllor111 M . .,.,fir! L. ......nla to II and animal rel l!ovd, ll ulli ¥1.lloblrt Jt. ~ ....., · 1 ease ee11, Je•nlltttl .,. Jd 111111tr ~ fee /or medical research Rlltlr • ...,~u~~ c. jumps from $3 to $5 for dogs, Hewm111. v 11111n1t ,..., Jiiin f•"" and $1 to $2 for cats. lllJ.,....), . ~. Dlll"lllllY ~ .... Qllrllt The Ani.inal Shelter pound is I W1!ton l•rvwlrnwlll I ted In the \ M.,I:. Geor" llllfllef r Cenlfll Jotllll OC8 C 0 U n t Y ' !I l 1n11Ylfnt!nt1 -Manchester Center at 501 S. OrM!\blf'v, Wlltllm' ""' lvtvl1 (I• M ' 1W1mtnt1 anchester Ave., here. Doheny, ;San Oemente _B~a~h::,~~~s . ~illaj. Up SKR' CLEMENTE, ,-.-Ir' beldl-~J!lte per1t. you're expeeting relattves for Bolla ~ Dilheny and s a n tbe summer_j don'l (!Ian on Clemente State. l"Jrks biive. putting them up al the nearest been fwrtor mote iliiil a Pact Okayed For Bridge week, and will be full through lhe fint weeb or September. M"ltlr A.!Mlr Godb«. l<Yn J111\e '· 1an. Jn WK:O. T• .. 11 dltd Jutv 1.1. 19'9. $1/rtlW!d b't' 61~, MMI. '11.t.V· mond I. I~. COl!t Mo!~. fellr ,,.nets_, lllfmorod I. Jr., Mlrl'Y GodbeT' er1111m1, Ect.rc Ad1 lr Ir .. I Mmt; •NI 'llldl•rd Alf e .. 1'11mtl bl'Qll!Wf' M Rowa~ Snner, Altldtn11 two ~; Mni. Jtabtrt C•u cf All.. SANTA ANA - A contract dtM J •nd M'-9 Floi"..ic. Godblr. Lo. f th t I' f Doheny's part has facilities for 115 camp sites. But they reached capacitf June 13, and reservations will. teep the camp full through the third week or September. The 157 campsites at San Clemente State Park have been full for more than a week and will be full through the first week of September. ..,,..1e11 11 , .... ,,.,,nddl1111 ... n. ,,,... I or e cons rue ion o a new 1~. w__,.,, J""' " ~ ::,:: /:. Warner Avenue bridge over ~~y~M:in:t.:•~e1~1 ~the S8.nta Ana RJver between ~ oi.n. . ..o:wilrll:llllt 11 'l)e \ Santa '"" 8Dd Fountain Un!or> R-Mint.>, lOI ~ Vall ,'.:'"•---ed b ci...ctec1 n ,.1Clflc: vw Mortu1rt. ey ·~ u=u approv y MORROW , I 1 the Board of Supervisors. ,1, .. Ellen Morro«. oo Ll~wood The $151 ,864 -contract to Drlv•. cos11 -· Died Jutv ' tn , Lomar Corporation, 100 5th S.n D1eva. Swrvlwd W Mblttlll, S ff · Beach calls °''"'" A. MM•-1 ""9111er, Mn. t., Wltington , 11.1cl\lrc1 Nl!lhfl11911e. Norw.1 1111 """" for a four-lane roadway and 1tr•llCld'llkl~. ~lat. Tl'lundiv, July JC. 2 l'M, W"klltf Cll-1. """ • approaches to the ftOW tW~ ltm'!fftl. P1c111c view Memor1•1 P•r!,• Jane crossing. wl1h 11.!:'V H1m!llG11 V. M-off,.,,. . 111n11 Directed b,· wn1c1111 Cl>lflt!I • Work is to start at once and MD!'tllll'Y. "6-418. 1 I be completed within four ARBUCKLE & WEUIB Westcllli Mortuary . 4%7 E. J'llh St.. Costl Mes• Ms.ml • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del !\.far OR 3--9451 Costa Mesa M1 5-UU • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Bretdway, Cost.a Ptfes• LI i-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS UunttngWD Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. HuntiDgton Beacb IU-77'71 • McCORMICK LAGUNA 1 months, according to the oon· tract. \ tLos ' Alamitos Gets New Exec • LOS ALAMITOS -Captain Cliude Levinge, a veteran aviator with nearly 7 ,000 hours in Navy aircraft, has taken over as executive officer of the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station. A native of Houston, Tex., Levinge was the director of readlne&s at the Naval Air Slatioo, Glenview, UI., betore coming to Los AJamJtos. But it's not too early to start thinldng about ne:rt year. Reservations can be made starting JAn. 1. Talk Slated On Campuses EL TORO -Paul J. Dean, past-president of the Santa Ana College Student Body, will be the guest speaker at the Jul,y 12 dinner meeUng of the Retired Officers' Association, Orange County Chapter, Dean will speak on "How Militant Students Attempt to Seize Power and Gain Control of Our Educational Facilities" durina: the 5:30 p.m. gathering at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station Officers' Club. Reservations for the dinner can be made through Major Matthew Kenne y, 602 Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar, telephone 673-7958. BEACH MORTIJARY 175 i..gua Canyon Road ~ Lapll• Beach IH-M15 The only medication that • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARlt Ctmr:tery • Morba•rJ 3500 Pae~~" Drive Newport Beach, California .. ...,.. • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '1181 B.o111 Ave. Wt1tmlrl1ter m-W • SllEt'FER MORTUARY Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This import1nt dt'ftlopment in hemorrllloid tr11tm1nt c:OMts to fOll lftlt fi\lt ye111 ot sdltltilk ind c:llnkll testinJ;. Not onty does Count1r11oid-work by lessenln1 pain fas(~ by coaUn1. soothln1. and prottct1n1 lnjwed tissue ••. but vnlike .very other hemotrbo'i:I procklct COuntetnoid 1lio wwks 1 thirdWIJ. latlon with DSS10 p1netr1tes ill minutu to th• top of th•· rectal 1re1 to soften the stool end we the bowtl movtment. It is this unique tction llut does so much to m1kt 111tur1! heallnc possible. Calling all cooks: l ools Qf the trade "REDUCED THRO. SATURDAT!- -------iook what 99c will buy·------. L N,loo...._lool ....... ·W.,foft,.,._.,i.,...... 1t4 1..39 .................................... ,. ... HOW 9fc '· lOl*Mrtot. .... -..,,. .......... ....... I-cs. 1.29 ••••••••••• , ........................ NOW 9fcc " Pkntlc lrOlh ........... ~holds up to' galJoN. l.g. 1Af-·•••••••••••: ••• ,,, ••• , •• , ••.•••. H/C1W 99c 1 6*• mil ir011 aktli.t coob I slow IN-. a.,. 1.19, NOW 99« 4. 16 qt. '*"f duty pail ls 9'9Clt for al ,,_.Won "P joOs. 99c ...... 1..29, •••~•••••••••··•••••••••••·••••••••NOW 1. Mticnydllf'f dilh pot! wilh ct... llMdle. hoMI .,to 13 qlL leg. 1.29 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOW' 99c L Oioniond lhapM picnic W.tt hoaJ. vp lo «I q--. ••. t.33 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ttaw 99c 1.99 will buy-------, '· .......... _ ..... _,_ ... 199 •kr~ ... 12f •••••••••••••• HOW • 3. ::~.~~.~~~ ·.1"9 I. lfl'T._ ..... _.,.,_ __ ,_, 1 99 ---->At ..... ,, .. NOW • 2. ., ......................... ,.. 199 ................ 2.M •••••• NOW • ~ ____ ... ._ ..... 199 lilt.._,_...,._._ ... 2-" ,,, NOW • .. ____ ._. ..... 199 _, .. .,... .... s.at., ••••.••. NOW • -.--Look what 2.99 will .buy-----.. 1 .• ,... ......... . !hil l\i ............. 2 9 9 httfl ....... JM.HOW 1 '·Milt., .......... . .... -........ 299 tit, .... JM •• .HOW • 3, "-"" .....,. lit ! .. ,...._ ..... ;T..~~-~~2.99 .C.T.,_ • ...._, .. c-*"'Qwtdt.-tw ---~~.99 S.J "*'--....... -:.1--~ .... :..=2.99 " •• ,. ,, ' "- Lqmia Bea<• IH-15U; Su Clemente 4ti-cltot Thinks to an 1xduslvt formul1 w11h OSS1o ni onlr Counternoid 1ets lo 1 major caus1 of hemor· rttoidsl 1'1inlvl hi~ constip.ation • WilhOut irrltatin1 llutlvt effect. Keri's hew: 111 ltotpllll X..-17 test& doctors h••• de~nstr1t1d lh•t th• remarkable Counternold fonnu- So, if you llve with tht pain and fe. of rewrrin1 minor htmorrhoid troublu, 1et tempor1ry r1lief with medita11Y·ltsted Ccuntemoid. AtllllUy, uud IS directe.d, ~ ttrnold offers tht 1nOst complete l·w1y rell1f you can pt without 1 prewiplion Of" without 1urp1y. I• stalnltu Cf tam tr aupposltorits. CANOGA PA.RK LAKEWOOD • 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-"""-:..:....:..:..:....~~"'-""-'-..;...;.""'-"""-"-~~~~~~~.~ • SMITllS' MORnJARY G'I Mtla 81. H1ntln,U. Beacll - I I At 111 dru1 countm "Ii-•·-ti i..1i.. ... u11 .. ~. '""" NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FULLERTON MGNTCLAIR VENTURA (1 ,. " ~ e iJ IL~~~~~~~~~~~~======-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~ ' l I • I I I ~ I I I I t -. ' • _Jf OAll.V_PllOT M"""1, Jll~ 7, 196' Jlesold to Britons r~~~~~~~:tr;ii;~ Monarchy'sAlive - And Well Again t'joiiii"fi'O'i'i.'iii:··:.·~······.~····1 You want to Mii some Item 1 t tho! you no J<ngor ,,.... but 11mecpn1 ~fl can UM for • "OT· QVER $50 I ? L ?' ? ? ? YOUl-ANSW'Ell!·- 1;---v.i1 t1ll"THl!'1>AIL-v-t'IL0,.,,.1ldor - Cl~~lll, "f ortIJlng, ind pioct • .. LONDON (UPI) -The nine· monarclly has not al"°iyt"been ~entury old British monarchy loved in Britain. Many of Its Ii enjoying a surge of popular kings and queens, it has been atrectlon once again. pointed out recently, haYe 1------.Aeac'U®-to lbe-Pr1nce..... ot.__~eared. hated or der~ W a I es investiture But Queen Victoria attlte . ~ ..... PILOT demonsuated lliere has been a· end of the last century laid the shift or popular mood from the IoundaUom of a popular skepUcismthatprevailed monarchy. Her grandso·n throughout the t960 's. Thal George V consolidated it. Hi! skepticism held the monarchy son, George VI, was one of the to be an anachronism, an ei· most popular monarchs thls pensive eccentricity without country has bad. real purpose, .and it v.·as not \Vhen Queen Elizabeth was reduced overn1gbl. crowned in 1953 it was to a Buckingham Palace has lllau of popular acclaim and been at work for 18 months talk of a "new Eliiabelhan ·*1fh a public relatlorui cam· era." paign designed to show both lhe human face of monarchy But that was IS years ago. and its utility as preserver of As British commenlators have the noblest of British tradition. been~Wck kl point out, almost One commentator has gone so a new generation of Britons far as to say there ls now "a has grown up since then. new feeling sweeping Britain'' The aim of the selling cam· In favor of it pal1ii has ~n to repopularl;e At Caernarvon last week the mona~hy not only in the Prince Charles, heir to the person of the Queen herself British throne, was invested but also in that of her son who DAil Y ,.llOi $11H 1'119 .. Holiday 011 Holiday as Prince of Wales. The probably will reign when the ~ PENNY PINCHER f CLASSIFIED AD AT OU I SPECIAL L-OW RATE " " " LINE.$1 . TIMES DOLLARS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I SEE THE STARS lit th1 lit " 9uicl1 you. Syllll111y Om1rr. ru11 of th1 wo1lcl'1 \,,, .. mo1t 11trolott r1, wrlt11 th1 cl1ily horo1ecp1 colum11 f11lu11d ceremony took place In an pr~sent generation or yo~g Island lJoliday, out or Newport Beach's Davey's their Sales prowess in DAILY PILOT's rn~t recent ______ ,unr.eaLiairy_ slOQ' gtt~ _of Britons, who have ~r!l-wn..up m__bocker, eases-into-berth ·at Ava1on-Harbor·carrying carrier contest:--'n'le-boaiload-of-winners-toured trumpet r~rares fr.om anaent an era or skepticism, are -~P;•rt;ry~o~f~J!O~I ~D~Al~L~Y!P~IL~Or~T~c~a~rn~·e~r~s~a~n~d~th~e~!r~p~a~r~--~S=a~n:ta~C:•ta:lina=~I~sI:an:d·~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ QAILY •1LOT. I cutle bat t I em en ls and mature lhemaelves. ents and guests on trip the newspaperboys won for ermine-lipped robes t h a t The first move in the seemed to have 11 t t I e popularization campaign was relevance in the second half of the naming IS months ago of the Twentieth ~ntury. William Heseltine, a bright . Yet among the tens or 39-year-old Australian , as Bay ]fospitals thousands who watched in the Buckingham Place presg /Of· l~t'k·c p 1•1·ccs ancient llttle north \Vales town !icer. -i . or the milJions who did so on He replaced Sir Richard television the vo ices of protest Colville, a retired naval of. were negligibly few. fleer, whose aim durins his 20 The protests came from a years as pala~ press offictr 'sprinkling of Welsh nationalh1t oftE:n appeared to be to try to -.. ---extrerntm. whose bombs, egg· prevent any news of the royal throwing and occasional boos family ge'lting into~tbe presli. caught a Jot of· ~adlineti· but Colville · was-distant and certainly-did not represent the "unavatiable"-to..-~newsmen. - enthusiastic national mood. HeselUne is credited with SAN FRANCISCO (UPll - A spokesman for nine bay area hospitals said Wednesday lhat "have no choice'' but to raise rates as a result of the siUlement of an ,18-0ay nurse:i strike. ~ -AUorney Laurence~ Corbett. · said the increased rates were f a direct re'sult of the higher wages and longe~ vacations obtained by the nur!es in a ' settlement Tuesday. llowever .1 officials of the California Nurses Association g a i d anything more than a slight increase would be unjustified. As Ufe Lonaan Tln1es crow-liiUnCliii1g a pu'61iC"re11Uons ed, 0 We may not be a world "revoluUol'l" at the pJllace. power any more, We may not He is largely credited with have found a po.!it-imperiaJ wiMing the Queen and Prince role. but when it comes to the Philip around to the idea of a pr~e .... pomp and circumstance television film OIT the dally life of state ceremonial. we do of the Br~tlsh roya1 family. . these things so much better The film wu first shown than anybody else in the here in June and won almostl---------- world." universal acclaim for the job The Caernarvon investiture it did in "humanizing" the climaxed one of the biggest Queen and her family, lt soon public relalions selling jobs of will be shown in the United Makos ~tin9 With FALSE TEETH rl!Ctnt times. ~es aD(I other countries. -Ea1l1r and ~ster Jts purpose was to sell or The neit move was to ar· resell the monarchy to what range for a teievised intervie'tf Londoti's liberal The Guardian wUh Prince Charles himself. terms a generation "that is ,Tht 2(1..year-old youth, •born skeptical about eslablished mast llhtons hardly knew, things." · suddenly emerged as an in· British-historians have been telligenl, attractive and highly quick lo note that t b e articulate young man. HEY, BOYS ••• ' FOLLOW THESE STEPS ' TO A REAL GOOD DEAL! * EARN your own money * GET valuable prizes * WIN exciting trips BE A DAILY PILOT CARRIER BOY! For more Information, c1ll 642-4321 , or 1 • n d the coupon below to the DAILY PILOT Clrcuiotlon Deport· mtnt, Bo lC 1560, Costa Mes•, C1. 92626. '1'111 mu1r k •' 1t11I U ,...,. •If It h1v1 .......... ..., ... It. I am hiteresttd ht being a DAILY PILOT carrier boJI. Nom.t .••.•........ , ..•..•...•. , ......•.•.• Address· ..• ". .•. , ......•..•.•••••....•••.••• Cit11 ...•....•..•....•••.................•• : Phone .. , ..............•...... Agl!! • ................. ~---------·--··--- ' . AUl~CENTER SAVE 20.95 ---~­ 'Hawaiin' Auto air" conditioner reduc_ed ! Pre-chills your car 1hrough 4 large rectangular louvers and 2 round side louver>. Has new Silent Scroll plastic blowers that give quiet, efficient de· livery of cool, crisp air:,Provides total circulalion. Air conditioner Installation (mast American cars) 49.88 USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PIAN Reg. 23~.95 NOW ~219 INCLUDING ADAPTER KIT FITS MOST AMERICAN CARS \ Flex-A-Lite engine fan Coolant recovery s.ystem 14.95 • Fiber glass fan cools your engine at reduced horsepower • l ightweight, flexible, strong, better th'an factory fans 1095 ' • Purges afr from <001ing t;~ ... prevents rl• • Prevents overheotlng in traffic BUENA PARK (°'~:ll:ih~.'!") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA / • •' F10fld;f1, JUIJ 7, 1%9 ' DAILY PILOT J J Teacher ' Training DQG W'A RDEN j · Bot Some Skeetleal ' · . • • 'BITTEN' Iowa '!own Qu;its .Smo"/f,ing . -~~~~~:~de~~~. · / been One<! 25 centa for failure Jobs Set Surro;unding-school districts in cooperation with t h-e - GREENFltl.D, Iowa (UPJ) the olheni. 1l.{h one of to the discomfort of It all.'' to renew his doa'a Uctnse on • • -'lllil central Iowa com-them went from lgarettes to He admlta there are some time. munlty micy" quJt smoking. The chewing -toba and he's skeptJca among the cJ!)l!..J 2,200 Jam~s Kil~y admltttd to whole· town. For fl.In. trying to get er that, now." resident!. own clerk Edward Smnet Even mayor..1..Dai...Yuunl,_a_ The--drl\/e will begin or-"There are some sug-t'!_at he had been on vacallon Unlverslt of Southern canromla, are Seeking ~11;11e - graduates to enter a salaried- while-you-learn teacher educa- chain smoker ·ot cigara and Ucially in August with a mam: gestlons the fire department and ~ad forgotten to mall in Cig""lrettes, ls going'to-"jive it"'•-!moth ba§Ure-tue}ed-by;Jobftc-will get worn ou.Lpulling QU thLJt~~n.enL.b w.hl.(l. -• co. !J'heq everyooe ls u.pected tires in closets." deadline. "It seems kind ol laughl.llle IOiiitl . --\;;;;;;;;;oi;oi'•' ,,;·--;;-..:;," -----------~ at first glance," Edwin J . "We feel It might work U tion program,.. Thls practical , on-the-job plan includes experience as 8 part- time teacher-assistant at a salary or $150 to $1*! per scllool month. The duUes of the teacher-assistant will ln- clude many preparatory, sup- RWtive and cleri~I lasb performed under the direction of a teacher. Individual tutor· ing, small group instruction, and dutiu in the school office rnaY also be assigned. S tarting at Botto111 kiey, edlto of-+h-e-Adair~it~--(un4Q.do," Sldey &aKI. "U - County Free Press. said you just approach It from the Wednesday. "But then you beallh aspect, I don't lhlnk we think about il and you think it can do more than has already ml11ht be done." been done. There has got to be Sldey said t h e Idea caught some fun in it or you don 't go on when Greenfield w a s1-· chosen as one of the sites for .. ~ fllming a movie called "C~'id! ~. Turkey." The film 's plot ~ &II volves a multimillionaire who! •.c,,,,~ promises a small town t'25 • ..._ • million lf all the re.s.idents kickl ·~ the tobacco habit. . ' Two city councilmen who • already have given up smok-::!.:: ing agitated for the drive, Sidey said. They "'kind of rode Da vid Eisenho\ver. President Nixon's son-in-law, poses \Vith Sen. Roman 1-lrus. ka ( R-Neb.) a't the Capitol, where he's working as a sumrifer intern for the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee at a reported salary of between $80 and $100 a Week. Candidates for this unique program should have senior standing or hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited ln- .!ilitutlon. The complete course v.·111 qualify candlates for the standard elementary or secon· 2 Get Dee:1·ees dary credentials. · ---------------------------v 'Jltt•lf.leckC.,,_. TOILET TANK. BALL ---n.. ........... _,,,._ ...._..,. ...... The need for well trained, Pnul A. Bogenrief and Oen- fully qualified teachers re-nis M. Crutchley, both of .... ... ,,,_.,.... ... llNhl ... 1'1t Af MAIOWA.11 SlOllS . I See by Today's Want Ads ..,~,~;:.j~~~ e South, or the Border 1blt: Business opportunity in Mexicon and Spani•h Im- ports, includinr stock and tixtureJ. I Once a Year One ot a Kind; An~ue Show-and Sale, S2 Millin Ollar Dll- play, \VO\V! July a.13 . e Landlubblng? Rmy 9 pue. Yellw VW bus; Sharp '&5 Prsche w I t h butterQy rack; Sure-footed Bul~Ye Sprite; '57 Bab)' T·Bird . I - 1 I I mains high, especially at the E · • J . k Tod y's f 'no/ Costa f\1e.sa , have received elementary level , say USC "'JleD'"'IVe un a I bachelor ol arts degrees !rom School of Educalion officials. At.. ~ · k-T d Ohio State Unlvmlty, Colum· 11 A tn.---.e.ooda•y-1-e-v-e 1-~ ~ _ ---------,-.,i'::~~!:'.:.o'.::c~.="--':;:'.:-JJ~-~a;y.::=~~··--0:'.~hi~============::::::.u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---mathemalics ~nd E n g I i s.h -0 1- teachers ... in ••e "''"'· .1 Stolen Art W ortli $720 00 greatest need. Other subbJect ., fields will also be accepted. LONOON (UPI) _ Two r.fceipt and promised to have T_h e _~SC Te a ch~ r her husband appraise the art. Ass.1stanlSh1p Prograrh . _ 1 s workmen clearing out a cellar Mitchell and Worman were designed to ~ucate qualified found a sl.ack of paintings hardly home before Taylor t~ac~r candidates under the under· a split• big of pla.!ter. was calling them with the direction o~ a n:iaster tea~ Ftrst-ithey· lbougbt it was just news: the painting they had and the U~tversity supervlSOI". another pile of jw:ak, and they round was a Picasso, "Weep. Th~ practical c~assroom .eJ· took one .of the pictures out, ing Woman," worth $191,000 pe~1enc~. comblJled w I t h propped it up arid' threw tacks and stolen three months ago Un1~ersity course . work al .it. . -from the home of tu owner. leading lo a credential and a • master's degree, provides a Then they_ decided maybe The next marnl:np1ttch~I Lrnified program of theory and. their find_ was-\worth 'a few raced back to tbe cellar ~d p"ractlci. ·· dollars ao the)'=!eok one of the ~rought out the other 24 .pa~ .. Information or appointment canvasses -to Marcus Taylor's in.gs. Among ~ ~~r~ m~re for an-interview can be GI>-art-shlijl to find out . . P1~ssos, lnclu~m& .S~ll Lile tained by calling Or. Merle B. Taylor was out and~ Wife \V1th C~s Jet 8l)d Negro f\1arks, Room HKll·D, Phillips• said she didn't Qlink thd: pain-Dancer. Hall. USC, University Park,~. ting WJ.S -valuable but gave Worman and Mitchell lflay Los Angeles 90007, or by eall• • carpenter Ed~Mltcl}ell and rec~iv~ $72,000 reward for ing 746-2931 or 746-2947. , painter Aubrey, Worman a their find, valued at S720,000. AUli m CENTER t: "' ~-~ I. ' f . t I ! l 1 FOREMOST" P. L M. WHITEWALLS ' ~ ~ WITH DEE'1ER, WIDER TREAD ••• AND . .JUtY FABRI( TOUGH FULL 4 PLY POLYUTER CORD! . ------. -· - r (LEARANCE· -- ~TARTS TODAY , lsAVE · UP TO- -----: . . p 'TO A3.80 §A'li ~£1 Of.Al . oN A . o now. Bonded Woolens ' Serrano Prints 199 ~ -· 56" wid• R09. 3.98 •S" Wide Eesy Care Reg. 1.98 1.29Yd. Perma Press Voiles 45'' Wide MaGh-Wesh . R09. 1.49 "'4¢ l 'i Yd. Cottons · and Blends ' " ~ ~.~:~~ Acrilics ·r· I~ Meoh.Wuh. 2 29 ~ R09. 4.4' • Yd. \:._ ' . ~ Cottons end Blends 1 l2 Meny No-I ron "/: Values to 3.4t Now ~ Acetate lining i. l'rice f, 45" W.do 39¢ Dan River Shorts h R., . .,. _ All Euy c... 59¢ r H I'd c Values ta 1.2' . l· 0 I ay repe Heather Woolens . ~· ~:;1•1:i~:::. ;,;; 2 99 2 49 t Wdoklo F,,. F;b.oM• • ~6" Wide •09· 4 ·" • · Imported Brocades ' 36 MONTH GUARANTEE WITH .! . 18 MONTH FREE REPLACEMENT :· WHITE TUBELESS . 650-13 Orig.23.95 NOW '18 Fed. tax 1.79 Size Orig. Fed.tax 735-14 27.95 2.07 77$.14 29.95 2.20 82$.14 31.95 2.36 ns.u 29.95 2.21 Size Orig. Fed.tax 855-14 33.95 2.57 BBS.14 35.95 2.86 FORUIOU Tiil CUWMTtE 5tw1ttti aplat v.-Wll'llt If your lire wears out durin1 tht first Nit of the l\Jlrilnt• period, mum it wtth· your prant• certificlte and Pen~ will repa.ce your ti,. Jrith • new tire. cl\afli~ you 50% less th•n tlM current selhrc priQI fnet~inc Federal Excise Tu; if yoor tire Wears Plus fod. tax qnd old ttro Now522 Now525 the frff-rtplacerMnt period, yoU" PIY 50% or 25% less thin tM current sellina: price of ttM, tif'9 includin1 Feder1l E>cciM Tix. c-dalU.. Th is 1uarantet is \IOid whefl pasei;i-~er tirn art used·on trucks, used tOr tiuslness, or dri""n over 30.000 miles in one: year. · out duri.ns the seco(ld half, you PIY 25% leu tNn the-current Mllin1 pri<;t inclUdina Federal Excise Tall. H-'• .__ .,_ rw•'"•• ... ,,.u '" f•ltw• _ .. ., C11111tt11 llllnt ltllltre II we replace the tirt durina the lrte-repl•cament period, there is no ch111e; if we rtpl•ct tlM: tire after ("'"' ........ ,..w ....... ·" -tM f,,..,.,.. ................. 1-11-thf S0'4. .. ,.. ............ , ... 1':-27 ....,, ""' ., ,.,.. . ' •.•••••••• 1'41 ~ Size Orig. Fed.tax Foremost B.R.W. your 650.13 16.95 1.79 '. 1. choice of blackwall or redwall ... .._,,., ll•w Y* .... ,.,.._, ... 1 ... ~~;er L1"~29" . ~ f~ 99¢.. I Everfast Prints Rayon Check Suiting 695-14 11.95 735-14 20.95 ns.14 21 .95 1.96 2.07 2.20 'NCi"V 14.88 NOW 16.88 NOW 18.88 Now20.88 c.1or1 .. 1 54" E11y Cer• ... Z.98 1 49 . 4'5" Wide 1 69 Wrinkle Free • l09. 3.45 • Yd. SA TEENS-ACltlUCS-HOMESPUNS Also Greatly REDUCED . HARBOR.CENTER 2300 H•rbor Blvd. ·Cdst• Met • MESA CENTER 221 E. 17th St. Cotta Mesa • f•lhw• -lit: t...n ..... SJ ............. 21-82$.1.4 2$.fS 2.36 ,,.. ,.,-..,, •,.,W .•.••. 1 .. 1c..-. $0'4. •ff ,.wM4 •••••••••••• 1J.a1.....,.. ' 85$.14 25.95 2.57 ''" ... ,..M4 ............ n.ar_.... 845-15 25.95 2.57 , . BUENA PARK(°':,~") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA ·FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MON'.f'ClAIR· 'NEWP9RT: BEACH tWEN'Tl,IRA • I • I f ! , I -/ , JJ DAILY PILOT ' . Now Bankrupt Money ·o:vertakes Old Missi,on Inn RIVERSIDE (APL -"~or f\!ro!Juie, slaluar)',_old bells. Sale. Reas. Hotel. Spanish stained windows, wa1 figures style.. Centrally I o c at e d . and a collection of croncs Historic past. Includes art from around the world. treasures. ca.Lacombs. Just_93 The casb value ol the an- years old.'' tiques and painUnp is not cer-- Thus might a classified ad lain, though, because, ac- read, if the famed Mission cording to owner Swig "You can appraise something at one lnn, once host to princes and price and then because of presidents, were listed. supply and demand of the lt isn't. But a lot of people market you sell it at another. are trying to sell it, one way ''There are no plans to sell or anolher. any of the antiques or paln- The inn -a sprawling mix· tings. They are worth much ture of classical Spanish and more in the Inn." early Catilomia architecture. Such renowned aviators as with ivied walls, turrets and Orville Wright, C h 1 r I e I bJJconies galore, i!f the heart Lindbergh, Hal? Arnold, Ame- of downtown Riverside -is lia Earhardt, Junmy Doolittle, languishing i n bankruptcy and X-15 pilot Robert White <:ourt after a decade of Unan· ha ve em bedded their cial troubles. autographed wings into the Its problem : It's dated. Fliers Wall. Like other g r a n d i o s e Tours are held daily, and llostelrles dedicated to,J>rovide there is a gift and curio shop. luxury in m 0 r e leisurely The inn had a humble begin· times, it is down at the heels ning as a tw~11tory, 12-room and is being passed by in adobe hostelry. favor of glossy new hotels and . A pioneer Riverside civil motels. engineer. C. C. Miller, bought The--.staft-has been-cut,· and-u:ie--land-in-1874, -and he and food and room service suffer. his son Frank. opened lbe first The large public rooms are inn two years later. often empty. On a recent day In 1884, Fr~nk .Miller bough t only 70 of its 232 rooms were the IM fr~m h';S lathe~ and occupied, even though rates d~veloped tt so 1t occupied a are relatively \ow and the city . block-. rooms have air conditioning Miller flrst called It New and color television. Gl.en~ood. then . Glenw~ The Inn is being operated In ~ss1on Inn, and finally lU.Sl " receivership, and there's a M1Ssion Inn. . chance it could go on the auc-fo~ SO yean Miller filled the lion block to pay off $500,000 in building _ an~ the l ~ n n e 111 back debts. lbe price tag is $2 beneath It with treuures. fro!D million: The mortgage is held all over lhe glo.be. He died in by San Francisc-0 hotelier -Ben 1935 at 71, aodiitle passed to• Swig. daughter, He'd Jlke to see it kePl going . When she dled-tn 1951 the· as •-clvtc~non•protit.operation inn was-~d~Swlgr.who also and. says he'll discount the owns th~_fa1rmo~t _HoteJ. in mortgage if the right party San Francl.sc?. F i ~ a n ~ 1 a I takes tt over. So far, no one troubles set tn. Swig said in haJ. 1966, before he sold out to The Inn bot a ·temporary Goldco-Mfl, that 10 Y.ears .of boost last month. A private losses had created a financial corporation which builds stu-cri!is !or him. dent housing agreed ten-'Ibe lnq was closed in mid- taUvely to lease about 100 March for several da ys . rooms for students at the declai:-ed bankruptcy, and then University of California at went into receivenbip. Riverside The deal calls fo r "You could probably IJUlke a about $20.ooo a month for ~eal with the creditors ~o tak~ three months subject to court t1lle for about $1 m1lllon. approval. ' says Peter Elliott, attorney The money will help pay o£f ~andl~g t b e rece~venhlp. debts but i.s oo final answer. And I m sure Atr. Swig would ~ Mission Inn onoe was a sit light on bis mortgage Southern California magnet. without foreclosing." . President N°IXon was mar-The hotel can ttmatn in rled there in 1940. Five other receivenhip, ~ which It presidents -• B\m,iamin Har· pays onl_y its opera~1 ~ rison, William M c K i n I e y • aod not it.I mortcage or Wes, William H. Taft, Herbert "u long as ~ creditora don't J·loover, and Theodore push for thelt money. There Roosevelt -ha ve been guests. have been cases of hoc.el! Roosevelt replanted one or operaUng in receiverships !or Californi'\s two original navel years." -orange trees in the IM's Elliott ls not impressed by courtyard in May 1903. th~ Inn. • . Crown Prince Adolphus and I really don t think even Crown Princess Louise cf Hilton or Sheraton could Sweden stopped al the Inn in operate the p I ace sue. July 19"l6 during a world peace cessfully," he said. tour. ''It's an old hotel, with worn Andrew Carnegie 'was a carpeting, antiquated light fix- gucst, as were such notable tures, and s~me bi z a r. r e ~'titers as Henry Van Dyke layout. There is no connection. and Edward Markham. for i~. between the Humorist Will Rogers was a kitchen and· some of the ban- frequent visitor. He called It qu et rooms. "the most unique hot.el in "It's a very hard hotel to America." run efficlenUy. It's going to The IM houses paintings take somebody with capital valued at $1.5 million by and imagination to make it a artisCs from Spain, Russia, success." Italy, and Belgium plus an-EUiolt said about $1 million tiques that are worth millions. in modernizations -including They Include a solid gold perhaps building a modern, .. Rakedot," or marriage altar• nonsentimental motel addition from Mexico in the Inn's SI. -might make the Inn more Francis of Assisi Chapel , old attractive to tourist!. Lou Brock's Earnings No Handicap for Loan WASIDNGTON (UPI) - The question is whether a ma- jor league ballplayer earning $'85,000 a year deserves a S 135,000 government4>acked loan. The &fl!Wer depends on where you ask the guesUon, in St. Louis or Washington. In St. Louil, home of Lou Brock. the speedy St. Louis Cardinals outfielder, t h e answer is yes. The Small B u a i n e s s Administration (SBA) o(fice there said it did the right thing in app roving the loan so Brock could open an auto agency in East St Louis, Ill. But in Washington , SBA headquarters said the whole ·lhlna: was a mistake, since it "'W8S .. doubtful" Brock could be considered a disadvantaged businessman. ~ controversy ever the Joan spllred oot Wednesday. John Vickerman, deputY usis- -tan1 -of Ille SBA In WOlhfnllon, said Ille •l""'l' aboljld DOI have approved the Joan wllich WU ,...tecf under 0 _.,. alm<d at h<lplng bo~m. emerprUes started by floor N•I"*· .i. · u~ lit. a.rock i1 a m<mber ol a minority group, Iba ol>jeellve o/ SBA'• mlnor•- 1 onitrprl.te pn>itam -Is to ' assist dlsadva ntag ed businessmen," Vickerman said. "ll is doubtful wbether Brock could be classified as disadvantaged." He i;aid a full investigation would be made. But John P. Pfeffer, regional SBA director in St. Louis, said Brock had applied for a convenUanal SBA loan but the Washington oUlce in- stead gave him one under the minority program. "What's wrong!" Pfeffer said, "We've been trying to put NeiJ'OCS in t h r i v I ri g businesses. What's wrong with the way the loan wu granted'! We're looking for reasonable probability of repayment. The emphasis ls on the minority, so what! ls Lou Brock going · to object to being claulfied with the Negro population? "Just. because Brock eams $85,000 doesn't mean he can't appfy for IUCh a loan," he ad- ded. Pfeller said East St. Loob b "lerribly d<pl'<IStd economically and ''we've been trying to pul Ntgroes ln business there: and wt hope we have othtr Nt.IJ'Of;I who have the prospect of success that Brock had to start a buslnes.s and lraln and e m p 1 o y Nearoes." " .. ... • I . I 't"', '~ . . , . SAVIN(;S IN. EVE-RY 9E-PARlMENT IN-Abt. t7-S-T-ORES--V1\l:t:lfS~FoR· YOU, YOUR HOME, YOUR FAMILY r washable polyester knits in cool, flattering styles Now • • . favo ri le polyester knill, the washable favorilcs that skim through summ er with carefree no-ironing, that span the seasons with comfort sty ling ••. now at special savings. We have a collec- lion of styles in new designs, rich tex- tures and sculptured patterns, great colors. Come choose, save! Shown, flip tic jacquard. Blue, mai ze, green, 12-18. 18.09-20.00 value 12.99 may co boulevarcfdresses 95 • famous name special buy summer's best dress savings Famous maker and favorite California labels ••• we've collected th em to bring you summer's most wanted dresses at savings! Come see a great assortment of current, cool, and carefree styles ••• .dcesses tailored or feminine, in colors galore, fabrics too, sizes 8 to 20. S.hown, the sleeveless polyester knit. Yellow, lime or pink, misses' sizes 8-1 &. 28.00 value. 26.00 lO 36.00 value 19.99 may co cosmopolitan shop 96 • may co south coast plaza, sa~ diego fwy at l:iristol, costa mesa; 546. 9321! shop monday through soturday I 0 a.m. to 9:~0 p.m save on washable, drip dry famous name jersey dresse s Now ••• a whole collection of supple nylon jersey dresses at savings. Perfect for ~ummer travel, year~round co mforl. They're. styled for a woman's fi gure i~ misses' and half sizes, shift an d shirt- waist shapes wi th short sleeves. Just rinse, let them shed wrinkles while they dry! Shown, one from a group ••. lhis in pink or blue. Sizes 12-20, 12 Y,-2 2Y,. were 17.00 to 20.00 8.99 may co daytime dresses 61 I ' ' • M SflANll, WOU • Mii.MUM \ • ... ' " ' ' • • ~'ond•r. Juty 1, 19'4 PAILV '1LPT J:,I • . . ·~-SAVINGS -IN E¥ER¥ DEPARTMENT IN All 17 STORES • VALUES fOR Y·ou, YOUR · H0ME, YOUR FAMILY1 • Caineras Prevent Suicides on Gate SAl'I FRAl'ICISCO (AP) - 'Television has prevented about SO suicides off the Golden Gate Bridge in the past two years. That Is the-estimate of Ed r..1oore, who started as a 1011 taker in 1939, two years after the famed span was opened, and is now bridge captain.- Television cameras were in· stalled on the bridge two years ago, one on each of the 74&- foot-tall towers. They operate 24 hours a day. Inside. lhe bridae office a sergeant sits tn front cif ·two closed-circuit monitors, con· stanlly watching -for poten- tial suicides, for accidents, for anything that might requ ire attention. The watch never ends. ONE RESULT As one result or thii surveillance, says M o ore, many persons, m o s l I y 'pedestrians, have been stop- ped along the railings. About SO admlt~ they had intended to jump. Usuatlr Qne camera faces northward Into Marin Countx _ and the other lOOi&.southward' towards San Francisco, but they can be swung in any direction in a full circle. The vic"·er can scan a radius of five miles at the push of a button and can change from long range to Cl03CUPS at will. . "It"s the only bridge in lhe counlry with cameras that can zoom and pan," say~ Moore. Effective as the cameras have been, they arc not sure· fire. On an average of once a month, someone _still goes over the rail to the water 220 to 23tl feet below before anyone can arrive to prevent il. There have been 362 known suicides. the first one even before the formal opening on May 27, 1937. TWO LEAPERS LIVE Two leapers have lived. Cornelia. van Ireland, then 22. suffered nlulliple fractures Sept. 4, 1941, but recovered and later n1arried . Thomas Paul Tawier, then 16, suffered broken ribs and a broken collarbone bot was not even knocked out by his plunge Jan. 11, 1965. · A conslrucUon w o r k e r , Oscar Osberg, survived a fall from a scaffolding Feb. 17. 1937, before tbe bridge -was completed. • ~ The sergeant at t h e television moriltors has a direct tele~ tine lo the highway patrol '! ana a radio link with cruising bi'ldge tow trucks. - Some leaps have b e e n fuvented after calls from lhe Suicide PreventiOd Ceoter. Various mnedies have been suggested, including neu and retaining fences beside the walkways. . -"U they are determined to jump, they'll jump,'-' say~ Moore. FIRST SUICIDE "Our. v.ery first suicide was rrom a safety net before the ,bridge was ~plet.ed. The gw.y scrambled,to the edge cf t.he ne~ and dropped." Fencing would add to the w i n d resistance and cause dangerous swaying. Even now , 100-mile·&n·hoor winds can sway the roadway up to IS r~t. bu~ high winds have caused only one ~losure, in l~l. -, ' Besides preventing suicides, the cameras are used to spot accidents and keep traffic flowlne. Daily traffic averages 85,000 vehicles, and the total has doubled every 10 years, so any sort of incident can cause quick jams. "Jusl recentl)','' said Moore, "we aaw an the monitor that there was an accident with in- juries. We had an ambulance there before the hi8;hway patrol heard of it." INSTALL CAMERAS Officials of the 8-mile-long San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge have decide<i to install similar cameras. 11leir prc.- blems don't involve _many jumpen but traflic is heavier -160,000 a day on two decks. The Golden Gate Bridge cameras on weekends also scan the bay for sailboats and check inbound ship lanes for the benefit of people who want to welcome a vessel as it passes beneath. Capt. Moore, after more than 30 years on the bridge, says he intends to retire in about a year and write a book. He already has-the title, "A Mouthful of ·Bridge Work,'' 2 Hog Herds Quarantined SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Two herds wllh a total of 290 hogs have Deen quarintined on a Freano Cotuity ranch In California's !irst outbreak: of hog cholera this year, lhe State Department of . Agriculture said Monday. The department said the _ anlmala: would be destroyed and the owner compensated. Ranch premises will be dialnfected and will rtDlllin under quarantine until safe, the department said. The most-r«ent outbreak of hog cholera occurred in Marin County 18'1 Deeember. IT'S A FACT! If you spent 30 'seconds looking et each of our shag samples, it would tak; you over 9 hours to see them all_. so· come e~rly end bring your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN 12 Biko. No. ol Bullock's) ORANGE HOUU1 f·l1IO DAILY CLOSID SUNDAY ' .. famous-make men 's no-iron dress shirts that are right on the target for savings Make a savings bulls-eye wilh .these nationally known short sleeve shirt values. Perfect for summer. Cool, wrinkle-shedding Dacron® polyesler and cotton. Choose stripes, solid blue, gold, green or white with spread or button-down collars. Save even more on 3for10.50 regularly 6.00-7.00 ' 3 • 5 9 may co men's rurnishinas 6 . - • .\ • Van Heusen's disc;ontinued -style machine-wash nylon knit shirts A top brand al remar kable savings, right at lhe beginning of sµmmer. Stock up now on these leisure·wear shirls with mock-turtleneck, full turtleneck or 3-button placket front. Many bright colors. Sizes medium lo extra-large. regularly 7.50 3.99 may co men's sportswear 84 save on famous-maker underwear in cool premium quality fine cqtton ~·\ .,..~ The white crew-neck !·shirt has a no·sag coll ar, taped shoulders. Sizes small to extra-large. Fancy pattern or stri ped broadclo1h boxers are Sa nforized®. Sizes 30·44 . regulorly 3/4.50 \\ 3 for 3 • 5 0 may co men 's furnishings 127 ' - --. - - may co 1outfi coast plaza, sen die90 fwy at bristol, co.ta mesa; 546 • 932 I' shop monday through uturdey I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. :MAVCO I • r I I I • I -· • .. • DAILY l'ILDT LEGAL NOTIC& 1.u-im NOfKI TO ~RIOl~S iUHltlG« COUlY M 1141 iT,l1C OP CAl.IFOlNIA •OM TNI CiCHIMTT Of' OUN•I Co.ast Cities 1/6p Sellers Car Mal.{ers ' Report High ,iq. """" l.11119 "" ttAY IAk_Elt CKAM9ll\.IM, .... RAY I . CHAMIEIU.IN, 0.C.~ MQTICE 11 Hfltf"IY GIVEN to IM <"""'°'• .. ... -Nfnflll _..,,, tllM I M WMf\I ~ ~lfnt M llNI lhe 1.W dKMloN -'"""'° .. II"' "*'°'• W.111 1M M!tflM" ~ Ill llW oflkt ..... tlffll "" .... ~ tflfl11td _.,, Of 10 ~ IMn°t• wll!I llot flfCU-Y ~. to the ~....., ,, ... I.•"' otlkl11 01 GATELY D GATEL Y, 1°'*' .. ~ lullcllnt. Ht fMf'MI $1r.._I, S.n fr1fl(JW1. C1Ulorftla. wt>ld'I II IN p!Kt ol butlllfU of • ~ IA •II mlll· le/I Mrt1ln!J111 to 11>1 tllllfl of llld d- dlfll, wltl!ln lour ,._lfll 111¥ "'-llr1t pi.tbllct!IO!I of IM nolkt, 011ec1 Jt;,. 6, lfft. Frid C. O.....bef~n Admlnr11r.io• ol 1flt £11111 ot !~ 1boo4 "'!Md Ot«Mnl -wlLL\AM----P~ GAtn-Y. 191111. GAtt\.'T IMll IATl\.Y, ,.__,. II Uw "41 f'llllH l1IMI"' , ... Mw'llft ,,, .... lM F....ctl.a, C11!Nr11ll t<llH Ttli 1415) 2'1-IDI """'""" Mt ,...,.lllhlnliw By RICllAllD P. NALL ot tll4o Otltf .. i.t 11811 Costa• Mesa, Newport Reach, Huntlnrton B e a c h • ..rnJd Westmfnsttr m a de • the economic hif:Pa!ade in 1968. They were among the top~ for retail sales. in Orange County's 25 cities. lnJn an.alxsis o( U1e 10 JrQ!lk.runners, _comfiled by lhe Economic Oeve opment Department o f Huntington Beach Chamber or Commerce, the chips fall where they may. Pllbllthtd OrtllM Co111 DlllY PUol, JuM 1'-n. 111 111C1 Juh' 1. 1ttt H-• And they mak~ interesting eronomic stacks since one percent of state-collected salea HOTICE 01' INT'(N.TIOM TO ENGAGE tax is returned to cities. '" THI SALi ol' ALCOHOLIC: Costa A1esa, a It h,o ugh aEVlll.AOEI '----c-=cc--'-.,.,-,.,-=''--"-, J1mt :Jll, !Nf r LEGA!, NOTltE TO WHOM IT Ml<Y CONCERN' LEGAL NOTICE l</blKI i. iu!MM.• of IM Ike..... llll·J----,..,.,-~==----1 •I~ rtr, lllllkt ii Mrelrl t lvtn IN! IM LEGAL HOTICE .,..,.,. .. Md p~ l'O sell 11cot1anc NOTICf IS HERE.SY GtVEM ""'' !tit be-wr"" •I IN' 1rC'fftlsef, "9Krfbed "' klliDw'I"' Ktmt Ill IOUl)d or IMtYH IWCllll'rfY 1011ow1• • "'"""' ~ hlld 11\1 l'lle hike Ofi>lr1""""' 1mJi Pltcleftlllo ........ CDSll M-.. o( lllf' C!ly Ill Cof!i Mete 1Dt e perioof 1'I P11rwant 10 ludl lnlenllo,., the """ p au ol ..i,..1., (flll di'l'I: ~eu'9Md It 1•"1"' i. tr.e °"9l1r1'i'IV"I P'lnk blk1. Tv-rlm, JIW bike, ol A,lcal!Gllc Br<er•tt Coottol tor lu~~ l llock blkf, Rell bike, G•et<1 *· lkle b• trMltftr 0( I~ l kol'IOllC b9•t•IA' l>lk1. II.Id b)Ur, l'I~ ffilf>tll~- llcmH lar lkMtH) fOf ll>nl' ~l!'mlsH Ii NOTICE IS FUll.TlfEft GIVEN 11111. Ii 1t11_.: no _,,., •-or1 •Ml proves ~ ON ~LE IEER -s11i. ol !NI ptQPeftv wltl>ln !W!Wfl AnYflllll 4Hlrl,.. to proltsl ~ llSUI~ 111 ell~ lcllowlnf ll'lt P11bllc1lfon ol !Ills ol 1<.<1°' ll'1!115t!tl may lllf I verllleCI 1ro-Noll(t , Ille li!le IN'n!lo Wll vn1 .111 Ille 1.sl wlll'I 1n1 ottlce or •~• De"t11Mrll al 11....i.l, H theu be one. oi in the Cfl\I of Akolle11c ae...er111 C?lllntt. wllhh> 3CI Cos11 Mn•. in-tilhfdiClie -1!\e prOPf:rft' Cl~ri of tnt: C11le 11\e "'""'" prl!'mlJe$ fl\111 be $Oki ti ...Olk 1uct1Pt> 11 I tlmt Wffl f(l"SI i<alfd, JllllM trO\lf!CIS !Of end dile to bl ~. oe .. 111 ., prC"lioHa 11'1" ltW. Tl'lt "'-"" DATEO; Julr I. lNt. •rt now ll(tfltld lo• tne ~le ol akohORC R. E, NETH --· TM torrl'I ol ~rlfktllol! ""'y CHIEF 01' POLICE _._..,..__ . ...__. ol tM Publl!JllCI Oren• CO&ll O.llt P'llot, 0o1>1r11'nt!ll. Tuh 7~' • 1t2.ff >-W. S!utttten Pub!I•~~ .. ,. c:oas1 o.ii,o •1101,, ____ w_G_AL_N_OT_ICE ____ 1 Ju•r 1, "" n1Mt1· LEGAL NOTICE Lead Retail Parade 69 Sales u1•nth rank</! In sl... rourlb IA average saJos P" rankillg In populaUoa, bid on· DETROIT CUP!) -Two of lhlrd In total retall sales Ith ouUd. 1 the big ttu-ee automakers $119,817,000 last year. Santa >,.!though • ?0th ranked in ~ 21 ouUet.8 reporUna but report passenger car and Ana 1 Wu flttl with $Z37 ,060,000 Populatjon. ~ B e a ~ h elr average aalu were an truck sales for lhe first half ol and , AniibWD second with made. a s~ing: "ift--tbil area al.mast .unbelievable j ~.TqO ll691o~ I.hose of 1968. 12811,998,-wilh'--$3:518:00'l juSt 'edgfug -1>"' •talion. 1bal Lwas mott Qener•l -Motore-eorp,.:.nd C.01ta Mts.a was third In 'Ne.wpon° Be~ch 'ror olnth. Pl.ace than 10 times the average of Foi'd Motor Co. 1ald they both volume of both packaged Ii· in fumllure and appUance Costa ¥eaa with f 2 S , 7 0 0 outdid -themselves In vehicle quor and auto dealers sales. sa les volume. average for 78 outlets. -With 46 sales compared to their 1968' But . there's_ another way of Jn volume of sales for ap-service stations, Newport sales, while Chry.fller Corp., looking at It. parel stor~s. Costa Mesa tool. Beach aver'llged '31,400 sales. which set a company sale! -a natty third with Huntington ln Lotal retail sales Costa record last year, .was just ME.SA TOPS Beach and Newport Beach in Meaa Wa.$ third. Newport under its 1968 record pace. In both categories, Costa respectable fifth and sixth Beach was seve.nth. Hun· GM recorded total sales of Meaacwas tops on the basis or spots respectlvely. tlogton. Beach was eighth and passenger cars and com. average sales per outlet with Huntington Beach was fifth Westminster was tenth. merciaJ vehicles in the first $996,100 in autos and $262,000 in volume of drug store sales William J. Back, economic six months of 1969 were per liquor ouUet. Huntington with. Newport Beach seventh development director for the 2,765,277, compared with Beach was third In the auto and Costa Mesa eighth. Hu~Ungton Beach Chamber of 2,524,562 last year. Car sales averages at $859,700 per Commerce, said the report were 2,319,569 and commercial outlet. UNIT AVERA~E showed that Orange County vehicles 44.5,708. Huntington Beach was in In the servi ce stat Ion commercial enterprise i 5 First-half sales for Ford third place also in lhe liquor category, only tttree, Cyprus, definitely in an overall healthy totaled 1,151,608, breaking the iierby averages _ $2l5,900 _ Newport Beach aod Santa Ana Condition wilh t 68'1 outlets previous record of 1,550,070 set pe.r ouUet _ and Newpcrt ~ed the unit average averaging $185,ooO per unit during January-to-June, 1966, Beiu;h held a happy fillh wlt.h f1cure of $25,900. Cypress, 13th las\ year. and well above the 1968 level: average outlet ales 0 f Car sales totaled 1,176,700 ·for $191,400. H the first six months this year Newport Beach ·Shone in the ah K k . . s t and truck sales were 374,908. culinary. and mixed dril\J< u._ es, er Orlan e For Chrysler. total sales for department. Although loth LI the first six months of l969 · ank d · lat' :. were 750,241 passenger Cars ~~d ~.~n ~:ta:~t "s :i: Vega s H t I 0 · , and 73,271 truck!. for • total volumes} (ight behind leader 0 e penmgs $23.012. It was the -nd- Anaheim, "-lth $25,784,000. Jl highest volume In the . history was first in the average sales LAS.VE.GAS. Nev. (UPI) -Tower, at 34& .feet ~ is of th~ 1:'1'i:• fbehrnd the ategcry-with.-ils-U~ting -Howard-Hu~e;,-and-K~laimed-l&-be-ihe·lallf.et-4n-tbe-~iCte-sJ:.~8;,f15...,.· d places averag10;1 $ ~ 6, 8 o.o Kerkorian two business ty· state, but promoters 0( the GM 502 338 Ford 282.045 and each. For the city eofhn Uus· ~ ' -1ntemationaJ say their crown Ch-1 ' ' ' I meant $257 840 coons who are altering the room lo tbe rt la 37 rys er 153,852. The sa es set . ' · . . ' skyline and nnan..clal Concepts · a P reso S June record! for each o( lhe Fountain Vall~y, 12th m s12e. tn the gambling city, are open-feet above the ground. big three. proved itself in the brea~ ing, new hotel-casinos this basket category. It w~tops 1n _ wee!!:..., , ·- averages of ecr-unit foOO store Both. "--sales with a whopping SSM,eoo, . . ~rts break with more than double lhe County trad1t1on m, that they are not average. Thls was for 17 wiiti. located O!l lhe gliUerkig Las . Vegas stnp known to tourists, West'!"nster .was the clote!lt but to the east near the. Las compe~tor with ~ .. stores Vegas Convention Center. Hogs ,· Cattle Blamed For Farm Price Hike averagmg $132~700. One is billed as the.tallest in SPECIAL TY SHOPS the state and the other is \VASHINGTON (UPI} e_arlier and 79 percent a year Ntwport Beach shone in claimed to be the largest in "other retail" whith lr1cludeS the world. One has Nevada's gifts, camera;:speclalt)Cshops: .firit hi&b·rise. ~!Po, thc.:9:thitr and others. It was third riink· one of the largest hotel ed in volume with $1'1,126,000, showrooms in the world: behind Santa Ana ,e n d Hughes' Landmark Tower is Anahe.im. But it maintained in the form of a space needle the top average-per-unit spot capped by a saucer-like top with $144,900 for each of l'1 which gives a 360-<tegree view Farm prices rose t h r e e • ago. quarters of one percent during . part of the gain ln fann pro- the-month-ended June 15, the. d'::'.ci eri~s. A ~-mparison .of Agriculture o e· p a rt men t prices farmers. received' with reported Monday. the cost of things they buy Tbe . . . showed farm returns in mid· . department said rising June averaged 76 percent of ouUets. . of the Las Vegas Valley. Costa Mesa, with $8,715,000 Ke rkorian's International prices f?r cattle and hogs the "fair earning power" par· wer~ chiefly_ responsible !or ty level. This compared with the increase 111 the farm pnce average. These gains were commercial veg eta b 1 e s, especially Loma.toes and lel· tu cc.- sales in furniture and ap-Hotel is 30 stories high and its pliances was third in volume . showroom can hold 2,000 $4,371 ,000 was seventh but persons. The La n d mark The. increase left farm prices 9 percent above the level of a year ago. The June increase came alter prices jumped 4 percent during· the monlh ending May 15. Meat animal prices on June 15 were up 4 percent from May to a -new all-time high, the-depart• ment said. • The price report showed J a.rm costs rose one-quarter of 1 percent lo another new all- time record. June 15, eroding 75 percent a month ago and 73 percent..a year a~o. An "adjusted" parity report which counts f e d e ra I payments Jo farmers in ad- d.it.ion to farm market prices, showed June 15 return s ave.raged 82 percent or parity which was the same a month Morris Plan's $5."000 Invest· ment Certificates earn 5.5% interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required. • Certificates purchased through July 15 earn eit 1he full rate from July 1. lnteresl ls paid by t:heck at the end of each calendar q'uarter. • Since its founding in 1918. Monis Pfan has promptly met every rtlQuest for wlthdrawaL Assets exceed $100 million. OR: WM IL25% INTEREST PER YEAR ON PASSBOOK THAln ACCOUNTS of any amount, with interest computed monthfy and credited and compounded quarterly. Funds placed by July 15 earn from Jul~ 1. Morris Plan Newport Boach-3700 Niwporl Bouleverd -673 -3700 Oth1r omees lhrtiughout C•llfomla California Production On the Rise Pf?c!ucti~n al goods and se.ryices 1n Califo~ \be ~oss state product, continued !ls upward spiral in May, reaching $100.26 billion , an 8.7 perc~nt increase in & year, ac· cording to a report issued to- day by The Bank of California. Personal income in the state rose to $80.45 billion, an 3.1 percent advance in 12 months, wages and salaries, advancing to $55.30 billion. represented 69 percent of this total. The Bank of California economic series m e a s u r e s economic activity in its tri·I state service area, and en·I compasses production of both goods and services t ol determine gtoss slate product. Income from nine separate in· dustrial classifications also! measures s pending byl persons, government, and by business for fixed in vestment. The esti mates are seasonaUy adjusted at an annual rate. . The commodity producing 1ndus trieg, which inc I u d·e ma~ufacturing. construction, agriculture, and mining, and account for 32.8 percent or gross prod'uttion , advanced to $32.92 billion in May. Produc- tion in the distributing in· dus tries, (trade and utilities) totaled $25.16 billion, while lhe1 service type indu stries rose to1 $27.23 billion . Governmental services, making a 9 percent gain in a year, totaled $14.95 ·billion ... . Personal tax· payments, sav- ings, and consu1ner inte rest payments subtracted $19.%2 billion from personal income, leaving $61.23 billion for persona l spending. Reta i J sales, up 8.3 percent in a year, tolaled $38.39 billion in May while services rose to $22.84 bil lion. Business spending for fixed investment climbed 16.7 per· cent in 12 months to $13.69 billion. with purchases of durable equipment accounting for $7.57 billion of this total. ~rivate construction. moun- ting 16.6 percent in a year, reached $6.12 btllion in May. 0( this total, residential con- stn1ction accounted for $3.19 billion, a n d nonresidential $2.93 billion. Government spending, ad- vanci ng .59 perctnt, totaled $25.34 billion in May. Of th\$ total payrolls aceounted for $12.91 biUioo, w h I I e con- struction. declining slightly, was $2. 73 billion. Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Lande rs THE NEEDLE IS MIGHJIER THAN THE PEN And the man tc1to knows j U#t how to turn the phro.st lo get tht 1 mo.rt out of th.t barb is DAILY PILOT column- .ist Sydney Harri$. Ht . has been called the modern • day ff e n r y Mencken . If you're ready for his use of the acid ad;e.ctive and t 1i o u oh t • provokfno prose to give you the needle ... if 11ou wam- to find something to think about tn what you read ••• if you have a .!etise of humor, you b e l o n g with readers who delight in telling others what i•syd said"' in one of U1e nation's mrut • quoted columm. Some Sample Barbs Rtcently Thrown ·B,y_Sytiney Harris: ''One 4if the highest paid. joba·rn Americ.1 consl1t1 !f standing up in.front of a mlc· rophont, separating the good rt cords from the bad ones -i nd pl1ying th• bad ones." 4'Jt's sad but true that while al coholics are the best argument !or abstinence, so many abstainers are equally effective ar- gument for a little drink now and then:• "Most of th• •~called 'incomp1tlblllf y' in m1rriage springs from the fact that to most men, sex ia an 1ct; While to a ll women, it is en emotion. And this di ffer· enc• in attitude can be bridged only by love." ••The soJe difference between a 'dedica· ted crusader' and ~ 'nosy reformer: con- sists in our agreement .or disagreement \Vilh his objectives.'' "The most txplosive combination Jn the world consists of sincerity added to ig no rance." • 1\Vhenever I am the recipient of an ex· cessively hearty handshake, I suspect ~Ir. ~'luscles is trying lo sell something hide something, or prove something." • Check The Editorial For This Signature Page Help _ You Find The Latest Quotables Cr~ated By 'The Needler; For His Col- A .Regular Feature of ' It'll umn, the DAILY PILOT J Your Hometown O.Jly Ntwsptpt r • -' - • • ' ~' • ' .. ' , . ' ' • • -. --~-... , (ALSO IN THE NORT/t SOUTH: AND ·· EAST!) ' . Now the nation knows what any DAILY PILOT-readtr could have told it a long time ago. Richard Koehler is a winner in photography. His photo {right) of an anntd robberv SU$pect .. being flushed fr~ his car bt1 tear gas .• already this ye·ar ha.s won a first place in both the Orange Count11-Rrts1-CLub_an£LCalifornia_New.spape:r_P.11.bU.thlr.1_ Association contest in addition Ul honorable mtntiom in Calij9rnicl·Ne~ contest sp011Sored by the Associated ' Preis and another ninner·up prize in the California Pre11 Photographers Association competitiQn. Now it ha,! uion ane of the big ones: first place in the Natfrmal News· paper Association's Better Newspape-rs Co1!test. The na· tional j udges also liked Koehltr's sports shot (below). In its category, it earned an honorable mention for the DAILY PILOT stJJf/ photographer, • ' First Traek Medal ·70,000 Fans Witness Mexico's Big Moment MEXICO CITY -It was Mexico's big m o m e n t of the embryOriic Olympic G.!flles. Some 70,000 fans-mostly 'Mexicans- jammed Into Olympic Stadium, hopeful one of their few entries in track and field would somehow succeed against the great legions of world talent gathered here for ~se Games. \Jt was late Monday afternoon. The lights were already on and ~he dark WHITE WASH clouds that thrtateiied to drench the huge crowd had passed overhead. There was one event left to be com· pleted on the day's program -the 20 kilometer walk . Russia was supposed to dominate it, but partial _reports perlod[cally flashed on tbe huge electronic scoreboard show- ed that a Mexican named Jose Zuniga Pedraza wu a contender. After five ijtometrs he was among the top eight wb11e the Russians held down three of the first four places. When I.be 10 kilometer atand.Wi wen( up on the board be was 11111 a serious challenger. aome 20 seconds o!f the pace set by V1ldlmlt Golubnlchiy or the So- viet Union. I By now it wu dark and all the ~itler events were over. Yet tho majority o/ u-10,000 hopeful Mexicans ttood £aith/ulty by"hoplng £or a miracle of sorts. Alter all, non~ or the exper1s had given ~edrlWI a prayer of finishing among the top i&, let :g: aet"' Ung In the mOdal claat (first ), But when the 15 kilometer 1landingi- •• blinked out on the giant board, a great roar emerged from tll."e-crowd.-'.fwo- Rwiaians, America's Rudy Haluza-then Pedraza. Could he hang on? • All eyes focused on the south encl of the stadlum, waiting for the participants in thl! 12 mile race to come down the entry ramp and onto the track. They seemed to seMe that the walkers were coming near ••. finish line j\idges were in place. A great chant began : Mayheco, clap, clap, clap! Mayheco, clap, clap, clap! It was repeated several times. ' Then the flret glimpse of a competitor! It was Golubnlcb!y, followed by anoth- er Ruaslan. And hot on their heels was Pedraza. The applause and cheering was deafening. It got more so when Pedraza began to chop the deficit. He passed the second Ru!Slan with 320 meters to go. And he was swiftly gaining ground on lhe leader. A gold medal was definitely a prospect for Mexico. The SpWiky Mexican continued to hac k down ll:le disadvantage unlll lhe last 50 meters~ you realizJhe was not gainfto overtake the Ruaslan. GolubnichJy won by 1.2 seconds - hardly a declalve margin for that great a dlltance . ..:.. but nevertheless enough for the gold award. But the V0,000 ·who saw It happen were apparently juit as jubilant over a silver med1l for their newly crowned hero. And to thow their appr'eclatlon, they stood by for over ~ hour, wailing to pay tribute to him when he took the second step on the victory sle,nd. When the. formal result was announced and the medal was draped around his neck it was a mom memorable scene. The Cheers and appJiuse were like thunder. And Pedraia responded by turn- ing toward all 1ides of the st1dlum and throwing both inns up as U to take those people Into his hear~ . . ---------- Gle11n-Whlte;-one..,,f-twu-Orange Cmmty-newspapermen-to "mak e the Olympic team" (the DAILY PILOT's Boating Editor Almon Lockabey was the only other county newsman to cover the Gaines Jn Mexico), also impressed judges ii'!. the 2,80!).entry National New•paper Association contest. Hi s Oct. 15, 1968, ''While Wash" column reproduced at left won an honorable mention in the sports feature division of the national contest. DAILY PILOT Sport• Editor White also had proved earlier this year he was a winner, taking first J.>lace in the page layout competition in the Oran~e County Press Club Contest with a page which, coincldantaJly, also was part of his exclusUte coverage of the Olympic Games in Mexico City for DAILY PILOT readers. • f ' t • I l l . . -' ' I ' . •• \' • I ' J ' • . I • l I ~ (8 DAllY PILOT -. -~ -_, --•• ' • rs- , ' • . .. . • ·" . FULL 4-PLY· NYLON GUARDSMAN • ' ~ 30-MONTll GUARANTEE-COAST TO COAST TUBELESS-BLACKW ALLS 6.50xl3 19.9.5 10.02 9.93 179 7.35xl4 22.95 9.02 13.93 2:07 '7.75xl4 24.95 9.02 15.93 2 20 8.25xl4 27.9S 9.52 18.43 2:36 7.75xl5 24.95 9.02 15.93 2.21 • TUBELESS WffiTEW ALLS 6.50xl3 22.95 10.02 12.93 1.79 7.35xl4 25.95 9.02 16.93 2.07 7.75xl4 2_7.95 9.02 18.93 2.20 8.25xl 4~0.-g;j 1Ct52 20:43 8.55xl4 33.95 12.02 21.93 2.57 7.75xl5 27.95 9.52 18.43 2.21 8.15xl5 30.95. 10.52 20.43 2.38 8.45xl5 33.95 12.02 21.93 2.57 ALLSTATE Passe . TREAD u~'if .J're Guarantee ~u1r1nteed Aa;ain!l: All fai lwa .ANTEE ~}'i.11..o1d:.~; i::.'::e\ir:".f[/:~t-~ik'm:'..','1,',~'." fro m no•m~ ( . I .xan Do: Re "r .1 111>'DI uead. O f111lurf' in exchan t pl.I nai punctures at oo ch I rian of current ge Qr the tire, replace it char . 218"· n 1he cai;c aenu ire ad u&edrcgul1r aellin& price phu Federal~~ only the pro pot· · cue Tax that rep•• TREAD -'" ~uarantccd Apintt: ~·OUT GUARANTEE or How l.of\8· Th Nt-OUt. , Wh11 Will Sei;. 0 ".~umber of months 1pec:ified. rnmnr r I 1 °'. 0 ~xchange for the 1i I · a.llo c~ u sc liq pntc plut"Pcdcral axd' '"" ICC ''· cbarfLinR the T>'lntc. seTu less thrfollowln' fllontlu Guarinletd • 12 1024 :?i 10 39 AJ l0.,.·1nc• HYie :z<r.. --·-·----~ • 6.~'f)xI3 . TUBELESS B,UQ(WALL P~us ~'79-F.E.T. -. , An.dfOld Tire ' .. \ • •• ·-Ott .. .. JOciEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 · · MIMttt-...1•'1, 1, 1te t , ... lJ r • . . • • • ' . ~ ' " . · ij~id~e B~ild~ ' l -For Beginners A grand slam attraction for area resideQts will . be sponso~ for eight'weeks_beginning at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Ju!X, 8. , . , Bridge lessons, il}Structed by Mrs.' William Hi Cfe¢, certified direc· tor ~n.d teacher, \vill be offered each Tuesday through.August in the club- house, Huntington Beach, and sponsors_ will be-:the JqniOr woman's ,Cl.Db. ~-.-There Will be a $10 ree-cor -tneseri·e1i;-and!...aI1-p.rOceeds-will--be!1efj '-~ Project Ff<:>"Jjf, aCcordilig lo 1.1.rS. COO.y Evah.s, JurilorS'Chaifmaii--:-+ ··- _Reservations or additional information inay· be obtailied by calling Mrs. Evans at 968-2122. The iu.niors also are· sponsori ng summer painting classes directed by Ora Binner each Tuesday in t'he :Huntingto.n Be~ch .Ari Gi\Uery. 'The 1esson s,' at $2.50 each, 'viii continue thr0ugh' Tu"esday, July ;>.2, and all proceeds will be ijSCd to ,aid the Golden West College drama departinent. Additional information regarding the Pflintini ciasseS maY, be olr tained by falling Mrs. William Lbkken, fine arts chairman·, at 842-3147. · Area residents are ur&ed to ·· make contribution~ of clean. usable clothing b.etween the sizes of-five and 14 to the Juniors' ·Fall Clearing House which will sort and 4istrib'6 school clothes to needy children in the~­ rplJ!li!Y this fall .- ~ .The drive to collect clothing began last month and _will continu.e tb-rOµgh Friday, Aug. 22-, accoFding to. Mrs. James J\1ahan, chaifman. Clo thi.ng n1ay le deposited at the .Community l\1ethodiSt Church, 6662 Heil Ave., or the Boys, Crub , 319 Yorktown Ave. · . ! &ftach_ Bazaar " . Fall.. ,_~1a!1Si \ Rev.ealed ~ A November bazaai will .De the principal fund-raising proj- ect for the Sunset Beach \Voman's Club, and in the pfocess or organizing the event are new officers of the club. · They were installed and 5cholarships presented during a recent Junctreon in the clubhof.lse. ---- • . .. . /-- r"" ' ... : ,. ' ,,.. •. , ...... , . . . -;,...._ . . . . .. -r • I ', 'J • " ... ' ... ' . ' • l.. • .-.. " ' ... ---- DON'T Be A 'DUMMY~-="?lay your. canlsrlgtttalfd1mild'y6ur bridge game ·-and funds for' Project Hope -at the same· ~ime. Members of the Huntington Beach Junior .Womap'.s Club a.re spon· sori11g a s~ries · of eigl}t IeSsdp's bet'innfng ·al 7: ~51 p,m. ~~sday, Juiy-8;-tn the clubhouse:-Miss-Mary--Aiin-Dartn~(l~lt)'ra£d-Mr!.­ 'Cody Evans, Juniors chairman, share grand slam po1_,ter& with their less knowledgeable friena, center. ' • ! I " .. ' • · sur.f Sp;uiias . . ByJODE.uf1fA'STINGS--teachers"WhiJwere~ppaued-ar -u1lk ls-operr-tCJ1:1Je.-pu~llr.and ._Ol.fbt Otllr l"lllt..ll•H-------the lack or knowledge £9reign is sponsored . .by Mrs. Sargent's SUMMERTIME_ and the teachers had about the Huntington Ha--rb.o'ur readirlg is easy. So all American way of life. neighbor~. "rcSldents of the ,fountain ~pen strictly to teachers, • VaU~y area are invited to take the AH Program pa)'s half the adv{lfltage of vacation, day s to tuition, the 'teacher the o1her cattjl up on their reading and· hal(, and American families 'then · broaden t h e i r un -open Their homes to the derstanding by joining the visitors for two weeks, taking Great Book.s D i s c Y s s i o n them to see various places of Group. interest. Th_c public is invited to al- tcnd the next meeting or the group Which will take place in the fibrary at 10 a.m. Wed· nesd~.Y. July 16. Open for review ~·ill be George Orwell's "Animal Farm." .. It's a marvelous ex- perience; I wiSh everyone \\'Ould do it,"· claims Doris. JOHN lAFfECTJONA'IELY dubbed "Charlie Charm" 'by members}-Smithers, manager of the Beach Club,.and his ~at• tractive wife, Alice, are back from a trip, to Ewr9pe in· eluding their former home, England. They spe~t a week · lri 11olland whert they vi!:ited the mother and father of Louis Beijfl, anoth.er cl up · ~mp~o.ye, belore leavipg for London which Urey hadn't visited •for 10 years. Taking office were the Mn>es~ qrant. J\.fyers, pres,i- dent; H. L. Vanepps, fi.n&.-vice- pre$ident and p r o g ram . chairman;. Alden '.I'ornqu,ist, second vice presl<tent and membership; Richard Slarl· · ing, third vice president and ways and means; Roy Walberg, recording secretary; Jura! Kit z·m I 11 er, cor- rcgpond.ing secretary; William · Drape~-ireaswer.,.-and-Ear Fertell, ,parliamentarian. Receiving the scholarships, whlcl\ are pres•ed annually - to deserv.ing S~et Beaeb students, were Susan Shutt, ""ho will study music and art in the University of California, Sant a Batbara, and Steven Kanold, who will pursue a science career in Redlands Univers ity. Scheduled for August is "The Martian Chronicles," by -Ray-Bradbur.y~----- DORIS (MRS. J A M E S ) Dick, president aiid long ac- tive with Fountain Valley's Friends of the Library, is looking forv•ard t o en- tertaining a teacher from Wyke. Bradford. Yorkshire, England r.ext month. ANOTHER FOUNTAIN Valley family who joined _the American Host family cur- rently Is visiting the many friends they made in various countries-arounct-the· world:-'- The Arthur · Butchers cur· reritly , are taking a two-year cruise via tramp steamer, stOpping lo see many of the teachers they formerly hosted. "Much refl1,UiOS the same," says-John;---·tiu~ln-m:a,~--+r respects it has becoffie more Americanized~ Motorways like , ' . . our· freeways a're ·new, but traffi c congestion is the s"me:." Club members are meeting weekly for a work day to make preparations for the fall bazaar, and serving as chairman of the project is Mrs. Richard Starling. Funds wil\ benefit an as~Jrt· ment of philanthropies in· eluding t h e commun1ty's recreation center for youth, the AFS program, Veteran's Hospital, Long Beach, and Fai!_view State Hospital. FOOD· FOR THOUGHT -Scholarship winners Su- san Shutt and Steve Kanold (left to right) were served funds_ for a cpntinuing educatiOn along 'vith lunCh by Mrs. Eilrf.Ferrell and -members of the S~nset Beach Woman's.Club during recenl lnstalla· tion cerenionie"s for new officers of the group. Serv- ing a~ preSident for lhe comin/ year will be Mrs. Grahl Myers, and the-next ftmcJng project will be a fall bazaar. The Dicks have voluhteered to serve the American Host Program, and their. guest for two week.'! will be Miss Ann Bower, he!admislress in a junior girls' school (Ages 7 to 1 ll. 'h' Referred to as teac 1ng without textbooks, the pro· gram grew out of a visit to . Europe by two Garden Grove ON THE SUBJECT of far· away places; Mrs. W y n Sargent, attractive p ho lo . journalist who ·viii leave again in October to vjsit the inland villages of Borneo with food, medical , supplies, personnel and · other essentials to save the starving Oyaks from ex- tin~.~pn, \viii be speaking tonight al .3 p.m. in' the Hun- Lington Harbour Beach Club. The informal meeting and They visil~d Dunster Castle, unchanged . since • their last visit 33 years ago. Castle Combe, whire •·or. DoolitU.e" was filmed. ·and on their first visit to Wales toured the Wye Valley , where they termed the scenery "beautiful -fan- tastic!" Italy and ttie Adriati.c Coast also enticed the 'Visi_lors, in- cluding Capri, Pompeil, Rome, Naples, Sorrento and Venice before they returned. ehe-atjn-g Wife Com~s 'Al.ive' Without Husband's H .e-~p DEAR ANN LANDERS : Please print this, but no clues as to-where It came 1 from. My letter could have ·been written by at least five million women. Let their husbands guess. · To The Man I Married : You have ac. cused me of cheating ob you. I've denied il bieause you have no proof and J .(lgure nothing can be gained from a confession. But now I'm rudy to admit that your suspicions are right. I've been seeing another man for alm<>!t a year. Here's w~y: ANN LANDERS ~ ' Furthermore, I am healthier and happier forgotten about the loan.'• J replied, than l've been· in a gOO(f many years.-"Good! J..c"an use the m<>ney." YOUR WIFE · That was a year ago and 1 haven 't seen DEAR WIFE: Yob did1't ask for ad· a dime. Eyeh 'ID a monUl would look \'ice so I won't offer it. Here's yoqr letter good. What should J do? -SHORT wltb ao comment. DEAR SHOllT'v: Write or phoae the The romance. WeDl out of our .marria1e long ag_o. You decided that frills , such as J:lndne11, consideration Ind decent min· ners, were a waste of time. You lei me know my feelings didn't count. tf you chose not to come home for dinner, l was expected to "catch on" by 9 p.m. and eat alone.. , When I folind lipsUck on your shirts I was supposed to believe it was red mark· ·ini crayon. 'You rerused to go to church with me becawe you said you could WorSfifp ·-noo better on the golr COlll'M tban-wiij} a,bunci't of hypocrites., Il 's been years since we had a rt al COll- Y{!rsllion. You are eJther too bUJy or too tired lo tallt. You've made me fe~l like a drag, a ~bore, a nuisance .and tinally, a fellow aDd ask bow soon be.can start to nothing. DEAR ANN: A few years ago I loaned make moatl).ly _payment&, a.catnst lhe szoa.- a friend $200. He promiB!!d to repay me A He 'of ln gr! •· ·• Id k Last year I met a man who made me l'i'ilh interest when he graauated Crom 1 8 ma r te ty ~ IHIOU ta e stepa &o btnor die c~mmitmeut, ao mat· come alive after I was sure I had dle<J college. ter bow modest the payments. inside. He flOO! me~mterestll'I~ and at.-A few months later he w:is called into • " lractlve. Jf19 marriage .is a~ b_;ld ~mine, the Army-. I.fell that~ long as~ was In o;EAR-ANN: Your answer to A..C .... U1e but he is tr&pped, ~ l•am, by""thildren, the setvice I would not remlnd him of hiS" student,'-was lousy .. Yri\l ·told hlni'to "keep aocl.otl pressures and flnanc!fl t.bllgptlons. obligation. plugging away." )Vhy ? Are grades THAT So, my dear hu!ba~,I am f!Ot.leavlng 1 When he returned he avC)idCd"ITie. 1 ran ·imPQttlnt? ·t know ' at feast a dottn you, but I 4Jn clieatini,..,.eY.tr)'.~cbance I_. into..him..aUbe..ho~\llUAL!riend.--llij,Uaret4'hotv~never mmtd the d~an'"a get and it is keeping ~e sane. lie was embarrassed and i8Jd. ''I haven't list bul)hcy are ignorant when it comes ~-----------------........ -"----''-'---'----~----·------' -. . -~ . ' . to things that matter. You .boobed, ~n. -ADAM'S-APPl~E DEAD AD; A.C. was oo tbe vuae or 011nklng out. 1 ad'vlsed llJm to keep ph.g- glng. Tltl• .... bto~lq? What Is French kissing? ~ts lt wrongT Who sH6uld set Ille necking linilts -.Ibo boy or the girl! Can a sho!gun, wtddln( sutteed·~ ~ead Ann-~' "bQOklet. "Teenage Sex -Ten Ways 'Lo co; It." Send 50 cents In coin a.nd a long, self·ad· + dres11ed, stamped envelppe. ., Ann Landers wl! bo glad lo help yo• wllh your pr11blem" Sen.I them lq litr In ·care or the DAlLY PlLOT, 'tncloslnt-a -, sell-addressed, 11tampcd~~J'dope . .._ .. ' ' j t • DAILY PILOT Moodor, Ju~ 7, 1969 MRS. PHILIP JOHN DELANEY Honeymoon in Hawaii • . . ... • 60879 Horoscope Pisces: Stick T 9 Objectives. TUESDAY JULY 8 _ I! SYDNEY OMARR Sa __ ln Ta1ll"UI; eouerve a 11 el 1 • S&ock up 09 1ta,,._ Start aav- lnp accom1t. Elltmaia. at home. Bat den 't Co to ex· lttmet In eatlq, drinking. J\1any today tend to 1lratn voices, irritate Ulroatl._Key is moderation and eye to futun: needs. ARIES (Mardi 21-April 19): You. may have more financial respoiulblllly than imagined. Realize this; plan accordJ.n&ly. Be ready to change course of action. Key ls to be percep- tive. An abundance of hints available. TA URUS (April 20-May 20): Handle your fair share of work load. But don't pennit others to push or cajole or th,teaten. You get backing ffm those who b a V e authority. Know this aIMi maintain dignity. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Day f eatu r es clandestine meetings; operatlons. Obvious-. ly, discretion is necessary. Don't tell all you know. Be ready to handle subtle persons wl:lo may have ulte r ior motives. CANCER (June 21.July 22): A friend in need confides pro- blem. Your solution could -- September Date Set For Rites MOVING -OU:r SALE! MATER N_l_:r Y _-""' 1 Group -Pastel Shades CAPRIS .... $3.98 1 DRESSES Group of PIUCID 1 group UNIFORMS LOW!! • Double Ring-Ceremony · When it's Berin, it's bound to be loved by all those who cherish the cut and style of couturier de'!ign. It-ftioi.~...,,,trnple enough;-to be sure. Who \voul d khow it's lhe,sligbt stand away oi µte collar ~ i:itatn· of events. ~~ .50°/o -oFF ! Pair Exchange Vows at Noon .. that looks oh so nice? And who would guess those slanty front darts co uld do so much for a girl? Try it and..see. Honeymooning in Hawaii are wore headpieces formed of the former Victoria , Lynette three small rosebuds. Annistead and Philip John Flower girl Sarah Normln· ton was clad in a floor length • Delaney, who were married in dress with short sleeves or St. Joachim's Catholic Church. matching orange co 1 or. The daughter of Mr. and Ringbearer was Sean Delaney, Mrs. Mark Armistead of nepbew of the bridegroom. Newport Beach and the son of Thomas Delaney was best Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney of man for his brother. Another Costa Mesa exchanged vows brother, Steve Delaney headed and rings at noon before the groomsmen wllo inc Lua ea Rev. Thomas Nevin. Hank Woessner and Larry Given in ma rriage by her Platroot, with George Berkos father, the bride wore a tradi· serving as junior groomsman. tional gown of lace and Heading the ushers was Den- organza with full skirt and nis Perkins, joined by Dennis ; sweeping cethedral train. The McGlasson, Dave Fox and r fitted bod.Jee featured a high Rick Naylor. f scalloped neckline and long Yellow and orange flowers sleeves of lace. An open rose decorated tables in the Mesa ·,of organza held her shoulder Verde Country Cub and circled ~ length illusion veil, and she the wedding cake for a recep- '. carried a bridal bouquet scat· lion following-the ceremony. tered with butterfly orchids. F.cldie Bush o[ Long Beach Fabric suggestions: linen. cotton, sbantun g, raw silk or jersey. 60879 is cut in Misses sizes 10-18. Size 12 requires approximately 3 yards of 45~' fabric for long sleeves or 2-3/8 yards of 45" fabric for short sleeves. To order pattern 60879; state size, in· elude name, add ress and zip code. Send $2 postpaid. Send orders for books and pat- terns to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. LX-15, Milford, N.J. 08848. This preperforated Spadea Designer Pattern comes in ready.to-wear sizes that produce a better fit and are easier to make. Order normal ready-to- wear size end allow one week for delivery;·A-- SOMETHING NEW: Pattern books by clas•ifl· cation: Afternoon & Cocktail Dresses: Ensembles; Duchess ot Wmdsor. Each book $1 plus 25 •Cents postage and handling. Card Cover Cala1ogue •10. Book 33 -collection of latest designs in all cate- gories $1. jloslprua. ~--. --. NE\V IDEA : First time designers have publish- ed sewing secrets. Booklets l , 2. 3, 4 & 5 -75 cen ts postpaid for each, .Ha~d Cove r Edition $5. ALSO• NEW : Teen Hair Style Book,let -do-it- youn;elf -50 cents postpaid. . Newport Pair Feted On SOth Anniversary Wearing a persimmon col· performed [or guests, who in- ored floor length gown of chif-eluded motion picture director ~1r: and Mrs. ch a r I e s relatives congratulating lhe fon over taffeta , empire--slyled John Ford. Ith lo h lee Everett of Neumnrt Beach senior Hazlewoods. w ng s eer s ves, was The bride was graduated ~r-El d h'ldr d BonnJ Ber• h ed were hosts when her parents. even gran c 1 en an e •OS w o se.rv RS from Ne~rt Harbor High d h'ld j · ed f f h · ~rv Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth one great-gran c i oin maid o honor or er coo:nn. School and from a dental col-J f · -•· J I d Hazelwood also of Newport the coup e's neuu~ o app au Kelly Arniliitead was a lege in Santa Ana. Beach, were honored on tbeir the cutting of a four-tiered an· Juni or bridesmaid for ht'r Her new husband also is a 50th wedding anniversary, niversary wedding cake. sister and other attendants in· Harbor High graduate and Other chlldren present for / The Haxlewoods have been eluded Patricia McNem ey, received a degree from the golden wedding reception Newport Beach residents for Deborah Trout and Patricia Orange Coast College. were Mrs. Evelyn Goldstein or four years, moving to the area Bnice. The young _so!W!:_plan to Va n Nu y s 1 Thurman after his retirement from 38 -·AJI wore similarly stylffi make their first home in J{az!ewood of Reseda and ~-yelrs or SefVict"with tfie ! chiffon and ta(feta gowns in Corona de\ Mar when they Kenneth ~lazlewood of 'North P'aciftc Telephone Co. They 1 bright orange and carried ar-return from lhe.ir wedding J{oliywood. Their respective resided for 35 years in rangementa of orange 3nd lrl partners also were among Burbank. fl l p. yellow summer owers. T 1ey 1 _::::;_ ________ ..c. _____________________ I Vacuum Made For Modern Housewives BIGGARS A new upright \'acuum, . eogineered to adjust suction _ aulomatica\ly no matt.er how • high or low the carpet nap, · works in conjunction with a dlaJ enabling you to set the neeper to aceommodate carpel thickness. 86TH SEMI :ANNUAL The' manufacturer says the . sweel'l!r with its automatic : suction monitoring system makes it possible to vacuum · the trouble-free way -'hig11 shag rugs, sculptured carpet, tradlUona l nap, flat surface outdoor·indoor carpet, and bare fioor5. Proper setting for the di:il are Imprinted on the back of ; &bt cleaner. WEIGHT@. WATCHERS. • rom. t1lkl1'11. 101T1t ll1t1 nfng ind -t--~iwoor•m thtt works. ,,. Im llOOQl-<AU llS-1501 FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.t1~'11Mo. PASADENA; Color1clo 1t El Molino SANT A ANA Main at Eleventh Don't get involved unless prepared to follow through . Avoid supe rficial actions. LEO (J uly 13-AUg. 22): You've asked for certain challenges,-responsibilities. Today !hey are apt l o materialiie. You get chance to enhance value of your product. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22 ): Forego journey u n I e s s absolutely necessary. You get what you need, but there is no WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE We shape your hair in the new ' ao ft·curl look.' We color yo ur hair I . h F . wit anc1-tone for beauty and lustre. We color- ' &tyle for your most flattering look. For Fanci· I 1tonc coven all the gray, high.I li gl1ts natural ' co lor, makes even dull hair look ' ,•ibrant and healthy. Special colors to tone bleached 11air, too- or to give your hair an ultra.high-fashion hue., Co1ne lice them! CRlAM HAIR TINT, SHAMPOO AND SET $6.45 Anytime -l\tost Cases Newport Be"h, Ctllf. ~na N•-· ""°· Mtrlltl 11~ $Qlilrt ""°"" '1•1'10 Costa Meli, C1lif. 131 Ii 11"' l!tMI MIV!tlt C.,ittr '""" ...... Mally '"011'1 '"or• •olun -to• llM-•n Jo IM'lttlo11, Shoop larly for lest s.lfttl11111 Catli'J~ MATERNl'TY & UNIFORMS 219 E. 17th St. • Ml 6-5388 -Costa Mesa Mesa C e nter :J3eauty Cotti Mesi, C11if. noo H•r~r 11.,,.. IC.MM'! 1'111• ,llMit UMtU Sa.Ions .-~- ' Co1t1 Mt11, C1ll f. 711 W. ltlll Strwt l'lan!!ll9 • 1f'ttl -.. - Artesle, C1llf. Orang•, C1llf. Fount11n V11lty, Calif. S1nt1 An1, C1Jlf • ""''eOdtf\ .. 5111*1'11 1'11111 ~!tr' "-1·501UJ fount1ln V1ll1y. Callf. ~1 .dll'!ltl' " ..... .., IA11 l'llM\ttr M11'kt1 l11~t1 ~ltf "'°""' MW07• U71 W. 0.1pmt11 Vk1c>r c ... 1111' ,.,_., m.zi• 17"1' Mt .... 111 \'111 ... (~ltr l'MM """*I V11"1 (tnttf" l'llOM 1114* ' • T rol)ser T ~end or No, Brides Prefer Gowns By GAY PAULEY NEW YORK (UPI) -The trOuser trend ir. feminine ap- parel has 'reached int~ the bridal market. Bridal · pants instead of brK!al gowns still are in the ....--· pcity.__bUL they_ .• a r ~ available if the girl wishes. Many of them are exlremely tastefully done and o n e manufacturer is showing a jumpsuit which is covered en- tirely by a lacy, long sleeved bridal coat. Many de s ignt':rs are eliminating the bridal vell this year. showing headdress or ribbons attached Lo long flow- ing coiffures. Traditional styles dominate, however , in wedding dresses for which l969s more than two million b r I d e s wilt spend an estimated $162 million. The designer in fl uence shows strongly in dresses, reports H. N. Polinsky, presi· dent, Bridal Showcase International, Inc. Showcase, headquartered in New York, franchiSes bridal salons na· tionally. Qut £orget the standard, acooped neckline, the tier on tierJol fabric. U tiers are used, lhe~ are ha~led in new ways u In IOflle of the ~ fluence gowns worn with man- Lillas. Si\houetles look younger and many r~ro.ble the sbort.- sleeved,-demure collared nu.m · her that Julie Nixon Eisenhcwer wore last December. wedding busitless b b I I business. Brides spend an ealimated $1 bill!Qn lU\f\Ually. Poli Mk)' says the average bride-spends over $..1,000 lO, furnish her new home and $500 on apparel. Polln9ky says about 75 pet· cent of the bridal purchasing taket-plaee-In the 1IK months surrounding the wedding. Other bridal facts edited by Polinsky : M.:iny synthetics now go into -Weddings have increased the finest of bridal dresses -from 1,301,000 In 1934 to including the traditional sum'-2,000,000 iq 1968, with U.S. mer organWI and the year-Departmenf of llealth, Educa- round peau de soies. Laces lion and Welfare (HEW) pro. still are impor1ed. And yes, jectiorui estimating 2,170,000 in there are , also disposable 1970. Biggest year -!!HO, gowns ot paper, with 2,291 ,000. Today's bride can choose,-in -June i_, the biggest wed· place ol attached court trains, ding rnonOi, followed b y detachable watte1u tr a i n s August, ·with September win· which detach from beneath ning by a nose over December the arms or others which for third place. detach at the waist. -Some 73 percent ol first In color, the all white and maniage brides are wed in ivories remain tops still, but formal white. other colOrs now are available, -The brides' median family rrom pale · pastels to colored income is $9,976, or 46 percent emi:lroideries. Many have col-higher than the U.S. 1967 na· ored appliques of flowers or tiooal aver~ge._ petalsl>n Whlte. 1 ----~~----1 ' ~­._ .. Plan on -a really ' carefree summer ... start · with a treasure perm -$10 • -- Any way you look at ii, tire y OU KNOW Packards Host Party Y llCHl[]f --H AIUROSTIHG~ .... =JA.88 complete __ _...., \ YOUTHFUL EXPERIMENTERS-Children enrolled in th• Junior Ebell Club's July workshop for creative introduction to new as well as tradtional art media include Robbi l\1urar, at easel. Instructor Aolrs. Edward Whitehouse and Eliza- beth I-Janson di splay their creations of clay. A total of 15 children from the ages of 4 .to 7 are enrolled in the swnmer program sponsored by the Newport Beach club. · JunJor Ebe/J Workshop . - For 40th Anniversary WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT At a garden party and Joseph Spencer, Mrs. Richard BLUE BUOY champagne brunch in their Armour. Mrs. L. G. Clarke, Newport Beach home, Navy John T. Packard and the AMS. Will Yeu Capt. (ret.) Alden C. Packard, Messrs. and Mmes. 'Ibo..!Jlas :;::'•· S-:::.'"•111• and Mrs:· l'iC'ka'F m rli:ed Laurie , Thomas Van -AH. Shampoo and set . • • . • • • • $3 (Mon., 1 ..... ond Wed. only) W• spe<ioWza it! the cor• of foiliiatl wlgL NO APl'OlNTMENT NECESSAJtY . NlWPOllT llACK HUNTIJrUiTON llACH ... "'!Ofl 1.i.no "'""'1"'111•"" c .. 11 ... M..o;Ar!h\11" •T Edlftett 11 l"ldtic (OU! ttwy, 11'1 0-.. FW'/ • Youths Take to Ease .ls their -14th w-e d d i n g an· Rennsaller, Ed M<idse:n, A. H. 546-1800 ,_ ' · -· niversary, with five olher1 ~P~a~c~ka~,d~an~d~Th~o~ma~s~w'i_arre~n~~~~~~---:_J.:~===~~~=======~==== members or the original-bfklall· party present. , -· \Vhat youngster doesn 't en· joy the feel of wet clay or the satisfying splash of paintbrush IT'S JUST A LITILE OL' SALE! fbvl yWll llvt illl * 1/, Slips Toffet• & NylOJ1 * Quilted Rob es florals & Solids * Coulottes * Girdl es Name Brand Straple5s BRAS· ~~ 500/o OFF fl2·D-42·D llctdll M•ny olh•r ii,m1 •+ hu91 1•vil'11jll -Tho not in 111 1tvl11 or 1i111. Speciatizing i11 D & DD Graduate Corsctieres Si ndy C1tl1on Mari Gr1v11 r. J4JI 1Y'P )1-fi;f/ LINGERIE 250 B. E•st 17th St., Hill~r111 Sq111r1 6~1-S~JO Cost• Mesa Tilt Packards were married In Claremont and honey- on paper? ?-.1ariners Library in Newport mooned on Balboa Island. For 15 budding artists, these Beach and in the Corona del They moved lo Newport Beach and many other joys will fill· following his retirement from the month of July in the Mar Library. Parents may the Navy in 1961. Newport Beach Junior Ebell bring their youngsters to view Donald Lay, who had served Club's creative workshop for the exhibits and find new ideas as best man was present with children. and ways toe x per i men t ~trs. Lay, along with Mr. and Mrs. Edward \Vhitehouse themselves in lhe world of art. 1'-1rs. Joseph A. Caldwell who will teach lhe twice-weekly Children participating in lte were usher and bridesmaid, classes designed to acquaint 15 Ebell Club's program are ~1iss Joan Caldwell who was young participants from the Chris 11astings, Sh a r on flower girl. and Mrs. Rockwell ages of 4 to 7 with free ex· Cha bre, Kirs ten Fix, Kari Day. bridesmaid. Her husband pression in various a r t Richardson, Robi and Mandy also was among the guests. medias. Murar, Tim and Valerie Other guests who gather The patio of Mrs. Larry Mit· Moseley, Elizabeth Hanson, for the occasion included chelrs home will be the scene Me\lssa Mitchell, Trish and Marine Col. A. C. Lowell (ret.) for U1e sessions, each of which Scott Chapman, Kelly and and Mr_}. Lowell, Capt. and wj\l include one_ wet. one dry Debbie Wood, and S u s i e Mrs._Sam MillerJ_ Dr. and ~rs .. and one dimensional media .. _ =S=h='=""='="=· =======F==·=p=·=B='=''=k=el=~'=D'=·=a=n=d =M=nt~.,I Mrs. Mitchell is the Junior.r Ebel! fine arts chairman. Young students not only will model with clay and other doughs but will explore the realm of sculpture with such intriguing things as wires and egg cartons. They will be en· couraged to produce bold works of art with painls and fabric, learning the primary colors and the , lechniques of mixing to create new colors. They also will delight in becoming amateur photographers, as they snap photos or each other in an ex- periment with this modern art form . The children '5 creation £rom the summer workshop will be on display during the month of August in the Semi-Annual QualiCraft clearance 8.99-10.99 dress styles ' 2iot.9 casuals! most were 4.99-7.99 2.99 Prked for plentiful pidingl Dress styles In mony heel helghti,. doytime or playtime cosuols wl1h th• fun look. , B•rulbng cleara11cf!,~ 1tglf!•_ 1.97 to4.97 BEAUTY HOUR, MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Is your h1ir Gull, lifeless, uninter•sting 7 Then com• to the B•auty Salon, MonGay, Tuesday or Wednesday, and l•t one of our beauty ••perts spend an hour of beaufy with you. Yo,Yr h1ir will be trimmed, styled, and highli9htad, and you'll emer9t with • glamorous new j ok for summer. Hour of Be1uty: 7.50, complete with a Bals1m tre1tment if needed. Telephone: from Aneheim, 535-8121 ; from f'!ewport 6'4'4-1212; from Huntington Beach, 892-lll I ' •Now ••• this week all 26 Gloria Marshall locations in California of· fer a special Summer 'Speed Up' program designed to help you quick· Jy lose up to 2 bathing suit sizes in just 30 days at Gloria Marshall's D_QN.'-T MIS_$__T.HIS _WEE.~ G:P.EAT OFFER ••• it's by the world's largest, owned and operated, Figure Control System for women. No strenuous exercise ••• we are not a gym. No starvation diets ••• no drugs or pilli. At Gloria Marshall's you'll lose more inches and pounds for less money'. mucfi leu, than you would pay for any other proiram anywhere. Call u now fot a free saJllple visit during which you will actually use all of the specialized machines for reducing. Be our guest too for electronic facial contouring. No charge, no obligation. Call today. NEWPORT ·BEACH - 430 PACI FTC CllASTHIOHWAY -'4l46l0 11 (lll<kt Int ., •• -. • .., C•I RESULTS GUARANTEED in writing GLORrA MARSHALL 1ays: 'Tell us the dress size you want t.o WC4f1 and we'll tell you how many vlf.. its it will take and guarantee in writ. ing that yott 1vill reach your goat Ia. fact, 11<> abool11tely p&itive ar~we that you w~ll obtain your object.ive, that as stated in our guarantee, we will even. let you have "FREE OF CHARGE, ANY AND ALL FURnIER VJS- ITS, until you reaclt your goal. IL"• positive umrance that we back up our gumnf.ee 100%. FIGURE-OONTROL SALONS WrM.Mt.t• .... I ....... """ ...... SANT.A ~A - 1144 WESl"..J1TtlSTREEt..-54J.MS7 SALONS AlSO IN~ ANAHEIM . IEYElllY HllLS. COVINA, Clll.ENSHAW, OOWNIY, &lENDAtE, lAKEWOOO, lO H • IEACli, NEWl'OllT IEACH. NO.TH HOlLVWOOD, ONTARIO, 'ASADENA, S+N DIE&O, SANlA ANA, SANT.\ IA•· I IARA, SUNLAND, TAR.ZANA. TOllllANCE, WESTCHESTER, WHITilER , •• ALSO FRESNO, SAN JOSE, Stf\CltAfi!ENTO, -tl.tJ=l~c::::>~"\l\T~~ , ......... S~UN·N-YV•A;lEmlmW;;;AlmN;UT~C·R;EE·K~.C·A·Ll~f .......................................................... ·~· ,ASHION ISLAND SOUTH COAST PLAZA HUNTINGTON CENTER N•w~orl l•1d1 Cotl• M111 Hu11!ift9lo" l&lc~ ' • ' • • • ( 1· f l I ) t • ' . • • IO OAILV l'ILOT Laver Will Plaf AnQ~ er Years E>dllllve le lllo DAILY PILOT Newcombe (wann beer prevails In ··-f 1 I doll"' or ,marks.. • ' ' tJally larger purses'- Darkness was beginning lo embrace tM old Enaibb capital dly. n>oosandl! of l'.lt09, signs were tai.lna over where the aun bad left otr. Londooert crowded the streets, as they always do oo Saturday olgOls. Sealed hr a West End Hotel was a ~­ haired m!denl of Co-de! Mar, who wlthirLilfhOUfWPOOld be-on h1s way to·the \Vimbledon Victory Ball as one ol its guests. ol honor. In ooe band be held the telephone which was coonectl.ng him with the DAI· LY PILOT office, 6,000 miles distant In the other he held a cold beer, the Immediate fruits of a hard.earned \Vimbledon victor)' over AWll~allan Johri England). Rodney "The Rocket" Laver fielded the score ol quesUoos directed his way with the same Skill and po1$e he utllized earlier on Wimbledon's cente:r coon as he dl:sposed of the stubborn Newcombe, M, ~7. M , M , to earn a second straight UtJe in the coveted tenni.'I tourney. For eiamp!e, thls wetk's upcoming tourney in Boston will be worth $8,000 to Its winner. And last month's Madison ........ -w-~-~'11" 'Ille 30-year-old southpaw 's most lm· portant answer, bow ever, concerns the anticipalod longevity of -his ployln11-- WHITE carttr. "l feel t can play fairly solidly for the next two or three yea.n," he says. "After that, however, l have no plans." The Rocket's win SJturday upped his 1969 ea"mlilgs lo approDmately $70,000, with the Wimbledon. triumph worth $7,200. Hov.·ever, he's played for substan- ...... ············- •LINN WKITI Square Garden lovlletiooal paid 111,000 lo lts champion (Laver). However, Laver does not measure Wimbledon's worth in terms ol pounds, Says Busi11,ess Agent 0. J.-Buffalo May INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. CAP) -Will O.J. Simpson gel back into a Buffalo Bills uniform? The answer could. come this week, Simpson's business agent, Chuck Barnes, said hopefully Sunday. "I'm bopffi& we can work this thing out pretty soon . . . something has got lo break." he said. Simpson, the iinsi&ned No: I choice from this )'ear's p·ro football draft, put on a Buffalo uniform thls spring and posed for pictures to be used in . a magazine .spread. Magazine editors are now wondering what to do with those pictures along with shols of the recenUy retired Joe Namath, quarterback ol the: world champion New York Jets. ' "Mr. Wilson should he back from Europe Monday and I plan to call him • . . He indicated he would sound out other o~·ners about a possible trade:. Mainly, we want to find out whether he's had any success," Barnes said. The: Bills open their preseason training camp for rookies Wednesday at Niagara Falls, N.Y., but Simpson v.·on't be there unless under contrad, his agent said. Barnes talked with Simpson JaSt week in Los Angeles, where the Heisman Tropby winner was playing the-role of a Heisman Trop.il)' candidate in a telt:vision show to be shown in September on a new CBS series, Medical Center. ''It's a major role , and he did amaz. tngly well," Barnes said. "The producel°I were v~ry impressed with O.J." "Whciou plaf here you think ol lbe evtJrt, the fuoney," be points otit. "'Ibis In w~ very important to me becaqSe it keeps alive ~ my remote chanees for a second rrand slam (Win- ning Wimbledon and the U.S., AustMUan, French opens all In one year).'' Laver is · perhaps UOOersell.ing the shortness of odds which favot him to become the first man in history to twice r<eord·lhe~ slam mce·ontyihe·U. , Open remains on the list of required con- quests . Regarding hb victory S&turday, be bu I.his to say : "'Ibis WU my tougheit Wimbledon final , , . I returned hia serve well and volleyed well at crucial times . But, I had a few lapses and his Jobs took a bit out of me. I npedod lllm le llWJhe riet_.,, ·on the run lh~l lha oet. not lob-oo much. Rliard!NI U10 Ill doOble faull,l l!o ...,,. "I played hll ba<'khanct partJcularly mllled. I,aver',ta)'I lhe oeemll>llY ·hllh well •nd felt that Wii'lht-moat hQpoNnt number ls not 'tmcommoU wben you are wn, for me In lbe malcib." pj'Wurlng younoelt and trying ~ bll lba Lavtr adnUtl--be waa down ln the bfll hard, as.he wu. · doJdrums In the middle of tM third IC!t 'Jbe ~ dt:I Mar wb1z. a na~ve when Newcombe bad taken a ,_1 lefd, Au&tralian. 11)'1 he's never s c e n However, at that Point 'I1le Rocket J&· Newcombe pl&)' better and admits he ~ad nited and took the set. M. In one apao a number of •llllool moments before over lbe final two seta he 'f-91' seven ceo-breaklh_J through to overcome hi! rlv4J.'• leCUU .. -pmes-and caplurod-U•of-lhe-fmplt«t"!'lly. -~ la.st 15 games. Laver returns to Corona de! Mar July "When I broke Into 1 5.4 lead In lbe IS, where be'U relax (by playing tennis) third set J felt more confidence. and begin prtparatJon for that lut atep "Then ·when I broke bl.I service to win on the grand slam ladder -tbe U.S. the first game ·o1 the fourth Jet I knew Open at Forest HUis. N.Y .. next month. tliat if I could hang onto my service I had And, he be&ins the couotdowft for ~e Lbe match won." arrival of his flnt child, also due m Laver did just lhat and bad Newcombe Al!IU$!. , U"IT ....... Hill Thrives On Relaxed Golf Slate FLINT, Mich. (:!Pl -Dove !lill1 lo, playinf'gotf~ ... and~onjoyinf.It.m=- "The rtdll<Od schedule bas helpad my confidence, my game, my golf and my family Ure. The kids don't have to peep around comers to find out what's going on," Hill said Sunday after making tilt! Bulck Open his second tour victory of the season. And he paid tribute to his wife, Virginia, for lhe new outlook. "My 'wife had been telling me for yea"' that I'd been working too hard at it," the darkly handsome, outspoken character said. "I'd been playing golf, either playing or practicing for nine year11. Every day. Didn't miss a day. "Howeve'r, I didn't pay iu;iy attention to her. Whit did shoe know? . "But alter the last tournament Jai;t year I wes a wreck, mentally, physically, emotionally. So I gave my clubs to a neighbor and he k>cked ·em up in his garage. Wouldn't 5lve them to me no matter what. I didn't play for two months. Barnes and RaJph Wilson Jr., owner or the American Football League Bills, we;e a rePorted $400,000 apart in their lasi negotiating session, about a month ago. Wilson baa been in Europe most ol the time since then. AJ for the impasse with Buffalo and the· question mark ovtr the football future, Barnes said, "0.J. is taking it very well. I think I'ril mo~ worried over what's going to happen than he i!." MISTER TENNIS -Corona del Mar's Rod Laver re.turns fire in the finals of the \Vimbledon tennis classic. The classy Laver rallied to dispose of Aus- tralian John Newcombe in what the CdM ace re- ferred to as "my toughest-ever" Wimbledon match. "And I came back this year playing like I'd dreamed of playing." The figures bear him out. He's nolf earned over $98,000 Utia year, second only to Gene Littler, Is one of five multiple winners lhls year, has been in the lop 10 in five of his last seven tournaments and ia the top 10 eight Um es this year. Roaring Ho1ne in First Place Gordon Johncock, who finished a humiliating last ln 1968, races down the home stretch to victory in the Rocky Mountain 150-mile auto race in his Gerhardt-Ford. Costa Mesa's Dan Gurney, who Jed in his Eagle U,.I T1.....,.,_ Ford for 14 laps, was second. lt was Johncock's first victory over the season in the race for Indy type cars. Lefty Glad Priddy's Gone DEPUTIES F,4.CE FORGERY RAP SEATI'LE (AP) -Callfomla Angel Manager Lefty Philli)ll ~ms happy that he·s rid of pitcher Robert Priddy, who was sold outright to the Hawaii Iiilanders of the Pacillc Coast League for "popping orr." "He has been "\In about rive major 1eague-bilfclu5s and fie COUICfifl Stay on any one of-them," Phillips said early to- day in Seattle where the Angels meet the Piloc.s tonight. says one thing one day and the next day he says something else," Phill ips said. The Angel manager discounted reports of unhappiness among his players. "Every ball club has two or lh rce similar to Priddy," Phillips said. "On the whole with 25 or so ball players, you have two or three in this category." dent Bob Reynolds will soon resign. And it aaid Gene Autry, chalnnsn ol the board, is about to lake a stronger hand In the operation of his team. Priddy, who was acquired In a trade May I~ along with infielder Sandy Alomar from tht Chicago White Sox for second baseman Bobby Knoop, popped off at Phillips in the lobby of I.he Knickerbocker Hotel in Chicago Saturday night. MONTICELLO, N. Y. CAP) -Two sheriff's deputies, a printer and a machinist v.·ere charged with conspiring to forge and cash $100,000 worth of win- ning parimull.Jel tickets on harness races al f\-1onllcello Raceway SaturC.ay, state police said. James Patrick Rogers, ~I, of fl.fJn· tlcello, assistant chief deputy sheriff of Sullivan County. and Milton Faer, 50, of Bushville, a deputy she riff. were releasetl on $.500 bail e-ach, state police said. Division Lead On Line; LA Hosts Atlanta LOS ANGELES (AP) -F:irst place In the National League West iB on the line tonight as the AUant.a Braves and Los Angeles Dodgers open a four-game series. But it will not be a classic con- frontation of pennant contenders. The Braves are weary and the Dodgers are hurting. · Following tonight's single game in which Atlanta's George Stone will duel the Dodgers' Alan Foster, the clubs prepare for a twinight doubleheader Tuesday. 11 will be the third twin bill for the Braves within five days. "This is the trip l 've been afraid of Dodger Slate ~~; 71~:ir.:~:121 jJj ::~ 15~111:1 JlllY ~ .... Atlante :ll D.m. ~-=· .... ever 1ince the season began," said a dubious Hank--Aaron -of1he Braves. Thus far, his (ears have been partly realized. The Braves dropped four or six games in San Francisco and now lead the Dodgers by a scant half-game. Meanwhile, the Dodgers. 8-1 lost.rs lo Cincinnati Sunday, are battered and bruised. Don Drysdale, who was to st.art to- night, will miss at least · one turn and probably more because of a recurrence of a shoulder injury which sidelined him for aeven weeks earlier this year. "l can hardly lift my arm lo comb my hair," Drysdale s&:id glumly Sunday. Another pitcher, Bill Singer, is also bothered by a sore shoulder while first baseman Wes Parker is nursing a thigh injury and second baseman Ted Sizemore was hit on the right forearm by a Clay Carroll pitch Sunday. CINC1"14ATI ""' " S-•rt II TOii" d P1r11 JO L MIY lb l!ollflCll c HtlrM 2b Fl~lr n Ch~ney 11 C•rroll p ~It r ~ M .! l J I ~ 0 I 0 • 2 I 1 A JK1110t1 p • 1 ' l 3 I I 0 • I l 2 S 0 2 I 5 a 2 I 0 0 0 0 J 1 0 G 0 • 0 0 Ttltl P I H I LOS AHOILll Wllll n ,..,,,. ,, W 0.vll cl R11uell cf G•11<1<111t1 10 Suclft~l1 Jb H•llK c P1t11;1r 1111 Tor111r1 c Crtw!Ord 11 Sl!emor1 Jb Su!IOfl o ""rd'" p Ltftlwrt pll ,.,,~ .... l(o.ce ,r'I Toll I ... '"Ill i 0 , • s 0 , 0 J • • • 2 0 l 0 4 I I 0 3 ••• J 0 0 0 l • 0 • 0 • • • 4 I l I l 0 • • • 0 0 • I I I I l I I I I I I I • 0 •• " 1 • 1 And he came into the 11%5,000 Buick Open with only one start-the U.S. Open -since be'd won the Memphis Optn tJtle about five weeks ago. He'd taken the time off to investigate a weight Joss, he'd dropped 2S pounds to 140 since the first of the year, and found it was nerves . So he increased his smokin1 to about two packs a day. "It helps calm me down," he said. "Ii works." No More Boos For Meredith DAU.AS <AP) -The Cotton Bowl won't seem the same this autumn without the Dandy Man, swashbuckling hero to some and butter-fingered villain t.o others, calling the shots on the playing field. Don Meredith announced his retirement from professional football Saturday. For 12 years he was THE quarterback in this football mad town -three years at Southern Methodist and nine with the Dallu Cowboys. He quit st the age of 31, in his prime as a National Football League quarterback. Only last year he rated as the second best quarterback. in lhfl NFL sLalislically. The anti-Meredith faction took him apart at every opportunity. They claimed he "choked" In the big games. Anything that went wrong with the Cowboys was Meredith's fault, they claimed, including the narrow NFL championship losses to Green Bay. He was the target of boos and obscenities. Meredith said be didn't pay attention to the fans, but il had to hurt. lt bothered his wife, Cheryl. "The same trouble followed him wherever he w·as at -the trouble of pop- ping off all the time," the manager ad· ded. Phillips said "curfews meant nothing to Pnddy." The 29-)'ear-0ld right hander, who said he wu going to h11 San Francisco home, thr:ew a few criUcal remarks at Phillips SalurdQ' ntpt in Chicago. Priddy &aid : One Angel regular, said: "'Phillips is conducting a reip of terror. Suppose you go to dinner after a night game. Suppose the service is slow. Hell, you better get up and go back to the hotel. It's a con· slant fear that if you are late. If you make a mistake, youlll be fined." Another regular said: "t.faybe all this was overdue. After all he inherited a li,l· place club. He·s lhe manager and be has the right to do and S11y-whet he-plast.I." A,igels Battle Seattle • Ill TV Action "I could no looger play for Lefty Phillips. J've...~ f(lrlLIDAQ)' managers. bul he~• the wOtst." · Phllllpo said Priddy had said "he w.., aotna to rttJrt u of nut Sunday -that's What be sakl. H' Wll &olDI to retirt two do,yl olltt we got ltim from lht Wh ile Sox. "That'i llie fype of fell°" he Is. 11• Phillips, who replaced Bill Rigney, fired shortly after the season 1>e1an, fin- ed pitcher PttU Ortega $500 last week for reportedly bring In a hotel lobby wllh his undershorts on. In another matter involving t.he Anaels, one newepaper said 11 learned &hat presi· SEA.Tl'LE (AP ) -Seattle's Pllols, two jun1p! ahead ollast place. Callloml&.-holt the Angefs Mooday night in the first of four consecutive night games. The AngeJs split a four game weekend series with fifth place Chicago. Sunday, the Californians nipped Chicago 2-1 after waiting an hour and a half durlna: a rain delay In Comiskey Park' prior to the stan' of lhe aam•" In tonight's opener Andy Messersmith .. U.-will (ace l\tarty Pattin, 7-G. The game will be televised al S o'clock on Channel S. Bubba r.!orton's two-run homer In the sixth inning Sunday provided right· hander Tom Murphy with the margin of difference to get a split for the Chicago series. Morton's homer was only his fourth .of the ~ason but two have betn off Sot lef. ty Tommy Jobn.~'J loser._~y both Caple "on the same type of pitch, right down the pipe," said Sos Manager Don Guteridge. ~"Murphy ls usu•11Y wUd but he's just a kkl,'' said Angel sk:lpper Lefty Phillips. "He's got guts and ht'U be • helluva pitcher.'' To!tl Ctlllomi. Cfttc1go CMIU.00 .. f. Iii IMG,.w f1 t I t ,.._'lltllcll pf! I I I -·tel; u -, ' • Clt\tyl! tf l """ '"' , b 2 • • Me!l111 JO 4 I t HfffMMt 2 11 lrtdlonl cl l o I ""'°"" • ' 0 l Jlll\l'I , 1 , 1 w .... Jll Tlltl J:I I ' Ill 101 I ll -2 111111000 -1 . - ' t ' • • • ' • • • • • • • ' ' ' • DAltY l'llfT jI In Lejiota Plq -Spa r 'Clippe ]lwrt. Mid~ay, Dodger .Nines Montgomery E-r~ses -Mark Holiday Baseh·all· Tilts DA.l'TON, Ohio -Elenor Montaomery set en Arrlertcan women's high Jump record and Barbara Farrell won two events Sunday In the Women's National AAU Track and Field Championships. Ma=tyn Loots ol San Frandlc:o woo the &iris' IS doubles crown. • Loo&woOcl Cr1cke1 Club and wUI meet Ray Moore ol South Africa In Wed· nesday'• flnl r<Mllld. ·By DAVE CEARLF.Y ot .. Oil!)' """ 11111 The Newport Harbor Dodgers and Mldway Clty both oot.ched a palr or wins Satunlay and SUnday in Orange Coast Am<rican Legloa bQeball play. Luckless Corvna del Mar, at.ill with®t a victory, dropped its tenth . straight decialoo. bowing lo Rancho PacU1ca, 6-4. Newport's victories were the most spectacular, including a t.en°! lnnitlg vic- tory on Sunday, and a one-bitter lhrown by four Newport plt~rs Saturday. Pitchers Steve Hedric.h, Denny Bean, Steve Schoetller and Jim Wat&on corn· bioed lo leave 8olsa with only a sin&le bale tut in a 8-3 verdid.. Thlrd baseman BUly Powell collected lbne hJla and shortstop Ron l,<avy two ia.paclng the Dodgers. Miss Montgomery broke her own na· tional recbrd of 5-9 with a leap bl 5-11 . • Jcbn Newcombe of Australia, whO IOllt to Laver in the WlmbledGa llnll. was seeded seoo"od and wlll meet Alu Obnedo ol PeJ'll, Sixletn players are entered ln the five. day tournament. &mday Tom KinCt Dodger right fielder, scored the wuining run -in the bottom of the tenth !rame oo a passed ball to lift ~ to a 4.3 decision over Santa Anl. Steve Valiere drove in two or the ru;uc--- with a single with runne'n on seoond and G~N_!LWHITE Sports Editor Miss F11rell, a U.S. Olympic sprinter, won th\: JOO.yard dash andJ.be..220 l~ times of 10.7 seconds and 23.8 on a muddy track. ~ VTRECJIT, Oermariy -Kar& Mµlr of South , Africa, leading off in a 400-meter medley relay, broke the W1llllen's wotld record in the 106-meter backstroke by six-tenths of a second Sunday with a Ume ol· I'°'''· • • ----~ sr. PAUL, Mlnn.-Fun<ral -will be held today !or Lewb L. Drtlt, n, a catcher with Washington and Detroit from 1901-06 who lat.er wu U.S. distrlct attorney ror Minnesota. He med Frlday after a brief illness. third In the seeond lnnln(. Pitcher Steve ScboetUer picked up bolb win&, coming on in relief in the first game, and going the full distance in the Sunday contefiit. The pair ol wlm elevates Newport's record to Mi. ~way City, oow sporting an 8-5 league mark, picked up a. victory Satur· day when Fullerton had to forefeit, and Sunday Midway trimmed Garden Grove, >-2. Midway pitcher Eddie Bane gave up only four safeties in going the distance. Bane aided his own cau.se in the seventh by dt!,ving in en insurance run with a double. Braasch Goes After Leaders In Pin Elims Wlllye Whlte of the Chicago Mayor Daley Track Club defended her cham· plonship in the Jong jomp with a leap of 1U%. Defending javelin champion Bar1>3:ra Friedrich lost her title to Kathy Schmidt of Long Beach. The l~year-0ld Atiss Schmidt woo with a toss of 177-t PARIS -Michele Ptiombet, Elaine Jacq, Nicole Duclos and Colette Besson oi France knocktd 3.4 seconds off the women's 1,600-meter relay world record Sunday wUh a Hme of 3 minutes, 34.2 seeondJL: In a track meet against Poland . • Tennessee State university tallied !IS BRAlNERD, Minn. -Parnelli Jones points lo top the team standings. Second grabbed the lead on the 19th tap when with « points was the Chicago Mayor Mark Donoghue's engine fa iled and the Daley team. Trailing among the leaders Conner Indianapolis 500 winner won the were the Los AJlgeles Mercurettes 36. Trans-American Sedan Race at Doo- • SKOEVIE, Sweden -Ron Clarke, Australia's premier Jong d1itance runner. won the S,000 meters Jn 13:11 lo an in- ternational meet Sunday !Ug'ht while Naf. tali Temu, the Olympic 10,CIOO-meter champion, finished a disappointing lis:tb. • Fountain Valley bowler Dick Braasch • nybrooke Speedway Swlday. hopes the hot hand he showed up wllh Only eight of the 19 starters finished LYTRAM ST. ANNES, Enlland _ last week will be similarly scorching BURLlNGAfl.tE, caHf _ Bob Ogle of the 84-lap race of 250 miles. Ed Leslie, La George Archer, U.S. Masttl'I Champion, tonight and carry him to the lop of Kona C-Osta Mesa bowed In the finals of the oa· Canada, Calif.. driving a Chevrolet was confined to bed today with an aUack Falcons Rip Foe, 12-0, Even Record Will McCartney scored in ther,rond on • a double steal, while Ml e ·Smith duplicated the feat in the sixth. Corona del Mar led f.t in the top of the seventh inning, but Rancho Pacifica came up with four tallies in the bottom of that .inning to pull ..ahead. Lanes' West Coast Match Game Elimina· tional jmtloi: hardcourt tennis chatn· CamO:ro, was runner up and won $2,lOO. of .gastroenteritis and a cold -only 48 lions. pionships here Saturday to James Hagey Jones got f3,3oo . hours before the stert of the Britiah Open Braasch rolled a se'hsatlona} 990 four· of La Jolla, 2.0. 7-5, ~7. e golf champiofi.~hip. .Golden West College's Embee Falcons evened their Metro Baseball League recoM at 4-4 Sunday-night by-Tipping Chapman College, 12-0, al Shaffer Park in Orange. In an earlier game Ward's Pirates were edged by Cal Slate Fullerton's Hustlen 4-1 at the OCC diamond. Falcon pitcher Joe Blake scattered nine hits and reairded l5 strikeouts on way lo the t"OUl. Center fielder Bob Murray's . two singles and Jwo doubles drove in a pair _pf ~-Catcher Vince ·Moll collected three s.lngles In and scored twice. Orange Coast was bothered by errors, as three of the Hustler tallies \Vere unea-rned. · · Billy Powell. Pirate third baseman, <:<'I· lected a double and single in the losing t:ause. PlltATl.S 111 HU5TLIJl5 Ul •ltrhll! 11trblll Mt Nt1IY. 7t1 • 0 0 0 T!lomfl, lb 3 0 0 0 Kint . cl • I I 1 Strottwr, 2b • I I 0 ,._,., Jb • o ' o Tr...,blv, Jb l 1 1 1 l."""'' 11 2 f) o O C1rmld11tl, rl l 0 0 O P1ul.lt J OOOl.ont~. 3000 Wldr.tn!ltm, lb • o 0 O Glllt!!, c • 0 0 ~ Jhdtr. c • 0 0 0 Umbt119h, H ol I I p 1,.i.r. 1 l 1 I o Mudrldl. It • 1 • D Cr\M>,rl JOlll.1Pflltt .P ?0 00 To!f\I JI 2 5 l C1rr·oll, 1> I 0 O 0 lt1<H. lb 1 0 I 0 Tol1l1 ll l I 1 Stttt ll'f lnnifttl It • H E cm ooa 000--2 5 • 100 )00 OO>:-t I 2 Plflltt Hullltr• P.lNTHl!•I Ill _. r It M 111:-"·" •030 otoien. 711 • 0 "' • M'f•1,lb •020 a1nn. cl • o 1 o HeMltr,c 1000 ou,.ebulltr, rl • O O O $Tr..,,.., lb JOIO J11'1h,ll 0 0 10 Cit>vel..-.d, p 1 o o 0 Jlom1n.P 1000 Mcton,..11, p 1 a o o FALCONS 1111 111 r fl Ill MCG\d.ln, :lb l 1 l 0 P1111Mfl, :lb • 2 2 I Murtt'f,d 5'•2 Penw.-...lr S721 Moll.( •2>1 R0Mfi110n, lb l 1 7 1 Eldtr.lt llll Ouci.11, H j I l 1 8l1k1( " • II 1 I Tot•l1 31 12 11 f T.t1l1 Joi o t O Snrt llJ lnnlll'll . ' . DOC! 000 000-4 ' ' II® m 't~-12 1r 2 Chargers Set To Grid Ca1np .1\t UC h·vine Sid Gillman begins his 25th year as a head football coach Friday w~n the 1969 San Diego Chargers open ~1r ~w summer training camp al the Uruvers1ty of California at l{"Vine. Inaugurating hls 10th year as coach and general manger of the Chargers, Gillman will weJcome 48 players fpr ''Rookie Week ," Most veterans are sctie· duled to reporl on Friday, June 18. . "Tlii& is going to be an excellent train· Ing camp," pronounce~ Gillman. "T h.e facili ties are outstanding, the talent 1s good and the spirit is willing.'' Answering Friday's first roll ca 11 at noon will be a composite of highly-regard· ed draftedo rookies . .1hot-in-the-dark free agents 1968 Tallil Squad returnees and a handful of veteraM. The list includes t"o playerJ tradtd to San Diego during the offseason -linebacker Pete Barnes from Houston and cornerback J.1 a c k Lamb from Miami,· and two Canadian League returnees -guard Bill Frank and comerback Dave Plump. Htadlnp: the rookie contingent are San Diego's No. 1 draft choices -quarter· back Marty Oomres from Colum?ia _and lineb acker Bob Babich from. ?\1.1am1 of Ohio 'Babich will stay only briefly before reporting to Chicago to join the College All-Stars ·for their game against the pro football champion New York Jets on Aug. l . The Chargers have a third No .. t draft choice, who figures importantly 1n p~e­ season plan!i. lie Is coroerback Jim Hill, a No. 1 In 1968, who was sl~ellned I as t season becaU&e of a knee ln1ury · Certain to attract attention Is T o m Dempse y, the Babe Ruth of placekick· ers. who talliied with the ~hargers in 1968. Playrrs will take physicals, check out equipinent and receive room assignments on Friday and Saturday. Two-a-day worl· ouls begin Sunday. Training camp activity w\U be highly Intensive as only • few wedcs separe.te the Chargers lrom thelr presiason open- tng game against the NFL champion Batumore Colts at San Diego Satdlum on /oqg. l. • Tht Che.rgers will be encamped at UC 11'\/lne through August while commuting to San Diego for other "Suptr·200" pre-- season home games agalmt the New Or· leans Saints, Aug. 9: Oakland Raiders, Aug. ll!i : Cleveland Browns, Aug. 23, and Los Angeles Ran'IS. Aug. 30. All are Sa· torday nlaht aruaes. game block last Monday night and will Lefty Roscoe Tanner of Lookout Moun· "I had set my heart on winning this arrive tonight in seventh place. tain, Tenn. \fOn the boys' 18 title with a NEWTON, Mass. -De.fending cl!am-champlonsblp," Al"Cher said. "It loob as The leader of the Costa Mesa event is three-hour, 6-3, 6-3, 6-2, f>-7, 6-3 win over pion Jtod Laver, fresh from his though I'll have to go into the first round RoWMt ~W.est.-1.os Angeles_ Harold Solonan of.Silvet..Springs..Md. \Vimbledon 'dc.tory, wu seeded firs t for without having had much chance to 1tudy Pitch ~ flarton droYe in. a.pair of runs ror the losers. ~whl overtook Dale Glenn. West LA, at Pam O'Shaughnessy of Fullerton and the U.S. pro tenniS champioNtilp ar-me-coul'"SC"" ~ 1&Jt Monday's session. _..:..;=...:...::==="--c....:-=-'---'-----'-'--. ----'--"'-'-,,,.---'------------- Tonight's • o'clock round will be the CT -1·7-SUNDAYTIMES (MN) 7/6-SEARS 41210 Ll.-Prfs. It Ut.111 Ha1'iC THIRD REVISE end of the line for half of the 126-man ' GAfl:Ol.N o•o:.•,(:1.1 MIDWAY CIT!,1~111111 field . The field wUI be cut to .lhe top 60 McN•nw••· 1b 3 1 1 o Run~11. ltl • a o o after everyone has rolled the 28th game AoHmt, :lb J 0 0 0 $ml1'h, II • I I P R. 11:11mu •.• Jb 1 o o o J1s!Mk1. ,, 2 o ' o ol Ule ·1+week tournament. K. A,.....,., u J • o o T119t1t, rl 2 o o • Th to 60 conliD' ue until the ••game M•11rtr. u • 0 ' • P. McC1ry, 111 l 1 2 I e p -Sl'I•'°"· ct 1 1 • o Oeark:k. '1b l o o o mark, when only the top 16 will continue. wuoon, '' J o o • w. MCC41..,, d • • 1 i The evenlual win· -r will be decided in Ashlock,c •022 Cltl'ldll'l!111,ul1IO "'"" ~~~~. P ~ ~ : : ':~':: 0' ~ ~ ~ ~ competition with the top four on Sept. I Ta111s 11 1 ' 1 Ta111s 10 $ , J and then he will meet the winner of a kll'"t '' 111111111• " " f' ---similar tournament ~ing held in San c;,......, G.,,... ooo oc1 1~2 • l Francisco. M1c1w11 a11 110 om 11~-5 1 J 8 h' 990 carried him from 20th NEWPOJlT HAlt t O!l CH raasc s Troyano, 2b M•llnott, lb va nent, 7b Hedrk fl, P POwt!I, 311 l.eov1, u Stalford, U •It r" 111 111 r ~ '' place the week before to seventh. Of 19 ~ i : ~ ~~'1:,, ~~ 1 l J :· ·Orange Coast area men ln the field, ~ : :. : ::.~.1"p c : ~ : : Braasch has easily put in the-best shoAl w. • 1 J 11 sc1>0en1tr, P :i o 7 o ing. If he can make-up 133-pln& on es:· ~ : ~ : w~~~':':; P ~ : ,: ~ ander tonight, he'll be atop the heap. k•r• •r 1n~l1111• Five of the 120 keglers posted 900 or . ' . &ol•• 100 ooo 002 -l 1 J better blocks last Monday, the hottest Newp0r1 H1r1>or (l.jJ ooo 01x -' 10 1 such night so far . COltONA OIJ. MA• 10 tO r ~ M Ptlnwr, cf S")'Clff, t CtlPPl'll, II Morrow. lb Fltklt•, u s o o o Plumm«, rt • O 0 O Slm11t1ls:'I lb ol 0 0 G Hlnal1, 21> • 0 2 0 Btr1'al'I, p ' I 0 0 T111th k••• lty 1••11'1t• Co•·ona O•t Mtr Olll 000 100 Rene .. PKl!iu 000 ,. ,.. MaWPOfl:T NA•IOJl t•l tit r ~ M , lltOFhMr,cf /Nrlln. c Powetl, 2" Mt lll\Cllf, lb l.ff...,, u Sdlottt..... p Kit>g. rt S • 1 I Vtlltnl, a • o I I Wllllt, M ll210111lua.lf J I I I ol I 0 0 To!ll• k•.. .,. llWlitp "'"-~ Olll 1i. -·. -NeWJIQrf Harbor 011 000 000 I - t it r II 1114 • I 1 I • I I 0 • 1 1 I • 0 ' 2 l1 • , • . " . . ' . . ' ' tll r ~ ltl ' I 1 O l I I 2 l I I 0 T I I I ll ' I J . " . ' ' ' . . ' * * * Oran1e Coast Arta Standings '· ~ irMKll. FOunlr: VtllfY '" ~ kcim. wnrm .. ~, "· •1"1 Ktlltr, ~Ifft= r.: ~._._¥.M 0 °" I~ •""""' ... ia-. M. ... rt ~tlri:.· Cl! MMHf ~-~~I-... ~ i:' .lC:~'h•w ~ •:r.. H~IW!Oll aMdl r.: ii" ~ ~ • :'ll:.. :!'~£ fl"..'l:::tl '""' ... 1:1: ~ =·~"" -wa=i ,. ' l~ 11'!¥.a.n .. ~ ~JI. 0JoM. ~ llKll 111. '1ll . ' • :1-'· • • • ••• ..... ''lll •• l~ • • .0.114 Ongais-Tlwmpson Car . Blows Down .All Foes Big John Mazmanlan and Dave Beebe vowed they'd "blow M I c k e y ' s <Thompson) doors off" but all they did Saturday night at Orange County Speedway waa lose their drlvesha!t dut· ing a bum-out in preparat41n for the first· round of eliminaUons. T h e OngaJs. Thompson combination then continued to roll along by qualifying first at 7 .52 seconds and then posted the low elapsed time in each succeeding round with 7.40, 7.49, 7.62 and 7.35 clock· ings. The 7.35 came in the final round over Larrr FuJlerton and netted the pair $1200 iri" pnze money and: a track recOrd before more than lt;OOO hollday racing fans. A 200.44 mph clocking also gave the duo the top speed in the funny car dM.sloo. Bob Williams won the top fuel eliminator's 'crown at the meet in an all· San Diego final. Williams won the title at the starting Kate, posting a l!i.86 time and 214 .28 mph while Tommy Allen had a more impressive but losing &.84 time and 22.1.67 speed. Willy Borsch captured the fuel altered purse and a track record with a 7 .61 clocking in the rmals over Frank Harris. Borsch also had the top speed -202.10. Low elapsed time of the meet and top speed were posted by Bakersfield's James Warm:i with 6.75 seconds and 226.70-mpb. This week OCIR will ezperiment with a new non-handiC!J> eUminaUon structure for supP.r stocks. . Previuosly, under NHRA rules, the various classes of super stocks ulillztd a perfonnance handicap based on naUon.81 records when com~ting. -Under a new " WliUp" syste~l!lc Varloui makes and engines w1ll be 'han- dicapped with weights. The more powerful cars will be requlrecl to weigh more than their l:eas powerrul coun-· terparl!. Top gas dragsters will coi:npete in the second hall of the Saturday program. On Sunday Grand Prix motorcyclt1 and sidecars will race (or AFM championship poinis on the track's l.S.mile asphalt roed race circuit. How They-Stand NATIONAL LEAGUE Elst Dlvl1lot1 . Won Lost Pct-GB CHICAGO 52 31 .6ZI NEW YORK 45 34 .570 5 ST. LOUIS 40 .44 .476 12~ PITISBURGH 38 '3 .469 13 PH.ILA.DELPHIA 36 43 .456 14 MONTREAL 26 5> .321 25 Wat DIYll'°D A Tl.ANT A ta 34 .585 LOS ANGELES 46 3.1 .582 1h: SAN FRANCISCO 45 ~ .542 ~~1 CINCINNATI 41 3' .539 4 HOUSTON 4% 41 .500 7 SAN DIEGO 29 l6 .341 2011 ........ .,., "-"' Nftl' Voit •I Pllllbllrth, rllfl St. l.,._.I• J, C~ f Allwof• ,, 5'11 Frtfld-I l'Nllltrffl .. ,hl..,.i.ol\141 ' L.el Anlelel ... (lrld!!Nll t .... °""° t. HWllOfl .. 12 '""""'' .....,.. •twlh Ntw ~ I, Plm.tlu1'911 1 $1. lM U. Cl'lic-14 .... Ff'l!ICl.lc» W. All...,11 141 HOottlOll w. "" or.,. ,., Cl111:l-'l t. l.tl ,,_ltl I ~MS...~l·I ' ,..,..,,, ·-"· 1.uh !~II >-n M Phl._,.191111 (,timer l4l•=..1 CW......, Ml ti P!lh~ !tltu WJ, 11111'11 C!rK'-tl ccu1_.-WI at len oi..o !Nlftl'9 :Ml. Mtht Atltnll !SIOl'lt .. u II l.ot Anltln CFot.., >-•I, "l1M H0\11'911 (WlllO'I t·I! ti "~ F•IMIM l$fllded.I ... ()ill'f •tmtt Kl'leclUfotll, ' AMERICAN LEAGUE Elll Dlriltae ! Woa Lo1t Pct. GB BALTIMORE l6 is DETROIT 44 33 BOSTON 4S 37 WASl!INGTON 44 4% NEW YORK 40 44 CLEVELAND 32 49 We1t Dtvlslon MINNESOTA 46 34 OAKLAND 4% 34 SEA'ITLE 38 44 KANSAS CITY "' 46 CHJCAGO 34 45 CALIFORNIA 29 so .. St1eri1r1 11 .. 111 CIMl141r' .. ,.._ Yl!'l I '# ............. ..,. .. 1-11 .. ""'*" '· ~rolt J Mi-ti 12. a.Ilia.... I Cl'lic-4 CtHflffl141 J K_.t CllY j, Wffll 4 -·-Hew Yilt f. Ciw.llM I WW\llltlefl .t. ..... o.trelt .. aalllnw>'9 • Ml-.of1 1, 0.lt,.. ' Co111'11W1t 2. CN(.wll 1 ... ntt t, ~ Cll'J J -·- .611 .571 10 .549 11 \1 .512 14\1 .m t7\I .315 24 .575 .553 2 .llO JO .'32 11 in. .4%0 Ill\ .361 11\1 ''""'~ (MltMrtmflll HI It httlle CPttlko '"'' l'llttlt K-(lty '""'*" 4-Jl It MlllMIOll OCHI , .. ,. 1'1111'11 Oolkltrod fl(r-1·'1 VJ. (Ille-('"'" M !. 11Ml~ .. ,11 .... t C~141nd CT141nl 1·11 ti Wt-'lllltlOl'I (HtMOll 1<.!l n~llt Oftlr 11111e1 Klltd111ed. • SAVE $5 . Now on Powerful Allstate • Sears Battery. Guarantee Frtt rrplacrmcnt •ithin 90 dars o( purchase if banrry proves drfcctivr • After 90 days, we ttpbce tbr battery. if defect.ivr .00 charge you ool1 for the period ol OWDetlhip hued op tbe •ttgu.b.t price~ ttldc-in ai: the time of tttma. prorated om' rmmbet of moothsof~ I Satisfaction · Guaranteed . ' or Your Money Back 12 ·volt Batteries r 36 ... Month Guarantee Fits 90% Of All American 12-Volt Cars 88 FREE Battery ImtaDation- Sears . ....... ,,_ -.All ........ -..... ...., ..... "-..... ...., .... ·-•All ...... .:.=:: .. .::-re -- ... --. ..... ,... .. ..... .............. ·-•All ,... .... ..... -~ .... .u;:. -......... a.-... _ r--CuP THIS COUPON--I nu. c-p0n Yortla I '25 ~ I ~'"' I I O/fo-!,,;;. ,,,,fl9 .. "-"' c.:= I ·s&op Moailay tlmii Sallll'lla1 9:so A.M. a. 9iSO r.•. ' l I I ' • l • • ' s.twW • .Mt t "69 I l ; . Waxman Leads Woody's To ~th. Str~ht Cage Win Woodii'1 1fl\IH' nmiJnod unbeotio bl Ille Cosio ..... ..... bo>kttblll lngile 'lllilrl- cbly nl&ht by '"d ' h .1 M<Donald's lttb. 91-13, at Oru&< Cout ' .~~ w...... tallie<I • l!iint.< I« WocidY'i and Bob Bediu dllpped 1n wtlh 11. Jim -1'ad 1HoNhe.Jooen. . In a bltlle for~ platt. ~ Insurance JJ> oPalil IMVlllON if.uo11i1C15 W ....... • WIWlrf .... ,.. w--. l11aor1rct wu ... ,.,d NocOlolll;W'• '"" ..... Or-C.11 •11 .. ,,.,. W L 01 • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • panntly nipped Wi1'on Font. 8U!._ However, the official scort:book totals up to an 14..at lie. 0ln other games, Lu~k)i's sl&mmed winless Bill Barry Pontiac, SS-75, and Orange --cdut college blasted Douclu, -· Larry Mance.bo, with ~ points, led ~y·1 to ~ i~ third league W1n as against one loss. Lucky's I! pOw u~ 1titb Wigmor~ [Or_ secood. W•llNll ledtll ·-.... ·--·-M D1mtl1n11ltr T1'9ls ... "'-llC.w "" ,_ .... L "'-"'tM , __ Otmler _ .. Gllleu~ ·~­·-" J.ol•ls LUCICY, .. " .. . ' ' • • • ' . . ' . ' 11 • 1 • • • ' . ' . , , , ' . , . . ,,. • '" • " a • ' • , • ' • 1 • J11•1U '"""' """ ....... ·-T~rllr Miii« "-Jorcllfl , .... OA.UOI C04Sf l •I FG lfT '" Tl' I t I I ' 1 • ,.., I I I 'It I I I H l J l ' s , ' " ' • 4 • • s ' 11 ]t 12 ,, " DOUGU.1 (It) Fe 'flT H1lnt1 I I '" '" . " • ~-.4t1Mld Pa/Ma GOLF "". PUmNG STllO~E SHOULD IE UNHURlllED- ' A major putting fault among golfers is the normal tendency to rush the stroke. They start the club back toward· the ball too quic kly-before they have fully completed the ir back· s~rokes. Rushing putts is espe - cially common when the situation is tense. ' ' 1 • • •• ' . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~>..n-0- . To .make sure that you give your stroke all the time 1t needs to strike the ball square/)', think of the chy~hm of a clock pendulum. Recall to mind that unhurried, never.rushed movement back and for· ward. Actually, in the correct putting stroke the putter. head should accelerate Into the ' bali. Howe"w".er you must "wait" for the backswing to finiStt befor;' you can start 1 forward stroke that will accelerate smoothly. .- .. i. •I : H~tfugton ~ine EyeS-- 2pa Straight Vi~tory ffl\nlli)gton Harbour will be • 1 ' ' . . ' . .,• • • WlllttS,ld, u ..... rJ 'Cltttl, 111 ..,_.,....,. , ... B 0 0 .....,._ 0 M. " \ , ,, j10lni fO< two In a..row "'°""'I -;!.hen it meeQ ~ IC / !e&tem High at I o'clock In 1 Ille Ai>abelrn swnmar buebaU league Hwrt. H•..._. ,,,.,., ..._. 1 s AIR CA.UFOR•IA HuntlnBtoo turned aw·ay•lfoo•-:;;;·-··· ~·::.•.:*:m ... •·.:·.:·.11 PRESENTS THREE Maanoua Wednesday with a a. ~-, . .·· SAN f.RANCISCO 1 defeat.; • • The hltliog ol. Mift Symons s BUDHIDJDllllB and lh1t, pl!<hW ot 11111 ' l!ana&al_ .. ., •• Jbt. c.ll.l aJ • •• AFE,ca0 ' • ' weapons [or Hu11.tln~, .. Symo .. unloaded a two-nm' INSURANCE 3 DAYS Ii N.IGHTS triple in the third ihnin1 tn route lo a tw~for-three -ettort al the plate abd Banagu spread three. hits, out oVer hiJ aeven·inniM stint. ' "UNTl"'ToN MAit•ou11: 1•1 Mii""'~· ltl Sllu"lll. • _.._, . ......... ci.i.111, :lb ~"' lkl Al It H 11:11 J I I t 1 2 • • J I I I i I 1 21 4 I I I ' . . .. ·Fish Report for special GOoD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your. Family Auto Insurance Bob Paley . Llndur 6 t , --l 2 .• ~ ... ~":"~-~.;··----! ~ ' " ~=::::::::::::==:::::==============================~ ' . ' " ·-.~ INSURANCE. • Los Alamitos Entries ,., llMMilr. Jllt1' '· Ult Ulll ,..,_ • 71-MllM MM!fill'I CIMr. "'" tlCOND. IACI. «lt v1rd1. l -r eld1 11"11 "'" In OtHt I l'lul. l'uru tlfOI. $01"11 I JUne !Sancher) D111ue1I (J Wt!SOll) ""'"""' ,,,,,,... n Clrdoul Fltllrf Hpl"'51 (MalsllN) Go tltllc$ c•rtnrir..> Ai.tniMI Gal {tltl~) Hot• '°'* Utl(ftaf'f1) tltld:IW fH Cre.Wrl, Wiiiow tit-" .(M<.tlttvno141l Leo Ca* ... r C,t.._iacaJ AIM •ltitk J .. I Leu !Dr~rl Gelllw'• ••bv 11 eardol.a1 1VV'1 WlMer II Wt~J LllO't ••r n.t11 Cl."9\am) --·- "' "' "' "' "' "' ,,. "' '" "' "' "' "' "' 1'MlllD llACI. :Ht v1• ~illell I __....,.~,_. II...__ kWa GrtNh .. ,. f51111'1J blolf Mllrltltt ts•I Fftl Edifle fM.llrl L• l•Y Dlll (Cif'doD) "'1111 Quo'" (LllHollM) Slllrtltv 116Mlk ff..,.,..1 KMI (f•tt_tf'IJ Tw I'~ lttY ISiollCtlll:) ~ ANlll C-'"diic&I ·Tw •rvcr fltlcMnl!ol ,. ...... " TJwole Fer A.II II Mtrl! Slltnf ~ CD kttil A Goitl' Mafl (tit a.nbl '" "' '" "' '" "' '" '" :~ "' "' .. "' "' '" '" ,II? "' "' "' "' "' "' '" "' "' '" '" "' '" .. '" '" '" •tlllT .. RA( •• • y1nl1. ' "'' elft -"" .. Ill GI• AA Mllllrt brM Ill ""'· l"wM 11to0. Fish Biting At hvine Fishing at Jrvine Lake ls a perfect match for the weather .....: hot -and even &0me younptm are reeling in whopper•. David Jeflery, a 11>1-year.old from Anahebn landed a limit ol trOOl lncludlng a 3-pound a. aunce ntnbow while 4--ytar-old Taml Albertaon of Orange booked • three-poundtt. Channel catfl!h also are beln& landed with frtqueocy. Dave Hill of Midway City ret.led la a !%-pounder, K. W. Jatpkowlkl of Fullertcb landed .. 111JOW!d -and 13-year old Dean Carlson of Gypr<a caugl!t one ,..!pin, t-pounds J.ounces. lkadJ"I Ille Ull ol bl& baas caqht wu an 1-potlnd a.ounce beauty londed'by11ud-l!rltt of &onto Ano. Aaid 1-year .. td Kieth Miller ol' B~ Park baaed • limit ol llYf -· 1otallnl u pawids. Olflclall oltrlbute lh< -llnulnc bot ll!l>l/I& actloo to I.be bilb water level in the lake wlilcll 11 unusual this Ille In lbe yeor • Ol!blrl I I "L)'oni t 1 T9f1ll ll 1 k•a •~ "-tv11 Or1Mt Co.ti !ct Doutlll " , ' ' ' " " ff ' ' ' ( ·~ .. ~ "' Vike.five ' ' ' . Seeking 7th Win I Marina High will ~ seeking j. .. . ~ .. l c1ea.n ~ ol fint·round -./ . oppooents\Oiil&b-r-wlieilllie:t-+':!""""'~ Vlku. meet 'Sonoiii-il Or1J11• High School In Ille Orange Summer buketbalJ lea11,1e. Marina, to elate, bu roinped through sl:J: fOes in Jugue ac- li'!' wtlh R1cl: MOiler IYdln& the scoring attack, with a 23.5 peT rame average. Mosler poUed a blgh of I.I aa:ainlt Troy 1ast. week in leading the Vikts to I 13-SS win over Troy. MAJ:IHA IU) ,.""'"" IJ IJ l G 2 I J ' , ' . ' l I l 1 • , • ' J 1 • • ' '" u ' 4l Tll:OV 1111 Mllltr ..... ........ -.... _ McCltl~ W•-Htl~n Ttllb ,. Pf '' '" f I 2 11 J • 1 ' 1 I l 1J J • ' ' I I l l I I f J • ' 1 , ? f 1 I )llfl•U k-Ip ilvllrttra M1rl~ 17 IS n l~ Trw ll t 10 tl-12 Tars Romp Newport Harbor's water polo squad kept It! r<C0111 unblemished in the Costa Mesa Summer W1tu Polo tearue .jlt l!:alancla H 11 b Scllool Wedneadly n I 1 ht, dhpocing ol La Quint., 7-4 .. Estancia dropped out ol lh< unbeaten clua with 1 IM def ea( al the hands ol Garden Grove. ' <' I!~~ 'f ' · .... ' . ;. [: ! ·-·---···--·---;-----..-..,········ ... ,.......,...._,....-.~ -47'4T.'17th-Sr.- COSTA MESA 642-6500 • ,. • t ' \;..~..;.L ,J ,, .. 1rt ,. . . . "·"· "" '.".\l•~r< ";· ' ~ ;r,4'!,: ~~]t<~ To·prove it/we'll send you one of ~ · 1 ?.u'.s and. one1 of theirs (<?nY 10$ '. t,i c gar~you say~· ,,. _ *" .. __ " , Llghi' ihem both up at the same time . ; ' ! ake a pull on their 10$ cigar first, '/},.' • Its pretty good.Then take a pull on our 1°' ciga r: And see what you th\ok .' : ';:" .. A White Owl ·holds its white ash, sm okes evenly, and d<!esn 't burn or bite. White Owls hove 'good taste: and smok~SOOQ!\ld f ou :,~ . ·~ n sm~~e_the!l\1'11,~ay. And !!ii •!><!. < .,\.; l nice to '.your.mqUfh. • -+f" ,,.__"': ~ W~ite OWi. The unst'°"g cigor. \.; . . . --~-------~-.. . ~ tr· ,'1 • ·- } -··4!- Whlt4! 6wt 't. , _ ;_ ~t P.O. 8oi.. 23~,So..lthSon Fronei.co, Catrfomto ?-'080 I ' ' .,_.\ 5.nd me dne of~ °"done of theirs. free. c; j \ ALL THREE TOURS INCLUDE: A frlnd sweep.al Sa.fnncisco's IRljior attrldions • Goldm Giit tilce •the riew hm Twi11 Pub • S..I Rocks and ClillHom-• MisSiitn Dillllffi • Palau of Fin! ArtP U"'1n Parl • tbormld~ • Fort M1S011 • Sea CHff • Cioklen Gale Pari • Beautilul Woodlands, F1mous Residential Arus, BNthes I ll'IOl't ••• lndudint ftshennan's Wharf and lunch at Taratino'; • Deluxe Oel Webb TownHoust .IC· commodatiorn (3 da)1(2 nights) • Round trip transfers irl)lll San Francisco or Oakland Airport to ·the downtown Airline Terminal • Taxicab from the Terminal to the TownHouse & retu rn (incl. tip) AIR CAUFORNIA REDWOODS&~ s~iluonr ~' Tra'fet across the Golden Gale throuch the world·famoos town of Sausal ito, into the luUI hills of Muir Woods. Stroll amonr the fabled redwoods-1 ,000 year old riants rising more than 300 feet above the forest floor . unforiettable! PRICES Adulb Uari111 twin Melded fOOlll (el.) , .... $4l60 Thinl 1dult (S111tt room) .................... $31AS atild ulder 12 (Alll rMM) .......... , .. _.,$25.75 . (All ,nc.11idw1Mi ., tit' llft) AIR CALIFORJl IA. CHOPSTICKS~-, " & SEALIFE eumen nour A &uidtd lour ol Chi!litown. Hear stories of the "inner city." Oiscettr exotic shops aqd bua111. After dark. an aulh!ntic Chinese diftner ~mpletes this unique adYentvre. Marine World will intlbdur.,e,you 1o a f1scin1tin1 disp lay of seallfe (with transportation & admissiOl1}. PRICES Ad1tu mmic twift • ~ rMll (11.) -·-····· .. $51.15 ........ (u .. IHm) .. -....... ____ ~It Tltlft/feurth ptrstn · 12·lf ,n. (UMI roell) .. _SJUS ll1!dtr 1Z ..... --.. -.$J1M Slqk rlln 1¥1ilabll (All llfitn-adnfte,,,. , .. , AIR CALIFORNIA. MAJESTIC m 8uif&iur~ Travel the Peninsula and ICJGSS lush Santa Cl1r1 Valley. lu11dl ill Los Gatos, then.follow the spectJc. ular coastline to the beauty of the famed 17·mite Orire. You'll visit Old Monterey, Pacific G~e. Ptbble Bodi. the Salinas Valley and mort. Brint a cameri! PRICES --.... ........, ,.... (ta.) -...... -.. $11.75 ""' .... , .... rMM) .................... $41.10 ClllllnM12 . (u• flOll) ·-·-··--....... SJJ.15 S1qtlintn•d1We . CM ,..m udalw fl tll I .. ) Winners . ' . "' Of MIYC 1 Raees Told Five San Diego Clubs To Host Summer Race Chenoweth Wins First Gold Cup This is only the second year for Ch~noweth in unlimi ted bydroplanes. Ile drove one called Smirnoff to sirth place in national standings last yea;. The prog_ram Usted Myr'1 Special as the re built Smirnoff. scheduled each or the three "Actually," Chenoweth said, days. Other clubs will hold "so littl!? of U1e original boll i& races only -on Saiurd.a)'µ•"n"'d_!.,e,.f\,11 think the Ml1"1-S_pecial Sunday. should be considfred a new Clubs and lhe classes they one. It certainly handle.!! Uke will supervise are: an enlirely differe}lt boat." Hosts for the event will be CORONADO YACHT CLUB Chenoweth, 35, has been the fiveyaclit clubs making up _ ITwo races Saturday, one racing boats since he was 11 the San Diego Association of Sunday) _ Victory, Finn, years old. He won three na- Yacht Clubs. The individual Snipe, Flying Dul chm an, Uonal outboard championahips clubs are San Diego Yacht Li e'htning, I.nternalional·l4, when be w,as 14. 68 Rach1g To Halifax Club, Mission Bay Y C , Thlslle, Mercur y, P.Cat. Miss Budweiser's en1rine Coronado YC. Silver Gale YC Mailbu Oul&igger, Feather and went souc and lt did nol finish and Southwestern YC. 5-0-5. the final !heat Sunday. Notre Along with the sailing events AtISSION BA y y Ac HT .Dame, .a1 fast new boat, blew there yn.11 be three pr~1cled CLU'B (Two races Saturday , an engml. log rai:es for power crwsen;. one Sunday) -Skimmer , MARBLEHEAD, Ma ss. The I_!ham Trophy race ·v.·ill Omega, Li00.14A . Lid<rltB, (AP) -A Deel of 68 yachts be sailed on Frfday. July 25. Lehman-IO, Penguin, B·I u e took. off under ideal conditions Qonaldson -Trophy JulY 26 and ' Jay, Kitt, Geary-18, OK ~ Sunday in the · .8 nil u a 1 tfJe Barusch Trophy July 27. ·. pingby1 Redoodo-2, ~ational "larblehead to Halifat race, A special feature of the O n~ -d e sign, Coronad<r-15, an ocean course of about 330 tegatta wilLbe the Jesse Carr Flying Jr., Hobie Cal, Cal.Cat, miles. Trophy Series lo be sat!ea-in 'Su-per satelllre. -Enterprise, Crusader, a 39·foot sloop, PC class sloops. Entries fbr Koralle and Y-Flyer. look the lead after 10 miles, this series should be mailed lo SAN DIEGO YACHT CLUB but it was much too early to Paul Kettenburg. P.O. Box <O'(le rate Friday, Saturday & predict an outcome. 6037, San Diego, ~100. Sunday) -Cal -4-0. K-38. K-4-0. Former winners Included Some 95 individual claliscs Cal-34, PHRF A&B, Alberg-35, Salmagal Ill !n 1953, Malay in of sailboats have been in vited K-41, ~-43. K-50, Ca I . 3 6 , 1955, Dlablo 1n 1963. and the , to race at the various clubs. CorOnado-34 Columbia.-50 Cal- U.S. Merchant Ma rine Acad· San Diego will host the large 48 Cal-32 Pee-Columb1ia-36 emy's Nina In 1967._ boat classes with one race L-36 .. <><:Wi RaCing A, B. C BROKERAGE EXECS -Dick Bertram (right), noted Florida yacht broker, ha s opened offices in Newport !leach with Phil Harrill (!ell) as oUice manager and Ed Richardson as bead broker. Bertram Yacht Sales Extended to Newport Dick Bertram, wldely known yachtsman and president of the Bertram Yachls, has open. ed a wesi Coast outlet in Newport Beach. The new offiC£S . will be at 3333 W. Coast Highway with Ed Richardson as broker. The new Bertram office will be managed by Phil Harrill who v.·as top broker in Bertram's Miami office in 1968. Harrill sold boats (Gr two '()thet" M1ami finns before joining Bertram in 1965. and D. L-40 and lslander-37. SILVER GATE YACHT CLUB -(Two races Satur- day one Sunday) -Tempest, Columbia Cha lleng e r, Thu ndcrbird . Colum bia-29: Ericsoo-26. Dragon, Soling, Star, lnternat.ional·llO, Colum· bia Sabre, PC, MORF, 5.5 meter. Santana 22, Columbia· 22, Columbia-is. SOUTHWESTERN YACHT CLUB -(Two races Satur- day. one Sunday\ -Cal-28, R h o d e s · I 9 . Coronado-25. Ericson-32. lslender-32, Elec- tra, Cal·20, Cal-24, Cal "'2-li, Cal 2-30. Santana-27, Cal-25, Columbia-26, San Diego Han - dicap F I e e l , Columbia-22. 1 Newport-30, Catamarans over : 24 reci and arbitrary, PHRF c & D. ' On~-design Regatta Set Aug. l6-17 1'1\e ~acht Racing Union of Soul.hern California will hold ils fifth annual One·De&lgo Championship Regatta a l Marina de! Rey on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 16-17. This will be the first time the l'fgatta has been in Santa f\1onica Bay. The Del Rey Yacht Club ha s been chosen to host the event. f.1any one-design yachts will be trailered from as far as Santa Barbara and San Diec<> to compete. Cl.asses expected to cdnpete are Junior Sabot A and ~. Senior Sabot A and B, Flipper, Penguin. Lido-14 A an d B. Omega. International· 14, Flying Jr., Finn. Tornado· IS, Jnipe, OK Dinghy, Kite, Geafy·l8, Thistle , P -Ce t. Ligfrtning; Flying Dutchmen, Dr~on. S-0-5, Victory, Star. cio and ·Solina. ' r-infor.mation on the ewnl co ¥1 Del Rey Yacht Club, 1 ' W. Palawan Way , M tina dcl Rey 90291. Richardson's family started In the boat repair business in Newport in 1927. They bullt lhe first marina on the Newport waterfront when the Harbor WIS dredged In 1935. It was there that Richardson started working around 'boats as a boy of 18. · Other Bertram offices arc located In Nlaml, For l Lauderdale , Palm Beach, and Stamford. Conn. An additional function:: ol the West Coast outlet wlll be as stocking dealer for Bertram Interna- tional builders of s L o c k Jibergla.u • 56 and 63 foot yactifs a! well 'as custom yachU qj to.JOO .feel in wood. steel ancl alumlnilm. Presenting the grMte betwHn 7 am and 8 pm! ft'9ht'schedu9e on earth wayal More on weekends! ~.- (•' r,' .. "!!"'' ''' • L'1eq• ' JU""'' JU! " ~ ,, ~t·nO' After service In World War n he returned lo I.he fa mily buainess, receiving hla ship's broker license In 1950. tie has owned and .uiled his own boats and raced 011 nunlerous 11lhera on the West Cotist. A Bertram, 56-foot fibe rglass cruiser wlllr be delivered to Newport for dl•play and l'Si\g" )'OUBlift. demonstration !lhortly afler\.~=========e==========~I the opening of lhe office. ' . • ? I WILL PAY YOU .. FOlrEVIRY . . .. . ..... ' ... .. ' YOU SAVE GUAWllHD GROWTII ACCOUllT ' , Anaheim Sa..,ing1 guarartfee1 a .5.25 "I. a nnual int•r••t ro~. compocsnded daily. You'll earn $30 for every $100 you save in our Guoranteed Growth Acd:l;unl If account ls maintained for S yeor1 ond interest occutnu1atu. G!Jaronte'ed ~Growth Accaunt1 are opened with any amount of $1,000 or mare, High earning1 •r• aba available on shorter term occounll of 3 or 4 years A1lt for detaU1 . ' . on 1pec1~ Wlt~drcrwal requirements. " > 5.250/o • GUAIAllTUD lllCOME ACCOUNT IONUS A«OUllT 'Anoh•im!Sovings Guaranteed Income Accounl ea1'11 o guaranteed .5.2s r. a nnual ·are, cal'lt· pound•d doily. Earnings wTII be paid lo you •~ry quarter for th• period you designate- 3, .C or S years. Deposit ony amount. of SI ,000 or mar•. Ask fo r details an special withdrawal requirem•nls. On Bonu1 Accounts we pay the .5 "/. curNnt annual rate quarterty plu• 'f4 Y. anni.ial bonu1 If held three yeort or lortger. Accounts oi>-ned far S l_.000 or more. PASSIOOI ACCOUllf' You earn .5. 13 "lo annual yield when all savings aiid interest remain o year if the .5 "I• current annual rate is maintained and campOund•d doily far a year. Interest 11 pa id for ei ad day-in to 111ocl day.out. And, fu nds received bY the 10th of any month earn from the I st when they remoi.- ' on depo1it until the e.td of the quar1er. At Antheim Sewings you 11rn the hJQhest lnt1r11t In the Milon; incl 1r1 fn1urN up t1 $15,000 by the Federal S1vln91 1•d LNn. lnsur1nca Corporation. JOIN US " SEE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS CONTACT PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD . . ~ STATION K6SYU/6 Th• Anoheim Amoteur Rodio Club will b• operating live , , • from our moin office lobby. Join us for o•cup of coffee or punch a nd talk to people oround the W'Orld. . . I DAILY OP~UTING SCHEDUUS • .. July 1st· 10th 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. '' I ' .. • • • A"-A~,§fMN'~~!·~c~1!· • SINC~ 19'1 ,. MAIN omei: l l1W• UKe#I ~ I 'I' ... lft Ml'Mt I 770a.irti .... Mi"-ilfl. ctlltontt. Huntl>lltOfl hecPI, C.llf. • .... C:.ltlwllle ' • M. >Jiit LL I-Utt JA. Mt) • ~ •.• 1 i PQ& OONVlt4JINT ,.Mt'ijN(i AT Alo.I. TH~R ~~ ' ' . . \ . ' ' ,,_,. • ·~ ~ 1 • '' .\ ;.~·· • • • • • I ' ' j -~ I I· -----, If OAIL y PIL~ • • I ly Cliarles M. Schulz =,,,~ .... ~.~:=:::"-"•,-----, 00 llXJ ~ ~ 18.LMElHAT AU. 'TllESE l/fAAS ll'E 6all flM'!M6 '500... NJ..l6IC? I MONDAY JUl.Y 7 , r , I ·, '• t, ~fi7':~~~;\~;;;::..::n1-.. -.,,.-_,_ICI t1l1I [lunpllf, • 4 BREADBASKET -Robert Culp, above, narrates a news documentary program tonight on Channel 7 at 7:30 p.m. on "Sum1ner Focus, 1969.". The Opera- tion Breadbasket is a s~lf-help project of Uie Southerdn Christian Leadership Conference in the Chicago area. TELEVISION VIEWS By TERRENCE O'FLAHERTY LOS ANGELES -Off slage, Andy Williams appears to be the result of cross-pollinating an all· American boy and an in-grown ego. Evei:' wb~ easy \Villiams' smile spreads across bu face, it never seems to be given without reluctance and even s.ome suspicion . His brother Don expressed it differently when he said that Andy .had always been tense about his career until recently when he finally realized that · no one was going to fire him. Jµdging from hi6 PERKl"S f~GllTEWEP gy THE: OWl6E .. UUCE WOO, llKIE TRIES ID Wot.E HI"'! press conference, his brother's comment was pre- mature. His deep self-concern is stilL a_majo•u=-+= terrentio a feeling or sympathy for the man. ~~~~~;-o~-;J IN ANNOUNCING his plans for the new Satur-~ MOON MULLINS ~·- day night series on NBC this fall , he seemed eager to make it clear that it will resume where his old series left off two years ago. He began by asking what sort of reaction readers had expressed regard- ing his "Jove-in" special this year which was staged in the new A1ark Taper Forum in Los Angeles's Civic Center. Apparently some of his older fans i----------i WHO l>O )OU . fell he had cut them adrift. * * * \Villiams isn't the only variety performer who seems undecided whether to rock the kids or sweet- en the old folks this coming season. J im Nabors is also coming up with a musical hour and so is Leslie Uggams. They will join a field already dominated by Glen Campbell. Carol Burnett. Tom Jones and lhe Kraft Music Hall. "THIS PAST YEAR I've lried to do something different in each special -not stay the same like Bob Hope," said Williams .. "Each has had a dif- ferent style using current music and clothes like Nehru jackets." (I would think the very mention of Nehru jack- ets would turn a producer's heart to stone. Some musical specials take so Jong to prepare that Nehru himseli could come and go before they get on the air.) * * * ONE; OF WILLIAMS' problems is the studjo audience which is gathered froil'I among the home-- less of beautiful downlO\\'n Burbank rather than from fans of the singer and more often than not they're content just to get out or the rain for an hour. \Villiams calls them "flood victims." "It's un1air to have to perform before an audi- ence that isn't giving you some support. In a night- club or concert they have come to see you. You can build a performance and get something going." said WiJjiarns. "This time I'm going to supply 200 of them myseli and the rest will be specific groups from army posts, hospi tals or clubs." AUDIENCE APATHY is not always the fault of the audience. Every perfonner -including Wil- liams -should visit the taping of one of Dean Mar- tin's shows to learn how a studio audience should be t reated. From the start and during every break for commercials. Martin is in there playin g to the audience with jokes and ad·libs for their benefit. As a result, his "flood victims" respond with waves of applause built on sheer affection for the singer. l • : ~·· 'l·1 • .. 1;; •Ill' 11M Ill!, 1115 A Mltiltm ! ' TUMBLEWEEDS Mun AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH Nl'IMUIC, r SEe vou HAVE A VISITOlt ••• 1£Ar.ir ~ f'Al.'aiT:r DA'I fo~A'r! t :-1 \\I SUPf'OSE TM.AT WAS N,AMEI> AFTIOR? l't.111REDO' 0EI~ A INPIAN- 1 WANNA BE SCMETH IN' ELSE FER A CHANG£! 7·7 MU1"r,. ARE YoU AFRAID 01' 'THE BIG BAO WOLi'? 1,' 'i I ~' . . ',I\ • '· ., • No, WHY? --~- • I 1! " .. ·--1 OKAY •• &Ui HURRY IT ar: By John Miles fl ::'... l ::::...-/) By Ferd Johnson lloW />Bour "TME PLUSH· BOTTOM? • ji Ir n · By Tom ·K. Ryan NEXTTIME I SEE MV FAIRY GOWm\lEF\, I'll.PUTIN A Vo.ORO FOR YOU. By Al Smith 1!-IAT):\, FUNNY, T+1E Ci>Tt1ER T+1RE! ?!GS WERE".' By Gus Arriola WRL ,rDLIKE YOU 'TO ME"ET MY FATH!R. ON IAV MO"T'H!!A:'5 510E. 0 ~·-(C), (30) 0 -- -CC) c!IJ WU· -11lii""-J1an, ta-lkCella ltd.. On• 8any tM Jack AlbllbOn fll*ll D Sil O'Cllct: MMr. <C> "S6lditt If flrtal" (drl!l'M) '55 -Cle" ................... 1J I "' CCI CiOI Ill I lM "'r C&OI m-m '"1 . lllllJJ ... """ l<I (10) f.Dn.t't "-' (30) '\M World"_. I* 11: lf!lld c:olonln: ''Quiet M111"-Bern11d Brau dim· ltfWratts 1ts1ura •M d\lrtdr!; 1ad •ftatiO!lll Parts"-hiklna the Grind C.ll)'Oll. @m Jlftlrblll DiliM T...,it (JO) aJ ..... (C) (60) Don tmls. 1:1» If) CIS bttllll& """ (C) (30) Willer Cronkltt, 0 Whit's My U111f (C) (30) Will~ Bruner i nd Arlene Fr1ncis welcome 1uest panellstl Gtne Alyb1U"n, Gin StieldOn Ind Bttl Colf"J. m ,_. m (30) ®@ Molldlr Morie tC) (2 hr) ··eld: Sbttt," starrin1 susan H11· w1rd tnd Vtfl Mlltt. ' fil) Elltlr• WI.... Hll Modin life (30) "Oinnlpotenct." Al1n Wt contrails Chinese 1l'ICI We:sttrn Ideas ot the wortlfs slnldure. showln.1 tilt difhrtnc:1 between tile lfOll'llll proc:as 11M1 tile 1111kin1 pnxesa. 9 (I) f•llJ Atfl/f (C) (30) m Cesar's World (C} (30) m 0ni .. MoUl9 <C> (30> 7:3011 9 ({J liunc.oM (C) {60) ''lll• Prisc11er.~ A convicttd man (.Ion Yolilrtl U'ltS Kitty's Iii• ind she tets out to tltvm !tit IMll". (R) 0 ID I Drll• If Jwinll CCI (30) '1ht cu. ol Mr Y111ishin1 lll1stn." Conchnioe. T onr returnt from h Solt(el PfO!«t but Is mlitlteft .tor -hil d!Milbll "° ........ n the Wit prettnds to bt tht t111I T11117. (It) enu there. II!! CJ)""' ,,_ l<I (30) 1!!1 Co11ic111 r Cllldtna (30) ';301J F111n, llfllr (C) (30) Afrtld th•t h• '''' b"" 11..iectrnr l!lutfJ. Uftde Biii t1Us Mr to f'onl Rieo fot • llfOWll-Ull halldlr It • illlllll ~IO(t hoUl. (R) 0 ,._ (C) (30) Teel MIYltL m••'• ln <60) Qt (I) llleMM'1 N"' (30) U) Rl'liltl Ill~ (30) 10;001J 9 Cl) ll••I• l•dltfl (C) (60) c.1111 BufM'tt cuests. 0 illl CD Ell "" ,_ CC) (IOI 0 Dllll! (C) (601 m" ... (t) (60) ED frillJ UM (C) (60) "Ylltt11J11 and tht lnttfledulls... Wltlll111 8udley'1 ruest ii th• Wlf·c::rftlt profmor Motm Chomsky Ill ttlt M1SllCflustttt lllltltute of TIChriol· ..,. t!t-cloi II Mi* W••• (C) (30) 10:30 0""" CC> (MJ> Torn Reddiia. O @ ID Ell,.._ ,_ "" ~ (30) 11,-,., (C) (60) "Opw1tion: BrNdbllbt." m Ntw1 \"1 ns.. Writtell, dl1ecled i nd llf1T1led b el ''lie* CeruM {30) telnisiGn atu lloblrt Culp. this film - tx1minn I b!1tk setf·help project ll:OD IJ Damm m ..... (C) !bit has 1~l1Yld nobb!1 1~cc1ss O MnM: "'TM CIJl&lt«"' (1111t- ln Chicap. The proi«f tm Ofllll· tery) '47-81rry SuMivan. Wta. lzed l.t tht ICtlllOl!lic um of the m Mn l.00.'• ,.,..,,. (Cl Southera Ch~l1n Le1cltr1hlp Con· Ft1ntlt Rtndill, Robert Retd, le1ena. The d~mtn~IJ wu pro-Cilhl• T1Ylof i nd &i!llnd l Som· duud In 1uocl1!1on "'th the At1AB 1111 uut lounda!ian, 1n ota:1niz1tlon ot 111· tntN I · . lerUinment stirs concemed with m lllorit: "Yicl Sqlld"' (111J1flf1' htlplne: th• blttks. 'SJ-Edward G. Roblruon. P111lltlt c:J Mm"11111 S lll"'ili: "friptlllld Goddar4. City" (mylltry) '62--Merbert lom, ll:lD Cl 12J 00 G) Ttnlctrt .. {C) John Grei'°"· .., 1· II.,... "All lllJ SHI" < "" m Tr.0 • CoalqlltllUS ('C) (30) '48 -&tw1rd G. RobiMOn. Burt lt}l1111t11ll1111 (30) "Milt-Hi&h L1ne1st1r. Spe1kers." Dr. Rlchtnl Brt11n11m1n ind iUuts u1mi111 1 hlfh·pcMmd O @IIJ E!J"" -CCI ~ad system clewtoped tor psycho-ll:lS II Meril: (C) '1111 T\W If ... ~IJGll w1rl1r1 ~~ Yletn.un ... Thlf ....., (admlhn•) ·~ _ Pnf c11icuu opportu111ties. lor bus1nea H ·d Jahn Sulton. List of this syst1m. tnrll ' m 011t1o " h•• (301 1.t:M m ..... CitJ OJ Adlol TINlln: "Murder et M14' a:oa om LRP'" 1t1 (60) '~ Pet!t tnfOnl 11 Gtorzt· Wnltlnr· " nllhl ~ ton. P1ul Winchtll 11 luc:Q Mme, 1.t:40 fJ lllll'ril: "fflddtn fMr" (ll!P' Jahn CltlCHI, VIII JollnJOll, DITlcl II ) '57-Jahl p...,,.. AIGllldK .linsseA Incl f'tnJ .Como jolfl IM ~ l1ush·I• retullts. (II) e "'"" -.. c~ czv. ·~ 1<1•D-• '""' m Tile Clliloml1 An1el1 rnut th1 -C...11tlfJ 11111111• 1tft (C) S.1tt11 Pilots. Die• £.nber& ind Don ._ Wtlls etll tilt Ktioft. D ., .. ('C) m""" l<i c30J m""" -m t"J ID HO ,_ 1<1 (IOI TUESDAY ', DAmME MOVIES l:OO D NA ............ °"' """"' (!1ntaq) '4&-comel Wiidt, Ew!Jll ,.,... . D "'"""* ... MMlll'" (rtt- ITllntl) 'Sl-V111 JohMan, Kllht1f' GrtJ*)n.. '""8_, l<I ·-,_ (wuteffl) '5'-ROf)' C.lllOIJn. lu· bm l1tel. 0 "TI1r-btlrWner" (dr11111} 10 ll11t1nct Olivllr, Brtlldl 41 llllie. 12:00 D "1'I l alnr1ti1111" (1dnntur1) '51-.loftli lrtl1nd, Wl)'rll Morrh. U:JO m -..!Nill .. hM c.rw.· (1tr11111) •.q -Din• AndTlws. """"""" It '"' tt11r (wattm} '58--<:h1rtu Bt0llllln.. L'OO m ..._ ........ ~1"-1 'II --Cl•lllh l1!111, mori1 Ha6dll. J:DO B "'lteb N c.1.-(ed'lnt11rel 'Sl-Georrt Rift. Colttn 6r1r. ''"R'""" -.,.,. '°"""' 'l>-Alibott I r.o.llt. \ e JOB PRINTING -e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quelity Pri"ntin9 end Oependebt. S•rvic• for mor• then • querter of • c•ntury. PILOT PRINTING U11 WIST IAUOA II.YD.. NIWPOIT HACH -642-4121 J, • -, - • • ··--OMAR SltAlf ·-·· ·---.IAlll NIAltt • Fiil CAl1M ' CGb' lrJ De l-.e CINEDOME 21 EDwAIRo~sr::::I CINEMA .... __ THEATRES PnM1nr NUENTATION THEATRES ... • • • l:Oo\lf llW'f', AT 111.1.C.U!TllUll WD. • ._.l'CMT ~ • 1:'4"11IO • Orange County Premiere Engagement A DIAIT Dr A MllVIB • • COLU OllllA •ICTUJl.111 f'Al .INTll BllHIU/DllU PlllB /D••U' • c.:.RL Fa\EMAN'S ( 1 MIClllU'I "JllDLD..:_~ ~-l!l•OO Plut ,hales Yet11e'1 "THl 50UTHlltN STAil" ~ ~ • ••ACH •LVO. AT llU.I• • tUNTIHGTON eeir.cM. ••7·•111°' Exclusive Premeire Run 'A VIRY FllNNY,--- IMHSllY APPIAUN6 MOVIE. _, ..... t.0,-, N, '· F~, , ,.:~ _..,,,., ...... ~ ...... ooUM.-.... -~ llfWIUI llAIDlll tllWI:·& W tlhO NY& * Matinees D•ify * YOU'LL LOVE ~ERBl,E the incredlble lflUe car! WALT ''"'"EV ·- A Gl.&:N!' OP .& MOVIE t COLOM•I• H.C'ftl .... pa' .. ..,./ • Dllllt~/ DM•I' · -.-na /-a•11r . c..RL PllR8NAN11 M~IDLD I !!I ElCLUSl'ft INDOO• SHOWIN• Jack Lemmon ••• Catherine .DtneuYe with · Chorlts loyor-Pflfl' Lowfor4 M,,,.. Loy "THE APRIL FOOll" $1f[R~~~ L a"iJ -~- . > ............ : ::::-.~:-...:r~ SECOND BIG WEEK Weekdoyi: 7:00 -Co11tl11110¥S Sert. 011d St.ndoy', 2:00 fl·"'· Sp.c:h1N'rkes oa s.t.rdcry Mat11 .. Seeon~ Feaiure "THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" ll( lllllSOI tDif'lmml PUm . JUUE ANDREWS • TV Series Filled By Old .Favo~ites By CYNTlllA LOWl\Y Leslie Nielsen, Who had a NEW YORK . (;!!) ~ ~ , cops.and-robbers series , fQt Producers of teJevisloo al;iowi one stasorlt• will sUU be are always talking about their playing a detective. Bigl Ive:,:,_., -·tc:~ ·bunt -10r-new fices. wlio was involved in/ 4D -tl· 1 But a t~:at the fall scheditles tremely short-lived· comedy of the th.ree major networks series a few years -ago, will·be suggests that It doesri't' hurt to a lawyer • -Jravra tiJU face;-OJ'.. it''any ett Yi>Ung, or "*fiFalher rate-one recognized by the'aU· Knows Best," and "Window on dlence. Main Street'' that didn't.make Stars of about half ot the it, will be "Marcus WeJby;- new shows have already star-M.D." on· ABC. Bill Bllby, red in earlier television series. earthling hero of '•My Fllm favoMtes like, Debbie Favorite Martian," returns In Reynolds and Lana Turner, "The Courtship or Eddie's . taking their first s e r i e s ' Fathc:"' also on ABC. WllUam pluilges on NBC and ABC, Windom, who finally married have been seen in re-runs of so "The Farmer's Daughter." many of lhelr movies or have will play a James Thurber appeared on other people's character 'in NBC's "My shows so often that they can World and W61come To !t." hardly be counted as television Robert Reed, once E. G.- -. •OPENS IN. VE OAS . Barbra StrelsanCI newcomers. Marshall's lawyer son In '.~The John Forsythe returns In Defenders," and Flor·ence CBS's "When in Rome," after Henderson, who once was two earlier series. The first NBC's "Today" girl, will play was the Ion g -p I a yin g fat.her and mother of a la·rge "Bachelor Father." The • family m ABC's "The Brady cond, about a bachelor who in· Bunch." herited a girl's school, lasted only one season. Leslie Uggams, whoae varie. ty hour will replace GOS' "The Smothers Brothers' Comedy -Hout" sang-41long-bappily-O with Mllch Miller for several pen1 n g a 1 'Carnival' seasons. Bill Cosby, who will play a Lo Be h schoolteacher in an NBC half-ng 3C hour comedy, first romped in- to the public's affections playing a light-hearted agent in "I Spy.". Several veterans will be returning to the ratings wars ·in NBC's "The Bold Ones " which will be· a siries abo~t three different sets .of people.· E. G. Marshall, a trial lawyer through all the years of ''The A double portion of show business will be afforded patrons of the Long Beach Civic Light Opera production of "Carnival'.' beginning Thursday night, In the concert hall of Ulng Beach Municipal Auditorium. Barbra Says Night Clubs Are 'Groovy' LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Academy Award winning ac- tress-Barbra Streisand-made her first night club ap- pearance in six years last week at opening of the· $00 million International Hotel in Las Vegas. Before the performance, Miss Streisand said she 'vas a [ lit\le apprehensive about being back before a live audience. t "After the privacy or the mo- tion picture camera, a live au· dience is quite frightening," she-said. ~~=~~f .lll:V.UQll ~Vl\ow Ilefe~ders.:• win be playillj! a JllRA.JI ft...JIU , physlc~ m lhis ·NBC senes. ''Carniva l ,'' the 1961 Broadway hit, features the popular stage gambit of a show:within-a-shoW' as PUR- peteers-;-jj@ers, W l re - walkers and a snake dahcer make the Gr~d Imperial Ci r- que de Paris a lively if sbabby reality. .; She later described the au- dience as "groovy" and said she was "happy to be back _bijore real peo~~ _ ..... ..!ZMJJ.L ALL FA.MILT PllOGlAM -S•ow Tl.n- "IF ITS TU!SDAT" ot 6:11 nd 10:30 "HAWAII" et 1:00 RICmb-BARRIS-· ----.....-·.-... -... 111 Jll 6fll6f lllY fl.1.WAIJER WliOI ~ ;;" ~· :'"~..:tHAWAII" ~£lm @ ... --~= > M:t~: ';'i~h~~ Family Shows Brando Boone l'lll~---~11"~~ ;.,1.,i;i:ll!allnl.rulClfl lllSllD,,.,... l GALA PREMIERE WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th. The World's Most Honored Motion Picture! . Winner of ll Academy AwardHndud;nir "Best Pictutt "! 'I ..-.: .... o- WIUIAM 'If<\.\.~ OIARIION msillif JA(]( HAWKINS WID E SCREEN• STEREOPHONIC SOUND• METROcolOR EXCllllllVE RBEIMll Tur 'EHGAGE!t'EHT • The fourth and final show of Long Beach CLO's 21st season will be presented in rive even- ing perfonnances -Ju1y 10, 11, 12, 18 and 19 -beginning at 8:30. Two Sunday matinees (July .13 afl!'.i 20) will start at 2:30. Dolly Boyd, a diminuUve brunette beauty 1rom Tor- rance, will portray Llli, while Carolyn 'l'kPmson. star of Long Be,.P. CLO's "'Funny Girl" earlier this season, returns to "Carnival" as Rosalie. ReservaliOns and lickef ln· fonnatioo can be had by can. ing (213) 432·7926. Tickets are also avallable at all Wallich 's Music City sWres and Mutual ticket agencies. The audienc~ gave . her several rounds of -susta1ned a,pplause during the performance, but on1y a few stood when she finished. Miss Streisand said ·she wanted to get back into night club work to prove she is "not tied to one mediwn." She ad- ded she was in Las Vegas because "Las Vegas offered the most money." She came on slage as fireworks burst over the hotel, which rises 30 stories out of the desert sand and makes its owner, Kirk Kerkorlan, a sutist8ntiill rival to Howard Hughes in ownership of Las vegas real estate. Hu~es' sixth Les Vegas 'hotel, lhe~-Landmark,-opened Tuesday , night. It is a Las Vegas ·version of the Seattle space needle and ia located about a half-mile from the International. Crossword Puzzle A'CROSS l Mtnlally dull 5 Ward off 11 Censure 14 Prefix used with sphe1e and st1ch 15 lfan's name 16 Excessive enthusiasm 17 lnsi9nla of a Pfc Of L/Cpl : 2 words 19 Send forth as a sound 20 Carnivorous animal 21-0ray.:btldge section 23Blrdc1y 24 Caught In a sprin9 26 Congenital skin spot 21 Nasser, , ~for one 31 Buy back JS Olymp!t athlete: 2 words 40 Fru it 41 Small wild ox 42 Flower put 44 Sourer of some 'flu 45 Barn area 47 Bring back to the memory ot9 --tftan thou . Sl USSR 1iver DOWN l Form of preveritive mi!dlclne 2 Marxist 3 The end 4. Mort sensiblt 5 Trtt b Wicktdness 7 Slangy ntgatlvt 8 C1tallon of !ht lma9lnation 'TCU's riv1 I 10 Notrt 01mt, for one 11 Prtposllion lZ Garnlsh111t,nt ~~~~~ 1 .. ' ' , .. Mollflt. Ju~ 1, 1'169 lh\fLY l'ILOT ,1;1 . J So~ked to Her Jo ·Anne's Fir~ Not F~nny By VERNON SCO'l'f HOLLYWOO.JI (UPO -' ".LaU&h-ln's",Jo Anne Worley. who hates chicken jokeS1 foond !>Olblllf humoroUB In an ppart· · .,.., V!!!"l \.,..,,:!!!l'/ _ ment fire that lon:ed..Jler to-. move to a hotel f9r .. the next aevetaJ months.., A blcbel.or 11lrt, the buiom Continuous Dally.2 p.m. TWO BIG FAMILY PICTU11ES · llJNllUI Fo-·i'"souTH ooA.sT .,,..._ ,.LAZA THllATRS CORPORATION San Dlo(O f_, •tllrlstol • 546-2711 ttOW SHOWING CONTINl,IOUS FROM 12:30 P .M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOON Also Playing 8ALl.OA 673-4048 OPIN 6:4$ "' •. ••Ike ,• .. , ... hnlntufl 2 si.... """" • NOW SHOWIN• e lrclnlq .. , ... '" .. hatllre-7:20 n4 IOiltO Sllo,,_J:OO -4 f:40 "DlZZUNG!Onc:.e J!JU see ii;' yoo'lfnever win picbire 'Romeo&Juliet' quite !he way yoo did before!" -i.11'! .. • j- • t ' I • HOUSES FOR SALE O.ner1I 3 lledroom , l'lus Guett Unit k~ U!ll.m:i. .. wllll plenty of prtvaey. -roof and .... bncJc Charin Joc:at«t on & quiet treeUn!d cul-de-sac street tn the Newport Helfbtl uea. f..&rre pooJ 1b!d y a rd. .Bri&ht chem kitchen with built-Ins and dllhwaaher. .Supu clean ~t 2 Fireplaca, 21! b&tbo. $33, r.;o "For A Wise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-1177 $211500 Sharp 3 BR 2 bath ~ lninl.um in choU:e location of Monticello Complex. 140 LEXINGTON Opon Sot/Sun 1.5 ... -PERRON ,J • • . ... '* 642·1771 Anytime* HOUSIES FOR SAi.i HOUSIS FOii SALi HOUS~S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE • HOUSE'S FOR SALE • • -· ' . .. 1000 °""'"' 1000 Gtntrol ' ~dvtftlMf't ft'llJ' atltoe ttwifr ad1 ttp tel1"'•"'° Phones Are Open B:OO a.m . .;... 5:30 p.m. 1000 G6ftarol 1000 NowPori BNCh 1200 10 THi: REALl ·""-ESTATf;RS john mac:nab 64o.mi : eo&·nn_ -DOVl!R SHORI! CLUB HOUSE ,,,,, """'m home oUtn \Viti) a pool •V1U4ble with :~Bo~ :c1re:. this neat hardwood floor ·--.. ~~· '"'6t ..... -.. ~·-·l 3 Executive 2-Sl.y. S Bdnn., '"""""' • ..... ~ a ~,_..,_ 3\.ii baths; hnore sunken fam-bC!dmomJ .1-. baths.. family ..... room• Larre Jot. With 1aru lb' room w/trpl. A: walk·tn down payment. a.asume wet bar. Beautiful oub:ide 4~~ GI loan or low down elevated terrace. Sepu-ate with new Joan. See thil maid's qoarten. 3 car pr- bome: IOOl1. $24.950. qo. Electric btattna. Only • $88.!JOO. Shown daily, Call for MESA VERDE ow't. A Wr• 1800 oq. ft. 2 ip.. (714) 642-1235 places, Sepe.rate laundry ~ Dover Drive, SI.lite 120 room. • 3 large bedrooma. P1euan1 covered patio. Pro. Ne;rr Beach landscaped. Fully aprtnldfd. -· & -~ - Charming Cape Cod u"' """ """" • out y,.. OCEAN FRONT can assume a 5% 90 VA loan $33,950.-e Just a tn.: steps to 4 BIG ONES ,,.... own oan<1y beach. On one of the sharpest 4 Bedroom11. 4 Bath11. "pride of ownership" stretta 2 Dena &: Dining Room. In t.tesa Ml Mar • This Beautifulty decora19d thruout well desianed sillJle story eveD> pea:l'd, hardwood Doon: has 4 BIG be.droon11 a $150.000 ·BIG tam1J.y-rcrom-Mti 1· Call-Wally Hallberg-- HUGE Uving room -Nntlf!d Res, 6"-4717 .,_,, two $31,000 homes. HARBOR ONLY 131.995. • COME SEE OUR PRETTY NEATER thin • pin. EuJty BUILDER'S REPO $980 DOWN l.ntf''ff's yOuti:-Aimoi al'l)'Onl <:•n quality. Im- medl&te pos&e&Jlion. Ex· ftllent lttl. Features such u: open beamed co.ll1J18". w/w carpeting. :ftreJi)ace_. completely bullt-tn kltcbtn. FULL PRICE 01'.'L Y $24,500. BE QUICK! Jf5lla.. COATS ~WA~CI REALTORS --5<541<!M~ 141- (0pon Evonlnpl Near BEACH BARG Al NS Catholic Church Z.Sly. A·fume 3 8'· 2 too. 9 to' Noon S.turday P,.ed, ~undoy Mod_ Try $21,500. . LARGE UVING R 0 0 M DI L EC _with walnut"""'""· Th"" Fum. 3 Bit. 2 ""-Sl•!'O 1q A DIR T· 642-5678 larae bedrooms, two bath&. ocean. m,ooo. - - - - cat11'to and ... ..,. si..1.. CAYWOOD REACTY WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540· 1220 less 11eel double kitchen ~ W. Coaat' Hwy., N.B. sink, dbhwuho,, BREAK-• 548-1290 e Huntington llooch 540-1220 L19uno Inch 49C.f4'6 FAST BAR and DINING OWNER'S NE\V , or 5 BR. H I AR~ """" ""' patio 8 ours-Re9u elions-Deeciiinss fruit~. and tropkaJ Plant~ if°bOr V~~ Home, 3 ba's, Uip JeOO.. • pleuant cur-' nn, n nn, lam rm. IRROlltl1 Alll.,.rtlMrt ttao"•i Gt\tok tlle1r •di t11lly eM "'"" IMmffl1tely •rttn rounding to this clean aharp b!a.r. Ja:. kH, ,2 frp,lcs, W/W or mltclUSlfl~tlonL THE DAILY Pl!,.OT '"""'" ll•lJlllty f•r .,.,.,. ... 1, •• home. PRICED TO SFJ..J.. crplz drps. Y~rd & m&n)I tll• extant ef pvbllthlnt th• td.,.rtlMrMnt c.rrldlr ene tlrnt.. ATONLY$U,~! = 6.9 /1ntncln1, 'l!f!l~llf!llf!l~!!'IJ!lf!I!~ I--,=~===~-I 0 EA D l I NE F 0 R C 0 .-v AND KI LLI: I :SO ".M, tht da)' Mfore puttlto.tlOfl, eaelJ't fer r THE BLUFFS Wotll•nd Edition tncl Monday JtCtlone wt.en cl01!1t1 tlnw· It l 1SO P.M. 'rWay. By owner, 1 level. 3 Br 2 Ba, CU.Ill cplg I drp;s, im. vou )t,uar HAVE KILL NUMIE:fl:I When kllllng •n •d bec.llUM ef qulok Nlllltt. mac! Other exfnl:J. 2 pa.· bt,au,.. to m1ka • record •f th1 klll 11.umbtr glv1n ''" Illy r•ur •• t•k•r •• tios, handy to pooi. 2 sides verln•tlon et Y""Vr o1.11. on green belt. Call to see, 64<l-2279. $31,500. E.,.ry effort la m1de tt klll ., corr.et 1 new ad that h•• bun erdeNd, lllvt w. een-·511.400 POOL HOME11 NEAR THE BEACH 111 I ~.c:Even:;::::::lnp""-'Call=::...._=''°°::o._ Th~ deHihtluily clean -· WATERFALL & BBQ BLUFFS • 3 br. 3 ba. w/ r1ot 1u11rantu to do '° untll the td ha1 appeared In th• ,.,.,.. Bay-View, wide gtttnbf.lt. DIME·A·LINE Ada.,.. •trlotly O••h In •dV•l"IO• •11n1tl ., at •nr en• ef eur eft'JMI. Steps to pool. CUa. addtn&. NO phone ol"dera. with sparkling reCtangular $23,500 pool, REAR BOAT DOOR, Beat th"e heal, larae covered and p8rk-llke front yard and patio, blr bedrooms. tire- sprlnklers. can be. usumed ""place, ~ull din.Inc ream. for only $158 per month, ~ !flrlnklers. 540-1720 Save! $44,500. Ownr &U-4265 ---Tha DAILY Pl\.OT re•erve1 the right to clUllfy, edit, c1n1•r er ,.fuat •nr aha,.. 3 BDRM \Vatertront, No. 62, tlHme11t, tnd to change lt•1 ratea tnd regul•tl•n• without prior notice. 1a1 with low down. ALJ. TARBELL 2955 Harbor UE_ttR.J..c._.nre.,mruOO>deJe.llO<d~f;;;.;;;;:;,.::;:,.:::.=.,,:.;:=;..;=:. kitchen and BREAKFAST CUSI'OM 4 yr. old 4 bdnn BAR I: NOOK~! Lovely ear-21h bath, 2300 sq. fl. Fee pets and drapes • 1-IURRY! 1 &mph!. 419 Full•rton 548-0379 Ba.Jboa Coves. $60,000 . Would trade. !or acreap or apts. 548-mt · SPECIAL OFFER WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Co.to MeH Walker & Lee BUBBLING I IOO Spacious 3 bdnn. &: f.arnlly rm .• frplc, HW Doon;, cpli. &: drapes. Pro landscap!d. Choice area, SL Andrews Mtll Addr1•: Box 1171, Newport l••ch, Ctllf, CLAISIFIED COUNTERS.,. located •• rolltWll Deily Pilot Cleuified CLASSIFIED INDEX mt fLICf• IUL Rd. S28.000. HOUSES FOR SALE N.-oitT lftlOMTS ••N•itM. "" NIWl"91T 111n111s Owner/BkJ'. 646.2414 tOITA MIU WllTCl.I''° t~ nkHI: 3 BR. 2 b&th home 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams Uff IOIJIPMaMt llMTAU ._. "IH(IHl -.... ... In N ....... Helahts, Loto of 545-~ heavy ahakrt a n d J'Ultic Open 'til 9 PM brick with oo --TRADE YOUR HOME l,..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOii ,., ... ...,, .......... -. ... r how m... .t91h. .Near 1..,,·ne makes it pftfect fur tbe equity }'au have on thil 1 ' MIU. DIL MA• ::: :~~·::.~,. l'&ll DUPLEX 4 yrs old. 2 BR M, •• ,'t.::·: .. ·.. 1111 ~ ILU,, each. Built-ins, apt&. drp&. NRPO•T •UCM :u: ~~:.: D&L MA• $32,500 Owner. 6 4 6-2 510. NIW,o•l MlleHTt Ult •AY ISLMIDI Principals only. ~~~.r.:,•.u ~= LIDO ISL& ttif l'l.OOU Oii l'UaNACI iltl,.t,1111. lk. ft.H f"Ull:JUTUll lllSTOlllM8 -"" tlJt a •ll'IHISMIH8 "" ·-............. ..... •JM .. NlllAL llll:TICll ttH 4lfl •llADlllt .. OIKIN8 UH 4111 •WI UH camper ~ boat crowd. guper ~Ol'Y. ~th wind· Strictly Custom I 133.SOO EuJty financ<d. lng slaireue lcodlnr to I $24,500 • MaGter Sized Bedrooms. Bal· ..,.._ .. ft l far that Junior Executive COUNTRY , oony overloo"in-fonnaJ din-• """ c, ... rming ittle 3 BR FountaJn, lwih profusion ol freft, Dowen, private entry court create tropical island mystery and relaxatk>n ln newf.y deoora.ted 2 bedroom A: den wltti breakfast arta, dining room, patio ent1r- t.a.inment ttnter. Perlmefer be.atini oUetg year • round comfort for on!y $42.500. 1Ayt•an im tAL~ 1•u•o k U•IMOHI KIJlfTf#9TOH tlACH Univ•raity Per 1237 oova• tHO•I• 1711 ,ouHTAi•H vALLIT w1nct.111, ;: llAL •lliCM 6IOll 011.llilt 'l'KUMt '7• .-11 8UN lNW t71t 4'111 MULTll CL.Utl llM 'who en•~•-~-uy • .....16 home in excellent location. ! ..,,...,.., .. ~...... ESTATE Ing room w:IUI thlck oh .. here'i an irnm1culale home HARDWOOD FLOOI!S, AJ: Hal Pinchin & As.soc. -E. Coast Hwy;-675-4392 • LEASE Loer10N K••M>• ", .......... .,. :: ~m.~·~~i~'":r Or ...,, $4 IXXI down 0n-tfils IJNT'RlltlnT ,AJllC: l>• IA"IN 5iltOVI 4Hf MAllltN• '7• 461l. HOUll~LIANIHe 11)1 ~cloee to Meu Verde ~ in ~ city. &JO Liv. Rm~ .carpeling. -Stwuiliie .firl?. ley enb'anee for garage & try aub but 00 a quiet cul· Lot U5 x 300 · 5 car a:araie. place, or try $5,000 Dawn el(tra concrete slab for rec- 'de-ac. j larp bdnns.. fem-Elec. kitchen • Hdwood &lid take '\'.lver low lnfo~st reational vehicles. o, room, dlDJnc area p!ua Ooon. 20 x 40 swim pool • GI loan. ~ $35,500. Sub- !!!WOW!!! .. ,, • l•VIHI 4 bdnn. corner townhouse. tACI(. UY IHI WllTMINn•• Owne ha .... _.. • .. 6 1.UnUll'P 1Mt MIOW•Y Cl" r s purt•llUIO<U o ....... r 1111:\'Hll TllliltACI 114' ..... , ....... home and wants an otter. COllOftA OIL MA• 1UI ••NT• AHA MlltHTI • R.d Hill R•alty •ALSO• ''"'"suu •• T"'"'" 44\t lt1RlllO•-titC01AT1Jll •H? .. ,, IMCOllW fAX~ t74t 411t Ill.OM. °'1oaM1••I. llt. '7,. ..M 111.0HIMe t7U _. '"'"UT1t1• UH ... IHIUUMCI UH rpuldine Rayol Pool. "'1 !'9,500. e m~ SELL A HOME ~ ,W etc., .Pric::e just reduced! 16'x45' EVERY SI MINUTES Newport ot Victoria 64Ml11 (anytime) 4 bdrm Prl~ttei-bargain llACON •AiY IHI COAST .... ln Mesa Verde. Bia: tiquse, 18068 c;'Ulver Dr., Irvine UY 11L.AHDt UH :::::~:: :1~~f1ML biz value @ $27,500. No _o=P=EN=='=AM=-ll=P=M==-==="l~~°i.°~~.UMO :: SAM CLIMIHTI 4TM INVafT .... TIH .. Dlhdl•e •JM •HS ,.NlfOlllAL •1te .,., JIWll.IY 11•,•1a. .... '"' 1111 UNDKA•tMO .-11 t71t t,O(ICIM"M ._,. down GI, low down n!A. -HUNTIH•TON •IACM OANA '1lllfT Corona del Mir 1250 HUHTINeToH NM•oU• :: T••11L1x. "c.. Enjoy quiet livina on lree· 1 -;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~1 "ouMTA1N VAu.aY 1411 CONOOMIHIUM lined street. CALL 540-11511 1 11.M. •HCM 1u. RENTALS ·~ MISllO ,_...;.......,1 PLAYROOM Walker •-Lee . OlllGE REALTY 1 s.droonu. 311 balha on ,.. llll .,_ MUOM•Y, llUCIC lilt "" MOVIN• .. no•... lilt ,AINTINO. ,........... llU i!a!AdlasltHiriOrCM. duded pnvate drhoe. Sep. 7682 Ed" ,.,,..,,..,.. ....... ..., ... ,.·~I pla,yyatd -Family para.disc 8424155 or ~~140 Heritqe Real Estate c ...... n HARD TO FINO IUNSIT llACH HJI ¥,.~ o.t.•D•M 011ov1 1•n Apt1o Unfurnithtcl ,AIMTllM. ._.. IW l'ATIOS lllt 1'1tOTOOll.t,PHT llTt ovesl. But worth the effort! LOH• tlACN IHI ......... l ... 8--" H LAICIWOOO , .. COSTA MIS.I. 11• ....... moor omes OllAHOI COUHT'Y U• MIU. V•ao• 1111 l'I .. $54,500. 10% down. O E MESA DEL MAR "" ""· ,LAITlll.INO. P•IU. lltttlr lltl 'LUMa tN8 11t11 ~ust listed • bUge yard. laV• """' lond...,,.O. A jowel :o1 a home with all the ax· tru. VA • NO DOWN or loW ,ntA terms. Terrtnc value 1 at $28.950! ! ! : WE SELL A HOME .TVER.Y_JLMINU'TES Walker & Lee ! 2oc.l Westcllff Dr. 8f6.mt Open E\-es. LOOKING FOR 'NEWPORT HEIGHTS PROXIMITY? e CLOSE ,..SHOPPING e Q..OSE TO SO-IOOLS e 3 bjrm :Z baths e Family din- ing l"OOm with dbl fireplace e Modern e Priced rlahl JEAN SMITH REALTOR 646-3255 Waterfront O THE REA!, ""-f:STATERS ~ell Really pr•Mnts REPUBLIC Home. I mos old. 2 slOry, 4 BR, 3 BA, lam rm.. 3 car garage. 1'.1esa Verde Qir lot; $43.SOO. By Owner. 54M415 4 Bdrms., 2~ baths $65.SOO 0\11' OP: COUNTY u• HSWl'OllT ··~H noe 0.Lancy Reo1I Est•t• ouT o" 1T•T• '"' J1nro11:1 "'''•"'' s111 ITANTOlt 1•11 NIWHltT SMOlt•I Int 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM w1nM•MtT•1t 1tlt WllTCLll', sn• 673-3770 MIDWAY crrv Ult UMIV•••ITY PAltK ft# "'l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'I"'"'" ... ,. 11• MCIC .. ., 11• '!' UlfTA AMA ~ 1.-IAIT 91.V'°'° •-1141 BY OWNER: E-skle 3 Br. 2 LGE. hilltop lol Perm. view ou.n• 1UI COll:OHA Oil MAii Jdf Ba •~ .1-.. -• kit h 1 • hill run1M 1M1 tAL.aOA •• • c:rp..,. .... _ .aec .·as 0 ()(lean -s. No•TH TVITIN , .... ., dLAHDS tlA 'Ef G•OOMIN• .,.. POOL llllVIC!i on l'OWll .... ,,.... "11 PUMI" lliltVICI fm IOOP:ltll .,,. l.UtlO, '"*"'Mt. ... lllMOO&LIJilt & 111,Ata ... llMOO.lltl.. Wmt!IMI IN --... 1aW1•e BM COW6f PARK Country.llk• Prlvo1cy L6fa.tM-on dtslfibl;-COD$ on %. ACRE. Be.•ulllul pool Drlw i8 thiJ HARDWOOD with aeparate JTCttatlon &:. FLOOR ~. Vacant &: dressing roomt1:. Separate ready to aee anytime. Call machine work shop, trees - IRVINE TERRACE BAYADERE DRIVE lmtnedhde Occupi1ncy Exdtin& • Bdrm. 4 batll home. Beautifully furnished. Cusic lll"Chitecture.. Swim- mtng·poov Spet-tacular view ot jetty, ocean &: bay, $189,500. l\'l"rs. Raulston etb .• ltll fncd yrd & paUo. Realtor 673-2010 ANAMllM ,,. LlpO Ill.I! IHI W&lk lo all &ehls. $%5500. . llLV••Aoo eMYOll u.u JIUlfflMnOH tlACM .... S42--386J OT 8J7--Ml7 0\VNER. Open Daily 2 BR, 2 HAVASU L.t.Ke IUI HUWTAlll VALllY J-11 BA Den Largo rooms t:AOUNA Htf..U ,,.. 11 .. •o• Ill.ANO t>SJ CONDO. 2-story, 2 bdr. 2 ba, Fi~n~. 613-4869 . t!:~:: =~:J:L :: t~!~ ~~~~~ :;: ClubhoUsc & pool facll. near SAN CLl!MIHTI 1711 Oll .. NGI COUNTY NM schoo15. $JJ,800. S<I0-&195 a.ft L'1do lale 1351 s.ui JUAN c"'''""llAHo im oAtto•N o11ov• u11 llWIH8 MACMltll 111,Allll lffl 11'11C TNtXI. ..... II• _. TAILOllN8 1111 Tl•MITt CONT•Ol f'7' Tl\..L Ctramk mt Tllo.I, L"'91-ii ~· '"S T1111 Sll:llVICI 6HI Tlf..IVlllON, lltMf~ II&. "m 5 l;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1CAPISTllANO lllACM 1121 WllTMINITI!• NI' row! room ror horser;. Very com· U'HOLSTlll.T ffH weLOIHO fftl $27,500 !ortablo 2 bdnn 21> both V do home with family room • ~~==~-----DANA POl"T 17)1 MIOWAY C!TT Nlt .: u11u1 .. o 11• '""''" """ ,.,. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ( ttt no wn pymnt) kitchen. Exclusively oun: Coldwell Banker & Co BY OWNER • Low interest PREVIEW oc1.t.Ns1D• irse SANTA ....... HatoNn ... , • 51A-6%$ii lrg: lnnaferrable SAN 01100 1ns TUITIH ''* JO• WAtlTIO. Melt 550 Newport Center or. loans. All 3 BDRM'R, 2-E This lovely Lldo Mme. Tue• IUVlllllDI COVHTY 1 ... COASTAL .,. '°' WANT"ao. w-... ... ... Newport first time oUercd by orl&inal """"" Newport Beach •. Calif. , !", , ---J~ l 121 VI MOUSll TO ti MOVID 1'• L.AOUNA l•ACM SI• JO• WANTID, side, 2 w side. 548-1059 "ay ..,..... .............. = a • CONDOMINIUM IHI L.A.OUNA MIOU•l .,., MIM .. WOMIN mt •• Victori• 64M111 (o1nytime) SpoliHs 3 .l farn rm home. Mesa Verde. 2 ba, lg llv rm, frplc, w/w cpl!! & drps, blt. In kit. Newly painted, Only S26.950. fflllT)'! P.W.C. 833-0700 644--2430 Mentone You will appreei-OUJOLIXIS P"O• tAL• ms S.IH CLIMIHTI 1111 DOMln'tc:: Mll.P JUI 1t~ros;w;:;.,~"';1;rn~o.;·~NB;;..,.;;"°";! [ :iz::iz::iz::=iz::iz::=:==== Mesi Verde 1110 ate !he · cus.tom details in •'••TMINTS 11011: UL• 1tao '"" JUAN ca,ISTllANo sns ~=~~~~~,-:;: ""'-~= I' ::.;:.:;::....;;.:;.:..:;::.... __ ...:.;c;. this 4 bdnq. home w/ sep, RENTALS DANA '°"" 11• ••1,.c11s. w-u .. SALESMAN NEEDED SHOPPING CfNTER ASSU?.-'l"E 514 loan on din rm. sunroom & rttre-HauMt Furnished REAL, ESTATE, MIL' WAMT•D. W•• '*' .. • Ill CM. OfHlllUIL Miii ~-I )Qts-Mltl • W-• 7He INVESTMENT Pulchritudinous 4 Bedroom 11.t1on mom. 7,......., 11.IHTAU TO IMAiltl llHI '"'nera AOINC IU, "''R • W-R nH home near &ehool& A: eoU Mrs. Han'ey COSTA MISA llM TRIP"Lax. -''· .... ICMOOU • 1NIT•UCT•ON 1• ORIEN""'D? Good commert"ial u~r oppor-MESA Dl!f.. MAii llH CO/'IOOMINIUM HM JOI ,lllP"All:ATM* ,.. '" tunlty, rstablished area. course. EUlcM!nt kitchen. ......... MESA VlltDI 1111 RIHTALS WAJfTIO .,.,. TMIATlll(AL ,.. You ml1ht be the one to help family room. frpk:, . 2 coLLIQt P"AllK · 21u llOOMI "011 111"'' ffts MERCHANDISE FOllt C.pitallz~ It $23.00J al\-... llOOM • IOAllO ..,. us help othf:ni Pve their covered patlol!i, sprinkler Nl .. POltT llACM nte MOTii.i, TltA tf..111 ceu11Ts sm SALE AND Tit.ADE Investment nffds. &Wneu = ~~Ys~ur -e,,.~r /~~ BYStrm, S fnilt trtt>s amid.it ===~ ::::11 :!: au1n MOM•• I'" 11u11H"111tl -" '"'''· w.·,.. b"~ and lovely land!!C8p1-Priced Coldwell, Banker & Co. 1AYtHo••s 1m 1111sc. lllNTAl..I "" Ol'FIC• 11u•11tmi•• •n -~ Make offer. u..-N rt Cenle D oova t1i1o••• mr u1cOM1 ,.ao1111TT •• Ofll'lt• 1ou1•1111NT •11 need one properly quallHed to 91!11 at $26,500 by owner. 550 ewpo r . r. WISTC.Lll'P" me lllllHl!SI ,ltGl"lllYT ... ITOlll IOlllPMINT •n per!On to worlt tn our Invert. Now port 540-3642 Ne,vport Beach, CaJif. uHrvE•ll" ""•"' nn n,u"•••"•'••'•'•'NT"'..,. ,-.., uFa. 11:1nAVU.MT "" "'2430 lllVINI" mt IAll IOUl,MltlT 1111 i>uplcx v.·lth pier, all thil for $63,500, Good financini. 1860 Newport Blvd., CM I -~ .. -A_N_G~E-L~C-A_K_E_•_• - Rltr. 646-Js:l8 Eve. 646-2290 Bread &: Butter Un1ta Triplt"X ment departme.nl For ad· at D•corator's Dream! 833-0700 _..... •ACll u.y n• o'''c' ••MTAL .. n MOVll"HOl..O 00001 .,. ditional information, call Mt. 5 BR 3 BA R btl ho 1 ......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!""""l•.t.1T tLU"" Hfl INOUSTll1Al ,.Of'lllT tell ......... Ul• MU cCard 23 ' l!pU C me. lll;VINI TEllllACe tMJ CCIMMlllCIAL ""'5 P:UIOllTUlll AUCTI011 NH M le • 546-13. Victoria Beautiful cond. By owner. Tl RED OF co•ONA DIL MAii utt IHDUITlllAL Rl"1.l.L _. ,...,LIAHCll ,. 11tt 54!><"'4. 2060 Phaluope. OLDER HOMES? a•uoA •• LOn •1• AHT1ous.1 1111 64' ""11 th. G ld ( 'ly ho IAY 11lANDI UM 11.AHCHll '1M SEWIH• MACMINll 1111 achenmp J.3 mi, from So. C.OUt Plaza. Financing ii eaay! $32.500 H'-"------J..-. . . IR>Ylfl!'E'A~ \0 THE REAL ·""-EST/\Tt:RS . . , .. -• BY OWNER • II yr. 0 am1 mo LIDO ISLE tHI CITIUI GllOVll 1171 MUSICAL INITll.UMINT llU ~Custom 4 Bdrm Republic /4.bdmu .• ~nv.-den&dln= IAl .. OA 1SUilD '"' ~= .. =~llNGll:I :,~ ·pu.11to1. 011.GAlltl 11• (anytimt) llome. $39.950. View toL ing room. Call !or app't, ~~i:i~~o:,.~:~" ~~ 111:11011T ,.e,•llTY '* ::~:"'°" :: .. I I 1{ 'I ONE BR Cottq:e w/1ar 6 ...... "" ,...,... .. "'·"" TWO BR. home Ir: deii. 1ar1e lot. Garq:e + workshop. R-2 zoned. $18,800 THREE BR home 11,, baths, near shoppina:, $20,700 Wells-McC1rdlt, Rltr1. 1810 N~ mvd., C.M. 548.1729 anytime No Down GI 3629 E. C.oast lliw&;, C.dM 675-5930 4 BEDROOMS Momlnt Sun.,. Twinkling Lights No Down VA Ivan Wells' ~ VI.EW homes This J1 a qualil;y home with facin& Bay in Dover Shores. cement driveway Ir shake S model• to choose from· 4 root Only 3 years old. Sell· I 5 bdrm11. r.todels open d•nY er wiJJ. pay all bt.U'er's clos. at 1430 Galaxy Dr. 64&-1S50 ini costs .l wlO give you $100 to mov• BEACH DUPLEX 546-9521 or 54CM631 J. K. Nichols 2 Bachelor umts Xlnt location! $29,950 Georg• Wllllomron 4 bdrm + family room. $1 ~ REALTOR per mo pays all or FllA or 673-WO Eves. m.156C Roaltor Conventlona.I . ~~~,....;;.;,;;,,;~;;,,j-~Qi:J>ifliVOiifi:D'~ $21,'50 ~E ·-••....,. ad-. OLDE WORLD •·-~.. CHARM RAN" RL TY. 64.S-2340 Find it with a want ad! On Tho Oceanfront 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: IRVINE TERRACE f BR. 4 b&th!!; beam ceiI. Palio, BBQ bouae, Uwe)y aarCJe.n5, 2 lot1. All for the low price of $105,~. Own- er wlll finance. llllDlitEJ REALTY 202S W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Coll Anytime 67,,._ 'jiiijiij=jii;j * 549-2144 * Walk•r Rlty. 675-5200 SIAL ••ACM ''" 011•1to1 co. '"011e1tTT ,,., M•·"t a IT•••• 1t1• I LONQ •IACN llM OU1' °' tTAT9: '"°"· •• T ... , •. lllKOllDI•• .,. ~1+=-·•"at' • t:.:.::.::!o::_:_:;,::=::..-.;.:~ e BY OWNER e OllANOI coUKn me MOUNTAttl a 011111 int CA.Mlll.U 11 aout,Mtlf1' flff _·:..~._,.. N f 8 h 1200 SAHTA AH IUIDIYISIOlf UNO .Otll KOltT SUP,Llll ..... ewpor .•ac VACANT #llTMINS~•• :::; 11••t. 11T•T• 111v1<1 ''" U1t111Y1111• oooos .... 3 Bclnns, • 2 Baths MIOWAT CITY '"' II.I . IXCHAHQI , ... tlNOCUU.iltS. KO.Ott uu IClfC OPTION UHTA ANA MllONTI KJf II. L WANT1D '* MllCILLANIOUS ... LUUI. Imm~l~te Possession COMTAL mt BUS1NESS •nd MISC. WANTID .. ,, KITCHEN CARPET i.ow $4(1's uouMA ••ACM 1111 FINANCIAL MACNINlllT, 11c. tne This one l}lls ll! And OPEN DAILY 1 5 642 .. 1925 u •uN• Nl•Ull tm LUMt•• ''" " lot more features • __ ,_.; ::-~~-$Alf CUMIJtTI "" IUSINISl·CP,OllTUNfTllS "" nOllACJf .,,, 2112 Windward L111e NO TWO ALIKE UJI JU.t,M e.t.PllT•AHO 111:1 •us•Ntss wANT10 .., au rt.o•H• MAt1•1.1iL1 •'•• too! Including 4 bed· Q"' .. OOO · f CAPISTllANC llACM tnt IHYllTMl!tlT 0,...,........ lilt SW-"1 tl'tt room, 3 bath, pa.ft. Y , •oove• )'00 tn ° So see this contemporary ~N• ,OtMT n• tNVllTMIMT WANT•• ut1 P&TS Incl llVESTOCK elled fam. rm. and this Owmlng M'<ftr 4 BR, home with 3 Bd. 2 Ba. + •1v111.1101 COUNTY ,.. i::::;H;~ ~00::, ::; 'ITlr OINlilt..IL .... 3\~ BA. Ivan Willi borne. __ ,, nn oU _a,,..... ~::· VACATIO" 11.IMTALI ..... ""' ' • •••• -tAn ••• formal dining room .......... . ,._.,,.,.. .... CONDOMIMIUM ,.. ' U: .._ ' formal di .. 1.... room. Din nn, famlb' rm. Im· Private So. patio. $69,500. OU,LIXll l'UllH. .,. CllU.Tt•.t.L L.OANI ms 0001 ms Just usted~'.ist time maculale! Immediate Pl»-R. c. GREER. Realty RENTALS =~:l9.,::,_o.un_. !: ~":1',.~11" :: adv. $4l,900. session!! Own/qt. 54Wll2 3l55 Via Lido 673-9300 HouH1 Unfumf1hecf MOMAN'N'o•u•N""c"EMENTS '* CALIFORNIA Ll~ING ''I'' . ,·°"' ~ ,· ~. 'l1'' "In• l •• .:-.i ,, ~\. \" 546-5 990 ' Opon HM Until Sold I 1847 TAHITI DRIVE l.aYely large Mesa Verde Colonial hbme -5 big bdnm 3 baths & pool. dining a: ram rm. Qimpltte .redecorat- lrit in propeu. 1mmedla~ posstsslon with E-Z terms, 141-5110 WATERFRONT ......... " -HUllllllll .,. PIER/SI.JP :B~•~lbo:o;•:...;l~sl~•~n~d:_. _ _;.13~5~5: ~~s;: .:i~"'MA11 ri: o1nd NOTICES ~:~1N• roou :~ De:llghtful view ol 'ltt'1lfer. Mii.A VIII.DI 2111 ,OUNO ,..,.. MIJ "" ,. ...... , •• .andy beach & teTT., 3 Bd. ESTATE Sale, llS Apolcna COl.U.•• '"Ill! 1111 LOST,........ ... ... 1 V...CATIOlltl "1f J ty 25 1969 9·30 NIW,OllT ll!ACN "" -TRANSPORTATION • 2 Ba. Lovely patlo • RENT U • • · a.m., NIW,011.T HOTS. 1111 .t,NNOUNCUltlTS 141t ir Aua;, • BUY In Sept. Mun. C.Ourt 200 N. Garfield, NIWl'OllT tMOlllt me tlll:TMI 1411 ::t'i,~O:Ts"•CNTI ::: $62:000 Pasadena. 2 untts. 3. bclrl'!"'. t!~~.0::111• ;: :ro'':.~uA•• ::l! ioow11 c111:u111111 ..,. R. c. GREED Realty Me .. Ba.ch. Apt. Min. bid WllTCLl~I' n• 'u•••AL 0111.•CTI»•• ~I• "llD-llCI tOATI "" '"' FLOll:lfTt ... 11 OAf 'htAIL•lll 0•11 3355 Via LldO 67J...9300 $49,325 cash. For infor. ph UNIVt•s1n ,. ... IC m1 u•o OP n. ..... ltt ~I 10.IY MA!tlTW:NANC• tlll :~iii:'R1¥ianm~f'[.~·~21g3~)~-~~~===~·,1~· .. ~=~ .. ., =,,..,_,.,AM ... M>llT L.AVNCMltl• M4 SACRIFICE $21,500 .... , ILUPI' JJO CIMfflllT LOTI •• ,. llWll"I 19UIP. "» Q l k I ~lil ly tl"-111• co•-•411 tOAT tll,, MMll!Ml ttH u c PDMeSI on! ... .,.. ve Huntington Be•ch 1400 111v11t1 Tlll:llACI »• c11.iMAfO•t•s .... ilftt ao.t.l ttiltVICll ... best buy Wetitellll. Q)o\ceRt CH.ONA OIL MAii -MlfMetllM. ..... 11:. 641' •OAT llNlAiLI ... are•. ' ...... ,_. UVinr 2 story $2420 DOWN ••uoA '* .t,UCTIONI 14Jt •OAT tMA1Tl11 "" ..,..,., ... _, UY llU.NOS UM AVIATION tllVICI •ID P:llHtM• tO&'B ... condominium, pe.tto, pool , ASSUME 69/e LOAN ~~~J!l..~SLMD = TllAVIL 4UI ..._, MOVINt "" adulls. Assume I01n S\9:> $206 Toti1I -r Month HIW,OllT WIST im Atll TllAfl'll"O•t1t10H .-•GAY nout1 ff.II mo Incl Well. Owner/Bkr. ,...... -1uNT1NGT~ llACM , ... A\ITO T•.t.wSl'O•TATHHI ... ,•1•,•,n1,,•,AJ11T10 !!!! Sacrif~ on this 3 BR 2 ba in LIU.l tlOTKIS ... .. ... Boy-. Drive -Immediate Ottupancy .E><dliug 4 Bdrm. 4 Bath home. Beautifully furnished. ~ ~lecture. Swimming pool. Spectacular vlew ol jetty. ocean & bay. f149,l!OO , ... (iMn-. tNlbll OLLEGE REAL 1l OUTSTANDING , .......... '!ill .. --,.,•"' .. '"",.,-.,. 4 bdrm cuttom built Wertcllf.f I"' -. wtth .,u1•tful ..,,. • IOR WESTCUff 646-1941 HllHTIHOTOJI NAllMlll• Mii ............ a fUTOlllMe ... Ff.TINO LISIOllS ttlt park·Uke atmo;rflbf:f'f', '"""NTAU• VAlLIT 1ue S!RVICE OIRECTOlltY MOtlLI MOM•t n• 200 Steps To Be•ch HAFFDAL REAL TY i~~~.'""',c:..,, : AtCQutna•• .... =~.':'*u .':'J · BuutilU.I 3 bedtvom 2 bath 8740 Warner F.V. W.+405 LON• auc• -.............. ..,IC. ISM lLICTIUC UllS ltM Mn. RaulJton _ COLDWELL. l.AJJ!P & CO.' JN NEWPORT CINTIR DR., NIWPOltT BE~CH pado. Archltact designed I ·built thls one for hlm11:U. YOll'D law IU Arnold & Freud S10RAG£ GARAGE $20 MONTH .. ._ 3 lirge &dfOomg, 2 Balhli. Uvtnr rm A family rm bolh W f frple\, J>aUo, MW dn.p. eries: bltns. CUI.de-sac. lm- rnaculaTe! m:mr-BY-on. er. 642·1679 an 12 noon, 3 BR • 2 BATHS Plua Mn. 2 llreplaets blt· Ins. nobm for boat Dr ltailer In Ne'A'J>(lrt lfel1ht11. OAVIOSON RHlly ~S460 -E'wa. -w:;gs,g4 home, deep shq c&l1>fl &:. • OUlltOI COUtlTT ..... "''Ll.Nl('I •• ,., ........ ,,,. Ml111 ••1111 .. ..,, expoMd beam ttllt~ 2 IR-Comer Lor ::.~~.~~:.. ::; :::::~;:":.. ::: ==~~1:11, :: throoghout, 3 landacaped pa-Compleftl.y redll!CQratE'd. It's MIDWAY CITY •t• AVTG 111,AIU ... AUlO 1111.VICll • , .... Tl , ... U011, fireplatt, au built-in goraeo111 Li and out at1d it's ~~; .. t"• "11'"" :::· :~,~ .. :-"" , ... ,.., :::: :m.~~1teu1'· ::: kitchen, d 0 u b I e 1&n.gc. only S23.m. Cool, cool, pa· 1.AOUM.t, ltACN ... IOAT MAl"'11M"IK9 ..,. TlAILllU. V9tl US! U'J ~ 642-3408 Uo lncludtd L.AOUNA .... Ull ... •ltlC!l. MAtott••·.... "" f1UClt• ... ,...... -• "ft -L Hod. . Riiy -LUI (LIMlltTI! ,,,. IVlltllU HllWICIS .,,, , •• ,. fll• BY OWNER "-IX • git, CAPtsTllAMO ml tUll.01.. WI CAM,•lll .,,. O\annlni ot'elUl front home 347.~ ~~r= .. ...,... = g:~ .. ·~AIUNO = ~:-.~~=:•L• = on R-4 lot. 3 bed nn11 + COMFORTABLE 2 BEDRM UlltOOllllMIVM • c•11•1MT111:1H• • .,.. IM,OtlTID ,..,.,.. .... · 1 eaJ loc C RP °"'uxu Ulltl'U•H. Im Clll'llf1', ~ Mii lf'OllT CAlll t1111 S(!W)na rm. d 11tlon, A ETEO. Drapes. ;,.,.. RENTALS tMILD c..• .. ue.-H1t AlfTieu1-. cu11ic1 "'' nr «choo!A, tnt'.IO«'d patio, 11ume !)~ % loan. Dri" by AptL f 1 hed tOMTllACTOU "" U<I u.11.a. 11eo1 "• shag crp11 throtJa:hout. La 21s Knoxville. ,thf:p call 0,., ..... L u"' • • ~==~ ~~~:!,.: 111,,,11 := :~e~:m. ·!: kllchf'n wlblt-lna. $61.000. 5.16-2369. $19,500. COSTA Mts• •• ""''"''' .-wn u111 "" 6~ Miii V.•Otl 411t OIMOl.ITIOlll .... .IUT'O LIAllN• .... DAD..Y Pn..0T W-ANT ADS "!.,,.I llo\CW at OllAl'ttN8 llltVICI ...., Ut•D CA•I '* Dlal 64Ul67B for RESULTS BRlNG RESULTSf ~-"'-"~;;;.;.::.~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-· ' t • -----,... ~-~------~· ! .HOUSES 'FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE . CORAL SHORES (on Garft10}d between Beach & Magnolia 962-1353 , RENTALS RENTALS Hou'" Unfurnl1hed Apia. Unlurnl1htd 5000 Summer Rental, 291~ Fount•ln Valley .3410 Ven trtl AY by "'1, -1<or·n10nth. 1---... ,-RE---::- --Ooowljlo "'"ldlhwa" '"'"" -~·•lnim"""<rp~-t .., , NL from.betdl. t.mens. l BR..2 di'wJ. OOwhr. PooJ 962.49118, J Room• llumlture 118; ""' I . N •"a II U no ans 64&-0t74 $20 •. $25 & UD --. 8'\en BoJtey, •·1,..====== ' v-. Bridie· -· L~• Nl• .. •I 3707 "\dntt>.T .. Mon\b Jltntals Eves. 194-ff39 -.--•-WIDE SELECl'ION y -,,_ Appllanott • TV's avd. CLF.AN Balboa Buth Units. BEA'lll'. View El<CJ,.-lor 2 No Stcurity r>tposlt Sleei:--2 to 10; -1Cr J.IDUDtT .bl.. bll;ll_ dshwr. fa'vtdrpa. lfFRC F\trniturt Rentah :-. reservauons call ~ fp. UK> 836/5750 542-1215 SlT ,~ 19th CM ~ :!ll:~!J>oo:l!l"<I·· Belboa .. Ui8 Yi u.d~ """"'"~ CdM l31Uffi -U'AJ/wk for 3 Dupluu Un'furn. 3975 • • bdr l~ba. tine3t view ol ' • VENDOME bl, .t · Ot<an. A{,,,;I. Jul1. I ' aDR, """· d,.P., bit-In•, ,AUJ. A&pt. 675-6024 ~ ~alli Yu,:! &. patio. lMMAClJLAT!! A'PTS! WATERFfiNT, pier, • nt A I• $1t5. 10198 Amierean . ADULT • FAMU..Y " ~-------1---------1 '""'° "'oooan.-~..a BR. l'lec<-OI sEl!tioNR A.V.!.JUJiCE- POOL PAD I LAGUNA BEACH $125 ~ • ""* " up. «l1ll ..... , •AL!> Clo11 to 1hoppfn9, Perk $4.000 Total Cash tlff'dl.'d to OCEAN VIEW River Ave, bfB. '73-3229 Apt1. furnished • Spacioul l Br'a, 2 Ba auume 5~ % V-A Joan tor CU!ITOM J-ibP.fE 1455 Ter. LIDO tale Baytront. 5 BR .• 4 * 2 Bedrooms thi.s 4 bed.""OOUl home with race \Vay, LDWER Tem11le ba. home, pier A: !lip, July Gtntral 4000 * Swim Pool, Put/green 35' Bluehaven Pool I,.ots of HiUs l BR, 2 ~ dinette, -Aug. $2500 Per Mo. ~ • * J,)"pl. Indiv/lndry fac'la de~ with Patio. Carpeis, lge \J\ling rm, frplc, elce BROKER • 673-8830 n65. 2 BR: w I w, ehlldru 1145 Anah•lm Av•. Drapes & Built ins. Priced kitchen w/bltin range, dbl 1 -N~owpo--,..~ ... -.-,-,~Oce~-.nlro~-.. -1 OK. Ava.ii 7/JS. Broker t'OSTA MESA 642-2824 at $24,90() run Price. Pay· oven, dish1vasher, plbg for 3 BR. Avail. July & August 1 ~-:;;~~====::': 1~~~~~~~~~ ments of $168 includes all. wa.shc1", elec water htr, gar Newport &ach C M Others to choose from . <.llsposaJ, with thermo coll-Realty 67::.-1542 osta ... 4100 Cost1 MMI 5100 WE SE.LL A HOME trnl each r1n, beamed ceil· EVERY 31 P,llNUTES '"" °'""'"'· w to w '"'"-2 Br, l Bl,""''" duplx adJ $l0.0Q__ wk, ·up Walker & Lee drps, front. rear&. side pa· bay/beach. July only. $175. • D.,., week, month. HARBOR GREENS 7682 &;linger 842-4455 or ~Sl 40 Open Eves. --4-BR~3-BA'~T"'H.-­ treated and flltered Roman pool \Vlth Jacuzzi Panelled .separate den with gun case & bar, large impressive en. 1ry, wlde stairs to gallery, 2800 SQ_. tf.. C8l'J>e!S and drapes. Exclusi'ic upgraded built-ins. E.'(ecutivc home. $47,SJO. l.!f!~,~~"' EXECUTIVES ATIENTION Most beautiful home in Hunt. ington Beach. 18x36' custosn pool in park-like yard. Larg. est lot In area. Home built around exquisite atriwn, beamed ceilings, lots of ex· tras includ ing retrilicration Quiet cul-de-sac. Owner lak- ini:: loss at $46,0C(J. MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 anytfmt *CREAM PUFF* Assume this 5\{ e,t,, FlfA Joan. $15(1 mo PIT!. 4 BR, 2 BA, tam rm. F.P., F.t\., draj)l.'s, new crpts. Built-in range & oven; dii;hllT. Outdoor Bar- B-Que on rov patio. Cor. lot wl boat gate. Nkely land· M:apcd; Orange trees. S26.950 By Ownt'r. 842·1656 .----Dutch Haven llos. Con blk, rel "''&llS. per wk 673-l90l e Studio A: Bach, Apts, fence, shrubs, lge round cor BALBOA -Inexpensive col· e lnd Utils I-Phone Rrv. lot 155', dble gar, tnlnk. h1r tag6 . .,WHkly rates July, e Maki Service-, TV 1vail, storage nn l:. plsy rm. Rl'ar August, Sept. 548-3158 e New Cale &: Bir yards. So. Coast H.,.,'Y, Tha· BEACH at door. Newly Jurn 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-97""5 BACJ-lELOR UNFU'RN. Ila, Temple H!lls Dr., Cl'r· rltos, Ten'8ce Way. $42,700. bach apt a tarting at $50 ptt I 'BEDROOM f u r n i s h e d , from $ 11 0 $10.!XKI Cash. Bal on con-wk. 536-2579 Htg Bch. pri\late yard, garage. 174 ALSO AVAILABLE tract of Sale to hold 25 yr -Oc••n Vl.w 4 BR's. Monte Vista, Costa Mesa l • l Ir l BDRM • loan of $25,000: int rate • 673-5822 * BACHELOR apartment, util. Jteated Poola, Child Care &~'iii; monthly payments . paid E. 18th St, $90. Center, Adj. to Shop~ - until paid in full. \Vrite Duplex~• Fu~n. 2975 S40-4431 . No pell allowed O\vner P.O. BOX 914. p!W>ne ~==1=========012700 Pt:tenon W~. at Har- 49+-4726 Laguna Beach. 4200 bor .t. Adams, OJsta Mesa '46<mO COllSTllUCTION JUST COMPLETING H1rbor Heights Four Renlal Manager - Ml"I. Chriatlentten LARGE 1 BEDROOP.f 117 A C' A Sl::i<l month and up. TAR-SlSO th Yeari 3 • 1nn1mon ve. '"BELL S40-11'20 •• ~ **Y Costa M.w $135. 2 BR duplx. ~/w. yard. · <l block west of Harbor mw small pet OK. Avail now. NEWER 2 BR. yrl.y _lease, 2 blocks south of the Bier ~ $2)(1. CaU 61S--7045 until July San Diego Freewayl · 2b. 30 Yarils to beach. Phone 546-1034 -,6-NEW-HOMES Cost• Mesa 3100 1 BR Xlnt k>c. Close to bay a _· ------ Portefina Lagun• ----------beach. 4&4-94n.-675-7876 or THE-SEVltLE Under Consfi-ucUoli, 6 nrly. AVAIL Aug ,1, J Br., 2 Bai, 494-2250. Available July ]0th compleled, Additional homes Crplll, drps, ·bltn!I, ds1vhr, e WINTER RENTALS e Dix 2 BR, l~ BA "'i th gar- lo be built 900n. \Vhitcwater !ii & !own tl('r. prov. WlNJF,U:O L. FO~. Ag!. sge S150. Adults . cpts. drps ocean view! So. on Coast Joe. $2.00 mo lse. e 642-3850 e -bllins -frnced yard,. Water H1vy. lo 2900 blk., up Nye1 • BACHELOR APT pa.kl. 2619 Santa Ana Ave, Pl. & you're there! 2 BR · ts .i-• 636-4'"" * , gar, pa!Jo, cp , u•r• Ii~-" to •~a·oh -PARADISE!! f · Tro ·--• t ~ ~ S!ove. re ng. ptca.i It!· * 873-9086 * P.10DERN 2 Br, cplJ, drpg, Newell A1soci1tts Ung for adullli, l blk shops. GE kitcb, encl gar, nr bus. 481 N. Coast Hwy. 49+-6594 $1&5. 544-4780 H•wparf Hgtt. 4210 Sl45. Adults, f.fgr. 124 E. 3V2 ACRES Undevelope<.I land. City Of Laguna. 9 Blks. to beach. Qc('an vic\VS. Should divide into 13 lots. Price $.\0,000; 29% Dn. A reaJ sleeper. r-.tJSSION RLTY. 4M-0731 l BDRM, 2 Bath, Le· Fam. 3>\h Rm. Pool & ma int. new cpl. •Oean 1 or 2 Br* I 'LA'°"'R"G°'E~2 "a'°'R"'. -.-. t,-o-w-"...,..'l't .. Ir drps. Built-ins, ·frplc, Adultg, no pl!IB, 2f21 E. 16th quiet area, adcilts pl"!f. $133 spmkl. $250/mo. 642-}TI! St. ~1801. mo. 22:W B Pacific Ave. J BR l BA, w/w cpts, drps, ~ bit-ins. Pool & ree Jµ"ea. Up-Coron• dtl Mir 425011 ,2;-;;B"ED"n=Mc-. "•°'Ea=th", "E"""""'"::"' per Back Bay. $285 mo. 3 BR. newly furn. dlx. apt. garage. $150. 1605 "A" Cor· Out of IO\vn 01vner. 4 BR l ~i ba, 70' cor. lol. \\'alk to shops & schools. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-i3'3'1.' ~ Eve,. '""968-.,tlS \U~G!;u:'::N~A!""CAN~~yii:o:<iN::"',!l'"'.i?:iR FOR SALE 4 bdr, 3 ba. Split· house $14,500. Fenced yd. lcvtl. 3 yn old. Walk to Zoned lndWitriaL 4S4-8170 .642--0645 Walk to beach &. JOOpl. tander 546-S327. 1 RR duplex. Util, rangt & Summtt rentals until Sept 1 HR, elec bit-ins, nr shop- relrig furn, Lge y~rd. Va-Isl, lhen lease. Owner. ping center, no children or ~'!I. ~-K~oo~CM_. ~err 1-71~2502 ~ta. 646-6222 ~Lore_j beaCh. "Rard\1'000 flrs. ioi;;--- down. s~, -;; second. $36,950 Condominium 1950 by 01vner. 962-7613 VILLA PACIFIC T\\'NHSE 4 br 3 Pa 2~a cetr gar, c/d. SZfi,100, asm. 6* FHA. 962-1340 3 BR, 3 BA, w/w cpls, drps, bit-ins. Upper Back &y. \Vilt lsc/optlon. 64.2·0645 RENTALS Hvntington Houses Furnished 3 BR Older home Sep shop. $145. mo yrly, 1 Br furn, 2 dR Duplex: 1769 Tustin Nc\v paint, huge lot, dbl .'"/gar. Adults. Lovely loca· Ave. aero$!( trom park. $150. pr. SDI mo. 540-1723 Hon. 675-0307 after 6 pm. mo. ~1407 · "-· h 1'1"'160"". "2"a"R-. =,,.°"w'"c"o"~:-&o:d;::,P::,. 3200 Huntington B••c: 4400 Jmmac, privacy. 'i'ard care. NE\v S200 up. 1-2-3 Br, hid Adults, no pel5. 675-4859. 8/8 & sauna pools, rec rm. Heil 1 Bl.I. or 2 BR. 1% Ba. Pool. TOWNHOUSE l:. Algoquin. Mgr 846-3137 Quiet. 1884 f.fonrovia, apt 7, Newport B•1Ch ADULTS ONLY! FURN l BR apt. nr Beach. ~-~ ~l"Sll.. . WATERF0 0NT Three bedrooma -2 tiathl'J. ~a~~ & ~i.:· Newport Beach 5200 :..n 2 YOUNG Prolessiona.1 mc.11 racn pool. Thrie car car-1:;=::=:::· ===·:::;;:::;::::li:EA:SE'':-;;;;;;;~d;;;;:;;,;;;1 _H_ar_bo_u_r ____ 1405 Rentals to Sh•r• 2005 3 Bt'droom. 40' dock. deck. desire third to share !urn. 4 PotU. Available: August 1st. J · LEASE • upper duplex 3 bdr Posh area in Huntinglon bdr. hou.o,e. Univeniity Park $265/Month. G•rd•n Grove 4610 2 ba. new dccor-1.,ido shops. Harbour. Only $74.000. \VIII S95/nio. 833-2.588 aft 6 Bay & B h 0 I t 'ed coru;idcr lease or lease op-HC: SINGLE Young Adults Lux-n Y ma ure marT• ;no lion. 2200 R•elty, Inc:. ury garden apts -with coun-pela. Reler1?nces. 536-9685 HARBOUR REALTY Newport Beach 901 Dover Dr. NB Suite 126 try club 11t1TKJ.<;pbl!-re and 1 &: 2 BR. apts. furn &: un- e 811·859j • DOVER Shores bi y J r o n I 645-2000 , E\reii, '!'>48-6966 comple1e . privacy:~ SOUTH furn. S16.S lo $200 yrly. =========I hon1c, 6 BR. 4 ba, large ... ""!~""!~~~""':~I BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 Anita. Jone~ Rlty1 673-6210 Fount1in Valrey 1410 petio, 70' privale dock. June DLX 2 BR, 2 BA, fpl, pool. lg CHAPl\tAN Ave.. Garden BY Q\\'TI('r: ~ BR. lrg family room, carpets & drapes thruoul. 3 car garage. f.1nny extras. f.1ust be seen to be apprecialed~ Assume 6' • VA . $35,000. 962--0688 BY Owner: Span split-level 5 BR, 21,1. ba, La Linda, S.'!9,950. \Valk to all schls. 962-)043. Open J-5 Jul.v 4, 5, 6. 17:538 Live Oak Circle, FV. NEW, By owner, 3 BR, 2~ Bath, \\/\V C<ll'J>l'IS, drap€'S, bl.<x:k fence. Many custom features. $31.500. Euclid & Talbert, nr trwy. 961,..6419 PLACE your want ad where they are kx>~ -DAILY PILOT classified! 642..5611 & July, S2JOO mo. Beg. patio. Ccndo • no maint. Grov'e 1714) 636-3030 S.ck S.y 5240 Sept., yrly Jse, $1000 mo. S250 mo. Furn J300. or opt SINGLE Youn&' adults, lux· 2 BR Duplell', llv nn. crpl!, ~80-5013 or 21 3; to buy. Agt. 646--0732 ury garden ~pts w/lull drps, 1 mi 10 UCI, $130. Call Coron. d.I Mir 3250 recreaUo~ lacU1li:S I: com-Sla-1® 8-10 pm. plete privacy. south Bay'l.0"===="==== Coron• del Mar 2250 ---------1 Oub Apts. Z17 So. C d I M 5250 ;....-~-------• CAMEO SHORES • Brookhurst. Anaheim (714) oron• • •r BEAUTIFUL old home. for 3 BR + conv den_, 3 BA,1 \~~~~::::~~ ,1----~~-~!ii rent mo of Aug. 4 Br, 2 Ba, Ocean View. Ava11 for short 172-450'.I .,, nr BluU & Beach. 548-6767 lerm, long term or lae opt. ~~,, $375 mo. Box 4001, NB, Liguna Beech 4705 Vacation Rentalt 2900 92664 100 c·LIFF DRIVE fJ,. •tt• VACATION: V.'EEK·END 2 BR House, excellent cond. T.,.,11 bedroom fu.rni.shed ON TEN A~ HOl\1E JN MEXICO. Trlr l\fsrried couples .~ ..!", All Deluxe Fe;i.tures l l 2 BR. .,.,_ 6 U·"'-children. $f50 mO. • • .,.._., Waiki"" Oilltanct to Beach c "'" ......... park at Canta ?t1ar., 13 ml. ·'b F'rplcs / prtv. patioa/PoolL so. ol Rosa.rite 27' Trlr v.·/ $%25 -Yearly lease Tennis . Contnt'I Didst pvt· 10x34 att. room, 1111 bath, ~untington B••ch 3400 494-2449 1---:.,..,-----ttni creen. hot w.ater H&R. butane re-CONDO, 2 BR Ir den, formal .<.~ ,,. 1 AL:> 900 SN Lane, CdM 6f4.26U trig. SI~ 7, $960. Open hou11e din rm, 2 car pr, 1 ~S bath. Aph. Unfurnished (MacArthm nr. Cotst Hwyl July '12. 13: For info: call Wa!W!r/dryer. $190 mo. I-'-"'=-""-;....--::-:". 6Tl-3572 Space #135. 968-3475 eve~ & wknds. Gener1I .$090 1=-"-'-----'-I EASnLUFF 2000Gent~ll 2000 2000GeMrll Gen•r•I S@~~µ-~~trse Solvt a.·Simp1'! Scra.mbltd Word.Ptbzlt /M •Chuckle ·--........................ SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN Ct.;A$SIFICATIO-.. 7600 • ' \ Brand new 3 bdr, 3 ba apt. View of bac:k bay from bdr ar:tas A: Iv rm, huge fire- place, all bit-ins. Every· thiflll! $325 on a yean \ff1e. No children or petJ, See at 745 Domingo Dr., NB then caU owner at ~1260 or 548-8482. e BEAClf -YEARLY e 3 Br. 2 Ba. unfum . . • • $265 2 Br. 1 Ba. unfurn ..•• $215 3 Br. 2 Ba. den, furn •• $350 l Br. 1 Ba. tmf'urD •••• $2(1(1 l Br. 1 Ba. 'tum ...... S27S BURR WHITE REALTOR 2001 N""J'Ort Blv,d., N.B. NOW'S THE TIME FOR ~BR. ,::.i = QUICK CASH Frt. ~Un deck, atove, refri&, ·~•.au .-. 'llkr THROUGH A $1-tO. l BR 4-plt.x. RJO, ~~~ ~ •vall -· DAILY PILOt $la!. 1 BR. 11.ove, refrlf, ~w,;,,.••ail ,,,.. -· WANT AD IT'S Beecb house time. Bil· gm eelectlon evttl SN the 642 5671 DAILY PILOT Onilfied • 8eCtiorl NOW! I D~ILY l'ILD1 Are You Letting Cash ' ~ Slip Through Your Fingers --------- See If You Have Any Of These Things ·A -DAILY PILOT -wAN-T-AD - 1. Stove 2. Gult1r 3. Baby Crib 4. El1ctric Saw S. C1m•r• 6. W•sh•r 7 . Outboerd Motor 8. SterH S•t 9. Couc:ft 10. Clarln.t 11. Refrla•rator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewfng M1chlne 14.. Surfbo1rd IS. M1chln• Tool1 16. Dlshwaah•r 17. Puppy 18. C•bin CruiMr 19. Golf Cnt 20. Bafori'l•t•r 21 . St•mp Collection 22. Olnt11•· Stl 23. Ploy Pin 24. Bowling 11•11 25. Weter Sklo 26. FrM1er 27. Sultc•s• 28. Cl0<k Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Ty.,.wrlt•r 31 . Bar Stools 32. Eneyclo~I• 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Troalc•1 Fl1h 35. Hot Rod £qulpm't 36. FIT• Cablntt 37. Golf Clubo 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom S.t 41. SUde Projector , ~2. l•.'.'fn Mower 43. Poot •Table 44. Tlrn 45. '''"° 46. Fur Coat 47. Dr1pe:s 48 .. Linens 49. Hor•• SO. Airpl•n• 51 . Organ 52. Exercycle 53. Rare Books 54. Ski a .... 55. Hi•h Choi r 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr•ln 58. Kitttn 59. Cl•11lc Auto '°~· CoffM T1bl• 61. Motorcyclt 6'l. Ac:Cordion 63. Ski1 64. TV Set 65. Workb.nch --66. Di1mond Watch 67. Go-Kirt 61. Ironer 69. Camping Trailer 70. Antique Furriltur• 71 . Tape 'RKo·rder 72. S1llboet 73. Sporto C•r 74. Mattren, Box Spp 75. ,Inboard SPffdbo1t 76. Shotg"" 77. S1ddlt 79, Dart Gemt '79. Punching 819 80. Biby C•rrl191 81. Drums 82. Rlllt 13. Desk 84. SCUBA Geer These-or any other-~xtra thlngs..aroW1cl;fhe--llousL1110y, ___ ~ l;le turned into cash wlrh a D-AILY. PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There!· DIAL DIRECT .. 642-5678 ,. ·- (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> -·DAILY PILOT WANT-ADS . . Will WORt FOR · Y.OU!· . ---· • Get In -on The ~cflon Today! I ' l • l I l ' I I I j 11 .. --..... , ......... ··-. ·-· ...................... . , .. .. ' _.,. I • . Sumlne_lfime:The livin9 may be easy , • ·• but M~KING a living _ Isn't, i.f you're a teen·•9•r looking for your first job ... or a 9raduate tryin9 to start a career. And, if you'.rtt..en employer -·or even a private citizen with some odd job to be done -you may not. be finding it ea1y ei~er. The two sides of the employer-and employable· problem might be illustrated Dylh&lWo r.lfers below. .. - You tell us to get an education, to be impressed with the opportu- nities this great nation of ours has to offer, to stand on our own two feet, to make something of ourselves and to quit protesting everything - including The System ... The Estab- lishment. I spent the last three days trying to find those great opportunities this nation offers. They must all be some- got the questions but I don't know how to get to you for the • answers. Just answer one of my questions: when and how am I go- ing to get a job? Pretty discouraged, _A _)~J- JJear _}~J: You came to me today looking for a job. But your appear. ance told me you just didn't have all the qualifications I'm looking for. You ·didn't bother to wear a tie; your haircut was at least a week old; you didn't shave . • place else. They weren't where I was looking for a ;ob. You impressed -me as-just arr- other one of those kids who wants to start at the top. Your scholastic achievements seem pretty impres- sive, but I wasn't impressed by your failure to grasp some of the You told me I didn't have the experience. You told me there was no place in your business for a beginner. You told me you were looking for someone older to paint your house, mow your lawn, clean out yqur garage. You said ·1 was too young to really be a responsible employe. Where am going to get experience, where am I going to prove my sense of responsibility if someone doesn't give me a chance, doesn't give me that first job? Am I. supposed to believe what you say or what you do? How do I force your world to give my world a break? I've Here is Help ..• for Both Sides ~ If you're • youn9 p•non willing to worlt or •n edult looking for • willin9 worker, th••• 1ix Orange Coa1t area non-profit youth employment centers can help you. YOUNG PEOPLEo Sign up with the center in your area no\v ... for job opportunities. ADULTS , Check v.•lth these centers for a boy to mow your lawn, a glrl to care for your children ... or for young men and wom- en looking for the career opportunity you can offer. HARBOR AREA YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ISpon1ored by Junior Ebell Cl~8"and A1sl1tance league of Newport Beach.) Offices in Central Branch, Boy•' Club of fhe Harbor Ar•• •• • 594 Center Street, Co1fa Mesa. Open 9.m. fo I p.m. Monday thru Friday, Jun• 16 through Augu•t 15. Telephone: 642-0474. MISSION VIEJO YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ISpon1ored by Rancho Viejo Women's Club.I Offices at Ml11ion Viejo Hi9h School, 25025 Chritanta Or., Mi11ion Viejo. Open 10:00 a.m.· I :00 p.m. Monday thrv Friday. Phone 830-2830 . FOUNTAIN VALLEY: YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE I Spon5ored by South Coast Junior Wom1n'1 Club.I Office1 in Nurse's Office, Fountain Val. lay Hi9h School, 17816 Bushard St., Fountain Valley. Open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday thru Friday. • HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB REFERRAL SERVICE I Supenti5ad by Robert Martin, d!ractor of wcrk experience educ:etion, Huntin9ton Beech Union Hiqh Sc:hcol District.) Offices at 1902 ·17th Strief, Huntin9tcn Beach. Oren 8 a.m .. 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday al summer, Phone 536-9331. SOUTH COAST JOB PLACEMENT SERVICE !Sponsored by South Orange Co11t YMCA.) Offic 1111 at 491 Fore1t Ave., Laguna Beach. Open 9 a.m .• noon end 12:30-4 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. Phone 494.3333 HUNTINGTON BEACH YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE !Sponsored by Ellis A't'•nue Baptist Church.) Offices at 8121 Ell is Ava., Huntington Beech, Opan 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Phon• 847-6067 practical facts that make the business world run. You should check the classified advertising section of the newspaper before going out to look for a job. It will tell you who is hiring, what kind of people they're hiring, what the going salaries are and which jobs are plentiful, which are scarce. (That last item is important. It will give you a hint as to how· hard to please. you can afford to be. In fact, many al- ready employed people make it a habit td read classified ads even when they aren't looking for a job-just to keep them- selves posted on the job market.) And I'm going to give you some more advice. Get eager. Show that you're interested. Maybe w ha! you kids call The Establish!11ent is more interested in you than you think. Did you know, for example, that there are six non -profit job placement services in operation right now in the Orange Coast area, all trying to help you find the job you want? They are ready to help you find "one-shot" odd jobs, a summertime job or even the job that could start your lifetime career. But they won't hand the world to you. You've got to keep trying -on your own, through •the classified ads a rd through the employment centers. If you don't "make the sal(',,the first time you try for a job, try again, and again. You may not believe it, but all .around you employers are loqking for young men and women smart enough to go after a job in the old-fashioned way. When these employers find one, they · can't wait to get him on their poyroll. Still waiting, .(This Page Prepared and Published by The DAILY PILQT as a ·Public Service) \ ' I • • ·--------~----------------~· -~~-.,. --MOl!lfty, _.,~ 7, 19M RI NTAL' , 1•*!1'12-•4"1£--* .. -·*--·*,__ ... * BUSI NESS and --'-Afl!L'-'-. _u_._,,,_.m.._lthed__ ... FI NANCIAL - ANNOUNC f M!NTS ind NOTICE~ SERVICE DIRECTORY JOBS a IMPLOY N a N J a ------1--------1 Htlp Wa nted, Men 7'00~1-W111toc1, -not Coron• dtl Mo• 5U O 2 BLOCKS to BE:AQI, Lita'• Gance apt. ' BR + ditft. l\t balbt, newly deoora" IOft water, l&1.lodlyr P'hp: m-TMT • 2 BR, 2 BA, Sv.'C!dilh f'f1i\C: Jmmac ~i.. 2 yrs oM. $220 mo. m-sno. Hunting!.., ·leech 5400 CHEZ ORO APAl\TMENTS :,;.o &2U . .Atl&ntl .L New 1·2 Bedrooms • Pay ~ electric only 536-3927 er S..16'1m Pool0 Wa.sbe:n-'oryers Q Private Oa.nges -- NE\V $15(} UP. 1·2-3 BR. Heat· ed &: uuna pools, rec nn. Hell & AJaonquln. M1t. 8-16-3137 LARGE l Be.: 1 or 2 Children OK, pet OK; cpta, di.'J>I, range. 962-7637 2 .I: l BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt paUo, heated pool, newly decorated. ~ 5700 Beach Apls. New • Deluxe (714) 536-4616 (714) 536-1417 7ll Ocea.ri Avenue !3 blks \V. of lt 8 . Pier) L!"!na Beech 5705 2 BR., unturn.. w/pool. Ocean vlew, nr. beach. $160 ?.Jo. 523-nll ext. 15 2; 499-2803 eves. REAL ISTA TE Gener•I R1nt1l1 Wanted · 5990 HoUHclN nlnt 6'135 Htlp Wenltd, Men 7200 · • · ~ 6405 llAum:NANCE • -• MACHINISTS I--------,,.. • --· POLICE o•,1cER A QM.M•n lllt1lnu1 LICENSED _Lal,, xi.t ""'°" r $2:,000 tnvutment 5'>1ti1ual Retdtnp, adv~ =.r~ta.~ /", $711'117t--~~.,omonth 1-i..._....;;.;,:;.:c_...._:c__~---_, (Con St•l'f Pu t· Tim') on all mattel'I-Sl2 N. El cAllPl:l'S. W......,, tin, Cl OF Lio•~ ......... ; ~E-eanw.,~~.~ ........ ,... "' <lomc'L -ljEWPORT'BEACH MllR M hln "'--' LY Pl!OmABLE BUSI-10 Al>l -ID Pll 1.,;;;;"°';';;: ..... ::=H;t.";;·:::54MU1==1 I. ng acl • ~. ,• .. NES.S aervl~na loca,l atom. ========== .-;;;; eun-.ni OPt:nlrc1 requtrt1 • ete., with • NATtONAU..Y Announ1•m•nt1 u 1ol ---~I"'.::..------hlgh f.:tiool Graduate, mini· FAMOUS tiO YEAR OLD EXPEtuENCEI> ;...u.. . mull) n" ""' 1'° '"" 21 Drill P_ress Operatori FOOD BEVEllACE p<Odu<t P IANO LESSONS rm. -"°"'"'" laundry to IO "'""old 20l1G uncor-whlc,b . iJ ~JIOUstHOLO net.eel vla:lon. Wrlttan te11 --drill ""' · • W1todtlY W1ntr Wl\aiay1 Got? • SPECIAL CLASSl,.CATION .f OR NATURAL BORN SWAPP!RS Spocltl llllto WORD IN AMERICA, '' -Beglnol"" '"'d'"" ""'· HTvieO. $1.1>/hr. 548-'1!0 Wedneiday, Jiily ll. Go!O Muaf bii oxperlence4 on all l)'PO• of 1, coniwntd by tht THOUS-u.c.1. Muale JtfaJor IRONING A altenuana. p.m.. Ob' Hall C))uru:ll have own tOols and do setups. Mln1nu1Ql ANDS DAILY ln this com-Call Bruce 54&-4473 Free pick GP A dtlJ\te1y. OWnben, for further In-three yrs. esperleace. , mun1ty, and ·enjoys LIFE-Wiu. buy old worlhleu • 540-001$ * formation con tart tho P11r-.. __ _.,_un .. -5 11--' 1>vcke flUl..11 -Al} #lijlf IHCl UDI TIME REPEA'.I BUSINESS. ·---.... -17=:~::':~~:=;;;;:: I """"19!!!!;!, Cl'!'._ Hall, 3300 ----~__,.__ __ nlabtt 7'10 Janl torlil , 1790 Newport .,;;;s., lie"'°" AS ~~;u~L i~~&ST SERVIC& DIR!CTORY WALLS. wi..-. n-. ~Calli"""" 92660• n• Lathe Operators NAME IN FOOD !NOUS-8ibyiittlnt1 6550 CllJ"Pt!U. Commercial • Must be e'IJ)trlenced on all type• of lathe•, 1-Wlltt *' lltvt M lfldl. ~Wlltt ~ '""' ll'r tr .... ~voua ~ •""• 9ddl'Wt. .._. •11tt "......,tt.in. i-HOTHIN4 FOii IAl..I -llltACllS ONl..'t'I TRY) rs· PRE-SOU> THRU ;...,;.:.;,;._..s. ___ .....;= ~klenUal. OaUy, weellcy LABORER have own tool• a nd do own setups. TUrret EXT!NSNE AND CONTIN· BABYSIT rny hOme, exper _,_..,..;l_or_M_o._!97_-_1350___ $4M • $605 Per Month, lathe experience pre1erred. PRONE 642-5671 To Piece Your Trader'1 Paradise M Want frte & clear vacant land anywMre U.S.A. Have local, improved. UOUS ADVERTISING ON lovlnr care. Vk: Harbor, &y le. eeach Oeaning ~rv New 19119 Norae 1M dryer, TV, RADIO, MAGAZINES. Victoria, CM. 66-1473 Carpet.I. windows. Doors. etc CITY OF -· (moved to new all ~ectric NEWSPAPERS, ETC., ~. ,4 Comc'I. 646-UOl 0 t Madge Davis Realtor 642-7lXll -·· wru. TRADE '"' fCGMPANY p R 0 Du c T Brick, Maaonry, etc. Nl!WPDRT BEACH Hone perq or good condition electric dr>'· SA~ lN EX~ OF l* · 6560 P1perh1"tl"9 35' Chris Roamer, also Tus- tin View lot, all utU. Both fftC A: cleu. Trade tor TD's or ? ?!. 6~ or 613-0305 er, 968-1669 .. Bil.LION Q()l..LARS AN· Paft1tln 6850 Requtres 6 mont21& ae.neral NUALLYJ. CGNSISTS OF BUlLD, Rtmodel, llopail' -~· ..:•:....-·---·I lalm and/or bWldlnK nlein- TOWNHOUSC 3 Br, 21,i ba. Q)u..ECJ'!NG FOR MER-Brick, hklclr, con c re I e, PAlNTl!'llC tnt • IXl Lowest tenance experiirx:e, comple- Beaut. appt'd, Priv. patio, O!J.NDIS!: SOLD ANO R£.. crpntry, 00 job too arnall cOnttacted prtces. F\llly tru. tion of 8lh pd~. AppJ.y Im· pool; nr. bay, Val. $32,500, PLENlSHING INVENTORY. Lie. Contr. 96J.-6945 Sltisfactlon llJU'. Free est medlatelY to ~llbel Off. for T.D .. car. cam_ptr or ? ? REQU!REMENT.s: Mus 1 J im Weeks sn..'l.16' Ice,-3300 Newport Blvd., Owner 6f&&54 arplte to OF Ctbln1tm1kfn9 65!0 N"'~. ~-. ~•·to•, no Neqiort Beach, Calif. 92660 !-lave R·i lot Newport Beach _ """, ...... ., .-...... • $17,500 free and clear. Want LI.rte hoU5e + income + INCOME dtlhking. College student. * DRIVERS * Must bave minimum ol two years. eiqierlence OD Sunn.en-Hope. CADILLAC CONtROLS • d •-In d t •-WEEK UP PAINTJNG ,Paperini 16 ~ ., -.• p' • .,,· •. 'sto·-•·· ···•. YJ111:x Corona et Mar. room to build, on got ...-in Harbor atta . .Lie. ~ ui.. " .....-~:i No s:--lence Matcham. Realty course. Trade ~ free & have servi~able ear, bonded. Reb tum. &tt-2356 EXT/Int pn!&. Aver rm. $20 • N -,...... 1 /!.n ~"•' opport1inlty eMpl.y.., 155 Rochester, CM 64&4837 clear land or .!l\ibmll. START lMM!:DlATEtY U + iP<ld p&int. ·ne!t work ee,essary. l"!!!!!!!!l!!!!~~!!i!i!!~'"ii!i~i!!~!!!!!!!!!~~I Retirea-don't need tax shel· Madie Davis Rltr, 6~2-7{XX) accepted And HAVE the C1rpenterlng 6590 loc rel.s. Roy. 847-1358 Mu.at have clean c.llfomlar Dlvlalon of Ex-Cello Corp. 114' Wlllttl. A ..... 0.... MeM 646-2491 ter. Want hse free & clr lot ~uary $2.0«> tor inven-4rlvlna record. Apply Help 'W1nted Min nOO Help W1ntecl, Men 7200 $19M or S38M eq. in tri-Small bot:se ranch 2 BR 1 tory NOW in tbe bank. CARPENTRY Plastering, .RepaJ,; 6110 YELLOW CAB CO. pleJ1~. S9SO mo, pool, prime twl, pr. fucd. Wan~ 3 BR 2 For local Interview, Include ~tINOR REPAIRS. No Job 186 E. 16th St. loc, no vac. 540-6001 . Mba•th ... ~~ .... ~!,_.lortt.Bf-°5, CMta year car. rpecltlc time (dur. TO(I Small. Cabinet in pl'> • nPATCH !LASTEtlmRING. Costa Mel& --•-Now ages le o t be r cablnel.I. A type•. "tee es ate,1---------I Filming W/IOund. dra.fting, Rllr 646-3928 eve 644-1655 In&: buslneas houn) 54$-81""', U "9 lllswtr 'leavt Caa 540-6825 Spanith let1!!100s, promo-avalltbJt-to aervice ac-"' BUttDING tk>ns. WANT: Camper HA~: Conn Minuet Orran. counts, and phone number. rnsa: at 646-2312. H. 0. truck or make proposal original price $1600. WANT: Box P-8&1, Daily Pilot. Ander-.on Plumbing 6l90 MAINTENANCE HUQHtS NliWP<iRT BEACH STOCK CLERK Byron. s.t2-l898 '&4 CAI' (good cond.l, HO-REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS PilJMBING REPAIR. MAN I lltve $5500 free and clear BIE Sailboat or ? ! ? • IMPORTCNG: Hq Kong CABINETS, Any size job No job too amal1 $474 .. $576 Per Month We have &n immtdLate Med 30 ft Sport Fisher. \Vant 675-6969 clothing. Can be oper. from ~yrs. exper. 548-6713 e 64Wl28 e ELECTRO. for a bright amblUo\11 nock ATTENTION •mall house or income urui., Wiii tr.de 1961 VW ::~~l~~~tra~~~~ QUALITY Repairs -Alten.-1 ===='"=====<I CITY OF PLATERS clerk wtth a minimum of 1 NEEDED BY AUGUST lttatcham Realty Sed1n for Bua or Van. lions -New coruL by bour Re'!°!.odel, ~!,.Ir, 6940 NEWPORT BEACH year recponslble sh)c]croom Eastern College profes&0r & 646-4837 155 Rochester, CM __ _::.*_:513.3821.::::=_::.* __ 1 P.1exicanJSpa.nWi Imporla or Contract. 646-3442 with a minimum of one )'ttr uperle.rict. Knowled&t of &raduate itudent.!I. some $:m1 ht11 price, $1000 do-.\•n, ~M~ASTER-==-.,,,,,.--.~te'-, -.~$4~per * IF you need remodeling, Requlrt1 6 months reneral of cadmium, pl.a tire expefi. electronic component peril wilh famlllei and/Qr small .. * * * * * includes stock le. fixture&. palntln8 or repe.ir5, CaU Labor and/or buildlna: ma.in-ence. la eueDlial-11nd 1 H 11 h 63J-.1293 or 633-1974 hour. Remodellng-Repain. Dick. &U-1197 · tton&nce experience. compl~ School degree ii preferTed. pet, · desire 'housing near &12-6409 or 53&-3900 Uon of 8th ere.de, Apply Im. P1eut apply In person ~tUJt bave the ab\Ury to set U.C.t. some wlll be located REAL ESTATE REAL ESlAl'I UNIQUE diatributing co, e•t REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS S.W::.::;l:;•! ... ____ .:.6c:.960:::I mediately to Perannne.I OU. along with people. N~--~1 ""'to ,· •BedPP~_: ~ Gener•I Generel 3Boxynl.~CM4n. ~ ~.· P.O. CABINETS, Any me Job Ice, 3300 Ntwport Blvd., H U G H E S ca.i .......... -.-·~ • ..,..,...., 6 • 25 yrs, exper 5'8--6713 • Dreuma.Jrinl: -Alterations Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 ""'-m&in reiponalbillly wtll furni.!lhed apta, du~1 .... es or __ ...;.______ . c ID ~ lg•· "~ • I ~· "'• ... '! ... :z.s... MEC'-''NIC NEWPORT BEACH be-to store, maintain and 'houSI!!. p,[ce r~ $1ZI to Income Property 6000 Industrial R1nt11 6090 Money to Lun 6320 C c .LLl\ft .........,..... JJ.t" --..1. ·-"' Sl~ J_"ll!r month, n1igl'1t IO ement, oncrete VUV\11 ;o;;;;;;;,o=';i;;;;""='°"';<jJou~neyman mccltanjc, t_:t· --600-&APl~A..,,,,_-~. !!!!!e.-C?Yt ~~a'1.c-~1---- •'lii "more ffUliJJ[}es arc 32 UNITS-6'1• .. lo _l_oai_n - -"bf. Ii 2nd ,Joans-tor quick 697~ Perlence Fottljn or i50mes-Ne~rt Boach, Calit. room •uppliei . .,.... NEW industrial blda:. m1 sq. caih. Bom>• on ......,,.. pro-e CONCRETE work all TILE, Ceramic ,. l O I the old F .. ,.... paid . Please co n t a c t : $435,000 -ft. 9c per ft . 1639 Monrovia, _ _, . without ~b·.,. types. Pool decks & cui:tom. .:.:;:.:;,c.;;;:.:.:;;;;;c:,._~,;_; 1 t .c. ne a I departm' e•t o~ Equal opportunity Good ttart.tn&: rate plus ex• 847..QMO Huntlngton Beach Superb cond., excel Garden CM. 673-!IOIT ..... ,_.,..,, loweq ~terest •-•, TOL Call 543-132~ *Verne, The Tile Man* eign car serv ce en efuployer. M & F cellent company beneli'* ln- alter 6 PM tu leave ln-Grove area. No Vac. Good ... ... u ---~-~~~= ICusL work. Install&. repairs. In Ora.n1e Co. nat rate &1-,,,!!!!;,.;..;,,;,· !!!!!!!l!!!l!I!!' ~- formation or v.Tite : R. returns _ EZ terms: Allio buyers for 2nd TDs. PATIOS, WALKS, DRJVE. No job too small. Plaater W8lTallty work $9.00 perl~ eluding 12 daYa va.oa..,.. Eugene Granger, Case FIRST PIONEER 'Lota 6100 SltitlerMortiage~.tnc. WAYS. Free estimate. patch. LeaJdn& shower hour,pa,ybu.edon50/50%. durtna:fii'styevol.emplo)'- Ro u 1 ---------Sezving Harbor Area~ yn. J. RAY CONST. &l2.-4Zl0 repair. 847-1957/846-0200 Excellent worlrtng condi. ment. 6:~~nd. ~;;~ 441~ ~% ~=-·=4~2~-4=4"'2"1==-llUC E fee almple lot on 338 E. lTtl. St. • CONCRETE On. patios =~===""=====I tiollJI. Mu1t have own hand m JABSCO DP v e Io pm c n t B'°'<>o FOR SALE BY OWNER Anliqua, DOVER SHORES. ~nn 5'5-tl6l1 etc. Cancrete & blk top u.w· TrM St.rvlce 6980 tools. Call Sidney 494-8771 ar Center.) 4 units. 2 • 2 BR, 1 BA le Owner. 547--0997 lfli. Reas. Don, 64.2-85l4 '-'C::...;:;;:.;.::::; __ _;;;.;;.; ''-"""""-'=·------·I Ylfilil Afl machines. 2-JBR. lli BA. 548-6155 Money WanNd 6350 JIM'S Gardening &: lawn1• 2 or 3 BR home. Rent-buy In HALF block to ocean 30x85' •CUSTOM PATIOS• maJnlenance. Rel. ilt com- mind. Owner onl y. \Vrite R-2 lZt 45lh SL NB caU \VTD .......... •~a l ). ____ Tnn concrete 51.win& &. removal ,_, ., • ., 6 ,,1 REFUSE CREWMAN $523 • $636 Per Month MECHANIC4L ASSEMBLER K Bu.In.. R.nt.I 6060 '-""" "'"" ......., -~ "" Sta'· "-.••••1010 merc1a.1. '* .no-<J'9.U partlculaTII promptly. en ---'------ur.>-1111 • int + points, sec. by I.<: ... .,. .,..._ HIU15e, 360-A E. Hamilton, STORES far lease Village ,;;;:;;,====","2"00" $100,COO equity. 6TJ.-94.12 '•~co=N"CR=E"T"'E--=w"or1<=.-,,bond=. ESTATE Malnt Tree Serv CP.f. &15--0796 Shopping CenU!r, cor of El Acreage~-----'--•uNOUNCtMENTS td & lie. Concrete sawfn&. Removal I: trimmings, tree 1..::::::.~,,o,:.:.,,-~,-74=a -• Philll" Cement. SU-.Q80 •tlmate, Call Ml~ WANTED To ease or r Camim & Mendola, C.M. * CHOICE 2\, ac R&ncbol. end NOTICES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Prefer llOtneone w I th mechanical usembly ex- perience.-· Good beneftts and W'Oridn&: conditions. A VARIAN SUBSIDIAllY 2722 Mlchelton Orin lrvlne, Collf. 91664 (Sao D"&o Frwy. to Jamboree on: ramp 1 b&ock boult. $350. to $1j(). per 11),0-Suitable Food to Go, TV, World's bKf: climate. $35001 -.;;;c;;;..;.;.o.;..;.;.. ____ I 6665 Upholstery 699(1 a-··'-- 6 mon"--"'"'t'al c.drit, Emerald Bay, KB. variety~ bobby ahop, ete. dl'l.. 1.al'ltr parcels avail. Found (F,.. Adi) 6400 _F_loo;_l'f_______ ·~~-- Contact P.1r. Pallette fiU) See Liquor store fur key. Good terms. GtS-2060 C"lYKOSKI'S Cu.st. Uphol. labor and/er bulldlrlc mai~ S. of Michel.on Ort'va), An Equal Op- Emplcryer M I: F EQUA.C"OPPORTUNI'I"Y EMPLOYER 549-ll21 or (41S) 33Z-S682 Al \Vagner 21S/981--6510 Take 0,,. pymo~. 10 Acres FOUND on beach In ~~r.~1,,V,l~ylcoJllol! L'uropean CrattsmanslUp tenance experience, comp!~ • Newport, near Orange St., ~w Y 'M • • 100% tin! 642-1454 .,, Uon oI 8th grade. Apply Jm. RESPONSIBLE family needs BALBOA ISLAND n!> down. $2S. mo. Ranch ma.le tan & white markings F~ est. Lie. contr. 1831 Newport Bl., CM. me<llately to Per10nnel Ott· l'8S DALE WAY lge 4 Br. 3 Ba home in C.P..1. Top location 300 + sq ft.. site nr. huie lake. 894-4743 like Qill.ie. ~7222 a.nd -==541).=""==="""==78== E ice, 3300 Newport Blvd., COsrA MESA CALJ.P' 9262'8 or N.B. ~-to S280. per 4 .YI'S remaining on lease. Agt. ldenWy • JOIS & EMPLOYM NT Newport Beach, Call(. 92G80 cntl Ms-csi · moo 96Hl93 S175. mo. Write P.O. Box G1rdenlng 6680 Job Went-•, "-n 7000 EXECUTIVE FILTAl~E NOW HIRING COUPLE \Vith out of tQwn 15315 Las Vegas, Nev. R. E. Wanted 6240 CIULD'S prescripUon glasses 19U ..._ ;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 rou~ .. at Huntington State J '"ANESE G d t SALES CAREER -==-======·I home wants local rtnlAI, MARINERS CENTER '""' IU" a 1 e n n & Beach. Call &: identify. oel"Vlce and maintenance. PART-TIME bookkeeper. Starting aalary plUI com· M' ACHINISJ Larre lntml&Uonal OOl'POfa- ' ~·eckdays only, will share. Oflice & store building rent -"A"' A,..19 •-n ,,.,. ......... ,.,...,n -..1.. tlon _,,,u ....... n.-..-.,.........., Also clean up. """"· · ... ,.. .... , .......,.¥ • 'i""'V mlaalon. Flr1t y18r earnlni• ..... .....,-.. ,. .. , .,. .. 'A .. 833--0600, Ext. 2126, Dave or lease. $75. to $120. per 1''EMALE Irish Seller Vic. • 548-2S?2 • report &: ·PJL. 548--244~ of $12,000 plus poqible 2 C.OUnty. Mtny GPeninat ·now NICE furn. or unf\11'. 2 or 3 ~~u{,:9 Rivenide Ave. $$ MORE CASH $$ South Huntington Beach. •MOW. EDGE* WEED. yt&r training program. by WANTED avatlable lnalldepartme:n&a. Bdrm a.pl. Prefer Beach. M•-i'• • Hamilton Streets ,_ Job W•nted, L1dy 7020 ctntury oJd natlonal c=om· No experienct nece-.ry. tail Locatlo • -·-... "" Prof. lawn ma.Int by capabu: 6T>5139. • PRIME Re n y H Eqult on .July 4th. Call 536-4473. pany. Bualneu or ,a.lei ALSO • l7X-40 XI t f t &: auto tral For our ome Y C.olleae students. Reas!,. NORWEGIAN Prac. NUl'lll! ._A_"'-"' nd '-al~"'·' N tn. e LANDLORDS e ' n ()(I • Abt!Olutely no cost · . • SMALL Female. Grey dog. lC.alina. Brothers 646-1234 desires work: companion ucoo.:"O•vu ·~.... 0 • Qu1 "'A" 4°''8". MUlt have FREE RENTAL SERVICE fie. 1871 Harbor, C.M. to rou the Seller! Wiry Hair. Vic. Adam5 & Johnson'• Gll'dent.... some houlework, own veJ. Manqement oppo~ cni.-n tools and be q.pable Broker 534-6982 646-6654 12 yean of paying more cash ~le 1 a Verde Dr. c. M. .... ltles. ,£qua.I opp. emplr. ol mi.king awn setupt, Good SUMMER WORK "OR • BEAUTIF1JL crpt'd offke fur Orange County property. 546-8670 aft 6 p.m. Finest eqUlp., expert care. tran1p. 5'.>Zt7S Renald A. Sm ith woridng condlUona ovt!rtime TEACHERS & Nffd J3u!BR.~!,?!h'AP~,!u:; suite, air-cond. Best deal In can the Re1;t • • • I . vi ot Plantina:, clean-ups. 962--2l35 CCU.EGE girl will usistt 827-7'00 and top benefits. ' STUDENTS [rom y,..,. .... ~ -. to.,.,71. ~2060 Then call the Best , DAMAGED bicyc e 111 c. CLEAN·UP Spedallsll Mov· mother with beach care o 644-0039 a.nd 8J.3$.18 Harbor & Adams, C.M. Ing, edglng, odd jobs. children. July-Aug. 673-2459 TASKER BUSINE.SS Lady desires 1 s:~~o:~~s.$1~·~ 540-M89 eves or wtrend~. Rea.tonable. 548-6955 Dl~~Npc;.:,':'M INDUSTRIES bdrm Wlfurn • apt to $100. Sts.-0584. 703 Randolph. CM. BEVERLY JACKSON PART Beagle • Brown & Yamauchi Garden Service Domestic Ht lp . 7035 R.adlatronlct Dlv. For interview call Monday and 1\lellda,, A.Ill for ldr. Jamu. 642--0086 Black. Vic. Irvine & 22nd, Free Landscape Conaull:lfli Gecr&e Allen Byland Agency Apply In pereon 18842 Teller Avenue Office Rental 6070 REALTY N.B. 548-9«9. • 673-ll&ll • Employer Pay1 Fee Newport BUch, Calif. SALES Int Apnt. HIS pJua 599S 774-7251 Rooms for Rent NICE. clean room f o r empl~ man on day shift. C.M. $12 per \Vk. 642-7920 Income Property 6000 MR. INVESTOR 112 UNITS Now being built Jn seleel Anaheim al"l!a , cioge to fl"\'/Y!J, shopping. recreation & Irani. Projected inco~e 7X ~ YO\l can receive lhe lil"!lt buyer'• tax advan- t.agts plus depreciation. \VW accept pre-paid interest w/ low down payment. MAY TRAOE SWPER 20 ACRES navel, hi&h pro. duclna: orange grove: w/lre· mendous growth potentiaJ. Adj. to Hwy. 60 oU-ramp, thi!! main terminus to new lake A: recreation project. PRE • PAID INTEREST DOWN; $147,500 FULL PRICE. MAY TRADE -~ COMMERC. CORNER Honest •pol ln Orange: Oity .. nr So. O::>MI Plau l new hoie:I •lie. 2.$.5 ACftl ready for deVt:lopment; .uperb Joe. for restaurant. automatl~ center etc. Only $240,000: this ~udel r a • station """"· e Pleue Callo Tom ?<Malo e REALTOR n4 ; li'15-6l59 e !Nous. B14&. 100,. """""· Nprt. Bcb. 10~ net return. $190,co:L PtUl Su 11 1 v a n ~ ITS Belch hol8 time. Bil'· pit .eJtcUon evtrl Sf.c. tht DAILY PILOT Oautnmd stcHon NOW! ' GERMAN Shephers, black, EXPERIENCED Japanese lOC·B ~-16th, SA 547-o395 Stuff Shirt PRODUCTION IOod oppty tor )'CIW\I bud LAGUNA BEACH 847-6023 or 5454245 female, abl 6 mos. old, El· gardener. Reliable. 54()-7373 Chinese live-Ina. Cheerful Reateurent SUPERVISOR \vorklni man. fra)O, Call Air Conditioned den & Del P.tar, ~2. for free e1tlmate Permanent Experienced .., 646-5057 tor interview Oilte, the recogntzed lead· Bu 0 d snen, ~AOl.NCY ON FORESf AVENUE GERMAN Shepherd doa: w/ AL'S Gardening & Lawn Far Ea.st Agency 642-8703 er in Its field, has an op. C ASTAL Desk spa~s available In ..,.~~'!!!!!!""'"!"'l""'~ [ Ar'-•• •·-. m'ale. vlo. 19th -;;:,;;;::;~;;;k="""='fa;<;-;'<'.'-;:m;:;-u;;:;;;;:;:;I A member of -= ......,._ .._ Maintenance. Commerclal, = SALES: office Machines, portunlty for a Young man newest office bu.llding at CASH QUICK-need 3 or 4 &. Pomona CM. GG-0447, -'d "·' u I W r~.M 7.200 with .manufact...i .... a.. ~tWi:1 A~· Inc. •rime location in -downtown a I FHA o.-•• _ indw;tri11.L & fCllJ rn\llW._ ..ne P · I.ft --.. en._ -accta·knowledce·helpful, Joe 50ll'ie -·-.· o.a.. ~ __ .. Br. · · or ,...,.._ near * 646-J629 * S 1 '$600 Jerrltory To $9000. cau Bud dlily. Call 635-4131 for de-ar....... " eaa Laguna Beach. Air o..vuui· hett. 499-UMS Lost 6401 a 11men •-"-0 d D k I •-tioned, carpeted, beautiful -=;7:;r.;oi:.::.,----I =::::..------'-""-AlLEN BROS S~ll ~ <a.l.lll· r er II o .- .nt-nces: Front..... on BUSINESS ano W"' M> T·-····· Blk •. Tan GARDENERS sruDENTs Exp. wth office equipme.nt, co.ASTAL AGENCY Fee pa.Id. Xlnt opPty w/top '" ·-FINANCIAL ~ •• ' .,. good tutW"C, call Lorau'le EVENING INTER Som p I.,.. coll A1aO Fomt Ave., rear leads to Female. "Gingew'', will shy worklna way lhru college. MerchllnlS Personnel Agen-A member ot -co. e ex • ~· ~ Muncipal parking lot5. $50 Bus. Opportunltlet 6300 away from people. Vic or Exp. Lie. Reas. 646-4203 2043 w tcliU Dr 66 Snelling & SneUina. Inc. VIEWS MAY BE feoe jo~~;:: i::~t per month for space. Detk Fashion Isle. Reward for BUSINESS & RESIDEN· ~O-es '' 27BO Harbor Bl., Costa. Men ARRANGED. and chairs available for $5. SPORTSMAN any info. If seen call 644·1293 TIAL Gardenln& &: Cleanup. TOOL • MAKER SALF.SMAN to handle la:le oi Employment Aa:ency Bwilness hours answering New op-•tunlty lor Uie . l t:'u-'d 646-622'2 ed catl n coune to industry OZJTE CORPORAnON 2120 So. M&ln, S.A. servlee available for no. ,.... LOsr: Mrn's H am i to n --.. • Experienced tn aluminum u a 151S t. Wlna1on Rd. YOUNG M&N All utilities paid excepl =~:1::1~et i~ :~ l~ :~ v:~ch~ Re=~· Rel.iable ~1:11ntenance i:a~ fD~:cu;; =~ ~~~= '!::eJ ~:: Anabtlm. Ca1ifom1a far ·CDD dellVery, Ute car telephone. they enjoy the most. 546-7817 after 6 pm. Gantenln&: and Clean-up Alondra per. rontacU~ lndustrlal Equal opportuntl:y employer nee. Make #W.1S day. Ap. DAILY PILOT We have a limited number of · accnta. to tell MmMtudy pl)' onl¥ U )Vt! are Ma t A m FOREST AVENUE openlnp for the ambltlowl P1raon•l1 6405 Reliable lawn service, Clll> 860-2401 cour.et. Call Irene Hoed, Service Station dependable. 2'JO w. Warner, LAGUNA BEACH person who would like 10 mow. edge, trim. FOUNDRY NaHonaJ Syttems Carp. lor MANAGER Ste 217, 5.A. 64-94fi6 reap the rewards of the ever * Al .. * 531·1404 * • Experienced aJumtmnn Intervirw 5f&.'l'360 1-.... =,,..;.;;:,"...,-"'.-,-------1 LAGUNA Increasing recreation ex· one ~ EXPEft.T Japanete mail}-aqueeu_r I: Ooor moulder. Field Tech Trainee mech wUh opportun.lty for fulJ own-PART TIME l!!VIS. 4 PRIVATE offices "all or ploelon. e tenance HB., F.V. area. Located near 605 f'""Y • !no, repair etc. of off~ enhlp. S&luy plus proOt l*I1'', some beautilully EXTREMELY HIGH EARN· Yl!S IT'S YOUR can Mack. 842--8442 Alondnt.213! ...,,.. 2401 machbie1. Outside route perce~ll.ct Jlm Be•t $3 50 h furnished! North Laa:una nJGS J·~-•• Gardner -after ,......, ·-Call Bud per r highway location.~ ExceUent ON nus 00z.m.G. mrr FAULT Exper,...-~;pl yard service! e FIBERGLAS e Snell,~· * Mt-3444 * • • for lndlvldua.I, rtalton, In-FUN BUSlNESS. For t"eCOrded meuage that Free est. ~1958. 5'&-01'l4 e REPAIRMAN e COASTAL AGENCY '-taml Trainee nat'l 00 CaU surancc broker, aemtlrtal You do need at le&Jt $11Xl to will change your life call CUt" Edrt 4wn Experienced A member cl • , , can 5(T.f7S2 Mt. Bcl'kl oftice, etc. Owner, 494-5577 $3600 cash to start. Wrlle ORANGE CD. 5'7-6667 Malntel'l&nce, Ucemed SOIOCK BOATS SnellinJ A: SnelllnJ Inc on dln .t: large atorei In BdAT CARPmRI 300 Sq. ft. Offic. (Jiving phone no.l 24 hour reconttna 548-4808/S<IS.2.110 aft 4 673-2050 * Nt!'l9'pOl't 2790 Harbor Bl., eo.k ~ =· ~~· 8~~.11e= Exp'd. in hJah quality wark. COSTA MESA 646-2130 ALL siAsoNS Attrectlve Expert JIM'S Gardening & lawn BOYS 10 . 14 Service Order ~'i Good pa,y, •tead.1 v."Ork and lndu1trl1I Prop. 6080 READY TO BUILD 2 acres. f\llly improved. Sew· er, wat~r. curb le. gUlter. Full price $27,500, per aett. Prime Santa Ana loeatlOn. up to 6 acres availabJ.e. For more inlormatton, please call K. W. &ntlL Eckhoff & Aiaoc:., Inc. 1!18 W. Qapma.n Ave.. Ort.rce, Calif. 541-2621. Evu•"Ju\d.s $38-59n lnduatrlel Rentel 6090 UNDER. construction '28,000 1q. tt. M·l bldg w/clb. USO.SID) sq. n. un11a. 10e sq. ft. Complete about Jqly ,., """ -· day> - SPGRTING Go6os CG. YOUNG WOMAN main""'""'· a... & Com-Carrier Rou"' Opan Clerk to $IOO COASTAL AGENCY all bel18flfa, lft XS ON P.O. Box~ dancer will teach you all merclaJ * 54S-34ll tor Fee Paid, 1 Yt!lr o( coUep. A member of" MAIUNE. <SH Ch arl.•a salt Lalfe Clt,y, Utah, 84\11 Iatett sfltpl. cail Ardell ' Lquna Bf:ach, So. LtiUM Aleo fte jobt Sne!IU. &. Snelijns. Inc. Phllllps) 829 ProducUOn Pl, Alli1. 213: 591"'538 1·10 PM JAP~E prdener Compl .. DAILY PILOT lncfeftMM:lent P•raonnel l790 HirbOr Bl., Costa N'.ea N.8. REDUCE Saft A fut with aerv. Exper, dependabk, KJ..4321 r-· .;,_.o.;.._J ____ 1----1 HELP! ! Go8'" tab ..... E-V ......... -1ru """"'Ave .. Suite c EXP --• • IOI or. u1uonat co. neMs a dlltri-Quellty Cont rol $600 C.M. &42-0026, !.CMl9'1ll Exp try cook, part ~ . 'bu tor for candy and tnlCkl "water pill'.I'.'. weal c 111 f H•ullnp •730 ~. u producUon UM IUpY. • FRY cook i time. 494-4891 Pel1'rlf,ntnl, full time Pb.atmaey, 2043 West.cliff · 2 yrs. collese, call Loraine, Graveyard ehltt. 2 yn exP-Benton'a CoUtt Sbop tdf.nder Motor tloma lac. :i: ~~a.~::; Dr. GENERAL HAULING Merchanta Personnel Attn-~vy btl!aldut Gd M1ary 133 S. Cou,tH'!!f, LB hJS Canyon Dr., c.14. 2 to 10 houn per week (day• COUNSELING & CLEANUP -cy, ~3 We•tclltl Dr .. N.&· tor Id ti'i\.ploye•.11 orowr. SEE oul\ AiJ UNDER 641-:'751 or '"'' to make .. .,, .,.. May .... """' marri ... "' 112 .. r """· -G<>-mo. Apply In ..,.,,.., OPPOR'IVNmEll HI w ANTEP eamtnis. Y<KJ-may k e e P farally. Call 675--2.D>. HAULING, cJta.n.upt, iota. Store Mana,. Tr. $500 CX>TI'AOI!: q>n"EE SHOP "A ON&.MAN BUSINt~ LP )'OW' pretent po1ltloo. No Hrs 10 .am-6 pm. pnaea, etc. Lrr truck. Exc:ellflll tuturw 10rr Jiahl 562 W. 19th St. CM $2,IJX> INVESTMElfT• loaf Ca,,...,.,. "lllnt. $"'0 CUil ,.quited RiliE Waotad 0CC to c.rone bandym111, --Call ""'"' Gall Dan, MtttblnU SALESMAN,. ....... put (C\N START PART TtM.l>l CleCUred). For ltnmedialt del MM, eves. WW -"9Y· BOB 145-2256 Pmcmnel A I ency, zt3 ttme, ICmO pllno/orp.n Q)()K..try. e:qier_ 111&· man loat Mechanics '""''"'"• '" your .,... ..nd Call 81S-42S5 att T Rm. YARD/pr. clnllo-R>D»W WdtcllU Or, 110s. &e-mo ""°"lodp. Watlldl'~ uk ....., ~ poa111oa .,,1 Applt s.yanno11 -- name, addrHa and pbone ALCOHOLICS Anonymout trff1, tvy, dlrt. tractor t.cll: A. lT TOM O 'l' I VE L I n e Mr. V4Jt Olditn 5«Mla5 ftlture. Sor Inter. eee Mr. T7I W. Htll St, CM number lo: --'1-96)...1745 .. 1. -:ERV. STA. ATTN D if'T . Diltrlbutor Dtvitkm PhOne 542.~1 er wrlle \0 bot, •"7J'' Me&antc. Experienced. Ap. G,.\Jt4GE door Sohn!rtdd Mt. Ste-. - po 8mr: !ii P.O. Box U2a Costa Mesa. HAi:Ji. ING pa In I In I pty "tn J)ttlOl'I. ~ Harbor opttaior--l'itld .moe ~. r.lrvleW. CM 6U--01J2 Som. mtchaniciil ea•· Pomo;,; Ca!U. 111g Sentltlvliy-Oroup houRo!tenlni. You name t• BlVd. CM. &U-0832 TGP ,,.,.,,.,., ~ WANTED: C.1-C..ter l De:Ys. HAllfly l PATS IYANTEDo orr ..... llq\>Jr -or 845,IOll "' do ltl ~-s. I Dl,AL .,.,., ~ ~ <¥ER I ea". -=...clerlt ;'""'::"": ::t'o.. "'! = r.:.--6 ,.._, °""1' Cow!... THlll QIJlCKEll YOU C.W., B & 0 Hau "I > rv ce yWt td, thea ~ o t e ot• nee. -~""", :_,, ~:_· ~• ~If TO 'Elll Callo M>-8139 mt QUICKER YOU SELL Rauot\ehla. 549-WI Uaten to Ule 'Phona rlnrl Call m-<MIO ,,..,. --·-~ • I IU' - • .. -' I ,. ,, ' ·1 ,. I • ~· ·--• .1 ........ ~ ... ··~·-~w•O ••'-' ~ ... • ., ___ , --·~ Oln.v !'Kdf' • M-. J.IJ'7, IM & 11illii· ...... & cmrL-. fDliT l•YIN' IMl'LOYMlNT JOBS-& IMPLOYMINt JOBS' EMPLOYMENT'H I w ....... . JOBS .. !MPLOYMENT MERCHANl)IS! 'o" MERCHANDISE FOi • • P •••-~LE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE ""'W......., MO.. 7200 !:!!!P W1n!O!I, Mon ~ ~P W1nN11, -noo H•:~l<!I · 7400 H~.!~"1911 74119 iiiiiwii°'ii'"ii'"ii"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii7400iiiilH~~w~lp .!i:"~w!i-1~~:.: _ _;1~400~ 1-F-'v..,,=ltu::=...rw==-=.::,;;;ooo;.._ ..:F;;.u;;;r:.;:;n1"'1v"',""."-'..;._..-.;;~ .. -DO-lj PART TIME ' ADVERTISING .. (OASlAL sEC!t!:'t•RJES " ' • CLEAJi!ER, . DEIURR --- -ttHltEt- NEWPORT_8EACH • Prefer some tacrory ex· perience hand.Ung met· ilr.-Gcod bendit.s Uld \\Vrkial cond:ltkw. SY/!SS SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS ' EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1485 DALE \VAY (DSl'A MESA, CA.Uf'. mi <n•> M>8251 with Tbmo experience. A~U­ lty to do own setups is de- $irable, Top 4ollan for top m<m. J Siles men 1-fens Clothing Immediate openlng Experience "preferred but mt necessary. ApPly Jn per- Opening!; ~n First and !Sec- ond Shills. Relocation assistance provided. ""· Grant's Surplus t'l5o Ne\\<port Blvd. C.?II. . ' HUGHES' SAL~ ?l!CMT TRAINEE, HIS grad or college. Xlnt benefits. To $1500. c.all Bud Snell. 540-6055, NEWPORT BEACH COASTAL AGENCY Soo Superior Avenue Newport BHch, Cal~. A member of Sne:ll¥ig " Snelling, J)'I('. 2790 Harbor Bl., Costa Mesa DAILY Pllm WANT ADS! Equal opportunity employer • M &: F Hilp W1nttd, Mtn 7200Htlp W1ntod, Mtn 7200 CALCOMP IS COMPUTER GRAPHICS C•IC.mp h th• world'• l•1d1r i11 Co!T'lput1r Gr1ph· ic Sy1f1w11. A1 tb1 u11 of compul111 conlin1t•1 lo 9row, 10 do11 th1 m1rlc1I for gr1phic dl1pl1y d1- •ic11 , • , 1..d 11 C1IComp i1 th1 m1 jor d1•1lop1r of thi• ••r•1til1 1quipm1nl, w1 h1..-1 1nioy1d • ph111om1n1I t•owth. A1 111 l !{1111pl1, our 11111 ..-0!0 ulT!I h11 inctellld 400X 1inc1 1965 ,1nd W• h•"• i11cr1111• our JI I 0 bud91t p1oporlion•t1fy fo m11t th1 ch1ll1n91 of new "f'tod11c-h •11d 1pplic1• tio111. This ••m1 ouht1nding pro9r111 h11 b11n ••• fl1c:t1d llllP 1d .. •nc1m1nt op~rtuniti11. If you w1nt to b1c:om1 1 m1mb1r of thi1 winnin9 l11m, with •. fr!ily dyn1mlc: 11'1d uniqu1 comp•ny, ioi11 C1f. ColT'lp today! Ouht1ndin9 c1r11r oppo1tuniti11 11i1t 11: Field Service Mana9er _.Will l:i1 r11ponfibl1 for pl1nnif19, or91ni1iflt, l l'ld dlr1c-tln9 I 11191 n1liol'lwid1 field 11r..-ic:1 or91ni1• 1tion ii 111 f1c:1h of p1r1011111I m111191m1nl, bud· 91f control •rod ,,,.,;,, t1chniq1111. R1quir11 • I SEE •lid I fllit1i111um of lh111 y11r1 1f r1c111I ttlC:• c111ful m1n19111'111f 1irptri111c1 with 11..-11•1 y11r1 i1nolc1 1ap1ri1nc1 011 21\d 1..d 3rd 91111r1tio11 dit i• '•1 o;on1putr1t.. , Systems Desi9n Enqi!l•fl'5 To p1rfo1111 1y1t.1111 d11 i911 of i11t1rf1c:1 1quipm1nt lo •d1pt C1IComp plotti11g 1q11ipm111t to t~1 new 91n1r•lion of c:omp11l1n. M111t h1v1 "1•p1ri1nc:1 in di9it1I logic: i nd circuit d11i911 of c:ompul1r IYI• • t1m1 •IMI 1/0 •quipm1nl. R1quir11 IS or MS in El. CRT Dni9n En9ineen ro ptrform 1y1t•rn d11i911 1..d d1..-1lop111111t or x.y d1ll1cli1u1 1mplifi1r1 lm•9n1licl for c•fhod1· r1y tube di1pl1y. R1quir11 IS or MS in EE ind 2 Y••" 1:r,i1ri1nct in 1111109 f11d·b•c:k 1mplifi•r d1. 1i911 •l'llf d•¥1lopn11nl. Sr. Mechanical En9ineers IS or MS hi ME wHh 5 Y••rt or mor1 ••p11i111c1 i11 m1c:h1n i1m1, d1ii9n 1n1ly1i1 of p11iph1r1I c:om• pultr •quipm1nl, i.1, m19111tic t1p1 tr1n1porh, print1,., plott1r1, etc, -,-ra9rammer AnalYst Minh""'" two y11r1 o" third 91111r•tion comp11f1n: pf09r11nmi119 i11 FORTRAN •nd m1chin1 or •111111· lily l1119u•91. Systems Analyst M111t b1 11tp11l111c:1d with 01. 1",..f,11nc:t to tho11 f1ll'lili•t with G.E. 400 11ri11 c:ompul111, Tniinin9 ,lnstructar ·!Technical) fo t11c:h theory 11>11 op111lion ol J i9it1! comp11t1r . ind p1riph1r1I 1quipm1nt to fltld ,,,...;,, 1..d fie:· fory p1r1onn1I. E•pt11i111c1 pr1f•rre4. Computer Service En9lneel'5 fo ll'l1 int•i11 i nd r1p1ir cli9i11! compul•r incl ro• . t•l4119 1111mory 1quipm111t 11 c111to"''' loc1fio111, Opt1111iJl91 i11 'Lo1 A1191l1s, Sin f r•11ci1co, Chic190, N1w Yo1lc, W11hi119te11, D.C, 111d •* c:o1por1!1 l<i1Hq.u1ritot1 i11 An•h.im. R1q •ir•• 111il'lilllu"' tw• VIII'$ tich11!c1I 1c:hool tr1i11i119 ot coU191 11..-11 EE c:oun11 1"6 two y11ra ••P•ri•11c1 in t•lid 1t1t1 c:irc:uihy, di9i11I logic, rot1ti119 m1mo1i1t 1114 frou• ble 1h1otln9 COfl'llllltCi1I CO"'P"''' 1quip1111nt. Pr1f1r111c1 to ••ppllc:1nh with c:omm1rci1I 1v1H111t 1•p••11nc1. S1l•<l..d c:1ndid1 .. 1 will r•c1i..-1 h1nd1· on h1il1int •t full p1y i11 An1h1i111, C11iforni1, Colibratlan T echniclon 5.,,.,,1 yottJ t 11p1rt•11t1 in c11ibr1tion of ditit1I ..-.l1111f1tJ, 01c:lllotcop11, power 1uppll1t, c1unt1r1 1"6 oliit• 111111urint in1lru"'1nh. Conw1n 111t with 1per1tio11 of tftlMll•r4 l1!J p•o~Hur•t ; prill'•ty •11d t1coMl1ry tl1tld1r41, JOIN CALCOMP - SOON TO BE IN ALL NEW FACILITIES CALL, WRITE OR VISIT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE JOS N. MULLER. ANAHEIM 635-6501 ©®©9@@® CALIFORNIA COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. . A.1 ri11f op1"rl111ity -plovor M/F ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I ' -·--.-·--~~-. ecretary/~ --~--__,~ d--MACC0..--1·-w 1.; SALE It . .=.·~o:;.a~®i. i~okkeeper . * PBX AGENCY COIP. . i1arenoufe . •• WE oetd ZI men ...... Re•pon•lble, lop , ... , OPERATOR MajorLtndOeveloptr ... l<a Our' Huge 6,000 Square Ft • '"'"""' 6:30 1o 10:00 PM. l Ion few &h k A .f,\EMllER OF · enthUAlullc, "11 moUvated , h s I N• .... ..., w. train. =:,. 91,1• ,,:~:i h' • .: Mu1upt• "°""' "'"'"· SllRUNG & ::i .. ~':",::: Bu.sting ·at. t e eoms. ToP STARTING PA.'(_ ••••"•"' •klll• i .. 1. • .... 'l'yplng .... ired. tion .. "'" ................ , .DON'T MISS. TH(S-:: Also openln&a: lor ~-thorth1nd: handle lit.--1:30 pm 10 10 pm &hilt. SNBJ.ING; IN(, bf! able to work without StucMnt &. Teich,•rs ' bkJcpg; bllllhf. Under close ~pervilllon. YouthfuJ For interview call 30~ C•ll &rlNrt. (714) World' a lar911t vim and , v.la'or a requlfe.. Monda)"&-~ 642..-3910. * PB I profeisional ment for fut P9.t'O atmos---·174"1U11~--. _...:.; _ _.._~OA--1-employmet-Mrvice-I ~@:~um \iwo yeani ACCOUNTING ' OPERATOR ·Har·bo .. at Adams "'"""'n"'" ""'""u"'' ..... SALES. Food. National co. needs man m-oran~ eoun.. ty. Car, comm, .$6500. call Bud Soell. 5'0<055. COASTAL AGENCY CLERK !J 01•. Good •fAl•ting wary and pleasant woiidnc c00. Costa Mesa •'""""· A member of Snelling &: Snelling, Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl., Cosb.& ~tesa Help W1nted wo,,,.n 7400 EXPERIENCED -e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. CoHI Hwy Cqron• ,!lei ~ar 67).9240 Two years exJ>e.itt.11Ce in ae- coants payable, Excelleot fringe behefita. . Cadillac Contr~ls Dlvi~ion or Ex-O!llo Corp. 1866 Whitti•r Ave. Costa Mtu 646-2491 An equal opportunity emplO)'er ··------- EXPERIENCED e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME -TELLER ,UNITED CA~IFORNIA BANK- 222 Ocean Avt., Laguna Bcb, EqU>I -II)' empt.,.. 494-6546 ----·-f--o-======= ... ' AM8lTIOUS WOMAN Experienced Only National company tn bridal GENERAL OFFICE Prefer restaurant experience. Apply alter 2 p.m. .. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURAlilTS 3801 E. Pacitic Coast Hwy. C:Orona del Ml.{ NO PHONE CALLS . Experienced W AllltijS_ES Day &: Night Shift ior busy coHee &bop MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24031 El Toro Rd. Laguna Hills &17-1(}14 • e ATiENTION .- • A TiRACTIVE ....,. \VOMEN market needs a well groom· ed woman with some sale& exp as manager trai,nee. Flexible hrs, some eves pre- fd, car nee. No parties, can- vassing or deliveries. Opp. to double earning.!!. For intro- ductocy interview. Call Mr, Hanis 544-8550. e e EXPERIENCED -,-TELLER- 6 Monarch Bay Plaza South Laguna tTI4) 499-1361 ee NEEDED Two Office Girls Must be-25 and able to drive APPLY 186 East lG!h St. Costa Mesa Minimum two ;yean ex~ .Perie.nee o.O mlJltlple board. 8:00 am to 5:00 pni shift. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 J11mborM Road N•wport Beach Equal oppor1unity employ~r NEEDED: "Once--a-month", thorough &. efficient \l,o\'llJlan for general cleaning in. eluding, \\'8.Shing & waxing kitchen & bathroom floors, 6 hour day, you choose Hie day. Vic Edwards Si \Varner, tluntirigton Beach. 515.00 for I.he da.v. CaU 841-™0 a.rter 6 Pr-.-1. "Ion- day thru Friday. References required. 540-6055 Send resume to, or file ap- Equal oppo11unlty employer Employm•nt Man119er MACCO CORP. 901 Dover Drive NEWPORT BEACH I 92663 EQ'Ual opportunlly empldyer Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 Position a'lflilable for an EXPERIENCED -TELLER- Schocla-lnstrudion 7600 Chance af A Lifetime! -Unbelievable Pr.ices! L•rgest Sal• Cost• Mesa H as Ever Seen Spanish --Mediterranean Dix 3 Room Furnilure Group Al Genuine $$$ Quality Value $795.85 for $389.95 5 Pc Spanish Din Rm set, 8 ft. so!a & love seat, 3 hEiavy . Medit. style matching tables, 5 Pc Spanish bed· room set. Don't miss seeing this value! Bank Financing, Ma 5ter Charge, BankAmericard, Store Charge Plan • Spanidt & Mediterranun Furniture All BRAND NEW t.11e..Mw;1trr•M111 I.,_ S\lltt ~ PK.II• IR.v. ll-lt.Oll) .. . ~-''' ., ........ llOW rua.. -~ •. s,,.,.,., C"'111n\ euJll ..... WI " ....im1 ... L0'\1~5411-. 1 It i.t.uUlul 1.tlrkl (I~ ... loll•.t$1 •..... , .. 110..-PSS.• l:;t; 'S k01~1:J T~ra .. , . , ................... Pl.• • 0 a •bl" ll'CI Cl"-Tabl" ··········-···· . 111.• .s'll 1s1tecrx11or T~~ llmPl Rf9. W'll .............. JIOW Jll.Olt ""' t-1-r ... Swao L.t.,,,,. 111 ... s.ct.9$).,, •.....•. MOW 111.• A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of _gorgeous Span ish furni ture (was reg. $1 295.00 .SACRIFICE ••••• ·• $398 1 Could you use SS0..$100 extra each 'veck? Can you 'pa.re 10-20 tm; a week? \Vorking your own area? Over 21? Do YoU have a car! No col- lections, parties. deliverie11 er canvasilng. For ln- troduclDry interview, Call 1-fr. Lacey 544-8550 s.. Betty ••• LYN ~urses Aids !Arg~ ive ECF needs U. nta on provided by a full tim -;1.n service. educa- tor. Openings on 8.11 shifts. Di.Herential pd fo1· swingers I; nite owla. Ori.IYilXiSe WOO care need apply at tmo W. \Varner, S.A. 54&..6450 CllEDIT TEa.MS AYAIL.A•Ll (lllDIT (;LEAllED IMM•DIATl !,.Y SCRAM-LETS mm FURNITURE ANSWERS "I Typi" -Fo<go -v11a1 .-1844 Newport Blvd.".~::, Blvd.> " I• • • • . By appointment lnd•pendent Personnel 1716 Orange Ave., Suite C C. M. 642-0076, 545-0979 Pert Tim• Bkkpr Acct& Payable and accts. receiv. 1-girl oUlce, peg- board system. Exclusive restaurant, 5 or 6 hours a Part or full time 10 women needed immed. for child care, aides or companions. CloYer -PLA Y.S GOLF From bad lo t<!rse: About c I M I ' : tho '""' • m•n .,,, hi• OS a esa on y : For that ''J ust Right" position temper under control, he goes ! NI h 'T" 9 ed : out and PLAYS GOLF again. vtry 9 t 11 -W ., Sit. & Svn. 111 6 • --,Boo,.-"kk'""•_•_p1_r-.$S'"s"'o--1 day. ~ F/C lo trial balance 2 yrs MISS EXEC AGENCY Age 21-65 Sitting Pretty A99ncy ?lfember of We Sit Better, Inc. Subsidiary o. Gerber DRIVING LESSONS I~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!~I A.s low as $5.75 per 1veek w/ Furniture 8000 Antiques a11ol: pay later plan. F ree home exp. call, Loraine, Nier· 410 W. Coast High\Yay N•wport B•aoh °'"3939 chants Personnel Agency, ,....,. jli<;kup. Security Driving DEC-quality so!a, pr velvet 1 ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ I School, 1-526-2233. cbrs, recliner, lamps, llght Prod. Co, 64~4 2043 WestcliU Dr., N.8., YOUNG Lady<iUice trainee, 645-2770 part time, neat appearing, * SECRETARY * sharp, good W/ figures. Type..s:>«I. Some·experience desirable. Must have car. Could \\'Ork into full time. 646-7721 With Real Esta!~ lease experience ONLY. Salary open. tlixson Metal Finishing Call Mrs. Jurich 829 Production Pl, NB 642-9477 SECTYIRECPT Gal Fri/ Ex•cutlve $550 Yacht Broker. Good tele-phone technique, light typ. >..1nt Costa Mea co., beaut ing shUI. Inrormlil atmos-oUices. Loan exper, Call phere, chance to grow \\'ith Edee, ~5410. --.J111on Best·---1 ~P!Hl.Y· - Employment' Agency MISS EXEC AGENCY '120 So M•'• SA 410 \I/, (Ga.St Highv.•ay -· ....,,, · · Nt>wport Beach 646-Jro§ Gtntr•f Offic• G•n•ral Office $450 Exp. good typing & able to handle phones, call Loraine, Merchants Personnel Agen- cy, 2043 WestcliU Dr., N.B., 6"5-2770. 1,J fee reimbursed. DENTAL SECRETARY Management ability, maturi· ty, good personality re· quired. Should know · dental te>rms .. Call 847-5690, 11 to 3 PM & 7 to 9 PM, except Tu<•. SECRETARY T' op corporate executive needs experienced secretary. Secretary F.ducational Vacation 5th lixtrs. BluUs. 644-1650 graden; ••. Sr Citizens FOR finest hon1c. Imported ChifCOltt 10 lesson typing formal dining table, like Sehl Trial Le!1!$0n. 173 Del new. $600. 646--0732 Mar, C.r.t 548-2859 ....:="p~1A"'N~O~L"E~S~S~O~N~S~-I Offic• Furniture 8010 Beginning students Pc"'a11f. COMPUTER Division di!;pos- U.C.I. 1'1us1c Major, ei1 of modern ?11cDowel] & i-"-"'-' ... '~· 54_>4'_78~· ~--~ 1 Craig steel desks, c!lairs. SOunl Coast Sailing rchl. files. tables. ptc. Learn lo sail on 26' Race McMAHAN'S 772·84SO Sloop. 645-11 33 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., in MERCHANDISE FOR. Anaheim lalongsidc SA SALE AND TR.ADE Freeway at Kat€Ilal furniture 8000 Household Goods ---'-----8020 Must be free to travel, \\-ell For Real Exec. Girl. Top groomed and mature:--Can skills will get top pay. OVER -STOCKED BAi;GAINS ;n appliancr'S, &15-0'TIO. Ask for Ruth Ames. Bright spot for the fu. furn. & misc. Top condition. t T ·~ Call Sally MUST SELL! Large GE rcfrig, t o p G~rl Fniday Traintts (Sev-P LAST I C S ure-. 0 .,.,vu. f I h t I) Li . Hart. New 9 ...... corner arrang. reeT.er, revc ving s c ves. era • ght typing. Injection f.,1olding Opers. or .-~ Gas stove Round 1~·hi1c lnd.-ndonl P1<sonnol ~· o · ..... ountant choice of clrs. reg. S230, · . · ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE $2,000,00'.I Display Ocverly Hilton Ho!el ~76 Wllshire Blvd. Beverly Hills July IO, 11, 12, 13 T hur, Fri, Sat l to 10 Sunday 12 to 6. .• ' Sewing Machines 8120 • 196S SINGER with rig-zng & ' ~ walnut console. P.1akes but-·- ton holes, designs etc., $5.25 ' --.no;-or $36.00 cash. ~2tHi616 ; SINGER Sewing machine < ren!als. $5 mo. fo'N!C pickup & deliVl?lj-', Call 526-f.616 Pianos & Organs 8130 ; JULY SALE ACCOUNTS Re ce iv ab 1 e Clerk with bookeeping background. 4 or S days/ week, references rqeuired. Call bet. 9 am &: 4 pm for appt. TltE PENNYSA VER ti<z.-0811 ,... • • 11.niees. pen1ngs on grave. -9 db form1ca din. 1ab!c 48'', one 1716 ~--J hil A i g For the gaJ who likes to ·no \V $14 .50. Hea rds: '-''"-''ti"' Ave., Suite C ya1u s t. PP Y -4 pm. 2 50 leaf, 4-6 cha irs. Vanity, nc1v AU Qew & used Pianos, Costa Mesa O""n"e Coast Plastics, 850 handle payroll. Top posi· Kings, $15, Queens $1 ' ' & h · t k" Ch k · 1· t ti.1ARRIED? TOO l\1ANY ·-... lion w•"th grov.'ing eo. To F··•i $10 50 Twins .,, 95 green · ' w 1 e s 1rt. cc our pianos Lrs •••••• BILLS? Permanent-pa.rt 642-0026 or 54:>-0979 W. l8th, C.M . $550. CaU Sally Hart. T~ndle ~~ (duo riser).wi 499--160;> \Vurlitzere l<nabee Fischer time help wanted in snack \VOMEN \I/ANTED, Sewing DINING room '"a i Ire s s. S inner spring matt. reg. S106, le:====::===== I Ren1als -no interest tern1s bar . See mt1 .... r ifter 7:30 machine exp, to \\'Ork on Must have experience. Call "' ecretary now $79.50. Roll-a·way """' G. ar1ge Sile ·8022 Gould Music Comp.any ' · · < 9 Banker's right hand gal. ..,,_.-N ~1 · SA <•7 ~1 P"!:I· Paulo Drive In Theater, shoe And handbag repair, or 1nterv1ew. 2-11 7 2, Touch of bankini:: c>xp & '':. / inn. spring matt. reg. PRICES SLASHED EVERY-.<vo!> o. "ai n, "" -vuo 30al Newpo11 Blvd, 01. who \\'OUld like to learn Omars nestaurant, S an A"ood sk!lls·v.ill do it. l'o $59.50, now ,S39.50. ~ull sz. THING GOES. Hall seats, JULY Is hot • bu! \\'!: have ,. \YARD Sec. Sel'\le as a trade • wlll teach. Steady Clemcnle • ~550. Call Sally Jlart. sleeper-sofa reg. $239.50, _now pc;it belly sto\-'e. arnloire, I.he HOTIEST buy!! in tmvn . recepUonist tn a nursing ~~iho;y'g o;hoe6 Se~~~ • .;~~J· Dental Recept. & Bkkpr. Secty /L*')Cll S1$9969.50. QNev;rn be!1.,5,; SOK 'rnullg chests. tables, chairs, rock-SP~inet, Console •& Grand area. Lite typing. Seeking E. Coast Jlwu. Cdr.1. .... .......i Exp. or eoll<!ge, 2545. Busy oUice llC'l?ds help. $ 9.SOSO, Tu~ s, .. ~9 so· • 1· 11 ers, d{'sks ni iITOrs. old Ba,.ldnos.: :;:\v ' u s ed long • term. lull • time .. ~ I 54fr3000 Top skills ~·Ill get you 4 · · ~.105 '!" · • u Y glass. chi~a. bric-a-brac. ivin v•'gans -aJI on employtt, Inquire perso~I RECEPTIONIST \VANTED: Mature ~1omen this plush desk. $525. gua!nn. King.size spreads, CENTURY ltOUSE ANTI-sale 111 really HOT prices. dept. Hoag Memoria l Medical group, he:aYy phone, willing to learn. Please a"-caJ.J Sally Hart. choice o( clrs, reg S20.95, QUES 2134 N rt Blvd \VARD'S BALD\VL'4 STUDIO al ._ _._ ..---now $12.99 SIESTA SLEEP · ewpo . 1819 Ne\vport. C.f\-1. 642-8484 . Hosplt , N.B. must "" ... ,arp and good ply at 535 W. Center St. O t Tech Secty SlfOP, 1927 Harbor Blvd, CM CM (J usl berond 21st St. LEADING insuranee 00, in Mv.•i1tshsp"EhlXkE. C AGENCY MOTHER'S Helper. $I.SO nr. Exceptional job may ad· 64~ 2760 d l l0-.9 sat lo.ti Watch for sign.) Dealers HAMMOND· Steinway -.Ya- Fuhion Island a~ needs Part time; 549-lSlO or vanre to top! Poised "i th ~ 81 Y · ~!come. 642·5720 everyday. maha • new & u.~f'd pianos par1·time typist wit h 410 W. Coast Highway 646-6!17 aft 6 P~i. good skills, PR. tCt'h SPANISH GARAGE SALE or ;iiil makes. Best buys in N I n. h .:At,.,...,. " {('mJS. To start :S400. So Cali1 tl<'>h! h kno\vledge of s.hthnd. Con-e\\']>Or D<:ac .,..,, . .._._,. LITE Housekeeping in Hun· Buzz Billi{'. MEDITERRANEAN P.11NK STOLE: beautiful. $50. . . .. rrc. ta.ct Mist Gladstone at .. LVN Needed, night.II. ll ta 1. •• h Pt 1 .... A• Sho•·n ,·. modol hom<S. Kenmore v.11sher. \lo'OOO SCll.r.UDT li:IUSIC CO., 1ngton ocac , -1 me ""11 p bffc Relation " 1907 N J\1ain &14.1230 equal opportunity 7 AM. Nursing Horne. • • Barbara~ 536-2456 u s 3 Rms of furn, (din rm, liv good, $15. Good chess set in · · en1ployer •. NURSES Aides. d~" shift pm Sharp gal for an unusual --.1 .. ~ caM! $5. Xlnt Santa Ana ; ~ · b Ll ht t · l 1 rm, & bednn) priced else--.......,,"._.,. , DE'NTAL Jtecpt. • usislant Experience pret'd, Laguna GIRL For pt-time, typing in JO · g yping,· ovr 0 books: Technica.1. ~a..,c;ic, RARE • Unosual SI 7 O o .. n. h N 1 HB at'(!a. Call Barbara 12-6 people. Gf('at inC'entivr ! \\"/l<!re at $895 is yours today ........ 1 1 port~ 0 . h T ~--• . tor Newport Beach """'"ac urs na Home \VOW! $400. Call Billie. at only $439, Easy Credit cooking, etc. ~ gate m ..,, an1s ea ... wuu.-. Orthodontist State 11 re, 494-8075 pm 53&-2456 Terms. D'r., c.M. All w<! e k. Spinet piano. Priv. 644-16.iO qu1li1ication1 &: e:ii:perience --SE:c=R~E~T~A=R~Y~--\VOJ\IAN For cleaning hou~ S.Cretory Santa Ana Furniture 545-9678. \VANTED t P 0 Bo I-NB _" 0 ,_ •··· , ···-k. Mu•l •• ,,, \VO\\'! Vacation eve;/; 6 SP'"NETS , GRANllS a · · :'( ....,... • ·. · -,,ww Top skills, corp or legal back· ... ....._.. "'"'"' ,.. u · II be ··p 426 W. 4t h SI., Santa Ana 8100 " ~ tnnsp. 6~355 mon is, s1zz ng ne 1..,,. Apnti1nces """ ...,,..,... CREDIT &. ACCOUNTS ground Jn beautiful new Ave1·11.gr t y 111 n g , con-1 ,_==,;54:;:7.0~789~-~-·l-'-'"--;-:-;-:-;:-::--~·l-"DIA'Mii-~-RECEIVABLE CLERK fa('il\ti{'!I. $600. PBX answ'g scr •• '-"P'd pref. 11truction background, 'DAVENPORT & Match. love *SALE * PIANO WAcN~T~E=D- nttded lmmf!d. Sal. open. MISS "EXEC AGENCY Varif!'d shifts, steady work. Pub. Rel. $400. BlW! scat; bronze-&. eold pattern. Nl!W Washers _ Dryers. Dish-1113} sn ·.1035 Pvt Party E~·d o••·. ""1500 I" •PPI. 410_.\\r, Cout Hlghw•v HB 11.tta. 53&-8881 Billir. .... 'UJ .....,. "" ·v Rev, :zippered cushionJl. im· \\'&Sherit + Rtofrigerators. REAL Estate SaJe11men why Newport Beft.ch 64&3939 RELIEF cook. full or par I lookkeeptr mac. 1150. 673-6427. CER:Tl,IEO I not ell" be trained in the SALES\VOMAN. Experience • i me. \Viii train. 642-SM4. Zo\vic! Keep books ror FR. Prov. 'f'win Bednn set. APPLIANCE hottest area • Huntin .... nn in ladies ready to ''lt'ar. Eves after '4 642.6776. AAA co &: see your bank :ttl y•,. u---' ··-' ,..1'1¥1-333 East 17th St . .,... "" book RTO\V t.oo. Co. p&\'5 u .... "'"' ""'-" .. -.-Beach. Ci.11 Ptill ?11cNamee Over'-"· Apply r.1on lhru Fri PART time 68.lesladies for ins. Fabulous bo&s. To ing w/pad. Other tum. °'61• r-.tesa 642.{1240 J !Q...44TI Village Rea.I Estate 1o-t. APROPOS No. 27, specialty 11hop. Stro~ M!ll· $550. Buiz: Billie. 67J..8734. LADY Kt'nmore, copperto~. \\'ANTED: Pl·llme barmaid Town & Country, Orange Ing ability. 644-9994. Tetler Quality king bed, quilted, auto \\'Rsh<>r, latt' mMct, for rue<! bat. Call: LADY \\•anted to ' do lfOUSEKEE.PER for 2 eld· F .. xper. prefen't'd. Profit Comple1e, unused S98; worth xlnt rood, like ne11". $12.l. 64.2-4S82 housework, :'! hrs \\'t't:k in e.rly IAdl~. ~ in. Li&hl sharing, retire., savlnKS. S250, After 5 or ~'lmd11 8"7..flll5 e MAIDS • Hotel/Mold modem m<:1bile Mmr, H.B. \\'Otk OR 3-3284. insurance>. Varied duties: MT~ ~h'ENM=· =o~RE=~,-,-, ~, ,-m-,-1 ~i e ~-~ 11 •~ ~-~ area. ~2U9 I~~=-,--,-~--Add, type. AAA co. To 1,THE;,:,;.:Q;:;U"1~=::R:--:;YOUo:;;-:CA"'"°"' I Washer lnl oo •- Television nos RENT OR BUY COLOR TV $9 Monlh Up AL.<() STEREO.RE!<-WGERATORS \VASllERS OR DRYERS OPTION TO BUY 543-4S39 ....... .,..nence. ..... ......... • LIVE In hskpr Ior \.\'oman $47:"i. Call ouu,, -..nc:. · ~ · " co · '""• __ ..;cau=-''-73-'-91=10'---' __ Wh_ll,_Ete_.P_han_b_? __ ~ Sl90 mo . Ca.II 64'l-2112 i.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l :na:~~Q~(JJ~CKER:!·~~Y~O~U_:s~E=IJ~. 1 ___ •_84_7-_811>_' -*---I ---------I I I , • ' • ' • ----···-• -·~·~-=~--=~•--·-· -·~· =•uwo••"••~•-•~•=~--••pt"""'w•••-aA•o~="'!'F•_..,.,.,.,,._,.~=~•"'•="•=--"-.. '--~-=:-s-"':•••---=t'""""''"'"'''n>n•www-•'""'""'·'~"""'""' ...,. • .,,,..,...,"'""_.,_.,~•~•"-""'"'"gg5'7'", .. a~·~•~•'!;-.o-•~•.,-o,,.,.,~,,~a'Ti"''~'."""""'""'"""''"''°' .,,.,. ... r,.....,,-~·~·~,...CT,.r. • --• ' . FRE;J O/YO'!,' PITS and LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION SALE ANO TRADE !" T u · ---- BEAuT ~~ ~ ,,...., Dop . 1125 Sail boats 9010 Motorcyclt1 9300 Dune luggl11 t210 . ,.--PQll ..... !tmolt, ~ ..... Cl>. ~ to 'l\001· -. -· l1!i. u.. <111oct. Only ~RE 21, .PulpU. ure 0111 YA>LIHA .., llE'all'S Manx. beautllul _lO'lOIA t-=SOI.Il>==-'"Sta"'Ole,.....-,....--"4-I ~ pet, ..,... _.. -to --no Cl:ldrii. --llnot; cockpit, nih . ..._ dac ms;--coodlllon. "'"1• ldp, ...,.. -.l\'.t_PACASH-'66 Country Squlro .... ~ • ~ --• pm ··-· .: a-~--+club lib cb&ln/Nll '"25.11 ...... $U95. -Bl" 1' MAXEY ·--·~ -~ -·-. XI.NT •l'l.•..,..a-~"'"'. ;· !• 111 =~...-pup-·--mah ..ti,. s1111 ~'""=="~.,;..c.""'.,-=-1 '=""'======= ....., -·--, ~ In . nlnut """"1e. ~ SllAU. ~"till -· old. Ctlomplan blOod lllot. Ewo n4: .515'.4Hl _ "118 HONDA Scnimbltr :lllQ e<: lmf!!md Aul9o f600 ·, cond., dlr, "" oleeri:v. ~:"ma -•-'ilol.ADtbotl. AKC m-. =•llll!y-nce G' ;m._·m-s A·usnN HEALEY "'IT:!>lnl:=o""v"'IQ]:=ol"'Tf="1.&_'"'f ... _ ..... _,... =~:=t::~~ Q;ir( Dept. m.1111 -. Frie '° pd Ll-ock IMO « .CN!lt. SIS ndlo. Wiii ' $1'0. 116-19!1 • ~ --~ call us !of -"'lnla'f. tna lntorio<. NIU tlftl. $115 ~~ii~;;;;=~iim:-sc;,r.~~·~""'~3~w~:-.::0:~7n~ _ .... '"",.._ ... or. T 11 T 1 9425 -1•1 BEACH BLVD. GllOJH CHEVROlfl d•1!, wui line' pr1 '"'" 1B ' Comp, -..,, s., WANT ,..a -tor S .,..,_ AL PAL PA HAY -let. call 846-314 " tr, rova SIJU.roo'!'ED 11118 Hunt. Beach 14745" ii TAI m. 48U113 -~~= plts,l~·old,lm&leal $2.15 lale-$47.Ton SABUr. ,,__ com-AJBStIIE.W_Tm!kT 1901. B-Sprl ... ~ 3m1NolOOUtl!wyon S.b Ask!or "-.'-"---·!i LTD~-~ PIS, t:;;°amp.7J'urtl'l'ible"'llJI). C' oot•·po-e/pe·llepoo 637~ pltte Good conditiooo$1'15. 28', J..&nd:-neht.--sletpt --· ~Ul~• · · -112lla::b8j~ PfB. l'act &Jr, 1VH 64&4114 QUICK. -tn TllAHSl'OiltAf 1CSN lll6-300I .-. lllJ.096J DATSUN TOYOTA -~""' -· ·BToucbam 1nter1or .. 300 .... . I DAILY I'll~ S{ TRAN SPORTATI ON TRAlojSPO RTATION TRAN~PORTATION TRANSPORTATI ON' TRANSPORTATION -· 9900 97CO u...i Can ... ,FORD 9525 lmportld Autoa '600 Autoo #antld AbL bll<> -1 -P C •·-9020 9,_ •. . -·~ IQ f.m1 Eo:tn cloan, low mil<• Ooodt l500 *· -bly -· to .... ·-~ • ......... 900il ~ ,._,. -Tru -SUN ··~OARTERS llm.Jlro>. -·~· BING IU1lhoud 1'IWld . • M&.'D:!I tn :::,7 G1-; hull. ,.. s1e; Sedan cn>ber, 118 cmv 1' T. v ... ' "'· s~ .... 6!,D,!'T ... ~ E,CMOftE CO~F~~~!tL-Y-l=~~~=~~,-1--111 tail. Xlnt ccnd. $90. iftqu~ SM.ALL mother. cat Is ' ldt. ""' bo&nl $350. GlulhDp-beaut cond. Rtxlm1 I: w/lD' McDonald h!lescopic cam, automatic, dlr, ndlo, P'orclgn Or Sporb Cars MERCURY at Noa -H.B.,.. ~~.!!"11.,!U-• -Id ... 1' ~ .,,..,., "°°" w.. -. ..... Camper. Both clean, .... ... ..... w/w tlr<~ load<d! l5300 Bucio Bl .... w.1m .. tr PAID POR OR NO'T '64 MERCUllY call St9-15T• ~· om o ttT Ul!d l ..uoo. cn,:lllll. con d l t Jon • WW sell 3200 mUe1, undl't'"fact WU-P!lorlt 89t.sm Mlacollanaoua 8600 ~~'\:':nr"::.~ 11,'..~~~-~~: ::~•d0 :~1.~:~R~: ;66~DtAoi,T.su7':'r':: ~~~m~~ IT!QIYIOIT@ 1' J. ~=:..-r:cAR 9 ~~~!it.!,. FREE 300 Blue Chip stam~1s &f4...0688. 2921 Carob SI., rodl, elec bait tank, fUl.I cov-board/outboard 100 hp J t ked n~~ne Xlnl Ken 545-0634. Beat 0.1111 Are At 2833 Harbor Blvd. er wlt.h aJr. w/com~lele b111inea N.B. '111 .er,Amerlean~er.67>4608 Volvo, 1964. Aakin& $1600. :!.nr;::~rLocale car, 4 spd, ORANGE COUNTY'S DEAN LE\IJIS c:o.ta Meaa S«M491 *.:~* starter kit. Includ~: !'!00 HUGE male rat, very ctntle. 6$ OWENS 2S . 90 hrs, like ~ dlr, m; cub dela:. Take Jow NO 1 A L I 9110 -==~==~!:!:::=::-! imprinted letterheads. 500 Timid pll1e albtnn rat. Very new. Dys (94.....IK}U, eves 14' SKI BOAT &: trailer P)'!MW-$38.86 mo. SlF669 -DATSUN DEALER 1966 Harbor, c.M. 6f6.93Q.1 • uto HI "I "" onv, 500 !iwolCff, S 0 0 Jl'OOVll p<ll, <&Ch with.,... '94-'1131 uldo• Mr. Garrity w / 35 hp. engine run• ~ Ken Ul-ST13 or !llS<ll34 DOT DATSUN 1968 TOYOTA MUSTANG _...., ........ 1.000 bus. -7n CLA!l&C bay 1••nch, loi. °' pert.cUy. 1315 64>-0<27 * SHELLS * 1S835 Bo""b Bl..,. Ll!ASI! • RINT-Iii cards, ~line rubber sWrip. ONE 7·wk old lonely ldtf¥ tnk. See at-1216 E. Balboa __ ,...._ 9037 SJahtJ,y dllnq:edicheap. Huntington Beach Hardtop Coupe ALL POPULAR ·:h.~~,;: u '.:;, 6~'. 'YJ>O"'"""· ""-k. $2!),95. looking ttr a ho me. Bl..,, ~15. Boat Sarvlcff 839.00) 842-7181or5'0-0442 $1695.00 MAKES p>dcmd.$!%l).$1$-U84 Allen Printing 897·946'1 sa-1591: 1n CHARACI'ER Boat! 20' In-YAOIT Skipper wants work. '68 Dl TS"U"N,--Llc. No. WIFS78 894-3320 Dir FORD -* AUCTION * KrITENS. 4 W«lm, .........,, boaJd, ""' m:uino. Xll>IT enoae o• matnt<nance. I-9510 STATION WAGON AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE U you w1D Id! or W, 1""' A "'°" balr. One cond. $1150. ~ * 548J561 * Loailed, auto, ov•rhead cam, TRIUMPH LEASING •'••Windy a tr:' ...._. OU-6T13 1n 1" SKI boat m•ro 1000. lrC * 1967 BRONCO * dlr, dlJc bnkoo. $1'5 oub --------• SYSTl!M Auction1 Friday '1:30 p.m. BEAtlt'I1'UL kine • b a I r ""11 ttlr. $12». 645-0ll4 80C1hl• Yrt1cht 903t Wagon Hardtop~ red &; white, dell or take trade. LB WBJ. TRIUMPH GTS. Late '67. Get Our ·eomp:UUve RaC.-• • TORONADO · Windy~s Auction Barn blJwbt kitten. .00 3 lht I . ers ' wh!f) drive w I locking SSS. Call Vic, 545-0634. Wini whll", C.OUpe. peo or -Theodora hU .... ,.. ..,._ 1n S.llboOb 901CJ _ -· make ofr. 499-239 Boblnd T"""'' Bldg. Ml\t'L RUSSIAN 81 kitten 10 BLUEWATER CHARTERS bubo. radio, boat<•, ""' ENGLISH FORD ROBINS FORD 20'!5\! Newpoprt, CM 646-8686 .,.._ lemale. ;0 pd.;..... :to' Tahiti Kotch $2,200 U Drive Sall or Pow<r "'t 11885. 819-""8 VOLKSWAGEN ""° -"""' "IRBY I SAC. AS IS. ... So. St Motlo, Sklpp<r<d local ...,n ""'1nir C 9520 .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, --------c..ta MOia &a-0010 ... vacuum c ea n e r 646--1363 uk for Sand~ T/I w. CoviM. (%13) 795-0569 e"e Harbor crulJlel 24 htll emperw · wtattach. pillaher. XI.NT GUINEA Pi& Jong-b&imf i::Fiwd-~~;:e;;;;:r:;;\,;;,;;;;;::::::::~~~lJO~RANGE COUNTY'S ,69 VW's ~~~~o1 ....... -.Pora$·-~-~ with cqe. ~ 1n T srow Boat, $75, rood con-VOLUME ENGLISH ~~ !J.19 6'f o -__,.., .4U!oo...uillll&'.J<it incl. alter *~o.bwu & -•-MPER-l'ORIH>!ALER IllMEDIATE-DEb!VER'f OVtt'p&.yments. cri!IfDtpt., FRE.Ektffe111. ~1417 Tn 3 p.m. MT...UW Sall. Skipper optlqnal. For '-#4. SALES. S~RVICE Bank Flnanctna: 535-7289 . PETS incl LIVESTOCK 11' O'Day Daysaller brochure call 548-il!ll Sales • R1nt•l1 .69 MODELS $213 DOWN OZARK'S Hickory chips for Demo $1750 -Used $1350 Authorized Oea1er Immediate delivery $44.03 * 36 IDOi "-1-• 1" o ·o ..... ssoo Mobile Homes 9200 Eldorado • Four Winds ON Plus 1 final '"'"'"t for smoking & B-B-Que, 3 lrg-3 _... .. _. " ay """"' · ·· ·· .. • _ _ --· --· &otama.n • Barracuda LARGE SEL.ECTI r ... ~. lb ha&• $2. Includes delivery ALASKAN Malamutes, <sled Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa BAY HARBOR a• Cabover Low N Theodore ml~~. 2.fv'd 2'~: at oha<go. S.nd cheok or M.O. ~· ) ·-boa u..i :16' T·BIRD Sloop 3 ,.;i., • Mobil1 Home Salos 1199 ROBINS FORD T & M MOTORS to H.A. Komulaine, 219 W, ...,. INi-' nn"" u a p I nnaker. "'........t...meter, - -·· ~-"y --~ Casa Loma -Roll-Av.lay -M~-1 # ·--U-~-Bl·~ -G-~.n G--w·~ Carlton, Ontario, Cal. 91761 ...i-...n.. ~;.~ .. ~ ............ to.. Pulp!• 10 hp, eng. $3650. """ g!Jll' -~ ..... -~ ou1.1 • .,... V\I • ....... ....., ..... ..,. -... ., Sheraton Manor -Homette -Costa Mesa 642-0010 53&-2284 at Beach ~ LADIES White aold diamond train. Perteet ~bow dop. Bob Edwards, 642-1403 Kit -Prestige • Sahara Theodore OPEN SUNDAY • & sappbltt ring. Va I good '°' b r " d I o•. LIDO 14 • $890. 2 sa;ts, ,,.,. ALL SIZES ROBINS FORD $1125-sacrillce close estate Registered purebred, $U5 lng ecjulp at Bahia NOW ON DISPLAY 2060 Harbor Blvd. LOVE BUG $475. 644-2944 aft 6 pm. up. m..3573 · Corinthian YC. 213; 693-~ 142 Baker St. Cosla1'1esa 66-0010 ---------·oo V\V sedan, klvingly cared BUICK . FERRARI mNSIDERING qUalif!i!d AIREDALE puppies, AKC n .. : 871-2317 ~~block Ea.st of Har!Xir Wvd. """"'""'""'""'""'""'"""" FERRARI for. Sunroof, R&H. aood Ur. man tar purchase ot Irvine reg, excl ped.io'ee, fl 'filkl. LOA 17' sloop, xl.nt oondlHon ~Baker WANTED: Used Camper Nnfport lmporta; Ud. Qr. es. $1200. 6'l3.J074 '65 1JUlCK Le Sabre eon. Cm Cl'ltry Oub memberablp. Writ 897.mu ex '123. re1 1ncludes uila, mo!or & c.o.ta Me&& (TI4) 5.ro.st'lO shell for 1968 El Camino, l:f!i• Count)''• only •utbo.r-'64 vw Bus. Deluxe moclel vert1bl.e ~ $1195 • • 645--0ll4 962-aso7 trailer. Slps.. 2. 6'4-17'1 . GREENLEAF PARK pref e r fiber g I 111 lz~ d"aler. IWU'OOf XLNT cond. $Ul5. I:;;;-;=;;;;;;;.=::=,,-=,,. ·-~ .• ~.king bed, -·nted, DACHSHUND punc, red; 37· AUX Yawl, llps Mac 1n Clear, clean, cOCil Costa ReUJnable! 548-(537 after-6 SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 8§..9518. '65-RIVIERA. -&U eqillp., 1---------..,.........,, "..... ,.... M N 92 dult pm 3100 W. Coast Hwy. =~~,-~~=""=',.-I YHy-dean. Nds bod)' writ. 61 OLDS Dynamic 88 4 dr. omplete, unused $98; worth AKC 6 Wka. Champion sails, 1/3 joint ownership, esa. " space a :~-·-------Newport Beach '66 vw sunroof. 15Q) cc. S2100tbut ~ Clean tbruout. reblt eng. Nu $250. After 5 or wknds, lines. m&-3044, 968-3053 $300) dn. 544-0423 aft 6 p.m. park. Models & Sa.Jes Qlllcc * PAM-TOPS * 642-9405 540-1764 Runs great. New patnt job. _ __ ___ '==~ "¥Ide oval ttrea, perfect 847-0406 RARE Silky Territr pupa. COL. 22' Sloop, O.B. Head, ::C:';tM at Park. Open 9 AM ~.~teel .. shelli. Sales s ,,~ ~n. -::;A::u:::th::o:::':::'""='::':::G=Do=otl:::':::'= 1 . .:.:1!0:;,15~.'°'-=..::;:='-~=o-CAMARO a>nd. $550. MS--2198. ~ AS Stove $49, all "'OOI Lee AKC. No shedding, odorless. lites Dae. sail5. $2950. eves. · ....a. $l up. uy ... c ory • '65 vw Sunroof IH dns avail. Private pty. mg 11 x 14 SJS. out-Call C1l m.'1903 m.iiss A=~ dlttot. IOlO So. H:ui>or, SA. MERCEDES BENZ I owner, good;...:,, ' * * '68, :m "" IOI'! rob-'Ill CUTLASS llotJd'I' ""'"· BBQ with hood, new m. White elephants! Dune.a-line LIDO 14 -1150 Whltder Aw. DUNE !v.,UGY ask ci;aw~ & 1 ---~-----$1100. 548-1657 her.-AU!o trans. -p I S bucket -ta. auto. paw. 8JO....arl7 TRANSPORTATION New band trlr. 613-6732 Calta Mesa TI4: 60-1350 ~sS"""' or ony. '65 V\V tinted winc!W!. re-bit 1 =bo:wnibil":::';"',;P<;,· -==2463== I eteerinz, fact. air, rood NE\V filing cabinet $42. motor, new trs .. new uphol. 1 · cond. $9'15. ~ OI' orthopedic twin mattress lmporhld Autos 96001mported Autos t600 Im~ Autos !60CJ. Camper Rentals 9522 Must see $1150 6'F.r239'l CHEVROLET ~111= .. ='=m======= I S28. Portable TV 19" $50. '68 VW Bus 9 pass. Yellow -------'-5-1~2240 w/black inl Low ~s. '64 Chevy M.llbu . PONTIAC ., .. B!NG ourlboanl round * EXPLORER * $2500. 5.16-85<0. 2 0oo, H ... top. owned by tail. Xlnt cond.. $90. Jnctuii:e y ' 11 L By week or monl.h. Luxurl· '64 vw Glass (enders, mac;s. little 'ole. lady in Laguna * * * at M= SUrlboant• 11.B. or 0 u 0 v e OUI, ...... 6. s.u cootoin-:;;;;;;;:::;;;; cu.tom paint job. l800 Be6cb. IJ&bt blua ..... Special P11rchal4I oa11 540-1574 :!;.,. !Jmlted ownbu. call 1' * ma'52 ~~ bl:.:"tdw~ :t;j 1969 PONTIACS G & H OFFSET PrtnUng • S llno prlv prty, 1B SHAfl!tl Fantutle Savlnp (dlsoountono"1er200~ov<rl LEISURE RENTAL VOLVO Call Vic !llS<ll34. vm ,_.,, MllH lTT H Rtvenlde, NB 642-0930 0 u r B u SIJS 71 .. ) 64U611. (714) 837-3800 MG '" CHEVY Impala V-8, MM wtth Factory Air BATIERIES 6 V $<.95 ex, U MOTOR HOMES • 9215 =;.~~::. VOLVO auto 1 , ~~dec!...!!ll-"bl~ • THE LAST v $5.95 .._ ...,.. 18 mo. Pa> ~ -, -"' ~--All .,-olili-,,.. ·--OCllld. Tilie 01' THlr-Y!AR e $l.2Xlld batt. ~9990 Best Deals Are At fnte.lan cu in tradt. WW Grand Prtl e 8oMevUJe I~~ 1:1~;r wt~~ DEAN LEw1·s ~=·XYW'158eall Tempesta• nrtbirdsRE Koblor "'"'"'" 646-.1629 I ~CIEVY="""•ll8'°""l'iilPOl.....-.-.,'""'2,.-,,Dr-.1 IOI LC)NGP • CUSI'OM ou rl boord 1966 Hubo,, C.M. lll6-S3tJ! R/11. Auto, alr, P/b, P/~ PONTIAC perfect condition; 1 year old BEAT Thi5! 60 Volvo S1!iO. 32'l q, 17,000 ml. Prtv Ptf;)', 13800 Bet.cb e Westmlnlter $50. 847-6591 tt'. tti. Ci r th1t !lDC w. Out HWJ'., N.B. Needs paint, it'• • runner. $2100. 50oJ823, "5-1(11 ~ ·m 10:00 PM 636-250J wo11't t i¥o you ~ ~178' 9si-9608, 9684 Cornwall HS ,_.. r'U'll"lrv 4 ~ dlr, S L v~ Misc. W1nted 1610 cisii For furniture, appllanoes, colored TV, stereoe and an- tiques. Day or nlt;ht 636-3620 Cover all Orange !.:. LA Co's 8 WANTED FURNITURE TOP CASI-[ IN 30 Minutes Quality furniture, color TV's. stereos, appliances, tools, oUiee: equip. 531-1212 $WE BUY$ $ FU RNITURE $ APPLI ANCES Color TV'1-Pl1 no'e-Sl1r••'• I Pi1co or Hou&e Fill CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • \VANTED: 8 I a ck 1 m Ith Forge !blow type) " anvil. also Used cement mixer. 842-8493 VANTED: U11ed ca mp er shell tor .1968 E! Camino, p r e f e r f l berg l a11 ~7 alt 6 pm. \VANTED OLD TOY TRAINS ~lADE BEFORE 1945. Phone 642--0382 chln•ry, etc. 8700 STEAM BOILER Industrial Steam Boller, Pllf'. kPr 10 b. p. Good worid~ condition. Woridnr Pf':llUtt or 100 pound•. $850 ~ afttr 6 pm. '' Trimmer commercial lawn mower with 4 hone ,..ohler engine. 646-3629 FREE TO YOU ~fALE. Shepbmi/Cotllt, 3 mos. old, bad shota. l30-40l1 • 719 SE'rfER.Poodie P'IPPIU. 5 Wftk:s, tm tD good homn. 6*-8lm 1n l a.EAN blalth)' ldttetll. 497-1M4 Tn DIAL dlrect 642-n, O&r'lt YoW' ad, then •It 'hick and llate.n to the phone rtna:t • II y t h 111 I to Aut.honzed MG Dealer -~.. .... """• -t:JY •• -CR.ARI) Pibc" r..ctory a- worry obo uf, Kl.at eond. fB. Cuh dell, tc cu. IOOO mi, P/S, air -:'i ,;;~:. 'w: HEADQUARTERS OPEL Antiquu, Cl1nlcs 9615 ~ ~ HAK IOI call """" dlJc -.... radio, --------MODEL T Ford, coupt ~. ===~~~=~=I elec wlndcnn. Rally 11 whls, ,1 .... It tho YW FOR r nd & ............ ,. '62 CHEVY Impala 2 DR, 32T Ute blue, di'll: blue Cordava 16-polnt 1of1ty '66 OPEL wqon, 71,000 ml. e ers some _.-. -A1'B WOJ'lc $300 • n d p1rfi:itll'I• Exceptional cond. Mmt Kil 784 Newton Way, C.0.ts • ntfK1I • top. $G97, MZ-<I04 •nc1 t11t. It h11 MOTORtfOMU by wlcnd. 968-l'lB'T Meaa. l0-2 weekdays Jobp. l$42..8108 '13 Tempest;.. MalJ8 2 dr HT Lew, Low Pricn .. ,,,_ to p •11. So w1 ,1.,,, it our Autos Wanted 9700 DODGI Daer sb1ft. very dean. 100'1. 1u1roltf•• th1t w1'U r1 • PORSCHE 1-------Ruq put. $C90. 56-4111 p1•c• •II molor m1ch•11lc1I port1• for l O iiloya or 1000 mll e1, which•"•' co11111 fir.t. hn't th1t wh ot • 111w cor-ow11or 1101d1? A bug thot won't dr!¥1 WI PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR SPICIAUY PRICID IUIHI '66 OPEL KADETT PASTIACI COUPI 4·•po1J, chr•fft• wh•1ll, r1il i1. l ie:. No. SPM llS $699 '62 vw 1300 R1di•, ho1ter, E11ctlt1nt lr•n1porl1tion ct r. Uc. N1. QDS 104 $999 '66 FASTBACK A1iili1, hotltr. "Lik• N1w." lie. No. RNX t l I $1499 you fluh. '59 PORSCHE CONVERT. Compl1t1ly r1tlo1.d. M•· roon with bl1ck inl1r101. Mu1t ••• to opprociol1. l ie. No. HIJ757 $1999 '61 vw Wklt• with l.l•c:k int1rlor. R1dio, h11tor, whilo 1140 will tiro1. lie. Ne. VIM219 $1899 1961 BSA MOTOaCYCLI Only 1,111 111il1t 011 tll l1 lt11uty. Mutf ••• to oppr1• cl1t1. Only $199 '66 PORSCHE t 12 COUPE l lu1 with block irrf•rlor, Chro1111 wh1.t1 -XlllAS. 5·1p1ed tr1111., FM r1dio I ho1+1r, &oi ..,;1••9• 11 t•••t on thlt l!lod1I, Uc. No. SVZ l lJ. $4299 '61 FASTBACK FM r1dio, h•1t1r, W>W tir11. l ie. No. TYW 992 $1699 '67 GHIA COUPI 4 •P9•4 trot1ttr1lttlo11, r1dio "'······ oir c111difl•11ln9. Uc. No. VE D 2l2 $2099 1970 N. Harbor, Costa Mesa COSTAMISA DN DISl'Ul TM[ All"1IW DODGE "EXPLORER" lltHllllllltll wltll lit clMI· ....... '"' ~rttl •1111 ....... ' ~•lttJt•IPL '68 PORSCHE Tarp, 912 AU extras. Immaculate. Rea.· sonable. * Ms.6106 * e 'OS.36SC >..'1nt mech. cond. Sharp appearance, radlal tires, Butterfly rack, S35'l5 call ?t1r. Hauer 64Z--O'l22 * 65 CONV A GEMi New paint, top & tires, MUJt sell. 646-1234 tSlan), SUBARU CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Coata Mesa 54&-1200 Will Buy Al.l 11iu. 11 'Got. a '001. • ,OOT. I 'l'lAlll rlllAllC:-ll•S AW "''110¥10 t•lDIT. Your Volkswagen or Pllrachc • pay top doll&ra. Paid 1or or not, Call Ralph Subaru of Calif. 613-0900 lnc.-Retall Div. WE PAY TOP $1297 POE DOLLAR Opt equip $30. Freight $14.50 for good, cle1111 used cars. Handlins: $49. Tlel. $1390.50 all makes. See George Ray + Tax and License Theodore Robina Ford BUSIEST marketplace In -town. The DAILY PILOT Classified aecdon. Save money, time &: effort, Look now!!! 1000 W, Cout Hlway, N.B. 2060 Harbor Blvd. ~ * M0-2733 C.M. 642-0010 NO mal1er what it la, you can sell II Wllh a DAILY PILOT WANT AD!! 64.2-5678 TEMPTED BY a~a~a~ SEE DEAN LEWIS TODA YI '69 TOYOTA -$1790 e l lG SAVINGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOWI '69 lOYOTA HARDTOP .................. $2089 '69 VOLVO SIDA!( A-............. $2975 NIW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISl'LA Y W! Nm> YOUl TIWll·IH FOR OUR LARGE USID CAR Dll'T. . -.--~ DEAN LEWIS Of-Co. T.,.i1-Volvo Hdqtn. 540-9467 • 64"303 ltw HARBOR BOULIVAllD, COSTA MESA • _J_. I 1 '&t OOOOE Polara 000 Ur RAMBLER Hdtop, Buclcet -II, vtbra- 1 ______ _ sonic power $900. 5'M94t FORD LIKE new 1963 Ford Galuie 500, 4 DR. Good ttrts, f&c •lr, V-8, new auto trana. $600. Aft 6 pm or wUiai. 846--0235 '63 XL hardtop, dlr, f.&d alr cond. bucket seats, xlnt run- nina: cond. f15 cash d~ls. take low pymnts. A TB 798 PllJl.OWN!:D BIG Sl!l.ECTION' '61 nmu '68'• ALL MODELS J'ROM $295. • • • • BRAND NEW 'D $lalS call Ken 494-9773 642-40U '67 STATION Wag, 9 """" ====-=====! auto, air, powe•. '68 T·llRD Cleanalr e111., lo mi. $2350. Kl 5-00)5 '86 T·BIJU), L and a u . '65 FORD CorUr. eta waa, ' Loaded! $23)0, spa. dlr, extra clean. rebU ___ •_m._:rm __ * ___ 1 eng, f1'l5 baJ to fin. NGR 'SI BABY T.utrd. Like new, 458 ea.11 aw, ~ Muat 1ee1 Beit · o ft e r . FALCON Wacon 1984, red, B'B-'1212 aft 1 1: wlmds. au tom, P/S, low ml, $895. '60 T-BIRD Convertible XLNT 644-4887. after 5:30 COND. 675-543'1 and 833-2588 Far Dally Pilo1 want Adil White e]epb&nfll Dtn»&.fuw lltal lllUl7I !or llESULTS lltal 6fl.6S1I tar RESULTS - • ' ' - -- •• I I • 1 I I • • • .· SA VE ,'5 on :ffette't Fwric Auto .Sea.t ·c ·ovefs Re_gylar '29.99 ~9-"9: ---·· . -. . __ . ln~talled .• P.la.Ut"ltat coven are woven (or free.air <1lrcuJ1tion , •. eOolef-in thl! aummer . : - · • Vi'nyl trim relflfo~ed:with e1;r9ng fiber • 'Wipts clean wilh a dami;t cloth • Your ·ebo!ec in Bille. ,Gree~ _or Blick ' ' SAVE $J on Washable, Stretch • _ •• '. ,.. 1--! ' ' '· Nylon Slip.:.on Corers Regular '4:99 ,:99 -' ,. . e -100% nylori i1 cool jn 1ummer, warm in wi nter ' • Foain b'1ckin1 holds cover·firmly-in.place . · • Water repe1l~nt. machirie. ~hable; 1t,h1cliet to fit moat ·ea~F.ot,1plit or i"Olid baCk' fri>n't•e•t : · •·In ·Blue, Green, fted. Bl~ck or' Bi-o"!'n tolon ' -Economy-Woven e Woven plastic for free air .circula,. tioi;i • Entire cover wipes· clean with damp cloth •.Availabl~ in Blue and Black Cool Cushions 16-in. wide,,14Ml-in. seat and 17!1!" back. Porous me!~h fibet'covcring;with inner roil steel springS. Air-cooled. Auto Wedge Cushions Wedge:shaped, polyfoam filled. In a~tccive 2-tonc vr~yl coyer: _Ou~tanding val ue. Sears He;u:lrests SiU 5~xl 2~ip. round.-Fb~ bar rype.,. Le"ather· ~ttc, with polyfoam. filling. In assorted cGlors. E~y tO' instil~ , . ~ · SA VE •s on 4-track ._ Auto Tape Player& Regular. $34.99 ·2 ·999 • ~•1' '11 'four ltack 11Pe& ' e.12,~lt 'n;p'jj~ sn>und, wjtli • S.wttt-power nulput, e ThUDib\iiilVi>luine: and b1Juc• control.a. Oatntindir11-nlue! ~ ---....-.. __ ...______ ------ . ' • ' I ~ or J"._Q;ft,~·Af a .. '?~l Ha~k~r"-- 99 Im tailed Yo1ir Choice c .. -. e .Deep·quilli.ng: ltays,pillowy. 10ft.:htcaus,-acetate p"addins .. ·ie ev.enlf"..di1&il>Ute'd" •. • · ·e .C111hiontd. chanoeJ.1• perrnit'coolin·g air to completely .·ein:.Wale'bebinclapd,,µn.d$r yoµ ' • Relnfo'rcied" viD.yl trini..'Btue:Gr~en -Red.Black SA VE 'I.SQ on 4lx72-in. · ·sta~i.9n W ~gon Pads Regular ''6.49 99 · ·•Sise 41x72·in.j corrifortable l~i'nch thick~H!. Single mat f•ldf·ior ea1y.1lorqe · •Cleans witli a swieb or 1 d1mp cloth • Bright multi-colof Covering ••• tupervaloe! •, BI~ck Opaque · Vinyl Front Mats .. }99 • One eiae lo fit 111 Clf* · • Fine:a~·quality opaque vinyl · • · • R,ug,.nppq. cluta.-on' underi- 1ide preVentn mat frOm tlipf»inc _ •~th : hlridaoriie'--;con~inllQrarr tnm 1 • --~ ' ' . . .. I ' . . . • , . ..-' .~ . ~ •• t ' • -. ' • • • • "-~-~~t-•-•-:~ ..P ·---•·-----.~~ -----~ -•-&1 ·• .. -~,-e.•t~.--~--·--~~ ,..-..~' • ~.IAllC TA _8..ftoo. 521-4530 n MONIE di 3,3911 lONG \!EACH HE 5-0121 . --. PICO WE ·8-42~2 -;.· . • ~ ~ ' SANTA_FE~~r9.A~tt -' ~ 'u•'6r<o98S-l927' ·-~-...;. .... ,1 ,CJ.Hoo.t. rAD: >~tr.o~T , ~ ooNom ck s-roo4, a 4·4611 otvM>1c & sort> AN 9.5211 •oMoNA ED 2.11•s. w. ,_,161 , vu 6-6761 A MONICA EX · 4-6711 : • . ·vA11_!Y re J-8461 -98-l-.nJO I I col!nott.HE·6-:i581, N~ 2-5761 HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 ORANG• 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kr 7-3371 souTH coAsr PLAZA 540-3333 VEaMoNT PL 9-1911 I ,(CMNA. 9660611 • . -rNGl!WOOD OR 8-2521 PASADENA MU 1·3211, El 5·4211 TOORANCE 542-1511 '·-... ·--r -... ---·-----llllJ-.------- --·--·--ml!._ __ .11111!1 ~:--... --___ _._, ~ , ' _ ___,_-~~"Satisfaction Guarant.:d or Your Money Back'' .... &1.lOllUCXJ.1111 co.. Shop 6 Nightl Monday through Saturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ------- \ • ·~