HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 ' ' I { l ' r • • . . ~---.. ' . ' I • • Apollo ~Le·ak Found· Be~eh .Swap .Shop ' ---- f ' ' For111al .. ---7 ~ -.... ...... ----·- I . -- --- -·-- t ,. 1 2 Brothers Face Trial .. On · ~erjury-· -.... ~ ---· -,.&...-~--~___......, ~ ~ •O '-A ---HURSDAY AFTERNO.ON, JULY ·10,"1969 • • . _ VOL. U. NO. lK. J . l•CflONS. )I PAOl5 Ci ash· Py ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of lllt DlllY Plltl lllff Jailed four months ago · after ac- cwations of sexual molestation by two young bi-others, a Costa Mesa man Js free today, cleared when the boys admitted .in · coort !hey lied about tt all. · Stephen D. -Sampson; 26, of 2379 Santa Ana Ave., walked out of Superior Court after Judge Howard C. Camertm dlsmi&s- ed the felony case aDd ordered' the Costa Men boys arrested. ''Th e j made a mockery out or o u r judicial system," said Deputy District !J.tomey Pat Brian bftterly after uting Judge.~-lo -lhe .... be !lad proHCUied, '·!""1'77"." . Jfo reUOll his ~ lot u .. bJ ...... p .... Ille i>Oyl, aged I~ and Jf, 11nce !he facl& · : 911 If I I • Clif.===:r.;;===--==========-:.:--!'.:i!LbL"""1edJor .tbelL~Oll..oo--l)r,-g..-1.:.May&na-bM llelll • • ves ator1 are awaiUn& the recovery of : perjury cvarges. officially named ___ __pemument ilr1~1 lliynot,u,OI Lynwood, lo Nam~· •!'the two·yauthl, who ...,... -~reSiaent~9f-SiilFriii"""' Cllcii~~~- d lennlne ii dru tab! ts f und . lh taken directly· from the courtroom to t Coll-b e g • 0 m • Orange CciWlty Juvenlle Hall, were not .-ta e . ege .Y the. ~le ~!- DAILY Pit.OT,_.. .. D•le S.!Mbr Dave Paige, 15, Newport 1ieach;.figures it never hurts to add a bit o! ' class to the sport o( surfing. So1 whenever he feels the urge, he dons ' ApOllo Rocket Leak Found; Countdown Set CA~E KENNEDY (UPI) -A leak was discovered in the Apollo 11 boost.er rocket today and trouble shooters climbed into ils huge oxygenUnk lo fix it for the start of the lunar landblg countdown tonight. auto wreckan blld a dlr~t 10!< In lhe released, buHnv"11gators oaid they· are Jne Boo_ rd of Tnistees. (Sff accident. neighbors of Sampson. .,...•to_ry_,_P_a_g~e_8_)_. ------ "He ha1· a »SO chance lo survive," Hand saJ.d. "ll he diea or is pmnanenUy incapacitated, that enWI the case." Baynot is in the inte'nslve care ward of 6ra?M1:e County Medical Center where at- tlindints said this morning that he Ls in "very serious Condition and oot respon- ding to treatment He received severe head injuries in lhe crash which took the lives of Carl Voughn,.20, of Lynwood, and.~ley Mae Enn~. 18, of CUdahy. ·Seriously injured wate Desiree Le Compte, 18, of Whittier, and, Richard Lee Jones, 19, or Sbuth Gate. Bbth are in San· ta Ana Comi"!'unily Hospital. . ADMl'ITED LIE 'Oley admitted Wednesday that. they lied about a whole series of molestation Jncidents during awom tesUmony two montM ago at Sampson's prellminary hearing in Harbor /Udiclal .District Court. Bot.; seemed resigned to What was about lo happen and abowed no particular reaction when taten Into custody by sheriff's deputieJ after the dramatic twiSt in the case. Dlsmi."1881 of the felony charge was only a·partiaJ triumph, however, for the young electronks technician. He sUU faces jury trial Aug. 4 in Superior Court on a charge of receivinf stolen property. ' . . Nix on Announees Effort to Stop Medical 'Spiral' WAS!IlNGTOl'I (UPI) -rr.aldeJtl · Nixon ·said foday the country faces a "massive crlxis~' ln proper distribution QC health care and"annou.nced an action pro. gram aimed a~ holding d6\ro · qiedlcal · costs. The reP,Ort iasued followinc a, meetinc by Nixon wltb hls chief adviser~ In tbe health field wu cr!Ucal ol the MediCafd ncckwear for a more fonn'.l approach to the sport of Hawaiian kings. A Space Agency spokesman said the leak in the first stage helium pressuriza- tion system was '"the one matter of con- cern," bu~ he said, ."We're still planning to start tbe'countdo.wn on time." The accident took place about 8:30 a.m. when the car driven by Baynot went_ out~ ot. control, wil.ile at an estima.ted 80 mties. per hour, rolled over three" times and plunged into San Diego Creek. Oftlcer Hand said a quantity of seconal pills were found i,n the .wW:ked c:ar,'.and attendants at the h09pital said ·the ' teenagers "seemed lo be under lhe in- fluence of some kind of drug." He was arrested about two weeks after the fatal March 15 police shooting of boy burgl.tty suspect Stephen Stubblefield, 14, who ned from a Costa Mesa camera shop break-In despite orders to halt. program, saying the pis,n for feClel"IJ. " Be_ach Swap Shop Owner Killed in Cold Blood • A SI-year-old Huntlnglon Beach trailer His grief-stricken wile of 35 .yean, dweller was shot lo de3th Jn hiS Long Elizabeth, estimated -there was $100 or Beach swap ~hnn Wednesday afternoon. Jess in lhe cash register. The register .... vir drawer was standing open, empty. the apparent victim of 8 co~-blooded Police said an tm1oaded shot gun, nol bandit. . recently fired, was on the store counter. The body o( Emon: Nielsen, 16?22 Nielsen's bloody body bad been shot at Monteny Lane,. was d~vered behi~d least once in the fight chest with a small the counter of has,s~e in Long Beach 1 -caliber pistol. The murder gun was not central business district. yet recovered. France to Relax ' Mrs. Nielsen tol.d police she and her husband bou'ghf the stiop about three years ago af\er hJ: retired as a con- tractor. Het.husband would have been 59 years old today. The -countdown for sending astronauts Nell A. Annstrong. Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin on man's first moon lan- ding mission nell Wednesday is scbedul· ed to begin at $ p.m. PDT. 1be leak problem developed during pre- countdown preparaUOM. Two techni- ciit.os, dressed in super-clean white coveralls, climbed inside the 64-foot high. 33-foot .. r,i<le liquid. OJY&<n >tank . to pill· . poiJll~'~jbe.Ieak:"lbo'.iank ~ u.. ed '..... "'!'~ . balflei. 'Which the worim0tr· ca.o •dtJtlb~on~ fi>-~ch .helium lines nilmlng alona the stde ol the tank. The hellwn is used lo pressuriz.e the 331,000 gallons of liquid oxygen which will · be J>U!mped into the tank on launch mom· ing, I ' It Was the first significant problem -1See APOLtO, Page %) The southbound car wenr out of control on a curve about a half mile west of Valencia Avenue. It skidded for about 400 yards down the dirt shoulder and then rolled over three times before crashing beadon into the creek. Officers were led op a bizarre. se&rch.J f0r a supposed sitlh'pjlaenget Jn.the car a· teerutge glrl, · after'}diSS1 £,& Cdmpte told ~ them -she was wilh·'them.: -· .•.• -.. ..:'. The brush along the road from Laguna Beach Freeway overpass lo the creek was searched by ofCicers and divert·· plunged fnlo the San Diego Creek, where the water ls from four to eight f.eet d.!ep.' Later, Miss Le Compte re.nfembered . that the girl had been.dropJ>ed: off earlier in the morning;. ' . " • ., Open CiJr Wash? Mideast Embargo . PARIS (UPI) -Presidenl Georges Pompidou said today France may partly lift its total embargo on-arma deliveries to the Middle East, but he indicated 1 France had no immediate !Qtention or. giving Israel the 50 Mirage ffijetl lsrael has paid for. She last· saw him alive Wednelday morning wheri he left to open the store. .. Mn. N~~~ wor~ irt_ the ~ 11Jo but nonnally takes Wednadays oU. A uto in Pool Stumps Housewi fe GLENDALE (UPI) -Mr.. Helen car from the swimming pool. All M~. Pompldou. in his first press conference since he became president, said any declsk>n to re&Wne .arms ahlpmeoLI to the Middle East would be taku• becatJSe other nalloo& were shipping weapons there. Nieben'a body was discovered by Hugh Andenoo of Long Beach, an employe of the Nava~ y.'ea~ns Statlcm Jn Se.al Beach. "I saw him lYinl on his back behind a glass showcue at the mir of U. store. I thought he'd had a heart attack," Nid Ande-. He used a ccRml.r relepllon< to llWlUllOll police. Anaheim GI .Killed He 511d that If France reconsldered its ~iUon the deUverles would in01ude only Ann)'. Warrant Offiftl' Robert f, light eqll!pmenl and 1pare pai'\s which Gardlner, IOll OI Mr. ani!ldra. I<sler . -..re obippod to• lhe area.. beforo--Gardlner-ol-Anahelm. today wqJlaled.as eatabliahment or a total embargo Jan. i, -klllta In tdion tn Vietnam by the 19118. · · Del""' Jlepoi1meol. i .. ... Howe has a small problem -an Howe had to do ·was pay lbr the 'cost of automobile. tn· her swimming pool. And · D'iaterials. some of the suggestions oo bow lo get it "They ~really slnc:ere about it. but O\ll are as oU:beat as the.,._, tt got in. r don'tth1r\k I could take· a full summer Last Satun11y the WIOCCl!pled 1968 ol Boy S«Ntl working In my back yard," Austin Amerk:ar rolled over * cli!f above sh~ Aki. her houl<'llnd plunged 50 down into the Mn. J1ofe hu three 1mall clilldttn, pool. one otwh<iu i1r charain1 five cents ad~ 1 "One per100 thou~ we might be able mh!IOll to look at the car.on the bottom to get It out by an in!latable raft of 11\0 pool, and placing it er the car in an at--ConlullaUons with the car owners In-· tempt to float it up," Mn. Howe aaid. llUl'lftde coinpany have nvealed the only "And some Scuba dly~ called and of. ~=way la to lift the car 0111 bY- lere<f lo dialnanUe lf undtr waler," site • , added. -· .,. • ,.no,,_.i WM drained Wednesdal_ll.n<\: Alroop of Qoy SCoulJ wan to make --preplled tO miiillii'•l!einpf a awnmer pr<>i<¢-Olil ol ,_vtaa u.. , lorlay, . · •• DetectJves investigating the case ques- tioned Sampson, a friend of the dead boy, leading lo rtcovery of some electronic sound equJpment stolen more than a year ago. The item was taken In a burglary at the Orange County Fairgrounds and police usert it was passed on by the Stubblefield boy. - FILED SVIT lleoptte the fact his lraglc .death was r ·u I e d justifiable homicid .. by Orange County District Attorney Cedl A. Hieb, hls mother has filed a $250,000 wrongful death claim as a result. Divorcee Mrs. Helen Ellis, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, nam~ city, county and state authorities in her claim which charges deprivation OC com· panioMhlp and future support by her only child. -~ The Stubblefield boy was never men .. tioned in' connection with the original child molestaUon charre which led to Sarnpson's·arrest wMn he abowed up at Heinz Kalaer lntemtedlale School wljiie Police were present. Stories by the two young brothers were apparently convir)clng enough to · Costa Mesa detectives, district. attomey!s Jn. ""1Jgaton'llld probalton officen: . : 'l'bey.ufd at the tui>e-tbel saJiiplim hid. a IUclitatJilil eleclnlofca laboratory at bis . Santa Aoa A vemae home,, •hlcb attiacted YOO"i boys lntemted>ln ICletce. , He bad belpedthe8tubblolfeld Y<JllDPler wltb a special project for a · sdtool ICience fair llld otheo 1""lha fre- QU<nled bts wwUhop u well. Costa -pol!Ce . nolod lodly tbet Sampoon ii dellnlnloly. not llnlted lo the burglllr)' ot. Ccimpn '1 camera Sbop, 5111 . W. 11th st .• duriq which lhe Slubblefleld 1 boy .... killed . An accomplice Is kno)!n lo have C!Caped,by car whtn poJG tht -midnight break.In thl'CllJCh thO roof,' but lnvesllgalion conclllllnlJ a1lnlinalod • Sampson. a.s a ~\. • '"""' ... ; ,..;;,. ' . . state financing of health aid to the J)OQI' had conlrlbuted heavily to rillng modlcal costs. ~ Nixon told reporter~ th!tl when he enlered oUlce lie knew there Jt'U ·a serlou• national problem l!r dellmy or health catf:. ' However, after recetvblg the health report -under.~auon !01' mooths- the Prestdenl -be realllld the lltua-. tion was "mucb worae tbaa I rutiled' in January." "We face.a.muaive cri&il la Udl: .._ ••. in. the nezt two Or 1Mte,7'1P' ~ something is done 1bout it lmmediltel.1/1 lhe President said. Tb~ report oaid the . ~ f1cta "a breakClowr ltl the 'dellvtri cf bei.Jtb clre' unless immediate ' elXtCerteil action 1" (See 'BE.W111, l'ofle 'I) • ' Orange, . (;ou t . . ' ' w ....... The IWl sleepl in. t1U J l Lim Friday, then llhinea aomewbat hasi!y -Ill< COllll, ~ iJw mercury lo '12 locally llld aboul JG degrees hfPr Inland. . . • INSDB TOD.t.Y Thlrt'U ~ a "c1uin:~ In U.. ... rOamd" in AflOArk, *"° tMt IM ..i. of Mclod,i<ntd.11411 bun 'aw.ooea. Page 2J. ' . .. ,.. 11 -~-•: -.-·=---r. ....... ,... ' T 1 Ill I '..,_-.it: ...... , .. ,1 -.. A•~ .IJ ~~--. -·--7· • Terror.ist's B~~Hd . 14 fu Saigon · --- ~lGON (UPI) -A Viet C<>ng temrlst e.illoded a bomb 9Utslde an American liln.t d ~ lod'ay, woundinl ll """°"" But the lull In the ground ''iftU!lC conUnued and American delths 1,¥1-~ to W, the lowest level llisll-. ' . .With tho l!1>lllld war at • near ct•M!l!ll. tho DnUllrints lo le1ve VW. nam under' a plan to wlthdrt.'ft ~DGO American troops flew ilmost unnoticed today from DI Nan( lo Okinawa. They ..... 110 leatberneds who will preparo for toce!Ylng the Marines 11th ~menial landing 1hJn, wblcb will 1 .. ve by Aue. ao. Informed military aources diKlosed to- day that 15 or more American soldiers w.,. shot lo delth by Viet Cong troops several months ago because the guer •. riJ1as did not understalld the Americans were trying lo ..-.. '!be tn&edy came lo llght in a caplur<d Communist -t .. 1easec1 here. dftlo,.ff1Jound -.mt-bomb-aploded- ouilide an enllated meo'1 b.lllet a mile from -the-'I'an Son Nbut Airbase. wom- ~ U Vletoamese civilians Ind two Ammcani, It 'CIQle aa military source• predlct.d an upswing of aabotqe In the capilal, Ind -'bfy new atlacks by cuenillll moving toward Sai&on. U•IT ...... NEWPORT'S 'FIRST LADY OF AIR' FETED --'-"Pit-NlxonCOnilr•tuli tu l'ller .Ma ra·co1p~ · Barry Jr. Gives Trophy To Derby Winner Mara • Thanks, But No Tanks • Sheridan Vehicles Te rmed Unfit for Com bat -• WASHINGTON (UPI) -It tAlOI< the Army 10 :rean 11\d II lout Ill bl1llon to dM1op the Shetldan lank, a llghl- arm~ '1ecoonaiasance-aaaauli vehicle.- d•lsned to carry the Shillelagh guided l!lfllllo lnlo balUt. ., Tile new vehicle; the Army promised, would fire faster and more accurately than any tank in Wslence. . ,After a two-year investigation and a series of hearings -some aeczet -a . ~ Houso Armed Servloa Sub- commlttee accused the Army ol deeei•· Ing ~ oo the need !or 1 lan1t modernlzaUon effort bqllt around the Sheridan Ind of then IUlng "misleadlng reparta" on the program's procras. productllJo ol fbe Sheridan and Iii ccm- pooents evm u.oup ~clans warned aome difliculU.. remlllMd unaolved. ''The prepondefance of e v I d e n c e asaenibled by the subcommittee • • • ralaeil -dcubll as to the Im-mediacy of an)' thrtat which would justify the development of the Sherldan- ShlUelagh ayltem on a aaBh ba.sb." the report iald. . 'Ille su1'omulittee accuaed the Army of w 1 thboldina unfavorable infonnatlon about the Sbertdan '• progreu to put olf a sean:hlng review ol the program Ind avert a poalble cutoff of funds by the Defense Department or the Bureau of the Budgtt. Flnlllly, aald th• rtporl, the Annr, nished M al the new !anltl I'<> Vlet\Wll 11to denuX11tr1te the value of the weapqa as soon as possible," a 1tep that on1J served to shake the confidence of tbe tank crews when casuaJUe1 were cal¥ed by 11rnWtrts, broken rounds and other 6erious defects." Jn response to the report, the Army said the tank "has perfQr!ll.ed very well in Vietnam" and has "a high level ·ol troop confide1:1ce." It also said the vehicle bu increasecl'ihe firepower, moblllty and overall combat· capability of armored cavalry forces in Vietnam. Moreover, the Army sakl it plans to equip all armored cavalry unill in the war zone with the Sheridan. (Tbe Shillelagh missile was develoPed, designed Ind produced bf the Aeronutronlc Division of Philco-Ford in Newport Beach. An Aeronutronic spokesman todJl,y ·said none of the l(ouble cited refers lO the mi.uile, but to other components of the Sheridan system. "The ShIDrla£h itseU baa been given-a clean bib ol bellllb.'' be said. (None of t b e Shlllelagb-equiJ>Ped Arm y Corps to Dredge SA River of Flood Sand Sheridan,'tanka baa seen~aervice in-Viet.. ~-----­• nam, he added. Only coqvenlional weapoos have been fired in lhat combat ·area from the Sheridan.) The four-man subcommittee beaded by ToJl!I of sand dropped Jn the Sanla Ana River bed by heavy winter f1ood3 wiR be dredged out In September by the U.S. Army Coip.. of Engineers and uaed to replenish fadlng shorelines in Newport Beach.· Sand and silt has reduced to half the . · Rep. Simuel Stratton UH~.Y.), alao "°"' eluded the vehicles still were· unlit for combat and recommended that no more be sent to Vietnam untiJ "all ·major de!ocja" hid "'"" elimlnlted. In fta St-pap~ tbe'1ubrommtttee normal water capacity of the river near DOIO!I the Army -In 11111 tbll·1' Huntington Reach Ind Costa Mesa apd needed a tank e1pable of f1rin& gu1de(I must be removed u a sa!ely•factor, ac-misail'" "It the wtJat posllhle date" lo, floods 00utd bring a dangerous level of water to the Huntington Beach area. "Sand is several feet deep in 1ome areas," Said Schwarze, thus reducing the river to half its capacity, He estimated that a million yards of sand were dumped by floods into the river bed in the Huntington Beach, Costa h-1esa and Newport Beach areas. Allied nillltilY sources said a battalion of 300 Viet Cong commandos moved '""""1y llllo the Bing Cbanh d!Jtri~Jii::t &OUthwett of . Saigon and were g Ihm In pr<par1tlon for sabotage ottacks. They said ...,. of the Viet Cong hid ac· lually penetrated SaJcon. . -Atco!dlng-to tbe "°""'"" Vitt Cong -and-Norlb-Vlelnameoe unllo """'"" the battleDeld are moving ino position for the IWJ>1'ISe attacks pttlllbed by a high · Viet Cong offldal '11' a· speech m Cliro :XUesda~" Special to the DAILY PILOT ammg olher prizes, including upcoming counter a_threat P'*d_by_,.purpor1edlJ · =~ 1:,.=· County Flood Control WASHINGTON, D. ·c. -Powaer Puff e~nu;---auperior Soviet armored vehicles. "It will be a slow job," said Jack Derby winner Mara K. Cutp Wednesday Richard Culp took his wUe for btr first After ~dAn Jl'OIJ'am was IP-Schwarze, design t.ngineer for the flood received her rm place trophy from a flight !D • priv,ate plane just ~. yem proved. ~ tbe rep:ri, tbt f.rmy control district, "and truly stretch into fellow Californian and part-time Newpxt ago. • firrt f.aJJed to dlaclole problems that the early stages of winter." "Special permits have been issued tO private individuals wbo want to mnove sand now," added Schwarze. The bulk of the job still will be left to the Corps of Engineers. . Egyptian Claim s Of Sinai Suceess - Denied by Israel '!'bey told of one North Vieloameae bot- -talion wbose---Ulignment was t0---attlck- . · AWed ·~• llloog lbe Sai&on River ____,__leldioi uP' to ao auault On a riverfront precinct In the capllal !Iseli. Military spokesmen 8JUlOW1Cing the weekly C81U11lty figures said the 2t-day tall al.lo aent South Vietnamese loues 'pknlglng to their lowest level alnce May and Communist deaths to • sll-montb JoW. Front reports listed 169 Viet Cong Ind North Vietnamese killed In batUes Wednesday, many ol them In Saigon's outer defense riDg. U.S. flrepow!r broke up a guerrilla arnbulb -11wat ol the dty, klllia& 21 North \llttnamele. U.S. losses were four klDed and nine wounded. There ..,.. not Oll!llllh ~or fiil>tl lo. -sider tbe lull """"'· ..,..._ .. Aid, bUt the Vld C..,. ud Nor1b l(ieuw- &hellecfl3 Allied towm Ind baoes, a lharp -from if tbe prevloul day, - 1---· *' * '* ·1" Beach resident Rep. Barry Goldwater "She was a natural," illd: Cu1p today. cropped up, tbea. demomtrated "i.mftr. Schwarze said the Corps of Engineers Jr. (R-SU f~). :~m the day~ first new alODe, lhe r~ted cw~" ia_~._.!~!_:_a~.t.Q,,do.the job filr the district after . Mr1.-Culp, ~ ~ blue-e~ed blonde.w!W>-~ C»Uectln~-_.. . --.ud~, ~fgJfj--~~-fil.ea Waa·declared a disaster ... livesln the1!Wffi m N~port. had a buJ)' He llfd«I proudly, Silt.ls°"' ol oruy . Army engineers expect to r{lease a day ;ef &OCial activities, inclwling_af. five ·w.~_..to hold ~ air lJ'ansport • . Contract in Auiust for the dreOging job ternoon tea with Mn. Pat Nilan at the raUng. That means abets allowed tony Mesan to Face and Schwarze estimated act\Jal work White Hoose. mt.llti-engine aircraft anywhere. would start about September. Goldwater, who frequently stays at the "Dick is the inspiration for my flying,'' "It has to be coordinated with their Balboa Bay Club with hill father, the Mrs. Culp concluded happily. Greater Charge beach replenishment work In Newport ., IJ11lle4 ,,_ lllltl'llAtiHll Arizona senatcl", lavishly comp!imenkd Beach," he said, explaining the 1lowness. Egypt said two reinforced platoorui of Mrs. r.utp on her victory and quipped : Many residents near the river have Egyptian commando! crossed the S~ "There seems to be a lot of interest In From P t1ge 1 A Costa Mesa youth watched by police expressed fear that if tbe river wasn't Cana.I today and blew up five Israe~ flying in C&llfmlla. I think I'll raise my as he laboriously fl.sheci around in his dredged by nn:t win(er more heavy gun positions in the occupied Sinaa childrt.n to be air traffic controUers." -AP OLLO back pocliet while handcuffed wound up Peninsula. Mrs. CUlp, whose husband Richard ill a • • • in jail on a stiffer charge than was It said that later, during a four-hour Pblle<>Ford physlcbt, compled lbe belt oriJlnally lodged Wednesday night. ·Man Said Mafia Head artillery duel, Egyptian gunners 111°" fifing time of the S9 women pilots who reported during the preparations .to begin Michael T. Warman, 19, of 333 d~d~~el.i~~~~·n commandt. completed the 1,!00-mle trip from San the countdown. aod a Space Agency Rocheoter St., was arrested on suspicion Jailed by LA Police ~and a spokesman said in Tel Avlv, Dte&Oto Washington'& D.lllea Airport spokesman said, "It's unusual." Earlier of being drunk after a minor accident on . ·~A-of · A native of Latvia, stie won the coveted •• .,n,;.... . a parking lot, according to Patrolman e 18 oo eVI'-"'lll.-.:: any crOSSUl§ trophy in her first try in the transcon· today, the agency said eve~., ..... '6 was 10 Richard Frederik.sen. LOS ANGELES {AP) _ The man and no damage to any ol our positions.' ood sha bed b utho ·u he d r .i.A Later, the Israelis handed over to the tinental nee,. ~Id for lhe 23rd year. Sbe g pe. . He and hiJ partner left Warman in descri Y a rt es as a o ...... Egyptians via the Red Cross the bodi~ Oefr toto in a Piper c.om&nche. While .tbe rocket trouble shooting was their patrol car while taking the accident Cosa Nostra In Los Angeles ls in jail to-of nine Egyptian soldien killed in a Mrt. Culp also JfM a free.round trip under way, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin report, but Officer Don Casey said he day on contempt of court after refwing commando raid earlier in the week. •atfm to Pri' and $2,000 ln cash, sharpened their flying skills in moorWlip notioo:t Wannan wiggling around in a to talk to a federal grand jury. In one of a series of major polittc.l -u~s-;~Prohing Significance kaio.ers. -bizarre fashion and checked to see why. w~~sdLicata,b n,u SWD~-trheldct cin urtCOllJl<m A~ developments, E'gypt today ofticiallT ln a final pre-countdown staff meeting Warman, said Patrolman Casey, .had icw..: ay Y · · ~ J o u"6e ~zed Communi!t East Germany, Wednesday night, launch -director Rocco pulled out his wallet and was-trying to Jessie W. Cortis Jr., who ordered him to the fifth Arab ria.Bon to do so. ·west Ger- A. Petrone told launch crewmen: dispose of two hand-rolled cigarettes. jail unUI he answers the jury's questions. many has said the Soviet Union forced "This is the big one we've been work· The arrested youth was then arrested The jury is investigating inter·state the move under threat o( cutting off Ing· on for eight or nine years. We're 1 Floi;;r;;ipossessli;;;i;;;i;;"';;;io;;;r;;;;; mar;ilj;;iu;i;ani;;';;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lr;;;a;;;ve;;;l;;;ln;;;al;;;;;;;;;dof;;;r;;;a;;;ck;;;e;;;te;;;er;;;in;;ig;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;;;""';;;;;;'u,;ppi;;l;;;ieo;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., going into it with a good posture. Let's II • Of HanoiFightingDropoff keep everything moving." The countdown includes 93 hours of work and 40 hours, 32 minutes or rest periods. These rest intervals could be us. ed to recoup lost time if the bellum leak cau3ed a countdown delay. WASHINGTON (UPI! -·The United States hu begun dbc,..t diplomatic IOOlKiings abroad to t r y to detennine whether there is any poliUcaJ slgnificance in evidence of a recent reduction in North :Vietnamese military activities in lhe war. Secn!tary ol Slate William P. Roger. told a news c!onference last week that the United States would 9ttk some Indication fn:m Hanoi ol the mwtlnc of lhe current situation when the time is right. That time apparently has arrived. Although the probing operation ls so sensitive that administration officials do not even admit it ul.sts, 1 variety of swrce!I say It is under way and involve1 informed Communist representatives. Paris is probably involved, as well as other world capitals where American and North Vietnamese diplomats are able to make occa.sional contact. directly or in· clirectty. Oflldally the ldmllistraUon Is highly cautious and refuses to draw any OA1l\ PILO T ....,.., ............. ... ----~-. CA,lfOINIA OIMOa C'QUl P\IM.llM...O COllMH'r ...... tt. \\'"'4 ---J .... 1. c..-1.., Ykt,__..~..._•Mlllllllt nt!Mt K•ftil ·-Tli1M•t #.-tif•rphlfit MllllllM ••111r - premature conclusions. But It l! reliably reported lo be intrigued by recent signs that could siSDaJ a willingnw by Hanoi and the Viet Cong to dectlerate the fighting w!lbout actually admitting it. Despite an increase in Commun!st shelling early in the week, these in· telligence reports are noted with keen in· terest: -lnfilt.raUoo of troops from Nortli Vietnam southward dropped to 1,100 men in June, the lowest monthly level since the U.S. troop buildup began in early 1965 It compares with infiltration of 15,oOO to 20,000 troops a month during peak periods. -Recent truck movements along the Ho Chi Minh Trail linking North and South Vietnam are reported to be down to 18 per week compared to 400 a week in February. -It has been noted for some tlme that the NorCh Vietnamese 27th, 36th and J38th regiments have been pulled back in- to North Vietnam. Furthe':1,!iort, U.S. casUalties for the week ending July 5 totaled 153, loweat fi~ in m months. Experts believe this reflects a decruse in C-Ommunist·in- itiated attacU. Pre-countdown ope.rations b e g a n Wednesday night and ccnUnued lbrougb today. These include clearing communication! channels for the many voices which wUI talk to each other during the count· down, turning on power to the spacttraft command and service module and parts of the Saturn 5 launch vehicle, turning on closed circuit television cameras to monitor tfle operations, and delivering to the launch pad the explosive devices used to start the Saturn's five first stage engines. . . Installing the ordnance devices will be the first task wben the countdown starts tonight with the words of chief teat con-- ductor Bill Schick : "Start on my mark al T-minus three days, 21 hours, zero minutes. s+:J.2·1·mark." Mrs. Chouinard Dies PASADENA (AP) -Mrs. Neibert M. Chouinard, founder of the famed Olouinard Art School which groomed such talents as designer Edith Head, is dead al the age of 90 • F rom P age l HEALTH MES SAGE . •• taken by government and the private sec- tor." 1be situaUon was blamed on "ex· pans.Ion of private and public financing for health services" whlcb the report said created a demand for these services "far in excess of the capacity of our health sy:;tem to respond." Nilon met more than an hour with Robert H. Finch, secrelary ol tht Depart· ment ol Health, Education and Welfare, and Finch'• new a.ssiJtant secretary· des.i&nate for health and sclentllic affairs. Di'. Roger 0. E11eber1 1 and Uodenecretary John Ventman. 'Ille pmident appeared wllb Finch and E(eber&, after the meeting Ind before leaving them to answer re-porter• ques-- tions, sald the two have "my complete and unqulllUied support In lbb field." 'Ille alau.tlcal dlla showed that tht ... OaUonary rate of hospital care, not hl- cludlng the doctors' bill, hu gone from $44 a day in 1965 to a current averqe of flO. To correct what Nixon adminl&traUon omclais pictured as "past failures of GQVetnment" and to challenge "the private sector lo begin the process of revoluUonary change in medical care systems," the FlncbCEgeberg report an- nounced a series of administrative aod legislative actions : -Elimination of allowancts to hospitals and nursing homes for uniden- tified costs and stricter federal regula· tiona lo lipill. payment to individual JX'IC- tiUDnera under Medicaid. -Increased reviews of drug ulillzation, pricing, efficacy and safety. -1be Public Health Service was directerl to "promote alternaUve medical care facilities" with a vlew lo removing non.acute paUents from acute care 'hospitals, plus "tighter, more frequent reviews of hospital care for patients." -A requirement that all doctors in- volved in Medicare and Medicaid transacUOOI be Identified by> Social security nwnber.11 The reJ)Ort Wd "dr•itlc chana:ea" were necessal')' In lhe private htalth care ·ln· duo!Jy -1pplylng lo bospilllli u well u SALE for the first Al.llDRIG/IL . PIOM H ER ITAGE WITH ALL THE EXCITEMENT AND ROMANCE OF SPAIN.,, A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONLY BE MADRIGAL •.• ANO NOW FOR .THE VER Y FIRST TIME WE HAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT BEDROOM COLLECTION All ON SALE AT SPECIAL REDUCI D PRICES! time! CHIST ON CHUT 11.IG. ltt. SPACIOUS f·DIAWIR Dll.USIR RIG ~19, IUll.NISHID CiOLD Mllll.Ol llG. tt. IUN ... SIZI HUDIOAlD llG. 249. COMMODE 2·DU.Wll Nll HT STAND llG. 159, Your fa.voritt interior de1igncr will be happu to a.ui.tt uou. , , ,._OllESSIONAL INTl:ll.1011. OlSl6NERS Op111 M•11., Thurs . I Fri, f.,.,,, 2215 H!-AIOA llVD. COSTA MlSA. CALIF. ····0271 646.0276 NOW 339. NOW 359. NOW 79. NOW 209. NOW 135. Finch and Eseber& tstbnoted a onKaY Iioooital alay would go to 181 nut )'W' an<f probably llOO a dy wllbln three JWI, at tbe pr<lelll nte ol lnlllUOn. d~to~. 1!1.--------------------------------------------------------------...i I ' ,/ I ... -- . ' ,I ,1 I ;~ I ' 1, ,[ • • • • • • Buntington.Beaeh • N.Y. Steek• . voe. 61, NO. ·1~. 3 SECTIONS. 34 PAGES -----ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNI~ ,.. ~ TH URSDAY, JU Y '10, '1969 TEN CENTS , - Thief-Murder~ lluptington Beach Mari • Bea,ring Delaged Swap Shop · Owner Shot t.o Death Recall Decision A 58-year-old Huntington Beach tr,ailer drawer was standing open, empty. She last saw him alive Wednesday dweller wu shot to death in Ju, Long Police said an unloaded lbot gun, not morning when be left to open the atcft. Beach swap shop Wednesday afternoon, recently fired, wu on the store counter. Mrs. Nielsen works ln the store also but the apparent victim of a cold-blooded Nielsen's bloody body had been shot at oormally takes Wednesdays ~ · bandJt. least once in the flgflt chest with a mna1l Nleben'a bod! was discovered by Hugi\ 'l'l)e__~of...Emocy lelsen,..162:1: · callbe plstoi....llle murd<r gun wu llOI~ Anderton of Laog Beach, an emplaye all-- Monterey Lane, was discovered behind yet recovered. · . the Naval Weapocu Station ln Seal Beach. Due on Monday A decision on. the validity of three recall petitions submitted to the city of Fountain Valley is expected Monday from Orange County Superior Court Judge Claude M. Owens. Owens, Wednesday delayed the court hearing-until next week lo-give both side3 more time to present their arguments. City Attorney Edwin Martin claims.the petitions are not. valid because recall leader Eugene Van Dask violated .certain election code proce:lures in distribution of the petitions. They ask for th~ recall of , MaYDf"-Roben -Swedrtfeger at)d Council· men Donald Fregeau and Joseph Cour· regeJ.. • ~ Attorneys Robert Sassone and Paul Augustine, Jr .• claim recall supporters have followed the Jaw all the way in their dlorts to oust the three men. replie.• lo the ....u~ .... reqw..d when clrculatinc peUtiorts. He argues that photostatic copies of newspaper legal notices were too small in size to read by the average individual. · Martin also claims that recall sup. porters distributed. an unf~ amount of literature-favoring the-recall prooeedinp.- wheo the elect.ion code state1 \hat recall charges shall be atacbed to me petitions in not more than 500 words. Judge Owens indicated Wednesdiy. that tie would rule on the case Monday. _whether or not all attorneys were ready. -A decision f.avorable to the recall would proba~ly force the city _moocil lo begin. . actioii at its Tuesdaj meeling .to set up a recall election: lhe counter of his store lb Lonce:each's Mrs. Nielsen told police she and her "l saw him lying on his back behlnd a central business district. husband bought the shop about Utree 111~ showcase it the rear of the store. I His grief.stricken wile of 3S yean, years ago after he mired as a .con-thOught he'd bad a heart attack," said EliJ.abeth, estimated there was $100 or tractor. Her husband would have been 51' Anderson. He used' a c:Ounter telepboae, to less in the casb-registei. Tbe register years old-today; summon police • • Apollo Rocket Leak Found But Countdown Stil,l Set to-Start Tonig t • CAPE KENNED)' (UPI) -A leak was clisco'med In the Apollo 11 beostenockol today and trouble shooters climbed into its huge ocygen iank lo llrtHor the start- .of the lunar landing countdOwn tonigb1. of the Saturn 5 launch v$jcle, turning on Installing the ordnanct deVlces wl)I be closed circWt televlaion cameras to the first tut when the countdown lllrta monitor the operations, and delivering to . tonfght wlUi the words of chief tat ~ !!>eJau~ PJld the exploslvt.JI~ used_ duclo<.Blll Scblct:.5tu:l .. unµ>ark at_. to 'tart the Saturn's five first it.age T-11\inus three daJI, l1 boors, aero engines. · minutes. 5-f.H.l<DIB." ~- City Aid Ashetl I Martin's primary contention is that recall supporters did not fairly present If the petitions are ruled invalid, the recall would be effectively &topped because of a Jack of lime to recirculate new petitions and follow the entire pro- cess before regular elections in April. 1Terrorist Bomb Wounds A-Space Agency spokesman-said -the leak in the first stage helium pressuriza- tion system was "lhe ,one matter. of coo. cem," but he said, "We're &till plannlng to start the countdown on Ume." The countdown for sending astronauts Neil A. Annstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin on man's first moon lan- ding mission next Wednesday is schedul- ed lo begin at 6 p.m. PDT. The leak problem developed during p~ countcfuwn preparations. Two techni- cians., dressed 1n super-clean white coveralls, climbed inside the 64-fool high, 33-fool wide liiiuid oxygen tank lo pin- point and r<pair.llJo leak. 'l'lle taok is Jill. ed with ril>llke baffles which the workmen can climb on to rencb helium lines runnlng.aloiig the 11de ol the Wik. TV Drops Surfing Event; Huntington Out fl,500?___. 14; Ground War Slows , SAIGON (UPI) -A Viel Coog lerroriJI exploded a bomb outside ai; American biU.t near Saigon today, wounding 14 persons. But the lull in the ground nihUrit-cootinued abd American deaths - . last .week dropped to 1S3, the lowest level ln aiI months. With the grounQ war at a near slandstill, the first.Marines to leave Viet- nam under a plan to withdraw 25,000 American troops flew almost unnoticed today from Da Nang to Okinawa. 'Ibey were UO leathernecks who will prepare for receiving the Marines 9th regimental landing team, which will leave by ~ug. llJI. tnfoaned military sources disclosed to- day that 15 or more American soldiers were shot to death by Viet Cong troops &everal months ago because the guer- rillas did not understand the Americans were trying to surrender. The trag~y came to light in a captured Communist Ten Seek Police Chief's Position In Huntington Ten police captains from Southern California ciUes will take oral eI- aminations in Los Angeles Saturday for the post of Huntington Beach Chief of Police. Chief John Seltzer will retire th is month after serving on the force since July, 1937. Captains Earl Robitaille and Harold Mays, both of the Huntington Beach Police Department, are among those who are included in the one-hour oral eI- aminaUon, to be administered by the California Slate Personnel Board. Capt. Robitaille is the commander of the detective division. Capt. Mays serves as head of the uniformed officers divbioil. Both were among 26 law enforcement officers who initially applied for the job. Only ten of the applicants were selected for the orals alter first passing ~ree­ hour written examination. document re!eated here. The l>pound terrorist boinb exploded outside an enlisted men's billet. a Dille Crom the Tan Son Nbut· ~ woun- ding 12:_ Vietnamese civilians and two Americans, It came as military sources predicted an upswing of sabotage in the capital, and possibly new attacks -by guerrillas moving toward Saigon. Allied military sources said a battalion of 300 Viet Cong commandos moved recently into the Bing Chanh district just southwest of Saigon and were hiding there in preparation ror sabotage attacks. They said some of the Viet Cong had ac- tually penetrated Saigon. Actord.ing to the sources, Viet Cong and North Vietnamese unit.s across the battlefield are moving lno posit.ion for the Arprise attacks promised by a high Viet Cong official in a speech in C8iro Tuesday. They told of one North Vietnamese bat. talion whose assignment was to attack Allied bases along the Saigon River leading up to an assault on a riverfront precinct in the capital itself. Mililary spokesmen annooncing the weekly casualty figures said the Jl-day lull also sent South Vietnamese 109el plunging to their lowest level since May and Communist deaths to a six-month low. Front reports listed 1!9 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese killed in battlfl Wednesday, nlany of them in -Sajgon's outer dereme ring. U.S. firepower broke up a guerrilla ambush northwest of the city, killing Z2: North Vietnamese. U.S. losses were four killed and nine wounded. There were not enough major fights to consider the lull broken, spokesmen said, but the Viel Cong and North Vietnamese shelled 33 Allied towns and bases, a sharp ' increase from 14 the previous day. Stoe1c llfarJceu N~ YORK (AP)-; The stock market remained sharply lower in moderately active trading this afternoon with ~ declines stretching lheir lead over ad- vances to better than '100 issues. (See quotaUons, Pages 10-11). Fair ~•Weta Coonie ~Pfister, 19, will repre. sent-H110til!gtoo1. Beach jn ;&n---- nual Miss 01ange.County Fair competition scheduled. for next Tuesday, opening day--o(• six· day Orange County Fair and Exposition to be held in Costa Mesa. 3 Commissioners To Resign From Recreation Board Thrue"of 11Huntington Beach Recreation and Parb Commissioners have now in- formed the city they will not be available for service on the ct1mmission ror the coming year. Dr. Ralph Bauer, representing Cki!an View School District, has resigned from the commission because of his recent electiDn to the HlB'ltington Beach Union mp School District board of trustees. Dr. BmH!!" was~aiso recently named president of the Ocean View School District Board o( Trustees~ and recently told that group he could not handle the work from three boards and would be leaving the recreation and parks com- mission. Bruce Williams. who -served the past year as vice chairman of the commission, also announced bis resignation Wed- nesday nlgbt. Williams, "~ ·aerve1 as public rela- Uons director for . Gold£nwest College, said expanding community actJvlUes at the school would take up too much of his Ume. John WyaU, not. present-at Wed- nesday's meeting, wlll iilso be leaving the commission to devote more time to other activities. Newport N~~• It The helium u ...i lo ,,_.,;,. tbe 331,000 gallons of liquid OIY&en_ whlch }fill be pumped ~ the tank oo launch mo('ll- ing. lt was the first slgniHcant problem reported during the preparations to begin the countdown and a Space Agency spokesman said, "It's unusual." Earlier today, the agency said everything was in good shape. While the rocket trouble shooting was under way, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin sharpened their flying skills in moonship tiainers. In a final pre-a:iuntdown staff meeting Wednesday nlghl, launch director Rocco A. Petrone told launch crewmen : "This is the big one we've been work· 1ng on for eight or nine years. We're going into il with a good posture. Let's keep everything moving/' The countdown includes 93 hours of work and 40 hours, 32 minutes of rest periods. These l'i!st intervals could be us- ed to recoup lost lime if the helium leak caused a countdown delay. Pre-o:iuntdown operations b e g a. n WedneJday night and continued lhrougb today. These include clearing communlcatioDJ channels for the many voices which will talk to each other during the count· down, turning on power to the spacecraft command and service module and parts Beach Trackster Back After Meet Maureen Meade, the 14-year-old Hun- tinilon Beach trackster, is home again after competing in the AAU Women'• Championship track~. meet in Dayton, Ohio. She's a little disappointed In her team's perlonnance. , Maureen's ·Long Beach Comet team won its mile relay beat, but bad wea\h. -er fOr'C;!d cariCellatlori or -the -rliiaI mile relay competition. and, based on com- parative limes, the Comet team finished 6th. The personnel board is expected to pro- vide from three to five choices next week for the City Council to I inlerllew and make its selection from. 'lbe position carries a salary range ot ll,290 lo ll,567 per month. Requirements include a minimum of 12: yean pollc. experience, Including three years of admlnistraUve work, the rank of captain and a Peace Officera S~rd Training certific>t<. Army io "-.. Di:g :Beach Sand Parks Leader Prckoo Mrs. Nonna Gibbs, formerly S..1 Beach rl\ayor, 1t1cceeded Thomas COoper Wednesday ntght as chairman of the Huntingtbn Buch Rocnatlon and Pam Commlssion, by wwllm'!"' approval of the oommi.sslon. Selected as vice chairman was Ron Bauer, also by unanimous consent. He replaced Bruce Williams. \ • • • I s,. TERllV COVUU: .. , 'Ol"!'~""""'l -• The HunUngton Beach ~ ~ plOnahlJ>s face a financJal wlpooat"tblr year II ..-her sponaOi' Un't f«ixl to' rep.lace ABC televlsJoa'1 ·~ Woitf of Sports."---- Vince M~,-~S!f tl:)e_clty11 Jfarbora and Beacbu lleplrtment, plans lo ask the clly council 19 supply the $7,500 normally paid by ABC for flhnlrlg the event. - ABC notified the city list week that It would not renew it.s contract 1or·coverage of the United Slate1 Surfbo.,-d Cham- pionships in September because of a crowded schedule of sport& events that month. ABC has filmed the event for the past four years. Norm Worthy, dlrec~ of ·Ute city Recreation and Parks Oepar\Qlent, aald Wednesday ..night that efforts are al.lo being made to contact Color Tapes Inc. of Hollywood which bas shown an ioterfft in the past in filming the surfing cham- pionships for sale to major television networks. "Previously Color Tapes Inc. has or- fered to pay the same rate as ABC," aaJd ·Worthy, "but we don't know what their interest is this year," If Color Tapes agrees to pay for film- ing the annual cbamploosh/jll the city ' Hanna Charges Pipeline Graft Consumers are paying · more for guolL">e, natural gas and petroleum pro- ducts becau.St. of graft and corrupdon In the plptline construcUon 1 n d u s t r y , Orange County Congreaoman lllclllnl T. Hanna charged Wednesday In a speech delivered to the House of Repreeeo- taUves. Hanna cited 11 his aource a series of articles currently ap,earing in the Wall Street Journal. "Whtie no dollar Ugu:e has been pinned down, primarily becaUIO wl~ are afr~ to talk, 101De observers bell"'• tbe -ol graft and utortloirwlthln 'the JndullrT-11 nmnlnl lnto the millions each year," Hanna said. Con\paniOs are paaln( along the!o costs, Hanna said, to the eoosumers in the form of higher pric.1 lor pooltne and natural gas. Hanna aa~ed that the J~ Oepart-- ment inten1ity Its lnve.Ugatloo. into the industry and also called for •· con- gressional investJgation. - "'.9'J\ol not hJve'ld ~ tM tnctoer. ~ plained wollh)r. eow ...... u COior taP.. or~ city cllq:'tipay, Jlantincton Beacb'a annual fporil l!*tacular w,Ollld ·bave to · • ""~·"" ..... 'llle::dly alread1-IW fl2,ll!Q budgeted. ror apenae., and would have to autlkrize eJ]>!!ldllure fot'lhe·11<1.iltkmlUT,50I. Two major sponsors for .the -event are also In doob~ ,.Id Worlhy, Jn reporttng Wedlle>d11y;t0 lhe-parlilnd" recreaUori Cornniiilion. -- '"Pepsi .Cola, original sponsor of the 11urfin& meet, hasn't fold aurfinl aftJclall whether it will continue u a spoliJoi'," said Worthy. The same situation exists with Catalina Swimwar. "Everythlng depends on finding an ade- quate Sj>ODSOr to fill the ABC alot," NJd Worhy. The IW'flng championships a~llJ, bring' abut 30,00J spectaton and m. temational recognition to Huntington Beach. While no actual revenue ii brought into the city's tr ea 1 JJ r y t d!)wntown merch{lnts claim heavy aalea during that week, pointed out the parks director. Parks commissioners agreed Wed- nesday ~ght that It would be tragic for a surfing town such as Huntington Beach W lose the championships. . "We are the surfing capital of the world," declared Dr. RB.lph Bauer, "I hope we can keep It that way," Final Rites · Held For Valley Girl A 6-year-old Fountain VJll•Y girl, who died July 3 after falling from a roof While on vacaUon to Mexko City, was buried todO)' In Westm.inster Memorial Park.. Funeral services for '.Jbensa Moon, of 9134 La ~I.ta Ave:, were con- ducted this .nmioon. '!'be dead girl II l!Ul'Vivid by her parents, Mt. 8Dd Mrs. Jerry Moon: a silt.er, Debra; 1 grandmother, Mr&. Mi]~ MQ!!!J,_al)!l )!er_l!'.andp&ronls Mr, and Mn. Jooquln Burtllo of J\lexlco City, tt:eadler The sun sleeps in till 11 a.m. Friday, then ahines somewhat hazily over the ~. bringlllll the mer<ury lo '12 Jocally: and· about 10 degres hig!ler Jnlud. , INsmE TODA'l' · Thcrr11 be a •c~•n:h in .,,. , ~ T0und" &l; Anahfbk,'·~,. file: I tA. 'IOI• of llf<lixl~la•li'lias'bf.,.. approved. Page 21. • --............. 11 --.... ::=: ... = .... li, ,_ . - - -.. --... I I t • • ' .. ._:~y Pit.OT " • -~ys Lied; Mesaii Freed-in Mo.lesting C,ase ., .umrua II, ~ . .. ............. ,.,,... lour -qo Iller oo-b d tW Of iexual molestation by two ,__... JU1C br:.,., a.Costa Mesa ma1ffi fi't.e ,Jo<kf..-..i when lhe boys admitted In caun ~lie<! about it ·an. • ~ D. Sompoon, 26, ol am Santa •"j,ve.~ walked out of Superior Court ~Judge Howard C. Cameron dismiu-ea Ille re1on1 .... llld otder<d the Costa ~ ... bo)'sarmtta. • !.T'lri 1 Y IDlde a mockery out of o u r ll)'llem," uid Deputy DiJtJ'lct tl<lmoJ'P1l Brion bijtsly alter .xJQI olllllle Clmeron lo dlsmiu the case be · Man, 72;-Saves Costa Mesa Tot From Drowning A four·year-old Cosla Meaa tot escaped drowning In Ntwporl Boy Wedneoday when a 72-ye&N>kt man swept her up in his arms and carried her to safety. J. Donllld Douglas of Costa Mesa spot· ted lllUe Ranlyn Hill Ooaling face down behind a buoy. She wao out ol Bight ol llfegumta on the beach at loth and Bay 1trttts. He swam over to ber and carried her Into chest-deep wet.er, where he was met by lileguards. LUeguarda 1ave the chi.kl mouth·to- mouth resuscitation on the abore. Ranlyn within minutes regained consciousness, but then went into shock. She came out of shock as she was rush- ed to Hoag Memorial Hospital. She was held overnight for ob!ervalion, and her condltioo tOOay is descrJbed as "satisfac-tory... ~ Ranlyn is the daughler of Mr. and Mr!. Robert R. Hill or 1611 Coriander, Costa Mesa. 0~111 PllO I CllAJCGI COM1 PVSLISM1lt0 C'OMNX., I.It.rt N. W--' .... *"" .... '"'*'Wiit J•c• I. C•1ley "1111 ""*"" ~ ~ .. ~ n ... , k•1vil ·-U1111t1 A. M91phl111 -·-Albert 'W. ,,,,, 'Willl11R ..... ~ H....ii,,.-~ ~·-City hllW H ....... IMdiOMce lot I~ Slf11t M•m•t M411111 P.O .... 7'0, •tMI --........, 9-dl. 1211 ........... ...,.,.. °"" ... i -_,..., Slrwl UIYM -.OU-m ftrW •- hid pr-..lad. • . : lboul lo hi~ llld lhoftt .. ~ llMIM .,; -....... 1l11l:aalu No -bu beta II* 'fir 1111 by mcttoo whin Ill<., )Din CUl!"\1 'by """"''*lt!I-' _.lion Illa • ,_ lhe'bcyl, ..,.i u llld ,, ....., llllJJCO ~-.. dtWlltl * "" dnlnlllc .... wlD bl -!or lJllllr :rtNU:E Ti lillil'llflliltiit · Thi lllm wu taken In • bo'llU1 at pe<Jurj ciilrpl. ' --• rilinq111! ol 11\i ldooY cblrp.wu onlJ_c_ lhe .,._. County Folr"°"""' llld Names of the two youthi. wbo wue a~ triumph, bowev.er, fQr ~yoong police ~-Jt was ~ oo by the taken direcUy from the eourtroom to electronics technician. He still faces jury · Stubblefield boy • Oranp County Juvenile Hall, Wtre not trial Aug. 4 in Superior Court on a charge Despite the fact his tragic death wu released, but investigators said lbey are of receiving stolen property. · r u I e d jusWlable homicide by Orange neigbbon: of Sampson. He was arrested about two week3 after County District Attorney Cecil A. licks, They admitted Wednesday that thej the fatal March 15 police shooting of boy his mother has flied a '25(1,000 wrongful lied about a whole serle& of-m<>lestaUon burgbtry suspect Stephen Stu~blefleld, 14, death claim J.S a ruult. lncldollts dllJ'inC nrom leslllntlny two who Oed troni a Costa Meu cuner1 shop Divorcee Mn. Helen Ellis, ol ltl112 months qo at Samp90n'1 prellminary break-ln despite orders to halt. KliDe Drtve, Santa Ana• Heights, namea hearing In Horbor Judlcllll Dillrlct Court. Detectlvea tnvullgllln& .the cue que1-city, ccunty Ind slate 1uthorlUt1 In her Bot!a seemed resigned to what was tloned Sampson, a friend of the dead boy, claim which charges deprivaUon of. com- New School Eyed ......... Ip and fuWn """"'-l>y bloao'1--~ lloy1'11~ Jn Kltacl. dllld. · · ' , Ila b14 b11pt4 the 11 u b b It ! 11 Id 'l'be Stubblefield boy wa,, never men-youngster wlth a special project for a Uoned In .-UO. with the orijfnal school science fair 1nd other youth> lre- cblld molestatIO!l charge wblCJf led to quentedlila workshop as well. Sampson's arrest-when be ahoWed up at Costa-Mesa polloe noted today that Heinz Kaiser !ntennediate School while Sam!>60h fs definlntely not linked lo the police were present. burg1ary of Corrlgan's Camera Shop, 530 Stories by the two young brothers were W. 19tb St., during which the Stubblefield apparently convincing enough to Costa boy was killed. Mesa ~tectives, d.ialrlct attorney's lo-. An aeemppllce ls known to have veott11toro and pt'CblUon olfk:ers. escaped by car wh .. poUce intemipled 'Ibey 11lld al the time lhlt Sampson hid the midnight brealt·ln throulh the roof. a fuclnating electronics laboratory at his but investigatioo conclualvely ellminlted Santa Ana Avenue home, wblch attracted Sampson as a suspect. Beach Trustees Study $11 Million Bond Vote :rrusteeo o1 t1!1 Hunlinglon BelclJ Hlgb Scbool Dtstrlct ore ekpecled to 1pprove planl !O< .. 111.61 mlllfoo bond elocllon and 1 -tu: override at their April 22 meollng. l'ul'J)OM <JI the election, which woold be held aomedme this faU, would be to acquire money for the conatructlon of another high school campus, u well as severlll planning and building projects. 1be electlon came before trustees at a meotlnl Tuesday nip~ but Trustee Ralph_81uor MR<Ltli!> administration lo develop a priofify schedule for the Jfem! so the total could be trimmed more easily U neoeuary. ·Dr. Bauer reminded the board that a similar election. had Called in November, 1918, •od uld the -lhould con-. . cern themselves by esllbl~ a pro' grun Jhat . .ewld will. the on. • "E1ec6>ns are a real rut thln1," be added, "llld I would be ·hallant lboul supporting an election that can't win." He Ill.nested that perhaps the trus- tees shOOJd only ask for the '$7,590,000 needed to coostruct the district's sinh high school. "That to me is the most Pressini Hem," he 1aid. Trustee Matthew Weyuker said, 0 1 think we prob&bly all have our own ideas about wba( should take precedence on a priority schedule." tr the items are approved as present· eel, '2 million wou1d be used for the acqulsHloo of another site, $1 million for Field Act conti.oJeDC)', and $230,000 for the expansion Of the district offices. In addition, the money would provide $250,000 for the planning of another high school, $7 .59 million for the actual con- struction <I. the sixth high school and $550,llOll' loi the lnfiaUooary Contingency Fuod. A '50-cent-1u rate Increase &CCOJ11· panrtot the boodS would be "5ed for interest~ and hood retirement. Open Car Wash~ Auto in Pool Stumps Housewife GLENDALE (UPI) -Mrs. Helen ca r from the swimming pool. All Mrs. Howe has a small problem -an Howe had to do was pay for the cost of He'• Pennanent Dr. S. !. Hayakawa.ha• be.en _ officially · named pennanent president o! Sap Francisco Slate -College by the Stale Col-· Iege Board ol Trustees. (See story, Page 8). 10 Persons Die In Home Blaze POSEN, Mlch. (UPl)-Ten persons, In- I I t-- cluding a man. his wile, 3ven __g_f tb_eir ___ _,t-- eight children and the ch I Id re n 1 a automobile 1n her ~ ~L And materials. some of the suggUUOfllOil W get_tt_ ''They-werc-reaHy-11incer1 about.it.,--but~ out are u off·beat u the way Jt Cot in. I don't think I could take a full summer fish vendor He!Jcki Malmilen during a tour of Hel- 1inki, Finland. Hl! phrey will visit Molcow DUL . ' . To Thwart Crisis in Health W ASHTNGTON (UPI) -Prtlident Nl.xon saJd today the country faces a '4massive criBla" in proper distribution of ·health ·care and announced an acUon pro- gram aimed at holding down medical c~ts. The report Wued following .a meeting by Nixon with his chief advisers in the bealth Oeld was criUcal of the Medicaid program, saying the plan for federal- otate llnanclng al health aid lo the poor had contributed heavily to rising medical OFF TO CAPE KENNEDY Apollo Ob11,....r Short Valley M~µ Gets To View Launch A Fotmtaln Valley man has been selected by lhe U.S. Air Force for • special trip to Cape Kennedy to view the Apollo lt moon shot July 18. Wallace L. Short, of 11792 Mulberry Clrde, was one of two men in the U.S. named tbla week by the Air Force as specllll hooolftl lo view the Apollo abel Short I! a civilian employe with the Air Forte in lna:lewood. The honor wu brought to Short for hla cloee aupport of NASA work Ued In with Alt Forco policy, He wlil arrtve-tn Cape Kemiedy July 11. I -------' costs. NlJ:on told reporters that when be entered offlce he knew there was a serious national problem in dellvery ol health care. However 1 after receiving the health report -under preparation for months - the President saJd he reallr.ed the situa- tion was "much worse than I reallied in January." "We face a massive crisis in this area , . . in the next two or thrtt years unless something ls done about it immediately," the President said. The report said the nation face1 "a breakdown in the delivery of hulth care unless immedJate concerted action Ls taken by government and the private sec- tor." The situation was blamed on "ex· pansion of prjvate and public financing for health aervices" which the report uld created • demand for these llttVlces "far in excess cf the capacity of our health system to respond." Nixon met more than an hour with Robert H. Finch, secretary of the Depart- ment of Health, FAucaUon and Welfare, and Finch's new AMlstl.nt secretary- designate for bealtb and scienWlc affalrl, Dr. Roger o. E1ebe:r1, and Undersecretary John Veneman. Egeherg Appointment Okayed by Committee WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Labor Committee approved today the nomination of Dr. Roger 0 . Egeberg to be assi!lant secretary for health and seientific affairs in the Welfare Depart· menl Dr. Egeberg, dean of medicine at the University of Southern Calllornla, was ·named after President Nixon dtclded not to appoint Dr. John H. Knowles of Massachusetts to the port. San Diego Chargers' Coach Sets Lecmres s.n Dlqo Chlrcor• coach Sid Glllm•n wlll bold 1n open-to.the public Iec&ur< •t uc 1rv1ne r..w.y, lnlu&w'•Una • weekly &eri8 ol Chlram coach ... talks al Science Leciure 1110. Tile leclum bqin 11 ll:lfl p.in. Ind II admJulon tcketl are aVllllble at the door. • .. Glllman'1 talks will bl 1Imed prilnlrU7 11 high ochool llld college COICbel. Lut Satw'day the unoccupied 1968 of Boy Scouts working in my back yard," Auliln Amtricar rolled over a cliH above she said. her ho!15e and plunge(l 50 down into ·the Mrs. Howe has three small children, pool. one of whom is charging five cents ad- "One person tho!J4ht we might be able mission to look at the car on the bottom to get 11 out by buying an inflatable raft of the pool. · and placing It under-tbt car~ in-an at-Consultalions-wil.h-the-e&r owner) ln- imlpt to float it up,!' Mn. Howe II.id. surance company have revealed the only "And some Scuba divers called and or-practical way is to lift the car out by fered to diarnanUe It under water," she helicopter. added. The pool was drained Wednesday and .A troop of Boy Scouts wanted to make workmen prepared to make the attempt a summer project out of removing the: toda,y. SALE for the first time! grandfather, died early today when .a fire swept through a two-story frame farm~ouse near this village Jn northern lower Mithigan, police sald. Firemen poked through the ashes of the home of Anthony Gtalewlez, the~woman) fathe r, to try-to jdentUy the victims. They were believed to be Gralewicz, his son·in·law Wallace Bonnin, Bonnin'• wif,e .and seven of thf! eight Bonnin children. M//DRIGJ/l CMlST ON CHnf HOW 339 • alG. Jtt. SPACIOUS t·OIAWll HOW 359, Dl!SSll llG 41 t. OIOM HERITAGE WITH All THE EXCITEMENT ANO ROMANCE OF SPAIN.,, A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONl Y BE MADRIGAL • , . AND NOW FOR THE YHY FIRST TIME WE HAYE THIS MAGNIFICENT BEDROOM COLLECTION All ON SAU AT sncw. HDUCID PRICES! IUINISHID G-OLD MlllOl llG, ... HOW llNG-SIZI HIADIOAll:D llG. 249. HOW COMMODl 2·Dl.AWU NIGHT STAND .,,, lit. •ow Your ftWOrlte tn 1trlor dtilgur 11Ul b1 happu to ciri11 ~11 . , • H.J.GARRETf fURNllURE - PlOflSSION~L INTfl lOl DISl&NflS • 2Jll HAklOll: IL~. COSTA M!SA. CALIF. 646·D2.7l 646.0276 79. 209. lJS. • r r • T!iuoday, July ID, 199\ Town Aids Robbed I -- ! War Vet ·Gromyko Slams P-eking, Woos U.S.- F1~oding· Perils - Midwest I '1 TIPTONVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) -Marine Sgt Tbomu-; Henry Taylor goes ,to the bani: · today with a check for r.ioo as . a substitute for VJetoam· service pay he, jhought he had kissed. IJOOdbye forever -plus $400 more In goodwill money. The rnQ.ney came from 1 townspeople in response to the stocy of a robbery and what the money was supposed to mean to the young Marine and his family. The sergeant headed for Tiptonville with his pay, carefully saved to help hia in- valid father, mother, six sis- ters and four brothers,-aged 4- 17. Cigar That Floats ·Taylor's mother, employed for $60 per week.in a local fac- tory , had been ill for fiv~ Building a boat1 that looks like a cigar is the spare time project of William weeks and the family had been Boriner of L.i Honda, a research engineer at Stanford University. He hopes to -living.on credit. · have;:the-3&-~t craft-finished by-neit year-ancJ-..will ry-to sail around-·the- "He had been plamling this world in.it. \Vhy an elliptical hull? "In heavy seas, doors, hatches, portholes · for a long time," said ,his and ventholes become liabilities,'' BoMer explained. fat.her, J. B. Taylor. "He ------------'---~-.:._ __________ _ wrote me several months ago and said, 'Daddy, I think I'm going to be able to bring $1,000 home for you.' " . A few blocks from the bank Jast Thursday th ree men took the bills at knifepoint. The family's plight was described in a Memphis newspaper, the Commercial Appeal, and citizens respond- ed. Among the gifts was a cashier's check -from ~. a n anonymous donor for $900. "I've got some people to thank," Taylor grinned. ' . · TOcfa'ys Final Sto~ks TOday Demos Want to Hike U.S. Troop Cutback 'Ra' Asks For Escort Get Pacified PacifiC:~s SaviQgs Super Market -Offering: 1. 303 GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS PACIFIC SAVINGS guarant-lnte!'91t for fi'fll '8an compounded dally at .5\io % annually, which produces a capital growth of at lent 30% ff lnt8!'91t la left on deposit, or you may elect to have your lntereat paid quarterly. Aa to this account, minimum la $1,000.00 lllld prlnclpal may be withdrawn at any quarter without . Ion of Interest If needed to prevent great hardship. 2. LIQUIDITY FUND DEPOSITS lnterast la paid on every dollar for every day It la on deposit In theta passbook accounts, ao you earn from date of deposll to date of wlthclrlWBI -even for one day. Current annual rite, 5%, compounded dally. No minimum amount. 3. COMBINATION FUND DEPOSITS lbea llCCOllllfs permit capital growth • to depoelts remaining for th-year1, plus wlthdl'llwal llexlblllty. Tiiey currently pay 5% per annum compounded dally with an acldlUonal bo11119, cunently ~ % per annum, II left on deposit three ,.an or more. $1,000.00 minimum. FREE 8.Al'l!DEPOSITBOX-for lllllnlalnlng lftl1191 oceountonaoo.ooor-. . ASIC HOW YOU CAN•UY (Bl!llVICE CHARGE FREE} TICK!tS to Ille "-Dodger Stadium or 0- aportlng _. --through com(llllertnd T.R.S. Ticket ll111rn-s,.-. NO OTHEll SAY· !NOS AND · LOAN HAS IT. SIT DOWN SERVICE. No 1tondlng ID lont R-. FREE NOTARY SERVICE. ' AND MANY MORE FREE SERVICES . .-. ' u · SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 BRISTOL STREU • COSTA MESA, CAUPORNIA HOURS: 11:30A.II.TO11:30 P.11. • SAT.: 10 A.II. TO I P.11.. • PHONE 54MDel • acific • av1ngs e e e e I e e e e I AND LOAN ASSllCIATION MAIN OPl'ICI: l401 WHITTIER BOULEVARD • LOI ANGl!Lll. CALIFOllNIA .. ' • SILVERWOODS FEATURING HART SCHAFFN.ER I MARX FOR SEVENTY·FIVE YEARS Sixth & Broactway • 5522 Wilshire • 4129 Crenshaw • U.S.C. • ~asadena • Del~ Panorama City-• Topanga·Pfcm • Anaheim Center ·• ·century G1ty-•-San-Bemardino- Santa Barbara • NewpOrt Beach • Montclair • la ~abra • Las v:~as • Palm Sprlnp prestige sale , I !t1xurious Hart Schaffner & Marx . clothing at down-to-earthprices - , If heretofore you've found the best in clothing too exl"'nsive,. now you can indulge your taste (o r qual ity. Famous Hart / Schaffner & Marx tailoring goes.into the world 's finest fabrics . to produce the epitome in handsome, fashion-right clothes. HS&M's superior woolens and wool blend suits !05.00to125.00 NOW 89.75•99.75 HS&M suits of luxury woolens and blends !25.0010140.00 NO~ 99.75•119.75 ' ' .. Hand ~ilored HS&M's SilverTrumpetera !55.001ol65.00-NOWj34,79•13_9,7~ USE YOUR SILVERWOODS CHARGE, BANkAMERICARO OR MASTER CH,\RGI -n l I = ' • I • • ' r - Jf DAILY PILOT H HARBOR CENTER OVER TIIE COUNTER • SALUTES .. ,, .. . OIANGE COUNTY, FAIR & EXPOSITION JULY 15·20 I. R. A. RODEO WIN Piii ADMISSION ANO 10010 TICKITS •• , Piii ... CM,... ... ,. •• ~ ... ,.,. •"" .. .,..it In .... ,,.. hrr•I• ht th antw. WlmMn wlll .. netlf~. Sponaorod by Or•nt• Eft1plro Council Boy Scout• of Americ• --------------------· NAM ~--··-·-·-··----···---·-··-·- ADDRESS.·--········-···---·······--·--·········-···-··· rHONE--········---·-··-···-·-·-··----···-···-···- Sh•p •t h•1111• or 1111 ffo111 your •r111c.haTr. wi+a DAILY flLOT Dlln•·•-Un• ttlt. Pho111 It worh eithtr 641.5671. .., \ %. TboTrdnirnlaiidP~appmadlia-anctaolcamputer agcrcscarchand _...... ' Morris Plan's $5,000 Invest· ment Certificates earn 5.5% Interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required. • Certificates purchased through Juty 15 earn at the full rate from July 1. ln,erest ls patd b1 check at the end of each calendar quarter. • Since its founding in 1916. Morris Plan has promptly inet every request fot wlthelrawaL Assets exceed $100 million. Oft: EARN US~ llrfERUT PER TEAii 011 P~K T1tlUFT ACCOUNTS of any amount. wllll lnteresl comf!Uled monlllr, end credited and compounded quorlerty. Funds placed by July 15 earn from July 1. Morris Plan .. Nawpott..Buch-3700 Ne wport Boulevard ~673 -3700 , PHARMACY TOPICS lly TERRY GRANT, R.,h. 'n1e PhO<'nicians and Vlkin1:;s carried large amounts ~f gRr- lic with them on their 11ce voyages. • • • Womr n are t\vice 11.s l1krly ns men to suffer from severe, incapacitating headaches . • • • Bet\vl't'n six nli\lion and ~ix­ teen million Industrial work- ct!I ·now on the job in thc United S latM ,.,,ill br parti- ally or totally deafened by factory noise. • • • l)r. Barnard, tho fsmous he 8 r l tramp18nt 1urgeon, uys transplanted hearts att not a 'panacea. Tht> f'xpcct- aney of survival is only a , ... ,,..,.. • • • For modtim service wtlh old- fuhtoned CP.urtesy, brina: your prtlC'tp"Uons to: ,ARK LIDO PHARMACY UI H•ltail .... N..,.,-t leech w .. 1511 _ __........, Uncle [en , Offers Prizes ' --- Market Sy11abols FAT OYERWEGHT AY•n•lllll '° ""' "'"'-' • _....., ,,. KTlpt-.,, _.-Dr'OdlKI <fllelf otrl!IO . ''"" """'' *• """ "' ., )'WI' _., 119d!, Oii""-ii I """ f9Mtt ..... -lly t-lllrttold. G.i •Ill Gii .. (ftt ,., ..... llw IOntlf', Od•lt'ltx '°'" ..,, .. .,.. • -· *"" _., •l1• for U.Ot, ..,., ,,. IOlil W!lll tlllJ l\lllfWllM: II "" Ml~ IOr tny rt+wo\. lfll rttvo'll ""' ~MKlll rt ~r drvt1bl ,,.. Mt \lflW fvll """""' bed!. ,.. .. ,,.. -·· Odl"trte .. IOll wllll 11111 ....,l"Wll9t ...,I C.lAVtPOID IDALL PHAIMACf 1"4 ........ ,,....,_.* °""'" , ... Let TV WEEK Turn You On • ' • • Comple~~~w York Stock ~ic! · -\ .. , .... , .... i..w c. e1111 • • · . ' ' ! I ' _l j ! ! I I .1 : : ' I ' ' ' ' ! I ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ~l l 11 : ' ' I Thundq, auiy lQ, 196? DAILY mDT J.J ~ H • THursday's -Oosing ~~rices----. Complete_:-~W . York-Stocli Ex~hang~List_ "''--·-----------· Pl&J .... LllWO..Cllt. ' - -------• .... .,.. ... -... · ,; ~-::: ~.._.-..... --..;:;-:-... ::...-;~,"''""•.=-;;;--cc=:-:-c==:..-=-.,,==,,..,,==c-:-=,-::;-:-.,,.-:,-,-,,.-:-.-...,.,=,...,...,.....,,.......,,.......,,,,..,.,...,,..,......,..,.., .... ____ ..,.. ___ .,.. _____ _ ... ,., . . ~ --. . .. ,. -------.-· . • -JI ., l'ILOT ' r Fine Print 1n ·aau'Ses Under Fire ,,_._,_,. ~:IVASJllNGTON-(AP) - Fine-point clauses i n ln· stallmeot contracts and Joan • '' agreemer:ib are the-targets-or l I broad, three-pronged legal · cam~ being moonted by 1 the NAACP Legal Defense' aad Educallonal "Wld." • Lawyen for the fund are • claiminc in a flurry of 1 1-W9Ults this summer these clause.s unfairly deprive con- aumets of their right to de lend themsel ves agalmt creditors. The civil rights organization Is aiming at three kinds ol coatract clauses: t. 'lbose in which consumers who tail to meet inltallment payments giv_e up their right ' to defend themselves against sulta by finance companies. 'fhls arrangement U. permitted fn au states .?Xcept California , Ma r y land, Massachusetts, i.----Y .. ei:mool ...UV~ 1. Those in wfiich ~IQlDl'"-.,.-1 give up their right even to be noUfied they are being sued by the companies or by the mercb8.nls themselves. This is i pti'mltted in Colorado,' i Delaware, Hawaii, I d a h o , ----11linois, Maryland, 0 b Io , j ,• Pennsylvania and Virginia. 3. Those in which consumers who default on loan or purchase payments a 1 s l g n future wages to t h e i r _S!edi~. This is permitted in moot Slates. POOR CHEATED Philip Sehrag, a l u n Q lawyer, told in a telephone in- terview of the over-all coo· sumers campaign : "Poar conswners, b o t h bl#ct-and wtµte, are rouUnely · cheaJed_ ~ abused _ b y merchants and creditor•. We are using e.very available legal cJeviCe to protect these buyers and borrowers because such merchant s contrlbute significanUy lo keeping poor people poor. "Civil-rights are meaningless unless they are • accompanied bye con om i c rights." The fund is relying h~vily on the Supreme Court's 7·1 deciskn last m o n t h in- vall<latfng Wi sc onsin's gamisbment law -one of seven case! a r g u e d suc- cessfully before the , court by fund attorneys last tenn. nae court ruled a worker ls enUUed lo 9 hearing before hia salary can be frozen to satWy _Lcreditor!s.demands.- ... ... , .. 'J'his decision u n d e r c u l garnishment laws in 16 other states and voided a quarter- m l 111 on ou.tstanding garnishments. Moreover, it seems to have' established the principle that property cannot be taken from a person in a court proceeding unlesa be has a chance to de- fend himseU. NO WARNING Fund attameys are arguing the fine-print clauses don't give clear and adequate warn- ing to consumers that they ere waiving their constitutional right to a day in court, Meanwhile, in a separate series ol suits, the fund is trying to establish the right or consumers to sue merchants and credit companies col- lectively. The individual consumer's claim often is small -less lhan $100 -and lawyers generally are reluctant to take the cases. If fund lawyers are suc- cess:£u1, such claims could be aggregated a n d" consumers could sue as a class. Attorneys would collect their fees from the creditors if and when the coosumers won. Last week the New York State Court or Appeals agreed to hear such a case. It is an attempt by tens of thousands or low-income consumers to collectively sue a finance com- pany on the ground the con- tracts they signed w e r e printed in type L.-.at is too small. On a third front , the fund earl)r this month filed the first suit in the country under the federal truth in lending law. The action wa s against a Harlem merchant who, the fund claimed. failed to advise a customer 18 percent of the cost of his television set was interest. F 'I 9'11' ClllST lllll!tllOIS11'1)1U'11 M~f ltial My•+M . j, Thilr>dq, ~ 10, 1!69' . -· • NYLON CREPE BRIEFS, BIKINIS • •• 79c ea. - 6 for 4.50 Sensational buys on these summer- perfect panties of luxurious nylon crepe-"the fabric that breathes". Choose from bosic white ond a; ra inbow . of colors. Briefs. 5-7; bikinis. 4-7. Moil ond telephone orders invited . Doyweor l ingerie, 63 ANAHEIM .4« N. Eucl id. 535-8 121 Mon. thru Sot. . 10 o.m. to .. 9:30 p,m. • • ·' r ...... 1: ... .. , GREAT SUMMER SLEEPWEAR SCOOP Reg . $7 4.29 These are j u~t two of the many exciting shift gowns and baby dolls in the coll ection. You're sure to want several for yourself and for gifts. AU come in 'da inty nylon tricot and a wide renge of pretty colors. Sizes p-s-m-1. Sorry, no meil or telephone orders Sleepweor l ingerie, 24 NEWPORT 47 Foshion lslond 6#-1212- ·Mon. thru ·Fri. 10 ... m .. to 9:30 p.m, Sot •. I 0 o.m. to 6, p.m • ' SARONG "CRISS-CROSS" BRA SPECIALS 3.99-6.94 Save now on these free dom -loving sum mer sh&pers. Criss-crqss penels adjust with every movement , assuring you-of utm ost comfo rt at all time s. Bandeau, with stretch sides ond loco cups B, C, re g. $5, 3.99; D, reg. 5.95, 4.94 longllne." B, C, reg. 6.9 5, 5.94; D, reg ."7.95, 6.94 Sorry, no me il or telephone orders. Founda tions, 19 HUNTIN<:;TON BEACH 7777 -E"rlinger Ave, 892 -333 1 . Mon. thnr Sot. 10 o.m. to 9:30 p.m. 7 • 7 .. • iu Valley: * ~ .J : . ;: • ·" • ' • -N.Y. Stoelul . __._ " . . .voe. 62, .NO. :1~. 3 SECTIONS. 34 PAGES . olv.1-/se eo&irv; • CAclFORNtA"" ,,_ THURSDAY, JULY''IO, '1969 --~-·'-TEN CE~ I ' I.,' ! ' r • ! ' • • t Thief Murdef,~:nu:11tington Beach Man . . Jrearitag Delii11ed Recall Dec.isio.n - ~ ----· -- ~Due on Monday A decision on the validity of' three repliu to the. recall charges as required reeall petitions submitted• to the city of when cin::\llating petlUons. He argues Foulitain Valley is expected Monday tha~ pbotom.Uc copies ~f newspaper legal . , notices were too small m size to read by from Orange County Super10r Court the.average individual. Judge Claude M. Owens. , ¥artin . also claims that recall sup- Owens Wednesday delayed the court po~n distributed an unfair amou,nt of hearing.UntiLnext.weeU..givellnlbsides JilMalure.Iavoling lbe.recallproceedinl> more time to present their arguments. when the election code states that ~ll Clly Aftorney Edwin Martin claims the charges lhall be·atached to die pellllOllS petitions are not valid because recall in not· more than 500 words. IeadeTEugene Van Dask: vlolated certain Juctge·Owe115·indicat.ed-Wednesday1hat election code prOcedur& in distribution of he . .M'ould rule on the case Monday, the petitions. They ask for the recall of whether or"not all attorneys Wert ready. Mayor ·Robert ,swedrtfeger and Couhcil-. A.pecraion lavotable to the recall w.ould_ Ulen Donald Fregeau and ·Joseph Cour-probab.'j force the city council to. begin reges. -actfon ... arttS Tuesday·meetmg-to set up • Attorneys Robert Sassone· and Paul recall election. Au(ustine, Jr., claim recall supporters H the petitions are ruled Invalid, the have followed the law all the Way in ';heir recaj..l w°':l1d be · dfectively . stopped efforts to OllSI tb• thr<e men. , becaU5e of a lack of time to reclrculate Martin's: primary contention is that new petitions and follow the entire pro- recall supporters did not fairly present ces.s befote regular elections in April . .Terrorist Bomb Wounds 14; Gro.und War Slows . .. ; . • • ' . ' ' ··--. . .1' 58-year .. Jd Huntliigton Beach lraQer dweller was shot to death in his lApg Beach swap shop Wednesday afternoon: the apparent victim .,of a cold·blooded · ha9dit. 'lbe body of · Emory Nielsen, 1622% MgJiterey-~ne. was discovered ~d the counter of hia ·store iri Lona Beach's cenfral business district. Hls grief-stricken wile of 35 years; Elizabeth, estimated there. was $100 or less in the cash register, Tbe register ,. drawer wls standlng·open, empty; . ,She last. aaw hlm alive Wedne!daJ Police said an unloaded llhot gun,• not mominl when he leit to open the atore. receDtly fired, wa:s 'oo the store counter. Mrs. Nielsen works ln the store allo but Nlelllen's bloody body had been llhot at nonnally take! Wedne9days oil. . · least .-In the flgllt chell with a ~ Nlelllen'a bod:' was discuvered by B•lli callber plslol. 'Ille murder gun Wl8 not• Anderson of Loag Beach, an employe ol ye\ ,..,,..red, · · ---We Naval Weapoos Stailon in·SeaJ Beach'. Mrs;· NieGen told police she and her •11 saw him lying on his back ·behQld a husband houlht ~ shop abourthree glass ahowwie-at the rear .of· the store. I Ye,&l'I. ,ago after he retired as -a-con· thought he'd had a heart attack," ~4 tracfor. Her husband would have been 59 Anderson. lie uied a counter telephone to years old today. summon poUce. Apollo Rocket Leak F~und: CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -A leak was discovered ID the A Pono "11 booster rdclet '. today and trouble shooters . climbed brto its .huge oxygen.tank"~ fix it !or the ~tart of the lunar landing countdown tonight. of the Saturn s launch vehicle, turning on closed circuit televiiion c~u lo monitor the opmrtlona; ind·dellverlng to the launch padJbe expliwive devfcea uatd to start· the Sa~11 five. first stqe_. engines. A Space. Agency spoiesrtian said: Uie leak in the first stage .helium pressurlza· 4 lion system was "the one matter of con-f:ity Aid Asked cem," -but he said, "We're still planning - • .-'·e-o...;." '- to start the ooun.tdown On Ume. u The countdown .for sending astronauts Neil~.-~ Midlael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin on man'sfuil moon lan- ding mission next Wednesday la schedul- ed to beam at 5 v.m. PDT. TV D_r_ops Surfing Event;. . ' The leak problem developed during pre- cOuntdawn ~Two technJ· Ciarus, dressed in supe:r-Ciean wliile coveralls, climbed inside Ute 64-foot high1· Hnntingto_n_ Out $7 ~00? 3~foot wide · liquid qxygen tank to pin· By TERRY COVILLE point ·and repair. the leak. 11le tank la lin-°' ttM D-IHY ,.,191 .,,,. ed with rtJ>.like· baffles wblch the The Huntington Beai:Ji 11\U'flng: cham, . wor~en ~.r:~b .~~~rt.ch -~liWn1 -P,19i1s1iti)i 1 'rte a }fin~ ·WI~. 'UW.S! "';:'~.:.:.:-~,::bomb'•-· ...... ,..i .. ,,,, • ..._ k· .. ,4.;-, ~~ -~r~. '~-:"~~:i.,ti..,"f;:.·=~, iniild r)Ot liavooto·provlde t!>e·-·-a- plalned WorthT. Hoit ever, u. Color Tapis or,tbe city '1"ll,~ !i'fi}\~·Jleac!I~ ~~~~~,., .. PC .... .,.,.,....., '-" asif.'.:. ~ :___ ..__, SAIGON (UPI) -A Viet COl1g terrorist exploded a bomb 9qtsi48 an ~rican billeLntar. Sajgon _\o<lQ)',..J<ounilingJ! penoos. But .the lull m .lhe ll'O\llld. figllllnT continued end Ameriom;delrths last week dropped to 153, the lowest level 1n six months. ..,........ , .,,...,,,.. .' . ·' 331,000 gall if.Uluid.l'IY&.en which will Soort..". · -- outslde-!"-enll!led-mena-blUet-1-mlJ• •.. -~•!er;-19;;-will-rep-.. . .-1i1m<1rm......-:--vrnc. MoorbCiile:dlledor £u;o;at1:. lnlm.:tbt~an-llo117Nh11t-Alrl>ue; woun--•en! lttmt.lllk!Oli'-Beat:h··ln· an•----n.g. 1 l'orbqfs J1Jd !!Uch" l)e[!a!:tment.. plani '11!• cllf_..already bu lU.000 ~­ for eiipenaer,and'1fOll!d·hav1rlO'llllllio. ;.e--4 ·~for the add!Uonal $7;IOO;'-~ With the ground war at a-near· standstill, the first Marines to leave Viet- nam under a plan to withdraw 25,000 American troops flew almost wmoticed today from Da Nang to Okinawa. They were 110 leathernecks who wlll prepare for receiving the Marines 9th regimental )anding team, which will leave by Aug. 30. Infonned military sources disclosed to- day that 15 or more American soldiers were shot to death by Viet Cong troops se~ral months ago because the guer- rillas did not understand the Americans were trying to surrender. The trag~ came to light in a captured Communist Ten Seek Police Chief's Position In Huntington ' Ten police captains from Southern California citie-i will take oral ex- aminations in Los Angeles Saturday for the post of Huntington Beach Chief of Police. Chief John Seltzer will retire this month after serving on the force since July, 1937. Captains Earl Robitaille and Harold Mays. both of the Huntington Beach Police .Department, are among those who are included in the one-hour oral ex- amination, to be administered by the California State Personnel Board. Capt Robitaille is the aimmander of the detective division. Capt. Mays serves as head of the uniformed officers division. Both were among 26 law enforcement officers who initially applied for the job. Only ten of the applicants were selected for Ute orali after first passing a three- hour written eu.Mlnation. The personnel board is expected lo pro- vide from Utree to five choices next week for tbe City Council to interview and make its select.ion from. The position carries a salary range or $1 290 to $1,567 per month. Requirements include .a minimum of 11 years police experienoe, including three years of administrative work, the rank of captain and a. Peace Officers Stan~ard Traln!RI certificate. Parks Leader Picked ding 12 Vietnamese civilians and two nual Miss 'Orange County Falr . It was tho first significant prol>lem to ask.the city c00ncll t0 aJpplJ the IJ;loo Americans, It came u mili)aey llOllrCel competition °1ch~uled ·for.,next' . reported during the pieparations to beam noimalljo paid by" ABC !Or 1llmlrii the predicted an ql>fl!'!ng of sabotage in the Tuesday, · opeQ.ing· day of• ~sjx-the CQUDtdown and a Space., Agency event. ~~. and possibly new · atiackr by day a.range Coupty Fair a11d spokesman saJd, "lt.'s unusual.' E~ll~r "ABC notified the city last. week tti..t it guerrillas moving toward Salgan. E~ition to ,be held in 'Costa today, the agency said everyth_lng was in would not renew its contract for coverage Allied military sourees said a battalion · Mesa. ! good shape. of the United 'States Surfboard ChaJn. of ·soo ~let COng comm.an~ moved While the rocket trouble . shooting~ piorishlps ·1n September · beCause or-a recently mto the Blng Cbanh district just under way, Armstrong, Collins and A1dnn crowded schedule of 1ports events that ~west of Saigon and were hiding sharpened their flying skills in moonship month. ABC has filmed the event,for the there in preparation for sabotage attacks. 3 Co ; ' s' trainers. past four yliaT!. 'Ibey said some ol the Viet Cong baa • .,. rnm..s 1onel'S In a Ilnal ' ~re<oUDtdown .•tall meeting Norm Worthy. d~ector of tbO city tually penetrated Saigon. Wednesday rugbt, launch director Rocco Recreation and Parka ·Department, said Aceording to the SOUI'OOI, Viet Cong T R . F A. Petrone told launch crewmen: Wednesday night tbat efforts are also and N'orth Vietnamese unils across the 0 es1gn f0fil .. ,This is the big one we've been work-being rriade to contact Color Tapes Inc. of battlefield are moving ino positkm for ing on for eight or nine years. We're Hollywood whic6 has shown an Interest in •he surprise attacks promised by a high Recreali·on Board going 1nto it with a good posture. Lei'• th• p ... t 1n filming .the ,ur11ng ch•m. Viet Coug .oWclal 1n a speech ln C8iro keep everything n10ving." pionshi~ fot sale to major television Tuesday. The countdown includes 93 hours of networks. 1bey told of om; North Vietnamese bat.-Thr.ie of "Huntington Beach Recreation work and 40 hours! 32 minutes of rest "Previously O>lor Tapes Iilc. ~as. of- tali.on wh<>1e assignment wa~ to attack and Parb ,Coplmi.ssioners have now in· periods. These rest mtervals could be us--fered to pay the same rate u ~,"" said Allied bases aloQg the Satgon Rivet fonned the city Ibey will not be available ed lo recoup lost time if the helium leak Worthy, "but we don't know what their lea~ u_p to an assault on a riverfront caused a countdown delay. · interest Is this year," precinct tn the capt~ ttaelf. for service· on the commission for the Pre<ountdown operations b e g a n If Color Tapes agrees to pay for flhlr Military spokesmen announcing the coming year. Wednesday night and continued througb tng tbe annual champlonah.ipa the city weekly casualty figures said the 21-day Dr. Ralph Bauer, representing Ocean today. · lull also sent South Vietnamese losses : These include clearing communications plunging to their lowest level alnce May View Scbool •Distiict, has resigned ,from channels for the many voices which will and Conununlst deaths to a siJ:-monl.b the coquiiissl.oo because of his recent talk to each other during tbe count- low. electl?D to · USe Hubtington Beach Union down, turning on power to the spacecraft Front reports listed 189 Viet Cong and J.lioh Scl\ool: D~s.lrict board of trustees. command and service module and parts North Vietnamese kilted ln battles ·~ -Wednesday. many of th.em jn Salgon.'s Dr .. Bauer, was . also recently named ter def •·• u s f president ... of the Octan View School OU ense ru'6· · · irepower broke District Board of Trustees, and recently up a guerrilla ambush northwest of the city, killing u North Vietnamese. U.S. toldj that group he aiuld not handle the losses were four Jtllled ancrmne: wounded.-wort-from-three 'boards and would be There were not enough major fJgbts to lea'linl the recre~tion and parks con1- consider the lull broken, spokesmen said, mission. · but the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Bruce Williams, who served the past shelled 33 Allied towns and bases, a aharp year as vice chairman of the aimmission, Increase from 14. the previous day, also announced his resignation Wed- . Stacie MarJceu NEW YORK (AP) -The 1tock market remainl!'t sharply lower in moderately active trading this afternoon With declines stretching their fead over ad- vances to better than 700 issues. (See quotations, Pages 10-11). Newport Nee-• It nesday night. ' · Williams, who serves as public rela- tions ~director for Goldenwest College, 11aid 1expandJng community activities at the school would lake up too much of hia time. John Wyatt, not present at Wed· nesday's meeting, will also be leaving the commission to devote more Ume lo-other activities. " ' ' • Beach Trackster ' Back After Meet Maureen Meade, the 14-year-old Hun- tington Beach trackstet, is home again after competing in the AAU Women's Cha.mpionsbip track meet in Dayton, Ohio. She's a little disappointed in her leam's performance. Maureen's Long Beach Comet team woo Ila mile relay heat, but bad weath- er forced cancellation o! tbe final mile relay compeUtion; and, based on com- p,aratlve times, the Comet team finished 6th. Army to .Dig .B~e~c.h Sand control dls~ict, ''and may stretch · Into floods could bring a dangerous level of the early'stages of winter." wfliter to lbe HunUngton Beach area. Hanna Charges " Pi~line Gr!'.f t _ Consumera are paying more for gaaoll.."le, natural gas and petroleum pro- ducts becaust of-graft and corruption. In the pipeline construction I n 'd u at r y , Orange County Congressman Richard T. Han.na charged Wednel!daY ln a speech delive:ed lo the Hou~ of Repreaen- taUves. Hanna cited as hJs souree a series of aruclea currenUy ap,ea:oing In the Wall Street Journal. "While no dollar flgt.r l has-been pinned down, rritnarlly because wltnesse:. are ·afraid to talk, aome observers believe the cost. of graft and extortion within the lndualry la running into the n-.illions each year," Hlnni said. Companies , are passing along these costa, Hanna sald, to the consumer• in the fonn •f blgber prloes lot psollne and natural gas. ·. Ranna asked that the JUJllce Depart- ment lniell1lfy iii bivestlgailon 'into •the industry . and. aleo called. for • con- gressional investigaUon. · M. L. · Weyuker· . . Heads Trustees Two' major spo0son for tne event are also ln.dnub~ sald Wort])y, In reporting Wednelc[ay to ·the parlll and -\IOI' aimmissJon: .. 'Pepsi. Cola, original . sponsor Or tbe '"'fing mee~ h1"1'1 told •urlinl offJclala whether ft wilf contlnUe is a ~ said Wortliy. . The same sHuation exists with Catalina Swlmwar .. · . .1 "Everything depends on finding an·mle- quate sponsor to fill tbe ABC slot/' Aid Worhy. , : 'Ille surfing champiomhi[ll anuua~ brings abut 30,000 spectators and ~ ternaUonal recognitJon. to Hantlngtoa Beach. While· no actual revenue .ii brought into the city's tr e a 1 u r y-1 downtown merchants claim heavy aa1ea during that week: pointed out the pirks director. Parks commissioners agreed Wed· nesday night that It would be tragic for 1 surfing town auch as Huntington Beach to lose the champlonsbl[ll. "We are the surfing capital of the world/' declared Dr. Ralph Bauer, "I hope we can keep It lhat way." Final Rites Held~ For Valley Girl A 6-year-clcl.Founlain Valloy gtr~ whi> died July I after falling from 1 roof. while on vlClilon in ~ ctty, waa buried today ill Westminster Memorial Park. Funeral 1ervLces for Theresa Moon, of 9134 La Caslta Ave., were coo- ducted Ibis a1teniocin. . The dead' girl la ourvlved by her parents, Mr. abd 'Mrs. Jerry , M,oon; a sister, Debra; a gr~cither, Mn. Mildred Moon;llid her grandparent&Mr. llid Mrs. JOjlquin J)urillo of .Mexico Clt7, ' CoaSt ! • ' Weatltel'. The sun1 sleeps In till · 11' a.m. Friday.. then lshlnes 10mewhat hatlly over the coast, bringing tb• l ~ to 7t1oca1J? end about 10 degreea ~ lnlli\d. · I . INSmE TODAY . · ' . -I Tons of sand dropped in the Sant.a Ana River bed by llUvy winter floodl will be dredgi!d out In September by the U.S. · Anpy Corpo of Engineers end used to rer>!enlsb fadlni , mellnes In Newport Schwarze &aid. tho COrps -ol Engineers "Sancl ls several feel deep Jn 1ome agreed to do the job for the district-after areas," said Schwarze, lhus reducin& the · Thcr11ll be 11 •churth fn tM Matthew L. W~er, 86,. la new· chair-· round" In Anahtim, ~OID Jhllt 1 man ol the Huntington Boach lll&h. tilt I'll• of Mdodyland "4s b<e• " Beacb. tbe ·area Wu 4eclared a disllller. rJVer to half ill capacity, Arpty engineers expect to release a 1 He estimlted·that a.1m1Wen yarda··ot School board.of~ ·: • • a?prooed. Pagr 21 . · Weyuter~ 1n1 admJnia:trJtlve.talde 1 (Or .. . ; Mrs. Norma Gibbs, formerly Seal Sllid end ailt bu reduced to ball the Beach mayor, succeeded Thomas Cooper al ter " ol the rt A>oemblyman llDbert Qurke (1\-HlllJ< -• "" !!!:!!! ~ • Ungton·Beach) la ~ih\bla lblnl)yw OD< ~:="' • •°'U ' ;;;.o -4': the gov-'.· 1·board1Bls ... ,_. .. _,.lret--in a-t"" .twt ....... c..r 11t I Wednesday night as chairman of the norm wa capacuy ver near Huntington Beach 11eettoUon and-P<il!f<a .JllmUngton.Jlech and Colta . .Mesa 8Dd Conuulsslon, by,11Mnlmoue AP.pntVal 'llf ~~ f!IDOVeit+@a.!!ftty:J.ACU!1_ao- the ~sslon. Selected u vice conllnj to Oranp Co<inty Flood Control contract in' Aligusl for the dredalng j<ib·~ •and"""'"' di!mped> by IJoodB. Into lh< and Schwarze estimated aCt.u~ . work '" ii~ beet lp~tl)e.ffunt.lhiton BU~; C:C.ti would start about September1 , , , ~M and N ' ii 8"adf·are'a.' · I · · "ft-hu"itrbc ,COOi dlnated--wfth~thclr-..-. :r-= - beacb replmiliuiienC work .In ..Newport' • .:J pec)ahplnJ!l!s have been 1as,,..i to Beach," be aa!d exj>lalnlng tile 110....... . •!ld!'alel \D!1ivlduals wbo want lo remo .. ll:ilUUI ....,_UI ...... .... ...... 0 ...... _.... tt-1' -~\ected Cf~k ,.,,~ .. -_-D--.v -fl!.-Schmi"""~u-, _-1-=--. .-I::' .... ltll '·I ·--,,,., ____ .. ..___ -. 1o1. .. 00mo member ot . &be · bolnf ot ;..-. 1•11 ,,......: an •• """""" ti......... • trdsteea. Peat chainnan John BtnUey• """ ....., ,, ..,. .... .., t wiU i«Ve u the ~··Orange CounlJ -n School Board Comiiilllee.rtf!rWDtaUve. • t....--T"'-------:-'. ~ '" chairman was Ron Bauer, also by District englneera. unanimous comenL He replaced Bruce 11Jl will ·be a 1low job,0 aid -Jet WilliamJ. -Scbwane, deslpt engineer for the flood ~ .. MIDJ'.Jelidenla_DC&Lth&Jrlver have "·' elnd nOw," added Schwarze. The bulk ot ••J>l'Wed ·fear that W th< river wasn'I ._lob'lllU will be leltJo the Corps .of d.rqed by nw .. wlnttt more. M1.v1 ~ nglntm. . . ,, • • ----- I • • I !' I IWl\"Pll.OT " ~. Jtj~ 10, 1969 ' . . . ~oys Li~.d;_·· . Freed . . es an • Ill Molest.ing 1 ·Case ~ t lild~. ... _ ~ ...... -·ll• l>y ='=" .= 1f.. ~ =r.•tt pll'j1lr)' -NIJllts ol the two ~bs, who were taken directly from tilt coul1room to Orange County Juvenile Hall, were not released, but lnvesUgatora said they are nelghbor!i of Sampton. They admitted Wedllflday that they lied about a whole sertes of molestaUon locldeDta dlll'ln( """"' tatimony two mooths ago ot Sompeon'1 prdlmlnary bearin( In -Judlctal D!ltrict Court. Both uemi;d nsigned to what was " .' ' • l ab!Oi lilllDPl!lad ........... ~ •llldlq lo NWWW-•41~,I{ W ....... .lfDinllltlt 1!14 lllillro ~by bor Cllil -""' .... -CUllatl1 "1 -...... ___ ... ·-c6114:• • . ift.'r -Ibo clniDalii: ... • ' , , . . .._.. -:_ ._. tak Jn ... -.. The 5tubliletJeld boy WU Devtr mm- ' ·----i wu -en a -.-.7 at ; • · · Dt•Mulof IM ltionj chirto wu..i,-8te. Onmlil C4>om!Y FalrlJ'O!!lllll ond . Uoned In ~ with the ortctuJ a partial lriWT1ph,.bowever, for.lb& YOU\lfl pollc,e..aue<t lt _wu.pul<ll..oo. by.tilt cblld ""!leslatlm-dlarge w"!<'!t. led.~ electronics technlclan. He sUll faces jury Stubblefield boy. Sampson I arrest when he showed up at trial Aug. 4 tn Superior Court on a charge Despite the fact hla trAJlC death was Heinz Kaiser lntennedlate School wbUe of receiving stolen property. r u I e d justifiable bomlcide by Orange police were present. He was arrested about two weeb after County Dls~ Attorney_ Cecil A. Hicks, Stories 'JlY the two young brothers were the fatal Mardi IS police shootln( of boy hl5 mother bu ,filed a IZ50,000 wroalful apparently conviDclDc enolllb to Costa burgl"l' SUIJ>«l stepben Stubblefield, I~ death claim u a mull. Meaa detectlm, diltrl<I lltorDly'1 b> wbo flod from a Costa Mesa csmera sbop Dlvo,... Mn. Helea EUls, o1 20111 wstli•tm and j>r<INtUoa of!l<tn. brtat-tn deaptte orders to halt. Kline Drive, 5uta Alllt Helgbta, lllll!U 'lboY pld 1100. ume thol 5ampeon bod Detective. tnvelt.lgating the cue ques-city, county and atate autborttlea tn her a fudnating electronics laboratory at hl1 tioned Sampaon, a frltnd of the dead boy, claim which charges deprlvailon of com· Santa Ana Avenue home, which attracted -New-School-Eyed------ Beach Trustees Study $11 Million Bond Vote Tru>teea al the11iilitlJ!lfon1!mlfmgh 5cbool Dbtrtct ... espected to •pprov• plans lat .. fll.15 million bond election and o 1Mk>en1 tu ov<rrlde at their April zz meetln(. Puroc>ee of the elecllon, which would be held aometlme tbls. WI, would be to acquire money tor the conatructlon of another hiJ:b IChool campus, u well as a<verol plaonlng and building projects. 'Ibe election came before tnuteea at a meetlnJ Tueoday nigh~ but Trustee Ralph llauer •t.ed-the admlnl!lrolloa to develoP a prtori6'-scliedule lor the Items .. the total could be trbnmed more easily u aeceuary. · suDDOl'tlnl'-an-electl:on that-.can't w\n." l!'e •uaested !hot perbops the trus· lees should only ask for the 17,590,000 needed to construct the district's sixth high school. "That to me is the most pressing item," he said. .-- Tnl!tee Matthew We.yuk.er s1ld, "I thlnk we probably all have our own Ideas about what should take. precedence on a priority schedule." If the Items are approved u present· ed, $2 million would be used for the acquisitloq (If another alte, $1 million for Ftelcf..Act contingency,_and $2!0,000 for the expansion ol the distrid offices. In addit!OO, the. money would provide $2.111,000 for !be pltMlng of another high school. $7.59 million for the aclual con- 1"!D.I bo7•~ ID !IOlaoce. • JIO illd .Wiled Ibo a 1· ii b tillf h Id yOUlllJler wllb a opectoI project for • !ICbool octence fair aad other youths fre- quentod.:.blf._ ~ u well_ _ co.to MIA police noted . today lhol Sunpson I! definlntely oot finked to the burglary of Corrlgan'a Camera Shop, 530 W. !11th 51., during which the Stubblelldd boywu ~..i. An accomplice II known to have escaped by car wllen police Interrupted the mldollht breU·ID th"""1 the roof, but lnv.U,atlon conclua.lvely ellmina.ted Sampson as a suspect. · Dr. Bouer reminded the board thot a oimllor electloo had failed In November, 11111, ond sold the lnllleel should con-struction cl the sixtb high ""'°'' ond He's Permanent $550,000 for the lnfla&Mry Coollngency ' =-~~~!.~ "Elec\1ona AN' • rtl1 tut thin1," be. added, "ond I would be belltant about -~"i6.cetic1aiC rateli>creaR ·accom~ -.nr, S.. I. Hayakawa has been panytng Ute bonds would be !t.!ed for o!!ic!ally named permanent interest and bond retirement. president of · San Fn.nclsco · State College ·by the State Col· Iege llo<)rd of Trustees. (Set Open Car wash? story, Page B). . Auto in Pool Stumps Housewife car from the swimming pool. All Mrs. Ho\\·e had to do was pay for the cost of materials. 10 Persons Dif( ' In Home Blaze Batnphrefl in Finland GLENDALE (UPI) -Mrs. Het.n Howe bu a small problem -an automobile In her IWlmmlnl pool And 5Cll1'1e of &he auueationa on bow to get it o.rt are u off-beat u the way it tot in. Lui 5alunloy the llllOCCUpled 19e8 Auatln Amerk:ar rolled over a clilf above her ho'.l!e and plunged SO down into the pool. "They were really sincere about it, but I don't think I could take a full summer ()f Bey Scout.s working in my back yard,"l she said. POSEN, ~fich. (UPl)-Teo persOM, ln- cluding a man, his wife, seven of their eight chlldre.n and the c b i I d re n • 1 grandfather, died early today when a fire swept through a t~story frame farmhouse near this village in northern lower Midllgan, police said. SmWNi ipeclltiSn·walclt u former. Vice President Hulie!fll: Hum1F-)' shakn baDds wllb veg~bl&-fish vendor Helkkl Malmst.en during a tour of Hel- •lnkl, Finland. Humphrey will visit Moscow next. Miir,i; 72, Saves Costa ·Mesa Tot From Drowning A lour-year.old Colla M"" tot eocoped drowning In Newport Bay Wednelday when a 72-year-<ild man swept her up in hl5 arnu and carried ber to safety. J. Donald Dougtu ol Costa Mesa •pol- led UWe Ranlyn Hill floa!ln( foce down bdllnd • buoy. She "" out cl IJiht of lifquards on the beach at loth and Bay 111reeu. • He swam over to her and carried her Into cheat-deep water, where he wu met by Weguards. LlftglW'da save the child rnouth·to- mouth ruusdtation on the abore. Ranlyn within minutel regained conacioUS11ess, but then went into shock. She came out of. ahock u abe w11 rush. ed. to Hoag Memorial Hospital. She was held overnight for observation, and her ccndl~ tOday is ducribed as "sailsfac- tory." Ranlyn ii the dauibter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill ol 1611 Coriander, Costa Mesa. ll fl.lt Y PllU I GIWfH o::rM'I ...,.. •• c.mt'Aln 1.-.N. WMI _ .. _ J•c' L c.MY Yklt ........ '!"' o-J .... -·--n.::.z~ ~W.1.tn w.111.-1.M ~ H\1111 ........... .... Cl!¥-................. lotltt.StrMt w.m ... Mt!,.• •..o. a. no. ,, ... , --....,, ...... DI ......... ...... ,.... ,...., -... """"""' ~119C*-~ .... Niion Bares Medical-ilan To Thwart Crisis in Health W ASIDNGTON (UPI) -Pr.,ldent Nixon said today the country fa_!:el a "massive crisis" in proper distribution of health care and &Mounced an action pro. gram aJmed at holding down medical costs. Tbe report Wued following a meeting by Nil:on with his chief advisers ln the health field was critical of the Medicaid program, saylng the plan for federal· state financing of health aid to the poor bad contrJbuted heavily to riling medical OFF TO CAPE KENNEDY Apollo Observer Short - Valley Man Gets To Vie'v Launch A Fountain Valley man has been selected by \he. U.S. Air Force for a special trip to Cape KennedY, to view the Apollo 11 moon shot July J6. Wall1oe L. Short, of 16782 Mulberry Clrcle, wu one of two men in the U.S. named thll week by the Alr Force u special booortts to view the. Apollo shot. Short is a civilian emplort with the Air Force in Ina:lewood. The bObor was brought lo Short for hl1 clote support of NASA wort tied ln with Air Foret policy. Ht wW arrive In Cape KemtedJ Jul7 11. ,~ I costs. Nixon told reporters that when he entered offlc;e he knew there waa a seriou.s national problem 1n delivery of health Cart. However, after receiving the he.aJth report -under preparation far monlhl - the President sald he realized the altua- lion was "much worse than I realized in January.'' "We face a massive crisla in thia area • , , in the next two or three. ;years unless something i1 done about it immediately," the President said. The report sald the nation faces "a breakdown in the delivery of health care unless immediate concerted action ii taken by government and the private. aec-- tor." The. situation was blamed on "ex- pansion of private and public financing for health services" whith the. report uld created a demand for these service• "far in e:i:cess of the capacity of our he.aJth system to respond.'' Nixon met more than an hour w:lth Robert H. Fjnch, secretary or the Depart· ment of Health, Education and Welfare, and Finch'• new assistant secrttary- desJgnate for health and !clenWlc afiairs, Dr. Roger 0. Ege.berg, and Undersecretary John Veneman. Egeherg Appointment Okayed hy Committee WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Labor Committee approved today the nomination <lf Dr. Roger·O. Egeberg to be assistant secretary for health and selenU!ic affairs in the Welfare Depart- ment. Dr. Egeberg, dean ot medicine at lhe Univtraity of Southern CallfornJa, w1a named after President Nixon decided not to appoint Or. John H. Knowles of Massachusetts to the post. San Diego Chargers' Coach Sets Lectures San Diteo Charger• coach Ski GUlman will bold OJI open-to-the public lecture ot UC lrvlne Friday, lnaugura!ln( • weekq ..,;., of Cborgen coaches' talb at Science Lecture :Uall. The leclt!W begin •l '!'!O p.m. and 13 adm.llll<ln tcketa are .available at the -· GIU11W1'1 !Ilks will be aimed priloarllji at high school ond college coachel. "One person thought we might be able lo get tt out by buying OJI Inflatable rail and -pJacln( it under the car in an at· tempt to float tt up," Mra. Howe said. "And 10D1e Scuba divert called and of- fered to dl!manUe it undt.r water," she added. A troop ol Boy Scouts wanted to make a 1ummer project out of removing the Mrs. Howe has three amaU childrtn, one of whom is charging five. cents ad· mlsalon to look at the car on the bottom ol the pool. Consultations with-the car ownu's tn- aurance company have.revealed the ()ll)y practical way is to illt the car out by helicopter. The pool was drained Wednesday and workmen prepared to ~ake the attempt today. Firemen p0ked through the ubes of the home ol Anthony Gralewicz, the waman'1 lather, to try to ldentUy the vlctlms. They wtre believed to be Gra1ew1cz, hl.s soo-ln-law Wallace &nnln, Bonnin'• wil,e and seven of the eight Bonnin children. SALE for the first time! CHiil ON CHUT NOW 339, Ill, Jft. M.!IDRIGJIL . OIOM HERITAGE WITH ALL THE EXCITEMENT AND ROMANCE OF SPAIN • , , A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONLY BE MADllloAL ... AND NOW F6ll THE VHY FllST TIMI WE HAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT IEDROOM COLLECTION ALL ON SAU AT SPIClAL HDUCID PRfCISI .. IPACIOUI t •DIAWll DllUll .,. 41t. NOW IUINllHID IM>LD MlllOI .... ''· NOW llN .. 5111 HIADIOAID •••. 14t. NOW COMMODI l·llAWO NIGHT STAND •••. lit. NOW Your Jaoorl.U fnttrior dfiiann IOill bt Mppw to wilt yott ••• I HsJ.GARRETT fURNllURE -,.O,ESllONAL INTfllOI DIS1$NlaS 1211 HAllOl-ILVD. - COSTA MlSA, CALIF. 646.0271 •4'.0176 • 359. 79. 209. 135. I ,. I I - • • ) p c c b ~· • ! I • 7 ' \ -· . . -~ ... . . • .. -. • VO~. 62, NO. ·164, l SECTIONS, 14 PAGES \ Jl"IVllSDAY, Ju~y :1 0, ~969 . . ~--- -. • Tod•y's.. P l••I N.}'. Steeb .. . • una on nnex ' ~atlon of +fl acres In Laguna Can- yon to tfieclty ofLigwia BU.ch-Was ap- proved unanimously Wednesday by the Orange County Local Agency Fonnation Commission, despite outspoken opPQSition by four property owners in the area. The annexation hearing had been postponed from May 14 to correct defi- ciencies cited by the county surveyor in the . !'.;ity's legal description or lhe_pro- perty. Property involved iS located on the Dow1a the Mis sion Trail Viejo Ma.n ·Held In Eml>ezzlenient f\.tlSSION YlEJO -FBI agents ar· rested Ted Eugene Artmenko, 34, of 25712 Cervantes Lane, on charges he embezzled $100,000 from his former employer, First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fullerton. Arlmenko was former secre tar y - treasurer of the loan Jirm and had been cmploYed there since January, 1962. ac- cording to Wesley G. Grapp, special agent in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office. 'Ibe arrest was made on a federal war- rant. Artmenko was taken lo Orange County jail in lieu of $2,500 bail. e BPW /lleetbtfl Set LAGUNA HJLLS-An organizational dirincr meeting of the Saddli!back Valley '""'cnapter-of tKe National Bijsio«s 1nd Professional Women's Association will be hild at 7:30 o'clock tonight at Manning's Restaurant on El Toro Road. ·• Land Swap Ok aye d SADDLEBACK The s t a t e Legislature has passed a bill that will ac- commOOate a five.acre land swap between Saddleback Junior College and the Mission Viejo Company. The previous Jaw stated that the junior college couldn't trade land that amounted to over three acres. The purpose of the trade was to acquire five acres of land southwest of the cam- pus from the Mission Viejo Company in order to build a road a-:cess to the permanent campus. In exchange, the col- lege will give up five acres In the northeastern corner of the campus. e Por ktflR!/ Road Ope11 LAGUNA NIGUEL -One and one-half miles of Crown Valley Parkway from t 500 feet north of Niguel Road lo the Laguna Niguel Country Club en.trance was opened up as a divided road Tues-- day. Cost was split between Laguna Niguel Corporation, the county oLOrangc and adjacent property owners. About one-third of the park\Yay which reaches from Pacific Coast Highway to beyond the San Diego Freeway is now divided. It is hoped the full length will be developed as a diYided road wit~ two years, said Nig~el Corp. Pro J e c t Engineer Larry Luotte. ·• Tee11 Da r1ce Slated MISSION VIEJO -A junior high teen dance featuring the band "Animation" will ~ held Friday night at the ~1iss.ion Viejo Recreation Center. The dance, to last from 7 to 10 p.m., will cost 50 ce nts fof center members and $1 for guests. e Dor1ce Resche1l11led north<asl boondary cl the clly In the ,.. called Big Bend .area of ~guna Canyon Road near Castle Rock Road. Jt bu 20 residents and only 11 registered voters making it an "uninhabited annexation"' not requiring: a vote of the residents. The canyon property involved in the anne-.ation is now zoned by the county for agriculture, agriculture-residential; and ma!J-.!:!l<!CW!ing:·resear~. · . City plans fo( the area_ ~II fqr It to be rezoned !or residenllal hillslde·•nd com- Apollo Leak Won 't Delay Countdown • CAPE KENNEDY (UP!) -.A leak •as discovered hrttre Apotto·11 boos~r rilcut tOOay .and trouble sflooters climbed into its huge o;cyien lank to fix it for the start of the lunar landlnf countdown t.onl.ght. A Space Agency spokesman said the leak in the first staee helium pressuriz.a· lion syslem was "the one matter of con.. cern ," but he said, "We.' re still Planninc lo start the countdown on time." The countdown for sending a.strOnauts Neil A. Armslrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin on man's first moon lan- ding mi&ion 11<1! Wodnesda7 b schedul· ed to begin at 5 p.m. PDT. The leak problem <!<velo~ dllrtng p,... countdown preparations. Two technl· cian&, dressed in super-dean white coveralls, climbed Inside Ille If.loot bJlh, 33-foot wide liquid axy1en tank to pin- point and repair the-leak. The tank ls lin- ed ·with rib-like baf{]~ which-· the workmen can climb on · to reach helium: lines running along the side of the ta,nk. The helium ls used to preuurile the 331,000 gallons of liquid oxygen wtµch will be pumped into the tank on launch morn- ing. It was the first significant problem reported during the preparations to begin the countdown and a Space Agency spokesman said, ''It's unusual." Earlier tOOay, the agency said everything was in good shape. . While the rocket trouble shooUng was under way, Annstrong, Collins and Aldrin sharpened their Oying skills in mOOMhip trainer~ In a final pre-<X>Untd6wn staff mee~ing Wednesday nigh~ launch director Rocco A. Petrone told launch crewmen: "This is the big one we've been work· ing on for eight or nine years. We're going into it with a good posture. Let's k~ everything moving." The countdown includes 93 haura o[ work and 40 hours, 3% minutes of rest periods. These rest Intervals COi.iid be us- ed to recoup last time tf the helium leak caused a countdown delay. Pre-countdown operatiom be g a n Wednesday night and continued through today .. These include clearing communications channels for the many voices which will talk to each other . during the count· down, turning on power to the spacecraft command and service module and parts of the Saturn 5 launch vehicle, turning on closed circuit television cameras lo monitor the operations, and delivering lo the launch pad the ei:ploaive devices uaed to .start the Saturn's five first stage engines. Installing the ordnance devices will be the first, task when the countdown starts tonight .\vith the words of chief lest con- ductor Bill Schick: "Start on my mirk at T -minus three days, 11 hours, zero minutes. 5-4-J.2·l·mark ." ' merclal-enlerprllt U Ille anneutlon Is linallf 1pprovecfby the Clty--eouncll, oak! Mite Easley, ....imnt city plll)ller. ~ The matter will.•come before the City Council for ppbllc beariog in about thrte weeks, be ailcl. Princ!Pal -opponenl WU Charlie. Ped- dicord, who dubbed himJelf "the junk dealer." Peddicard first launclted.lnto a personal aUaekon City Planner Al Auby, wl"!.had oullil)ed ~propooal to Uie com· mlJBiooers. · Ul"IT ........ He'• Pe,.....nens Dr. S. I. Hayakawa h~s ,iJoen officially named. ..l"'nnanent president of San lJ FraOcisOO Stal& College by 11!1 State.Col- lege _!loaM of Tn!Mes,-(See story, Page I). Nixon l\nnounces Effort t~ Stop -Medical 'Spiral' IV ASHINGTON (UP!) -President Nixon &aid today the country faces a "massive crisis" in proper distribution af health care and announced an action pro- gram aimed at holding down medical cosls. · The report issued follawing a meeting by Nixan with his chief advisers in the health fteld 1flS critical of the Medicaid program, aaying the plan for federal4 state financing _of health aid to the poor had contributed heavily 1to rlslng medical costs. Nixon tald nporters that when be entered office be knew there was a &erlou.s national problem in dellvery of health care. Hawever, after receiving the health report -under preparation for months - the President sak.I he realized Ule situa- tton was "much worse than I realized in January." "We face a massive crisis in this area ... in th& next two or three yean unless something ii done aboul it immediately," the President said, ·The .tepor1 said the nation faces "a breakdown in the delivery of health care unleu immediate coocened actk>fl is taken by government and the private sec-- tor." ' The &ituation was blamed on "ex- pansion of private and public financing for health services" which the report said created a demand for these services "far In excess of the capacity of our' health system to respond ." What's Fair 01a Density? "I don~ know how he 1tt. his aa!uy·or u be ''·a Uar .. " Pedd.ICQf'd crowled. ·~.e doesn't have seme enough to be a liar." LAFC Qlairman Jaines T. Workman quietly ruled such remartts "out of order" and uked Peddicord U his prop- erty were !ocated ln the proposed I]). neJUlllon. .. Rteht next to lhe city dwnp aod the SPCA,'~ replied Peddicord. Aatry was caned back:IO locale tlur property, .one- half_ acre on the nortbweat cornet of. U. propoKi! meraer. "I'm willlnC1i>,,_, dty1inl and buy a dty llcense lf lhey Can prove to me they know bow ·lo nm a city," P.ed4lcord snapped l>ack. "They can~ Nn a city!" Mrs. IA Armitage, who ·owns S2 acres ln the general area of the annex, protested, "I don~ tnow what part cl my land Is Included. l asked them and they II.id UM::y would write, but they haven't." . Autry WU c:llled IO the pedlum-qaln and aafd Mn. ~Armlllfle'I land WU not • included in"lhi! proposed annex aru. ' "W<ll, they are leaving an bland which Includes part of my land. l think that'• WronJ. It's des!Cl*I to force us 1n Jater." lhe lab replied. ''Our water assessmenta tire huge. now. We don't need any more expense." Willfam J. West, who owns property nortft of the anne1ation, called the move "premature." '''Ibey should watt U11til the atuctr by 1111 (See ANNEX, Pqe ~) Cof C Funds Lo·st? Laguna Co~ricil Seeking Budge't Slash By THOMAS FORTUNE Monday In City !Jail C01111cll cjwnhers. months of· the year and that the cily at 111e CM111r .. , ... '''". -·The p~ city budgtt for 1he, fiscal woold be more than repaid in tncrtued Asked lo boost tbe..cl.ty tu rat8.~ year-tbaUMpA ~~~'becttat· ----·----20 c.enta,. Laguna Bd5-Cily~n. It would require-a ~t tll-tDcmlle-. fficiiUe:'" _ _ • Monday turned to a Chamber of Com· over ttle"present •t.7t pei' •100 of 8W85-Linke, pre!Jdenf of the recently rtac- meree request as a nfost likely place to ed valuation: • tivated Tupaytts Aaaoclat~, asked for make a budget out .. · Hal( a cent of wbatever ls the flnal in-a copy of "lhiS so-ailed budget" 8nd said · Four of five councilmen said lhe_y crease will be offset by a decrease from his committee couldn't atudy toeether the th°':llht the Laguna ~cb Chamber 11 81h to a centa: for the city electric light..-single budget on file ln the libraiy asking for too much in city funds . ing district. . · • A delegation ol chamber represen-EJ;cept for fonner chamber president City Manager James wira~ U· taUves left the budget session irked Richard Goldl:ierg, councilmeD looked to P,laiped a _min!_mum mnn~r of, bud@tl because they hadn't been given more the Chamber of Commerce's '49,000 re-were reprOduced due to latenesa in pr• lime to present their' ai;guments. qµest u a place to a1t {CO!lll. The· in preparation. And Laiunl. Be.ach Taxpayert' Assocl.a· chamber grant from lhe city last year 'nle Democratlc Peace Club:'s Mum tion Presfden( Getald Linke walked out wu ps,ooo. ~d he'd .like to raise a question about on ihe ees.sl.OP early after registering bis · The other four councllmen lridlcated the .amount. ·requested for police oPe,... complaint that he bad bee.n refused a they .would go for '35,000 again or more . ~ .. He said. police arti u:cqslv1 · ia cqpJ..oUhe.bud&et._ • hul not u mllch. u 141,000 .. Tho '14,oeo anmon. _ Mayor G-· Vellder. who said hi dll!ereni:ollequaltol\lcet>llentlletu ~--tooll-wobnp---r 111!!\lld.loan Linke bis .....-I-cdp)<, 8lld-~ .. -· • al hla,-emar_ks. · e.r ·up 1i'ilnl It biileid 'to D"td lill!nro, ~Issue \las ~hetber·thl c!l1 ..,._ , Comicllmla-Clllrl ... '~ awtO tlii South Collll Democni'titr Pe.ace Club promotion to attract tourist or whether ohly other-aqgestioa. for ctty budcet repmentatlvO. wbo uUcrfot a ndiicllol! Ille Bly "1 lls natural ~ p-1'!daeUon. lie lald tloll '-U.. di)' II In the pollct deportnwit tudget. lllelf. , !\lrill(_' ~ ""1lee dllef ana !!'" rocrea- MORE MOllB In the oMrl Unle tliey -lllond .to iiia ~ ft m1Cbt Iii wf,iO to. "llmll l \ All in all , il wat a trying ~sslon forol-speak, chomher ·~ 1 r I u e.d oPeratlo\ia 111 tf'4'e ~ to ty councilmen. They iii'fed Ii> ,....Welle otronry·thatpromotlon-IJ·needod·lo·bulfd--h9ldlAI the u .. w>til.ltcbe<11811-iPll"""llai>ell"""11>CmL-~"'-• for another budget~-at 4:!0 -p.m. tourts -during the...-llaclt find.their feet.'' ~ ' If East ls East,. West . ls West, Where's North? South, down Coast Highway toward Laguna Beach, roared the California Highway Patrol motorcycle officer -red lights flashing, siren screaming. North, toward Newport Beach .whizzed t h e ambulance ....:. Biren screanung, red lights flashing. They passed each other near ·eorona del Mar. The ambulance swung around to rollow t h e cycle officer and b 0 t h zoomed soulh again, rolling "code 3." Soon. they were joined by a'! uniden· tifled blue sedan with its headlights on, horn blowing. At Emerald Bay, just north of Laguna Beach all three vehlcles stopped for the driver; lo talk things over. It seems the CHP officer was di1pa~· ed shortly after noon Wednesday t<1 an m- jlll')' accident "north of Laguna Beach.'' Jn Laguna Beach, the Wind Ambulanee was called out. But thel-e wu no accident to be found anywhere along Coast Highway. However, there was an accident "D<lrth of Laguna Beach." ft was on Laguna Canyoo Road . And It alredy was being taken care of by CHP units and an El Toro ambulance. Later a Highway Patrol spokesman 1urrnile'.d they had received two ca1ll at the same accident. ·Somehow two dispatches went out for a accident "north of Laguna." Which all prompts the question : Jn Laguna Beach which way Is north? North on Laguna Canyon Road? Or northwest on~ Hlgbw17. Man , 72, Saves Costa Mes a To t From Drouming A four-year-old Costa Mesa lot escaped drowning in Newport Bay Wedneaday when a 72-year-old ma n swept her up in bis annt and carried her .lo aafety1 J. Oiwld Douglas of Costa Mesa spol· led Ultfe· IWllyn lll!l !loaUng face down beblnd I buoy. She WU out of 1tgbt of lifeguards on the beach al 10th aM Bay gtrffls. He swam over to her ,and carried her lnta chest-deep water, where he was met by lifeguards. Laguna Teacher Salary Talks- • Ma y End Monday· NtgoUaUons over aalary lncreues for Laguna Beach teachers, now in their thlrd mooth, may wind up Monday With a general ....U.g cl the teaehen. Teaeben of the unified school dlllrld are now being polled for their oplniona on the laslest school board offer wblcb amounts to an increase of '84,000 ln the total amount to be spent on teacher salaries. Quin Farnes, head of the teacher's negotlaUng eommitlee, 11ld be Is hopeful that agreement will be reached on the latest offer. Teachers had flnt asked for an In- crease in their budget amountlng ·to 1267,000. The !Choo! board ,.sponded with an offer.of '80,000. Further negotiati6ns cventuafly brought the matter to its present pojnL • Early ln'the negotiations, tt was decid- ed that both aid" would bargain only ·on the total amount the teacher aalary in- creases wouJd oost the diatrid. No e1act figures ari available as t<I how much tacb individual salary woold he Increased. Anaheim GI Killed Army Warrant OHica Robert P. Gardiner, aorl of Mr. and Mrt. Lester A. Gardiner of Anaheim, today was listed as 'killed in action In Vietnam: by the Oelen.q: Department. Orange Coast MISSION VIEJO -A senior high teen dance. scheduled for Wednesday at the Mission Viejo Recreation Center, has been tentatively rescheduled for July 16. Officials realiied loo late that a meeting o( the Orange County Swim Conference has been set for 7 :>:I p.m. here. Apartment Law Proteste.d Lifeguards gave lhe child mouth·to- ~outh resusclta.Uon on the shore. Ranlyn withi n minutes regained camciousnw, but then went into 1hock. ·She came Out of shock u she was rush· • eil to Hoa1 ltleniorltl Hoipltat She was .lJetd overnl&hUor observ11)oa;. and 'her C\llldJUotl today It detcrfbed U "1&tlsf11> Weedier !!'.hf sun sleeps In llll n 1.m • Frldaj', then shlnea somewhit hazily over the coast, bringing <he mercury to '12 JDCilly lnd aboot 11 degrm higher Inland. The J uly 18 dance, featuring "Young Men," will last from 8 to 11 p.m. Admission charge is 50 cents for members and SI for guests. e lr1stallatlo1& l'lar1r1ed EL TORO -New officers of Ule El Toro-Laguna flills Exchange Club will be installed Friday night in a joint meeting with the San Clemente Exchange Club at the "San Clemente IM. The public is in· \rited lO attend the 7 p.m. ceremony. .n'l1Je i~~lng _p~lden_Lwll! be Joseph raerson. BUI Kohler will be tlrst vice president. Bud Emerson second vice president. ,Robert Clark secretary, and Vince La Vertu, trusurer. I ,, ' . ' What's fair for one ls fair for all, the saying goes. Bui what happens .after the Jaw is changed! Jn Laguna Beach an apartment density ordinance has been made more restric- tive and realtora, architects and IOIM property ownen are at odds with city planners over what's fair. · 'Ibe situation will be aired nexl Mon- day. night when a group or archltecU led by lb Chrisian Abel present to clly planning commtulanen and city coun· cilmen problems they've had de.signing buildings lo m the amended ordihAne•. Among interested observers will be repmentltives of. the Laguna Beach &ard ol Realtars, who want 1 return to the old ardinanct. and property o"w• ' 'l!I ., ··' on both sides o! the Issue. The matter was before the dty coun- cilmen last week, but they' sldesteooed It fur 30 doya· on grounds they didn't know enough about the ordinance. "I don't rtmeruber an occ.ulon when I felt compelled ta do more homework/' ttmarked Councilman Roy Holm. Bui William Laniboume. a ronner city c<Nncill'I)~ now president of the Board of Realtors, sees a rather clear principle lovolvtd. "Art property owner.s to be allowed to do substant11lly what neighboring awnen:--werir allowed to do?0 he uU. He u~..tbey_.00.ld ~ alnce "there 1rt a mlnlm111j1 number cl R~ (iifulUple dwelling) lots left undeve!Olled." LlmboUtlll .. id that IJ lbe Bolrd al ·' I l R<,.u.n• posKlon, not just his·°'"'· Al Aulr)', city auo&le plllllltr, said the ordinance amendment w11, peued in March to molve dl!liculU.. UJll'rtenced · tory!' -. -I • Ra,eyn Is the da~ of Mr. and MrL Robert n. 1lill c1 1111 Coriander. ·eosta • Mesa. . - · uodor1 Ille onlina ... ·~Un("# ifjli Ind : "lo .,...le I mor& dellrlhli >l!liia <A>. vlronment. ,; · ~ ·~ • f • The ordlnan<e. 1moog . ol!lttc thlnp, · · · , o. • p«•enls owner> from bulldins .. -.kite : JIEW YO~ (~ -The 1tocl< mortet 1 u before to· the side cl lhelr ~Jhus remalnO'! ~ lower .In moder•lely 11m1u111 the usable i>Ulldlnll • .-,. . adlve Ir~ thlo •rternoiti\ · with t "Thli la 10111ewhat IYP,~ijl;pU. &!Qlb\11 atratdling thell''leod l>W ld- rU<\loo a!ter the lacl, '"1~ t fo!!lrl'· vances to . heller .... 'IW 1-. (8"' • "Moro lhlll . the requl~ lltl1llbOt-. 0<0 -, • ..,, -·public hflllrlnlil were held!" • qu0<adot11, P-te-ll). · · Tvro a als of ~~J · ' " · 1'1t1 Dow JOMI tnctustrt1t· average at, ' , INSmE TODAY ' Th1r11' bra. '"ck11rch fn <AC round" in AMheilfi, now that t~r IOI• of Melod~laM hot b<.,. apprOVfd. Page 21 . · undif iJ~mcnded «<I~· i 1<18 jun, Wu'off 11.17, cir ·l.14 ~.at -~ .fendina before tbe"dtt ·· \.~· • lllO.OI.-.. J .. 1 J • • r · L'::..J•:.....::::...--------~ t • ----- ' I • ·Terrorist's -.... - Bottih Hrirts . . . ,: ·4 in Saigon -~ • GOii (IJPl) -A Viel Con&Jerrcmt fllflloded a bomb outside an American bllltl near Saigon toc1J1, wounding It ~· Bui the lull in I!>< gro!pl f!iijUrig conUnued and American d~ lllfl .,..k dropped to 153, the lowut level 1n m montlis. ""W).tb ttie ground WJ:r at a near standstill, the first Marines to leave Viet- nam under a plan to withdraw 25,000 American troops flew almost unnoticed 1-'--=ay from Da Nang £Ookinawa. They were no Jea~. who will preRf_~ for receiving the Marines tth regimental landing team, whidi will leave by Aug. . 30. Infonned mllllary sources dlsclosed to. day that 15 or more American soldiers were shot to duth by Vlei Cong trOops several months ago because I.be guer- rlllu did not understand the Americans were trying .. to surrender .. The tragedy came to light In a captured Communist document re!eased here. · 1be 15-pound terrorist bomb exploded ~e .an enlisted men's billet .a rqile • O~IL'I' l'ILOT $ttll l'htlt . .Drlv.er £ritleal .. N arcotieS" Probed In Death. Crash-- ,. California Highway Patrol officers are investigating possible drug inVolvement in the Wednesday morning San Diego . Freewa1 crash which took the lives of two teenagers and left three others seriously injured. CHP officer Bruce Hand said ln- vesUgators are awalUng the recovery of driver Danny ,Baynot, 18, of Lynwood, to determine if drug tablets found in. the auto wreckage had a direct role in the accident. "He has a 50-50 chance to survive,'' Hand said. •·u he dies or is permanently incapicitafed, {ha:t ends the ca§e. '' Baynot is in the intensive care wall! of Orange County Medical Center where at- -· .... ...-=-: - ·-~....: -·."'. --. -·---tendants ·said um morning-that be ts tn "very serious condition and not respon• ding to treatment. · lie received severe head Injuries in the crash which took the lives of Cafl Voughn, 7Jl, of Lynwood, and Shirley Mal Erm!!, 18, 'of Cudahy. Seriously Injured wart DeSiree Le Compte, 18, of Whittier; and Richard Leo Jones, 19, of South Gate. Both are in San- ta Ana c6mmunity Hospital. . The accident took place ·about 8:30 a.m. when the car driven· by Baynot went out of control, wbil~ at an estimated 80 miles per hour, rolled over thrte Umea and plunged into San Diego Cfeek. Officer Hand said a quantity of seconal pills were found in the wrecked car 8nd attendants at the hospital said the teenagers "seemed to be under the in· fJuence of some kind of drug." The southbound car went out of control on a curve about a hall mile west of Valencia Avenue. It skidded for about 400 --yan:ls dbWn th"e dirt · s~oulder and then rolled over three times before craShlng headon into the creek. from the Tan Son Nhyt Airbase, ,wnun-Powerful Driving Bandit Slays Hillilington Man in Shop ding U Vietnamese civilians and two If Americans, It can)e as mlll~ry swrces Electrical ·poWer to about 600 Laguna Beach homes mwllcipal parking lot and driver Morton P · Se • A 58-year-old Huntington Beach trailer Officers were led on a bizarre searcli ~ for a supposed sixth passenger in the car. a teenage girl, after Miss Le Compte told them she was with them. The brush along the road from Laguna predicted .an upswing ol sabotage in U!e and businesses was cut off for nearly two hours 41 of 555 Agate St., Laguna Beach, said he !ailed dweller was shot to death in his Long capital, anil possibly new attacU by Wednesday after this 9 p.m. accider.t on Glenneyre to' make necessary steering adjustment, according Beach swap shop Wednesday afternoon, guerrillas moving toward Saigon. Street near Park A~enue. Roadway jogs a bit near to police. the apparent victim of a cold-blooded 1 Allied military sourees said a batlallon bandit. I of 300 Viet COng CQlllDlandos moved The body ot Emory Nielsen, 16222 -------1'1'Jf'1y..into.tbe-.Bing.Chanh.diJtrlct_jusL ---F-p-I -A ks-N' -A .d ~1onterey Lane, was-discovered behind 1 1----SWUiWest. of -jajgon and were hiding ram age L t l the counter of his store in Long Beach's Beach Freeway overpass to the creek was searched by olli.:ers and divers plunged into the San Diego Creek, where the water is from four to eight feet deep. Later, Miss Le Comple remembered that lhe girl bad been.droppedofi earlier in the morning. · there in-preparaUon for sabotage-attacks.~ agu na S ewpo r central business district. They said some of the Viel Cong had ac-ANNEX His grief-stricken wile of 3> yeaJS, lually perielrated Saigon. . • • • Elizabeth. estimated there was $100 or Former Lagunan According to the sources, Vtet Cong · less in the · cash register. The register and North VJetname!e units acroes the . Daniel, M.ann, Johnson and Mendenhall x b nt-!S lt c k ' drawer was standing open, empty. " . ""' ~balt!;;li<W -<1r•-m..mt-illo.polllloa.,~,.l!-~1~1~~..::..Jl'esl .LI>_ -n-1. _,,,.,.. . ' a.. ree S. Police said an unloatled shot mm. nal Machado D1'e" the surprise at~ks promised.by a hiah · said •. "This is ·an im~mptu ar-"D ~-~ recently ffitd, was On the store ·~~ter: -. --cr-- Viet Con& Qfflcial. in ,J-speech in cailo rangem@t requested primagJy by the Nielsen's bloody body had been shot at Tuesday. tel •---(G 1 T 1 pb )" · -least once in the fight chest with a small.· Aft Coll' • They told of one North Vietnamese bat-eplfU'RI company enera ~ e one Laguna Beach city officials today ask-It urges "all levtls of government caliber pistol. The murder gun was not er ISIOll talion whose assltnment was to tltack -'Autry explained that the canyon pro-ed ·Newport Beach .authorities to ~upport which are Jn a position to do so to take yet recovered. Allied bases along the Saigon River perty was included in the $&0,000 study efforts aimed at as!il.ring no repetition of the necessary steps to provide and pro-Mrs. Nielsen told police she and her Rosary will be recited tonight for Joe leading up to an assault on a riverfront but that it also included a 20-squart-mile the controversial Salt Creek Road aban-tect public access lo the shoreline, and to husband bought the shop about three Bob Machado, Laguna B~ch resident Precinc1 in the (:8.pltal i~. area eucompassmi the enUre city and Us donment. obtain beach land for public domain years ago after he retired as a con· \\'ho moved to Carlsbad three weeks ago MlUtaey $pokesmen anaoundng the _ La_guna Mayor GleM D~ Vedder and Ci· whenever possible." tractor. Her husband would have been 59 and died Tuesday of injuries suffered in a weekly casualty figures said the 21-day envinms. ty Maniiger James n. Wheaton are seek· The resolution does not r e f e r years old today. motorcycle accident. He was 31. lull also sent South Vietnamese losses Nett to attack the proposals was Dr. G. 4J8· Newport City Council approval of a specifically tO the Salt Creek Road issue, She last saw him alive Wednesday A graduate of Newport Harbor High plunatn& to their Iowe!t level since May R. Ekeberg, a""veterinarian who said she resolution adopted by Art Colony coun-but Laguna councilmen, when they morning when he left to open the :;tore. School, Mr. Machado subsequently lived and Communist deaths .to a slJ.-mootb had operated a pet hospital there for 11 cllmen a month ago. .-adopted it, made it clear that the coun· Mrs, Nielsen works in the store also but in Laguna Beach, where he wu a com~ low • Newport-councilmen wiU-eonsideL-the ty's abandonment-of-the hall-mile coastal normally takes Wednesdays off. mercial fisherman. ~t reports listed iet ·Viet COng and years. request Monday. It may be turned over roadway to the Laguna Niguel Corpora· Nielsen's body was discovered by Hugh He is survived by his widow, Marlene, 1-!!.•'!h:~/IOt .... ~~~~L...-!ln-;;ti'~;>--.~·:·H~<YW::'-':;e.some who_ don't wan:! the to a studY wmmittee, city aides indicat-tion had inspired the docwnent. Anderson-of-..Long Beach, an emp!ey:e of of the family ho · arlsbad · tbree ednesday, many-OJein Saigop's IU~!llequel'h!a. orre-~ed~ ...... 10d""'•y~.~.====·~~. ===~~o;S"a"id""La=gu~n~a"°"c1"'·1y~M~an-a~ge~r~Wh~ea-lo_n_'_the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach. children, Halletl, .Jo Ann and Joe Bob terdef~._M _ ·· werbrote J¥1l~:fiowns200acresthe.rewon'lh#IP1 ~~'f')l~t as un~IJ fP-''Although lhe r~uUon states brielty ''lsawhimlylngonhlsbackbehinda Jr.; two brothers, John Summer, ot up a ~~·iifu est ot'tht , finan y with the water expense. U fl'1 provedlltY Ca~ la~aten, declates the po!lUon of our council, the sincerity glass showcase at the rear of the store . I Carlsbad. and Eugene, of. Texas; tf?.ree city, tillinc .JZ North Vi~ese. U.S. 50 wo...W..fnJ to be in Laguna Beach why ... that access to the--Paciftc ~ shore!lne of the council Jn'·adopting it is expressed thought he'd bad a heart attack," said sisters, Arlene Whitaker, of the PbillJ>- lossu I~ kiWgj~ ~--?'··'"-~ .. . . t ;~s . d~ w:ltb rNJtei to rapidly by the fac,t. that J~ was 8 unanim.oWi vote. Anderson. He used a counter telephone to pine Islands, Mrs. Lar~ A~s. of Costa The r. "°'-4ift'N 1.WtfM'#_.~ . ,., ~ ~~Sg.!th Laguna ... )~;~ Uon.'t-1~' Newport's· ConrtderaUon of 'thb matter summon pOlict. Mesa, and Mr~. Jenifer Summer. of consldV e~~ · .a·alif., ''di'~~-~y JOm o'p'l • · 1 will be greatly appreciated." A fellow merchant in a nearby LOng Carlsbad; and .his parents, ~r. and Mn. but lbe Y.le! Co9i IJ!d Noft# Vietnamue "Why. cin't they 10 after .the ___Irvine Controve_mt over a_b_andonment oL the Beach swap shop,-Clyde-Farr,-said_ Joaepll Machad:?. o1 San. Diego. .-~htned~ AIJl'eil1bwm ·~~es. i~ C~pf.DY ... ~ey own t.bousandf. of acres 10· -Perso-DS Die roadway, which had been the only public Nielsen was "a gOOd and kind man." The rosary will~ recited at 8 tonight mcreue from 14 the prev100! day. Dext to the city,'' Dr. Ekeberg".continued. access. to a favorite surling spot south of "That guy never hurt anybody," said at ~tisslou San Luis Rey. ~ss wlll be Laguna near Dana Point was first aired Farr. "There was no reason to kill him, celecrated at 10 a.m. Friday at the "We get no fire protection ffom the ci· Jn Home Blaze in Newport last December. no reason at all." Mission . ,. Egeberg Appointment Okayed by Committee WAS!llNGTON (AP) -The Senate Labor Committee" approved · today the nomination of Dr. Roger O. Egeberg to be assistant secretary for health and scientific affairs in the Wellare Depart- ment Or. Egeberg, dean of medicine at the University of Southern CaWornia, was named after President NiJoo decided not to appoint Dr, John H. Know lea of Massachusetts to the port. ty. Only the county water bombs and the Marines save us when the brush burm. It's a disaster area. The · flood control situaUon is desptrate and' more building will just increase tht n.moff." Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach, who also serves as an LAFC member, asked Autry, "What happem to the two islands left?" "They will be annexed· to the city eve-n- tually but only part or the propertr. owners there favor anne1aUon now and 1f we included just them the borderlines would be irregular and yoor body does not favor jagged lines," Autry replied. POSEN, Mich. (UPJ)-Ten persons, l~­ cludin& a man, his wile, seven of their e.ight children and the c b I I d r e n ' s grandfather, died early today when a fire swept through a two-story frame farmhouse near this village in northern lower Michigan, police said. F\rtmen poked through the a~s of the home of Anthoht Gralewici, the w~an's father, to try to identify the ".1etun~. Thef were believed to be Gralew1cz, hi! son·1n-law Wallace Bonriln, Bonnin's wif,e and ·seven of the eight Bonnin children. Boys Lied; Mesan Freed Youths Admit Mo'lestati.on Charge Fabrication By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 1119 n.IPr "lilt Stall Jailed four months ago after ac· cusations of sexual molestation by two young biothers, a Costa Mesa man is free Ul\llY P!IOT OAAN'G~ COA$1 f'Ullll..,.C) ~y l•Hrt H. WeM ---J,,li R. C11r1.., VlcllllrtliMrfW0-11._. Tli111111 JC...,tl ..... Tit."''' A. Mn,o•T11 _ ...... 11.io:htN '· N1lt ,_ ..... <" -i...---212 hntt A1't. M•illflf Ai4r-1 P.O. lu Ill, t2652 --Ctsl• Mutt m WKt 9e\o S"-' .....,, 9-tl: nn w.1 llltlN ..,,.._. ........... """': • Sit! '""' today, cleared when the boys admitted in court ~hey lied about it all, Stephen D. Sampson, 28, of 2379 Santa Ana Ave., walked out of Superior Court after Judge HowarC: C. Cameron dismiss- ed the feJony case and ordered the c.osta Mesa boys arrested. "T h e y made a mockery out of o u r judicial system,'' said Deputy District Attorney Pat Brian blUerly after asking Judge Cameron to dismiss the case he had prosecuted. No reason has been given for lies by the boys, ag~ ts and 15, since the facts will be needed for their prosecution on perjur/ ci.arges. Names of the two youths, who were taken directly from the courtroom to Orange County Juvenile Hall, wue not released, but lnvatigators said they are neighbor1i of Sampson. They admitted Wednesday that lhey lied about a whole :series of molestation jncidents during swom testimony two months ago at Sam~on's prellmlnary hearing in Harbor Judicial District Court. Both seemed re:iigned to wbat · wu about io happen and showed no part.lcular reacUon when taken into custody by sheriff's deputies alter the dramaUc twist in the case. Dismissal of tht felony charge was only a partial triumph, however, for the young electronics technlclan. He still faces jury trial Aug. 4 in Superior C<Nrt (Ill a charge of recelving stolen property. He was arrested about two weeka aner Iha lalal March 15 Police ehoOllng of boy bur1luy IUopect S!ephen Stubblefield, II, who lle<t from a Costa Men. c~a &hop - -break-ln=desplte Ol'dera to halt. ~ • DetecUvea inve1t1gatlng the case ques-, Unn!'d SIJllpaon, I frt"l\t !>f tha dead boy, leading to recovery of IO!nt eleclr<lolc • sound equipment stolen more than s year ago. The Item was taken In a burglary at the '>range County"" Fairgrounds and police assert it was passed on by lhe Stubblefield boy. Despite the fact his tragic death was r.u I e d jU8Ufiable homicide by Orange County District Attorney Cecil A.1Hicks, his mother has filed a $250,000 wrongful death claim as a result. Divorcee Mrs. Helen Ellis, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, names city, county and state authorities in her claim which charges deprivation of com· panlonshlp and future support by her only child. The Stubblefield boy was never men· tioned in connection with the original child molestation charge which led to Sampson 's arrest when he showed up at Heinz Kaiser Intermediate School while Police were present. · Stories by the two young brothers were apparently convincing. enough to Costa Mesa det.ectives, dlstrid attorney's in- vestigators and probation officers. They said at the timt that Sllnpson bad •·fascinating electronics laboratory at his Santa Ana Avenue home, whlCh attracted young boys lnt.....ted In sclencl!.· He had belpedtheSlubblefleld .yllUJ11'1er wjth a 1peclal project for a school sctenoe fair and other youths fre- quented his workshop as well. Costa Mesa police noted leday lbal Sampson ii dellnlnt.ly not linked to the buralart of Corrigan'• C.mera Shop, 631> W. 19th SI., during which Iha Stubblefield boy WIS killed. . An accornpUce 11 known \o have escap<d-by car-wtltn1>0lloe lnterrupltd Iha m1c1n18b1 b .. u-1n lh"""" Iha root. but lnveaUaaUnn conclualvtly eliminated Sampson 11 a auapecl. • ·; • SALE for the first time! .. M.llDRIGJ/l JIOM HERITAGE • WITH All THE EXCITEMENT ANO ROMANCE OF SPAIN . , , A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONLY BE MADRIGAL ••• AND NOW FOR THE VERT FIRST TIME WE HAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT BEDROOM COLLECTION All ON SAU AT SPECIAL REDUCID PRICESI • CHIST ON CH!ST • llG. Jff, NOW SPACIOUS f ·DUWll DRHill llG 419. NOW tUINISHID GOLD MllROI Alli. ff, NOW KING-SIZI HIADIOARD JIECJ. 249. NOW COMMODI l·DlAWIR NIGHl STAND llG. 159. NOW Your favoritf intfrior dc1ignf1' will be ho:pps,i to ouU:t ~u .•• -· • H.J.GARRETT fURNrpJRE PROFlSSION.4.1 INTflllOI 01Sl'lNl15 . . 1211 HAAIOA llVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF., ,.,.011g 64•·0276 __ 1. ----------------------- 339. 359. 79. 209. 135. r ..... ' . ' •• \ -,; Btd,.el ·Ncnaed, Defetiaat ' 11\Ct u Se.eksG ' ' ' I I ! 6 enlleman Surfe r - IDAll.T P'll.OT ,_ .. W Di ie klMktf' oave Paige, 15, Newport Beach, figures it ~ever hurts to add a bit·of . class to the sport of ·surfing. So, whenever be feels the urge, he dons neckw!ar for a more formal approach to the sport of Hawaiian kings. • NEW YORK (APJ,-Humble Oil and Re!inil\g Co. said il has struck •oil in the Santa Barbara Channel off the l:alllornit, -"" ~ea~,t' . h!d previously been termed ''disappo10tmg1 ' by the corrlpany, which is ·tM-maln- domestlc subsidiary of Standard OU CO., 'New Jersey. Humble said the results of .four explor- atory wells in two adjoining federa.l leases some 15 miles southeast of Point Conception indicate the discovery is a major one. 1 Humble along with two other oil com- panies was pe~itted in April to resume drilling in tbe channel after a temporary halt in all drilling activity in the wake of _oil_PQ11ution caused by !_ Union Oil Co. blow..oot. Humble last year was the l~ single l>urer of Santa Barbara teases In a Fed.era sale in which 24 oil.companies paid a total of $603 i:nilJioo for the leases. Thanks .But No New Tanks $1.2 Billion Spent by A rmy for 'Unfit' Sheridan ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Jl took the modernization effort built around the nam, he added. Only conventional Army IO years and at least $1.2 billion to Sheridan and of then flling "misleading weapons have been fired In that combat -.. ' ,. enne••J ALWAYS FIRST QUALIT~ Mclane 2 If P ed~r ... great 69.95 The easy-to-control edger /trimmer, be· cause it has finger tip control. · develop tht Sheridan tank, -a light· reJX1rts" on the program's progress. area from the Sheridan.) annored recannaissance-as.sault vehic le (The Shillelagh missile was developed, The four-man subcommittee headed-.o;;b'#-y-l---l- --.,esi=gn=rr."'°ca"r"ry"'"'•"'"1 r.er.agim•gum1"""--,,;;;5;t1gn=i-•a""nf-•p.,..uceaD-yrhr1tep:-samue~ttoll(IFN:r.r;atSC? con- missile into battle. Aeronutronic Division of Philco-Ford m eluded the vehicles stlll were unfit for '(he new vehicle, the Army promised, Newport Beach. An Aero nut r on i c combat and ~omrnendel:I. th~t na' m~ would fire faster and more accurately SJXlkesman today said none of the trouble be se~~ to V1etna"!-~tll all maJor than any tank in existence. · cited refers to the missile, but to other defects ha~ J>een ,1~nated. . After a two-year investigation and a cooiponents of the Sheridan system. "The In its 39-page re~ th~.subcomnuttee series of hearings -some secrel _ a Shillelagh itself has been given a clean noted the Army claimed In_ 1959 that it .special House Armed Services Sub-bill of health," he said. ne.eded ~.tank cap~ble of f~ing gu!~ed committ~ accused the Anny Of decf_!V· (None of th e Sblllelagh-equipped missiles at the earliest possible date to ing COngress on the need for a tank Sheridan tanks has-seen···servtce in Viet-counter a Utteat-posed by purportedly superior SovJet armored vehicles. U.S. Pro~ing Significance ·Of Red Fighting Dropoff WASHINGTON (UP!) -The United States· has begun discreet diplomatic soundings abroad to t r y to determine Hea r t .Attack Cause of Death For Astromonk whether there Is any political s1gnificance in evidence of a recent reduction in North Vietnamese military activities in the war. ~cretary of State William P. Rogers told a news Conference last week that the United States would seek 90me indication from Hanoi of the meaning of the current situation when the time is right. That time apparently has arrived. Althbugh the probing operation is so sensitive that administration officials do not even admit it exists, a variety of HONOLULU (AP) -Bonny, the ~urces say it is under way and inVolves a.stromonk, died of a heart, attack pro-informed Communist representatives. hably brought on by his lowered body Paris is probabiy involved, as well as temperature. says a preliminary report other world capitals where American apd issued following a six·hour autopsy by a North Vietnamese diplomata are able to dozen scientists. A final autopsy report on the monkey make occasional contact, directly or in· which died 12 hours 8.tter retuihiJig ' to directly. earth is not expected for months, a Officially the administraUon ls highly 1>pokesman for the Natio nal Aeronautics cautious and refuses to draw any and Space Administration said Wed· premature conclusions. But it is reliably ne~~\V. Ross Adey, the space pr9ject's reported to be intrigued by rece.nt signs chief investigator said the fatal. drop in that could signal a willingness by Hanoi Bonny's temperature may have been due and the Viet Cong to decelerate the to his immobilization in weightlessness fight.Ing without actually admitting it. and a too-cool capsule during the nearly Despite an increase in Commutlist nine-day flight. . h 11· I I th k th ln Temperatures in the tiny spaceship s e ing ear Y n e wee • ese • rangeJ from 68 to 70 degr~s. but A~ey ielligence reports are noted with keen in· said astronauts have complained of being terest: too chilly when their capsule was kept at -1nfiltration of troops from North 70 degrees. · Vietnam southward dropped to 1,100 men BOflny 's flight in Biosalellite 3 was in June, the lowest monthly level since scheduled for 30 days to study the effects After the Sheridan program was al}- proved, continued the reJXlrt, the Army . fir.st failed to disclose problel'\lS that cropped up, then demonstrated "unwar- ranted overconfidence" in the weapon's effectiveness, and finilly ordered mass production of the Sheridan and its cont· ponents even though technicians warned some difficulties remained unsolved. "The preponderance of e v i d e n c e assembled bf· the subcommittee . . • raises serious doubts as to the im· mediacy of any threat which would justify the development of the Sheridan~ Shillelagh system on a crash basis," the rel!'1rl ..w. The subcommittee accused the Army of w i thholding unfavorable informaUon about the Sberidan:s progress to pur off a searching review of the program and avert a possible cutoff of funds by the Defense Department or the Bureau of the Budget .. Finally, said th" report, the Anny rushed 64 of the new tanks to Vietnam "to· demonstrate the value of the weapon as ~n as possible," a step !hat only served to shake the confidence of the tank crews when casualties were caused by '0 misfires, broken rounds and other serious defects." In response to the reJX1rt, the Army said the tanlt "has performed very well in Vietnam" and has' "a high level of troop confidence." It also said the vehicle has increased the firepower, mobility and overall combat capability of armored ~valry forces in VJetnam. i M«wver, the Army said it plans to equip all armored cavalry unita in the war zone with the Sheridan. Egyptian Claims Of Sinai Success Denied by Israel of ·extendt-d . weightlessness, but was cut the U.S. troop buildup began in early &hort when Bonny became lisUess. 1965. It compares with Infiltration of •• u111tilf ,.,... tn1enMt1t1111 The brain and other vital organs o[ the 15,000 to 20,000 troops a month during Egy.pt said.,two reinforced platoons of monkey will be flown to flye universities _ peak periods. Egyptian commandos crossed the Suez tn California and Texas for furlhe1 study. canal today and blew up five Israeli Scientists on the.project have closed their -Recent truck movements along the gun pm;itlons in the occupied Sinai .special laboratories here and i'etumed to Ho Chl Minh Trail linting North and PeninsUla. the U.S. mainland to study data they col· South Vietnam are reported.to be down to It said that later, during a four -hour lected.-__ 18 l!!'t week compJ!l'!!ll_to~~doarWletL<l1~el,el_IEhelZIPllan_&UJlll1'[1 sb•t A NASA spokesman said the only in· February. wn an sra fieficopter. juries s1.Jfered by th~ space prii:nate -It has been not.ea for 90me time that Israel denied the ·Egyutian commando were small bruises on bis heart .and bver, the North Vietnamese 27th, 36th and ~and a spok_esman said in Tel Av:iv, probably received during the capsule's J38th regiments have been pulled back iD-' ere is no eVJdence of any crosstn§ .re-entry and splashdown in the Pacific to North Vietnam and no damage to any of our positions. •1 d -· Furthe · · u' s ··~·al"es for the Later, the. Jsraelia handed over to the •on ay. · rmere, · · .......... " EIYPtlans vta the Red CrOSI the bodies Otherwise, a NASA· statement said~ week ~ July 5 totaled 153! Jowett of-itlne EgypUan soldiers tilled In a "Qle animal was in every respect figure in !II montN. E~rts believe ~ls command<) raid ":lrlier tn lhe week. healthy." reflects a decrease in Conunuhlst-m-In one of a series of major polltlcal Mclane-front throw mower '159.95 Penncraft 21" rotary mowe r •as Our 21" afuminum mower wit h 3Y2 HP .engine with deluxe shroud. The m1.tnkey's organs will be studied at itiated attackl. develo{?nlenUJ, Egypt today officially the_Universll)'_oLQl~llf9!'.Jli~ •L Los s......_cOOllans~re l!Jlled •!Id IS n<o1olize<LCommunl.t East Gormany,_ -·~-~- Angeles; University of CalifornJa at wounded at nearby Bien Hoa. the fifth Arab natfon to do so. West Ger-MONTCbAI R- Bifleley; HafbOr General Hosplt~I. Tor· 1'1le 1$3 Gls slain last week were tht ·man1 has1aid-the Soviet -Union forced ranct1 Calif., and Tex~ Women'1 JeWe.St aince t510led,lif actton the weet • the move-llOdeT1hrea:t-or-cutUn1 -off Univerait), Denton, Tu. ~ ending Jan. 11, headquarters iaid. inns suppliea. -- ' II • .. . , 111'1nday, Jllly 10, 1969 DAIL V ~!LOT ,t . ' • . - LIKE IT ; •• CHAR(lE ITI • ••••••• • • • lncomparabl•! Our Penncraft power m.ower! 84.95 2 HP, .ol cycle Penncraft engine, • .. •l\·1 " •• ' -·- ·-·~alil=aliC rew~1>a11--::--_ ~ "· ~-!!-:: bearing reel~unt, ~·mot. I throttle contr6t.. '· I Other great Garden Shop values! Hind push mower ... -._ .......................... -.... 29.95 21 " rotan' mower ........................................ _,;$69 l HP electric rotary mowor .................. -,-, .... 69.95 Plant ci daisy birdbath now! 3.29 Imagine this charming bfrd- ba!h in your bo~kyordl Round birdbath .. __ 2. 98. H~chlng posi ___ 3.49 . Pl1nton ind v•- Mexican hand pointtd barrel -·----·· -A.99 · '" ,,., ... ' ' ~ -4-, -· Gloria ringed va1e .. --•. 2.49 Gloria large vost--.. 7.49 Gloria small voM .-...--...2.79 .,..... Your choic• 69c Wax Leaf Privet , .. ideal for hedges, decorative trl~ming Italian Cypr41ss ... attractive tall ' evergreen landscopingl Meyer Lemon for fru it" fro m your own decorative tree ' . Aster or petunia bedding· planh 44c troy ' Make your garden a riot of co!Ort Plant several tro)'I ol,ecichl ~LANTS AND FOUNTAINS FOR YOUR GARDEN· Gold .. Arbort~a•, lloltle Brush or Mick ,..,.-In , 5 91lfon' container .•.. : ...•.•.•.• _ ....................... 2.99 She ll fountain ............. ·-··-····--·· .. ····-···-19. 95 ' -' .. ' ' • -' • - ' '· ' ' r. ' • •• < .... . ) • ·' - I I • I I . ., -· 4 DAILY I'll.OT -~ ............ "" ....... Terry Jcibo of Beaverton, Ore. dug lnlo an odd depression in bis E .yanl and found more than Old whiskey bottles. Most of m were full -of water. "We tb¥ik som.elwd_y might have bur- led a water supply in case of atomic attack or something," Mrs. Jobe said. ·She added the botUes -were~n_early all one-brand. - ;:_ . Gerry I.ff of Pitse«, -England bought n e w construction equip-- mt nt, but he felt his 12 employes spoiled the looks of the new ma· chines because their. hair was too Jong,_)!~ aski!d .them _to get__ hair· cUlS, w1tlf Dis money and on his · Ume. •we didn't mind," said one. ••1 must 'hdmit we looked scruffy beside the new equipment.'' • . . -New~Move .. Triell Over Inte-gration ,. -~ WASHINGTON (UPl)-The N!xon-•d· miillitr•Uoi1 took • new ·o;a_ today lo Its stet~)' assault on school desegrega. Uon, asking for consolidation ol an all· white .school district with an all.Negro district in Arkansas. . It was the 10th (ederal school desegre- gation acdori thUi-week in what a~~f: to be a concerted ~ort by the a · - tration to counteract unfavorable reac- tion to last week's relaxltion of Septem- ber deadlines Jnd substitute stepped up enforcement. • Atty. Gtn. John N. Mitchell announced tile new suit was flied In U. S, District shape and excluded midential -mas poRula~ by Negroes," 1he Jwtlce Department suit Said. It said MUler Coonty Dirtrlct, witb about 100 Negro students and eight Ne- gro teachers, was comPOHd of "two separate and ooncontiguoUa areu." The government said both IChool dis-- lricb were notified In JanW1ry tbat t1>e department felt they were lo violation of the 1964 Civil Rlgbb t.ct. The white school district hu foregone !ederal l-ing while the Negro dL:strict continues to rec<o!ve federal aid. Court in Ft. Smith, Ork., against Bright star School Diltrict No. s. t1ie Miiier Lodge Vows ~§ ~~£!1o~~-Mille~~- The complaint noted that each district operated ooly one school with pupils and staff of a single race. The Brighi Star District - a school with nearfy 200 white. students and JO whlta teachers-ls "highly irregular in Quackery Death - _Brings Doctor .- U.S. Won't Capitulate . -PARIS (AP). -· U:S:" Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge told the ~th· aes&!on of the Vietnam peace talks today the United States is ready to negotiate and compromise, but declared: "We shall not ctpitulate." LIFE OF LEISURE? Ellql>olh Toylor P • T Lodge said North Vietnam and the Viet r1son erm Cong's provisional revolutionary govern- This spring and iummer, St. ment constantly demand the withdrawal Louil, Jfo., hat had t~e the li f hil · · n Liz Taylor Says She May Quit normal amount of Yain, ruining LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A Long Beach of al ed orcei w e re1ecling a pro- mo.rt weekends, and manu pe~ ch.iropractor was sentenced to prison posals for mutual withdrawal of North f 10 • ht l Wednesday on a second-degree murder Vietnamese troops. . p~ JJre ee .. ng mig ti olO. "To hold such a position is to demand M k • M • Horticulturitt" Lad Cutak hod conviction far the death of bis 8-year~ld Q r,ng OVl.eS SOfTU' goO<l Ktws for th·ose who u't ,,,.,._19 patient nearly eight years ago. capitulation by our side," he said. "Thi! _ like o lono-nmge view of thing•: THE FIRST STEP BACK,· IT'S A LONG ONE The case of Dr. Marvin M. Pfullips, 40, is unreasonable. We shalt not capitulate. ,_ --- T•· ~ -~11 b doubl b utf • th R belle ed lo be the 1 t rde No negotiated setUement of the war in LONDON (UPI) -Actress Elizabeth •oc: •1ees wi e ti ea • Astroneut Ntil Arm1tron9 Practu:e1 for E•r eturn ":as. 1V ed' 1 irs mu . r COO· Vietnam is possible unUl you modify lhat Taylor-said Wednesday she is considering fu.l when thly change colors -v1ct10n or m 1ca quackery m the nezt fall. _ Unlted States. d~~and. ed -. calling it quits to Jead a full·Ume. life of · . · . Phitli ed f M We are prepar to negotiate the leisure 2 M Cha LR • ps was accus . o assuring r. compromise. While you refuse to join us · · --.... -~ ·--• , -·--. nPn -nces . emain a~ Mrs. Herman Eppillg he could cure in negotiation and compromise, the "I am seriousl,r, considering retiring __ _ _ __ _ _ _____ ""X:F. _ _ _ -U b e;,.-.,_ _ _ ~ _ ---t.h_eu: -daugl'lter.,.--Linda, ..oL ey.e.. ancet._ ·tragedy""of-warcotninues:"-__ __ -fr.om ~-screen..:.:.:-the....37.yea.Mld..Jilm..-_. . At the Anny Transpcrt Tr~ng · ~ without surgery for '500. . Lodge said the other aide's reaction to atar wd, •hJ may never work again." School In Church Crookham, E~g· -........ . .He.ftilluenced the ~rents to lake Linda-President Nixon's May 14 peace propos-Miss Taylor, an established star at the Jand instructors ordered recrmts If M · L h D J _ d out of UCLA Me(hcal Center the day aJs has been negative, and he repeated age of 12 with her role in "National to sit in a tree, flap their arms and . oon aunc euiye before she was to undei:go surgt:f'Y and Nixon's ·warning that "our fighting men Velvet," made the statement on a British call "tweet·tweet," and c r a w l p~eded to treat her with vitamins and are ~t going to be ~rn down, our Broadcasting Corp, radio program. through a pond saying ••quack-tochne '!ater. . . negotiators are not gotng to be talked "'Unless somethini comes along that quack." Col. Roy Roy I•, the CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo 11 luminaling the sites. _She died two months later and Ph1lhp.s down and our allies are not going to be absolutely captivates me, the life of school's commanding officer. says astronaub NeiLA.. Annstronc _and Edwin For the best visibility for the bi~~ ~=s ~~~ct$~9·0f second de'"'ee le~own." t' b ht l'ttl th le~ure -if you can call being married to h. ha rd d h. taff to put a E. Aldrin hope to land on the moon's arid astronauts, the site must have sunlight at . . . e· 111e mee 1ng roug 1 e more an Richard Burton and 1he mother of four te to' tho ere t' IS 5 Sea of Tranquility, but they'll setUe for an angle of no Jess than seven degrees murder tn 1962 but the conv1cUon ~as the n~w familiar acc~sations between the children leisure _ is for me," she said. S op e prac ice. the Central Bay or Ocean of Storms. and no greater than 2tl degrees behind reversed on appeal because the crime two s1de.s, each blammg the other for the • It all depends on when they are launch· the lunar module as it approaches its was not lnherenUy dangerous to human continuing deadlock:. landing area moving in an east to west life. South Vietnamese delegate Pham Dang Yosemite Spa Ruined edThey are scheduled to begin their ei· iflrection. The Californla Supreme Court later Lam declared: "You are trying to in· --l'Odi.,tioD-witb.ldichaeLCollins July..J..6,_and U the sun were loer than seven overturned the conviction as "·ell, holding nuence world public opinion and if they get off then, their ,sjghts will be degrees, the iiltWoU1d not tie adequ1my therewlll:-a-Jlfdldal-emr-in·1hertrlal. :A:m-er1~l-!'l"""PUbltC""""OlllnlOlfto-forte-the u.s; YGSSMIT-E--Fire Wednesday · nllht set on the SU of Tranquility on the illuminated for the critical landing opera· Phillips was convicted of 11econd~egree and allied troops to withdraw from South deslroyed Yosemite National Park'• eutem side of the moon's visible face. tlon. I( the sun were higher than 20 murder a second time in December, 1968. Vietnam and, on the other hand, you are Glacier Point Hotel and Mountain House, But. if the shot is delayed beyond that degrees, the surface might be too bright An appeal was rejected in May, and Wed· avoiding the question of withdraw~ the oldest hotel in the National Park day for some reason, the ne~ launching and have a "washed out" appearance nesday Superior Court Judge William B. back to the North your own troOps, system. -~rtuntty would come J uly JB. And that could mask obstacles. Kenne :sentenced him to five years to life cadres and subversive forces present in No one was injured, U.S. Forest AidJo 11'• target then would be in the in prison. the South." Rangers reported. _C<nlrl!.llay, almost dead center on that i:r i:r i:r 1--'-------------------------=---'----------";i[~ ';';'°;===launch Borman Hoping Neur a·1g HOC_ luct~s Fintit fittings are mtUk in the wed· ding gown. /or Ruth E. Jemer, 25, of Btrne, Surltitrland who is 29 inchei tall, by dresnnaker Anna Gunther of Lake George, N.Y. Miss Jenur wiU marry a member .of the troupe in which she i.s playing Aug. 2 in the first public midget wedding since 1939. • In Birmingham, England Thomas Morris, a 68-year~ld retired main- tenance man, has been informed his old a ge pension will be boosted -by a penny a week. A Jetter from his former employer added the in· crease would be "subj e ct. of course, to a deduction of income tax. if appropriate." days, the astronau& could ~ take off ;w W IVI I ~¥~!:.'i~~~v;:i,.~:,.~! ~d Cosmonauts 0 All M-I_ I & B-1 earth-facing heml!phere. . n u en ueH . If Annstrong, Colll.na: and Aldrin are not launched by July 21. th•y would h•.. Can ·Tour U.S. · to wait until Aug. 14. • The key to where Apollo 11 can go - and when -is the angle of sunlight ii· County Deserter Sentence Cut FT. DIX, N.J. CUP!) -The prison sentence of Spec. 4 Edwin C. Arnell, of Santa Ana, the first soldier convicted of deserting his army unit in Vietnam via Sweden, was reduced from four years to three years, the Army announced Wednesday. Arnett, 30, was sentenced in March to four years of hard labor at Ft. Leavenworth , Kan .. d Is honor ab I y discharged and ordered to forfeit all militafy pay and allowances. MOSCOW (UPI) -Astronaut Frank Bonnan, in an emotional farewell to his Sovitt hosts, promised today to ask U.S. officl\Js to invite Soviet cosmonauts to Ame~~ Borman indicated the J n v I t a t i o n already had been aireed on in prlnciple but that foifuiT approval sun had to be given ln the United States. The astronaut said he expected to speak with President Nixon about his J().. day Soviet tour when the President watches the Apollo 11 moonfllght later this month. Borman, his wife and sons flew to Lon· don today after a final round of ·handshakes with the Soviet spacemen at Sheremetyevo Airport. During an airport news conference Borman said '"I fully Intend to ask the people in NASA to extend an invitation and I am sure it will be done.'" With Original •89.95 to'115 Price Tags $ Two for '130 It's Nice Only • Ill the West With Original '125 & '135 Price Tags Showers Dampen Midwest; South Hot, Humid Callfo"'la n,. 1n111I tr11V11h of fOlll Ind ,.,,., ir-nlnt kr#I <lovcll Wlfll ltlf" ii!'!.,_ 1klfl m1de up 5cH.rl!>9m Ctllklrnl1 .... 1!1wr fodtY. Tiier• Wll 11111>! ..-,_ .. 1v •• dltl\Ot. Los A"9tlt1 11'111 vldnrtv had htrv WMhlne 1ntr morn!nt low <!Ouch and Ioctl lOll-T~ lllth lodtY WIS ~tr ll, lhAt Cle'9t ... lbovtt Wed,,..MltY'I m11- lm\lm. TM "'PdlCled liiW '°"!IM Wtl " TM Air Polluli11n C01'1ro! Dislrld 111d ""'"' w11 lithl lo "'°""'''" ~" In Ille Lw "'""'" llttln lodtv. 81ad>e1 .,,,... •VIWl'I' titer m+mcrn- 1119 Wflt'I lllthl -• n. WtMf w11 t PletHnf 66. SOUTHERN CALIFOIUOA -l - dwds • ..., lotll '°' ""' ,,. ,_, 11ltl'lt tt.rcwllll mld1T>1ITT1lnt1 Mura olfl. erwl..-ll!r "'""'9h Frldty bu! '"""'-" ..tiemotfl 11111 ir'llWftlnt <loucllnHI _,_,.. dfwr~ "°' lt\IKll ,_ .. 11111 "'-· lO& ANGELES ARE~ow Clolldt tnd IOQI 1118 It~ tYt'nfr>I 1'1"""11 u•IY mornlnt hovfS becomtn1 "°""., wrl!I ~It ,.... mldrnor11l"91 "'"""'" efhimlOl'f Thvr5Cley tfMI Frio dey. Ne! mudl fet'llperttuf-t wn ... Hitt! T""""'9y -• Ill CO-.STAI.. VALLEYS -:-""°''"' ftlr ~ P'rklflY bolt -tlflY "'°"'" "'9 loe fl( .... C:loudl ICIW.I llOl""llortt. Hot ft'MK"h ._,..nw. ~-Hltllt Tflu.W.y .SJ lG fll, E~DIATE VALLEYS -Ftlr ,........, Wlltt ........ __.,lne ...... f'IOI ,nlldl llll'l'IPtrttvr. oi..-. Hllflil Tflllfll4t, ff to '4. co .. t.1 Slll'lll"f but IWth' 1o11t? Wllfl l"laf Hrl"I' martll118 M . Llthl "1'1rl1b• .wind$ nltllt and "*""'"' l'lw" btoom· 1,,. -I to --rtl-1 I lo IS kl!Ofl. Tll*"t"I 1'1'-" n. v .. ,...de"t"1 """-r•Nnt ••nted ''°"' ,, to n. lnlllnd ~rlll.lrt rt"9~ 1•!111'1 • Iii.ti OI 12 to in. W1ru ~ -ll'vnt Wll 6' d"f'ea· Sua, llfoon. T id es THUltSO•Y Flrtl low .... • . U :q 11.m.-,.1 Flr1t Rltfl . . . 1:00 p.n" S.t ,.ltlDAV . V.S. Summary AlllvalAr<wt Ar1Ch0r1ta At!tnlt ll&ktrJHtlcl 8ltm1rck Bmton Ch•CIOl'I Cincln.,.11 Cltwltt'NI Qenvfr 0.l Molntl DflroJT EurM!.1 F"'1 Wo...., FnttM ··-HOMlwlll HQ1111ID11 iCt"6.111 Cl..., L11 \'-t LOJ AnHltt Ml1ml • Mllw911ke. MIMH114111 New O!'lotltt'IS N""' Yerk HMtli 1>111ttt Otkl•ncl ....... PtlO lloblft Phli.Mt..flla P~I• P!ltsblol"llli POl'li.ntl lh11ict Cltv Rt'd 8 11111 ·-5.C~•""""to St. LilU lt s.11,., Hltll Uw Pr.c. n 12 .01 43 51 .OJ .. " .. " .. " .. .. " " .. .. " " ·" " " .. .. " .. "' " .. " • '" " " " " " .. ,. "' .. • " ••• "' n " .H .. " " •• .. " " " •• .. .. .. " .. .. n .. "' • " N .. ,. .. n .. " .. .. " " .. " " " " " " 1.U .. " $ ~ • Two for '150 1· AND 2·PANTS SUITS-FORWARD FASHION STYLES-NATURAL SHOULDER MODELS-LIGHTWEIGHTS AND YEAR 'ROUND WEIGHTS-SUPERB WOOL WORSTEDS AND OTHER FABRICS-WANTED PATIERNS AND COLORS. America's finest clothing, famous brands Included! Out they go at • two sensational give-away prices as we sh(>ot to clear our M &B stocks completely! Don't miss out on these fantastic savings! Hurry to make your choice while they lasU MULLEN c\ BLUETT MOUNTAIN AltEAJ -ft\oltty tlrtr ~ Md .....W *ht Jhroutill ,.rlHy ""' .... .,..,_ <*"' ilOlllM'rtl ,.,...,... ~ l'l'llldl ~.tu,_. ™""'· ---d-W~~~f\B~~·~ Plrsr ...,, " ..••.... 3:00 1.m. t.J ,,,.... l'lltli , ......•. f :•2 '·"'· J.s '-!ollll _loofr _,."",. , • • . .. I 1M_t·'!!· 2 1 "°""' flltrll ............ 1:00 '""· '·' St" L•-• CtlY :h• 0'"9 .. " " .. GRODI NS ....... .,_,_. and f¥t"""9 wllfl d!lliClt 4111 .._..,_ """'''*"""•••r1 ,..,. ..,,.. ... ..., C.lo{• ltMI' 1111- ~-MW ftWCtl """"'9f\n'I a. •. H.,_ """9da"t ft t. at ll#U• 100 flt 1• ,_ wlltp. • I ' I """ ltlltt !:90 1.m. Siii l:OI 11,m, Mllll ltf ... 2:2l 1.m. 1111 J:2A 11.m, ""'' ~., Q, 11'11"11 Q, ....... J\111' 11 A111. I Jwi"I' 2t Jul"!' \I ·S•a Fr1nc!teo knhi '''""'' ...... -~ T.....,.I Wl ... lnflOl'I " " .. " Opt11 0•11¥ I 0 •·'"• to 9;00 p.m. n " .. .. ,. " Broadway-Anaheim Center, Anaheim • SoUth Coast l'laza, Costa Mesa .. n .. ' .. " ....... . ... -----·-.-:,-..-,,.~-.-,-,.--.,..,--,-~-----------::---.,------------------7------------,:----~-...., ...... ' - --·-~I • ' 8EA ANOE RSON,. Editor ,..,.,.,, ...., 11, "" ...... 1J De.fS · w ·hi.rlwirrd ' . G8thers 'speed • ' - :P1ychedellc colors as bright as the summer ahead for the 1969 Chil· dren's Home Society debutante decorated, the Lido Isle home of Mrs. Paul ElmM~!st when she hosted 'a luncheon in honor of one of the 15 young wom-~--· s-.E.ame!a:.JeaJLM.e!~e.. ~ , -r _ . • • . • _--:- . Brilliant place mats and colorful flowers added to ttie luncheon decor when the debutantes and their mothers gathered with Mrs. Elmquist's other ·h,onored guests, Mrs. Shirley Meserve .and Mrs. Frederic)f Webster, . Pamela's grandmothers, and her sister, Mrs. Timothy Tacquard, a 196.1 · CHS debutante. · · The island luncheon preceded a traditional activity for the newly . chosen debutantes, the annilal tour of the Santa Ana district offices of Children's Home Society that the girls make 'vith their fathers. Conducting the tour was Edward J. Mooney, district director, who spoke about the work of the society as he led the group through the facil- ities. Culminating the busy summer antt fall months tor the debUtantes wi11-be-the--16th--annual-Newport-Harbor Debutante-BalLDec...27,..ibeJ>lg,~h-,___ light of the holiday seasoo4or--f.he girls and.their families. Debutantes and their parents ate Miss Elizabeth Hanson Carver, Mr. and ·Mrs •. Leroy Langhenry Carver Jr.; Miss Marianne Emison Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stewart Cox ; Miss Terry Ann Ellis, Mr. and Mrs .. F)"ed V. N.. Ellis; Miss LaUrie Ellen F1'aser, Mr. and Mrs. DaVid Ladson Fras~r: --Mis• V.irg_inia C~re-Howell ..Mi:s~ Ro_berL Yilr4l~Y. and Richard Deane --l{Owfill; Mi$s JOU'en Xl.lerDm a son""; m:-and Mfs7'R0berr EYari's. JRlc-# son, and Miss Jessica -Morford J9ne.s, b.1r. and Mrs.·Henry Lincoln Jones. HELPING TO HELP -1969 Chilaren!s Home Society debu· tantes, Miss Lauren Ann Kal_mba_ch. (left) and Miss Diane Plumb realize the important purpose behind the 16th an- nual debutante ball where they will be ).n the limelight as they admire a new baby awaiting adoption. Giving their ap- proval to the forthcoming ball and festivities are-the girls' fatJ_ters, Herbert \Varren Kalmbach (left) and Dr. Hugh Julius Plumb Jr. '· . ~1ore debutantes are Miss Lauren Ann ·Kalinbach, ltfr. ·and Mrs. lterbert \.Varren Kalmbach; Miss Linda Leslee Littlejohn, Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Lester Littlejohn; Miss Kathryn Leona Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Lynch; Miss Meserve, Mr. and Mrs. John Robert .Meserve.; Miss Mar· garet Lenore Parker\ Mr. and Mrs. John Bernard Parker; Miss Deanna Kay -Peyton, Mr. and Mrs. Char-Jes Ragan Peyton; Miss Diane Plumb, Or. and Mrs. Hug}\, Julius Plumb Jr., and Miss Sharon Thompson, Or. and Mrs. Arthur Farrand Thompson. ' ' ' .. . . .-.. Shcirk .I.slande rs Swing • ' ' it . . . • . . Hawaii Calls Yachtsmen Tb~ rorriantic music of Hawaii will penneate the flower-pe.rfumed night air neXt Saturday when the Shark Island Yacht Ch.i.b's grounds and clubhouse are-transform- ed! into a little bit of Polynesia. ' .' Meinbers and guests, all wearing appro- priate brightly-eoIOred Hawaiian attire, will ga;t~e"r at 4 p.m. for the ciub's annual luau, wl)ich ·will begin with cocktails and·end with eli.teliainment by Taina Sherick and her POifnesiait group. · Sandwiched in between will be dinner at 61~ p.m., featuring an array -of entlcint luau foods, sparked with Planters punch and Mai Tais, and interspersed tbi:ougbout the evening will be performances by hula girls and Opportunities for dancing for everyone. The club, now nine years old, has grown rapidly from its inception as a "paper club" to its present size and plans are untler way for even further expansion. CALENDAR FULL Albert Matthews and his officers decided that a sea burial was the proper way far a nauti· cal organization to accomplish the ' task. · A small flag-draped casket was prepared for the mortgage and alter a fitting cere- mony, the casket was dropped into the deep to find its final resting place on the ocean floor. A· colorful ln-commis&ioning ceremony and parade in May found Shark Island lead· ing a parade of flag-flying yachts represent- ing the various clubs. The bright parad-e of vessels slowly cruised the lla?bor with music from a band aboafd'Shark island's entry, the 57-foot Sparkler owned by 'Jerry Spark, fill· - ing the channel. · . ' YACHTS .CRUISE SOUTH More than 20 boats cruised to the South- west Yacht Club in San DiE!go on the last day of May, where a round of festiVities awaited the area yachtsmen, :including an invitation to Oceanside" Yacht Club's own Shipwreck Party. V.'ilh a current rnernbership of-more ·than , . 300, the club anticipates reachirig the point soon where membership wlll have to . be closed. ' · •. :: ~ Club Has Five Candles to Blow Out . Alway-s busy planning another "spec- tacular," club members so far this year have enjoyed no less ·than 15 events. On the cal· endar have been intra-club predicted log cqntests followed by award dinners and cocktail parties, a Ship~reck Party in April, a-spring barbecue in I)'Iay and a memorable mortgage burning party. To symbolically rid themseives of the mortgage on the club property, Commodore Many more events, such as next week- end's luau, await the skippers and their crews during the balance ~f the season, in .. eluding predicted log events, cruises and fi sh- ing tournaments, all designed to keep the Shark Islanders swinging. Following the tradition of making a wish before blowing out the candles .on a birthday cake, the Coast Women's Club. now five years old, wishes for many more successful years of embracing such projects as presenting student scholarships. The club has aided UCI and Orange Coast College stu· dents as well as ·presenting funds to a young Navajo girl attending Riverside City College. Mrs. Jack H.art (left), president or the club Ior the coming year, and Mrs. Raymond Wood, founder and charta er member prepare to sample the first piece of birthday cake. Sonny's DEAR ANN !.ANDERS: Our JS.year· old son turned up at the breakfast table with his halr tiriled red. My husband almost blt him. ! am in a state of shock. It seem! Larry let his girlfriend "ex· perimeoL" on him. When we Lold Larry we were horrifie<i he said the color of a person's hair shouldn't make .l'.6AT much dif(erence. , Larry'• bair used lo 1>e a golden blond and now be. loots as II be ls wearing a wig. 1be..·girl also lrled to dye his eyebrows and one eyebrow ii redder than the other. He looks like a freak. We didn't aoy much~J~ Ile ~ his hflr """ longer op . llie. •!dts' (11'1 really aborter than m~ .ol bis fr)~nds) but this latest move i110o 1l)uch. What shall we do? - BUF~AtO-J'.ARENTS Hair Is So Red, Parents Feel They Could Dye ANN LANDERS ril DEAR BUFF: It'• hl1 hair and 11111 problem. Larry wUI get plenty of need· lln1 frem bl1 frie:Ddl. You won·i have lo .. uytldnc. nibe ud palieace are YOW' belt alllei. DEAR ANN L,1.Npj;RS: Foor months ago iv,y wire's parents moved10 lhi1 ctly -five blocks from us and across the •lree( from 800lher daughtet. They are not old people, Ann. They are in their ·~ early 505, yet they have developed no In- terests and no rrlends , only us. My wUe 's sister got smart 'after the folks had been in town oniy six weeks . She Insisted that her husband· request a tran&fer. They moved out of the state and now we ha\-'t them an the time. By "all the time" I mean five nighta a week -and it's murdii'. ~ --- Mf wire Is as fed up as I am. I am writing a:t hc'r req'uest. Can you help us? -OVER-VISITED . ·DEA!\ OVER: Sorrf, I can•t lltlp yoa. I'm here. But your wife 11 THERE. Sllle can help herself -and l hope she will. Here's bow. She should Introduce ber parents to people thelr own tJe. FOf opener•, I sages! a 1mall P.VtY to wblcll !he c,an tnvlle the parents or your friud1. If this doe!n'I work, yoa and yoci.r wife should make plan• and aanounce In ad· valice tbtt )'OI are bury wltllo pre•lolai commitment.I. • ' . . , DEM ANN LANDERS : Can getting mooched on run in Ulie family?_ My Dad ls theNumtier One target for rtlalives wllo y,•anl lo borrow luggaae. golf clubs, garden tO?ls, etc. ltfy mother has been driving "the girls" to their ,weeiiy club meeting for io lOng they doa't even say ''tharlk yoU," ' · ·1 IJl.herited the family curse >Vhen I bought a ocw car 1;even months ago. A certain IUY who works for the same com- pany has: figured out the exact minute I °':ill paSB his house. Every work day (or the lut five months Milty the Moocher has )>een out in front just In Ume to i:'ook a ride. When I get in my car ~ go hoplll at night Milty already Is sitUng in it, · wailln& for me. Wouldn't you think he'd slip me a cou· pie of bucks (or gas onct In a while or maybe offer to t111 the 'tank! Would f be In line II I 1uggeSled ii?-EL JERQUE DtAR EL: Of COIJ'lfl, Miity •bould of· fer 1ometb.JD1 II &be ••1 ti c.m- peuatiot, but 1llce be We't, dol't 111- gest Jt. U bl1 cbeapneu bothers yoe. clla11e ytur travef roale. la t.H .... time., bow liia11y of yoa tuden wbo rldt free to 1'0l'Jc Vt demonstntm1 jov t p- precla~on J>y crasblog tbrougb wilb aa occ·aslona1 token ef gratitude? • . . flow will )'Oil know wh$\ the rea1 l.biDI comes along? Ali Ann Lande.rs. sind tot her boollet. "Love . or Sex ind !)olf to Tell the Difference." Send 3$· ctnll In coin and a long, seU-addresled, s\'Dlped envelope ~Wllh your request. ~ • Ann l;onden will be &lad 1o-1>W~ with youl problems. Send them lo<'her In ~re of tile DAILY PILOT,-· I scll·addnmd, •tamped """~ - t i .. - ' I ,___ DAILY PILOT Thundq, July 10, 1969 JWroscope Menu Stresses ;T he . Impromptu , .. ~ FRIDAY· '-· " -JULY If ' ' By SYDNEY OMARR • MENU JUNT: Lunar post. llloaJoday empbaU-Ille Im· 5 plll. Soackl, deUgbUul "4'oeavre1 ud white wine Id tarn evenh:l1 Ul lo ftsdve 1ttculon. A void the "heavy," <.rial In food and conversation •. ' All allemooll ceremooy In Andrew's Presbyterian pel united In marriage ~.Lou Turner_ !llld David • The Rev. Dr. Charles H. ierenf.ield officiated for the uuble ring service. The bride, aughter of Mr. aod Mrs. bert Turrier 61 Newpoff acb, was given in marriage y her father. Ber new bu. ls the SOD of Mrs. gln1a Dee, -<.me from , Mich., for the Wed· ijing and the lab! Mr. ).<ooard The bride chose a princess e gown of peau de soie and aisy embroidered Swiss lace ' yled with a dlepel train. A uster of pearls and silk eaves held her bouffant finger ·p veil of illusion and she car· ed an aiTangement of white chids, st(!phanotis a n d ellow rose buds. Matron ol honor Mrs. Ralph tford and brldesmaid Mrs. arry Wallace were clad 1n mt green dotted swiss gowns jth mint green daisy trim- ed hata. Wearing similar outfits were the twln Dower '!!" irJs, Joyce and Janice West. carried baskets of yellow 3isies. ~Jack West came from ~ . ~ork Now, -save Later ~ Put on your do-it-yourself I nking cap this summer lo ve money next December, ggests a University of J'ebraska Extension family ialist. -Think of ways between now then to make interesting .Christmas presents. he reason : bu s ine ss casters a r e predicting u e gifts will cost a family <(rom fi ve to 20 percent more last December. '1..W MRS. DAVID l . DEE 1 Afternoon Rlt11 Arizona to serve as best man. Ushering were John Jefferson, Dean Manders and Sam Sark. For a recepUon in the patio of the bride's parents' home, Miss Timmie Kennedy circulated the guest book and Mrs. Walter Niewohner assisted. Special g u e s t s present included the bride's grandmother, Mrs. S a b i n a Behrs and her aunt, Mrs. Mable Behrs, 'both or Alham- bra. Upon their return from a wedding trip to San Francisco, the couple plan to make their home in Costa Me:Sa. The new Mrs. Dee is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended Orange Coast C:Ollege. The bridegroom attended schools in Lansing. Ov erealers Guests are welcome to at· tend Overeaters Anonym.ous every Monday at 8 p.m. tn Anderson School, Westminster. MARIO • • • • • every woman's hairdresser ormerly of •.. , Me rrell Ha ir· Design , with Ru ss Thomp son, Hairstyli •I 15 yaar1 it\ Coron• de1 Mer ' Heir Cuttlng, lncfi.,idu1Uy Styled for You! 545 IAST COAST HWT. • CORONA DIL MAR -, ... ,. ••• :-·673-69,1 ' •• FINE HOME FURNISHINGS AND INTERIOR DESIGNS SINCE 1916 BRINGS YOU THE LIVABLE, LIVELY, LUXURIANT AND LONG LASTING LOOK OF "'CJJe111tedo1t qjphoQsle!led 9-"uMtfr.1/le IN YOUR CHOICE OF DECORATOR F!BRICS ·-AT SUMMER SALE PRICES Henredon I"'~ Henredon upholstered furn iture fies living beauty and quality bui lt info its very core. Come ond see one of the largest selections of Henredon upholstery show11 anywhere. Let our experienced staff assist you In selecting a "Just Righi" style and fabric tha t will compliment your 1otol decor ond bring admiring glances and beautiful comfort year ofter year. PLIASI KNOW THAT THIS SALi INCLUDES IYIRY CHAIR, SOFA, LOYI SEAT, onOMAN IN THE HINRIDON UPHOLSTERY COLLICTION• YOU HAYI YOUR ll,INRllTRICTID CHOICE ALL AT -SALi PRICIS • 1975 LONG BEACH BLVD., LONG BEACH PHONE 591 -1 347 STOR E HOURS, 11.0NOAY ANO FRIOAY9,30A.M. lo 9 P.11 .. OTHER DAYS-J,30~,3Q_ ' I I. ~ a ----111·· --I Club Ji.1niors . - Seat -L,ead~ s • .. • ------ / . CYNTHIA SH(LALA 'Wecldl"9 Pl1na Pair Reveal · Bridal Date 103.1 FM I .. ' .7 I· • ... -. • " Salldleha~k EOI II ON voe. 62, NO. 1 ~. 3 SECTIONS, -34 PAGES- ' on nnex· Annex•lioo of 441 acre1 In Laguna Can- yon to the city of Laguna Bea_ch was ~p­ proved UnanlmOOsly Wednesday by the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission, despite oulspoken opposition by four property owners ln the area. The annexation hearing had been postpaned from May 14 to correct defj.. clencies cited by the county surveyor in the city's legal description of the pro- perty. Property. involved is Joe· ..., the northeast boundary of \he clb'. Jn the so- £.al!ed Big Bend area of .Laguna Canyon Road near Castle Rock Road. lLbas 20 : residents and only 11 registered voten . making it an "uninhabited annexation"' not requiring a vote of the residents. The canyon property involved in tbe annexation is ·now zoned by lb, county for agriculture, agriculture-residential, and manufacturing-research. City plans for the area call for it to be rezoned for mjdenl)al ljillilde ind com· . - merclal-en!erJi!lee U the anneution Is finally approved.by Ibo City Council, aid Mite Euley, llSliltaot city planner, The matt. will come before u,e City C0!1J>Ci1 le< ~ bearing in aboot three Weeki~ be Aid, . Principal -eot · was Charlie P!!d· dicord, who dubbed himself "the junk dealer." Peddicord fint launched into a persooal attacl<.., City Planner Al Autry, wbo had Ol!llined the Jln!~J9.!ll! C!>l!l-· missioners. .. "I don't koow how he Reta his alary ot ~ propoaod ......... II ho I• 11\ar." Plddlcord ,,...1ec1. "He "I'm willing· to ~ dty ta.Os and buy doesn'thavesenseeiloughtA>"'allar."-a dty -U theJ can prove IA> me LAFC Chalnnan James T. Workman they bow.i-to"""" dty," Ptddkonl quickly Nied such remarks "out. of snapped 1*:k. '"Ibey can't run a city!" order" and uked Peddicord ff bis prop-llfri. · Leo Annlta;e, wbo °""' !2 erty were localed in the p!llpOMi> an· · ams in the general ·ma of the annex. neut.ion. . protelted. ''I don't know what part of my • , "Rliht nm to the d(3 dump and the land Is llJdOded. I uked them and they SPCA," replied Peddicord. Autry ·was uJd they W«lld wrtt..·but they haven't." .. ~ -to ·tocale the Pl'l!f!l1y, -"1Jley WU calle!I to tho.podium apin hkU acre .... the northwut comer <>!. \he and said ~ Aro>lta&e'' land wu not .• • N.Y. SCeek• .. ~· ' Included in the proposed annex area. "Well, they m leaving an ll1and wbid> ,lncl!ldes ~·of my land. I tblnk lhai'a wrong. It s designed to force UJ In later " .the lady replied. "Our water assessmeltl are huge now. We don't need &P1 more expense." -· . Will!.un J, Well, who owns -property nort.b of the annexation, called the move "premature." "lbey should wail until the stud)' by (See ANNEX, Pqe II • I , Dowti the Mission Trail Cof C Funds Lost?~· 1 Apollo Lea_k · Won't Delay Viejo Man Held MJSsI0.11 VIEJO--FBI •(en!S 8'· rested Ted Eugene Artmenko, 34, of 25712 Cervantes Lane, on charges he embezzled $100,000 from his former employer, First Fe.deral Savings and Loan Association of Fullerton. Artmenko was fonner s e c r e t al' y • treasurer of the loan firm and had been employed there since January, 1962, ac- cording to Wesley G. 'Grapp, special _1gmt in c;AArguUbe. FBl 's Los Angeles office.· The arrest was made on a federal war- r8rit. -ArtlD.eJikO w~ taien to-Orange- County jail in lieu of.$2,500 bail . .• 8PW Meetl11g Sef LAGUNA JllLLS=--An orpnfzaUonal dir.ner meeUng of the Saddleback Valley chapter o~ thit N aticn~ Bus~eu and Professional Wotnen's Msoclation "111 be. h!ld at 7:30 o'clock tonight at Minning's Restaurant on El Tol'<l Road. :e J'Mnil SIDflp Oka!Jed SADDLEBACK The s t a l e Legislature has passed a bill that will ac- commodate a five-acre land swap between Sacjdleback Junior College and the •Mission Viejo C-Ompany . Tbe previous law stated that lhe junior coUege couldn't trade land that amounted to over three acres. The purpose of the trade was to acq uire five acres or land southwest of the ca~­ pus from the Mission Viejo Company in order to build a road access to the permanent campus. In. exchange, t_he col- lege will give up five acres 1n the northeastern corner of the campus. e Parl,wny Road Ope11 LAGUNA NJGUEL -One and one-half miles of Crown Valley Parkway from t ,~ feet north of Niguel Road to the Laguna Niguel Country. Club eotrance y,•as opened up as a divided road Tues- day. Cost was split between Laguna Niguel Corporation1 the county o{ Orange and adjacent property owners. About one-Utird of the parkway which reaches from Pacifie Coast 11ighway l() beyond the San Diego Freeway is. now divided. It is hoped the fuU leng~h ~tll be developed as a divided road w1th1~ two years, said Niguel Corp. P r o J e c t Engineer Larry Lizotte. e Teen Dance Slated MISSION VIEJO -A junior high lecn dance re'aturing the band "Animation" will ~ held Friday night at the Mission Viejo Recreation Center. The dance, to last from 7 J.o 10 p.ffl .. w\11 cost 50 cents for center members and $1 for guests. e Da11ce Resched11led MISSION VIEJO - A senior high teen dance, schcdUled fer Wednesday at the Miu ion Viejo Recrealion Center, has been tentatively rescheduled for July 16. Officials iealized too late that a meeting of the Orange County Swim Conference has been set for 7:30 p.m. here. The July 18 dance , featuring "Young Men" will last from 8 to II p.m. Adm,isslon charge is 50 cents for· 1nembers and $1 for guests. e Installation Pla1111ed EL TORO -New ofilcers of the El Toro-Laguna Hilla Exchange Club will be lru;talled Friday night In a joint meeting wUh the San Clemente Exchange Club 1t the San Clemente Inn. The public Is in- vited to attend the 7 p.m. eeremony. The incoming president will be Joseph Peterson. BUI Kohle·r wU1 brftl'lt vice president. Bud Eme1"9011 second vice president. Robert Clark secretary, and Vince La Vertu, treasurer. CountctoWll What's Fair on Densi~u'l .LaguimC~ouncil Seeking Budget S~h into chest-deep water,. where he was met by lifeguards. ' Ulejuards ·aa~e the "child rhoutlr-to. moutli .resuscitatlim on the shore. Ranlyn wiihln·~minute.s regained; consciousness, Anaheim GI Kil.led Army Warrant Officer Robert P. Gardiner, son of Mr. and Mn. Lestor A. Gantlner of Anfhelm, today wu: listed u kWed in action In Vietnam by the" Defense Deperttnent. or ... ge ·«:out Apartment .L~w· ·Prote~_ted but then -went Into shock. She,came out of aboct' u Mi was rush- ed to Hoag Mei\iortal HO<Jlllal.',Sbe waa held overnight for obsetyatlpii, and her coodltloo today ii dftcttbed as "saUSfac. . Weatller The sun. 11~ tn WI 11 a.rri. Friday, then ' shines aomewhat • What's £air for one Is fair for all, the saying goes. But what happens: after the law is changed? In Laguna Beach an apartment density ordinam;e has been made more restric- tive and realtors, architects and some property owners are at odds with city pl1Mers over what 's fair. 'Ibe situation will be aired next Mon- day nigh( when 1 ITCJ!.!P of architecti Jed by lb Chrislan Abel p.....nt lo Ci(y plaMing comfnissionen and city coun- cilmen problems they've had designing buildings to fit the llDtnded ordlnaoce. Al1\(lng Iiiteresled """1'ffis. Wiil-ti> reprisei1ta Ves of the Laguna Beach BOard of Realtors, who want 1 return to the old ordlnanct, and praperty owner• . r on J>oUI sides of the Issue. The l'll_lltter wu before the city coun- cilmen last week. but they sldestepoed it for 30 daya on grounds they didn't know tnouah about the ordinance. : "I don1t mnembel: an oocaion wl'8 I felt -pe)led lo do QJOre 11omew<>rt, ~ J'e:l'Q.ltked Qlmcilman llo,,-1Holm. ;· Bue WDUam Lambourne, a formet city councllman now preaident of the Board ol. Realtors, liei a rather clear jli'lnclple Involved • .& "An propert1 own<r> to be •lloWed to do subotantially what nflhborlng owners were allowed to do?l1lie.iasim.; ----He UIOrt!°tlleylh?Alld be ~ ttre a mlnbnwn number of Jfl}>le ~ d,..lllng) lott'lef! unde•elo .•. _ Lamboome aid that I! ooard of • I.Or)'.'. ! l l l. .... ' ' ReaJton' J>Olltlon, not just his m. Al Autry, city aaoclale planner, said ~nl7n is the daugh~ of'Mr. and !,In. the ordinance amendment waa pissed in R~bert it. ,Hill ;of .161\ Cortander. 'Costa ~arch to l'elOlve diflicul\i" .. perienced · Mesa. , . · ul)!ler the O<dinance..t.Ung to tl40 aqd --__,,...,,,._...-....,.,..--- ~·to c:rutt a -e desirable Uvln( ..,. .Sleelt · M•1Nc8· ' Vlronment." ' r'\ ' I • "J/ '. I 'l'he onllnanco, am..,, other 118$. ffflW voiut· (AP\ -'Ille ~ martet prevenlS ....,.... !tom tialldillg,q lale ~ . ,_ • , aa• before lo the•¥< of.f¥r.lolo. tl1UI • ~· ~" lowtr 11>,.mOclerafoly Iimltlnf tM uuole ~~ ~ trat!IRI lhll .,_ ' 'With "11ili l• aon\cwlfir ljlplellei( ' bllC deClllna ~-lllelr load over ad- reamlon ,alter the tact," utry. t =~ •--,_..._. •-"Mort than'> tlie required '*111\ber of ,...,.. • --~ -__ , <- (lllbllc l\..earlOC\!,ll~ ljllO\!Uorls, iw-•111. • - Tlfo appoo~· o1 "'•n•er!I" dec:~l!ll1S Tfii lliiir ~-tndlatr1ll-1-at ., hazily over the -· bringlng Ibo mercury to 72 JOcally and about 10 del!l'ffs higher tQ!and. INSmE TODA\' -Thert'U be 4 "churc~ in tht Tound" hi Auhe~m, **' thot •II<! ..i. of Mdodvlanil ""' 11 ... o-d. Pagt Zl . -.... --M .. ..,..,.. ......... , °*" _,_.,,,, Jt lldlt ..... , ••• """ 1141 ..... --"'" ,_ . =-.... ---... i ~nder 'tilt amtnded.~On!iuanc. alhidy I;• p.m .. wu ci11t11, « l.K perCei~ II . ore pending belO<f.f!le dlJttuncil. · 1111.11. '------------! • I ' ' r I • • • • L Terrorist's . -• BoinhHurts Driv~r (Jriik al ·Narcotic8-Pruhed 1--4 jn_Saigon 'In Death Crash l •• 'MIGOti'(UPI) -A Viet COil& torrorist -~ioded ~ bomb outside 8n American bljlet near Salgoq locW'. wO\llldillg JI penom. But the lull in the ground I~ continued and American deaths tUt wfft"1opped to 151, the loweit level 111'. llx llljlllths. WiUt ~ ground ~~r at a near ~U. tbeJlfSl Marines to leave Viet .. nam under a plan to withdraw 15,@ American troops new almost unnoticed today from Da Nang to Oltin.awa. They were 110 leatherneck& wbo will 'prepare for r<e<lvlng the Marines 9th 1<glmental landfna team, which wUl ltave by Aul. 30. Wonned military sources disclosed to. day that JS or more ·American soldiers ·\\-ere shot to death by Viet Cong troops several months ago because the guer- rillu did not undentand the Americans were trying to-:surrender. Tbt trqedy came to light in a captured Communist document ffieued here. DAILY PILOT 1t1ff ....... Powerful Driving CatUomla Hlghway Patrol officers are tnvestigatlng possible drug involvement in the Wednesday rooming San Diego Freeway, cru.h which took the lives of l'!"O Uenagera and left Uirte otht.rs seriously injured, • CHP officer Bruce Haild said ln- vestigaton are awaitiDg tbe ftCOVeY of driver Danny Baynot, 18, of Lynwood, lo determine il drug tablets found in the auto wreckage had a direct role in the accident. "He has a 56-50 chance to 11urvive,'1 lland said. "U he dies or Is permanently incapacitated, that end! the case." Baynot is ln the JDtensive care ward of Orange County Medical Center where at- Bandit Slays Huntington Man in Shop " . -t(ndanta said this morfilnc 'that he ls tn "very serious condition and: not respon- ding to treatment. He received severe head lnjurie1 in \he crash which took the lives oI Carl Vou!lhn, iO, of Lynw90d, and Shirley Mu Ermll, 11, of .Cudah7. Seriously injured ware Dellree Le Comp!<, II, ol WhtlUer, and Richard Leo Jones, 19, of SOOth Gate. Both are in San- ta Ana COmmunlty Hospital. The accident took place about 8:30 a.m. when the car driven by Baynot went out of control, while at an e!tiplated lKl miles per hour, rolled over three Umea ind plunged into San Diego Creek. Officer Hmf said a quanUty of seconal pills were found In the wrecked car and adendanls at the hospital said the teen1gera 11seemed to be under the in- fluence or some kind of <Jrug." The southbound car went out of control on a curve about a half mile west of Valencia Avenue. lt skidded for about 400 yardL.down. the dirt _shoulder and 11!.en rolled over ~hree time.s titfore crashing headon into the creek. Officers were led on a bizaTTe search" for a supposed sixth passenger in the car, a teenage girl, after Miss Le C.Ompte told them she was with them •. The 1$-pound terrorist bomb exploded outside an enlisted men's billet a rrille from the Tan Son Nhut Air~, WCltID> ding IJ Vietiwnese civilians and two Americem, lt came u military llOW'CeS predicted an upswing of aabotage in the capital, and Jiossibfy new attacks by guerrillas moving toward Saigon. Allied mllltary~sourcel said a battalion of 300 Viet Cong commandos moved Eleetrical power lo about 600 Laguna Beach homes and businesses was cut off for nearly two hours Wednesday a..fter this 9 p.m. accident on Glenneyre Street near Park Avenue. Roadway jogs a bit near municipal parking lot and driver Mort.on P. Self, 4.1 of S55 Agate St., Laguna Beach, said be failed to' make necessary liteering adjustment, according to police. A 58-year~ld Huntington Beach trailer dweller was shot to death in his Long Beach swap shop Wednesday afternoon, the apparent victim of a cold-blooded The brush along the road from LaiUJta Beach Freeway overpass to the creek was searched by oUicers and divers plunged into the San Diego Creek, wberl lb~ water is from four to eight feet deep. bandit. From Pqe 1 .-Uy into the Bini Chanh dbtrict juJI ...-..o1~00 -and-,. ... hiding-~ ~ pieparhtJon for sal>Otage attacks. They Uld-some of the Viet COng had ac-ANNEX tuaUy penelrated Saigon. • • • LagunaAsksNewportli-id The body of Emory Nielsen, 16222 ?o.fon terey Lane, was discovered behind Ult: count.er: of his.store in L9o~ach's central busineu district. . His grief-stricken. wife of 35 years, Elizabeth,· estimated there was $100 or less in the cash register. The register drawer was standing open, empty. Later, Misa Le Compte remembered that the girl bad been dropped oU earlier in the morning . Fornier Lagunan Machado Dies • Acconling ·to the llOlll'CeS, Viet Cong . and Norfh Vietnamese units across the ban1el, Mann, JohnlOll and Mendenhall batUefield are moving: inc) J>08lUon for · • is oomJ)let~ in aboq' 1h1: months," West t~alla<:J<a-promised bf a bllb _ oaid. __ "This_ ~~llll-l1"l!fl!!!lplu ar· To Prevent 'Salt Creeks' Police sajd an unloaded shot gun, no_t recently flrtd, was on the store counter. Nielsen's bloody b6dy had .been shot at Vit!_ COOi official in a speech ID Calhi rangement requeated prlinarily by the ~.;,ld of 000 North Vietum.,. ba_!. ldephone company (General Telephone!" talion whose assignment wu to attack Autry uplalned that the cany~ -~ro- Allie>J buu along the Saigon River perty was included in the $80,000 study Jeadlne up to an assault on a riverfront but that it also included a 20-square-mlle prectnct in the capital itsell. ~ encompassing the entire city and us Military spokesmen announcing the weekly-casualty fllure• said the 21..tay. lull also ,.,,I South Vietnam.,. 1..,.. plunginl to their lowest leffi since May and Communist deaths to a al.J:-montb low. environs. Next to attack the proposals was Dr. G. R. Ekeberg, a veterinarian who said she had operated a pet hospital there for 11 years.. "How come some who don't want in the F-report.I !Wed ~119 Viet Coil& and North Vlttname&e killed ~in baUles -Wednesday, many of them in sa.Jioct's city are included?" she queried. "Doe outer del~ tWg. U.S:Jrt8£wer broke man who owns 200 acres there won't help up a ~ .. ~.~ .est ol the'\ fiiiucJally with the water erpenae. U ~'a . city, ~ D Nol'lh Vletljamese. U.S. "'wooderful to i.. In Lagwia Beach why '°""' weie lcur killed and olDt ·~ . :i;;r · 'l'hu;-_ • '!O!Jlllll major '"°' lo ~t-Emeial~-:""1" Soi'th Laguna and consldl!!''thO lull'b~. spoliameo,~d, 'TllrH Artil Bay join Up! but the Viti Ciiili and NQrlh Vietnamese , "Why don't they go alter the lrvlM shelled#Allied towns and bases, uh·arp Company, they own thou .. nds of acres tDcreue from JC the prevwus dv. . next to the city;'' Dr. Eke.berg continued. Egeherg Appointment Okayed by Committee WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate Labor Committee approved today the nomination of Dr. Roger 0. Egebug to be asaistant secretary for health and aeienUfic af!airs in the Welfare Depart- ment. Dr. Egeberg, de:an of medicine at the University of Southern California, wu named aft.tr President Nlxon decided not to appoint Dr. John IL Knowles of MU6achusetts to the poat. "We get no fire protection from the ci· ty, OnJy the cowit.Y. water bombs.,.and the Marines save us tWhen the brush bums. It's a disaster ·area. The flood control situation is desperate and more building will just Increase the runoff." Supervisor Alton E. Allen or Laguna Beach, who al3o serves as an LAFC member, asked Autry, "What happens to the two i.51ands left?" "They will be annexed to the city even- tually but only pert of the property owners there favor annexation now and if we included just them the borderlines would be irregular and your body does not favor jagged lines," Autry replied. Laguna Beach city offklala .today 1sk· ed Newport Beach authorities to support efforts aimed at as.suring no repetition of tlJe controversial Salt Creek Road aban- donment. • Laguna Mayor GleM D. Vedder and Ci· ty Manager James D. Wheaton are seek-i!ll Newport City Council approv~ of a resoluUon adopted by Art Colony c:oon- cilmen a month ago. Newport councilmen will consider the request Monday. It may be turned over to a st.udy cq_nunittee, city aides indicat- ed !()day. The resolution, as unanimously ap- J11"0Vip.d,,b)' Lag\ml lawmakert, declares I.flat access to the l>aclfic Coast shoreline ".ia lihninlsbing wlth respect to, rapidly 1!1trusioa population." . I ' 10 Persons Die In Home Blaze POSEN, Mich. (UPl )-Ten persons, in· cludin1 a man, his wife, seven of th.?ir eight children and the c h i I d r e n ' s grandfather, died early today when a fire swept through a two-story frame farmhouse near this village in northern lower Michigan, police said. Firemen poked through the a&hes of the home of Anthony Gralewicz, the woman ·1 father, to try to Identify the v_ictims. They were believed to be Gralew1cz:, hlJ son-In-law Wallace Bonnin. Bonnin '1 wif,e and seve n of the eight Bonnin children. Boys Lied; Mesan Freed Youths Admit Mole station Charge Fabrication By ARTH\JR R. VINSEL ot t1M 01llT P'llM Stiff Jailed fQW' months ago after ac· cusations oI sexual molestation by two YOUDi brothers, a Costa Mesa man is free OA IU r1l(Jl OflAMG~ CQAS1 P'\lllrstfl~ C:OMP.\lllY ·~rt t4. W1M "-'""' ... "*lllllf JKk a. c •• 1., Yte,.,..... ... 0.-......... , tHt..1s KffY'll .... Th11,,.t A. Mn,JitH -·-R1do•r4 P. Nin ·--Citp l•I* L.t-• .... Offke 22? hf1it "' .. Mt lllftf A44••H1 P.O. a.11 666, !JU? .,__ toll• Mtlll .. Wnt ... ,.,.,. N...-.. l>UI: ttll wrn1 ......... .._. ,....,.,,. '""''. *" ...... today, cleared when the boys admitted in court ~hey lied about it all. Stephen D. Sampson, 16, of 2379 Santa Ana Ave., walked out of Superior Court after Judge Howard C. Cameron dlsmlu- ed the felony case and ordered the Cost.a Mesa boys arrested . ''They made a mockery out of our judicial system," said DepUty District Attorney Pat Brian bitterly after asking Judge Cameron to dismiss the case he had prosecuted. No :-eason has been given for lies by the boys, aged 13 and 15, aince the facts will be needed for their prosecution on perjur/ cuarges. Names of the two yout~. who were taken dlrectly from the courtroom to Orange County Juvenile Rall, were not" released, but lnvestiiators said they are neighbor~ of Sampson. They admitted Wfdnesday that they lied about a whole series of molestation inclde.1ts during sworn tesUmony two months ag1; at Sampson's preliminary hearing in Harbor Judicial District COOrt. BoL'i seemed rtsigned to what was about 10 happen and ihowed no particular reaction when taken into custody by. sheriff's deputies · arter the dramaUc twist ill the case. Dismissal of the felony charge was only a partlal triumph, however, for the young electronics technician. He still faces jury trial Aug. 4 in Superior Court ou a cbarae of T<Celving stolen property. He was arrested 1bout two week3 after the l1ial March II police ahooUng.of bo~ burglM)' IRllpect Sl<pbtn Stubblefield, 11, wbo fled from a Costa Mtaa camera &hop brtak-'n 4tsplte orders to }alt. · DetecUvea lnvutlgatlng the case .«1,uea- tloned Sampson,~ friend of the dtad b0)'1 leading to recovery of some eleclronle • sound ~uipmenl stolen more than a year ago. The Item waa taken in a burglary at the Orange County Fairgrounds and police as.sert it was passed on by the Stubblefield boy. Despite the fact his tragic death was r u I e d justifiable homicide by Orange County District AUomey Cecil A. Hieb, his mother has filed a $250,000 wrongful death claim as a result. Divorcee Mrs. Helen Ellis, or 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, names city, county and state authoriUes in her claim which charges deprivation of com- panionship and future support by her only child. The Stubblefield boy was never men- tioned in connecti<>n with the original child molestation charge which led to Sampson's arrest when he showed up at Heinl Kaiser Intermediate School while police were pretenl Stories by the two youna brothers were apparently convincing enough to C.Osta 'Mesa detectives, district attorney's in- vestigators and probation officers. They said at the time that Sampson had a (asclnaUng electronics laboralof1 at hla Slnta Ana Avenue ho~e, which 'attracted youna boys interested 1n science. He had htlpedtheStubblefleld youngster wftb a spedal project for a school aclenoe fair and other )'1>Uths fre. quented his worluhop as well. Costa Mesa police noted today that Sampson ts definlntely oot linked to the burgla11 of C.Orrlgan's Camera Shop, S30 W. 19th SI .. during which !he Slubblefleld boy WIS killed . An accomplice ls kn.own to have esca~ bJ. car when police lntern.tpltd the mldnlihl break·ln lhroo111 t11eroor but lnvestTgatlon conclusively ellminat;j Sampson as 1 1U1pect. Jt uries ••an levels of government le_ast ~ in the fight' chest with a small · which are In a poslUon to do 80 to take-caliber pistol . The murder gun was not the necessary steps to provide and pro-yet recov~red. . tect public access to the shoreline and to Mrs. Nielsen told police sl'ie and her obtain beach land ro ubr .d . husband bought the sh op about three whe . ., r P Jc omam years ago after he rttired as a con-~ver pos!Jble. · tractor. Her husband would have been 59 The resoluUon does not r e f e r years old today. spe~ically to the Salt Creek Road luue, She last saw him alive Wednesday but Laguna councilmen, whtn they morning when he left to open the 3lore. adopted It, made it clear that the coun-Mrs Nielsen works in the store also but ty's abandonment of the half-mite coastal nomially takes Wednesdays off. roadway to the Laguna Niguel Corpora-Nielsen's bodv was discovered by Hugh tion _had inspired the document. Anderson of LOng Beach, an employe of Said Laguna City Manager Wheaton : the Naval \Veapons Station in Seal Beach. "Although the resolution states briefly "l saw him lying on h.is back behind a the position of our council, the sincerity glass showcase at the rear of the store. I of the counclJ in adopting It is ~ressed thought he'd had a heart attack," said by the fact that it was a unanimous vote. Anderson. He-used a counter telephone to N~wport·s consideration of this matter swnmon police. will be greatly appreciatfd." " A fellow merchant in a nearby Long Controversr over abandonment <>f the Beach swap shop, Clyde Farr, said roadway, which had been the only public ·Nielsen was "a good and kind man." access to• favorite surfing spot south of "That guy never hurt anybody,•• said Laguna near Dana Point was first aired FA"rr. "There was no reason to kill him, in Newport last December. no reason at all.'' . . After Collision Rosary will be rtcited tonight for Joe Bob Machado, Laguna Beach resident who moved to Carlsbad three weeks ago and died Tuesday of inJuries suffered in a motorcycle accident. He was 31 . A graduate of Newport Harbor High School, Mr. Machado .subsequently lived in Laguna Beach, where he was a com- mercial fisherman. He Is survived by his widow, Marlene, of the family home in Carlsbad ; three children, Hallett, Jo Ann and Joe Bob Jr.; tvro brothers, John Swnmer, or Carlsbad, and Eugene, of Texas; three sisters, Arlene Whitaker, of the PbUip- pine ISiands, Mn. Lara Adarns,,6fllwta Mesa, and Mrs. Jenifer Swfuner, of Carlsbad; and his parents, Mr. and Mn. Joseph Machado, of 5.ao Diego. The rosary will be recited at 8 tonight at Mission San Luis Rey. Mass will be celecrated at 10 a.m. Friday at tbe Mission. SALE for the first time! MJ/Dk!GJ/L. " 0 " HERITAGE WITH ALL THE EXCITEMENT ANO ROMANCE OF SPAIN . , , A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONLY BE MADllCiAL •.. ANO NOW FOR THE VERT FIRST TIME WE HAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT IEOROOM COLLECTION ALL ON SALi AT SPECIAL lfDUCI D PRICES! CHZIT ON CMm lllG. Jft. HOW SPACIOUS t 0DU.Wlll DI W ll ..• "''· HOW IUI NISHID llOLD MlllDI 119'. ''· HOW llN~IZI HUDIOAID •••• .14f. NOW COMMODI 1.ou.w11 NIQ HI STA.HD l l G-. '''· HOW Your fauor1~ hittrior dttlgmr IO(U bt h.oppu to iusUt uou ! .. I PllOFElSIONA.l INTEll!OI OESltSNEIS • 111 1 HAllOll ILVD. COST.A MESA. Cl\LIF, ,4,·017S ·~6-0176 ' 339. 359. 79. 209. 135. , I I I • • • • c ~ • c J • • I I • I i ( -1 t I • .. • • . )'ear Bomete1n1 • .. ' ' • -voc.-62, fl0.164, 3-SECTIONS. J4 PAGES -----ov.N&E'GOl,IRTY, O.OFORNI -Tl"IURSD;&.r,-JUL'l'~lb, 1969 -~--JEN CENTS ... -• ... ..._ __:t •. ' Boys Lied;·· Mes~ Freed in ··.Molesting Case By ARTIWR JI. VINSEL OI t11e O.itr ,. ... Sllff Jailed four inonlha ago afler ao- cusaUons of sexual molestaUon by two young brothers, a Costa Mese 'in.an ia free... today, cleared when the boys admitted In court.~ lied about it au. ' ~tephen D. Samp!On, 26, of 2379 Santa ~ Ave., walked out of Superior Court after Judge Howard C. Cameron dismiss- ed the felony case and ordered the Coita Mesa boys arrested. . . -11T b e y made a~ mockery out or o u r judicial system," said Deputy Diltrict Attorney Pat Brian bitterly after ~ Judge Cameron to dismla the .,_ he had prosecuted. . No reason bu been aiven for Un by the bojs, aged 13 and 15, slnCe the (actl will be needed for tbelJi prosecu.Uon on ' perjur; cuarges. Names of the two youths, who were taken· directly from the coUrtroOm. tb Orange County ·Juv.enlle Hall, were not - Nixon Reveals New Health Plan WASlllNGTON (UPI) -President Ni:s:on , Mid ·today the couniry faces a ••massJVepiais'' in proper distribution of health ca~e and announced an acfion pro- gram aimed at holding down medical costs. _ · . The report issued following a m~ethig --by N.l.lorrwlth hls-chlef" advlstirs In. the health field was critical of ·the Medicaid program, saying the plan for federal- &late finanCl.ng of he1lth aid lo the poor had contri~ heavily to riiln& nledical costs. Nixon toid reporters that when be entered oaa,_.be .. :.kntw ~v..u 1 serious natlooal problem in deUYery of --.: health cai'e. ~~ · However, alter receiving the bei!tGa report -.under pre:paraUon ~or months, - the President llald be reall20d' U.~ tion was "much worse than I reinZed ID January." ; HWe.lace~a~ve. crWI. in Ulla: ~ ·, • , io the nut· two or three year• Unliii someQllng is done about it im""'61atel;J."' the President Slid. . Tbe nport said the nation faces ~· breakdown in the delivery of htalth ·care . ..,ilea immediate concerted ~ is ·-meiftif 1ovem:tnerif mrtne private sec- ,,,. • ..,, ~·" • ' . • I. J ~ Tlie ailuatiol WU blamtd OD '1a- o3nsi0a ol ;riv... iiliil '!Julllle flnondill !or ll<alth lervlaes" which the report ~ cr<ated a a.m...rfDr U-services "far In excess of the capacity of our health 8ystem to respqnd." · V1"1Tt1911Mft Be's Permaltf!n& Dr. S. I. Hayakawa has been officially nained permanent presidebt of San Francisco State College by the State Col· Jege Board of Trustees. (See story, Page 8). Man, 72, Saves Costa Mesa Tot From Drowning A four-year-old Costa Mesa tot escaped drowning in Newport Bay Wednesday when a n-year-old man 11wept her up Jn bis arms and carrieo her to safety, J. Donald Douglas of Cosla Mesa spot- ted litUe Ranlyn Hill floating face down b~hlnd a buoy. She was out of sight of lifeguards on the beach at 10th and Bay streets. He 1wam over lo her and carried her Into chest-deep water, where .he was met by lifeguards. Ni.J:on met niOre than an hour with !!ol>Ot\ IL Flnch, secretary of the Depart. ment of Health, Education and WeHare, and Flnch's new assistant secretary• 4eslgnate for health and acienUOc affaln, Dr. Roger O. Ereberg, and Undersecretary ,John Veneman. The president appeared with Finch and Egeberg, after the meeting and before leaving them to answer reporters ques- tions, said the two have ''my complete and unqualified support in thl9 Held." The statistical data showed that the in- flationary rate of hospital care, not in- cluding the doctors' hill, has gone from $M a day in 196$ to a current average of $70. Finch and Egeberg estimated a one-clay hospital stay would go to $80 next year and probably $100 a day with.in three years, at the present rate ol lnflatl.on. To ~ what Nil'on administration o£ficlals pictured aa "paai failures Of government" and k> challen1e "the private sector to begin the process of rey_olutionary change in med.Ital can systems," the Flnch-Egeberg repot'l an- nounced a series of administrative and legislative actions : -Elimination of allowances t o hospitals and nursing homes for uniden- tified costs and stricter federal regula· tions to limit payment to lnd!vidual prac- tiUoners µnderMedlcaid. -Increased review• of drug uUllzaUon, pricing, efficacy and safety. -The Public Health Service was directer1 to "promote alternaUve medical care facililie'k" with a view to removing non.acute patients from acute c1re hospitals, plus "tighltr, more frequent reviews of hospital care for patients."· -A requirement that all dotton In- volved in Medicare and Medicaid transactions be identified by Social Security number." The report said "drastic changes" were necessary in the private health care in- dustry -applying to hospitals as well as doctors. Rleued. till i...stl(aton aald they are nolihbcn ol Sim-. They ldmlU<d Wedne9day that they lied about a whole series ol molestaUon 1Dclde.t11 ~ sworn ttstJmony two jMDIJv-qo al samp..oo•1 preliminary hearln& Jn Harbor J~lal D\ltrict Court. Both 9eerntd. resigned to what was about \0 happen and showed no particular reaction wl:ien taken into custody by sberi!f.'s deputies after 't.be dramatic twist Jo the case. . . • Dlsmlual of the felony c!iarge·-'<111' a parU.al trtumph, however, for lhe youn1· electronics tecltnician. He sUll f1ee1 jury· trial A.,. 4 lb S<Jperlor CoUrt .., a cllarge of receiving stolen property. He w.U arrested about twg weet~ after · the 'fatal Mar<ii is police abOollng.otboy burgl"l' IRllp<cfSlepben Stubblefield, II, who Oe\l Crom a Costa Mesa camera abop 6rtak-ln despite orden to halt. • Detectives lnvestigatblg the case• ~ tloned ·s.mpeon, .• friend of tDe. dead boy' DAii. Y 1"11.0T S11" Plltlt Take Alterniite Route . It will be slow going for a while for motorists, traveling in vicinity o! WestcJitt Drive in Newport Beach. Installation o( new storm drain, plus street resurfacing and related projects will keep traffic moving at a crawl between Irvine Avenue and Dover Drive for some weeks. Westcliff Drive is' known as 17th Street on Costa Mesa side of Irvine Avenue. B'lackfin Widens Lead Over Windward Passage .- ~o( -ele<traolc-~ Mrs. Helen Ellil0 ol-10ll1 -.q,l!pinent stolen more tfian a yoar Kline Drive, Santa 6na,Hellhta. 111~ ago. city, county and .otate anthorltles In her Tbe Item wu t1tm in a burJlary at 1 clalm which charges deprivation of cam· the Oranp COunty F~1 and pankmhtp and fvtur< llUJ>POrl by her only police -It w11 puaed oa i>T the cblld. Stubblefield boy. The Stubblefield boy WQ nevtt"~n- Detplta the lad bil tragic death WU ·tfoned In cormectlon-.rith the orliJnal r u l • d JUlllllable bomlcide by orange cblld moleatattoa cllarle whldl led to : County Dlltricl Atloiney C<cll A. HlW. Sampeoo'rar.-when be ahowecl up al his mother lW lllod a '250,llOO wroiilfuJ Hellll Kaber Intermediate School whllo death cJalm u a !Ullt. (Set BOYS UED, Paae I) • ~ - Fuel Leak Found In Apollo Rocket CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -A leak wu discovered 1n the Apollo 11 boost.e~ rocket today and trouble llhoot.ers cJIJphed loto its huge 0%)'gen tank to fix It for the start of tlie lunar lancllng countdown tonight. -A Space. Aie""'f spomman sa!d tlle . -leat.ln.the.liraLsta&e..belium.~ tion system Was "the one matt.er of .con- cern'".'' but he said, "We're,Ull planning to" start the countdown on time." The countdown for sending astronauls Nell A.· Armstrong, Michael Collins 1alld Edwin E. Aldrin on man's first moon lan- ding mlulon nen Wednesday la ocheduJ. · ed to bqin .. t5 v.m. PDT. The lell-problem dovetoped during pre. countdown preparatfons. Two technl· clans, 4fessed in super-clean white coveri.lls, cllmbed inl1de the 64-(oot high, :IS-foot wide tiquld OX)'len tank to pin- point and ropair the teak. The tank Is lln- CJI with rj!)-llke balDes ~~ wOrlmeo .... cuillll 1111. Ill H{c:b ~~ llW ri:mnlng \along the ilde ol the 1&ftt, The helium ls llled to pmsulhe the :m,ooo gallonl of li<luld ""l'len wtifch ,.m b£ptlliiped Jato ~ tanlt on -_.. ing. ·It was the first gjanlflcant problem reported during the prtpuations to hegin tlie. countdown and a Space Agency spckesma"n said, "It's wrusual ." Earlier today, the agency said everything Wfl;8 ln good sllapa. While the rocket trouble shooting was under way, Armstrorig, Collin! and Aldrin sharpened their flying skills in moonshlp trafners. Jn a final pre-countdown staff meeting Wednesday night, launch director Rocco A. Petrone told launch crewmen: "'Ibis is :.he big one we've heed work- ing on for eight or nlne years. We're going Into It with a good po!lur<. Let'1 ........ 1.1.... • " keep ev.-..1 ...... 16 moving. The countdown includes 93 hours of work and 40 hours, 32 minutes of rest periods. These rest intervals could be us- ed to recoup losf time IC Q!e helium leak caused a countdown delay. Pre-countdown oper1tlons b e g a n Wednesday night and continued through today. Theae Include clearing communications channels for the many vulces which will talk to each other dur1nr the .c:<•ml- down, turning on power to tJie spiCt:Cfaft command and service module and partl ol the S.tum 5 launch vthlcie,J!!n!lng oa ct..,.;.i ci?cult -televlilon c-1as · It mooltor·the·owattonr.and delh'erlni to-- the launch pad U... expfoolve iW(lcea uaed to start the Saturn'• five flrll llagil engines. STOCKS HIT YEAR'S LOW . . . ~ NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market crumbled over a wide £root today and ::-:~~~:-~~~ Quotatlooa, Paa" tlHI). · Tho Dow Jonea 1ndustrial averap. whlclo !Gel a total ot.zuo polnta lo tho firit' -.1eu1 ... thll ..eek. dlOpped !US more to.1147,'lt, a new low for tbe year. The previous clOllng low ,wU set Wednesday When the DJI clOlei! at 111.G. . The last-time-the DJ! cloeed It a level lower than today's was Marth 2', lllU, Yf'.ben It reacbed 840.87. Newport Market . Owner Defeated In Tustin Bid Newport Beach supermarket owner o. W. "Dick" Rlchard loot hb bid 'Wed- nesday to build a second market in lhl north Tustin area. After a three-hour hearing, the Orange County B9ard of Supervisors denied by a 3-2 vote Richard's rezone peUtlon for six ac~ at the nOrtheaat comer of Newport Boulevard and 17th str:eet. ,BJacklin, '1).foot ketch out or the St. Francis Yacht· ciub, set her sights on Diamond H~d today and announced she would finish the ·Los Angeles-Hawaii TraiipaciliC yacht race on Sunday. Class B: Nimble, Salacia, Mystic. Cless C: Quasar, Typee, Tilt o' the Kilt. Class D: Espirlt, Ano Nuevo, Intrepid. Astrology Class Hassle Gojng Principal opposition came from the IOO- member Foothill Homeowners AsllOcla· tion, represented by Sam Duran, a former Costa Mesa planning com· missioner. In a spirited boat-for-boat competition with Windward Passage from Newport Harbor, Blackfin continued her lead. Blackfm'a poaitlon at noon today was an ettimat.ed l60 miles from Honolulu. Windward Passage's position put her 900 miles south of Honolulu. On corrected times, however. the lead· Ing boat in the Oeet ls Quasar, out of San.. Franciaco. Her. position was 1,114 miles from Honolulu. Other overall leaders were: Espirit, Oaklantl, 1,253 mile! out ; Nimble, Port- land YC, 1,138; Ano Nuevo, Marin YC, 1,26.1. Other leaders by clas.'I": Class A: Concerto, Rascal, Sumatra. The report was monitored by Carroll D. Hudson, Newport ham radio operator. He said results were delayed because the communications boat Bon Hom[le Rich- ard went off course to aid an injUred crewman aboard the Mahla. - To Court.Monday By JOHN VALTERZA OI' rllt 0.llY 1"011 lttff DAILY PILOT astrology column~t Sidney Omarr advises that Capricorns on Monday "play a waiting game; pa- tience tand shrewdness will g~ your objective." That'• the day Newport Beach Assist· ant City Attorney tom Woodruff, a Caprkorn, takes the ctty'a fight to coort for thi first time In the case of Balboa astrologist Bllrton Morse, forbidden by city code to teach hia theories. Mor1e, an Ari es, &scribes by the moto: ·"I'm Aries. I'm pushy." (Omarr advfses Aries on Monday to concentrate on r,a1 estate affairs). Duran, speaking before an overfiow crowd of ~. said the proposed plush supermarket was "not wanted , not need· ed, and -a ione change would be poor planntna." "You will be violating your approved 1966 General Plan for the -Tuottn area with itl goal of ·preserving the rural at• mospbere ijJ.ou· grant lhla change,• Duran~ . ' He was joined by nine other resident& of the area which Includes the residential communitj.es of Lemon, C-Owan and Panorama heights and. Peacock Hill. The rezone was turned down by the county Planning COmml58ion May 21 and Rlchard appealed the decision to county' supervisors. · Orange Coast Lifeguards 1ave the child mouth-lo- mouth resuscitation on the shore. Ranlyn within minutes regained consciousness, but then went into shock. She came out of shock as she was rush- ed to Hoag Mtmorial Hospital. She was held overnight for observation, and her condition today is detcribed as "satisfac- tory!' Newpart Neefl• It Speclficelly, Woodruff will file in mu· nicfpal court answera to a demurrer filed recent\)' by Morse's· lawyer citing the alleged onconslltullonallty of il\e cit1 Rnnlyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill of 1611 Coriander, COsta Mesa. Army .to Dig .B.each Sand 'code which sparked the astrologer'• arrest in Balboa late last month. Morse, an a~pace system,., analyst by proleulon, wu arrested alter ho taught his flrfr clllS at hla new 5"n Sign B6ok StOre on the Balboa Penin- sula. . House Unit Bypasses Tona of sand dropped In the S.nta Ana River bed by heavy winter floods will be dredged out In Septmnber by the U.S. Anny Corps of Englneen and used to Nixon Vote PropOi!al replenish fading shoi"el)n<s in Newport • • _. Beach. - W/.l!HINGTON (AP) -A Uoo.t' ' Sari<! and silt has reduced to llaH ~ Judiciary subcommittee today bypassed normal water capacity of the river near Pres_ldent NI.ion 's p~ ".oting rights Hunti ,.._ Beach and Costa Mesa aod JegL!ilalion and 1pproved I five-year el· ne;.vu tensk>n o£ the eilstln& l1w. must be removed as a safety factor, ae- The admlalstraUon proposal to shm lhc cording to Orange CounlY Flood.Control focus of ~ act from the Sou.lb to the na· District e11Jineers. ' Uon at large was never even offered dur~ "It will be a ,alow job," said J•ck Ing the brlol oulicommlttee llW!on. Schwll'IS, dNlan enatneor for the flood I • - control district, "and may stretch Into the early stages of winter." Schwarze aaid the COrps of Engineu1 qmd to do the job for the dbtrict afltr the area was declared a disaster. Anny engineerf e.xpect to release a contract In Augugt for the dredging Job and Schwarze estimated ac;tual work would start about Sejllember. "It ha..-to he coonllnajed 'with thtlr beach replenishment work lit Newport • Beach,'' he aald, uplaln.inL.Ue alownesa._ Many residents near Ule fiver have eipressed fear that If the_ river wasn't ·~ dredgtd by nnt winier··-.lloal'!' .... ~ llood5 could bring a dangerous levet" of waltt to the Huntingl:on Beach area . "San<t is several ieet · detp in "iome areas,•{ aald Scbwane, thus reducing tht river to half ill capacity. ' • He eatimated tl)at a mlf!lon y'rd~ i\( aand were dumped by Ooodl mto• the He vowed to ma~e the 1saue of teach- ing the pnctlce a test case even before his arrest. · A hearing Is ocheduled before Judge . J.E.T. lluUer· JUI)! 2~ Molle C<>Olenils that the l>annln& '!!/ astrolOfl)' teachlng, which la Included Jn a -~lch'all 'ordl- ,..nce agafns\ •[or!UJl1' telllll{ an~ ~l•t· ed pnctlce1, v olstas the u;i. and COii· river hed lo the Huntlngtoo Beach,,Cdi\a fornls ComtitullG!'!. • -., Meaa •n<I Newport Beach .,..., , City Attorney "J'ully ~. wllo "Spe(lal llOl'Dlils have been. llllled "' originallY ~nteit the cit'yl In the . 1q~b6Jt, II on ncatlon. · , private l~vlduall who want to•remove SeYmour ., Gtm.lnL on Monday sand now! a<lded SChwarze. The tiufl 01 -should: uff1ve run be venaille, avoid lhi! Job a Ill wlll be left' to the ·CO!ps of utrav"ance •~and' leaYO details to Englneert. ' • others,' ·Om arr advlMI.. Weatlaer The sun 1lefeps ln till 11 1.m. Friday, then &.bloes somewhat hazily over the coast, bringing the mercury to 72 locally and about 10 . degre<s higher Inland. INSIDE TODAY Thert'U be a "ehurcl& in CM round" fn Anaheim, MW tho& the JGlt of Mtlodt1land Ms been approwd. Page 21. . • • • .. ,.. ti Mllrtfl • a.11 ~......... ..M __, """"" If ~-:::... .: =::::t = 44iJ .,... "'""' ""Tl ..,. ... -n.it""t 04_,. 11 ~ 17•• ·~ ................. ,,.11 . ....,....... "'" .,......... ~· ,.... 1•11 TlilMfln -.,..,......._ 14 ._. • :"w..":i''''' ;: ..,. .... .... • • T I .( __ .J.. • • f .. ·~ . . . . • DAILY PILOT Stiff ..... JOI HUNTllU -Marilyn Wllls&n ·and Joe Berney, NewP,Orl Beach lS..year-olds are among Harbor Area students who have signed up for somme; employment through Jr. Ebell's Youth Employment · Service. -Program, says its director, Mrs. Jan Murar (left) needs more employers. Y ~u~ Employers-Sought . . The Jr. Ebell Club sponlO..d Youth Em~Uervlce needJ employers. the ywtb employtnent service hu placed 150 youtba so far, but becau.se of a lack of elllployerl, has been unable to place the CHPProbes ' ' , Dritgs _1f te~ .. ' Fatll Crllsh" · Calllorn"ia lijghway . a officUSare investigating possible drug Involvement In the Wednesday momint San Diego , ' Freeway crash which took the lives of lwo teenagers. and left thrt_e otherl terlously injured. CHP officer Bruce Hand Aid In. vesUgators are awaitinis the recovery of driver Danny Baynot, 18, of Lynwood, to determine if drut tabletl found in the auto WHCkage had a direct role in the accident. "He has a 50-50 chance to survive," Hand said. "If he die1 or is permauently incapacitated, that en& the case:." Baynot la in the intensive care ward of Orange County Medical Center where at.. tendants aald this morning that he Is in "very serious condi.Uon and not r~ ding to treatment. , He received severe head injuries in the crash which took the lives of Carl Voughn, 20, of Lynwood, and Shirley Mae Ermis, 18, of Cudahy. • Seriously injured ware Destree Lt Compte, 18, of Whittier, aild Richard Lee Jones, 19, of South Gate. Both are in San· ta Ana Community Hospital. The accident took place about 8:30 a.m. when the car driven by Baynot went out of control, while at an estimated 80 mile! per hour, rolled over three limes and plunged into San Diego Creek. Offictt Hand aald a quantity of seconal pills were found in the wrecked car atld attendants at the hospital &aid the teenagen °seemed Jo be under the in- fluence of some kind of drug." The aouthbouDd car went out of control on a curfe~ 8bouf i halt-mile Welt of Valencia Avenue. It skidded for about tOO yarda down the dirt ahoulder and then rolled pver three times before crashlna headon Into the creek. The . cM> haa JJmd .,.,. than $00 -yeuthl,~ 14-311 that are lookln& for llllDIN!r employm:enL Some ol the youths .are boptna to' eRm enough money to enter oolJep In the fall . n.omalnlni soo appJlcants. . ni.-appllcants are 'willing lo do -most any type of work, accon!lng to a Jr. 'Ji:bell Offlcera were led on. a biiarre search for a supposed 1lxth passenger in the car,. a tffl!llge itrl, after Miu i.e·compt•'told them lht waa with them. Headquartered at the Harbor Area . Bo)'I' Club, &N Center St., Costa Mesa, spokesman. · The office Is open from t a.m. to 1 p.m. daily and can be rtached by phoning M2o. 0471 • Open Car Wash~ Auto in~ool Stumps Housewife The brush along the road from. Laguna Beach Freeway overpass to the creek wu aearched by officers and dlvera plunaed into the San Dieao Creek, where the water b from lour to eight !eet deep. Later, Miu Le Compte r=bered that the girl had been dropped off earlier lo the morning. • • \ Hun_!ington , • ·Man Slain In Store - A 53-year<>fd Hllllllnllon.Buch trallet dweller was llhot to death In hla Lont Beach· swap shop Wednesday afternoon, the apparent victQn Qf a cold-blooded • bandit." The . body of EmOfY Nlelten, ·l&m Monterey Lane, was 'cu.covered behind the counter of his store in Loq Beach's central buaineas district. His grief·stricken wife of 35 yean, Eliza.beth, estimated there was flOO or less in the cash register. 111.e natster drawer was standing <1pen, empty. Police said an unloaded shot gun, not i recenUy fired, was on the store counter. • Nielsen'• bloody body hid been ahot 11 least once in the fig)lt chest with a small callber pistol. 1'le murder eun was DOI: NEWPORT'S 'FIRST LADY OF AIR' FETED Pit Nixon Congr1tul1t11 Flier Mara 'Culp Barry Jr. Gives Trophy To Derby Winner Mara Special to Ille DAILY Pll.oT w ASHJNGTON, D. c. -Powder Puff Deitiy winner Mara It CUip Wiiilneiilay received her firat place trophy from a felioW CAUfomian and part·time Newport Beach re1ident, Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. (ft..San Fernando).' · . Mn. CUip, 1 pert blue-eyed bloode who . ------. " . Newport M'an, 60, Fa~ing A-ssatilt Ralph W1t10n, IO, of Newport Beach, free on bi.I own rqgnlwx:e, will answer auiult charau in municipal court Fri- day 1temm.lng from an llldependence Day aboot!ng that hurt three person&. lives in the Bluffs tn Newport, had a bu:r. day of social .act.ivit.ies, including a • ternoon ·tea wjth Mrs. Pat Nixon at the White House. GoldwaW, who lrequently stays at the Balbo11. Bay Club with bl.! father, the Arizona senator, lavishly complimented Mr-s._l]ulp .on lM:.r victory and .quJp~: '~ "There seems .to be a lot of interest In flYingincillfornra:-r tfilnkl'll raise my children to be air traffic c<introllers." Mrs. Culp, whose husband Richard Is a PhUco-Ford physicist, cooipled the be3t flying lime of "the S9 women pilots who completed the 2,5(M).mle trip from San Diego to Washington's Dulles Airport. A native of Latvia, she won the coveted trophy in her first try in the transcon~ tinental race, held for the 23rd year. She flew aolo in a Piper Comanche. yet recovered. Mrs. Nielsen told police she and her husband bought tQe shop 4bo~t three . years ago af~r he reUred as a . con· tractor. Her husband would have. been 59 years old today, She last saw him alive Wednesday m9ming when be. left to open the :itQre. MM. Nielsen workl 1n the store also but normally takes Wednesda)'3 oil. Nielsen's OOd,.v was discovered by Hugh Anderson of Long •Beach, an employe o{ the Naval Weapons station in Seal Beach. "I saw him lying on bis back behind a glus showcase at the rear of tM store. I thought he'd bad a heart attack," aaid Anderson. He used a counter telephone to summon police. A fellow merehant in -a nearby Lone Beach swap shop, Clyde Farr, Aid Niel.sen was "a good and ktnd man." "That guy never burt anybody," 1aid Farr. "There was no reason to kill him, no reason at all." -~- .Whale Blow Up Set for Ha1·hor Thar she blows -up. That's what will happen wben 100 feet of black polyethylene ii turned Into a whale in Newport Harbor Sunday al· ternoon. f'-----,,.-,,===-=~---:-:---;;c;------;-:=:--;;::-c===-=::o-u;-..::--~n-ri"'rc,_..,Jf-'Hr---~--..wi;\1~tion. a Blf=emplO)'ed carpenter of GLENDM.l . .;.ll!E~J).c:"!!": H'tfn. HeJen car from the swimmln& pool. All Mrt. 3505 W. Ocun Front, wu booked on Mrs. Culp also won a free-round trip vacation to Paris and $2,000 In cub, among_ntbu__prlw, inch1dtng_upNJmlng endorsement.s. It will be Inflated, appropriately enough, in front of 111.e Tail of the. Whale ~ant at the--Balboa--Pavillon -at-1 p.m. j I Rowe ,...-.,~~ _:tan ~e.had to do wu pay for the cost of ~ • • cbarae1 of wault with a deadly weapon autoninbl)e In. her ~ pool. And · materlalJ. the night of Jilly I after he allegedly pl -.. -lftr..· cm Mw ¢0 eet il ,., "'"""' were ~Q aincere about It, but polifr«! were preaent ariued with revelers on the beach ovtr -~wi&-*" . ~fl~ 1· ;!+.a tull 1ummii" sroiw·111111e tioo YOUlll brothtr• we"' their uae o1 flreworks. " ::r--~"Jecl"lll8 oflllij'saM!ls worldnl Iii my back yan!," ·~ COllv!ndnl ....,.. lo eo.ta In the dlsPUte that en&ued a iltn ) .:.u Mesa detectives. district attorney's ln-ed ovtr"l1 lbove sbe NJU. • vestl.gators and probation o!flctrs. allegedly in the beachfront resident's bar ~ ind p~ed $0 dawn' into the .Mrs. Howe baa three small children, They said at the Ume that Sampson hal ~ fired onto the pavement. The splat.. pooi.-.·-• · --one (if wliOm ii char1ing five cenlll ad-8 fascinating electronics laboratory at his ter1nc lead from the bullet call!ed minor "Ooerdenon thOuabt we mlaht be able mluion to loot at the car on the bottom Santa Ana Avenue home, which attracted injuries to three perlOIL!l. "' - to get lf. odt by buylna an inflatlble raft of the pooL • young boys interested In science. Watson wu released wllhout bail by and ~dog it under the car In an at· Consultations with the car owner's in-He had helped the 5 tub b le f 1e1 d Judge J.E.T. Rutter until the Fridy ar- tempt -to float It up," Mrs. Howe said. sur~nce compa~y bav~ revealed the only youngster with a special project for 1 ralgnment. "And some Scuba divers called and cf-practlcal way 1' to lilt the car out by school science fair and other youths fre-fered to dmnanUe it tmder water,"· she helicopter. Th I d J ed Wed sd d quented his workshop u well. Richard CUip took his wile for her first fUght ln a private plane just six years ago. "~e \ras a natural," said CUip today. "From the day stie first flew alt'ne, she started collecting ratings." He .ldded proudly : ''She Is one of only five women to hold an air transport rating." That means she is allowed to fly multi-engine aircraft anywhere. "Dick is the insplration for my flying," Mrs. CUip concluded happily. added. e poo was ra n ne ay an Cost.a Meaa police noted today that A troop ol Boy Scouts wanted to make workmen prepared to make the attempt Sampson ls definlntely not llnktd to the a summer project out of removing the iocl1y. burglary t1f Corrlgan's Camera Shup, 530 W. 19th St., during which the Stubblefield boy WU killed. SALE for the first time! LagunaAsksNewportA~ To Prevent 'Salt Creeks' Lacuna Beach city officials today ask· ed Newport Beach 1uthor!Ues to support effort& aimed at assuring no repeUlion of the controversial Salt Creek Road aban· donment. Laguna Mayor Glenn D. Vedder and Ci· ty Manager James O. Wheaton are seek- ing Newport City Council approval of a resoluUon adopted by Art Colony coun- cilmen a month ago. Newport councilmen will consider the request Monday. It may be turned over DAil Y Pll 01 ORANGI COMl l"Ul l dttllrt9 COMPAJllY ........ N. w ... to a study commltt:ee, city aides lndlcat. ed today. The resolution, as unanimously ap- proved by Laguna lawmakers, declarea that access to the Pacific Coast shorellne .. is diminishing with respect ~o rapidly increasing populaUon." It urges "all level.! of government which are in a position to do so to take the n~ steps to provide and pr!> tect public acctss to the shoreline, and to obtain beach land for public domain v.•henever possible." An accomplice is known to have escaped by car when police interrupted the midnight break·in through the roof, but lnvesUgaUon concluaively eliminated Sampson as 1 suspect. l'rom Page 1 TRANSPAC. • • San Diego Chargers' Coach Sets Lectures Air frnm a blower will enter the wtiale throuah an umbilical tube in its belly, says Phil Tozer, ·owner of the restaurant a_nd the whale's chief booster. After lt's sealed off, the whale will be anchored out ln the bay. But not for IOni. ln!!:ep]d roeml>en o~ the Balboe laland Punting and Sculling Society will harpooa it. Tozer will haul it out of the bay, patch it, he hopes, and give it to a local school ".so ·ttds can see how big a whale reailY, ls." ..,. ........ "6111111r The resolution doe! not r e f e r specifically to the Sitt Creek Road !Jsue, but Laguna coundlmen, when they adopted it, made lt clear that the coun- ty's abaodonment of the haU·mile coastal roadway to the Laguna Nifuei Cocpora- lion had inspired the document. San Otego Chargers coach Sid GWman will hold an open-to-the public Jectun at UC Irvine Friday, lnl"1"'aUng a ftdJy series of Chargers coaches' talks at Science Lecture llal1. M.llDRIG.!IL CNm ON CHtfT 339. J•ck I. c...1.., vi..,..._ o.-.i ....,,..., n.-, kffYit ·-n ..... , A. M...,llln1 "'9nttlnt i'clllor . J1•0"'1 F. C.lli•t -.. "" ClfY l!fllor ...,... ..... omc. 2211 Wnt l1li11 IMll•1r• M•Ull'lf M•r•w P.O .... 1115, t2&&l, ...... -. ~..,,..; .. .,,., ... '""' = ....,.: m l"lrlll ,.._ ........ : .. 11111""' Said Laguna City Manager Wheaton : "Although the resoluUon states briefly the position of our ~uncil, the aincerlty of the council in adopting it ls o:prw:ed by the fact that It was a unanimous vote. Newport's consideration of this matter will be greatly apprecl•ted." Controversy over abandonment of the roadway, which had been the only pubUc ac~ss to a favorite iurling spot south or Laguna near Dan• Polnt was first aired in Newport last December. 10 Persons Die In Home Blaze POSEN, Mich. (UP!J-Ten pe..-In- cluding a man, his wlf-e, seven of OM;1r eight children and the c b J I d r e n ' s grandfather, died early today when a fire swept through a two-story rr1me farmhouse near thla village In northern lower Michigan, poUce 11.ld. Firemen poked through lhe ashes of the home of Anthony Gralewlc:z, the woman's father, to try to ldentlty the victims. Thf:y ·wert believed to be Grale.wlci, his ton·i.n-law . Wallace Bonnin. Bonnin'• wif,e and aeven of the eight Bonnin children. The lectures begin at 12 :30 p.m. and $3 admlsalon tcketa are available at the door. Glllman's talks will be aimed pritnartly at high school and college coaches. Marowitz to Head Fashion Island Group Richard Marowitz bas been re-elected president of the "Fashion Is I a D d Merchants AlsociaUon. Nrw dl~s for the coming year In- clude: Vice preslden~ Ralph L. McDon&ld ; treasurer John Tracy-: and secretary, Albert Wtlnert. ~t A. Bertt, manaaer of Fashion Island. fills the post of e1eeuUve ~tary. Chief Given Post SACRAMENTO CUP!J -Fullerton Police Chief Wayne H. Bomhoft wa1 named to the Call£omla Council on Criminal Jmtict Wednesday by O.V. Ronald 1\ea1an. Bornboft, 52, succeed.I former I.Os Angdes Police Chief Thomu RttldJn, who resigned from the coundL • " 0 " HERITAGE WITH ALL THE EXCITEMENT ANO ROMANCE OF SPAIN , , • A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONLY BE MADRIGAL • , , ANO NOW FOR THE YllY FtlST TIME WE HAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT BEDROOM COLLECTION All ON WI AT SPIC:IAL llDUC:ID PltCISJ llli. ,,,, IPACIOUS t 0 DlAWll DlWll llli 4\t. IUlNISMID GOLD MlllOl lEG. ... Kl"Go·SIZI HlADIOAID ,. ••. J4t. COMMODI J·DIAWD NIGHT ITAND llG. lit. .,, owr fot10rite inttrioT detigntr tDfll bt hoppJI tc urilt ~ou .• , H.J.GAR~ETT . fURNrplRE 'l0FIS5tONAl INTfllOl DjSIGoNflS • ' 011•• M111., Thu11. I l'fi. l•1f. 1111 t'\llOl tlVD. COS TA_MlSA. CALIF. ·~•-0111 646-0!1& NOW NOW 359. NOW 79. NOW 209. NOW 135. ' " I . -•• ., • -. • • ~osta -Mesa voe. 61, NO. r~. 3 S~TJONS, 34-PAGES . . . ---~-=----. ::... ' · . " • Today's Flnal ' THURSDAY, :JULY ·10;'1969 ------fEM_eENTS--=i-t= .. Bo_ys . Lied; Mesan Freed.· .·i·n , Molesting Case By AllTllUR R. VINSEL Of lfte Dllll' Pl!Ot lltlf Jailed four months ago after ac· cusatioru: of sexual molestation 1bY two young brothers, a Costa Mes." man is free today, cleared when the boys admitted in court ~ey lied about it all. Stephen D. Sampsori, 26, of 2379 San!.a Ana Ave., '('liked out or Su~ior Court . after Judge How&n: C. Camerofrdismiss-- ed the felony case and ordered the Costa Mesa boys arrested. "Th e y made a mockery out or o u r judicial system,., said Deputy District . Attorney Pat Bi'ian bitterly after askiot; Judge Cameron lo dismiss the case be had prosecuted. No rt.ason has been given for lies by the boys, aged 13 'and 15, sitice the facts will be needed for their proseccUon on pei'jurJ cuarges. Names of the two youths , who were taken dlre<:tly from the courtroom to Orange County Juvenile Hall, were not nleased, bUrlnvesUgators saJd they are neighbot• of SainJl'O" • They admilted W.ednetday that they lied about a whole series o( mo)eslatlon incide.1ts during swQm tesUmony. two months age et $amJ>SOl:l's prtlbrllnary hearing in.Harbor Judicial District C:O.urt. Bot; seem~ -res1gtied to· "hat-was about to happen and &bowed no particular reacUon when taken into custody by sheril£'s dewUeS after the dramatic 1 twisein the else. DlllmlPal of the felony charg_e wu only a partial triumph, however, foe the young eleotrGll!cs technician. He S\111 fiees l!lfY trial Aue. 4 In Superior ~ · 0.1 a charge of re<:!:lvin& ito:len property. . He was arrtsf.ed about two WMk:i after the fatal March JG. police abootlng of boy burgl;U')' SUJpect S~hen Stubbltfiekl, tf, who fled from a Costa Mesa cainera abop break.In despite orders tO halt. • Detecth~.es invesUgaUng tM·caae quts" tloned Satilpton, a.friend of the de'ad boy, ' ltadlng· to .-.covery ol --·-aouna ,,quipmeot stolen more tban a year .ago. . The Jtem. waa taken ln a burglm-at the Orange Cot!ity Fairgrounds • and police uaerl it WU ~ on by. the Stubblefield boy. Despite the fact his tragic death was r u I e d justifiable homJclde by Orange " County Dialrict Attorney Cecil A. Hieb, his mother bu filed a '2501000 wroogful death claim as a .. su1L Divorcee Mrs. Helen Ellis. ot 20112. Kil~ Drive, Santa A~ Heights, namea city, county and state aU:thorltles tn hett clalm which charges deprivation o( com- paniODShlp and fut"" support· by her Olli)'. d!iid.. . . The Stubblefield bQy was, never men- tioned in connection with the original child molestation charge which led to Sampson's arrest when he showed up at Heinz Kaiser lntennediate Sc:bool while (See BOYS !JED, Page II Health Plan -Bared:-~ , Nixon Seeks to Avert Cost Crisis , , DAILY 'ILOT Sll ff '""" W.idefting Project' lltader Way WASHINGTON (UPI) -President report-under preparation for months- Nixon said today lhe countey-facea a the President said be reallied the situ•· "massive crisis" In proptr distribution of tkm was "muclt wotietfiinI7Ullled-lll health care and announced an action pro-January." gram aimed at holdlng down medical "We face I massive crisil ln thla area -.c:osts. • •• in the next two or three years unJess .. The report is.sued following a meeting something is done about U Jmmedlately," . by Nixon with his chief advisers in the the Pres.ident 88..id. health field was critical of the Medicaid · Th~ report said the . nation facu "a program, -saying-the-plan -(or-federal. -breakdown In the delivery -of health care state linanclnt of health aid to the pqor wiless Immediate concertN action b had contributed heavily to rising medical taken 1)y gOveniment and ij°e private sec- costs. tor." Nixon lold reporters that when he The·· situation was blamed on "ex- entered olfice he knew there was a pans.ion of private and public financing &erious national problem in delivery of for hUlth services" which the report said beallh care. created a demand for these services "far , However, after receiving the health . in exceu of, ,the capacltJ..-of our healtb ~Fair Sampling' Reads l 7~For, 3 Against First-Oay returns of an advertisement coupon poll by the company which · hOpes to sell Cotta Mesa a police hell· copter patrol system today slfowed a more than four.to-one margin of public support. .. -__!___ men to give careful consideration. CO offering lawmen the best in modern equlJ)01ent. Construction crews have begun $255,000 widening project on Adams Avenue Bridge which crosses Santa Ana River boundary between Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. Bridge will be :widen from t\vO to four lanM. Propect is being financed jointly by two cities and Orange Countr,; Although traffic will be slowed at times, contraCtors expect to keep bridge open duiing project, which will last several months. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said he received 17 slips favoring the helicop · plan and only three against it in his morning mail. A_citlzen opposed to U;te Plan ~Id rnoat crimes occur at night and the chopper would be r~ulred to Dy at low altitude, 1hus d1sturbmg the peace Its operators are pledged to keep. Man, 72, Saves Costa Mesa Tot From Drowning Apollo Leak · Corrected; Countdown Starts Tonight CAPE KENNEDY , Fla. {AP) -Two technicians t o d a y traced a potentially troublesome pressure leak on the Apollo l I rocket to a loose nut and tightened it in time for the countdown to start tonight for. the moon-landing mission. The NatioDal Aeronaullcs and Space Administration reported In mid.afternoon that the connection had been tightened and that the lengthy countdown would start on schedule at 5 p.m. PDT. There was some concern when the trouble cropped up early this morning in the helium pressurization system of the first st.age of the 36-story Saturn S rocket. Two Boeing Co. technicians. Ira Ray Beeson, lead mechanic, and Walt Delle; lead Inspector, entered the huge liquid oxygen tank in the stage. They isolated the leak to a so called B-nut at the base of one of four helium bottles attached lo the inside wall of tbe rocket. After assessing their report , the space agency decided a simple tightening of the nut would do the job. today, the agency said everythine was in good.shape. While the rocket trouble shooting was under way, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin sharpened their flying skills in moonship lrainers. In a final pre-countdown starf metllng Wednesday night, launch director Rocco A. Petrone told l~unch crewmen: "This Is ::he big one we've bee!1 work· ing on for eight or nine -years. We're going into it with a good ·posture. Let's keep everything moving." The countdown includes 93 hours of work and 40 hours, 3Z minutes of rest periods. These rest Intervals could be us- ed to recoup lost time if the helium leak caused a countdown delay'. Pre-countdown operations b e g a n Wednesday night and conUnued through today. Newport Needs It Swcks Crumble On Wide Front, Hit Year's Low NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market crumbled over a wide front today and skidded to another new low for the year ln Us fourth straight day or loss. (See Quotations, Pages 10-11 ). 'Ille Dow Jones industrial average. which lost a total of 24.50 points in the first three sessions this week, dropped 13~83 more to 147.79, a new low for the year. The previous closing low was set Wednesday when the OJI closed at 861.62. The Jase time the DJI cl~ at a lev,i. lower than today's was March· '29, 1968, when it reached 840.67. Anaheim GI Killed Army Warrant Officer Robert P. Gardiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Gardiner of Anaheim, today was listed as killed in action in Vietnam by the Defense Department. "They're pretty well from all over town -a good,. fair sampling," he comment'ed. The coupons are clipped from a Hughes Heli~ers nempeper adver- tisement, outlining · advantages of the sky surveillance program and subtly urging citizens to announce their sup- port. . . . Estimated to cost $85,525 for the f1rsi six months under a lease-option plan, the helicop system will be discussed ~1onday at 7:30 p.m. in a Costa Mesa City Council public hearing. Mayor Pinkley announced Wednesday that citizens opposed to the idea also mail their views on the Hughes Tool Company·provided newspaper ad, since it was not a mandatory yes vote. He emphasized that he may vote for approval of the two-chopper, three·pilo( program hhmelf Monday, but the counc!I solicits both pro and con public senti- ment. 1.!J imagine we 'll get a lot more of them in F'riday's mail," he added. The $85.~ belicop program ls but one pOrtion of a ,1 ,691,440 police department budge< to be considered ~uly 21 when councilmen take up a $5.78 million municipal budget. . The mayor said mmt of the helicop coupons received today were merely signed by the senders, while a few included comment!. "We have the best, moet llelpful, kind- ert policemen in the U.S.," wrote one family on the 1Up wltlch asks councU· The two men returned to the tank and did the job. Ground crews pressurized the helium system to make certain the leak was stopped. Boetng builds the Saturn S first stage and ts over-all systems manager for the rocket. Army to Dig Beach Sand The leak problem developed during pre. countdown preparations. Two technl· cians, dressed. in super.clean white coveralls, climbed inside the 64-fOQt high, 33-foot wide liquid oxygen tank to pin- point and rep&Jr the leak. The tank is lin- ed with rib-like baffles which the workmen can climb on to reach helium lines running along the side ol the tank. 'nte helium is used to pressu riie the 331,000 gallons of liquid oxygen which will be pumped into the tank on launch morn- ing. _.it was the first &igajficant problem "'ported during 11..e preparallons to ll<gfn the comitdown and a Space Agency 11pokeama.a aald, "It's unusual." Earlier , Ton11 of 11and dropped In the Santa Ana River bed by heavy winter floods will be dredged out in September by the U.S. Army Corps or Engineers and u!Jed to replenish fading shorelines in Newport Beach. Sand and silt has reduced to hail the normal water capacity ol the rtver near Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa and must be removed as a safety'1actor, ac- conling to Orange County Flood Control • District. en&lneers. "It will be a alow Job," Slid Jack SChwarze, design engineer for the Oood • control district, "and may stretch Into floods coqJd brine a danaerous level of the early It.ages of winter." water to the .Huntlngton· Beach area. . Sch wane IOid the. Co!PI of Enginem "Sancl ls 1everal feet dtep in IOllle agreed to do the job for the district alter ar~,'1 sa1d Sc:hwane, thus reducina: the the area was declared a disaster. ri11er to half Jts c~paCit)'. Army enginters expect to release a He estimated uiat a million yard• of conirtlct in August for the dredting job 1&nd were dumpei! by floedt Into the and SCbwaru estimated actual wori river bed in the Huntington Beacb, Costa would start about September. M nd N Bea h ''It has to be coordinated with their ~a 8 ewport c areas. heach repienlsllment work in Newport Special permits luiveJ>••D-luued io Beach," be u,1<t,_upllinln1 IM;-·~ prlv_ale .lz>c!Mduab wl)o want to ~·~ "Many m aema near the nver have llM.--..ow;' aaded·scfnramo. 'l'he-l>ulk OJ expr'eued fear Iha! tr the river wun 't the lob still will be left to the Corps of dred&:ed by .nut win(cr mort M:av7 .En&lneera. · r A four-year~ld Costa Mesa tot escaped drowning Jn Newport Bay Wednesday when a 'n-year~ld man swept her up in his arms and carriea her to safety. , J. Donald Douglas of Costa Mesa spot· led little Ranlyn Hill floating face down behind a buoy. She was out of sight of lifeguards on the beach at 10th and Bay sireel.'i. He ·-swam over to her and carried her into chest-deep water, where he· was met by lifeguards. Lifeguards gave the child moulh·to- mouth resuscitation on fhe shore. Ranlyn within mJnutea regained consciousness, but then went into abock. She came out of shock as she wai1f.ush- ed to Hoag Metnorial Hcspilal. She was held overnight fQr observation, and her cundiUon today is described u "sallsfac· tory." Rnnlyn ls the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. HiD of Ill! CoriancJ.or, Costa Mesa. . Her rescuer lives at tl2 Magnolia St., Costa Mesa. He Is the former owner or Douglas Boat and Cahoe Shop in· Newport Beach1 and Is now retired. · Doualas at one lime swam for the L<ls Angele. Athletic Club. Asked about his competlUve awJmming as a youth, Douglas 1aid, "I never was VU)' 1ood.'' . Mesa Old Timers Set Pieirlc . flans Layout plans for tlie llfth annual Old Timer-Nn Tbner Plcn1c; and Barbecue in Cost.a Me~ fark will be completed at a special planni>\g mee\inc next Monday. 'Ille next session \n orpniiing the Aug. t7 community -.eo1 wlli be al !:IO p.m. in Chamber ol Commerce offices, ac- cording to co-chairmen Wayne Gr•y and Dr. Hilda Mccartney. Dealgned lo bring new rtsldenll and thote who chose a Costa Mui' addrw yeiri--.,-tocethe< pJcnlc.-11- •ponaqred by the O>amller of ~ and tht Ja,ctet. · system to respond." Nixon met more than an hour with . RliwntTincb~....-.tary o111ie-Departr- ment ol Health,.EducaUon and Welft,... and Fipch's new a!Slstant secretaryt desipate f\)r health and sclenUfic alfain, Dr. Rqe~r O. Egeberg .. ~ ·and Undersecretary John Veneman. The president-appeared with. Finch and . E&eberi, after the inee.lhtg ,._nd before • leaving them ~o ·answer reportert ques- tion!:, -sald"'ihrtwo-have-t'my-compltte and unqualified support in this fieJd. '' The statistical data showed that ttie In- flationary rate .of hospital care. not .in- cluding the doctors' bill, has gone from '44 a day tn 1965 to a current average of 170. U,ITt ...... Be'• · Pernaanftl&.• Dr. S. r. Hayakawa has been officially named permanent president of San Francisco State College by the State Col· iege Board of Trustees. (Seo story, Page 8). Marowitz to Head Fashion Island Group Richard Marowilz has been re-elected president of the Fashion I s I an d · Merchant! Association. . New directors for the com°kg year in·~ elude: Vice presiden~ Ralph L. McDonald; treasurer John Tracy; and secretary, Albert Weinert. Kent A. Berge, manager of Fashion Island , fills the post of executive secretary. Orange Coaat Weaeller The aun sleeps In till 11 a.m. Friday, then ahlnes somewhat hazily over the COM!, bringing lhe mercury to '12 locally lll<I about 10 degrees hlgh<r-fnland. INSIDE' TODAY Tl&ttt'll bf a "'chiirch ~" tU round" in A-. now lllat th• •al• of Metodvlo>ld ,,., be.,. apprOV«d. Page 21 . ..... ti -.... ,_, .. .. .. Mnltl,... ,. ·-.. ........ ~ ... , '""""' .... ·or... cw., " ........... " IMMi .... 'tl: . .. ~ ti -. -. ..,,,.. , ... • ........ ••11 hf!WfNAIMllf ,.., ,_ .. ·-.... -.... -.. -. ---.. """ ............... --n • ~ . • _i twl.Y '11.oi .. ~ - • .. CHPProhes Z'iliii'•-.. 1 ------ ; . -, . . . .. __ .... .__ .... ------· ----·~ -. -~- : • • SJgn Controls Sought DrugsMter ~atalCrash . <;~~j Plii~~F8 to Stuay D0w!'"1wn Bilµ;oar.u - Cllll<lmla Hig!lway Patrol ofllcm are inveslli•Unl pooslbie dM.ll involvement In lbe Wednesday .mornlng San Diego Free>Q.y crash. which toot the lives of two;:-~ llMt * left three «hen wl<iully Injured. CHP ~r Bruce Hand said tn- vesUgalon are awailini lhe i:ocoY<ry JIJ driver Danny Bayoot, 18, of Lynwood, to detennine if drug tableis found In the auto wreckage had a direct role 1n the accidenL 1'He bu a &G.so chance to survive," Hand said. "If he dies or is pennanent11 lncapadtated, that ends Ille case." Baynot II In tlie lnltnalu care ward .of Orange Counl)''Medkal C<Dter where ai.. tendanta said lhll morning that be Is In .. Y«Y serious cmdltion and not rea:pon- ding to treatmenL He received severe head injuries in the crash which took the lives of Carl Voughn, 20, of Lynwood; and Shirley Mae Ennb, 18, of Cudahy. Seriously injured ware Desiree Le Compte, II, of Wbituer, and Richard Lee Jona, 11, of Soutl> Gato. B!>lh are In San· ta Ana C<imlnunJty,Hospitat ,.< The accident took place about 8:30 a.m. wbe.n the car driven by Baynot went out of Control, while at aaeslimated 80 mUe.s per hour' rolled over lhree limes and plµnged Into s.n Die1• er.... Ta•·e Al4-.. nte Route Of£lcei-Hand said a quantity of seeonal " ~·· ...... OAt\.Y Pl~OT Stetf "'"''°' pills were found in the wrecked car ~nd , aUendants at the hospital said the -7'>eemed to be uode< the ln- fh-. ot .ome.ilnd ol dnli-" The aouthbouPd car went out of control on a curVe · aboUt a half m1Le wat of Valencia Avenue. It skidded.for about 400 . yards d .... the dirt -and then rolled over three times before cruhlni It will be slow going for a while for motorists tz:aviling in vicinity _of Westclift Drive in Newport Beach. Installation of new storm drain, plus atreet resurfacing and related project~ wW keep traffic moving at a crawl between Irvine Avenu~ and Dover Drive for some weeks. Westcliff Drive is known as 17th Strteron Costa Mesa side of Irvine Avenue . . -beadon Into the' creek. OUlcen. were led OD I bizarre IW'Cb far a IUpPo.ecr alxth passenger in the car, • teenag~ girl, .tter'Mlu Le Comple told them she was with them. Blnckfin· Widem Lead The brush along Ille road from Lagun1 Beach Freeway overpass to the creek wu searched by ollicers and divers p1..,.r Into the San Diego, Cleek, w~"" the water J..s from four to eight feet deep. Later, Miss Le Com.pie rememberod that lhe girl bad been dropped off earlier In the morning. Over Windward Passage Blacklin. 73-foot ketch out of the St, '" i••i Dfttlny "· 27·13. 1U.S7. E lltrlt'IC:I. 11·l2. U7~l l!:Hl'lt• 17·1$, IU.Sll1 b h • h FlnnM II, Ovt1 H ... 111.1 ... , Ho <;0n!acf1 HllMl'I, 11• Francis Yacht Clu , set er s1g ts on $0. ~111 1nrtrmtuo. 27._y, u1..J:11 1n1r~11 -.,01, "" I "~'"""' 21·»· 1~ &""UI\ ..... Diamond Head today and announced she L' i.ro. J l»-T•1 t 11-1 U6-)<C1 •• M&wtro, 1h'.101 M I•, l:JS.<IJ; M&mlt. tt---HFD·g-l)~g­ Charge Dro~ped Agmttst "Mesan - would finish the Los Angeles-Hawau 21.1s, l:U.4'1 Marion.tr., :M-42, 1»-5'1 Mir, n.11, 140- . "5· MOC'C•1!n. '1-47. 136-0S; Monlgom..-y St., 2S.d, Tranpacific yacht race on-SUnday. -.,.... 1if.M1~Mve11ct-a.-», nMo -- ·H1pt:n!M, t Clfll•ci· Nimbi., M-4. w.;r.1 ~11 In -_~irif!d boat-for-boat competiUon ~~~'bui, ~\ei1~1v~~~ puniit1,1~.'9n'. with Windward'Pusage from Newport 1 o""W. 77.10, 1:11•1 <Min M-tb, u.n. 1•~1 OU.II, 2J...ll. IJ3..CM; A•1111er, lllW b.lf!orry1 ltnc:•I, ''" Blackfin-e.ontinued her lead. °"~ 1~; '-owhnecl 11, °"'' •-..\.~' , .... 1 u • Jt.JJ, i•11; Scold! MblJ u..W. IM-Ol1 I. ,,. p;all;U,oi at ~ today was an = , . ., l.JU51 s,.,.... 11 :J. ..-. iaM•h led .. ~·~-. ~ Honolulu •· ir.n. 1 .. , 1...,,...-.... JR11e11 Tn1 • '1IUal l.IVIU • 0'111t Kii!, •.a. ljM.4.I; .,......, 1'41'·\ •. WindWard 0..-·-•1 -ition pul her v11eri.. OU!: v111iyn. n; •.oo. 1u. 1 Vt¥..,,. ''" • ._..., ,.--• !ID. 1S1«r; V11-0-V1,,, ..... 111·20; WHttrtv, 21&-l•. SOI) miles south or Honolulu. 13'-11; 'Mllr1w!nd II. '1·1?i ~1'-20Mi lndWltl"ll ..... qo. A clllr ... ol.dr!Ylng under Ille inlluenu ol dn(p lodced llalnst I Costa Mesa man alter a headon collillon bas been dropped( ' The acUoft was taken "in lbe interest of juatlce," according to aides at Harbor Judlclal lltstrlcl COOrl Bru« E. Whalen, 20, ol 1120 Glene11les TerTace, WU arrested May 17 after the headon collision on Victoria Street at the dangerow; Valley Road curve. Carol A. Tegerstrand, 21, of Arte3ia, wu burled through the windshield of the other car and 1pent several days in Coeta Mesa Memorial HosplU with severe facial lacerations and a broken wrist. The driver of the car in which she rode escaped with minor injuries, whUe a J>ISlenlft In Whalen's pickup lruck was unhurt when the vehicle swerved into on· coming lanes. l\fan Files Libel Suit Over JFK Murder Tie LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Edgar Eugene Bradley has filed a $1.5 million libel suit against individuals and news med ia he says were responsible for New Orleans Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison·s assertion he helped pk>l the death ol President John F. Kennedy. DAii • PllOT c""'HGa COA.'1' .Ull ISMIN• C.OM,AH'f le"-rt N. W•M .................... . Jeck It. C.rltY Vice p,_i...i *1'1111 Glrltt" Mtllnlf n.-• "'"'1 .... n.-•• A. M~i~• -·-e....--310 Wirt,,, S!rMI Melll•I A941e1n P.O.'" li~O. tl~Z• --ttt•IM"!9ffd'll nn""" ..... ..,......,.. l.-"9 _., nt ,.,.. ... _ HWllll!9tM 8lildl: • tltl 1''""6 • ~ -··-<I-)l,.l;I, u:z.:u,;.x ... lf\l-. 1 I Y• Twll•, »-». Qn iirrecled limes, however, the lead· 13'.oiri Y111ow~r11. Ovli G.m!n , :u.J7, 1:u.2~1 lonnv Ing bolt in the fleet ia Quasar, out or cic~. 'J6.2C1, uus. San Franci.sco. Her position was 1,114 miles from _Honolµlu. other overall leaders were: Espirit, Oakland, 1,2M miles oot; Nimble, Port· land YC, 1,138; Ano Nuevo, Marin YC, 1.263. ' other leaders by class : ClaSs A:· Concerto, Ra.seal, Sumatra. Class B: Nimble, Salacia. Mystic. Class Co Quas1r, Typee, ·Till o' the Kill. Cius D: Espirit, Ano Nuevo, )ntrepld. The report was monitored by Carroll D. Hud90n, Newport ham radio operator. He said results were delayed because the communications boat Bon Homme Rich- ard went oU coune to aid an injured crewman a~rd the Mahia. AhHn!of~ l:IWG1 A,_.ic.,.. M-21, 1]16..171 li&rlf9, ._ 1».25; A.I'll INrle It, °'1ti MO Nj!J. IU-; -~ "'r.:to \JS.Ur A.r'IOIMlll, , ; All'lflhl•I , 1 r h r\lftJ'. Ne eot1. l ll!Kkflll, ""°°· I I I aMUtl•, 2M7, llf..W.. ]J~~m~'!·ciJW,J~ ~~.-;'~k.£~'~J.'·,?; °'b.Wr~'t.o cOntict1 {)ii k lM, 17.511, \:J6.0ll; Dllr•· 11· Chamber Leaders ' Set for Flight Colla Mesa Chamber of Commerce leaders are about to take a good trip. The board of dire<:toi:s and aviation committee will tour the Loa Angeles tnt.ernatiooal Airport fllgbl and meteorological b r i e f I n g headquarters next Wednesday. Arranged by Trans World Airways management and TWA jet Capt. Frank Coray, the tour will include a flight .from Orange County Airport lo Loa Angeles. Chamber of Commerce Preslden' Jack Hammett said the noon-hour flight and tour bas been or1ani1ed by the Mission Beecbcraft agency and C a 1 i f or n i a Umbrella Company. Mesan to Face Greater Charge A Costa Mesa youth watched by police as he laboriously fished around in bis back pociet while handcuffed wound up in jail on a sfilfer charge than was orlgina!Jy lodged Wednesday night. 1'-1ichael T. \Varman, 19, of 333 Rochester St., was arrested on suspicion of beina drunk after a minor accident on a parking lot, according to Patrolm1n Richard Frederiksen. He and his partner left Warman in their patrol car while taking the accident report. but Officer Don Casey said he noticed Warman wiggling arounJ In a bizarre fashion and checked to see why. Warman, said Patrolman Casey, had pulled out his wallet and was trying to dispose of two hand-rolled cigarettes. The arrested youth was then mested for possession of marijuana . Judge Scores Police For Gambling Raid SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) -A municipal judge imposed t.lny flnN Wednesday on· 42 persons arrested in a Negro district gambling den -and by In. lcrence criUcized police for discrlmina· tion . "Gambling is going on all over town," .Judge Albert Axelrod said. "Every big (private) club in town has gambling - Including the Press Club and the Bohe· m,lan Club." Open Car Wash~ Auat in Pool Stumps Housewife GLENDALE (UPI) -Mrs. Helen Howe has a small problem -an automoblle ln her swlmmlng pool. And some of the sugestion11 on how to get It out are a1 off·beat as the way tt~qt in. Last Saturday the unoccu Cd 1988 Austin Amerlcar rolled ov1r a c lff above her hO'.ise and plunged 50 deiwn into the pool. "One person thou&ht we might be able to &et It out by buying an Inflatable raft and placing It under the car In an al· tempt to float It up," Mrs. Howe sa1d. "AM some Scuba divers called ·~of· fend to .-anue It under watU," she added. A troop of Boy smuts w1nted to make a summer project out of removing the car from the swimming pool. All Mrs. Hctwe had to do was pay for the co:it ol materials. "They were rtally sincere about· It, but I don't thlnt I could take a f\&11 1ummer of Boy SCouts working in my back yard," she said. Mrfl. Howe has three small chlldrtn, one of Whom 11 charg.lna five r..nts Id· mlsalon to look at the car on tht botlom or th< pool. eonsU'JtatJons with the cir owner's ln-- -suranc• company have revealed the only practical way la t'o Ult the car out by helicopter. - The pool ~u drained Wedneaday @Id workmen prepared to make the attempt' today. A 'llllldy ol clearing the air over·CO.ta Meaa -ol .blllb6atds ~ II tiClni orpnlJ> ed by the Clly plinn!ll1 deparlmeiit, (lid a ,..port due In September may "1JI" It. , The primary aim ol the anU-blllboard P<O&ram orll)llated by the clly council Monday ls to curb outdoor advertlaifti: dowlitown arut . dnwntawn and alqos the future N""P91'1~ .'~tn~the central bUJlnesl dlstrld Freeway. .' • ~ outdoOr id;erlfilni, biit, h Is Veteran billboard foe Mayor Alvin L. •lrtc!]I' )ljnlted In 9ther 1ections and Ille Pinkle)r leaped at the chance to join offlCt&I mood leans toward further-con· Councllman William L. SL Clair when he • -trots. . brouaht up the ad problem in the · Alteady in the works Is a major urban redevelopment program, a fl to $2 Terrorist-Bomb Wounds million projaj ex~ lo ~ 9<tW\\ on paper within a year, leadlne to St. Clair's propbsal. "Our zone now allow-1 billboards and I think ll'..l. time our ph;u:inlng department looked into the matter " Wd St. Clair, a downtown barDeraboJi owner. 14; Ground War Slows • SAIGON (UPI) -A Viet COili terrorist exploded a bomb outside an American billet near Saigon toda1, wounding 14 persons. But Ille lull in Ille ground . fi&Jiting conUnued and American deaths . lsst week dropped to 153, tbe lowest level lri six months. Wlth the ground war at a near standsUll, the first Mar}nu to leave.Viet- nam under a plan to withdraw 25,tm American troops flew almost unnoticed today from Da Nang to Okinawa. They were 110 leathernecks who will prepare foe r<CeMng the Marina 9lh regimental landing team, whlch will leave by Au&. 30. Infonned mllitary sources disclosed to- day that IS or more American soldiers were shot to death by Viet Cong troops several months ago because the guer. rill.as did not under1tand the Americans were trying to 1Urrender. The tragedy came lo llj)JI In a captured COmmunist dOCll!Mlll meued be.... • .,,,. l~d temrist bomb exploded outside -an enlisted men's bWet a mile from the Tan Son Nbut Airbase, woun- ding 12 Vietna.meJe dvillans and two Froiit P .. e J - BOYS LIED •.• pollct were present. Stories by the two youna: brothers were apparenUy con.tnclng eDOUlh to Costa Meaa detectives. district attorney's m.. vestigaton and probation officer1. They said at the lime lhet Sampoon had a ructnatmc electronics laboratory at his Santa Ana Avenue borne, which attracted young boys lntarested In science. He had belpedlheSlubblefleld YWllPl<r l!'.llh I IP«lal project for a school .science fair and other youths frt· quented hit wortahop u well. Costa Mesa police noted today that Sampooo Is ddlnlntely not llnlld lo the burglary DI Corrfpn'• Camera Shop, ~ W. lltb SI., during which the stubbleflekf boy WU killed. An accomplice ls known to have escaped by cat when polke Interrupted the mlclnllbt bn!U.ln lhroogh lhe roof, but invesU,ation conclusively ellminated Sampson u a IUapecl. Americans, Il came as military sources predicted an upawing of sabot.qe in the G8PilA1, and possibly new attacks by «uerrillu moviq toward Saigon. Allled military sources said a battalion of 300 Viet Cong commandos moved recently into the Bing Chanh district just southwest of Saigon and were hiding therein preparation tor sabotage attacks.~ 'l'hey said some ol the Viet_Co,ng1lad ac- tually penetrated Saigon. According to the sources, Viet Cong and North Vietnameae units across the battlefleld are moving ino posit.Ion for \he 6111'prise attacks promised by a high Vlet Cong official in a speech in Cairo Tuesday. They told of one North Vielnllmese bat. talion whose assignment was to attack: Allied bases along the Saigon River leading up to an assault on a riverfront precinct in the capital itseU. Military apokesmen announcing the weekly casualty ~11gures sald the 21-day lull '81so aent South Vletname1e los1e1 plUJliing to their lowest level ainct May and Communist d(aths to a siJ:.month low·. niere were not enough major fights to consider !he lull broken, spokesmen said, but lhe Viet c.,,..and North Vletnameoe shelled 33 Allied thW and baies,.a sbarp µ,crease from 14 the previous dtiy. Fishing Tackle Lost to Thieves 1''1shing gear and other it.ems worth a total of nearly '500 were stolen from two Co!ta Mesa garages in burglari!s reported to police Wednesday. Levon L. Bardsley, of -3113 McKinley Way, said 80meone entered his open garage and left with a tool box. tackle box and angling.~uipment worth $88, ac· cording to ()(,fleer Bob Ainold. Charles V. ,J18MCVI, of 458 M&p)lia St., suffered 1 $358 lou, investigators said, when a burglar snagged assorted fishing gear and a power mower. The victim, however, said the mower may have been mistakenly picked up by the garblgemen, since it was left by the trash cans. SALE for the first time! "I th.ink we ought to look at the whole town, b\l~ I'm primarUy interested in the dowgtown area," he continued. '11ie study wu unanimously .-pp.roved, but Planning Director William Dwin ask· ad if his staff could have two month$ in· stead of one. $lee it is short·handed due to current vacaUoM. Mayor Pinkley bu made occasional at· tempts to initiate further anti·billboard legislation, but has not always met with complete counc.JI cooperauon. Not long ag9, the council voted aaainst re·iu:ulng a permit for: a billboard cur· rently in ailtence on Newport Boulevard near Del Mar Avenue, an unprecedented action. DU:rlng the anli·billboard dlacusslon Monday, it WU noted the owntr has so far ignored the decision -in effect an order to tear it down -and asked for legal action. CHy Attorney Roy June u.id he would pursue the matter and initiate court pro- secution if that course of action is necessary. The new studf Js to deal inlUally with Ulel1ownwwn area, but attenuon wmatso shift to the II~ Freeway routewblch will swing westlrom Bay Street , to SQperior A venQe. City officiall, explained lhet the llate Division of Hlg\lway1 policy is lo provldt fr~way landscapinc_ in cities which pro- hibit billboards wlUun a certain dlltance Of the roadway, . _ + This applies only to rental advertiJing boards specifically, not signs for various freeway-oriented businesses such as restaurant&, motels and service statiom. Reserve Officers .Sought for Mesa A recruiting drive ls under way for about 1.1> new men to fill posts is reserve officers with the Costa Mesa Pollet Department. EU,ibllity requires minimum aee of 21. a hlih ochool di~ heJ&bt of 5 feet 9 ' inches with proportionate wellh(, and 21). ~ vls!ori correctlble to :J0.20 wlth glasses. Police Lt. GleM Walker says ~ spect.ive reserve patrolmen .should liv• within-a 29--minut.e drive of headquarters and will nceive preliminary and ~the· job training. A clean police record l! required. M//DRIG.llL CHUT ON CH!ST 339. HERITAGE • WITH ALL THE EXCITEMENT ANO ROMANCE Of SPAIN , •• A BOLDLY ROBUST ELEGANCE THAT COULD ONLY IE MADRl~AL • , • ANO NOW FOR THE VfRY FIRST TIME ' Wf HAVE THIS MAGNIFICENT BEDROOM COLLECTION ALL ON SALi AT SPICIAL HDUCID PRICISI 11c;.. att. PACIOUS f·DUWll DllUll .. ,0 41t. IUl•USMID MJLD MlllOtt lfG.' ... KIN~Slll HIADIOAID lfG, l4t, COMMODI l •DU.Wll HIGHT STAND llG. lit. NOW MOW 359. NOW 79. MOW 209. NOW 135. Your favortft interior dt1fgntr toiU bt Paappv to u.Ut lfOll .•• H.J.GARRETf fURNl11JRE PIOfESllONAL INTl .. lCI OISJSNlU • IJ ll HAllOA. llVD. COS-TA Mil$A,.CALI~ •••·021l •••.021• I I I • t • ti• •11a Ste fm /HOVSTiflAl. -• --&-"'...,'*'''lllf*l;Wt:IJI -J'l.ANT ilVNaA-, ' •• • NlltTlt'f1 H()lfSlS (#tMJ ~llltUll ~ltOY~ -~li#~NT.tlfY J CJff,l. • .S/T6S ~ 1 MAP INDICATES STATUS OF VALLEY INDUSTRIAL AREA Battle St.apes Up Over Tax Base for Bedroom Community Crushed by Car Mesa Tot Home, Well After Near-tragic Crash. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of l~e Dlllr PllOI Sti ff nurses laying out tnslrumenls while the .siren could still be heard in the distance. Joy comes easy anii o!ten when you're ''She never would have made it without 16 months old. those wonderful people," Mrs. Williams Carol Susanne Williams, for example, said Tuesday njght. Carol clung to life for several days throws her hand over her mouth in a after the nightmare afternoon when her customary expression of delight. mother saw the car crunch into the small She toddled into the living room of her form. family's home at 570 Traverse Drive, "There's yoor big doll," Mrs. Williams Costa Mesa, Tuesday night with just that said scoldingly ~ seven-year-old Kathy, gesture, kissed brother Randy, 9, and sat before the chilling scream from the down to watch television. driveway: The distinguisliing point of this story· "Mama ••• " with-a-happy-ending is that only 12 days Unknown to her mother or Mrs. Marion earlier, it seemed the litUe girl would R. Bieser, 34, of 17092 Emerald Lane, never be home again. Huntington Beach, the tot had slipped out Mangled and crushed by a family of the house during those brief moments friend's car in the driveway June 27, of a family friend's departure. Carol suffered multiple internal injuries Snapping out of her grave state early and would have been killed instantly if last week, little Carol was taken off the the UJ:e .~II~ two, inches higher;_. __ .. critical list and her subsequent rtt0very If bikllll!' are still in style by 1984, she -was so swift die ·wu able to be relea.Sed may choose to wear a one-piece to the Tuesday. beach, but except for thai her recovery She spent a nonnal evening, then got has been what practical people perhaps up today for orange jui~. toast, ap- hesitate to call a miracle. ... plesauce aod a little play before going "To look at her tooay, you would never back ,to bed for a nap with her favorite know it happened," says Mrs. Donald doll. Williams, whose fourth child has only .a _ Prayer and constant care are required, couple of fast-healing scrapeS visible but small bodies must do their own men- when dressed. ding and it takes a lot of test. Arriving at the bloody s~ that F.rl-Hospital staff members not occupied by day afternoon at 4:30, police knew this other patients were on hand to see their was one time wllen you don't wait. favorite guest check out Tuesday and be Patrolman William Sanders and Dean presented Utemselves with a cake, }toward tenderly put Carol in their car. decorated with words and flowers. They won a race with death. "It just said: 'Gee, thanks. You've been Surgeons at Costa Mesa Memorial swell," J couldn't think of anything truer Hospital were literally scrubbing up and or better," Mrs. Williams said today. ACLU Suit Seeking Ban ' / On Chanflel Oil Drilling 'l'he American Civil Liberties Union fil- ed suit today in Los Angeles federal court seeking an order prohibiUng furtber oil drilling in the Santa Barbara <:~nnel un~ til opponents of off-shore drilling have been glven a public hearing by the Secretary of the Interior. A hearing on the suit, which asks for a preliminary injunction, bas been set for August 4. The suit was brought by the ACLU of Southern California on behalf of 17 residents of the coastal county. All visit or live in the county because of what the * * * Humble Hits Oil In Once 'Bad' Site NEW YORK (AP)-Humble Oil and Refining Co. said it has struck oil in the Santa Barbara Channel of( the California shore, an area that had previously been termed "disappoint!~'' by the company, whlch Is the main domem'i.c subsidiary of Standard Oll Co., New Jersey. . Humble said the results of four e~or­ atory wells in two adjoining fed~al leases some IS miles southeast of Point Conceptlon indicate the dL'iCOvery ii a major one. * Humble along w\th two other oil com- panies was permitted in April to resume drilling in th~ channel after a (emporary halt in--a\1-dritlihg activity in the w~e of nil pollution cauSed by a Union 011 Co. blow~t. · . HiJmble 11-st year was the largest i;ingle bufer of Santa Barbara leases in ·a F"edera safe in wlilch 24 oil companies paid a total of ll03 million for lite leases. complaint describes as "its wllque en-- virorunent." Filed against Walter J. Hickel, U.S. Secretary of the Interior. the "suil also names as defendants four geological survey and presidential aides, and four oil companies" engaged in off-shore drill~ ing: Gulft. Mobil, Texaco and ·Unidn Oil. The complaint was written by A. L. Wirin and Fred Okrand. The suit charges that SecreWy Hickel relied on secret documents instead of holding public bearings to authorize the resumption of drilling in the Santa Barbara Channel on June 2. Use of the secret report, the complaint charges, deprives the defend341ts of the right lo due process. Without a hearing, the complaint alleges, the defendants.have been depriv- ed of both personal and property rights by lhe secretary's order. "11ie personal right Is the right to live In, and enjoy, an environment free from improvident destruction or pollution; and the property right is the right lo the ownership, use and enjoyment or pro- perty, free from improvident invasion or impairment," the complaint states. secretary Hickel reversed an earlier order prohibiting off-shore drilling on the basis of a report by prtsidentia1 science advisor Lee A. Dubridge. The Dubridge report was based on a confidential study made by a select panel headed by John C. Calhoun, vice-president of Texas A & M Univer1ity. The off-&bore drllllng conlro~ersy arose when a blow.()ll1. or oil-spill took· place tt a Union OU well in the Santa. Barbara Channel on January 29. At the time, -Secretary Hickel -described the blow-out and oil allck which coated the county beaches as "• d.13aster •.• Bimply more than any sensible American should be ex· pected to tai:e." , • ' Thundq, July 10, l969 • ~AILY PILOT ·a s I ' lnilustrial llse SoUght _:Fount~in Valley bind Fi~tLooms ; • emp!Oyes. dii U111 poliit ownen -Whether a lii!I f1iilP.I batUe develops Siqle family "'"""* -account for ·-. lnlulm -·-not •·"y ·•· tbt -·"''•• the lar -• -·--· ·~ -over ·--.. IGll W'!I qi propOJlld gest chunk of land, wllh I,~ ' q .. ~to au!lllO<I the hlih IUel on land lndilllrlal Jud will de--' Jar-'" on lie acres zoned for it as .of lune 1918. Mull!-In FOllJ1(aln-Valley. lu · ,..,_ •·v *J.\o!i!-.lini'lleld'106 . -~-,. Ucn to land -and Ille rate oI m...W was -ac-•• .....,! J and1.;.. We -...-,-...1-problem," Mmlla, dlvel_..i:--• .,.._. -·--o une, ~. Maf!Sll!_ld, ''l~U!L~blo ""' .Land ......,.. would like to . ..._ •••• : Heart Attack Cause of Death For Astromonk HONOLULU (AP) -Bonny, lhe astromonk, died of a heart attack pro· bably brought on by his lowered body temperature, says a preliminary report issued following i six·hour autopsy by a dozen scientists. A-final autopsy report on the monkey which died 12 hours after returning to earth is not expected for months, a spokesman for the National Aeronaut!Ca and Space Administration said Wed- nesday. Dr. W. Ross Adey, the space project's chief ·invesUgator said the fatal drop in Bonny's temperature m_ay have been due to his immobilization in weightlessness and a too-cool capsule during the nearly nine-day fiight. Temperatures ~ the tiny spaceshJp ranged from 68 to 70 degrees, but Adey gaid astronauts have complained of being too chilly when their capsule was kept at 70 degrees. Bonny's flight in Biosatellite 3 was scheduled for 30 _days to study the effects of extended weighUessness, but was cut short when Bonny.became listless. The brain and other vital organs of the monkey will be flown t9 five universities in California and Texas for further study. Scientfats on the project have closed their Bpecial laboratories here and returned to. the U.S. mainland to study data they col· lecled. ~ NASA spokesman saJd the only in- juries stffered by the apaC6 primate were small bruises on hia heart and liver, probably received during Ute capsule's l'Htltr1 and splashdown in the ltaciflc Monday. · Otherwise, a NASA tiateme.nt aaid, uthe anlmal w11 Jn evtry respect healthy." . T!iO.\e figµres nave changed~ recenUy b9lh to \!IO dly and lo Ille land opner for ~ said lhe city plJIM]ng departDtenl, but l'1ls area until il ciifliflolctto lndullrlal --property develoPe<f along lw · llOIU., they give an Idea .... ot the difference tn developen." midentlal lina, but planners pre(er Mtt acre"!!• use. AU OI lhe liidustrllll land Current wait for lnduatry, -• : (700 acres) has not -t been· ~....1 for i-UleS range from ltrltflt·farm-"But we CJn't deny them the t11e1 .. cf •. dustrlal '" ~ ~ Inc to dlkken and· bone rancblng. ''Goll their I nd f oi'." • use, and therein lies the ·primary driving ranges .might be one answer .. , , a orev ~ aays City Man~~ dllfiCtilty. --saya M1111!1leld. ' J ..... Neal, und1rllnlng the oeod (er a' tolutlon lo lhe pro~le.p. : Mclane 2 liP edger ... great· -69-•• Y9~5----: The eosy·t<M:ontrol ~dger /trim mer, be- cause It has finge r tip control. ; Mclane front throw mower l59~9S ' Pennc raft 21" rotary mower sss Our 21" aluminum mower with 3~ HP .e ngine with deluxe shroud. ' . . ~· • • LIKE IT •• , CHARGE ITI ••••• • • • . .. : \ • • • ' Incomparable! Our Pen·ncraft power mower! 8"4;95 ' .2 HP, 4 cycle Penncraft engint,1 auloma tic rewind starter, ball bearing reel mount, nmote · throttle cantral ' -, . Other great Garden Shop values! . . Hand push mow•f.---.......... --.............. _29.95 21 » rot1ry mower ·-·---·-· .. ··-···___;$69 I HP el-ic rot1ry mower -·-·~-69.95 Plant a 'daisy birdbath now! 3.29 Imagine this charming bini.: bolh in your backyard! . / Round birdboth__ 2. 98. Hitching post 3.49 . Planrers 1~d vises Mex.icon hartd painted borrel ···-· .99 Glorio ringed vaM 2 49 Gloria lorge vaN 7.49· Gloria ll'OPll .Y.USe _ -· :t.79 3.29 . Plant any of these atfradive '· t:~~ _plants ••• 1 gallon container I ~f'.9" Yo<ir choice 69c: · Wax Leaf Privet ... ideal · for · 'Jlr hedges, decorative trimming · Italian Cypress ••• ottractive tall evergreen landscaping! Meyer Lemon for -fruit from you r · own decorative tree Aster or petunia bedding _plants 44c ·1r., Mako your garden-a riot of eolorl Plant 11verol 1roys of. tachl PLANTS AND FOUNTAINS FOR YOU!! GARDEN Golden ArborvitH, Bottle ll<ush or Bl1ck Pi11t1 In 5 g1llon cont1i11t1r ·--·-·-· .. --·-.. 2. 99 Shoff Fount1 ln -·-·-·-·.,.---··--·-19;95 FO!!nhln, •• Glrly nh Jug ....... _:_. ___ 17.95 . .• ' ,, .•. ·• : • . • • , -. .. ., • .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. . ., .. '· .; ., " " " ' '· . • . • Angeles: Univerllty of California al . Or11 CLAIR NEWPORT SE'AC"H --- . The m<.inkey's organs will be studied at I the ~University or California at Los M ••T i B<rkeley; Harbor G.neral lloapitol, Tor-· • ranee, Callf., and Texas Women'• ._ _____ .;__.;.;;. ___ ...;;_ ___________ -:--:-.,-_:===~::;;:;;;~_:.__;_ Unlvtraity, Denton, Ttx. .. • • , I !1 I I DAILY Pft.OT ..:.. ................ ....., Terry Jobe of Beaverton, Ore. dug into an odd depression In hi• back yard and found more than 300 old whiskey bottles. Moot of them were full -of water. ''We think 10mebody might lulve bur- ied a water supply in case of atomic attack or something," Mrs. Jobe said. She added the bolUes we,re. nearly all one brand. • Gerry Loo of Pitsea, England bought n e w conslnlction equip. men~ but he felt his 12 employes spoiled the looks of the new ma- chines 'becau1e their hair was too long. He asked them to get hair- cuU,, with his money and on his lime. ''We didn't mind ," said -one. "[ must admit we looked scruffy beside the new equipment." • TMI l'P'rina and 111mm.n, St. tolllr, Jlo., lw had tlDIC< th< normal amount Of Tain, ninino moi& tDetkendl, and mmlJ/ pe~ plf art fttliflg mighty loto. Jlorticul.turil& Lad Cutak had some aood 11no1 fOT those toh.o Wee a ~t tnN of things: The tTtu uriU be doubltt beauti· fu.l 10Mn tMtt change colors nut fall. • At Ille Army Transport Tt81nlng School In Church Crookham, Eng, land instructors ordeted recruits to sit in a tree, flap their arms and call "tweet-tweet," and c r a w 1 through a pond saying "quack- quack." Cof. Roy R o y I •, the .., school's commanding officer, s~y• ·be has ordered his staff to put a stop to lhe practice. Ul'IT• ......... THE FIRST STEP BACK; IT'S A-LONG ONE Astronaut' Neil Armstrong Pr•cticas for E•rth Return . 2 More Chances Remairi . -. -·- 1 f Moon Launch Delayed CAPE KENNEDY CUPI) -Apollo II utrooauts Nell A. Annstrong and Echrin E. Aldrin bope to land on the moon's arid Sea of Tranquility, but they'll settle for the.ceotral Bay or Ocean of Storms . Iuminaling the sites. • It all depends on when they are launch- _ed.__ 'Ibey are scheduled to begin their es:- pedillon with Michael Collins July 18, and ii UiOY 11"1 <>If then, their sights will be .et oo the Sea of Tranquility on the ..tera side of the moon's viJlble {ace. For the best visibility for the astronauts, the site must have sunlight at an angle of no Jess than seven degrees and no greater than 20 degrees behind the lunar module as jt approeches its landing area moving in an east to west direction. Bui H the ahol is delayed beyond that day for some reuon, the nen launching -opporiualty would aime July 11. And Apollo 11'1 tai'get lben. would be in the Cmtral Bay, almost. dud center on that put_ol lhe moon -lrom earth. -il Apollo 11 misses both those launch da.Ys. the astronauts could still take off July 21 and bead for the vast Ocean of storms on the western ball of the moon'• earth-facing btmiaphere. If Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin are not launched by July 11, they would have to wait until Aug. 14. 'Jbe by to where Apoll o 11 can go - and when -is !:be angle of sunlight ii- If the sun were lower than seven ~. the site would not be adequalniy illuminated for the critical landing oPera- tlon. If the. sun were higher than 20 degrees, the surface might be loo bright and have a "washed out." appearance lhal could ·mul: obstacles. * * * Borman Hoping Red Cosmonauts Can Tour U.S. Final fitt:fng1 art mack in the tffd-. ding g010n for Ruth E. Je11Zer, 25, of Bernt!, Switzerland who is 29 inches taU, bl/ dnumaker AnM Gunthn of LaU George, N.Y. Miu JenuT urill morrv a member of the troupe in iahich .sht is playing Aug. : in the first publtc midget wedding since 1939, County Deserter Sentence Cut FT. DIX, N.J. (UPI) -The prison sentence of Spec. 4 Edwin C. Arnett, of Santa Ana, the first soldier convicted of de.serting hi! army unit in Vietnam via Sweden, was reduced from four years to three years, the Anny announced Wednesday. MOSCOW (UPI) -Astronaut Frank Borman, in an emoUonal farewell to his Soviet hosts, promised today to ask U.S. olficla!J to invite Sov!et cosmonauts to America. Borman indicated the i n v It a t i o n already had been agreed on in principle but that fonnal approval still had to be given in the United States. The astronaut said he eicpected to speak with President Nixon about his to. day Soviet tour when the President watches the Apollo 11 moonOight later th is month. ••• In Birmingham, England Thomas Morris, a ~year~ld retired main- tenance man, has been informed his oi.d age pension will be boosted -by a penny a week. A letter from his former employer added the in~ crease would be 11s u b j e ct, of course, to a deduction of income Lu:, tf appropriate." Arnett, 30, was sentenced in March to foo:r years of hard labor at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., d l s h o n o r a b I y di.ocharged and oniered In forfeit all military pay and allowances. Borman, his wife and sons flew to Lon· don today after a flnal round of handshakes with the Soviet spacemen at Sheremetyevo Aiq>0rt. During an airport news conference Borman said "'I fully intend to ask the people in NASA to extend an invitation and I am sure it will be done."' It's Nice Only the West • Ill Showers Dampen Midwest; South Hot, Humid Ceut•I """"' bllt ...,,.· ... ,. Wiii! brltf •l'lr -'1'19 ,_, LllM .... rlttl"" •lolOJ llllhl -_..,. llel#t --.... "" tit ~ I tit IS kllOft. Tllllilr't llilll 12. Vn .... Y"t ~tvl"9 ,_.. '""" " •• n 11111,. ""'"""w. r~ tT1lfll 1 ,... .t U "9 ll W11tr ..,_ .... 11.1 ... _ .. __ s ... , M-. Tltle• THutUDAT "'"' ... •. .. .. • ..• 11:• ...... 1.7 l'lrsl liltll .. •• t :llll t1.m. J.f l'lllDAY "'"' .... . ............ ,, .. ··"'· f ,J """ """ ............. ti• •. l'l'I. J.5 ....,_. ................ 1:JI •. 11'1. 1.7 .._,. llltfl .. , . , .. , .... I ! .. "·"'· J,f .... 11111• .. •:• •·"'· .... 1:11 ··'"· .._ lll1t1°l :n •·"'· kti l;U 11.m. """ '"-"' •. ""'' •. ,,... Jvtt a AW. J J11•t a J111Y ,, 11.S. Summ•r11 Miid! Of :!;:.,. ~I ~O'ltd •I~ r='-"' ~·· ·torm· ... ~ irlonl g .. :::r~ = = = ,.~ _. ~ llld """""'" &:":Ji:~· 11t "'-~'"'"' ~" ~t ':)',/"" CM'llt"= ADM lafls. Lkil'I! ·~ _,. "'~"~ n .. ~ .• r.alOfl ...,.. Tlllll Wta llol •!'>Cl "'""!Ii II W~~ I~ -Diiier .. ,!$ It Ml uol ... -(rocrlincl • • L-t lt-.hll"~ 111t ~IOl'I tlll~ "'°'"!"" ..... !ft ~·'-" ., • EW•llSNlll In ~Incl,~ ... ..._ ~ II tn 9fM • ~ IJ • tl l:" "''?:· 11 er..11 lft Cclor.eo •nd • ..-M•lnt. ~~ ... -' .. ~~ '~,~~l~'~"'t: ~Yi~°""'-~1if,•• tt'lt o fJ ~l'o'fr 'l'; 1 lttnl"flt1tur1 of • • ONlor ,_ llM -~~II ,:r -lt.,:•1 10. 11 boll! IYI I 'f'OUIWI "- I . Tetnpa-•tures Altiu.w._ Anctiot"IM Ali.tnla 8et.l'On.td 811....rdr. O•H 8(11!(111 CllltlM c1...:1n.,.n Clewl•nd .... w. Du Mtl1* Ottroll Evrt1<;1 Fot1 WOfftl ,_ ....... lolanolllllt ~°"'"°" "•-C!tr L11 v ... 1 la A_.. Ml.ml 11111.....,,..._ Ml,..,..POlll ......,. 0.IN!'ll MllW Yort: H!M"lll l'lloftit 0._I .... .,,,_ Pt)(t ll:IJ&,.., P'llll ..... 111 P'-"lw l"il'hbl.l•.tl ·~ ....... Jhold CllJ' lltd l luff ·-hl;ni-..'° SI; Loui. ...... S.tt L•kt (ltY lift Di.to SI!! F.rfnc!Ko """ .. ,.,. .. &e1tllo! -·~ TllMINI WW'lln&1l011 Hllfl 0-1'rK. n " .. .. .. .. n " .. " u " .. • '" ... " • '" .. "' " • " • ~ " .. " " ~ • ,. .. " " " .. " " .. ~ " ., .. ., .. , .. .. " " " " ... .. .. " " .. .. " " ... " ., " " " " " " • " " " " • ... " " ., . • " M " " " ,. " " • .. " • " .. n " .. .~ "' "' "' "~ ·" "' ·" New Move ·Tried \ Over Integration WASHING'l'ON....(uelklbe NjtM a&:b minlslratloo took a .new fact toal,Y in ill stea~r assault oo ICbool desegrega. tiol. asking for consolidation of an all- ~e achool district with an all-Negro clJ.rt!1cl In Arkansas. It 'Was the 10th federal school desegre- gatloo action this week In what appeared to bel a concerted tffart by the adminb- tratiolr to counteract unfavorable reac. tion In Wt -1<'1 reluatioo of Septem- ber deadlines and Rtbstltute stepped up eolotcanenl. Atty. <;en. Jolin N. Mltchell llllJlOWl«d the new auit was filed ln U. S. Ol1trtct c.urt In Ft. Smith, Ork.,. against Bright Star . School District No. 6, the Miller County Board ol Edµcatloo, and Miller County School District No. 20 • The complaint nol<d that eadl district operaled only one school with j>upih and staff «. a al.Gile race. The BriRht Sw District -a school with n:'J • white students and 10 whit< _.is "highly irregular in Iha~. and acludad-resldenUal-artu pop<l)ated by Negroes," the Justice Department suit said. It said Miller County District, wilh about 100 Negro students and eight Ne- gro teachers, was composed cf "two separate and noncontiguous areas." The goverrunent said both school dis- tri~ were notified in January that the depertment felt they were in violation of the 1964 Civil Rlahta Act. The white school. district has foregone federal fund- ing while the Negro dist'rict continues to receive federal aid. Lodge Vows U.S. Won't Capitulate Q k D th PARIS CAP) -U.S .. Ambassador UaC ery ea Henry Cabot Lodge told the 25th ,..,Ion -of the Vietnam peace talks today Pi" B ' D t United States ls ready to negotiate and nngs ()C 01~ compromise,.but declared : "We shall not capitulate." P • rp Lodge said North Vietnam and the Viet nson i ,1erm Cong's provisional revolutionary govern- "' ment coruitantly demand the withdrawal LOS ANGELF.S (UPI) -A Long Beach of allied forces while rejecting aD pro- chiropractor was aentenced to ~ posals for mutual withdrawal of North Wednesday on a second-degree murder Vietnamese troops. conviction for the death of his S.year-old "To hold such a position is to demand patient nearly eight years ago. capitulaUon by our side," he said. "This The case of Dr. Marvin M. Phillips. 40 is unreasonable. We shall not capitulate. was believed to be the first murder cor:. No negotiated sett1ement of the·:.'Jar in viction for medical quackery in the Vietnam is possible unW you ~ that United States. demand . Phillips was accused of assuring Mr. "We a~e pre~ared to n~gtilia!e. the and Mrs. Herman Epping he could cure ~ompronuse. While yw refuse to 1om us .their daughter Linda of eye. cancer in negotiation and compromise~ the without surgerY for $500. ·.-tragedy of ~ar cqnUnues:" , He influenced tbe parents to 'take Llndil c. ~ge said th~ other side s reac:Uon to out of UCLA Medical Center the d President Nixon s ~ay 14 peace propos~ bef · ay als has been negative, and he repeated ore she was to undel:go e.urg"!Y and Ni.ion's warning that "our fighting men ~ed to treat her with Vitamins and are not golng to be worn down, our iodine water. . . negotiators are not golng to be talked She died two mooths later and Phillips down and our allies are not going to be billed the partnt.8 $739. let down." He w3;11 convicted of second. degree The meeting brought little more than murder m 19&2 but the convlctij)a ~as the now familiar: accusations ~ten the reversed on appeal because the ~ two sides, each blaming the other for the was not l.nhuently dangerous to human continuing deadlock. life. South Vietnamese delegate Pham Dang '!be Callfomla SuP!eme Court later Lam declared : "You are trying to in- overtumed the conv!cuon as well, holding fluence world public opinion a n d there wu a judidaJ error 1D the trial. American public opinion to force the U.S. PhUlips wu convicted of second-degree and allied troops to withdraw from South murder a second time ln December, 1968.'"' Vietnam and, on the other band, you are An appeal was rejected in May, and Wed· avoiding the question of withdrawing nesday Superior Court Judge William B. back to the North your own troops, Kenne sentenced him to five years to life cadres and subversive force.s present in ln prison. the South." r I _·. l , Ul"IT ..... 11 LIFE OF LEISURE? Elli.beth Taylor Liz Taylor Says She May Quit Making Movies LONDON (UPI) -Actress Elizabeth Taylor said Wednesday she ls considering calling it quits to lead a full ·time life o{ leisure. · "I . am seripusly cOnsidering retiring from the screen,"' the 37-yea.Mld rilm star said. '''I .may never work again." Miss Taylor, an established star. at the age of 12 with her role in "National Velvet," made the statement on a British Broadcasting Corp. radio program. '"Unless something comes along that absolutely captivates me, the life of leisure -ii you can call being married to Richard Burton and the mother or four children leisure -is ror me," she said. Yosemite Spa Ruined YOSEMITE -Fire Wednesday nigh! destroyed Yosemite National Park'& Glacier Point Hotel and Mountain House~ the oldest hotel in lhe NaUonal Park system. Nr> one was Injured, U.S. Forest Rangers reported. New Big Reductions On All Mullen & Bluett With Original •89.95 to'115 Price Tags $ With Original Two for '130 '125 &'135 Price Tags $ 1· AND 2.PANTS SUITS-FORWARD FASHION SlYLES•NAlURAL SHOULDER MODELS-UGHlWBGHTS AND YEAR 'ROUND WEIGHTS-SUPERB WOOL WORSTEDS AND OTHER FABRICS-WANTED PATTERNS AND COLORS. America's finest clothing, famous brands included! Out they go at two sensational give-away prices as we shoot to clear our M&B stocks completely! Don't miss out on these fantastic savings! Hurry to make your choice while they lasb MULL-EN c\ BLUETT GRODI NS Op•ll Dilly ID '·"'· t• t iOO P·"'· • Broadway-Anaheim Center, Anaheim • South Coast . . .l Mna --------~-,......--...__ ..... _,...,. __ • I ' . QUEENIE By Phll lnttrfcmdl ~ ., ... ,, ·-\\ ' ~ ., t -; !I: ~ "I'd get my head out of there, Mr. Ard>er-thla · thing's going up in & minute." Hoover's Son Dies ., In Pasadena Hospital PASADENA (AP) _; Her- bert Hoover Jr. shUMed publicity most of his life and when he died at age 65 Wednesday there were no press announcements or his passing. The son of the late president ,;erved as the No. 2 man in the Slate Department from 1954 ta 1957 under the late John Foster Dunes. Hoover died in Huntington Community Hospital which said he had been hospitalized for about a l'.'eek: Spokesman _.-t;ltdined to-name the illness or give the cause of death. Hoover once aaid there were three ingredients that made 11fe worth living for him -the outdoors, far away places and mining engineering. When be was undersecretary or alate, friends said he would have rather been in Australia mining gold. Public office held no glamor for him and he avoided capitaliz.ing on his father 's name. Shunning poliilca mosl or his Jife, Hoover, an engineer like hla father, maae l'lls -pro- fesaional mark as an inventor and administrator in the fields of mining, radio and electronic engineering. It was hJs experieoet in oil mining that brought him reluctantly into public life. Serving as a trouble shooter for Dulles, Hoover w11 ln- slrumenlal in healing the rill between &he BrtUah and the Iranians over t b e na- UonaU..Uoo of Brl!WH>eld oil concessians in 19$4. Shortly after the success of hla work in the oil dispute he was nam- ed undersecretary or state. Maddox Reacts : 'Phooey' ATLANTA (UPI) -Slan· ding red-laced b e f o r e television cameras, G o v . Lester Maddox angrily told the Justice D«!partment what it could do with its suuestton for immediate and complete integration of Georgia's public schools. "So far as I'm concerned, they can take their ulumatum and rarrj it.iDJJWr._utch!la - or suitcases If they want to, and phooey on the whole crowd," Maddox said. nie governor said it would be better to close the IChoola than to submit to the "Com- munist demandl" of the Juitice Department. "' I Htintphrey Talked Out . ' 0£ War Stand bv LBJ? " WAS!UNGTON (UPI) -disturbed by polls which show· Until the very eve of last sum-ed Richard M. NJ.zoo leadina: mer's Democratic NaUonal all of the Dem9CfaUc con- ConvenUon, H u b e r t H. tenders. Humphrey feared that Pres!-If there waa a Johnson dent Lyndon B. Johnson would revival, White concludes, it reve.rse himself and decide to ended as the convention open· seek another term, according ed when a new poll came out. to presidential c a m p a I g n That poll showed N i I o n chronicler Theodore H. Whitt. leading Humphrey, Sen. In addition, While sail Eugene J. MClCarthy (D- Humphrey was ready to an-AtiM.), and Johitson, by siz nounce an independent stanf percentage points. on Vietnam before the COQr On the Vietnam question, venlion, but Johnson talkel:I White wrote :-, him out of it by revealing a\\ "Humphrey had , been Imminent breakthrough in thl prepared, under much urging, Paris peace talks. \ to do just that (form an ln- The reports on the campalaq dependent policy) before the are contained in White's booM convention. ·But a vlalt to "The Making of the President Johnson at his Te:a:as ranch 1968." two and a half weeks before "Whleper, rumor , mut-1 the convention had rutra.ioed terlngs had It that Johnson him. was reconsidering his renun-1 "In highest official &ecreey, elation ," the book said. "Hurni Johnson had told hiJ vice phrey staffers recall seein president <>( an imminent their chief look moodily out breakthrough in the Parla the e:a:ecutive office bulldln negotiations, a breakthrough windows toward the Wh1 · that would be Ulreatened if the House day after day In ear vlce preaident of the United August, wondering w h State1 spoke out publicly at Johnson was really up to." home. So Humphrey had Adding to the fears, e desisted and must, at Chicago, aald, was the fact t t mastermind some sort of Viet- John.son cont r o 11 e d e nam plank wblcb would at Chicago convention, even to once appease his old liberal, 'the point Lhal Hwnphr 's peace-minded fciends, yet not son-in-law had to stand in e upset Lyndon Johuon." for tickets to get the then e ... president's family seat I g space in the gallerl .& .... 1 E h'b" Johnson, Wh;te sa;d, as .tU.' Ll It To Sta11 Apprmtimlttely 60 arUsll will exhlbJt hundreds of ob- jects~ ol art, oll palnt1n1• water colors, sculpture ~ plaques al Fuhlqn Island today throoab Saturday. Among the art~ll nhlbltlnf will be JQhn W. Worth, known for his portraill of put presidents and who la now em· p b a s Ii.inc eemlsurru.liatlc works. A new artlit on the local -scene, South American H~nry Ramm, also will U· hlblt miniature paintm,1. RamJrez will conduct 1 aeries or lecturu in the I1l1nd House at S • p.m. FMday ind Saturday. ., < ,, / Il I I 'S -RAPPY RAP 7.99 Orig. $If, outhful, sn•ppy, •h•p· ed hoe/ sir per in >hiny bl•ck pol· en!, For n , for fo ll. C•suol Sh es. 75 FOOT FLAIRS PUMP 14.99 Reg. $19. In groy. comel, red, n•vy or bl•ck c•lf. Also bl•ck f•bric or bl•ck p•lent le•lher. F•shio n Shoes, 8 • Children 's Shoes 7.99 -8.99 Reg. $I 0 · $14. Don't mi" this sem i· annual Stride. Rite and Lazybones sole for child ren. G re e I beck·to. school buys. Children's Shoes. 58 ANA HEIM 444 North Euclid .. , 5l5·112 I Molldty thru S•tUfdl' 10 •.m. to 9:30 p.m, • • DAILY l'llaT I r ....... 1-->WA..Y.-• D' AV ANTI COBRA 13.99 Reg . $18. GeQuine cobro pump in groy, block or b row n. Melch ing hondbog, 15.'19. Foshion Shoe•, 8 D'AYANTI SPECTATOR 13.99 Reg. $17. Gre•t new style in •hiny bl•ck p•tent. F•1hio n Shoes, 8 MUSKETEERS' BONNIE 10.99 Reg. $17 , Kicky os the highland fl ing, with little h e e I, in wh ite or block potent, with kilt.flop. Cosuol Shoe,, 75 NEWPORT 47 Fo1hion hlond ,,, 644-121 2 M6nd•·y-thru-Ftld1y-tO""a':1'1r,fO t :JO p.m. S1h,1rd1y I 0 1.m •• to 6 P.•m• Orig. $10-$30 6.99-14.99 Brand Reg. Prlca ·s.r. · Paliuio $28-$30 .14.99 Deliso Debs $22-$25 14.99. Florsheim $20·$2J-13.ff' Meno $2 t-$22 ll. Joyce $18·$19 11.99 F~t Flairs $1'8·$20 11.99 D'Avantl $17-$19 ll~H N.a turalizer $17-$20 11.99 ' · Rhythm Step $20 -$21 11.99 Piccoli no $19-$21 8.99 Musketeers Flats $15 -$16 8.99 Sbicca $15-$16 8.99 Va n Eli $19-$20 8.99 Front Row $12-$14 7.99 Connie $12-$14 7.99 Musketee rs $11-$13 6.99 Sportivo Modi $1 1-$13 6.99 Cloudhoppers $11 6.99 Bus ken1 $10-$1 1' •3.99 Fashion Shoes 8, C e s u e 1 Sho<is 75, Budget Fashion Shoos I 0 I HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 fdin9 tr A¥Onu o . , • 192·lll I -Mondoyihru·Stiuriloy 10 ........ 9110., .... . ' , , --r- . I ·. . . j • • ! I' [· • • ' ' t I , -' 'I DAILY P~O':f EDITORIAL P"GEj ' • A Golden Opportunity . . . • • Hindsight ls bavin& Ila usual big win over foresight u Orange County officials lace the fact that the county i:::::::::_::-;:;:; _ ~edlcal~er · Orange; "'"'°'ult-of sevore budget cuUlng, was inadequate in. e,apacily and medically ob- <0lete from the start. Despite the lac\ the facility is inadequate in virtual· ly every category, there may be a way out. This opti· mism about the future rests with an affiliation agree- ment between the county and UC Irvine. Under tfiis agreement, the medical center provides the medical school (12 miles away on the Irvine campus) with facilities for teaching and research. The z;cbool Js operating with a split campus. Students are on campus fol' the flrat two years and at the medical center for '\belr 'fiDal two years. Thi& ts "planned as a permanobt ~pt. . • Thi& pal'lllership>undoub!ediy will help both •tu· dent t:l!n'f,i:cttclng doctors to improve their knowledge . ~ es, improve. Pf!itient care and upgrade the q'l'!lily..bf medical res~ Bui ii slit} does ~ot answer ~l!i)mpla and ve:xiQg :,problem of bow lo'6nance the jo~ of malting th.• mediCal.ceuter .;..,mu.ill!,of it nearly a-.llWI ce'ntury old -ant~t.:date medl~al;facillty. UC! will have a 350-bed tiospital on campus so that first and second year sllµtents can readily move back and fO.rUa from..classroom to observation of patient care. Jn addition, nine buUdi.ngs -three provided by the county and six leased from the'-'COunty -have been occupied by the medical school pn the grounds of the medical center's 33-acre complex.in Orange. men and women will need to work in a 1970s type ol medical environment, not somelhlng reminiscent or the _J.9th...centucy as i.KJbe c~e_no_w .. _The problem app-earsio-simmer do \vn to this: -Both county.government end the university system are instruments of the state of California. -County government would be hard·pressed to find the tax inoney to bring its medical center up to both the quality and the capacity it should haye in the in· terests of its booming population, -Therefore, the state should treat both instl]lments as one, with ·UCI aifd Orange County in mectical part· nership financially under state aegis as well as oper- atively in improving the quality of patient care while meeting the needs of the medical school. All residents of the county,, whether af~er\I or middle income or indigent, have a stake in ha g high quality medical care close at hand, The UC ounly medical partnership should insure this. Perhaps it'8 human nature ~ put spendlng money into creature comforts•first. But .when serious illness or Injury strikes, our atjitudes. qukkly . change. Then we . become lobb)ll~ts for the "best tiealth care modern medi· cine can provide, and1 at Qur dOorstep. t \ We have .a chance to do that lobbying now, by\de- manding that a golden opportunity be Seized to put Orange County in the forefront of medical . edµcat1gn and hospital cafe: c • . -~ \Ve have wpat is potentially one of the rriost lmpo ant medical schools in the nation developing at UCI. ~ have an Obsolete county medical facility at Orange cry· ing for modernization and expansion to meet the needs of both patients and the UC! Medical &boo!. ' .. ' .... ' ~I 1 Later on, when the UC! Medical &hoot is in full swing it will produce 128 doctors a year :-more than 10 percent of. the state's estimated requirements. But l.n the two years before graduation, those young medical In logic, this should share top priority with the edu-- cation of California's children in the allocation of public \ funds -federal, as well as &tate and county. BA~ANCE OF TM!>~ ~ I I -DangerOtU La.ck of ·Leaderslffj) Nixon vs. the Democrats Ho~ They .Bury Recijities Under · W oFds The Plays w ·ere • WASHINGTO!j' -R<p. Wright .Pal· -mah. the Tnu Democrat 9ho heads· the-- powerful House Banking and Currency Commttiee, has been raging through • eon,reu for 40 years breathing fire against the bankers and interest-gougers. He bas just been outsmarted on one or tbEAnolt important bills before (;ongress. This is tbe one-bank bold inc.. company act to mtrl!n the bank beheinoths , .. they grasp control of enterprises having oothlng to do with ba.llking. But tllat is ooly hall the atory. The Nix· on Adminlsttatlon has been-out.smarted, too. Whal hap In this inatance and m paMage -Die income ilfrtix u:- t.ension. by a mere 5-vote margin ~ not tnvite optimiml. about the future of lbe Nixon legillative program. A PA&U~G staJemate between the NiJon Adirilnistratlon and the J>emocra.Ucally<C>Otrolled Congress may atre.actv el.1st. Iii iJii1, NlJ.on's Treasury Department bU.Ued out on getting the kind of control oi the bank behemoths which was originally Intended. Patman-could not get the kind of very strict control he wanted. A RepubllCan-Jed minority moved in and won committee approval for a much softer bill than anyone had expected. Pat· man will coollilue to fight the bill and may win, bUt the treasury lies supine whether out of diffidence or suppressed aympalhy for the big one-bank holding company operations. Whatever the merits of the bank bill, or Of the big bank operations, the whole !ie- queoce of this struggle in Congress dtmonstntes a dangerous lack of Jeadushlp. The Nll;on Administration does not know how to get what it wants fro m a Democratically-controlled Richard Wilson · •• Congress which ls beginning to exerci&e its mwcle. THE PROBLEM IS NOT helpe<I only by the inexperience of some of the Nlxon people at tbe ·White House, and the con. sequenUy. huge load borne iingly by Bryce Harlow,_Ni%on's able and amiable legislative representative. With all of Nixon's guile and skill he was still only able to gel a S.vote margin in ·the surtu battle in the House. This has given the Senate Democrats supreme confidence 1thfy will be able to do wbat they wish on tu refonn or any oUier conditions attending surtax extension. Not only that, but the Democrats are now more confident they can handle Nixon on the highly explosive ABM issue, whatever . hi.s polls n\ay show. The air is filled with charges and counter chartes about who· bought off whom with what on the surtax extension. Rejection or Dr. Knowles is supposed to have . been one of the payoffs. Mayor Daley of Chicago is supposed to have been promised the Republi can Convention in 1970 in n:ward for Illinois support. A Virginia congressman proclaims he was threatened with ·losing a dam for hJs district if he didn't vole right, THE FACT THAT none of these allega- tions is proved even superficially is beside the point The currency of such talk illustrates the climate in Congress as .. .. lt goe_s its frustrated and leaderless way. This is not-Niron's fault. The people gave ·"· him a Democratically-conlrolled Congress with burgeoning ideas of its own and some fairly p o p u 1 a r personalities. Since 1968 special elections have continued to send Democrats to Congress in place of supposedly well en· trenched 'Republicans. We begin to get a view, therefore, of a chief executive who may be unable raU1er than unwilling to carry through a constructive legislative· program. -There are some who say that this is what people wan!. _ ~_dg not want · a__hesident rusliing to Congress with urgent new programs, for they ,had enough of that in the early years . of lhe Johnson Administration. They are content, loo, it is said, to have Con~C!\ltb tOe ,Pen.. tagon and strangle off ~ few superfluous agencies aftd programs. ' . .. " ' SUCH NEGATIVISM: isn't ukety to last Jong. Nor can it remain satisfying very long to a President who is determined to leave his mark on history. On the cases in point-the surtax; the ABM, the one-bank holding company act and extension of the voting rights act - the Nixon Administration will have to move in slrong to get what it wants. This strong approach could be good strategy, too, if Nixon intends next year to tollow Harry S. Truman's example and conduct a political campaign on the issue of a do.nothing Congress. History is prel· ty much against Nixon on such a alrategy. With all his popularity Presi· dent Eisenhower couldn't hold control of Con ;ress for the Republican party and In the !rid had to compromise with and rie- penc on the cooperation of Democratic leaders. Over-the-Counter Stocks To daring speculators, the over-the· counter market ls a place to make a financial killing. To conservative Wall Streeters, it is the place where sheep go to be 11hom. Both viewpoinls have merit. Over-the-counter stocks Lypically are in companies that are small, new, and full of growlh potential .. OTC ~ocks. usual~y art modestly priced tn keepmg with their low or DODGistent profits. 'I-be Uttle. in· vestor can purthase enough shares to make real mooey if the stock lakes off. But the risks are great, too, and it is a commentary on OTC stocks that they have taken a proportionately greater drubbing in recent monlhs than have 8Calritie:s on the established exchanges. A full-scale recession could wipe out some of the small companies altogether. AGAINST THIS backdrop. the Fed<ral Reserve Board is preparing to subject major over--tbe<ounter !Stocks to the ume margin requirements as ._tock5 that l are listed on e.1changes. An initial list of O'J'C stoelai subject to margin re· quirements has just been published. Standards for ·inclusion are h l g h enough to eliminate the riskiest slocks from this type of speculation. According to a spokesman at the Fed, about 300 OTC stocks will qualify for margin. Mai-gin simply means that a speculator can buy securities ,_,itboul putting up lhe full purchase price. At the present time, the margin requireme nt states that an Individual may be loaned up to 20 percent of the purchase price on stocks he buys. That's not much leverage and, in ed· dilion, interest rates on the partion loan· ed are extremely high -about 10 percent. AS ONE BUSINE.SS writer explains: "Actually, margin gives the speculator only one real oppartunity for profit. If the original stocks or bonds he buys on margin -go up in price, additional funds are released • • . to purchase other secuRlies on margin." In a falling stock market not much pro- fit is being reaUzed through margin deals or anything else. The bullish ''Nixon market" of late 1961 and early 1969 hlas given -way to a bearish "Nixon market" continue to drift lower. That the market Is perverse was shown in 1968 when It posted new highs although most analysts had forecast a plunge. EXPECTATIONS of lower pro!ils and a )X>li8ible business recession brought on by tight money are behind the current seU- off on Wall Street Add to this the failure to stem inflation, stalled peace talks on Vietnam, and the threat of wage.price or credit controls, and you have the mak· ings of a major bear market. For investors who last year flooded the over-the-a:>unter market with buy on:lers on new and highly speculative issues. the day of reckoning already has come. Veteran Wall Streeters find fresh con· firmation of their beJief that the actions of small investors can be described as "exercises In mass masochism -that they keep losing because 'it feels so good when il hurts.~· Dear Gloomy Gus: Perhaps somfone can expb1ln why college students that excel In sports are called athletes while the sludents that excel In their studies .,.. called egheads? Alter all the •iWl•adJ have almost put the first man on the moon. H. 8. MtD., Jr. • ' ' ,Naked Notliings ( • • \ Imagine a large and talented group of engineers constructing the Panama Canal, with all its marvelous mechanical devices, its dams and levers and locks - and then using It to float a little paper H c · I mm.I nd boat from one ocean to the other. ow ongress1ona .co tte~l a Early this spring, I went to New York agents of the executfVe bury realiUes tor a week to see some o( the new plays, under words,-obfmcate-logte-and lfilWae t on a highly selective basis. This e1· Intelligibility, had an· excellent example perience -as it does every year - hrthc appeuance of Delense Se'tf~tary re.tn:lilded me of a -paper boat going Laird before the Senate Foreign tt;~ through the Panama Canal. lions . Committee headed by SelJ8 f' BROADWA y, as it is still erroneously Fulbright. · , called, . is the Jerge11t waste of con- You would think offhand that a w~·U'I . ctntrate.d talent in the world. Jt has before a commitlee in a defense ' , ~ ~(wis of ~mmerisely gi_ftesi ~ct~ aDd would say : we have nothing positive. 0 adre5Se$, directors, scene ,des1gnerSf ·r1 .. -., 1 d 1 · · tbut'A 11ghting ·experts, production geniuses -So.vle_t m1 lwu 7 nlent ~n p an rung, . .itad· the net result of their mighty labors this 1s what we ¥111?tSe,. ba$ed_9.rv_ 10-~ has the iota! content of a decayed walnut. telligence and ~eduction. ~herefo~e. we -ot the eight plays 1 saw In that week, ask yo~r committee to. ~~t m the 11ghf ol all were superb technical achievements. our eslimate of posslb1\Jt1e:s. The acting was magnificent, the direction BUT TJIAT IS NOT the way it works. ~aginative, the settings impressive. And It becomes an exercise in semantics, and all these Herculean efforts were designed tb camouflage the fact that the emperor an interminable dispute. W,ords . are was. wearing no clothes. The plays analyzed and sentences tom apart In a lhemselyes were n_aked nothings. search for their true meaning, apd for apparent contradictions. The resu lt is the people, reading of these encounters or seeing them on television, find them baffling and divorc- <'d from anything factual, and the participants don"l appear to do much bet· ter. 11IE PUBLIC l\tA Y not know this (some tlciels were selling for $40 a pair), but \fie professionals in the t!Jeater are painfully aware that they are living and working far beneath themseh•es. It ls comp8Table to Heifetz being asked to play "Three Blind Mice,'' or' Gropius . \ . ~· (. ' . '?'-~ "°"'t .>j• /' .. ' I JS!i'lt!ex....:J. l.larHs' . ~ . ., ) ~tJt~.~··<~ _ _: __ . __ .................. being commissioned to construct a 100. story skyscraper out of colored Sl!gar. One of the n:al artistic tragedies of our time is that so much real talent is.going to waSle in the performing arls because our level of creativity is so low and bar· ren. For every good play that a great ac- tor gels a whack at, he must perform in a dozen mediocre ones, in order to eat and tO keep iil technical practice. 'MnuoNS UfON inilllons a r!e Squandered in these foolish and trivial ente~es, while at the same time our nation ~as no repertory theater, no tra1ning ground 1 for performers, no pro- gram .for encouraging new playwrights, no way of har~s.ing these tremendous talenls to projects that are worthy of their abilities, their aims, and their hopes. It is all form and no content, all package and no product. "Jr a thing isn't ,_.orth doiilg," Chesterton once sa id, ,;i t isn't worth doing well." Ninety perc~nt of the commercial theater isn't worth doing, bµt lt is done superbly well-leav· ing no funds, no energy, and no incentive for doing the thingi that are wor'.h doing, and encouraging those who are capable or weaving royal raiment for the emperor. Three months ago Secretary Lain!, citing a Soviet intercontinental miSliile named C-99. declaring his belief the Russian s are "going for first-strike capability." Danger From the Moon THIS WAS 'VIDELY intcrpfeted to mean th e Russians hoped to knock out all retaliation by the United States. and Senators F'ulbright and Gore so in· terpreted it. But Mr. Laird in the recent hearings, said he earlier meant to sug· gest the Russians, in the C·99, are developiog a ··first·strike w capon' ' de.signt.'d for attack of only one phase of American defense. to wit. the sites of the litlnuteman missile. The testimony involved the Pentagon's proposal for ABM , or a Safeguard system. which hardly clarifies itself for the people by changing its name several limes since fonner Defense Secretary McNamara broach~ it two years ago. Mr. Laird's modification of his origina l estimate was seized upon by Fulbright and Gore, both opponents of Safeguard, as providing ·a new approach to the issue. l\tR. FULBR.IGIIT said he had always understood "firsl·strike capability" meant a knock-OUl blow, inten:licting reprisal. lie was not nearly as impressed by Laird's new position, which he called "narrower and more restricted than the original." He said it was "confusing," and now seemed to mean C·99 is designed only to hit a missile in its silo (it must be assumed any missile has as one of its targets another missile). · Mr. Laird couldn't sec a IJ.,.Y ·' d Is agreement'' in interpretation ; ncverthelesa the dispute consumed two hours of a five-hour hearing. There were other points of debate, such as discus.<;ion of a multiple warhead missile, but as the aim of this column is to note, not add to. Washington confusion. ~·e will skip the warheads for this ,_,riling. OR WW.. YOU tolerate one more con· Cusin& entgma? Safe§l1ard has betn declared by President Nixon to Sf!<'ure us against Red Chinese 1nissiles. Whereupon ~1r. l.iiiird and his people have been er. pending all their ar.riety on the Rus.!lan A suspense novel, "The Andromeda Strain," by a young writer and '"graduate of Harvard Medical School, Michael Crichton, is the tory of the worid's first space.age blolo al crisis. Crichton could not have asked r a better promotional "tie.in" th an a p" in The Ntw York Times the other d under the headline "Danger From the "Moon." This warned of the possible problem of astronauts bringing back from the moon organisms which could devastate life on earth. If, the Times .article read "1 part. "there are lunar bacteria, fungi , vtnues or the like different from anything known on earth, then the plant a.nd animal lile here -including human beings .1.... have not been prepared In any way by previOU!I evoluUonary history to re.siat the depredations of 11uch extraterrestrial pathogens. The result could be disaster." ES.SENTIALLY, this kind of disuter ls what "The Andromeda S.train" is all about -an unmanned. research satellite returns to the earth mysteriously and lethally contaminated. At the outset. the young author admils that this ls·a tather technical narrative, centering on complex issues of science. He explains scientUlc questions, problems, techniques, cfttn \IS· ing graphs and tables. the vocabulary of the computer and the often equally ~f· fli~ "lop secret" verbiage of the military and NASA. But In his narrative Crichton manages to suggest the tension and inherent drama of this situation. Tt is the kind of thtille.r that the late Eugene Burdick and Wllllam Ledere.r piqneered in "Fail.S.fe" In the '50s. This is a "Fail.safe" of the 'ros. and the Irony or "Andromeda" Is that lhe world may not end with an atornlc bang, but by the creeping of some bug, o~ virus ~rttofore unknown to clinical microbiology. colu1nn the day arter that "Danger From the Moon" pitte appeared (and before ''The Andromeda Strain" was officially heard of): ''There is a chance -slight but hardly negligible in view of the possible con·, sequen~ -lhat vast epidemics could be set off on earth by organisms in- advertently imported from lhe moon, or liter from some other planet. Shouldn't all the World 's governments and scien· lists have some voice in deciding whether that risk ought to be taken -not merely !he rulers and scientists of either the United Stales or the Soviet Union~·· Notes on ille Margill Robert Brustein, the crillc and Yale professor rj drama has collected a series or his pol~mlcs. opinions and obscrva· tions as •ltJ'he TI1ird Theater" (Knoj>f; '6.95). . ·J William Hoa:an ' ~--,By Geo"lfe ---, Dear George : What do you think of a man who stays oil until four ii tbe morning and won't even tell his wife· where he 's beeri~ Dear Furious: FURIOUS I don) lhlnk he has mucli Im· agin1Uon -the least he could say is that he mi!l&ed. his bus. (~ for George'k Pamphlet: "1,001 Things to Tell Your Wife When You Slay ()Jt Untll Four in the Mor_ning. ") (Send your problems to George. or summer 19'9. The ·now Janes Industrial Average thlt stood 1t 931 on Jan. 20 -the day Nixon asswned the presidency -and a peak of 968 on May l4.dropped to a low ol B&9 by June 2'1. ~..Jinaocial ·experll paradoxically ~ draw encouragement from the fact that nearly tvtryone think& the avera;:ea will ~ menace as JustJO.caUoo foe the syste1n. WE HAVE COrt1£ a long way frpm .Jules Verne, 11. G. Welll!'. and even Eugene Burdick in our shock Clcllon. "IhL.Aodromeda Slraln" ls scary. As llarry Sthwarli. 8 membtr nr thti Time!! editorial board, wrote ill an edltoriill page Or, If 'you prtftr to take more logk:al acUon, why no.l •i~ down and have iiooa cry?\ Maybe ¥OU don"l get the grt3t silence on this acort. but who does? - ] i lit le lh fa L< • S1 S1 1 .. th E B• °' hi Iii Jo p " M d "' 11 ti· d 1, 1, " ki 1. Ir a a: f< ti ,, \I ti p \I p u a n ~ c h n h r I r i I 1 ~---~~~-~~--,--,-,-----...... ----------,.----------·----• ......... --r•~ I ·--•• - , . - . CHECKING ··UP .• , Con.ti11uatio11 .. ~ • ._1........, _ __,"-,._J~.._1_1:-'a._1_ ... '-9---:-,..--=~':; .DAILY. PILOT 7. iP~pe~s Revenge_!'· ~n East. Be ~lin··uit. Urging BERLIK (AP) -A golden 1,170-foot lefevlsion tower tJlit' reS!auranl. Lalin c~'• 'l'Jllbollc of Chris-Berlin juJI adds lo the par k p asS cross ,rea:ularly bangs high in ~i5y~~nl .~~11~~nt!u:r~ TM ·mapUHtatlon .oan be . tiaqlty. Later It· lakes on the sa~~.~0\o,5n. did not •·•e It the sky above Easl Berlin. seen best from West Berlin appearance of a square Greek uctuu 14.,. Since the regime of Walter Moscow, becall!t the afternoon sun crosa The cross can be aeen abin-ah.lnlng trom the west slrlke.s . · kindly when the Communists Love and War Man Ulbtkht ls rarely known to in· inc on aay day the sun ls out the tower 1·ust right. HUGE CiRlN decided to make the, tower a Con11eaman Jl{MI, 'B. Ult voke the symbol of Chri>-Is "·'bl ~--th Is (R.'1l1st1DJ bu Co-J·---"'1--~ tlanlty, the cross' appearance It most YJ.11,l e ,,..,IQ, ere From a vantage po!nt at Asked -what he tbout;ht prestige effort .. ,First, 1. t legislatlon to contmu:' the N .. Prove~ Optimist - has become a source ol qufet a cloudy backdrop to the sun. Brandenburg Cate, dir~tly about lhe situation, a Wes1. dw.4rfs old Berlin s historic ttonal Form and p a r k satisfaction and ironic amuse-Also ironically, I~ Is the along lbe Jlerlln WaU, the . Berlin border po 1 l c em an skj~. ~. it especially services' "Colden Ea a I e ment on both -aides of lhe ~estem sun)hat brinp lt oui _Sl9fS . begins _ appear,lng-at .. re_pl!.._~ with a· hUJe rgln, dwarfs the oldest church ln Passport." ' • Communist wall vidlng the lO btjt adVantije. ~ a~ 10 a.m. lt ls Ulen hlgh nwonc1erlul!.Just wondert:UJ!'1-•thrdty, the Marlenltlrche, • 'The ColCltn Eagle Pauport clly. REFLECl'S SUN 011..thuRbm ·an<t f~ced tg_the He;sald"that eyen for lourl1ls which Is dlmUy a<fJ_acenl. llW'dlal<d f.., ldm!Uance t~ Embarrassment to the.Com~ The cross is simply a refitc· south ~wara t~e So v I e t the cr_o.ss has become a topic But as the tower sphere was natlonal1 parll.1 and recrea~ munlsll Is made w 0 r 1 e Uon or the sun off the o~er enclave m outlying Karlshorst. of conversation. For wall complettd and the golden tional areu, expires In Mardi By L. M. BOYD LOVE AND ~ AR-""No na· _ tion can outgrow the inevitable tendency lo make war._ Such i.s the contention of some fatalists. All right, says.....our Love and War man, but what nbou t Sweden and Switzerllffld? \Veren't -the Swedes and the Swiss several hundred years ago just about the most warllke citizens in Europe? The,_ were inde®. But not anymore. Tomorrow ou r L. and W. man should tia ve something a s op- timistically enlightening as the loregolng to say about love. Please buy a paper. ~ause lhe ..,~ross -formed metal covering o! a ltuge At noon, ti1t cross creeps regulars, be added, It · lives CCOSS: began shl.Jnmering in the 1970. In February than 4t any other by reflection' Of the,sun _ ap-sphere loca_!ed on the tower at around to the west so that by great saUsfaetlon as "a real sun. wry Berllntn began It b currently before the· monlh, too. Go ahead, ask me ptlMI -on their m 0 1 t about the •loot level, which ·about Z p.m. it is centered and joke on Ulbricht." referring to It 11 "The Popt's Interior and Insular affairs flow I . know. A study of prestigious building project: a will house a rev o 1 v Ing tn the form of the standard Tliat it can l>e seen all over revenge... commit ee .. blograph;oo hlrthdatcs 1 .. -~"""'-'-'-:..'..:.::.._,;_ ________ _:, _____________________ ,;;__ ________ _., _____ _ dlcates the' first claim. As to the s e c o n d , surveytakera foun~ lhat otil in an ex· haustive poll of patent. at- torneys. However, w h at ·noOOdy hBs yet discovered, ap- ,pareriUy, ls why February ls llOW A.PT lbat tltose snappy educators of the Virginia ,,.lilitary llllltitute should in· elude facullymen J!amed Fyfe and Drumm, Wise' and Smart . WRY 00 FICTION '\'RITERS so frequenUy iden- tiry their villainous female characters bf the name of Isobel? What 's wrong with Isobel? ... ONLOOKERS at card games are c a 11 e d kibitzers. But why'! 0 u r Language man says that's I rom the German kiebitz bird, a fascinating fowl that sits around the fields, watchitlg the farmers work. OPEN QUESTIONS' 1. Does the rRte of flow of erectric _.. ciment"'V11;ry wi\h altitude?''1:- \Vhy is the 'ijuke box" called that? 3. Which Uni~ States President never voted? ·4. \Vhat happfned to those 30 pieces of silver Judas got for the betrayaJ? 5. \Vhy do Army and ?-.1arine Corps enlisted men's chevrons point up while Navy and Coast Guard men's chevrons point down? 6. Is it true a disproportionately large number of redheads are Jell· handed? t~EBRUARY-More em inent n1en have been born __in February than in any other monlh. Far more. And more inventions have been de vised so producUv~,. CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. "How much money does a dfwnmer in a band make, on the average?" A. Have to cpme up eJIJPJY-handed on that one, so'!T)' ·-fo report. All l know is tlie .Joo.st highly paid drummer 9( all time, Buddy Rich, reportedly ·was pullitli down almost $1,500' a week at his peak. THE ''LQ. CLUB" ls an organizations of c i t I z e n s who've said 1.'11quit" to smok· ing. Tony Curt~ was recentl,Y named president. Somehow 1t never occurred lo me lhal Tony Curtis would become president of an I.Q. club ... NOTE IT STATED "The original Casey Jones was renowned as a hard~inking. h a rd-figb~~ng, ~a;d-workln~ railroader. \Vtft s wrong. Partly. The orijinal Casey Jones was .a teetotaler. • RHYMES-" 'CbimneY' i S another ot th:rf.·oi'4i ..for which-there Is nor me," said 1. "Not so," writ ·a polltical scholar , "and hele-with . my proof : ·A woman who l!ved down in Bim'ni . , . Decided she wanted a chimney ... So the stork there ~ rest •.• Jn a proper built nest ... While on· stand-by for Aram, by J im'ny '." Yotir questio11s and com- men!s are welcomed a11d _wi!Lbe used whe rever pos~ rib!e in · "Checking Up.~ Address ma i l to L. M Boyd, in care of tilt DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. 12 Coast Students on UCI Dea11's ·Honor:'List ·Twelve Orange Co a !'t From Newport Beach: students have been namcil Donald Keith Aniel, 16071h: W: to the dean's honor list at UC Balboa Blvd., Jane Taylor Irvine. They are: K1ein, 2664 Basswood and From Costa l\fesa: Kandi Patricia Marie Tnu:aw, 117~ Larae Dove, 2485 Tustin Ave., 28th St. Aslrid Ruth Halvorsen, 3271 From Westminster: Linda ?<.1lchigan Ave ., Edmond Ann Cusimano, 9410 Shell Cir· ~1ichael Madrid, 3085 Loren cle. Lane, Lea Maureen Terhune,,----------- 552 •Iam\llon St., and Mary ' Ellen Drlstine Zack, 8 7 9 ~ Center St. From Huntington Beach: • tilurlcl Gottlieb Endig, 17391 La ~lesa Lane. From Irvlnt: ~!arguerite Bladen, 4262 Sandburg Way. From Laguna Beach: • Catherine Louis Bell, 68S Grif· rith Way, Carol Carruthers Lambe rt, 2965 Alpine Way and ~lark Benson LaPorte, 405 · Blumonl. CofC W 01nan Aid Library .Grounds The women's division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce has presented the Corona del Mar branch library '\·ith a $100 check to be used COMING ORANGE. COUNTl FJUR &EXPOsnflOH i Vatn0hot A111i101 I for flowers in front of the Jul!? 15 oo buikllng at 420 Marigold St. '* /;j The lad ies held their annual r.arden Fair last April to raise Fa irarounds-Costa Mesa the money fgr the plants. N ~ LAWNMOWER SHARPENING AND ENGINE REPAl!l WAJllll MON.1 .. 1.~ DAILY f·I• _ x IUM. 11·1 I .. , 2666 HARBOR BLVD: 5•6·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 -SATURDAY 9 to 5z30 --:-SUNDAYIO to SzOO Ofine1t itr1terior let•• well p1 int monev c:1n buy. 0 S1ti1fec.fion 'uer1nte9' ot your do119h li1c.k. 0 Mori c:olor1 thefl I c1n c.ount I on botk hend1 e!td feet l. 610~L. 0 Super alic.ky 10 ftO peint c:rewl1 und1r it..._ you'rt t•elly 9etlin9 c.henc.y, 0 :ilo"x 60yd1. 36c PAINT TRAY LINER H£Y !' 0 Thin you c.1n line lti1 dumb thing end forget ebout c.l11nin9 ·11~·'"··· 0 All WI n11d i1 1n '-,:;=::::::::,,,__ eece11ory the! does the ...-., whole job to c.ornpl1t1 I}~~<~~ thi1 ed. •• j 11c 0 Sw19 the! limp for mot• i11lere1!. · D l..t.r••• thet l1rn, i11 more 1w19, 0 limp mor1 1w19 i11 tliet int1r11t. • m:LAME TIP BULB ' . 0 E1ec.tric liulli 100111 ju1t like 1 ce11clle. tl Ii. c:le1r or fro1ied 9le11. 0 Ctftdel1lir• lte11. 19c -. r L STUCCO ROLLER SET with 4 n. POLE 0 Ke•P your f1el on lh1 9ro11 11cl wit!, tki1. · 0 S1ve1 mo..-i119 the ledd1r ell tke tim1. 129 WIRE BRUSH ~,,;...,...,O Good pr1perelion i1 9oocl money llw11!1d. O Knoc.k 1001• p1int oU, bu1t the du1!, or ju1t u•• to comb tho11 curl y loc.k1 of youri. , I co00, 39c i , ' .. ~-•,...;.·------·"'·" ••·~-· L •• j TURNEL PROPANE TANKS 0 f it1 ell 1lenderd proptne torcli11. 0 f its 1 lot of c1mpi119 1tov11 i nd lkin91 loo. . 0 look1 bitter with yo11 thin our 1kelv11. TEMPERED HARDBOARD 0 Stnootk IOTH SIDES. 0 l i9 J J.y 4 f1et 11101 the 1meU 1•4 feet I, 0 Git 1no119~ 10 11e11I week wt c111 llP the price • Utt11. - I . O -IT Use . Gliddeil's Best SPRED GLIDE-ON 0 M111de, you·tlll bt 1urt qf ,• ni c~ 1oft volv1t.li•1 1urfec:e for •ny m11onry, brick, 1t11c.ce.· 0 It's 10 good,,.,~ 111•1 it hi"'t1lf. (The! m•lr.11 "'' "'orry • little I . i:J. Whit1 end m:r• th in 2,000 diff1r1n't col'on I Of c:ourie; your nei9hbor will o!!d• 11p peintint hit' i'he 1..u 11 .yfwnl , ...I ,' Q L4'f, b11e, <ftuick drying,,nO lip merlr.1, •••'t cleen-up. · GLIDDEN ENDU~NCE I~ GH,E-PAIN •rl•1-to-1·he...l·l111tt'o111- fini1h. 0 011e c:o•t completely cov••• 11101t 1urfoc:e1. 9 INCH ROLi.ER and TRAY • 0 At th i1 pNc1 you c.eft c.kuc.k ii whe11 fini1k1d. 0 Or if yo11't• thrifty like Merk you c.en c:le111 end 4 INCH NYLON BRUSH 0 Nice feether.d e11d1, for unaoffi 1troi.,,1. 0 Fu.II bodit~, reet1y '•ld1 th e p1inf. · 0 A"cl the price i1 c:hee, r-. • Jx12 P•RTICLE .IOARD ' .. SHELVING 0 Herd 11r1ek,l ~11t1•w1, drlll1, e..d l'li~llke weff, 0 letter ii do1111'fw1rJ'lt•1 woM.' 0 Mey w1r11 Uk1 p1rtlr;I~ lie1rd, li11t 111v1r lik1 w1.4. ' ' •• '' Ir 0 1111 th1ft_, It woi.'I split 1ik1,weo4, , '' , ... • ' I _"f " \ • r I I ,• - • - a DAILY PILOT • --.. ML ----·---------• -,· ., , Hayakawa to T ake .SF Post Permanently LOS ANGELES (UPJ) -It never-belie'"ved the situation at was a matter ol semantics. San Francisco State w._s at all Acting President S. I. solved and I'm sure Dr. Hayakawa dropped the "ac· Hayakawa would be the first ting" from his title today and to admit it." took over as permanent presi-Hayakawa Said he believed .dent of San Francisctl State the state colleges had "turned College. the corner on campus pro- -Trustees oc-the Callf0m1:a blems. This doeSn't mean· that State Colleges voted 16-J. our troubles are over but that Wednesday to keep Hayakawa the IS.COiiege system · ba11 ln the top adm inistratiVe post gat)Jered the experience to he stepped into 1 as t January ~ve ahead with greater con· during campus tUnnoil. fldence. in the f u I u r e , ' ' Gov. Ronald Reagan said Hayakawa said. the i ppointment was an en-The truslees Urn!;nJfii'puilf dorsement by the trustftl of_· approved a resoitJUon sup. the jau~ty Japanese-~eriwt· p:rting, Hayakawa-and ·three ,1emantlcs professor s finn other college p r e s i d e n t s stand again.st s t u de n t selected Wednesday. However, militanls. trustee$ Edward 0. Lee of •·He's an exa m PI e Oakland and William Norris of throughout the cowitry of the Los Angeles e x p r e s s e d -small_ g.ro~p who ha~e ~t~ distress that Hayakawa had Jl,rm-J.D UlCldents o( Uus kind, been named-des~te opposition Reag1n 191d .newamen. "I've ·ftUn a (acU!ty cainmlttee. ' The f a cu I t i pre8idential Way. P lans -'cnanges' For Senate selection committee which had Ji.sled San Fr~ Negro Assemblyman Willie Brown as first choice called for a "no ·Cllllfl&!n<t" ---., ·1 b • faculty against Hayakawa. Reagan said "it's true he got a negative report by the !acuJty COJnJDlttff but In the end the trustees have the respoasibUlty for the ap- pointment and they made it as they thoogbt best:' SACRAMENTO (AP) -Th• latest major defeat for the "old guard" which ran the· -Stat! Senate for years left new Presidenl pro tern Howard Way free today to pursue im~ portant dlailgea In bow the up.• per house is run. Two Republicans who-op. posed Way were dumped from the vital Rules Committee Wednesday and replaced with t w o others who bar ll.cd the Exeter Republican in his suc- cessful bid in May lo oust Jongtime Democratic Senate leader Hugh M . Bums. O th e r appointments an· noonced after a 21fJ hour ex· ecutive lellion included. Dr. Ellfs McCune, who is an actlnf president of .california . Slate CQllege at Hayward, a s permanent president; Dr. Carl Gatlin, president of the Drexel Institute of Philadelphia, as president of Stanislaus Slate College; and Dr. Hobert Burns, academic vice presi· dent of San Jose St.ate, as pnsident of lbe eolle1e. Way told a news conference aflerwards that ''this change Is . . . an endorsement of those things J am attempting to do in the Senate.'" He also revealed that he and Republican Aaembly Speaker Robert T . Monagan are taking a hard look at operations o! the 16 committees made up of mem~rs of both houses, and at requests to create 16 more. Way also noted the Senate 's cont\ngency fund, which to- tals 05.65 million for the com- ing year and is used for what- ever the senators wish, "will have a n audit." lie said it nev. er hs been audited, as a r e other slate agencies. Ousted were Se.m. Jack Schrade of San Diego and Expo Aide Tax Evader? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Tax evasion charges have been filed here against the managing director of the new California Exposition and Fair in Sacramento. · Johil F. McCarthy of San Ralael. The Internal R evenue Service filed a complaint Wed- ne slliy in U.S. District Court against Harrison F. Cutler , 55- year-old bachelor, charging he wilfully £ailed to report $37 ,030 in income -$10,780 in 1963, $12,550 in 1964 and $13,700 in ~. j • DENTAL PLATES REPAllS & lELINES WHILE·U-WAIT EASY COMPLETE ALWAYS CREDIT DENTAL SERVICE LOW TERMS IN OUR OFFICE PRICES PENTOTHAL (For Sleep) For Extractions and ~lllngs WELCOME UNION DENTAL PATIENTS e DIFFICU LT CASES WELCOMED e PENSIONERS WELCOME e NO AP'°INTMENT NECESSARY El e 16 MOS. TO ,AY PHON'I e OPEN EVES. & SAT . • " HAllA Ul -6625 ESPANOL DR JEPSON '°'"''" • ()l •,! " ... 16123 BEACH BLVU., HUNTINGTON BEACH N51AA IO~ -S4QUND FLOOI'. -MODllN • ·Alf ~J1121'f1! OFflCf _ MEMIEl AtillllCAN ACADEMY OF DENtl ST- AMERICAN C•EDIT DENTIST ASSN. --- ·. Reagan E_yes Tax Refo rm Plan Revamp SACRAMENTO (AP) -sought. Bui his orig~lnn local properly taxes, aver•&· govtrnmenl ol p o t e n t I a I rebellious Democrats In the plus "hatevtr 111prlus funds Go¥. Re11an ts -consldetlnl baa epcountered o Uon hlg 50 percent. revenue but tt would be m1de Asstmbly and "foted •laiMt are available liter In the year. both a one cent sales tu ln· from Assembly Repub leans. 1be final result : abUUng up by the Illes tax lncrease. Reqan'i acbool flnaool_ paan. '"Ibey know ln pua1na that, crease and an averqe 25 Cjir· Regan otlglJiaDy asked r o ,-much of the burden of locat-11rnne mpem, ihe· latest Instead. they voted to bood tl\at Ls a kind-of wlndow <Jms- cent peraonal income tax Ike an average 50 per cent schools and olhtr servlces proposal_. llmllar to one re-current .U.te aid to public ina," Reagan told"Dewsmen In ln a proposed revision of his personal income tu Increase Crom the propert)' ta.1 to the jected by lhe A.atmbly June .... ha said he property ta1 relief plan. by tmposlng a new one percent income tax, wblch hils 111any 21, a plan boostln"g the 11le11 actii:'ls ol ft.3 bllllon by tm ~:U-~~· :yth~g more 'Ibls was dlsclosed today \y . tu on groas personal income. !"more people. , tu from flve to &lx percent m ~an':s bu d 1 e t bas .thaq his budget provides lot Finance Director C a • P a r-'lbe sales tax -now five Under · lhe latest proposal, But that plim -put \ogether aJlocated onJy fl20:5 million. schools. Welnberger, who told a pereent -would not Mve -sales taxpayers would ali;o by. Assembly Republicans -\;:==========;:::;========:::::, reporter the adminlatratlori is gone up. alttioua;h it would have to i;h1re the burden. abandoned the gro53 personal rewrttlna: the plan the have been eltended lo repair Weinberger said Reagan is lnoome tax levy. governor proposed earlier in services, maeazlnes a n d considering cutting the new Welnbera:er d I s c u 1 a e d the )''8r. newspapers and other gross personal Income la~ to Reagan's latest tu problems 11 the revlalons are ac--categories. , ~ one-hall percent, an average after 1 day of flacal setbacks BOOKS , • • on Cook•, Looi .. , Croo1" anll Rooks! cepted, it would be a sharp The new state funds s to JS percent increase 1n peraooi1 tor the ad m In I st r a t lo n departure from what the go to local govemmen to incOme ta.Jes. Wednesday. TlaeBaobtallaH 1. 111• ... ._ -,.. ... ,, Republican governor f i r s t finance a massive reduction in That would deprive local First, Republlcans joined t.,....ne,. ........... , Glendale ·Federal auarantees 30°10 arowth on an · amount · ovar ·11,oo • iJEPOSIT 5 -'YEAR &RQw't\\ $1~aao $-1,3\\\\.:\\ 2,sao · 3;1~\\ll ' - 5,000 &,5U\\J\ .. Your funds gn>w 30% when our new guaranleed annual rate of SY•% Is compounded dally and earnings are retained In theaecounlfor 5 years. That's equivalent to a 6o/o average annual yield. Ask for our ~Year Guaranteed Growth Account. And guarantees 5v.0/o on new 3 to 5 Year Income Accounts You receive a guaranteed annual rate of 5V• % with earnings compounded dally, paid quarterly for any period from 36 to 60 months on minimum deposits of $1,000 or more. Interest is paid quarterly or may be added to the account Ask for our Guaranteed Income Account. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS ... -- NBWDOrl Beach 2333 Easl Coast Highway cosla Mesa 1833 Newpcrt Blvd. NATION'S SECOND LARGE&T FEDERAL WITK ASSETS OYER ONE BILUON DOLLARS• 2t OFFIC!S 5% 'ASSBOOK•CCOU"1S. 5 25 % OVEAR 5 25% .VE.AR 5 2•% WYWIGU"""1UD • OAY-JN-DAY-OVTJNTEl\EST 1 IOHUSACCOUHTS 1 30%GROW'Tl4ACCOUNTS I U INCOMfACCOIJNTS • VISIT THE ''POLICE I DACMOSCOPY EXHIBIT'' NOW THRO JULY-15.lh AT ILENDALE FEDERAL ' ' -- Thursdlf, Julr 10, 1969 DAILY '!LDT I Town Aids, Robbed War Vet Gromyko Slams Peking·, Woos V.S. TIPTONVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) -Marine Sgt. Tbomu Heqry Ta)'Jor goes to the biDk today wt th a cheek for l900 as a sub1tt_tute for Vietnam service pay he thought he had kisse<Lgoodbye forever -plus_ $400 more in goodwJU mooey. The money came from · · townspeople in response to the slory of a robbery and what the money waa supposed to mean to the young Marine and h~ family. The sergeant headed for Tiptonville with his pay, carefully saved to help his in- valid father, mother, sb: si.J. ters and fcur brothers, aged ~ 11. Cigar That Floats Taylor's molhtr, employed for $60 per week in a local fac- tory. had been ill for five Building a boat that looks like a ci~ar is the spare tim8 project of William weeks and the family bad been Bonner of La Honda, a research engineer at Stantord University. He hopes to living on credit. have the 36--foot craft finished by next year and will try to sail around the "He. had been planning this world in it. Why an ellipticaJ hull? 1'In heavy seas, doors, hatches, portholes for a' long time," said his and ventholes become liabilities/' BQMer e~plained. father, J. B. Taylor. "He ---------------------------- wrote me several months ago and said, 'Daddy, I thfnk I'm going to be able to bring $1,QOO borne for you.' " A few blocks from the bank last Thunday three men took the bills at knlfepoint. The family 's plight was described in a Memphis newspaper, the Commercial Appeal, and c!Uzens respond- ed. Among the gifts was a cashier's check from a n anonymous donor for $900. "I've got some people to thank," Taylor erinned. Demos Want to Hike U.S. Troop Cutback 'Ra' Asks For Escort Pacific's Get Pacified at Savings Super Market Offerin·g: • 1. 303 GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS PACIFIC SAVINGS guarmi!Ms ln111'811 for tlft JUFS compounded dallJ' al 5,_ % annually, wllloh produces a cmpHal growth of at lent 30% ff lntaNlt 18 left on deposH, or you may elect to have your Intern! paid quarterly. Aa to thl8 account, minimum Is $1,000.00 and principal may be withdrawn al any quarter without Ion of lnte-t ff needed to pravent great hanlllllp. 2. LIQUIDITY FUND DEPOSITS lnte1'811 l1 paid on avery dollar for every day It II on deposit In t!MM paabook accounl9, ID you earn from data of deposit to date ol withdrawal -even for one day. Cumin! annual rate, 5%, compounded dally. No minimum amount. 3. COMBINATION FUND DEPOSITS n.. accounts pennll aipltal growth • to clepoalta reinalnlng for three yaart, plus wllhdmral flulblllty. ThaJ cunantly pay 5% per annum compoundecl dally with an acldlUonal bonus, currantly ,_ % per annum, If left on cleposH three yaara or morL $1,000.00 minimum. Fiii!! IAFE Dl!POllT IOX -for lllllnlololna -1191 oCCGUlllol$SOO.OOormon. SIT DOWN BERYICE. No -llll Ill Iona D-. FllEI! NOTARY SERVICE. ASK HOW YOU CAN •UY (SERVICE CHARGE FllEE) TICKETS to ""1ltl Forum, Dodi• It.di um or olhlr oportlna ..,,. _._ -lllloiiah ~ T.R.S. TlcQI R111nollolw1J9lillnL NO OTHER SAV· !NOS AND LOAN NAii IT. AND MANY MORE FREE Sl!RVICliS SOUTH COAST PLAZA 33$3 BRISTOL STREET • COSTA MESA, CAUFORNIA HOURS: 9:30 A.IL TO 9:30 PJI. • SAT.: 10 A.II. TO I PJI. • PHONE 54CM081 acific • avmgs • • • • • • • • • • AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MAIN Ol'FICE: fl4D1 WHITTill!R IOIA.ll!YARD • LOI AllGILU. <:MJFOllNIA SILVERWOODS FEATURING HAllT SCHAFFNER A MARX FOR SEYEllTY·FIYE YEARI Sirth &Broadw8y • 5522.Wllshlre • 412901lnshaw • U.S.C. •Pasadena •.QefAtrro PnirMN City • Topwip Plaza• Anaheim Center • Century CltY •San Ntn.diM Santa Barbara • Newport Beach • Mootcialr • la Habra • Las Vegas • Palm Spr"5 . - --··-------; \ pres~ige sale I luxurious Hart Schaffner & Mar.>:. clothing at down-to-earth prices If heretofore you've found the best in clothingtooexpensive,.- now you can indulge your taste for qual ity. F~mou s H~rt I Schaffner & Marx tailoring goes into th~ world's finest fabrics : to produce the epitome in handsome, fashion-right clothes. HS&M's superior woolens and wool blend suits 105.00 to 125.00 NOW 89, 15•99, 15 HS&M suits of luxury woolens and blends J2~.00tol40.00 NOW 99,15•119,15 Hand t.lilored HS&M's Silver Trumpete111 155.00tol65.00 NOW 134,19•139,15 USE YOUR SILVERWOODS CHARGE, SANKAMERICARD OR MASTER CHARG_! -· ., I • I I I I Je DAll.V I'll.OT s. T""'41oy, July 10. 196' HARBOR CENTER SALUJES .. ,, .. _ ORANGE COUNTY f AIR & EXPOSITION JULY 15·20 l. R .• .A. RODEO WIN Piii ADMISSION AND llOOIO TICKETS , , , 'Ill Mt c..,.. er ,a.c. et ,_.., ....S .,_1t In oninp .. r"9l1 hi tile aftt'W, WIAMn wtfl lie notlfietl. S....,_..t by o ... neo Emplr• Counc11 8oy Scouts of Americ1 ---------------------· NAME.._··--·-·-· .. ··-·········-···········-···--··--··-···-·- ADDRESS.·-··-··--···-·····-··-·····-··-································- PHONE .... ·-··-···--··-·-·-·-···-·········-·---·----····· L -•air h "l'!liied .., _ molem day mad:ots as opposed to lhc market -or aie 1940'> and 1950'.. • I :. 'Do Th•••,. .. 11,.,. 1w• p,.appH*il iDaa aaor compOllU ago n:search and _,; . ._ 3. 'Ibeoe IOd cditr 11lpica wil be di"'-'! iii dopch at 11ie Inti two ""'5ion l«hni<al 'Sinan Tulod below. Leclmes bcgiR at 7:30 P.M. each OYCDing. ' -- T""'1"f,Jlli71S-S22 T1untla7,Jidyl711Nl 24 N~ l• • Dt:fM• 1I.ocm . SUI{.! Sand &.pat8-li Lag-~ @ MITCHUM JONES& TEMPLETON Morris Plan's $5,000 Invest- ment Certificates earn 5.5% interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required. • Certificates purchased tM>ugh July 15 eam et the full rate from July 1. Interest is paid by check at the end of eaeh calendar quarter. • Since its found ing in 1916, Motris Plan has promptly .net every request lor withdrawal. Assets exceed $100 million. OR: EARN 1.25'!1. INTalUT PER YEAR ON PASSBOOK lllRIFT ACCOUNTS of arry amount. with mterest computed monthly and credited end compounded quorteny. Funds plac:od by July 15 earn from July 1. Morris Plan Newport Botdt-3700 Ne wport Boulevard-673-3700 PHARMACY TOPICS by TERRY GRANT, R.Ph. The Phoenician!! and Vikings carried large amounts flf gar· Uc y,•ith them on their sea voyages. • • Womrn ll.N' f\\'ir1• as llkrly u mc"fl lo suffer from ~evert", Jneapacitaling headaches. • • • Between six million and si.:<· \E'f'n n\illion induslrhd work- c>.rs nov• on the Job in the United State~ '-''ill IJ4" parti· ally or totally deafened by factory noise. • • Dr. SarnRrd, th~ famous h e art trRmplant 8Ur~eon, Slll'I trl'ln~plantcd hearts arc nol a ll8.neC<'a. The exrl('r.t- ""cy of survival \s un\y a few )'can. • • • For modem aervtce with old- fashioned courtt"Sy, bring your preaarlptlonl to: PAIK LIDO PHARMACY IS1 H-.,lt•I leMI N"'"'°' ... ,.. Mi.tat -Dell .... --· .. • • ' ' ' -· ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. • ' •• • • • I ' • ' ' • ' • • ' ' • ' • • ' • • • ' • • " ' ' ' • ' • • • • • • ' ' ' • ' ' • • ' Load Record ' • • • • • ' ' ' • ' • ' • • • • ' l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • Market ' ' ' ' Sy11ibols • ' • • • • • • -· .. DAILY I'll.OT Wednesday's _ Closing Prices-Complete -New York Stock Exchange List • ' r ' I I ! f l L_ ..... -~~~~"':""~-:=""'~F'!~~.~-~-"';""rr-.~~~·~--,,--~.~~~~~~..,.-~~~~~.,.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----.... .. .i • • "I • ·Fine Print . :In Clauses Under Fire WASIUNGTON !AP) Fine-print clauses I n ln· ~p""1lw:ts ancLJo.,, -agreements are the· tar:ets· of a broad, three-pronged legal campaign being mounted by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educalional Ji'und. Lawyers for the funi!_ are claiming· in a flurry of lawsuits this summer these clauses unfairly deprive con- sum_m_ of their ~ -~ d e re n d themstlves agairW creditors. 'Ibe civil rights organliatlon is aiming at three kinds of contract clauses: I. Those in which consumers who faJI to meet installment payments give up the.ir right to defend themselves against suits by finance companies. This arrangement. is permitted in all stat.es .?Xccpt California, Mary land , Massachusetts, Vermont and Washington. 2. Those in which consumers give up their right even to be notified they are being sued by the companies or by the merchants themselves. This is permitted in Colo rado , Delaware, HawaH, l d a h o , Illinois, Maryland, 0 hi o , Pennsylvania and Virginia. 3. Those in which consumers who default on loan or purchase payments a s s i g n future wages to t b e i r creditors. This is permitted iD mo.st states. POOR CHEATED Philip Sehrag, a f u n d lawyer, told in a telephone in- terview ol the over-ill con- sumers campaign: . ''Poor consumers, both ____ .!;ll~Uod .. whHe; are routinely --cheated and abused b y merch&nts and creditors. We ~ are using every available legal device to protect these buyers and borrowers because such merchants contribute significantly to keeping poor people poor. "Civll rights are meaningless unless they are eecompan.ied by e c on om i c rights." The fund is relying heavily on the supreme Court's 7-1 decision last m o n t h in- validating Wisconsln'S garnishment law -one of seven ca~s a r g u e d suc- cessfully before the court by fund attorneys last term. - The court ruled a worker is entitled to a hearing belort his saJary can be froztn to satisfy a creditor's demands. This decislon under cu'\ garnishment law1 in_ 16 other _ states and voided a quarter- m I I I Jon _out 5 tan d Ing garnishments. Moreover, it seems to have established the principle that property cannot be taken from a person in a court proceeding unless he has a chance to de- fend himself. NO WARNING Fund attorneys are arguing the fine-print clauses don't give clear and adequate warn- ing to consumers that they are waiving their constilutional right to a day in court. Meanwhile, in a separate series of suits, the fund is trying to establish the right of consumers to sue merchants and credit companies col· lectively. The individual consumer's claim often is small -less than $100 ·-and lawfers generally are reluctant to take the cases. If fund lawyers are sue· cessful, such claims could be aggregated a n d coosumen could sue as a class. Atlomeys would collect their fees !rom the creditors if and when the consumers won. Last week the New York State Court of Appeals agreed to hear such a case. It is an attempt by tens of thousands cf low-income consume.rs to collectively sue a finance com- pany on the £fOUnd the coo· tract! they signed w e r c printed in type L.,.at is too small. On a Utlrd front, the fund early this month filed the first · suit in the country under the federal truth in lending law. The action was against a Harlem merchant who, the fund claimed, failed to advise a customer 18 percent of the cost or his television set was interesl • ~. Ju11 10, 191f • • NY.LON CREPE BRIEFS, ~KINIS • , • I 79c ea. - 6 for 4.50 Sensational buys on these su mmer- perfect panties of lu xu rious nylon crepe-"the fabric that breathe s"'. Choose from ba sic white and a rainbow of colors. Briefs, S-7; bikinis, 4-7. ' Mail end telephone orders invited. Dayweor l ingerie_. 63 ANAHEIM +H N. Euclid 535-8 121 Mon. thru Sat. I 0 a.m. to. 9:30 p.m. I • • GREAT SUMMER SLEEPWEAR SCOOP Reg . $7 4.29 " These are ju~t two of the many exciting shift gowns and baby doll s ;n the collection. You're sure to want several for yourself and for gifts. All come in daint y nylon tricot and o wide range of pretty colors. ~izes p-s-m-1. Sorry, no mail or telephone o.f-Pers Sleepwear Lingerie. ~4 NEWPORT 47 Fashi on Island 6#·1212 Mon. thru Fri. I 0 a.m. to 9:30 -p.m . Sat. ,10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ,. • I . . . .- SARONG "CRISS-CROSS" BRA SPECIALS 3.99-6.94 Save now on these freedom-loving summer shapers. Criss-cross panel s adjust with . every movement , assu ring you of utm ost com fort at all times. Bandeau, with stretch sides and lace cups B, C, reg. $5 . 3.99; D. reg. 5.95 , 4.94 Longline, B, C. reg. 6.95, 5.94; D, reg. 7.95 , 6.94 Sorry, no ma il or telephone orders. Foundations, .19 .... ~ .. · .. HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger Ave. 892-3331 !\,{on . ru Sat. I 0 a.ni. to 9:3.0 p.m. r , • ~ .... , • - •• • • • • ' Thing • · --• 'ProvlDir that wishing ~ coql)llned wit~ enterprise and Ingenuity -canJn~so-Aie SJ• ijunt\ngton..Beach'yo11Dg'~ple w)Jo now fil t~urtng Europe. ". 1 • " .. '~ • ' TraveHQ.ft wllli their parents., Mr. and Mrs. John Gustafson, are ~John.Jr . ..-11~ Gwen, u :.~ank,44,-and Macy Beth,-13, and->harm~lhm adveoturl"are Kenny"Weems, .11, ·son of.Mr. an~s'. Kenneth ~~m_s, jlnd Debbie OUsley, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ousley. , . Each .of,tlie young people did J!is own thing to earn and save enough money for the trip. · . It was more ,than a1'ear ago when a cousin of the Gustafsons return- ed frqm a sunllar Jaunt and' stage one -wlshfii'g -began. "With the en· thyslasm and lack of patience typical Of youth , the teenager.s decided to expedite the trip by earning enough !Dr their own plane fare. ___ Jobo..and.Kenny,_Huntingtori.~ach HiglLSchool s.ludenll..buru!Jw in an area store and John also ~orked on cars. ' ' Gwen and Debbie, who also attend Huntiii_gton Beach Hi gh, accepted all the baby·sitUng jobs they could find as well as doing housework, and Gwen sold yogurt, made by her father for a Glendale firm, on the beach. . ' )'rank, who will enter Edison High School In the fall , became a DAILY PILOT carrlet boy and Mary Beth, in the eighth grade In Dwyer Intermediate School, also found jobs baby-sitting. · ·In addition to their plane fare, the industrious yo ung people had to save enough to include passports, shots and hostel house permits plus spending money. While watCbini their bank balances grow, the teenagers studied maps and travel folders....of areas they wanted to visit, and last week they. traded tlfeir money Jor~travelers' cliecks and boarded a plane for Amsterdam. "We were a little busy to be excited." said exuberant Mary Beth, who also will keep a diary of their travels. "It wiJl be a first visit for every· one, and the first time Kenny has been on an airplane, •a she added. The group will take a train to Frankfurt, where Gustafson will pick up a bus. They then ·will tQur Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, Belgi\lm and Italy before returning home. · In addition to clothing for all climates, the gitls plan on packing their bathing suits. "There'll be lots of beaches over there," bubbled Mary Beth • .. ' JOOt;AN -HASTINGS; 642-4311 , , . • • _ • DAILY PILOT l'Mm " \.All P•r• """'l T-'-S-TH!:-tR BAG~-combining-wHhinr.-'mlerprise-and ing:enui~~ -necess~ry for 8 trip lo E~rope. Accompani~ by the John G_ustaf-""'""'"· ,,,. , .. lfft • ''" 11 -are-tleft-to -right) Maty . Beth-an~stafson-and-9ebbie-----son!"";--!ix-young-people-w1ll-toor---lO--~nmes-befoi:e-retur-n1ng-t:o------------------------------ Ousley, who have worked a~ saVed .for a year to earn funds resume their scboOling in Huntington ~eAch this fall . .. -~AR-AWAY PLACES -Dise<>verlng the Interesting land· marks they want to visit during their trip to Europe are (1eft to right) John Gustafson, friend Kenny Weems, and Fz:anJc Gustafson. Ttie airj>lane trip, arriving in. Amsterdam, was a "first" for Kenny, and the visit .to Europe will be a "first" for all lhe travelers. PASSPORTS TO OREAMSVILLE -Going over nece1sary papers prior to the family's dei;>arture for Europe is Mrs. John Gustafso{I . Av companied by her husband and si~ Huntiqglon Beach teenagers,~y will tour Europe according to their "do-it-yoursell" plan. Sonny's DEAR ANN 1.AJ'lOERS : Our 16-year- old son turned up at the breakfast table with his hair Unted red. My husband almost hit him. I am ln a state of shock. fl seema 1..arry let his glrllrlend "e:x- periment" on him. When we told Larry we were borrlfied he said the color of a penon's hair shouldn't make THAT much diUerence. Larry 's ha ir used to be a· golden blond and :now he looks as if he i& wearing .a wig. The girl also tried to dye his eyelirows aod one eyebrow it redder than the other. He looks like a freak . We didn't say much when he let his hair grow lon~r on the skies (it's really shorter an ... moSt orfils lrlendj)-bu h1s--1il move•i1 too much. Whal ihaU we do? - BUFFALO PARENTS Hair Is So Red,_ Parents Feel The·y Could Dye _ ANN LANDERS ~ DEAR OVER: Sorry, 1 can't Hip you. meeting for llC> long ~y don't even say ptnutlon, bat alnce be 1aun't, don'& ng? I'm here. Bul your wlfe Is THERE. Abe "thank you/; gest It If bis cheapness bolben you, can help· herself -and l .bOpe-she will. I· inherited the family cun;e when 1-cban1e yecir tr1¥el l"Ollt. In Ute mU.. Jlcre's bow. 5be 1ltould lnltoduce bu bought-a new cal' seven months ago. A 'time;-ltow many~of yoa-reldur-wM.,..e- ... partntl to people tbelr own a1e. Fw certain guy who workd for the same com-frtt to·"°'* are demomtnUe1 yeur •Po> openen, I suue11 a small paitJ to ft.Id pany has figured out the exact minute I predaUoa .lty auhin1 titroup wtui u she Cl.II invite the partntl of,..., frtadJ. wiU pm bis house. Every work day for occutonal token of cr•Ulude? DEAR BUFF: lt't his UJr ud his problem. Larry 'lrih get plenty of need· • ync f~m his friends. You won't hive lo do anytkh:i1.·Th•. ind paUence are 7oar best allies. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Four months ago my ~~e·~enlll moved to thi&_ci~ --nve 61oc0 rom us and across the street from another d11ughter. They are not old people, AM. 'l'hcy are in thelr early Sh, yet they have developed no In- terests and no friends, only us'. My wife's Sister got smart aner tffe: fol Its naa been in town only siJ: w"ks. She insisted that her husbaiMI request 1 transfer.· They moved out of the itate and now wt·""ve them an the time. By "all the time" l mean live nights a week -and It's murder. My" wlfe Is as fed up u -, am. T am. Writing at-her reqilest. can you help us?. -OVER·VISlTED - ' II this doesn't work, you and ywr wile the last five months Milty the Moocher s.bould make plans and announce In ad-has been out ln front just·in time to hook \lance OW: YOI lrt kl)" wi~ pnivJoas •··ride. When 1 get in mY tar to go home · commltmenla. · . at night Mllty alread)' Is siUin& In it, _ wait.in& for me. DEAR ANN LANDERS :-Ctn getUna WoWdn't you think he'd slip me a COO· mooched on run in the family? My Dad 11 pie of bucks for gas once ih a while or the Number One target for ..:elaUvt1 who maybe offer to fill the tank? Would I be want to borrow luggage, golf clubs, in line it J supesled it! -EL JERQ UE garden too\1, etc. flfy mother hu been DEAR EL: Of courae, ~11Uy ahouJd or. driving "the girls" to thelr weekly club let 1omethhl.1, la Qe w1y ol com- lioW will yoti know' when the real lhlflf <:-0mcs along? Ask Ann Lander!. Send for her booklet, "Love or Sa and How t. TeU the Dllference:>' Send 3' cenY....3 COin ilKf a fong, ae!f-addressed, at.am~ envelope with your request. • Ann Landen w:tb 1ie grn ~ htlno;f" - with your problems. Send them \o her it care or the DAILY PILOT, enclosJnt 1 aelf-addreased, slamped 1envelope. · .. l I ---. J 4 DAILY PILOT T"""'ay, July 10, 1969 Ho roscope Menu Stresses ·lhe Impromptu FRIPAY JULY Ii' %st. Andrew's Chapel {-s elected for Wedding • \I. An afternoon ceremony !1n;;J~i,q'i'~~'"ii"!i ~L 1\ndrew's Presbyterian ~apel united In marriage ~baron Lou Turner and David ;.. Dee. 2 'Ibe Rev. Dr. Charles H. tl>lerenfield officiated for the "1ooble ring service. The bride, '):laughter or M'r. and' Mrs. i)lerbert Turner of Newport ~each, was given Jn marriage fby her father. Her new bu.s- is the son of Mrs. lnla Det-, who came from ii\1'¥:'"!!;<1 • ing, Mlch., for the wed· ·<ling and the late Mr. Leonard !"<· .; 'I1le bride chose a princess •style gown of peau de ao"8 and ~aisy embroidered Swiu lice <tyled with a chapel train. A ster of pearls and . slit aves held her bouffant finger b.ip veil of illusloo and she car-{i"tcd an arrangement of white ?>r~ids, stephanoUs a n d ~,yellow rose buds. :: Matron of honor Mrs. Ralph ~itford and brldesmald Mrs. t"Barry Wallace were clad In bntnt green dotted swW gowns !)rrith mint green daisy trlm- ~)ned hats. Wearing similar t outfits were lhe twin nower ~iris, Joyce and Janice West. .~11 carried baskets of yellow ~aisles. ·-Jack West came from :r ~Work Now, ~Save Later ' ' ~ Put on yoor do-lt-yourse.U lhink.lng cap this summer to ~ve money next December, ~ests a Universily of •Nebraska Extenston family ... . list. ~k of ways between now and then to make interesUng ':Christmas presents. ;. The reason : bu s ine ss a'orecuters ere predlcUng -Yule gifts will cost a family "Jrom five to 20 percent more -(ban Jut ~her. MRS. DAVID L. DEE Afternoon Rites Arizona to serve as best man. Ushering were John JeHenon, Dean Manders and Sam Sark. For a reception in the patio of the bride's parents' ho:ne, Miss Timmie 'Kennedy circulated the guest book and Mrs. Walter Nie w oh n er assisted. Special guests present Included the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Sa b I n a Behrs and her aunt, Mrs. Mable Behrs, both of Alham- bra. Upon their return from a wedding trip to San Francisco, the couple plan to make their home in Costa Mesa. The new Mrs. Dee ls a graduate of Newport Harbor lllgh School and attended Orange Coast College. The bridegroom attended schools in Lansing. Overeaters Guesls are· welcome ta at- tend Overeaten Anonymous every Monday at 8 p.m. ln Ander so n School. Westminster. MARIO • • • ha ird resse r .. every woman's .- ;formerly of • . • " • ' ~Now Merrell Ha ir Design, with Ruu Th ompson, Hairstylist 15 y••rs in Coron• d•I M•r • • Ht lr C11ttin91 lndlvidutlly Styl•d lor You! ·.HO u.sr COAST HWY. • coaONA DIL MA• Toll pliioo: 17J4t61 . - FINE HOME FURNISHINGS AND INTERIOR DESIGNS SINCE 1916- ----ifRINGS Y1JU THE LIVAB~ LIV~LY, LUXURIANT AND LONG LASTING LOOK OF 9Je1t1tedon CUphoQ£teked <JuJtnltulte IN YOUR CHOICE OF DECORATQR FABRICS AT SUMMER SALE PRICES -- Henredon upholstered furnilure hos living beauty end quality built into its v.ery core. Come ond see one of the largest :selections of Henredon upholstery shown anywhere. let our e.xperiericed stoff ossist you in selecting o "Just Rig ht" style and fabric that will compliment your total decor and bring admiring glances and beoi.Jl iful comfort year ofter year. . PLIASI KNOW THAT THIS SALi INCLUDES IYIRY CHAIR, SOFA, LOYI llAT, onoMAll Ill THI HINRIDON UPHOLSTIRY COLLICTION; ·you HAYI YOUR "NRllTRICTID CHOICE ALL AT IALI PRICll. -. 1975 LONG BEACH BLVD., LONG BEACH I ~ PHONE59 1-1347 I I ---STORE HOURS: . -1 11-- N.ONOAY ANO FRIOAY 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. • OTH ER DAYS -9:30.5:30 -• I • Club Juniors Seat Leaders CYNTHIA SHILALA Wedding Pl1n• Pair Reveal Bridal Date .. • Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines Tbunda)', au~ 10, 1969 . Merrymakers DAILY fl!LOT J&. ,_ Display • • Poorest Possible Taste Welt rtally, Mystld Krtwe tllal lonnol -wlll bl~ To avoid disappollltmen~ pn>opectlve ol Ko!!tus m e m b e rt are ttJSOrlled wltll comic hall brld., are _reininded to have their weddlne dtapla,ytnc the poorest PQSSible and bart r.el; play cr.tl>!s stories With · black· and white gloesy photo-taste In pt ans for th<fr up-wilt be palttd wltll hlllt lleeb grapns to the-DAILY PILOT Society Depart-~Y Salurday, July and cocktail jewelry ; a 11n.1!17 ment prlo1 to-or~lhin one-week alter--ihe -a :--~-.---aderWlflti<aWrecrtnlilll ----w~dlng. ' -r · '. Of coorse, It shollld'be men. royal.crown and patched levli, For engagement abnouneemeqts , If fl Uooed tllat the theme ol the and one ranner plans to suggested that 'the story, also accompanied , bash shall be P°"" Tasfo bring hta favorlfo uv .. tock. by a black and white glossy plCture, be and ev~ gauche, wlll Specialty of Ille houle wlll submitted early, If the betrothal announce-really be quite ')n." be sand\flcbes dripped in "?Dent an<L"1ieddlng date-.re sir-....eks or-1 ... ~-11--'.l'be al(alr begiof •l7;S9, so sauce wllh addttloQal -In a property -·wte pace, ol .finger'llCldng food. Ta~ ap..-t. only the ,weddinJ: ,Photo will be ac-party-gom will arrive ot 8:06 will be tastelessly decorat<!d cepted. -to the residence of Mr. and with neW'spaper tablecloths Io h~ fill ~ulrementa on both >ted'-' Mrs. Richard Boucher of centered hy droopy, faded ding ·and engagement storlesJorms are..avail-Anaheim. -Mr-. and M l"s-. nowen bloomingJl'OR\J\lltY'---11i ri.ichard Shugert will o;host tin cans. . Ible "in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. the event. · "However, a touch of class 1 Further ciuestions will be answered by Social Since prizes will be awarded will be smuggled inLo the par-1 Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. for costumes in the greatist ty m·tbe fonn ol dance music Golden w__edd ·ing t:~ .. ~~t~·\; .. -Celebrated ?.~ •• ~\... . '-"* ~ A family diMer party In the1 poor taste, merrymaktrs plan performed by the Alcan1cr to go all out. Rumors have it Brothers Band. . eA,~ Will Give Your Shoes. • • '-This ·summer the Line's Always Among committee members enlisted by the Nation- al Alliance of Businessmen to call prospective em- ployers for disadvantaged unemployed in Orange County are (left to right) the Mmes. Claude Patter- son, Raymond \Velles and John Condon, all of New- Busy port Beach. Others on the committee seeking job pledges are the Mmes. Cora Peggy Wallace, chair· man, William Ouimette, Frederick Prescott, Wil- liam Small, Arnold Canfield, Orville Bell, Edward Lynch and John Lawson. Costa M-esa hoii}e ol Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. McGovern honored her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville L. Raymond, on their 50th w e d d i n g an-- niversary. Attending the golden wed- Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY Corona del Mar Advise .. CHOOSE FROM ALL THE 1:A TEST STYLES --· .... -- ' ding celebration were the couple's grandchildren, Nancy Lee McGovern and Mrs. ·-5 CONVl!NIENT SHOPS Chari~ Kolvisto, accompanied • 340 I E. COAST HWY. by her ·husband. A great-Coron• del Me, ••• 67-3 -46'40 grandchild. Kristin Koivisto, • 3433 VIA LIDO Nuptial Vows Recited Restyle your old ,~ A. _recep~on in the ~me ooll-~:;'.~~= tne-onae•s pa!fii~1llff0Wii the early afternoon marriage in · St. Joachim's -Catholic· Church of Catherine Fliss and Carlos Brown. She ls the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richar~ Fliss of Newport Beach. He is the stepson and son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Turk of La Palma. · nie bride's father escorted her to the altar, where the Rev. Gerald McNulty of· i ficiated fu r the double-ring -----ceremony. DEBRA. CRUMMETT Carryini a cascade bouquet Br1d•tHe of white carnations centered t Wedding Date Told The engagement of Debra Ann Crummett to D a n a William Rodet has been· an- nounced, with the wedding to take place Aug. 30 i n Anaheim 's Christian Center. She is the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. ll.E. Crummett of Tustin. Her future husband is ttie son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Rodet or Costa Mesa. The bride-elect was graduated from Tustin Righ. School and attended a Santa Ana business school. with a white orchid, the bride J wore a short sleeved caged gown of organza trimmed with pearl beaded ~· A detachable train was formed of organza over tull~'-and he! veil of illusion was borderOO with matching lace. 1'1.e bride's sister, Geraldine Fliss, .served as maid of honor wearing an aqua colored floor length gown of antiqua. Her headpiece was of matching aqua veiling and she carried a cascade or pink carnations and gladioli. Wearing similar ensembles , and carrying cascades of white gladioli were the other bridal attendants including the Mmes. Roger Fletcher, Charle! Emmons and Gerald Johnson. Johnson served as best man for the bridegroom. Ushering were Steve Lester, Rick Waite and John Fliss. '";;;~~~~~!--~ Newport Beach .•. 673-8620 il .wu gent. ~--·--ii·~· -w~7-4~F.;.A~>R"ION'1 SlANO -- . A i;randcJiild unable-to-at-Newport Beach ~ . , 644·7551 tend was Gene 'McGovern, p...,.ntly station.d at Ille •I tOl ·IRVJN! AVE. Naval Training Center in San We1tcliff Pleie Diego. New.port Beech , .. 548-4053 The Raymonds have lived in e ROBINSON 'S the Harbor Area for the past Fashion Island " 11 years, having arrived in Newport Beach Southern California SO years[~~~~:i;:~~~~~~~~~ ago from Newlon, Iowa. ,,,. ..... Area Group •ll • ds . Plans Tall<. Wtn or ring 41S your P,robltm •nil we'll give your· 1hoe1 DOES IT AGAIN!! -Withluncb THUR.-FRl.-SAT., JULY 10· 11_ • 12 Membenr of ilic; Henry Bowen Society, area chapter of the Children of th e American -Revolution, w i 1-1 hear a ta1k on Conservation of Our Animal Friends when they meet on Saturday, July lt_ Featured speaker for tbe gathering, to get under way at 11 :30 a.m., will be Dwight Roberts, member of Newport Harbor High School's science department. Following the meeting in die Balboa home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchison Ibero will be a picnic luncheon and games, according to John -Petenen; president of the society which is sponsored by the Col. Wi?llam Cabell Chapter ol. tbl! Daughters of the American RevoluUon. . ENTIRE SUMMER DRESS STOCK MUST GO!! DR£SS£S 00 A graduate of Costa Mesa High School and now attending California Slate College at Fullerton, the benedict-elect was a member of the Southern California Youth Chor a I e which toured Europe last sum- mer and now is performing with a professional singing group, 'Mle Sound fllus. Attending the guest book at Choral Group the reception was Miss Kathi MRS. CARLOS BROWN Wed In St. Joachim's. Buy one dress at regular price- Get another for just ... Healy. Others assisting were Every Monday at 7:30 p.m. the Mmes. Herman Bruehaker attended Orange Coast with-lhe Navy. members of the Prospective and Richard Thompson. College. Her new husband was The couple are establishing Aliso Valley Chapter of Sweet The bride, a graduate of graduated from Downey High their first home in Costa Adellnes convene in Mission Newport Harbor High School,, .-&_h_oo_I _a_nd_se_r_ved_f_our_y:...e_ar_•_M_esa_. _________ v_1e:...Jo_H_i;:gh_&_h_oo_1. ___ _ Art Moves Poolside Art in MoUon will (eature Afterward a luncheon will be works of Robert Bucklan.d at served and a musical will be the Newport Beach Tennis Club next Saturday. A preview an~ cocktails poolside wlll open activities of the day at 11 :30 a . m . Emblem Club presented in the afternoon. Originally a glass blower, Buckland began bis serious art career in 1966 and since then has received acclaim by critics and collectors alike. After much study in light ef. fects and lighting, Buckland developed his current style in- Gathering for b u s i n e s s corporating wann tones with sessions and programs are .. the soft edges of his gluing members of Newport Harbor technique. Emb lem Club every second The exhibit is open to the Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the Elks public and admission is $4.50 Lodge, Newport Beach. per person. The ever popular Mitchell Mlrlonette1 are back at Huntington Center this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 10-11-12 , , .. this time featuring "Showboat" •••• !rec to all the chiJdren in our atr conditioned mall • , .• -show time!: Thursday and Ftiday-11 a.m .-1 p.m.· 3 p.m.-4 p.m .. 7:30 p.m., Saturday-11 a.m.· 1 p.m.-2 p.m.-3 p.m.-4 p.m. Huntington Center at the San Diego freeway at Beach and-Edinger Huntington Beach.- BIGGARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS,.-ACCESSORIES J.t1i'11M- PASADENA: Colorado at Ef MoUno POMONA: Holt, east of Garey SANT A ANA: Molo " 1'-"' • s... AH St.No,.. ..... ..., lftlll• CAPRIS -TOPS-SKIRTS -BLOUSES R"lllkw to $f.OO ........ to $14.00 ....... to $1'.00 NOW $5.00 NOW $7 .oo NOW $9.00 JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER SWIM SUITS (Bikini or one piece) Groups • .,... $14.oo _______ J7 .00 Groups ........ $1t.oo .. __ ....... -.::.:·"'··--· ... $9.~ HARIOR CIN'TIR 2300 Hcbor llwd., ,Calta Mela ~ -546-262'2 I I f '1 ·-• +-r--· r ' ,. r ' I 1 ' ----· ·-~-·-------.. JS o.111.Y PILOT bt'.~a~s~ ~~~ .. ~~'·~?ed1 !~=~~~s:~~ ... HONOLUl.'U (UPI) The wllh • hula itrl im&(et' the In lhe Unli.d °'"''""' Christ, on blsloric e""'l The In Seplt\mber and conUnues -minister said. "They don't which •· ":.7 -•··'•nariet laid ••-fmon lhroug' !he lo"-·•·• J • Rev. Edllh .w, ol,!• wanl!. IO lhlhk about go••• lo museuma ~ underwri!Ji>g lhe S... "~ u~ ,,.,..· u ,_..,. • ~· HawBil' hula girl un-and on blsto~ which qulcen\ennlal. alohg With the-:d;;;atlons=;;;of;;;i;:nwd=e=rn;;;R;;;a;;;w;;;al;;;l.;;;"=;;;mon=;;;lb.<=, ======; age. -rtreY-w oU 1-d a Im 0 I t----ifawallan MiSiiODS Children's•r The mlnlster mJghl be just aulomallcally lncludein a trip Soclely ·an rganlzaUon • . ' I Cl · lhe pe"°" "1 do it. Sb• Is a i. Ewope." posed ~1 lh: de.c.Jldan~ Se11~on11 e11r11nce. key leader In preparaUons for . "Instead, they have seen a !he 11 mlssiooary companies REDUCtJQNS •• · the t50!h IMl .. nary of ·the wil!L,llow<rs Jn-her hair The mini'14r said She wants -I' -....the. Hawall Sesqulcentenn!al, travel: poster_ of ~ hula girl-that-came to Hawaii._ _ • ~ _ _ t~ 1 -a:r.lva .1 ""of l!'e first be<:kon!ngthem~joinheron to erue the uantlmlssJonary ' Honors Exhibiting Artist Challis Galleries in Laguna Beach was the settin~ recenll~ for a r~~p?on hon· oring Palos Verdes artist Jo Anne (Mrs. Gene) Mix ·who will be exh1b1t1ng there throughout the month. Chatting at the gathering are (left to right) poetess Miss Ruth Forbes Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reeve and Mrs. Mix and her daughter Stacy. . Newlyw~ds Home in NB _ Newport Beach is lhe new home of Robert Edward Pat- terson and his bride , I.he focmer Nancy Ellen Silva. who were married fn G r a c e Methodist Church during a ceremony performed by the Rev . Oscar Escamilla. The bride is the daughter of P.fr. and 11frs. Frances K. Silva of Yuba City, and the News Told bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Helen Riedele Patterson o{ Corona de! Mar and Lawrence Willard Patterson of Anaheim and Palm Springs. Escorted to the altar by her fa th er, the bride was gowned in imported silk organza over taffeta fashioned with lace trim and a chapel train. A cap of organza loops, trimmed at Party wiUt seed pearls and la ce ap- pliques captured her 'illusion veil, and she carried a bouquet of white baby roses, wtiite gladioli and whil.P. pompon chrysanthemums. Mrs. Dennis Killeen, the bride's sister from Berkeley, was matron of honor. For the occasion she was dressed in a powder blue organza gown fashioned with puffed sleeves and a softly gathered skirt lied at the waist with a blue satin bow. Bridesmaids, dressed iden- A family gathering on or l~ engagemcnl of Cynthia lically, were _Miss ~haron ltKl~pendence Day was the oc-Gfaham tO Robert Brown of . ~i:w~t;~ M~ E~J.SB.~ -casron-for the ··~~.;-~~eres. -~ cai. ,_ Q ---: The news was revealed by David Patterson was best Mr. -and Mrs. Roger Dean man · while ushers were Jay Graham of Garden Grove Moore, James Ballard and parents of the future bride'. John Silva, the br ide 's who are former Huntington brother. Beach residents. Miss Carol Ann Harrison, Miss Graham, a graduate of the bride's cousin from Bolsa Grande High Schoql, is Wheatland, circulated t h e an alumna oLthe University of guest book at a receptio_n ID Southern California. where she Peach Tree Country Club, affiliated with Alpha Gamma Marysville, following t h e Delta. ceremony. Her fiance_,_ son of_ 1'1~. and The new Mrs. Patterson is a Mrs. Mark S. Brown of graduate of Yuba City~ High , Sedona, Ariz., was graduated School and attended Yuba from Pacific High School and College in Marysville. ffer UCLA and earned his masters husband, an alumnus of degree at USC. He affiliated Corona del Mar High School, ••rt ,.._ with Delta ·Sigma P h i attended the same college. fraternity. The n e w I y' w e d s honey. CYNTHIA GRAHAM To Say Vows . . No date has been set for the mooned in San Francisco and wedding. Cannel. Our 1nitlummer . -·~ mtSlll~,nanes in the Sandwich a long,•whlte beaCh." phenomenon" that has arisen. RE ls1~. · When the tourists arrive, "We don't want to glamorize vey to visitors a sense of hula girls around are in shows missionaries " she said "but ll•waii'~ h1si._ry .i!> Wms or "Comln& bere tor the swi_1o be 1a1r i.'tbem." -. BOUTIQUE humans, rather than in terms and surf is fine ," the minister "We want to show that their or hula skirts, palm trees and said, 0 but these don't tell coming to Hawaii was not surf. Ha wall's fascinating story." solely a religious event," she I t7f I. CHlt Hwy, • Llle1H .... • 494-1411 BUY 2 • • • GE.T 1 FREE! 1~tJ~~ Azaleas, Shade Trees CameUlas, Avocados, Citrus FREE PINE TREES SUMMER LANDSCAPE ~· cul I I --~pecta . . ar~.--. BOY -ANY-TWo . OUR NURSERY co': TAINER PLANTS . • GAL •• , 5 GAL -I 15 GAL ANO ••• THE 3rd ONE F~i: SPE:Cl'ACl!LAif . SAVINGS! ·SAVE ON TREES -SHRUBS ROSES -CAMELLIAS- AZALEAS PLUS MORE! Limited to stock on Hand OPEN . MON. THRU FRI. 9 AM TO 9 PM DURING OUR: SUMMER SALE--TIL JULY 31 TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Lerg• blooming pl1nt1 for instant color in the shlde gat'dtn. 89~a. Buy2- Get 1 Free FLOWER SHOP SPECIAL RED ROSES Long Stemmed DOZ. )49 HU~SON BUG WISER l hlle11 C0Mpreulo11 SPRAYER .,,u ... ,., rl91i:t, pob It where 11eeded. Gol•. toM kou p1111p. odlustablo ...... .... S15.DO ...... , $1188 DECORATIVE BARK All Grodes e Iorgo • mitdl11111 e smoll Greotlr 1M1Jta11cn fho bea11f'J of tho 91:1nleft • Lorge 3 c~~. $1BB DWARF DAHLIAS Oauling colors to liven up your landscape. SPECIAL 3 119 let. Jtt Doi. DOZ. TREAT YOUR SUMMER LAWN TO THE BEST 695 Covers 2500' 50 Lb. Ba9 With Insecticide I • • • GET THIS FOR $9,95 With The Purchase Of A ROIJ. 17,95 50 Lb. Bag Of Plush, Weedili10r Or Blade-With Bandini's New Super Color Capsules · 6.95 50 Lb. ... 2500' WI .. lllHCti· cido HOURS : Monday thrv Friday 9 1.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday 9 •.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Q1,11rity and Service Since 19'46" 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-~§7~ T'llurs611, Jul~ 10, 196t. DAILY "LDT J t Drills (Open to Public) Begin Sunday • Chargers Open ITO -Camp-48 Re ·por·t · Friday · . . ' By GLENN WlllTE 01 tllt Dally Pllet flllt and Mack Lamb, 1 ~er from Charier ~1111 coach Charlie Woller the Miami Dolphins. calla the rookie rrom Omaha a back with lbe naU09 for total olfense lut year and lbe 1>3, 306-pound pbenom who a1ao l\lp. Four,d-Oaen ;iaII OIOf!o Char11tro loolball pl~er1 -most 1lf them rookies -are due to report. to the team's supuoer camp at UC lrvlne 1'~riday. rare occasion the team ls put through cloaed drills. Work begln,s Sunday al 9 __a.m. wltb lhe alternoon .s'esalon starting at 3 ... Also coming are two canad1an ·rootbiiU -creat-movea, 1peed-..and-1ize and add• 11ets -lineman --SUI Frank and cOr-ib.at he bai all the equlpment to 6e a fourth ln ,passing yardage. . ~ru to be a Virginia tennis champion. _ -He b<ol<e'1a-~lumblralld 1;-w •• He-iscalled "lhem.0.ter"by~;,;...= League record• and bad an overall com-.. Physicals will be held Saturday and then tw1>a-day workouts con'lmence Sun- day. Veterans of coach Sld GUJmao's group are due at UCI July 18. Practices are open lo the 'public. Charger ·officials reveal. However, OD Heading the cooUngent due to come in Friday are a couple of bright rookie pro- spects -qµarterback Marty Domrts from Columbia and giant tackle Eugene FeigusOn of Norfolk State. And a pair of players gained thr0t1gh trade will be on hand, Including linebacker Pete Barnes (Houston Oilers) nr:rbacker Dave Plump. Super star. . Missing will' be Ille' Clilriers' No. l He aay1 lhe 11.year .. ld proapect has draft "Pick, Ron Sayers, who staned with . many ol the natural moves owned bY hia lbe learn Wednesday. . brolher Gayle, wbe plays lor lhe Cblcago Sayers, S.2, Z20, wW be used as 1 run-Bean. nlng back but won't be at UCJ unUI Aug. DoQU'U was rated as the natian'aJop 2 because of uJ>C9Dllng particJpaUon in collealate field general by the'Charg'era. lhe annual college all·at.ar game. H•'• M and weighs 215. He was lh1rd in Dodgers Go for Juan More After Padding Lead to 1.1/2 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Manager Walter Alston and hlt Los Angeles -Dodgers ·couldn't be blamed f o r~ w~ . dering what Will happen Jn the National League's Western Dlvlslon race tlnce the San Francisco Giants tiecome healthy. The surging Giants Umped into town to- d~, sending ace right-hander Juan Maricha l, 11-3, against the Dodgers' Don Sutton, 11-8, in the opener of a four-game series. The Giants have won nine of their last 12 games. The Dodgers boosted their Western Div.is.ion lead to 11/z games over .Atlanta PY"'.topping the Staves, 3-1, Wednesday ' night. Bill Singer, 12-6, pitched out of deep trouble after the Braves sC<>red in the first inning and allowed only one hit the rest of the way in outduet.wa,..phil Niekro, 14-6, who was bidding to becon1e the ma- jor leagues' first IS-game winner. Willie Crawford, who scored the tying run in the fifth, opened the Dodgers.' eighth with a single and took secoocl on Ted Sizemore's sacrifice. Singer struck out but Wills wppfld. "I.he 1-1 tie with a-single to';center and raced ~ to third when the throw to the plate got away from catcher Bob Oldler. He then scored when Mota ouUegged a Dodger Slate J:ft :i =:: :: ~' ;;:~5 ::1 :::::: 1111"'~! Ju!Y 12 QiodQen VI 11 Frall( l : ~. " July IJ Oocliiera vs ., Frallt 1/: t.l'll. "I Julyl•~.r hlll : O.fl'I. F grounder to second for his third !tit of the game and 11th in the last three contests. Singer walked Alou to start the game B ... ·it%-L .n.p..,.. Act:..-and Tony Gonzalez doubled him to lhirn. "N•• V _ ~•• •V•• Hank Aaron, who had two of Atlanta 's four hits, singled for a 1~ lead and took second on the throw from the ouUleld. C I t Contentl• on But with runners on second and third, aspe.1• n 0 . . . Singer retired Tito Francona on a lap lo short, got Cl~ Boyer to bounce to third . ---·~.:=-•-~-----=--..;:-·.~·~ ------•mith-~ez beinr~·......,;.;e:.,··- Witll 2-undei·-par 70 · :~~ .. ::; .. :~~~:;i:~.'.:~.::.;~::~ was stricken with gastroenterlUs and 1 heavy cold. Conilrlti. If • o l o Ml)!a. r! • o l I H. Aaron, •I • 0 ) 1 W, D•vl1, ti • 0 0 I Fral\COl\a, lb • o o o Ptrkt•, lb l o o I C. ~tr • .1b 4 O O O H11011r, c l 0 G 0 Millan, 211 J O 0 0 Sudakls, lb J 0 0 I pleUon percentage of .524 during his offit;•als. c~ 1t Columbia. ' Tbe Chargers wUI operate out of UCl In three weeks of work witt\_Domre1, through August. Glllman llld the understudy to S.yur Their exhlblUon opener ls Au1. t veteran John Hadl had already made a against Baltimore at San Diego. On Ne.. tremendous P.'ilP of the pro game and --called him eziremely lnte!Ugent. cessive w~kends they host New Orleana, Another lntertsUng rookie ls Ferguson, Oakland, Cleveland .and the Ranu. ' LYTHAM ST. ANNES, England (AP! -Steady Bill Casper put himself in Jitrong contention in the British Open Golf Ch~nnpioru;hlp today by fi'ring another tw1>under-par 70 for a two-round total of HO. But Jack Nicklaus' failure to conquer the back nine mag have put him out of reach of the title. Among other early finishers were Gary Player <lf South Afris:a, who came in with a 68 for a 142 total, Miller Barber ol Sherman. Tex., who tacked a 74 onto his opening 69 and was another stroke further back. R. Jaduo11, u J o o o Cr1wl11rd. II J 2 2 o Dkl!tr.c JOOO ll.u1MU.rt 0010 P. Nlekro. P J 0 I 0 Sl-e, 7b 1 0 0 I Total Jll•lllnt11r.p 2000 Tolll 2'lll All•rol• 100 000 OQG.-1 Lo~ Anvtles GOii 010 Ob~ BLOCKED OUT -All Allanla's Tony Gonzalez can do is watch umpire Nickolas Colosi signal him out at home after Dodger catcher Tom Haller took throw from Ted Sizemore and successfully 6uarded VPI T~\ hb;,,•. 'rb• ll;,.igers downed the Braves, 3'}~ W~ nesday ni1tbt jn Chavez Ravine to extend their lead tQoi~ games over Atlanta. ., ,, Nicklaus, who shot an tlpening round 75, went out determined to gain ground and fired a 33 for the first nine holes. Then he ran into trouble coming home and took a 37 The blonde belter from Columbus, Ohio. also had difficutl.y on the same &tretch in the opening round Wednesday ._ 1the same one that cost hlm the 1963 chlmplonship here. Although h I s . 70 duplicated Casper~. Nicklaus was much further back with a J45 total, seven strokes behind the early le8ders, Tony Jacklin and Alex Cargill. Casper, of San Diego, also went tlut in • 33 and came home In 37, but finished just two strokes back of the leading British pair with first·round leader Bob Charles of Ne\v Zealand scheduled to start later in the day . Charles had an opening 66. .The struggling American contingent also suffered another blow when George Archer, the Masters champion from Gilroy, Calif., withdrew beacuse. of il- lness. Archer, who shot an Openl.Iii 79, Plenty o f Punch Rich Bassel of Upper Montclair, N.J., had a 75 for 153. Casper managed two birdies and seven pars on the first nine over Royal Lytham's 6,848-yard layout, but slipped to bogey fives on the 14th and 15th and had to settle for a 70. Aft.er his round, Nicklaus singled out those fillal nine holes as the detennining factor in the tournament. "I believe," said Nicklaus, "that the holes where the champion wiU be made are on the last nine." Nicklaus bogeyed the third, then birdied the sixth, seventh and ninth to turn two under par. But he took a bogey on No. 12 and another on the 15th when he ran into difficulty in the rough. An overnight rain freshened the course and encouraged bold play as the field eyed the cutoll that will send only the low 70 and ties into Friday 's third round. The field will be cut again after the third round lo the low 45 and ties for,the final for Saturday. AL All-Stars Loaded With Home-run Hitters NEW YORK CAP) - The American League hopes to roll out the old home run cannon to try to snap the National League's six-game win streak in the July 22 All-SLar game at Washington with sluggers like Reggie Jackson and Frank Haward in the starting lineup. BaJlimore, breezing alcng in the Eastern Division. wound up with out- fielder Frank Robinson and f i r s l baseman John "Boog" Powell in the 1tartbig eight. Pitchers are picked later. Oakland, running second to Minne90ta in the Western Divis ion, also had a pair -San- do at third and Jackson in the outfield. Rico Petrocelli. Boston's shortstop who h a 11 de veloped into a long ball threat. topped the balloting of players, managers and coaches with 286 votes. The next best was Jackson's 280. Players were not permitted to vote for their own teammates. Howard. th e giant-sized Washington gJugger who Is fighting with Jackson for SMIT /I TURNS PRO WITH CINC INNAT I CINCINNATI -Olympic champion Tommie Smith. who tried 0,ut with the Los Angeles Rams recently but did not make the team. 1igned a contract today with .he Cincinnati .Bengals. i'There's one thing surl '--he's fast enough" said Coach-General Manager Paul Brown or the Bengals of the American Foolball Le1gue. Ht will be tried as• wide receiver. the home run title, was one of three repeaters from t"' 1968 starting line-up. The others were catcher Bill Freehan fJ~ Detroit and scC<>nd baseman Rod Carew of Minnesota, lhe current batting leader. Members of the National League's starting lineup will be announced Friday afltrnoon. T h e remaineder of the 28-man squads, including pitchers, will be selected by the managers and announced tlver a IO-day period . Mayo Smith, who led Detroit in th e pennant la.st year, will manage the Americans against Red Schoendlenst, his World Series rival as skippe r of the St. Louis Cardinals. The vote for third base was close with Sal Banda beating Brooks Robinson 163- 126. At first it was Powell over Harmon Killebrew of Minnesota 210-96. Killebrew also got 33 votes for third base, although the players were told to vot<' for a man at only one position, and the Twins' Rod Carew won over Tommy Harper of Seattle, 2S5-32 In the second base competition ·1nvotving nine players. Petrocelli haa a 286-18 edge over ti.tark Belanger of Baltimore at short and Frttban beat out John Roseboro of 1.till- nesota 1~74 for the catching job. OuUielders were oot named by position. Tht! top men were Jackson, 2e0, Frank Robinson. 250, and Howard. 169. Neii:t best was Paul Blair of Baltimore 98. The 1968 st.arters who did not make It were Killebrew al first, Brooks Robinson at third, Jim Fregosi of California at short and· Willie Horton of Detroit and Ca rl Yastr:zemski of Boston, winner of tw n straight league b.a.ttlng tllles, in the outfield. Any or all may be picked later by Smllh, Near-perfect E11iotions New York Mets pitcher Tom Seaver displays mix· ed. emotions as he meets the press following a dramatic bid Wednesday night for a perfect game. He went 81h innings, retiring the first 25 men, be- •• fore rookie Jim Qualls of the Chicago Cubs singled. It was the only Chicago hit in an otherwise pert'ec~ game won by New York, 4-0, before 59,083 fans. Voss' Arm, Bat He!p Angels Split Twin Bill SEATTLE (AP) -Callfornla'1 Angell can split their four-game series with the Seattle Pilots by winning tonight's game here. Tom •Murphy will hurl for the Halos while ex-Anaheim star Jerry Stephenson is a tentative starter for the Pilots. Newport Beach's Bill Vo.ss combined two crucial throws from the ouUleld and Angel Slate "ll .... ,, .. , "'!! {;1J :::::: ~~c in a pair of hil$ (&Ingle and double) to help the Angels split Wednesday night's double header. Seattle won the opener, a.-0, while the An(els took lhe finale, 5-0. Voss singled after Sandy Alomar open- ed the game with a bunt single and i walk to Jim Fregosi h1led the ha.es. Jay Johnstone drove in one run with I sacrifice Oy and two more scored wh~n Jim Spencer slngled to short and Gtlrdy Lund threw wildly to second. Voss threw out Steve Hovley at third In the first inning. nailed Gus Gil at the plate in the second and doubled in a nm ln the fifth. George Brunet was the wlnnlna: Halo hurler. "I-think I'm back In the groove," said the Cililomia leftbander. "I have to rememt;er to keep throwing hard -they Spor ts Clipped Short · w.ere mostly fut balls tonight." The win evened hU season at 6-3. Laver, Emerson Stop Rivals BROOKLINE, Mass. -Corona del l\1at's Rod Laver, the undisputed king of world tennis journeymen, Jed an advance of seeded Australians and France's Pier- re Barthes provided the first upset Wednesday night in the opening· round of Lhe $33,000 U.S. Pro Championships al LongwooO. Laver virtually demolished Soutll Africa's Ray Moore 6-2, 6-2. Barthe~. a 27·year-old pro winless in II tournaments this year, pulled a mild upset in oullting Marty Riessen, former U.S. Davis Cup star from Evanston, Ill., 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. Also advancing as the opening round reached the halfway mark were second· seeded John Newcombe, runnerup lo Laver at Wimbledon and fellow Aussie Ken Rosewall, who was. seeded No. 4. • DUBLIN -Billie Jean King or Long Beach, and Rosemary Casals or San Fraocilco scored third-round vlclorlea Wednesday In women's singles play in the Irish Vpen Tennis Championships. l\trs. Kina ,defeated Veronica Burton of Br1tarn-6-3. 6-2, and Miu Casali! ellmlnaled Kerry Melville of AUJlrAlla 6- O, 6-4. Both Americans are professionals. In mer's &lngles, Roy Emerson or Newport Beach beat Torben Ulrich of Denm11rk 6-2, 6-4, and Roger Taylor of Britain ousted Mal Anderson of Australia IJ.11, 6-2 in third-round matches. • WASHINGTON U.S. Davb Cup players Clark Graebner and Stan Smith were upset. but top-seeded Arthur Ashe won during second-round competition Wednesday ln the '25,000 Wasbington Star Internatlonjl). Ttnnis Tournament. Pancho r ·.wnan of Ecuador, hero ()f the 1§67 upset victory over the U.S. in Davis Cup play, beat &eeood·seeded Graebner, of New York, 7-1, '1-5, M. South Africa's Terry Ryan ousted fifU.. seeded Smith of Puadena, U , 6-3, M. Ashe si d~llned Tc;ll Muur of Sweetwater, TeM., 8-2, 6-3. Cllf~ Richey, of Sin An&elo, Tex., another U.S. Davia: Cupper. whipped Australlln teenager Phtl Den~ 6-1, 6-2. · ' • SAN FRANCISCO -The Great Retire· ment Movement 1eems (9-haVe a:alned another adherent, With the announcemenL by Earl Morrall that he may quit foot· ball. ·Morrall, who led lbe Baltimore Colts lo the NaUonal Football League tiUe last year and was named the league's Play'er o"t the Year, told ·a newt confertiice Wednesday he was entering' a bualness venture thal required his services full time . ' .• ' PRAGUE -Elforls lo bin Soolh Alnca· fonilally from Davb C u p pl1y and other internaUon.al tournament& · because of its raclll poUcle1 collapsed Wecinuday and lhe fnternallOnaJ !,.awn Tenn!• FederaUon .(lLTI') adopltd a compromise supported by ·tbt So u th Aftican delegate3. . ' Instead of provldln1 for automatic ex· cluslon, the compromile leaves It to the ' ll·memqer U.TF Comlnl\lee on Mllii11<- ment to IUIPfnd from te•m eompetJ"on by • two-thlrd vote any ttrmll asaociaUOn which "~Del not 1dequalely repmert lho Piil• of iawn l<nnls In t& eoontry, ell)' or territory or which has not acted in ac- cOfdllllCf.~Wilh1 theR rules agalnal discrimination.'' In both .a:ames the dedsion was in ear- ly. llCOND OAM.I CALIPDIUUA 1unl1 .. , .. w •• , ... Alomlt 7b S I J 0 HO'fltV rl I 1 vonrt s121c11.....,d •a F'""'°'I ~ t 1 0 I T Ofvl1 If 1 2 Jallnl!OM cf J I 1 1 Mlncfllr 111 I l R•lellfrdt If • I I I CiH 1'I J 0 Sl*lt" lb f I I 0 Pagll"Dnl r; 4 I A ROCSrvai • J 1 I I Ollneklwi a J l E"11c 41110'fllrp 1 0 lf'llAlllP iOIOll.llldM J l 0.lnfr •· 1 o Rolllrll t111 • l 0 lotrlell p 0 0 MHtrly Jiii 1 0 0 0 Seaul p 0001 Tol~I ,..,,, l'olal :IJ G 1 0 (t1!1om1' )Oii 110 001 -S S..ttlt • 000 IOI ODO -0 E-lrlil'Wt. OP-!+ltrla I. U)._CtltlPm .. f, k•t- lte &. 'a-vou, E9111, Sl-AIOf'l'llr, A. fl,DdrtwWi.. 5F-Jd1Mlollf. _ _L IP N~'I! IR It IO li-wrott (W, WI l ,;.• 1 0 I 2 J G.inw IL. 1-•I S ' I 1 ' eo,flll I I I I I ' """' ,.,,,,. *P-!lt'\ll'let. ~1-!lfll. 'l'~:U. ~!. Douhell Upset OSLO, Norway -Naftali Bon of Kenya easily . defeated Austral~'• OlympHt champion Ralph Doubell ir. an 800 meters , ... Wecinelday nl1hl . Bon covered the di.$1.anc:e on a raln- soaked track in 1:41.f. Doubell ck>Cked I :.W.2 for second place. Ron Clarke, the Australl1n world record llOldtt. eully wQn the 5,000 meters race In 11 time of 13 :34.6. /' 'i ' I i JI DAil.Y PILOT Blame Manag~rs· -, Umpires Admit - They Blew-Call .MINNEAPOLIS.sT. PAUL ....... (l\f)-= The umpires admitted I~ Ibey bleW"ti>e cau, Jlut'lm- medlately,.blamed it on some- ; Me else ~ a manager. ~rfe~e .• -He o.en--:r.etunted Oliver lo first base,. saylnc lbe play was dead when Rodriguez Wa5-rol- ed out. Twins' Manager B 111 y Martin charged on tbe field as did pilot Joe Gordon of the Royals, making charg .. and counter charges. ,4 ...... J . - "cw Falls; Conireras-Scores 2 Wii\14 er bruil ol mall< Wedneldly nllhl, ei.n, tn lhe Bill AimJtrcq' -a 1 """"1d annual prep baSltelllall Comp!Go\ llllb Scliool lo win classic. CIF basketb"!l tltlea and run A crowd of I lf1 fans was on up long winning atreau Jual -' · doesn 't work when he faces · a · hand to see the stunning City team from the city of Los victory over the CJF 4-A club Angeles. ' • and a IJ.74 win by lhe Wm In ~or Ille ~Milhl.l'tlL..a.baWe..ot...MA, M..and.A -a lieaYIJyJallorecLCIF a11 .. 1ar pliyers In llie preliminary lelun coached b¥ Arinstrong ·~·· · was surprised by ,IM 4ngelea: Annslron&'s,club looked like ' ' I 'I • .. 11 bad things under control •al- t b e end ol the nnt hJU, leadingt c-n. Mike Contreras of Han· Ungton Beach High w I I switched from guard l o forward for the garrie and iaw anly_limile.!..Au!Y.~.J!t. ·fouled oul. He acorec1 Juol.....,· points, bul rarely loqched Ille bill. . UNl.VERSITY OFFICJ EQUl.Pt.1ENT, INC~ T ·Umpire John Rice admitted he called I play wnmg In Wed• nesday'a Kansas Ci~-Min· otsola ,game. Wilh Bob OUvq •at first and Ellie Rodriguez at the plate, Rodriguez was ip- parenUy ruled out on a strike . with •·J-1 count. l*-'-----TWins'-c a-l~c7h_e_r -JOhn At one point.. both teams refused to come on the playing field and Rice took-oU~hia cap and began scratching his head. 3Q; : r . r.· • .l I ·"""-1·-~~umme1 .Jpet1~1~. -- • T I .. I ~boro's lhrow .to second nailed Oliver !or a double play. Rice first called a double play on the second sb'ike, then caUed Rodriguez out -for in- Deep Sea Fish Report Eight minutes ticked off. Finint)t, the Twins returned to the field and Gordon filed a protest. Rice said after the . &!me that base ni e 116 (C) reads: A batter is out for il- legal action when (C) He in- terferes with the catcher's throwing by stepping out of_ the batter's boz. EXCEPTION : Batter is not out if any runner attempting tcradvance is,tnt-out.-UN CL•t1UENTIE -117 •f!lllerl,I l,.Ul -~u, T;On~lllinflv, :io bt•ricuc11, u l\1llbut. Hl!llMOSA -II 1ne1tn1 " "'"· si bQnlle,. l blltr'<:lllMI. IAN DIEGO !MunlcWll .. l.,J -ID •ntllrs; t r1110wt111, • 11b1COr1, n bluefln tu,.., 321 bllrr1euc11, «15 boll!to, 4J uiNw .,_..., t "-!llH/1, I• wfll~ -.. •. Umpire Larry Napp, also In- volved in the play, said, "We had It right until Billy Martin or ·lhe Twins made us change -· our minds • HUNTllNTON llACM -22 ""'len1 .. 11i1rt1a1c11. u bollfto. 2n "'"· 11r.,, .u _..,11 .S5ll blu, ... blr- •tclldl, m "°""'· 11 1seu11u1. NEWl'OllT IOI""' LKllll'I -1'1 -i....; 1,2'1 bo:-lto. 1.111 bin. 11 blr· rlC!ilCl9, J ~111, 2 hellllut. IArt'• LINll .. I -1t 1ntlen1 '1 llArrKUON, ~ bonito, 'I' .... OCUNSIDI -145 1111i.n1 ltt bl•· rlCVdl. m mu. 1'0 bollfto, 11 wt.Ito 161 bl-. 4 "4~1~ ,. ... ~but. "We jum. forgot about the exception." Gordon, whose Royals even-- lll<lllY won 4-3, decided to forget his protest aft.er the game. "I don't like to fUI out those reports anyway," he added. Tirt$tOnt 'VACATION CAR SERVICE VALUES let 0111 e•per/ mecha111cs get yuur car ready for safe vaca/1011 tra•el' Area Stars on IJ.S. Teana Members of-the ·orange Coast YMCA wresllinJ team that will represent the United SJates at the ·University of Colorado beginning Monday are Chris Sones (center, kneeling) and standing (fro.m_Jett) Mal Poemoceah, Steve Clark and AI Thompson. Of the 10 area· wrestlers who competed, five made .the American t eamj.freestyler Jeff Jackson is not pictured) and the other five are alternates. TfiFi' ro·C1\-t~l!l!!; coached bf1"t anlr1it>rpei;-=prrett an 'ilO'!J."11\'ll!!T'lili'aCJ<- tng . up the team .championship at Worland , Wyo. Ne,vport In 92-47 With Sa·'l9 Win Monarchs Boast COMPLETE 10-PQI N,T, • BRAKE ·, ~.~~1~~:: ~Two-game Le<if!, Of ... 011"1 ...... lftft OVERHAUi; . --f llatjust a r•mre-we da 1111111.1 wari: t. Replace bnlte lin.inr OD &J.l. four wbeela 2...Arclinin~ ror:pufect contact with drwna 3. Rebuild .u:, ,med cylinders .... Tum and true bnlr.• ........ 5. lnapect muter ~yli.nder 6. Repack outer wheel ' 1-rinp .. both frontwb~ 7. lntped brake hOM!ll 8. ReplllOt brake aboe retum aprinp 9. Add Super Helvy Duty brabftuid 10. Ra.d tell car Mater Del •High moved Into SAH CLIMl:NTIE <•I Newport launched the .se-•• ,,~, ,, a commanding 1twft..name lead ... cond round ol play in lbe San-.o! --0 Domenldllnl , • , • ta Ana Bu.ketball League in we ~Summer basket· MJ1~11... s i 4 11 Wednc .. day night by -ball lea·g'.ue 'l\lesday night Mc:Cnlln t , , , d~~ El M~. IM7, ~U~9 decision o"'.er hos~ t~_:•dt ; .. :,: ~: ·•l Sant.a~ College. victory gives 'the MOnarctU A 0. ~rll t • I ~ sant.a Aria. came from e"'"""" • 1 !" , -behind-tO. outlast Santa-Ana _!. 6-0-mark !~r the carup1',ign Tsi1~11: ... ., ow~· , ~~14 .n Va.11ey' m7 and Saddleback wltli Foothill tn second at 4-2. Ml~ Vie~ fl.' II lJ 't::U • ' ' · · Mission Viejo rebounded s.n 1emenlJusTiN 154r 1 ·. 11 nipped Los Amigos, 34-32, tn from three straight toS~s to fro ,.T ,.,. T,. ~ league games. nudge San Clemente 65-M ~~iev ~ f j' ! The unbeaten-Tars now hold and. Tusti wo itS fir~t am~ i~~~i~.. ;-i 11. a game ~nd a haU lead over of the ~n :ith a ~ vie· ~:,,,fti11" ~ f l 1~ Mater Dt1, which drew a. by~. tory over Santiago in other R~ kl 1 i ~ ~ Newport now has a 7..(1 cu-cu1t t.Ague lesls Roblf'" 1 o J d tea: • Tollb 13 I 7 5' recor · . . Mater Dei put it away early 1""'1"00 'iJ l'T ,.,. T'" Over~omlng a. 5:.4. deficit -taking advantage of some =i:.' l o I i: early in the hrst quarter, cold Shooting by the Foothill H1wt.ev 1 l • o Newport blitzed helpless El club to lead by a 16-4 count at ~~ ~ 01 ~ ~ Modena_ on defense, then the end of the first stanza. v'f'~l:T. 1J 1! l~ • High Back Executive C~alr · e SWIVEL & TILT MECHANISM e LARGE-COMFORTABLE e HARDWOOD BASE • • • • sae11 . l: ... S14f.51 T77 WOOD DESK 30x60 WALNUT FORMICA TOP BOTH ONE FILE DRAWER FOR THREE BOX DRAWERS CENTER DRAWER W/LOCK .......... 599aa SJ9488 ~---,.--~""---- STEEL~ASTER FILES • 4 DRAWER LETTER SIZE • FULL SUSPENSION W/ROLLERS • THUMB LATCl:I & LABEL HOLDER .... S7J.OI $ 418' RENT • LEASE MACHINES .& FURNITURE. OPTION TO BUY CALL US FOR · REPAIRS DN B0'1'1:1 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC MACHINES UNIVERSITY OFFICE E(j)UIPMENT, lf~C. 1913 HARBOR BLVD. 646-7119 COSTA MESA 540·1272 $ 88 PQUred 1n bucket af~r buc~et. We.mer Raes I~ t h e ,_, ~, ~ 11 1 El Mode~a committed nmc Monarch scoring attack wi 11 ~·,,:!,• ~1!::lJ~~""!!'""!!'""!!'""!!'""!!'====;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=~ turnov~s m ~ first quarter 17 points. Ralph Chandos _ al~e 1n fa cmg the! rugged somewhat hampered by illness Sailor ~efense. -was held in check by the FOR ONLY BUAIAllTEED 20,0DD MILES or 2 YEARS We ruarantee our brake linin1 frx the specified num- ber of miles or yea.re from date of installation, whidt- ever come8 fi1"8t. Adjustment.a prorated on milea1e and baaed on prices current at time of adjustment. jirt•fOJtt DLC-IJO RETREADS BtACKWAlLS 4 fo AHV SIZE LISTED r H::i:s4949 "J,5().14 7.75--15 l!.70,.15 ' \ Wiitrw•lll MM II ,., •It We'lladjUBtyourbrabl . for fulidnucoontact. and add ftuid ;f-.cl. ' 19 FIRESTONE . STORE A75 E. · 17th St. -Costa Mesa Substitute guai:J D e ~ n Y Foothill defense to one point. Bean cashed on six long Jump ,.OOTHILL ,,., Shots in the rma! period fo aid ,.0 n '"" T .. the Sailor cause. Bean finished ~~ j t ~ 1 hlgh·point man for the night Hi=~ ' : ~ I with 17. ~~r-'1' ~ l f 1 Jeff Malinoff (13 ), Steve Totels MATEll: DEi 1lr1 ' ,, ,. Kent (11), Steve Saxton (10) ro ,.T '"'" T'" CMfl<IOl 0 1 1 I and Scott Taylor (10) also W•lll•• ,' '• 1 "• MtMt111mln finished in double figures. fl8et. 1, l , 'i' Mtllnoll T1~!1 Ktnl Eccle1 Se~lon l ed<et "" Vatl y~~ T1Ylor Hiii Tat111 Po~rt• 1<:1'"""r 0 0 G Nl!Wl'OllT (ft) l(ll~V 4 l 1 11 1'0 l'T l'I' Tl' Tot1ls 1l I I SJ ' I l I l Sc1r. '" Ou1rtw1 , D t • r:.1;11P'i 1: a :; lljf • l 2 l1 MISSION VIEJO c•s1 3171 l'Q,.Tl'"T'" S GllOHatm .. 11111 l & t ' Ashcrlfl j • • 7J l111(r•tt 1 11 ; ! ; : ~I~ 1' r I 1f l •2 10M~o~ '!' ,..,. ' l f 1011 erlf'! 110 lt U 17 '1 Tot1l9 '' ll 15 4J GRAND OPENING SPECIAL . OFFER! . FRl ... SAT. & SUN. ONLY 'FREE McDcinalds Hamburger & French Fries WitL Every Car Wash! et the 19th. St., Car Wash 621 W. 191h SI., Co1t1 M111 (•cross from McDon•tcl~1 Drive-In) P.S. CAI WASH PlU WITH ANY GAS FILL.UP •.• AND YOU STILL Gn THI HAMIUlGEl AND FllES I SWIMMING HIKING GOLF TENNIS BADMINTON SQUASH HANDBALL BASEBALL FOOTBALL VOLLEYBALL TETHERBALL SOFTBALL PADDLEBALL • . '-·~ 646-2444 -1 to' Dally -S•t. I· J Mollll G•Milne -Most Crecilt-Car411-Wa'-ne TABLE TENNIS RACKET STRING~G Bll~ES & REPAIRS \ . ' lb!!li.1_~~1-~~~.__~·~--~' ' -- • Harbor -Baseball Standings , &TANOIHO& AS Of' JULY 4, Ifft -11 ... IV• ,, "91111•• """""' 1J Glflttt 11 lll.M'"9 .. ~ " " .. " Jl..:llftl 2J llr•WS Jl GI ..... , ... ,..., ... '1 Clodffl"I A Wl!IT n c....i111111 " .. ... ' S1 ., ..... . W ' T . ' . ,--:~"'"1~,L-0 • • ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . 11 l ' 11 J • '• , ' ' ' • • • l 11 1 ) ~-~ , - lllilMq, Jufr 10; 1969 . DAflY PILOT ' JI B-ravo · Highlights . · Baseh~ -: · · · · · Stanaulgs 8,"«:llliglit -'Agendn . NA~~A~GUE ~,..,,.,. U ·''·"·•I. In Ins WO. Loll P-cL GB ~ wu1A--• nprir;u,.M;~l4C--one lance, he was Jail-Chicago ... S3 •ti _ Mesa Open Loop ' F ou~ r ea.ms T"red • For SecoM Plac~ I .J.&ime Bravo, the matador ed for showing disrespect to New yof& ,fi· M~ :S.O ~, who defies tradlUon ind the plna ~·· A oec9<ld Pi!Uburgh • •1 Cl ,411 101> =~,l~u~:-:-,1~-time, he . __ In a~r~.St loila e. ~-11 --Mc.DonaldL..ltth.!.tumed..ae.__ ~---• ~ t.·-~~-"-f·-tl ~ ·per!Oikllt h~~bull bec!Nt, relheUitdthou to PllU~lpttta SL 45· ,t11·_131> • CO!fd place Into 1 f<>llf·"ll' 1le· """ :-11 N ,, ,. appearanCe of the season Suq-, ~ ause ght MOnfre'al •. 11 51: 310 25.\i esd t•• alte trl . LUCKr• '")• •• ,, •• dayat PlauEIToreodeTl-Usllfesbouldbeapared.· West OI~· • .• Tu !Y: D&-·t, r. PPIAI 11..Mlnctbo • •1 2 t .t , Juana. t The bull was reD)ovcd allve Los.Ahgeles '4t.,,.K .. J9(, -Lucky 1• to.-77, In . the Costa ~:.,:. l l 1 D Sharing it>e program ·will be from the arena, but Bravo'• AUanta , iit .JT.t .S7G , 1 '-' Mesa O~n buket.blll league !'~, 11 i !I Portugal1s jFtrnando ~ Saq-).nslstence in flaunting the .Clnci~!:J +I' Ui ..,5$7 1 · atOrangerCoutColltge. ~...,,"'" f toe and ~ vetel'.an Pepe Luis rules earned bim another ride S. Fr&nCUKlV 47 39 .547 l~ .!he dtfe.at 1drwi*f Lucky's ~.,::11 , Vuquez,ol Mexico. The..,... tothepokey.Hewurelwed HouSa .. ~. "~'.!! ·:fff330 .,!,, record 'to ·,_1 _the ume •Ii:!!!!" d ,1 ,i il rida ft'ill begin at 4 p.m. with after paying $200 fine. ' n -w«o -.,... . . ..n ' .:.~1,.. K:lffi ll.ickY1. .. bulls from lhe Ernesto Cuevas DOs Santos, Currently one of ttw vcn. ,....c.M:.!.~~· mark as McDonaklJ, Wlgmore -""=°""'-"''-"'~--...---,,-, ~ ....... Jl Cubl A...$01JTH $5 Gl1nh St 1tN11ot1 !It .... ,, .. ' ' ' f • ' t I~. I ,,~ l ,...a 11 2 I I . ' . Ranch. .the top figures In bis native ~i.:.':~"';.i1,•5~ ~"~ Atency ahd. Wl1$on Ford •. •.,-1--Fans-have-learned--the unex-and, will be the f Ir st .-,.1tb!SUl"llli •i. Mo11tre.r ,., • Orarlge coast College upped · peeled always awa1'ts the · t 1· f P rt I to Los ""_.. i. 'An.nt• 1 rd ' ft •-· ' $1 ""-'""' 51 l"lllH!n I" NOJtTH ......... """"' ,, ........ '° llr•vn .,. Gllonb A EAST 17 Redi.,1 f.S "hlUlet. " Pfr11t1 M .. .... ff .... ..... Ill COltllc;A J 11 I l lt I 1• I 1 • f I 1 . ' . ' ' . . . ' l! l D . . ' . ' . 3 11 ' • • 14 • llM Gl1f\b I 1 t 105 l'hllllft ' J • ' 1111 l"lrllU J J' I 10'.ZCvbl J7t 101 C1rd1Mlt 2 6 I lip-Doell • . ~ COSTA MESA H.S. NORTH 10f llr1ves · J' 4 II 111' llflll99• 5 5 • 111 C1rdl,..ll J._ S I 1Qt AslrOI .I 6 -I 111 Cl.obi $ • Cl COSTA MESA M.S. SOTH' -~~~-~~fi:~. Ill lted'"• 111 Oolltt•• Ill Plr1tt1 IU.ISElt ui-. Dod9u1 ::· i~::n lt7 Asl•ot 111 C1rclh\lls COftotlA DEL MAI: Y.C. In Glints 12• Plr1te1 Ill PhlWes. llS Jtec:lln1 PIER PAltlC 12' C11bl 117 8r1va 176 Astre1 111 C..-dlowolt MARINERS NORTH .1:111 Dodtert • 111 -Ot.nh • llt Phllllft ' , , ' ' . ' ' ' . ' . • 1l • . ' ' . ' . ' . . ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . . ' ' . ' ' . ' . . ' . . ' ' ~-· ' ' , . lU Plr1i. MAIUNERS SOUTH IU ltedl9n 131 C1rdln1h Ill Astr• 136 •••Yn ESTANCIA . ' . . ' . ' . . ' . . Don Skill (left) o! Corona del.Mar gets a helping hand 1rom skipper Bill Wallis o! lhe·Channel,Isle out of Art's Landing as he showspff the 311h-pound • , , bamdoor halibut be landed. Sltill reeled in this ~ ~ : "beauty juSt north of Laguna Beach . 1•1 Phillies ... Gl•l'lh 1•2 PlrltH llt ~ .. 9 (Oft.SICA 2M C1ros :!01 lleod1"• 2Cl5 Cllbl ·: ~~= • • • . , . ' , . f ' • • f • 206 Dod9trt lEWIHKLE HORTH ,11 A1trvs ' . . • • • Lunker Bluegill l(un • ~ ~ : Trout, bass. and ~tflsh con-Water temperature ·in the ~ ! ~ tinue·to highlight angiing act-lake ls rising aiid jhat could .,-., • ion at Irvine Late. mean tbe~ttart ,of a run on '°' l'lr•tn 2117 Gl•nl1 210 Rl'dlell 2Cll l'hlb TEWIHKLE SOUTH 11• Cirb$ " 1 • Lots of tiig bass running Junker btueiW. ' 3 : over five pounds were hooked · More lhan 93,000 pounds of 213 Ctn:ls 2U Dod9e<s 216 Gl1nl1 !11 ··-KAISEll. '" 1'11111 21' l'lr•tllS 221 l r•Vn no. As.Ir• 21tt ll.t1ou ... ' ! ~ • last week in the lake's weedy trout have been'planted" bi the 2 ' • coves. Biggest bass of the lake so far lhb year. : : : week was a 6-pound 2-ounce Mary Ellen Vaiva of • _ l • .bronzebaCt 1 a n d e d by Costa Mesa J>rought in ~ 7- : 1: : Maynardi>amm ol Santa ,Ana. · 7-poonct;' kUncfl, chanel cat l.ife-lilte FULLOOLDB -portrait *GENUINE FPLL . NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR ALL AGES! Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per Sl!bject, two per family. LAST FEW DAYS! -PORTRAIT SPECIAL ·ENDS SUN.AY, JULY.13 ..... WHITE FROIT 3"8 BRISTOl AVENUE Just Off Newport Ave. Between San Dlefjo Frwy. & Baker Street ........ -._,. • ------- , m in represen a 1ve o o uga c1nci-n ~. ~ o1t1t , its r~ to 2-3 a et wovppmg a Bravo performance. In his appear here In two •years. C111c.to ~"';'~ ;...,. vn winless Bill.Barry Pontiac,~ years..of perfonnlng along the Vu.quez is one of the few fo.<'111"1' Ml • . · 67 border, Bravo's rewards have matadors who can perfectly tJ~~t:r .. ,... t-tl tt Mlli.RIMlll • ranged from the ultimate execute the classic "receiv-$111 F~ IMlirkm• ll!JJ ,, L•• ~tcDonalds , came from a tr.phi•• ears ta1'l and hoof · " 1 I of kllltn th b U ...,,..._, CS1/tt911 11 .. 1. l'lk.tlt five-point d"'ridt at.the half to ""' -• -1ng s ye g e u • ,,,._,,,..., 1w111tw111r 1.21 ,,. ""t"-""' to an inglorious trlR. to jail . b\ll'.llb IY•IL•t• ~ n bui:.r_ Luck)'.'s. '11te winners An,tonlo · Ordonez got the ~troii ..... 11 cc •• ;o11 11 .. 1 '' W.1on Outscored LiiCky's 26-1 1 at th~ Last season he was at his publicity, chucho Solorzano (R•v •2i •. i.111111 • stonniest, gOing to jail " twice Wpn .• pair of ears last Sun-<•'-"'"", •'•""· ,'"',,.,•11 -' a.11 o'-'free throw llne .• nd ' 'ti the h Ita l 'th ,), 1 llLL M ii.RY PONTIAC fUI a vis1 ng osp wt a day,. but ~e fans belonged to AMERICAN LEAGt]J: ,. " "' ,., goring once In four ap-Curr1l0 RiVera. Eul Div'·'·•· ·1'!!111' · t l 1 1t pearances """ l: 1 • I l j •,•, . ~fexiCQ's 17-year-<>ld wonder W0n Loll Pel GB ~~l:J.,"" . the II HYI-' • 12 meimerized bu sand cap-BaUimclt'e 59 ZS .702 -· tli'~ J ' f % -Mater-Dei~ -~-~~a~1s:!1:·m~:~:~-:..=~~~ ,:=~· 12~~ ·14~~. ,, .f J:; . perfonnance o! lhe .s~asol\-Washin~n · 46 43 .517 15.~) occ 11:11,.. PT,,"' Only bad luck ' with the New vo·rk 4(1 47 ·.460 20 Turley In 3•2 Loss sword 'prevented Rivera trorit Cleveland 33 5~ .393 H srkkt1mmir ll j f l.,l winning ears and tail. With his West DlvlilOa . i~~ . second bull he proved he couid t.finnesota 48 'SS .571 -, "~.': 1~ ;, f1 : Mater-Oei will be trying to . kill dropping his bull with a Oakland 43 S1 .5S8 3~ 1-1.1111,,.. _.., occ "'· Pont11e u ... get back in the win column sin~e thrust Seattle ~ 46 .452 10"1 M<OONALDI 1•Tr 0 1~ ,, "Tr tonight against Santa Ana at Sol · •·· 1 ned 1 . Otlcago 37 46 ."f JI t'.~•d1rovt r I • ft Memorial Park in the Santa 0 1':2'1n°1 8""'1 r! ulrsh •,Iha Kansas City 36 48 .OJ 12"1 ~~:;., , 11 ' 1. 1 e~cep 1ona, coo u ow w Cali!ornli 31 52 .m 17 j•i'i'•r 4 j I • Ana Summer baseball league his first bull and was awarded Wtc1lltt4tn •-•• u•1•r 1 .2 after suffering a 3-2 defeat to •lwo ears at the crowd's Jn-Oetron •. 1<11111n s · Santa Ana Valley Tuesday siste.nce. ~~,,,:',""._ ~~""s. ~. 1nn11111 evening. chlc:QO s. o.-i.1111 3 Game time is 6 o'clock. ~:;:.: ~~':' ~n:.i~;..L - Th M chs d Tell Your K,'ds-"'"" ·-. e onar ropped the c.11tDn1i. CMul"PllY s.11 •t s..tti. decision · when a mlSju~ed d -111~~~' 11';'.';~ " 11111.,.._ Oyball dropped !or a '\U'·SCOr-To. Rea uncle IL-• .,,, "'"' Ing single In the lffth inning to "-• c1tv ior..e •11 •t Ml._ tot. 18-11 ·11-ll ~uai._a i1T~a~,~i ~---te·n~-C0fr11rrn --,,;;;~;r"'"t; .. ,;;.,-"'°""'='-''-'}4"1-""-"'=""'=- " r • rM . CltWteM (Mr;Oo.ell IH J 11t Dt1rt1t ~ •c, i ' I •.'i" .............................. ..o'""'""""~'""'""""ii""'iii. ...... .., ... Ml'l<W. :Iii l • f11 -•. ¥,"ltr;:1~ ,., l f I f . TRANSPAC BfGBLIGBTS lternme..t.1 1 11 •1 .l..k1nr· ,, : ·I· Rior.r, 211 ' • , o "~'lac ri l l-I lcwe 1W IMlllls • •• ·Ill 11'1 ::l l I •• . Direct Rtdlo Reporta from tht flfft 3 ind 7 p.m. Dilly KOCM Radio 103.1 Seats FM LET'S BE FRIEllDLY If Yotlliive new nel&hbon· or know of anyone mov.1na; to 0 .;vee. pleu~.tell UI"" 10 ~~t. ft may extend' & frtencQY welcome and help A be t. beCOIM acQUalnttd .tn 'lh<!r ..,.. __ ... $0.~(Nd_ VW!or : 494-0579' • ! ; Ha!Hf Y~or ACTION? f!cl(t .tfet_I ' . , . •' fating ROW! a ata llACU OAll.Y 1'"iiii:Thru Sit. fht ttce-Weekd9yt 1 :it.I s.turdlys6Haldlp 1:11 ORDER YOUR RESERVED seATI NOW THftOUGH COllPUTICl(!T , . Regular '16.9.95 Auto AW Conditioner · • Faster eool-Oown time for "right-now" comfort e,High C.M.F. for greater air cirtulation- • Sleek, clean design etyliog for a smart look, eafety pedded bezel ••• mounta neatly under the dashboard E"pere lmtaUalion A~ailable · Fits These Cars: '60-"6' rn '61).'63 Falcon, Come1 'fiO. "66 v allanl '61-'6' Mereary '6J."6' POlldM ' '61).!67 Conl.lr • 88 '54. '68 Chemtltt 'M-'67 ~1. "6:."67 C1tny II "Q.'65 Plrmo-th. Dodp. '63-'66 ~ Dll't •• '61-'62 Dodae l..m:et" • '88 Aok Abont se-Comenlent Credit Plano • t • • ' ' ' '3i69 IO .Qt. C~n Heavy.Duty Mbtor Oil S11~e 288 8lc -~• l OQL -•Top quallcy motor oil' • F¥m "'°" liacl&e. ecidt • S&oc:k ap now.11 Sean , ' T ' • , _________________________________________________ , I ........ TAt.4'00,nl"'5:t0 alidn&811.n11 COH911AO! .. f.Ol21 wl'ICOWIM>U ._ '\"' ~..... WMll~-~11 ' ._..,.. I CllMOM .. ~I ~ cuw.llOfS.tOOf,0'411 Ol'fWIC ,taON4tdJl l --.elollU.MAf.Jlf l.'N "7SI ,1W11AM0t,c4IJIU1tl WJJlrP02""6f,tM•JtW I CQlllPDIHl!"2111,Hl!2d1•1 MOUl'WU09H0 "'"5941 OJNtO(f.J7·2fOll -•.ll.A.11 1'-ll'I I "llMN~fUJAMUJ) -""1'11--1 I • i I l I 1 ' • I ,_ ! ' Cllll'tM *'°"' ...UWOO.Ol a.Utl • ~,~_, l42111 &"'4Jl.I , , ·~>'>ltll · ' ~-----------~~'!!.-----~---~-----....-.---------------.-,..__.__-,...,.. --~~ ...... or:Yoli.MoMylock" --.. -.......... _ ....... _ ........... "!' •• ·-----• . - ' 1 I I IWl.V· l'flOT Los Alamitos -Entries. "' "' ,. ,. ,. "' "' •• •• "' •• •• .. ,. SICOtfD UCI. 3511 y1rdt. 3 .,..., .... 1111111 • Ill c.redl A Mkwl. ~,_ """'-ltoc:i.MW ~-n SITllllll tr? Ul'ICit fMtr [llrtuu) "' "'-C1Mt941t CD 111\kal llS Mbn" 'hr F~ JU hlllJ¥ Qa lllft (H CrmbYI l16 Slr •ll'tdlNe (I C1rdoH) 111 H.,,..ltlnl 11 '{Wi t.on) 111 li¥ald Dtlitl'M '"'""' 111 MOn!ifn,y Gl'lll'I' IH•l'T! 111 DendY a.r 11: ... '""' 81MI) lU .... . ,..... Cltqf'f G!.ww:I !Wr-""'_J) Olll •• fMorrial --~2} Miu Alamlla. (I Smlllll Yellef!t PtirlUM 0 C1reo.l "' "' TIUltO •ACI. llO l'tlrdl. M1lcleft 2 'Wtr 11111 Ind lfl C1lll. l"Vnt 1161111. Mr. Llnte Dlldl (lrl,.levl IN D«t1 P1yot1 Ill 1111'*1) 111 Cllolla l1rs (Pt .. ) 1!1 C.litantla Sand• IS .. ") 120 00 OKll Go (Morris) uo 1t.e1vm °'-' 1$!olltfl) ., • \11 '-'lie F1~ lWlllOll) u; _!Qpty'1 $peed (C.rdcr1) 111 ttoultnt ltACf, uo y1rdl. ' vear fllllll tnd uP Ill Grldl I Piii-. l'urM 'llJllD. ~f::-~r;~~; ..... loat: (S...lldllll PIVIM Strww IH1 rtl ~J~ID .. nbJ Don Kwr fC..rdoia) T"""'Y 11...,.1 fMorr11) S.Crf'f GI-flrlnliltY) l .tW. T-(Aclflrl HOIQrd ~ fl H CrolbJ) AIM lllt1'9t ,,...totlto (S1•111t) ll'Velt'1 J.+ ••• !2 H Croab't'I ltdV Gh• I Ln (S,,,llfll Mlloltll Mllb» ire.nit! "' ... '" '" "' "' '" "' "' i1•• "' "' '" "' Los Alamitos Results -~. JtrlY •• ,,.. ,..,.,..., J"ll'IT Lfoel, 3111 Hrft. ~I-t Y"Hr olds. Clellnll'lt. Pwse SI•. M111tr 0Wif1't (C1rdou) i.29 0.Jll '·'° ,_, Ql.leslklfl fLIP!l1mJ IA 2Alll Slm"I llwdlt Ul .. llkll IA Tl--11 IJIL Al.. bn-Glkulut,. 1111'111' Clewn. H•lll'Y ltollY, Tlftor S.m. llltr .. r $41tff, \Ill .... o..i.. f'•llY'• O.llllY. ~ -OOMld .. ,, Mr, Ml. RO'l'.i Olo. MIH Prttt\I' !"ti. SICOND uce. -v1r111. , 'l'l•r flld1 11111 11P Ill GRd9 I PlllL P1,1,.. 11.llO. Mt. MIM IH Cto&lttl S.• t.IO 1At l1r Dnld fMlli.udal UI IA JOIMI o.,,,,., *"' cartM:'-YJ ut Tim-11 7111. A ... ll1-4lblJr't a.try, Min DI• bllta. TWiii T•n. lllrr1 OilY llf', Jot I U.. l"' J-. Je Liii k . k~-~.Gu"*'L 1rvdor TnictJt. LW1 .. , DIPfll. Nlllf'TLT DOUILI -1-M 11I1 r Cl .. rM a f.Mt,. MllllC. P11f Ut ... THlll:O ltACe, l5ID 't'lrdL ~ldtft ! w•r old1. Pu,.. n• L11t1e can,._. CAd1lr, a.a •.20 S.llO Mool11! Glylt (Wlbon) 12 .• 7.60 Lte'I 11-nl (Monlll 1A T!,...__ll 6/11. AIMI Rt~lll Clndtn. Llttle Perc.nt, Slell'n 0.Nly, LOIHM. Mia Mtwl1-. \lkkl Nltflt, ~-0.. Na l(:l'lfdleL ...... , .. ... (;• ••• l"l"H llACI. DI nrds. ! Yffr old1. Allclw1nc-. Piiat aaol. Auntie Lulu CLJiifllml >AM 1.• s.• lhdlum R1n Ooh fltldlitre.) a 2.• Hfll S"""rt (,f,podec.a) S.Dt Tlm.-11 2/10. Aho R111 -Rec:amrne!WWd, l"lem!~ f \gl!I, (ltdl Far Me, lrte1I~', S!l'fflr.' J1rnn. P1clllc: C1!1rger. Sc:Aldltd -Ml. Cu•ld, C.lllamlt ..... SIXTl4 itACE. 440 v1rds. J n1r ol<k ind UI>. Clal.,,lnt. P11rw 11100. Tn.ct.lln Min fSmlll!) J.10 5.20 3.• l '11dy' Roclr.11 IH1rt1 J.I» J.:11 1 1nv .~rt !Marrll) J.• Tlfftl-.l2 4/lt. . At. Rtn--Oll TM B•n\ W1r Oii( T-$11M11rll_lf't', ~ 11 LM, _ No Kntd'lfl. saYltfTH ltACl. l5I ¥9f'llS. , - elelt ....:I UP 111 Gr.0. M MlllllL Plirw Jl!IOO. Dic:t.trs Gem !L1plo.f"'l a» 1s.• •• P1lleo ll1r Time !K1nh) 1.ll J ... Tl!lnk Rk ll (P11Uoj s.a Tl,,_..11 tilt. AIM lttll-LHP Pl,,, Wlltltle lt eM\, B1" For Lullr.. ~ldtn Radit!, Mr. B1""1t, Mr. ~ Clla .... M't' KtnlCt. Sc:r1l<:Md-<1!1\l<lr. WM! Luck, M,. Olo Taro. Selllall's l!odl.11. a1GMTI+ ltACI. UO ,.,..nfs. J YNr 9161 -"" \Ip In Grlde M PIU .. Purse 12100. Lt!• Go S.m (H Ctos.b'r) l•A S.IO J.11 Allifnt1 .let IW•ltotll 1.00 1.20 Arctic Alfllr IH1rtJ , .. Tlfilt-11 Jilt. AIM R1,.__t. RH"1 Rodltl. MH-111 E1tl4!, Oilcbdoaile, o.ct. No!M, Tllnil'lr. Bid., Ont Ot Ttltll. Gtlll L91 ... ~. No tcr1!clles. NINTI+ lt.t.Cll!. l50 't'lrdt. J Wt• oldl ....:I Ill' In Grtde A "IUI brtcl In Ctlll. Punt •1to0. Flll't' A Go Go (Alltlrl lt.a 5.IO , .. Meler-tlfr111H) . l.IO J.IO C.lldo ......... (Smlftll ... Tlrnl-11 J,111. Al.. l'.111-Wollde'• ltOCktl. '-""' R1IM, ............. l'IOMY. si..llt'i It• ..n. H_._ Go H ........ Llld!y a.rt J ... SCrlfdltlll -\1911tul'WI l"IY. Pvra ~. MICl'J Mloft. l'"ltOll. FREE FOID'S TRAVILINO PIRFORMAHCE llMIHAR •D t•ltllT _. DICK W000 ._,..,_.1111nw 'AMIO oue CAlll TUUDAY, JULY 1Jtfrt 71Jt...P.M. , ••• ,..ll ...... ., ........ T1 TlllODClal aOllNS fOtlD 2"I HAiio.. ILVD. (OITA MllA e -641,...lt " . .-... ... ... ~· . --· .-.-... .---· .Mr 10. 1969 Valasek Shoots 78 NeµJport Shores T-op.sir=-=-=-=-==~====--. ~ARBOR SHOPPING CENTER EVENT! Emeral.d . Bay Teq;m !Ir;! '" 114 C,_...J llt U CMorrllJ 11t For Victory -- The N$WJ)Ort Shorei ·Swirh 11 e1n1 ~. 11111.,. ,, .. , I'-. Team WU vlctoriooa: lut Wed· Sm!lfl,, H\llll, "'""f't'-IE.8, nesday, tlk!ng a 2f2·l47 ,:i =:in::: ~«.:4~.:.•rttr, declaloo trom. f:merald a.y-m • 01r11 -.. 11m <f.1" Ailtmt. Jack Valuek took low ll"Oll the South Cout Slrim Con-Not.., HMltY. "-* -N.t. honors with a 'II at Colta1 fereoce at the low'• pool. t<::.!:: ~ ~!~1t ~.,~1.s. .,,.._ 95c for 1 ~8x10 • • Mr. C (SlndltJI l!t Pt-Dldt fWllilafl) lit Jo a..irrtta !IJcMt•u H• Cl .. tloll J CL•ml 11' ~--=--- SIXTH llACI. GI .-1'111. J .,..., OW. tn11 ~ lit Ortelt I\ Pl.._ Pvf'M 11•. lonltlde Bolo IAUlrJ llf llH! CM,._ (Mli .. !Jllt) llf H-1'1 .,.ti\ {Wlttoll) 111 l'o""'I ,.,,.r, lllr1111a) Ill u~ McCoy (K1n111 11J Loft-( ..... 11111 116 Tf1r Drw KW (t llldll ... ) 1:'0 T""' C1ft l'Jy (Ll .... mt 11J NCM Gull!Y IMlltwlltl llJ Stnlc -"'-(H C..tl'I 11' --Grltcto f~•I tn CtlllorTlll SnlOI fl lllctli,.) 114 p_,_ G1rl (PllllJ llJ FOQ' DWI IWllwiJ 11• llYINTlt 11.t.CI. llO .,.rds. I .,..r ol4$ encl Ufl. C111tnin.. Pufll 111IOO. Clt lmlnt prQ UJOO. l'"'nklt FrH ID 111*1) Wit lie11 (Slr11111I T ... nkl Doc (k1llls) L1rt Grind ILht111m1 hQn l•r (C1rdoi11 Cue ~ IP-) H1!1 C!owft (All1!r) L-l•W !Smltltt- alGlfTN UCI. M 't't •dt. olclt Ind .. In Grllh M P'urw .,.. TM A11!1mOr1. e.-A\lle'b (AdlltJ Connll A9"1n (MorrllJ s-1 Plfflutt t1t1n1s1 .. l.,,,lfrOf Oa Good (511111) Good Grtdl!1 {I Lifolllm) SKNll Tonlil (Ctrdal.IJ Mit.'t' h lur• (ltlrtl B1Uleh'1 Rac:Uf IMc.l•l'llOJdS) Stm'I Nlrhl Dul !2 W1tlOll) tmperlel ltocktt n Sm,llfl) ..... Jll;l'le M.olt Clllck Too !"'*"Kii Idle 01"er 12 Jml!llJ \ltnetr Dltl n W•IM<>I 811'tf111'tlll U Lll'Mml "' "' "' "' ,. ,. "' _,,,_ , Vt•• M1- m "' '" '" '" "' "' "' '" "' "' '" ,. "' Mesa Gou and Country Club • G1tt1 • ....., 01.",. 1 ...._.,_ .... ~. :~ ~ ~i.l,-.111.111 ,..i.... O\let tbe-<-wee.kend in mea11-H.1.....L..J1oni.ttt 'N.&..._a. ... ,-,... , ... ..,.. ""-'· ~ ('11..ir}-,.._,., dub acUoo. N.~. ~n::='a.i~!·~~>.~;t-.. •ttw"°"' sinm-, UtflttQ -l!.1: --.. IO Glrll Mid. lltlcY 11>14' Clodttt, t.<iw net honors watt to Jack lit 111ri. ,,..., 11a.u1 1. Sim-l'ooi.. llll'll'IWlt. ~· -e.a, Clark's M-15-tt with J r .... '· O'.tllllj N,I .. '· ~ H.S. .!!> lloY"I Mid. R•ll't' (1).JI) G". Ge 1• 9ovl .,...., (l:toUI 1 lttltiri N'S • amlrll. PrtlH, Htl'llft -N.t. Dezut.tt a stroke behind at • t. .t.mllllll •.1 .. 1. T~ v . · ·• ~~ '""" fHI 1, •ettn H.s., '· 11-70. • K 25 Glrh ,,.,. !Ml I, Ptrllrt l .1 .. t N.I .. 1. HunlM •.•• Dill Zu' ••• (H vnr l!',a,,). Heffml~ Jrf,f , ts Ion P-IHI I G'-•• NI 2 ~ aaus ... , -14-71) rt ..,.. ,.,.,. 1w1 1. WoM N.s., 2 With. N.s.. i ... 11:......,.11 ·,,, .... -· " · and Jact Towle .('ft.7·71) Lin II.I .. I. H!"""' H.... " Gll1l ,,... 17.fl I, HuW E .... r . followed aJonc wJth Lyle u '°"' '""' 11 .. 1 1 • .......,. H.s.. t. 1m1111 e.1 .. i. ••i. N.s. . G ""'·-' C"'""rd I.I~ ). lllYIMff N.S. 2J ...... ,,.. (f .. I I, Olltr!l'lllltt N.s,, r ........ ,, 1 7 9 • 7 • 7 J, Bill tJ 01r11 ,..., (f.ltl 1. '"""'Iii. l .a.. t. C•wrle E.1., 1 Mtllll N.L Wallace'• C.10-7 J and W. t. Mtm• N.S.,). Hlllll E.I . 50 Glr1' Frtt (f.lll l, N•U E.I .. 2 Waller's 89-17-71. 25 Ion ,.,., (f·ll) '· P1ro1t N.S.., 1. °'"' E.I.,). \lollm>ln N.I. 0th Ed Amtclfn I!, •. ,~. SClloct f..•. -"8°"' l"rtt (f.!e) 1, 91/ttr• 14.$., I. ert were Chapman !O G1ti. '""' 111.121 1. o.11n N.$., t K1st11• N.s .• 1. Drish,_ E.1. (92-19-73), Bob Van Guton Dll'I' E.1 .. ;s. 50 G1r11 Frtt 111.121 1. 0or1u1 N.s .. (91-11-73) FJ'<d ~'tll!burg 50 ~ Fl'I' 111·11) 1, *"""""' f .a., 2. Prtln N.S.,.J, Dt!J' f .B. t "l"!:U t. ft114 N.S., J. ¥oorlll1 N.I, -,. &o't'I l"IW C11·11, 1. P"'l'llJ' E.I ., (83-10-73) and Bill lrfor1an (80-,. Glrlt ,..., f1J.UI 1. Dwlt't' 1:.1., 2• J. u1111"" ll!.11 .. >. o ........ , N.1. 7-73). Hor111ft N.$ .. l , Snrd..-N.s. lDO Glrll Fiw (IJ.J•) I, Dooln' E.B .• Martha Ciampa and Adrl .. .._ • eon ,.,., (IJ.ld 1. 1t•i1t1 N.s .. 2• t. K1SP•rtti N.s .• 1. o-.. E.•. ..,,.. Alllldlll E.1., ). PrM111 14,S. IOI Bon Frtt (lJ.11) 1 T"°"'°'°" na Coote combined for a net 151 u Girls ltd! (Ml 1, Hlfflns E.1 ... 1. E.• .• I. Rlchinlloll N.S., l. Hok" N.5 . to win the-bestbltt"""'• ......... -&htlfnlf N.1.,-&:-cM9-&:I.---1~..GltlLlrt•Jt IML~mlfl N.$,, t M d In -"","~club o 2S lo'rl ltd! I.HI 1. GIMI N.f,, J, t lll:OCftln N.S., I. Slltx N.S. even on ay women 1 c.-rte e:.a .• 1 D•l"t' 11!.a. " aon .,..,, !.HJ t. L•ws E.a .• 1. play. U Girts.ltd! CJ.II I, Ptultlll E.I .• 2. 11';: :i~ii :·r!~~ .. ~·f: l rDllOll N.L, Alverne y .. -.st·· a n d 8onlltr H.J .. 1 Hu!w N.I. !. Mtialrt N.S .• l Slftrtll f .I , , ·.,.,,. ,.. 1' 9ovl ltd!; 11 .. I I. Cll Mrtll LI., 2J Bon llrtftT 11'4) 1, Gonown N.S., Shirley Hawkes were second t. ll!lllh N.L, ,, Sllulll"r N.I. 2. B111m-E.1., 1 p.,.,.,, N.s. With 70 50 Glrll hQ: ft-I., 1. AdllTll N,S., !. 50 Glr ... Bruit ft·lOJ I. Hoktl N.5., •·--N. • -·-9 I 2. Nill, E.11 .. J. Het!w N.S. _..,..,,_ -' '., "'" • ' 50 Ion lrtt1! If.Ill 1. DGr1111 N.S., .50 Bovt Bkll (f.101 t, IC;-rek N.S., 2. Kl.mi.II (.I ., l. P1rol1 N.S. , -~ • .0.llMl!llf-M..1.,.J. Owl•'-'! EA---IDO IO'n-..... OJ.lfl 1 Moor'l"N S T t · p] . .. . JD G1,i..11ck 111.121"1 . .t.111ton 1:;1_;; 2• ~ e .a .• 1 ,.,._iM N.s. · ~ rou ants 2. Ktllnkt N.S., J. ltt«Tattr N.I . lJ Ml1ed Frff Rtl•'t' ($_.) I. Gllss, . • JO Bon Bid: (ll·ltl 1, PM>fll'.; E.B.. snottniir, WlttL ROlllfJ -N.J. . LOS ANGELF.S -Bouquet Canyon Cl!<k, Crynal Ltke, Legg Like, San Gibrlel River East and West Fork!. 2, R1'11 M.S.. J. Amadln £.,, 25 Glrlt ,,_ Rlll't' .17-tl 1. $ttlllb. '9 GJrll hell llJ.11, 1. Fooll E.a., t. Ptllf'tl't', PtUllOll, Hulst -E,I . Do4ff l!.a .. I . K•---N.L u '°" '•" ltlllY f7 .. I 1, P1r\er, JO acr,1 a.a ll,.141 1. ~ N.s .. t. Dnrmlller, Garmin, Ctll -H.l. k...., N:a.,.s.-..w1n1-1!:1. -.-alrtl ,.,. 1tttrr-ff.tt1-l:-Ml,lllt;" 1• Glrll hldo tfo.10) 1, Hull! l .I ., 2. 5111111'1, 011't', ln.-nfl11d -E.1 • Adlml M.S.. J. lrv!l'lftlld E.1. .5e l cr't'I Frtt lttlt• (f.10) I. l ultr1, 100 e.,.. lndo jf.ltl 1. Dori. N,S., t. AMm .. K1-.ii, Oorlvt-N.S. ' , NA TURAl £0l-OR PORTRAIT • Plus· '{ax a~ 50c Service and Handling NO · CHARGE ·FOR ADDITIONAL (HILDREN OR ADULTS!!! Thurs.,· Fri. and Sat. • July 10, · 11, and 12th Portraits by Smart Set Studio In Our-P-hoto Traller- HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER --. -. 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA N\llTlt 11:.t.Clt'. \lnllfl Sr. courw -UO nl'llt. J YHr oldl 111d up. C11!mlne. PvrH U2llO. Cleltnlne prlca u ... P'l11t MudlO (0 .. rlk1) II• lm11 Mkkeit (R ll111k1J 11' SAN BERNARDINO -Ar· rowhead Lake; Big Bear Lakt, Deep Creek at Bowen Ranch, Green Valley Lake, Gregory Lake, Holcomb Creek, Jenks Lake, Santa Ana River. NNdtfJ 11!.I ., f. ......,_ l!,I . 5t Gtrll F'91 ltle't' Ul·lJI 1. Darius, lot GtiiJ IMit 111-ltl 1: Alllton-E.11,.----0'Sl'IH>-&ol 111111•• Kt""".---H.S~~~r=====================================~ 1, Ktllnbl H.1. (tit), I. 0'11111 N.S. SO Bon FrH ltlleY fll·ltl 1. P-, 1Cll to't'I l!'lda 111·111 I. SI...,._. UWI""' Amlclln, SI"""°"' -E.I . E.1 .. !. 'HUdlan Pol.I .. J. 5Plrb N.S, 50 Glr l1 FrH lttla't' (13-1') I. Foo!t. ltlnt OI T'" !lrlllltlrtl 111 U11elt IMf'\I !Lltll1111I 111 UnderltUf't' (ltlctlltal 119 l'MWtl'll ..,..!"I' fC.tnlWtl lU W.r On Pavwty (11 ... J 117 --........ .... ... ........ -TUBELESS BLACKWALLS 23.95 16.95 24.95 18.71 7.35xl4 26.95 20.21 7.75x l4 28.95 21.71 8.25xl4 31.95 23.96 7.75xl5 28.95 21.71 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS 6.50xl3 26.95 20.21 7.00xl3 28.95 21.71 6.95xl4 27.95 20.96 1.35xl4 29.95 22.46 7.75xl4 31.95 23.96 8.25xl4 34.95 26.21 8.55xl4 37.95 28.46 7.75xl5 31.95 23.96 8.1 5x15 34.95 26.21 8.45x!S 37.95 28.46 I.imited Quantity! 100 Gfl'll llldo J IJ.10 I, SlmrTIOflJ Oodg1, P•ll'f, SlfM'lllNI -E.I . E.11., 2. Foot E.11., '· Gtrm1n N.S. .50 llD'P'I Frte lhle't' (lJ.141 1. 1$ Mir.Ml MM. lttll't' !.Ml lll:ot1ra, l'.k:1'11rdtlln, Kt;tll, Hokn. Moore -lll:lal, Slloffnlr. With -N,S.. N.S. Sale Ends Saturday, July 12 Read . The Daily Pilot 6.50xl3 Tnbel ... Blackwall Plml.79F.E.T. And Old Tin ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tr"CM W-0. .... __ _ C--'Apj_T..,,.._ r.~._n. ...... a1 .... ........ W'\ola-.Yl8n.t. ....... i...•-.. i- k, a...; .... --"""* ""' ... """' .... ""' a.r ............. .._ ---IZ•J4 I~ .,,_,, " ~-------------------------------------------------, aBt4 ,_ lA M-400, 521 ... 530 II. MC»4n: GI 3-3911 l.OHll 9'ACM ME 5-0121 l'ICO WE 8-4262 SANTA l'l Sl'llNGS 94•·8011 Ul'l.4.NO 98.5·1927 I GtriNC10it.,. 340-0661 GUtc>iAU. ot ~tocu, a ~11 a.TWtC & soJO AN a.5211 POMOKA m 2-1145, NA 9.5 161, vu 6.ti7s1 $AN'l'A MONICA Ex .c-6111 v.w(v PO J -&461, 914•2220 I CIOIWlONNE 6-2581, NE 2-5761 NOU'l"WOCO HO 9..59 .. 1 OltAHGf 637·2100 SANTA AHA ICI 7·3371 SOllTH COAST Pl.AU 540-3333 'IUMONT rL 9·1911 ~ 966<)611 talWOOOOl f.2121 '~NAJ 1-3211 , R 5 . .C,11 TOPANC!-'42-1.511 I I , ______________________ _ Sears _____________________ , "Sarisfoction GuQranteed or Your Money Back" .Shop 6 Nighl• Monday_o hruugh Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 ~.M. I DEA'l'B NO'l'ICE8 NARANJO Jnrv It. N1r1nro. JON,2 Cou1' SI,. • Flood Land Sought· Move May Save Capistrano Airport However, the k>ng·term pro- hlbliloo -not appl1 to .peCla! dlatrlcta, Ilka lbi Flood Control Dlltrlct. Under tbe new coune of ac- tion, the ownen will deal diroctly wlUt the •'lood Contrel D!Jtrlct Instead ol IOln& through the coonty. Prevloosly, In an atttmpt to save the airport. the owners had SOUBhl to have the city ol San. Juan C.pistrano buy the land which the airport wotild then lease on a long term baalJ from the city. That proposal was turned down by county supervilors last month. Since then the airport bu leased the land month to month. Another point oC conltnUon In the complicated Issue b Ute cost ol the land. Tiie county ' bu pl>ced I pri<e of l17,11CJO JlttJlnd. Winton and Wllk:ol 11y that Is too hlCh .and Point 11111 that It ti almolll doulile I price quoted them three yean ago when ' they flrst approached the county. Then, the county Aid they wanted to keep the land pen- ding a 're Port on the future ol coiinty ifr transportailon. That report later hid that the airport was too small to be con.stdered IS a county-owned facility. An independent appraiser will soon be selected to determine the cost of the land. Winton said the matter couJd come before the county superyisors "in a week or two." Signups Set A~Chapman ORANGE -Registration is now open for the ~nd sum· mer session at Chapman c.o11eae, to ~ held July 11 through AUllU'I 23. ""'"6t1. "" 10, 1169 DAILY P!LDY JI )felodyland Sold 'Church in Round' _Okayed • SANTA AJ'IA -Tiie &alt ol opatad 1lx yean ago. 'Ibealtt 26." Mdodylnnd to the chr!Jilan owner Leo Freedman l>lld Negotlailona ~purcbul al Cenltt Chun:h ol Anaheim for 1310,llCIO for Ute leashold which the Melodyllnd land and ICIZ,llCIO was 1 pp r o v e d bad 24 years to run, Pbelpa bul1dlna llar1od In mJd.Al"i!: Wednesday by referee In uld. OlllciaJi Aid the cliurch Will bankrUptcy. A. K. 1'belpa ol Pbelpa Aid. the 11le bearing remodt~ the hulldlnr; "IO Corona del Mar. attrac1<1LtheJ1rgeat.crowd In beaulU1 .Ibo_.,.. II ...U · Attorney Sealy Y a t e s , the history of his bankruptcy u to .make It more suitable representing Ute 3,0CJO.member courL 0 we had .all 44 seats tor church use •• , ~ church aaid the d e c I 1 I on filled and 30 people atandl,ng. tlon to provide 2,400 Mata ts mean.s the church la 0 ready to "I expected there would be planned. go." He said the eecrow would several other bids for lhe pro-..:;.;;::;~;_-----­ be opened today and wW clole perty but there were_ nooe," Make a Sharp Aug.· 9. the .referee said. The c h u r c h has a The Chrililan Center Onach Dea/,· Use "charismatic clinic" planned was founded nine )'Uri aao by for the theater be&inohl& Aug. the R<v. s.1~ W'!l~ who Dr"me-A-Lr"nes 10 through 14 with talks by bouts that ' a majority of our more than to naUonally known members are under the age of theologians. Jriiii;iii~~~~~~~=~=~=::::-••;;; Part of Ille approval of Ille TBANSPAC . BIGHLIGBTS deal by Phelps Included the purclwe ol the leasehold In-Olro<t Radio Reports fTOm tho FIMI terest of producen D&My 3 ond 7 p.m. Oo!ly Dare and Sammy Lewi.I, who have presented productlo"' 1n KOCM Radio 103.1 FM $!1'1!Dft, Survived by rnol'M r, tvo..roi ·---------bto!Ml"i, 0.vllll, Frol'lll. AAl!lony 1nlll Conditions Assailed Fifty courses will be offered --Odmur.,,,b1g1he~on and will ap- ply to Ill degree and creden· tlal J>l'Olram requirements. the Anaheim tbea~ter~s1nce:;~1t~~~~~~~~~~~ D1nlet N1r1nl1; 1lt'9r, Rull'I 11:11111•11. Roul'I' WU rKlt.d Wml.....S.y, 1 PM, Peek F1m11y co'°"i..1 1<uner1I Hilmt. llelftl~ MMt, Tllurld1Y, IOlln, I '» 1'M, 51. Polyc:Ofl> C.thoHc Church, Stiman. Directed by Pnll F1mlly • Colonial. fu .. rol Hlmlt. ..,. ,_ MOON Tire. l 'fflfl Moon. AH 6. of 9111 l a c.su1 Avt .. Founloln V1Utv. surv;!ved by 1>111l!ntr.. Mr. ind Mra. Jerrv M....,l il1!f!r, Oetlr11 trl~f'fnh, Mro. M M· dfed MoOn 1nd Mr. ind Mn.. J°"uln B11rlllo. $1t'Vla1 wtre i.111 fodly, 1'h11•llMJ'. s..o ... i. ... 11\ortu.ry, ~ Beldl, Olrtctl ... . ARBUCKLE & WEU;H Westclilf l\lortu.ary U7 E. 17th Sl, Coata l\les1 1146-4111 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Ccnoa dd Mir OR U450 Costa l\teaa MI 1-%4%4 • BEJJ... BROADWAY MORTUARY Jlt Broadwa~ Cotta Mesa .U~~-r-• DILDAY BllOTllEJIS H1111tfnttoD Vll.ley Mortu1ry 17111 Beacb Blvd. HunUngtoa Beach IU-7771 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1195 Lagana Canyon Road Laguna Beacb 4M-MIS • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C.meJuy e Mortuary Chapel 350I Padflc View Dri\le Newport llHcll, c.uror.ta -• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '1801 Bolta Ave. We1tmilllter 193-35%1 • SHEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Beach 494-1535 San Clemente f.~106 • SMITHS' MORTUARY 111 Malo SL lhmtingtGo Beacb - 40 STOP.ES TO SERVE YOU For The ~ -~ - Record Meetings In Downtown County • IRVINE -"Economie and . economic and planning studies physical con d I t Io n s in to detenni.ne the future role or dawntown areas of Orange its downtown' area. County arc symptoms of -Essential changes be pJan. maladjustment and ne1lect . • ned and executed. which require immediate at- tenUon by local business and -The planning studies for government leadership." commerclal development be This statement was made by inttgraied with TMUUDAY of •-· H11ntlllffal BMOi Llclns Chlb. Hun-• group expea i.a 111 com-for rt!lclenliaJ, 11,,.1on sucntt c-"" c1ut>. >ODe mun!ty development and local 1 1 P11m .._...._, Hut1tlftl• 8.-t1. a::io deve oprnen • • m civic leaden in a 36-page u.~.._,r~~5f~AM~~ ..,._ publlcaUon, '•Downtown -That looal MISOO\k LodM, raoF' "• 11 • Dete•oration... modernize and en force WNhn!Mt« A-lfld Olive SltMI, 11 c!11':""~1~,~ 'A": 10c 1 111 0 " • Project 21, a pr I v a t e building codes to maintain the G••-H111. 21u Tllurln Av1 .. cost• leadership group and the UC ph.c•licaJ conditio[l.1 of im-Mtw, 1:30 1.m. ":t Nl'W!Wlft H•rWr Elb club, Elk• Locltl!. Irvine Ertension p r o gr am p-·-men•·. . · :U.S. Vl1 OP01'1o. N~ 8Hd), I • .,~., "" M!.;:;1c Gc:i!Mn H•rh>r Whit. 111,1ne sponsored ~ proj~ r: -J..Tbat each .um-rnujDty - No.,,, Mlscinlc Tlfl'lols. 1C1 1Sltl St.. lncludes"elmitnt!llts ftUI -· ~I -"-'I f NIWl!Ort 8ffdl •·•m;----.r=: bllc oUJ-•-·-· pore avollWW e sources o N111on11 '-""cli11on · iw 1111 Adv..,_ u1an 250 pu .._,_..,. . · • cemm of co~ P'°' .. ' c-..tt-The report •-an -"·-pl to tedmical and f I n a n c 1 a I Room, s.,,i. An1 Llbrary, l!h Md . 1.;:1 ~" --_ ., R-. s!rteli, r;.i.;,.~na. I p.m. bring attention to tfie center of. assistance th~gh Slate and HUS::: :::g: f'n°r:.'"'Hu~u'ft~,t:.q the cities of Orange County, fedetal agencies for M ·~~-,li~,'·Ci.:.11. 'Ml M11r1. ,,~, ~hlch, according to the npo!1-. redevelopment and rebabllila· ~. COl•I HlthWIJ', H t.,, 1 o t I ' have not kept pace Wltb f a1Kt1, 2'15 •·m. changing conditions." ion. " The UCJ-Project !I "1i'ouPs The repo~ warns that for Births ST. JOSll"M HOSPITAL .J-JI Mr. 1!'111 Mrs. Johll W. Fletcher Jr., 1..e:I: VilKlr Piie•. Cosf1 MQI, bol" J ... "' Mr. llld Mrs.. "obert t.. Sc.hut!I. '6111 Cenlll'lll AW,. WttlWll .. fer, t lrl ·-" Mr. ind Mrs. a...nn e. E1~1. tO'JI Y1lendl: • Nit. A. Cat9 McM "' ·-· Mr . ..wt Mrs. e>.rrtll •· ThOl'M1, "30 C1111'1dull, Watmlnster, bor JufJ' 1 Mr. mid Mrs.. Dill A. 1*fldrlcQon, '321 81lmor1I Ortv., Hunt~loll lt1dl, -Divorces W•11tl'I, IMll9rl Jetn ¥f Gforll ·-· Kett. Ntlll Lov!M VI wun ...... M. Metl~r. Ct1udll LOU .... PlllH11 0 . Miiierd, Thtodore E. 1r1 Ellen I". ~Otuf1, Jtll'I J. VI C..timer' D. Cllllcoet, Cf'lll'lolf1 It."' HOWlrd E. Jr • Hnden, ""'"' G, w 811111 •· O'H,hlr, P1ull"1 M. ¥1 Tl'>omll G•-rv wu ..... Htlen s. VI LrM G. Scholh. O.IOrtl M. 1r1 Fritz S. McMal'IDfl, Gill lrl JI'"" Mtterw. Menlcl J. YI G1rv II-Id Gllmarl, RODert Elhl1rd ,... Mll"J' Mll"llrlte SI-. Lorettl Ann VI Huth OIVtd Artlnil, TharNI L. VI U lllnlt Prlcl. $111tln Join VI Wlllltm R- S.Sit, LJ'llM T, YI Clllltln i. II. H1!ml4. Giii l. VI W!Hit.in G. Fl1'1'11L 1Nr1.., E. VI J-Sl1n1ty will conduct an Orange County 80pll! dties tl may be already General Planning Progrim tot late to recover the fune. July 26 In UCI's Science tee-lions' of downtown as a com- ture Hall. The all~ay sesSion meirial center. For others, begin! at 9:30 a,m. however, it.is necessary to •et "Downtown Deterioration'' before ~ downtown ,,core cites many conditions con-has klst Us vital posture. trlbating to the decline ~ cen- tral cities. They included "dericlent" traffic systems. the "h"opelessly inadequate" parking, the "serious neglect of physical improvements" and a "ahlit of m1jor r~ establiihments t o deeen. kfli1.ed shopping locations." ..... As: a soluUoo to tlie problem, Project 21 states it will re- quire "vigorous leadership by /both private and public sec- tors, with the imagination and drive lo Innovate Improvement proruams." Th e publlcation discUS.!les possible methods r or re- vilaliz.ation of the central cities. Project 2 1 recommends that: -Each community un- dertake comprehensive Wayne , Son Ride Logs BUENA PARK -Film star John Wayne andlill-youngest son, John Ethan, are schedul- ed to be ttie first riders on the new calico Log Ride at KhoU.!1 Berry Fann Friday. A.fter Mrs. Cordelia Knott. co-founder of the berry farm christens the ride with a bottle ol boysenberry juice. Following the 2 p . m . christening, the $2.5 million ride, which has been under COtl!truction for more than a year, will open to the public. SUMMER CAllNIVAL OF VALUES NOW THRU SUNDAY Presented by HARBOR CENTER MERCHANTS and S.J.M. FIESTA SHOWS e THRILL RIDES Z,300 .WllOR IUID· AT · e KIDDIE RIDES ~LS~ . .. :t-E~~~li-9 FOOD & FUN GREAT BUYS!-! HOUSE -HGLD APPLIANCES 0 td I No PlirmHI. a>nd111t w ~ u oor ighting -..... ,..._ .. , ....... 50' VINYL NYLON HOSE Pftl'l9d 1.J: \IOlt .,.. •l:llolullfr you never thought . ._ ... ~ ...... --.. 'WOltap ---ICOnllMI wttll ..... Q!J~OUI ~ atfo!,Q! . =. ~"':."'...;;.~ -·blAJ;-.. ~ ... ~..._. our · C.bll. wnsror:..~-:.. $3.99 lwltdt CM' 1utlo!Ntlc tl!MI', snMMI IJbtkls Ind Wiii brlcbta .. IJM Ull1 llleltin1 n• liltlUrw from Uttl• «iillnt In dozll'lt of WIYI thfOUll'l(Jllt the_ )'llt for HCurity Ind IUtdocw blluty. Fout HPllatll .. to,, ____ ., _____________ _ --Prlcas s-at $3'.'5 stall yourself ••• In min-~~ri~e A quality IYS!em you In· ~- utes, with complete safety. '--..ocnC001tueHJ1 SHELL NO PEST STRIP $1.79 • -r-,---WAff-R -~~-G·~ARMB-AGLDISl'~O~SAA~'--~- 1 N·SINK·E RATOR • HEATERS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal; ... $42.88 30 Gal •••. $44.88 40 Gal •... $49.88 50 Gal. . . . $64.88 INSTAIJ.ATION AVAILAILI Thl1 qu1llty ewr1ntwd gllu llMd W.ltr Ml*' 11 tqUfPJl"d wllfl NfllJ' ttfnp. II l'9QlllNll ....,. 11.,,. WI llave Nrnl dly lnl!lll11i.. 1vell1lllt, 11 Vt1,1 "'t•h. All nor>o11I llll!tlll!lon 111111 111-cluihd. C.11 b'f Naan -N t11t lhtt lilly. 11'9 ........ ~ lnll1ll1tkllt •• valllbll. All _... .._., "" """*' ......... MOOR. NO. UI $31 ti .......... ou1n1c1 ....... . Mlilltl JU-1 Yr. ~ '46" ...... , •. ,, OUI PllCI •.•••••• MODl\111 '54" llG. S7t.t$ OUIPllCI .••••••• MODIL N0. 77 INSTALLATION_ AVAii.Aili JOIN THE FUN AND CROWDS AT THE Cit • • • • SEE RUDI BERG • • ·~ • WORLD RENOWNED HIGHWIRE KING PERFOIMING 105°FT. IN THI All ••• DRIVING A MOTOl llKI ur A CAlu. ALL THIS HAPPENING ON THl 'MIDWAY It.CH IYINING THURSDAY THRU .SUNDAY AT 1:30 P.M. AND 5:30 ANl) 1:30 SATURDAY-AND SUNDAY, ' + + + + + + + .+ + + + + + ~-TEEN DANCE FRIDAY, 7:00 to 9100 P.M. + + ·+ KIDS DANCE TO THE MUSIC PLAYED BY "THE NEW LIFE" RE~o~~; :E~~~1s°F BRING YOUR DANCING PARTNER -TO HARBOR CENTER FRI. EVENING 7 P.M. ro 9 P.M. $HOW us YOUR DANCING TALENT ANO WIN DATE NIGHT TICKETS TO DISNEYLAND, CLOTHES fROM HARBOit CENTER MERCHANTS ANO MORE. • .· . ' I • .. I ; ,• • U DAllV flll.OT 'Happy Fe-la' One of a Kind ·M oving ln(O 'F.lbns . Lif e of Ba r bara· Parkins HELPING 'F ELLA' COMEBACK ·occ Director Jack Holland ·YOUR PROBlEM: ~ You want to sell some Item that you· no longer Med but soml9(tl_ eJsa ~·n "" 1w NOT OVER $50 : ?????? i 'YOUY~u ~~~;e?~~: Pl:T, ask fo r : • Claulfied Advertt1ing, and pl1ce 1 i ~­i ' i .....,. ........ ~~ • ~-..PILOT PENNY A 11!1 of ~act Holland'• cootdll\OllOD problema. He bad televllloo credlll llOUllds llke a earlkr tonned U an Amer1Qn • Wbo'• Wbo of TV shows: •toll< opera. Tile Olli,Y · "'-he •'ff ave Goo Will Travel," .d he Id "Gunsmoke "·1 •Haw a i ran "1 cou think of wblcb Eye/' "ri Sunset Strip," even came clo~ to it ~ style "Peyton Place," "Dragneft, '' ls "Man of La Maocha/• a ••waterlront," .. ,Code 1bree,'' &bow wblcb bu· tar more Really "No 'Peyton-Pla ce' "Perry Mason," "The Robert ''book" and Jess music than By VERNON ~ members or the "Peyton =~~,'' the . ~t , Moat Happy...£ell&.'!. .ffOLLY'Wooo (UPI) r-u Place" cast to move up tom~ Whal'• he doing this ium. Holland.,,,.de hlato!Y ol a Actress Baihara Parkin. had · 'llcin pic1ures. mer? Directing. the Orange sort earlier thlJ nar at OCC -lived throogb the trav4us of '11ie othtts are Miss Fanow, Coast College production of, by dlrect1Dg "The Devib" and the Betty Anderson character Ryan O'Ne a1 and his wile, "Tilt Moat Happy Fella.. "Tile Devil's Advocate" on Dotihle Ca· st she played In the defunct Leigh, Taylor-Yqung. . . wb1Cb will be.staged July J0...31 alternate nights with separate ••Peyton Place" .eries sbe . As a. young stock company and Aug. 1..z at 8:15 p.m. in casts: 1b1s is somewhat .akin -. ~ 1n .the soap opera the the occ Auditorium. tq jµggl)!!& IWf..J dozen bowls Slated -f or . would long sine< hive been lo newcomers mada UDCOllDIA!d Being a t h o r o u g h pro-of goldfish. . . her grav.e. ..... -fans among r-vtewen o n fessional he is going right to HoUand said that 1s child's ~e was ahntl.'t ·kllled m an te.lev~lon. It i.s another.matter the. souree. The show a1.so ls play compared with "The 'Sa·wye' r'. automobile crash~ She, lost a whether the public wru pay to opening in Oakland this month Most Happy Fella."• baby . piematurely.. She.. was see _ them in ~lma. with the original, Broadway "I'd sooner · direct three married three times and "Mia is going quite well,'' cast. Holland is going to shows at once than this one,'' A double cast fo~ the divorced twice . Barbara said. ••/.nd Ryan and Oakl&!}d to ~bow they do !t, , he said. 1'1bere are so many children.'• prod1.1ction of "Tom AJ BeUy Andefl\00 she Leigh have dOne a couple of and he'll try to bring back the problems of coordination.~ Sawyer" has been announced watclied them cart her father pictures. I think they are all two top names, ~ Weede ~olland's d,i rec t Ing ex-by the Hllntington -Bea.ch off to an insane asylym: one talented.'~ and Art Lund, to sit 1n on an perience goes back to the Playhouse, which will present husband was paralyzed ln a Barbara was among the co- OCC rehearsal and cri~. Wilshire Ebell theater •. where the play later this moiith. motorcycle w.reck, and her life stars Of "Valley of the Dolls," "The show has a peculiar-he acted in, directed and pio-Randy Keene, who staged was threatened innumerable one of the highest groshlng history," Holland said. "It duced a show a month . Actors last season's Hunt Ing ton times. · pictures made bx 2 O th opened ·on Broadway at the who got their starts there :.layhouse ch1ldre~'s· s~~ • All thls took place in • 425 Century-Fox in the past 20 same time 'South Pacific' under Holland included Hugh ~ir s.Job and the Princess,. 18 episodes of the I a t e years. The s t u. di o is opened, and you know what . O'Brian ·and David Janssen. :e~g by ~b~cy tv~cti:~ unlaniented Soap opera _ and i:a'rootiating. now to 1 u re Utat·m~. It got lc>St.-Tben Hollaod got started in show wllldouble..asstage man~ger. Betty Anderson was still in ara mto a sequel, "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls." -· The ~yough!ul act~ss ls not overly excited by-the pl'Olpect. oI reprising her role of Anne. She is puzzled that the public as well as Hollywood. insiders considered "Valley of the Dolls" a Iooer. "It did very well," she sald, "and I might be persuaded to work in the sequel if the script is good and they ltave a good director. Al far as my career is concerned it might be worth ii." ' Barbara is a driven actress. determined to prove herself in major movies. She recently starred in "The· Kremlin Let· ter" on locatjon in Finland, Rome and New York. • She is proud of her work In the film, but says ,$he would give up her career if the right man came along. about five years later ,it made· business while at UCLA when Sb""'"'." _fb ....... 1,.01_ ,,, __ •• .:n her youthful 20s . .... a comeback and~peopte liked' he -was liSked to cast . be~ c;J;Pbeu a~:u;--~or better Or worse/ Miss it." . "Goldwyn Girls in t b e Masterson, while Huck Finn Parkins, a true and natural E. -J . . -s-l t -. Holland said the. show bot Follies." He went oo from will be played by Blake Etem . beauty, has led ,a considerably uge ne ones a es • done often, .however, because there to film work, with his and Paul McKay Crystal Jess dramatic ille off screen. oLits musical _difficulty-ADd be!t role -that of a blind P'ayne-and Kim Cole will A native of Vancouver, B · ':::..i._spa~r vendor In "Tilt alternate in the role of Aunt Canada, Barbara is single, laclt show at· VC1 Polly, wkile Kim DeLa~ and .dedicated and appreciates the He came to OCC as a Lisa JohnSon are tpking the fact that "Peyton Pl&re" was , . substitute \eacber and was part of Becky Thatcher. ·a fine drama school in a Eugene Jones will present quickly put on pennanent Other ca.it members" are sense. his program, "A Black Man status in 1965. Merle Parrish as Mrs. Harper, "We worked like dogs: on Speaks in Poetry, Monologue Holland believ~ that-"The John Shaw and Dave that sh.ow, all of us." she said and Song" under the stars in Most Happy Fella" is a one«-Schmerler as Walter, Don the olher day. "Especially UCI Irvine's Fine Arts Plaza a-kind show. "It didn't start-a Hayea and Faul Young. as In-when we were filming three at 8 o'clock tonight under the r trend in the theater," he said. jun Joe, Carol DeKuyser and shows a week. sponsorShlp or the Summer "At first it aidn't have popular Lisa Dorwar~ as Margaret, "There were only 25 or 30 Session Activities Committee. ap~t. but now it's a classic. Francine Giorg~i and Debbie segments of that series that Jones' bass votce, his acting It's a shoW well worth Bauer ~s the Widow Harper, didn't include Betty Anderson. and reading have been equally seeing.·~ Dave King and Brad Ogden as No girl CNL!d have survived W!ll re,c~ived, for he possesses ~j;~~~=====:=~f·-Uoe llarper and-SusaD-Peck-whr.....-~e-went through emo-the _ability to read poetry ef. ·-lllld.Bte aroderlcli....,.....,.? --tlocalfio~;.-~--.!~clil'.ehc_ JDl!-~~k~,~ CLASSIFIED AD Anouk AlmM Bobby Murphy " producmg phystcal 1>roblems" -diilnlit!C na11-. · ;. _the show, with Ale1._Qsacio. Ph . U B ba. • His professional credits in--AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE Gary Lockwood handling sound and lighting. r hsica Y ar ra " a elude -appearances in opera .. -• · l• -The play opens July 25 and de 18 t. . and light Dpera, concerts and 3 L I N E S 2 T I ME S 2 D D L L . A R S ! 'J.\CQUES DEMYS -will play for three weekends She ~as dark hair an4 eyes, appearances as soloist with }. i;: ........... Shop Cellthl••• oan,...:.1 p.a. at the playhouse, 2110 Main a JM:tlte b~t spectacularly choral groups. He has ap- AND n~ ~'Romeo i nd Juliet" St.,. Huntington Bead:i, with bountifii!1 f~re and a peared with the Oakland t YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I Ii! e ca • ._ .. °"' im Ptu:s Friday performances at a p.m. smoldering attitude about her. Symphony, the University of ,_.,, ~ • D I A L N O W D 1· R E CT ! ~ ~~W!!Lt' s:~ ~~: "B•r•!1:J_!!' :!: P1rk 11 an~i!~r::! ~:s a~~~~~d or B~Je~~~! das!n'!:~~ ~:~u}r::~ci!~~~~ ~~~~;: ~ .. '-\: 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 a1r~~~=~~~~:::l;~~~~~~~~~l 60cenllforchUdreo Reierva-operators Barbara has found andhassungwiththeOakland APPEARS AT UCI : J tions may be obtW~ by cau-hersell splattered all over the Llght Opera Company, aiid the Eugene Jones t (foll flM N.,.. C...., ~11201 ~· f ing s:J6.a861 or 89%-4638~ movie fan magazines and in San Francisco Spring Opera. ~DL_~;ti~i''i'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~''~'~'~f~M~i~•~·~·~"~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~f.~•~.~~ '11ii·1• Tllmm:llCllPl:liillPUNIS II;:====::::::::::::;::;:;;:-;::;:;;::;:;;; Ute gossip columns. Jones was boro in Buffalo • -. JOUE ANJRm ON THE TUBE AU well and g()()d for her and received his early school· the Merola AudiUon Award fn ~*I r · career, but her J>!!rson8.l life is ing in Washington, D.C. He 196.1 and had special training •">; ::={; c-"" Mtr~ MAX.YON SYDQI For th• .,,,, gu id• to wh•t'i as secretive as Betty served In the U.S. Navydur'm"-g~w~11h-tb-e8an FranCJSCn opera htppening on TV, r••d TV Anderson's was public. World War Il and settled in Company, • I l ' m'iiRl1fii#!hm FA.MILT FUN AND ADYINTURI ---''My Side of the Mount1in" A.Hr Srfffttt. -hrrJ Y• M• "An Angel lri .My Pocket'' ·J1panue MoYiQ Every Tue1d1y Night rl SPECIAL NOTICI TO OUl PAT•ONS J ...... • • + Tiit '*""9(1) """' "' ttlk 11t11 l!lflr IM ctol\ldtnl '1 "-l t .. M -n•!Mt Mr dlllll,. .-""'"' ...,i.-..1111 rM1ulr1 . ,.,...,,, ·~- : "THE Sl!RGEANT' i c.rr • .., .. H\'trtlllllf ..,..... -""""' ..... '""""' ._,..... ~ "'°"" """" 11 llWI 1•1 wlH iwt " Hmllhid It "tc:lfk TbMtns .. -t11t ~il 1111111 111 th" 11n - 11u -"'""'" •r "'""' .,. ...,. _.,,. .... .____ ••IAT FAMILY FUN Dem J .... -...., H.cllett 1 .. Walt ns..tf• -rhe Love Bus" .... ,.,,., •riffl .. -.hny ,_ °"' "An Angel In My Pocket" .............. ~ .... I HILD FOi TH IRD 116 Wiii JllU "-" -,..., &..wfor4 "The April Fools" s .... Mc9--hy. DilMI'"" • ''The Thom•• Crown Aff1l r" hc1 ...... , ....... • .......... 1 .. ~111•111111111 ~ l!!EJ IXCLUSIYI ING,&•IMINT ___ .,_....,, ---,~ickenn•'• Gold" ----.w-"The Southern Star" --DH·--....... O'Mft ''The Love GOd" l lc ... ~-L.H ...... "Do1th Of A Gunfighter" ·········••let~lllllllll ... lft .• • .. . ·-· lllnMfll T.,.S. 1111 ....... "Secret Ceremony" ... _ '-'The S.rgNnt" ...... 6714%60 ALL-f AMILT no•u. ... --stiow Tl..,._ "'IF IT'S TUisDAT" tit 1·:11 •• 10:JO !!HAWAll-~•-.l!H ~-... ~•2:H RICD_&RI\ DUiRIS WEEK -ditfrib11ttd wit+! th• Barbara, still on the sunny California upon .his disc~ar.ge. In addition to bis own C()ft. llAllU IUUUU Stt11rd•y .dition of th• DAILY He began stud g mUSJ ert d choral k MTllliEOlifll'Wlll•to-.it PILOT. side of 30 by two or three . YID c un-c , opera an war , ~-. ~D1111AJ(" ll~:=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;:~~y~e;ars;;~i;s~one;;;o;r;;rou;;r~y~o~ung~1 mediately at Can de 11 he teaches voice and choral -.. .. ~·DAW Ill ' Conservatory ·Of Music in singing and is choral director Oakland, and under a for several churches in and PAM\lllrlrull'rDll.• HELD OVER! scholarship grant at the around Oaklnd where he now -4118 2ND WEEK University .of California and lives with his wife and four " F1mlly Show1 their Opera Workshop. He won ch\ldren. ..... 6:45 ntr.-...... ,.,. ...... Shows Nightly At 7:00 & 9:40 'UAZZUNG! Ont.e JW see i~ you'll never again picture !lomeo & Juliet' quite the way yon did before!" ~FE Crossword ACROSS 5Z French premier 1 African 54 Eas•?rn lake Romnn 5 Easy bound-Empire ruler in11 gait 55 Below: 'Asian Prefix republ ic 58 Fiber· 14 Garment yielding 15 Kind of plant surgeon 61 Frobisher or 16 Asian capllal Hudson ·-17 Mr. Ambler b3 Turn 18 Ointment 65 Fully 19 ·-Dvorak: . developed 20 Novelist's b7 l~eous rock Puzzle • •••••• OFF •. GRAND HOTEL • ; ftlDMAll WAT ,. AIWlltM !'::;:=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;:=:;:=;::=;:~\ problem b9 Seed II 22 Francis covering 10 Rule1s or 39 Part of a Scott--70 Championshi p China, 202 BC corolla 7/10/69 WEST •• liCllll RIM MAIM IATI Of DllJlmAllll •••••• ,• rn-,~ PRESENTS IDISATIDllM. IMOW l lZ'I fllWl:IT MIT BLACK WHITE & 14 ~ 1J l lP YOllll llllllllAll llllCT Rtll l lW TOlll STEW IE STONE JEANINE NAPOLEON 1-.... 1~11. 12.r FRANKIE ORTEGA TRIO attOWTIMll I AMD 11, TUllOAY·IATUJIOAYllUMDAY AT I IES!IYAllOMS 111~ 711-7171 •HOUP SALIS 17111 111~111 o:PENJNG JULY 15th SUE CARSON BUDDY FITE CASEY ANDERSON • A GIANT OF A MOVIE cowaou1,,. PICTl!RIJ(I P(lll':lll:NTS SIRllGIT PICI DMll lllU,. - .... IW.lf?QA i' ,,..,., . __ ,....,cau............. . ............. __: * hd FIATU•t AT IOTH THUTRU • G""'9 htaf -UrHI• ....... -o,... Well" , .... 1c .... "The Southem Star~"'''"•P• - 24 "·-·pick 71 Subject to to 220 AO: 43 Conference the flowersH • rldicule 2 words r'1lfesentatlve 25 Letter 72 Season 11 Penetrating 411 Electrital 21i Under the 73 DweUlng unit 12 When the unit weather 74 Fourth wife sun 15 at 48 Cause wrfeft 28 On the of Henry VIII Hs peak 50 Use <ln risque side 75 Pt011ou n 13 Negative e1astr 30 Kit Carson contraction: 53 Britlslt was one DOWN Dial dependency 32 Nat ive 21 Pleasint 55 Wife of Hawaiian l Go very 23 Bovine Abraha nt 311 Symbol of slowly mammal 56 Productivt stupidity: 2 Pooular 27 Suffused of profit 2 WOl'ds songstress with light 57 Alrp lane 40 Widespread J Wait in 29 Hem or section fright expectation apparel 58 Routt 41 Copycat 4 Tenth parl: 30 Quttr actors: 59 Self· 42 Us ed ii Comb. fOfm Informal ptoduced: stop watch 5 Hav ing been 31 Brought Comb. fol'll 44 One that mlssi11g for under coitrol 110 Show biz I . does: Suffh( years: Z words 33 1n enmity to garment 45 London II Oratorio: 34 USSR capltil 62 Sign of I landmark Abbr. 35 Fleld of boredom 1 47 Charlie Chan 7 Mesa Verde arable land 64 Float ing or Philo or Jasper 311 Facts plaHorm Vance national--37 Ly in9 66 Pipe ri1t1n1 1 49 Give 8 01 earllH heavily on 68 -· guaranty birth 38 Report of a ordinairt: 51 Act playfully 9 Rolled te1. recent event Table win• I n-n-rr-1',r-I b-+-'-1-+-' 70 Producers Typed for TV Shows By JEllllY BUCX HOLL YWQOD (AP) -"Tt'a' I c\,lrlous thing," llld Ed Hirtmaan. "Networks aeem to type proilucUI ana companies as much as actors. "They Upect a c t I o n melodrama from Br u c e G e 11 e r , thought-provoking shows from Paul Monub and broad comedy trom Pa·ut Hen- ning." ' Geller produces uM.iaion: ' 1!111rsdq, Jur, 10, 1969 Assoelatton and ~m~lttee Rock Show .Uneven at Melodyland . By JOEL SCHWARZ °' ... 0.llY '"" ll•lt Tbe currmt trlpltheader at- tracUon at Melodylaft·d Theater In Anaheim featuring the AlloclaUon Is &eared to 'Jbe JOUDI.. 11de ol the pneratlon gap, and judging from openlq night reacUon the larsel,y teenage audience enjoyed It. However. the pro 1'r-1tm., Which also features t b e Dlllards and the Committee, was a thorough],y uneven blend or muafc and comedy. lmprov!loey ClllDecly 1fOOP fll'flung eomed7 lfOOP II None ol tho three groopo -can be a dellgbl to walcb, but piiylng. acted partlcubrly comfortable the IP'<MIP uatd oome of Us The DllJatda, nc.tV<d bot.- on Melodyland '• tbeattt Ip the oldesl and least humorous tom blllinfl oo the procram but round stage and there were routines. lmprovloaUon and the folk aJn&en from the the usual opening nlJibl IOWld -pnngent ,polftlcal~ n tlr.. owu-pve ~ problems. hallmarb of the group; were a q d mo • I po 111 he d The A 11 o c I a t I o n was largely ml08lng and aeveral ol ~ ol the nlJh~ particularly hampered by lhe the routines It performed were U~· 1t wu a ~ acoustics w h I c: b prevented totally unsuited for the round one of aboUt 21 minute. dlzra.. most of tbe audience from stage. Visual comedy libnply tion. hearing the constant on-atage isn't effective U only ball.the lmmedlalely !hey _.,.lib' patter between membus of audience can see what'• going ed a r~ wlth.tbe-IUdlence seven-man rock group. on. with a 1'laxtd bter;xl ol folk The AnoclaUon perform..t What the Commltlee did and bectwooda music aJooc competently and noiaely a best was plug their upcoming with une frequenUy h11arious number of their hit r~ in-television ·aeries and the commentary ~ t belt eluding "WI n d y," but a varloua locations where the songs. nupJ~ of people in the au·!;::===================. Impossible" and "Manniz." fl.1onash did "Peyton Place" and "Judd fot U)e Defe111e" and Henning ':Ibe Beverly Hillbilliel," "Pett1coat Junc- tion" aod ••creen Acres • .._ "And," Hartmann added, ''From us they expect wann, sentimeatal libow1." Making Beautiful Jfltuic 'Realism' Too Much For Callas dlence camplalned t h e 1 r performance was almply a rerun of the show they gave . last year in Anabelm. --T he Oommltte e-'s performance was strangely uninspired and for 1 o n g stretches lacked what any comedy act needs;-humor. Those warm a n d ge,n. timent.al shows m t h e warmest and mo s t sen- timental on television -------------------------------•·family Affair," "M)r Three ANKARA, Turkey (AF.) Opera atar Maria Callas was put through unezpected hazards while making her first film near here, the newspaper Cumhurlyel reported . Sons" and new for riezt seaaon on CBS. (.OTO Rome-'With Love." The latter stars John Forsythe a.s a widowed college professor who lakes his three daughters to Rome lo liv.e. Hartmann, who is pr<!ducer or all three for Don Pedderson Productions , 11id, "There is a certain pattef\J. that doesn't Lelouch Filming New Movie ln-~d All Ov~r-Hollywood Joomallsts who managed to penetrate the closed.movJe.set at Gott:me, about. 180 miles east of Ankara, said the singer got an unwelcome shower when some of the Turkish ex- tras lost the meanine of their dlrecUons in the translaUon. For one scene, they were told by a translator to go through the motions of spitting at Mias Callas, who plays come from the producers By BOB THOMAS themselves. You set a reputa· HOLLYWOOD (AP) Wilh lion for suceess with a certain thr. close<ropped hair and type of show a n d you're. slight figure, Claude Lelouch typecast." looks as If he might be the Do the networks say, for in-prop boy cm a .movie set But r;tance., -give lll a n o lb e r when he starts commanding "Family Affair?" cast and crew, there is no ''Not esactly. 'Ibey may see doubt what be is~ director. us and say they'd love to see Lelouch is directing a film anOther show from WI," he called "Again, ii Love Story," television commerclals. in America. I was the sole pro-Medea in "Medea and the "J used to make 300 com-ducer, and I controlled the Golden Fleece." But were merclals a year -one every rights everywhere except In were not to let fly. day," he ~ked. "lt was a the United States. I said the Some didn't get the word, _ ~t way to learn bow to use rights here to Allied Artl.sts so however, and when t be fllm; it tauaht me to have a I could have the-money Lo cameras rolled the .... -.. lot of ideas. make it." crowd started spltt.ing --:;.;1 "Now I have my. own pro-Lelpuch followed with "Live Miss Callas was hit. duction company in Pari!, and for Ufe,'' a failure · in.. this She fled and the scene was one o[ tbe.. dlylalons makes countcy. lt.ccintaiped an at-interrupted ' for a . tborough - commerclalt-:-at least 200 a_ lack on ~ricon partitjpa-· review of the stage direcliOllll. -yeat. I don't nlakeany myself -uon 1if1Jievtetnam ·war:-uut -----~--- T h e San Francisco-based Moo~--~.,. •t l :JO T•~l!l!I 11 l1M _ -~.said. ''Thy_ don't. IJV..1-d<rt!ds tn H~;orair-plawi. or do that, but tbey & seem to Not in a studio, mind you, but be more comfortable with a· all over town· 1 caught up with similar· shoW from a pro-him one morning after an all- ducer." night shooUng r;ession. No any more ; I employ young the director emphasized that •. GIAN'IB O* Jl uon1 \ ·directors and I enfoy helping he was noranli-Unlted States. -·a r " -pa 'W I.. them learn. Before, new direc-"It is impossible to judge a <JOLUMBI• Ptaru .. as Pll•••NT• tors came Olll of short 1111b-nation by one event," he said. llllQllYi· QMll ject.s. Now they learn their "You cannot judge America Hartmann , a balding man sooner did we sit down to chat with a sweeping gr 8 y in his hotel suite tha n his mustache, , a I d that people producer called to report a identified with certain kinds of crisis in the film lab. trade in commercials." by Vietnam any more than 11 was an auto commercial you could judge France by the PICI lllllr that contributed to Leloucb's Paris riot.II last May. r;bows often bad different We tried again the nezt day, backgrounds Jn other efforts. and the Frenchman was relu- Hartmann has written ?S ed and articulate. He gpoke movies and produces most or mostly in French, claimlng his In 1...... al 1 English was not gocxl enough. ~:1· c ~ · sever or Lelouch bas been in love Hope. . . with film for most of his 37 · ~ is ooe..man_wbo.a.nw~ -years;---Ano-be-wu mating ming counter to the current movies with his father's home t.hat takes a. writer and pro-camera. At 17 he toured the ducer from television to the United States for bis father's movies. "I like the action of texlile finn making two short t~levWon," said Hartmann in movies a1cir:, the way. But bi.1 his office at CBS Studio Center real training ground was in the San Fernando Valley, great success, 1'A Man and a "Again a Love Story" will Woman." His I Y r 1 c a 1 take pla~ across the United photograph of a car in moUon States, vialting .such places ..s fonned an important segment Las Vegas, Kanab, Utah, and of the film. New York City. But Lelouch Wa.s be aurprlsed by the sue-insisfed ffiit be is not trying to ~ ~ ''A Man and a portray.-Amerlca._ Woman"? "What I will show Is the "But of course. It would view of America by two have been impossible t o French people-a composu predict wb~t happened. The Jean Paul Belmonde and a film I believ~ has already girl Annie Girardel who are made $20 million throug™?ut working on a movie com- lhe w"'1d, lnc!udlng 16 million pany," said Le!ouch. "A CARL FOREMAN'S M·ICllDl'l IDLD ,. -· • • ........ ,..,CCllTA. ........ *""1tt IU4Zl2 : ----------.-. ··············--~I =~~Ti. ''lhe Southern Siar'' A~~~'li. where the shows are being rllmed. Auberjonois Steps Into 'Chemin' Role Frenchman cannot interpret America anymore tiw1 an1Jp--------.-iiiilii1iiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiii•---- American can Interpret "I don't like titting around In an olfice writing something that won't show up far angther year and when it does you don't recognlz.e iL" Being a producer 1 n television usually means turn- ing out a few script,, and• rewriting all the rest. "You will find most pro- ducers are writers," he said. "A producer may be called over to a .et to rewrite a script In 10 seconds:. X-ou don't have time to give it \0 a writer and have him return it in three days. You~e got lo do it right on the set and shoot iL" TWie Aubeij<Jnols, w b o created a definitive portrayal of a major c1assJc French chantcter in t.he title role of the ACT San Francisco pr~ ducUon of "Tartuffe" and subsequenuy appeared in a comic role In the Center Theater Group staging of '"J.'he Miser," will step into another classic French role as a principal farceur in ~e cur- rent comedy hit "Chemin De Fer" at the Mark Taper Forum, beginning Saturday. Aubuchon who ls leaving the company to appear in tbe ABC moUon picture "Olvera Five," which will be filmed on loca· tion in the Bahamas. Auberjonois recently ap- peared with Lee J. Cobb in ''King Lear'' and with Anne 8ancroft in "Cry of Players" at the Repertory Theater of Lincoln Center. He appeared in the Broadway play "Fire" and just completed a major role in the motion picture "MASH" for 20th Century- Foi:. In a combination of actor- France." MIWPOIT 1MACt1 -• ......... _ .......... We i.i. -01. MlM EXCLUSIVE MW SOl.lthem Callfernl• lndOOI' lhow1ftt "The April Fools• Tech11icl0b~ l!I• A Cinmia c:mttt Films ~Llliool.. ANatl!Jl'lal ~Yictwullf"-. PLUS SECOND FEATURE w...-..,., ,, .... ,,1J C011111t111tC11 s111N1r 111111 sn., frtm l:M '·'"· Mlmlulen: Evn. •1111 s11n111w: Adlll• S1.H Cll!ldrm 7Sc S•turdar M•llnN: AlfVlb U .to Cltflll,... 7k Hartmann said he Is not anxious to get hick to being just a writer, "Working in a studio with people is so much more uciUng than sitting in an office and wrlUng scr)pts," In a Gallic shift, Aube:r- jonois step& into the role of Hubertin, replacing Jacque' dlrector, Auberjonois ha s11~~~~~~~~~~11 worked with n u m e r o u sl~ regional repertory companies, among them the Alley Theater in Houston and the Washington Arena Stage in Washington D.C. A •ll•AT MUSICAL COMIDY "A Highl11 Imprt.srive Production" ... D.P. '"THI THiii PINNT' OPIU."' tr llllTOLT llllCMT -'" ll..-vtti... ~l>U "Chemin De Fer" will con- clude ita engagement at the Mark Taper Forum Sunday, July 20. **** EXCLUSIVE **** ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT NOW SHOWING R mHDWS :,:'1;30-a i100-P.M. · 1 The World's MCISt Honored Motion Picture! Wlaner of II A .. y Awards lncbJtlin6 "Best Picture"! .Jlll1()(i(X.fl:)l41ER ., ..... . EVERY FATHER'S-DAUGHTER' '.IS A VIRGIN! - -OR. IS -SHE? • You Must S.. The Orang• County Present4tlon Of ''Goodbye, Columbus" _ A Film From The Novella By PHILIP ROTH, The Author Of The Now Best Seifer ''Portnoy'• Complaint'' e "•INUINILY INTIMA1t LOYI! SClNlS'" TIMI MAOAZIHI • "llFllSHIN• TO srr·- LI"• MAli.lzlHI e "MIMOIAILE"-e "lllUlmlll'"-u.tu1t.o.1.v RlVlllW Ht W VOit.it MACAZIH ................ ·I Rated R 1-'flSONI UNDll ''NOT ADMITTID _ UNLISS WITH PAll~T I ,.Ont Mtwl ef A rktlll'W'' • V1r1tt• e hc9Ml.,._Show e PiOM THI ti• ftOADWAT LMfTC6MOY .. "Ai,Lislry in Moving" for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-10?.S NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 12:30 P.M. --,. ~----::~-r-. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOO~ -2iid·Faiillly Feat11• "GIT" ••• •• • ••••• •• • •• ~COASLllWY..ATJIACARTllUR-BLVD. *-- llEWPORT BEACH * 644-0760 ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE RUN-2ND WEEK Tia.-N•wl•area't lorr11ll They are Allied agents who must __'.winWorld War II this weekend d. t . I ... or 1e rying. .. :=Patrick~· Micliae1 Horc1em G =· i ..... SICOND POPULAI FIATUll fh P. ll1r•rttli Cu<111<1 lHqit EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT -AUO -n. J1ln Y9f!111 .......... ''The Southern Star'' Geo,.. u,... 0.... Setol ......... .. • WALT DISllEY " , a . rm ..... __ ·--..... - OllDIT/llllD Pia/A'"' G\JIL ............. :tlll:llDl'I iA•Lll..:....:,: ~ 8•1f e 111AnNID Dir.Ill'~ - - H-. T- • I I I ' ' I ,I • • LEGAL NOTicE •OTICI !HYITIN• SIDS f'follee 11 flt'* ,1"" 1t11t tM &.rd o1 '* TMl9a ol .... Or-Coe1t Junior t Co._. Dl1trlct ol Or1nve County, Qillfofi\Ti;"""'wlll 'iiCiloiiHiled-lild1 ""' lo 3:00 P.111. Mlllld1y, Jiii~ 11, 196t, II tM ~ ~-of .. Id Khoo! dl1l•ld loaftd -' 2711 F1lrvle'W ROid, COlll ~ CIH!omle, 9t wllldl lllTW wld bilk •• • • , • • wlll • llllUblldY _...,MM! rMd for : 111 \IHtiotM Mlllinl Mldllnti Ul Gr.wod l"l- 1na: m o.m11t,., s.i-1i..1 Ill ~1p111a T~ &wlPmlnll (51 Mt!IUfMJurilll P-fPlnllQJ E~I f61 A~ Ttdlt!Dlorr-EW_"""'"'. ~II lllds 11'9 .. 11t In iCCDNl..,c:J Wltll tt.t ~wwt-~ind Clll'ldltleM Ind 5"o-- H0a!leinl Mild! 111 .-on flle 11'1d ~ k MICllrwd Ill tl'W office "' the '"'cNollnO A9'ft!t " .. Id .Ktloltl dl•lrkT. Eld! ~ m111I 11/bmlt wltl'I Ills bld 1 ~ dllck. CH'tlfled dleck, "' bid-°"'"' bcirid f!Wldlp lla'l'lble "' tlle Ofdef' of 1'M -Olwolll CM1I Jr. Colleft Olslrlcl Boan! ol Trvsl'ff:S Ill 1n Imo.Kii 1101 lton ~" five H<unl 15'' d the sum bid • I .,.,.antee tlwil the bldoH1" w!lf .,.,... Info tilt ·~ contr..e1 If the 11me 11 ••rd«l'to l'llm. 111 11'4 1vtnl ot l11!11r1 hi 9'1lw lfilo tllCll eor.tr•cl Illa 1roc:.edl ol "" died< Wiii Ill f<H1elhd, M le ll'le QM of • llGM. !he lull 111m ol tMrelf will be torftllef '9 uld tcMol dldrl". Nlii laldcWr ,,,.., wlltldr1w Ills bid tor 1 _.., DI' 1ortY-11n !.U) ci.n 1""1' the .... let -"" -lllftt ltwreof. ni. IMrd o1 Tr1111ffs ~ ,._. ~hllie,. llf ttl1Kll111 •nY o• •II bids or lo w11¥e ,,.., 1r,..u11r!llfl « lrlform•llll" '" ltftY tlold or i., It. bldll!M. Pr!«, in-11111 q11•1llY bel119 t<IUtl. "~ wm be t lYtl'I '"-orochn:h -m..wt1eturtd, or pr~ 111 ttw stm of C•l!fornl•. ,lll m~ltrl•ll P!'OY~ _.., "11h ~I Codi! $kllocll QG0-415 liriclw._ SINOltMAN E. WATSCIH """'""· ,_..d tf Trvslws l'\ltlllltled Or-Colli! Dtll'I' "'""'· Jolw 11, 11, ,,., • • .1J!Mf LEGAL NCYnCE' ·~ I . .. - ---------------------------------------------------- v• WHILE THEY LAITI All sale shoe prices have been. fvrther reduced to clear! You won't believe th4,bargains on huodrwds of famous brand, stylish sh .... ·Still a good "'lection, biithunyl .. ' ' -----·1 ~ ·, . ':Ir: -~ ]: .. ' PENNY PINCHER ' •·· ._.,,,.....,,..,<-..-.,,• ·~"'····""· ... ',>£. '~'·\...,...•r-'!.;,• ,.,., .• ._~,-.· _.,.. ,,,,_...,.,, ...... ,. l'~ ... ··-,,.,~' '··'--·' values to 529.99! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .,. • • ·• • • • • •• • • ALL SALES • • Fl•AL O• • • 0PtN°SUNDAYlO--Sl _ _,__M_11-"1:H=AA=L:~D1-s1-•i ON SALE NOW, ONLY 333 E. 17th STR,EO, COSTA ~ESA ----· MARKET BASKET SPECIALS ; ~ M"AYONNAISE 91• 49¢ ' BANANAS . 10~ . ~r:c'"'"1<=::.::::-:: ... -.- .. ROUND STEAK IQNl!N 85~ Market Basket wmcUFF PLAZA -STOCK CLEARANCE BOYS' DRESS PANTS :.-::; 54.50 ·s;,,, '· '? $A.YI -IUY HOW FO• FALL l/IJ/.MY D4JH'm Otll.Dlillft. ~ lq,51. IRVINE;-NEWPORT. BEACH DRAPERY SPECIAL ' ... "1 Doy Drapery Service ~as·· . . c . 1 , • 1 • m PANrt ' .. ' . . . . CLIAN •~D.:~..Joui r •• • • ' • \ UN•m. RDSPRIADS, WASH RUCH, nc. ·FLUfl' AND FOUi ... """ 3Sc 11. ... . MONTGOMERY · · Cleaners & La•ntlry ~Oplii Dolly ....... ' ,...., Sot ...... ,.,.... COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Wltfl-MFP . ·83c · ·~ oz. ,ile 2·T$1- --"":"'" . ·---== • . -""~"-.. _ OPEN MNINCH 'TIL 10 P.M. 1---· "7·-- WE'LL. tOAN,YOU. A NEW PENTAX CAMERA FOR THE W!EKE!'tD ••• FREEi ·PLUS FREE ROLL 20 EXP. Kodachrom._lncludlng Proc1uln1 $15. Returnable Deposit Required. Camera Must Be Returned By 5 P .M. Monday, July 14 Try One Of The World's Best Selling 35mm FiM Camera Systems ••• On Usl B~KER'S WESTCLIFF CAMERAS CffffSI . • ,CHEESE . \ ' l ' ) \ ' . ·~ ta~.,,~ . " CH££SE . . {}fflJE flcC~M7 ••!!!f. -· WISTCUl'F PLAZA NIWPOIT llACN 41 TOWN I .COUNTRY OU.NH -l . . .\ . 'one-~p· shopping -"-.._, • I . J a.t .~ts finest! OPEN .THURSD)('f & MONDAY EVENINGS . 32 611. Tr.sh. Can 7 Yt1r Gu1r1ntH ·~ocklng Lid ••• Olive qrMn :::~:. $4 ~ 99 RION HARDWARE 642-1133 WESTCLIFF · PLAZA GET ·'!SET"· . . . . . -~ EQ.ll.Y.ACAIIO~ FUNL-'-' To ·complem1nt yoUT-buty-sch.Gule, WI hav_1 come up with· 1om1.sportiv1 .... 1nd3'om1ntic vacation looks ••• C.11 .nOw for an eppointmt:nt.' · · · • COME SEE · • • • SUEDE '& SMo0TH lEATHE• . -fOA DO!lf.YO~ASELFE~S · SHEEPSKIN SI MULATED TO • leop1r8 ·I.Ori • W1lf • l11r • C.mpltte llM>t, Lvn... tHoN.-. . $"1 · SAN~~U . ~· .aM HatMINt le,. Ir . LOTS Of lal5HT NIW CO LOU . , . -I CONVINllNT"""IHOl'S - e J401 •· COAIT HIGHWAY -C.... •tt lil1r e )4U ¥1~ '-IOO -..H~ IM(ll • • • 74 flASHIOlil Ill.AND -"""'1 hlCll • JI• lltVIHa AV• .. Wf\klllf PMp -HIW"'1 IMdl ' • llobl-'t ,..-~~ If~ " ' DE~ORATIVE WALL HANGINGS & PICT.URES 1/2 . PRICE PAPER UNLIMITED 548-7921 . WESTCUFF ·PLAZA (EHi of Morket 811ket) :, ... MEN'S FORMAL WEAR· SPECIALISTS darrell's dedrick TUX SHOP FASHION SQUARE Sent• An1 547-6)41 La 1H1bra 691-0735 . ' .. SALES -DELUXE ' RENTALS WEST CLIFF PLAZA 1130 Irvine . Opt~n:mirist < .'--·':' ·· . ' I o ; ,1 \ I , ..._' '"" .._ I Dr. Lou ·Roy Eld•r • CONT ACT LENSES . • REFRACTING · • EYE WEAR STYLING •· PRESCRIBING WESTCl.:tff. PLAZA II 24·1RV1NE NEWPORT·l~CH ~ . -· - f ) I • i .D • I r I' I I 1. --~ VIEWS '{let Smart' St4r Shocked -- 8y JERRY {IUCK HOLLYWOOD (All\"-Tojl~t \2.~r~.~ra ~I• s · 11111 put ltie 'i:ll liil1l geac li!lllahill\ .1Qr the y. -~ ~ara lives in a t'virbedroom ·house-perc~d ~__a.<it the WP of the Ho llywood Hills, ah ear-popping ·' :·.=--~~~~ing:.__ drive-u___P.~~!~~-2.!!l~v~ey-b •. 1•1!· -• ~ oRisSED in a black sweater · and j>ants. Bar-· bara ~¥ at the door and padded about the house in -r sto<:Jing feet. Her dark hair Vf3S pulled back to a pQny tail and bangs and she looked ready for ·caper•• Agent 99 on "Get Smart." . The ~ries, which copped .Emmies as the cut- al:andlng Comedy show and star Don Adam s, \Vas Jf18tdle!! up for next season by CBS when NBC dhlpped it Settling on the sofa, Bs.rt>ara said, "It really was ~shock,_ because O~\ !\~int. were very good. It was · •"'Pr!At ~\';\ ~ ~~~·--w§~~'l -m~m~Yl'll· ~Rw-er. I ,liaa a feellng of uoyancy. Sudi!eiily, !be ! bole b~zon opens to you. Movies, my own series." ' • SHE;. LAUGHED. "The next day CBS bought it ~ d I fe!l that a great se nse· of securitY had setlled • k ovp. me." .. ;'! BarJ:Hlra said she couldn't be happie~ with the • she-!'3ds. "\Ye shoot in three days and that · •[t::yes ml four days free," she said. "Gn the set ?, 're JWllPing, wearing funny costumes. I love to ';:f 1-mo~§taches on. 1Wiiji four days off you can live , that's what C8J\ do, which is what most actors complain l I take guitar lessons on my day off. l can :1W.•Ybtte!\!\!s,;J ;~!Y~ !rt~~~! in !S! ~ ~innH ~ !~w n1g saw~. and ~at~u!~~t~\t~;~~~l;m~f~a~lwlUt early ih •\he season in an effort tc;i boost the ratings. "That's 'vhat l've read in the papers.'' she said. u'V1 did a sho\v last week where I just told Don I w.ss going to have a baby. My progress is go- ing to b@ rather rapid. As you •Natch , folk s! ••1 l pis afraid '\'hen \Ve J?:Ot married last year that it wStJldn't \vork oul. But it opened new avenues for the friters," Barbara said. "Th~ telI me they can handle 1he babies, too." ST'\HDING on a tripod by the sliding glass door.s of the living room was a six-inch telescope. "I look .pt the moon, mainly," she explained. "I love to ~¥e the sun hit the tons ol the mountains on the modif. vuu can ge:t I'ifl iii tliiit." Barbara was asked w~al kind of movie roles she wanted lo pl~y. "lt .111iiuid be easier to do the dramalie ~lltls I lrallll!il flit." sae aila. "but that Jeeves y\u ·feeling wrung out after a day of crying on the ~~t. l 'd rather giggle and laugh and joke and ronip." De1i1iis tlie Menace • • • • ' U.S.MAA. \ - < . - MUTI AND JEfF OH, 'T\1ERE'S M\l BALL! NOT A llAll SHOT! GORDO MISS PEACH AF(THUR WANTS*' GeT IN'wOLV&P IN T'4li' YOIJTH ~llMUIGIN ? . . . WM!N 010 YOU MAJ<e 'll<l\T OECl6ION1 AATHU~ 1 ·-~--- " ,, " !I i! [j I I ,. WMIN I air:eAUI•P . 'll<AT NOllOPY OVflt ao. TRU5TS Mi=·~ ' ,,,, <.• • : ,. '1,;, ·- I Mfll FRIDAi e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Ou•lity Printin9 tnd Dep1nd1bl1 S1rvfc1 for rno1• th1ri • qu1rt1r of.+~ C¥tufy. , Pll OT P Rl~Hl~Jr"'. 1111 WDT IALIOA ILYD .. NIWPOif llACH -141-4111 ' - • • • ). I • • ' • , • ' • J • • -· ·-. . - . H OA1LY PILOT Thondll. :Jlll\"10, 1969 • • - i'lflfirliEl!&IL"iE'l'S1'.i'lA'1T'i!E--"71Ril!EAT[rllT-$Ti'1Ar'iT'i!E---:lil9QriCl1INESS and ANNOUNCEMi "'1J AHNOUNCIMINTS °""°'"' Gon~al Pl 1'4ANCIAL ... NOTICIS o!ld NOTICIS ~an!ala Wantod 5990 Bu.I._ Rtrtlll 6060 Bus. ~ftlt1 AOO Found IFrM A•I 6400 -.... 6405 • • STORES for teu. Vl!Jai• 1"'f can't tlDd ""' ~·r e CQllPLES e • ; '! :*~-~-::t~~-~:.t~-*~-l!:Z~-~·~l..;J!50!lfS !i!IM~· ,~L;!!O~YM~l!!NT~JO~li~S~&;._!l!!;!M~l'I:~~~~·;,; ' H. tip W1nt..t, -7200Htlp Wlltfeti, -720ll • I~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~· 1-* -;..._ JI( ••• J. C. PENNEY' COMPANY • •t I ' . • At"l'ENTION Shopohli Cent<r. cor ol r:t AUD. L I . Tow><! WIU!dertor " cry1na • SINGLES • • NEEDED BY AUGUST camtno 4 Moncl-. C.ll!. HE p. I vie. Holly St., La&wia !'ch. Tltedo!Bul,M&ll&HiCj>sl ~ Colleae pro!cuor A Sl.dt.bkl Food to Go. TV. Na~ co. Meda: a di&l:f. A ~ Sealpoint Slame.e ~;uter Chiba: J<;>IN THE 'lf'&duale ttudtnll 110me-variety,-hobbY shop, etc, butor 1!11' _catld.y and anacka w~4ea .so.Dab Vf!TY nJN! nu: IN OtOWD _ 'wt th families and/~ small See Liquor store for key. 1ZI )'Out ""''· Pe.non. aelect-: thin. Owner Pli eill, 49f.~.._ DIV. OF t .M.P. Meet otben ·1'."11. desire 1'ouiing near Al Weaner 21319&1~10 ed must be able ·to devote-GIRL'S ho ad-set for wiJ.hYOUR inte.restsatour •u .C.I. IOl'tle will be located * BtilJl'IFtJt. crpfd olfiee! ~'4.10.bol.trs) · ~-week {df.Yll orthodontic use. lo u n d widely parties or Rleet ljln the area approx 2· )T&. aulle, alr-cond. Best deal 111 ~r "'" to .. ._,very blgb Optom.b:t ~warkl •tand them lndMdually It CGAL.~ Fa11hion Ialand -Ncwport•Btach ' . " I ' .. Has full Ume openlrigs for AUTOMOT-IVE SIRVICIMEN . ] ''" Recent experience !n !ubrlcatlon, brake ad-· :. ·· • 1. Justment and w h e e l balanc!nc requlretl. ... • L _comJ1!tiliv• salary arrangement, 1o.!'p:ioi:l1gtit·-==f~;:·:==i~.:- . 5 .Nftd 1-to s-Bedroom UD-~town. 64S-XGJ .._ -1-ffm\na:L You-may ·k-.e·ep 1-tYf St. Au.&'. ~-~) Call Leib ·t.& . , fumilbed-.-apta, .duplexet or • ~~n~ ·position. No· daya -t>.m.--ms320; 'b:>uses'. Price ranee $l2> to Office Rental 4070 &elltng. $l&OO ~required SILVER male Bedllnpln NEED ride to McDonnell . $1SO per mo1>th, might ao (~}.. For· unmedlate Terrier. Vic. w. Uth St., Doui:lu, H.8 trom 21rt a: Whaddya Want? Whlcldy1 Got? w t!i'!!Jiii _¢0nillt1ons wlfli:newest, anc1-:-..........- e9ulpment. Generous benefits includl!!c bof. · j p1talization, employee discount and profit ,, ' -..... ·$.10 "'°" il utilitiol ... LAGUNA llEACH ~~•wd~: "nd C.M. SIM721 or ..,._ Santa Ana sc, CM. WO!'k-SPICilAL CLASSIFICATION FOR pa\d. Please cont a c t : Air Conditioned number a to· as phone aa1c: tor Mike ina hn. 8 a.m. to f:42 p.rn. NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS 'M7..fi640 Huntington Beach ON FOREST AVENUE DilltnbUtor Division SMALL BLK w/wbt Ol:IUar 6CJ8M after 6 p.m. Special Rat. . atttt 6 PM to I~ve ln. Dtsk spaces av&Uable 1n P.O Boit-58 -atiout-f mos old. vtc ps Attractive 'Expert 5 Lin" -S tlmfl - 5 bucks lonnatkm: or Write: R. newest otftoe bulldlnc: al -· ~'" 91-1a~ ~--YOUN W""•• ... , ltUii.ll -.r> MUST 1NC\.UDI! sharing. Apply in person 10 AM to 9 PM, ' Monday tbru Saturday · Eupne Granger, Ca 1 • prime Jocation in downtown ~. iv;, 11 ""'n at ~,...,,. 4 19th G UWA.<'f J-Wlltt "°" ntv. "" iF.-. ~•t l:! _,.., 111 tr.-. 'Western Reserve univ.' Laguna Bea.ch. Air CXlndi· BP~ ~,!RY REBUILDING ~ 646-4987 • d .. ""'"' .. ,, w,,1.u teCallach )'O.~ '"u ~YOUlt ~ •• ,•[:d,, .... -o. ,.,. -............... , ..... , '1111• ·* * .• .. Cleveland, Ohio. 44106 <% tioned, carpeted, beautiful '"""'"'· Rebuilding au~ !'-~Cal.loo Cat, pw;tly . s 5' •ue: • -"PHONE .. 642·5678 ' l'!'j§i':iij~'fii[iiffjfbiii"i'~~~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!I PENNEY'S FAS~ION ISLAND Eqoal Opportunl\y Em~ ., f>eve l opmen' Biology entrances: Fronta&e on truck" marine batteries. blk m1tgs. w/wht legs. 213• S91A.538 l.JO J?M To Pltce Your Tridtr'• Paridi" Ad !'SERVICE" DIRECTORY . Center.) Forest Ave., rear leads to Swamped w/ordera. Owner Wearing Shf!ll flea coll. ltIDE Wanted QCC to Corona , Help Want.ct. Men 1200 , 34-YR old working bach & MUl:lclpal P4fidn&· Iota. $50 will ~pJetely train buyer. ~a ot Tµstin Ave. Soya del Mar, eves. Will pay. Retittd-don't ~tax 11hel-~fol"5e Lo~n! 3 BR home. Uphollftry 6990 -------- 'part time law student per month b3r apace. Desk N~ KUn-rnJcks. Sl.5.000 full Club. 645-2t7S Call 675-4235 aft 'l pm, ter. Want hse tree & cir for Barn, corral, riding arena, ----,.------ desires yrly apt (now or and chairs avail~ for $.S. pnce. $8,000 down. OCBS. MEDAL On Chain, 114 BACH 5'7" seek:l si.neeregirl $19M or $38M eq. in bi-tack room, etc. 11' acre. <::zYKOSKJ'S C:Ust UpboL PAINTER - Sept) on Ba1boa Island Business ho.W"I answering 547~· China Cove. Owner identify, to 35 tor fun & com-plexes. $960 mo, pool, prime S37,000 eq. T.rade for land, A:!.'uropea.n Cratlsmanahlp SIGN AND PAINT I" . Relerences, wkda:c:,s 8-5, servlee. a.v~ble tor na. VOGEL VALUE 673-5646 panlol\&hip. 492--0386 Joe, no vac. 540-6001 comm. SUbm1t. 642-6487 Bkr 100N. •-.• .,._ 1 • .,. · SHOP HELPER . .... · 833-lSU. x 1983 Mr Gaines All Utilities paid exttpl Small Mom & Pop Cafe on I ;;==,_.,,.-,..,-,.,-,.,,,,,--I===°"'.--,,=== I -::::":-'--'-':-.;_;-:--:-:-:--70 .uu ~ """' .. *--'l.A.t ~--....&.. · telephone. Coast Hwy. Low rent-Ion&: CHILD'S Pre I c rip t-lon ALCOHOUCS Anonymous 1'"llnli.ng w/!Ound, drafting, Rented house, 50x.l41} R·3 1831 Newport BJ., C.M. $562.....-. per mann .. .WANTED To Ieue 3 or 4 Br DAILY PILOT lease. Ideal location. Est. &llwes vie. Boys Club' Phone 50-7217 oa· write to Spanish !$SOiis, promo-lot. Nr. Garden Grove Civic\'==========: house. $350. to $450. per mo. 222 FOREST A VC."'NUE bll5.' Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cout Pal'k, C.M. 646-6968 . P.O. Box 122.l Costa ~fesa. lions. \VANT: Camper Ceilter, UO.~. Trade $9,500 'Welding: . 6995 : CdM, Emerald Bay, N.B. LAGUNA BEACH Hwy CdMar. 613--3>20 FOWID 71, Grey female S.ns1tfvfty GroUp truck or make pt'Oposal. eqty tor units or?? Owner --::-:--''---:--- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH . . .Contact Mr. Pallette (n4) 494-S466 ' Poodle, vie. Fainiew &: 646-5130 or 645-2513 Byron. 842-1898 Broker 547-6469. WELDING. Portable equip. 5$.ll21 or (415) 332-5682 WANTED: oU-sale UCJuor A~ado 646-5511> tOOJ ac $200000 8() mi ment. Specializini: ln ex· Employment benefits lnclud; W:ANT To rent or lease, 3 or 1 desk o:, ISP~~ $5(1., 3 ~all~~ty, DARK Rimmed glasses, on Card of Thanks 6416 ~r:;!s~~~n~::f~~f. from ~lwn LA, '.5 min. cavating equip. Steve eJ free Health and Denl61 . 1 .~ Br. in College Park desks w/prlvate office, lMPORTlN·G· u.:_ Ko rocks in Balbc.!-, J uly 4th. THE Fam,·ty of Paul D .... by owner. Equity $28,000 . ft9m f\ry...9l1 l?a.l'-ltd.1'!!· bt~n Mt>lny~ 536-0782 ~and AfJ 1, Insurance for em~ a!!£1 .-.. •p.rea_ Pool pref. $200-$250. $125, Will' sell dMk, office . • • ..,."" n&: Call m.:5831 """'¥ value $.13,too.' Want 3-4 bdr 8eaiwnont & Oak Glen, Trd 4:30 week Oays. ~pendents. Matemtt;Y be~ , . ::icnt Refer's, 54g...2491 Aft. 6 table; stationery cabinet clothm&. Can be~· from . ,moral Ross, wishes to thank borne. Waldron 646-7070. for inc, propt 547-6469 Bkr. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT etit payment, and be Lt!t ~ · 1100 & nt o'" f I"" home. part/full time. Cust. L I 640 all those who honored our . _ Insurance to a maximum r,·=~M=_,,c-:::;:-c::::;-".:':::tt I 91i2-4'219 re uice or '"'. list incl. Will train. 546--2374 OS I llO¥I and brother by at-Trade? C·2 pro(X'rty, eood J'.!ORTH Tustin Lot, $1B,SOO. Job Wanted Lad 7020 S2S.OOO oover&p. ~. 1.4 QUIET Couple need small NEIV ~-, ... , 0,,,_ •--• Mexican/Spanish 1.mporta FRIENDLY Male G e r m tending his final rites on fQr anything. Little restau-Free f i::J.ear,vi:Vos~ ex!cl~ ' y t r a. i n I n g in Mee~ , 'Home 'w/ fenced yd. for ~-.,~1200-_ u11-·,1 San~-la l3000.. full )rite, $1000_ down, Shep, 2 yrs 9 mo. Blk & tan. ~~ne,,.", th. 0 1969 1 .,became ose 8 •,•,· rant at ·present time, for ~i~a, a ;" w/ ~nd,;.bl~ House Sitting for vacations DraW!ng and ~ )'ean ex; •. '.dog, yearly, under $15(1 CdM ~ .... k Can be iderit. by '68 &: '67 ui.: \\'hat have you~ Call if jl}. nc. p_rope Y s · Capable mature woman wiU perience in Sign PalnU,.. ~ reh. 833-5844 W4:30. Ana Fwy&:-crown Valley includes stoc &: fixtures. tags en choker. vie. Bch & unknown. \\'e hope this ter.only.548·2039or646--t760 Bkr . .)46-6469. care for honu~. pets. Apply lmtnedtateb' to~ ... JtESPONSIBLE family needs turno!f, 831-l400, 499-4198 63l-l293 or 633-1974 Indnpls, HB. 536-2143 atter 8 meuagc will reach all, and Exchange $11500 equit.y 3 Non-drinker. non-smoker. Personnel ~ before 5 :Ige 4 Br, 3 Ba horrie ·in C.M. EXECUTIVE Office apace BEAUTICIANS pm Reward again \ve wish to express Palm Springs lanct on Rao-bdr, l~ ba, OB clng-, Jrpl, Have own car. Character P.f.1., Friday July 18. 1969. > NB ~ •-1280 -• 1100 It erp•-•-Call Be ·}'Our own boss, Rented our · Uo f quet Club Road. $30,000. fmly rm. lAwer Hastings, re'L~. ,.~,. up ,,.r wk. Box (TI4) 673-6633 . . or · • -· w · ,.... ' sq. · ""• ... .-. n-b'-.. , ....... MISSING 2 Girl's Schwinn apprecia n or your Owner ill ha f .,.,... --.-.,.--;--.----r ·mo. 962-8193 owner aft 6 pm. 675-4644 apace. °"'aso~a ""'· ...,..,.. 21i" bicycles. 1 Blue, 1 Gold. messages, flowers and w exc nge or Pasadena, for un1e Hnt P-559 Daily Pilot. Sales Trainee ·• . e LANDLORDS • 300 Sq. F-t. Office UNIQUE distributing CXI, est Qlrome fenders, band friendship to our son. Ray, .;e;~,~t ~~~ 4~~~~Y-Vic &h or Cst Msa or income. COMPANION Or Pr act . Expanding National co, lo. ::. ; FREE RENTAL SERVICE CDSrA MESA 646-2130 3 yn:. Lo dn, will fine. P.O.. brakes. Reward to~ their Eleta & Pam Ress. 213-351-8779. nurse avail., long or short Calif area, $125 Wttk +. . :·-i Broker 534-6982 Box 1726 CM. 546-9218 return. M0-142'1 SERVIC& DIRECTORY Prof bldg, 1870 Placentia, 40 acres near Lake Elsinore term. Live in or out. Good car + expenses. Call' ... ......: ~- ----------1 CM. Many uiies. $64.-500 val. $20,000 equtty. _JVill trade ·rers.i:::all Homemaker 540=M1o. ~ ' ,._.,J I 1,·~s=R=--u"'n"tom-=°'.,,.:-.-.-;,•::--;Cd:;M""'h'°t 1 Industrial Rental 6090 Money to Loan 6320 Pbl>DLE - Small white Babysittlng 6550 Equity $24,500. All. types for home, income, boat etc. ~1 Jiason Best ~- • sch1 area; occupancy Sept. UNDER construction 28 Olli mini., name Frosty. Palm ---''--'-'"----..;..; prop cons. Owne1· / agent SubntiL Vic Stuart R.E. OF."Doty t•ac"-, wan•· 10 Employment AientY. 1 ; To $275 mo. 642--0906 ' ht & 2nd loans for qulck Springs lie. Vic. Baker & MontER Will babysit. My 494.94n 494-7531 ..--·~ "" .,120 So. M ·n, s A. " 11q. fl. M·1 bldg w/oUcs. cash. 8omJw on ~ur Harbor, C.M. Good Reward! hom e. Fen<..'ed Yard. baby sit In YoUr home. Dal-~ ai • I 1: ;:: 15~ ax~tu;; J.250..500) sq, ft. units. 10c l>ertY eq without distur:: . 546-284() or 827--02'33 Lunches. Near. Harbor Shop 11*!l!!!!!l!J!!l!!!!!!!*!l\!l!!!11!-~!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*'-!!J!!!!!!!!!!*~1-=\:;:'~~·:::·~1~:,,5IT,~r~w~~ll .. fi""{-· -Re~-'· MA.INTBWICE ttlll. .·.· I ' • -644-0939 and 833-5248 ~· ~C.Omp~!e about July -your low interest 1st Tris. SCOTI'ISH Fox Te r ·r i er , Center. ·9 · mos to 3 yrs, lS. Eves 646-0681. days Also buyers !or 2nd TDs.. biklwht spotted male, 2 prefei'ted. $4 day-·50c hrly. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERYICE DIRECTORY HQUSEWORK -• . eUSINESS Lady desires 1 64&-5033 · Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. ~yrs. ,"Sam". Vic Antin(; J!Ull time or occasicnal. Ex· $2.50 Hr. HEWPORT£R, INI( •· .:;~ bdrm unluril apt to $100. lNOUST Bldg in M.,J. 744 w. Serving H&rbor Area 2) yfi. Crest tr•ct, HB. Reward! peliericed. 548-.1395 H II .. r 543-2454 . ~ 17th St., CM. 3500 sq Jt, 336 E. 1711 St. 968-1979 1,;CO"LL~E=G=E~S~tu°'dc~n°'l-, °"Ba"'b~,..,-.,,..t· Cement,' Concrtte 6600 IU ng 0730 MOTHER'S Helper, 5 days a GOoci benefitt. p,..,,.. ,: $325 me. 645-1133. Eves ~~21~nb===::';545-06!1~-~~ l~?fjiie!;'J_i~:-Jcag;;;; ------------1";;;;:;;-;:;-;--;:;;-;-,-;-;-;;;:-·j 1 call t F • t I -----.1'1 'noom. 1 fo,: Rent 5995 642-1479 ARCH Bcb Hgt!, l.agW1a ting SLOO hr. Near Wilson & week, exper., p e~ nen • or 1n erv ew r :' ~'i---------:-1,,=,.,-.,-="°"='°"'=:=-I Bch. Sheltie Cocker mi.xed Harbor in C.M. \Veek • CONCRETE \\'O•'k all GENERAL HAULING alter4:30p.m.531--564:\ 644-1700 o:t 57 .... ROOM w/priv entrance & NEW Industrial bldg, 2500 sq. Mort919M, T.D.'• 6345 pup. Bm &: wht, looks like night£, or entire weckt>nds. types. Pool decks & 1,.'Ustom. & CLEANUP !-.:===='=====-SECURITY GUARD -4· ba. To mid d I e -aged fl, 9c per ft, 1639 Monrovia, Collie. If found call 494-0333 Ask for Becky 548-1871 Call 548-1324 $12 per load. 962-6846 Domestic Help 7035 emp1 ..... ed person $45 mo. No CM. 67J...9017 *6 TD's for We or trade bel 5. YARD $2 hr to start. Pennanenf .:. , _, ,.. -• -========~j $28,700. . ore DEPENDABLE Child care. PATIOS,. WALKS, DRIVE-· /gar. clnup.-Remove George Allen Byland Aiency work, 1 location, Must bl! 1';;"'°~"':.;'ng:;;·e:--:::.-;;:-:;~;;;;;~ Lots 6100 *(213) 351-87'19* LOST: Toy white female Vic. downtown Hunt. Bch., WAYS. Free estimate. ~-es, ivy, dirt, tracto; back Employer Pays Fee neat, sober & bave uniform. 1Ri50M For rerit in nice quiet ""-'--------:-1'=========: I Poodle. Blue collar. Needs 125 6th st. $3 'l day or 35c a J . RAY CONST. 642-4210 _•~_._grading. ~4:> ltc.B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 Apply at Guard Shack .• heme. working Pers 0 n · LG. Pine-covered lot in Money Wanted 6350 medical Att'n. Vic. Bay & ~""'~'~·===--~--r • CONCRETE fi rs, patics B & G Haul in' Service Chinese llve·ins. Cheerful ru Ocean Ave, Hntg Bcb. Phone 642-4794 Wrlghtwood, 4 mi. to winter N'pt. Blvd., C.M. Reward. BABYSITTING, l\1y Costa etc. Concrete & blk top SS\V· Reasonable. :>~9-1359 Permanent. ~enced btwn the hrs 8am-4 pm. ,,..'' '""~-a-a. ,..,""" call WTD $15,000 f_or 1 year. Top 637-5518 or 673-1434 M ho 6 old 0-,.,,. "-•· Don "'° KJ' -~·· BOAT CARPENTERS '.,, "' """"" h esa me: mos. "" · ru:..... • .............. _, Clean Up and HeUlinn Far East Agency 642-8700 --- 0•.,""'.,',-,· ,,1,,1..,;c;:,,._;;-7393;:;. :-;:;::::;.;;;I i~~.~ ~;:~·~ Y BEIGE Uncut female toy over. Reliable. SlO \Vk. 1 -~e'=cu~sro=~M°'""=p°'AT"J'°os=e-$IO per load. 646-2528 • !:l(p'd. in hiih quality work ••• R-3 VIEW. Jots tn bJ?ming ANNOUNCEMENTS poodle, no collar. Vic Baker 642-3598 ooncrcte sawing-&: removal Help Wanted, Men 7200 Good pa,y, steady work and ,,,. Laguna Nl.'1Jel. Fee sunple, & Paularlno, reward . ~M~iA=T-u=R=E-•-•m-.,-,,=.u-1-,-,-re Slate L'ic. •842--lOlt Housecleaninq 6735 all benefit-;. HIXSO N xlnt terms. Bex M867 Daily and NOTICES 546-2563 for your children in YOU.R •-========= MARINE, <See Chari••'" .20 ACRE's navel, .. high pro. Pilot. Found (Fr• Ads) 6400 Oyc;;Ec;-LLO;-;;;W;;;-;La-:;:-bta;:::;do::r:;R;:,:c,,.=;,,.:::r HOME day or night. XLNT Child Care 6610 CARPETS, Wlndo\vs, firs, POLICE OFFICER Phillips> 829 Production Pl. duciiig orange grove w/tre. HUGE lee simple Jot on---------male, 1% yr old. No JD. Vic refs. St.25/hr. 548-4389 ---------etc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt $718 ··$872 Per month _N_ . ..,s=. ===-..,-,==--I " m'·"o"' ~owth potontial. d Sa •-, /Roe"· ==~~--~...,-I work Re.,• Reb S!Mlll FOR STORE MGR. · · Jtdj~to H;;.. 60 oU-ramp, Antiqua, DOVE~ SHORES. FOUNDMixed.Sb 0 epher1 nta .,..,a ,..,ve 1..::ster, CHILD Care. my lovely WILL Do babygittlng, my · . CITY OF . ,, , •the main terminus to new Owner. 547~ male, long hair. range cc· _CM-;;;;.;-;Re:;;-cwanl;-,m:c";:"""'-::c:l:-= heme. Big fencd. yd, nr 23d home by the week, no wk. 1 . 6755 & Part time ~rk · t ""'="'=======j lar. Vic Cecil Place & RE\VARD \Vhitc min, poo-& Senta Ana St. Costa end!I. LJ!'f' ff'ncf!d In yd. _r_o_n_•n~g'------'-NEWPORT BEACH APPLY la.ti ,.,, AaJ<e & recreation proJE'sr'. c· G 6175 Newport Blvd. 646-1098 die. on N. Cooo[ l'wy, Mesa. 646-5537 642.9008 J\font(' Vista School B . Th T L-1~ I ., .. ., SLEEPfR tncomt Property 6000 PRE • PAID INTER 1 .:'';';;"s;;:r~ov~O~S~~~;;;~l~~~~~~~iJ~~ ...., ~ IRONING S2 dozen. nng Cu ln . e a-econ •• nc.. D o \V N·. $147,500 FULL FOUND Black short ha.ired Laguna rescued by car July MOTHER "''ill babysit, 11ny :D:';;''=· ==-===== own hangen:., Costa Mesa .rrcnt open &s requi~.5 }'ashion l'1and h h • •"• ......,., t:A<> ·~nn high school Graduate, mUJF . "' -~ PR.ICE. • RIVERSIDE -male puppy, 85 ~ t ~ o;;;' ;;;~=;;:;--u::::;:::--;;;c:::;: home, nr. Har~ Shopping ES•ctrlca l 6640 =""=-='=· =-==~=l'====I mum 5'9" and 15() lbs., 21 Newport •• • MAY TRADE COUNTY chest &: tip of • SIBERJ.AN Husky. Black, Ce.nter. Child 1 thru 2 yn:. ---------J to 30 ""BJ'S cld 20130 uncor-Quallty Control •~ .• ~ ' s.ig:7920 bc1r Fri. hit mat 10 Id "-·-n. rates. 642-0066 1nitorlal 6790 ,. _. --'v e e mcs.o • ~~~-=~=="'""'~""°-'ELECTRJCIAN, no job too ~tcd \'.!.&ion. ~rltten text_ E'!e~~u~IUP.V'·· I ;_(QMMm(, CORNER 10 acres of s yr old navels LONG Haired, female, black 494--1609 LI c EN s E-D Babysitting, small;-For prompt service WALLS,. Windows. noors. \Vednesday, July 23. &:10 2 yrs. college, ean Lorainei. r'IUl on approved root stock with Cat. 6-28 bet. Iris ,& l;F;;EMALE"'"'"'su,;. ::,,.::,:-pa.:0-:,::d;;I-:,,-, fenced yard. hot meals, call 545--4614 carpets. CommerclAI & p.m.. City J-Iall Council Merchants Pel'90nnel Apn.' ~~ttest spot in Orange Cnty., good setting of fruit for HeUotrope, Cr!J\f So. of m Jn i at u re vie. Vic-Harbor/W\lson cri.t 642-{l~TJ resid£"ntial. Daily, \vcelk.y Chan1bcrs, for further in cy. 2043 Wes!clill Dr .• N.B: 4 :;;;.'. So. Coast Plaza & new next years. Pri1..'t?d at SS.250. Highway, 67l-6874 toria-Harbor call 642--0758 WILL babyi;i l one or to.1'0 Floor,. 6665 and/or Mo. t!l7-7350 formation contact lhe Per-645-2770. , :hotel si~. 2.55 Acres ready per acre. Can be purchased FRIENDLY Black female SMALL, long haired White & girls 1n n1y home days. Bay & Beach Cleanlng Serv sonnel 0Ui(.'(', City Hall, 3300 --;AR=CH°'ITE:CTIJJIAL====--1 ·10r development; superb Joe. \vith excellent ·terms, }~or Labrador w/brown flea col· Tan feml dog. Vic Meaa 548--95.12 Carpet Vinyl Tile Carpets indow 0 tc Newport Blvd., Newport DRAFTSMAN 1or restaurant automotive ~~~~ F~%~rmation c a 11 IFaainnAna·e9:!~7822 trom. San. Verde. Reward. 545-8844. BABYSITIING in my home :~.:~!~.s ~~. :~;:. Res A: ~mc'I~· 64fi-.~cit e ~ california 92660• n4 Intermediate~. 1 1 ' ~nter. etc. Only $240,CM?O: ~ SMALL Black female poodle daily.weekly. Hunt. Beach. 54()..7162 546-4478 Tom & Truskier Architeetl ' :this includes gas station E~':!'~~~~:~·A~c. LARGE blac.k &: whit~ cat on Balboa Peninsula Point. 847-7102 ~-~--========-jPaperhanging District Supervisor AIA, Hunt. Harbour ' )iirner. o ........ e Qilit w I seven toes on t>&Ch foot. Reward. 675--0221 =e°"BA=s"v"sITI='-1N:;;G,-,m=y::-bo=m::e Gardening 6680 Painting 6850 , .,,-=.,...n=,,...-====,.. 1 " i:Pl•ase Call: Tom ':>eP.1aio ·-.., • Vic Santa Ana Ave & 16th · . •---"-------1 JanitcriaJ l\taintenanoe •s'ERV STA SALES~··• • e 541 2&1 Eves-wknds 538-5747 MALE Sheltle (min. Collie) on Flower. Costa i'.fesa. 1 · • • • .,,,_,., t-~~~REfAfLiiTO~R~nf~''ij'fc""'fsjf"-1 ~~-~'!!!· ~~~~~=~lis~t.~64M308~;:,;;~·;,;up-;;~;;;;; I R•l•'oble, " ... ~"t ANTHONY'S PAINTING Int & Ext Lowest Part time. One tulI w, ex-IOflt alnce 4th. 17th & Irvine, ii'! '°" F"ll r t t' J-Iunt Bch , •. ,,. 7 TIMES GROSS TAN Female pup w/choke NB-CM 645--0307 contracted prices. Fully ins. 0 P • ime, • " per, Muat be neat In ap-1·vm•~ wtth a good rental Acre•-6200 cha.In &:-Dea collar. Vic l;io;"";;-~-;:;-;:-7-:::;;;::: B • k M 1 SaUsfaclioo guai. Free est. Costa Mesa, Garden Grovi! pea.ranee. see Jim. 25EIO ' ~ . Balbo •-CALICO Cat, blk & yellow ric • asonry, e c. 646 1948 Jim Weeks 673-1166 area. Salary, expenses, corn. N rt Bl·~ CM · 1i!Cord. Ocean Side of a . . Fairview near Tic Toe Mkt, ' 6560 • J . . . 1 ewpo vu. . • - r.'A:Jvd. N,, churches. ocean &: 40 ACRES adj. multi-m1U1on CM 546-35S6 wme white, 12 yrs old. 224 NEAT Ex Paink! rn ss1on. gi-oup insur. wri e 2 MEN-l8 _older. Full..:-,1• ro~ land developmonl, n;amond·~~· ~·-~,__,,--,,-~ Goldenrod CdM 673-3982 The Best, COsf$ no more! • P· r. no Daily Pilot box M906, or -uiu"' ,:i-.. beaches, Good invest· •-la c k · • · · BUILD, Remodel, Repair EYpc,,·en-" Maintenance drinking_. College student. phono 1~,1 -·~. Service Station Atte-.1----·. ·~ Bar $5200 Per Ac. Terms. SMALL B ck o c e r 1 _ _. . 1 ·~ -.-.::u ,,,.,., *"•"''1u 1• uu .. --.ui .inent. Asking $120,000. ~tes Broker s3i-0340 Spaniel Vic. pa 1i 15 ad es MAN'S Wedd ng Ba ...... Vista Brick, block, con c re c. Budget Landscaping IA~w~~pn~"'~'''-S~l~"~'"SIM54~~~9.I "c:r;fiii;f;;;""10.Sian-l ·ll!each area; good pay. Call t:• BURR WHITE .-= 901 S. H'arbor. Santa Ana Road, 546-7{67 ShopP. Center. White gold crpntry, no job too small Craduato l~orticul!uri~t i PATOI PLASTERING. Driaftsman/De1i9n 675-0533 or apply 2801 E. . ._... REALTOR w/ diamond 646-6337 aft 4 Lie. C.ontr. 962-6945 All types. Free estimate. $800 up. Some m~rine know!. Cout Hwy, CdM. . Bl d NB 5 AC Rancho, City ol SET Of keys (14). Vic E. WST Gold Labrador vie of e GARDENER e Ca'! 540-S825 edge. hobby sallmg ok, can EXP'D MECHANIC .. ·"901 Newport v " . ' Oceanside, $26,500. $7500 dn. Coa.!:t Hwy, CdM. CNr. Car....,nterlng 6590 EXPERT J APANBSE 1 Larry, 546-5410 ' ' part ::&154631l 673-0359 Eves. 11 Shorecliff.11) 6444)47 Roche!ler St, C.M. Reward, ,.-PAINTING ,Pa ...... ring 16 yra Jason Bost time, Sat. & Sun. Start J .. 1 •• Larger parcels a v a • 673-0053 642--3001 C'..on1mercial Landscaping .--_, 3;2 UNITS 61/'o/• Loan weste rn Land & FOUND: Rabbit, vie Cornell ""===·'======-j CARPENTRY Maintenance and aeanup ir Harbor nrea. Lie. & Employ1nt>nt Agency 19th. Corona del Mar. APPIY Ir:: $435,000 Development. 645-2060 & Bolsa Park Lane, I-f.B. P.rsonal1 6405 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job MIKE INC. bonded. Refs furn. 642-2356 2120 So. Maln, s.A. in person, 3100 E. CclUt ~perb cond., excel G1J.rden Take over pymnts. 10 Acres 717 897-2330 Too Smalt Cabinet in gar· CALL 642·5196 D..'T/lnt. pnt~. Aver rm. S20 Salesman $600-1 _H_wy";;;. ;;;;'::'.:=:-:::=-;--I ~§rove area, No vac. Good no down. S2S. mo. Ranchl'P°'h.-.,b"tk"n"'m=m-::cd:;-::pe=,...=r"1•"'"°:::n * Alone? ages &:-other cabinets. ALLEN BROS. + gooct paint, neat work Exp. wth oUice equipment, EXP pastry cook ai: ~returns • EZ tenns. •i.te nr. huge lake. 894-4743 sun glasses. Vic of Adams & 545-8175. tf no answer le11.ve loc refs. Roy, 847-1358 good future, call Loraine E.xp fey cook, part " RST PIONEEn ~ HB 96"7312 msg at 646-2372. H. O. GARDENERS SfUDENTS time 494498 .. Fl "' Agt. Ma5 .. .,Jia, . II" • Andmion ~wking wey thru college. Vl'TS Bonded Painting. 10 Merchants Personnel Age~ Benton·~ Cotre9 a.-• 842 4421 f I E L' R 646-4203 yrs in area, He'd & insured. cy, 2M3 Westclill Dr., 645-_...,. . ::= • _ _,_ 6240 LOST beige ems e toy pooo YES IT'S YOUR ~~TE=---tc-~•=r"'.: I xp. IC. cas. 642-04Z7 2770. 133 S. Cout Hwy, LB R. E. Want.u dle, no collar. Vic Baker & LT MAS R carpen r ,,.., pPT J G-~ . ~.NEW UNITS near orean ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~uP~•~W...~ino~.~"';w~an!~~-~5<~~~256.1~ FAU hour. Remodeling-Repairs. ohn1101fs 11.1urnmg BOYS IQ 14 Pt. EC H ANICS-Experlenced ;Jiuntington Beach. Sun • For recorded message !hat 642-6409 or 536-3900 Finest et"{uip., expert cart. · Plur:nbing 6890 • w/inboan:ls, oulboarda 6 "'~ •!>eeks, patios, 4 frplc. FOUND: Newpt. Shores: will change your life call Planting, clean-ups, 962-2035 Carrier Routes Open slerndrive!I. Call. AncbaC • · , --turtl t •-QUALITY Repairs -Al tera· R p f-·; TERRY REALTY ..-.II"• cute e, mus "" ORANGE CO. 547-6667 lions~ New const. by hour BUSINES.S ~ RESIDEN-PLUMBING E AIR 11• Marine Repair. 64f..45C5 ' ' ""' '14"" Eve. 536-7658 $$ MORE fl fH $$ ·~'-~t.=54&-,,--24..,".,....,=.,...,== 24 boor recording TIAL G d · & CJ No ,.. b too small Laguna Beach, So. Laillfl& blwn ~. ' :: u.)lr. ,,., UU i;c I"' or Contract. 64~34~2 ar cn1ng eanup. • 642-3128 • DAILY PILOT 1~uUS. Bldg. 100'/o occpd, WATC11 • on lower Poppy LICENSED Dcp 'd 646-41222 G42-432l PART TIME DocTman ,' ~·· _ l ·Sprt. Bch. 10% net return. For Your Home Equity Ave., C.d.M. Call-673--8544 & Spiritual Readings, advice Cement, Concrete 6600 642-4766 · Elderly man pretd. AwlY • Ir' . 'l190,IXXI. Phil Su 11 iv an Absolutely no cmt , • • describe. on all matters. 312 N. El Reliable Lawn Maintenance ~~'!';odtl, Repialr, 6940 JAMAICA INN HOTEi, 2101 eve11. aft. 6 p.rn. Po:r;t;~ 1~ 148-6761 to you the Seller? .. l'FO=UN=o",-,..-,,bb°'i1".°"P"1oase="'1"de::'n-Camino Real, San Clemente * CONCRETE Work, bond· Gardening and Clean-up * lF you need remodeling, E. Coast Highway, C.orona. Theatre, Corona del Mar. · ·.. ,, [2 years of payina more cash tify .... "257 ~~-M-· ,~ 9136. 496-9507 ed. & lie. Concrete sawing. de! Mar, needs DESK ~... ~ ....,.,..... "'""" ;,~ Re.liable lawn ~~. painting or repairs, Call CLERK Id · hl ,_ 8 AM SERVICE Sta. attend. exper, for Orange County property 10 AM • 10 .PM Phillips Cement 548-63SU • m n1g w · · ll U . , · MALE White husky Costa mow, edge, trim. Dick, 642-179'1 pay commensurale witll fu timf day. mon Sta ... .,"GE with attached cf. ~n :u R:t ~;t j'=M='="'=·="'=·'i;·Jl9rth;3S:;;lfi4>..00~·;;;77~~CHAR::;::G~E::yoor:==""":;:~t~ad:1oo:w;.~O;AIL~Y;:P;ILOT~~]WANT==A;;D=S! * 531·1404 * ability, Santa Ana & P.li•det "· :~. Total 500 sq tl. ~ E..'CPERT Japanese main.So __ w_l•_,9,_ ____ 6_9_60 TOOL • MAKER Ave., S.A. Heights. ~-::: :1:t!s~~25 ~!';~!1~~N.B~ BEVERLY JACKSON q~TAR. G~EK1<-tc~ ~rir:ac:.1.:u:uv. area. ~~R1~;:~r ~:s~n:•too~~:.~c~~mal~~": ~:::ii::~::,.:~·· ; :JlOO. 548-3224 between 8 F-)(::.1);'>f/='~/ lfl:::;,--..., CUY:L PC·ai.--&N'---ir-;;;;;-'-j Cut & FAge Lawn Reasonable. Located near 60S Frwy I !~!1 .~ W. 17th St., C.M., i7:', • "l •""' 4·30 M:.llJY A8111S · . H UIU. ~1 · t LI -··• ~• •05Q* ••--"-~ ~-· · fl~ A NAL 1 M y_. W, ~ G.icJ. y sur. tt rtl " a1n erutnce. te•UM;U * .,.,....., . ......,.""''"· , -- :;--BAL BOA ISLAND ~ :A . ..:. " Y Accenli•1 to tb• SMrs. oci JJ~ 5134808/645-2311> alt 4 I ~.:-o,..=::,.::m::aki=·ng=--"'AJ"t"e::ra::ti::on=sl C21.3l 860-241)1 BUILDING A Mllinte~ , • · · 300 + ft 45 -•--I F 'd • · cu.stccllan -days. O>lla '"" ~ Jocauon sq · 147""6033 or 545-12 ("\.!-~ To UllO'lt'Wlop rnessog~ . ar " av. S.1S-26-37A;ll JIM'S Gardening & la\vn Custom Oe!lgrls FOUNDRY s remaining on lease. ~ reodwords~ll'gtorunbets 1~1.90\.~J maintenance. Res. le Com· * 646-6446 * e Experienced aluminum Mesa GoU Ir. C.C. 5f0..T.llO: .... I mo. Wrile P .O. Sox ~TAUl\1$ oi)'CIM'Zodlocbiithsigi. scomO n1erclal. * 548.-841.1 Altoralion1 •642-5845 squeezer & llOOt' rnculder. Interviews 9 to 11 AM ,.,.,,, I Las Vegas, Nev. -UL» t v .. ·.. 31 &. 4'ilC-.. ocr:1~ JAPAN°'SE -~-Co 1 . Located near 605 l''rwy &: SERVICE Station Atte!:!!IUt ;. I MAY» :z~ 32 ,\ 621'1-. HOi-:•t ""' a.u~ner mp Neat, accunatc, 20 years exp. Alo-'-. L Aod ·• MARINERS CENTER WANTED: Duplexes, apt& or -... . 3y :lJMar 630r " Ex ' dependahl~ '""'-• exper. pTe er9:1b'• -~•, -& ,•-building rent ir.oome pro ......... Principals ._ .. {J.z.3I~ "'a!; 341MIM 6'~09 11-14-25-36 scrv. per, •· (213) Kl\...24()1 Union 1645 Adams, ru ..... ...,,., .,.. • .,, s Good 35.-..-~Nd ACci..'in free est. 642-4389 TILE, Ceramic 6974 ......-= ' -~ 1 1 -t··--. $75. to $120. per only. Must be fairly new; ......... 1 ,, ,,.~ "'°' "ULL 11 Sk•'ppe I 541>-1206 -· -...,..... -1>1 .. ~. ....... u.GITTAllUl JAPANESE Gardenlna: r me r or 'lno. 149 Riverside Ave. Costa Mesa. 646-4112 c;;;Q M'A11t Io.;..i·r fa r:t:' ::~ #~.11.),1 servlct! and maintenance. -'Verne, The Tile Man • motor yacht, Avail as ol EXP'D. Auto Mechanic, owii· ~;,_ ~~;o,;",.1,.'-;;;;;;;::;-;;;;;;;:--,;;;;;ICASH QUICK-need 3 OT 4 P,f;fJUHt,, '9Y""1 ' 39Sd 11lC.ttf23! Alsoclean up. Cust.work,lnstf,ll&:repairs. Aua:. 1. For detalla call too.I• lot" buly-s hop . , _ ~E Ottioe bid& .. huge Br, 0 .1. or F1lA bDu11e near ~~!~ ~1~ ~~ ~V~"' 0:. e M8-2S72 e No job too small. Plaster (213) sss-4233 .. Mr. Charle11 548-4n7: 1747 Anabelm Aw •.• ~ " 'l..A..i.i. ... lot ....... ts. t28--32nd here. 499-1948 a.n 12\.41 ~2 Mc:oof '2Eilrtr 74 DG patch. Leaking 1)tower Howll'd. toeta Mela . :: -· --~ -• I ;;;T.=..-<::=-:----1 CAMCll. tlSl<udt .iJP~ 7lTa.M; CAtt}(.()11o1 8 MOW . E E * WEED. 1-;;v;;:;;:-;;v;;;;;;;;<:;;;;-.;;;;-• • Nwpt Bch. Le a 9 e • 8USIN~SS iano ~JllNtrt 14Mt,y 4CAHIOl:I' $""._.. t>fC. tt ~ Prof. lawn mahit by capable repair. ·847"'19571~ EXP'O COUNTERMAN SAI.!:mfAN, fttiree, ~ • ; FINANCIAL ... ·\.~· 115,~... ~5,T~ .,5I~-,,,·_,, ~u 1 • t ,.._ , • City Auto Parts time, 10tne plano/orp.11 ... u -......... .. ""' • ...... \Al eg~' Uuen II. ~u. Tree Service 6980 20 I Ila c M ~--1~-. w-"lch'• ... ~ ·:. • PJUMERetaULocaOon e ~2-l~ · ~~~ ~:=--r.~~ ,,.,.,.7 Kalin1t. Brotheni 6{~1234 72 P,acen , . • IUJllW'""'6"' au .., -, .. fO, Xlnt toot & auto traf'· 8u1. Opportunltl .. 6300 x i. 1911 "'v""" 79 ,,.,_ 6-Al.'S Garde.ning & Lawn JIM'S Gardenlne Ir lawn 1-1.S. Grad. rager to learn ~Ir. Van Olde:n ~1&5 ,, l!Tl Harbor, C.M. BE INDEPENDENT LIO-2)~ fi~ ft~ AQU~A81us Millnlenance. Commr:rctal, ma'lntcnance. Re11. k cotn· trade at COOK undeT' IOOd MALE H~p WAnttd. ,..: .. ,. ""•' » ~~w~1• ., .. Ce1t11 ,,,,.... '""··" 1 1 * ••• "11 ·"·t s•-eeo-·· ,...,. ......... .. ........ ...._._ ..... 1...1. ... -s · · u ;;:::;-'-,;==-;;;;;;;;;;-;;::: I Work )IOU own house:, Yl'la' . ---OlfM ~ il'ldl15trial &: ret:idcintiaL mere a . '"Q"'V'O ""'"" l.l" .... __ ,, ~ .-l"M;q ............... -• ~ A REVELA11'0N the own pace:. UnivtrAI Item, >.ue.p ~ ~":~:: ~ Fi:"err :!~ :.~ * 646-3629 * ESTATE f.lalnt Trtt Serv SERV. STA. ATTN D NT. Coast m-3'· Lta. Bch. , ':° barpinl Yo'I find In eve"""-use•. No com-ti-1103-f'-177-3.. 25 E1CP1Ct ss ii·, 85 Mor"1f CLEAN up s pec1-•·11• M""L J\4tmoval A. irlmmll ..... , tree XI n t a a I a r l , d a·y • , EXP. Gardener Good -v h1' lfied Ads. Oieck them tlon:"'100% profit. Auto~;uc ~ .,.,.,, '6To gJ~ tr::=.. rrsca • 11-1• · ...... estimate. Call Mt.ocii. permanent. Ph.: 84~ nice loc. For mfo eaJJ _,,_r-~" ..._ -·-VlaGO · · ,.:v ""',, ,. ,_ ",...., Ing, ed,-lna:. «ld J o 1> • • .. _ , .... <01W! repeat bu&lneSjl, ABSOWTE ~/Jfl. 2J -fd"' : :-: "-'· 1, ~ ·-bl C AO "'""" .. _a 91-~ ~ .. • ~1 -.57.Frflll "' ,.,.,l-,.,,. -_. .... uona e._~ DON'T \IUSl'L~tSH lOl"·wome. rr.is Beech ltoutc .... ,,,.. "A-; '"" ~All..Y PD.OT DtMEoA• -mtnlmunr,tecured ....... tnvest-Sff.1.'. --:30 MiGeod. '°~ "''"..._... EXPERIENCED Japonete thin& to fuml&h )'OW' holllC! gnc 8l!lec:tlon ever!, SH tb1! S£RV. STA. MJ:CMA10C. ,... ~ •LINES. You can UN thmn mr:nt.. Limited number of 1·1»f3, . 10\GD:l @Mrmt 6\Net'.:!a ~~f DAILY PILOT o.wilJed Salary plu. mm1 '· 11-...... ""--•,.a•··. Dial •"·,. --opp-ava.11! ~ ,..,\$' 11..1 pl'dener. ·.Reliable. ~0.7313 .... find pat b!G'• Jn to. • PH. .n.__~.. .• · nn ,_ .... -IUll ......, U IO; ...... 'J• -f~~ estin)at.__ d~Qwlfttd Ad .KetionJiQWI 1 nnaneni. -: ~ .. :~ ~M~k:_.:::lor:....:;:M~r=Ci=='$~-~-~:::::;~1-'·~---------------~---------• iu1inus Rental 6060 • ' .-' ., ' I I I 1 • '• . . . ... . -~ . . . ' ..... • --- I I ,~ ' .. . -~) ~---~- llNG' DOUBLE -Belle Davis, above, stars in · " · al ~· {:,11 ~2 Karl ald..;\~~\;el"wroril'l~s~r m§l\\le rno'tfoli ure ~f an embittered woman who murders her· ali4e sister. Miss ·oavis plays both roles . . ,,;. ... VIEWS ''let Smart' -S~r Shocked By JEllRY !IUCK HOLLYWO.OD...(AB\,.; I~e~~~'\· . . lL.GJVE roa..wcn.Y ~ •s ~' you pu1 111C w lli · sear I ~t-~."l~ ~ ,., -r~e "'~· IT roww: l ' --, ~ara lives in a two-bedroom .house perched "'l the 1~P of the Hollywood Hills, an ear-popping ~ • NlU.bal\Jing· dnv&-Uj>--from t~ mlOJll!l'-V;tlley JJ~--. ~..Jow. _ __ _ ------ ~ -. DR i SSED in a black sweater and Pa~tS. Bar- bara ~'\!_at the door and padded about the house in ;!e:r stoc;fing feet. Her dark hair was pulled back to a pW>y fail and bangs and she looked ready for ~ ., caper fS Agent 99 on-"Get Smart." · · The series, which copped Emmies as the out-""!Stanafni_~Comedy show and star Don Adam s, was 'lflatCh~ up for next season by CBS when NBC · dtopped It: . Settling on the sola •. B~£j>.ara said, "It really was --shock., because OlAf' .rn.~in\· were, vel!' good. It was . surpim, \\~ ! !~~ ...wiW\ ~YFll. ~Rll~ ., . er. I ,~a a feeling of uoy3ncy: .. suaaerily, fbe ~bole hoJ'izon open s to you. Movies, my own series." • • SHf, LAUGHED. "The next day CBS bought it ' d I f~l that a great sense of security had settled • t over me." Barf,a said she couldn't be happier witil. ).he .. e she Fads. "We shoot in three days and: that • y_es -UW four days free," sh.e said. "On the set : ~·re rw.ntiing, wearing funny costumes. I love to • t moq§taches on. 11Wii~ four days off you can live. that's what • u cat\ do, which is what most actors complain : t. I take gu itar lessons on my day off. I can ;t .. •Yh1te!\!\i~J ,r,~y~ !!'\~~~! in l~r ~ ~innH i l~w mg s a w)'-· BARBARA WAS asked about ·~~Rftl W•t •HA. .. and ™,ii lli< tiili6i1Sd 8\1'1h1n6a1<; \ill iliV"e" w1Hr early _ih·\he season in an effort to boost the ratings. "T~ji's \vhat l 've read in the papers,'' she said ... 'VP did a sho'v last week where I just told Don I w!s going to have a baby. My progress is go-- ing to b@ rather rapid. As you watch, folks! "[ Wps afraid \vhen we f!Ot married last year that it Wguldn 't \vork out. But it opened ne\v avenues for the Writers,'' Barbara said. ''Tb~¥ tell me they can handle the babies, too ." STJ\~DING on a tripod by the sliding glass door.s ~ the living room was a six-inch telescope . "I Jook ,pt the moon, mainly,'' she explained. ''I love to ~,e the sun hit the tol?s of the mountains on the moolf. f:ijU cait get l<i!I! in tliiit." Barbara was askeil WJ!Bililiid of movie roles she wanted to ptfty. "II 1!muld be easier to dO the dramati~llltll nnnmt ror.•• sfie iita. "litlt that leaves y u feeling wrung out after a day or cr)'.ing on the ~ t. I'd rather giggle and laugh and joke and rorrip. '' . De111ais tlae Metaace • • • ~· r • • LIMPIP.LIZARD . mm .. I IOOCIOl'lV @JlW , , Mun AND JE,fF OH;n.IERE'S MY, BALL I NOT A BAD SHOTI GORDO MISS PEACH AFffi<UR WA~S io Gt!T JNllCLVSP '" •H~ YOUTH ~c&EU-JON ? " '? ' ·-"-'·-' _,,,_'JfJ·• .. ""'_,,......,_._ ,_ - T ., '" ~ ' : : •• FRIDAi •GREATSHOW -/( DAVID! LOOK OUT fOR FROST 1:30 TONIGHT Ulll-"no - -<"'*•> 'H-o.111 Miii. .• .,. ..... "'•hl'r..'.!j,~" ... ~ -~ • Joa PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS . Qu.lity •Printing end Otpend~hle SenrJc.• for mo.re t he tt • quert er of • ~ntury. Pll OT rR"JT l~Jr". Ull WUT 11.LIOA It.YD., NIW10ll' RACH-141-4Jl1 • • • • • . . ' '· . ' • -· . . " ' ' I jf . • (ALSO IN THE . NORTH, I Now the 7l0tion knows wha~_any DAILY PILOT reader could have to~ it a long time ago. Richard Koehler is a winner in photography. His photo (right) of an armeti robbery suspect being flushed from his car by tear gas already thi.s year has won a first place in both the Orange Coun.ty Press Club and California Newspaper Publishers • Assoeiatfo1i contest in addition to honorabte mentlons in Ca.li/Qrnia-Nevada co11test spon sored by the Associated Press and another runner-up prize in tlu California Press Photogro.p~rs Association competition. Now it has won . une of the big ones: first place in the National News- paper Association's Better Newspapers Contest. The 110· tiorn:il judges al.so liked Koehler's sports shot (below). In it& ca~egon;, it earned an honoTabte me ntion for the DAILY PIWT s14fl phol4grapher. • First Track Medal 70,000 Fans Wi ness Mexico 's Big ·M ment MEXJCO CJTY -It wa :1 ~1cxico's big m o m e n t of the embryonic Olympic Games. Some 70,000 fans-mostly Mexicans- jammed into Olympic Stadium, hopeful one of their few entries in track and field would somehow succeed against lhc great legions of world talent galhercd here for these Games. It was laie Monday afternoon. The lights were already on and the dark WHITE WAS H r "'!iQ C i\#""!'. d clouds .that threatened to drench the huge crowd bad passed overhead. ·There was ooe event left to be com- pleted on the day's program -the 20 kJlometer walk. Russia was supposed to dominate il, but partial reports periodi<;ally flashed on the huge. electronic scorfbo&rd show- ed that a Mexican named Jose ZurUga Pedraza was a contender. After five kilometrs he was among the top eight while the Russians held down three of the first four places. When uie 10 k11omete.r standing went up on the board he was sUll 1 serious challenger, some 20 secoods orr the pace set by Vladimir Golubnichiy of the ~ viet Union. By now it was dark and all the other events were over, Yet the majority of those 70,000 hopeful Mexicans stood faJthfully by, hoping for a miracle of sorts. Alter all, none of the experts had given Pedraza a prayer ol. finishing among the top JS, let alone get· ting in the medal. cla111 (Ilr:it tb:rte>. But when the 15 kilometer 1tandln1s blinked out on e giant board, a great roar em erged rom lhe crowd. Two Russians, Amer a 's Rudy Haluza-lhcn Pedraza . Could he h~ on? f.JI eyes foe sed on the south end of the stadium, aiting for the participants in Utis 12 m~ race to come down lhe entry ra1np 1fid onto the track. They see~ to sense that Uie walkers were comin,I hear ... finish line judges were in pli A great ant began : Mayheco. clap, clap, clap! ayheco, clap, clap, clap ! 11 was repeat.i several times. Then the brst gUmpse of a competitor! It was G ubQ.ichiy, followed by anoth· er Russia Anc11 hot on their bee.ls was Pedraza. applause .and cheering was deafening. t got 'more so when Pedraza began to op the deficit. He pass the second Russian with 3%0 meters to o. And he a~ swiflly-gainifig ground on the 1eade A gold medal was de(initely a pros for Mexico. The spJnky Mexican continued to hack down th~ disadvantage until the Jut SO meters. hen you realized he was not going to ertake the Russian. Golu chiy won by 1.2 seconds - hardly decisive margin for that great a di -but nevertheless enough for the gol award. _ But 70,000 who saw it happen were appare y just aa jubilant over a. silver med.al lor their newly crowned hero. And .ahow their appreciatlon, they stood for over an hour, wailing to pay lri to him when he took the second st.ep the victory stand. the formal result was announced and medal wu draped .around his neck t was a most memorable &Ctne. The heers and applause were lll!:e thun r. And Pedraza rerponded by turn- ing ward all sldea of the stadium and t Ing both arms up u 11 to tak•those peo 11114 hit heart. , . ' T !\ r ] • AND ·. EAST!). Glenn White, one of two Orange County newspapermen lo "make the Olympic team" (the DAILY PILOT'S Boating Editor Almon Lockabey was the only other county newsm~n lo cover the Games in Mexico), also impressed judges in the 2,80()..entry Nation·aJ Newspaper Association contest. I·Iis Oct. 15, 1968, "White Wash" column reproduced at left won an honorable m~ntion in the sports feature divl.Sion of the national contest. DAILY PILOT Sports Editor White also had proved earlier this year he was a wiMer, taking first place in the page layout competition in the Orange Couni, Press Club Contest with a page which. coincidentally, al.SG ' ' was part of hi~ cxcluc:ixa coverage of the Olympic GaJflCS in. Mexico City !or DAILY PILOT readers. .- ' • • .. I- • -' ·I I ---......---~-.,_.~,...,.------,-------------~-, -~~,---~ ' ' I' ' Doll\ Y "LIT LlXlAL NOl'ICZ L!:GAL NOTICE U:GAL N ~~~.:::::::::::: . .:,..::,..::::~~-l~--::::::::::1·~ ... ~l:::::::::::--...... ,._ CUft,l!CATI OI' lvtl#ISI ClltTl,tt.loTI Of' lltSllilllS -PIC'TJT*-S II.AMI lllfWl>OllT,,_IA (lCTITIOln. ..HAMI ~ W .......... Tiit w• oka:A .. ~ iJlf It~ KMOGL. OllTI n. ~ ._ cert1tJ ... tr. mft> • NCTn•t ~ i111tt11W • ....... at 10f14 e.kW M.. MOTKI tNYITI... MftN 8 ...... tt QI w.tt ,I .. ._. • TM I "Ci.: UrWf .,. C... ,...... Cllllfw'lla., ... * tlo HOTICI If "'IUll't' GI V Hitt .._ Ulllit ,, HrtliHtt h6dl, c.!1"'1M.o llflW • • rec• .. • .t em u """'.,. ·""' --"• ..'.!!'• -GOlDlH ...,.. " '*'"""' o1 "'-' .. ~ ftrW'I ,.. .... • M. o, M'O. ar.. ,_... .,.....,, "'""'""'-OfMX.IH .... .. ,,..., ~ ldloel Dlilfrtct el Or ~. M11111 Nt wN """' ~ ...__, ., ""- tlM ftdllllm ._ -til f.L\. • ._ .......... --. .._. -Ill CIMwllla. wht N(9f¥9 ... let ldl """ tt fel ........ w-. ..._ _,. 1111 W 91111 MUMtf111 .._. HU.LTM llelOCIA-Ml ... t>IMt ti ~" ....... ! 111• A.M. ti!"-lllfl _..,ti , I ... *f itlto f/ ........ "' M ....._I TtOH ......... """ i. ......... ., • ..,... \., #.tl*u"" ... L W, fflt .nice ., ,... .. actm 011 , , loc:9hlll Mn. MaK1e Otlt C•'""· 1115 De-.......... ........., ..._ ..,... .. ..,. ''"" St .. ,..... Mt. e.llftnll-. et iw ,....,.. •-· r , "'"'' t 11., .....,,... ... dt. C.111'. _, .... rt1 ~ ar• • ....... : DttM "-ll. lNf. et .... •I wtlldl 111M nit wlll 119 Oe• JllM 11. 1Hf, IMtl.1·.UC. C..., • ·-Ill ...... . ...... l. MtlllWJI il'llMleW _,,. it11f .-.H '91'1 """"' Mel'dt OtM GerNll ~.._,Mt-. N ...... rt;. ~ .... {II CdlWtWI. ~ CMltr: itO!tTA.11.a C:t..AUltOO $t1l9 fl C:."""'1-. Or•MI C.,,.IJ, "'-I ~ M1f \..I l''-'tl (Ir(.. 0. J-11. JM, ........ l'l'lt,. • ,...,., A.If ...... ,. tt 119 lol t Wiit! Olfl ,_ 11, ,..,, "'9N Ill•• I ,...,., LEGAL NOTICE WANT TO ClliN UP ,..Ill Y ....... Ge._. '21'1 "*It If! --W ~,J~• ... lt, = ~~ lfltll'~fltllll 1M ~•tlM!i _e.+11( lo! 1tlf fllt MW ltlft, M• ..... tlf -a..,-tr,;-"-"' ,,,.,_ -~ ..,, -• fl .. 111 "" fl "" .....,... Mer& 0.11 Ql'!'tll ~ " -';:SC.'i:t .. --... c11~i. ,.,., -• ~---'"'--.....-Nlfll " p~ ~ ., .... "'-' 11tt1rt; _...._ .... .,.. .,.. --.,,._. --. (M!tw, wt lr Wff11 ee*l ulWf-lrftlt, WflMll ,..,,.,,..., 8flll \llJ l'!Ktrili.· ..,.,_..,, C•I• Mtsa, ~ te "" wl.,,111 11111"""'"' I MI ON ........ a.tdl. Ct""'1'tr. ld!MwlldMif tM ~ tflt ""'41, C•"'-11 tdl-'"911d .,,., axtc:ulM .,,._ Ull'lll; c.• ~ tJ, ,,.. (OFFICIAL 11!.t.l) Eacll O~ nw•I iubmll t • ~II !OFFICIAL $1!AL) IMn.1 AllC:t C-MIFY ~ tt.l\rV I In "°" fwf'll 111 1 nrllllfll °' Mlet'I Mlil"f ·IC, Hlfory Altll kl'!wtrlt N~7,.,~'*~""'. tl'ltO. Of' • •1<1 "°"1d -I "' ~ (fftf Nollrv PuMI( • c 11110 ... 11 A.IWt N, TWI p ' (lt'I') of !hi tmMtl o1 1"4 • mlM Prll\c;!HI Offi.t In w..""""' c"',.,. 0••-c-tY I NYlble to 1111 OI' ...... "" N .Mtilll O•-· Counl'I' I Y l 'l'h'911 Diii l tW¥ /lltJ (Gmmlnlon E_,"' UftHIM 1cMf1 Dlitrlct A p Mr Comml11lon Eo.l'lr.s o 'TAT• Of' CAll~ltNIA I NW. 14 lt12 a... ,,..., W """'ulrM ft "" di loll o1 NOY. 2 .. lt 1t l._O. .tiNOl'ltl COU!ITY J M PllMI"*' 0r-cu.i o.; Pllolt, ..... Dlltrlct .. , "" """" fl "' to .. llOlllMd o • .,,.. Co-11 0 •11)-Pllell. °" """ v . ,,.,, ......,. ""· 1 N...,. JllM ,.,, 2' 1111 JI.lit 2. 1t, ,.,., tin.fr eni.r Intl .um -tr•ct. "" e1 J..,,.. 1t, ,. •niil J11lr 1. 10. ltff n•t.•t ~ ,'!! ""' fW MW St1Jt. "'-llY LEG" NOTICE ""di«* ... 111 .. 19rfeltff." I" ... ~ "'"" tcw.rn. AIMl't "' 1-. ,...... ......, "" "'4f """ ,...._... • .._ LEGAL NOTICE 9'tYM Dell lrWr """'""l"lftfll C: fllrtt"'" to .... k1111o1 Dlltrlct d lflll, -----~·~------_,_ " IM " ti. "°" -N:lliD ~. 1· ...._ •ra ~ It 1M wttMiii ..... CllTl,KATI Oii IUSINl11 NI ~ 11W¥ Wlttwr1,.. his W41 "" 1 P-Mlll ..,...,... lflf 1&4ul1•11• """"tlllClllM 'fCTITllW ....... ........ el """""'9 (U) Hn h ClltTll"IC..\TI OP IU11MISI ==:",..o ~·:t:t.:-1~ ::.,:: "~ -:0.~ 1:: :=r.i "';-::t t1 • The -=,.!!":! ::: 11e 11 - OOltDTif't C. HAllMI ~ C..-Mnl, C.1lfwllll, ..,....... n. ~ U!Mflto!I kt1oo1 Dlstrk l r-tM ductl.. • lll!llnna et .... 211. Coall .....,.,. "'*'k • C1tlftf'nl1 -flcllltws flr1'I -., SMA.MltOCIC ,,.,,, .. nl«t •nY " I ll 11"'1. I not Mn1. C1Ufernl1, ....... r "'' lldltl-""1ric1NI Ol1ka Iii '°ltlNTING 1Nll tMI 111111' fi•m Is --51tf1'1' l(alt fhl "'"91 11111, i. firm l!fme ti SHIEL DS DEUElO,.MENT l • ........ C-"' _.. If flll ft~ -· wheM WI MI WIY lnforrMllty et lr'efllltr lit CO. Md 11\91 lllioll fll'll'I b ~ ti 1111 "" C-"'*' llnt... -... "'" "" ·~ ., reMt!ICI ire If" bid renlvM. follow' .. '9f'Mll. ......... MIMI ... fl.lh •NII Jvtr t. 1• 1:1 fillllowl: D111d J ulr J, lNf 11Ke Ill retldMcl It 11 t.li.rw.: ~°' DEL.AWAit! w1111 .. '· ..... Nl4reY E. ltllHK. NEW~T-NIESA UflllFIED WM. L. $ttlll01 JI:~ nn New-1 Of' ... CAITla • t4d ~ 1.-. c:.t9 MIN, • SCHOOi.. DllTlt.cl If ,,.,,.,. N.I . Git U .ai.. "9, ...,. Me. .,,,. _. C1llllnlll. Or-~, C.~I DllMlll NII' ,....,,...___ ... . ft,....,,. PIMc a. W tw.... o....11 ....,. t, ltff, tjl ~ N~-,ltltlr Wm. l. SMtllh Jr. ~ .... ........ --11¥ ..,..,.. Wll!IM\ ll. ........ ~-......., '''" ., C:.1Nwrl11 , ...... ~ C..W, ..,_ It -. to M Al#n IE. "'** "4f.11't Or.,._ Clllflt'fl W4..,.. ............. Mn. Alllll Cil9M¥ Shto flf Ctf!Wlll .. °'""" C-ty: Pl>illlehM °""91 CMtt DeYy I' Oii-Jiiiy 2. '""· ~ IM, I Niii,., ..... .... .. ... Wllfllll ·~· .... Oii Julr 1. Hff, ...,. ........... ,., J lll'I' ,, , .. 1"' 1 ~ "' ........... $1"9. ,., ...... , xt1Js ' J 'ti -.,.. ... ulQlllM t1'4 l'lllllle 1Ji tN11 tw Mkl tfttl, _I,, .,.,..,... WIUIAM l. IHll!l.O&. Jlt. ....... .... .... WlllMI E ...... 1Nll A\!dft'I' k-i. me to lie 1111 .,_ ..,_. ._... mr ,... w flf'lc'll -t. E. 11...., ~ • "" to 111 1111 --LEGAL NOTICE • -is llllblalblill to "" wtfllln "" ~ Ahl c:-r ""'-,.."* ,,.. ..-UlllMI t1 t111 ""ltlllri itrlllnlflt .,,,. ~..,..., ht ulWIW IOtl'lcllf .... J """'-"" W ~IWIW *'W ... 1111 wrif, .J. llllf'tla DNlll· ICvlM lfll lll'M. NOTtc• llfYITIN• llDI 1 10,ftclA\.. Sl!!Al) -~'-.....,.,. Pilllllle Ill Wlf (0,,ICIAl SU.I.I Mottce..b '*'*•I~ "-t lht llOIJd, -~IC;...':!!' .... ~-· fw WW a.ii... Mf ltai. --Mlf'r1(.-..... ,.,--Tr.,.,._ ., "" o-o....r dun ~-......... T ,..._,...,.... STffnl llOIUUM Noftry '1$1k~IH9HIJI C.lli.. Dlllrlct ftl Or..-,e C Prl!lc:INI Offkt ln 1ta .. ....... ......... Prl!KfNI Offict Ill C•llWrtll, wlN n«IV9 INllll Olds llJ Or._ COllflht ~. ' Or-C-.... o.. • lie NW Gormtlfultll ll!"ulrn .. -<•""""' tttu MY c---... 1.... n1ot •·'!'. Ju,., fl. 1,., It "" \ll'C I Hert, 2•. Int ' -• YOUR CLEAN OUT! fOR FAST! FASTI .... M.. Dfft • ., .. ,. l(flODI dlslrkt loel!M ....... , • 11 Ptl ... .. "'""' .. ..,. ,.. lm ,,., F.in>lew ltud c.t• "u111i."" °"'* ...... • ' ... ACTINll .,... ... Or.._ C..it D1l1Y Plllt, '\lltl..,,.. or... CNlf O.hy Pli.t, Callflnlll lt'wltktl ~Mid ltlft .. II 'Illy J.. 1 .. If, M. ""' 12,Nf , Vft _,..... ~ '' 17, 14 !Mt IJ7W' JlllJ' 2.. IL 17, M. l• 121Mt PUll!lctr 1Hft11111nd rwld •: ,11·'-'--~LEG=-AL--.N=OTI=CE=---1 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ' " •lch c•::8l':lfD1t';vPt: ""1D..,,Jl-----:-::'.::::-----i All ..... lr9 " bl 11'1 llCUAIMI ~ .... lt•lttl HTIC• tllYITI ... •IDS thl Ntrlldfolllo INll Cilldlt'-_. ltOTICI TO CltlDl!Oltl *lc9 ti ....,_., •'-tMt h 11MN f/I Tl'\llhtl of t111 0...,.. ~ J1111111' IPldl'lutfenl wtlldl .,. -tfl Ille .... SUl'lltlOll C:OUltT 9" THI ~ DWrtd of or-Ce\lfll'p, .......,..,. ,.,.,,... tit N 11'11 ''OWMI','" Wiii '""' Ill llKll!'lll 111 1111 .tllu 9' .. STATI Of' CALll"OltMIA POlt ~W • ,._ 11vt 14 11W t14n l~M l'M., ~y, ~S. l#t, _ _, ... h~ ~ wl •kl IC!'lo.t 411'~1 TM• COUMT'Y .. OUtl•t 1..-.. 1W'11 fll MlfOIQIMlll Otllil'lf C-1\ltc""'-~ ~ V..Hlllllle l!ldl ~ ltlUtl llbtllt wllll h .. -• Ml. &.am ... Al" C.•lflellll-. Eloldrbl Cllttr.m .... Otl.AHGI COAIT COU.!'.Gt: UM-cwMw'I d4ck. on'IHl..i dllm. et W &t1flt If MUlllEL Fl.ECKMAN. PUS Wll.DIMG PltDJfCTS. CIPMN ~. Gel...,..., Ti.. wt. lndlldlll Ille der'I "°"' -* """" tt ftlt ordef' tt :'!::::~:;:;-:..:: .... ~-= llfifltlMt eNll ,......_ 11 a .. tlllit tiulld ..... 11111 fft1. 111t• OI'._. Ctllf Jlulllr Cfllllt ~ NOT IC( IS MEltEIY GIVEN to nw: -lllt lr!91e>VOlllNll. ... nl fll ~ "' If\ ~ l4t ... J1'or1I " 1t11 1bo¥1 111!1\t111_ "'*'-"I ... Miit tNll lie ~ WI "4 liftlct of .. OWl4r, II IM Mmllllttrtlloll ...... """ ~ I,,.) fl !tie -lllf • t •U ,.._ 111""'4 tlolllM ... 11111 lfll ....,... ,,... .. ..,.,. ...., c-t. ,,,...., or.. ~.-ClllH9rN; .,.___. • ...,..,.. ... tfll *-" w111 .....,. w--.mnt __ ,...,.,... " t11e ll'llfn. '-.... ft ~ ,... Hiid of tfll .....,. ...... """ 1J1 "°" ...... lllOl'n ttM ........ Corttr_, ff Ille """ If I"' lfll P4eelUf'1 .....cher1o !fl 1111 "'lu 9f I'll Ml\~ tvllilllflll _.,.,,. ft,f\1111.. II 1111 _.If llllut'I ..... der'li fl t1'it lbow m!ltltef c.wf, or •.C..-W _..,....__;..ti. •-11111 •llh-~ h .i-. ..o-=.-~:.r ... c:;:;:... ... -=-HWMl-.. ~-"°"tt== ~ .,., 111 ...,_ 4-QI ,..,.,, __.... ttll -"""" C911frart .-CUINllM. or In wl _ -· ~·tt tlll QfttrKI· Dia iTllftQ '"' -"' tlle 111111 ....... ft M!k 1rwt11i!1 If I "°"" tfll fUll -...,_ II 111r Attomev, TOMMY HAINES, t:11., In 114',etN ~of tlle OW!!Vi'Oeitf 9f Wllllw;; IMMll: .1. Pl,....,., Ardlffrldl. .folftlNd to M'-ldM.t iflltrlct, • E11t trottlwly, '"-IM'1!. 1• ._ o......._ c-*' Mw, c"""""" 111111 ......,. M abtllrlell It "" Ne ......,. rNY Wllf\dnw hi• llld tor • lfornt. 9lltOl. Wllldi i. "'' .i1e1•t1 Olftce .t 1111 Ardtttecf ... ~ SI ....... .0 t1t,.,r ,_., _._ 11111 Mti.f II ~ (~l 1111'11 l ftll' IM 111U flf 1111 ""°"'"""' In 1M l'Mtlt~ NWIP1911"'4. nr. ...... wtll .. ~ ""' If .. lltl .,. rtlw'Md _ .... ..,. .. "" ... --""'-'· lnlrf' to "" d•t. II Mid ...... nt. .... IN_... ..-ltlM wtllllrl ~ 111..,. 1rtw 1119 Mil -'"'· TN ..... ,.. ol T""Net """"" ilo-froi.lr-IMllllll ..._ .. lll'Wt Hbtie. ~ 111111 Mtltirtell ..,._.-tfld .,.trfltmlllQI lortd w!ll be f'lfl\!1"6 11 "-11rf'l'U1•• ti reFKtJnt lllY . .,._ Ill tlldt OI' 11 !!'Ila Mllca. ~ lllldlit.. 19 ........ _. 11"!' , l""ullrllfll If' !ft. , 1111 J""" 17, Ifft. E ... Mill Wll lie m•de l\ff Gii 1111 •'f'1rm ol '°""'°'"" bolllld Iii 11dl Ml lol'n'lllltt.t ., •W llloll °' lft Ille lllOdlnt. ' 'I! ... F~n 9f StiklfleitllNI l"f1c:I, Ill-•NII -ffh' 11111111 -.u11, -l. • ACl'llll)Jstrlftl1t. Wiit! _Tl\t "t)ll· I~ 11111 .,;.rr . .:. ~•ftllll w • eer11treif or chflllr"' dttct t1•Y•M• 1li _,._ wo1 M .,_ " "" 1ttH11t1t ' AllMl!td., ,,..~'"'"., tlli ""' O!Wift, ., lltldldtrY tlill ~ In ,,_ " 1111 °"""""• ~ w .,,_ llld-,,_, menllftc:Nffd or Prodl.iud In 1111 1bov1 ,..,,,_ 1llectdllll .... '" MlldNI -• HflitHt.tY 1Uf1tJ CRillilnY t s ..,,...,, 111 111 _. ,... Sltih f//I C.llforr\11. , MY MAIJIU. ..... ,_ _. .... -Clllf' (llt'llo) el 1111 111111. Tf\9 dllct ., 111111 ..... 111111 111 '"""' AN Mltttll1' -IHI lllr-" tl'llt •N et t.w · .... ..,,.... thlit .... llldllor wlN ftKlil9 1111 CtflfrKI H It "' ........... ~r"' Miii t:O!Nlr W'llh Glhemfl'll!nl Godl "°" 4 llllf ......... hit• -11'1 CMfln'loill'I' wftlt 111t ClnlrlCI DKvrMnb 1Nll Wiii Pl'fYldl 11'19 WNfV ...... et llorw. Ollll-OOS lntl\!11¥t, IHCll. Cl ..... ,_ ~ 111 ..cff1t11 tf19q/n wlfltln llYe "'" ltlll' l4111k.I"'°' of .._ _ _,. II 11'9 NOllMAN E. WATSON Tth (lU) q;w1" Gfltrld le !ht ltl1lldlf' lto:h'., Mnl .. Trvtl-A W Aailllblrlti1 .. WMa UTUr . C»vol: J111'1' '1. 1'ff, 11 :111 A.M, W T1l4 Wiit A_... -· PuMllMd Or.._. ~ 0.111 1'11411, 1'Moil Or1n91 C.1it DlllY Pl'°' l'WWll¥I • flll t..., c.H flf "" Stm flf c1111tr111a. SIUflllnt Ctllfentl• Jt.ltY J. ll lfft 1mMJ J"'" tt ,. •NII JulY a. 11 1Ht nn-tt ~111111• "" c..tn.dllll T,.._ Cwtlcil... lullllftt Miii ~ Tnmt ' ' c-.-.. ., °""" c-..,, 1119 .... ...,. .. ,,,,... .... ~ 1111 ... otr•I ..,.,.!IN ,... of -4llnl _.. "" lldl er.ti ., lYlil of _._ flMliMll LEGAL NOTICE LE!lAL NOTICE .. .-... Ille C9lltf'edt wtildl Will ............. 1119 MK'CIUf\lt .,...,,1 "" lllne· l---------------1----------~·lllM ,.. ,,.. C111111INll ill llllill lilldflQtllN ...,.... b'I' 11'11 IHnl. W l!{9 •,.... .... t Aw ~ Ml .ritklNltitl ........... lltlell 11'11111 Ill 11111 ti 11'11 curnnt Notlu 1' lle.-V 1tw11 lf\tl ITll INl'll T""i.n of tr.. Ol:ANGI! COAS T .._. ,.,_ tor 1119 9"tklllll tP'MI lfllll d911lflc.tllilfl In lfflct wltll 1111 ..... JUNIOlt COl.lEOI DISTl:IC:t If Dr1141 llerelMtllr refer,.. t. n 1111 CAll DAILY PILOT CLASS· IAED DEPT. lllfllll l,... CMll!dla. If Mr reM ....,. ......... .,.. ..r curftllt w .,. ,......... "Ownw" w111 ~ 1111 Ila. 11111 l'4t 11'91' .. ''" '.M.. WMMICay, July JIO, tw ... •1111111'1t1 <fllr1ftt 1'\11 ..... 1111 tllM W -trvctlltl 111M. IUdl ,...,.. IM. -1111 1>1111 "" #II 1,.1rd al 1 tolltrKt cotlltrvcfltl\ 11 1 ~l'lh 1llMI a;H ---'--*" ... M''l'I .. _.....,._. .. __._,.___......_,...,_____..,,.~·••II• .......... _. ..... 1•'1Mtl¥ 11 .. If l'Kll~·04~~··Jtiil " ....... """"'""" w ......,_ blMflll tflltl M 111 lliHllllit • t111 Mltw llllli<f ..., Clult Alitl. Md 1111 5u sc.ut t1u. Thie fNM of 1111 CO!lltrueKlll c- ,,,.. lllMll. ~ 111111 .. ....,...,.. "' CllMtnTlllY with Slct1lli 1m.s IN Mite II '",,,.ll'Ni""" -llne•I lftt fl -llllef ,11. llullfllvol lnc....,..1111 1nu .... C.lltorilll uaor (;IN. llllldr1H 11\d ti.Ill II .... U lsfilll ~ 9fWlftJ •caVI"°" II ...... " D I I, " I J J I I -• °'*1'lfM .titll 1M 111 ...... wort. ~ In n ee• If "" reto\llar IH'f'i """"" 3DDO aiblc y1rft1 Ctldel"' II """""'*"'l'I' aM1 cubic: y1re,1 iNll off-.... ... et tllt ,_ ..., _,.,.,.,. 11 tilt """ IPIWlwd. tto!Wlw 111•11 lie •H 1119 d"-1 If -1,,.._.., 'IOI tvllk Y•= fl .-1 l'Mfltrl1I. ""'*' 111¥11 w111 ......,. IWWWC:llllf fR• tl\1t C91tKtM blf'f•l!'llnf ••~ -""'* to tlll =. .. ':°"T ~UNll'o•'"cD<."'•"'•o-... DllT ... l_CT, •,,.1 .':"", ....... _ ...... hu.llnt. OllAHG• ~ °"" 0-lflutllll " "'" "' W9r'klMlii -llYlll "' "" 1"11«1 .. _ ~ .. • I'~ ,., • Ctl11 ,,,,.., C1ll- lt WI ti.'"*""'" -tllt (911tr'ldvo' t. "'*"' 1 ~ k _,....,.. =~·..:.i:c' 1111111 IN _. lllblltly ~Pld ....... 11 Ille .-...., ltltld tlint; lfllll .-'" "'*<efltrK!ln llllllltr 1111'!1, '9 "' M'I Ito 111111 w llll ..-.1 -l•dl bid _, c:eriflml Ind lie ,. """ i.ww111t11, ,,.. .i-, 1~ ...i""9 , ... ftl ,..... "*"' w1111 ft 111 -i"lllMll _...,Id In the '11.artllot ti lllcltlln1. 11111 111 1llllr ~ta ~11 1""' .-tlMM Cllltrtcl diKul'!lell1'1. ---..:t. • Coipte. al !I'll Cll'llA<I dtC11mlllf• IIIJWW._ 11tlfQit 1nd -'9 !Miik: '-dltll aal'CIQ.AT11t Mllirlr .... 1n tho! ••kl oNlu al h o-or, In 1111d c~' 1!111 °''""· s111t 111 c.11ferni. ....,.. CllT9JIJ IMI tlllft s menl-nit Ito t111n n .et "' •ltd In tr.. offlu of ""'"' l t-111. ,,..t ,,.. llfelo -ir.rs •NII 111,,,..,..,.. ..., ._ Jllltfll'l'1111n rite, 116 lt.Cldltil'ler l,,.MI, Crll MIM. 11\111 ""Y ti. •• frM! 1111 111f1C1 fl ltlllb 1-...,. ....... M-....................... , .. , .. ., .. ,,,,,.,, .. ., . ., ..... JAS "'!~-· l"ro1t .I. A-lllft 11'1' "'-lllflf flt.9' ~MCll flt. Tbl1 Ill-It ,.UI ... 1a ... rt,,,. " 1111 -"' tr .. ,. of c-tlf1ct doalrni" felrv.tred '" retumtd In toH CMl"ltfTnS .... ·' ...... ·' ·· · .... · ·· · · .......... ' · · '"' ·' · '"" ......... ·' ·· ·· • . .a Clndlt:"ot'o: w1::~., '~'l:,,:::,:=., ~~· rd •nd. ll.lbrnleliclll Iii> 1111 co~ ~ .............. '"""'"" ..• , ...... -., ............. ,. ............ ,.,., l.n ::"'~ c:..~~t.IQCllftd tM1f1et 11111 tiotl", 1flif l'!IVtl lie c""•llfM •rlW .., .......... -_, ... , ....................................................... u c.ritl"'KI llkh will Ill rK•lvM '*"''"'~trJ . llf"I wlf'll •• MkPMlef In"" Mii.,.... ................................................................... ,. '-" CO!llrwct ~. llckler1 ,..,_led llJ tl•M: I Ill tl•rllnt 11'111 tlmt af <1111-~ '"'*'""'kl ..... ...................... ..... . .......... '·" llttloln " "" -"· ,__ -..... 11111~ '""' 11'1111 ~1.hllt (lelllnu111tt li•ct! 11111 111111 Ill -nlld .,. • ., U ilhlt'r'I dllcll HYtllle ' _.... ..... uce.t llMlllMlk M lllf'. .. "" °"""""· OI' I lltlsfKtery 11111 llol'ld In fl " "" °""''· I HClitod "" "" CA.,.,. A l.IMOt..•UM UYllt llkldll' II PrlriclNI Inf I Ulll!Kttry .... .....,. ,..., .. 111"4¥ 111 in ''""""" CWHf, l 1111Moufn & SOii Tile LIJer i.~I flllll le'sl lrlln lt lltc.lnl of ""' bid. Tiie dledl 0t bid bond 111111 llli ,......, 11 1 CaMlltlT MASONS 1111ren ... ITlll 1l'le ~ldder will ••ecull ft'le ('(WltP1Df 11 11 be 1wir6tcl to n1m In C.--Ml-. tlllll"I •rid ,,.W9llnt m1dllrie -r11ar .. J.SS o:inlormllY Wiii! ltl1 Olll'lrlCt docU!Tletltl 111d will proYlcle ltit lllrttl'/' btr>d ., C-.nl ""'-hil11111'M•n .. . .• ". ... ..... ... .. .• .. ... t.21 bonds II IMClflld "" .... wlttiln llYI d•JI •tie!' iotltlullon "' ltw IWlnl II 1111 ~ • ..,. t4w 111tY1 J11w"141tm1n rtie. a.tirM:t i. h ltkl6ff. , W\.ICTW:tCIMtl Tiit Owner ~-t'WI !tie .,.lylllft af rtledlnt'ln'f 111d 111 blcl1 or Iii w1 .... GINll'tl Ftrttr11f1 ... ............ . ....................................... IM • ..., lrr""i.r111et or llllorm111tles ln '"" tHd or ln "'41 llld(llne. F-. ...................................... -............................... 1.U Trv1~':ft',:.:.~·~ ~":,,';" :!1~1:• r:'ic:1~~~ .::!s ~'!.: .... ,.,_ WW-.......................................................... 1.15 t:nin or tJN Ill WO<t.rntn """"lo t••c11te lhl QQlrKt ...,Id! •Ill be 1w1..-~ Clllll a.11eer ................... ,., ................................... a.n '' "" S11CC:n 1lul bldderi 1nd ITllM •NY•lllftt rifts 1r1 eo11Qit,... '" nlill -i. C.eMe Sllllc:« ................................................................... ,,.,, flclll-'*"'""' b~ ..... ll<Mnl. 111d ..... , fOtlOWI: ; ~.Wtllllv ............................ , .................... , ............... J M ~~~S~~~~IS~N:Atletlllerl fl <flrtteed to ,,._ prov~ ftl Ll blJ!" Cook SKtltn =..•wOi:KitH'''"'"" ............ , .......................................... 1.•7 1177'11:~7~:' ~~=: =~s empl.\.1n9 tr ... men In •"T - 6 1¥1111•1 .... w.1l;et , ....................................... ,..,.,., ... .,. l ,n •t91'111CMllll OC:C!illlko\ lo IPllJ .. l!'it •lili!laillle \+;;i 1-.ntlc .... l1 COll'lfl'll""' ltelnflldlQ fP'lf! ..,.. ........................................................... 6.10 ,., • clf'1Hk11t of 1ppniv1I •ncl 111i1,. IN r1011 of 1111'..,!lctl IO !wrnt'f"llltl "'" :lhitctwrlll lf'lill W'ertllr ........................................................ 6.U 911 Ille ton!r1c1. f.lntl t:!'ldor' , , , .. , .... ,,,.,,,,., ....... , , , , , , . , ... , , , , , , .. , , , . . 1.Q Cwilredcu-rnev be N!<NoiWI to rnekt Conl'rlb.,lt111 to IP11~ntlc11hli ,,. '"""'"'" 4k -llll!r ,...,, tt1111 l!llf>ul c11ulllullon w1ff'YIHlll. ••• ..... Contrect.< •nd •ubconl•Ki.r 111111 •lie> CO!Y>T.Y with Sllcilon 1m, In UTNllt Ille _,PillY"""I of IHftnlkft. Fw lnlormllk>n r•~ lo 11111rt.•lk 1:1hlp illNI· l.lll'lff ...... •• .,, , ,_ ,_ , , , .,, ... ., • J.M •,_,"'"_.e:"~ D1 lrtctor al lncl111lritl lleil TIOl'll, Sin "'lftCCIKo, C•T!lorni. er DIY~ ~ flll MM t11111 !t'f..,... _, ..,.,, 1t11ft Jewm1ym1n rele. • v. -~ .. r c1111!11 St•nd•rllll tll'lndl otllc••· 1 UlfflU AnJ cl1111!k:1llon not 1nllc!ulftl 1nd lltkiw .. led ~II be •t ld I I 1'tll UflM'lrl. "'*'"' w CIMtr..c-11111 . .. ... , ... .. .. . .. . ......... '·us cu"ei;~ -e r111e1 /or Ille '""'lclblt trl-de 11111 ct.•ltl(.•llan. Ol'orlilOl"ll 111111 ""'911"1 Ill ~Ilk 1MI 1lec1'k ... 11. ••111 I 11ed bel"" .,,, not c11r,...,t OI' 1r• ""11111 by llbar '''"""""ts Ylllrtntn mldlll\9 •NII 1lmlllf mld'i1nlc11 totl• durln1 11'11 bleol..., lllTlf! or con1!'rvetlon 11nw. 1UCI! r\Yl1lon1 slMll bt (OnsllHI'*" .. , • .,.,, cf Ille bel-·llsted r1te1 Ml ...,.,.I'( CllUlllM ,,.,..!ft ......................... j,., CAlt•fHTllt$1 jl,._it11t f'lklf' IM I-... · '"""'"''"'"""" •.151 H .. 111! .I. Wttll•I -.¥c per 111ur Qincrlte C--1~ mlrl'lllrfM fMI lorll'I Iller ............ , ........ •.15) fllftll&ri Flltld -,.UC per ho11r Gii ..... Oii PlMll111 llbll'lf' . .... . ... ...... .,,.,., ................ •.U:!I V11;1!kin -,lk PVi' f1o1!r G11 ""'Oii elllllh'll wr111M..-.ot tono111r •nd """ m1ft ...................... ,,151 AP1t"1ft!lcnhip Coi'itrlbutlon -.tlc 11, hour SlndblMtlr (i'llUllfnefl) . .. . .. . • .......... " ........................... 4.JllJ Fer...,1n: lllKll'lll Mt 1tu lfl1n .tOI;: per h&ur ""r• tt .. n tl'i• hourly ''"' &INll......., 11111 ...,...,, ........................ ., ... ,. .................... ,. '·!~ of "'' llltllnt t1111Hkenen t v•r wnk • he ~11 111Hrv1111n Pllil JrrM' 1-'-111(1 ........ , ................... , ...................... •.Ul <•PT ~n«lll'Wllk N111.... ' I.II< l'IP9 <Milklf' 1-.ttllllcl ................ ,.. .... ... ... .. ... .. .. .... • .. ... . •.w C••<Mnte• 9"1UTI• IJMINllltl t..AIOltlltS1 ·, G19u1i I .,............ ........ .............................. ... .. ....... •.U HMllfl a. Wellt rt -.Uc "' htur 0.... ! .......... ,, ,,, •• ......................... , .. , ...................... •.t2 ~-Ion Fllftd -.U.: 1111' lllllf' a,_ 2 •••• ,. .................................................. ., ............... $,16 V1c1Tlln ,lll'ICI -.2k 1111' .._. _....,, ,.. ........................... , ............................................. J,,1 l'1r1t11111: lt«.11¥11 PIO! lln lrlln .30!: per l'lo..,r mtrt 1t1111 tlM llour1y r•ll c,_ 1 -.. -..................................................... , ........... 5 ,. cf ii.. fllOl'tat cl1u Hk1tlen Ovlf Mlk;f, fl•• 1~Nlllll! ·Gf'llle .......................... ·--· ... ·-. ..... .......... .. s:,. t:::;to~ ~=;-~~11(;1:.....,.,k •I'd ''·""" • FeAmlol Uc Ml' Mui' ,,.,..., lllM filelloest cl1111flc111foo M1MrvlMlll. l!llic:l•k Tooll, Vlllrlllftt MKllln<ll •"' PAIMT,•I Slmltt<" M1elllnlc1t TIOll "Ill HPl••lll' "-tlllw W. Pllnl'lr ....... .. . .. J.4"1 c11ulfltd llereln •ru"' ..... 11191 ............................ ................ ............. J U A.1 .. 1n ltlk11' i nd ,_ .. ....,.....,. ........................ , ........................... , ............ S.I• luot~molllll Min 1a11c-.tor ,.,... 11111 ........................................................ 6.lf c-1 °"''""'' lori 1 ,,i. M l••t ..,. m!•en ~ W.y ........................................................... s.u .,,. l'lt ndnne 11u• ,_,, ~ IPreJ' IWlne llH• , ., ... • ............ .,,. ... , ............ J.t• ~Ill C...,., -l_...,iolil Mt!'nllrl M 1....i PllJI: TltAMI • 1"1rm Olle< .,......,. .. flltln . . . . ......................... J ,. 0"'1t"i'!!~,, -::.t;:.~~.·~ llk "'' lllJv• .._... l'lteh41• ,..,. l biw I NSS lowl't'rll'l•ft flll, fllftllctn Fllnd -.60t · ... , lllJur ••• ~""" ...... 1 1"111 Jeul'ftlYl'!llft r1111. V1e1•1Dn·Holltl1y S.'""91 FllM -.)k Pl• l'lollr UIV"" """"""' """""''"In .. , .............. , .................. J.6) Fwem.n: llle<•IVft not leu 111111 .Jk ,., lltur ll'IOl'e n flll ~'lY ,.11 Ulllltto' ..._. ..... ...,_"' • • .. , .. ... . ......... • ........ " ............ · •• S.... OI' Ille l'llfl'lnt cl11tlllc.lllotl ovtr whlt#I ~· 11 •llfllrvh lon. ~RHI . Canc:r'1e Ml•tr Oltrellf' -Skip Ty111 u .r7 f'""""i ...,_ ............................................................... •.J't ll•lftln or Ml~er k • Oplr11'Dr (te11trt 11i or ~. T•Nos.:····· ......................................................... ,,.., A~"or"1~::!:r11t Sllfftd1rtw. M«.111n1c1r ~'!._.,. ... , .................. ,.,., .. , ....................... ., ... ,.,., $.4,5 lftlOl"f If' l'lnltl\11'19 Mldil"' Ot1r•ter ~ , ........................... ., ......... , .. '""" ................. J,t) 1~~1!:'':1~~';"~~ -P•'lintl ... ~111 •• ............... ....... .•• .... .................... s.tr C-rtt~ ~lie Ml~itr Dllflfltlf'°'1rl f'~ .... " " • •• ........ ·•··•· ..... "'""""""""'·· S.t7 flAM$T:.::;~' il!Tlll or lll"llllCrlle Opiir1'9I' 1Hla~MITAL WOlllClltl • HMtlil .1. Well••t -.Oc per flout .. 111\tfll Wlfl!"". ".,,. ................ ,,., .. .,.,, '""" 611 Ptnllln l'und -.JOicllfhvolf •• IJ.V ,J,4' ••• .... .... 1"IMftllf triltelllr' .. ...... .. ........................ •· •• •· ·• • 1.14 V1c1tkin·Halld1f S.vfntl Ft.Ind -,.UC.,... hour • ............. '"' 111oYt ""'"""'mtft r1t1, iO'orttn.1n: ll1e11..., not 1111 thin .Mc ,... .....,, ..,.,. ll'ltn hlurl r r111 TINlilftlU II .,,._ ...... , clol11llkllttln -Wfilcfl lie "-111f'V1111ft. P~ lfc Mf' ht\lr f!'4A ttlln llltlMtt c11h !flcttlln -. .... 1.... Drl¥11'1 OI' Dlimp Trucb 01 1eu ltlln: ~fl tlUf¥lli tJudl... 1111 "'"' ' ..... . • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . • . . ' u ' \1111. ........ """ ..,._. lfl 9-tl'Wkl, 4 'I'd .. M 1111 "'"'I Yfl, ""'"'""'"•"' •.II •'fol•. llul ltl1 lhln I '1'!11. Mli!O' ...... ~{II """"" trvct;1, • rfi. M ..,.. ltltfl n ~in. , .................... '·" I rft. 1>11t Ill• 1M11 ti ,,i1, ...,,., 11vtt1_ ~-...,_ lrllCU. 11 ...... W ..... ll'ltol 11 rdl. ....................... S.tl :: w· = =-=:: 1'lb. -h r llwtl 01fWr1 fll tnick1. ............. c-lt'I' 1M1 1119ft • ..... .,,,.,., ..... •.ti l'ILI DlllV.:i, I ,..., Wl llr llYll .......... Ill trvdl1o "'""NYIMlllll (_,,.,Ill'-6...,, II ltfll ............ '·" P!lld•l¥tr Min -lllllOl et 0.C.. ...........,_, trldtl, llell ...,...., ~ littWWR II 11111 II""'~ .......... .i.tJ C•'""'""' -C..b" ~le ... ... .,....... llf Tr..aMilb! fnll:kl ....,...,. I Ylf'll ...... .•. .. ............ ~... Olf'rktl 11'99 Min. .,._. llf T,.., ... Mbl ~I I 1'flo tr "*' ......... · ................ 5.U KMllll & Wllf.,.1 -Ale ...... l'illH" ...., .,.,,..., 2Mll;ll\. to .-111 ......... , • . .• ,. .... .. .. s.11 "-• _ .uc _... fllul' t4.IS u .u ''·" "·'' u.u " -~iff'lwt, ........ ttol lef. "• .... ""• · ... ,. • • ,,ti V1<1lltll Plln -.lk -,_. .... I ... 1•"· C..lWrMlll pvftl 111111 tll'llll•• IYH ...,.....,.,.. ..... s.11i t"trttrllllltlenl" A-lfllkt ~ ... r1111 -.tic .., ........ ~ ...... 1 ..... , ..... , " ... , .. , , .. •• ....... " .. S tS OVlltJ:= :!i':."'~ .. ·,::~~'t"~ ':: ~llf 11~':.y~= ~... f ... Wiii! 1f -I •• -f n ...... 11'11••, w..ll't Mrli •NII II .... rett fOo' '""'""' Ill 1111 Cflft ln¥I! . ~ ...,.. Hllloh" M hlrtlll ,..,.,,.. ti tMM Ill ........ IO M N .. Yu r't y, M-Tf't tif"' """"" • .. , .... · • • • · · · · · ·• · · " • • • • •• ... •••· ..... ,. '·U Ill Olly, lndt .. •!d-1 O.r, Ullor O.y, V•tor'-' Dly, l'tllllklf lY Olly ,,.. .,.., ' OWllllllll, II .,..,. °' ........... ltol~n ,. .. Ofi Swldly, .... ~., -1n1 1M !f n.i 0.-,_--t1'1t .,,., ... f/lf "'lldll'll lfl'f .,... •M •'1111 tr' i. ... .i ... lie n11tlftrell 1 .... I 111no.1 .... I>; 3 7 1'Jll W ~lit* Ill -1111.i lit 7'! ltll._-.... · Tiii !:-"11ctw1 It .... 11 Ill mllldlllf\t ~ tf\e CIPllrK,., • whln> • ('tll!rtcJ I; 1rftll, tnd MW * ..,._ Mt -fllr • ..,..... of • ••T• fll dli. .,. ..,. Ill WiOll •II MllKen!rKI0!'1 """"' l'llflt i. ,.., Ml Ion !Mn 111d •-,.,....111,. f' -,. ... If pl!' dlll'!I •I"' hi Ill -'°""" lllWlf'flll Ill 1111 lltlCllllfn t i I C"'lflCl, • lo.\lO °' TJtUITll!I ffo •1H1r "ll Y Wlllld•IW "" .... tor • ,. .... OI " dew .,,., !tit ... ltl for • W t,.. CNtl Jlil'ilor tll1tr1 Diii,!{! t1!t ttlf 11*\lnt. •er....~..--c.tfl Mae, Cet!Wl\I• litlltf Ntrtillll I , Wt i.n . ~..,..,,,.. .... l OAltD Of Tl:USTll!!l, Oll!A. JUNIOlt COlLl!GI! DISTll'ICT llY: HO~AN I!. WAT50H llu11er1, IMtd II ft""I-· II' COASt ~ t ln1 S:• '..M.......,. I. 1• __ ....... .,.,. c....t OlltJ' , .... j~ 11, .,., 131U' • li:..a. ... __ .:.. ___ _.,~·~-~-~----~-·~-~---"'1-1.. --I ---L____,_·_"'.. ___ _ ~< ' I A L D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • s 6 7 8 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES Pott SALE llOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE tOOO Gan1ral 1000 0-ral 1000 G1nar1l 1000 Eastern chantt Unuaual 5 btdroom lamll.y home ,.,.llh , fonnal dining J'OOl1t-a4d-lamlly room...-2 ttf.epla~s. Modtm --iatarn:t kitchen \Yilh a 11 ~lecttic bu ll l-lni> end \\.'t1lk In pan· try. Detached tloUblc c11r ga111.ge. Covered lanai and heated and filter«! pool. Ideal fol' IJI(! big aclive family. $~7.-506. "f'or A W!.iit Buy." Colesworfhy & Co • BarrJlt Re~lty ~~~ pr•sents -._ J . , .. BAYCREST· Exclusively Ours SParldine adult occupied 4 bdrm 3 bath home sltualed on a quiet sti-eet with park- like R lllng. Fortnal dining room. unwnW 1tparate bed- room & bath combination. Fee aimple. CaU for appoint· men t to see. • 1605 WestcliU Dr, NB 642-5200 Wo.wl-51/2% lntarest- l..o\v down payment. Will ill!i· auine 5%% loan wltlitut any second.al')' finllnclrw, :dia f~ bedroom•, 2 baths bff;t Costa Mesa area, byllt-in klltj1ell ,P!Ul5 mu£_b . mC!i:e· Your total payment includ, in; taxes. IN~. prin- clpal and intemtt \vill be le11 01an $180.~ month. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGICST 293 E. 171'1 St. 646-4494 MONEY MACHINE- Oul!tandina: inconw producer NO FINANCE CHARGES \l'Nl'~. ll'IU,_(;,\lltlLIBI' TRUS'I'-OREO-hit qualir\ft1 buyt•r. 1600 sq. fl. co1nplete· I)' ca~peted aod drapctl hon1c>. Lnrgt living ')'()Om, \hl't'C bedrooms, 1ten, dlniog room. t~ ba:th. Built • In kitchen \\•i!h bre11kfasl art'a, lai:xe.. l.'OVt:rL-d J>&lio wt1b oll.!- 1ide aink aod b\jllt,ln bilr-b. qUt>. double garaR"e. fenced rtir y1trd, bc11ulifully Ja ni;!· 1C&pcd, sprinklcrl'!. BEAT THE 11 I G H ll\'TEREST RATES AND LOA N COSTS. PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY $27,$0. Qin bt> i>h0\\'11 anylime, :E.Venlngs Call .s'.16-4579 TRAOE YOUR H-OME . Regardless ~f how in u .c h equltY ~ hav~ on this super lwo-alol')', with wind· lnG sl.a.lrcase leading to 4 Master SI.zed Bcdroorns. Bal· cony overlookinc formal din. ing room with thick shat:: carpeting. Stunr.i"b {1~~­ plaCe, or try $5,000 Down and take ove r low intertsl GJ loan. Askin&: SJ:i,500. Sub- mit . WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 1142-4455 or 54().5140 Open Eves. . ~OUEGE-PARK_ OCEAN OllW ll>PER BAY lh E11:clusive Cameo Shorts. .. Luxudous...cLW.om. boou:,\A" :-::-::-!:• be!l.utlful, tl'ftf)tcal 11&lt1nc. -r::ritrance over pool. 3 Bdrm family hon1t', \~ block lo Bayvle1v Elen1en· bu-y School. E11:tra. 1111-ge fenced yard .. N D\\' is, the time lo buy tor school rec:· irtmtion, Call lJS 111 ~ct in- side. Newport ,,- Victorii! 646-8811 Anytime john macnab 9UALITY BUILT Adjacent to Dover Shores. on choice street. Formal din- ing room: 4 bedrooms, fam- ily room with a.dobler 'brick fireplace. Beautiful master suite with wall ol mirrored wardrobes &: separate dress- ing room. Heated & filtered pool, Asking $98,500. Cali for app't. 001 ' 17141 642-8235 Dover Drive, Suitc 120 Newport Beach St.ep.down Uvi~ roon1~ Formal dining room wi1h high beam ceilings. 5 B<x.11'001m, 4 Baths $95,000 Coil \Vally l lallberst Res. 64"-"187 $21,500 Open Hst. Until Sold! 1847 TAHITI DRIVE Big family home, 5 BR, 2900 sq. fl. Anthony pool, ~ ------fJ~shW, redec. Sharp loc in , Assum1 SY21t/1 1'1esa Verde. Liated S54,900 $171.00 Mo. Total _ but all oilers invited~ 4 8.drm. College Po1rk ~ $4&·SllO No quallfing, anyone can as-(nur~tt;atN sume exi.!lting low interest UEGE REA'TY 5~% loan. With an built i n · '" m.-....r~ kitchen, dQUble garage, fOrc-\~:=:=z::=:=:=z::=z\ ~ air heat, block w a 11 ~--- fence, bdck fireP~ .... ~ -NB='"BR-Cot~gar 6. de sac Jot with fruit trees zoned for business, $14,500 galore, you can't miss. Call TWO BR home &: dei., Jarie tod~ · ~ lot. Garqe + w¢ksbop. l.9calcd on dcalrable College Drive ls; ·this 1-IAROWOOD FLOOR ·-home: Vaezmt & ·- ready to set! anyU1ne. Call -rarr . .-;,W- ft..2 zoned. $18,81¥> THREE BR homl! 1 'Ai balhll, near shopping. $20, 750 Walls-McC•rdle, Rltrs. 1810 N~ Blvd., C.M. 548-Tf29 anytime now! $27,500 (V•ts no down pymnt) Newport •I Victoria 646-8811 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 IRVINE TERRACE No Down GI BAYADERE DRIVE 4 bdrm+ family room. Sl83 lmmediat• OccufMncy per mo pays all or Jo"llA or E>i.cit1ng 4 Bdnn. 4 bath ConventionaJ. -11ellk1r-W.-only+.lhncs.~~~!-;~:~ Income. S f! v en separate houses on 300 foot lot. Al- home. Beautilully furnished. $21 ,950 -Cl"'ic~,,.,,i;·--~~ RANO-RtTY-. 645'2!140 ming pool/ Spectacular vit'w of jetty. ocean I::. bay, $189,500 . -----MESA VEROE - \\.'BYI rent~. Owner could ljjjill"" ... live in 2 yr.-old lront unit. Retlrin: 11eller will consider trade for sell.90~ trust deeds. $82,950. $23,9501 lfard to !ind: Klns; aized bedrooms. 2 separate bath. Built-in dream kitchen. Car- pets, Drapes. F iber • stlau paint exterior. Guaranteed for 15 yrs. 54().1120 TARBELL 2955 Hubor Morning Sun ..• Twinklin, Lights 'O THE REAL I "'\. ESTATERS 4146·7171 • 546·2313 ASSUME-6~%-lOAN On !his uu1Staiidlng 4 BR. home. Xlnt Door plan. 3 Bath~. formal dining rm., aliable family rm. w/bar. Exciting elee. kitchen. Bea11- tifully landscaped gardem . $14,900. A home v;orthy of your inspection. llllCJllRT REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.8. _c~~'~_ooo_ LOOKING FOR NEWPORT HEIGHTS PROXIMITY? e CLOSE TO SHOPPING • CLOSE TO SCHOOLS e 3 bdrm 2 batbs • Family din-. i"i'. roon1 wit h dbl fireplace e Modem • Priced right. JEAN SMITH REALTOR 646-3255 CORONA DEL MAR Steps to beach 4 BR 3 baU1 home in the 200 block. Ask· ing 146,000. Call for appoint· men I 1860 Newport Blud .. Cr.1 Rl1 r. 646-39'13 Eve . 64~·1655 Lachenmyer OWNER'S LOSS Yonr gain. l\fod('rn . ranch typ(' home, J spark1ing bed· rooms and 2 baths. 01arrn· illi kitchen and family room -so clean you can est oU lhc floor! Neuer so much home for so litUc. Pticed to sell at 125,950. Call Dan Lee, M~ll51 Heritage R~al F:~la tr lopen ew~\ OUTSTANDING 4 b8nn cu5toin b-ull , \VeslcliU horn~ wlth delightful pool &. patio. Architect desiJ;ned & built this one lor hfn1~lf. You'll love It! Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th $1 .• CM Realtors 646-7Ta5 4 BEDRM-=-s2i soo1 Alll'a ctive brick patio • B!;£) 2 bath!. Hand1Dme tlreplace. Family room. Near 9Cbools & ahopplre . .)40.1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor BEA-t.rrffUL 2-3to.:Y La r n7. Ml:s!don Vie.Jo • .W.un1~ TI1A 111 s•,;: Sy o~·fK'r 11·ht1 1~ •nixou1 to lllOVf'. IU'ld Cltn takt ba.ch KOOOnd. 831)..1583 New lllltlng? Beautiful 4 lxlrm. sln&lc story Rt'· public Home with gal'·- den alrium enlraf'I(.~. All elect kitchen, big ram. rm ., top lndiu:p, low price 135,500.· HARBOR HIGHLAN05 l lo1v about a l6x26 family roo1n: 4 bedrooms, 2 fire- places, huae ki tchen and to n1any other features to men- tion! Best Harbor Highlands area -all fot just $52,500! \0 THE REAL '0-E~'.I' ATE~ Mrs. Raulston ........ Col,'weu, Banker & Co. 550 Ne wport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 644-2430 I ::::~~~.;~:--=~:::::~~~~: I Ivan Wells new VIEW homes BONANZA!! """" • ., '" "°""' '"''"· 5 models lo chool'!e lrom • 4 & 5 bdrms. Models open 1 aily BUILDER'S REPO at 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-la50 One n1an ·~ lass can ht-your BEAUTit'UL Hid pool, 3 Br, GA IN. Very shllrp home. 1~. &. bcan1t'd ceilings, Low down paymE'nt \11lth bit-ins dbl frplc, 2 patios, C.'l:{'('llent terms available. L.-sidc c .t-.1. Avail no-down Wall lo wall ca rpers, built· GI or ntA. Kingaard Rlty. ins. etc. F'ULL P R I C E Ml 2-222'2. S24.500. BE QUICK! OWNER Olfers ~autif\J.l 5 COATS bdr. 3 ba. 2-tl tOI')' home. & 6% 'k loan, S283/mo. incl WALLACE taxes Ir: insur. call 546-6740 ~EAL TORS -546-4141- co,,.n Evenin,al .Cost• Mas• 1100 546·2313 • 646·71N MONTICEU.0 -4=--=e,--d------1·-............ ~ ... ~~1 Big 2 BR. l sto1·y. $19.500. e rooms 4 PLEXES ,X: i~.~;~ ~"'"" rn1n1ac homr close to shops, :-;chl~ & tra.ns. Go rgeous ya1•d. new cpts, freshly p!linted. 1 bll.ths & Ji. fam I'm. A!lking Sll,450. Ma)' lake over e11:istlng 5-14 % loan of $18.300 -$175 mo pays all. Call 5'15-8424 South Coast Real Estate. You Red.corat.........OK? Good 4 + fam nn on comer. r.ft'!!a del Mar. Nds paint & lawn renovation. Take a look • main• an otter -buy a bargain? Llatlng is $29,fJO. 5~5·5110 (11tweinlml theltl1l LLEGE REALTY ISOO ,... It KarW,CM. ·ocEANFRONT 3 BR ~me on excellent beach: S.).t.~ . George Williamson REALTOR 67:~350 Eves. 673-1561 5 BEDRM-+ POOL "BAYCR!ST" $49,500 1':.'l:cluslve area • hon1e1 tn Sl00.000. family room. 3 balhs. BUIH·lns. Gorirooa pool. Jr. estah• E:toUndlli. 5-10.1720 TARBELL 2955 Herbor HOME + INCOME One block to ocean. 2 BR home, all ek:cl bltin kitch- rn. fum + lurn uni!. Good si:r.e llv rm, 'f I A heal. Price S10.000. E·Z tcm1,, 2 buildings • each with four 2 bdnn units, 1000 sq. It., built-ins. patios & garages. S500 mo inrome on each building, ASKING S44,250. EXCEu.ENT T E R M S WITH LOW DOWN. ALSO 16 units Costa ?.1ci>a $169,000 Walker ic Lcr Mr. Levinr Jncome lnve:Jlment Dept. 545-9451 --=s--,B"'EDRO·-=o~M=s- Sharp Mesa Verde Paceset· !er, with 2% baths, excel· Jent wall lo wall carpetin& and drapes. Exceptional landscapine included SO foot patio and ornament.al foun- tain. S4QOO will hAndJe. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 WC!ltclifl Dr. 646-TTU Open Eves. NEW CARPET NO QUAWFYING Evel')'Olle can U?:Ume this high ffiA }oan. 546-9511 or S41>6631 p. w .c. 546-5440 1 -:=:o:!!"'l'~!'":'l:~~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS $2',50o-:r;\!SA VERDE 3 Bedroom1/'l 81ths ASKING $33,950 DAVIDSON RHlly 546-546() Eves. M8-85S4 • l.o&dcd wllh ehann! Kine b«l1wm11, 2 baths, f!lmi\y -n:x;m, n1~p1arr.ro1·ma.1 dlli- ing 1oon1. OulJl .hll!. Uirgt: flllrk·likl" )'1'rrf ~•0-1 '1'20 TARBELL 2955 Ha!bor $18.950, 1valk to 11hoppif1a:. 1\1·1 WNE 3 BR -gd rep/mach 1hop. $2a.OOO. owner will CatTY 1st TD. 540-1151 HERITAGE R.l::. BRICK FRONT Split level. culc •S a bug. bltins. dbl gar. clubh11C, pool, etc. As ill, $19.500. Gl.EN QUEEN. 541).1151 Jlerltage Real Estate. (open eves) BY Owner Cuatom Home 3 bdrnu 1 % Ba. Blt-1111, C!tm drps. Frplc. Dbl. a:ar. Patio. Enclosed yard. N I c e I y landscaped. low Int 5% 'k loan. E·~ldc ~9007 -$21,SOO ·OWNER- 3 Bdrm, 11,S ba , bll·ins, !rplc, dbl car gar, patio. crpts &: BBQ, fried. 2220 Maple SI. 64~'.l309 ASSUME 5%S~. 3 BR. I'~ BA, 2V. car gar + carpt, cpl!, drp11. $125 P l/Tl. Why pa)' man, call owner now 642-1827 -4-BDR&-POO~ Lott ol dccltlng, 1n ll'Op~e&J S<"ttirc. maey extra leiitW'" es.,call~r ~ CONDO. 2-ttory, 2 bdr. 2 ba, OubhouAe A pool tacl1. ne1r ....,.~. $20.!00. ~ .. $ BY OWNER • Low lnterPSl 514-6\.i,,. 1ra: tn.hlfm'able ~ AU S BDRM'•· 2-E side, 2 W side. 543-1059 NO milter what It la, Y"U can 8cll It wilh a DAILY PILOT Oa.~Uleft 111t. ------·~=~ ls Your Ad In OU I t lAssllieds' Somf!One wlb be looklns for It., Dial ~11 ' •• -·---'=-• • · HOUSIS.F.011 $Al.I HOUSES FOltSAl.E ~ 1· jiOUS~S proll SALE ,HOUSES POii ~LI 110USIS proJt SALi C..t• Melo 1100 N•wport lh•ch 1200 Hunt!..,.. IMch 1400 Hullll....., -1• LltuM _.. · 1105 BY OWNER OWH!R-'S NEW ' or 5 BJt. Hartlot' View Home, 3 ba's. 11\ nn. dln nn, tarn rm. bar, Ii· kit, 2 trplcs, W/W Excellent center hall • 4 Bed. U'Ptr drps. yard I. many room, family room, J btth exttu: 63 t i.naa cl n1. Meta Verde-1'1omc!. Brick 5f8.$281. liraplace. Wlttf' IOtt.nrer, ~ ------~-- meat dri~. brick pillo', BY OWNER complete 5Prink1er1, !res!\ Charmina,:; OCe&ll ln>nl ~ MQl>ERN. LIVING !.!_E!_~~R New homea, na<ly to move In, ~ mile from 2 balh. Oceall Vn, ,.., beach. Finl payment up to llO tloya after bar, d~ tllcbc•. MaoY move ln. :'·Owner ~~i:: Terms·VAfprHA. From $22,IOO ance, 'Ill" loan • no loan !ff. lllNTALS U NTAU . ~•N t AL~ .....,.." Puml&W · H.u111 Un~rfth.hed Aptt.. Purnltbed Sutn-r ltont•lt 2'10 Hun~'!f'!! lo~ 3400 Huntlnglotl ... ch 4400 Coot• Mou 1311MO.Oii1oL 3 llR io..i, ' ----! l'lulll 'lull1 !Um. bcl-rronr flOOI a. -Enc. lanai. NEW 1 BR. Bl• to .....,, lf.!MmtATE -._ l A 2 8r, 8faut OCfllD ~.\' txtCUtlve llome. £:ic. Fu r..u ·Unturn.&.unrr;tf --CXDJPANO° M t yirl, patiol, prlv . •tY~ ~Ye comm~!~· Pool Yrb' m-A 14th. $)6..W9, 2 Ktoa: •tz.4 bedroouLI <A ~.~:~ $141)..190/wt Molt datet ftlll tnaint./p-dnr "JC. DI ck 113-J?M bath upm.ln Sp&doul ,, • • open. 17th 1: s. Pacitfc, 8aS R.E. 9SW4tt NEW QIO 1"'S-3 8' htd Ina J'OOl\l w .. rtftplace a ~ '::C.,"'t Snit. &c:h. an,y tltoe S.t a •iii: ~BA. larp Wn r'OQm. a auna ,:.-..., rtonnr,H il tni: room wltlttplace • ~· "''•-11 evu. tn4) ~ 1.111 ewi Mu.r-H.8. H1 • Grammar 4 Al&oquln. Mar 14&-!iat e bat b ~· Bit • W. ',"" • afttt 10 pm + ICMOla. ~t.-i.M., WW ~' • and f\IC~&Hon .f.acUltJer b). I,,• SIOO paint on R-4 lot. 3 bed nns + ...A$1WE 6'4-S LOAN te$ rm~_ld~~don. _ Owner-ml,J'"1alre 2nd. ·111' ICbooll. enclOifd patio. _T_he__Beac:L_ Ion Brookhum I mlle South el AC11ms) 962 .1353 3 ell hit, ~ .. 1. ll'IW?O w1r. e..n Jul,y 15111. 12 0 0 D C .... eluded. Adults •. M . lit , ~ • Ji. Br t...-. ate-.. 4 $100.:.125 aftilt ran,~ f'M!hi-. 1.U;&..D!Of!lhl~J!.~~.;~~~~;::;;;;;;;;;f=.j wk. 1.~ tflkl""Cltk:tftt"'tia1 , • !fNG!E )'OUllC .adults. Jux. dtarp.~ . OT qj •W ·. ,----· - PERRON Beach. 2S2 Chiquita. LaaWll ti>NDO, J BR A den, b'mal IUY p.rden •Pts ~/full potntment, 549--0614 • ;!,; OPEN l{OUSE SUN io-6 aha.c crptg (hlo\tlbOUl L& .I. • ........ , •• 2940 rtedwood Aw:. or call kllchen w/blt·lns. $61,lm. 546-1545 or S4f..4890 for appt. ;~.::.,:=:;c..,=~-~~-1 -------------------* '42-177'1 Anytime* !ffch. or ~244-8386 ~dtn nn, 2 ear pr, 1% bath. ff!Cn!ation tacilltltt " com~ * TOWNHOUSE * CHAR.MINd 2 Br. apt. on Wuber/dr)'er. Sl90 ·mo. plete privacy, SoUth BA.Y 1'Ym. 1~ BA. crptc. drpe. Full price $26,950. 4-Plax W/Extr a Lot Coron• del Mar BARGAIN HUNTERS·. •.1~ 200' 1''ron:i ocean. C-1; pot. .,......,... lnc. $U,<nl yr_ $79,500 • 1250 Huntlnflon Bo1ch 1400 LttUc Balbol. laland. Im. I 968-34'15 flYft • wlmdi. cl u b A p t •. 217 so. patio. M'anied adults. we. mac,. clOM to aood nriftl. -NEWER' 4 bed •• 2 bl.. ntat Brookhunt. Ana.helm (71tJ 134 E. Mdocb' Lane ,~ -------o1 re cent lmpXovementa terms. ONLY $62.500. *VIEW* have already been mado lo CANON REALTY 67'".r3581 :e ci::nS28 ~'1f . pa: BLUFFS ~ 3 hr, 3 ba, w/ • . .-. 11 pr Ba,y vn wide ~t Ocean and ·channel view! Watch lhe boatt from the IA.l'ie living room. Kitchen and private patio, Delight. tu! 3 bedroom charmer. one house-o1f Ocean Bl v d. 613-855(1,.. New Corona de! Mar location, ~lte at Coll.st Highway. ed lo If!~ fut. Huie 13-x ~ Ste • to Poot. CUs. addtrs. RP faplily room. largo liv. ~ 6ff..ilS5 ing roOm. 3 BR. beautiful Save. $44,500. Ownr landlcap~ that can lakt WEST'CUFF OPEN HOUSE. active chil.dren. Walk lo all 2 Bft...den. $43,500. 1211 Cam-- schools 1' shopp!na:. Open Sat bridge. Realtor 548-1768 It. SUn. 1-5. 2312 Rulgen, CM. 5'6"'993 Spanish Style Builders model and still looks like il 3 BR 2 ba,.fam nn, kit eat1n1 •~a. CWltom erpts, drps & wallpaper. Aa&ume low lnt RHA loan. $215 mo pe,ya all. Priced to .aeD at $28,950. Call 54()..l.ill Heritage Real tstate Copen eves). No Down GI $23,950 J BR 2 bath, with ~an vif'w R•nd Realty 645-2340 esa Verde 1110 ASSUME 5~ loan on Pu.lclµitudinoua 4 Bedroom hQme near schools le golf coune. Efficient kitchen. .farnilY _ room, J!Jl~ 2 CO"Vered patios, sp er isystem, S fruit trtts amid,;! lovely l.anlkcaping. Priced to sell at $26,500 by owner. SfG.3642 . $26,JOO.By Owner 3 Er. l~ Ba. bltns, family nn. drapes, carpcll, many plush features. Must see! call alter 5:30. 54S-32Tl ** 5 bdr, 3 ba, Republic home, by owner. 2 D 6 D Phalaropc. CM. 549-068-I Newport Beach 1200 ~E-OPTION OPEN DA ILY 1.S Ne'!'pot:Uleight• 1210 NEWPORT HGHTS S23,500 Old world charm In this dainty 2 bedroom with guest house .• Trees, Rowers on this quiet come~·. • See. it lod.ay. \0 THE REAL ~ESTATERS O THLIH:AL '"""' ESTATERS Fonnerly Orange Coast Prop. OPEN HOUSE 1·5 2131 VISTA LAREDO S BR; 2'1'• Baths:: Immed. ~SI. 10% Down. $.17,950 611 VISTA BONITA 546•2313 • 646•71n 3 BR. 2~ Baths. $31,950 HOLMWOOD OR. CALL FOR APP'T. Cbzy &: cheerful 2 bdrms., e BEST BLUFFS BUYS • dining rm., frplc. G~e on BOYD REAL TY alley. Large fenced yard. 3629 E. Coast Hiway, Cdfl.1 Now vacant. Asking $24,500. 675-5930 Graha m Realty 646-2fl4 hL--rg""H'"o"m-•""'C"'h-o'"ic-e"V'"ie-w Near Newport Post Olli~ Above main beach &: bay. DUPLEX 4 yrs old. 2 BR Btwn Big &: LilUe C.d.Mar each. Built-ins, crpts, drpg. beaches. Corner lot, 45'x $32,5000wner.&46 •1510. 177'. 2 stories, approx. 4<tOO Principals only. 11(1. ft. • 4 + BR., 5% BA., Newport Shores 1220 2· STORY BEACH HOUSE -a BR:; ~±:-;!.....,.i.ovely patio, \Valk lo swin1ming. Asking S28,500 F.AREL WALKER REALTOR 646--7414 3 car gar, Call owner for appl, Prin. onJy. Call eves. {714) 673-5274. SHORECLIFFS . fop Joe. w/ ~n & .J.~l~ vll!it fronr-ur;Pcr -mrT. Need!'! lots o{ work. Just re.. dueed to $89.500. Delancy Roil Estate 2828 E, Co&.st Hwy, CdM 673-3770 We1tcliff 1230 LGE. hilltop lot. Perm. view SPARKLES & SHINES in-o1 ocean & hills. side & out. Liv nn. &: din Realtor 673-2010 tm; service porch, f'!ec 1 ,~,,-.~-~,-ua-i.,.-7l"B~R~hou-,. bltns, clean crpts, drps w/ frplc, studio apt & dbl thru-0ut this 3 BR 2 BA gar. 637-3052. 83S-S466 home. Prof. lndscpd &:. ========= maint. '"'' cltildrn's play Lido _Isle 1351 yrd & pct area. Heavy -;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. shake roof cornPfetes this • charming bomt. _By _o,.rner..J-H!\O~ME""-spread over 2 lots. $42,500. &42-1598 Charmina" permanent, 3 University Park 1237 BEAUTIFUL Bednn.. 2 bath residence with large .rooms. Sep. din rm. & indoor BBQ. $79,500 P.A. PALMER INC. 3.177 V\a Lido 6~7:1.00 J~ ACRES mhc beach: $125 W~k. -bch. • ..SZZS. lie. 21281 Breton ~ 64~ 548-1113 :; POOL PADI Undeveloped ~ ctty of JuJ.y. 118 Abalone ~ Lane, 11e:ar AUanll. 2 eoru.i, 1,bl.lh. crpu, drpe. ''"',,. $4,000 Tottil Cub needed to lAauna. 9 BlkL to btlcbt 2 SOR. -apl clnn, Ottan Gardett Gro.,. 4610 rtfr1&, bltns. SJ25, Joann St: )i.~~ a.uwne 5tl.% VA loan tor Ocean viewt. Sbould divide !~of hwy. CDM. Ctu) 431. fount1ln Vall1y S410 SING. 'E v-••• Adu!•· I.we· !':f!. ... to Harbor ah Pl··. ~-~. this 4 bedroom homt with into 13 lots. Prloe $f0,000; .u.... .. ..--.. "' ~· .--· - 35' Bluehawn Pool. Lota ot 29S Dn. A na1 a!eeper. " CONDO S BR Deluxe crptl A W'Y prden apts with. eow~ . , ,.;":' ;~ deckin&; with Patio Car,itts MISSION RLTY 4M-OT3l .2 Br, 1 Ba, aarde:n dupl:x adJ drps. Dstrwhr Pool 9C-Mll cry club atmosphere and e _FACING BAY e .,,. Ora.pea I: Built ub 'Priced • t.y/beach . .Tuly only. $1.'15.; Uno ana .....0..74 ' complete privacy. sot.mt Luxurioul Balboa Bay Qu'h. at $24,900 NJ J>riCe, Pay. FOR Sale by Owntt, 3 BR,) per wk 613-1901 1 BAY CLUB APTS. 13100' SUblet 1 BR. ~ or an- ments of Sl6B lncllldes all. BA. Valley view tie cor Sot BALBOA • Tnr~ve COt! LllU"• Blach 3705 CHAPMAN >.ve., Garden furn. 60-163l Olhe" to choose trom. beaut I an d 1 ~aped, ~ taps. Weekly ntH Juq, Grove 1n4) 636-30.30 · 1 UR. dee blt0inl, nr ~ WE SELL A HOME schools. Pj,500. 494-2276. Auausl, Sepl 54S-31.5S LARGE Spanbh h o use. Pini' center, no children ot l;; ~· EVERY 3J.MINUTES 3lot ~ Dr; Lacuna BEAOI at-· N-... Ocw1 Vlow. ~to bosch Logun1 kech 4~0S pot• 6l6-Q2I ..... 4 • Walker & Lee !::.~: "Top" Ille Wmid ~.t,,~~"" !~Tt::= ;:e.~ = a~~!!'.0::..~;.T. ~. ;: 7682 Edin:er Sin Clement• 1710 '.Doors to beach. Spac. ti:~! All Deluxe Futures New..:..... Beach 5200 : :.~ 8'12-4455 or 540-Sl.40 apt., &letps 2 or 3, ..-Ligune Niguel 3707 Walkl~ Diatanc9 to Beach ,..... • Open Eves. HARBOR ESTATES Week. 613-MlO 8EAtrr. View E5CCL 3br 2 $225 -Yearly lease PEN'nlOUSE apt for lat • • • WALK TO BEACH Lov.ty s..,1,h, 2000 ""· tt. •· •AL> ba, bltntt cbbwr. ai>/drpl. 494-2449 Balboa~ Club. l!e•utllul " 4 Br, 2% Ba all etec. bit· HouMt Unfurnlahld fp. $3()0 838/5750 5'2-Ul! PANORAMIC View overlook· bay view," unfum, $1215. per ~l.l!!le GI IOIUI._ Only $21)1 ins, eJiec ~ rriU. W/w -In& Alllo 'Bch. 2 BR tun .... u mo. "2--34SL --~'r' mo . lne taxec. Gorgeous cpts, drps. lee encl. patio General 300Q •-n Clemon~ 3710 elec. Mature adul~. ' no ,· • 2 BR t .. _ .._ .... -~ rll$tiC &:old and white; car-w/fiah pcind A water Jal! ~ . ,. hild ls $185/ • • ap s, '"'" .,. u ... i ,, ,. den kitch!n, exquisite car-'-e harbor vie-· patio: FREE RENTAL ..., ___ .. c • no pe • mo. fl.Im. S165 to $200 yrbt, ~ '."-' ts I hard--.. .. SERVICE 2 BR.,. cptd, Pool. ~ Eves, 4!19-37S5 -Anita, J0nt1 Rlty. 673-mO ~:: r ~_....:. cnus om -~rapeaha'~---• $39,750. Own/Asf, 496-92« gar. View. Lie. $155 or ..n.l·.-.~-N...,c,T~A~L~.-----"'UFFS· ~ .. -·tlv• 2 Br. 2 _· ......... OOf'll a, ... s 1\1'! .......... Renl or list a borne tree. Adib!. No pebl. 6ff..060S "' ~ °""' ~~u Quick transfer. Condominium 1950 Sl50 month and up. TAR-. Apts. Unfurnllhlcl Ba. on bay ... 50"" deck. $«XI. LOW, LOW DOWN BELL ,.._1120 Ouplexn Unfum. 3975 Gonorel SOOO M~ ,497-1531 or 6f4.<!3'l JIURRY ON THIS ONE! 3 'BR,_3 BA, W1w cpts, drpg. 11.13 2 Br re~--' ·"" W/W 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;; -ro-WNH"'--o-USES--.-,-.-,-Br-.-,·· .. MUTUAL REAL TY bit-ins. Upper Back Bay. . ' ·~ 3 "'' ' ARTISI'IC 2 Br antu:rn, Ba, pool, 1g patlo, S2SO to •• • •• WW "·/ RIO, Children O.K. Btokt:r ,..__ M !lo 142-1411 anytime -=option. 642445 5.14-6980 ...... ta eu. encl. pa. • VENDOME s:DJ. Liadon.. 64&-0132 · $1700 ~ENT AU near sfafts. No pets. $lSO. BLUFFS 4 BR. 3 BA. J.M.·' ..,_: OOWN-sellerpaysalleo&ts. Houses Fvmlthed Cotta Mesa 3100 675-2:942 IMMACULATE APrS! $.175. mo. can o wne r ., ... 3 bdrm 2 bath, electric built· BR f(.C:I'( I AL$ ADULT le FAMILY 548--0170 after & pm. ' .. in ranc:e i: oven, double Rent1l1-to Share 2005 FOR RENT; Big 3 _Aph. furn11hed SECTIONS AVAILABLE _,, garage, carpets, drapes, WANTED• 2 y t.:iuse. 2 BR, family nn, 2 · Clo11 to shoppinn Ptrk -East -Bluff -524i ·~. ~ FA hest landscaped, Pa;y. • fl& .. men ovu P&tiot. xlnt. Mesa Verde General 4000 •' menl! ~s-than rent • Slfi5/ 21 to &tw. up. 1n f Bdrm. loc:. Avail. Aug ht. $225. * Spacious 3 Br'•, 2 Ba Gold medaDkm d~ ~ . 1 d" Me. $62.50 per mo. mo. Call 54~1673 aft. & pm. $110. Bach. apt., -patio, all * 2 Bedrooms ~ Ix Townboole, 2-3 .~ ~ mo inc u uig taxes. Businessmen and/or Tchr. Childrtn OK. util pd, * Swim Pool, Put/grttn th &-4 BR $300. 1:1p. • ,,,.. pt.et , l 'A rni. lo Bch., near $300. MO. ltue, avail l/l.5. 3 Broker, s:w..6980 * Frpl, lndiv/lncb-y fac'ls ' '152 AmizoB Wq ·~ ~: S. D. Fwy. After 6 p.m. B.J!..~Jll'----'R~· drusi 1125. 2 Br qmi~.a.JYLw: 1145 An1helm Ave. N.B. 675-.slm _..:...-.. 1168-6233----ian:tener. East Side, C.M. race; avail now. Bk r . COST~ • 642·282! . 1 •M ASSUME \\:'ANTED Lady to •hare my Nice neighborhood. ~82. 534-6980 Corona dlf Mar 5250 ~ ~ _ rl • home. !Nr Bmokhunt • $115 l BR !tag '°"" $125 l BDR tnll" ':'f.' • RENT • '• 6%-io FHA l~n on _ nearly Adams, HB> Prefer Sehl -co e, ~ ' .__ A ' •Rooms Furniture .\ ·~ new 3 BR. with family 11.rea teacher& 962-752D re(rig, dispouJ, tile, water 1wu. dults. Pool &: c. • -... '"" & dining rm. Tran!fer to~ pd. Senior citb.en pert. 228~ facil. 646-f066 $20 • $25 & UP ~·v1 ... es sacrifi~ it $27,500. Re-FOR Rent to •hare 3 Br E. 21.st SL. 642--5733. Month-To-'Month Rentala fl,, ,.' ·;, quires S4J.OO Cash. Drive by ~me !'Om~ or man, $100 AVAIL Aus l, 3 Br., 2 Ba., (ost1 Meu 4100 WIDE SELECTION ·~-~~ 18039 Briar St; (ori Talbert) ~~nclud' kit privl Crpts, cirpl, bltM, d!wllr, $30.00 Wk. up .Appliances Ir 'lV's 1vall. ON TEN ACR!X 'f""' & see .,ent at Rancho Mesa pool. E-!iide loc $300. mo. No Security Deposit 1 4r 2 BR. Furn I: Uldom , "' ornce. 968-4&51 or Eves., WORKING 21 yr eirl to tse. M&--0584 betwn 3 & 5. • Dt.Y, Wetk, month. HFRC Fumtture Rentals Frp1cs I priv. patlot/Poal&. • ~ 968-G260. share apt w/same, C.M. Ol' f BEDROOM home, 2 baths, •Studio & Bach. .Apls. 517 W. 19th, CM ~ Tennl1 • Contnt1 Bkflt. pate ; ~ • ~ NEED LISTINGS N .. B. 548-3730 aft 5 p.m. fireplace, crpt.s, d r PI' • Incl Utlls " Phone Rrv. ~ W. Lncln. Anbm 174-2800 tlna: &rem. ' ··~ CM • Maid Service. TV avaiL • , SOLO OUT. Let's work to-Newport Beach 2200 d.shwhr, 2 car gar, N. . e New Cafe Ir Bar $120. 1 Br, W/W, RIO, avail SIX> SM Lane, CdM ""' ~ gether. We list only what S250 mo. 548-S810, 54&-8959 2376 Ne:WpOrt Blvd. 5'3-9155 now. B k 534-6980 • (MacArthur nr. Cout lfw7) ' , we can service properly. DOVER Shores bay tr on t $150; LGE. 2 yr. old 1 Sr. OiATEAU La POINTE ro er, , , ~~u.Ju_.files will b:mle, li~BR. 4 ba, larp New shag tbruout llllts Lovely 2 Br, !Urn. apt. $140. 2 Br. patio, R/~, LQVELY,J.a.~~ctuv}ex. ~· assure yoo top doil&r. patio, 70' private dock. June only, no pets. 3.57 16th Pl. n-..i, ··-·. adults, no refrlg, W/W, pod!, family 3 dR, 2 ba., blt~ln ranae I. •'• BRASHE • Jul,y $2500 Be 54&-6962 ..-uu ................ I Bkr 534-6980 even. Ocean aide of Hwy;, • .: AR REAL TY , mo. e. i ,;:~c.,c,~~--~-I peta. we come. . $2iO • yearly leue. 347-85.11 Eves. 968-ll78 ~L, ~~M, ~lm21n;>; 3 BR 3 BA, w/w cpts, drps, $150 ?rfo. plua utilities Coste Mesa SlOO Salisbury Realty POOl DAYS/Heifed ,_18S-&33_______ :~""s.';;;°1 !,'":' ;;;· :! 1941 POMONA, C.M. 2 BR. 2 BA. $-1"1> lrplc: : ,;· 4 Bdr, on the water, llJ'ldy 642--0645 LGE bachelor, Rp. kil. Immac & cute, 2 )'rt old, • " lllage Real [state '•• • ~·• r •• 2112 Windward Lan• Only $4,000 .noves you into this O\arming newer 4 BR, l\:S BA, Ivan Wells home. Din rm, family rm. lm- m11culatc! Immediate po. session?? Hi&h 60's, Own/ agt. 548-811~ 3 Bdrm., on greil'lbelt near adult pool owner has re- duced price to under SJOM & can help financt'. 5 eoru.is. 2 SI'ORIES beach, newly cpld. firepl, ---------Mature empl'd pmion, no HARBOR $220 mo. 675-5720. ~ REAL CHARMERI Prestige Home • Beauty sleeps 3, avail wlcJ¥ to Sept. 3 BR Older home Sep &bop. pell!. ru.s. 2885 Mendoia Professionally decoralcd 2 $37,500 winter: S5lXl r mo, at New paint .... huee lot, dN 545-5421. GREENS untington 811Ch 5400 :: •• e Rod Hiii Realty 18008 Culver Dr., Irvine OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 8J3..0!20 Br. 2 ba., fartiily nn. home. Rex l . Hod911, Rlty. S2SO/wk-surnmer. ~7117 gar. $200 nlO. ~l'l23 BACHELOR'S apt fOf rent. • .1 5"% AMulmablc Loan 347.2525 ·-------_ 2 BR, 1 SA, 1Jaas porch: tum. incl utU. pool '"'''vel., NE\VS150up,l-2-J BR.Heat• '• •· View Lot S:>5,ooo BUY OF THE WEEKI Corona def Mir 2250 adults no pets. S 15 o, cloee • in Joe:. S85 /'mo. BACliELOR UNFURN. rd &: sauna pools. rec nn: '" • Lido Roalty Inc. 2 1 4 Bed 6<0-1456, cmt 37;-2842 5<~9065 & """'' from $110 H•U • A1i0,,.u!n. Mir., :;.r Eastbluff 1242 3400 Vi.a Lido 673-8830 1 ory • room, 3 bath SUMMER Rt:nllls. 2 BR. So. N OCC Ori 846-3137 TIRED OF ~c .. lf11ge . master BR. of Hwy. Rt:uona.ble. Alao 5bBr,~ BaH .. ~i . 11 ;; l:BR. A~';fr, redecor., S~· ALSO AVAILABLE 1-BR.: beach 4 blka. Fnced. ·:~- with new 4 bedroom 3 bath OUR SPECIAL Built-ins. Sp~ers. Ideal othen. Canon Realty c•:~~·=t ,;673-:=l=™="'·.,~:;·.,f";,.:;·== ~I after~':3000P:'~Moo · 1 • 2 A 3 BDRM. yard; child O.lt'. $100 Ko., ..... + room lor tennis L-ourl, Spacious 3 bdrm 2 bath home OLDER HOMES? ~.~.f'ie family. 0 n I y JOJ.\iE. Coast Hwy., CdM _ Heated Pools, Ollld CU. .ll::,lc,&::.,::lu=,,t :.;req:.!;., :.;96>-=,:1'61;:;;_~1 ; • 1 boats trai1e with all large rooms on a See this 6 yr. old family home N -·-L 3200 $91). CLEAN, turn., be.ch. Center, AdJ, to Shopplne -NEW Mod 1 BR, ts . "' poo' &: r. very large Jot. Th 11 w/4 bdrm.!!., conv. den & d~ HARBOUR REAL TY Lido Isle 2351 awport B~ Ulll. incl. No pets. 1 adult No pets allowed ern cp • ."'°'. Delta Real Estate 64&-44l4 Ea, t b I u 1 f home has ing room. Call for app't • 841-8595 e only. 548-0522 2700 Peterson Way, at Har-drps, aval1 Now! ... ~ 200 Steps To Beach everything! Cpts, drapes. Walker-Rlty. 67S.5200 l's"P"AN'°"JSH""'RancO:::=....,c:,,.,,,.;lec...,.4"Bdr"'IEXCELLENT L o cation, 8/1 bor6:Adama,'eo.taMeu. ~2.57'9 ,;:: Beautiful 3 bedroom ? bath f · l · 1a-•--ho ~--' Jbd --!'-t Now-Bo•ch 4200 54&-0370 LARGE 2 Br.: 1 OC' " -cnong, uxunant <Jl.l:o<;d.P. • SALE or lea.!e By Owner. me w/atrium le pond. All ._, .... tio-uu ""• r, ·i:~ t.J.,,.p · TOWNHOUSE --.:.~_";.,.;,,;,;;=---' l"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~j!i!!~!!!!!!l I Children OK. pet OK; --, ~ h home, deep shag carpet & ing, a beauWul electric 3 Bedroom, 2 s t 0 r y, bit-ins incl. TV. 2 bJocks to pa rar. .x-p une I I' ..,.; cxpo&ed beam ceUin&s kitchen • at a low price of built-ins, 2 balhs. Furnished beach & new 'c boo I a . ·lease. $295 I mo. &734176 ADULTS ONL y SINGLE Youna: Adults Lux· EASTBLUFF dtp&, n.nge. 962--7&37 .-. ~:iplat, ~a.~::if.:; $35,COO Vogel Co. 2667 E. or unfurnisned. Via Vella. $29,995. 5%% mortpee: can eves .l wknds. r:=s ':!t~ !arbac~ ~~en•~~ Bl"J1ld new 3 bdr, 3 ha apt. 2 &: 3 BDRM. 2 Ba, pvt patki ,~\ kitchen, do u b 1 e &arage. C.out Hwy, Corona dcl Mar. &75-5974 be assumed. Owner 536-162l AVAILABLE Sept. 3 Br, 2~ ports. Available August lsl complete privacy. SOUTII View of back bay lrof!l bdr ~~~. ~ bl!I~ :""· l.~132'!;.~500".';·,,.!'"'~·~3408~~--· I ~673-:==""'=~:'7::"'=~: H t' --+ B ch 1400 VACANT ~ ~~~ 213 Via Dijon. $265/Month. SAY CLUB APTS . Irvine at a~•a .I: Iv rm, hug& fire-l 'J" & ... 1250 un Inv.on ea Bay & B--L 16th Newport Beach. place, all bit-ins. Every-,. I 5700 .. ~ .... BRIGHT Corona del nwi r 20 JC 20 P1nelled Oen -~ (TI4) 64.S--0550 thin&:! $325 on a years leue .... asta •-.-( CHEERFUL .:.,o,;.;,;,;.:.c;.;;..;,c..c___ JULY SPARKLER Plus 3 BR 2 be, newly painted 811* l1laftd 2355 Rt1lty, Inc. I "==~~-=="-~-I No children or pets. See al i '••'' DUPLEX • close to ocean. 8U88LING Big 2 BR l~I ba, lush new HAFFDAL REAL TY 901 Dover Dr .. NB Suite 126 MODERN 2 BR duplu. 7'5 Domingo Dr .. NB then BelCh Apls. t...i•" r;hopplng, 2 BdlTils. rach. Fountain, lush pro.fusion of shag w/w. bltns, FA heat, 3740 Warner, F.V. S42-4405 $225. mo, turn. 4 Br. MS-21'.Xk> Eves.~ W/W, bltn ranrc & oven, call owner at 64$-1260 or ' :: .• ! Xlnt cond., patio, sundeck, trees, flowers, private entry new paint. Big fncd yard. PACIFIC SANDS redecorated. 119 Marine Enclosed paUo. Nr. beach & 54S-M8'1. N e D I •'t•I oversize gar. $40.000 Furn. ::c::e~ ':~~ti~~ 84~ t~::~r May l~~ 3 Bdrm, l~ bath, dbl p.r, Ave., Balboa Jsland. 5 BDRM unt. house in UJiper pier. Fum or unturn. Year·l;l'°"B"R-dlx"'""-cp....,.b-d~.,,.-~.7ll-ns 8W I UXI • 1;:!;" R. C. GREER. Realt~ newly decorated 2 bedroom w/w crpts, trplc. blt·ins. Summ1r R1ntal1 2910 Bay avail ,now. AJ90 3 bdnn ly. 531).2500 4-6 pm. gara&e. ,$165. 'Adult~. JOOS 1(771144)1 5~!! ', ,?~,:,· 3355 Via Lido 673-& den with breakfast area, FOR SALE 4 bdr. 3 ba, Splil· $1B,900. Owntr 8322 Munster _ tum. hse CdM $350 week MODERN 2 BR. + convert. c 0 0 11 d e e 5464021 or _, , e THE BLUFFS e d' . t' 1 level. 3 yrs old. Walk to Dr. 646-2309 BEN BR-N aummer $400 mo on Winter den. W/W, bltna range&: OV· 549--0433 711 Ocean Aveoue 1 ,., ining room, pa 10 en""" beach. Hardwood fin. 10% '"'" Jeue. Ocean View. V~ en Prlvale sundeck. Nr I;;;;;-.;====-=-,-..,.-(J blks W. of H. B. Pier) •' By owner, 1 level, J Br. 2 tainment center. Perimeter down. 5%.% second, $36,95() VILLA PACIFIC TWNHSE APT.·MOTEL Co. 2667 E. Coast Hwy CdM. tiei".~h 6 pk!r. Jo"'um or un: RE-D~RA~ED 2 b d r , •""' • ~~c!cu~~~lse~!;s2 Ii:: heating oilers year • round by owner. 962-7673 2~ car gar, c/d. 64, 1 & 2 Br. apts. Comti. 67$-2020 fum. Yearly. 530-2500 4-6 pm upstairs bit-ins, cr~ts, drpa. l1quft1 BNch 5705 '',7. tios, handy to pool. 2 &ides H:~o~i~';hj~~ S~~-COMFORTABLE 2 BEDRM m. 6"-FHA. furn . Priv. patios, htd. pool, 3 BR, 2 bath Back Bay FURN Duplex. I " J Br, % ~~ :~S: W. Wilson St., ~..-~ "·! Call t CARPETE A 'IV, m;taurant. 9 hole eoU _. blk from NEW Lo~r Duplmc. 3 BR, ~•-f on green .,.,, t. 0 sec. 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 67:>-4392 O, Drapes, s-course. Walk to beach. No home. Crpts, drps, ga.utll' ocean. Summer BEST V11.lut 2 Br ts BA, dlninr nn, pa.tio, prri. ,..,,. 644-2Z79. $.11,500. oJ. 1ume 514 % k>an. Drive by traffic noise. Weekly &: incl. $730. Avail Aug 8. Rental. $125. per wk. PRos-drJ)fl d" h ·'hr j ~ 1• Carpeted .i dra. ._;~; 3 BDRM Waterfront, No. 62. ne~~=rc!e~_mr::;::~or 218 Knoxville, then call 1405 monthly rates. 3UCIS Cea.at c64:.:7--0658:.,:;::;,,=~---=-~ "ped-,;;4-391;;.;;;,7..;0;:.'.;"';;"""""':;;..-I adull ~;:, ~ ';:~. q~'. $250/mo. 49C-1.M9. Eve•.,...., Balboa Coves. $ 6 0 • 0 0 0 · family 9.'ith children, this J cs:J6.=~-=-Sl9~,500-·~~~~ 1---------Hwy., So. Laa:wia. our er>-SPECTACULAR view; 3 Br. LARGE 1 BEDROOM 2'l95 Pacific Ave. 548-6878 call 494-3458 •~r :. Would trade for acreage or BR le df!n borne i.s a "must VACANT. Sharp 3 Br 2 ba WATERFRONT 3 Br. 2 Ba, trance· by AlllO Be1cb. 1% ba. Frpl. New cpts. Im-$1.ftl rponlh, yearly 1'"========0.:..=========I!:; apts. 548--77Tl see"' at $42,500. Built on 5~ % ntA 106.n, Sl21 mo. boat dock. m.9XI. Sale or DAY by day, week or month. maculate. 124 Kings Pl. SDI "'::~*;:*~&m<oB~sj'fI*~*:r:~JiC~o;•;••;;;M;-=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;100;;;;C;;°';';•;;:M;to;'°;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;S;;T;iOO~•" · NO matter whal II is, you lar,:e lot· yau own the land. Open 10 offt'J'$. l 9 3 0 2 lse. Call 544-4090 Oceans.Ide of hl&'hway, ateps er fl.fo./yr. lease. 494-8744 ~ECORATOR'S PAD, 1 Br. ~: can 5t-Q It w:tth a DAILY LEIGHTON LINDEN RLTY I!rthmus S36-4.558, owner. from beach. Linens. 1 BR, 2 4 BR, 2 ba. 1,i blk: to beach. Sltteo, Cokir TV, nr bt3. ta•• PILOT WANT AD!! 642-5678 00-nu or 673-ffi72 White elephants! mme-a.·line Fountain Valley 1410 BR. sips 6. N a we I I Yearly leue. Lie. 208 43rd SI., N.B. ~!: 1========1"'200=.;N"e"'w"'po=rt=B=e=ach=="'1"'200=N,;.-=.,rt=B;;u=c::h==1200== BY °""'11er: 4 BR. 1q: family =.ite·~~:~ ~ +S7f>...197'1+ Nt.WER 2 BR. yrly leaae; CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING ~; Newport Beach ..... _ room ,. .. ,,_._ • dra --ht 3210 $2()0, Call 675-7CMS. Avail. r-~· ' -.--"' pea Ewa. 494-44.19 Newport Heig I from 3123. 30 Yards to beach .. 1 thruoul 3 car prqe. Many , • .., $@\\.~lA-JG£~S9 Solve a Simple 'Scnimbled Worrl Pu.z:Ie fM a Chuckle • 1 r r I I I' I' I ITU DAL I The younger genera!lan I I I'. I' win _, find out thot tho • • • . . Mott F""" U.N.C.U. 11 tho loll -. ICULHOS I . "l•JD ll.llobbl ... "_ ;..;,.;' ;.;.;,;1·;_;;..1 ~r-1.,_,. ~ a-~ z~ S. .... PRINT NUMBEl£D r 9' lfTT£1S _ I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r I I· I I I I I I I I extras. Must be seen to be !f~C ~lew. Fw-n ~~.: 2 BR, 1 bath, frplc, din nn, 2 OCEAN Front Apt, alps 6. ~ ._, • appreciated! Assume 6% • B • 1 Pll ~T. ••""'J car lanat· Yr's least, $2X> $100-$125 wkly. 2204 W. """'•'" ~v .. •..,· $35=,ooo=. 96i<l683====11.!,':,4: ·= ~ M~~ mo No .... ........ or ·Oce='"-;·:::Fro=-•';,,· :':'646-4310;':,='i-=ll HARBOR HEIGJITS . our -.~~ -Lag Bch $31-1346 · l·BR. tum. duplex. 1 Blk. .,JJ, L•gun1 Hiiis 17001 --=-·--·------ocean" bay. $1.SO )'rly. utll. LU U lo l BEDROOM APTS "'••'' ~ . DANA Marina Inn, Dana lrvlM T1rr1ce 3245 Pd. 3711 W. Balboa Blvd. X RIOUS 2 • ,,...c• LAKE FOREST Lakefront 2 Point, I ~~' b!k to ocean & ::,.:.:;;::..;c;:,:..:;,;;;;.,._,o_;;.;; ·•1" Br home; by owner. Beaut pier. Rooms from $50 wk. 4 BDR, 3 i,., ftreplace, din. • WINTER RENTALS • .=::; view. 837-3646 eves aft & Pool, kltch. privl'p. 34lll rm, Jg. dollhouse in pla.y yd, WINIFRED L. FOSS, Aal : ~::.~r : ~~:'&: c:::. .r.~ ======'==:="J Coast Hwy PH. 496-1300 lmmed. occupancy. SS!!O e 642-3850 . e Mammoth master Pl bullt..tna ,t ·! Laguna Baich 1705 BAYFRONT, Balboa Pen. ye11.rty le~. 847~32 Corona chi Mlir 4250 • :e:..r:ms •~power llvtnr ,.~ LAGUNA BEACH 2-3 Br. boat allp. avail to c d I u. 3250 e Central 1-.....1 • Encli:>tfld parkJna ~"''" OCEAN VIEW l/19. S 15 0 . • S I 7 5 • wk. oroni e m.r 2 BR ba apt, xlnt view o! alt bta~\;O;U e Clrp8tl 6: drapee CtJSroM HOM!:, lower Tr.m· ~'15lf 3 BR.· 2 BATHS jett)t A beach, CdM. Mr. ple lll1ls, 3 BR, 2 BA. dir>-CLEAN Balboa. Beach Unlt.. Fpl., cptl.. drpa. Avail. ~. 675-4897 ette, l,ge livirw rm, trplc, Slttp11 2 lo 10: tor •wnmer NOW. No pets Of child un-lalM8, 4300 elec ldl-bltins incl ,.... reservations ctll 673-9945 del' 13. S28S month. =="-----.;.;;.~II Elec thenno control each 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balbol. r(orbln.M.rlin -YEARLY $UO mo-1 Br. lrpl~ yard. s .... to ...... Abo>.6'1W!Sl,m.6m rm. beamed ceWrwa lhru-CdM mlllfl -$350/wk for 3 REALTORS out, w lo w crpts, m,>a. bdr 1\9 ba, finest vin o1 3(06 E. Ot. H")'., CdM tnlnk room I: playroom, Cor bay le ocean. Ava.II. Jllb', • 575-JC • lot 1!6', dble pr, l'W' yaMa, A ... • S.pt. '1S«l2I I BDRM! Bath Nm, rod«. Lido lslo 4351 ~Ucw. shrubl. $42.700 -._ .., ,._..., bl r ·~·'ts --------·II $10 OCO cub Bal 00 ~ WATERFRNT, p'llr, s "t ..,..,.., crpt, I-ne . .-\U -· traCt of Alf.:" to hold 25 yr; steps lo oc:c.n. 2 or S BJ\, ~-nollonpo. ts. ~ Lie. 42l l~t: a:. =-ts. °U:'Mo~ $25,(0) loan: int ni.te 6~" SlZ per wt A l&P· «no c~===----~ .P)mnt.t monthly uru!J paid RJverAve,Nll.1'7W221 2 8edroomt 1 ba th Yf'arl)'.613-0S31EVH. In ltlll. W!it. °"""'· P, O. UDO fSl.E ' Br, 3 Ba. k°vsll tt d toanled. Appllonce~ .. II ... lolontl 4ilf5 Box Bit, phone f9M1:16 JA,. Au.a. 3 lhnl t...bor Day. $)X1 month. Alk for Olde auna Bee.eh. Jdeal locallon f7$..2980 &l&-8303 BEAUTtn!L Upper duplex l,,IGUNA CA«)'.pN L DJI Ulalboa --. sips I l _Bll Houoe • .-U•OLCOl!d.. ••• YtlY c1 ... to So."""·' HARBOR HBGHTS 3117·A Clmomon Av.., Cott• Moll • u block west ot Bubor Blvd. • blocfls south ot lh< Son Dlco ,.,._) house $14,500. Fenced )'d. avail Aur. $115 per wk. Mll'Tled eoupleit A no Br. 2·aa. MOO. per mo. )'l'ly SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CWSIFICA TION 1200 . 1.oned Jnduatrlll. •••·811• 131-5824 ch~U~d ... ~n.:.!1200~m!.!;•·.!*.!'~~~L!Rol~~bu!!!!ry!2!;Rl~ty~-:'!::!!~-111---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... _l!!!l __ lfll!ll~( ~ •. -......... , " J I • • .. I • . • ·--ANNOUNCiMSNTS _, NOTICIS ANNOUNcfMINTS and NOTICIS * * * * * JOIS & IMPlOYMIN1' JOBS & IMPLOYMIN1 r.:,: Help Wanted, Man 7200Halp Wanltd, Man 7100 _ , llwl,_ Rent1I 6060 Bus. Oppartvftftl., .. F°""" (-.... 6400 .......... 6«111 ;t'"•l•I> Wanltd 5990 Sl'ORES !or leeH VlllaJll AlllL "I .... , ~"4 "" '-·" e COU,LI~ e ;-_--,-TTENTION-----1 Sbot>t>"-Centtr. cor ot El HELP I l :round wanderlJ>c " cryq • SINGL!S • ·* J ._C.. PENNEY COMPIJfY Fullion Ialand -Newport Beach * ... " • NEEDED BY AUGIJSI' C&mlno 4 Me-C.M. • vie. llollf _5L, l.quna Bch. n..d ol -lllatl A HI Coot SuJt.ble Food to Go. TV, National co. needl a dla:tri-A YoUllC .:;wpo!nt 5iamHe c:omP11ler clubl: JOlN Tf_f.E EuWTI Q)Ueae profeuor & variety, hobby ahOp, etc. but.or ror cthly and snackl 'ft&rln&' 4ta ooll&r. Very FUN! THE JN CROWD - ·andlla19 atudents. IOrM See Liquor store tor key. 1n )'Otlr IJ'lta. Person Ml«&.-thin.. Owner Pll ea'U «M-3653,_ OlV, OF' LM.P. M!et otbe:n Has full llme openlhgs Jor AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEMEN . I ' " • wtth tamU'et and/or Jmall n•o ed 1 be •L to de '* ptt. Oesln houainc near Al Wagnn-2131981~ ml.ti awe ' "° GUU.'S bead·1et tor with YOUR tntern:t, at our :o.c.L IM'MI wW be b:.ated * BEAUTIFUL ~·d office 2 to lO hour. per week (daya orthodontic oae. f o u n d weeltly, ~ or 1elect -• ~~ the area .-.. 2 .,.... l aJMOnd Beat d al in or evet) to make very blah ()ptomiat ti.reworks 1tand them lndividually & fGALS ~~~~-~ . .,. -. .. -<1·-aute, 2060• e ~1. You may keep 17th s Jul.v____J. Js.t&.43.U. ~-.Call l.U 14 -I N'"'!. I to ! Bedroom un. ~ &<> ,,.,..-...,--po&ltlonc No ~~ _ P.nt """""'·-, ___ -~ ,, __ ,fw ,iiltJlld aptl. dUple:x:ee OI' ---... $1HA __ ._ -~ -~ ...,... S120 Offl•· Rent1I 6070 ~· . ~ -~· ·~·· SILVER at 8cdll NEED ride to McDonnell· bouaH. Price ranee to =;;-;;...;=..,..----I (a.cured). J'or immediate . m e QltOD Doua;lae. H.B ttom 21at a:-Whlddy1 Want? _Wh1dctv• G:ot? ~ :;_ ~~lil~t _: LAGUNA BEACH ~=ie~~~ a::•P= ~~~~~ W~ ~ Santa Ana Sl, CM. Work-SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR paid. Pt.ue cont& ct• Air Conditioned numoer 10, uk !or Mila> • Ing hrs. I a.m. to 4,42 p.m. NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS -,. • • ~·- Recent experience in lubrication, brake ed- justment and w b e e I balancing requlred. Competitive salary ""8ngemen\ top fil&bt_ • worJdn& conditions with newest-and finest equipment. Generous benefits Including b ... pltalizatlon, employee dlBcount and profit sharing. lt'J..8140 HunttnglDn Beach ON FOREST AVENUE Dlatrlbutor Division SMALL B1JC w/wbt collar 60--2884 a.ftu 6 p.m. ' , Specltt Rate a1ter I PM to leave in-Desk fP8CH ·~ in P.O. Bax 58 ab(lut 4 mos old. V1c pa Attr•ctlve Expert 5 Un1:1 -S times -5 buck.a lormatiOQ or write: R. newnt Qffloe buildi1'r al Pomorui CaHt' 917'19 station at· --~· " ·~· YOUNG WO""•"' ·. RULU -Al) MUIT IMCLU!:ll! c rime loc tion 'tn down1own ~ • • ........... ....w """" 1-W""' ,. n.ve .. trNt,. 1-WMt )W IJHllt Iii hffl.. Eulebe Granger, a 1 e ~na :each. Air coridi-8 A~TTERY REBUll.DJNG $1., C,M. 6*-4987 dancer will teach you all )-YOU1t ..,. •1111111r ..,,.,_, ._, ..,._ « ~- 'Western Rnerw u n Iv.' tioned. carpeted. beautitUI PLANT. RebuUdJna auto. F'EMALE Calico Cat. mostly latest atep1. Call Ardell s-NOTHINO FOil IALI! -ntAOSI ONLY! ~. Ohk>. 4tl06 C% entrances· Frontage on truck ' marine batteries. bl,k mk&s. w/wht legs. 213: 591.4538 1-10 PM PHONE 642°5671 ~~~:opmcnt Biology Forest A~ rear leads to Swamped w/orders. Owner Wearin&; Shell flea coll. JUDEWantedOCCtoCorona To Place Your Tr1der'a. P1r,dlM Ad * Apply in person 10 AM to 9· PM, Monday lilru Saturday PENNEY'S l'A5HION ISLAND Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE DIRECTORY * , Muncip&l ~ lots.. $50 wW oampletely train buyer. Area ot Tustin Ave. Boys de.I Mar, eves. WW N· Retftd-don't need tax shel· I-I Lo 3 home U hol 3' .... "!..R ~!e v;oa~~~: ~nt l'tt month far space. Desk No £lmmlclui. $15,000 full Club. 645-M75 • can 6'l5-fZ!5 aft '1 pm. ter. Want hM! free & ctr for ~ co=.! rid::.; arena: :::p::::':'.l':luy ______ 6_990_ ·--------~· c and chairs available for $5. price. P,OCll doWl'I. OCBS. MEDAL On Chain. '114 BACH 5'7" aeek::l 1inceft. o-irl .. 19M ,, ~u -. ,., ~ ta k t !" PAINTER desitta ~ apt now or . houn ~~----547-615&. -~ .....,....4 .... ., ..... c room, e c. "Ho acre. C'lYKOSKI'S CU.Sl Uphol Sept) on Balboe. lsland =:s available ... fu;~no. VOGEL VALUE ~Cove. Owner identify. to 35 for tun .. com. pl.exes. S960 mo, pool, prime ' $37,00J eq. Trade for land, ~ Craftsmanshi • SIGN AND PAINT Help Wanted, Man 7200 .. Re.!f,l"l!nce&, y,ia:)ays ~. ~"'" pan.lonahip, m-0386 loc. no vac. 540-6001 comm. Stibmil 642-M87 Bkr 100~ &! 6C2-l4S4 P SHOP HELPER .-16ll.X19831otrGalnes AU utilitlea ~ exccptsmaJJ Mom&: Pop Cafe on CHILD'S Preacrtption ALCOHOIJCS Anonymous ~E-'2 ,, .... ~ pormomh -t·'•P~.. "---t u~ Low -nt ''"" Film1-w/sound draftln,. Rented house, 50xl40 R-3 1831 Ne..-... Bl., C.M. ~ .,.._... • . wANTEOTole.ue3or4Bt "" ''DAil.v PILOT =· 1~a"f locati;n.-~L ilaa&es vie. Boys <:;lub Phaoe 542-7217 or write.to Span~h t~ pro~"'; lol.Nr.GantenGroveClvic =="'==-=:;~:=·:===::= • . boutie. $350. to,$450. per mo. 222 FOREST AVENUE bus. Vogel c.o. :ai61 E. Coast Pa:tk, C.M. 646-6968 P.O. Box 1223 ())sta Mesa. lions. \YANT: CamJ)('r . Center, $20,'SOO. Trade $9,500 Weldlt19 6995 CITY OF '.CdM, F.merald 8Ay, N.B. LAGUNA BEACH Hwy CdMar. BTS-2020 FOUND T-6;: Grey-female Sensftlvffy·Grou·p truck tlt"""lnake proposal, eqty--#0H1nita~f--Ownttj--...-"·-==~=ct-NEWPORT BEACH Contact Mr. Pallette cnt) c.r -.-494-9466 WA~ED: oll-aale liquor Poodle, vie. Fairview & 646-513() or 645-2513 , Byron. 842-1898 Broker 547-6469. . WELD~G, Portable equip. S&ll21 or 1415) 332-5682 ESK SPACE A~ ~5510 loo:> ac., $250,IXXl, 80 ml nient •. Speciali_zinr . In ex· Employment benerita includ-e Jicense, Orange County. C d f Th k 5 acres 7-yt'-Old producing t 5 t ,_ H ·'th -·• ~ •·• ~ANT To rent or lease. 3 or 1 desk Po., 2 desks $5(1., 3 Call: 642-8139 DAR!( Rimmed glasses, on 1r o •n s 6416 orange grove. c.entral Calir. from dntwn LA, 5 min. cava mg equip. eve e9 1.n:e e... .,"' ......,n.., ' Br. in College Park desks w_/private off lu'·'. IMPORTING·. Ho-v-"" Crocallltl ~n"~ Jlfly 4th. THE Fam•"ly ~· Paul •-··· by owner. F..quity $2S.OOO 1rom fwy on paved rd. "btwn Melnyk 5J6...6782 Sun and Aft Jnswance for employee~ -~·,., .. Pool pref. $200-$250. 125 Will U d k ... nu • ._ u .. ,....,.~···---· ~ •i.Q,J value .. ".OOll. WMt 34 bdr Beaumont".t-Oak Glen, Trd 4:..30 week days. ~ ;---t-dependenta,, Matemlty ..... ,,. '-• · ~ es • 0 ice clolhlni. Can be oper. trom mond Ross, wishes lo thank ojOoW for Inc. prop! 547-6469 Bkr. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ir:fit payment. and tree Life ;· · nt Refer's. St9-2491 Aft. 6 table, stationerr cabinet home, part/full time. Cult. an those who honored our home. Waldron 646-7070. . _ lt'llurance to a maximum 'PM ~~·21~ rent office for $75. li11t Incl. WUI train. 546-2374 Lost 6401 son and brother by at-Trade? C-2 prope1·ty, good NORTH Tustin Lot, $18,500. Job Wanttcf Lady 7020 $25,000 oov~. Requlrea QUIET Couple need small . Mexican/Spanish Jmporta P"RIENDL"l. Male Germ tending his final rites on for anything. LitUe restau-Free & clear, .most excl. 1 training in Mechanical : &me 'w/ fenced yd. for NEW Delu.xc oUice spaces $3000 1 11 r1 $1000 do Shep, 2 yrs 9 mo. Blk & tan. June 26th, 1969 because a.d-nnt at present time, for area, fabuloU& view. Tr. for House Sitting for vacations Drawing and 'two yee,n: ex; , • d9'C. yearly, under $150 CdM 33J to laxJ sq ft at "Santa · u p ~. fix wn, Can be ident. by '68 tr; '67 dresses of ' some are what bave you? Call i1 m.. . Jnc. ~roperty w/spendable. Capable mature woman will perience in Sign Paintirc. • •~::--• -•~. 833-5844 bel 4:30. Ana}~""' & Ctovin Valley includes atock &: lures. kno w ho ter.onJy.•·•~,,.,..,.,,. Bkr. 546-6469. c·-for hom·. p•ts. Apply Imm~,.· •·ly to the .,,._ •~ t"-U ..• &11,-l400. 4~ ,198 633-1293 or 633-1974 tags on choker. vie. Bch ' un wn. e pc this .....,._,., ........., ..., ..... .. .. .,.. ...,. RESPONSIBLE family needs ...... .., ..,.,... lndnpl1, HB. 536-2143 alter 8 mc&sagc will reach all, &nd Exch~e 'll500 equity 3 Non-drinkf':r, non-smoker. Personnel OUJce before S , lie 4 Br, 3 Ba borne in C.M. EXECUTIVE Office space BEAUTICIANS pm Reward again \ve wish to express Palm Springs land on Rae-bdr, l~ ba, OB clng, frpl, Have own car. Character P .ltl., Friday July 18, 19fll. '.or N.B. $250. to $28(). per l,100 sq. ff. Crpts, drps. Call Be yoUr own bou. Rented MISSlNG 2 Girl's Schwinn our appreciation for your quet Cub Road. $30,000. lmly rm, Lower Hastings, refs. $30 up per y,•k, Box (714) 673-6631 . mo. 96l-819l owner aft 6 pm. 675-46'4 space. Reaaonable, 841-9164 2C messages, flo~ien and Ownet-will exchange for Pasadena, for same lfnt. P-559 Daily Pilot. Sales Tr•inee Offi UNIQUE •'·tri~·"·-00 ,_. " bicycles. 1 Blue, 1 Gold. lri•~·"p to -·-oon o~.. beach area property. Vic Bch or Cs! Msa or income. COMPANION 0 p t e t:ANDLORDS e 300 Sq fot tee wa """""'16 ' "' Chrome fenders, band uwuu """' · • .....,, 94-la31 ZIJ.35l-3779. . r r a c . Expanding National co. lo . . FREE RENTAL _SERVICE <DSrA ME5A. • 646-2130 3 yrs. Lo dn, will tine. P.O. brakes. Reward for their Eleta &: Pam Ro15• Stuart R.E. 4 · ~---~~=~-1 .nu.ne avail .• long or short Calif area. $125 week +, ,, Broker 534-63112 "".'.~~~~=~~;;;'hBox;_;;~1;,;"";;,:CM.~=";;;;::&<121!~~=: return. M0-142'l SERVIC& DIRECTORY Prof bldg, 1870 Placentia, 40 acre1 near Lake Ellilnore term. Live in or out. Good car + expenses. Call LarrY ..... l'·nd I I I R I I .LIWlft -CM. Many uses. $64.500 val, $20,000 equity. \Yill trade ref'!!. Cail H 0 m cm a k er 546-.5410. BR. Un.lam h&e In CdM hi u.1 .r I en 1 wFV Money to Loin 6320 POODLE -Small white B•bysittlng 6550 Equity S24,500. All types for home, incomt', boat etc. 546-6681 Jason Bast : schl ~: occupancy Sept. 28 mini, name Frosty. Palm prop COJl!, Owner / agent Subn1it. Vic Stuart R.E. l ~==-c~~~-~~ , To $215 mo. 64-2--0906 UNDER construction ,000 la1 1:. 2nd )oans for qulclt Springs He. Vic. Baker &: MOTHER Will babysit. My 494-9.fn .JM-75.1! Ol<"T -Duty teacher wants lo Employment Agency lii::::oTi'°';:;:;;:;:-;;;;;;rtt ;;1;;;; I gq. ft. M-L bldg ~/oUcs. cub. Borrow Oii your pm. Harbor, C.l\f. Good Reward! home. Fenced ya rd . • baby sit in )'OlJl" home. Dai-2120.So. Main. S.A. m1ea 3 BR hOu5e or ap ~ 1251).SOO) sq. fl uruta. ~ perty eq without disb.trbin&: 546-2840 Or 871--0293 Lunches. Near Harbor Shop 'i * * * * * Jy "'kly or wk-end. Ref. MAJNJBtAM(E Jiii. ~~15~1 · sq_fLC.OmpleteaboutJuly your\owtnterestbtTDs. SCOTTISH Fax Terrie r , ·~nter. 9 mos to 3 yn m l-VJ.5-4292. -~iiiiiffiii~:i;O<iy::<;;;;i;;~!.J.:~JS.~~Eves~....:"""".::.:.::.:'·....:-=1 Ahlo buyers for 2nd TDs. blk/wht spotted male,. 2 preferred. $4 daf--SOc: hily. SERVICE DI CTORY . SERVICE DIRECTORY HOUSEWORK SJNESi-.1.&dy.-dei.iras. Sattler Mot'!gage C.O. Inc. yn;. "Sam". Vic Hnting Full Ume or occruiiona1. Ex· $1:5o I-Ir. NEWPORTER ntl( - ' t.ru:n Unfurn apt to ;100. INDUST Bldg in r,1-1, 744 W. Servin&'. Harbor Area 2(fyn. Crest tract, HD: ReWard!' perieneed. 548-1995 H I' • 730 j.i8-2pt • ]'th St CM :t.!Jo en ft """ E. l!U. SL · Cement, Concrete 6600 au 1ng • ., ' ..., • ' ,),JU 968-19'19 COLLEGE Student: Babysit-I ·---------IM01'HER'S Helper. S days .&. $325 mo. 645-113.1. Eve1 tw~21n 545--0611 fo R t 642-1419 ARCH Bcb Hgts, l.agun.&. ting $1.00 hr. Ncai· \V11son & ---------y,·eek, exper., pl~ call ,Rooms r en T , 6l4S Bch. Sheitie ·Cocker mixed Harbor in C.M. \Yeek e CONCRETE \\'Ork all GENERAL HAULING a!ter4:30p.m.531-5643 S995 'iiOoM w/priv entrance & NE\V industrial bldg, 2500 sq. Mort91gn, .D. I pup. Bm & wht, looks like nights, or entire wef'kends. types. Pool decks & custom. & CLEANUP I~==='"===== ha. To mt d d I e -ag ed ~'I~6~~:7 1639 Monrovia, *6 TD's for sale or trade Collie. If foond call 49WJJJ Ask !or Becky 548.-1871 Call 548-1324 $12 per load. 96Ui846 Domestic Help 7035 ~mployed penon S45 mo. No =====::::;;::::==! $28,700. bet.ore S. DEPENDABLE Child care. PATIOS, WALKS, ORfVE. YARD/?". ~lnup. Remove George Allen Byland Aiency ~Caoldng. 543-3938 Lots 6100 _ •CnJ) lSI-8719• LOST: ToY wbi~ female Vic. downtown 1-lunl. Bch., WAYS. Free estimate. trees, ivy,, dirt. tractor back Employer Pays F~ ROOM For rent in nice quiet -Poodle. Blue collar. Needs 125 6th al. S3 11. day or 35c: a J. RAY CONST. 642-4210 hoe, gradu1g. 962-87'15 llJC..B E. 16th. SA 547-0395 -home. '1.'0liring person· LG. Pine-covered lot In Money Wanted 6350 medical Att'n. Vic. Bay & ~hoU=',..·===-.=-e=o 1e CONCRETE flrs, patios B & G Hauling Service Chinese Jive.ins. Clw.erful 'Phone 642-4794: Wrlghtwood, 4 mi. to winier -N'pt. Blvd., C.M. Reward. BABYSl1TING, !\ly CDlita etc, Concrete & blk top saw-Reasonable. 549-1359 Permanent. Experienced sports area. S6(m call WTD $+15,000 ~or 1 year. Topb 637-551B or 673-1434 Mesa home: 6 nios. old &. ing. Reas. Don, 642-8514 Clean Up and Hauli"ng Far Eut A-ncy 64UI03 In ... Pro-rty 6000 owne• 71' -•7393 int points. sec. Y R llabl 110 \Vk •· CO _. • .._...... IXXl I 673-94U BEIGE Uncut female toy over. e e. · e CUSTOM PATIOSe $10 per load. 646-2528 R.J VIEW lots in booming noo, equ ly. poodle, no collar. Vic Baker 642-3598 concrete say,ing &: removal Sl.HPfR I..aiuna Ni:uel. Fft simple, ANNOUNCEMENTS '= Paularino, reward. MATURE y,·oman \\·ill care State Lic.•842-lOlC. xlnt terms. Box M867 Daily ind NOTICES 546-2563 !or vour children in YOUR it ACRES navel, high JJl'O' Pilot. . Found (frM Ada} 6400 YELLOW LabradorRetreiver liOME day or night. XLNT Child Cir• 6610 CARPETS, \YlndoVt·s. firs. Help Wanted, Men 7200 6735 Housecleaning dUcing orange grove v.•/tre· HUGE fee stmple lot on '-'-""'---'----~-male. l~ yr old. No ID. Vic refs. $1.25/hr. 548-4389 etc. Res or C.Omc'I. Xlnt mendoua growlh potential Antiqua, DOVER SHORES. FOUND Mixed Shepherd Santa Ana Ave/Roches~, CHILD Care. my lovely WILL Do babysitting. my . Y..'Ork Reas! Refs. 548-tIU POLICE OFFICER $718 • $872 Per month FOR ' Good benefits. Perm• . , nent. For interview cell: · 644-1700 ... 575 , .. --s'"'E"cu=R1'"T~Y~G"'U~A~R"'D~1-~ S2 hr to start. Permanenf . : work, 1 location. Must bi? neat, sober lz have unUorm. Apply at 'Cuard Shack nt O<:ean Ave, Hntg Bch. bhvn the hrs Bam-4 pm, ,, BOAT CARPENTERS .Exp'd. in high qua.Ill)' work. Good pay, steady work and all benefit~ HIX S 0 N f\IARJNE. fSee Charl es .. Phillipi;) 829 Production Pl. N.B. Adj. lo Hwy. 60 off.ramp, Owner. 547~ male, Iona; hair, CJran&e col· CM. Reward 642-3601 bome. Bia: fencd. yd, nr 23cl home by the week, no wk • .the main terminus lo new 1 v,·, "~I Pia-, & °" •• , St Co••·· -nd·. L-f--• 1, yd . cl'.;:•;;;nc;inc:cg,_ ____ 6::;7c:;55 & I;'art time Clerk lake &: recreation project ar. '-""'' ~" ""' RE\VARD \Vh ilc min. flOG-~n.... ,,na · «> " ~ .. ~ ''1"--=i ~ APPLY l~ PRE • PAID INTEREST :C;it;ru;;•;;G;;ro;,;v;H;;;;;;;;;;;617;;5~\FN'Ciewport~iDBBIJ;C•dk.~646-;;y;;=tlO!l8}!~ die, on N. Coast Jiwy, hlesa. 641h'l.137 642-9000 Monte Vista School IRONING S2 doze n. Bring . The Tobicconiit Inc. . STORE MGR • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH V. o \V N; $147,500 }'ULL FOUND Black . sbort J1Jired Laguna rescued by car JuJy h10THER ,11111 babysit, my _D=1''=·======= 01vn hangef"ll. Costa Mesa Cun'Cnt operungs requires }>'ashion Island ~ ER male PllPPY. hu Wbt on .(, ·494-2025 home, nr. Harbor Shopplni ~ area. 5-18-4390 1 high school Graduate, mini· Ne™rt. rRICE. RIV SIDE Electrlcel 6640 =====",====-mum 5"9" and 150 Ib• .. 21 -..-=--.,.··-'-7~~=~ .,. •• MAY TRADE chest & lip or ta.ii. Call SIBERIAN Husky. Black, Center. Child 1 thru 2 yrs. ---------6790 lo 30 Years old Z0/30 uncor-Ou•llty Control $600 •; --COUNT( 543-7920 bcfr Fri. while male 10 nios. o1d. Jteaaon. rates. 642-0666 ELECTRICIAN, no job too IJ;..a:;n;ci;.;t•:.:•.cia:;I ___ _:.:..;.: I reeled vision. \Vritlen test Exp. as production line aupv :(QMUl:ll( CORNER 10 acres af 5 yr old navels LONG Haired, female, black '194-1609 LICENSED Babysitting, small. FQT prompt service \VALLS. \Vlndo\vs, noon, \Vednesday, July 23. 6:30 2 yrs. college, call Loriine, . ~ l'IUl • on approved root slock with Cal 6-28 bcf. Iris & FEMALE Silver p 0 0 d I e, fenced yll.l"d, hot meal,;, call 545--4614 carpels. Commercial & p.m., City flail Council Merchants Personnel J.cen- ke>tteit spot In Orange Cnty., good setting ~~ ... fru$5it 250for lHf~lk>htrope,67., C:!!f4 So. of mini a I u re vie. Vic. l1al'bor/\Vilso n Cfl.1 642--0--12'J 5 residential. Da ily, weelky Chamben;, for further in-cy. 204:3 WestcllU Dr., N.B. Coa Pl & next years. Prh.-=i at · 'l;:'ii1g~wii"i-";j-';~;f.;;';;;--;;;:;;;;;•l,,:';:;"";·•~·::H:;ar~"'"'~:;:cal;:I:,;64~2--0:;;.758'.'.'..,. WILL boby~it one or two Floor,. 666 and/or Mo. ~1-1350 formation contact the Per-645-1770. :n,. So. st a.za new ,...~M be ha""' ------------~=--.-=-'-~~-I 0 · .n --7'=====--I llotel site. 2.55 Acre• ready per acre . .......,, pure FRIENDLY Black lcmale SMALL, long ha.ired White&:· girls in n1y homf' days. Bay &: Beach Cleaning Serv sonnel I.lice. City H ..... 3JOO ARCl-UTECI'URAL 10r development; wperb loc. 'vilh excellent tenna. For Labrador w/brown nea col· Tan lem! dog. Vic Mesa • S.18-9532 Carpet Vinyl Tile Carpets, windows., floon. etc Newport Blvd., Newport DRAF"I"SMAN, ::c._ -ta·-•t, automou··-further ~onnation ca 11 Fairvlew/Se-trom, San-V _, "-·~-' "~" -~· ho All styles J>.'ld colors R • Co ,1 "'"I 1 Beach, California 92660, n.f lntenn·•,···· ~-nee. ·~~ •'-;> .......... "" Wall y k .. -·u eaue. '"'"'11.1u . ....,.........,....., BABYSl1TING in my me Fr~ est. Lie. contr. es me . ......,... 40 S73-66.13 = "'"""'V"'""' ·_;_nter etc. Only $240,000; er nr ta Ana ~7822 kl H t Be h Tom &: Truskier Arcbi~ell . "'"" • Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc, LARGE bla•k & '"hit• cal SMALL Black female poodle daily-1o1.'t!e y. un · ac · 540-1262 546-4478 o· , S • ~ includes & as station 8 Cha A .. • on Balboa Peninsula Point. 8'17-7101 . Paperti.nging 1str1ct upervtsor AlA. Hunt. Harbour ~rner. 181 ~ P~~f. ve. w I 11Cven toes on each loot. Re.ward. 6Th-022l e BABYSmlNG n1y home G•rdening 6680 P•inting 6850 846-0lin :P1ea~ Call: Tom "'JeMalo 541·2621 Eve=~s 538-5747 Vic Sant& Ana Ave&: 16th MALE Sheltie Cmin. Collie) on F'lower. Costa r.1esa. ---------1----=-~---.C.:.CI J&nitorial r.1aunenance SERV. STA. SALESMAN . . REALTOR 714: 6Ta-6259 • • St 64-2-5308 bl toAo .,.,n1 HTHONY'S PAINTING Int & Ext Loy;cst . Part time. One full yr. OX· l ~~~~~~~~~~[;i.ii;",:'i;;,;:=.:i';·:--;;;;;--;;:;;:;:;;;;;; Iostsince 4th.11th & Irvine, Relia e, .,..,,...,.,., A rontracted price•. Fully'"'· FuJl or pt-time. llunt. Bcb., .. 1 TIMES GROSS l · TAN Female pup w/choke NB--CM 645-0307 per. t.Tust be neat in ap. "Unlt5 with a --"" rental Ac-6200 chain & nea collar. Vic B • k M 1 Satisfaction guRJ . Free est Costa hfeu, Garden Grove pearancc. Stt Jim. 2591 """" • ---CALICO Cat, blk & yellow tlC • ••onry, e c, 646 1948 Jim Week5 673-Uli6 area. Salary, eirpenses, com· ~.Ocean side oI Balboa ;n· }'airview near Tic Toe Mkl, 12 224 6560 • . . . 't Newport Blvd. C.M. :etvd. Nr. churches. ocean & 40 ACRES adj. multl-:m 10n C.l't. 546-3566 some white. yrs old . NEAT Exp p . tc mission. group 1nsur. wn e °"="""=:-:;c=-;c:;;-:=: 1 "'-·· '-· ,__ ,,..._ .. invest land development, Diamond Goldenrod, CdM. 673-3982 BUILD, Remodel, Repair The Best, rosts no more! -· Co. 11 am tud'· "'1 Daily Pilot box M906, or 2 MEN-18 or older. Full time ' ,_,. uco.Cncl. \..rUU\I • Bar $5200 Per Ac. Terms. SMALL Black Cock c r Experienced 11aintenanc:e · ege s en · phone (213) 2§.6617. Service Station Attendants; iiu-.nt. Asking S~.000. ~tes Broker all--03'10 Spaniel Vic. p & I i 11 ad es MAN'S Wedding Band, Vista Brick, block. con c re le, Budget Landscaping Low prices! Steve 548-4549 .beach area; iood pay. Call ~ BURR WHITE ~IS. Harbor, Santa Ana Road. 546-1057 Shopp. Center. While gold crpntry, no job loo small Graduate Horticullurist • PATOI PLASTERING. Draftsman/~esign 675--0533 or apply 2801 E. REALTOR w/ diamond 646--6J37 aft 4 Lie. C.Ontr. 962-6945 All types. l"ree estimate. $800 up. Son1e ~~nc know!-Coast H CdM 1--5 AC Rancho, City of SET Of keys Clot). Vic E. LOST Gold Labrador vie of • GARDENER • C -1 S40-682a edge, hobby sa.1lmg ok. Call wy, · .::7-l0l Newport. Blvd., N.B. Oceanside. S26.500. $7500 dn. Coa.<;t liwy, CdM. !Nr. C•rpenterlng 6590 EXPERT JAPANESE ai Larry, 546-~10 EXP'O. MECHANIC, put 5'J5..4630 673-0!59 Eves. Larger parcels av a 11. Shorccliffs) 644--0647 =e~rs~;:.~1 Reward, Commercial Landscaping PAINTING ,Papering 16 yn Jal on Best timf':, Sat. & Sun. Start July 22 UNITS 61/c•/. Lo•n we s le r n La n d & FOUND: Rabbit, vlc Cornell CARPENTRY ri.tainlenance and Cleanup 1r Harbor area. Lie. & E1nploynient Agency 19th. Corona tie! Mar. Apply .. $435,000 Development. 645-2060 & Bolsa Park Lane, li.B. Peraonala 6405 MINOR REPAIRS. No Joh MIKE INC. bonded. Refs furn. 642-2356 2120 So. Main, s.A. in person, 3100 E, Coat i;operb cond .• excel G&nlen Take over pymnlll. 10 Acres 717 897-2330 Too Small. Cabinet In gar-CALL 642-5196 EXT/Int. pntg. Aver rm. $20 Salesman $600-I-fwy. '§rove area. No vac. Good m down. sz. mo. Ranch Ph.. b1k rimmed perscrlption * Alone". ages Ir: other cabinets. ALLEN BROS. + good paint, neat work E.11:p. wth oflice equipment. EXP pastry cook & •returni; • EZ term11. site nr. huge lake. 894-4743 sun glaues. Vic of Adams & ~ ~115, if no answer leave GARDENERS STUDENTS Joe refs. Roy, 847-1358 good future, call Loraine E.11:p fry cook, part .:: FIRST PIONEER Agt. Magnolia, HB. 962-1312. msg at 646-2JT.!. H. O. working y,•ay lhru college. VE.IS Bonded Painting. to Merchants Person!X'I Agcn-time. 4!14-4898 :: 842-4421 -~ 6240 wsr beige temBle toy poo-YES IT'S YOUR ~AIASTEnd'"""'R •-,1 Exp. Lie. Re11s. 646-4203 ~!'°! ~~,!rea, liC"~d & insured. cy. 0 2043 \Vestclilf Dr., 6-15-1~n~~~~~~~ R. E. W1nt.u die, no collar. Vic Baker &. " ca.rpen..cr · per ~ .. ,. " m . ::-====~-'-'-..--NEW UNITS nc&r ocean c;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;ldP~a~ul~orlno~;.~"'~wan!~~-~546-ffJ.2"'1~-FAULT hour. Remodel!ng·Repai.rs. Johnson's Gatdening BOYS ID 14 N. E c H ANICS-Expe?'Wnoed untington Beach. Sun • For recorded n1essagl!: that 642.&109 or 5J6.3900 Finest equip .. t'Xpe-rt care. Plumbing 6890 • w/inboards. outbouds I: , patios, 4 frplc. FOUND: Newpt. Shores; will change your lifl!: call Planting, cleall-Yps. 002-2035 ---~-----Carrier Routes ()pen slerndri~. Call Anchor l! TERRY REAL TY l.arg!!. cute turtle, must be ORANGE CO, 547-6667 Q?~ Repaint -b Al: BUSINESS & RESIDEN-PL~IBING REPAIR for Marine Repair. 614-4545 D>..1459 Eve. 536-7658 $$ MORE CASH $$ IC..pc~t~. =,.._~""-~--=--___ 2_!7 ho="'=""='n1=;ng__ ~;~;tr&.~~ ~42 Y TIAL Ganll'ning & Cleanup. No Job too sn1all Laruna Beacb. So. l.aiuna btwn 9-5. P9'1KJS. Bldg. 100~ occpd. \VATCH • on lower Poppy LICENSED =========== Exp'd 646-6222 e 64-2-3128 e DAILY PIWT l 'P"'A"R"T""T"IM=E~D"o-o-r-m-a-n-.1 lliprt. Bch. 10% net return. For Your Home Equity Ave., C.d.M. Call 673-8544 & Spiritual Readings, advice Cement, Concrete 6600 642-4766 6424321 Elderly man prerd. Apply 1190.000. Phil Su 11 Iv a D Absolutely no cost . , • describe. on a.Ii matter11. 312 N. El Reliable l..a\.\'11 Maintenance Remodel, Repair. 6940 JMIAICA INN HOTEi, 2101 eves. aft. 6 p.m. Port !~~=='===='=..=': [ lo )'OU the Seller! 1'ro=u""N"o",-,-."bb'°'i"t."Pt"•-.,..,-,,.,d-en-Camino Real, San Clemente * CONCREI'E \Vork, bond-~ening and Clean-up · ·• . E. c.oast Highway, Corona Theatre, Corona. del Mar. 12 years of paying more cash lily. 642-~? Costa Mem 492-9136, 496-9507 @do &: Uc. Concrete Awing. -c""~c=-.,-,,--~--1 * IF you need remodeling, de! ~far, needs DESK ftl..._in"5 Rent1I 6060 for Orange County property. MALE ··"to hu•ky ,..._,. lO AM • IO PM Philllpg CetMnt. S48-&80 Reliable lawri service, painting or repairs, Call ~LERK, midnight to s A.M. SERVICE Siii . attend. exptt, ~ Call the R••t w1u """""' rnow·, edgr, trim. Dick, IH2-1i9'1' Pay -mm•nsuralc •'th full time day, Union Sta. •• E w!.th attached of. Then call the tk.s.t 1 ,;_M;,•"-"o,·,,,"'="=· ~19t~h~St;. ;64~f>.0077;;~~CH=ARG::=E~yoor~="""::'=""::::now~.~~D~AIL::Y;:P~ILOT~~JWANT==A=D=o5! * 531·141H * ability."'" ~· Santa Ana & Palisades · :c~. Total 500 sq tl. 1 .• !::."<PERT Japanese main-S~eo;.wc.ic,n_,g._ ____ 6_96_0 TOOL • MAKER Ave., S.A. Heights. •· l=llock No. of Ot Hiway nr BEVERLY JA(Krtw ~'!1JrlS " ~ tenance ll.R., F.V. area. EXPERIENCED young • Experienced in aluminum ruU...ti1ne truck driver~ )rchcLl'5TU,tinAv. .• N.B. JUl1 •.· STAR G 10.,..E"ll>"~f'~ "·llMa•k,.'"""2 t 1· I ~· -,..,.,,.,.,d.H.,bor Tow-. JlOO. 548..3224 between 8 .c-1~ ~ ---r ..... "" ~ d r e s 11 ma k (' r l<~ast & oo '11& or vacuum "" 1ulfli. ,,..__ and 4:'VI. RfALJY .,,., -, CI.AYJ.PO uau. Cut & Edge Lawn Reasonable. Located nell( 605 Frwy " !~~·A~ W. l?!h St., C.M. 1,.- Y"' " M y_.Doll, .1...&.a..G.-J. M G l\1aintenance, Licensed *545-tO:iO• Alondra. .,...........,. ' BALBOA ISLAND HAt.ll 'Y"' ,__.,, Y sur.JJ ~.•0 •<'"'""/64<2JIJJ alt 4 ~ Ni n ... c~onli•g ht''"' Stan. ocf 11 ""°""""" ...,. e DrnsMlaking • Allerations 1---"="='~-="''°,.-'--BUILQING & Maintenance ~ location 300 + ffl ft, 1474033 Or' 5-454245 ('\ 1-12-~ To develop messoge ~ Fridoy, s.i5.~C JIM 'S Gardening & lawn Cusloni Designs FOUNDRY custodian -da,ys. c.o.i111. I yrs rtmaining on lease. !:!_.57..Q.W.i n!Odwordsr.or1espodingtorurb:"' T Ut.ii1 • ..i(it~ maintenance. Res. It C.Om-* 646.&W6 * • E.11:perienced aluminum l\1esa Golf & C.C. s.to-7200. ~~ ~ v~~~:. ~~~ Box ~·:;i:~ ~::::""'":,"...""-"c.-oe~:;;:,, merelal * S4<-64ll Alt•ntion• ,641·5845 :'],.,"';';:' ,!,:'~ ';"'1~ ;~~;;;;;• ;~~io~ ~:: ..... ..,, .. MARINERS CENTER \VANTED: Duplexes. apt11 or ~.W"'"'' ao 2"-'> l 2A 62~ • ~:~f~_ JAPANESE gardener Comp! Neat, accurate. 20 )"1!11.rs exp. Alondra. rwy exper. Pref. Anderaon'1 ~ •-tD build' nt income prope'°'"". Prine'-·'· -n.·l-:io.:n.... !!.~ 3~~-:!2;;~ 11·1.C..~ scrv. ~. dependahl-'I, ~ -21 ) ~"'"I u 1 1 .., Ad ~~.--: • s re ing re '·~ ·~ s·~ :JS".<rr.N 65A..d --·; • rrec est. 642-4339 TILE, Cer1mic 6974 1 3 ,,.,..,........, non. ....., ams, CM «lease. $7S. to $120. per only. Must be fairly new: G1Mo•1 6_!2rQQ .... ;i5uns.. ... 666od MGrtt.wus JAPANESE G•rdenln•I--..:...------ruu. time Skipper for ,•"M>-=1,_"'6__,..,.....,,..~~--I · :tno. 14:9 Rivenide Ave. ,°".c;:la,:,....':-'~""=· ~646-4-~11_,',....~1 GQ l<IAY1f 7-..._ :UPIM:t.-67&, _.2414 • ~ .. ") 110.:...·1 la..._ ~!'ol'cr "O!·ll.J..a service and maintenance. * \"emr. The Tile ltlan * motor yacht. Avail as of EXP'D, Auto Mechanic, own ·-,;;,:;;~~;;;;;;-;;;;<;--;;;;;;I CASH QUJCl<-need 3 or 4 .;. °l.MJ,;E.,. ,:~ :~ 70 ~ otc. n fi!il Also dean up. C11st. work. lmtaU I ref)Alrs. Aue. 1. FOi' details call tools tor busy • 1 h 0 p . 1 -.nvE Ott1ot !Hdl .• huge Br, G.I. or FHA·b:Jwse Mar fn 4-1?'·~ 11 y...., 41 Fot .,, Fi..-1~~7-4 • • ~2572 e Nu job too ~mall. Plaster 1%13) ~ .. !\tr. Charlei a.iS-CTI?: 1747 Anahehn Ave. ~lot, crpta. C28-J2nd here. ~194& 11 1AI .1112~ nc..r, patch. Leaking shower Ho"vtl. COlita Meaa . l)t. Nwpt Bdl. Le a 1 e. BUSINESS ana CAHal. ~!~ ~~ ~l=ri._ t•••ICOllM e MO'V • EDGE * \\'EEO. tef)ll.ir. 847-19571846-0'JJli l~==--c=====- PRIME Ret.JJ Location e ' C. Xlnt foot .l auto tnf. 1171 Harbor, C.M. (A)"""tt1 lsD;; .,,.5,.,... 7'.>To ot:c. n h_ Prof. \awn maint by capable EXP'U COUNTERMAN SALWJAN, retiree, part FINANCIAL _.,.mU-i; l•Wott .c1tTiuit 1•M•>< , JAN 11 "'{~ Colle~ students. Reas! . 6980 City Auto Parts Ume, IOft1e piano/orpn ~·i.1S:.2'-1 . 11 0or .i1si.o..111 n r~ ·. 1VO Kalina. Brothct'!'I 646-1234.1.T.:.;.;'":;;...;;S.;.:;.rv;..ic;ce.;.__....;;....;.;,~.,...,,~;i,--p~1a_,,._n,,t,.,1a._,,c,...M.,..... -knowledac. Walllch'11, ak Bua. Opportunftlea 6300 --11 ",. ... sc ' ,..._ 7s1t 6-' 1: Mt. Van Olden 540-3l6S 1tb "9Y....,. '19 n. AL'S Garde,.;.,.. &. Lawn JIM'S G&rdenifll; &: lawn 1-1.S. Grad. eager to lcam ......,"'"",_.,=._,,,.....,....;....,,,....1 LIO 2:1~ ~a....clQ ao E-AQVAaJUS ·--. K nd ~M '"ALE HI W W... boll ~ Mr~ :u~ SlCaint tlP~M. '~·" lndu•trlal • -•ld<nu·at. mb.rcial. * 548-8411 c:hrf Sir George's 963-2l0.1 tucley ~ Chickf!n 693 S. you own se, )'OW' ~MJe.P ,_, ~ 53 ~ 13 w1"' ,u.. ,, • .. 8 A REV.ELATION the -you ftnd to lllllled Ada Cbeeil lbem :i-1 BE INDEPENDENT 21,,,,...1,. ~1 ....,.._ at 9u< ~ Maintenance. Commercial, mainlenancf'. R.Ps. & com. trade as COO u tt lli"""' e P anted. Krft.. own paae, Univer"W item. (13-ft..J!-3 ~4~ ~Flm!try 114W111t t..'21-32-0 * 646-3629 * &STATE f\lalnt Trtt Scrv SERV. SfA. ATTN ONT . ,°'"'=,.t.,H 7 l-::•'Y,,.,, .... ~...,· Bc,_h 7 • __ 1 evttyOne u.m. No com.pell-!c!.,'1-41·71 ~~ ~~ li ~ld. CLEAN-UP Spedali.st! ito~· ~moval 8-tr\rnn1ingp;. 1ref! XI n t a a I a r l • d a.y 1, 0.1'. Gardener. Good pay, , Uon. 100% profit. Automatic m,GO ~~ ~f;"i.-.:tii &~"t:!"* PIK.IS 1ni. edging. odd j 0 b 1 . e$1im"I<', Ca.II 511-0088. pennanenl. Ph.: 3'12-344.t nl~ loc. For info call fAil.1'. llllDr Dllll£.4. j.DlES, Yott CM tl8ll tint to. 1"" P<MIH e day. Dlal ~ . rP.peat buSIM.u. ARSOl.tJTE 7lf A "ti!' 1J 2tC'W1irt 5'F_, '9 Now ffl; '' )~-Rea!IOnable. M3-ti900 OON'T JU~ U'!@f for some. IT'S Bee.eh house tlmo, Bfs;-...,,=--,;,<;;!lO-IO!l;;~=· ===I minimum _.W'ed invtlt· (~swr. n .lONiW «tGob"* 90~ "A•. n~ · C'..... the SERV STA menl. Limitrd riumber of n~!·!?'~ ,, ... i9°1Gooa /cl\Ad?t.IX' {)NJ!Jli ~-!~· EXPERIENCED .Japanese thlnJ lo fumlsh your homi: Jl,~lt 5e'lecUon ever~ _.,!tied . . f\IECHANIC. WJe ran oppl)il avail! !;-J~ ,,~ \BJ ..S rerdener. Rell;,ble. 5'10.1373 , . tlrwf g-reat bil,)'s in lo-DAll.Y PIT.OT ua Sa.lart plus romm. Dl.y1, Af.k f!'l'f' ~rr Ca!'h. 612~1 ror tttfJ: e11\n1ate day·~ a 1111iritil Art~. R!Ction NOV.'! pt'rm11oe.nt. PH.: 3l2..J4« ' ' •• - " . ' lo'' .. ... -· '' . ·- ... ~ .. ~· I,. • I , . I • .. • '" "· I· • I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & IM,LOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT MERCHANDISE JIOR MIRCHANDtSI l'OR MERCHANDISI P R 55, JI "'"KCHANDI Htlp W•nt M.. 7200 HtJp W•1tle<I -72GO Htlp Wi;;., Htlp·w.;'" . SA~E AND TRAD\ SALi AND TRAD& SALE AllD Tit.ADI SALE,AND T~E SA ~I AND TRADI l ~;;;;;;;~;!=:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:;i;;;;;;;;l:~W~•~m~..,~··;;~:;:~7~400~;w~•~...,~~·;·~:;;:=:;;7400~1 .Fu~mii!lt!u!ro~!!!!!•!a!o!o!Fu!ml!i!!!lutoi!!i!~-!!!!!•!O~O~Oi J:'~"""~~tu~ .. ~~~~·~oa~G;.F~ufnl:'~tu~r•~~~~IO~G:G~F~u~rn~lt~u~ro~~~~IO~Gll~~I · w•ll·FURllJTURf .lllSTAWR Payroll/Accounting Clerk. sss sAvl! Sff sAusss sAYE sss sAv£ sss sAvE. $$1 ., Need ~g man 1o,ln1lall and deliver Must have at least 200 ·e;plo~e payroll ex-WAREH. QUSE SALE furniture !or leading systems f\lrulture Berience; ~me recelvJbl .. background de-, slore. Must best r on g, banl-worldnc, sired. Must be able lo grow with a growing DICORATOI GETS CANCBiATIOll neat, able to work Irregular hours, con-company. -,,. OF 18 lUXURY Al'AITMINTS OUR HUGE 611 . squ2re feel •cientldus, and reliable, f8J)llllar with P l ... se appjy In person to ~lss Larson !·' s .. nish & u.•1~-111 "'-""-. ' . °' band tools, capable of worklng all day 1 ,... """'•R•-~ ....... ,..., I B I" th Se I a I 0 n •• No 'experience necessw. but GENERAL -. UTOMATION _ Ali IRAlll NEW • s HS 1ng at . e ams. would he helpflil--if ~·with-wood--~ .... _,..,.... __ ,.,... • working tooll. Work Tues/fay lbru Sat-1 f •;:; r,o,:i.,~~·i.;.i!l'f....,_~ D I M• th• urday. 'Paid health and life Insurance. 706 w. K•••11•· o ....... c. I . ~i'="ii~ ........ ~...:_ .. ~ .. '.:~:.:·::: ....... m on I ISS IS Paid vacation. S t a r t J500 per mon th. An eq&Jil opportunity employer l:n o~~-r=*~· ~~···::::::::::: .• WI f~~.· 642.9742 for appointment. 9 am lo Htlp Wonlod Help W•nled A d~~tor d ream l:se !i"d'i~~~ -31 Cliance of a Lifftime! • Women 7400 Women 7400 rooms of gorgeo\1$ Spanish fumil1Jre (wa~ Unbelievable Prices! IN?ERIOR SYSTEMS Ex ..... ..,.. reg. $t29s.oo : . POLICE.CLERK WAITRESSES SACRIFICE • • • • , • $398 1. Lar9Sest ~l•h Cost,aMMesd~t Has Ever Seen Http W•nt~,-. 7200 Help Wanted,;,..,. 7200 $474.-$576 Ptr month .... ,, ................ '"'" , ................ ,.., pan1s -~ e I erranean TYPIST CLERK II Day & N'<&hl Shift 11 m FURNITURE E QUIPMENT OPERATOR $591.-$718. per month • .,. ..~ p th fQr busy collc. shop li!gmt Trainee, nat'l t'O. call .,...,....,_r ., mon on dlrs & large 1tmu tn MANNING'S ~~ .... ~ ~ ~ rv~~:"c.,~:~ 11 ~t~~.~H~ 1844 Newport Blvd .... :."""·' ~ $2.61-$3.17 hr. , ·-·"· H'"· !JI JOI' Del11x• _3 . Room Spanish Ftirnlt11re . Group At G 'enulne. SSSS Quality Value • $795.85 fof $389.95 , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Employment benefits lncluQe fren health I.rid Dental In- SurancefGr ' ftTI~ i1if dependents. M:itrmity bene- fit payment; and free LlJe J11511rance t~" a maximum .$25,00) coverii:e. Requim: 3 years Street, Waler, or Sewer Facility Construction and Mainteilance Experi. cnce, includJng 1 :year of lij:ht or medlLifu Equipment Operatlon. Apply before 5 P.M., Fridaj July 18, 1969 to the Personnel Office. t714) 613.663!. coA!T!!-m!?~Ncv c1rv oF --;x,;RIENCED. • Costa Mesa only Snelling & Sn<llina. Ioc. NEWPORT BEACH WAITRESS f"'J NJpt 'Tll t-Wed • .Sll..l S. . .!116-1190 Harbor m., Costa Mesa --- 5 Pc Spanish Dining Room set, 8 It Sola t. Love Seat, 3 Heavy Medi- terranean style rmi.t~bin2 tables,..s.Ec..Spani•h~room-aet.-¥alue 1-•--- -lik&-tbtf"never before seen """T don't miss it!! Security Guard ZODYS * DRIVERS ti' No Experience Necessary! Must have clean c;iuornta driving record •. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. Bentnl!i lncIOOe ~ Health and Dental Imurarw:iit for employees and dependents, Maternity benefit payments and tree lJfe 11llUZ"lln0e ben- efitJ to a maximum o1 $25,000 cove.rage. lB6 E. 18th SL Po$itlons tt<ruire High School c.osta Mesa Diploma, 50 w.p.m, typµtg, SERV. STA. ATTN D NT. one ~~ o1 recent clerical Some mechanical e x p • expe • Days. HARRY & PAT'S Apply immediately to the T~C'O Brookhw'st It Personnel Otfice ~fore S Garfield, F.V. P.M., Friday July lB, 1!169. H•lp Wenled Wom•n 7400 714.613-QiJ.1. Apply In Person SURF & SIRLOIN S930 P•c. C•I. Hwy. N•wport B•~ch Part Tim• e TELLER• Experience prere~ BANK OF AMERICA NT It SA, 5 Points, H.B. 847-3541 ExL 34 ----------JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & Efi\P':_OYMENT Help W1nled Women 7400 e REUBEN'S e Costa Mesa NOW INTERVIEWING -WAITRESSES- FRY COOKS Top wages, pennBnent, hon· est, a.nd working conditions in area's leading restaurant. Apply 9 am to 5 pm fur in- tervit'W at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP lWl El Toro Rd. • MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SALE!! THIS IS .. (j)UALITY MERCHANDISE NAME BRANDS-IS Yttr Uncondltlonel Guor•ntM • Equal op.port.unity employe-r CLERlCAL-A CCO U NT S PAYABLE GmL. .Some flt. ing and acrounling ex;. pericnce prie(ierablie. Superior w o r k I n g en- vironment. Call for ap- }fas immediate opt"ning e SECRETARY e pointn11;nt.. 642-9660 tor permanent SECURITY GUARD Ancient Mariner ADMINISTRATIVE! OPERATORS Apply in person 1556 West Adami, C.lif. Lcllurc World Laguna Hills PACIPIC·Alll '""" ORTHO.PEDIC ~~':~.~ 564 ee TWIN 111111 n: •UAIANTll • II•. Sff.71 . e-00 THE Newport•r Inn ALSO AVAILABLE: FUlL QUEEN KING SIZES ' EquipmeQt supplk!d, Experit'nctd on d r'" 1 s es, ,/J 4 d 301 N, TusUn Avt. ~nging, diVt'rsU'led dUt• . ~ ~J..e~n~ . Santa Ana, C&lif. iH, 1ttust have cood seett-~rttA1~ar, zippers. Top .... .,,, 542-140 tarial skills, type on lBM ay, ~PRESSER. <lfter 10 A.M. _, b 863 Pnxtucµtlll ~Place, '"'" ... A ei~ typewriter; a It' to a&-N --....--.meer--ve-. T"'•· ,._ •ppll·e~•l-1 °for bill ewport-Bee.dl. Hun tington )ks.ch, Cali.I. •K ··• ·-• aume f8POnSI . ties with SAL WOMA ITI41 8f1-"'6 LUNCH '""" -""'""'· _....,. . AD N Equal oppodti~i,,v iemployt>I'-ale in perlOl"lnel work. OR. TRAtNEE WAITRESS Shorthand reqltlred. Noa• Worlting "°""' Mon thru l'ri· SALES EXEC Apply between I pm & S pm attractive and plt"atant per-7 to 3 PJ\t P!'t'Vio111 exp. Th• sky ~s the limit Bk R $500 Xln"""'"t ~~~_:.,.~and will be acknowledged. Call International •Chem1caJ Corp M~oo:~·~~ area, ......... ,. ...,,.., ...,..,. ~ ~t. 12038. Ask lDr needs salt'S ,'eXecutiVe with ._i,._ booial •-TP.D L--.n. Jringe benefits, $eOO reaume r9. nnuw on. ..._ .., m.u. ·~ « apply (() • TYPIST leadership & tralnl~ abil· front office. Call l..orainc, Experienct'd • •.WAITRESS ' .. • HOSTESSES Apply In person REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy • N•wport Beach Muln1Ni.'Z: ••••• , -STAC-«S & STACKS &.'STACKS OF i,\AnRESSES OPENING SQON . AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS W•iltn & W1ltre•n1 OTHER GUARANTEED aox SPRINGS OR MATTRESSES $19.95 'Exper amii • contint'ntal · .. re.taurant service nee. lank F inancfng, Master Chari•, BankAmerica rd. Store Cherie" Plan. Please contact Mr. Jame1 E"~~:~·?.J:?j~~~ APPROVED FURNITURE 644-1700 ext 553. TELLER (Been fn Costa ~sa over 12 years) Our Hug• 6.000 sq. ft. Wer,hou1• i1 at: ity. If )''OU ate sa1ies orient-Merchants Personnel, 204.3 SAN JOAQUIN 40 yrs or older preft'fft(f, P.cl with mrk(g. administ.ra· Westclilf Drive, N.8. with strong background on EXPERIENCED with at least 2 yrs experl· tj\le or managiemcnt experi-64s..mo SCHOOL DISTRICT IBM electric. WW train on ience v.'llh bank or S&cL. A&e 2065 Charle St., Costa Mesa ence call us;. You may be -"''-=';.;;...---==-' 14mOSWFondCanyonAve. Friden flex·o·writier e NOTE TELLER 2145. Salary comme111urate the man we ,need. Compen-Secretary to $650. Ea.st Irvine, Cal.iL 9'2650 Pem'8.nent position w I e PART TIME with clt'J)erience, Full time. sation commensurate with Top co. in S.A. ttqUins good\'!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!"!'~~"."'!!!!• I mailing: firm. 540-J095 TELLER Apply Downey Savinp Ir Behind 'Harbor C•r Wash". Enter on H•milton or Bernard St. A Llttl• H•rd to Find But Worth it ....... . 1001 items too numerous to m•ntion abtlity. Car le. J.ringe bene-skills and electronic or tee~ Blue Dolpht'n --,,2 ==-o::==-Loan 258li6 Muirlands Road s•• 9660 * 0 9 I 9 D II * s nd l"S * s ··-' '' lits. can Mr" Gardner, U4-nical bkgr, co. pa.,ys the fee, 40 ynru::.:~ p?!'t~ for UNITED :P.11sslon Vtejo 837-4911 Mr'. --pen o 1 Y u 1Y """ at\lf"gay "'1111 638-'260, 0 ' T1"-97oo. ~~n~'":,;~'."'~"w':";. R!."!':~~~t wrpa~t~.'.'.'.~. :,!,_"::f ,!!'.~ CALIFORNIA BANK ~~RlENCED 8 , rv 1,. $$$ SAYE SSS· SAYE $$$ SAYE $$$ SAVE $$$ SA YE $$$ Admin A•$t $12,000 up cHff Drive, N.B. 64.>2170 LIOO m ~ ~< ~ s "· full · t•ee paid. (Also lee jobs) ~ lion w/ mailing tinn. 222 Ocean A\le., l.a01•n• Bcb. tauun man. t1mie, <Also fee jobs) S40-3l95 ·--~rmanent, Hourly wage + Furniture Assist Pres, 1 of O.C't, fa.st. Part full ·~ ID ~enced . ov•r ')<;. 494-6546 '··' O rt' es t growing ,co's. Oppty lo or Ulue women """'i""'' ...., GIRL FRIDAY comm._.on. w ime pay learn all phases. Baslc met· needed immed. for child ... _ after 40 hrs. 990 E. Coast --------- care, aU!e,"' arrnpanlom, O HOSTESS I Gi'1 Ou~Typlng, lit< NURSES AIDES Hwy., NB . LEAVING fm' Hawaii. a1 distrib b\tgi'nd. Send re. Age 2l-65 bklcpg: &: digpatching. 5 days """""=;o-o:-;c:--=,..-,:cl Bdrm siet com plete, 2 &ume or call Larry, 546-5410 s· p A-• WAITRESS wk-&ood Wary. CaU 1or SUBJECTS to . bl! .pald for nauaahyde couches, gold. IOOOFumltvre IOOO Fumltvre Jas~ Best ". ittlng retty __..ncy appt. 642-9300 P 1 .Y ch ophysioloiPcal n. JU-fi, marblie co11ee table. Employmr.nt Ai;:ency Member of \Ve Sit &ner, Apply btwn 3 pm-6 pm. FRY COOK Full time· All dli!ls penmt'ntl IUCI). Requtrt'g Desk £. chair" 3 pc 1t:e-Lusk Homet--H•rbor View Hiiia MODEL HOME FURNITURE SALE - Z120 So. Main, S.A. Inc.P~sidCoi~A~327G<rl>el r .•• NEEDED '! t . 1 d 6 morninp. Phone 63.\.-9300 tional. 2 PC! &eetional corner HE OP WANTED ....... . ~ ,. a ure, expenenced a Y Apply In person exl l8S blwn 12:31M:30 p.m. couch. DiMtte set -new, Sit. & Sun. J'uly 12 & 13th, 10 AM _tq ~PM Gen. Insurance Anenrv day or evening, lull time. BEAUTICIANS ..... """''"" •• , Two Office G1'rls Call'"'"'"''~. M .. ~ w/4 ""'d din. w ...... 3501 SEAFOAM DR. I At Mar9Hritt) e Boat Jllec:hanlcs SECRETARY Callendt'r Pies, ~. lluntington Bt'ach Be your own bola. Rented dryer, rdrig, 2 breakf.a.at e Cab.ineJ Makers r.taturie, woman e>eperienced MLal ht' 25 and able to drive H 0 USE KEEPER OR Con\f&Je8Cenl Hospital spa~. Reuonable. 847·91&4 chn. Staulfer red u c In 1 CORONA DEL MAR e Joumieymen in all lines of in.'lurance. 18792 Delawarie St., il.B. SE'tl-"·u·-· _,,01, to machine. Mlacl clothirw, •Boat Flnisht!rs Salary open. New omoe. APPLY HELPER for widower, part Glori'a Marshall m:,,.,r; ~~pts, E;._. PO ~Ue• 10 • 8, other miscl No rewervatlon, fi rst come, first serve basls S h Great opport. 64+4138 186 East 16th st. time. Call· morn in r 1 Bo• ~". CM ""'If. :;;.;.,... items. 96U7JO on date of sale. Free delivery of large item& avanna Ent•rprins _SHARP GAL _ Costa Mesa -",.,',,-"'"=29==="""c--,.-,, the leader in ttgurc control -.__. '""'"' within 10 mile radius.· , 776 \V. 16th St.. C.M. .M'ATURE OMAN I ·1 salons', is seeJcina mature, JANITOR. Man &. w1fe to RETURNED, From "MODEL ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!:!":'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~tv.~n 20 & 35· experiienced LYN & N•--A'1ds W or retai A'•-"" attn,.::;. womien pack brt"ad. Alao iextra .... t... HOME: 8 Spe.n. lsh llCJ(a &: YOUNG MEN m hi·fashloa dreues and •.·-~ sales. RYAN HARD\VARE ... '"' .... ., '""" l , l I-COD de" e "t 1 .. _ ECF --·•-I 24 Na "'U33 to courlse1 women in r. .... -for bakery. ~ ovc IC&., 0 1~ &' r" en Fum•'turo IOOO FurnitUr• v • u\I ry, " e car •port.swear to auilt m&t' of ........ progreuwe ·~ 0 Irvine, . , ~ "6"'" ===~---~-• brocadt'· commodt' 1 hex IOOO nee, Make $25-SJS day, Ap. THE LOOK U. Orientation provided by a Ask for Phil, control. No t'Xperiience neceg. BEAUTY Ooentor, full or • 1• • Ply oruy il ~ .. u are neat & t ll ti I · -"' ====;;-=;:--,,..-;= ~ .. ~. We will traln. Pleu-<r-:-qon, 2 llJWll"!: Medlt. twin ---------13 PC. Iv rm set, occ ehalr, dopendable.".iio w. Warner, DR~ SHOP u me, n tel"Vlce, o:uuca· BABYSITI'ER. 7:30 to 5:15 ;;t su1TOundings ti short part time. Contie,ua Hair poster BR suite: matL set, OVER~ STOCKED Wht bucket chr, Maple din 544.2400 tor. Openlngs on all shills, wk. dayg, Reliable , must =F~"~"=''~"~'-· _61>3385 _ _,,.~· _,....,_, 2 l. ht stands. 2 three Sle 2'1 7, S.A. -~~--~~~-I DilferenUal pd fo,· 11wUieier1 . lld .,_ working hours. For inter-E rm tbl, 2 chrs, 4 pc bdrm • -P•rsonn•I Gal &. nilie owls. Only thole who enJOy ch ren. ouys, ages view pho11t' 642-3630. PAR.T Time janitorial help, dra r cheslg. AllO lllmps, MlJST S LL! set, eo;Uee tbl. 3 lamp tbla, Store Ma nage Tr. $500 Top level pogitlon, private care need apply at 1030 W. 10 &: 7. Call att 5:30 545-546-f ---------1· male or couple. Dpt'ndable. picture•. pillowa, etc . New 9 pc. corner anwig. poJe Ja,mp, cl.in rm set, 4 ~:l.le~;IJ f~ . .:rerc~~~ office, Xlnt oo. c.au Bobbie Warner, S.A. 5t6-6f.50 CHRISTIAN Lady to care ror • • EXPERIENCED _E="="'=·="""=· =646--031!1=====\ NEVER USED! fi.46..1034. choice of clrs, reg, $230, chr, 291 flower St, CM ~ ~O. -.G~~~Off~~~=-1 my chlldrn in my ahlence, 6 -See at 3ll7 Cinnamon Ave., now $149.50. Headbrd1: 642-4582 f;'er:~i7:10:..f!~.;~ ~5-~~ Em Jpl::~n~~~ncy Ahle•r::r~~ndle j::u~sSO~nd ~i;;.~usl like beach. Call -TELLER.-S_c_h_oo_1,._1_n.1_1_r_u_<l_l_on_7_600_log;;~Pi'L;;;~>'-C=M::::;l:-;11;-:.d:::::: I ~nrs,$1~~. Qu~i': ~:~: 1,LEc=-A"V"IN=G-to-w-,,-m-.,.-,-..,,-,1 e MULTILIGEI, OUM!t press, "6 an order desk, co. pays % ===-==---ORGAN·PIANO · m11.p e ra~r Trundle tels (duo riser) w/ Bedl"O()m 11et, 10la., .:leak, _,=21720~So~·,_M7al_,,,,.~s-.A-·~-1 ~ ree, call Loraine, Mer-I\-IATURE WOMAN, care tor UNITED LESSONS mlases cheat w/ :iOx35 pur-iMt' rln&' ttg nos work bench le. maey other J6"-58". Diddt: 11 as er .. LVN Needed, nights, 11 to chants Per50nnel Agency, lt'achf!r's 2 boys plus It. CALIFORNIA BANK Element•"' & advanced All ror, $85. 1'l'ullwood 2 ""w rla79p.50. ~ll~·way. bed~ lfem11. 962--0736 operator. · 1 AM , Nursing H"""'. , . ~· w-t·"fl Dr.. N.B. "°"''""ping. 1'tu1t driw. •u.r . • dra-r lamp table, $50. '"' n.u e CA?o.TERA Man & stripper, ....,...., .. ~ = types of m1,15ic. Your home 96S-fJOOZ w / inn. 11pring matt. reg. WALNUT Dining room table, hlartec Reproductions .. NURSES Aidie1, day shift Ms-2770 Ref's needed. 8tl-4ll? 6 r.Jonarch Bay Plua or my S1udio. 644-425:) evie11. "w"A'°'LN=UT=~o=i,--,--h"I-$59.50, now $39.SO. F\111 az. 2 lea~s $25. Oak dreuer •cA~ 1.l4le Experience P:'fd. Litiuna Bkkpr F/C to ••so URGENT NEED for a Den· Soulh Laguna '"'====-cTo--7,-,-n set; c na slttper-10fa reg. $239.50, now $85. 673--7528 ' -~-""~C,--~~--1 °" b N"-'"' H ~ MONTESSOR.I . "c ." •abi-1·, Klmball -"-le -;;===-,--..,..~I 1· oo:ac ...... _,. 0 me I ~ · x1n _., LI.I Assliltant. oral •u-"" 17141 499-1361 u 1 1 ... ...... ......,...... 1169 50 N•w ~... KI n • CllAR'!JNG < Trav•I Agcy Mgr 494-8075 mm..u opening, t gm...., ............ o u11 mus1e 1n1 rue. ton. piano ; flreplc scrn aet. · . uo:ua. " ... pc w h I t e =~-=-:-.,--,,..,.---..,.-1 Niewport Beach Co. Ideal ofc. x.Ray exp. a must. Beeinnlng: all woodwind!:, 548-46S? $99.50, Queens, $89.50, Full Provincial Canopy bdr tiet. to $750 REAL Estate Salesmen why worldna-cond. Call Ed~. 548-7719 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;; advanced flute & oboe. ,..,,=;;-=--,,,....-,-,.,-$49.50, Twins $39.50, fully $150 or bnt 642-3926 f';ew Orange'. County oUice -1 ,.u • be -1~ Jn ·-<~ •~o ITR • l • LARGE e•-m• dine 11 e i""-" King slzo •P"'•d• Call -• ••·~ "~ ~·' e WA ESSES e clbJ jtJeS &4>-095! ' '"" --" • DEC.quality o>1a, P• volwt ol estab. L.A. aecncy, hottest area • Huntington Jason B•st Excellent hollf!I. Ed tional V tio Sth table Ir: 6 matching chain. choice or clrS, tea: $20.~, chn, ftcltntt, lainps, ll&lil Larry, 5.16-5n,.e. Beach. Call Phil McNamee Employmient Agency Co11ll. Mesa Golf&. Country CJTJLimife() uca aca. n Very good cond!Uon. Call now $12.!l!J SIESTA SLEEP flxtrs. BJuffl. &M-l6SO J ason.. B•st 962-4471 Village Rt'al Ea:ll.te 2120 So. Main, S.A. Bl Club. Interviews 9-ll ~deTII · · · Sr Cltlzerlll 646-4063 anytimt'. SHOP, 1827 Harbor BJvd, CM =~~==-=.:;:=--1 Employntent Agency 09 erl CV Chilcoat 10 leuon typlna:I,-,""°'==,,-==,-;;= "' 2760 d 1"· I" 9 Sat lQ..6 FOR finest home. tm--' ~ DENTAL ReepL I: uailltant MARRlED! TOO MANY a.m. '7 Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del l BASSETTE, French Pruv. .....,.. av .,.. · formal dining table,_. lib TR1\l~~~~~~: ... A~oung :ooI: ~p ~~~ Beach 8 ILL s' Pmnanent·part =TYP=r=ST=-T~.-m-,-,-.-,.,., ,., ,,..,-.-. i=edPo~~~~~: Mar, C.M. 548-2859 :bl· bed ~/2 .:~gh~:~nd: ~ ~e sk~ =-:~1~l~~ new. $600. MG-<1732 train Ml n e • gie' Ume bl!lp .,-antt'd In snack Mature, responsible, ac-488 E. 17th St., SI.lite 224 PIANO LESSONS ~r: e · :,~;~ t~asl J";'ndlngcs~~ qualifica.tiona &: experience bar, See manage:r after 'l :30 curate, able to use die. C.O.ta Mesa 642-1470 Bt'ginr1.lne studienta pref. chairs. 548-0321 a.It 6 pm. ,;.145""·,;";;T,,-<l19~;...,-:;::-,--,,= ~~::;1 :kc~. ':i uo11cry ari _orucc supply t> P.O. Box 1686 ,N.B. 92660 pm Paulo Drive: In 1beater taphone. 64J-0970 "'::l::l::l::l: I u .c.r. Music Major, Call Quality kine bed, quilted, TURQUOISE llllfa, 3 piece like new. ~ln 1 CLERK TYPLST-10 key add. 305i Newport Blvd, CM. ' ~M5ALL:i:':i:firEf'iS~W~ig~k0:-Ba.fiawuii1y; I:=:=::== iii Bnicie 546-447'8. C.Omplete, unused $98; worlh lll!ctional $25. F'4.ir condition. ~~~f. ~-I.#St., cal MR. Cali!ornia Artists, 3ll Main YOUNG i.dy-<1ttlce trainee Salon diesires Hair styli.It See Bett:v Bruce at MERCHANDISE FOR $Z5084! ',.,A_Alttt S or wkndl ,54.,9-067.,;,,',..,.::;:::-c::::;;-:==;: MOD. Walnut bedroom lf:t 1 CCU.EG E ~ENT. Full 431-1321 Equal 0 PP t Y e'-"'-, --i w/ f;~·reg. or commisaion .548--3446 "' 6' CONTE ?tf p OR ARY callee table, like new. ebaln. Alt 4 PM -545--91IC St.. Seal Beach. <2L3> part time, neat •PP"~: wthatr piece exp. Salary & m lx S•LE ANO TRADI ..........., 3 GOLD chain. oval marble cbea1, t 9ofa. 2 maple lime Su~ir, part time 1 a. ... ., Iii"""" .,.u •.1..1. iluring school at Chevron iempo yier. Type 5,5.QI, Some experience MEDICAL Reept/St'cty for ,.,., t!C Furniture 10QO couch I mlehlng chr, 6' cof. 96l-1789 8 PC MAPLE DlNING' SEI'. Stallon on ru.ach ln Laguna. RELIEF cook, full or Pa r t dairable. Mlllll have car. nr·11 office In H.B. Send Aeency f.or Career Girls fee tbl w/l mtch; end tbl. MISC. Household tumltutt. Xnlt cond. N" lonro .::r... Muat be l8. ·Im e. Will train. 64.2-80tf. Could work into full timie, re1Ume to · Delly Pilot Box 410 w ...... A .. H N 8 EXQUISm:I $75 all or 11ell ~· S4&-3391 ........,.. mowm'. ___ .....:fi31=='"=--~-I ~ ' ·~ Eves alter 4 ... -. 616-1721 •i ~,... · ....,.., wy., ' ' It' r-··~· 49\-!(ll~·· '. · .,...._,u " _, By appoint 646-.3939 White elepbantll Dime-a-line *Ll a..3'1CG.* White elepbants! Dlme+llne • • O!SllWASHER • • WOMAN For kitchen work, Hixton Metal Finishing 1 ·P=BXl="'Ad""'m"1ru"'·"na"."pa=rt:-. "u=m"e I SPANISH • i::=,;;;;;:;:=~;:'-!,;=========S;=::::;0;:::::::::::::::::;,; ( e e ·BU$90YS e e full or pt. time. Call bt't. ll 129 Production Pl, NB "''C!t:k~nds, Ho1Pillll exper. SECI'YIRECPT, Xlntadyemt :P.1EDITERRANEAN l~IFlulmllltul19iliiiiiiiiill~O;IOl;OF~um~~l~tu;19~i!ii!i~~l~OOO~.~F·u~miiiituiiirwiiiiili Mu:i;t be owr 21. &: 5 PM. 431}.-0lJ e e CASHIER e e only. Contact; M. E. Elliott opply! lfeavy typing, lite FROM MODEL HOMES Don The ~achco1nber Part Time CASHlER Appty Mature woman. Exper. 642-2734 bkkpg. T6 $500. Call Mr. Eastern brand name1, com- 3-E "--~11wy CdM PORT THEATRE, eves. Don 1be Beachcomber MOTEL ~ t d"' Ex Ric-hard11, 54o.ro55. pl~-•-usefula of quality . SPANISH • :rv• •• ......,..,.,. . ' after 6 pm CdM 3001 E. C.oaat Hwy, CdM ,.,,,n c ' p. COASTAL AGENCY f~t~. king size bed· 1\ U TOM 0~ IVE Line · ·· · Alk tor Mn. G.....,... prel'd. PBX, NCR, typing. J\lech•nic, &xpertienced. Ap-EXP'D. Corsetit'rTe, fl or pt -~-Part Ume, Laguna Shotta A member ol rooma. full or rwin, CWl!om MIDIQRRA. NIAN tlmo. Fuhiono kr La F..,,_ CLERJ<.Very ""°" w I 494-8521 Sno•ll"g • Snolllng '"'· qulllod '°fas A '°"' .,, ... ~1~'.n c~~~7 He.rbor mt", Ncwpt. Center 644--0l70 nwnbt'ra. Some accounting OOCKTAIL Watress, )'OUng, 2790 Harbor Bl. Colla Mesa lamp1, table•, beautUut din· As c.hown In Model . Homes 1 .:~"'°:.::...:;::..:.=:o_ __ l ---~===---1 theory or practice desired. 1-IOUSEKEEPER. live In, ing aets, .china. I: 6 cbalrt. ~ EX PER. lubrication man. WAITRESS McG~ Yachtl, 16 31 a It r act Ive· 11oward' motherless hOmc. ~acb cc»or TV 's, aulO(llatlc.refrlf· Wliat •n •xcitln9 sc ene I Your ,hom• can come •liv• wJth Qur gl1morou1 Sa1ar>' Pill& commission. ~~.~ ~t ~nUa Ave. CM ~~4""1 t, Mr: ti!1elo. area, 2 teenaaen. Woman ent.ton, waabt'n A dryen,. d•corat or·cortelated pack19•I Living room includ11 : Luxufious Sof• Apply In Oer.>n 3100 E. '--U ~ SEcru:J"ARY . Experiellced ~1 or appoin n · with 1 &mall child OK. Prrl. Buy a Pk!ce 7!..1 a houleful. •nd Lov• SMt in' quilted florel fabrics. l Sp•nis h Oak T•bles, 2 d ist!~ Cout l·lwy, CdM. SP E Cl AL MACH IN E S b o r th an d. Preft"rably e MAIDS • llotd!Kotel under 45. :;42,.7223 Terms, Save IWa ot dollul. 9Uished Conquiat'•dor ,Tabl• lamps. "H•cienda" Bedroom : SJMnish YG Assist., ehtL Country OPERATORS. Exper\l!nced. OW:r J>. Good wilh firiaes. Experience. $1.85 hour. AOK WaflhouSt Triple Dresser with.ft•m•d Mirror, Klng·si1• He•dboard, 2 Commodes. club, top IW.l'a. Al.:> ~ &t2,.S N.B. Call Mr. lnnt• -CaU 67J.94JO Jobt-Men1 Wom. 7500 , , 5-Pc. Wrou9ht Iron Qinette Set, Sp•nish O•k h•.x•,9ort tod. Must b• dlahW!ihr. ~ RN, pert Umie aftmioons tilr fiU...3300 NEWPORTER INN. · .PBX 772'J Garden Orove Blvd., GO. a••n to b• truly 1ppr•ci1ted , .. so corri• in tod•yl Pric• •lsewh•r• 1 '~-"'-I"'=====---=,-,-I h board 2 30 t ll Position available ·" ~GE door ~nera prac -..,n Ou.... RECEPTIONIST • Book· V'Y , : pm 0 pm ~ bklck Wnt 01 Bhch Blvd., •+ ••t&.00. open.tor--FMld .ervke men. MS-464.l kttper, M~cal o t f Ice. ei<ptt. only. &t4-1'107 for an near G.G. F"'Y. Top money.•MW400 USHER.E"ITES. Musi be 18 Rttf!f't'nces. Phone ior ln-DENTAL ASSI'., o:per. al EXPERIENCED Open 10 to 9 Sun lM OLDER :P.!an night clerk or over, Call alt 'l:l> PM trrvtew. MS-94fl cport,_ .~~1~1XlnL op--TELLER _ MODERN red lv. rm. Ml1 2 HotefMo~ uperil!nct'. M4-..o760 OC!ntalRectj'ILABklrpr. unv. end fables, eotfee table, Call 673-9410 BEAUTY o·p ER AT 0 RS F.xp. or eolJett, z.45.. lJVE-IN Houtekteptr. $250. Good opportunity with lndc-bookcut fblondel $100. OTSJIY.'ASH£2i ~ l&. ap-want"'1: No Jo 11 ow In C ~ mo. 2 Children. Rt'f1. nee. pendent b&nk. Call S3&o44JJ 171' Pine, H.B. ply Swlu ,Olalel, t14 N. neceuary. m-4232. m-3'101 WANTED: M1ture women 54&-&lM eta.Ya. Mr. Barkley RLACX I( White t wt n Newport, NfwpOrt Beach •~bl~ for woman wtlllrw; IO, lQ.m. PltUI ·~ DAILY Pll..01' W"1CI' ADS! Mr. Brown 541)..Jfil t.droom Mt; ni11.......,rof, 4 \Vhite hl.nt1? -alone. nOO inO, cilt 142--2232 ply at 5.15 W. Centtt St. Of. BRING Jl£SULTS! plem $50 ('ach. 347-6319 ·- -.. _____ ..... ___ _. _ _... _____ _,,,,., ____________ --··------ llAND NIW SNCIAL SALi • c.11 b• p11tdl1tff ••p•r•t•l'f' E1t'f Cretllt t 11111• = ' - FREE TO YOU P ETS ind LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTAT ION -TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION. Ho,... 1130 S.llbotts 9010 Mohrcycl,. . 9300 lmportod Aulot 9600 AN lntelllcenl, ~ea IJ t I t ! 1 . := Z'°~1::';'N~• S,: y=.0 !~ xl':!.i~ 27' SOUNG . 1961 &SA ALFA ROMEO DAllV PD.OT , • T""ll1'1· J,b I0.1'69 M DI It I M ERCHANDISI FOR M E RCHANDISE l"OR SAlol A11D -TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TAADI SALi AND TRAD.I! Pwn"""' -Pl•-& °'PM 1130 Miocolk111tM --Ill-- OINING -S!:l'-4!1'• !lo und KHp Yo1r Cool ~ 'Nllh l i.ar.. f TI,l•Sum- ... ' t I chain uil clW:a By renttnc A: • ltarnio(r ~ tl.blntl M a r t I n • v 111 e pla)i a piano from us. Per. Pr-.-. desJcft, IJlllll 1111w. (onnanoo ~teed. ttorn ·.-WO $10 monlhl)' -ifVe ua a U,.! ! I::!:======= I Gauld Music Company H1U11hold Goods I020 lkM5 No. 1'tal.n, SA ~~ DRAPES • D~ • JULY II bot • lMl1 """°' l\lvt Room.I of ~ Must IJe<' the HOTTEST bu)'I 1n town. to. __ JJp_to_'25..Jm. _Spinet fol!lt>lc l Grand ~ -----; · Plano5:1 new·-Is u 1 e d Ire home OOl Myt. JJoft. &OOd :lumper. Belt otter. fmmedf1t1 O.llvt ry Motorcycle '61 .A.LPtlA Romeo. muat U R E man, ~ betwttn ! Cllll Rehecea. 87M05& $CfJOCl:C 8061'$:.. Only l ,llS milet on _Ults be.au. acll~ best otter. 3,39Sl Copper Lm. • 5 p.m. 1115 CORJQJ..S For nnt Sl$ 1c.' tr"ewport ... -..-•-6'JS.'l05f.I ~·Mutt~ 1~ •PPNCla:te. Lanlem,. Dana P ol 11t • ' ClVE-A-WAl' KllttM, lilD ;15. Santa Ana Hel&h .. TRUE Sailor"• Oellgbtl Lie. No. rusos$$9t. Onl> i.;;'96-9806======='! or c:bann A pe,..,,.Ut;y, area. S40-0925 l>#.nilb DoublHlldcr 1r. ~ 1 - FU-RN 1·y AUCTIO ·N THURSD4 Y~ .. NIGHT 7:30 P .M. SHARP!! Baldwin Organs -all OJI .......... Silo '°'2 aa!e &t ~ally HOT pric<" ~ WARl>'S BALDWIN S'l\lDIO Pl\IC!'.S SLASllEO EVERY· 1119 NewPort. C.M. 64Ul84 c · 'COEX.. Jlall seats, HAMMOND_ Steinway -Ya· pot belly stovt, armoire, maha • new & used pianos chests, tables, ch.alts, n>ck· of all makes. Best b1JY• in en, desks, mlm>n, old So. Ca,lit, riaht heft. &lass. china, brtc-a-bric. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., CENTURY HOUSE ANTI· J907 N. Main, QUES. 20I Newport Blvd. Santa Ana WCM h(Ju:_t_ ~) ~.~ BABY Grand, like fll!W, ate U11.. sign. ~ Wurlitzer. White & Gold, welcome. 642-S?a> everyday. JO yr guarantee on pal1s, GARAGE SALE beautiful tone. $750, Pri MINK STOLE, beautilul, $50. party. Call afttr 7, M2-t933 Kenmore washer, , works Like zood, $15. Good chess set in VO.'< Jaguar Organ, , Inspect EARLY As We Sell 9UICKLY! AOK Commission Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARO 1 Block West of Beach Blvd .• off G.G. Frwy. .c:ar1')'iQ& case $5. Xln( new •.. Cost . $500. W 111 . books: Ttthnical, classic, Sacrifkoe, going lo college, Misc9Jl1neou1 SOnle sbo<I hair<d, .oome F0lllt-8WHll'AU.S ' .-.... For fllrtlwr m. AUSTIN HE,t.LEY 1oQc .liaiRd Aniwa. white~ -2 <X>RFtALS $3) formation can 540-8493. - Ill· calico &nd P'Y/wbt. !i49-3591 26' AUXILIARY Sloop • 61$:-2)60 aftrr 6 PM 7110 moofll%, l\llly equipped. , • Austin Healey, SPECIALS ~ lbLJlttebcu!L.liw... U'A(FA -.. ~-. - :;."' ~ w~ heal.::-$2.U &1 19-447; Ton PoW.r Cruiso,. 9020 •e ' '~ s.e!!..~ • UKW6a j, -... jjjf' :-'lU(\'4"' t - "6 Sptttc • YLTl25 • 491-1831! TIU 637-'143 ~ YOU'U. UWe the~pleue TRANSPORTATION SK!PJ ACK 20 Open Cruiser. '58 RdM • JDB2Ct &.st . Deals Are At SIS. All extru.. L1ke new give them lood ho(M&l cond .,~. ,.,,_ d Movin&-2 darlint kitUe11, 1 Bottt & Yachts 9000 · ~·. aya only. 549-lO.'ll Ext. 66 or 67 ii.i97o-RARBOR BLVD. DEANlEWIS "".k•, male , fluffy. 548--0580 7/10 Musr Find good homes for our 4 mos. old female Dox- ~~Tmitr puppy and our ·manna.lade Tom kitten. 6£-2739 7112 DARLING Kitten, & puppies who play toeether avail to single home. 9530 Atalea Aw., F.V. CNr. Bnl:hrst & EdlngT>. 1m 1966 Harbor, C.M. MS&ro COSTA MESA FIBERGLASS Supply oonttt Speed Sid &.hi 9030 "6.S YAMAJIJ.-2!0 cc; Vory now in CM-NB are a, good nd Low il 'Irr SPRJ'l'E, royal blue new Ev ... -,0.1 .... ..__ "-'"' boat, 21' RAYSON Craft Deep V co • m eqe, . _.... Go' . ''"J"~ .. "~ J..._ ul 1 .............. rack ""1,1 .. ~ t'tn'l tires, runs .,......... mg in surfboard. cai' OI' borne. h 1• Campbell cype deck. --~ • ..._......, .,..,.,..,. service, must sell, ;1350 Boat resin special now only Ideal for aiding or.ovenrlte1;;5'8-5="161=-,,,=-.,,-== "'-'1863 $3.95 gaJ retail. Wind an' to Catalina. Poftr Mere CUSTOM Harley Sporbter ,;;,;:;======c I Sea, 1737 Superior, C.M. cruA .iser. Can be seen at 7565 excellent cond., must sell 642-7607 cacia St., Garden Grove. leaving tor Vietnam! S900. '67 GLASSPAR Citation, 893-'l59f days, aft 6 5'5-SXM Call Bob 80-3159 .Jnboard-<:IUtboud. uo Men:. Jeny Jardine '68 YAMAHA 305 Bi&: Bear Cruiser with power jet & J 8 • G LASS PA R , l n-Scrambler Perfect. P d , power trim. Full ooVtt. ,board/out.board 100 hp $825. Sell $4.iO. 523 Snug DATSUN '67 DATSUN Ready to enjoy. A 11 Volvo, l96t. Askin& SIGOO. llarbor S48-74.n maintenance l'OOOldt. 1 548--0864. "64 Honda 4-000R SEDAN cooking, etc, 2332 Colgatr .,:84c:7_'<078,::co..,,~~-~=~ 1.:::;__---14>'°.,,-'&M, ·All week , PLAYER Piano-Stuek...MU.St *AUCTION* 8610 FREE To qua!. home lovable · Shepherd mixed, spayed, female ideal for boUBepel. Gtntlr. 548-0813 WE PAY MORE owner. Kl 6-4444 ~r Hawk. $225. 15. DOLPHIN outboard, 65 Marine Equip. 9035 * 675-Jm * 4 speed, heater, white aide wall I i r e s. Immacijfate, CTUP s.15l $1295 • I' .I - , .. I . ' "lll1 hp Mercury, Xlnt cond. O/S..MOTOR. 40 HP plus '68 SUZuki 1W Trailer &; many extras. control. tank, etc. .. ;gs. 3650 miles, $275 Make offer. 675-Gt69 or Eves. only 962-0802 536-7816 MS-8618. sell! Highest offer over $350. 897~ GARAGE Sale: h:luschold FRIOAY * 7:30 PM JULY 11 itrms 11oor polisher, pole G UL BR AN S ~ N Studio lamp, bed. china:, books, Piano, beautiful tone &: paintinas. r o J f cart, ha.by toueh. pri pty. $265. 839--2406 turn., ma1tg. table. RARE • Unusual $1700 Clothlng: ladie1 J~J4. mens Imported Danish Teakwood 42 long. July 12-13 lE Spinet piano. Priv. !)44-1650 King sa.e Bedroom set& " M&t$ssc!. dfvans, occ cllalrs, chests, TV'.11, desks, cofloee tables, dinettes, Span- ish dining table Ir 4 chairs, lamps, commercial beer bar, Pepsi Cooler, refrigerators, stoves, washen!, misc. and MUCH MORE!! CASH TINY Black male toy poodle, 7 mos old. Champion line, must give up. X I n t W/ehldrn.. 53&-6800""' ·-7fl!i 673-1340 ---, --· $15-1964 Bll!DG=N)'; ·~ ~mvSLER P'YMOIJTH IB.' Glastron, 221 cu. in. com-BOit lip Mooring 9036 CC, runs-..., -'f"' "-' "---"' · • ATLAS For turnltutt, a ppliances, 6 Mo. old male puppy. Shots colored 'IV, 1tereos and an-&: housebroken. Part Cocker 6""" 2929 HARBOR BLVD, pletely overhauled, new top SLIP Space urgently needed 9fi~ F.V. cosrA MESA 546-1934- 1.,:Bakttc:::,:.:.:..• .occ.·".,-··:..";,c..,.,-·_~-1 PRACTICE Pi an o, ex- GOOD used clothes, misc. ceptional lonal qua.I. $70 tiques. & Doxy, Very friendly. & full covir • .a livt • bait tor Carousin' 11-T rans '64 YAMAHA 250 Open Daily 'til 10 p:m. sacks, A-l oond. world Trimaran, 22' beam $175. '69 DATSUN · Day or nl'tht 644-0896 7/12 items, patio furn. beer kegs, 962--1.248 636-3620 FREE Part Manx kittens to ;;:-,.,..,-,.;;,.,,-,,..,.-::--:-,--=: 1 lovina' home, $28Zi 615-6595 POOne 6"" """" 645-2578 ,.....,w, Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead SNOWBffiD No. t20 fg hull, SLIP Avail, for 40', right off '67 BSA. Mk. Ill cam, automatic, d.lr, radio, new board. $350. Glasshop. Coast hwy. $6.5 / mo. call CHERRY! ~1344 heater, w/w tires, loaded! per 7• di.ngey wtoars, $200. 67!:r2717 3200 mUes, under fact war-Cover all Orange ~ LA Co's * 548--0452 * bedspreads, thro1v r u gs, coo I er, toys. bottle WANTED COME BROWSE AROUND Used 1 sea.son. 67J.-1901 • A S • BOAT Dock nr. Nwpt Isl, 18' uto •rv1ce1 ranty. Bal to line. S1886. or JeS!. Sl.50/fVmo Year & Parts 9400 Take $125 cash dels or old- .e WANTED FURNITURE 2 LOVELY. hoolthy, bearing lB' Gl.ASPAR S.alak Sedan. 11terilizer. July J0..11·12 6862 SPINEI'S Ir GRANDS Marilyn, HB 847--0397 or l====636-=3620==·== WINDfS AUCTION 7110 847-9952 HARBOR VieW Hills Estate Sale. Massage chandelier. Saltrilli patio furn; emerald area--earpet, lounge chr, marble .tbl. wicker. etc. 3800 I~et !sJe ~· CdM orange trees. You dig Ir: Fully electric, 75 h.p. Even- 2075"" Newport Blvd. TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes haul. Gt2-Jl84 359 E. 20th rude, elee bait tank, full eov- SCRAM-LETS Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls. Quality fumi~. color TV's, c .M. ' 1110 er, American trailer. 675-4608 Radio 1200 er car, LB YHW14G • CaD l5C! pre(. 2~191 JEEP 4 cyl engine, Good Ken 545-0634. 9037 running cond. Complete SlOO I ~o=RA~N~G=E-C~o=u~N~T"Y°''~S~I Costa Mesa * 646-8686 ste~, ~ppliances, tools, LONG haired .., a JT MITCHEI.L Cabin Cruiser OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 office equip. . • uu_ Y grey &o.t Services Must Sell 54.8-6565 aft 6. · NO. I DATSUN. DEALE~ ANSWER'S liiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiil _=-·=·.,.53::1:'._12,,1='2="'=--= ~ttens to responsible, lov-60 hp, ·McCulloch eng. Very YACHT Skipper wants work. T •1 · T 1 9425 ----1 n g b o m es on I y, clean. $1400. Days 537-&'p.7 Cruise or maintenance. r11 er, r•v• GIGANTIC $ WE BUY $ &12-2862 "'' "'k~a1ttr~s"".~=~· ~~ * ~1 • 12" nsERGLASS .... ,. • -1u~orown/white0 males; beal'r!· Full canvas, 75 hp Bo.t-Y•eht--VW & small cars. lee box, Celtry -Fon1m -Adult -~· -;.,~~: ... "". · Tennis Court Sele DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. liunlingtoo Beach , 842-7781 or 54.0-0442 GARAGE Sale Sat ~ 10' boat • motor, .. Porta cab.le 6kill saws. Shopsmitb, elee -range-& oven; po~·er-lawn mower; fl\isc kit, utens_ils Ir: household items:. 9 1 9 2· Will sOon find-out that the· Man lrom U.N.C.l..E. is the tax .COLLECl'OR. • ! FURNITURE $ 2 PLA_!1''UL kit.tens, Black 19' AMERICAN Mark. s· weighs 600 lb!!:. perfect for · APPLIA~CES Kc n t I e W / c h i 1 d re n Evinrude-. .$200J, 548-t389 Charters 9Q39 butane. stove, sink. dbl bed, * * * C• w '[V'1-Pl•110'.-Sf1~1'1 839--6632 7/10 S''nBERCLAs dinav $85. 6 B"~WATER Ol•R~ERS almost new, 642-8292. DATSUN Bargain! ·~ Sta I Pi•e• or.Hout• F11U I ~====~-,~-~ I -....... '"'u"" ·• Wag, Jl,000 mi. --New car SAT&' ,SUN ·10-5 CAs.H IN JO MINUTES 2 ADORABLE kittens, boxed HP Sea King outboard. U ffirve Sail or Power * 15' TERRY, sips 5. stove, waqinly. llkt' nt'\V from POTPOURRI • ' 541 4'531 • trained, t weeks old -1 Near new $225. 646--3724 Skippered local sport fishing .ice box:. Good cond. $650. orig owner. $99j, Jordan Chairs Sl-165. Sofas, draper· "' malte!tt', _ 1 s Ir i Ped. "sABOT==-o",-""11-, -xln,.,-t-,«"nd"'". I ·Harbor cruises 24 hrs j~5"~8-<006;-;-j~STiOO:Ei;-;:u<;;;;: I ,.''':'3-~24~JO~~=~~~~ Albany Circle, RB. $2.-0(62 ======== Television 1205 42" SOLID oak mffee table, claw feet, Mahog:. bttak· front, small ~ chair, an- tique t a b I e s, glassware., hooked rugs:, roo7 Baja, Eastbluff. iea,. pain•--. cn.....,ting, WANTED: for re-sale' on 646--8405 1111 Ready for rigging or motor. 646-9000 1!160 -JB' STANLEY seU-con---_,. · J fill DATSUN Wht 4 dr. No fun, unusual clothes, antiqu-cons~gnment, a.dies. girls 2 SWEET Kit~ns, ready to 475. 673-4754 after 4. * Finest Selection, Power & taincd. Hitch, jacks, ele. cash. Just take over lease. RENT OR BUY es, It: object.I of art, etc. 111 qua.hty apparel; r u rs, live with you; we~. l ~B'°E°'G"'INNIN==G'"7Wl'."·;;:1nc:g"l"•=,..c::.,o::, Sail. Skipper optional. l"'or $13$. 548-8407 aH 4 Call eves 543-28&9 COLOR TV N. Mapleton Drive, Holmby casuals, cocktails, jewelry, beige, J gry/wht. 545-4592 10 hrs of Instructions, $55. brochure call S4.8-tl9t TRAVEL Trailer Xlnt cond. I ~========= $9 Month Up Hills; comer oJ Sunset &: by leading Otng Cnty 1tore. Seta> SchoOl. 642-7424 ALSO Mapleton. !Beverly Hills ~5#-=='3='11~9-o J0.5~'-'°~·-~~108~L~A~C~K~,1-.,.,~k-&'""'s~·1re-aml~in<-d Mobile Homes $550 brand new stove & oven 9200 KI 5-1572 ANTIQUE Tab I e' • com-STEREO-REFRIGERATORS a""'~a~)!!(~21~3~1 ~<Tl~·~25~72~.!J!!!!!!!!! WANTED: Hand prin~ kittens, Real gracetul to !!tt l&'F~~-A&S.Sf~R8o7!;p S~~c. modes. butter chur n • WASHERS OR DRYERS ": press. Call Mon. thru l'ri., 9 ••• absolutely tree. 201 30th ~4 or S4lj..0070 BAY HARBOR Trail•rs, Utility 9450 seo-ctary~ buffet, love seat, OPTION TO BUY NEW DISCOVERY gives to s St. NB 71u Mobile Hom• Sales =--'"'-' oval pie. frames le misc!. S43-453' bald men hair again! Not a 962-lfa9 "10' GlessJNr d inghy Casa Loma • Roll·A\\·ay • UTILITY' trailer use in trade 17651 San Marino Circle, painful transplant or ex· . . RABBITS, 1 buck & 2 does, $150. * 673-362'l Sheraton Manor. Homette _ for storage of trailer. Prefer F.V. 962--5852 °' 962-541! pensive hair weave, our new TR00i:" 344 .w:'u acce_pt ~ &:. cage. To retittd coo pie =========='I-Kit .. Prestige _ Sahar.t. CM area. 540-8638 aft 5 NEIGHBORHOOD Contribtr ADMffiAl., TV, 23" Co.lor hairpiece frorn.Jransparent camping, hiking It: cooki!lg_ only. No children please. S.ilboat1 9010 ALL SIZES tions: Many new it1:ms. Colllitlle, $300. artificial skin defies detec. equipment. 1162 Dorset Ln, 675-2445 -71u ___ .;....;_____ NOW ON DISPLAY Trucks 9500 Furniture, bardwatt, """'· * "'"""'' * lion. & antiqua"" all other C.M. ""'1663 MINIATURE Doxi<, 4 mo. SUMMER SALE !! 142 Baker St. 1967 K ~ COE etc. 430 Either St (oU methods. Fin. avail. Orange WANTED OLD TOY female, alter 6 pm CORONADO 34 will take trd % block East of Harbor Blvd. enwonn TuBtin} CM. Sat le Sun. Hi·Fi & St•r to 1210 Co. Hair Replacement Cntr. TRAINS MADE BEFORE 549--07-44 7110 CORONADO 25 save on demo on Baker e 335 Cummins GARAGE aa.le: July 11th & J969 SOLID State stel'1!0, 4 433 N. Tustin, Orani:f! I ~19'5-'.~P~bo_ne_642--0382 __ ~--IOo"N"°E"""'Puo-re-w""'h~~-,-.,.-"'1-c-ico"' I CORONADO 23 best 1st boat Costa Mesa ITI4) 54.0.9410 e l:> spd Road Ranger 12th, 9 to a pm. Sheets., spd, '1peaker audio system c633-04=="=----~-WANTED: Motorized ex:· w/black & other kittem 1o SAVE ON GREENLEAF PARK : i.a3!.1; Slee""r 86 .. shortwave radio, luggage, in walnut l-'OOSOle. Take WESTERN wagon, wheel erclzi.ng bikt', call anytime. ga. home 836-4493 7110 DEMONSTRATORS in cleat, clean, coot Costa •AC'& Sil'~ Tape Deck lawnmower & eda:l!t, Jl10f'e over amall payments or pay ~ ~lighti~ • ...i~turc1~;. 2 . '536-00~~llk===,;·==~l;ADO~~RABLEiAjiiLE~Ooci;Xk-:-?A~·~Poo~. SABOT SALE $250 sailaway Mesa. New 92 space adult •Air Suspension good buya. 478 E. 20th C.M. · Caah balance of $73.68. "'''""';n nauga,.,.""'" rec UUfl& ·:: blk fem. puppy. 7 wks. Nds SNOWBIRD · • S350 W/trtr park, Models &. Sales office e De Luxe interior (!'f'f"ll 548-3782. Credit Dept. 535-7289 =~ Doo~~I. n~oawpu; Mechlnery, •tc.. 1700 Kd home. 54.3-7053 1no 2912 W. Olast Highway located at Park. Open 9 AM 1968 Kenworth COE GARAGE Sale ........,,nal .. NEW GE '69 FM •. Stcreo &. STEAM BOILER Newport Beach 645-000 to 6 P!\t. . • "'" C"mm•·n, ~·-K bookcuo. Call to ,.. 3 Kl'ITENSo T\&f• b ""'"'· CCENT 0 ~ " houselJ:>ld, rr.isc items. 150 rec. plyr. library of between 5 a~ 9 p.m. Jnd .. •lrl·' Stoam ft-iler, Par-Rascal. "· s~ngest, Spooky VIKING 20' SI o op, im· A l-1 BILE e 13 gpd Road R&nger Tulip Ln. CM -Sat-Sun, 6112 records ~ value, just v.~kdays or a.nytime ke;"'lO ... b.p. c;;J working is the climber. ~97 7/Jo maculately cared tor. Best HOME SALES e 2 axle & 13 . $.215. 644-4676 • v.-eekends. 642-3526 ccndition. Working pressure KITTENS, ll wks old. Black, available in the f I e et. Co tal~ \Vhit~4A~~2.1350 •Large Sleeper 86'' CURTIS Mathes home f!n-Choice n,800. SJip available, s esa : e AC & Stereo Tape Deck COLDSPOT refrig., hide-a· of JOO pounds. S850 548-5623 very adorable, like kids. Sailing lessons 1ree to new v A CATION; WEEK-END •Air sus-nsion tcrtainment center, like new _.. 6 84" •••1 7/10 ~ Appli•ncet 8100 S300 or best offer. 646-6316. bed ~ dt5k. .divan, out-&1•er pm. v-ouo owner. 645-2629 HOME IN MEXICO. Trlr e Deluxe interior (blk) NORGE Automatic Washer, board motor, maple dinette, CASH ADORABLE Black kittens VENTURE 21, Pulpit, life park at Canta Mar. 13 mi. 546-0135 late model, xlnt cond. $65. RCA Stereo, chelT)' wood, vacuum. Eiffel tower .. '62 toi air tools air comprts· with w h 11 ~ m It lens lines, cockpit, rails, std. dac so. of Rosarita 'l7' Trlr \\•/ * 847-8115 lqoks &: sounds like new. sen Rambler ccnve:rtibl~, "62 son:, cut-oft'' saws, power 548-6&14 7111 sails + club jib, cha.in/sail 10x34 alt. room, full bath, '62 CORVAIR Ramp-side PU G.E. Automatic Was h er., .,:1:;115=:1"':=':;:$600;;='·="'"==;1589;:= Metro van, 2481 Tustin, CM llllWs, generators. Call C.E. sERVEL Refrigerator work· locker, mah cabs, slps 4. hot water H&R, butane Very good cond. S 6 5 0 very good condition, $35. 1500 64.6-802l ('l'q)'Car 714: 847-2684 ing coDdition. ' Eves 714: 545-4340 refrig. Sips 7, $950. Open 9f38.....1590 Shown bef. 3 p.m. * 847-8115 Sporting Goods PLUSH Nylon carpet, plus DRf!L .. ~ss. ~raftsman 673-2'284 7111 FIBERGLASS 21, Sloop, sips house July 12, 13, For info: [!!!""""~~~l""'""""' I IREFRl=°""'°'a'°'ERA°'"'~ro=R.-o!OOcc. '".-..,-lsURFBOARD 9'8" iood con-pad. approx 100 Bq•yds • .off· re4J. nice colXI. with bench. BLACK Kitten, ',i Siamese, 4, galley, enclosed head. call 673-3572 Space No. 13.i. * SHELLS * dryer iz;. dition $45 call after 5, while color. XLNT cond.K:".Can SOS compl. 546--0ll'? had shots, tr a j n e d , Dacron ~ails. roller reefing, 10 X 55 PARAMOUNT plus 2 Slightly ~=/cheap, * ~1024 * 646-3393 be seen in oric. Wall·tl>' · 54.M032 7/ll outboard.\. NI<;E!, TR y rm cahana, carport, Adultl;;;,-;==,.-,=--:c=, selting at ~ Holida)' · FR.EE TO YOU $2300. Jerry 67>-5087 Park $6995. 1560 Placentia, '66 SUPER funt extended KENMORE w ash" r • Ex· Misctll1neovs l600 N.B. 548-6800 for appt. All 6 Free kittem, 5 wks. eld, I~==~---~~-Newport Beach, Space C.J.l. Van; lo mi, xnlt cond. Auto, cellcnt co nd It ion. $33. -;;;"-;:::::::::::::'.:-:;-;;;;--;;;;I~·~"":'"'~'°~"'~'"~·~-=--. lovely Ioni haired, varied GREAT 8' sailing dingy, 646-7081 or 330-394l etc. Sl39:5. 892_3594 ~ AIR Compressor 5 HP, 60 FREE: Gre<!n ered kitten, colors. 675-2901 1/ll cui;tomized El Toro, hoistl T.=~~""~:c,;=-,,,-1·-ii.C'ic"':i-i'~~e:;"L" nnnwN REFRIG"" •Too 19" 3.S HP Rotary Mower, gr a Y ~ S 1 am es e · Dae. sails on ss n1ast track M 0 VIN G . Sacrificl'! Ex-'58 Ford l/2 T Pick Up Dl\,U L-l"'~ • ., gal. tank • single phase, $38. Craftsmen 3 hp lawn 67r,...6983 1112 3 HEALTHY clean kittens. d-0 1 2 dr to Freeze $40 magnetic starter, be I l 7 k 1 d extras S200 642-2281 pan iv rm, 2 BR, 2 $499. • 54g..(644 *' "~" ~1 * . edger, $35. Bowling ball (2) 2 PARAKEETS & CAGE Tabbies, \11 s o • ·=~=-----,.,-· 1 porches, a.ir conditioning.\========= ..._.u.:> euard· Used 00 days; orig. w/cases. $13 ea. G.E. * 675-7878 * 497-1044 7110 17' DAY Sailer. Complete 642-4Si1 Jetpt 9510 6 Mo old upright freezer, cost $82.5, sell S500 cash. undef.counter dishwasher, 3 PUPPIES ;>.-6 wks old equipment, includes onshore 642-8002 eve. 7112 ' ' Balboa Island moo r i n g . IN DRIFT\VOOD BEACH * 1967 BRONCO * r.a.crilice. $125. 53&-6800 repairable $25. 968-S830. I~==~--~--~ I f'emales, Beagle mother) CLUB 1 2 bd 1-=========-\oZARK'S Hickory chips for KlTIENS-7 \Yks old, ready 837_1087 1112 Phone 548-3331 & r, crpts, 1110 smoking &: B-B-Que, 3 lrg-3 KIRBY vacuum c 1 ea n er to lcavi; mother for home of drps. pool, 536-2731 \Vagon Hard lop, red&: white. Antiques ANTIQUE SHOW ANO SALE $2,IXXl,OOJ Display Bewrty Hilton Holel 9876 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills July 10, u. 1.2, 13 Thur, Fri, Sat I to 10 SUOO&,y 12 to 6. ANTIQUE CLOO<S f'or sale .working. 330 Victoria St .. C.M. lb bags $2. Includes delivery w/altach, polisher. XI.NT his owl!. 548-1591 7/11 INKY black PerSi~/Siamese ~"( !!~~l~~J:~ ~~ 27' sips 4, fully furn. like 4 wheel d~ve w I lockina; k cond and guar. Pay ' oU . kitten fret! to loVlng home. new. Herc's inexpensive liv· hubs, ra~IO, healer, rear ~:1i1~ ~"!~~~. o~~: :!!~~~n~J:ro?; ~~~ 4Hs~~. ~~cs T;;~~~~ 644-2928 Eves. 7112 ~r~~ ~~';~nable of. ing, $1275 takes. 642-2089 seat, m&>. 879-limS Carlton, OQtario. Cal. 91761 ~7289 shol!'i. 546-2559 7110 5 Mitten toed kllt~ns ready l1' O'Day Daysailcr LAG. Bch. Mobile home. 1957 CAB • O'(ER, pick-~p, DESKS "·'-boo"-'· --=------=='°"---,-"·~'""-.,-,I for adoption. l white 4 tabby ll35tl ~ . 17 .. ~ 4 cyl~ ne\v paint JOb, $850 • • Cuaus, '"""'"'s, OLYMPIC Sttteo ronrole, FREE, Fuzzy kittens, 2 mo s _ 5 wks. 494-3838 7/12 Demo $1750. Used '-""""'an v~v, npprox:, Ail<.'. &12-1617 d · 675-5466 adding mach\n (!s, like new, 2 box spring & old, to good borne, Aft. lll=c='""°'=::-:;-,=::-=~iJ4' O'Day used ........ $500 lBdr.lBa.499-2196 ays. eW!. typewriters, drafting tables, mattresses, 2 black &: \vhite a.m. 543-7786 7110 TAKE These 2 fuzzy little Fun 7.one Boat Co. Balboa C 9520 waste baskets. '120 W. 17th TV'=""·~·540-='="'°'36~==-c-Kl'ITEN •==~5-, ~3-m-.i-.,-.~,~.~1k-.-21 ~~or we'll drown t~;-;12 26. T·BIRD Sloop 3 sails. & ~M~O~T~Oi;R~H;O~M~E~S~';t::92~1~5;1.;.!;.m;;;:;po:;:"~~~;;;;;;;;;. St., CM. ~S ffiU.ECTORS ITEMS: Ice lite, Call 646-2090 or 115 E. spinnaker, Speedometer, I CARP=~=ET=IN~G~Good,..-,-co-nd""'"". =110 cream table & chairs, Civil 21st St.. C.M. 11101'P"E"T"S,-.,.•nd=0L""1v=es°'T°"OC""K" Pulpit, IO hp, eng. .$3650. CAMPER yds. light gold-nylon $75. &. WWII relics, pipes of 4 CtrrE grey DuUy kittens, 7 Ca~ 1120 Bob Edwards, 642-1403 Sales • R•ntals 703 ?\1ari,gold Corona dcl t n ·~ ~· 6 '" A ·•~-~ ~--• -'-""°"-,~'~m~•~·o.,~==,---I wks. Eves. aft. :3 0'1---------UDO 14 . $890. 2 sails, rac-u .. ..,,.ucu Vt:41et' Mar after S:30 p.m. DECORATING? 646-73'16 1no SIAMESE .ea1 pnt kittens, tng equip at Bah ta Eldorado -Four Winds ENGUSH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORO DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 MODEl..5-- Immediate: delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodor• ROBINS FORD 2060 lla:rbor ffivd. Cost.a Mesa 642-0010 FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imporu Ltd. Or· ange Caunt;y's only authot- 17.ed · deaJer.- - SALES-SERVICE·PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642.9405 540.1764 Authorized ?l{G Dealer FIAT 1962 Fiat Roadster, need; work. Good lra ns. $150. •54S.-3702• JEEP '66 'Jeep \Vagonccr, 4 1vhecl t"hive. Big 6, stick, power llttr· ing -Lie. No. SVE368. Pric- ed lo sell! $2197 B•st Deals Art At DEAN LEWIS 1966 lfarbor, C.1\1. &l&-9303 KARMANN GHIA '67 GHIA Coupe 4 speed transmission. radio. heater. Bir conditiong. Uc. No. VEO 232 $2099 OOU.S. J ewelry, Pictutts, ~-11-'crauowareii • Furniture. llll s. Van Ness. S,A. LOUIS ROTH SUITS I have 4 quality, heaVl' mir· DESPERATE'3 k i 1ttn1 , Rec parents, kittens can be Corinlhian YC. 213: 693-9195 Scotsman -BaZTacuda Size 43 regUlar $25 $45 $50 ror sections, each 3'x3'9". housebroken, weaned, to gd. ="'="=· ="='"='=3'='===== ~'-"~' ~'~"--23,-11---.,,-~ S' Cabove.r Low A. ..._1824 ~All='='°'=-l_loo_,. ,.._ __ 5623..,_,.-,.-I homf' MS-1403 1110 D 8825 SABar S ail boat. Brand Mode~ 600 SEAR'S Deluxe tent, l.Oxll' SINGER sewing mac h. BLUE Point Siamese kittens. -"'~'-------new, complete. Needs paint. c~,~~ Sewing Mlchinff 1120 $35. Coleman l bumer camp w/cabinet, buttonholer, in 6T;Mi383, after 5 OR 5-3558. ALASKAN Malamutes, !sled Sll5. 548-6.'i65 aft 6 P.M. HE.IDQUIRTEJIS Theodore ''°"" SIO ... ..,.,,. aft 6 pm. gd. cond. $75. afl" ' pm, 7111 "°" pup•), AKC. beaotilttl 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 RQBINS FORD 1969 SINGER with zig-zag I walnut c:onsole. Makes but· sea t.>Jes. designs etc., $5.25 mo. or $36.00 cash. 526-6616 PETEROON Twin stroller "'3&-<025"""°""""""=""'"-;:-c:-:7":-:: 1 ro=~GOO--D-ho-m-,-,~1,~;,~h-,.-t.1 coloring. creat family dogs, SAC. AS IS. 669 So. st. Malo, FDR 2060 Harbor Blvd. $m. Foldinlr high chair $10. co Mp LET E barber ter.poodle puppies, 5 wkJ friendly, klvizl&, euy to W. Covina (213) 795-0569 eve· MOTORHOMES Costa Mesa 642-0010 '~J'' Girl's bike $15. 847-6319 equlpm't 64 Model gtty & old. 646--8091 7/Jl train. Perfect show dogs, * KITE No. 421 * b.12 rug A: pad $25. 2 men's white. Large outside neon KITI'ENS 7. wk!I Id trnd good for b re t d Ing. fully equip, like new, trailer wits (Eagle-14\ $25 each. sign. 548-6321 54&59l9 • 0 • 7/lJ ReJPslered purebred, Sl.25 ;750. 6744341 MwJe1J Inst. 1125 like new. "'° •7311 ~'ij;;if,~ii;;;d;~iliid;:-:-I ~~~c-;;;;;;-;:;;;-~;;1~·~~.<~92--35~'~73:.:_---:__:;,._:__: -,,;-co:;-==-=;-;=• ,,.._.., Quality king bed, quilt , ,.., B H -• • ORANGE t;"er cal vnung COL. 22' Sloop, 0 . . e .... , FENDER JAGUAR G I H OFFSET PrinUna Complele, unused $98; worth ..., . ' J~ TOY Poodle pups, AKC 1~11 lite" Dae. aails. "'JGM. eves. GUITAR (dl.scounlon order 200 A over) $250. Alter 5 or wlmd.s, female, tnOVllll Ea 8 t · wks, Male, apricot & silver. 675-7Jss _..,., Qlstom finish with deluxe 171 H R.lvenlde, NB 642-0920 847--0406 ~2819 1111 Also M & F, J'-' yrs. ==--o~-.,.---. -·---caec. Like brand BATI'ERI.ES 6 v S4.!t5 ex. l2. 3 Whl Harley frame. drt1.Win& BOXER. Fem, bouscbrkn G75-5.l43 bcf. 10:30 aft. 5 KITE No. 373, racing oond. .,_...,.... free to good home bl w/hand dolly & rover. $600. newt Original p~ $450. V $5.!Ki ex,~· 11 mo. Pay tble, clothes etc. 1508 Olive, 642-IOl4 7/ll 4 DARLING a.ck or golden 548-8975 Sacrifiee for $225! Call aft $1.25-oltl batt. 54lh<$9CI Apt A. ll.B. --.,,-;===-===--! Labrador puppies. Good '°"'"°'==~-=== &pm.W<mii 8' CUSI'OAl surfboard ·MOmLE Radio phone ELECTRIC DRYER breed.$l0each.54()..5589 SNO\VBIRD No. 374wlgood .. •U32 7112 ~ails, sand dolley, cover, GUJTARS, Amplltim, P.A. perfect condltioii; 1 year old 4 -channel, very reason-' WHITE Minlatutt ·Poodles, $85. &42-MU gyQtm.s A eebo clwnbtts. $50. N74591 able. 540--9032 Kl'JTENS 6 wks. o I d , no papers, 1 wks old. $25. ="""==~.,-.,--..,,,-..,,= Blsl prier! 60-1011 *OOUBLE -.1. crib. twin l•' Boat W/ 35 hp motor. housebroktn. 49!M158. 1no each. 8.t7-3941 RACING Sabot. ntlW parts ........., and extras. Like new . • VOX ELECl'RIC BASS e bedi;, S2S each. TV $W. Deep ~ 910 Penn reel. PRE'ITY CAT or KlTJ'EN FOR Sa1!! Doxie puppies 67S-4491. J piclt-4lp, XLNT acUon 846--0842 548--t6S7 Will deliver. ~4 1110 lcmalca. brown, I~=====-==::::::- ftM ,....... _., ,,,,_ "~" '''"'" GLOBDIASTER Trimaran .,._. w ._,, vi~ NEWPORT Sch Tenni~ Oub * LARGE Pool table, be.Us KI'ITENS, Young, 3 blk. 1 <J'llMIVO• 5 -81'RING Kl¥ 8aDjo cue fa.mil)' membership. $tOO or le cues Inc I u de d $4::i. blk with white. 642-7764 7/JO IRISH Setter pupPies, 8 wks. ~· :tn!:~it~~~ Ind. Lib new .. &O.'?bl brst oUtr. f13..7002 aft 6 ~ ~-kiftens, tiousebroken, old. Oiampion blood line. «;50-1171 3 PC Ltiua&* $10. 1"1.bk AQUARJUM ia ga1. WI & 7 wljs Old. 548-5.159 7/11 AltC 531-3:194. New h;~D~r~4 -673-6732 IO ~ with lamp $25. Slie frt.sh waler wnlght, pump, TllE SUN NEVER Sf:TS o. Samoyed, female 11li yrs. Pl_. A Orpftl 11 14 dotbts 501:42. 642-70t6 fillet • acce11. $&5, C'J'5.0S90 Cluslfted's action pc:rwtt. S15 very aent1c CORONADO 25 PIANO WANTED 1llE QUIOCER YOU~ DAILY PILOT WANT ADS For an ad to 1111 At"Ound a.fter 6 pm 54~4~ Extr&s, Offer. 675-5846 OU) ll'l·l llln'Yl ~ THE QOICKER YOU'!EL BRING RESUM'S' the dock. call ..... ,. SOCK rr TO 'EM' --OllARGE IT. 1...::::;:..;;;;..:;;;..;.;.'-'-"'"-1 . ' 01 lllNY 1111 All lll'I DODGE "llPlORER" w ......... •lttl ....... . tlllllr,M -..-....... . ahtllill, ,...,_•IPL •u. 1111:&. 11 1001, u roof. 21 roof. J vu 111 f 11tti111c. tlll• Alt .A""H'll• CRl Dlf , 54~3031 Ext. 66 or ~T 1970 HARBOR BLVD, RARE '61 VW can1per COSTA MESA w/top, WndR, sunrf, brand =-o==~,.....=-­nt'W motor wlless than 'CJ XLNT Cond. "1tginc 2,000 mi, New cluleh, paint, overhauled, new Iii'"! .t curtains, rugs. 0 v e r s i z e uphol. Come St'C In ap- whccls & bike rack. $900 or preciate $895. 837-7689 bc1111. 494--0518 RENT-A-SHELL AM-TOP 8.19-1800 1010 So. J.larbor, Santi. Ana 9525 DUNE Buggy Show Sale . Bodies from $149. Chassis from $249. La Pa2 Dune Buga Supennarke.t, 3623 W. \Vamer, SA. 546--400 OPEN 9&9 wkd,ys, 9-6 Sat A Sun 1968 V\V·Porsche ,.,·heels, 11pecial tires. Profemona14' built. Mint cond. 641-7891 Whne t :le(>hanta '!' MERCED~ '61 220 icd. Air. Xln1 co~I. 8ueh'<'I S. Pr/ prty. SllOO. 644-2.i~t PLACE )'OW' want ad w11ere lhty are looking -0 1\ILY PUDf-dAained! &42~18 I I I 1· • ' • • I, ,I ' T II ': ' ' -• ' ---;---. ------.-...... -'°' ____________ ,, -------. ---.,.-,"""·---" ••• '" lwl ·~ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRA NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION , TRANSPORTATION f1t1tl1tllf. 'JJ, 10, 1'169 . DAll.Y Ml.ff ·@ TRAHSl'ORTATION rMHIPOaTATiON TRANSPORTATl6N "!' -· , , Imported Aut°' 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos . t600 Auto Lt1olni 'flO UHd Caro t900 TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN • Cttlt'fSLl!I Uaod Cort 9900 Usod Cart '9'00 Uood Cort 9'00 UHd Cort 9tOt "--~--'.;.,;,;; 1-~~~~~~- ••• TOYOTA LE.I.SI · RINT _, FALCON -MG ' . llG • ~ POltD OLDSMOE ,. -· ~-,--~~~ ..... 11 ,. ~ Servtce, Parts lm.anediate Delivery, All Model1 'ff VW't ALL POl'ULAR '" CHRYSLER '°°' H.T. l'M.COI< FunmA ,; • • , , SPECIALS IMM!'DIATE DELIVERY MAKES ;, Cpc, f'scl~ry afr, (~~;· ).Door Clan OSRAHUNSETD Ol'IFOltNINDO -. -' '· ,69 Corolla w .. .,..n XSP996 Bar* £1,IW:Jldnl • FORD , powtr steer1111. RAH . .u:...-• 6 • • ~ $213 m, · 9ll) $129.l run pritt. e -17)-497t) • • C.talln• ': • · ·-~ J1rtupon 31111p L1 rt s • !100 W. Cout Hwy., N.8. : :..: 6'2-Mllt Ml).l'lM • Autbori%ed MG Dealtt MG!-SPECIALS '67 CT _. UJC817 '67 Midget -WIC59J '66MGB -~ '64MGB VZZ484 '34 N.D ROST -LJ'9!l99 Best Deals A re At ,,, ·_: DEAN LEWIS '!3 Co!Ona lIT Cl>c WIG 113 . -A\lntORIZ!D CONNELL • ~Ir~' ' • I -V8, aut ~· ' I Choi"' 0( 3 $14.!)) ., "' LEASING .lel ft-~ORON-·DO '61 Corooa 4 dr • TYX281 Plus 1111141 pymnt tar . SYSTEM CHEVROLET' FORD C I' A ""' *• power '61 Crown Wagon • TXSS,19 tiUt. Full 2 )T, 2(000 'C~Our Co!!!Pf!:tili_ye Rate.1 :::-:-::-~:=:~"""~,,-..Jl-'cotw TV Draw~ ,.... ~ht "*· : ~ .. 1 J..amcndser-.. \JO ,mJ-~. Avall-pnly. at 1-="""th""ioto<""" . 2828-11arbor IDvd~ -'68· LTD "'1'--hardtOp---p/ Sltd CilaCnG~ Btva~ -~---.~-1-.or...Jllaile..nl (Jalllt\,.. All Detailed And .,;.r •-M~OR$-'-ROBINS FORD c.111. --5'&.t203 P/B, Fact .u-. RIH \\"""'""'" NIW a IXICUTIVE • $329S-· · 8e1t~~o:~ At 534-228t ~ ... ~ ~ 1: c;,:~e~:ta:r:.~':;1y Brougham Interior, 390 eng, {n4) 636-4010 (713) SSS.5588 TO~HNOOSL YE· F&ROM ATLAS DE OPEN SUNDAY Costa 3:~ ~ clean. Under 29,000 m.J, Extra clean, low mileage '64 FOJtD Station Wacon, V8, " AN LEWIS '59 dHOPPED ~ n..... Priced under book. 673-1.400 fl995 f,ftm, 545-0248 factory alr, aµto., ~.S~. R& __ • u~ GRAND OPENING H. (OMU/IOO) $1295 IuU pdce. BIG SAVINGS! CHRYSLE;lt -p~ i i '1ji966jHf•j-:-1. c~·"''A·>'Y-V1i'l~~~-~Y<=N=•w=ae=a"=· =l500==· lu :;Hd:;;;;;;,Co;;;";;:;:;:;;;:;;-;::9900;;;;f--..::C:.:O::M=:ET.:__ SUNSET FORD CONNELL. u • •ty 2929 HAABOR -1l. BILL MAXEY TRANSPORTATION CARS •63 O'.lMEI' • ~•. ... .... July u1•. 12th, 13th , cHEvRoLET _ n1vers1 · ~. iti~ .~ • ~ i ITrrilVTri:rTTAll---V~O~LY~O~--i llWPORTER MOTORS ...... AJC, ~.Val•• H•11'Cf!'.:ldos C.M. 2821 -Bl~l20I .. .. • :. : ITIOJvrc>!TIAI voLvo Buvs 2036HARBORBLVD. ~"'"' -· ssoo . co1o_,rvoraw1nv GRANDOPENING • Oldsmobile s~1a1 Pu• ... ••t :. 18881 BEACH BLVD. '67 122 cosrA ll!ESA -G~": Blvd. SUNSET FORD' ,. 1969 PON1'ACl : Hunt. Beach 847-8555 Lie. T'IT741 SU.5294 or 54MS11 CORYAJR (ttt) 63MOlO (2l3) 598-5588 JuJ.y llth. 12th, 13th 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa Fa.ntaatie Sa.,.. ' · 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy, on Bch J:.:xtra Sha:rp. FINANCING AVAILABLE LIKE ntw ,~ t-.....o G•'A-riA Hellcopter RW.a 540-"40 Very I.ow Mllila !'• ·.'( 1966 Harbor, C.~f. 64&-9300 TOYOTA '67 144 '63 CORVAIR with stick, ~ i-w.u ~ Cle • ~tost With Facloly , 1B51 TD, $300 just spent on -4 door. Lie. No. UVA333 BUICK choice condition. $475. Call ~· t ~R. Good tittl, tac Col. ~ D' • e THE LAST 1>: • e~. Clean car! $800. • Automatic tranamia&ion. air .it.er a P.M. ~ 8 • · • ntw auto tram. or r1wJng OF THE YIM. ~ • ~..li!Ll!_AM_to_.LEM.1--,HEADQ• UARTERS conditioning. . _'87 ...BIVJERA·. ,11 pwr,.Jact '62 COl\VAJR.-ad. condo Dew. ~t 6 pm or wkndl. -~ G~~ro:' Blvd. Grand Prix e .ltledli' , Evea. & wknds. 6'13--8969 CIJOJE ~ ''5 P'l air, .stereo. landau top, clutch, S250 ,.,---jt-;,64;::;CUT;::;;;:;:LASS::;:':;:H:;:ul:;:lda;;;:y=""'=-=P<=. · Tempe11t.s • Flr9blt'dl, ~.,. . • . .66 MG , . ~rt '!'"f;'· ~'·No PBFS13 chrm,whb, tmmac • ...-.t. l · 5'>8060 aftor 4,30 GSRAUNNSDETOPEFONIRNGD ~:,,~o (2ll~sos:' buclmt ,..,., auto. pow. BOB LON&f-; ; -· get, XLNT cond. rfmov 15300 Beach Blvd Wstn:lrutr VO • nes · ·oWntr $3«X> pv. P t '1 . qon • •'-nnr' •·-t "-good -.. . .. ,. . -----Pflone,...:,,,, '63 PllOO &11""1 COUGAR July µth, 12th. !3th ~PIS. low mi, 1895-.=i, im.= ~ "' PONTIAC .,:, : -' I 1 " ~·l-="===54=0-="="=-==o: s~ ~·n!!,c· No IZW4S3 '65 RIVIERA. all equip., . · Helle ter Rides ' after 5:30 &a-1m. 13600 Beach e wetm..&t, ·• !TfOIYIOITIAI 'S154I 2 ·Door very '1•an. Nda body -'67 COUGAR XJ\1.. ......... Cfowns _ MERCURY 1"63 Ol,DS ~.,. cuu ... v-1, Open •tQ J0,00. Pll • f MGA --.. 1Q1' · $2100/beit. &Q.8584 ps, fact air.~;, Color TV Drawing . auto. R/H, fact IJI', k> '63 TEMPEST Le.~ v;s; OS.st, De1ls Ar• At-u.=. .. r!~· ~. Lots ol * ·55 Buick J...Door -• PACIFIC -COA$t MOTORS, . -5440 Gaide'fi Grtmrmva .,. •.LA ME'R'CIUR~ mlles~"Malt' • 'Iue -c0~---.-.iiff. ,_.._ - - MGA-'59 very gd. oond. XI.NT interior. $SXI see al _,. -1312 W. Balboa No. 7, NB. OPEL ,'66 OPEL Wagon, Tl .000 mi. Exce"ptional cond. Must sell ,. by wknd, 968-1797 PORSCHE e·GSe365C Xlnt mech. rond , • • Sharp appearance, r.i.dial · · • tires -Butterfly rack .. o .. 75 '.)... . ....... .... . call Mr. Hauser 642--0722 .,. PORSCHE '62 Super 90 • Cabriolet new paint, radial ·" ply tires, A~1/FM radio, .. chrome \\'his, reas. 642--0895 EAN LEWIS h.io .. lsAreAt ~~~.'i: ~Beac1,,,w .. tm1n1iu. m•1~~~~~ COLONY PARK ~Yin& ~try 7115. :;:'.:is,tXlnt ;;~,:;;;;r:'- 1006 Harix;r, C.M. 646-9303 DEAN -LEWIS DQD~E '63 FORD, 2 cir Galaxie, 500 9 pusenaer waeon. tun pow-"68 CUTLASS S. Vinyl top, '63 Tempest Le Mam 2 dr , , CADILLAC XL,powe<..;bdOWI,-.,..;th'alr, AMIF'ltl. Xbtt t:Ond. 1 &orlhilt .............. -:' lll66 Harbor, CJ<. 6'6-9303 '66 DOD.GE :!".';.!;'.""'·good <ond. 1995' $1299 ...,.r. 1:1715 belore· 5. Runs ""'''-$490. ~! ~ VOLVO '57 Cadlllac. dt Vtil•, 4 Dr. --* 19,__ * 644-lSn alt~ 646-8206 • , _ , '66 TR4A, BRG b I a c k lac alr, lull "'""'' ""'nt GRAND OPENING 62 Mo le A' '16 OU>S Convt. Power. AM-RAMBLER : : le•toor. Radio, wU. wh .. i.. o=baw. Only $300. Prv CORONET SEOAN SUNSET FO D n ""· u-. PM radio. Pr;vate party * · ' Mj,chelins. St.ebro exhausts. Best Deals Are At prl;y. 6M-fil05. V8, automatit' radio, heat· R P/S. P/B, Good cond $CiOO 9fi8..J195 PRE-OWNEt> ~~ Absolutely immaculate DEAN LEWIS LIMOUSINE '60 Fleetwood. er~ power 11teirin&, low, low Jul,y 11th, 12th, J.:!th * 646-ll&l * .. 65 OJ:.DS 98, ""-·-·Sedan, BIG SELECTION ..... ' Lots of tender loving care: 2 air-conditioners, jump milei. (RIG 885) Helfcopter Ridel' _....,,,, '61 THRU 'Wo MUSTANG loaded, iow ·, na 11 e q .e ! Many extrall. 3S,OOO ml. 1966 HarOOr, C.M. 646-9303 seats. $495. 962-7898 $1'395 , Clowns Perteet eondidoll. 5f6....2535 ALL MODELS : .. Sl995. 549--188.1 , . . •ts roUPE de Ville a. pwr Color TV Drawlnt ,67 ~-me V8 2 pl 2 ,16.0LDS: 442. Good Coad. FROM $215. __ : "-'64 TRIUMfH_Spitfire, ~~~~~fw~' 4 radr:.: _aif', Mnst Sac-=.~-5440 Garden Grove Bl'llL 1Utti.~trC:U. MUst sellt"Belt'oUa:--"' -e.--._._..__.---:: ~ f'.xcl cond. 1 owner. ;985 $1.695. 842-t953; Wr7408 30,000 ml. 963-2M9 A.T[I (nf) ~?~1r 598-n:-tioning, ft6Ho, !?eater. ttVY· ~ ~ • ~ Nf'.W_ ~ ~. ' firm. 968-5830. ·-'60 SEDAN de. Ville ' .....oo 440) $1695 full price." -_ -1 -iJ":' VOLKSWAGEN ·Antlq-, Clasolct 96f5 "'""'"'motor, S31> CHRYSLER -PL'iMOtJTll '67 ~TD. 2 dr .~T. '°''"" CONNEU.l _ ---PLYM' OUTH 642-7289 2929 HARBOR BJ,.VO. Xlnt mod., low miles. \Viii . ~ 1941 Dodge Luxury Llner 4 _ O'.lSfA MESA 546-1934 take lr&Mportafoo car '°' CHEVROLET '68. PLYMOUTH . VObKSWAGEN 1968 dr: 15,000 Orig miles, r & h, · CAMARO Open Daily 'Iii 11) p.m. · equlty. Bal owed $1950. 2828 Harbor Blvd. . TRIUMPH SQU~ BAC K * T 0 P all extras work. lm· . '69 ~ : 646--7371 _ -C M.· • · 546-1203 ~· , RENAULT r IQJNDJTl~li macula~;-muot ~,to » ~·t?Aiww 'Ps.'int &,GOO J"H'V• '61 l'ORD 8 Cntry s.ili.n ~ MUSfANG V.t 2'dr. ,,UltY .111 1..,9+,;;;=::=;=~"1 •---------' THIS WEEK '$1975. 494-1852 prec. t600 «otters. ~ mrat coiiif. $2600 ~ best ·-• · wagon auto, r_adio, heater, ~hdt~p. auto trans, Rfu~ ·s;;ocm hardtop;--V8. automa-J" •llRD : ~ .r. 1961 CARAVELLE ,64 vw BUS, '65 Eng., 9 or 494-3891 otter. 6510 ·w. 'Qo!anfront, SUP~R BEE ps, 53.000 miles. $395, di~c brakes, P IS. 10 mlln, tic, n41o; beater. power ..-- Convertible . passenger. AM/FM radio; '47 Cad.Wac C -door sedan. i N.B. .642--3615 . VJ, automatic, R&H, power 54&-3501 $1950 pv. p+u, 548-8270 8-10 iteerll'lg, factory air condi- Speclal Body by Rena.ult. Re-Jow mi. Xlnt cond. Rea.a. Excellent condition. 494-6125 , good _,.. •tee~, P.B., •lereo la.pt", FORD "'-'-··'-62, Po,.-, v tiobinc. CVR.'8315) built eng. Good tires. Oean 536-3576 * "t 68, 327 ,enc. ~ ........ red hnea, many other ex. ~ .... a .m. or &.a p.m. only. $2]95 body, $375. 642-5'i69 · ber. Auto trans. P I S traa. Llke new (YNW2m) steering & seat. Radio, FOR sale '65 ~fwitang, vi11)'1 1:,.-;-::-=,-,----,...,,"' I '60 . vw. R/H. Good. mn-Rice C1rs, Rods 9620 bwnblee strlnP. ~2463 $Z9'. 5 heater, new tires $450. .. .... '63 4-dr stick. top cond. $500 c 6*-6 ~" top, power, v ..,, auto, to.p. or bat oUr. 642-5873 anytime ~~O_?~ Naftew6 ~~ $575. OLET 1...., $7§. mo or $1000. ~ ATLAS ' ·or Soph;e 6'16-8331 9-5 ~· p.m. F REE CHEVR ATLAS '16 CNTRY Sod. 2 '"· pwr '35-5423 °' 61~2..,, ~~: 'wkdys 691 Cntr, CM ·~a:,' ~ ~· 66 CHEVRQUJ :;,~~~ R.H. $1350 or ·~ut~~k~ ~ ~ ~ s: e; d ~ ~~~Bo~L~~~ MUST ! 4·~~-a:._ ~ ... SUBARU Sl200 * 54~2421 CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH '59 Ford Wag, 6 auto, both R&H, PIS, mwit sell $1200. cosrA MESA 546-193C jl .. ,. . RED '66 vw sedan, xlnl FORD'S TRAVELING CAPRICE 2929 HARBOR BLVD. reblt Ceng/trans) Good fl5..00, Open Oall.y 'tll 10 p.m. -_!!BC! '7!;.,&46-41'1.9 ·it .,;_ :.,SUba[U oLC.aJif~ eobd. 111~_!.""'__'___ PE~~~~:CE va, automatic, !acto'Yb_.~· O'.lg;;', ~ •m 10 ~~ ,68""F' .~':':"~El350J'orI. ~-~. ·~. '68/b.MUISfAN1Gb, !'!ue000, 6 '.':°'" 1967 PLY. WAGQN ·~:;.!.~ ,::•».:; I -R 'I D. ED TER."RYllld power •tMr., power ,.___, ~· .... '\hU r p s. P -,_,_,,u,. m"'es, •-Good-CGndilion. Glean-und~. &'B-1115--nc. etal IV. '66 VW sunroof, 1500 CC. DICK WOOD power windows, radio, beat. M~ST Sell '68 Charger black Hdtp. P/s, P/b, alr-oond. good cond. $1250. 549-24M * 9 passenger .. . • $1297 POE Runs veat. New paint job. In Person with Their u vinyl top. SBN 712 vinyl top, &Old body, fully 390 ena:. 23.00IJ ml. 64Z-35n • Air Conditioned 1.962 T landau. Xln~; ·:~ Opt equip $30. Fre.ia;ht Slt.50 $1075. 644..ffi56 1''AMED DRAG CARS ' $1695 autom. My equity $600. bal, BUSIESI' marketplace tn OLDSMOBILE * Power Brakes, Steerinr, nct4s ~work I: · Randllng S49. l1el. $1390.50 '66 VW BUG, Xlnt con:ct. r &. TUESDAY, JULY 15th ~~.94. Purchue 6 ale town. The DAILY Pil.o'r $2350. WW trail,. equity $650-~ ,, + Tax and IJcense .,..4;i. M()..0087 Oassified teetion. S.ve 1963 OLDS 4 Dr. Air, P/b, for work car and take oV. IS Y AD IN GLA.a!t h, sunroof, good tires. $121'Xl. 7·30 PM ATLAS 1 Som will~ 1fm W. Coast Hiway, N.B. 637·3074 646-624.S. • FREE • White eiepbantB! Diroe-a-Une money. ti.me & eUort. Look P/s, fully equipped. $500 er pe,ymMts. 54Ml.t5 aft FIEll ' eone "5-0050 * 540.2733 '66 VW Bus. $1100 369-A PRIZES-REFRESHMENTS Dial M2-5678 frsr llESULTS ~!!! .ca.sh.~273 3 P .M. ~t,fDr Jt Oi&1 ' DO CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH I • ---•· • E M __ (tear.) Locust. Laguua THEO RE C 9900u--11 f!aiw. _..... SUNB A a. .... '"" 1 p.m. ROBINS FORD 2929HARBOR BLVD. lr?.U5sed~-~os"~§' ~~~5~~~s~!.9'0Qs~~llltoll~.SC~art~~~~9900$~U~Hd~Cas"~§~~~~-~-~~.~~-~·~;---~·~·· R O B VD COSTA MESA 546-1934 '67 SUNBEAM Tiger 289 V~. 1964 VW. 1 Owner. Xlnt cond. 2060 HA 8 R L • Open Daily 'til 10 p.m. HoU•y 4 bd. Mall....., dual pl Ra I I y g r n p a i n t COSTA MESA EVROL~ Impal • -or .....v'> * 847-8013 642-0010 '68 OI "'~ a Igo, fyee hoadm; ~de..;n--·~..,-vws;:;;;rooi;'RiiiL'I~ .... ~ ............ ~ I .,,.... Factory '•Ir, P.S.. JOHNSON & SON'.S. ~ "NNI-VERSA RY MONTfl. . us. ED_ CAR SA. ·LE i der exhaust sys, load '65 V\V Sunroof, R/H. •-d' h t !WAK " t Aro ·-· ,._. for ao ..... , ra io, ea er. · .I' .levelers, Indy rear tires. 1 owner, good cond. gi up 827) Like New, $2295 lull Cuntinent.al TtDCl-Door JOHNSON & SON ·TURNS OVER THEIR ·u td fog lamps cust $1100 548-16S7 girls. Formula Vee, Jttsh 11'1 m • ' engine & transmission: $650 price. EXECUTIVE CARS ANO-DEMOS MORE body stripe, roll bar, hard & '69-7 Pass. Bus w/aWU'OOI. incl trailer. 540-5151 ext 300 CONNELL FR~.c nul!NTL y THAN soft tops & more. 636-3818 2 000 ·• t ll t '><IM .,.. II aft 6 PM • m• • .. mu• ,. · ~· alt 3,30 pm. CHEVROLET DOES THl AVERA6E -PH' 646-0053 I;:=='===== DEALER. '66 VW. Sunroof. Body At Autos W1nted 9700 2828 Harbor Blvd, TOYdTA 1968 TOYOTA Hardtop Coupe $1695.00 Lie. No. WIF578 894-3320 Dlr DIAL direct 642-5678, Charge your ad, then sit back and listen to the phone ring! cng-Top cond! $1350. Days C.M: 5te-1203 ~9222, eves 545-4354 WE PAY . · • '68 vo~i::_AGEN CASH * 546-404:> * '67 VW sedan, CLEANI $1450. 5fJ..2785 For Daily Pilot Want Ads Dial 642-5678 for, aM!d an A trucb 1ult caD WI for free estimate. GROTH CHEVROLET QIEVY '66 Caprice, 327 eng. Fact air, p/1, p/b. vinyl top, astro seat, new tlrea, orig. owner, Xlnt cond. iI.893 ~ make, otter. 644--0221 '6.l CHEVROLET Impala sta· Uon wagon. VS, auto., P.S., radio, beater. CNOZ.. Imported Aut~ · 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Aak tot Sain Mana&a 6741 $1095 lull price. == :'.'! CONNELL ELMORE KI~ CHEVROLET WE PAY WH 2828 H.-Blvd, C.t.J. 541-1203 60 OJEVY, Beautiful cond. fOR YOUR CAR 283 en ;n. f •P. Must .. m Set tu appreciate 548-6565 CONNELL alt 6 CHEVROLET • . ., CHEVY" Nova ~wag, rum 1'i!ll; dean· but iieeda ms Harbor BlYd. work on tOp. $325. m-2921 ~ M0'8 5i6-1200 . I-=-="='=====~ i '56 CHEVY Station wagon, CONFIDENTIALLY .-cont1. Wl. "s 2 We Pay More For Galway LN, CM. 545--4352 ForeigJ! Qr Sports C8n '66 IMPALA, 9 pass wag, 396 PAID .FOR OR NOT bydra-matic, °' r&h. $1M B. J. SPORTSCAR under whbte blue. 847.,l418 CENTER '6' CHEV. Impala <0nvert. Auto., R&.H, new tires; top 2833 Harbor Blvd. cond. $400. 642-aiOO Costa Mesa . 540-4491 283 Cu in. 4 IP· M~ ~ 'we PAY TOP--s.. 1o ·-~ -OOLLAR aft 6 ror good, clean used can, '60 CHEVY 2-dr coupe 6-cyl -all makff. See-George Ra,y auto. SPLENDID COND; Theodo~ Robins Ford $150 after' 5. 5J6...6646 2060 Harbor IDvd. C.M. 642-0010 '56 i;HEV. $250 Will Buy Your V~aren or Pol'ICht • pay .... itouon. Paid tor or not: can Ralpb 548-{;601 aft 5 CHRYSLn '68 CHRYSLER 613<)9()1) •-~DIPOll~=n~'~"~'ANTD>=~-Town a C°"""Y W-Onnae Oomtle:I 9 panmcer, VI, automatic, TOP • "UYER radio, power steertiw, ·"°"° · • 'i' er bt"Jke•. fmtnacull.te. ca:. BllL MAXEY TOYO?A ff!G8C251522: 11881 -Blvd. IL Beacb. Pit, 841-$3495 Auto L-i"ll 9110 ATLAS ,... LJ;A5E ,... 11169 Cad (.)< ~. VW<, pwr a!RYSLER -PLYMOtJTll wind, ,,, I: dr loob, tilt atr 2929 HARBOR BLVD. w~~ air CC)OO, AM/FM, Lse COSTA MESA f;t&.lflW UN mo,,.. . open Da1b' 'til 10 p.m... ro:i LTD, radio, w/w, BUSIEST mutrilatp&aee tn -oAU b,...ps,.,.lr '*' $109.mq town.-Tht-DAn.Y-PlLOT· SOUTH COAST Oaaitltd -n. s a" GAR LEASING money, am. A olktrl, Loo1t '----------~--~--~~300 __ w_._c._t_H_wy_._NB:--6'5-~ll~ ~no~w~•~·~·~-~---= '66 FORD GALli. 500 Z DOOi HARDTOP A11fiqu1 Gold Mt1t fi11hh W·'"•fthi11g i11t1r· ior, •11lo frtn1., r•Cio & ho•t1r, pow1r 1too•• i119, powot brolc1t, f1ctory •ir, CSA.A 5651 !1195 1964 PON11AC G.T.O. ' i CONYQTll&.I ..., 1e.-11tif11t corot fifll•lf'WriHI whlfo hc .. t •••ti and whU.'te,, 4 '''H fr111t.,' 'owor 1f1tlr• 1119, rtdio l h1olor, 1tc. U11u1111/ly 0!10111 l ie. No. JRJ '61 1966 FORD GAL. 100 4 DOOl HAIPTOP " . . I ~ h rmudt l lu1 lli1t•llle fl11i1h with 1111tehi119 int1rior. lSl CI D 1ntino. Autolft1fic fr1n1· mi11io11, r•clio, h1•f1r, pow1r 1!111in9, lit• tory •ir, 1te. Lie. No. ltTR 417. 1964 CHRYSLER NIMOIT 4 DOOi SIDAN W1,hif .. ;1ton llu• 1111t1Ufc finhh With m•lth· Int i11t9tior, Auhw11tlo tr•flt1t1l11lon, r•dio, h••ftt, ttow1r shorl119, f'OW•t W•••t. f1c- le,Y 1ir. Lie. No. M&F 6tl. • 1966 CADILLAC SID.AN DI YILLI Slrik jn9 Arctic wkito with bl1olr h1t1rf0f' eH !Jlock lolldo11 roof. Fully lu•ury oqulppM, 111!0. tr1n1 .. RIH, n, PW. 6°woy Mot, f.c. fory oir cond~ etc. (SMO llSJJ 19°"11 ., .. -t •• ' CONTINENTAL . 4 DOOR lo1utH11f Gold loit• Mitt linhh with t•4dle l1•th1r int1rior 111d liol•1t le11• deu roof. Fully lurury oqulpp1d. Auto· motic tr1nt111ittion, AM • FM rodio, pow1r tf1orl119, JtOWOt br1•11, ,._., winclowt, 6 -w•y •••f, tilt 9fo1rfnt- whe1I, f•c.fory 1lt, door loc•t, •fc. E1tc1ll111t thro119h•uf. Li•. No. UUY oOo - JOHNSON & $(IN' IS OfflllN•. OVH ZOo FINl'CAl~ FROM WHICH TO CHooSal r• THESE FINE .AUTOMOBILE$ ARE PRESENTLY IEll* OFFERED AT OUTSTANDIN& PRIC°f SAVIN&SI .. , BUY NO ... NO SAW! 1963 LINC~ N CONTININ'I' •Door •""'· Gold' Mist ~ .,..ith b'-' l•oth.r' ll'ltorlcfr. A11t0Motic •srnfli11ior1, ,.. ~io.a h••for, ltO!"•' 1t1oril'lfj pow1r br ...... powor wi"4•••· 6-woy s1et, fa ctory •fr; Uc. No. L6' 776 $,,,. " 1964 FAL~N ,, ., ,... • flllUM • 2 4eo~ fltr4te,, .. 26o Vt, ~c Whit• witlt I., T~~li· li.t-rior, 011tom1fic fro11tmf1ii9fl, 1 1 ,1.W..• ''"''~~1f1r, powor 1foori119, A roil •.109•f'tf•cl• .. io11 tpoci1I, !IN 131. 1966 T·BIRD LANDAU lrlfl1h' Groon fi11i1h wlflt motchi"tl l•f•rfM' oM bl1ck loM111 roof. Fully l11111ry ~11Jppff, A11tomolic tro11unl1d111, rodio, h11ter, ,_,, ~,:_,..\ ~!w.' ~•k!•· '-!!!L ~ ···••rt otr. Lie. NO. l'fl 12.f' 4C COUPI M f oe ,tt~ i. /1cl bueket 11oh. • A.ttili._...,, It • w I r 1+.etlllf, pow1r M~ ..._ 1fr, Lie. N1. OLW 40t lfts.. . ' • • I • • • ' • • • • • · ~66-·~=~ ·~~~~.9on, •u•o. tr•n,., d -4·-. fts· : 1 , radio, ~ntiq~• ·.g~ld. ·Lie •. No;. ~'.1'7.29 •. ·.· .. , : J . •· • • ' 1 • '66· LIMANS CONVERTlllLI S'ff'VE ·Artie_ Whit~lt~JilLq_kJ9p11V-8, •uto. J \ ~, tNtM"., redio, pwr. st••r.•Lic. No.•UOJ62l· '65 WNtlllA 4-DOOI HARDTOP 11' 6'~' 5 _· _ • Y..d,,_11uto. tr:ani.,:l(&H, P.S.~ .itr c~l· · . . tlo~in,91 ,E-Z..I gl,11f, Beig•. Lie. RGU991 ., , • '6' 5 UMANS· 2·DOOI HAIDTOI' V.8 euto. trans.,::ftlH, p;s,,.fac. · tory •ir c011d, Cordova top, Majestic y•llow. Lie REY.961. FANTAJTI~ SAVINO.I . . . " ' . . .~;. . • • :1,'1 t i .. - THE -TIME HAS ·coME " " • • • '• I • , ' , ' _,'i .. ·' · .·, ·~._JO,T,M.UQOUT!JUST W~AT ·A · · . :. . :~dB · LONG~R ~i?NTIAC ~·ou a·a.AN·TEE .. IS, ••• , : EVERfUS~D CAR'IS ;PHYSICA~lY'li'4SPECTCD-!AND l lROUGHT'UPJO OUR HIGH ' , • ' ' ' I -, ~ 1, ,,. , , " , I : STANDARDS •• --NOT.JUSl"A SELECT FEW "BUT EVERY .eoe LONGPRE 'PoNTlAC PWS! EXCWSIVE ·" "°:USED 1CAU HE WINDOW OF EACH . CAR DISPL.),,YS OUR "=-;: , "QUALITY COTROLLED -SAFETY.TESTE~" CHECK . LIST. iT IS OUR GUARANT£E AND YOU~! v..a. euto. tr•ns., power st.er., •ir con· '61 CHIYlOUT Ill-All J.DI. SIDAN ·$2395 clitiOning, E-2-1 gla''· lie. No.~UKW3J7 .! - '65 CHEVROUT IMPALA 4·DOOI · P•arl White, v.a, euto. ~r1n1., P.S., E-Z-1 glass, Cordova top. Lie. NOF740 '66 MUSTAN!i v.~. euto. tr1n1., radio, power stee.-.. Ing, A1t•c Y•llow. Lie. No. SVU '413. '66 .FORD XL500 . . Balboa Blue, V.8, auto. trans., radio, power 1teerin9, Lie, No. SRP247 51595 $1695 Pearl White, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, rad io~ '64 PLYMOUTH Z·DOOI $£DAN s995 Uc. No. OIR488 . '68 CA"':'RIO Z·DOOR . $269' s· 12·M0./12,000-MI. '69 DUNI IUIOGY My•I•~ ~lue,.V.t, ).speed, r•dio •nd . LONGPRE WARRANTY Cu.tom built, 4 cylioder, 4-•p .. d, red ; ·C.~~d~J •,'!Pt Uc. NN;o-~VUW:6:9·~· --~~~· ~;.· _.., __ Jc:::::::;::==~;~m=··:·l~fl:·k:·~bod::y.~N;o-~97~2~16 . 11 ' • · ' { v· ·· · ' t w f · r · 1 , 1 51895 ·i S~ECIAL PURCHASE ,! ,, LOW MILEAGE '69 PONTIACS e GRAND;PRIX •·TEMPEST e CATALINA e FIREBIRD e FANTASTIC SAVINGS 1969 .Ucensn Paid For-Remaining· Factary Warranty • Molt ,Sty I"·. e Colors e Equlprnoht • Many Air-Conditioned • F·R .-• LIFE TIM·E · .LUBRICATl.ON • FR.EE THATS RIGHT •. ~.FR~E .1,.ifttl.ME LUBRICATIQ.N WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY.."S:AF'ETY TESTED-QUALITY CONTROLLED" PONtJAC · WE SELL ••• OTHER 'DEALERS TALK ABOUT . GUARANTEES •• ,. . . · . ' WE PUT IT IN WRITING • GARDEN · . • _,,_ •• .--.-.~S~TO~J~E~.~HO~U~R~S--.---. SALES: MON. THRU SAT. f:IJO A.M.· 10:00 P .M; $UN. 10:00 A.M.·7:00 P.M. ' • r -